Pinkie Pie Wants to Sleep

by ilikepie56

First published

All Pinkie Pie wants to do is get some sleep.

With Pinkie Pie being so hyperactive during the day, how long and how hard is it for her to get to sleep at night? Does the pink pony even go to sleep at night, or does she just stay up forever? Who knows.


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I want to sleep. I want to sleep so badly right now. I want to sleep more than I want to eat cupcakes, and that's saying something. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up late last night.

'Go to bed' I said.

'Future Pinkie can deal with it' I said.

Gosh, I hate past Pinkie and her bad decisions.

Wait, but past Pinkie was me at one point, so that means the Pinkie right now would be the past Pinkie eventually. This also means that I am future Pinkie to other past Pinkies. Sweet Celestia, i'm confusing myself again.

Ugh, I just want to sleep. Why can't I go to sleep. I've been lying here for hours. Let me see how long I have been actually lying here for.

Oh well. I still can't sleep. I don't even get it. I'm super tired right now, and yet my brain won't let me sleep. If only there was a way to just instantly turn off my brain so I could fall asleep. When I think about it, there's a lot of things that I wish I could make my brain do. Like forget certain things in life. Not even the bad things. Like, specific things.

The taste of a cupcake would be a neat thing to forget. If I could do that, I could experience the delicious taste of cupcakes literally every time I eat them.

Great, now I want a cupcake right now.

This is by far the hardest decision of my day. Do I leave my nice and comfy bed where it's warm and cozy to get a cupcake, or do I stay in bed and try to sleep. This problem haunts me almost every night. Maybe Twilight is right. Maybe I should eat less sugar.

I mean, I may have a problem, but I don't see it that way. Sugar in big amounts can be bad for you, so in reality i'm eating so much sugar to prevent other ponies from eating sugar getting sick. So really I'm saving other ponies. I'm a hero! Hero Pinkie Pie. I like the sound of that.

You know what else I like the sound of? Trying to sleep!

Does trying to go to sleep even make a sound? This is something I would have to ask Twilight, but she is probably asleep right now. Lucky pony, being able to sleep. I guess I'm going to have to experiment right now. Test one: Does sleeping make a sound.

So far I've been lying here for ten minutes, and all I heard was the occasional animal outside my window. I guess animals could be the sound of sleeping.

That and snoring.

Some ponies snore really loudly. Like Rainbow Dash. If you ever have a sleepover with that pony, good luck getting to sleep after her. She snores like a thunderstorm.

Thunder storms seem pretty cool. I wonder what it would be like to throw a party in a thunderstorm. I bet some of the balloons would pop but that would just add to the thunder noises. The cake would get wet though. Nopony can eat a wet cake. That just sounds awful. It makes me want to cry just thinking about a perfectly good cake getting ruined.

Great, now I want cake. And again, the question is back. Cake, or no cake, that is the question.

Now I can't stop thinking about cake. I wonder how many cakes there are in the world. Let's see how many I can name just by thinking about it.

There's angel cake, apple cake, a birthday cake, a butter cake, carrot cake, chocolate cake, vanilla cake, strawberry cake, coconut cake, and cupcakes if you consider them a cake, which I do. Flowerless cake, fruitcake, ice cream cake, layer cake, lemon cake, pound cake, red velvet cake, a soufflé, sponge cake and wedding cakes. That is a lot of cakes. I want to eat them all now.

I wish I could eat all the cakes. I usually have to share them with other ponies. I like to consider myself as a sharing type of pony, but when it comes to eating cakes, some could say that I take the cake!

I crack myself up sometimes.

I wonder why I find things more funny when I'm tired. I should ask Twilight that. Oh wait, I can't because she's sleeping and I'm not sleeping.

Gosh I wish I could sleep. My head is on my pillow, the covers are making me nice and warm, what else is there to be able to go to bed!?

I wonder what other ponies do when they can't sleep. Do they talk to themselves like I'm doing, or do they just lie there until they are able to fall asleep? Maybe I should try that. I'm not going to think or talk to see if that puts me to sleep.

And... GO!

That. Did. Nothing! I was lying there forever! No, I actually wasn't lying there forever. I was lying there five ever! That's one more than forever because it felt like it was longer than forever. I can't believe how hard it can be to fall asleep, even when you're this tired.

I just want to sleep!

I wonder if anypony else has this kind of problem. I wish I could ask them from here. That would be another cool ability to have. To just project your thoughts into other ponies minds. That would be so awesome for me! I could make everyone think the way I do!

But, they are them because of who they are, and if I make them think like me then there will just be a lot of Pinkies everywhere. The last time that happened, it ended up in a staring match between the Pinkies and a wall of wet paint.

I swear to Celestia that paint has never dried that slow before in my life. We have magic in this world, and yet we can't find a way to make paint dry instantly. I find that hard to believe.

I wonder what other kinds of things magic could do that we couldn’t. Like going to the bathroom! Why not make it so we don't need to go to the bathroom anymore. That would save so much precious time throughout the day.

Would it be bad if we suddenly stopped going to the bathroom? Another question for Twilight to answer.

Geez, I should really make a list of questions to ask Twilight in the morning. Twilight would appreciate it because she really likes lists. Like, she likes lists too much. She likes lists like I like sugar. So if we use my reasoning from earlier, then that means Twilight is just saving other ponies from the evils of list making.

I wonder how long it's been. Will I be able to fall asleep soon? Who knows. The only thing I know for sure is that I would really like to fall asleep.

Oh, I think sleep is about to happen.

My thoughts are becoming less jumbled.

My eyes are feeling heavier and heavier.

This is it. This is the relaxing part where I can finally doze off.

I can feel it in my mane. In three, two, one-


Oh Celestia dammit!