The Horrible Misunderstanding of Cupcakes

by SirShadestrider

First published

What really happened during Cupcakes.

What really happened during Cupcakes. Not quite as gruesome as what everypony assumed.

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Rainbow Dash flew through the air happily, today she was going to see her friend Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube corner. Rainbow sighed, it's not that she didn't like Pinkie, but sometimes her energetic, pink friend could be annoyingly random. Still, Pinkie Pie was her best friend, and Rainbow didn't want to disappoint her. Besides, Pinkie had been really excited about...whatever it was she was planning, and Rainbow had become rather curious as to what the surprise could possible be. When Rainbow had inquired about why Pinkie wanted her to come over, Pinkie had simply giggled and said "If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise silly!" So with her curiosity and loyalty to her friends getting the better of her, Rainbow flew off in the direction of Sugarcube corner.

Rainbow Dash flew through the doors of Sugarcube corner, and was almost immediately tackled by a bouncy pink blur.

"Hiya Dashie, guess what I have planned for us to day! Did you guess yet?! huhhuhhuh? Oh wait, I'm sorry Dashie I haven't even let you get a word in yet have I? Sometime I just start talking, and I can't quite seem to stop, which is really funny because..." Rainbow could have sworn she felt her ears beginning to bleed from the onslaught of over-enthusiasm. Rainbow decided to stop Pinkie's rant the only way she new placing a hoof firmly to her lips.

"Pinkie! Please just tell me what you had in mind!" Rainbow yelled pulling her hoof from Pinkie's snout.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Pinkie exclaimed "I needed some help today making some cupcakes, and I thought you might wanna help!" Rainbow looked unsure.

"Um...yeah about that...I'm not really the best at baking stuff" Rainbow admitted. Pinkie seemed unfazed by her friends reluctance.

"Don't worry Dashie, I can teach you." Pinkie took in a deep breath in preparation for singing her "Cupcake making song", Rainbow shoved a hoof into her mouth to prevent it.

"Why don't you just tell me the normal way?" Pinkie nodded to show that she understood, and pulled away from Dash's hoof,

"Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie chirped, "First though, I need some more of an extra special ingredient."

"What's that?" Rainbow asked puzzled.

Pinkie giggled "It's sweetened liquid rainbow! I got it during my trip to Cloudsdale, after Twilight used that cloud walking spell. I think I might still have some left in a jar down in the basement." Pinkie and rainbow went deep into the basement of Sugarcube corner.

A strong gust of wind blew in through an open window upstairs, and caused the basement door to slam shut. Pinkie's eyes widened in realization,

"Uh-oh. That door has one of those automatic locks on it."

Rainbow rolled her eyes "That will only hinder ponies upstairs, remember?"

Pinkie laughed, "Oh yeah!"

Rainbow and Pinkie reached the main part of the basement soon enough, and Pinkie flicked on the light. Rainbow eyed the contents of the large room, there wasn't much down here except some shelves with baking ingredients; some half-melted candles, some nails and several buckets of red paint from when Pinkie had helped Applejack repaint the barn, some Nightmare night props, an old collection of medical tools, and a sculpture of Rainbow herself.

"Not that I'm not flattered of course, but why is there a weird decoration down here that looks just like me?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh" Pinkie exclaimed happily, "That's an art project of mine that I made for the Ponyville art show" Pinkie explained joyously "It's made of cloth, and stuffed with paper and cardboard to keep it's shape. Cool huh?" Pinkie grinned at her pegasus friend.

"Uh yeah cool" Rainbow replied.

Pinkie skipped happily over to the shelves and began looking over the various ingredients,

"Hm...oh, here it is." Pinkie said, grinning widely.

It had taken awhile for Rainbow to get the hang of it, but there were now a baker's dozen of cupcakes to show for her efforts. The cupcakes, of course, had cyan icing and were covered with rainbow sprinkles.

"Wow Dashie these look delicious! Not bad at all for your first time making them!" Pinkie squealed in delight.

"Yeah, they are pretty awesome." Rainbow beamed, "But of course they were made by me, so it does make sense." Pinkie laughed at her friends antics, but stopped suddenly. Rainbow noticed the scared look on Pinkie Pie's face, and followed her gaze to see what had gotten the attention of the party pony.

There on the floor, about ten feet ahead, was a very large spider "Now Pinks, lets just ignore it and it will go awa-"

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Pinkie Pie screamed, cutting of Rainbow's sentence. "SPIDER! Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!" Pinkie ran to look for a tennis racket, or a broom to swat the large arachnid with, but tripped over a paint can, sending red paint everywhere. Rainbow simply went to one of the basement's side rooms to look for a jar, but bumped into a tall shelf by accident, causing an inconveniently placed bowling ball to fall off the top shelf. Rainbow only had time to scream before the object landed on Rainbow's head. Rainbow, now unconscious on the floor, was thankfully unaware of the ruckus going on in the main part of the basement. Pinkie accidentally catapulted a box of extra large nails, which flew through the air and by sheer luck, managed to skewer the sculpture of Rainbow Dash and pin it to the wall. Pinkie's flailing also managed to knock a collection of old surgical tools of of the shelf, causing them to go flying through the air and all but dismembering the Rainbow dummy.

More red paint splattered all over the place, including the candles which were still hot, making a loud sizzling sound as Pinkie finally found an old book on one of the shelves, only to see the spider run through a hole in the wall.

(A couple minutes earlier.)

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rarity all entered Sugarcube corner to get a snack. Applejack had said that she had wanted to come, but couldn't because of her preparations for the upcoming harvest season. Twilight and her friends assumed that since they hadn't seen her, that Rainbow Dash must be with Pinkie, but neither pony was anywhere sight. Suddenly, they all heard Rainbow scream, followed my some wet splats and a muffled sizzling sound. Panicked, they tried the door.

"It's locked!" Rarity cried in horror.

"What were those horrible sounds?! What's going on down there?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"I don't know, but we need to get down there, and fast!" Twilight said urgently. Deciding to forgo all manner of subtlety, Twilight charged her horn and blasted the door off its' hinges.

Twilight and company wasted no time in barging down the stairs to the basement. When they arrived, they were shocked. It was the most horrifying thing any of them had ever seen, blood covered practically every surface, blood stained skulls and corpses sat against the far wall, and at the epicenter of it all stood a blood covered Pinkie Pie next to a dismembered, and mutilated Rainbow Dash. Rainbow's bloody flesh had been cut at grotesque angles, like dull safety scissors through fabric, her muscles showing through her now mostly red fur, was torn in places like a paper on a birthday present, and her entrails hanging limp from a large gash in her belly were twisted up like some sick kind of wet cardboard. Pinkie noticed the looks on her friend faces and not being able to comprehend why they looked so horrified, did the only thing she could think of: she held out a rainbow colored cupcake in offering.

"Cupcakes?" Pinkie asked sheepishly. Twilight Sparkle screamed at the top of her lungs and ran up the stairs and out the door, with Fluttershy doing the same, and Rarity quickly following suite after nearly losing her lunch. "Well, that wasn't the reaction I had hoped for." Pinkie mused.

Rainbow groaned and sat up, rubbing the lump on the top of her head, and found a blanket draped over her.

"What happened?" Rainbow asked groggily. "Sweet Celestia! Look at this place!" Rainbow gawked. "I'm out for like what five minutes, and the place falls apart!" Rainbow shook her head and sighed.

"Well," Rainbow said, "we might as well clean this place up Pinks...somepony could really get the wrong idea if they saw this right now. Pinkie Pie's eyes widened, and she swallowed the knot beginning to form in her throat and nodded

"yeah...we may have to fill in our friend about that later."

Rainbow shrugged

"Okay, if you say so." Rainbow replied "but first we should clean this place up, and eat some cupcakes."