A Secret Story?

by crashlanding12

First published

Fluttershy and Discord seem like good friends, right. The two may want deeper than that. Backstory time!

A talk. Face to face. Draconeques to pony. Friend to friend. It shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, maybe not why you have the word shy in your name. To the backstory to the present, what to say on a date, and what to do. Well, improve or get advice Fluttershy! I am just a narrator.

Authors Note: Idea I couldn't get out of my head. I hate myself for writing this. Kat might too.
BTW: Bit of Crossover. In a way.

Connections of a Story

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Chapter 1: Connections of a Story

Fluttershy was strolling through the streets of Ponyville on a sunny afternoon. Many ponies were busy, rushing around to finish today’s work. Fluttershy in particular was happy. She had begun reading a book of her favorite musical: The Pony of the Opera. Today, she was hoping to sit at the park and read in a quiet place for once; her animal-filled cottage isn’t what you’d call “quiet”.

As she walked through town, she saw Applejack at her applecart. She walked up to her country friend.

“Good afternoon Applejack. Have you been busy on the farm recently?”

The orange earth pony smiled at her Pegasus friend.

“Not really Flutters. Some of the family has come down to help, since the weather is better here than in some of the other cities.”

The butter yellow Pegasus responded, “Oh, well that’s nice. May I have an apple, Applejack? I am heading to the park for a bit to read this wonderful book, and I skipped lunch.”

“Sure Fluttershy.” The earth pony tossed her friend an apple, fresh from the orchard.

"Thanks Applejack. See you later.”

The Pegasus continued on her way to the park. She was hoping to sit under a big oak tree in the park, and read undisturbed.

When Fluttershy finally got to the park, she placed down her saddlebag she was wearing and took out a picnic blanket. She laid out the blanket and searched through her saddlebag once more.

After pulling out a large novel, she sat on the picnic blanket and began to read. She had just gotten the book from Twilight, as a thank you for watching Owlowiscious when she went on a meeting with Celestia.

She read for two hours, at one point in that time, eating the apple she was given. When Fluttershy noticed the sun had gone down, she packed up her things and headed back to her cottage. Her book was getting very good, but sadly, she already knew the ending. It was not the one she would’ve taken; comparing her own choices to the story always cheered her up.

In The Pony of the Opera, the main character, Christine, falls in love with her old foalhood friend, Raoul, and a mysterious stallion named Erik, or as he is called in the opera house, the Phantom or Opera Ghost. At the end of the story, which she knew already, since she has seen the musical many times, Christine leaves the Phantom in the opera house and leaves with Raoul.

Fluttershy loved romance novels, especially her new one.

She walked home to her cottage, thinking about what she had just read. She was already on chapter 4, which wasn’t too far into the book.

After returning to her home, she fed her animals their food. After not being home for more than two hours, her animals were quite hungry. She made herself a daisy sandwich, which was never hard to make, since she had a garden outside.

She sat down with her animals as she began to eat her food. There was a knock on the door, making Fluttershy drop her sandwich back onto the plate. She walked over to the door and opened it.

It was Discord.

“Oh, hello Discord. What do you need?”

“Well nothing much, Fluttershy. Since I moved out of Ponyville and into Canterlot, I haven’t seen you, my dear friend.”

The complement made Fluttershy blush. “Discord, you were always welcome to stay in my cottage, if you wanted to stay in Ponyville.”

“Sadly, Celestia said I had to stay in Canterlot because she doesn’t trust me.” Discord rolled his eyes at the memory of being told this. “But, she didn’t say I couldn’t visit.”

Fluttershy giggled. She knew Discord liked to take a seriousness of something and make a little a joke. “Well, that is true. There is nothing wrong with visiting. It is getting late Discord. Do you need a place to stay?”

“I guess that would be best, even though I can just teleport back home with a snap of my claws.”

The small Pegasus smiled. “Great. I will go prepare the guest room for you. You are welcome to come in.”

Discord was about to step into the cottage, until he was stopped by a small white rabbit. Angel.

The small bunny could sense that Discord was up to no good. Discord just stepped over Angel, no care in the world, and shut the door behind him. He sat himself on the couch, Angel staring at him carefully.

Fluttershy was in another room, preparing it for Discord. She moved the animals’ items and swept the floor. She put new sheets on the bed and moved some pictures out of the room.

She walked back into the living room, and saw Angel giving Discord a mean look.

“Angel, come here. You remember my friend Discord.” Angel nodded his head slightly. “Discord is staying here for a bit. Be nice Angel.”

Angel hopped over to his bed and fell asleep.

Fluttershy yawned. “I am going to bed now, Discord. If you need me, I’ll be upstairs. Goodnight.”

“Good night Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy walked up the stairs to her bedroom and changed into her nightgown. She fell asleep on top of the covers, being so tired.

Meanwhile, Discord sat silently on the couch. He sat. And he sat. And he sat. He was bored and wasn’t very tired. He finally got up from the small couch, and found the novel Fluttershy was reading.

Discord wasn’t a fan of reading, but he opened up the book and read. He had to admit, the book wasn’t too bad.

Discord put down the book for a second.

“Now, where have I heard this before? The Pony of the Opera. Hmm. It rings a bell; I just can’t put a claw on it.” He muttered quietly.

He pushed the thought away and picked up the book again.

A Memory of Awkwardness

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Chapter 2: A Memory of Awkwardness

Before long, the sun rose up, and Fluttershy was woken by her animals walking around the house. She got out of bed and stretched. She walked downstairs and saw Discord reading her book.

“Good morning, Discord.”

Discord dropped the book on the floor. The petite Pegasus had silent hoofsteps and her voice slightly surprised Discord.

Fluttershy smiled. “I didn’t know you liked to read, Discord.”

Discord tried to come up with an excuse. “Well, I don’t like reading, the book looked interesting.” He smiled awkwardly.

“Well, it is the book version of that musical we had to do.”

“Oh, that’s why it was so familiar.”

“That was a fun musical to do. Sort of. I don’t really know why I was picked for a lead and not a professional.”

“Well, a least you weren’t alone on stage. You had Twilight and the rest of your friends.”

Fluttershy was a great singer, and she knew, but that wasn’t the reason she didn’t particularly liked doing a performance.

“Well, I know my friends were with me on stage, you included. I just thought some scenes were a bit……..awkward. Don’t you think?”

In their Canterlot performance of The Pony of the Opera, idea by the great Celestia, Fluttershy played Christine, while Raoul was played by Applejack’s older brother: Big Mac, who was surprising good. Discord played the Phantom, and he had to wear a custom-fit mask, which he thought was very uncomfortable.

Discord was confused. He didn’t pay too much attention to the script when they were performing. He knew his lines and lyrics, just didn’t understand what Fluttershy meant by “awkward”.

“What do you mean, Fluttershy?”

“Well, some scenes were just, awkward. That is just the only thing I’ve got to say.”

Discord “facepalmed”. “No-I mean, what was awkward?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” She sighed. “Do you want anything for breakfast?”

“Sure, why not. What do you have?”

Fluttershy walked towards the kitchen as Discord picked up the fallen book.

“Discord, I have vegetables. Do you like salads?”

Discord sighed, annoyed. He still wanted to know what Fluttershy was talking about. He responded to Fluttershy’s question with: “I guess. I don’t eat them very often. I mostly eat chocolate milk and cotton candy.”

Fluttershy laughed a bit. She should have made that connection. She grabbed some lettuce, some tomatoes and carrots to put into the salad. In no time she had two perfectly made salads.

She balanced the two bowls on her wings, trying to carry them into the living room. Fluttershy tripped on a slanted plank of wood and fell on her stomach. One of the bowls that were on Fluttershy’s wings flew up into the air, cluttering the floor with vegetables. The bowl landed on top of her head, covering her eyes.

Discord heard a loud crash come from behind the couch. He turned around and sees Fluttershy sprawled out of the floor with a bowl on her head.

He had to admit; it was a funny sight to see, but he didn’t want to be rude.

Discord help the mare get up from the ground, making sure she wasn’t hurt. Fluttershy did get a small bruise on her hoof, but no harmful injuries.

Fluttershy was embarrassed, since she wasn’t a normal klutz, like Derpy or Crash.

“Sorry Discord. I didn’t mean to ruin the salads.”

“It’s not a big deal. Let’s just clean this up, and I’ll just teleport us something.”

“Okay, but you don’t really need to do that.”

The two cleaned up the mess of salad ingredients, Fluttershy making sure she didn’t have any carrots in her mane.

After the salad was cleaned off of the floor and discarded, Discord snapped up a meal of pancakes, and other breakfast items, such as oatmeal and muffins.

Fluttershy’s mouth was wide open, her eyes filled with shock. She wasn’t even too hungry, and it wasn’t even a necessary thing to do. It was a buffet, one that could feed all of the regular customers of Sugar Cube Corner.

“W-wow, this is a lot of food. Do you mind if I invite my friends? I don’t wanna waste all of this.”

“Of course. I’ll send them each a note to come over at once.”

With a snap of his claws, a note appeared in front of each of Fluttershy’s friends.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Twilight was reading a spell book as the note appeared. She was interrupted by the note teleporting above her and falling onto her face.

“What is this? A piece of paper?”

She took the note off her face and read it aloud.

“’Dear Twilight, You and Spike are invited for a brunch at Fluttershy’s cabin. Hope you can come. Signed, Discord.’ Discord? Why is he back in Ponyville?”

Spike walked into the room and heard Twilight talking about Discord.

“Discord is here again?”

“Apparently, Spike.”

“Can we go to brunch? I am sorta hungry.”

“I don’t know Spike. I still don’t trust Discord.”

“It’ll be fine, Twilight. Let’s go. The rest of our friends were most likely invited as well.”

“Fine, we can go.”

The princess and the dragon walked out of the library to start walking to the cabin, wondering if the rest of the girls would be there as well.
Rarity and Pinkie were at Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity helping take orders and Pinkie making cupcakes and other goodies. The Cakes were out visiting some family in Canterlot for the week and need Pinkie and Rarity to watch the bakery and café. Many ponies were there for breakfast, like Derpy ordering a batch of muffins to last up till the end of the week. Maybe.
Pinkie and Rarity both received their own notes.

“Pinkie, did you receive a note from Discord?”

“Yes, Rarity. Did you?”

“Yes, hmm. I don’t understand why this is all of a sudden.”

“I’m sure it is just a fun meet-up. Or maybe they made a surprise buffet. Or maybe….”

This pink pony muttered the rest of the sentence quickly so nopony could understand her.

“Pinkie, are you sure we should go to this. We did promise to run the store.”

“Oh, it’ll be fine. We can go for an hour or two and just close the shop when these ponies leave.”

Rarity sighed. “Fine. Let us go then!”

The two ponies waited for the last of the morning’s customers, then placed the closed sign on the door to the café. They headed on their way to the cottage.
“Alright Rainbow!” cried Applejack as Rainbow Dash performed a Sonic Rainboom, the move the nopony thought was possible.

Applejack hadn’t seen in a few months, since Rainbow never needed to save somepony, or just do it for fun.

“This is sooo awesome!” Rainbow yelled to Applejack, the wind blowing through her mane.

Rainbow landed safely after do a few flips and other tricks. She and Applejack received there notes as soon as Rainbow reached the ground.

“What the hay?” Rainbow said as the note fell into her hooves.

Applejack quickly read the note. “It’s from….. Discord?!”

“What?! Why?!”

“Hmm, it says that it’s a brunch at Fluttershy’s cottage. Sorta random, if ya ask me.”

“I don’t trust it. Should we go?”

“I guess. The rest of the girls are most likely going to be there.”

“Well, that is true. I don’t know how Twilight feels about this thought.”

“It’s settled then; we’ll go, even though we both don’t really trust Discord.”

“Fine.” Rainbow ended their conversation.

Their walk to Fluttershy’s house was quiet, since they were the two friends in the group that did not trust Discord. Twilight trusted Discord a bit, as did Pinkie and Rarity. Fluttershy was Discord’s only friend, and Fluttershy was the only one in the group of friends that trusted Discord.
When the five mares and the baby dragon finally got to the cottage, Fluttershy greeted them all warmly at the doorway.

“Good morning girls! If you’re wondering why this is all of a sudden, I’ll explain in a bit. Come in girls.”

The five girls (and dragon) hugged their friend before entering her house. They all took a seat at a long dining table where all of the food was placed.

Pinkie Pie’s mouth was agape. “Wow! That is a lot of food!”

Rainbow jumped excitedly. “Good thing I’m hungry!”

“Alright girls, calm down.” Fluttershy responded to her friends. “This was technically an accident. I original made two salads for me and Discord, until I-“

“Wait, did you say Discord?” Rarity interrupted.

“Yes Rarity. He’s been sitting over there the whole time.” The Pegasus pointed to the figure sitting in the corner.

“Oh. Hello Discord.” Rarity said sarcastically, with a roll of her eyes.

“Hello there. You mares were a bit rude to me. Didn’t even notice me.” Discord said in a way to make it sound like he was hurt.

“Anyways,” Fluttershy continued, “I tripped and spilled the two salads, and Discord offered to make breakfast. Well, he just made this appear.”

“Did you hurt yourself Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“Don’t worry I’m fine. I just got a bruise on my front right hoof.”

“Wait!” Rainbow interrupted, “Why is Discord here in the first place?”

“He came to visit, Rainbow. You don’t need to be so rude.”


“Let’s stop talkin’ and start eatin’! I’m starving!” Applejack called out.

The six friends and Spike started to eat. Discord eventually got hungry himself and sat down at the table. Rainbow and Applejack both gave him a weird look. He shrugged it off and ate some pancakes.

By the time it was half past noon, most of the food was gone. Pinkie started to tell her friends about some new jokes she’s been telling the customers at Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity was working on dress designs for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala, even though it’s three months away. Rainbow told them about her new routine that she’s gonna show the Wonderbolts, while Applejack and Twilight haven’t been doing much. Fluttershy talked about her new book, which started a new conversation.

“Wasn’t that the name of the musical Celestia made us do?” Rarity asked.

“Yes. I was Christine, Discord was the Phantom, umm, Big Mac was Raoul, Pinkie was Meg, Princess Luna was Madame Giry, Rarity was Carlotta, Flim and Flam were the two managers, and who else?” Fluttershy stated as she pointed to each of the cast members.

“If I remember correctly, Rainbow Dash was Buquet, Applejack played Passarino, Blueblood was Piangi and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were singers and dancers.” Twilight hesitated to say, since she was trying to remember. Twilight and Celestia were the directors of the whole production.

“Oh right. That was fun, besides one thing….” Fluttershy remembered.

“Why wasn’t it fun? Was it the music? The choreography?” Twilight asked concerned.

“No, not that, Twilight. I-I just don’t feel comfortable saying it….. With Discord here anyways. Can you excuse us please?” Fluttershy pleaded to the tall draconequus.

“Fine. I’ll be in the guest room.” Said Discord as he pushed in his chair and walked towards the room he was staying in.

“Okay, so do you girls remember the song All I Ask of You in Act 1 and The Point of No Return and Down Once More, both in Act 2?”

“Yeah, Flutters.” Rainbow responded. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, I-I-I had t-to……” Fluttershy began to explain before a deep red blush formed on her cheeks.

Twilight laughed. “I can understand why you’re blushing. Those are quite awkward scenes.”

“T-Twilight that isn’t r-really helping.” Fluttershy responded to her friends comment.

Rarity got up and walked over to her embarrassed friend. “Fluttershy, Twilight, what was so awkward? Every time that scene would happen Prince Blueblood would annoy me.”

“W-W-Well, I had to k-kiss Big Mac during the song All I Ask of You.” Fluttershy remembered as the blush on her cheeks started to cover most of her face. “A-A-And d-during Down Once M-More and had to k-k-kiss D-Discord.” Tears formed in Fluttershy’s eyes.

“Calm down Fluttershy, darling. You are okay. It was only the one time. It happens all the time when you are an actress.” Rarity said, patting Fluttershy on the back.

“I-I know, b-but that was my first time acting. A-And it was w-weird.” Fluttershy sobbed.

Rarity walked to the other side of the table to talk to the rest of the girls. Spike wasn’t involved to conversation since he had fallen asleep after they finished eating.

“Fluttershy is certainly unhappy for some reason. I think I know why.” Rarity grinned.

“What in Equestria are you talkin’ about Rarity?” Applejack asked.

“I’m saying I think Fluttershy has a crush!” Rarity stated in a sing-song voice a bit too loud.

Fluttershy picked up her head from her hooves. Her friends looked at her with goofy expressions.

Fluttershy blushed back at them.

Rainbow nudged her friend. “So, which one do you like? Discord or Big Mac?”

Fluttershy muttered an answer.


Fluttershy muttered again.

Rainbow sighed. “Speak up please.”

Fluttershy sighed slowly. “Both of them. I like both of them.”

“Really? Two crushes? I knew many stallions liked you, but you liking two stallions.” Rainbow said trying to cheer up her friend.

“You will be fine Fluttershy. Two crushes isn’t bad. Wait, is it?” Twilight responded, trying to be reassuring.

“Well, Pinkie and I should be heading back to Sugar Cube Corner. Bye Fluttershy.” Rarity said, walking out the door.

“Bye Flutters. Hope you can deal with this is the long run.” Pinkie stated before being pulled out the door by Rarity.

Fluttershy waved goodbye to her friends that had left and buried her face in her hooves.

“Aww, Flutters. It’s fine. Why are you crying anyway?” Rainbow said.

“I-I don’t know how to express my feelings, and I don’t know which one I like better.”

Applejack felt a bit uncomfortable that her friend has a crush on her brother. “I’m gonna go back to the farm. I’ll come back tomorrow to see how you’re doing. Bye.” Applejack shut the door quickly and ran to the farm.

“I wonder what’s up with her.” Twilight said. “This isn’t anything to get worked up about. I bet Rarity didn’t mean to get you so upset.”

Fluttershy wiped her tears away. “I know, it’s just….I don’t know how to feel about it. Does that make sense?”

“I understand, Fluttershy.” Twilight responded.

“Me too.” Rainbow agreed. “Are you okay now?”

“Fluttershy sniffed. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight said.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“See you later, Flutters.” Rainbow said before taking off into the sky.

“I do hope you feel better tomorrow. Bye.” Twilight waved as she levitated Spike out the door.

After Twilight closed the door Fluttershy walked upstairs to her room and locked the door.

Little did anypony know that Discord had his ear to the door the whole time.

An Accidental Date

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Chapter 3: An Accidental Date

Discord slowly backed away from the door. He sat carefully on the guest bed, faced flushed, heart pounding in his chest.

He was confused; why did Fluttershy like him?

“I-I…. Well, that was surprising.” He stuttered, his face dripping in sweat. “Why am I sweating?” He said, his lion paw up to his forehead.

Discord suddenly heard a faint sobbing from above. He stood up from the bed and walked upstairs to Fluttershy’s bedroom.

He knocked politely on the door, as Fluttershy’s sobbing became quiet. Faint hoofsteps could be heard from the other side of the door.

Fluttershy slowly opened the door, sticking her head into the hallway. Fluttershy looked around and looked down at her hooves.

“Are you alright, Fluttershy?” Discord asked, lifting Fluttershy’s chin up, making her look up at him.

Fluttershy blushed for a quick second, before smiling forcefully. She moved her head down. “Yes, I’m fine.” She mumbled.
Discord could tell she had a problem, mainly by the way Fluttershy was acting. She hadn’t let her animals in her bedroom like she normally did, and wasn’t smiling her usual smile. Discord knew what her problem was, but didn’t want to tell her.

“I can tell that you’re not okay.” Discord said before placing a paw on her cheek.

Fluttershy pushed away from the draconequus. She walked to her bed and sat on her behind. “S-so….You know my little secret, don’t you?”

Discord walked over to Fluttershy, then sat on the on the floor in front of the Pegasus, so the two would be at eye level. Discord answered. “You could say that….” He trailed off.

Fluttershy muttered to herself. “What should I do? He already knows about my crush on him and I have no other resort.”
Discord and Fluttershy sat there in silence for many minutes, waiting for one of them to talk first. Discord worked up the courage to say something.

“Do you want to go to the smoothie shop with me Fluttershy?”

The Pegasus’s ears pointed upwards. She was a bit surprised by the draconequus’s words, but she agreed. “O-okay. That’s fine with me. I’ll go tell my animals I’m alright and we can go.”

Fluttershy walked out of the room to tell her animals she was okay.

Discord on the other hand, felt like a complete idiot. The Ponyville Smoothie Shop was the only place to eat where he knew Fluttershy’s friends didn’t go too often.

He looked around the bedroom at the pictures hanging up on the wall. Most, if not all of the pictures were of a stallion and a mare.

As Fluttershy walked back into her bedroom, she saw Discord looking at one of the framed pictures on the wall.

Fluttershy had walked up to Discord and he noticed her from the corner of his eye. He turned to her and put one of the pictures in front of her face so she could see it. “Who are these ponies?”

“They are my parents. That’s my mother. Her name was Shining Star. And that’s my father. His name was Bright Skies.” She pointed at the two ponies on the picture.

“Wait, did you say ‘was’?” Discord interrupted.

“Yeah.” Fluttershy’s voice wavered. “My mother died when I was really young, and my father died at least five years ago.” Fluttershy was on the verge of crying, but held back her tears.

“We should be going now, but it is almost dinnertime, so do you think we could go somewhere with more filling food?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

Discord thought about it for a second; Fluttershy did have a point. “Sure. I would rather eat dinner, rather than drink a smoothie.”

The best restaurant to go to was The Blooming Flower. It was one of the higher class restaurants in Ponyville, run by an old Canterlot elite. The two had to dress properly, in a dress code that mares must wear a dress, and the stallions had to wear a suit.

Fluttershy wore a simple blue dress and her hair in a bun. Discord on the other hand just made a suit appear on him, since he didn’t own one.

“I have an idea.” Discord said before they were about to leave. “What if I turn myself into a pony for the day, so just in case one of your friends come, I will look like somepony else?”

“That’s a great idea. Rarity goes there a lot.” Fluttershy smiled at him happily.

Discord snapped his fingers, turning himself into a gray unicorn with a brown mane. His yellow and red eyes were still the same, but he thought no pony would care.

Fluttershy blushed a bit; she thought Discord’s form of a pony was very handsome.

The two stepped out of the cottage and walked into town. Many ponies were there, including Applejack, who had to sell apples with the apple stand.

She spotted Fluttershy walking with a strange stallion and questioned who he was, but had to keep working.

Discord and Fluttershy finally reached The Blooming Flower, but it took way too long, since the restaurant is on the other side of Ponyville.

A hostess appeared in front of them as the approached the restaurant.

“Do you have a reservation?” She asked.

“Y-yes.” Fluttershy responded.

“And who is it under?”

“It should be under Fluttershy.”

“Here it is.” The hostess said, finding the name. She retrieved two menus, levitating them with her magic. “Follow me.”

The hostess led Fluttershy and Discord to a booth; it was recently cleaned, the table shining in polish and the light glistening above it.

The hostess placed down the menus and left the two to order.

The two sat quietly, trying to decide what they wanted to eat.

“What are you going to eat, Discord?” Fluttershy said, her menu slightly covering her face.

“Probably… a tofu platter. Have you ever had one before?” Discord said, still reading the menu.

“I’ve had one before, they aren’t my favorite though. I’m just going to order a veggie platter. I’m not really in the mood for tofu.”

Suddenly, a gray mare appeared at the side of the table. The mare looked very much like Pinkie Pie, only with a straight gray mane and coat

“Can I take your orders?” She said with a slightly depressed tone.

Discord told the waitress their order; Fluttershy thought he was being quite the gentlestallion.

Fluttershy felt really weird. She wondered: What if my friends come and see me with Discord? Will they think I have a coltfriend?

Discord just sat there, trying to be a patient as possible. Fluttershy could tell he was getting bored.

“Discord, are you getting bored or something?” Fluttershy said unexpectedly.

“I guess you could say that.” Discord rested his head on his temporary hooves.

A violinist walked over to their table and played a romantic tune on their instrument.

Fluttershy blushed slightly, while Discord shooed the violinist away.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle. Discord heard her laugh, and started laughing himself.

Eventually, a unicorn waiter came to table with their food.

“Here are you food platters. Enjoy your evening.” The waiter said in a proper accent, placing down two large plates.

The two thanked the waiter and ate their dinners. When they were done, they headed back to the cabin

“Thanks for paying Discord. It wasn’t necessary, but…thank you.” Fluttershy gave Discord a small peck on the cheek. She trotted up the stairs to her bedroom and plopped into bed, leaving the draconequus, still in pony form, confused, and blushing.

Fluttershy slept well, for the first few hour of slumber, but little did she know what horrors her dreams would cause later.

Music of the Night

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Chapter 4: Music of the Night

Fluttershy was in a field, her animals surrounding her. A gentle breeze was blowing; the sweet fragrance of rose petals filled the air.

Suddenly, Fluttershy felt her surrounding change. She was in that same field, but the grass was brown and dying. Her friends were there. They were fighting, battling to the death.

Twilight and Trixie were firing spells at each other, Twilight getting hit in the shoulder. She screamed and fell to the ground.

Rainbow was there too, fighting alongside Pinkie. They were both battling Gilda, who seemed much bigger than last time she had been seen. Gilda’s wing slapped Rainbow in the face, knocking her to the ground. Fluttershy tried to scream, but nothing came out. Pinkie was attacked from behind by a changeling.

Applejack and Rarity were pushed back to back by Flim and Flam and The Diamond Dogs.

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were fighting Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra, magic spells being the only light seen beside a small lamp Fluttershy held in her hooves.

Princess Celestia was fighting with Nightmare Moon.

Far away on a hill, Discord was sitting on a large throne, laughing manically. Fluttershy was scared. She shivered as he appeared to get closer and closer until…

Fluttershy screamed loudly, awaking herself from her nightmare. She heard Discord run up the stairs, struggling to open the locked door.

“I-I’ll get it.” She opened the door. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’ve never heard you scream like that.”

“I-I just had a nightmare, that’s all. I’ll just stay up the rest of the night. I won’t be able to go back to sleep, that’s for sure.”

Discord looked at her; a very confused expression lined his face. “What was the dream about?”

Fluttershy looked around before answering. “I…um…” she sighed. “It was just a scary dream, that’s all.”

Discord felt sorry for her. He had just learned that her parents were dead, and now she had a terrible nightmare that made her scream.

“Aha!” Discord said.

“Discord? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy looked up at him.

“Nothing. I just have a cure for your insomnia. How about I sing you a lullaby?”

“A-A lullaby?”

“Yes. What was that one that you liked called?”

Fluttershy thought for a moment then remembered.

“Um, Music of the Night?”

“Let me remember the words real quick.”

The lyrics bounced across the room into Discord’s head. Literally. Randomly, music started to play, but Fluttershy knew no to question it, for it happened frequently.

Discord began to sing the song. Fluttershy’s eyes widened. She had forgotten how good of a singer Discord actually was.

“Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation; darkness stirs and wakes imagination. Silently the senses abandon their defenses.”

Fluttershy yawned quietly. Discord was actually lulling her to sleep.

“Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor; grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn you thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light and listen to the music of the night.”

Fluttershy’s eyes almost closed all the way, until her nightmare’s ghastly images appeared back into her mind. She squeaked loudly, making Discord stop singing for a beat, smiling at her and continuing.

“Close your eyes and surrender to you darkest dreams! Purge you thoughts of the life you know before!” Discord practically yelled while singing, which scared Fluttershy. He muttered a quick “Oops” and continued once more.

“Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar… and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.”

By this point Fluttershy was already asleep, her dreams not as frightening, more enchanting.

Discord kissed Fluttershy on the cheek, just as she had done to him when he was in pony form.

Maybe, he thought, this could work.

Many Months Later

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Chapter Five: Many Months Later

Life was great. Twilight moved to Canterlot. She told her friends that being a princess means to move, but she at least tried to visit every other week or so. Applejack and the rest of the Apple family had a fundraiser for the farm, since they wanted extra space. The rest of the girls helped out by spreading the word. Rainbow, after many years of practicing and perfecting her tricks, finally got into the Wonderbolts. Fluttershy hadn’t seen her for a week or so, but she writes Pinkie letters, which are shared, of course. Rarity’s been a bit… depressed lately. She doesn’t seem so happy. Everypony felt bad for her. Now Fluttershy’s life had been somewhat complicated. Like most of her friends, she was in a relationship, but the pony she was dating, well, he wasn’t exactly a pony. He was a draconequus, the god of chaos to be exact. Twilight and Pinkie were happy for her, but Rarity, Applejack and especially Rainbow, thought she’d lost it. When she first told them she had a crush on him, they thought nothing of it, but now that they were actually dating…

So, it was dark and gloomy, rain layering the dirt road that connected Fluttershy’s house to the rest of the town. It was late spring and a while ago, her animal friends that were hibernating came back out. During Winter Wrap Up, Discord actually helped, since Fluttershy had taught him how to be nice to the animals. Fluttershy woke up, brushed her teeth and combed out her mane like any other day. She peeked into the guest room, where Discord still stayed, and saw that he was still sound asleep. She smiled, and walked into the kitchen to make her animals breakfast.

She saw the calendar on the wall. A large circle was around the days date. It’s…Father’s Day. She grabbed her coat, draped it over her shoulders and ran out the door. Sobbing, Fluttershy ran to the Ponyville Cemetery to find her father.

Bright Skies. Bright Skies. Aha, there you are, papa. She said in her head. She laid her head on his tombstone, a large Pegasus stallion with a halo on top of its head. She thought it was supposed to look like her father since he was a Pegasus. She cried softly for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes.

“Wishing you were somehow here again… Wishing you were somehow near…” she sobbed.

Behind her a voice called out: “I knew you would be here.”

Fluttershy looked behind her and saw Discord with an umbrella, upside down of course.

She tried to smile, but more tears came pouring out of her eyes. Discord walked over to her and put his ‘arms’ around her. She started to sob into his chest.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here.” He tried to calm Fluttershy down.

“Discord, I miss him.”

And with that, Discord began to sing.

“No more talk of darkness, forget the wide-eyed fears; I’m here, nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears; I’m here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.”

Fluttershy sang back. “All I ask is ev’ry waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always; promise me that all you say is true, that’s all I ask of you.”

He smiled down at her. “Let me be your shelter, let me be your light; you’re safe, no one will find you, your fears are far behind you.”

She wiped her eyes and sang again. “All I want is freedom, a world with no more night; and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me…”

“Then say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime; let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you, here beside you, anywhere you go, let me go too, Fluttershy, that’s all I ask of you.”

“All I ask for is one love, one lifetime; say the word and I will follow you. Share each day with me each night, each morning.”

She stopped singing and said, “Say you love me…”

“No, I do.”

Then they both sang. “Love me, that’s all I ask of you.”

Discord pressed his lips against Fluttershy’s and she blushed. When they broke off the kiss, Discord took out a box. He bent down on one ‘knee’ and opened the box. It contained a bracelet with a charm of a pink and blue butterfly, which matched Fluttershy’s cutie mark.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hooves as he said “Will you marry me?”

“Yes!” she screamed, wrapping her hooves around Discord’s neck, hugging him tightly.

She forgot about her deceased father, forgot about all of her worries. The only thing that mattered is that she was engaged. Fluttershy, a Pegasus afraid of heights, well, falling from heights, to be exact, Fluttershy, a mare who could never, ever talk to anypony new, normally saying a word or two, unless they were, like herself, an animal lover, was getting married. First of all of her friends, too.

“Wait,” she said, pulling out of the embrace, “How will I tell my friends?”

“You could invite them over, or send them letters. Or both.”

“Okay…” Fluttershy said, ran pouring on her face, “We should head back to cottage. This rain looks like it’s gonna get worse.”

“Fine with me.” They teleported with that.


Fluttershy wrote five letters; one to Twilight and Spike, one to Rainbow, one to Applejack, one to Pinkie and one to Rarity. Each went something like this:

\Dear (Name),
This Saturday, at 12, I want all of my friends to come to Sugar Cube Corner. I have big news for each of you. For Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity, she added: P.S: Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are welcome.

RSVP by the day you get this, Fluttershy.

Derpy came at mid-afternoon and delivered the letters. Pinkie was first to respond, then Applejack, then Rarity, then Rainbow. Twilight finally responded on Friday. Late, as usual.

The Gathering

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Chapter Six: The Gathering

Pinkie bounced happily around the kitchen of Sugar Cube Corner. She made hoof cakes, and a large pot of tea. She hummed loudly. Luckily, the twins weren’t there for her to accidentally wake up.

She set a long table; pink with white fringe and yellow stars in a pattern on the top. She took out plates, napkins, utensils and teacups.

She looked at the clock and it read: 7:15.

Later that day, at 12:00, Fluttershy arrived at Sugar Cube Corner and saw Pinkie sitting at the table.

“Oh, Pinkie. You didn’t need to set all of this up… When did you do this?”

“Oh, well, um, at 7 in morning.” She laughed.

Fluttershy shook her head and sat down next to her pink friend.

“The girls should be here in a few minutes.”

“Okay, Flutters. Can you tell me the news now? Please? Please, please, please?!” Pinkie battered her eyelashes.

“You learn in a few minutes…” Fluttershy said, hiding her hoof behind her back.

Knock, knock! “Anypony in there? Ah’m out here with Rainbow and Rares!”

Pinkie opened the door to see Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“Hi girls! Aren’t you so excited?!”

“I suppose, Pinkie.” Rarity said, seeing Fluttershy sitting at the table. “Oh, Fluttershy!”

She skipped over to Fluttershy. “Can you please tell us now? We can all Twilight when she gets here.”

“Well, I want all of my friends here… and it’s kinda embarrassing…” A deep blush lined Fluttershy’s cheeks as she fiddled with her engagement bracelet.

The café door swung open, barely missing Rainbow.

An alicorn stood at the threshold, mane and tail not brushed, her dress was wrinkled as well, and she was panting heavily. She sighed.
“Thank goodness your all still here. I thought I would be late… So, what is the news?”

Fluttershy stood up. “Can you girls all sit down while I freshen up?”

The five other mares agreed and chatted amongst themselves, sipping tea and eating hoof cakes.

Fluttershy paced in the washroom, wondering what in Equestria she was going to say.

“Oh, my… What am I going to say to them…? And h-how will they react…?” She sighed. “I can do this. I can do this.”

She walked out of the washroom and sat back at the table.

“Okay, girls, this may seem all of a sudden, but… I’m getting married. To Discord.”

Pinkie jumped into the air happily. “Yay Flutters!”

Rarity became pale, or paler, Rainbow looked like she had been strangled, for it looked as she was not breathing and Applejack took off her hat. Twilight stared into open space, at the complete nothing-ness of her thoughts.

“Girls? Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack stood up from her chair. She looked at Fluttershy. “H-How…” she muttered.

Rarity pointed her hoof at Fluttershy. “Y-You’re marrying that monster?!”

Fluttershy sunk in her chair and muttered. “Yes…”

Rainbow flew over to Fluttershy, and shook her by the shoulders. “Are you out of your mind?!”

“Um, I-I…” Fluttershy sobbed and ran back to the washroom.

“See what yah did, Rainbow? She clearly loves him. Yah can’t do anything about it.” Applejack sighed and put her hat back on. “She’s yer best friend, mine too. All of us, really. But you’ve known her longer.” She walked out the café door.

Rainbow sat on the ground. “What have I done?”

Twilight finally snapped out of her trance. She blinked slowly, before speaking. “Wow, Fluttershy…. Congrats, I’m sorry for sorta

blanking out there… Where’s Fluttershy?”

Rarity sighed. “In the powder room. Rainbow sorta hurt her feelings and made her cry…”

Rainbow lowered her head. Twilight put a reassuring hoof on her back. “Let’s go check on her.”

Inside the washroom, Fluttershy cried. She couldn’t believe her friends would react like this. “Why are they acting like this? He’s not evil anymore. He’s been reformed for more than a year or two.” She cried louder she’d expected.

“Flutters, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings… I know he’s not evil, I just… You’ve been like a little sister to me, even though you are a bit older, but still. I’m sorry okay.”

Fluttershy unlocked the washroom door and stuck her head out. She saw her friends, besides Applejack anyway, and smiled slightly.

She pointed at all of them. “You guys are jerks.” She joked.

“Hey! I congratulated you! So did Twi!” Pinkie said.

Fluttershy giggled. “I was joking. Wait. Where’s Applejack?”

Rainbow scratched her head. “Well, I’m not sure where she is, but she ran out the door after I yelled at you…”

Fluttershy sighed. “It’s fine. I can see why she’s angry. I’ll check on her after our “news party” is over, alright girls?”

The four mares nodded and proceeded back to the table, all staring at the open chair.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack ran back to the farm. She was muttering, cursing as well, at the thoughtlessness of Rainbow’s actions.
“Lazy pig-headed hypocrite….” She muttered, entering the farm.

Big Mac was showing the Cutie Mark Crusaders how to buck apple trees. Let’s just say that the Cutie Mark Crusaders didn’t do so well. Apple Bloom fell on her face; Sweetie Belle tripped over her and ended up rolling into Scootaloo.

She smiled at the sight of them, yet ran into the barn and sat her room. For more than an hour, she sat there and thought.

“Applejack? Are you alright? You seem sorta… what’s the word?… depressed.”

Apple Bloom stood at the doorway of her older sister’s bedroom door.

Applejack sighed. “Sugarcube, it’s complicated, okay?”

“Can you tell me please?” She looked up at Applejack with puppy-dog eyes and pouted.

“Fine, but… you promise not to tell anypony, alright?”

Apple Bloom nodded.

“Okay. A-Ah’m jealous…” Applejack looked ashamed of herself.

“Jealous of who?”

“Well, you know how Ah told you that Fluttershy had big news?”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, Apple Bloom… She’s gettin’ married. To Discord.”

“Discord?! That dra- dra- draconequus statue that took over Equestria?!”

“Yeah.” Applejack sighed. “I can tell that she certainly loves him… And I’ve never found mah other half. So, Ah’m sorta jealous.”

Apple Bloom nodded, before leaving her sister to think. Once more.

Mini- Chapter 1: Learning Information

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Mini- Chapter 1: Learning Information


Luna was sitting in the dining hall of the Canterlot castle with the newspaper, The Equestria Times.

“Luna? Is everything alright?” Celestia was standing at the doorway. She had her mane wrapped in a towel.

“Tia, look at this headline. It says: ‘Discord to Marry Ponyville Pegasus’. Has the world gone mad?!” She had shoved the newspaper in her elder sister’s face. “What pony in their right mind would marry him?!”

“Hmm… well, it says Fluttershy is. That does make sense, since she was the pony to reform him… yet she seems too timid to except a proposal like this…”

“And it’s Discord! He tried to take over Equestria two times, Tia! How… I…. Grr!”

“Calm down, Luna. I know how you’re not very forgiving, but… let this one slide. I wonder if Cadence knows.”

Shining Armor sat at a long crystal table. He was reading the sports section of The Equestria Times. In front of him was a coffee mug that read “Equestria’s Best Captain of the Royal Guard”. The mug was written in crayon, as a present from most of the guards. He levitated the mug and took a sip as he read.

Cadence walked past the table and saw the main headline: “Discord to Marry Ponyville Pegasus”.

“Shining, can I see that newspaper?” She said, as she snatched the newspaper out of her husband’s hooves.

“Hey! My hoofball!” Shining Armor cried.

Cadence scanned the newspaper. “Hmm…”

“What is it?” Shining Armor said, trying to read the newspaper.

“Well… it says the Discord is to marry…”

“Wait, Discord? Are you sure that’s what it says?” Shining said, looking over Cadence’s shoulder.

“Yep. To marry…. Fluttershy?”

“Who’s that?” Shining Armor responded.

“The bird chorus instructor for our wedding, one of Twilight’s friends. She’s a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane. Remember her?”

Shining Armor thought hard. “Oh, yeah.”

“I’m gonna write a letter to Twilight. I want to make sure this is actually true and not some type of gossip.” Cadence said, handing back the newspaper.


News of Fluttershy and Discord’s engagement spread all throughout Equestria. Twilight got many letters, too many to count.

Chapter 7: Wedding!

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Chapter 7: Wedding

Fluttershy and the rest of her friends were at the Carousel Boutique. The wedding was two months away and there was much to be done.

Rarity had a long rack of wedding dresses for Fluttershy to try on. Fluttershy and the rack were pushed into the changing room.

“Okay, Fluttershy! Come out now!” Rarity said.

Rarity was standing near the stage next to Twilight, Pinkie and Spike, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash showed no interest in the fashion of their friend’s dress.

Fluttershy stepped out from the dressing room. She was wearing a dress similar to her gala dress, with the same color scheme-green and blue- but simpler as well. It had no flowers embroidered, and had a long, light green train.

“Wow.” Twilight said.

“Oh, pretty!” Pinkie cried.

“Marvelous, darling!” Rarity said.

Fluttershy blushed at her friends responses.

“I think this is the right dress. It caught my eye, so I tried it on. It fits perfectly too.” Fluttershy smiled proudly.

“Wow, Flutters. I didn’t think you would be so… assertive when it comes to this. No offense.” Rainbow said from the corner.

Fluttershy laughed. “None taken, Rainbow. How many bits is this Rarity?”

“Oh, Fluttershy. None of course. You’re my friend.” Rarity responded.

Fluttershy walked back into the dressing and took off the dress. She folded it and asked Rarity to keep it there so Discord doesn’t find it.


“Okay, checklist on wedding preparations for tomorrow. Catering…check!” Twilight said, levitating a clipboard and a quill.

“Dress…check! Decorations…check! Set-up…not checked? Fluttershy, how is the set-up?”

Fluttershy walked over to Twilight, holding a piece of paper in her mouth.

“Twilight, there are twenty-four seats for the ceremony; twelve on the right side, twelve of the left side. Canterlot Elite that come in the back eight rows, my animals in the front eight rows and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and if any of your family wants to come, in the middle eight rows.” Fluttershy drew a small map and pointed to each section.

“Fluttershy, what about your family?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Um, I’d rather not talk about it…” Fluttershy responded. “Anyway, all of you girls are going to be bridesmaids, and when I was younger, I promised my cousin, Constellation, she could be a flower filly. She’ll be here later today.”

“What about Mare of Honor?” Pinkie Pie pitched in.

“Oh, well… I’ve been thinking… and I think Twilight should be the Mare of Honor. Sorry girls.”

“Wow, Fluttershy. I’m honored.” Twilight beamed.

“Now all that we need is somepony to run the ceremony…”

“I can do it.” A voice from the entrance said.

The girls turned to the doorway to see Princess Cadence standing there.

“I would be grateful to run your wedding, Fluttershy.” Cadence said.

“Y-You would?”

“Of course.”


“What do you mean it doesn’t fit?!” Fluttershy screamed, louder than expected.

Fluttershy and the rest of her friends were in the Canterlot Castle, trying on their dresses. Fluttershy’s wedding dress got slightly smaller on her; she was panicking.

“It got smaller, darling. Or you got bigger…” Rarity responded. “I’ll add a bit more fabric to the dress, so it fits.”

Fluttershy was angry, panicked and scared. Her face was blushed; naturally and from makeup. Her mane was braided and decorated with small yellow flowers. The ceremony was two hours away and everypony was nervous.

Rarity came back with a needle, thread, scissors and some fabric. She cut the back of the dress and sewed the fabric into the cut area, making it more fitting.

Fluttershy sighed. “Thank you, Rarity. I was worried there.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it!” Pinkie said.

She opened the door and saw Princess Celestia standing there.

“Hello, girls.” Celestia smiled.

“Princess,” Fluttershy said. “I’m so nervous. What do I do?”

“Well… I have no experience, but… just stay calm, and everything will be fine.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly.


Everypony invited to the wedding were in their seats. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow were standing on the left of the altar, while Twilight and Big Mac stood on the right side. Discord was nervous standing at the altar. Spike could tell.

“Discord, are you alright?” Spike tapped Discord’s claw.

“O-Of course…” Discord laughed nervously.

The guards opened the two large doors. Fluttershy stepped out, light green veil covering her eyes. Her cousin, Constellation, came bounding in, carrying a basket of orchid petals.

Fluttershy walked down the aisle, nervous, but proud, in a sense. Her light green train was carried by two birds. She saw Discord through her veil and smiled brightly.

Rainbow was on the verge of tears.

“Are you… cryin’ ?” Applejack leaned in and whispered.

Rainbow sniffed. “Of course not.” Rarity handed her a handkerchief.

Fluttershy giggled softly at her friends as she past them. She reached the altar and met Discord’s gaze. He lifted the veil lightly and looked into Fluttershy’s aqua eyes, dumbly.

Cadence cleared her throat. “Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today for the union of Fluttershy and Discord. Never have I, nor many ponies, see a loving bond as strong as these two. These two, though two different species, surpass most love connections.”

She turned to Fluttershy. “Do you, Fluttershy, take this draconequus to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death, do you part?”

“I do.” Fluttershy responded.

“And do you, Discord, take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death, do you part?”

“I do.” Discord said.

“May I have the rings, Spike?” Cadence said.

Spike held up the pillow with the rings. Cadence levitated the two rings over to her. She placed a bracelet with the ring attached to it on
Fluttershy’s hoof and the ring on Discord’s lion paw.

“With that done, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Cadence turned to see that the couple was already kissing.

“Eww!” Scootaloo said from the audience. Ponies glared at her but stomped their hooves.

The two separated from their kiss and Pinkie yelled: “To the Opera House!”
The wedding reception was at the Canterlot Opera House, one of Fluttershy’s favorite places involving the arts.

The first dance was played by the band, including a cellist and a pianist. A slower version of ‘All I Ask of You’ played.

Pinkie had a good idea, which was bad. She told the band to play ‘The Point of No Return’ sometime during the reception.

Pinkie came back to her group of friends, besides Fluttershy, with a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

Twilight was the first to notice. “Pinkie, what did you do?”

“Oh, nothing.” She giggled.

“Wait…you didn’t.” Twilight said.

“Oh, yes I did!” Pinkie responded.

“What’d she do?” Rainbow asked.

“Okay, remember that song that made Fluttershy uncomfortable in The Pony of the Opera?”

“The Point of No Return, or something, right?” Rainbow questioned.

“Yeah. That is the song Pinkie decided to request.”

They all glared at Pinkie, who smiled nervously. “What? Bad idea?”

The mares had a collective sigh as the watched their newly friend dance with her husband.

Applejack murmured. “She looks so happy.” She didn’t know Rarity could hear her.

“Surprising, right?”

“Oh, hi Rares.”

Rarity sighed glumly. “If only we could be as happy as them.”


“How about we make a pact? Since we’ve both given up on finding our other halves, we’ll be loners, together!” Rarity smiled proudly.

Applejack thought for a minute. “I’d like that.” She nodded.

“Then it’s settled.”

The dance ended; Fluttershy and Discord ended the dance with a spin kiss.

A more upbeat song played and the three other mares were pulled onto the dance floor by their coltfriends. Twilight by Flash Sentry, who happened to be on guard duty for the reception, Pinkie Pie by Cheese Sandwich and Rainbow Dash was pulled onto the dance floor by Soarin.

Fluttershy walked into the auditorium, which was vacant. She was always in awe of the place, no matter when.

“Fluttershy, where are you going?” Discord followed after her.

“Wow…” Fluttershy mused.

“What are you doing?” Discord asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment.” She spun in the walkway.

Discord sighed dreamily. “Always curious about this place, I see.”

Pinkie stuck her head through the doorway. “Hey. You two should come back out here. They are playing a good song.”

Fluttershy and Discord looked strangely at the pink earth pony.

“Come on!” Pinkie said, pulling them back into the foyer.

‘The Point of No Return’ played loudly. Fluttershy sighed.

Discord put his paw out. “May I have this dance?”

Fluttershy looked up and smiled. “Of course.”

The two danced; doing dips and turns more than once. To Fluttershy, it was a different experience that dancing to it on stage, rather than dancing for fun.

By the end of the night, most of the guests were tired. Discord had teleported Fluttershy’s animals back to her cottage, since they were staying in Canterlot for a week for their honeymoon.

They were staying in The Rose Hotel. It was a high-class hotel, and had more than one honeymoon suite.

The two got in bed and Fluttershy fell asleep almost instantly.

“Goodnight, my wife.”