The Adventures of Gary Stu

by SonOfTheNorthe

First published

Gary Stu, a brony, is teleported to Equestria. Everything turns out totally wonderful. Or does it?

Gary Stu is a totally awesome brony, who is somehow transported to Equestria. Everything turns out perfectly. Or does it? He's muthabuckin' Gary Stu. Or course it does.
(Note. I may or may not add more chapters, depending on your guy's response. For that reason, I am marking it as "On Hiatus")

Gary Stu and the Prisoner of Shatstone Hall.

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Gary Stu was sitting in his room, on a cold, rainy day. He was a 20 year old male, with short, dark brown hair, a ripped body, and an undying love for My Little Pony, physics and algebra homework, and having feelings. Gary decided it was pony time, so he went to his computer, went to Youtube and looked up his favorite episode. However, as soon as he clicked the link, his sphincter had a tingly feeling and started to clench. He promptly paused the video, got off his leather seat, and went to take a poop.

"HRRRGGG! HHRRAAAHH!! UUNNGG!!!", he shouted with incredible fury and passion, as he tried to expel his anus of the brown waste. Outside, he heard a the sound of thunder. He thought nothing of it, as thunderbolts and lightning weren't very frightening. But what Gary didn't expect was for a lightning bolt to burst though the clouds, split into two, and hit both him and his computer at the exact same time, while a nuclear physicist somewhere exploded his home laboratory and died a painful and lonely death.

A flash of light struck Gary straight into his chiseled face, and he felt a floating sensation. The series of events shocked him so much he dropped his entire load of feces at once. He saw that he was floating in midair, above a quaint little town. His pile of creamy butt nuggets fell atop the head a happy pink pony.

"Oh my goodness it's raining chocolate! Yummy!" Pinkie Pie dug deep into her mane pulled out the fecal matter in her hair. She scarfed it down, only to realize the true identity of the substance. Pinkie ran away in tears, leaving behind a trail of vomit. Gary was still mysteriously hovering in midair in his crapping position when he attracted the attention of a cyan pegasus, and then he started to fall. Rainbow Dash caught him with a swift swoop.. Gary quickly pulled his pants up and, looking around, he recognized his surroundings.

"But how do you know about Equestria?", Dash replied.
"Uhh... I've heard stories about your land.", he decided to lie. Either Dash bought it, or she didn't give a hoot.
"Hmm.... come with me, Twilight would love to find out about you. We've never seen whatever you are in Equestria before. Say, you don't look very surprised, just popping up in the middle of really far away from your home."
"Yeah, well, stranger stuff has happened to me. One time, I fell asleep shirtless in the middle of the field, and when I woke up, an enormous legion of bunnies were licking the sweat off of my body. And my home wasn't really that great anyways. I'm called a human, by the way."
"I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest and coolest pony you'll ever see! But you know..." Rainbow dash got an odd look on her face. "You're pretty cool too..."


And so, they trotted over to Twilight's house. Dash flew through the window, and began to tell Twilight about the strange creature she found.
"Yeah, so, I was minding my own business, when suddenly, this weird thing appears in the sky, and then it talks to me, and then I came over here to tell you about it. It says it's called a "whoo-miin" or whatever. He's standing outside door."

Gary was standing at the door when suddenly, the handle glowed purple and the door swung open. "Come on in!", Twilight yelled. Gary stepped into the quaint little library, when Twilight started bombarding him with questions.

"What are you? Where did you come from? What's your culture like? Why aren't you freaking out over being in some strange land? What are your internal organs like? Can you use magic? How much science do you know? How big is your-"
"I think you're talking him to death, Twi.", Dash interrupted.
"Uh... hehe. Might have gotten a little carried away..."
Gary spoke up. "I can tell you all later." The conversation was interrupted by a deep gurgle coming from Gary's abdomen. "Umm, I'm a little hungry. Got anything to eat?"
"Oh, let's go to Applejack's place! She's got the best apples in all of Equestria!", Twilight spoke enthusiastically. Rainbow Dash enthusiastically agreed, filled with thoughts of cider. Sweet, sweet, cider....


Twilight, Dash, and Gary soon ended up at Sweet Apple Acres. There were apple trees everywhere, as would be expected of an apple orchard. There was a field of corn too, but Gary didn't eat corn. He hated when he would poop and all the came out was slightly brown kernels of corn. So the three of them walked up to Applejack.
"Hey Applejack, we got a new visitor in town!"
Applejack turned around and looked up with a shocked expression at the strange creature her eyes gazed upon.
"WOAH NELLY! Wha' is that thing? It don't bite, do it?"
"Relax Applejack", Twilight comforted. "He's nice. He doesn't know how he got here, he's hungry, and I assume he needs a place to stay. Isn't that right Gary?" He nodded in confirmation, and then exchanged introductions with Applejack. Twilight continued with "Could you get us some food and then let Gary stay at your place until we find out how to get him back home?"
"Well, uh, sure ah could let him stay in the barn, but he's gonna have to work to stay here. Ah might even pay him. How's that sound?"
"I'll do it!"
"Well then, yall can start by bucking some apples. Just kick the trees an gather them up in baskets. Ya can do it later. Go enjoy Ponyville. Say Twi, has Fluttershy seen him yet? Ah think she might be interested in the ..uh...monkey thing..."
"Nope, he hasn't."
"Ah well, lemme go get some food for yall!"
Applejack soon returned with apple pie, apple fritters, apple sauce, apple juice and a chimmiapplechanga, invented by Pinkie. Rainbow Dash asked Applejack "Hey AJ, can I get some of your special cider?"
"Nah, if Pinkie's anything like Pinkie today, she's probably going to throw our new visitor a party. Ah'll bring a few barrels, ya can have some then. Besides, remember that one time ya drank too much? That poor colt is probably scarred for life!"
"HEY! He was cute and he looked lonely! Now stop talking about that!"
"Fine. Ahm surprised yer not in jail..."
And so, after munching on their lunch in awkward silence, they headed over to Fluttershy's place.


The quartet arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. At arrival, Applejack announced her departure. "Ah got some stuff to do at the farm. See yall later!"
Twilight approached the door and knocked. A few hoofclops later and a squeak of the door, Fluttershy peaked her head out.
"Oh, hello Twilight, do you need anyth-OH MY GOD IT'S SO CUTEEEE!" Fluttershy sped through her door and tackle-hugged Gary. "Oh, you're just a cute little monkey! Yes you are! Yes you are!" She then proceeded to pet his head and ruffle his hair.
"Umm...hi there?"
*squeak!* "Goodness, it talks!"
"Yeah. I kinda do. I'm a sentient creature after all."
"Well...Um..." *POMF* "BYE!"
And then Fluttershy dashed back into her home.
(Well, that was odd) Gary thought to himself.
And so, the trio went to Rarity's place.

(Congratulations, you're the new Gary Stu)
"It's not that bad", you repliy.
"Not that bad? It's worse! You must have a makeover and a new outfit! I insist!" Rarity argues.
"Well..Uhh..." You stammer, as the white pony beings to forcefully strip you and take your measurements.
"Hmmm, I see. Such odd proportions...", she mumbles. You catch her glancing at your "shpungshtucker" every now and then, and she levitates measuring tape all around your body, taking mental notes.
And so, she rushes off to her workroom, locks the door, and you put your clothes back on and just sit there bored for a few hours.

"TA DA!!" she bursts, nearly flinging her door off it's hinges. She reveals a stylish tuxedo and dress pants, and she magically attaches it to you. She pulls up a mirror, and shows you the results of her efforts. You are simply dazzled by with outfit she has created. It reminds you of James Bond and other badass tuxedo-wielding men.
"Thank you very much, Rarity."
"Oh, don't mention it! After all, I can't have a fashion disaster like that wandering all around town, now can I?"
"I suppose not..."
"Of you go then! Let your beauty shine all across Equestria!"
Twilight and Rainbow are thoroughly impressed by your outfit. Twilight teleports the three of you over to her library to avoid detection from the other ponies who might be freaked out from Gary.

You arrive in Twilight's library.
"Twilight, can you get the lights? It's kinda dark in here."
A little bit of magic later, the library is illuminated.
"GAAHHH!", you scream, falling on your ass as a pink pony hovers upside-down over your head.
"Whoopsieses! Did I scare you? That happens a lot!", Pinkie says, as she puts on her biggest grin. You're afraid her face will split in half if it gets any wider.
"Hi! You're that one dude that pooped on my head! But I know it was an accident, so I forgive you! Now that I think about it, it kinda tasted like cinnamon and nutmeg... can I have more? I bet I can make some REALLY delicious cupcakes with it! I wonder what kind of cupcakes I could make with your other bodily fluids! Did you know that once I hit my head really really really hard on a door, and I was bleeding syrup! I bleed syrup, can you believe it? So now, every night, I cut myself and I drink my syrup, it's sooooo delicious, sometimes I even make pancakes with it! Then I snort cocaine to make the pain go away! Doesn't that sound like so much fun? Oh my gosh, speaking of fun, I came here to tell you go to Sugarcube Corner ASAPAPAP! It's gonna be really really fan! YAY!"

You blink, but when you open your eyes, the pink party pony is gone.
You hesitantly decide to go to Sugarcube Corner, despite a nagging feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong.


You arrive at the doors of Sugarcube Corner, and brace yourself for the monstrosities contained within. With a deep breath, you slowly open the doors, looking into total darkness.

A bunch of lights flicker on, bass starts pumping and many ponies jump from their hiding places.
"Umm... thank you Pinkie", you say, not sure how to react.
"No, not you, Gary! My sister just got here!", Pinkie replies.
You look behind you to see a pegasus that looks exactly like Pinkie, if she were white and gold.
"PINKIE! I've missed you soo much!"
The sisters hug each other, and you can feel the fabric of the universe ripple as their bodies collide.
"I'm sorry Gary, surprise to you too! Hope you have a happy party! Ohhh, go try the punch! It's super special!"

You head over to the punch bowl to give it a try. You pour yourself a cup, but as you lift it up to your mouth, you smell a very distinct smell. A very smelly smell that smells... alcoholic. Taking a careful sip, you gag as the beverage slides down your throat. "Damn, that stuff is strong!", you exclaim. Pinkie pops up out of nowhere, as she is apt to do. "Berry Punch helped me make it! She says it's eighty percent! Isn't it dedelicious?" You nod your head and explore the rest of the party, taking a cup of the punch along with you. You chit chat with other random ponies, taking sips every now and then, getting quite buzzed. You aren't the only one either, many of the ponies have some of the stuff too. You see a grey, derp-eyed pegasus shaking her booty while standing in a cake, her plot jiggling like jello.

"Whew, it's getting hot in here...for more reasons than one"
And it is. With a hundred plus ponies all in the same house, a lot of body heat is being released. Also, drunk ponies waving their plots around. You take off your shirt, soaked in sweat, revealing your large, muscular pecks and abs, and your perfectly tones arms. Your sweat glistens in the strobe lights and disco balls, making your flesh sparkle like an explosion of diamonds and glitter. All of a sudden, you catch the gaze of every single filly, colt, mare, and stallion in a ten mile radius. You watch as they all droll, lust pouring from their eyes. Everypony slowly descends upon you, surrounding you. Suddenly, you feel something poking your ass.

Oh shit, is that Big Mac?
