A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

by SCP Pinkamena

First published

Welcome fear in your heart as Scott Visk, aka Pyramid Head, spreads terror to the land of Equestria

Inspired by F*** it, I'm Having Fun

Crossovers so far:
The Life and Times of an Alchemist Turned Pony
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User.
Ain't Done With These F******
I Will Hunt You Down
Son of Invention
The Mighty Warrior of Epicness

Scott Visk, a normal, civilized man, was on his way to a Comic Con convention when suddenly a portal opens up due to... something that he had acquired earlier from a shifty merchant. Waking up in the Everfree in costume, and making a bad first impression, he is now being grafted as public enemy #1, Bane of the Sisters, AND the Devil himself. Scott has no choice but to act the part. As if he had a choice to begin with.

Popular Stories as of 2/18/14 - 2/23/14
Popular Stories as of 7/20/16

With Friends Like These...

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Guard duty was always a hassle. Most guards didn't like the fact that guard duty was a hassle. Why, some may ask? Because of the stories that their fathers' fathers' fathers have told down the lines of their generations. It was a certain statue, that they feared. A statue that wore tight leather pants and a skin-sown apron. A sword taller than Celestia, and a helmet that could crush a normal pony had it been dropped.

On the plaque it read:

To those who are unwary, this is your final resting place.
This statue is your Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

The guards hated guard duty in the gardens because of this statue. Hundreds of years ago, it had slaughtered nearly every guard on sight, if it could see at all. It dragged it's blade on the cobblestone making an unforgettable noise for their ancestors. That noise, apparently, was placed in the head of every decedent so they would know when to run. One guard, Song Bird, glanced at the statue as she led a group of students and their teacher around the grounds.

"What'th that thatue, Mith Cherrilee?" Twist said, donning a lisp in her speech. When Song Bird had noticed she pointed at Him, she nearly jumped as she heard the sound of a blade scraping cobblestone. When she turned, however, she only saw one of the few colts drag a camera set behind them. With a sigh of relief, she turned to Twist.

"This, everypony, is... well, we don't know his name. But everyone, yes, even the Griffons, Dragons, and even the Changelings, call him The Bane. Why, we don't know, but rumor has it that--"


Everyone stopped, and looked at The Bane.


Song Bird, First Lieutenant of the Solar Guard, stood shell-shocked as his statue stared to crack. She opened her mouth and screamed as she fled from his statue, but the teacher and children stood watching in fear. A sound similar to that of a foghorn sounded from the statue as exploded outwards, flinging stone and marble. When the dust cleared, the foals and their teacher stepped back.

The Bane had awoken.

And it stared directly at them.

(P.H. View: First Person, Present Day)

Ahhh.... Air... it feels good to have air. My helmet tugged down at the gravity's will, but I forced it up high in the air looking forward. I clenched both my fists, in which both was air. I looked down to left to see only rubble. I looked to right... Ah! There you are! I stepped down from the pedestal I stood on, in a jerky motion, step by step and bent down to retrieve my sword. All the while I hear the horrible sound in my head...

The hypnotic melody...

I feel a poke on my side. Looking down I see Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister. Now, before you go saying 'How does Pyramid Head know Sweetie Belle?' It's because I'm a a fan of My Little Ponh. But unlike most, I'm mostly a darker person in real life. So, when my friends started making fun of me at my home preparing for this years Comic Con...

(Pelican Lake, Wisconsin : 1000 years ago)

"Hahahaha! I bet he's gonna dress up as Rainbow Dash!" John said, in a full Solid Snake suit.

"Yeah," His brother, Leeroy, said wearing Coach's getup from Left 4 Dead 2, "or that little yellow one! What's her name again, Scott?!"

I sighed from my bathroom and yelled out, "Fluttershy!" To which I heard him agree again with his brother. God, they're stupid, but I love them as if they were my own family. "Oh just you wait..." I said putting on the giant Egyptian monument on my head. After doing some self-makeup scars and wounds, I hefted up my sword on shoulder and gave myself a wide berth coming out of the bathroom.

Then the funniest thing happened. Lee and John were still laughing, saying which pony I was gonna be, then they saw me come out of the bathroom, with still wet makeup, so it ran some, and a very convincing Pyramid Head costume. For the apron, I had acquired some cured cow hides and I just dirtied them up a bit and put some red and black paint to simulate were the skin stitches would've been. The pants were simple, I just took a pair of my uncles assless-chaps, he had a real cowboy phase at my age, took them to a tailor and had them sew the ass back in them. Then I got some real big heavy-duty Military boots and dyed them black.

After all was said and done, I went to another friend of mine, Nelson, to make a wooden replica of Pyramid Head's sword. He asked how I wanted it, to which I told him as real as he could make it. He then asked me the tricky part. "How do you want the Handle?" That was, honestly, a hard question to answer. Since his sword, along with Pyramid Head himself has gone through many changes, it's hard to pick which one you want to be and from which Silent Hill. So I told him to make the one from the movie. This particular one had a more KABAR look to it. I didn't mind it was still heavy, about 30 or 35 pounds, but it was worth it.

I had painted it an iron grey and splattered red on specific spots, making it look like it was used very recently. A I had a voice box inside of my apron pocket and using my free hand I turned it on.

"Better start praying..." I said, my voice an unusual metallic tone. My friends' jaws dropped at my costume, and I swear I saw John's eyepatch pop up a bit. I took off the helmet and placed it down, and it showed my sweaty head. "So," I said closing Lee's mouth with the tip of the Great Knife. "Who's ready to go to Comic Con?"

(Comic Con New York, New York, New York : 1000 years ago)

Our plane landed and I was already at the hotel via taxi. It was a whole two hours and they still weren't in yet. I figured they were lost, so I wrote a quick note stating I would be out and about and went my happy merry way down to Comic Con. As I was on my however, I decided to make my way through the shops that they had set up. I saw flashes on my left, on my right, someone even wanted my to get in a picture with them.

I finally made my way to the shopping area and took a look around. I saw many things, mostly pictures, and figures, and other baubles. But one piece caught my eye. A ring, with The Halo of the Sun inside of it.

I felt compelled to take right there, but I noticed the price tag on it. "Twenty bucks?! Hell, this IS a steal!" I said digging out my wallet pulling out two tens. The clerk, who I was starting to half second thoughts about, smiled at me with his big, bushy beard blocking a portion of it.

"You want ring, Pyramid Head," He asked holding it up, "Go ahead. You can have it, free of charge." I gawked at him and grabbed the ring from its holder. It glowed with figurative energy, and the halo looked as if it moved inside the glass itself. Not wanting to wait any further, I slipped the ring on my hand.

Then the world burned around me.

When I came to, I found myself in a forest of some kind and tried to stand up. I almost couldn't though, somehow, someone switched my fake took-hours-to-make helmet and switched it with a metal one. It practically took all my strength to even lift from the ground. I looked down at my blade and picked it up as well and noticed it's heftiness. It's like it went from 30 to 130 pounds! I noticed I was taller too...

Wait... No, no...

I looked down at my cow hide apron, and to my surprise, and disgust, found it a similar texture to human skin. I touched one of my 'wounds' and found them to be real cuts, bruises, and bullet wounds.

"Oh shit, I'm Pyramid Head." is what I would've said, if I was able to talk. I felt my eyes widen. Oh no. Oh HELL no! To convince myself even more, I picked up my sword, with much more ease, and swung at the nearest tree.

Cut through it like butter.

I was Pyramid Head.

And I had no idea where I was.

"AHHHH!!! MONSTER!!" I turned around to see a... Pony...

Okay scratch that, I was Pyramid Head.

And I was in Equestria.

Wander Over Yonder

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(Canterlot Castle: Throne Room, Present Day: Celestia First Person)

I heard a scream outside of my window. It was odd, because not five minutes later a guardspony came crashing through my door.

"The Bane," she shouted, "The Bane is free!" My eyes grew wide and launched myself out of my window overlooking my city. I made a sharp right towards the gardens and saw my fears in the flesh.

He had been awoken.

And he stared down at a little filly.

As I was about to fly down and attack him, but I thought better to myself. If I would attack irrationally with no plan, I would most likely be in mortal danger. So, I decided to play his game that he played all those thousands of years ago. Hiding on the highest balcony of the castle, I looked down at him with the telescope. I saw the filly look up at him and she said something I could not make out. I saw The Bane tilt his torso to the side, to simulate a cock of the head. When I saw the filly say something again, he stopped leaning to the side and raise his sword.

Now, despite what I felt, I didn't fly down. When I saw him stick his sword in the ground next to him, and pick up the filly with his meaty hands, that was the part I could not stand. I winked away from the telescope and appeared in front of him, who still held the filly in his hands.

"Pyramid Head!" I yelled, using his real name. I saw his hands tense around the filly, who squeaked in pain and fell to the ground holding her side. He gripped at his large metal helmet before he pulled his sword out from the ground and began walking away from me. He had played this ploy before, and I would not let him escape again! Teleporting in front of him, I pushed Pyramid Head back and watched him stumble. I looked at his hands the entire time this happened. Despite his size, he was fast when it came to swinging that blade.

His hand would change position on the handle, from dragging it with his back hand up, to dragging it with his palm up. But when I pushed him back, he never made an attempt to attack me. Instead, he pushed past me. I saw the trail that the blade had been making but...

Then it hit me; the children. He didn't want to fight in front of the children. I regained myself somewhat and followed his trail that lead directly into the heart of the maze. It was an open field, mostly used for trainee sparring, but today it would be our battle field.

"That was... very modest of you, going away from the children." I said, lighting my horn. I saw him move his shoulders at an attempted shrug, and then I watch his hand move.

Palm up. He was going for an arch swing.I saw his blade rise and I stepped back out of his reach, but he caught me completely off guard as his downward swing turn into a horizontal one. I felt his blade nick my chest as I jumped back a little bit too late. I do not have a god complex, but I was very happy that none my subject were here to see me. The see me as a Goddess, so imagine how unsettling it would be to see a Goddess bleed?

He pulled his blade from the ground and swung it back around. Once again, it nicked me enough to make me bleed, but not enough to actually hurt me. I looked down at my wounds; they made a perfect "X". I looked back at Pyramid Head saw him heft his blade up and rush forward. Then it hit me again.

"X" marks the spot.

I flew up as fast as I could, but was unfortunately caught by my tail and thrown to the ground. In an act of desperation, I fired an arcane bolt at him. That was my big mistake, but I knew the repercussions. All I had to do was go through Silent Hill again...

Nothing wrong with that right?

(P.H. First Person, Present Day)

I looked at the spot where Celestia once was. Why did she do that? She knows that if magic struck me she would go to Silent Hill. Worse, as a human. I hope she was ready to see my new improvements of the place, I doubt she'll be able to get past the Schism without getting a few cuts here and there.

Oh well, no time to ponder over meaningless trash...

Gripping the Knife, I followed my trail back to the gardens and noticed that the teacher and the children were gone. Good, a monster out of place is still monster. I let out a loud rumble before I made my way into castle via the Green House door. Mere servants were only inside, and they stood stock still at my passing. I stopped at one point and turned to my right. There was something... strange over there. My knife dragged across the tiled floor, making a loud screeching noise as I walked over to a lone flowerpot. I lifted my foot and crushed the pot beneath me, and despite having glass in my foot, which didn't hurt, I saw something I never thought I would.

It was Robbie the Rabbit.

A low groan escaped my helmet as I picked up the stuffed animal. I observed it for sometime before placing it within the pocket of apron. He hung there with that stupid smile on his face, in my blood covered apron. It was weird.

But hey, I'm a walking nightmare.

Nodding as best as I could, I turned back towards the door and slowly entered the castle. The door behind me softly clicked closed and I stopped just at the threshold. I looked down at the light coming through the door and saw four shadows, quickly turn into two.

A pony had their ear to the door.

"I think it's gone," I heard the pony say, before I let a loud howl before I hefted my blade up and stabbed through the door. I heard several screams immediately after my little stunt. So, I let them have it.

I gripped the blade with both my hands and lifted up. I heard a wet splutch as the random pony was cut in two, and the screams I heard grew in intensity.

It was a symphony.

My symphony.

I turned around once again and made my way into the Great Hall of the Pony Sisters. Here, the Elements of Harmony were stored. And fortunately for me, the Bearers and Luna were there too! I heard Luna scream something, ordering the others to leave as quickly as possible. But Rainbow Dash said other wise, commenting on how slow I must've been lugging my sword around.

What sounded like a chuckle escaped my throat.

I felt Rainbow Dash collide with my rusted helmet punching and kicking at until I stepped back some and swung my head around, knocking her off into a wall and rendering her unconscious. Pinkie came next and assaulted me with various treats, which, I will admit, very affective.

That is, until I grabbed her by the neck.

Stabbing my blade in the ground, I quickly made an example out of Pinkie. I took her first front leg and snapped in two. She screamed and I saw tears fly out of her eyes as the bone to the leg itself popped out of her skin. I quickly did the same with the other one as well. She stopped screaming after that, going into shock.

Hehehe... Where's your reality warping ability now, bitch?

Rarity I didn't need to deal with because--


What the...?


Okay, I take that back. Rarity was, indeed, going to be dealt with. Her ability to find and actually crush any type of gemstone, mineral, or just plain rock was a dangerous weapon. It was like being shot. I pulled the Knife from the ground I had previously left it and put it up against me like a shield. I started advancing and I noticed her magic faltering and I quickly took this advantage. I reached out and grabbed her by her sides, much like how I held Sweetie Belle the first time, only a lot more stronger. I heard a small pop inside her, then another... and another... I had broken at least five ribs before I was forced to drop her due to something colliding with my back.

I looked behind me and saw the might Twilight Sparkle. I bent down to recover my blade but it was quickly taken from grasp and into Twilight's magical field.

I could only stand back and watch.

Now, despite what the Season 4 opening said, that was NOT how Luna turned into Nightmare Moon. It was actually because she had tried, emphasis on "tried", to wield The Great Knife. It caused her to grow insane and make her believe the world was out to get her. Her sister was no exception.

Now I stood and watched as Twilight began to have the same effects. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, then shook her head harder... and harder...

I heard a snap or two, signifying that she had broken her neck, but yet I was surprised to see she didn't fall to the ground dead already. I walked forward to retrieve my fallen blade and left her to her madness. Luna was no where to be found, and all that left was Applejack and Fluttershy. Applejack had already excepted that she was next and didn't fight at all. I looked at a way to harm her and I did something simple. I stomped on her hind leg, turning the bone to a fine dust. She screamed at the top of her lungs, and fell unconscious as well.

Now all that left was Fluttershy.

I looked down at her terrified form and inwardly smiled.

Then her eyes shot open.

Ahh! How could I be so stupid! I knew she could do that Stare, but I neglected that fact! Caught by surprise, I stumbled back. Her soul-crushing stare bore into where she believed my eyes were.

But the best part of believing something is the big, fat LIE in the middle of it. She was actually looking at where my mouth would be, not my eyes, so this gave me the upper hand of decisiveness. As she barked an order, my hand quickly shot out, back handing to the ground. I looked at her prone form before raising my blade.

Loyalty, shattered...

Generosity, abused...

Magic, corrupted...

Laughter, silenced...

Honesty, broken...

Kindness, punished...

Now it was time for your punishments... Before I could do anything, however, I heard Luna's voice bark at me. "ENOUGH OF THIS!"

I fell in pain at her voice. See? This is why I hate Mondays!

Silent Hill: A Wonderland Gone Wrong

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Valley of Knowledge, 1000 Years Ago

I walked through a small little valley that I would later discover were the grounds of Ponyville. Having escaping the wrath of the Sisters for now, I only walk. Trying to find a purpose of what I'm supposed to do. I had already mercilessly hunted down the five unicorns that had used magic on me. It turned out, that the ring on my finger could transfer magic energies and redirected them 20 fold faster than one could blink. Well, when they had used magic on me, I later discovered that the way to enter Silent Hill was to hold out the ring in front of me. So, after that was done, the way I was sent back via portal.

I had made sure that they paid for each and every one of them.

Cherry Bell; incessant rage towards others.

Blitzkrieg; Illegal prostitution.

Watermark; Robbing the blind and torturing the poor.

Chunk (yes that's his real name); Cannibalism.

Berry Bobble; Ingenious murder plot against Celestia.

I small chuckle vibrated out of my helmet. They all met their demise.

And I was happy to be there for each one. As I continued to walk through the valley, I heard a sharp gasp behind me. I stopped and turned around to see a girl. Not a mare, not a female Minotaur, not even a griffon, but a human girl. Dressed up as one of the iconic psychopaths in gaming: Alice.

"Excuse me," she said in a small, fragile voice. "But, what are you?" She tilted her head at me, making her hair... Oh god... Considering the fact that the last time I've seen porn was about three weeks ago, this is it for me. Trying, and successfully, hiding my stiffy, I tried to respond. But I don't know if I've mentioned this before.

My mouth is sewn shut, and my helmet muffles almost everything except for the few syllables here and there. So what came out of my helmet?


She looked at me with a straight face before cracking a smile... then a chuckle... Then full blown laughter. "Purry?! That has got to be, the most retarded," My brow creased. "downs syndromed," My hand gripped my Knife. "Absolutely most stupidest name I have ever..." My arm raised over my head and clear of hers. "...Heard... Can't we just talk about this?" My blade came down with a force that would Snow Flake, or canonically, Bulk Biceps, proud. Alice quickly jumped out of the way, and a resounding "NO!" echoed across the valley. I saw the little mark I made on her cheek, and whipped the blade around me, making another clip at her cheek.

A perfect "X"

She seemed to notice this and as quickly as I could manage, thrust out in front of me, but she quickly rolled out of the way aiming... something at me, that fired some kind of acidic liquid. I was shocked silly by the pain and suddenly felt three cuts she made and then something really heavy slam into my helmet. What I bet she didn't know was that the hobby horse she hit me with pierced my helmet and stabbed straight into my cheekbone. My muscles grew taught and an unmortal like roar reverberated from me, echoing across the field. My blade lifted and I slammed down only to be parried by little Miss Scrawny over here. I bet I broke her arm though, the way she's holding kinda gives it away.

"C'mon! I didn't mean to call you Purry!" I small growl escaped my throat as the Great Knife came crashing down, missing her body, but I skinned some of her arm before she could hop away. She looked at her arm in great shock, as if this had been the first time this happened to her.

"YoU HAvE SinNEd, FeEL mY WRaTH! Wasting no time, I charged at her and slammed down the blade with both hands stabilizing it. But she dodged easily and balanced herself onto of the blade, away from the sharp edge.

Clever little monkey.

With some added force by my momentum, she jumped off the blade and Rainbow Kicked me straight in the pyramid. As I stepped back to recuperate, time around me slowed, and the laws of gravity no longer effected Alice as she hung in the air. Looking around, I saw a women, much like Alice, float down and sit on a chair that I swore wasn't there.

She began to laugh. Hard. Hard enough to produce tears in her eyes. "What's this what's this? Fighting are we? Didn't your mother teach you better, Alice?" She said, and Alice looked just about ready to slap a bitch. "Not going to answer me, are you? Fine, I'll leave you with this then, The Weapons of Madness should not be used against eachother, the repercussions are much more grave then you can imagine." Weapons of Madness? What the hell was she talking about?

Alice finally spoke. "I use my sword however I please, old lady, and may The Nine curse whoever tries to tell me otherwise."

"You may be a Queen, Alice, and you a King, Pyramid Head, but what are a pair of royals to a God?" To my surprise, Alice, as well as myself, gave the same answer to the old hag.

"What is a god to a non-believer?"

"whAt iS A gOD To a nON-beliEveR?"

Alice looked at me with a little bit of surprise, but then looked back at the lady in red who scowled before looking shocked and vanished. Time seemed to want move again and Alice and I fell the ground, but I stopped myself. As I corrected my position, she began scanning my body. Probably looking for weak points. She suddenly gave a small smile before turning tail and ran towards the forest.

I wasted no time chasing after her. I was lost as to where she might go, but as I looked down I noted the black trail she left behind and followed it with a new vigor. I was apparently faster than I thought because when I had arrived, she had just stopped running and looked behind her to see me staring back. She continued running before she backflipped over a slash that I made and hit me with an arcane bolt.

Biggest mistake in her life. Everything slowly changed, and the world went white just as slowly. I wrote many things in the air around me, but the one thing she most likely read said this:

I'll be waiting, Alice...

She looked at the words, then back at me before she got up and continued running. The Boogeyman, the one from Downpour, materialized in front of me and I nodded towards the way Alice ran. He nodded and ran his way towards her. I sent my fist out calling the portal to Silent Hill. As I walked in the threshold of the Halo, I made one last adjustment. Taking out a small little sign, the 'Welcome to Silent Hill!' sign, I quickly erased 'enjoy your stay' with a line that I know would shock her.

I'll be waiting, Alice.

Goddamnit FiM! Stop messing up the link!

What Is A King To A God

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My eyes open and the first thing that greats me is darkness. I feel... heavy, and tried to take a look around my surroundings. I felt a breeze pass by me and the darkness blew away with it. I looked around and saw that I was crucified on a metal cross. My arms were tied up by barbed wire and a large metal rail spike was stabbed through my feet. In my chest, a spear-like blade was dangling out, and as I looked down, I saw her. The bane of my existence, and also the one who gave me life as it were. She made the weapon, and I was to fulfill its duty.

Alessa. The Goddess of Silent stood below me.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something?" She asked, he voice echoing around us. A pained moan escaped my throat. She knew I could not talk, so why ask a stupid question like? She slowly began walking around the cross before stopping in front of me again. "There is a trespasser here in Silent Hill once again. I want you to find her and kill her." She commanded. In defiance I looked away. The look on her face became of pure rage, and the barbed wire cut deeply into my arms. My moan echoed off the walls of what I think was a church.

"You will do as you are told! You may be a King here," She grabbed my helmet and drug it down so I was face to face with her. "but you are my Pawn! What is a King to a God?" She asked, rhetorically of course but I answered her as best I could with my own question.

"WhAT IS a GoD tO A NON-BeLIever?" I choked out, my voice hoarse and my throat burning with a coppery taste. She snarled at my as I felt the wire go over my throat and start to constrict. Her snarl quickly turned into one of thought, then she smiled and the barbed wire and cross were gone. I fell to the ground, panting heavily, I tried to grip my chest, but found myself once again unable to move. I looked up from my helmet and saw Alessa holding the Great Knife.

She had gotten stronger.

"What happened to you? You used to be my protector, now you're defying me." She said, puzzled by my rashness. "Why?"

I couldn't talk anymore, my throat burned too much and my head swam in pain. Dragging my finger in the dirt as best I could, I wrote my answer out to her.


"I am aware of this."


In the dark silence, a small chant could be heard within the fog.

"...rn ...ch!"

"...urn th... itch!"

"Burn the witch!"

Alessa clamped her hands on her ears as the chanting continued, and I felt my body loosen. Standing up, I looked for the Knife. I saw it next to her, buried in the ground, and as quickly as I could, made a grab for it.

"NO! I AM NOT THE DEMON! YOU ARE, YOU ALL ARE!!" Alessa screamed and I was pushed back as the wave of her power shot out of her. The darkness quickly took over the preachers and cultists, turning them and changing them into Alessa's own sick and twisted creatures. Siam's and Schism's milled around before scattering, and Lurkers and Needlers quickly scuttled away. I felt the heat of flame around my body and looking up I could see why.

Alessa's body was charred and cindered, her hair was no where to be found, and red cracks could be seen in her skin. It looked as if she turned back into a child. I felt... ashamed.

Crawling on my knees, I slowly made my way towards her. "There, there... I won't let anything happen to you..." I said, my voice turning back to normal... Sorta.

It was my voice, but it wasn't my voice. Alessa only snuggled closer to my chest. My whole body changed then. My helmet was gone, my skin was no longer rotting or scabbed, I was wearing normal clothes, and... I remembered things I shouldn't of.

I remembered graduating collage, how I met Dahlia, we... oh god...

I was a father.

Alessa's father.

My original plan was to overthrow Alessa and take back Silent Hill, but now... while I wasn't her father, and she wasn't my daughter, she still looked at me as one. Actually, I don't think she knows that I'm from another Earth that doesn't have a place called 'Silent Hill'. Regardless, I carefully hugged her closer to me before she fell asleep and she was beginning to change again. Her hair grew back, her skin healed, and her clothes came fluttering back on. I felt so bad making her relive her fears... I heard a scrape behind us, and turned to see the Missionary and Dahlia's sister, Christabella.

"Why do you aid her?" Bella asked.

"Why are you still alive?" I asked back at her, knowing all too well what happened to her. "And you..." I pointed at the Missionary. "I... Pyramid Head killed you." It only snarled back at me raising it's bladed arm. "What's a mob to King?" I asked, rhetorically of course, but I still got an answer.

"A waste of good resources is what that is. Why waste all that time in being a mob when there's a witch to burn?" Bella said, pointing at Alessa again. I grabbed the Knife from the ground and held out in front of me unsteadily. "Back off. You will not hurt my daughter again. She is in enough pain knowing that you two are here." I felt Alessa snuggle up against me in fear and held the blade a little bit more steadier than before. "You have till the count of three..."

"One..." The blade glowed a dull blue.

"Two..." I felt it get heavier, and the blade itself suddenly changed shape for a KABAR look to a Bowie knife look.


"Fine. Come, we must prepare another ceremony." Christabella said, walking away followed by the Missionary. The Knife fell to the ground and I got a good look at it. The handle was slightly curved, the new guard had what looked like a finger guard so I wouldn't cut myself swinging it around. All in all, it was big. Bigger than before. Stabbing it into the ground, I picked up Alessa and rested myself leaning up against the Knife, promising her that I would protect her know matter what the cost.

The Great Knife: Origins

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A candlelight flickered within the darkness, revealing only a small space inside of the highly molded room. In the distance, a sirens wail was heard fading into the night. You are uncertain of your surroundings as you sit in the candles' light.

From behind you, you heard a rustle in the dirt, and the shifting of someone's clothes. As you begin to get scared and start rising from the chair you sat on, a voice stops you.

"Wait," it said, the voice sounding old and frail. "Please, sit back down... I wish to tell you a story." Having no clue about your surroundings, nor a clue of how you got here, you sit back down in chair and wait for the voice to reveal itself. From the other side of the candlelight, you saw an old woman, who was once beautiful at the time, sit down across from you. She smiled at you and lit one more candle and set down next to her.

"So, I told you I would tell a story. And so I shall." She said, her voice haunting and echoing throughout the landscape. "Do you know of the Great Knife by any chance?" She asked, and you shook your head.

"Well, the story goes that the Great Knife was once wielded by a member of The Order, and those who wielded it were said to be unstoppable. The blade was said to folded, much like a katana blade, and could cut through even the darkest of evils that the world had to offer. Well... they weren't expecting my daughter, Alessa."

As she said her name, the atmosphere around suddenly grew cold.

"It is said by most that the one who wielded the Knife was corrupted by her darkness, and became what many know as The Boogeyman."

She took a sip of her tea which you swore was not there before.

"What they know is wrong," she said setting the cup down. "and they will pay for it. Alessa's rage, hatred, and fear were matched by only one thing: Want. Want for a new life, want for a second chance..."

She looked down at her cup and frowned.

"A want for a protector. Someone that could protect her better than I tried. But before the Protector became into being, she first needed to make the Protection." She said now standing up.

"Come." She ordered and you stood from your chair and followed her into an old school building. "What many know as the Great Knife started out no bigger than a regular kitchen knife. She would fend away those who she hated with the little utensil, but she soon discovered that it would not be enough. So, as her anger, hate, and fear grew, so too did the knife, which quickly became a dagger, which turned into a sword even quicker.

"Eventually, she could no longer carry the knife because it had gotten so heavy. So she created Him, The Boogeyman, as they call him. Some call him Pyramid Head, others the Red Pyramid, but either way, he still looks the same. But Knife never did. Oh, no. The Knife always changed when someone new entered Silent Hill, to fit their personality better, I think." She scratched her head, and turned back to you. "I think it's time you get going, don't want you here stuck forever do you?" She smiled, before the siren wailed out again making you lose consciousness.

A Poem...

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His rage did indeed consume all.
His rage will stop Equestia's fall.
For when the Moon sets over head,
the Sun will call for those who are dead.
And one by one, they line up swiftly.
To meet his blade again, to end it quickly.
So do not run, do not hide,
Do not fear in your stride.
For if it is the River of Souls you wade,
you will certainly meet his blade.
His rage was one not to be trifled with.
His rage with destroy all, strong and swift.
But be wary, for he has one weakness.
The love of his life, the one he misses.
A name those who know fear, and address her.
Her name is Alessa, the one he holds dear.
And he shan't call her name...
For it means only his bane.
And only through happiness can he be set free.
Only by happiness can he return to Humanity...


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(Pyramid Head: Present)

Ouch, that kinda hurt. I groaned again, though, it was more of a wail than anything. "Luna... You know more than anyone to go prodding in my head..." I 'said' to the moon princess. "Please, leave my head alone. The last thing I need is shouting in it.

"Silence, Bane! I encountered your mind once before!" She yelled back at me. I inwardly smiled.

"And how well did that go? In an attempt to control me, you winded up with the Knife in your grasp. Tell me what you heard Luna..." She was hesitant, I could hear her breaths in my head.

"...It was a cold place. It looked like Canterlot Castle all those years ago, but... It felt like I was in a nightmare, and not the ones I deal with. There was a mist that seemed to swallow everything up and I could barely see my hoof in front of me. Then I heard the music... The bloody damned music... I do not know why it started, but I couldn't get it to stop. Even now, it still haunts me with its enticing melody..."

I rumbled and slammed my metal head to ground causing her to yelp in fright. "Get out of my head..." I heard something click and looked up to see the last mare I wanted to see. Celestia, broken, battered, bloodied, but otherwise still alive stood before me.

She had a sad look in her eyes, looking up at the precious bearers. She looked and saw Twilight desperately trying, failing, to break her own neck in an attempt to halt the voices in her head. I'm not sure if Celly could, but I know I could...

A failure! That's all you are!

Never in my life had I seen such a demented mare, to think you're the princess' protege!

Just end, you worm. You're nothing compared to what they could surmount to. Even Cadence is better than you.

She begged for them to stop, saying that she was something. They laughed in her face and in another fit, used her magic to try and break her neck once more before Celestia stopped her. "That's enough my dear student, please rest..." She said softly before Twilight closed her eyes and fell unconscious.

"Awww... She ruined my fun," I said to myself and leaned myself against the Great Knife. My voice came out garbled and metallic. "sO HoW WAs YoUR TrIp?" I asked her. She snarled at me and ripped a chunk of stone from the walls.

"You MONSTER!" She screamed at me throwing the boulder. My blade flew quick and stopped the boulder in its tracks. Unstoppable force, meet immovable object. The boulder was on my blade like a olive on a shish kabob. Two more smaller rocks were added, giving a hefty weight to the blade, but otherwise still felt the same. I saw tears flash in her eyes, I couldn't tell if they were sorrow, regret, or hate.

Actually, looking back on it now... they were empty. Empty tears, like that of someone who had seen too much. I ripped my Knife from the rocks and leaped in front of her, putting a meaty hand on her horn. The ring glowed with an intense power and I was able to see what had happened...

She entered Silent Hill...

She encountered the first monster...

She met the Siam and... Oh...? What's this? Murphy Pendleton? I was absent during this... AND she never called for me...

I felt a powerful force hit my stomach and I stumbled away from Celestia. Luna stood in front of her sister, her jaw clenched and she spook through her teeth. "Leave. My. Sister. ALONE!" My torso cocked to the side and I hefted the knife up over my shoulder. I growled at Luna, causing her to slip her stance only slightly. I regarded her for a minute before I sent my blade crashing into the marble floor. She looked at me, then the blade. "Well? Get on with it!"

I said nothing as I dragged the blade behind me, exiting the Elements' room. She wasn't worth it. I heard her scream for me to come back and fight, but I never did. Instead, I made it out to the courtyard, looking at all the statues. I saw many that I didn't know where there, but two in particular caught my eyes.

Discord's statue post, being barren. It must've stayed there so Celly could reminisce or something, then the other statue caught me eye. It was human, holding a two ended spear and it looked as though it was in the middle of an attack. My ring glowed a soft red light as I walked up to the statue. My hand ran along the stones' surface.

"Hahahaha! Watashi seresutia no anata no mahō o shiyō shiyou to shite iru!" ("Hahahaha! Trying to use your magic on me Celestia?!") A voice rang out from the statue. Cracks became more apparent on the statues' surface and it exploded with a white light. "Anata wa yowamushi o keisai shite kangaenakereba naranai!" ("You must think me for a weakling!")

As the light cleared, I looked up to see an armored samurai-esqe figure standing above me. "Watashi ni seresutia o kiku, banzai senshi wa kaettekita!!" ("Hear me Celestia, THE BANZAI WARRIOR IS BACK!!")

My ring glowed with an intensity of red. Kill him, he is a sinner... one of Pride... I know how much you hate the prideful ones...

"Nani? Machigatta seresutia wa nanidesu ka? Anata no unmei o mitasu koto o osorete?" ("What? What's wrong Celestia? Afraid to meet your doom?") I had no idea what he was saying, but I didn't like his voice. It was... obnoxious...

I groaned and gained his attention. "Na-Nani?! Seresutia! Anata wa watashi o tatakau tame ni tesaki, sābanto o sōshin! ...Bakkin. Watashitachiha, kare ga watashi no tsubasa harikēn ni taishite dono yō ni shori suru ka o mite mimashou!" ("Wh-What?! Celestia! You send a minion, a servant, to fight me?! ...Fine. Let us see how he handles against my BLADE HURRICANE!")

He twirled his spear around and it gathered some wind around it. Huh, I'm fighting an Elemental... whoopy... The spear whipped in my direction, making gales that stung. When I saw that a miniature full force hurricane had manifested, I clenched the Knife and stuck it in the ground. The Halo of the Sun swallowed up the knife, and replaced with a long, wooden shaft. I tugged on the Great Spear and held it aloft as the white clouds quickly went red.

"Sore wa dono yō ni kanjirudeshou ka? ! Wareware ga hanasu yō ni o hada ni kuimono ni sa rete iru koto o shitte iru!" ("How does it feel?! Knowing that your skin is being ripped off as we speak?!")

My spear flew through the clouds and into his chest. "Nani?" The tempest stopped and I stood in front of him gripping the spear and thrusting forward. "Itai... AHHHH! Itai! Itai! Itai! Itai! Itai! Itai! Itai!" ("It Hurts... AHHHH! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!")

He fell to the ground, gripping the spear. He then looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Māshī... Māshī!!" (Mercy... MERCY!!)

I bent down to his ear. "WHerE YoU aRe GoINg, MErCy iS NOt aN OpTIon..."

He looked at me with pained eyes as the Halo opened up underneath him. I enjoyed his screams... He screamed like a girl...

Fog Ladden Battlefield

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Gilgamesh POV

It was him, no doubt about it. The most terrifying creature to ever have trigonometry for a head. That giant "knife" he dragged along the ground somehow made the sound of metal against metal, despite the floor being stone. I faced him, readying my Naginata while I was still out of his range.

"I don't suppose you came here to talk?" I asked.

Pyramid Head POV: 20 minutes earlier

I watched in amusement as the human I had impaled sunk into the Halo and was sent to Silent Hill. The ring stopped glowing and my mind was settled once more. I struck the ground with end of the Great Spear and it was absorbed into a smaller Halo, and the Spear was replaced by my Knife again.

Plucking it out of the dirt, I stomped my way down to the town of Canterlot. The streets were barren and the doors looked to be barred and nailed shut. Celestia must’ve warned them, either that or my presence alone was enough to cause panic. As I trudged through Canterlot, taking in some sights like Broadhoof Theater and Celestia Monument, (Which I promptly cut to size), I suddenly felt a strong presence somewhere.

I looked down at the ring on my finger and it pointed with a barely noticeable red light that led straight to the Everfree. I let out a short groan before throwing the Knife on my shoulder and bolting for the forest.

When I stopped, I tilted my head in confusion. Like the last human I fought a good while ago, he had a spear, but unlike the other human, his spear was more barbed and he looked like he was celebrating for something. As quietly as I could I planted my blade to the ground and watched as the fog rolled in.

Somewhere in the distance Silent Hill’s Siren went off and gave the human even more confusion. I slowly began to circle my prey when he turned around and jumped back.

“I don’t suppose you came here to talk?” He asked still holding the spear in a defencive position. I looked at him and gauged his power. He looked like a powerful opponent, but the power emitting from him made him stronger.

“WeAKLing… WHy ArE YoU HeRE?” I asked in my metallic voice. I saw him visibly flinch at my voice.

"Huh. I'll be honest, kinda didn't expect you to talk. And what do you mean 'why am I here?' Why are you here? This isn't your version of Equestria."

“WhAT dO YoU MEaN? ...BeSIdEs ThE oNe iN ThE GaRDEnS, YoU arE ThE FirST HuMAn I’Ve MeT…”

Wait...what? Does he have memory loss or something?

“Did… Did you just say that I was the first human you’ve met?” A nod “You mean, you don’t remember… Auric?” I looked at him as best as I could but did not speak. “Nemesis?” Again, silence. “Not even… uh… Didn’t you meet ANYone beside me?”

I shook my head as best I could before throwing my blade on my shoulder. “arE YoU AlRIght? YoU SoUNd DeLuSIoNAl.”

“Says the walking horror with the geometry head,” he replied sarcastically. “So, if you’re actually conversing with me, can I take that you aren’t about to try and take my head off?”

“ONlY iF YoU AttACk FiRSt…”

He cautiously lowered his weapon. “I’m sorry, I just… can barely believe this is happening… I mean, what with what I’ve heard about you so far.”

“WhAt HaVE YoU HeARd? GoOD ThINGs I HopE.” I stared down at him for a little bit as he fidgeted. He was nervous about something. Everyone has a tick, hell even I do, but his was a little more… subtle than most.

“Uh… I’m not really sure I should say, but suffice to say you’re not exactly well received around those I’ve met. I don’t feel comfortable saying more than that.” His tick was a little more noticeable if one looked close.

“...Is ThAT sO? WeLL YoU CamE foR a ReaSON, WhAT iS iT?” I said, leaning on my blade. I saw him eye it cautiously, but he didn’t raise his own weapon in response.

“Uh, well, if I’m not in my Equestria than I’m here by accident. Which is odd because I don’t remember explicitly traveling to another reality, just another location of my own. So, um… Guess I’ll be going now?”

Just as I was about to bid him farewell, a rumble came from the ground below us. “What the…?”

“WhAt In ThE WoRlD?” My eyes widen as the world began to shift, becoming more red than white. “WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, HOLD ON TO YOUR MENTALITY!” This is odd… No, this was scary. The fact that we’re being pulled into its lair… Something’s not right…

I fell in the center. while the armor clad human fell to the other side. I looked up to see meat sacks hanging above us. This was not good… “ARe YoU AlRIghT?”

He stood up and brushed his armor. “Yeah, I’m fine, but where are we?”

“SEPULCHER! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!” The ground shifted the gnarled tree next to me rose into the air, which revealed a sickening humanoid. The warrior was gawking, I wasn’t sure out of surprise, or disgust.


Sepulcher looked at the warrior regarding him, then sent its fist straight out at him. He barely managed to dodge in time before Sepulcher turned back to me. It roared in anger and picked me up in its hands.

“RELEASE ME AT ONCE!” It squeezed the air out my lungs then I heard a couple of rips pop. Taking the Knife, I stabbed it into his hand and twisted. “A LiTTle HELP WoULd BE APPRECIATED!” I yelled at the warrior.

“Right, sorry! ASSKICKING TIME IS NOW!” He shouted as he jumped at Sepulcher’s head. The creature noticed his charge and threw me at him. “Sorry!” he shouted as he actually managed to vault off me mid-air and slam his weapon into Sepulcher’s head, smashing it to the ground.

Sepulcher roared with a fury unlike anything I’ve seen, and slammed both fists down, knocking back the warrior. I got up again clenched my weapon before I threw it like a spear at Sepulcher. It struck dead center of its chest and reared up in pain before retreating into the ceiling.

“DAMN! ThAt WaS My GooD SwORD ToO…” I said, disappointed that it left with my sword. My left hand conjured a portal, and I dug in and pulled out the Great Spear. He stared at the 15 foot spear. “WhAt?”

“Uh, nothing, just… ok, I haven’t played whatever Silent Hill this guy’s from, care to give some advice?” he asked as he turned and readied himself, facing the hanging monstrosity.

I chuckled. “YeAh. DoN’T GeT KillED.” I said as I pulled one of the meat sacks on the side and Sepulcher came crashing back down. Its face, if it could be called that, looked straight at us as it swiped its arms. We both managed to dodge it, but it swung back knocking me to the ground. “Listen to your own advice Scotty…”

Its fist came crashing down. I rolled quickly out of the way and stood back up just in time to see the human stab his spear into its back. “IN THE NAME OF YOSHITAKA AMANO, I COMMAND THEE BEGONE SPAWN OF THE DARKEST PIT!” he cried before firing a barrage of lasers at its face.

Sepulcher, momentarily stunned, writhed for a second before falling to the ground. “Is… Is that it?” The chain holding Sepulcher up snapped and the rest of it fell from the ceiling. Without saying a word, I frantically threw the warrior off its back. Sepulcher reared up and dropped on his back, crushing whatever was behind it. It growled at us before slamming its fist in the ground, pulling out a pipe. A really big one at that.

“... ThAt WaSn’T In ThE GamE…” “Ain’t a game you dingus, IT’S REAL FUCKING LIFE! YOU COULD DIE!” Huh, so that’s why it was called mind over--


“Ahhahaha…” Okay. That really fucking hurt. Like a freight train just ran into me full speed hurt.

Gilgamesh POV

“... ThAt WaSn’T In ThE GamE…” He muttered before being slammed across the room by a mighty swing of the pipe, crashing into the wall. He laughed weakly, probably from the pain.


Pyramid Head was getting his ass handed to him. Pyramid Head. And the worst part was, I was actually considering letting him die. It seemed like he was early in his timeline, not the monster and punisher of “sinners” that I’d heard of, or at least not to the extent I’d seen, which means I might be able to stop him from attacking others. But could I really just stand back and let him be slain? He was one of us, the Displaced, brought here with powers we didn’t ask for, in a world that did not accept us.

No. I can’t do it. Ignoring what might happen if he’s not around, what might pop up if he’s not allowed to stop it, I can’t just let something die. All life is precious, and the only kind of creatures I have no qualms about ending were those who existed purely to end and harm the lives of others. Sorry Auric, and you too Nemmy, but better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

“FOUL CREATURE! YIELD AT ONCE OR YE SHALL BE SMITTEN!” I shouted, catching the monstrosities attention. It responded by raising it’s pipe and swinging down at me, which I barely managed to deflect with my Genji Shield.

“VERY WELL THEN!” I replied with a jumping kick to its face, sending it back by several feet, before backflipping away. “THOU HATH CHOSEN THY FATE! THOUGH I MAY NOT BE AT FULL POWER, I STILL HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH STRENGTH TO BEST THEE! LET’S SEE HOW YOU HANDLE THE FIRST TRANSFORMATION OF THE MIGHTY ME!” I planted my naginata in the ground before striking my henshin pose. “AND BY ‘ME’ I MEAN ‘GILGAMESH’! AND BY ‘HANDLE’ I MEAN ‘DIE’!”

I went through the motions of my transformation before by body burst with light. Within seconds I now was in the form of Gilgamesh’s transformation from Final Fantasy V. I stared down the beast heroically posing with my claws in my top right hand, my axe in my top left, Excalipoor held by two bottom most right hands, my second highest left hand gripping my naginata, my bottom left wielding my flail, and the two arms in the normal position folded across my nearly bare chest, covered only by my ornate shoulder plating.

The fiend roared at me and I began spinning my flail in response. It swung the pipe at me horizontally, which I easily hopped over and swung my flail into its face with enough force to send it not only across the room, but lodge into the high part of the wall.

I looked back to Pyramid Head, who was now standing and having retrieved his spear, only gazed at me with what I could only guess was shock. Hard to tell without an actual face.

“I’m sorry, but I seem to remember someone calling me ‘weak’ before. Care to revise that assessment?” I asked with a smirk.

“REgaRdLeSS of StrEnGTh, YoU ArE WEaK AgaINsT ME.” He replied with an almost proud voice. The ring on his finger glowed an ungodly red before he lunged at the monster shoving his spear into its neck. I saw his muscles grow taught as he lifted it in the air with ease. He thrusted again, making the spear tip fly through the other side. At first, I confused, then I saw him wrap chains around each end of his spear.

“HiT ME!” he said taking the chains around his arms. Whatever he had come up with, it better be good. I dashed over and used my momentum to slam my foot into his chest. Thankfully, I didn't hear any ribs break. He flew back into the wall, pulling the chain with him, and in the process, the spear as well. The spear ripped through the muscle of Sepulcher’s neck.

Pyramid Head POV

Bloody hell, it worked. When I was younger, I always made Play-Doh people and shoved pencils through them. When you ripped out the pencil, it always left a big, gaping hole. Same basic principal. The spear flew through Sepulcher’s neck, effectively decapitating it and the spear flew--


Holy Mary’s tits that was close. I shifted a little in my hole in the wall and saw the spear a good five inches away from where my face would be. A gulp escaped me, and I took the spear and sent it back to the Arsenal. I went to Sepulcher’s chest and pulled out my knife, but in the process also pulled out a doll as well. It was Robby the Rabbit again. I saw the warrior change back as he joined me near the giant corpse. “A good show of technique and skill! Pray tell, what made you think of this tactic?”

“...It’s a… Long story.” I said, my voice turning back to normal. This caught him by surprise. “You know, I never got your name. Who are you?”

He looked at me for a bit before striking a pose. "So you are unfamiliar with my tales of grandeur? Then allow me to inject some awe into your horribly deprived life! I am the mighty warrior of the multiverse who traverses time and space seeking worthy opponents, and plenty of good times. Gaze upon my magnificence, my geometrically-headed friend for you bask in the glory of the one, the only, the Mighty Gilgamesh!"

As he finished I saw a tumbleweed go by, which was particularly odd considering where we were.

"Huh. So that always shows up, huh? My speeches make tumbleweeds go by. The world's most unimpressive superpower. It's like if I had the ability to make the elastic on socks loosen."

“Well… I give you… B for effort. And you say you look for the strongest warriors? Then, if you allow me, let put something else on for this occasion…” The Knife dug into the ground and I clapped my hands together as the fog rolled in and consumed me and the blade fell into a Halo. A quick roar escaped my mouth as the Great Cleaver flew from the fog and I had taken the attire and roll of The Butcher from Origins.

“So, you want to fight now? Or later?”

He flinched for a moment before readying his Naginata. "Only if this is sparring match. I don't feel particularly keen on harming my fellow Displaced. Also, can we leave this location? It's a little... Putrid."

I quick laugh escaped me. “Fine. If you insist.” I clicked my fingers and we on the border of Canterlot and Ponyville. “And to answer your question: Yes, this is only a sparring match”

“What I said wasn’t a question!” he said with what I could tell was smile. He began running towards me as I only stood there. “Well? You gonna block or--” I raised the Cleaver as his spear came thrusting forth, and it went straight through the hole near the tip. Quickly turning, I threw him off and into the open field.

“Is that it? I’m bored already…”

Gilgamesh POV

Ok, I'll admit, that was pretty good.

I quickly stood up and readied myself as his simply stood there. If he had a face I would've guessed he was smirking.

Well, this is certainly unexpected. Having a friendly sparring match with a creature that was pretty much synonymous on the internet with "YOU GONNA GET RAPED."

Since he seemed stronger than me, I decided to get creative.

"Your strength is great indeed, but it is not always the strongest who wins!" I shouted before casting Earthquake. The ground shook and just as he began to stumble I rocket forward and slammed both my feet into his head. Amazingly, though it pushed him back by several yards, he managed to remain standing.

He chuckled, then it turned into a full blown laugh. “Now you’re making it interesting!” He took a step and… Where did he go?

“Boo.” Behind me. He’s that quick?! I jumped out of the way just in time to dodge a slash from that cleaver. “Oh, jumping away like a pansy? I did’nae take ye for a PUSSY!” He said in a more Scottish accent. Wait… did he just call me a pussy?!

"Impudence! What fool stays still and takes an attack that would damage them!? Aqua Breath!"

A stream of fist size bubbles sprayed from my mouth and surrounded him.

"Seriously? Who attacks with-?"

He was cut off when one of them burst with force of a grenade. Others followed and soon he was stumbling back forth like a pinball.

"I do!" I shouted and slammed the flat of my blade into his midsection, sending him tumbling. "Also Pokémon!"

He stood back up and brushed himself off. “Really? Going all out while I am at half-strength? I thought you were a WARRIOR! NOT A FAIRY!” He stepped slower this time and I met the flat of the cleaver followed by his foot in my gut. I used the force from his kick to backflip away, groaning in pain as I landed.

"Ok, one, 'all out?' Did you not see my transformation earlier? Two, if you're trying to anger me by questioning my masculinity, I'm comfortable enough with myself to enjoy the land of the magical ponies, you walking phallic symbol. Three, HURRICANE!"

I swung my blade in large sweep and sent a tornado of wind magic at him. He held fast, barely moving back a few inches, but appeared to be restricted. I dashed forward and slammed my Naginata onto his head, getting a satisfying metal clang, before throwing my weapon into the air and stepping behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.


I suplexed him before continuing the roll and righting ourselves. I then grabbed one leg and arm and lifted him into the air.


I smashed his back into my knee before turning and using my momentum to hurl him upwards. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him as he began to fall, his head facing down as we began spinning.

"BUSTER!" I shouted as we both crashed into the ground. I rolled away and reached up to grab my weapon as it fell. I saw him get up and face me, not looking any worse for wear.

"Oh, come on!" I yelled in frustration. Surprisingly enough however, he began to laugh.

“HAHAHAHA! It’s been a while since I was beaten into the ground like that! The last time I remember was when Luna spiked me into the castle floor like a football!” He clicked his fingers and some kind of portal appeared underneath me.

“Now, it’s my turn…” I was sucked into the portal and everything was upside down, except for metal head. “Ever wonder? Wonder what it feels like having a knife in your arm?” A phantom pain began to linger in my left arm. “Or a arrow in your shoulder?” Now it spread to my shoulder.

“A sword to the knee, halberd to ribcage, an axe to the side?” All these phantom pains were spreading from the origin of where he called out. I was feeling dizzy. “What about this? A sword to the heart, and arrow to the head…” He clicked his fingers again and everything was right-side up. Only one problem though.

Everything felt like how he had said. I fell to my knees at the pain. It hurt so much… but I couldn’t afford to stop here, not yet anyway. “Nice trick… Tricking the senses into thinking that they feel pain… Well played…So let's do away with that little weakness."

I'm gonna have to thank Xante for this one.

I started blaring Dragonforce's "Fury of the Storm", something that seemed to catch him off guard.

"LET'S SEE YOU REACH MY EARS NOW!" I shouted, barely able to hear even myself, before casting Penetrating Beam and hitting him in the chest with the massive laser, causing him to stumble backwards. I was about to continue when I looked up and noticed something, a whole squad of pegasi.

Aw damn it. I don't need another Equestria seeing me as the bad guy.

I killed the metal and grabbed the knife wielder by the arm.

"C'mon, geometry wars, bail out!" I yelled before opening a portal with my Naginata.

I felt movement in my hand and saw that geometry head was pulling away from me. “You go, it was nice to spar to with you! Take this,” he said giving me the doll. “If you ever need me for whatever reason, just say the incantation: Fear given form and terror incarnate, hear my voice through Limbo and aide me in my darkest hour.”

I held the doll before the portal and cutting open another, this one leading into the Rift where I could head back home. “I appreciate it but… look, the way I’ve heard of you before now was some judgment obsessed nutjob who attacks others like us. I’m not sure if it’s avoidable, but if it is, I’m begging you please stop that from happening. I know you’ve probably got it rough with this Equestria considering your looks, but maybe you can just find a way to at least get the Princesses to help send you back home, if that’s what you want. Just… just please, don’t become a monster.”

He looked silent before he turned around to face the pegasi. “That’s the thing Gilgamesh… I am a monster…” With those final words he kicked me into my portal.

“No, wait!” I screamed but it closed. I was about to cut open another portal to go back but stopped.

It’s his choice. As much as I don’t like it, he ultimately gets to decide what he is. Evils of free will, I suppose.

I stood on my naginata, preparing to ride back to my own Equestria.

“I wish you the best, Pyramid Head. I hope kindness can pierce your soul, however slightly,” I muttered before speeding off through the Rift.

What I didn’t know, however, was what he said after he kicked me in…

“I may be a monster… but that doesn’t mean I have to act like one… Although, she will not forgive me easily for what I have done…”

You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine...

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As I watched Gilgamesh fly into the portal, I turned back to the guards. They looked at me with fear and uncertainty as I approached. What I wasn't expecting, however, was Celestia herself coming up to me with the aid of Shining Armor. "I haven't seen that particular attire at least a thousand years ago." She said looking me up and down in my Butcher attire. The fog quickly picked up around me and I turned back into my normal self, sans the Great Knife.

"iT'S Not... My fault your memory is bad..." I said my voice no longer metallic and garbled. In extreme moments of solace or content, I slowly start changing back into my normal self, my real self. That's what was happening right now. After realizing that something was wrong when Sepulcher was attacking us, I tried to forcefully enter contact with Alessa, only to find she had gone silent. Something was not right, and I had forced myself to become calm before Celestia's guards came to get me.

My form slowly shrunk down, going from an eight foot tall behemoth, to a normal 6"2 man. My beard was scraggly and my hair was mess, and my pants and shirt were ripped. Celestia no longer looked at me with a straight gaze, and bent her head down slightly to look me in the eyes. "So," she said with a hint of surprise, "this is the man behind the mask?"

"Yeah, don't get used to it because this probably gonna be a one time thing." I said waving my hand around. Being as I was, I was extremely vulnerable. Pyramid Head can take stabbing, I can't. Pyramid Head can take arrows, I can't. I sighed before I did the appropriate thing, and bowed in front of Celestia. I saw her shadow perk up one ear, and I looked up at her shocked expression. "I am no longer the one you seek, nor am I one that needs to cause violence. Celestia, I was actually hoping you would come to me, for I have much to discuss with you..."

"So, wait... You mean to tell me, that the reason why you're like this, is because of a ring that a merchant gave you?" Celestia said astonished. I had just finished telling her about the Con, the merchant, and the ring he gave me. At my nod, she continued. "Well, what happened afterwards?"

"That's where it gets fuzzy... I remember putting on the ring, realizing all of this was real, heard a pony scream... everything else just blurs... I remember meeting someone like me, Alice, I think... but that's it... Apparently! Somewhere in the gap, I fought you or vise versa, and suddenly ZAP! In stone. So could you please fill that part in for me?"

She hesitated at first, gulped and nodded. "Well, when we first found you, you were singing..."

Celestia: 1000 Years ago, Everfree Province

"Sister," Luna said trudging through the mud, "Must we hunt him down instead him come to us? After all, our magic knows no equal."

"Neigh, my sister, our enemy has a strong magical resistance that sends those who use it into his realm. I've seen it before used on Lieutenant Chunk." I said as we continued through the forest. Mine and Luna's ears perked up, hearing the rhythmic sound of...

"Music?" We chorused. I looked down at my younger sibling before we went galloping through, hearing the music becoming louder and louder. When we came to the origin, however, we were surprised for the first time in ten years. We saw the monster, The Bane, as ponies called it, holding a small bundle singing softly to it. My sister and I stepped as quietly as possible and looked over the monster's shoulders and saw something we never thought to see again.

A small Fae, with snow white skin and silver hair laid in his arms gently snoring with a smile on her face. Since we were so close to it, I couldn't help but smile at the lyrics it sang.

Sunshine, my only Sunshine...

You make me happy, when skies are grey...

You'll never know, dear, how much I'll love you...

So please, don't go away...

You'll never know, dear, how much I love you...

So don't take~ my Sunshine away...

While, I smiled softly at the behemoth, and the Fae that sat in his arms, Luna on the other hoof, decided it was time in make ourselves known. She called out to it, to which it ignored her. She tried again, and this time thrust a hoof at it. It stopped singing, and the atmosphere changed suddenly. The once green trees turned darker and the clarity of the forest was lost to miles wide mist. We heard it's voice.

"Eva... Evangelin..." There was a small gasp, followed by the Fae speaking. "You... you never called me that before until now... Visk, who are they?" She must've been able to see us through the fog. It told her to wait in the forest, to run as fast as she could. It told her to stay in it's hiding spot, and that he promised he would be back. The King's Blade materialized in his hand and she gave it one last hug before running off into the forest.

"I do not like it when I am interrupted," It said with an even voice. Something I was not used to as it was reported to have a garbled voice, like pony speaking underneath the water. "What are you here for? Have you come to take Evangelin away from me?"

"Neigh, we have come to stop you, Bane!" Luna cried before diving towards him. He lifted his blade and slapped her down into the ground with the flat of it. My eyes widened and wings flared out before launching myself at him as well, but teleporting behind him and slamming into his bare back. He arched back, but caught himself and grabbed my leg before tossing me back into a tree.

I looked around the fogged forest before catching a glint of sunlight off of his helmet. I tore the tree out from underneath me and slammed him with pushing him in to the ground. My smile was wiped from my face as he picked up the tree with one arm holding his blade. With a mighty roar, he threw it off of him before getting back up on his feet. He made a quick swipe at me, making a small gash in my coat, he followed up with another. I jumped back and saw him running towards me and before I knew it, it was too late.

I realized that he had made an X on my chest, and his blade flew swiftly through it. I could hear Luna's voice but, it was muffled, like somepony had shoved cotton in my ears. I looked down to see myself dangling from his blade. A triumphant roar escaped him, and he tossed my away and I barreled into Luna. Everything went black shortly after...

Celestia: Present

"Luna told me the wound I had suffered would've been fatal had it not been for your aim. She admitted that she was on the verge of killing you, and had it not been for my being still alive, we would've never used the Elements on you." She said, finishing her tale.

It took some time to process all of this, but one question still came to me. "What happened to that Fae? Evangelin?"

She bowed her head at me with a sad look in her eyes. "I... I am sorry. While I was unconscious, Luna never told me she used the blade against you, and she paid for it, and turned into Nightmare Moon. In fury, she had destroyed what is now Ponyville, and used to be a part of the Everfree. The part where we fought and you told the Fae to hide. I looked everywhere for her, and I have still found nothing, so I presumed the Fae dead..."

My ring's light grew, but only faintly. "Dead? From what I understand she was a child Celestia. A child! You let Luna do that?!" My rage grew, little by little.

"No!" She exclaimed, "Luna didn't, Nightmare Moon did! The forces of your blade twisted her mind and her magic! She almost killed me and I didn't know why!" She grew silent as my rage dimmed. "...I was scared..."

After a brief moment of silence, I sighed and laid a hand on her head. "I can fix them, the bearers I mean." I said, and she instinctively pulled away. "I am afraid too. Before my meeting with Gilgamesh, my daughter and master, Alessa, was nowhere to be heard. I tried to force a connection, to hear her voice so she could order me, and yet, I heard nothing. That's why I am afraid, because without Alessa, Silent Hill has no one to lead it, and I can't on my own, not yet. So," I said getting on my hands and knees before her. "I ask of this only once Celestia, will you accept me into Equestria, not as a monster nor a man, but a friend who is ready to be there whenever you need him?"

She stared at me for some time before laying a hoof on my shoulder. I looked up at her smile, and she nodded at me with only kindness in her eyes. "Yes, I will accept. On one condition, however." She said, holding her head high. "I want to fix the bearers this instant, most importantly, Twilight Sparkle."

With a smile a click of my fingers, the portal to Canterlot Castle opened next to us. "Yes, your Majesty."

Time and Time Again...

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It matters not what time has told, but what what it will tell. It matters not that you have it all when you really want nothing. All that matters is that you're breathing...

But of course, as a wise man once said: All good things come to an end...

The War Of Understanding

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Pyramid Head: 4 Years After the Canterlot Crisis

To those of sound mind, sound heart. To they that would stand against evil, in the face of Armageddon. To the warriors and heroes, both celebrated and unsung. To my fellow Displaced, I call on you. I am Auric Fulcrum, Knight of the Eclipse, wielder of Alchemy's might. All I hold dear is being threatened by another Displaced. I know not why he seeks to fight me, but as I am, I cannot fight him and win. I require allies while I repair my self. I call on you to aid me, and promise you this: should the side of Light prevail, then I will grant they that aid me whatever boons I can as rewards, within reason. I hope that is not the only reason you choose to fight for me, but in my experience, you motivate more people with a pile of treasure and a kind plea than a kind plea alone.

The message had come straight through the Dark Mirror, much like the mirror in Equestria Girls. While the Dark Mirror was the entrance to the Evil Universe, it's also my gateway to the late Silent Hill and vise versa.

"So, old Franky's gotten himself into the midst of a war..." I said as I looked at the carnage below me. All the creatures of Silent Hill had been freed from the servitude, yet they are still loyal to me. I am no longer the monster I once was, but rather the monster everyone needed.

I chuckled.

"Sorry, Terry, but Auric's more important that you could possibly know..."

Inherently Evil...?

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It was about two days later I had healed the Mane Six with the mysterious health drink that Silent Hill had always offered. I started with Applejack, who even though at first outright refused, took the magical drink in spite of her own pride. After tasting, she said it tasted like strawberries, which she didn't hate, but rather it be apples instead. After her, I went to Pinkie, who had both her front legs torn open after I had popped her bones out. She took it far with less resistance, and was soon up and about bouncing off the walls. Soon next was Fluttershy. When I found that she was being fed through a straw, I did the easy thing: Pour the drink into her cup. Soon she was starting to feel much better and could sing with that beautiful voice of hers. Next came Rainbow who, I found out, was in a coma. I set up and IV and the drink began dripping in her slowly, after half a bottle, she was starting to breath on her own again, and began choking on the air tube that was in her lungs. She woke with a fright to us smiling back.

Pinkie briefly explained, and while still reluctant to this day, she joined us. We found Rarity in the room next door, and while she had breathing tube too, she was wide awake. We fed her the drink through an IV, but it took less than half a bottle this time. I told the other five to wait here while I went to find where Twilight was. I knew she wasn't in the intensive care part of the hospital, so I went to the psych-ward. When the doctors saw me, I was outside of my normal appearance; I was no longer Pyramid Head for that short while. After some quick directions, I made my way to room 657. There was Twilight, null ring around her horn, strapped down to the joint, and muzzle around her mouth. Only her eyes moved and they locked onto me in a heartbeat. She could see everything I saw in the Hill, so to her everything was already peeling away. She was slowly crossing into the Other World, I knew that she would vanish into it as well. So I covered her eyes with my hand, and chanted an old prayer, one that only myself and Alessa knew. After an intense 30 minutes, I managed to get Twilight to calm down to the point of sanity, but they only problem being is that I couldn't take away what she had already seen.

The room stopped it’s peeling, and went back to normal, and her breathing began to start stabilizing. Her eyes were still wide, but they began to scan the room.

“It is no trick, I can assure you that.” I said, gently reaching for the muzzle. She began to thrash, expecting me to harm her, but I covered her eyes once more and grabbed the muzzle. She calmed down and I undid the straps.

“Listen, young Twilight,” I said to her, “Before I came, what did you see?” I asked, and she was just about to scream.

“I… I saw… Horrible things, voices whispering nothing but despair in ears, in my head… Saying things about my past failures, how I was a nobody unicorn, a worthless worm… A… A no good… “ She began sobbing, and I know why. The music was still engraved in her memory, it’s something not even I can take away, for once it’s unholy melody begins… You’re fate is sealed.

I could hear that music too, it continued, ever playing in my brain. Something from the Hill must be coming, something big enough to stir the music within me as well. Sepulcher was dead, no doubt, myself and Gilgamesh killed it. Only Scarlet, Amnion, and Ansphyxision could produce the music to writhe. Only now, it began to fade from us both, and Twilight visibly settled down as the music disappeared. Something was happening in Silent Hill, something that needed my attention. I undid Twilight’s bonds and removed the null ring around her horn.

“The next time you see Celestia, tell her I never meant anything I ever did. I did it because of the ring around my finger. It actively hunts down what are known as Sinners, and it has me destroy them. Her old guards, the one’s from around 1000 years ago, they were all Sinners, especially her captain.” I explained to her. I could already see the questions boiling in her mind. “Not here, Sparkle, save the barrage of questions for later.” I assured her. “For now, I will temporarily suppress the voices in your mind,” I said placing my left hand on her forehead.

“I am not evil, I am not kind, I may do evil things, say stuff I don’t mean, but that’s not me. For now, I am free to do whatever you wish, and I will do anything in my power to protect you, Celestia, and all of Equestria.” She gave a sigh of relief, and I knew the voices stopped in her head. “However, until the ring on my hand begins to glow again, I will leave to return to my duties.” I backed away from her cell and gestured for her to follow me. “Hmmm… You know what? Just one question for now.” I said looking back at her.

The question she asked would be the hardest one to answer however. “Why?”

I stopped dead in my tracks. And I thought very carefully about my answer. “Remember how Trixie was using the Alicorn Amulet and it caused her to go into a megalomanic state?” She nodded. “Well, it’s kinda the same way with me, only I have to accept that I’m willing doing it. Like forcing yourself to pull out a splinter even though it hurts.” I explained. She looked down at the ground then back up at me.

“So you were fully aware of what you were doing to us? How could you?” She had tears in her eyes…

“Because!... Because it wasn’t my decision to make… I’ll have lapses of hate and then I need to rid them the only way an Executioner knows how. And that’s to execute.” I said with a raised voice. “Is it my fault that I wanted nothing more to cause pain amongst others? Maybe… But I had learned hundreds of years ago that some things aren’t always in your control, some things are just attached to the threads that life pulls around. Now I feel as though the strings of torture and pain are gone and now I have-- I’m rambling aren’t I?” I said with a sheepish smile.

Twilight shook her head. “No, no it was good, go on.” She pushed, but thankfully her friends came around the corner to meet us. “Thank Christ for that…” I thought myself. I hate monologuing to myself. I’m still doing it!

“Hiya Twilight! Feeling better now?” Pinkie asked jumping up and down. Twilight was to say the least confused as to all her friends suddenly got better. I saw the look and gave her the bottle. “Here,” I said, “You can analyze this back at your home, for now I got a job to do.”

“And what’s that?” Rainbow said skeptically.

I gave a big smile and proudly said, “Keter Duty.”


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It had been a couple of days since I swore myself to Celestia, giving her my full story about being turned into a monster. Not like I had a choice in the matter anyways. I remember seeing all of Season 4 before coming here and everyone was on the Season 5 hype train, so I had already knew the events that would unfold in the next month. I had already slept through episodes 1 and 2 when I was first released, that's why Celestia and Luna were both there in the Elements room. Twilight's battle with Tirek hadn't yet happened so hopefully I could either be of use to her.

Course, after that I had proclaimed my newest job was "Keter Duty", Discord had popped in with the look of absolute rage on his face. While he was happy to see Fluttershy back to full health, he had me trapped in bubble the size of a pea. Of course, this didn't kill me, and I'll explain why in a moment, but it did give me some severe everything pains. From a migraine the size of Africa, to a foot cramp with a passion, as soon as he let me go I was still more-or-less in the shape of a ball. My back was sore enough, and this just worsened it, but oh well beggars and choosers right? I almost forgot to mention I had some memories back as well, and I remembered... things.

Anyway as for why I can't die... Well to put it bluntly, reality wont let me die, because I already did. When I put on the ring and everything went red, it's because I burned to death. And according to Alessa when I first met her, she said and I quote: "One life, one death. Anything after is just there, you can't die nor are you living. The only way for you to officially die is for myself to die and as you can see... That didn't work out too well."

Now however was the day of the Episode "Daring Don't" when Rainbow, Twilight, and the rest of them are looking A.K. Yearling. I decided to stay behind, I wanted to... clarify to Celestia that everything I did I didn't really want to do it.

"Celestia, thank you for taking time out of your amazingly... boring schedule" I said as I sipped on some fresh cows milk. Not straight from the utter mind you, I still like my milk pasteurized. Celestia nodded and took a sip of her tea.

"Yes, it was amazing that I even found a space in there for this meeting. So, care to tell me--" She was saying. I cut her off, and didn't fully realize I had 'dropped the spaghetti'

"Celestia listen, I want to be frank so I can get it off my chest. I didn't mean to do what I did. All those years ago, I'm sorry, but your guards from back then... they were planning to kill you, and I couldn't stand idly by--" Now I was cut off from a magic glow holding my lip shut. She looked at me with a serious face.

"Do you know why I gave a chance despite everything you have done?" She asked. I honestly didn't know why, whether it was out of the kindness of her heart (doubt it) or something else I wasn't sure. "Because," she continued. "I know that deep down you a caring creature that has, or rather HAD, a regard for life. If that's still in you I don't know, but I believe something might be able to bring it out again, whether that means by force, or some other magic. I believe it is inside you, and I want to cherish that fact." She said letting go of my mouth. Hmm, I didn't really think of that...

An old memory came floating back to me. "You remember when you saw Evangeline and I in the forest?" I said out of the blue. She nodded, telling me that I was singing for her before telling her to leave. "Do you know anything before that?" I said my tone dripping with curiosity. She shook her head. "Well then, hunker down the fort, because I got a story to tell..."

Approx. 1013 Years Ago

"Evangeline you come down right this instant!" I yelled with authority. I had been about 3 years since I started to be father figure to her. Granted, she told me that her parents would always let her climb the trees, but after one incident that I had just barely been able to catch her, I put a restriction on how high she could climb. She stuck her tongue out at me, and proceeded to climb higher and higher and just like last time, she fell but rather on purpose. Did a small flip, and she turned into a small white dove. She landed on the end of my helm, and even as a bird, I could still see a smile on her face. "Now, now, just because you pulled off that kinda stunt doesn't mean you get off Scot-Free. You're still in trouble young lady." I said sternly. She pouted and rested on my should and in a cloud of mist she turned back into her Fae form.

"Awww, Visk! Why? I did all of that for you and still ground me? You're no fun anymore..." She said as she pouted. It was rather cute. Now don't get me wrong, I cared for her as if she were my own (in a way she kinda was) but I was only caring for her until she came of age, would be at least 20 or so years according to her. While we were walking through my Ring shone violently, and a portal appeared in front of me. Normally, it would be to the Hill, but this... I could smell the Lust behind it. I put down Evangeline, and looked at her.

"Please stay here Eva, I'll be back in an hour or so. Be a good girl, and don't follow me." I said as I walked though the doorway.

Present Day

"Well, after I walked through the portal, I was immediately hit with the smell of sex. As soon as I realized this, I looked around and found out a tyrannical Caribou named Dainn, who turned Equestria into the sex capital of the world. I made my way to the castle in Canterlot, and to much to their charging. I wasn't hindered once, for one look at me they soon realized I was... WrONg..." I said my voice began to garble at the end, I seemed to be loosing it.

"I opened the doors to see you, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight on all fours doing... Unspeakable things. Things I dare not repeat." I said with a low growl. I looked at Celestia, she was sporting a disgusted look and I shared the sentiment. "I gave him 5 days, to stop his ways and to quash his own regime, and I would forgive him and be on my way. He never listened and to spite me, he held a "Rape Party" in the ballroom, and needless to say I lost it. I said to myself to hell with 5 days, I'll give him 5 minutes. Even then, I just snapped. The lock on the back of my helmet is meant as somewhat of a last resort. There are... panels, inside that open and releases the Fog. The Fog destroyed everything, stone turned to dust, living flesh went rotten, and the land and everything with it, died.

"All, except Dainn." I said to with a even lower growl. Celestia was shocked actually, to here such a thing. "He saw himself as God, so I turned him into that. I gave him an Immortals blessing, and gave the ability on what my master called "Nevermore". She said it would reanimate dead cells, instantly and the best part is that it fries the nerve endings making feeling pain impossible. He cannot die. He will not die. He will always be alive, and nothing with change that fact even the death of the universe, could do nothing to destroy him, being constantly destroyed and remade in a moments notice. He would go insane from the loneliness, and he would go mental at the fact he would never die.

"And you know the best part of this Celestia?" I asked and she shook her head. "The only reason I did what I did was because he spited me. Those who spite me, those who do bad my me, I will see to it that their lives are living hells." I sighed heavily and I looked at her.

"I killed the world once, and I don't want to again. So please, do not cross me." I said with a sad sigh, and not to my surprise she let out a small sound and nodded only once. The universal sign of understanding. We both heard a small sound to the side of the table. It was cat, probably 3 years old; she must've snuck in from some pet store. I picked her up and set her on my lap where she lied down and began purr. "But also remember Celestia, I can be one of great compassion, despite my brutish, destroying nature. If given the chance, I can be the destroyer of your enemies, while at the same time I can be your greatest friend and ally. However, my services aren't exactly... free willing." I said getting a raised eyebrow.

"Well," She said, putting on the diplomat act, "I'm sure a contract can be arranged for you. What sort of contract did you have in mind?"

"...You're not going to like it but... Have you ever heard of Soul Contracts?" Her cup that she just sipping from broke on the floor when her magic failed. Yeah, I had a feeling this would be the case. "Because my Master and Daughter, Alessa, holds the other Ring of The Sun, she will be forever be my Soul-Sibling, until she dies which would be rather hard considering she's like you, a god. However, I can Soul Bind myself to someone else as long as I have three things: Both parties permissions, the contract with all details, and an oath of allegiance, swearing the one making the Contract with the Binder. Of course though, you already know this."

Celestia was silent for a long time, whether thinking a way through it, or actually contemplating it, though knowing her, she would try to first reason then if she has no other choice, she'll go with it. Shouldn't get my hopes up though, she and Star Swirl banned Soul Contracts after a group necromancers made deals with the dead giving their souls in return for the Dread Drake's return. Now for a bit of history! The Dread Drake was said to be the only being capable to destroy the Life Trees. We already know two of these Trees, the Tree of Harmony, and the Crystal Heart. Now I know, the Hearts a tree? No, the entire Crystal Spire i the Tree and the Heart is well, the heart of the Tree. This one is the Tree of Love. The last Tree is actually located in the southern most part of Equis, though no one has laid mortal eyes on it. Only the dead and dying can see the giant tree, and those that have only describe it as beautiful.

This tree was known to many as the Tree of Life and Death. Like life, it was elusive to those who tried to look for it, and when you found it, like death it will welcome you with nothing but open arms... er, branches. However Celestia and Luna and even Discord, called it something else: The Tree of Souls. Like the other two trees, it's made entirely of crystals, however unlike the other two, it's overflowing with ancient Soul Magic, a form of magic that hasn't been seen in near thousands upon thousands of years. The last remaining descendant of those who were gifted in Soul Magic are the Centaurs and the Pans, though it is a very weak link. Only two have stronger links, and that was Scorpan and his tyrannical brother, Tirek who rests in Tartarus. Scorpan could give pieces of his own magic away and still retain the strength he had, while Tirek takes the magic by force, adding to his own strength and depending on the creature whose magic he stole, he would get the power plus his own. Yet, Scorpan disappeared on his pilgrimage to his home land, and Tirek, as we already know, was locked into Tartarus and striped of his own magic. Now that we know about the three trees and the background of the elusive third, now we get to the Dread Drake.

The Dread Drake was once a normal dragon, born in the Badlands, and raised to be as greedy as ever. However once this dragon, now around 1500 years old stumbled upon a relic of the Old Gods, he began to change. His scales darkened, his teeth grew sharper, and his wings fused with his arms. He was no longer a true dragon, but rather a drake, and he showed his power to those in the Dragon Badlands. Only he was shunned and treated as an outcast and the Dragon Lord at the time, Lord Drex, banished him from the Badlands for eternity. The drake swore revenge upon the Noble Dragon Houses and said he would make do on his promise. Several years later, he went to the same relic, and prayed to it. The relic spoke and gave him even greater power, enough to destroy the Life Trees. Now here's where the history gets blurry. The Drake now proclaimed as Bazzalth, was said to have eaten one Life Tree already, the Tree of the Sky. The power of the tree was supposedly enough to keep dragons flying indefinitely, but with it destruction, they can only fly for hours at a time. The only piece that kept the dragons from being completely flightless was the a crystal called a Bloodstone. The only proof of it exists is in the Badlands, but the dragons are very protective of their secrets.

Anyways, Bazzalth devoured the Sky Tree, and proceeded to lay waist on the Badlands killing the heads of the Noble Houses: Drex, Naax, Thrent, and Fregh. Bazzalth was eventually defeated by another dragon known Teminth, who was given the title of Dragon Lord and even had a nick-name, The Protector of the Weak, while Bazzalth was given the name Death Bringer. He would be later be rebranded as 'The Dread Drake' by Teminth's descendants.

History lesson over, now to see what Celestia says.

"...While I don't approve of using such a thing as Soul Binding, I can think of a better alternative." She said getting up from her seat. She walked towards me and kissed my forehead. At first I was confused, then a faint aura glowed around me, and looked at her and saw she was the same. The glowing soon stopped and she explained it. "What I gave you was a blessing, something a little stronger than a simple contract. I only save that kind of blessing for my most personal guards, of which there have been only 6 in the known history of Equestria. I wonder how she will fair with another personal guard..."

She? Out of the corner of my eye I saw pony approach and she was not so happy. She looked my up and down then let out annoyed huff, she went around to Celestia and sat down in front of her and scowled deeply. "Visk, this is my other personal guard, her name is Silent Summer, and she's served as my guard for 13 years. She was given the position after somepony attempted to take my life whilst I was teaching Twilight, and Summer rushed to the aid of not just me, but my student too. Because of her brave act, I made her my personal guard and no one has done a fine job since. Now you are a special case, and I will explain this to her sometime later. For now, make yourself at home here, and please, be nice to those around you?" Celestia said with a smile and she and Silent Summer left the room. I leaned back in my chair and looked at the ceiling. So it's finally happening now huh? I'm turning a new leaf? Or am I just saving my own hide so I can get what I want...

No I know what I'm doing, I'm going to be helping Equestria rather than destroying it. I have had enough with the unwilling deaths, to hell with the sinners, to hell with my charge, I will try to make Equestria a better place for myself and those that live in it.

And the music plays on, but I will find a way to snuff it out for good!

A preview of what is to come

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"Do you know why we have strings?"

"Shit! Celestia, stay with us girl!"

"They are there to keep us in check."

"Twilight! Twiiiliight! God damn it, where the hell did she go?!"

"To make sure we behave."

"I... *huff* fucking hate *huff, huff* dogs..."

"But most of all, they are there to control our FaTE..."

"Shut up, with your self-centered, 'kill everyone that isn't your kind' bull shit! Now listen here fuck-head, if I go down, you're coming with me!"

"Then again, it is always fun to watch the Puppet Master cut his own strings...


SCP Pinkamena presents....

To Cut The Strings





Coming 5/1/2017