The Orange Apple and the Bookworm

by Some Person

First published

A rollercoaster of emotions happen to Applejack and Twilight.

Applejack has been thinking long and hard about Twilight. It's gotten to the point that she feels there could be something more to her thoughts. Eventually, she tries her luck and asks her out.

What she wasn't prepared for, however, was the whirlwind of events that would take place afterwards. Both for better and for worse.

Chapter 1

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Applejack packed up her apple cart as the sun began setting over Ponyville. She hummed a cheery tune as she recalled the many successful sales that had taken place throughout the day. "Ah hope Big Macintosh's got somethin' good cookin' for supper," she commented to herself. "A veggie stew would sure hit the spot right now!" Once she’d securely fastened her cart to herself, she began her walk back to Sweet Apple Acres. It wasn't too long, however, before a peculiar sight caught her eye.

To her right was Ponyville Library. At the top of said library, Applejack spotted Twilight Sparkle leaning against her observatory's railing, staring at the multicolored sky above. However, her slumped posture seemed to paint a dejected mood to the apple farmer.

What's eating Twilight? Applejack queried as she continued to stare on. Her lips curled downward as she looked at the sun's descending position. Should I...? She looked back at Twilight to see her noticeably sigh as she slouched on the rail. Quickly swallowing any doubt, she moved towards the library. I’m sure Big Macintosh will understand.

Applejack stood in front of the library. Her friend still hadn't noticed her presence. She took a deep breath before calling out, “Twilight?”

Twilight jerked herself back to reality before finding the source of the voice. "Oh... hello, Applejack," she replied with a weak wave.

"Ah don't wanna yell an entire conversation to the high heavens,” Applejack stated as she looked around. “So would ya mind comin' down here for a bit?"

Twilight hesitated before shaking her head. "Give me a moment," she remarked before dipping out of sight.

As she waited, Applejack sighed. Maybe today will be the day... Eventually, the front door opened.

"What brings you here, Applejack?"

Immediately, Applejack noticed the dejected look in Twilight's eyes. She kept this in mind while she replied, "Ah was just bringin' the family cart back home for the night. Then ah look up and see ya starin' at the sky all sad-like." Applejack tilted her head. "Somethin' botherin' ya, sugarcube?"

Twilight smiled, but it was weak at best. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, no. But ah reckon' you're the type to study the sky, not stare at it." The farmpony rubbed the back of her neck. "If, uh... if this is a bad time, ah can come back later."

For a moment, Twilight was silent. She then looked inside her home before turning towards Applejack. "Actually, would you mind going for a walk with me?"

"A walk?"

"When you're done, that is," Twilight added, motioning to the apple cart. "You're probably busy, and I don't want to hold you up."

"Nah. In fact, let's walk right now. Sure'll save me some time."

"That sounds like a better idea." Twilight closed the door, locking it afterwards. "Shall we?"

Both mares began their walk through the darkening city towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack looked at Twilight. Here goes nothing. "So what's goin' on with you, Twilight?"

The librarian bit her lower lip before responding. "Do... do you think everypony will have a special somepony?"

Applejack momentarily froze before rolling her neck. "Uh... that's a little unexpected to hear from you."

Twilight sighed as she turned her attention to the sky. "I know, it's just that Cadance came out to visit earlier today."

“What happened?"

"She brought up the things she and Shining would often do around the Crystal Empire."

"Ah'm afraid ah still don't get it. That don't sound too bad, Twilight."

"It isn't," Twilight replied as she shook her head. "It's just what I began thinking about after she left." She started to slow down. "She and Shining have done so much as a couple, and I'm glad for them, don't get me wrong. It's just..." Another sigh. "Am I going to have anything like that?"

Applejack felt her heart jump in her chest.

"Granted, this isn't the first time this thought has crossed my mind. And don't get me wrong, the time I spend with you girls is great, but what they have is just... different."

"Would it make you happy to have that special somepony?" Applejack asked, trying to relax herself.

Twilight couldn't help the melancholy smile on her face. "That's just it, Applejack. I have no clue. For all I know, that pony could've been somepony who I passed up completely." Her head slightly bowed. "But what if the emotions I'm feeling is for something else and I'm misreading this situation entirely? What if I do jump into a relationship and I find out things aren't what I imagined them to be? I'm just more confused than anything right now."

"Well," Applejack began, "ah reckon that if you're puttin' this much thought into it, a relationship might be a little bit important to you."

"You think so?"

"Indeed ah do. 'Sides, you shouldn't be worried 'bout passin' up chances. Shinin's older than you are, Twilight. It ain't like a harvest where you got so little time to get the crops before they go bad. Ah reckon there's still somepony out there for ya." Applejack swallowed the lump in her throat.

Twilight chuckled. "Is it wrong that I immediately thought up a way to research if what you're saying is correct?"

Applejack shrugged. "Whatever works, ah s'pose."

The librarian sighed. "I'm getting way too ahead of myself here. I'd probably scare that special somepony off if I told them I found them through a scientific theorum. Just walk up to them like, 'Hey, stallion, I studied you for weeks on end to see if you like me. Want to be my special somepony?'"

The farm pony chuckled along with her. "Ah don't think you'd scare 'em off, Twilight."

"It would have to take somepony steadfast to not get scared off by my studying. You've seen how I can get."

"Ain't that the truth..."

"It's a silly thing to become engrossed in, when you think about it. If I get wrapped up in this concept, I won't be able to focus much on my studies."

Sweet Apple Acres had now come into sight. Applejack turned to Twilight. "Well, here we are. You feelin' better?"

Twilight nodded. "Much better. If there is somepony out there for me, I'll find them eventually. If not... we'll see where things go. Thank you for this talk... and this walk."

"Pleasure's all mine. Ah s'pose ah'll see ya later?"


Twilight hugged her friend before trotting off.

Applejack heaved one heavy sigh before turning to her home.

"Wait, one last thing!"

And then turned back around to see Twilight trotting back.

"Can I ask you some questions, Applejack?"

"Uh... sure."

"Questions that you, as the Element of Honesty, will answer completely and honestly?"

Applejack slightly edged away. "Okay...?"

"These aren't even too important; I guess... this is just for the sake of humoring me. Anyways." Twilight sat on her haunches. "Do you think there's anypony in town that is remotely interested in me?

Applejack forelegs quivered. "Interested?"

"Well, romantically interested, of course."

"Ah um... ah can think of one pony," Applejack murmured as she turned away from Twilight’s imploring eyes.

"O-oh?" Twilight replied, taken aback. "Well... heheh..." She started to smile as she pressed her hooves to her face. "That's a little surprising." She leaned in towards Applejack. "Who would that be?"

Applejack felt her cheeks burn. She was about to answer when Twilight held her hoof up. "Actually, sorry, I changed my mind," she stated. "If I start this now, I'll get wrapped up in it. We sure don't want that to happen!" The librarian laughed again. "Thank you very much for your time, Applejack. I'll see you later!"

Before the farmpony could respond, Twilight had taken off back towards the library. Applejack now sat alone in the dirt. She breathed through her nose before hanging her head. "Ah guess there's always next time," she murmured before dragging her apple cart towards Sweet Apple Acres.


In the late-morning, Applejack walked with Big Macintosh towards the south-east area of their apple orchard, dragging a cart with many apple baskets behind them. “You’re sure these are the ripest apples in the field?” she asked.

Her brother nodded. “These apples are perfect for pickin’.”

“Alright. Ah’ll start collectin’ apples from the back, and you can start from the front. We’ll meet in the middle. Sound good?”


Big Macintosh removed several baskets from the cart for his sister, and took the remaining containers with him as he and Applejack parted ways.

Once she reached the edge of the orchard, she placed a few baskets around the tree and got to work, placing bucks powerful enough to gently drop their harvest into the ground below.

After clearing a few trees, her mind began replaying the events from the previous night.

"Who would that be?"

She gritted her teeth and kicked the next tree with a little more force than she intended. “All ah had to say was ‘Me’,” she muttered. “One little word and ah could’ve been past this.”

Applejack cleared more trees, and took a moment to wipe the sweat from her brow. “Next time? Ah always say that, and what happens? She’s gone again.” She huffed. “Ah gotta figure this out somehow, at least before ah see her next.” She was so focused on collecting ripe apples that she didn't notice Big Macintosh walking up behind her.


The sudden break in her thoughts ceased Applejack’s applebucking and made her turn around. "You need somethin’, Big..." To his right was something unexpected: the very pony on her mind. "Mac?"

"Miss Twilight was insistin' she come speak to you 'bout a pressin' matter," Big Macintosh informed. "Said you’d wanna know ‘bout it, and it would only be a moment."

Applejack looked at her brother, then back to Twilight. "Well, uh. Ah s'pose a quick chat never hurt nopony."

Big Macintosh bowed his head, a gesture that Twilight returned, before heading back towards the farm.

"Hello, Applejack!" Twilight chirped as she walked up. "How are you today?"

I really could’ve used more time than that! "Well, uh, ah'm doin' fine. You sure seem pleased as punch today."

"You’re right about that!"

Applejack found herself smiling at the sight of Twilight's elated mood. Her eyes darted back and forth before asking, "So what brings you here?"

Twilight tilted her head. "Oh... just one little thing. But I can talk about that later. I suddenly couldn't stop wondering how you buck trees the way you do, and thought I might as well see it in action."

Applejack couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. All the way here just to see me buck a tree? "Uh... okay then."

Twilight stood close to the tree, paying close attention to Applejack.

"Now, the first thing you gotta do for a good buck is make sure the tree's in fine enough shape to buck." Applejack tapped the trunk a few times. "You also gotta make sure you hit the right spot. Not hittin' dead center could end up hurtin' the tree."

"Hurting the tree?"

"'Course.” She patted the trunk. “Trees have feelin's just like us ponies."

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "Fascinating."

Applejack then took a few steps back. "Once that's done, you gotta make sure you got the bushels to collect all the apples that drop. After all that's done with..." She lowered her front half closer to the ground. “You get like this and…” Then she sprung up and whipped her hind legs towards the tree trunk in one fluid motion. With a heavy thud, the tree shook, neatly dropping several apples into each basket. "And that's how we do it down here on-"

Twilight gasped. "Applejack, look out!" She then dove forward and tackled Applejack, knocking her onto her back. "Phew, that sure was a close one!"

"C-close what now?" Applejack stammered.

Twilight pointed to a tree branch, what Applejack would arguably call a twig, on the ground. "That branch almost hit you. It's a good thing I was here, huh?"

Applejack's face went deadpan. "Okay, Twilight, what's gotten into you? You've been actin' awful funny today."

Twilight cocked her head back. "What are you talking about? I just wanted to save my friend from getting hurt by that branch, is all."

The farmpony stared at Twilight for a moment. This is getting ridiculous. "Well, ah'm mighty thankful for you... savin' me. Now could you please get off'a me?"

Just as Applejack tried to sit up, Twilight planted her hooves on her shoulders, fastening her to the ground. "Hold on! I need to make sure you're alright!"

"Twilight, c’mon. This ain't funny no more!"

"Who said this was supposed to be something funny? I'd say this is supposed to be more..." Twilight paused to move her head closer to Applejack's, their foreheads almost touching. She then whispered, "exciting."

Applejack couldn't stop the intense heat rushing to her cheeks. "W-w-what are ya—"

Twilight placed her right forehoof on Applejack’s lips, shushing her. "I might have lied about just wanting to talk. I hope you can forgive me." She slid her hoof to Applejack's cheek, rubbing it gently.

This can’t be happening, there’s no way!

"There's something else I wanted to try. I believe it's something you've been wanting as well." Any protest Applejack had in mind never made it to reality. "It involves you and me." Twilight lifted her head just enough to align her snout with Applejack's. "Now hold still... I haven't done this before."

As Twilight's lips became dangerously close to her own, she heard a loud “Applejack!” shouted next to her ear. In an instant, Twilight was gone, and an apple tree was in her place. Applejack quickly looked around and saw Big Macintosh standing behind her.

“You okay?” he asked as he approached her. “You’ve been starin’ at that tree for a while now.”

Applejack rubbed the sweat from her brow. “Yeah, ah’m fine. Just got a little distracted.” She then donned a smile that didn’t match the look in her eyes, but she hoped it would’ve been a convincing enough display.

Big Macintosh stared at his sister for a moment before sighing. “If you’re sure. Just thought ah should check on ya.”

Once he began walking away, Applejack started to breath a sigh of relief, only for her brother to turn back around.

“Have you been drinkin’ enough water?” he asked.

“‘Course ah have,” she responded with a raised eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”

“Your face looks mighty flushed, that’s all.”

Applejack’s eyes widened and she pressed a hoof to her forehead, then cheeks. “Guess it, uh… guess it’s a bit hotter than ah thought!”

Big Macintosh stared again before walking back to the grove of apple trees.

Oh, for pete’s sake! the younger Apple thought to herself. This ain’t the time to be having fantasies. Especially not about Twilight! She positioned herself before the tree, once more. She wasn’t going to have that unicorn run through her mind at the moment.

“I’d say this is supposed to be a little more… exciting.”

She definitely wasn’t going to remember those enticing lips.

“There’s something else I wanted to try.”

And she most certainly wasn’t starting to imagine the series of events that could’ve followed afterwards in her fantasy.

“Now hold still… I haven’t done this before.”

It became too much for Applejack, and she ended up kicking the tree full force with a loud crack. The power in her hind legs was enough to create a major indentation in the apple tree’s core. The fracture spread all the way to the top and caused the tree to crumble. She stared in shock at the damage she dealt as leaves, branches, apples and tree chunks alike fell to the ground in a cluttered mess. Then she heard the frantic hoofsteps approaching from behind.

“What’s goin’ o—” Big Macintosh couldn’t finish his sentence as he came into view, taking in the sight before him.

“A-ah’m sorry, Big Mac! It just… it just happened! Ah swear, ah didn’t mean to do it! It was… It was, uh—”

The elder Apple closed his eyes and raised his hoof, silencing his sister. “You didn’t mean to do it, but you still did it.” He moved closer and pressed his foreleg against her forehead. “Not only are you distracted, but you’re hotter than a baked potato. Go inside, get some water, cool off, then come on back out here when you’re ready.”

“But Big Mac—”

“This ain’t open for discussion. Get goin’. Ah’ll take care o’ this.”

Applejack clenched her teeth before turning her attention to the ground. She slowly walked away from the apple orchard and into her home. As she approached, she spotted Granny Smith sitting in her rocking chair on the porch.

“Applejack, dear, what was that noise?” the Apple matriarch asked. “Scared the bejeezlebubs outta me, it did!”

“Ah… got a little distracted when buckin’,” Applejack admitted, rubbing the back of her neck. “Big Mac wanted me to relax inside for a bit before goin’ back out.”

Granny Smith proceeded to rock back and forth in her chair, noticing the dissatisfaction on her granddaughter’s face. “Could be just what you need, dear. You know Big Mac’s just lookin’ out for you.”

Applejack nodded before going straight into the kitchen and retrieving a cup, which she then filled with water. After drinking several glasses, she trudged up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Once she plopped onto her bed, she found herself staring at the ceiling. Unsurprisingly, Applejack found her thoughts invaded by Twilight again. She began dragging her hooves down her face. "Ah can’t keep goin’ on like this!" She murmured. “No matter what ah’m thinkin’ about, she’s there. What am ah gonna do?” Once the farmpony had a moment to calm down, her problem seemed to have one realistic solution. "Ah gotta tell her… Just bite the bullet and lay it all on the table." This brought on more rolling in bed. "Aw, who am ah kiddin'? Ah don't know nothin' 'bout that mushy talk!" she mumbled. "Ah mean, ah guess ah could get some advice, but... that means..." With a groan of defeat, she laid her face onto her pillow. "Guess ah don't got a choice, do ah?"


Applejack stood in front of Carousel Boutique, staring long and hard at the door in front of her. She took another look at her surroundings. Anypony within her vicinity paid her no attention. Either you do this now, or you wait long enough to see your opportunity pass you by. She reluctantly raised her right forehoof, letting it hover for a few seconds. Applejack then clenched her eyes shut and knocked on the door with four quick taps. She took a step back and waited.

Eventually the front door opened, and Rarity peeked her head out. "Oh! Why hello there, Applejack," she greeted. "What brings you here?"

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "Do, uh... do ya got a minute to talk? Ah kinda need some advice."

"You need advice from me?" Rarity asked as her jaw hit the floor.

"Y-yeah… so maybe I do!" Applejack replied, lowering her hat to hide the redness in her cheeks. "Will you help or not?"

"Of course I will!" Rarity beamed. "Anything for a friend! Now come along, dear."

Both mares walked into the Boutique, where Rarity led her guest towards her workshop. Several ponniquins had various fabric and clothing decorating each of them. She sat next to her design table and began sketching. "Now what can I do for you, Applejack?"

The farmpony looked around. "Is Sweetie Belle here?"

"She's away at school,” Rarity replied without looking up. “Do you need her?"

"Oh, uh, no," Applejack stated. "I just, uh... wanted to make it was just us."

Rarity nodded.

"And you can still hear me, even while workin'?"

"Trust me, Applejack. In this business, you become rather skilled at listening while on task."

"Okay..." Applejack swallowed the lump in her throat before straightening herself out. "Ah need... ah need... relationship advice," she mumbled.

Rarity's pencil stopped in place. She slowly looked up. "I'm sorry, dear, you were awfully quiet. It... almost sounded like you were asking for relationship advice?"

Though she could feel herself tremble, Applejack nodded.

Rarity let out an excited gasp and held her hooves to her cheeks. She stood up and trotted towards her friend. "Oh my goodness! Have you found yourself a special somepony?"

Applejack’s cheeks grew redder than the reddest shade of red. "No... not exactly, but... ah, uh..."

"You... need help breaking the ice?"

She gave a curt nod.

Rarity began prancing around. "My, my! Forgive my excitement, Applejack. I just love discussing romance with others. And now that you've fallen for somepony... Oh my stars!"

"It ain't that big a deal, Rarity!"

"Maybe not, but I do take relationships seriously, and will help you to the best of my extent!"

"Well… thanks," Applejack stated with an earnest smile.

Rarity trotted towards her kitchen. "I'll make us some tea and snacks.” She used her magic to position two extra large cushions in front of each other. “Make yourself comfortable, my dear!"

Applejack plopped herself down and sighed. Guess I should've expected this. She tapped her hooves together before breaking out a smile. Still, at least she’s willing to help me out here. I ought to be grateful for that.

Rarity eventually returned, using her magic to carry a tray of assorted shortbread cookies, two teacups, a steaming tea pot, and two eating trays. The food was evenly distributed between both mares, and both teacups were moderately filled with tea. She gently seated herself and asked, "Now, do tell me, dear. Who is this stallion that's caught your eye?"

"Ah'd... rather not say... sorry," Applejack replied, forcing down the twitch in her ears.

Rarity's lips pouted for a moment, but then she shook her head. "No matter," she stated. "It's your business. Would you be comfortable saying what drew you to him?"

The farmpony put her hoof to her chin, rubbing it gently. "Well, ah s'pose there ain't no harm in it."

"Whenever you're ready," Rarity giggled as she began drinking her tea.

Applejack slouched on her cushion. I have to say this just right. She grabbed a cookie and began. "Well, when ah first met 'em, ah didn't see 'em as anypony special. It was just like talkin' to somepony who visits the apple cart from time to time. As ah started gettin' to know 'em, things just... changed." Her gaze drifted towards the ceiling as she began to smile. "Ah started seein' a more adventurous side to 'em. A responsible and carin' side to 'em. Even then, they got smarts like ah only wish ah could have."

"He's an intellectual?" Rarity interrupted.

"Yeah. Loves studyin' more than anythin'. Probably the only pony ah know, aside from family, who could keep up with me and my talkin' 'bout apples."

Rarity tilted her head. "Is he very outgoing?"

Applejack laughed. "They're a bit of a shut-in. Ah think their idea of bein' outgoin' is takin' a stroll to the Town Square and back."

"I never imagined you being attracted to a stallion like that."

"You and me both..."

Rarity took a quick sip of her tea. "Anyhow, continue."


"Surely there's more to him than that, right?"

Applejack's face blanked. "W-well, uh..."

Rarity took a breath through her nose, placing her teacup on her tray. "Applejack, it sounds as if you're attracted to this stallion solely because of a few traits you share."

Applejack's ears slightly drooped. "S'that a bad thing?"

"Well, I suppose it helps break the ice, but you really shouldn't jump into a relationship just because you both can talk about apples."

"Then why can't ah shake the feelin' that maybe they could be more than a friend?"

Rarity straightened herself out. "Let me ask you this then, Applejack. How does he make you feel?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Whaddya mean?"

"It's rather self-explanatory. Does the mention of his name make your heart flutter? Does the sound of his voice produce butterflies in your stomach? Would you risk life and limb to save him, should he ever be in dire need of assistance?"

Applejack stared at the floor becoming lost in thought. She recalled the times where hearing Twilight's name in public suddenly made her more alert, searching the area to see if she could find that purple unicorn in the crowd. The many enjoyable conversations they shared, every detail of which she remembered. How every time they were on adventures, she'd become increasingly desperate to save Twilight whenever she faced certain doom. She became so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't notice Rarity waving a hoof in her face.

"Are you alright, dear?"

Applejack quickly snapped herself out and giggled in embarrassment. "Yeah, ah was just thinkin' is all." She sat herself up. "It's like... sometimes when ah'm havin' a bad day, they're the first pony that comes to mind. After that ah just can't stop thinkin' 'bout 'em, and the things draggin' me down just seem to fade away. When ah see 'em, ah just feel forced to go talk to 'em. Ah've been stuck in conversations that would go on for hours, and ah wouldn't even know it." She laid back and began hugging herself, staring at the ceiling again. "They just got this sorta charm that just makes me feel like... like some sorta emptiness in me has just been filled up."

Rarity began giggling. "You're absolutely smitten for him, aren't you?"

Applejack nodded happily before suddenly stopping and looking at Rarity. "Wait, what does that mean?"

"Enamored? Love-struck? Crushing on him?"

"Oh... yeah..." Applejack sat back up. "And that's why ah wanted to ask ya for advice."

Rarity's eyes went wide as she put her hoof to her mouth. "Do you... do you plan on confessing your feelings?"

Accompanied with reddening cheeks, Applejack nodded.

"Oh my stars, this is so exciting!” Rarity squealed. “I'm sure you'll knock him right out of the park!"

Applejack removed her hat, fanning herself. "Are you sure? Ah mean... me bein' romantic is like Rainbow Dash bein' neat and tidy, or Fluttershy bein' loud and rude. It ain't just somethin' ah can do."

"Oh, come now, Applejack," Rarity retorted. "The Applejack I know can-" Her eyes drifted away and she slowly sat back down as her lips scrunched together. "Well... I suppose you aren't exactly the most graceful of ponies, if we’re being honest... No matter. In that case there's a much simpler option. Something that should be a breeze to you."

Applejack tilted her head. "And that is...?"

"Just be honest."

"Ah don't think it's that easy. If it’s a no, that could ruin our friendship! The last thing ah want is for her to hate me..."

Rarity perked her ears up. “Excuse me?”

Him! Ah don’t want him to hate me. That’s what ah said.”

Rarity stared for a moment before nodding. “Yes, that would be most unpleasant a situation. Have you tried confessing before?” she inquired.

Applejack gritted her teeth. “Ah’ve been wantin’ to so many times… but then somethin’ would happen and then the moment’s gone. Even last night ah was talkin’ to ‘em. Ah was given the perfect time to come clean, but…” Her head drooped. “But then they stopped me and took off. If ah can’t say anythin’ now, who says ah can before it’s too late?”

Rarity took a quick sip of her tea before approaching her guest. "Applejack, I have seen you fight ferocious creatures all across Equestria. I've witnessed you stand resolute in your beliefs. You're one of the most daring ponies I know, and if you’re scared by something as insignificant as rejection, then you’re clearly not the friend I know. If there's anypony who can stand before rejection and laugh in its face, it's you."

Applejack stared at Rarity for a moment before she bared a confident smile.

"Now there's the Applejack I know."

Applejack stood up. "Ah dunno how this is gonna go, Rarity... but thanks. Ah should go. Next time I see 'em, ah'll tell 'em how ah feel. Rejection be darned!"

"Glad to hear it," Rarity replied with a nod. She moved forward and hugged Applejack. "I wish you the best of luck, my dear."

After Applejack pulled away, she said her quick goodbyes and headed back out. She took a deep breath. "That turned out better than ah expected," she muttered to herself.

She started trotting back towards Sweet Apple Acres, but suddenly stopped. "Wait a sec; what am ah doin'?" she asked herself. "Why wait when ah can go to her myself?"

She quickly changed directions and trotted towards Ponyville Library. Upon finally reaching that daunting wooden door, she found herself half petrified. I've got this! I can do it! Mustering her willpower, she knocked rather loudly three times on the door and waited patiently.

As it opened slightly, Applejack opened her mouth, but stopped herself when no one was there.

"Hey Applejack."

She looked down and saw Spike standing before her. "Oh... howdy, Spike."

"Do you need something?" he asked, still blocking the inside of the house.

"Actually, ah was wonderin' if ah could talk to Twilight. She 'round?"

Spike glanced inside. "Sorry, Applejack. Twilight's gotten caught up studying some kinda theory. She told me not to let anypony in unless it was an absolute emergency."

Applejack's ears drooped. "Oh..."

"Is it an emergency?"

"No, it's... well... It can wait. Ah'll just come back 'nother time." Applejack started walking away, but Spike stopped her.

"Do you want me to give her a message, or something?" he inquired.

Applejack stared at the assistant for a moment. "Just uh... just tell Twilight ah'd like to talk to her as soon as possible."

Spike nodded before heading back inside.

Applejack heavily sighed, kicking the dirt. She could feel her initiative draining from her self, but quickly sucked it back up. "It's alright, there’s always tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that! Ah ain't backin' down again!" She adjusted her hat before running back to her home.


In the days following Applejack's newfound resolve, she made several attempts to confess her feelings towards Twilight Sparkle. Unfortunately, all of these instances were met with various forms of failure, whether it be Twilight remaining too busy to be disturbed, being too preoccupied in the markets to notice Applejack's calls, or not being spotted altogether. After experiencing another tormenting daydream, she had decided that putting this off would be inconceivable and now found herself standing outside of Ponyville Library.

Applejack paced back in forth, occasionally glancing at the behemoth of a door before her. "You gotta do this," she murmured to herself. "It's just like a thorn: yank it out, or let it get infected." She approached the door. "Ah ain't 'bout to let myself get sick!" She raised a hoof up... and let it hover inches away from the door.

This ain't no thorn, though... this is Twilight! I can't mess this up! What if she can't think of me the same way again? This ain't a good time. She slightly retreated from the library.

Oh, get it together, girl! What Rarity said was true; you're better than this! Once again, Applejack approached the library. When she was near the door, however, her legs decided to turn her around, causing her body to stumble and collide into the troublesome barrier.

Applejack lay still while she gathered her bearings. Her eyes darted around quickly to make sure nopony witnessed her clumsiness. She almost felt it fitting to breath a sigh of relief when she heard the sound of hoofsteps coming from within the establishment. When they became dangerously close, she quickly picked herself up, positioned her hat, and dusted herself off in time to see Twilight open the door.

"Applejack? Was that you?" she asked.

Within an instant, Applejack noticed her friend's frayed mane, the bags under her eyes, and the almost overwhelming scent of coffee coming off her breath. “Are you… okay?” she queried cautiously. “You don’t look too good, sugarcube.”

Twilight grinned a sheepish grin. “Oh, this? I... might have gotten caught up in some research. It’s no big deal though, what can I do for you?”

"Ah was on my way to talk to ya when ah took a little spill. Sorry 'bout that."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, ah'm fine. Ah've taken worse falls." Applejack rubbed her right foreleg looking off to the distance.

Twilight tilted her head and asked, "So... you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Applejack straightened herself out. "Yeah, uh... is this a bad time?"

"Not at all," Twilight answered as she shook her head. "In fact, I could really use a break. Would you like to come inside?"

"Th-that would be just dandy. Thank you, Twilight." As she walked in, Applejack took a moment to kiss her left forehoof and hold it to her heart while she took a deep breath. Here goes nothing...

When Applejack witnessed the state of Twilight’s living room, she nearly stopped in shock. Inked-up papers were sloppily spread all across the floor, books with incomprehensible sketches, theorums, and words were left open and in different positions, and many dishes with half-eaten food lay piled next to her desk.

"Sorry about the mess," Twilight stated. "Spike has been running some errands, and I've just been so busy lately with these studies to do much of anything."

Applejack stared at the chalkboard Twilight was standing next to. On it were percentages, formulas, and graphs, but that wasn't what caught her attention. It was the names of various stallions in ponyville and the word 'compatibility' that distracted her. Applejack walked towards the chalkboard. "So what's all this, then?”

"This is the result of my compatibility checks with the eligible and single stallions in town. I was a bit surprised at the low ratio of stallions to mares, but I still was able to come up with a list of capable candidates."

"Wait... you know all the stallions in Ponyville?"

"It's more like the log of citizens in town are kept here, so I gave it a look before I started."

Applejack glanced over all the writing on the wall before turning to Twilight. "Ah thought you said you didn't wanna get wrapped up in this."

"Oh, well I didn't. But then I really couldn't stop thinking about it. And I figure, what's a few days?"

"A few days? Have you been eatin' right, or sleepin' right for that matter?"

“Oh, you don't need to worry about me, Applejack. I've done power study sessions before."

“What did you figure out?"

Twilight picked up a pointer with her magic and directed it to the scribbles. "Well, there were several attributes that I ruled out immediately, such as mannerisms, misogynistic mindsets, and overall personality compatibility, which helped narrow the possibilities. Then I started looking into stallions I know or have met before. So now it's down to these six, but I can't seem to figure out much else from here."

Applejack bit the inside of her cheek before asking, "Any mares come to mind?"

Twilight quickly turned to her friend, raising an eyebrow. "This test is being run to find possible stallion candidates in town. Why would I think of any mares?"

"Oh, nevermind that. Ah was just wonderin'.” Applejack's ears folded back, but she fought the urge to show any possible disappointment. She looked at the chalkboard, but couldn't make out any of the names written on it. "Do you, uh... do you want some help?"

Twilight smiled. "Sure! Wait... you said you already know who is interested in me, right?”

Applejack felt her heart leap into her throat as she managed a weak confirmation in response.

“I’ll let you help, but don’t tell me who it is, okay? I want to try see if I get the same idea as you. So... what are some traits this special somepony has?" Twilight asked as she held up a notepad and quill.

Applejack sat on her haunches. "Well, this pony has known you since you arrived in Ponyville. They've... been by your side on a few occasions, and have helped you out. You don't have much to talk 'bout with 'em, but y'all can really get goin' when you find that somethin' to discuss... They wonder how you can be so perfect the way you are... and how they could be so blessed to at least be a part of your life." She quickly stopped herself when she realized that Twilight was staring in awe. "Or, uh... somethin' like that."

Without a word, she looked to her chalkboard and added this new information. After she'd changed data values and crossed out several sections of text, she placed the piece of chalk down. "Well... If I understand what you're saying. The choice is obvious."

"It is?" Applejack replied, her ears perking up.
Twilight nodded, but her expression didn't seem pleasant. "It's just... I don't think you're going to like it..."

"Well, how 'bout you tell me and we'll see."

"...If you say so.” The librarian set down her notes. “After going through all the possible information, I've come to the conclusion..."

Time’s running out.

"that the only possible stallion is..."

I’ve gotta tell her now.

"Big Macintosh."

Applejack's eyes grew wide. "What?! My brother?!"

"I did tell you that you might not like it, Applejack."

Her face became even redder as she forced the words to come out of her throat. "But... how in tarnation could he be the special somepony for you?!" Applejack fumed.

"I'm going off what you said," Twilight replied. "Big Mac has known me since I arrived in Ponyville, he and I have worked together on several occasions involving your family's farm, and we can really start talking once I find out something he's quite knowledgeable in. It's not a completely perfect match, but it's a clear cut winner amongst the other choices."

"And just who else is on that list?"

"Well, ponies like Davenport, Caramel, Comet Tail, Pokey Pierce, and Written Script."

Applejack struggled to keep herself in check as her face became incredibly heated. "And you think that those are the only ponies who would be interested in you?"

"Out of the stallions I know in town, it's just a list of possibilities. This is only a theory, Applejack. You don't need to get so angry about it." The librarian returned to her chalkboard and began writing more information on the board.

"But which of those ponies actually know you, Twilight? Not anypony you mentioned and especially not my brother!" Applejack was beginning to shake. "He wouldn't even know a mare fancied him if she bent herself over for him!"

Twilight loudly placed her chalk down and turned around, looking the farmpony in the eye. "Applejack, you don't have to agree with my choices, but now you're becoming unnecessarily emotional about this. I'm sharing this information with you because I thought you might find it amusing, but if this is how you're going to act, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Applejack gritted her teeth. "How else am ah s'posed to act when the answer's starin' you in the face!"

"Staring me in the face?" Twilight responded, "What are you talking about?"

"It's me, for Celestia's sake!" The words left her mouth before she could even think; and in that instant, a chilling silence settled in that library. Both mares stared at each other in shock until Applejack forced the next sentence out of her throat. "Ah'm the one who fancies you," she croaked.

After an internal struggle, the librarian mumbled, "You... like me?"

Applejack nodded, not once breaking eye contact.

Twilight's started to blush and her breathing quickened as she began pacing back and forth. "But... I told you all about these thoughts of mine. I told you all of this, and..." She put her right forehoof to her temple. "Is this why you asked if I had thought of any mares?"

Applejack pawed at the floor. "It is." Twilight seemed to slowly back away before pacing around once more, muttering incoherently to herself. She began staring at the floor as she swallowed the putrid lump in her mouth before standing upright. "Ah think ah should go," she stated, rousing Twilight's attention. "If you haven't thought of any mares, then you probably ain’t interested in ‘em, let alone me. To be honest, ah had a feelin' ah was gettin' my hopes up." She turned around. "Hopefully we can forget 'bout this altogether and still be friends... Goodbye, Twilight."

She hadn't even made it a few steps when she heard Twilight say, "Wait!" She trotted up and stood directly in front of Applejack. "I-I... I..." She paused to take a deep breath. "I... haven't thought of any mares... but that d-doesn't mean I'm op-p-posed to the idea."

Applejack's face lit up for a moment before being brought back to neutrality. "What 'bout me?" She watched as Twilight bit her lip and folded her ears back, her eyes darting across the room. "You 'posed to the idea of datin' me?"

Twilight slouched as she sat on her haunches. "I... I don't know." She began rubbing her hooves. "You're a great friend, Applejack, but as a... a... g-girlf-friend? I... I just don't know."

Neither mare could really look at each other. However, Applejack found herself staring at the chalkboard. It was at that moment that her eyes lit up. "Why not... run a test... you and me?"

Twilight brought herself to look at Applejack. "A test?"

"Y'know. We could... go on a date."

"A d-d-d-date?" Twilight weakly parroted as her face turned a bright shade of pink..

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "Ah mean... you put that much effort into stallions you hardly know. Why not with a friend who knows you well enough?"

Twilight began trembling as she started pulling her body inward. "But... what if things don't work out?"

"Then that's the way life goes."

"What if we start going out and I suddenly don't have feelings for you?"

"Then ah'll move on and we can still be friends."

"What if I hurt you?"

Applejack hesitated for a moment before replying, "You wouldn't hurt me."

"Answer the question," Twilight feebly insisted.

This time Applejack sat on her haunches. "Then we'd talk 'bout it and decide where to go from there." Twilight was still shaking and hadn't looked up yet. This made the farmpony reach out a hoof and rest it on Twilight's. Applejack stated, "Ah ain't lookin' to drag you into things you're not comfortable with, Twilight. All ah'm askin' for is a chance... please..."

Twilight stared at Applejack, then back to the interlocked hooves. Shortly after, Twilight managed to mutter, "Okay..."

Applejack's face brightened up. "You... you mean it?"

Twilight nodded. "It's... a test, right? I can do a test," she added, trying her best to smile.

"Thank you, Twilight." Applejack chimed as she slowly pulled her hoof away.

Even though she was still shaking, Twilight managed to ask, "So... what should we do now?"

Applejack's smile dropped before she looked away, grinning in embarrassment. "Ah... didn't quite think of that yet. Ah was so busy figurin' what ah'd do if you said no, that ah didn't think of what to do if you actually said yes." She rubbed her hooves together before the solution came to her. "How about a movie at the town theater? Wanna try for seven o'clock?"

"That sounds great," Twilight almost immediately replied.

Applejack smiled again. "Well... alright. Tonight at seven." She turned towards the door. "Ah guess ah'll see you then," she stated over her shoulder towards the librarian who was nodding emphatically. When Applejack was outside, she wiped away the mist from her eyes. I did it! I asked her out! I'm going on a date with Twilight! Without an ounce of control, she let out a loud cheer before galloping off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Chapter 2

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Twilight stood motionless inside her den, staring blankly at the door, as the previous sequence of events slowly soaked in. I'm... going on a date... with Applejack?! She started pacing around the room. "What am I going to do?" she asked herself. "What do I say? Is she going to expect me to be romantic? What if she sees this as a waste of time and stops talking to me? This could jeopardize the friendship I've built with her!"

She suddenly froze in place, her eyes widening. "Wait... this could go far beyond myself and Applejack. What if we do have a falling out and the Elements of Harmony stop working?" She began pacing faster. "What if one of the others also has feelings for me and they become jealous? Did I just place the safety of Equestria at risk over a date? No no no, why did I have to say yes? That was a horrible idea! I should... I..."

Twilight felt blood rush to her head, and caught herself before falling face first onto the floor. She rested her temple against her forehoof as the sensation passed. Once all was well, she slowly opened her eyes and sat on her haunches. "Let’s take this easy, Twilight." She looked around her den, comprehending the amount of illegible notes and dishes with half-eaten food were spread sloppily about. "Maybe I did get too wrapped up in this. And what do you know, I ended up finding my answer, after all."

She sighed. "If I'm going to do this, I'd better do it right. I need some sleep." Twilight walked up the stairs towards her bed. "One-fifteen, huh?" She noted as she studied her cuckoo clock. "Setting this to ring at Six o’ clock should be early enough." With her alarm prepared, she crawled underneath her covers and slowly closed her eyes. What a day... she thought as she gradually drifted off to sleep.


Applejack opened the front door to her home and stepped outside. “Y’all don’t need to wait on me for any supper,” she explained to Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh, who stood behind her. “Ah had some leftover stew, so ah’m set for the night.”

“Where are you goin’, sis?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Ah’m gonna go see a movie with Twilight.”

“What are you gonna see?”

“Dunno yet. Ah reckon we’d figure that out once we got there.”

“Well, have fun,” Big Macintosh stated.

“And ah’ll be sure to wake you up if you oversleep tomorrow!” Apple Bloom added.

Applejack scoffed. “Don’t worry, you won’t need to.” She then turned towards town and walked off, hearing Apple Bloom’s farewells as she walked farther away. She looked at the orange sky and smiled. It’s almost time. As she eventually neared the corner of the movie theater, she leaned against the gravel wall as she took a deep breath. "Okay, girl. You can do this," she muttered to herself. She started to tremble, but shook her head. “No, this has to happen, one way or the other.” She nodded and stated, "Here goes nothin'."

She turned the corner to see the front of the theater, but stopped. There were a few ponies standing around the front kiosk, but no Twilight. Applejack walked closer to the entrance, making sure she didn't miss her somewhere. She looked at the clock above the kiosk, which read 6:55. That's odd, thought she would've been here by now. She walked towards the kiosk, where a light-blue stallion waited within.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?" he asked.

"Have you seen a purple unicorn go in here anytime soon? She's got a dark purple mane with a pink streak in it."

"You mean Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yeah, her! You see her?"

The kiosk pony shook his head. "Sorry, ma'am. My shift only started a few minutes ago. She might be in the lobby, though."

Applejack nodded once. "'Kay, ah'll look there." She walked away from the desk and entered the theater lobby through the doors to the right. She first looked at the ponies waiting in line for the concession stand, then the ponies around the arcade. Finally, she looked around the bathrooms. Unfortunately, Twilight was nowhere to be found. She walked to the outside of the theater, looking at the ponies standing around, but still no luck. She shrugged before walking to the kiosk. "Is it okay if ah wait out here for my friend?"

"By all means," he replied.

Applejack nodded and looked at the clock. 7:10. She walked towards a spot near the door and sat down. So she's a bit late. No big deal. She heard hoofsteps and perked her ears up, only to revert back to sitting around as the steps belonged to a stranger. "She'll be here," she whispered. “Just give her time.”


Twilight's eyes creaked open. She yawned and sat up in her bed, stretching her forelegs as she looked for a light in her dark room. Suddenly, her eyes shot wide open. It's dark?! Why is it dark? It can’t be this dark at six! Her horn lit up as she frantically looked for her nearby candle. When it was found, She lit the tip of it and brought it towards her clock. She could feel her heart sink as she observed the time. 8:30. I... overslept...?

She sprang out of bed and bolted down the stairs, startling Spike, who was busy reading on the floor below.

"What's going on?" he asked her.

"Did you hear my alarm go off?"

"You had an alarm?"

Twilight gritted her teeth. "Yes, I did! Now did you hear it?"

"I wouldn't know!" Spike answered as he held up his arms defensively. "I only got home a little while ago. Is there somewhere you need to be?"

"Yes, at seven!"

Spike looked at the clock next to Twilight’s desk. "Wow. Are you still going?"

Twilight began pacing around the den. Okay, take it easy, Twilight. It’s late. Much, much, later than it should be. But there’s still a chance! "Of course I am! I have to!" Wasting no more time, she rushed towards the door. "Make yourself something for dinner!" she cried as she galloped out of the library and towards Ponyville Theater.


Applejack sat slumped against the wall, her ears drooping. She heard hoofsteps approaching and glanced up, only to look away when it wasn't Twilight, yet again. Maybe... maybe she got held up somehow. She's probably got some science books to get through, or... She gritted her teeth. Oh, who am I kidding. She probably realized going out with somepony like me was a mistake. Twilight wouldn't want to date me. She slowly got onto her hooves and trudged away from the theater, her head hanging low. She felt tears sting the corner of her eyes. "Why?" she muttered to herself as she wiped her eyes.


Suddenly, she perked back up. Applejack turned around and saw Twilight in the distance, galloping towards her. She... she made it! Applejack grinned and started galloping as well, to meet her halfway. "Hey there," she finally greeted. "Ah was almost was ready to head on home."

Twilight was breathing heavily, so dropped onto on her haunches. She held up a hoof. "I'm... sorry... I missed... my alarm..."

"It's okay, Twilight. You're here now, and that's what matters!" Applejack waited patiently for Twilight's breathing to return to normal. With her heart beginning to race, she asked, "So, shall we?"

"Let's," Twilight replied with a nod.

Both mares walked towards the kiosk, where the stallion inside smiled as they approached. "Well, hello again, Twilight Sparkle."

"Hello, Brawny Steed," the librarian replied.

"You kept your friend here waiting a long time, you know that?"

"...Don't remind me." Twilight stated as her ears folded back and she looked away.

"Okay then, what can I do for the two of you?"

"Whaddya got showin' left?" Applejack asked.

Brawny looked through a pamphlet while humming. "Seems most showings are done by this point, but we have one last timeslot for Les Misérables, if that interests you."

Twilight's face lit up. "They're still showing Les Mis here?"

Applejack turned to Twilight and whispered. "What's this Lay Miss thing, now?"

"It's a musical that takes place during the Prench Revolution. I've read the book and only seen it as a play, but I have yet to see the movie version."

"Well, ah'm all for it if you are."

Twilight nodded and smiled as she walked to the kiosk. "Two tickets to Les Misérables, please!"

Brawny pulled a roll of tickets out and tore off one for both Twilight and Applejack. "Enjoy the show, you two."

"Thank you," Twilight replied as she lifted both tickets in the air and handed one to Applejack, who pulled open the door.

"After you," she stated, pointing her free foreleg indoors.

Twilight smiled and walked inside.

It's finally happening. Applejack noted as she smiled and looked above. Wish me luck.

Both mares walked through the lobby and towards the hallway leading towards the theater rooms, where a pony stood waiting. They approached the greeter, who dispensed part of their tickets in a box before directing them towards their room. Applejack and Twilight walked towards the room at the right end of the theater and walked inside. There were only a few ponies scattered about the stadium-seating chairs, which still left plenty of room.

“Where do you wanna sit?” Applejack asked.

Twilight scanned the available seats, then pointed to the area towards the back. “The middle-back seats,” she stated. “That’s the best spot, as far as sound quality is concerned, and it leaves the screen at the perfect size.”

“No arguin’ with that.” Applejack led Twilight to their desired seats, where they both sat and waited for the movie to begin. She and her date looked around the theater, sitting in the awkward air around them. Come on, think of something to say! She cleared her throat. “So, uh. You want me to get some food for us?”

Twilight held up a hoof. “Um, that’s okay. I’m fine.” She rubbed her foreleg as her eyes darted around, before turning back to Applejack. “But if- if you want to get some food, then by all means, go for it.”

“N-no, that’s fine. Ah- ah was just wonderin’.”

“Okay, um… okay.”

They were both quiet again, unable to sit still in their seats.

“So,” Twilight began, “have you heard much about… the… the upcoming theories which could potentially revolutionize the definition of energy?”

“A-ah, uh…” Applejack bit her lower lip, and slightly squinted her eyes. “Ah can’t say ah have, sorry.”

“Oh… well… It’s okay if you haven’t. It’s not exactly a trending topic, so I’m not surprised that... you don’t know.”

Applejack looked away, her ears flattening and her cheeks reddening. You got your date, now talk to her! She rested her left foreleg on an armrest and pressed her right hoof against her forehead as she started racking her brain for anything to discuss.

Meanwhile, Twilight glanced at Applejack’s available hoof. She started to shake as she gingerly moved her right foreleg away from her body and towards the armrest. She took a quick glance at Applejack, then back to the armrest, and repeated this process a few times. She clenched her eyes shut and pushed her hoof towards her date’s.

Applejack brought herself out of her thought frenzy and looked where their hooves made contact. She then looked at Twilight, who was shaking and looking away. Applejack gulped before slowly wrapping her hoof around Twilight’s foreleg, their hooves now in full contact.

Twilight looked at Applejack, neither one of them breaking the line of vision. Slowly, they both started smiling at each other and began blushing once more. Next, the theater room started to darken, and trailers began showing on screen.

Applejack leaned towards Twilight and remained in that position. When Twilight picked up on this, she hesitantly moved to meet her date halfway. They took another glance at one another before finally breathing easy after this close contact.

“Thank you for givin’ me a chance, Twilight,” Applejack whispered.

“You’re welcome.”


"Ah'm just sayin';" Applejack began as she and Twilight walked away from the theater. "What in Equestria would make a mare decide to point a spear at herself like that?"

Twilight sighed. "I admit, that scene was better done in the book and the musical than in the movie. See, in those versions, Éponine shielded Marius from getting skewered by sticking her hoof in front of the blade."

"So why couldn't that have happened instead? If she's got enough time to point the spear at herself, then she could've pointed it to the sky, the ground, anywhere!" Applejack went deadpan. "But no, she's gonna point the spear at her chest and then tell her love bird that she fancied him the whole time as blood's flowin' outta her wound." She sighed. "If she'd have just told him how it was beforehand, she could've gotten some closure or somethin'! Maybe she could’ve lived and they would’ve had some sorta decent endin’!"

Twilight chuckled. "I had no idea you could get this worked up over a small part in a movie."

Applejack smiled as she looked away. "Well, when you get me talkin' 'bout somethin', ah can go on and on if nopony stops me."

“So what did you think of the movie?”

Applejack curled her lower lip and hummed. “Okay at best,” she replied. “Not my kinda movie, but it was at least sorta worth the time.”

For a moment, both mares remained silent as they passed through the mostly clear streets of Ponyville.

"So... Applejack. Would you like to... um... go to dinner?" Twilight asked, stopping her friend in her tracks.

Applejack looked towards the moon before sighing. "Much as ah'd like to, ah should probably get on home. It's gettin' pretty late, and ah told Big Macintosh ah’d be home in time to sleep before the mornin’ chores."

Twilight looked towards the moon as well. "Oh... right. It is pretty late..." Her head drooped as she weakly stated, "I'm sorry..."

"Hey, Twilight. It ain't your-"

"But it is, Applejack. If I had woken up when I was supposed to, then we could've gone out to get some food to eat after that movie. We could’ve even have gone to see a movie you actually would’ve liked. Now the night’s over, and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry..."

Applejack looked towards the moon, then back to Twilight. She sat herself down, bending her head to look her friend in the eye. However, her stomach growled rather loudly at that moment. She stood up in shock before laughing for a bit, which made Twilight smile. "Ah was gonna say a bunch'a things to cheer you up, but ah think things like that are best discussed over a nice meal."

Twilight lit up. "Really?"

"Yep! Ah'm actually pretty hungry, myself. Know of anywhere 'round here that we can grab a bite to eat this time of night?"

"Well," Twilight began as she put a hoof to her chin, "there is that Stabley's near my house. They're open twenty-four seven."

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way!"

Both mares walked to the edge of town, where Stabley's was located. It was a cozy, green building that had the smell of delectable comfort foods wafting through the doors. Once inside, Twilight and Applejack were seated immediately at a booth and had their orders taken. Both ponies ordered water, but Twilight went for a hayburger combo, while Applejack stuck with a hearty vegetable stew.

A few conversations occurred before a pressing thought came to Twilight's attention. "So, Applejack..." she began. "There's... something I wanted to ask, if it's okay with you."

"Sure," Applejack replied.

Twilight rubbed her hooves together and looked around the restaurant for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Why me?" she murmured. Applejack raised an eyebrow, urging Twilight to continue. "I mean, there are so many different mares and stallions in Ponyville. What makes me so special?"

Applejack's face became slightly red, but she covered this up by removing her hat and placing it on the open seating next to her. "First things first, a-ah can tell you for a fact that ah wouldn't be interested in any stallion."

"Not even one? What makes you-" Twilight's eyes suddenly grew wide. "Oh... really?" Applejack nodded in response. "Have you told anypony?" This time, Applejack bit her lower lip and looked away before shaking her head. "Not even your family?"

"It's, uh... it's a bit complicated in that regard, Twilight."

"Do you think they wouldn't approve?"

Applejack frowned and rested her head against her foreleg as she began tapping the tabletop. "Ah don't wanna think my family would shun me or nothin', but Granny's said a couple things before ‘bout it, and now ah just don't know." She started rubbing her hair. "Ah've heard stories of gay ponies who'd thought their folks would approve, only to be kicked to the curb the same night they confess."

Twilight slightly leaned back. "Family members would actually kick out their own?"

"That and possibly other things."

"I had no idea," Twilight replied as she began staring at the table.

“Then there’s all the times Granny goes on ‘bout how she’ll love to see the foals ah’ll bear one day. She’s brought it up so many times that ah’m pretty sure she wouldn’t… well…”

“There are ways for gay and lesbian couples to have children, but I don’t think any of that’s what Granny Smith has in mind for you, is it?”

Applejack shook her head. "Ah wanna tell 'em, really. If nopony else, my family deserves to know the truth ‘bout me. But ah need to wait for the right time."

"Makes me wonder how my parents would react..."

"Just do what you think is right," Applejack stated as she sat up straight. “If it’s worthwhile, then go for it. If not, then there ain’t no need.”

A waiter had soon arrived to give them both their waters before promptly heading off to see to other tables. Twilight took a drink before staring intently at Applejack. "I'd still like to know what makes me stand out to you, Applejack," she commented.

"Oh, 'course," Applejack replied as she set her water to the side. She rested her hooves on the table. "It... it didn't start as much. Ah mean, ah always enjoyed the time ah spent with you, but then things started changin'." She began rubbing her hooves and folded her ears back. "You started becomin' all ah could think 'bout. You also kept showin' up in my dreams, and the sight of you or just talkin' to you brightened up my day.

"Sure, you ain't the most coordinated, you can get frazzled easily, and you need an instruction book for anythin' new, but that don't even matter to me. You're talented, kind, and smarter than anypony ah know. First ah thought 'No way, it can't be. That don't make no sense,' but then there was one time we were all hangin' out. Rarity started talkin' 'bout those romance stories she loves so much. Some of the things she mentioned the characters feelin' for one 'nother sounded a lot like things ah've thought 'bout you." Applejack blushed and looked away. "It's... probably too early to say somethin' like this, but after that day, ah realized somethin'..."

Twilight, sporting an intense shade of pink on her cheeks, swallowed the lump in her throat. "And... what was that?"

Applejack closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then looked at Twilight and said, "You're the kind of pony ah'd wanna spend the rest of my life with."

For a while, Twilight could only stare at Applejack. Then she slowly brought her hooves to her mouth before looking down at the table, doing her best to stop her trembling fit.

"Ah-ah'm sorry!" Applejack stammered. "Ah didn't mean-"

"Nopony..." Twilight reluctantly brought herself to look back up, her breathing slightly faster than normal. "N-n-nopony's ever said that t-to me before..."

Applejack felt her face heat up. "R-really?"

Twilight shook her head.

"In... in that case... ah'm glad ah got to be the first."

Neither pony could bring themselves to speak. For a while, their eyes wandered around, occasionally glancing at each other before quickly averting their eyes. Despite this, neither pony could help but smile the entire time. Their silence was broken when their food had finally arrived. After getting some food in their stomachs, a sense of normalcy finally returned to their dinner and they started discussing several different topics until their food was completely finished. Applejack and Twilight later split the bill, left a tip, and walked out of the restaurant.

"Ah gotta say," Applejack remarked, "eatin' somethin' before headin' back home was definitely a good idea, and their soup sure hit the spot!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Twilight added. She turned to her left. "Well... the library isn't too far away from here, so I'll let you get back to your farm."

"Would you, uh... would you mind if ah walked you home?"

"Would that inconvenience you?"

"Not at all."

Twilight looked to her left for a moment before answering, "Alright."

Applejack smiled and walked alongside Twilight. "So, did you have fun tonight?"

"I did, actually. Tonight wasn't anything over the top, but sometimes I like it that way."

"I'm glad."

Without even thinking about it, Twilight briefly brushed herself against Applejack. Both ponies froze for a brief moment and forced a quick chuckle before attempting to resume their pace.

Why did I do that? Twilight thought as she started shaking again. That’s not something a pony does on their first date, is it? Was that too forward? Was that some sort of sign I never knew about?

Applejack peered down at Twilight, who kept her head hung low. After a moment’s contemplation, she moved to brush herself against Twilight as well.

As the librarian looked up, eyes wide open, Applejack smiled. Twilight started to grin as well, and moved herself closer to her date. As Twilight had mentioned, the walk to her house wasn't more than a minute or two, and both ponies were at the front door. "Well... here we are," she stated.

"Yeah," Applejack added. She started shuffling her hooves as she asked, "Do you think that you'd... wanna do somethin' like this again sometime?"

Twilight looked away, dragging a hoof along the floor. "D-don't get me wrong, Applejack. I really did have a good time tonight, and I think I felt something tonight. But I still don't know about... well..."


"Yes... about us." Just leave, we can leave it as a one time thing and that will be that. Twilight had almost listened to this thought, but her hooves remained in place. This delay in her legs allowed enough time for a different thought creep in. One that brought a smile to her face. "That being said... this is an experiment, right?"

Applejack stared for a moment before nodding slowly. "Y-yeah, in a sense."

"In my experience... experiments are best conducted with... m-more than one t-test run."

"So... are you sayin'..."

Twilight nodded once. "I guess that makes this… me the one asking you out. I-if you wouldn't mind d-doing this again, that is."

Applejack's smile went wide. "Absolutely!"

"G-great! What would you like to do?"

"Ah'm okay with whatever you'd like to do."

Twilight put her hoof to her chin. "Well, I'd like to do something that you like doing. So what’s it going to be?"

Applejack sat on her haunches and crossed her arms. "Let's see," she stated as she closed her eyes. Soon, her eyes opened and she smiled. "Do you know anythin' 'bout how to use a lasso?"

Twilight blinked her eyes a few times before shaking her head.

"Perfect! How 'bout the day after tomorrow you come on over to Sweet Apple Acres, and ah teach you some rodeo tricks?"

"That's, um... a little unexpected. But I don't see why not. Sure!"

"Then it's a date!"

Both ponies started chuckling, dragging their hooves along the dirt.

Applejack scooted herself a bit forward, now being rather close to Twilight. They stared at each other as Applejack slightly leaned herself inwards, her ears folded back.

Twilight could feel her teeth chattering, her her hooves trembling, and her head burning up, so she instinctively reached up for a quick hug and pulled away in an instant. "Well, if that's everything, I'm calling it a night!" Twilight hastily added with a smile on her face. "I've got to catch up on sleep."

Applejack stared for a moment longer before smiling and nodding. "Don't let me stop you, now." She turned around. "Ah'll see you then, Twilight. And ah can't wait."

"Until then, Applejack," Twilight chimed as she waved her friend goodbye. She found herself staring at Applejack until she was completely out of sight. What a night. She turned to her house and opened the door, but stopped and groaned as she held her hoof to her nose. "How many nachos can that dragon make?" she muttered as she walked inside and closed the door.

Chapter 3

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"After that," Applejack explained the next afternoon as she sat in Rarity's boutique, "we made plans for another date, hugged, and that was it."

Rarity started to squeal as she clutched the cushion in her forelegs. "This is all so exciting! I'm so happy that things went well for you, Applejack!"

"Aw shucks. It ain't that excitin'."

"Au contraire, dear. From the sound of it, you both hit it off rather well! Albeit slow and awkward, but who says first dates are perfect, hm?"

Applejack shifted in her seat. "Ah'm just hopin' for the best at this point."

"Now, what's the idea for this second date of yours?"

"Ah'm gonna take 'em to the farm and teach 'em some rodeo tricks."

"I see," Rarity commented as she rested her hoof on her chin. "It helps him see another aspect of your life, and it even lets you see how willing he is to adapt outside of his comfort zone. A solid plan for a second date." She started to drink her tea, but then her gaze shifted away. "Though it does concern me as to how long he kept you waiting."

"It wasn't that bad."

"An hour and a half, Applejack? If it were me, I'd have left after ten minutes."

Applejack shrugged. "Ah'm just glad they showed up, period." She paused to take a bite of her biscuit, then looked back up to see Rarity staring at her with an unmoving glare. "What?"

"Are you really just glad he showed up?" Rarity asked as she placed her teacup on the table. "That date was very important to you, and he arrived far later than even the most fashionable of ponies dare arrive at their soirees."

"Ah..." Applejack clenched her teeth and folded her ears back. "Okay fine, ah wish they would'a shown up sooner, but what's the harm?"

"The harm is this," Rarity shot back, sitting up straight. "By you not clearly laying out your feelings, this tells him that it's perfectly okay for him to be late again. He gets caught up in something and realizes he'll be late to a future date. But it's all okay, because he knows you'll just be glad he arrived, period. Who's to say he'll stop there, though? If nothing happens at all, he could start to become less pressed to arrive to your dates on time. Will it still be just okay if he shows up then?"

Applejack groaned. "Whaddya want me to say, Rarity? That if the date doesn't happen exactly on the dot, ah'm s'posed to dump her on the spot?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow as she and Applejack stared tensely at each other. She then shook her head. "That's not it, Applejack. What I'm saying is that you need to make it clear that something like this should never happen again."

"Believe me, they were mighty sorry for what happened."

Rarity began drinking more tea. "That might be so, but this is still a matter of you making your feelings vocal. I know you aren't the type to take abuse sitting down, but you have been known to keep your mouth shut on more than one occasion."

Applejack huffed once, directing her attention towards the floor.

"All that aside," Rarity continued, "I'm still glad you and him had a good time together."

Slowly, Applejack allowed a small smile on her face. "Thanks, Rarity. For everythin', ah mean. Bein' around to listen to all this. Just... havin' an ear is really nice."

"Think nothing of it, Applejack," Rarity replied with a smile. She took one more drink of her tea. "Now, I hate to cut this chat short, but there are some additional designs that need my attention."

Applejack nodded. "Ah understand. Thanks again."

"Just keep doing what you're doing. Although..." Rarity turned her gaze away and put a hoof to her chin. Her face suddenly lit up. "Wait right here, dear." She quickly ran up the stairs, but before Applejack had an opportunity to sit around, she was already back with a plastic bottle. "Take this," she instructed, holding it before her.

Applejack grasped the bottle, being hardly larger than her hoof, and briefly studied it. "Uh... thanks for the..."

"Shampoo. It’s orange scented."

Now Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"Just wash your hair with it before he shows up. He might like it."

"The, uh... the gesture's appreciated; but ah don't think it'll be noticed after bein' sweaty."

"I'm just saying, you should try it."

Applejack looked at the bottle, lightly rocking her head back and forth. "Ah'll think 'bout it," she responded, placing the bottle underneath her hat.

"Fair enough. Now then, I must end our discussion here, for now."

"See ya 'round then." Applejack walked towards the door and raised her hoof to open the door when she heard Rarity behind her.

"One last thing," she called out. When Applejack's attention was focused on her, Rarity flicked her hoof and stated, "I do hope I'll get to meet this pony one day. She sounds quite charming."

Applejack chuckled and rubbed the back of her head. "Maybe one day." She turned to open the door, but suddenly froze, her eyes growing wide. She quickly turned back around. "Uh... what did you say?"

"I said I hope to meet this pony one day. He sounds quite charming."

Applejack stared silently for a moment before laughing briefly. "Y-yeah, that's what ah thought." She slowly turned around and made her way outside the Boutique. She stood still for a moment, then huffed once before heading back towards Sweet Apple Acres.


The next morning, Applejack was in the middle of her apple orchard, examining a batch of saplings. She hummed with delight as she took notes of the growths she spotted on each of the young plants. Her train of thought was interrupted, however, when she heard hoofsteps approaching from her right. She glanced up, only to be surprised to see Twilight Sparkle approaching. "Twilight? What are you doin' here?"

"I was waiting at the library for this rodeo practice to take place," Twilight explained, "but then I realized we never established a time. I thought it would be better if I came here to find out when that would be. Big Macintosh told me you'd be out here, so I decided to head your way." Applejack silently stared in response, which made her briefly look around the orchard. "Is this a bad time?"

Applejack quickly shook her head. "N-no, just... gimme a sec." She turned around and started patting her cheeks several times, gradually increasing how hard she hit. After a moment, she turned to face Twilight. "Sorry... ah just had to check somethin' is all. Ah'm actually almost done here, so you can just wait under the shade for now."

"I'll do that then." Twilight walked to the left of the saplings and sat underneath a looming apple tree. As Applejack resumed her task, Twilight started taking in the vast range of the orchard itself. "All these trees," she commented. "How do you keep up with them?"

"When you've worked this farm as long as ah have, it just becomes second nature. Labor of love, really."

"And how long have you been working on the farm? Five years? Seven?"


Twilight craned her neck back, blinking oddly. "That long? And you're..."


"That's a pretty young age to have started out, wouldn't you say?"

"Ah s'pose."

Twilight looked around the orchard again. "So how did your parents start you off?"

Applejack froze momentarily before resuming her inspection. "They didn't have any say in the matter."

"Why not?"

Applejack's shoulders slightly dipped. "That was... that was 'round the time they passed on."

Twilight folded her ears back and curled her forelegs in. "Oh... I'm sorry."

"You don’t need to be. It happened a long time ago."

Both mares were quiet for a time until Twilight asked, "Was it difficult?"

Applejack turned around. "Difficult?"

"Well... having to run this whole farm without your parents... I mean." Twilight focused on the dirt below her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. I'll just be quiet."

"No, it's fine." Applejack walked towards the shade Twilight was sitting beneath and sat herself down next to her. She leaned against the tree trunk and sighed. "It sure wasn't easy," she began, looking at the sky. "Tryin' to juggle school, farmwork, and raisin' Apple Bloom took a lot outta me. There were mostly good days, then some bad days, and a few downright awful days. Sometimes ah'd just get so frustrated at everythin' that ah'd start cryin' and blamin' the world for givin’ me such an awful situation."

Applejack smiled. "But look at me now; workin' as long as ah have here. The farm’s doin’ great, ah have wonderful friends, and Apple Bloom’s turnin’ into a fine filly." She looked up, towards the premature apples on the branches. "It's like... when ah work in the orchard, they're still ‘round, y'know?"

Twilight bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Applejack looked at her friend. "Aw, you don't gotta be like that. Ah’ve had ponies givin’ me their sympathies for years now. You don’t need to do that too. 'Sides, you went off to Princess Celestia's school when you were young, right? Bet you didn't get to see your folks that much, huh?"

"Yes... but I still got letters and occasional visits from my parents, you..."

Applejack crossed her forelegs, looking back at the sky. "You know... ah still hear from 'em. Ah like to think they're in the trees, in the soil, in the air... all 'round us. So... they're not really gone. Sometimes ah’ll admit, ah miss ‘em somethin’ fierce, but then I start to remember what ah’ve got with me, and ah don't feel lonely when ah think 'bout that."

Twilight stared at Applejack for a moment before quickly turning away, wiping her eye with a hoof.

Applejack sat upright. "Hey, somethin' wrong?"

The librarian turned back around, showing a pair of shimmering eyes and twitching lips. "I... um. Hearing what you said made me think about my family, and..." She clenched her teeth. "I just don't know what I would've done in your position."

"Hey... this is a mighty heavy topic,” Applejack remarked, quickly reaching her left foreleg around Twilight's shoulder. “Ah'm pretty much done checkin' out these saplin's if you wanna learn some rodeo moves. Whaddya say?"

Twilight sniffled once before allowing herself to smile. "I don’t mind."

"C'mon, ah'll show you where ah practice." Applejack led Twilight to a large clearing across from the orchard. Within the area was equipment for several tasks: stakes for throwing horseshoes, a winding dirt course with tracks upon tracks of hoofprints imprinted into the earth below, bales of hay seemingly tossed towards a target, and several hurdles placed over mud pits. Amongst this area, both mares walked towards a small brown shed with white doors.

"Ah'll be back in a sec," Applejack stated before going inside. Twilight patiently waited and looked around the immediate area until her friend reappeared with two large ropes draped over her neck. "C'mon," she began, "let's head over to the hay bales. They'll be perfect for this." Once they had reached their destination, Applejack grabbed one of the ropes and set it next to her hooves.

"Now, when it comes to makin' a good lasso, you gotta make sure you got the right knot. Ah'll do this slowly so you can see how it's done." She unwound the rope and laid it out in front of her. "First, you gotta make an overhoof knot, like so." Applejack loosely looped the end of her rope. "Now we gotta tie a tight overhoof knot at the end to act as a 'stopper', and then bring that end through one side of the first knot." She did so methodically, noticing Twilight concentrating on the rope. "Next, we gotta tighten this loose knot and pull the stopper knot up tight." As she did this, Twilight squinted her eyes and held her hoof to her mouth. "Finally, all you gotta do is feed the main line of the rope through this open part of the knot, and you've got yourself a lasso." She left her finished rope on the floor and walked towards Twilight, who took the rope off of Applejack's shoulders. "Need me to repeat any of that?"

Twilight looked at the wound up rope once more and used her magic to lift it in the air. "So... it's something like this?" In that moment, Twilight effortlessly wound the rope into a ready-to-use lasso.

Applejack stood stupefied for a moment before replying "Y-yeah, that's right. How did you get it so fast?"

"It's a Honda knot. I learned it and many other types of knots after one bored day in the library."

"Guess ah shouldn't be too surprised. But now comes the fun part: throwin' your lasso." Applejack picked up the rope and walked closer to the bales of hay, now being only a stone's throw away. She dropped the rope back on the floor and turned to Twilight. "So this is how it works; first, you gotta grab a lotta rope in your mouth. More than you think, 'cause you need it to fly. Make sure the end of your rope is near the back of your jaw, that's important. Once you get some loops of rope, you start swingin' it around a few times to get uh... muh..."


"Yeah, momentum! So you get that, and once you got a lot of it, you let most of what's in your mouth go. Don't throw it yet though, this is where the back end of the rope comes in. Usin' the part of the rope still in your teeth, you start steadyin' yourself while spinnin' the lasso real good. As soon as you've got everythin' set up, you thrust your head in the direction you wanna throw. If you've done everythin' right, you should catch what you're aimin' for. It'll be just like this." Applejack then took the lasso rope in her mouth and demonstrated her steps. After tossing her rope, it landed perfectly around the bale of hay. She turned to Twilight as she adjusted her hat. "Now it's your turn. See if you can do it."

Twilight looked at the rope, blinking a few times. "Okay..." she eventually responded. She grabbed a few loops of rope, then looked at Applejack, who nodded once. She began twirling the rope several times, but as she went to let the bulk of the rope out, she released too much and sent it into the sky. It briefly flew a few feet towards the sky before falling down in a messy pile.

"It's okay," Applejack assured. "Practice makes perfect, right?"

Twilight forced away her frown and replied, "Yeah, practice." She then started over, only for her attempt to end with her releasing too much rope, again. She repeated this process several times, ending with various results, ranging from the lasso flying off, or being tossed far away from its target. Twilight was huffing as she grimaced and stared at the rope, holding it with her magic. "Am I missing something?" she asked.

Applejack shook her head. "Like ah said, it takes practice is all."

Twilight refocused her attention on the rope, groaning loudly.

"Hey now, no need to get worked up, you just..." Applejack looked at the magically-gripped rope and back to Twilight. Suddenly her face lit up. "Try throwin' it again, but this time, think of what ah did, and use your magic."

Twilight looked at the rope, then back to Applejack. "Alright." She started to twirl the rope, then gave the head of the lasso momentum, and finally released. This time, the loop was a few inches away from the bale. Her expression became slack-jawed as she uttered, "I... almost got that."

"Had a feelin' that would work better for you," Applejack informed her with a smile. "Now see if you can get it to catch."

Twilight licked her lips and focused on the bale of hay. She spun the lasso several times in the air and tossed it, which then landed neatly around the hay. "I did it!" she rejoiced as she did a small hop.

"You're a natural, Twilight. Then again, shouldn't be surprisin’."

"So... now what do I do?"

"Well, normally, this would be the part when you pull in what you've caught, but there ain't no need here." Applejack walked to the bale of hay and lifted the loop of rope away, carrying it towards Twilight. "Now, how about you give it some more tries, just to be sure you got it.” The next few lasso throws went off without a hitch, each toss sailing onto the bale of hay. “Alright, ah think that’s enough of that,” Applejack informed as she walked to the rope and picked it up. “You sure make this look easy."

Twilight smiled. "Well, I did have a good teacher."

"Aw, c'mon now," Applejack stammered as a faint shade of red appeared on her cheeks and she lightly kicked dust off the ground. "It was just the basic how-to."

"Any chance I could try a moving target?"

Applejack chuckled. "Slow it down a little. A movin' target's a lot more difficult to hit than one standin' in place."

“Can you hit a moving target?”

“You betcha!”

“Think you can do it right now?”

“Alright, just gimme a sec.” Applejack looked around the area. “Ah dunno what we got ‘round here that we can use as a movin’ target. The cows don’t like bein’ targets, and sometimes they just stand still on purpose.” She continued to look around until her gaze settled on Twilight. She paused for a moment before asking, “Ah bet you can teleport real fast, can’t you?”

“I… guess?” Twilight answered with a shrug.

“Then how ‘bout ah try to catch you?”

“Come again?”

“You know, just appear around me, and ah’ll try to catch you.”

“Now that would be impressive to see. How often do you want me teleporting?” Twilight asked as she spaced herself away.

“Just often enough that it’s a challenge. Hay, ah’ll see if ah can get you on the first try.”

“That confident, huh? Well, If you’re sure.”

“Start whenever you’re ready.”

Twilight nodded once and began appearing in different spots, never remaining in the same spot for more than a second, all while Applejack had picked up her lasso and had been spinning it in the air. Her eyes darted around the few times Twilight appeared in her line of sight. When her target appeared slightly to the left, she tossed her rope. Unfortunately, Twilight vanished again, and the rope fell flat on the floor.

Applejack’s ears flattened as she blew at a strand of hair in front of her eyes. “Well, shoot.”

Twilight walked towards her from behind. “Well… at least you were pretty close!”

“Yeah, ah guess, but…” She briefly stared at the floor before turning back to Twilight. “Let’s give this another try. Ah feel like ah can get the next one for sure.”

“Alright.” Once more, Twilight stood a small distance away from Applejack and then began teleporting. Applejack started swinging her lasso, and after a moment, tossed it. The rope nearly made its mark, but fell short, as Twilight teleported again before it could make contact.

Applejack stomped her hoof on the floor. “Ah almost had that!”

“It’s okay, Applejack,” Twilight began from behind. “I’m sure hitting a teleporting target is harder than a moving target. If you’d like, I can just run around you instead, and—”

“No, just… one more try. Please, Twilight?”

Twilight briefly stared at Applejack before replying, “Alright, one more.”

Applejack smiled and readied her lasso again. The process began once more, and Applejack then closed her eyes, while still spinning the rope. After a few teleports, her eyes shot open, and she saw Twilight disappear from the spot in front of her. She tossed the rope behind and to the left of her. Twilight started to appear there, which made Applejack grin triumphantly. On instinct, she gave the rope a hefty pull. Twilight had barely noticed the rope before she found herself swept off her hooves.

Applejack smirked, but her triumph was short lived, as Twilight hit the ground and held the back of her neck and groaned. She quickly ran towards her friend. "Ah'm sorry, ah'm sorry!" Applejack exclaimed. "A-ah didn't mean for you to—"

"It's okay..." Twilight grunted as she sat herself up. “How did you figure that out?”

“Ah was just thinkin’ of how you’d appear behind me after each time right in front of me,” Applejack explained. “So ah took a bit of a guess and tossed my rope there.” She looked over her friend. “Does your back hurt?”

"It’s not so ba—" Twilight twitched and hissed as she tried moving her neck. “Okay, it does kind of hurt.”

"Hang on, lemme get that for you." Applejack ran behind Twilight and placed her hooves on her back.

"What are you do-o-o-o..." Twilight's words never came to light, as Applejack began firmly pressing her hooves onto the base of her neck. She slumped her shoulders and closed her eyes.

"Sometimes Big Mac pulls a muscle out in the fields. Ah learned how to do some massagin’ for those times." After a few moments of pressing, Applejack backed away. "That should be better."

Twilight stood upright and twisted her neck a couple of times, then nodded. "Way better... that was great!"

Applejack smiled and shrugged, but then she sat on her haunches and looked away. “Sorry for that. Ah got carried away.”

“Oh, it’s alright. I’ve gotten caught up in my interests before. Besides, my neck feels good again, so no harm done!”

“Ah’m glad for that,” Applejack replied. She walked closer to Twilight, noticing a patch of brown on her cheek. "Hang on, you got a smudge on your face. Lemme get that too."

Twilight stood still as her friend began brushing the dirt away. First, her attention was focused on Applejack's hoof, but that was soon overtaken by the blaring realization that Applejack was a mere inch or two away at this point. She stood still and stared silently at her.

"There, that's..." Applejack stopped rubbing, but kept her hoof on Twilight's cheek. She noticed her gaze and started to stare back at those purple eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat and started to slowly rub Twilight's cheek once more. She then reached her hoof slightly up and brushed some wayward strands of hair out of Twilight's eyes, which made the librarian tremble. "Twilight," Applejack croaked, "would you—"

A sudden round of barking was heard, breaking her attention away to look at Winona, who was running up to her. "H-hey there, Winona," Applejack quaked as she shakily approached and began petting her pet. "What brings you on out here?"

"There you are!"

Applejack looked up to see Apple Bloom approaching as well. "Ah had a feelin' Winona would help me find you." She looked behind Applejack. "What's Twilight doin' here?"

"She's, uh..." Applejack turned around to see Twilight staring at the ground, mouth agape, so she loudly cleared her throat.

"Huh? What?" Twilight looked around until her attention was focused on the Apple sisters. "W-were we done, or..."

"Actually, whatever it is y'all are doin', it'd be good if you are done," Apple Bloom informed. "Granny sent me out here to get you, sis. Said we got a really big order to fill."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "How big?"

"Remember that fiftieth anniversary for the Treasure couple in Manehattan?"

"That is kinda big."

"...This order's bigger’n that."

"Okay, that's really big." Applejack looked at Twilight and gritted her teeth. "Just... tell Granny Smith ah'll be in, in a few minutes. Ah'm gonna see Twilight off."

"Alright see ya soon, AJ. And see ya later, Twilight. C'mon, Winona." Apple Bloom trotted away, with Winona following close behind her.

Applejack walked over to Twilight. "Sorry 'bout that," she added. "Wish we could keep this goin', but—"

"No, it's f-fine," Twilight replied with a shake of her head. "I understand."

"Ah'll walk you to the front." Both mares headed away from the makeshift arena and towards the farm's entrance. As they walked, they took a few off glances at each other, but walked in silence for a time.

Finally, Twilight took the initiative. "I… I still want to apologize for the movies.”

Applejack almost replied, but stopped herself.

“It wasn’t fair to you to leave you waiting there for so long. I’m actually surprised you waited as long as you did. But I promise, I won’t let something like that ever happen again.”

“To be honest, ah did have some things ah wanted to say ‘bout that.” She paused and shot a smile. “But ah know you well enough to know that what happened was an honest mistake.”

Twilight smiled. After another minute of walking, she remarked, “You did great, you know?" Applejack raised another brow, so she continued. "I mean... helping so much with managing the business, working the farm, and raising Apple Bloom. You did a great job balancing it all, and you still do."

Applejack's ears folded and her cheeks turned red as she tried to stifle her grin. "Ah like to think that, but hearin' those words from somepony else sure is nice."

Twilight focused on the apple trees for a moment. "But you still can't come out to her, or any of your family?" she asked, turning back to Applejack.

This made the pony in question stop for a moment. She turned away. "Like ah said; as much as ah wanna, ah gotta wait 'til it's safe. If ah got kicked out, ah..." Applejack shook her head. "Ah wouldn't have anythin'."

"I understand. I was just curious." Before Twilight could take another step, they had both reached the exit towards Ponyville. "Well... I guess this is where I head off."

"Yeah, looks like it." Applejack and Twilight stood in place, shuffling their hooves and glancing in various directions. "So, uh..." Applejack straightened up and started to rub the back of her neck. "Have you... have you given any more thought 'bout... us?"

Twilight glanced to the side before turning away. She took a moment to stare at the town buildings, then nodded and turned back towards Applejack. "I have. I think I have a much better idea now." Her friend now stood at full attention, slightly trembling. "But... I need to be absolutely sure, so... one more date. How does that sound?"

Applejack started to relax, leading to her grinning. "One more? Ah can handle that. Anythin' you have in mind?"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin, then her face lit up. "There's going to be a Starswirl the Bearded exhibit in the National Museum of Equestrian History in Canterlot. One that's supposed to go into great detail over Starswirl's teachings and philosophies!"

"Canterlot, y'say?" Applejack asked as she slightly backed away.

"Yep! I visit the museum once in a while, but this sort of exhibit really makes me want to go again! There could be new information uncovered that nopony has ever known about him before. I could find a goldmine of information there, or better yet, there could..." Twilight noticed Applejack looking away and biting her lower lip. "You know," she began again, her enthusiasm dipping. "We can... we can do something else. Canterlot's far away, and it's more convenient to do something in town, right? We can just... um..." She started to bite her hoof as she wracked her brain for an idea.

"Y'know what?" Applejack inquired, fetching Twilight's attention. "Let's do it."


"Yeah, checkin' out a museum could be a nice change of pace! Ah’ll swing by your place before we head to Canterlot."

Twilight grinned. "Alright! The Museum next week then! It’s an all day event, but the evening would work better for me. Come to the library at 4pm so we have enough time to make it there."

"4pm. Canterlot museum. Guess ah'll see ya then?"

"Yep! Goodbye, Applejack!"

As Twilight began walking away, Applejack felt the heat rise to her cheeks, and her heart beating on her chest. She took a deep breath and called out, "Twilight, wait up!" She ran towards her target and stopped just short of her. She sat herself down and gripped her trembling side. "Ah... ah was wonderin' if... if you'd... uh..."

Twilight tilted her head. "Applejack, are you okay?"

"Ah'm—a'hm—ah'm fine... it's just..." Applejack paused to take a breath. "This is a lot harder to ask than ah thought."

"What is it?"

Applejack gritted her teeth, inhaled sharply through her nostrils, and asked, "Twilight... would you mind if... ah... k-k-kissed you?"

Twilight's eyes grew wide and she sat herself down, herself trembling quite evidently, and blushing furiously. "K-k-k-k-kiss? Um... uh... I-I... I... shouldn't be surprised, but... I-I-I..."

Applejack smiled softly and shook her head. "Ah s'pose it's a bit too soon to ask somethin' like that?"

Twilight hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Figured it couldn't hurt to at least ask..." she glanced up at Twilight, who was quickly switching her attention from object to object. Applejack slowed down her breathing and then asked, "Would it be too much to ask for a hug?"

Twilight stared for a moment, but then allowed herself a smile and a nod. "That, I can do." She walked forward and hugged Applejack. As she breathed through her nose, however, an acidic scent shot into her system. She sniffed a few more times, which made her friend pull away.

"Is... somethin' wrong?"

"Did you put something in your mane? It smells like oranges."

Applejack smiled sheepishly. "Oh, that. Ah just... ah was given some shampoo as a sort of gift, and thought ah'd try it out." She gripped her mane. "Do you like it?"

Twilight nodded. "It smells very nice on you." She then tensed up and took a step back. "N-not that you don’t normally smell nice or anything," she blurted. "And t-that’s not to say I know what you smell like, it’s just, it— it happened to stand out, is all."

"That so?" Applejack chuckled. "Ah'll be sure to remember that."

Twilight turned away to hide trembling. "So... I guess that's it for today then," she quickly noted. "I'll just get going now. See you around, Applejack!" She galloped away from the farm.

Applejack stood and watched Twilight until she was out of sight. She took a grip of her mane and took a deep inhale. "Oranges... that mare works wonders, ah tell you."

Chapter 4

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Twilight quickly entered her home and shut the door behind her, allowing herself one huff. "This is really happening," she murmured. "If I'm going to do this, I'd better prepare for it." She looked around the library for a moment. "Spike?" she called out. "Are you home?"

"You rang?" he replied, peeking his head out from the second story.

"Okay, good. I need you to do me a favor and gather all the books we've got on dating advice, please."

Spike stared deadpan. "I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure I misheard you. What was that?"

"All the books on dating advice, and the sooner the better."

Spike continued to stare until he put on a wry grin. "Are you going on a date?"

Twilight stood straight and her ears folded back as she felt her cheeks warming up. "Me?! D-d-don't be silly! I need them for..." she frantically looked around the room. "A story. That's what."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I happen to enjoy writing stories from time to time; you should know that!"

Both Spike and Twilight continued to stare at each other. "Gimme a minute," Spike slowly backed away. His footsteps could be heard making their way towards and down the stairs. He then walked towards the bookroom across from the den and closed the door behind him. Twilight tapped her hooves on the floor and started to reflect on her time recently spent with Applejack. First she thought of her smile, and began smiling herself. Then she drifted towards the feeling of their hooves intertwined at the theater, and the way Applejack confessed her deep feelings at the diner.

How did I not notice any of this about her? she wondered as she pressed her hooves against her cheeks. Next she started to remember the firm yet caring touch of those hooves on her back, and slight tickle she felt as Applejack's hoof brushed along her cheek. Her cheeks burned, which made her shake her head, hooves covering her face. I mean... it's not like I didn't enjoy the time I spent with her. But does that mean I have feelings for her? How do I know this isn't just a strong friendship and not romance? Finally, she recalled the one quote that left her hair standing on end.

"Twilight... would you mind if... ah... k-k-kissed you?"

With a furious blush, she raced toward her kitchen and drank several glasses of water. Once finished, she walked back towards her den and pressed her right forehoof to her forehead. Let's take this easy, Twilight. she told herself. Come next week, this will all be figured out. She's been the only one making the moves so far, so I've got to step up my game. The door to the book room opened, and Spike walked in. Twilight smiled, but her expression slowly degraded as she saw one lone book in his claws. "Is that the only book we have?"

"Uh... yeah, and this is it." Spike looked at the book cover once more. "But I really don't think this will help you, Twilight. It looks pretty bad."

"Oh, come now, Spike. Haven't I told you that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover?"

"I think we can make an exception here."

"Spike, please. Can I just see the book?"

A moment passed as Spike looked at the book cover once more, then back to Twilight. "Alright..." He held the book out and allowed Twilight to lift it into the air.

"Thank you, now what's so..." She paused as she took her time to examine the cover. On it was a mare in dim lighting looking towards the camera, her eyes half lidded, mane messily styled, and makeup sloppily administered. In bold letters in front of her was the title, 'How to be the Ultimate Ladykiller: A Self-Help Guide to Pulling Out of the Friendzone'. She looked back at Spike, who was staring expectantly back at her. "It... could be more than it seems," Twilight reasoned. She walked up the stairs and towards her bed, where she sat herself down and opened the front cover, looking at the table of contents.

"Let's start with... first dates." She flipped the pages towards the chapter and started reading a bullet-point list of tips. "Telling a mare her haunches are hella fine is a definite must for first time daters." Twilight found herself stuck, staring at that first point. You can't be serious. She started to skim the rest of the list and several pages afterwards, herself growing a grimace with every passing second.

She paused and rested her face in her hoof as she shook her head. One more idiotic idea, and that’s it. Twilight turned the page and the chapter title read ‘Why She Owes You a Date’ She quickly shut the book and stomped downstairs, dumping it in the first trashcan she saw.

"So..." Spike began, one eyebrow raised.

"I read the inside, and that's what counts." She walked towards the front door.

"Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to talk to Rarity. She'd have better ideas than a book like that."

"Can you tell her I said hi?"

"Will do. I'll be back later."


Twilight stood outside Rarity's boutique and knocked on the door three times. She waited outside, looking around, until the entrance opened.

"Why hello, Twilight," Rarity greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, I needed to ask you a few questions. Is this a bad time?"

"I can make time, dear. Do come in." Rarity led her friend inside, where two lounge-chairs were placed within. They both took a seat. "Now then, what's on your mind?"

Twilight took a deep breath. "I need some advice from you."

"It seems quite a few ponies need my advice these days. What kind do you need?"

"...D-dating advice."

Rarity covered her mouth with her hoof as her eyes went wide. "My, my, Twilight. You've got yourself a date?"

Twilight shakily nodded. "It... kinda started so suddenly."

"Regardless, details! What is he like?"

"He's, uh..." Twilight began rubbing her hooves. "He's... a hard working pony. He has to help manage a business while taking care of his family duties. I've been friends with him for a while now, but he suddenly asked me out one day. I don't really know if he's the right kind of pony for me, but so far we've gone on two dates. They turned out well, but I'm still unsure of how things should proceed between us."

Rarity smiled. "He sounds like quite a catch."

"I've actually seen a new side to him since we started going out. This whole thing has been a whirlwind of events to me, but all in all, I really haven't minded it."

"That almost sounds..." Rarity trailed off, looking away and placing a hoof on her lips.

Twilight adjusted her position. "Is something wrong, Rarity?"

"What were your two dates, so far?"

"Well, we went to the movies and watched Les Miserables, and then he showed me some tricks he can do with a lasso."

"Is that so," Rarity replied, turning around and walking a small distance away.

"Is everything okay?"

Rarity turned back to her friend and waved her hoof. "Oh, I was... going to say that he sounds like a total dreamboat. And... as much as I'd love to continue talking about this, I'm afraid I just remembered a rather large order I need to get completed, and it could take me a while, so I must get started right away."

"Can I visit you sometime another time? I'm going on another date with him next week, and could use your help."

"Next week? Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I'll be very busy until then. Won't be able to do much then."

"Oh, I see," Twilight replied as her ears drooped. "Is there anypony else you know of who could help me?"

Rarity rubbed her hooves together and looked away. Then she clapped her hooves once and replied, "Yes, actually. I know of the perfect pony to give you advice!"


Twilight sat at a booth within Stableys and drank some of her water. She glanced up at the clock, which read three-o-clock. "I hope she shows up soon," she muttered to herself. Right on cue, she heard hoofsteps approaching from behind. She turned around to see her friend standing there.

"Hey, Twilight," Rainbow Dash greeted.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash. How are you?"

"Doing good. Just got off of work." Rainbow sat in the empty seat across from Twilight. "So what's up? You need me for something?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "I thought Rarity filled you in."

"No, she just told me you needed some kinda help."

"Well... okay then. The truth is..." Twilight paused and looked around the restaurant, then leaned forward and whispered, "I need dating advice."

Rainbow's eyes grew wide and she leaned back in her seat. "No kidding?" she replied. Twilight shook her head in response. "That's kinda weird though."

"What's so weird about that?"

"Oh, no. Not the whole 'you dating' thing. Just... Rarity's all about love talk and all that. And I'm... y'know... not. Why would she want me to talk to you about it?"

"I don't know, but you're the pony she suggested."

Rainbow rested her head in her hooves. "I can always try, I guess. Tell me more about this pony you're dating."

Twilight rested her hooves in her lap. "What exactly do you need to know?"

"Oh, just basic things. Y'know: Are they clingy, or are they a loner? Are they quiet, or are they loud? Is it a mare or is it a stallion? The basic info."

"I unders--" Twilight straightened herself out. "Wait... did you say mare?"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "...Yes?"

"Have you... dated mares?"

"...Yes? Why is this a surprise to you?" Twilight and Rainbow stared at each other for a while. Then Rainbow put a hoof to her chin. "Wait... Did I not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"I'm bisexual, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle found herself staring another moment at her friend before shaking her stupor. "Oh! Well... That's sure something."

Rainbow leaned back again. "Could've sworn I told you already. Maybe it just slipped my mind. Anyway, enough about me. Are you dating a mare, or a stallion?"

Twilight looked at the table for a moment.

'Ah've heard stories of gay ponies who'd thought their folks would approve, only to be kicked to the curb the same night they confess.’

This is Rainbow Dash. She wouldn't think of me like that.

'If ah got kicked out, ah... Ah wouldn't have anythin'.'

But... this isn't just about me.

"You, uh... You there, Twilight?" Rainbow asked, waving a hoof in front of her friend's face.

"It's a stallion," Twilight replied immediately.

"A stallion, huh? That's a whole other ball park sometimes, you know?"

"Actually, I... don't."

"Right... that's why you're here." Rainbow tapped her hoof on the table. "Stallions aren't too bad, if you ask me. So what's this dude's name?"

Twilight froze as she quickly looked around the restaurant, until she set her sights on the clock once more. "His name is... Clockwork. That's it."

"Sounds new; what's he like?"

Now Twilight began leaving vague descriptions of her true interest, all of which Rainbow listened to, attentively. She then proceeded to give details as to how she ended up in this situation in the first place.

Afterwards, Rainbow nodded. "He sounds pretty cool, Twilight. Almost like somepony I dated a while back, but this guy sounds a lot better." She rested her head on her hooves. "Y'know... It sounds like you want this date as much as this Clockwork guy does."

Twilight slightly slumped as her cheeks reddened. "Well... I mean..." She slowly started to ease up and sat herself up straight. "Maybe I... do want this. I just... I feel like he's so invested in this, that I should show that I care too. He's been making all the moves, and I've just been frozen solid about them. I don't want him to misinterpret anything, so if you could help me, then..."

Rainbow looked towards the ceiling. "Well... if your big date is next week, we could always stage some practice dates or something."

"Practice dates?"

"Like a test run. Just see how you'd do in a date and things like that."

"Ponies do that?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I just figure what's the harm? Besides, you wanna know if he's actually interested in you, or if he's just looking to score, right?"

"What do you mean by score?" Twilight asked.

"Y'know... score."

Twilight shook her head.

"A home run?"

She gave the same response.

Rainbow's shoulders sagged and her head dipped forward. "You are so innocent, you know that?" Twilight kept staring, so Rainbow sat straight up again. "You know; If he likes you, or if he just wants sex."

Twilight's eye twitched and she felt heat rise to her cheeks. She then started to laugh uncomfortably loud. "Oh, duh! What else could that have meant? Of course you're talking about sex." Her laughter continued, but slowly declined as she noticed the many ponies staring in her direction. She bowed her head and started to fiddle her hooves.

"Smooth," Rainbow commented as she tried to stifle a laugh. "Really though, do you wanna practice first?"

Twilight leaned back and tapped her hooves together. "A few lessons wouldn't hurt."

"Okay then, how does tomorrow afternoon sound? We'll get you in romantic shape in no time!"

"Sounds fine to me. Thanks again, Rainbow."

"No problem. Now can we get a waiter or something? I'm starving!"


The sun had started setting when Applejack knocked on the door to Rarity's Boutique. She faintly heard her friend state, "I'm sorry, sir or madam, but Carousel Boutique is closed for the night. Please come back tomorrow morning, when we open."

"Can you make an exception for a friend?" Applejack replied.

"Applejack? Oh, give me a minute, dear!" The front door opened. "How are you, dear? What brings you here at this hour?"

"Can ah talk to you inside for a minute? It's kinda important."

"Oooh, is this another juicy update on your love life?"

"Not really, ah've just been thinkin' ‘bout somethin' is all."

Rarity stood aside and allowed Applejack inside, closing the door behind her.

"Now ah don't got much time," Applejack started, not even leaving the entryway, "but ah have a favor to ask you."

"Go on."

"What ah'm about to ask can never reach anypony else's ears."

Rarity nodded.

"And ah mean never."

"Yes, I understand, Applejack. Now what is the matter?"

Applejack held in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. "Can you help show me how to put on makeup?"

Over the next few seconds, Rarity's eyes started twitching, and her lips curled into a distorted smile. She quickly turned around and patted her face a few times. She then turned back around and asked, "Why this sudden interest in makeup, dear?"

"If you don't wanna do it, you don't have to."

Rarity walked towards Applejack, now being uncomfortably close. "Applejack, every fiber of my being wants nothing more right now than to give you the most amazing makeover of your life. However, given your track record, I'm just curious as to what brought this on."

Applejack scratched the back of her neck. "Okay, so earlier today, my date visited, and ah showed 'em lasso tricks. Thing is, we had to cut the date short because of an apple order that needed to get started on right away. We did make plans for next week though. We're goin' to Canterlot to see a Starswirl the Bearded exhibit."

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. "Yes, that does sound like something worthwhile."

"Well... ah feel like this date is gonna make or break my chance with 'em. Ah can't afford to mess this up."

Rarity sat down. "If your concern is looking good, then why not wear your outfit from the Gala?"

"Ah can't just toss that on! Besides, ah don't think ah even got it fixed after the Gala fiasco."

Rarity gasped.

"Don't you start," Applejack replied with narrow eyes. "Look, just... this is really important to me, Rarity! Can you please help me?"

Rarity slowly grinned. "Absolutely! When I'm through with you, you'll be drop-dead gorgeous!"

"Thank you so much, Rarity. So when do we start?"

"Why not tomorrow evening?"


“Yes, I must prepare for the days ahead, as we’re going to be quite busy. Is that alright?”

"Well then, sure. Works for me."


Twilight was on her bed, re-reading a copy of the Farmer's Almanac. She glanced up at her clock and groaned. That was when she heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" she called out as she descended down her stairs.

She opened the door to see Rainbow Dash, who greeted her with, "Yo, Twilight."

"Hello, Rainbow. A little late, I see."

“Sorry about that,” Twilight stepped to the right and ushered her friend inside.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash," Spike addressed as he entered the room. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, just gonna help Twilight with pra-"

Twilight then began coughing loudly. "Sorry, I think a little something got caught in my throat."

Rainbow stared at Twilight for a moment, and raised an eyebrow. After her friend shook her head, she nodded and answered, "We're just gonna… hang out and… stuff."

Spike tilted his head. "That’s it?"

"Yep, that’s it."

"Oh... okay."

"Well then," Twilight began. "We'll be in the study downstairs. Please see to it that we're not disturbed, Spike."

Both ponies headed through the door leading below the first floor. At the bottom of the stairs was a room filled with books, several sets of laboratory equipment, two chalkboards, and a bed.

Twilight closed the door behind her. "Alright, alright. So you're the teacher here. How are we going to do this?"

Rainbow sat next to the bed. "Just like we talked about, I'm gonna drill you on how most dates go. Sometimes you'll be the dude, and sometimes I'll be the dude. We'll play these situations out and see how you take them. Make sense?"

"Sort of. I'll probably pick up on it as we go."

Rainbow looked at the bed again, then grinned as she set herself on top of it. "And you know," she began, as she lay on her side and dragged a hoof along the covers, her eyes half-lidded, "it's a good thing you've got a bed here, if you catch my drift."

Twilight tilted her head. "Well, I sometimes get caught up studying for so long that I--" She suddenly took several steps back and scrunched her lips. "Woah woah woah! That is not what we agreed to!"

Rainbow started laughing and rolled around the covers. "I'm just messing with you, Twilight. Don't worry!"

"I... I see." Twilight cleared her throat and wiped her forehead.

"Alright. You ready?


"Now then, Applejack," Rarity began as she arranged countless items of makeup around her friend as they both sat in front of the bathroom mirror. "Over the course of this week, I will teach you every necessary makeup combination to win over your beau. You will find some applications questionable, and some downright foolhardy, but you simply must trust what I tell you to do. Are we clear?"

"Clear as water," Applejack replied, looking over countless, unidentifiable containers.

"Good. Then let's begin." Rarity lifted a tube of mascara and unscrewed the top portion. She brought the rod towards Applejack's right eye. "Close that eye for me, darling."

Once Applejack did as she was told, Rarity applied a quick stroke to her eyelashes. She then quickly shuffled her hooves and giggled in total euphoria.

"Are you gonna do that every time you put somethin' on me?" Applejack asked.

"Nope, that was the only time."



"Don't you think hitting a guy down there would do more harm than good?"

"Twilight. If it's a dude who isn’t respecting you as a mare, nowhere is off limits."

"But you only asked for the time!"

"You'll find out that a lot of dudes need to know the time, trust me."


"But Applejack, lip gloss is one of the biggest hits this season!"

"It looks weird, and ah don't want none of it gettin' on my food."

"Fine... but to compensate, we shall give you a light shade of eyeshadow."



4 Days Remaining

"Okay, Twilight. Gimme your most flattering line."

"Right now?"

"Yeah. I told you enough about them. Wow me."

"Um... are you the... latest Encyclopedia Brittanica? Because I'd love to check you out."

"...You know, why don't we go over pick up lines again? Let's go a little more in depth this time."


"Applejack, no!"


"You can't rub off your eyeshadow like that!"

"But my eye itches."

"Under no circumstances can you rub those eyes, dear. You'll smear it all over yourself.

"Makeup is the worst."


2 Days Remaining

"You've really never had one?"

"It... it's not like I go kissing on a daily basis or anything."

"Well, it's something you just get after a while. Kinda hard to describe. The only other option besides describing it is... well... showing you."

"...You know what, let's try describing anyway. I can do words."


"This shade of foundation looks marvelous on you, dear!"

"Ah don't even see it."

"That's the point. It hides imperfections."

"Ah thought the point of makeup was to see it, not... not see it."

"Makeup has many different purposes, Applejack."


1 Day Remaining

"Okay, so let's face the facts," Rainbow began as she paced around the study. "Your smooth talk game is... Well... it needs work. You tend to forget what should be common-sense aspects of dating, and you still get really nervous when anypony mentions boning."

Twilight started to squirm in her seat.

"But, all things said, you've made some pretty good progress this week."


"Yeah, you're not as much as a wreck as you were before."

Twilight looked to the floor. "I don't get it." Rainbow looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "Why did these sort of dates feel so different from when I first went out with him?"

"Different how?"

"With these dates, I have a lot of things I need to remember. It's almost like there's a game we have to both abide by. It was sort of like that when he and I were first going out, but eventually it just felt so... normal."

Rainbow walked closer. "And what makes you say that?"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "It's like... the both of us were still doing things that regular friends would do. It still felt like we were still good friends, but... something more?"

Rainbow started to smile. "Y'know, I think you're gonna do just fine, Twilight."

"Thanks, Rainbow," she replied as she sighed happily. "You've been a great help."

"Don't even worry. Just don't try to half-ass things with this guy. If he isn't getting what you're saying, then tell him so."

"I know, Rainbow. You made that quite clear."

Rainbow walked up the stairs. "I'll go on ahead and let myself out. I wanna eat before it gets too late." When she reached the top, she called out, "And if he gives you trouble for turning him down, lemme know so I can beat some sense into the jerk!"

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Rainbow Dash," Twilight stated back. When her mentor had exited the room, she then paced around. Tomorrow's the day. She paused and confidently blew air through her nostrils. I can do this!


"How is it coming along, dear?" Rarity called into the bathroom.

"Just fine, if you could gimme a minute," Applejack replied. She stared at her reflection, focusing on the smears of powder on her cheeks, the repulsive shade of green above her eyes, and the unnatural way her eyelashes stood out. Just remember why you're doing this. She shook her head and turned towards the door. "Ah'm comin' out," she declared before opening the door. Reluctantly, she looked at Rarity, who was staring silently at her, mouth agape. "'Kay look, ah know it ain't great, and ah can try this again. Ah just wanted to-"

"Applejack, dear..." Rarity interrupted. You look stunning."

For a moment, Applejack stared back. Then a smile started to creep in from the corners of her mouth and she looked away. "You mean that?"

"Why, yes! When we first began this, it was quite evident that you needed instruction. Now, however, you look absolutely spectacular!"

"Ah... guess ah do look a little better."

"You absolutely do. And now I think you're ready." Rarity turned around and used her magic to lift a green leather pouch towards Applejack. "I've taken the liberty of supplying you with more of what you're wearing now," she informed her. "Feel free to keep it as long as you wish."

Applejack looked at the gift, then looked back up to Rarity. "Are you sure 'bout this? Ah mean, you don't have to give me this if you don't want to."

"It'll be fine, dear. All for the cause," Rarity replied with a wave of her hoof. "Anyways, I hope that you two have a fantastic time together!”

"Thank you so much, Rarity," the farmpony replied as she placed the bag underneath her hat. "Ah honestly dunno what ah would'a done without you."

"No need to thank me, dear. I had quite a bit of fun with this. Now I'm afraid that we must cut this day short. I have an order to finish by tomorrow morning."

Applejack had then moved to wash the makeup off her face, then began heading to the door.

"One more thing," Rarity stated. "I'm sure you don't need me saying this, but if this stallion tries anything untoward, give him the old one, two for me."

"Ah'll keep that in mind," Applejack replied with a chuckle.

"Good luck, dear!" Rarity cried out.

Applejack walked out of the Boutique and began heading for the farm. Good luck, huh? she looked to the sky. I might need more than that tomorrow, but... She huffed once, looking to the sky. I might need a little bit of your help, if you can offer it. She then started the chuckle. Oh, what am I saying? For better or for worse, I can make do with what I get!


"Thanks for agreeing to this last minute," Twilight said to Fluttershy, who had Spike at her side.

"Oh, it's no problem! I don't mind having a guest for the night." She turned to Spike. "And you have everything you need?"

"Yep!" he replied, motioning to his backpack. "Everything from my toothbrush to my blanket."

"Good to hear," Twilight stated. "Now I'll be around to pick you up at nine in the morning, so try not to stay up too late, okay?"

"I'll make sure he goes to bed at a reasonable hour," Fluttershy replied. "Now, let's get out of your mane," she stated as she turned to leave.

Spike looked to Twilight. "So why not just let me stay home alone? You've done it before during these big appointments."

"Yes, but this is one time I'd prefer you stay at another pony's house for the night. I don't have much time to discuss this with you, Spike, so please go along with Fluttershy now, okay?"

"Alright..." Spike turned around and walked away. "See you tomorrow, Twilight," he added with a wave.

Twilight returned the gesture before closing the door and resting her forehead on it. She sighed as she stared at the floor. "You've been practicing all week for this moment. There's no telling what's going to happen, but I hope we'll still remain friends after this." She paused and took a moment to look at her clock, which read 3:45. "I still have fifteen minutes. Might as well practice a little more."

She walked into the middle of the den. "Well, hello, Applejack. You look absolutely beautiful today." she paused before moving to her bookshelf. "Beautiful might be too strong a word for this date... maybe..." She pulled open a thesaurus and looked through before finding her desired word. "Charming? That could work. She moved back to the center of the room. "Why hello there, Applejack. You look absolutely charming today." She put a hoof to her chin. "Wait... I need to sound more enthusiastic." She cleared her throat. "Why hello Applejack! You look absolutely charming today!" She slowly sat on her haunches and rubbed her forehead. "That just sounded really awkward..."

Before she could think of anything else, there was a knock at her door. She froze before turning to the clock, which now read 3:50. She's early... Guess it's time to get in the zone. She walked towards the door and took a deep breath. "Here goes," she muttered as she pulled it open. "Why hello, App-" she froze as she numbly took in the sight before her.

Applejack stood in her doorway, her hair neatly combed to the right in an elongated curl, and braided in the back. Her tail was braided in the same fashion. She stood there, smiling with a gentle blush on her cheeks, green eyeshadow that didn't overpower her coat, and darkened eyelashes, which she batted a couple times. "Howdy," she greeted.

All thought left Twilight until she shook her head. "Hel-He-um... uh... h-hi. Hi! Applejack."

"Too stunned to speak?" Applejack remarked as she tilted her head to the side.

"N-n-no! It's fine. I'm fine! Please, come inside!" Twilight insisted as she stepped aside, pointing her foreleg to her den. As Applejack walked inside, she quickly added, "Feel free to take a seat, I'll be right back!" and briskly walked into her kitchen. She immediately went to her cupboard, grabbed the nearest cup, filled it to the brim with water, and began drinking it, trails of water dripping off the sides of her face.

She pulled the cup away and put a hoof to her chest. This isn't good! How am I going to last like this? Is this... because of her? She looked towards the entrance to the kitchen before walking towards it. That couldn't be it... right? She creeped towards the edge of the opening and peeked her head out. She immediately caught Applejack's attention, who just smiled and waved before Twilight jerked her head out of sight.

She leaned against the wall and sunk until she sat on the floor, pressing a hoof to her burning cheek. I'm not ready for this! Not at all! She's taken this so much more seriously than me. She covered her face with her hooves. I can't back out of this now, but... what do I do? What can I do?


She quickly pulled away her hooves and looked up to see Applejack standing before her.

"Are you okay?"

Twilight quickly stood back onto her hooves and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. I just... I needed a minute."

Applejack tilted her head. "You sure?"

"Really, I'm fine. W-would you like something to drink? Water, maybe? Actually, I... think I only have water."

"It's okay," Applejack replied with a chuckle. "Ah had a quick lunch before ah left."

"Oh, okay then." Twilight looked around for a moment. "So, um... that makeup looks nice on you!"

Applejack smiled as the blush on her cheeks grew. "Why, thank you."

"What, um... what brought it on?"

"Well, ah figured it's a date... and ah wanted to look my best for it. Also, we are goin' to Canterlot. So ah figured it would be appropriate."

"Did anypony give you weird looks for it?"

"Well... Big Macintosh saw me on the way out. It looked like he was 'bout to say somethin', so ah told him ah've seen him doin' worse. He shut his mouth right quick after that."

Twilight giggled. "Nothing like blackmail to keep somepony quiet, huh?"

"Heh, yeah..."

After both mares found themselves staring at one another for a minute, Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "So, uh... should we get goin'?"

Twilight snapped herself into reality. "Oh, y-yes! Let's!" She started walking towards the door, Applejack following close behind.

“Hang on, how exactly are we gettin’ to Canterlot?”

“Oh, right! I had to pull a couple strings, but-” A thud was heard outside the door. Twilight opened it slightly and peered outside. “Perfect timing!” she stated as she opened the door completely. Waiting outside was a small chariot with two pegasi waiting at the front. Applejack’s jaw dropped as she turned to Twilight. “Is it… too much?”

“No…” Applejack replied as she shook her head, “It’s perfect!”

“Great!” She could feel her hooves shaking, but witnessing Applejack’s delight slowly allowed her to smile and felt her jitters slowly subside. She extended her hoof outward. "After you, Applejack."

"Why thank you, darlin'." she replied as she nodded curtly and walked outside.

Here we go... Twilight thought as she closed her front door.

Chapter 5

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As the chariot took off towards Canterlot, Applejack and Twilight took their seats.

"It's been awhile since I've been outta town," Applejack stated while stretching her limbs. "Kinda nice to Canterlot without any sorta shenanigans goin' on."

Twilight smiled and added, "We haven’t really gone to Canterlot on a good day, huh?"

Both ponies chuckled and sat back. Applejack then remarked, "Just hope the town’ll be nicer than usual."

"What are you talking about?"

Applejack slightly stiffened before continuing. "Ah just mean... well..." She started to massage the back of her neck. "Sometimes ponies go shovin' things onto ya, and it gets a little overwhelmin’. That's all."

Twilight started to smile. "That’s a little ironic coming from a salespony like yourself."

"'Spose it is, huh."

Applejack began studying the landscape, leaving Twilight unintentionally glancing over her date. She swallowed the lump in her throat and turned away as well. So... what's good to say here? Nothing too forward, but not too weak at the same time...

After an extended moment of silence, Applejack ended up looking over to Twilight, who was now rubbing her forehead and lightly groaned. "Are you okay?" she asked as she moved her hoof to tap her shoulder.

Twilight then snapped her head around and blurted out, "Y-your flank looks hella fine!"

Both mares stared at each other, their faces slowly getting redder until Applejack worked up the energy to say, "Thank... you?" as she glanced at the two pegasi flying the chariot, who were staring in their general direction but quickly turned around.

Twilight turned away and stared at the floor.

Applejack cleared her throat and started with, "So... all that aside... I'm really looking forward to this."

Twilight started to smile again and took a deep breath. "I am too."

"Now, uh... what are we gonna look at in the exhibit?"

Twilight sat upright and her ears perked up. "What to look at? Oh boy, where do I even begin? Um... wait..." She pressed her hoof to her lips. "Where do I even begin?" She briefly looked at the far-off mountains. "I guess I could start by asking how much you know about Starswirl the Bearded."

"Aside from you dressin' up as him for Nightmare Night? Not much," Applejack replied as she slouched.

"Then... I guess I could give you some background information. Starswirl was born in the year 347. Even from his birth, his magic abilities gave him quite the reputation. He first started with..." Twilight then gave an extensive explanation of Starswirl's many deeds and actions. All the while, she became more animated as the discussion carried on, and Applejack brought up her remarks and questions as needed. "...And wouldn't you know it, researchers later discovered that he even took part in establishing the subcategories of magic in Equestria."

"Well ah'll be," Applejack replied.

"That find caused quite a ruckus in the magic community, let me tell you. Still, that was nothing compared to when—”

Suddenly, one of the pegasi stated, “We’re almost near the castle, Miss Twilight.”

Twilight blinked her eyes a few times before looking below. The city of Canterlot was coming closer and closer into view.

"Almost there, huh?" Applejack asked. "Didn't even seem that long ago." She looked towards Twilight, who was still staring at the approaching city. "Something wrong, Twilight?"

"W-we're... here?"

"Yeah, looks like it. Does that surprise you?"

Twilight turned to Applejack. "But... we were talking the entire time. That had to at least have been an hour and a half."

Applejack shrugged. "Guess it was."

"You didn't... mind me rambling?"

"Ramblin'?" Applejack replied with a raised eyebrow. "Ah wouldn't say it's ramblin' if we're both talkin', now would it?"

Twilight slowly allowed herself to smile. "Oh... well... great!"

Eventually, the chariot touched down and both mares made their way out.

“They’ll be back to pick us up around nine o’ clock,” Twilight explained. “So we’ve got plenty of time around town.”

“Then ah reckon we should get goin’,” Applejack replied.

They waved goodbye to the chariot pegasi, and headed towards the downtown area. All the while they struck various conversations as Applejack quickly glanced at the ponies they passed by. Finally, they were standing in front of the museum. Its stylistically polished white architecture and brick building were draped in banners depicting Starswirl the Bearded.

A smile beamed across Twilight’s face as she turned to her date. “Are you ready?”

Applejack nodded. “Can’t say no when you’re that excited.”

Both mares walked up the steps leading to the museum’s entrance. Inside, they were handed pamphlets about the day’s exhibits, and then followed banners leading them toward their destination. Once they arrived, Twilight’s hooves became antsy and her smile grew even wider than before.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! It’s all here!” She exclaimed as she started prancing in a circle. “What do we even see first? There’s the memoirs, the walkthroughs, the lectures, the interviews, the the models!” She paused and started giggling. “There’s so much to do!” Her prancing was interrupted when she heard Applejack start snickering. She stopped prancing, chuckled uneasily, and looked away as her face reddened. “Um… what would you like to do?” she asked meekly.

“Ah’m okay with whatever you wanna do,” Applejack replied. “What’s the first thing that comes to mind? How about that?”

Twilight’s eyes drifted to the right, then to the left, and her lips scrunched up.

“Okay, okay. Let’s try this.” Applejack got her own pamphlet and opened it. She turned away, closed her eyes, and tapped the page she was on. She opened her eyes and looked at where her hoof was. “The Academy Display. That sound good?”

Twilight nodded. She walked alongside her friend and her smile started to fade. Come on, Twilight! Don’t freak out in front of her like this! Just gotta… calm down. She took a slow, deep breath in, and released it slowly. She then glanced over at Applejack, and saw her smiling gleefully. In turn, she allowed herself a small smile. Well, maybe it’s not that bad.

After a small walk through the area, they reached the Academy Display. All around them were pictures, posters, artifacts, and many other materials.

“So what’s the story behind all this?” Applejack asked as her head darted around.

“As you probably know, Starswirl was a prodigy for magic, from even a young age. And, since ponies back then would often move swiftly into adulthood, he gained such a following that he ended up establishing what we know now as the Magic Academy.”

Applejack stopped in place. “You’re tellin’ me a young’un ended up makin’ an entire academy all on his own?”

Twilight nodded.

“And here ah thought there was a lot on my plate.”

“To be honest, when I was a filly, I had my own thoughts on a school under my name,” Twilight began. “It wasn’t too much, but it was still something sizeable.”

Applejack puffed her chest out and drew a hoof across it. “And what would’ve been in your school, Headmaster Twilight?”

Twilight chuckled. “Let’s see… I had ideas for an academics section, obviously. Then there was… the dorm rooms… the office… and… the cafeteria… Huh, guess there was less than I imagined.”

“Ambitious from the get-go.”

“Really? I kind of, um… find it a little embarrassing. I was so young and had no idea how the world worked.” Twilight flattened her ears and sported a sheepish grin. “Oh, and… sorry for getting so eager back there. I just… kinda lose composure over these things.” She chuckled uneasily.

Applejack shook her head. “Nothin’ embarrassin’ ‘bout likin’ somethin’. In fact, uh…” Her cheeks reddened, she slightly bowed her head, and looked up. “If we’re bein’ honest here… Seein’ you all excited made you look kinda… cute.”

Twilight felt explosive heat waves rush to her cheeks and her hair stand up, if only for a moment. Both she and Applejack were silent before Twilight stammered, “S-s-so, the… the display, yeah! Let’s go!” They then walked a short distance towards a group of ponies being led by a tour guide. The guide was explaining how a series of robes used by attendees at the old academy were to signify one’s skill level and stature.

“This is kinda more interestin’ than ah thought it would be,” Applejack muttered.

“Isn’t it? I bet Rarity would love to see these,” Twilight whispered back.

“She’d probably throw a fit seein’ clothes that old.”


A pony in the group shushed them, refocusing their attention on the tour guide’s explanation. Twilight listened attentively, then glanced over at Applejack, who was also paying close attention. She smiled before focusing on the guide again. After a couple of seconds, however, she found herself staring back over again. There was a shine on Applejack’s lips that wouldn’t avoid her attention. She gently shook her head, and turned away. However, the voice of the tour guide was slowly being drowned out and replaced with the sound of her beating heart growing louder and louder. She bit her lower lip and turned towards Applejack again. Her cheeks began to flush again as she found herself stuck focusing on those lips. An enticing thought then crossed her mind, which made her tremble and her eyes grow wide.

“H-hey,” she muttered. “I have to go to… the bathroom, yeah.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah’ll be here. Take your time.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. She creeped away, then slowly increased her pace until she finally found a restroom. She barged in and went into one of the stalls. Then she rested her head against the wall and placed a hoof to her chest. Was that… Did I just imagine us… The thought then replayed through her head. The glimmer coming from Applejack’s lips became such a nuisance that she felt the only way to stop it would be to cover those lips with her own.

She shook her head rapidly. Come on! I just wanted to figure things out! She chastised. I never wanted any of this! I just… I wanted… She began relaxing and slumped against the wall. Oh, who am I kidding? I might have figured out one thing, but… Her gaze trailed to the right. Does this mean I... like her, like her, or what? Twilight then took a deep breath and stood up straight. I can figure that out later. I don’t want to keep her waiting. She then exited the stall, washed off her hooves, and then went back into the museum.


Applejack scanned her surrounding area, noting several ponies pass by. She’s sure taking her time. She started to tap her hoof. Hope she’s doing alright. I probably should’ve asked her what was up. she reflected, as the look on Twilight’s face flashed in her mind. I mean, this date hasn’t been going that bad, right? She started to tap her hooves, then considered how Twilight had been looking at her lately; always with a blush or an uneasy look. Then she looked at the glass display of robes and studied her faint reflection. Please just tell me it’s not only because of all this, she hoped as she lightly touched her blush.

She then sighed and shook her head. What am I going on about? It couldn’t just be this makeup. Applejack began smiling. Things are looking good tonight, but I can’t consider it done yet. There’s still a lot more to do. She then heard hoofsteps approaching from behind, and turned around. “Well there you are,” she stated as she greeted Twilight.

“Sorry about that,” she replied. “I just needed a minute.”

“It’s alright. Ah’m not in any rush.”

They examined and studied the other artifacts in the exhibit before following indicators towards the area filled with Starswirl’s possessions.

Applejack began uneasily looking around at everything encased for exhibition.

“Something wrong?” Twilight asked upon noticing.

“It’s, uh…” Her hooves began fidgeting. “It ain’t too big a deal, but… seein’ all this just creeps me out.”

“What about it?”

“It just don’t feel right. Ah mean, these are all Starswirl’s things, right? It’s just like… It still feels as if his soul’s still in ‘em. Keepin’ everything out here for ponies to ogle at n’ all. It’s kinda like he ain’t really put to rest. My family's got unspoken rules 'bout possessions. A couple knick knacks are fine, but entire collections? It's just too much.”

“This isn’t to invalidate your point,” Twilight began, “but according to many historians, Starswirl was the type to share his life with others. Maybe this is how he would’ve wanted it.”

“How ‘bout you, then? Would you want all your stuff on display after you pass?”

Twilight paused and looked at everything around her: The knick knacks, the journals, family heirlooms, everything. “I don’t know if I’d have much say thousands of years down the line, but…” She paused and turned to Applejack. “My only hope would be that whatever’s left of my life could be used to help others. It’s one thing to die but… it’s another to fade out of existence.”

Applejack looked away. Fade out, huh?

“I-I’m sorry!” Twilight stated as she shook her head. “I didn’t mean to make things so dark.”

“No, no, it’s alright. It’s… somethin’ that ah’m sure everypony thinks about once in a while.”

Both mares briefly looked around before Twilight queried, “So… there’s going to be a lecture on Starswirl’s influence on modern magic, if you’d like to check that out.”

With a shrug, Applejack replied, “I’m good for anythin’ you are.”

Twilight nodded and led her date towards a small theatre within the museum. The seats were divided between both sides of the room, and most seats had been filled. After scouting the area, Twilight asked, “How about there?” while pointing to two empty seats in the middle center.

“Sure.” Applejack walked alongside Twilight as they took their seats. She then looked at her friend, seeing another big smile on her face. “You sure look chipper.”

Twilight started to grin timidly. “It’s, um…”

“Hey, c’mon,” Applejack began, placing her hoof around Twilight’s shoulder. “If you wanna get excited, then get excited. It’s okay, really.”

The librarian’s cheeks turned a shade of pink again, and her ears folded back. “Okay, I’ll try to remember that. Anyways, the two speakers have been researching Starswirl for most of their careers. I just wonder what they’re going to bring up.”

“Try not to correct ‘em if they get somethin’ wrong.”

“H-hey! I wouldn’t do that,” Twilight chuckled. “...Although, if they did get something horribly wrong, I might have to interject.”

“Naturally.” The lights then started to dim, and they quieted down as two unicorns, a stallion and a mare, took to the stage. They started by discussing their outline, and then began a general discussion about Starswirl’s life and accomplishments. As the presentation dragged on, Applejack could feel her eyelids getting heavy. She moved to rub her eyes, but suddenly stopped. Don’t wanna smear this makeup all over me. She sat up straight and against her seat. C’mon, just sit through this, it’ll be over in no time! She grimaced and focused her might on keeping her eyes open. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough, and she ended up drifting off.

Next thing she knew, she felt a slight shake at her shoulder.

“C’mon, Applejack, wake up,” a voice whispered.

She slowly opened her eyes and realized she was leaning over in her seat, resting against Twilight’s shoulder. “Wake up? What’re you—” Her eyes opened wider, and she then noticed the theatre was now fully lit, and ponies were making their way out of the room. She leaned away and rested her forehead on her hoof. “Did ah fall asleep?”

Twilight looked away, her lips slightly scrunched up. This made Applejack groan. “Ah’m so sorry, Twi! Ah… ah just.”

“It’s okay, really! I mean… most of what they went over was common knowledge anyway, so it’s not like you missed much.”

“Ah still feel real bad. Ah wasn’t… snorin’, was ah?”

“No! Not at all. I only noticed you were sleeping after you started leaning against my shoulder. And, well…” Twilight started to blush and rubbed the back of her neck. “I… thought you looked kind of nice like that.”

Applejack quickly looked up, feeling a rush of heat go to her cheeks. It was at that moment when her stomach started to growl. She lowered her ears and chuckled uneasily.

“W-we can find somewhere to eat, if you’re hungry.”

“Are you sure? Ah mean, this is where you wanted to be for tonight.”

“I know, but that lecture took longer than we thought,” Twilight pointed at a clock on the wall near the entrance to the theater; its hands indicating 7:45. “I was thinking that we could eat and then head back to the chariot.”

“Long as you’re sure it’s what you wanna do.”

Twilight nodded. “A lot of what I saw here was nice tonight, and I really did enjoy seeing these things. There’s always another time, and… I’d rather just spend time with you,” she added with a smile and a blush.

Applejack also started to smile. “Ah’d like that,” she stated, softly.

Both mares then exited the museum and explored the downtown area.


“Phew! That was some good eatin’!” Applejack proclaimed

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Twilight replied, walking alongside her. Both mares were leaving the area and heading towards their chariot. “It was a bit pricey, but at least the food was worth it.”

“At first, ah thought somethin’ like Frozen Hot Chocolate was gonna be a letdown, but that really hit the spot!”

“I know that sure surprised me. Culinary magic has sure become advanced.” Twilight peered at the surrounding area before stating, “I hope you had as much fun tonight as I did.”

Applejack nodded. “Absolutely!”

They glanced at each other, all smiles, before refocusing on their walk. At that time, Applejack started to speak, but the question was lost to Twilight, whose ears perked up and towards a small crowd to their right. She stopped in place and stared at a small crowd that had gathered. An older voice could be heard from a megaphone within the crowd.

“What’s wrong?” Applejack asked as she approached. She then looked where Twilight was looking and her ears flattened. “H-hey, uh. How ‘bout we just keep goin’ back to the chariot?” she insisted as she stood in front of Twilight.

“We will, I just want to see what the fuss is over here,” she replied while maneuvering around her friend and walked towards the group.

“Twilight, please,” Applejack insisted. “He ain’t talkin’ ‘bout anythin’ important.”

Before Twilight could process these words, she continued to approach, Applejack following closely behind her. She then discovered that the crowd focused their attention on a burgundy unicorn with signs at his side.

He used his magic to hold a megaphone in front of his mouth as he began with “What the Princess doesn’t understand is that the homosexual deviants will continue to poison our society until we have lost the very foundation of life!”

Twilight started to scowl and her eyes grew wide. She noticed that the signs he carried contained horrible anti-gay statements. What kind of nonsense is this? She then stepped forward. “Excuse me,” she hissed. “Just who do you think you are, saying things like this?”

“I’m just saying what nopony else in power has the guts to say,” the unicorn replied.

“That doesn’t mean you’re right! How can you even say such hurtful things about others?”

“What I’m saying are proven facts. Foals need to grow up with a mother figure and a father figure. Otherwise they just grow up sick in the head.”

Twilight’s scowl grew. “Why don’t you try saying that to every orphan and pony with a single parent, and let me know how that goes.”

“Wait, are you a homosexual?” he queried.

“What difference would that make?” Twilight deadpanned.

“The difference would be that if you’re willing to see reason, then you can save yourself through therapy.” The unicorn then lifted a pamphlet and held it out in front of her.

Twilight then placed a hoof to her cheek. “Oh, of course! Anypony who disagrees with you simply must be gay! That’s the only explanation!” She then used her own magic and knocked the pamphlet onto the ground. “Love isn’t the sort of thing you can just change in others!”

“You and I have a very different definition of love then. An unholy union between homos does no good in the long run.”

“Then how about you tell me what’s so awful about, say, two stallions loving each other?”

“Two stallions can’t procreate.”

Twilight’s eye started to twitch. “You… can’t be serious. There are so many methods to having children nowadays. The fact that you’re using that as a defense just baffles me!”

“Those ways result in foals with horrifying birth defects. It’s been proven time and time again.”

After a moment of staring, Twilight shook her head. “There’s no point in talking to somepony like you. I almost feel sorry for you. Being as closed-minded as you are must have its drawbacks in the long run.” She then turned around, ignoring the crowd that gathered around her, and walked away, with Applejack.

However, the unicorn then replied with, “Yes, everypony, wave goodbye to the fillyfooler!”

Twilight immediately stopped in her tracks. Her grimace grew even larger.

“It’s not worth it, Twilight!” Applejack pleaded. “Let’s just go, and let ‘em—”

In an instant, Twilight’s horn lit up and she teleported herself right in front of the bigot. “What did you just say?” she growled.

“Didn’t you hear me?” he responded with a smug grin. “I said,” he paused to lift the megaphone towards Twilight, “wave goodbye to the fillyfooler!”

She could feel her entire head heating up at that moment. Without even thinking about it, she gripped the stallion’s sign with her magic and thrusted it down onto him, ripping a sizeable hole in it. The crowd around her gasped. “Don’t you ever call me or anypony else something as horrible as that! Maybe if you took five seconds out of your day to get to know somepony who’s gay, you’d understand that they’re some of the bravest ponies you know! Go get a reality check!” Twilight then teleported herself out and away from the crowd and began running. She just ran and ran, doing whatever she could to ease up the tension bubbling in her head. How can ponies like him exist? Being so judgemental that they can’t see how we can all still be the same! It’s not right! It’s… not...

She felt her eyes misting over and started to slow down. She then stopped when next to a building and leaned against it. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she worked to stifle her sobs and her shaking.


She turned around to see Applejack running towards her, and then started to wipe away her tears. They wouldn’t stop, however, so once Applejack was near, she shook her head. “How… can ponies be so cruel?” she asked. “It just makes me so mad!” Then she looked towards her friend, whose forelegs were extended out towards Twilight. The librarian sniffled as she walked forward to accept the gesture, and she was wrapped in a comforting embrace. “I’m sorry…” she muttered.

Applejack patted her friend’s back and remained silent as she gently held that tense body. “It’s okay,” she cooed. “You don’t gotta apologize for nothin’. Ah’m the one who should be apologizin’.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“Ah, um… kinda felt like this would happen.”

Twilight lifted her head up. “I don’t understand.”

“Ponies like him, ah mean.” Applejack sighed as she turned her head away. “There’ve been a few times where ah’d come to town to sell my wares, and end up gettin’ an earful of that malarky. Often times it ain’t more than an annoyance.”

“...Did you know this would happen?”

“It ain’t that ah knew, so much as ah just stopped bein’ surprised by it.”

Twilight shifted her gaze away. “What do you do when you start hearing that?”

Applejack pulled away and crossed her forelegs. “There ain’t much ah can do, really. If ah start actin’ up towards ponies, word would reach my family real quick. Questions would start poppin’ up and next thing you know…”

“I… see.”

“It ain’t always bad though,” Applejack quickly remarked. “Ah mean, sometimes other ponies show up and defend gays and the like. It always kinda touched me when ah saw it happen.” She paused and rubbed the back of her head. “And, ah mean… seein’ you talk to that guy how you did really made me… happy.”

Twilight bowed her head. “I don’t think I acted very well back there.”

“Well ah was sure touched by what you had to say.” She moved in for another hug. “It really means a lot to me when ah see others standin’ up for ponies like me. And you…” she chuckled. “You went above and beyond what ah’ve seen anypony else do.” As she observed Twilight’s uninterrupted sullen state, Applejack wiped away her grin. “Ah guess what ah’m tryin’ to say here is that ah appreciate you standin’ up for me. And try not to feel too bad ‘bout what happened back there. Ah’m sure somepony was wishin’ for that to happen.”

It took her a minute, but Twilight started to smile and lightly pressed the side of her head against Applejack’s chest. She then murmured, “I’ll try.” Both mares sat motionless for that time until Twilight looked up at her date. “So… do you think we should get out of here?” she suggested.

Applejack smiled. “Sure, let’s get goin’.”


Twilight and Applejack stepped away from the now-ascending chariot and proceeded through Ponyville. “I had a nice time, tonight,” Twilight commented.

“Ah’m glad you did,” Applejack replied.

“The museum was better than how I remembered it, too.”

“That museum just seemed interestin’ period.” Applejack then peered around and her eyes drifted towards the night sky. She then chuckled and stated, “This is kinda like our first outin’, huh?”

Twilight looked up at the sky, then towards the scarce nightlife. She smiled. “Yes, it is. Although this time was just a bit more according to plan.”

“Ah’ll say. But sometimes the unexpected can spice up a night.”

“That can be true.” Twilight glanced over at her date, who was smiling gleefully. This night sure went better than I thought… Does it really have to end now? She eventually ended up looking towards the sky, and that was when her eyes grew wide. “Hey, um… have you ever looked at the stars?”

Applejack looked over with an eyebrow raised.

“I-I-I mean… with a telescope. Have you… ever done that?”

“Ah don’t think so.”

“Oh! W-well, I, um… I have a telescope and… and a balcony at my house, if you wanted to… um… stay a little longer, and look at the stars?”

Applejack’s mouth hung slightly open before it turned into a smile. “Ah’d love to.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide. “Are you sure? I mean… there’s still the farm in the morning.”

“It ain’t nothin’ ah can’t handle.”

“G-great! To my house, then!” She started to walk at a slightly faster pace, but only paid attention to the deafening sound of her heartbeat. That went well! Now to just hope things keep going this good. She peered over at her date once more, and allowed herself to smile. I think I finally get it now.

They both eventually reached the Library, Twilight opening the door and allowing Applejack inside first. “I sent Spike to Fluttershy’s for the night, so it’ll be just us.”

“Alright then. So what's out to look at tonight?"

"Let’s find out."

Applejack and Twilight made their way to the balcony at the top of the treehouse. Shortly after, the telescope was pulled out and Twilight began adjusting the lenses until the images of the night sky were in focus. She turned towards her friend and said "I found the Hercules constellation! Would you like to see?"

"Sure thing." Applejack walked towards the telescope and looked into the eyepiece. She stared into the telescope as Twilight sat still. After a moment, Applejack looked up and asked, "Which of these is Hercules, exactly?"

"Oh! Let me help you with that!" Twilight briefly looked into the eyepiece while rotating it. "There. Now take a look." Applejack walked up again and peered into the telescope. "There’s an arrow in the lens so something can be pointed out easier. What do you think of Hercules, though?"

As Applejack continued to stare into the telescope, her lips curled inward. "It, uh..." She pulled away from the device and replied, "It don't look too different from any other stars out there, sorry."

Twilight couldn't help but snort a laugh. "I guess I should've expected that." She walked back to the telescope as Applejack stepped off to the side and looked at the constellations herself. "You know," Twilight began, after a minute of silence, "back when I was younger, I thought that the stars were the most amazing things. I mean, I still do, don't get me wrong. But looking at the stars just made me really... happy. I think it's because I thought that stars were the most beautiful creations in the universe."

She continued to look at the night sky, then she heard Applejack reply, "Ah dunno, Twilight. What ah'm lookin' at is a lot more beautiful than any star."

"Oh really? And what's that?" Twilight pulled away from the eyepiece and turned to Applejack, who was staring at her. Her face started to redden again, then she quickly turned away while hiding her face.

Applejack moved closer to her interest. "Twilight," she began, "ah honestly never thought anythin’ like this would happen. Figured it would just be a fantasy, and ah’d have to find somepony like you." She paused to chuckle. "But you proved me wrong, and said yes." Twilight looked up and their gazes met. "Ah want you to know that ah've felt truly blessed spendin' this much time with you. And no matter where things go for the two of us, ah ain't gonna forget it... or how you make me feel."

They continued to stare at one another, gentle grins on both of their faces, until Applejack looked back up at the stars.

Twilight continued to stare before moving on, as well. Her smile faded and she swallowed the lump in her throat. It’s now or never. With a shaky breath, she squeaked, “A-Applejack?” When she had her date’s attention, she continued. “I’ve… I’ve been thinking a lot about… us.”

Applejack visibly tensed up as she replied “Uh huh?”

“There are some things I’m still trying to figure out,” she began as she started to pace around, “but what’s important is what I know now.” She paused as she walked towards the railing and rested her forelegs on it. Her cheeks began to burn as the next words crawled their way out of her mouth. “I know that you truly care a lot about me… and I know that you mean much more than a friend to me.”

She looked over at Applejack, whose eyes started to shimmer in the night light. “I don’t know what’s going to happen to both of us after tonight. Part of me is just saying… that I should call this off now. That I should save myself of any pain in the future.” Twilight then turned towards the stars. “Despite all that, I still want to do this. But it’s not a ‘test’ anymore. Saying so isn’t fair to you. If we’re doing this, then we’re calling it what it is; a relationship.”

Twilight stepped away from the railing and now stood in front of Applejack, who was trembling. “Now… with all that said,” she began, “there’s one more thing I want to do.” Her ears folded back and she lightly kicked at the floor with a hoof. “But… I’m too scared to do it myself, so I have to ask you.” She took a deep breath. “Applejack… would you…” Her throat closed up, and her breathing became shakier. “Would… you…” She then summoned her inner strength and gathered one giant breath as she stammered, “W-would you p-please kiss me?”

She immediately clamped her eyes shut and shied her face away. For a moment, there was silence. What’s happening? Did I do something wrong? Then she heard hoofsteps approaching closer. Is this.. how it’s supposed to happen? Before she could think of anything else, she felt a hoof on the bottom of her chin, and her head being lifted up. She managed a quick gasp and her eyes cracked open in time to witness Applejack plant her lips on Twilight’s.

It’s… happening! Twilight thought as her eyes shot open and she remained still. It’s… it’s actually… All thoughts left her head as she eased into the kiss, allowing the ecstatic sense of warmth to take over her body and mind.

As Applejack began to pull away, Twilight pushed forward, enticing a moan from her lover. They gently pushed into each other’s lips, desiring more of the electricity coursing through each other’s systems. Applejack then placed her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders, and Twilight placed hers on Applejack’s sides. Eventually, both mares pulled away and stared into each other’s eyes, quietly panting.

Before she could stop it, Applejack started to chuckle and tears streamed down her eyes.

Twilight reached her hoof up to wipe the tears away. “I’m sorry,” she giggled.

“N-no, it ain’t you. Ah’m… ah’m just so happy!” Applejack sniffled before staring once more into Twilight’s eyes. She then pulled Twilight in for a close hug, their cheeks pressing against each other. “This is really happenin’ now, huh? It ain’t just a dream…”

“It isn’t,” Twilight softly replied. “Is… is it normal to be a bit scared about all of this?”

“Ah’m kinda scared too, Twilight. So yeah, ah think so.”

“Okay.” Twilight gripped tighter around Applejack as she asked, “So… does this make us... girlfriends?"

“Yeah… it does.” Applejack pulled back and kissed Twilight once more. She then looked up towards the night sky. "So... what kinda other stars are out there?"

"Do you really want to know?"


"It could take all night."

"Spendin’ a whole night with you is what ah’ve dreamed of."

Twilight turned her attention towards the stars, which made Applejack do the same and lean against her. "Where do I even start?"

Chapter 6

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Twilight woke up to the sound of a knocking hoof ringing in her head. She struggled to open her eyes and sat up in her bed, taking in the sunshine around her. She then yawned and stretched her joints as she peered at her clock, which read 10:27am. She dragged herself out from under her covers. She heard another knock from her front door. As she trudged along the floor, she thought, Things sure did run late, last night. As she continued walking, her eyelids weighed less and less. Last... night... She started to blush, then giggled as she swayed while reflecting on the previous night's events.

More knocking came from her front door, just in time to snap her from her stupor and prevent her from tumbling down the stairs. "One second!" Twilight called out as she carefully made her way downstairs and opened the front door. "Oh, hello, Fluttershy!" she greeted as the very pony stood outside her door.

Spike hopped off Fluttershy's back and proceeded inside. "Thanks for bringing me over," he said as he stepped past Twilight.

The librarian kept looking at Spike walk by before she gasped and groaned, placing a hoof on her face. "Fluttershy, I am so sorry—”

"Oh, it's no trouble! I actually had a feeling you were busy when you didn't show up, so I thought I'd bring Spike here myself."

"Thank you, Fluttershy. I didn't think I'd sleep in so late."

"Don't worry; it's fine. I didn't have anything else to do."

"Do you want coffee or juice or anything? I can make some real quick."

"That's okay. We'll have time for that at brunch."

"Right, at..." She paused as her face blanked. "Brunch?"

Fluttershy tilted her head. "Did you forget?"

"W-what?! No! I wouldn't forget the brunch!"

"Okay..." Fluttershy replied with a raised eyebrow. "Well, I'll see you then!" she added as she walked away.

"Yep! I'll see you at..." She stood still, wracking her brain as Fluttershy turned around.

"The Nectar Cafe at 11:30."

"Right! Nectar Cafe, 11:30. I'll be there!"

Fluttershy smiled and continued to walk away.

Twilight shut the door and heaved a heavy sigh. "Spike!" she called out, "Did I ever make plans for brunch today?"

He walked towards her desk and pulled out a magenta book. He flipped through the pages for a while before pointing to a page. "Yeah, it's written right here."

"That's odd, why don't I remember it?"

"It was last Wednesday or Thursday, I think. I went down into the study to mention it to you, but you loudly told me you were busy and said 'Okay fine whatever, just write it in.'"

"Oh..." Twilight bit her lip. "That’s kind of familiar now... I guess I'm going to brunch then."


Twilight approached the open-air Nectar Cafe on the east side of Ponyville. At one table near the entrance, she could spot three ponies: one yellow, one pink, and one white, who all sat with one seat separating each other. At least they're easy to spot. She approached her friends, Pinkie Pie being the first to spot her.

"Hiya, Twilight!" she greeted with an enthusiastic wave of her hoof. This brought Fluttershy and Rarity's attention around to her, and they both greeted her accordingly.

“Hi, girls! How have you been?" Twilight asked, while taking a seat between Fluttershy and Rarity and looking over one of the menus placed at each seat.

"Oh, it's been marvelous, dear!" Rarity beamed. "I had my spa treatment yesterday, and now I feel lighter than air!"

"That's good to hear," Twilight‘s eyes then drifted towards Pinkie Pie. Her friend was eyeing her from across the table, rubbing her chin with her hoof. She turned around and saw nothing of importance behind her. "Is... something wrong, Pinkie?" she asked, turning back towards the table.

Pinkie Pie tilted her head back and stated, "Did something good happen to you, Twilight?"

Her ears twitched and she tensed up. "W-what do you mean?"

"You just look, well... happier than usual."

She inched back in her seat as Fluttershy and Rarity started to study her. "Uh, I-I don't know what you're talking about. I've just been... going about life! That's all."

Pinkie Pie continued to stare before she shrugged. "Long as you're feeling happy and not sad, that's what counts!"

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash quickly touched down close to where they were. She quickly ran towards them. "Sorry I'm late," she quickly apologized. "Did you guys already order?"

"Not yet," Fluttershy informed. "You're not late, actually. You're a little early."

Rainbow stared at her fellow pegasus. "Huh?"

"We haven’t done anything yet. You’re right on time!"

With an agape mouth, Rainbow asked, "But the brunch was for eleven o' clock, right?"

Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie, who shrugged. "No, it was 11:30. Maybe you heard the time wrong?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed. "I was told eleven," she hissed as she directed her gaze at Rarity.

"And if I had told you 11:30, you would've shown up late," Rarity huffed. "Given your attendance record, I figured giving you an earlier time wouldn’t make you tardy, for once."

"I could'a slept longer, y'know."

"And you will sleep longer on one of the many clouds in Ponyville. You nap in them every day."

"Girls, please!" Fluttershy pleaded. "We're here now, so how about we enjoy our brunch together, okay?"

Rainbow Dash huffed once before taking the seat between Pinkie Pie and Rarity. "Fine, but I'm remembering this for later." She stretched her wings. "So are we ready to go, then?"

"We're still waiting on Applejack."

Twilight felt her heart bang against her chest.

Rainbow tilted her head to the side, her eyes now wide. "Wait... I'm here before Applejack? Thought she'd be one of the first ones here. Guess we’ll just chill until then."

"You won't have to wait long!" Pinkie remarked, pointing behind Twilight.

"Howdy y'all!"

As Twilight turned around, time stood still. The morning light seemed to shine off her girlfriend as she approached. That smile of hers leaving butterflies in Twilight's stomach.

"Hope y'all haven't been waitin' long," she added as she approached the seat between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. "Worked up quite the appetite, and ah sure can't wait for some good eatin'!" Before she passed Twilight, for just an instant, she looked down at her lover and gave her a warm smile.

"Nah, hasn't been too long," Rainbow commented.

"Well ah'll be, Rainbow, you're on time!"

Rainbow Dash scowled. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad with time!"

Everypony laughed. At least, everypony except Twilight, whose gaze was still fixed on Applejack. She quickly brought herself back to reality and shook her head. Come on, Twilight. You'll hardly keep it a secret if you're as obvious as this! She cleared her throat. "How about we call that waiter over?"

Rarity raised her hoof and shortly after, a waiter approached and took down their orders and eventually came back with plates of food for everypony.

Various topics came up between the table, but all the while, Twilight would glance over at Applejack, who would occasionally do the same. Whenever their eyes met, they started to smile before focusing their attention elsewhere.

"Oh yeah, Twilight, I've been meaning to ask," Rainbow began, which garnered the librarian's attention. "How did your date go?"

She felt her heart drop into her stomach and Applejack froze. Everypony's eyes were focused on her.

"You went on a date?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "That must be why you're so happy today!"

Fluttershy's face started to redden. "Oh my, Twilight. If that was why you wanted me to watch Spike for the night, you could've told me.

"Wait wait wait wait. It was you and the guy, alone? In your house?" Rainbow added, leaning in closer as her eyes grew wider. "C'mon, Twilight, we need details!"

Twilight's could feel her face grow boiling hot, and her mind was racing at a mile a minute. She started stammering and wrapped her forelegs around herself.

"Now, now, dears," Rarity interjected. "Twilight's love life is her business, and hers alone. If she doesn't want to share it, then it's up to her." She then turned towards Twilight, her eyes shining like the gemstones adorned on her haunches. "However, if you do wish to discuss it, I would love to hear the details!"

"What was he like, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Her ears were folded back at this point and she had slightly backed away. Of course this topic would've come up now! Why couldn't it have waited until sometime later? What should I do? Then she looked at Applejack, who looked away before giving a small smile and a shrug, along with a nod. Twilight finally managed to loosen up. "S-so... he, uh..." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "He... showed up yesterday afternoon..." She then discussed the events of the date, all while changing Applejack's gender and leaving out her altercation with the bigot. Everypony remained silent the entire time, listening intently to her tale as she slowly started to ease up.

"After I asked him that, he..." Twilight began replaying last night's events in her mind; The way her heart raced after that burning question, how much pressure was released once she'd kissed Applejack, and the soothing touch of their forelegs around each other. "He... kissed me."

While Pinkie Pie let out a cheer, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were grinning bigger than anypony realistically should, and Fluttershy covered her face as she started to giggle.

"I'm so proud of you, Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed as she pranced around the table to hug her friend.

"Yeah, you did pretty good!" Rainbow Dash added. "I'm actually kinda surprised."

"I'm also proud of you, Twilight!" Rarity chimed in. She then used her magic to lift up her glass of water. "I propose a toast; to Twilight!"

Everypony lifted up their glasses in their respective ways and repeated, "To Twilight!" as they brought their glasses together and drank their drinks.

"Hey, uh..." Rainbow tapped on the table. "If I can be honest here, Twilight..." she looked at her friend, expectantly.

"Go for it," she replied.

"Well... I kinda always thought..." Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. "Y'know what, I shouldn't say it. Forget I brought anything up."

"You can say it, it's alright."

"No, I really don't think it'll be."

"You can be honest with me, really."

Rainbow looked at her friends, who were now focused on her. She sighed, "Well, alright. I just..." she dragged a hoof in a circle on the table. "I've been thinking about it, and... I kinda thought you'd wanna... I dunno… date somepony smarter."

Everypony seemed to draw back slightly.

"H-hey! I said I shouldn't say it, but you all wanted to hear it so badly!" Rainbow stammered. "It's not my fault." She then turned to Twilight. "And I don't mean it in a rude way, I just kinda thought... you'd wanna get with somepony smart so you could talk about... smart things... or whatever."

Twilight relaxed. "I... suppose..."

"B-but forget about that. If this guy makes you happy, then that's what’s important."

Things were quiet at the table until Applejack broke the ice, stating, "Hey, ah'm gonna go to the bathroom. Ah'll be right back. Don't have 'em clear my plate yet." As she started to walk towards the restaurant, she looked at Twilight and slightly jerked her head towards the restroom before continuing her walk.

Twilight looked in her direction for a minute before turning back to her friends. It'd be too weird to leave now. I'll just wait a minute. She engaged in a small bit of further discussion before excusing herself and leaving for the bathroom. She looked around, her girlfriend still unseen, and pushed open the door.

As she walked inside, she heard, "You sure know how to keep a girl waitin'."

She looked to her right and saw Applejack waiting near the sinks.

"Sorry," Twilight muttered with a sheepish grin.

"You don't gotta worry about keepin’ quiet," Applejack stated with a dismissive wave of her hoof. "Nopony else is here, ah checked."

"Oh, alright," she replied, her volume returning to normal. "I thought it would be weird if I just left the same time as you."

"Ah getcha. And lemme tell you, there ain't many ways to gimme a heart attack, but you sure managed to find one."

"I'm sorry about that," she apologized as her ears folded back. "I freaked out too, until I realized what I'd told Rainbow before."

"So you told Rainbow, huh?"

Twilight nodded. "I was... kind of lost in terms of how actual dates are supposed to go. She was willing to help me out with some things."

"Speakin' of her... that little thought of hers was... somethin', to say the least."

"Are you upset?"

"As if!" Applejack scoffed. "If she knew who she was talkin' 'bout, ah'd have four convincin' points to bring up to her," she added as she tapped her hooves on the floor. She then raised an eyebrow. "But why Rainbow Dash of all ponies? She ain't the sort ah'd see knowin' much 'bout dates."

“I actually went to Rarity first, but she said she couldn't help me."

"She what now?"

"She said she was really busy."

Applejack stared before hesitantly replying, "Uh huh."

"Is... something wrong?" Twilight asked, taking her turn to raise and eyebrow.

"Rarity's been helpin' me out for a while now. She couldn't have been too busy."

Twilight's mouth scrunched slightly as her gaze wandered. "Do you... think she knows about us?"

Applejack shrugged. "Ah dunno. She could’ve though, bein’ as smart as she is."

"Should we keep this a secret from the others?"

After hesitating, Applejack replied, “Ah was thinkin’ of leavin’ that up to you.”

Twilight looked away. “When Rainbow asked me about the date, and you nodded, was that your way of saying it’s my choice?”

“Yeah,” she responded. “This is all new to you, and ah thought takin’ things at your pace would be better.”

“But would you want to tell the others?”

Applejack swallowed the lump in her throat. “Ah dunno yet. They’re great friends, don’t get me wrong… Ah just don’t know if it’s time yet.”

Twilight tapped her hoof on the floor. “If you’re not ready, then I won’t say anything.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. I want you to be comfortable with when we tell the others.”

Applejack smiled before moving closer to her girlfriend and nuzzling her. She said, "Thank you, Twilight. One day, ah promise.”

“I can wait.”

The apple farmer then pulled back and stared slyly at Twilight. “So you enjoyed the night that much, huh?"

Twilight's cheeks began burning and she smiled. "It was... a really great night. And I'm glad I got to spend it with you..."

Applejack smiled, and replied, “Ah’m glad.” She then sighed and said, "Alright, ah should head back before they start wonderin' what’s up."

"Okay," Twilight replied. "Oh, wait. I'm a little curious." Applejack tilted her head to the side. "What did you go see Rarity for, anyway? Seems like you've had the whole dating aspect down for a while now."

Quickly, Applejack's smile faded in place of a scrunch of her lips. "That... is a story for another time. Ah'll tell you 'bout it later." Twilight raised an eyebrow and slightly smiled. "Later, ah swear."

"I'm holding you to that."

Applejack made her way towards the door, but then stopped. "Hang on, first things first." She turned around, walked up to Twilight, placed a hoof on her cheek, and then planted a kiss on her lips.

The librarian briefly tensed up before relaxing into the affectionate gesture. As they pulled away, she could feel a warm puff of air on her lips, and they looked deep into each other's eyes.

"Ah've been wantin' to do that since ah saw you earlier." She slowly pulled away. "Ah'll see you back at the table."

"Okay," Twilight blissfully replied.

Applejack waved and then headed out the door.

Twilight stood still before touching her cheek. She then started to giggle and pranced around. Maybe this will go better than I thought! I haven't been this happy in so long! She took a decent breath and then proceeded out of the bathroom.


"See you later!" Pinkie Pie cried as she hopped away from the Cafe.

"Bye, everypony," Fluttershy added. "We should do this again sometime!"

Pinkie Pie gasped and quickly ran back to her friends. "We totally can do this again sometime! When should it be?"

"We don't have to figure it out now, Pinkie," Rainbow replied with an amused smile. "We'll just try to get a time when nopony's busy."

"Then I shall keep everypony updated!"

"You do that, then."

"Just be sure to let me know well in advance," Rarity stated.

"It's a plan!" Pinkie Pie then hopped away once more.

"Oh, Twilight," Fluttershy remarked. "Congratulations again, on your boyfriend!" She walked over and hugged the bashful librarian.

"Yeah, good job, Twilight!" Rainbow added. "Lemme know if he gives you any trouble, though. I can be real good at solving problems," she informed, as she hit her hooves together.

"Y-you don't have to worry about that," Twilight replied with a shake of her hoof.

"Oh, by the way." Rainbow moved up to Twilight, pulled her away from the others, and started muttering in her ear. "So if you and this guy get real serious, and you wanna maybe start bumping some uglies. Let me know, and I'll give you some pointers."

Twilight started to blush as she clenched her teeth together. "Is that supposed to be some sort of double entendre?"

Rainbow stared back, blankly. "Double what?"

She let out a huff of air. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash," Twilight groaned, "but I think I'll be fine in that department."

"Fine, huh?" Rainbow replied as she lifted herself up and floated on her back. "You can be fine if you want, but if you hear some of my stories, I can take you from fine to really good."

"I mean I have books on the subject!"


"Yes, books!"

Rainbow Dash started to chortle.


"I mean; books are okay and all. But there are some things you just can't learn from a book."

"What she means to say is," Rarity chimed in, "if you have any questions about that regard, feel free to ask any of us."

"...Us?" Rainbow snickered.

Rarity scrunched her lips. "Don't you start this, Rainbow Dash! I'll have you know that I have worthwhile experiences under my belt!"

"Not as good as mine, I bet," Rainbow muttered.

"What was that?"

"I said, 'I bet.'"

Rarity and Rainbow stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Really, dear," Rarity began, redirecting her attention towards Twilight. "Don't be shy if you have any questions!" she added with a wink. "Now I'm afraid I simply must be going. Ciao!" She then walked back towards her Boutique.

"Yeah, see you later, Twilight," Rainbow added. "I gotta go get back some sleep that somepony stole from me."

"Alright, you go do that," Twilight chuckled.

"Oh, and sorry about making things awkward earlier."

"It's okay, no harm done."

"We've gotta talk more later. See ya!" Rainbow Dash then took off into the sky.

"That was, um," Fluttershy murmured, attracting Twilight's attention, "an... interesting conversation." She started to chuckle.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Hey, I wonder if you’ve got any fun stories under your belt."

Fluttershy remained smiling, but her face grew red and she started to shake.


"Oh! Listen to that!" she quickly cried. "I can hear the animals' cries for food!" Without another word, she quickly flew away from the area.

Twilight stared at the direction her friend took off in, and then started to chuckle. "And everything's still normal. Would you look at that."

"Mind if ah walk you home?"

She turned around to see Applejack standing and smiling at her.

"I'd be delighted," Twilight answered happily. She started to walk alongside her girlfriend through town. She started to brush against her, but Applejack quickly pulled away. She looked up at her.

"S-sorry," Applejack began. "It's just..."

Twilight looked around at the ponies in town. "Oh... right." She looked at Applejack again and saw her looking crestfallen. "No, I-I get it. I'm fine with this."

Applejack continued looking away before glancing back at Twilight. "You sure?"

"Yes. I said I’d wait until you’re ready."

The farmer slowly started to smile. "Alright then."

As things began quieting down between both mares, Twilight thought more on the conversation between her friends. She could feel her cheeks burning. I... guess this would be something to talk about. One day or another. "Hey, Applejack?" she started, turned away. "Do you... have much experience?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow and then started to smirk. “Bit of a personal topic after bein’ together so soon, eh?”

Twilight could feel her face burning hotter and hotter.

"Sorry, ah’m just teasin’ ya." She continued walking on and studied the nearby houses. “If that’s somethin’ you wanna talk ‘bout… we can do that later… hash out the details ‘n all.”

“N-no. It’s fine. It’s way too early to talk about something like that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She took a deep breath and looked at her girlfriend. "I'm sure."

Applejack nodded. After a minute, she then asked, "So what do you do for fun?" Twilight looked up at her. "Ah mean, we've already gone and done stuff together, and you've come over to my place while ah was workin' which was... well... both work and fun. Ah wanna do somethin' that you wanna do."

Twilight's gaze floated to the upper right. "I... read books..." As hard as she tried to think up another answer, nothing would come to mind. I'm really lame, aren't I...

"Then why don't we do that?"

Twilight looked up with wide eyes. "You... want to read with me?"

Applejack shrugged. "If it's what you like to do, then why not?"

Twilight started to smile. "Well... in that case, I've got multiple copies of a few books that we could look at together! We could read them over, then discuss the plot, analyze what thought the authors put into their stories, so many things we could do!"

"That sounds fine by me," Applejack replied with a smile.

"Great! What's a good time?"

"Ah don't have much goin' on after four tomorrow."

"Me neither! We'll plan for that time, then!" Next thing Twilight knew, she looked forward and the library was already before them. "I guess... this is where we end things for now?"

"Yeah." Applejack looked into Twilight's eyes. She sighed and remarked, "Ah want to kiss you so badly right now."

The librarian blushed and giggled. "I wouldn't mind that..." They continued to stare at each other for a bit longer before she piped up with, "I suppose we'll have to save that for later, then."


"But... maybe a hug will do?"

Applejack laughed. "Of course it will." She leaned over and embraced her girlfriend, both ponies lingering in that position before pulling away. "Guess ah'll see you at four, tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting," Twilight responded with a gentle smile. She watched as Applejack walked away and towards her farm. She walked inside her home, leaned against the door, and sighed wistfully as she slid onto the floor. It's amazing what one pony can do...

"Uh... are you okay, Twilight?"

She snapped out of her stupor and looked upstairs, where Spike was peering down from. "Y-yes! I'm fine!"

He then shrugged and walked out of sight.

"Wait, Spike, keep schedule clear after four tomorrow."

He reappeared with Twilight's planner in his hands. He looked through to the pages before answering with, "Will do. What’s going on?"

Twilight smiled. "I've got some important plans around then."