
by Steadfast Bulwark

First published

Even the greatest of us can fall

Twilight Sparkle was sent into the Crystal Empire with the intent of saving it from the Dark Lord King Sombra.
However in the midst of her search for the Crystal Heart she is confronted by an entity that shows her entire life to be a lie conjured up by the Princesses.
Not knowing what to believe Twilight tries to make sense of a world turned upside down, in doing so she will either find herself or lose herself.

Set in an alternate timeline where King Sombra is less of poorly written villain and more of a bad-ass dark lord.

Rated M for Mature due to graphic violence
cover art by Baxtermega, crop by me for easy use in iBooks, image NOT owned by me.
MLP is owned by Hasbro and not by me

Story is a horrible amalgamation of amateur and semi-proficient writing skill so I've decided to rewrite the whole thing.

No planned sequel.

!Warning: Spoilers in the Comments!


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Chapter 1

The crystal festival was in full swing, the many crystal ponies were gleefully entertaining themselves at the many fun filled attractions put on by the visiting Princess Cadance and her entourage.

Pinkie Pie entertained passing ponies with a jester routine she made up on the fly.

Rarity created beautiful hoof crafted baskets and other primitives to distribute among the fair goers.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (mostly Rainbow Dash) competed in the jousting tournament attempting to wow the ponies who attended.

Applejack had her hoofs full keeping the extremely inquisitive crystal ponies away from the “Crystal Heart” that Twilight had cut from a crystal block.

And Twilight raced against time to prevent everything from crashing down around their ears.

She dashed through the streets of the Crystal City desperately wracking her mind for any clues that would lead her to the location of the real Crystal Heart.
“Ok think Twilight, Think! If you were an evil overlord where would you hide your most powerful relic?”

She came to a halt just outside the crystal palace at which her faithful assistant Spike caught up.

“Huff…huff…Twi…can you go slower? I’m having trouble…keeping up.”

Twilight frantically turned towards Spike.

“There’s no time! King Sombra’s almost through Cadences’ barrier and I have no idea where the Crystal Heart…”

Twilight trailed off as an idea struck her. Where else would you hide something from your subjects other than the one place they feared to go?

“Of course!” she exclaimed, “The palace!”

Rejuvenated by this revelation, Twilight sprinted towards the palace with an exhausted Spike struggling to keep up.

Bursting through the front doors, Twilight immediately headed towards the Throne room. Once there she began to search every nook and cranny.

“Twilight we've already been in here remember?” Spike said, “If the Crystal Heart was here we would have noticed it before.”

“I know Spike but where else would King Sombra hide it if not in his throne room?”

Twilight was about to continue when another thought struck her.

“Except…” she said slowly as her mind embraced the thought, “This isn't Sombra’s throne room!”

Spike cocked his head to one side, clearly confused.

“It’s not? But I thought this is where he lived when he was in power?”

Twilight vigorously shook her head as she moved to the center of the room, just in front of the throne.

“Sombra did live here but it didn't look like this.”

Placing her hooves wide to steady herself, Twilight began to focus on a spell she had only witnessed once before, caste by her mentor Princess Celestia prior to sending her on this mission.
It was a spell of Dark Magic, unlike traditional magic which required focus and energy, Dark Magic needed only the willpower to use it and energy in the form of rage or hatred, extremely dangerous but Twilight was confident enough in her abilities that she could safely cast the spell, after all, Princess Celestia believed in her and wouldn't have showed her the spell unless she had the utmost confidence in her.

Her thoughts grew darker as she focused her will on the spell, drawing on painful memories and emotions long since buried, Twilight thought she heard faint laughter as if from a great distance but quickly brushed it aside as she released the pent up energy.
With a flair of dark green and purple magic, Twilight fired a beam directly at the top of the throne. A single crystal absorbed the entirety of the blast and changed from a dull purple to a deep black. Like a plague the blackness spread out from the crystal, enveloping the throne and most of the room revealing a spiraling staircase in the center of the room leading down into a black pit.

Swaying slightly from exertion, Twilight walked forward to peer down the newly opened staircase. Several hundred stairs were visible but were lost in the gaping maw of black that rose up to meet them just at the edge of the light. Unable to see the bottom she had no way of judging how long it would take her to reach the end.

Steeling herself for the trial ahead Twilight turned towards Spike.

“I want you to stay here and under no circumstances are you to follow me. Understood?”

Spikes voice quivered with sadness as he replied. “But Twilight…!”

“No but’s Spike, Princess Celestia said I was to accomplish this task alone, besides…” her tone softened as she patted his head. “I want you to be safe.”

Spike sighed deeply, “Alright Twilight if you insist but please be careful.”

She smiled down at her assistant. “Don’t worry Spike, I’ll be fine.”

With that she illuminated her horn and began to make her way down the stairs, careful not to trip but still keeping a brisk pace as to not waste time. After several hundred stairs Twilight notice and eerie feeling slowly creeping over her, unlike anything she had ever felt it was like a pervading coldness that radiated up from the blackness seeming to try and keep her from going any further.

“Must be a security measure put in place by Sombra to deter would be thieves.” Thought Twilight.

“I’m afraid not my dear.”

Twilight froze and quickly looked around. “Whose there?!” she cried.

Spikes voice drifted down from above. “Twilight? What’s wrong?”

Convincing herself that she was just hearing things she replied. “Nothing, nothing’s wrong.”

With slight dread Twilight started a fast trot, determined to reach he bottom as quickly as possible. Several minutes passed with no indication of an end.

“It can’t be much further now.” She said to herself.

“You are correct in that assumption.” A voice replied.

Knowing she heard something this time, Twilight increased the power of her light spell to better illuminate the stairwell. “Show yourself! I know your there!”

A faint chuckle drifted from the blackness below. “In due time my dear, in due time.” The darkness outside the ring of light appeared to deepen. “I've been watching you.”

A cold sweat started to cover Twilight as she thought of what to do about this new threat, however before an idea presented itself she heard Spikes voice once again.

“Twilight? Are you OK? Who are you talking to?”

Before Twilight could answer the voice spoke once again.

“Ahh I see you brought your pet dragon along with you, we don’t want him getting under hoof do we?”

The stair well began to shake violently as the entrance to the throne room above started to close. Twilight had just enough time to look up into the terrified eyes of Spike before she was sealed in with the blackness.

“Now that we’re alone…” the voice trailed off.

Twilight summoned all her courage and faced the general direction the voice seemed to be emanating from.

“You won’t stop me from reaching the Crystal Heart, whatever you are. I will succeed!”

Laughter answered her. “My dear Twilight, that’s exactly what I want you to do, in fact…” the voice seemed to pause in consideration for a moment. “Why don’t I assist you?”

Before she could reply, Twilight suddenly found herself standing on a mist covered floor at the base of the stairwell.

“What?! Huh?!” she stammered.

Another chuckle. “My dear it was only a simple teleportation spell.”

Twilight quickly regained her composure and examined the room she was in. There wasn't much, aside from the swirling mist there was only a wooden door, painted black with a black crystal fixed to the top of the frame. Seeing no other way forward than the door Twilight moved to open it.

“I wouldn't if I was you.” The voice said.

Ignoring it, Twilight grasped the handle with her magic…and was thrown across the room as the door moved rapidly along the wall, dragging Twilight with it.

The voice sighed, “I warned you.”

Still ignoring the voice Twilight attempted several more times without success to open the door, each time however it would jump just out of reach. With each failed attempt Twilight's anger increased until finally unable to contain her rage she charged up a dark energy blast and fired directly at the black crystal just above the door. Apparently that’s all it needed as the door immediately returned to its original position and began to pulsate with dark magic.

Smiling to herself Twilight moved to open the door.

“Well done.” The voice said, “But before you open that, there is something I wish to know.”

“And what would that be?”

“How does it feel knowing your precious mentor sent you here to die?”

“No!” cried Twilight, “Celestia sent me here to protect the Crystal Empire against King Sombra, she placed her trust and confidence in me this time as well as before and I have never let her down.”

The voice signed again with what sounded like sadness. “Then she has deceived you.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the last words from the voice. “You lie Celestia always tells me the truth and never hides anything from me.”

“Is that so?” the voice continued, “Then tell me, as Celestias’ most favored student. What happened to the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago?”

“Easy, King Sombra enslaved the crystal ponies of the empire in the hopes of controlling the world and was stopped by Celestia and Luna but instead of submitting he cast a powerful dark spell that engulfed the entirety of the empire along with himself.”

“Wrong.” The voice hissed, “It’s true that dark magic was used to banish the Crystal Empire into the void, not in a final act of defiance but to protect it from the usurpers known as Celestia and Luna.”

“No that’s not true, Sombra was evil he needed to be stopped.”

“And who told you he was evil?” inquired the voice, “Celestia? Luna? History is written by the victors. The Crystal Empire was in its height when Sombra came into power, he was a just king, beloved by his subjects. A mighty warrior and commander in his own right but an even greater negotiator and diplomat. Under his rule the Empire expanded to untold lengths, its market flooded with ponies and other sentient creatures from around the world. Its citizen’s happiness powered the Crystal Heart for decades extending Sombra’s life and power allowing him to accomplish even more for his Empire.

Sadly it could not last, one day a message arrived from the fringe of the Empire, two ungodly powerful beings were cutting a path of destruction straight to the Capital. We had so little time to react, the armies mustered to halt their advance were incinerated before they could even loose a spell, whole towns and villages were destroyed in seconds, millions dead in the first day alone.”

Twilight stood stunned by what she was hearing, she believed the voice was lying but the great sadness as it recounted its tale cut to her very core
“Two days…” it sighed, “Two days they ravaged the Empire, until finally they reached the outskirts of the capital. There waiting for them was King Sombra himself, drawing upon all his strength as well as that of the Crystal Heart, Sombra attempted to protect the Empire he loved from the Alicorn usurpers.”

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. “No that’s not true, the princesses were trying to save the Crystal Empire from Sombra, and they would never kill innocents!”

Ignoring Twilight remark the voice continued. “The battle lasted for several day, Sombra valiantly standing his ground against the two god like beings. Sadly he could not endure the onslaught and was struck down on the third day, gravelly wounded. As the two Alicorns stood above him, the eldest and most powerful told him what they intended for his people and empire.

Upon hearing their plans his anger and hatred towards them exploded out as he called upon the most powerful and vile black magic to aid him in one final attempt. Using his remaining life blood, Sombra banished the entirety of the Empire into the void, hoping that the two Alicorn beasts could not follow. He was successful but it cost him his body and soul but to him it was a price that needed to be paid to protect his people.”

The voice trailed off, apparently finished with its tale. Twilight stood stunned for several seconds as she contemplated the story she had just heard
“That can’t be true, it just can’t be!” Twilight murmured, “The princesses are nothing short of benevolent.”

“That is exactly what they want you to believe, would any pony serve them as willingly as they do now if they knew that they had slaughter an entire kingdom?”

Twilight did not answer even as she herself knew the answer. No. No pony would follow the princesses if they knew that they tried to overthrow a benevolent ruler and not an evil tyrant.

Still trying to fully understand what she had just heard Twilight posed a question to the voice just to break the silence.

“What did you mean earlier when you said Celestia sent me here to die?”

“You contain a power that Celestia fears, she as seen what you can become and it is greater than both herself and Luna combined. Knowing that you would not be easy to control she sent you here in the hope that you would fail in your task and be destroyed. That is why she told you to accomplish a seemingly impossible goal alone and without the aid of your friends because without them you would fail.”

Twilight considered this and found the voices words rang true, ever before when a crisis arouse she and her friends would band together to stop it, utilizing the power of their elements to achieve their goals. It was rather strange this time when Celestia told her that under no circumstances was any pony other than her was to locate the Crystal Heart.

“That still doesn't explain who you are and why I should believe you!”

The voice spoke with a deep sadness as well as pity. “My dear Twilight, you have been lied to your entire life. It’s natural that you would deny the truth no matter how terrible over the sweet lies you have been fed...”

The mist underneath Twilight's feet parted creating a path to the black door.

“This door when powered will lead you to the Sanctum of the Crystal Heart however you will be faced with a trial that you musts overcome in order to pass.” The voice said

Twilight walked slowly forward until she stood directly in front of the door. Grasping the handle with her magic she hesitated slightly.

“What will I face?” she asked.

“Your greatest fear.” Answered the voice. “The truth.”

“So be it.” With those words Twilight swung open the door and stepped through the threshold.

End Chapter 1


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Chapter 2

Twilight was greeted by a blinding flash and a deafening thunder crack followed by an eerie silence. After her senses returned to her, Twilight was surprised to find herself not in another darkened room at the base of the Crystal Palace but instead outside the Solar throne room in Canterlot.

“What?! How did I get here?” Twilight said aloud half expecting the voice to reply. She was slightly unnerved when it did not, realizing that she was truly alone, Twilight pushed that feeling aside and entered the throne room.

Upon entering Twilight was surprised yet again when instead of seeing a sea of ponies patiently awaiting an audience with the Princess, she instead saw Celestia seated upon her throne with Princess Luna walking towards her.

Despite what the voice had said, Twilight was still relieved to see her mentor. With a cry of joy she rushed forward.

“Princess Celestia!”

No reply came from the Princess.

“Princess Celestia?”

Again no reply, if Celestia heard Twilight she showed no sign of it. Instead all her attention was focused on a scroll levitating in front of her. She studied the scroll intently until Luna spoke.

“Sister, you summoned us?”

Celestia looked over the scroll she was reading and saw her younger sister Luna standing before her.

“Yes, I have just received word from Princess Cadance.” Celestia lowered the scroll as a scowl formed on her face. “Sombra has returned along with the Empire.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed as the same anger was mimicked on her own face. “How can this be?! We watched him destroy himself to protect his pitiful Empire!”

“Either through force of will or whatever dark pact he made in those final moments, he survived though not completely the spirit of Sombra endured. Cadance said upon their arrival into the Crystal City a black fog bearing a ponies face with a curved red horn flowed in from the wastes. They were able to drive it back and Cadance has since erected a barrier around the city to prevent it from entering again.” Celestia paused as her scowl deepened. “However with Cadance keeping the barrier stable and Shining Armor patrolling the wastes for signs of Sombra that leaves neither of them time to secure the Crystal Heart.”

Luna rose up to her full height. “Sister send us, we will claim the Crystal Heart and see to it that Sombra is unable to return a second time!”

Celestia raised her right hoof, signaling for Luna to calm herself. “No Luna, I need you here to begin preparations for the ritual, with the Crystal Empires return we must accelerate our plan.”

Luna looked directly into her elder sisters eyes. “What of the catalyst?”

Celestia’s scowl was slowly replaced by a fiendish smile. “She I will send into the Crystal Empire with the objective to locate the Crystal Heart and prevent Sombra from retaking the city. I will also send the other Elements but will explicitly instruct her that under no other circumstances will any other but her be allowed to find the heart.”

Celestia's smile broadened as she continued. “She’s always so eager to please me that she’ll do it without question and thus will fail without the help of her friends.”

Luna turned slightly away from Celestia as if preparing to take flight. “Shall I send for her then?”

“No need, I have already called for her, she should arrive any minute now.”

Luna bowed her head. “As you say sister, I shall go and see to the preparations.” With that Luna turned fully away and began walking out of the throne room. If Twilight had been watching her leave she would have seen the doors open to reveal herself from the day before.

Twilight did not see that however, she saw nothing after the hideous smile crossed Celestia’s face. Her mind desperately tried to make sense of what she just witnessed.

“No…no…no. This can’t be true, it’s not possible. Celestia would never…”

Yet even has she repeated those words again and again the words spoken by the mysterious voice kept coming back to her.

“You will face your greatest fear. The truth.”

Time seemed to stop for Twilight as memories of her time with Celestia came flooding back.

The day she made Twilight her personal student.

Allowing her to stay in Ponyville to continue her studies.

These memories and more rebelled against what she had seen. Twilight clenched her eyes shut and angrily grabbed her head as her mind fought against itself.

Finally she could take no more, with a mighty cry of anguish she expelled all her confusion and anger in a powerful shockwave that emanated out from her body, instantly the throne room began to crack and splinter as the magic holding it together was destroyed. Pieces that broke away seemed to fall into nothingness and as the floor gave way there was nothing below but blackness.

With tears streaming out from behind her clenched eyelids, Twilight was oblivious to reality seeming to fall apart around her. She lay there for what seemed an eternity until a voice shattered the silence.

“Well done Twilight.”

Jerking upright, Twilight's eyes flew open. No longer was she in the Solar Throne room but was again at the bottom of the stair well across from the black door. This time however the swirling mist was gone and the door was splintered and swung lazily on a broken hinge.

“What… how…how did I get back here?” she said past small sobs.

The voice spoke as if directly next to her. “You never left this room, that door is enchanted with powerful dark magic that shows whomever opens it their greatest fear. For you my dear this was the confirmation that what I said about the Princess was true.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed slightly at this news. “Dark magic is evil, no pony can trust it.”

The voices tone softened as it continued. “Twilight, Dark Magic is terrible and cruel and will use the one thing that hurts the most. Something that can chill a pony to the bone and rot them from the inside out. The crack that destroys the dike, something that can destroy reality and reshape it anew... the truth.”

Twilight looked down at the ground as she considered the voices words, she wanted to believe that what she'd seen was all a lie, on all her studies of dark magic, limited as it was, it all said that Dark Magic was deceitful, but deep down she knew that no lie could hurt this much. Trying to push the pain inside she asked a question if only to distract her.

“If I never left this room where were you?”

“I was with you, once the magic in the door took hold I was able to see and hear everything you did, the magic however prevented me from interfering. You were to face your fears alone and overcome them, and if I might say, the magic you used was quite impressive.”

Despite everything, Twilight managed a small smile at the voices praise.

“Th…thanks. I don’t know where the power came from, I sort of lost control.”

“I do.” The voice said. “Your pain, your confusion, your rage, all these emotions. Having everything you’d ever known caste into doubt by what the magic showed you. Most would have been driven mad by this, you my dear instead wielded it like a sword, lashing out instead of simply accepting it.”

Twilight simply sat staring at the ground as the voice continued. “Celestia spoke of a ritual and the Crystal Heart and Luna called me a catalyst. What were they talking about?”

The voice sighed deeply. “I know not but the Crystal Heart is a relic of almost limitless power, anything they have planned involving the Crystal Heart will inevitably spell doom for this world.”

Twilight finally looked up, tears still in her eyes. “What do you expect me to do?

“Break free of the lies created around you, become more powerful than Celestia and Luna combined and rid this world of their tyranny!”

The anger, which was becoming all too familiar to Twilight began to build up inside her. “How!” she cried. “I’m a single unicorn, a ‘mortal’ unicorn and Celestia and Luna are immortal Alicorns of unbelievable power, yet you tell me to simply rise above them? Even with the Crystal Heart I can’t succeed alone and my friends would never side with me against the Princess, they haven’t seen what I’ve seen! Even if they did Celestia still has her sister and an entire kingdom behind her. What do I have?!”

Twilight finished her rant and having gotten to her hooves during her tirade stood shakily, drawing in short, ragged breathes.

The voice did not speak for several moments but when it did its tone had softened.

“You have me. Once you obtain the Crystal Heart its power can be used to restore my body and together we can accomplish what ‘I’ failed to do those many centuries ago.”

Twilight's mind ground to a halt as a single word caught her attention.

“You said I that means you’re…”

“Yes.” The voice said. “I am Sombra. Once king of the Crystal Empire I sacrificed my body and soul to protect it and to keep the power of the Crystal Heart from falling into the hooves of the Alicorn beasts.”

End Chapter 2


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Chapter 3

Twilights mind began to reel. “But I thought Cadences barrier was keeping Sombra out? If you’re him how can you be speaking to me?”

“The barrier is keeping my spirit at bay, my will is another matter. During my reign I became attuned to the crystals that make up the structure of the palace. Through these I am able to project my thoughts into your mind.”

“That’s incredible!” cried Twilight, having momentarily forgotten why she was there. “I had no idea that ponies could become attuned to crystals! Does this only apply to Unicorns or can all…”

“Twilight.” The voice said calmly.

Twilight caught herself as she realized that she was being distracted from the task at hoof and blushed slightly.

The voice of Sombra continued. “I will be more than happy to explain to you how they work after we secure the Crystal Heart.”

“How much farther to the Crystal Heart?” Twilight asked once again focused.

Even as she finished her sentence she found herself no longer at the bottom of a stair case but on top of a grand tower overlooking the entirety of the Crystal City. Gazing down Twilight could see that the fair was still going strong despite the fact that the barrier, once reaching past the outskirts of the city was flickering and slowly shrinking as Cadences power waned. Even as she watched the barrier pulsed one last time then disappeared.

“Th…The barriers down!”

The voice of Sombra hissed loudly. “Yesssss!”

In the distance the black fog returned and began to swirl around quickly becoming thicker and thicker as it moved rapidly towards the city. The fog congealed into a large grey face with a red horn that vaguely resembled that of a Unicorn. Just as it was about to cross into the outskirts of the city there was a flash as the barrier rose up from the ground, cutting off the fog as well as a piece of its horn before encasing the city once more.

“Rawahhhhhh!” cried the voice.


Sombra’s voice gradually lowed from a roar to a low growl. “No need to worry my dear. This will work to our advantage. Thanks to the barrier a piece of myself is now on the inside. It will begin to spread my influence across the city, further weakening the magic keeping me at bay.”

“What can I do to help?” asked Twilight.”

“I want you to remain here. The barrier will soon fall of its own accord and when it does I will be ready.” As if to emphasize his point the barrier flickered rapidly before returning to normal.

As Twilight gazed at the barrier she involuntarily shuddered as a thought struck her.

“Sombra?” she said with slight dread.

“What is it my dear?”

Looking down from the barrier, Twilight took a deep breath. “What will happen to Cadance?”

“The Alicorn cannot be allowed to escape, were she to rejoin the others our task would become even more difficult.”

Twilight’s voice began to quaver. “Wh..what are you going to do to her?”

“I would see her pay for the crimes committed by the others of her race yet….” Sombra paused as Twilight fought back tears. “No harm will come to her, as she is already weakened and will pose no threat” Twilight sighed loudly at this news but Sombra continued. “However we cannot allow her to leave here, the Alicorn must be captured.”

“How will we do that? Cadance may be weak but she’s also protected by my brother Shining Armor. Even without his magic he will do everything he can to keep her safe”

“Ah yes, the Unicorn that hunted me in the wastes. He is powerful indeed, the spell I used to block his magic will not last much longer and I fear with my influence spread across the city I will not be able to subdue him a second time.”

Twilight racked her brain for a solution and thanks to her weeks of study she found one. “We can seal the palace!” She exclaimed. “I read about a complex locking spell last week that is almost impossible to unlock unless you’re the one who locked it. That will keep Cadance and Shining Armor from getting away before you can get here.”

Sombra remained silent as he seemed to consider Twilight’s words. “That would suffice but I know the spell you speak of, it takes a great deal of energy to successfully cast. I do not doubt your abilities but I will not allow you to endanger yourself by attempting this alone.”

Twilights eyes flashed with anger as her voice rose. “What else can we do? You said it yourself, the barriers keeping your spirit out, even after that’s gone you’re not sure if you can stop Shining Armor a second time. I want to help you and I can do that by casting the spell, so let me cast the spell!” she finished angrily.

“My dear.” Sombra said soothingly. “I wasn’t finished speaking yet. I don’t want you to attempt this alone but you are far from alone. Turn around.”

For the first time since arriving on top of the tower, Twilight realized that there was a faint sound coming from behind her. Turning slowly around she was met with a beautiful sight. A shaft of pure white light shone down from a hidden source in the roof of the tower. Within this light, floating inches above a pedestal and spinning slowly was the Crystal Heart. The details of the heart that Twilight read about did not do it justice. I was perfectly cut, every line and edge was flawless and unlike the one she herself had carved from crystal the genuine Crystal Heart was a rich Aquamarine blue.

Drawn forward by sheer awe, Twilight approached the Crystal Heart. As she drew closer the faint sound grew louder and clearer until standing mere inches away Twilight realized that it was a heartbeat, coming from the Crystal Heart. Reaching out with her hoof Twilight gently touch the surface of the crystal.

There was a blinding flash and a searing pain that traveled down her hoof into the rest of her body. She tried to pull away but was unable to move, her body paralyzed by the searing pain. She wanted to cry out but her mouth would not obey her, her ears were filled with a mighty roar that dulled the pain in her body. After what felt like an eternity of torment, everything stopped. The roar died down along with the pain in her body and lastly her eyes regained their sight.

Finally able to move Twilight jumped back but was unsteady on her hoofs and merely fell backwards unto her side. Laying on the ground underneath the Crystal Heart, bathed in sweat Twilight felt alive.

“This is incredible!” Twilight exclaimed. “I’ve never felt this great before in my life!”

Rolling over and jumping to her hooves, Twilight was brimming with energy. All former pain and exhaustion was gone, as if it never existed.

“That is just a small taste of the power contained within the Crystal Heart, merely touching it is enough to boost your magic tenfold.”

“Now my dear Twilight.” Sombra continued. “I have no qualms about you casting Tarson’s Cosmic Lock on the palace.”

Turning from the Crystal Heart, Twilight closed her eyes and mentally prepared herself. Once she had gathered her thoughts she turned all her will power towards the spell. Her horn began to glow with a dull purple glow that slowly built up to a blinding ball of energy. Once the incantation was finished Twilight released the energy, casting the spell. Up in the tower nothing seemed to have happened but down below all through he palace, doors and windows were slamming shut and locking themselves.

Twilight braced herself for the wave of exhaustion that always accompanied casting complex spells but was surprised to feel nothing. “That was even more complex than when I gave Rarity wings and then I could barely stand after casting that. If just touching the heart gave me that much power then…”

“All in due time Twilight.” Sombra said interrupting her train of thought.

“Oh yeah.” Said Twilight. “You can read my mind”

Before Sombra could reply the barrier started to flicker once again before disappearing all together.

“Finally!” hissed Sombra

As Twilight watched the black fog rose up once more and began to flood into the city.

“Prepare for my arrival!”


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Chapter 4

“Ahm not sure how much longer Ah can keep this up.” Said Applejack to herself, as more and more inquisitive crystal ponies wanted to get a look at what they thought was the Crystal Heart. High above the barrier began to flicker rapidly once again. “And Ahm not sure how much longer Candace can keep it up either.” She said to no pony in particular.

While she was busy muttering to herself a rather bold pony got a mite to close to the tarp covering the ‘Crystal Heart’.

“Whoa there partner, why don’t yawl go check out the…uh booth right over yonder? I hear they’re giving away…uh…something.” Seeming to shift his attention the pony dashed off in the direction Applejack indicated.

Wiping a few beads of sweat from her brow Applejack turned towards another pony who was to close for comfort only to have her attention drawn high above.

The barrier was flickering faster and faster until it disappeared altogether.

“Well that can’t be good.” Thought Applejack.

Looking back down Applejack could see a mass of roiling black fog rushing towards the now unprotected city. It reached the outskirts with blinding speed and without resistance, flooded into the city.

Pandemonium ensued. The ponies who weren't already panicking began to panic in earnest. Ponies caught inside the black fog could neither see nor breathe, many crashed headlong into walls or ponies, others simply collapsed from lack of air.

Applejack struggled to breathe as the fog filled her lungs, between her coughs she could hear the screams of ponies all around her along with the eerie whoosh from the fog. Falling to her knees from a massive coughing fit, Applejack heard another sound that was steadily growing louder. Unable to think long on this new sound Applejack focused all her energy on staying conscious.

Just as she was about to black out the sound which had grown even louder reached her. Applejack was blown back against a nearby wall as the ear shattering sound raged around her, unable to move she could only clenched her eyes shut and hope for the best. After several deafening seconds the sound moved on and Applejack fell to the ground with a thud knocking what little air there was from her.

Laying where she fell, Applejack gasped for air. Sucking down multiple deep breaths she finally opened her eyes and was surprised to see no fog around her. The noise was revealed to be a massive twister that was spinning in a large circle, clearing the air and holding the fog at bay.

Staggering to her hooves she looked around to see several crystal ponies struggling to do the same. Before she could move to help them she heard a voice call out her name.


Turning towards the voice Applejack saw that it was Rarity calling her name.

Skidding to a stop next to Applejack, Rarity grasped her in a vice like hug.

“Thank Celestia your all right!”

Having barely gotten her breathe back Applejack wiggled her way out of Rarities embrace.

“Yeah Ahm fine now, thanks to that twister.”

“Thank Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, they created it once the barrier went down. They’re inside controlling its direction to clear a path for the rest of us.”

“Then I reckon we better round up everypony that we can. Where’s Twilight and Pinkie?”

“Pinkies out in the fog gathering anypony she can find. Apparently her spy costume had a gas mask, and the last I saw of Twilight she was headed towards the palace.”

“Ok Ahll start getting everypony gather here and you go to the palace and get Twilight and the others.”

Rarity was about to say something when a horrendous crack was heard in the distance. A black clad figure wearing a gas mask zipped out of the fog and ran towards Applejack and Rarity.

The figure skidded to a stop inches from Rarity and began waving its hooves and breathing heavily through the filters. “Darling we can’t understand you.” Said Rarity.

The figure paused for a moment then removed the gas mask to reveal a disheveled pink mane. “I said we have a problem.”

Applejack and Rarity exchanged worried looks. “Are you talking about that loud cracking noise?” asked Rarity.

Pinkie nodded her head frantically. “Humongously gigantic black crystals are exploding out of the ground.”

Applejack opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by another large crack followed by smaller ones. “Alrighty then, Rarity can you get Rainbow and Fluttershy’s attention? We need that path through the fog.”

Rarity nodded her head and began firing multi colored beams from her horn. The twister ground to a halt before changing course and heading towards the train station in the wastes.

“Pinkie you take lead, make sure we get as many as we can to the train.”

Pinkie Pie gave a very Rainbow Dash like salute before donning her gas mask and rushing over to a group of crystal ponies who had gathered after the twister cleared the fog.

“Rarity, you and I will….” Another crack, this time accompanied by huge columns of black crystals erupting from the ground.
“Never mind let’s go!” cried Applejack.

What little order and been regain was quickly lost as groups of pones began to scatter as black crystals rose from the ground, destroying buildings and blocking roads. Applejack yelled to anypony who could hear her to follow the twister out of the city. With Pinkie at the lead, Applejack and Rarity brought up the read,desperately trying to keep everypony together. All around them the black crystals rose higher and higher, some began to grind against each other and break off large chunks that would rain down on those below.

Left and right, crystal ponies were being crushed by the falling crystals. As they ran Applejack had to force herself to keep going. Weaving left and right to miss pools of blood and screaming ponies trying to dig out a loved one.

"Just keep cant help cant help them.... just keep running." Applejack repeated to herself again and again like a mantra hating herself with each word.

Far ahead the twister was getting smaller and smaller as the crystal columns impended its movements until it finally broke apart sending two figures flying out into the wastes. With the twister gone, the black fog quickly returned. Applejack took one last deep breath before the fog reached her. Trying not to breath while also dodging bodies and crystal chunks in near blackness would be near impossible but if she took a breath she'd never make it out alive.

Unable to see, Applejack clipped the top of a crystal as she jumped over it and was thrown off balance causing her to hit the ground, hard. The stale air was driven from her lungs with a forceful whoosh and unable to stop herself she began gulping for air. She immediately started to choke, inhaling the fog felt like spiked cotton balls going in and out of her lungs.

Laying on the ground, wracked with painful coughs, Applejack could do nothing. As the coughs became more numerous and painful her mind became fuzzy from lack of oxygen. Just as she was about to loose consciousness something was pulled over her head and clean air filled her lungs.

Sucking down fresh air between coughs, Applejack felt herself being lifted to her hooves and dragged along. After the last cough subsided, Applejack realized she was wearing a gas mask and was being help along by a black clad figure with a similar mask.


The figure never looked at her but Applejack heard a slight buzz in her ear then the voice of Pinkie Pie. "Yes, I came back to get you. "

"What about the others?" asked Applejack.

"They made it out. Come on, we need to hurry."

Dragging Applejack along with her, Pinkie moved quickly through the fog, around crystals and bodies alike. Her pinkie sense kept them out of the way of falling crystals and they soon reached the edge of the city. Stepping out of the fog, they were greeted with blinding sunlight. Using her free hoof, Applejack removed her mask and took in a deep breath of unfiltered air.

After her eyes adjusted she looked over the snowing wastes to the train station to see a horrible sight. Dozens of ponies lay about, bleeding from large cuts all along their bodies, some had bloody stumps of limbs as well as the cuts. Several ponies moved among the injured tending to their wounds as best they could, among those helping were Rarity and Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie helped Applejack over to where Rarity and Fluttershy was tending to a pony with deep lacerations across his face. As they approached, Rarity looked up from her work and and glanced over Applejack. Seeing no visible injuries she returned to the task at hoof. They had little to no medical supplies to speak of, the train had two small med kits but those were not nearly enough to save many of the ponies who lay dying around them.

Pinkie Pie removed her gas mask, her perfectly straight mane fell around her face, concealing half of it. "How many made it out?"

Without looking up, Rarity replied. "At a quick count about forty, of those, many are badly hurt or dying."

"Then we need to get them to Canterlot. Get the wounded onto the train, leave the dead."

Fluttershy nodded her head and without a word set out. Pinkie Pie set Applejack on the ground, despite her not having hurt herself during her fall, the second exposure to the fog took its toll. She felt light headed and unsteady on her hooves and slumped to the ground gratefully. Glancing back in the direction of the city, Applejack saw that the crystals were growing together and forming a dome around the city. Even as she watched the dome closed itself, sealing off the Crystal City.

Turing her head back around she looked to Rarity who was getting awfully fuzzy. "Hey yawl won't be needin my help much will yah? Ah feel like ah might..." Before she could finish, Applejack passed out. Pinkie picked her up and carried her to the train. After placing her with the other wounded Pinkie turned her gaze out onto the snowy fields. As the last wounded made their way onto the train, helped by Fluttershy and Rainbow dash they left behind those who would never move again.

With a last look at the Crystal City, Pinkie Pie boarded the train. With a hiss of steam and a loud screech, the train slowly left the isolated station. Bound for the capital city of Canterlot, bearing bloody survivors and dire news.


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Chapter 5

From her vantage point atop the Crystal Palace, Twilight watched as the black fog blanketed the city. She looked on as a large twister cut a path through he fog, only to crumble as black crystals enveloped the city.

As the crystals closed around the city, a solitary beam of sunlight shone upon a single tear, slowly making it's way down Twilight's cheek. The tear shone with white radiance before fading to black as the crystals completely encased the city.

With the sun blocked by the dome, Twilight found herself standing on a tiny island amongst a sea of black. The only light that remained, came from the Crystal Heart.

Stepping away from the blackness, Twilight edged closer to the Crystal Heart. It's low, pulsating light bathed her troubled soul in it's comforting embrace, putting her mind at ease and calming her nerves. Feeling slightly rejuvenated, Twilight sat down next to the Crystal Heart to await Sombra.

Her wait was short, the blackness at the edge of the light appeared to grow darker as it roiled and churned. A slight tremble of fear found it's way into Twilight's voice. "Sombra?" The only reply she received was deep laughter that radiated all around her. As the laughter grew louder the blackness became more violent in its movements. As both reached a crescendo Twilight again called out Sombra's name. Again no answer. She was about to call out once more when the laughter and churning abruptly stopped.

"Sombr.." She was cut off as the blackness rushed over her. All her senses were overwhelmed at once, darkness obscured her vision, thunderous noise deafened her to all else, the smell of burning bodies and the taste of rancid blood made her gag for air, and pain, unbearable pain wracked her body.

Then it was over. She remained sitting by the Crystal Heart, none the worse for wear. The laughter was gone as well as the churning blackness. Even as she thought back to what she had just experienced the memory was difficult to recall. What she did recall was just fuzzy recollections, almost like a dream. "Was I dreaming?" thought Twilight. "It felt so real, but I must have dozed off without realizing it, yes that's the only explanations." Having convinced herself that it was only a dream, Twilight got to her hooves and was about to turn and look at the Crystal Heart when a voice stopped her.

"Hold a moment, my dear. I'd suggest you not turn around just yet."

Having stopped mid-motion, Twilight was unable to quell her curiosity and looked anyway.

Standing next to the Crystal Heart was a pony or rather most of a pony. The skeleton was standing erect while muscles and tendons twisted and weaved around it in a whirlpool of blood, covering the bones in a glistening under-skin. Grey flakes materialized from the air and weaved together to form a sheet of skin that wrapped it's self around the muscle. Finally black hair sprouted form the skin and grew rapidly into a majestic flowing mane and tail.

The now complete stallion stood tall, his tail and mane waving ominously despite the lack of wind. He opened his newly formed eyes to reveal two blood red irises surrounded by green sclera that glowed brightly with ancient power.

Twilight was transfixed, her mind tried to make sense of what she had just witnessed but all she could do was stare into those two blood red orbs. After several moments of silence the stallion coughed slightly, breaking Twilight out of her trance and jump-starting her brain. "What...huh?!" Blinking rapidly and violently shaking her head. "Sombra?!"

The stallion bowed his head slightly. "Yes, my dear. I am Sombra."

Twilight was unable to speak, her mouth worked but no words were forthcoming.

Sombra smiled slightly at Twilight's display. "I'm sorry you had to see that but I did warn you."

Twilight blinked again and closed her mouth. Taking several deep breaths to calm her nerves and gather her thoughts. Sombra watched and waited patiently while Twilight composed herself. "You have questions." he said. Twilight nodded her head. "Yes I do, several in fact."

"Then I must ask you to wait awhile longer, I sense that the spell impending your brother is weakening, he must be dealt with as well as the Alicorn."

Twilight's ears perked up at his statement. "You said you weren't going to hurt them!"

"If it can be avoided, yes. The Alicorn is weak and should pose no threat, your brother on the other hoof is not. I am not yet accustomed to my new body and I fear I would be unable to best him."

Twilight scratched under her shin as a plan began to form. "Shining Armor is one of the best soldiers in Eqestria but he has one glaring weakness that we can use against him."

Sombra's eyes lit up with delight as his smile widened. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Twilight looked into Sombra's eyes and felt a twinge of sadness that she quickly buried deep inside. "Me."


"Gah! Dammit that hurt!"

"Sorry, they're really stuck on there." said Spike.

Shining Armor sat back down, having jumped to his hooves when Spike broke off one of the many black crystals imbedded in his horn. Spike began to work his claws under another crystal and Shining Armor took a moment to glance towards the throne where his wife lay.

After her barrier failed, Cadence lost consciousness and Shining Armor tried to get her to safety but found that all exits from the palace were sealed. With his magic still blocked he decided to barricade them inside the throne room, the central and most defensible room in the palace.

Upon arriving in the throne room, Shining Armor found a very distraught Spike frantically running back and forth in front of the throne.

"Oh what do I do? What do I do?" Spike said to himself. "She said to stay here and stay safe but what if she's in trouble? I should get help but what if she comes back and I'm not here? Oh!"

After calming him down, Shining Armor got Spike to help him barricade the doors and make a place for Cadence to rest. Shortly there after they heard distant screams coming from outside along with horrible sounds of destruction, followed by silence and darkness.

With his thoughts distracting him, Shining Armor did not hear Spike tell him to ready himself. Only after Spike ripped another crystal from his horn did his mind return to the present.

"AHHHH! By all that is holy does that hurt!" Yelled Shining Armor as he gently touched his horn.

"Sorry!" said Spike. "I'm trying to be gentle but they're really stuck in there."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time." he said through clenched teeth. "I need a break, go check on Cadence."

Spike did as he was told, walking over to Cadence and making sure the curtain turned blanket was still covering her.

The pain in his horn subsiding, Shining Armor got to his hooves and prepared to cast a simple light spell. As he drew power for the spell the crystals imbedded in his horn acted as leeches, sucking the power out of him before it was ready. Each time before the spell would fail almost immediately. This time, with fewer crystals drawing on the energy he was able to successfully cast the spell, greatly illuminating the darkened throne room.

"Hey you can use magic again!" cried Spike excitedly.

Shining Armor grinned despite the situation. "Yeah if I can cast simple spells then I should be able to do more powerful ones as well." As he was about to test that theory a knock was heard at the door. They both froze and Shining Armor raised a hoof to silence Spike as he was about to speak.

Quietly as possible, Shining Armor moved to the barricade in front of the door. As he crept closer, more knocks sounded as well as a faint whisper that he couldn't make out.

Coming to a stop directly in front of the barricade he strained to make out the whisper.

"Please...Shining...its me...Twilight..." The whisper trailed off but the knocks continued. Shining Armor's eyes widened as he forgot to whisper. "Twilight!?"

He was blown across the room followed by splinters of chairs and the door. Hitting the ground he skidded to a stop in front of the throne. Quickly regaining his bearings, Shining Armor jumped to his hooves and whirled to face this new threat... only to feel his heart sink at what he saw.

Standing amidst the ruins of the doorway, bathed in a sickly green light was Sombra, ancient tyrant of the Crystal Empire and by his side was Shining Armor's younger sister, Twilight.


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Chapter 6

"Twilight!" cried Spike as he rushed forward only to be stopped by Shining Armor. Pushing Spike behind him Shining Armor took a step forward.

"Ah ah." said Sombra with an evil grin. "You wouldn't want your dear sister to suffer on your account." His horn flared with magic as dark green energy coiled around Twilight's neck. She let out a small squeak as the coils slowly tightened.

Shining Armor took another step forward, his horn began to pulse slowly with magic. Sombra's smile never waved. "Really? You'd risk your sisters life so needlessly?" Twilight let out another squeak as the coils tightened.

Another step forward then another as Shining Armor's horn glowed brightly with a readied spell.

Sombra's smile changed to a deep scowl. "Very well, I'll enjoy seeing your reaction when I..."

He was cut short as a magenta beam hit him directly in the chest, blowing him out of the throne room. Twilight, released from the coils slumped to the ground, coughing violently. Spike immediately rushed to her side as Shining Armor followed warily, watching the door for Sombra's return. Spike grabbed Twilight in a vice like hug, eliciting more coughs from her. Realizing this he released her and took a step back.

"Twilight! We were so worried, are you alright?!"

She simply nodded her head as her coughing fit subsided. Shining Armor came to a stop next to her, never taking his eyes off the door. "Glad to see that your save Twily, but we need to get out of here. That beam was all I could do with these crystals on my horn. Are you strong enough to teleport all of us out of the city?"

Twilight didn't answer. She simply sat there with her head down.

"Twilight! Can you do that?!" said Shining Armor as he looked down at his sister.

"Please. Forgive me."

Twilight raised her head, her horn and eyes flashed with dark green energy as black tendril erupted from her horn and latched onto Shining Armor. He tried to pull back but was held fast by the tendril, he began to scream and writhe in pain as the tendrils burrowed into his skin.

Tears streamed down Twilight's face as she realized what the spell was doing. Desperately trying to cut off the spell it only increased in power. "NO!!" she screamed as she lost control, the tendril found their way to Shining Armors face and began to burrow into his eyes. Twilight watched in horror as her older brother stopped moving, the light from his horn flickered then died leaving them in total darkness save for the sickly green glow from the tendrils, seconds after, those to were extinguished as the spell finished its work. Shining Armor fell to the floor with a soft thump and lay still.

The room was silent save for quiet sobs from Twilight.

"Well done, my dear." Sombra's voice said, materializing from the darkness to stand next to her. Torches along the walls erupted with green flames, illuminating the entirety of the throne room.

Twilight stood over her brother's still form as tears fell unto his hollow eyes, frozen in horror. Spike lay several feet away curled up in a ball, sobbing quietly.

Letting the tears fall freely, Twilight turned and stared directly into Sombra's eyes. "I killed him." she stated sullenly. "I killed my brother." Sombra said nothing as he returned her stare. "It was meant to drain his magic...but instead it killed him....I killed him." She looked down at her brothers still face then back at Sombra. All the sorrow was gone, replaced by pure rage. Her horn flared with dark magic as two massive claws formed and gripped Sombra in a deadly embrace. "YOU LIED TO ME!!!" Dark green energy filled her eyes as a deep purple aura leaked from them. "The spell YOU taught me killed my brother! I didn't want him to be hurt but he died SCREAMING!!"

The floor around her began to crack and small pieces started to float and swirl violently around her, whipping her mane and tail into a frenzy. The small whirlwind began to pick up and Twilight's eyes were fully flooded with green energy. Forcing the claws tighter around Sombra's body she started to crush him when three words stopped her cold.

"He's not dead."

The claws holding Sombra were drawn down so that they were face to face.

"What did you say?!"

"He's not dead." Sombra said again.

"Liar! I saw him die! I killed him!"

"Twilight." Sombra said softly. "By my soul and kingdom I will never lie to you. The spell I taught you was modified by myself to drain the essence of magic from a ponies body while making it seem to drain the life essence instead. Despite appearances it's entirely painless, your brother will remain comatose for several days but will be none the worse for wear upon awakening."

The energy whirling around Twilight began to dissipate but the anger remained. "Why?!"

Sombra shifted slightly in the claws embrace but Twilight did not let him go. "Why did I teach you a modified version that appears to kill? If we are to succeed against the Alicorns you must achieve your full potential, by harnessing your rage you can become greater than them."

The whirlwind fully dissipated as Twilight released the spell holding Sombra. He landed softly on the ground and approached Twilight. He reached out his right hoof and gently caressed her cheek. "It pained me terribly to see you so distraught, for that I am truly sorry but know that everything I do, I do for you."

She angrily smacked his hoof away as her face became flush with anger or was it something else, before she could figure that out a loud sob drew her attention to the base of the throne where Spike lay. Having momentarily forgotten him in her rage, it broke her heart to see him like this.

She slowly approached him, he lay with his back to her with his arms tightly wrapped around his legs.

"Spike?" she said softly.

He continued to sob.

"Spike everything's going to be OK." She said as she reached out to caress his head.

"NO!!!" he screamed, recoiling from her touch. "NO!No!no...!" His voice broke off into more sobbing.

Not wanting him to suffer anymore and not knowing what else to do, Twilight cast a sleep spell on Spike. His sobbing quickly gave way to quiet whimpers and finally soft snoring.

Seeing him in a peaceful sleep brought a small smile back to her face but it was short lived as Sombra placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"We must deal with the Alicorn."

Twilight closed her eyes before replying. "You'll have to cast the spell...I can't go through that again, not with me casting the spell."
"I understand, though in time you will become accustomed to such things."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

He gently turned her head so she would look at him. "Fear makes us who we are, embrace it, control it, but do not let it rule you."

"Now...." Sombra said with a slight hunger in his voice. He left Twilight's side and approached the still sleeping form of Cadence. Standing mere inches away his eyes and horn flared violently with dark magic.

As she watched, the same black tendrils erupted form Sombra's horn and found there way into Cadence's skin. Unlike with Shining Armor, Cadence did not writhe nor scream, though it was taking longer to drain her magic.

Suddenly there was a bright blue flash form Cadence and a cry of pain from Sombra.

"Twilight...I need you!" he called through clenched teeth. "She's resisting!"

"How is she resisting?! She's unconscious!" she said, rushing to his side.

Sombra's face became twisted in agony. "No time..the connection...must be severed....reversed...draining my life." Even as he said that, he fell to his knees and his breathing became shallow.

"What spell do I use?!"Twilight yelled frantically. "Tell me!"

"Irreversible. You must...choose." Sombra turned his head and looked her directly in the eyes. "Her or me."

His head dropped as the life continued to be sucked from his body. With only seconds to decide, Twilight found herself faced with the most painful choice in her life.

With fresh tears in her eyes and a loud cry, Twilight drove her horn into Cadences chest. Her body heaved once as blood spurted around Twilight's horn then grew still again. The black tendrils twisted and coiled like a dying snake before breaking off and dissipating into nothingness.

After several empty moments, Twilight pulled her horn from the body of her sister-in-law with a sickening squelching sound. Fresh blood poured form the open wound and unable to support herself, Twilight's legs gave out as she slumped into the growing pool of blood.

Empty. She wanted to cry, to feel sadness or pain but instead there was nothing. Blood from her horn dripped down unto her face but she didn't care, she imagined that they were tears, slowly rolling down her face. Reaching a shaking hoof to her face, she tried to catch one but succeeded only in smearing more blood onto her face.

Sombra got to his hooves as his energy returned, he looked from Twilight to the body of Cadence and back to Twilight. Walking over he sat next to Twilight and draping his right hoof over her shoulder pulled her close.

"I'm so sorry it came to this." he said softly as he looked down to her blank, blood smeared face.

She said nothing but settled deeper into his embrace, mentally and emotionally drained she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Laying there with Twilight in the blood of an Alicorn, Sombra couldn't help but to smile.


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Chapter 7

Loud knocking at the door roused Steadfast from a deep sleep. Sitting up, he groggily stumbled out of bed and threw the door open. A nervous looking recruit stood cowering under his tired gaze.

“By Celestia and the stars above this better be important.”

The recruit shrank under Steadfast’s piercing glare. “Ca…Ca… Captain…you’ve been su…summoned b…b…by Princess…Lu…Luna.” He managed to stammer out.

Captain Steadfast was momentarily surprised. “Why would Princess Luna want to see the Solar Captain?” Lost in thought, Steadfast closed his door and began outfitting himself in his patrol armor. Once equipped he threw open his door and stepped out into the hall…and slammed headlong into the recruit from moments before.

“By the…Why are you still here?!” yelled Steadfast as he readjusted his helm.

“I…I was…t…told to escort…y….you.” stammered the recruit.

Steadfast was about to give him a dressing down when he noticed just how frightened the boy was. “Must be fresh out of training.” Thought steadfast.

“What’s your name son?” he asked in a softer tone.

“Private Jammers, sir!” he answer quickly.

“Alright Jammers, I know my way to the Lunar Court and therefore require no escort. You are dismissed.”

“But..but sir, her highness insisted…that I…es…escort you, be…besides she…isn’t…at th…the Lunar Co…Court.”

Steadfast resisted the urge to drag a hoof across his face. “Very well then, lead the way.”


The eastern sky was beginning to lighten just as Captain Steadfast and Private Jammers reached the train station in lower Canterlot. Despite the early hour the station was bustling with activity. Guards, both day and night ran about carry large crates of various items as well as bandaged ponies on cloth stretchers. Many of the stretchers that they passed were covered with a white sheet.

“What happened here?” asked Steadfast.

“Tr..tragedy at the…th…Crystal Empire, sir.” Said Jammers, navigating through he crowd. “Her hi…highness will ex…explain.”

Ahead Steadfast saw the Princess of the Night speaking with a cyan pony with a rainbow mane, Steadfast recognized her as the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash. Drawing close he could make out the conversation.

“….unwise. We understand your feelings but allowing you to return alone without fully understanding the situation could be disastrous.”

“But Princess Luna!”

Princess Luna was about to say something else when Steadfast and Jammers approached.

“Ah Captain, We are glad to see you.”

“Your highness.” Steadfast said, bowing low. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes, as we are sure you have guess, we are in the middle of a crisis. Several hours ago, King Sombra overran the Crystal City and encased it in a black crystal dome. Nay on four dozen were able to escape, most of those were mortally wounded and passed while in transit. Thousands more were trapped inside the city when it was sealed, among those were Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, and the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle.”

Steadfast’s jaw dropped, his gaze moved from Princess Luna to Rainbow Dash and back again. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard, mentally shaking himself and regaining control of his jaw, Steadfast snapped to attention. “What course of action do you recommend, your highness?”

Before Princess Luna could speak Rainbow Dash angrily spoke up. “I’ll tell you what we should do! Get together a team and break into the city and rescue Twilight and the others!”

Princess Luna looked crossly at the cyan pony. “Rainbow Dash, we have told you that would be unwise. It’s unknown what you would encounter.”

“Your highness?” interrupted Steadfast. “If I may, that sounds like a reasonable course of action.”

“Captain?” asked Princess Luna, slowly raising an eyebrow.

“I can put a specialist team together. Like you said, we don’t know what’s really going on. My team can assess the situation and allow us to plan out our next course of action.”

Rainbow Dash smiled triumphantly. “See?! Even the Captain here agrees with me!”

Princess Luna considered Steadfast’s words for several moments before responding. “Very well Captain. We trust you to handle this accordingly. You are to gather a team to return to the Crystal Empire and assess the situation and report back to us their findings.”

“Hey! What about me?! They’re not going without me!”

Princess Luna scowled deeply. ”Rainbow Dash, we have told you already…”

“Your highness? If I may?” asked Steadfast.

Princess Luna turned her scowl to him. “You may.”

“Your Highness, if we are going to merely assess then we will need a sharp eyed Pegasus. If memory serves Miss Dash is one of the fastest and able Pegasus in Eqestria, We could certainly use her skills.”

Princess Luna did not respond for several seconds and Steadfast began to wonder if sticking up for the Element of Loyalty was a good idea. Finally Princess Luna nodded her head. “Very Well. Rainbow Dash will accompany the team back to the Crystal City.”

“AWWW YEAH!” yelled Rainbow Dash, hovering excitedly in the air.

“Only to observe.” Finished Princess Luna sternly. “Under no circumstance are you to try and get into the city, learn all you can from a safe distance then report back immediately. Is that understood?”

Rainbow Dash appeared to want to say something but quickly changed it to a smart salute, rivaling Steadfast’s own. “Understood!”

Princess Luna nodded again. “Very good. Captain we leave you to it, Our sister will soon be rising and we’d prefer to be the ones to bring her this dire news.” With a flash of magic, Princess Luna was gone. Steadfast turned towards Private Jammers who had said nothing during their talk.

“Private. How good are your eyes?”

“Twenty tw…twenty, sir. Wh..why?”

“Excellent.” Captain Steadfast said, slapping a hoof on his shoulder. “You’re coming with me to the Crystal Empire.”



A terrible fit of coughing jerked Applejack awake, she struggled to sit up and get more air into her lungs but intense pain in her chest kept her from doing so. After several moments the coughing subsided, able to breath Applejack opened her eyes.

She found herself laying on a extremely ornate bed in an equally ornate room. Turning her head to the left she saw an odd machine with a tube filled with blue liquid running out of the top. Following the tube with her eyes she saw that the other end was hooked into her left foreleg.

Gingerly adjusting her leg so as not to tangle the tube, Applejack looked to her right and saw Rarity asleep in a chair next to the door. Her usually well-kept mane was a mess and she looked like the one who needed to be in the bed.

Applejack was about to wake her up when the door opened and in stepped a brown unicorn stallion wearing a white coat.
“Ah good. I see that your awake Miss Apple.” He said. Upon seeing Rarity asleep in the chair he blushed slightly and lowered his voice. “Uh…how are you feeling?”

“Pretty good considering. I got a real bad cough and this here tube in my leg is kinda itchy.”

“Well that itchy tube will help with your cough so you’ll have to put up with it for a while longer.”

“Figures.” Applejack said glumly. “Hey where exactly am I? I know Canterlot is fancier than Ponyville but I didn’t think the hospitals here were this fancy.”

“Oh you’re not in a hospital, you’re in a guest suite inside Canterlot Castle. Princess Luna arranged for you to receive medical attention here so that you and your friends would be close by.”

“Well that was mighty kind of her. If you see her tell her thanks will yah?”

“Of course, now just let me check you’re IV and I’ll let you get some rest.”

He moved over to the machine and checked several knobs and compared them to notes written on a clipboard he brought, after nodding several times he levitated a clear pouch filled with more blue liquid and switched it out with the empty one attached to the machine. Immediately Applejack's leg grew warmer as more liquid flowed through the tube.

His work done, the stallion gathered his things and quietly left the room, closing the door back behind him. The heat in her leg spread to the rest of her body causing her to feel sleepy, unable to resist she gave into the warmth and fell into a restful sleep.


Applejack awoke to the soft rustling sound of pages turning in a book. Opening her eyes she saw that she was still in the same room although it was brighter than the last time she saw it. Turning towards the sound of the rustling she saw Rarity sitting in the same chair as before, awake and reading a fashion magazine.

She was using her magic to levitate the magazine in front of her face while turning the pages, at the speed she was flipping the pages she wasn’t actually reading it, more likely just glancing at the pictures. Reaching the end of the book, Rarity sighed softly and placed the magazine on a small table next to her chair. She looked over towards Applejack and saw her staring back.

Her face lit up with joy. “Oh Applejack, your finally awake. How are you feeling?”

Applejack replied with a small smirk. “Ahm finally awake? I woke up earlier to find you asleep in that chair right there.”

Rarity blushed slightly. “Oh, well we all were worried about you so we decided to take turns sitting with you until you finally woke up. I suppose the waiting got to me, no?”

They made eye contact before bursting out into laughter, they both laughed for several minutes until a coughing fit struck Applejack. Her laughter died immediately as the struggle to breath took precedent. Rarity jumped from her chair and rushed to her side, her smile form before replaced with a look of worry.

Several painful seconds went by before Applejack could breathe properly. “Dear me, it sounds like your cough has gotten worse.” Rarity said worriedly.

With a few more coughs to clear her throat, Applejack settled back into her bed. “What happened while Ah was out? Ah remember watching the Crystal City being encased in black crystals then everything gets all hazy after that.”

“After you lost conciseness…” Rarity began, deep sadness entering her voice. “We got the crystal ponies who made it out onto the train, a lot of them were hurt, some couldn’t even walk. We did the best we could with what we had. It was a long trip back to Canterlot and many didn’t make it. All we could do was ease their passing,” Rarity paused a moment as she took a shuddering breath before continuing.

“We reached the capital around midnight and the station master sent for the guards, within ten minutes the nearby hospital had sent over medical supplies and personnel to tend to the survivors. Fluttershy and I wanted to stay and help but Princess Luna sent us here to get some rest and to be nearby when you woke up.” Rarity finished her recounting and took one last shuddering breath as she fought back tears.

“Where’s the others?” asked Applejack, trying to change the subject.

“Fluttershy is asleep in a room down the hall, and Pinkie is down in the castle courtyard.” Rarity shuddered slightly. “She hasn’t been herself since we left the Empire you know. Not once have I seen her smile, and Pinkie always finds something to smile about.”

“We all been through a lot, Ahm sure she’ll come around. What about Rainbow Dash.”

“She’s going with a team of guards back to the Crystal Empire to see what they can learn about the black crystals surrounding the city.”

“Ahm glad for her, I know she felt the worst about leaving the others. I hope they find a way to get them out safely.”

“As do I. She wanted to go back shortly after we left the station, but Pinkie Pie convinced her to stay.”

Applejack chuckled softly. “That sounds exactly like RD. Knowing her she’ll defeat King Sombra and bring the others back safely, all while grinning like an idiot.”

“I hope your right.” Applejack looked at Rarity and saw that she didn’t seem to share her optimism. “Hey.” She said as she reached out and grasped Rarities hoof in hers. “We’ll get through this just like all the other times. Together.”

Rarity said nothing as she squeezed Applejack's hoof in hers, both taking comfort and strength from the others touch.


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Chapter 8

"I had so much fun today Cadence!" Twilight said happily. "What are we going to do tomorrow?"

Twilight looked over expectantly at her favorite foal-sitter, Cadence, as they both lay on a blanket watching the sun set.

"Well..." Cadence said slowly. "I heard that the circus was coming to town. Would you like to go there?"

Twilight gasped excitedly. "Yesyesyes please can we go?!"

Cadence giggled as she sat up. "Of course we can."

Twilight sat up to. "Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou." she exclaimed while wrapping Cadence in a tight hug.

Just as she was about to let go of Cadence, Twilight felt something warm falling onto her head and sliding down her face. Reaching a hoof up, she felt a sticky liquid, looking at her hoof she saw that it was red.

"Cadence what is this st..." Twilight asked as she looked up to her foal-sitter. What she saw made her scream and recoil in horror. Cadence had a gaping hole in her chest which gushed with blood, her face was gaunt and sunken in and blood poured form her eyes and mouth.

Twilight screamed again and tried to push away from the creature but was held fast by it.

"You killed me! I loved you like a sister and YOU MURDERED ME!!" Twilight screamed as hard as she could and sat up in bed.

Her breaths came in sort ragged gasps and she was bathed in a cold sweat. Taking several deep breaths, Twilight was able to calm herself down. Her breathing returned to normal as her heart rate slowed. She shivered violently from a sudden chill and pulled the blankets tighter around her body. With her eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness, Twilight found that she was lying in a huge bed inside an impressively spacious room.

"Sleep well, my dear?"

Twilight nearly jumped out of the bed with fright.

"GAH!!! Can you stop surprising me like that?!" Twilight said angrily to the darkness.

A quiet chuckle emanated from the darkness. "My apologies." A soft green orb materialized out of the darkness and expanded outwards, casting the entire room in a green glow.

Sombra stood beneath the green wisp and looked at Twilight with quiet concern. "Are you alright?"

Her dream came rushing back to her bringing with them the memories of recent events. She lowered her head as tears sprang from her eyes. "It hurts so bad." She wiped tears from her eyes as she looked to him. "How do you do it? How do you deal with the pain?"

Sombra did not answer right away, instead he sat down on the edge of the bed with his back to her. When he finally did speak, gone was his deep confident voice, instead he spoke with incredible sadness.

"When I pulled the Empire into the Abyss it cost me everything. My body, mind, and soul were freely given to make safe my people. The pain was...unbearable. No being, god or mortal was meant to endure so much pain...then it was over. My very existence was torn asunder and cast out into the dark waves of the Abyss to drift aimlessly for an eternity. I was no more, yet something remained, a small spark that took a thousand years to rekindle."

Sombra grew quiet and Twilight had become so enraptured in his tale that she failed to notice that she had crawled forward and covered them both in her blanket.

"What was it?" she asked in a hushed whisper.

He turned his head to haze into her eyes and when he spoke the sadness was gone. "It was Rage." he said with hatred. "Rage at the Alicorn beasts for what they did to my people, MY Empire, Rage at what they drove me to do. With my rage as a torch I navigated the Abyss, collecting my scattered being, all while gleaning knowledge from the Abyss itself. Powerful knowledge that existed before light had ever broke upon any plane of existence."

Sombra's eyes flashed with red energy and Twilight felt heat rise to her face as she stared back.

"Utilizing what I had learned, I called upon the full strength of the Abyss and tore a rift in the very fabric of reality, allowing The Crystal Empire and myself to escape."

His face darkened as he continued. "However the process left me weakened and it took time for my incorporeal form to adjust to this plane of existence. In that time, The Empires return was noticed by the Alicorn beasts and thus they sought to keep it from me." He paused again, his face softened as he gently caressed Twilight's face with his hoof. "But had none of this happened I would never have met you."

Twilight brought her own hoof up to her face to lay it on Sombra's.

"Despite my pain and loss, I was able to save you from a similar fate. Together we will accomplish what I could never do alone."

Twilight became lost in his eyes. "Will you teach me?" she asked quietly.

Sombra leaned in close and gently stroked her hair with his other hoof.

"Yes" he whispered. I will teach you the ways of the Abyss and how to harness your pain and rage into a force more powerful than any this world has ever known."

"Yes!" she whispered fiercely, her face inches away from his own. "I want to become powerful like you, I want to break free and decide my own fate!"

Sombra smiled. "Then together, my dear Twilight, let us break free."

Twilight closed her eyes as their lips met, and for the first time since she could remember she felt true joy.


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Chapter 9

Her body cried out for more as Twilight forced herself onto Sombra. He did not resist, allowing himself to be pushed back onto the bed. Straddling Sombra, Twilight finally broke the kiss and looked into his eyes

"Shall we begin?" he asked, his eyes flashing red.

Twilight nodded as she closed her eyes, expecting Sombra to return her gesture, instead she was met with a sharp blow directly to her face that sent her tumbling off the bed.

Slightly dazed, Twilight whirled to face Sombra. "How dare..."

Her jaw dropped in disbelief. Sitting on the bed was not Sombra but Princess Celestia.


Celestia responded by blasting Twilight across the room. Twilight saw the wall rapidly approaching and quickly teleported to the floor. As soon as her hooves touched the floor, she fired a powerful beam of dark energy directly at Celestia. Her beam destroyed the bed and most of the wall behind it but Celestia easily evaded and retaliated with a beam of her own.

Twilight threw up a shield but the yellow beam easily pierced the shield, grazing her side as it did so.
"AAAAAAHHHG!!" she cried out in pain. Rolling to her left to avoid another beam, Twilight returned fire but Celestia easily deflected it with a wave of her hoof.

"This isn’t working!" thought Twilight as she switched to defensive tactics. "I need to find Sombra or..." She had to abandon her train of thought as Celestia unleashed a stream of fire that engulfed the room, casting the combatants in a lively orange glow.
Smoke and ash filled the room, obscuring Twilights vision. Holding her breath she tried to find Celestia amidst the flames and smoke but only saw the glint of yellow magic seconds before a spiraled beam pieced her left foreleg.

Twilight screamed as tremendous pain shot through her leg, causing her to lose her balance and slump to the floor. The edges of her vision showed signs of red as she looked up to see Celestia, with fire and smoke swirling around her, approaching. Twilight threw out her right leg and managed to pull herself off the ground only to have Celestia knock it out from under her, causing her to fall to her side.

Pain and hatred burned in Twilights eyes as she look up at her former mentor in the light of the fires burning around them.

"Well?!" Twilight screamed. "What are you waiting for?! Kill me! It’s what you wanted all along so do it! KILL ME!! KILL ME!!"

Celestia said nothing as she looked down on her former student.

"IM RIGHT HERE SO FINISH IT!!" Twilight screamed again.

Again Celestia said nothing, instead she pressed her left hoof down unto the hole in Twilight’s leg.

"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" she screamed as Celestia applied more pressure. Twilight tried to teleport away but each time she readied the spell, Celestia would apply greater pressure, breaking her concentration. With each failed attempt at escape her anger and hatred towards Celestia grew until finally Twilight gave into it completely.

A massive magical shockwave erupted from Twilight blowing Celestia back and obliterating what was left of the room. Twilight began to scream with fury as a magical vortex formed around her, lifting her several feet from the ground. Green and purple lightning began to arc from her body, impacting the floor below and several towers nearby. Her eyes filled with green energy and a purple aura flowed freely, joining the vortex around her.

Celestia recovered quickly from the shockwave and charged another spell to fire at Twilight, however before she could loose it the floor beneath her cracked and gave way, throwing her off.Spreading her wings, Celestia managed to stay airborne as the tower crumbled and was sucked into the ever growing vortex.

"I WILL END YOU!!!" screamed Twilight as she lashed out wildly with her magic.

Celestia easily evaded, weaving in and out of surrounding towers as they were destroy in her place.

Twilights mind was consumed by a primal rage. There was nothing else, yet in the farthest reaches of her mind a small spark of reasoning remained, and in this spark a voice spoke to her.

"The Heart....Take up the Heart..."

Twilight heard the voice and understood, her screams stopped as the tower housing The Crystal Heart crumbled, allowing the Heart to be swept up into the vortex. Celestia saw the Heart caught amongst the debris and made a dive for it. Seeing this, Twilight ignited her horn. Two massive clawed hands materialized from the blackness, grabbed Celestia and slammed her into the city below.

With a wicked grin, Twilights horn glowed with a greenish purple energy as a same color aura enveloped the Crystal Heart.

Her world went white.


Rainbow Dash stared out the train window, absently watching the snowy plains pass by. Several seats ahead and standing in the aisle was Captain Steadfast, waving a hoof in the air as he went over the mission details. The dozen guards Steadfast had managed to round up all had their eyes fixed on him as he rattled of orders.

"... Assessment. Rainbow Dash will be providing over watch while Private Jammers and I set up a field command. Sergeant Gewehr, you and Private Waffe will... “

Rainbow tuned him out. She knew what they needed her to do, if only it was what she wanted to do.

"I pray you’re alright..." thought Rainbow Dash as the train began to slow down.

"Ok boys this is it. Stick to the plan and report anything abnormal immediately."

"Sir, yes sir!" they yelled in unison.

The train screeched to a halt as they came into the station. Captain Steadfast opened the door to their compartment and stepped outside, followed by the other guards.

Rainbow Dash waited until the last guard exited the train before getting to her hooves and stepping outside into the cold wastes.

Shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun off the snow, Rainbow Dash saw the guards break off into seven teams of two and spread out in multiple directions. Taking to the sky, she quickly gained altitude. Soaring high above the clouds but making sure to stay several hundred yards away from the dome, per Luna's orders.

Passing over the very top of the dome, something below caught Rainbow Dashes eye. Hovering in place, Rainbow stared down at the dome and saw what appeared to be light shining faintly through the black crystal.

"Best tell the Captain about this."

With a powerful beat of her wings, Rainbow Dash regained speed and having spotted Captain Steadfast and Private Jammers, landed next to them.

Steadfast looked up from a small fold out table covered in parchment. "Find anything Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, near the top of the dome I could see white light shining from the inside."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Could you tell what was causing the light?"

Rainbow gave an exasperated sigh. "No, but..."

Steadfast raised a hoof. "I know what you’re going to say and the answer is no. We have our orders and we will follow them."

Rainbow Dash made as if to say something but stopped short when the ground began to tremble.

"" Private Jammers nervously stammered out.

"What in Tartarus...." Steadfast began.

The ground began to shake violently as their attention was drawn to the top of the crystal dome. The black crystals started to glow with a faint white light. Captain Steadfast was the first to act.

"EVERYPONY FALL BACK!" he shouted at the top of his lungs

Too late.

The top of the dome flashed brightly before exploding outward. Huge chunks of crystal, some larger than houses rained down on the surrounding area followed closely by razor sharp hail.

"GET CLOSE TO ME!" shouted Captain Steadfast as he quickly charged a spell. Rainbow Dash and Jammers did as they were told, huddling close to Steadfast as he threw up a multi-layer shield.

The larger pieces of crystal were blown farther out, missing them and the station completely but the razor hail fell freely on their position. They watched as the other guards were eviscerated by the hail, easily cutting through armor and bone. Steadfast’s face turned red as he strained to keep the shield up, while the razor hail continued to fall.

After several tense seconds, the rain of crystalized death ceased. With a sigh Steadfast dropped his shield.

Rainbow cast a worriedly glance to Steadfast before taking to the air. Ignoring Steadfast as he called out for her to stop.

"This is my chance." thought Rainbow Dash. "Hold on Twilight!"

She flew as fast as she could, rapidly gaining altitude. As she passed over the newly opened crystal dome she was greeted with a terrible sight.

The city itself was still covered in dense black fog while the Crystal Palace lay in ruins. The many beautiful towers were either completely destroyed or on the verge of collapse. Looking out over the dead city, Rainbows attention was drawn to a single spot of light, radiating out from a hole in the roof of the palace.

Throwing caution to the wind, Rainbow quickly dove down through the hole, landing in a large rotunda. There was nothing in the room save for several torches that were casting faint light across the floor, the same light that drew her attention.

Seeing nothing that could help her in her search, Rainbow Dash was about to take off again when an all too familiar voice stopped her dead.

"Hello Rainbow Dash."


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Chapter 10

With a look of pure joy, Rainbow Dash spun quickly in place to face her friend...only to have her joy immediately fall from her face.


A purple unicorn stood several feet away from Rainbow Dash. She had glowing red eyes, a spiked red horn, and her mane flowed as if in water. A devious smile crossed her face. "Of course."

Rainbow Dash took a tentative step forward. "What happened to you?" she asked worriedly.

Twilight smile changed to one of pure elation. "I broke free." she said simply.

Rainbow Dash was taken aback by her answer. Not knowing how to reply, she struggled to find words all the while Twilight simply looked on and smiled.Seconds passed by before Rainbow Dash found her voice, but before she could speak. Grim laughter began to emanate all around them.

Rainbow dropped into a fighting stance and hurriedly looked around for trouble while Twilight continued to smile.Shadows appeared to move into the center of the room and congeal into a writhing mass before taking on the form of a large unicorn stallion. As the shadows melted away, Rainbows eyes widened at the realization of who stood before her.

"Sombra!" Rainbow said with malice, her features hardening into an intense stare.

A smile that rivaled Twilight's appeared across Sombra's face. "Ah you must be Miss Rainbow Dash." he said, with a sweeping bow. "Twilight's told me so much about you."

"More like he's seen you in my memories." Twilight said as she walked up to stand beside Sombra, casting him a sideways glance as she did. "Thanks for your help by the way. Celestia almost killed me."

Rainbow Dashes eyes widened in shock. "What!?"

Sombra reached down and took one of Twilights hoofs in his own. "My apologies, my dear but she possessed my body and tried to use me against you."

Twilight leaned forward and gently brushed her lips against his. "That does explain why Celestia was on the bed with me instead of you." A sly smile played across Twilight’s face. "I expect to be repaid for saving you." She said in a seductive tone.


"In due time, but first we must attend to the matter at hoof." He turned his gaze to Rainbow Dash who had remained silent after her last outburst. Her legs were unsteady and her face showed signs of a mind in turmoil.

Twilight walked forward to stand face to face with Rainbow Dash. "You seem upset?"

Twilight’s voice snapped Rainbow out of her shocked state enough so she could reply. "" she asked.

Twilight's eyes flashed red as she spoke. "You see Rainbow, we have been living a lie. Everything we've ever known was fabricated by the Princesses to further their own ends." She glanced back to Sombra before continuing. "He helped me to see this. Together we will fight back against the lies woven by Celestia and Luna and free the world from their tyranny."

Twilight's words jarred Rainbow out of her stupor. With steel in her eyes, she grabbed Twilight and forced her to look at her. "Do you even hear yourself?! You've been Celestia's student for years, she practically raised you. Don’t you think that after all the years you’ve known her if she was what he says she is you'd have seen it? You’re the smartest unicorn alive, nothing gets past you!" she pointed angrily at Sombra. "He’s evil! He’d tell you anything to get you to believe him!"

"Get your hooves off me!” yelled Twilight slapping Rainbow across the face.

Rainbow was staggered by the blow. She brought a hoof up to rub her face where Twilight struck her.

“If I may interrupt?” Sombra said, stepping between the two mares. He gave Twilight an angry look. “She is the only one to return for you and this is how your repay her?”

Twilights face burned with anger. “But she’s calling you a liar!”

“So did you.” He said.

Twilight opened her mouth then closed it quickly before looking away. Sombra then turned to face Rainbow Dash. “You truly live up to your reputation as the Element of Loyalty.” He said with respect.

“Uh…thanks.” She said while still rubbing her face.

Sombra nodded once before continuing. “You do not trust me and rightly so, but you do trust Twilight no?” Before she could answer he continued. “I seek only to protect Twilight and to see that the crimes committed against me and my Empire a thousand years ago are answered for by the two Alicorns beasts.” Rainbow opened her mouth to say something but Sombra stopped her with a raised hoof. “We will need allies in the days to come.” His eyes flashed red as he looked into Rainbows eyes. “Will you stand with your friend who earned your loyalty or will you stand with those who simply claim it?”

Rainbow broke eye contact with Sombra but found her gaze came to a rest on Twilight. After Sombra scolded her, Twilight refused to look at either of them. “They will go through with this whether I’m with them or not.” Rainbow thought. At that moment Twilight glanced back towards Rainbow Dash and their eyes locked for a mere instant before Twilight turned away but in that instant Rainbow Dash made her decision.

With determination in her eyes, Rainbow Dash rose up to her full height and looked Sombra directly in the face. “Ok, count me in.”

“I’m glad you see reason.” Sombra said with a smile.

“Don’t get too excited.” She said forcefully, stepping up to Sombra and placing a heavy hoof on his chest. “I still don’t trust you but….” She glanced to Twilight who returned her gaze. “I trust Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash dropped her hoof and walked up to Twilight who had turned to face Rainbow. Raising her right hoof, Rainbow Dash snapped off a smart salute. “On my honour as the Element of Loyalty as well as your friend Twilight, I will stand with you against the Princesses. I will be by your side through the fire and the fury, and I will follow you into the very pits of Tartarus if need be.”

Twilight said nothing, simply staring at Rainbow Dash. Finally after several moments Twilight rushed forward and grabbed Rainbow Dash in a tight hug. Slightly startled Rainbow Dash returned the hug with the same amount of force.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight whispered in her ear.

“Hey, what are friends for?” she whispered back.

They broke the hug and took a step back. An awkward silence ensured as neither knew what to say next. Twilight was the first to speak.

“Sorry about hitting you earlier.” She said sheepishly. “I've been having anger issues.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Rainbow Dash flashed her a wide grin. “Nice hit by the way. I didn't know you were so strong.”

Twilight blushed at the compliment. “Normally I’m not but I absorbed all the energy in an ancient relic of unlimited power.”

Rainbow Dashes eyes widened in shock. “Whoa seriously? I guess that explains why your eyes, horn, and mane look like that.”

It was Twilight's turn to look shocked. “What do mean by that? I look the same as always.”

“Well your eyes are red, so is your horn and your mane is flowing like your underwater. Kind of like his.” She said while pointing at Sombra.

Twilight reached up to feel her mane and found that it seemed to have a mind of its own. “Oh my this is odd.” She said with an odd smile.

Sombra began to chuckle at the display. Twilight glared at him as her face turned crimson. “Don’t you start!” she said angrily. Sombra continued to chuckle as he walked away from the two mares.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Twilight called out angrily as she followed.

Rainbow Dash merely shook her head as she followed in her friends wake with a single thought weighing down her mind.

“For you Twilight, I have committed treason against Princess and country.”


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Chapter 11

"How many total?" Asked Sombra.

"15 including me, though when the dome blew all but three were killed."

Twilight grimaced. "That was Celestia doing!"

Sombra glanced towards her before continuing. "Did the commanding officer survive?"

Rainbow nodded once. "Yeah Captain Steadfast. He threw up a shield that protected us against the razor hail."

"Hmmn." Sombra said as he brought a fore hoof up to scratch his chin. Twilight and Rainbow exchanged quick glances as the silence settle over the trio. Finally Sombra dropped his hoof and began to walk away, stopping only to glance back at Rainbow Dash.

"Come along Miss Dash."

Slightly caught off guard, Rainbow hesitated before taking to the air to follow Sombra.

"What about me?" Twilight called after him.

"See to our guests in the dungeon." He said without stopping.


Captain Steadfast strained to lift the last bundle onto the train. His horn sizzling and popping with magic he put one last burst of energy and managed to ease the bundle down. Breathing heavily, Steadfast wiped sweat from his brow and sat down on the ground.

"I don’t remember this in training." he thought to himself,

With his breath slowly coming back to him, Steadfast began to watch for Jammers. He didn’t have long to wait.

Private Jammers crested the hill leading up from the crystal dome and came to a stop upon reaching Steadfast.

Steadfast looked at him expectantly. "Anything?"

Jammers shook his head. " si...sign sir."

Steadfast allowed his head to drop and let out a deep sigh. It had been roughly two hours since Rainbow Dash disappeared inside the dome. He could wait no longer, he needed to report this development immediately.

Sighing again, Steadfast got to his hooves and motioned for Jammers to follow him and headed for the front of the train. Before he could take three steps Jammers called out.

"Sir, look!"

Steadfast whirled to face Jammers and saw that he was pointing high above he shattered dome. Following the direction he was pointing, Steadfast made out a cyan blur quickly heading towards them. The blur revealed itself to be Rainbow Dash who landed heavily several feet away from them.

A wave of relief washed over Steadfast, trying his best to hide a smile and failing spectacularly.

"By the sun and every star, you’re alright!" Steadfast said happily. His happiness quickly gave way to anger.

"What in Tartarus were you thinking?! Going in there alone? Are orders were to gather info, not charge in unprepared!"

Rainbow said nothing, simply standing where she landed, looking at both of them.

Steadfast regained control of his anger. taking a calming breath before continuing. "Never mind that now, your back and safe, that’s what’s important. Now we need to get back to Canterlot to report this, the Princess will want to know."

Rainbow opened her mouth to reply but stopped short when deep laughter began to radiate all around them.

Captain Steadfast dropped into a fighting stance while Private Jammers looked worriedly around before doing the same. The ground in front of Rainbow Dash began to crack as a black substance leaked out onto the surface before congealing into a large writhing mass. This mass seemed to stand up as the black substance fell away leaving a large grey unicorn with a blood red horn.

The unicorn eyes were unlike any Steadfast had ever seen, eyes straight out of the darkest legends, two blood red orbs among a sea of green.

"It's Sombra!" yelled Steadfast.

Sombra merely smiled revealing large fangs in place of normal teeth.

"Rainbow Dash get clear!" Steadfast yelled again.

Sombra's smile broadened as his horn began to glow with green energy.

Steadfast readied a spell but before he could loose it the green energy in Sombra’s horn dissipated and a sharp pain forced its way deep into Steadfast’s skull throwing off his concentration and causing him to stagger.

"Captain!" cried Jammers as he rushed to his side.

"Stay...behind me!" Steadfast hissed.

Closing one eye against the pain, Steadfast looked towards Sombra. "What...what did you do to me?" Steadfast asked in a pained voice.

"I merely blocked your magical ability, this way we can talk without interruption."

"We...have nothing to say to you!" hissed Steadfast.

"Then you will listen." The smile on Sombra's face disappeared, replaced by a scowl. "I want you to deliver a message to the Alicorn beasts."

Steadfast flashed a scowl to match Sombra's. "I don’t take orders from you."

Sombra ignored him. “Tell your precious princesses this land is mine. Should they act against me, they risk the lives of the Alicorn known as Cadance as well as her husband, along with Miss Dash here." Sombra said motioning to Rainbow Dash who had not moved since he appeared.

"You bastard!"

"If you don’t want to deliver my message..." Sombra continued, his scowl deepening. "I will kill all three of you now and deliver it myself, along with your corpses."

Steadfast leveled his eye on Sombra and held his piercing glare with all the force he could muster.

"I see, very well then." Sombra's horn flashed green once again and Steadfast heard a strangled gasp behind him followed by a faint pop. With a flash of green, Private Jammers materialized in-between Sombra and Steadfast with a large green claw clamped tightly around his neck.

"I will say again, if you don’t deliver my message I kill the young soldier while you watch, helpless, then I will kill Miss Dash, again while you watch, and finally I will brutally maim and torture you until you beg for death upon which time I will grant it to you, then I will deliver my message along with your corpses to the Alicorns."

Steadfast kept eye contact with Sombra for several seconds, finally though, he looked away as the realization that his hooves were tied sunk in.


"Excellent." Sombra's horn glowed once again and the pain in Steadfast’s head disappeared like it had never been.

Freed from the pain, Steadfast stood tall once again. "I agreed now let Private Jammers go."

"Hmmm. I think not." Sombra said casually. "It only takes one to deliver a message. The private will remain with me until such time as I see fit to release him."

Steadfast eyes hardened once again but he could do nothing, he knew he could do nothing. Slumping his shoulders, he looked towards Jammers who was still held fast by the green claw. "Ca...Captain?" Jammers managed to choke out.

"I already lost many good ponies today, I don’t want to lose anymore." thought Steadfast. Turning away he made his way onto the train, stopping only to look back into the frightened face of Jammers. "I will come back for you, all of you. This I swear."

With that Captain Steadfast boarded the train and left the desolate snow covered wastes bearing fallen soldiers and a heavy heart.

Sombra, Rainbow Dash, and Jammers all watched the train leave the isolated station and continued to watch until it disappeared from sight.

"Now then." Sombra said, breaking the silence. "On to the next order of business. Rainbow Dash, blunt or edged?"

Rainbow Dash gave a start at being addressed. "Huh...what?"

Sombra turned to face her, still keeping a magical grip on Jammers. "What is your preferred melee weapon? Blunt or edged?"

"I don’t know! I've never used a weapon before. Why is this even important?" Rainbow asked.

Sombra looked directly into her eyes. "War is coming and you will be expected to fight and kill on behalf of our cause.” He paused as a thought struck him. “Or are you going back on your oath you made to Twilight?"

"What? No it’’s..." She sighed in resignation. "You have more experience with this sort of thing, what would you recommend?"

"Edged." His horn glowed with green energy that quickly turned red, crystals of various colours materialized from thin air and formed together to create a red crystal short sword. It was razor sharp on one side and serrated on the other. The blade ended at a small blue cross guard with a medium length hilt wrapped in black crystals.

The blade hovered in front of Rainbow Dash as she marveled at the sword in front of her.

"In my time, Pegasus who served the Crystal Empire carried daggers crafted from special crystals located deep below the city. This short sword was wielded by their leader and greatest of the Pegasus, Shadowbolt. I believe you are familiar with them?"

Rainbow Dash looked up with shock at the name. "But...but I thought they were illusions created by Nightmare Moon?"

Sombra shook his head sadly. "No, the Shadowbolts were an order of Pegasus who served the Crystal Empire even before I became King. Their leader was known simply as Shadowbolt, the title being passed to each new leader upon the formers death."

Sombra gave a sad sigh before continuing. "They were the first to fall in defense of the Crystal Empire. All of them slain by Luna. The illusions you saw were merely perverted echoes of souls that have long since forgotten who they once were."

Tears filled Rainbow Dashes eyes as she looked back to the blade still hovering in front of her.

"Will you take up this blade and serve The Crystal Empire as Captain of the Shadowbolts?"

Rainbow said nothing, a single tear slid down her face. She blinked once, clearing away the remaining tears. "Yes." she whispered.

Sombra nodded. "Then kneel."

Rainbow Dash dropped to one knee and bowed her head. The blade moved in midair, the blade facing Rainbow Dash. "Then by my authority as King of the Crystal Empire I name thee, Captain of the Shadowbolts." Sombra said, tapping the blade on both Rainbow Dashes shoulders as he spoke.

"Rise, Shadowbolt and take up you blade."

Rainbow stood up to her full height and grasped the hilt of the blade in her teeth. It felt right, like Rainbow Dash had found a missing piece of herself.

"Now." Sombra said, his eyes flashing red. "Take your sword and kill the prisoner."

Rainbows eyes widened with shock. "What? Why?" she said past the sword in her mouth.

The claw grasping Jammers lifted him from the ground and moved him to float just in front of Rainbow Dash.

"The Shadowbolts do not take prisoners, prove your loyalty to Twilight and the Shadowbolts of old. Kill him!"

Rainbow Dash hesitated as she looked into Private Jammers eyes. He looked back pleadingly with fear in his eyes.


Sombra hardened his gaze. "You vowed to follow Twilight no matter what on behalf of Friendship or perhaps it's something stronger that friendship?”

Rainbow Dash said nothing as her cheeks became flushed.

“How do you expect to uphold that oath if you cannot take a life in her defense?"

Rainbow lowered her head as Sombra's words struck home. "I did say I'd stand with her, and I meant it but....NO!" Rainbows head snapped up as her eyes hardened into steel. "I meant every word I said to her." She said, taking a step towards Jammers.

Upon seeing the cold steel in her eyes, Jammers began to whimper and struggle, trying to break free. His attempts grew frantic as Rainbow Dash placed the tip of her sword directly onto his chest.

"For Twilight." she muttered before ramming the sword into Private Jammer’s heart.

With one last violent jerk, Private Jammers ceased moving. Rainbow Dash pulled her blade from his chest with a sickening squelching sound. The green claw dissipated allowing Jammers still body to fall to the ground in a heap.

Breathing heavily, Rainbow watched as blood dripped from the red blade unto the white snow beneath her. She could feel something building up in her chest, a feeling that increased with each drop of blood to fall from her blade. Looking from the lonely drops to the ever filling pool under Jammers and finally to Sombra, she saw him watching her expectantly with a small smile on his face.

"Tell me, Shadowbolt. How did it feel?"

Another drop of blood fell from the red blade as a mad smile came unto Rainbow Dashes face.

"It felt good.”


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Chapter 11

Rarity idly watched the blankets covering her friend rise and fall with her rhythmic breathing. It had been a trying night, for both of them. Neither could sleep, Applejack constantly wracked by painful coughing fits and Rarity plagued with worry.

The onsite Doctor increased the dosage of the potion he had been giving to Applejack, finally quelling her coughing fits and allowing her to get some rest. There was no rest for Rarity however, her worry did not cease. Her friend’s coughs had been getting worse.

Rarity quickly snapped herself out of her melancholy. "Now, now that’s no way to think." Rarity thought, allowing herself a small smile. "You always get worse before you get better. Applejack will begin improving very soon..."

Her thoughts were interrupted as Applejack began to cough. Rarity jumped to her hooves and was at the bed side in an instant. Applejacks eyes flew open and Rarity saw that they were filled with fear and confusion.

She struggled to breathe as the coughs grew worse, each breath she tried to take was ultimately cut short as her lungs constricted. Frantically reaching out a hoof, she latched on to Rarity who hurriedly helped her sit up, allowing her to breath better.

It didn't work. The coughs, dry to this point became laced with blood. With each cough, more blood found its way to the bed.

"DOCTOR! DR. BROWN!" Rarity screamed, running for the door. She screamed for help shouting down the palace corridor. Several doors flew open as Dr. Brown as well as several medical personnel rushed towards Applejacks room.

Pushing past Rarity, two unicorns in white coats attended to Applejack while Dr. Brown questioned Rarity.

"When did she start coughing?!" he asked hurriedly

"Only a few moments ago."


He left Rarity and joined the others around the bed.

"Talk to me! What’s her status?!"

Applejack let out a particularly fierce and wet cough, splattering several aids with blood.

"Her lungs seem to be filling with blood and her heart rate is spiking into the red!"

"Alright, get me five liters of White Radford’s Concoction and a pump! NOW!"

The aid quickly complied while the doctor continued to shout orders. Rarity was forcibly removed from the room as more medical personnel and gear were brought in. She got one last look at her friend, covered in her own blood and in excruciating pain before the door was shut, barring her vision.


Several hours passed until, at last the door opened and a stream of tired, blood splattered aids, wheeling equally blood splattered equipment exited the room. Rarity, Fluttershy, and even Princess Luna watched as they passed. The last to leave was Dr. Brown, who closed the door behind him and moped his brow with a red stained cloth.

Luna was the first to speak. "How is she, Doctor?"

He sighed before responding. "She's stable. We had to perform emergency surgery to drain her lungs." He glanced back towards the closed door with touch of dread in his voice. "I’ve never seen anything like it before." turning back to face them. "She had all the symptoms of classic Tuberculosis but this...." he trailed off, trying to find the words. “Preliminary x-rays showed a buildup of something in her lungs, we assumed this to be the liquid. However when we tried to drain it with a surgical pump it didn’t help."

He wiped his brow again before continuing. "When we opened her up we found this, growing in her lungs."

He reached into his coat and pulled out a bloody chunk of black crystal.

Rarity and Fluttershy gasped in shocked while Luna's eyes widened. "We removed all we could find but...." He trailed off as his meaning sunk in. "How long does she have." asked Luna quietly as Rarity began to sob into Fluttershy’s shoulder who with tears of her own tried to comfort her friend.

"Two days. Three at most, hours at the least. As I said, I’ve never seen this before"

Rarity's sobs turned into wails as she emotionally broke down, she fell against Fluttershy as her legs would no longer support her weight. The world lost all meaning to Rarity, when she felt Fluttershy trying to lead her away she started to resist. She would not leave Applejack alone.

Rarity fought against Fluttershy, easily breaking free but was stopped by Princess Luna who held her fast in her magic.

Rarity continued to struggle, deaf to the pleas of both Luna and Fluttershy, until the adrenaline sustaining her ran out.

"Pl...Please...." she managed to say quietly, past sobs. "I....need to be with her....she....needs me." Utterly spent, Rarity lost conciseness.

Luna followed by Fluttershy took her into an adjacent room and laid her upon the bed.

"I’ll watch after her, your highness." Fluttershy said softly, wiping her tears from her eyes.

Luna nodded her head. "Please, inform us immediately if anything changes." Luna then took her leave, quietly shutting the door behind her only to bump into Pinkie Pie.

"Ah Pinkie Pie, we were about to send for you Applejack..."

"Is dying." The somber pink pony said bluntly.

Luna was slightly taken aback by the coldness in her response. "We are afraid so. We were just on our way to consult with Celestia in the hopes of a cure."

Pinkie's one visible eye twitched slightly but it easily could have been Luna's imagination. Unnerved by the usually bubbly party pony Luna quickly excused herself and made her way down the hall.

"Harmony has fallen. Light and Darkness will give way to eternal twilight."

Luna stopped and whirled on the spot. "What did you say?!" she shouted, only to be addressing an empty corridor. Glancing up and down the hall, Luna saw no sign of Pinkie. Her unease growing, she hurriedly left in search of her sister.


Twilight slowly made her way down the winding stairs beneath the Crystal Palace. Even this far underground the damage from her battle with Celestia were evident. Large cracks ran along the walls and stairs and every so often the ground would tremble as the foundation continued to settle. However, Twilight noticed none of this. Her mind was instead focused on a much more personnel issue.

"What will I say to them?"

Her mind danced around that one thought all the way down into the depths of the palace. Reaching the bottom, Twilight stepped out into a large corridor lined on either side with mirror like crystals.

Able to look upon her new appearance for the first time, Twilight liked what she saw. Just as Rainbow Dash described. Her mane usually straightened now waved gently about as if she was underwater, giving her an otherworldly appearance. Her horn likewise was just as described so were her eyes.

Striking several different poses while looking herself over, Twilight flashed a smile revealing sharp fangs which only added to her enjoyment of her new look.

"Not bad, Twilight. Not bad at all." she said to herself, stepping closer to the crystal to get a better look. Instead of her reflection she was met with the hollow face of her brother.

"Ahhhhh!" Twilight yelled, jumping backwards. Looking again she saw only her reflection once more. With a few cautionary steps she approached the mirror. As she drew closer her reflection gave way, allowing her to see inside the 'cell'.

Her older brother Shining Armor sat facing the crystal mirror. His once bright blue eyes were devoid of all life and had sunken into his face. The rest of his body likewise had lost all its former strength, a shell of the once strong stallion.

A twinge of regret stabbed at Twilights heart, a feeling she quickly crushed and buried deep inside. Backing away from the cell, the crystal again took on its mirror like quality. Turning away from her brother’s cell she approached the one opposite and looked inside. This time the feeling stabbing into her heart was sadness. She sought to bury it as well but found it was much more resilient.

Inside the cell was Spike. He lay in a fetal position in the center, rocking slowly back and forth, muttering to himself. Twilight was unable to hear him but something inside told her it was about her. She retreated to the center of the corridor, once again allowing the cell to become a mirror.

Her resolve faltered, she looked back towards the stairwell that would lead her away from this. She took a step forward but stopped suddenly when words filled her head.

"Fear makes us who we are, embrace it, make it your own but do not let it rule you."

She couldn’t tell if Sombra was actually speaking with her or if she was subconsciously drawing his voice from memory, either way Sombra was right.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight cast a spell to open her brother’s cell. The crystal mirror slid silently and effortlessly into the ceiling, leaving her standing face to face with her brother.

Despite his prison being opened, Shining Armor continued to stare ahead.

"Shiny? It’s me, Twilight."

Shining Armor blink once and slowly turned his head to look into her eyes.

"Twilight?" he said slowly. His voice devoid of all emotion.

"Yes Shiny, its me." she said, reaching a hoof up to gently stroke his face.

"Where is Cadance? Is she safe? Is she alright?" he asked in the same dead voice.

Twilight's heart wretched but she kept it from showing on her face. "Yes Shiny, she's where nopony can hurt her ever again." She said softly, fighting to hold her tears in.

Shining Armor looked away from Twilight to stare ahead once more.


"Yes Shiny?"

"I want to be with Cadance." he looked back to her suddenly. "Please, kill me."


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Chapter 13

Rainbow Dash carefully watched as the four Royal Guards circled her slowly, the rotunda where she had been reunited with Twilight would be where she made her stand. She stood in a fighting stance, her sword held at the ready, her head cocked sideways to track the two behind her. Their armor rattling, allowing her to anticipate their movements. The guard to her left twitched slightly, distracting her.

The other saw his chance and lunged forward with his halberd, attempting to impale her. Rainbow Dash had expected this. She quickly spun to her left, narrowly dodging the thrust, and brought her sword down, cleaving the head from the shaft.
The guard, unable to stop his forward momentum. Found himself directly next to Rainbow Dash just as she turned her blade and swung it back up, separating his face from his skull. Without pausing, Rainbow continued with the upward swing, pushing off with her hooves to neatly back-flip over another guard just as he moved to cut her legs out from underneath her.

Landing lightly, Rainbow ducked another swing and with a quick twist of her head, thrust her crimson blade up through the jaw and skull of the guard. Rainbow removed the blade as he collapsed, gurgling to the ground.

The two remaining guards kept their distance. Neither eager to meet the same fate as their comrades. Tensing her back legs, Rainbow suddenly launched herself into the air, angling her sword forward and applying a forward spin, becoming a spinning disk of death. One which was head directly towards the surprised guards. They both moved to dodge but one was slightly slower.

Rainbow landed several feet behind the two guards in a crouched stance. One spun around to face her, halberd at the ready. The other however remained where he was. She rose to her full height and turned to face her opponents just as the former guard began to quiver slightly. His comrade cast a look of horror as his body separated, having been neatly cleaved in two by Rainbows attack.

Removing his eyes from the grisly sight, the last guard let out a loud war cry and charged towards Rainbow Dash. Readying herself, Rainbow met him head on. The guard swung his halberd in a downward arc, Rainbow easily parried with her sword, throwing him off balance and followed up by ramming the pommel of her sword into his face, further staggering him. A quick pirouette took Rainbow Dash out of his reach as he struggled to regain his senses.

The guard viciously shook his head and spat out a large glob of blood and sneered, showing off bloodstained teeth.

“Traitor!” he shouted accusingly. “You shame your country and tarnish your status as Element of Loyalty!”

Rainbow matched his sneer, but said nothing. Simply repositioning her sword and readying to charge. He spat once more, this time a tooth, before doing the same. Both combatants staring the other down, neither wanting to be the first to move.

Simultaneously, they both rushed towards one another. Passing within inches, they swung their weapons. Rainbow her sword, the guard his halberd. They both landed equal distance apart, neither appeared hurt. The guard glanced backwards and snickered quietly to himself as a large gash opened along his right side, spilling blood and intestines at his feet. His snickering gave way to quiet coughs as he collapsed to the floor.

Rainbow Dash deftly spun her sword, easily removing all the blood from the blade before sheathing it. Taking a calming breath, Rainbow relaxed her stance and absently observed the carnage around her as the bodies and blood dissolved into shadows.

“Well done, Shadowbolt.”

Rainbow Dash didn't turn around as Sombra materialized from the shadows behind her. Noticing a pain in her right cheek for the first time, she reached a hoof up and found a light cut from the guard’s halberd.

Sombra came to a stop next to her. “You fight with the grace and ferocity of a true Pegasus.”

Rainbow Dash lowered her hoof and turned to face Sombra. “I didn't have much choice. You never said I’d be fighting live ponies who wanted to kill me!” she said angrily.

Sombra merely smirked. “Not quite. I informed you that you’d be face ‘Equiparvi’, artificial ponies. Capable of free thought but possessing no soul.”

Rainbow looked away in a huff. “Like I knew what that was.”

“In any case.” Sombra continued. “You are a natural with a blade, better than I’ve ever seen in my longs years as king.”

Rainbow lifted her head as pride swelled in her chest. Sombra opened his mouth to say something more when, suddenly the doors to the rotunda exploded inward in a furious burst of magic. Rainbow Dash had her sword out and ready in an instant, whirling to face the shattered door with a snarl. Sombra remained where he was, watching with a smirk.

When the dust cleared, Rainbow Dash found a red faced Twilight standing amidst the debris.

“Oops.” She said in embarrassment.

Sombra began to laugh as Twilights face became even more flushed with embarrassment. Rainbow shook her head and stifled a laugh of her own. Sheathing her sword, she approached her friend.

“Still not used to the new powers yet, huh?” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“Eh…no.” Twilight said softly.

Sombra laughter reduced itself to a chuckle as he approached the pair. “Not to worry my dear, you will become accustomed to it in time.”

“I know it’s just I’m worried that I’ll accidently hurt one of you or…” She trailed of as a faint tremor slightly shook the ground and dislodged small pieces of what was left of the roof. “…That.” Twilight finished.

“Nonsense.” Sombra said reassuringly. “Both Shadowbolt and I have total confidence in your control and as for the state of the Palace, I am working on a solution.”

Twilight was visibly relieved. “You don’t know how much better tha….wait….Shadowbolt?”

“Ah yes. You haven’t heard the good news.” He motioned towards Rainbow Dash. “Allow me to introduce Shadowbolt, newly appointed Captain of the Legendary Legion of the same name.”

Twilight seemed both surprised and confused. “But I thought they were illusions created by Nightmare Moon to tempt Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow chuckled. “I said the exact same thing. Get this, they were the greatest Pegasus to serve the Crystal Empire and the Captain who was the best of the best was just called Shadowbolt!” Rainbow said excitedly. “I even got this!” She flourished her sword, neatly spinning it out of its sheath and grabbing it in midair with her mouth.

“Wow!” Twilight said in amazement. “I didn’t know you could use a sword.”

Rainbow sheathed her sword with a grin. “That’s the best part, I didn’t either. I’m just that awesome!”

Twilight couldn’t hold back the smile spreading over her face. “That you are. So does this mean I should start calling you Shadowbolt to?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head with a smile. “I’ll always be Rainbow Dash to you Twi.”

Twilight’s smile only grew bigger. “Good, Shadowbolt is a pretty cool name but not nearly as cool as Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow had to turn her head slightly to hide the blush quickly forming on her face but stopped short when a gasp came from Twilight.

“Rainbow! You’re bleeding!”

“Oh that.” Rainbow said with a shrug. “It’s not that bad.”

Twilight gave her friend an unamused look. “Yeah I remember you saying that about your last stunt accident.”

Rainbow Dash visibly winced. “Ok but there’s a huge difference between a broken leg and a tiny cut.”

“No buts.” Twilight said stepping closer to Rainbow.” We’ll take care of this now.”

“Ok, fine.” Rainbow said resignedly, turning her head to allow Twilight to heal it.

“Hmmm.” Twilight said as she examined the wound. “There’s traces of dark magic in the cut.” She said as her eyes began to glow red. “Did you hurt her?!” She said, glaring at Sombra.

“Whoa, Twilight calm down.” Rainbow said. “I got this while fighting against some EquperEquiepa…”

Equiparvi.” Sombra said.

“Yeah that. Sombra made them so I could train with this bad boy.” She finished, indicating her sword.

Twilights glare did not soften. “You made Equiparvi and made them fight Rainbow?! They could have killed her!” She shouted angrily.

“Now, now. Shadowbolt could have easily handled a dozen. The four she faced were no match for her”

This only increased Twilights anger. “FOUR!!” Her mane and tail began to wave erratically as she stomped towards Sombra, stopping just in front to glare angrily up at him. Her eyes began to pulse with magic as they began to fill with green. “You better make sure she doesn’t get hurt anymore or else I’ll make you regret it.” She said with a snarl.

Sombra casually returned her glare. “I’m merely ensuring that she has the necessary experience and training to survive the trials to come. If you want me to coddle her so be it, but know that in doing so you condemn her to death.” He became completely stoic as his eyes flashed red to match Twilights. “Speaking of regret, how are our guests?”

It was like he flipped a switch. Twilight’s mane and tail ceased all movement and the color fled from her eyes. She no longer could look him in the face. Without a word, she turned and made her way out the shattered doorway.

“Twilight? What’s wrong? Twilight!” Rainbow called out in concern. Receiving no answer she looked to Sombra for an explanation but he merely motioned for her to follow Twilight.

Not fully understanding what had come over her friend, Rainbow rushed from the room in pursuit of Twilight. Seeing Rainbow depart, a small smile crossed Sombra’s face before he faded back into the shadows.


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Chapter 14

Rainbow Dash rounded a corner just in time to see Twilight disappear into a room further down the hall. Unfurling her wings, Rainbow took to the air and quickly caught up.

“Twilight what’s wrong?” Rainbow said, hovering above her.

She said nothing. Rainbow glanced around and saw that they were in the throne room. Unlike the rest of the Palace, this room remained largely intact. Green torches along the wall cast they’re eerie glow about.

Twilight walked slowly to a darkened spot several feet from eh throne and sot down, staring absently at the floor. Rainbow dropped to the ground and moved to sit next to her. They both sat there, neither saying a word until Twilight broke the silence.

“At times it feels like I’m fighting against myself. Always doubting or second guessing the decisions I’ve made but when I let my anger take control everything seems certain. Every choice was right.” Twilight sniffed quietly before continuing.

“When Sombra took the city I sealed the Palace to keep Cadance from escaping. We knew she’d be too weak to escape or pose a threat on her own but my brother would have found a way to protect her no matter what.” Twilight idly glanced around the room. “Sombra could sense where they were in the Palace after he regained his body, Shining Armor found Spike here after we got separated and barricaded themselves inside, hoping to stay safe.”

Twilight’s voice lowered to a whisper and Rainbow had to strain to hear her. “I didn’t want to hurt them.”

Cold dread filled her heart as Rainbow spoke. “What happened?”

At first, Twilight didn’t reply. She instead took several shaky breaths before continuing.

“Sombra destroyed the doors and made it seem that he had taken me hostage in order to get Shining Armor to surrender. When he didn’t, I got close and forcibly drained his magic. Spike couldn’t bear to watch and had an emotional breakdown. I put him into a magical sleep, hoping to calm him down.” Twilight shook her head. “I couldn’t cast the spell again so Sombra attempted to drain Cadences magic as well.”

The sadness seemed to evaporate as Twilights eyes flashed red and anger seeped into her voice. “She fought back against Sombra, the fool. Cadance turned his spell against him, changing it to drain his life instead. Unable to reverse the spell I was forced to choose between them and in the end…Cadance was the enemy.” Twilights face hardened into one of sheer determination.

“I rammed my horn into her chest, killing her where she lay.” Rainbow eyes widened in shock at the tale but Twilight was not yet done.

“At the time it destroyed me inside. I was so lost and ready to give up but then Sombra saved me again.” Her face softened and a small smile formed. “He told me about his exile, how he used the pain that threatened to destroy him as a weapon, helping me to do the same.”

Despite the situation, Rainbow Dash felt a twinge of jealousy towards Sombra. “You really trust him then?” She asked.

Twilight nodded her head. “Yes. He opened my eyes to the lies and deceit that was my life. I owe him everything.” She looked to Rainbow Dash. “You still don’t trust him.”

It wasn’t a question. “No but knowing that you do is enough.” Silence pervaded and they simply sat for a time, each with their own thoughts until Rainbow Dash posed a question that had been bothering her. “Do you love him?”

Twilight did not reply at first but Rainbow could see the signs of a blush appearing on her cheeks. “I’m not sure. I’m grateful to him for saving me and I’ve saved him enough times to make up for it and well…” she trailed off, her blush deepening. “When I forced myself on him he didn’t resist.”

Rainbow’s mouth dropped as her face reddened to match Twilights. “You didn’t!”

A lopsided grin took over Twilights face. “I did! I wasn’t thinking, one minute he was talking and we were sharing a blanket, the next I’m on top kissing him.”

The smile dropped from her face like a stone. “That’s when Celestia possessed him and attacked me, almost killing me until I absorbed the Crystal Heart.”

“So that’s how you destroyed the dome.” Rainbow said matter of fact.

Twilights face lightened slightly. “Yeah, when I took the Crystal Heart there was so much power all at once that I couldn’t control it at first. I was able to direct most of it upwards hence the destroyed dome. I’m pretty sure the city would be gone otherwise.”

“No doubt, so what happened to Shining Armor and Spike? Is that who Sombra was talking about when he said guests?”

“Yes, while you went with him I went down to the dungeon where they’re being kept. Thankfully it’s below ground so it survived my fight with Celestia. Spike is still a wreck and Shining Armor is…he….” She grew silent.

“Its ok, Twi. You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.” Rainbow said, placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

Twilights mane and tail grew more erratic in their movements, slightly alarming Rainbow Dash. “That selfish weakling asked me to kill him.” Twilight said angrily. “He asked about Cadance and I told him she was safe, but he knew. Somehow he knew she was dead and couldn’t live with it. Hah! What does he know about pain and suffering?” Rainbow Dash didn’t answer and Twilights anger only increased.

“I looked up to him as a pillar of strength. Someone I could rely on, but he’s weak! A weakling who can’t bear loss! I’ve lost everything and it’s made me stronger!” Twilight finished her rant, shaking from the pent up rage. Rainbow Dash was slightly afraid of her friend but quickly crushed that feeling.

“You haven’t lost everything Twi. You still have me.” Rainbow said as she draped a foreleg over her shoulder.

Twilight steadied her breathing enough so she could look at Rainbow Dashes face. “I guess your right about that. It makes me feel better knowing that you are with me Rainbow. I’m not sure how I’d make it without you.”

Rainbow Dash had to fight to keep from blushing. “Hey I know I’m awesome but I’m pretty sure Miss Unlimited Magic would do just fine without me here.”

Twilight playfully bumped Rainbow with her shoulder. “That’s not what I meant.” Her face fell once again. “All the times before, I only succeeded because I had my friends beside me. When Sombra showed me the truth, I was alone. That’s what truly scared me.” Twilight trailed off before looking to Rainbow again. “How are the others?”

“The evacuation hit all of us pretty hard. Applejack got caught in the fog and was in the hospital with a cough when I left, the others came out alright, except for Pinkie. When we left her mane was straight like it was that time before.”

Twilight sighed. “What about you? Did you come out alright?”

“For the most part, though I was not keen on the idea of leaving you behind. The first thing I did when we got to Canterlot was talk Princess Luna into letting me come back.”

“Oh?” Twilight said with a knowing look. “You were just concerned about me?”

“What? I meant you as in all of you!” Rainbow said quickly looking away to hide her face. Twilight laughed and Rainbow gave her an angry look but soon joined in as well. They both laughed long and hard, driving away the doubts and sadness.

“Wow did I need that.” Twilight said, finally calming down enough to talk.

“I know what you mean.” Responded Rainbow. “We shouldn't let all this get to us, if we do it’ll just make it easier for the Princesses to win.”

“Your right.” Twilight grabbed her friend in a hug. “Thanks for being here Dash.” She whispered into her ear. Rainbow Dash returned the hug. “Anytime Twi. Anytime.”

High above the two friends past the light from the torches, the shadows roiled and churned.


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Chapter 15

The sun was setting over the Golden city of Canterlot. The normally bustling city was now quiet, with the uncertainly lying to the north, the city held its collective breath. On the outskirts located in the shadow of the castle stood Canterlot Station, not the busy nor grandest station in Eqestria but no stranger to a busy day. Today however was not one of those days. Deserted save for a single Royal Guard, who was here on orders from Princess Luna herself to await Captain Steadfast and his teams return from the Crystal Empire.

He stifled a yawn, having been there since early morning. Looking to a nearby clock he was elated to see that he had less than an hour before the relief guard arrived. With thoughts of warm food and a good night’s rest on his mind, the tired guard began to slowly pace around the empty station. To the casual observer it would appear as if he was on patrol when in fact he was merely killing time.

On his third pass he heard what could only be a train whistle off in the distance. Stopping and cocking his head towards the direction the sound came from, he listened intently and was rewarded with another whistle, much closer but still far off. Knowing that no trains were expected at the station save for the one he awaited, the guard returned to his place at the platform and patiently waited.

Not long after his relief arrived, and having explained the situation both agreed to stay to welcome The Captain and his team home. Together they watched as the long awaited train pulled slowly into the station. With a loud hiss and puff of steam it came to a halt. The door to the center-most car slid open and out stepped Captain Steadfast.

The two guards saluted as he approached. “It’s good to see you sir. How was y…?” Able to see him clearly they saw that Steadfast’s eyes were bloodshot with a mad gleam to them and his mane and uniform were in disarray. “Sir, are you alright!?” they both exclaimed.

Steadfast cast them a glare that stopped both of them cold. “Never mind me. You!” he said, indicating the relief. “I want two squads of troops down here ASAP and wake the coroner. I brought our fallen brothers home.” The guard went through several emotions, fear, alarm, sadness, and finally shock before snapping off a salute. “Sir, yes sir!” He said before running off into the growing dusk.

“And you!” Steadfast said, leveling his gaze at the remaining guard. “Take me to Princess Luna!”


Princess Luna sat on her throne near the center of the Lunar Court. Unlike its Solar counterpart which saw more foot traffic on the day to day basis, the Lunar Court was more richly decorated. The tiled floor depicted the night sky in all its majesty. The lack of visitors could be directly attributed to said floor as some ponies felt uneasy standing on a perfect representation of the great void above.

The few who could weather the floor and gaze upward when the moon was high in the sky would be subjected to a sight most exquisite. The ceiling had been designed with several different sized glass panes which were aligned in a predetermined pattern. As the moon moved across the sky, the light from it would pass through the glass panes, separating out into their respective colours and showering the room below in soft rainbows.

This same design made it nigh impossible to enter the room during the day as the same glass panes magnified the heat from the sun. All the same it was a true gem of the night.

Princess Luna idly gazed upwards at the final light of her Sisters sun faded, replaced by the soft light of her moon. Her attention was drawn back to the world below as the doors to the throne room were flung open by a disheveled Captain Steadfast.

Princess Luna sat up in alarm and opened her mouth to say something but Steadfast spoke first. “Your highness.” He said, bowing his head low, a sneer having formed on his face. “I bring a message from King Sombra of the Crystal Empire.”

Alarm was replaced by anger as Princess Luna jumped from her throne. “What?!”'

“The Crystal Empire belongs to him. If any should act against him he will kill Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, along with Rainbow Dash and one of my squad.” The sneer deepened on Steadfast’s face. “That is all.”

Princess Luna stomped her left forehoove, cracking the ground underneath. “You fools! We said to observe from a distance!”

Captain Steadfast’s right eye visibly twitched but the rest of his face remained still. “With respect, your highness. We followed your orders to the letter, however complications arouse.”

Princess Luna controlled her anger. “Such as?”

“After we arrived at the city, a unknown force exploded out from inside the dome, killing most of my squad. In the confusion that followed, Rainbow Dash flew into the city, no doubt looking for her friend.”

“Foolish mare.” Luna said to herself.

“Only one other of my squad survived the initial explosion and together we collected our dead and awaited Rainbow Dashes return.” Steadfast’s eyes narrowed as his face darkened. “When she returned, Sombra had followed. He blocked my magic and took Jammers hostage, forcing me to deliver his message otherwise he’d kill all of us.”

Princess Luna grew quiet as she contemplated this information. “This explosion, describe it?” she finally said.

“It’s a little hazy your highness. Rainbow Dash reported seeing a white light coming from inside the dome, shortly thereafter the top exploded sending crystals chunks in the form of razor hail. I threw up a shield that saved Jammers, Rainbow, and myself. The others weren’t so lucky.”

“White light…no…it couldn’t be…” Luna said quietly, barely loud enough for Steadfast to hear. Raising her voice, she addressed Steadfast. “Captain you have performed admirably under the circumstances and shall be rewarded for them. Go now and rest, we will call upon you tomorrow to discuss our next course of action.”

Steadfast took a step forward. “Your highness I…”

Princess Luna raised a hoof, silencing him. “That’s an order Captain.”

Steadfast ground his teeth but said nothing, instead bowing low and exiting the throne room. As the doors closed behind him, Luna returned to her throne and idly gazed skyward once again. “So it’s come to this.”


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Chapter 16

A loud thunderclap startled Steadfast into consciousness. His eyes flew open and his body tensed up, ready to spring into action. Another thunderclap, much further away answered his bodies question even as his sleep veiled mind struggled to catch up.

Sitting up with a groan, Steadfast drew a hoof across his tired face. Glancing towards the only window in the room he could see the sky was black save for the occasional lightning bolt.

“Wonderful. Rain along with everything else.” He thought wearily as he swung his hooves over the side of the bed. He sat there for some time, attempting to blink away the sleep and jump start his brain.

Not having much success with either, Steadfast lowered himself to the floor and with a slight stagger in his walk, began to gather up and put on his armour. After buckling on his cuirass there were two sharp knocks on the door. Quickly donning his helmet, Steadfast opened the door.

Two lieutenants were there to greet him with a salute each.

“Captain!” they said in unison.

Steadfast gave them a tired look before pushing his way past.

With a look of surprised they ran to catch up. “Si..sir? We were sent by Princess Luna to escort you!”

“Then you best pick up the pace.” Steadfast said without slowing.


Just like the night before… or at least he assumed the night before. The Lunar Court was deserted save for himself and Princess Luna. The only sound as he approached the throne were of his own hoof steps and that of the rain striking the glass panes above.

With a small nod of his head, Steadfast wasted no time. “Your highness, I can assume that by summoning me you have decided on a course of action?”

Princess Luna nodded her head. “We have.” She got to her hooves and slowly approached Steadfast.

“One thousand years ago, when Sombra rose to power and began to lay waste to the world, mine sister and I harnessed the power in The Elements of Harmony to bring an end to his tyranny. Even with such power behind us, Sombra was still a formidable foe. Three days we did battle, on the blood soaked planes to the north until finally the monster fell.”

Princess Luna came to a stop in front of Steadfast and uttered a sad sigh. “That was at the height of our power and it was barely enough. Now with the Elements scattered we must look to other means of protection.”

Princess Luna raised her head and began to speak with greater authority. “Captain Steadfast, you have shown great ability in leading ponies, a unwavering resolve, and have come face to face with unknowable evil and stood strong. Kneel.”

Slightly surprised at the princesses’ words, he quickly complied.

Princess Luna’s horn began to glow with soft blue magic reminisce of the last holds of night. “For the first time, Eqestria will call upon its ponies to stand together in order to protect it.” The magic fell from her horn like a waterfall, enveloping Steadfast in its glow.

As the magic passed over him, he could feel his armor grow cool, almost as if he was submerged in water. The coolness spread throughout his body, driving out the weariness and revitalizing him.

“As Princess of the Night and joint ruler of Eqestria, we name you, Steadfast, Captain General of the Grand Army of Eqestria, now established.”

The magic waterfall ceased as the spell ended. Princess Luna then returned to her throne as Steadfast stood tall.

“You’re…your highness.” Steadfast said with tears forming in his eyes. “I am truly honoured.”

Princess Luna waved a hoof in affirmation. “As Captain General you have full control over Eqestria’s military might, which is very little. As such your first task will be to ready a fighting force for the coming days. How you go about this we leave entirely to your discretion.”

Steadfast lowed his head in a sweeping bow. “At once your highness.” He held the position longer than was acceptable as he noticed something very different about his attire.

“Since you are the first pony in Eqestria’s history to hold such a command, we saw fit to outfit you.”

Steadfast turned his head to look at himself and found that his once simple golden guard armour had been radically altered. The single plate cuirass was now a full suit of interlocking plate mail and covered every inch of his body from his hooves up to the base of his skull where it locked in place with the helm. Even as he twisted and turned to see he discovered that the armour in no way hindered his movements. He became elated when he found a frauld adorning his flank that was etched with his cutie mark, a tattered banner overlooking battered battlements, in gold thread.

“It is magically enchanted to ward against all forms of Dark Magic, while also augmented to enhance your own. May it serve you well.”

Again Steadfast bowed low. “I have no words, your grace.” He said.

Princess Luna nodded her head. “Now we leave you to prepare.”

Steadfast rose and turned to leave but hesitated. “What about the captives in the Crystal Empire? Surely we won’t abandon them.”

Princess Luna waved a hoof dismissingly. “Worry not General, we will see to their safety. Go now.”

Finding some solace in her words, Captain General Steadfast left the Lunar Court to begin preparations.


The room rumbled and shook while its occupants tried to hold their footing. Eventually the tremors passed, returning once more to calm.

“That seems to be happening a lot more.” Rainbow Dash said worriedly.

Twilight cast a worried look towards the ceiling of the throne room while simultaneously nodding her head. “Yeah. I’m afraid the entire structure will collapse before too long.”

A chuckle drifted in from the doorway behind them. “You worry too much, my dear.”

A look of equal parts joy and anger crossed Twilights face as she turned around. “And you don’t worry enou….” Her voice seized up as Sombra stepped into the light of the torches. Atop his head was a spiked iron helm, his flowing mane acting as the tassel. On his legs were fastened spiked greaves that connected with the interlocked iron plates that covered his chest and back from which was fastened a crimson cape, hemmed with white.

Twilight walked towards Sombra, all the while looking over every inch of him. Coming to a stop inches from him, she leaned upwards and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. Several seconds passed before she pulled back with eyes half-lidded.

“You’ve been holding out on me.” She said seductively.

Sombra smiled as he slowly stroked her face with a hoof. “Only slightly.” He said before kissing her deeply.

Rainbow Dash looked on with quiet anger and jealousy as her heart began to beat faster and faster. However they all three were interrupted as another tremor shook the palace.

Twilight stumbled back from Sombra with an exasperated groan, while Rainbow Dash cheered internally. Sombra merely smiled. “It appears that will have to wait for another time.” He turned towards Rainbow Dash.

“Shadowbolt, go and fetch our guests from the dungeon and bring them to the fields outside the city. You will find the cells responsive to your touch.”

Rainbow Dash gave a hesitant salute and a quick glance towards Twilight before setting off in the direction of the dungeon. Twilight watched her leave before addressing Sombra.

“What are you planning?” she asked, her eyes narrowing

He returned her gaze all the while maintaining his smile. “This place is no longer suitable to our needs. It is time we abandon it.”

“You have somewhere else in mind?”

“Yes though I will need your aid with preparations before it is ready.” He pulled her close to him. “Shall we?”

Twilight leaned up gave him a quick kiss. “Lets.”

In a flash of green they were gone leaving the once mighty throne room of the Crystal Palace empty save for the green torches until they too went out,


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Chapter 17

Rainbow Dash's wings worked with furious abandon, as she struggled to stay aloft. The crystal domes height didn't help nor the dead weight of the stallion she was carrying, he had said nothing to Rainbow but she was more preoccupied with her own thoughts.

"Send the Pegasus, she can do the heavy lifting. Its not like we're unicorns or anything, we can't just magick things about. That would be absurd!"

Rainbow continued to grumble to herself. She had already brought Spike to the field and found Sombra speaking intently with Twilight. He seemed to be teaching her more magic as Twilight was completely absorbed in his voice, they never even glanced at Rainbow.

"He just wanted time alone with her, that's why he sent me to get Spike and Shining Armor!" Rainbow thought angrily but her anger dissipated quickly.

"Who am I kidding? He sent me so he could have time to teach Twilight whatever it is he’s teaching her while they wait." Her body felt heavier as a sad sigh escaped her lips. "Twilight's in love with him and I should be happy that she's happy but... I just...."

Her thoughts trailed off as she reached Sombra and Twilight. They were no longer in discussion and both watched as she approached. She gently dropped Shining Armor to the ground beside Spike. Touching down, Rainbow began to walk towards Twilight when a hoof from behind stopped her.

Acting without thinking, Rainbow grabbed the hoof and pulled hard, yanking her attacker to the ground in front of her. With a flash of crimson the tip of her sword was placed at Shining Armors throat.

He looked up at her from the ground with a mad longing in his eyes. "Ive seen that look before." he said in a weak voice that was slowly growing in strength. A mad smiled joined his eyes. "The look of a killer."

Rainbow pressed the tip of her blade into his neck, exposing a single droplet of blood.

"Shadowbolt, stand down."

Rainbow Dash blinked once before stepping back. With a flourish her sword was back in its sheath. Sombra and Twilight approached the pair as Shining Armor continued to stare at Rainbow Dash.

"Shining Armor." Sombra said respectfully, the latter's head snapping up at the mention of his name."Its sad to see such a mighty unicorn brought so low. You would have made a powerful ally."

The madness in Shining Armors eyes fled as some clarity returned to him. Getting to his hooves, he turned to face Sombra, mustering all his strength to do so. "And side with a tyrant? Never!" he said with a scowl, spitting out the last word.

Sombra's eyes flashed red. "That is where you are wrong. You already serve the true tyrants." Here he leaned in close to Shining Armor, a smirk playing on his lips. "You even went so far as to bed one."

"Don't you dare mention Cadance you murderous bastard!" He yelled, stomping the ground forcefully.

"As much as I would have enjoyed killing your precious Cadance, I was asked to spare her life."

"Liar! She's dead! You killed her!"

"Oh no, sadly that was not me." Sombra said with a smile. "You see, your wife resisted my attempts to spare her, forcing somepony dear to me as well as her, to choose between us."

He glanced backwards and locked eyes with Twilight. "She chose me."

Shining Armors gaze shifted to Twilight as if just seeing her for the first time.

"Twilight? You...." His eyes widened in shock then hardened into a glare of pure hatred. "You murdered Cadance!" Shining Armor shouted at the top of his lungs.

Twilight pushed past Sombra and confronted her brother. "Yes, I did." She stepped right up to his face. "And I won't lie, it was the most difficult thing I have ever done, but she left me no choice."

Shining Armors face contorted into a rage filled sneer. "My sister would never have chosen a monster over her friends!

His face was driven down into the ground by a powerful strike from Twilight. She stood above him, eyes flooded with green. "I chose the truth!" she said in a powerful voice.

Shining Armor didn't reply, he was barely conscious and his mind was clouded by pain.

Rainbow Dash jumped back from the force of Shining Armors face impacting the ground and from the force in Twilight's voice.

Sombra quickly stepped up to Twilight and placed a restraining hoof on her shoulder. "If you kill him, we will not be able to perform the ritual."

Twilight glanced back at Sombra, her eyes completely consumed by dark magic. "Then begin."

Sombra nodded his head. "Shadowbolt, take the dragon and make haste towards the station. I will retrieve you in time."

Rainbow Dash hurriedly did as she was told, grabbing Spike in her hooves. She took off as fast as her wings could carry her.

Stepping up beside Twilight, Sombra's horn sparked with green magic, the air above Shining Armor began to ripple much like water. With a loud clang, black chains materialized from the air and coiled themselves around his body, suspending him in the air just above the ground.

He hung there in the air without the strength to even lift his head. He felt a hoof gently raise his head and despite the pain, he opened his eyes.

Twilight held his head up with a gentle hoof,but the expression on her face was anything but gentle. "You were my brother and I loved you" Purple aura began to flow from Twilight's eyes as the wind began to pick up. "Now you are merely a means to an end."

Sombra began to chant in an unintelligible language, as both his and Twilight's horns flared with magic. The wind began to howl as the day turned to night.

With the last of his strength, Shining Armor fought against his bindings but found little leeway. Twilight moved her hoof from his chin and placed it firmly on his chest as Sombra’s chanting increased in tempo.

Shining Armor felt a sharp tug in his chest, right where Twilight's hoof was. The magic in her horn sparked suddenly and he felt a more painful tug.

Fear overtook him as the tugs became more frequent and painful. In desperation he looked to Twilight. "Please Twily. Please don't do this!"

The wind abruptly died down as Twilight whispered the last word Shining Armor ever heard.


His vision turned white as an unimaginable pain consumed his entire existence, replacing all thought and sensation.

Twilight idly glanced at her brothers limp body, suspended in the air before her and then to the small ball of light she held in her hoof, a small smile playing her lips.

"Good bye BBBFF."

Raising her hoof into the air, she allowed Shining Armors soul to float skyward and be consumed by the growing Darkness above.

Her part complete she watched as Sombra finished the ritual. His voice booming across the landscape, invoking powerful magic foreign to this world. Raising his fore hooves skyward, he shouted out one final command and furiously threw down his hooves. A mighty tearing sound echoed across the plains as the sky was torn asunder by a monstrous black hole.

The ground started to shake as the ground cracked, sending pieces soaring upwards to be devoured. Twilight stumbled back and latched on to Sombra, holding onto him tightly as the world was torn apart around them. The black hole sucked up everything that could not escape its grasp, trees, animals, rock, all flew past them.

And through all this, Sombra was laughing


Rainbow Dash watched in horror as the sky was torn open by a massive black hole, directly above the Crystal City. Having retreated to the station in the wastes she and Spike were not in danger of being pulled in but she could still hear it.

A roar like a starving animal reached her ears, the sky for miles around was dark as the hole consumed the light. Fearing for Twilight's safety but unable to do anything about it, Rainbow was forced to wait and watch. She didn't have long.

The roar ceased but was replaced by a sound not akin to something breaching the water. Fixing her eyes on the sky, she could see what appeared to be something falling from the black hole. Her eyes widened in disbelief as it grew larger.

"There's no way...."


Twilight could only gaze upward in awe. A castle, no a fortress was falling from the black hole. It was massive in scope, completely overshadowing the Crystal Palace and much of the city. Its walls and towers were the colour of onyx, with soaring spires and spiked battlements. Truly it was a formidable sight.

The black hole began to seal itself just as the fortress cleared it. Twilight braced herself for the impact of such a structure but was further amazed when it held its position in the air.

Sombra's laughing ceased as he draped a hoof over Twilight and pulled her close.

"Welcome to our new home, Twilight." A wicked grin spread across his face as his eyes flashed red.

"Fortress Umbra."


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Chapter 18

She gazed out at the rows of trees and let out a content sigh. Life was good. She lay against one of those trees, merely enjoying the suns warmth and the company of the mare beside her. She looked over and smiled as her friend mirrored it. Together they watched as the sun was eclipsed by dark, churning clouds as it began to rain blood.


An rthymic sound broke through the haze of sleep, perpetual and unrelenting, forcing the conscious to rouse. The eyes slowly opened but could see only darkness. Panicking, the mind willed the body to react, jumping from the bed in which it laid. Responding but not in the way the mind intended. The body fell heavily to the floor, bringing full awareness to the mind.

Rarity let out a soft groan of pain and rolled onto her side. With another grunt she was on her hooves. Her body screamed at every motion, every bone and joint ached. Ignoring the pain, Rarity moved towards the full length mirror across the room. The sound of her hooves striking the stone beneath added their tempo to the rain beating against the window. A flash of lighting briefly illuminated the room, revealing further sources of light.

With a spark of magic, two lamps adjacent to the mirror flared to life, casting enough light as to allow adequate viewing of her reflection. The sight made her recoil in horror. Her well-kept mane and tail were in shambles, multiple bags resided underneath her bloodshot eyes, and her flawless alabaster fur was dull and lifeless. In a word, she looked absolutely horrid.

Averting her gaze, Rarity extinguished the lamps and fled the room. Slamming the door behind her, she found herself in a deserted corridor.

“Strange, This is not where my room is located. I wonder how….?” Rarity’s eyes flew open as recent events broke through the fragile wall around her psyche.


All former thoughts and pain were abandoned. Rarity broke into a run, desperately trying to orient herself so as to find her way back to Applejacks room. Dodging furniture and ponies alike, she stopped for nopony.

Entering into the main hall of Canterlot Castle, Rarity knew exactly where she needed to go. Pouring more energy into her legs, she rounded the corner of the correct corridor and saw that the room she sought was open. Without hesitation, Rarity raced towards the threshold but stopped short just before entering.

She saw Applejack, laying on her bed, a peaceful smile adorning her lips. Standing beside the bed was Dr. Brown and one of his aids who was taking notes on a clipboard. Their mouths moved like they were speaking, but Rarity could hear nothing, she didn’t want to hear anything. Everything lost meaning as she watched Dr. Brown slowly pull a white sheet over her friend’s body.


A grief stricken wail escaped Rarity’s lips as she stood there in the doorway. Dr. Brown whirled to face her but was thrown aside as she rushed to the bedside. Sobbing uncontrollably, Rarity ripped the sheet from the bed and pulled Applejacks still form into an embrace.

The aid helped Dr. Brown to his hooves as Rarity rocked back and forth on the bed, clutching Applejack all the while. Her cries of anguish echoing through the castle, sending chills down the spines of all who heard.

“Rarity! It will be alright! Please! Listen to me!” Dr. Brown said, frantically trying calm the beleaguered mare.

Rarity however was inconsolable. Her wails continued to sound out through the castle, drawing ponies from their rest much like the call of the damned.

A crowd began to gather in the corridor. Many angry at being awoken but most wanting only to know the cause of such cries. A single Pegasus forced her way through the crowd and found her way into the room. Tears fell freely from Fluttershy’s eyes as she walked slowly to the bedside and laid a comforting hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.

From down the hall a shout was heard. “Make way for the Princess! Make way!” The crowd obediently parted allowing Princess Luna passage. She walked forward addressing the crowd as she did so. “All of you. Leave them to their grief.”

As one the gathered ponies bowed and dispersed. Luna entered the room. “Doctor, if you and your assistant could wait outside.”

“Of course your highness.” Bowing low, Dr. Brown and his aid left the room, closing the door gently behind them. Luna approached the sorrowful gathering and placed her own hoof unto Rarity’s other shoulder. Her wails had reduced themselves to choked sobs, accented by Fluttershy’s small sniffles.

For a time, none of them spoke, until Rarity broke the silence with a whisper. “I..I…ne…never…told…her….her how…I felt.” She said in between choked sobs. “That…I…I loved her.” Rarity squeezed Applejack tighter as fresh tears spilled out. “And now…I’ll never…be…able to.” She finished, bury her head into the mane of the friend she loved so dearly.

“She knew.” Luna said softly. “In her last moments, Applejack dreamt of you, Rarity.”

Heart wrenching sobs were her only reply. Princess Luna left the two to their grief, the grief of a friend and of love not fulfilled. Stepping out into the hall, Princess Luna quietly closed the door behind her, all but silencing the sounds from within. She saw Dr. Brown several steps away conversing with her sister.

“Yes your highness, barely twenty minutes ago.” Princess Celestia sighed sadly. “Thank you doctor. Go and get some rest.” With a nod and a thank you, Dr. Brown left for his room, leaving the two sisters alone.

Luna and Celestia said nothing, both listening to the tortured sobs from the room beyond. “I sent word to her family, they’ll be arriving around midday.”

“Did you tell them?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, such news should only be told in person.”

Luna nodded her head in affirmation as silence once again prevailed. The fur on her neck stood on end as Luna was alerted to a presence behind her. Spinning in place, she was met with the emotionless eyes of Pinkie Pie.

“I’ve come to say goodbye.” Pinkie said simply, locking eyes with Luna.

“We…you!” Luna felt Celestia hoof on her shoulder and she immediately calmed down.

“Yes, of course.”

Pinkie Pie said nothing more as she walked past the two Princess without a glance and entered the room.

“That one is not natural.”

“All things have their purpose.” Celestia said, nodding at the door. “Steadfast has asked to speak with us, best not to keep him waiting.” Celestia walked away. With a sigh and a backward glance, Luna followed in her sister’s wake. Coming to the end of the corridor, one last sorrowful cry reached her ears before falling silent.


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Chapter 19

Feeling began to return to her body, beginning in her hooves and spreading throughout her body. Sensation reached her head and her vison and hearing returned to her in force, staggering her. Catching herself before she collapse, Rainbow Dash shook her head, clearing it and bringing the spinning room to a halt.

"The vertigo is normal, you will grow accustom to it in time."

Rainbow looked sideways at Sombra, his now trademark smirk sat in its usual place as he regarded her with crimson eyes.

Rainbow began to look about the room they now currently occupied. It was a large rectangular room with a high ceiling, the floor and walls were the same onyx colour as the rest of the fortress but polished to such a shine that they appeared as a silent lake at night.

"Where are we?" Rainbow Dash asked, having gleaned nothing from her observations.

"We are currently in an empty room on the east side of the fortress"

Rainbow turned to face Sombra, an annoyed look on her face. "Care to add some more detail? What did you bring me here for?"

Sombra walked past Rainbow towards the center of the room. "I brought you here to finish your initiation. You are Shadowbolt but only in name." He reached the center of the room and turned to face her. "Now we shall remedy that."

Rainbow Dash eyed Sombra. "What do you mean?"

HIs eyes glowed brightly as he spoke. "In the days before the fall, Pegasus recruited into the Shadowbolts swore oaths of fealty to the ruler of the Crystal Empire and proved that loyalty by taking the life of an enemy, upon completing these two tasks the recruit would then undergo a ritual to become a full member. As captain of the new order, I have a slightly modified version of the ritual for you to undertake."

"Ok so? Let’s get on with it then." Rainbow said.

"You don’t want to know about the ritual or why you must undertake it?"

Rainbow Dash waved a hoof dismissingly. "Not really, I never was one for history lessons. If you want to be a stickler for tradition that’s fine by me. Just do whatever it is you have to do so we can get back to Twilight."

Sombra smiled, showing fangs. "Very well, come stand here." He moved away from the center of the room and indicated for Rainbow to take his place. She did, standing where he had been previously.

He walked several feet away before facing Rainbow who remained at the center of the room. Sombra's horn glowed with magic as he raised his right hoof into the air and began tracing lines in front of his face.

As Rainbow watched nothing seemed to be happening. She glanced to her left and was surprised to see that silver lines were etching themselves into the floor. The lines were continuous, weaving to and fro connecting themselves to one another until finally it closed itself inside a circle.

She looked back to Sombra, he had placed his hoof back on the ground but now his eyes were closed and his lips moved silently Rainbow Dash began to fidget in place. Fear began to creep into her heart as she resisted the urge to flee.

"Do not move. It will consume you if you do."

Rainbow Dash froze as Sombra's voice spoke inside her mind. The fear turned into terror, she breathed shallowly through her nose, moving as little as possible.

"Fear not, I have it contained. We can converse with our minds if you so wish."

"What’s contained? What is it?!" She thought frantically.

"Calm yourself, Shadowbolt. You are in no danger so long as you do not move."

She glanced sideways towards the circle next to her. Inside floating a few feet off the floor was a faint swirling mass, around the mass was a faint shimmering aura.

She forced herself to calm down. "What is that?" she thought with clarity.

"That." Sombra's voice answered her. "Is your namesake. That's a Shadowbolt."

"What?!" She screamed internally.

"Do I take it you’re interested in a history lesson now?" Even in her head, Rainbow could hear the smugness in his voice.

Her face became flushed with anger but her thoughts were clear. "Yes, please."

Sombra’s eyes open and he spoke with his mind even as his lips continued to move silently. "Shadowbolts are beings of the void. Void spirits if you will. They are the living essence which dwell in the space between worlds. The Shadowbolts of old would bind these spirits into an amulet allowing them to use some of their power. I have a better method."

His lips stopped moving and there was a brief flash from the circle. Sombra motioned for her to remain still. He slowly approached the circle with the spirit contained inside. "Are you ready, Shadowbolt?" He said aloud.

Still afraid to speak Rainbow answered with her mind. "Ready for what?"

"The method of binding the spirits into a bauble was limiting. Only a small fraction of that power could be channeled but my time in the void taught me much." He smiled, fangs bared. "I’m going to infuse your body with the void spirit."

Rainbows eyes widen in fear but she still did not move.

"I will strip its consciousness from it and combine its essence with yours. You will become something new, a being of the material and the nothing. A hybrid."

Beads of sweat began to form on Rainbow Dashes face as her eyes darted between the void spirit and Sombra. “But…I…” her thoughts trailed off as fear and confusion clouded her mind.

“Rainbow Dash.” Sombra said soothingly, using her real name. “You would use your sword to cut down any who dared oppose Twilight and no mortal could stop you.” He stepped closer to her, speaking softly but forcefully. “But what will you do when we have cut our way through the mortals to face the gods themselves? What then? You would become a liability, no matter your strength or prowess. The Alicorns would destroy you where you stood.” His eyes pulsated with furious red energy. “This is the only way you can be of use to Twilight.”

Sombra leaned in, mere inches from her face. Rainbows vision was eclipsed by two blood red orbs. “What say you?” he said aloud.

His eyes burned into hers, his words reverberated inside her mind, blocking out all thoughts and emotions, silencing the maelstrom that was her conscious, bringing peace and clarity.


“Excellent.” He hissed. Stepping back his horn ignited, there was a flash beneath her, glancing down Rainbow saw a circle similar to that of the one beside her. She felt a slight pressure on her body, like she was being pulled somewhere. She looked back to Sombra whose mouth moved silently again as the magic in his horn grew brighter and brighter.

The pressure increased, she could feel a distinct tug, pulling her in the direction of the void spirit. Sombra began to speak aloud, a low guttural language that sent shivers down her spine, he raised his fore hooves into the air and pointed one at her and the other at the void spirit.

With a flash of magic he brought both hooves to his face, slamming them together. Rainbow Dash screamed as her entire body erupted in pain. She could feel every inch of her being torn open and compressed as flaming liquid replaced the blood in her veins. Tears that streamed down her face turned to molten metal as they burned a path into her skin. She fell to the floor, writhing in pain as it consumed her every thought.

Her screams died down as the energy sustaining them ran out. In the silence that followed, faint laughter could be heard.


The pain was the first thing to awake, not burning agonizing pain but pain of living. The kind that proves you are alive. The pain was lonely at first but it soon found cold nearby and the two joined, together they found pressure and numbness. As one they stirred conscious and it then awoke thoughts and nerves.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, slowly but the blinding light prevented her from doing so. She found herself lying on her back, her wings stretched out at uncomfortable angles. She tried to roll to her side but found her head swimming at the notion.

“With tremendous effort, Rainbow managed to roll to her side and clasp her wings to her back. Still unable to open her eyes she simply lay there as energy slowly returned to her body. Time passed and she mustered the strength to shift to a sitting position. With her legs beneath her she pushed and with some protest stood up.

Her head swam but she held her position, swaying slightly as the nauseous passed. Cracking her eyelids she saw that the light was gone, allowing her to finally open her eyes fully. She was in the same room as before, turning slowly she saw the remains of the two circles burned into the floor. Even as she look at them, memories began to return to her.

“Ah I see you are awake. How are you feeling?”

Rainbow Dash turned her head back around and saw Sombra standing several feet away from her. She opened her mouth to reply but found her tongue was rather thick. Opening and closing her mouth several times seemed to alleviate that feeling.

“Like I have the worst hangover ever.” She said bluntly in a raspy voice.

Sombra chuckled softly. “You are fortunate then, I expected much worse side effects. Please, allow me.” His horn glowed softly and Rainbow felt warm waves pass over her, restoring her energy and removing the fog from her mind.

“Oh wow is that better!” She exclaimed, arching her back and rolling her neck, eliciting several loud pops from the joints. She beamed at Sombra. “Thanks for that!

“Sombra bowed low. “Happy to help. You will need your energy for what comes next.” He looked up sharply as his eyes and horn flashed red. A red crystal spear materialized in the air directly in front of him before speeding towards Rainbow Dash. Realizing she would not be able to evade it she closed her eyes and braced herself for its impact.

Rainbow Dash heard a sharp crack from behind her but oddly no pain. Opening her eyes tentatively she saw that Sombra had moved to the left several feet and was watching her intently with a smirk on his face. She looked behind her to see the crystal spear was buried in the wall some distance behind her and to her left. She turned back with a confused look on her face.

Before she could say anything, Sombra again conjured a red crystal spear and hurled it at her, her body reacted faster than her mind but not fast enough. Just before the spear reached her she felt herself move rapidly to the side, coming to a stop several feet away just as the spear imbedded itself into eh wall behind where she was previously standing.

“Did I just teleport?!” She said aloud, looking to Sombra just as he conjured half a dozen spears and flung them in her direction. Again her body reacted and she could feel herself moving faster than she ever thought possible, neatly dodging each spear as they sped past. It was odd, none of her muscles were propelling her out of the path of the spears, she just moved.

As the last spear buried itself in the wall, Sombra stomped a hoof on the ground rhythmically. “Well done, it seems the ritual was a complete success.” He ceased his stomping and walked towards Rainbow Dash. “Now you are truly worthy of being called Shadowbolt.”

Rainbow Dash lifted her right hoof to her face and gazed intently at it. “So I can teleport now?” She put her hoof down and looked at Sombra. “What else can I do?”

“Technically it’s not teleportation. Under the circumstances it would be more appropriate to call it Shadow stepping. You now contain the essence of the void inside of you and as such partially exist within it. As I just demonstrated you have the ability to pass out of this plane of existence, useful for dodging or traveling short distances quickly and quietly. As for what else.”

His horn glowed again and a small crystal dagger formed in the air between them. “Take this dagger.” He said, offering it to Rainbow. She reached out with her mouth to grasp its hilt but just as she was about to bite down, Sombra twisted the blade and cut a long gash across her face. Rainbow Dash jumped back with a snarl but stopped when the pain in her face began to fade. By the time her hoof reached her face the pain was completely gone and she could find no trace of a wound.

“Rapid healing.” He said. “You will also have a much higher resistance to magic and should fatigue less quickly than before. These are only the first of many new abilities that will become known to you.”

Dropping her hoof back to the ground, Rainbow Dash focused on the new feeling inside her. In an instant she was several feet into eh air, flapping her wings gently. Again she was across the room, she shadow stepped one final time, coming to a rest in front of Sombra. “This is awesome!” she exclaimed happily. “Wait till Twilight sees what I can do!”

He smiled at her as she happily hovered in the air. “I am sure she will be quite pleased, but…”

Before he could finish, Rainbow Dash was gone. A mass of shadows where she was prior fading away just as quickly. He sighed and shook his head, a slight smirk playing on his lips before he to faded into shadows.


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Chapter 20

Rainbow Dash could not contain her happiness as she flew faster than ever before through the corridors of Fortress Umbra. The narrow passages she navigated with the speed and grace of the Wonderbolts.

"No." she thought, shadow stepping through a door that could not bar her way. "I’m better than all the Wonderbolts combined. I am Shadowbolt!"

Rounding a corner she found herself in a long straight corridor. Pouring all her energy into her wings, Rainbow rocketed down the corridor, rapidly surpassing the speeds necessary for a Sonic Rainboom.

The corridors end was in sight, Rainbow Dash clutched her wings to her body and touched down, skidding the last several yards before coming to a stop a few inches from the wall. Rainbow braced herself and mentally counted, after 5 seconds the shockwave from the Sonic Rainboom hit her followed by the sound 3 seconds after that.

A dark smile crossed Rainbows lips. She continued to smile as she walked the last few feet to the door she sought.


Twilight sat upon a large cushion within one of the few brightly lit rooms in Fortress Umbra. Large stacks of dusty tomes sat around her, casting dancing shadows along the walls from the many candles floating about the room.

Compared to others, the library within Fortress Umbra was relatively small, similar in size to the ground floor of Golden Oaks. However unlike any Twilight had come across before this one was enchanted. She had discovered almost immediately that if she thought of a topic the library would become populated with all manner of books relevant to the topic.

Giddy with excitement from this discovery, it took her no time at all to quickly select several dozens of books for further study. Having just finished reading "The Adeptus Astartes: Heretics and You", she arched her back, eliciting several loud pops from her back before levitating over a darkly bound book simply labeled "Normanomicon".

Just as she was about to open the book, a massive shockwave tore through the room, toppling the many stacks of books One such stack fell directly on top of Twilight, bury her alive. As she was digging herself out an explosive sounded close by jarring her senses.

"Are we under attack?!" Sombra!" Twilight called out with her mind. Receiving no answer she teleported to the door and with a burst of magic flung the door open and jumped through the threshold...headlong into Rainbow Dash who was just reaching for the handle.

Twilights forward momentum carried the pair out into the hall, they rolled once before Rainbow landed heavily on top of Twilight.
"I thought you had a thing against running through doors?" Rainbow asked turning her head slightly so that she was eye to eye with her friend.

"Yes but I was in a hurry." She stopped when Sombra's voice echoed in her mind. "No need to worry my dear, that explosion was caused by Shadowbolt."

Twilight let out and angry sigh. "Thanks for the quick reply." She thought, forcing as much sarcasm as she could into the thought.

"You’re welcome." He answered. "When you two are finished, come to the war room. There is much we need to discuss."

"Twi? You ok?" Rainbow asked with a hint of concern. Twilight blinked, remembering that the conversation with Sombra was in her head. "Sorry. Sombra wants us to meet him in the war room."

Rainbow Dash used one hoof to push herself up slightly so that she was now muzzle to muzzle with Twilight. "Right now?"

Twilight felt her face grow slightly warmer. Up until this point the fact that Rainbow was lying on top of her had not been apparent to her. "Yes right now, so if you could get off of me..."

Rainbow brought a hoof up to her face to scratch under her chin as if thinking deeply. "Hm...Nah, I’m good here."

"Rainbow." Twilight said threatenly, eyes narrowing. "We need to go see Sombra."

The heat in Twilights face escalated as Rainbow Dash brought her face extremely close to hers. "Not just yet. There’s something I want to show you first." She leaned in even closer, closing the distance between them. Twilight didn’t know what Rainbow was doing but she felt a strange longing for whatever it was. She closed her eyes as a new feeling overwhelmed her when suddenly the weight of Rainbow on top of her was gone. Opening her eyes she saw that she was now alone in the hallway.

"Rainbow?" she called out, slightly nervously.

"Over here." Rainbow responded.

Twilight spun in place to find a happy Rainbow Dash waving at her several yards down the hall. "” She stammered.

Rainbow Dash giggled before disappearing in a puff of what looked like smoke. Twilight looked on in stunned silence but jumped suddenly when she felt a hoof tap her on the shoulder. "Gah!" she cried, whirling to face a laughing Rainbow Dash.

"Bah hah hah! should see your face! Heh hah hah."

Twilights face began to burn with slight anger. "How did you do that?"

Rainbow took several calming breaths but was still chuckling slightly as she began to explain.

"Ok so while you were wandering around, Sombra wanted to finish my initiation into the Shadowbolts, see each new recruit does two tasks to become a member but as the Captain, Sombra wanted me to go through a new ritual that he made."

"What kind of ritual?" Twilight asked, eyes narrowing once more.

Rainbow Dash looked towards the ceiling and began scratching her chin again. "I guess you could call it a fusion. He summoned a void spirit and fused it with me, so now I have really cool shadow powers." She finished happily.

Twilight brought a hoof to her face with an audible smack. "I need to stop leaving you alone with him" She dragged her hoof a crossed her face before placing it back on the ground. "I should be angry with him for doing something so dangerous to you but I can’t help but think how useful your powers will be."

Rainbow nodded her head. "I know right? I was sketchy of it at first but without these powers I wouldn’t have been much use to you fighting the princesses."

"I assume you can do more than simply teleport?" Twilight asked.

"Technically its called shadow stepping, which in my humble opinion sounds way more awesome then teleporting."

Twilight chuckled. "Granted. So what other powers to you have?"

"Well right now I got shadow stepping, rapid healing, increased stamina, and magical resistance. Sombra said that I’ll get more as I get used to the void spirit."

“Hm…” Twilight said aloud as she cocked her head to one side, lost in thought. "I could devise tests and conduct some research on this so that we can draw out your full potential. I’ll talk with Sombra and we'll..."

"Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

"...course of several weeks at least but as long as the Princesses don’t make a move..."


"...shock therapy has been proven to stimulate magical growth so its application would be approptiat..."


"Hm? Yes Rainbow?" Twilight said, stopping mid speech.

"How about instead of all the testing and experiments we just see what happens?"

Twilight seemed to visibly deflate. "Oh...ok, well just be sure not to push yourself until you learn your limits, new powers can be dangerous."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes before responding. "Yeah and you’d know all about that wouldn’t you?"

Twilight playfully smacked Rainbow Dash on the shoulder. "Hey! I’ve gotten better control of my powers now!"

Rainbow began to chuckle. "Sure you have. I think the only reason you haven’t blown anymore doors off their hinges is because the forts not falling apart like the palace."

"Well there is that." Twilight said dismissingly. "Come on, we should go see Sombra."

Rainbow unfurled her wings and began to hover next to Twilight as the two started walking in the direction of the war room they chatted for a time but Twilight grew silent, her mind wandering to a new feeling that was steadily growing inside her.


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Chapter 21

The sun shone brightly in the sky high above, but below in Ponyville nopony could see it. Dark grey clouds blanketed the country side, casting a hazy gloom as rain fell in torrents. No weather Pegasus monitored the storm, Royal decree forbade them but none cared, the storm mirrored their feelings.

The town lay quiet, its residence all gathered at the train station at the edge of town to welcome a friend home, one last time.

The rain drowned out all sound but the clear sound of the train whistle could still be heard. With each passing minute their hearts grew heavier as did the rain until finally the solitary train pulled slowly into the station.

The crowd reverently parted as the center most cars doors opened. Six royal guards, clad in black armour, each bearing a pole stepped off the train. Upon their backs was a wooden coffin with three red apples carved into the lid.

After them came the Apple family, the two grandchildren helping their Grandmother along. The news had struck all of them hard as fresh tears could be seen mixing with rain.

Next to follow were the three remaining Elements of Harmony left in Eqestria. Rarity led the trio, dressed in a simple black gown and veil, flanked on either side by a sullen looking Fluttershy and a straight mane Pinkie Pie.

A hushed murmur passed through the crowd as the final group exited the train. Princess Celestia brought up the rear of the procession followed by Princess Luna and the recently appointed Captain-General Steadfast.

The downpour continued as the procession slowly headed out of town in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, where everypony would say their final goodbyes to The Element of honesty and truest of friends, Applejack.


Celestia, Luna, and Steadfast sat around a large table on the ground floor of Golden Oaks Library. The three had left the funeral, leaving the family and friends to grieve in piece. The rain outside pounded against the windows but went unnoticed by those inside.

"General, I understand your concern but we cannot risk all-out war with the Crystal Empire." Celestia said.

Sitting directly across from her sat Steadfast, the light from the candles dancing off his golden armour.

"With respect, your highness. Neither we nor Sombra are in a position to attack the other, but if we wait until we have the forces necessary to launch an assault on the Crystal City we still cannot move against Sombra so long as he has captives."

"What do you propose then, General?" Luna asked from the right of Celestia.

"Give into his demands." Steadfast said with no amount of force. "He wants sovereignty over the north, then I say we give it to him. Eqestria will recognize his authority in exchange for the safe return of his prisoners."

"And what General, would you do if he is not willing to negotiate?" Luna responded. "Do you not think we tried negotiating all those centuries before? He is a monster who only seeks dominion over all."

"Luna is right." Celestia said, nodding towards her sister. "Sombra cannot be reasoned with, all we can do now is hope for the safety of the captives and prepare for the coming days."

A burning fire entered Steadfast’s eyes as he brought both forehooves up before slamming them onto the table. "No!" he shouted. "I cannot accept that! How can you so easily dismiss the lives of those you hold closet? Have you forgotten that it is your niece he holds prisoner, along with her husband, as well as two Elements of Harmony who have been there in our time of need." Steadfast began to shake with rage. "You with all your power sit there and effortlessly cast aside lives as if they were game pieces. You’re no better than Sombra!"

"Enough!" Luna shouted, shaking the very foundation of the library with the force of her voice. "How dare you denign to compare mine sister to that monster! Impenitent cur! Thou shalt suffer for this transgression!"

Steadfast broke out into a cold sweat but did not allow his gaze to falter, he accepted the fact that he spoke out of line and was prepared to accept his punishment like a true soldier.

Luna advanced on Steadfast, horn and eyes glowing with power but was stopped short by Celestia. "Calm down, Luna. There’s no need for that."

Luna turned towards her sister. "But sister, he..." She was silenced by a raised hoof from Celestia who with the same hoof motioned for her to sit down. Once Luna had taken her seat, Celestia addressed Steadfast.

"You are right, General. I am no better than Sombra. It is the curse of living for so long. I have seen years come and go, kingdoms rise and fall, and ponies wither and die. Time upon time again I have witnessed this never-ending cycle and it has left me cold inside."

Celestia lowered her head to gaze at the table. "We are alike, Sombra and I" She trailed off into silence. The only sound for several minutes was the pattering of the rain against the windows.

"It’s decided then." Celestia finally said, raising her head to look at Steadfast. "We will not abandon our friends to torment and death." She turned to face her sister. "Luna, I want you to travel to the Crystal Empire and open negotiations with King Sombra. Tell him we will grant him dominion over the north for the safe return all those he holds prisoner."

Luna looked as if she wanted to say something but instead bowed her head. "As you wish, we will leave immediately." Her horn flashed dark blue and she was gone in a flash of azure light, leaving Steadfast alone with Celestia.

Celstia once more turned to Steadfast. "Do you approve of this new course of action?"

Steadfast nodded, to stunned to respond.

"Very well. Now we should return to the capital. Should Luna's efforts prove successful the peace between Eqestria and the Crystal Empire will not last. We will still need an army."

Steadfast stood and saluted. "Of course, your highness. You will have an army truly worthy of Eqestria."

"I will hold you to that General." Celestia said with a small smile, getting to her hooves.

Before either could move a knock sounded at the door. Casting an inquisitive glance at his Princess, Steadfast moved towards the door and with a quick burst of magic swung it open. Standing on the steps, thoroughly soaked and still dressed in her black gown was Rarity.

She said nothing merely staring past Steadfast as if he wasn’t there.

"Rarity? What are you doing here?" Celestia asked, with no small amount of concern.

Rarity turned her gaze on Celestia, as if seeing her for the first time. "The others are at the farm saying farewell."

"Should you not then be with them?"

Rarity shook her head, sending droplets of water flying into the room. "I will say my farewells when the one responsible has answered for his crimes." Her vacant stare turned to one of righteous fury. "I wish to join the Royal Guard."

"Rarity, are you certain of this?" Celestia asked after a moment.

"Yes. I have already failed one of my friends, I will not fail the others."

Celestia said nothing, she simply looked on at the mare in front of her, one who only the day before was broken, now she stood tall with a newfound resolve in her eyes.

"Very well. General?"

"Yes, your highness?"

"You are the military expert, not I. What say you to her request?"

Steadfast looked over Rarity, trying to envision her potential. They locked eyes and Steadfast also saw the fire that burned within her, one he recognized all too well, it was the same fire that burned within him.

“I believe she will prove extremely useful.” Steadfast extended a hoof to Rarity which she grasped readily. “Welcome to the Guard.”


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Chapter 22

The cold wind rushed through Luna's mane, she could feel every muscle in her body tense and relax with each powerful stroke of her wings, easily overcoming the winds at this high altitude. She felt exhilarated, it had been some time since she had a chance to fly any great distance alone and at speed. Relishing in her temporary freedom, Luna flew onward.

Celestia's sun was just beginning to peak along the horizon as she cleared the Crystal Mountains. The strong gusts of wind changed to a blizzard, heralding Luna's arrival into the Frozen North. It did not slow her, with a quick spell that heated her fur, the ice and snow could not find purchase on her body. She could however do nothing for the lack of visibility that the snow brought. Only the faint light from her sister's sun kept her sure of her direction.

Being sure to check her direction every minute, Luna allowed her mind to wander.

"We remember when this land was lush and green." she thought sadly, a brief image of Canterlot, frozen and desolate passed through Luna's mind before she pushed it aside. "No." she thought resolutely. "It will not come to pass."

Once more checking her direction, she angled herself ever slightly and pushed forward through the blizzard. The wind and snow ceased suddenly when Luna broke free of the storm, allowing her to see for miles around her.

"By our father." she breathed.

Below her and for several miles around the ground was dead and black. It looked as if a terrible fire had razed the earth but Luna could sense the sickness radiating upward, a sickness only dark magic could inflict. Her eyes traveled upwards to the heart of the sickness. A massive black fortress in the skies above the ruins of the Crystal City was the cause of this corruption, one could feel the evil surrounding the structure.

"What new devilry is this?" Luna muttered to herself, angling her flight as she descended. Alighting upon the blackened earth, the corruption was so strong that she could smell it.

Eager to be away from this place, Luna cast a spell to allow her voice to carry upwards.

"Let the lord of the black fortress come forth!" Luna shouted in her magically augmented voice. "We are Luna, Princess of Eqestria and we have come to treat with thee!"

As her shout faded, there was no immediate answer. Luna stood in silence, prepared for whatever came next. The still air began to stir, rising to a howl as a whirlwind whipped across the landscape, bringing with it an otherworldly laughter. The laughter increased in volume as did the howl of the wind and as Luna watched the whirlwind turned black as the pits of Tartarus before congealing into a large stallion clad in black armour.

The wind died abruptly. Sombra smiled a wicked smile as he bowed mockingly to Luna. “Princess Luna. Welcome to the Crystal Empire."
He stood up, smile still in place. "You do me a great honour. Tell me, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Save your sly words." Luna said sternly. "We have come to parley for the lives of those you hold prisoner."

Sombra's eyes flashed red. "Is that so?" he said in mocked surprise.

Luna ignored his mocking tone. "Mine sister and I will acknowledge your right to rule as well as your sovereignty over the north. We also extend a hoof of friendship between our two nations. In return we ask only for those held prisoner by you."

Sombra chuckled slightly before responding. "A most generous offer, your majesty but as you can see." He raised a hoof skyward. "My right to rule now extends far beyond the north."

"Enough!" Luna said, angrily. "We tire of your words! Return to us the captives!"

Sombra's smile grew darker. "As you wish." His horn crackled with dark magic, conjuring a large burlap sack. Dark liquid dripped from the bottom of the sack as Sombra used his magic to throw it at Luna's hooves, scattering its contents before her.

A cold pit formed in her stomach at what she saw. The severed heads of Cadance and Shining Armor stared at her as well as the head of the young private who had accompanied Steadfast. The three held her gaze with ones devoid of all life. The cold pit turned to one of quiet rage as Luna looked back to Sombra, hate evident in her eyes. "Murderer." she said, with barely contained rage.

Another laugh echoed across the wastes but did not come from Sombra. Whirling shadows swirled beside him, taking the form of a small purple unicorn mare dressed in black robes.

A fanged smile that rivaled Sombra’s spread across her face. "It’s good to see you again Luna." Twilight said

Luna could only gape in disbelief, praying that she was mistaken. "Twilight?"

"Indeed." she said with no small amount of mirth. "What do you think of my new look, Princess." Here she turned sideways, drawing attention to the black robes that clung tightly to her body. The robes were cut just so as not to hide her cutie mark or hamper her movements, rising up into a low collar that hung just below her throat, and upon her head sat an iron crown similar to Sombra's.

Luna did not reply. Sombra eyed Twilight, a hunger present within them. "You do look lovely, my dear."

Twilight glanced sideways at him, a dark glint in her eyes. "Thank you. I figured it was time I dressed appropriately."

She turned back to face Luna who was still evidently struggling with this most recent turn of events. "It’s funny." Twilight said. "Everypony automatically assumes that Sombra is the one who killed them." She motioned towards the severed heads at Luna's hooves. "When in fact, I was the one who took the lives of Cadance and Shining Armor."

This admittance snapped Luna out of her daze. Turning her burning gaze unto Sombra. "Monster! What foul magic hast thou employed to ensnare the mind of Twilight!?"

Twilight laughed, forcing Luna to return her gaze towards her. "You are very mistaken, princess. You see, I joined him willingly." She took a step forward. "I killed Cadance, willingly." Another step forward, eyes glowing red. "I killed my own brother, willingly." Yet another step forward, magic pulsing through her horn. "And now I will kill you with great eagerness and pleasure."

No sooner had the words left her mouth did Twilight fire a massive beam of dark energy at Luna. The beam cut a swath of destruction as it tore through the ground where Luna had been standing seconds before.

Luna hovered in the air several yards above the field, quickly charging her own spell. She fired her own beam of energy at Twilight who had yet to recover from her own. Just before the beam made contact a wall of black shadow erupted before her, absorbing the brunt of Luna's attack before sending the remnants back at its source.

The backlash struck Luna with enough force to send her toppling through the air but not enough to wound her. A quick teleportation spell brought her back to the ground already preparing for her next attack.

However before she could act, Luna heard a faint sound off to her left. She ducked just as a crimson blade passed through the air where her neck had been. Again, the noise sounded, this time behind her. Quick as lighting, Luna spun in place and brought her fore hooves together, catching the crimson blade inches from her face and allowing her a look at her attacker.

A haunting suspicion that had burrowed into Luna's mind with the revelation of Twilights betrayal was confirmed for smirking at her from inside a black hood was Rainbow Dash.

"Not you as well." Luna said.

Rainbows smirk only grew darker. Arching her back, Rainbow Dash pulled her sword from Luna's grasp and slammed her back hooves into her jaw.

Luna staggered back, loosing a spell at Rainbow Dash as she did so, but Rainbow Dash had already disappeared. She reappeared several yards away from Luna, allowing the dazed princess to regain her senses.

"Nice outfit, Rainbow." Twilight said, taking the break in the fighting to compliment her friend’s new attire.

"Thanks. I was going for the dark ranger look." She motioned down, indicating the dark leather chest piece as well as the black cloak attached to the hood.

Twilight moved to respond but was interrupted by Luna.

"Traitors!" Luna shouted, spitting out a large glob of blood. "You banter as if it were a holiday. Can you not see that his evil has corrupted you?"

"On the contrary." Twilight said. "His evil as you call it has freed us. No more our we bound to the fate you and Celestia created."

"Do you not hear yourself?!" Luna cried out, desperation entering her voice. "He has twisted your minds! Turned you against the very ponies who needed you!"

"No." Twilight sneered. "He only lifted the veil of lies that you and Celestia sought to keep over me."

Luna looked towards Rainbow Dash who stood some distance from the others, hoping she’d see reason. "Surely you are not so easily deceived? Remember where your loyalties lie!"

Rainbow Dash stared at Luna with cold indifference as she shrugged. "I don’t know if he's lying and honestly I don’t care." She glanced towards Twilight. "I'm loyal to Twilight and so long as she follows him, so will I."

Desperation turned to anger. "Then you are truly lost." Shouted Luna. "Its fortunate that Applejack did not live to see her friends succumb to the very evil that ultimately claimed her life!"

A visible shock ran through both Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "What did you say?!" snarled Twilight.

A small shred of hope emerged, one Luna took hold with all her might. "Aye." she said. "Applejack died of a crystalized cancer not one day passed."

"That can’t be!" Rainbow Dash said. "She only had a mild cough when I left!"

Luna shook her head sadly. "It quickly spread throughout her lungs, we could do nothing but watch as it slowly consumed her." Luna pointed a hoof at Sombra. "Foul black magic that he brought to this world killed Applejack. Do you not see?! He will not hesitate to do the same to you when your usefulness to him has expired."

Having finished, Luna watched the two elements carefully. Rainbow Dash seemed racked with indecision but Twilight remained stoic. Only Sombra appeared calm.

Finally Twilight spoke but when she did what little hope Luna had of turning them from their path was lost.

"Sombra." Twilight said calmly. "Weaken her."

An evil grin spread a crossed his face, magic charging within his horn. With a roar he unleashed the pent up magic, conjuring a massive dark green hammer that he brought down unto Luna.

Panic swept through Luna as she channeled power into a shield, just as the hammer reached her. A mighty thunder crack sounded across the land from the hammers blow, driving Luna down into the ground. Her shield held, but only just.

Sombra raised the magical hammer skywards before bringing it down once more. Again, a thunderclap sounded. Luna poured more energy into the shield but could feel it beginning to fail.

One final hammer blow buckled Luna's knees and shattered the shield, leaving her drained and barely standing.

"Rainbow." Twilight said. "Take off her horn."

Ragged breaths escaped Luna as she watched Rainbow Dash hesitate for a moment before disappearing in a mass of shadows. Luna heard her reappear, knew the direction from which the strike would come. She moved to parry but was to slow.

She screamed in pain as Rainbow Dashes crimson blade sheared her horn from her head. A magical shockwave erupted from her destroyed horn, blasting her backwards onto the ground where she lay, panting.

Stars danced a crossed her vision. She struggled for breath, each time she exhaled the darkness at the edges of her vision encroached further. A shadow passed over her and for a moment Luna thought she had lost consciousness. Instead it was Twilight who placed a hoof directly on her chest and pressed firmly down, further limiting Luna's ability to breath and forcing her to look into her eyes.

Luna longed to see pain or regret in those eyes, instead she only saw the cold expansions of the void. "You were meant to defeat Sombra, not join him." she managed to choke out.

Before Twilight could respond another shadow passed over Luna. A fanged smile and glowing red eyes gazed downward at her broken form. "It seems you have been bested, Princess." He finished with a sneer.

His horn glowed softly, levitating Luna's severed horn between him and Twilight, just above Luna's heart. The soft glow of his horn changed to crackling lightning as he channeled dark magic into the broken horn, which became cracked and twisted with corruption.

Using what was left of her strength, Luna glared at Sombra in defiance.

"Die, now." Hissed Sombra, raising the twisted abomination before plunging it downward.

“No.” Twilight said suddenly, causing Sombra to halt his downward strike. His gaze turned towards her. “No?”

“No.” Twilight said again with force. “I've thought of a better use for her.”

Sombra let out a threatening hiss, his eyes glowing red. “Why wait? The Alicorn is broken. It must die!”

“And she will.” Twilight responded, fixing Sombra with her own glowing red eyes. “Just not yet.”

They held each other’s glare for a moment, neither giving in, until Sombra turned away with a snarl. “Until next time, your highness.” Using the twisted horn, he slashed a crossed Luna’s right eye, leaving a deep bloody gash, before tossing it onto her chest.

Luna writhed in pain, held in place by Twilight. She barely acknowledged the feeling of Twilight grasping her head between her hooves and drawing her close.

“Send my regards to Celestia.” Twilight said, horn pulsing with dark magic.

Luna’s next feeling was that of falling.


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Chapter 23

"Thrust! Parry! Riposte! Slash!" The drill sergeant ordered, voice carrying across the field. The sound of a hundred wooden poles striking wooden targets was his response.

"Parry! Parry! Feint! Thrust!"

Again wooden poles contacted the targets, sending out a harmonious crack as the amplified sound echoed across the fields.

The drill sergeant continued to shout orders, changing the pattern of strikes as well as the speed at which they were executed. He glanced towards the sun, idly noting its position in the sky. Another half-hour then he'd bring in a fresh batch of volunteers.

As the drill sergeant returned to his shouting, high above him the skies were a flurry of blurred colour’s and shouts of "Dodge."

Pegasus swarmed above, moving in groups of three or more. Some flew through rings and obstacles made from clouds, others sparred with one another, swooping and banking as they tried to strike each other with padded short swords.

Each group was accompanied by a member of the Wonderbolts who carefully instructed the Pegasus in aerial combat while Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts oversaw all aerial training. This was not abnormal as even the Royal Guard Pegasus underwent training with the Wonderbolts, them being Eqestria’s greatest flyers, they were more than qualified.

A group of fresh volunteers dove towards the ground, quickly picking up speed in preparation for their next movement. Two of the Pegasus successfully pulled up but the third did not correctly angle her wings.

She realized too late. With a cry of panic followed by pain, she slammed into the ground, tearing a groove into the ground as she skidded to a stop just outside a group of tents. She lay their injured and dazed as the tent flap nearest to her was pulled aside and a bearded unicorn casually glanced out.

"Ah, what perfect timing." He said happily, pulling the flap back all the way, allowing the dozen or so unicorns inside to see out.

"Now who believes they have firmly grasped the lesson as to heal this injured mare?"

One of the students stepped forward. "I do, professor."


The student hurried towards the mares’ side and gently encased her in the soft glow of his magic. Within seconds she was fully healed and with a loud cry, one of joy and another of surprise the mare had wrapped the unicorn stallion in a tight embrace.

"You saved my life!"

The stallion chuckled nervously. "Honestly your injuries weren’t that bad."

She pulled back from the embrace. "My knight in shining armour." She whispered, completely oblivious to what he had just said. She placed a quick kiss on his cheek with further whispers of "My hero."

The stallion flushed furiously no longer trying to dislodge the mare who had firmly entrapped him. "Now now, that’s enough of that." The professor said with slight irritation. He grasped the two in his magic and pulled them apart, setting the stallion behind him while placing the mare some distance away.

"Young lady I believe you have training to return to?"

She seemed to return to reality. "Right, of course!" She quickly took to the air but stopped and turned around. "I’ll find you again, my love! We shan’t be apart long!" With that she flew quickly back to the other Pegasus, leaving her rescuer staring absently after her while the other members of his class patted him on the back.

"Young ones." The professor said under his breath before addressing the class. "Now if we could return to the topic at..." A massive column of fire erupted into the air, momentarily blocking out the sun and sending a slight tremor through the earth, effectively interrupting the professor who only sighed.

"Well it would seem the Battle Mages will have need of us once again. Come along class."

A hundred yards away lying in a small crater was a unicorn mare dressed in long white robes hemmed in blue with a hood crumpled at the base of her skull both of which were quite singed. A shadow passed over her dazed form as another unicorn mare, this one dressed in blue robes hemmed in white shook her head in disappointment.

"You lost focus. How many times have I told you, a good shield requires complete focus. Had I put my full power into that spell you would have been incinerated. Now dust yourself off so we may try again."

The mare turned away before her student could respond who quickly picked herself off the ground and readied herself for another attack.

"Now. Focus!" The instructor said, quickly channeling magic into her horn and loosing a fireball.

The student braced herself, physically and mentally, and threw up a shield. This time the fireball contacted the shield and was absorbed by it, safety dispersing the energy into the ground.

The student shakily dispersed her shield. "I...I did it!" she exclaimed happily.

"Yes well done indeed. Now let’s see if you can block two in consecutive order."

Several moments later another column of fire erupted into the air leaving the student once again singed and lying in a crater. The instructor shook her head once more in disappointment. "Perhaps we should take a short break?"

She noted the approach of the Healers and left her student in their care while she sat down at a small field table some distance away. Taking a nearby quill in her magic she penned a short report and handed it off to a royal messenger stationed close by.

"If you could deliver this to your superior that would be grand." The instructor said, passing the rolled up parchment tot eh messenger who took it with a salute.

"Right away, ma'am!" He carefully placed the parchment into a saddle back and trotted off into the direction of the main city gate. Along his way he passed several more groups of ponies. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn all were scattered about, some were learning how to fight, others were learning how to build fortifications and siege equipment.

Leaving the fields behind him, the messenger trotted along the road that would bring him into the city. He carefully shoved his way through the crowds gathered at the gate. Volunteers from all over Eqestria had been arriving since early morning, some came by carriage, some by train, but most arrived on hoof.

With a final push he broke through the throng of ponies and approached Field Command. Captain-General Steadfast had relocated his HQ to the outer wall so as to better oversee the training. The messenger found the General outside of his tent sparring with a white unicorn mare with a purple mane.

"Move your hooves! Never stop moving! If you stop your dead!" Steadfast shouted, stepping forward and sweeping his swords in an arc, easily knocking the sword from the mare’s mouth.

The mare dove for her blade but Steadfast knocked it out of her reach with a blast of magic before bringing the tip of one of his swords to her throat. "That’s match." He said returning both swords to the dual scabbards at his sides. Using his magic Steadfast levitated the mares sword back to her, hilt first.

"Not bad, Rarity. You’ve gotten better since we started."

Rarity grasped the hilt in her mouth before returning it to the sheath at her side. "Not well enough it seems. Each bout is shorter than the last." she said, anger apparent in her voice.

"Well to be fair, I’ve been practicing sword play since I was a colt and you’ve only just begun this morning."

Rarities eyes flashed with anger as she drew her sword and dropped into a ready stance before lunging at Steadfast who easily sidestepped her and delivered a quick punch directly into the blade, knocking the sword from Rarities grasp.

Blinded by anger, Rarity spun in place, using the momentum of Steadfast’s strike to level a punch directly into his face, but Steadfast easily countered it, grabbing Rarity by the hoof and throwing her to the ground.

Rarity lay upon the ground gasping for breath while Steadfast stood over her. "Good attempt but try to conceal your emotions. You practically screamed your intent at me."

"A...again...” Rarity gasped, using her magic to levitate her sword back to her. She was surprised to find that a white aura completely encased her own.

"Let’s take a break." Steadfast said firmly.

Rarity rolled to her side and got to her hooves all while pouring more energy into the levitations spell surrounding her sword, yet it still would not move. "We don’t have time for a break!" She said angrily, straining to lift her sword.

Steadfast stood by, calmly watching Rarity struggle to overpower his aura and regain her sword. "Rarity." He said. "You will be of no use to anypony if you do not take a rest. We will continue your training later today."

Rarity pulled one final time, still unable to lift her sword, finally she whirled on Steadfast anger present on her face as she shouted at him. "You are insane if you think I will take a rest! Sombra could attack at any time and I must be ready for when he does!"

Steadfast met Rarities fiery stare with one of cold clarity. "Very well." The white aura surrounding Rarities sword vanished and with a shout, Rarity pulled it to her and slashed at Steadfast. He dodged the first slash as well as the second before unsheathing his right sword just enough to ram the pommel into Rarities chest, knocking the wind from her body.

Her sword dropped to the ground with a clang as she grasped her chest, struggling to breathe. Steadfast calmly sheathed his sword before speaking to Rarity. "Do you know what is truly insane?" He ask her. "A pony who does the exact same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome."

He turned away from her before she could respond. Levitating over a quill and some parchment from a nearby table, Steadfast wrote down some instructions before branding the parchment with his seal and rolling it up.

"Here, take this to the quartermaster and then report back to me here." He said, passing the rolled parchment to Rarity who took it without a word before turning away.

"I can’t hear you?" Steadfast said sternly.

Rarity turned back to him and snapped off a smart salute. "Yes, sir." she snarled before heading off once again.

Steadfast watched her until she was out of sight. His thoughts were interrupted by some pony clearing their throat behind him. "Yes? What is it?"

The messenger who had silently watched the exchange saluted. "Sir! I have the latest report from the training fields."

"Excellent." Steadfast said, snatching the parchment out of the messenger’s hooves with his magic. He unrolled it and carefully read the intricate script.

Several quiet moments passed before the messenger spoke up. "Sir? If I may speak freely?"

Steadfast glanced over the parchment before rolling it up. "You may."

"I heard you’re taken a mare under your personal tutelage but I had assumed it was another volunteer."

"You heard right. She officially joined yesterday and we began her training this morning."

The messenger looked at Steadfast with disbelief. "Impossible! She fought like a veteran!"

Steadfast chuckled. "I’m certain that she does not realize how rapidly she’s progressed. Techniques that took me months to learn she's mastered in hours. I don’t know how much you saw but that last bout I went all out and only barely beat her."

He gazed into the distance as he continued. "She has a drive about her, a determination that I’ve not seen in a long time." His gaze returned to the messenger. "Best keep this between us, eh?"

The messenger smiled before saluting. "Yes, sir."

Steadfast nodded before taking a seat a small table just outside his tent. He idly unrolled the parchment once more and read it over. Satisfied with the report he once more rolled it up and placed it upon the table.

The sun slowly made its way across the sky, reaching its peak at noon. Steadfast remained at the table, mentally drawing up battle plans and adding figures while he awaited Rarities return.

Half past 1 Rarity returned to the Command tent. Her time away had cooled her anger but the determination was still present. Steadfast cast an eye over her, seeing as she had been outfitted per his instructions he nodded in agreement.

"I assume Sure-shot showed you how to use that?" Steadfast asked. Nodding towards the short bow slung on Rarities back.

"Yes, General." She responded curtly.

"Good. Then demonstrate." He reached under the table and pulled out several small disks made of clay, with a quick burst of magic he sent them sailing into the air.

Rarity drew her bow with her magic and nocked and arrow. She let fly the arrow and it found the first clay skeet before it reached its height. No sooner had the first arrow left she had another nocked and fired, taking out yet another skeet.

Faster than the eye could follow, Rarity nocked and loosed six arrows all of which found there mark sending bits of clay raining down on the area.

"Fire and determination be damned." Steadfast whispered as he tried in vain to close his agape mouth. With much effort he finally succeeded. He got to his hooves and approached Rarity who had replaced the bow upon her back.

"Rarity." Steadfast said happily, clamping a hoof on her shoulder. "I do believe you’ve found the right weapon."

Rarity stared at Steadfast with the same determined look she had arrived with but a small smile slowly spread across her lips. "Thank you, General."

Steadfast chuckled. "Thank me after you duplicate that feat another twelve times. We must be certain it wasn’t a fluke."

Rarities smile grew a little larger. "Of course."

"Now let’s try firing while moving, slightly more difficult but..."

"General, look!" Rarity cried, eyes locked on the sky.

Steadfast followed Rarities gaze skyward. A fireball was streaking towards the ground, heading directly for the castle.

"Battle Stations!" Steadfast shouted, immediately drawing the attention of all the guards nearby.

"Lieutenant!" Steadfast shouted, pointing at a Guard coming out of the Command tent. "Bring two platoons to the castle ASAP!" Steadfast then turned to the guards stationed at the gates. "You men follow me!" Rarity with me!"

Steadfast then charged off towards the castle, with Rarity and two dozen royal guards in tow.

They raced through the streets, speeding past ponies all the while keeping the fireball in sight.

"Fan out once we reach the outer courtyard! I want a shield up the moment we set hoof inside!" Steadfast called out as they ran.

They reached the outermost castle courtyard and together, Steadfast, Rarity, and the other unicorn guards pooled their magic together and conjured a large mutli-coloured shield that covered the castle on the side facing the fireball.

Seconds later the fireball contacted the shield, blasting through it like it was nothing. Steadfast had just enough time to yell brace before the fireball struck the castle.

The ground beneath their hooves lurched suddenly, sending all of them toppling to the ground, burning chunks of wood and super-heated stone sailed through the air, peppering the area with debris.

The group covered their heads and waited. Long seconds ticked by but finally the flying debris ceased. Getting to their hooves they raced into the courtyard,

A large crater had been blasted into the stone courtyard where the fireball fell, dust and smoke swirled around inside the crater, obscuring what lay within.

"Be wary." Steadfast said, cautiously approaching with his weapons drawn. "This could be a trap devised by Sombra." He came to the edge of the crater and glanced towards Rarity who stood beside him, bow drawn. “Be ready.” She replied with a brief shake of her head, never once looking away from the crater.

Steadfast’s horn glowed softly as he readied a spell, all around him more guards had arrived and were taking up positions all around the perimeter. His spell charged, Steadfast used his magic and dispelled the smoke, revealing what lay inside.

All those gathered gasped at the sight while some cried out in anguished voices for lying at the center of the crater was Princess Luna. Her fur was burned and blackened and her horn looked as if it had been sheared from her head.

“No!” Shouted Steadfast as he leapt into the crater. “Princess!” He landed beside her, casting a quick spell to check her pulse.

“She’s alive.” He breathed. Looking up he locked eyes with one of his men. “You fetch the healers! Go with all haste!” The guard did as he was told, sprinting back towards the training field.

“The rest of you, set up a defensive perimeter” They quickly complied, circling their fallen Princess and pushing back the crowd which had begun to gather. “Rarity! Inform Princess Celestia!” Rarity had already dashed off into the castle before he had finished his sentence.

Steadfast knelt beside Princess Luna, her wings were bent and broken, likely from the impact and her otherworldly mane that would shimmer and shine like the night sky clung motionless to her body, covering her chest and most of her face.

Upon closer examination, she appeared to be grasping something in her hooves but he could not tell what. Reaching out he gently brushed aside some of her mane to get a better look at the object held in her hooves.

His eyes widened in shock. It was cracked and twisted with corruption but there could be no mistaking it. Luna held her own broken horn in her hooves. Steadfast reached out to take the corrupted bone from his Princess grasp. Just as he touched it, Princess Luna’s hooves lashed out and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him close to her.

Her head snapped up, causing her lifeless mane to fall behind her. Reveling a deep gash a crossed her right eye that was infested with black crystals. She fixed Steadfast with her remaining eye and he saw a terror in it that was beyond imagining.

“Ge…general…mine…si..Sister….warn…” She tried to say, struggling to even open her mouth.

“Please, your highness save your strength. Both your sister and the healers are on their way.”

Her grip on Steadfast began to lose its strength as she teetered on the edge of conciseness. Her eye looked at him as her mouth moved but only whispers escaped. Steadfast leaned in closer and just managed to hear the princesses final words before she slipped into unconsciousness.



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Chapter 24

"General they’re not complying!" A nervous guard shouted over at him.

"I can see that lieutenant!" Steadfast shouted back.

It had been several hours since Princess Luna's tragic return to the city and the news of her defeat at the hooves of Sombra had spread panic through the citizens. By dusk, thousands of ponies had clogged the streets leading to the castle, fearfully demanding assurances of protection. Steadfast had ordered the Royal Guard stationed at the castle to create a defensive line while also sending a messenger to inform the military to go on high alert.

"Any word from the Princess?" Steadfast shouted to nopony in particular.

"None sir. She’s with Princess Luna and the doors are barred to all save medical personnel."

"What idiot gave that order?!" A red faced Steadfast shouted.

"Princess Celestia did, sir."

"Dammit!" Responded Steadfast. He quickly looked around seeing even more ponies join the already too large crowd. "This could quickly get out of hoof." He thought. Channeling magic through his horn, Steadfast augmented his voice to be heard over the shouting crowd.

"Everypony there is no need to panic, please return to your homes. This gathering is disrupting military training."

The crowd grew quiet after Steadfast spoke and he tentatively believed they would now disperse, but then one pony spoke up and dashed that hope.

"If Princess Luna couldn’t stop Sombra what hope would an army have?!"

The faceless voice sent a wave through the crowd as other voices joined in.

"She’s practically a god and still couldn’t defeat him!"

"They would send us against Sombra knowing we would all be killed!"

"That’s not the case!" Steadfast shouted, his augmented voice barely heard above the crowd. Their attention one more on him, Steadfast quickly racked his brain for the right words to end this peacefully. However before he could, a grey pegasus stallion took to the air above the crowd and began shouting down at Steadfast.

"We cannot hope to resist Sombra! Already he has defeated Princess Luna, what hope would we mortals, no matter how numerous, have against him?!"

A murmur of agreement swept through the crowd as the pegasus continued. "They would see us slaughter!" He pointed directly at Steadfast. "The General knows this, the princesses know this!" The pegasus flew to the air above Steadfast and turned to face the crowd. "We must surrender to Sombra that is the only way to ensure our survival!"

Steadfast had heard enough. "Guards! Arrest that pegasus!" Quick as lighting, two pegasus guardsmen flew up and grabbed the grey pegasus.

"They know I speak the truth and seek to silence me!" The pegasus continued to shout even as the guards did their best to quiet him. "Do not let them sacrifice your lives so needlessly!" The guards finally managed to clamp his mouth shut but the damage was already done.

Other voices of dissent rose up from the crowd. The Royal Guards looked to Steadfast nervously as the crowd began to edge forward, Steadfast cut the magic to his voice and turned to a guard next to him.

"Send a detachment of unicorns to the main gate of the castle. I want it fortified immediately."

"Yes sir!" The guard saluted before running off, signaling for the unicorns as he did so.

Once more augmenting his voice Steadfast addressed the crowd. "The city is now under Martial Law. All citizens are to disperse and return to their homes. Any who do not comply with be dealt with severely."

His words had little effect, down the line a pony lashed out and struck a guard in the face who returned in kind, knocking the pony flat on his back.

A roar like a manticore erupted from the crowd as they charged the guards line.


A two story tall, multicolored shield appeared along the length of the guard’s line just as the crowd slammed into it. Repeatedly they rammed the shield attempting to break it. Bottles, rocks, and the occasional spell were also hurled at the shield, each sending a ripple along its shimmering surface. Steadfast ordered the pegasus and earth pony guards to form a line in front of the unicorns and added his own magic to the shield. Each hit on the shield sent a jolt into Steadfast's head. Already he could see the strain affecting his guardsmen. The shield was slowly being pushed back, along with the guards.

"Major Sure Shot!"

A moment later a teal pegasus with a short cropped mane appeared beside Steadfast. "Yes, General?" She asked, eyeing the crowd nervously.

"Get out to the army and tell them to move into the city." He flinched when a fireball struck close to him. "Hurry up!"

Sure-Shot took off without a second thought. She quickly flew over the shield in the direction of the military encampment. A few rocks found their way up to her but she easily dodged them as she poured more energy into her wings. Several moments later Sure Shot touched down just inside the military encampment just as the sun disappeared over the horizon. A few soldiers were standing nearby and they quickly snapped to attention. “Major!” They shouted.

“You lot!” Sure Shot shouted, pointing at the nearest soldier. “Where’s your commanding officer?!”

“Ma..Ma’am! He’s in the central command tent, just over there.” The soldier stammered out. Sure Shot dashed over to the tent and threw the flap open. Inside she found Lt. Colonel Dux and Rarity, both looking over various maps. Dux looked up at Sure Shots hasty entrance.

“Sir, Captain-General Steadfast needs assistance. The crowds turned violent and is currently trying to break into the castle.”

“Damn. I was afraid this would happen.” Lt. Colonel Dux jumped to his hooves and donned his helmet. “Major, tell General Steadfast to hold out until we get there.”

Sure Shot snapped off a quick salute and a “Yes sir,” before flying out of the tent.

“Rarity you’re with me.” Dux called on his way out of the tent.

“Sir.” Responded Rarity before joining him. Once outside, Lt. Colonel Dux began shouting orders. Within moments a force of 2 thousand were ready and waiting. “Forward March!”

The rhythmic sound of 4 thousand hooves sounded out into the night as the army moved towards Canterlot.

“Once inside the city head straight to the castle. We need to make sure our brothers are safe. Do not harm the civilians!”

Rarity marched behind Lt. Colonel Dux. She could feel the tense excitement radiating off those beside her. It was the same excitement she too felt. They were marching into battle, a different kind of battle but a battle none the less.

They smelled the fires long before they saw them. The sweet smell of burning wood drifted down to them on the late evening breeze. Minutes later they saw the fires reaching high into the sky.

“Double time!” Dux shouted.

They broke into a fast trot just as they were trained to do. Passing through the main gate they could see the fires were quickly growing larger as they spread. Judging from the placement of the flames it was somewhere in the Castle district. They hurried further into the city, each step bringing them closer to their goal. Angry shouts reached their ears as they entered onto the street leading to the castle. The fires illuminated the night revealing a seething mass of ponies trying to batter down the castles main gate. Along the street several stores and residential building were already engulfed in flames. Here and there groups of ponies were breaking their way into others to loot or set fire to.

“Artillery!” Dux shouted. “Three volleys of smoke!

A moment passed and then a noise akin to a deep breath sounded out as hundreds of smoke balls were fired into the air. They traveled on an arc before landing with a loud whoosh in the center of the crowd.

“Secure the Castle! Stun only!”

Rarity and the army surged forward with a loud war cry. The violent crowd had been reduced to a coughing mess and those that could broke and ran. A few brave or stupid ponies attempted to fight back but were quickly beaten down and promptly arrested. With the crowd disperse the castle gates opened and a slightly battered Steadfast and Guardsmen greeted their saviors.

“What kept you?” Steadfast said as he approached Dux and Rarity, both of which saluted him. “Never mind that, Dux get some ponies on fire detail.”

“Right away sir! Alright, you heard the General, let’s get these fires under control!”

“General are you alright?” Rarity asked as Dux ran off, still shouting orders.

“Fine, just fine.” He answered as he wiped some blood off his lip. He grimaced down at the blood on his hoof before looking at Rarity. “Blasted fools nearly broke down the gate. It’s not bad enough that we have to fear a Monster trying to destroy us, now we have the same fear threatening to do the same.”

He turned to look out over the soldiers now battling the raging inferno. “Now’s not the time, come on.”


The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when the last fire was put out. It had been a long and arduous battle but in the end they had succeeded. The tired soldiers of Eqestria’s Grand Army returned to their camp for a much needed rest.

Rarity stood on the battlements surrounding the castle, watching as the army slowly made its way out of the city. She gingerly scratched the white bandage tied around her left foreleg, she had gotten burned while pulling an elderly pony from a burning shop. She was not the only one, while there had been no deaths thankfully, many had to be treated for burns and broken bones, the latter restricted to the rioters who had been arrested.

At the last count, 56 ponies had been arrested, including the pegasus who had instigated the riot. Most were looters who were captured during the ensuing fire fight, they were to be detained until Princess Celestia passed judgment on them. Likely they would be sentenced to community service, helping the owners of the shops they vandalized repair the damage they caused.

Rarity looked out over the city, her eyes lingering over the many burned piles of rubble that now surrounded the castle. “It will take a long time to repair all the damage.” She thought sullenly. Her mind then turned to the cause of all this, Sombra and the fear he commanded. “A long time indeed.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of fast approaching hoof steps. Turning she was greeted by a unicorn guardsmen. “Rarity?” He asked, pausing a moment to catch his breath.

“Yes?” She responded.

“Captain-General Steadfast requests your presence.”

“Thank you.” She said, walking past him to the stairs leading down off the battlements. A short walk later, Rarity stepped into Steadfast’s secondary command tent which he had pitched in the courtyard just outside the castle. Steadfast looked up from the stack of papers in front of him and beckoned for Rarity to join him. She did so, levitating a small chair over from the corner and placing it beside Steadfast own.

“How’s the leg?” He asked looking back to his papers.

“Better now sir. One of the healers bandaged it for me.”

“Good.” He said with a nod.

“Any word about the Princess?” Rarity asked.

Steadfast sat back with a sigh. “We finally managed to get into that damned room when the medical personnel left. The guards I had stationed there were informed that her highness was stable and would live.” Steadfast brought a hoof to his forehead and began to massage it gently. “However Princess Celestia has yet to leave her sisters side, she’s even magically locked the door.”

“So she still doesn’t know what happened.”

“Not in the slightest.” Steadfast answered with another sigh, letting his hoof drop. “I understand that she’s concerned for her sister but frankly her behavior is unacceptable. We cannot afford to wait until she decides to rejoin us.” He turned in his chair to look at Rarity. “In light of this I have decided to name myself Regent and assume full authority over Eqestria until our Princess decides to return.”

At first Rarity was taken aback by Steadfast’s words, but after a brief moment of shock she came to terms with the idea, even agreed with it. “I believe that is the best course of action.” She said.

“I’m glad you agree. Know that I did not come to this decision lightly and I will gladly give control back over to Princess Celestia when the time comes.” Steadfast pushed back from his desk and stood up while Rarity followed suit. “Now onto my first act as Regent.” He walked to the tent entranced and called out to a waiting guard. “Bring in the prisoner!”

Steadfast then walked back to stand in front of his desk and motioned for Rarity to do the same. Several moments later, two Royal Guards entered the tent dragging a bruised and bloody grey pegasus. The guards brought the pegasus and dropped him at Steadfast’s hooves. One of the guards bent down and grabbed the pegasus’s head, raising it up so that he was looking at Steadfast.

“Grey Skies. You stand on trial for the crime of instigation, by your actions several hundreds were injured and thousands of bits worth of damage was caused to the city. How do you plead?”

The grey pegasus known as Grey Skies didn't answer. His eyes were firmly shut and it appeared as if he was unconscious. Steadfast opened his mouth to speak again when Grey Skies started to giggle. It started out low but quickly grew to loud hysterical laughter. His eyes flew open as he fixed Steadfast with his bloodshot stare, his laughter abating so he could speak. “What does it matter?” He said looking back and forth between Rarity and Steadfast. “None of it matters!” He screamed at the top of his lungs before his voice dropped to a whisper. “The Dark Lord as returned, we will all soon join him.”

“I’ll never join him.” Rarity hissed, stepping forward threateningly, drawing Grey Skies eyes to her own. “All become one in the darkness. It is inevitable.”

A powerful white hoof slammed into Grey Skies face, knocking several teeth loose and rendering him unconscious. The guards on either side of him jumped back in surprise as Rarity stood over him, a bloody hoof raised. “Never!” She screamed at him.

Steadfast jumped forward and grabbed Rarity, throwing her back into his desk. All the while she never took her eyes off Grey Skies. He then faced the guards who still showed surprise on their faces. “Put him in a cell, I’ll deal with him later.” The guards gave a hesitant salute before picking up the unconscious pegasus and dragging him out of the tent.

With them gone, Steadfast turned to Rarity who was still glaring after the trio in anger. He walked past her and reached under his desk and pulled out a large plain box. “Royal Guards do not strike unarmed prisoners, nor do we let are anger rule us.” He placed the box on the desk, finally drawing Rarities attention away from the entrance and onto him. “You have more cause to hate Sombra than anypony else, but do not let that hate dictate your action.” He pushed the box forward. “This packaged arrived for you an hour ago.”

Steadfast walked to the tent entrance but stopped to glance back at Rarity who had yet to move. “Fear and hate is how Sombra rules, give into either and he wins. Remember that.” With that, Steadfast threw aside the flap and stepped outside, leaving Rarity alone with his parting words.

With Steadfast’s words echoing in her head, Rarity turned to the box on the desk. A small label adorned the top with her name written in simple block letters. Next to it was a small envelope also with her name written on it. Using her magic, Rarity levitated the envelope close to her and opened it, inside she found a letter addressed to her. It read.

Dear Rarity;

Always remember.

You’re Friend, Pinkie Pie.

The letter was unlike any Pinkie Pie would ever have written but she had not been herself since the Crystal Empire. Pondering the strange letter, she neatly folded and replaced it in the envelope, with a quick spell she opened the box.

Time seemed to stop, at first she thought her eyes were mistaken but the pain in her heart confirmed what her brain could not fathom. Inside the box was Applejack’s Stetson, Rarity reached in with shaking hooves and reverently lifted the hat out of the box. She looked at the hat even as her vison blurred with tears. She brought the hat to her chest as memories of Applejack came unbidden into her mind, memories both joyful and sorrowful.

“Oh Applejack.” She whispered, once more looking down at the only object her friend had cherished. With slow, determined motions, Rarity lifted the Stetson and placed it on her head. She adjusted it so it sat just like Applejack liked to wear it. The comforting feel of the Stetson on her head brought peace to her heart, peace only love could bestow.

“Applejack, my friend, my love. I will carry you with me, always.”


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Chapter 25

Rainbow Dash sat in one of the smaller rooms inside Fortress Umbra, alone save for a single lit candle casting its flickering light across her.

Rainbows crystal short sword lay naked on the table, the light catching on its razor sharp edges, splitting the light just as easily as it would a skull. She had spent the last several hours simply staring at her blade, in that time she had memorized every curve and point all the while her mind attempted to make sense of her feelings.

Applejack is dead, killed by Sombra. At least, according to Luna.

"Why did this news bother her so much?" Rainbow thought to herself, her eyes tracing the edge of her sword for the umpteenth time. "Because one of your closest friends was killed and you now serve under the one who did it." She answered, reaching forward and gently touching the hilt of her sword. "Maybe Luna was lying, after all both her and Celestia have been manipulating Twilight all her life, lying would be easy for her."

"And who told you that?" She thought angrily, pulling her hoof back from the sword in revulsion. "Sombra." The name slithering through her thoughts like a snake. "We know next to nothing about him other than the fact that he ruled the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago and was defeated by the Princesses." She leaned her head back to gaze upward at the dancing shadows on the ceiling. "But Twilight trusts him, shouldn't that be enough?" Her gaze dropped back down to her sword, almost wishing to find the answers in its crystal surface.

Her hoof tentatively found its way back to her swords hilt. "But that's just it isn't it? I follow Twilight because I trust her, she follows Sombra because she trusts him." Her hoof gently traced along the blades length. "I don't know whose lying and whose telling the truth..." She once again retched her hoof back from her sword. "Does it matter? So what if Sombra's lying? Twilight's already murdered Cadence and Shining Armor. Ive killed a Royal Guard in cold blood, and we've both attacked a Princess, leaving her for dead." She placed her head in her hooves as they rested on the table. "I just don't know...."

The candle's flame flicker violently as the door behind Rainbow Dash opened. Rainbow, too occupied with her conflicting feelings failed to notice that she was no longer alone. Rainbow Dash was startled out of her melancholy when two soft forelegs gently encircled her torso along with the feeling of someponies warm breath on her neck.

"Are you ok?" Twilight whispered softly into Rainbow Dashes ear, squeezing her firmly as she did so.

Rainbow wanted to say yes, that she was perfectly alright but the concern in Twilight's voice, the way she hugged her reminded Rainbow that even after everything that had happen, Twilight was still her friend.

"N..No." Rainbow said, shaking her head slightly. She felt Twilight rest her head on her shoulder as she leaned her body against Rainbows back. "Ive just been thinking about what Luna said."

Twilight shifted her head, resting her chin on Rainbows shoulder. "About Applejack." She said softly.

"Yeah." Rainbow hesitated for a moment before continuing. "She was the only one who had gotten sick from the black fog when we evacuated the Crystal City. She had a slight cough but I didn't think much about, I was to concerned about you to worry about Applejack" She finished, feeling her cheeks grow slightly warmer but the sensation quickly passed. "But if Luna was telling the truth and Applejack is dead, then..." She trailed off.

"Now your doubting the choices you've made."

It was not a question and for a moment Rainbow Dash wondered if Twilight was reading her mind.

"I didn't read your mind Rainbow." She said, tightening her embrace."I just know you."

The pressure from Twilight helped calm Rainbows troubled mind. They lapsed into silence, both enjoying the simple feeling of the other. After a time, Rainbow fearfully whispered the thought that had been plaguing her.

"Have we made a mistake?"

Rainbow felt Twilight shift her weight as she moved one of her hooves up to stroke Rainbows mane while leaning her head up against her own.

"Mistakes are only the choices we regret." Twilight sighed resolutely. "I don't regret siding with Sombra, nor do I regret killing Cadence or Shining Armor." She paused. "Do you regret coming back for me?"

Rainbow hesitated, mulling the question over even though she knew the answer already.


Twilight turned Rainbows head so that they were now eye to eye. "Do you regret joining me?"

The candles light was beginning to die but even in the fading light, Twilight's red eyes shone like rubies, and Rainbow Dash began to feel herself becoming lost in those beautiful gems.

"No." She said, barely a whisper.

"Will you regret following me as we wage war on our home country?" Twilight asked as she leaned in closer to Rainbow Dash, her voice a whisper. "Will you regret cutting down any who stand in our way? Will you regret bathing in their blood, and bringing me their severed heads?" Twilight's eyes flashed red as they burned into Rainbows soul. "Will you regret dragging our friends before me in chains and making them swear allegiance, one by one before cutting out their hearts?"

Twilight closed the distance between herself and Rainbow Dash just as the light from the candle flickered out of existence, plunging them into the waiting embrace of darkness.



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Chapter 26

In the upper floors of Fortress Umbra there was a room near identical to all the others save for a ring of perfectly cut rubies inlaid into the floor. Twilight stood in the center of this ring with her eyes closed. To the casual observer she would seem to be in deep thought except for the beads of sweat that rolled off her body and the force her jaw was clenched. Her horn was encased in a light green aura that would occasionally pulse rapidly, causing the air around her to shimmer and vibrate with power. It had been doing that the last few hours but only just recently did the vibrations become constant such as the air was visibly distorted.

Twilight could feel her body beginning to weaken, despite her new powers and near unlimited magical potential her body had yet to fully adapt to them, as such she still needed to rest albeit less frequently.

A low humming filled the room, a sign that she was close.

"Just a little further."

Channeling more energy into the spell, Twilight mentally pushed forward.

A tremor entered her legs and traveled upwards until her entire body was shaking from the strain.


Her body had other plans, with a surprised gasp, Twilights collapsed, her legs buckling beneath her. The magic surrounding her horn fizzled loudly before vanishing with a pop sending a ripple through the distortion that quickly turned to waves before it to vanished.

Lying on the floor drenched in sweat and shaking from exhausted, Twilight smiled. The spell had worked.

She frowned as she mentally chided herself. The spell had failed but the concept was proven right. With a little more practice and conditioning she would be able to pull it off.

"Have to remember to write down the effects the spell's casting has on me so I can compare them later."

Her body ceased its shaking and her breathing began to return to normal along with her stamina. Shifting her weight, Twilight prepared herself to stand but stopped when a grey hoof entered her line of sight.

"Would you like some help, my dear?"

Nodding in affirmation, Twilight reached out and grasped Sombra's outstretched hoof. With a quick tug, she was back on her hooves. Her legs however were not quite ready to support her as she felt herself falling only to be caught by Sombra.

"I’ve got you." He said reassuringly, supporting her with a hoof while she laid against his armoured chest. Twilight looked up at him with a smile. "Thanks."

He returned her smile as he pulled her closer, eyes glowing softly. "But of course."

Twilight sighed with content and laid her head against his chest while he wrapped his fore hooves around her in an embrace. Twilight could feel a familiar sensation growing in her chest, she had felt it the day before with Rainbow Dash and it had confused her but here with Sombra it was unmistakable.


Sombra had been speaking to her while she was lost in thought. "Hm?"

"I said you must take care not to overextend yourself."

Lifting her head she smiled knowingly at him. "While I understand your cause for concern I can also take care of myself."

He chuckled softly. "Of that I'm fully aware." He smiled wider, bearing fangs. "Though you can hardly fault me for worrying."

"Hm, true." She reached a hoof behind his head and pulled him into a deep kiss closing her eyes as she did so, her earlier fatigue melted away, replaced by burning desire that set her blood boiling.

Following her desire, Twilight used both hooves to pull Sombra closer. She moaned softly into his lips as she pressed her body up against his. His armour scratched her skin but she would soon take care of that. She could feel Sombra trying to pull back but this only increased her need. Leveraging her weight, Twilight pressed forward, pushing Sombra to the ground as she did so and followed him to the floor.

Twilight broke the kiss with a gasp and began to fumble with his armour.

"This needs to come off." She said breathlessly, using her magic to forcibly remove Sombra's armour. The chest plate was off in seconds and hastily tossed across the room. His chest bare, Twilight ran her hooves along his chest while her magic worked to remove the rest of his apparel.

"Twilight?" Sombra said, lifting his head up slightly.

"Dont talk." Twilight responded curtly, sending his greaves flying with a burst of magic. "No excuses, after all, you owe me."

Leaning forward she placed another kiss on his lips while her magic temporarily left his armour to undo the clasps of her robes, letting them fall from her body. Fully disrobed, Twilight returned to her previous task.

"That I do." He said, finally able to respond to her previous statement. "I just wonder what Shadowbolt would think if she found us."

Twilight stopped mid motion, various armour pieces floating about her. "What do you mean by that?"

"Come now." He said, grinning darkly up at her. "Surely you've seen it?"

Twilight became nervous under his gaze, her current position doing little to ease this feeling. "I dont know what you mean."

Sombra's grin grew wider. "Oh but you do. I've seen your mind as well as hers. Tell me, did you ever question why she was the only one of your friends to return for you?"

Twilight's magic failed sending the armour pieces crashing to the floor with a clang. "She's the Element of Loyalty of course she...."

"Loyalty only goes so far." Sombra said, cutting her off. Twilight stepped off of Sombra allowing him to rise to his full height. "Love however knows no bounds."

The discarded armour pieces dissolved into the floor, forming a writhing mass that launched itself onto Sombra, covering him in seething shadows before falling away leaving him once again clad in black armour.

"Everything she's done since coming here shes done for you."

Twilight took a step back her eyes trying to find something to look at other than his piercing gaze. "But...she..."

Sombra's eyes glowed a fiery red as he continued. "When you were wracked with doubt she was at your side, doing everything in her power to help you. "Sombra seemed to grow larger, towering over Twilight. "But when she questioned her decisions, when her mind rebelled against her heart, where were you?"

Twilight cowered beneath Sombra's judgmental stare. "I..."

"Knowingly or not, you've been manipulating her and that manipulation will destroy her as surely as the Alicorns."

A jolt ran through Twilight as his words struck a nerve. "Manipulation?!" She said in bewilderment. Anger overwhelmed her, no longer cowering, Twilight matched Sombras stare with her own.

"Dont speak to me of manipulation when you've done the same to me, knowingly or not!" She finished in a mocking tone.

"Ah that is where you are wrong, my dear." He responded, leaning forward so that they were eye level. "What I did, I did to better you, to help you find your inner strength and resolve." His eyes flashed a bright red. "Can you say the same?"

Twilights anger dissipated as she once more shrunk under his gaze. "No."

"Did you not notice her absence after the battle? While you shrugged off the Alicorns words they found purchase inside Shadowbolts heart. She hid herself away, doubt clawing at her mind and heart at what the Alicorn said. Fearfully worrying that her choices as well as yours have damned you both, all the while longing for you to comfort her."

Sombra raised his head. "I suppose its ironic that she dreamed you came to her and waylaid all her fears before returning the love she holds for you."

Twilight said nothing, turning her head away as she was unable to meet his gaze any longer.

"You would say that I had no right entering her mind but I didn't have to. Her inner turmoil radiated out of her. One had only to open their eyes in order to see it."

"I didn't realize." Twilight whispered, more to herself than Sombra. She felt a hoof gently turn her head and when she looked up she found Sombra looking down at her with compassion. "I did not tell you this to cause you pain, but so you could make a choice. If you cannot return the love Shadowbolt holds for you then tell her so, just do not leave her hopefully waiting for what will never come."

Twilight could feel tears forming in her eyes as Sombras words pierced her soul. "How could I have been so blind?" She thought, pulling back from Sombra so she could wipe her eyes. "Oh Rainbow, what have I done to you?"

"Your right." She said aloud, turning away from Sombra. "I need to talk to her." Closing her eyes she reached out with her magic and found Rainbow Dashes presence in the lower keep. Her position locked in, Twilight turned back to Sombra and smiled at him. "Thank you."

Sombra bowed low. "Of course, my dear Twilight. I will always be here for you, no matter your decision."

Smiling at his words, Twilight vanished in a flash of purple light, leaving Sombra alone in the room.

He looked on at the spot where Twilight had been and began to chuckle. The chuckle rapidly grew into a dark booming laugh that carried upwards to the high ceiling, rattling the very foundation of the room. The laughter died down just as quickly as it had appeared.

"At last we can begin."


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Chapter 27

Rainbow Dash sat alone in a forgotten room deep within the black fortress Umbra, staring at a weapon that had become her life and a candle that measured its length. Emotionless eyes carefully marked each second as the candle slowly burned itself away, perhaps she would awaken from this as well.

Her face darkened as a sneer of pure disdain overcame her. “If only I was that lucky.”

She thought she had finally found peace, an answer to a question she had been too afraid to ask...but it was only a dream.

The faint light of the candle danced along the weapons crystal edge, setting its surface ablaze. It was beautiful but it did little to ease the sorrow and anger she now felt, towards the world, Twilight, and herself...especially herself.

Reaching forward, Rainbow Dash grasped her sword's hilt with her mouth and returned it to the sheath on her back. With grim determination, Rainbow stood up from her chair. A faint pop sounded behind her and the room was briefly illuminated in a soft purple light.

“Rainbow?” Twilight said softly.

“Please.” Rainbow Dash said quietly, without turning around. “I've already damned myself once already, even if it was just a dream. Dont make me do it again.”

Twilight took a single step towards Rainbow Dash. causing her to sigh sadly.

“I came here after the fight with Luna.” Rainbow said, quietly locking her eyes on the candle before her. “To try to make sense of things.”

Twilight stopped in her tracks. “What things?”

“About Luna, about Sombra.” She began quietly. “About me, about Applejack.” Rainbow lifted a hoof and began to wave it around angrily as her voice rose. “About this fortress, about this kingdom, about your brother! About my love!” She reached behind her back and grasped her sword hilt in both hooves and in one fluid motion unsheathed it and stabbed it into the table, burying it to the hilt. “And about you!” She finished with a shout, breathing heavily, face contorted into a sneer.

Twilight looked on in silence, her heart breaking. “Oh, Rainbow, this is all my fault.”

Rainbow Dash slowly turned in place, facing Twilight, sneer still in place. “No Twilight, it's not your fault.” She said, each word dripping with anger. “If anypony is to blame its me.” She began to walk towards Twilight. “Im the one who fell in love with you, who set you above all others in my mind.” Coming to a stop in front of Twilight. “The one who came back for you, who betrayed everything I had ever known in order to be with you.” Rainbow lifted her forehooves and placed them at Twilights neck, squeezing firmly. “The one who was always there for you, the one who KILLED FOR YOU!!!” Rainbow Dashed screamed in her face, hooves growing tighter around Twilight's neck, causing tears to leak from her eyes.

“And the only thing I wanted was for you to turn around and notice me.” Rainbow said in a choked whisper, tears streaming down her face. “To look at me the same way I looked at you when I knew you weren't watching.” Rainbow released Twilights neck, letting her hooves fall back to the floor. She stood before Twilight, head bowed and visibly shaking as the last piece of the wall surrounding her heart fell away, leaving it raw and exposed.

“No, its not your fault.” She said again, shaking her head. “I love you to much to let you think that it is.” She looked up at Twilight, eyes bloodshot and tears still falling. Taking a shuddering breath, Rainbow smiled the biggest smile she could manage. “I want you to be with somepony who loves you as much as I do..” Rainbow wrapped her fore hooves around Twilight in a tight hug. “And if that pony isn't me then... Im fine with that.”

“You can't possibly mean that, Rainbow.” Twilight said, choking back her own sobs as she embraced her friend. “Nopony could ever mean that.”

“I can.” Rainbow whispered. “If I'm in the way of your happiness, I'll gladly step aside so you can get their.”

“But what about your happiness?”Twilight asked, in a fearful voice, rapidly losing the battle to stay coherent.

Rainbow pulled away slightly so that they were face to face and smiled warmly at Twilight. “You will save this world from the Princesses with Sombra, righting an ancient injustice and I will be at your side, as your friend, until the very end.” She placed her forehead on Twilights, nuzzling her gently. “That will be my happiness.”

Twilight could hold out no longer, with a loud cry she completely broke down. Pulling Rainbow into a bone crushing embrace and sobbed into her shoulder. Rainbow Dash held onto her dearest friend, gently stroking her mane as she cried long and hard. Time passed, and eventually Twilight ran out of tears to shed. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Twilight pushed away from Rainbow, her face red and puffy from crying so long. The sight caused Rainbow Dash to smile sadly at her.

“Finished?” She asked, trying to add humor into her voice and only partially succeeding.

Twilight nodded her head as she returned Rainbow smile. The room visibly darkened as a great shadow passed over them. Rainbow looked past Twilight as Sombra materialized behind her, eyes glowing brightly in the dimness. She returned her gaze to Twilight and gently motioned with her head for her to go to him, smiling weakly as she did so.

Twilight took one last look at Rainbow Dash before turning away and embracing Sombra, who returned it in kind.

“I see.” Sombra said quietly, looking down at Twilight. He turned his gaze back to Rainbow Dash, eyes flashing brightly and smiled a fanged smile.

“Thank you, Shadowbolt.”


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Chapter 28

Fortress Umbra hung motionless in the sky, its presence dominating everything for miles around, casting its shadow over the ruins of the Crystal City. The sun could do little to lighten the black fortress, what little light could find its way past it, flittered down into the city, where the shattered dome would allow, only to be met by a thick haze that barred any further advancement. Beneath the haze an inky black fog clung tightly to the ground, obscuring it. Here and there the tell tale signs of a body could be seen poking out of the mist along with broken columns of crystals, jutting from the ground and buildings. One of the many reminders of what had transpired there.

Near the center of the city, just outside the Crystal Palace, the black fog began to move. Slowly at first but rapidly growing in speed, the fog whirled along the ground before raising up into three pillars that soon took on distinct shapes. The shadows fell away, leaving three ponies standing amidst the dead city.

“You sure did a number on the city.” Rainbow Dash said, pulling her black hood down around her neck.

“Such a waste.” replied Sombra.

“You did what you had to do.” Twilight said reassuringly, placing a hoof on Sombra’s armoured shoulder and smiled up at him.

“Yes, were it not for the Alicorns barrier I would not have needed to use such means to retake my city.” He glanced down at Twilight, smiling as he did so. “But that does not matter now.” He looked to his left, noting a nearby body and walked towards it.

“Could you maybe tell us why you woke us up so early?” Rainbow asked, stifling a yawn. “One of us still needs a full nights sleep, you know.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “I know you're planning something, you had that look, but what could it have to do with what's left of the city?”

“There is a resource here that we need.” He said simply, coming to a stop beside the body. Igniting his horn, Sombra encased the body in a green aura, lifting it above the fog.

“Ew.” Twilight and Rainbow both said at the sight of the corpse. A blue unicorn stallion by the looks of it, his head was thrown back and his eyes were wide with terror but what had caught their eyes was the black crystals that appeared to have burst out of his neck and grown down into his chest.

“This one will do nicely.” Sombra said, walking back to the pair. He smiled once again at Twilight. “Would you mind holding this, my dear?”

She looked between him and the corpse. “Not at all.” Her horn glowed and a purple aura replaced the green.

“Thank you.” He looked behind him and off into the distance. “If you could wait here, my dear. There is one last thing I need to collect. Shadowbolt? If you'd come with me.”

“Sure.” Rainbow Dash said, unfurling her wings and hovering just behind Sombra. He walked briskly, taking care not to trip over any bodies or chunks of crystals all the while his eyes scanned the the ground, searching.

“Ah here we are.” He said, after walking around a large column of crystals. Rainbow Dash moved around the column to see what he had found. Inside the crystals was a light green unicorn mare, completely encased, her eyes frozen in pure terror.

“How did that happen?” Rainbow asked quizzically.

“Likely she was standing there when the crystal started to grow and she was simply caught inside.” He stepped back and gazed upwards, noting how high the column extended into the sky. “Shadowbolt, I need you to fly to the top of this column and when I give the word, drive your sword into its peak.”

“What will that do, exactly?”

“If youl do as I say, you'll see soon enough.” Replied Sombra, returning his eyes to the encased mare.

“Right.” Rainbow beat her wings faster and quickly ascended to top. Unsheathing her sword, she hovered just over the top, head poised, ready to strike.

“Now!” Sombra’s voice said loudly inside her mind. Driving her sword down with all her might, Rainbow caught just a glimpse of what looked like red lightning traveling down the blade of her sword, just before it was buried in the crystal.

A second passed and Rainbow was just about to pull her sword out when red lightning erupted from her sword and traveled down the column, cracking it as it did so. Seconds later the entire column exploded outward in a red shockwave, every piece of the column evaporating into red mist. Rainbows eyes were wide in surprise at what had happened. Sheathing her sword, she flew back down to Sombra who was checking the pulse of the now free mare.

“Just as I thought.” He said, just as Rainbow rejoined him. “Shes still alive.” He removed his hoof from her neck and stepped back, nodding down at the mare. “We’ll take her with us. If you would, Shadowbolt.”

“Uh...yeah.” Responded Rainbow, dropping to the ground beside the mare and lifting her up onto her back.

“What did you do, to my sword I mean?” Rainbow asked, falling in step behind Sombra as they walked back to Twilight.

“That? I simply charged it with a disintegration spell. As Ive said before, your sword was crafted from crystal located deep beneath us. One of the unique properties of these crystals is the ability to channel magic much like a unicorns horn. The only difference is that it can only hold magic and not create it.”

“So does that mean you or Twilight could cast a spell on my sword to make it do something like that all the time?” Rainbow asked, excitement in her voice

“Not on that scale but yes, one of us could enchant your sword so that it gains a particular magical attribute.”

“Like what?”

“Fire, ice,and lightning to name a few. If you're truly interested, Twilight will no doubt explain in much greater detail.”

They approached Twilight who was carefully studying the corpse as it floated next to her.

She looked over at them noticing that the mare on Rainbows back was still breathing. “Whose that?”

“A resource.” Sombra said, simply. “We have everything we need, let us return to the fortress.” Sombras horn sparked suddenly and the black fog rose up and covered them before sinking back to the ground.


“Fire?” Twilight said, slightly surprised. “I thought you'd go for the lightning.”

“Lightning would be cool but theres just something about a flaming sword that speaks to me.”

They had returned to Fortress Umbra and were currently in a large study room. Sombra was across the room, sitting at a desk with the crystallized corpse before him. The mare they had rescued was lying on a small cot in a corner, sleeping.

Twilight levitated the crystal sword into the air and turned it over slowly. “Well the fire would look better with the red blade, plus Im pretty sure there would be quite an intimidation factor when your sword catches fire.”

“Exactly. So would you do that?” Rainbow Dash asked, leaning forward and giving Twilight her best ‘Your the best ever’ face.

“You know I would.” Replied Twilight with a smile. She turned the blade downward and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed a soft purple as a tiny beam of energy extended from the tip of her horn to the blade, just above the crossguard. The beam burned into the blade as Twilight began to move her head slowly, directing the beam to etch a symbol, the symbol for fire.

With the symbol finished, Twilight stopped her movement as her horn erupted with bright orange flames. The flames traveled down the beam into the blade, causing the freshly etched symbol to glow brightly. The blade flashed as the flames went out and the beam from Twilight's horn disappeared,

“There we go.” Twilight said happily. “Ive always wanted to try that weapon enchantment spell.” She levitated the sword back to Rainbow Dash who eagerly grasped it with her mouth.

“Thanks, Twi. How does it work?”

“Well, when you hold it all you have to do is think ‘Flame’ and the enchantment will activate.”

No sooner had Twilight finished speaking, the blade burst into blood red flames, sending Rainbow into a fit of giggles.

“Oh thats so cool!” She said, waving the sword back and forth, loving the sound it made as it heated the air.

“It is, though I'm not sure why the flames are red, must have to do with the crystal itself. When you want to put it out just think ‘Extinguish’.”

Rainbow stopped waving the sword around just as the fire went out with a hiss. “Aw yeah! Can’t wait to try this bad boy out now!”

“Just be careful, the magic has a limited charge. After you use it for awhile, one of us will need to recharge it.”

“Could you come here a moment, Twilight?” Sombra called out.

“Back in a sec” Twilight said, before turning and walking over to Sombra. Rainbow Dash just grinned as her sword burst into flames once again.

“What is it?” Asked Twilight, coming to a stop beside Sombra.

He glanced over at her. “I need your assistance with the spell I am preparing.”

“Just tell me what I need to do.”

“Levitate the corpse into the air and hold it.”

Twilight's horn glowed as the corpse lifted silently into the air.

“Excellent, now hold it steady.” Sombra closed his eyes as green lightning crackled along his horn. His lips began to move, no words came out but the air around him hummed with power. Lifting a fore hoof, he placed it on the crystal jutting from the stallion's neck, the lightning in his horn sparked, traveling through his body and into his hoof where it passed into the crystal, causing it to glow softly.

The crystal started to vibrate and slowly began to sink into the corpse, getting smaller as it did so. Within moments the crystal was no bigger than a amulet, glowing brightly from its place at the base of the stallions neck. Sombra opened his eyes and motioned for Twilight to place the corpse on the floor. She complied, levitating it to a spot on the ground behind him and cutting her spell. Sombra stood up from his chair and moved to stand over the corpse.

Raising his fore hooves into the air, he made as if to grab something while channeling more energy into his horn, until it thrummed with power. With a powerful motion, he threw his hooves down at the corpse, sending all the magic in his horn through his hooves and into the crystal embedded in its neck. A jolt ran through the body as Sombra let his hooves fall back to the ground.

Twilight moved to stand next to Sombra, likewise Rainbow Dash had also moved across the room to stand opposite them.

“What did you do?” Twilight asked, eyeing the corpse.

“Something new.” A dark smile spread over his face as he looked down on the corpse.

“Rise, my soldier.” Sombra commanded.

Both Twilight and Rainbow gasped loudly when the corpse opened its eyes. Once grey and lifeless, they now glowed green. The corpse rolled to its hooves and slowly stood, joints cracking loudly as it did so.

“Whom do you serve?” Sombra asked in a commanding voice.

“Sombra.” It said slowly, in a hollow voice.

“You brought him back to life?!” Rainbow Dash said in disbelief, taking a small step away from the risen corpse.

“Not exactly.” Sombra said. “Think of it as an unlife, not dead and not alive. His soul has long since departed this world thus he is empty, a husk. Incapable of free thought, he does not know pain or fear and he will never tire.” Sombras smile widened.

“You mean to build an army with these... things?” Rainbow Dash asked, still unsure how to take the idea of a walking, talking corpse.

“Its brilliant.” Said Twilight, quietly. A smile to match Sombra’s own spread across her face. She wrapped her fore hooves around his right leg and looked up at him, eyes shining brightly. “An entire necropolis lies beneath us just waiting to be awoken!” She looked back to the corpse, a thoughtful look coming over her. “Though we will need to find a way to perform the spell over a large area.”

“Together we will find a way but before we can do that there is one final thing we must attend to.” Sombra turned towards the mare, asleep on the cot.

Twilight followed his gaze. “Will she also became one of these?”

“No, we need others who are able to think for themselves. Officers, who can lead and command during battle.”

“But will she join us?” Asked Twilight. “Would she even be useful if she did?”

“She will prove useful. As for joining us...” He looked down at Twilight. “You will make sure she does.”

Twilight looked up in surprise. “Me? How?”

“You will find a way.”

“Can't you do it?” Twilight said, stepping back from Sombra.

He shook his head. “I can but I want you to do it.” He gently lifted her left fore hoof in his own and kissed it softly.” I believe in you, my Queen of Shadows.”

She gazed into his eyes and sighed. “Alright.”

He released her hoof and she walked across the room to stand next to the cot. The mare lay there, her chest rising and falling gently beneath the covers. Casting a quick waking spell, Twilight patiently waited for the mare to awaken.

The mares breathing quickened as her eyes fluttered open. Twilight could see confusion in them as she looked around. Confusion turned to fear as her eyes fell on Twilight.

“Ahhhh!!” The mare screamed, sitting up on her cot, clutching the blanket to her chest.

“Shh, its alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” Twilight said, reassuringly.

“Who...where am I?!” The mare asked, fear evident in her voice. She moved as far back as she could from Twilight, never taking her eyes from her.

“You're in my fortress. My friends rescued you. Whats your name?”

“Ar...Arctic….Arctic Meadow.” The mare answered, appearing to calm down. “Who...who are you?”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Arctic Meadows breathing slowed as she lowered her blanket. “What happened? I remember a festival then running and...” She brought a hoof to her face as she trailed off. “I can't remember after that.”

A shadow passed over Arctic Meadows face, drawing her eyes upwards. She stopped breathing altogether as her pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks. “No….”

Twilight sighed loudly. “You're not helping you know.” She said, just before Arctic Meadow let out a blood curdling scream and attempted to jump from the cot. Twilight was faster however, catching the mare in her magic and slamming her back to the cot where she conjured green tendrils to bind her.

Arctic continued to scream until Twilight bound her mouth as well. She then turned and glared at Sombra who merely smiled in return. “Whoops.” He said casually, walking back to his desk and sitting down. Twilight turned back to Arctic who was staring at her in pure terror.

“Listen to me.” Twilight said forcefully, eyes glowing brightly with dark magic. “Sombra is your rightful King and I am his Queen.” Her horn crackled with magic as her voice became laced with power. “We demand your obedience!”

Arctic Meadows eyes temporarily flashed green before returning to normal. Twilight's horn sparked with magic, severing the tendrils wrapped around Arctic Meadows body and mouth. Twilight stepped back from the cot, allowing Arctic to calmly stand up.

“Whom do you serve?”

Arctic Meadow dropped to her knees before Twilight and bowed her head.

“Queen Twilight.”


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Chapter 29

As captain of the royal guard, Steadfast had faced many threats, most notably the tyrant King Sombra. Each time standing his ground, never once showing fear even in the face of almost certain death. The true embodiment of his name. Steadfast Bulwark. The unmovable force.

All other threats paled in comparison to what lay on his desk, just inches from him.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Steadfast took a fearful look at the clock to his left. His heart rate quickened at what he saw.

Half past nine.

The modicum of peace he found fled as his gaze dropped to the near blank piece of parchment on his desk with the word 'The' written in a beautiful flowing script. The result of several hours of deep soul searching and contemplation.

The desk jerked violently, almost spilling the nearly full ink well, as Steadfast's head landed heavily on its surface. The pain of the impact did little to stir the creativity he so desperately needed, the most it did was exacerbate his steadily growing migraine.

"Punks I can handle." He said to himself, voice muffled by the desk. "Vagrants, no trouble. Evil Dark Lord from a by gone age, cake walk." He allowed his head to roll to one side so he could intently studied a small crack in the wall hoping it would provide enlightenment, it didn’t.

"But I'll be damned if I can’t think up a simple speech." With a groan he sat back up, nearly toppling from his chair in his haste, jumped to his hooves and begun to pace in front of his desk.

If he had been counting (which he hadn’t), this would be the twelve time he had walked the now visible groove in the floor, in the vain hope he would get an idea of what to say.

After a few turns on the floor it became apparent that this time would be no different. With an angry sigh he stomped over to the door and flung it open with a burst of magic, startling the two soldier’s stationed there.

"One of you bring me Lt. Col Dux, ASAP!" He barked loudly, further startling the soldiers who both hurriedly saluted before running off in opposite directions. Slamming the door shut, Steadfast marched over to his chair and sat down with a huff. Several seconds ticked by before his spontaneous anger was replaced with the unnatural fear from earlier.

"Calm yourself, Steadfast." He chided himself mentally. "You've given speeches before and those turned out alright."

"Yes, but those were simple things, explanations of strategies or lectures." The Devil’s Advocate in him responded. "This however is much more. What you say today will be remember for years to come as Eqestria’s first declaration of war. The speech future generations will quote and reference."

"Which is why I set aside several hours to work on it." Replied Steadfast.

The Devil’s Advocate smirked. "How’s that worked out so far, hm? Four hours and what have you come up with?" It glanced over at the parchment. "The? Yes, very motivating. Another eight days and you might have a complete sentence."

"Shut up!" Roared Steadfast, slamming his hoof down unto the desk and sending the ink well flying into the air where it traveled a short distance to the floor.

Breathing heavily, Steadfast became aware of a presence in the room with him. Slowly raising his eyes up he saw an extremely scared Dux sitting on a chair across from him.

"Uh....with respect, sir." Dux began, clearing his throat before continuing. "I didn’t say anything."

"No?" Steadfast said, qwerking an eyebrow at him. "No, of course you didn’t." He leaned back in his chair and forced his breathing to slow. "I apologize. You caught me in the middle of an argument."

Dux looked to his left then to his right. "With who sir?"

Steadfast waved a hoof dismissively. "Never mind that. I wanted to get the latest operations report from you."

Dux straightened in his chair. "Of course, sir. Was there anything specific you wanted to hear, or just a generalized report?"

"Generalized with details." Answered Steadfast, neatly folding his hooves on his desk.

Dux nodded. "Well ever since the riot , enlistment rates have tripled. Training regiments were increased to five times a day with about 300 fully trained soldiers being turned out every two hours."

"Total amount?"

"At last census about 55,000. The majority of which is Earth and Unicorn ground troops, with around four battalions of Pegasus, trained by the Wonderbolts, and lastly three platoons of Unicorn Battle mages."


"Several weeks’ worth of provisions, weapons, oils, sharpening stones, tents, armour..." Dux trailed off. "I have a complete list if you’d prefer to read it?"

Steadfast waved him off. "No need. Return to your duties."

"Sir." Dux said with a salute before getting to his hooves and making for the door.

"One more thing." Called out Steadfast just as Dux reached for the handle. "Send Rarity up."

"Yes, sir." Responded Dux as he stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind him, leaving Steadfast once more alone with his speech.

"What exactly did that accomplish exactly?" Asked the Devil’s Advocate. It glanced at the clock and chuckled lightly. "Other than wasting twenty minutes I mean."

Steadfast chose to ignore it rather than get drawn into another argument. He waited patiently, hardly moving and doing his best to not look at the time.

Sometime later the door to his office opened and in stepped Rarity. After their talk following her outburst with Grey Skies, Rarity had taken to wearing an old Stetson. He never asked but from what he knew of the Elements of Harmony and from what he gleaned at the funeral, he understood the significance of that hat and allowed her to continue to wear it.

"You wanted to see me, General?" Asked Rarity, stepping cautiously over the groove in the floor and saluting.

"Yes." He motioned to the empty chair. "Please, have a seat."

Rarity complied, taking the seat before him.

"How has your training been going?" Steadfast asked after a time.

Rarity cast a suspicious glance at him. "May I speak freely sir?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." Her gaze changed from suspicion to accusation. "We both know your just using me as an excuse so you don’t have to write your speech."

Steadfast opened his mouth to deny her accusation but the look in her eye made him think twice, instead he slumped in his seat with a tired sigh. "Am I that easy to read?"

Rarities glare softened. "No, but I know a creative block when I see one." She nodded at his desk. "May I see what you’ve written so far?"

A halfhearted wave was her answer. Levitating the parchment over to her, she scanned the only word on the parchment before placing back in its place.

"Well you do have a very intricate writing style."

"I’ll be sure to use it next time I pen a report." Steadfast said, angrily. He sighed again and sat up in his chair, placing his hooves on his desk as he did so.

"I apologize. I should not have used that tone with you. Today has been one of the most difficult days I’ve ever dealt with."

"Coming from the stallion who faced down Sombra and put together a full military in three days, that’s saying something." Rarity said, humorously.

When Steadfast didn’t reply, Rarity changed her stance. “Did you consider adlibbing?”

“About two hours ago, yes.”


Steadfast leaned forward and looked Rarity straight in the eye. “Would that be enough? I’m throwing good ponies, actual lives at something that can defeat a god. They need…no they deserve the best I can do because that’s what I expect of them.”

“Do you actually think that a speech will motivate the troops? General, let me tell you something.” She leaned forward, mimicking Steadfast. “You will motivate them, not by giving a grand speech but by leading. If you stand defiant against Sombra Everypony will stand behind you and so long as you believe we can win, they will to!”

A grin fought against the frown that had been present on his face the last few hours, with a final surge it obliterated the frown and claimed its place on Steadfast’s face.

“You’re somewhat of a hypocrite you know. Saying speeches won’t motivate but yours sure did.” He said, pushing himself away from his desk.

“Nonsense.” Replied Rarity, following suit. “Speeches are longer.” She nodded towards the clock. “And I believe its time you gave yours.”

He followed her gaze. “So it is.” He moved around his desk, levitating his helmet from its place by the desk and placed it on his head and headed for the door, stopping to place a hoof on Rarities shoulder. “Thank you.”

“You can thank me later, sir.” She responded with a grin.

“That I will.” He removed his hoof from her shoulder and opened the door with magic, stopping to glance back at her from the threshold. “Well come along then. If I’m going to be giving a speech you’re going to be standing there with me.” He said.

Rarity allowed herself a grin. “As you say.” She said before following him out the door. They quickly made their way through the castle, along the way the pair ran into Dux who joined them.

“Ten minutes, general. Are you ready?” Asked Dux as he fell into step beside them
Steadfast nodded. “As I’ll ever be. What’s the situation down below?”

“The last few battalions are moving into the courtyard as we speak.”


The trio entered into the hallway leading to the balcony where Steadfast would be giving his speech. Halfway down the hall, Dux excused himself to go see to final preparations, leaving Steadfast and Rarity to finish the journey alone.

Coming to a stop at the balcony doors, Steadfast placed a hoof on the handle and took a deep breath.

“Here we go”

Opening the door with a single fluid motion, Steadfast stepped out onto the balcony, followed closely by Rarity. A cool morning breeze gently blew past them while the suns weak rays danced off their armour, casting them in a soft golden glow.

They stepped to the balcony’s edge and looked down into the courtyard below. A mighty roar accompanied by thunderous stamping rose up at the sight of them. Row upon row of ponies, Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus stood together in formation, cheering for their General and Regent. Steadfast mentally counted to thirty before raising his right hoof in a quieting motion. Immediately the cheering stopped and a hush fell over those assembled.

Casting the spell to augment his voice, Steadfast spoke.

“Eqestria is a nation of peace!” Steadfast said, his voice being carried on the wind. “But that does not mean we haven’t seen are fair share of strive.” He motioned to Rarity standing at his side. “I stand beside one of the fabled Elements of Harmony. One of six brave mares who for the last two years have kept us all safe from forces that sought to destroy us. They didn’t choose their fate, they were called to it by a higher power, a call they answered gladly. Without fear they proudly marched into the Crystal empire with the goal of saving it from the tyranny of Sombra.”

Steadfast paused and glanced to Rarity who had her head bowed. “One gave her life in answer to that call, while two others their freedom.” He paused again and placed both hooves onto the balcony railing.

“But they did not fail.”

“Fourteen brave ponies went into the empire not knowing what they would find and gave themselves so that we would know the truth about Sombra.”

“But they did not fail.”

“Our beloved Princess Luna attempted to parley for the lives of those held prisoner only to be returned to us broken and on the brink of death.”

“But she did not fail.”

Steadfast brought his hoof up and placed it over his heart. “Overwhelmed by fear our own turned against us in the wake of Celestia's withdrawal, sending the city spiraling into turmoil. Forcing us to fight our own in order to restore peace.”

"But we did not fail!"

All eyes were trained on Steadfast and many of the soldiers held a hoof over their hearts in reverence.

"Today we march on the Crystal Empire, to right an ancient wrong and to ensure that the sacrifices made will not be in vain."

Steadfast thrust his hoof into the air "Today Eqestria goes to war and we will not fail!"

Cheers erupted from the assembled the sound reverberating off the inner walls, reaching a crescendo that shook the foundation of the castle.

Steadfast turned from the balcony ledge and walked back inside, followed by Rarity who closed the doors behind her. Thankfully the doors all but silenced the loud cheers from outside.

"Impressive." Said Rarity once they were a ways down the hall.

Steadfast snorted loudly. "Next time I’ll talk to you before I spend all morning beating my head against the wall."

Rarity simply smiled at his words as they both made their way back through the castle.


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Chapter 30

The door flew open with a bang, sending a vibration through the floor that threatened to topple the many stacks of books surrounding her.

“Hey Twilight! Where do you want the stiffs?” Rainbow Dash called out.

When it became apparent the books would not fall, Twilight stood on her hind legs to see over the wall of books stacked around her. She saw Rainbow Dash hovering above Arctic Meadow who was carrying five bodies in her lime green magic. “You can put them in a pile over by the desk.”

“You heard the lady, over by the desk.” Rainbow Dash said, pointing in that direction.

“At once, Captain.” Arctic said before depositing the bodies by the desk, sending Rainbow into a fit of giggles.

Twilight smiled at Rainbow. “What’s so funny?”

“She calls me Captain.” Said Rainbow, stifling more giggles.

“Well you are a Captain. I’d thought you’d be used to that by now?”

Rainbow Dash stopped her giggling but retained the large grin. “Well it’s one thing to know you’re a Captain but it’s another thing entirely when someone calls you it. Here let me show you.” Rainbow dropped to the floor in front of Arctic Meadow and pointed a hoof directly at her. “Whom do you serve?” Rainbow said with authority.

“Queen Twilight.” Answered Arctic, turning and bowing in Twilights direction.

“Doesn’t that just make you feel important?” Rainbow asked. She flapped her wings and took to the air again.

Twilight did feel a sense of pride and importance when Arctic called her Queen. “I suppose your right.”

“So how’s the walking dead guy spell coming?” Rainbow asked, hovering over to Twilight.

“Reanimation spell, and I was just about to test it.” Twilight moved over to the pile of bodies and ignited her horn, filling it with dark magic until a thrumming ball of energy rested at the tip of her horn. Slowly the ball lifted into the air and floated gently over to the bodies where it flashed violently, sending five bolts of lightning into the corpses. Two disintegrated on contact while the other three jerked once before lying still again.

Rainbow Dash waved a hoof in front of her face, attempting to clear the air of the burnt body smell. “I’m guessing that wasn’t supposed to happen?”

Twilights sneer was her only answer. Levitating a rolled piece of parchment and quill from the desk, Twilight quickly jotted down a few notes.

The room visibly darkened as a mass of shadows congealed into a writhing mass at its center. The mass rose up and fell away leaving Sombra’s armoured form standing tall.

“Can’t you ever just walk into a room like a normal pony?” Twilight said angrily, placing the parchment and quill back on the desk. Sombra merely grinned as he walked over to her. “Come now my dear.” He leaned down so that they were eye level. “You know you love it.”

“Most days yes.” She replied, glaring at him. “But not today.”

“Her spell didn’t work.” Chimed in Rainbow Dash.

Twilight leaned past Sombra and stuck her tongue out at Rainbow Dash causing Sombra to chuckle. “I take it you’re having trouble?”

Twilight sighed loudly. “No thanks to you.” She walked back over to her stack of books and began to rifle through them. “I distinctly remember you saying something about the two of us figuring out this spell together.” She stopped her rummaging and turned towards him. “Or did I mishear you?”

“No, you heard correctly, my dear. Something tripped the outer wards so I went to investigate.

“Did you find anything?”

“Indeed I did.” A dark grin slowly spread over his face. “A military host is currently marching towards the Crystal Empire.”

“What?!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash. Twilight however was more collected. “What is it comprised of?”

“Ponies flying the standard of Eqestria.”

“That’s impossible.” Responded Twilight in semi disbelief. “Eqestria doesn’t have a military.”

“It seems it does now, 50,000 at least.”

“Can we handle that many?” Rainbow Dash asked

“Not without risk.” Answered Sombra. His eyes drifted over to Twilight who seemed to be lost in thought. “And I’d rather not take that risk.”

“And the reanimation spell isn’t ready yet….” Twilight mumbled to herself. She glanced over at Sombra. “How many corpses could you reanimate by morning?”

“Very few.”

“Hm.” Twilight said, lapsing back into deep thought. She carefully combed through her extensive knowledge of spells in the hope of finding something that could assist them. The longer she looked the angrier she became, just when she was about to give up her mind fell upon a lone memory stashed in the recesses of her mind. Deep within Fortress Umbra was a small windowless room, lit by a single green torch, inside of which was held a purple and green baby dragon, one whose mind had long since been broken.

An evil smile crept over Twilights face.


The troops were in high spirits right up until they passed into the Frozen North. Stinging wind and biting cold hounded them with every step and constant snow storms threatened to bury them as they marched along. But no one complained.

Steadfast had briefly considered taking the train into the Crystal Empire but he had feared the amount of time it would take to get all the troops into place would leave them vulnerable to attack. So instead he ordered a few Pegasus squads to scout ahead while the army marched on hoof, constantly on the lookout for any signs of trouble.

Steadfast and Rarity headed up the column as they crested a small rise in the land. For a brief moment the sun broke through the snow storm and reflected off of Steadfast’s golden armour, giving him an ethereal glow. Unbeknownst to Steadfast, many of the troops saw him as a celestial figure, one that instilled them with hope, before the storm closed in around them again.

“Hopefully this storm lifts before we reach the city.” Steadfast said, through the blue scarf wrapped around his face.

“We’ll see in time.” Responded Rarity, through her own scarf of deep purple.

They continued forward, heads bowed against the wind. Each step breaking through the hard encrusted snow. At times it seemed the storm would let up, only to increase in its intensity.

“We should be getting close!” Steadfast shouted over the wind. No sooner than the words left his mouth, the wind and snow suddenly stopped. The sudden bright light from the sun, temporarily blinded him as he removed his scarf. After his eyes adjusted he was able to see that the ground was clear of snow and appeared to have been burned recently.

Free from the storm, the order was given for the troops to move into formation. Within minutes, every soldier had gathered behind Steadfast.

“Forward.” He shouted.

Somewhere down the line a drum beat echoed on the still air. On the second beat, the army marched forward, keeping in time with the rhythm they moved forward. Each bang on the drum, sending fear and anticipation down the line. Several yards ahead the ground began a steady rise up to a hill that would overlook the Crystal City. They continued their march, stopping once they crested the hill.

“By Celestia.” Breathed Steadfast.

In the distance, the black crystal dome still surrounded the Crystal City but it was the massive onyx fortress floating in the sky above it that drew his attention. Rarity said nothing as she moved to stand beside him, but one could see the deep hatred seething in her eyes.

“Halt!” Shouted Steadfast. Immediately the army came to a stop.

He nodded to Rarity who raised her right foreleg high into the air. Seconds’ later somepony blew a horn, a single clear note that sent shivers down the spine of all who heard it. Their presence announced, Steadfast carefully scanned the dark fortress for signs of life.
A terrible roar echoed across the land, one filled with pain and rage. Steadfast dropped into a combat stance and drew his dual swords, Rarity followed suit, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow.

“Prepare for battle!” Steadfast shouted. The hiss of steel sounded up and down the line as the soldiers readied themselves.
Rarity carefully scanned the skies for the source of the roar. She felt a nagging sensation in the back of her skull, the same one felt when trying to recall a memory.

“Why does that sound familiar?” She thought. The roar sounded again, this time much louder. A cold sliver of fear and disbelief drove itself into her heart. “No…it can’t be….please.”

As if in answerer a huge column of green fire erupted from somewhere inside the fortress, followed closely by another pain filled roar. Everypony whatched in fear as a giant purple and green dragon clawed its way out of the fortress. Spyraing more fire from its maw, the dragon leapt into the air, unfulring its glistening wings with a snap and began to circle high overhead.

Tears spilled from Rarities eyes as the fear and disbeilf in her heart gave way to sadness. “Oh Spike.”


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Chapter 31

"Spike." Rarity screamed his name even as the dragon roared, drowning out all sound. Turning its attention to the army, the dragon banked its flight and dove towards them with fire leaking from its mouth as it gained speed.

"Artillery!" Steadfast shouted, snapping Rarity's attention from the dragon. She turned to Steadfast and shouted for him to wait, but she was too late.


Thousands of multi coloured balls of energy rocketed into the sky. Many were off course, passing harmlessly by, but the bulk found their mark. The dragon screamed as the energy balls exploded against its hide. A few struck its face but did little to deter the beast.

"Prepare to fire again!" Ordered Steadfast.

"Wait!" Shouted Rarity as she jumped in front of Steadfast. He turned his fiery gaze from the sky to her. "Are you mad?" He asked. A shadow passed over them, drawing their attention back to the sky.

Somewhere down the line, a pony shouted.


A multi couloured canopy shield appeared over the army just as the dragon sprayed green fire. The flames washed over a portion of the shield, searing the air. The shield held but many directly underneath burst into flames from the heat alone, their screams were heard over the roar of the flames.

"General, I know that dragon! He's my friend!" Rarity shouted. The dragon ceased its fire breath and beat its wings to gain altitude, each flap sending a jarring thud through the air. Steadfast was about to respond when the dragon suddenly clapped its wings to its body and dropped from the sky. Hundreds screamed in terror as the dragons immense weight broke through the shield and landed amongst them with a tremendous quake.

Soldiers who could broke and ran. Some tried to fight back against the dragon but were either crushed by its claws or tail or incinerated by fire from its maw. The smell of blood and charred meat hung heavy on the air.

"General, please!" Pleaded Rarity, tears still in her eyes. Steadfast grabbed her forcibly before shouting out another order. "Pull back! Pull back!"

He pulled Rarity close. "Listen to me." He said having to raise his voice over the sound of the dying. "That thing is slaughtering our soldiers." He grabbed her head and forced her to look in the direction of the dragon as it rampaged through the lines. "If we do not stop it we will all die!"

Several Pegasus squadron took to the air and circled the dragons head, attempting to draw it back into the sky.

"Sombra's manipulating him. He'd never kill anypony willingly." Fresh tears spilled from her eyes. "He's only a baby!" Pleaded Rarity."He's only a baby dragon." She added quietly.

"Bah!" Steadfast said in anger, letting go of Rarity's head. Free from his grip, she slumped to the ground, eyes still on Spike. He moved in front of her, shouting to all those who could hear him to fall back.

"But he might still be reasoned with." Shouted Rarity. "If I could talk with him!"

A Pegasus guard managed to nick the dragons eye with his sword, drawing its full attention and ire. With a mighty sweep, the dragon unfurled its wings and took to the sky in pursuit of the Pegasus who flew with all haste.

Steadfast watched the dragon's jaws snap shut around the Pegasus in a spray of blood. "Im sorry Rarity, truly I am, but your friend is gone. The only thing we can do now is kill him before he claims any more lives." He turned back to her and placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "Its what your friend would want."

Rarity moved to slap his hoof away but stopped as Steadfast words sank in. "Your right." She said solemnly. "Spike would want to be stopped." She took a shaky breath and put on a determined look.

"Ok, General. Im with you. What's the plan?"

The sky was briefly illuminated as the dragon sprayed searing green fire over a group of Pegasus. Their blackened bodies fell from the sky as the others scattered. "We hit it with everything we got. Signal for the Pegasus to pull out!" Ordered Steadfast.

Rarity fired off several colourful beams of light from her horn into the air. Moments later the surviving Pegasus squads broke away from the dragon.

He augmented his voice with a spell. "The rest of you! Focus fire on the dragon! Do not stop until that thing is dead!"

On his orders, every Unicorn still alive fired off spell after spell at the dragon. Fire and electricity blanketed the sky as the spells exploded around or on the dragon. Glistening purple scales and black blood fell like rain, clear signs that the dragon was wounded.

The dragon screamed in pain, whipping its tail and swinging its claws in an attempt to swat the energy balls away. It writhed and twisted, doing everything it could to avoid the death cloud that surrounded it.

It screamed again when several energy balls struck it's left wing, blowing a sizable chunk of wing membrane and bone structure off. With its flight capabilities crippled, the dragon began to spiral towards the ground.

Steadfast stood below, illuminated in the light from the barrage with a mad gleam in his eye. "Bring it down! Bring it down! Bring it down!" He shouted over the thunder of the artillery and screams of the dragon.

Moments later the dragon slammed into the ground not far from Steadfast's position in a huge plume of fire and dust, sending a tremor that could be felt for miles around.

The barraged halted and a cheer erupted at the sight but died abruptly when the dragon could be seen moving through the dust cloud.

"Damn things still alive." Muttered Steadfast. He raised his right fore hoof into the air. "Fire at will!"

Again, thousands of energy balls flew through the air and fell around the dragon. Large chunks of earth and stone were propelled into the air by the force of the explosions. The dragon screamed and thrashed in its hole, spraying huge streams of fire in all directions.

The barrage continued for several minutes until finally the dragon ceased its screams.

"Cease fire! Cease fire!"

An odd calm settled over the area as the last explosions died out. The dust kicked up by the artillery hung close to the ground, obscuring their sight.

"Clear the air." Ordered Steadfast. A few Pegasus quickly cleared the dust with their wings, revealing the full extent of the damage done.

The dragon lay motionless in a large crater surrounded by burned chunks of earth and glistening purple scales. Large holes had been blown into its hide from which black blood oozed out. Its wings stuck out at odd angles, clearly broken and all but stripped of its membrane.

"Did we get it?" A nearby soldier asked.

"Looks like it." Answered another.

Suddenly the dragon let out a hollow moan as it tried to move.

"Guess not." Said another.

Another moan escaped the dragon as it attempted to stand. It managed to push itself up with two legs before one gave out with a loud crack, sending it sprawling out in the dust. It tried once more but managed only in flopping to its side.

Steadfast looked to Rarity at his side. Her face showed no emotion but her eyes told a different story.

The dragon moaned again as a visible tremor went through its body. Seconds later it began to shrink, slowly at first but with growing speed

"We best hurry." Steadfast said. Rarity eyes jerked towards him as he motioned for her to go. Without a word, Rarity dashed towards the dragon.

"Spike!" Shouted Rarity as she ran, pouring all her energy into her legs.

Steadfast sighed sadly as Rarity ran towards the dragon.

By the time she reached the crater, no longer was there a fully grown adult dragon lying amidst the crater but rather a small baby dragon.

"Spike!" Shrieked Rarity as she ran to his side.

"Spike." She said again as she fell to her knees next to him.

He lay on his back in a pool of his own blood, his battered body struggling to breathe, each breath barely more than a ragged gasp laced with blood.

Tears fell freely as she reached a hoof out to gently caress his head. His eyes flew open at her touch, fearfully looking around until they rested on her.

"Ra....ra...ity...." Spike garbled out past the blood flowing from his mouth.

"Yes." She whispered, voice cracking. "Im here Spike."

"Rar...." A large bubble of blood burst from his mouth, splattering Rarities face. His chest began to heave violently then became still.

Rarity slowly pulled his still body close to her while her own began to shake. She lowered her head and sobbed into his blood covered chest. Her tears mixing with the blood causing it to run anew.

"Well done." A deep voice said. "Well done indeed."

Rarity stopped her sobbing, lifted her blood smeared face, and gently placed Spike on the ground, closing his eyes as she did so. She then slowly got to her hooves and drew her sword, leveling her gaze and blade at the dark stallion in black armour and flowing red cape standing a few feet away.

"King Sombra." She said in a voice that demanded vengeance. "You head is mine."

Sombra's eyes flashed red as a dark smile spread across his face. "Is that so?" He said mockingly.

His shadow congealed into a black puddle that moved in front of him before rising up to form a narrow shaft made from black crystals. Grasping the shaft in his magic, he slowly pulled it from the puddle, revealing a curved crimson blade fixed to its head.

He spun the crystal scythe over his head once before holding it lazily at his side.

"If you wish my head, come and claim it."


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Chapter 32

Steadfast sighed sadly as Rarity ran towards the dragon.

"General?" He heard Lt. Col. Dux ask from behind him. Turning he found his soldiers looking to him expectantly.

"Right then." Steadfast said. "I want the Battle Mages to move to the back and prepare to bombard the fortress on my mark, they're signal to fire will be a blue flare. Should Sombra appear a yellow flare will be for the MDP."

"You!" Stedfast said, pointing to a nearby pegasus and raising his voice to be heard over orders being passed through the ranks. "Get three Pegasus squadron to circle the fortress looking out for anything that could become trouble, the rest I want ready to provide air support should we need it, signal red flare.

"Sir!" The Pegasus said with a salute before taking to the skies.

"Dux! You'll lead the ground forces, cover my approach and ensure our mages stay protected." Steadfast pointed towards an Earth Pony standing beside Dux.

"Lieutenant, you and your platoon will be accompany me."

Steadfast watched as the Lieutenant quickly rounded up his charges. Just as the last soldier fell in line a cry rose up from nearby.

"General! Look!"

Steadfast whirled around and felt his blood run cold at what he saw.


“Rage and hatred coursed through Rarity's veins as she leapt forward with a loud battle cry, clearing the space between her and the tyrant king in a single bound. Landing lightly on her hooves directly in front of Sombra, Rarity thrust her sword upward with the intention of piercing his black heart.

A shockwave jarred the air and ran through her body as Sombra deflected her thrust in a flash of crimson, turning the blade downward and putting a notch in the blade. Placing all her weight on her front left hoof, Rarity used the momentum from the deflection to pirouette behind him and slash her sword upward.

Another jarring shockwave past through her body as Sombra again deflected the attack, flashes of crimson the only indication of where his scythe was. His dark smile grew wider as Rarity continued to swing her sword in a futile attempt to break through his defenses.

"You fight with a ferocity I’ve not seen since my time as king." Sombra said, catching Rarity's sword on the inside of his scythes blade. He spun his weapon in place, driving her sword into the ground at her hooves before coming full circle to rest against Rarity's exposed neck.

"You know?" He said slowly, leaning in close to Rarity. A single droplet of blood slid down her throat as she raised her eyes to meet his. "You remind me much of myself."

"I'm nothing like you." Whispered Rarity, boundless anger dripping from every word. Her horn flashed blue, sending a magical wave that pushed her out of his reach while also launching several arrows from her quiver towards Sombra.

He merely smiled at the onslaught, easily deflecting each arrow effortlessly with a quick burst of magic.

"I’m afraid it will take more than that to harm me." Said Sombra. He was about to say more when there was a bright flash of white light behind him followed by the loud clang of metal on crystal as Sombra blocked two downward strikes simultaneously with the shaft of his scythe inches above his head.”

"So nice of you to join us." Sombra glanced upward into Steadfasts steely grey eyes. "Captain."

Seeing an opportunity, Rarity snatched up her sword and dove forward, one hoof firmly on her hat, delivering a deep gash in Sombra's armour as sailed past.

"Grrawh!" Growled Sombra as he pushed Steadfast off, who with a neat backflip landed beside Rarity.

"You alright?" He asked, glancing towards the blood slowly staining her purple scarf.

"Im fine." she answered, glancing his way. "I do hope its not just you."

At that moment forty heavily armoured Earth Ponies took up position beside and behind them. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they all gave a shout and leveled their halbergs at Sombra.

Steadfast allowed himself a small smile as he answered. "Nonsence."

"My my." Sombra said, bringing an armoured hoof to his chest. "I appear to be outnumbered." He dropped his hoof back to the ground. "Allow me to even the field."

Sombras eyes flashed red as his horn glowed green. The air began to swirl and darken on either side of him as two portals opened up. They churned violently as lightning arced from within but yet they were strangely silent.

Just as Steadfast and the others were wondering at their purpose, two figures stepped out of the portals to stand beside Sombra.The one to his right was what appeared to be a small Pegasus wearing a black hood and chest piece and had shadows swirling around their hooves and tail, obscuring them. To his left was a large Unicorn armoured identically to Sombra save for the full helm covering its head and face.

Steadfast carefully eyed the newcomers. "I see you've found yourself some followers."

Sombra grinned malevolently. "Oh you have no idea." He motioned to those standing beside him. "Shall I introduce everypony?" He indicated the Pegasus to his right. "This is Shadowbolt, Captain of..."

His voice began a gurgle as an arrow caught him in the throat just above where his armour ended. Steadfast jerked his head towards Rarity who had already nocked and fired another arrow, this time directly at Sombra's forehead.

To their surprise however, the Pegasus disappeared in a cloud of shadows only to reappear in the path of the arrow with a red crystal sword drawn, shearing the arrow down the middle with a lightning fast strike.

"Not bad." Remarked the obviously female Pegasus. "Too bad I'm better."

She glanced back at Sombra. "You ok back there?"

"Glurg." He said, pulling the arrow from his throat in a spray of blood. Black tendril filled the hole, healing it completely.

"Quite well." He casually examined the arrow before tossing it away. "Though it is my fault for monologuing."

He leaned his head to the right and turned and snapped his jaws shut, catching another arrow between his teeth.

The Pegasus whirled just in time to dodge an arrow aimed for her. "Whoah!"

"Seems that Rarity isn't interested in talking." Sombra said snapping the arrow in two by clenching his jaws. "Perhaps another time." He finished with a smile.

No sooner had he finished did the Armoured Unicorn let out a bone chilling yell before charging forward.

"Spear wall!" shouted Steadfast.

The Earth Ponies moved forward and created a protective line in front of Steadfast and Rarity, bracing the butts of their halbergs into the ground as they readied themselves.

With another otherworldly yell, the armoured Unicorn slammed into the spear wall. Three halbergs pierced the Unicorns armour with a loud squeal and buried themselves deeply in its body. The Unicorns momentum bent the shafts to their breaking points and pushed their owners back several feet until the Earth Ponies found purchase enough to bring the Unicorn to a stop.

To their surprise it continued to thrash, despite sustaining what should have been a killing blow. The halbergs already inside snapped as it pushed forward past Steadfast's position. He could only look on in amazement as others broke from the line to impale their own weapons into the creature until it closely resembled a pincushion. "Don't just gawk at it! Kill It!" Ordered Steadfast to the remaining soldiers.

"What do you think of my Maletha?" Sombra said, drawing Steadfast's attention away from the creature and every single soldier he had brought with him. "Amazing isnt he?"

Before Steadfast could respond, Rarity fired another arrow at Sombra who caught it with his magic. "This is becoming tiresome. Shadowbolt, take care of her." He said with a wave of his hoof.

Shadowbolt seemed to hesitate. "Fine." She said, almost reluctantly. She vanished in a cloud of shadows and appeared above Rarity, sword poised to strike.

With a quick sidestep, Rarity avoided the blow and swung her own sword in retaliation. Her sword cut through thin air as Shadowbolt disappeared.

She spun in place and only just managed to parry a slash intended for her throat. Pushing forward, Rarity followed up with several rapid strikes all which Shadowbolt either deflected with her sword or vanished before they could hit her.

Their fight carried them away from the others, not that Rarity noticed, focused as she was on trying to gauge where the next strike would come from.. She struck out with everything she had all the while, Shadowbolt seemed to be playing with her.

With a loud cry she swung her sword in a sweeping arc but again it passed through empty air.

"You'll need to be faster than that!"

Rarity whirled in the direction of the voice and brought her sword up in a parry, catching the crystal shortsword just above the hilt. A quick twist of her blade sent Shadowbolts weapon flying from her mouth before she reversed the swing.

"And you need to talk less." Retorted Rarity as her blade cut deeply into Shadowbolts throat spraying blood all over her.

Shadowbolt fell to her knees with a gurgle, clutching at her ruined throat. The shadows that swirled around her fell away revealing her cyan blue fur and rainbow coloured tail.


She jumped forward and ripped the hood away from Shadowbolt's head revealing a sight that shocked her to her very core.

Staring up at her with a pained grin as her life blood drained away was non other than Rainbow Dash. With what looked like a wink, she vanished in a puff of shadow, leaving Rarity completely dumbfounded.

"I just killed Rainbow Dash?!" The thought of what she had just done making her sick inside. She turned slowly around and saw Sombra standing over Steadfast with one of his swords pointed at his throat. The very sight of him filled her with a burning rage.

"No." she said aloud, eyes burning with intense hatred towards The King of Shadows. "He’s the one to blame." She broke into a run and readied her bow.


Steadfast moved to block Shadowbolts attack but found his own blades stopped by a crimson scythe.

"Its considered dishonourable to interrupt a duel, Captain." Sombra said with a smile as Rarity and Shadowbolts fighting moved away.

Steadfast sneered at Sombra. "Its Captain-General now, and don't speak to me of honour fiend." The Maletha howled in rage some distance away.

"Captain-General?" Sombra said, eyes glowing brightly. "Thats quite an advancement." His smile darkened. "Congratulations."

Steadfast yanked one of his swords free and stabbed it into Sombras chest. It squealed as it cut through the metal chest plate but Sombra seemed unphased.

"Brazen as always." With a quick twirl of his scythe, Sombra rammed the butt of the shaft into Steadfast's head. While his helm absorbed most of the blow, the weight behind the strike still sent him staggering backwards in a daze.

Sombra pulled the sword from his chest and idly examined it. "Excellent craftsmanship." He said as black tendrils repaired the damage to his chest and armour. "Very high quality." Seeing that Steadfast had recovered, Sombra looked to him. "I wonder if you have ever felt its bite?"

His horn glowed green as his crystal scythe fell to the ground where it change into black goo which then was absorbed by his shadow. "Now then." Sombra raised the silver sword in challenge before dropping into a fighting stance. "Shall we?"

Steadfast, unmoved by Sombra's display raised his remaining sword in a similar fashion before adopting his own fighting stance. Seconds passed as the distant sounds of battle floated over them.

Simultaneously, they rushed towards one another, silver swords flashing in the pale sunlight. Sparks of silver and gold erupted from the blades where they made contact, filling the air with dancing lights and thunderous clangs.

They moved around each other in a deadly dance. At times their bodies becoming intertwined, swords locked between them, only to have them break away in a flurry of motion before coming together again.

The seconds seemed as minutes and the minutes seemed as hours as the two continued their display. Steadfast had scored no less than three dozen nicks on Sombra, some deep enough to pierce the armour. Likewise he himself could feel just as many on his body along with a particular bothersome cut on his forehead that kept dripping blood into his eyes.

Thier blades become locked together as they took the time to breath.

Another yell from the Maletha drew their attention over to where what remained of Steadfast's honour guard continued to face off against the creature. Its amour had all but been stripped away along with most of its flesh leaving it little more than a screaming pony of sinew and muscle that thrashed among the many fallen soldiers as it sought to kill the last one standing.

In a final effort, the last soldier gave a mighty cry and leapt at the creature, driving his broken halberg into the small crystal amulet imbedded in its neck. The Maletha gave an ear shattering cry before dissolving into dust. Standing victorious, the soldier gave a half hearted salute in Steadfasts direction before falling dead.

"Im impressed, General." Sombra said looking unphased apart from the many wounds. "You and your soldiers have actually proved a challenge."

"Likewise." Steadfast said, between heavy breaths.

"You flatter me but we both know how this will end." In a flurry of movement, Sombra knocked the sword from Steadfast grasp and rammed the pommel into his chest, driving him to his knees with a loud gasp where he then used the pommel again as a club to bash him in the head.

Steadfast saw stars as he fell onto his back, still gasping for breath. Sombra stood over him, a sadistic smile on his face.

"Princess Luna was in a similar position." He said as he placed a heavy hoof on Steadfast's chest, increasing the difficulty of breathing. "I wanted to end her wretched existence but another convinced me to stay my blade. Instead..." He hovered the tip of the blade over Steadfasts right eye. "I took her eye."

Sombra increased pressure as Steadfast tried to lift the hoof from his chest to no avail. "As I have no qualms with any other than the Alicorns, I'll offer you a choice." He pressed his hoof harder into Steadfasts chest to ensure he had his full attention. "Forsake the Alicorns and swear your allegiance to me and I will spare your life." The tip of the sword pressed lightly into his eye.

The vision in his right eye, blocked as it was by the sword began to become blurry as the tip was pressed ever so slowly into the cornea.

"Well?" Sombra asked impatiently.

Despite the situation, Steadfast had already made his decision.

"Go to Tartarus!" He spat out even as the sight from his right eye went dark.

"Such a shame." Sombra said with a shake of his head. Black lightning sparked from his horn onto the sword, cracking the blade as it traveled down into Steadfast's eye, eliciting a loud cry of pain from Steadfast. "You would have served me well."

A faint whistle sounded and without turning he swung the cracked blade behind him, shearing a arrow in two.

"Here I thought you would have run out of arrows by now." Sombra said, mild annoyance entering his voice. He turned to face Rarity, allowing Steadfast to crawl weakly away.

"It seems Shadowbolt wasn't enough to defeat you."

Rarity used her magic to remove her empty quiver and tossed it, along with her bow to the ground. "Rainbow Dash was once my friend." Rarity said, seething rage present in her eyes and voice. "But because of you she’s dead!"

"You killed Shadowbolt?" He asked, a gleeful smile spreading across his lips. "Impressive." HIs smile grew dark. "Most impressive."

Tears began to fall from her eyes as she advanced on Sombra, sword at the ready. "You deserve to die for the atrocities you've committed against me, my friends, and Equestria." She continued, her horn beginning to glow with magic. "But thats not why I will kill you now." A mad smile stretched over her face. "No, I will kill you because I want to, because nothing in this world could make me happier than seeing you dead at my hooves."

With that she leaped into the air, firing beam after beam from her horn as she dropped towards Sombra.

His own horn glowed green as a claw burst into existence. It grabbed Rarity before she reached him and then slammed her into the ground multiple times.

Struggling to stay conscious, Rarity managed to raise her head up and found herself face to face with Sombra.

"It seems you were mistaken." said Sombra. His eyes flicked to his right where the air seemed to blacken and swirl as a small black crystal with a sharp point materialized.

Through her daze, Rarity saw Steadfast fire two flares into the air, one yellow and the other red before her vision was blocked by Sombra placing his mouth next to her ear.

"We're more alike than you know."

She felt a sharp pain in her chest that was quickly overwhelmed by an unbearable coldness that seemed to flow out into every part of her body.

"You'll soon come to understand that."

The last thing she saw was a wall of magical energy racing towards her before the world went black.


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Chapter 33

She didn't know where she was or for that matter who she was. There was no memory other than the endless blackness that surrounded her on all sides, crushing her very being with its oppressiveness. To her, there was nothing, nothing except for one thing….

Terrible, terrible pain.

And all she could do was scream



“Hold her down!”


“We cant! Shes too strong!!!”

“Hurry! Another pulse is building up!”

“I need ten more seconds!”

“To late!”



“She’s already injured four personnel! We can't risk anymore!”

“If we don't contain her we put the whole city at risk! Now get back in there!”

“Sir?! Another pulse is building!”

“Dammit! All of you put a shield around her now!”


Rarity awoke with a start, her eyes flying open only to close against a blinding light. Her heart beating furiously in her chest causing it to ache painfully.

“Oooohhhmmmm.” she moaned softly.

“Rarity?!” she heard a familiar voice call her name somewhere to her right.

“Stay back Miss, she’s dangerous!” An unfamiliar voice warned.

“Dont be silly.” responded the first voice. “Shes my friend and she'd never hurt me.”

“As you wish but I must alert the General.” Heavy hoofsteps and the clank of armour moved off into the distance before disappearing altogether with the sound of a slamming door.

The light shining against her eyes seemed to darken as the familiar voice spoke..

“Its ok now, Rarity.” The voice said soothingly. “Im here for you. Everythings going to be just fine.”

The gentle words were like cool water on a hot summers day, washing over her and alleviating her pain. With no small amount of effort, Rarity slowly began to open her eyes. The light still burned against her sensitive eyes but by focusing solely on the shadow hanging over her she was able to open them just enough to see who was speaking.

At first she didn't recognize the face but after a moment a name cut through the fog hanging over her mind and bringing with it a small semblance of peace. “Flutt..ershy?” she whispered.

Fluttershy smiled down on her friend, her face a mixture of relief and sadness. “Yes, Rarity. Im here.”

With her eyes open and the light decreasing in its intensity, Rarity began to notice other feelings. Feelings of pain and discomfort, most notably the pain in her chest and head.

“” She asked past a leadened tongue.

“You're in Canterlot Castle.” answered Fluttershy. Her lower lip began to quiver as tears fell from her eyes. “Oh Rarity! We were so worried.”

Rarity tried to respond but the sound of distant shouting growing nearer stopped her.

"What do you mean you left her in there alone?!" Came a loud yell.

Before she could wonder at its source the door behind Fluttershy burst open and six heavily armed Unicorn Guardsmen rushed into the room. One forcibly grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her out of the way while the others circled the bed, their horns glowing brightly with magic.

"Anomaly secured." One of the guards said.


“NO!” shouted Fluttershy, openly sobbing now. “Please dont hurt her!”

“Dont worry, Fluttershy. Its only a precaution. I dont want to see anypony else hurt, least of all you.” Rarity heard another voice say, this one was also familiar to her.

“But its not her fault!” protested Fluttershy through her sobs.

“I know thats why I need you to trust me.”responded the voice.

Rarity tried to raise her head up to see who was talking but found that even such a simple task was beyond her.

“Alright.” she heard Fluttershy say as her sobs became quieter. “I trust you.”

“Who's...there?” asked Rarity past her heavy tongue.

“Somepony whose happy to see you awake.” The voice answered as hoofsteps and the jingling of armour grew louder. They ceased as another face entered her field of vision, this one both familiar and unfamiliar.


Steadfast smiled warmly at her, wincing slightly as the bandages on his face and over his right eye tightened. “You are one tough mare, you know that right?” He said with a light chuckle, causing her to smile as well.

She winced as her body protested even that little amount of movement.

A look of concern passed over Steadfast. "Still feeling rough?"

Rarity fixed him with the most unamused look she could muster. "Thats... an understatement."

His smile never wavered. "Of that I have no doubt. Can you sit up?"

"Not by... myself." answered Rarity.

"Ill help you." Came the soft voice of Fluttershy. Moments later, her face entered Rarity's field of vision as both her and Steadfast gently lifted Rarity up into a sitting position.

As she was being helped up her vision became extremely blurry causing her head to swim but once she was propped up against the headboard the nausea quickly past as her vision cleared.

"Better?" asked Fluttershy.

Rarity slowly turned her head and smiled weakly at her friend. "Much."

"Glad to hear." said Steadfast. He walked over to one side of the room after pushing past one of the Unicorn guards and pulled two chairs over to the bedside, offering one to Fluttershy as he did so. She smiled shyly, partially hiding her face with her hair before sitting down.

Rarity looked towards the Unicorn guards standing around her and saw that there was fear in their eyes. "Why did they call me an anomaly?" she asked, looking back to Steadfast.

" difficult to explain. Its best if I just show you." He nodded to one of the guards who levitated a strange looking metal device out of his saddlebag and placed it at the foot of her bed. A spark from his horn caused the device to begin to glow, with a soft whirring sound it levitated off the bed to hang in the air.

"Nullifier active, sir." The guard said with a nod towards Steadfast.

"I need you to promise me that you'll stay calm." Steadfast said as he levitated a small mirror from a side table to Rarity. She looked to him and nodded. "Alright, take the mirror."

She tentatively took the mirror in her hooves, not quite understanding what this was all about. With a nod of encouragement from Steadfast she lifted the mirror to gaze at her reflection

Her heart stopped when she saw two crimson eyes gazing back at her from underneath a spiked red horn and a mane that waved unnaturally.


The nullifier began to buzz loudly and flash sporadically as Rarity's hoof tightened on the mirror.


"I see it!" Steadfast placed his hooves on the side of the bed. "Rarity! Listen to me, you need to stay calm."

"What happened to me?" She said, completely ignoring Steadfasts pleas. She could feel the anger growing inside her driving away all pain and exhaustion and filling her with a sense of power she never knew existed. Purple haze began to flow out of the corners of her eyes as the sclera turned a dark green. The sight only added fuel to the fire.

"WHAT DID HE DO TO ME!!!" She shouted in a voice that echoed with power. The mirror turned to dust in her hooves, removing the awful sight from her eyes though it was permanently burned into her mind.

The nullifiers sparked brightly before shattering into a dozen pieces.

"Oh that's not good...." thought Steadfast. "Rarity please listen to me!" He shouted, frantically waving for the guards to restrain her. Small bolts of lighting were beginning to arc along her body as the six guards cast a joint nullifying spell on Rarity.

It had little effect.

"HE DID THIS TO ME!" A sickly green glow emanated from her horn as the room seemed to darken. "DAMN HIM! DAMN HIM!!!"

A magical whirlwind began to form around her as Steadfast pushed Fluttershy up against the wall as he kept himself between her and Rarity while also signaling for the guards to do the same.

"Get back! All of you!" He shouted over the crackling energy. They complied, pressing themselves against the far wall as they channelled more power into their spell.

The bed Rarity was laying in began to shimmer like a mirage before disappearing altogether, leaving her floating just above the floor. She raised her hooves and examined them.

"Did Sombra intend for this?!" She said. Suddenly calm. She was no longer shouting but it still sounded like a dozen or more ponies were speaking with her. "No matter." She dropped her hooves as she lowered herself to the ground causing the floor to warp and bend strangely.

"With this power." She said, turning slowly to Steadfast who continued to protectively shield Fluttershy. "Sombra and all who follow him will die by my hooves." Her eyes turned completely green as a wicked smile crossed her face. "Paving the way for my ascension."

Steadfast had seen enough. "Do you hear yourself!" He shouted above the whirlwind and lightning. He stepped away from Fluttershy but made sure to stay in front of her. "Sombra has corrupted you with his darkness! Made you like him! Dont you see?!"

He gasped loudly when an invisible force grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. "Oh but I do see, General." Rarity said as she pulled Steadfast towards her as he desperately clutched at his throat. The six Unicorn guards jumped to his rescue but were pinned to the wall by a wave of Rarity’s hoof.

Steadfast struggled against the pressure at his throat but found he could do little as he came face to face with Rarity.

"I now have the means to become more powerful than anything that has ever walked this Earth." She raised her forehooves into the air. "Despair for this worlds end is nigh!"

Fluttershy cowered against the wall, unable to look anywhere but at the dark expression on her friends face as she slowly choked the life from Steadfast. She used her wings to cover her head, wanting nothing more than to intervene but too afraid to try. She looked up suddenly when an idea came to her.

Mustering all her courage, she crawled over to the small end table that had been previously sitting next to the bed. Opening the bottom drawer, she pulled out an old brown Stetson.

Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy stood up with the hat held firmly in her hooves and walked towards Rarity. She had taken no more than two steps before Rarity's dark gaze fell on her.

"Ah Fluttershy." She said malevolently. She reached a hoof towards Fluttershy but stopped when her eyes fell upon the Stetson held in her grasp.

The magical whirlwind abated as to did the lightning as Steadfast and the other guards fell to the floor with thud.

"Th..this isnt you, Ra...rarity." Fluttershy stuttered, the fear almost overwhelming her. She held out the hat which Rarity gently took in her hooves. The purple haze flowing from her eyes ceased and the green drained away only to be replaced by tears.

"Oh Applejack." She whispered to herself, sitting down on the floor and clutching the hat to her chest as she began to sob quietly. "Im so sorry." She looked up to Fluttershy who looked on with compassion. "Im so sorry for everything."

Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around Rarity and pulled her close. "Shhh. Don't cry Rarity." She whispered soothingly, gently hugging her as she continued to sob. "Its not your fault."

Steadfast picked himself off the floor and idly rubbed his neck. "That could have ended badly." He thought glancing over to the other guards as they were helping each other up. "Had Fluttershy" He mentally shook his head. "Best not to think about what may have happened."

Steadfast motioned for one of the guards who approached at his signal. "Are any of you injured?"

The guard shook his head. "No sir, just winded." He glared at Rarity who was still sobbing into Fluttershy's shoulder.

"Then you all may go." Steadfast said, turning away from him.

The guard looked back to him in shock. "Sir?! With respect..?"

"Thats an order." Steadfast said with finality as he walked over and placed a comforting hoof on Rarity's shoulder. They remained that way as the six guards made their way out of the room.

They remained that way for some time until Rarity's sobs had become little more than sniffles. “I've become that which I hated the most.” she whispered, barely loud enough to hear. “A monster that doesn't deserve to live.”

She dissolved into more stuttering sobs as Steadfast squeezed her shoulder gently. “Yes, you are a monster.” He thought to himself, watching while Fluttershy continued to comfort her. “But you may be the only hope we have of surviving this.”


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Chapter 34

The moon shone brightly in the sky but its radiance could not reach the earth below, eclipsed as it was by unnaturally dark clouds. Beneath the canopy of darkness stood the ruins of the once great Crystal City now a walled necropolis within the shadow of Fortress Umbra. A black fog which reeked of death and decay floated outward from within the city, poisoning the air with its foulness and swirled around the fortress in a silent maelstrom.

This land was dead

High up in the towers of Fortress Umbra a bright green light flashed briefly before being extinguished. Nothing happened for several moments until a light breeze began to churn the stale air, gradually building until the wind howled across the land with the terrifying sound of a thousand banshees.

The crystal dome surrounding the city became encased in a dark green aura as the crystals took on the same colour. The wind increased in its ferocity while the crystals developed thin cracks all along their surface which glowed with a magenta light. The cracks spread swiftly until the entire dome was riddled with glowing cracks that pulsed periodically.

The howling wind reached a crescendo then fell silent. The brightly glowing crystals pulsed once more before shattering outward in all directions, leaving the city untouched and exposed.

The land fell silent as a single figure walked from the dead city, the dark fog parting at her feet. Cloaked in flowing black robes and wearing a spiked iron crown, her red eyes slowly scanned her surroundings as a smile graced her lips.


Behind her the fog deepened as thousands of black armoured ponies marched out into the moon's failing light, the thunderous sound of their hooves echoing through the still air.

"My time has come."


Steadfast ran a hoof over the black eye patch which now covered his right eye. "Where are those logistic reports?" he shouted above the din.

A stack of papers were thrust into his view. "Here sir."

He snatched them from the outstretched hoof with his magic. "Whats the word on the outlying fortifications?" He asked, scanning the papers slowly.

"Progress is going well, we expect completion within the hour." came the reply.

Finished with the papers he placed them on the table in front of him which was steadily overflowing with similar stacks of papers. "Has word been sent to all towns and cities?" He motioned to a nearby soldier who handed him another stack of papers.

"Flyers were sent out two hours ago and full evacuations have begun in many outlying towns. Additionally we've received several shipments of supplies and a steady stream of volunteers."

Steadfast nodded as he handed the papers off. "Good, get the supplies stored away and put the volunteers to work. I want this city fortified by days end."

"At once sir!" replied the soldier with a salute before turning and pushing his way through the crowd. Steadfast took the lull in the questions to look around the room. He had ordered every long table in the castle to be brought up to the Solar throne room and placed inside. What once served as a public forum would now be his war room.

“Has anypony seen Rarity?” Called out Steadfast to nopony in particular.

At that moment the room suddenly grew quiet when the throne room doors opened and Rarity stepped in, accompanied by six royal battle mages. While nopony had been seriously injured during her last outburst, both Steadfast and Rarity had agreed that a group of battle mages should accompany her at all times, more for peace of mind than for her protection.

The crowd parted as she and her entourage walked into the room, her red eyes slowly scanning the room. Her gaze passed over many ponies, most averted their gaze, fearful of what would happen should they look into her eyes while others simply stared back with disdain and hatred.

Steadfast stomped his hoof loudly, startling several ponies close to him and drawing the others attention to him.

"Alright, that's enough of that, break times over!" He shouted, motioning for Rarity as he did so.

A quiet murmur passed through the room before everypony resumed what they were doing. Rarity quickly made her way over to stand beside Steadfast as her guards took up position around them.

"At this rate Sombra will be knocking at our door but nopony will answer because they'll be to busy staring at you." Steadfast said as he sifted through the papers on his desk. "How are you holding up?"

"A door disintegrated when I tried to open it with magic and my mane has a mind of its own." She grimaced in disgust. "In other words I'm lovely. How about you?"

Steadfast reached for a stack of papers but accidentally knocked them to the floor. "I ran into three desks I was sure were further away and I keep missing things I reach for." He shared her grimace. "No cause to complain but plenty to blame.."

“You are not wrong there.”

They fell silent, letting the noise of conversation float over them. "At any rate I'm glad you're here." Steadfast said after a moment. He carefully shoved some papers out of the way to reveal a map of Equestria along with a smaller map depicting Canterlot and the surrounding area. "I have already drafted several battle plans but I wanted to hear your thoughts."

Rarity glanced down at the maps then to him. "Im not sure I'm qualified, sir."

Steadfast snorted. "Bollocks. Do you think any of us really are?" He leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "The only reason I'm so good at it is because I used to play tabletop strategy games with my father." He straightened and cast her a cold stare. "Though you didn't hear that from me."

Rarity smiled despite herself. "Of course." She glanced down to the maps. "So what have you got so far?"

Steadfast placed his right hoof over Canterlot. "Sombra will attack us here, likely with an army he's dredged up from Celestia knows where. I've already ordered the city fortified and all our remaining forces pulled back within the walls."

Rarity's eyes flashed red as she looked over to Steadfast. "What good will that do? We already know conventional methods won't work against somepony like him. Sombra doesn't need an army when he can destroy the city by himself."

"That is true but that will work to our advantage." said Steadfast with a quick glance over to Rarity who looked back in confusion. "Its obvious, Sombra's a showoff. Didnt you think it was odd when he chose to fight you blade to blade instead of simply using his magic?"

"No, but I was far more preoccupied at the time." She said with a frown.

"He could have destroyed us at any time." Continued Steadfast. "But he didn't, instead choosing to meet us on our terms." Steadfast slammed his hoof down on the map. "That is why I believe he will raise and army to lay siege to Canterlot."

Rarity fell silent as she mulled over Steadfasts words and found that she agreed with his reasoning.

"Ok, General say Sombra does attack Canterlot with an army like you say. What then? We are still wholly outmatched." She stopped suddenly when she realized what Steadfast was planning. "General, please tell me you're not thinking what I think your thinking?

“In any other circumstance I wouldn't even consider it.” He sighed sadly. “But we are out of options.” Steadfast gestured at the maps again. “We can hold this city for months with current supplies and troop strength, but that is against a similar force. With Sombra I can only guess at the twisted horrors he’ll unleash on this city and frankly I don't see us lasting long.” He fixed his one eye on Rarity. “For better or worse you are now the only one who could possibly stand against Sombra and win.”

“For better or worse? Sombra made me an abomination!” Replied Rarity angrily.

“Yes but we still don't know why.”

“Exactly!” Exclaimed Rarity. “For all we know I'm part of Sombra’s plan to destroy Canterlot.”

Steadfast tapped the table impatiently. "What else would you suggest, hm? Would you prefer if we execute you on the off chance Sombra will turn you against us? "

Rarity placed her hooves onto the table. "Sombra made me like this!" She said angrily, eyes glowing brightly. "Which means theres every possibility I'm part of some scheme of his! "

Steadfast placed his own hooves on the table and met Rarity's gaze. "We don't have a choice!"

"Yes but to place your hopes on powers inflicted on me by the same one we hope to defeat is ridiculous. The princesses…”

"The Princesses have abandoned us!" Shouted Steadfast with enough force to cause the others in the room to fall silent and look his way. "Sombra defeated Princess Luna and what does our beloved Celestia do?" Steadfast slammed his hoof on the table sending papers flying. "She locks herself away with her sister without a word, without standing orders! She just left us to fend for ourselves!"

The room was completely silent, no one dared move or even breath as Steadfast continued to stare at Rarity..

"Where were they when good ponies burned alive in dragonfire?" Steadfast said, his voice oddly calm. "Where were they when we confronted Sombra on the same desolate plains?” He gripped the sides of the desk. “Where will they be when this city is consumed by shadow and flame? When the streets run red with our blood?!” He paused for breath, his breathing shaky. Rarity said nothing merely held his gaze..

“We revered them as gods.” He said as righteous fury filled his eye. “And for what? False hope of protection?"

Steadfast pushed himself away from the desk and looked out over the room. “No more.” He looked back to Rarity. “You will be the weapon I use to deal death to Sombra and his forces whether you like it or not.” Turning away he headed towards the door as the crowd parted before him. “Only time will tell if my decision saved or damned us all.”


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Chapter 35

The black fog which emanated from the black fortress spread out in all directions, blanketing the land and draining the life out of anything it touched leaving barren wastes in its wake. The rhythmic thunder of hooves from the Maletha army resounded across the land, jarring the still air with every hooffall and sounding doom for all who heard it.

High above Twilight stood on one of the balconies looking out towards the horizon where just at the edge of her sight she could see the mountain where Canterlot resided. The morning sun shone down upon the city, illuminating its towers that reflected back into the sky casting it in an ethereal glow.

Contempt and longing filled Twilight as she gazed upon the city of her birth. While it had only been a few short weeks since she had left Canterlot bound for the Crystal Empire, the events that had transpired had changed her. So much that the mare who now looked upon the City of Canterlot was no longer the same mare who set out from the city.

"I was so naive." She thought to herself as she raised her right forehoof and channeled dark magic into her hoof, creating a swirling black mass. "Naive and weak." With a flick of her arm she sent the black mass soaring into the sky where it began to writhe. She watched in anticipation as the mass grew in size until the it covered most of the sky in its writhing mass.

A dark smile graced her lips when a bright flash of lightning erupted from the black mass followed by a steady downpour of cold rain.

"Setting the mood?" She heard Sombra say as he materialized to stand beside her. "Or hiding our approach?"

Twilight glanced up at him, her smile still in place. "Setting the mood of course."

He chuckled lightly. "Yes I thought so." Sombra draped a fore hoof over Twilights shoulders and pulled her close. They watched in silence as the rain fell around them in torrents, leaving them untouched but drowning out all sound and obscuring them from sight.

"Its almost surreal." Twilight said in her mind.

"Yes." Replied Sombra, his voice sounding in her head. "There were many times I dreamed of a moment like this whilst I drifted through the void. Moments of near triumphs, of approaching victories, but they were all just dreams." He turned in place so that he was facing Twilight and pulled her closer. "There were times I also feared this too was only a dream save for one thing that told me it wasn't."

Twilight gazed into his eyes as she felt her heart rate quicken. "What was it?"

He smiled as he kissed her deeply. Twilight closed her eyes as she lost herself in Sombra's embrace, all her feelings being overwhelmed with a sense of peace and belonging as he spoke a single word in the confines of her mind.


The kiss lasted a few moments longer until a loud cough drew them back to the dark balcony. Opening their eyes both Twilight and Sombra glanced towards the door where a stoic Arctic Meadows and smug Rainbow Dash stood.

"Do you two need a moment or are you done?" Asked Rainbow.

Twilight looked back to Sombra. "No we're good." She said, stepping a respectable distance away from him. "For now." She added with a quick wink in his direction.

"Yeah I thought so." Replied Rainbow as she walked over to the balcony railing and gazed out into the falling rain. "Ok Im sure its obvious but why is it raining?"

"The rain will hide us as we near the city as well as cut down the sight range of our enemies along with demoralizing them, Captain." Said Arctic Meadows.

"Sure or Twilight just wants a dramatic fight in the rain." Rainbow Dash replied sarcastically.

"Hows the neck, Rainbow?" Twilight asked suddenly.

"Hm?" She said, glancing back. "Oh that. Im fine now though it really hurt at the time." She turned away from the balcony. "Im still surprised Rarity almost cut my head off." A thought seemed to strike her. "Speaking of, what would have happened if she did cut my head off?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Responded Sombra. "There's every possibility that you would have stayed alive and been able to reattach your severed head." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Or you would have simply died."

"What about you and Twilight?" Rainbow asked, glancing back and forth between them.

"Despite the three of us having similar powers we are all three unique in our circumstances." He indicated himself. "I for example spent a thousand years in the void where my very being became attuned to that realm, in a sense I am a being of the void given shape." He motioned to Rainbow Dash. "You on the other hoof were fused with a void spirit. While part of your essence now resides in the void the other part is still firmly embedded in this plane which allows you to pass into the void momentarily." Lastly he motioned to Twilight.

"Out of the three of us, she is the most unique in her circumstance. When she absorbed the Crystal Heart, not only did she receive the power of centuries of love and happiness stored within the heart but also the untold amounts of energy expended during my final battle with the Alicorns."

He ginned malevolently in Twilights direction. "She is perfection."

"Careful Twi." Rainbow said, walking over to Twilight and patting her lightly on the head. "If you keep letting him talk like that its soon to go straight to your head."

Twilight blushed slightly and swatted Rainbow's hoof away. "Oh shut up."

"Anyways." Continued Rainbow with a look to Sombra. "Arctic asked me but I didn't know so I'm asking you. Whats the battle plan?"

"Currently." Began Sombra. "Our forces dwarf those of the Equestrian military. I suspect they know we mean to attack Canterlot and will likely concentrate their defense there, leaving the rest of the country relatively undefended."

"Theres no point in capturing any other city or town." Added Twilight. "When we take Canterlot, we take Equestria."

"So basically you two are saying it's a guaranteed win for us?"

Sombra shook his head. "Not exactly. The Alicorns are still a threat as we don't know what they may have in store for us, plus the Equestrian Military has a spell that poses a threat to all of us."

"The Magical Disruption Pulse." stated Twilight.

"Yes. It temporarily disrupted my physical form as it is maintained by magic."

"What would it do to us?" Asked Rainbow.

"I'm not entirely sure about you, Shadowbolt. You are a being of the void at least in part and not magical."

"So i would be ok?" said Rainbow.

Sombra nodded. "Possibly."

"But if Arctic is caught in the pulse, my spell of domination will be lifted." said Twilight.

"And the Maletha would turn to dust." Finished Sombra.

"Ok so they have an instant win spell." Rainbow said. "Cant one of you just cast a spell to stop it from working?"

"It doesn't work like that Rainbow." Replied Twilight. "It disrupts all things magical without exception."

"Well." Sombra said slowly, a dark grin beginning to form. "Not everything."

"Ah hah!" Exclaimed Rainbow excitedly. "So I get to be the lone ninja assassin?!"

Twilight looked to Sombra. "We are not sending Rainbow in their alone." Declared Twilight.

"That was not my plan." Reassured Sombra much to Rainbow Dashes disappointment. "The magic used by all is native to this plane of existence, even the dark magic you and I wield." His grin grew even darker. "But void magic is foreign."

Twilight's face lit up with understanding. "So the Magical Disruption Pulse may not affect it."

"Hold on!" Cried Rainbow feeling slightly confused by the turn of events. "Didnt you just finish saying that it would disrupt your powers to?"

"Yes because I use dark magic from this plane." Informed Sombra. "To date I have only used the powers of the void once and that was when I fused the spirit with you."

Rainbow Dash scratched her head, still clearly confused. "What about when you pulled the fortress from the sky?"

"That was a dark ritual of this world I used to reach into the void and retrieve Fortress Umbra." He shook his head. "Not even close to void magic."

"Then what is it you propose?" asked Twilight, face full of curiosity.

Sombra smiled darkly. "Something new." He looked towards Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "Something our enemy has never dreamed about in their worst nightmares."

"What is it?"

Sombra turned away from the pair as his dark smile grew even more twisted.

"We need to take a short trip to Ponyville."


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Chapter 36

A loud knock awoke Granny Smith from her nap. Lifting her head from her chest she blinked the sleep from her eyes and looked around the living room for the source of the noise. A similar knock sounded from the front door, answering her question.

"Just a minute." she called out tiredly as she slowly got out of her rocker. As her hooves touched the floor her joints cracked loudly, startling her.

"Must be getting old." she mused to herself while she slowly made her way over to the front door. With some effort she unbolted the door and swung it open with her customary greeting.

"What can I do yah for?" she asked when she had opened the door.

The Pegasus stallion standing at the door saluted her and Granny saw that he was wearing the armour of the Canterlot Royal Guard.

"Good morning, ma'am." He said when he had replaced his hoof on the ground. "I bring news from Captain-General Steadfast, Leader of the Equestrian military and Lord Regent of Equestria."

Granny Smith squinted at him before smiling broadly. "Well good to meet you Mr. Steadfast, come on in." She turned away and waved the Pegasus in while he looked on in confusion.

"No, ma'am I'm not-"

"Big Macintosh, we've got guests." Called out Granny Smith. Moments later the stairs groaned loudly as the large figure of Big Mac came down the stairs.

He glared at the guard. "If yer here recruiting I already said no." He said sternly as he stepped off the stairs and towered over the guard.

Before another word could be spoken, Granny Smith smiled at the guard again. "You two chat and I'll get ya'll some cider." She began to hum a happy tune as she walked into the kitchen.

Big Mac continued to glare at the guard until Granny Smith's happy tune regressed into choked sobs that echoed through the house. Applebloom came running from one of the side rooms and disappeared inside the kitchen.

The guard looked surprised and confused. "Is everything-" He began.

"Step outside." Big Mac said, cutting him off with a sad nod of his head. He walked past the guard and held the door for him as he stepped out onto the porch. Big Mac closed the door behind him before walking towards the porches edge.

"Why are you here?" Big Mac asked without turning around.

"I'm under orders from Captain-General Steadfast to evacuate the surrounding area."

Thunder rumbled in the distance, drawing both of their attention to the black clouds darkening the northern sky.

"Thank you for your warning." Big Mac glanced back at the guard, his gaze hardening into cold steel. "Now get off my land."

The guard hesitated. "Of course." He then saluted, unfurled his wings and took to the sky. Big Mac watched until he passed from sight. Another rumble of thunder sounded, this time closer as he turned back towards the door but the sound of someone clearing their throat stopped him.

"Excuse me." A deep stallions voice said, causing Big Mac to turn in place. Three strangers stood a few feet from the porches steps. All three wore long black cloaks and hoods that covered their heads and hid their faces. He wasn't sure why but they filled him with a strange sense of unease.

"Is this the residence of the Apple family?" Asked the center figure, obviously the stallion.

Big Mac glared at the trio. "It is, now kindly leave." He said curtly.

The stallion brought a grey forehoof to his chest and inclined his head. "My apologies if we intruded. We came only to pay our respects to The Element of Honesty, Applejack."

At the mention of his sister's name, Big Mac's entire demeanor changed. "The funeral was last week." He said simply. "Your a mite late."

"Sadly we were held up and thus was unable to attend." Said the stallion, placing his hoof back on the ground. "If you would allow us, we would like to visit her resting place." There was a faint glint from inside the stallions hood but it was gone as quick as it appeared.

The door opened behind Big Mac. "I got Granny to go to bed Big Mac but she's still crying." Applebloom informed her brother sadly. She noticed the three cloaked figures standing just off the porch. "Who are they?"

"Just some ponies here to visit your sister." Replied Big Mac with a glance towards his youngest sister. He looked back to the strangers. "I'll take you to see her but then I want you gone."

The stallion bowed low. "Of course."

"Applebloom, you stay and watch over Granny." Big Mac said, turning towards his sister. "I'll be back shortly."

Tears began to form in Appleblooms eyes. "But I want to go to!" She pleaded.

Big Mac placed a comforting hoof on her head. "I know. When Granny is feeling better the three of us will go visit her. I promise."

Applebloom sniffled quietly before nodding her head. "Alright."

Big Mac removed his hoof as Applebloom went back inside the house. Turning back to the strangers he pointed off towards a copse of apple trees. "Follow me."

He walked off the porch and took a sharp left turn as the three strangers followed behind. He lead them to a small dirt path nestled between the trees and following this they moved deeper into the orchard. They walked with only the sound of distant thunder and the rustling of leaves breaking the silence.

Roughly ten minutes later, Big Mac stepped of the path into a small clearing with three headstones at its center.

"We're here." He said as he moved out of the way so the strangers could pass. "Mind yourselves."

"You have my word." Replied the stallion as the other two figures slowly approached the newest grave.

"So it was true after all." Said one of the strangers, this one obviously a mare.

"It always had the possibility of being true." replied the other, also a mare.

The first lightly placed a hoof on the headstone engraved with Applejacks name. "Inside a million lies there's always a single truth." The mare turned suddenly to the stallion. "Can it be done?"

Big Mac looked to the stallion standing beside him in confusion as a sickly green light emanated from within his hood. "Indeed it can."

The ground beneath Big Mac cracked as dark green tendrils burst out and wrapped themselves around him. He struggled against them but they only became tighter.

Unable to move, Big Mac could only stare daggers at the stallion as he removed his hood, revealing a spiked red horn and flowing black mane.

"I trust you know who I am?" asked Sombra, grinning wickedly at Big Mac. When he didn't get a response, Sombra bowed mockingly. "I am King Sombra, Ruler of the Crystal Empire, Master of the void," He looked up into Big Mac's eyes as his own glowed brightly. "And the murderer of your dear sister, Applejack."

Fiery hatred erupted within Big Mac's heart. "I'll kill you!" He snarled.

Sombra only grinned. "That would be highly ambitious of you."

Big Mac strained with all his might against his bonds and managed to take a small half step forward, much to Sombra's delight.

"Incredible." He looked towards the two hooded mares. "I always thought of the Earth ponies as a lesser race but clearly this one is an exception."

"Oh so Im guessing Pegasus are a lesser race now to?" One of the mares declared angrily before removing her hood and letting her rainbow mane fall out.

"Calm down, Rainbow." The other said as she removed her own hood, revealing her own spiked horn and flowing two tone purple mane. "He didn't mean it like that."

The sight of two of his sister's friends in the company of the one who killed her only added fuel to the already raging inferno contained within him. Mustering all his strength, Big Mac set his sights on the monster before him.

"Consider me old fashion." Said Sombra as he idly watched Big Mac struggle. "During my reign the three pony races did not coexist like they do today and naturally each race held themselves up as superior to the others."

Big Mac gritted his teeth as he managed to take another step towards Sombra.

"Well things are different nowadays old timer." Said Rainbow Dash. She stuck her tongue out at Sombra who only grinned in response.

Big Mac grunted with effort and lunged forward. The green tendril pulled against him but could not hold him back as he wrapped his forehooves around Sombra in a deadly embrace.

"Sombra!" Twilight exclaimed. Rainbow Dash drew her shortsword from under her cloak as the blade erupted with red fire.

Big Mac breathed heavily from his exertion but held on tightly to Sombra, determined that he would not get away from him alive.

"Is this ambitious enough for you?" Asked Big Mac as he began to crush Sombra.

"I got him!" Rainbow said but Sombra cast her a look that stopped her.

"You are full of surprises." Sombra said, glancing back into Big Mac's eyes despite the crushing pressure. "Would you consider joining me?"

Big Mac only applied more pressure. "I will break you."

Sombra began to laugh, a deep condescending laugh that echoed around the clearing. "Shall we test that?" He said happily when his laughter died down.

Big Mac let out a blood curdling scream of pain when all four of his legs suddenly bent in different directions, breaking the bones cleanly in half. The tendrils holding him dissolved into nothingness as he fell to the ground in agony while Sombra calmly turned around to look down on him.

"Twilight, would you care to assist?"

Twilight grinned darkly as she walked over to stand beside Sombra. Rainbow Dash extinguished her blade and sheathed it before turning away.

"Do you think he knows his place?" Sombra asked Twilight over the screams of Big Mac.

Twilight's horn glowed green as an aura enveloped Big Mac's legs. "Not yet." She said with a dark smile before twisting them like a rag. Big Mac's eyes bulged out of his head as his screams grew louder.

"That only made him louder." Sombra half yelled. He grabbed Big Mac's head in his hooves and with a sharp jab broke his jaw, instantly reducing the ear shattering screams to a low gurgle. "Much better." He said in the sudden quiet.

Still holding Big Mac's head, Sombra leaned in so that they were eye to eye. "You will exist in unimaginable agony without end, denied death and madness solely because I will it." He released Big Mac's head and turned away. "Thus you will witness what I do here today and despair forever more."

A sickening cracking sound filled the clearing as Big Mac's bones began to rearrange themselves. The pain overwhelmed him as his skin crawled and split from his bones splintering and attaching themselves together in strange ways. His sight remained the same, leaving him only able to watch in silent torment.

"Now." Sombra said. The wind began to blow through the clearing, rustling the leaves and causing the trees to groan in protest. He turned towards Twilight with a dark smile and offered out a hoof, one which she gladly took. "Let us begin."

Together they approached the grave of Applejack and took up position on either side. The wind became a gale as they raised their forehooves into the air, whipping through the clearing with an unnatural fury. The colour drained from the air around them, contrasting sharply with the rest of the clearing.

With slow deliberate motions, Sombra and Twilight lowered their hooves until they were touching just over the grave. With a loud cry they threw their hooves apart as the sky above was torn asunder, revealing black nothingness within.

A mighty roar echoed from within the gaping wound in the sky. Raising their hooves towards the sky once more, Twilight and Sombra made a grabbing motion before throwing their hooves down towards the grave.

A thing which could only be described as a screaming horror was torn from the wound and flung down towards the earth where it passed into the grave, halting the screams.

High above the wound closed and Twilight and Sombra stepped away from the grave.

Rainbow Dash, having made her way over to stand behind Twilight spoke up. "What in Tartarus was that?!"

Sombra looked in Rainbow's direction and smiled malevolently.

A horrifying scream floated up from beneath the ground before an emaciated orange hoof burst forth from the grave.


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Chapter 37

Canterlot city. Capital of Equestria, once ruled by the Princesses Celestia and Luna, now controlled by the military regime under Captain-General Steadfast, self-proclaimed Regent. This magnificent city stands upon a mountain side, bathed in the sun's glorious rays.

To the north the sky had been steadily growing darker the past three weeks, a sign of Sombra's growing influence. Dark clouds had begun to spread shortly after the Equestrian military's retreat from the Crystal Empire, covering the sky in an impenetrable barrier that resisted any who attempted to clear them away.

Green lightning could be seen arcing amongst the clouds accompanied by booming thunder and freezing rain which fell in torrents upon the world below. Strangely the clouds did not cover the city. While the world around succumbed to the darkness beneath the clouds, Canterlot remained untouched. An island of light amidst a sea of shadow.

The gates to the city were closed and barred, the wood and iron inscribed with glowing runes of warding. Engines of war lined the walls. Trebuchets and ballistae. Stacks of rocks and giant arrows lay next to these machines, some glowing faintly with the touch of magic. Earth Ponies in padded shirts of chainmail faced out towards the darkness, their hooves resting on tensioned levers.

Below in the streets Earth Ponies in heavy plate, stood shoulder to shoulder before the main gate along with Unicorns in hooded robes and Pegasus in light plate. Together they all gazed upwards at the figures standing atop the city's gate. One was wrapped in a golden ethereal glow while the other emanated a shadow that no light could touch.

Neither spoke as they gazed out towards the waiting darkness where Sombra's flying fortress could be seen silhouetted by green lightning. Somewhere from within the darkness a horn sounded, a single clear note that sent chills down the spines of all who heard it.

There was a pause as the mournful note faded then the figure in gold raised a hoof skyward. Another horn answered the first, one of resounding defiance. The long note washed away the chill from the first and instilled a sense of hope.

The golden figure dropped his hoof as the horn note faded. "Now we wait." Said Steadfast.

As if on cue, a patch of ground a stone's throw from the gate turned blacker than pitch. The black muck rose up into a column before falling way, leaving the armoured clad figure of Sombra behind.

"I must commend you once again, Captain-General." Sombra's voice said as it carried over the city. "I truly did not expect to find a military mind of your caliber in this day and age." Sombra's eyes flashed a glaring red. "You have my utmost respect."

"Keep your respect, demon! What you say means nothing to me!" Shouted Steadfast, having cast a voice augmentation spell while Sombra was speaking.

"Why General you wound me." Answered Sombra, sarcastically. "You call me a demon even though you keep one in your company." Sombra turned his gaze to the shadowy figure beside Steadfast and even from that distance, Rarity could see that Sombra was smiling at her.

"It’s good to see that you survived my gift, Rarity." Continued Sombra. "Tell me, how do you enjoy it?"

Anger bubbled up inside Rarity's chest and when she answered, she needed no spell to be heard. "What you call a gift I call a curse, and with this curse I shall end your existence!"

Sombra laughed, a twisted malevolent laugh of unequaled mirth.

"Ah! A finer answer I couldn't have hoped for!" Sombra said after his laughter abated. "I chose well."

The wall began to rumble as Rarity took a threatening step forward.

"Ah ah, not just yet, my dear." Sombra said in a chastising tone. "Why I would love to do battle with you there is one more thing I must discuss with your General."

Rarity said nothing as she took another step forward, her eyes having been flooded with green energy but an outstretched hoof from Steadfast stopped her.

"Speak then." Shouted Steadfast.

Sombra's smile was evident to all. "Today I come to you with an offer." Sombra's smile fell away as if it had never been. "I want only the Alicorns, stand your forces down and do not interfere and I swear on my honour as a Warrior and a King all your lives will be spared. In return once the Alicorns lie dead I will withdraw back to my Empire leaving you, Steadfast to rule Eqestria."

"However." Continued Sombra, a hint of a smile creeping over his face. "Should you refuse my generous offer I will ensure that you alone will be left standing in the ashes of everything you hold dear and nothing, not even death will grant you reprieve."

Steadfast could feel a cold sweat forming on the back of his neck as the hopelessness of the situation finally became apparent to him. He could feel the gazes of every single pony under his command, the many lives he held in his hooves, the lives he would order to their deaths in the hope of defeating a being that the Gods couldn't even stop.

But above all others he could feel the rageful glare of Rarity boring into him.

"I will allow you a few moments to gather your thoughts and provide an answer." Said Sombra, smile once more in place.

With a halfhearted nod, Steadfast slowly turned in place and looked out over the sea of ponies gazing up at him expectantly. In those eyes he had expected to see despair and fear, instead he saw courage, resolve, and even hope.

“Remember why we fight.”

It was in that moment, Steadfast found his answer.

In a blaze of white magic, Steadfast drew his silver sword and raised it skyward. The sun's light reflected upon its surface, casting it in a fiery glow.

"Prepare for battle!" Shouted Steadfast as he turned and leveled his gaze and sword directly at Sombra. "If this is to be our end then we will bloody well make sure this tyrant remembers us!!"

An ear splitting cheer arose from the ranks followed by the rhythmic sound of weapons being drawn and readied.

"So be it." Sombra's voice echoed inside Steadfast’s mind with unfettered malice. "I offered you a path to peace but you cast it back into my face. Remember this moment for when this world lies in ruins you will know you were the cause."

The ground began to shake as a roar unlike any had ever heard before came from deep within the darkness. Sombra's form disappeared in a flash of green light just as thousands upon thousands of black armoured ponies came charging out of the wall of darkness, each shouting in an otherworldly voice.


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Chapter 38

Sombra materialized on one of Fortress Umbra's balconies facing the city as he sent out a mental command to his undead servants.

"Take the city. Kill all in your path."

A resounding roar, audible even through the heavy rain reached his ears. He watched gleefully as the Maletha horde surged onto the field, their numbers causing the ground to tremble and quake.

Sombra began to laugh.

"Your enjoying this, arent you?" Said Rainbow Dash appearing behind him.

Flaming boulders and bolts were launched from Canterlot's walls as he answered. "You have no idea."

Rainbow Dash joined him at the balconies edge while explosions tore through the Maletha's ranks. "Realistically how long can they hold out?"

Multi-coloured energy balls arced over the walls into the horde, incinerating, freezing, or otherwise blowing to bits any Maletha caught within the blasts. "Not long." He glanced over to her. "Is everything in place?"

She nodded. "Arctic's standing by and Twilights..." She shuddered before continuing. "...with that thing."

"Good." Sombra said with a nod. "Once Commander Meadows begins her assault you will be free to engage."

"What will you and Twilight be doing?" Asked Rainbow Dash as he turned away from her.

A malicious smile that went unseen slowly spread across Sombra’s face.

“Enjoying the show.”


"Maintain fire!" Shouted Captain-General Steadfast. He managed to duck just in time to avoid a charred Maletha helmet. Returning to his full height, the walls rocked in answer as the siege engines launched another barrage out into the field. The air vibrated from the explosions.

“Sir, we won't be able to stop them from reaching the wall!” An engineer shouted over the sounds of battle.

Steadfast looked out over the battlements edge where the neverending wave of creatures continued their unyielding charge.

“Rarity!" Steadfast shouted as he turned to his left where the mare had remained standing by his side. "Get out there and obliterate them!"

Several seconds passed without reply and just as Steadfast was about to repeat himself, Rarity turned her glowing green eyes to him and smiled.


Turning away, a purple aura began to flow from her eyes as her horn glowed a brilliant blue that quickly darkened to a greenish black. Blue and green lighting arced along her body only to dissipate into the ground while the air around her hummed with power.

Cackling loudly in a multitude of voices, Rarity lifted her right hoof high into the air as a glowing azura ball of magic formed. The ball pulsed once before collapsing in on itself. There was a faint flash of light along with a dull thud moments before the entire field exploded. All those standing on the wall besides Rarity were nearly blown off by the shockwave.

Steadfast managed to grab onto an iron pole and was looking out into the mile high fire storm when the heat washed over him. His magical armour protected him from the worst but his eyepatch caught fire and the pole he was holding onto began to glow a cherry red before sagging. He tore his eyepatch from his face just as the first terrified screams reached his ears. Tearing his eye from the sight before him he looked down the wall.

What he saw would haunt him forever.

The Soldier's who had been manning the siege engines rolled around helplessly on the ground underneath their burning machines, their own bodies engulfed in flames. Those wearing plated armour and chainmail simply slumped to the ground as their armour ran in glowing molten streams down their bodies. Worse still was the cackling of Rarity, heard even above the roar of the flames and the screams of the dying.

After what seemed an eternity, the firestorm dissipated. The fires which were caused by the heat burned out, leaving behind a scorched field of ash and even more scorched bodies.

The silence that followed was deafening.

Picking himself off the ground, Steadfast slowly turned towards Rarity, who had ceased her laughter and now stood silently watching him.

"What did you do?" He whispered, his voice shattering the silence.

Her red eyes flashed briefly. "What you ordered me to do." She said.

He gestured to the many bodies around them. "Not this. I never ordered you to do this!" His voice grew louder with each word.

Rarity's expression did not change. "You ordered me to obliterate the Maletha.". She waved her left forehoof out at the field of ash. "Thats what I did."

"What about them!?" Steadfast shouted as he pointed at a blackened body of a soldier beside her. "They weren't your enemy!"

Her face showed no emotion but her eyes bore into his soul. "Weapons do not discriminate."

With that, she turned away from him as her shadow rose up to around her to form a pair of tattered wings. Springing from the wall, she unfurled her wings and with several silent beats headed towards Sombra dark fortress. Leaving a stunned Steadfast behind.

The sound of clanking armour wormed its way into his mind, breaking him from his stupor as did the frantic voice of Lt. Col. Dux.

"Sir, are you alright?" A pale faced Dux asked, doing his best to keep from looking at the carnage around him. "When the heat wave hit and we heard the screams I thought the worst."

Steadfast continued to stare after Rarity who was rapidly shrinking into the distance. "Im fine." He said, the words sounding forced even to him.

Steadfast hurriedly looked to Dux. "Was anypony else injured?"

Steadfast reached a hoof up to touch the empty socket of his right eye as Dux shook his head. "A few bruises from being knocked down by the initial shockwave but nothing major." He allowed his eyes to move to the scorched field, fear creeping into his voice. "Was this Sombra's doing or...?" He trailed off, unwilling to finish his thought.

A deep laughter filled Steadfasts mind. "Go on, General." Sombra's voice said once the laughter had stopped. "Tell him."

Steadfast looked away and ground his teeth in anger. “Rarity caused the explosion that did all this. I had ordered her to wipe out the army and that's what she did.”

"But..." Began Dux, fear creeping into his voice. “She’s still on our side, isn't she?”

Steadfast did not have an answer.

"What must it be like?" Echoed Sombra's voice. "Knowing that even though I made her into the monster she is now, you were the one that unleashed her unto the world." He paused and Steadfast could picture the horrible smile that would no doubt be slowly spreading across his face. “No matter the outcome, we will both share the blame.”

“Genreal! Out in the field!” Dux frantically said. With Sombra’s words still reverberating through his mind, Steadfast looked out into the field where churning shadows were forming together into a several story high wall.

Steadfast turned to Dux. “We need archers and battle mages up on the walls. There's no tellin-”

A monstrous roar drifted out from the shadows, cutting Steadfast off. Both Steadfasts and Dux’s gaze returned to what they both realized was a portal. Another roar sounded as a dragon began to emerge from the portal. Scarred and bloody limbs propelled the beast's massive body as it spread its torn and mangled wings to take to the sky. Dull and lifeless purple scales fell from its body with each mighty beat of its wings and Steadfast could see green fire building in its belly through the many rotting holes in its torso and neck.

The dragon suddenly whipped its head towards them and spewed a fireball directly at the city's main gate. It struck with enough force to completely blow the heavy wooden gates from their iron hinges, eviscerating the soldiers stationed behind it in a shower of shrapnel while the flames engulfed those who were remaining.

“Dammit!” Swore Steadfast as he grabbed Dux and the two of them ran for the stair which would take them down into the streets below.

“Thats the same dragon!?” Dux asked once they had reached the stairs. Steadfast threw the door open with magic and lead the way down the winding stairs. “Looks like Sombra brought it back to life.” Answered Steadfast as they emerged out into the streets below. Several hundred ponies lay about either riddled with splinters or burned to a crisp. Those still alive screamed for help while soldiers who had been stationed further back moved in to assist.

The dragon roared again, this time from overhead as magical energy balls exploded around it. Each blast tore chunks of flesh from its body but otherwise didn't seem to be affecting it.

“At least some ponies thinking.” Commented Dux as helped a wounded soldier to his hooves.

Steadfast surveyed the damage done to the gate and decided that there would be no repairing it. “Get the wounded to the castle.” He ordered. As the wounded were being carried off towards the castle, Steadfast noticed a slight tremor entering his hooves from the ground. As the tremor grew more noticeable, he looked out through the shattered gate where the shadow portal had remained open.

A mournful horn sounded just as a new wave of Maletha charged out from the portal, their numbers quickly swelling to an unstoppable tide which headed directly for the destroyed gate.

“Fall back! Fall Back!” Ordered Dux.

“Belay that order!” Shouted Steadfast as he grabbed Dux by the shoulder. “Have the Pegasus squadrons lure the dragon back towards the gate then have the mages bombard the area until it's in pieces. If that doesn't work, use the MDP, I'll stay here and hold the gate until you're ready.”

“General thats-” Started Dux but a quick shove from Steadfast cut him off. “Thats an order!”

Without waiting, Steadfast turned away and started shouting to all the nearby soldiers to fall in behind him as he ran towards the gate.

“Form a line! Spears and swords up front, archers behind.”

He drew his silver sword as a wall of ponies lined up on either side of him, their weapons at the ready. In front of them the Maletha were rapidly closing in.

“Fire at will!”

He readied his own weapon as arrows sailed over his head into the enemy's ranks, doing nothing to slow them down.



The dark fortress was in sight. Passing through a wall of shadows, she was immediately soaked by cold rain that fell in torrents. Seeing a faint light emanating from a window, she manipulated the shadow wings so that they formed a protective barrier around her as she crashed through the narrow window . HItting the floor, she rolled twice to slow herself, finally coming to a stop on her hooves with a spell charged and ready.

To her surprise, no attack came. She slowly released the magic in her spell and stood upright, cautiously scanning the room. It was empty with the only light coming from a single candle floating at the center of the room .

"So good of you to come, Rarity."

Torches with green flames sprang to life along the rooms walls. The sickly light illuminated the darkness and revealed Sombra sitting casually on a large black stone throne with a gleeful smile on his face.

"Allow me the honour of formally welcoming you to Fortress Umbra." Sombra said. He stood up from his throne and bowed low to Rarity before glancing up at her with a smirk. "Would you care for a refreshment?"

"Your head on a platter." Rarity said darkly. Sombra's smile only grew.

"Hm?" He said in wonder, returning to his upright position. "I had assumed you incapable of humor." His smile darkened. "No matter." Sombra walked forward to stand a foot away from Rarity. "You wish to kill me? Then do so. I will not stop you."

No sooner than the words left his mouth did Rarity lunge forward and ram her left hoof into his chest with a loud squeal of metal and squelch of flesh. Sombra looked down into Rarity's eyes as she twisted her hoof deeper into his chest.

A pained smile crossed his lips. "Not...wasting...time...are-"

His words became a garbled, blood soaked mess as Rarity tore her hoof free in a spray of blood. Sombra's knees buckled and he slumped to the ground in a steadily expanding pool of blood while Rarity stood over him, his beating heart in her hooves.

"That was for Applejack." She said. Her horn flashed, sending a spark down her leg and into her hoof. His still beating heart ignited in green flames, instantly filling the room with a strange smell. The faintest of smiles crossed her lips as she forced his, now burning heart back into his chest, causing him to wince in pain.

"Was..that...necessary?" Sombra asked weakly, smile still in place. The strange smell grew more potent as the blood flowing freely from his chest began to bubble and smoke.

"Entirely." Said Rarity before taking his head in her hooves and crushing his skull. Her own smile grew wider as his blood sprayed over her face and head with enough pressure to coat her hat. Releasing his near headless corpse, she allowed it to slump to the ground where the blood continued to pool on the floor.

Standing over the body of the tyrant king with a wild smile on her face, Rarity felt true joy.

“I have to admit, I'm very surprised.” A familiar voice said from the shadows. Looking up, Rarity felt her rage returning.

Twilight stepped from the shadows, red eyes glowing brightly beneath a crown of iron. She smiled warmly at Rarity. “It's been awhile.”

“So it would seem.” Responded Rarity, anger apparent in her voice.

Twilight's eyes glanced over to the Sombra’s body before returning to Rarity. “Luna must not have told anypony about me.” A glum look crossed her face. “Shoot that could have worked out so well.”

“Why?” Interrupted Rarity.

Twilight’s eyes met her. “Why what?”

Rarity’s eyes flashed red. “Why did you join with Sombra?”

“He saved me.” Receiving no response from Rarity, she continued. “The Princesses aren't what they seem. They made him out to be a monster, all with the goal of hiding their own sins. They are the true threats to this world, not him.

“All that matters to me is that he's now dead.”

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. “Please if you think tearing out his heart and crushing his skull is enough to kill him, then you are sadly mistaken.”

“Is that so?” Rarity said casually. Her horn flashed green as Sombra’s body simultaneously caught fire and exploded, covering the room in flaming chunks of flesh.

“Lets see him come back from that.” Said Rarity.

For the first time since their conversation started, Twilight appeared angry. “He wouldn't tell me why he gifted you with his powers.” Her eyes flicked to Rarity’s blood stained stetson atop her head. “But he has reasons for everything he does so I trust him.”

Rarity sneered. “You were a fool to trust him.”

“Maybe so.” Agreed Twilight. “But then love tends to make us foolish. Wouldn't you agree?”

As if in answer a figure stepped from the the shadows, one whom Rarity recognized all too well, though the sight filled her with horror.

“Impossible.” She said in disbelief.

Applejack walked over to stand beside Twilight, her orange fur and skin clung to her emaciated body, tearing with each movement. Her mane had started to fall out and her skull could be seen clearly underneath the lifeless skin clinging to her face. Worst of all was her eyes, those beautiful green eyes that Rarity longed to see once more were now the deepest colour of black.

Twilight chuckled at Rarity’s reaction her, anger having lifted. “Nothing is impossible.” She said, smiling “Sombra and I have proven that many times these past few weeks.” She gestured towards ‘Applejack.’ “Take this for example. We took the body of a dear friend and infused it with a higher spirit of the void.” She paused as she searched for the appropriate word. “A ‘Lich’ if you will .” She placed her hoof back on the ground and grinned. “I call it ‘Applelich’.”

Seemingly in response to its name being said, the ‘Lich’ jerked its head violently to the left, tearing the skin on its neck in the process. Its mouth fell open and guttural sounds came from its throat as it attempted to speak.


Rarity’s recoiled in horror as the abomination spoke her name in Applejack’s voice..

“Wow.” Twilight said. Glancing over at the Lich in amazement. “Thats the first time I've heard it speak.” She looked back to Rarity. “The spirit must be able to draw upon residual memories in the body. Ill have to remember that for later.”

Without warning, the Lich rushed towards Rarity, a howl of pain and rage on its lips. Rarity jumped to her left but was surprised when the Lich leapt into the air and fired a black beam of energy from its right hoof.

“I forgot to mention it can use magic.” Called out Twilight as the beam tore into Rarity’s exposed side. The pain was excruciating but nothing she hadn't felt before. She prepared to fire her own magic into the creature as it fell to the ground but hesitated as memories of Applejack came unbidden to her mind.

The Lich’s howls brought her back to herself just in time for it to wrap its hooves around her body and sink its teeth into her neck. She screamed and twisted, managing to grab the thing and throw it into the nearby wall.

Relief washed over her as black tendril repaired the damage to her side and neck. Carefully watching as the Lich pulled itself off the ground. Teeth fell from its mouth as it turned its soulless gaze to Rarity. “Kiiillllll…..Raahrrriiitttyy...” It said before launching itself at Rarity once more.

Rarity dodged its attack all while trying to rid her mind of memories of Applejack.

“Its not Applejack. Its not Applejack. Its not Applejack.”

Repeating that like a mantra, Rarity caught the creature's leg when it attempted to kick her and with a sharp twist, slammed its body into the floor. Still holding onto its leg, she charged her horn with magic before unleashing a powerful beam directly into its back. The Lich screamed as the beam tore through its body. It twisted and squirmed, doing everything it could to break free, but Rarity held on all the while pouring more power into the beam.

The Lich’s screams grew louder as its body began to burn away under her magical onslaught. With great effort, the Lich managed to look back at Rarity and she saw that its eyes had changed to resemble Applejacks.

“Raaahhrrriiiitttyy!” The creature cried out, the eyes staring pleadingly at her. “Pllleeeaaassseee....sssstttoooopppp.”

Rarity closed her own eyes as tears began to fall but even that wasn't enough to erase the sight of Applejacks eyes. “Its not Applejack. Its not Applejack. Its not Applejack.” She repeated to herself over and over again until the Lich’s screams had longed since fallen silent and she had no more energy to spare.

Drained of strength, Rarity collapsed.

As she lay there next to a pile of fresh ash with tears falling freely down her face, Rarity had an epiphany.

“Twilight.” She called out weakly. “Kill me...please….I…” The sound of hoof steps slowly approached before stopping beside her. Mustering the last of her strength, Rarity opened her eyes.

Sombra stood over her, his body whole once more. He looked down at her with pity and understanding though his smile was one of malice.

“Death is a luxury you and I cannot posses.”

As Rarity closed her eyes, she saw a mare with a mane of golden silk and eyes the colour of spring looking down on her. The mare smiled warmly and held out her hoof, silently beckoning her.

Rarity smiled even as shadows rose up around her.


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Chapter 39

The streets of Canterlot flew past him in a blew as the only sound to be heard was the thunder of his racing heart and his ragged breaths. Stumbling and catching hold of a corner, Dux struggled to regain his breath, gasping and stuttering all the while.

A horrible roar sounded high above him accompanied by horrendous screams. He dared glance upwards, seeing a squad of Pegasus engulfed in green flames, spiraling towards the ground. The dragon, fire leaking from its rotting body, flew after the other airborne Pegasus as they broke formation and headed towards the main gate.

“” Dux thought, mustering his strength and pushing away from the wall. He staggered down the street, slowly working his way back into a full on sprint. His goal only a few blocks away. Coming to a four way just as the edges of his vision were beginning to darken, Dux saw the castle’s gates. Allowing himself a slightly slower pace, Dux made his way to the gate.

Up on the wall, a soldier spotted him and shouted. "Its Lt. Col. Dux! The Colonel! Open the gate. Quickly!"

The gate opened before him as Dux staggered inside where several Royal Guards were waiting anxiously.

"Sir! Whats going on?" One guard, a sergeant asked hurriedly. Dux did not respond, focusing on catching his breathe. Allowing ample time for another sergeant to voice her own questions.

"Colonel! Is the Captain-General dead?! Is the city breached?! What's-?!”

Dux forcibly placed a hoof over her mouth, silencing her.

“You.” Dux said, addressing the first sergeant. “Lock down this gate and prepare everypony for combat.”

“Yessir!” Shouted the sergeant with a quick salute before rushing away.

“And you.” continued Dux, moving his gaze to the mare he had silenced. “Tell the mages to ready the MDP.” Dux removed his hoof from the mare's mouth and turned away, looking out towards the main gate where explosions and screams could be heard. Smoke could be seen rising into the air.

“We still have a fight ahead of us!”


The creatures soulless eyes widened in surprise as the spear head was buried deeply into its chest. The mare wielding the spear grimaced as she twisted the shaft with her magic, pushing it deeper into the Maletha’s chest.

“Foul cre-”

A armoured hoof burst from her neck, silencing her words forever. The Maletha pulled its hoof free as the mare staggered forward, blooding pumping from her neck. She tried to halt its flow with a hoof but her spear, previously forgotten, was momentarily remember as it was driven up into her skull. The last thing she saw as the light was leaving her eyes was Celestia’s sun slowly being eclipsed by writhing black clouds.

Grunting triumphantly, the Maletha lifted the lifeless mares body high into the air, drenching itself in her blood. After it was thoroughly coated, it released its hold on the spear shaft, allowing the body to fall to the ground. Something slammed into the creature's back, drawing its attention behind it where a battered Unicorn stallion was standing with a grin on his face.

“Smile bastard!.”

The Maletha launched itself forward with a roar only to have its flight halted by a powerful magical blast that disintegrate its upper body. The rest of its body followed after.

Drawing a sword from a sheath attached to his back, the stallion ducked to avoid a pair of hooves that attempted to entrap him. Turning quickly, he rammed his sword up into the creature's neck, destroying it.

Two more Maletha rushed to fill the place left by the other as the stallion attempted to distance himself from the creatures. Quickly backstepping the stallion raised his sword while simultaneously readying a new spell. Unfortunately his back hooves caught on a mangled torso of a fellow soldier, causing him to land heavily on the blood soaked ground. The impact jarred his concentration, dissipating his spells. Defenseless, he sneered up at the creatures as they fell upon him, tearing him apart.

A bloody helmet was thrown into the air, it arced over the body strewn street before landing with a splash in a pool of blood. It rolled once, spattering the already bloody armour of Captain-General Steadfast, causing him to glance down at the helmet.

“Dammit!” swore Steadfast, glancing around at the throng of black armoured ponies mixed with his golden and blue.

“Fire at will!” He shouted, turning and motioning the few battle mages forming up behind him to fire. Steadfast knew it wouldn't be enough to break the Maletha's lines but it would buy Dux time to reach the castle.

Their spells ready, the mages launched them over the heads of their comrades to land with resounding explosions of fire and electricity among the Maletha. Even with such a small number of spells, the ground still shook from the force of them, causing the ruins of the gate to groan loudly with strain.

As spells continued to explode around the gate, its surface began to crack. Small pieces fell to the crowded street below, followed shortly by large pieces weighing several tons which crushed all caught beneath it.

Thirty seconds after the limited bombardment began, the gate fell in upon itself bringing most of the wall on either side with it. Blocking the way into the city.

With enemy reinforcements cut off, morale soared allowing the defenders to push the remaining Maletha back against the wall. For the first time since the gate was destroyed, the battle turned in their favor.

Steadfast turned his attention to the sky, where half a dozen Pegasus were flying around the dragon, poking and prodding it with their weapon in an attempt to lead it closer to the area above the gate.

“Call them back then focus fire on the dragon!” ordered Steadfast. Seconds later a red and white flare soared into the sky. Seeing this, the Pegasus clapped their wings to their sides and fell from the air. Once they were clear, Steadfast gave the order.

"Now! Fire!"

Two dozen energy balls streaked through the air, directly for the dragon. Its attention still on the retreating Pegasus, it failed to notice the missiles until they slammed into its side and chest.

The first explosions tore large chunks of flesh from the creature's hide but didn't seem to affect it, apart from drawing its dead gaze to the streets below. With a loud bellow and plume of fire, the dragon angled its massive girth and dove towards the ground, completely disregarding the magical spheres which continued to explode around it as it rocketed towards earth.

Showing no signs of breaking even as it came within four hundred yards of the street, the dragon roared defiantly.

Suddenly, a lone spell found its way through one of the rotting holes in the creature's chest, passing deep inside where it released its energy.

The sky momentarily ilt up as a towering lightning bolt erupted from the dragon's chest and back. The blast sent it into a tail spin, shearing it in half. Its upper body, minus one wing, was sent spiraling off course where it landed with an earth shattering thud somewhere in the city. Its lower half fell along the outer wall, well away from the battle.

With the dragon no longer a threat, full attention was again focused on the remaining Maletha trapped within the city. Despite their strength and immunity to pain, their numbers were rapidly dwindling as Steadfasts soldiers pressed them, again and again until the last creature fell to the ground in a pile of dust.

With the streets clear of all enemies, the defenders were finally able to breath. Many collapsed to the bloody ground, exhausted while others used their weapons or each other to prop themselves up.

With a sigh of relief, Steadfast tried to wipe the blood from his face but only succeeded in smearing it. Giving up, he opened his mouth to give a order but a familiar voice in his head stopped him cold.

"You never cease to amaze me, General." Sombra's voice said.

A low chuckle filled Steadfasts head, causing him to sneer.

"There's more where that came from." He thought, vehemently.

"Ah yes." Sombra said, thoughtfully. "I assume your refering to Rarity? While she put forth a valiant effort, her skills were sadly lacking."

Steadfast felt his blood run cold, eliciting another chuckle from Sombra. "Fear not, General. After some...conditioning she will make a fine servant."

"She would die before serving you!"

"While that may be the case I assu-" Sombra trailed off, going silent for several seconds. "It seems our discussion will have to wait." Sombra said after a moment.

Dark clouds blocked the last of the sun's rays as a cold downpour began to fall on the city.

"General, I will see you very soon." Sombra's voice said before fading from Steadfasts mind.

With the rain falling heavily, Steadfast augmented his voice to be heard over the downpour.

"Everypony! Fall back and regroup at the castle!" Ordered Steadfast, waving a hoof in the air.

Through the rain, he could see dozens of his soldiers shuffling forward. Those who couldn't walk were supported by others while some were carried. A Pegasus mare stumbled and fell into him. With a grunt, he lifted the mare unto his back. She moaned quietly, whether from exhaustion or pain he couldn't tell. As the rainfall increased, he and the others slowly made their way further into the city.


A gleeful smile stretched across Twilight's face as Celestia's sun was finally eclipsed by her dark clouds, casting the world into darkness.

To her left, stood Arctic Meadow's and to her right, Rainbow Dash. The latter who had leaned back from the balconies rail and whistled in surprise.

"Wow. I did not expect that." She said in amazement.

"I agree, Captain." Responded Arctic with a quick nod of her head. "Despite the overwhelming odds against them, the Equestrians still managed to secure the city and regain air superiority."

"Yeah, but did you see that!" Rainbow turned towards Arctic and gestured out towards Canterlot. "They blew Spike in half!"

Arctic's expression did not change. "Indeed. Though whether intentional or by accident, I cannot say."

"It doesn't matter." Twilight said suddenly.

Arctic bowed her head low. "As you say, my Queen."

Rainbow proppered her head up on the rail with her left hoof and looked at Twilight. "Something wrong, Twi?"

"I sense a disturbance." She said, quietly. Drawing a confused look from Rainbow Dash. "Whadda mean?"

The balcony suddenly grew darker as a shadow appeared at its center, quickly materializing into Sombra's armoured form.

"I felt it to."

"Sense what?" asked Rainbow, looking between the two as Twilight turned away from the balcony to face Sombra.

"A fluctuation of magical energy from the castle. I only noticed it a moment ago but its quickly growing stronger."

Sombra nodded. "No doubt it's the Alicorns."

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air excitedly. "Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go and stop them!"

"That would be problematic, Captain." said Artic. "With the destruction of the Lich, we have nothing to counteract their MDP with."

"Save for Shadowbolt." added Sombra.

Twilight sneered at him. "I already said-"

"Come on Twilight! I got this." Rainbow Dash hovered over to her friend and placed her hooves on her shoulder, looking her squarely in the eyes. "Let me do this."

"Rainbow I-" Began Twilight but was shushed by Rainbow. "Please, let me do this. I wanna help you."

Twilight closed her mouth as Rainbow's eyes bore into her, pleading with her. After a moment, Twilight sighed in resignation.

"Alright. Just promise me you'll be careful."

Rainbow Dash grinned before wrapping Twilight in a tight hug. "I promise." She whispered into her ear.

Releasing Twilight from her grasp, Rainbow turned towards Sombra and saluted. "Orders?"

"You shall be our vanguard." Sombra said with a malicious smile. “Do whatever you deem necessary to prevent them from activating the MDP. Once their capabilities are crippled, Commander Meadows will secure the city.” Sombra paused before adding. “One more thing, should you face, Captain-General Steadfast leave him alive. I have plans for him.”

“Understood! What about you two?” asked Rainbow, still holding her salute.

“Once we are sure they cannot disrupt our magic, Twilight and I will join you.” Sombra placed a hoof on Rainbow’s head. “Go now, Shadowbolt. Shows these fools the true might of the Pegasus!”

“Yessir!” Shouted Rainbow before vanishing in a puff of shadow’s.

“Commander be ready to move into the city at my command.” Sombra said to Arctic as he moved to stand beside Twilight, draping a hoof over her shoulder.

“At once, your grace.” She said with a bow before leaving the balcony.

As the sound of her armour hoofsteps faded into the distance, Sombra gripped Twilight closer to him as they both shared a single thought.

“Our time is nigh.”


The castle gates were barely visible through the downpour, so much so that Steadfast nearly walked into it. Looking up at the walls, he augmented his voice and called out loudly.

“Open the gates! We have wounded!”

Steadfast spotted movement up on the walls seconds before the gates swung open. Inside, Dux and several battalions of soldiers were waiting. At the sight of Steadfast and his band, they rushed forward to help them inside the safety of the walls.

“By Celestia it's good to see you, sir!” Dux said, grabbing Steadfasts shoulder while two other Royal Guards removed the mare from his back. “When we didn't receive a signal from you, we assumed the worst!”

Steadfast looked down at the mare he had carried. “See to it she receives medical treatment.”

One of the guards kneeling by the mare placed a hoof at her neck. With a sad nod he looked to Steadfast. “I’m sorry General but she's dead.”

Steadfast sighed sadly. “So what's the situation here?” He asked Dux, watching as the two guards carried away the body of the mare.

The castle gates closed as the last of Steadfasts troops made their way inside.

“We have archers manning the walls and Pegasus squads surveying the skies. When Sombra decides to attack, we’ll know about it.” Dux jerked a hoof towards the center of the courtyard. “The Battle Mages are preparing an MDP and will be ready to fire it at your command. With the dragon taken care of, we can save that for Sombra.”

“That will be our last resort.” Steadfast said, gently rubbing his right eye. He gazed up at the castle, its highest towers barely visible through the rain as he felt something out of place. “Dux, I’m placing you in command until I return.” He said without looking at Dux.

“Sir?!” Dux said in surprise as Steadfast began to walk towards the castle. “Where are you going?”

Steadfast didn't answer as he disappeared into the rain.


She flew undeterred, a thin layer of shadow preventing the rain from touching her. Below, Rainbow could see several Pegasus slogging through the air, slowed by the rain weighing down their wings with moisture. Making them easy prey.

The first she killed by piercing his heart. His body jerked once before going still and with a gentle nudge, sent careening down into the city, where it would go undiscovered. The second caught a glimpse of her before a flick of her blade severed his neck. His body too fell to the earth.

And so it went. One by one, the Pegasus patrolling the skies fell silently. When the last had been sent to the earth, her head removed from her body, Rainbow Dash sheathed her sword and shadow stepped down to the castle walls. When she materialized, she found two Earth Ponies armed with crossbows, looking out over the walls.

Too easy.” She thought, smiling.

Creeping up on the pair, Rainbow lightly tapped one on his shoulder, immediately drawing his attention.

“Hm?” The stallion said, turning behind him and finding nothing.

“What is it, Glitz?” The other asked.

“I'm not sure, Glam. It felt like somepony tapped my shoulder but no ponies here but you and me.”

The one called Glam opened his mouth to respond but a fine pain in his neck prevented him from doing so. Curiously raising a hoof to his neck, Glam felt the long gash in his neck a few seconds before he collapse with a soft gurgle.

“What did you say, Glam?” Glitz said turning back. His eyes widened in horror at the sight of his friends body. “GL-” He began but a sudden weight on his back and hoof over his mouth stopped him.

“Scream and you're dead.” A raspy, mare's voice said in his ear. He tried to glance back at his captor but a sharp object was pressed against his throat.

“Now, I'm going to ask you a question. If you know the answer to it I’ll let you live, if you don't you'll die. Understand?”

Fearing for his life, Glitz nodded his head slightly.

“Good. How do I stop the MDP?”

Glitz’s heart rate skyrocketed. He didn't know the answer to that! All he knew was that the mages cast a spell, nothing more!

“Ok, I'm going to take my hoof off your mouth. If you say anything other than what I want to hear, I'll cut your throat.”

The mare removed her hoof, allowing Glitz to take a shuddering breath before speaking.

“I don't know exactly how to stop it, all I know is it takes most of the Battle Mages to cast. Their down in the center of the courtyard right now getting it ready. That's all I know! Please don't kill me!”

Rainbow placed her hoof back over the stallion's mouth. While he hadn't given her much information, the little he did was useful nonetheless.

So I just have to take out most of the Unicorns. Easy enough.” she thought. Turning her attention to the stallion in her grip, Rainbow noticed he had started crying and his tears were mixing in with the rain.

“There, there.” She said soothingly, removing her sword from his neck and placing it back in its sheath. “You've been very helpful.” Rainbow patted his head gently. “Thank you.”

Grinning, she grasped his head and twisted sharply, instantly snapping his neck. She shadow stepped to the side as his lifeless body slump to the ground.

“Let's see.” She walked over to the edge of the wall and peered down into the courtyard. At the center, roughly four hundred or so Unicorns in soggy robes stood clumped together, all with their eyes closed and their horns charged with magic. Around them were other Unicorns in silver plate, along with Earth Ponies in heavy grey armour and the odd Pegasus in light chainmail. Checking carefully, Rainbow saw no signs of Captain-General Steadfast.

“Oh this is gonna be fun.” she said, pulling her sword from its sheath. In a flash, its surface ignited in red flames, evaporating the raindrops that fell on it with a loud hiss.

From somewhere in the courtyard, a stallion's voice floated up to her. “Look up on the wall! Sound the alarm!”

As the courtyard erupted in activity, Rainbow unfurled her wings and launched herself from the wall, trailing fire and shadow behind her.


Steadfast navigated the long hallways of Canterlot castle, meeting nopony. Everypony having either been evacuated or called out to fight. Save for one room and it was this room that was Steadfasts destination.

The rain beat silently against the windows. Thick glass and heavy drapes prevented the sound from penetrating the corridor where the only sound to be heard was the soft clank of armour and the thud of his hoofall’s. As Steadfast made his way to the residential wing of the castle, the odd candle illuminated his way. The weak flames flickering widely, barely holding on to what little life they had.

They guided him to a side hallway with a single door standing at its end. This particular door had a slight glow to it, indicating an enchantment of some kind, but also he could feel a strange power radiating from beyond. Walking faster, he moved down the hallway, noticing the power becoming stronger as he approached. Coming within reaching distance, Steadfast extended his hoof towards the knob.

“There is no hope to be found beyond.” A voice suddenly said behind him.

Whirling in place, Steadfast drew his sword and readied a spell but stopped when he saw who it was.

“Why are you still here?” He asked in mild shock.

The Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie stood a few feet from him. Mane and tail perfectly straight and a deadened expression on her face. “To flee would have been pointless.” Her head twitched suddenly before returning to its previous position. “The darkness is unavoidable.”

A quiet whimper sounded from behind Pinkie’s tail. Craning his head slightly, Steadfast made out the quivering form of Fluttershy, cowering on the floor.

“Fluttershy?! You're here to!”

A large, frightened blue eye peeked out between the strands of Pinkie's tail. “Oh...please don't be angry. We wanted to help and….” She whimpered softly. “Can you please put away your sword, you know...if you want to….”

Though shocked at their appearance, Steadfast found he couldn't resist Fluttershy’s pleas. The magic dissipated from his horn as he sheathed his sword. Seeing that he was no longer armed, Fluttershy timidly stood up, though she continued to hide slightly behind her own mane.

“The two of you were suppose to evacuate with the others. Why did you stay behind?!” asked Steadfast.

“Well...I...I wanted to leave….but Rarity was helping you, and….Pinkie said she couldn't leave so...” Fluttershy lowered her head further into her mane. “I decided to stay to.”

“It is unavoidable.” Pinkie said with a slight nod. “All will perish.”

“No!” Shouted Steadfast, startling Fluttershy. “We’re not through yet! The princess-”

“Abandoned you.” Pinkie Pie interrupted. “You knew this already, having renounced them as the fickle Gods that they are. Now in your desperation you come crawling back to them, praying that they will save you.”

Pinkie Pie advanced on Steadfast, her right eye twitching violently and her teeth occasionally grinding together. “Stay back!” Steadfast said fearfully, backing away from Pinkie as she continued towards him.

“There is no hope to be found beyond.” Repeated Pinkie Pie. “I have seen what is coming.” Steadfast felt his rear collide with the door. Unable to go any further, he drew his sword and leveled it at Pinkie, thinking she would stop. “Come no closer!” He said, fear dripping from his voice.

To his horror, she merely pressed her chest into its point, impaling herself. Blood gushed from her chest and mouth as she pushed herself farther up the blade, ever closer to Steadfast. A shriek from Fluttershy went unheard.

Coming to the hilt, Pinkie Pie finally stopped. Small rivulets of blood seeped from her expressionless eyes as they bore into him, flaying his soul even as the light was leaving them.

“Bear witness for this world's end is nigh.”

At the last word, a large bubble of blood burst from her mouth, coating her neck. Her body went limp, suspended only by the blade of Steadfast’s sword before he released it from his magical grip. Slowly, Pinkie Pie’s body fell to the floor, landing with a small splash amidst the growing pool of her own blood.

Stunned beyond words, Steadfast could only look down at the pink mare, now stained red. Somewhere far away, an explosion sounded, jarring dust from the ceiling. Moments later another sounded, then another. Growing in frequency until they were constant. Dust rained from the ceiling, along with small chunks of stone and wooden beams as the explosions drew closer.

Sliding down to the floor, Steadfast came to a rest beside Pinkie’s body. Some feet away, Fluttershy lay crying, her bloodshot eyes resting on him. Screams sounded close by as explosions continued to rock the castle. Extending a hoof, Steadfast beckoned Fluttershy towards him. Without hesitation she crawled towards him, careful not to disturb Pinkie Pie’s body, until she rested up against the door beside him.Eyes still wet with tears, Fluttershy pressed her face into Steadfasts bloodstained chest where he could hear her sobbing even over the screams and explosions.

Frantic shouting was heard at the end of the hall as several soldiers, their weapons at the ready, backed into few.

“Stand firm!” One shouted. A mangled body appeared over their heads to slam into the wall behind them, showing them all in blood. One soldier at the front screamed and charged forward. Their was a bright flash, two of the soldiers at the rear threw themselves into the side hallway as a wave a fire engulfed the others. The corridor became filled with the smell of burning flesh as their screams rang out only to be lost in the roar of the flames.

The remaining two scrambled away from the charred skeletons of their former comrades as they fell, clattering to the ground.

“NO! NO! NO!” One shouted, dropping his halberg and making a beeline towards Steadfast. He made it several steps before a green aura enveloped him. Screaming and squirming frantically, he tried to escape as the aura lifted him into the air. His screams of terror turned to pain as the aura began to compress him. Steadfast watched as the stallions body split open like a pumpkin, coating the walls in pulpy gore.

The green aura encasing the body vanished, dropping it unceremoniously to the ground. Within view and just at the end of the hall, stood three figures. Sombra, twisted smile in place and burning red gaze which was fixed on Steadfast, Rainbow Dash, flaming red sword grasped between her teeth and shadows swirling lazily around her, and a third which Steadfast did not recognize. A purple mare, dressed in black robes and a spiked iron crown adorning her head. Her features bore an uncanny resemblance to Sombra’s own.

Unlike Sombra, this mare did not pay Steadfast any attention, instead focusing on the other soldier who now lay prone on the floor, begging for his life. Steadfast now saw that it was Dux.

The mare walked to stand overtop of Dux, gazing down on him with piercing eyes.

“I surrender! Please don't kill me! I'll do anything you want!” Dux stammered, barely coherent in his fear. The mare’s sadistic smile slowly turned down into an annoyed grimace. Her horn sparked green, encasing Dux’s neck and lifting him into the air. Dux futicly clawed at the magical noose to no avail.

The mare lowered him down so that he was eye level with her. “I want you to die, screaming.” She said in a menacing tone. Multiple green tendrils erupted from her horn and latched onto Dux’s body. The magical noose vanished just as the tendrils burrowed into Dux’s skin and eyes. He screamed until a single tendril burst out from his throat, silencing him.
The dark mare held the spell, finally releasing it once his body ceased all movement. Dux’s body slumped to the floor, immediately forgotten as the mare now turned her gaze towards Steadfast and Fluttershy.

“It's good to finally meet you, Captain-General Steadfast.” The mare said, almost cheerfully as the trio made their way down the hall. “Sombra’s told me all about you, how your the greatest military mind he’s ever seen.” She glanced back down the hallway as the distant explosions stopped. “Though judging from how easily we took the castle I'm having trouble seeing it.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “Oh well. I guess it really doesn't matter now.”

Rainbow Dash sheathed her sword and tapped the mare on the shoulder lightly, indicating Pinkie Pie’s body. “Twilight look, it's Pinkie.”

At the mention of Twilight's name by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy suddenly looked up.

“No.” she whispered, upon seeing two of her closest friends, twisted and corrupted, standing with Sombra. “It can’t be.”

Twilight shifted her gaze from Pinkie to Fluttershy. “Hello, Fluttershy. I didn't see you there.” She moved closer, stepping over the body of Pinkie to kneel on the ground in front of Fluttershy and Steadfast. “It's been awhile.”

Steadfast instinctively pulled Fluttershy closer causing Twilight to move her gaze to him. “How sweet.” she said, the beginnings of a smile forming on her face. “You two really make a great couple.” Twilight glanced behind her to where Pinkie still lay with Steadfast’s silver sword embedded in her chest.

Magic sparked from Twilight's horn as a green aura encased the hilt of the silver sword. Slowly the blade was pulled from Pinkie’s body. Once free, Twilight levitated the blood caked sword in front of her.

“So, General. Sombra offered you a deal already but you turned it down.” She angled the blade so that its point was facing Fluttershy. “Now I'm offering you one of my own.” The sword moved closer to Fluttershy who merely stared at Twilight in silence. “Since you've failed in your duty as a soldier and leader by single hoofedly getting everypony under your protection killed, here is my offer.” Her eyes flashed red. “Rencounce the Princess’s, swear sole allegiance to Sombra and myself as your King and Queen. Prostrate yourself before us and kiss the very ground we walk upon. Venerate us as Gods! Then and only then will I spare Fluttershy and allow you to leave with her.”

Steadfast glanced down to Fluttershy who had pressed herself back into him.

“Heres your chance to finally save somepony, General.” said Twilight.

A quiet whimper from Fluttershy gave Steadfast the answer he needed. He began to stand up, gently prying Fluttershy's hooves off of him. She pressed against the door and hugged herself fearfully as Steadfast reached his full height.

“Well?” asked Twilight, quirking a brow upwards.

“Your royal highnesses, Queen Twilight and King Sombra.” Steadfast said, slowly and respectively, bowing low before them. “I renounce all prior oaths to the lesser beings known as Celestia and Luna and hereby humbly pledge myself to your most venerable selves until, in your all seeing wisdom, see no further use for me.”

“I accept your pledge, Steadfast.” Twilight said with a regal nod. “You may rise.”

As Steadfast righted himself, deep booming laughter filled the hallway. Once upright, Steadfast saw that it was Sombra, head flung back, laughing maniacally. This continued for several moments until finally, Twilight glanced towards him. “You ok over there?” She asked.

Lowering his head, Sombra fought to contain himself, succeeding after several seconds. “My apologize for ruining your moment.” He grinned maliciously. “I just wasn't expecting that.”

“Your grace?” Steadfast said, drawing their attention back to him. “May we now take our leave?”

Twilight looked from Steadfast to Fluttershy then back to Steadfast, where she smiled pleasantly.

“I think not.”

There was a flash of green and a tiny pained squeak. Time seemed to slow for Steadfast as he turned around, allowing him to see every painful moment.

His sword was buried in Fluttershy, pinning her to the door. Her hooves tightly grasped the hilt, wanting desperately to pull it from her body but lacking the strength to do so. Steadfast fell to his knees beside her and placed his own hooves on hers.

“Forgive me.” He said.

Blood bubbled from her mouth as her blue eyes met his grey one. She blinked, staring intently into Steadfast’s eye, before growing still.

Armoured hoof steps slowly approached him as he continued to stare into Fluttershy’s dark, unblinking eyes. A sharp pain suddenly entered his shoulder. Tearing his eyes from Fluttershy, Steadfast saw that a small black crystal had been driven through his armour and into his skin. Even as he watched the crystal began to pulse, bury itself deeper while also spreading rapidly. Steadfast managed to stand just as the crystal encased his entire body.

Sombra smiled at the newly formed crystal stallion, completely immobilized save for the left eye which moved frantically in its socket.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash moved to join Sombra by the statue.

"I thought you wanted him alive?" asked Rainbow, glancing over the golden armour adorning the statue.

"He is alive." Sombra said, moving to the front of the statute. The single grey eye halted its frantic movement and focused directly on Sombra. "He will exist with the pain and guilt of his loss forever."

Sombra placed his hooves lightly on either side of the statues face as magic was channeled into his horn. There was a bright spark and a pool of shadows materialized beneath the statue, swirling lightly.

"Welcome to eternity."

With that, the statue began to sink into the shadows as Sombra stood over, smiling. As the statues head passed into shadow, the grey eye saw only blackness.

In the silence of his mind, Steadfast screamed.


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The pool of shadows vanished as silently as it had appeared. Sombra, a look of malicious joy on his face, held out his hoof to Twilight who took it eagerly.

"Only two more obstacles remain, my dear." Sombra said, pulling Twilight close to him. She gazed up into his eyes with the same smile he wore. "And what insignificant obstacles they are." She said, slyly. Narrowing her eyes seductively. "Their heads will make fine additions to our throne room."

A ravenous look passed over Sombra as he leaned in closely to Twilight. “Hm, fine addition indeed.” He said, drawing her into a kiss.

Ignoring the pair, Rainbow Dash moved past them, her hooves splashing softly in the pooling blood, before kneeling beside the still form of Pinkie Pie.

She glanced over her friends blood soaked body, before gently closing her eyes. A soft moan from Twilight sounded behind her as she rose and moved next to Fluttershy.

At the sight of her life long friends terrified gaze, Rainbow felt the smallest amount of remorse. One she tried to bury with little success.

Grimacing, she grasped the hilt of Steadfast’s sword in her teeth and slowly removed the sword from its fleshy sheath. Once free, she gave the blade a quick flick, flinging the blood from its surface, before sliding it through a spare strap on her back.

She was just about to close Fluttershys eyes when the sense of somepony watching gave her pause.

“A little early to be honouring the dead, Shadowbolt.” Said Sombra. Rainbow Dash looked behind her to see both him and Twilight smiling knowingly at her. “Such practice is usually left until after the enemy has been thoroughly defeated and last I checked...” His eyes flashed brightly. “Two yet remain”

“They were my friends.” Rainbow said simply. Turning and closing Fluttershys eyes. “They deserve this much.”

“They were my friends as well.” Said Twilight, causing Rainbow Dash to sneer vehemently.

“Sure.” Rainbow said angrily. “That still didn't stop you from killing Fluttershy even after you said you were going to let her go!” She looked towards the ceiling as she attempted to gain control of her anger. Feeling her self control failing rapidly, Rainbow turned and leveled her rage filled gaze at the dark couple.

“Why did she have to die?! Why her?! What threat was she to us?!” Rainbow Dash's voice reverberated through the hallway as she thrust a hoof accusingly at Twilight. “You could have spared her! You spared Luna, one of The ‘Alicorn beasts’! If her then why not Fluttershy?!”

Sombra smiled soothingly. “Shadowbolt-”

“And you!” Shouted Rainbow, moving her hoof to point at Sombra. “Why didn't you stop her?!”

Rainbow Dash's voice began to quaver as she covered her face with her hoof. “Why didn't I?” She finished in a shaky whisper.

Several moments passed in silence.

"Finished?." asked Twilight, breaking the silence.

Rainbow Dash inhaled a deep, shaky breath before dropping her hoof back to the ground. “Yeah.” She answered, looking Twilight in the eye. “Yeah I'm done.”

Twilight stepped away from Sombra and placed a comforting hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and smiled. “That a girl!”

Rainbow found she couldn't bare the sight of Twilight's smile.

Sombra growled softly. “If you two are quite finished, we have one final matter to deal with.”

“You're right.” Said Twilight, moving past Rainbow to stare intently at the door. “One last obstacle.”

“Yes.” Hissed Sombra as he too moved to stand beside Twilight. Rainbow Dash gave the bodies of her friends one final look before moving to join Sombra and Twilight at the door.

A green aura surrounded the door, easily enveloping the dim, golden glow emanating from it. The lock gave way with a faint click before the door swung open, bathing the hallway in a blinding white light.

When the light faded, the trio found themselves not in a blood soaked hallway, but instead amidst a rolling field of white flowers. Stretching out as far as the eye could see in all directions. Far off in the distance stood a mighty oak tree, bathed in golden sunlight.

Rainbow Dash looked around in confusion. “Where...are we?”

“This place feels...strange.” Twilight said after a moment.

She looked towards Sombra who raised his head and sniffed the air, growling slightly as he did so. “This is another dimension.” His eyes flashed a bright red. “The Alicorns created a pocket dimension.”

“Ok so...what does that mean?” Asked Rainbow Dash. She glanced to Twilight who was lost in thought.

“What's the purpose?” Twilight asked nopony in particular. She looked up at the clear blue sky above. “Why waste energy on such a thing?”

“Because it was necessary.” Replied a celestial voice.

There came a bright flash from above, drawing their eyes skyward. Two beings, one of sunlight and the other of starlight, slowing descended to the earth. Their majestic wings spread out behind them, enveloped by their ethereal manes flowing unchecked despite the absence of wind.

The pair alighted upon the ground. Celestia, head adorned by a open face helm, set with a golden crown, ablaze with flame, focused her purple eyes on her former student. “Everything we have ever done has been necessary.”

Twilight sneered at Celestia words. “Necessary?! You would call manipulating ponies for centuries necessary?”

“Silence, Monster!” Answered Luna, her single teal eye burning with anger from within a full face, midnight blue helmet. “You have no right to speak ill of us when a city lies in ruin because of your selfish desire for power!”

“If your precious city meant that much to you, why didn't you aid in its defense?” Asked Sombra, smiling viciously as Luna took a threatening step forward only to be stopped by a raised armoured hoof.

“You must understand.” Continued Celestia, never once removing her eyes from Twilight. “We never manipulated, merely guided.”

Twilight let out a short bark of laughter. “That's the same thing in my eyes.” She gestured to herself. “You tried to ‘guide’ me to my death, only to make the gravest mistake of your existence.”

“I sent you into the Crystal Empire to learn and grow, both as a pony and as an individual. I believed you were already strong enough to resist any temptation and overcome any obstacle. That you were so easily seduced by Sombra’s evil is a clear indication that you weren't ready.” Celestia's stern expression changed to one of deep sadness. “I have failed you, Twilight.”

Celestia closed her eyes as a single tear slid down her face. “I will do what I must to right my past wrongs.” Her horn began to glow softly, shimmering off her pure white armour, as it steadily grew brighter. Once it had grown too bright to look at, it darkened into a long, gilded spear and shield.

The newly formed weapons floated to Celestia’s side, wrapped in her golden magic as she reopened her eyes, fierce determination within them. “I pray you will forgive me.” She said, leveling her spear and charging forward with all the speed of a lightning bolt.

Twilight was faster.

A wall of writhing shadows erupted in front of Celestia, catching the tip of her spear. She blasted the wall apart with her magic and swung her spear upwards to stop the flaming Crimson blade while simultaneously using her shield to block a magic green beam, fired by Sombra.

Rainbow Dash vanished in a puff of shadow, avoiding the magical knives that passed through the air she had once occupied and rematerialized next to Luna who had conjured the magic knives. She cut down three such knives with her sword before thrusting the blade into Luna exposed side, only to have a golden shield block her attack.

Her attack halted, Rainbow dropped to her stomach as both Twilight and Sombra leaped over her prone form, swinging identical Crimson crystal scythes.

The shield stopped Twilight's scythe, causing her to hiss in anger. While Sombra’s was caught on the shaft of Celestia’s spear. They remained thus for an agonizing second before Twilight grabbed the shield within her magic and pushed with all her might.

Celestia cried out in surprise as her magic was overwhelmed and her shield slammed into her, throwing her off balance. Luna maneuver around her sister's body and lashed out with her magic in an attempt to buy her sister time to recover.

She succeeded but failed to stop the blast of dark magic which tore into her side, disintegrating metal and flesh. Luna staggered back from the impact, her face twisted into a pain filled scowl.

Galvanized by her sister's plight, Celestia’s eyes became flushed with power. A dull thud sounded before a large wall of golden magic erupted from her horn, blasting the combatants away.

Gaining a moment's respite, Luna cast a quick spell sending cooling magic over her wounded side. With a flash, she was healed though her armour remained damaged.

“Are you alright?” Asked Celestia, not daring to take her eyes off the dark trio who had already recovered. Luna likewise was watching them intently. “Fine, sister.” She risked a quick sideways glance. “Are you still certain of this?”

Celestia shook her head slightly. “No, but there is no alternative.”

Luna continued to look at Celestia. “Sister, I...”

“I know, Luna.” She said, sadly as a single tear slid down her cheek. “I know.”

Not a stone's throw away, Twilight and Sombra were scowling while Rainbow Dash stood aside, sword at the ready.

“They are plotting something.” Stated Sombra, glowing eyes narrowed at the two goddesses.

“Ok so what's ‘our’ plan?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight took a step forward, flourishing her scythe. “We kill them. Slowly.”

Sombra hissed loudly, likewise stepping forward. “An excellent plan, my dear.”

Without warning, the two suddenly rushed forward with Rainbow following immediately after. Scythes and sword at the ready with magic charged in their horns. The trio reached the Alicorns in an instant. Celestia raised her shield, charging her horn with a defensive spell while Luna vanished in a flash of blue light.

Sparks erupted into the air followed by a sickly green flash as the three crystal weapons bit deeply into the golden shield, rending it asunder and destroying the magical shield simultaneously.

Celestia cried out in both surprise and pain as the resulting magical shockwave following the violent dispelling of her spell sent her hurtling backwards, tearing up a long stretch of the field before coming to a rest amidst a smoldering pile of earth.

Wincing sharply as the pain throughout her body threatened to overwhelm her, Celestia managed to raise her head just in time to witness Twilight and Sombra materialized from shadow to stand over her.

“How does it feel, Celestia?” Sombra asked, smiling darkly down on her, eyes glowing brightly. “To be bested?”

Celestia met Sombra’s gaze with a hint of a smirk. “You know all too well.”

She managed a pained laugh at seeing the look of anger on Sombra’s face but it was quickly cut short as Twilight forcibly pressed a hoof into her chest with enough force to shatter armour and bone.

Celestia cried out in pain.

Alighting just behind Twilight, Rainbow Dash worriedly looked around. “Hey Twilight, where'd Luna go?”

Twilight answered without turning from the fallen goddess. “Gone.”

“She has fled, Shadowbolt.” Interjected Sombra, briefly glancing towards her as he slowly circled Celestia.

“We’ll deal with her later.” Said Twilight. “For now...” She pressed her hoof harder causing Celestia to cough up blood. “There is something I have been waiting to do.”

“Savor every moment..” Said Sombra, coming to a stop by Celestia’s head. He leaned down and extended his tongue to lick the blood from her chin. “Its sure to be satisfying.”

Celestia inhaled sharply. “Luna...was right.” She gasped.

Twilight pressed harder. “About what?!”

“You are a monster.”

The sky suddenly flashed a terrible Crimson red as a dull rumble sounded far off in the distance, quickly growing closer.

“What was that?!” Rainbow Dash asked worriedly, glancing to Twilight.

“This dimension is collapsing.” Answered Sombra, voice dripping with anger. “We must go, quickly!”

Twilight looked to Sombra with barely contained rage. “She must die first.”

“Uh...guys?” Said Rainbow, pointing off into the distance.

The blatant fear in her voice caused both Twilight and Sombra to look in the direction she was indicating. Sky and earth, both were unraveling. Solid matter pulling itself apart to vanish into nothingness, nothingness that was quickly approaching.

“We are out of time!” Shouted Sombra. He and Shadowbolt rushed to Twilight's side and placed a hoof on her each of her shoulders as green magic enveloped them.

A pained smile crossing Celestia’s lips was the last thing Twilight saw of that doomed dimension as Sombra’s magic carried them far away.


They materialized inside Canterlot Castle at the heart of the Solar throne room. Outside the skies were still dark and rain beat heavily against the cracked windows. Around them lay the mutilated corpses of several dozen Royal Guardsmen.

Freeing herself from their grasp, Twilight rounded on Sombra and delivered a powerful slap to his face. “How dare you!” She said, voice threatenly low as blood dripped from her iron vambraces.. “How dare you!”

Rainbow Dash raised her hoofs defensibly. “Whoa easy Twilight.”

“Shut up!” Shouted Twilight as she glared at Sombra who held his ruined face. Rainbow hesitated before shaking her head and turning away.

Sombra sneered in response as black tendrils repaired the bloody gash on his face. “The Alicorn meant to trap us.” He said once the damage had been healed. “We needed to leave before the way was shut!”

Sombra snarled in pain when Twilight struck his left foreleg, breaking it cleanly at the knee. Another strike did the same to his right and unable to hold his weight he slumped to the ground only to be supported by Twilight's hoof at his throat.

“You and I both know that nothing is impossible.” said Twilight moving her face mere inches from his own. Her tone became softer but no less threatening. “Don't ever disobey me again. I would hate to have to piece you back together everytime I wanted to make love.” She kissed him gently where the gash had been. “Are we clear?”

He smiled darkly. “Crystal.”

She smiled back. “Good.” The sound of bones cracking back into place filled the room as Sombra’s legs readjusted themselves. Upright once more he bowed low to Twilight. “Shall we?” He asked, extending a hoof to Twilight, who took it eagerly. “Let's.” They made to take a step when Twilight suddenly stopped. “Oh I almost forgot! Rainbow?” She said, looking towards Rainbow Dash. “Why don't you grab Arctic and head back to the fortress while we finish up here?”

Shuffling wings and a curt ‘fine’ were her only answers before Rainbow vanished in a puff of shadow.

Twilight smiled malevolently. “Now then...”

Hoof in hoof, the pair began walking towards the throne room doors. The bodies that lay in their path glowed a sickly green before jerkily rising to their hooves. Thier limbs creaked and groaned as the risen soldiers formed into two rows and saluted the pair as they passed.

“Hail King Sombra! Hail Queen Twilight!”

“Hail the Void Masters!”


The rain was cold. It drummed endlessly against the stone, pounding and thrumming relentlessly. It drowned out all sound, all feeling. The rain was cold.

Luna stood upon the highest balcony of Canterlot castle. Her armour laid scattered around her, forgotten amidst the rain, her royal vestments were likewise tossed aside. Only a silvery strip of cloth covering her right eye remained. She craned her head towards the sky, letting the rain join with the tears streaming unnoticed down her face.

They knew they could not hope to win against Sombra and Twilight, powerful as they were and supported by the abomination that was Rainbow Dash. So a plan was formed, lure them into a pocket dimension and seal them in forever. A risky plan, costly as well. Every moment used to prepare the necessary rituals to construct this prison was paid for by those ponies left at the mercy of those monsters.

But it was all in vain.

Luna closed her eye tightly against the rain as fresh tears flowed. “ sister...”

In the end the prison was completed just as the darkness closed around them. Yet it wasn't without its flaws. It could only be closed from the inside. She had begged and pleaded for her to be the one, but she was refused. ‘Once already you suffered for my sins. Never again.’ She was told in the moments before the battle. Thus she was sent away, leaving the one she cared for most to face this evil alone.

“We were fools.”

Spent, Luna leaned against the railing and waited. She could sense their presence, as they could sense hers. It would not be long.

The rain stopped.

The sudden silence was near deafening. Summoning what remained of her strength, Luna pushed away from the railing and turned, head held high.

Twilight and Sombra stood at the entrance to the balcony, hoof in hoof with shared smiles on their faces.

“Finally!” Snarled Sombra. He removed his hoof from Twilights and threw it forward. Green lightning erupted from his hoof to electrocute Luna.


Luna cried out in pain as the Lightning coursed through her body. The silver cloth which covered her eye ignited, burning away to reveal the black crystal embedded within, now glowing green as they absorbed the Lightning.

Sombra smiled as Luna was driven to her knees by the onslaught of dark magic. “I've waited over a thousand years for this moment.” He said as he moved to stand over Luna, still channeling lightning into her body. He lowered his hoof as the Lightning ceased leaving Luna panting heavily on the ground, smoke slowly rising from her fur. Taking a step back,, Sombra extended a hoof towards Twilight.

“Ready, my Queen? Sombra asked, taking Twilight's hoof and pulling her into an embrace.

“Yes, my King.” Answered Twilight. Together they looked towards Luna, channeling dark magic into their horns, and raised their hooves.

With a flash, Luna’s body exploded, drenching the balcony in blood and pulp.

Wiping blood from her eyes, Twilight looked towards Sombra and smiled, gently stroking his face. “At long last. We are victorious.”

“Yes.” He said, drawing her into a passionate kiss.

“At long last.”