> MLP Mystery dungeon > by iambronyforever101101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > PROLOUGE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP Mystery dungeon: Explorers of Clouds PROLOUGE Lightning strikes with a thunderous BOOM! Your vision blurs faintly and everything goes black! . . . . . . . . Rainbows forehoof gently tapped the grate “The footprint is Rainbows!” “The footprint is Rainbows!” ”Whaaaa!!!” Rainbow screeched! “I thought my relic fragment would help me it’s really the only thing I have.” “Hey Snails did you see that? Rainbows treasure could get us to the riches!” “I sure did Snips we should just go up and snatch it!” Rainbow walked to the east beaches and quickly as ever she noticed you collapsed on the ground! > Chapter 1:Cought by surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP Mystery dungeon: Explorers of clouds “Woah!” Rainbow said with a priceless face! Your vision quickly swirled into it’s normal position, as soon as your vision came back to normal you flipped out at the sight of the rainbow maned pony! “OMG what the heck is going on?!” You scream. “Who are you I’ve never seen you here before!” “You’re a talking pony!” “Yeah and you are too!” You look around yourself you see wings on your back and hooves below! You quickly realize you don’t know anything but your name! “So at least you don’t seem bad at all. And what’s your name anyway?” ----- will represent your name throughout this story okie dokie lokie “----- well that’s a name i’ve never heard before! Well i’m Rainbow Dash and well i’ve always wanted to be in an exploration team but I guess I never had the guts.” “Yowch!!!” Two fairly young ponies knocked something out of Rainbows hooves. “Hahaha whaddya gonna do ‘bout it!?” “Yeah heheheh!” “Give that back!” “Ya gotta catch us first” The two ponies dashed into a nearby cave! “Please ----- you have to help me get my personal treasure back!” You think for a moment(well since I don’t have any idea what’s going on… why not!) You give Rainbow a hooves up and you both dash into the cave! > Chapter 2:Rainbows backstory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP Mystery dungeon Chapter 2 Note: I know the chapters are short but I’m doing 6 chapters a day (As my plan) As your running through the cave you come acrost ponies but with solid red jewl-like eyes. “Those red eyes are enemies you have to use “moves” on them to make them become good again!” Rainbow instructed. You did as she told you. Your moves are hoove-kick and Taunt After all the successful battling you reached the caves pit. There stood the two young foals you saw earlier. The battle was short but you won easily! “Woah ho ho! Looks like you were tougher than we thought! We didn’t want the stupid thing anyway! Just remember the names Snips and Snails because we’ll be back! Snips and Snails left Rainbow treasure in the sand. “Let’s get outta here.” Rainbow said. You got out of the cave and(long conversation time!)Rainbow takes a deep breath. “----- I wanted you to know that treasure they took was my relic fragment I think of it as personal treasure. You see it’s always been my dream to be in an exploration team, but i’m just a puny little coward. The way you fought with me ----- I realized I wasn’t being a tiny little baby and I stood up for myself. So ----- will you join me in an exploration team and help me find the secret of my relic fragment?” You think the only thing possible in this situation You say ok “Really thank you sooooooo much! We should head to the guild!” You head off not knowing this was going to be a huge adventure! 5 minutes later you arrive at the guild you realize immidietly there is a strange grate in front of the guild. Rainbow steps on the grate “The footprint is Rainbows!” “The footprint is Rainbows!” ”Waaaahhh!!!” Rainbow screeches as she jumps off the grate. She motions for you to get on the grate. As you step on- “The footprint is um…..” “What do you mean um!!!” An argument sparked and sizzled down “Come on in!” You and Rainbow walk into the guild and you are both stopped by a blue-green unicorn “My name is Lyra and I suppose you are the ones who just sparked the footprint argument?” “Yeah it was us. Anyway we came because we want to be an exploration team!” “But you two don’t look fit for our intense training!” “Did you say “intense”?” “I’m just messin’ with ya our training is easy as can be!” We have two guild beds to the right hall sleep there and we will discuss tomorrow. > Chapter 3:Your a Rookie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP Mystery dungeon Chapter 3 “WAKE UP!!!” “ugh what the heck!” “oh crap I forgot we joined the guild, WHICH MEANS WE OVERSLEPT!!!” You both dashed into the main room when you were stopped by Lyra. “Ok lets get started I have a little job for you.” Lyra then made you both head upstairs and she levitated a slip of paper into your hooves. Client: Random OC Destination: Drenched Bluff Reward: 2000 bits+? Description: Hi would you please help me get my pearl some meanie took it and i’m just a little filly so please just help me! “What!? You want us playing item quest!? I thought we were exploring undiscovered lands ‘n’ stuff(deadmau5 reference)!” “I’m sorry I guess I won’t hire you!” “Ugh fine!” So you both head off to the quoted drenched bluff and fight more evil ponies. And after more boring easy fights you find the pearl and you walk back to the guild. You give the young filly her pearl and she hands you 2000 bits! “Holy crap! We are rich now!” “Accually hand over 1800 bits please.” “WHAT!!!” “Hey, I don’t make the rules. Now eat and go to bed another job will be ready for you tomorrow.” You eat as you get into bed Rainbow takes another deep breath, (Looooooooong talk) “----- I wanted to tell you earlier about the Time Gears, there is 5 time gears hidden in the world like in a jungle or even in the heart of a volcano! If a time gear is stolen time should stop in that area! Even the evil ponies don’t dare tamper with them. I thought it would help you understand everything more so I hope this talk helped!” > Chapter 4: The Vision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP Mystery Dungeon Chapter 4 “WAKE UP!” “(Ugh not this screamer again) we’re up!” It was another day at the guild. You start to wonder how rainbow feels about the whole situation with the exploration team situation, but she looks happy enough on the outside to make you pretty elated that you’re here in this world of ponies. Then once again Lyra stops you in your tracks. “One of our newest members will give you a job on the CRIMINAL board and show you around town OK” “Gotchya… wait the CRIMINAL board!” “Our other bulliten board of jobs” Lyra led you both up to the next floor and told a purple unicorn with obviously very little experience about the said situation. “Hi I’m Twilight and I’ll be showing around town and giving you a job!” (Twilight is certainly cheerful) Twilight shows you around town and not very surprisingly Rainbow knows almost every building in town! After the grand tour Rainbow suggests you both need to buy some items so after you payed the market two yellow ponies walked up and bought an apple. One was a filly with a bow on her head and the other had a cowgirl hat. “Thanks misters!” The young filly said cheerfully. “OW!” The young filly tripped over and dropped the apple so you pick the apple up and hand it to her. Your vision goes black, and a bright light flashed and you heard that young filly scream help! > Chapter 5: That wierd earth pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP Mystery Dungeon Chapter 5 You were perplexed by the strange vision you just heard. After the two ponies left the ds screen (LOL) you asked Rainbow if she had heard the screech in which she responded with a somewhat cheerful voice ”You must be daydreaming” As you both walked through town you saw the two ponies as you did earlier. They ran over to you and Rainbow and said an earth pony thought they saw there lost item earlier! The filly left with the seemingly nice earth pony but she bumped into you by accident. Vision was going black again, bright light flashing. You saw that earth pony trapping that filly somewhere in the mountains! You told Rainbow after the vision what you saw! So you both walk back to the guild ready for your new criminal job. So the rookie earlier before you shopped was standing next to the job board. “The jobs were switched while you were gone.” Rainbow stared at the outlaw jobs she was shivering with fear. “TOP LEFT CORNER!” We looked right at it was that earth pony from earlier! You both dashed out of the guild quickly as ever! You saw the other pony who was with that filly before they left, she said that they disappeared and she couldn’t find them! You dashed to the mountains and you fought more jewl eyed ponies! You found that earth pony at the tippy top of the mountain! The battle was quick and easy and that earth pony went to jail! :) Lyra sends you to slumber after rest, but the best is soon to come.