> Hope? > by Pleaseworkforonce > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hope? > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         You can die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain -Harvey Dent Twilight dashed through the Everfree Forest ripping through the brush, it did not matter anymore, everything she had was gone.         Victory had been so close to her, what could have caused it to end like this? He was at her mercy, and she had nothing standing in her way anymore, yet here she was running for her life from a creature she could not even see.         If it were not for her friends she would have everything in the world now, there was nothing else standing in her way, but seven of them were enough to ruin it all. The world was almost saved, but she gave up everything for the fate of seven people.         Perhaps if she had not shown mercy, everyone would still be here, but instead, she followed suit with her mentors past dealings and attempted to imprison him once more. If only she had done things her way then maybe her friends would still be alive, but no instead she had followed the example of her mentor.         Maybe if she were logical and realized that they had brought this fate upon themselves then maybe the rest of those she loved would have survived. Instead, she showed pity to her friends, and now everything they had done was for naught.         Perhaps it was her fault in the end, and she was just not powerful enough to do what had to be done. Maybe if she had trained harder, she could have controlled the powers she had been given even when faced with the possibility of losing it all. If she had just kept calm then everything would have been alright, and her friends would still be alive, but she was not strong enough and lost control, destroying everything.         Crashing through the end of the brush Twilight dived into the gorge awaiting her on the other side rapidly flapping her wings, propelling herself towards her end. She had never actually considered how beautiful the gorge was until then. It was truly majestic. No matter what happened around it, the river at the bottom would keep flowing, only becoming stronger as time wore it. If only she could have been like that.         There was no point anymore, what did it matter. With her gone, the world’s creature may be able to live in peace without worry of her and the other mock gods interfering and ruining their lives. Things would be hard at first, but in the end, it would work out in their favor, surely it would.                  The bottom of the gorge was quickly approaching Twilight, but she locked her wings firmly against her side, after all, why should she keep going after she had lost everything.         She was surprised that she had this level of self-control after the day’s events. Maybe if she had this control before she wouldn’t be in this situation. It truly did not matter to her anymore, though; it would all be over soon, and she could finally find peace in the gorges everflowing waters.         As Twilight felt the water touch her fur time seemed to slow down for her. This was it, the answer to her problems, it was bound to happen sooner or later. She just did not have the strength to deal with immortality that Celestia and Luna once had. Even if they had survived it probably would not have mattered because as far as Twilight was concerned, she was just too weak to carry on forever like they did.         Twilight fell through the water as if it was just a cool breeze, the emptiness still filling her body. This pit of despair was small at first. She had lost her home to that monster, but then everyone she knew was still safe, even Owlicious made it out of the library before it was destroyed.         When her home was destroyed, she truly began to fight against the beast. She knew she couldn’t lose anything else to him. As she continued to struggle it became more and more likely she would not have to sacrifice anything else to win this fight, but then he summoned them.         When Twilight saw the monster’s hostages despair flooded her body, she had frozen up. When he offered her her choices, she was too fearful to finish Tirek and lose her friends, but too loyal to Equestria to give up her magic to the beast. And for her indecisiveness, she lost both.         She was forced to watch the life leave her friend's eyes as that monster laughed at her. Her magic going into overdrive trying to find a release and save her friends, but she couldn’t grasp it, it was too far out of her reach.         With each second a terrible pain in her heart grew stronger until each of her fellow elements drew their last breath. Then the pain was gone replaced only by the desire for revenge. She had gone to far, though, as her magic was released she silenced Tirek and removed him from existence, but her magic did not stop with him. The beam of magic cut a swath of destruction throughout the land destroying everything in its path. Twilight only saw black.         She didn’t know how much time had passed before she had awoken, but the sight terrified her. Ponyville, Canterlot, even the mountain it had once stood one was gone. It was as if the world had become a barren wasteland, yet behind her, the Everfree forest stood untouched by the destruction. So she did the only thing she could. She ran from herself.         The emptiness that filled Twilight was only growing as she fell into the water. It was during these last moments that time finally resumed its normal flow, and she hit the bottom. Then Twilight knew no more. Twilight’s eyes flickered open as she felt a mist of water fall onto her face. Twilight tried to get up, but her limbs were unresponsive. The water was starting to hit her face faster all of a sudden.  Is it raining? Twilight idly thought to herself as she attempted to stand again only to be met with the same results.         Several more moments had passed before she noticed the sky was getting closer. It was an intriguing sight to see the sky fall; although this did strike some concerns in the alicorns mind. Namely that the heavens isn't supposed to fall. Twilight's eyes had shotted wide open seconds before she was hit by hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. The shock was enough for her limbs to snap to attention. Pushing off of the ground Twilight flew through the water until she had broken the surface. Sputtering out water Twilight flapped her wings bringing herself out of the water. As she began to rise from the ground, her memories of what lead to her flooded her mind. As she looked down, she saw a small pond in the middle of the gorge’s river. Twilight started to chuckle until it developed into a full-fledged laugh. Not even she could kill herself! She decided on that day that she would learn from the past, no longer would she hesitate, no longer would she show pity. No, from that day forward she would show the world what a god truly looks like. She had finally stopped running from herself and Equestria would pay the price in blood. Written in honour of The Glorious God-Queen Twilight Sparkle -Slashing Dot