> Worlds in Words > by Ravenmane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This all began a year ago when I had a vision. In it, I saw a cleft, a crack in the Earth out in the desert. A few weeks after that I got a letter regarding a group in New Mexico. The group was interesting and I was curious. There were pictures in their letter, ones I had seen in my dreams. It made me more convinced that I should come and at least see what the thing was about. I was not the only one who had these kinds of visions; I met others after coming to New Mexico who shared these dreams, or visions. Some described a great desert bird, others about a dead city deep below the ground. The one thing that linked us all together was the cleft. We were taken out to the site in several jeeps and buses. The area was blocked off with barbed wire and ‘No Trespassing’ signs but this was our place, a site of some of the most curious things we would ever see. I was part of the first team, a group willing to delve into the unknown and bring back what we could find for everyone else. We brought back tablets with strange text and various tools back to the surface. What we didn’t bring back up was even more interesting: books. In these books was more of the strange writing but also a panel, the panels would show us amazing things. I was the one who hypothesized that the panels showed us the text made visual. This thought made us start to consider what this civilization was capable of. Everything we had sent to be carbon dated was ancient, tens of thousands of years old. The deeper we went into the caves beneath the cleft the darker it became and the more wondrous the civilization became. After three months, we had followed a cave system into a great shaft that went straight down for miles. Some fastened ropes and climbed down, others found stairs and walked, but I was with a team that grew fascinated with a device we found on the far side. It resembled an elevator, but we were not sure if we should try to operate it. If this was as old as everything else then it may break if we tried to activate it. In the end, I volunteered to try it out. It was shaky at first, but the elevator worked perfectly and what would’ve taken hours to scale instead took minutes. When I reached the bottom, I found myself in a great hall. With a large pack of supplies on my back, I set off down it. After walking for a few hours, I came across a grand cave, like a large bubble in the earth. As others joined me, we began to explore the cave, eventually finding ourselves among a dead city buried underground. We found power and running water down here, but also some low technology, like skiffs moved by oar. The city had many new artifacts that we sketched and brought back for others to see. Over the next few months, we set up our own community down here. Using the city’s lights, after we figured out how they worked, we began to grow food hydroponically. The lake in the city had surprisingly clean water, and that became our water supply. We puzzled out which buildings were houses and took up residence in them. Journal Date: January 3, 2011 This is my second journal after coming to the settlement. Most of my money has gone into following this project. I believe, since my first journal is gone, I have to be even more careful now that I have a small building all to myself. I had lost my first journal to a cave-in, and with it, all the things I had written of. I will try to be brief for now. The team that studied the text has made a nice little translation book that helps some. I can read the books a little now, but I don’t have a full grasp on the people as a whole, there just isn’t enough information. Samuel, my neighbor, was one of the first to try something we called linking. I was partially right about the books with the panels. Samuel told us all of the things he saw after touching the panel in the book. We were all curious about these books, but some who linked were never seen again. This had put me off the prospect of linking for quite a while. I had the city to study, such strangeness I had never seen in all my years as an archaeologist. Technologically they were advanced, at times even as far as we’re concerned. Stonework, using bio-luminescent fungi as lights, and a few things I can only speculate about. Not to mention the strange method of movement that is in some of these books. Before adding in the books, they appeared to have unusual ways for compensating with the fact that they lived so far underground. Journal Date: May 10, 2011 I have isolated myself from the group, my own work now a more pressing matter than the group. After the last time we lost someone, I became more convinced that they were growing too impatient. Our numbers have swelled, but our intellectual numbers are shaky at best. On my own, I have come across a vast library, filled with curious books. Among these books is what I can assume to be a plethora of study. One book is curious though. It is about a foot thick, eleven inches wide, two feet long, and it is one of those linking books. I am afraid that I will have to study it sometime. Journal Date: June 26, 2011 I’ve managed to decipher the last of the books in a set. This is the library of a strange scholar. He wrote several of these linking books for others. Those who took them abused the books by taking the inhabitants as slaves or drained the worlds of resources. The journals go on to mention this book. According to the journals, the colossal linking book that now sits at my bedside is his only non-tarnished world. Amazing things these linking books, if it is even possible, to make worlds then this would be the greatest accomplishment on Earth. Even if it only works part way and simply makes a way to a preexisting world then this is beyond anything we could ever imagine. There was an advisory on the last page of the final journal: there is no going back, take one with you. I managed to find a second book, one that appears to return here, I have tested it already. I think I should prepare myself before the trip. Inks, quills, pens, books, food, water, all will be required. Journal Date: June 30, 2011 I, Professor Nicholas Creed, will not be taking this journal with me; I’ve decided to leave it so I can look back and laugh at my own expense when I return. This linking book is unusual: it has no name, no number, no coded markers, or anything. I’ll give it a proper name when I return. If someone has come to find me, then I wish for them to know they will have no way back, unless they take it with them. ***** I put the journal down and opened the nameless book, turning to a page with the panel. It exploded into a plethora of shades of green and a stone ruin came into focus. I hesitated for a moment but did like, I had seen others do, I pressed my hand against the panel, vanishing from the place I had called home in a flash. The trip was instantaneous, seeing as how I now stood before a large stone ruin. I set my pack down and fished out a flashlight, managing to glimpse the heavens as well. The thick forest wasn’t the only reason it was dark here night was upon me. My adaptation to the dark cavernous city helped me see, if only barely. Now that I had a better view of it, I would give a cursory guess that it was either a large temple or a castle. I cautiously walked inside. As I looked around I saw several broken stain glass windows and everything’s lower level of focus brought me to the conclusion that the average inhabitant was shorter than I am. I came across a large mosaic after exploring for a few more hours. “Well,” I muttered, “no humanoids in this mosaic. Journals said sentient life.” My eyes narrowed on the mosaic in a more accepting train of thought. “Equines perhaps?” Everywhere I went in the building confirmed that the best possibility of a sentient species is this equine race. However, this is a ruin; perhaps they moved on, simply abandoning this place to the decay of time and plant life. I’ll make camp tonight and try to leave the forest in the morning. ***** I woke instantaneously to the bright sun. I spent so much time underground that my eyes got used to not seeing such a blinding light. After a few minutes of trying to get accustomed to the drastic change I found a shady place and ate some, I would need my strength for the trip ahead of me. Travel through the forest was strange; it gave me the chills just looking into it. The deeper I went, the more I felt like I was being watched from everywhere. I continued I tried to figure out this world, speculating what was lurking in the forest, and even why it was hidden. I had to get used to the occasional rustling in the brush. After a while, I saw a shape out in the distance, it looked like a horse so I moved towards it. A roaring back from where I came from made me run after about five seconds. Soon however, I was face to face with a zebra; with earrings? “What creature now comes before my eyes,” she said with a hint of surprise. Her ears perked, “one who seeks a place to hide?” I managed to nod; the rhyming meter threw me for a loop. “Yes, a hiding place might be nice if what that was is looking for me.” “Do not worry troubled one, soon it shall be gone. Dangerous things are deep in forest from where you have come.” Her reply to me was calm, and it helped reassure me of what I was hoping for. The roaring creature seemed to be going away from us. “I am new around here,” I said as I tried to calm down, keeping the method of getting here quiet. “Could you please point me towards civilization?” “Yes I can troubled man,” she pointed her hoof back behind her. “The path going this way will help you see this land.” “Thank you.” I walked away, following the path. It was nearly two hours before I was greeted by the blinding sun once more. With a hand shading my eyes, I looked out to the plains and a small town in the distance. > The Librarian and the Fanatic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Goggles, goggles, where on earth are my goggles!” I was frantically looking through my bag for my goggles for about an hour now, according to my watch at least. I expected sunlight so I brought something to help adjust easier. I had retreated a little into the forest again, the shade helped to a degree, but I really needed the goggles if I was going to explore anytime soon. “Who is that,” squeaked a voice. “You mean what is that!” The second was higher pitch and more authoritative. “Who are you,” snapped the first, “Miss Cheerilee?” “Ah think both questions are good ones.” The third voice was more convincing than either other ones. “Cutie Mark Crusader Investigators,” yelled all three. This in turn, caused me to spin around, seeing three blurs rushing towards me. One was white, another canary yellow, and the third a bright orange. As they came into the shade, I could focus a little better on the three foals who tried to stop a few feet away from me. After a short bout of awkward staring, the yellow one decided to chance a word. “Ah’m Apple Bloom. This here,” she pointed to the white unicorn beside her, “is Sweetie Belle. And this,” she pointed to the orange pegasus, “is Scootaloo. What’s yer name?” Apple Bloom struck me instantaneously as a coin flip between hyperactive and polite. “My name is Nicholas, you can call me Nick. Could you perhaps help me find something?” “Umm,” came Sweetie Belle’s voice. “How would we know what it is when we find it?” “I’m just looking through my things for a pair of goggles. You see, I’ve spent a long time underground and I’m having trouble seeing in the sunlight.” “What were you doing underground,” asked Scootaloo. She seemed far too skeptical of me to believe anything I’d say. “Exploring,” I said as I started going back into my bag. “Saw some cool stuff in a big cave, but I wanted to come up and be in the sunlight again.” “Cool stuff in a cave?” As I expected, Scootaloo was far too skeptical about whatever I would say. “What’s so cool about a cave?” I pulled out the goggles and grinned. “Not much,” I replied nonchalantly, “just a lost civilization.” I slipped them on and everything came into focus. “Ah, that’s much better.” “You really found something like that underground?” Sweetie Belle was growing curious, her eyes the size of dinner plates. “Oh yes, I’m an archeologist. I study the past, and sometimes there’s cool stuff like that.” I gave a frown, “mostly it’s a lot of time in a library but field work can be just as boring as the library too.” “Sounds like you found something good though.” I nodded, “yes I did. I was with a team and we even managed to live down in the city for a while.” By now, even Scootaloo was getting curious. “We lived down there for nearly a year before I came here. But when I got here I was deep in the forest.” “You’ve been deep in the Everfree Forest?” Scootaloo's skepticism had been thrown haphazardly aside. “What’s it like in there?” “There’s lots of creatures in there, I could hear them last night. But, I took shelter in this big ruined building. I also ran into a zebra on my way out, she was helpful but I think her rhyming meter would be something I’d have to get used to.” “That was Zecora,” clarified Apple Bloom, “she lives in the Everfree Forest. Must’ve been nice seein’ her and getting help outta the forest.” I nodded, “she was very helpful. I was also polite, and said thank you when I left.” “Okay, now that that’s taken care of,” said Sweetie Belle, “what are you Nick?” “I’m a human, a two legged creature that is omnivorous. Meaning, we eat both vegetation and meat, but I’m a strict vegetarian.” “Oh,” exclaimed Scootaloo, “Lyra will be so happy to see a human. She always wanted to see one!” “But this is really what humans are?” I could understand Apple Blooms skepticism; I had seen that look plenty of times. “Why yes,” I said cheerfully. “Humans are the dominant species where I come from. Are humans not real around here?” After all unicorns and pegasi are just myth where I come from, I silently added. “Only Lyra thinks they’re real,” Sweetie Belle gave an ear-to-ear smile, “but now we have proof!” I had a worried look on my face. “Should I be afraid?” “Don’t know,” replied Scootaloo dryly, “never seen a human before. Nopony has.” I thought for a moment. “Is there anyone I can talk to, like scholar?” “Well, there’s Twilight.” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Can you get her? I’d like to be discrete, if possible.” The three fillies put their hooves together. “Cutie Mark Crusader Messengers,” they whispered. I looked puzzled, “Cutie Mark Crusaders? I take it that’s you girls?” They nodded and ran off. I looked over to my bag and groaned; I’ll be here a while… ***** About an hour later, everything was back in my bag, not as neatly as before, but at least it was back. There still was no sign of the Cutie Mark Crusaders returning and I had moved up to the forest’s edge. Based on the position of the sun it was midday, I was chewing on a carrot, and I was back at the forest’s edge. I could see a building nearby, but didn’t want to approach. If that was Twilight’s home then she would’ve been here already. I remembered Scootaloo’s words; she said no one had seen a human before. After thinking about it for a little while, I grabbed my bag and decided to investigate. I’m normally not a curious person. However, if you decided to risk entering a different world through a book could you possibly avoid being curious? With my bag firmly over my shoulder, I made my way towards the building, now more clearly a house. A house with a grass covered roof? ***** “Do I have to repeat everything I tell Lyra girls?” Twilight was trying her hardest to simply read the book in front of her. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been trying to get her attention for the last hour. “Humans don’t exist!” “Honest Twilight,” cried Apple Bloom, “he said he was a human.” “Yeah, he walks on two legs and everything,” argued Scootaloo. “Some of what Lyra’s said is real.” “That makes no sense!” Twilight exclaimed. “Princess Celestia herself threw Lyra out of school for those theories of hers!” “Just come and see Twilight.” Apple Bloom had resorted to making an adorable face. After all, it worked before. Twilight sighed; they wouldn’t stop until she caved in. “Fine, let’s go.” The trio of fillies squealed and led Twilight along. ***** I chose it wiser not to go right up and knock on the door. Instead, I decided to put that art minor to use and just sketch the house. A bottle of black ink at my side, a quill in my hand, a sketchpad in my lap, and half an hours’ work made me think I had done a good job. It’s been a few years since I sketched anything but it looked good. “That looks great,” chirped a voice behind me. “Are you an artist?” I turned around and was met with a very pink, very smiling pony. Her cotton candy mane made me recoil a bit. “Wh-who are you?” “I’m Pinkie Pie,” she squealed, “and you’re new!” “I’m Nick a pleasure,” I tried to calm down as I offered my hand. She simply gasped. “You should see Lyra. I know she’d love to meet you.” “I wasn’t sure if I should trust that. I met a few kids. They said they were going to get someone named Twilight.” Pinkie was now looking over my shoulder. “Oh, Twilight, he’s over here!” She was leaning on my shoulder and waving one of her hooves in the air. She slumped in onto me as I turned around to see a purple unicorn following the three fillies. Even with the shade created by my goggles, I could see another unicorn following them from a distance. I had gotten used to seeing in the low light created by poor lighting but it didn’t stop me from seeing the distant figure. “Um Pinkie, could you tell me who that other unicorn is behind them?” Her eyes widened for a moment and then narrowed them when she saw who I was pointing to. “That’s Lyra, better brace yourself Nick.” > Story Time: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I waited patiently for Twilight and the trio of fillies. Pinkie, who was once flopped on my lap, now sat on her haunches beside me, waving at them occasionally. “So,” I said as I turned to look at Pinkie, “you know everyone around here?” She returned my look and nodded. “I know everypony,” her grin faltered for a moment, “and now I know every human I suppose.” She now smiled broader than ever. “Then what can you tell me about Twilight, just give me the short version if you can.” “Sure thing, y’see Twilight’s a super smarty pants unicorn from Canterlot. She can do all sorts of amazing magic, and once she even tried to figure out what I call my Pinkie sense.” “Pinkie sense?” “Yep, a bunch of little feelings I get from time to time. Each of them means something different.” “Okay, care to give me an example?” “When my tail gets twitchy it means something’s gonna fall.” The rational side of my mind was screaming ‘this makes no sense’ while the creative side was reminding it that I got here by means of a book. The rational part of my mind had been at it for far longer than you could imagine; losing ground with every passing second. “So, what did Twilight find out about your Pinkie sense?” “That she just has to accept that it happens to be right.” Pinkie stared at my goggles. “Why are you wearing those?” “I’ve been underground for a long time and the sun’s really bright. They’re so I can adjust better.” “Cool, I mean they just look cool. Not the whole living underground thing. That just sounds silly.” I smirked, “so says the pony with a mane and tail that look like cotton candy?” She giggled, and by the time she had recovered the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Twilight were just a few feet from us. “Awww,” said Apple Bloom disappointedly, “Pinkie found him. Ah wanted to surprise her.” Pinkie got up and noogied Apple Bloom. “Don’t worry, I coulda found him easy, but you guys attracted Lyra.” She pointed a hoof to Lyra, currently trying to hide behind a bush. Twilight and I locked eyes, her skeptical look meeting my deadpan stare. I didn’t want to, but it was the minty green unicorn trying to hide herself in a bush that kinda killed my emotions. “Ummm hello,” said Twilight cautiously. “There’s no way to escape her is there?” I pointed to the bush now actually hiding Lyra. “I mean she’ll just stalk us wherever we go now right?” Twilight rolled her eyes. “How did you get here? And more importantly how did you show up in the Everfree Forest?” “I’ll give you the short version,” I looked around to all of them, “all of you gather around for story time.” I waited for each of them to sit down near me, save for Lyra in her bush. “Now it might be hard to believe, but I got here through a book. I found it in a library in a city deep underground. I was with a team and we found the city underneath a desert.” Apple Bloom raised her hoof. “Yer sayin a book in a lost city led you here right?” “That’s right, but it’s a little stranger than that. I have a book like it on me so just a moment.” I took my bag off and rustled through it. Past vegetables, hard tack, some empty books, and a thick blanket I found the red covered book, my way back to the city. I showed them the unassuming book. “This book takes you back to the library where I found the book that sent me here. According to what the team and I had translated, the library I sequestered myself in is on the island Neref, at least that’s what we think it was. Our maps are crude at best, as are our translations of the civilization’s language.” I opened the book and showed them the panel that led back to the library. “Touching this panel leads back to where I lived while in the city.” My vision started to grow hazy as I adjusted to the sunlight, so I had to remove my goggles. The sun, though still bright, was not as blinding as before. “So what you’re saying is that you aren’t from this world,” Twilight said as she tried to grapple with the concept, “and that you came to Equestria by touching a panel in a book like this one right?” I nodded. “The book you used to get here is in a city deep underground where you lived for a while,” she glared at the goggles, “long enough to need something for the sunlight.” “Precisely, I tried to simplify it as much as I could but that’s basically it. Personally, I’d love to figure out how to make a book like this one so I don’t have to travel through the forest to get here. One of the journals I translated said that linking books like this one are written so that one can get to a specific point; as opposed to going from the source book’s location.” “Ah’m completely lost now,” said Apple Bloom as she rubbed her head. “Yeah, let’s go crusaders,” replied Scootaloo. “It’s not like we’ll get our cutie marks from listening to them talking about books.” The three fillies left, heading back towards the town. By this point Lyra had moved from her bush and made her way over to us. She stared at the book in my hands and reached to touch the picture on the page. I had to slam the book closed before she could touch it though. “Why did you do that?” “You might get lost,” I reprimanded, “confused at the very least.” Twilight furrowed her brow. “Yes, but you said that we could get back. That there’s a book like this one in the place you lived in.” I glared at her. “Do you want to return in the depths of the Everfree Forest and have to make your way back?” “No, I guess not, but what do you want me to do? The girls said you wanted to talk to me.” “I wanted someone like minded enough to tell me about this world.” I looked over to Lyra, “they also told me about you and your obsession with humans.” Lyra tried to shy away. Now I looked over to Pinkie, who was trying her best to look like she was learning something. “How about you Pinkie, did you learn anything?” Pinkie put on a thinking face, like she was trying to figure out some of what I said. “A little, thanks to Twilight though.” Twilight blushed a little. “Anyways how about we go to the library and talk things over. You can get to know Equestria better and I can get to know about humans and this book thing better.” Pinkie gave an ear-to-ear grin, “and I can get a party set up for Nick here!” I paused, giving Pinkie a skeptical look before I spoke up. “Everyone wins I think?” Lyra, now moving out of Twilight’s shadow, spoke up. “Actually I’d still like to know about humans if that’s all right.” I sighed. “Fine, just not right now okay?” Lyra nodded with unbridled energy. “I can’t wait to get started!” Twilight looked a little disappointed. “Sorry, she got kicked out of school for her theories about humans.” “Yeah, but now I can actually learn about humans from one. Take that everypony who questioned me!” I could’ve found a snarky comment to say but Twilight looked a little taken back so I refrained. “I know what it’s like, being rejected for a theory so I can see where you’re coming from Lyra. However,” I got up and slung my bag over my shoulder, my things back inside it. “I’ve been on both sides of the argument so I can see their point too. You need some proof if you’re going to propose a theory, no matter how off you may be when you find the conclusion of your study. Now then, shall we?” The three of them got up, Pinkie galloping off immediately. “Hope you’re ready,” Twilight explained, “she’ll tell everyone in Ponyville before too long.” “That’s the town right?” “Yeah,” interjected Lyra, “I’m going to get my notebook and a couple pencils. Honestly a human, nopony’s going to believe it!” She beamed and trotted off, a spring in her step. I gave a skeptical look to Twilight, “she got kicked out of school?” Twilight nodded, “nopony believed her. I think she might have been onto something but some evidence might’ve helped her case some. I was there when Princess Celestia kicked her out.” Story time was far from over… > Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town was rather nice, albeit if I was staying I’d have to get used to ducking for doorways. Thatched roof houses were all over the place as Twilight guided me along. I saw plenty of other ponies; most were moving to find a place to hide. Some however were looking on with curiosity; I’m willing to believe they were willing to listen to Lyra at some point or another. “Apple Bloom said you ran into Zecora,” Twilight said calmly. “They were scared of her too. In a while they’ll stop acting that way.” I rubbed my eyes a little; it was still very bright to me despite the sun’s gradual setting. “Will any of them show up to this party Pinkie was talking about?” “Some should,” she tried to reassure me, “just out of curiosity. My friends should all show up though, and I’m sure the Cutie Mark Crusaders will want to come. Then there’s Lyra’s roommate Bon Bon, I’m sure Lyra will drag her along. If only to rub it in her face that Lyra found a human.” “And how fast does Pinkie think she can get this party up and running?” “It only took her a few hours to arrange my welcome party and I don’t expect much more than that for you.” Twilight grinned. “More likely it’ll be less, she’ll think you’re too special to not work herself ragged setting up for.” I was taken aback, “I don’t want her to do that for me. I mean, that would just make me feel awful if she threw this party of hers and couldn’t enjoy herself as well.” “She’ll manage,” Twilight sighed. “She always does.” I still felt guilty. There was a pony that was going to work herself crazy to throw a party for a complete stranger. It didn’t make sense in my head. “Is she like that often Twilight?” “She likes to make everypony smile. It makes her happy just to know everypony else is smiling.” I resigned myself to trusting that Twilight was right. It wasn’t that easy in the human world, but I had grown to theorize that just as this world is what the D’ni called an “age” so too could Earth. If that was true then I didn’t want to think about what our world was purposed for. As for this world, I think the writer wanted a place that was left untarnished. Perhaps to soothe their guilty conscience? ***** We came to a stop in front of a house built into a large tree. I’ve seen tree houses before, but nothing like this. This tree is HUGE. I gave a low whistle, “this is the library?” Twilight nodded, “I also live here. I should have Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia regarding your arrival. Would you mind posing for a picture so I can send it with the letter?” “So she doesn’t think you’ve lost it right?” “Yes, though I am her personal student she may think I lost it or got delusional. Once I even enchanted my Smartypants doll with a ‘Want-it-need-it’ spell so I could create something to solve.” “Wait, ‘enchanted’ like with magic kind of enchanted?” I was still coping with the whole pony world thing. The dominant species thing was easy, the technological growth was questionable, and it seemed to be a monarchy just from hearing how Twilight spoke about Princess Celestia. My rational mind was still running on overtime processing everything. Magic hadn’t even factored in just yet, for my mind magic just didn’t add up. “Yes,” she raised a hoof and pointed at her horn, “haven’t you seen a unicorn before?” “I’ve read stories with them in there, but it’s still a lot to take in. The same is true with pegasi. Up until a few hours ago I’d never seen one, just stories.” “What about earth ponies?” “Those are real in my world, as are zebras. I’ve been all over my world and I never saw anything like this. It’s just a whole lot of new thrown in my face.” She giggled. “I can only imagine. You said something about a linking book, like the one in your bag right?” She opened the door telekinetically and stepped inside. I closed the door behind me. “Yeah, some of the notes we gathered were about their culture’s method of making these books. They’re vague at best, so I’m willing to think that it was just as much a trade as an art form.” “I’ll need to see your notes and some of the original text so I can confirm what you’ve told me.” “I’ve got quite a bit with me. If we can get a linking book to here we can move the entire library if we need to.” “But until then we’ll,” she looked over to the stairs where a small purple dragon was walking down with a large stack of books in his arms. “Ah, Spike could you please put those books down and get a drink for our guest?” The dragon grumbled and set the books down against the wall. “Sure thing Twi-” he looked at me and stopped dead mid word. “Uh Twilight, this is our guest?!” I nodded, “water will be fine Spike.” Cope now, freak out later. It sounded perfect in my head, but not showing it on my face at every turn was the hard part. “Right, water coming right up mister..?” “Nick will be fine,” I replied calmly. “I hope we can get along Spike.” “Well alright Nick,” he blinked, still a little confused. I rolled my eyes, “focus Spike, a glass of water please. Also, before you ask Lyra was right and Pinkie wants to throw me a party.” “Oh, well okay Nick. Thanks for that.” He went off into the kitchen. Twilight smiled, “used to doing that?” “Once I had a protégé, she had trouble with concentration when presented with too many questions.” “So what did you do?” “Directed her to a science that had fewer questions and more answers, last I checked she was teaching physics.” Twilight giggled, “I wish I could do that with Spike. But he’s my number one assistant and I need to take care of him.” She smiled, “he’s still a baby dragon after all.” I chuckled, “we get everything setup then we go to the party. We can hit the books in the morning right?” “Sounds good, I’ll need a lot of different books to help.” I started to get books out of my bag, mostly journals and translations. “Let me give you a hand when I’m done.” “Just keep that linking book of yours hidden, we don’t want Spike accidentally going into your world.” We set all the books and notes off to one side of the upstairs bedroom and came back downstairs. Spike had a glass of water for me and it was downed in nearly the time it took for me to take it back into the kitchen. After returning from the kitchen, we were out the door, Spike in the lead. Twilight and I just chatted about what we would like to figure out. “So,” I said, “I’d like to learn more about Equestria. I mean like more than just the area. I’d like to know its people, places, history, you know, the works.” “I can help you, but some of it you’ll just have to ask around. For example, Spike has a better feel for day-to-day. Talk to Rainbow Dash about the weather, Fluttershy about the flora and fauna. Rarity and Pinkie should be good sources of our culture. Zecora would be best if you want to learn about the zebra’s culture.” “Yeah, I might need a hand with her. I’m a little shaky with her meter. It just doesn’t flow right with me.” We came to a large building that looked like a giant gingerbread house. “Let me guess, Pinkie Pie lives here?” Twilight nodded. “She lives upstairs along with the Cake family. This is Sugarcube Corner, the town’s bakery and sweetshop. Let’s just hope there’s more than just us, Pinkie, and Lyra okay?” I nodded and opened the door. Inside it was dark, but I could make out several figures. I’d wager about twelve. Suddenly the lights flickered on and a myriad of ponies with various colors of fur and manes came into view. I saw the exuberant Pinkie Pie, still with energy to burn at the forefront of them; the Cutie Mark Crusaders and a purple pony I wasn’t sure of were just behind her. Over beside a table with a bowl of punch and a tray of cupcakes was the minty green unicorn Lyra and, who I could guess to be her roommate Bon Bon. However, the pack between the two groups was completely unknown to me. “Nick,” Twilight said as she pointed a hoof to the group of unfamiliar ponies, “these are my best friends.” A cyan colored pegasus came to the forefront of the group, her rainbow colored mane and tail led me to think this was Rainbow Dash. “Hey there,” her voice, while chipper, was filled with uncertainty. “I’m Rainbow Dash.” I could only smile, “I’m not going to hurt anyone if that’s what you’re afraid of.” I had to try to relieve apprehensions. “I’d like to know everyone.” Lyra waved her hoof and got my attention. “This is Bon Bon, she’s my roommate. Hope the two of you can get along.” She turned to look at the pony beside her, “right Bon Bon?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders pushed the pony they were with up front and center. “This here is our teacher Cheerilee,” said Apple Bloom. “Girls,” I said sternly, “don’t go pushing her here. It’s very rude.” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked down at the ground, but Apple Bloom gave me a pouty, albeit cute, face. “Sorry Nick,” they all said in unison. “Don’t apologize to me girls, apologize to your teacher.” “Sorry Miss Cheerilee.” “It’s okay girls,” she said warmly. “I’m sorry too though, they dragged me here. I was supposed to be watching them and well…” I raised a hand, causing Lyra to squeal. “It’s okay. I’m happy they did, it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Cheerilee.” Cheerilee blushed, “but they shouldn’t have done that anyways.” “Oh I agree Cheerilee,” said a rather proper looking white unicorn. Now that she had drawn attention to herself, she batted her eyelashes at me, flashing her curly purple mane at me. “I’m Rarity, a pleasure Nick.” I could only look over to her and stay pleasant, “charmed Rarity.” Pinkie flipped a switch on a stereo and beamed. “Come on everypony, let’s party!” As the night passed, I met everyone else. Fluttershy, who had to be dragged forward by several ponies. Applejack was rather nice and comfortable after how supportive her sister acted about me. All things considered, it was a nice little welcome party. It felt like the get-togethers I had with everyone back in the underground city. We gathered around for the picture Twilight wanted and Spike took it, everypony gathered in around me. > Comparing Notes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening wound down quickly, three fillies and a baby dragon yawning for several minutes made us all get the hint. Despite my protests, Twilight insisted on carrying Spike on her back as we made our way back to the library. “We never did discuss my sleeping arrangements Twilight,” I said to her at the threshold. She spun around in surprise. “I suppose you could share my bed. It’ll be cramped but it’ll be better than the floor after all.” A blanket on a stone or wooden floor was what I dealt with often in the city. Beds were a rare luxury, at least ones that survived. Merely being offered a bed was like heaven. However, when she led me to her room I saw the size of the bed. We’d barely fit if we shared it. Reaching into my bag, I grabbed my blanket. “I’ll be fine on the ground Twilight, there’s just not enough room.” She was putting Spike into a basket and tossing a blanket over him when I spoke. “No, you could use a comfy bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.” I had already curled up, resting my head on my arm. “Sleep tight Twilight, I’ll see you in the morning.” After rustling a little, I went right to sleep. ***** When I woke the first thing I saw was a field of black, a pink stripe in it made me realize something. Sure, I was still on the floor, but Twilight had curled up next to me on the floor with her own blanket. Sure, it was a noble gesture, but we just couldn’t share a bed. It’d be awkward and we’d be sore. I got up and packed my blanket back in my bag, going instead for the books and parchment. Before getting to work though, I’d need something I could smell: coffee. I followed the aroma downstairs and into the kitchen to see Spike making breakfast for three. He only glanced up at me before going back to making pancakes furiously. “Morning,” I said as I stifled a yawn. It seemed amusing to me just to say it, not being able to tell if it was morning or night for so long made the whole concept silly. Spike grumbled, “Nick.” I gave him a skeptical look. “What’s on your mind; isn’t healthy if you keep it bottled up.” He pulled the skillet off the oven and set the last pancake onto a large stack. “I dunno, maybe the fact that you and Twilight were sleeping together on the floor.” His voice was protective and I could understand that plain as day. “She wanted to share her bed and I’d rather we both weren’t sore all over in the morning. There just wasn’t enough space so I elected to sleep on the floor. She must’ve felt guilty and slept on the floor too.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Hey, if you could sleep on the floor easily and you were offered a bed to share would you? I mean like if you weren’t in a relationship with them and the bed’s that small.” “Well,” he honestly was thinking about it, “no I guess not. I mean I’d take the bed if they were being insistent, but I’d take the floor if they weren’t.” He paused for a moment while pouring me a cup of coffee. “How can you sleep so well on the floor?” “I’m used to it.” I took a sip. “There aren’t many well preserved beds in the D’ni city. That means we sleep on the ground, on benches, and so on. I’m used to uncomfortable places.” “Well then,” came Twilight’s voice from behind me, “I guess that means we’ll need a guest bed or a couch for you Nick.” ***** Midway through the morning, we had everything set up for a binge of learning and rediscovery. Before me were books on Equestrian history and law, but before Twilight were my notes and several tomes in an alien language to both of us. On the other hand, Spike had left us to our work after shelving books that we didn’t need. “It would help me figure things out if you had brought your first journal Nick,” Twilight called over to me after a few hours. I looked up from a volume of Equestrian law, “a cave-in and I didn’t agree on my desire to keep my journal.” “What about the second one? You made mention of it here.” “My second journal isn’t very important,” I went back to reading and just spoke over the book. “It was filled with vague statements; you must be reading about the library. I have a complete list of the books there at the back of that journal.” I had to learn a lot if I was to avoid making assumptions about everything. The economy seemed to be held together by a thin layer of tape, at least from the point of view of the law books I had access to. Twilight had to confirm that since Princess Celestia’s sister Luna returned most laws had a massive overhaul… repeatedly. “When Princess Luna began to review the laws that were passed since she was banished she made our laws actually make sense. I mean they made sense to begin with, but now they apply to several different variables. So as opposed to having say, twelve laws that covered one thing, now we have a single law that covers all conditions.” To me, it seemed as though Princess Celestia tried to maintain too much at all times. I think the country needed Princess Luna too much for one ruler to function even as long as she did. “So, if Princess Celsetia banished her sister to the moon for a thousand years, just how old are they Twilight?” She paused with whatever she was reading and stared at me from across the room. “Weren’t you ever told to never ask a woman about her age?” “It’s just a logistics thing. The average human lives for around eighty years, and those two are clearly over a thousand. I may be biased, but honestly it makes no sense to me.” These kinds of arguments just cropped up from time to time, and usually ended with both of us going back to our respective books. By nightfall, Twilight was deep into the D’ni journals and I had gotten into classical Equestrian history. All day the only noise aside from the occasional argument was the scratching of quills and the rare frustrated groan. ***** After a few days of work, we both had a better grasp of the other’s way of life. Twilight figured out about my analytical mindset, complaining that it wasn’t detail oriented enough. On the other hand, I found the amount of neglect on several key figures’ lives to be frustrating. Now however, we were both pouring over the dead language, discovering exactly what we could figure out. “So,” Twilight had gotten used to writing out entire passages on a chalkboard. “This passage talks about the linking books and how they’re an extension of the descriptive book right?” She drew large brackets over the segment in question. “Not quite,” we had gone over this several times today, “it covers that the linking books are referencing the descriptive book for a few key paragraphs. Think of it as a synopsis for the location of the linking book.” It was way past midnight; we were running on nothing but caffeine. “Okay, so we have most of the details about making a linking book here right?” I nodded, our notes were very thorough, and we did in fact figure out most of the mechanics about linking books. What impeded us was the lack of a linking book to test our theories with. Eventually we’d have to make a trip to the city to hunt one down. “Let’s plan a trip for later on,” I gave a yawn, “for now we should get some rest.” Soon we were putting out the lights and trudging up to our respective beds, having gotten a second one after polishing off the history and law books. ***** It was around noon when I finally got up and Twilight looked like she was fairing just a little better than me, just as tired but not nearly as close to going back to bed. We both tried our best to look presentable after being motivated by the bright sun. “Right,” I was repacking a few essentials, “so we’re not doing this alone right Twilight?” “Yes, I think we can get some help from a few ponies. Rainbow Dash will probably help us if she isn’t doing anything tonight. We might also be able to get Applejack, it isn’t harvest yet.” “What about Rarity or Fluttershy?” “I doubt we could get Rarity to help. The city hasn’t had residents for centuries right?” “At least a few hundred years, of that I’m sure.” “She isn’t going to like it at all; she doesn’t like getting dirty per se.” “And what about Fluttershy?” “She can be afraid of her own shadow at times. I mean we can ask but I doubt it. But why didn’t you ask about Pinkie?” “I’m not quite sure what to think about whenever I see her. She doesn’t make much sense and I’m not sure if we want to draw too much attention to ourselves. She can be rather loud after all.” “I guess so, how about you try to recruit Rarity while looking for Rainbow? I’ll get Applejack and, if we’re lucky, Fluttershy.” “Deal, see you in a few hours okay?” We both left in different directions, Twilight off towards the farm just outside of Ponyville while I went towards Carousel Boutique, checking the sky for Rainbow Dash as I went. Author's Note: I've enjoyed a little creative feedback, but if you've got questions, suggestions, or ideas feel free to tell me. Truth be told, I'm still walking around in the dark, much like any of the games in the Myst franchise. I'm mapping some stuff out, and we'll be heading into the D'ni city in the next chapter. Will Fluttershy be willing to go? Can Rarity bring herself to go? I'll tell you sometime, just not now! Thanks everyone for reading! > The City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Easy enough fer you to ask Twilight,” said a very skeptical Applejack. “Head off to some ancient place an’ look around for some book. Ah’m afraid I can’t go, there’s chores that have to be done an’ I can’t trust Apple Bloom and Big Mac to do everything while we go off on an adventure.” Twilight sighed. “Thanks for listening to me at least Applejack. Nick and I were just hoping to get some help but it’s okay.” As much as Twilight wanted the extra hooves, she wasn’t having much luck and without Applejack, convincing Fluttershy was far from ideal. She trotted off towards Fluttershy’s cottage, hoping for the best. ***** Things weren’t going any better on the other side of Ponyville though. I was losing the fight in persuading Rarity. “Please Rarity,” I pleaded. “We’ll need your keen eye for detail.” Somehow, she managed to wrangle me into holding still for measurements while we were talking. I’d love to know how she did it sometime. “I’m sorry but I’d rather not have to go gallivanting around a dank city.” She finished checking everything. “I’ll have something formal for you to try on when you return.” Her tape measure had flown away from me and she had started to leave, I didn’t have much choice but to stall a little longer. “Then can you tell me if you saw Rainbow Dash at all today?” She turned to look at me with a skeptical stare. “Not in the slightest, now if you’ll kindly show yourself out I have orders to fill.” I left in defeat, no Rarity and the illusive cyan pegasus remained out of sight after I was back outside. I was a little fortunate though that I had at least given it my best, knowing I was going in with no chance of success and managing to get a word in edgewise was an accomplishment in its own right. However, I had to go track Rainbow down now. I hate losing… ***** Most ponies were still keeping a distance from me, leaving me to look without help. As I searched, though I had found some company. Pinkie was looking around, as if trying to find what I was looking for. If I could, I wanted to avoid bringing Pinkie; the sheer notion that it wouldn’t be quiet for long was very unappealing. Then again, she claimed to know everyone and I could seriously use a hand. I sighed, “Pinkie what are you looking for?” She turned and looked at me. “What are you looking for Nick?” I rolled my eyes, “Rainbow Dash. How about you, what are you looking for?” “Well, I was thinking you could use a hoof looking for whatever you were looking for. Everypony just hurries away from you and that made me sad. So, I decided to help you out, but I was afraid you wouldn’t tell me what you were looking for.” I put a finger to her mouth and smiled, “I need Rainbow Dash so she can help me and Twilight find something. Would you like to come along too?” Yes, I thought it might be trouble, but I needed the extra help. If I couldn’t get Rainbow, we were down some major help. If Twilight was having anywhere close to my luck we could use all the help we could get. She nodded her head vigorously, “sure thing!” Not a second thought or anything, she just up and agreed. If only it really was this easy. “Last I saw Rainbow Dash; she was heading off towards the library. If we hurry we can catch her!” She galloped off, leaving me to try to run after her. I’ll be honest; I was never good at sports or anything like that. ***** Twilight was knocking on Fluttershy’s door for what seemed like forever. There was somepony in there and Fluttershy hadn’t brushed off Twilight like this before. “Fluttershy,” Twilight chanced her friend to hear her. “I’d like to ask you to help me and Nick with something. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, but please at least tell me.” The door slowly creaked open, revealing a sliver of the yellow pegasus’ face. “What is it Twilight?” “We’d like your help looking for something. We were going to go to the city Nick was at before he came to Equestria and we could use the help of everypony willing to go.” The door opened further, closing quickly behind Fluttershy. “What is it? What you’re looking for I mean.” Twilight smiled; at least somepony was willing to hear her out completely. “We’re looking for a specific kind of book. I really can’t go into too many details without a visual aid but we could really use any help you could give us. Any further trips for information would mean that we have to trek back through the Everfree Forest back to Ponyville.” Fluttershy only nodded at first. “I’ll get my saddlebags,” she said suddenly. “If you want me to help I’ll come along.” Twilight beamed, one out of two wasn’t too bad. Applejack would’ve been better but Fluttershy was no slouch when she could keep it together. ***** I finally caught up to Pinkie Pie at the library. “Rainbow went inside with a book. I think she’s returning the last of the Daring Do books.” I tried to catch my breath and simply nodded to the party pony. After a few moments though I had gotten back some of my energy and we went inside to find Rainbow looking around the bookshelves for something. I cleared my throat, causing her to jump a little. “Something I can help you find Rainbow?” “Nah,” she tried her best to just wave off being spooked. “I thought there was a book I hadn’t read in the series and I don’t see it.” “Well, let me just outright say it. Rainbow, Twilight and I need some help. We’re going to go looking for something back in the world I came from and I’d like to know if you can help us.” “Didn’t you say you came in from a city deep below ground?” I smirked, “is a dark cave a problem Rainbow Dash can’t solve?” She backed up a little before glaring at me. “You think I can’t handle a cave don’t you?” “I think you can’t handle the dark, cold earth in every direction. We just want to go and find a book, but I’m not sure where we could find one. We could really use your help Rainbow. We find it, come back, and make our way back through the Everfree Forest. Easy don’t you think?” “Well, until you get to the Everfree Forest it sounds really lame.” “Archaeology isn’t always dramatic treasure hunting. Actually, it rarely is. This is different though, we found the city on next to no information. Most of it is still unexplored so there’s plenty of places for things to get exciting.” “But it’s just a book.” I took a deep breath. “Yes, a book that can send us back to Equestria in the blink of an eye. Well, after we get it working it can, it’s complicated but I can try to explain it if you’d like.” “Nah, I’ll come along. Doesn’t sound cool, but its someplace nopony’s been before. How can I refuse something like that?” “Then get some saddlebags and get right back here,” I glanced over my shoulder to Pinkie. “Same goes for you Pinkie. We’ll be using that book I didn’t want you to use before.” Pinkie’s eyes widened and she sped off. Rainbow went out after her, taking to the air just out the door. ***** “Sister,” Princess Luna yawned as she saw her sister staring at the latest letter sent from Twilight Sparkle. “You’ve done next to nothing since that letter arrived. What has you bothered so much?” Princess Celestia blinked and looked over to her sleepy sister. It was nearing sundown and she had indeed done nothing but stare at the letter all day. “I’m sorry Luna, but this is very important. You remember when we were visited by him?” Luna blinked, snapped awake at the very question. “Everypony please leave my sister and I. We have something to discuss.” After they were alone, Luna encased the room in a silencing spell. “Now we have some degree of secrecy. Now you mean the one who visited the old castle right sister?” “Luna,” Celestia paused and passed the picture of Nick, Twilight and her friends. “I’ll never forget that night.” ***** Everyone had assembled in the library, and everyone was also surprised that Fluttershy was now incredibly gun-ho about the trip. I took a deep breath and opened the linking book to the page with the panel on it. “Now Spike, I want you to keep this book hidden from everyone. Nobody can find it okay?” “For the last time Nick, I’ll keep it secret from everypony.” I shot him a glare, “even if it was Princess Celestia or Princess Luna?” He gulped hard and nodded. “Just be back soon.” “Right,” I paused, my hand millimeters from the panel’s surface, “Give me a good ten count before touching the panel. Do the same between everyone.” Twilight nodded, “we already went over this. Me, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, then Spike hides the linking book.” I nodded and touched the panel, vanishing on the spot while the book clattered on the floor. Twilight began counting. ***** The dimly lit library that I once called home returned in a flash. I reached into my bag and pulled out my flashlight. With flashlight in hand I went over to a small case on what I had once thought to be a fireplace. In the case were several small, smooth stone orbs. They varied from the size of a pebbled to a grapefruit, each perfectly spherical. I set the large flashlight down and grabbed one of the orbs, unleashing tremendous illumination on the room with but a shake of the stone. Of all the technology I uncovered in my isolation I found these to be shear brilliance. They must have been found on an age since there was no stone I knew of that could generate its own light. Twilight soon joined me, her eyes wide as she saw the shimmering light in my gloved palm. “What is that?” “I don’t know their names, but I’ve taken to calling them ‘fire marbles,’ the texture and consistency is like that of polished marble.” We were now joined by Rainbow, who also was curious about the luminous orb. “They react to being shaken to give off light,” I continued. “But like their name they can be extinguished by water.” “They’re fascinating Nick.” “Neat,” added Rainbow. Fluttershy now joined us, hyperventilating from the sudden trip. “I’m afraid I don’t like travelling by book much.” Twilight and Rainbow helped get Fluttershy out of the way just before Pinkie showed up. “Now that we’re all here I think we should just get everything squared away. We’re calling this place home for now. I have blankets for everyone, Twilight and I thought it best that we use the biggest bag for things like that.” I quickly swapped hands holding the fire marble and went into a side room. Everything was working just fine; my little hydroponic garden was still growing. I stuck my head back into the main room of the library, “we also have some food, but not a whole lot. I’m pretty sure that the others in the team have food, but right now I’m not sure if I should trust them. The descriptive book that sent me to your world was hidden.” “Yes,” chimed in Twilight, “after we translated the journals, and cleaned up the original translations, we found out that the author hid the book so it would remain unspoiled by his people; by the D’ni.” “Wait,” whispered Fluttershy, “the author wanted our world to be unspoiled?” I nodded. “I’ll admit I was curious so I checked. I want you girls to know I’m nothing like the people the author was trying to keep the book from, he intended to keep your world safe from conquerors. I wanted to learn and understand. I know that in the past we humans enslaved each other, but from a cultural point of view I could understand some of it at that point in time. I want nothing to do with enslaving anyone or stripping a world of all its resources.” I had gone over to a small chest and after thumbing through several parchment documents, I returned with a few. Sprawling them out for everyone to see I began to explain. “Here’s a bunch of maps. I think that we should start in this island,” I moved the island’s map to the front. “We’re here,” I pointed to a building that had been circled, “and I’ve not explored much so there’s a lot of ground to cover. There will probably be a lot of area we can’t reach due to eroded staircases,” I looked over to Fluttershy and Rainbow, “that’s where you both come in. Also, most buildings have pretty sturdy doors,” I pointed over to the fallen door to one side of the room, “we’ll need to work as a team if we’re going to break in.” “Wait,” interjected Rainbow as she stared at me, “you said nothing about breaking into buildings.” “The city’s dead Rainbow,” replied Twilight, “it isn’t like the residents are still around.” I nodded, “archaeology isn’t very glamorous when it gets messy Rainbow. Breaking and entering will be the least of what we do by the time we’re done here.” I checked my watch, not something I had been doing lately. “It’s eight-forty now so we’ll make plans for the morning and get an early start.” “I think we should also take the descriptive book with us Nick,” added Twilight. In case we are trapped by a cave-in or something. Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. “What’s so important about the descriptive book?” “Well,” I tried to find the best way to put it, “the descriptive book is our anchor back to Equestria. We’ll need it to get back.” Everyone but me gulped hard. I shared everyone’s thought though; I didn’t want this to be a one-way trip. I moved over to the far corner of the library and pried up a panel on the floor. Quickly I went down, leaving the hatch open. I was beside myself in the small chamber; the descriptive book was gone. > The Shadow and The Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long ago A fierce storm raged outside the palace of the Royal Sisters and the guards had retreated to the archway that concealed the massive doors. This was the worst storm they had seen in years, and it obscured a cloaked figure that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The figure stood on two legs and moved swiftly. Soon it was upon the guards, still huddled up against the walls. It reached over and grabbed one of the guards. “I have a message for your masters, let me pass at once!” Soon the guards had managed to force the doors open enough for the cloaked figure to pass indoors. Once inside, it lowered its hood to reveal a young man with pale blue eyes and weathered skin. He strode along the corridors, having made this journey only once before did not stop him from remembering the way. Guards did not impede his trip; they knew he was expected. Soon he strode into a great hall, two regal figures at the opposite end waited for him. “You are late,” came the voice of one as the man walked closer to them. Soon however the two alicorns, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, became clear. “What has kept you?” “Forgive me,” said the man, “I was being watched. My people are growing suspicious. I fear that this may be the last time I come here.” “We wish to know what news you have for us,” called Princess Luna. “The hiding place for the book is done.” “And what of the linking books,” asked Princess Celestia. “All of them are gone. When I can I shall hide your descriptor book so that my people cannot find it.” “Is there anything else you wish to tell us?” “If someone else resembling me comes they must be dealt away with. I may have helped you advocate peace, but it is still important that your people are prepared to defend themselves from my people.” “With your aid we have dealt with Discord,” yelled Luna. “Must we live in fear of your kind for the rest of our lives?” “Not at all, those who keep an eye on me are foolish. If they cannot find my hiding spots then they are undeserving of my secrets.” Princess Celestia cleared her throat. “We have observed your other creations that you have brought to us. Why take them away?” “I have no intention for anyone to know I was here.” “And you have done a good job. You claim to be unseen, Relyimah but why do I doubt that?” “I am a Relyimah. I serve my king, but that does not mean I am a tool. Though I became estranged from the guild writers, I am still capable of performing the Art. Now I must demand you return the books I gave you.” “Why would you let us observe them and then take them away?” “I have no intention for anyone to know what I am planning.” He glared to the two, “not even your graces.” Celestia glared at the man, but was surprised as the linking books flew to his side, each enveloped in a midnight blue hue. “Luna, why would you do this?” “I would not trust us with such power sister,” Luna replied nonchalantly as the books were placed into a large bag. “My thanks to you Lady of the Night,” spoke the man with a calm and even tone. After the last book returned to the bag they once came from, he hefted it over his shoulder. “Now I have one last demand of you both. Kill anyone who comes from outside your world. They will come with force and they will disrupt your way of life.” Princess Luna glared at him with skepticism. “Why then did you stay our hooves from killing Discord then?” “There are necessary evils in all worlds,” he reached into a satchel and withdrew a book from it. “No wanderer is allowed to live,” ha made his way to a large brazier, “understood?” As the two princesses nodded, he opened the book just barely over the fire and touched the panel, escaping just as the flames enveloped the linking book. ***** The man returned to a cloistered library, the park would be unveiled only a few feet above his library in mere moments. He let out a low whistle and waited. In moments, he was surrounded by several large creatures. “Now, we begin this last silent breath of the Relyimah.” He opened his bag, showing them all the linking books. “Kindly take these all back to their proper places.” One of the creatures leaned in and whispered something in his ear, which caused him to recoil. “I intend to withdraw when everything is secure. My friends must remain safe, as too must you vahkhro. Now hurry along and return the books to their locations.” Each grabbed several books in their clawed hands, ignoring the man as he hid the passage down to the Equestrian descriptive book. Once he was alone once more, he gathered together plenty to hide the fire he planned outside the library he had hidden himself in. “Now it all ends,” he lit the fire with one of his own fire marbles. It wasn’t conventional use for the stones, but it worked in a pinch. “In this time when we the Relyimah are no longer needed we are put to death. I will not go to the gallows or to an age of death.” He withdrew one last book of his possession. “If someone is clever enough to find the book to Equestria, I pray they are clever enough to leave.” He placed his palm over the panel and vanished, this book crumbled to ash in the fire overnight. None among the D’ni saw Sura Eder, the last of the Relyimah, save for a young guardsman. His final insult was to vanish into a different Age, who's descriptor book he already hid better than any other place: in a chest at the bottom of the lake in the city of the D'ni. ***** The Present: “Luna,” Celestia looked to her sister, having just raised the moon. “What will we do about this ‘Nick’ that Twilight has written about?” “I doubt he has been here long,” replied the lunar princess, “can we not have Twilight Sparkle bring him before us?” “How could we explain him away Luna? There would be plenty of ponies who have seen him if that were the case. Twilight’s friends have seen him already, as has a student I had thrown out of the academy here in Canterlot.” How Lyra had come across anything pertaining to humans still eluded Celestia, but it was too dangerous to let it continue. “I’m afraid that by now it would spark a rebellion if we did the Relyimah’s wish to destroy him.” “But we could crush a small rebellion sister. It would only be the residents of Ponyville correct?” “Listen to yourself Luna; you’re beginning to sound like Nightmare Moon again!” Luna gasped and glared to her sister. “Never compare me to her again Celestia.” Celestia met her sister’s glare. “You got along well with the Relyimah, tell me why at least.” Luna sighed. “He showed us such wonders. Would it not have been wise to show kindness to him? He aided us in sealing Discord, helped us bring order to the chaos that Discord sewed, and even proved that peace could reign for all ponykind. Not a moment went by on the moon when I did not think of why I had fallen so far, save for when I remembered he told us to spare Discord.” Celestia bit her lip; she knew where this topic was going. The Relyimah had reminded them to rule fairly and to show even the barest hint of kindness to their foes. He had left with more questions than advice, but both sisters had come to terms with knowing that he would never have shared anything with them that would endanger their world. “Luna,” Celestia spoke out of the silence, “I will make the arrangements with Twilight. We will need to speak with this man about his intentions. I would rather not have to resort to wiping all of Ponyville out to keep our promise to the Relyimah.” “You can write the letter announcing our arrival in Ponyville once you can stop calling him by that name.” Having the knowledge that she struck her sister silent the princess of the night left for the tedious nightlong vigil of the empty court and all the revisions she still had to make to her sister’s laws.