> The Most Ultimate Party! > by OfficialDerp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Setting Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What am I doing?” a pink, curly-maned earth pony asked aloud to herself. It’s a beautiful night outside, but she’s just lying on her bed, staring at a rubber chicken displayed on a shelf. “Why can’t I stop thinking about him?” She sighed, as she closed her blue eyes and put her head down. This has been happening for the past few days since that one extraordinarily odd stallion left town. “Pinkie? You okay in there?” a female voice asked from outside the locked door. Pinkie didn’t even hear the hoofsteps coming up the stairs. “Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” came the reply, in Pinkie’s almost always-cheerful voice. Only a couple of times has she not been okay, but let’s not get into detail with those incidents. Right now she’s as Pinkie as a Pinkie can be. “Alright, but if you need us, you know where to find us.” Now a male’s voice seeped through the block between him and the mare who’s now looking towards the closed entryway to her room instead of burying her muzzle in her forelegs. Fixated on her door as if she can see through it. On the other side you can hear a small sigh. “Bye!” Pinkie smiled, her eyes once again shut, as she heard the hoofsteps of the two ponies going back downstairs. She opened her eyes and listened intently for the sound to fade into nothing. “What’s gotten into me?” she sighed, once again shoving her face into her soft, pink fur. For a little while all you can hear is a clock ticking and the light breaths of the pony face first on the mattress. Then, the breathing gets louder until it bursts into a full-on snore. ~~~~~ RRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!!! The alarm clock sounds as bright sunlight shines through the window. It just so happens to be in the perfect position to stream down straight onto a certain mare’s eye. The sound startles her awake, just well enough to get a beam of direct light shot into her pupils. “AAAUUGGHHH!!!!” she screamed, a burning sensation protruding from her eyeball. Her hooves automatically went straight up to protect the pained area. “Goshdarnit, Celestia! Why can’t the sun be less sunny?” she asked, her face contorted into a look of questioning and confusion. The pain now subsided; she got up from her bed and trotted towards the mirror. As always, her mane was perfectly bouncy even though she just woke up. She smiled one of her patented Pinkie Smiles at her reflection and bounced out the door. Hopping down the stairs, she hummed one of her on-the-spot songs. Which one it is, she didn’t remember. She kind of stopped keeping track after the twentieth one. “Hello, Pinkie!” a light purple Alicorn smiled at her as soon as she got to the bottom floor of Sugarcube Corner. “Hiya, Twilight!” Pinkie beamed back. She was glad to see her friends again; maybe they would distract her from the thoughts that have been stealing her free time lately. She had more important things to do in her free time… But that’s a story for another time! “Pinkie, I need some help planning a party for somepony. Do you think you could…?” Twilight spoke. “Leave it up to me! I am Pinkie Pie, after all!” “Great!” And so they discussed the basics of the party. Like where and when it should happen or who the party was for in the first place. Just from hearing what one would’ve heard in passing by, it already sounded like it would be a nominee for the Party of the Year award, let alone what it would be like after Pinkie got her hooves on the decorations. “I can’t wait to see how it turns out! I feel like this will be one of the best parties you’ve done by yourself!” Twilight said excitedly. “Okie Dokie Lokie! See ya then!” Pinkie walked out of the store, almost bumping into a light gray Pegasus. “Oops! Sorry, Derpy!” “It’s ok!” Derpy replied. And with that the two ponies parted ways. Pinkie just went along her way, excited to be planning yet another amazing party! It can’t possibly be as amazing as the party she threw with Cheese Sandwich, the stallion she can’t stop thinking about, of course. They collaborated on Rainbow Dash’s Birthaversary Bash. Rainbow said it was the “most epic party EVER!!!!!” Out of nowhere, Pinkie’s ears started twitching and her back started shaking. So did her right forehoof. “Huh? That’s new.” she stated with an inquisitive look on her face. Suddenly, she rammed into some kind of soft-ish wall. Or at least, she thought it was a wall… “Oof! Huh? Oh, Pinkie! It’s good to see an old friend, isn’t it?” That voice… it couldn’t be… But sure enough, as soon as she lifted her head and opened her eyes, she saw him. The brown curly mane, the yellow-ish coat, the bright, green eyes. Cheese Sandwich. “Cheese!” she exclaimed. “How have you been?” she pulled him in for one of her Pinkie hugs. “I’m doing great! So, what’s new? Planning any parties?” Cheese smiled with his extraordinary white teeth once Pinkie had finally let go of him. “Yep! In fact, I was just about to start setting it up!” “Then count me in for helping you! I love a good party planning!” “Oh my gosh, this is going to be an even bigger party than last time!” “Let’s get started!” And with that the most ultimate party began. ~~~~~~ “Wow!” A light blue Pegasus flew over to the party-planning duo “This party is even better than my Birthaversary Bash!!!” “Oh, it’s not even over!” Cheese said. “There are so many more things to do!” he gestured towards the rest of the party. He was right; there were so many things Rainbow hadn’t even glanced at! The plaza was adorned in bright colors and filled with many bouncy houses; all made so not even Celestia’s horn could pop them. There were multiple games and snacks strewn all around; most of those snacks being muffins. It looked like a recolored version of a Nightmare Night festival, minus all the costumes and plus extra muffins. That was only that half of it. There was still the other half, the half that Rainbow hadn’t yet been able to go over to. Actually, a lot of ponies hadn’t gone over to that side yet. There were so many things to do on this side, why would they even want to cross over all the way to see what they were missing. It didn’t feel like they were missing anything. The only reason one would probably think of walking, flying, or teleporting to that location would be out of sheer curiosity. Of which Rainbow had a lot of at this moment. “Go on, I know you want to!” Pinkie somehow knew. Was she actually psychic, or just really good at guessing? Nopony really knew. “ Ok, why not?” Rainbow zoomed over to the side that she hadn’t seen yet, leaving Pinkie and Cheese alone, but only for a second. “Wow, this is the greatest party anypony has ever thrown for me!” Derpy flew over, holding ten muffins in her forehooves. “You’re welcome!” Pinkie gave her another muffin, making for a total of eleven. Derpy flew backwards in excitement, almost knocking over one of the many colorful banners with her face on it. “My bad…” she said, a sad look beginning to spread across her face. “That’s ok!” Cheese grinned; feeling like nothing could get him down. Derpy flew off, maybe to play a game or get more muffins, leaving Pinkie and Cheese standing there. They nodded at each other, as if sending a message psychically. They went down to the stage they had set up to entertain everypony even more. The party seemed to go on forever, full of music, muffins, and fun! Unfortunately, it did not go on forever, and eventually ended. “That was the best party ever!!!” was heard from a few places as everypony went home. “Pinkie, Cheese, that was amazing!” Twilight trotted over to where they were standing, smiling widely. “I don’t think you can ever top that!” “Just you wait; I bet the next party that we throw will be even better!” Pinkie grinned back at everyone and everything. Cheese was smiling, too, as always, but on the inside, he was kind of sad. Typically after he throws a party in a town, he leaves, moving on to the next place. This time, however, he didn’t want to leave quite yet. He wanted to stay with Pinkie, at least for a little bit longer. He just needed to come up with an excuse for why he was going to remain in Ponyville. But what? “Hey, how about I stay in Ponyville for a little while, just to see how things are around here? I do that from time to time.” Cheese proposed to the now six ponies (and one dragon) that had gathered there. Everyone agreed that it would be fun to have Cheese stay in town, and with that one very important question was raised. Where would he stay? > One More > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, that sounds like a great idea and all, but where are you going to stay if you stay?” Rainbow questioned. “Rainbow’s right, you’ll need a place to settle.” Twilight stated rather clearly. “Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered!” Seemingly out of nowhere, Cheese pulled out his giant party cannon, which seemed to have a small doorway carved out. “I’ll just stay in this thing!” He patted it on the side. “Where are you going to set it up? Right here?” Pinkie asked, actually very curious to see where her friend would be residing. “Nah, just a little off to the side…” Cheese pointed at a small area that had nothing occupying it at the time and moved his cannon to the space. “There we go! All set up!” “Great! Hey, you know what this calls for? A party!!!” Pinkie brought out her own party cannon and shot the colorful confetti that was inside into the air. “Uh, Pinkie? Ah hate ta rain on your parade, Er, party, but we just finished one! Do ya really think everypony would wanna come?” Applejack cut in. “Well, at least you guys would want to come to the party, right?” Pinkie questioned, hoping at least one would want to. “Of course, Pinkie! Just not today. We’re all partied out!” Twilight compromised. “Well, of course not today, silly! I was hoping tomorrow!” Pinkie waved a hoof at them dismissively. “We’ll have it here, correct?” Rarity asked “If it’s fine with Cheese here!” Pinkie nudged Cheese with her foreleg. “Yep! That’s totally fine with me!” Cheese beamed, happy that someone was actually throwing him a party instead of the other way around. “Then it’s settled. See you tomorrow!” Twilight walked away. So did everyone else, except for Pinkie and Cheese. “See you tomorrow, Cheese!” Pinkie called as she bounced away, smiling “Bye!” Cheese called back. He walked into his cannon-house and sat down. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world. “I need some furniture…” he looked around. “Ah!” he ran over to a large pile of confetti that he hadn’t cleared out yet, and soon enough he had a couch, bed, table, and two chairs made out of paper mache. He sat down on the couch gently, testing it to make sure it would stay. He smiled as it supported his weight. He trotted over to his bed to see if it stayed up, too. Sure enough, it kept its shape, even with a fully grown stallion bouncing on it. That was all he needed to test for now. He yawned and stretched out his limbs, curling into a sleeping position afterwards. He slowly started to doze off, still excited about the events that were to occur the next day. ~~~~~ Cheese was woken up abruptly by the sound of loud party horns being blown. Of course, he knew what this meant and wasn’t upset. Instead he jumped up from his bed and zipped over to the door, a surprisingly wide smile on his face. He threw the door open and was greeted by seven grinning faces and a lot of decorations. Well, a lot for such a small party. “Hey! Glad you finally came out!” Rainbow flew over, holding one of those little party popper things in her hoof. “Isn’t this party fun?” Fluttershy practically whispered, not because she didn’t want to be loud, but because that’s just how she was. “This looks awesome! Thank you so much! Normally I’m the one to throw the parties.” Cheese looked around at all the decorations that would’ve probably taken a good amount of time to put up, had it not been Pinkie decorating. “Wait, so you’re saying that nopony has ever thrown a party for you?” Rarity seemed surprised by this fact. “Well, that all changes today!” Pinkie popped up seemingly out of nowhere. How she did that, nopony knew. It was just accepted by everyone that that was what Pinkie did. “Now that everyone’s here, let’s get this party fully started!!!” There were a bunch of fun things to do, like bob for apples or pin the tail on the pony. Those were just two of all the awesome activities that were set up! There was a dance floor, and they had even hired a DJ for the occasion! It was almost like a miniaturized version of the previous day’s party, except a lot more impromptu. “Hey! You having fun?” Pinkie slid over to where Cheese was playing one of the games set up. “Have I ever! This is more fun than setting up any party, no matter how fun it is!” Cheese stopped playing and looked over at Pinkie with shining eyes. “Thank you so much!” “Oh, it’s no problem!” Pinkie smiled as Rainbow flew over. “Hey, why don’t you join all of us on the dance floor?” She pulled the two ponies by their hooves over to the location where everyone else was dancing like there was no tomorrow. Even Gummy was moving his tail in time with the dubstep the DJ had so gladly played. “How do you dance to this?” Rarity asked, enjoying it despite not knowing what to do. “Just go with it, ah guess…” Applejack shrugged unsurely. “I’ll show you how to dance to this!” Rainbow plopped down onto the dance floor and started moving about in a way that no one had ever seen before. She was moving her hooves around in circles, no, squares, no, weird shapes, and flailing around differently than how ponies usually dance. “What are ya doin?” Applejack had a look of confusion as to what the hay Rainbow was doing. Rainbow stopped and said “Come on! Just try it, it’s fun!” she smiled with those big eyes and weird squeaking sound. On the other side of the floor, Twilight was dancing just as she normally would, or at least trying. It was still awkward trying to do everything she used to with wings. After a while, she gave up and went to stick her face in a tub and try to pull out fruit. Everypony was having a ton of fun, including Rainbow who was still trying to teach Applejack and Rarity how to dance to dubstep, to no avail. The party went on for hours, which is only possible for a Pinkie party to pull off! Not a single moment passed with nothing to do. Once again, not every party can go on forever. Eventually it had to end. Luckily, everyone got to do one last thing before they all left. Rarity had one more snack, Fluttershy sang along to one more song (as much as you can sing along to a dance remix), Rainbow tried one more time to teach everypony how to dance as the DJ played one more song, Twilight bobbed for one more apple, and Cheese and Pinkie played one more game. “Wow, that was fun. I don’t think I can go to any more parties anytime soon.” Fluttershy quietly stated. “You barely did anything. All you did was try to sing along with earplugs in. How does that even work?” Rainbow looked at her inquisitively. “Thanks again, you guys! That was the best party anyone’s ever thrown for me!!!” Cheese had that sparkle in his eye that everypony gets after a Pinkie party! “Don’t thank us; Pinkie is the one who set up the entire thing!” Rarity pointed over at the pony responsible. “Yeah! We tried to help, but Pinkie insisted she do it all herself!” Rainbow floated above everypony. “Aww, it’s no big deal! I throw parties all the time!” Pinkie knew that it was true, and luckily nopony found it suspicious that she had thrown a party right after one. I mean, she had tried to do that before. “Still! Nopony’s ever thrown a party for me!” Cheese hugged Pinkie, so happy that she had gone through the effort to pull everything together for him. In less than a day, too! “How can I ever repay you?” “Your thanks are enough!” Pinkie stated as Cheese let go of her. She kept her cool externally, but internally she was so flustered. He had just hugged her! She wasn’t going to forget that for a long time! “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m tired!” Spike uttered. He hadn’t talked much during the party, so when he spoke it was kind of a reminder to the rest of them that there were more than seven of them there. “Spike’s right, we all need to go home.” Twilight spread out her wings, ready to fly back to the library where she stayed. There were exchanges of “Goodnight!” and “See you later!” as everyone went home. Pinkie was bouncing back to Sugarcube Corner, still extremely happy that Cheese had hugged her. It wasn’t like that happened every day! She hoped that she would be able to show him around town sometime soon. That would be fun, and everypony knew how much she liked fun! (How could they forget?) Cheese was sitting on his makeshift couch, when he thought to himself; he should get Pinkie to show him around Ponyville. That would be a great way to spend time together! It was settled. He would ask her to show him around tomorrow. He just needed to think of how. > I Hope You Like Confetti... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Pinkie got up, as usual, went downstairs, as usual, and greeted everypony, as usual. There was one thing that wasn’t usual, however, and that was the giant envelope that was being dragged through the door by the mailpony. “Hey, Derpy! Come for your usual—woah! Who’s that for?” Pinkie trotted over, curiosity overwhelming her. “For you, actually! I don’t know who it’s from; it just popped up at the mail office.” Derpy set the letter down in front of Pinkie. Sure enough, there were huge letters on the side that spelled out “Pinkie Pie”. She could only guess who sent it. Who else? “Wow, that’s awesome! Do you still want some muffins?” Pinkie offered, still slightly stunned by the sheer size of the item sent to her. “Of course!” After Pinkie filled some orders, she picked up a corner of the envelope with her mouth and bounced up the stairs. Or, tried to. The letter was so big; she had to walk normally to drag it upstairs. It was about as big as the card that the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave to the teacher, Miss Cheerilee, that one Hearts and Hooves Day, just to give you a sense of size. As soon as the monstrosity of an envelope was opened, about a hundred buckets of confetti spewed from it, leaving a normal-sized letter inside. Pinkie picked up the letter and read it. I hope you like confetti! Hey, I was wondering, since I’m going to be staying for a bit, why don’t you show me around town? It’ll be tons of fun! I’ll be at my place, so if you want to, just come over! Maybe you can put all that confetti to use! Your friend, Cheese Sandwich. She thought the exact same thing last night! It was amazing how alike they were. Instantly, she swooped up all the little bits of colorful paper from the room and shoved it all into her saddlebags. As well as her party cannon, some containers of bubbles, some streamers, a ton of deflated balloons, and a bunch of other stuff that wouldn’t be possible to fit into such a small space. She rushed out the door with her things and went over to the place where Cheese’s party-cannon-house resided. She knocked on the door, only to have it swung open a millisecond later. “Surprise! I came!” Pinkie smiled. “Come on, let me give you the grand tour of Ponyville!” ~~~~~ If you thought a grand tour of any town would be fun, this was even more so! Pinkie did end up putting all that confetti to good use, and she went around town and showed Cheese everyone and everything. “Oh, and over there is the library where Twilight stays.” Pinkie pointed over to Twilight’s place of residence while simultaneously shooting a good pound of confetti at it. Twilight had the bad luck to be walking out of her house at the moment this happened. “Good morning, Pink—! “ Twilight uttered as she got a mouthful of paper. She spit it out. “Blegh! What’s going on here, Pinkie? Why are you shooting confetti at my house?” “Oopsie! Sorry, Twilight! I was just showing Cheese around town. He sent me a ton of confetti, so I was just using it!” Pinkie smiled sheepishly at her; truly sorry she got confetti all over her friend. “That’s alright, just not how I expected my day to start out. I’ll just get this stuff out of my mane, you two keep on with your tour!” Twilight walked back in, hoping Spike might help her clean all of this up. Pinkie and Cheese bounced along, streamers flying everywhere. It felt like the whole town was acting as one big party, full of banners with the names of shops hoof-painted on them and balloons tied to everything. The entire tour was met with confused ponies of every type, wondering if there was another party, what with all the decorations. There was a trail of bubbles following them wherever they went, and bright colors all over the place. It was so spectacular, it felt almost like a dream. Cheese even started to believe it. In fact, to remind himself that he wasn’t dreaming, he joined in on the fun by pulling even more decorations out of seemingly nowhere. “Now this is a tour!” Cheese beamed. “Oh, it’s not even close to being over!” Pinkie said excitedly as she looked over at seemingly no one. Cheese looked over, too. He smiled at whatever they were looking at, and then they both went along with the tour. Halfway through the tour, Pinkie started to sing. Every single pony in this entire town Means something special to me, I hate to see them frown. When I see a frown starting to form upon their face, I make it so a smile will come and take its place! Even when a pony is as grumpy as can be, I throw a party, make them laugh, and then they finally see! Pinkie was so good at singing, it always made Cheese happy to hear her. I already know you knew, parties just come easy! But this tour party’s just for you, I hope it’s not too Cheesy! Oh, now he had to join in… I love throwing parties, too! There is no party I can’t do! When ponies see me walk in town, they can’t help but not to frown! Even when I go away, the smiles, they just seem to stay! Oh, wow! Cheese was singing, too! You don’t need to say, I see, parties just come easy! I’m glad this party’s just for me, I swear it’s not too Cheesy! Big finale… We are the best Super-Duper Party Planning team, Ponies have so much fun that they just want to scream! Everypony gathers round when we start to sing and dance, other ponies try to top us; they don’t stand a chance! When we throw a party, ponies from miles around come to join in on the fun in this little town! They were having so much fun, they didn’t notice the crowd of ponies that had gathered to watch. When you’ve got the two of us, parties just come easy! Ponies come see what’s the fuss made by Pinkie and Cheesy! The song ended and everypony cheered, smiles definitely brought to their faces by the little performance that was just finished. The clapping startled the two slightly, but they recovered quickly and bowed. After the applause ended, they just went on their way. ~~~~~ After the tour, Pinkie walked Cheese home. “Wow, thanks again!” Cheese beamed over at Pinkie. “You’re welcome! Anything for a friend!” Pinkie smiled back. It was always nice doing something for a friend, let alone Cheese. “We should do something again soon!” That line really resonated with Pinkie; it was almost the same thing that was said after Gummy’s birthday party. It was the line that made her plan a party the day after she had one. Normally, hearing that line again would trigger the same response, like a ghost reacting to a name of a person or place. Not this time, however. “Well, see ya!” Pinkie walked away, satisfied with what the day had brought. She wondered when the next time she would see Cheese was. Tomorrow? The next day? Well, whatever day the next time she would meet up with him was, it was going to be at least twice as fun as the last. ~~~~~ The day that followed was nothing exactly special. It was just a normal day. Pinkie woke up, went downstairs, and started helping out with orders. She filled orders for muffins, cupcakes, milkshakes, and other things that they sold there. Various types of ponies with various ages came and went, and nothing really stood out for Pinkie. Except for the bright idea that she got to send a few cupcakes over to Cheese. She had just made some, so they were still somewhat warm. She wrote a quick letter, put the cupcakes into a bag, put the bag and the letter into a package, and gave it to the mailpony as she was leaving with her muffins for the day. Then, Pinkie went about her day doing what she normally does. ~~~~~ When Cheese opened his door, he wasn’t expecting a package given to him by the local mailpony. “Here you go, this was given directly to me to give to you!” Derpy smiled, looking at him with one eye, while her other looked at something else somewhere in the distance. “Uh, thank you! Who’s it from?” he asked. “Pinkie sent it!” Cheese had the urge to open the package right then and there, but he decided to wait until Derpy left. “Well, thank you for delivering it! Bye, Derpy!” “Bye!” she flew off to deliver the rest of everypony’s mail. Cheese went back inside and sat down on his couch. He opened the package and was met with a surprise. About a few buckets of confetti exploded out of the package. Well, now he knew how Pinkie felt. He looked inside the box to see what else there was. There was a bag filled with something, what he didn’t know, and a letter. The letter read this: Hehe, I had some confetti left over. Since I didn’t get to see you today, I decided to send you some cupcakes! Hopefully they’ll still be warm. Enjoy them! I heard you really like this kind! Oh, and I hope you can find a use for that confetti! Your Super-Duper friend, Pinkie Pie! “Wow, I wonder what kind of cupcakes these are!” he practically tore the bag open in excitement. He opened the bag to find 12 cupcakes. He saw that they were lemon, due to the yellow color and little candy lemon slice on top. Lemon cupcakes were his favorites. “How did she know these are my favorites?” he looked one over with a smile on his face. It was in perfect shape, despite being shoved in a bag in a box filled with confetti. He opened up his mouth and ate the cupcake in one bite. “Thith cupcake ith delthouth!” his words were muffled since his mouth was filled with food. He swallowed the pastry and smiled, thinking about something he could send or do for Pinkie to repay her. He thought of the perfect way how. > Is This... a Date? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie was caught entirely off guard by what had just happened. She was on her way back to Sugarcube Corner after delivering an order of cookies when Cheese popped up out of nowhere and told her to follow him. He told her she had to wear a blindfold. Being Pinkie, she agreed, no matter where he was taking her. That doesn’t mean she wasn’t still curious… “So, where are we going?” Pinkie asked as she was lead somewhere unknown by Cheese. “You’ll see…” Cheese brought her to the top of a hill where he had a little picnic set up. It was right under a tree and had a perfect view of where the sun would be setting. Even though it was a picnic, there were still balloons and streamers. “Ok, you can take the blindfold off.” Pinkie untied the cloth covering her eyes and looked up. As soon as she saw what was set up, she let out a little squeal of excitement. “It’s a picnic, but there are balloons! It must be a…” Pinkie started. “Party picnic?” Cheese finished for her, smiling broadly. “YES! Are you psychic?” Pinkie looked over at him before hopping over to the blanket and sitting down. “Oooh! You’ve even got snacks!” she was looking at a picnic basket Cheese had put on the blanket. “See what snacks there are!” Cheese sat down next to her. Pinkie opened the basket and saw them. Seven perfect lemon cupcakes. They looked familiar… “Hey! Those are the cupcakes I sent to you!” Pinkie smiled down at the food. “Yep! I ate five of them, they’re just so good!” “Awesome!” They sat and talked for a while. Pinkie told Cheese how she’s been doing and vice versa. Pinkie talked about parties she threw and things she’s done. She even told him stories about things that had happened a while ago. “And then, the copies of me stormed through town, but I was just sitting there, poking at the ground with my hoof.” Pinkie said. “What? Really?” Cheese was intrigued by the story. “Yeah! And then Spike came and asked me if I was the real Pinkie and I said ‘Heck if I know.’ And then I came up with a brilliant idea to do a test to see who the real Pinkie was!” “What was it?” “Well, since all that the copy Pinkies could think of was fun, I decided that a good test would be watching paint dry!” “I bet that was really hard…” “It kind of was, but I knew that there were more important things than fun! So I stayed with it until the very end. You know how I celebrated?” “How?” “I took a nap!” Pinkie giggled as she concluded her story. “Wow! That was a cool story! By the way, how’s Boneless doing?” Cheese inquired. “He’s doing well! Hehe, he always reminds me of you…” Pinkie immediately regretted saying that, but stayed smiling. Why had she let that slip? Cheese was surprised by this statement. Always? Of course, he wasn’t surprised in a bad way, he was actually happy hearing her say that. He smiled. “Well, I’m glad I left Boneless in such good hooves. And whenever I see Boneless 2, I remember that.” he was looking into Pinkie’s eyes, still smiling. He moved his hooves so they were slightly touching Pinkie’s, his cheeks slightly tinged red. Pinkie, however, was blushing a lot more than that. Pinkie giggled as she gazed into Cheese’s eyes, smiling. They stayed like that for a few seconds. Then, she got the courage to ask something. “Cheese?” “Yeah?” “Is this… a date?” “Heh, I-I guess so…” Pinkie was really happy to finally confirm this as a date. She had been wondering that for a while, and now her question was answered. She was so happy, that she wrapped her hooves around Cheese and gave him a hug. Cheese was taken aback by this, but he smiled and returned the embrace. The sun was setting as they sat there. It was almost entirely gone when Pinkie pulled away. She giggled. “This date was fun. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date before, let alone one this fun!” Pinkie’s eye caught something sitting in the basket. She looked over; there was still one cupcake left. “Hey, Cheese! There’s one last cupcake!” Cheese looked over. There indeed was one more cupcake in the picnic basket. That would mean that Pinkie and he had both had three, since he had brought an odd number. “Do you want it?” he asked. “Well, since we both had the same number of cupcakes, how about we share this last one?” “Ok, but I didn’t bring a knife or anything to cut it with.” “That’s ok!” she smiled as she tore the pastry into two perfect halves, lemon candy and all. Cheese didn’t question how she did it, he knew she was Pinkie, and Pinkie can do some pretty extraordinary things. Speaking of pretty and extraordinary, the way Pinkie looked in the light of the setting sun was stunning. Her eyes looked even more sparkly than usual, which was saying something since they always had a shine wherever she went. Her mane looked amazing, like the softest and bounciest thing in the universe. Her smile always made him happy, but right now it made him elated. She was truly beautiful… “Wow…” he breathed, unable to think of anything else to say. “Hmmm? Wow about what? Silly Cheese, do you want your cupcake half or not?” she held it out for him and, snapping back into reality, he took it. “Um… t-thanks.” he was blushing so much right then. “Don’t thank me; you’re the one who set up the party!” “Yeah, but you’re the one who made the cupcakes! Plus, I wanted to repay you for all the nice things you’ve been doing for me! Throwing me parties, showing me around town, sending me cupcakes. It’s the least I could do.” Pinkie giggled and did something really unexpected. Even more unexpected than what Pinkie normally does. She leaned in and kissed Cheese on the cheek, blushing as she did so. “So, are you going to eat your cupcake?” she smiled at him. ~~~~~ Cheese walked home, still dazed about what had happened. Pinkie had kissed him! Sure, it was on the cheek, but she had kissed him nonetheless! He was just sooo happy!!! He stumbled into his home, plopped straight onto his bed, and fell asleep almost instantly. Pinkie bounced all the way back to Sugarcube Corner, still happy that Cheese took her out on a date. She really can’t remember ever going on a date with anypony! She started thinking about this, and she got so lost in thought that she almost slammed straight into the side of a building. “Oops! That would’ve been bad!” she giggled as she walked into Sugarcube Corner, the building she almost ran into. When she went in, all the lights were off except for upstairs and the back room, where The Cakes were cleaning up for the night. Pinkie decided to ask if she could help. “Oh no, we’ve got it. You just head on upstairs. You look tired.” Mrs. Cake said Pinkie yawned, “Wha-what do you mean?” she could barely keep her eyes open. The Cakes looked at each other. “Well, goodnight anyway!” Pinkie walked away as another yawn escaped her mouth. She walked upstairs and closed the door to her room. “Tired?” one more yawn “I don’t think so…” she said as she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep before she even hit the mattress. ~~~~~ A couple of days passed, nothing really happened. Cheese would stop by Sugarcube Corner every morning, to say hi to Pinkie, and then he would go see what else Ponyville had to offer. He thought it was a really nice town, with really nice ponies. He saw why so many ponies had stayed there, even just to visit. Then, one day, Cheese woke up to something rather strange. He woke up like any other day, and he stood up. As soon as he got up, his hair started bouncing up and down and his ear started twitching. His front left foreleg started wiggling, and the tip of his tail started flicking back and forth. Not knowing Cheese very well, most ponies would’ve seen this and wondered what was going on. They would’ve asked him if he was alright, and he would’ve replied that he was fine. Only ponies that knew him or Pinkie very well would’ve known what had just happened. He, of course, knew exactly what this meant and didn’t like it. He had to leave Ponyville. > One Last Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I have to leave.” Everypony gasped as Cheese spoke these words, Pinkie the loudest. It was inevitable, but everyone, especially Pinkie, was still surprised at this fact. “Leaving? Why?” Pinkie looked at him with puppy-dog eyes. “Because, even though I would love to stay here with you guys, there are other parties that need planning all over Equestria. I can’t let all those ponies, or other animals, down.” Cheese said in his serious tone. “Well, it was nice having you stay for a while. Please consider coming back someday, I know Pinkie would appreciate it…” Twilight and everyone else looked over in the direction of Pinkie. “What?” she replied, which served to cover up nothing since she was blushing so much it stood out from her pink fur. Cheese couldn’t help but notice this, and blushed some too. “Well, we all hate ta see ya go. We know how much ya like… Ponyville.” Applejack looked around while the others stifled laughter. They knew exactly what she was going to say, and Pinkie and Cheese had a pretty good idea of what it was. “But anyway, we truly hope you come back sometime.” Rarity said. “Yeah, and throw more awesome parties!” Rainbow flew around in a circle as she always does when she’s excited and/or needs emphasis. “That’s it,” Pinkie gasped “We’ll throw a going-away-for-a-little-but-then-hopefully-coming-back party.” She exhaled all in one breath excitedly; she looked at everypony, smiling wildly. “That sounds like fun. Yay!” Fluttershy quietly agreed for the party. “Yeah, one last party sounds good.” Rainbow agreed. “Alright, is everypony in?” Twilight looked around at everyone as they nodded their heads, some more excitedly than others. “Then it’s settled.” “Whoo hoo! I know exactly what it should be.” Pinkie started bouncing up and down in place, barely able to contain the energy that she had. She needed to get started on that party soon or she might’ve exploded, literally. “Do you want me to help?” Cheese was back to his excited party voice, AKA normal. “No, silly! It has to be a surprise.” Pinkie poked him in the chest playfully for emphasis. “Alright, if you insist. I can’t wait.” “Trust me, I’ll have it done by later today.” she ran off before anypony could stop her. Celestia knows what would happen if they gave that mare wings… “Well, see yall later. Ahm guessin Ah’ve got some work to do…” Applejack started running back over to Sweet Apple Acres; nopony knew how many apples Pinkie might need for her party. “I’ve got to go make sure they don’t have any storms planned.” Rainbow uncrossed her arms from their default position and zoomed up into the clouds. Rarity gasped. “I’ve got some outfits to make.” she started back to the boutique, Spike following her as always to help her with whatever she wanted. “Well, I guess we’ve all got things to do to help out in one way or another…” Twilight flew up. “I need to head back over to the library and see if I can do anything for the party.” she flapped her wings and headed over to her home, leaving Cheese standing there alone. Fluttershy had left earlier without saying anything. “Well this is going to be interesting, isn’t it?” ~~~~~ Hours of zipping around from store to store, looking for party supplies, was not spent in vain. After Pinkie had nearly cleared out everypony’s stands and shops, nearly clearing out her energy in the process, she had spent the rest of the time setting everything up. She did it surprisingly fast, considering how tired she must’ve been after running around all day. If you never saw her right before bed, you would just assume that she always had an endless supply of energy. Pinkie didn’t want Cheese to see yet, so she had Twilight stand guard so he wouldn’t get any sneak peeks. Cheese was grateful for the fact that Pinkie wanted to keep it a surprise, but he felt like he needed to do something helpful. Anything. He was having a hard time sitting around with the sounds of a party being set up just a few feet outside of his home. Why did he have to set up his cannon right next to town square? Cheese didn’t have to wait much longer, because with the super-speed Pinkie was going at, the party was up in a matter of only one more hour. When Pinkie gave the signal to Twilight to let Cheese out, he rushed through that doorway as soon as Twilight had opened it a crack and was contemplating saying something along the lines of “Alright, you can come out now.” The second Cheese got out of his house, the music that the DJ was playing hit his ears. He stood staring in wonder at what the pink ball of energy that was Pinkie Pie had set up in a matter of hours. There were decorations everywhere, more than most of them cheese related. There were lights strung up shaped like sandwiches, and hoof-painted banners with the smiling face of Cheese on them. There were rubber chickens strewn around in random places and so many games and other booths set up, it looked more like a festival than a party. “Wow.” Cheese was still in shock about all the effort that Pinkie must’ve put into this, and just for him, too… “Hey, you having fun?” Pinkie interrupted his thoughts with her beaming face. As soon as Cheese saw her, he couldn’t contain his excitement. “Are you kidding me? Of course I am.” he pulled her in for a hug. “Thank you so much, this is the nicest thing you’ve done for me yet.” They both started to blush, one a little more than the other. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Actually, you haven’t really left from this spot.” Pinkie grinned at him as they broke the embrace. “Come on, check out everything.” Cheese had been so excited that he hadn’t even noticed the outfit that Rarity had made for Pinkie. She was wearing a glimmering skirt of a yellow-orange-ish color, the color of Cheese’s coat. Around her neck was the bow tie that she had worn for Rainbow’s Birthaversary... or at least one that looked exactly like it. Her mane was as usual, but it worked with the getup so perfectly that Cheese couldn’t help but stare. Pinkie noticed this. “Do you like it? Rarity made it.” she spun in a circle, showing off her skirt in the process. “Oh, she made you an outfit, too. Go check it out.” she pointed in the direction of Rarity, who was waving next to a small changing room. “Alright!” Cheese walked over towards Rarity, who shoved some clothes in his forelegs as soon as he got there. “Go into the changing room and try it on. I want to see how it looks.” she half shoved him into the undersized space. It was so small that it was uncomfortable at first, but he got quickly accustomed to it and changed as speedily as possible. He stepped back into the open air wearing a slightly shimmering light pink shirt that matched Pinkie’s coat color. He was also wearing a bow tie, the same bow tie he had worn before. “That ensemble looks fabulous.” Rarity mused over her amazing work. “Wow! Rarity’s right, you look great.” Pinkie bounced up and down in excitement. “And the outfits go so well together.” Twilight had finally recovered from the incident earlier and had trotted over. It took a while for Pinkie to get this, but Cheese understood what she was saying right off the bat and a red color promptly started to spread across his cheeks. “Heh. Yeah, they do, don’t they?” Cheese smiled ever so slightly, and it was at that moment that Pinkie understood. She started blushing, too. She tried to cover this up with a wide grin, but it wasn’t enough. So she tried something else. “Hey, how about we go play some games. What’s a party if you’re not having fun?” Pinkie looked at everypony and they all smiled, nodded, and started walking around, seeing what fun there was to be had at this celebration. The music blasted as everypony enjoyed themselves, whether it was playing a game, eating a snack, or dancing. There were various cheese-based foods around, but there were some that weren’t cheese related. Like hay fries or daisy sandwiches. Cheese found himself trying every activity or dish he came across, some even at the same time. He was about to shove a hay burger with extra cheese in his face when he was interrupted. “Hey! You got a little bit? I want to show you something.” > Special Spot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey! You got a little bit? I want to show you something.” Pinkie had shown up out of seemingly thin air. “Sure.” Cheese put down his food and followed her. They started walking away from the party. As they got farther away from the event, Cheese started wondering where they were headed. “Where are we going?” he inquired. Pinkie giggled. “You’ll see. It’s a surprise!” Cheese followed her through town, putting more and more distance between them and the celebration. She led him through some trees, him getting more curious all the while. Where was she taking him? Finally, they emerged in a little clearing on a cliff overlooking the Everfree Forest. It was just barely big enough to fit about four fully-grown ponies. The view was breathtaking. When anypony was on level with the forest, it was dark and scary, sometimes even terrifying. But above it was like a whole different universe. It looked beautiful, like a place exactly the opposite of what it actually was. Occasionally some birds would fly out of a tree or two, making Cheese wonder what exactly was going on. “Wow, this is really pretty.” Cheese was staring out into the woods somewhere. He sat down in the shade of one of the trees surrounding the small area, hoping it would help him take it all in. “I thought you would like it.” Pinkie walked over and sat down next to him. She really did love the view up there. “This is my favorite place to just sit and think about stuff. Nopony else knows about it.” Cheese looked over at Pinkie. “So, you brought me to your special spot?” Cheese smiled, thinking that it was so nice of her to do that. Pinkie turned her head to look at him. “Mmmhmm.” she confirmed. “You’re the only one I’ve ever brought up here.” she looked down nervously and smiled, messing around with her mane with her hooves. The bright sunlight streaming through the leaves lit her up so perfectly, Cheese couldn’t help but think she looked cute. Gently, but still swiftly, he wrapped his hooves around her. “Thank you,” he closed his eyes and held onto Pinkie. “Thank you so much for everything.” It caught Pinkie by surprise, but she returned the embrace. Cheese was just so warm and nice, she didn’t want to let go. Cheese could smell a faint scent coming from Pinkie’s mane, and it reminded him of all the baked goods that Pinkie sold. He thought it smelled wonderful, and dug his nose into her hair a bit more, inhaling the sweet aroma. Pinkie didn’t seem to mind this. They were so quiet, that all you could hear was the rustling of the leaves in the slight breeze, the sound of the birds, and the diminished music playing from the party that was still going on. Pinkie pulled away and looked him in the eyes, smiling. Her smile then faded slightly as she spoke. “Cheese…” Pinkie started softly. “Hmm?” Cheese hummed in reply “I’m going to miss you.” “I’m going to miss you, too.” Pinkie grabbed onto Cheese’s hoof and held it. He smiled, and the next thing Pinkie knew was that Cheese’s muzzle was pressed up against hers. “Mmmff?!” Her eyes widened for a moment in shock. W-was this actually happening? But after her short time of surprise she relaxed, closed her eyes, and returned the kiss. Cheese brought his hooves up to Pinkie’s mane, their lips still interlocked. Pinkie wrapped her forelegs around Cheese, who was now running his hooves through her light, bouncy, pink hair. They pulled apart from each other after a while. Pinkie giggled and tackled Cheese, rubbing her face on his. Pinkie rolled on to her back next to Cheese and held his hoof. They stared up into the clear blue sky, the daylight streaming through the foliage, thinking. They weren’t contemplating anything in particular, really. Just thinking. They were so caught up in their thoughts that they almost forgot about the party. Almost. Pinkie shot up and gasped. “The party!” She dragged Cheese with her back in the direction of the event. Sorry, dragged is the wrong word. It was more like she hauled Cheese along. When they got close enough they separated so that they wouldn’t attract any attention. The thing is... it’s kind of hard not to notice two ponies speeding into the plaza at about fifty miles per hour. Of course, if some random pony saw the two zooming over, they wouldn’t know what to make of it. They probably would’ve been shaken up a bit, but then they would’ve recovered and went along their way. For anypony to be properly suspicious, it would’ve needed to be someone the both of them knew, and that knew both of them. Unfortunately for them, that was exactly what had happened. Rainbow was flying around, wondering what booth she should hit up next, when she saw a blur out of the corner of her eye. She looked over. Since she goes so fast normally, she had the ability to see things that move quickly by simply adjusting her eyes. She was then able to see them clearly, as if they were just walking. “Pinkie? Cheese? What are they…” she noticed the fact that they were holding each other’s hooves. Rainbow smirked and flew over as Pinkie let go of Cheese and they both went in separate directions. Rainbow flew overhead, following Pinkie. When Pinkie finally stopped to catch her breath, Rainbow landed silently behind her. “Hey Pinkie!” the sudden sound of Rainbow’s loud voice startled Pinkie. “Why are you panting? Did you just run over here or something?” Pinkie turned around. “Heh, nah!” She lied with a voice shaky from sprinting all the way there. “Just so excited about the party, that’s all!” She tried to cover up her breathlessness with a smile, to no avail. Rainbow knew that that wasn’t true, but she went along with it. She was planning something. “Alright, then…” Rainbow flew away. Pinkie exhaled in relief and went along her way. Meanwhile, Rainbow flew off to tell her friends what she saw. She plopped herself in front of the table where Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity were all sitting at. Twilight was reading a novel and Rarity was looking at a glass of apple cider, swirling it around. “Hey guys, have any of you seen Pinkie or Cheese?” “No, why?” Twilight questioned, looking up from her book. “I just saw them running from somewhere in that direction.” Rainbow pointed a hoof over towards where the cliff was. “So? Ah don’t see the big deal.” Applejack drank from the cup of water she was holding. “They were coming from outside the party. Holding hooves.” Rainbow grinned mischievously. Rarity giggled “Well, I’m not surprised. They do seem to be rather fond of each other.” she sipped her apple cider. “Is that it? No big reaction?” Rainbow complained. “Well, it doesn’t seem very shocking. It’s not like they’re the best ponies at hiding their feelings…” Twilight stated, periodically glancing in between the Pegasus and her hardcover. “Well, aren’t we going to go, I don’t know, play a prank or something?” Rainbow was annoyed with the lack of excitement. Was it really just her who was enjoying thoughts of disturbing them mid-hug? “One, that’s your thing. And two…” Twilight whispered into Rainbow’s ear. A couple of seconds later, a slightly evil-looking smile spread across Rainbow’s face. “Alright, I’ll cut you some slack. But just this once…” Rainbow pointed a hoof at all of them before flying off, formulating a plan for a possible prank anyway. Applejack rolled her eyes. “What is it with that mare an’ her practical jokes? Celestia knows how many times Ah’ve had ta deal with a bucket of water dumped all over mah head while Ah was buckin’ apples…” The memories made her grin slightly from under her hat, which she had put over half of her face mid-story. “I hope that those two can find a way to communicate despite how far away they’ll be.” Rarity sighed, thoughtfully looking into her cider as if it would give her a vision of something, like a crystal ball would. She sighed again. On the opposite side of the party, Cheese was walking around, looking for Pinkie. He hadn’t seen her since they got back and he had been shot in a random direction. He hadn’t exactly stopped, so much as he had rammed into an earth pony after he had slowed down a bit. The impact sent them both spiraling opposite ways, the drink that the pony had flying out of her grasp. Cheese apologized instantly, only to get a miffed expression in return. She went off mumbling something about how she was “going to drink that, you know”. Cheese would’ve said something else, but he was too dizzy and curious as to where Pinkie went off to. Pinkie, on the other hoof, was not dazed by the running that had occurred, and was instead making sure the coast was clear before she went off searching for Cheese. Pinkie had been seeking out Cheese for about ten minutes. Out of nowhere, a mysterious hoof pulled Pinkie aside into darkness. > Final Goodbye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, what’s going on?” Pinkie exclaimed as she found herself suddenly in an area that was not the previous. Instead of wandering around a party looking for Cheese, all she saw was darkness. She didn’t know where she was, but her eyes started to adjust to the lack of sunlight. As she turned around, she saw the shape of another pony illuminated in the only stream of light in the vicinity. She could only make out a few facial features, but she could always tell one of her friends from a mile away. “Rainbow?” Spoilers, Rainbow’s going to play a prank on Cheese and Pinkie’s gonna have to watch! “Shhh!” Rainbow looked over at Pinkie. She put a hoof over her mouth; a signal used by many a librarian to tell whoever was making noise to shut up. “I’m trying to be secret here.” she whispered, turning back over to the crack in between whatever they were between at the moment. An evil grin spread across her face as she looked intently at something on the other side. It’s that thing that humans do where we put a finger to our lips and shush someone, just so you know. “Well, if you were being secret, why’d you pull me over here?” Pinkie somewhat whispered. She tried to peer through the part in the wall, wanting to see what Rainbow was looking at so attentively. Yeah, Rainbow. What are you…? oh… Never mind… “Because I want to show you something.” Rainbow stepped aside and gestured towards the divide, wearing a mischievous grin upon her face. Pinkie didn’t think much of it, since Rainbow almost always looked like she’s planning a prank. What Pinkie didn’t know was that this time Rainbow really was playing a trick on somepony, and that somepony was about to be revealed. Look for ALL the alternate story text! “Oooh, let me see.” Pinkie closed one eye, which was really unnecessary considering the space was big enough to fit her head through. Why nopony noticed them at this time still remains a mystery. At first nothing happened. But then, a familiar looking pony started trotting over, peering around with a confused look. Pinkie was too busy realizing who this was to notice the remote control that Rainbow had brought out. “Cheese!” Pinkie cried out. “Cheese!” Pinkie cried out, as she raced out of hiding and into his soft forelegs… What? Alternate story… Cheese looked around. “Pinkie?” he had heard her call for him. Rainbow instantly put a hoof over Pinkie’s mouth, hiding them both from view for a moment. Hush, and shush, for the Beldam might be listening… Rainbow shushed her again. “You can’t make any noise.” she whispered, one hoof still holding the remote. She craned her neck to look through the crack again, paying careful attention to where Cheese was walking. “Come on, just a little bit farther…” Cheese walked into the middle of the area, and Rainbow’s smile grew bigger as she set down the remote control. Pinkie’s eyes grew wide as she finally grasped what Rainbow was about to do. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Rainbow brought her hoof down on the shiny red button. “No!” Pinkie shouted out in protest. Out of seemingly nowhere, a dozen cream pies catapulted out of strategically placed spots, all flying towards one point. That point was where Cheese was standing, looking confused about what was happening. The pies hit, and everypony looked over. Rainbow burst out laughing, not needing to be undercover anymore. Pinkie rushed out to help Cheese. “Cheese, are you ok?” Pinkie helped him up, as he had been knocked to the ground by the surprise. “I’m fine as long as you’re around…” he pulled her into an embrace, their faces merely inches away… “Yeah, I’m alright. What was that?” he looked around, wondering where the sugary missiles had come from. “Sorry, I guess Rainbow decided to play a prank.” Pinkie apologized for her friend who was still clutching her sides from laughter. “I didn’t know about it.” I’m pretty sure that he could tell that you didn’t know about it, Pinkie. “That’s ok.” Cheese looked down at his cream-covered body. “Well today certainly was memorable, wasn’t it?” Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now kiss! Pinkie giggled. Cheese always knew what to say to make her laugh. She guessed that was one thing she liked about him. There were many things, of course, but that was really the main reason. Who loves Cheese? Pinkie loves Cheese! She loves him, she loves him, she lo-oves him! The rest of the party went on with nothing extraordinarily special happening. Rarity saw what had happened to the outfit she had made and promptly gave Rainbow a piece of her mind. Rainbow just shrugged it off, calling it “Just a harmless prank” and “No biggie”. Rarity’s point of view was quite the contrary. ~~~~~ Just so you know, I'll be at BABScon on the 18th. Soooo excited! :D The sun was setting as six ponies (and one dragon) gathered in a semicircle around a seventh pony who was wearing a sort of cowboy getup. A shadow was cast upon his face by his hat, the rubber chicken on his back glistening in the sun. “Well, I guess it’s time for me to go. I’ve got other towns to throw parties at.” Cheese wore his mock serious face, speaking in a rather humorless tone. He looked over at the others. “It’s been nice staying here.” He walked over to Pinkie. “Especially with you.” he lifted her face upwards with his hoof… “I’m sure that I can speak for us all when I say that we’ll miss you.” Twilight glanced at everypony, who all nodded in reply. Pinkie stepped up to Cheese and threw her hooves around him. Cheese returned the embrace. Everyone smiled, excluding Rainbow and Spike. Rainbow just hovered there with her arms crossed, looking off in another direction while Spike made gagging sounds. I was contemplating making RD make gagging noises too, but I decided against it. “Well, Ah guess we’ll leave yall alone for a bit…” Applejack motioned for everypony to leave. “C’mon, girls, and Spike. Let’s give them their privacy.” They all walked away, leaving the two by themselves. Cheese and Pinkie let go of each other, only to gaze into one another’s eyes. “Please tell me that we’ll send letters or something.” Pinkie had a pleading appearance in her eyes. She wanted to be able to communicate with Cheese, even when he wasn’t there. “Of course we will, I want to be able to talk to you somehow.” Cheese smiled into Pinkie’s eyes. He brought his face closer to hers to the point where their noses were almost touching. “I’m going to miss you.” Pinkie lightly kissed him on the lips. Cheese returned the kiss more forcefully. When they finally pulled apart, he whispered “I love you.” “I’m going to miss you, too, but we already said this.” she giggled, remembering earlier. That was a moment she’ll never forget, for more than one reason. After a little while of standing there, everyone came back, and they wished him good luck. “I hope this doesn’t have to be our final goodbye.” Cheese said to everyone, but he was looking more at Pinkie than anyone else. He turned around and started walking away as everypony waved. It looked as if he was trotting right into the sun. Pinkie thought he was being so dramatic, but she liked it. Everypony started leaving, but Pinkie sat right where she was. CHAPTER TITLE DROP “Pinkie, are you ok?” Twilight came back over to check on Pinkie. “Yeah, just fine. I just want to sit here for a little while.” Pinkie stared out into the sunset. “Alright,” Twilight flew away, a little skeptical of Pinkie saying that she was “fine”. She didn’t believe her entirely, but she had other stuff she needed to do. Spoilers, she has a picture of Cheese and Pinkie kissing that she took with the rest of the M6 (w/o RD). Pinkie sat there in the light of the setting sun, gazing out to where Cheese had gone. She sighed. “Oh, Cheesy,” she got up and turned around. She pointed her head downwards as she whispered. “I love you.” A slight tear rolled down her face and eventually landed on the ground with a soft ‘plip’. She started the trek back to her room in Sugarcube Corner. She STARted the TREK back to her room… heh… ~~~~~ By the way, I learned this trick from another story :P Pinkie was welcomed by her pet alligator as she opened her door. “Hiya, Gummy.” she picked up the reptile and hugged him. Gummy had no reaction whatsoever. “Hey, Gummy, how about we throw a little dance party?” she started trotting over to her record player. As she was walking over, she noticed something peculiar. “Huh?” IT’S THE PICTURE!!! THE RE-MANE 5 KNOWS!!! They know all… She got closer to the foreign object to find that it was paper. Correction, a picture. A picture of… Pinkie gasped. “Who? How? What?” she had this reaction because the photo that she held in her hoof was of none other than her and Cheese. It was taken while they were in the clearing. Cheese had just pulled her in for a kiss. She turned the snapshot over and found writing on the back of it. It read this: Reference to In My Free Time incoming. (In My Free Time is another story I wrote.) Awww, how adorable. We know everything. Have fun with your pictures, now. It wasn’t signed, so Pinkie had no way of knowing who had taken it or seen it. Pinkie was still flabbergasted. Who had done that? How had she not noticed them? Why would they do that anyway? Then it hit her. She looked at the words again, realizing what they meant. They meant her Shipbooks. (And yes, that’s actually what they’re called.) “Oh, Celestia…” The end!