> There's Something About Nightmarity > by thewaffler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patience: the word rolled around within the entity's mind like a dark velvety cloud rolling across the night’s sky. Patience had been the sole thing to keep it at bay as the dark form watched the land of Equestria age and grow. Free of its dominion; ignorant of a foe who was regaining its once great strength; confident that her second defeat had stopped her once and for all. Unaware of the dark flames of vengeance that would someday glass the entire land, and its people beneath a sunless sky. Vengeance was another word that often populated the entity’s thoughts. Vengeance drove her on as she waited in the shadows. It was a sweet tasting wine that she longed to drown in while she cackled in glee at the conquest before her. Yes, it was this vengeance that kept her going, but patience that reined her in lest she act before the time was right. Somewhere far below a single white figure made its way from the warm, sleepy town of Ponyville toward the dark forest that was Everfree. Though many dark clouds crept across the night’s sky the light of the moon shined bright enough to give one a glimpse at the white figure's cutie mark. Three light blue gems almost sparkled in the moonlight as alabaster unicorn began her first few cautious steps into the Everfree forest tree line. Amid the dark clouds that hung above, a malicious grin began to spread across a shadowy face. The time for patience was over, and now sweet vengeance could have its turn. Deep within the Everfree forest a wooden door carved into a large hollow tree opened allowing the light within to escape. From within the large tree turned home a single mature looking unicorn stepped out of the light and into the outside before turning her head around to look back inside. “Thank you again darling, I know having to meet me so dreadfully late can be quite the bother.” Hearing the zebra within friendly wave away her concerns with a pleasant rhyme, the pony smiled warmly before she began to make her way back home. The rays of moonlight were numerous enough to show that the unicorn’s fur was the color of marshmallows and that her mane was a near vibrant dark purple as well as curled elegantly. Beginning to trudge out of the clearing that her zebra friend's house was located in and onto the rough path that would lead her back to Ponyville, the mare couldn’t help but remember what had brought her out at this time of night in the first place. “A gal has to do what she can to maintain her image.” As she spoke to herself, the mare couldn’t help but glare slightly at the bouncing tip of her own prized mane. During the day the unicorn had noticed that one of her beloved hairs had grayed. Not the grey that came with some sudden chaotic shift in harmony, but rather it was something much, much worse: the greying that came with age. Taking heed to avoid a rather distasteful patch of moist dirt, the mare blushed as she vividly remembered the ‘episode’ that came as a result of her attempt to remove the single blemish in her perfect image. The moment that she magically plucked the weathered hair from her head, another two grew in it’s place causing the mare to gasp in horror as well as take an even closer look at the reflection in her bedroom mirror. It would appear that the grey hair had not invaded her features alone..it had brought back a few crows feet as well. It was only a few seconds later that her husband raced into their room as his ears had picked up the screams of horror that she emitted the moment that she saw the dreaded signs of age that marked her elegant face. “Rarity are you okay?! What’s wrong?!” Instead of answering the drake that was quick to try to console her, the mare threw herself into his scaled arms while she cried out dramatically at the cruelties that is the passing of time. Finally understanding what had brought this all on, the dragon fought the urge to roll his eyes in good nature as he tried to calm his wife down. They had been happily married for a bit more than a decade, but recently his beloved had taken up a slight obsession with her appearance. Spike with all honestly couldn’t care less how his wife looked on the outside as he was still head over heels for the alabaster fashionista that had stolen his heart so many years ago, though sadly his wife sometimes needed convincing. After some gently hugging, a series of loving whispers, and a frisky promise to show just how much he still adored her flawless form later that night Rarity finally regained her composure. With a few kisses given to her loving husband in thanks and a blushing giggle at the promises for a hot-blooded night later on the mare shooed the drake away so that she could properly prepare herself for the rest of the day. Once she could hear the dragon’s claws making their way back down her stairs and toward the kitchen, the now ‘composed’ unicorn allowed her face to resume a gloomy expression. She had hoped to have another day or two in her near flawless body before the effects of the cream would start to fade, and sadly enough she was plum out. Levitating a piece of parchment nearby to float before her, as well as an inked pen to write with Rarity hastily scribbled a few words onto the glowing paper before she cast a spell upon it that she had learned from her dear friend princess Twilight Sparkle. With a small *poof* the message was sent and Rarity quickly made plans in her head to make a quick trip much later on. “Not one of my classier moments now was it.” Sighing to herself Rarity continued on her way back home as she recalled the near dozen times that she visited Zecora to purchase a salve that the herbalist promised would shave off a few years for a little bit after applying. Of course Rarity had been quick to try the product and had been absolutely delighted to see her face regain some of its luster mere seconds after she rubbed the goop in. And now it seemed that the remedy to her problems was becoming less and less effective. A small shiver crept around Rarity’s body as she thought back to her husband back at home and a small fog began to slowly sweep through the forest floor. “Oh Spike...you just don’t understand.” Even as she crept down the path at a hurried pace from a place that her husband wasn’t aware that she had been visiting for the path few months Rarity knew that her faithful drake loved her with all his heart. Since the day she truly looked at him and took a shot in the dark on allowing the younger dragon to take her out on a date, the unicorn’s heart swelled with a warmth that she had never felt before as it dawned on her just how much the two ‘clicked’. Sure, she had always had a soft spot for the small dragon that was always happy to help around her boutique but at that time she only saw a young admirer with a crush, but after that first date there was no denying that his love had been sincere. Before long the two were officially dating much, and after a few years passed by the unicorn had nearly fainted in shock from an unexpected proposal in the form of ‘her’ Spikey-wikey dropping to one knee and offering her a band of platinum decorated in diamonds. When Rarity had regained the ability to speak coherently she was quick to accept his proposal. The years that followed had easily been the happiest in the mare’s life...until she realized that while she grew older her husband stayed the same. Now in his late thirties Spike the dragon was no longer a baby, having grown taller than his wife, yet not losing any sheen to his scales. Rarity’s husband was a dragon through and through, and would hardly look any different even after a century's time. Something that had began to concern the maturing unicorn more and more. “Running out of time, my little pony?” Rarity froze in place as a sudden voice pierced the silence of the forest and the small fog that had covered the ground grew harder to see through. “..H-hello?” “My..my...my.” Rarity resisted the urge to shudder again as a sudden chill seemed to creep up her spine. The voice teasing in nature seemed to be coming from all directions as the unicorn’s blue eye darted back and forth. “The years have not been kind Rarity.” The forest itself seemed to come to life as a sinister, yet familiar giggle filled the air. “My memory might not be the best, but I don’t recall there being so much grey in that vibrant mane of yours.” Though admittedly unnerved and maybe even a bit spooked by the voice’s tone the element of generosity’s eye twitched in outrage as she found herself speaking before thinking. “Now hold it right there! It is one thing to scare the daylights out of a lady, but you DO...NOT...MOCK...THE HAIR!” If a target had been foolish enough to show itself at that moment there was no doubt in Rarity’s mind that she would introduce it to levels of uncouth pain that were only mentioned in the most brutal of legends. “Oh so the old mare still has some life in her yet?” Gliding unseen by her prey the entity let loose another giggle as she saw the fire in Rarity’s eyes wane ever so slightly. “It’s a pity that the body isn’t as youthful as the soul.” “W-who are you?!” Whipping her head around Rarity glimpsed a dark shadow creep out from beneath the many bushes, and from behind the countless trees that surrounded her. Feeling more and in over her head Rarity willed her horn to light up and hopefully pierce through the darkness that pressed in towards her. “And what do you want?” “You know Rarity that really hurts. You should know me near better than anyone else.” Slitted eyes glinted in amusement as the fog began to swirl, and dance around the fashionista’s hooves. “Don’t you remember the time we spent together, getting to know one another?” Feeling the cold fog rise up to tickle her belly Rarity *eeped* loudly before in an attempt to run away the mare tripped over herself rolling to a stop against a very solid tree. “As for what I want...well funny thing is that it’s actually more about what YOU want.” Shaking her head Rarity looked up to find herself eye to eye with the last face she had hoped to ever see again. Peering down like the cat that finally cornered her mouse was Nightmare in all her glory, the dark clouds that made up her form drifted lazily as the villainess cracked a small grin. “Nightmare Moon!” The amorphous pony shaped mist laughed. “In the flesh…so to speak.” Looking down at her near ethereal form Nightmare let out a small sigh as she lifted a dark hoof to her face. “I suppose that’s the one thing you might have over me...but then again I would positively die if I had that many wrinkles.” Fixing an enlarged grin toward her still captive audience Nightmare gave a wink of her left eye. “How do you manage?” Once again, Rarity leaped from frightened to irate as the malevolent spirit made another shot at her aging. What kind of villain honestly got off at ridiculing a lady’s looks? “I manage just fine thank you! I also manage to touch things with my own hooves without phasing through them in case you were also curious.” Seeing the shifting dark clouds seem to blink at her in surprise brought back some of the unicorn’s moxy as she stood up to her full height. “Now if you’re quite done heckling a proper lady, I have things to do and things to actually touch.” Shocked by the indignation of having a lesser being speak to her in such a manner nearly shocked Nightmare enough to allow the unicorn to fully pass her by...until she remembered something. “Speaking of things to do as well as things to touch.” The pony shaped cloud seemed to collapse in on itself before it swirled past Rarity’s hooves, slithered up a tree in front of her, and came to rest on an overhanging branch. The clouds twisted and contorted until a pair of familiar slitted eyes looked down at Rarity as they sat on the face of a large feline sporting a wide grin. “It must be so tiring having to trot back and forth to that old hut just to slather a jar full of goop all over your face.” The Cheshire grin seemed to grow even larger as Rarity stifled a small gasp. Before she could huff out any verbal form of defense, or even exhale the sharp intake of breath Rarity’s ears were filled with Nightmare’s words once again. “The beautiful avatar of generosity participating in silly zebra cauldron stirring just to stave off the grim reaper for as long as she can. And here I was under the assumption that a true lady would age with grace and dignity.” The cat shaped cloud’s tail swished back and forth in anticipation as she watched the mare below crumple inwardly. “I-i-it’s not what you think!” Suddenly feeling more like her soft-spoken pegasus friend than herself Rarity gave in to the urge to hide behind her curled mane in an attempt to hide not only from the monster above, but her venomous words as well. “Oh dear it’s okay.” Shoulders tensing and posterior shaking in preparation for a pounce the shadowy cat gave an almost sympathetic look toward Rarity. “We’ve all been there you know. You’re not the young mare you used to be, the vibrant purple mane is greying, the bright blue eyes are beginning to dull…and he’s hardly changed at all.” Rarity let out another gasp as suddenly before her eyes the cat pounced from it’s perch only to once again swirl and morph until the familiar outline of a young dragon landed in front of her. Though the image was only that of a swirling outline composed of dark clouds, the unicorn’s wide eyes filled in the blanks as she flashbacked to the handsome dragon that she had left alone in bed back home. Even though twenty years had passed since his best friend had ascended to alicorn status, Spike the dragon had done little more than grow a few feet, continue his duties as Twilight’s assistant and finally after some time won the heart of the mare of his dreams. As a dragon, the ravages of age had an almost nonexistent effect on the now young adult drake something that at first made Rarity the envy of all single (and sometimes taken) mares alike as they watched the mature fashionista waited on claw and foot by the strapping young male. Now much to Rarity’s personal shame she couldn’t help but be filled with envy when she noticed the way his scales still glinted with youth while her mane began to fade in color. “Not quite the sparkling beauty he first fell in love with now are we?” The dragon outline shifted and shivered until it curled into a floating ball, and then turned into a mirror image of Rarity’s face. The image of her husband snoring in bed without a care in the world faded from Rarity’s mind as she focused back on the smug looking cloud still before her. As petty as her thoughts might have been, Rarity knew in her heart that she was and always would be the center of Spike’s affections. Stomping a hoof into the ground Rarity fought down the un-ladylike urge to growl as she stared Nightmare right in the eyes. “My Spikey-wikey would love me no matter what!” The cloud this time merely ‘tut tutted’ as it resumed the rough shape of a young dragon. “Yes, but for how long?” The clouds then began to split, and shiver until instead of just one dragon it was replaced by a small dragon and two ponies. “How long until his eyes catch sight of something shiny...something new...something young.” The outline of the dragon that had at first stood next to the first pony that looked somewhat hunched suddenly turned its head around at the same time that the second cloud pony pranced by. “I suppose if his love was strong enough all he’d have to do is wait...until eventually.” The hunched pony seemed to double over in a coughing fit while at the same time the second pony waved a hoof at the dragon between them. Seeing the first pony fall over as its coughing intensified the dragon merely shrugged its shoulders before chasing after the second pony. The whole scene was horrid enough to nearly bring a tear to Rarity’s eyes. “H-h-he’d...n-never.” “Oh he’d probably mourn you for a bit little pony, but what can you say? The heart does grow lonely and eventually someone will reach out to him.” The clouds once again swirled together as they took up a new shape, and the voice changed ever so slightly. “Perhaps someone new...or maybe someone who would understand his pain.” Now instead of a dragon or a large cat the clouds had taken the form of an pony again though not one that Rarity had expected. Stepping back at the implication Rarity could scarcely gather her thoughts as the vivid outline of one princess Twilight Sparkle smiled back at her. “W-what...” “Oh, Rarity...poor little Rarity. Like I said before, I’ve been inside your head, did you really think you’d be able to hide that teeny weeny little insecurity from me?” Nightmare let out a small chuckle as she looked over herself, all the while keeping the trembling unicorn on the edges of her vision. “It makes sense really. She knows him better than even you do, AND she’s an alicorn now. Once you’re all resting in peace it would be as easy as writing a friendship report for her to swoop in and take him all for herself again.” “Twilight would never...” “Maybe she wouldn’t, but you’ll be long gone either way...unless...” Completely lost in Nightmare’s toxic words the teary-eyed unicorn wasted no time in frantically speaking out. “W-what? Unless what?!” “Unless, we make you immortal.” The clouds expanded and contorted until they exploded in a small puff of blinding mist, only for a large portion to condense and rise until the familiar form of Nightmare stood staring Rarity right in the eyes. “But..how?” Nightmare’s eyes glinted in the moonlight as she raised one cloudy hoof to extend in toward the confused mare. “It's simple, we make a deal.” “What kind of deal?” “Don’t worry little poor Rarity, it won’t cost…much.” Nightmare’s eyes glinted and a grin grew across her face as watched the unicorn fight with herself inwardly. “That barely answers my question and what would be the cost?” As desperate as she was to find an answer to her woes, Rarity wasn’t going to agree to anything without a straight answer. “So testy..do all old mares get grumpy with age?” Chucking at Rarity as her blue eyes narrowed Nightmare withdrew her hoof lazily. “All the deal would involve is a...admittance of consent and all it would cost is a little personal space.” Seeing the unicorn raise an eyebrow in confusion the cloud composed mare rolled her eyes in an exaggerated fashion. Sometimes you had to spell these things out for some of the lesser creatures. “You have what I want and I definitely have what you want. As you know I lack a physical form...which is middling, you agree to merge with me and I can actually feel the grass beneath my hooves again as well as the wind in my mane.” An almost envious expression settled onto Nightmare’s dark face as she watched Rarity paw the dirt in curious response. “And why would I ever agree to that!” Though her own personal generosity reached out the tiniest bit to the spirit when she heard Nightmare’s change in tone, Rarity certainly had not forgotten what had occurred when the entity had possessed her many years ago. “The last thing Equestria needs is you back in power.” “Because by allowing me to take residence within your frail body, you’ll gain the youth and immortality that you so desperately crave.” Nightmare fought down the urge to snicker aloud as she watched the unicorn visibly flinch in response to her last words. How easily it was to lead puppets along to their doom when their own tunnel vision blinded them to the true danger. “And if you must know...I’m certainly not the superpower that I had once been. Thanks in part to you if I recall.” Rarity nearly shivered again at the pure venom that dripped from Nightmares’ last words, but she would stand strong even if she was all by herself. “You simply must forgive a lady if she can’t bring herself to trust the words of a monster that kidnapped her and nearly eliminated her fellow elements of harmony.” “Foolish insect!” The mare shaped cloud doubled in size towering over the unicorn even more so as her piercing eyes glared with a hot intensity. “If I was strong enough to merely overtake you I would do so without a thought...but I can’t.” The swirling clouds seemed to sag tiredly as Nightmare reverted to her original form, though now she laid on the ground before Rarity looking heavily drained. “When you last defeated me I was stripped of nearly all of my power, to this day I’ve been running on a near empty and well...I come to you because I have no other options.” A minute of silence passed by Rarity as she cautiously regarded the evil that was brought to great low by her own hooves. “...Why me?” “...Because you are the last creature I succeeded in merging with...now you are the only one that I might be able to continue my existence within...albeit a small one.” Looking up at the unicorn in front of her Nightmare’s body seemed to nearly destabilize for a moment. “I’m too weak to be a threat within you, yet if you allow me to take up residence we both would benefit. So little pony are you going to take me up on my offer? Or would you rather smugly let me fade while your mane grays, and grays until you eventually die?” The white unicorn had all the reason to turn Nightmare down; she detested the monster before her for all the evil she had released in just her own body, but in Luna’s as well. Letting Nightmare fade away would be doing the whole land a great service, but as she turned her head to look away Rarity caught sight of the jars of cream that she still had sling over her body. She could only fight off her aging for so long...then she thought of her dragon would eventually be all alone. “My spikey-wikey.” From she laid on the ground Nightmare watched Rarity nearly turn completely around, but then music to her ethereal ears came in the form of a defeated sigh. “I’m only doing this for my dear sweet gentledrake, keep in mind that if I ever get the feeling that you are up to something I’ll have you stopped.” Trotting back to Nightmare Rarity out of instinct reached out her hoof to help the alicorn back to her...non-hooves. From her position Rarity couldn’t see the wide grin that slithered over Nightmare’s cloudy face as her body trembled in elation. “Oh I’m sure you will….fool.” Before Rarity could pull back, Nightmare brought a whisping hoof to touch her own which upon making contact and causing an ice-cold feeling to crawl up the unicorn’s leg. From her position Nightmare laughed out loud as her body fidgeted before turning into a miniature twister that snaked up Rarity’s leg, and began to cover her. Before her vision was completely blacked out by the smothering clouds, Rarity took one more glimpse at the moon shining brightly above. “What have I done?” > Coming Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What have I done?” Those would become the final words of Rarity the unicorn as she succumbed to the darkness that seemed to envelop her body the smoke began to compress and constrict her. She tried desperately to scream, but the smog silenced her as it pumped into her mouth muting her and finally knocking her consciousness. Just as Rarity's blue eyes rolled back and her trembling body fell to the ground, the last thing she heard was that same teasing chuckle. Deep within Rarity's mind Nightmare settled into the mare's consciousness, as she felt her host weaken and finally blackout Nightmare grinned in victory. Sometime later, but not by much as the moon was still very visible in the night sky, the unicorn finally began to stir; the first thing that came to Rarity’s mind was a deep billowing cloud of shadows and the guilty feeling that she had done something...rash. Amidst her carrying bag, and the jars of anti-aging cream that she had apparently dropped the unicorn groaned to herself as she was immediately overcome with an ache all over her body. “Urghh.” Blinking her eyes as she uncomfortable lifted her head from the ground, Rarity felt like she had let her apple loving friend give her a full force bucking right in her everything. “Ohh, my...what happened?” Rarity might have been able to better survey the damage she must have taken if not for her long violet mane nearly blocking out the entirety of her view. With an annoyed huff Rarity blew the hair out of her face and tried to stand, the key word being "tried." As the unicorn drew her legs back to her and tried to put the ground steadily under her hooves, she couldn’t help but feel like something was off. Her limbs felt awkward; slow to react and oddly enough unwieldy. “Oh dear did Pinkie Pie slip me that ‘special party brew’ again?” Finally, after enough effort Rarity was finally able to stand back to her full height, albeit at the speed and grace of one Berry Punch after the sun went down and the bars opened up. As she swayed drunkenly in place Rarity couldn’t help but notice that the ground seemed further away from her. Of course, her confusion didn’t last very long as she took notice of one major detail: her hooves. They were no longer alabaster white, but rather a dark, nearly black, purple color. “That’s…different.” Not able to stop herself Rarity’s eyes slowly followed her legs up toward her body, words failing her as galaxy purple fur now took the place where he once marshmallow white had been. As her eyes passed, her knees and it dawned on Rarity that last time she had checked…she hadn’t been this tall. Then she noticed her mane. “My mane! It's...it's…”Rarity’s eyes widened a bit as she noticed how weightless her hair felt, how elegantly it flowed in the wind, and how within it’s majestic curls she could see the deep expanses of dark magenta dotted with countless little sparkles that reminded her of a beautiful night’s sky. The only thing that reminded Rarity of her old body was the single alabaster stripe that went down her mane, and even down her equally fascinating tail. “... It’s so beautiful!” It was at that moment that all it suddenly came back to the unicorn: sneaking out to fetch more cream, running into "her", making that deal and the darkness. A moment of panic swept through Rarity as she suddenly expected Nightmare Moon to come shrieking out of the shadows coming to take what was hers. However, no vengeful specter came, only the quiet sounds of the wind rustling the leaves of the Everfree trees and Rarity’s own anxious exhales as she stood frozen stiff in fright. She might have stayed in place until the sun finally peeked up from the horizon if not for her mane suddenly shifting with the wind and blowing gently across her face, filling her view with nothing by silky soft hair, darkness and the little twinkles of stars. Somehow looking into the expanses of her own mane calmed Rarity’s thoughts, and after a moment, a smile grew across her covered face. The unicorn thought about how she now possessed such a beautiful mane, her body was new...young and Spike…”Wait till Spikey-Wikey gets a load of me now!” Rarity immediately bounced happily in place as she imagined the look of surprise she was sure to get from her husband the moment she saw him. He would now be her's forever. Letting out a small giggle Rarity was immediately on her way home doing a hurried trot as she continued to marvel at her new found body. Though at first Rarity’s hoofsteps were clumsy and unsure Rarity quickly got the hang of it, and wanting to push her new body further she sped up to a full gallop down the dirt path. She felt amazing; she had never been this fast before or had ever felt so powerful. As neared the end of the tree line that separated her from the outskirts of Ponyville, Rarity feeling absolutely ecstatic allowed herself to laugh out loud with only something sounding slightly off about it. So caught up in the rapture of escaping the thing she had dreaded so much, the unicorn was unaware that instead of her usual graceful and slightly posh laughter the night for a few seconds was filled with the sinister cackle normally made by the late Nightmare Moon. As she sped past the last of the Everfree trees, Rarity slowed herself down to casual walk, enjoying how quietly her hoofsteps were as well as not feeling the tiniest bit worn out from her run. “Silent as one of those, oh bother what did Sweetie Bell call them? Oh, yes! Ninjas!” Happily talking to herself for a few minutes Rarity was glad that she was the only pony walking the streets at this time. “Now, that I think about of it, I’d looked absolutely chic in something black...maybe with blue sapphires to compliment my...oh hello there.” While she had been busy imagining herself as a beautiful kunoichi of the night Rarity’s path toward home had brought her just outside the now closed Sugar Cube Corner and when the mare turned her head, she was greeted by her own reflection. Like the rest of her body Rarity’s face was covered in a near black shade of purple fur, her horn had grown longer possibly rivaling Celestia’s and of course that mane of hers continued to softly blow majestically. However, what had really caught the unicorn’s attention were her own eyes. They were piercing; a sharp blue that complimented her body strikingly; and most interesting her pupils had slitted not unlike her own husbands emerald green eyes. “Oh Spikey...you have no idea what's coming for you tonight.” It was amazing just how amazing Rarity felt as she struck pouty expressions, followed by sultry winks, and ending with risque yet dignified poses to her reflection. This was what she had missed oh so much, the physical feeling of being able to do what she wanted and looked great while she did it. As she gave her reflection, one more final look over Rarity was once again struck with glee. Her body, which was already young and fit, looked good. No, scratch that, damn good. The longer legs gave her the elegant physical presence that she had envied when she had met the unicorn: Fluer, and she couldn't help but notice that she had ended up with a very eye-catching ‘end’ as well. “Live forever and look absolutely amazing the entire time. BEST DEAL EVER!” Having adored herself enough for the time being, Rarity continued on her way, and before long she could see her sought out destination. “Momma’s home.” With that she approached the dress studio and shop she called home. However things weren’t as she left them as a single light appeared on the ground floor signalling to her that someone or rather some dragon was in the kitchen. “This may be rather…awkward.” Despite the level of euphoria that she had been riding all the way home Rarity couldn’t help, but feel an understandable level of dread as she stared at the closed door to her own home. She had never revealed to Spike that she had been sneaking out every now and then to fetch the cream that had kept her looking young, and her slight personal vanity at bay. That was bad enough, but explaining her new body might require some...tact. For a few minutes Rarity shuffled in place nervously as she weighed numerous scenarios in her head, and tried to take a guess at how her husband would react to everything that had transpired. He’d be concerned that she was venturing alone into the Everfree forest at night in pursuit of something that he had never believed to be a big deal. He’d probably be upset that Rarity had ran into the very specter that caused the two of them and their friends so much trouble years ago. “Spikey may be a tad miffed from it all but once he gets a good look at me, and I tell him that I’ll be with him forever…” Securing herself that her motives were in the right, and that Spike would understand in the end Rarity took a large inhale, and marched toward the door to her house. It had been a long night, and she deeply wanted to see her husband. Within the boutique Spike sighed to himself tiredly as he tried to conjure up an agreeable reason to why when he had woken up to get himself a glass of water that he found his home devoid of a certain white furred, purple maned mare. Understandably, he nearly turned the house inside out in his search for his wife. After a moment's pause, though the drake rationalized that Rarity couldn't have been abducted without him sensing something, which led to the only option that he could comprehend. Rarity had left of her own volition...the real question was why. Before the concerned dragon could delve any deeper into his thoughts, the sound of the front door opening caused Spike to whip his head toward it fast enough to make himself dizzy. As Spike’s eyes refocused, he could just barely make out the form of a pony in his doorway. His distorted vision caused the pony to look nearly as tall as Celestia, and whoever it was certainly had a large mane. That’s when a familiar voice called out to Spike mere seconds before his eyesight was fully restored. “Up a bit late, dear.” “Rarity is that you?” Still believing his emerald peepers to be on the fritz Spike rubbed his eyes for a moment then looked again to get a better look. “...R-rarity?” As much as the drake tried to convince himself, otherwise the oddly familiar mare in front of him had definitely spoken with his wife’s voice and with a hint of shame Spike couldn’t help but let his eyes roam over that beautiful form that now smiled genuinely at him in return. “Yes, Spike-wikey.” Though part of her was less than happy about the hint of suspicion that was still present in husband’s gaze, the other part of Rarity wanted to playfully flirt with the drake that she noticed had looked her over. “I-I know that perhaps I have some explaining to do, but believe me when I say that it’s none other than me...Rarity.” “Rarity, why do you look like…!?” Spike’s words died in his throat as memories from long ago of the very same mare that stood in his doorway suddenly flashed in his mind. Nightmare moon had nearly decimated Ponyville, destroyed the elements of harmony and had almost stolen Rarity from him forever. “NIGHTMARE!” Leaping up from his spot on the couch Spike narrowed his green eyes at the startled unicorn in front of him. “Get the hell outta my wife this instant!” “Spike! Please hear me out!” Seeing the emerald flames that were threatening to escape from the glaring drake’s mouth, Rarity nearly leaped out of ‘her’ skin as she hurriedly tried to calm her husband down. “I’ll admit that this is probably odd, but just allow me to explain this predicament.” “...How do I know that you’re not lying to me?” Though Spike relaxed slightly, the dragon crossed his arms in agitation as he continued to leer at what could be the very same villain who had nearly blacked out the sun for all of eternity. “Maybe somehow you managed to posses my beautiful Rarity again and now you’re just waiting for me to let my guard down.” “...Spike.” Rarity could feel herself crumpling inwardly as the suspicion and anger that dwelled in Spike’s eyes burned into her, as well as inflate the guilt that she had been feeling the moment she spotted her home. This was the scenario that Rarity knew she’d risk finding herself in every night that she snuck out without telling her husband. It was almost ironic how despite Nightmare’s deal now gifting her with a perfect body, she’d still have to face the possibility of tainting her marriage with deceit. “Is there anything I can do to prove that it’s me?” “What’s my favorite kind of gem?” “W-what?” Scratching a claw against his right arm in anxiety Spike sighed to himself as he watched Nightmarity’s face turned from sad to confused. “If you’re really my Rarity then answering a few questions shouldn't be any problem. So once again, what’s my favorite gem to eat?” “I-it’s rubies! You told me that while amethysts are sweeter, you prefer rubies because they have a cinnamon aftertaste.” Rarity smiled a bit as she saw Spike’s eyes widen slightly at her answer, which had been one of the first things they conversed about during their first date. “Correct.” Spike scratched his chin for a moment as he pondered what to ask next, the gem question was something that only his wife and his best friend knew the answer to. The drake wanted the pony in front of him to be telling the truth, but he had to be careful. “Maybe a more personal question is in order, one that only my 'wife' would know.” Coughing into his fist to make sure, he had the mare’s attention Spike went on to his next question. “If it’s really you Rarity, then tell me, what was the 15th song the band played at our wedding anniversary party last Tuesday?” “Well of course it was...wait.” Rarity brought a hoof to tap her chin as she fixed a confused expression towards Spike. “But...dear we hired that DJ miss Vinyl and it couldn’t have been last Tuesday, because we married on the 31st. Last Tuesday was the 2nd darling.” To this Spike’s suspicious look nearly cracked into a grin. It had been a trick question and surprisingly the unicorn had answered it correctly...by answering it incorrectly. Spike loved his wife to no end but even he had to admit that his lovely fashion obsessed mare had a few flaws, one of them being the inability to remember dates. The unicorn certainly knew what Rarity did and she did have a few of Rarity’s mannerisms or did she? Rarity felt her heart skip a beat as she watched Spike visibly relax as well as a small smile that spread across his face. Feeling her heart melt as Spike reached out to her, Rarity took a step forward as she was more than ready to embrace her husband. “It really is you, isn’t it?” Spike stepped forward to hug the unicorn in front of him before a sheepish look crossed his face and he stopped to scratch his head. “Oh geez this makes things awkward.” “It’s fine Spike, the new body kind of caught me off guard as well. You were right to be upset with me.” Taking another step closer Rarity was only a few inches away from her scaled beloved. “No, what I mean is well...I sorta freaked out when I woke up and couldn’t find you.” Seeing the dark-coated unicorn raise an eyebrow at him Spike couldn’t help but shuffle his feet a little. “...I sorta lost it a teeny little bit in the kitchen and well, I torched that gaudy coat that we had lying on the breakfast table.” Though he looked a little guilt ridden, and refused to meet the mare’s gaze Spike was actually weighing everything on the Rarity’s reaction. “...........” For a long minute not a sound could be heard as Rarity took in a sharp breath, her left eye twitched, and her mane went stock still as if frozen in place. “T-that was..a..one..of a kind...new age...middle eastern cashmere hybrid!” Rarity trembled in barely controlled rage as she fully glared at the Spike (who was inwardly about to burst into happy tears). “AND DID YOU JUST CALL IT GAUDY?!!” “Wouldn’t call a pile of ash fashionable now would I?” Spike let out a loud laugh as his last words signed his death warrant, and the unicorn in front of him lunged at him while spewing a string of curses. “Haahahahaaa...Ow! Okay, okay, I took it a little far there, okay.” Gently grabbing hold of the unicorn’s hooves while her blue eyes still burned with fury, Spike wore the more sincere smile. “I just. had to be sure that it was you Rares.” In a fluid movement, Spike hoisted the surprised mare into the air, twirling her once before bringing them to fall onto the couch he had been previously sitting on. “You know I wouldn’t harm that coat...even if it’s kinda tacky.” “Why you cheeky ...” Though she was happy to finally be in her husband's arms the mare knew when enough was enough. Her new horn glowing brightly Rarity levitated a cushion from off the couch and sent it careening into the grinning drake’s face. *Pomf!* Not expecting such a volatile response (or did he?) Spike spat out a few feathers as the cushion fell from his mug. “Hey!” Quick to reply the drake jumped up to grab at a throw pillow, and well...throw it! Rarity who had been giggling into one of her hooves was introduced to soft cushiony payback as one of her favorite couch pillows *booped* her right on the muzzle. “It is on!” For the next hour or so, the Carousel Boutique was filled with the sounds of excited shouts, good-natured quips, and the noises of pillows hitting faces. However, after some time both gladiators finally ran out of steam and collapsed onto what remained of the posh couch. Even while half-asleep Spike reached out to his transformed wife and gently embraced her into his form. Rarity in the meantime giggled tiredly as she noticed that for the first time she was capable of being the ‘top spoon’ as well as hearing Spike’s heartbeat through his chest a steady rhythm that quickly lulled her to sleep. The next morning Celestia’s sun filtered through the uncurtained window of the dress shop falling upon the interspecies couple sprawled out on the couch. The warm sunlight caused the drake to stir, allowing him energy like most members of his species. His slitted eyes slowly opened to reveal that there laying on his chest was the recently transformed body of his wife with her extremely long and lush mane and tail draped over him like a blanket made of the finest silk. As Spike lay there, his mind was still swimming with emotions over the recent series of events. One feeling in particular was guilt, he felt guilty that he had never been this attracted to her in their ten plus years of marriage. Yeah, he knew that she wanted a strong reaction out of him, but she was just so different, so much more exotic and alluring: the eyes, the mane, the tail, the flank, the whole nine yards. Another strong emotion was anger, mostly because she went into this decision without consulting him about it. Yet, that anger was soon replaced by bliss as if he was a chunk of molten steel going into a quenching tank; she did this change partially for him. He knew that someday she would be gone and he would be alone. The last thing he wanted was to think of her going through the pains of old age whilst he himself stayed virile and young. He loved her and the very fact that she changed her very body for him proved that she felt the same way for him; Rarity's change told him that she wanted to see what was at the end of forever alongside him. It was with this introspective that caused the dragon to smile and gave him the motivation to get off the couch. “Rare...” Spike shifted underneath his wife’s enormous mane causing the mare to groan in her sleep. Gently lifting her off of him, he freed himself from her form and made his way to the kitchen, his fourth favorite place in their home next to their bed, their shower and Sweetie Belle’s old room. Spike was an excellent cook, honing his craft living with a bookworm that couldn’t even make toast. Gathering his supplies from a well-stocked refrigerator, a windowsill herb garden and a pantry, he began to prepare breakfast. It wasn’t much later that the unicorn back in the living room took notice that something was off, mainly that her draconic cushion was no longer underneath her. Although that mystery was solved rather abruptly when he nose caught the scent of oil, cinnamon, sugar, and her ears caught the whistling of “Don’t worry be Happy.” ♪ ♫ As Rarity trotted towards the kitchen, she felt a tingling sensation at the back of her skull. At first it felt like a small tickle, but as the mare stopped in place to run a hoof through her mane the sensation intensified to an irritating itch. “Oh bother, must’ve hit my head last night at some point.” Frowning a little at the annoyance Rarity was about to resume her trot to the kitchen when suddenly the back of her head felt like it had been raked by one of Opalescence’s sharp claws. “Ow! Owowowowowow what in Celestia’s name is causing this?” “Have enough scampering about in MY body?” From the dark recesses of Rarity’s mind, a mocking whisper echoed in the unicorn’s skull. Immediately Rarity’s eyes went wide in panic as she felt an icy chill crawl down her spine and she backpedaled away from the kitchen entrance. “I certainly hope that I’m not interrupting something.” “B-but I thought y-you were...” “Honestly, darling, did you really believe that this new body didn’t come without any sort of consequences.” Nightmare Moon spoke with a sense of smugness. The specter could feel her willpower dominating that of Rarity’s; wrestling control from every nerve, every limb, and every sense of physical control. For a brief moment, the unicorn’s face was frozen in an expression of fear, pain, and guilt...until her eyes closed and the face softened gently. Deep within the unicorn’s mind what remained of Rarity shuddered with despair as she felt ‘herself’ open her eyes and a malicious grin set upon her features. “Now if you must excuse me I really need to redecorate that drab kitchen of yours with some dragon blood.” Nightmare allowed a low chuckle to escape past her lips as she reveled in the feeling of once again having a fully physical form. “It's been too long.” The unicorn cooed to herself as she ran her hooves through her mane, fully enjoying the feel of her own body, and the tendrils of her fully recharged power that began to emit from her form. It was good to be back, good to have once again taken an accursed element of harmony hostage to keep her safe from the others' wrath...and it would feel good to expunge her host’s beloved dragon from the world with her own body. “Rarity, are you gonna lay on the couch all day or am I going to get some company in here?” The dragon’s voice rang out from the kitchen causing Nightmare to giggle to herself at the timing. “On my wa-y spikey-wikey.” Not wanting to hold off for another second Nightmare prowled toward the kitchen. Her hoofsteps were almost silent; the tendrils of her power akin to snakes, as they seemed more than eager to tear into the drake. As she poked her head into the kitchen entrance Nightmare had to repress a snicker as she could feel Rarity struggle in vain to take back control of her body. “No! Please whatever you do leave him alone!” All around her consciousness Rarity could feel the cold darkness that was Nightmare’s presence smother close as if to snuff the fashionista’s existence entirely. Feeling as if she was choking from Nightmare’s power Rarity desperately tried to focus on the image of her husband’s smiling face as she attempted to warn him. “Spike! Run away! It’s not me! Please Spike run!” “Oh no, no, no little Rarity, there won’t be any escape, not now, not ever.” Rarity’s pleas for Nightmare to spare her precious beloved only enticed Nightmare’s actions as she crept into the kitchen and quietly advanced on the drake whose back was turned to her. “I’m going to enjoy every second of this.” Unaware of the silently approaching doom behind him Spike was just on the verge of finishing a delicious breakfast for his sleepy-headed wife. However, his mind made its way back to the subject of Rarity’s decision and rightly, so he was still worried that making such a deal would have some dramatic backlash, but considering how good it felt to wake up under her after sleeping lovingly within each other’s grasp quelled some of those thoughts. “Maybe I was just being overly concerned.” Inches away Nightmare loomed up behind the dragon who happily continued whistling to himself whilst his claws set to work, and his ears twitched slightly. So caught up in the glee of inflicting pain Nightmare hadn’t even decided on how she was going to end the hapless drake. “Maybe I’ll just tear him to pieces, or blast him with a beam powerful enough to scatter his ashes to every corner of Equestria.” For a moment, Spike shuddered in place as his sensitive ears picked up the sound of something sneaking up on him. It didn’t take much pondering for him to deduce the culprit that planned to catch him unaware, and having the element of surprise he decided to turn the tables. “Time to die dragon.” Nightmare muttered just as she was about to pounce upon the scaled dope, Spike suddenly turned around with a wide smile. “Breakfast is almost ready hon.” Before Nightmare could react the drake closed the gap between them and placed a loving kiss on her muzzle, before chuckling to himself and sidestepping the shocked in place mare. Slitted eyes opened wider than ever before, and a clashing shade of crimson spreading across her dark fur. Nightmare had certainly been caught off guard. “W-w-what just happened?” From her confines within her own head Rarity felt a surge of white hot anger swell up through her as she watched *her* Spike kiss this…*impersonator*. “That’s *my* *husband*!” As Nightmare continued to stand frozen in place while her mind slowly, and weakly come to the realization that her first actual kiss had just taken place mere seconds ago, a disturbingly familiar voice began to roar in the back of her head. “Rarity?!” “Rarity indeed, you home-wrecking ghoul!” Powered by her righteous fury Rarity’s consciousness grew like a raging inferno, uprooting the tendrils of Nightmare’s control, pushing her mind back behind the steering wheel and quickly sending Nightmare’s back to the abyss of her thoughts. “No pony kisses my dragon but me!” To further punctuate her point, instead of Rarity just simply returning the simple form of affection, she opted to forcefully cram her tongue down her husband’s throat in a possessive wanton display. Spike on the other hand had no idea what had brought on such a dominant act of passion from his wife, not that he was complaining, as his brain was only able to fire off one legitimate thought. ‘Wow, her fangs feel really good.’ Spike couldn’t help but slowly traced the sharp canines of his mare causing her to moan into his mouth. It was a new experience for the drake, but between the new teeth, the slitted eyes, the now never aging body and the dominant behavior, things felt strangely familiar to him. After what felt like several hours, but was in actuality only a few minutes the couple finally broke free from their kiss, breathing heavily. “Wow...” The pony and dragon both uttered in unison. An awkward silence lingered as husband and wife looked at one another with unabashed want and passion before Rarity piped up. “Darling, I must say breakfast smells divine.” “Er, um...yeah...” Spike still a bit dumbstruck over what had just transpired slowly placed the food onto the table and being the gentledrake he was, he pulled out a chair for his wife. The gesture caused the unicorn to smile warmly as well as her mane to reach out to the drake and tickle his chin. As the couple ate a Nightmare watched from her place deep within Rarity’s mind. It had come as a complete shock to the entity that her host had somehow managed to overthrow her as well as take back full control. At first Nightmare pondered angrily if perhaps she had made a mistake but then a sudden realization came upon her. Conquering the element of generosity would not be as easy as Princess Luna, whereas the alicorn of the moon had been wrought with loneliness and spite, Rarity was surrounded by friends and a loving husband that she cherished. The path ahead would be more difficult than she had planned but with a short chuckle, Nightmare quietly reminded herself that if she was anything...it was patient. She would retake control again when the time was right, but not before she found an answer to a certain scaled obstacle. As she watched the purple dragon smile at her from her host’s eyes, Nightmare’s thoughts went from dreams of conquest to the admittedly handsome drake across from her and those thoughts that made her feel uneasy. > More Mid-Morning Incidents > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh dear Celestia, I almost forgot my meeting with Neighel Diamond was today and he’ll be here within the hour!” “Can’t you just reschedule?” “Not when he needs new attire for his upcoming tour.” Feeling the early signs of one of her patented ‘worst possible thing’ moments Rarity sprang up from the kitchen table and began to pace about the room as she tried to calm herself down. “Ohhh, okay all I have to do is maybe get that fabric from other evening and throw in some garnets.” Rolling his eyes at his wife’s antics Spike continued to eat his breakfast. He certainly didn't go through all this work just to have the meal sit there forgotten. “Can’t you just tell him that…uh...creative passion caused you to throw out what you had and you plan on giving him something twice as great?” “Spike I love you, but that’s downright crazy talk. Do you know what this could do to my image if word got around that I failed Neighel Diamond of all ponies?” “Ponies around here might develop better taste in music?” “Shush!” As Rarity continued to fret over the approaching hour at hand...err hoof, the unicorn’s mane began to reach out into the living room as well as her horn began to light up. Taking notice of the free-spirited follicles as well as the light show going on as he ate Spike paused mid chew to try to get Rarity’s attention. “Uh, Rares is your mane supposed to do that?” “...and I’ll need to draw up some plans. Oh, yes! I can come up with some fantastic schematics, show them to Mr. Diamond and perhaps stall him long enough.” The drake’s words apparently fell on deaf ears as Rarity galloped out of the kitchen still oblivious to her mane’s mission or her magic flaring up. Spike let out a small sigh as he realized that his wife would probably be too busy ‘freaking out’ too want any more breakfast and he’d have to do all the dishes. “Bring back the part where you nearly had your way with me on the table.” Dashing past the living room and making her way into her work room Rarity ‘hmmed’ to herself as she searched the room full of fabrics, mannequins and half-finished dresses for her measuring tape. Unbeknownst to her Rarity’s mane returned to its normal size after depositing a basketful of garnets next to her, while her work glasses floated into the room thanks to her subconscious magic locating it. “Oh, there’s my glasses. Hmm, I don’t recall asking Spike to locate them...oh well.” After a half hour's time of work Rarity had managed to cobble together a few extravagant designs onto some sketch paper, fixed a few lengths of cloth that she’d use and noticed that she had a basket of garnets on hoof right next to her. Given a few more hours of hard work, some good 'ol fashion Rarity know how and a little break for some much needed affection, the unicorn was sure that she could handle this. “Rarity what time is that guy supposed to be here?” “Twelve-thirty, darling.” “Um… it’s about a quarter to twelve right now.” “WHAT?!” Her magic made a nearby lamp explode. Eyes twitching as it dawned on Rarity that though she had made great progress, there was no way that she could have anything worth seeing in only forty-five minutes. As a few stray synapses fired within the unicorn’s head, neither she nor Spike were aware of the agitated way that her mane began to flicker as well as the small hiss that emitted from anything that was currently levitating at the moment. “I said it’s about --WHOA!” Before Spike could finish his sentence, the steam press next to Rarity rocketed from its place so that it could nearly take the drake’s head off as it embedded itself into the wall next to him. Rarity completely oblivious to nearly ending her husband shrieked in frustration as she galloped past the stunned drake to make way toward the bathroom. “Oh no, no, no, no! I must look an absolute mess!” As the mare crossed the living room, the couch that she and Spike had previously cuddled on was suddenly encased with a dark blue aura before it jettisoned toward a recovering Spike. “Rarity it’s ok, you look ama --*oomph*!” The drake hadn’t been as lucky that time as he found himself suddenly bowled over by his own furniture. Once inside the bathroom Rarity was quick to levitate a multitude of brushes, hair-care products, and a few scrunchies as she prepared to tame what she was sure would be a nightmare. “I may not be able to whip something up to show my client, but at least I can make myself look…” It was then that Rarity saw herself in the mirror; her ethereal mane had remained lovely and weightless despite sleeping on her couch of all places. It would seem that the mare hardly needed to make any effort to tame her mane, as it would be what her husband would call “drop dead gorgeous”. This of course presented her with a new set of problems. Rarity’s client as well as every other pony that she knew would be expecting to see the same well-matured alabaster unicorn when they stopped by, and instead they’d see… “This. Is. The. Worst. Possible...” With a grunt of exhaustion, Spike pushed the couch off his form and sat up while giving the furniture a look of disapproval. It would appear that with the new body, Rarity had also gained a much higher level of strength regarding her magic, which if the couch and earlier stream press attack were any clear hints meant that his wife lacked complete control over her abilities. “Well all I have to do is keep Rares calm and we should be alright.” “THING!” It was at that point in time that Spike noticed a strike force of combs and brushes hurling toward him from the entrance of the bathroom. “Uh oh.” Just like the earlier with the steam press the various objects made their way into the drywall of their home, but unlike the previous time where Spike had managed to escape unharmed, the brushes, combs and other doodads pinned the drake to the wall. Inside the bathroom Rarity gritted her teeth in frustration as she dwelled on the just how her new form was going to be received in her daily life. What would her customers say? What would the princesses think? How would her friends react? So caught up in her own personal desires as well as the giddiness of being with her husband forever, the unicorn had completely forgotten how her appearance would probably affect her relations with everyone else. “Oh I can see it now; my Ponyville clientele will probably think that the boutique is being run by the harbinger of eternal night and next thing we know they’ll be assembling mobs.” Another pulse of dark blue magic caused a nearby bar of soap to light itself in dark flames and hurl out the doorway earning a surprised, “Holy hay!” from the drake outside. Rarity unaware of her husband’s misfortune only worried more as she began to think what kind of reaction would come from the elements of harmony. “Of course Rainbow Dash in all her crudeness will probably shout something obscene while she careens through my house in some attempt to pummel ‘my possessor’. Pinkie Pie will tell everyone to run for their lives and jump out my window, whilst dearest Applejack attempts to lasso me while making some pun about apples or some such nonsense.” Watching the destruction taking place within Rarity’s head Nightmare herself let out a chuckle as she admitted that even though her ‘host’ had bested her and was currently in control (somewhat) a satisfying amount of damage was being done to the premises as well as being attempted on the quick on his feet dragon. “I’d have done better I’m sure...but this will do for now.” “Then Twilight will start lecturing me about making deals with evil entities like I’m some sort of foal. “And of course Fluttershy..” “Uhhh, honey?” Spike after dislodging himself from the wall as well as remove a flaming bar of irish spring from his face had finally crossed the distance to the bathroom and after seeing a miasma of dark magic swirling around his wife decided to try calming the mare down. “What?!” Rarity was quick to whirl her dark furred head around to glare daggers at the drake who suddenly wished he had stayed transfixed to the wall. “Darling can’t you see that I’m in the middle of a bit of a meltdown here?” “Oh yeah beautiful, trust me I can see that, maybe we should just take a few deep breaths and calm do…” “I don’t want to calm down!” The slitted irises in Rarity’s eyes glowed an angry dark blue as she took an aggressive step toward her husband. Deciding that there was enough to clean up as it was Spike resorted to his secret weapon when things with his wife got dicey. With a near unparalleled level of agility thanks to his draconic heritage, Spike rushed his wife who was too surprised to react. Before the mare could even squeak in response Spike’s skilled claws danced lightly along her back and focused on Rarity’s shoulders. “Whaoooaauu...ohhh” One moment Rarity had been near meltdown level of anger, the next she could hardly feel her knees as she stifled a soft whinny. There was no arguing that Spike’s digits certainly came in handy whether it was scratching an itch or soothing an enraged wife. Deep within Rarity’s subconscious a certain entity was unexpectedly learning about the drake’s talent. “Oh! Oh now that’s interesting.” Thanks to her integration with Rarity’s body Nightmare was currently feeling the same sensation as her host causing the immortal to fidget slightly as the sensation of claws delicately pressing against her nerves overtook her consciousness. “Oooh...okay so perhaps I’m glad that I didn’t slay this dragon earlier.” Meanwhile Spike had moved on from the light scratching to gently rubbing his now swooning wife along her neck. The magical aura that had surrounded her had dissipated, and the mare’s mane was floating calmly in the non-existent breeze. “Muuuch better.” A relative calm passed through the boutique as Spike continued to calm his wife and the mentioned mare became more and more docile. Even in a now, much less high-strung state Rarity let out a pout as she dwelled on the matter at hand. “My client will be here any minute, the order is nowhere near ready and I look absolutely stunning.” “Uhhh isn’t that a good thing Rares?” “Of course not!” Twisting in place so that she was now glaring at the dragon holding her, Rarity brought a hoof dramatically to her forehead. “I can’t let myself be seen like this! Don’t you know what the response to my new body will be?” “Yeah, the reaction will be a ton of jealous stallions glaring at the back of my head from now on...probably a few mares too.” Spike chuckled to himself as he watched his wife’s glare intensify. “No! The clients will think that Nightmare herself is haunting my creations and my business will be ruined! I --” Before Rarity could start on another frantic rant she was interrupted by her scaled husband. “Don’t worry about it babe, I’ll just talk to him.” “But, I--” Cutting off his wife once more Spike waggled a scaled eyebrow at the mare as he continued to speak. “Hey, I took care of an emotionally unstable purple princess for almost twenty years, lived in Canterlot which is home for the snootiest creatures in Equestria and even saved the Crystal Kingdom a few times. I think I can handle one celebrity for an hour, you know I’m great with ponies.” Rarity was about to interject when suddenly all her thoughts ground to a screeching halt thanks to the chiming of the doorbell. Watching the color drain from his wife’s face Spike scratched the back of his head as he did his best to keep her from panicking. “W-whoa that’s odd. Probably just some pony stopping by to say hi. I mean c’mon what are the chances that Neighel Diamond is here now?” *Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!* “Hello there, it’s me the Neighel Diamond.” To say Rarity responded with dignity and restraint would have been a ballpark lie, so instead she bit her lip and mouthed out a certain four-letter word. “I’ll take care of him, so just relax. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?” Spike made his way down stairs muttering to himself as he reached the bottom, and stepped toward the door. “Oh right. Oh right, hold your horses.” Putting on a salesman’s face Spike swung the door open donning a wide toothy smile as his emerald pupils focused on the stallion waiting outside. “Finally!” Peering up at the drake a tan earth stallion with a black pompadour and a sequin jacket tapped his left front hoof impatiently. “I’m here to see lady Rarity, Diamond has an order that he intends to pick up.” With a dramatic final tap of his hoof, Neighel Diamond pushed his way past a surprised Spike and began wandering about the room. “Diamond has no time for the help. Lady Rarity where are you? I’m here for that line of amazing outfits you promised me.” Growling inwardly at the less than polite stallion now prancing around inside his living room, Spike had to shake his head to keep himself from tossing the customer back out the door. “Um, sir in case you’ve been living under a rock for the last few decades, I have a stained glass window in princess’s palace devoted to me and for the record Lady Rarity happens to be my wife.” Shutting the door behind him Spike rolled his eyes as the stallion spun around to get a better look at him. “...You don’t say.” “I certainly do.” Walking up to, the drake Neighel peered up at Spike’s face with an eyebrow raised dubiously. “Can’t say that I can place a name mister...?” Rubbing his talons across his temples to ease a small headache Spike couldn’t help but wonder how his wife found the patience to deal with clients like this all the time. “It’s Spike, Spike the dragon, now then I’m afraid that my dear wife is unavailable at the moment.” “And why is that?” Scowling slightly as he began to fear that he would leave the domicile without his order, Diamond glanced toward the stairs. “Surely Rarity has finished the outfits she promised me.” Letting out a loud sigh Spike looked toward the stairs as well before taking a step to put himself between them and the off put celebrity. “Well uh you see...” As Spike scanned his brain for a good excuse both he and Neighel Diamond were unaware of a third presence silently listening in nearby. Sprawled on the floor upstairs like a cat waiting to pounce, Rarity held her breath as she strained to hear her husband’s next words. Yes, she had agreed to let Spike ‘handle’ the situation but it didn’t mean that she couldn’t ‘eavesdrop’ just a little bit. So far, it sounded like her beloved was handling Diamond well enough, but hearing Spike scramble for words led the unicorn to silently pray that the dragon would come up with something believable. “W-well you see...funny thing my wife is….uh...actually...suffering from food poisoning.” If Spike hadn’t been busy gauging the celebrity’s reaction his ears might have picked up on the near completely inaudible “What?!” that Rarity let out in outrage. “Food poisoning?” The stallion allowed a slightly disgusted look to cross his face as he imagined the fashionista green in the face while laying in bed pleading for death. “Y-Yeah poor ol gal’s been get real friendly with the um...porcelain throne.” As Spike gave the best attempt at an earnest smile to the blinking stallion, the drake could have sworn he felt the back of his head heating up. “When this is all over I’m gonna throttle that husband of mine.” Outraged by the way the drake was handling a deal that could possibly end her career, Rarity couldn’t help but glare down at the duo from the top of her stairs. Luckily, for the mortified unicorn her guest was much more interested in the dragon’s explanation than anything else at the time. “W-well give her Diamond’s condolences, later of course.” For a moment, the brown stallion seemed caught up in his own thoughts until a cough from Spike brought Neighel back to earth. “Lady Rarity or not I came here for what I paid for and Neighel Diamond will not leave till satisfied!” “Oh no.” The anger in Rarity went out of her as she crept backward a few steps to hide from the inevitable conclusion to the deception her beloved was trying to keep up. Deep in the unicorn’s head Nightmare watched on with an amused grin; she was enjoying this. Never one to back down from a challenge or know when to quit Spike thought back to the unfinished works that Rarity had been scrambling to finish earlier. “It can’t be that hard.” Sliding casually next to the celebrity while spinning him around to face Rarities lower workroom, Spike inwardly crossed his talons. “And satisfaction is what we guarantee at the Carousel Boutique, in fact why don’t you sit right here while I get grab something that will blow you away.” Perturbed by the close contact Neighel narrowed his eyes as he was lead to the couch. “Sounds like one of my ex-wives.” Once the celebrity was seated, Spike scrambled toward Rarity’s workroom and gave a quick scan over the unfinished fabrics that lay around the room. He had watched his wife work passionately for years and was pretty sure he’d seen enough to replicate her actions. Grabbing a large leotard made for a pony Spike tapped a claw to his chin as he wracked his brain on how to finish it. “Hmm...well if my memory serves me correctly he loves himself a shit ton of sequins.” A twinkle caught the drake’s emerald eyes causing him to turn his head and gaze down at a knocked over box that had its contents spilled onto the floor. “Bingo!” A few minutes passed by during which Neighel wrestled with the urge to pick his nose and wipe whatever he found on the couch he sat upon and upstairs Rarity waited scarcely breathing as she tried to figure out what was going on. Finally, just as the stallion raised a hoof to his itching nose Spike strode back into the living room with a proud look upon his features and a bundle of something in his claws. “Now then mister Diamond are you ready?” Spike raised a scaled eyebrow toward the customer whose raised hoof quickly lowered as he snapped his head to look at the drake. “Ready for what?” The stallion had barely finished his sentence when Spike raised the fabric in his talons before him presenting a sight Neighel had never seen before in his life. “Ready for this!” Upstairs Rarity felt a deep shiver crawl up her spine as well as a terrible headache that made Nightmare’s earlier takeover feel like a tickle. “I...I sense a disturbance.” A look of fear crossed Rarity’s face as she looked here and there in an attempt to see an invisible foe. “As if somewhere a great fashion tragedy has been given life.” As the golden glow from his creation finally died down Spike gave a wink to the illuminated stallion in front of him. “So what do ya think?” From his place on the couch, Neighel Diamond could only stare awestruck for a minute as his eyes widened, his mouth hung slightly open and an unprepared tear fell from his face. “W-words cannot…” Indeed, they could not, staring down the master of music was a concoction of patterns and color that in some places would incur death open the viewer and a well deserved public execution for the presenter. In unabashed glory, a purple, leopard-printed leotard covered nearly head to toe in glinting gold sequins starred through the celebrity's eyes and into his very soul. It was deranged…it was an obnoxious eyesore...it was a crime of nature...it was... “...Beautiful.” His tears now flowing freely as he continued to gaze at the creation before him, Neighel felt his own heart grow three sizes that day. “So you like it?” “I love it more than life itself.” “Like I said guaranteed satisfaction, now then would you like to take her home?” Puffing up just a little bit from his success Spike allowed a large fanged smile to grow on his face as he watched the stallion stumble off of his couch and reach out toward the ‘masterpiece’. “I had you pegged wrong mister dragon. Just a few minutes ago I thought you were just some scale covered sod that must have somehow gotten Lady Rarity drunk enough to accept a marriage proposal.” So caught up in his continued admiration of the gaudy nightmare, Neighel failed to notice Spike’s smile fall just a little bit. “...but now I know that you obviously possess some amazing traits for such a lovely albeit hagged out mare to look so kindly upon you.” “Uhhh no problem, we all make mistakes right?” Sweet taste of victory somewhat soured by his customers use of words, Spike felt the small urge to set the outfit alight just to voice his growing irritation. “Well Diamond supposes some more than others but yes, we all do don’t we?” Neighel let out a chuckle as he nudged the drake slightly. “Back at the door I thought you were gonna take a swing at me for barging in and I’d never have seen this beautiful thing. Crazy huh?” Laughing a little bit as well Spike shrugged his shoulder as he looked back at the now grinning stallion. “Yeah, though to be truthful I was heavily considering it.” Rubbing a hoof against his head as his chuckle turned to a small laugh Neighel gave a dubious look to the dragon in front of him. “Glad you didn’t...that would have been stupid.” “Agreed, really stupid.” “I’d hate to imagine having to apologize to Lady Rarity about hurting her husband.” At this point Neighel was shaking his head while he laughed. Shaking his head at the absurdness of it all Spike looked at the foot of the stairs as he replied. “I know right, Rares would skin me for a new suit if I told her that I beat up one of her customers.” “Now *that* is funny.” As he continued to laugh the stallion gave Spike another nudge. “Trust me dude an angry Rarity is the total opposite of funny.” Spike without even noticing gave Neighel a nudge right back with his elbow.” “No, not that, I meant the part where you would tell her that you beat me, that’s seriously ridiculous.” Finally controlling his laugh a little bit Neighel nudged Spike again this time a little harder. “Didn’t know that you found reality ridiculous.” Spike gave a weak chuckle as he noticed himself immediately shoving the stallion back with just as much force. “Don’t take me wrong mister dragon, but I’ve knocked out more music critics than you have spines.” This time when Neighel made to shove Spike back, the stallion found his hoof stopped by Spike’s hand blocking it. “Trust me when I say that you haven’t taken a shot at anyone like me.” A rush of adrenaline began to course through Diamond’s veins at he looked into Spike’s eyes. “I gotta warn you, you mess with the Diamond you gonna get cut.” Neighel flexed his fore-leg muscles as he shook the dragon’s hand off of him. Spike shot the pop star a cocky smirk. “Well, then it’s a good thing I’m a dragon because I got bigger so-called “diamonds” in my stool.” From atop the stairs Rarity’s eye widened to the size of dinner plates as her ears picked up her husband’s latest reply. “...He did not just...” “Oh, yes he did!” While Rarity might have been distressed by the way things were turning, Nightmare herself was materializing a large tub of popcorn as she watched on with a tinge of excitement. It would certainly be fun to watch the drake lose his temper, rend the ridiculous sounding stallion to pieces and go on a rampage that she felt this town was long due for. Now dear readers we can’t tell you who threw the first punch, or who threw the second, but we can tell you that it was around the time that Neighel Diamond’s body went sailing into the couch that the dark furred mare ran down to the bottom of the stairs to watch the debacle going on within her living room. “How’d you like that?” Cracking his neck as well as rubbing a bruise on his chin Spike stood with his back to Rarity while he waited for the stallion’s reply. Instead of letting out a terse response, the stallion picked up one of its cushions and tossed it toward Spike who easily knocked it aside with his left hand. “The hell was th--*oomph!*” While Spike had been slightly distracted with the couch cushion Neighel quickly galloped across the room and crashed into Spike. Rarity scarcely had time to retreat up the stairs by a few steps before Spike fell onto his back. “Always leave 'em guessin'. ya fire-spittin' newt.” Neighel landed a few light blows onto Spike’s face before the drake’s tail wrapped around his arm and slung him across the room. “This is the worst possible thing!” Rarity let out an *eep* as she watched her customer pick himself up from the floor and produce a large two-by-four from seemingly nowhere. Spike in retaliation quickly ran out of the room only to come back a second later with a large pipe gripped in his claws. Laughing near maniacally from her spot in Rarity’s head Nightmare smiled with glee as she watched Spike and Diamond proceed to cartoonishly whack one another over the head with their weapons. “This is the best!” After being at the receiving end of a well-aimed swing to the eye, Spike let out a loud growl before he reached out as quick as lightning and grabbed the piece of wood. “Okay, now I’m getting pissed.” To emphasize his point Spike tightened his grip until Diamond’s armament exploded into a few dozen crude splinters. Disarmed but not done Diamond struck forward with his head aiming to knock the drake back and buy himself some time. The result was an annoyed grunt from Spike and a headache the nearly brought a tear to the stallion’s eyes. “Dragon scales are a lot harder than you would think.” Before Neighel could back up Spike grabbed the celebrity by his shoulders holding him place. “Now let’s see if they’re harder than a diamond.” Spike pulled his head back and for a moment, Neighel watched his life flash before his eyes. “Spike the dragon! That is...enough!” Finally having enough of playing the spectator, Rarity made her presence known causing both males to turn their heads and look in her direction. “Uh oh...” “Uhh nice to see you feeling better miss Rar--.” Diamond’s sentence went unfinished as the celebrities eyes fully took in the sight before him. While not being a resident of Ponyville Neighel Diamond wasn’t ignorant enough to have missed the stories or the reports of a certain would be dictator of the moon coming back to not only kidnap princess Celestia many years ago, but also nearly led an army of shadows to conquer all of Equestria. So the panic in his voice, as well as the frightened look in his eyes was somewhat called for. “Holy crap, it’s Nightmare Moon!” Rarity realizing her mistake screamed in surprise, which sounded to the now terrified stallion to be a violent screech. While the mare ran back up the stairs desperately wishing that removing herself from the celebrity's sight might cause him to forget what he saw, a burst of fear-induced strength ran through Neighel’s body giving him the ability to throw a rather shocked Spike off of him. “I-I-I gotta warn the town! N-Nightmare M-Moon has returned!” With nothing else on his mind, Neighel galloped toward the door intent on leaving and rousing hopefully getting word to the proper authorities before the wraith made her move. “Not so fast!” It didn’t take half a brain for Spike to realize the consequences that would follow from Nieghel Diamond scaring all of the ponies in town before he and Rarity had proper time to figure things out. The guard would be called in; they’d circle the boutique intent on keeping ‘the returned threat’ in quarantine until the elements of harmony were called in as well as the princesses. A cold shiver ran through Spike’s spines as he imagined what would happen to his poor wife. “L-lets just calm down and talk this over.” “The hell are you doin?! We have to warn...oh for Celestia’s sake you’re working for Nightmare Moon!” Of course, it made sense now; the dragon was the wraith’s thrall furthering her agenda in broad daylight while she silently waited in the shadows. Neighel would have gladly barreled through the door if a clawed hand with the strength of steel hadn't latched onto his rear right leg and dragged him across the room. “L-let me go!” Spike wasn’t about to let anything put his wife in danger. Transformed or not the unicorn upstairs was the love of his life, he just had to keep Diamond stalled long enough for him for him to finally listen to sense. As he pulled the struggling stallion across the living room, Spike looked around as his mind raced to find an answer. Unwilling to go down without a fight Nieghel bucked as hard as he could causing Spike’s grip to loosen before Neighel made another dash for the door. The drake though thrown off was instantly upon him and right as Neighel reached for the door mere inches away, Spike’s full weight struck him like a scaled cannonball causing the two to roll on the ground while the stallion shouted curses and Spike uttered profuse apologies. Upstairs Rarity tried to calm herself as her mind dwelled on the worst case scenario that was her appearance being found out in such a way. Within the depths of the unicorn’s mind a certain spirit wore a Cheshire grin as she watched the mare imagine countless dark scenarios. Back downstairs Spike had managed to place the struggling celebrity in a kind of sleep hold, hoping that Diamond would tire himself out and then Spike could start worrying about explaining things. “If you’d quit squirming for one damn minute I’d gladly expla--” Before Spike could finish his sentence, Diamond rammed his head backwards into Spike’s nose causing the drake to see stars and loosen his grip enough for the stallion to make another dash for the door. As Spike struggled to give chase while shaking his head, he clumsily reached around for something to steady himself with, the drake's claws came into contact with a hard surface, which instantly registered in Spike’s mind as one of the small tables Rarity enjoyed having him move about the house whenever she felt like changing the boutiques interior. Vision still fuzzy Spike was at least able to make out the fleeing blur that was Diamond now nearly at his destination: the front door. As his claws fumbled about Spike felt something move and on instinct, he latched onto it and heaved it forward. Freedom so close at hoof Diamond never thought to turn around in case of approaching danger, so the stallion never saw it coming when a bowing-ball sized chuck of rock beaned him in the back of the head. For one of Equestria’s self-proclaimed superstars the curtains had closed and his show was over. A loud thud rang throughout the house causing both mare’s to stop their thoughts and look down the stairs. “S-Spike?” No reply came instead only the sound of someone moving and loud tired exhales. Throwing her caution to the wind as her heart instantly began to worry about her husband Rarity glided down the stairs silent as a ghost her thoughts on what she must have missed when she left. Nightmare herself had to inwardly admit that she was curious to learn of the drake’s fate as well as what became of the pitiful stallion that had recognized her. “Spike..please be okay.” As she finally reached the bottom of the stairs and cast an eye over the completely wrecked battlefield that was her living room, a familiar voice met her ears. “I’m alright Rares...c-can’t say the same for our customer.” On the far side of the room next to the doorway that lead to the kitchen Spike was currently steadying himself by leaning against the wall. During his struggle with Diamond the two had rolled across the room, bumping into the couch, and knocking into a wardrobe closet causing the piece of furniture to topple over. “W-what do you mean dear.” While Spike had picked himself up with a groan, the brown stallion laid in place upon the floor while a trickle of blood began to soak his mane. After rubbing a sore spot on the back of his neck Spike’s nose noticed the coppery scent of blood, and he was instantly attempting to rouse the prone celebrity. After a few shakes, and a one good slap across the face Neighel’s eyes remained rolled to the back of his head and the blood brought on by a large cut at the side of his head continued to flow. An ominous feeling ran over the drake as he realized that his wife was calling out to him and a minute later, he looked right into Rarity’s eyes as she heard his grave reply. It didn’t take Rarity long to realize what had happened as she took in the sight of the unmoving guest on the floor, her sullen looking husband standing over the stallion and the various objects laying scattered around them. Her favorite vase laid in pieces around the duo a stone the size of a cantaloupe (which was actually what remained of ‘Tom’ after years of Spike using the boulder as something to dull his claws on) was still slowly rolling across the carpet into it came to a stop when its path was blocked by the far wall. Whether on purpose or not it appeared that Spike had acted true to his mission and managed to stop the singer from leaving the premises. “O-oh Spike...w-what did you do?” The words died in Rarity’s throat as the mare seemed to freeze in place, doing little more than hyperventilate and stare bug-eyed at the form on her living room floor. So caught up in imagining what crimes the two had just accidentally committed the dark-furred mare didn’t even react when Spike moved to her side to softly embrace her. “I-I didn’t mean to k-k...this. I was just trying to stop him from...” Though he was comforting his wife as best as he could, Spike could hardly control his own breathing as a wave of guilt swept over him. Sure he wasn’t fond of the self-entitled stallion, but he never intended to.. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” A long minute passed as both husband and wife merely leaned into one another as they looked to the mess across the room. Unbeknownst to Spike and Rarity, a third party was having a much different reaction to the tragedy that had taken place. “Oooh...now, that’s the stuff!” A warm feeling slithered within Nightmare’s body as her slitted eyes took in the sight that her host gazed upon in the room. The destruction and slapstick violence that had taken place earlier was a mere tickling compared to the feelings of excitement and pleasure that ran through the spirit as she gazed upon the scarlet blood and the disposal of the annoyance. If only the frightened unicorn had stayed put instead of retreating back up the stairs, maybe then Nightmare might have watched the stimulating display that was this strong and ferocious dragon striking the final delicious blow. Reaching out with her consciousness Nightmare could faintly share the sensation of being held in the dragon’s clawed hands with her host. A warmness spread across her face as she imagined the claws still painted brightly with blood, tearing, gripping...slicing. “Oooh now that’s one bad dragon.” Stray thoughts of the drake spewing emerald flames across a landscape began to flitter through Nightmare’s mind causing her to bite at her lip slightly. “...or better yet you could be so good at being bad.” As the spirit cooed to herself she wasn’t aware that the spreading of her consciousness to share the physical contact that Rarity was experiencing had created a small two-way window between the two of them. “So much better than this so-called wife of yours deserves.” A sudden warmth began to creep over Rarity, causing her legs to wobble and a blush to cross her face. The explained sensations were enough to cause Rarity to shake her head, clearing her mind slightly as well as bringing her husband out of his own thoughts. “H-honey w-what are we going to do?” “You’re going to stay here and catch your breath, while I figure out what to do with our guest.” Giving his wife a light kiss on the head Spike made his way back toward the body on the floor. The blood seemed to have stopped flowing which was good, but the drake was not sure what he could do with a full grown stallions body to make it pleasantly ‘disappear’. “Suppose I could bury him out back...but we’d have to wait till dark.” Spike frowned to himself as he dwelled on a few grim ways to dispose of the form in front of him. In any other case he’s probably have freaked out or at least lost his breakfast at the sight before him, but his wife was at stake….he couldn't afford the luxury of being terrified right now. As his brain failed to come up with an answer that could be put into practice immediately Spike growled to himself and a puff of emerald fire escaped from his nose. “That could work.” Rarity had just gotten a hold of herself completely when she noticed Spike hoist her former customer over his shoulders and head toward the back room. “D-Darling what are you doing?” “Quickest way to make this blowhard disappear is in a puff of fire, gonna try shoving him into the fireplace and hope for the best.” Spike didn’t even try to hide the disgust in his own voice as he told his beloved of the dark task he planned to enact. “You mean...” “Yeah.” Before the conversation could go any further, Spike exited the living room leaving Rarity alone to her thoughts. In less than 24 hours Rarity had agreed to merge with a being whose agenda was primarily focused on the destruction of Equestia, got into a pillow fight with her husband that turned into an impromptu cuddle/sleep and now she was about to have a celebrity cremated within her home. An odd feeling of clarity settled in over Rarity’s mind as she considered the moral backlash to all of the actions that had taken place. She loved her husband with all her heart, enough so to allow the evil entity known as Nightmare to take residence within her, but this. Her gentle, affectionate gentledrake had just done something near unspeakable and for the life of her Rarity didn’t know how to feel. “He didn’t do it on purpose...he was only trying to protect me.” There was no denying that if Diamond had escaped the entire town would be in an uproar. Scared out of their wits and lacking the patience or understanding to wait for one of the princesses to investigate the majority of the town’s ponies would be quick to round up a posse and start making drastic decisions. In his desperate attempt to stop, an ever worse outcome Spike might have ended a life...unintentionally, but did so to protect her. A part of Rarity was truly touched that Spike would go above and beyond to keep her safe; however, another part couldn’t help but pale in horror at the still present pool of blood that had already stained her floor. From where she sat Rarity could see her own reflection staring wide-eyed back at her, the reflection tinted a dark crimson as it looked on in revulsion. The scene was an unparalleled disaster. Alternatively, in the eyes of another it was a thing of deathly beauty. Seeing the blood colored reflection caused Nightmare to lick her lips as her mind drifted more and more towards the scaled male that had so unexpectedly caught her interest. She thought less about vaporizing Spike and more about finding a way to groom him into doing her dark bidding and maybe seeing what kind of extra skills the drake might posses to cause such a level of devotion from his wife. Eyes like mint green orbs of fire, sharp fangs glinting in the room light as he conversed with her and his devotions to her and her alone. Nightmare let out a squeal akin to what would more appropriately belong to a young school filly who had her eyes on a far off crush, instead of the dark mare herself. At some point Rarity had moved from her spot as her mind played out the possible scenarios that could come into play. A loud grunt reached her ears from the room Spike had disappeared into making clear that her husband was having trouble performing the task. Unconsciously Rarity’s body pivoted in place and made to follow the drake, when a sharp pain to the mare’s left front hoof caused Rarity to hiss in pain and to come back to reality for a brief moment. Looking down Rarity found that the cause for the dull ache in her hoof had been ‘Tom’ or at least what was left of him. “I really should do away with this old thing, only good for tripping over, or falling on someone’s..” Rarity’s eyes widened slightly as she glanced away from ‘Tom’ and toward the scattered pieces of her once favorite vase. The material though not as hard as ‘Tom’ was durable, perhaps not enough to kill anyone, but certainly solid enough to give a knot on one’s head or possibly even… “Hmm.” In the other room Spike growled to himself as he realized that stuffing a body into one’s chimney was no easy task, especially when he couldn’t help but try handling the corpse with the utmost care. If he was a true cold-blooded killer than perhaps Spike would have no problem using his draconian strength to stuff the body into the small space like a lazy teen would shove his clothes into a pile under his bed instead of properly doing away with them. There was just soo much...body and so little chimney as if the damned thing wasn’t made for stashing something the size of an adult stallion. With a sigh Spike scratched his chin a bit before a thoughtful expression crossed his face. “Got it!” Leaving Diamond to lay on the ground, Spike moved across the room to head toward a closed door opposite of the one he had first entered in. After opening the door with a click the drake disappeared behind the door, but before saying out loud. “Well at least Equestria is spared any more of that racket you call music.” Just Spike had exited the room, Rarity slowly wandered in; an inquisitive expression on her face, and her majestic mane billowing slightly. While she noticed that her husband was not present Rarity’s focus was primarily on the heap that was strewn about in front of her fireplace. A queasy feeling came over the unicorn as she imagined her husband stuffing the stallion into their chimney and setting it alight. “Certainly would make for a rather dreadful Hearth’s Warming Eve.” After several minutes, Spike reentered the room brandishing a saw and a few garbage bags taped together as a makeshift tarp and made his way towards the body of the rock star. He then proceeded to lay the plastic underneath the stallion as he prepared to make the pony into much more manageable pieces. Rarity could only watch in terror as her husband brought the blade closer to the singers flesh, but just as the he was about to make his cut, she noticed the chest of the supposedly late Neighel Diamond begin to stir. “S-Stop!!! He’s not dead!!!” With that exclamation, the dragon happily flung the saw into the kitchen scaring the ever loving shit out of Opal the Third. “ME-RWEOW!!!” *CLING* As well as embedding itself into the drywall like so many objects this morning (if they kept at it they could open their home as one of those watered-down family restaurants), but that really didn’t matter as Spike was just glad that he was spared centuries worth of therapy. “I think you just knocked him out, darling.” Spike scratched his head to consider what his wife was saying, whilst his green eyes darted over to the heap next to the fireplace. Letting out a long sigh Spike fought the urge to lift his wife and twirl her around as a great feeling of relief washed over him. “Thank goodness, I really wasn’t looking forward to the clean up.” “Or being accused of 2nd degree murder I would hope.” “You never know maybe they’d go easy on me, who honestly tries to go all fisticuffs with a dragon and doesn’t expect to get a little roughed up?” “As it would seem one of my well paying customers, perhaps you should tend to him dear.” Noticing the dubious expression that began to grow over Spike’s features the mare was quick to shoot a wry smile toward their guest. “I’m quite certain that the last thing he’d like to see is a lookalike to Nightmare Moon standing over him when he finally comes to.” Before Rarity had even finished her sentence, Spike had closed the distance between them and was now scooping the surprised mare up in a soft embrace. “Well if it’s any consolation Rares I certainly wouldn’t mind, but maybe that’s because I know you’re still my beautiful wife underneath the new look.” The drake’s word caused a small blush to form on Rarity’s face as well as her dark mane to frizz slightly out of embarrassment. “Still have a way with words don’t you?” A small moan escaped the stallion next to the couple breaking Rarity from the flattery-induced swoon. “You can continue buttering me up *after* we’ve dealt with our comatose celebrity, darling.” Though his wife spoke complete sense Spike still allowed a small pout to show on his face, which only prompted a small giggle from his beloved as she escaped his embrace and exited the room. Giving his wife a few moments to get a head start Spike’s brain was already working overtime as he began to formulate a plausible explanation. As he threw away the trashbags, and began to drag the now groaning stallion, back into the living room, the drake took a moment to inwardly swear at the mess he and the unconscious musician had created within his home. The first sensation that Neighel Diamond was aware of was a painful throbbing from the back of his head. The second was that the rest of him didn’t feel all that great either. “W-what happened?” The rock star mumbled while rubbing his throbbing head, not receiving an immediate answer Nieghel slowly began to open his eyes taking in the sight of certain purple dragon scratching his chin as if deep in thought. Spike observed the room that their previous scuffle took place and he hatched an idea, but said plan banked on one key principle and that was the intelligence of the rock-star in front of him. "Well...we uh...had one of those freak earthquakes." Neighel looked at him slightly skeptically, whilst rubbing the back of his aching head. "An Earthquake?" As he peered at the still somewhat muddled stallion, Spike took in a deep breath to regain his composure, and ran a claw through his head spines. "Y-Yeah, an Earthquake, didn't you know that every once in a while the magic in the Equestrian soil builds up in pockets overtime and sometimes it violently discharges every few thousand years or so.” “..Really?” “Oh yeah!” Figuring that he'd ought to go for broke, Spike nodded his head quickly in confirmation, and began to pick things up. “Funny thing actually, while the discharges tend to cause a bit of a shake up for us on the surface here and there, the magic released actually enriches the soil, and oddly enough causes nearby water sources to grow a yellowish kelp that Merponies think of as a rare delicacy.” As he continued to speak about the worldwide after effects that occur from a completely made up natural occurrence the purple drake made sure to spout as much scientific mumbo jumbo as he could. Seeing the somewhat confused yet believing expression that had settled over the rock star’s face, Spike inwardly thanked Twilight for all of the long-winded rants she tortured him with regarding the ‘Friendship Hypothesis’ or the ‘Long-term effects that came with exposure to high levels of lesser elements such as civility, and proper list taking’. Within a minute Nieghel looked thoroughly lost and probably willing to believe anything as long as it made Spike shut up. Knowing when to capitalize Spike gave the celebrity a somewhat concerned look, before he walked over to help the stallion onto his hooves. "You're lucky to be alive, buddy, when it hit it hurdled a few objects from the room at you and you were knocked unconscious, but luckily I was able to perform CPR and that's about the jist of it." “Wow really?” Neighel Diamond accepted Spike’s help, though the moment he was standing again he went back to rubbing the back of his head. “Guess that explains why the Diamond is feeling a bit less than 24 carat right now.” While Spike continued to feed the celebrity line after line of scientific BS, upstairs a few ears listened in complete shock. “By Celestia’s overrated alabaster tush...Spike really should have gotten into politics.” In any other moment Rarity would have felt somewhat uncouth for speaking that sentence, but hearing her husband cover up their current ordeal with such a delicate layer of baloney had the unicorn flabbergasted. Rarity wasn’t the only one caught off-guard by Spike’s successful deception. Within the dark confines of the mare’s mind a certainly villainous vixen couldn’t help but prop her head on one of her hooves as she thought more and more of the drake. “A violent side, a great kisser and a forked-tongue that could sell sand in a desert, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see if he’s interested in moving up in the world once it’s under my reign.” Back downstairs Spike was back to cleaning up the living room as a now recovered Diamond resumed praising the insult to fashion that had managed to remain untouched during their earlier debacle. “The Diamond has to admit Spike. You not only crafted this masterpiece, but you’ve got a mean right hook.” Hearing such praise made Spike’s spines raised a bit as he turned toward the stallion. “Aww shucks...I’m glad that you like the new duds, but you don’t have to butter me up any.” Oddly enough, Neighel chuckled in response before letting a small grin form on his face. “Trust the Diamond when he says you’re one tough sonuva mule. Honestly the Diamond hasn’t gotten his ass kicked this hard since his ex-wife took half of his shit.” Neighel let out another chuckle before he threw the symbol of horrid taste over his shoulders, and walked toward Spike. “You’re a bit dull and you talk a lot, but I like ya.” With that Neighel reached a hoof out to Spike, who after a moment raised his own claw to firmly shake it. “You’re alright dragon. Tell the missus that I’ll be back in two days to pick the rest my stage attire.” “Will do and if you decide that you want your ass handed to ya again, feel free to stop by Mr. Diamond.” With the handshake, ended Neighel trotted across the room and out the door his mind already focusing on other pursuits such as mares with daddy issues and where to find some fine wine. Spike on the other hand merely stood in place for a long minute, before he finally let out a long sigh and fell backwards onto the floor of his living room. “Freakin' celebrities.” With the hub-bub all said and done Rarity carefully made her way back down the stairs so she could set her eyes on the humorous sight that is her beloved looking thoroughly out of steam. “You know I’m pretty sure I mentioned that this would be difficult dear.” “If by mentioning, you mean having a freakout in the bathroom, then agreed point Rarity.” Rolling her eyes playfully Rarity walked over to Spike so that she could look down at her husband with a small smile. “You’ll have to share with me how you managed to pacify Neighel, when I have next to nothing prepared for his order.” Looking up at his inquisitive wife Spike merely placed his claws under his head, and shrugged. “Nothing special. I just ran into your sewing room, and whipped something up.” A cold shiver ran down Rarity’s spine as she recalled the ominous feeling that had crept through her earlier. Brow furrowing a bit Rarity lowered her head so that her face as only a few inches away from her husband’s. “Y-you did what?” “A little purple here, some leopard print, and sprinkle on a whole bunch of sequins. Honestly Rares maybe some of your gift with fashion is rubbing off on me.” Spike was expecting his wife to nod her head in congratulations, but instead a lock of horror seemed frozen on the mare’s face. “..uhh you alright Rarity?” “Spike...what did you just sell to one of my customers?” The icy tone in his wife’s voice caused Spike to shiver slightly in fear; his self-preservation instincts hadn’t been set off this bad since that time he accidentally sneezed on one of Rarity’s high end dresses. He figured the best way to defuse the situation was to play it cool. “Rarity, honey, love of my life, you gotta sometimes just read ponies and give them what they want even if they like crap. Just be happy you don’t have to wear it." “B-but, my name is on it. I can’t have ponies think that I created that sequin nightmare.” Spike looked at his wife smugly. "Just say, that it was done to be a deconstruction of good taste." “I don’t know what is more surreal for me. That you managed to sell such a catastrophe or how nonchalant you’re being about this.” With a sigh of exasperation Rarity dramatically flopped over onto the floor next to her husband; arms crossed and with a tired pout on her face. “Oh and please pardon me if I’m mistaken, but I could have sworn that Mr. Diamond said something about expecting more in a few days.” “Life’s so unfair for my eternally beautiful and wonderful wife. Isn’t it?” Laughing out loud as the dark-furred mare scowled at him, Spike took a moment to just watch his wife’s new mane swirl about the two of them, until it draped itself over them like a blanket cut from the night’s sky. “Hush! Now would be the time that you can resume telling me how exquisite I am.” “Oh is it now? Well to start things off, you’re lovely when you’re mad.” A small growl was the only response Spike received though he noticed that Rarity had inched closer to him just the tiniest bit. “You still have a voice that could sing the greatest songbirds out of their trees.” “You and I both know that Sweetie Bell’s the one with the magnificent voice.” “Well at least you got the enchanting beauty, the unmatched grace and the generosity of a saint.” Spike’s smirk grew larger as he felt Rarity lean more into his body while his ears picked up the sound of her trying to suppress a giggle. “Well now I don’t have a hard time understanding how you sold that...thing to Mr. Diamond. I suppose you did try your best given the predicament.” While Rarity might have had mixed feelings with how her husband had dealt with her customer, Nightmare was far more forgiving. From his place on the ground, Spike raised an eyebrow as he felt Rarity’s body suddenly shudder against his scale. “Well I guess I could’ve handled it better...you cold dear?” “On the contrary, I think you handled that rather beautifully.” Rarity’s husky whisper was Spike’s only warning before Rarity had sensually repositioned herself so that she was lying on top of the surprised drake. The unicorn’s slitted eyes glowed with a slight intensity as she stared down at Spike while her left hoof traced curves and circles onto his chest. “And compared to the dark side of the moon handsome, I’m feeling quite cozy at the moment.” “Whoa!” While Spike certainly didn’t mind when Rarity was feeling saucy, the way her voice sounded different, as well as the predatory gleam in her eyes had the drake slightly on edge. “Um, Rarity?” The dark-furred mare gave her lips a lick before she moved her head mere inches away from Spike’s. “Wrong, dragon.” The moment she spoke again Nightmare could feel the drake beneath her tense up and before Spike could respond, she pulled back her head so she could lazily rest it upon his chest. “Relax, your mare is safe, she's just sitting backseat at the moment.” It only took a moment for the gears in Spike’s head to mesh into place and though his emerald eyes narrowed,and his lips pulled back to show his fangs the drake reigned what would have been an angry response. “N-nightmare! What are you doing here and what did you do to Rarity?” Eyes half closed as if she was about to fall asleep Nightmare allowed a small smile to show on her face. “The one and only. What does it look like? I’m using you as a nice sturdy heat pillow.” Hearing the distant shouts and demands from the back of her mind Nightmare let out a small chuckle. “It would seem that your wife is less than enthralled about that last bit of information.” “Where is she?!” “Right here silly.” The hoof that was still drawing slow lines across Spike’s chest withdrew so that it could tap lightly against Nightmare’s head. “You remember this dance we’ve had before don’t you? Your beloved wife is nice and safe within my head, while I get to prance about in ‘our’ body.” “Lucky for you.” As much as he disliked the spirit that was now in control of his wife’s body, Nightmare’s words as well as his own memory prevented Spike from doing anything other than give empty threats. Placing her leg under her head Nightmare gave Spike an almost apologetic smirk. “If it helps, I do regret destroying that fire ruby.” Though she was in better control of the situation than she had been the last time she had taken control, Nightmare could already feel Rarity relentlessly taking back dominance over their body. Raising a scaled brow at the mare on top of him Spike willed a few sparks of emerald fire to escape his nostrils. “Is that so? Well it does a little, but I’m still more than ticked off to see you possessing my wife again.” Rolling her eyes in response Nightmare let out a huff as she stared into Spike’s own oddly mesmerizing eyes. “Keep your scales on dragon, little miss prissy will be back behind the wheel in a matter of seconds. I mostly just wanted to compliment you on how you dealt with that worm.” “Y-you did?” Nightmare’s smirk grew wider revealing her own of fangs in response to Spike’s confusion. “Of course, the violence, the deception and the destruction you wrought when that peon brought on your ire.” As she spoke, Nightmare leaned forward and shifted her position so that she was almost straddling the dragon beneath her. “I have an eye for greatness Spikey-wikey and I’ll admit that I like what I saw.” Feeling that her time was almost up an evil thought crossed the empress of the shadows mind. “For instance, fangs bared and scorching fire threatening to be set loose, I like that.” With only a few seconds to spare before Rarity dragged her back to the back of the mare’s consciousness, Nightmare leaned further so that her mouth could purr into Spike’s ear. “By the way you’re a pretty good kisser.” “What?!” Before Spike could get an answer, the mare merely withdrew as she began to giggle from Spike’s expression. At the height of her amusement, the unicorn let out another small shudder before she suddenly went slack and lay back onto Spike’s chest. A silent moment passed before Spike tried to sit up, though his movement was stopped by a groaning Rarity. “Ughh the nerve of that witch!” Before she could say anything else and possibly utter a few uncouth words Rarity took notice of the unamused looking dragon beneath her. “You know I don’t recall the two of us actually going over how you got the new body yet. Think this might be a good time to fill you loving and understanding husband in on things?” “O-oh well I suppose I do you owe you an explanation of sorts.” It came as a bit of a surprise to Rarity that she and her husband had allowed as much time to pass as they did without really broaching the subject at hand. Thinking about the malevolent spirit that she shared a body with cause a small grimace to spread on the mare’s face; this was the second time that Nightmare had pulled a fast one on her and the second time that her attention had been solely upon Spike. Rarity would certainly had to find a way to keep Nightmare from doing that again, but first she really did owe Spike an explanation. Looking up at his wife Spike was wrestling with a multitude of emotions as he pondered the events that had taken place. He was still slightly upset that Rarity had done this in the first place, as well as worried about the possibility that Nightmare could spring up any moment. These dueling emotions as well as the ones waiting in line were swept aside though when Spike watched a small tear escape from his wife’s eye. “I-I suppose the best place to start would be my growing fears over the past few years.” From her place on top of Spike, the unicorn began to curl into herself, as her mane pulled the duo closer together. “I-it’s just...I couldn’t stand the idea of you being alone for a near eternity while the majority of your time with me is spent married to an old grey-furred nag.” Feeling moisture on his scales Spike’s heart clenched in regret for even thinking about being upset with the mare he loved so much. Though they were both already pressed close thanks to Rarity’s mane, Spike brought his arms up to gently hug the mare as she continued to speak. “I had a moment of weakness Spikey, s-she came to me promising that she could take it all away. She’d make me young again, f-forever so I’d never have to lose to...anything.” Though she was set on telling her beloved everything, Rarity couldn’t bring herself to mention the darkest parts of Nightmare’s persuasion. Even knowing that Spike would forgive her for near any mistake the mare couldn’t bare for Spike to know that the tiniest part of her feared that his everlasting love and devotion could possibly wane and that his attention could be focused on another. “So in the end I took a drastic measure a-and now look at me.” Rarity squirmed in Spike’s arms so that she could point a hoof at herself. A moment passed before Spike brought a hand to gently cup Rarity’s face. “Easy there Rares I’m not upset with you. I might mention that it’s silly of you to think I’d ever stop loving you, no matter how grey your fur got, or how many damn Opals we go through together. You’ll always be the same breath-taking beauty that stole my heart that first time I came to Ponyville.” Hearing the honesty behind Spike’s words brought a smile upon Rarity’s face even as a few tears still streamed down her face. “Truth be told I never noticed you aging at all. You sure it wasn’t just all in your head?” In response, Rarity suddenly found the other side of the room incredibly interesting. “Funny thing actually…Zecora has been providing me with a few lotions and creams that assisted in taking the edge off and I’ve taken a few...late night ventures to pick them up. It’s kind of the reason I was out last night, as well as how I ran into Nightmare to begin with.” If Rarity was expecting any form of reprimanding, she was certainly surprised when Spike’s chest rumbled a bit from a few chuckles. “Well that does explain where you’ve been getting that goop you throw on your face from. That also explains why Zecora winks at me everytime I pass her at the market; I was honestly thinking that she was trying to send some signals out there.” “She wouldn’t dare!” Rarity’s mane seemed to frizzle out of irritation as the mare narrowed her eyes. “I’m sure she wouldn’t since I’m a happily married drake who only has his heart set on my mare.” Sitting up so that he could embrace his wife before she could start to pout again, Spike give the side of Rarity’s face a loving kiss before he went to work on wiping away the few tears that remained on her face. “Feel better now that we got that out in the open?” Leaning her head into Spike’s hand, Rarity began to mirror the smile the that her husband was now wearing. “Incredibly so, thank you darling.” “Anytime, my lady.” A moment passed before suddenly the mare in Spike’s arms darted forward planting her soft lips firming upon his. Before the drake knew it he was falling back to the floor while the unicorn held him in a liplock he certainly wasn’t going to forget. Though Spike certainly would have loved to spend the next few hours letting his equally ignited passion run its course, a nagging thought proceeded to grow in his head until he had to pull back. “Is something wrong Spikey?” Rarity’s face was slightly flushed from the suddenly aborted moment of bliss the two were sharing, and a dubious expression grew on her face as she watched Spike’s smile change to a tight frown. “As much as I was enjoying that, and I plan on resuming that later we have one more thing to talk about.” “W-what?” Spike let out a small sigh as he nagging thought turned into the husky voice that had been escaping his wife's lips only a few minutes ago. “What are we going to do about...her?” Rarity frowned as well as the moment Spike said ‘her’ the mare couldn’t hear Nightmare’s laughter in the back of her head. It was obvious that the spirit would never be happy with just existing at the edge of Rarity’s thoughts, and quietly letting the fashionista live her now long lasting life in peace. “I-I honestly don’t know Spike, I’ve been able to wrest control over her everytime she breaks loose, but I don’t know what we can do to fully reign her in. Spike was disheartened to hear that Rarity seemed as at a loss as he was pertaining to the villainess. The drake was currently wracking his brain for an answer when Rarity’s body tremored slightly. “Be happy I wish not to end you.” “Wha...” Spike’s question died in his throat when his green irises focused in on the toothy smirk that was now spreading across Rarity’s face. “Honestly you’re very rude, I go through the trouble of giving your wife my immortality, my power and my drop-dead good looks and *this* is how you treat me?” Nightmare pulled back from Spike so that she could cross her hooves, while her grin continued to widen. “W-well it’s not like anyone asked you too.” “Actually dragon, all I did was give your wife the option. If she hadn’t wanted it so badly I would have looked elsewhere; I’m not able to meld with someone if they don’t want anything from me.” To emphasize her point Nightmare jabbed an annoyed hoof at Spike’s chest surprisingly enough making the drake feel somewhat bad. “Alright maybe you have a point there.” Disregarding Rarity’s possession many years before Spike had to admit that so far Nightmare hadn’t done anything ‘wrong’ yet; maybe it wasn’t right to assume the worst of her. “See I...damn it!” After letting out that last curse, Nightmare tensed up like a statue before a very cross expression took the place of her large grin. “May I bring to attention that you were certainly more than eager to harm my husband just a few hours ago?” Back in control of her body Rarity grit her teeth as she felt Nightmare’s consciousness returning for a second round. “Rarity? What is...” Before Spike could finish his sentence Rarity’s frowning face switched back to a now flippant expression, and she moved her right hoof in a manner similar to how one would wave something unimportant away. “Well your husband certainly ‘stopped’ that from happening now didn’t he?” Nightmare seemed to be focused on something, though for a quick moment her slitted eyes glanced toward an incredibly confused Spike. “Wait you were going to..” In another instant Rarity was raising an eyebrow at a mare that wasn’t there leaving Spike’s voice once again unheard. “And who’s to say that you won’t try it again?” “Ok can we just...aww forget it” Spike fought the urge to cross his arms in annoyance as he watched Rarity’s questioning frown shift to an uneasy look in another direction. “I’ve...decided that your husband is worth keeping around.” Before the mare on top of him could switch places with his wife again Spike in a burst of frustration leaned forward so that he could grab place both of his hands firmly on Nightmare. “Okay, I’m starting to get a headache..can you just tell me what you want?!” Nightmare caught off guard by Spike’s actions was unable to do anything, but stare back at the drake and for some reason she could feel her heart skip a beat. An odd look crossed Nightmare’s face before the sensation of her profile heating up caused Nightmare to turn away from Spike. “W-well..to rule Equestia with an iron hoof of course...” For some reason Nightmare was having a hard time visualizing herself laughing in triumph as the land was alight with magical infernos. Instead the image of a certain purple dragon staring intently at her seemed to dominate every crevice of her mind. “...Or at least just to be around.” While Spike wasn’t too surprised that the dark spirit was still intent on finding a way to terrorize the world, the second part as well as the unsure tone it was spoken had him for a loop. “What do you mean?” Now Nightmare’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates when it occurred to her that she might have spoken her thoughts aloud. “The hell is wrong with me!” Before Spike could ask any more questions the now incredibly red-faced mare withdrew into her mane as if to hide, and gave a small shiver. Within a split second a Rarity’s voice escaped past the volumes of her mane as her confused face appeared to see an equally confused looking Spike. “What?” “Sorry dear I was talking to ‘her’.” Unknown to Spike his wife hadn’t been trying to take control back from her tenant that time; In fact Rarity had been quietly listening in on Nightmare, and Spike exchange hoping that perhaps her husband would be able to drag a non-aggravating answer from the spirit. When Spike had asked Nightmare what she wanted the thoughts within Nightmare’s head swirled about suddenly in a hurricane of confusion. So intense that Rarity’s consciousness could scarcely see or hear what was happening and suddenly Rarity felt a force dragging her back to the forefront, as Nightmare’s dark mind shoved past her own quickly to return to her usual place. “Is she coming back?” For a moment Rarity blinked quietly as she attempted to concentrate on the mare she shared her body with. Instead of a venomous cackle, or Nightmare’s presence threatening to burst forth again a wall of shadows and clouds seemed to fog their connection. It was as if Nightmare was content to stew in the deep recesses of their minds and was making an active effort to keep prying eyes or minds in this case away. “I-I think she’s gone...for now.” On the other side of the mental shroud, that she had put between herself and Rarity a certain mare growled to herself as her thoughts continued to stray from where they should be. It was happening again her focus had been ruined, and she was in no shape to further taunt the mare or her husband. “..Spike.” The dragon’s image was already darting through her thoughts a she whispered his name, changing the course of her plans, distracting her from her goals...warping her feelings. Nightmare had admitted that the drake certainly could be useful and she certainly enjoyed the concept of what dark deeds he could be used for in her future endeavors. But, being held by him in such a fashion...seeing the fascinating way the emerald pools around his slitted pupils stared into her own. Dizziness had come over Nightmare, forcing her to lose her usual flare, and even say something so odd aloud. Feeling so confused and now light-headed Nightmare could only retreat back inside her body to escape the dragon’s disorientating gaze and gather herself. “That dragon...he’s doing something to me.” A quick memory of the moment where Spike had gently kissed her right as she was preparing to destroy him flashed in front of Nightmare’s eyes causing her to grit her teeth and shake her head. “Stop it!” Despite her growing anger, the mare could do little more than growl to herself, as her thoughts jumped from forever covering the lands in darkness to somehow conjuring up a reason for a certain drake to be comfortably by her side when she made her move. Back with Spike, and Rarity the too held a long silence as they still expected the previously mentioned entity to return. After another minute of waiting, it was Rarity who first let out a long sigh, and began to shake her head as she rose to her hooves. “Well it would seem that the coast really clear, though it bothers me that *she* of all mares would give up so easily.” Letting out a sigh of his own Spike slowly rubbed a claw against his temple as he used his other limbs to get off the floor. “I’m really starting to think that we’ve gotten in over our heads.” Rarity could hardly disagree as she used her magic to draw a floating brush from out of her bathroom and began to gracefully run it through her locks. “It would seem so dear, the pros to this deal are dandy and all, but I’m at a loss pertaining to how to handle Nightmare.” While the mentioned mare hadn’t caused any damage quite yet, Rarity had certainly heard Nightmare admitting to still harboring a dark agenda. A look crossed Spike’s face as an idea crossed his mind, though thinking about how his wife had reacted to the thought of one of her customers seeing her new appearance made him hesitant to speak. Unluckily for her husband Rarity had quite the knack for picking up on when he was uncomfortable. “Dear?” Rubbing the back of his head, Spike was suddenly finding it hard to look his wife in the eyes as he began to speak. “Welllll...since they would probably find out sooner or later we could..” Rarity paused mid brush as an ominous and somewhat unpleasant chill went through her body. “..You mean?” “I think we should write a letter to Twilight.” Though she hesitantly nodded hearing the end of Spike’s sentence caused the unpleasant feeling that she had felt previously to return and stew within in her, prompting Rarity to wonder if it was due to having her decision shared with her friends...or if Nightmare’s implications were just echoing in her head. “What’s the worst that could happen?” > Gathering the Middle-Aged Mares of Hamony (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though she hesitantly nodded hearing the end of Spike’s sentence caused the unpleasant feeling that she had felt previously to return, and stew within in her, prompting Rarity to wonder if it was due to having her decision shared with her friends...or if Nightmare’s implications were just echoing in her head. “What’s the worst that could happen?” At the that very moment famous donkey lawyer: Murphy Law popped his head through the door. “Can I get a--” “WE’RE CLOSED!” Two voices from the other room shouted in unison. With that rather rude reception the ass left the store, leaving its occupants to continue their plans. “Alright I’ll send some a quick letter to Twilight, and see if she can stop by.” Giving his wife another loving hug Spike then proceeded to head upstairs to fetch his supply of royal parchment. As the drake disappeared up the stairs a small frown formed onto Rarity’s face, and she turned around to call after her husband “D-do try not to make it sounds too grim dear.” It was bad enough to have to inform her friends about her somewhat questionable deal; having the whole gang fret over her while Twilight examined every inch of her new form sounded like a nightmare. Speaking of nightmare’s a certain spirit couldn’t help but pause in her personal grumblings when her ears picked up the tidbits of conversation going on outside. “Great! Now the upstart and the rest of that irritating rabble are going to be here!” However, after a few seconds the irritation turned into a smug feeling as the entity felt that she could finally give the elements of harmony a long awaited piece of her mind. Here she was as safe as can be as long as she held the fashionista as a shield between her and those blasted elements of harmony she ought as well get some mileage out of it. As she chuckled to herself it struck the deity as odd that while she had spent some much time slowly regaining her power and plotting to posses the avatar of generosity, she had next to no clue how time had changed the rest of the little elements. Meanwhile upstairs Spike had just finished the last few scribbles to a well thought out, and hopefully informative letter to his closest friend. “Well if anypony can come up with an answer or at least maybe lecture Nightmare into submission it would be Twilight.” After taking a small inhale, Spike coated the rolled up piece of parchment (as well as some of his hand) in minty green flames. With the letter on its way the drake returned downstairs to ask Rarity what she had shouted to him while he was busy writing the letter. At that exact moment within the crystal kingdom a certain purple furred alicorn princess was currently knee deep in ...nothing. As the appointed princess of Ponyville, avatar of magic, and a bunch of other official sounding tiles too numerous to list it was Twilight’s responsibility to oversee Ponyville’s happy citizens, continue her research on the magic of friendship, delegate with foreign visitors, and occasionally chase off any would-be troublemakers looking to disrupt the harmony within Equestria. Sad part was that after settling into her position as pretty purple princess of Ponyville, the more exciting parts of her new title...kind of waned. After word spread regarding how Tirek had been dealt with, most villains decided “To hell with that” and moved elsewhere. The gang had all grown up and were less into adventures and learning in favor of managing blooming families, doing their jobs, and the occasional get together to catch up. With all the exciting parts of being an element of harmony now on the backburner, Twilight was left to her only other real duty to uphold. Paperwork. Stacks of documents that reached up to her shoulders, bursting folders that multiplied within her castle when she wasn’t looking, packs of degrees, new laws, and the odd sticky note that would catch her by surprise the moment the alicorn truly believed she had finally caught up. Now princess Twilight Sparkle enjoyed reading, and she enjoyed list...but this had long lost its fun by now, leading to a mare in constant need of newer, better, sorting system, and usually borrowing her oldest friend from his wife so that he could catch her up on the never-ending tide of parchments that assaulted her. “Mayor Mare (rest her soul) how in the name of Celestia did you ever manage all of it?” The question was moot because not too long after the previous mayor of Ponyville passed away she had found a large stash of ‘Maniacal Mule brand bourbon’ was found under her desk as well as a little black book filled with ponies that Mayor Mare had ‘coerced’ into doing the paperwork for her. It was somewhat concerning to find how shoddily Ponyville had been run during the older mare’s time in office, but then again none of it’s citizens had noticed the entire time. The purple alicorn’s moment of introspective rambling was cut short by a puff of green smoke materializing into a scroll in front of her. ♫ ♪ “Ooh, I just got a letter, I just got a letter, I just got a letter, wonder who’s it from?”♪ ♫ Of course, she knew the answer to that, but it had been so long since anything remotely interesting plopped down in front of her that she couldn’t help but act a little giddy at the prospect of a crisis. Sure enough as grass grows and sun shines in big crudely scribbled block letters were the words: NIGHTMARE MOON IS IN RARITY...again... HELP!!! Love, Spike. A moment of silence passed as Twilight’s eyes scanned the short letter again, and again. A cold shiver caused Twilight’s wings to ruffle slightly as the implications of a now returned Nightmare running amok within one of the elements of harmony began to creep into the alicorn’s mind. Ponyville was in grave danger, the populace unprepared for a sudden attack from one of Equestria’s oldest foes and the fate of Equestria itself was probably hanging in the balance. A hard look of determination crossed Twilight’s face as her brain immediately began devising a logical next step to take. “Yay!” From her corner of the room Owliscious watched her owner with a raised eyebrow as the alicorn princess of magic pranced about the room excitedly then began to do her ritual ‘Twilight dance’. After a moment of giddy indulgence, Twilight noticed the disapproving look that her owl was giving her. “Don’t get me wrong I’m worried about Spike, and everyone else, but you have to understand...I FINALLY GET TO DO SOMETHING AGAIN!” Having lived an unusually long life alongside the purple mare, Owlicious did little more than shake her head in reply, before hiding her face and her shame underneath a wing. She wished the dragon was here so that he’d be the one suffering Twilight’s oddness and not her. Rolling her eyes at her backup assistant’s reaction, Twilight’s horn lit up brightly as she switched from ‘party hard’ to ‘strategize reasonably’. The purple alicorn would need to notify her brother that she’d be taking an early leave on her vacation, the other elements who certainly need to be notified as well as brought together and…”It’ll be so nice seeing the girls again.” Twilight paused in her mental list to ponder how her friends had been keeping busy since the last time she saw them. Only a minute or two after sending his urgent letter to Twilight it dawned on Spike that his adoptive older sister’s ‘response time’ might take longer than he had the patience to quietly sit around for. There was too much happening and despite outwardly looking calm the drake was still at his wits end from worrying about his wife and the near all powerful being that was taking residence in her body. After huffing in exasperation for a minute or two Spike realized that his frantic energy could be much better used gathering up the rest of the elements of harmony. After giving a quick explanation to Rarity, Spike was quickly out the door and headed to the nearest residential element. One Pinkamena Diane Pie, and her home/place of work good ol Sugarcube Corner. Smack dab in the middle of Ponyville sat ‘the’ bakery to be if you were a pony with sweet tooth, and the patience to deal with a constantly bickering set of siblings, and the mature yet energetic mare that supervised them. “Hey Pumpkin where’s that order of brown betties?” “The hell should I know Pound, Pinkie told *you* to bake 'em not me!” “No, she told me to tell you.” Hearing an aggravated growl as well as the sounds of kitchen utensils being dumped onto the floor, the young stallion known as Pound Cake rolled his eyes, before giving the slightly perturbed couple across the counter from him an apologetic smile. “We’ll have you order ready shortly. We just seem to be having….difficulties with communication at the mom-” “The only difficulty we’re having is that you’re lazy and keep trying to boss me around!” Without warning, a spatula was hurled out of the kitchen window and collided with the back of Pumpkin’s head. “Hey!” Turning away from the customers, Pumpkin made to give his sister a piece of his mind when a happy shout screeched out of the kitchen. Both siblings stopped their bickering to sigh in unison at their supervisor. “Next week we eat Nylon Tights...err...um…..Neon Lights!” "YEEEAAAAHHHH!!!" After sharing a hardy hoof bump with Bulk Biceps who promptly nodded, readjusted his sunglasses and walked out the back door. Once her aid had left the poofy-haired, pink earth pony known infamously as Pinkie Pie reached across a table to turn off the recording device sitting upon it, and then gave a curious glance toward the concoction she had just finished creating. In all honesty Pinkie had next to no idea how a bowl filled with what had once been seventy deep fried cupcakes, sixteen pounds of chocolate candy bars, a slice of MMMMM and a half gallon of taurus juice light would taste. Sure she could taste it and find out which might be super duper fun...but the doctor had made it pretty clear that if he was going to have to keep seeing her every other day for the rest of his life than he expected a committed relationship and Pinkie just wasn’t ready to settle down quite yet. “Awww I don’t wanna waste this bowl of maybe it’s super yummy genius mush...but if I can’t eat it who?” For reasons unbeknownst to them both Pumpkin and Pound Cake ceased fencing with stirring spoons when a sudden chill ran down their spines; though neither shared any real relation with their appointed ‘auntie Pinkie Pie’ the two siblings had grown up alongside the odd mare long enough to have somehow picked up a little of her ‘Pinkie Sense’. Eyeing opening wide Pumpkin quickly pushed her brother aside so that she could reach out for large pot and place it protectively over her head. “Ohhh man did you just feel that? Pinkie’s gonna make us try something that she baked during that show of hers again!” The color seemed to drain from his face as his ears picked up the sound of happy hooves skipping about within the kitchen towards the door that separated him from whatever Discord spawned dish that was surely going to be forced upon him. “N-not again!” Pound quickly turned around started shaking his sister frantically. “I’m 18 years old and already get the worst heartburn of my life already!” Pound could feel the acid preemptively building up with his sister in very much the same mood. “Hurry we need some kind of distraction.” The twins ears darted toward the couple that had been oh so patiently waiting for their still pending order of brown betties only to see both ponies quickly galloping out the door. “Pumpkin and Pouuuunnd, your favorite auntie Pinkie Pie has a surprise for youuu!!!” Both twins broke out in a panicked sweat as they felt their hearts go into a pre-session state or arrest. “Bring out the antacid, both the type that dissolves in water and the chewable chalky crap.” Just as Pound ran off to do just that both ponies heard the telltale chiming of Sugar Cube Corner’s front door opening. Frozen in place like statues the siblings could only move their eyes as a certain purple dragon rushed into the bakery. “Hey Pound. Hey Pumpkin. Don’t really have time to talk right now, but have either of you seen Pinkie?” It should have struck Spike odd how eagerly the cake twins nodded, and pointed toward the kitchen. “She’s all yours Spike! In fact I think now would be a great time to close the shop for a bit so that me and Pound can run away...err...I mean take a break while you and Pinkie Pie catch up.” Before her brother could protest, or possibly utter out something that would doom all three of them instead of just the dragon Pumpkin Cake quickly clamped a hoof over her brother’s mouth and dragged him out the front door. Blinking in confusion for a second at the twin’s antics Spike merely shrugged before he padded toward the kitchen door. “I think Pinkie’s starting to rub off on those two.” “Who’s rubbing their what?!” That one question was all the warning Spike received Pinkie Pie’s pink, poofy-manned head poked out of the kitchen, and her blue eyes enlarged as they focused on the purple drake. “SPIIIIKE!” “Oh uh hey Pinkie Pieeeaugh!” Quicker than a mare her age really ought to be able to move logically, Pinkie Pie tossed a large bowl she had been carrying into the air, barreled into Spike with the force of a cannonball, and gave the near unconscious dragon a hug around his head that would have cracked the skull of any lesser being. “Aww it’s soo good to see you Spikey! I haven’t seen you since last…” “T-Tuesday! Y-you saw me...l-last Tuesday Pinkie!” “That was forever ago, and you know your bestest party pony misses you when she doesn’t get her daily visit silly.” As Pinkie Pie continued to happily squeeze the life out of Spike, the element of laughter suddenly remembered the bowl that she had left in suspended animation above them. “Ideaaa!” “What?” Despite the spots now appearing in Spike’s normally great eyesight, the drake inwardly sighed in relief that Pinkie’s age had managed to dull her reality breaking feats of speed and strength. Five years prior to this Pinkie’s enthusiastic ‘playing’ could have possibly snapped his spine. “Well...I just happened to make a bowl of super yummy totally not life-threatening party recipe, annnnd my usual taste-testers are nowhere to be found.” Now fully realizing why the cakes twins had been so dead set on escaping Sugar Cube Corner, Spike rolled his eyes at being thrown under the bus without even being asked. “Alright chef Pinkie Pie, what do ya got for me today?” “Oh nothing special..” At that exact moment, Pinkie held up her front left hoof, and a second later, the mysterious concoction landed perfectly on top. “...Just a half gallon of taurus juice, a dozen or so pounds of chocolate, and a few other super yummy things that were lying around. Low and behold readers for there is hardly anything on this planet that can rival the digestive might of a dragon, or their incredibly low-standards for what they find worth taking a nip at. Cocking a raised eyebrow toward the beaming mare above him Spike paused a moment before uttering out an audible “Bring it on.” “That’s my favorite dragon!” In a mere second Pinkie turned the bowl upside down, and dropped the bowl knowing that Spike would catch it. “Down the hatch!” For a typical pony that creation of confections probably would have induced a food coma that would last for 10 years...for Spike it was a light snack. Snapping his jaws just a few times the purple drake consumed the entire contents of the bowl...and the bowl for good measure as well. Licking his lips Spike let out a belch as well as a small puff of emerald fire; though he certainly hadn’t planned it he had enjoyed...whatever that was. Making a mental note to ask for seconds at another time Spike picked himself off the floor so he could follow through with his task. “Pinkie, I need you to come to the Boutique in --” the drake was cut off mid-sentence by his pink friend. "Half an hour Spikey Wikey. I woke up this morning with an upset stomach, shaking knees and springy ears. That told me everything I needed to know, congrats by the way.” The fuchsia mare disappeared leaving a bewildered dragon in the middle of a messy bakery. With gentle sigh, he left to continue his quest to gather the other element bearers, next stop being a cottage near the Everfree, though thanks to some new vegetation it was more of a Cabin in the Woods in more ways than one. > Gathering The Middle Aged Mares of Harmony (Part 2) unedited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nestled near the border of the Everfree forest though much larger now than it previously was stood a familiar cottage. If you were to assume this quaint home was peaceful and quiet then you’d be making an ass out of you and me. You see as the years passed by even the infamously timid, and self-conscious Fluttershy found the abstract thing we all call love and with that sprung forth a family. Knowing that time was of the essence Spike wasted little of what he had left to sprint out of Ponyville, and down the path that would lead him to the pink-maned pegasus that he’d known since his first day in town. Taking a quick turn past a tree Spike could now see the enlarged cottage that had been Fluttershy’s dwelling for oh so long, as well as hear a loud crash emerge from within it. “Ha ha, you missed me!” *FA-THUMP!* “Stop hoggin it!” “DAAAAD!” The breaking of glass was the only warning allotted to Spike before a hoofball broke out of the front window, and flew toward his head like a missile. With a startled yelp Spike managed to duck just in time before the projective flew past his head and harshly imbedded itself into a tree behind him. “....I guess the kids are up.” “WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!” Spike inwardly shivered as he distantly recalled how the loud, down to it’s last nerve voice used to be only used in giving hesitant advice and profuse apologizing. Nowadays timid and shy just wasn’t enough to keep one’s family in line. As the yells, sounds of furniture breakings and random ‘eeyups’ and ‘nopes’ continued on, Spike shook his head before picking himself back up, and making his way toward the door. “WE’VE BEEN OVER THIS! STOP PUTTING ANGEL THE 4TH IN SLEEPER HOLDS!” A cry of displeasure echoed from behind the door just as Spike’s knuckle began to tap against it. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock!* “ALL OF YOU BE QUIET RIGHT NOW!” Almost immediately the abode became deathly silent besides the sound of approaching hoof-steps, and a now much quieter voice called out from within. “Umm...just one minute..please.” As Spike waited his ears could pick up the hushed sounds of foals being herded out of the room, as well as a certain stallion of few words being threatened to keep the mentioned foals in line. After another minute a click was heard, and the door opened slightly revealing a bright aquamarine eye though somewhat bloodshot from a lack of sleep. “W-who is it?” “Hey Fluttershy, it’s me Spike!” While with anyone else Spike might have been a little ruffled to have a friend not recognize him immediately, he always made sure to give the cream colored pegasus a pass since he was well aware how much she’d been at her wits ends dealing with her sons. “Oh Spike! It’s so nice to see you! Did you and Rarity want to have another couples night out?” Fluttershy quickly opened the door more so to reveal herself…as well as a slightly roughed up living room to the drake. “Not, quite, though Rarity’s mane may give Aloe and Lotus more they bargained for during your next visit…”Spike shrugged before getting to the matter at claw. It was weird that he wasn’t nearly as stressed out about all of this as he had been earlier this morning when he sent the letter. “...um, how do I put this without you freaking out? Nightmare Moon has made her way into Rarity again. Well, at least Rarity seemed like the one in charge this time, I think.” ”N-Nightmare Moon?!” The butter yellow pegasus almost blunted out forgetting that her family was still within earshot of her and her guest. “Yeah, well anyway I sent a letter to Twilight, could you be at the boutique by one o’clock.” ”Okay, Spike. I’ll be there shor--” Fluttershy was interrupted mid-sentence. *CRASH!* She looked to see the vase carrying her grandmother’s ashes was currently smashed into a million pieces on the floor and she turned her gaze towards her children who were pointing their hooves at each other. “It was him!” They yelled in unison. Seeing as that was his cue to get the Tartarus out of Dodge, the dragon sprinted away from the cottage and even as he made his way to Sweet Apple Acres he could still hear faint yelling in the background. It was another fantastic day on Sweet Apple Acres, the sun was shining, Applejack was enjoying the sight of a job well done in record time thanks in no small part to her awesome wife Rainbow Dash and her wonderful husband Soarin. While, her brother and Fluttershy had their hooves full with their foals and the budding new apple crop near the Butterfly Sanctuary, the main Apple homestead was a little chunk of Elysium mostly thanks to supersonic speed of two of the fastest pegasi in Equestria. It also didn’t hurt that Rainbow Dash’s dad: Dio foalsat for them every chance he got, something about spoiling his them rotten made the retired roadie happy. All in all the small herd looked like ponies half their age largely in part to having relatively stress free lives. Applejack had just finished loading the last hay stack into the barn, her work ending to the smell of freshly baked pie and Dash yelling something about miller time. For the middle-aged earth pony life couldn’t get any sweeter; she had her health, the orchard was doing better than ever thanks to the assistance of the two athletic ponies in her life and...Oh it was probably worth mentioning that the pony with the more ironed out family values out of the bunch had settled down with not only a pegasus husband, but a pegasus wife as well. Who’d have figured? “Heyyy ladies! Grubs nearly finished so get those fine tails in here before I eat it all.” Applejack had to chuckle at her husband’s hollered words as she wiped the sweat off her brow. True to his words the ex-Wonderbolt would happily eat every last crumb himself if kept waiting for too long; AJ smugly chalked it down to Soarin appreciating the value of an apple brand pie. Just as the earth mare was turning to head back to the house her emerald eyes picked up on a familiar purple shape making way towards her. “Now there’s a sight for sore eyes.” Choosing to patiently wait for the fast approaching drake Applejack, made a mental note to have her apron wearing hubby bring the food outside; it was too damn nice a day outside to be chowing down indoors. Happy to see that the more grounded of his friends was waiting for him Spike slowed his sprint to a slow trot so that he could better catch his breath. With time quickly running out before he figured Twilight would show up the dragon really wanted to have everyone assembled. “Yo AJ!” “Howdy Spike, fancy seein’ you this far outta town.” AJ tipped her hat in greeting once her draconian friend stopped just a few feet away from her. “You could say that...as much as I wish it was just a nice visit I’m here to.” “Hey Soarin!” Cutting off Spike before he could finish his message the farm pony whipped her head around to look toward her home. “How bout you bring them fixins outside, oh and bring a fourth place. We’ve got some company today.” Spike’s ears could barely hear the sound of Soarin saying something in reply, as well as what sounded like a certain rainbow maned pegasus chirping in from elsewhere. “Ah tell you what Spike, Ah’d never have figured Soarin for the kitchen type, but boy-howdy can that stud work his way around a pie.” Applejack had to fight the urge to snicker at her own accidental innuendo; apparently all the time spent with Rainbow Dash was rubbing off on her. “Well that’s great, and all AJ, but I...” “You know Ah never put much stock into them between meals, but Ah’ll have to admit after seein’ what Soarin can do in the kitchen as well as learnin’ how pegasi eat like bloomin’ birds warmin’ up to ‘brunch’ was easier than Ah thought it’d be.” Not noticing the slightly off-out expression on Spike’s face from being interrupted AJ turned back to the drake to give him a warm smile. “Ah hope you don’t mind sittin’ a spell with us and havin’ a bite to eat. Like ah said that husband of mine’s got a knack for pie.” “I know someone else who knows their way around a pie.” Landing in a stylish manner right next to the orange furred mare, one Rainbow Dash shot her life-partner a half-lidded smirk causing the earth pony to blush slightly. “Yo Spike, didn’t know you were stopping by.” “Hey Dash, yeah it’s a bit unexpected but I...” “He’s here to snag a bite to eat with us Dashy, hope you didn’t go and drink all the cider by yourself.” The sheepish grin on the pegasi’s face was proof enough that Dash had been stealing a few sips without either of her spouses. “You know what AJ that really hurts.” Rainbow Dash’s expression changed to mock annoyance whilst Applejack rolled her eyes in good humor, and Spike sighed to himself for getting cut-off again. “Apple cider doesn’t taste half as good without a slice of ‘Apple pie’.” Soarin not seeing the exchange between his wives as he trotted toward the group piped in after hearing his wife’s last sentence. “Nothing taste better than her warm gooey sticky apple pie.” “What about mine!” Dash always the competitive one complained, well that was until she realized that he was talking about actual food or so she thought as she felt a wing brush against her flank, “I love yours too, though yours is a bit more of a lemon meringue.” (pie related dirty puns FTW) I’m oddly proud of that. Spike was watching this entire scene unfurl, he coughed into his fist catching their attention. Trying to alleviate the awkward moment, Soarin spoke up. “So who’s ready for brunch?” Both mares were quick to shout out “Me!”, and right when Spike thought he could get a word in edgewise his eardrums were filled with the cacophony that is three ponies diving face first into pie pans...that is until Applejack had to come back up for air. “You know *munch* we still gotta get that *chew* dang ol *chomp* plow replaced before *eating noise* your pa brings the kids back Dash.” Ears perked up from the being reminded about her hyperactive offspring the rainbow maned pony uttered a reply which involved a few casual swears, and pie crumbs peppering the air. To most this would probably be off-putting, or rude but in the apple family it was pretty close to fancy talk. Sadly at the moment Spike wasn’t feeling like ‘apple family’’ no instead he was feeling like that dragon who ran all the way up to your farm to deliver an important message while he was one a tight schedule and you haven’t taken a single moment to let him talk. As patient of a drake he may have been...we all have your limits dear reader. “Speaking of plow AJ I was…” “By Celestia’s beard will you guys shut up for just a one moment here!” Spike’s frustrated shout was loud enough that at that very moment a certain alicorn avatar of the sun above’s eye twitched momentarily before she started to fret over her non-existent facial hair. “....sheeh Spike if you had something you wanted to say...just spit it out man.” Being the laid back pegasus she’d always been Dash took next to no offense to Spike’s outburst. “Yeah sugarcube, if there’s something you need to be tellin’ us why’d you wait till we had brunch all ready?” Any irritation AJ might have had was instantly smothered by her ability to sense when something was amiss in the world. “It’s cause I was trying to...then you started...oh forget it.” Pinching the bridge of his snout for just a moment Spike looked back to the concerned trio to and proceeded to inform them of the impending situation that loomed over his home at the boutique. “...and that’s why I’m here to fetch you fetch you two so that in case things get a bit out of whack we can--” “I think we get it champ.” Chuckling at the slight scowl Spike had instantly dawned from being interrupted again Rainbow Dash quickly shared a nod with AJ before turning to Soarin. “Alright then me and applebuns are gonna follow Spike to the boutique, Soarin, baby you stay here and hold down the fort.” Though not an element of harmony Soarin had braced himself for action, and was visibly perplexed at being told to sit this one out. “But ain’t you gals (and Spike) gonna need all help you can get skittle tail?” “Yeah, normally, but remember my dad Dio is due here any minute with the foals and I know out of the three of us you’re the best choice for keeping them under control by yourself.” Though she’d never admit it, Rainbow Dash was the one who had changed th most significantly and while she could get up to speeds that’d put most younger ponies to shame, she was also a mother, a wife and a wife once more and had grown into her roles with her own sense of flair. With a quick nod Soarin gave his rainbow-maned wife a quick Wonderbolts salute before he began gathering up the plates to take back inside. On the sidelines Spike watched with an impressed expression; he hadn’t seen that coming. “Ah reckon that gal really does set a heart on fire when she gets to actin all tough.” From right next to Spike, Applejack let a smirk grow across her face as she noticed Rainbow Dash blush in response. “I’ll agree to that hun, now hurry up and fix all this Nightmare business so I can show ya both how much I like a mare who can take charge.” Faster than the renowned Dash herself for a split second, Soarin zipped up to both of his wives and gave them an affection peck on the lips before trotting back toward the house. Meanwhile back at The Legion of Doo...err...I mean The Carousel Boutique “Oh how wonderful, the dragon is gonna bring the menagerie of middle-aged mares you call friends.” Nightmare said with an aura of smugness. “Can’t wait to see the purple body snatcher. I got some choice words for her, none of which are meant for polite conversation outside of a kennel.” “Try to be on your best behavior for both our sakes. I already have enough on my plate from this whole ordeal and I don’t need you making things any more complicated.” If she had the ability, the fashionista’s spectral guest would have rolled her own eyes. “Don’t act like you don’t like it? You like the power, the body and the near alicorn perfection.” “...” Rarity wouldn’t admit it, but the dark moon princess had a point. “All you do is take and all I do is give. I will admit I have my flaws. I’ve made it no secret that I have dreams of world conquest and have killed thousands without remorse, but need just move past that; it’s not I killed anyone you know...yet. At least I won’t kill Spi...err the dragon.” “So, no murdering my husband?” “He amuses me, do not not press the subject any farther.” Their exchange was cut short as what sounded like several ponies were congregating outside the dress shop. "Looks like the Hag Nags of Harmony have arrived. Oh, woe is me." Nightmare remarked snidely. "I'm simply trembling in fear of Celestia's Purple Puppet, the Technicolor Donkey, the Diabetus, the Redneck and the...um... hold on...I'll think of something...uh...the Butter Colored Moron. Yeah, they all can't be win--" Nightmare was interrupted by a frustrated Rarity. "Will you stop this insistent name calling?!" However, what the fashionista failed to acknowledge were the five ponies and one dragon staring at her as she continued to argue with herself in two completely different voices. This was interrupted when Fluttershy coughed. "Um...Hey girls?"