> Free to a Good Home > by Marshylawl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking through an empty street, you finally reach your small prefabricated house; taking a final gaze at the moon and stars surrounding the beautiful aura of colors from light purple, to dark blue. A feeling of loneliness washes through you as you open the door and take a step inside. Blaming it on your job, you climbed up the carpeted stairs to the computer room. Work has always been long, 7am to 6pm, but it had to be done. Bills can’t pay themselves, especially the electricity bills. Spending every hour from when you go home until you go to sleep is spent on that computer. Not including eating, of course, but even so, you eat while staring at that screen. Again, the flush of regret waves over you. How you should have been, how you should be, what your parents would think. What my parents would think. They haven’t made any contact with me since I moved. You sigh, shake your head, and continue on the internet. There always was one form of entertainment, and that was the show, My Little Pony. Every character filled your heart with joy. Every adventure they had made you smile… But they couldn’t love you back. It killed you inside. You loved the characters, from Applejack to Zecora, but they couldn’t love you back. You never loved one character more than the next, even when you were questioned about it. A slow rumble came from your stomach, but you ignore it, and stumble over to your bedroom. Pictures of your youth, pictures of your family all decorated the hall as you slumber into your bed. You remembered those happy, innocent times, the times when you still had a brother, the times when you didn’t know the horrors of humanity. It engulfed you, sent you into a deep, dark depression. But then again, it could be worse. At least you had an exit strategy. The reason you spent so many hours staring at your computer is due to the fact that My Little Pony helped you through those tough times. It was My Little Pony that drove you away from suicide. Drifting off to sleep, you wondered, and stopped to think; it was every night the same. Stop and think. Your thoughts mainly consisted of ponies. You wondered what the world would be like if you lived with them; that was what you thought about the mostly thought about. What would life be like if you lived with the ponies from Friendship is Magic? It was your only wish. A single wish can’t be so hard to fulfill, right? Right? You didn’t notice falling asleep, and that night was the first night in a long time that you vividly dreamt. Dreamt of a world where you were happy. Dreamt of a world where you could finally live your dreams. Dreamt of love. > A New Home (Part One) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sun shone lustrously through your cracked windowsill. Streaks of light darted throughout the cluttered bedroom until finally resting on your hazel eyes. Groaning quite audibly, you push against the warm embrace of your bed and rest your feet on the cold carpet. Getting up was the hard part. Groggily stumbling over to the washroom, you fought back the urge to go back to bed; it felt as if the day could wait. But today felt, different. You couldn’t seem to focus on why, but you weren’t going to question. You needed to get moving if you wanted to get to work on time. After going through your usual morning routine, you were slow to put on your shoes. You began to ponder the fact that today was going to be a good, no, better day. Is this just a mental request to make me think today will be good? Or is it a legitimate feeling? You decide to leave that question for later, as you walked out the front door. -- You finally decided after much thought, that it was just a mental request. After getting a speeding ticket, fired, and a stalled engine all support your fact. But once you finally made it back to your house at roughly 8pm, something changed your mind. Upon going up the stairs to the small concrete porch, you notice a small striped green and white pillow; and on this pillow were six fillies. Wait, what is this? Is… is this the mane six? Here? You couldn’t comprehend what was happening in front of you. You saw Rainbow Dash playfully fighting with Applejack, Pinkie Pie sitting on Fluttershy, Rarity overlooking Rainbow and Applejack, and Twilight… sleeping. Bu-b-but HOW? How… You couldn’t continue your train of thought as you noticed all six of them looking up at you with puppy eyes. “Hello?” You ask, noticing that all six of them were fillies, no more than four or five years old. Why are they so young? At this point he didn’t think about it, because he noticed some of them start to shiver, especially Fluttershy. “Can you understand me?” They most likely cannot, it’s a mystery enough they are here In front of me. With no response and a couple perked ears, you take it as a no and one by one, started carrying each filly inside. First, Fluttershy. The moment she was lifted off the ground, she squeaked, and hid her face underneath your jacket sleeve. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” With that response, she slowly turned her head to look at you, then quickly turned back and dug her head deeper into your inner elbow. Slightly squirming, you shush her and make several attempts to calm the deeply scared filly down. “I won’t hurt your friends either.” With that one comment, Fluttershy slowly looked up at you, revealing her eyes for the first time since you met her. You could see fear in her eyes, but also a little relief, as she realized that you weren’t going to hurt them. You place Fluttershy on your bed, and slowly wrapped her in a soft blanket. Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Walking back to the door, you notice that the other five were staring blankly at you. For about a minute, you were unsure what to do; blank faces staring at you, even Twilight, who was asleep earlier. Thinking you are going to scare them off, you try to slowly reach out your hand. “It’s okay; I’m not going to hurt you.” With that kind gesture, Rainbow Dash’s ears perk up with delight, and she gladly trots in to the house. Then, one by one, each filly trots on in and sits on their haunches by the fireplace. They are probably wondered where dear ol’ Fluttershy is... With that thought, and the confused and worried faces on each of the fillies’ faces, you retreat to the bedroom and picked up Fluttershy. It was a hard task to do so, because in order to pick up Fluttershy to show her friends, you had to wake her up. And as much as you would love to see the looks on the other five fillies’ faces when they see her friend, you could not bring yourself up to the task. After minutes of debating and arguing with yourself in your head, you decide to pick up Fluttershy with as much care as possible. You slowly dig your hands under the sleeping filly, and lifted her up, her chin resting on your forearm. A heavy sigh emitted from Fluttershy, and some restless sleeping. You could feel her wings poking and prodding you as she looked for a more comfortable spot. Your heart exploded. Twice. After slowly pacing over to the living room where the five fillies’ carelessly await, you could notice Rainbow Dash was once again rough-housing with Applejack; the two of them were carelessly chasing each other around the room, until Rainbow finally caught up to Applejack, and tackled her to the soft carpeted ground; her cyan wings fluttering with delight. Pinkie Pie bounced around the room, Rarity overlooked Rainbow and Applejack once again, and Twilight was looking around the house, wondering what’s going on. You slowly enter the room with a very sleepy Fluttershy in your arms, and place her down on the carpet, giving her room to walk around. The five fillies just look at Fluttershy with interest. It seems as none of them can speak, but they can all understand each other, in a way. You look at them, all nuzzling Fluttershy, and your mind is starting to fill with questions, now that Fluttershy has been reunited with her friends. “Are you guys lost?” With that question, Twilight’s ears dropped to the sides of her head. Fluttershy trotted over and started to nuzzle her. The sound of a balloon deflating catches you off-guard. He looked over see Pinkie Pie with straight hair, looking down at the ground, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Well, at least they can understand me. “It’s okay. You guys can stay with me.” With that statement, they all perked up, and Pinkie’s hair inflated as she started to bounce around the room once again. Phew, that’s one problem out of the way. But why are they here? As you notice the sky darkening, and the brilliant moon starting to rise above the horizon, you decide sleep is for the better of you and them. As you put them all to bed, which consists of various blankets and pillows you found around your house, you say goodnight to them all, and slowly make your way over to your own bed. Sleep can’t wait, but sleeping is the hardest thing for you to do at the moment. Your heart raced and thumped through your chest, you just wanted to scream with joy; but your body has other plans. That night, you dreamt of a family. Your family. With your six daughters. -- Waking up to a Saturday was always a little gift. You struggle from tied up sheets, and you were about to get up, until you notice a small cyan filly resting against your stomach. You can feel her body warmth radiating off of her. Her tossed rainbow mane hid her face as she slept. You did not want to move. You would never move in a situation such as this. A heartless person wouldn’t even move in a situation like this. The only choice at the moment was to fall back asleep. Softly stroking her rainbow mane, she lets out a soft, quiet yawn, and opens her magnificent, glistening magenta eyes. She lets out another bigger yawn, and looks at you with a curious smile on her face. She snuggles closer to your chest and lets out a small huff. Boom. Your heart exploded once more. She lets out a small sigh, and once again drifts off to sleep. Boom. After years of undecided thoughts of who your favorite pony was, you finally have an answer. Rainbow Dash. After waking up a second time, you notice you only slept about two more hours. Rainbow Dash is now gone, and was playing with Applejack once again, right outside your half-open door. You let out a slight chuckle at the sight, and slowly get out of your bed. Stumbling out of you bedroom door, you are greeted by Rainbow nuzzling your leg. You make yourself breakfast, which consisted of cold cereal and orange juice. You are not sure what to feed your little fillies, so you break up bits of lettuce and hand-feed it to each filly, one by one. After happy expressions by each, you are delighted that they are happy, and you wonder what to do next. Sure, they are all happy. Sure, you are taking care of them quite well. But, what should you do now? Well, I guess they have to learn to speak at some point. I think I have a book here somewhere… “Aha! There it is!” You pick up the book, titled: How to Teach a Baby to Speak. “Huh. I guess this will work.” You notice you have gained Twilight’s interest with the book. Well, I guess that makes sense. She DOES spend a lot of time reading. You realize it will be a long time before any of them will be able to start speaking, but it will be worth it… > A New Home (Part Two) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s Note: Thank you all for the support! I had no idea this story had potential; it was going to just be a measly story to share with my friends! Again THANK YOU! Even to those two guys that thumbed it down. You will never know how hard it is to be a parent until you are one. That saying has been bounced around in your family for a while now, but yet you never fully grasped its concept. Sure you replied with a measly ‘Yes mother, I understand.’, but you never took the time to think about it; not until now. You had no idea it would be THIS hard. Looking after one filly you could do. Teaching one filly you could do. But teaching one filly, WHILE keeping an eye on the other five was not a hard task, no, it was next to impossible! You decided that teaching Twilight first would be a good idea, since she is the smartest, or the ‘egghead’ as said by Rainbow Dash in the show. But you would never be that mean to anything this adorable, especially when Twilight was struggling to stay awake in your arms as you try to teach her to speak. Even though it melted your heart every time she gave out a little yawn or struggled to keep her head up, it tired you so greatly. You have been at it for hours now, and she still has not understood most of what you are telling her. As much as you would love to stick around and teach her more, you notice a large amount of noise coming from the living room. You could hear the sound of two fillies running, then silence, then running again, then silence. Repeat several times. Upon inspection, you realize things have gone haywire in here. Some of the carpet and drapes have been torn up, one of your end-tables has been knocked over, and to add the cherry on top, Rainbow and Applejack are now looking up at you with guilty puppy eyes; Applejack’s stunning, vividly green eyes are starting to well up with tears, about to burst. Ohpleasenodontdothistomenononono. “It’s okay, we can have this fixed, please don’t cry.” Applejack slowly looks up at you, scared of what her punishments were to be. Streaks of guilt and fear cross her flushed face, and she starts to hide her face in her golden mane. A single tear slips from behind her mane, and she slowly lifts herself off her haunches and trots off; her head hanging down at her shoulders. Fighting off feelings of guilt, as if you made her cry, you quickly rush over to her. She turns to look at you, fighting back tears. Pulling her in for a long hug, you start to quietly cry; tears of joy slowly fill your eyes. Applejack accepts this, and trots over to Rainbow Dash, whom in return gives her a quick nuzzle. Cuteness Level: Too much to handle. Knowing you haven’t fully made it up for Applejack, you quickly remind her and retreat to your bedroom, where Twilight is now sleeping on the book. The only sound in the room emits from Twilight, her long, quiet breathing fills the emptiness. What’s with her and sleeping anyways? Quietly tiptoeing out of the room, you decide not to wake up the adorable purple mass of fur on your bed, and decide to sleep on the couch. I guess sacrifices are the first step in parenting. You groan and stumble over to the couch, unwary that two certain ponies have taken up the whole couch. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, most likely all tired out from playing the whole day, are now snuggling close to each other; Rainbow’s legs sprawled out across half of the couch, her head leaning against Applejack’s stomach, her cyan wings tucked closely to her sides. Applejack slept ever so quietly with her fascinating golden-yellow mane hiding her face. Both of them look so content, you cannot wake them for your own greed. You begin to question if there will be any spot anywhere to sleep on by the end of the night. “Wait, don’t I have a guest bedroom?” You whisper to yourself, seeking to not wake up any of your sleeping little fillies. You haven’t had any guests over in so long that you have forgotten about having a second bedroom. You saunter over to the only other room in the house with something soft to sleep on, but upon opening the door, you soon realize your predicament. A sleeping Fluttershy rested at the end of the bed, looking drowned in her flourishing pale pink mane. A slow rise and fall of her stomach was the only movement made by the shy filly. Rarity, laying on one of the two pillows, looked ever so peaceful. She started to get slightly restless, and soon enough, opened her cobalt eyes and looked around the almost pitch black room. She spotted you, and gave a weak smile; closed her eyes and buried her head deeper into the embrace of the colorless pillow. Even Pinkie Pie was in deep sleep, and she is Pinkie Pie. She was sleeping on the carpeted flooring, not needing any cushion, or padding; she relied on her fuzzed mane to keep her cushioned off the ground. Looking back on these past days, you noticed that your dreams have come true. The cold, dark days are behind you, replaced with the future; which so far is looking great. You finally have what you’ve always wanted. And after being fired from your previous job, you realized you had saved a large sum of money over the past few years, so you have enough to buy a new house and car. Things are definitely looking up to y- You are interrupted out of your deep thought by a small tug on your pant leg. Looking down, you see a certain marshmallow-colored regal filly tugging on your leg with her teeth, before looking up at you, batting her eyebrows. Not knowing what Rarity wants, you quickly find out as she emits a small cough and taps your ankle with her hoof. Ah, she must be thirsty. You let out a slight chuckle, and gesture her to follow you to the kitchen, switching on lights on the way. You don’t want to scare her due to the darkness; that would just be downright mean. Finally reaching the dimmed kitchen, you pour some chilled water into a bowl and set it on the ground for Rarity, allowing her to drink at her own pace. You sit down at the kitchen table, looking at Rarity, who is now lapping at the water. Wow, she must be REALLY thirsty. Rarity stopped her drinking, slowly looking back to see you zoned out in your thoughts. She smiles, and turns back to drinking her water. You notice a slight sway of her tail; how she kept her mane and tail looking so… elegant, is beyond belief. Noticing she has finished the water, she looks up towards you, a weak smile emerges on her face, and she sleepily trots back towards the guest bedroom. You quickly catch up with her, guiding her back to the bedroom. Sure she may already know where everything is, but it has only been a few days since you have found these fillies on your doorstep. You finally reach the guest bedroom, and let her in. Hoisting her up onto the bed, you see her playfully jump around the soft mattress, until you calm her down; hoping she hasn’t woken up Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. Fluffing her pillow and patting her mane softly, you set on your way. Not knowing where to go, unfortunately. Applejack and Rainbow are still sleeping away on your only couch, and Twilight still slept soundly in your bed. Well, that kitchen chair sounds good I guess… You promenade over to the kitchen, making sure to turn off the remaining lights as you walk by them. You don’t want to run up your electrical bill. But, will it matter much? There is no need to go on your computer anymore, now that you have your own little ponies. You pour yourself a glass of water, and sit down with a groan. You feel as if you have been growing to be much older ever since you brought in those fillies. Even though it has only been a couple of days… I guess my parents were right. > First Words > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After waking up to Rainbow Dash breaking the front door after attempting to fly without knowing how to, you have come to the conclusion that you need to get a new house; and that you need to teach her how to fly. You scrape together various bills lying around the house, and check your bank account. It seems that altogether you have about $55,000. I guess spending and not receiving will do that. You sigh quite loudly, knowing that a new job will be necessary to not only buy a new house, but to also fix your car. Rarity trots up and nuzzles your leg as you sit down on the couch, possibly noticing your grief-stricken face. You gently stroke her rather regal violet mane, twirling the curls around your fingers. Without skipping a beat, Applejack gallops at full speed towards Rarity, and knocks her out of place, sending her sliding across the hardwood flooring. Applejack quickly looks up at you with an ear to ear grin on her face; rather devious, waiting for you to give her attention. “Ha, aren’t you a little jealous today?” With that statement, Applejack blushes a little, and looks towards her hooves; making sure to hide her face behind her mane. A frazzled looking Rarity appeared to be contemplating revenge against Applejack, until shrugging it off and trotting away with an obnoxious “Hphm!” -- After a couple of hours searching around the internet for a new job, you appear to have found one that peaks your interest. It’s a stay-at-home job, in which all you need to do is type out data entries for the local Children’s Hospital; which is something you can do within half an hour! I guess all those hours on that computer will now serve a purpose… After signing up, you turn off your monitor and open the door from your study room; until you notice a small violet filly, Twilight Sparkle, looking up at you, holding the ‘How to Teach a Baby to Speak’ book in her mouth. I remember when mom gave me that… She plops it down on your feet, and taps it twice with a hoof; before looking up at you with puppy eyes. “Oh, okay. I will.” You have noticed that since Applejack and Rainbow Dash made a huge mess of the living room after one of their games of let’s chase each other around the house until we break something, they have finally stopped; for the time being. For now they are sleeping on your bed; all the chasing has used up every last bit of their energy. You chuckle at the thought and saunter over to the couch. Hopefully these next few hours will finally prove to me that I can actually teach someone something. Gesturing Twilight to join you on the couch, she gives you a grin and hops up to join you on the couch. Twilight trots over to your side of the couch, and snuggles close to you. You can feel her struggling and shifting around to find a more comfortable position… on your lap. She snuggles a bit closer, and rests her chin on your forearm, before letting out a small huff. “Alright, let’s start here. Can you say... hello? Just like that: He-llo. Come on Twilight! You can do it.” Twilight stares at the word, and then cocks an eyebrow. She looks up at you, confused, then back down to the word. “Come on, you can do it! Repeat after me: Hello, He-llo. You can do it!” She quietly clears her throat, and then, without skipping a beat… “He- hello..?” Your heart stopped. Did… did she just say it? “Hello! Hello?” Twilight said, testing out the word in different pitches. She… she did it! “Yes, yes! You did it!” This is the most proud moment in your entire life. You just not only witnessed one of your daughter’s first words, but taught it to her! Twilight notices your expression, and smiles, jumping up on your lap. “Hello! Hello? HELLO!” “Okay, okay, now try… daddy?” Might as well give it a try… “D-d-“ Please? Oh sweet Celestia please… “D-d-daddy..?” “Yes, yes you did it!” You quickly quiet down again, seeming that you have gotten too loud; your happiness overpowering your volume. This calls for a celebration. Soon enough, the other five of your little fillies enter the room, confused about what was going on. As soon as Fluttershy turned the corner into the living room, Twilight greeted her with a quick ‘Hello!’ which did not sit well with Fluttershy; you have been trying to get her out of your closet since. Twilight trots up to the closet, and knocks on the door once with her hoof, and emits a small “Hello..?” as she wipes away tears; feeling only guilt since scaring her friend. Fluttershy quietly opens the door, just a peak; only to see Twilight with a reassuring smile, gesturing her to come out. Fluttershy steps out, as quiet as a mouse, greeted by a quick nuzzle by Twilight. So she can speak… -- As the sun started to set below the horizon, you saw a brilliant display of maroon casting over the lake behind your house; peacefully glistening over the clear, soothing waters. That lake was the only part of your entire property that held any aesthetic value whatsoever. Selling this house would depend on the customer taking a liking to the lake. Maybe I should take my fillies out skating on the pond during the winter… heck Pinkie’s a pretty good skater according to Winter Wrap Up; just have to keep Twilight away from there. You chuckle at the visual of your little Twilight attempting to skate. Speak of it, where are they? You begin to search around the house, high and low, scanning every nook and cranny of your house to find your little daughters… A wave of panic sets in as you have searched almost everywhere, but your bedroom. “But haven’t I looked there already?” Just to be sure, you go to check again. Slowly opening the door, slow enough for it to creak quite loudly, you step into the dimmed room. You could hear a few muffled giggles coming from your closet. “Well, I guess they aren’t in here… I’ll just be going now.” You stop your feet a few times, and close the door shut. Tiptoeing up to the closet doors, you finally reach out for the handle; wait a few seconds… “Surprise!” You are taken back by the amount of force those six fillies pushed against you with. As if they knew you were still in the room, your little fillies pushed out and knocked you onto the bed when you opened the closet door. Falling back onto the bed, trying to regain composure; only to be knocked right back down by Rainbow Dash flapping her tiny cyan wings as quick as a hummingbird’s, straight for your chest. You lie on the bed, as Pinkie Pie bounced around you, laughing as hard as her lungs could handle. Twilight and Applejack jumped up onto the bed, giggling and prodding your stomach with their hooves; Rarity playfully stomped her little white hooves on your chest. Followed by Fluttershy, who did not have a role in the surprise counter-attack, but shyly jumped up to the bed and nuzzled you, probably thinking they hurt you. You all laughed and laughed, until one by one, your little fillies started to drift off to sleep, one by one; in the bed. You were the last of the group to fall asleep, even beating Pinkie Pie, who was the last your fillies to doze off. You slowly started to rest, until Pinkie Pie startled you, poking you with her brightly pink hoof. Looking around on your bed to see if you woke anypony up, which you didn’t, you look back to Pinkie. She stared up at you with her dazzling baby blue eyes; you wished you could read minds. You give a weak smile, obviously tired out. Without invitation, she takes this as a yes and snuggles up to you; she finally gets into a comfortable position as you lay your arm over her. Pinkie soon falls asleep; the only sounds on the bed were the small, delicate noises of breathing, as all of your fillies are fast asleep. You decide to call it a night, as your legs can no longer move due to a certain cyan filly sleeping on top of them. “Goodnight, my little ponies…” you very lightly whisper, before finally getting some shut-eye. -- After weeks of determination, you have finally taught Twilight the basic necessities of speaking English. She now can respond to you, and also read at a sixth grade level; and after landing that job for the hospital, you can finally hold a proper celebration. You decide to stick with a cake, and some balloons you got from the local store. It has only been a couple of months… you remember all the memories of these past few months, all the happy memories; when you found them on your doorstep, Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s first broken lamp… Twilight’s first words. It was the happiest moment of your life, one of your daughter’s first words. The single moment you have never felt better. You didn’t notice Twilight trot up to you, which caught you completely by surprise. “Hello? Daddy?” Twilight looked up at you with her usual puppy eyes. Damn those puppy eyes. Yes, my little Twilight?” You could catch Twilight blushing a little every time you called her that; the main reason you try to call her that as much as you can. “Cou- could they learn too?” She then pointed a hoof towards your other five fillies, all have puppy eyes mode: activated. Argh not the puppy eyes again; they must know it’s my weakness… “Sure! Why not?” “Th-thanks!” Twilight then gave your leg a quick nuzzle, then returned to her friends, them as well filled with joy. You will still have to help Twilight more with her speaking, as she is having trouble with certain words; and has a usual stutter when she tries to fix her mistakes mid-sentence. On second thought, let’s save the celebration for when they ALL can speak. You then sneakily put the cake in your freezer; saved for a better day. You turn back to Twilight, whom is currently trotting off. “Hey Twilight?” She quickly turns her head back, now looking at you. “Yes?” “Will you help me teach the others?” With that, Twilight started to blush, a rose pink rising from her amethyst cheeks. She looked down, trying to hide her blushing from her father. Slowly but surely, a grin appeared on her face as she looked up towards you. “Of c-course I will, daddy.” > A New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you lay back on your bed, you begin to recollect these past few months. With the help of Twilight, you have managed to teach the other five of your precious little fillies to speak at a fourth grade level. Teaching Rainbow Dash was the hardest part, as her and Applejack always seemed to get off topic; mostly by Applejack tapping Rainbow’s nose with her hoof and galloping off. You have noticed that your little ponies are starting to grow up a little bit, looking more as they did in ‘Cutie Mark Chronicles’ and less of what they looked like when you found them on your doorstep roughly six months ago. It breaks your heart; knowing that your playful little daughters are growing up so fast. They have all grown about four inches each. Growing up too fast... Now you sit and read, as Twilight reads with you; she was always interested in your books. Twilight lay down near you, her front hooves resting on your leg, her chin resting on the book. She always taps the page twice when she wants you to turn the page, which you found so goddamn adorable; except when you aren’t finished yet. Rainbow speeds around the corner, zipping around ever so carelessly, before crashing into the back of the couch you sit on. “Daddy! DADDY!” She repeats, fighting for your attention and winning. “Yes, Dashie?” “C-can you take me for flying lessons?” “I’m sorry, Dashie; but you know we can’t do that. We have to wait until I have enough money for us to get a new house, away from others.” “B-but daddy? Why can’t other people see m-me?” You struggle for an answer, unsure of what to say. You desperately want to tell her the truth, but sometimes the truth hurts… If Dashie and the rest of your fillies understand why they haven’t ventured outside your small prefabricated home, they may never forgive you. But all that will change soon, as your new online job has skyrocketed, and the pay has increased greatly. You have already fixed your car, and you will soon be able to buy a cozy house out on the countryside, away from any other civilization. But you are yet not far away from the nearest Wal-Mart. You answer with an ‘I will answer that question another time, my little Dashie’. That was always the “default” saying, but it was true, at least. “Ain’t it ‘cause we ain’t like you, daddy?” Applejack trots up, overhearing your conversation with Rainbow Dash. Sometimes you wish she wasn’t so honest… You softly stroke Applejack and Rainbow’s manes slowly, drying away any tears that emit from their glistening eyes. “I will answer that question when the time comes.” -- You finally receive the email you have been waiting for since early last week, from your realtor. The bank transfer was successful, and you know own the house of your dreams. Well not yours, more of your daughters’ dreams. You have been pegged with questions and pleads from all six of your fillies, especially Rainbow Dash; and finally have gotten it. You walk up to Rainbow, sitting her down on the couch. “Dashie, I have something to say.” She blushes, just a tad, and looks down at her hooves. “Yes, daddy?” She has that same crack in her voice from the show… “I…” You zone out, amazed of how unkept her rainbow mane is, yet it is still so beautiful… “I- got the house! I can finally teach you to fly!” A high pitched squeal emits from her, as she zips up to you; giving you the most heartwarming hug she ever gave you. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou” You quickly put a single finger over her mouth, as you start to speak again. “As I was about to say, do you want to help me tell the others?” “S-sure I will daddy!” You stroke her mane once more, and walk off to the others; a happily trotting Rainbow Dash joins your side. As you join the other fillies, Applejack is the first to speak up. “Are ya’ll gonna tell us?” “You must be talking about why Dashie here is so happy, are you?” “Yes daddy.” “Well, we- “WEAREGETTINGTHATHOUSE!” Rainbow speaks up before putting a hoof over her mouth. “Oops, sorry daddy…” Rainbow’s ears dropped to the sides of her head as she just realized what she has done. “I-I’m s-sorry daddy…” Her lips begin to quiver; as she is on the verge of breaking down in tears. You quickly kneel down, pulling her close to you. You can feel her start to hyperventilate a little. “Shhh, it’s okay Dashie.” Rainbow dropped her head on your shoulder, “N-no it’s n-not daddy…” Tears have started to stream down her face, falling on your back; you didn’t care, you just wanted to calm your daughter down. “How about I make it up to you; I will give you extra flying lessons once we move in. Is that okay with you?” Suddenly, Rainbow’s ears perk up a little, and a small grin slowly takes place. “Of course, daddy.” You bring her in for another hug as she wipes away any remaining tears. Soon enough, all six of your fillies are nuzzling you and Rainbow Dash. -- Today is moving day. After the original home owners finally accepted your deal over the others, you are finally moving in. It has been almost two months since putting the deal on the cozy-looking countryside cottage resting on three acres of land. All six of your little fillies are as excited as ever, as now they could finally roam around outside; as this house is nowhere near anyone else. Especially Rainbow Dash, who is darting around your van; looking for a window to look through, before jumping up to the passenger seat. Rainbow then put her forehooves on the dashboard, her wings fluttering with delight as she has finally found a window to look through. A very scared looking Fluttershy is curled up in an adorable mass of yellow fur, covered by a flourishing pink mane. You notice this, and pull over; your daughter shall fear no longer. You hoist her up to the passenger seat, greeted by a very happy Rainbow Dash. You acknowledge that this will reassure Fluttershy; which it did. She then curls up against Rainbow; who in return cuddles her back. A small huff emits from Fluttershy, as she drifts off to sleep. As you arrive at the cottage, you shift your head to the back of the van, where you note that all six of your little ponies are fast asleep. “Wake up! We’re here!” Rainbow is the first to react, her ears perked up, her face now visible behind her tossed rainbow mane. She then starts jumping around the car, her wings fluttering with delight. You open the doors, as one by one, each little filly start piling out. All a bit groggy from waking up, but awake and happy the seemingly long road trip has come to an end. They follow your lead, as you unlock the front door and step inside. The first instinct is the size; the cottage is 2500 square feet, resting on three acres of land and water. Your little fillies gallop inside; almost knocking you over. They dart all over the house, picking their bedrooms and overall exploring every nook and cranny of this humongous cottage. The movers have already unpacked all of your furniture and accessories, but this house still seems empty. You are thrown out of your train of thought when Rainbow knocks you back onto the couch. “Daddydaddydaddydaddy! Can you teach me to fly now? Can you? Please? Pretty pleasepleaseplease?” You are about to tell her that it can wait until morning; until she unleashes your weakness against you. Puppy eyes… Must resist… “Sure Dashie!” Shit. “Thank you daddy!” She gives you a little nuzzle before galloping out back. Well, might as well start now… -- After some scraped hooves and a ruffled feather, Rainbow has finally understood the gist of flying. Noticing the sun descending below the horizon, you hoist her into your arms, carrying her back inside the cottage. You are greeted by your other five fillies, assaulting the very sleepy cyan filly with questions. Rainbow groans, and turns over in your arms; shuffling around for a more comfortable position. You shush the others, and slowly carry Rainbow Dash up to her bedroom. You had enough leftover money to purchase various necessities for your fillies, such as beds and brushes; as well as toys, just so they don’t get bored if you take one filly out to play. You slowly place the sleeping cyan filly on her bed, which was designed with various racing designs. She seemed to like that, as you thought she would; you gave the show another go, only for answers for what each individual pony enjoyed. You tiptoe out of her bedroom, making sure to close her door on the way out. You then proceed to put the other five fillies to bed, Pinkie Pie being the hardest; as she kept piling on questions on how the flying session with Rainbow went. After they fall asleep, you make your way to your own bedroom, conveniently placed at the end of the hall, where all of the other bedrooms are allocated. You enter slowly, making sure not to make any sounds that could wake up your daughters, especially Pinkie Pie. She seemed to have super-sensitive hearing, particularly when she is sleeping; and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, it isn’t easy to get her to fall back asleep. You start to slowly drift off to sleep, finally getting some peace and quiet since the car ride. Having six little fillies may sound amazing, but sometimes six daughters can be just… madness. You began to piece together what you are going to do for the upcoming week. It is nearing the one year anniversary of the day you found the six little fillies on your doorstep. You brought them in, raised them; for almost a whole year now. They are growing up faster than you want them too; and the question still rests at the back of your mind. Why are they here? You knew that one of these days, Princess Celestia or somepony else will whisk them away; taking them from their new home, taking them away from their happy lives… With their father. You knew that one of these days, they would be taken away from you; and it scared you. > Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: I know this chapter is short as hell but it’s just a between chapter. I am planning big things for the upcoming seven chapters, so stay tuned. I know these chapters are starting to get put up further and further away, and that has a good reason: I have been starting to make vectors and such with Photoshop, and various other pony-related pictures. My deviantART page is in the comments below. Enjoy this not so much of a chapter. Well, today is the final day of preparations. You have planned to spend each day of this week with each individual filly, and tomorrow is the first day; then, to finish the week off, you have decided to have a final celebration, one to bring joy to your daughters’ hearts. But who to start with has frazzled your thinking. You love each of your little fillies more than anything; and none more than any other. But if you start with one pony, the others might get jealous; unloved. You sigh, and hoist yourself up off of your bed, slight cracking sounds emit from your knees. I’m getting older and older every day… You slowly saunter downstairs, being greeted by a hovering Rainbow Dash. She has been getting better and better at flying ever since, well, last night. Rainbow will still need some practice, as you see her struggling to keep up with her wings. She will get a lot better when her wings grow to their full length, but that won’t be for a long time; hopefully. You wanted all the time you had with your daughters to be spent to a full extent. Each other filly gives you their traditional morning nuzzle; usually on your leg, but sometimes Applejack and Twilight reach out to nuzzle your neck. You give them their breakfast, which usually make up of lettuce and or carrots; and water or milk as a drink. You have gotten them dog bowls instead of the old soup bowls. Not that you think of them as dogs; or any other animal such as that, but because of the convenience. They have grown to like the bowls; you even took it as far as to design each distinct dish to the liking of your fillies. Your little Rarity has even went as far as to design her bowl with glitter and various plastic gems found around your basement, from when you took in scrapbooking as a hobby as a child. You fill their bowls with chilled water; fresh from the tap. You notice Fluttershy has been very envious of Rainbow Dash, as she is also a Pegasus, yet you have not taught her to fly. Not yet taught her to fly... You didn’t teach her to fly yet. You haven’t yet taught Twilight and Rarity to use their magic yet. You haven’t even taught Applejack how to buck trees, or even Pinkie Pie how to bake! This can’t be happening. You have focused too much on Rainbow Dash and her flying that you haven’t hardly even been a father figure to your other little fillies! I have to think of something… -- The entire day has been spent thinking of a plan for these next seven days which are approaching faster than you want them to. But finally, you have thought of a plan. If you can spend a day for each individual filly, you can still be in time for the one year anniversary of the day you found your fillies on your doorstep. Even though it has only been a year since you found them, it has felt like an eternity that you have raised them. You saunter over to your bedroom, unbeknownst to what tomorrow will hold. You quietly check on your little fillies, who currently are sleeping soundly. For some reason, Applejack hasn’t lately been sleeping in her own bed; yet has been sneaking into Rainbow Dash’s room to sleep with her. You have no idea why your little Applejack has been sleeping with Rainbow, if it be nightmares, or just a strong bond between the two; but if it makes those two happy, then so be it. You would never in a million years take away one of your daughter’s happiness for anything. You see the two of them curled up together of Rainbow’s bed, breathing as quietly as can be. You slowly shut the door, attempting to cease any creaks. Stumbling over to your own bedroom, you decide on who to spend the first day of the upcoming week with. Should you go alphabetical, random, or even by favorite? No, you would never go by favorites. That is the first step on the road to being a bad parent; a road you never want to walk, especially with these little fillies. You soon decide to go alphabetical, to provide some fairness. You don’t want any of your fillies to assume you have favorites, after all. You stumble into your bed, knees cracking, groans quite audible. You fluff your pillow, and soon enough drifting off to sleep. Yet tonight, sleeping was harder than it usually is. You could feel your heart racing, your blood flowing through you as quick as ever. But soon enough, you started to slowly fall into a deep sleep. This is going to be a good week. > A Day for Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: This chapter is only up because I found an internet connection. :) This is the only chapter that will be uploaded until I get back from my trip which is tomorrow. Today is a day for Applejack. After contemplating how to kick off the week of celebration, you decided to go alphabetical. That would be six days with each of your daughters. Bonding, having fun, hell they may even get their cutie marks. Cutie marks… Oh please it can’t be true. You forgot about getting your little fillies their cutie marks. They are nearing the age where they received them, but how can they get them here. Earth is not a place they belong in. If they can’t get their cutie marks, they will never find out what they are destined to be. If they never find out what they are destined to be then… no. They all will get their cutie marks if it’s the last thing you do. You daughters will have the happiness of receiving them; and you will be there for them when they get them. No matter what it takes, you will be there for your daughters. You always will… You snap out of your thoughts, and race over to Applejack. She knew this day was coming, and has been preparing for it for a while now. She slept soundly through last night, despite being overjoyed to hear that she has been chosen to be the first filly to have a day with her daddy. You have also been preparing throughout these past few days, anticipating how you will get your little fillies their cutie marks. They don’t yet know what cutie marks are, but that will all add up when they get them. It is also quite a convenience that the previous owners of your house took up farming. They have planted various apple trees throughout the three acres of land that rest on your plot; perfect for today, because today… today you will witness one of your daughter’s first cutie mark. You race around the house in search of your sweet little Applejack; her location unknown to you. You call out her name, hoping she is inside the house. Usually Applejack has been outside a lot of the time, checking on the apple trees and helping them grow. They have been growing, slowly; but some are ready for harvest. You don’t get any sort of answer, so you go out to the backyard to check there. You can hear some giggling emitting from the backyard, so you saunter out there hoping to find Applejack. But unfortunately, it is only Fluttershy and Twilight, surveying the various birds and squirrels. You slowly pace back inside, unaware of the location of Applejack. You run upstairs to Rainbow’s room, counting on her possibly being in there. But as you open the door, all you see is some curled up, frazzled bed sheets; wrapping around your little Dashie. She notices your presence, and slowly mumbles something just quietly enough for you not to hear. Rainbow then leans up, staring at you with sleepy, crusted eyes. “Oh, hey daddy! Are you looking for Applejack?” She slowly unravels her bed sheets; her mane and tail in a mess. You quickly toss over her hair brush for her, as you begin to speak. “Uhm, yes actually. Have you seen her anywhere?” Rainbow then slowly lifts herself off of her haunches, and trots over to mirror. She then slowly brushes her mane, making sure to preserve its tossed style. “Sorry daddy, I can’t say I have. I haven’t seen her since she slept in my bed with me last night. She gets nightmares an awful lot. I really feel bad ab- You quickly cut her off before she can get carried away again. She always would get carried away like that; ever since you taught your daughters to speak more properly and smoothly, Rainbow has gotten the tendency to carry on as such. “Uh, I was just wondering where Applejack was…” Rainbow stared blankly into the mirror. “Oh… sorry daddy.” She drops her head in sorrow, her ears dropping as well. “Dashie, it’s okay! I just want to know where Applejack is.” Her ears soon perk back up to normal, and she excitedly turns around and blurts out that Applejack should be somewhere in the front yard. You stumble down the stairs, already wasting enough time as it is trying to find your little Applejack. You aspire that not much more time will be consumed without the meager cowpony. You quickly open the door, and frantically look around for her. With no luck, you head back inside. You observe the fact that your house is now completely empty; usually livened up by nopony else but Pinkie Pie. You now notice massive amounts of laughing and playing coming from the backyard, followed by a large thud. You rush outside to see if any of your fillies were hurt by said thud. You open the screen door to see Applejack attempting to harvest the trees. She galloped as hard as she could towards one of the trees, and kicked out both of her back-hooves just in time to strike the tree; enough force to knock down a few leaves. Hell, at her age, she’s a natural. Almost as good as her TV equivalent… You walk out to the other five fillies, and tell them to go inside to play; for today as said earlier, is a day for Applejack. You notice them scamper off inside, followed by five little curious faces appearing in various windows facing the backyard. You sigh, and turn to Applejack; who is now looking at you curious as to what the day will hold. You know that Applejack’s cutie mark is due to her abilities in harvesting, honesty, and… apples. Those three elements are being shown for today, good signs that the day may or may not go well. “Okay, little Applejack…” You could see her blushing, her face hidden by her golden mane. “Do you want to start off the day?” Her ears perk up with delight, she happily nods and squeals just a tad; obviously over-excited about being the first filly to have a day alone with their daddy. You take her over to one of the apple trees, her face beaming with pride. “Do you want to practice some tree-bucking?” Applejack nods furiously as you slowly sit down on the grass, still wet from the morning dew. But you don’t care, you are here for Applejack, and she knows it. You gesture her to start, and she backs up about three to five steps. You could see a rose pink emitting from her cheeks, as she starts a small gallop. She speeds up, and hastily kicks out her back two hooves; shaking the tree from the impact, a few leaves slowly fall. "That's very good Applejack! You are doing really well so far! Do you want to try again?" She promptly nods her head, slight squeals emitting from her. She is almost as good as she is in the show... -- After a few more hours of teaching her how to buck trees, Applejack has finally understood the gist of what you are teaching her. Yet countless tries later, she has yet to knock any apples off of the tree. She has been getting closer; slowly inching her way. You wish she could hopefully knock one or two apples at least, but hopefully she could get anything. Applejack as well has started to slowly lose hope, thinking of herself as a failure in your eyes. But once again she backs up; closing her eyes, and gallops as hard as she can towards the tree. Applejack then sharply kicked out her back two hooves, flying through the air with such speed, such velocity. After connecting with the tree, she opened her eyes to survey how this attempt has fared. All that appeared however were a few leaves and twigs. Applejack begins to slowly tear up, looking at the ground in sorrow; her eyes glistening with tears. She closes her eyes as a single tear emerges from her eye and falls to the ground. "I'm s-sorry I wasted y-your time d-daddy..." Applejack turns around and slowly trots off, back to the house. The sound of a small filly crying fills the air, breaking your heart; smashing it to bits. You look up towards the house, noticing the expressions of the five little fillies that stood in the one window. All of them looked at you with sorrow, some of them were crying. As soon as your eyes made contact with them, they looked away; not wanting to look at you at the moment. You wanted to save this for when the time had come, but now is a more opportune time than ever. "Hey Applejack?" You call out to her, hoping to catch her attention. A single hand behind your back... "Y-yes daddy?" Her eyes were already swollen red from her crying. "I was thinking... maybe you would have a better shot at being a cowpony if you looked like one." Applejack's ears perked up; she is now looking as confused as ever. You pull your hand out from behind your back, revealing a brown cowboy hat. You knew it would be too big for her, but it was the smallest size you could find. Besides, she will grow into it as well; adding nostalgic value to it as she grows up. Grows up... you didn't want them to grow up, but as time goes on you have noticed that your little fillies have been growing up faster than you want them to. Hell maybe you shouldn't even call them fillies anymore, they technically aren't going to be as soon as Saturday rolls by. It will be a whole year since you brought those little tykes into your care. You snap out of your train of thought to see Applejack, face lit up, wide open eyes; staring at the hat. The crying has since stopped, and the swelling has gone down. "I-is that for me..?" Applejack is at a loss for words; barely sputtering out that sentence. You simply respond with a single word: yes. As soon as you said that, Applejack zoomed up and snatched the hat out of your hand, threw it on her head and adjusted it to her liking. The hat was too big for her, and the both of you knew that. Applejack has been adjusting the hat since she swiped it out of your hands, and has succumbed to just resting the hat on her ears. He tiny orange ears now fully perked up out of her hat. She gallops up to you as hard as she can before jumping on you, giving you the most heartily hug in the entire world. "Th-thanks daddy!" She finally releases you out of her death-grip hug, and jumps around; the hat bouncing aroundon her head, matting down her golden mane. Applejack finally stops running around, and looks at you, smiling. As soon as she stopped, her hat fell off of her ears and down over her eyes. You chuckle at the sight, and lift up the brim of the brown-trimmed hat; revealing her marvelous green eyes. She blushes, and starts giggling. Applejack then gallops at full force inside to show the other five ponies. You could see through the window that the other five fillies were amazed at the sight, proud of Applejack; Rarity even a bit envious of the fashion statement. They then gesture her back outside; her hat bouncing up and down with every stride. You know that she will love that hat, as you told her of the poem written on the inside of the brim; for her eyes only. She gives your leg a quick nuzzle, and backs up in the direction of the tree. She stops, about three meters away from the infamous apple tree. "So, are you ready Applejack?" She then nods hastily, small squeals emitting from her throat. It's now or never... Applejack galloped harder than she ever had before towards the lone tree, stirring up a slight breeze as she blows right by you. You could see her eyes closed, rose pink radiating off of her orange cheeks. She was determined; she knew that this was her only chance. This was the only chance she had left... Applejack galloped harder and harder towards the tree, and kicks out her back two hooves. You close your eyes, not wanting to see the end results. *CRACK* All you could hear was a single loud crack, and nothing else. You could not hear Applejack saying anything; no 'Yes I did it' or 'I didn't do it.'. No noise at all came after the loud crack. You open your eyes, blurry to say the least. All you could make out was Applejack staring at the ground. As your vision came to, you saw Applejack staring at the ground... staring at three red apples. "You... you did it!" Applejack's jaw fell, as you gestured the other ponies outside; and they came out celebrating. Applejack began to cry; tears of joy. Pinkie Pie scooped up under Applejack and lifts her up, all chanting her name. "Th-thank you guys," Applejack states as she wipes away tears. You noticed a small flash of white light on Applejack's flank, shaping into three red apples. "Uh... Applejack?" You catch her attention surprisingly, as Applejack’s name being chanted fills the air. “Yes daddy?” You then point towards Applejack’s flank, at the three red apples now resembling Applejack’s destiny. Now all of your little fillies have stopped to stare at the cutie mark, unaware of what it is. “Uh, daddy? What is that?” She has a small hint of concern in her voice, but your facial expression took it away. You then tell them that Applejack has just received her cutie mark, and explained what it is, and how you get it. All of your ponies seem amazed at it, especially Applejack; who now adores her cutie mark, staring at it for what seems like hours. You then bring them all inside, and cook up an average-looking apple pie using those three that Applejack bucked off of the tree. You have never been a good cook, but memorized all of the recipes. But as long as the person, or pony, that you are making the food for enjoys it, you are happy; and all of your little fillies seem to really be enjoying this apple pie. The only discussion at the dinner table was about cutie marks, and Applejack. After what seemed like hours of answering endless questions, you have closed the discussion on case of bedtime. You ushered your daughters upstairs to each of their rooms; but for this special night, you have allowed Applejack to start being able to sleep in Rainbow’s bed whenever she wanted to, not just sneaking in late at night. This seemed to please both Applejack and Rainbow Dash, as they raced onto Dashie’s bed, playing and tackling each other onto the soft mattress; giggling and laughing, Rainbow’s wings fluttering with delight. You put all of your little ponies to bed, Applejack and Rainbow being the hardest due to the both of them wanting to stay up to play. You slowly stumble into your bed, grunting as your knees pop on command. You have been getting older and older, parenting and stress has weighed you down. Even though it has only been one year, it has felt like twenty. You snuggle up to your pillow, the only source of comfort; as your little fillies no longer want to sleep in your bed. They are growing up, and it breaks your heart. But every child must one day leave their home, and you don’t want that day to come for your little ponies. Yet it has to happen… You can now hear muffled giggling, noticing that Applejack and Rainbow Dash now playing and jumping around on Rainbow’s bed once more. You put that thought at the back of your mind, allowing your little fillies to have their fun; as today was the best day of Applejack’s life. You slowly start to shift into the dream realm; all thoughts, sounds, and vision has been slowly falling away. You can feel a small filly cuddling up against you, but you shrug it off; too tired to think. You could feel the warmth radiating off of her, shifting around the soft bed to find a more comfortable spot. You couldn’t feel anything at the moment, so you believe that the filly has left the room. But a sudden jump onto your chest has since proven otherwise. You could feel the filly settling down, letting out a small huff, and slowly falling asleep. “Goodnight daddy,” she slowly whispers to you, you have now recognized this certain filly as none other than Applejack. “Goodnight, Applejack.” Today was a day for Applejack. > A Day for Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today is a day for Fluttershy. You wake up, slowly, to see sleeping Applejack taking up a lot of the bed; sprawled about, breathing heavily. It’s no wonder why she is so tired, due to the previous night’s festivities. You slowly tiptoe outside of your room, hoping not to disturb the sleeping filly. You quickly realize that nopony in your disturbingly quiet house is awake. You slowly open Rainbow’s door, to see her as well sprawled out across decorative bed sheets displaying various symbols and logos of the genre of racing. Over the past weeks, you have given your little fillies access to the television; yet only under strict supervision. As much as you want your daughters to have a widened access of channels, there are some things in this world that are not meant for filly eyes. But all Twilight has enjoyed viewing was Myth Busters, and you are completely fine with that. As for Rainbow Dash here, all she watches is NASCAR and the usual drag-racing competition. She has taken a serious interest in the sport, and you enjoy making her happy; the reason she has various knick-knacks of the racing variety around her room. You slowly close Rainbow’s door, hoping not to distress her restful sleep. Slowly stumbling down the hallway, you mesmerize the key points of the upcoming events of today. Fluttershy is, well, shy. You will DEFINITELY need to stay calm and quiet around her. Also, she enjoys gardens, animals, etc. You have been planning her day overnight, spending hours plotting every last detail; you hope that this day will be remembered as the best day in Fluttershy’s life. You make your way down to Fluttershy’s room, attempting to not wake up anypony else. You slowly open her door, hoping to avoid any creaks; a common dilemma with the doors in your house. You gaze upon the wonders of her cozy looking chamber, various potted plants fill empty spaces; a wonderful jungle theme plays out perfectly. You always wondered why Fluttershy spent so many hours in her bedroom, and this is why. The room’s amazing hue of greens and blues contrast nicely with each other, which in return makes the room itself feel as if you are in a jungle. You look down towards Fluttershy’s bed, to see that she is in fact not there. You start to feel a wave of concern wash over you; part of you wanting to yell out her name to find her, the other part telling you to keep quiet as your other fillies are still fast asleep. You quickly pace around the room; unbeknownst to the location of your dear little Fluttershy. Looking out the window, you take notice of the garden that you and Fluttershy recently planted; tulips and sunflowers cover it. You can see Fluttershy carefully planting some more chrysanthemums into the mix of it, so you calmly go out there to talk to her. “Hello, Fluttershy! Ready for your day?” You could notice Fluttershy shrink back just a little bit, but your voice reassures her. “Oh, yes. I was just finishing up planting some new flowers you got for me.” She smiles, her eyes glistening at you. “Do you need some help with it?” You are doing the best you can to keep more of a quiet voice around her, trying not to scare the shy little filly. You have made this mistake before, where you were frustrated with Rainbow Dash and Applejack for breaking one of your mother’s vases. Apparently Rainbow Dash had stolen Applejack’s hat, thus beginning a wild goose chase around the house. It took you fifteen hours to get Fluttershy out of her room that day. And now, as you begin to plant some lilies and daisies into the soft, cold dirt, Fluttershy makes it seem as if that day never happened. This is probably the most peaceful you have ever been in your entire life. Barely any clouds cover up the blue sky. Nearby mayday trees blossom and the lush grass is a forest green. Fluttershy averts you attention from the scenery to help her. “Do you have any more daisies? I was thinking about putting some more over here”, Fluttershy then pointed one of her little yellow hooves out towards a patch of fresh dirt. “I-I mean... if you d-don’t mind, that is…” Fluttershy quickly hid her face behind her mane, her ears dropped to her temples. This is what you did not want to happen. You quickly rushed beside her, and hugged her; making any attempt at reassuring the filly. She turns to look at you; not making eye contact then turns away once more. Your mind is in a frenzy; you have to do something, yet you have no idea as to what. In a motion of heart instead of head, you picked two or three daisies from your pocket and neatly tucked them onto her right ear. Fluttershy turned to you and smiled, her eyes brightening up. "Th-thank you daddy.” You just smile, and stroke her flowing pink mane softly. A single tear escapes your eye as Fluttershy breaks from the hug; a hug you didn’t want to let go of. She then trots over towards one of the mayday trees, and gestures you to look. Five or six mockingbirds have since perched on some of the branches; waiting for Fluttershy’s next move. Fluttershy then cleared her throat and closed her eyes. The next sound that escaped her mouth amazed you. The sharp yet calm aspect in her voice enticed the birds. A simple yet complex four-bar hymn left with a jaw that fell to the floor. Fluttershy then humbly turned back to you, while the mockingbirds started whistling her song. Fluttershy blushed, not making eye contact with you. You are the first one to speak up. “Did you know that mockingbirds only sing if they like the song?” Fluttershy doesn’t respond at first, her cheeks getting redder by the second. “Th-thank you.” Is all she could spit out; the mockingbirds still repeating the song. A few have stopped, and are now resting upon Fluttershy’s shoulders. The sun was now beginning the set, illuminating the field with a reddish-orange. Fluttershy was now playing with the birds, softly giggling occasionally. You just stare at her smiling; the sight warmed your heart. You could never imagine, in a million years, what your life would be like if you never had these fillies. If you went on without love, or happiness. You wondered if you would still be alive if you never had these fillies; that’s a thought you never liked, but always crossed your mind. “Hey Fluttershy?” You ask, bringing up a conversation for the first time in roughly a half an hour. “Yes, daddy?” Daddy. You had a mini heart attack every time she called you that. “Can I show you something?” “Sure! A-anything daddy.” Hnnng. You slowly walk back towards the house, while Fluttershy trots up behind you. You open the back door to see your other five fillies sitting on their haunches with ear-to-ear grins on their faces. Almost a little creepy, like the Cheshire grin. You brush by them; Fluttershy taking longer, quietly excusing herself through. After she gets past them, you take her up towards her room. The reason that your other fillies where smiling so creepily was because the previous night, you had told them to plant a “present” in Fluttershy’s room while you and her were outside playing. Why they decided to smile like that though, I will never know. I led Fluttershy to her room, she was smiling as well; the other five fillies followed close behind, Rainbow Dash zipping around the hallways, hovering when she wasn’t crashing into the walls. “Are you ready for your surprise, Fluttershy?” You said in a soft voice; Fluttershy nodded her head slowly, a small squeal emitted from her. You slowly opened the door to her room, and let her open her eyes. “Oh my goodness!” Is all Fluttershy managed to say. A small, white-furred rabbit slept peacefully on her bed; looking as comfortable as ever. Fluttershy rushed to the rabbit, and softly picked it up as if it was incredibly fragile. The rabbit awoke, looking around the room confused. “Hello there, my little angel!” Fluttershy spoke in the softest voice she could, hoping not to disturb the baby rabbit. He just looked at her, confused but not scared. “It’s okay, little one. There is no need to be scared.” She said, cradling the rabbit slowly; as if she were a natural at it. You speak up, “So, Fluttershy! What do you want to name this little guy?” You speak in a soft tone, attempting to keep the rabbit happy. Fluttershy turned to look at you, a small smile on her face, and said, “Angel.” The rabbit’s ears perked up when Fluttershy said that, and gave her a nuzzle. “Ah ain’t know much ‘bout animals, but ah think he likes you.” Applejack said, as Fluttershy blushed once more before turning back to Angel and hugging him tightly. “Alright, you guys, I think it’s time for bed. All of your fillies sigh in unison, except for Fluttershy, who is in her own world with Angel; feeding him small bits of carrots and cradling him. You usher the rest of your little ponies to their rooms, and kiss them goodnight. Pinkie Pie fell asleep almost instantly, obviously tired from a hard day’s work of whatever in the world Pinkie does. You put Fluttershy to bed last, giving her more time to play with her new companion. “You’re the best daddy ever.” Fluttershy whispered, cuddling Angel tightly to her. A single tear drops from your eye due to that statement. One day they will know the truth. But for now, I can let them enjoy what they can. “I do my best.” You say, before kissing her on the forehead and walking out of the room.