> Poems about Rocks > by Supersheep64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Asteroid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asteroid By Maud Pie Rocks, adrift in the depths of space. They leave craters on the moon’s great face. Rocks so distant, they long to be near. Burning in our atmosphere. Ice-made comets streak through the night. Masquerades as meteorite. Nebulous dust, spiral and sway. Will become a rock one day. Rocks above, they consort with stars. Desire to be like they are. But you are Rock, and though you soar. If you were grounded, you would Sparkle more. A Rock alone, a Rock so lost. You’ve come so far, but at what cost? A Rock in heaven. A Rock divine. Going in circles for the rest of time. In orbit around a radiant sun. Trapped up there. Only one. A Rock floats where it’s weight cannot be felt. Until gravity forms an asteroid belt. Many rocks together, form a ring. A crown for a planetary king. Rocks, they float so far from me. That geologic astronomy. > Erosion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erosion By Maud Pie Weather here, weather there. Brought by the weather mare. Rocks above, Rocks below. Expand when frozen by the snow. A mountain, raised by colliding plates. Torn down by the winds of fate. A Rock so strong, a Rock so tough. Erosion smooths it from the rough. Rain turns it to sand and silt. Covering the riverbed like a quilt. Cliffs crumbling out to sea. Cannot halt the sky’s endless energy. > Metamorphic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metamorphic By Maud Pie Rock hiding in the depths of crust. Rocks upon rocks, downwards you are thrust. The weight is more than you can handle. For you cannot take on the mantle. Layer heaped on layer, crushed like a vice. For you are far too gneiss. Rock suffering without measure. Rock under insurmountable pressure. Instead of breaking, it strives to change. Something new, but a Rock all the same. A Volcano’s anger launches you into the sky. You are metamorphic, like a butterfly. > Geode > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geode By Maud Pie Mutilating Rocks, drilling harder. Those ignorant, ignoble igneous carvers. Into the earth all creatures try to find. Minerals of the scarcest kind. They think that they have the right. To take the Rocks that end in ‘ite’. Digging down, they take great pains. Locating Silicates in fissures and veins. A discerning search through the schist. Looking for Crystals of amethyst. Split a Rock, split it wide. Something twinkles deep inside. Stones and Gems, they are the key. Hidden from Draconic jealousy. They dig and mine like it’s their duty. So Rare to appreciate a Rock’s true beauty. > Solidarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solidarity By Maud Pie Can your reliance ever last? On shifting liquid or skittish gas? You cannot, for they are prone to roam. On solid Rock, you build your home. Metal bends, and bricks will break. In a Rock, I place my stake. For wood breaks and shakes at your knock. Nothing is more solid than a Rock. A Rock is a door that will never be shut. A Rock will never be anything but. Rocks laying in an open field. No matter where you stand, you will never yield. Rock in the shade of a mighty tree. Rock. I place my trust in thee. > Porous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Porous By Maud Pie A porous Rock, I cannot define. How did this Rock come to be mine? Not Volcanic, not by a mile. A Rock with an infectious smile. Not Granite or Obsidian, you speak too soon. Words like Basalt on an open wound. Paradoxical Rock, filled with air. How did these gases bubble there? A porous rock, yet soft, like sponge. All sadness you do expunge. You do not lay still, you do not lay quiet. An effervescence that could cause a riot. Bright color in a kingdom of monotone. Sometimes you grate, like pumice stone. You always bounce when you fall. Sometimes I think you are not a Rock at all. The strangest Rock to meet my eye. But still I love you, Pinkie Pie. > Publication > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, what do you think?” Twilight carefully laid down the final slab, resting it on the table alongside the other poems. Though clunky and unwieldy, the plates were impeccably carved. Flat and smooth, the marble had been clean cut in lines that were straight even down to the molecular level, and the text had been indented into their surface with such care that even Twilight’s own hornwriting seemed sloppy in comparison. Twilight looked up with a smile. “I really like them. Tell Maud that I would be happy to store these in my library.” Pinkie returned in kind, demonstrating a rarer and more precious smile than her commonplace manic grin. “Thanks Twilight. I think Maud knew that you didn’t enjoy her usual style and really tried to make something to your taste. She really wanted to impress you.” Twilight shook her head. “No, Pinkie. She really wanted to impress you. We may get along just fine now, but it’s your happiness that really matters to her.” Levitating the marble slabs, she floated them over to the mountainous sorting pile lurking in the corner of the library. “Spike, we’ve got some new admissions to our poetry section. Can you find a space to put these? Make sure they’re pride of place.” The scaly assistant waddled in from the kitchen, slightly hunched in discomfort. “Does it have to be now, Twilight? I think I threw my back out reshelving your entire spell book collection-” He halted in place as he saw what appeared to be a stack of pale tombstones, stacked at least a head taller than his largest spine. “-Oh come on!” Twilight grinned sheepishly. “-Or maybe you could just find the spot, and I’ll place them later...” Spike shot her one last glare before leaving the room. Twilight turned back to talk to Pinkie, only to find her friend had already pulled her into a hug. Without her noticing. Huh. “Pinkie, is something wrong?” “No... It’s just Maud has been really sad since she lost Boulder. I just know something like this will go a long way towards making her her cheerful self again.” Sliding out of the hug, Twilight’s face creased up in sympathy. And confusion. “Oh...? He... died?” Pinkie tilted her head and sighed. “No, we just can’t find him. We checked our pockets and everything. He must have fallen through a crack or something, because even Maud can’t see him amongst the other rocks.” She perked up, returning to bounce. “But even though we’ll miss him, Inkie said it was time they got a new pet anyway. Because Maud gets along so well with Gummy, I’m thinking maybe I’ll pop down to the Everfree. Catch her a baby Cragadile to call her own.” Twilight considered advising against the attempted taming of wild monstrosities, but having seen Maud’s capabilities first hoof, she was aware that she capable of handling herself where rocks were concerned. As Pinkie turned to leave, something occurred to Twilight. “Pinkie!” “Yes?” “When you go see Maud, there’s something I’d like you to give her... > Books > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books By Twilight Sparkle Books. Filled with paper. Paper made from a tree. The Books teach me. Because they are filled with words. I like books.