> Nyx and Crimson Fang! A collab of supernatural proportions (Nyx's POV) > by Infinty Blade Brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A New Pony In This Dimension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was this time of day Nyx and her mother Twilight would be eating dinner, and discussing the days events, but instead Nyx found herself looking down at the butchered corpse of Twilight Sparkle. A little while earlier Nyx was walking home from school alone that day Spike normally walked her home, but him and Twilight had a very important project to do so Nyx didn't mind. She was just trotting along the road it was a warm summer afternoon the birds were chirping, her friends the Cutiemark Crusaders weren't there today, but again Nyx didn't mind. If you don't already know Nyx is a small alicorn filly she's only five months old, but because she was created by a cult trying to resurrect Nightmare Moon she looks like a seven year old. Her mane is purple, and it goes well with her black coat, her eyes are turquoise and have slits like that of a dragon. She does have a cutiemark it's a shield with a crescent moon on it. Nyx had just approached the front door to the Golden Oaks library also known as home, and she walked right in. "Mom, Spike I'm home!" yelled Nyx as she sat her saddlebags down next to the door. She saw her after school snack on the table a daffodil sandwich, and a mug of tea. "Well mister sandwich time to be eaten!" said Nyx as she quickly devoured her food, and she turned her attention to the tea, and chugged it down. She let out a pleasurable sigh as she felt her thirst quenched, but now she had homework. She normally enjoyed homework, but today she had advanced mathematics and she hated math. She pulled her saddlebags to the table, and emptied the contents onto the oak table. All she had in there was her math book, a Darring Do book, a homemade invisibility potion, her Mister Smartypants doll, and her math folder. Nyx picked up her folder as she seated herself at the table she pulled out her homework, and grabbed a pencil from a nearby cup, and started on her mathematics. It was only a few moments after she started when she noticed a strange smell. It smelled like rotting something she couldn't tell. Thinking it was her mothers project she dismissed it. She didn't know what her mothers project was, but Nyx trusted her mother not to do something to dangerous so she finished her homework and after putting everything neat, and orderly in her saddle bags she placed them back at the door and walked to the stairs. She was just about to go upstairs and read her Darring Do novel when she smelled that stench again. "I don't care what it is. It has to go." Nyx decided as she sat her book down, and approached the door were the smell was coming from and pushed it open with her hooves. Her magic wasn't very usable ever sence Luna took Nightmare Moons power from her, but she didn't mind it felt good to be her own pony again. What she saw behind the door she could never un-see. There stood Pinkamenia Diane Pie the towns personal party planner, and one of her mothers best friends. That isn't what bothered her what did was that her hair was flat and dull, and in her hoof was a blood stained cleaver! The Pink Party Pony heard the door open, and stalled her butchering of Twilight to see Nyx in the doorway "Hey Nyx wanna help me make cupcakes? I just need you to grab that axe over there and get chopping!" said Pinkie gesturing with her free hoof to a fire axe by the door. Nyx was on the verge of tears this basement once used for experiments that answered questions was now the very death place of Nyx's beloved mother. "YOU MONSTER!" yelled Nyx. She'd heared the phrase many times directed at her, but that wasn't even enough to describe the hatred and fear Nyx now had towards the pink pony. "Now that wasn't very nice." said Pinkie Pie with a pouty face. Nyx's attempted to back out of the doorway and get the police so they can arrest this monster. "Come on it's fun!" Nyx said "No you get away! You Go AWAY!" she started crying. "Well it doesn't hurt to have extra I suppose." Said Pinkie as she removed her butchery tool from Twilights corpse with a sickening crunch as it broke off bones. Nyx turned and ran terror gripping her heart as she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. If she still had Nightmare Moons power this would be no problem. To fight Pinkie would be o so easy, but she didn't have that strength so she kept running. Tears were running down her face as she ran to the door as thoughts rushed to her head 'Moms dead! I'm alone. How could this happen?' she was almost to the door when a pink fore leg wrapped itself around her neck cutting off her breathing. "Aww party pooper. We got a party pooper on aile five!" Pinkie yelled at the top of her lungs as Nyx hung there crying for her eternal life was being cut short so soon. The thing about alicorn so was they were immortal unless they are wounded by a weapon of magic. That's not the case for non mature alicorn they are just as vonurable as any filly or colt. Nyx was ready to accept fate she had no one left anyway so what's the point in living. Pinkie dropped her next to her mothers butchered corpse as she went to find the perfect tool for the job. Nyx just sat there looking at her mothers corpse the Element of Magic Twilight Sparkle murdered by Pinkie Pie the Element of Laughter. The irony was just. After what felt like hours Pinkie came back with a large machete in hoof. When Nyx didn't react Pinkie was puzzled "Aren't you gonna scream in terror? Beg for your life as I slowly and painfully kill you?" Nyx just shook her head. "Why should I try and prolong my life? The only pony I could call family is dead right here. Just be done with it I don't want to live anymore." Nyx started to cry again. Pinkie shrugged and hefted her tool of death it was a fine stainless steel blade around a foot and a half long (not including the handle) as she was about to swing a flash could be seen from the other room. Pinkie stopped the blades decent and opened the door only to be greeted with a bullet to the face. "Boom headshot!" is all the stallion said after he pulled the trigger. Nyx turned to see a red pegasus with a black hoodie walk in. "Oh....my......GOSH!" he said his eyes looking at Nyx. "It's Nyx!" Nyx was puzzled how did this man know her name? She certainly never met him before. "Wait. WHAT!" came another male voice as a orange pegasus with an eyepatch and a Stetson walked in. "Oh my. Ummmmm Gage what's that behind her?" "I think it's a dead body." said the pony Nyx assumed was Gage. Nyx just sat there somehow not a speck of blood was on her as far as she could tell, and she wasn't sure why. "Lowell? Do you think...." "Yeah (he muttered) bucking Tradgedy." said this Lowell pony "Hey Nyx you okay? Pinkamenia didn't hurt you did she?" Nyx shook her head. "Good if she had I would revive her just to kill her again." said Gage. Nyx's ears perked up when he said 'revive'. "Can you bring my mom back?" asked Nyx. "I could as long as her head is intact." he said. Nyx felt a shimmer of hope deep inside her 'he could bring her back!' she thought. "Man her brain is destroyed!" said Gage "I cant fully bring her back. If I try she'd be a lifeless corpse that kills anything that so much as scratches me. Sorry kiddo." he said and Nyx felt her hope die. "It was worth a try." said Nyx as she felt her despair return. "No!" said Gage. "No what?" asked Nyx. "Don't give up! That's a bad idea. No matter how bad things get you don't give up!" said Gage. "Why shouldn't I?" asked Nyx "I have nothing left." "Well you could come with us to our dimension. It'll cheer you up in a jiffy!" he said with a happy go lucky tone. "Better make up your mind cause the portals closing soon." Nyx looked out the door and saw the swirling green vortex. "I'll come." said Nyx after all what would Twilight say if she just gave up? Besides these stallions looked trustworthy enough so Nyx got up and followed them to the portals base. She looked at the swirling vortex it was bright green, and gave off a weird humming noise. "Here." said Lowell handing her her saddle bags Nyx grabbed her bags and put them on her back when she asked if she could get some of her things. They said yes, and she rushed off and grabbed her novel, her treasure book (she keeps her most valuable possesions in the hollowed out book), and a small device her mothers unfinished project. She hadn't seen Spike so she assumed the worst and rushed to her new friends. The portal was half as large as it was before. "Okay let's go!" said Gage Nyx nodded in agreement, and the group jumped through the portal, and Nyx blacked out. Ponyville Alternet Dimension "Ooooohhhhh! Your new here!" said Pinkie Pie as Nyx awoke. At first Nyx was terrified, but she decided to put on a brave face as she decked Pinkie in the muzzle. "OW OW OW OW!" said Pinkie as she hopped away holding her muzzle. "What the hay?" she asked. Nyx was crying as she took up a fighting stance. "Ummm you ok?" said a voice behind her. Nyx turned to see a filly she had a orange coat with a red mane. She was wearing some green glasses and her eyes were red. Another thing Nyx saw was she had no cutiemark, but the thing that stood out the most was her leathery bat wings. "Names Crimson Fang, but you can call me Crim." said Crim as she held out a hoof Nyx forgot about Pinkie and shook her hoof as Pinkie sneaked away. > Striking Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyx was talking with Crim explaining her origins, what happened to bring her here, and who, and what brought her here. "So you came through this Gage pony's portal, and now your here......I totally believe you!" said Crim much to Nyx's astonishment. "Really?" asked Nyx unsure if Crim was pulling something. "Yeah I've seen weirder things." said Crim, and Nyx smiled. "Hey blank flank!" yelled a pink filly with a tiara on her purple mane. "You got me in trouble and your gonna pay!" "Does she ever give up?" asked Crim. "So there's a Diamond Tiara in this world to huh?" asked Nyx Crim nodded and they turned to see the spoiled brat walk up to them her silver colored lacky close behind. "You've got some nerve still being here after you got me sent to the office!" said Diamond Tiara. Nyx just rolled her eyes and DT turned to Nyx and her mouth fell "Aaaaa Alicorn!" said DT trying to get out the first 'a'. "Yes and why is that a surprise?" asked Nyx. "It's just there are only three alicornic in all of Equestria Celestia, Luna, and Cadence now you, and your hanging out with a BLANK FLANK! Come with me I'll get you away from this 'trash'." Diamond Tiara said. She just crossed the line Nyx hates bully's especially when they do something like call her only friend 'trash'. Before DT could even register what happened Nyx turned and slammed her hoof into Diamond Tiaras left jaw! As Nyx felt her hoof connect she felt so much built up stress leave her just as the snobs tooth did. Diamond stumbled back holding on to her muzzle, but when she dared look she saw blood, and a missing tooth. "You little....'bam'" Nyx slammed her hoof into the front of her muzzle before she could retaliate. "Nyx STOP!" yelled Crim "I always wanted to see that snob nosed brat taken down a notch, but your going a bit crazy." Nyx breathed in to calm her nerves, and turned her attention to the newly bloodied earth pony. "Don't call my friends trash!" she said she made a smug smile "and I won't knock you silly. Got it?" Diamond nodded and she and her friend ran off crying. "Felt good to do that." "She deserved it. Every minute of it, but I'm worried." said Crim. "Why?" asked Nyx confused. "You went ballistic I was sure you were gonna kill her." answered Crim. "Probably would of, but I didn't." said Nyx who turned her attention to the hill were Diamond Tiara was walking back with an older stallion. He was middle aged with a slicked back black/white mane his cutiemark was a bag with a dolor sign on it. "Are you the filly that hurt my daughter?" asked Filthy Rich pointing his hoof at Nyx. "Yep and I don't care what your gonna say she deserved it." said Nyx still smiling. Filthy Richs nostrils flared. "You've got some nerve to talk about my daughter like that!" said Rich. Nyx turned to face him and his eyes widened "alicorn" he croaked then he saw her eyes "Diamond honey.....run." they turned and ran. "Guess even here people think I'm a monster......." said Nyx to nopony in particular "guess it's unavoidable" Nyx smiled. "Why are you smiling?" asked Crim although she couldn't suppress her smile either. "I just beat the snot out of Diamond Tiara......and it felt great!" said Nyx letting out a triumphant whoop. Crim just started laughing along side Nyx. "Today's been fun, but I gotta get home my sis is probably worried about me being out so late." said Crim Nyx nodded and her friend left. Nyx was once again alone with no sign of the stallions that brought her here. Lowell, and Gage is that right? "Heyoooo!" yelled Gage as he ran in her direction. She got the memo and stepped aside as he rushed by and skidded to a stop. After dusting his hoodie off he approached her. "So what happened while I was gone?" Gage asked Nyx told him about Diamond Tiara, and Filthy Rich and Gage just laughed rolling on the ground. "Oh man she had it coming!" Nyx raised a eyebrow. "Your not mad that I punched that filly's tooth out?" she asked. "Not at all because 1:She deserved it, 2:Where I came from I didn't stand up for myself so when something like that happens everyone is proud. So I'm not mad." he replied. Nyx just raised both eyebrows. "That's a first" said Nyx. "Yeah, but don't go around bashing every stuck up snobs face in that's not good." he said Nyx promised, and then asked a question. "Can I stay at your place? I don't have anywhere to go." Nyx asked in return he bobbed his head up and down grabbing her by the foreleg and dashing off Pinkie fast. Sweet Apple Acres "Welcome to my temporary home!" he said gesturing out with his hooves at the farm. Nyx looked around it wasn't much different than the one in her world, but it had a few subtle differences. One of them was Lowell was married to Applejack. Another was that the farm house was a bit larger, but that wasn't a big deal. Gage ushered her inside were she saw Lowell holding a small foal. "Hey guys!" said Lowell "I assume Nyx needs a place to stay." Nyx nodded, and Lowell sought to it to get her a room. When Nyx got to her room she sat her saddle bags next to the bed, claimed onto the bed, and cried herself to sleep. > Time to get to work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was around eight in the morning when Nyx awoke, and she instantly knew her mane was a mess. She rose out of bed and trotted to the guest bathroom in her room, and stepped onto the stool in front of the sink. Nyx tried to light her horn, but to no avail so she was forced to use her hooves to turn the sinks knob and water gushed from the nozzle. She used the sink to wet her mane, and picked up a hair brush brushing out all the tangles. "There nice and clean." she said as she turned off the sink, and walked into the bedroom. Nyx gabbed her saddle bags of the oak floor and placed them on the bed. She climmed onto the bed, and emptied the bags contents. Inside was her Smarty Pants doll, her novel, her folder, her textbook, and her mothers project. The item was a small box with a lot of runes along it. "What were you trying to do mom?"wondered Nyx to herself not getting anywhere she sat the cube in her bags and got off the bed. Nyx opened the door to her room, and saw Applebloom walking by. Nyx wanted to be nice to her hosts and said "Hi Applebloom!" immediately covering her muzzle with a hoof as Appleblooms ears perked up. "How did yah know mah name?" she asked Nyx's pulse quickened she just messed up really bad. Thinking of a respons Nyx said "Gage told me." she smiled. "Well that explains it." said Applebloom as she turned and left Nyx then let out her breath for she was holding it, and took a look around. Nyx counted five rooms down the hall not counting her own, and a closet at the end of the hall. She let out a small chuckle as she remembered the time in her world when she opened that closet out of curiosity and got completely buried in Stetsons, and bows. Nyx smiled at the memory then remembering what happened to make her leave she frowned and began to tear up. Nyx smacked herself and scolded herself for crying, and walked to the stairs. "G'd morning Sugarcube!" said Applejack whom had just walked into the living room to greet her. Nyx smiled and returned her good morning with one of her own. Applejack smiled and walked into the kitchen where she asked "Blueberry, or regular?" Nyx was puzzled. Nyx asked "What?" raising her eyebrow at the strange request. Applejack answered with a "What cahnd of pancakes do you want?" "Ohhhh." said Nyx "Blueberry" Applejack nodded and went to flipping some pancakes as Nyx sat at the table pondering to herself. "Jackie! Wered you put the extra buckets?" called Lowell from the doorway. "Did you check the wagon?" asked Applejack. "Yes I did it's not there!" he replied and Applejack sighed. "I'll need to go get the extras from storage then!" yelled Applejack as she sat a plate in front of Nyx piled with blueberry pancakes. Nyx licked her muzzle and digged in. Applejack smiled at the filly and walked out to talk with her husband just as Gage walked in. "Hey Nyx!" said Gage as he sat down smiling as he grabbed himself a plate of the pancakes without blueberries in them. "So you didn't sleep well I suppose?" he asked. At first Nyx was a little surprised that he knew that, then he clarified "There are tear stains under your eyes. You were off crying yourself to sleep....I don't blame you after what happened yesterday." Again Nyx was a little caught off guard. "Hey Nyx!" said the orange pegasus I recognized as Lowell "how'd you sleep?" Nyx told him how she had not slept very well it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth either. "Well all nights can't be perfect now can they?" said Lowell taking a bite out of a pancake. "Hey Gage can you go pick up some apple buckets from the market? Ours seemed to have vanished out of thin air." "Sure I suppose I might as well.....Nyx wanna come with me?" Gage asked Nyx thought about it for a moment then nodded. "Okay finish your pancakes and well head out!" Town Nyx was looking around this new version of Ponyville in hopes of seeing something different she didn't. Well minus the new pony's, and from what she heared entirely new land formations. Nyx was fascinated, and very much impressed by what some of these 'new' ponies could do! When they first got into town Gage said "Go have a look around, and make some friends. I'll be at the market if you need me." he then gave her a few bits and left. Nyx had just finished sightseeing, and with school just getting out it was time to make friends! Nyx was galloping towards the school yard hoping to see Crim. If she was going to make new friends she might as well meet up with an old one. What she didn't expect to see was Crim bumping into almost everything as if she was blind. "Crim you okay?" Nyx asked as she approached her friend. "I'm okay Diamond Tiara just broke my glasses that's all." replied Crim "Can you help me home? I got a spare pair of glasses." "Sure come on let's get you some glasses" said Nyx as she assisted her friend home. Crimson Fangs Home Nyx and Crimson Fang just arrived at Crims house. "They should be in a case on the coffe table." said Crim as Nyx sat her by the couch, and went to get Crims spare glasses. "Here you go." said Nyx as she handed Crim her spare glasses. Crim put on the eye wear, and blinked a few times sure enough she could now see! "All right!" said Crim then her gaze drifted to a poster on the wall "crap....I forgot to get my costume!" "What costume?" asked Nyx Crim looked to her and explained. "There is going to be a Nightmare Night costume party tomorrow! The prize for best costume is a free homework coupon, and I forgot my costume!" said Crim. "Wait Nightmare Night is tomorrow? It was summer when I left......" said Nyx. "I guess time shifted....hey wanna help me make a costume? The themes mid-evil." said Crim. "You know it!" replied Nyx, and the two filly's got to work on there costumes. > The First Day of School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyx was jittery with excitement Gage had agreed to enroll Nyx in school, and her first day was today! Most kids dread school not Nyx no siree! She loved school she loved it so much sometimes she didn't want to ever leave. Nyx had just finished packing her saddlebags, but hesitated when it came to her outfit. She normally wore a disguise to hide her eyes and wings, but she decided she wanted this world to know! Nyx trotted up to the threshold of Sweet Apple Acres ready for school! "Ready?" asked Gage. "Oh I'm ready!" replied Nyx she was practically jumping with excitement. "Tally-HO!" he said as he and Nyx galloped off to the school yard. When the duo arrived at the school class was out, and it was recess. "Nyx!" called Crim as she ran up "what are yo undoing around here? You gonna enroll?" "Yep!" said Nyx still smiling her poor face off. "Well let's see the teacher then!" said Crim grabbing Nyx by the hoof and leading her inside. "Just forget about the dovah." mumbled Gage as he walked to the schoolhouse. Miss Cheerilee was wiping off the chalkboard when the trio walked in. Not noticing them until Gage decided to clear his throat. "Oh! Hello there what brings you to Ponyville Schoolhouse?" asked Cheerilee. "I'm here to enroll this little one" he gestured to Nyx "into school." Nyx was smiling. "Okay, but we need you to fill out some paperwork.....she's an alicorn...." said Cheerilee as she glimpsed her wings. She shook her head "Doesn't matter just fill that out and your daughter will be enrolled." "She's not my daughter." said Gage "Her mother was murdered two days ago." Cheerilees happy nature faded for a moment "That's terrible, but then who are her guardians?" "No pony she's an orphan." said Gage filling out the last of the paperwork "but she's been staying with me at Sweet Apple Acres so I guess I'm her guardian at the moment." he handed her the paperwork "is that all? Can she start school?" "Well yes she can. Nyx your supplies are in the third cubby down in the back of the room. *smiles* welcome to The Ponyville Schoolhouse!" Outside Diamond Tiara was listening in on the conversation inside the schoolhouse apparently Nyx was getting enrolled! "Why that little piece of...." her muzzle was covered by Silver Spoons hoof who motioned for her to be quiet. Normally she would lash out for that, but she understood she needed to be silent. "She's an orphan." said the red pegasus in the schoolhouse who was signing some kind of paperwork. Diamond Tiara grinned for she now had some ammo for her metaphorical gun, and it was aimed at Nyx. The Swings Nyx walked out of the schoolhouse to the playground the swings to be exact. Crim was usually around here from what Crim told her about how she always made it here before any pony else just to get a swing. Crim had left the schoolhouse way before Gage told Miss Cheerilee she was a orphan so she should be here. "Hey Nyx!" said Crim as she trotted up "sorry I'm late ." "No worries Crim....wanna swing?" asked Nyx but Crim was already on a swing "I'll take that as a yes." she climbs onto a swing. "So how was school so far?" asked Nyx as her swing went up and down. "Same old same old." said Crim. "Hey blank flank!" yelled Diamond Tiara from down below "get off my swing!" "Fine." said Crim getting off and walking away. "You can't just give up can you?" said Nyx. "Not worth the trouble come on." said Crim waiting for Nyx by a tree. "Yeah listen to your blank flank friend you little orphan!" said Diamond Tiara much louder than needed. Nyx stopped her swing. "What did you say?" Nyx asked feeling her anger swell. "I called you an orphan." said Diamond Tiara laughing "your kind should just stay in the Canterlot orphanage." That was the last straw. Nyx tackled the bully slamming her hoof into her face over and over until she lifted the foe to eye level "Do you even know why I'm a orphan?" asked Nyx. A little spunk left in her Diamond Tiara said "Your momma probably thought you were to ugly to look at." Nyx slams her hoof into her face a few more times "NO MY MOTHER WAS MURDERED IN FRONT OF MY VERY EYES!" she yells "AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO MAKE FUN OF ME FOR IT!" she felt a slight throb in the back of her head, and power surging into her. She goes to punch again, and a crowd had already gathered. Before she can strike she sees herself in Diamonds eyes her eyes were white spheres no pupils, or irises to be seen. Also her normally purple mane was streaked with the night sky. She jumped back breathing in and out rapidly staring at her hooves. "What have I done......." said Nyx. "Well *cringes* your an orphan! and a monster." said Diamond Tiara. "Should've known *cringes* considering you just arrived here days ago out of nowhere." and for the first time Crim stood up she struck Diamond in the side of the face and trotted up to Nyx. "Are you okay?" asked Crim Nyx was silent "I'm worried....." "I'm fine....just need to calm down" snapped Nyx "I'm fine." breathes in a few times and her new look fades. "See I'm fine......" Nyx collapses just as Cheerilee walks out. "NYX!" she calls out running to the crowd. Crim was worried Nyx was burning up, and she wasn't responding "Call a ambulance some pony!" no one moved "What are you waiting for!" (Tune in next time to see if Nyx gets help) > The Magical Catasthrophy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyx awoke in a hospital bed with a headache that made her want to die. "Thank Celestia your awake!" said her bat pony friend Crim at her bedside "the doctors said you might not make it, but you did, and...." Nyx raised a hoof and pressed them to her head. "Why does it feel like my brain is being scrambled by dynamite?" complained Nyx due to the outrageously painfull throbbing in the back of her head. "How long was I out?" "A whole day." said Gage from a chair in the corner of the room "And to be honest it wasn't looking to good of a while there." "Why am I in the hospital in the first place? I'm perfectly healthy....besides this headache" she pressed her hooves to her skull. "Let me help you with that." said Gage holding out his hoof, and Nyx saw a yellowish ball floating in his hoof. He pointed it at her and tensed. She felt relief almost instantly. Then she noticed something "Did you just use magic?" she asked, and Gage nodded "but your a pegasus." she said as he nodded again. "Nyxie" he said "I'm a bright red pastel colored, talking, fourth wall defying, pegasus pony and that's what bothers you?" Nyx nodded. "Well now you know." "Here." said Crim handing her a cup of water. Nyx graciously excepted it, and chugged it in a single gulp. "Better?" "Better." answered Nyx having a look around the room. It was a generic hospital room with a single bed, some chairs, and couches, also this one had a huge window to the left of the bed. She then turned to Crim who now had a cardboard box labeled 'Costumes'. "I thought you might want to see my costume I've been working on it while you were out." said Crim. She then proceeded to open the box and pull out a brown hood, a leather looking outfit with pockets, and sheathes all over it, and an assortment of plastic knives. "It was a pain to sneak in....oh I also brought yours!" she said pulling out Nyx's half finished Knight costume. It's main body was a blue fabric with Luna's crest on its front, it also has a black cloak that attaches to her shoulders. The armor is a plastic chain mail hauberk, and a plastic helmet. It was missing a few bits, and bobs but that was about it. "I guess I have time." said Nyx smiling "so let's get to work." "So close to the last chapters name." said Gage who received awkward glances from the fillies. "Okay....." said Crim as a doctor walked in and asked for Gage. "I'll be right back kiddos." he said following the doctor out the door. When they were outside the door Gage asked "So doc what do you want to talk to me about?" "It's about what happened to Nyx." replied the doctor (no not The Doctor) "you are her guardian right?" "As of now yes." said Gage "Now tell me what's wrong." After a long time of science talk that made Gage's brain hurt the doctor said. "In short her magic is killing her." she said. Now that caught Gage off guard. "Wait WHAT!" he said "her magic is killing her. Can't you guys do something about that?" he asked. "I'm afraid as of now we can't, but there is good news if she refrains from magic she'll be fine." said the doctor Gage found out was named Caduceus. "Well I guess I'll just brake the news......" he said, but Caduceus cut him off. "Or you could tell her to try and refrain from magic above levitation for it seems to not set her off. At least that's what the tests say." "At least she can use something." he said. He then thanked the doctor and walked in and told Nyx the watered down news. Nyx was a little puzzled by Gage's request not to do magic she couldn't do it if she tried, but she trusted his judgement. "Not like I do it much anyway." she said linking another piece of plastic chain on her hauberk. "Besides when you can use magic he said you can be allowed to levitate things at least." said Crim who then pushed her glasses back up her muzzle. "Done!" she said holding up her finished thieves costume. She only had to add a couple of things like boots, a muzzle cover, and a insignia witch was a bat in front of a full moon. Nyx on the other hoof had an entire hauberk to make, and she still didn't have a sword for her scabbard, and what's a knight without a sword? "Hey Crim" Nyx said getting Crims attention "do you know were I can get a toy sword for my scabbard?" she asked. Crim sighed and shook her head. "Sorry the shops were sold out I saw Button Mash walk out with the last sword." said Crim "and the contest is tonight!" she said. Nyx was suddenly worried how was she supposed to make a mail hauberk in just a few short hours? "I believe I can help." said Gage seeming like he read her mind as he pulled out a plastic hauberk, and a wooden sword. "Oh yes you did." said Nyx smiling for she now had a finished costume! > Night Mare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonight was the night. It was the Nightmare Night costume party. Nyx, and Crim stood outside the schoolhouse were the party was taking place being a good thirty minutes early so they played on the swings. "You think we'll win?" asked Nyx. "Why of course the others went out and bought there's we took the time to make ours we have the edge." said Crim pushing her glasses back up her muzzle. They continued to swing until Miss. Cheerilee opened the schoolhouse doors, and Nyx saw a stream of fillies, and colts dressed up in mid evil attire walk into the building. Nyx halted her swing, and her and Crim followed the students to the party. The classroom was decorated with all sorts of spooky stuff ranging from cobwebs to skulls to dismembered wings, and horns. The atmosphere made Nyx want to jump around, and play probably due to her being Nightmare Moon incarnate. Anyway her, and Crim walked to the refreshments table, and waited around for a while. Mostly because when Nyx tried to make small talk with the fillies, and colts in the room they glared at her, or ran away well except for the Cutiemark Crusaders they seemed to never leave her presence at all that night Nyx assumed it was because she struck back at the bullies that tried to ruin there lives on a daily business. She was glad to have done it. She smiled as she arrived back at the table the CMC still following her smiling and chatting every now and then asking about Nyx. But then Scootaloo asked "What was with your mane, and eyes back when you were kicking Diamond Tiara's flank?" looking directly into Nyx's dragon slitted eyes. She gulped, and tried to come up with a response that wouldn't give away her origins as Nightmare Moon when Sweetiebelle spoke up "Scootaloo don't make her uncomfortable that's not very nice." Nyx let out her breath. "Thanks Sweetie...." Nyx said. "No problem." she said her voice squeaking on problem. About a hour later Gage and Fluttershy walked in apparently the fillies and colts parents or in Nyx's case guardians are allowed to come. Gage was dressed up in an horned helm, studded armor, and a sword was in a sheathe on his side. Fluttershy was dressed in a healers robes, and had a small dagger in her side. Were the weapons toys? No. Should they be? Yes. "Hey there kiddo." said Gage walking over he had taken to calling her 'Kiddo' ever since he brought her home from the hospital. He also along with Fluttershy were filling out papers to become her legal guardian. Nyx felt it was to rushed but didn't object she longed for family ever since she arrived. "Hey Gage!" said Crim smiling as she broke off from her conversation with Applebloom to greet Nyx's new.....well dad. Nyx didn't know how to feel she'd never had a father she was created by a spell for Celestias sake, but she was determined to make it work no matter how hard! "Heyo Crim!" said Gage while Fluttershy remained rather quiet. "How is the party so far?" he asked us. "It's okay actually haven't seen Diamond Tiara or her silver goon. (Rhyming Nyx.....crap the fourth wall broke QUICK MAX GET THE DUCT TAPE!) anyway Nyx smiled as her adoptive parents to be walked off to see the sights. "......You seen Applebloom and Sweetie?" asked Nyx seeing that they were two crusaders short at the moment. "They said they had to do something I saw them go out back." said Crim gesturing with her hoof to the back door. "Thanks." said Nyx trotting to the door and resting her hoof on the knob. She twisted the knob and opened the door, and found the two crusaders......they were nuzzling each other. When they noticed Nyx in the doorway they jumped a little. "Nyx what are yah doin here?" said Applebloom blushing madly. "I was looking for you two, but it looks like your busy I'll just be going now..." said Nyx blushing herself now as she backed up, and closed the door on the blushing couple. When Nyx arrived still blushing a little at the punch table the costume contest was just beginning, and Nyx, and Crim were as they knew last on the list to present so they sat and watched. "So were are Sweetiebelle and Applebloom?" asked Scootaloo "I thought you were looking for them didn't you?" "Yes I did." said Nyx "and I found them...." Nyx blushed a bit. "Well they better show soon or else well loose for sure." said the pegasus her wings fluttering causing her musketeer cape to flap. Yes the CMC were dressed up as the Three Muskateers Gage gave them the outfits. Nyx thought it suited them really well. After a few minutes Nyx felt a strange sensation against her sides she checked her bags and saw that the cube was glowing, and it was buring hot! Nyx tried to pick it up with her hoof, but it burned her so she decided to try and levitate it. She never could seem to levitate things right but she wanted to try! Her horn lit up, and a purple aura enveloped the cube, and no sooner than it did a flash filled the room and Nyx was knocked out cold. Nyx awoke groggily, and tried to stand and instantly falling. She tried multiple times more but kept failing "Why can't I stand." she said struggling yet again until a limb grabbed her under her arms....ARMS! Thought Nyx as she decided to look down at herself. She was a bipedial creature with hands and arms like a Minotaur only way less thick. She still had her horn, and wings to! "Kiddo you okay?" asked the person who helped Nyx up she turned and saw Gage in the same form as her. "I'm okay, but what happend?" she asked looking around. She saw Crim slowly raise somehow her glasses stayed on her face. "The cube happend." said Gage "Were anthro now kiddo." he said. Nyx knew what anthro meant, and she was about to freak out her, and everypony in Equestria probably were anthropomorphic now......and she caused it. > New Threads > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gage had just carried Nyx, and Crim to Sweet Apple Acres due to them not knowing how to walk, and Gage being well.....incredibly strong. "Here you go." said Gage setting the girls down on the couch in the living room. "Now how do you feel?" he asked concerned. "Fine just a bit shaken." Nyx replied shifting to a more comfortable position. "I'm just peachy." said Crim pushing her glasses up her nose with her finger. "That's great! Now how bout you stay over here for the night. It's late, and you guys were forced into an entire new form you guys need rest." said Gage Crim went to say something "I'll call your sister don't worry now let's get you two upstairs." he said lifting them up, and bringing the two fillies to Nyx's room setting them down on the blue bed sheets, and tucking them in under the blankets. "Night night kiddie and kiddo." said Gage as he shut the door and put out the lantern. Following morning "Wakey wakey!" said Gage waking the two girls up "Now get dressed, and get downstairs." he said laying two sets of clothes on the foot of the bed. Nyx sat up, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes she still had no clue on how to walk correctly, but she figured out how her new arms, and legs moved and worked so she grabbed the pile of clothes that consisted of a black tee, jeans, black and white Nike shoes, and a black zip up hoodie. She adorned her clothing then shook Crim awake. "Five more minutes..." mumbled Crim so Nyx shouted into her ear. "WAKE UP!" Crim's whole body shook. "I'm up I'm up." said Crim flattening her ears. "Get dressed." said Nyx tossing the other pile of clothes to her buddy. The pile consisted of a dark red tee, a pair of jeans cut off at the knees, and a bat hair clip. "Happy?" said Crim, and Nyx responded by nodding. She called Gage in and he carried them downstairs. "Now I'm gonna teach you two to walk." said Gage. A few hours later Nyx, and Crim now able to walk left to get to school. "If were lucky no pony will be here today because they can't walk." that wasn't the case everypony was there, and walking normally like nothing happened. "Well that's not fair." said Crim stomping one foot. "It's like the cube never happened....." said Nyx. "What cube little orphan?" said the obnoxious voice of Diamond Tiara. Nyx and Crim rolled there eyes and turned around. "Outdated insult numnuts." said Nyx "Gage and Fluttershy adopted me I'm not an orphan any more." while the papers weren't sighned yet they would be by the time Nyx got home. "Doesn't matter. Now answer me what is this cube you were talking about." said Diamond. Nyx took note of her outfit (it's the one in Equestria Girls). "Just something my mom was working on before she died. Not like you should care you rich buttmunch." said Nyx smirking. "Why you little......get her!" said Diamond Tiara, and Nyx just noticed the two colts standing not to far away approaching. It was Snips and Snails. "Oh I'm so scared." said Nyx mockingly, and Crim was trying to hold in a laugh. Snips and Snails stalled a confused for a moment then realizing that they'd been made a joke a snarl escaped there lips. Crim stepped in front of the bullies a pocket knife in her hand. "I wouldn't do that of I were you." said the bat pony a glare in her eye that said 'buck with me and I'll rip out your liver'. The bullies saw the blade and turned, and ran screaming. "Wimps." said Crim flicking the plastic blade. "Ugh why are you two so insufferable!" said an angry Diamond Tiara "Just stand down and whimper like every pony else!" "Well were not everypony else so no." said Nyx. She then proceeded to turn, and walk to the school Crim close behind. School went by like a blur for Nyx. She thought writing would be hard in this form, but she found her magic complying and allowing her to levitate her pencil, and just as Cheerilee began to say something about the principles of magic in all ponies the bell rang. Nyx used her newfound levitation powers to place all of her supplies into her bag. She had no homework for she had finished it all in class. She jogged to the front doors were Crim was waiting. She seemed to always be the first on to the doors Nyx thought. "Ready to go?" asked Crim. "Yep gotta get home, and greet my new adoptive parents!" said Nyx giddy with excitement filling every word. She waved goodbye to her pal and rushed out the door only to be greeted by a sideswipe. Nyx was knocked to the dirt as she spat a bit of blood out of her mouth she looked up at the attackers. They were rather large colts both wearing white tees, and some jeans except one had a denim jacket on. "We were told to rough you up." said the one on the left both boys were obviously middle school aged, and way stronger than Nyx. She got to her feet only to be shoved down again. One of the kids raised they're fist to strike, but was interupted by a battle cry and Crim jumping on his back. She crossed her legs across his chest, and locked her arms under his armpits in a full nelson. She reared her head up and opened her mouth revealing her fangs. "Oh my Clestia." said Nyx as she watched her friend bury her fangs into the boys skin between the shoulder and neck causing a spurt of blood to spurt out peppering Crims face. The boy flailed, but his assailant never let go. The other boy turned his attention to Crim picking up a pipe, and preparing to swing it. Before he could Nyx was on her feet she slammed one foot into the back of his leg causing him to drop to one knee. She then slammed her knee into his face breaking his nose, and knocking him out. "Crim you are one crazy bat pony you know that?" said Nyx as she looked at her friend who was sitting down on the unconsious boy her fangs stained crimson with his blood. "I know." she said before passing out. Nyx caught her before she fell, and hoisted her over her shoulder. "Now to get you home." said Nyx setting out for Crims house. > A Few Weeks Later Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Welcome to our new home!" said Gage as the new family approached the newly built cottage. The previous one was burned down by a dragon a week before Nyx arrived. It was an exact copy of Fluttershy's original except for the training grounds to the left of the cottage, and this one room attached to the side of the house Nyx had yet to explore. The family walked into the living room everything was unpacked, and set out. "Wow!" said Nyx seeing the large blade above the fire place it looked to be made of bone. "It's a beauty isn't it?" asked Gage, and Nyx nodded "It's a dragon bone blade forged from the skeleton of Alduin the first born son of Akantosh god of time." The thing about Gage is that he is a Christian, but doesn't want to disbelieve other religions without solid facts. So one moment he's following the Nine Divines, the next Cristianity. "Yes it is." said Nyx still marveling at the blade. "Nyx would you like to see your room? If that's okay with you." said Fluttershy, and Nyx nodded happily as she followed her new mother to her room. It wasn't anything special, but it was hers. The room was rather small with one bed, a dresser, and something Gage called a T.V. Nyx sat her bags on her bed, and pulled herself up onto it. "I love this place already!" said Nyx as she plopped herself onto her back, and looked up at the roof smiling. "Well I'm glad you like it your father built it himself. He insisted on it." said Fluttershy who then walked out, and shut the door. Nyx continued to lay there until she felt her eyelids get heavy, and she drifted off to sleep. Nyx awoke suddenly when her alarm clock went off. She jumped up, and fell to the floor face first "Owie!" she said picking herself off the floor as she rubbed her forehead. Nyx then lit her horn, and picked up the clock with her magic. It was still ringing so Nyx brought it in front of her, and clicked the little button on the top stopping it. "Much better." Nyx then proceeded to get up, and walk to the bathroom in the hall. After getting washed up Nyx walked into the kitchen. "Morning!" she said smiling, and waving at her new parents. Gage was flipping some pancakes in a skillet, and Nyx finally noticed he was a blank flank well now he wasn't for he had a stack of pancakes for a cutiemark it was on the back of his hand just like everypony else's after they became anthro. "Good morning Nyxie!" said Gage as he slid her a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. "So how'd you sleep last night?" he asked pouring more batter into the pan. "Just fine." said Nyx taking a bite out of her pancakes, and they were delicious. "Good to hear." he said as a clearly still tired Fluttershy walked into the kitchen. "Morning dear." he said handing her a cup of coffee, and a plate of pancakes. "Good morning." Fluttershy said to her husband, and then to Nyx. Fluttershy sat down next to Nyx, and gave her a weary smile before taking a drink of her coffee. Almost instantly the tiredness in her eyes vanished replaced with pure energy. "What did you put in that stuff?" asked Nyx. "I used a spell I've been working on." said Gage, but it still bothered Nyx that he was a pegasus yet magic came naturally to him. Gage noticed this and said "Still not sure how to feel that I can use magic huh?" Nyx nodded. "Don't worry about it to much you'll hurt yourself trust me it hurts bad." he said remembering the headache he got trying to figure out how his magic worked he found out, but not without the headache. Nyx finished her pancakes, and deposited her plate in the sink. "Hey Nyx, Crims at the door." said Gage. Nyx looked at the door, and sure enough Crim was in the doorway. "Hey Nyx they finished the new park wanna go play?" asked Crim. "Sure!" Nyx said excitedly grabbing a small bag of stuff she said goodbye to her parents. "Be home by three." said Fluttershy, and Nyx nodded before rushing out the door with Crim. The Park The duo had just arrived at the newly built park, and were deciding what to play on first. "The teeter totter maybe?" suggested Crim. "Or the spinny thing." said Nyx not remembering the rides actual title. "How about the tire swings?" said Crim. "Sounds good to me!" said Nyx, and so the duo arose, and walked towards the tire swings. "You think something bad will happen?" asks Crim with her hands in her pockets as she looks around. "With our luck definitely." said Nyx, and just as she said it she saw Silver Spoon standing alone at the tire swings. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear." muttered Nyx. "What was that you little monster?" said Silver Spoon. Nyx took a moment to look around, and it seemed Diamond Tiara was nowhere to be seen. "Nothing just talking about how much of a butt you and Diamond Tiara are." Nyx exclaimed smirking. Silver Spoon looked as if she would expload, but she only stomped her foot, and walked away, but the corner of her purple fall dress got caught on a branch, and she tripped. Nyx, and Crim busted out laughing as the bully picked herself up, and ran away. "To the swings?" asked Nyx wiping a tear from her eyes. "Eeyup." said Crim, and they played for the entire day. > A Few Weeks Later Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyx, and Crim had just finished playing on the tire swing when a flash could be seen from the edge of the park. "Wanna check it out?" asked Crim who was now standing on the mulch. Nyx's swing was up in the air so she had to jump off, and when she did she used her wings to flutter down to the ground. "Your darn tootin we are!" she said grabbing her buddies wrist, and trudging off to the area the flash came from. The Area of The Flash The two fillies finally got to were they saw the flash of light, and saw one of the prettiest things they've ever seen! A small purple gem the size or a golf ball was lying in the grass just a little ways away from the park, and no pony took it! "Dibs." said Nyx as she picked up the gem. "Awww I wanted it!" said Crim. "Should've called dibs cause the dibs are final!" said Nyx as she slid the gem into her jackets pocket. "Darn you dibs!" quietly yelled Crim to avoid attracting any pony to the gems location. "Hey what time is it?" asked Nyx her hands in her pockets. Crim checked the watch she picked up the other day "2:43" She said Nyx's eyes went wide. "I'm gonna be late!" Nyx yelled as she took off to words the cottage only to trip over something in the grass. "Owie." she said picking herself off the ground just as Crim made it to were she fell. "Are you alright?" she asked concerningly. "I'm fine just tripped over something." she said grabbing at what tripped her only to find scales instead of the presumed rock "EEEP" went Nyx as she jumped back. "What is it?" said Crim scanning the grassy field for any sign of danger. "It's a snake or something scaley!" said Nyx grabbing a rock off the ground to use as a weapon. "If we leave it alone it will leave us alone." said Crim right before a large scale covered tail wrapped around her leg "or not." said the bat pony as she was lifted off the ground, and held upside down by the scale covered limb. Attached to the limb was a creature that scared Nyx to the bone. It was a Naga, or a snake lady. "You put her down!" said Nyx feeling suddenly brave. "And miss out on dinner?" said the Naga "It's been to long since I'd eaten bat!" she said making her jaw extend like a snake does when eating it's prey. Nyx's bravery was replaced by rage seeing Crim struggle to escape the hold of the Naga to no avail. Nyx pulled a stupid move, and rushed the thing rock in anthro hoof. The Naga saw this coming a mile away so she flicked her wrist at Nyx when she was in range, and sent her sprawling back, and sending the rock even further away! "Nyx! Get your dad!" yelled Crim. The commotion attracted a whole horde of children from the park who all sat, and watched the struggle unfold. Crim was pounding on the Naga's face every time she was brought close enough to do so, and Nyx was still getting up dazed from the hit. "Dad help." croaked Nyx it wasn't even loud enough for the Naga to hear, but lucky for her it didn't need to be. As soon as she said it a ebony one handed sword landed in the grass beside her. "Thanks dad." she said grabbing the blade out of the dirt with a tug. "Were did that come from?" said the Naga "No matter" she flings Crim away, and grabbing a weird looking curved sword from her belt. Nyx was pretty new to hands so she probably sucked at swordplay, but she guessed she had to try! She lifted the blade above her head, and charged letting out a battle cry only to be tripped by the Nagas tail. Immediately after falling Nyx used her wings to zip herself away before the Naga could cut her in half. As she slid on the wet grass she noticed something there was a ripple in the air around the Naga. Nyx had absolutely no freaking clue what it was, but she felt it was important because it was exactly around said bad guy, and thus must have something to do with it! She found herself over by her blade that was discarded when she was tripped. She grasped the hilt of the weapon, and stood up now staring daggers at the Naga. She was about to charge when a arrow struck the Naga in the shoulder it cried out in pain, and turned to face her new attacker. There he stood at the top of the hill a Daedric bow in hand Gage. "Boo yah!" he yelled as he drew another arrow from the sheathe on his back, and knocked it into the bow. "Now" he yelled "leave my daughter, and her friend alone or the next one goes between your eyes!" The Naga hesitated for a moment, but it's bravery returned, and she drew a second weird looking sword. "These inter dimensional beings aren't very bright I guess." said Gage firing the arrow it landed square in the things chest. She swung her swords around like crazy as if she thought she was fighting an army of men around her, but there was only one, and he was an top of a hill thirty yards away. So Nyx was guessing that the funky air swirls around the Naga were the result of dimensional travel, and she was gonna stop it with her dad's help. She lifted the blade up, and charged at the dazed Naga. This tactic failed the last time, but now the creature was notating attention so she had the advantage. As the Naga slashed and chopped at the air Nyx was able to get in nice and close. Crim was knocked out so she couldn't help it was up to Nyx, and Gage. > KILL IT WITH FIRE! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyx readied her sword as best as she could, and blocked one of the snake lady's random slashes. The impact nearly knocked her arm out of its socket, she gritted her teeth and swung the sword it was a blur of ebony, and pain as the blade connected and crunched the side of her breast plate. "YOU INSOLENT LITTLE....." the Naga was cut off by another arrow slamming into her back causing a burst of fire to burn her back. The monster howled in pain scratching for the arrow to no avail. "HANG ON NYXIE!" yelled the red pegasus tossing his bow to the side, and drawing that dragon sword she saw above the fire place. He took off in a run as he held his other hand in front of him, he cast one of his spells, and his clothes changed into a set of dragon bone armor enchantments visible on its surface. The display distracted Nyx for a second to long. The naga took the opportunity to swing her blade at the filly "My master says hello!" she said as the blade was about to connect, but it never did. A orange blur zoomed by slamming into the creature sending it sprawling into the grass. "Miss me?" said Crim holding Gage's discarded bow, and a quiver of arrows on her back. Crim had planned to use the weapon to kill the naga, but she.....didn't know how to use it....at all. So she was gonna club the thing to death. "Most definitely." said Nyx trying to use her arms to lift herself, but a hot searing pain blasted through her arm causing her to drop herself cringing. Its freaking broken just great! thought Nyx using her sword this time to lift herself sticking the blade into the ground, and pulling herself up. "And I think your gonna need to learn how to shoot....quickly." "Not gonna be easy, but I'll try." said the bat pony flexing the bow string and knocking an arrow. The bow seemed to be telling her how to shoot it it's black ebony body humming with the knowledge and power she needed. "I think I know what to do!" she said dropping to one knee and pulling the string back. "Good to know!" said Nyx prying the ebony sword from the earth when she noticed a burning on the side of her leg. She reached into her pocket, and reeled back as she felt the searing heat of the cube in her pocket. How in Equestria is that there? I thought I left it in my saddle bags. "Hey Crim?" asked Nyx. "Yeah?" said Crimson Fang letting the arrow fly it smacked into the tree next to the naga. Crim swore. "You think I should do something with this cube?" asked the alicorn filly ignoring the burning the cube brought as she pulled it out of her pocket. "I advise against it." said Gage arriving next to the fillies "We have absolutely no clue what it will do." "Maybe it will become a incinerator and dissolve the mean snake lady?" suggested Crim watching the naga pick herself up still clutching one scimitar in her scaly hand. "Let's find out shall we!" suggested Nyx lighting her horn only for Gage to stop her magic with some of his own. "I don't want either of you getting hurt now stay back and cover me!" he said gripping his sword, and shouting "WULD" and zipping over to the monster as quick as the wind. "I'm gonna use the cube." said Nyx lighting her horn, but instead of grabbing the whole cube she spotted a specific rune her magic filled the rune and a strange power flooded into her. Her arm healed, and a mini fire ball appeared in her hand. "That's useful!" she said chucking the ball at the snake. The naga was just barely blocking the presumed Dovahkiin's strikes, and her blade was covered with cracks, and dents. She didn't even see the fire ball coming. When it collided she was being turned to ash at an alarming rate. The act of magic caught Gage off guard, and he slipped backwards yelling "MOOOOOOO!" as he landed on his backside. "MY MASTER WILL KILL YOU ALL!" yelled miss naga. "Well......kill it with fire as I always say." said Gage lighting his hand with a fire of his own. He thrust out his hand, and a torrent of fire erupted from his palm finishing the shouting demon turning her into a pile of ash. A Month Later Nyx was walking through town Crim her best friend present with her. It was Friday and they were looking for something to do. Nyx had taken to wearing her late-mothers magic cube...thing around her neck like a necklace, when she found a little loop at the top, and asked Fluttershy if she'd loop some string or something through it. Now she was living another uneventful day just trying to pass the time. "Wanna do some pranks? Or maybe just hang out at Sugar Cube corner." suggested Crim. "Nah we did that yesterday.....I wanna try something new!" said Nyx eyes full of excitement as she tried to think of something fun to do when a young colt bumped into her nearly knocking her over, but he caught her. "I'm so sorry how clumsy of me." he said in a braytish accent. The colt in question was roughly Nyx's age with nearly gold colored hair, and a beige coat. His eyes were green, and had a few freckles underneath them. He was an earth pony. "Yeah......" she said rather content with looking at the colts eyes. "Ummm Nyx you in there?" asked Crim snapping her fingers in front of Nyx's muzzle catching her attention. "Yeah....yeah I'm here." she snapped out of her trance like state "Names Nyx yours?" she asked the colt in the hoodie. "Dante" he said "Dante Fleetfoot." he said with a smile before darting off she saw a few bags tied to the back of his jeans. > Just an ordinary day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyx was still looking down the sidewalk this Dante Fleetfoot had ran down completely zoned out until Crim brought her back into the real world. "Nyx you in there?" asked the bat pony waving her hand in front of her friends face catching her attention. "Yeah....I'm here....who was that?" asked Nyx looking back down the sidewalk. "From what I heard his name is Dante Fleetfoot my guess he just moved into town." answered Crim turning her friend around to face her. "You think I'll run into him again?" Nyx asked her buddy who just answered with a... "I don't know maybe....why? You got a crush on him or something?" she asked, and when Nyx didn't reply a smirk grew on her face "You do don't you? You have a crush on the new colt!" "NO! No I do not have a crush on Dante I only just met him what five minutes ago?" quickly answered Nyx her heart beating a million times a second a slight blush forming on her face only making Crims smirk grow. "Well I know you do, but I'm gonna drop it okay?" Crim tells her uncomfortable buddy who let out a sigh of relief. Nyx got up, and faced her friend. "Now what are we gonna do today?" she asked the subject changed from wether she liked this new boy over to what shall we do today? "I say the cupcake eating contest at Sugar Cube Corner." said Crim only seeing her friends eyes widen. "Oh no no no I'm not going to Sugar Cube Corner" she said the images from back at her world flashed in front of her eyes it was terrifying, it was just like reliving the event all over again until she snapped out of it. "Never....never again....." Later That Day Nyx and Crim had just gotten back to Nyx's home after a day of playing, exploring, and in Crims case Crusading with the CMC, and they were tired. Almost as soon as they made it inside they plopped down on the couch tilting they're heads to look up at the ceiling. "I see you tuckered yourselves out." said Fluttershy "Well I just made some lemonade if your thirsty." she then walked back into the kitchen as Crim and Nyx looked to each other. "Lemonade?" asked Crim. "Lemonade." answered Nyx as the pulled themselves up, and walked into the kitchen were two glasses of iced, homemade lemonade were waiting. They placed themselves down in chairs on opposite sides of the small table, and grabbed they're cups before chugging them down. They sighed, and Crim leaned back in her chair. "Pretty fun day huh?" she asked receiving a nod from Nyx. "So we just gonna sit around for the rest of the day?" "I suppose so....unless you have to go home early." said Nyx removing her jacket, and draping it over the back of the chair she was sitting on. As if on que Gage walked in. "Crim Arosyona called she said it's time for you to head home." he said. "Awwww" Crim exclaimed "well see you later Nyx." she said before waving goodbye to Fluttershy, and Gage receiving goodbyes. Later that evening Fluttershy and Gage had Nyx come sit with them in the kitchen she wasn't sure why. They already had dinner, she hadn't broken any rules as far as she knows so what was up? "So.....am I in trouble or....is it something else entirely?" asked Nyx trying to get straight to the point. "Your not in trouble Nyxie we just have big news!" said Gage smiling madly. "Okay.....what is it?" Nyx asked raising an eyebrow as she took a seat. Fluttershy took a few breaths a smile practically glued to her muzzle. "What me, and your father want to tell you is..." she squeed "I'm gonna be having a foal!" Nyx's jaw nearly dropped. "What really!" Nyx replied with enthusiasm the whole town couldn't of held "I'm gonna be a big sister!" she repeated over and over as she jumped around in circles receiving smiles from her parents as they relished the chance to raise a child..of they're own. Shortly after receiving the news it was Nyx's bedtime, and she couldn't sleep. Her mind was too full of thought like "Will he/ she love me?" And "Will mom, and dad still love me?" she knew the latter one wasn't to be worried about for she knew with all her heart that the two pegasi that took her in would love her for ever. So why did she think this? Maybe it's cause she was adopted, and she felt less special, or it's something else all together, but all this thinking was tiring Nyx out, and before she knew it she was out like a light. Following Morning Nyx awoke to her alarm clock letting off the noise all children despised. She clicked it off, and fluttered out of bed with her wings. A few minutes later she was dressed, and ready for the day. She passed her parents on her way out. She smiled to them, and waved goodbye as she grabbed her back pack, and lunch box.....also a small ring that it's use shall be explained later. I will tell you that it looks to be made of solid ebony, with a garnet in the center. Nyx made her way to the school house, and met Crim once again by the swings she was always early.....always. > Authors Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am sad to say that because Slendermare has been banned form this site by her mother I will not be continuing this story...sorry my faithful readers, and hope she comes back. Bye guys... Cya. > One more note! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will continue the story on a completely different story someday. Keep an eye out...Nyx, and Crim ain't dying yet! Back in business baby! Guess who's back!