The Secret Ingredient Is Love

by OC Beats

First published

It's Mother's Day again and Dinky wants to do something very special for her mom.

It's Mother's Day again and Dinky has BIG plans this year. She wants to do something very special that she knows her mom will love. It's her first time doing it though. Hopefully she does it right.

Based off the comic, "The Secret Ingredient Is Love."

The Secret Ingredient Is Love

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Dinky wakes up and rubs her eyes. She lays in bed for only a moment before realizing what day it is. "Oh! It's Mother's Day!" she says to herself. Dinky quickly jumps out of bed and runs down stairs. She walks into the kitchen to greet her loveable mom, but something was wrong, her mom isn't there. She looks around and sees a note on the fridge. She picks it up and reads it.

"Dear Dinky, I'm sorry to tell you, but I have to work today. One of the other mailmares broke her wing and I need to fill in the spot. I see you when you get home. Love, Mommy." A single tear falls from her eye. "What am I supposed to do now?" She walks to the living room and grabs a book. She didn't really look at what she got. She opens it and begins to read. "One cup of flour, two eggs, and a scoop of blueberries... Wait... This is a cook book!" she says angrily. She then starts to think. Her anger soon turns to curiosity. "Hey. I bet I could make these for mom!" She then runs into the kitchen and places the book on the table along with a basket. She flips through the pages until she finds the right one. "Carrot cake... peach cobbler... brownies... OH! Here it is, blueberry muffins!" Her smile then turns to a crooked grin. "Sheesh, that's a lot of stuff for just twelve muffins. Well, better get started!" She looks around for the mixing bowl. She then remembers where it is and frowns.

She looks up and looks at the cabinet that is just out of reach for her. She would use her magic, but it's not strong enough to open the door and get the bowl. She grabs a chair from the table and places it next to the tall cabinet. "Almost there." she says, reaching for the bowl. "Almost... Ha! Gotcha!" She hops down and grabs the ingredients for the muffins. "Eggs, milk, flour, blueberries... I think I got all of it." She places all of the ingredients in the bowl. While walking back to the table, some eggs and flour falls from the bowl. "Oops. I'll, uh, just clean that later." She places the stuff on the table. She reads on.

"Make sure you clean the berries before placing them in the bowl. OK, I can do that." She places the berries in a separate bowl and puts them in the sink. She turns on the faucet and gets blasted by berries and water. "Ah! No, no, no!" she screams trying to turn it off. She gets it turned off and lets the water drain. She looks at the book and keeps reading. "Mix the ingredients together in another bowl." She looks in the drawer and sees the mixing spoon. She hesitates. "Hmm, I've always wanted to use the electric mixer." She closes the drawer and grabs the electric mixer.

She places the ingredients in the bowl and turns it on. First it started off nice and easy, but she accidentally hits the 'full power' button and begins to fly in the air. "AH!" She tries to find the off switch to stop it. When she finally finds it, she notices that a lot of it has gotten on the floor. "I'll clean that up later." she says with a sigh. She walks over to the sink, where the water from the berries has drained completely. She pours them into the bowl and, this time, uses the mixing spoon. She grabs the muffin tray and begins to pour them into the muffin shaped holes. "Huh," she says shocked, "that was a lot easier than I thought." She walks back to the book and continues to read. "Turn the oven on to 350 degrees and bake them for 20 minutes." She walks over to the oven and easily turns it on. Her mom and dad have shown her how to use the oven before, so she knew how to work it. She then grabs the muffin tray and places it in the oven. She grabs the timer and sets it for 20 minutes.

The door opens and a very tired Derpy makes her way to the kitchen. "Dinky, I'm home." She says, walking into the kitchen. She sees Dinky standing in the middle of the kitchen, covered in muffin batter, next to a basket covered with a blanket. "Dinky, what did..." Before she could finish her sentence, Dinky takes a muffin out and hands it to her mother.

"Happy Mother's Day! I wanted to do something special for you this year. I did have something else planned, but you left for work. I wanted to do this because your the best mom in the world." She let out a large smile. Derpy grabbed the muffin and took a bite. Her eyes shot wide open. She covered her mouth and began to tear up. Dinky saw this and frowned. "I'm sorry if they aren't good. I just..." She was interrupted by a wing grabbing her and pulling her in. Her mother hugged her and began to cry even more.

"You made these for me?" she said through her tears.

"Yeah, I did. I wanted to make you something I knew that you would love." she said.

"These are amazing, sweetie." Dinky's frown turned into a large smile and she returned the hug.

"I love you mom." she said, tears forming in her eyes.

"I love you too, Dinky" They walked to the table and began to eat the muffins. They ate them until night fall. They laughed and had fun. Dinky fell asleep with a half eaten muffin on the table. Derpy carried her sleeping daughter to her room. She placed her in her bed and pulled the covers over her. She watched her for a brief moment and smiled. She leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight," she whispered, "I love you." Then she turned around, turned out the light and closed the door. She stood outside her door and let out a small chuckle. This was certainly the best Mother's Day she could have ever asked for.