Clear Truth: Ace Attorney - The Timed Turnabout

by Dapper Guy

First published

No matter how deep a lie runs, Truth will always set the innocent free.

Canterlot, the glowing jewel of Equestria. Home of the Princess of the Sun and Moon, this city is revered by all.
However, there is another side to Princess Celestia's home. Beneath it's glorified exterior lie the dark underbelly of the city. Underhoofed deals are made, cutthroat schemes enacted in secret and hidden pacts are formed.

Clear Truth, a rookie-lawyer from Manehatten, is asked by none other than Celestia herself to solve Canterlot's first murder. By his side, Spike Sparkle, adopted brother of the newest princess of Equestria. Will Clear Truth and Spike be able to find the true killer, or will an innocent pony face the hangmare's noose?

Based off of the Phoenix Wright games owned by Capcom. Everything else property of Hasbro.
Except my OCs, they're mine. Unless you ask politey so you can rent them.
New Editor who freakin' rocks: Firesight Started on Chapter 10.


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“It didn’t have to end like this you know.”

“We could have kept it all quiet.”

“I guess I have only myself to blame.”

“For thinking that you, of all ponies, could comprehend what you’ve set into motion.”

-Aspect’s Family Mansion, Upper Canterlot-
-10th Waxing Moon, 8:05 A.M.-

“Well I’m glad to see how well you’re taking the situation,” said a peach pink mare. “He’s upstairs waiting for you in his study as usual; you know where it is dear. I’ll be up there with some drinks soon.

She watched as a pegasus stallion climbed up the stairs of the hall, Well better not keep those boys waiting, this is going to be a long day for all of us. Trotting over to the kitchens, she picked up a tray and loaded it with three glasses of tomato juice. I hope there’s no bad blood between them, I’d hate to see him with another friend so angry at him especially now.

Making her way up, she noticed the door to the study was wide open. Wish he would learn to close the door behind him; we don’t live in a barn. As she went to close the door, she noticed somepony lying on the floor with the pegasus standing over him. It looked like…

“Guards, Guards! MURDER!”

Seeking Justice

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-Canterlot Castle, Canterlot-
-13th Waxing Moon, 5:45 P.M.-

While I am flattered by your offer to take this case I’m afraid that I’m unable to take due to my current schedule.

My Sincerest apologies,
Brief Case, Canterlot Attorney at Law

Celestia’s eyes traced over the words on the letter, feeling her heart drop. With a causal flick of the hoof, the letter soared through the air and into a bin. That’s the fifth one this week. Celestia sighed as she pulled out another piece of parchment and began writing out another letter.

The usual clean and composed room of the princess was in complete chaos. The bookshelves were now mostly bare, their contents laid strewn across the floor. Small cups of coffee were stacked several feet high by the bed stand with sweet wrappers littering the ground beneath them. Ink ran across the desk, dying Celestia’s one pristine white coat with blackish-blue ink.

Compared to the state of the royal quarters, Princess Celestia looked even worse. Heavy grey bags hung underneath her magenta eyes. Her once flowing mane that captivated the masses with its pastel colors seemed greyer as it clung to her back. Feathers stuck out at weird angles, her wings in desperate need of preening. Jotting down the last sentence, she grasped the letter in her magic and watched in vanish into the air.


A small chittering noise made Celestia’s ears perk up as a small tea set was placed on to the side of her desk. A diminutive purple dragon stood beside Celestia, his green head fin only coming up to her wing joints. “Princess, are you okay? I was calling for you six time already.”

Stretching out a wing, the alicorn pulled the small dragon into a warm but feathery hug. “Thank you, Spike,” Celestia said pulling the purple dragon tight against her body. The motherly warmth radiating off Celestia warmed Spike, a muffled welcome coming through her wings through the loving embrace. Releasing him, Celestia took a long sip from one of the cups, the tongue biting bitterness helping her focus her thoughts.

Several books levitated off the floor in a golden aura, snapping open on top of Celestia’s desk. Several marks were added, as Celestia pulled a feather from her wing and began scribbling down notes on a piece of paper. “Princess, you’re acting like Twilight on one of her study binges,” Spike said, earning him a sad smile from Celestia.

“While I appreciate your concern Spike, I can’t sleep, now yet at least.” Celestia leaned back, popping her joints loudly as she tried to ease the growing tension in her back. “As long as I’ve ruled over Equestria, murder is one of the crimes I’m glad rarely occurs in my nation.” Pushing herself up, Celestia trotted over to her bed, levitating several books off of the blankets. “A great crime has occurred and I refuse to stand by and let an innocent pony suffer,” she said as the books snapped open. “But trust me Spike, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“I doubt your words, sister,” came a regal sounding voice from the doorway. A midnight blue alicorn stood between the doors of Celestia’s chamber, her dark blue eyes settling on Celestia.

“Luna, shouldn’t you be dealing with the Night Court?” inquired Celestia, lifting up her head.

The smaller alicorn half-smiled as she walked into the room, “I called for a small recess. I find so many of these ‘requests’ to irksome to even bother answering.” Stepping over a few pieces of paper laying scattered around the floor, Luna stood over her older sister. Tossing her starry, ethereal mane out of her face, the princess of the night approached her sister’s beside. “Tia, you haven’t visited the realm of dreams in nearly a fortnight. What ails you dear sister?”

Celestia started to speak, but failed as her crumpled form collapsed onto her bed. “I feel as if some of my worst fears have come to life, dear sister.” Celestia gathered enough strength to rise up again to meet her sister eye to eye. “Is this case so simple and clean? For as long as I’ve reigned over this kingdom, the truth is never as clear as we would expect it to be. I will never decide who shall live and die, Spike. That is why I established a legal system so that justice will be carried out.”

A small, white envelope popped into existence in front of Celestia, floating down onto her bed. Opening up the letter, Celestia’s eyes scanned over the contents of the letter until she crumpled it into a ball and flicked it into the growing pile of rejections. “That was one of the last few defense attorneys in Canterlot,” she said with a hint of despair.

“Sister, please. You’ve done all that you can." Leaning against the side of the bed, the smaller alicorn placed a caring hoof against her sister's shoulder. "It would take a miracle to save this pony. Somepony who could-“

“Saves a griffon from unjust accusations in Manehatten.”

The two diarchs looked over at Spike who was holding up a newspaper. On the front cover was a blue earth pony stallion standing side by side shaking hoof to claw with a dark feathered griffon. A navy blue nimbus surrounded the newspaper, yanking it free of Spike’s grasp.

Rookie defense attorney, Clear Truth, pulls off a Not Guilty verdict for accused suspect, White Gale. Gale was placed under arrest last week under suspicion of murdering a journalist on top of a skyscraper at night. Trust walked into the courtroom and turned around the whole situation, leaving everypony in awe.

I thought I was done for,” Gale told reporters, “I felt my wings melting underneath Celestia’s sun when I was in the courtroom. When I lost all hope, Trust came in and told me how he would find the real killer.”

Some are amazed at the fact that a murder trial was solved in only two days but Trust is unusual rookie with an even stranger method of solving a case. Afterwards-

“Sister, I believe I’ve found we’ve found our miracle.”

-Main Office, Clear Truth Incorporated-
-7:45 P.M-

A light blue earth pony sat a worn desk, looking at two large envelopes; one ripped open the other placed at the far end of his desk. “I thought after solving that griffon’s case I’d be getting more clients, it’s been more than three weeks and nopony has even showed up at the door yet. Might as well call it a night,” he said packing away the two folders inside a brief case.

I need some bits soon or I’m losing this place, Truth thought as he walked to the door. Locking the door and placing the key under the mat, he headed downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a large crowed was already swarming at the front doors.

Typical rush hour, may as well try and leave through the back again, brushing his spikey black mane down with a hoof.

“Excuse me. I need to see a, Mr. Truth,” came a voice from somewhere in the crowd. The utter silence shocked the earth pony more than hearing his name called out. Three unicorns in royal armor, were standing idly in the glass doorway. The setting sun's rays glinting off their armor as they walked into the building looking.

“Yes,” his voice a little coarse from the sudden tension. “Can I help you gentlecolts?” I wanted a client but I didn’t mean for this to happen, as he walked towards the group. Standing eye to eye with them, an uncomfortable ache running down his legs and into his hooves as the leader of the group stared him down.

“We wish to speak to you in private, Mr. Truth,” said the lead stallion. "We have an urgent matter to address that must be kept out of the public's ears."

Too late for that, feeling the crowd’s eyes drawing on him. “My office is upstairs. Please, follow me.”

Unlocking his office, the earth pony walked towards his desk as the guards followed in lock stop. Shutting the door behind them, the guards stood in the middle of the room like statues. “Now then, what can I do for you?” as his back leg began to erratically twitch.

“Her royal highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, calls upon you, Clear Truth, to be the defense attorney of one, Fizz Pop, of Canterlot. The princess requires an immediate answer from you,” his gravelly voice ringing in his ears. “Do you wish to accept?

Truth's eyes went from wide to half lidded as the guard read off his report to the lawyer. “Okay, who set this up?” he blurted out, as his lips tightened.

“I’m sorry, sir?”

“This is some kind of joke, there’s no way that Princess Celestia sent some of her guards just so she could hire me as an attorney." You get a griffon off murder charges and I’d think I'd get some publicity. But, no, I'm still a clown.

“Sir, this is no joking matter, Princess Celestia named you for us to find.” Shifting the saddle plate on his armor, the guard continued to eye Truth with a leveled look. “You can either accept, or we shall leave. The choice is yours.”

Truth rocked his head from side to side, circumspect about their offer. Sounds almost too good to be true but then again but if this isn’t some kind of joke; this could be the case that puts me up on billboards.

“Well Mr. Truth? We’re waiting on your answer,” spoke up the guard.

“One second please.” Truth walked over to his desk and pulled out a bright red tie from the top drawer. A small plink was heard following. Bending over, he began tying up his red tie around the base of his neck. “Okay, let’s get to the train station.”

“That won’t be necessary, Mr. Truth, we can have you in Canterlot in ten seconds flat.” Stepping back, the other two guards walked past their superior to form a triangle formation in the center of the room. A crackling sound began to form as the three unicorns ignited their horns, shutting their eyes in concentration. The air started to distort wildly till a small tear began to form on the carpet and spreading out like water poured from a glass. A ring of light blue fire erupted up from the floor, an image of a white stone floor pooling into the open space.

“This is a warp portal, Mr. Truth, and it will take you straight to the princess, but please do hurry, this spell is very taxing on us,” said the guard as sweat began to run down the guard's mane.

The blue earth pony looked down at the misshapen portal beneath him. Peering through, he saw nothing but a solid white on the other side of the distortion. I can’t believe I’m actually going through with this, as he stepped up to the portal.

“Quickly, please step through. We can’t hold it open for much longer.”

Bending his back legs, Truth sprung forward into the whirling portal. A brief moment of weightlessness overcame him as he leaped through the portal, gravity releasing him from its grip. However, it quickly left him as he face planted onto a cold stone floor.

Guess I should’ve just walked through, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle. Looking behind, he could see his office through an red ringed portal before it began to ripple and shrink till it dwindled into nothingness. Thankfully nopony saw me just fall like a foal trying to walk.

“Welcome Mr. Truth, I’m glad you’ve decided to come."

A Broken Bartender

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-Classroom, Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns-
-13th Waxing Moon, 8:05 P.M.-

“Welcome Mr. Truth, I’m glad you’ve arrived unharmed,” an angelic voice said from behind him. Princess Celestia herself stood in front of the lawyer, her mane waving in an unfelt wind.

Truth felt his knees give out, Celestia, princess of Equestria, was addressing him. “Well I must admit, princess, I wasn’t sure if this was real or not,” rubbing the back of his head with a hoof. “Where exactly are we now?” The room was barren of anything on floor and the walls, not even windows for sunlight.

“An extra classroom at my school; it’s used for private examinations for students. I thought this would be best to have you come here instead of the castle.”

“Why’s that, princess?” the earth pony asked, it sounded odd she didn’t want anypony to know he was coming.

Celestia’s horn lit up in a golden light, a door creaked open behind them. “A murderer is loose in the city and my subjects are terrified.” Truth followed the alicorn out the door and into an empty classroom; rows of desks were placed into columns. A wooden podium was at the front of the room with a wooden desk next to it. “We’re closer to the detention center from here than we would be from the castle.”

Nodding his head, the pair walked down several flights of stairs, passing students and instructors. Some bowed out of courtesy, mostly students while the teachers merely dipped their heads. "Well, Princess Celestia, what can you tell me about the murder?" as they passed out through the front gates. "You're guards didn't give me many details."

“Only from what I've gathered from the police, which isn't very much at all," said the princess as they walked down the school's corridor. "An official press story was released under her orders but many of the more grim details had been omitted."

“When you’re guards came to get me, I never said that I would take this case,” remaining impassive as he talked to Celestia. “I want to meet this pony myself before I decide I want to defend him.”

“I see,” Celestia said, her voice slightly shaken. I can't have him back out, he's the only hope Pop's got left. “Well Mr. Truth, I’m sure that Pop is truly an innocent pony.”

[center-]Detention Center, Canterlot Police Station-
-8:15 P.M.-As soon as Truth entered the station, the smell of dark coffee and paper nipped at his nose.Why does every police station reek like this? grimacing from the pungent odor. It seemed even the police force were too busy to care that Celestia herself had walked through the doors of their station.

“Greeting princess,” a pony called out from behind a desk. A light blue unicorn mare with an auburn mane was busy typing away at a typewriter, her focus switching between the princess and Trust. “I’m sorry we’re up to our hooves in handling the press and the nobility are calling for higher security,” rubbing the side of her jaw.

“Thank you, but I’m actually here for Mr. Fizz Pop, I think I may have found somepony to defend him,” she said with a smile. The mare gave him a dejected look in response, “I’m sorry princess, but what makes you think he will be able to prove Pop’s innocence?”

Well I can see how my reputation precedes me, he thought throwing his eyes to the ceiling. “Is Pop free to talk right now?”

“Yes, but he hasn’t said much since he's been in, I don’t know if he’ll talk to you,” the mare replied with a bleak smile. “You can go on ahead, it’s just down the hall,” she said pointing towards a pair of swinging double doors. “He’s going to be in the visitor’s room soon, I’ll let the chief know that you’re here for him.”

Traveling down the hall, the princess and the lawyer walked to the end of a white hall, lanterns glowing softly as they hung from the ceiling. Doors with glass windows with labels on each lined the sides, some for interrogations while others were for left blank. Never seen a police station so clean before, usually there’s wrappers and junk lining the floors, he thought, as he observed his surroundings.

“Here we are.” Celestia abruptly stopped in front of a door, 'Visitor’s Room' plainly written on murky glass. Stepping through, the atmosphere shifted as a deep feeling of dread came over Truth. A thick glass window formed a halfway invisible wall in the room. The bottom half of the partition was made of solid stone, bolted seats a few feet away from it. On the opposite side, a cell made out of concrete, a barred window above for a flow of fresh air. Six small holes were drilled through the partition to allow inmates and visitors to talk as the guard watched over the conversation from his side of the room.

A sudden screeching of metal drew Truth’s attention, watching a pony walk through the open door with a guard close behind. A leaf green pegaus stallion walked up to the glass, pulling his head up to stare at Trust with tired, baggy eyes. A greying moustache and disheveled mane gave him a rather defeated look from beyond the glass, his eyes slightly puffy from held in tears. “And you are?” he croaked, even his voice seemed lifeless.

“Clear Truth, and I guess you’re Fizz Pop?” The pegasus only nodded his head in response. “Well I’m here because I heard you need a defense attorney and I think I may just be the stallion for the job,” he said hinting with pride as he said defense attorney.

Pop stared back at Truth then wondered over at Celestia and then settling back over at Truth. “I see, so, princess, you finally found somepony who will try to defend a dying old colt,” wings flapping uselessly at his side.

“Pop, please let us help you,” as she put a hoof up on the glass. “You couldn't have killed Aspect and Truth is here to prove it,” giving Trust a pleading look.

“I do have one thing to ask you before I decide to take this case of yours Mr. Pop,” he said, clasping the knot of his tie.


“Did you kill anypony?” Truth asked, his hoof pressing against the knot with fervor. His eyes penetrating through the glass window. Celestia watched as his eyes seem to contort, the irises seeming to stretch and curve a little.


The room was deathly quiet for a few moments. Even the guards didn’t even blink as Pop said no. Truth’s gaze never wavered from Pop as he sat there on the other side of the window. “Alright, I’ve decided to take your case,” he said with bravado.

“Wonderful,” Celestia chirped. “I’ll set up the paperwork for you to be the acting defense for tomorrow.”

“The trial is tomorrow?” Truth whipped around to look at Celestia in the eye. “Why is it so soon?”

Celestia sighed deeply, her mane seeming to falter and grey. “Since Pop’s arrest I’ve gone through each lawyer in Canterlot but each one refused to take on the case. It was by chance that I heard about your victory in court by today’s paper.”

I was wondering why she had gone so far out to find a lawyer, still why wouldn’t any of them not take up this trial? “Well I best hear it from you, Pop. Who exactly are you and how are you related to the crime?"he asked pulling out a notebook and a pencil from his pockets.

“I'm the owner of a bar in town and Clear Aspect was one of the colts who helped me in my buisness. As for how I'm related to the case, well. I was in the same room as Aspect when he was found dead,” Pop said in a defeated tone.

Truth reeled back in his seat, “You were inside the same room when he was killed?” Oh joy, I only think my heart stopped pumping.

“Yes I was at Aspect's manor, just doing business. His wife told me he was upstairs in his study,” scratching his chin in thought. “When I opened the door he was lying in a pool of his own blood.” He winced as he recalled the memory from the day of the murder.

“So he was already dead when you got there? Was there anypony else in the room?” The trial's going to be already finished as soon as if put one hoof in there.

“Sorry, nopony else was inside,” Pop said, a few pinions dropped from his wings on to the prison floor. “Aspect’s wife came to the room with a tray but as soon as she saw her husband on the floor, she started screaming her head off, calling for the guards.” Pop watched as Truth returned to his notepad, scribbling down his words onto paper.

This just keeps getting worse the more I hear about it. He could hear his heart drumming against his ribcage as he continued to listen to Pop. “Did you see what killed him, the murder weapon?”

“No, I have no idea what did him in. Far as I know it was a ghost that snuck in there and did the deed,” replied the crestfallen pegasus.

“Pop, I need you to keep trying to remember, anything I could use to help defend you in court tomorrow.”

“If I knew something bud, I would’ve told ya.”

I’m not sure what else I can press him on, he doesn’t seem to have a motive but he was at the scene of the crime. If I can’t find another suspect then this case will be closed tomorrow, jabbing at his notepad.

“Well I have one last thing to ask you.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Why were you at Aspect’s house in the first place?” Truth said, placing his hoof back on to his tie.

Pop’s muzzle scrunched, eyes twitching slightly, “I was just conducting business.” As soon as he finished, a sudden wail of iron grating against iron filled Truth's ears, thick rusty iron chains formed in the air between him and Pop. Two large red padlocks appeared, snaring the chains and grinding them to a halt. Trust stood silently, eyes switching between the two locks that had formed in front of him. Hmm, only two locks, but does his secret have anything to do with this case?

“Alright, Pop, I think that’s everything you can tell me,” Truth said, putting away his little notepad. What I’m afraid of here is what you keeping quiet about. I hope it’s not something that the prosecution can use against me. “Well, Princess, are you ready to go?”

Celestia, however, seemed to be at a loss for words. “Uh, princess, are you alright?”

“Oh, yes, I’m fine,” she said in her usual calm demeanor. For a second there I thought, no, couldn’t be. “Well then Mr. Truth, the paperwork will be filed by tonight; you’ll be sleeping in the castle.”

Pop watched the two as they walked out the door. Maybe I should’ve told him. I doubt it would’ve changed things anyway, Pop's watched the alicorn and the earth pony walk out of the room.

“Alright, prisoner, back to your cell,” ordered the guard closest to him. The other sentry was pulling back the bar for the door. Getting up, he started walking back to his cold little hovel of a cell. Reciting a small prayer that tomorrow, he would be a free stallion.

-Grand Hall, Canterlot Castle-
-10:20 P.M.-

“This case almost seems impossible, princess,” Truth said as soon as they entered the grand hall. After leaving the detention center, the pair walked down the empty streets of the sleeping city, the air surrounding them thick with unspoken tension.

“So you don’t believe what Pop told you?” she asked, still wondering what the hair raising sensation was. It felt like a spell but I’ve never heard of any earth pony doing such a thing.

“What he didn’t say concerns me more,” Truth stated, contemplating the two locks that he saw form. “Princess, do you anything else, the autopsy report?” It was bit of a stretch for him to get a hold of the full report from the police. If he had the princess backing him, maybe he’d have time to form a proper defense.

“I was too preoccupied with finding a defense and running the kingdom, Truth,” she stammered out. Her cheeks suddenly turning a light pink. I should’ve at least gotten him some information to use. “Truth, you do have your attorney badge with you?

“Yes, princess,” he said, grabbing his tie and turning it around to reveal a small yellow button pinned to the inside. “I always keep it pinned to my tie in court,” he said, presenting it to her with a grin.

“Excellent. By the way, I do have some good news for you, Truth,” Celestia said. “I’ve arranged a co-counsel to assist you in court tomorrow.”

“Really?” I wonder who she got on short notice, a junior attorney maybe? At this point I’m gonna need some kind of priest to even odds stacked against me.

“He’ll be meeting you at the court tomorrow, he’s asleep right now but he’s one of the best assistants in Equestria,” her voice carrying a motherly tone. “Now, Mr. Truth, I advise you to get some rest. You’re going to need all of your energy for tomorrow.”

“I won’t let Pop down, a defense attorney is a defender of the innocent,” reciting his personal motto.

“Very well then,” she said opening the door of the grand hall. A maid walked in and bowed to the princess, “Mrs. Spring, please show Mr. Truth to his room please.” The princess watched as the lawyer and maid disappeared beyond the door before teleporting into her room. Everything is set, I’ll watch over the trial tomorrow and we’ll see how far we can go.

The princess looked over to her desk, a large white envelope with a wax seal on it of her cutie mark holding the lip down. Grasping it in her magic, the princess tore through the seal, pulling out several papers. Looking over each one, her eyes began to water. Why did this have to happen? Dread washing over her as she read the contents, letting the envelope fall to the floor. A picture of a bit made from glass emblazed on the front.

A Courtroom Conductor

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-Lobby, Canterlot Royal Courts-

-14th Waxing Moon, 8:15 A.M.-

No evidence, no suspect and no clue how I'm going to win this, Truth recited in his mind for the hundredth time. Rocking back and forth on his hooves, the lawyer spent a sleepless night trying to concoct a feasible defense. Barring Celestia summoning down a meteor down from the heavens or the third coming of Nightmare Moon, everything else was flung out the window.

I just hope they’ve filed the autopsy report for me to look at, I don’t even know who’s going to be testifying. Truth fiddled with his tie in a vain attempt to distract himself. Any witness can make or break a trial, at least that’s what hoss always told me.


I’m already thrown straight to the timberwolves, so right from the get go I’m going to have to make sure everything I say counts.


Pop hasn’t killed anypony but he could have had a hoof in it somehow, maybe after this I can…


The defense attorney jerked his head down to a small, purple dragon standing nearly nose to muzzle with him, small wisps of smoke ebbing from his nose. “What’s up with you? You’ve been standing there, shaking like a parasprite on cupcakes.” Spike the dragon tapped his foot, eyeing Truth with a disgruntled look on his face.

“Sorry, Spike, I hardly got any sleep last night.” Between mentally reviewing what little information he had and trying to dig up any information on Fizz Pop, he felt rather drained at the moment. "I’m going to have to pursue every little detail if I want to put up a proper defense."

“Well, this should be easy then, right?” The small drake gave him a toothy smile. “You already got a griffon off, so this should be no sweat,” Spike said as he shifted his small satchel on his back.

What does he think this is? A game? Truth laid a hoof on Spike’s scaly shoulder, “No two cases are the same. Everything and anything can be used against in court. If I’m going to have a chance to win in here, I’m going to have to think crazy.”

“Think crazy?”

“Trying to not look at the situation in a too linear fashion.”

“Uhmm…” Spike tapped a clawed digit on his chin, trying to piece together Truth’s words.

“Look at it from a different point of view.," Truth plainly stated.

“Oh." Spike tilted his head back as comprehension dawned on him. “Why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

Because I can’t even think straight right now, Truth thought as he drew an invisible circle on the floor with his hoof. The deep grunt of from the double doors alerted the duo to the courtroom opening. A dark grey earth pony stood in the open doorway, his hoof holding the door ajar.

“Will defense attorney, Clear Truth, please make his way into the courtroom?” The bailiff pointed a hoof into the awaiting room. As the pair began to walk in, the uniformed guard held up a hoof in front of Spike. “I’m sorry, Mr. Truth, but could you please tell your…servant, that he must sit with the rest of gallery.”

Truth could hear a small whimper from behind him. “Bailiff, Spike Sparkle, is my co-council for this trial, he is not a servant.” Not even past my second day here and already I’m seeing the ugly side of the city.

"Sorry,” he said with a half-hearted tone. “Please continue then, with your co-counsel.”

-Courtroom #2, Canterlot Royal Courts-

-8:25 A.M.-

Running a hoof over the top of his desk, Truth stood silently behind the defense bench. The fin on the top of Spike’s head was the only part of the dragon that could be seen over the top of the table. Truth felt his eyes wandering around the courtroom but always coming back to settle on the prosecutor’s bench. I’m sure Celestia told me that the prosecutor's office already had somepony lined up. Where are they?

As with every courtroom he had ever been in, the layout still remained the same despite being in Equestria’s capital. Two wooden desks were placed parallel of each other, set on an invisible line at the center of the room so they could face each other. The gallery seating was against the walls, allowing everypony spectating to see justice being mete out by the two lawyers. Finally at the far end of the room stood the judge’s bench, raised high above any other structure currently presiding over the courtroom. Two doors flanked the judge’s bench, one for the court bailiff to fetch any witnesses or evidence not yet brought in. For the other door, a holding cell where the accused was surrounded by several royal guards.

Even though the craftsmanship of the room outshone any courtroom he’d been in before, it still held the atmosphere of where justice was held. Truth felt at ease, despite the feeling of sweat dampening his brow. I don't know why I was expecting the door hinges to be made out of solid gold.

A sudden clanging of a door rung out, followed by a set of hoofsteps making their way up a set of stairs behind the judge's bench. Slowly, a wizened old earth pony’s head rose up above the edge of the stand. His mane was only a few stray hairs clinging to the top of his wrinkly head. “Well now,” came a rather achy voice. “I take it we are ready to start this trial?” The judge looked down at Truth, his bushy eyebrows rising as he looked down at the blue pony from his elevated seat. “Mr. Trust, was it?

“Truth, your honor,” corrected the defense attorney.

“Right then, are you ready for the trial today?” Truth felt the judge giving him an odd look, almost like he couldn’t believe he was even standing at the bench.

“Yes your honor,” Truth replied, trying to suppress an involuntary knee jerk.

“Well then, would you care to tell the court what the defendant is being charged with?” Truth could feel the old pony’s eyes looking down at him expectantly.

Is he asking me because he doesn’t know or do I look that lost here? “Yes your honor.” Truth nodded his head towards the judge. “The defendant, Fizz Pop, is accused of the murder of Clear Aspect.”

As soon as those words passed his lips the gallery’s silence shattered as ponies began to whisper. “I see,” the judge said stroking his greying beard. “Now tell me, what was the cause of death of the victom?”

“Yes, the cause of death was-“ his tongue suddenly gluing his tongue to the top of his mouth. Shoot, I still never got the autopsy report. A growing sense of dread began to seep into his chest as the judge’s bland expression turned into a baleful glare.

“Mr. Truth, do you not know what your own client crimes are?” The sudden shift in the volume of the judge’s voice sounded like an old headmaster about to hand down a punishment. “Don’t you have the autopsy report?”

“Well, you see-“

“I got it right here,” interjected Spike. Reaching into his satchel, the purple dragon pulled out a manila envelope with a small metal clasp holding down the flap. “The princess got this this morning, I forgot to tell you.” Spike said with a blush.

I’m only defending a pony’s life here, Spike. Unfolding the metal clasp of the envelope, Truth’s eyes flicked over the documents until coming towards one that read, Victim Analysis as the header.

Autopsy Report
Victim: Clear Aspect
Cause of Death: Severe blood loss, incision made at the center of the throat.
Time of Death: Believed to be around 8:00 A.M. on the 10th of Waxing Moon, +/- 5 minutes.
Submitted by: Nurse Redheart

“The cause of death was severe blood loss,” Truth read aloud for the judge to hear.

“It seems like you’ve gotten everything in order, Mr. Truth.” The judge turned his head to the prosecution’s bench. “Now then, what does the prosecu-“ The judge’s voice cut out as his eyes narrowed down at the empty prosecutor’s desk. “Mr. Truth, where is the prosecutor for this case?”

You’re just noticing this now? Scratching at his chin, Truth looked over at the courtroom doors. “I’m not sure your honor,” he answered, giving the judge a wonky grin.

“Well, I guess we can start the trial for the time being. So then,-“

A rich, soprano voice shot across the room with the force of the Canterlot Royal Orchestra. A unicorn strode through the courtroom doors, walking with a confident swagger in his step. “I believe it’s bad for the conductor to start without giving the orchestra proper time to prepare.” The newcomer’s cultured voice resounded throughout the courtroom.

“Who are you, if I may ask?” demanded the judge. His fuzzy brows arching down like grey thunderbolts on his balding head as he watched the unicorn make his way over to the prosecutor’s bench.

The unicorn gasped with a feigned expression of pain on his face. “I am surprised that somepony in Canterlot doesn’t know who I am.” A prosecutor’s badge was pinned to the lapel of his black suit with a white cravat around his neck. He looks more like the conductor of a choir than a lawyer. Truth mused dryly as he watched as the unicorn as he made his way into the courtroom.

Taking his place at the prosecutor’s bench, the bright grey unicorn straightened the cuffs of his suit before clearing his throat. “I, Just Waltz, as of now, will be the acting prosecutor of this case,” Waltz announced. A few voices in the gallery started to rise above the rest the of the masses, a few squees could even be heard.

“Truth, do you know that guy?” whispered Spike to the defense attorney. His tone was barely audible over the drastic change in the atmosphere as everypony present seemed to look at Waltz with astonishment.

“No idea who this pony is,” Truth said utterly bewildered, as he scratched the back of head. Waltz was a bit taller than the average pony with a slightly elongated horn spouting form the center of his forehead. The tails of his coat obscured what his cutie mark was when he had tried to catch a glimpse of it. A sudden gasp from the judge caught his attention.

“Waltz? Waltz, Waltz, Waltz..." repeated the judge. "As in the connoisseur of the opera and the courts?” the judge’s muzzle passed over the edge of his seat. “The Whimsical Minstrel?”

“Yes, it is I.” Straightening out his curly, navy blue mane in an dramatic fashion. "And to you.” Waltz said, jabbing a well-manicured hoof at Truth. “This shall be one of my crowning achievements in court, aside from all of my theatrical success of course,” Waltz said brazingly, as he raised a hoof to the ceiling.

Achievement Unlocked: Most Narcissistic Prosecutor I've Ever Meet, Truth swore inwardly as he grinded his teeth together. “May I ask you a question, Waltz?”

“I’m afraid the secret as to how I can keep my mane so straight but curly shall remain solely mine, Mr. Truth,” the boisterous unicorn interjected. “Though with a little work, we could salvage yours, somehow.” A few snorts of laughter from the gallery stung his ears; a small purple blush began to creep on his cheeks.

Truth banged his hoof against his desk“I want to know why you arrived so late.” Spike reeled back, as well as the judge in his seat from the sudden outburst.

Waltz’s eyes flashed wide open but kept his cool composure. “Ah, yes, my deepest apologies to his honor.” Waltz took a step back to bow to the judge. “You see, just this morning, the chief prosecutor had asked me to handle the case. How could I turn down him down, Mr. Truth?”

You just got told to handle a case the morning of the trial? Truth’s bewilderment at the casualness of the unicorn’s statement left his mind in a stupor.

“Well then, since everypony is now present,” said the judge. Regaining his composed demeanor, the judge banged his gavel to silence any lingering chatter in the room. “This court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Fizz Pop. Is the prosecution ready?”

“Before I even set hoof in the room, your honor,” Waltz calmly replied, giving off an air of absolute confidence.

“Very well then, as Mr. Truth stated earlier, the defendant is accused of murdering Clear Aspect. The cause of death was from a single stab wound to the throat.” A proud smile on his face as he perfectly remembered what he had been told. "Mr. Waltz, please call out your first witness."

“How very astute of you, your honor,” Waltz said, making the old earth pony give a bashful grin. “I wish to call to the stand the lead investigator of this case.”

A small silence grew until, “Oh, right, that’s my que.” Heavy hoofsteps came somewhere behind the wall, followed by a large, earth pony walking out of the door by the judge’s desk. Irritation crept over Waltz’s face, as the detective made his way up to the bench in the center of the room. His disheveled brown mane, coupled with a tattered green tie on his tan body gave him a rather, lack of a better term, gruff appearance.

“Who’s Mr. Scruffy?” Spike asked, looking at the detective with wide eyes.

“State your name and occupation, please,” said the judge

The rather gruff pony’s great stature allowed him to look at the judge from the stand with ease. “Gruff Guard, lead detective on this case,” stated the detective with obvious pride in words.

“Detective, give your account on the murder.” Waltz looked like he was in physical pain due to the detective’s less than perfect appearance.

“Sir!” Gruff stamped his large hooves together on the floor at attention. “Clear Aspect, was found dead by his wife, Mrs. Bright Aspect, on the tenth of this month. Cause of death was a deep stab wound to the victim’s throat. At around 8:07, Mrs. Aspect came out of her mansion screaming for the guards, she was admitted later into Canterlot Hospital to be treated for shock.”

“My word, is the poor mare alright?” exclaimed the judge, looking as if he was about to fall out of his seat.

“She’s fine now,” Gruff said, rubbing the black stubble underneath his chin. “But she’s incredibly shaken up over the ordeal. We apprehend Fizz as soon as we saw him. He was still standing at the scene of the crime.”

Everything is lining up exactly as Pop told me yesterday, Truth thought ruefully.

“It looks like a clear cut case, buddy,” Gruff said, casting a cocksure grin at Truth. “The police conducted a full search of the room, we’ve got solid proof that Fizz is the killer.”

“Detective, please, enlighten us with this proof you’ve acquired,” commanded Waltz.

Snapping his hooves together again, the large pony pulled out a rather worn brown notebook from his pocket. Flipping through it, his eyes began to scan over its contents vehemently before he spoke. “Here it is, buddy.”

-Gruff Guard’s Proof-

When the police and I walked into the room, we saw Fizz just standing there. He was standing over the body, blood still fresh on his hooves. The room was locked tight, no pony else could get into that room. Heck he was still holding the murder weapon.

The judge struck his gavel down against his desk with a loud bang. “Mr. Truth. You may now begin your cross-examination.” The judge leaned back in his chair, as Truth readied himself.

-Gruff Guard’s Proof-

-Cross Examination-

When the police and I walked into the room, we saw Fizz just standing there.

“Are you sure that no pony was inside that room at that time?” Truth shakily asked. I gotta pry as much information as I can, no matter how insignificant.

Gruff merely smiled at Truth’s question. “One hundred percent, buddy. The scene of the murder was in Aspect’s study. There’s only one way in and out of that room.” Gruff’s voice carried a tone of absolute certainty. “Aspect wouldn’t let anypony else into that room without his permission, heck he cleaned that room himself.”

“Not even staff were allowed to go in and clean it? How do you know this?” Truth felt the case slowly falling out of his hooves already.

“We questioned the staff, buddy. No one else was allowed inside of Aspect's room unless invited in specifically. We made sure to do a thorough search of the crime scene after we detained Fizz." Glancing down at his worn notebook, the detective flipped over a few pages. "The florensic’s team went over every tile, twice. No other hoofprints besides Aspect and Fizz Pop were found inside.”

“I believe that we can confirm without a doubt, that no pony else were in that room at the time of the murder.” Waltz said casually in a condescending tone.“Detective, please, continue with your testimony.”

He was standing over the body, blood still fresh on his hooves.

“Didn’t you find it odd that Fizz Pop was still there?” Truth asked.

“The only thing odd about the situation, Mr. Truth, is that Fizz Pop didn’t try harder to erase the evidence.” Pulling up a briefcase from behind his desk, Waltz began filing through it. “Now then, where is that...AH-HA!” Waltz pulled out three leaves of paper, each one containing various shapes. "Your honor, I would like to submit these floor plans of the Aspect's manor as evidence."

A unicorn guard grasped each piece of paper in her magic and began to copy the papers until three copies were floating in the air. Truth stared down at his copy as the judge began to look over his own copy of the floor pans. "As you can see, there is only one was in and out of Aspect's study."

"The court accepts these floor plans as evidence," shouted the judge, his voice slightly muffled by how close the papers were to his muzzle.

Truth’s eyes studied the plans, his hoof tracing over the outline of the room. A small smile began to grow on his face as his hoof reached the top. “What do you think, Truth?” Spike asked, hoisting himself up to get a better look at the diagram.

“I think I found a hole in the detective’s testimony, buddy.” Now I finally have something to use, Truth reasoned.

The room was locked tight, no pony else could get into that room.

Truth clasped his hooves together. “Detective, are you sure without a doubt that no pony else could have entered and left the scene of the crime?”

Gruff blinked in response before looking down at his notebook again. “I don’t know how many I’ve got to say it, buddy. No pony else could’ve gotten into that room.”

“Well then, detective, may I ask what is this on the floor plans?” Truth asked, pointing towards a shape on the outside of the crime scene.

Gruff looked down at his copy of the crime scene, his large hoof coming up to the point in question. “Oh, well I guess that’s the balcony.” The detective did a double take as the word, ‘balcony’ came out.”

“Balcony, huh? Sounds like an easy way for somepony else to get inside of that room,” Truth said. The gallery started to murmur at the new information as Gruff seemed to sag down into the witness stand.

“Well done, Mr. Truth, in finding such a significant hole in the testimony” complimented Waltz. To Truth's growing displeasure, the dark grey unicorn didn’t even look fazed at the turn of events. “However, no pony can enter through that balcony. Not even me, a unicorn.”

Truth felt his throat clench as Waltz’s words sucked the hope right out of him. “Why is that, Waltz?”

“The forensics team made a full sweep of the room, one that our dear detective, here, was in charge.” The prosecutor pointed a offending hoof at the scruffy earth pony, whose chin was now nearly resting on top of the stand. “We've deduced that no pony was out on the balcony on the night of the murder. There were no hoofprints to be seen."

Truth banged a hoof against the desk. “That still doesn’t answer my question. A pegasus could have flown in without touching the ground or a unicorn could have used magic to enter that room,” snapped Truth.

Waltz looked abashed at the less than pleasant response but kept his ever present smile on his face. “The locks and even the hinges on the windows and doors of the room were made out of dimodium,” Waltz stated matter-of-factually.

Truth’s face shifted from serious to concern and then confusion. “I’m sorry but I don’t understand, what does that have to do with anything?”

A small laugh escaped from Waltz, along with a few others behind him in the gallery. “Mr. Truth, allow me to explain why a unicorn or pegasus couldn’t have opened it.” Drawing himself up like a teacher, Waltz pulled out a small object from a bag by his side. “You see this, Mr. Truth? This is a dagger with dimodium inside of it.” Flicking open the dagger, the edge of the small tool dyed a deep red color. “Now, watch as I try to use magic on it.”

Waltz’s horn shone with a creamy white aura as his magic began to take form. A small nimbus encased the knife as it began to rise up. All of a sudden, the magic began to waiver and stretch until finally the cloud popped and fizzled away. Dabbing at the sweat forming on his head with a hoofkerchief, Waltz returned his attention to Truth. “Dimodium is one of few metals that can’t be affected by any kind of magic, it eats away at it until it breaks or destroys the source of the magic. If a pegasus were to touch it, it would suck the magic that keeps them aloft, no matter how strong they were."

Something that drain the magic out of somepony? Wish I had known about that earlier. Truth felt a small heat in his cheeks, feeling rather foolish about how evident his lack of knowledge was put on display in the courtroom.

“I believe that clears any suspicion of anypony trying to get through by the balcony. Objection overruled!” stated the judge with an ear splitting bang of his gavel.

“Looks like we didn’t get anywhere with that,” Spike said with a defeated look in his eye.

“Don’t be so sure about that Spike,” Truth voice held a underlying trace of self-assurance. “We just need to keep moving ahead with Gruff’s testimony.”

Heck he was still holding the murder weapon.

I better be press him here or it’s all downhill from here. "Was there anything else in the room, something that could have been used at hoof?" Truth felt the back of his neck began to prickle. This is my last line of questioning and I'm still grasping at straws here.

Gruff pondered for a moment before shaking his large head from side to side, "No way, buddy. When we entered the crime scene, Fizz was holding the murder weapon in his hoof. My guess is as soon as stepped into the room, he killed Clear Aspect in cold blood."

“Detective, why are you so sure that’s how it happened? That sounds far too simple to have played out like that,” Truth weakly stated.

“I’m afraid that you can't deny the detective’s rather simplistic explanation without any evidence, Mr. Truth,” injected Waltz.

“Hey, Truth?” Looking over, Truth looked down at his co-council, one of his digits tapping against his cheek. “Didn’t it seem a little odd how fast Waltz jumped on that last statement? Do you think he’s hiding something?”

Probably is, but I lack the evidence to point out any contradiction. I can still do one thing here. Pushing the thought to the side, Truth felt a sudden thought pop into his head. “Detective, what was the murder weapon?”

Gruff faced Waltz with a confused look until the unicorn gave him a knowing look. “Well, that knife that Waltz was using magic on earlier is the murder weapon buddy.”

“What?!” exclaimed both Truth and Spike in unison.

“Yes.” Waltz produced the knife from behind his desk, holding it in his right hoof. “This was the weapon that Fizz Pop used to take Clear Aspect’s life.” The gallery once again erupted but this time, into a maelstrom of fear and cacophony.


“Order, there will be order in my courtroom this instant,” proclaimed the judge, banging his gavel against the hard wood of the stand. Slowly, the commotion died down to a dull roar but still the odd accusation could be heard. “The court accepts this as evidence.” A bailiff placed the small knife in a clear evidence bag and gently placed it on the defense’s desk.

Found at the scene of the crime.
Made out of dimodium.
Blood only on one side of the blade.


A sharp, hair raising hiss struck Truth’s ear as he turned to Spike. The young dragon’s eyes violently twitched, veins growing red and surging along the rim. “Spike? Are you okay?”

Shaking his head, the purple dragon blinked a few times. “Yeah. I guess I zoned out of there for a minute,” Spike said with a worried grin on his face.

Then why is my mane standing on end more than usual? Truth thought, taking a cautious step back from his co-council.

“Mr. Truth,” called out the judge, pulling his attention away from Spike. “Please keep your discussions with your assistant brief, will you? We are still in the midst of a trial.”

“Sorry, your honor.” Truth inspected the murder weapon, realizing at how small the knife was in his hoof. “Detective, I want to ask you something.”

“Sure buddy, what is it?”

“Are you sure that this knife was used to kill Aspect?” Truth asked, holding up the item in question.

“Sure as can be, guy.” Gruff stood tall as his usual smug grin took its place on his face. “Fizz was still holding it when we barged into the room.”

Truth shot a blue hoof right at the detective. “Detective, I believe you’ve made another grave error.” Think I finally caught my lucky break. Truth smiled as the detective drew back. “If this was the murder weapon, detective, this knife should be coated in blood correct?” Truth explained, flipping it over in his hoof.

Raising an eyebrow, the detective nodded his head with a confused expression. "Well, yeah, it is a murder weapon. It'd be weirder if there wasn't any blood on it."

"This is true, detective." Truth said, earning a wide grin from the rather frazzled looking earth pony. "So then, why is there only blood on one side of the weapon?" Turning it in his hooves to one side covered in dried, flaking blood while the other remained untarnished and pristine.

“Ughh!” Gruff Guard clutched his chest as the ends of his motley tie began to fray and split apart.

The judge beamed down at Gruff Guard with the very look of judgement. “Detective, what Mr. Truth has pointed out is very true. Did you honestly verify is this was the murder weapon?”

“Well, we didn’t find anything else at the scene of the crime so…” Sweat began to pour down in sheets from Gruff’s mane as he wilted under the judge’s powerful gaze.


"Detective, this is a huge oversight by the police!” Truth watched as the detective began to sink further down into the floor “How could you not verify the murder weapon?"

Waltz sat at his desk, a nail file in hoof. “Do you honestly hold the Canterlot police force in such low regards, Mr. Truth?” the prosecutor questioned as he began to file away at his hooves. “Detective, I believe you found a certain piece of evidence at the crime scene, correct? One that clear up this entire inconsistency?”

“Hmm?” The detective stood dumfounded in the middle of the courtroom, as the gallery began to focus at the stunned detective. “Something else?” he muttered to himself.

Waltz clasped his free hoof to his forehead. “It was something else you picked up, while you were investigating.” Gruff eyes flicked open his notebook again, scanning through the pages. Waltz let out an exasperated sigh as he held up a hoofkerchief.

After staring at the cloth, the earth pony’s eyes lit up. “Oh yeah!”

Oh-no, Truth inwardly screamed.

“We found this at the crime scene.” Gruff said, pulling out a plastic bag with a red cloth from his pocket.

“A red napkin?” Spike blurted out.

“Heh, sorry colt but this ain’t a napkin,” Gruff somberly replied. “We took it back to the station with us. The victim’s blood practically soaked into this thing,” Gruff explained. “There were no prints on the knife but we did find out it belongs to Fizz.” Pulling down on his raggedy tie again, the detective’s face scrunched in concentration. “My guess is that he tried to wipe away the blood and traces he left behind on the knife before he made his escape.”

“Detective, how can you be certain that Pop was trying to erase evidence?”

“Mr. Truth, are you truly this dense?” Waltz rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. “Tell me, why would our defendant have a bloody hoofkerchief at all if he wasn’t trying to erase evidence of his crime?”

"Maybe he had a bloody nose?” A sudden shudder from the desk as Spike slammed his head against the desk's edge.

“The prosecution does bring up a solid point. The circumstances would lead even a blind pony to suspect Fizz Pop’s actions. Objection overruled!” The judge finished his statement with a silencing bang of the gavel.

“Now what do we do?” Spike slumped down to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest. "That the second objection we've been over ruled on."

Good question, we're running out of options here. “I’m not sure myself, Spike. But we can’t give up on our client.”

Bloody Hoofkerchief
Fizz Pop's personal hoofkerchief.
Covered in Aspect's blood.
Has Fizz Pop’s hoofprints on it.

“If the defense has nothing else to say, I believe I can hoof down my verdict,” announced the judge. The wooden gavel began to rise, ready to mete out his decision.

“Your honor, I don’t believe we can commit Fizz Pop just yet.” Truth paused to make sure a second to reassure himself. “There is one thing we haven't discussed."

"And that would be?" Waltz's eyes seemed to wince, as his sudden victory was momentarily put on hold.

"What was the motive for Fizz to kill Clear Aspect?” Truth could feel the proverbial dagger over his head, inching closer as the judge contemplated his words. I have to draw out this trial a bit longer.

“Hmph,” Waltz grunted . “Still determined even after everything Gruff Guard has told us?”

“I won’t stop until we've looked at every part of this crime,” snapped Truth, with an edge in his voice. “Your honor, I wish to know why Fizz Pop would murder Aspect.”

“This is all unnecessary, your Honor. We’ve already have all the evidence, why go any further?” Waltz shrugged his shoulders, trying to cast the thought aside. "It would be a waste of not only my time, but yours as well your honor to continue this facade of a trail."

The judge to stroke his beard with a hoof. “We have already established a plausible theory of the events we’ve seen so far and with the evidence so far, I believe I could announce a verdict.” Truth felt his body slightly shudder from those words. “However, I agree that without explaining a proper motive that I can fully close this case with a sound mind.”

“Very well then,” muttered Waltz, clapping his hooves together with restrained ferocity. “Detective, please, enlighten us as to how without a doubt, that Fizz is our murder.”

Waltz is pretty sure of himself, now I’m hoping that Gruff Guard made a slip-up. Truth leaned against his desk as the detective began scanning over his notebook entries.

Second Chance

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-Motive for Murder-

After we apprehended Pop, we immediately searched the crime scene. On the desk were some papers for ownership of the Jeweled Juice Bar. Bright Aspect was going to make Fizz to sell his bar.Pop was going to lose everything. Seems to me like a good motive to me, pal.

The clatter from the gallery started to rise up again, threatening to turn into another uproar.


“Detective! Where are these documents as of right now?” asked the judge, clenching the gavel tightly in his hoof.

“Right here.” Gruff flipped to the end of his notebook, pulling out a sheets of papers . “We found them on the victim’s desk.”

Aspect’s Papers
Found on Clear Aspect’s desk.
Details dealings of the Jeweled Juice Bar.

Truth skimmed over Aspect’s papers, his eyes searching for anything relevant to the case. The first page illustrated certain responsibilities that held Fizz Pop accountable of the Jeweled Juice Bar, and several other legal matters of ownership. As he flipped to the third and final page, there were two lines on the very bottom with one signature on the first line. Seems Aspect already went ahead and signed this without even waiting for Pop, Truth deduced.

“Truth.” Waltz’s musical voice shattered his thoughts after he finished reading. “There is no shame in backing down now.” Waltz’s waved his right hoof in the air as if he was conducting a symphony. “Try as you may, this case is well beyond your, modest, abilities.”

Shaking his head, “No, I will get a full acquittal on this case.” Waltz’s radiant smile waivered, his mane even seemed to straighten. “Very well, I gave you a chance to walk away.”

“Mr. Truth,” started the Judge. “You many now begin your cross-examination.”

“Think we still got a chance here, Truth?” asked Spike, his claws gripping the side of the desk.

Nodding his head with a fake smile, Truth straightened out his slightly sweat stained tie. “Only way we’ll know is to continue going forward.”

-Motive for Murder-

-Cross Examination-

After we apprehended Pop, we immediately searched the crime scene.

“Detective, was there anything else at the scene of the crime?” Truth held up the documents in hoof.

Gruff flipped through his notebook and then shook his head. “We searched the area, nothing was out of place. None of the books were disturbed, none of the drawers were open, not a thing looked out of place.” Gruff shot Truth a cold smile, “The place was practically flawless, except of course for the dead body.”

“Doesn’t look like he missed anything this time, Truth.” Spike shifted the satchel on his shoulder a little. “We’re probably not going to find anything there.”

On the desk were some papers for ownership of the Jeweled Juice Bar.

“Why would Aspect even want the Jeweled Juice Bar in the first place?” A weak question but maybe if a dig a little I could find something here.

Gruff rubbed the side of his head. “The J.J.B. is one of Canterlot’s hot spots, buddy. It brings in more bits than some of the ponies around here make.” The last comment earned the detective a few glares from the gallery with a few harrumphs.

So that’s the reason why Aspect wanted to buy it? To just go out his way to buy out a small shop seemed a little too far-fetched of a reason to murder. Still though, there were always cases where petty reasons were why ponies had actually committed crimes.

“Hey, Truth,” spoke up Spike. “Do you think that’s really the reason this happened?”

Truth tapped his hoof to the side of his chin thoughtfully. Spike could practically hear the gears in his head turning like the wheels of a locomotive as his brain began to formulate a plan. “Until we can prove otherwise Spike, we can’t say he didn’t kill because of that reason. Waltz has lined up the evidence perfectly.” A small chortle came from the opposite desk, Waltz holding up his newly filed hoof as his eyes flitted between Truth and his hoof.

Bright Aspect was going to make Fizz to sell his bar.

Truth pressed himself up against the edge of the desk. “Detective Gruff, earlier you said that the bar was incredibly successful, correct?”

“Yeah, I did didn’t I?” Gruff said, giving Truth a goofy grin.

“If that’s true then what would drive Aspect to coerce Fizz sell his bar to him?” If I press him a bit, maybe I can find something to use, Truth thought inwardly. What I’m lacking here is actual solid facts. I just hope that Gruff will remember something I can use.

The detective stood speechless at his question, a growing look of unease starting to crawl over his face. “Well…” Gruff squeaked weakly out.

“If I may interrupt,” shouted out Waltz, his voice returning to its usual vigor. “The Jeweled Juice Bar was run by Fizz Pop, this much is true.” Pausing a moment to straighten the curls in his mane, “However, the building itself was owned by Aspect.”

“What?” retorted Truth as Waltz’s eyes drank in his stunned expression.

“Yes, Truth, Aspect was one of two private investors in his bar.” Nudging a stray hair from his mane out of his face, he continued on with his explanation. “Fizz Pop still owed these two individuals money. However, in those documents that were submitted earlier, we can see that Pop was close to buying the entire establishment.”

Truth flipped the papers he was given, his eyes devouring the words on each page until he finally reached the second to the last one. A chart of gains and losses was drawn out, a small figure on the bottom of the page. A red circle, with the words, ‘Final Payment’ was written next to it.

“So as you can plainly see, Mr. Truth, Aspect was about to lose one of his largest investments.” Waltz smiled at Truth, like a cat before it sprang on a mouse. “The business world is a terrifying place, Mr. Truth, and Aspect didn’t want to lose his cash cow.”

So Pop never owned the bar? Aspect leased the building out to him until he could afford it? The ticking of the clock in the courtroom seemed to boom in Truth’s ear as he became painfully aware of how short this trial had ran.

“Waltz,” started Truth, a small feeling of uncertainty scrapping at the back of his mind. “You said Aspect was one of two investors, correct?”

“I see what you’re heading with this.” The theatrical unicorn’s condescending tone dripped with joy. “You want to ask about this other investor, yes?” His unwavering smile struck like a knife deep into Truth’s chest. “Well, I can say with full confidence that the other investor, whose name I won’t release, has an airtight alibi.”

Damn it! Every time I dig for information, he brushes it off like it doesn’t even matter. Truth swore to himself, slamming down his hoof onto the table.

“Detective, please proceed with your testimony,” Waltz commanded. “I have a hooficure scheduled later for today and I prefer to keep my perfect record unblemished.”

Pop was going to lose everything. Seems to me like a good motive to me, pal.

“Detective Gruff, are you beyond a doubt sure that Fizz Pop’s motive to kill Aspect was over ownership of his bar? Was there any other possibility that could have led to a disagreement between the two?” This was the last line of questioning and Truth could feel the judge staring down at him with a pained look in his eyes.

“Truth, please, enough of this.” Waltz waved his hooves in the air in as if he was conducting a hidden ensemble of musicians. “Let me summarize everything we’ve learned so far so that we may dispense justice.”

“Fizz Pop was at the scene of the crime.” Levitating a photograph of Fizz Pop to Truth, it shone with a creamy white cloud encasing it. “Next, we have the murder weapon with Aspect’s blood on it, which was in Fizz Pop’s hoof.” Pulling up the dagger for everypony to see, he flipped it over in his hoof, staring down at it with a seemingly possessed intensity. “Finally, we have an established motive. Pop was going to have everything he had worked for his entire life taken away from him by the very same pony who was supposed to be his biggest investor. In all honesty, Mr. Truth, he was about to lose everything.”

Truth stood, dazed with a bleak expression with Spike standing by his side. It was all phrased perfectly, with no room for error. Everything Waltz said falls into place perfectly, Truth reconciled, burying his head between his hooves. A scaly claw gripped his shoulder. Spike looked up at Truth with a yearning look, “Truth…” he said with a look of pure defeat.

“It would seem that what Prosecutor Waltz has said makes it absolutely certain that Fizz Pop is the murderer,” proclaimed the judge. “If there are no further inquiries, I believe I may now make a verdict.”

Running his hoof through his mane, Waltz bowed deeply to the judge. “Your honor, I must say that even though that this trial ended so shortly, Mr. Truth is quite the lawyer to last this long.” Turning his hoof to Truth, “Your bravado to fight to the very end is commendable, but the verdict was obvious.”

“Yeah buddy, you tried your best but them the breaks, you know?” Gruff said, giving a hoarse laugh. “Seeing as how Pop shoved that knife into the colt’s throat, you should be glad that we’re puttin’ dis guy in the slammer.”

“Mr. Truth, despite your earnest efforts, I’m afraid that this case has come to a close.” The judge held up a hoof as Truth’s mouth began to open. “That was your final chance, now I believe it’s time to put an end to this case. With the overwhelming amount of evidence from the prosecution, I now firmly believe that I can now pass a verdict.”

“Truth, do something, please!” Spike was gripping the edge so hard his nails punctured into the wood.

“I-I-I…” His body felt heavy, his tongue swelling up in his mouth as he desperately tried to concoct a plan. It’s over, it’s really over. It feels like somepony just stabbed me.

A delicate but loud voice broke the tension of the room, everypony’s head snapping to the courtroom doors. In the midst of the door frame was a slim, peach pink mare with golden honey colored eyes. She half trotted, half stumbled into the courtroom, racing towards the center.

“Please, you can’t declare Fizz Pop guilty. He’s innocent and I know it!” half-yelled the mystery mare.

The sudden statement caused the biggest outcry of the gallery since the beginning of the case. Ponies were starting to shout and scramble over each other to brace themselves against the railing. While the crowd’s cries surged to greater heights, the judge tried in vain to silence the court. “There will be order in my courtroom, this instant!” shouted the elderly with gusto as his gavel struck the desk.

Truth stood by silently, eyeing the mare as she sat on her haunches, clutching her chest with a hoof. Who is she? As he continued to observe, out of the corner of his eyes, Truth saw that Waltz had grown deathly quiet, his coat blanching into a near whitish-grey.

“Bailiff, remove anypony from my courtroom immediately if they fail to continue to conduct themselves inappropriately,” roared the judge over the voices of the gallery. Little by little, several ponies were removed either peacefully or dragged out of the room in a few minutes. The few stragglers who had calmed down moved into the vacant seats closer to the center.

Clearing his throat, the judge peered down at the mystery mare with his usual passive composure. “Madam, may I ask who you are and why you’ve interrupted my court?”

"My name is Bright Aspect.” A few gasps from the gallery but Truth felt his jaw scrap against the floor. “And I know that Fizz could never hurt my husband.”

The victim’s wife? I thought she-

A sudden bang like a cannon being shot came from Waltz. The unicorn’s outward confidence was gone, replaced with a near reproachful expression painted on to his muzzle. His hoof seemed to be drilling into his table. “Mrs. Aspect, what an unexpected surprise to see you here,” Waltz said as he tried in vain to fix his drooping mane. “I was informed that you had been relocated to Canterlot Hospital? Was I misinformed?” he said, casting a chastising look at Gruff. The pathetic detective withdrew under the witness stand, with only the tips of mane showing.

“No, I ran right out of the hospital,” she said in a small voice. “When I heard that Fizz Pop was accused of the crime, I immediately ran over here.” Rubbing a hoof against her sides, she looked up at the judge with a pleading face. “Your honor, I know in my heart that Fizz Pop doesn’t have it in him to kill, please may I speak?”

“Mrs. Aspect, you shouldn’t be here. You should be recuperating at the hospital. You’ve experienced a rather traumatic event.” Waltz ushered over the court bailiff to him. Pulling a few bits out of his coat pocket, he thrusted the bits into the baliff’s hoof and whispered something into his ear. “I’m calling for a carriage, please, remain calm as I have the bailiff escort you back-“

Truth’s voice exploded with the force of an erupting volcano. “I believe that Mrs. Aspect came here with intent to testify, Waltz.”

“You should be ashamed, Mr. Truth!” The prosecuter pointed an accusing hoof at him like a sword. “This poor mare’s husband was murdered in cold blood by your client and you’re going to force her to testify?”

“I wouldn’t force a testimony, Waltz.” Truth said, with venom in his voice. “She came here of her own free will and I believe we should hear her out.” The glowing smile on Bright’s face eased Truth’s spirit. Looks like the tables have turned. “And so far, we’ve failed to truly establish Fizz Pop as the murderer if we still have one pony to testify.”

“This is all very unusual, and I do believe that somepony that should still be resting does make me question if they can make an official statement.” The judge tapped his gavel lightly, as he faced Bright who stood in the middle of the room. “However, I will now call for a fifteen minute recess, Mr. Waltz?”

“Yes, your honor?” Waltz seemed to hop in place as the judge called out his name.

“I wish for you to prepare our newest witness, can you do this within the allotted time?”

A small grunt, followed by a sinister chuckle hissed out from the prosecutor. Waltz smoothed back his luxurious mane. “Like you even need to ask, your honor,” he said with charisma in his voice. “Mrs. Aspect, please follow me. We must make sure your testimony will be accurate.”

“Well then, court will now take a fifteen minute recess.”


Cost of Freedom

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-Lobby, Canterlot Royal Courts-
-9:55 A.M.-

As soon as he had stepped through the doors, Truth nearly sank to the floor. That was too close for comfort. Dragging himself over to a couch, he flopped down on it unceremoniously. “I don’t even know how we got this far,” he whined as he laid on his back.

“Well, Aspect’s wife says he didn’t do it, so doesn’t that help our side of the case? Spike asked, leaning against the side of the couch.

I honestly don’t know. Truth reached into his pockets and began writing down the new details in his notepad. Waltz had everything going for him. Then Bright came in like a wrecking ball, and wrecked his perfect trial. “What do you think, Spike?”

“Well, I thought we were up the chocolate river half-way through the trial,” he stated bluntly on the bleak outlook. “Truth, can one witness really change a case?" The small dragon scratched at the scales on his cheek as Truth

“I honestly doubt it Spike,” Truth deadpanned, pawing at the air aimlessly. "Nothing looked like it was going right for us until Bright showed up. We're only continuing this trial because of a miracle right now. Waltz pretty much already has his guilty verdict already."

“Yeah, that's been bothering me for a while. Remember what Waltz said earlier? He only got the case this morning but he’s got everything in order like Twilight does, but she couldn’t even do all of this in one day.” Since he had known the unicorn that had hatched him, she would take days to prepare for even the smallest occasions. From babysitting to how to properly re-shelving the library using the Library of Canterlot shelving system, Twilight mapped out every little, niggling detail.

That’s true, even if he is a veteran lawyer I doubt he could put together all of the facts together so effectively the way he has. Pushing himself up, he flipped through his notebook once again to double check every detail he had written down. I was thrown straight into the fire but I at least got an interview with the accused. Waltz hasn’t even been trying this entire time.

“Everything changes as soon as we step into the courtroom, Spike. We better make sure this time around it counts.” Flattening out his tie, the defense attorney stood up, shaking off the growing numbness in his legs. “Still, even with Waltz prepping Bright, I have no clue to what she’s going to say or if it’s going to be even remotely beneficial to our side of the case.”

“Yeah, but heard what she said,” Spike said. “Fizz Pop couldn’t have done it, so she’s gotta know something that we don’t.”

“Not necessarily, but yes, a new witness means a new testimony.” Tapping a hoof against the floor, Truth nodded his head “The game has changed.”

The courtroom doors opened once again, the bailiff from before holding them open. “Mr. Truth, please make your way back into the court, we’re ready to resume the trial.”

-Courtroom #2, Canterlot Royal Courts-
-10:10 A.M.-

Here we go again, Truth stood idly by as Bright Aspect made her way to the witness stand. Waltz on the other hoof seemed perturbed as the pink unicorn stood at the stand. Whatever she had to say could be my ticket to victory.

“Now then, Mrs. Bright Aspect, do you feel well enough to give us your testimony?” asked the judge.

“Yes, your honor.” Her gentle voice was barely heard despite the entire courtroom remaining silent.

“Well then, I believe-“ started the judge.

“Your honor, if I may add something?” The judge nodded as Waltz straightened his collar, “Mr. Truth, despite obvious reasons that the witness should be in a hospital right now, she has still intended to testify. However, please do keep in mind that this innocent mare is incredibly fragile, I won’t stand by and let you coerce her into giving a testimony you want.”

“Agreed,” said the judge proudly, as if he was the one to have said it. “Mr. Truth, you will not put any unnecessary strain on this mare’s withers. I will hold you accountable, is this understood?”

“Yes, your honor.” Like this wasn’t already hard enough, Truth thought, feeling the sweat already beginning to trickle down his mane.

“Now, please Mrs. Aspect, recount tell the court what you saw on the day of the murder,” Waltz said.

-Day of the Murder-

I had just woken up a bit earlier than usual. Fizz Pop was at the door when I finished having breakfast upstairs in my room. He said that my husband wanted to discuss something with him. I led him upstairs to my husband’s study. I went to get some drinks but when I opened the door, that’s when I saw it.

“Hmm, a very solid testimony if I do say so,” commented the judge. “Mr. Truth, I believe you know what to do.

“Yes, your honor.” Well, here goes nothing.

-Day of the Murder-
-Cross Examination-

I had just woken up a bit earlier than usual.

“Mrs. Aspect, how much earlier did you wake up than usual?”

“Well, I believe it was around 7:15 in the morning when I woke up,” Bright guessed, her voice sounding downtrodden. “I didn’t get much sleep that night.”

“Was Mr. Aspect still fine when you woke up?” asked Truth.

“Yes, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary when I got up.” Bright shifted behind the witness stand, tapping a hoof to her nose. “Clear was still asleep in his study, he’d been doing that for a while now.”

“How long had he been sleeping in his study?” The defense attorney could practically feel a new source of information behind Bright’s words.

“Mr. Truth, I doubt that Aspect sleeping in his study has any relation to this case,” interrupted Waltz.

Truth threw his hoof at Waltz like a spear. “The study was the scene of the murder, if he was alone then there was time for somepony else to get inside.”

“Hmph, it seems you’ve already forgotten something.” Waltz levitated the autopsy report into the air. “The time of death was around eight o’ clock give or take five minutes. If somepony had gotten into the study earlier, why would they wait around to murder Aspect?” Waltz asked.

“Waltz does bring up a valid point, Mr. Truth.” The judge’s voice snapped Truth’s attention away from Waltz. “Do you have any evidence that could prove otherwise?”

Truth opened his mouth but no words came out. “Unfortunately, I do not, your honor,” he said in defeat.

The judge shook his head. “Well then I see no point in continuing this particular line of question, Mr. Truth. Objection overruled!” he said, the noise of the gavel like thunder in Truth’s ears.

“A waste of time, let’s continue with the testimony,” barkd Waltz.

Fizz Pop was at the door when I finished having breakfast upstairs in my room.

“You ate upstairs?” I expect somepony like you to eat at a mile long table rather than in your own room.

“Yes, I brought up an orange and three glasses of tomato juice. I wanted to eat with my husband.” The crestfallen mare slumped over the edge of the stand. “It had been such a long time since we were able to sit and have a meal together.”

“Mr. Truth, I believe you were warned to not upset the witness.” Waltz small comment elicited a deep scowl from the judge. “Please refrain from your usual brutish ethics and try to be more courteous.”

Oh, Celestia give me strength. Throwing his head between his hooves, Truth bit down on his tongue before he told Waltz what was on his mind. Relinquishing the hold on his head, the defense attorney kept his professional composure. “Please continue Mrs. Aspect.”

“He said that my husband wanted to discuss something with him.”

“Did you already know that Fizz Pop was going to be over your home on that day?” Truth asked, hoping for a straight answer.

“Yes, my husband had scheduled a meeting with to meet us at our manor.” Bright began to rub her hooves together again as she continued on with her testimony. “He told me that Fizz was supposed to arrive around 7:45 and they were going to discuss something important.”

Seeing an opportunity, Truth pressed forward with his question. “And did you know what they wanted to talk about?”

“Mr. Truth, I believe we already fully aware of what they were going to talk about.” Pulling out his copy of the papers that Gruff had shown earlier. “It’s obvious enough that Aspect was going to discuss their future business plans together.”

“Mr. Truth,” interrupted Bright. “As far as I know, what Waltz is saying is correct. My husband didn’t want to talk to me about this situation. I usually help keep everything organized in our business, but we used to keep certain matters, private.”

Truth opened his mouth to speak but felt Waltz’s eyes honing in on him like a griffon. I doubt I’d actually get anywhere if I continue this line of questioning. Waltz will just raise another objection.

“I think Waltz knows something Truth,” whispered Spike. The little dragon was watching the unicorn with a searing intensity since he had re-entered the courtroom. “He jumped on Bright’s statement pretty fast.”

Truth nodded in agreement with his co-counsel. “I think so too, maybe if we hear the whole story, Bright can actually turn this trial around.”

I led him upstairs to my husband’s study.

“You led Fizz Pop upstairs by yourself?” She sounds less like the usual Canterlot type and more like normal mare to me, he thought. “Why didn’t you just let the servants do it?"

“It has been such a long time since I’ve seen Fizz Pop,” Bright replied. “I just wanted to have a small chat with him before he meet with my husband.” A small tear dripped from her eye. “Now, it seems I’ll never be able to see him again.”

Waltz looked like he was about to raise another objection but Truth cut him off fast enough. “And did you notice anything different about Fizz Pop when you answered the door?”

Twirling her mane with her hoof, the peach pink unicorn scrunched her face in deep concentration. “I’m not quite sure, he did seem rather tired but it was still very early in the morning.”

“How early was it?” His question slipping past his lips without any thought behind it.

“Well, I knew because…” A small silence grew as her words trailed off. Bright looked up towards Truth but no sound came out.

“Mrs. Aspect, did you remember something?” Truth asked, seeing if he could pry out a hidden detail. Waltz seemed to hold back an objection as Spike pulled himself up to see Bright’s face. Rubbing her hooves against her muzzle, the mare looked at Truth with an apologetic expression.

“Something happened when I was downstairs, something I can’t seem to put my hoof on right now.” Clasping the side of her head, Bright’s eyes began to grow shiny with held in tears. “Sorry, Mr. Truth.”

Trust me, you’re helping me out more than you know. She knew that Fizz was going to be there but she didn’t know the reason he was there. “Mrs. Aspect what happened after Fizz Pop went upstairs?” he inquired.

“I went to get some drinks but when I opened the door, that’s when I saw it.”

“What exactly was it?” asked Truth.

Bright held back a sob, as fresh tears began to roll down her cheek. “Clear, my Clear, lying dead on the floor with Fizz Pop standing over him. It was like something from a Hermane Melville novel. Fizz Pop was standing over my husband.”

Waltz pounded down on his desk, catching Truth off guard. “Once again, Mr. Truth, you’ve wasted everypony’s time again. I think a penalty is in order for you garish actions towards our witness.”

A small scaly claw slapped hard against the edge of the defense’s desk. “You’re just trying to stop Truth from figuring out what happened!” Spike growled, pointing an extended digit at Waltz.

“How dare you accuse me of such underfhoofed tactics!” The officious unicorn yelled back, recoiling in faux agony. The sudden dispute caused a stir in the gallery as they watched prosecutor and co-counsel of the defense began argue amongst themselves. An inevitable second clearing of the courtroom looked like it was going to once again occur until the judge slammed his gavel.

“That is more than enough. This is a court of law, not a playground. Mr. Truth, you’re treading on thin ice already, keep your assistant under control immediately or you will be held in contempt of court.”

“What’s com-tent of court, Truth?” squeaked Spike, lowering himself behind the desk and out of view of Waltz’s scrutinizing gaze. Obvious shame on his face as Truth gave him a placid look.

“It means they’ll throw you head over flank out the front doors,” he explained, looking over at Waltz with great disdain. He’s starting to feel the pressure now. He’s kept me from digging any further into her testimony. He knows there’s something there that could flip this case around.


A sudden ringing from the clock indicated it was fiften minutes till eleven. A surprised gasp came from the stand as Bright’s eyes widened in realization. “I just remembered!” For the first time since she had been inside of the room, she finally has a smile on her face.

The judge nearly toppled out of his seat at the sudden display of Bright’s exuberance. “Mrs. Aspect, what is it you remember?”

“The clock,” she said simply.

“The clock?” Truth questioned, staring over at the wall where a small, white oval clock hung. Wasn’t expecting that for an answer.

“I remember it was still early when Fizz Pop arrived because my husband’s clock just started to ring.” The sudden epiphany wiped away the hopeless look on her face. “My husband always set his time for 8:00 in the morning so that’s how I knew what time he woke up.”

Wait a minute. Truth pulled out the autopsy report once again. “Mrs. Aspect, when did you and Fizz Pop arrive upstairs?” A sudden feeling of hope began to blossom inside his chest. If I’m right about this then maybe I can wrap up this case.

“Well, from the entrance it would only takes a few minutes to walk up the stairs and into Clear’s study,” Bright said with a smile. “We walked up to the front of door of his room and when I returned with the drinks I noticed the door was left open. I was going to close it but when I did, that’s when I saw everything.” Her glow started to dim as the painful memory resurfaced.

“Mrs. Aspect, I do have one last question for you. You stated earlier that you went to retrieve some drinks, correct?” I’m sure I’m on the right path now, he thought with a growing sense of hope. “How long did it take you to get the drinks?”

“Well, I-“

“Mr. Truth, honestly, she went down to the kitchens. Where else would she have gotten them?” The bright grey unicorn’s were wild, his iris seeming to turn into slits.

“Mr. Truth,” started the judge, a look of curiosity on his wizened face. “What makes you believe where Mrs. Aspect got the drinks from has any correlation to the murder?”

“Yes, your honor, I do.” Not have a clue in Tarturus what I’m doing right now. Okay I’ve got to think about where the rooms are at. If Fizz Pop did murder Clear, then the obvious is already there. “Mrs. Waltz, you stated earlier that you had breakfast upstairs, correct?”

“Yes,” Bright confirmed. “I only drank one glass of tomato juice, so I thought I would give Pop and my husband the other two glasses.”

A slow, condescending clap came from Waltz, a Cheshire grin on his muzzle. “Congratulations, Mr. Truth. We’ve discovered the location of where the drinks came from. Another wasted effort, on your part.”

“I think it does,” Truth said firmly. “Mrs. Aspect went upstairs to eat in her bedroom but she went back downstairs to greet Fizz Pop. Bright and Pop both walked upstairs together, from there Pop heads towards Clear’s study while his wife heads towards their bedroom.” Truth began to flip through the papers on the desk, stopping at a particular map. “If this was true, Mrs. Aspect would’ve walked in on the murder.”

The gallery broke out in chaos again as Truth’s claim was heard. The judge slammed down his gavel. “Order in this court. What are you getting at, Mr. Truth? Do you have any evidence to support your claim that Mrs. Aspect would’ve seen the murder with her own eyes?”

“I do, your honor,” he said with a small smile on his lips. “And I have to thank our good detective for bringing it.”

Waltz recoiled back in his seat. “Where are you going with all of this, Truth?”

“Look here on the second floor,” explained Truth. “We have Clear Aspect’s study, the scene of the murder, in the upper left corner. Now then, tell me, what room is right across from the murder?”

The judge held up his copy of the plans, his face nearly an inch away from the paper. The judge is near-sighted, who knew? “Why, it’s the master bedroom.”

Truth nodded his head in agreement. “Considering how close the two rooms are, if Pop did kill Clear, then by the time Bright would’ve entered the room, she would’ve seen everything first-hoof!”

Silence reigned over the courtroom since the beginning of the trial. That one single statement alone confirmed to everypony in the courtroom one single fact. Waltz’s hair shot up like a lightning bolt while the judge merely looked surprised by Truth’s statement.

“With the time stated in the autopsy report, your honor, we can confirm that Clear was already dead before Fizz Pop even entered that room.” Pointing his hoof at Waltz with righteous fury, “This proves that Fizz Pop is not the murderer.” The gallery’s silence held as everypony stared at Truth, the unlikely underdog seemingly snatching away victory from the Whimsical Minstrel at the last moment.

“No, no…” Waltz repeated to himself in a chant like rhythm.

He judge leaned back, letting his eyes close as he thought on the recent turn of events. “In light of this new evidence, I can honestly say that I may have been too hasty in pronouncing a verdict. Yet, a few questions still remain. Who is the murderer of Clear Aspect, and what was their motive? Even more puzzling is how did they leave the room without anypony seeing them? I can only hope the police tend to do a more thorough job than last time when they re-examine the crime scene.”

It’s finally over with, Truth said, letting out a long sigh. “Well, Spike, looks like this case has finally come to a close,” Truth said as he rubbed the dragon’s head affectionately.

“Bailiff, will you please bring out the accused?” The guard obeyed, disappearing beyond the door and returning with the pegasus in question. Fizz Pop stood in front of the judge's bench, his mustache standing on end as a renewed look of life was on his muzzle. He stood straight, his eyes blinking away the tears of joy.

“Mr. Fizz Pop, with the recent testimony brought to us by the witness, I can now declare you, the defendant.”

Not Guilty

The sound of his gavel slamming was music to Truth’s ears. Another innocent pony saved, guess this won’t be your crowning achievement after all, Waltz. The unicorn was still slumped over, his head tucked into the crook of his forelegs.

“Well, better go and tell Cele-“

A musical but unsettling laugh began to rise up on the opposite side of the room from where he stood. Deep, strong and terrifying, it carried over the room like the ringing of a cathedral’s bell. Waltz’s form seemed to distort as he picked his head up. In his place was a mad hatter like appearance of the unicorn that stood behind the desk as his hair cascaded down his face.

“Mr. Waltz,” shakily asked the judge. “Are you quite alright?”

“I must admit, Mr. Truth, you almost had me,” cackled Waltz, completely ignoring the judge as he set his sights on the defense attorney. “But thanks to your valiant efforts, I believe I now have the true culprit in this courtroom.” Another chorus of the deranged laughter came from Waltz, the twisted sound scraping against Truth’s ears before it finally ceased. The few remaning members of the gallery behind Waltz began moving to the edges of the seating area.

"What do you mean, Waltz?" Truth shakily asked. The sudden swap of the unicorn's personality halted any stray conversations of anypony else in the room. "How could the killer be in this room?"

Waltz merely tossed his mane back, not even bothering to answer Truth's question. “Detective.” Gruff Guard stumbled over himself at the sound of his name being called out by the deranged prosecutor. “Please, arrest Mrs. Aspect.”

Hauntings of the Past

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Each member of the gallery within the Canterlot Courtroom all stared in awe at Waltz said. The prosecutor on the other hoof remained collected, contrary to his now disheveled appearance. Gruff Guard stood still, eyeing Waltz with a skeptic eye as he felt his hooves turned to lead weights.

“What are you playing at, Waltz?” accused Truth, unintentionally slamming down a hoof on his desk. The silence of the courtroom popped like a balloon as the gallery collectively regained their voices. Waltz merely continued to sit idly by as Truth continued to stare him down.

“Whatever could you possibly mean?” Waltz replied casually. “Thanks to your efforts, we’ve gotten an innocent pony free from the hangmare’s noose and caught the true criminal.” Bright Aspect slumped forward over the witness stand, her mane falling over her face like a mask.

“First you were against Bright testifying, and now you want to arrest her? You’re not making any sense, Waltz,” shouted Truth. Out of the corner of his eye, Truth could see Spike backing away from him with fear. Guess I’m acting a little intimidating right now. I feel like a monster.

Waltz merely smiled as he pulled out a comb from inside one of his pockets and began straightening his mane. “Funny thing, how everything works out in the end, isn’t it Truth?” Waltz said between brush strokes. “Would you like to hear as to why I think our dear Bright Aspect is the murderess?”

Truth could hear the timbers of the gallery railing groan in protest as everypony began to hodgepodge together in the front row. With a final stroke, Waltz returned to his former, dapper appearance. “First, let’s think back as to how small a window of time the murder had to have happened. Ten minutes, I believe,” stated Waltz as he levitated the autopsy report up again. “That isn’t exactly enough time to get rid of a body, now is it? Of course she probably had already planned to have it moved elsewhere but she didn’t know what time Fizz Pop would be arriving?”

“Bright Aspect already stated in her testimony when Fizz Pop was going to arrive,” interjected Truth. “If she was the murderer, then why would she kill him if somepony was supposed to meet with him?”

Waltz tapped on the side of his head, pausing to think. Casting an eye up at the judge, who still remained quite since he shifted his accusation to Bright Aspect. “Premeditated,” he said with finality.

Truth recoiled in shock as those words left Waltz’s lips. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Do you honestly believe this mare,” pointing a hoof at the exhausted looking peach unicorn, “is capable of murder?”

Truth watched as Waltz sneered back at him with an all knowing smile. “No, I believe she is much more capable than you give her credit for,” spat Waltz. Waltz raised up his forelegs in a dramatic fashion. “I shall play the final part of my song with a fortissimo so that the beauty of my words will be truly understood.”

Oh good grief, Does this plothead ever run out of musical quips? Truth thought bleakly.

“A certain incident over a year ago caught the public eye in Canterlot,” began Waltz. Ponies began to whisper amongst themselves in their seats as Truth felt a phantom hoof dig into his shoulders. “Normally, I wouldn’t bother bringing this up however the pony in question was our own victim, Clear Aspect.”

Truth thought. “Waltz, what does an incident from over a year ago have to with this case?”

“Patience, Mr. Truth. As all good things in life, they must be presented with a certain flair,” Waltz calmly answered. “Clear Aspect was thrown into prison for a week for being drunk in public. “

“Mr. Waltz, please. Don’t bring that up!” pleaded Bright. The unicorns eyes were pouring out tears a she leaned over the side of the witness stand.

“Your honor, Waltz is deliberately upsetting the witness. I demand we end this line of questioning,” interrupted Truth. I don’t care who you think you are, Waltz. I’m not going to let you drag this mare’s husbands name through the mud.

“I’m merely trying to build up the appropriate amount of anticipation for the show,” Waltz replied with an innocent smile.

“Prosecutor Waltz, I’m going to have to agree with Mr. Truth on this.” The judge gave a intense stare at Waltz, “Please tell us where you’re going with or I will cease any further questioning on your part. Is this understood?”

Truth watched with masked jubilation as Waltz looked as if the judge had spit in his face. “My most heartfelt apologies to you, your honor.” Waltz turned his gaze at Bright who looked even more disheveled a few minutes ago. “Mrs. Aspect, your husband went out that day to drink away his troubles. Something that day drove him to recklessly guzzle down cider like water.”

Bright forced herself to stand up, yet a small sag in her posture could still be seen. “Yes,” she uttered out.

Tugging at the ends of his cuffs, Waltz “Do you remember what he was being accused of on that day?”

Truth stood by, his legs bent almost if he was ready to spring into action. I need to stop this before it gets any worse. “Waltz, I think you’ve said more than enough.”

“That’s not for you to decide, Truth,” Waltz reprimanded with steel in his voice. “Bright Aspect husband on that day had been accused of using underhoofed methods within his business that wouldn’t only shame his name but also destroy their very lives. The exact details were never made public but I have ears throughout Equestria. One undeniable truth has come to my attention. A certain pony’s name would always surface during each of the investigations of these illegitimate business dealings.”

Truth waited with bated breath as Waltz’ words began to sink in. “And what was this pony’s name?”

Waltz smiled. “Fizz Pop.”

The gallery roared to life, louder than ever before. Accusations were being shouted, turning the courtroom into a raging madhouse.


“I have had more than enough for today! Bailiff, Gruff Guard, clear this courtroom immediatly if you value your jobs!” Both ponies snapped to attention and began to escort ponies out. Gruff threw two ponies over his back after a vehement dispute broke out between the noble and the detective. Little by little, the courtroom was empty save for the six remaining ponies and one drakeling.

“Now that everypony has been removed, we may continue. Prosecutor Waltz?” asked the judge. Waltz gave him a bored, lazy eyed look. “I believe you, in your own way, told us of a possible motive for why you believe Bright Aspect’s hoof in the motive, correct?”

“Yes, your honor,” affirmed Waltz. The grey coated unicorn stretched himself out like a cat napping in a sunbeam. “Mrs. Aspect, I believe you knew that as soon as you heard Fizz Pop was coming over you assumed the worse. Fearing a repeat of what happened before, you decided to act.”

“No, you’re wrong.” Bright looked up pleadingly at the judge, however he merely shook his head. “Your honor, I couldn’t do that. I wouldn’t do that…” Her voice trailed off into small unrecognizable whispers.

“Waltz.” Truth felt the fire inside of him beginning to grow as he watched Bright's weakening form spur him forward. “Unless you can prove evidence of anything you’ve said, it’s nothing but baseless conjecture,” he stated carefully.

“Do you really think that Waltz has something, Truth?” asked Spike. The young dragon was tapping his chin in thought as he readjusted the straps on the bag on his scaly back. Truth gave him a reassuring smile as he nodded to him. Poor colt, he hasn’t said much since earlier. Maybe I should take him out for ice cream later.

Waltz, however, remained unfazed by Truth’s question. Furrowing his eyes, Waltz’s horn began to light up, the tip of his horn starting to shine. Lowering his head, a white line trailed from the end of Waltz’s horn, like a chalk line in the middle of the air. The line began to wriggle and dance like a snake until splitting apart. Inside of the hole, a blue light shone inside of it, sparkling like a sapphire. Sticking his hoof through, Waltz fished around inside until finally pulling out a newspaper clipping.

“This is my proof,” Waltz announced, waving around the large clipping. “A young and upcoming journalist made the scoop of a lifetime when he caught Clear Aspect smashed off his plot in public. Care to take a guess where he was drinking at?”

“The Jeweled Juice Bar,” Truth grudgingly responded. “Doesn’t it seem a bit farfetched that these two events could be related?” Truth scanned over the clipping, his eyes drawn instantly to the picture on the top right corner of the page. Bright Aspect was out in front, of what he assumed to be Fizz Pop’s bar, a tankard in hand with an unbuttoned, dirtied collared shirt. The headline of the article read ‘Bright or Dull? A banker who holds your bits can’t hold his liquor.’

Newspaper Clipping
Scandalous article on Clear Aspect.
Published last year.

Waltz’s waved a hoof as if he was dismissing Truth’s words. “If you read that article in its entirety, Truth, you would see that Clear Aspect had been accused of a serious crime. Allegedly, he was squandering away money somewhere. Charges were pressed but eventually dropped after no concrete evidence was found. Now, we find ourselves here, with two ponies doing business that not only had a severe blow to their respective companies but also their very lives? I can honestly say why wouldn’t this be the final note on the sheet music?” Waltz slammed down his hooves, drawing all of the remaining eyes in the court to him. “We can’t pass any of this off as mere coincidence.”

A tiny but audible bang could be heard as Spike heaved himself up onto Truth’s desktop. “We still don’t know something,” Spike said, his voice taking on a deeper tone.

“Young colt, I believe I made myself clear as to what would happen if you were to misbehave,” the judge said firmly.

Spike met the judge’s eyes, his small claws balled up into small fists. “We forgot the murder weapon.” The judge looked blown away as Waltz’s confident composure shattered like hot glass.

“That’s right,” Truth spoke out, gaining steam from Spike’s interruption. “If you’re theory is that Bright Aspect is the true killer, she obviously wouldn’t have used Fizz Pop’s knife to kill her husband. That means we're missing a crucial piece of evidence. What was used as the murder weapon in this case?” Truth breathed a sigh of relief, thanking Celestia, literally, that Spike had decided to speak up at that moment.

Waltz began to chew on his hoof as the rest of the room waited for his response. “I’m afraid I have no answer for that question,” Waltz said dejectedly. “Need I remind everypony that the murder occurred in the home of the defendant? Procuring a knife wouldn’t be a difficult task.”


“It would seem that neither side can prove or disprove who the murderer is at this time.” The judge took a quick look around the courtroom to ensure everypony was listening to his words. “Mrs. Aspect, I would like for you to please cooperate with the police. You will be put under watch from this moment forward until this court has gathered sufficient evidence.” The old earth pony heaved out a long sigh. “Know I don’t usually condone this course of action, however due to the severity of this case, nothing must be left to chance.”

“I understand your honor.” Bright remained calm, her face blank of any emotion. The court bailiff escorted Bright out of the room, his eyes holding a small tinge of sympathy within them.

“Mr. Truth,” started the judge. The judge’s deadpan expression curled Truth’s stomach as he began to speak. “You have cleared an innocent pony’s name today, yet in an odd twist of fate, somepony else has taken his place instead.” Fizz Pop stood at the back of the room, his wings twitching slight, his pinions standing on end. “As for you, Mr. Pop, You have been cleared of all charges. Though, from what Prosecutor Waltz has presented to us, is there anything you wish to add?”

The green pegasus stood idly by, silently contemplating the old earth pony’s words. “No, your honor. In fact I’ve tried my best to forget about that little incident,” he replied earnestly. Waltz’s desk creaked as he leaned forward but nonetheless kept quiet.

“Very well. We will continue from here tomorrow, and hopefully some new light will be shed on this case. Court is adjourned.”


The final slamming of the gavel was sweet music to Truth’s ears. Waltz whistled over to Gruff, making the large earth pony stumble his way over to the prosecutor. Several snappish remarks could be heard, until finally the earth pony walked slowly out of the room, his muzzle scrapping against the stone floor.

“Well done.”

Truth felt his focus return to Waltz who was walking over towards him. Despite just meeting him a few hours ago, Truth hadn’t realized how much taller Waltz was then him. The unicorn stood a few inches higher, not including the tip of his horn. An unusually feminine fragrance exuded from his body, almost as if it was perfume. “You’ve honestly exceeded my expectations, Mister Truth,” complimented Waltz. Offering up his hoof, Truth shook it with honest gratitude. “But by tomorrow, I predict this trial to be wrapped up in five minutes. No more, no less.”

And here I thought you were honestly trying to be decent for once. A sudden thought burst into Truth’s head. “There is one thing that I’ve wanted to ask you, Waltz.” Clasping the knot on his tie, Truth cleared his head of any stray thoughts. “Why did you take this case?”

Waltz looked abashed by the abruptness of the defense attorney’s question. “I believe I’ve already answered that question earlier. I was personally asked to take this case, there’s nothing more to it.” A black fog began to form, while the sound of iron grating against iron rung out in Truth’s ears. Two ethereal chains crossed in front of Waltz, who seemed perplexed by Truth’s unusual expression. A single red, square lock formed in the air and and ensnared the chains.

Only one lock? I was sure there was going to be more. Truth released his grasp on his tie, causing the phantom lock and chains to disappear like a dream. “Don’t be so sure, Waltz. The truth sets everypony free.”

Waltz snorted with disgust at Truth’s words. “You’re right, that’s why I know I’ll win tomorrow,” he declared before walking out of the room.

-Lobby, Canterlot Royal Courts-

-11:05 A.M.-

“So what do we do now?” Spike walked along Truth, his stubby legs moving faster than usual to keep up with the stallion’s longer strides. “We went through all that trouble to get Fizz Pop a not guilty.”

Truth remained silent but heartily agreed with the young dragon. “We need to look at the crime scene first, Spike,” Truth answered to his assistant’s first question. “Then hopefully we’ll be able to get ahold of Bright Aspect. She may give us some leads, maybe even help prove she has an.”

“So, let’s go talk to her already,” Spike said, as if it was an obvious choice.

“I doubt the guard will be already done talking with her. They’re probably going to question every trivial detail they can.” Truth paused for a moment to flip open his notepad. “There’s also the case about the murder weapon. If Fizz Pop’s knife wasn’t used, then what was and where did it go?”

Spike pulled himself up on a small, wooden bench beside Truth. “Yeah, but even Waltz said that this happened at Clear’s mansion. They probably have knives in the kitchen,” countered Spike.

Much as I hate to admit it, Waltz’s theory does hold water. This is the worst possible thing ever. Putting away the notepad, Truth began walking again, causing Spike to hop down onto the floor and jog to his side. “It may sound solid Spike, but Waltz can’t make a solid claim either.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Truth?” called out a voice from behind the pair. The court bailiff, in his usual courtroom attire walked up to the lawyer and ragon. “Mr. Truth, I was asked to relay this message to you and your assistant. Mr. Fizz Pop is now being released by the police. He’s asked us to let you know that he wants you to meet with him at his bar.” The bailiff pulled out a small hoofnote from his pocket, the ink slightly smeared at the end.

Come see me at my bar and bring Spike too. It’ll be drinks on me.


“Thanks.” Putting away the note in his pocket, Truth started to leave before a small question entered his mind. “Bailiff, do you know when the guards will be done with Mrs. Aspect?”

The bailiff tugged on the ends of his light blue uniform’s collar. “Hard to say,” he answered politely. “So far, she hasn't uttered a word since they'’ve sat her down.”

Can’t say I blame her, she’s become the prime suspect in her husband’s murder, Truth thought. “Is there any possible time for us to visit her when she won’t be under the guard’s watch?”

Despite his professional appearance, the bailiff's stony outward display faltered for a second. “Come back around two o’ clock,” said the bailiff. “Around that time, Bright will be given some time to rest. It’ll be good as any other chance to meet with her,” deduced the bailiff. “Now then, gentlecolts, I have other courtrooms to survey. Good day.”

“Well Spike, looks like we’d better go and investigate the crime scene then,” Truth decided. “We can visit Fizz Pop afterwards. Maybe somepony in town will point us in the right direction.”

Spike smirked, showing off his snaggletooth, “No need, I already know how to get there.”

Well, at least there’s somepony, drake I should say, that I can rely on, Truth happily thought. “Hey Spike, jump on my back. It’ll be faster to get there this way.” Truth inwardly thought he didn’t want to keep stopping for Spike to catch up with him. It wasn’t the complete truth but I’d rather not hurt the little colt’s feelings. Lowering himself to the floor, Spike swung his little leg over Truth’s back, his sharp scales pinching his sides.

All right, now I gotta go and find the truth to this murder. The defense attorney opened the courtroom’s front doors and walked ou into the open world, ready to find the answers he would need.

Expensive Examination

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-Sunset Boulevard, Canterlot-

-11:37 A.M.-

“Let’s see,” Truth muttered to himself. “We took a left a Moon’s Passing and then a right at Start Street, or were we supposed to make a left there?” Since leaving the courthouse, both Truth and Spike decided to investigate the crime scene to try and scrounge up any remaining clues. However, the both of them had failed to realize they had no clue as to where Clear Aspect lived.

“It said Sunset Boulevard on the paper, right Truth?” Spike asked from on top of his back. As soon as Truth realized how lost he had become, Spike decided to help guide him there. Unfortunately, Spike had rarely ever ventured out this far into Canterlot despite having lived there his entire life.

“That’s what it said on the official report for the location of the murder.” He hadn’t felt so hopeless lost before, not even since he had moved to Manehatten to open his law firm. I really should’ve asked Celestia for a map. “I suppose we could ask somepony for directions.”

“Yeah but I think we could follow that guard instead,” said Spike, pointing up towards the sky.

Looking up, Truth saw a lone Pegasus in golden armor fly overhead towards a mansion at the end of the street. Several other Royal Guard pegasi could be seen flying around the mansion.

Truth couldn’t believe how dumb luck had saved him again as he began to dash towards the mansion. Police tape covered the front entrance with two police ponies standing out in front. Several ponies stood out front, each one holding a camera with lightbulbs flashing.

“Hey, you! What are you doing here?” shouted out a familiar, deep voice. Gruff Guard came stomping up to Truth from behind him. The detective looked even more shambolic since they had last met. “Don’t you know we’ve got to recheck everything since you guys got Fizz Pop off the hook?”

“Hey, we got an innocent pony free, you lughead,” snapped Spike as he shook a clenched fist at the offending pony.

Gruff recoiled at the verbal outburst, seeming to wither from the rather childish insult. “Jeez, bud. You don’t have to be so hurtful.”

“Sorry about that,” Truth apologized. Spike grunted and crossed his arms, clearly not regretting his rather hurtful words. “Detective, why are you just getting here?” He knew he had taken Bright Aspect in for questioning but he should’ve arrived here earlier then they had.

“Well, you know, I decided to take the scenic route here. Canterlot is a really nice looking place and all that,” Gruff said with a toothy smile.

“You mean you got lost,” Spike bluntly stated. Truth never thought he would see such a large pony be stricken down twice before in his life.

“Hey bud, we’re really under a lot of pressure here, alright?” roared back Gruff. Spike ducked beneath Truth’s mane to avoid making eye contact with the very large earth pony. “Mister Waltz wants us to go over everything with a fine tooth comb.”

“Have you found anything yet?” asked Truth. If he could get into the crime scene without having Waltz there, he may find something to prove Bright’s innocence.

"Nothing solid yet. We've broaden our search from the just the crime scene. Now were looking over the entire mansion and this place ain't exactly small," whined Gruff.

"Well would it be possible for us to do a bit of investigation ourselves?"

Gruff gave Truth an uneasy look, obviously thinking deeply as he could about Truth’s request. “I don’t know bud. I could catch some serious Tartarus from Mister Waltz if I let you guys walk in there.”

“Well, what if you watched us investigate?” offered Spike. “We can’t make anything worse if you keep an eye on us, right?”

Gruff’s entire face lit up like at Heart’s Warming Eve tree at thought of the young dragon’s idea. “Hey, that is a good idea, bud. If I keep an eye on you two, there’s no way you could find any evidence that could help you win the case tomorrow.”

Truth felt a wave of relief wash over as he watched Gruff walk past them towards the guarded entrance. “Wow, Spike, how did you know that would work?” He hadn’t expected Spike to pull out such a smart trick on short notice.

“Cause that trick always works with Twilight,” chortled Spike.

“Well then, let’s get to the crime scene.” Passing by the guards, the pair made their way into the mansion.

-Clear’s Study, Aspect Mansion-


“So this is the crime scene.” Despite the clear display of grandeur in the front foyer alone, Aspect’s study seemed rather spartan in comparison. There weren’t any giant painting of Clear Aspect hanging on the walls or trophies being displayed in cases along the wall. The entire room seemed rather empty if it were to be compared to the rest of the house.

Bending his knees, he allowed Spike to hop down onto the floor. “Well, Spike, time to start our investigation.”

Gruff Guard stamped his way over to the pair of investigators from the other side of them room. “Remember you two, I’ve got to keep an eye on ya,” he reminded the two. “If I screw this one up, I’ll-“

“Detective?” asked a pony from the study’s door. A lone white stallion in armor was halfway through the door’s arch. “We need your help identifying something.”

Gruff let out a deep sigh, then looked at Truth dead in the eye. “Okay, new deal. You two aren’t going to investigate without me until I get back. Deal?” he said while trying to keep an imposing face.

“You got it,” answered Spike before Truth could interject. The two watched as the guard lead Gruff outside the study. “So, where do I look first?”

Good question, Truth noted. “Well our best bet would to find out where Aspect was murdered at.” Surveying the room, Truth saw an outline of a pony in white chalk near the desk by the wall with windows.

So this is where Clear Aspect was murdered, grimaced Truth. The smell of blood still hung in the air, sending small shivers up and down his legs. Judging from how the body’s position, it looks like he fell backwards.

Aspect’s head was the farthest part away from the desk, his hind legs were the closest. Aspect’s right foreleg was outstretched to his side while the other was bent at an angle. It looks like Aspect was facing his desk but why?


Truth felt his heart began to race as Spike began to let out a bloodcurdling hiss. Spike was on all fours with his spaded tail standing up, giving him the look of a rather angry, scaly cat.

“Spike!” yelled Truth at the sight of the young dragon’s vicious appearance.

Apparently, Truth’s scream snapped him out of his trance. “What?” he asked as if nothing had happened. “Why are you so sweaty, Truth?”

Running a hoof through his mane, Truth was indeed sweating like he had ran a marathon. He did it again without realizing it. First at the trial and now here.

“It’s just that I can’t believe how somepony died in his own home like this.” Against his better judgement, he decided it was best not to ask Spike. He doubted even Spike could tell him what was going on through his head right now.

“Yeah, it’s really scary isn’t it? Not that I am.”

Truth put a reassuring hoof on Spike’s shoulder, comforting the young drake. “Yeah, it is scary Spike. Will you do me a favor and investigate over there?” Spike followed Truth’s extended foreleg over to two sets of bookcases near the back end of the room. Small scraps of papers were littered all over the floor.

“You got it,” he said before scampering off to the bookcases.

Now then, back to examining this outline. Besides the position of Aspect’s body, nothing looked out of place. Now he looked at the desk itself. On the side he was on were several drawers, small flecks of blood had seeped into the woodwork.

Several ledgers were open, containing rows upon rows of numbers. Several names were circled in red ink with the letter’s S.H.F. next to them. Small drops of blood could be seen on the bottom corners of the pages. So Aspect was leaning over his desk. Does that mean the killer came up behind him and attacked him with a knife?

Blood Speckled Folders
Ledgers found on Aspect’s desk.
Bottom corners covered in blood.
Has lists with circled names written inside.

Looking down at the floor, Truth nearly stepped into a small puddle of drying blood. Out of the corner of his eye, Truth saw a small streak of blood coming from a narrow gap between the desk and the bookshelf next to it. Peering inside, he saw a rectangle shaped object up against the wall. Pushing the wooden shelf aside, Truth picked up the item in question.

It was a wooden clock with a square frame. Golden frillings were embroidered on the side. Two small doors were carved into the wood. Small flakes of dried blood drifted off of the front. A small, hairline crack traveled across the glass protecting the hoofs. The minute hoof pointed at twelve while the hour hoof pointed directly at eight.

Holding the clock up to his ear, he couldn’t hear any sounds coming from inside. I guess the clockwork was damaged when it fell. That means it was knocked off the desk when Aspect was attacked.

Broken Clock
Ornate clock found in Aspect’s study.
Broken at around Eight o' clock.

“Hey, Truth, think I found something,” said Spike. He ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, a small golden envelope clasped tightly in his grasp. “This was on top of a desk in the back corner. I think it’s a letter from the princess.”

Grabbing the letter from Spike, Truth removed a single sheet of paper from inside. At the bottom of it was a golden stamp . A letter from the princess? Why would Celestia be writing to Aspect? Truth wondered as he began to read.


I think he’s finally slipped up. We have to act fast.


“I’m not sure what it means,” replied Truth, hoofing over the letter to Spike. “Better put that in your bag for safekeeping. We can’t let this get away.”

Vague Letter
Cryptic letter addressed to Aspect.
Bears the Royal Seal.

“I couldn’t agree more, Mr. Truth.”

Both lawyer and drake eye’s snapped open as their heads turn in unison to see Just Waltz entering the study. The proud unicorn walked gracefully up to the pair, his nose hung high in the air. “Conducting an investigation without permission? That’s a very serious offense you’ve committed, Truth. Pray tell, what is it that can’t get away?”

“Nothing,” lied Spike. “Besides, we were let in by Gruff Guard, we didn’t do anything bad.”

Waltz clicked his tongue in his mouth. “Well, the detective and I will have a serious talk about salaries when I see him again. Waltz stuck out his hoof expectantly. “No need to commit any more felonies, gentlecolts. Hoof over everything you’ve ‘found’ and I’ll let you trot out of here unscathed.”

Truth felt his anger beginning to boil over at Waltz’s arrogance. He stepped in front of Spike and shoved his face an inch away from the unicorn. “Sorry, but I don’t exactly answer to you. We found our evidence.”

Waltz cast a long glance over the room. “Well, now. This is quite conundrum. Either hoof over everything, I will have the guard’s shake you down and throw you out. You had no jurisdiction to investigate, Truth. There’s only a hooful of ponies that can get you out of this situation right now and I doubt they’re coming to your rescue. Why it would take-”

“Princess Celestia?” said Spike.

“Well, I honestly doubt that she’d ever take the time out of her busy schedule ruling our nation to go to the scene of a murder.”

“Well, Waltz,” said a royal voice somewhere behind him. “When you're dealing with a murder case, one must expect the unexpected.”
Everypony in the room snapped to as Princess Celestia made her way inside of Aspect’s study. Guards bowed down in recognition as Waltz stammered to himself. “Princess, what, what are you doing here?”

“A rather fortunate occurrence happened today, most of my council meetings were abruptly cancelled. It seems that nearly everpony in Canterlot wanted to attend your trial today.” Celestia’s poise hid a slight sense of relief. “Mr. Truth, I wanted to catch after the trial but the bailiff told me you were already gone. Would you please accompany me downstairs? There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

“Yes, princess." Seeing his opportunity to get out of fire, Truth followed behind Celestia with Spike hastily stowing away their newest evidence.

-Aspect Manor, Dining Hall–

-11:59 A.M.–

“Well, I think congratulations are in order, Mr. Truth,” said Celestia. “It seems your efforts have cleared an innocent pony’s name.”
Truth felt a blush burning in his cheeks brighter than Celestia’s sun. The praise, however, was short lived as Celestia’s smile quickly dropped into a frown.“Yet, it seems that another has taken his place. Truth, I wasn’t their firsthoof. Please, explain to me what happened in court.”

Truth retold every detail, with a few notes thrown in by Spike.

Celestia nodded her head as he informed her of everything that had transpired in the trial. When he finally finished, Celestia leaned back against the dining hall table. “That was truly a remarkable turnabout you accomplished, Truth. Yet one thing bothers me.”

Truth tugged on the bottom of his tie. “And what would that be, Princess?”

“I know Just Waltz. He’s more a theater critic than he is a pony of law. Seeing him handling this case has given me some pause for thought.” Celestia placed a hoof against her golden regalia, looking down at her reflection in her jewelry. “What you described doesn’t sound like Waltz, though.”

“What do you mean, Princess?”

“Waltz has never shown this level of determination before in any of the cases that’s he taken part in.” Celestia’s horn flared with a golden light. A large, white envelope popped into existence. On the tab of the envelop read, J. Waltz. “I decided to do some digging. At first I thought Deep Edge would be the one prosecuting but then I found out Waltz took his place. Normally such sudden changes for an attorney would take days for them happen in a court of law. This change only took a matter of hours.”

The pink envelope hovered towards Truth who grasped it in his hooves. Opening up the envelope, Truth’s eyes scanned over the papers inside. Each one a different case that all had Waltz as the prosecutor. “Looks like Waltz already has a long history of prosecuting small cases.”

Over each of the case files was a picture of Waltz shaking hoofs with various ponies in each one. As he continued to peruse each file, Truth took note of the verdicts of each trial. “Has Waltz ever lost a court case?” asked Truth.

Celestia flipped over the files before stopping at the last one. “Most of the cases that are hoofed down to Waltz were very clear cut. There were strolls in the park compared to the one both you and he are now facing.”

Truth looked down at the case file Celestia was showing him. The words Not Guilty emblazed at the bottom from a rubber stamp. What stood out the most to him was the name of the pony who was pressing charges. Clear Aspect was shaking hooves with Waltz, his eyes lived at the now deceased unicorn.

“This case, Truth, was his last case for a while. It dealt a serious blow to his ego,” explained Celestia. “A whistleblower in one of Aspect’s banks slipped a tidbit of gossip to the newspapers.” With a quick flick of her magic, Celestia opened up the file. “Aspect had been charged with bank fraud. The trial lasted only a day though, no definitive evidence had been found.”

“I see.” Truth placed a hoof on the page, scrutinizing every detail that was written on it. “This case was just last year.”

“Yes. Now we find ourselves with another case involving Waltz and Aspect again,” said Celestia. “Mr. Truth, do you think you’ll be able to prove Bright Aspect’s innocence?”

Truth crossed his front legs across his chest. “The problem right now is that nopony else had access to Aspect’s study besides her. The windows were locked from the inside and none of them were broken from what I could see.”

“I have faith in you Truth to find out what happened.”

Just Waltz's Case Files
Composition of every case Waltz has worked on.
Had a previous case with Clear Aspect.

“Thank you, princess.” Tucking away Waltz’s case files in Spike’s bag, Truth’s hooves brushed against the envelope from Aspect’s room. “Princess, may I ask you a favor?”

Celestia’s eyes lit up at Truth’s elated tone. “Of course, I’ll help you anyway that I can.”

Truth pulled out the letter bearing Celestia’s seal on it. No sooner had Truth revealed the envelope, he felt a sudden invisible pull on it. The princess stared down at the parchment clenched tightly in his hooves, her regal face awash with fear.

“Where did you find that letter Truth?” asked Celestia. A thin bead of sweat trailed its way down her brow as Celestia’s focus rested on the letter.

“It was inside of Aspect’s study. I wasn’t aware of that you were the one who wrote it until Spike pointed out your royal seal.” Truth felt Spike grab his side like a foal having their hoof caught in the cookie jar. “Princess, is there something you know about this case you’re not telling us?”

The sound of iron chains hissed in Truth’s ear as the ghostly snares formed around Celestia. Five padlocks snared each of the chains, grinding them all to a halt. “Nothing I tell you right now will be able to help you, Truth. At least not yet.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

“Before I forget, I was able to ‘convince’ the police to let you talk with Bright Aspect. From now on, you’ll be able to talk with her freely.” Celestia turned to leave but stopped. “If you need help with anything else Truth, don’t be afraid to approach me. I’ve got a hoof in this case too.” On that note, Celestia walked through the open doorway and out of the house.

“Well, that was helpful. I think,” Truth said aloud. Stowing away the letter, Truth lowered himself to his belly to let Spike climb aboard.

“Where are we heading now? Are we going to see Bright?” asked Spike as he adjusted himself on Truth’s back.

Truth shook his head. “Not just yet. I want to have a talk with Fizz Pop. There are a few things we need to clear up with him.”
“Okay. I know where Pop’s bar is. Twilight and I use to eat there all the time.”

Truth and Spike left the manor, determined to find the answers that they sought. What stood between them and the Truth was an old bartender and they both knew this would be a bitter drink.

Bottom of the Bottle

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-Star Street, Canterlot-

-12:20 P.M.-

Spike pointed towards an open road leading towards Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. “Turn left up on this street and it’ll be on our left, Truth.”

“You got it Spike.” After several wrong turns and twists, Spike decided that it would be best to guide Truth there instead of relying on relying on his intuition. Falling into the river in broad daylight was a contributing factor of how poor his sense of direction was. Thankfully the little guy’s got better a better sense of direction than I do.

Since their departure from Aspect’s mansion, Truth decided that now was the perfect time to pull some answers out of Fizz Pop.
“Hey Spike, how well do you know Fizz Pop?” Despite his overall success at clearing his name, Truth still remained in the dark about the pegasus. Spike had been born in Canterlot and he talked about going to the Jeweled Juice Bar often like it was his second home. Maybe he could learn more about Fizz Pop from the young dragon, maybe even a few secrets.

Spike scratched his fins in thought. “Well, he makes the most awesome Sapphire Sundaes ever, of all time.”

Truth could hear Spike’s stomach groaning in anticipation as he mentioned the thought of ice cream. His stomach gurgled in agreement, reminding the defense attorney that he hadn’t eaten lunch yet. “Okay, but have you ever heard about him doing anything illegal?”

“Not that I can think of,” replied Spike as he put a claw on his nose. He could hardly remember hearing anything like that before. Then again, he was usually faced down into a bowl of ice cream when he ever paid a visit to Fizz Pop’s bar

Looks like I’ll have to pry out the information the other way, guessed Truth. Truth stopped out in front of a double story building. Affixed above the entrance, the words ‘The Jeweled Juice Bar’ shone brightly even in the midday sun. Several small amethysts lit up around the edges of the sign, each one glowing and then dimming in a spectral show.

Guess the gems are charged with magic to power the lighting in the sign. Truth had seen it several times before in Manehatten. Small gems were infused with magic were embedded into signs to give it an extra flair.

In contrast to the bar’s sign, the building itself looked out of place with the rest of Canterlot. The lacquered wood gave it a rather rural appearance, a blatant contrast of simplicity when compared to the shops surrounding it. Out in front of the windows were dark oak tables with colorful pillow seats for anypony who wanted to enjoy their drinks outside.

“Well, let’s see if he’s in then.”

-1st Floor, Jeweled Juice Bar-

-12:23 P.M.-

Stepping through the door, Truth felt a small shiver after stepping inside. The dim lighting from the lantern hardly brought any illumination to the empty bar. Unease crept over Truth’s muzzle as the sound of even his hoofsteps echoed loudly as he made his way over to the bar stand.

The entire place was covered with a small layer of dust. Guess none of Pop’s employees bothered to come by and clean the place up. Tables were emblazed with Fizz Pop’s cutie mark, a purple fizzing bottle pouring into an empty glass. The scent of old liquor and stale brews permeated through the air, making Truth wince at the smell.

Chairs, tables, even the bottles set up on the shelves behind the bar stand remained untouched The Jeweled Juice Bar, for lack of a better term, looked dead to Truth. I haven’t been this creeped out about being in an empty restaurant since than that time my parents took me to that old pizzeria, recalled Truth. The thought of it still gave him nightmares when he remembered those magically animated puppets singing and dancing. He could’ve sworn that those dolls crept closer when he wasn’t watching them.

“Ahh, there you two are,” came a hearty voice somewhere behind the bar stand. Truth doubled over himself at the sudden interruption of the silence. Fizz Pop’s head popped out from behind a storage room door beyond the serving rack. Making his way upfront, Truth thought he was looking at a completely different stallion.

His mane had been brushed, his mustache combed neatly with a bit of gloss. His feathers were preened to perfection, not a single pinion out of place looked out of place. “My dear buddy Spike and of course my savior, Mr. Truth,” exclaimed Fizz Pop with exuberance. “I’m glad that rock head was able to pass on my message before you left.”

“Please, come and sit down. Don’t worry about a thing, it’s all on me today.” Fizz Pop began uncorking bottles, tossing them into the air with a flick of his hooves and caching them in his outstretched wings. Spike stood back with childish glee, watching Fizz Pop fling soda bottles into the air. Truth had to admit that Fizz Pop definitely knew how to put on a show for his customers.

Pouring several drinks into one cup with a dollop of whipped cream on top, Pop flung it across the top of the stand over to Spike. “So, Mr. Truth, care for anything in particular?” asked the now energetic barkeeper.

“Surprise me." As Pop began to start mixing up his drink, Truth settled himself down on one of the elevated seats. A foamy, light purple drink was plopped down in front of him. Taking took a small sip of it, Truth’s muzzle curled a bit at the taste of grape juice and liquor.

“Surprised you, didn’t I?” Pop gave a cheeky grin as he watched Truth click his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

“That’s one way to put it,” Truth grimaced. He wasn’t expecting to served such a potent drink but he didn’t exactly tell Pop what he wanted. “Little early for something so strong, isn’t it?”

“It’s five o’ clock somewhere, my friend,” Pop answered as he began to pour another drink. “I don't you could come close as to how many ponies come in here for a quick pick me up. If it's not your taste, do you want something else?”

“Actually, I’m thirsty for a different kind of drink.” Truth began to loosen the knot around his tie, clasping something hidden inside of it.

“Something in particular you’d like?” inquired Pop as he began to open several new bottles.

“I want to know what exactly what you were doing at Clear Aspect’s mansion on the day of the murder?”

The light around Fizz Pop began to darken until Truth and he were swallowed by a shroud of darkness. Metal chains began to form wrap around him in the ghostly prison that Fizz Pop couldn’t see. Two red padlocks formed in the air and snapped onto the chains, halting them in place. It’s time for this bartender to pour me up a big glass of truth.

Why I Was at Aspect’s Mansion

“Well, you know, he asked me to come over to discuss our future business plans.” The bartender began pouring out a strong drink into a beer stein. “I had nothing against Aspect. He is, err, was, the one who gave me my start up loan for me to setup shop here in Canterlot."

“So you you’re telling me your visit was purely for business? I’m glad you brought that up.” Truth pulled Spike’s rucksack over to him and bean searching through his evidence.

“You are?” said Fizz with a worried look.

“Yes, because I have something that tells me otherwise.”

Truth slammed down his hoof on the bar’s surface. In his hoof, was a bloodied knife with Fizz Pop’s cutiemark on the handle. “Sorry Fizz but there’s been something that bothers me right now. Nopony in their right mind would bring a knife to a meeting.”

The frothing liquid inside the stein exploded upward, covering Fizz Pop in the dark draft. Mopping off his muzzle with his kerchief he began pouring more alcohol. Unknown to him, one of the locks let out a deep groan but still remained whole.

“Well, that’s my personal knife I carry around me at all times. At the bottom is a retractable bottle opener.” Fizz Pop pointed his hoof at the insignia, his cutie mark, in the middle of the knife. “If you press that emblem, it’ll pop right out.”

Applying a small amount of pressure on the center of the knife, a small metal ring did pop out of the knife. “So why was it at the crime scene then?” asked Truth as he examined Pop’s knife further.

“Like I said before, Truth, it’s my personal knife. I brought a bottle of spirits to celebrate,” explained Fizz Pop. Taking a quick swig of the drink, Fizz Pop’s face jerked back at the taste.

“Sorry but that contradicts another piece of evidence I have,” countered Truth.

Truth shoved a white, bloodstained cloth onto the countertop. “I think you know what this is already, Fizz Pop. Your hoofkerchief, covered in none other than Aspect’s blood that was found at the crime scene.”

The sound of metal shattering bit into his ears as he watched one of the locks break apart. One down but one more to go. What is it that you’re so adamant to protect, Pops?

Once again, Fizz Pop’s head was covered in dark brown ale. Mopping off his face again, he gave Truth a rather pained smile. “Why are you asking all this? Didn’t you just prove that I couldn’t’ve killed Aspect in court? Sounds like you’re trying to get me convicted here.”

Truth heard a bell tingle behind him from the front door. Who walked in? Augh, don’t lose focus Truth. I have to keep pressing Fizz Pop for more answers. “Far from it, Fizz Pop. I want to know what exactly you’re trying to keep from me,” said Truth. “From where we stood at in court, you were definitely suspicious. A knife and hoofkerchief in the victim’s blood, you may as well have painted ‘Guilty’ on your flanks.”

“Look, just trust me on this one. There’s no need to delve any deeper into this.” Fizz Pop dropped his head onto his bar. Just like in the detention center, the pegasi’s energy was spent.

Truth tapped the bridge of his muzzle in thought. It looks like he won’t be giving up his secret without a fight. Guess pegasi truly are warriors at heart. “Fizz Pop, I know this may be a tad painful but I have to know. One piece of evidence that could help clear Bright’s name.”

Fizz raised his head, an expression of fear of knowing what Truth was about to present to him.

“Aspect was going to make you sell your bar.” Truth revealed the stack of papers that had been submitted by Gruff Guard in court. “After nearly paying off your debt to him, he was about to leave you with nothing.”

The bottle of spirits erupted in a geyser of aged ale in Fizz Pop’s hoof. His entire body was soaked, giving him the look of a moss covered log with wings. After the brief rainstorm of ale, Fizz Pop began in vain to mop up his muzzle. “Truth, you sure served up a mean drink with a nasty punch to it.”

With that, the other lock broke and released the chains encircling Fizz Pop. The surrounding area brightened up, allowing Truth to fully see Fizz Pop.

“You are right, Truth. Aspect called me over on the sole purpose of selling my bar,” lamented Fizz Pop. Picking up a green towel from a shelf behind the bar, Fizz began to dry himself off.

“You had a means, capability and a motive. It was pure luck that got you out of jail, Fizz Pop. Please, tell me what happened inside Aspect’s study,” pleaded Truth. To his right, Spike had taken a seat right next to him. Judging from how clean the bowl was, Spike must’ve licked it clean.

“I wanted to retire and live out my autumn years somewhere sunny. It was a surprise when Aspect approached me with an offer. Give him the bar and wipe away the debt,” confessed Fizz Pop. “It sounded too good to be true. We had to discuss the finer details with our second investor but he seemed just as eager as I was.”

Putting away all of the evidence, Truth tugged on his tie. “That solves one problem but there’s still something you haven’t told me. Why was your knife covered in blood and why did you wipe away your prints?”

Fizz Pop let out a strained sigh. “When I entered Aspect’s study, I saw him lying in front of his desk lying on the floor. I thought he had fallen asleep and passed out on the floor again.”


Finally cleaning himself off, Fizz Pop threw the ale soaked bar towel into a trash bin off to the side. “He was a notorious workaholic, surprised that wasn’t what did him in. I went to wake him up but when I was standing over him, I noticed a bit of blood on the floor.” Taking the hoofkerchief from Truth, he eyed it carefully, as if it was painful to even hold. “I thought Aspect had knocked himself out against the desk. When I pulled out my hoofkerchief my knife slipped out of my pocket and it landed straight in the puddle of blood.”

His testimony matches everything about the crime scene to a T. Truth pulled out his notepad and began writing down everything that Fizz Pop had been telling him.

“When I picked up Aspect, I saw that a hole that had been cut deep into his throat,” continued Fizz Pop. He rubbed his own throat with a shaking hoof as he recalled the painful memory. “The first thing to jump to my mind was to wipe off the blood off the knife. If somepony were to walk in the room-“

“-It would’ve looked like you just murdered Aspect,” finished Truth. Taking a quick sip of his drink, the stinging bitter taste of his cocktail sharpened his mind. It’s almost too perfect of a set-up.

Fizz Pop took a purple bottle of the rack behind him and removed the cork stopper. Taking a large gulp from the bottle, he smacked his lips together in contentment. “You could even say it’s something out some has-beens play at the Ponyville Theater.”

Truth finished writing down every detail that Fizz Pop had told him. Steadying the pencil in hoof, he turned to face the bartender with a serious glare. "There’s one last thing I want to know, Fizz Pop.”

“And that is?”

“Why, out of all these years, would Aspect want your bar? It’s completely out of the blue,” mused Truth, as he tapped his pencil against the top of his notepad.

Fizz Pop gave Truth a mile long stare before speaking up. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“You can’t?” said Truth in utter befuddlement.

Taking another gulp from the bottle, Fizz Pop slumped forward a little. The smell of the pungent alcohol burned Truth’s nostrils as Fizz Pop went on with his story. “When he first approached me, he seemed rather nervous. It was easy to tell that something was deeply bothering him, how he worded everything.”

Chugging the rest of his drink down, Fizz Pop threw it over his shoulder. The bottle sailed through the air before crashing down in a recycle bin beside the trash bin. “The only other pony who would know is my other investor. He probably knows everything.”

“I can say that without a doubt, I do actually.” A rather polished voice with an underlying Canterlot accent spoke up behind Truth. A white stallion, a good hoof taller than himself stood near the entrance of the bar. He walked towards the bar with a swagger in his step.

“The name is Fancy Pants, Mr. Truth. I feel that I’m obligated to let you know, you were quite the performer in court today.”

Noble Noble

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"Well, Mr. Truth. I must say that without a doubt, you are the tenacious stallion I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting,” said Fancy Pants, grasping Truth’s hoof in a firm hoofshake while Truth himself stood dumbstruck.

For how could he not be? Fancy Pants, one of the most influential ponies in Equestria, one that even he had heard about, was shaking his hoof. A long drawn “Uhh…” was all that came out of the defense attorney’s mouth as Fancy continued talking about the trial.

“Absolutely splendid performance, no matter what everypony was saying in the courtroom! Your drive, your passion, it was better than any play in the Royal Canterlot Theater!” congratulated Fancy Pants. Adjusting his cuffs, in an oddly similar way like Waltz, Fancy Pants released his death grip on Truth’s hoof. “Sorry, Mr. Truth. Let my emotions get the better of me for a moment.”

“That’s, quite alright.” Truth felt his knees clicking together as Fancy Pants, of all ponies, complimented him. “Well, it’s not every day I meet a famous entrepreneur.”

Spike pushed his sundae bowl towards Fizz Pop as he walked up to Truth’s side. “Truth, you know him?”

“Who doesn’t know him? His face decorates half of Manehatten! Not to mention the building I work in,” answered Truth. Everywhere in Manehatten, from tabloids, to street posters and even at some restaurants, the name of Fancy Pants was well-known, even to a small-time lawyer like him.. “So, Mister-

Fancy Pants waved a hoof. “Please, no need for such formalities between friends, Mr. Truth. Just call me Fancy, or Pants preferably.”

I can die happy now! squeed Truth inwardly. “Well, Pants, what brings you here today?” Out of habit, Truth pulled out his notepad and flipped to a fresh sheet. He was positive that his ears didn’t deceive him when Fancy Pants said that he had a role in all of this.

Removing the glass monocle from his eye with magic, Fancy Pants placed the eyepiece into his coat pocket. Twiddling with end of his moustache, he gave Truth a warm smile. “Mr. Truth, I’m the second owner of the Jeweled Juice Bar. My now deceased friend Clear Aspect was my business partner.”

“That’s right,” added Fizz Pop with a mop in hoof. The scent of industrial cleaner was released in the air, making Truth wrinkle his nose. “Didn’t see you there, Fancy. What gives? Didn’t want to see my funeral played out?”

Fancy Pants shot Fizz Pop a dreary look, the dry humor in the bartender’s words making his finely, combed mustache stand on end. “Fizz, dear boy. You need to seriously work on your barside manner. It’s even drier that your martinis. Also, I just got back to Canterlot after a short goodwill trip.”

“You were out of Equestria?” Truth pulled out his pencil and began writing away. “How long have you been gone, Pants?”

“A week -- no more, no less. However, it seems that’s more than enough time for one of businesses to nearly go belly up as it were.” Running a hoof over his moustache, Fancy Pants began to tug on the end, as if he was deep in thought. “Mr. Truth, can you tell me everything that happened?”

As Truth retold all the details, Fancy Pants remained outwardly somber, yet judging from how his moustache raised and drooped, it was clear to Truth how strongly the story impacted him. “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What in Equestria is Waltz thinking this time?”

“You know Waltz, Fancy?” said Spike.

“Indeed I do, my young dragon friend. My circle, more aptly labeled as ragtag groupies and sycophants, is wide.” Fancy spat the words with venom, the disdain clear in his eyes. “Waltz is a slave to high culture, like most ponies you’ll find here in Canterlot. We’ve crossed paths before and he’s taken every chance to try and get a hoofhold on my good side.” Shaking his head with disdain, Fancy Pants refitted his monocle back in his eye. “We’re getting sidetracked here. Truth, is there any possible way I could help you?”

Pondering to himself, a sudden idea burrowed its way into Truth’s mind. “Pants, you just said that you were business partners with Aspect. Can you think of anypony who may want to murder him?”

Truth stood idly by as the dapper stallion chewed the inside of his cheek as he mulled over Truth’s words. “Revenge is a poison, Mr. Truth. One bitter drink I wish to never taste. I can think of a few ponies who might consider it but none with the actual guile to attempt it.” Fancy Pants’ cherubic demeanor was gone, a business pony’s unflappable visage taking its place.

“Then can you think of a reason why somepony would then?” The continuous empty answers spurred Truth forward, but as they piled up, the bleaker the outcome grew. I need something, anything at this point!

Fancy Pant’s muzzle twitched fiercely, almost as if a dog had bitten him. “There was one pony, although for Celestia’s sake, I can’t remember. Hair Bloom? Air Loon?” The unicorn stallion knocked against the wooden floor in a rapid manner as his face began to burst into crimson. “Whatever his name was, that bothersome pony had some vendetta against Aspect himself. One that he never let even me in on.”

Fancy Pants groaned in a vexed manner. “Curse it, I’ve lost it. Right on the tip of my tongue, it was. The only thing I can recall was that a little over a year ago I walked in on a particularly nasty fight between him and Aspect. The mad colt practically shoved me aside as he stormed out the door, cursing up a storm on some failed project of theirs.”

Truth bit down on his cheek at the rare sight of Fancy Pants, playcolt extraordinaire, so flustered and at a loss for words. Guess it was too much to expect, he did just get back. Despite gaining nothing substantial, Truth felt a modicum of satisfaction that Fancy Pants was willing to help. “Do you at least remember what they were fighting about, Fancy?”

Nibbling on a polished hoof, Fancy Pants closed his eyes in thought as he tried to summon the memory. “A few, choice words caught my notice, the Canterlot Children’s Charity, being one of them since I’m such a strong advocate for it.”

“That’s the biggest charity event in Equestria if I’m not mistaken.” One of the biggest donation drives in Equestria that came once a year, raking in million, if not billions, of bits. Several, foals of varying age and background would be placed in schools to help further their lives. Posters, magazines, anything with ink on paper advertised this specific annual fundraiser.

“Right you are, Mr. Truth. I don’t do it for the press but I would be a liar to say that I don’t enjoy having my picture in the newspaper. So many little fillies and colts don’t have the chances I was given growing up. An education and a chance to shine is one I firmly stand behind.” Fancy Pant’s eye carried a small twinkle as he looked on as if he remembered something from a long time ago.

“Oh, that right! I never did answer your question, Mr. Truth,” exclaimed Fancy Pants. A light, gold shimmer wavered in front of Truth’s face followed by a sudden pop. A violet sheet of paper hung, suspended in the air, close enough for Truth to read. “This may help you in court tomorrow.”

The violet sheet shimmered with a soft glow, the light reflecting off the small golden crowns and drinking glasses dotted over it. On the header of the advertisement was Jeweled Juice Bar, written in green and purple. Several pictures of ponies with varying drinking glasses in hoof were all smiling up at him, almost as if they were looking at him right now. Scrawled at the very bottom of the flyer was ‘Fancy Pants Inc.’

Fancy Pants pulled out another flyer and passed one to Fizz Pop. “Any tourist that’s ever come to Canterlot knows of the Jeweled Juice Bar. Recently, Aspect and I had toyed with the idea to turn it into a restaurant chain. We decided to expand our business ventures to every part of Equestria.”

Jeweled Juice Bar Flyer
Promotional ad given by Fancy Pants.
Reason why Aspect wanted Fizz Pop’s bar.

“We had the face for it, now all we had to do was find somepony to manage everything.” Taking a moment to pause, Fancy slapped a hoof against Truth’s flyer. “We planned on having Fizz Pop give us the bar, make him the face of our operation and drop off a few bags of bits to him as we three made the J.J.B. global.”

Staring down at his flyer, something sparked inside Truth’s mind. “So, what Aspect called Fizz Pop that day was to set-up all of this up?” The sudden revelation hit Truth like the Friendship Express.

“Correct. Aspect told me two weeks ago that he set a date to meet with Fizz to discuss the terms. Looks like now, however, we may never see our dreams come true.” Fancy’s words slashed deep into everypony and drake present as he threw a few more flyers to the ground. Letting out a deep sigh, Fancy Pants’ radiant visage seemed to dim as his inner fire fizzled out.

“I wish I had known,” spoke up Fizz Pop. His eyes were glued to the sparkling flyer, pressing a loving hoof over it. Fizz Pop seemed to be lost in his own world as he remained glued to the promise of wealth and publicity. “To think, Aspect and I were going to share a bottle of booze for the first time in years.”

That’s interesting. “First drink in years, Pops?” The comment struck a nerve to Truth as curiosity took over him.

“Remember that picture Waltz brought up in court? After that little fiasco snaking its way into the papers, Aspect never picked up another bottle. Not surprising really.” Wadding up the flyer, Fizz Pop tossed it aside and into the garbage bin.

Truth felt his mind swimming as all of the new information flowed into him but couldn’t properly analyze it. There may be more than meets the eye in this case. “I appreciate your time, Pants,” thanked Truth. “Do you plan on showing up in court tomorrow?”

“I suppose that wouldn’t be a terrible idea. I’d like to see this play reach its climax.”

“Ugh, now you sound like Waltz,” gagged Spike, pointing a clawed digit towards his open mouth. Giving Spike a reprimanding glare, Truth allowed him to climb aboard his back. With one final hoofshake, the two made their way out the door.