> The Cryssaling > by storm the castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the Cryssaling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 1 The Chryssaling Twilight Sparkle, newly crowned princess of Equestria, was now privy to many new things because of her station. She could go anywhere in the kingdom, (all with considerable fanfare of course), she could eat the finest of cuisines, and she could enjoy the most diverse of company from around the world. Currently, her favorite thing was to sit in a library in a small town no-pony had ever heard of until four years ago, with another princess of Equestria that she had known for years now, drinking tea made by her dragonling assistant. “Princess, I’m so glad you could make it today!” gushed Twilight, herself still not used to the title she too bore “I know it must take a lot to get away from your royal duties.” “Please, Twilight,” replied the lunar diarch, only a hint of exasperation evident, “not only dost thou share our rank, but thou art our liberator, a Knight of Harmony, and our first friend since our return.” She wagged a hoof at her in admonishment. “Thou simply must learn to call us by our name; it does wound us so when thou refuseth to.” Twilight blushed, still a stickler for the rules. “Sorry, it’s hard to just change my attitude on a dime is all.” She released her embarrassment and straightened happily. “Still, it’s no too often we both have free time like this. It was really nice of you to come all the way out here just for some social time.” Luna waved the thought away like one might do to a fly. “Twas no true matter, Twilight, as we do rather enjoy the rustic scenery of Ponyville. Verily, we do find this quiet little town a perfect getaway.” Luna sipped her tea contentedly, only to notice it had run rather low. “Our apologies, Twilight, but dost thou have any more tea?” “Hm? Oh yes, of course, though usually Spike would have caught it before it got low.” She cleared her throat and cupped a hoof over her mouth to call down to the kitchen “Spike! Could we get some more tea?” The distinct grumbles of a napping baby dragon could be heard from the couch below. While nothing new, they had been growing in frequency lately. In a few short minutes the whelp arrived with a fresh pot of tea, and an equally sour face. “Here’s yer coffee.” Luna started, and Twilight said tentatively, “But Spike, were drinking tea.” “Tea, whatever, get off my back!” he continued to grouse and grumble down the stairs. After a few tentative sips to check that it was indeed tea, Luna and Twilight refilled their cups and began to talk again. “Thy young servant seems a tad testier than usual. Is there something wrong?” “I wish I knew, Princess.” A raised eyebrow, “I mean, Luna.” Twilight corrected herself meekly. “But, for the last few weeks, he’s been getting meaner and meaner, like some-pony has been spitting in his coffee every morning. He almost reminds me of the nobles back in Canterlot!” Luna giggled a bit at that. “Forsooth, Twilight, the Gentry of Canterlot do tend to leave a taste most foul in their wake, and young Spike does seem to be emulating that attitude.” But then Luna shrugged as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “The child tis likely entering his chryssaling phase; All young whelps tend to get that way around that age, and in truth, we are quite surprised it had not begun sooner.” At Twilights dumb look, Luna took on a slightly miffed tone, as though insulted. “Surly thou didst not think Tia the only princess with knowledge of dragons? We are the princess of the night, and dragons have always been primarily nocturnal hunters.” She placed her tea down and looked at Twilight, continuing uninterrupted. “Now, we may assume a space has been cleared for the boy? A highly flammable tree shall be no… suitable…” Luna just noticed Twilights look of sheer dumbfounded-ness. “Surely, Twilight, thou were informed of all of this when the whelp was presented to thee?” a head shake. Luna stood up in alarm “But dragons are volatile at the best of times! Our sister knows this fully, and would not have given one to a mere filly totally unprepared!” “She told me they eat gems?” the lame statement came out more as a question, as if asking if it was ok. By Luna’s degrading mood on the situation, it was clear that it was most certainly not. “But what of their care taking needs?” Luna asked hotly. A head shake. “Their nesting habits or their growth cycles?! Their full dietary requirements or courtship protocols?!” Twilight sank lower with each statement, sinking deeper into a feeling of inadequacy she had not felt since she had thought she failed the “test” at the Crystal Empire. Luna, however, seemed to be on a tirade focused fully on her sister. “That Royal Ninny! Of all the bull-headed, dirty, mean- GRAH!” she seemed to have briefly moved beyond the ability to conjugate full words, though it passed quickly. “We told her everything she might need to know about them! We took great pains with graphs and lectures and- and” she eyed Twilight suspiciously. “Who taught thee thy study habits?” Finally, a question she could answer! “My mother, Ma’am!” she saluted as though in the Royal guard. Hey, she was already in trouble, what could a little sucking up do to hurt her now? Luna groaned audibly at the response, as though it were the answer she had wanted, but not the one she needed. “So be it, we shall cover it all ourselves later.” She made a motion as though pushing a pile of books to the side with her hooves. “First, however, we must establish a timetable. The chryssaling starts with a three week prophase in which the dragons’ body will begin to reject the natural magic that occurs in gemstones,” (‘So that’s why he ate them!’ Twilight couldn’t help but think) “then move on to a brief metaphase of irritability, then the anaphase of physical change before the violent telophase begins. When did you say his irritability started?” Just then a violent gout of green flame erupted beside the banister they were sitting on. “Hey! The fire breathing lizard says SHUT THE BUCK UP!” “Sister, we shall have words with thee when this has passed.” Luna said darkly, next to a shivering purple alicorn. > the Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 2 the plan Twilight Sparkle, newly crowned princess of Equestria, was now privy to many new things because of her station. She could go anywhere in the kingdom, she could eat the finest of cuisines, and she could enjoy the most diverse of company from around the world. As she walked down the streets of ponyville surrounded by her five friends, the other Elements of Harmony, all she could think was how scared she was for her adopted little brother. Walking with her snout almost in the dirt, her wings not quite so lucky as to avoid such a fate, the lavender mare was the very picture of depression and fear. Unable to look at her in such a state, Rarity came up to her friends’ side and offered what assurances she could. “Twilight, please darling you must have faith.” She said soothingly. “He’s with Princess Luna, who seems to know more about dragons than any-pony else in Equestria, and who is arguably just as magically capable as Princess Celestia!” she began to walk chin-up, strutting confidently as not only an example for Twilight but as a visible source of strength. Rainbow Dash too offered her own words of confidence, albeit with less grace than he fashionista counterpart. “Yeah Twilight!” she exclaimed from her flying-reclining position, the very image of relaxation. (It should be pointed out that on the Wonderbolts grading scale for tricks, this act rated an eight out of ten for difficulty; it took effort to relax this hard.) “Spike whines a lot, but he’s a tough little guy. Sure Luna’s probably killed, like, dozens of full grown dragons and she’s always been a bit hard tempered, but I don’t think she’d really hurt him.” “Sugarcube, ah really don’t think that’s the way ta go about cheerin’ her up.” Applejack admonished, though Rainbow actively ignored this comment. Rolling her eyes at her somewhat oblivious friend, AJ turned her attention to the Alicorn they were all there for. “But she’s got a point, Twi, ah don’t think the Princess would hurt Spike. Seems to me like this is just part of a growin’ dragons’ life. Ah find it unlikely she’d do any harm to ‘im knowin’ that.” Pinkie, though still a bit of a wild card, understood the seriousness of the situation for Twilight, and mustered this week’s entire reserve of serious mode to say “Yeah! He’s just growing up is all! So don’t be worried, cuz I bet he’ll become the biggest, healthiest dragon ever!” Fluttershy shivered visibly. “He might not even need you to take care of him anymore!” Twilight looked like she might cry, and those of her friends that weren’t outright glaring were facehoofing hard enough to leave marks. What? Sometimes serious mode took its job too seriously. Fluttershy, still reeling a bit from flashbacks of Spikes Greed Growth, plucked up the courage to ask “Um, I don’t mean to be rude by changing the subject, but where are we going?” Twilight, still down but nonetheless a bit more reassured thanks to her friends, explained. “Princess Luna says this should be done in a dragons cave, or its den, and the area is usually filled with a portion of the parents gem horde as a sort of inheritance, as well as a visual guide for their inherent greed. But since Spike lives with me in the library, we had to find a cave in the rock quarry to do this in. And not only do I not have any gems to give him, but we don’t want greed to rule him, so it’s going to be empty. Princess Luna wants to walk us through what we will be expected to do.” They continued on their way then, still making idle chit-chat to keep the mood up, until they found the first lunar mark that Luna had left for them to follow to the cave she had chosen. They followed the simple path nearly to the back of the quarry, to an area filled with large boulders and small holes all over the ground. Rarity spoke up when the holes were brought up in conversation. “I think those are gem cubbies that have been dug up. This area must not have any of the natural gems the quarry is known for anymore.” She quickly applied her gem finding spell, which immediately tried to lead far to the rear of them, confirming the area was barren of any valuable minerals. “The Princess must be taking the ‘no gems’ idea quite seriously to have searched this far back for such an area.” She commented to the others, but started when she received a response from within the cave. “Indeed, it is quite crucial that the child not be shown any valuables at this stage if he is to remain himself in the future.” Luna emerged from the darkness, sans her regalia as an absolute proof of her statement. She smiled warmly to put the six at ease as best she could. “Apologies, friends, it was not our intent to drop-the-eaves, nor to startle thee.” She gestured to the large cavern. “Tis’ merely an unintended trait of our surroundings.” Applejack chuckled a bit. “Guess they don’t call echo-y places ‘cavernous’ for no reason, huh?” Rainbow, who had a well-documented fear of being buried alive, as most pegasi do, merely gulped and asked “Just to be clear, we don’t have to stay here the whole time he’s doing this, right?” She got an incredibly sour look from some of the others, Twilight especially. “What?” she responded haughtily. “I like the kid as much as any-pony, but I really don’t do well with places that are deep underground.” Before an argument could break out, Luna chose to answer Rainbows question. “Quite the opposite, in fact, miss Dash.” The others gave her curious expressions. “Perhaps we should explain thine role in this, hm?” she questioned rhetorically. “For the duration of both the anaphase and telophase of his cryssaling, we must ask that thee, even miss Sparkle, stay away.” Twilight jumped in alarm, a minor fear that Luna might be taking Spike away from her suddenly gaining strength. “B-But why not?!” she asked. “I’m like his big sister, even his mom! I’ve got to be able to see him! It might help!” she practically pleaded, but Luna would not budge. “No, Twilight Sparkle, it is imperative he be kept separate from all others, not only to assure his chryssaling goes smoothly, but for thine own safety. Only we shall remain, and only in a supervisory capacity, to make sure he does as is needed of him.” Fluttershy had latched on to one part of that statement that stood out in bass relief in her mind. “Our safety?” she asked unsurely, “but Spike wouldn’t hurt us, would he? He’s our friend.” “Most assuredly, fair Fluttershy, he would do thee no harm if he were in his right mind, but he shall not be in his right mind for this.” She explained calmly but firmly. “He shall resemble more of a wild animal than the youngling thou hath come to know these past years.” Even Rarity’s usually unshakable demeanor began to crack at the thought of her little Spikey-Wikey acting like some kind of monster. “Surely, darling, it can’t be that bad?” At Luna’s raised eyebrow prompting her to explain herself, she continued “Regardless of what mind he’s in, it’s hard to imagine little Spike as anything but the loving and kind being he is.” Luna’s face grew stern, and after seeming to mull it over for a bit, she gestured for them to follow her, crossing a line of runes none of them had noticed. As soon as they were across, it was clear the line was a sound proofing barrier meant to keep them at ease, or at least keep any questioning passerby’s none-the-wiser. There was an un-earthly wailing and growling coming from within, causing them all to clump together in fear, and Twilight to turn sickly pale. “No doubt thou hath become quite close to young Spike over the years, and have a rather set image of him in thine minds. Perhaps of a kindly child, or of a young pony that happens to bear scales in furs stead.” They turned a corner and came to a glowing chamber, from which the noises emanated, and they all went weak in the knees, leaning on each other for support. “But make no mistake, girls, he is a dragon, through and through, and must always be treated with the respect inherent to that title.” Within the chamber was another glowing line of runes, this one casting a sickly green pallor about the space, within which sat Spike. He was spinning and snapping at some phantom, spitting gouts of flame every which way and frothing at the mouth. His claws left furrows in the stone beneath him, his spines had taken on a deadly sheen, and his growling left the impression of a feral animal, a vicious beast. Worst of all were his eyes, which had taken on a mysterious and frightening draconic glow, and his pupils had contracted to thin slits, his eyelids wide, leaving him to appear as he was in this moment; a violent animal. Unable to bear the sight or the idea that he truly was some vicious beast now, Twilight teleported to just outside the barrier, placing her snout within centimeters of its edge and called out “Spike!”, successfully getting his attention. But instead of a grinning, cherubic whelpling waving at her, he swung his head sharply her way like a prowling hunter hearing its prey, and he crouched low, growling and dripping slobber, an obvious hunting stance. “Spike, please, it’s me!” she called, pleaded. “It’s Twilight! Don’t you recognize me?” His response was to pounce at her and snap his jowls at the barrier, leaving a splattering of spit behind. He continued to assault her from behind the barrier, setting home the hard truth of the situation. Not only did he not recognize her, he didn’t even know her. She was just something to eat to him. Luna sighed, knowing the full weight of her words were only now setting in, Rarity fainted, Fluttershy passed out, Pinkie crouched down to her belly and whimpered, and Rainbow and AJ just gawked. Twilight stumbled back on unsure hooves, collapsed, and began to cry for all she was worth. > the Viewing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 3 the viewing Twilight sat truly alone in the little Ponyville library for the first time since coming here, truly alone for the first time since she had first been allowed to take Spike home for good. It was an uncomfortable feeling, being alone, and not one she would ever choose in the future. She glanced to her side dully, barely noticing the pile of books left out from before the tea party, something that seemed so distant now. Before, she would insist she couldn’t read with his constant snoring or bellyaching, but now, she couldn’t even think of trying without him there. Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy when she woke up, had carried a bawling Twilight home, trying to console her, and when that failed trying to avoid letting her be seen in this state. She had eventually cried herself to sleep, only then to have nightmares about an animalistic Spike leaving her, growling at her that it was her fault for not preparing properly, that he never wanted to see her again. The final one had woken her up with an image of Spike’s, her Spike’s, teeth closing around her, with no protective barrier to keep the slobber or deadly intent at bay. Since then, she had lied listlessly like this, too scared to sleep, and with not enough energy to do anything. Luna had come by and explained a few more things to her. “Thou must understand, Twilight, ‘tis not any mindset of Spikes own making, but a natural response to total magic deprivation. His body must decide where his strength and energy should be directed.” When she received no response from Twilight (other than more crying) she continued with her explanation. “He must be deprived of sustenance, forced to draw upon his inner reserves for energy. This is why thee and thine friends cannot visit him, as thou wouldst be tempted to provide him with gems or food, which could lengthen the process, or worse, doom him to repeat it later.” Luna had gone on to do and say all she could to try and make things better for Twilight, but there was nothing for it. At some point she had offered a small light at the end of the tunnel, a mirror through which Twilight could scry Spike, viewing his progress for herself, and a promise that her presence as well as that of her friends would be essential for the desired end to the chryssaling. Twilight glanced at the mirror, idly wondering if she should use it, if anything would have changed, if it even mattered. She decided it didn’t, that no matter if she couldn’t actually be there, she could send him spiritual strength. She had never believed in such an idea before, but if it existed, now would be the time to prove it. She sauntered lazily to the mirror and sat before it, her bone dry throat leaving her voice as barely more than a hoarse whisper when she said “Show me spike.” The surface of the mirror rippled like a stone had been thrown into a pool of mercury, then darkened briefly before clearing, hazily at first but improving shortly, into an image of a glowing cave, within which sat a certain little dragonling. ********************************** Spike was in pain. That was all he could think as his mind was assaulted on all sensory levels, a degree of maximum input that left him feebly whimpering on the ground, arching his back in agony, clawing about for something to hold onto. Luna watched silently from a corner of the cave, a minor blurring spell keeping her from being noticed, and from risking the boy trying to draw her to his aid. It was not necessarily needed that he not see any-pony in truth, but she doubted she could stop herself from going to him if he called out to her, and that could not be allowed. He had to get through this on his own if he wanted to avoid having to do it again. Luna numbly harkened back to a memory she had of speaking with a surprisingly open and friendly dragon dame that had told her of her own whelps’ chryssaling. The dame had described in shuddering detail, visibly upset by the memory, the pain her child underwent, his pleas for aid, for reprieve, and finally for death. Of the bloody scratches he had laid into himself, of the bite marks and of accidentally eating the tip of his own tail, which was considered a relatively normal thing that would result in a tail twice as long normal and would be without the spines or club-like traits others had. At the time, Luna had listened in fascination, a scholarly sort of interest in knowledge she never expected to apply or experience herself. Now that she had been forced into the situation, she thought back to her callous attitude toward the story and cursed herself. That story, in all its visceral terror and motherly fear, had not in the least prepared her for the fact of the situation. Sure she knew what needed to be done, what was expected of a healthy chryssaling, but the raw emotion of being there for the event would haunt her for decades to come. The smell of iron drew her attention from her own thoughts and back to the task at hoof. Spike had begun to claw at his back, tearing out scales and attempting to break his own dorsal ridges. Luna made to stop him, getting as far as the barrier in fact, before she remembered the story itself, and what this signified. She quietly walked back to the little cubby she had set aside, back to her hiding, and watched, only the smallest hint of terror showing on her face. She did not interfere save to magically draw his claws to where they needed to be. Within several hours, the child had torn away much of the flesh of his back, successfully breaking the ridges he needed to, and now wailed and whimpered in the fetal position, sitting in various puddles of his own bodily fluids. And from the weeping, self-inflicted injuries a pair of frail, milky white projection could be seen upon his shoulder blades. The beginnings of a pair of wings. Luna sat passively, glad that particular part was over and fighting the urge to retch. Still, it was far from over, and Spike seemed to be taking longer that was expected of him, showing that her part in this was not yet done. ********************************** Twilight had sat and watched the whole thing in horrified fascination for a time, till it turned to just plain horrified. Her little whelp sat in puddles of his own tears and blood, as well as a few unmentionables, and all she could do was sit and watch, hating herself for her uselessness. Twilight was not nearly so strong as Luna in the face of this, and truthfully none could have expected her to be, and so she ran to her little bathroom and puked her guts out. She sat in the bathroom for a while, unable to find the strength to leave, and fought unconsciousness. Finally, once she was sure she had won, she stood and returned to the mirror. The purple alicorn started a little when instead of her little dragon, she saw only herself looking back at her. “M-Must’ve stopped when I left.” She quietly reasoned, and truthfully she was glad for it. She didn’t have the strength to keep watching, and she didn’t think spike would want her to. > the Breathing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 4 The Breathing Twilight sat in Sugarcube corner with her friends, all of them fussing over her, as well as over Spike. The day had begun Rarity had come by to see her and make sure she was alright; It was clear she wasn’t. Hygiene and eating had taken a backseat to watching Spike through the scrying mirror, and had for days. Determined to get her friend back in order, reasoning to her that when Spike was done it would only make him feel terrible to see her like this, she proceeded to try and drag Twilight to the spa for some proper cleaning. It didn’t take much, since the feverish little pony was as weak as a puppy, and now that much of the town had noticed something was seriously wrong they even offered some free fruit or a quick lift in a cart. Fluttershy met them there, as it was the day she and Rarity usually went to the spa. Upon seeing the condition her friend was in, she immediately put her training as a veterinary nurse to work by thoroughly cleaning Twilight with the help of Aloe and Lotus, who cared enough for Twilight to let them have the whole spa to themselves for the duration of their stay. Once Twilight had been properly cleaned and looked, at least hygienically, presentable, they left the spa, immediately running into Pinkie Pie who had heard about Twilights condition from some town gossips. (Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, if you must know, who did not receive their cookies for being little meanie-pantses to the princess.) Pinkie insisted on taking her to Sugar Cube corner, since no-pony could be sad with a cupcake and happy atmosphere like could be found in the sweets shop, an idea which Twilight was currently sending to the corner with its proverbial tail tucked between its legs. Through Pinkie’s unique brand of magic, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had been waiting for them when they arrived, and now all of the friends were engaged in trying to cheer up Twilight, or at least getting her to eat. It took some time, but the lavender Princess finally showed signs of life and ate the cupcake, then another, then a plateful of doughnuts and two cups of coffee. Finally showing a bit of pep and a willingness to talk, her friends began to ask about what she had seen in the mirror. ********************************* Spike had once again begun to show signs of interest in the world around him, which meant he began to attack things only he could see and chase his tail like it owed him money. His back had begun to heal, with a bit of help from Luna, and now vestigial wings could be seen fluttering weakly about. The dynamic had finally changed, and Spike had entered the telophase in full. At this point Luna was required to be visibly present, not only as a source of direction but as a target for his rage. “More!” she bellowed at him, her Royal Canterlot voice challenging any dragon dame’s, egging him on in his anger. For a full day, she had been telling him to blow fire at her, to give it all he had, appearing to stand just within reach of his flames as an irresistible target for his anger. At first, his flames had been the weak things she and all of his friends were used to, but had begun growing with a passion. Now, he could produce flame at least three times the length of his body, four times the width, and hotter than any he had ever created. For the last few hours, though, the growth had seemed to kind of peter out, and was leveling off. He still assaulted her with fervor, but had begun to show the signs of exhaustion. ‘Oh, spike’ thought Luna, ‘we are sorry, but thou must not rest yet.’ But she didn’t say it, opting instead for “More, brat! Is this all that thou can conjure?! Tis a mere candle to read by!” ************************************ “But that’s good right?” asked Rainbow dash. “If he’s got wings, and he’s blowin’ more fire, that means this wasn’t for nothing.” She reasoned. “It means he’s growing up right.” Despite the blunt delivery, this actually gave Twilight pause, made her think about how things did seem to be going properly since Luna hadn’t begun to flip out. “Hey, just think!” shout Pinkie, desperate to be heard despite the room being relatively quiet. “He’ll be learning to fly at the same time you are! You can be learning buddies now!” she chirped excitedly. Again, this improved Twilights mood, as it added a new dynamic to their relationship they had never had. Always before, Twilight had stood heads above Spike in their respective education, and it had caused a rift between them, always limiting the things they might talk about to either her studies or his needs. But now, they could share a new experience side by side and help each other through it, as a real brother and sister might do for each other. “You know what?” she said suddenly, the fire returned to her eyes as she got to her hooves. “You’re right! It might be bad right now, but he’ll get through it with the Princess’ help, and we’ll all be waiting for him when he’s ready!” still, though, in the back of her mind she couldn’t help but think ‘whenever that is.’ > the Waiting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 5 The waiting It had been five days since Spike had begun his chryssaling, and the town had taken notice of his absence in full now, with only a select few privy to the truth, leading invariably to one thing; gossip. For the past few hours, all of the Elements of Harmony had been bombarded with questions and theories as to the whelps disappearance, and for the local Princess’ recent terrible appearance. Some ranged from a close variation to the truth, such as that he was hitting ‘dragon puberty’ and was too dangerous to let stay in town, to the outlandish idea that Twilights dragon lover had come to take him to their ancient homeland. Each Element had devised a particular way to deal with these unwanted intruders. “IF YOU DON’T GET OUT OF MY SHOP I’LL SEW THAT DRESS TO YOUR FLANK!” some more creative than others. For what seemed like the hundredth time that day, some-pony had entered Rarity’s store on the pretext of making a purchase, then bombarding her with unwanted inquiries about the child. It had hit a turning point when a pony with a camera had cornered Sweetie Belle and asked her when Spike’s funeral would be held. The poor filly had begun to bawl and refused to let her elder sister go until the pony had been literally beaten off with a stick, and she herself had been informed of the truth. “S-so S-Spike’s gon’ be okay?” she asked meekly between sobs, trying as hard as she could not to go into fits. “Of course, Sweetie, he just grows up different than the rest of us.” Rarity assured her sister, giving her a tight, comforting hug for good measure. After a moment, Sweetie Belle squirmed her way out of her sisters embrace and declared. “Good, then I’m gonna go see him! I bet that’ll make him real happy!” Rarity saw the problem with that statement instantly, and tentatively set out to keep it from coming to a head in the wrong sort of way it always seemed to. (Prosecution would like to submit ‘CMC’ as evidence A.) “I’m sorry Sweetie, but he really needs to be alone right now.” She cocked her head. “Why?” Green flag, we’re in the clear. “Because dear, he’s very shy right now, and we have to respect his privacy.” “Why?” she asked innocently again. Yellow flag. Something’s up. “Well you see dear, he’s a boy, and we’re all girls, so we can’t go see him right now. It would be uncouth.” “But why would that matter?” RED FLAG! IT’S A TRAP! ‘Oh sweet Celestia, don’t let this lead to the birds and the bees.’ “Because dear, boys and girls are very different,” Rarity was sweating now, a big plastic grin covering her face, “and we need to let him have his space for the moment.” Sweetie Bell seemed to consider this for a minute, finally coming out with “You mean like he’s got cooties, or something?” Disaster=Averted. “Yes dear, it’s a super bad case of cooties, that not even the cootie shot will stop.” She tickled the off white filly. “So, unless you want to get his boy cooties, we need to leave him alone for a while.” After a small giggling fit, the two separated. “Alright, I guess that makes sense.” However, she immediately raised a hoof in alarm. “Oh no, the other girls don’t know!” she exclaimed. “Come on! We’ve gotta tell ‘em before it’s too late!” Not entirely sure what ‘too late’ might entail, Rarity none the less allowed herself to be led out the door to Sweet Apple Acres, only barely taking the time to flip the sign to ‘closed’ and lock the door behind her. Though, upon stepping outside, the number of hungry looks made her uncomfortable, and so she convinced Sweetie to go with her along the scenic – and relatively empty – rout. In short order they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, and once they had convinced Big Macintosh, who had taken to standing sentry against the town story hunters, to let them pass, they found Applejack and Apple Bloom. While Rarity explained the story she had given to Sweetie to the farm mare, Sweetie likewise explained the impending danger of boy cooties to Apple Bloom. Once all parties were caught up, they all sat down for some Iced tea Granny Smith had made. It was here that Apple Bloom remembered the missing party. “Scootaloo!” she exclaimed, startling the others at the table. “She don’t know!” she promptly hopped to her hooves and ran off, leaving the others to scramble out of their seats and apologize to Granny while rushing to catch up. Who knew such a little filly could be so fast? After going to Scootaloo’s house (‘odd’ Rarity had commented to Applejack, ‘I can’t recall having ever been here in all the time the girls have known each other.’) They risked asking around town, more often then not getting heckled by too-curious passer-bye’s on Spikes’ status. They eventually found the daredevil filly underneath a cloud in the park, surrounded by a group of what appeared to be three news-ponies. Rarity’s heart sank as she recognized the camera toting pony from before, this time with her own understudies. Rarity and Applejack exchanged nods, and prepared to chase the group off, only to be cut off by a furious cyan and rainbow blur. Taking the cloud the filly had been hiding under in hoof, Rainbow Dash charged it and proceed to release static-y Tartarus upon the three hecklers. Once all three news ponies had been sent running with burn marks on top of their Cutie Marks, Rainbow nodded and snorted in satisfaction. However, with the news ponies gone, she was now out of her element, since just below her, Scootaloo was bawling her purple eyes raw. “Scootaloo, dearie,” said Rarity, big sister mode activated in full over the orange pegasus’ weeping, “It’s going to be fine. Shh, shh, it’s okay.” She cooed over the girl, rubbing her back and trying to calm her. Scootaloo, however, was having none of it. “No it isn’t!” she cried. “Those ponies, they asked me about Spike! Where he’d been and stuff, but then they asked when his funeral was, or if I knew how he died!” she cried even harder, and all the adults hearts threatened to break then and there. This tough little filly never cried! But those jerks had her in blubbering like a newborn! “T-They said t-that Spike was dead! Why wouldn’t any-pony tell me?! I was his friend too!!” After resolving to see those rotten news ponies crucified, Applejack spoke up to calm the girl. “’S okay, girl, ‘s okay.” She leaned down to Scootalloos eye-level. “Spike ain’t dead, promise.” Had it been any other pony, Scootalloo might have passed it off as an adult lying to make her feel better, but honesty was kind of AJ’s thing. She even got that nifty Element of Necklace or whatever to prove it, just like Rainbow Dash and loyalty, plus she was Apple Blooms sister, so that scored her big points. Still, it’s hard to just switch gears like that, so she felt compelled to ask, “But I haven’t seen for a while, so where is he?” It was here that Sweetie and Bloom found their battle ground, so to speak, and interjected. “It’s Cooties!” proclaimed Sweetie Belle. “Boy Cooties!” added Bloom, thoroughly the expert now that she had heard the story from Sweetie. “He’s got ‘em real bad-like, an’ he don’t wanna get none of us sick is all, so he’s gotta stay outta town for a bit!” she finished confidently, Sweetie Belle nodding her affirmative the whole time. “Oh,” perked up Scootalloo, “that makes sense. Of course he’d be nice enough to stay away when he’s got cooties.” She thought for a moment. “But I woulda thought he’d have his cootie shot by now.” Sweetie affected a dramatic tone, like a mad doctor in a cheesy movie. “Sis says his case is so bad, not even the cootie shot can stop it! It’s dragon boy cooties!” Scootalloo - and Apple Bloom who had not been informed of the severity - took on a horrified face. (From that moment on, the legendary case of Dragon Boy Cooties would live in infamy within the darkest corners of the Ponyville Elementry.) After a shared shiver, the girls had moved on, and began talking about their days. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her friends. “Dragon Cooties?” Rarity snorted. “It’s that , or the dragon version of the birds and the bees. Pick one.” Rainbow decided she could live with cooties for an explanation. An audible gasp from the girls drew their attention. “You seen her too?” asked Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle nodded “Yep. That mean news lady said that kind of stuff to me too. Scared me real bad till my sister explained ‘bout the cooties.” “Wow, so it’s been rough for all of us huh?” all the girls nodded somberly. “Jeez, if their picking on us this bad, I can’t imagine how bad it is for miss Twilight.” The three Elements who were present stiffened. They hadn’t even thought of that! Apple Bloom spoke up here. “Hey, Spike does all the cookin’ n’ chores n’ stuff right?” nods, even from the beleaguered adults. “So let’s bring her some food, n’ offer ta clean up a bit too! That oughta make ‘er feel loads better!” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER HELPERS,YAY!!” That final chorus signaled the finality of the decision, leaving the adults to try and keep up. After successfully buying a few pies from Sugar Cube Corner, as well picking up Pinkie and Fluttershy, who had taken shelter with the party pony, they all ventured to the Library to cheer her up and protect Twilight. It took a bit of coaxing to convince the Royal Guard, a resident member who taken it upon himself to protect the Princess (how did they keep forgetting that, seriously?!) they made it inside. Making sure the Mirror wasn’t active when the girls got inside, they all greeted their friend, who they found crying in the bathroom after a certain persistent photographer had asked if Spike’s body would be donated to science. (seriously, Big Ticket was gonna get it when all was said and done.) The library had indeed needed some cleaning without spike around, and after a brief frenzy of cleaning, they all sat down and ate the pies. Somewhere around the time the Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to get the Royal Guard to eat a piece of pie they had saved just for him (Yes, he eventually ate it. Those three puppy dog eyes could get Discord to attend a straight line party), Twilight found herself happier than she had been since the whole ordeal had started. ‘I’ll see you soon, Spike, and all our friends will be waiting with me too.’ She thought contentedly. ********************************* Spike was finally ready for the last phase of the chryssaling. He sat before her, heaving for air and barren of the flame that made his race so feared, instead producing only the barest puff of smoke. He continued to glare at her, the draconic glow in his eyes dulled significantly but no less visible, and it was obvious he still believed himself ready to fight. “Tis’ time young Spike.” She said to the hissing form. “Art thou ready to see this thing done? Ready to see thine friends again?” He hissed at her some more, puffing smoke in a feeble attempt to set her on fire. “We shall take that as a ‘yes.’”  > the Choosing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 6 the Choosing For the first time in a week, the Elements of Harmony all stood before Princess Luna, who had told them to assemble in the cave outside Spike’s chryssaling chamber, though she refused to elaborate beyond that. And so, the mane-six sat nervously in the cave waiting for Luna quietly. Soon enough, the Princess of the Night appeared, somehow having donned her royal trappings, but herself looking very haggard. It was obvious this was no small thing to bear witness to, and a week without food or sleep would wear on any pony, even the indomitable Princess Luna. However, this was not a permanent state it seemed, because Pinkie Pie bubbled and waved her over, excitedly. “Princess! I go your sweets!” she pulled a bag from the thin air behind her, presenting it to the Princess, who smiled gratefully. She quickly came upon the bag as a hungry beast might, and began to tear into its contents with fervor. “MMf, -gulp- Pinkie Pie, we thank thee most heartily for this fulsome bounty.” Luna declared through mouthfuls, bottle of soda-pop in one hoof hovering over a pile of several empty ones. “Verily, we doth hunger most mightily, and tis a welcome thing after so long a fasting.” Pinkie had enough piece of mind to blush at the ravenous diarch, while simultaneously dodging crumbs. A bit less intimidated around her before such a un-princess-like display, the others relaxed as well and Twilight gathered the courage to ask “Luna? Is it done?” Luna shook her head, barely registering the inquiry. “Then what are we here for? What do you need us to do?” Resigning her inhaling of the delectables to another time, Luna rose, and after a moment to compose herself (and a bit of cleaning by Rarity) spoke. “Thine presence is required to guide Spike in this final test, to ensure the chryssaling reaches the end we desire of it.” She motioned for them to follow her beyond the sound barrier, and they all immediately noticed the utter silence beyond. Initially, Twilight had indeed hoped the horrid noises from before had passed, but now found them infinitely preferable to the deathly calm that now permeated the cavern. “Thou shalt be expected to perform no task, nor to take any action.” Luna continued. “Thy purpose in yon cavern is not an active one, merely to stand still and allow young Spike to choose what is most important to him.” Applejack noticed a point she had made. “Choose?” she asked, trotting up to the Princess’ side. “Ya mean he remembers us now?” Luna seemed to chew on her words before speaking them, thinking them over carefully as though it was something not easily explained. “Yes and no, young farmer.” She finally responded. “He shall have impressions, the barest of idea’s of his history with you all.” “You said ‘choose.’” Rainbow Dash questioned. “If he has to choose us, what’s he supposed to be picking us over?” “Soon all will be clear, but first let us see young Spike and prepare the final trial.” She brushed the question off, it seemed, much to Rainbow and Twilight’s chagrin. In short order, they arrived back in the caver, the same sickly green glow bathing the room in a foreboding light. However, that was all that was the same, for in the center Spike sat unmoving, watching them all and growling, but doing no more. Surrounding him were the evidences of his trials, pools of dry blood and unmentionables, furrows dug by his formidable claws and shards of his old shell scattered everywhere. His appearance had changed drastically as well, even from the last time Twilight had scryed him in the mirror. He appeared to have grown almost half his original length longer, his scales were dull, and now bore a more rugged, tried appearance. His claws had grown thin and long, so too his teeth, and his dorsal ridges had tapered to a point and now gleamed, their sharp, deadly edges promising naught but pain. He now sported a pair of wings, thin but strong, which were spread threateningly to ward them away from him. Most noticeable were his eyes; whereas before they shone brightly with feral rage, lacking any of the boys’ former substance or depth, now they glowed only minorly, following them with a hunters’ intellect behind them. Twilight dared to hope she could see the barest hints of recognition within, but before she could call to him or try to coax a familiar response from her little whelp, Luna spoke to him herself. “Spike,” she called, garnering a growl of recognition, “We have but one more task of thee. A simple choice in fact, between these gathered friends whom thou once held so very dear, and a more bestial desire.” She gestured them to a small circle, one that branched off from the original barrier spell. Once they had settled within, Fluttershy with considerable coaxing, Luna set her horn aglow. In an adjacent circle, a mass of magic appeared, and when it dissipated there sat a pile of glittering gems and coins, trinkets of the finest gold and armor of the finest craft. Immediately, Spike set his eyes hungrily on the pile, treating the others as though they weren’t even there. In a low growl, barely audible even, he said “Spike. Want.” Slightly disheartened at the reaction, Luna once again spoke to the Elements. “He must choose either the hoard of jewels,” she told them “or decide that his bonds with thee run deeper than any vein of gold. Tis not showing good signs, I fear. The greed is obviously no small thing for a dragon.” For the first time since the outset of the chryssaling, she feared for the outcome, truly feared for the small dragon, as well as for those he might leave behind. But when she again looked upon him, she found that in spite of his proclamation, Spike had not moved an inch, and had in fact been listening quite intently to her explanation. She was surprised to see him actually mulling it over in his head, considering the conflicting feelings of attachment and desire. ‘Perhaps there is hope yet for a more desirable outcome.’ She thought. Unfortunately, it was clear his sane mind was losing the battle for dominance, and Spike stood shakily and began to creep towards the glittering pile. She had to act quickly. She thought back to the Dame’s story, of how the attachment was tested, and began to formulate a plan. “WHELP!” she called, causing him to turn to her in alarm, baring his teeth at her. “Make thy choice carefully, for thou must be prepared to defend it!” she broke into a short run, and took to the air with a flap of her powerful wings. But no sooner had she taken flight than she was engulfed in a dark smoke, and when she landed within the barrier, on the far side, they were all greeted not by the clopping of metal shod hooves, but the padding of scaled flesh and the clicking of sharp claws. When the magical mist cleared, There Luna stood, but changed. Now, a small Lunar dragon greeted them, four times Spikes current length and height, it’s harder upper scales a regal dark blue, and its belly plates and inner wings showed a beautiful nightscape. Her mane had been replaced with shining silver dorsal ridges, which looked like captured moonbeams, and her long tail bore a wide crescent of the same material. Her eyes were relatively unchanged (she still had her eye shadow; if one must be a lizard, there was no reason not to make it look good.), but now resembled more the wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon, than the outgoing but slightly awkward Princess of the Night. The protective barrier, designed only to restrain a single dragon whelp, shattered instantly upon the intrusion, leaving the girls open to the vicious potential of Spike’s greed fueled wrath. “On either side of thee, are the most precious things in thy life, and we want them both.” Her voice had taken on a silky quality, but that was lost when she crouched low and dangerous, growling out “Now which do you defend?” Spike showed signs of extreme indecision. First he glared at this new challenger, this other dragon, then spent a full fifteen seconds looking back and forth between his friends and what could potentially be his hoard. All held out hope Spike would make the right choice, but when he turned to the horde and scrambled for it, time seemed to slow for Twilight. He was running on all fours, desperate, it seemed, to get to the jewels. Her jaw dropped, eyes watering, as she watched him choose his greed. Luna too felt her heart drop in that moment, any semblance of the child he used to be seeming to run from him just as swiftly as he ran from his adopted family and closest friends. Luna had failed her first real friends, and worse doomed the child to the life of a beast, and she felt positively wretched for it. Weren’t they all surprised when, once Spike arrived at the pile, instead of standing to defend it, he promptly turned and swatted it with his now much more powerful tail, sending the sharp Jewels straight for Luna, the glitter shards forcing her to raise a wing to protect herself. When she lowered it, he had flapped and hopped to the other side of the chamber, and now stood between her and his friends. Twilight was weeping for joy, Fluttershy had fainted (seriously, the poor girl need to see a doctor about that anxiety) and the others were ecstatic. As for Luna, she was simply astounded. Not only had he made the right choice, but had displayed a degree of intelligence and strategy, forcing her to blind herself so he could gain a proper foothold to protect what mattered to him. Now, it was time to test the strength of that. Again taking a predatory stance, the Luna-gon stalked around Spike, making as though to pounce on the girls. He matched her, pivoting in order to stay between them, growling threateningly. The glow in his eyes had returned, but sharper and more intelligent, and even his scales had gone from the dull sheen of before to a bright, vibrant purple, giving the same poisonous indication a monarch butterfly or poison dart frog might have. ‘Incredible,’ she thought, still stalking and looking for purchase, ‘the boy is near dead from exhaustion and deprivation, yet still he holds strong. Truly, he will be formidable in his later years.’ Satisfied with his strength, as well as with his progress, the Luna-gon stood up straight and regal, relaxing and even smiling (no teeth. Fluttershy didn’t look like she could handle that, the poor thing.) She began pacing toward them leisurely, none the wiser of the danger facing her. What none of them had realized was that this new sheen Spike had taken on, this sharper gaze, was no idealistic imagery conjured in their own minds to show his heroic triumph over greed, but was a metaphysical change, true and full. The moment Spike had chosen the girls as his hoard, he had begun to metastasize a new magic reservoir, fed directly from their own ambient magic. It was deeper and more refined, bearing traits of all his friends, and filled him with more energy than any of the greatest dragon hoards could have at this moment. So when Luna broke the stalemate, when she crossed the invisible battle lines, she had initiated the fight he had been itching for. Spike opened his maw wide, taking a deep breath, and launched every bit of this fresh magic reservoir at her, and instead of a jet of green flame, a thick bolt of lightning erupted from him. Luna, bewildered and unprepared for such an assault, took the bolt directly in the chest, and was sent flying four meters, crashing into the pile of gold behind her. Amidst the cries of alarm for the princess, Spike finally gave in to his exhaustion and collapsed. While Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy went to the smoking Luna-gon, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and most importantly Twilight went to Spike. > the Meal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch 7 the Meal Luna sat stunned in a pile of magically conjured gems and jewelry, a line of smoke billowing from the chest plate of her draconic transformation. Fortunately, dragons had been avoiding death for millennia, from both ponies and other dragons, and evolution had left them with nearly impenetrable thoracic plates, a trait the changed Luna currently shared. So, when three faces appeared above her, one orange, one yellow, and one blindingly pink, worry and fear etched deep in their faces, Luna was able to voice her opinion on the turn of events quite lucidly. “… What?” They all sighed at the word, proof they hadn’t inadvertently killed the Princess. (Celestia would have been piiiiiisssssed.) Luna-gon shook her head to clear her thoughts, and returned to an all-fours standing position. “That was quite unexpected.” She said, more for her own benefit than that of those surrounding her. “Yer tellin’ us, Princess!” whooped Applejack, who was ecstatic now that all apparent danger had passed. “Yeah!” added Pinkie “I mean, who’s ever heard of a dragon using lightning?” Wow, so that was what she got out of that? Really? “Actually, pink one,” replied Luna, slightly miffed at the apparent lack of concern for her safety, “Tis quit a common trait among water dragons.” “That makes sense.” Commented Fluttershy. “Fire won’t do much good under water, no matter how hot it is, but electricity would be conducted very easily.” “Wow, now who’s the egghead?” said an eves dropping Rainbow Dash from above Spike. Fluttershy blushed and tried to hide behind her mane, but Luna-gon only chuckled. “Tis quit the astute observation, little one, though water born dragons do not usually have wings, and tend to be longer and thinner in appearance.” They were also quite common in Neighpon and China, though Luna felt that tidbit could be added later. “But back to the matter at hoof, is he alright?” she addressed Twilight with this, who nodded with relief. “Yes, he’s just really tuckered out.” Luna nodded, and said they should probably bring him to town and give him something to eat. “Uhm, Princess?” Fluttershy asked meekly. Luna-gon turned to her curiously, motioning for her to continue as she needed. “Well, I don’t mean to be rude, and you of all ponies could look however you wanted, I suppose, but if it’s not too much trouble, could you maybe-turn-back-to-a-pony-now?” the last few words were rushed, as though she was afraid it might hurt to say them. Luna, though, was by no means offended, and had actually forgotten she had changed in all the commotion. She flapped a bit to indicate she needed some space, then proceeded to bath herself in a gorgeous, if frightening, black flame she spat forth. Once all was said and done, she stood tall, once again the Pony Princess they all knew, but something had changed since before the transformation. “Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Rarity, prompting them all to make little exclamations of their own. Luna followed their gaze to her large necklace and was surprised to see it had been burned and was cracked nearly in half, the once marvelous jewelry now an unusable husk. “The boy shall be quite formidable indeed!” she crowed, now slightly less confident in her draconic transformation. A quick spell, however, saw the piece magically replaced in short order, the act reminding her to swiftly return and send the pile of jewels back to the royal treasury. That treasurer was such a stickler, Luna would never have heard the end of it had she forgotten. In no time they had made it back to town, and with the escort of a pair of newly arrived Lunar Guards, as well as the Solar Guard from before, made their way to a local restaurant known for its hearty portions. Managing to get an entire corner of the restaurant to themselves, one without windows through which unwanted eyes could spy them. The Guards were positioned in front of the table while they ordered their meals, Luna opting for an impressive six full size hay-burgers. (All present decided to avoid telling her that Twilight could down a cool fifteen after an average study session.) It was here that Spike awoke, surrounded by those closest to him, and with four fully loaded trays of hay-fries ready for him. In between wolfing them down, he managed to speak to them. “Hey girls!” he called cheerily, once again his cherubic self. “How are you? It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.” This got him a cheer, a laugh, and a huge group hug, from the bottom of which he could be seen blushing his bewildered little dragon face off. (Hey, Rarity may have been his crush, but the others were no slouches in the cutie department.) After a brief, and notably watered down version of the events of the past week, Spike immediately began checking himself out, focusing immediately on his new leathery appendages. “Cool!” he exclaimed “I’ve got wings! Finally!” he wrapped himself in them excitedly, hugging them affectionately. “Heh, yeah!” said Rainbow, “and I bet I can teach you how to fly, too! Feathers and skin can’t operate that differently.” She rubbed her chest proudly, as though it had been decided long ago. Twilight giggled at her antics, but fervently agreed. “And just think Spike!” he cocked his head at her. “We can learn together now!” this put him over the edge, as he whooped out loud, and accidently let a jet of emerald flame loose. No-pony was hurt, and the building was fine, but it still startled them all. “Whoa,” he said nervously, “that’s gonna take some getting used to.” The others merely nodded, and it was obvious the Guards had taken a fervent interest in the living furnace that sat so close to their charges. Luna and Twilight merely batted at them, indicating it was fine, and they returned to their duty, albeit a bit nervous now. Fluttershy decided to probe Spike himself on recent events and asked “Spike? What do you remember from the process?” Spike thought for a bit, and finally said “Not too much.” He said, somewhat cryptically. “I kinda get the impression I wasn’t really myself for a while, and the fight at the end is actually kinda there- hazy but there.” He leaned on the table and asked Twilight “Was I really acting all mean to you?” he seemed genuinely sorry, despite it not being his fault. She nodded, but smiled sympathetically. “And was I really gone for a week?” Luna took this one. “Indeed, young drago, though the process was only meant to take a miniscule three days. Thou hath shown many unique signs in the past few days.” “Drago?” asked Twilight. “Hm? Oh, yes.” Luna hadn’t remembered to explain the proper names of the dragon lifecycle to Twilight. “A newborn dragon is a whelp, but now that Spike has completed his chryssaling, he is considered a drago, a mid-pubescent youngling. In a few short years he will experience a sudden, and somewhat painful growth spurt, and will then be considered a vestigial drake, or terragon, and shortly after he will be a full drake, allowed to mate a dame and have a clutch and nest of his own.” Twilight listened intently, not only to commit it to memory for Spikes sake, but for the pure love of new information. Spike, however, had a question of his own. “So a female dragon is a dame, huh?” Luna giggled. “Indeed, young Spike.” She leaned in on him mischievously. “Interested in the fairer sex, are we now?” “I guess.” He shrugged. He had liked Rarity for a long time, but this felt different. Another thought came to him them. “But since we’re on the subject, who was the dame I fought in the cave?” Luna straightened out immediately, sensing a disturbance in the force. “I can’t remember much about who she was, only that she was like god-tier hot.” You could hear a pin drop. Even the Guards, who had not been present, sensed something wrong with the comment. It began with Rainbow, slow and low at first, then spread to the others like wildfire, a deep and uproarious laughter, all at the expense of the Princess of the Night. Spike was notably oblivious to the cause, and sat bewildered, only asking his follow-up question once the laughter had leveled out a bit. “Hey Luna, Are you blushing?” they all looked to the Princess, who was indeed blushing for all she was worth. “Cuz you kinda look like Twilight right now.” It took a moment to register, but once it did, the laughter started anew, and even the less disciplined local Guard gave a chuckle. (In the coming years, Spike would have numerous inappropriate dreams about that dame, always interrupted by a strangely flustered Luna.) “Well,” Luna called suddenly, straining to be heard over the laughter, “Wouldst thou look at the time?! We hath been apart of our duties for far too long, and needs must return, post-haste.” She had her snout lifted haughtily in the air, as if she was offended, but it was obvious she was just trying to hide her purple dyed face. “And we do believe it is time our sister learned proper study habits, as well as what not to do with a dragon egg.” She finished a bit darkly, then made her way outside, stopping only to give a slightly embarrassed and tired wave to the seven at the table behind her, who had all stopped laughing long enough to say goodbye and offer thanks. Only Spike noticed what was wrong with that statement. “But,” he said, unheard “there aren’t any clocks in here.” Twilight stood and followed her out, and was surprised to see her boarding a royal carriage, one bearing the lunar insignia. “What?” asked Luna. “Twas left over from our original visit for tea.” Twilight shrugged, accepting the answer. “Anyway,” Twilight said, “I really appreciate everything you’ve done here, princ- I mean Luna.” she quickly corrected herself. “You didn’t have to go out on a limb like you did, and we all really can’t thank you enough for doing so, me and Spike especially.” Luna gave her best warm smile, an unusually successful attempt, and responded. “Oh Twilight. We art the best of friends. Tis only natural that one would be willing to go the extra ell for thee, hm?” Twilight nodded, agreeing whole heartedly, and waved goodbye as the carriage pulled into the sky, bound for Canterlot. > bonus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus- the Notes “What is the origin of the sun and moon, respectively?!” yelled a frustrated Luna, standing before her sister, who sat glumly at a borrowed academy desk, enlarged to fit her. “Pass.” Said the tired Day Princess glumly. “What three sources of magic are available to conventional ponies, and what are their differences?” The lunar diarch was swiftly losing patience. “Pass.” “From where do Griffons originally hail?!”she hollered at her. Again, another bored sounding “Pass.” “No!” exclaimed Luna, having had enough of her sisters’ attitude. “Thou canst not simply ‘pass’ every question presented to thee!” she fell to her haunches in exasperation. “Tia, how is it possible that thou hath run the greatest nation in the free world WITH NO INFORMATIVE RETENTION AT ALL?!!” “Easy.” Replied the elder sister, seeming quite proud of the coming answer. “All I have to do is raise the sun and moon, smile and look pretty, and delegate like a sonuvabitch. You’d be surprised what you can get away with passing off, looking as hot as me.” “Okay, sister, here’s the million bit question.” Luna growled moodily. “How dids’t thou teach Twilight Sparkle, easily the most fastidious mare in the free world, anything at all?” “Meh,” Celestia shrugged it off, “I always had the book right there in my mane the whole time. I swear, I could fit an entire pony in there.” Luna merely groaned in resignation. A few moments of silence passed before Celestia said “So, I hear Spike thinks you’re hot? Wonder how he’d react to m-E!!” Luna tackled her sister, forcing her back into the seat she had somehow migrated away from, and tying her to it. “Luna!” she exclaimed in indignation. “What do you think you’re doing?!” “We shall make an honest mare of thee yet, sister.” Luna smiled a big evil smile at her, making the elder sister very nervous indeed. “We shall sit here, and we shall review in full the proper way to organize a flow chart.” Celestia felt her milky white coat go just a tad paler. She gathered what bluster she could to say “I can send you right back to the moon, you know!” Luna flicked her tail derisively. “Fine.” She said smugly. “But thou shalt have perfect study habits before we go.” Celestia groaned and flopped her head to the face of the desk. > bonus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus- Fresh Ticket Big Ticket, a gold coated and brown-maned pegasus, as well as Ponyville’s premier news reporter, was having an incredibly poor day. Not only had she been fired for harassment and the spreading of hysteria, by royal decree no less, but she was being refused service in nearly every business in town. “C’mon, Dust!” she pleaded with Peach Dust, a vendor she had been on good terms with. “Just a little bite to eat! I thought we was friends!” Peach Dust harrumphed in response, turning her head. “That was before you started picking on fillies, and telling every-pony in town that the nicest baby dragon in the world was dead!” she flicked her tail, and trotted away with her cart. Ticket slumped into the dirt, thoroughly miserable. One bad lead! ONE! Now her career in town was ruined, and no-pony in town was talking to her. This was worse than when she got shown up by those three grade school fillies! What were their names again? Before she could ponder the thought deeper, however, possibly the most delicious smelling basket of Apples was placed in front of her. Ravenously, she began eating the apples, without even asking if they were indeed meant for her. When she looked up however, she nearly spat chunks. Standing above her was none other than the dragon in question, Spike. “Hey.” He waved cheerily. Big Ticket just stared at him, waiting to see if it was some sort of trick. When he merely stood there, though, just continuing to smile kindly, she allowed herself to relax and sit up, in order to address him directly. “H-Hey. Uhh, thanks, I guess, for the apples.” She wiped her mouth. And offered them back, trying not to push her luck in case they were his. Spike merely waved them back at her, indicating they were all hers. “S’ cool. Heard about what you did, and figured some locals might be givin’ you a hard time.” He sat next to her as she ate. “Didn’t think it would be this bad, though.” “You’re not mad?” she asked tentatively. “Nah, not really.” He responded with a sigh. “I know what it’s like to get too focused on one thing or one idea, and lose track of everything else.” He looked at her and smiled. “We all make mistakes, pony or dragon, and we all deserve a second chance.” His face became stern. “Don’t get me wrong; I’m ticked about what happened with Scoots, and I’m not far behind with Sweetie. Their real good friends of mine, and I don’t appreciate you tellin’ them I died instead of trying for the truth.” He softened once again, but only after she shrank a bit in fear and apology. “But they got over it, and I can too.” “Thanks, that means a lot, guy.” She smiled at him thankfully, only to sink back into her sour mood. “Just wish the others’d give me the same benefit.” He gave a small laugh, and when she gave him a venomous look, he only laughed harder. “Sorry,” he apologized through tears, “but you gotta remember, this is a small town. They’ll only stay mad at you long enough for the next scandal to happen.” She gave a small harrumph. “Aww, don’t be like that. I got Twilight to take the charges off your permanent record, and even worked out a deal with your old boss.” She looked at him with surprise, and no small amount of hope. Spike continued. “He’ll let you back, with a small demotion of course, so long as you write a formal apology for the paper and give the true story of why I was gone, to calm down the gossip.” Tickets eyes sparkled with dew. She had a light at the end of the tunnel, a shining knight of her very own, and it was a dragon! “And so long as you didn’t pick on Fluttershy too,” he half joked, “you and me will be cool.” He stood and began to walk away, leaving her alone with the basket of apples and peace treaty offer… and the biggest manure eating grin you’ve ever seen. He must never know.