Trixie and Twilight Play a Game

by LightningBass94

First published

Just give in to her, Trixie. It will be much easier on everypony...

Just give in to her, Trixie. It will be much easier on everypony...

(Your clop is in another castle.)

Say it!

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“Say it, Trixie!”


“If you say it, I’ll let you go!”

“Do your worst, She-devil”

“Oh, so it’s like that then, huh?” The crack of a whip resounded through the room as it hit the wooden floor.

“Ha! You cannot scare the Great and Powerful Trixie! She will never submit!” The blue mare’s defiant glare broke as a gentle hoof stroked her jawline.

“Oh, we’ll see about that,” Her purple captor purred. Trixie was quickly slapped across the face. She was shocked, to say the least, but more so at the sudden shout of, “Say it! Tell me!”

“You already know!” Trixie growled, “Why must Trixie be bothered to explain what you already know!?”

“I want to hear it from your,” Twilight got sensually close to her face. Their lips nearly touched, and a wanting moan escaped Trixie’s lips before Twilight cruelly stepped away, just out of her muzzle's reach. “So say it!”

“Grrr! Never! Trixie will not be tempted to forsake herself, evil seductress!” Trixie fought against the rough rope that so cruelly bound her to the wooden chair in which she had been sitting comfortably just moments ago. Her actions ceased when a whip cracked quickly across her chest. “Ow! That hurts!” She protested.

“Oh?” Twilight asked mockingly, a giant grin spreading slowly across her face, “Does it? I never would have guessed.” She cracked the whip again, hitting her mark and eliciting a sharp intake of air through clenched teeth. “You’re not getting out of this with a little whining, Trixie.”

Trixie grimaced and grumbled, “You are so dead for this, Sparkle…”

Twilight slowly pranced all the way behind Trixie’s seat, seductively trailing the length of the whip across her barrel. She leaned in to whisper in Trixie’s ear, “Is that so? Let’s remember who holds the whip in this relationship…”

Trixie blushed heavily at the comment, but persevered nonetheless, “T-T-Trixie will not submit to your stupid, sexy witchcraft, Sparkle! Give up!” She finished with much more enthusiasm and gusto than she started; however, it didn’t last long. Twilight began to wordlessly nibble on her ear. For a second, the unicorn melted in her seat. Twilight had begun to target her soft spots already. Trixie couldn’t resist when her sexy, purple piece of flank went for her ears, and Twilight knew it, but…

“No!” Trixie straightened up in her seat as she shouted, “It won’t work this time, Sparkle! Trixie is invincible!” She cackled evilly. Surely her lavender-coated temptress would give up now! She had played her trump card, and it had failed. This was one duel which would go down in the history books as the day the Great and Powerful Trixie was locked in a battle of wits with a great, alicorn princess and won!

But the persistent, pony princess she loved so dearly could be so stubborn. She would never allow herself to be conquered so easily. Of course not…

Twilight chuckled and removed herself from Trixie’s ear, causing the unicorn to let out a sigh of relief as she released a breath she had no idea she’d been holding. Her purple majesty strode around to face her once more. A cocky smile adorned her soft lips. “So it’s going to be like that then, eh?” A look of determination attached itself to her face so well, it was as if that had always been her default expression. In her mind, she must have already won.

Twilight levitated Trixie’s own devices, her signature cape and hat, and adorned her lavender body in them. This was both Trixie’s worst nightmare and most frequent fantasy. This...this was bad. “The Great and Princessly Twilight Sparkle supposes she will have to step up her game,” Twilight jibed, running a hoof slowly down her body where the cape clung to her every curve. She flashed her dumbstruck and drooling mare with a winning smile and gave her a quick wink.

All too late, Trixie realized what her marefriend was doing. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, but the smallest drop of drool still hung from her bottom lip. With her hooves tied and the magic inhibitor ring adorned upon her horn, she was helpless to get rid of the offending saliva.

“Here,” Twilight spoke huskily, suddenly much closer than Trixie remembered her being, “Let me get that for you…” The princess leaned in, slowly and deliberately extending her tongue from its dark chamber between her lips. The appendage finally making contact with Trixie’s soft fur, it began an upstroke across it to her lips, taking with it the small amount of saliva there. Before Trixie could properly react, she moved away.

Shell-shocked by the sudden contact, then by the sudden lack thereof, Trixie gasped. She attempted to lunge forward and meet Twilight’s lips with her own; however, it was all for not. Her efforts were in vain, as she had just missed the opportunity. She groaned.

“Do you want me, Trixie?” Twilight asked, seductively flicking the unicorn’s face with her tail. Trixie merely nodded in response, silent in her defeat. “Then all you have to do is...say it!”

Trixie sighed. The Great and Invincible Trixie was no more. Her foe had defeated her. “I....Mffmphmmpg,” Trixie trailed off, mumbling out of embarrassment.

“What was that?” Twilight asked, egging her mare on, “I didn’t quite catch that.”

“I said, ‘I broke...your video game’,”

Twilight grinned like a mad mare. “See? A little bit of honesty isn’t so hard.” She released a hearty laugh. “I have a bit of a confession to make too,Trix...I lied. I want to know one more thing…” She paused for dramatic effect, “Why did you do it, Trixie?”

Trixie roared in lust-fueled fury, thrashing against her bonds and managing to actually break free. She pounced at Twilight, but was easily thwarted when the alicorn employed the use of her whip. Trixie quickly changed direction, opting instead to scamper away.

She didn’t make it far before she was pounced upon by the same purple alicorn she had tried to tackle. “Why did you do it!” Twilight shouted. The door to the room swung open just in time for Trixie to scream back frustratedly…

"It was too hard!!!"

The mares both stopped and stared at the wide-eyed dragon in the doorway.

“Spike! This isn’t what it looks like!” Twilight explained.

“This is exactly what it looks like!” Trixie confessed.

“I’ll...just come back later...or never,” Spike slammed shut the door and left the mares to their own devices.

Not that his presence would have bothered either of them enough to desist for long...