The Great Egg Hunt

by M Specter

First published

Diamond Tiara is tired of Easter. So to spice things up she crafts up a brilliant idea.

Diamond Tiara is tired of Easter. So to spice things up she crafts up a brilliant idea.
This is a one-shot for Easter.

The Hunt for the Golden Egg

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It was a beautiful Easter in Ponyville. Foals were hunting eggs and adults were secretly hiding them in places for the children to search. Everything was going fine, except for one pink filly.

Diamond Tiara has grown bored of Easter. No longer was it a day of happiness and adventure for her, it had degraded into just another average day. Diamond has placed all the blame on her father. Last Easter she was prepared for one of the best egg hunts in her life, and it was ruined.

Before she could even go to sleep the night before she saw her father hiding eggs everywhere imaginable. The fire place, underneath the sofa, behind a clock, on a tree branch, you name it and there was an egg placed near there.

She didn’t give up on Easter simply because of the eggs placement, she lost faith in Easter because she saw her father placing the eggs and not the Easter bunny. From then on she resided to do anything Easter related. Her resolve remained true for the better part of a year up until this Easter came closer.

Her friends Silver Spoon and Alula were both spending time with their families in preparation for their egg hunts and Easter activities, leaving her to play by herself. Her father had left town as well to spend time with her older sister making her feel completely alone. Well her butler Randolph was there to keep her company, but she payed no attention to him and he spent his time going about his duties as a butler.

Diamond sighed as she watched the Easter programs on her 84 Ultra High Definition TV with 4K resolution go by, trying with all her might to hate the holiday. No matter how long she flipped through the channels, the same Easter programs were playing, taunting her to go do something Easter related. Finally with a cry of indignation she threw her remote at the tv and slide down deeper into her chair for comfort.

“If only there was something to keep me distracted from this horrible holiday.” She said aloud not expecting any kind of response.

“Well you could organize an event to keep you entertained.”

Surprised, she looked behind where she sat on the sofa and saw her butler who spoke to her.

“I’m listening.”

“Well for example why not…” He whispered the rest into Diamond’s ear. As Diamond listened, her smile grew wider and wider.

“That is a great idea Randolph, I’m so glad I thought of it.”

Randolph bowed and continued to clean the shelf of dust.

About an hour later Diamond had managed to coax Mayor Mare into gathering everypony at Town Hall for an “important announcement.”

Diamond cleared her throat and then began her speech.

“Citizens of Ponyville, in honor of Easter, Diamond Dazzle Tiara have decided to hide a golden egg for you all to search for.”

The crowd immediately latched on to the idea and started to talk amongst themselves. Raising her small manicured hoof, she was able to calm them down and continue her speech.

“Yes, I know its very exciting but thats not all. Whoever finds this egg gets to have anything they want and I do mean anything. After all, my Daddy is the richest stallion in Ponyville.”

A hoof raised from the crowd, Diamond pointed at the mare and allowed her to speak.

“Will you be able to make me look younger.”

Diamond scoffed and said, “Don’t underestimate the power of money, I won’t just be able to make you look younger, I’ll be able to make you look and feel 20 again.”

The mare smiled said, “Dibs!” and ran as quickly as she could into town to look for the egg. Of course the old mare couldn’t run faster than a snail but she tried. Unfortunately for her when she had yelled out dibs it spurred the crowd into looking for the egg. She couldn’t outspeed the hundreds of eager fillies and foals leaving her to get trampled underneath them.

After about an hour of searching, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had given up hope and now resided in their treehouse to think of ideas of where it could be.

“We’ve checked everywhere!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she tossed their maps onto the floor. “We’ll never find that stupid golden egg.”

“Sure we will,” Apple Bloom said trying to cheer up her pegasus friend, “All we have to do is search somewhere we haven't checked already.”

“Hmm, how about Fluttershy’s cottage?” Sweetie Bell suggested.

“Nah, miss high and mighty wouldn’t trouble herself with traveling that far just to hide an egg.”

“Think about it, where do eggs come from?”

Scootaloo looked at the unicorn filly with confusion and couldn’t understand where she was going with her conversation.

“ From... chickens?”

“And where do chickens live?”

“In a chicken coup! Sweetie Bell you're a genius.” Apple Bloom exclaimed excitedly.

“That still doesn’t explain why Diamond would put herself out of her way to go and hide one egg.” Scootaloo countered.

“Well, maybe she had somepony put it there for her. Doesn’t she have dozens of servants who would do anything she wanted them to do? Besides its the only place we haven’t checked yet. Well that and the Everfree forest.”

All three crusaders shuddered at the mention of the Everfree Forest.

“I guess you're right, it wouldn’t hurt to go check.”

With a destination in mind the three crusaders hurried to Fluttershy’s cottage with high hopes of finding the egg.

They searched for the better part of 30 minutes all the while getting pecked and scratched by the chickens. The chickens didn’t like it when anypony but themselves touched their eggs. Even Fluttershy has difficulty with dealing with them when she needs one of their eggs.

When they were through, each crusader’s fur was patched with scratches, as well as chicken feathers sticking out of them in different places. This included everypony but Scootaloo. For some reason the chickens loved her and willingly let her look at their eggs.

Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom spent a couple of minutes cleaning themselves off before talking about their latest experience.

“That was terrible, those chickens are monsters.” Sweetie Bell whined while trying to get the last of their feathers out of her hair.

“Well we did go through their eggs.” Scootaloo replied.

“Your one to talk!” Apple Bloom Bellowed. “They didn’t even mind you going through their nests.”

“Yeah, that was a bit weird.”

“I’m starting to think that this egg hunt is more trouble than it’s worth, Rarity is going to kill me when I get home. Let’s just quit searching for it, it’s not like we really need it for anything.”

“Right, we already have enough chocolate to last us till Halloween.”

“Then I’ll see y’all later.”

The crusaders said good bye to each other and went their separate ways. Little did they know that there was a big surprise waiting for each of them when they got home.

Diamond Tiara returned home with some of her servants carrying a huge bag.

“Leave it in the kitchen, I don’t want it to melt.”

The servants didn’t reply back as they carried the bag to the kitchen. Randolph saw them leave the room and confronted Diamond.

“Did everything go as planned Ms.Tiara?”

“Yes my plan worked, I was able to fool all of Ponyville into thinking that there was a golden egg hidden around town and while they were searching, I stole every last one of their eggs and candy.”

Diamond sat down on her sofa and smiled.

“Guess this just goes to show that I am on an entirely different league as everypony else like I knew I was, and its all thanks to me and my smart brain.” Diamond said as she patted her head with a hoof.

As soon as she was done congratulating herself, she heard knocking at the door.

“Randolph, get that for me.” Diamond demanded as she began to file her hooves.

As soon as Randolph opened the door, thousands of ponies rushed in and cornered Diamond Tiara. Each one of them with wide happy smiles on their faces.

“We found it.” They all said in unison, brandishing their golden egg.
Diamond couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Everypony from Ponyville had a golden egg in there hooves.

“But how!? I couldn’t have-” Diamond stammered as she tried to get a grip on what she was seeing. In the corner of her vision she saw Randolph laughing. Her rage began building up as she called for the butler.


Before she could even try to get near the stallion, the town’s ponies wouldn’t let her through. That day the Rich household lost everything they ever owned. No pony felt pity for any of them and they were soon were forgotten.

Randolph however never forgot his employers. Every now and again he would visit them at their farm and look at what they’ve become. They were now dirt poor and this made Randolph happy.