> Acronyms Everywhere... > by SirShadestrider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Equestria was tired of disasters. It had had more disasters than what its inhabitants cared to count. Everything from stampedes of bunnies, to Cerberus' rampage, to the return of Nightmare moon, and Discord! After Queen Chrysalis' invasion of Canterlot, the populace had decided that it had had enough! To this end, various groups started being formed to combat different problems in Equestria. From relatively small issues, to nationwide crises, there were groups being formed to respond to practically anything. Rainbow Dash flew in through the open door of Golden Oak Library to meet up with her friends. "Hey guys, what's up?" Rainbow asked. "Nothing much.", Twilight said, "We were just talking about the increase in groups lately." Rainbow nodded, "Yeah, What's up with all of them?" Rainbow asked her lavender friend. "They're just here to help protect Equestria from various threats and issues." stated Twilight. "I've joined a group that helps ponies that have trouble fitting in because of social differences." Fluttershy said. Rainbow cocked an eyebrow, "Really? What's it called?" she asked. Fluttershy smiled, "It's a group called "Ponies Tolerant of Social Differences. Or P.T.S.D. for short." Fluttershy informed. "Huh." was Rainbow's only response. Twilight spoke up next, "I'm thinking about joining the Department of Underfunded Magical Biotechnology. It's a group dedicated to using magic to study medicine and its affects on bacteria, and viruses." Rainbow blinked, "So the group is D.U.M.B.?" Rainbow asked, snickering. "No, it;s not!" Twilight shot back, "It's brilliant! Those D.U.M.B. ponies are some of the smartest out there!!" "I wonder how much that's saying!" Rainbow laughed. "So who are some of the other members? Are Snips and Snails members too?" Rainbow mocked. Rarity stuck her nose in the air and humphed, "Well, I for one, think you are being quite rude Rainbow Dash. With all of the new groups out there, of course some things might sound rather crude in acronym form, at least to those with a dirty mind." "Really? Just a couple Rarity?" Pinkie Pie giggled "Even I have to admit some of them seem a little silly! Why, just look at the group of ponies trying to teach the less intelligent wild animals, and monsters how to do things like read!" "Why, what's that one called?" asked Applejack. Pinkie giggled again, "It's called Ponies Educating Non-Intelligent Species!" Pinkie said, laughing hysterically. Rarity glared at Pinkie, "Pinkie please get your mind out of the gutter! It's a noble goal, and I'll have you know that I am a part of it. We've been attracting a lot of new members lately." Applejack nodded in agreement, "That one has been getting a lot of new members recently, mostly mares who love teaching. Because of all the new members, that group is really startin' to grow, it just keeps gettin' bigger all the time." Rainbow burst out laughing, "The P.E.N.I.S.!? No way!" Rainbow cackled, "So, what's it like being a member? Do you like the group?" rainbow asked laughing. "Rainbow Dash! I will have you know that such vulgarity is unwarranted!" Rarity said. Rainbow put a hoof to her chest, feighning offense, "Rarity, I'm hurt! I just want to make sure my best friend is...satisfied with the group's goals!" Rainbow started laughing again, as she rolled on the floor clutching her sides. Rarity simply glowered at her pegasus friend. "So Applejack, have you joined any groups lately?" Rainbow asked, grinning. "Well, I did join a group that fights off the creature from the Everfree forest. Pony settlements are in dire need of defense. Which is why I decided to become a part of it." "So, what's this group called?" Rainbow asked. "It's known as the Dire Rebellion of Unyielding Nuisances and Killers of Society." Applejack explained. "Now you're one of the D.R.U.N.K.S.!" Rainbow Dash cracked up, "I can't wait to tell everypony that!" "Don't you even dare, Rainbow!" Applejack said, narrowing her gaze. "I joined a group too!" Pinkie said, excitedly. "It's called the Secret Party Initiative Negating Eventual Loss of Equestrian Smiles and Sweets. It's a group dedicated to throwing super-secret surprise parties, to ensure that sugary treats, and most importantly smiles, never disappear from Equestria!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Do ya wanna join, Rainbow?"Pinkie Pie asked. Rainbow mulled it over. "I think I'll pass on that one, Pinkie. I don't really want ponies saying I'm spineless..." Rainbow said. "You wouldn't be spineless, silly!", Pinkie assured her friend, "You would be part of an awesome group!" "Called S.P.I.N.E.L.E.S.S.!" Rainbow countered. "Oh...", Pinkie mused, "Well, when you say it like that...." "Seriously though, where do all these bad acronyms even come from?" Rainbow Dash asked her assembled friends. "If I had a group, it would be much more awesome than any of those. I'll bet the acronym wouldn't be horrible either." Rainbow boasted. "So does that mean that You're going to start your own group now?" Twilight asked curiously. "You bet it does!" Rainbow said, "I'll start the best group ever! You'll see!" Rainbow Dash flew sadly to the Golden Oak Library, she wondered what her friends were going to say now. Rainbow seriously doubted that her friend would ever let her forget this one. Reluctantly, she stepped through the front door, and sealed her fate. "Hey girls, Rainbow greeted, "I guess it really is hard running a group." Rainbow admitted. "Don't be too sore there, sugarcube." Applejack said, "Most of the groups we joined have been havin' some problems too." "Really, like what?" Rainbow asked. "Well, for starters, several of the P.T.S.D. were attacked by Slendermane, and are now in therapy. The D.U.M.B. lost its funding, after one too many ill-informed choices. One of the members of the S.P.I.N.E.L.E.S.S. broke his back in a horrible accident during a pie-eating contest. The D.R.U.N.K.S. had its lead member arrested by the Royal guard, after he drank too much hard cider, and then decided to pull a cart. After he was put in Canterlot jail for cart-pulling under the influence, the rest of the group started to disband." "Wow" Rainbow said, "So what happened to the group that Rarity became a part of?" Rainbow inquired. "A hungry dragon happened!" Rarity snapped harshly, "It ate most of us in one bite! One chomp, and just like that, almost the entire P.E.N.I.S. was in its mouth!" Rarity sobbed. "Well, I guess that I'm not the only one whose group suffered." Rainbow said. "My group was going dedicated to making sure that the nightmare forces that possessed Princess Luna, turning her into Nightmare Moon never hurt anypony again. It was going to be called the Eternal Night Destroyers, but it never really caught on." Rainbow explained. "So, the E.N.D. ended before it began?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Something like that." Rainbow replied.