> The Swarm Returns > by Digital Ghost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome the Swarm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just after they had lunch when the big news reached Twilight. "What are they thinking?" A good thing too, since her poor assistant had to deal with a restless mare pacing back and forth in the library for an hour and a half. "Wasn't it bad enough She tried to ruin their wedding?" Spike had tried calming the mare down, but his words simply went through the other ear. "Don't they know how much danger their putting ponies in? I mean she even attacked Princess Celestia and threatened to take over Equestria!" As inappropriate as it was, given Twilight's distress, Spike giggled, "Hey, that rhymed." "Spike! This is no time for jokes, this is serious!" The mare said, giving him a sharp stare, "Do you know how serious this is?" "Uhh, no?" The little dragon grasped his tail and swallowed a lump in his throat. Shouldn't he be used to her by now? "Don't you remember what the changelings did in Canterlot?" "Oh, yeah." Spiked kicked the floor. "But what if they've changed? Why else would Shining Armor and Princess Cadence invite her for the Banquet? Not to mention they're having Chrysalis as the guest of honor." Twilight thought about it for a moment, but never slowed her pacing. At first she thought Spike had a good point, but then... "That's it!" "What's it?" asked a confused Spike. "Chrysalis MUST have brainwashed them! She did it once to my brother before! Quick, Spike, we have to call the girls for an emergency meeting!" "I don't know Twilight, didn't your brother have an anti-brainwash spell after we dealt with Chrysalis? And why would they have mentioned Chrysalis in the invitation if they were brainwashed?" "I don't know," Twilight let out an exasperated sigh, "but I'm not taking any chances." "This sounds exactly like the scene from The Power Ponies Issue 16, when Fillysecond thought that-" "Spike! Stop wasting time, we have to call the others!" "As you wish." Spike grumbled and set off. It's gonna be one of those days again. ===== The changeling hive was abuzz with activity. Word of the invitation from the Crystal Empire had gone out, and the changelings were ecstatic. Ever since they felt the Crystal Heart's radiance, they had been longing to return to their ancestral home. They would have returned on the first day if Sombra's wrath hadn't warded them off. When that problem was dealt with, the ponies responsible for costing them a meal fit for royalty on the day of the invasion had the nerve to take the throne, making their return feel more like a distant dream than anything else. The changelings had used all they had on the attack, leaving them weak and battered. Chrysalis was afraid for her followers, so she had them steer clear of the empire. It was heartbreaking being so close to home, but she was responsible for the swarm and didn't want to do something as risky as the attack on Canterlot in their current state. But now, the two ponies they once tried to conquer on their special day had extended their friendship, with no pronounced reason. The invitation came out of the blue, and quite frankly, a few of the changelings had questioned the motive behind it. Chrysalis was one of the concerned ones, and ever since that letter arrived, she couldn't get a wink of sleep just thinking about it: Finally, they had the chance to go home and all they needed to do was walk to the empire's front door and then they could bask in the divine presence of the Crystal Heart. But was it all too good to be true? Possibly, but there was a chance the crystal ponies might have mentioned their affiliation with the changelings, but on the other side of the scale, they were so secretive about them to outsiders in the past, and to think that they would change so suddenly? Out of the question! It was a frustrating choice for the queen to make. Whenever she thought of something to convince herself that the ponies behind the letter held no ill will against them, another thought came busting through to deny her reassurance. What if they only wanted them to come so they could throw them all in a cold dungeon? What if they wanted to make sure they never had to worry about the swarm ever again by getting rid of them in a more permanent fashion? It could all just easily be a ruse to end them as soon as they felt safe. It was too overwhelming for one mareling to take. Chrysalis sighed heavily and fully submerged herself in a pool of think, honey-like substance. It helped her relax in stressful times. It helped her think when her mind was in distress. It helped her cope with losing almost a quarter of her swarm to starvations. And now, it helped make a decision. She knew the crystal ponies more than Shining Armor, Cadence, and Celestia combined! She knew the crystal ponies would never turn on one of their own, no matter how disfigured they might look. She would have to lay her faith on the crystal ponies, as they had laid theirs on her in the past, and hope their bonds to the Crystal Heart were still strong and true. "Vigil." "Yes, my queen?" "Form a team to escort me to the Crystal Empire. Just a small one so we don't intimidate our hosts." ===== Twilight handed her friends the letter she received from her brother and step sister. Rarity took it upon herself to read it, adding a touch of finesse in her voice as she did. "'You are cordially invited to attend the Crystal Empire's First Grand Banquet to honor the welcoming of...'" Rarity gasped. "Oh dear." Fluttershy was hovering over her shoulder, and she shook lightly, letting out a mouse-like squeak when she read who the guest of honor was. "What? What does it say?" Rainbow Dash said impatiently. "Did it say 'cupcake cakes'? Cupcake cakes always makes me go: " Pinkie imitated Rarity's gasp almost perfectly, and then began bouncing around the library, giggling and talking about cupcake cakes and whatever came to her mind after that. "Mind finishing that there letter, Rarity?" Applejack said politely at first, but her curiosity got the better of her and she snatched the letter from the unicorn while she was still in disbelief. A quick scan through the parchment, and she found what had gotten her friend so dumbfounded. "... Queen Chrysalis?! Now why in tarnation would Shining Armor and Cadence invite that hag?" "Yeah!" Rainbow jumped in, "After all she put us through in Canterlot, why is she being honored as a guest? Why IS she a guest at all?" "It really is unusual, are you sure it's not some pranksters trying to ruffle some feathers, dear?" Rarity shot a suspicious glance at Rainbow and Pinkie, although she knew those two wouldn't go so far as this. Pinkie Pie skidded to a stop. "Pranking Twilight?! Does that mean no cupcake cakes? Oooooooh! When I get my hooves on those pranksters!" "No," Twilight said, "I know Cadence wrote this letter, I recognize her writing when I see it. That's what worries me... We have to go to the Crystal Empire. We need to make sure Chrysalis isn't up to something funny." Pinkie jumped up. "Something funny? Like a clown? Do you think she could turn into a clown and do clown things like balancing on a ball while she balances another ball on her big, red, clown nose shaped like a ball?" Rainbow playfully poked the pink mare, "Well those changelings did turn into you, so that's a start." ===== SCREEEEEEEECH The ear-shattering train brake announced new arrivals to the station. "I swear, that noise is worse than Rarity's cat clawing at a chalkboard." Applejack was the first one out, followed by Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and finally Spike, who was once again stuck with the luggage. The little dragon had just dropped off the bags on the platform when the group was approached by three stallions wearing Crystal Empire armor. "You must be the guests from Ponyville. Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Prince Armor and Princess Cadence are expecting you. If you would kindly follow us, we'll escort you to the castle." When the girls were ready to go, they followed the guards to their destination. Spike, however, had trouble keeping up on the count of the heavy luggage. The guards saw the struggling dragon and offered their assistance. One of them summoned a flatbed, while another offered to take charge of the cargo. "I can get used to this." Spike said, pleased that he was given a break. ===== While the mares made their way to the castle, Chrysalis and her escorts had already landed in the courtyard. Half expecting resistance on arrival, Vigil, and three other changelings had taken defensive stances around their queen at the sight of the crystal guards. But to their surprise, the guards bowed down, saying, "Welcome home, your highness." "So you do remember me. Will you take me to Cadence?" Chrysalis sounded pleased, but disappointment soon followed when the guard said the princess was busy. "She's preparing for tomorrow's feast, and won't be available till this evening. Shall we escort you to your rooms instead, Priestess?" "Priestess?" Vigil echoed. Chrysalis nodded to the changeling captain, but offered no explanation. She turned to the guards, "She picked for us? Hmm. I would have preferred picking our own rooms, but very well. Lead on." As they were lead through the spacious halls, Chrysalis felt a deep melancholy hover over her. Memories flickered right in front of her eyes. The visions were so crisp that she swore she fell through a rift into the past. She could see ponies and changelings walking side by side. Both were happy with each others company. Through the windows, there was a performer with his troupe entertaining a small gathering. They flew and did tricks for the little ones. Applause aroused as they gave a show only changelings could ever hope to pull off. Back in the courtyard, nymphs and foals enjoyed their little games, their laughter ringing freely in the air... Laughter, now that was something she missed so much. A smile appeared on her face as her trip down memory lane continued. The laughter bounced around the crystalline walls, making them sing a soothing lullaby. Chrysalis was so engrossed in the memory that she hadn't notice the coming collision. She felt something slam into her chest, then there came a thud, "Hey! Watch it!" The queen snapped from her daydream. "Oh, I'm so--" Her eyes widened. She saw a painfully familiar palette of colors getting up to her feet. Behind a rainbow-maned pegasus, she saw the rest of the group she hoped she would never have to see again. At first she groaned, but a sneer appeared on the queen changeling's face. "Well, well, if it isn't Celestia's little protege and her... friends." Chrysalis gave a low laugh and stood proud over the mares. Chrysalis' words didn't exactly inspire positive feedback to a certain brash pegasus. "Are you trying to start something with us? HUH?!" Dash pressed her face against the changeling's. She looked ready to charge. The queen frowned. "Oh I'm not trying to start anything, foal. And need I remind you that I am a Queen, and as such, I expect to be treated with respect." Chrysalis' horn, as well as Rainbow Dash, suddenly were engulfed in a green glow. A heavy weight threw Dash to the ground, forcing her to bow at the queen's hooves. "Now that's better." "Let go of our friend, Chrysalis!" Twilight interjected, threatening to unleash her own magic, with the rest of her friends were ready to pounce on the changelings as well. Well, except for Fluttershy and Spike who were inching away from the confrontation. "That's Queen Chrysalis to you!" The queen changeling's magic weighed even more heavily on the trapped pegasus, forcing her even lower. "Help..." Dash squeaked. The guards who were escorting both parties stayed in the sidelines. They really didn't want to be dragged into their grudge match, but stayed alert for any opening they could use to break them apart without putting anyone in any more danger. Twilight's anger boiled to a rage. "I don't know what you've done to Shining Armor and Cadence to make them invite you here, Chrysalis, but if you don't stop this right now--" "Ahh, Shining Armor." Chrysalis licked her lips. "I didn't do anything to him. But have you thought that maybe he just missed being with me? He was such a playful and obedient stallion after all. AHAHAHAHA!" "NOPONY TALKS ABOUT MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!" "Twilight, don't!" Applejack attempted to stop her friend when she saw her horn lit up to fire off a spell, but her sudden movement was mistaken as a hostile action by the changelings and the next thing she knew, she was covered in thick gunk from her neck down, making movement impossible. Twilight tried to shoot Chrysalis with a bolt, but the changeling gunk had covered her horn just before it fired. It was too late to stop the spell, and since it couldn't escape or dissipate, it instead created an explosion that knocked Twilight into a wall. The headache that came after didn't do anything to make the situation any better. Rarity and Pinkie Pie attempted to run to the aid of their friends, but the changelings shot at the ground under their hooves. "Nobody move!" Ordered Vigil, lighting his horn to show that the next shot won't be a warning anymore. "Ha! What a joke." Chrysalis mocked, letting go of her grip on Rainbow Dash, who collapsed from her ordeal. "And I was just starting to enjoy the scenery. Guard, take us to our chambers. We're done here." The guard nodded, but raised a suggestion. "Seeings as your parties aren't exactly... on good terms, and your rooms were placed close to each other, I think it would be best to segregate--" "We'll take the tower." Chrysalis didn't wait around for any sort of reply and walked down the hall. Applejack struggled to get out of the gunk, but her attempts were in vain as the gunk showed no sign of loosening. "Don't suppose any of ya changelings want to get me out of this gunk?" One of the softer looking changelings looked to Vigil and was given a nod before he and the other two followed the queen up the stairs. "Relax, and don't move a muscle." The changeling instructed. She positioned herself as far away from the ponies as she could, using the trapped mare as a barrier in case she became the target. Her horn lit up, and the mound Applejack was trapped in began to soften, then with a flash, it vaporized, leaving the mare unscathed. "I never thought I'd ever thank a changeling, but thanks." Applejack looked to be the only one who was smiling at the moment. The changeling didn't feel comfortable at all. "Don't mention it." The changeling turned to leave. "Wait! What's yer name?" The changeling looked back. She was hesitant, but answered the question. "Siren." "Well thank--" "-- I should really get going, sorry." Siren cantered away before the mares could interrogate her. Applejack turned her attention to her injured friend, who was at the moment getting helped to her hooves. "Ya okay, Twi?" Twilight was in pain, but tried to play it off. "I'm fine, just a little headache." She looked to the direction she last saw the changelings. Chrysalis wasn't getting off the hook that easy. "Is Rainbow doing alright?" "I'm fine." the pegasus in question was leaning on Fluttershy. "She was lucky I didn't plant one on her face when I had the chance. She's going to get whats coming to her the next time I see her." > Reminiscent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight! Are you alright, what happened to you?" Shining Armor came running as soon as he saw his little sister walk into the room looking like she just had a bad day on the roller coaster. "I'm fine, big brother." Twilight reassured him. The pain in her head was a bit more bearable now that her brother was there, but not so much as to be invisible to the keen eye of a soldier. Sighing, Armor turned his attention to the escorts and repeated his query, firmly. "What happened?" The lead escort rubbed the back of his head, not really sure how he should report what had happened on the way. "Princess Twilight and Queen Chrysalis had a... uhh... minor conflict in the hall." "Oh no, what happened, Twi?" A clear essence of disappointment trailed Armor's voice. Twilight hung her head slightly, knowing fully that she was equally to blame as Chrysalis was for the fight. "I... I tried to blast Chrysalis with my magic..." She couldn't bring herself to look into her brother's eyes, fearing that if she did, her soul would be crushed by a disappointed stare. Rainbow Dash, deciding she couldn't stand there and let Twilight take the blame for what that old hag had done, breathed deep and told Armor everything. "Chrysalis started it! She used her magic to force me to kneel down to her! Twilight was only trying to help me. If anypony's to blame, it's Chrysalis!" Applejack grabbed Dash down from where she hovered and Rarity took position in front of the pegasus to calmly address the prince. "What Rainbow Dash is trying to say is that we had a little misunderstanding when we met, is all. But it's surely nothing too serious that a little cup of tea won't fix." "What?!" Dash moved to protest, but Applejack pulled her back. "Would ya keep it down? We don't want this to end with us getting kicked out for fighting with the other guests. Besides, you're the one who provoked her in the first place." The farmer let go of her and gave her a stern look that was met with Dash rolling her eyes. "I see. Well, I'm glad you are all alright. I wouldn't want any of you to miss tomorrow's festivities. I'm sure you all have a lot of questions about why Chrysalis is here, but those will be answered tomorrow at the ceremony." Armor hugged his little sister. "I know you don't trust the changelings yet, Twilight, but could you give them the benefit of the doubt, at least until tomorrow? They might not be as bad as they seem." Might not be as bad as they seem? Twilight thought about going against his brother on his logic, but she realized that Armor wasn't that dumb. He graduated top of his class, surely he knew what he was doing, right? "Okay." She told him. "Is that a promise to your BBBFF?" Twilight's face lightened up. "Yes, it's a promise!" "Thank you." Armor gave her a warm smile before breaking away from their embrace. "I should go make sure everything is running smoothly at the square. You girls should check out the stalls, maybe you'll find something you'd like there." As Armor and the rest of the guards left, the ponies discussed what they were going to do now that they had the rest of the day to spend. Applejack and Rarity decided to go with what Armor suggested and hit the shops to find something for their sisters back home. Fluttershy went to the gardens to spend time with the animals she neglected to visit the last time she was in the empire. Rainbow Dash volunteered to keep an eye out for any questionable changeling activities, and brought Pinkie Pie with her for back up. And Twilight? Well she stayed in the castle. She thought about what her brother said and decided that maybe Chrysalis deserved a second chance, even after what she said about Shining Armor. After all, Fluttershy gave Discord a second chance and it all seemed to work out in the end. For the most part. If there was anything she learned from Fluttershy since the first day she was in Ponyville, it was that a little kindness can go a long way. ===== "Pardon me, my Queen, but may I have a moment of your time?" Vigil was kneeling before Chrysalis, who had just finished fashioning a throne of her own design. "Can't it wait? Very well, make it quick." Although tired, Chrysalis was graceful in addressing the captain. "Why did that guard refer to you as a priestess?" "That is a long story, but you all deserve to know the history of your heritage. It all started back--" There was a knock at the door, and the only other female changeling reported in. "Twilight Sparkle requests an audience." Vigil made his way to the entrance. "Tell her the queen doesn't wish to be disturbed." "No, let her in." Chrysalis waved her hoof and Siren went to fetch the guest. "But my queen--" "Don't worry, captain, if she tries anything, I have the right and means to defend myself." "If you say so..." A few moments later, Twilight entered the room, accompanied by Siren and the two other escorts. "Siren, Rook, Cross, you may retire from your posts. Explore if you wish," Chrysalis' eyes drifted to the visitor, "we may not be here long." As soon as the three were out of the room and the doors shut behind them, Chrysalis walked down from her throne and approached Twilight with a smirk. "I see you've found yourself a pair of wings. I take it you are one of the high and mighty princesses now?" Twilight pulled her wings closer to her sides, still feeling slightly uncomfortable at being labeled as a princess, and a high and mighty one at that. "Yes, that's what Celestia told me. But --" "Celestia says a lot of things, Twilight. Why did you want to see me?" "I wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn't have threatened you." Twilight nervously rubbed her foreleg. "You're Shining Armor and Cadence's guest, and... I should have respected that." "Yes, you should have." Chrysalis scoffed. "Tell me, why the sudden change of heart, princess? Just an hour ago, you were ready to throw me into Tartarus. What happened to that 'you mind controlled my brother' stance, hmm?" The alicorn frowned. "I still think you had something to do with this, but... when I talked to my brother I had a spell that let me detect if somepony was manipulating him or not, and... I couldn't get anything." "That's because, as I've said, I've done nothing to either your brother or step sister. But that still doesn't answer my question." Chrysalis moved in closer, making Twilight take a step back. "What made you come to me, and without your friends?" "Trust." Chrysalis was taken aback. "Trust?" Her head tilted in confusion. "Yes. Even if I don't trust you, I trust my brother and his judgement. And if I couldn't trust my BBBFF, then who can I trust?" Chrysalis' features mellowed, relaxed, and the alicorn could have sworn that a faint crack of a smile began to appear on the queen's face. "The bond you share with your brother is really strong, it seems. Maybe you were the one I should have impersonated." With a sigh, Chrysalis turned to face a large mirror, almost as big as the double doors that lead to the room. "I didn't see that the last time I was here." Twilight said. "That's because you never knew it was there." The princess looked at Chrysalis suspiciously. "And you did?" Chrysalis remained silent, seeing that the answer was obvious, and walked to the mirror. Twilight followed, and so did Vigil, if only to be in a position to take immediate action if Chrysalis was threatened. "Take a long, hard look, you two." the queen said simply as she closed her eyes. Twilight was unsure what she was supposed to be looking at and was about to ask, when suddenly the figures in the mirror distorted, spiraled, then disappeared, leaving nothing to view but a blanket of white fog. "This is the Mirror of Memories," Chrysalis explained, "and at the time before Sombra's rise, this was used to help rehabilitate the crystal ponies that had gone mad from their transformation." "Transformation?" Vigil and Twilight uttered the word with confusion. Did she mean their coats? The image of a pony and the crystal heart appeared in the mirror. "By now, you both should know how the crystal ponies get their crystalline coat. Once a year, the Crystal Heart releases the love it gathered across the land, enlightening every creature's spirit with peace. The close proximity of the ponies who called the heart as their most valuable treasure, had a much more noticeable effect." The pony in the mirror was hit by the harmonious pulse emitted from the heart, and his coat shone akin to a diamond. Strangely, the mirror emitted a green glow. When the two spectators turned to Chrysalis, they found that she also harbored the green glow, and soon, they were draped in the same glow too. "Now my children," Chrysalis said as if in a trance, "close your eyes and open your mind." As soon as Twilight did what Chrysalis said, she felt a strange calm flow through her body, and when she opened her eyes, they were flooded with light. When her senses grew accustomed to the brightness, she saw that she was now at ground level, in the square. She could see the crystal heart a minor distance away. "Wait... How did I--" Her track of thought derailed when she heard hooves coming after her. Looking to her left, she saw a rickshaw going at full speed. Unable to get out in time, she cast a shield in front of her, positioning it so that neither she or the pony operating the vehicle would be hurt. But her magic proved useless. The driver and the rickshaw passed through her and her shield like smoke. Expecting the worst when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that she was unhurt. A pair of ponies walking through her a moment later answered the question on her intangibility. "Chrysalis!" She called out, seeing the queen and her guard making their way to her. "This place looks different." "That's because we are years before Sombra's rule." Chrysalis answered. "Notice the king and queen by the heart." The scene was hazy at best, but Twilight suspected that it was because the memory wasn't as strong as it used to be. "Why did you bring us here?" Vigil, who was as confused as the alicorn, questioned. "So you both will know the truth." "Truth about what?" Twilight asked. Chrysalis didn't answer, but motioned for them to keep their eyes on the crowd that gathered around the crystal heart. There was a pony, tall and proud, and draped in white robes that had just gotten off of her carriage, accompanied by guards, one of which was a unicorn who had a distinct armor from the rest: regal white with golden trims adorned with a seal similar to the robed mare. As the draped pony made her way to the crystal heart, the bystanders bowed down in her wake and rose back up when she stopped in front of the ancient relic. She bowed to the king and queen, and the royal pair returned the gesture. The king was making an announcement, but all the three could hear were inaudible murmurs. "I'm sorry, its been too long since I've done this, and my memory is fading." Chrysalis said. After the announcement, the mare had pulled down her hood, letting her beautiful, flowing mane be caught in the breeze. There was a sparkle in her eye that made her wide smile brighter. She bore a long, slender horn which began to glow with the crystal heart as it spun. The giant snowflake on the ground lit up as it had before during the Crystal Fair, then a sudden burst of light shot straight up from the heart. The heart emitted a blinding pulse of light, and then when the brightness returned to normal, the coats of the ponies turned crystalline. Twilight wasn't sure what she was supposed to learn from this. Wasn't this just how the Crystal Fair was normally conducted? Suddenly, the mare tending to the heart curled up and groaned in pain, as did a few of the crystal ponies. "What's happening?" Asked a shocked Twilight. Chrysalis kept calm, but she was visibly cringing. "Transformation." The scene blacked out, but the ponies who were in pain remained. The screams were so crisp. So... real. The ponies' shimmering crystal coats began to darken. Their eyes widened. Something began to protrude from their heads. And a dark aura swirled around the ponies, ultimately blocking them from sight. Green light escaped from the imperfections of the spheres and got brighter as their containers broke apart. One by one, the spheres dissipated, revealing the byproducts of the ponies they consumed: Changelings. Among them, where the robed mare once stood, was no other than Chrysalis herself. But before either Twilight and Vigil could say anything, Chrysalis began to speak. "There was a young filly who attended the Fair a thousand years ago. She didn't know what to expect, but she sure didn't think that she would end up with wings and a horn. When the heart spread its love across the land, she felt that happy feeling that always came after the burst. But there was something different that came after: a hunger she couldn't understand. It grew like an ember dropped in hay, and the next thing she knew, she looked... different. Felt different. She changed that day, in more ways than one." Chrysalis lowered her head and the scene changed to show a young filly's painless transformation into a changeling. "In a strange twist of fate, her transformation was only temporary and she returned to looking like her self again, except that she had grown a horn, and the hunger she felt was also still there. When the ponies noticed her, she was brought to the castle. Scholars studied her, questioned her, and eventually brought it upon themselves to teach her. The filly's parents were given lodgings within the castle, to make the filly feel comfortable staying there. She stayed and learned how to control her new-found magic, all the while being told that she would be the one to help the changelings find a place in this world. Where they wont be feared as monsters who only lived to feed their hunger for love. "Back then, ponies were easily scared of things they couldn't understand. So the changelings were forced to hide from outsiders of the empire, or risk getting hunted down. Of course the little filly was filled with hope when they all said that she could somehow save the changelings from such a cruel fate. So she grew up believing on that dream. Young and foolish as she was, she soon became the empire's Priestess, getting the privileges of royalty, as well as a place where she could meditate and reflect on the magic given by the heart." The scene changed back to the square, after the transformations. "When her powers reached its peak, she felt confident that it was time to cure the changelings of their ailment. The priestess did her best to counteract the heart's unwanted effect, by casting a spell in hopes to reverse the transformations... but all she did was make the heart unstable, and in turn, the ones it just turned, went mad." Chrysalis didn't need to explain. The memory told the rest of the story. The new changelings began attacking the ponies out of blind rage. Panic rooted itself inside everypony and the guards were forced to fight their own friends and family to protect the innocent. Changelings who were already turned before the disastrous feedback were unaffected by the unstable heart, but they weren't spared a few mistaken swings from the guards. "What are you fools doing?! Contain the changelings, don't kill them!" Ordered the soldier with the decorated armor. "Sorry, captain!" a guard shouted. The maddened changelings were soon subdued, but there were many injured during the struggle. Chrysalis began to speak again, and the memory set its pace with her. "The priestess tried everything she could to save the injured, but not all were lucky. By the end of it all with the help of the magic mirror, the maddened changelings regained their senses and were set free. But despite saving who she could, the priestess... she couldn't believe her failure..." Tears welled up in Chrysalis' eyes. She couldn't continue. Twilight approached, feeling a lot more sympathy for the queen. "It wasn't your fault. You were only trying to help cure the changelings. I know you feel responsible, but there are things that can't be helped. I made my share of mistakes, and I know for a fact that mistakes can be fixed." Chrysalis took a deep breath and blinked back the tears. "That's kind of you, Twilight... But I made a much more disastrous mistake than you think. Something I can never fix, or even attempt to." "What is it?" "... Sombra" > Shadow's Rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra was the most loyal and kind pony I knew. He was with me since I started living in the castle. Whenever we were done with our lessons, he would come to the tower and keep me company. When we grew up, the king appointed him to be my personal guard since he knew me better than anypony else. Words can't even describe how thrilled that made me. I felt safe knowing that my closest friend was right there by my side, ready to catch me when I fall. We had... a special connection... It tore me apart when he... After the Fair, I knew something about him was out of place. He was acting strange, became awfully quiet, and just different. I just wish I caught it sooner, maybe I could have helped him. Maybe I could have stopped what he became. ===== Silence. There was nothing but silence when Chrysalis opened her eyes. The lanterns lining the walls were glowing dimmer than usual. And there was the distinct presence of gloom hanging in the air. She knew something was wrong. "Sombra?" She called, but no answer came. "Sombra?" She called again. Still no answer. Worried, Chrysalis got out from under her covers and scanned the room. She saw that dark crystals were slowly growing from the floor and walls. She hurried to the double doors and found that the crystals were growing across it too, locking her in. She fired a magic bolt at the lock, but it fizzled out, not even leaving a scratch on the crystals. She turned around and kicked at the lock. It chipped. She kicked again, and it cracked. One last mighty buck and the doors swung out. The echo of the impact lasted for an unsettling amount of time. The hall had the same problem her room had. The crystals seemed to follow a path, and Chrysalis decided to follow them down the stairs. Maneuvering the spiral staircase was tedious. One wrong step and she could have speared herself on the crystal spikes. But her hooves were precisely positioned and she got down to the main hall without incident. The lanterns here were all extinguished, so Chrysalis had to rely on her horn for light. Though, she almost wish she was walking blind. The floor was riddled with ponies and changelings alike. To her relief, they were only unconscious. But why were they? A barely audible buzzing called her attention to a changeling pinned between a pillar and a wall of crystals. "What happened?" Chrysalis asked. "Somepony came in and started attacking us with these crystals. The guards were caught by surprise and got knocked out. As was anypony nearby. I'm just lucky I got a thick skull." Chrysalis levitated a fallen guard's spear and began chipping away at the crystal to release the trapped changeling. "I'm sorry to rush you, priestess Chrysalis, but these crystals are starting to pierce my skin." The spear wasn't doing it. She needed something else. But she couldn't find anything that could do any better. Magic was the only tool left she could use, but she was hesitant to use it. Especially when somepony was in danger of getting injured if she messed up. "Honestly," The changeling said, "its better if you hurt me and get me out than to let me suffer this pain before I die. Pardon me if I sound out of line." "No, it's fine." The changeling had a point. Getting hurt was better than getting killed. She took a shaky breath. Since the crystals nullified magic directly set on it, she'd have to set her focus around the changeling's armor. Risky, but the only way. The changeling was surrounded by a green glow which grew brighter then released a sudden burst. The crystals shattered around him and he fell harmlessly on the ground. "My thanks. I sense you want to see the pony responsible, yes? He went this way, follow me." He headed to the throne room, which made Chrysalis feel unnerved. She prayed nothing happened to the king and queen. Heavy hoofsteps from inside rang louder the closer they got. Chrysalis turned off the light of her horn and peaked behind the giant doors. The crystals were everywhere in the room. Evidence of a battle was scattered about: Fallen soldiers, broken weapons, deep cuts and scratches on the walls and pillars. And one pony was responsible for all this? "There he is!" The changeling pointed to a figure at the center of the room, behind all the chaos. There was only one lantern dimly illuminating the room. Chrysalis couldn't make out who the pony was, but he looked familiar. He didn't really look like the type to be responsible for all this. He looked way too confused and lost. Chrysalis wanted to take a closer look. "What are you doing?" The changeling pulled her back. "Wh-who's there? Please, you need to get away!" The pony shouted nervously. "I know that voice. Sombra?" Chrysalis walked to the little sliver of light, causing minor reflections from her coat. "What happened?" Sombra backed away a few steps into the shadows. "Don't come any closer, Chrysalis. I don't want to hurt you." "Why did you do this?" "It's not me!" Sombra shouted in a voice that could only be described as demonic. "Something's wrong with me. I blacked out for a second and I find myself here. Get away before it happens again! These voices... these voices are driving me to insanity." Chrysalis squinted to see her friend better in the darkness. "What voices, Sombra?" Sombra let out a deafening scream that rocked the castle. "Look out!" The rescued changeling shouted. Crystal spikes ruptured from the ground, and rapidly heading towards Chrysalis. Chrysalis' limbs refused to move. The spikes came closer and closer. Then she felt an impact. Not from the spikes, but from the changeling. He bumped her to the side, saving her from meeting her maker, but he was impaled in her place. Sombra disappeared into the shadows, only to reappear behind Chrysalis. Sombra delivered a kick that knocked Chrysalis to the ground. "Sombra! Stop!" Chrysalis pleaded, but Sombra paid no heed. Crystals curled from the ground to encase Chrysalis. Tears began to well up in her eyes. "Sombra... don't... please." She could see him beneath the blackened light of his horn. The whites of his eyes were now green and his pupils turned red. Madness screamed from them. The crystals expanded, slowly crushing the mare. "Sombra... please... stop this!" The air escaped her lungs and her vision began to blur. White light soon enveloped her sight. Was this the end? Last thing she heard was the sound of magical blasts being fired, then the shattering of crystals. After that, all went quiet. ===== Three days later, Chrysalis awoke in the infirmary with bandages around her head and across her chest. The small mirror on her right showed that she was in her changeling form. A good thing, since changelings healed faster than normal ponies when fully fed with love, and there was no shortage of that in the empire. "Ah, Priestess, you're awake." A crystal soldier in full metal bowed. "I am Shard Talons, your newly appointed body guard." He was alert and sounded more stoic than Sombra-- "Sombra!" Chrysalis sprung up from her bed. "Don't worry, Priestess, Sombra has been contained with the necessary augmentations to his cell." Shard reported. "Take me to him." "I'm sorry, but I cannot." "Excuse me?" "My objective as your personal guardian is to keep you out of harm's way, and--" "And to do as I say. And I say, I want to see him!" Chrysalis held a cold stare at Shard until he finally agreed to escort Chrysalis to the dungeon. The dungeon was right under the castle. It was rarely used since ponies and changelings alike were always on their best behavior. The Crystal Empire was the center of love and peace after all. The dungeon walls were designed to hum a peaceful tune to keep the prisoners calm and relaxed. Some of the guards, and even the king would often visit the dungeon after a stressful day. Eventually when the dungeon got more visitors than prisoners, they split it into two sections, converting the first into a leisure room. But in the light of Sombra's rampage, the room was deserted as nopony wanted to be anywhere close to Sombra. The only ponies present were the prison guards, and a unicorn from Equestria's High Council, who looked to be researching Sombra's affliction. Chrysalis' heart sank when she saw her former body guard. Sombra was encased in crystals from the neck down, and his horn was fitted with a magic nullification ring. Sombra looked up to find his visitor, but he couldn't dare to hold his gaze. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." A unicorn wearing a blue robe and pointy hat approached Shard and Chrysalis. "I studied the magic signatures of his dark crystals and used it to nullify all magic in his chamber." He explained. When asked what he learned about Sombra, he said: "From my research, I found that his sudden change of personality was due to unstable fluctuations I traced back to the Crystal Heart." "The heart?" Chrysalis repeated. "Yes. In a similar way the heart gives you, and the rest of the crystal ponies, your shimmering coats, the heart in a way deteriorated his spirit, which allowed darkness to grow to fill in the spaces. I believe an outside interference with the heart's natural magical energies caused Sombra's condition." Interference with the heart's energies... Sadness threatened to spill out from Chrysalis' eyes when she made the connection to the last Crystal Fair. "Its all my fault... If I didn't do that spell... Please, tell me there's something I can do to help Sombra, anything!" The unicorn shook his head. "For now, only the heart can save him. Although I will work on a solution myself, but I cannot say how long it will take." "I... see..." Chrysalis was distraught. So that was it, she couldn't do anything? "Listen, Chrysalis, you might not be able to do anything about Sombra, but... why not make use of the moment while he's... you know, in his right mind. I'm sure you both need each others comfort now more than ever." The unicorn gave a bow and turned for the door. "Thank you, Starswirl." ===== "You knew Starswirl the Bearded?" Twilight jumped in excitement, but immediately calmed down upon receiving a look from Vigil who was not happy with the interruption. "I knew Starswirl, yes. He, Celestia, Luna, and the rest of the Equestrian High Council were frequent guests of the king. They were the only ponies outside the empire who knew about changelings. The king convinced them to keep it a secret though, which is why you never saw changelings outside fairy tales and mythology. But I guess that's changed now." "So what happened after Starswirl left?" Chrysalis changed the scene back to the throne room, but judging by how different it looked, Twilight guessed it was some time after the incident. "A couple of years passed, and Sombra fell to the darkness. Starswirl still couldn't find a way to safely manipulate the heart, and the heart itself refused to do anything for Sombra. The day I feared came. Sombra broke out of his cell and hid the heart before he overthrew the king and took control of the empire. Equestria attempted to stop his reign on the first few weeks, but they found out that even though we were considered to be the most peaceful in the land, it didn't mean our military couldn't stand to defend the empire. And well, you know the rest of the story." "Hold on," Twilight gave Chrysalis a skeptical look, "why didn't you and the rest of the changelings disappear when the empire did?" "Because just before Celestia banished Sombra, I took the changelings and as many ponies as I could, including young foals and especially the newborns, and fled the empire. Of course I couldn't possibly have managed to save all of them. The colts and fillies you see running around now were either the ones we were forced to leave behind, or the ones we couldn't get to. And the changelings who couldn't leave the empire? The lack of love caused them to mentally deteriorate and eventually die." "How come none of the crystal ponies turned into changelings during the last fair?" "I can only guess that it had something to do Cadence's magic resonating harmoniously with the heart's own, inhibiting whatever it was that caused the transformations to happen." "I guess that makes sense..." "Is there anything else you wanted to know?" Twilight thought for a moment. "Actually... why didn't you just go to Celestia? Couldn't she have helped you?" Chrysalis hung her head. "Truth is, I was afraid." "Of Celestia?" "Of how the Equestrian ponies would react to us. I was afraid they would hunt us down, thinking we were Sombra's twisted creations. They had a reason to believe that. Sombra used changelings to terrorize nearby settlements, including those behind Equestria's boarders to strike fear on all who opposed him. But I'm guessing Celestia kept that from being written in the history books." "Celestia wouldn't have let you be antagonized! You wouldn't have had to hide for so long. She would have--" "Fear is a strong emotion, Twilight. No matter how you think it would have turned out, it would have always ended with us getting run out of town one way or another. When something that has protected you for years suddenly disappeared, you are left with nothing but uncertainty. Us changelings were afraid of being outcasts, shunned by the population as monsters. The ponies were afraid some new threat would arise when the relic that kept them safe had just suddenly vanished. They weren't about to take any chances. How do you think that would have ended for us? Do you think they would have allowed creatures that look like they had crawled out of Tartarus to live among them? Do you think they would have accepted us, knowing we fed off of love, the very thing that kept their society together? Of course not. They would have wanted to get rid of us. And I couldn't let that happen. Not when we had just lost our home." "But..." Twilight thought long and hard, but she couldn't add anything. She didn't blame Chrysalis for what she was feeling, but she still thought that things would have gone a different way if the changelings had turned to Celestia. Equestria's High Council would have made sure the changelings were welcome... But the more she thought about it, the more she believed Chrysalis did the right thing to protect the changelings. Ponies were individuals, and each had their own thoughts, dreams, fears... They wouldn't blindly submit to every desire their rulers had without giving it a second thought. Fear would gradually build up, and soon, the scenario Chrysalis expected would have happened, and they possibly wouldn't be here. If she hadn't known the story, Twilight would have thought that to be something worth going back in time for. But it would be a shame to lose such an intriguing race, especially since the changelings went through such an extreme change. That was something that needed to be studied in the future. Suddenly, the world collapsed around her. A blinding light filled her eyes, and when the light faded, Twilight was back in the room, staring at her own reflection. "Now you know the truth." Chrysalis turned away from the mirror and rested on her throne. Vigil walked up to her and spoke up, finally. "Why didn't you tell any of us about this?" Chrysalis regretfully stared at the ceiling. "I didn't want any of the younglings to long for something I wasn't sure would come back. It would be like tying a piece of candy just out of their reach. I didn't want to see them in that kind of agony." Seeing that Vigil accepted her reason, Chrysalis turned to Twilight. "I'm sorry about the invasion on Canterlot, but please understand that it was all out of necessity. We were running out of food, and Equestria had an abundance of love. It was a difficult choice to make, but I had to put the ones I cared for first." "I understand. And I'm sorry that you had to lose so much just to help the changelings." Twilight said, her eyes touched by Chrysalis' spirit. Chrysalis uttered a "Thank you" and had Twilight escorted out. "I knew she made a lot of sacrifices, but I never knew just how much she lost." Vigil said when he opened the doors. "She protected the swarm, nurtured it, and kept us all safe for generations. Mares, heh. They amaze me." He looked at Twilight as she turned to leave. "Twilight. Thank you." Twilight turned her head. "For what?" "For giving the queen a moment of your time. I saw it in her eyes: A heavy weight had just been lifted from her heart. I'm sure she'll rest more peacefully now. I thank you for that." "You're welcome." Twilight smiled as she went her way. The changeling closed the doors and returned to the queen, only to find her in front of the mirror, her hoof gently touching its surface. A stream of tears rolled down her eyes. He could see her lips moving. He couldn't tell what, but he knew what Chrysalis was muttering about. Because inside the mirror was the pony she held so dear. A pony she knew she wouldn't see ever again. Vigil put his hoof on Chrysalis' shoulder. Usually not a welcome gesture to the queen, but Chrysalis allowed it, just for that moment. "A wise pony used to say, 'Nopony truly dies until everypony forgets him.'" Chrysalis closed her eyes and lowered her head. "I never even got to say good bye..." ===== "So how did it go?" Asked a certain little dragon who came from behind the pillars. "I was worried when you took so long, I thought you were changeling goo by now! Hey, what's wrong, Twi?" "It's nothing to worry about, Spike. I just feel a little... strange." "Oh no! Did they get you with that brainwashing spell?! W-we have to get to somepony, quick!" Twilight levitated the dragon. "It's not that. I just feel so stupid. I was so sure she was up to no good. Now, I think I just..." "So... you're feeling guilty?" "I guess so." "So what now?" "I don't know. I think I'll just crawl back to my bed, do some reading, let things settle in my mind." She let out a heavy sigh. "I wonder what the girls are up to." > Unwanted Attraction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thinking about it now, perhaps it was a bad idea to go out without a disguise. "Hey! Stop!" Yep. Siren figured one day she would eventually be chased down by a mob of ponies. "We just want to talk!" Although she imagined it with more pitchforks and torches, and fewer roses. "Please, we just need to talk to you!" One of the mob ponies shouted. "Get lost!" She shouted back. The trouble began when she browsed through the floral section of the market place. A young stallion approached her carrying a rose. He offered the flower to her, and she accepted the gift. But she soon saw that it was a big mistake. Like a flame attracting moths, a horde of stallions suddenly appeared and pushed flowers in her face. It was amusing for a while. Free love to feed on without exerting any effort to get it? That was every changeling's dream! But oftentimes, dreams were better left for sleeping, as she had just learned. She enjoyed the fact that they'd fight over who'd be the one to pay for the brooch she picked out. Of course, when their fighting got out of control, she ended up paying for the jewelry and left before the stall got demolished by the overzealous party. But the fun didn't end there. Seeing her trying to avoid them made the mob think she was stepping up her standards, and so their antics... well... lets just say that half a dozen shop owners won't have much to sell on the next day. So now Siren was frantically weaving through a sea of ponies in hopes of losing her pursuers, but the more determined of the lot were still giving chase. Siren was running out of market fast and she needed to get away from these crazy ponies. Flying would have been a viable option, if she hadn't stumbled over a barrel of water when she first decided to run for it. Who even puts barrels of water by the road these days? Even though she could have flown even with her wings wet, the risk of them tearing mid-flight was just not worth it. Besides, she kind of enjoyed the adrenaline. But she knew she had to quit while she was ahead. She needed a distraction, and a conveniently placed mannequin at one of the stalls proved to be the perfect medium. She levitated her helmet off her head and plopped it down on the mannequin. With a quick and simple illusion spell, she turned the mannequin into a splitting image of herself. Siren got out of the market area and let out a joyous laughter as she heard the series of crashes from the mob falling for the decoy. But then... *WHAM!* She body slammed into Applejack and Rarity. For a moment, she saw stars floating around her, but despite that she got to her hooves and continued her run. "Now wait just a gosh darn minute!" Applejack shouted angrily. "Hey! -- What in tarnation?!" Siren looked back and a heavy sense of dismay fell on her. The mob of admirers were still at it. "Would you just leave me alone?!" She screamed as she jumped the hedges to the castle gardens. It was already too late when she noticed a yellow mare in her way, and tripped when she attempted to make a connecting jump over her as she landed the first time. Siren fell on the flowerbed, her chin making first contact. With a prayer she cast a spell that shape-shifted her into a little squirrel. A flurry of hooves passed by and faded, along with the shouts trying to convince the mare they thought they were still chasing to stop. Siren heard a whimper and saw the mare she had just stumbled over. She was shaking like a leaf in autumn, but the sight of a squirrel looking to see if she was okay calmed her considerably. But when the squirrel burst into green flames which then revealed a changeling, Fluttershy quickly retreated. "I won't hurt you!" Siren said quickly before she was given away. "Sorry I scared you." "That's okay." Fluttershy squeaked. Before Siren could say anything else, Rarity and Applejack trotted up. Rarity was the first to speak her mind. "You... you... Do you realize how expensive this pendant was?" She angrily held out a cracked opal necklace. "Uh..." "Now now, Rarity, you bought three more of those. Exactly the same as that one." Applejack interjected. "I'm sorry about your pendant." Siren apologized. "Here, take this. It would just remind me of this nauseating day anyway." She levitated the brooch from her neck over to the unicorn. Siren didn't really plan on staying long, but she could still feel the love from those stallions, which meant they were too close for her to get away without being seen. "Do you really think that a simple compensation would-- Oh my, that's one fascinating piece of jewelry." Rarity swiped the brooch out of the air. The brooch was a butterfly adorned with exquisite gems of varying sizes. It flaunted a silver frame with golden accents, polished to shimmer under the sunlight. Rarity fell in love at the sight of it. She wouldn't admit to it, but Siren played a part in getting Rariry's attention to divert to the brooch using a spell that amplified any feelings on a certain object. And for somepony who was attached to anything fashionable as Rarity, it proved to be more than enough. While Rarity was busy trying on the gift, Applejack walked up to the mareling. "You're Siren right?" "You recognize me?" Siren looked surprised. "Of course, you were the only girl in Chrysalis' posse." "Hm, at least you could tell the difference." Siren rolled her eyes and turned to make her quick leave, but Applejack was quick to pull her back. "Hold on now. Would you mind telling us what made those stallions come runnin' after ya?" Siren tried not to act too embarrassed or annoyed. "Well this colt came and gave me a flower. Next thing I knew, they were fighting over me." "And you had nothing to do with that?" Applejack asked suspiciously. Well of course she had something to do with that. She was the one running for her life! But she knew what the earth pony meant. "If I had anything to do with that fiasco, don't you think I could have called it off?" Siren contested. "Magic spells go haywire all the time. Wouldn't surprise me at all if you blundered up and got more than you bargained for." After all, two out of two love-manipulating spells Applejack knew of went through all levels of crazy. Siren stomped her hoof and harumphed. "You give us too little credit, pony." "Hey there she is!" Came the voice of one of the love-starved admirers. The sense of dread returned to Siren's gut. "Not again." She turned around and saw three of the cretins who chased her around the marketplace. She was too drained to even think of trying to outrun them again, and her wings were still soggy, so still, flight wasn't an option. The stallions weren't going to give up any time soon, Siren knew that, so it was either she gave in, or cast a spell at the three elements and let them be lambs to the slaughter. Or maybe... juuuuust maybe... She looked mischievously at Fluttershy, a viable third option in her opinion. "Hey, sweetie. Could I borrow you for a moment, I need your help with something." ===== "So you're telling me, you had absolutely nothing to do with this mess?" "I already told you, no! We just got here!" "Oh really?" "Yes. Besides they said it was a female changeling who was being chased by a horde." "Eh, could have fooled me." "So you're saying I look like a girl?" Back in the wake of destruction brought forth from a single act of affection, the other party of ponies and changelings were in the middle of a confrontation. Rook and Cross felt a huge disturbance coming from the area, and went to investigate the sudden concentration of love. When they arrived, Rainbow Dash grabbed Cross and began interrogating him while Pinkie Pie dealt with Rook. As words were thrown around, Rainbow Dash and Cross' conversation threatened to escalate into a fight. They had already started their stare-off and it was only a matter of time before the contest would devolve into who could trample the other. Meanwhile, Rook was showing off his illusions and shape-shifting skills for the amusement of Pinkie Pie, who was calling out the things Rook would change into. "Can you do a chicken cow?!" Pinkie shouted gleefully. "Pshh, easy." With the green flames flickering, Rook took the form of a bipedal cow with a rooster's head, feet and wings. "Cluck. Cluck. Moooo." Pinkie laughed out loud. "That's so silly-looking!" A crowd had gathered around both parties. The crowd surrounding Pinkie and Rook were mostly made up of foals who took turns telling Rook what to change into, while the one surrounding Rainbow Dash and Cross were stallions and guards who were waiting to intervene should the two get into a brawl. The market was damaged enough as it was already. Luckily the fight never got underway as a green flare fired up from the tower. Vigil was summoning them back. "Let's save this for next time." Cross sneered as he took to the skies. "Rook! Quit making a fool out of yourself, it's time to go." ===== "I can't believe you used Fluttershy like that!" "My word, I think you broke the poor girl." Before Siren's admirers got to her, she grabbed Fluttershy and planted a kiss on her cheek, casting the same spell she used on Rarity's brooch, and broke three stallions' hearts in doing so, as well as making the other two mares to want to break her bones. Fluttershy was so too shocked to do anything but whimper and sob, and no amount of Rarity's coaxing drew the mare out of her state. "I... admit, I may have overdid it." Siren expected to get some amusement for her antic, but instead she genuinely felt bad for what she did. "May have!?" Applejack neighed. "Fluttershy doesn't like being that close to anypony she doesn't know, let alone being kissed by a complete stranger. Why would anypony even do that?" "It was either that, or I hexed them to chase you around instead. I had more options, but I didn't want to cause the queen any trouble." "Why couldn't you have just told them off?" "I already tried that, but they just wouldn't leave me alone." "So the only thing you thought of was to kiss Fluttershy? Look what you've done to her!" As if she needed a reminder. Siren took a step towards the shaking ball of yellow, but that only caused her to shrink smaller. "Look... I... uhm... I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, okay. Just..." A green light shot to the sky and descended slowly. It was time to go. Siren expected to feel relieved, but only regret hung around her mind. "I have to go." Siren hung her head and walked passed the three mares to the entrance to the castle, avoiding eye contact with any of them. As Siren climbed up the tower, she heard Cross and Rook coming up behind her. "She practically called me a girl!" She heard Cross cry out. "I swear if she insults me again, I'm going to plaster her to a tree somewhere nopony will find her, perhaps lure an Ursa over there." "That's going a bit extreme, don't you think?" Rook commented. "You should really work on your anger management, buddy." "Whatever. Oh, hey Siren, we heard you caused quite a ruckus." Siren waited for the two to reach her so they could walk together. "You have no idea." She sighed. "Felt like I'd drown with all that love. It's crazy, these ponies are crazy." "You're telling me. That rainbow-maned one was just rearing for a fight." Anyone could tell that Cross was still fairly peeved. "I don't know, some of them are fun." Rook cut in between them, "Like miss Cotton Candy for example. She's a fun mare to be with." "Cotton Candy?" Siren and Cross asked. "Yeah, you know, the one with the puffy mane." "Ooooh, looks like somepony's got a crush." Siren teased to get her mind off what happened in the garden. "Call it what you will, but if things work out, I'd be set." The three shared a moment of laughter before they reached the top, where Vigil was waiting for them. "Good, you're all here." He started. "I hope you had fun with your time off. Alright, let's arrange our shifts for tonight as well as our positions for tomorrow." ===== Celestia was already notified about the changelings before Twilight wrote to her on their train ride to the empire, and she told her apprentice that she had no jurisdiction in the empire, so the choice on what to do with the changelings rested solely on Cadence and Shining Armor. Celestia expressed her approval on allowing the changelings to be assimilated into pony society, but she instructed Twilight to send her a report on their behavior nonetheless, since neither she nor Luna could make it to the banquet due to visiting foreign royals. Twilight was sitting with her friends around the circular rug in the middle of their room. They talked about how their day was with the changelings and what they learned. Spike was there with a quill and a few scrolls to take down notes for the report. Rainbow Dash was the first to accuse the changelings of being trouble and told the girls (and Spike) about the chaos they caused in the market. Applejack and Rarity had to agree, telling them that Siren used Fluttershy as a degrading tool to get rid of her admirers, but they refused to disclose exactly how she was used, for Fluttershy's sake. Fluttershy, although still emotionally hurting from her experience, defended the changelings and suggested giving them another chance. "They didn't physically hurt anypony on purpose. And the actions of some shouldn't speak for all." She said to them. Pinkie Pie was also with Fluttershy, saying that they were fun to be with, and that "They would be great at parties!", given their entertainment potential. Twilight held off telling the group about what she learned from Chrysalis until everypony got to say what was on their mind. When she finished relaying the summary of the changelings' history, the girls were more inclined to give them another chance. If the empire really was the changelings' historical home, then who were they to keep them out? Their discussion went on for a while longer before they called it a night and had Spike send the report to Celestia. The air felt so tranquil that night. It was as if a lullaby passed over the entire empire and plucked the troubles from everyone's mind. Even those who were fearful of the changelings' presence rested easy. Back in the tower, Vigil found himself on the balcony, blankly staring at the calm vastness. Gentle clip clops of approaching hooves momentarily distracted him. "Can you feel it?" Chrysalis said as she walked beside Vigil. "Its like my worries had just ceased." The queen nodded. "It's the heart. It's welcoming us back. It's telling us that everything will be okay." Vigil took in the peace and quiet. The night didn't feel like any other night. It felt special. "Yeah... I think it will." > A day for Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting with Shining Armor and Cadence had just adjourned. They talked about tomorrow's program and the measures they had implemented to make sure everything went smoothly. It reminded Chrysalis of the old days. Sombra would always go through the trouble to make extra sure things didn't get derailed or interrupted. Her questions were entertained and answered without using fancy words that could have masked a hidden agenda, except for one. She never got a straight answer to the reason behind the changeling's sudden invitation, only that there were ponies who wanted to see her after the meeting. It was supposed to be something important. She was told to go to the square to meet the ponies, which gave her a sense of security. Upon reaching the ground level, Chrysalis noticed that one of her escorts was disturbed by something. "Is something bothering you, Siren?" The mareling looked up and shook her head. "Don't lie. I saw you looking back at something with a guilty look on your face." "I... I just saw somepony I wanted to talk to, that's all." "Then go." "B-But I can't leave your side for personal matters while I'm on duty." "Then you are relieved for the rest of the night." "My Queen?" Siren wasn't sure she was hearing right. "Go talk to that somepony. Vigil, Cross, and Rook will be enough to deter any threats. Go, before I change my mind." "I... uh... Thank you, my Queen." Siren lowered her head in respect before galloping to the gardens. The group continued onwards to the heart in silence, passing through the crystalline halls. The guards bowed to Chrysalis and opened the doors for her. She felt her heart skip at that moment. She sensed it... the pure, innocent, and calm heartbeat of a changeling born from crystal. She felt a hint of it the moment they arrived at the empire, but only now did she recognize it. And she couldn't help but smile. ===== "Do you know about the Crystal Changelings, Chrysalis?" asked Arcane Quill, the changeling scholar charged with educating the young and soon to be high priestess on everything there was to know about changelings. Chrysalis nodded. "They're very rare and are different from both crystal ponies and changelings, and that they're born as a changeling even though their parents are both crystal ponies." Arcane looked proud. "They're also thought to be lucky, hence the term, 'Lucky Birth.' Whoever coined that wasn't very creative, was he? Its good to know you've been reading the books I lent you. What else can you tell me about them?" "Uhm..." Chrysalis put a hoof under her chin, "they look like regular changelings, but during the crystal fair, their crystal coats begin to show." "That's right. The average changeling can't adorn a crystal coat because their magical auras don't harmonize with the crystal heart's in the same way a crystal pony's aura does." Chrysalis tilted her head. "Huh?" "To put it simply," Arcane said, "the crystal heart's magic doesn't resonate or react well with the average changeling's aura." "Why?" "Why?" the scholar repeated, somewhat embarrassed "Weeeeeelllll, we're not entirely sure yet. But my theory is that us changelings, instead of letting the love from the heart encase us like what crystal ponies do, we absorb it instead, hence why we don't get our sparkling coats. It makes sense, really. I mean, how else could you explain the feeling that we've just eaten a whole buffet for a week after the fair?" The both of them giggled. "So that means crystal changelings can somehow stop themselves from absorbing the love?" Chrysalis asked. "Either that, or they aren't absorbing the love as quickly as regular changelings, which would explain why their coats don't stay for more than a moon. But enough about the crystal changelings and their enviable sparkles, lets see if you can pick one out of the crowd." Arcane whistled and a group of ten volunteer changelings walked into the room. "But, isn't it impossible to tell them apart?" The scholar put a foreleg around the filly. "Some changelings, crystal or not, can tell at a glance, some can feel their presence, and some just instinctively know. I'm just curious if you have a similar talent. Give it a try." Chrysalis looked at each of the changelings in the room. They didn't seem to have anything that popped out, except maybe the third one from the left, the one with a horn slightly bent the wrong way, but it was probably just a physical defect. Unicorns had those too, sometimes. Wait, what was that? Chrysalis saw a glint coming off of one. It was the seventh changeling. "Um, are you the crystal changeling?" She asked her. The changeling shook her head. "Sorry, but I am not the crystal changeling." Just as she said that, a glow seeped from the walls and swirled around the tip of Chrysalis' horn. "What's happening?" she worriedly asked. Once the aura condensed into an ethereal-like ball, it shot at the changeling Chrysalis pointed to earlier. After the flash of white that followed the impact, the changeling that got hit was revealed with a fresh crystalline coat. The changeling was speechless for a while, as was the others including Arcane. "I..." she sighed and smiled, "Okay, you got me, I'm the crystal changeling. That was a pretty neat trick." "Fascinating!" Arcane shouted gleefully. "Simply fascinating! That magic was not your own, was it, Chrysalis?" Chrysalis shook her head, feeling ashamed. The scholar gently roughed up her mane. "Don't feel bad. I think it was the heart that helped you with that spell. Didn't you feel its presence when the ball emerged? I need to record this event, I'm sure the king would want to hear of this too. That's all for today. Oh and, try to figure out how you can do that spell again. I'm fairly certain the king would want to see that in action." ===== "Why did you discharge her?" Vigil asked, thoroughly confused with the queen's actions a few moments ago, and oblivious to the fact that he had just broken Chrysalis from her reminiscing. "Because a distracted escort is no use to me." Chrysalis replied, not letting her excitement nor annoyance drip into her voice. "Is that all?" "Are you questioning me?" She raised an eyebrow, prompting Vigil to lightly shake his head. "No. Its just that I never really seen you this way before. Its as if something changed you so much in the short time we -" "Just because you are my personal guard doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about me, Vigil." "... I'm sorry, my queen. But I needed to be sure for your safety. I have concerns about the ponies who asked to meet you." "Oh? I'm sure they won't be any trouble." "How can you be so sure?" Chrysalis stopped abruptly and gently nodded her head to a couple approaching with a stroller. The two crystal ponies bowed. The stallion and the mare were beaming with joy. The mare began the introductions "I am Rosetta, and this my husband, Lancet. It's an honor to meet you, Priestess. We're so glad Princess Cadence invited you." Chrysalis returned the courtesy with a smile and took a peek at what was inside the stroller. A young changeling was sleeping peacefully, tucked inside with a pink blanket. "So you must be the reason why we're here," she said. The proud father smiled and nodded. "It truly was a fortune's birth." Rosetta said. Chrysalis couldn't agree more. "What is her name?" "Muse." Chrysalis closed her eyes and lit her horn, letting it pulse in sync with the Crystal Heart, which was right behind the lucky couple. It began to glow and emit a soothing aura. "Muse," Chrysalis said, "you have no idea what you've done for the Empire, and for us, who were so far from home for far too long. You have indirectly eased the minds of the members of the swarm, and made it possible for the Changelings to once again be part of the Crystal Empire. I thank you for that, and you shall receive a very special gift from the relic that has protected us since the Empire's foundation." The aura that had surrounded the Heart swirled around the tip of Chrysalis' horn, concentrating to a ball no larger than the young changeling herself. Chrysalis leaned down to guide the ball to Muse's horn. From there, the ball's essence was absorbed, making the changeling filly glow like moonlight for a moment. When it subsided, the filly was adorning her first crystal coat. "May the Heart protect you and your loved ones." Sentimental tears escaped from Chrysalis' still closed eyes. She had forgotten how good it felt to perform that spell. The residual love she got out of it had a different 'taste' than what she normally experienced, somewhat like a rare treat. When she opened her eyes and looked down to see the reason why the wind by her hooves felt different, she could see that her hooves were free from holes and were coated in shimmering crystal that shone as brightly as it did lifetimes ago. This is unexpected, Chrysalis thought, but it was something she welcomed. She missed her crystal skin. "My Queen... is that you?" Cross asked, dumbfounded, but not as much as Rook, who was stunned at the queen's transformation. "Yes." She replied to her escort. "This is what I looked like before taking the swarm and leaving the Empire. It's... it's a long story. I'll discuss it later." "We are eternally grateful for the blessing, Priestess." Lancet and Rosetta said with wide grins as they bowed again in gratitude. "You're welcome. Please take care." They exchanged goodbyes and separated. Chrysalis looked to her escorts. "Let's return to the tower. Tomorrow will be a busy day." ===== "So you forgive me then? ... Thank you." It was a strange sight, to be sure, but it somewhat felt natural, seeing a changeling and a pony sitting and watching the stars together. The long silence between the two was not at all awkward. It radiated a feel of mutual understanding that generated a tranquility around them. All that need to be said was said, and an unlikely connection was formed, which still felt alien to her. Siren couldn't understand it herself, but she found peace in knowing that there could more to the changeling-pony relationship than being simply predator-prey. She felt as if a need had been met. Something she could compare to getting her first taste of love, fresh from the source. Siren recognized the feeling of making a friend, it was something she knew well back home, but it felt so new and different to be experiencing that joy coming from a pony who was freely giving it to her, and not to some character she was pretending to be. The mareling looked at her yellow companion fidgeting with her long, pink mane. The first impression Siren got when she first saw the pegasus was that she was a weakling that couldn't have possibly stood on her own. Someone who had to have a supporter just to get her out of whatever hole she hid herself. Someone too fragile to be even allowed to go out for fear of having her mind shattered to pieces at the sight of a hamster and their bizarre and twisted defense strategy to defend their young. But now, Siren knew she was wrong and this weakling was anything but that. She appeared weak, but inside she was strong, capable of standing on her own hooves. Not everypony would forgive so easily as she did, and considering how bad of a trespass Siren committed against her, to accept an apology so easily showed an inner strength like nothing the changeling had seen before. If she didn't know any better, she'd say the pony had gone through that situation before. Though Siren got to wondering, why did Fluttershy forgive her so easily? Suppose it didn't matter. Siren stood up and turned to leave. She could feel Fluttershy's timid eyes follow her. "Are you... going already?" Fluttershy asked, sounded as if she didn't want her to leave. "Fluttershy," the mareling looked back, "you're the first pony I genuinely apologized to. And this feels weird, but... thank you. Thank you for giving us a chance. I know it must be hard for you to trust us." "N-Not at all... some ponies are worth giving a second chance." Siren nodded off and turned a corner in the garden where she had another business to attend to. "I know you've been listening." She addressed a breathing hedge. No response. She sighed. Her horn lit up and she grabbed hold of the eavesdropper with her magic, dragging her out by the tail. "Alright! Alright! Ya got me." It was Applejack. "What are you doing out this late at night?" Siren questioned. "Ah wanted to make sure Fluttershy was alright, but ah hung back after I saw you chasing her. Ah would have stopped you back then, but I saw something in yer eyes that made me give you a few moments." "Really now? What was it?" "It was unmistakable. Ah saw the guilt in yer eyes, and the determination to set things straight. After seeing that, ah just had to give you a chance. But make no mistake, ah only did so for Fluttershy and this peace deal with your kin and the empire, and had you made a move to hurt her again, ah would have kicked yer bug-flank back to where ya came from." "I appreciate the sentiment. I suppose you're going to tell me to leave her alone now?" "As much as I want to, it's not for me to say, but ah'll keep my eye on ya just the same." As Applejack left, Siren had a smirk painted on her face. Feelings were hard to hide from changelings, and Applejack gave off quite the fierce signal. And it wasn't anger or the like. "I really overdid that spell." ===== Ponies from as far away as Manehattan to Trottingham, and even Appleloosa gathered in the empire. Most of the visitor had only arrived that day, and had no idea who the guests of honor were, or had completely no idea why everypony turned up so suddenly. Guards were stationed around the stage area, each carrying the empire's flag and acted as barriers should things turn sour. When the changelings trotted up to the stage, there was a mix of cheer, fear and confusion. The crowd grew restless as ponies who were unaware began to panic. The guards attempted to contain the situation while Cadence and Shining Armor reassured everypony that Chrysalis -- now back in her changeling skin -- was no threat to their safety. It wasn't until Chrysalis herself fired a bolt into the air did the crowd settle down enough to hear her. "We're not here to cause trouble," Chrysalis explained, "we're here because the empire's rulers have generously extended their hooves in friendship." "Like hay they have!" a pony from the crowd shouted. "Everypony knows what you changelings are capable of! And we wont stand for what you're planning!" another cried. "You changelings are nothing but trouble!" "We should have hunted you down after Canterlot!" Soon, the sea of ponies began to form an angry mob. The ones who didn't share their views were accused of either being brainwashed, or being a disguised changeling. Those ponies were threatened, and some had felt hooves upon their faces. Pegasi guards swooped down to control these small fights, but if nothing would be done to calm the mob soon, there was no telling how far they would go with their rampage. "EVERYPONY! LISTEN UP!" Everyone was shocked stiff at the sudden voice which came booming in like a howling family of Manticores. Even the changelings felt like goats. Twilight was up on the stage. She used her magic to amplify her voice. A neat little trick Princess Luna taught her. "HA! You're in trouble now, Chrysalis!" a mob pony cheered. "You have no chance against Equestira's saviors!" "Actually," Twilight said, not anymore using the equestrian voice, "we're not here to fight the changelings. We're here... to vouch for them." "WHAT?" A collective gasp echoed. "Have you gone insane? These changelings have committed crimes against Equestria, and you're defending them?" "Yes, its true that the changelings have done horrible things and attacked Canterlot Castle, but they proved to us that they could be something other than our enemy. All we're asking is that you give them the chance they need to prove the same to you." "It's not what they need, it's what they want! They want you to let your guard down, and BAM! You're left rotting in their cocoons. That's not a risk I'm willing to take, even for Equestria's heroes." A flash of blue went to the protester and held him up by the collar of his fancy suit. "Well that's some gratitude!" Dash said in disgust. "We went out and fought Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, and Tirek, reforming the first two, destroying the third, and throwing the last back to Tartarus! What, you can't do this one measly thing for us? We even threw the changelings miles away during their attack! You don't think we can do it again if they dare cross the line?" The stallion was sweating nervously as Dash continued on with her rant until he finally nodded to the idea of giving the changelings a shot at living within pony society. "That's more like it!" Dash let go of the stallion and joined Twilight on the stage. "You sure know how to convince a pony." The alicorn said, impressed with Dash's, uhm... diplomatic technique. Dash grinned, "Of course, its part of why I'm awesome!" Twilight then turned to the crowd. "So what do you say? Are you willing to let the changelings show you that they can be our friends?" The crystal ponies, of course, were unanimous with their decision, and the majority of the rest of the crowd approved as well. All it took for the ones still skeptical to agree was just Dash's glare. During all this, Chrysalis was impressed and surprised on how bent Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were on letting the changelings stay. Not only those two, but the other four were also in the crowd convincing others to accept the changelings, and soon more and more joined in until they sounded like they were chanting. This brought back a flutter to her heart. She was moved by how highly they thought of them now. "So it's settled," Cadence said, trotting right beside the mane six, and soon joined by Shining Armor. The royal couple smiled at each other and said, "From here on, the changelings will now call the Crystal Empire, home!" Chrysalis tried her best not to choke as her eyes suddenly watered at the word. "Home... we are home."