> DLairgkht World > by Groupiegatalo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Freedom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight lands before the old castle of ruins, as Rainbow likes to call it, and begins walking, her hooves echoing across the cobblestone floor. It was always nice to get away from Ponyville. Ever since she got her castle and she became known as the demon slayer she now finds herself with a lot more duties and crowds. But today. Today she is going to relax as she pleases. All her friends are at home resting up from the tiring work. They've been busy rebuilding the destroyed houses from Tirek's blast that, regretfully, destroyed her home. She look around the castle taking in the tapestry and all what remains of the once glorious castle. She considered having her castle rebuilt like this one and maybe with a bigger library. But that would require a lot more work that she doesn't want her friends and people of Ponyville to go through. She dismisses the thought as she continues her walk into the castle. The one place that has always caught her interest is that of the throne room. Like Celestia's and Luna's current castle the windows, though broken and barely understandable, of the ruined castle show events of the past on them. One of her favorites is that of a creature's leg and beside it lights wavering up. She doesn't know what it is about the broken glass, but it feels her with curiosity to truly figure out the mystery of it all. She walks closer to the window feeling even more drawn to it today. She knows she came to do some reading on how to be a good alicorn mentor, but. She presses a hoof against the glass wishing she could go back in time to see what the glass once was or to even see what the even was that made this picture appear. "You know Twilight." A sing song voice says from above her making her jump back and stare up, "Curiosity is how most things get started as well as end." There's a certain tang in the owner's voice, one Draconequus voice, a bit of sadness and pain is there as he too looks upon the glass. Does he know about the? Her thoughts are interrupted by Discord, "Before you ask. Yes, I do know what used to be here. It could still be here, but that would be even crueler than what happened. Hopefully he has found rest high above..." Discord now looking longingly at the window floats in front of the window and rubs a hand across the broken parts of the window, "Yet to be forgotten has been crueler... Tell me, Twilight... How much do you know of our history?" "As much as Celestia taught me. Why? She said she had left out nothing of the past except what needed to be. Even now she's telling me a lot more than she told be back than... Does it have to do with." "I'll let you decide that. For now I have a lunch to catch." Discord says as a basket flies by his head and through the opening of the window. He snaps his fingers and becomes a ranger complete with a butterfly net, "Ta ta for now Twilight! Oh, and I should warn you. The way you go and the path you take towards the mystery will be painful. You will have to bleed for what you seek and cheer for what you have lost." Before she can even ask, Discord flies off to capture his lunch that is flying for unknown reasons. Such is the nature of the chaos god. She shakes her head not understanding what Discord would ever mean. Sometimes its clear as day and others it just seems like gibberish with an hidden intent. It's almost like he can see the events about to talk fold before they even happen. Fluttershy, her yellow pegasus friend, told her that he said he didn't see the events coming. Yet from what she has seen. Even with how "reformed" he is she still doesn't trust him fully. He recently got to explain why he did what he did and we insured him this it's not imprisonment. But now as she thinks back to it. He seemed to react to the words imprisonment strongly. And even Celestia and Luna seemed effected by it. She sighs shaking her head, "Discord, Why can't you be more simple." She leaves the throne room and heads straight for the library. At least she can think about what he has said. She begins to levitate through books as soon as she walks in. Eventually she starts stacking books on the history of the past around her. She stops once she has a reasonable pile around her. Some 10,000 books. All about the small history events and events that have changed the world to what it is now. She begins reading scanning through the pages recalling many things Celestia has said along with the books she was made to read. "There is no difference... it's just a useless review now..." She says massaging her temples the best she could while flipping through pages, "Maybe I should just ask Celestia." She turns around to see the sun has gone down and the moon has taken its place. She flinches knowing that Spike must be worried sick about her. Than again Spike would hopefully remember what she told him before she left out. After all he should know good and well about her reading habit. Thought he doesn't like her to be out in the everfree and she can agree with him. Weird things happen at night. Another reason why she doesn't like being out here late is the everfree is a very dangerous place. The everfree is almost like a conivore itself. And the castle, the castle belongs to the everfree. She rises from the floor and starts putting the books away. She starts heading for the entrance and decides to take one last stop at the throne room to admire the glass. "Nothing I read helps reveal the glass..." She lights her horn as the room is darker at night. Recently magic torches have been put up to light up the castle at night just in case this ever happened. Yes, not a single torch went into a lot of rooms. Like exhibit A, the throne room. She walks to the glass again the light giving the glass an even more ominous glow making the mystery even more interesting. She shakes her head and decides this mystery is too big to be left alone. And now she has the time to figure It out and she was going to use it! She heads back to the library at a brisk pace and begins her reading once again. Sleep will have to wait along with Spike. Morning rises as Twilight does. Books lay all around her some opened others still closed upon a less daunting pile. She groans and stretches out her wings to relieve them of the numb feeling from sleeping on the floor. All through the night she had dreams of secrets that might be unfolded to her if she tries hard enough. She saw what she imagined as aliens and untampered spells never used before buried in the castle somewhere. Other times nightmares of horrors released by her onto this world all because of her curiosity. She shivers at the thoughts that run through her mind as she remembers her dreams, of the many spells, and the horrors that could be found and/or improved upon. It's like a wet dream to Twilight both ways. She shudders and fluffs out her stiffing wings before she begins preening them. She has gotten better at keeping her image up even when studying and working hard. All thanks to Rarity and her insistent pestering. She never really understood why she had to always keep a good look even when people aren't looking at her. Though its more often than not she finds ponies looking into the library. She shakes her head so she may return to the task at hand. She begins to levitate the rest of the books when one in particular catches her eye. She levitates it to herself and reads the content. Which is a series of blank pages. She puffs up her cheeks and is about to complain when her stomach grumbles defiantly. Food She thinks to herself remembering the basics of life. She giggles to herself as she puts away the many books in their right places. It takes her a while or more like two hours, but she completes the task and leaves the castle bringing along the yellow book as well. Flying towards Ponyville, she examines the book. It's yellow and has Celestia's cutie mark upon the front cover of it. It bares symbols as well that she can't really make out. She starts to consider it Celestia's journal and how it may be protected with a spell to prevent prying eyes, Luna or spies, from seeing its content. She smiles thinking of all the things that may be written in it. "Watch out Twi!" A familiar voice calls out beside her. Twilight looks up in time and dive bombs into the dirt to miss ramming into a building. She stumbles in the dirt and stops on her back and with a head ache, "Nice crash Twilight. What's got you so distracted?" Twilight looks for her book to find it laying beside her. "Well, I found a book and it may or may not belong to a young Celestia... Though the pages are blank." The pony in the air above her is a rainbow manned blue pagasus that is one of Twilight's bestest friends, as she puts it, and most loyal friend. Hence why she is the element of loyalty. She has also been given the rank of the top enforcer for Twilight's own guard unit that is still being built up. "Huh... Think it might be a diary?" Rainbow suggests eyeing the book with interest, "I wonder what all types of juicy secrets are in there." "Oh please Rainbowdash. Your starting to sound like Rarity." Twilight says fluffing out her wings. Rainbowdash lands and chuckles, "Hey, every girl got to know a secret or two." Twilight nods her head and starts walking towards her new home. Rainbow walks along side her. "So you been at the Castle of Ruins the entire time huh?" "Yes Rainbow. I've been looking more into demons and the past of late. There is still a lot of things we don't know about. Equestria and I would like to be better prepared this time in case something does happen. Again of demon nature.." Twilight says glancing at the book every so often as if it would just simply disappear. "Riiiight. So you figure there's like some type of magic on the book that won't let you see its words. What if you're meant to wright in it to see stuff?" Twilight stops and looks at Rainbow with a giant smile on her face, "I'm so glad I got you into reading!" Rainbow pumps out her chest, "I learned about something like that in a Darry Hotter book where he had to." "Let's not worry about that! Come on!" Twilight says galloping off towards the tree castle. Twilight and Rainbow lay in Twilight's room staring at the book. First to make sure that she has in fact done everything she could with magic that she knew Twilight casts a few de warding spells on the book as well as other spells to make hidden things appear. When none of that work it was time to test out Rainbow's theory but at the same time Twilight grew afraid that if they did test it out and it turned out to be wrong that it could lead to trouble. Plus, the more she thought about it the more she realized how insensible it sounded. Perhaps it was the stress of trying to figure out the book that was making her desperate. "So you're sure this might work?" Twilight asks not really sure of herself. "If it doesn't work it doesn't work. At least you'll know that you tried. That's what you told me remember?" Twilight smiles shaking her head. Rainbow was getting smarter as the days are growing old. Twilight levitates the ink and feather closer to her and prepares to write, "What should I write?" "In the book Darry wrote hello." Twilight would voice out how silly all this is, but the nagging voice in her head. Twilight sighs and does it. She writes the words hello in the book and waits for something to happen. After what seems like the most intense minute the words disappear before words appear. "Password incorrect?" Rainbow says scrunching up her face at the book, "So you have to write down a password to unlock the pages?" "Seems so..." Twilight says nodding her head, "Go gather the girls. We're going on a hunt in the Castle of Ruins!" "Alright! About time we finally did something else other than work our flanks on nothing important!" Rainbow says standing up and flying out the room. Twilight could feel herself getting closer and closer to the end of this mystery. Twilight stands in between all of her friends. Rainbow on her right and an orange earth mare named Applejack who wears her cow stallion hat wherever she goes. She's also the element of honesty and the most honest pony of them all. That's why whenever Twilight has a tough decision for something she goes to Applejack. Thankfully the mare has been really good at it of late. Behind Applejack is a yellow pegasus with pink mane and tail. Her mane covers a part of her face. Her name is Fluttershy and she represents the element of kindness. And the last one of their group is a white unicorn with purple mane and tail. It's styled in an elegant way that you wouldn't have thought that she was in fact the element of generosity. But both Fluttershy and Rarity show their elements the best way they can. Unfortunately the last element was not with them. Pinkie was currently with the royal bakers learning new recipes to help out with as well as testing the royal sweet makers. "Alright girls! We're here to search the castle for any type of password hint we can find. Me Rainbow and Fluttershy will check out the library since we can fly up to the tops just like Celestia and Luna could. Rarity go to each of the rooms and use your sense of fashion to figure out if anything seems odd in the room or might lead to a secret place okay?" "Right!" She says with a salute. "Applejack. I want you to check everything around here for anything we have missed. Go down to the element tree if you have to." "You can count on me!" She says taking off. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbowdash head into the building ready for the search that could take them hours or mere minutes. Rarity breaks off wishing the other three luck and to keep a keen eye on Twilight in case she starts having one of her usual panic attacks while looking for something important. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow walk into the library and begin to fly around and look for secrets. They move the books around seeing if they open a hidden passage way of some sorts. Even though Twilight really hated having to see all these books mistreated and placed in incorrect order she made herself stay calm. Even if it was starting to get to her, but in order to figure out a mystery sacrifices had to be made. Unfortunately. It takes hours. Almost an entire day. They had to stop because Twilight neglected her eating habits so Rainbow had to fly her back to Ponyvillle so she could eat, or more like be force fed food. After that they came back and everyone was in the main area before the throne room. "Girls what's going on?" Twilight asks rubbing bits of bread off her muzzle. "We think we may have found the password." Applejack says. "Really! Alright let's see if it works!" They all nod their heads and follow behind Twilight to the library where she had left the book, more reluctantly than she did when forced to eat, when she was taken away. They all gather around the circle table where Twilight opens the book and levitates a feather and ink to get ready. "Alright what is it?" "It's not a word. It's something you have to do. You have to give your blood to the book." Applejack says eyeing the book. "My what!?" "You have to bleed. Apparently only alicorn blood can make the words appear. I found out about it while in Luna's room on the other side of the castle. Apparently she wrote down a lot of things on the walls of her secret room to remember things she would easily forget. We also found more disturbing things about her as well... If you want to go see it we can go show you." "It's fine. We'll see it later. For now, we need to make me bleed." Twilight forms a knife with magic and presses against her foreleg. She puts it over the book and lets blood slip down her arm onto the page watching what may happen. The others watch, two of them wondering why she knew such a spell. The blood soaks into the page and disappears. Twilight heals the wound to make it stop bleeding yet it does not disappear. The page reads password accepted and words begin to fade in. Twilight scans the two pages in front of her reading their details. The last two pages talk about the destruction of the castle. She flips all the way to the front of the journal. "Oh my Celestia..." Twilight breathes out, "This is dated in an era I've never even heard of... year 4000 A.D? I've never heard of a thing like that..." Twilight flips through the pages and stops when a certain one catches her eyes. It's a crude picture of a throne and what look like a hole under it, "Girls... we're going to the throne room..." Twilight leaves first while going back to the front page and slowly reads while the girls follow behind silently. Rainbow can easily see Twilight's face and can tell she's absorbing everything. And by the look on her face she's not liking most of it. They reach the throne room and walk in. Twilight eyes the throne and uses her magic to wrap magic around it. She moves it to the right almost throwing it away. "So it is right..." Twilight says walking to the hole where the throne used to be. The hole, of course, is smaller than the throne, but big enough to allow them access down there. Twilight looks at Applejack and motions for her to get on. Twilight has always started being more cautious since recent event involving her friends. Applejack gets onto Twilight's back and Rainbow caries Rarity down. The friends descend into the hole. Twilight takes point using her horn as a light. "I wonder what's down here that they had to keep it a secret?" Rarity asks looking up. "Something not worth mentioning." Twilight mumbles angrily still mulling over what she recently read. The descent takes longer than expected. When they touch down they are greeted by the darkness around them except the small glow of Twilight's horn. Rarity ignites her horn to help out the lighting problem a bit. They look around to see cells or more like cages. "So this must have been the dungeon." Rainbow breathes out, "I had always wondered where it was." They walk in a group looking into the different cells seeing no signs of it ever being in use or just not being able to see in it at all. They were just empty forgotten about cells. Till they reach the end. Rarity lets out a scream as she backs away from one of the cells. The others join around it and inside lie multiple skeletons untouched by time. The forms resemble a type of creature that had fingers like a monkey yet taller and without a tail. Two of them are in a sitting positon against the wall. The third is laying on the ground limbs stretched out staring at the ceiling. The scene feels the group with a massive sadness. Chokes of sobs sound from Fluttershy as she looks away. Twilight moves back, "Come on girls... Maybe we can figure out what all is in here." They move forward with Rarity in the back comforting Fluttershy as best as she can. The girls keep moving down the long hallway looking into each and every cell. Inside each are more of those weird skeletons that none of them can explain. Some seem to be laying on top of each other, laying in the cots that were provided to them inside of there, and others are splayed with missing bones and cracks along the bones. A sad and dreadful sight for all of them. All the while fury in Twilight increases wondering why Celestia had never mentioned none of this. Not even about the diary or anything. It wasn't like she was protecting the ponies or anything from what she can tell. Celestia had once told her that all would be revealed once she became of age. Now here she is still in the dark about everything. She grinds her teeth and stops before yelling. "Why! Why don't I know any of this!!" She yells slamming a hoof into one of the bars beside her startling the girls behind her. "Twilight calm down." Rainbow says coming up on Twilight's left side. "How can I! All of theses creature are dead! From what? I don't know! Only Celestia and Luna know and they won't tell me anything as you can already tell! They didn't tell me I would become a alicorn and I think Celestia knew since the beginning and so did Luna! I've been kept in the dark for way to long and I want some damned answers!" Twilight continues down the hall her mind racing and raging at the entire world. The girls look at each other and than follow after Twilight afraid of what she might do. They wander the halls and go down stairs before Twilight stops again and this time doesn't rage. She hangs her head and shakes it, "That's it... there's nothing down her. Everything is dead. The knowledge they once held, the secrets they've held were taken to the grave. Or at least in a grave in Celestia's and Luna's mind. I doubt Cadance would know about any of this..." Twilight turns and faces the girls, "When we get the chance we are going to speak with Celestia and Luna about all of this. I really need your support on this..." The girls nod their heads and begin to walk away when Twilight whips around. "What?" The entire group is quiet as they stare at Twilight. Something very faint catches their ears. Twilight bursts into a gallop down the halls. With the girls, except Rainbow: naturally, trying to keep in-suit. They come to a broken down door and head inside where Twilight is staring at one of the creatures that isn't made of bones. Instead hairless skin, except for it's head and parts of it's face, and brown baggy ripped leather that covers up most of him. Chains lock around it's thin wrists and ankles and it's staring Twilight straight in the eyes with it's own grayish eyes. "You. I don't remember one like you.... Though I'm surprised I can recall anything... I had hoped another had been freed and was actually freeing everyone. Or even you might have been the other that had escaped and finally came back for us. Or what might be left of us." The creature shakes it's head the chains rattling with it, "But no. Only another damned Alicorn. Neither Celestia nor Luna but a new one. What do you want? Haven't Celestia and Luna already done enough. Or are you here to infuse your magic into me? Or perhaps you've found more of my race and wish me to hear and watch them die as well? I bet that helps you get off at night doesn't it." "Wha...What? I-I-I don't know what your." "Don't know? Maybe they never told you. Perhaps your too new. It wouldn't surprise me any. Always with the killer surprises. Celestia said she was going to wipe us from history. Looks like she succeeded. Didn't she Flint. " He looks up towards the ceiling shaking his head, "And here I thought we done something great. So your new I take it? Not as big as the others and I can't feel magic emanating off your body like Celestia and Luna so I guess war times are over. Tell me. On the way down here are there any left alive that called out to you when they heard the faintness of your voice or even felt the presences of you." "No. They're all dead.... I'm so sorry that you." "Sorry! I don't want to hear that from your kind! Hearing sorry from a pony is like receiving sorry from a bully that just stole your sandwich and gives it back a quarter of it! It's empty and meaningless... Sorry won't bring back the dead. If I want to hear sorry from ponies I would want Celestia and Luna to come down here and say! No, no. Even their apology would mean nothing at this point... Nothing at all..." He stares daggers at Twilight, "Now leave me to rot. I pray that I die soon so I may tell the others that have left before me of this joke." Rairty and Fluttershy have backed out of the room leaving a depressed lowered head Twilight, Rainbowdash, and Applejack beneath the creature. "Maybe we should go..." Rarity breathes out not daring to look at the creature, "Maybe this is why they've never mentioned it Twilight." Twilight nods her head and stands to her full height her magic flares before a blast shatters the shackles around the creatures ankles and wrists, "Let me grant you this freedom than. I don't know what Celestia and Luna have done to you and your kin, but I WILL find out." The creatures falls to his hand and knees catching itself out of reflex to prevent it from falling to it's face. The lack of use of it's appendages have a toll as he falls to his side breathing heavily from the effort to catch himself. Fluttershy sees this and quickly moves closer, "Are you alright." The creature takes in a deep breath, "No, I will never be alright... Please leave me. I just want to die... So unless you can kill me. Just leave." Fluttershy looks shocked at the creature than at the others. They have the same face of surprise as she does. They say nothing as they walk away. "Wait. I want you to do something." Twilight turns around, "What?" "I want you to tell Celestia and Luna that an old friend is coming. Soon." "Are you sure your in condition to actually move?" Fluttershy asks concern in her voice. "I will be soon. I've always been.... Always..." He closes his eyes and he lets his ragged breath even out, "You'll see. I'll make you all see." He mutters the last bit to himself as the ponies file out of the area leaving the creature to itself. The strange cream colored, almost hairless, except for the few points of black fur that comes down from the top of his head over his right eye; gray eyed creature slowly regains his strength within the dark cell cherishing the fact that the light from Twilight's horn will become a brighter light that gives warmth that will shine down upon him. > Planning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Twilight and company make it outside the sun was beginning to set. No words had been exchanged during the plight back up through the dungeon. Only thoughts on what they just encountered and what should be down linger within their heads. For each of them they were planning on doing something. Something that could prove futile or very prosperous. As they exit out of the throne room Fluttershy looks back wondering if the creature will be okay through the night. Now that she thinks about it, they never even learned what type of creature he is. In fact they had hardly learned anything. She questions going back and checking on him, but decides against not wanting to go back alone knowing the others wouldn't want to go back.. She decides to wait till tomorrow to ask one of the others to come back with her. Or either go back with Twilight since she already knows that she will. Meanwhile Twilight walks with meaningful strides. She had cracked open something, but only a fraction. No, not even a fraction. Just a mere scratch on an seeable indestructible box of mysteries. She couldn't even fathom all that she might be able to learn. But it all starts with him. The one that doesn't want anything to do with them at all. The one that was there during what ever happened. She could always ask Celestia but. Rainbow walks beside Twilight concern on her face. She could tell Twilight was going to do something big. It radiated off her and by the way that she moves... Rainbow bites her bottom lip. If she was really going to go up against Celestia and Luna and demand answers and use all the girls as witnesses her loyalty would be tested. If all this was suppose to be a sealed tight secret than what would happen to them all if they revealed they knew about it. Would she stand beside her friends or play dumb? Rarity on the other hoof was far from conflicted. She had her sister to take care of. If she had to make some pony a scape goat to prevent herself from getting into to much trouble, like she used to do in her foal years, than she will. She sees it as a generous offer to his sister. Give up her friends so she can take care of her. It was the right thing to do. At least in her mind. Applejack, for once, isn't sure of if she's ready for what's about to happen next. Either way she's going to be strong and stand for what she believes is right. If Twilight is going to go to Celestia and Luna about this, it would only be right if she went with her. Looking at Twilight shows Applejack how confident Twilight is of her next actions. Or at least she hopes she is. All of them are so unsure of the future. They are all concerned with something. Yet they're all brave enough to face it. Whether as a team or not... That hasn't been decided. A man cackles in the dark. His mind playing over the conversation "he" just had. He shakes his head as he leans against the rusted bars of the jail cell he's now outside of. He could already feel his powers coming back. To his much enjoyment. "If only Flint could see me now. I wonder if I would finally give him a run for his money?" He says thinking of an old friend, father, and mentor. Flint was someone etched into him to the very core. So deep that he will never leave him. Flint was the only reason he could keep a shut lip to almost everything. Flint was the reason for the resistance. Flint was the reason they all did great. Flint was everything to every single last person that was once alive. Flint showed "him" the path to walk down. Now, that path can still be followed. But in the way he likes. A headache comes on. The first one in ages. He can only bring forth a smile upon his darkened lips. He runs his almost blacker than night pointer finger across the cobblestone floor watching as runes come across them. The piece of the floor the runes rest on explodes sending out mini fragments. It was only a small portion the spell went over just to test how much magic he can do without feeling exhausted. "Of course I remember." Another headache, "Hehe sorry we remember... You know you are a real pain in our." He stops as another headaches comes across, "Hehe... how I missed your playful nature... You know... They're going to come back despite your cool words. You can have all the charm you want pretty boy, but that won't change a thing." Silence follows as the man sits and relaxes again. His muscles had tensed up from the use of magic just than. Magic was always such a fickle thing back than. Now he could care less. It wasn't like he was using his own magic. The man tries to stand struggling at first but manages to stand up leaning against the bars. His strength was coming back slowly. If he could just get out of the dungeon it would come back even faster. At least the magic inside the cell weren't restricting him anymore. He always hated how when ponies put their minds to it they could create something to contain what ever they wanted. It always seemed to piss him and Flint off. "So... how far do you think we can go... No, I don't want to wait till morning." He replies to nothing, "Let's see." He pushes off the bars and gets in a few wobbly steps before falling forward. He manages to turn and land on his left arm. "Shut up..." He lays there barely visible to anything that may pass by. The only way they would notice him is by seeing his clothes and that's even if they pay attention. More headaches present themselves as he lays there huffing from the force he had to use in moving that much, "Laughing... doesn't... help..." "Fine!" He shouts managing to scoot himself against the wall between the cell on the left and the cell next door, "I''ll wait for you to take over so you can come get us out of here. I wonder how well you'll do mister smart guy." Obviously the invisible voice says something he doesn't like as a frown crosses his midnight face, "What ever just shut up and let me rest." When Twilight and Company reach Ponyville Twilight stops and turns to everypony. "Okay. Now whether or not you can make it I want to see everypony at the castle in the morning. I've got something to discuss and I'm going to need you girls to go over some things with me. Okay?" The girls say nothing as they nod their heads. "Now please go home and rest. We all need it after... that." Twilight says remembering the skeletons and the weird white creature, "Don't try to think about it too much okay girls?" She says that more directly to Fluttershy who seems to be the most distant of the group. The look she has across her face shows she's deep in thought about something. What it is only Fluttershy knows and Twilight doesn't have time to find out. She just wants to get back and sleep. In fact she doesn't even want to have the meeting in the morning, but the sooner they start the better. Everypony heads to their respective homes. Rainbowdash flies off to her home, Rarity slowly walks home, Applejack gallops mumbling about tin pans and hitting places she rather not be hit, Fluttershy stays there a moment almost about to ask something before deciding against it and walking off herself, Twilight turns and heads for the tree castle. Each leaving with their own feelings, worries, and decisions. Twilight arrives at the castle as a patrol is walking in front of it. She stops and takes time to admire the design. The armor plating was a dark purple with two bigger versions of her cutie mark, a star with miniature stars around it, on both sides of the body armor both a deep shade of red. The helmets were designed of the dragon persuasion. The helmets are designed to go down the snout and muzzle to give them a viscous look of a dragon. A special spell had been placed on all helmets to allow the guards to breathe fire for as long as they have the stamina, or magic for unicorns, to hold it. It was a neat little design she let Spike put in since he's her number one assistance and has been a really huge help since the very beginning. It was the least she could do. "Twilight!" A boyish voice calls out. Speaking of whom. Twilight looks up and smiles at her number assistant. A purple scaled, green spiked, which are surprisingly soft; baby dragon no bigger than her chest is waiting for her at the front gate. Wait gate? She doesn't remember a gate being up. When did. "So what you find?" Spike asks anxious of what she might have found out at the castle. Ever since he found that secret passage way he wants to go there more than ever ready to search the places from top to bottom in order to find other secrets. But Twilight keeps telling him it's too dangerous. Last time he checked the place was completely safe. Nothing even tried to hurt him while he was in there. To his knowledge of course. Plus what happened with the comic book while they were there was awesome not dangerous. "I'll tell you about it in the morning. First I want to eat and than I want to take a nice long relaxing bath before I go to bed. If you really want to know you'll have to wake up early with me." Twilight says snuggling the baby dragon's face, "If I don't see you, good night Spike." "Good night Twilight!" Spike says following in behind her. For some odd reason the tree castle seems a lot cleaner. In fact the smell of pastries hit her nose so hard it almost reminds her of Sugar Cube Corner.... "Oh dear Celestia, " She murmurs getting nervous, "I wonder what Pinkie's done..." Twilight says heading for the kitchen. Spike snickers, "Well," Twilight awakens with a start. Her alarm clocks is going off like crazy. She reaches over to it and hits it off when she realizes she doesn't even have an alarm clock. The alarm clocks shifts and turns into Discord who starts to yawn, "Me oh my! What a lovely nap that was. Don't you think Twilight?" Twilight groans inwardly. Just what she needed. A headache for her headache. "I'm not in the mood Discord." "But you never seem to be in the mood my dear Princess." Discord says floating up and smiling, "Plus I thought you were always a morning person." Twilight sighs as she gets out of bed. She truly doesn't know what is with the god of chaos this morning or even, in fact, yesterday, "Tell me Discord. Did you know about the dun." A claw claps around her mouth. Discord stares into her eyes, "Be wary of what you say for the walls have ears." Twilight looks around to see all the wall have ears straining to hear what she says. She didn't even realize that Discord had changed anything let alone moved. But at least now she didn't even require Discord's answer. Apparently they needed to stay hush hush about it for now. "Discord..." She says when he takes his claw, or more like peels his claw like tape, of her mouth, "You have to be at the meeting. I need your input about this. I know Celestia and Luna will never tell me about mysterious that don't involve me." Discord scratches his head and walks around the room, "Sorry Twilight, but I will have to decline. But I must ask. Did you meet anyone down there?" "Yes, but we didn't catch his name. Why?" "Just. Just a question." Discord says walking to a window, "Well Twilight it was nice being here in the morning with you, but I must simply fly off." On cue he snaps his fingers and a jetpack appears on his back which fires off with out him through the window, "Tsk, I really got to talk to those guys and their faulty equipment. Also I'll pay for the window some other time. Just put it on my." "Just leave..." Twilight says already knowing what he's about to say and do. With that Discord flies out, rather pleased with himself, through the window most likely to catch his ride. Twilight shakes her head a headache already in-suit. She could tell this was going to be a fun morning. She opens the door and walks to the throne room that also counts as the meeting room. Nearly thirty minutes before somepony shows up. The first to walk into the throne room and take her seat is Applejack. "Sorry Twi. I had to take care of a few chores before coming in. Where's everypony else?" "That's what I'm wondering..." Twilight mutters, "They know the usual time to get here." "Maybe they have something holding them up sugar cube." Applejack says moving around in her throne not quite used to it yet. "I hope so..." The next to arrive is Fluttershy ten minutes after Applejack and right behind her is Rainbowdash. The two take their seats, "Sorry for being late. We wanted to see if Pinkie would come along, but she said that she had something planned at the castle today for all the guards and staff. I didn't bother asking her about it" Rainbowdash says shaking her head. "So what is this meeting about exactly?" Fluttershy asks, "I have an idea, but I don't know if its really what I think." "Well Fluttershy." Twilight says ready to get started instead of waiting around all day, "We're going back to the creature and demanding answers. I already know Celestia and Luna aren't going to tell me so I'd rather not cross that bridge yet." Rainbow, who has been looking tense while she was walking in, seems to relax at the news. Fluttershy nods her head, "Alright Twilight. I actually wanted to go back too to see if the creature is alright. But are you sure you'll be able to keep um calm during the exchange. You seemed pretty upset yesterday..." "Ya ain't gotta worry non Flutters! The creature Seemed like it could handle itself so I'm sure he's fine plus I'm sure Twilight will do fine!" Applejack says waving a hoof at her, "Now what about Rarity?" "She's not here obviously for some reason." Twilight says getting out of her chair, "But we don't have time to wait around. Every minute is a minute that the creature has already left and is far from where he once was." "Twilight... I have a question." Fluttershy pipes up. "What is it?" She asks looking directly at her. "How will he get out of the hole if he can't fly?" She says in a quieter tone. The room goes quiet as they all look at Fluttershy. The man that was once as dark as midnight. Is now white skinned again, but healthier than the former form. He stands on his wobbly legs and moves forward shuffling more than walking. He takes a deep breath of the some what fresher air. "Think the sky looks any different? Probably not..." The man moves forward stumbling every now and than. He makes it to the stairs leading further down and higher up. He goes up knowing that deeper down most likely lies nothing. Though he has been wrong before, after all look where he was. He uses the railing to help lift himself up each and every step till he reaches the ending. "Damn stairs..." He breathes out already tired. He is starting to push himself a bit hard trying to get out into the open air, but he knows that once out there he'll start to feel a million times better. He walks down the corridor and checks out the cells. The ones down stairs seemed to lack what the ones up here have. Bodies, or more appropriate, skeletons. Seeing the dead bodies feels him with more energy as he walks along side the right side letting his hand slide against the wall and metal. Each cell he passes he can see the faint look on their faces. He barely can recall the names of the ones that used to be in there. The different users of magic. The ones he grew up with and the ones he met during the whole escapade that ended him in his special spot. The ones he met during the punishment and, sadly, he can't meet ones after it. He can only reacquaint with their skeletons. He chuckles at the thought of shaking hands with the skeletons and introducing himself. Asking them how their day is, how's the weather, do you want to get revenge, maybe practice in magic together. He shakes his head that holds a smile that holds back pain. The pain that nothing can inflect on him other than himself. He breathes out and takes a shaky hand through his hair. "Keep it cool... there will be a time to think back and mourn later... For now..." He looks up to where a faint light shines down, "I have to get out." He takes a deep breath and feels the air for magic. It's very faint, but its still there. Faint traces of magic in the underground system. He takes it and mixes it with the magic forced into him to slowly raise himself from the ground. He slowly floats up through the hole draining him of the energy he has left. The thought of escaping and regaining the energy faster fuels the spell as well as he reaches the top and drops the spell. He grabs hold of the edge and climbs out panting. The fresh air does good for his lungs as he finds it easier to breath. The breeze that rolls across his skin spikes his enjoyment of this. He stands, spreads his legs and arms, and opens his palms embracing the breeze. He looks to his right and left to see the throne room is disarray. "They let this place fall apart..." He breathes out as he stands up straight again. He looks at the broken windows and torn down tapestry that once made this place beautiful beyond belief. Seeing as this place must be abandoned he wonders if they've relocated to another area where they'll rule from. He nods his head knowing that has to be the most true thing yet. He walks over to one of the broken down windows to see woods and the sun still rising above the horizon. "The glorious ball of death that gives life and taketh it. How you mock me and comfort me at the same time. How I wish to blot you out of my existence and yet embrace you as a father would his son or daughter." He says eyeing the trees, "And I see that our graves are that of trees. A tree for every dead man and woman must be here. Wonder why they planted them... Or perhaps one of my friends summoned them to protect us... No, No. Most unlikely, yet there is a slim chance. There is always a slim chance." He looks back at the hole he rose from. Just like his escape and the possibility of taking vengeance against the hated children of the damned Pony king and queen there is always a slim chance of something happening. Something nags at him from the back of his mind, "Of course... the more we dwell on it the more impossible it sounds... But we'll try or die trying... At least they've made the mistake of forgetting about us. Well that is until I told them to go tell the children that I've come back from the grave." He sighs and walks from the throne room to the tattered balcony that looks onto the main foyer of the castle. The foyer that now has a hole at the top of it and leaves adorned all over the ground from time to time. Most of the leaves looked brushed away which shows someone has been keeping care of the castle. "The only three rooms I've ever seen look shittier than I remember..." He says walking to the intact stairs on his left. If he was still underground he would've laid down by now, but out in the sun he feels all the better. He lets his hand rubs down the scratched wood of the railing of the stairs. A memory hits as he looks to his left to see people chained, bleeding, and babbling madness as they're all lead away for their fate up stairs. He passes a certain face, his own face. Or at least what used to be his face. Time chases a lot of things. Your appearance, the way you think, and your life goals. He watches as the young version of himself is lead up stairs and is broken away from the group till everything fades away. From there he can almost recall what happened. He continues his decent and walks towards the doors that also holds holes as well as scorch marks. A fire or magical blast that left an every lasting mark on these door. "Must have been something great..." Rubbing a hand down the door he proceeded to push it open allowing him better access to the outside word. There he stands on the top step, "Now, if they did what I asked them to they won't be far from getting here from wherever they are." He looks at his right hand as a white ball appear in it. He begins tossing it up and down wondering how to pass the time. After all he had to make sure to welcome the bitch if she gets here. "Hey!" Twilight cries out watching as the creature from yesterday throws a white orb against the wall of the ruined castle, "What do you think you're doing!" The creature flinches before catching the ball and crushing it in his hand. He turns around and stares at them indifferently. It's almost like he was waiting for someone else. And truth be told, he is pissed that it's these guys coming here again. He runs through a list of spells in his mind in case they've been sent here to take care of him. He smiles inwardly believing that will draw them out. Princesses coming to avenge another princess. "Why are you guys back." He says smoothly showing no signs of emotion in his voice. "We've come because we need answers. I've thought a lot about what you said yesterday and I realized that I know little to nothing about the past. In fact only those who have been around long enough probably only know of the true past. That's why I want to learn, from you." Twilight says The creature just continues to stare as if not believing them at all. In fact he doesn't. He scoffs, "Get out of here. I don't wish to talk to you. I only wish to see Celestia and Luna so I can fight and kill them... It might not bring back everyone, but its a start for comfort." Twilight looks at her friends each one showing a different emotion. Fluttershy looks to just about ready to run to the creature and give it a hug, Applejack is tensing up ready to fight the creature if she has to, and Rainbowdash just has a scowl on her face not liking this creature for one bit. "Look... I'm not going away and I'm not bringing Celestia or Luna into this. If they come then they'll only get rid of you just like the others! I'm trying to spare your life yet you keep trying to throw it away! I'm trying to preserve knowledge and yet!" The creature smiles and shakes his head, "None of that matters to me...I rather let the past die along with me. We failed at what we tried to accomplish so our names have been erased from memory..." Twilight takes a step forward, "That's selfish! We're mean to learn from our past not forget it!" "Forget and let live my dear unicorn." He begins walking forward towards her. She flinches back as Applejack and Rainbowdash stand between her and him, "I choose to let go of my past because it haunts me. Even now I still see fragments of the past." "Stop right there don't come any closer!" Applejack yells. Twilight stares the creature right in the eyes. He shows no emotions with them and the way he walks with such presence is intimidating. He speaks with such confidence and yet cold at the same time. She can easily tell he's been through so much even if he doesn't show it. She wonders for a moment what all Celestia and Luna did to him along with everyone else. It must have been horrible for him to want to completely forget his past. "Since you guys want to know so bad I'll give you a little hint so you guys can figure it out yourself." He sits upon the ground directly in front of Applejack. He crosses his legs and lays his arms on them before resting his hands in between his legs in the hole he's created. The group watches him with excitement wondering what all he'll say. "In the eyes of a dying race, that leaves with out a trace tradition buried alive and secrets that will lie. In the mouth of a dying race, blood pours out at a fast pace Last words fall deaf sealed close at death. In the ears of a dying race, we did no hear the chase the world fell silent listening wasn't our talent. In the hands of a dying race, we held things that left a bile taste. The items that led our destruction, put us in the reduction. In the nose of a dying race, the smell of fire we could not sate. The bile burned our nose the sun did more than no one knows." He stops his head lowered remembering and knowing what each words means. He remembers how some of the prisoners would say this whenever a guard would pass by or Celestia and Luna would visit him in his "home". The group only stares with Fluttershy on the verge of tears. The words have a strong impact on her as she realizes he's speaking of the past. Though she's not sure what all of it means, the sad tone he speaks in tells her more than anything. Twilight is about to ask something before he continues thinking of other words to add to it. "But, in a striving race they all show happiness upon their face. All innocent of the bloody show of the race that took the biggest blow. Now I'll let you take that how you want. I know what each and every words means towards my people, yet that won't change the fact of what has happened and what can't be returned. I want some peace of mind before I try to kill myself." Fluttershy perks up tears flowing down more, "What!? You're going to what!?" He nods his head that still hangs low, "This world has no more use for us. I've lived to long, way to long. I don't want to live anymore." A hoof comes across his cheek from Applejack who also has tears in her eyes, "How can ya talk so calmly about something like that! Yer talkin about enden yerself!" "I know. I don't care anymore about my life. That's what makes us different. You've all lived comfortable lives. I can tell by looking at each and everyone one of you." He raises his head and looks them each in the eyes, "A kid that was raised to be tougher than anything yet holds a soft side to her that she wants nobody to know about, a meek girl that cares for everything but afraid that if she shows it to much she'll be taken advantage again, a princess too smart for her own good that seeks out a vent for her daily life of learning, and a mare that wants to show the world she's tougher than anything when she's not. I've seen it all before and more. That's why I don't care." He stands and looks down at them all, "Which way to the sisters or will you send her here? I don't have time to... No, I do. But I rather not live longer than I have to." The group of ponies keep quiet as they look upon Twilight who is staring at the ground. She wonders to herself what she should do. The situation is sad and cold. "There is no chance for forgiveness... is there?" "Never." He speaks immediately. She takes a deep breath, "I will not bring them here neither will I tell you where they are. Not unless your co-operate with me." His eyes flare, "Do you really think. Just even for a second that Me, the guys that despises ponies will work with you guys even for a second? You should be grateful I've even let you live for so long as it is. I'm starting to rethink it too." Appleajack and Rainbowdash inch closer to him ready to fight if they have to. Twilight simply just shakes her head, "That was them. This is us. You can trust us more you can them." He starts to laugh as a joke that breaks out into a full hearted laugh. The girls all watch his sudden mood change both curious and afraid. They exchange glances, "Damn! I haven't had that good of a laugh in over a millennium!" Twilight's anger peaks just a bit, "And what's so funny!?" "You are! To me all ponies are the same... I understand you live life differently and all have your own personalities, but rally against one and you have a mob coming after you. I wouldn't dare turn my back to you guys or give you a sideways glance either. No, if I'm going to kill them I'm making sure there is nobody behind me. Just me and them only." Twilight is about to lash out, but Fluttershy beats her to it. Sort of. Fluttershy throws herself against him knocking him to the ground in a hug. Twilight and company all stare in disbelief at this. Even the creature seems shocked about it. But he comes back from it faster but pushing her off him. She lands on the ground with her wings extended shuttering. Twilight lays a hoof on her to only feel electricity run through her hoof. She pulls back and stares in horror at her. The creature stands up his right hand showing sparks on it, "You're pushing your patience with me. Keep it up and I promise the next one will be fatal." Fluttershy cries out in pain as she tries to get up to only fall back to her side. "What did you do to her!" Twilight cries out igniting her horn. "Paralysis to her nerves. She'll be in pain, but its not fatal. I can make her feel better, but than you'll hate me even more. Though I could care less. Just a shock to her hearth and poof problem gone." "You bastard!" Rainbow cries out head rushing the creature. "Rainbow! No!" Twilight cries out reach out with her magic to stop. To late as the creature grabs her fore leg with his left hand and head butts her sending her backward. It dazes her and her readies to end her life, but something to their great pleasure happens before Applejack attempts to tackle him. He's picked up and lifted into the sky. "What the hell!?" He cries out. He looks up to see a creature with more parts combined than he'd thought to see. "Well hello Morbiss." It speaks out. "Discord.. Twilight breathes out confused on whether or not she's happy to see him or not. . > Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord drops Morbiss, as he calls him, and snaps his fingers where a white mattress appears under Morbiss where he lands comfortably. Morbiss looks up his curiosity and anger distracting him from the group of ponies in front of him. "Who do you think you are!?" He demands. "The name is Discord. Though you would remember me as someone else if we were both still young and unchanged by time." Discord says floating around Morbiss, "Sorry I had to cut your fun short, but I couldn't stand by and let you hurt my dear friends." "A creature like you friends with them? Ha... Maybe I'm already dead and just gone to my own personal hell..." He says standing up. "Now don't be like that Morbiss. I remember at a time where you would accept a nicer way to end things than a war like way." Discord sits on the mattress and crosses his arms before his body changes. In his places sits a man with a white goatee with different shaped horns, no longer deer and goat but black and green spiraled horns; coming out of his head, a brown shirt and pants on, human arms and legs, and a necklace with a clover on it. Morbiss jumps back not sure whether to be shocked or scared. Again the theory of him being in his own personal hell seems more positive. "But, this isn't my real form. Not anymore. I just figured our conversation would be better if we talked like this. Though I can do a dog too if you'd wish." Human Discord says preparing to snap his fingers. "No, that's quite alright... I just... What happened? You obviously seem to have be around up here longer than I have to become friends with ponies." Morbiss spits out ponies with venom. "Discord... What did you mean no longer your form?" Twilight asks walking towards the two. "Well, my pony friends, come and sit down. We're going to give you guys a story. Well more of a history lesson for Twilight." Discord says expanding the mattress by touching it. The ponies look at each other before taking their seats on the mattress ready to hear what they're going to say. "What do you mean we?" Morbiss asks folding his arms, "I don't want anything to do with these creatures other than mount their heads next to their beloved queens." "And thus begins lesson one. They don't refer to themselves as queens. They are the princesses. The queen and king are dead." Morbiss nods his head, "I figured they would eventually... How long has it been since they died?" "Over a couple of millenniums ago really." Discord says shaking his head lowly, "But that was close to around where everyone started forgetting. That was also around the time I got free and cause some havoc while at it." Discord chuckles to himself relishing in his past accomplishment. Discord sighs and stares at his hands, "But the price I've paid to be free and reign as I did... I completely forgot the reason why I wanted to. I meant to free everyone, but I forgot where you guys were and over the years I've slowly remembered. I thought of coming once I remembered the place. I thought of setting everyone free, but each time I wondered how everyone would change to the world. How each person would accept the truth that the world is at peace." "There is no peace and you know it!" Morbiss shouts staring Discord down, "When there is always tension a war can easily break out." Discord lets out a low laugh. A cold dark one that sends a shiver down the back of the ponies, "The last war that was had was the one against the griffons. The ponies won because of the princesses and the use of magic. They didn't go as extreme as they did before." Morbiss flinches, "But they made sure that everyone would stay out of their way. And then they expanded from their rural area to as far as the everfree, or the old land as you know it." "But what about the villages and towns we had built!?" "Burned to the ground or completely destroyed by magic. Millions of years before that war. I watched them do it. They even built a wooden form of Flint and burned it in front of us all. I'm guessing you weren't there for that." "No, I was to busy being a bitch and lab rat for the sisters... They never told me any of the things they did. They kept me chained, under fed, thirsty, tired, broken, and in the dark.. It's ironic how the only reason I'm alive is by them too." Morbiss says tears threatening to rise, "I repay my saviors by ending their lives." "Yes. A lot has happened and I don't know how your return will effect this world. When you got free I could feel it very faintly. It was like there were two Celestia and Luna. Honestly I was scared of the very idea so I ignored it. Until I felt it strongly in the world. I doubt Celestia and Luna have felt this same power as me, but who knows. They've surprised me over the years." Morbiss goes silent as he stares at the mattress. Twilight breaks the silence, "So... You're telling me that Celestia and Luna have done a lot more things than they will ever let on?" Discord nods his head, "The two are good at covering their tracks. Just like true politicians don't you think Morbiss?" Morbiss nods his head a feeling of sadness radiating deep within him, "Honestly... They remind me a lot of their parents." Discord chuckles, "Except they took matters into their own hands. In fact they got rid of the systems of voting so now everything goes through them directly. A lot feared they would turn into tyrants so they both changed. But if you force someone to change so fast it causes consequences." Morbiss nods his head before shaking it, "So, after they expanded, what happened?" "Everyone became fat and lazy so to speak. They invented, researched, did magic, put on shows, made jobs, started trading, marrying other races, and took in the lies that were spread. Sure others tried to keep the old history alive, but. They got taken care of. Eventually everyone forgot and no one dared to remember. They just dealt with the problems of today." Discord says scooting forward and laying on his back, "I could've kept up the history of the old, but no one would've listened to me. They knew me as the mad tyrant. Now. I could care less. I focus on having fun more than anything now." "So why are you like this?" "Well, it comes back to the deal I've made. I wanted to get out badly so I began to experiment with my magic. The power of chaos." Morbiss snaps up, "Chaos magic? Does that mean you're!" "Yes, so the right hand and left come together again except we don't make a clapping sound." Discord says chuckling, "It's glad to see you remember me." "Honestly I didn't until I got a flash back. Even now the details are still fuzzy." Morbiss says looking into the sky, "I hardly remember a lot of things except what is imprinted on me." "Wait! What were you going to call Discord?" Twilight asks her curiosity over flowing, "And why did you change your name if it wasn't Discord? Was it to hide from the princesses? Or where the king and queen still alive back than? Who were the king and Queen? Did they let them do such a thing or did they start it themselves? Why aren't you answering my questions! I got so many of them I need answered oh my Celestia I really need to." "What did you say?" Morbiss asks cutting her off with his raised voice, "Oh my what." "Oh my Celestia? What about it?" Morbiss silently mules over this. He figures somewhere along the line everyone accepted the sisters as their gods. He shakes his head knowing that they will never be true gods. Celestia and Luna. Gods... ha. "Nothing. Also if you want answers you'll have to get them from him. I don't want to tell you anything." "Come now Morbiss. We're all friends here on the sharing mattress." He says sitting up, "If you want to learn a lot about the world your enemy rules you'll have to give information for information. So how about we start with the easiest question. Yes, the king and queen allowed for all that to happen. Though they kept their hooves clean so to speak." "Not like they were clean anyway." Morbiss says scoffing. "Yes, now how about answering their questions now. I've got something to take care of real quick." Discord says floating up and returning to his normal form, "Ta ta loves. Oh! And Fluttershy, do refrain from hugging random creatures for they tend to be violent against actions they've never experienced during a long time of imprisonment." With that Discord poofs away with an audible pop and the words poof appearing where he was. Morbiss shakes his head, "Always like a cartoon he is..." Twilight keeps her focus on Morbiss the whole time as he has an inner conflict with himself. He knows Discord has a point about gaining information, but. Morbiss looks at Twilight, "What?" Twilight looks away, "Will you do what Discord said?" Morbiss sighs, "Look, I'll tell you what you want to know but in exchange you need to tell how to get to the sisters and not stand in my way. If you do I'll kill you." Twilight glances at the others who just keep quiet and begin to stand beside her fully. "The thing about it is you'll have to beat all of us if you want to get to Twilight!" Rainbowdash says. Morbiss simply shakes his head and lets himself get into a better position. He extends his legs and waits for the first question, "Ask away if you understand." "Who is Discord?" Twilight asks immediately. "Hm. He's a, well, he once was a man who dabbled in chaos magic. He took the claw of a raven and infused it with himself which gave him his powers. He was also the left hand man of Flint. He was number two in the top five of the elite magic group. But now that's all in the past. I'm sure he's still as powerful as today as he was back than." "You mentioned infusing himself. What do you mean by that?" Twilight asks. "We, humans, don't have natural magic within our body so we can't use magic unless it is given to us or we gain it through different means. One way we all did was gain magic from magically infused items that gave us our magic. Each magical item gave us magic based on its properties." Morbiss says looking into the sky, "Sometimes the item we pick doesn't give us the power we want, but we live on with it anyway. It's not harmful, after the beginning." "What do you mean the beginning?" Fluttershy asks. "When we take on an item sometimes it'll reject us causing the magic that would be bestowed upon us and have it used against us instead. Say if you wanted water to be your magic and you used a lily pad. If the lily pad rejects you, you could end up drowning inside out. Or when it does accept up you can end up flooding the entire town or drowning somebody nearby by accident till you can control your powers." The girls gasp, "Now why would you guys take such a big risk fer magic?" Morbiss looks the questioner, Applejack, in the eyes, "Because, we had no other weapon to use against the pony race. They had a major advantage over us till we learned we can draw forth the elemental powers around us. Once an item has been picked that person uses that magic indefinitely." "There has to be a catch." Twilight says matter-of-factly, "You just don't get something without giving something back. That's how magic works. That is how almost everything works." "There is a catch my dear purple unicorn. But I would never tell you that." "Than I'll never tell you how to get to the sister." Twilight says standing her ground. "Listen here you little." "Cut it out you two! You got to respect what he wants to keep to himself Twilight." Fluttershy says standing between the two. Morbiss is a bit more than surprised at how she steps in. After what he just did to her, it seems out right idiotic in his mind. Honestly he wants them to fear and be awed to them mostly. No stand up for him. "Anyway, Yes there is a catch and I'll leave it at that." Morbiss says rolling his eyes, "Can we end this already?" "No." Rainbowdash speaks up before Twilight, "What were you doing in there?" Morbiss eyes flicker dark like for a second before turning back. Only Twilight notices the simple change and seems rather disturb by it. Morbiss shudders and looks up to the darkening sky. He sighs and shakes his head, "You know. I know a person who will answer your questions better. But let me warn you he's a real monster. Don't hesitate if you want to attack him on sight. Honestly I would too." Morbiss smiles, "Also he doesn't like you guys either. Much more than I do. Honestly I'm your friend compared to him. He wants the same goal, but he's not afraid to take drastic measures." With that Morbiss closes his eyes. The girls look at one another before looking at him. Slowly his skin starts to change from its whitish tone to a blacker than night, that is approaching, itself hue. His hair changes from silver to a mix of red and black, and slowly begins to smile showing his teeth off as well. He leans back taking a deep breath and lets out an exaggerated sigh into the air. His eyes open and they lay upon the group who all flinch back in fear as his eyes have white lines going through them both that segments the darkness that is his eye color, "Hello everyone." Morbiss brings his hands together, "So I heard him give you the riot act and let me say that I hate each and everyone of you yet I'm not the monster. He's the monster in this story. Though you don't want to hear that do you? You wanted to know about how I got in there right?" Rainbowdash unconsciously nods her head, "Alright. First I want you to think of monsters and how you tell them apart." "Are you a monster?" Fluttershy asks automatically. He holds his smiles showing off his sharpened teeth that seem to be a dark shade of purple, "Do you see me as one?" Fluttershy keeps quiet, "Fluttershy right? Let me tell you that you've made things hella awkward for us with that hug." "Anyway." He says flicking his eyes at Rainbowdash, "Before we start how about I get to know your names first." Twilight gulps before speaking, "I'm Twilight, this is Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbowdash." She points to each one accordingly, "We have others, but they're not here." "Of course. There are always others. I've come to expect that over the years. Imagine my surprise when I find out there is another Alicorn in the world." "Actually, " She begins, "There are currently five including me." "Hm. So that makes three I'll have to kill after I defeat Luna and Celestia. I can't wait to spill your blood onto the ground Twilight." Morbiss says staring her right in the eyes which paralyzes her with fear. She feels a lump growing in her throat too hard to swallow. She stares right back afraid to utter anything. "Hey! You're not laying a finger on her!" Rainbowdash says stepping in between the two defensively, "Only when you get through me will you get to her." "Ah, yes! Every princess needs her knight! Or two in your case wouldn't you agree Twilight? But what would I know. I'm only a pawn really. Merely something that'll put events into play before my death. I might not even get there all the way before I die. It just depends now." Morbiss says looking at Rainbow and Applejack, "You have a nice group Twilight. Make sure nothing happens to them before I get to them. I want the satisfaction of spilling their blood." "You're not Morbiss!" Applejack yells standing up, "Who are you!?" "I am Morbiss. I'm also your enemy. But since we're here and I said I won't kill you at this moment, unless provoked, we're at a truce and after I leave here try to stop me and I'll kill you. So you can call me whatever you like I'm still the same person. Just not at all." He says raising a hand into the air as an dark aura slowly forms around it making a ball into the center of his hand, "Or do you wish to paint this beautiful night in red?" Applejack and Rainbowdash say nothing, "Sit down you two. There is no need to fight. We'll face that when that comes." Twilight, still nervous, manages to lock eyes with him more used to the freakish look, "Now please answer Rainbowdash's question." "Adaptable. I'm starting to like you more Twilight. As for the question, well, I've done a lot of horrible things to ponies to get information that we wanted. I've delved into their minds and ripped it apart and yet I've pieced them back together myself. We've always kept prisoners, but never treated them like prisoners." Morbiss releases the energy into the air, "Though, if they put up too much of a fight we had to put them down. The prisoners they kept we never got back. They got back a lot of their prisoners cause we weren't as cruel. Anyway, after what happened that ended the magical war all the humans were rallied and put away into the dungeon. Unfortunately tales of the right and left hand of Flint had reached the sisters ears faster than I would like. They took me and gave me my own personal cell where they tortured me, beat me to the verge of death, and kept me alive. You can say I was in there for experimental reasons also." "So, they didn't treat you like the rest?" Twilight asks. "Yep! They actually killed my family before my very eyes and bathed me in their blood. I want to do the same thing with them, except with all of their subjects. But the more I think about it I start to realize bathing in their blood will be better." Morbiss says a pleased look crossing his face, "It makes me sick to my gut that I can remember them kill them with a burst of magic through their heart, yet I can't remember any of their faces nor their names." At this point Fluttershy is conflicted on saying you poor thing or how dare you say stuff like that. She still shudders and looks sick for a moment. Twilight also gives off a shudder, "W-W-What all did they d-do to you?" "They poured magic into me to keep me alive for one. Second they used the same tactics I used to get the secrets that we wanted. They went into my minds and started shredding it apart." He smiles with pride, "I gave them a good damn fight as well! No one takes from me without my permission. Though they got a lot of stuff I managed to keep myself from going completely insane." "Implying that you're not already..." Rainbowdash mumbles. "Now come Rainbowdash. Do I look that insane to you?" He says showing off his teeth once again. "Yes. Yes you do." "Don't be so mean Rainbowdash." Fluttershy says still looking over Morbiss. Fluttershy is still mulling over whether this new Morbiss is a monster or not. He talks and acts like one, yet the way he talks and holds himself says something completely different compared to the other Morbiss they've been talking to. The other Morbiss seemed to talk lowly of everything and hesitated with everything he did. This Morbiss seems to think of them as a challenge he can't wait to face whether he loses or not. Also he doesn't seem to hesitate with his actions as if they're all routine. She can't even tell which one she should be more afraid of. "When did you become like this?" Fluttershy asks just before Twilight gets her question out. "Heh. Was hoping I get that question." Morbiss stands up, "How about we take a walk? Why let a beautiful night go to waste?" The others follow suite getting up and following Morbiss as he walks away from the castle. As they walks along the beaten path from the castle they continue their conversation, "Tell me Twilight. Have you heard of problems with magic?" "A few. Why?" "Well I have a rare case of magic overload. So my body found a way to emit it without damaging me too much. I switch forms that release a different portion of magic from my body. Dark power in the night and lighter powers in the morning. When one is stronger than the other my body changes along with it as well as my mind and personalities. I've forgotten how and who I was before." He places a hand against a nearby tree, "I was innocent than though. Or at least as innocent as I could be. Speaking of the past. Twilight, I know you want to know what actually happened all those years ago." Twilight nods hear head, "Yes, it would really shine some light on the situation." They keep walking passing by different rivers and hollowed logs. The entire group enjoying the walk after sitting for so long till the ponies' bellies start to grumble. Twilight blushes, "Hey can we stop and continue this another day?" Morbiss shakes his head, "Sorry Twilight. I can't do that. If you wish to leave and eat than I'll have to get the information I need so I may see the sisters again. Maybe before the day we fight I'll tell you. Maybe even as we fight I'll give you a history lesson. Honestly I would rather die to you than Celestia and Luna." Twilight keeps quiet as Morbiss takes a seat on a log, "Tell me Twilight. Have you thought about my question?" "Huh?" "On whether I'm a monster or not." Morbiss asks looking at the moon, "I find myself a monster everyday. I feel my mind slip in and out. You know, for this whole transformation thing to happen the other magic has to get suppressed to a deeper portion of the body and mind. He's not gone nor will he ever be gone. He's hearing everything and gives his opinion that I can easily ignore now. But when weaken the ties we have to each other comes slowly connected and it hurts. You'd be better off killing me while I'm weak right now. A blast through the heart and you guys only have to pretend none of this happened. If you do do it than make sure it's a strong blast. The magic that radiates through my blood and over my skin prevents weak things from killing me. Even some extreme things as well." "I wouldn't dare do that. I'm sure there is another way we can settle this. I promise you on that." Twilight says standing beside him, "And yes. I do think you're a monster. A misunderstood monster. All monsters can be changed though. That's what I believe." "You believe in some stupid things than." Morbiss says smiling a gigantic smile, "I'm going to enjoy fighting you when the day comes Twilight. Make a deal with me." "A deal?" "Yea, that you'll stay safe till we fight. I want you to become stronger so when we fight you'll be able to kill me. I need you to harden your resolve. In this world life and death are a common thing that means everything at the same time as nothing." Morbiss says looking down at her. Twilight looks up and nods her head, "I'll fight you on my terms though. Neither one of us will die and I'll try to prevent you from killing Luna and Celestia." "Good luck with that. Now tell me how to get to them." Twilight gives him the instructions non-willingly. It was part of the deal they had made under the watch of Discord. She wanted more questions to be answered, but her hunger was getting to be too much, "Don't you need food too?" "Yes, but less of it than you would think. I don't feel the hunger yet, but when I do.... Jesus..." "Jesus?" "Don't worry about it. Anyway get out here before I change my mind of waiting." With a nod from Twilight the group walks away headed for the town leaving Morbiss to his own thoughts on the hollowed log under the night. He laughs quietly to himself relishing the fact that he actually enjoyed the conversation after having no one but himself to talk to. Even if it was with the ones he wants to kill. Twilight and company walk into town the moon resting in the sky. Twilight watches it knowing that Morbiss must be watching it as well. She turns around, "What happens now?" "I was going to ask you." Rainbowdash says watching the ground, "Do you think we can fight him or at least stop?" "Maybe... I say we take his advice and prepare for the worst. We'll get stronger and when the time comes we'll know how to deal with it right?" "I hope so sugar cube..." Applejack asks, "Fluttershy you've been really quiet. What's on your..." Applejack turns to see no pony around her. She begins to look around, "Um Twi? Fluttershy isn't here." Rainbowdash and Twilight turn around shocked as well, "Do you think she went back home already?" "Maybe..." Rainbowdash says spreading her wings, "I'll go there. You guys go back into the forest and look for her. Don't let anything happen okay?" Twilight nuzzles Rainbowdash, "We'll be safe. Now go and see. Meet us back here to report." Rainbowdash nods her head before taking off." Fluttershy quietly watches the creature as it forms dark energy in its right hand before crushing it into oblivion. Morbiss repeats the act over and over again trying to confirm if this is actually reality. In truth he feels absolutely alone in the world. The smaller presence in his mind is there, but all it ever does is nag him and berate him. Makes him feel small and insignificant. He looks into the sky and starts to sing, "And I will do my best to, show you who. Who I was and who I am. Don't write me off. Please hear me out, my skin is so much thicker now. Feel it in my bones. Not feeling anymore. The writings on the wall. My scars are at the door..." He stands up and holds his gaze with the moon, "The worst is over my eyes are open! They can say whatever! They can say whatever they want!" Fluttershy's eyes widen at the sight before her. Morbiss, who considers himself a monster, is singing to the moon and night about success. Fluttershy walks forward listening to the song as he continues. She finds the song lovely as he sings it slowly with a since of longing. When the song ends Fluttershy speaks up, "That was beautiful!" Morbiss jumps and swings around energy piling into his hands that get flung immediately that slam into the ground to the right of Fluttershy, but the back lash still hits her sending her on her left side. "Don't you sneak up on me!" Morbiss snarls magic flowing into both his hands. Fluttershy coughs and looks scared at the sudden attitude change of Morbiss, "I-I-I-I got wor-worried." Morbiss stares shards down at her before the magic in his hands disappear, "You're not worth it right now. Even so, if I kill you that'll give Twilight and her buddies even bigger reason to fight me." Fluttershy eeps before trying to hide herself behind her mane cowering in fear for her life. Morbiss smiles down at the act. A part of him enjoying this very much. "Please don't hurt me!" She shouts. Morbiss laughs darkly before crouching. He takes Fluttershy's chin and lifts it up staring her dead in the eyes, "Tell me Fluttershy. Do you see a monster inside of me. Tell me what stops me from killing you right here and now." Fluttershy just babbles tears forming and falling down her face. She can't think straight or come up with an answer. She doesn't want to say he is a monster. No one is truly a monster. "Please! I know you're not a monster" Fluttershy manages to cry out. Morbiss drops her head, "Don't worry. I won't ruin my first night out and about. Fluttershy. If you don't become brave you're going to be the first one to die. You do realize this don't you?" "W-Wha." "When the fight happens Twilight is going to bring you guys along. Her friends. Now the question is will you cower behind everyone else or will you stand up and fight. Or maybe it would be best to not appear at all. After all its just a fight between me and her. No one else would have to die. If you could convince the others of that think of how many lives you'll save." "But I won't save Twilight!" Fluttershy cries out from the ground. "Is that truly important?" He asks coldly, "I guess that doesn't matter right now. I have a deal to up hold. I can't let you guys get hurt till we actually fight. So if I hurt you now I'd be going against myself." "Good bye Fluttershy and do think about what is important and what isn't important to you." Morbiss says walking away following Twilight directions past Fluttershy. Fluttershy continues to cower there crying wishing her friends where here. Even wishing her animals were here. Wishing that somepony was here to help her face her fears. Morbiss continues to move under the cover of night admiring how much everything has changed. Every tree he passes, every grass blade he steps on, every rock and creek that he passes reminds him of a land that's not here anymore. He shakes his head wondering how much of his life has actually passed by. He looks down at his feet feeling his strength wane the thought of food on his mind now. He had been hoping to deny the thought of the pain. He hasn't eaten anything in over a long bit of years. He can't even remember the last thing he had to eat. "Wonder how pony taste..." He wonders a loud, "Or maybe Alicorn..." He learned at an early age that everything is edible within reason. Some things can be eaten and other things can be eaten and eat you also. He enjoyed his lessons back than. If only he could recall all of them. One thing he can surely recall is there never being a forest. He wonders when all of this began to grow and form. Did all the years of no maintenance cause all of this or was it magic. His bet is magic. After all the land is most warped by magic anyway. The sun, the moon, the rain that falls, the ground that shifts. "Its all about magic." He recalls some of the protest against the use of the magic and how to obtain it. He remembers the fights and some of the deaths. He had gotten into a fight once before too. Over his item he had chose. But that's all in the past. "The past is better left forgotten..." He whispers to himself. Sure the past is important and all, but to Morbiss some things in the past he likes to forget and at the same time he wants to remember what he's trying to forget. One of the many conflicts within him. *** By the time he reaches the edge of the forest the moon is almost gone. Another night is about to past over the land to a burning day. Which means another day of freedom for him. He relishes in the thought, the freedom. He licks his lip the taste of berries still lingering on them. His hunger had gotten the best of him so he had to take care of it. After that a dip in the river and a bit of practicing with magic, forming orbs and other shapes, he had set back out again. Which ends him here. Looking out over a expanse of hilly tops and a giant mountain in the distance with a unnatural projecting coming off it. "A castle on the side of the mountain. Just like she said. You've out down yourself you have." He says walking towards it. A memory comes remind him that the mountain used to be home to so much more than ponies. Trolls and goblins used to live there. He can only wonder what has happened to them all. Extinction or where they all chained up and imprisoned. Sure they might've had tendencies to being very different, but they all had their life and culture. Though of course that hasn't stopped a pony yet. "The sun rises to over take the night. So does the personality." He closes his eyes and waits for the change. As always its like having yourself over powered and beaten till you can't feel it anymore. There in the back part of the white skinned, silver haired, grayed man's mind he rests. "Another day another dollar as the saying goes." Morbiss says sighing, "Now that we know where to go we can finally prepare. We have to get their by day so I can fight Celestia. We'll try to catch her alone. If not we'll see what happens. I want you to fight Luna though. That way each person gets to fight their maker." He continues on wiping much of the grime from his body, "Oh and if you get hungry while exploring again please at least find something proper for us to eat. I'm guessing there's a town nearby so we can at least raid that. In fact, that's no our to priority raid the town and get food and other supplies for the journey." Morbiss changes his course from the castle to a nearby hill. Once at the top he searches around where he spots a couple of homes as well as a train riding down the tracks towards said homes, "Perfect! Now we can get something to eat, maybe some entertainment, and hopefully a ride to see our dear friends." With a smile he walks towards the town known as Ponyville where Twilight and company are currently resting or out and about. > Supplies and wishes. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morbiss strolls over a hill enjoying the warmth of the rising sun. In his field of vision lies the small town of Ponyville. A happy go lucky place just north of the eastern half of the everfree forest. A quaint place to raise your children and learn a lot about the world, Equestria, and the forest that lies nearby. A town molded by history most ponies would say. There they live out their lives like any pony else would. In the morning, as it is now, the town hustles with merchants setting up their shops and friends stumbling through the streets after late night partying heading home laughing merrily. In the darker shadows ponies lie passed out from hitting the cider too hard, but that's a darker side of town. The side that usually never peeks it head if it can be helped. As Morbiss strolls into town, a grin plastered on his face, he's greeted by two additions to the town. Two guards stand in his path their spears crossed in front of him. They're both earth ponies wearing the same dark armor with a giant star on both sides of their flanks. A star that looks very familiar, but it seems to be lacking a few things. "State your business creature." The one on the right asks yellow mane peeking through his dragon shaped helmet. Creature. Morbiss had expected the word monster to be used, but never-the-less. Creature fits as well. "I'm here to do some early morning shopping. Mind letting me through?" Morbiss says his smile never wavering. The guards look at each other through their dragon like helmets before pointing to a giant shinning tree that he's not quite sure how he missed on the way over. The one of the right speaks, "Go there and ask for Twilight first. Every creature that passes by or enters is recorded by her first. Just a little safety system." At the naming of Twilight his smile wavers for a second turning into a bigger grin. "Really? Twilight lives here." Morbiss asks fake curiosity in his voice and a genuine snicker escaping his grasp. "Do you know of her?" The left one asks looking up to him being just a bit shorter than his pal. "You can say that..." Morbiss says beginning his walk to the crystal tree on the horizon, "We've gotten to know each others a bit." The guards let him pass and continue their patrol talking about the creature they had just seen. As Morbiss walks down the Ponyville streets, residents slow down or stop what they're doing to examine him. Some seem fearful, other curious, and other just give a bored stare before continuing with their task at hand. His presence doesn't really disrupt their living. They've been through a lot over the years and one unknown creature isn't about to change anything. Not like the times of the Cerberus attack or half the town getting blow apart. At the time of the whole town getting warped and changed by chaos magic, well, you tend to not hold on to stuff dearly anymore. Walking up to the castle he gets even more glares from the guards. They tense themselves as he draws closer unsure of his intent. Morbiss can only chuckle to himself at how many stories they'll tell to their children once this is all over. He looks the grand crystal like "castle" over. A grand tree that sparkles in the harsh sun blinding people who stare for too long. He smiles considering it looks better than the old castle designs. He continues moving forward crossing over a draw bridge and moat. Once he enters he's greeted by a pegasus who's coat is so teal it can almost be mistaken as white. Even the way she approaches brings a chill down his spine from a cold wind that passes. "Hello. My name is White Sonnet and what and who are you?" She says politely her voice making her appearance as cold mare broken. "Morbiss, but, if I didn't tell you you would still hear it a lot later on. As for what I am. My dear mare do you believe in legends?" Morbiss asks kneeling down. "No, now please tell me what you are so I can get you recorded for Princess Twilight." She says holding her gaze with his bringing back her cold demeanor. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. Your fair princess already has me on file so to speak. Is there a chance that I might speak to her?" Morbiss says standing. "Not at this moment or perhaps today. Twilight is currently sleeping and wishes to not be disturbed by anypony." She says defensively. "Yes, I understand that. But I'm not a pony as you can see." Morbiss says a grin spreading across his face. "Yes, I can see that. Now please leave if you don't have any other business here than that." She says bored with the conversation. "Humph. Ponies are a lot colder than I remember them. Or it might just be you. Either way how about warm that cold heart of yours." He says clapping his hands together and spreads them apart forming two orbs. He places the red orb on the unicorns head before she can say anything or call the guards. All the passerby stop to see this. White backs away and sits on her rump first touching her head where his hand was and than clutching her chest. She coughs up blood and looks the man in the eyes before falling to her side her entire body on fire. Everyone screams out which makes Morbiss yells ceasing the panics of everypony. Guards march into the room spells and weapons ready to use. "Now come on. You guys are making too much noise. After all your princess is trying to sleep, no? All I want to do it see her one more time before I set off." Morbiss says throwing the orb back and forth between his two hands. "You're going no where buddy." One of the unicorns growls pushing his way through the crowd of guards and firing a spell right away. With his now free hand he brings it up and form a barrier in front of the spell forcing it to return to sender. It connects with him and sends him flying backwards into his buddies. "Now calm down there kids. Lets not jump to conclusions. You take me where I want to and I promise I won't wake her up. I've got time to kill anyway. I've got quite the journey ahead of me I can." "Shut you mouth! You're only wasting your breath." A stallion says in all black armor with a purple band going around the entire body armor. "General or captain I presume? You really need to get control of your men if you are." "Quiet beast. I don't know who or what you are, but when you kill citizens." Morbiss scoffs loudly to interrupt the man. "Kill is such a strong word. I prefer set free really. Plus I didn't kill either one of them. I they die its because either they deserve it or by their own mean. You'll find that she's perfectly fine and might even have a bit of a attitude adjustment." Morbiss says a devilish smirk on his face, "As for the beast comment you need to learn how to spot a gentleman when he appears." "I could care less. Now come with me. I'm taking you to our holding cell." The captain says stepping forward. "Now, if you aggress against me and try to put me in said holding cell I'm going to fight back. Trust me. You don't want me to fight back. In fact, I'm surprised I'm even talking to you guys right now. I feel more inclined to tie you all down with chains and watch you starve to death. Maybe even some drowning and death by fire. Yea... that sounds nice now doesn't it?" Morbiss says clutching the orb in his left hand while his right one glows with a spell ready to fire if need to. "Are you sure you want to make that mistake buddy?" The stallion says standing on his hind leg and unsheathing his blade at his side. "Mistake? No. Right choice? Yes. Plus the only mistake I see here is having so many in one room. Well now that I think about it the blood will only have to be cleaned out of one room. But we can avoid all of that if we just take a step back and." The stallions runs forward putting the blade in his mouth and aiming low. Morbiss tosses the orb which is easily dodged and easily distracts him. As the orb is thrown his right hand comes up to where the stallion is jumping and a blast of energy is fired penetrating the armor and the stallion. He falls to the ground in a clump and the sword skitters across the floor. "Now that was a mistake. Also dragon like armor with enchantments on it to protect the user. Very nice. Maybe in a few hundred years you'll be able to learn how to enchant metal so that it actually helps against ancient beings instead of modern ones." Morbiss says laughing lowering both of his hands and walking over to the now bleeding body, "Careless too don't you guys think so? Don't know the creature that your messing with, don't know its name, its powers, and how smart it is. Pretty carless and reckless. A mistake at its finest. Don't think that pretty armor can protect you from everything. I know the enchantments on it is suppose to repel magic so it can prevent stuff like this from happening, but when your as old as me you kind of don't give a fuck about stuff like that cause it means nothing. "Now where is Twilight? It would best to have someone escort me incase another "accident" happens." No guards move. They're either petrified in fear or simply don't wish to help him. This only makes him chuckle. He plays his next card. Morbiss points at a particular pegasus in front. A red mare with a blue mane, "You there!" The mare, shaking in fear, points to herself, "M-M-Me?" "Yes you. Come on over you've been chosen! Unless you don't know where she resides than I'll just pick another one. Than again since you don't know I'll have to make an example of you to jog other people or rather ponies' memory. Though I doubt I'll have to right?" "N-N-N-N-N." The mare says taking small steps towards him. "Oh don't be nervous! Calm down and everyone else continue with your day as if nothing happened. I'll be gone before ya know it. Trust me." Morbiss says walking to the mare and kneeling down. "Now tell me your name." He places he right hand on her shoulder and ease magic over her body to keep her calm. He comments to himself that if he had his greater power he would just take the information from her. He figures just play it calm and he won't have to burn the place to the ground. "Risky Blaze." She stammers out. Speaking of burning. "Good. Feeling a little bit better? You know, if he didn't attack me I wouldn't have killed him. Keep that in mind alright." Morbiss says a cool smile on his face before he stand up patting her on the shoulder, "Now show me where Twilight is residing." "O-O-Okay." She says before turning around. She does in fact lead him to where she sleeps. which is on the upper levels of the castle which kind of explains why she didn't come flying down to see what all the noise was all about. Along the way he gets stares from some of the other ponies running around cleaning things and bringing things to different areas of the castle. Seeing all the different type of ponies and seeing at how well they live together and handle their work makes him start to realize that society today has really upgraded itself from is once harsh livings before. It feels very much molded from the old days of humanity. "Good for you guys..." He breathes out. "Huh?" Risky asks looking back. "Nothing just keep moving." Take our lives and take our way of living. Nothing indeed... "But we're already here." She says opening the door to see a sleeping form in the middle of a for two bed. "Thank you. You've done a good deed today madam. You can stay if you'd like. Though you can just leave me and her alone. Than again if you want to make sure I do nothing to her." Morbiss says walking in and sitting on the floor to the right of the bed so if she wakes up he'll be the first thing she sees. In theory. The mare says nothing as she closes the door, shaking a bit, behind them. She stands in front of the door pondering why she is still here and even if he did try to pull something how would she stop him. They stay like this watching and listening to the slumber of a young princess Twilight. It takes hours, but Twilight finally awakens. She sits up in bed her head still hurting and her mind racing from different thoughts. She has learned a lot over a couple of days and now it all seems to be catching up to her. She looks at her hooves as her vision refocuses. She looks up to see a mare without her armor on sitting in front of the door staring at her. Her features blur into view and she recognizes the mare immediately. "Blaze? What are you doing here?" Twilight asks about to get out of bed. "You have a visitor ma'am." She says pointing to her right Twilight's left. Twilight turns to see the one creature she'd never expect to see when she first wake up. Morbiss stands up and gives a bow, "You're highness." "What are you here for!?" Twilight asks frantically getting out of the bed and standing her full height. "I've come by to give you a little heads up. I need supplies for the road and this town has supplies. Now, I don't know what type of money you take, assuming I would pay you ponies, so I'm going to be taking a few things. "What!? Do you think I'll stand by and watch you." "Ma'am... He's already killed the general Dark Flare." Blaze says looking towards the ground. "...What?" Twilight says looking at her. "and incapacitated two including a civilian and a soldier." "Morbiss... What is wrong with you?" Twilight yells. "Ma'am. It would've been more if we didn't cooperate with him. He's very powerful.. probably even more powerful than Celestia and Luna. I don't think." "Hush now. Twilight and I have a little truce. I don't hurt her and she lets me pursue my goals." Morbiss says waving a dismissive hand towards her, "Let's just leave the stuff we've talked about at rest." "But hurting my little ponies wasn't part of that deal." Twilight growls lowly. "Who said that wasn't? Anyway, when the citizens come complaining you best have come up with an excuse on why you didn't stop this. Oh yea. Speaking of stopping things have you sent a letter to Celestia and Luna telling them of my arrival?" Blaze perks up her ears at the sound of this. During the wait they had gotten to talk just a little and he explained quite a bit. He's very wise with his words and very elusive when answering questions. She had asked whether Celestia and Luna knew of his presence and he only looked at Twilight and smiled that devilish smile of his. So now she was about to get her answer. She hopes its the answer she wants to hear. "No, I still haven't contacted them. I don't fear that they'll fall to you even if it is a surprise. I don't believe you'll be as powerful as them or even more powerful." Twilight says stiffening up a bit, "Now, Morbiss, I won't stand here and listen to you speak of taking from the ponies that have done nothing against you and live under me." Morbiss laughs, "Than you'll just watch me if you won't listen than." Morbiss turns and heads for the door, "Stop!" Twilight lets some magic out to grab onto him, but when she does a backlash of pain shoots back into her horn. Her magical hold on him breaks. Twilight falls to her side shaking uncontrollably. "Princess!?" Blaze says rushing to her side. Twilight lifts up her head, "I thought you said." "I know what I said. I didn't hurt you. You hurt yourself. Also you're very predictable" Morbiss says without stopping or looking back. Twilight tries to stand, but finds a violent shock go through her body. She shakes her head, "Go get the nurse." "Yes Ma'am." Blaze says running off. Once outside, Morbiss begins to walk down the streets looking from one shop to the next looking for a place that'll give him what he needs. He comes across a shop that sells bags. Well, the pony version of bags which is saddles and pockets that that go along the hooves and sides. He walks into the shop and greets the shopkeeper who seems to be watching him nervously. He finds one of their bigger bags and throws it over his right shoulder. He walks to the front and heads out with the shopkeeper stammering about stealing. "Alright now for some..." He looks around the area and spots somepony he doesn't want to see. "Morbiss?" The yellow pegasus from before asks walking up to him. He rolls his eyes, "and what other human do you know? Now excuse me I've got to." "Wait... I thought about what you said... I really think there is kindness in you and I really don't think kindness is weak." She says blocking his path. "You're talking to the wrong Morbiss... Now move out of the way before I move you myself." He says taking a step forward. "I will stand by my friends by standing by you." She stays moving out of his way. "Ha! And what is that suppose to mean? Are you going to tail me?" He asks walking towards a nearby food stand. "Yes. I'll try to get you to stop." "And if you don't succeed?" "I will." She says watching as he walks up to the stand, "What are you doing?" Morbiss opens the first saddle bag and begins taking different fruits and putting them in the bag. "Hey! That's stealing what do you think!?" "As I please Fluttershy. As I please." He says shifting the bags and filling up the other one. "Put those back. They're not yours!" Fluttershy says flying into his face. "Never. I need them to eat." He says taking an apple and biting into it, "Mmm. Juicy. Also He doesn't mind. Do ya fellow?" The earth pony behind the stall shakes his head his entire red coated body shaking. "See? No harm no foul. Now Fluttershy. If you really wish to tail me You'll have to let me do as I please. Now I think you should rethink your choices a bit." Morbiss says turning away and walking towards the edge of town he walked into from. Fluttershy walks behind him the entire time, "So you're really going for it huh?" She nods her head, "Yes." Morbiss laughs and shakes his head, "You really want to show me kindness." "It is my element." She says matter-a-fact like. "Well, there are a few things about kindness you don't know I bet. I can teach a new type of kindness while we're on our travel than. I can't kill you even though I really want to so I'll settle with trying to get rid of you. Seems fair right? Or do you want to head back now before things go from this calmness to the calamity that awaits." "I'm not going back until you change your mind." She says defiantly. "Ah. Two stubborn creatures walking two different paths side by side. Let's see how long this will last." Morbiss says finishing his first apple. He has to admit one thing. Though the world isn't to his liking, they sure make some nice produce. He hasn't had food this well in... well, a long time. He looks into the sky to see the sun already on midday. He shrugs and continues walking changing their course towards the castle in the distance with Fluttershy seeking out a way to convince him otherwise of not attempting to kill their leaders. Twilight lays in bed once again looking out the window. The nurse and Blaze had helped her into bed and left her to recover from the sudden magic coursing across her skin. She said its nothing like she had seen and when Twilight cast a spell across her skin to detect magic her horn frizzed and sparks of yellow shot from it. From those sparks she felt a bit of Celestia from it. It felt like a cold warmth though not the warm warmth that Celestia brings. She continues to stare out the window watching the sky as birds and the sun move across it. A beautiful scenery that gets interrupted by the occasional pegasi team that fly by on patrol. Either clearing the skies or patrolling the town. Laying there makes Twilight think as well. She had always looked up to Celestia and Luna and how they make great leaders. They had told her she would make a great leader as well. But... She sighs and continues to watch the skies. Today has proven she might not be ready for that responsibility. She's not even as strong as them. She tries to keep a calm demeanor and tries to betray herself as a Alicorn of power, but time and time again she finds herself not intimidating any creature. Even a frog won't be scared of her. She sighs and shakes her head, "As long as I have my friends we'll be unbeatable. I don't need intimidation as long as I have..." She looks towards her flowers given to her by Rarity to see some of them wilting. She stares transfixed at the flowers finding that they give off a very weird feeling. As if something is wrong with them, "Did I forget to water them?" She shakes her head and goes back to watching the sky. She closes her eyes and falls into another slumber. Her dreams are filled with what it was before. Nightmares of her friends separating because of her decisions. Dreams of her teachers sending her way for her decision of not telling them of an enemy against them. Everypony calling her a trader and banishing her from below the Appaloosa range. She's been hoping that her decisions have been right. She doesn't want it to be wrong in the end, but more and more she realizes that things seem to be going against her. Instead of finding something that'll be helpful she has come across something that wishes to destroy. Yet something seems to edge her more than that. When ever she's around him she feels... awkward. Like something is driving her towards him. When he had asked about sending a letter to the princesses she first had wanted to say she will but her mouth worked faster than her brain. When the girls had asked why she did it happened again. Lately she has begun to speak in her dreams. Spike had informed her of this and she only brushed it off as stress talk. "Why..." She asks herself throwing the covers over her head blocking the view of the world outside and the light that reaches into the room. For some reason the light hurts her on the inside even when she's asleep. It feels as though the sun judges her while she's awake and while she's asleep. The constant dreams of everyone. The thought of Celestia and Luna dying lingers in her mind more often than not now. Even the dreams of them dying before her begging for their lives before a giant shadow overwhelms them and heads for her. She prays to the maker that they don't, but the chance that they will. She, her dream self, shakes her head again trying to rid herself of such thoughts and awaken herself from this nightmare and tortures thoughts. "No, No. They won't... Celestia has taught me a lot and I've seen a lot. I know she's powerful enough to take him on." She whispers to herself not trusting her thoughts of saying that. She awakens later drenched in sweat. The sun is almost below the horizon. She had just gotten swallowed by Morbiss and all the spirits of her friends and teachers were around her yelling at her telling her how much bad she has done to them and the world. She looks around the room frightened and her eyes fall onto the vase. The yellow flower that was once healthy is now wilted completely. The others seem healthy though just a bit wilted. She gets up and takes the yellow flower out before placing it in the trash. "Poor thing." She says shaking her head and taking the vase. She places it in the window so it can absorb some more of the sun that is on the horizon. After, she walks out and heads downstairs to see what has happened while she was asleep. It never occurred to her that the effects of the magic is no longer on her, Mostly cause her mind is else where. Lingering on the thoughts that nothing good ever happens around her and everyone will die because of her. She shakes her head before walking into the foyer, "I'll protect the ponies closest to me." Sadly, Celestia and Luna aren't close enough. > Traveling and meetings. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morbiss searches through the front bag and picks out an apple that he bites into savoring the taste of the juice that the fruit provides. He has to admit, food around here taste a lot better than he remembers. Looking at the horizon he can already see the sun starting to lower. He stops and watches the glorious ball of fiery death fall below the horizon and the jealous moon slowly rise right behind it. He sighs as he slips away and another takes control of the body known as Morbiss. "Night again? It feels like it just ended..." Morbiss speaks out a little depressed his body changing to accommodate the swap in power. "Oh well, at least you got a lot done today." He says taking another bite of the apple wondering just how these apples are so juicy. He looks behind him at the far away town of Ponyville that has brought him good fortune. Because of them he now has food and a way to carry things. Unfortunately, he doubts they'll be too keen to letting him back in. Though he didn't kill anyone the fear that he hopes he put into them might make them think twice before letting him get too close to them again. Than again he also had to bring a guest along against his better judgment. So at least he'll have a bit of leeway if he brings her back unharmed. He sits down and lets out a large sigh. Its been a long day so far and he fears. "Finally..." He says taking the bag and placing it in front of him. "Morbiss? Or I guess night Morbiss?" His guest says walking up slowly and cautious like. "Yea? What can night Morbiss do for ya annoying one." He says looking at the bag in front of him. "I was wondering um what is uh what's your plan for fighting them. They've lived a long time and." "Don't worry about it. Just know that if you stick around long enough you'll see. Try not to get caught up in my fight or you'll die. Or if he can't finish off the job fast enough I'll die and you won't get to see. It all depends on him. Morning Morbiss I guess you would call him." He says looking from the bag to his yellow pegasus companion. "N-N-No... I call him Light Morbiss... I'm starting to see the difference... Not that they're big or anything um..." She says shuffling her hooves. Morbiss stands and spreads his hands taking in a deep breath. Over his body a dark aura can been seen rippling over his body. He lets out his held breath and collects power into his right hand. An orb forms before it starts changing into different shapes. First a square, a pyramid, a spear. sword, and eventually stops on a knife. "Ha. Looks like I can still form it. Maybe I'll get to stab her again." He says to himself practicing a few stabs in the air. "A-A-Again? Who did you S-S-S." "Celestia. But that was a luck of the draw that day. They were escorting me one day from my cell to the investigation room when I managed to wiggle free from her grasp. At that time I didn't know how to control my power so I ended up forming something close to a knife with my power and stabbing the bitch right in the side." He laughs slowly remembering her face and the shock on it, "I went to stab her again but found a spear in both my arms and a rope around my neck that dragged me to the ground on my back. I thrashed about and released a bunch of pent up energy that day. I know none of you noticed it but there are a lot of burn marks caused by me in there." "Speaking of which." He holds up his right arm and a beam shoots out from it making the aura around him shrink and press closer to his skin. Even though Fluttershy isn't magical herself she can feel the power of dark energy flowing over her entire body. It's a cold and yet comforting at the same time. It passes over her and voices whisper in her ear. They tell her things. Things she can't remember as the feeling goes away. "You know. If you want to die that badly you can just ask me." Fluttershy is snapped out of her thoughts to find her grip tight around her throat and not a breath coming into her lungs. She brings down her hooves with a gasp which brings on a onslaught of coughs. "Keep forgetting that you guys are probably not used to that anymore." Morbiss says, "Also don't call me Night Morbiss call me Dark Morbiss. Dark and light are two conflicting elements. They can't live in harmony no matter what people say." "But Celestia and Luna..." Fluttershy manages to get out after catching her breath. "Are perfect examples. You don't know the past as I do. They used to be at each others throats. Always. Pulling pranks and such was just the top layer. They challenged each other to duels and always sought out who could be stronger. They studied under their parents each one trying to outdo each other. Their parents paid them no mind as they had a country to run and enemies to bring down. The griffins oh man the griffins." Morbiss cracks a sympathetic smile, "They put up a good damn fight... We did better if I do say so. I used to wonder that if they had our power could they have..." Morbiss sits down and raises his hands into air forming a big dark orb in his left and a smaller yellow orb in his right. He watches them both as they bob up and down slowly and out of rhythm of each other. The big one slowly rises and falls while the smaller one quickly bobs. He tries to bring them closer together but they simply repel each other. He sighs and shakes his head, "Of course not. Maybe it would increase the chances but still..." "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asks not really knowing much about neurological problems. "Why do you care? Is it sympathy? Is it hatred? Do you wish to watch me fall or are you here for you own selfish needs? No, its none of it I know. You're here cause you wish to keep me from causing harm. You're here to show me kindness where no one else will. Yet the reason still remains why... I sometimes think you don't actually have a reason. You're just creating one. Am I hitting near the bull's-eye or am I still off a few yards?" She keep quiet unsure on how to answer. He isn't lying when he says she's making up a reason, but also she wants to see for herself whether he can do it or not. She feels disgusted with herself at thinking of letting him try, but. "I care for you. I don't want to see you get yourself hurt or worse." Her mouth always answers for her. "Sure you do. Just like all the other ponies out there. Tell me. What made you care for other creatures? There has to be a reason." "Well it has to do with my cutie mark." She says presenting her flank to him, "I got it when." "No no no. Cutie marks mean nothing. They're there to tell you what your great at not what you're personality is. Not what truly shapes you. Do they not teach you guys that anymore? Or are they just so ignorant of themselves and their past that they just don't care any more." Morbiss says crushing both the orb away into his skin. "What do you mean?" She asks sitting close by. "I once met a pony who's cutie mark was a checkerboard. I played him in a game of checkers and chess to get him calm and talking while I opened his mind to myself. But his true talent I learned was not the game themselves but the strategy that goes behind them. I played him at other games that he hasn't played. He beat me each and every time cause I don't know the strategy to the game. He called himself just a regular soldier, but at the end of the investigation I got him to admit he's really a first level tactician that got left behind by his team." He turns towards her and looks her straight in the eye, "Now, what really makes you you. It's not the picture on your butt. I know that much. It's not the kindness that spills from your mouth. So, tell me what makes you you." Fluttershy looks away giving a distant look. She had always lived far away from town cause she didn't like being near so many ponies. Her mother had always taught her to be kind to everypony she sees and she tried that. Her kindness got abused though. They beat her and called her names. Only when Rainbowdash came around did things change for her. Before she had no one and even now it feels that she has no one again since Rainbow isn't around as much because of her Wonderbolt training. "I-I-I." "You don't have to answer now. Answer later if you have to. Just let your thoughts run over it a little. I know what makes me me. I've always lived carefree and relaxed. Or at least that's what my thoughts tell me. I can only remember so much and yet slowly more thoughts come to mind. I don't remember if they were ever mine to begin with or not. But I know the violence I feel to your kind is there and is mine. It forms me. I want to kill each and every one of you. And yet I know that'll solve nothing. So I'll strike a huge blow. That makes me a." "Tactician..." Fluttershy whispers just audibly enough for him to catch it. "Correct and wrong. It makes me that as well, but I am a one tracked minded person. I focus all my time into a plan and nothing more. I don't have a exit strategy and I don't have a plan for after even if I live. I'm suicidal mostly. A suicidal fool. But I'm not going to lay down and take my beating. Oh no. I'm going to stand up to the leader and fight." Morbiss clenches up his fists, "I'm not going to be their whipped bitch anymore. I'm going to show them the kindness I've been holding back all these years." Fluttershy backs away a bit seeing the mad glare he's giving the ground, "W-W-What did they do to you?" "Many things. Many many things. I've already told you a bit. If I told you more you'll only try to make me remember the past and reopen wounds." He relaxes a bit by taking in a deep breath, "Now eat something and go to sleep. If you're going to tail me you're going to need your strength. Or don't. Doesn't matter to me. I need something more to do than sleep. I've been sleeping for the past... millennium or so? Hard to tell time anymore..." Fluttershy makes her way shyly to the bag of food and takes out a peach and bites into as she watches Morbiss rise and walk off a bit before playing with his dark powers. He forms weapons such as a spear, sword, knife, and even a great sword. He even wields the great sword with one hand as he swings it. He practices fighting against nothing moving with difficulty at first but slowly gets into the swing of things. Fluttershy watches with an interested gaze. It's almost like watching a creature relearning how to walk or fly. Soon he's sweating and in mid swing or stab his weapon switches between so many things. She's not sure how long she sits there and watches him but she soon finds herself sitting with four big seeds from a peach in front of her. Morbiss is down on one knee huffing from the stress he's put on himself and the fatigue that comes with forcing yourself past your limits. He coughs and sits down his head leaning back so he can see the starry skies. His hands go behind him keeping his body up. "That was amazing..." Fluttershy says walking over, "I've never seen somepony do that with magic before." "That's because... I'm not a pony." Morbiss says with an exhausted chuckle, "I'm a monster... or more accurate a human." Fluttershy says nothing to this. She hasn't accepted the fact of what he is nor does she deny that he is some type of evil intended being. For now she considers him a misunderstood villain. She sits beside him and looks into the sky with him. "Do the stars look different?" She asks after a minute of silence between them. "Yes. Much. I can't even make out the old constellations anymore." He says shaking his head. "I can teach you some." She says hoping to get closer to him. "No. I don't care about what you ponies think nor will I ever. You can try to be a friend to me, but you're nothing more that just a spectator to me." He says never once glancing at her. Fluttershy goes quiet again. They stay like this staring into the sky. Eventually Fluttershy yawns and falls asleep. Once she does Morbiss stands and begins practicing again on his spell casting. Relearning on controlling how much power he puts into it. On which spell needs certain words and how to use the lighter side if need be. He has to admit that learning to use the light side and pool the darkness around him are some of the hardest things. Eventually he finds himself sitting on a nearby hill the earth around it scorched from darkness. He looks down at the sleeping pegasus. He knows he can simply leave her here and be on his way, but what fun would that be. He wants to see how dedicated she can be to the cause. Twilight sits in her chair tapping a hoof against the crystal chair. She shakes her head hating to wait for so long. It always ticks her off. "Don't worry Twilight they're." "I know they're coming! Damnit Spike!" Twilight yells involuntary as she is both annoyed and tired. During the events of Morbiss' visit ponies are complaining and asking for more protection. Her guards are whispering amongst themselves of the down fall of Twilight and what to do when that happens if at all it does. Some of them even speak treachery. They say if she can't protect herself or her guards with her magic what makes her suitable for leading an army let alone having one. This has gnawed at her ever second on the second. She wants to make an example of herself to show she has true power but at the same time she knows that is not the way to go. She had called a meeting with her friends of an urgency by carrier, but none of them have showed yet. It's already been eight minutes since the carrier came back saying they're on the way. She had come to expect Applejack and Rarity being late, but never Pinkie or Rainbowdash. She's not too sure about Fluttershy. She's probably looking for Rainbowdash to come get her or something. Either that or an animal just showed up injured. Sometimes she wished her kingdom was an animal so at least she would arrive here early to see how hurt it is. "Sorry Twilight..." Spike says slinking into her chair more. "No, I'm sorry I lashed out like I did. That's not the proper attitude for a princes..." She says watching the door. Finally, thank Celestia, her friends walk in one by one their heads lowered. Seeing their sober moods pulls Twilight a bit out of her madness. "What's wrong?" Twilight asks hoping that it makes up for their tardiness. "Fluttershy is gone and most of the town are arguing with the guards demanding an explanation for why that creature could take as he want without you doing anything. We tried to explain as best as we can but." Applejack states taking her seat, "I'm not much of a negotiator." "Its a shame really..." Rarity says next, "I wish I was there to give him a what for for thinking he can take whatever he wants without consequence. And worse yet he even took Fluttershy." "Fluttershy?" Twilight asks confused, "Why?" They all look at each other wondering who'll give their theory first. Rainbowdash speaks up first. "I think he wants to separate us so he can take us down one by one. He knows we'll all fight harder if we lose somepony close to us. So I think after he's done with the princess...." Rainbowdash closes her eyes to prevent tears to come from them. He voices shakes even more, "He might kill her... Hoping to push us to be as strong as we can to fight him..." Rainbowdash looks away hiding her face from the others. Twilight watches her before looking at the others and than at spike before sighing, "I guess I'll be going there than..." "What do you mean?" Rarity asks thinking her theory might be the most accurate. "I'm going to Canterlot to meet him. Whether he wins or lose at least I know I was there. He says he's going to kill me anyway so I might as well be there for the fight right? I might turn the tide of the fight. I have to go and be with Celestia and Luna even if they don't know what's coming. I know Morbiss won't be there soon so I'll wait. I want to make a plan if something happens." Twilight says looking away from her friends holding back her tears. "Nothing will happen. We'll go with you and." Rainbow speaks up before getting cut off. "No, Please don't... I trust you guys to run after we're all gone when we... if we lose." Twilight says finding her focus more on the outside of the room than the inside of the room. Things look darker don't they. "When you? What in tarnation makes ya say that?" Applejack says jumping out of her chair, "And why don't you let us fight by you?" "Because you all have family that lives in this town and need you for their support." Twilight says looking at each one except Rainbowdash, "And Rainbow. You have a filly that would be very sad if the mare she looks up to went missing." They sit there quietly. They know the risks and have been thinking it over if it came to that. Rarity came to the conclusion that if the princesses were to fall than fighting such a monster would be bad for the health. Applejack has made peace with herself and decided to put up as much as a fight she knows Rainbowdash will. Rainbowdash will forever stay loyal to her best friend and princess no matter what the cost. "I want you guys to try your best to run in my... in all of our absence really... I doubt Morbiss will do more harm than he attends to do like he said. So if we all die than you guys will have to pick up from where we left off. Okay?" Twilight says not meeting any of their gazes as the reality of what she says crashes onto her. Tears punch at all of their eyes. The first to cry is Spike as he grabs onto Twilight's forearm, "Please don't go..." Seeing Spike like this breaks Twilight's heart. She hates herself for thinking of going and she hates herself for a lot of things. But her nightmares and thought have proved treacherous. If she is going to die she at least wants to die with a bit of peace on her mind. "Twilight.... Please come back to all of us.." Rainbowdash says openly crying, tears running down her cyan fur. She makes no attempts to hide them from the girls and stares Twilight down, "I won't ever forgive you if you die and I wasn't there to prevent it." "Dash I-" "Please, Please Twilight. Promise me. Promise me that you won't die." Rainbowdash says. Twilight shakes her head and hangs her head down, "I'll do the best that I can Dash. For all of you." She feels a tight hug go around her. Her vision is covered in pink, "Pinkie!?" "Twilight... I heard everything... Fluttershy is... is..." she takes a big gulp, "And I don't want you too." The breakdown in Pinkie's voices unbearable. The always happy mare is completely broken down. Marks of where she's been crying before are still there. Her hair is flat and lays limply towards the ground in its own depression. Her voice is broken and choppy. Soon she finds all the other girls crying and holding onto her. Even spike is in the middle of it crying into Twilight's foreleg. "Oh girls..." Twilight says crying along with them. In that moment she feels completely idiotic. She's led herself to this path. She can change it, but would it be fore better or worse? A white pristine Alicorn walks down the halls of her and her sister's castle. Lately she has been doing this late at night. Walking the halls and greeting the night guards as they walk past while remembering the past events that have taken place that has formed this place into what it is. A capital for all of Ponydom. But lately she has felt that it is in danger once again. Once again she feels a dark power emerging and rising in strength. This night she has felt it strongly in her body. Her magic even sparked a bit at the thought of having to fight such an opponent. But at the same time the power feels so familiar. "Sister..." A dark Alicorn says walking in front of her at a cross path, "I feel it." "Me as well sister." The white Alicorn says shaking. She can only imagine that the others can feel it as well. Celestia looks out towards the garden on her right and into the sky. She wishes she still had the guidance of her parents to this day. Though she and her sister have been making it through lately things have happened beyond their true understanding. "What will we do?" The black Alicorn asks standing beside her sister. "We'll wait and see what will happen. If it truly is a great threat than we will deal with it when necessary. For now we must watch over our little ponies and make sure they are ignorant to what ever force is rising against us." Celestia says glancing over a few statues "Of course." With that they separate already mentally preparing for a day that is soon to arrive. > The Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rises and along with the slumbering lighter Morbiss. He rises and Dark Morbiss resides back into the mind the they share and soon their power swap between the two easily. Light Morbiss stands stretching out the body, popping bones, and getting limber. He looks down at the sleeping pegasus and considers leaving her there for the vultures or any hungry creature of the sorts. He shakes his head. He figures if he brings along her dead body he'll drop the body down in front of Twilight to see what'll happen. Hell maybe she'll even be there as soon as she feels Celestia and Luna die. Well of course if they do die. Morbiss walks down to the pegasus, "Up and atom!" Morbiss holds up his right hand into the air and a orb of light forms into it. He walks over to the still sleeping pegasus, "I said..." The orb falls from his hand on top of Fluttershy, "Up and atom." When the orb touches her it spreads out and all over her. Fluttershy shoots straight up screaming and rubbing her body all over. Nothing fatal of course. Just a little scare for the morning to make sure she's up and ready to move our. It'll only last for a little bit, but the effect should last a life time. Fluttershy rolls onto her back before she stops panicking and starts panting and sweating. "That's a way to start off a day. Screams of horror, the face of panic, and running around like your entire body is on fire or something." Morbiss says with a toothy grin. Fluttershy starts crying, "W-W-What h-h-h-a." "You didn't wake up so I woke you up my style." Morbiss says shaking his head at the crying mare finding her to look more pathetic even more.. He can already tell this is going to be a longer trip than it has to be. Probably in her favor though if she truly wishes to change his mind. Also who knows, she might be fun to mess with on this long trip. So far she has proven to be entertaining. Especially when she thinks she's on fire. "Now be quiet. If you're going to cry the entire trip than go home." Morbiss says grabbing up all the stuff on the ground while taking out an apple and eating it. Fluttershy shakes her body out shivering the entire time tears still flow down her face. She wants to be strong even though she knows she isn't. Than again, she has been trying a lot more lately. Especially for Morbiss. Morbiss starts to walk off and soon finds himself looking over his shoulder to find Fluttershy walking behind him still as confident as ever. Like always. "So, How you sleep last night?" Fluttershy asks trying to start a conversation. "I slept fine. Though I wish the dark one, as you put it, wouldn't tap into my power like he does. I'd rather have him use his own power and I use my own power. Though I guess if he's going to be a monster about it..." Morbiss says biting into the apple. "Um, about that. Why could he." "Because he's a part of me as I am a part of him. We're two halves that don't form a whole. The whole is something completely different. Than again, after all of this we don't have to worry about anything anymore. That can be taken two different ways. We kill the bitches or we die trying." Morbiss says throwing the husk of an apple away. "So, you guys don't exist really. I know you explained it all before, but magic like this just doesn't." "It's better if you didn't understand." Morbiss says pulling out an apple and tossing it behind him that lands on Fluttershy's head, "Now eat up. After something like that you must be hungry." Morbiss chuckles to himself wondering what other things he'll be able to do to torment the pegasus. Maybe make her be blind one morning. The possibilities are almost endless. Thought just being here with him should be torture enough or her. With that in mind he looks at the looming tower ahead upon the mountain face. "I'm coming home dear." He says looking from the castle to the sun, "Just wait for me." Fluttershy picks up the apple, while rubbing her head, and starts eating while rushing to keep up with Morbiss. She watches him look from the castle to the sun saying something to himself. "Do you like the sun?" She asks after swallowing a bit of the savory apple. "Yes, but that is no concern of yours." "I know. I was just wondering why you would get rid of it." Fluttershy asks hoping to make a break through with him. "I won't. Celestia truly doesn't control the sun. Nor does Luna control the moon. But you'll find that out. Maybe." He says looking away from the sun to their destination now. Slowly coming into view from a hill top is cobblestone towers that surround a single area. Buildings of wood and stone also surround some of these towers, but the majority of them are farther away coming out of the hills that surround the area. The tallest tower is on the east side, Morbiss' left, by some three hundred feet at least. Not many ponies walk around there. In fact the majority of the population seems to be either Griffons, to his much enjoyment, or Zebras. "Well well well, What do we have here?" He says standing atop a hill so he can see some more of the small settlement. "Oh!" Fluttershy speaks up, "This must be the archeologist dig site. They said that they were investigating this area because of the weird looking stone and bricks found here earlier this year." "Really now? How about we take a little detour route.. Say hello to the locals and what not." He says a piece of yellow energy flowing into his hand and then forms a long pole with it. "What are you going to do?" Fluttershy asks quickly becoming nervous, "You shouldn't hurt any pony, or griffin." "Well, you better have best stop me before I do." Morbiss says walking towards the group of creatures using the pole of energy as a walking stick. "But they all probably have a family and." She protests. "Don't care. I might beat the griffons close to death. Other than that..." Morbiss states ignoring the pestering of his, now flying, companion. Fluttershy bites her bottom lip and crosses her arms, "What if they were you..." "Than I would fight back and except my fate... Now just sit in the back and relax. I never did like back seat drivers..." He says rolling his eyes as they reach two pillars, that have a road going in between them, that probably marks the entrance of the little site. Walking in, Morbiss begins to look up and down every building they walk past and observing the towers built towards the sky. The sight reminds him a bit of his own home village. The royals lived in towers attached to buildings and the poorer people, like himself, lived in houses made of wood, brick, or dirt. Didn't really do well against the raiding and dragon attacks. But its what they lived in and they didn't really care for all of that once they became known as a threat. The first to take notice of the creature known as Morbiss is a griffin who is carrying on his back scrolls of some sort. He takes a look at Morbiss and completely freezes his eyes locked with his. "Morning. Thought I would stop by and say hi." Morbiss says walking towards the griffin. The griffin sits down and lowers it's head towards him as he approaches, "I-I-I." "You what?" Morbiss asks a bit confused about the griffin's actions but he dares not show it. "I never thought. I would." The griffin is all chocked up and seems to be trying to find the right words. Morbiss is about to strike him with his pole when Fluttershy flies in front of the griffin and hugs him, "There there. Now tell us. What has you so chocked up?" "This-This human. I never thought I would see one. The legends are true. Tell me, did you truly have the power to shape the world as you pleased?" Morbiss likes this. Morbiss likes this a lot. Just because the ponies don't know of their past doesn't mean the others won't. "Sadly I wasn't one of them that could. I knew the ones who did though. I was even trained by a legend. But the past is dead. Along with everything we worked for and everyone I knew. Tell me Griffin. What are you looking for here? This pest here informs me you guys might be archeologist." Morbiss walks over and takes one of the scrolls from the Griffin's back. "We-We think we might have found a hint about our past. As you might know we have gone through a lot and a lot of our history has been lost." He says quickly taking off more scrolls. "Sadly I don't. I've been locked away for longer than you've been alive. Though you can think the pony "gods" for that one. Though I'll be paying them a visit soon." He say chuckling. "Re-Really? Even after." "The past is better left in the past!" Morbiss yells his hand clutching the stick harder, "We all have our limits..." The griffin flinches back, "S-Sorry. I don't mean to reopen wounds..." Morbiss says nothing as he looks the piece of paper up and down. He can't read a lot of it. Mostly because of the language difference and a little bit since he hasn't read in a very long time. What he can make out is that they've been finding strange pieces of structures around in this area. Brown and orange bricks never seen before. "Mind if I see some of the stuff you've found? I have to say you guys have peeked my interest." Morbiss says rolling the paper together, "Well my annoying companion I hope you're ready for a history lesson." The griffin stands and heads for a nearby tower, "Sure! They're right over here!" Morbiss nods his head and follows behind walking with Fluttershy right at his hills. They enter one of the shorter towers to find themselves amidst a collection of different rubble and broken things. Some of it is still in tact, but probably don't work anymore. "Quite the junk collection you guys got." He says looking up towards the top seeing that this in fact has many floors for different things. Torches light each and every hall including the common area they're in right now. The griffins walks over to the back and lifts the glass over an item, "Right here is one of the bricks we have found." Morbiss walks around and takes the brick from the platform pillar it once rested on. Sure enough he knows the bricks. Red and crusted, "Well I be damned..." He tosses the brick between his two hands, "and where have you been finding this stuff?" "All over this area mister umm." "Morbiss. I have to say, never thought I would ever see a piece like this entirely whole... I thought Celestia and Luna would be more careful on how they got rid of stuff. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten rid of you guys." "Oh she has tried. But she doesn't entirely know that we're still here. Plus if she tried to remove us forcefully she might ignite a war between ponies, zebras, and griffins with the zebras and griffins on the same side." The griffin says proudly. "I see... So the old crone is losing her grip. Just like her mother I say." Morbiss says placing the brick down on the platform, "Take care of all of this. I'll be back for it one day. Right now I've got some things that need to be taken care of." "Is-is there anyway I can assist you?" The griffin says stumbling with his words. "I don't know. Is there a way to help me? Are you willing enough to help fight guards of the Canterlot variety and die for my cause?" Morbiss says twirling the pole in the air, "Honestly if you came it might spark a war or maybe even a hostile take over from the griffins. Well that is if I win." "You-you win? Wait are you." "Oh yea..." He sucks the light pole back into him and forms it into a ball of energy, "I'm serious about this too. A "god" will fall. If they can bleed they can die." The griffin stares wide eyed at the man before him. In his mind he is considering how crazy this human is for taking on something no one has been able to fight. The same pony who took out an entire species just because they proved to be a threat to her. But that means if she did it because they're a threat. Than maybe. "I'm... I'm willing to assist you how ever you please." The griffin says nodding his head, "If Celestia feared you all those years ago she must feat you still to this day right? I'm willing to fight for you. After all Griffins are raised to fight during their younger years." "If she doesn't than it'll be over quick either way." Morbiss says smiling down greedily at the griffin, "Tell me. How much do you know about us?" "A lot. Most of the griffins history starts with what we think is the rise of the humans and how they worked together with the griffins and led us to be as strong as we are today. We looked up to you guys and even today we do." The griffin says proudly lifting his head high into the air, "We take after your pride and ambitious nature." "Ambitious we were. Prideful only some of us. We were more used to humiliate than we were with our pride, but its all the same. I'm glad to see at least we had some effects on others than just the pony races that have taken a lot of what we've done and molded it in their own way." "Sadly they're not the only ones." The griffin says looking away, "Though we haven't taken names and made them into puns, we have rebuilt cities in your races image. We have also built statues of some of the key people in the rebuilt cities." "Name one." Morbiss says looking at some more artifacts. "Well, my personal favorite would have to be Bonorris. He was rumored to be able to shake the very planet itself. Though many argue whether he could or not." The griffin says watching Morbiss as he inspects different things and use them like the Griffin didn't expect or think of. "Ha, move the entire planet huh? Maybe a couple of boulders more like it." Morbiss says shaking his head remembering the block headed Bonorris, "Name another." "Well, our city where we train the most warriors and hunters is called Nitalis." "Female?" He says spinning around making Fluttershy jump as a piece of chain flies over her.. "Yes, she was told to be the best hunter of all the humans. She could take on any attribute of one animal she has hunted which made her better than the rest. There we have taken the time to study the animals that benefit to hunting and our sight." "Ha, so close yet so far. She didn't take the attribute, but she became part of the animal. She would offer up her right arm and turn it into a wing or her legs for a panther's leg and a leopard's leg. It cost her a lot. But man oh man did she have a feisty time of the month..." Morbiss says frowning as memories come back to him about Bonorris and Nitalis, "We all trained under Flint every so often... It was how I got to know them... Well the real me but..." Morbiss clutches the right side of his head as more memories come to his mind. He makes his way to the exit and pushes out. He falls to his knees and claws at his head as the memories continue to spill into his mind. "Morbiss!?" Fluttershy cries out following behind him. "Away!" Morbiss yells bringing up a wall of yellow energy, "Damn it!" He closes his eyes and tries to use his magic to suppress the damnable past. The innocent look of everyone. Their healthy bodies and everything. The most sickening part is when they start to desecrates and destroy themselves. The shift and change and all the ruins around him change form. They change from the broken down ruined version laid into the dirt to brilliant buildings with signs, lights, and people. People that walk around as skeletons and mangled flesh burned, broken, cut up, and torn. They chat to one another as if this is all normal. As if this is everyday life. They all wear different lights around their necks, pinned to their body or clothing, or just wearing it in some type of way. Its too much. Too much. "Stop!" He yells slamming his head into the ground repeatedly until something soft wraps around him. At the same time it pulls him away from his memories a bit. It also makes him want to destroy the comfort too. He doesn't need comfort. He just needs to forget. He wants to stop the flow. None of these memories matter to him. The one who needs them isn't here. "Please..." A familiar voice rings in his head, "You need to stop." "I can't! I won't!" He yells back, "Not till I forget! Not till it all leaves my head!" He cries out grabbing a hold of his own body. "It's okay." The voice whispers, "I'm here to help you." He grinds his teeth as the terrifyingly beautiful, morbid world around him forms back to the cruel joke he has grown used to just a little. He throws the comfort off of him, stands up, and stumbles forward holding his throbbing face and head, "God damn it..." "Are you okay?" A weak voice asks him. He looks to see Fluttershy laying on her side looking up at him. She looks tired and out of energy. A bit of her is smoking as well and parts of her fur and feathers are burnt at the tip. He looks away, "You would be wise to let a mad man lose his mind..." "A mad man indeed..." The griffin says standing to the right of Morbiss, "I'm guessing that wasn't suppose to happen." Morbiss nods his head, "But if you're coming along you'll have to get used to it. Or at least me of it." "Really now? I guess there will never be a dull moment with a human around." The griffin smiles, as best as he can with a beak, and walks over to the pony, "And I'm guessing we'll have to put up with her?" "Yep. She wants to change my mind before I decide to fight Celestia and Luna. I won't though." Morbiss says sighing before looking at the already setting sun. "But look at what just happened!" Fluttershy cries out trying to get up to shaky hooves, "You need help! Me and." "Your gang can help me out blah blah blah." Morbiss says turning around, "Honestly Fluttershy! Do you only care about others? How are you not dead yet? Sure you're the element of kindness, but you're smothering everyone in it! Also, is this the way you show kindness? By forcing them to try things they don't want to? And here I thought you were shy! If you don't like all of this just go home, wait, and pray that I don't make you suffer a longer death when the time comes! !f at all it does!" Morbiss turns, "We're leaving." The griffin looks between Morbiss and Fluttershy before walking off right behind him. Fluttershy stares at the ground for a while, looks up, and follows more depressed than when she first got her. She is hoping to forget all of that happened by the time she can convince him. More and more she considers forgetting the past as a good thing for him. Though she doesn't like it, she starts to understand possibly why its Celestia and Luna's fault. But she would rather not doubt them. No, they did everything for a reason. That's what Twilight says and she's suppose to be the smartest one of us all. Plus she's their friends, and friends don't lie to each other. Right? Night comes all to quickly. The odd group had to stop by a few places before leaving so the Griffin, who is named Nigel, can grab a few things. Now he's with them with a spear on his back and a bag of assorted things he wears around his neck that clings to his chest. As night reaches Morbiss stops the group and sets up a fire with his powers. He stretches and sits down before it, "Now watch Nigel. Watch what abomination Celestia and Luna have created." "What is he doing?" He asks Fluttershy as Morbiss closes his eyes. "He's changing between... well, himself... He's not really an abomination... He just likes to think lowly of himself." Fluttershy says laying on the ground and fishing through the bag of food for a snack other than an apple. She also thinks about how confident she was with replying to a complete stranger, "You might just want to rest up." Nigel shakes his head, "I want to see what all of this is about." The air around Morbiss changes from the warm feeling to a cold feeling. It sends a chill down everyone's spine. The change finishes and his features change which catches Nigel by surprise, "Well than..." Fluttershy watches from the ground her eyes only half open. Meanwhile, Morbiss lets out a breath and stands up, "Nigel right? I couldn't catch it over all the screaming going on in here." Morbiss taps his head with his right pointer finger. "Wha-What was all that about? Your eyes, your tone, the dialect. Its all different..." Nigel says amazed, "What did they do to you?" "A lot of things. Now, unlike my counter part light Morbiss I, Dark Morbiss, give not a single shit about each and every life around us and here. If ya piss me off I'm a kill ya with no regret and worry about light Morbiss yelling at me in the morning. Now since you want to help me fight I'm going to have to test your fighting skills. Don't worry about killing me because that'll be very hard to do without magic." Dark Morbiss says walking away from the fire with Nigel right behind him, "Now, show me what you got." With that Morbiss turns around and makes sure to check that the shields that are around him are still there. He lights up his right hand full of dark energy and forms a dagger with it.. Nigel stands on his hind legs and takes the spear off from off his back strap. He wields it with a low stance and readies for the first attack. Seeing as how Nigel isn't going to take the offensive Morbiss acts first. Morbiss lurches forward and runs forward. He throws the knife and leaves a small line of magic from the knife to him. Nigel easily knock the knife to his left with the point of the spear and flies forward. Morbiss slides and yanks his right hand back. He has to give props to the griffin that at least he knows what he's doing as Nigel turns around blocks the knife with a full on spin and making his forearm stretch out. If Morbiss wasn't fast he would have a nice line going across his face, well if his shield didn't hold out of course. "Good so far." Morbiss says smirking and slamming his left fist into the griffin's side making his back up allowing Morbiss some breathing room. The knife disappears as it forms back through the line, to his hand, back into orb form. There he form it into a sword. He goes onto the offensive again and slams his sword down at the griffin as he runs up to him. The griffin block the strike with the middle of the spear and slides it off to his right before thrusting his spear. Using the momentum Morbiss drops along with his sword and rolls on the ground to the griffin's right. He pops up quickly and ducks under a long swing from the blade and thrust himself. The griffin dances around the blade and slams the spear into the side of his head. The blunt side unfortunately. Morbiss falls to his left and rolls to his feet. Morbiss shakes his head thinking about how rusty he is. He looks at the sword and changes it to a rapier. This time the Nigel takes the offensive. A few quick thrust has Morbiss backing up. Morbiss finds his chance and throws Nigel off balance by leaning in and using the handle to block off one thrust throwing his assault off balance. A second fist comes around and slams into the side of his beak. "Again." They continue to practice with Morbiss changing from different tactics. Morbiss tries out different weapons that he might have to go up against. He lacks when fighting close weapons and excels at fighting against magic. "My spear is enchanted to penetrate the most powerful of spells." Nigel says polishing the shaft of the spear as they finish practicing Nigel sits near the fire a few scars on his body while Morbiss stands above him not a single scratch on him.. "Alright." Morbiss says backing up and spreading his arms, "Strike my center." Nigel looks at him questioningly, "I don't." "Strike or I will." Morbiss growls, "I know some magic that you can't penetrate and I'm only testing your skills. You don't want to fight me Nigel. Not for real." Nigel nods his head a bit scared and strikes forward. The spear hits his chest and nothing happens for a few seconds before Nigel goes flying backwards and his spear goes straight into the air. Morbiss steps back and claps his hand, "Good thing the ponies don't know ancient magic like that. Well, maybe Luna and Celestia but I digress." Nigel gets up huffing and puffing ready to fall down, "Now rest up." Nigel falls to his back passed out, "Good enough." With that Morbiss starts practicing while the others sleep. Soon after wards the spear falls back down to the earth below next to Fluttershy's skull. > A Journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morbiss sits on the ground sucking the dark energy halberd back into his body to enjoy the last bit of the night. He looks down to the dimming fire glow and his ever growing followers. A griffin and pegasus who fears me. He snorts and wonders how many more odd annoyances he'll have to get through before he has to deal with the last one. He shakes his head as he lies on his back to only see the sky replaced by a certain creature's head. "Well hello there my ambitious human." Discord says a grin spreading across his face. "You again. Its been a while since we last talked." Morbiss says sitting up and turning around as Discord forms an easy chair and sits in it relaxing quite a bit. "It has hasn't it." Discord says summoning forth a table with two glasses of wine on it. Discord takes up his and taps the liquid inside as the reddish purple hut turns completely purple, "I prefer grape juice over grape wine. Grape juice has a certain zing to it." "This is wine?" Morbiss asks walking up to it and sloshing it around, "The stuff only the older people and the nobles could get a hold of, right?" "Indeed. I figured might as well take a little edge off of you. You look real tense. Are you sure you're ready for this Morbiss? I mean I thought I was and I ended up stoned! And not the fun stoned mind you." Discord says seriousness taking on into his voice as he sips from his wine glass. Morbiss shakes his head as he has his first taste of wine finding it a bit bitter., "No. I don't think I am." Discord shakes his head, "Than why go after her. You could live in secret and raise havoc here and there and never have to worry about anyone but yourself." "Not like I don't already. But our people Discord." "Are all dead. Are your memories that bad that you forget that?" Discord says placing down his glass and starting at him, "The best place for the dead is in our memories and in our hearts. That's what I tell myself every day." "No, I remember. But I wish I hadn't. My memories are slowly coming back Discord." Morbiss says rubbing the side of his head. "Than what about Flint?" "I don't." Morbiss start shaking his head. "What would Flint say." Discord interrupts taking another sip from his glass feeling content with himself. "Its not about Flint Damn it!" Morbiss says slamming his glass down nearly breaking it in the process. "Are you sure? He said he would stop at nothing as well. And look at what that got him. Do you think he wants you following him in his footsteps. Only a few of us made it out alive that day and the other races hunted us down like game. I detest Celestia and Luna for I watched my students die at their hands after that day. She changed me and many others. But I'm lucky enough that my chaotic powers managed to undo the spell and change me into this. I nearly took this world over. But only lost because of my foolishness. Never think you're immortal and unbeatable. You may be able to live as long as us, but you are not unstoppable." Discord says replacing Morbiss' glass with another one with a snap of his fingers. "But that's you discord. I won't be foolish. I know my limits." Morbiss says taking a bit of offense. "Do you? Or do you know Morbiss' limits." Morbiss drinks down his glass of wine without answering his question. He simply stares at the wooden table before him. He places the glass down and is immediately refilled again by Discord who waits for his answer. He's sure he knows the answer by the silence shared between the two. "So. I'm sure you're here for other reasons." Morbiss says taking up his glass. "I am." "Well." Morbiss says drinking his glass getting drunker. "They're aware of your presence. They're not sure who you are or probably even remember you. So you still have an element of surprise. I would've came sooner, but Celestia and Luna wanted to ask me a few questions with Cadence." Discord says as Morbiss places down his latest drained cup. Discord makes the cup disappear, "I think that's enough for you." Morbiss nods his head, "I do feel a bit better..." "You would feel a lot better if... hmmm. You'll figure that out on your own. But besides the point. Morbiss you need to look out for the ones around you and yourself. Or you might end up losing everything again." Discord says clapping his hands together making the table fold into itself till it disappears, "Everything has its price. You just need to find the right set for it." "Discord... Are you sure there is no others left?" Morbiss asks rubbing his eyes. "Yes. I've looked. But never in the dungeons. There could, might, be more down there. But I dare not search too deep for I might not come back. Even chaotic powers have their limits." Morbiss shakes his head, "It must be lonely for you. Being alone for so long. You must have gotten over it by now right?" "No, I can't say I have. It brings a light in my void of a heart to see that there is in fact one more human being out here." Discord says kicking his chair that flies straight into the air as if gravity has no effect on it, "You know. You're going to fill it too. After you have time to settle in." "I already feel it Discord... And I've only been here for what? Three days. I guess I'm not really lonely. I have the lighter energy and the neutral. But they're not really there. I don't exist and neither does the lighter energy." Morbiss says sitting on the ground and staring at the ground in between his legs, "Its hard to accept that fact sometimes." "Than why do you keep going?" Discord asks floating in the air. "Because I've got nothing less. Other than ambition. Plus it feels right." Morbiss says looking at his hands, "Just the thought of having Celestia's or Luna's neck in my hands as I choke the last bit of life out of their eyes... It just seems so right." "Sometimes it's best not to act on a whim." "You should know that from experience huh..." Discord nods his head and he sighs, "I'll be going. Having so much power together for too long always brings problems. Make sure you keep up your end of the deal." "Right." Discord snaps his fingers and a small wood pile appears next to him, "Take the wood and stock the fire. I'm sure your guest are going to get colder as the night goes on." Morbiss nods his head, "Thanks Discord. Especially for the drinks. I needed that." Discords nods his head before twirling around and disappearing followed by sparkling particles falling to the ground. "Very... flashy..." Morbiss comments shaking his head with a smile on his face. With wood pile in hand he heads back to the camp, stocks the fire, and sits there thinking over things with his tipsy mind. He looks over the griffin and pegasus mare who accompany him. He shakes his head disagreeing with the thoughts that keep coming to his head. He has nothing in common with them other than being sentient. There's nothing at all that connects him and them. Though as he looks at them he starts to notice how human they are. And that simply scares him. Morning breaks and Light Morbiss finds himself sitting there watching the horizon and the castle of the sisters he wishes to meet very soon. The first to awake, noticed by the cute yawn emitted from her mouth, is Fluttershy. She raises her head and looks around before laying her head back down and shaking her body. "Morning Fluttershy. I hope you slept well." Morbiss says stretching his back. "Morning Morbiss." Fluttershy responds before looking at the awaking griffin, "Morning Nigel." The griffin nods his head as he awakens sleepy eyed. Nigel shakes his head and cleans off his beak, "Morning already." "Yep." Morbiss says shaking his head, "I'll never get used to how odd all of this is. Day and Night are suppose to last differently. Not even." "Oh? Really? I heard tells of a land that was once like that. But they said it was lost in ancient times." Nigel says nodding his head. "Yea... It was lost alright..." Morbiss says shaking his head, "Lost and destroyed. But balance will restore where order has overdone its job. Not everything deserves to be watched and used." "So how were the night's and days." Fluttershy asks curious of the world that they have supposedly taken over. Morbiss sits there and contemplates telling them. He thinks of Discord's words and shakes his head. He doesn't want to tell them, but he also knows that the neutral side of him, the real Morbiss, would do it just to please his teacher. And to please Nigel curiosity. "Well, the days and night were always based on the position of the earth. If we were closer to the sun, longer days. Further away, longer nights. That also affected each other too. Longer days shorter nights. Longer nights shorter days. But what really mattered was time. Though all of that is probably messed up..." Morbiss says thinking about it. "Really now? Nigel asks walking to the bag of apples and taking one out, "How did you guys measure time?" Morbiss scoffs, "You don't want to go that deep so soon. They'll be a time for all of that. Maybe. Right now we got to keep moving forward. We got a whole forest to track through. If we all survive, well if you two survive, we'll have a nice lovely chat over biscuits and tea." "Really?" Nigel asks excited. "Don't bet on it." Morbiss says chuckling lowly as he gets up and walks over to the food bag and pulls out an apple for his enjoyment. "Alright. Well the forest we're about to pass through is home to a race of archnosaipains and reptilian like creatures that have wings and don't have wings. Similar to dragon but smaller and dumber. The few fairies that live in there are very greedy and sometimes will lead travelers off to their death. Just for their valued, shiny goods." Nigel says bringing back some of his studies to his head. "Oh my..." Fluttershy says, "Is there a way around? I think the forest might be a bit too-" "Well yes, but we would reach our destination a lot faster if we went through." Nigel responds interrupting her in the process, "If we stay on path of course." "Risky... I like it already." With a giant smile he closes the bag and puts it to his back, "If you don't like it Fluttershy you can-" "I'm going." Fluttershy says interrupting with a hint of anger in it. She eeps and backs down, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." "It's alright Fluttershy. The longer you stay with me the more you'll fill the need to speak out of turn." Morbiss says stretching his legs, "Now lets get moving." "Right." Nigel says throwing away his husk with Fluttershy's. Nigel takes up his weapon and Fluttershy cleans up camp soon following after the two other creatures her thoughts upon the animals and creatures she might encounter in Bog's Forest. Minutes upon entering the forest they've already ran into a problem. Though far from the presence of the Canterlot influence pegasi scouting teams fly over head and through the tree line usually followed by three unicorns in order to detect magic on the ground. Passing by one of the groups Nigel managed to pick up a bit of information. Now Morbiss sits poised in the middle of a small pathway, made by repeated traveling, waiting for the next group to pass. "You sure about what you heard?" Morbiss asks fully confident in himself, just not in their plan. "I'm sure I'm sure! If its one thing our bird like nature is good at is picking up quiet noises. That's how you catch the sneakiest of pray." Nigel says from somewhere nearby. "And Fluttershy is okay with this?" "After a bit of, "Nigel coughs a bit, "convincing." "Right... I guess the sooner they get here the better huh?" No reply which only means he has heard something or Fluttershy is having doubts... again. Either way Morbiss prepares himself lumbering a piece of the darkness into him for a bit. No... stop... too bright... "That's what you get for drinking too much buddy." Morbiss chides the darker voice known as dark Morbiss. Damn you... "Yea yea nice pleasantries and all that... Now we're going to have a bit of fun okay? I want you to-" Kill you? "If you could that would be humorous. Now I need you to put off an aura of darkness during our little talk. Strike some fear into them. I would do it myself, but I just don't feel like it." No. Your face should be enough to do the job. Morbiss sighs, "A prick as always..." Coming from sir prick himself. The fluttering of wings catches his ears as they come flying faster than he anticipated. Looking up he can see green pegasi dressed in different armor with different symbols on them. Three of them have suns, Celestia no doubt, and the two others crescent moon, Luna's definitely, and they seem completely intent on getting to Morbiss. Morbiss smiles and raises a hand up at them and leaves it there all the way till they land. "Greetings ponies! How's it going?" Morbiss asks calmly. "Shut it monster!" One of the pegasi, a pegasus with a light green coat and yellow mane on the right, yells getting closer. "Monster? I assume you're talking about something behind me for I am no-" "Quit it with your honeyed words." Morbiss simply chuckles and shakes his head at the violent words. "But honeyed words are the best. The ears taste the sweetness of them and drinks and bathes within it." Morbiss says starting to get up. One of the pegasi comes forward brandishing one of the blades on it's side, right side, with his mouth. He stands on his hind legs and takes his sword in hoof pointing it towards Morbiss. "Stand. Down." "Oh? But I haven't done anything yet! That's no fun is it? I though the way it works is I do something like this." At the end of his sentence a whip of light comes out and smacks into the air causing a burst of light making them all look away blinded, "And you guys respond with." "Get him!" A pegasus yells. "Righty-o! Except." Two pegasi scream out as their eyes start regaining their sight. In the hands of Nigel are two dead pegasi held by their neck within his talons. Before any of them can give an order Morbiss strikes with his whip wrapping it around the nearest pegasus' head and yanking backward the rope turning into a circular blade easily slicing the head off and sending up a beacon of blood. The last two begin backing away in soundless mouth movements. They look at each other and try to run speaking silent words between each other. The pegasus on the right quickly finds a spear through his gut pinning him to the ground during the run. The one on the left takes flight crying and yelling for help. Morbiss simply looks at Nigel and nods his head. Nigel nods his head and goes into the bushes and brings out his halberd then takes flight after the pegasus. Knowing that it won't get far Morbiss walks over to the pinned pegasus and grabs its mane after knocking it's blackish helmet off. "Well that was quick and simple..." Morbiss muses to himself, "Though I would have had to use the whip if SOMEONE was a bit more cooperative." No reply. He can still fill him there but no reply at all. Morbiss silently wonders to himself if the neutral will have a taste for alcohol because of the other's action. Morbiss shakes his head while looking at the dying pegasus knowing that none of it was ever their fault. They joined because they believe that Celestia and Luna always now best. A shame really. A bunch of dead, brave bastards. Oh well. Forming a dagger Morbiss quickly slit the front part of its throat before dropping the head. Speaking of bastards, his mind goes to Fluttershy wondering if she has done her job yet. If she hasn't than more blood shed. If she has... well let it burden her soul a bit. Morbiss starts walking down the road whistling a little tune that has come to mind. He can't really put a name too it, but it's comforting. In an odd sense really. A sense of comfort... "Maybe I am going to die..." Morbiss says chuckling to himself before returning to his wordless tune. Morbiss stands beside Nigel as they stand above Fluttershy as lies on her stomach staring a dead purple unicorn in a black robe in the eyes. It's closed dead lifeless eyes seem to bury into her the most out of everything. She still has tears running down her face, but her sobs of sadness have ceased. To the thanks of Morbiss. "See. He looks peaceful. No worries or anything. Using your kindness you've helped them escape to a better place. That's the true kindness. Helping others fine their happiness. Even if it means helping them leave this world so I can't get to them." Morbiss says while stroking her mane. "Isn't that right Nigel?" "Yea. They'll go to the place they deserve and soon we will too. Maybe." Nigel says walking over to the nearby path and checking, "I doubt they'll be coming this way for a while. Should we head out now?" Fluttershy nods her head, "Please." Fluttershy rises dropping the unicorn's head to the ground and starts walking away tears still falling. Morbiss shakes his head and looks at the cause of their death. Sharp vines hang from trees that have bodies of different creatures upon them. Including three unicorns that look fresher than the others that hang penetrated in different ways and dry blood clinging to their bodies. A beautiful sight really. One that makes him think of Celestia and Luna. He wonders what beautiful art he can make with them. Their bodies tangled and mangled with each other. Bones askew with organs showering like a bloodied fountain. It sends a shiver down his spine. A shiver of bliss. He chuckles and starts after Nigel and Fluttershy who are already a head of them on the path. Morbiss meets up with them and begin the walk down the path looking like the oddest group anybody has ever seen. A griffin, a still crying pegasus, and a mad human who's chuckling to himself. A group of groups really. A group of killers. Nigel thinks they're growing on him, Fluttershy sometimes questions why she's doing this, and Morbiss wonders how long these two will last. All their thoughts are on each other and yet their so differently. Fluttershy's mind because emptier and emptier with what she thinks Twilight will say if she ever found out about this. Than a thought, a very dark thought, entered her mind. Morbiss seemed to pick up on it by watching as he face changes from sadness to disgust and fear. It simply makes him laugh more which catches the attention of Nigel. "And what's so funny I might ask?" Nigel asks preening his wings a bit before continuing. "Oh just a few thoughts of me being on my own really." Morbiss says chuckling, "So much blood..." "Blood lust is a dangerous thing." Nigel replies. "Only when it consumes you. The red hasn't been in my eyes for a long while so I should be good." Morbiss replies not really concerned with his warning, "I'm more worried about you guys really. At least you held your own Nigel. Maybe in the new world you could make a great assassin." "I'd rather be a scholar." Nigel says shaking his head while chuckling, "But that's a second option." "Got to leave some type of second option. That's where we kind of messed up. We left only one option and that was it. Our downfall." Morbiss says sighing, "Now we'll just keep doing the same thing. We're all one tracked people." "I see." Nigel says nodding his head, "That can truly be a downfall..." "Yes. But you guys won't have to worry about that. Everything is so peaceful. I wonder how long that'll last when I fuck things up." "If you do..." Fluttershy reminds him, "Though you can always stop and-" "You just committed murder! You don't talk to me about not killing!" Morbiss says laughing in ecstasy. Fluttershy goes quiet and looks away with a small sobbing choke emitting from her throat. It would sadden normal people, but for Morbiss it's a delicious sound. A sound that he wishes for two other's to hear it come from. Only in do time he reminds himself. In do time. On that note he looks at Nigel, "Have you made any plans for fighting and keeping the guards busy yet?" "No, but I have an idea." Nigel says tapping a finger on the bottom part of his beak. "Really now? You've thought up more than I thought you would've." Morbiss says patting the griffin on the back. "Tsk. A joker as usual." Nigel says smiling a bit. "Nah. I'm no joker buddy. If I remember him right you guys would be dealing with poisonous flower and acid spray bottles." Morbiss says chuckling as a memory of some funny looking guy comes to mind, "If I remember right he had a catch phrase... I think it was why not the ponies or something like that." "Well than... It sounds like quite the colorful character." "Yes, thought I have to say Flint was never eager to be around him. He kept saying something about a bomb. I don't know I was- well he was young at the time." He says scratching the back of his head, "Though that doesn't concern us. Right now we have company coming." Morbiss picks up Fluttershy by the throat and makes a sword of light energy., "Good thing you've been crying this entire time. You'll only have to be an accessory of murder this time." > Closer to home. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morbiss stands at the exit for the forest with Nigel by his side his halberd in talon. Nigel laughs with glee as he wipes his halberd on the grass cleaning it of the blood and green juice that has collected along it's blade and shaft. Morbiss keeps a cool face as the sun start falling below the horizon signaling another end of another interesting day. Thus the beginning of a interesting night will happen. Wonder if he's- I'm good. Well that answers that. "Night comes fast. And our destination faster." He says pointing up towards the castle of the two princesses that looms closely over head, "Just a few more miles right?" "Seems so..." Nigel says nodding his head and looking behind him, "And how are you Fluttershy?" Fluttershy comes up from behind her hooves sprayed with blood along with some of her tail and mane. She shivers and shakes her head, "I wanna go home..." "Home is with us now ya little murderer you." Morbiss says chuckling, "After all, after all of this, you'll have no home to return to." Nigel nods his head, "Damn it all! As long as I can help you out with turning over the fight in power I'm fine with having no home." "Aye. What do you think the griffins will do when they learn that you helped me?" Morbiss asks waiting for the persona shift. "If they ever find us out buddy." Nigel says placing his halberd to his back and walking out to the opening in front of the forest, "Wonder how many awards I'll get if I do tell them. Or how many mobs I'll have come after me." "What about your home?" Fluttershy asks her voice almost emotionless. Just a ping of sadness can be detected, "I know you say you don't care, but do you?" "Hm?" Nigel asks turning around still bathing in the moon's light. "You're home. I was always made to believe that griffins live in death and decay. Murder is suppose to be their thing. How would your family feel and your people feel about you just forgetting them all?" She asks staring at the ground, "I know what they'll say to me. My people. They'll do a lot of bad things to me too..." "Well that's the price you pay for following a mad man." Morbiss says laughing and slapping her on the flank. "Well, to answer your question. I don't really care. I've had many fun times with my family and we all parted ways once I became of traveling age. For all I know my family could be dead. What does it matter?" "Because my family will never hear from me... I also consider my friends my family... If they still want me after all of... this. Than at least I'll still have a home." Fluttershy responds never answering his question. "Well Fluttershy. If it makes you happy I don't have a home." A changed Morbiss speaks up, "Other than the one inside of Celestia and Luna. At least close to a home." "Oh?" Fluttershy response with a little bit of enthusiasm, "Than maybe we could-" "Don't kid yourself honey. You'll have to take that up with the big man himself..." Morbiss says walking down the dirt road toward lights on the horizon, "Now who wants to sleep in some soft beds?" "I would love that..." Nigel says flapping his sore wings a bit, "Sleeping out doors can be quite stressful... especially when you know there are ponies trying to kill you." "Don't forget the pixies." Morbiss chides bring back unpleasant memories for the griffin. Nigel shivers while shaking his head wildly, "Never! Again!" "Nigel..." Fluttershy speaks up as Morbiss gets a little bit further ahead, "Do you think... He'll ever accept us?" "He has Fluttershy." Nigel says shaking his head, "As a creature more used to studying human natures I have to say that he has accepted us in a way special to him." "I... I don't-" She says shaking her head. "Don't worry about it so much." Nigel says shaking his head, "If you worry yourself over the little things you'll miss the big picture." "The big picture?" "Yes!" Nigel says laughing and moving faster to catch up with Morbiss, "The big picture of how we're the craziest most dysfunctional family there is! We're of family of madness!" Silence from Fluttershy as she slows down a bit. Family and friends help each other. In a way she's been helping him out, but he hasn't helped any of them as far as she can see. She doubts that either one of them, the personalities of Morbiss, will ever help Nigel and her. If they do than, they'll do it for their own reason(s). Though she'll still help. Because that's what she does. Help pon... people. Fluttershy has to agree with herself that she might be losing her mind just a bit from all of this... murder. "Heh..heh..." Walking into the town, known as blandville, all bloodied as they are has proven to be very effective at letting the locals know that they're hear for serious business. Upon entering the town they're greeted by the screams of earth ponies, their foals and colts, their galloping bodies as they push, shove, and trample each other in fear; and the shambling of swords against their sheaths as they bounce in a hurry. Fluttershy tries to calm them down, but her voice is over come by their screams. Which attract the guards as well. Morbiss laughs at Fluttershy's attempt at trying to calm the situation while Nigel takes off his halberd and stare the guards down making them question what their next move will be. Morbiss walks up beside Nigel forming a short blade in his right hand and pointing it at their captain. Two flicks up indicate that he wants him. The captain mutters something lowly before he stands on his hind legs and takes out his blade gripping it with his right fore hoof. Morbiss has to give it to the pony warriors of today. They've finally gotten better on their hinds legs than on all four. That was one of their disadvantage that they've improved on lately. If the time would allow he would applaud them. But the magic bolts that come flying, prove other wise. Raising a hand a wall of dark energy rises quickly stopping the bolts in their tracks. The front line follows up as the wall falls. A spear comes flying which is easily dodged and a sweep of the halberd leaves a pony headless but brings in two more attacks that miss barely. For Morbiss the fight is child's play. The captain follows up the flank with his subordinates trying to distract him from him so the captain has an easy attack to kill him quickly to prevent the damage to them and the area around to a minimum. Though, if they were smart, they would realize that he's out of their league. One behind and two in front. Morbiss summons a shield and beats on it twice to signal the fight is on. The pony in back, a heavily muscled white coated pony using a long hammer, swings with ease hoping to catch him off guard. Swinging back, Morbiss catches the attack with his shield and drop his arm a bit throwing the impact off a little making the muscled pony stumble forward. The others come forward with the red, smaller earth pony leading the charge. Their swords impact and a shove forward breaks them up as the captain comes with a straight thrust to Morbiss' chest over the red pony's head. He leans back dropping his right arm and swings towards the captain with a low sweep hoping to cut a let, but he simply jumps over it. A roar is heard and Morbiss jumps back as the hammer slams into the ground leaving an impressive indent into the dirt path. Morbiss chances a quick look at Nigel who is blocking two attacks at the same time before flying up into the air to miss three swords into his back. All the guards are on their hind legs as well. Very impressive. The three who are fighting Morbiss come with the red pony taking a jumping lunge at him that easily gets batted away with the shielded left arm and a sword swipe comes up to cut the muscled pony right up his center, though not deep, followed by a jump to the right to prevent his head from being smashed in along with his body. The captain comes from over the hammer and brings his sword down with both hooves towards Morbiss who raises his shield in time to prevent the blow but also he gets knocked to the ground where the captain stands over him pressing his sword against his magic hoping it gives way so he may finish he fight. "Heh. You're persistent. You guys are a lot better at fighting than the Ponyville folk that's for sure." Morbiss says looking at the muscled brute who starts walking over dragging his hammer behind him murder dead set in his purple eyes. The smaller red earth pony gets up and starts walking over as well as sheathing his blade. "And you're pretty good yourself." The captain says, "Guessing you're Morbiss huh? I only heard rumors so there was no need to tell any of the others. But to my surprise you come and bring your ass on a plate to me." "Sorry pal!" Morbiss shouts using his strength to rise up throwing the pony in the air, "But I've got lives to take!" The captain lands a bit back stumbling than finds a shield in his face sending him rolling across the ground blood flowing from his mouth. "Captain!" The two yell before looking towards him. Morbiss takes the advantage, "Never look away..." Morbiss first strike the nearest target, the brute, quickly finding his heart in one fatal stab and ripping it out sideways spewing blood towards the captain on his right. The other one hears the anguish yells of his partner and tries to take our his sword. Morbiss grabs the hammer while running forward, does a full spin planting his foot down, and smashes it into the ponies skull with strength god like ripping his head part way from his body and sending him flying in a cascade of red into a nearby building no doubt crushing his body from the high impact. Morbiss than turns to the standing, dazed captain and throws the sword which catches him in the chest, missing his heart, before he throws the hammer, a little off set, and it slams on the top part of hilt of the sword sending it up and cutting through his throat and upper half of the captain's body. The sword disappears and the hammer lands with a thud as blood pools near it from the dead body that flops to the ground with a wet smack. "Help!" Morbiss turns to the sound to see Fluttershy shackled by mages and Nigel halberd-less and bleeding from multiple magic wounds, holes from blots of magic, with two unicorns dead and three earth ponies dead near him. "Nice boy. Hard fighter. Though with time.." Morbiss says as he form a bow in his hand. He raises it and pulls back the dark string forming three arrows in a line on it before he turns the bow side ways. "Now let me save your ass." He whispers as he lets the arrows fly catching two unicorn in the throat breaking the hold on Fluttershy and another in the head of a charging earth pony who was going in for the kill on Nigel. This catches the rest of the groups attention, a pale blue unicorn and two white earth ponies, and they all turn and watch Morbiss walk to the body of their captain and tear his head off from his body and raises it to the dark night sky as if offering it to the gods, "Your captain is dead. Leave now or die along with him. Your choice." "You monster!" The unicorn yells charging up a spell but finds himself tackled by Fluttershy with amazing strength, but not enough to keep him down. The unicorn smacks her across the face sending her sprawling to his side and than quickly finds himself weightless before black overtakes his vision. His head now separated from his body is rolling at the feet of Nigel as he shakes his head, "Now that's just poor... you never hit a lady..." Nigel looks at the others, though injured and bleeding, and gives them death glares raising his bloodied talons to fight. The two earth ponies don't falter as they raise their weapons to their centers and go back to back. "No please..." Fluttershy speaks up rising up slowly, "Please... no more blood shed..." Nigel looks at the two earth ponies before scoffing and goes to help Fluttershy up. Morbiss smiles inwardly seeing as Nigel has a soft spot that others could exploit. In fact from the flinch the one facing him, he almost did. He looks at his partner and whispers something and soon they're both facing Morbiss their sword posed to fight. Morbiss raises his right hand into the air gather energy from the night into it. "I'm sorry Fluttershy but." He lowers his hand and two beams fire out striking the last two standing ponies in their hearts, "You'll have to speak up if you want others to hear you correctly." With bodies and blood splayed across the area the ponies that were cowering in the streets or standing there watching and hoping as this all happen are all crying and cowering on the spot. Some of them are even begging not to die. Morbiss groans and looks at Nigel and Fluttershy. "Nigel! How is she? I would rather her be able to talk and calm down these ponies before I have to." Morbiss says walking up to the body of the big brute and making sure he's dead by kicking it. "You okay?" Nigel asks feeling her chest and wiping a bit of blood from her mouth. She nods her head and stands up on all four. She doesn't bother looking behind her as she faces the crowd, "Gu..." She swallows as she hears them whisper amongst themselves, cry, and yell. "E-E-Every..." They continue completely ignoring Fluttershy who stands up taller finding the noise more and more annoying. "Everypony shut up!" Fluttershy yells catching every pony and Morbiss by surprise. Morbiss turns around nodding his head in approval of this outburst. "Now listen! I know things seem bad! But none of this wouldn't have happened if you listened to me in the bucking first place!" She yells panting and almost falling over. At the same time she feels proud of herself, an overwhelming guilt of yelling at them fills her as well. She's never been the one to raise her voice and yell for a long time or at anypony. Even when she does she usually says sorry after. But standing there and realizing about what Morbiss meant during one of their conversation... "I get it Morbiss... You have to take things into your hands... or hooves if you want them to change. I get it now." Fluttershy says sitting on the ground starting to cry, "If I had been more assertive they wouldn't have died... I could have stopped all of this... couldn't I?" "Yep. Sucks when you realize the bad guy is right doesn't it?" Morbiss says laughing and walking to the left side of Fluttershy, "Now! Fluttershy say what needs to be done while the live stock is listening." "But-" "Fluttershy. Don't clam up on me now. If it makes you feel any better, if they don't listen at least they'll have a quick death." Morbiss says forming a knife in his hand. Fluttershy keeps quiet for a minute before taking a deep breath and speaking. "Now listen. I know things look dark and grim. But we don't want to hurt anyone. They.... We're on mission. We only want food, water, and a place to sleep for tonight. As long as we get what we want we'll pass on peacefully. Right?" "Right. I don't feel like spilling any more blood tonight. Well. Maybe just a bit more. But I won't as long as they don't make me. Unless someone wants to make an example?" Morbiss holds up the knife into the air and wiggles it a bit, "Anyone? No? Thought so." Fluttershy stands, "Who's the inn keeper?" A brown stallion comes forward shaking. "Please... just take us to some beds. I'm very tired." Fluttershy says walking up to the stallion who flinches back. The stallion doesn't speak and simply nods his head. He turns and starts walking a little stiffly towards wherever he's leading them. Morbiss walks over to Nigel and helps him walk behind Fluttershy and the Innkeeper. "Also a medic would be nice too." Nigel groans leaning against Morbiss as she presses a hand against his deepest wound trying to get his life liquid to flow slower. Nigel lies in his bed bandages wrapped around different parts of his body while Fluttershy sleeps in hers. Morbiss simply stands before the window that looks out towards the Canterlot castle. Lucky for them a train passes through here, every so often, that passes through two places before going to the castle. And thankfully it should be here tomorrow. If they ride the train they'll be there by afternoon tomorrow. So the sun will already be down like now. Dark Morbiss would contact his lighter side, but things haven't been too great between the two of them. Both Morbiss are anxious of finally being free from all of all this. Whether they win or lose. "Sir?" A stallion calls out. Morbiss turns around his hands behind his back, "Yes?" The stallion before him is gray manned with the cutie mark of scissors that go well with his sheen silver coat. It gives off a beautiful shine really. Guess that's why he's the rich one around here. Or what he has been told is rich. "We have three bags down stairs full of supplies like you asked. But um..." "Yes?" Morbiss asks impatiently. "We've been wondering about what you uh plan on doing?" The silver coated stallion asks shuffling his hooves uncomfortably under the harsh gaze of Morbiss. "Its best if you leave and don't worry about it." Fluttershy speaks up raising her head. "You're awake?" Morbiss asks looking at her. "Yea... It's kind of hard to sleep..." She responds never looking at them. "It'll only get worse!" Morbiss says laughing. The silver stallion turns and leaves out of the room taking the mood of the room in and deciding that this would be the best option. Morbiss turns back to the window. "So are you going to try to keep convincing me? It's been sometimes since we've been able to actually talk." Morbiss asks keeping his voice low. Silence reigns. Neither speak and hold their tongues as they mull their thoughts. Morbiss is intent of killing and Fluttershy was on intent on stopping him. She believes she still can, but the important thing is: is whether she wants to or not. She has seen a lot of the land so far and has learned a lot about the griffins and the humans. Apparently history is a lot darker of a subject than she grew up with and believed. So much has happened and they've all been kept in the dark. That's what leaders aren't suppose to do. There might be a repeat of the past and no pony would ever know except the ones who have passed it down. And even than, who would? They would be too much in fear that they would worry about being gotten rid of for telling something that is supposed to be erased from history. They need a better leader. Not one who forgets the past but learns from it. Apparently as long as everyone stays fat and lazy while the select few bath in power and strength they'll be okay. Fluttershy realizes that they've never stopped having the war, but have been at a stalemate. All that they wait for is a drop in power. A disturbance. Something they can work off of. Now as Fluttershy looks at Nigel and Morbiss she realizes that the war has been waiting for them. In now, of all times, Fluttershy feels the need to let something take place that she feels that she could stop. Not just for Morbiss to have a peace of mind, but for the ponies and all the other races. So they can finally get a clear definition of peace. So the stalemate can finally be over. The raiding and killing. It could finally stop if things are done right. "Morbiss. I could lead the people couldn't I?" Fluttershy asks staring at him. Morbiss shakes his head, "A wimp like you?" "No. I'm no wimp... I'm kindness. Kindness can be strong as well as week. I might be weak physically, but I can calm the crowds and speak out if I know I'm doing it for the good of them. Celestia and Luna are kind of... bad ponies." "You're just now seeing that?" Morbiss scoffs, "Well it doesn't matter. Just rest and get ready for tomorrow." Morbiss watches as a pegasus flies off towards the castle on the horizon, "We'll have a full day ahead of us tomorrow." "Why do you say that?" She asks. "Just a haunch." Morbiss says shaking his head, "Just a really strong haunch." With that Fluttershy lies down and starts falling asleep with Morbiss smiling and watching the pegasus fly off no doubt to warn Celestia and Luna. Nigel lies in bed sleeping peacefully recovering from his magically inflicted wounds. Night passes on slowly, but for others it passes on too fast. Though Morbiss doesn't spill anymore blood, it doesn't mean more blood hasn't been bled somewhere else. Morbiss' smile grows bigger as he feels his little lock on the pegasus disappear. Influence is a very strong thing. Especially when used right. > The end? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning comes with rain and the foul weather only insist on continuing as the three; human, griffin, and pegasus, leave from their one night hotel and out into the streets where nopony roam. It's a peaceful look really. Quiet and still, except for the rain, with only the sounds of their breathing filling in the gaps of silence of the rain. It's truly marvelous in the sight of Morbiss, yet very eerie at the same time for all. It has, for some quite while, not rained on its own like this without the pegasus scheduling it. Showing that chaos and order are starting to pull at each other once again. Sometimes the weather gets out of hand and they let it take its course. As all things should. But the rain, is seems so unnatural. As if the weather itself was foretelling events to come. The falling tears of the heavens. But only Nigel gave it some absent minded thought as he shifted the weight of his halberd. Morbiss considers it lucky that they leave the town without a crowd of ponies watching them. Morbiss shifts his bag on his back and makes the walk, at point, towards the train station that they had somepony point out for them. Fluttershy walks at the caboose not really feeling to up to their soon to be confrontation with the head of pony civilization. The sun had merely rose from the horizon point when Light Morbiss decided it was time to head out. He might not know the train schedule, but he prays a early train comes so they don't have to wait till the next day to execute the plan. He had figured if they did get there late they could try to isolate Luna and do it in a reverse way, but he knows that Celestia probably won't let anything bad happen to her little sister. Maybe not too much bad. It would ruin her image after all. "The day is here." Nigel says breathing out as they pass a smithy and tavern getting closer to the train station, "A few weeks ago if you asked me if I would one day face down armies as my ally goes and slay the princesses, I would call for the medic to sedate you and take you to the nearest medic camp or hospital. Now, I just can' t believe that I'm doing this. It make me excited..." "As it should Nigel." Morbiss replies, "You know... I felt like you the day we stood on the hill facing the capital... I never got to see much of the inside, but the outside. The outside was freighting as well as a glorious sight. Unicorns on every tower, guards with all types of weapons, pegasus lined with bows and bolts, ballistics on the front line, our best mages on the front line keeping all the second best and students who were going to one day over come their teacher safe and ready to fight, and than the princesses flying down flaunting their power like it was nothing. It was a magnificent sight and terrifying at the same time. Not than... it was only terrifying and exciting as I stood there behind mas... Flint, and took in what was to be our final battlefield. That fight was suppose to be the end of the war." "Well it was technically. Just not the way you guys wanted it." Nigel speaks up shaking his head from both the splattered water hair and in sympathy. "Yes... but I saw a more beautiful sight. I saw power. I saw grace. I saw how those two can live within each other because of Celestia. I watched my friends and my teachers be killed on that day. The day the crest of our powers had been reached and how we were so close to ending the war with the lost of ponies. We would've marched and taken down everything, then demanded surrender." "But Celestia and Luna came." Nigel says sadly. "Aye. They were born without us knowing. Taught and raised in secret. And unleashed like hell hounds. Without mercy they slew. Just two princesses. Two Alicorns that hadn't even reached their peak of power. Nor were they close to it." Morbiss says walking up the dull wooden steps onto the train platform. "What has changed from than to now?" Nigel asks. "There are only three of us. One will not fight, but we will. The one who fights can feel their power changing everyday. Weaker sometimes, and stronger others. Let me ask you Nigel. If you could feel the very life force of your enemy, would you kill them?" Morbiss asks in a more dull tone than serious. It almost seems like the thought saddens him just a bit. Morbiss doesn't truly feel sadness, but the fact that something is happening in that castle of theirs, built who knows when, makes him long to see it. Sure the first castle was impressive and all of its greatness was admired by many, but this one. It seems so much simpler from afar, but the closer they get. "Have you ever been inside of there?" Morbiss asks referring to both of them. "No. Not really." Nigel confirms, "I have heard tells. They generally don't like griffins so close to home." "And you Fluttershy?" Morbiss asks quietly. "Many. It's beautiful. Especially the gardens. The cobblestoned roads are to perfection and the towers and guards are so intimidating. The power that radiates from the throne room is..." She doesn't bother with finishing the statement knowing that the other two will get the gist of it. Morbiss nods his head in acceptance of the answer. There's a stone in his stomach. Unmoving and growing bigger with ever second that passes. He almost fears that he's becoming nervous as well. Though he doesn't know why. They're stronger than before, but he's used to their energy level. He should be unafraid seeing as he grew up underneath their feet and along side them during interrogations and corruptions of his mind. He's glad they can barely feel him though. And he's almost glad he can't feel his own power. After so many years of not casting such powerful spells as he once knew, he doubts that the magical part of their dual shall be great. He hopes to only keep it at a melee duel though. He can't give up ground in their presence or he might face immediate defeat. Possibly. "Are you prepared to face impossible odds?" Morbiss asks facing Nigel as he hears the train approach. "No." "Good. A desperate man fights harder." Morbiss says chuckling, "A man who is unprepared against impossible odds with no way out fights harder than a man who can flee. Than you only have one way out. Well two still, but oh well." "You're a great man." Nigel says snickering, "I'm glad I'll fight along side you." "Oh and Fluttershy? Please do try to keep your friends in check. We don't want any accidents to happen." Morbiss says facing the train that is coming to a stop in front of them. "Of course not. Now shall I talk to the conductor or you?" Fluttershy asks standing more erect than they first got here. Her wet mane giving her an imposing look. It makes Morbiss happily in truth. Just a little though. "I think I like new Fluttershy." Morbiss says chuckling walking to the door and opening it for his companions. "I'm afraid of me..." She says shaking her head. "Which is great." Morbiss says laughing. Morbiss sits in the window seat watching as the scenery change from open plains to a hills rolling across the land. It is beautiful, but the land of before was more beautiful. But with each moment as they get closer and the sun rises, the feeling of uncertainty rises within them all. "How are you?" Fluttershy asks sitting herself beside Morbiss. "Nervous and murderous." He answers rubbing his hands together. In all the days he has been walking the land, which has been many, he has never resorted to his old habits of rubbing his hands together. It's a nervous habit really. Jessy once thought she had gotten him out of it, but when ever she wasn't looking he would go back to his old habits. It was kind of like kicking the addiction. You wanted to, but you know you won't be able to. Morbiss shrugs off the distracting thoughts and looks at Fluttershy. Fluttershy is looking down the front of the train just ignoring the world around her. She looks very nervous and he notices her wings flinching every so often. Nervous habits of a pony. Pegasus more like it. Her wings keep twitching and sometimes she shuffles her body. It makes her seem more human than she already has been acting. In fact, walking across the land as he has, while watching his ass and trying to make note of all the changes of the land and such, he has noticed how human everything is. It's truly ridiculous the more and more he thinks about it. Than again if he was one of his teachers they probably would've done something far greater than this. Than again he isn't any of his teachers. Nor would he want to be. All of his teachers are dead. A morbid joke for a morbid man really. Oh well. He finds comfort to know that he can still make jokes with himself. That lightened the mood for both of us.\ Ah. Than there is this asshole. guilty as charged. You bloody little monster you. "You're much more of a monster than I am." He whispers to himself shaking his head, "Please tell me Fluttershy. Have you thought of a way to keep your friends from interfering?" "No... Not really... I figured if I could convince Twilight to hear me out she might listen and prevent the rest of them from coming in." Fluttershy replies lowering her head, "I think I can do it. If not you won't really have much time." "Yes, but at least I know you won't rise with them." Morbiss says scoffing. "Or I could and take back my life and play off all the killings." Fluttershy speaks out casually. More casually than she would have some weeks ago. Shy and foolish Fluttershy would never speak like that. Confident and foolish Fluttershy would. "So what do you think of your new kindness?" Morbiss asks, "Would you rather have kept your innocent version, or is this darker version more pleasing to your blood lust." "I'm still the same Fluttershy!" She snaps flaring her wings a bit, "No matter what... but if I know somebody is going to suffer I'll put a end to it. Not let it drag on. Usually I'll try to fix them up or prolong it. I never realized until now that I was just making their suffering last longer. If I have to... I'll kill Twilight if she can't take on the burden. If she asks to die and you won't deliver it I will." This catches Morbiss by surprise. The same sweet Fluttershy speaking out words of violence. She is wrong about being the same Fluttershy. Than again, he isn't the same Morbiss. He believes the inside has changed so much about him. Both of him. You know. I think we've finally gotten through to her. Morbiss nods his head accepting Fluttershy's choice and agreeing with his other side. "Your resolve is strong." "I know. I'm sorry about that outburst too... I'm just nervous..." She replies staring at the floor. Annnnnnd back to square one. "Don't worry. We are all nervous. I can't provide you comfort, but I will tell you that you will go down in history in some books. Fluttershy the fool who chased a mad man and became mad herself." She replies with nothing but a playful smile on her face. A soft laugh escapes her mouth. Nigel laughs from nearby and turns towards them from his upper seat, "We're all mad here!" That makes Morbiss start laughing and soon Fluttershy's laugh rises with theirs as the enjoy each others madness. Nigel the killer, Morbiss the mad, and Fluttershy the brutal. How far they have come from some type of sane life to this. A spectacle of its own. A grand show that has proven to be progressive. A lot of ponies will change how they live based on what they have done and what they will do. Yet they will never know. Twilight paces in the main foyer yet again expecting Morbiss to bust through the door blood and destruction trailing behind him. She can even see Fluttershy out of her mind covered in blood as she just shambles forward an empty shell of herself. Her dreams coming to life Than the questions. Damn the questions. They come, dance, and play within Twilight's head. Just as much as her dreams plague her. What will you do? Will you have to face Fluttershy? Who will replace kindess if she dies? How would the others react when news is brought back? Why haven't you told your teacher? Why are you still staying? Why not wait like he said you should? Why has their been no word other than that dead peaga... She stops and shakes her head throwing away the thoughts before she unravels. Again. She can still see herself burying some mare's son.. Another shake of her head brings her to a stop at the base of the stairs. She than makes her way up those stairs and to the right where she knows the great library lies within this castle. She has always turned to reading to be her way of calming down. She has read some of the book in there over a dozen of times, yet still finds herself reading them over and over again. From lesson books to tragic romance. Her thirst for a way of calming down holds. She has resorted to more... unlady like ways of keeping calm that she rather not think of now or else she returns to her bed chamber to resort to that strategy. Every time she resorts to it she prays to the maker that her teachers doesn't walk in. Or even worse. Luna. If it is one thing she has learned about Luna is that she will greatly use what she knows against you. Especially when its about a young Twilight and her fantasy dreams of passion of the taboo kind with. Twilight groans almost thinking of taking care of more than one need. She ignores it as she continues reading to keep her mid distracted. Unfortunately, it doesn't. The ride lasts for some time. The sun has just met the half way point between its climax and the horizon. So making up for lost time, Morbiss hops out to find himself near the hustle and bustle of city life and nobles. Lucky they don't even glace at this platform for it seems oddly empty. Well except for the few guards that look at the three and immediately raise their weapons. Nigel comes forward and raises his halberd ready to fight and paint the wood red with blood. Fluttershy comes forward as well. "Stand down or your blood will be spilt." She says confidently staring them both in the eyes. "Miss Fluttershy?" One of the guards ask stepping forward, "Why are you with these beasts? Does Twilight know about this?" The guard dawns the revised Sons of Celestia armor and he can even feel the enchantment power off of their armor. They're suppose to make them stronger, faster, better, and harder to kill. It's truly the work of a Alicorn that has been practicing this for a very long time. Fluttershy is standing up to them pretty bravely too. "Yes she knows. In fact, take me to see Twilight immediately." Fluttershy demands not backing down, but by the twitching of her wings she can easily been seen as nervous or less than confident to a close eyes. Luckily the guards are so taken back from her attitude that they do this with out a second thought. They take her off and leave Nigel and Morbiss to their own devices on the platform. "Alright... Well just you and me bud. How are we going to get to the castle?" Nigel asks, "I mean I could fly over there but." Morbiss closes his eyes and lets a bit of his power slip into his mind. Their mind. He finds what he's looking for in seconds. Though he was almost consumed by his past once again as he opens his eyes panting. He extends his arms and wings of soft light come out from his back. He gives the wings a few test flaps lifting him off the ground, "You lead the way..." "You're surprising me more and more everyday." Nigel replies spreading his wings and takes to the air much more smoothly than Morbiss. "Yea... Maybe after this you can teach Morbiss how to fly properly..." Morbiss says shaking his head, "Now lets get moving before I start remembering too much." "Right." Nigel walks off to the side where a builds will block them from sight as they fly. Nigel leads the way taking his halberd off his back and flies behind buildings and keeps to the shadows to prevent notice from anyone that might look their way. Once had the power of the halberd had to be use to prevent a mare from alerting the guards form her back yard. Other than that, the open skies and the flight is great for the both of them. They make quick pace, despite Morbiss' lack of knowledge of flight and his few plunges, and eventually find themselves at the back. Eventually they land in the back part of the castle where they can easily see the garden from across a glass room. The garden, as Fluttershy had said, looks enchanting as she said it would. If only he was here on a visit. He would explore and observe the garden like Flint would. He tsks at himself as he remembers that man. For a moment he wonders what Flint would think of them doing this. He looks up and can almost see Flint's impassive broad muscular face in flames while staring him down. At that moment, Morbiss feels smaller. So much has been put into this. And yet standing here probably only moments away from the big fight and the death of many, he waits for a sign. Not a sign to walk forward or one to stay here a bit longer, but a sign to let him know from Flint that he's doing the right thing. A part of the old Morbiss affects him. More than he would like. "Damn you body... It's too late to stop me." And with that he takes his first step to a path less taken and whether for better or worse, Nigel follows. Upon walking to the glass door, the two are greeted by the welcoming committee of three guards guarding the back. Two unicorns and a earth pony wielding a pole arm a long as his body. The unicorn's matching purple horns glow as they back up. The earth pony glows a bit and the pole arm does as well. Nigel comes forward on his hind legs halberd ready for a fight. Morbiss snickers and throws up a two spells around Nigel. The first spell to reduce the effect of magic considerably, and the second to heal wounds faster. Morbiss grabs his throbbing head as memories flow into his mind as he reverses the magic of the wings on his back. Ugh... I'm remembering all this shit too... They're close... "I know..." Morbiss whispers walking to the right, "Kill them quickly Nigel. I don't want to find you still here dealing with a few puny back door guards." "I'll happily draw first blood." Nigel says giving a predators glare and smile towards the three. Morbiss can easily tell that the unicorn on the right's heart has probably stopped from how his horn flickers. Nigel has caught this also as the magic of the pole arm wavers a bit. The earth stallion rushes forward not waiting for the first strike. With that halberd meets pole arm and magic resounds greatly from the two weapons filling the room with smoke. Morbiss wonders how long it'll be before they realize that their pony friend isn't the only magically enchanted one here. Especially with how said magically enchanted weapons react to each other.. Oh well. Morbiss takes his leave forward through the glass door while the three are distracted with the smoke screen and a predator that hunts in the fog and dark. Morbiss enters the garden and ducks behind bushes as a few guards come, their armor and weapons shaking a bit. A few of them hang back asking questions. Two screams roar up and everyone is on edge and readying their weapons. That'll probably attract more guards and hopefully with the princess distracted by the return of Fluttershy, he hopes or this will be terrible, he will probably have more time to get to the throne room. He would laugh if he wasn't trying to be careful so that the plan doesn't go foul. Plan? This is our plan!? Morbiss doesn't reply as he uses the shadows and dark magic to conceal himself as he walks through the garden. He even comes across a statue of a pony waving a flag with others behind him and climbing up as well. Another knock off of human history, but oh well. Morbiss quickly finds the other end of the garden and peers into the door leading in to see that the room is empty to his great pleasure. He goes in and quickly makes for the exit on the other side and swings the door open. Upon opening it a butler is faced with him. He looks up and his face of boredom turns into a face of pure horror. Morbiss quickly snatches the pony up by the throat and peers into his eyes, "Tell me where the throne room is and you might just leave with your life." The stallion stares back into those empty and cold eyes full of malice and evil. He's petrified and can't move. Though his body acts on its own as he tries to grab his own throat to strangle himself. Morbiss would find amusement in it if he had the time to enjoy it. For now he smacks the stallion loudly and asks again more harshly. The stallion quickly points down the hall. "Much obliged." Morbiss says as a spell goes into his hand making the stallion thrash before going still, "Sorry. But I did say might leave with your life." He drops the body that has been burned from within to the floor and makes his way to the throne room, he hopes, while killing off a few servant to sate what blood lust is rising within him. Hopefully Celestia will see this carnage and meet him at their battle ground. Than the feeling of nostalgia comes back as he remembers stabbing the sun princess. Over and over again. "Oh the memories." He says as he slit the throat of a maid looking out a window towards the gardens watching as a griffin slay ponies. Twilight stares at the pegasus in front of her. Even though she knows the guards couldn't feel it, she couldn't believe that they brought her to her. "Flutter... Fluttershy... The girls... They were so..." Twilight was already chocking up and she hadn't even heard what Fluttershy wanted to say, or more like needed to say yet. "I-I missed you so much!" Twilight says hugging her friend. But the hug isn't exchanged. In fact, it's only a one way hug. Fluttershy just stands there looking far off almost feeling the murder that's taking place. It makes her giggle slightly. Almost drunkenly. She hasn't really thought about it much, but murder has became part of her life. It was funny some how. But the slight noise doesn't go unnoticed. Twilight backs up noticing how her hug is one sided and than the noise. "Fluttershy?" Twilight asks placing a hoof on her shoulder, "Are you alright? What did Morbiss do?" "A lot... We talked. A lot. We camped, shared, and learned from each other. Did you know that there was more than just one type of human? In fact every human had a classification of what they were. In fact, at least 90% of their race was mixed of different classifications." Fluttershy says proud of herself for remembering such a thing, "And that their towns and cities were the talk of their century." "Wow... I've only read so much about Humans from what I could find. But you have heard a lot more than the books explain." Twilight responds mystified and eager from what Fluttershy has told her. "Yea... I figured really. Ponies and Humans have never really sat down and talked much. Morbiss wasn't around for much, but from what he has told me, Ponies and Humans at that time were at a struggle with each other. We used to be so aggressive and unified under war and despite times. The windigoes were so abundant... But everyone still thrived and fought a similar war at sometimes. He even mentioned their alliance within the Mage war. I had never even heard of something like that, yet it makes me see everything in a new light." "What do you mean?" Twilight asks not sure of what this is leading to. "We did a lot of creatures wrong Twilight." Fluttershy says he face going to the floor and than to Twilight's eyes, "We have to make things right." "What do you mean make them right? Fluttershy, you're not making a lot of sense." Twilight says backing up, "Also what happened to Morbiss. He should be with you." "In do time Twilight." Fluttershy says standing in front of the door. "What do you mean in do time! Fluttershy what-" Her rant is cut off by the door opening behind Fluttershy. Luna walks into the room and looks between the two, "Am I interrupting something?" Fluttershy looks between Twilight and Luna and motions for Luna to join them. Luna does so as Fluttershy closes the door, "To answer you question, Twilight, You'll know when you sense him." "Sense who?" Luna asks her curiosity pecked at. Twilight bites her bottom lip and watches Fluttershy nervously as a smile, dear god it reminds Twilight so much of Morbiss', appears on her face. "Oh?" She breathes out, "You don't know? There's a certain boy here that Twilight is interested in." "Oh do tell." Luna says getting closer to Twilight, "I have my suspicions who." "Oh you'll be surprised for sure." Fluttershy says under her breath looking over her shoulder to the door hoping all that is going well on everyone else's ends. Obviously Luan is ignorant of what's going on and that makes it all the better. Though she wonders where Celestia is, but if her guess is right Morbiss and her should be having a little talk. Whether in battle or normal is hard to tell. Morbiss shifts in the throne a bit. For a princess, she sure does have a fat ass. And he wonders why her stupid throne has to be so uncomfortable. He's pretty sure that thrones are supposed to be a lot more comfortable than this. Than again he never had to worry about kings in their society. Only others. Morbiss sits there shifting every so often in the beautiful golden throne waiting for the player to arrive to the playing field. It doesn't take long too. It's almost like the owner of the throne knows when someone is in it. The doors open slowly as if cautious. He doesn't blame her too. Sometimes curiosity can be killer. Though he didn't really plan any sort of trap. He just wanted to either talk and kill or just kill. Either works with him really. Celestia walks in her regal mane flowing behind her with its all eternal flow. The sight of her beauty and power makes Morbiss catch his breath. Even for a horse, she's stunning. "Just like your mother..." Morbiss says nodding his head as he straightens himself. The moment is here. He finally gets to meet face to face with his jailer. He can finally seek his vengeance. Yet he feels so much grief inside. "Who are you?" She asks keeping her head up high. Morbiss simply sighs. It wasn't enough for her to remember him. It's almost a bit sad really. He really had expected her to gasp, through up a barrier, and yell out Morbiss! But none of it happened. Just a simple talk. Boring, yet exciting. "An old prisoner of yours. I know you haven't forgotten the humans already?" Morbiss asks leaning against the right side of the throne. "Of course not. Not since the first time we saw you heathens. You monsters." Celestia says walking slowly to the throne, "Are there more like you?" "If there are, I'm not telling." Morbiss says deciding now would be a good time to stand up, "Guess the madam wants her throne back?" "Yes. And I want to know why you are here." Celestia asks stopping in the middle of the room. Ah yes. Meeting half way with the enemy. Neither on each others terms. The middle ground is a good point to start a fight. That way it can go either way. But if you're super powerful it doesn't matter at what end you start. You already know who will win. So Morbiss descends the steps and starts walking to the halfway point. "Well. I'm simply here for you." Morbiss says spreading his arms out, "It's truly a magnificent sight to see you again." "Again? Now that I think of it... you do look vaguely familiar." "Oh... your words wound me so. But not as much as my imprisonment." Morbiss says standing just nose to nose with Celestia. The two begin to radiate power from off their body to gauge each other. Celstia feels the power of him and he feels the power of her. The equal suns are something to fear. Celestia begins to prepare for his first attack by throwing up a physical shield around her. Just in time too as Morbiss forms a dagger in his right hand and stabs it deep into Celestia's chest breaking the shield immediately taking her by complete surprise. He stabs again and again and the stabs only bring back memories of a incident like this some hundreds of hundred years ago. She sends out a burst knocking him backwards and slamming him into the stairs where blood comes flying out his mouth. He chuckles as Celestia backs away gasping and slowly healing from her burning wounds, "Morbis... I remember... I thought you were dead after all this time..." "Oh no Celestia. I'm very much alive as you can probably tell from those stab wounds." Morbiss says standing with a wicked smile etched onto his face. Celesita charges up a blast of magic and fires towards him with her might. Morbiss brings up a shield and blocks the brunt of the magic before it breaks through and sends him into the stairs again. "Grrr... I really don't like stairs..." He grumbles as he gets up making his dagger long and bigger till it makes a sword of light. He comes towards her with speed and strength. She forms an elegant sword for her and their sword match creating a shockwave through the castle. Morbiss and Celestia lock eyes and begin to weigh each other on their swords seeing who will give ground first. Morbiss roars and releases the majority of his power and pushes forward with his might sliding her backward and moving her sword a bit to get close. He slams his head into her snout bending her head down harshly. The sword drops a bit giving Morbiss enough slack to swing it from the close hold and slamming it into the shoulder of her forearm and changing it into a dagger where and jumps backward slicing through muscle and flesh making her bleed profusely. The glorious sight of red makes him more energetic and more blood thirsty than before. The dying sun is the strongest. "You are... indeed powerful... I remember now... we can stop this fighting before it goes too far." She says forming a shield and holding her head up high with her sword positioned beside her. "No... We can't." Morbiss says changing his dagger back into a sword. "Than so be it." Celestia proclaims letting her magic flow and her hair fall to her back. It ties itself into a knot behind her and the two run at each other. Celestia swings low making Morbiss jump into the air. Morbiss forms his weapon into a spear and sends it down as he falls from his flight. Celstia raises her shield and blocks the attack sending a shock of magic once again through the castle. Morbiss falls on top of the shield and she flings it sending Morbiss across the ground. Celestia is already on top of him wings spread as the sword comes down into his gut pinning him to the floor. "This battle is over Morbiss..." Celesita says standing proudly." Morbiss grabs the blade of the sun sword and crushes it his hand before coming up his left hand enwrapped with light forming a claw. He slams into her neck and she leans back bringing him up with her. The spear forms into a dagger and he tries to slam it into her eye. Celestia moves faster though and falls low throwing him off balance and releasing his hand from her neck. Celesita comes up and slams a hoof into his face sending him back with a spray of blood and curses. Morbiss turns into time bring up a shield to prevent more damage to himself as Celesita turns and kicks nearly breaking the shield. Morbiss releases more of his energy and Celestia does so too keeping their power equal. Morbiss backs away blood in his right eyes and nose to see the damage he has done. Celestia has many wounds that are either trying to heal and failing or healing poorly. The burning effect of the sun is doing as he expected. Celestia is also covered in blood near her muzzle, neck, and left foreleg. A beautiful sight for Morbiss. Morbiss brings his two hands together and send a blast of magic at her. She splits the magic as it slams into the ground and burns through it. With the distraction he comes forward forming a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. Celestia reform her sword and raises her shield. Morbiss throws his dagger that spreads into multi-daggers that impale themselves into Celestia shield before exploding. It catches her some what off guard and Morbiss sends his sword forward with himself through the dust. He can feel something burn into his body, but at the same time he feels his weapon slowly start meeting resistance. Morbiss blasts energy to get rid of the smoke to find himself impaled through the chest with Celesita's sword and her impaled on his sword through the chest. They're both bleeding blood from their mouths. Morbiss roars through the pain using every ounce of his power and grabs the hilt with both hands and slams it as far right as possible. Celesit tries to match his power quickly, but finds the blood loss and wounds make it hard to concentrate. She feels the burning magic run through her right side before exiting. The sudden separation from a lot of her makes her stumble and her magic waver freeing Morbiss from the impalement. Morbiss stumbles forward and wraps his arms around Celestia's neck as they breath deeply and die slowly. Morbiss looks past Celesita's shoulder to see Luna standing there with a look of shock on her face. Twilight is there as well with fear in her eyes. She notices that Twilight is the only one with bruises and Fluttershy seems to be gone. For a moment he wonders what she did to buy him time. And if it was worth it or not. "Death to the sun. Death to order. Death to the pony kingdom. Hail humans." Morbiss whispers into Celestia's right ear as he feels his own power diminishing. He forms a dagger with his power and stabs her over and over again in the chest before she slumps against him and falls to his left. There he stands with a bloody dagger above a dying princess that saw herself as a goddess. "Hello Twilight... Luna..." He says moving forward. Luna cries out in anguish and anger as she forms a trident and throws it across the room impaling Morbiss and sending him to the floor impaled by his chest to the floor. Blood shoots out of his mouth from the impact and he tries to move, but finds his powers almost gone. "Well old friend... I wish you luck in your battle..." Morbiss says to himself. Just hurry up and die already. You're ruining our, well, my body. "Hehe... a monster all the way..." He says shaking his head and grabbing the trident and shooting magic through it making it disappear. Morbiss, of light, gives up the last bit of his energy and dies on the floor at the very foot of the throne. Luna feels the last of his energy leave and walks to her sister, fall to her knees, and cry out in sadness and anger. Using her magic she levitates Celestia's head to her and cuddles it. Twilight steps forward and feels an immense power run through her. A very dark power. Twilight looks towards the source. Which happens to be Morbiss who was thought dead. "Twilight... It's only beginning." A familiar voice says behind her. Twilight turns around in time to meet face first to a yellow hoof that sends her sideways a bit. Twilight looks at her "friend" Fluttershy who stands bleeding from a few wounds while huffing. "You can't interfere." Fluttershy says pointing at her horn, "I saw it." Twilight hadn't even realized she had brought up a spell to fire at Morbiss. But at the same time she realizes how far this has come. "Fluttershy... we can't let this go one. Celestia is dead." Twilight says on the verge of tears. "I know... And a lot of guards are dead as well as servants." Fluttershy says calmly walking towards her. Twilight almost considers shooting the spell at her friend. She considers it if it means stopping whatever is about to happen to happen. But Fluttershy tackles Twilight and pins her to the ground using strength she didn't know she had. "Fluttershy sto-" "You've done good Celestia, Fluttershy, and Nigel." A cool voice speaks out in a powerful tone. Fluttershy and Twilight feels the cold power run through their body. Twilight looks with fear and Fluttershy simply watches Twilight for any sudden movements. "Thank you Fluttershy for what you have done. And thank Nigel as well. Well Luna. It's me and you now. How about we take a break and-" He's cut off by a spear going past his head as a crying Luna stands with anger in her eyes. Morbiss simply laughs sending blood to the floor with a cough following after. He holds up a hand shaking his head, "God that blood lust got the best of him. Nigel was right..." "He warned you both..." Fluttershy says making sure Twilight is still down. "I know... We never learn though." Morbiss says walking to the spear and taking it out of the ground and facing Luna. Luna forms a sword as long as her body, flares out her wings, and flies with speed almost unmatched towards him. The spear and Sword clash for a second before the spear gives way and breaks apart and the sword slams deep into his chest going out the back. Luna flies up caring him with her by the sword and drops him towards the ground. As he falls she forms energy in her horn in the form of a ball and casts it down. "Twilight we need to leave." Fluttershy says getting off of her and running out the throne room. Twilight follows suit son after feeling how much power is indeed within the ball of energy. Morbiss reaches out and grabs a hold of the ball and absorbs the energy slowly into his body healing the wounds faster and faster. He slams into the ground and his vision goes white as the ball goes off against his body and ground. Outside of the throne room the ball explosion goes further out ripping apart stone from walls sending ponies and an unfortunate griffin into walls killing or nearly killing them. It goes out everywhere and even send up a signal of power to those who can feel it. Even to those who can't feel it, if they're close enough they can. Dust cloaks the area as Luna flies out of it and scans the ground for an energy signal. She still has tears on her face, some dried and some fresh. Luna prepares another blast when an energy blast of darkness clips her right wing sending her out off control. Luna is than cut off guard again following more blasts from the dust. Some of them miss, but the lucky shots hit her in the right wing twice and the chest once spilling blood to the ground below. She comes down slowly throwing up multiple shield around her. She lands not to far from where she feels the energy source. There she flaps her wings clearing a good bit of dust revealing Morbiss with a bow that holds three arrows pointed at her. They fly out and hit Luna in the head, though it disappears, and the two other in her right fore leg. Luna whips her head sending out a line of energy that wraps around Morbiss' waist. She yanks her head towards herself and he comes flying. She aims her horn for his gut and runs forward. Morbiss grabs her horn and twists enough to go around her head. He sends a pulse of energy off of him throwing her off balance and disrupting the balance of her magic. The rope of darkness lets go of him and drops him to the side. He lands oddly and falls to his right while Luna stumbles forward before whipping around towards him. She forms a sword and prepares to strike him. He throws a burst of magic blinding her for a bit. She recoils a bit letting him stand and come forward. He uses all of his weight and strength to tackle her to the floor and punch her multiple times across her muzzle before she throws him off to her right. He brings up his shields and stands as Luna does the same. The two lock eyes of violence and slowly come towards each other. Morbiss forms a sword in his left hand and a dagger in his right. Luna forms a trident to her side and stops before they both get to close. "Now... Luna... how about we calm down and talk things out a bit." "And let you regenerate as we do. I think not." She responds angrily, "You have acted against us and killed my sister. So now we must... we must avenge our fallen sister." "Alright Luna... I wanted to at least fight fairly between us. But I guess not." Morbiss says giving his sword two low swings at his feet. He raises up his dagger hand and extends his sword towards her, "Our dance shall be beautiful." "Ah!" Luna goes forward with a yell sending her trident forward. Morbiss gets his sword into the crock and twists it with the trident blowing the two apart. He throws the dagger, but it gets blasted away before it gets to her. Luan raises up still running and slams a hoof into his face. Morbiss takes the blow and keeps his head up and slams his fist into her gut and brings energy to it and fires quickly breaking three shields and sending her backwards. "Just die already!" He yells as he backs up. Luna roars and a blast of magic sends him flying and skidding across the floor where he slams into the royal doors. The right door opens and Twilight pops her head in. "Hey Twilight... So... She's kicking my ass right now. Mind uh. Helping?" Morbiss asks scratching his head. Twilight says nothing as he stands and places a hand on the slight hole in his chest. He tries to speed up the healing process to no avail. "Damn..." He says shaking his head and taking uncertain steps forward. Luna seems to be doing bad as well. Luna walks forward panting and bleeding from all kind of wounds. In fact, the blast to her stomach crushed a few of her internal organs. She coughs blood and falls to her forelegs shaking. "Luna... We both have come far..." Morbiss says walking forward still. Morbiss stands beside her as she falls to the right heaving as blood comes from her mouth. Morbiss shakes his head while looking into the dark sky. The moon had risen without anyone raising it. The sun had been fallen after the death of Celestia. Morbiss would say that the moon is trying to make up for a lack of time of being up. Even the cloud have cleared. He remembers Nigel's and his flight through the city enjoying the rain on his back. "It's beautiful Luna. The stars and the moon itself. It's all beautiful. I wish I could've enjoyed it more." Morbiss says going to his knees slowly and stroking her neck. Luna stares forward blindly barely aware of everything around her, "Please... don't...." "Hey Fluttershy! I know you aint dead yet and neither is Nigel... Take care of my... I mean take care of Morbiss. He'll be confused and unsure of what has happened other than the torturing. He may have even forgot a lot of that since he has last been awake." Morbiss yells barely looking over his shoulder, "Twilight... Do you think things will be... better?" "I can't say..." Twilight says shaking her head while walking towards the two dying creatures, "Are you alright? Are you both alright?" "No... Luna's dying and so am I. In fact I should already be dead... But Luna still being here keeps me alive at least for a little bit. You can feel it can't you. Chaos and order slowly switching from their dominant and submissive roles." Twilight didn't want to confirm that. She can easily tell that it's true seeing as the most powerful of beings can easily sense the flow of order and chaos magic better than anyone else. To think it would pull and push itself so much as soon as both were dead. Or in Luna's case dying. "Morbiss... I'm scared." Morbiss laughs and slumps to his left where Twilight stands and leans against her. "You know Twilight... I never told you, but you have a very great magic inside of you. You're no Alicorn, but you sure as hell can fight like one if you put your mind to it." Morbiss says forming a dagger in his hand, "You can easily rule over all of this and put an end to a lot of things. Also you guys could've have killed me from the beginning. I lied when I said that I'm tied to there life and I wouldn't die as long as they lived. Though at first I figured you were weak... But looking at it now... oh well." Morbiss throws himself to the right and sinks the dagger into Luna's skull making her eyes go wide from the pain and soon she goes lax and she gives a dying breath, "Time to join our brothers and sisters Luna... Celestia probably misses us already..." Morbiss grabs his chest as an immense pain shoots through it. He falls forward unconscious as the dark magic of Luna and Morbiss leave from their bodies and disappear together. Twilight always wondered where magic went to when the host died. But at that moment she hops that both of them went somewhere nice. Epilogue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight walks down the forest trail towards the castle of the old princess. Behind her walks Rainbowdash and Fluttershy dressed in leather equipment. Rainbowdash has a bow across her back and a quiver full of arrows to her left. Fluttershy wears daggers on her side. She even has a leather bag full of different types of throwing knives. "Keep your eyes peeled." Twilight reminds the girls as the castle comes into view, "We don't know if they know about this place or not." "Right." Rainbowdash says scanning the area. They walk into the entrance room of the old castle and Twilight finds herself climbing up the stairs and into the throne room once again after so many years. Years? She can't believe it has truly been that long. Twilight stops before the throne where a note lies on the seat. She lets a sad smile come across her face as she levitates the letter up. Dear Twilight, I thank you for a lot of things. One letter me be here and two warning me of this world. I don't know how long I've been asleep, but I'm glad I at least have done a lot for you guys. I wish I could've been there, you know me, to actually help. I've read quite a bit of the books and have decided to roam the world a bit. Master Flint would tell me to do that anyway. I want to follow my own footsteps and see how I can help the world like it is now. They've done a lot and I should do what I can to help justify what they have done. Oh yea before I forget. I'm here with Discord and he is taking me to where some others like himself may be. He said that there are other humans, not like me, that might be able to colonize together and form a new. We might be different than what we were before, but at least it's a start. Twilight nods her head before turning around and rolling up the note and placing it in the bag on her right. "Well he's going to be fine. He has Discord and I'm sure he'll be able to make friends along the way." She says walking for the entrance way of the throne, "Maybe we'll cross paths with him again." "I hope..." Fluttershy says, "Nigel and I really have to beat some sense into him after what happened to make sure he doesn't drag people into something else like that." "Speaking of Nigel." Twilight says looking towards the window. Nigel flies into the room through the window with a smile on his face, "You found me out pretty fast." "Well with that power that's still emanating off of you." Twilight says shaking her head. "You know it's not nice to stalk around." Fluttershy says taking out a throwing knife, "You could get hurt if someone to mistake you for an enemy." "Calm your ovaries." Nigel says landing beside Twilight, "How is our man?" "He'll be fine. I don't know where he's heading, but if I follow Discord pattern based on what I'm sure to hear we'll get a general idea." She says walking out the door. They all walk out and keep talking as they walk out of the castle and back to their border of Ponyville. Discord flies about above the mouth of a cave forming a cotton candy torch and dropping it down into a man's hand. He holds it up with his right hand as they enter into it. In his left hand he holds a charm shaped as a though bubble. He has kept it with him for as long as he can remember. Luckily he had found it when he had. The two enter the cave as they explore its content. As Discord said, a great cave that lies to the very north holds a secret so great it seems as if nobody can reach it except for the one it wants to. "Can you see it Discord?" Discord nods his goat like head before floating forward and forming a camera before taking a picture of it as it turns him into tourist. Discord float about the crystal like structure formed into tall buildings and small huts. It's truly glorious in all its beauty. "Glorious." The man says trying to take it all in while making sure the cotton candy holds on its place hold. "Yes it is my friend." Discord says standing beside him, "How much do you think people would pay to see this." "From what you have told me, the crystal ponies probably wouldn't pay anything." He says chuckling. He runs a hand through his hazel hair and places the torch down on a nearby window seal as they walk through the glowing building city. "So where do we start?" Discord asks. "Town center." He says pointing forward adventure style. "Right!" Discord says changing into an adventure get up, "Let the hunt begin!" "Hehe... You have changed so much." "And so have you." They both laugh and head towards the town center. It has been years since the fall of Celestia and Luna. The world has thrown itself back into a war where Griffins and Ponies are the main fighting force. The fight along their allies at strategy points. The one that leads them is Twilight and Fluttershy. Upon hearing on what happened many turned against Twilight and her friends. Rarity blamed Twilight for everything and eventually killed herself. Applejack watched as there apple farm was burned to the ground and after that day she was never from again. Pinkie Pie left to look for a way to keep ponies happy. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbowdash were left with the duty of ruling in the absent spot. Many tried to upturn them, but Fluttershy, along with the help of Nigel, made sure they understand that fighting against them would be bad. Of course this only made them want to fight them more. Nigel put it upon himself to make sure to take care of rebellion leaders to the knowledge of only Fluttershy. Fluttershy would never admit it, but Morbiss has rubbed off on her a lot. Twilight thinks he has, but she thinks it's only her imagination. Rainbowdash didn't really think much of her changed friend. Of course she was busy with her other changed friend so. The kingdom of Ponies and Griffins have shrunk quite a lot. The minotaurs and Changelings have started encroaching on the land as well. Of course rumors are spreading that two weird creatures are keeping the changelings at a distance because a certain Alicorn has been threatened by them. Twilight could only guess who. Though it's not all bad in the country of Equestria. A war has broke out and technology has started to get better. For one thing, they are trying to make better buildings and work to get used to the awkward days and night. After their death the sun and moon have been doing things themselves. The tide has changed and the chaos and order magic flow has been altered. Other than that the dragons have decided it's time to show that they shouldn't be messed with. The dragon clans are gathering up and making sure they are kept out of this war. They have let both sides know this immediately and Twilight accepted this without grievance. The griffin on the other hand, or talon for them, see this as a sign of aggression. Though they don't act on it. Thus the war was named the natural war. Nothing is too powerful and nobody fears anybody. The Ponies are doing great against their foes and the Griffins are struggling with their over cockiness. Of course not all the Griffins are fighting together. Some have gathered under Nigel the mad, as he has been dubbed, and sees him as the greatest griffin. Others disagree, but that is what has divided them. They can't stay strong if all their forces are divided. Twilight has even thought about going below the apple range to see what lies beyond what they know. She knows a lot of mysterious lie down there and she hopes adventures will step forth to look for those secrets. Than again, she doubts Discord and Morbiss will leave a stone unturned. And for Discord that means literally. Thought they might leave a message for Twilight that they're waiting for her to discover. The memorial for Celestia and Luna was private. The world already has so much to deal with so they decided not to get other involved with it. Of course ponies already had guessed that they were in fact dead. Many felt the power of that day and night. The day night rose faster than day. These are the days of the present. The first era of Twilight Sparkle. ~End~ > sequel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.fimfiction.net/story/249755/natural-world I'm just going to leave this chapter and link here just in case for new readers that read it all without backing out, like how I do, and want a quick way to the sequel