> Octavia's Greatest Moment > by Purpleblackkiwi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Octavia's Big Break > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screaming, a mass rush for the exit. Octavia's senses where overloaded with panic, and chaos. She didn't know what to do or how to react, she stood alone on the stage with her cello in hand. "It was in my hand!" She yelled before waking up in a cold sweat. She was sitting up in a hospital bed in a white room with a single window. She looked around the room to familiarize herself with her surroundings once more. she saw a heart monitor standing to her left. a window to her right and a TV attached to the corner ceiling of the room for all to see. She looked at her heart monitor. The comforting beeping told her that she was still alive. She counted the beats closing her eyes for a second. She could name at least 3 songs that used the same beat. Then she quickly opened them not wanting to think about music. A now painful subject. It has been a week since she was admitted to Canterlot hospital. "Why...Why am I still here." She quietly thought to herself. "Octavia! You're awake?" Octavia slowly turned her head to the left to see a women with electric blue hair sitting up in surprise. It was vinyl scratch. Her long time friend, and the only person she considered family. Vinyl had yet to realize that Octavia never slept to long, waking up multiple times as she slept. Vinyl got up to walk across the small room to Octavia. Vinyl put a hand on Octavia's shoulder looking at her friend who was now looking down at her feet covered by a white blanket, lost in thought. "Hey you okay?" the DJ asked innocently, knowing all to well nothing will ever be okay for Octavia. "Vinyl tell me what happened." Octavia said still looking down at her feet. "Come on Octy don't do this to yourself. Every time you wake up you want to hear it again. It won't help." Vinyl said in a concerned voice. She hated telling the story over and over again. Because she knew the outcome of it all, and seeing her one true friend in such a state truly broke her heart. "Vinyl tell me what happened!" Octavia said in a stern voice, this time she looked up into Vinyls eyes. Vinyl could tell that Octavia wanted to know to see if the painful truth was real, and having the story repeated to her was the only way she could get some answers. Vinyl took her hand off of Octavia and went back to retrieve the chair, and set it down next to the bed. She then sat in the chair with her hands held together, elbows laying on her legs and began. "You where scheduled to play at the Grand Gala. may 10th you where the closing show for that night, and you left home at around 9:00 PM." Vinyl said slowly. She could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes as she remembered the musician leaving the house that night. Her cello packed, and a large grin on the musicians face. "This'll be the start." Octavia said that night. "After this they'll want me to play everywhere. Vinyl this could be the start of the greatest moment of my career." Octavia beamed as she walked towards the door with cello in hand. Octavia was right of course, many musicians careers took off after playing at the Gala. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. All Vinyl could remember that evening was being so happy for her friend. This was her start into something great. All those nights, playing terrible schedule times, playing as back up for some musician, playing endless amounts of small concerts until finally she got a break through. She was suppose to be center stage that night. The center of attention and spotlight. slowly and painfully Vinyl continued. "I decided to show up once your show started..." Vinyl struggled to get the words out. "I walked from our hotel room, on the way there I passed by firemen and cars leaving the place. I figured that they where all the light weights going home early after a drink, I didn't even pay attention to the firemen...Once I cleared the buildings before the palace I could see what the commotion was about." Vinyls said, the color draining from her face, remembering the fear she felt, remembering the feeling of her heart drop into her stomach. "What was it vinyl?" Octavia asked wanting vinyl to continue. Octavia needed to know if what happened was true. Vinyl looked in a direction away from Octavia "fire... there was fire in the royal Canterlot palace. I could see the black smoke and the fire filling up the rooms. It was out of control. Firemen where frantic trying to evacuate people." The room was quite. Octavia couldn't hear the heart monitor anymore. all she could hear where the screams and what it felt being in the middle of the fire. She was in the center of the spotlight. Octavia was lost in her own music, she was playing Bach Cello Suite No.1. The party goers where all enjoying their night filled with drinks and music when everything changed. Octavia remembered playing as someone yelled the words "fire" at the top of their lungs. The black smoke followed and panicked ensued. Everyone evacuated in a mad rush for the exit. Octavia looked up to the curtain on her right to see fire enveloping the curtain, flames making its way higher and higher. She watched as it made its way across the wood beams and anything it could consume. "I yelled at some firemen asking what happened." vinyl said looking down at the ground. "apparently the fire started at the kitchen and spread quickly." Octavia remembered walking past a kitchen behind stage before the show. the backstage was connected to the kitchen by a hallway as passage for performers and cooks. The stage and kitchen where practically back to back. Octavia's mind raced "How could a fire break out here" she thought. what caused it. Before she realized she had to run it was to late. as the flames crept its way across the ceiling it weakened the structure that held light fixtures in place. She could hear it creaking ready to give way at any moment. She snapped back into her own right mind and quickly lifted her cello to run. Just as she started to run one of the many spotlights above her came loose and fell. The cylindrical metal object with its jagged edges struck her left shoulder and rolling off onto the stage. She yelled in pain as she collapsed to the floor. Instantly her right hand went up to her shoulder where the pain flared from. She could feel her hand becoming wet as she touched her shoulder. She lifted her hand and saw blood on her palm. She looked across the stage to see the back stage entrance was enveloped in flames. She turned to where the audience had left the party hall. She saw the rad exit sign and got back onto her feet to make her escape leaving the cello where she had dropped it. She ran down the stage across the hall. She ran by empty tables and scattered chairs, almost tripping as she desperately made her way to safety. Just as she was about to run out the entrance she heard a rumble above her. indistinctly she looked up to see the beams of the ceiling snapping and collapsing. She rolled to the side letting the debris fall. As the dust settled she saw that the fiery debris was now covering the entrance. She ran up to the large pile when her heart sank as she realized she could no longer get through. Panic started to set in her chest. She looked around with right hand still holding her shoulder. She was desperate now. She looked for any means of escape. any way to escape the death trap of a palace. Flames now covered all four wall around her. She ran to the nearest window over looking the garden. on the other side of the room from the stage. When she reached the windows she desperately looked for a latch. anything to open the glass. She looked up high on the window that reached the ceiling and cursed as she slammed her hand on the glass. A golden latch was at the top of the window holding it shut. She wasn't going to give up. She grabbed the nearest chair she could find and threw it against the window. The chair bounced off and landed with a thud to her right. she threw another chair with the same result. She then walked up to the window and begin to beat at it with the window even if she only had use of one arm. After multiple attempts she collapsed to her knees sobbing. She was lost, what could she do. The flames started to envelop the tables now and across the floor. Why was this happening was all she could think She looked out the window to look at the garden. "Shame that she couldn't perform outdoors." She thought to herself. just as she was about to give up she saw a flash of white and blue. She quickly stood up to see what it was. Just as she stood she suddenly felt dizzy. She realized she was in the fire to long and the lack of oxygen and blood loss had started to take it toll. She tried to stay standing but soon collapsed onto her side. Her sight grew black. small black shapes taking up her vision. until she passed out. Vinyl looked at her friend with sad eyes. Octavia began to cry grasping the blanket tightly with her right hand. Vinyl made a reach to comfort her, but Octavia didn't accept it well. Octavia made a motion with her left arm in an attempt to swat vinyls hand away. However Vinyl arm still stayed in place on her shoulder. Octavia realized that her entire body moved yet her left arm stayed in place. She looked around in panic. Why couldn't she move her arm. She tried to tighten her hand into a fist, but still her arm did not respond. Vinyl saw Octavia attempt to move her left arm, and grabbed a small medical folder from the foot of her bed and handed them to Octavia. Octavia scrambled through the papers, looking through signatures and diagnoses from some doctor she didn't even know, until reaching an X-Ray of her left arm. The skeleton showed a fractured shoulder and someone had drawn large red circles around her shoulder and wrist. Octavia flipped the page to see a paper stapled to the back "Octavia melody no longer has the ability to use her left arm. The nerves on her arm have sustained extensive damage." Octavia sobbed yelling "no no No NO NO!" Octavia yelled becoming louder and louder. "It can't be!" she threw the folder across the room, and attempted again to move her left arm. still no response. She was frantic now desperate for response from her left arm, something, anything, please! It was useless, her left arm stayed still unmoving next to her. No this had to be a dream, a nightmare! But it wasn't and the pain in her side proved it. "HOW!" Octavia yelled out tear flowing down her face. "When they found you. You where badly burned with a broken shoulder. Mostly to your left side." Vinyl said about to cry seeing Octavia go through the same panic and pain again and again. "They said they couldn't do anything but wait to see if your arm will recover." Vinyl said leaving out the part that the doctor told her, that her arm healing with a full recovery was a slim to none. "no no no!" Octavia said once again. Her cello. Her music. The nightmare she had woken up from was true. She was crying uncontrollably twisting and turning. Vinyl couldn't take it anymore, each time she told the story broke her heart more and more and she could no longer hold the tears back for her friend anymore. Vinyl leaped at Octavia taking her into her own arms as she broke into tears. Octavia fell into her embrace holding vinyl with her good arm and wept into her shoulder. The two stayed holding each other for what seemed like an eternity. > Chapter 2: Vinyls Part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyls Part After the long embrace Vinyl and Octavia parted to regained their composure, and calmed themselves. Octavia looked into vinyls eyes and realized a painful truth about her friend. "Vinyl. How many times have you told me the events of that night." Octavia said while wiping a tear from her eye. "I never counted Octy." Vinyl said eyes averting from hers. The truth was after awhile Vinyl stopped keeping a count after the third day, however Vinyl knew not telling her what had happened had worse consequences.That involved Octavia being sent into a panic realizing herself that arm was no longer functioning yet not realizing what caused it. After that event Vinyl decided telling Octavia over and over again was the best way to break it to her. Soon after the nurse came in with Octavia's lunch on a cart. "Good Afternoon Nurse Redheart." Vinyl said to the nurse with a smile. "Good Afternoon Vinyl." The Nurse replied with a smile. She pushed the cart until it lined up with the hospital bed and opened a compartment revealing multiple trays of food covered with a plastic lid. The nurse reached over the hospital bed to open a table attached to the bottom of the bed which crossed over Octavia's legs. She then laid a tray on the table filled with foods separated into compartments on the tray. Today it looked like to be a baked chicken along with mash potatoes, steamed vegetables, and a fruit cup. None of what was on the tray seemed appetizing, a thought both Octavia and Vinyl both seemed to mirror. The nurse then laid down 2 red pills in a small cup next to the tray "remember to take these two after you're done." said Redheart as she lifted 2 fingers for the 2 pills. "What are they?" Octavia asked. "Pain killers honey. Your shoulder has yet to fully recover. Until then these will help the process." The Nurse said in a pained face. Realizing that she has already told Octavia multiple times. Octavia nodded her head in acceptance to take the pills. As the Nurse walked out of the room she stopped to talk to Vinyl "Mrs. Scratch you should get some food. I haven't seen you eat all day." The Nurse addressed her seeing that she did seem a little pale even with her ivory skin. "Nah. I'd rather stay by Octavia." Vinyl said while shaking her head. "Vinyl I'm fine. I'm no child, I can at least eat on my own. Please go get something to eat." Octavia said in concern for vinyls health, Even in her state she still worried for her friend. Vinyl agreed to go out to grab a bite. Besides she had to talk to someone anyways. Vinyl looked back into the room before closing the door noticing Octavia beginning to eat. Although she started to grow accustom to having one less arm it seemed she still had trouble doing the smaller things. Like opening the small fruit cup that came with her food. After dropping the cup which Octavia attempted to open using her mouth and right arm, the syrup that the fruit was suspended splashed onto Octavia's face. Octavia let out a small "shoot!" In frustration. Then realized Vinyl had yet to leave the room. "Vinyl really. I'm fine. I can take care of myself." Octavia said forcing a smile. Vinyl nodded and left the room closing the door softly behind her. She knew that even if her mind was screaming to go back in there and help the poor musician. She knew doing this on her own would help her more in the future. As she left she heard Octavia drop the cup again and let out a word less than ladylike. Vinyl began her walk down the west wing hall of the hospital. She looked around at the quite hall, Benches where outside of every room in case the inhabitants needed a little private time with a specific visitor. Now looking around the hall she noticed very few sat outside the room. However vinyl remembered the night of the incident, and this hall was the worst in the hospital. Since this hall was where the best medical equipment lied. Equipment mostly used for life support, life threatening injuries, or ailments. That night she was sitting outside of Octavia's room as nurses and doctors rushed form patient to patient. Nurses being called by those bandaged and those bleeding. Moans of pain and suffering, people crying begging information on their loved ones. Although few suffered life crippling injuries and most where discharged after awhile. Octavia was not alone in her injuries. Those who still resided in the hospital where the ones who needed extra care, or required a more in depth examination like Octavia. In fact that was the second reason Vinyl had decided to leave in the first place. To give her doctor a visit to get an update on her condition She walked past the rooms taking a quick glance at each room through the small window on the door. Some emptied out as the patient where deemed fit to leave. Others still occupied by those still in need of care. Patients that stayed seemed to all vary in injuries along with their visitors. She could hear laughter coming from some of the rooms along with jokes and horseplay, that would most likely end with a nurse walking in scolding those in the room. Another room was filled with crying, Vinyl glanced in the room to see 2 patients in each others embrace. A man in a wheel chair and the other in the bed with a bandage wrapped around her head. The man had a cast around his right leg and the two where in each others arms crying all the while smiles on their faces. The ones that broke Vinyls heart the most where the rooms with no sound or voice yet still held a patient. Those who had yet to receive a visitor due to one circumstance or another. Every time she walked past the rooms she would only see a patient staring blankly at the TV in their room or out the window. Either way her heart sank when she saw they had no one to be there. What type of visitor was she to Octavia? Vinyl thought in her head. Realizing the reality of where she was always had a way of bringing her down. She was walking down the same hall she had made a habit of walking down. Thinking the same thoughts. "By now we would have been back in Ponyville." Vinyl thought to herself. "I would have congratulated Octavia like I always do after her performances. With a dinner at her favorite cafe. A nice meal between the two of us." On the inside she desperately wished she could do that again, as if nothing had happened. She would ask Octavia for a personal concert jokingly, and then the cellist would play a song for her. She missed that life, then she knew what her place was in Octavia's life. Who was she now? The bearer of bad news? The reminder of painful events? Before she knew it she had arrived at the office door. Vinyl looked up to see a silver name tag adjourning the door. On the tag was engraved Dr. Goodwill. Vinyl took deep breath and raised her hand to knock on the door. After a light tape Vinyl stepped back waiting for a response. after a few moments of waiting Vinyl heard a familiar and friendly. "Come in." come from within the office. Vinyl opened the door slowly while peeking her head inside. The office was a relatively small room. Not much bigger than any of the hospital rooms. The room itself felt larger though since most of the furniture where pushed to the walls. 3 small books shelves where lined up to the left of Vinyl. From what she could tell the bookshelves where filled with children books along with teenage reads. Along the right wall where multiple paintings from famous artist, and beneath the paintings to her right was a chair you would usually see in therapy sessions, one used for sitting and lying down. To the back right of the room was the doctors desk and chair, and currently the doctor himself. The doctor was an aged man. having mostly grey and silver hair. He wore reading glasses and few wrinkles ran along his face. He was wearing his white coat like always, under it he wore a dark red shirt along with a purple tie. He currently he had a medical folder open on his desk and was writing in it with a quill. After pausing for a short second to look up at his visitor. "Ooh Vinyl Scratch is that you." The doctor sounded happy to see the young female. Vinyl jumped slightly at the doctors sudden realization of her presence. "Come in, come in." The doctor urged her waving inward with his hand. vinyl came in to sit down on the small cushioned seat. The doctor took his glasses off to talk to her. "What can I do for you?" He said while putting away the folder he was currently working on. Even with the doctors cheerful mood Vinyl was in no mood for idle chit-chat "Doc you know why I'm here. Same reason I always come and see you." She said in a sad voice. The doctor sighed and shook his head sadly. "Yes I do Vinyl. I was just hoping this wouldn't be the day I had to tell you." The doctor got up to walk to some file cabinets to look for a folder. "Has the copy of her file been helping her remember?" He asked slowly. Vinyl nodded, he was referring the file that she gives to Octavia every time she had to remind her. The file with her charts and X-ray along with the doctors notes. Having the file has helped Octavia come to terms more quickly. Before Octavia would have kept up a bigger fight denying all reality, before finally conceding to the hard truth. The doctor pulled out a file marked Octavia Philharmonica and laid out on his desk. He pulled a paper out from it and held it up to his face, reading aloud. "Octavia Philharmonica's test showed what we feared of her injuries from May 10th." Vinyl face fell into her hands. "Although bones seem to be recovering as planned. The nerve damage appears to extensive to heal properly. At best Octavia will regain partial movement with physical therapy. On top of that Octavia seems to have random sharp pains in her arm, so she may need pain medication for an extended time. in conclusion Octavia is in no condition to once again play the cello." The doctor finished and reinserted the paper into the folder. He closed his eyes and took of his glasses. "I'm sorry Vinyl." He said slowly as he laid his glasses on his desk "What do I do doc." Vinyl said still covering her face with her hands. "If you wish I could tell her myself." The doctor said starting getting out of his seat. "No." Vinyl said suddenly raising her face to look at the doctor. a silence filled the room, before vinyl spoke up again. "It should be me." Vinyl said in a choked voice. Laying her head back into her head she said under her voice. "But how?" Doctor goodwill heard this small remark and stood up off his chair lifting himself slowly to walk to the confused female. "Vinyl how long have you been here?" The doctor asked "1 week doc, one painful week of my life." vinyl said slowly recounting the events of Octavia's struggle of remembering and breaking down. "Why is that Scratch?" the doctor asked sitting down next to her in the same seat. Vinyl looked up as if he had lost his mind. "Doc you where there when Octavia first woke up." Vinyl said in dismay The first time was a painful memory. That time the doctor was in the room talking to Vinyl explaining Octavia's condition and that she would soon be waking up Octavia still drowsy since the medication was still in her blood, but awake neither the less. The doctor had greeted Octavia explaining he was the doctor for her and explained that he specialized in the nervous system of the human body. Octavia asked why she needed a doctor of his expertise to only find out later of her condition. The next hour was filled with horror and panic. Octavia's adrenaline had spiked and from the heart monitor it was obvious so did everything else. Octavia in panic started to pull things out the IV drip, the heart monitor and anything she could. She had kicked and screamed yelling that it was all a trick, that she was still in her nightmare. Doctor goodwill yelled at Octavia to stop enplaning that she may hurt herself further if she continued. Octavia did not listen and Doctor Goodwill quickly called a code and soon nurses filled the room restraining Octavia's body. One of the nurses took out a syringe holding a blue fluid and quickly injected the substance into Octavia. They could have injected Octavia all they wanted but she wasn't stopping. Vinyl remembered crying seeing her friend thrashing, crying and yelling "WHY! WHY!" Over and over again. even when the nurses held down Octavia she still managed to push them off. Vinyl then heard her friend under all the nurses yell "VINYL! WHERE'S VINYL!" At this vinyl ran up to take a look at Octavia now being restrained with straps. her head body and limbs being held in place. "Octavia! I'm here!." Vinyl said as she placed her hands on her face wiping away the tears that had fallen down her face. Her face was burning hot and sweat started to form on her forehead. "Vinyl please. Please. Tell me what happened." Octavia finally said after her yelling fit. This was the first time she had to tell Octavia the story of past events. By the end of the story Octavia had calmed down until Vinyl saw it fit for her to remove the restraints and fall asleep tiring herself out. Afterwards the doctor explained that Octavia had gone through denial of her own memory most likely due to a traumatic experience. "She had PTSD? but...... but she's not a soldier or anything?" Vinyl said still a little shaken at what had happened. "Its not uncommon for PTSD to be found in people besides soldiers. I'm sure she believes in the event on the inside, but I believe this might have been brought upon by the fact that she had lost her ability to play the cello. She denies the event that lead to her inability" The doctor said sadly while looking down at a clip board reviewing Octavia's charts. "What can we do doc?" Vinyl said choked up by the news. Goodwill looked up from the clipboard to look at Vinyl. "Well it seems you are a very important person to her. There's no telling how she may react. Some patients have been known to have relapse of memory, others have been known to further themselves from reality. However the important thing is that she seems to trust you enough to believe you. So if this where to ever happen again. Its going to have to be you who helps her." The doctor finished The words rang true through out the week. Vinyl had stayed in the hospital in all of her free time to be there for Octavia when she needed her. For a week straight she had done that. "I know she trusts me, but what does that mean. I mean this isn't like trusting someone with your high school crush." Vinyl said aloud in the doctors office. "Of course Vinyl. To her you mean much more, and she needs you." Goodwill said attempting to give Vinyl direction. "Trusts me to do what? To tell her every morning that she's a cripple! To keep explaining the one day that ruined her life!" Vinyl stood as her voice began to crack at the prospect that this may be her life with Octavia. Watching her friend in panic, not knowing what to do for her besides do it again the next time she awoke. "All I do is tell her what hurts over and over again! How can she trust me if I don't even know what to do!" Vinyl yelled at the doctor with a finger pointing to her chest as if accusing herself. With her hair frayed and hot air breathing out at, finally telling someone what she kept in her heart. Vinyl collapsed to her knees. Doctor Goodwill sighed and walked to his desk and grabbed a picture frame. "What do you think of my daughter Scratch." The doctor said giving a light chuckle. Vinyl lifter her head to look at the picture the doctor was giving her. She took the picture in hand and inspected it closely. It was a simple wood frame no engraving and a picture of a young girl in the center. The girl was wearing a pink blouse while placing a purple flower in her blond hair. She was laughing and looking into the camera while her hand held the purple flower in place. Vinyl lifted her head to look at the doctor in confusion. "She's a smart cookie. She gets A's and B's in class, but as a father no matter how hard you try you can't keep her from the sad things of this world. "She comes to me crying and lost. She has no idea what to do, and how could she. Its not like she's experienced it before. and even if I haven't either I know that all I have to do is be strong for her when she needs it. All I have to do is give her the strength to get back on that horse and keep riding, no matter the situation." The doctor put emphasize on last part of his words. Vinyl looked up at the doctor now sitting back in his seat. She placed her hand on the ground to get up onto her feet. She slowly walked over to the desk to place the picture frame back on to his desk. "Thanks Doc." Vinyl smiled as she turned for the door. "No problem. I love talking about my daughter." The doctor said with a smile. Vinyl left the room with a chuckle and closed the door behind her. She then made her way back to Octavia's room walking past the same hall. However this time she knew exactly what her part was > Chapter 3: Someone else's Strength > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl walked back to Octavia's room down the same west wing hall. However this time a new confidence within her. She had a large grin on her face and a small skip to her step. She even had put the time to put her headphones on, something she hasn't done since the fire.While walking down the hall Vinyl felt a small tingle in her left pocket. She took off her headphones to reach for the source of the strange sensation. She pulled out her cellphone and flipped open the case to see who the caller was that had ruined her dubstep. The caller ID read "Stupid TV Station" Vinyl let out a groan and walked out of the hospital to take the call. She answered to a rather nervous voice. "Is this DJ Pon3? I'm sorry for calling again but we would like-." said a man on the other end. The tremble in his voice screamed of inexperience and nervousness "I already gave you guys an answer numbskull! I said no!" Vinyl yelled into the phone when realizing she had attracted the attention of nearby patrons "Well y-yes we know that, bu-but we would really like for you to reconsider you answer. We would really like to interview Octavia and yourself for an upcoming news story." "Beat it! I don't want to give an interview over something the world can pretend is important to them!" Vinyl yelled. "No that's not-" The man attempted to say before vinyl tapped her phone to hang up on him. She then walked back into the hospital to return to Octavia's room. When Vinyl walked in to the room she noticed the TV screen now playing the afternoon news, a reporter sat at a counter holding papers of his latest story, next to the news reporter was an image of the Canterlot palace ablaze. Vinyl winced at the image, even if the it was only an image to Vinyl it brought back horrible memories. However the caption of the news report seem to show the opposite of what mood filled the small room. "Hope after the fire: Canterlot Palace already recovering from terrible fire." in small letters slide across the screen. "Following the events of terrible fire May 10th, things are already starting to look up not a week later. construction workers and volunteers work tirelessly to rebuild the great castle working around the clock. Relief funds have come in all across Equestria funding the effort. We have a reporters on scene at two locations where the struggle continues." The TV changed to show a view of a women reporter standing outside of a burned palace, she was wearing a red dress holding a mic in hand which held the logo of the news station. "Good Afternoon Equestria, here behind me you see the site of the rebuild. The most damaged rooms where the ballroom and kitchen, and so that's where most of the construction is working on." The TV changed again to show workers and volunteers working within rooms that seem beyond repair. If captions hadn't appeared on the bottom you couldn't even tell whether or not it was the ballroom or kitchen they where working on. Destroyed furniture littered the corners of the room, glass scattered on the floor next walls that would probably have held windows. Octavia took notice of the glass , she could remember the heat that came off the flames as she attempted to smash the same glass that was littered on the floor. "With the citizens of Equestria sending out their concerns in the form of bits, the rebuild is well on its way." Finished the reporter. "Now we have one more story to show you involving this terrible tragedy, a fight on a home front a little closer to home." The camera changed to the front of Canterlot hospital. Octavia and Vinyls eyes both shot wide. Vinyl ran up to the window to see a man dressed in a blue suit standing in front of the entrance with a mic in hand. Vinyls head darted back to the TV to reporter. "Good afternoon Equestria, I'm standing live in front of Canterlot hospital. A week ago this Hospital was the battle ground of many people who where caught in the fire. Since this was the closest hospital most of the victims where taken here for care." The two heard footsteps out their door. Vinyl rushed to the window in the door to look at who the coming people where. She saw a man holding a rather large camera taking a video of the hall and rooms the reporter following. Vinyl watched the two continue to walk until reaching the front of their room. The man stood as he spoke words into the camera, to the thousands that where probably watching. Octavia and Vinyls gaze went back to the TV to hear what he was saying. "Here we stand in front of Octavia Philharmonica's room. The talented cellist was injured in the accident, however she's fighting hard until she can pick up her cello again. After the break we are going to get a first hand interview from the musician." To the surprise of both females the man walked into the room with mic still held to his chest. The two nearly knocked Vinyl down entering the room and the two stood at Octavia's bed. "So do you know what you're going to say." Said the man to Octavia looking a little to excited for this story. "I-I'm no prepared." stuttered a nervous and rather shocked Octavia . "Did you not get the message?" Said the man with a now confused look on his face. Vinyl intervened between the two. "We did however we refused the interview. No matter how many times your channel asked." Vinyl said getting in between the reporter and Octavia. The reporter looked back at Octavia. "Please Mrs. Philharmonica we beg of you to do the interview. The world would like to know the story that scars and bruised won't stop Equestria. About how no matter what happens this won't bring Equstria down." The reporter said with a gleam in his eyes. As if explaining the moral of a story. "Tavi you don't have to say buck to this guy." Vinyl said no in an angry tone. Vinyl stared the man down until it seemed like he was about to back down. Octavia broke the silence in the room "Its okay Vinyl." Vinyl quickly spun back to look at Octavia who was looking down, looking as if she wasn't very confident in the idea. "But Octavia you don't-" Vinyl started before she was cut off. "He's right vinyl. People in Equestria need to believe that they are stronger than this." Octavia said still looking down at the floor. She didn't seem to believe a word she said. "Great! We're on in half a minute." the reporter said before turning to face the camera. Vinyl quickly went up to Octavia before having to leave her side. "Are you sure about this?" She said in a concerned voice. "Someone has to look strong in times of need." Replied Octavia in a stern face. the reporter started "Welcome back Equestria. If you're just joining us, I have the lovely Octavia Philharmonica with me here today. She is going to tell us about her recovery in the hospital." It never occurred to Vinyl about all the rejections she had responded too. On top of asking for an interview they kept asking for was the extent of her injuries. "He doesn't know she can't play." She thought to herself cursing herself that she let this go on. "Octavia please tell us how you felt that night of the fire?" Said the reporter as he directed the mic to Octavia urging her to speak "Well it was quite a frightful that night but I made it through." Octavia started to speak showing absolutely no sign that anything was wrong. Vinyl hated watching this. Octavia was using her tone she used at fancy parties, when she toasted with wealthy people while suffering day to day. In Octavia's line of work and the people she worked with she had to keep an image to be successful. "what had happened to you that night?" The reporter asked. "Oh just some cuts and bruises. Nothing that won't go away. Luckily I got out before the fire got to out of hand." replied Octavia waving off the question about her injuries with her good arm. "When do you think you'll pick up your cello again?" The reporter asked "I know you where the rising star of Equestria." Vinyl saw something no one else could see but from her position and her years of knowing Octavia she could see the slight changes. The slight tremble of her right hand. Sweat beginning to form oh her forehead. "She can't keep this up." Her facade was breaking on camera. Octavia froze at the question. She at that moment imagined her cello. She imagined raising her bow and taking it across her strings to only hear a terrible sour notes. Without a left arm to press on the strings, how could she play. Her lips began to tremble attempting to form a word, yet no words came from her mouth. The reporter seemed oblivious to her struggle. not attempting to let her avoid the question. What could she say. That she'll be ready by next week, next month, next year. She had lied already about the extent of her injuries, and had lied about her own strength. The hope and strength that everyone, how could the world so idly believe such an accident wont have lasting effects. She didn't have hope or the strength, everyone else seemed to be feeling. Everyone was willing to just believe in lies as long as they could believe in their own strength. The conclusion was that she was done. Octavia Philharmonica career gone up in smoke, and it seemed like that world didn't care as long as they had their fill of her music and their comfort. "Why." The word resounded in her head. She did what she thought was right, she put all of herself into this. Doing all she could for her career no matter her struggle with finances, sacrificing sleep and health. Where did it all lead her too. a single tear began to fall even with Octavia's best attempt to hide it. No matter how much of her time she gave the world, the sad truth was that the world never cared about her well being. Just as she was about to speak about to say another hopeless lie she heard a rather large and exasperated yawn. Vinyl was walking up to her stretching her arms above her head. Octavia lifted her head looking at the DJ. She looked for her ruby eyes to see she had put on her signature purple glasses on. She had walked up the reporter and put her arm around him blocking the view of Octavia from the camera. "HEY This is DJ-Pon3! coming to you from Octavia whats-her-face's room doing a pretty boring interview." She said in her usual DJ voice. over flowing with confidence and character. "What are you doing Vinyl?" Octavia thought wondering whether or not vinyl was still in her right mind. "I have no idea when this chick will be able to play her wooden box again, buuuuut if you're interested in some killer beats! Come down to CLUB PON3. Next week we're gonna have a relief fundraiser for those stuck in this crummy hospital and those workers who may need an extra drink here and there. Your's truly will be playing all night, until we raise enough money!" Vinyl said with her arm still around the now shocked reporter. And finishing her statement she flashed her signature hand signal at the camera while sticking her tongue out. Octavia almost laughed at the now DJ-Pon3 making a fool out of the reporter who was trying to get a word in while she was talking. "Now get out of here blue suit, that's all I'm saying for today." Vinyl said as she tossed the reporter into the camera man who stumbled out of the room. The reporter landed on his bottom and quickly turned to face the room. "But wait I haven't even finished my interv-" The reporter never got to finish as Vinyl shut the door on his face, but not before throwing a signed picture of herself at him which covered his face. As soon as Vinyl shut the door she quickly hide under the door hoping to stay out of sight for a minute. The two in the room waited in silence looking at the TV until the two left and the TV showed the next news story. Vinyl peeked out the door window to see that the two had gone. Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other. Vinyl still wearing her signature glasses and Octavia with her mouth hanging open. A quick silence between the two before both of them burst into laughter. Vinyl fell to her knees holding her stomach trying to contain her laughter. Octavia held her hand to her mouth and laughed until tears formed around her eyes. The two kept laughing until occasionally stopping then seeing the state of each other started to laugh again. Neither of them believing what just happened. Octavia was the first to get a hold of her laughter to speak. "My DJ-Pon3 what a character you are." Octavia said still holding her hand to her mouth. Vinyl sat up on the floor crossed legged containing her laughter and lifting her glasses to wipe a tear. "Well Mrs. Whats-her-face I felt like you could use a character in that boring interview." "Excuse me." Octavia said while putting her hand on her chest in the way most proper people usually did. "But I was having a wonderful conversation with blue suit." Octavia said with a pompous voice. "Why didn't you tell me you where having a fundraiser next week at your club Vinyl?" Octavia asked. "Weeeelllll." The DJ started with her hand rubbing the back of her head. "I kinda don't." Vinyl said while slight blushing. "Vinyl!" Octavia said through a smile. "But apparently I now I do, better get working on those plans." Vinyl continued. Octavia laughed at her friends once again crazy stunts and Vinyl laughed along seeing her friend happy again in a long time. After a moment of catching their breaths the two looked into each others eyes. Vinyl looked up into Octavia's eyes and Octavia looked down from her bed into Vinyls . "Why in the world did you do that?" Octavia asked. "I saw you freeze during that interview." Vinyl replied. Octavia hung her head low knowing all to well what she was talking about. "I couldn't answer him. I couldn't stay strong. How is it that the world just leaves you behind like yesterdays newspaper." Octavia said in a sad tone. "Hey." Vinyl called to Octavia in a understanding tone as she stood to walk to Octavia laying a hand on her shoulder "No one can stay strong forever. And I think its time we forget about the world. This isn't their problem." Vinyl said in a soft tone. "Oh come here you rebel." Octavia said as she went to give vinyl a hug. In that sweet still moment Vinyl felt her role completed. She had become Octavia's strength and her world to replace the world. > Chapter 4: A Little Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- it was the day after the interview Octavia woke up to the sun shining in through the small openings between the blinds of her window. Her eyes blinking open to the light streaming across her face. Opening her eyes she sat up and stretched her arms out and gave a large yawn re-situating herself with where she was and the room she was in. She took a glance at the analogue clock in the room to see it was a 11:25 am. She had slept well that night, no interruptions, no nightmares. Perhaps Luna had watched over her that night, or maybe it was someone else. Octavia heard the clank of the door nob, and looked to see the door opening to let in a female with electric blue hair looking rather suspicous. She was eating a burger that looked especially messy splotches of mustard dropping onto the floor. She looked back out of the window on the door to see if a nurse had seen her sneak the burger in. Holding the burger with her mouth she turned around to face the room looking for its inhabitant. "Octavia!? You're awake!" Vinyl said in a voice muffled by the greasy sandwich. She was about to rush to Octavia to check on her. When Octavia raised a hand to stop her where she stood. "I'm fine Vinyl. Last night wasn't that bad, I slept well." Octavia said in a comforting smile. Vinyl let out a sigh of relief."Thats great Tavi." she said as she let her shoulders drop releasing the tension she didn't realize she was holding. Vinyl sat down on her chair once again and continued to eat her sandwich. "Vinyl? why do you have that?" Octavia said as she pointed toward the meal in which Vinyl was now taking large bites out of. "Cause the food here is garbage." Vinyl said through a mouth full of food. "I thought that the nurses wouldn't allow outside food?" Octavia said in a quite voice realizing that Vinyl had snuck in food. "We don't." said a rather aggravated Nurse Redheart standing in the door way. Vinyl fell out of her chair shocked at the sudden appernace of Redheart. letting our a yelp before falling to the floor struggling to breath as her sandwich had lodged itself in her throat. The nurse walked to the DJ who was furiously beating her chest in an attempt to dislodge the food. Vinyl after beating her chest with a closed fist Vinyl finally swallowed the food and gasped for air. "Girl, I would have let you choke to death." The nurse stood above her tapping her foot on the ground crossed with the mischivious female. "Hey thats not funny! You nearly killed me!" Vinyl said picking up her sandwich once more attempting to take another bite. With a swipe the sandwich dissapeared from Vinyl hand and was being held in the air by Redheart out of reach of Vinyls reach. "And this is killing you slowly!" Reaheart said as she kept the burger out of Vinyl reach. "No fair, I wasn't ready!" Vinyl said as she jumped for her lunch swingly wildly. "Nooooope! I am taking this from you!" Redheart as she began to leave the room. "Awwwww how did you even find me?" Vinyl asked. "I followed the tell tale trail of grease and sauce." replied Redheart. "Come on I want my bacon." Vinyl said putting her hands on her hips. "Oooo Bacon." Nurse Redheart exclaimed as she took a bite out of the sandwich. Vinyl's jaw dropped as she saw the Nurse consume her sandwich bite by bite. "Nooooo! You don't even like mustard!" Vinyl said attempting to lunge at the nurse only to be stopped by an open hand. "I do now. By the way Mrs. Philharmonica your appointments at 2:00" The Nurse said in a devious smile and walked out the room while continuing to eat the sandwich. Vinyl now on her knees longed for the sandwhich she would never finish. Octavia felt she had just watched a comedy skit. She could imagine the two working on broadway playing out hilarious skits causing millions to laugh until their sides hurt with enjoyment. "Aww, what am I going to eat now?" Vinyl asked herself. With a chuckle Octavia gave her a reply. "Come on Vinyl lets get some garbage to eat." Octavia said as she began to move from her bed to stand. "Whoa whoa, you are not moving on my watch." Said the blue haired DJ. She quickly got up to keep Octavia in her bed "Vinyl please I'm-" Octavia began to argue. "Noooo way sister. I'm going to grab one of those wheelchairs." Vinyl began before attempting to walk out the door. However an arm kept her behind. As Vinyl looked back to realize that Octavia was holding her with her good arm. "Vinyl sweetie. allow me to walk or I'll put you in that bed with me." She said tiliting her head toward the bed a smile along her face all the yet hinting at an annoyed tone. "I like the sound of that." Said Vinyl in a rather devious voice head tilted down ever so slightly hinting at ideas involving the two in the same bed. ____________________ Vinyl and Octavia were both walking down the hall while Vinyl held her right forearm rubbing it soothingly."Jeez you weren't kidding. You have one hell of a punch." Octavia walked proudly once again happy that carrying that large cello still paid off in the end.The two enjoyed a lunch in the cafeteria, and although they where questioned why Octavia had been down there they still ate none the less. Even if the food was par, the company of each other was what made the evening quite enjoyable. Laughing at the latest news in the world, talking up music ideas and such. Vinyl arguing her modern music trumps Octavia dusty classical. While Octavia assured Vinyl that her classical music would out live Vinyls music by centuries. Laughing out loud realizing that neither really cared anymore about who was better. At the start it was true that the two hated each others genre of music, however the two learned to appreciate the others style with time.Octavia took a quick glance at the clock to realize that it was 16 minutes past her schedualed appointment. In a rush she quickly shoved fries into her mouth and the two took off to the physical recovery room. Upon arriving at the room the two were met with a once again agitated nurse Redheart. With a raised eyebrow the nurse gave a questioning look at the two, but ended dropping the topic of there late arrival. "Mrs. Philharmonia please follow me this way." She said walking ahead to a part of the room that looked like a multiple padded mats put together on the floor. Vinyl sat on the nearby benches watching as the nurse guided Octavia to the middle of all the mats. "We are going to start with moving your fingers." She said with as she pulled out a small booklet. Octavia wore a questioned look expecting for her to continue."Then what? First moving my fingers then what?" She asked The nurse closed the book and looked at Octavia with a sad expression. "Thats all we'll do for a week." she said."I don't expect you to do much more than move your finger, later we'll move on to strengthening your muscles again so you can carry items." She finished and reopened her book to begin reading again. "What? That's it? What about moving my arm, its not like I've been lazy all this time. It's only been a week!" Octavia began, she was offended at the slow plan. "Mrs. Philharmonica its not cause we don't trust your ability in recovering, but rushing things may cause problem in the future. On top of that we want you to leave this hospital with a proper recovery." Nurse Redheart said trying to calm the angered cellist. With a sigh Octavia agreed to obey "Yes nurse. I'm sorry for my rude outburst." "That's fine Mrs. Philharmonica." The nurse replied. However both of them knew why Octavia wanted a more drastic plan. Octavia desperetly want to pick up the cello again. She wanted to feel the familiar wood frame, the bow moving across the string, the emotions poured into a single song. The excersis were not only tedious and monotonous, they were painful. Simple things such as moving an index finger became burning pains across her arm. She was intasked with writing out the alhpabet in the air next to her side. Something that she finished with a painful exhaustion. The bead of sweat from the pain and her eyes clenched told the nurse that this was as far as they needed to go today. "That's good for today Mrs. Philharmonica, please do practice those in your spare time." After watching the nurse leave the room Vinyl got up and decided to join Octavia now sitting on the floor holding her left arm. "I've never had this much trouble with the alphabet, not even in elementary." Octavia said with a smile. Vinyl could see Octavia's genuine attempt to stay positive and to keep her mind off the inevitable deppresion. Vinyl helped Octavia to her feet and took a quick glance around the room. In the room laid multiple equipment walls lined with weights, bars across the room to hold you blance. In one corner of the room a large rectangular table caught her eye. "Wait here." Vinyl quickly said. Octavia lost in her own thoughts never even bothered to look at where Vinyl was going. Octavia only just noticed a small rhythmic taping sound. She looked behind herself to see Vinyl holding a paddle while bouncing up and down a small white ball.Octavia in a second realized that she was infront of a ping pong table. The game that the two spent evenings playing in college. Vinyl still bouncing the ball swung her paddle up to send the ball flying with ample enough air time for her to get into the proper stance for a swing. As the ball fell into place Vinyl swung, and the ball was sent though the air straight for Octavia. Octavia flinched and held up her hand hoping to stop the ball in flight before it had hit her on the side. She looked at Vinyl in furious. "That's to get back at you for this morning." Vinyl chuckled as she gave a wave for Octavia to play a game with her. Octavia always played with her right hand so the game was still playable to her. Even if the Nurse had recommended not to exert herself physically. The memory of many sunsets playing ping pong was to much to resist. Octavia picked up a paddle ready to serve the ball. The day went on with countless serves and the taping of ping pong balls against tables and paddle. The score didn't even matter all that mattered was the small joy that was felt each time a point was scored then the excitement beginning once again as the opponent served again. Octavia could feel her body getting use to fluid movements. Feet shifting quickly to prepare for the next swing. The more she played the faster she moved. She had trouble in the beginning with the fact that her left arm no longer had the ability to stabilize her balance as she played, but she soon grew accustomed to this and avoided relying on her left arm to steady her self. Then came along the one intense game that had the two reaching further and panting harder to win the one match neither willing to give an inch. A small smile crept onto Octavia's face as the ball moved faster and faster. Finally Vinyl allowed the ball to move slow enough for Octavia to strike the ball with more than enough preparation. With a large arched swing Octavia sent the ball flying straight over the net and missing the table entirely. The ball curved upward and striked Vinyl between the eyes. Vinyl off put by the incoming projectile fell back hitting the floor with a thud . Octavia worried for her friends well being ran quickly to and kneeling next to her. "Vinyl are you okay!?" She asked worried taking a close look at her forehead a small round red mark appearing on her clear white skin. "Haha yea Tavi I'm fine, I'm just glad you're having fun." Vinyl said while closing her eyes and smiling back at the chellist. She was genuinely happy that the two had played. The game had reminded her of their college days, a wonderful time when stress came from books and tests, instead of physical recovery and the world bearing on their shoulders. Vinyl head dropped as she realized once again she had wished for those times. Even to her best attempts she had trouble keeping her thoughts focused on present time. Octavia noticed Vinyls sudden mood changed and while Vinyl kept looking at the floor the chellist moved closer. Vinyl felt Octavias hand on her cheek along with a wonderful sensations as she felt a light pressure on her forehead. Vinyl not able to see Octavia's face anymore realized that Octavia was giving her forehead a light kiss particularly close to where the ball had hit her. "Thank you dear." was all Octavia said she raised Vinyls head to meet her eyes. Her deep ruby eyes endless and gleaming as the precious stones they represented. Vinyl was quickly lost in her friends kind eyes. The light purple in her eyes extentuated by her deep black hair. The sweat of the previous game glistening on her face and the hot hand touching her face. Taking her hand off of Vinyls cheeck she gave the suprised and flustered DJ a warm embrace. After realizing what was happening Vinyl wrapped her arms around Octavia tightly and pressed Octavia against herself. Vinyl closed her eyes for a moment to savor this moment and to take in full all of Octavia. She could feel the warmth that eminated from Octavia's chest. The steady rise and fall of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled. She could hear the rhythemic beat of Octavia's heart. Vinyl was overwhelemed with comfort and a warm feeling swept her stomach, and what felt like hours as they embraced Vinyl felt happy with where she was. All to early Octavia let go of Vinyl and helped her up to her feet. "What was that for?" The DJ asked although wishing it could have continued. "For being here for me. Although it may seem insignificant, to be honest without having someone like you here this would have become a nightmare." Octavia said with a warm smile. The two left the room and made their way back to Octavia's room walking side by side down the hall. Finally reaching the room Octavia laid down on her bed. She attempted to stay awake to talk with Vinyl a little longer but due to the medication she soon drifted off. Viny sat in the same chair as usual waiting for sleep to take her as well. Yet the tingling sensation in her stomach and her quickened heart kept her from falling asleep until much later in the night.