The Frigid

by TheEnemyCube

First published

A young man gets sucked into a whirling vortex of madness as he is transformed into his favorite non main character of the Metroid series, Rundas.

(First story, so rip me a new one with constructive criticism, never done the whole writing scene before)
A young man goes to comicon as his favorite non main character of the Metroid series, Rundas. We all know what happens next.
(LoHaV story inbound)

Everlasting Cold

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Snow danced in the wind around me. Outside of the little clearing surrounded by snow laden bushes that held my pedestal and I, it was a nice and sunny day. Flowers bloomed, sunflowers brightened up the area, but around me, it was a frozen wonderland of ice. Snowflakes danced around me, creating a ballet of wind and ice, bobbing about in the current of the air, making beautiful patterns swirl around me and my pedestal. The stone that covered my being continued to feel as cold as the day it was applied by those accursed princesses. Damn ponies, never knowing when to just quit. I hated this feeling of mind numbing boredom, maybe another field trip will occur, at least then I could see some more children. Children. They were the one thing that even caught a spark within my frigid, ice locked heart. Their happy smiles, unabashed wonder at the world.

"Now come along children, we have one more statue to see before we go inside for hot cocoa!" said a female voice I identified as Cheerilee, the teacher I saw most often due to frequent field trips to the statue gardens at the castle.

As she walked into my field of view as the foals followed behind, I was beholden to a gaggle of brightly colored, wide eyed foals as they animatedly chatted with their groups of friends. The mulberry mare pointed to my pedestal, and more specifically, me. "Now, what does this statue make you think of children?"

A pale yellow earth pony foal with a big red bow in her bright red hair started jumping up and down with her hoof up, yelling "Oh! Oh miss Cheerilee, I know!"

Miss Cheerilee rolled her eyes at the foals antics. "Yes, what do you think it is Applebloom?"

The foal, now identified as Applebloom, yelled out "Freezing cold!"

Another foal, this time a pegasus with an orange coat and a purple mane spoke up, "No, it's indifference!"

A brick red pony with a crimson mane that was passing by at the time spoke up, "No, it's Frigidity."

The two foals stopped arguing, being embarrassed by being corrected by a gardener. Cheerilee rolled her eyes, and spoke up, "Frigidity was believed to have allied itself with the Wendigos of old, so that it could gain large amounts of power when it comes to ice!" Oh that is such bullshit, I never even went near the Wendigos, they came to me. After her impromptu little lecture, she began to lead the class back to the castle "Okay class, now that we have seen Frigidity, let's go back to the castle, where the Princess can order us some hot cocoa!" The foals began clamoring back down the path away from my statue, and I began feeling something akin to an adrenaline rush beginning.

I felt a pulse of power from out of nowhere. My Phrygisian heart began pumping the slurry of ice and plasma that some would consider blood around my body, the power beginning to well up straight in my chest. I could feel the magically reinforced rock that acted as my prison begin to crack, spiderwebs running across the magically treated stone that acted as a one way window to allow me to see outside my prison. Soon, large chunks of rock were smashing into the ground, breaking as if they were a rose dunked into liquid nitrogen. A miniature blizzard began to pick up, snowflakes tumbled through the air, biting into anything that wasn't used to the cold. I began to focus power into my hands, using my inherent ability of cryokinesis to create a path that I could slide on out of the garden and away from the castle.

1011 Years Ago

"Dude, this suit is uncomfortable as hell!" I whined from the bathroom as I made some last minute adjustments to make sure it fit well enough that I didn't burst out into a rage in the middle of a busy area. My friend, Josh, had dressed up as a Space Pirate Commando, complete with the large spike jutting out from the back of the smooth, teardrop shaped helmet, spikes pointing out from the shoulders, and even the large cannon like weapon on the right arm. I, going along with the theme, had chosen my favorite non main character from the Metroid series, Rundas! I looked in the mirror and saw the bulbous, smooth material that made up most of the helmet, along with the gauntlet like protrusions on my hands. There were many things that could be better, but I didn't have a lot of money to throw around, and I liked the way it looked.

"Dude, come on! We got to go now, or else we're gonna get stuck in traffic!" Yelled Josh as he exited the front door of our house. I quickly chased after him, getting to the car as he closed the driver side door. I slid in to the passenger side, and took off the helmet as he began driving. We bobbed our heads as we listened to some music with his iPod. "So Josh, what do you think is gonna be the most prominent costume at the con?" I inquired.

He thought for a moment or two, and then said "Probably something related to Dark Souls Two, what with it coming out just recently." I nodded in assent to that, and we sat quietly as we made our way to Comicon.

Two Hours Later

We had gotten in just an hour ago, and I could definitely say, there were a lot of Emerald Heralds and Royal Sorcerer Navlaans in the crowd. I was just passing by some stalls where different people were selling some pretty strange stuff, I mean seriously, an actual sword made with some strange green metal that the guy said was "Mithril"? Pft, yeah right. So I was just passing by, when this bright blue shine caught my eye. I looked over at the stall, and began walking towards it, almost like I had no control of my body. When I finally got there, I just stared at the source of the blue light. It was a necklace with an icicle attached to it. It looked like the icicle had frozen onto the necklace, and I could only stare as it seemingly pulsed with its blue color. "Do you need something?" said the man working the stall, which shook me out of the stupor the necklace had placed me under.

"Yeah, how much for the necklace?" I said as I brought out my wallet. I only had about a hundred dollars with me, and I hoped it was enough.

The man abruptly spoke "Seeing as how you were eyeing it with such ferocity, how about I give you a discount, so now it's about seventy five dollars." I quickly snatched out three twenties and three fives, and put them down before grabbing the necklace. Something about it made me feel amazing. And before I could even take a step, everything went black, and I felt like I was falling backwards.