> Doctor and Derpy > by djfew > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The TARDIS Lands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derpy Hi my name is Ditzy Doo or as most people call me Derpy Hooves, I live in Ponyville. Today is just like any other day in Ponyville and I was delivering mail like usual when in my right eye, I see something in the sky. I concentrate to get both of my eyes to look at it. What I saw confused me. "A blue box, why is a blue box in the sky" I said. It wasn't just in the sky, it was falling. "Oh no somepony could get hit by that!" I exclaimed. I hear it crash into the ground and follow it to an open area, I approach the blue box and I see that it had not been damaged at all from a really really long fall. "What is this thing, what does Police Public Call Box mean?" I said confused Then a Brown Pony stepped out of the box. "Sky looks the same trees look the same everything looks the same yet this doesn't seem like London," said the Brown Pony. "Um are you alright, and whats London, and how did your house thing fall from the sky," I asked. "Sorry uh, whats your name and how can talk?" the pony said. "My name is Ditzy Doo but most people call me Derpy Hooves," I answered. "Ok Ditzy I am alright, London is in Europe, and I really don't know, also my name is the Doctor," Doctor said. "But why are you in a box if you fix ponies," I said. "I'm not that type of Doctor, and This is no box, this is the TARDIS, TARDIS stands for Time And Reletive Dimension In Space," he said. "I have no idea what you just said but you can go into space," I said. "Not just space Derpy but time too," he said, "Since i'm in a new Universe it seems I need a companion to travel this Universe with," he finished. "Sure that sounds fun but do you want to see Ponyville though," I said. "Sure then we'll go." the Doctor said. I'm going to get to show a new pony around Ponyville, Pinky is going to be jealous. I hope its fun travelling through space and time. > Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor I always choose the first face I see to be my companion. She seems nice and the only thing that seems weird about her are those eyes, I almost laughed when I saw her. "You okay Doctor you haven't been talking" Derpy said to me concerned. " Yeah I'm alright, just thinking" i answered. "Thinking about what" she asked. Of all the things she asks she has to ask this, I'll just lie to her for now. The truth can be told later. "Thinking about the stuff we might do in Ponyville," I said. "I'm just showing you around its not like I'm taking you to a party. But if I were Pinkie Pie you would've already been at a welcoming party," she finished. "Who is this Pinkie Pie you keep talking about," I asked. "She's this town's party pony," she answered "Is there a party pony in every town," I asked. "No, but there is another travelling party pony, so you won't see that many party ponies," she answered. Oh good then there won't be many parties. I'm not that much of a festive guy, or should i say pony. "Okay first stop Sugar Cube Corner, this is where you can buy some sweets like muffins," she said. "Muffins? muffins aren't considered sweets," I said confused. "Well they sell muffins too, I love muffins, I like blueberry muffins, banana muffins, chocolate chip muffins" "Okay I get it you love muffins," I interrupted. "You didn't have to be rude you know," she angrily said. "Sorry I wasn't going to wait here for you to name every single flavor of muffin," I said back. Two things wrong about this pony; her eyes, and her obsession over muffins. Two Hours Later "So that is Ponyville also we probally should go before Pinkie finds out a new pony has come to town," she said. "Okay so lets go to the TARDIS," I said. > Bigger On The Inside > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derpy "The what," I said very confused. "You'll see when we get there," the Doctor said. Then I realized he was talking about his really tiny house. Doctor She didn't talk much when we were walking there, she probably knew what I was talking about. "There she is, The TARDIS" I exclaimed. "Um, Doctor that's just a tiny blue box," she said. Derpy "You brought me back here just to see your blue box again," I said angrily. "Just come on in," he said as he entered the box. I stood there because it sounded like he was really far in the box, but it was tiny. "You coming in or what" he yelled to me. I entered the box and what I saw made my draw drop. "What... how is this possible" I exclaimed. I entered and exited the box many times to see if I was going crazy or not. "It's bigger on the inside" I said. "Yes it's the TARDIS which stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space" he said. "So your saying this box is a time machine space ship thing"I said confused. "Well yes but without the thing part." he said "But anyways a new universe that we will explore in the TARDIS, are you ready to go?" he asked. "Okay where to first?" I asked in return. "Wherever you want to go in any time and any where." he said in return. "How about the moon" I said. "Then lets go" he exclaimed.