> Applejack Pie > by NorthStar-Studios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: An Interesting Surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack Pie Written By: Gleaming Ember Edited By: Storm Chaser and Mac349 Pre Read By: rainbowdashisbestpony100 Chapter One: An Interesting Surprise The sun shined high over the small town of Ponyville. Ponies of all shapes and sizes walked along the grassy pathways, starting the day with their early morning routines. Some ponies were in the market buying what they needed to support their families. Stores had their doors wide open to welcome in customers. Fillies and colts were off to school to learn something new about Equestria. One young mare quickly passed through streets of the crowded market place with green saddlebags secured tightly on her hindquarters and a huge cart that she pulled behind her. She had a shiny blond mane and tail that were neatly tied with two red colored ribbons. Her coat was a bright orange with three bright apples on her flank. Her eyes were deep emerald color that wandered around as she walked. She also had an old brown Stetson hat that sat tightly on top of her head. "Excuse me, pardon me, pony with supplies trying to get through,” she said with an attitude. Even though Ponyville was a small town, it was easy for a pony to get lost in the crowds. Ponies had things to do, places to be, like Applejack. She was desperate to get back home. She had been up early morning, before Celestia even raised the sun because she was helping her family for this year's zap apple harvest. Harvesting zap apples was no easy job. Each tree had to be carefully raised probably so that the zap apples would grow ripe. Most importantly the apples will only grow on a certain day each year. That special day was only three days away. If Applejack was going to be ready for the harvest she had to get her flank home with the supplies. Without any hesitation, Applejack broke into a canter. She pushed through crowds, not caring who were in her way. As she was picking up the pace through the town park, she started to feel a rather uncomfortable weight on her back. All of the sudden, Applejack could see in her line of sight was the face a bright pink pony. "What’cha doin’?" the pink mare asked in a quirky voice. "Ahhhhhh!" the farmer shouted skidding to a halt, along with the cart closely behind. "Ahhhh yourself, but that doesn’t answer my question, silly?" she giggled watching her friend grab her chest, gasping for air. "Pinkie Pie!” she exclaimed. “Don't ya know better than ta sneak up on ponies? Especially ponies like me. Ya know Ah hate when ponies sneak on me.” “Sorry AJ, I don’t know what came over me.” “It’s fine, now if ya don’t mind, Ah’m in a hurry.” Applejack without saying a gesture goodbye picked up canter once more but going a little faster than before. Quickly looking over her shoulder all she could see was dust that picked up as she ran. As she quickly looked back ahead of her out of the corner of her eye she saw something pink. "Pinkie!? What in tarnation? Why are ya following me? Ah have stuff ta do today!" "First of all, you didn't answer my question. So, I expect an answer. "What’cha doin’?” Pinkie Pie and Applejack were both cantering side by side. Applejack knew that if she didn't answer Pinkie's question then Pinkie would follow her to the ends of the earth. Applejack then rolled her eyes with an attitude and sighed to the answer the question. "I'm going home to get ready for the zap-apple harvest. The first day of the harvest is only three days away and if I don't get home with these supplies then were going to be behind schedule. Then if we are behind schedule then that means no zap-apples then" Pinkie then stopped Applejack in her tracks by putting her hoof in Applejack’s mouth. "Ok I get it your trying get home for your zap-apple harvest. I actually came here to ask you an important question?" Confused, AppleJack raised an eyebrow at Pinkie. Of all ponies why would Pinkie Pie have an important question? Being the Element of Honesty, Applejack could see in Pinkie's eyes that her question was actually important. "What is it you want to ask me, Pinkie?" "Well you know who you consider me now your fourth cousin twice removed." "Yeah?" "Well this weekend I am going to see my family. Sooooo I was wondering if you wanted to come and meet the Pies." Pinkie Pie and Applejack's eyes were locked. Pinkie had the biggest smile on her face. As Applejack's expression was full of more confusion. She didn't know what to think. Pinkie wanted her to meet her family. Applejack already met one of Pinkie Pie's sister, Maud. She barely just became friends with her how would she get along with entire family who is like that. "Hello? Earth to Applejack." Pinkie Pie said raising her hoof up and down. "Huh, What?" "You kinda of sorta of spaced out there." "Oh, sorry," Applejack replied lowering her head. "So, what do you say? Do you want to come visit my family this weekend? Applejack thought for a moment. She did not want to disappoint Pinkie but she had help with the zap apple harvest. It was her responsibility. On the other hoof it was also her responsibility to be a good friend. Applejack folded back her and then lifted her head so that her height met with Pinkie's height. "Look, Pinkie I would love to but-" Applejack looking straight into Pinkie's could not resist her puppy face. Her eyes were wide with glee. She frowned trying to make AppleJack feel sympathy for her. She whimpered loudly so that every other sound would blocked out. Applejack could not resist. She closed her eyes, sighed and smiled. "I would love to come visit your family this weekend." Pinkie’s excitement overloaded her with joy. Her body shaped like a maraca. She then shot into the sky at booming speed. Leaving a trail of sparkling pink behind her. "YES, YES, YES, YES! I knew you would say yes, Applejack. You don't know how much this means to me I know you will love my family. Were going to do so many fun things together. Like play games, go rock-picking, and, and AH! So much to do. Oh you better start packing, I better start packing. See ya tomorrow morning, Applejack the train leaves at nine a.m. so don't be late." Just like that Pinkie was gone. Applejack was more than willing to make Pinkie Pie happy but she started to get concerned about herself. Applejack was no selfish pony. She was always taught to put others before herself. Yet, everything that she agreed to was happening all at once. She would leaving tomorrow and meeting the Pie family. Applejack did not know what to think. She wants Pinkie's family to like her but what happens if she does not live up their expectations. What if they don't like her? What if she does not like them? As she made her way into the orchard. Her head hung low with her hat over eyes. Big Mac was out taking care of trees for the big day when he noticed his depressed little sister. "AJ?" Big Mac said in deep voice. "Yeah." Applejack responded "What’s wrong? You look upset." Applejack made no eye contact with her brother. She slowly continued walking towards the house. Big Mac lifted an eyebrow and then quickly trotted in front of her. He then stopped her in her tracks. "Applejack don't give me the silent treatment. Come on you know that you can tell your big brother anything. So tell me what’s wrong?" Applejack looked straight into her brother's there was no fooling him. She sighed then lifted her head. "I will tell everypony what’s going on if you come inside. I need to talk to Granny about this to and see if y'all were ok with it." Applejack said Big Mac nodded and escorted his sister into the house. When they both reach the kitchen Applejack gently put her stuff down and sat in the chair at the table with a gloomy expression on her face. Big Mac then sat next to her as they watched Granny Smith and Applebloom making some brunch. The aroma of fresh fruits and baked good lifted Applejack spirits. Big Mac then rubbed his sister's back trying to make her feel better. As he looked over at Granny Smith and Applebloom who were over by the stove. "Uh Granny, Applebloom can y'all come over here Applejack needs to tell us something." Big Mac explained to them. Granny Smith and Applebloom had then momentarily stopped their cooking and sat around the table waiting to hear what Applejack had to say. "Well child, tell your old Granny what’s troubling ya and don't try to stretch the truth I can read you like book on Sunday morning." Granny said telling her granddaughter. "Um you see I-I can't help with the zap apple harvest this weekend." AppleJack replied nervously as she gulped. "WHAT!?" shouted the rest of the Apple family. "Well you see, I ran into Pinkie this morning and asked me to see her family this weekend and I knew I had the harvest but I did not want to upset her since she was so desperate for me to meet them. Now, I'm all nervous that I won't live up to them as a Pie since Pinkie is an Apple now and I will upset her. “ Applejack took a big breath and sat back in her chair covering her eyes with her hooves. The rest of her family looked at each other and back at Applejack and smiled. "Applejack, dear look at me." Granny Smith demanded. Applejack slowly moved her hooves from her face and made direct eye contact with Granny Smith. "First of all I want you to relax and just listen. I don't want you to worry about the harvest. I want you to go visit Pinkie's family just being yourself. You’re a hard-working, confident, good-hearted mare. There is not one pony that you have met that has ever disliked you for who you are. Don't go trying to impress because then you’re just trying to be somepony you’re not. I'm sure that you will have great a time as we all had on our road trip, understand?" "Understand." "Now when are you leaving?" "Tomorrow, the train leaves at nine." "Well, then get your flank upstairs and get packin youngin." Applejack then got up from the chair and made her way up to her room. She then closed the door and settled her green her bags down by her bed. She soon started to lay out what she needed for the weekend. She laid her sleeping bag, pillow, favorite lasso and picture of her family. Taking out all the supplies for the harvest and settling them carefully on her desk. She then packed for her trip and placed her back by the door. Straight after Applejack quickly jumped onto her bed sprawled across it. She tried only putting positive thoughts into her mind. Maybe meeting this new family would turn to be great. She smiled looking up the ceiling. The Pies were going to give Applejack a new adventure.