> My little Venom 2: carnage among ponies > by Shadowheart332 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Far from over (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 3:00 a.m. Night A light blue unicorn was walking through the forest knowing she no future anymore, she mumbled to her self. "Stupid Twilight ruined everything for me, know I've lost everything" until she heard a whisper. "Your right, why would she put you through that?" Said a creepy voice "W-who's there?" Asked the blue unicorn "Your ticket to revenge!" The voice said. "And what makes you think I want that." The blue unicorn asked again starting to back away. "You want revenge on Twilight for what she did to...you." Said the voice knowing it now has her full attention. "Very much." She said with a devilish grin. "Good..good. Now what is your name" the voice asked "Trixie." She said unaware of the red stuff creeping on her. "You will have wish....Trixie! It said as it then leashed on to her. Soon the transformation was complete now standing in Trixie's place was rad creature with long white teeth and white fearsome eyes. "ON THIS DAY WE ARE TO BE KNOWN AS CARNAGE!!!" Soon after a loud creepy laugh could be heard. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo leaped out of sleep crying, she had anther nightmare, she has been a orphan for as long she can remember, still not have a loving family that she desperately craves. Getting up to look out the window of the CMC tree house. Wondering who she could trust with a secret like this one. She then made a decision to tell Twilight tomorrow she might be more understanding. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was having just as much of a hard time, she got over the venom thing. But something felt off about tonight almost as if something was going to happen "Come on Twilight you've been pacing around for almost two hours can't we just go bed." Said Spike with a pout see Twilight make hole as she walked. "I have good reason to be worried Spike in you have not noticed nothing bad has been happening lately." Said Twilight still pacing around. "And that's a bad thing?" Spike said as if thinking they have been up for nothing. "I'm just saying it's quiet...too quiet." Stated Twilight. As Spike yawned he said" will can we be 'too quiet' in our sleep" "Spike this is serious!" Said Twilight "Will I'll be 'serious' in my sleep." Spike replied. Twilight just groaned as Spike left. When she looked outside she remembered that day. And shivered at the memory. Soon she left for bed too. While in the forest a set of white eyes could be seen and a creepy smile creep up on its face, until it disappeared. ------------------------------------ Soon she was asleep, but she may look like nothing is wrong, that is not the case, for she had been having nightmares, about....her. "Twilight...Twilight!" an angered familiar voice said. "You cannot escape the coming death for soon everything you hold dear will burn in flames" was what it said when she heard the screams of her friends and a filly. "NO!" she said as she shot up from her sleep breathing heavily. When she heard a somepony at her door. Walking to the front door still wondering what that dream meant. She opens the door to find a little orange filly with a purple mane. "Scootaloo? What brings you here?" Was all Twilight had to say when the little filly tackled her. "T-twilight I need to tell you something but please pinkie promise to not tell anypony." Said the little filly, while Twilight was a little confused about why she would trust her this much with a secret. "Alright Scootaloo calm down, what has you this worked up? And why this early in the morning?" Twilight asked as she let out a yawn. Scootaloo had no idea how to put this without ending up in tears or if worse end up back in that orphanage. "Well..um..have you ever wondered why no one has ever seen my parents?" Gaining a nod from Twilight. "Weeeellll I may be an orphan." Twilight just stood there almost as if she had a heart-attack, it was like the world just froze the second Scootaloo said that last word. She would have been like that forever it Scootaloo had not snapped her back to reality. "What do you mean you have been an orphan, does your friends now about this?" Twilight asked "No." "Does anypony else know?" She asked "No." "Scootaloo why have you not been taking care of? What happened to your parents?" Twilight said “They’re...they’re dead.” Was all Scootaloo could say before she ran to Twilight and cried into her chest fur. Twilight who still had wide eyes and mouth wide open (after she gasped of course.) now had to do something. The thing is what? When it hit her like an arrow in the head. "Scootaloo? It's okay. I'm here, how about this, how would you like to live with me until we figure things out?" Twilight said while calming the sad filly. "R-really? I could stay?" Scootaloo said while Twilight just nodded with a gentle smile. "Of course, what are friends for? I'll get the girls later to talk about this." Twilight said Scootaloo first hesitated but know that it was right for Twilight's friends to know at least. So she nodded. ---------------------------------------- Not too long away a set of eyes was still watching everything that had just happened "Get ready Twilight soon you will see us everywhere. Even in your nightmares!" Said the creature watching while letting out an insane laugh. To be continued.... > Chapter 2: Carnage strikes (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day. After last night's events Twilight gathered her friends (and the rest of the crusaders,) for a private talk. All her friends wondered why Scootaloo was there sleeping in Twilight's extra bed. "So what’s this about sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "Yes darling I was wondering the same thing." Rarity said looking at Twilight with a mix of concern and confusion. "Will..." Twilight was about to say but did not know how to. "Will what? Oh is this a game, I love games let me guess...ummmmmmmm OH is it they’re making a remake of Jurassic Park?" Pinkie asked Everyone just gave her a blank stare while Rainbow mouthed a little "what?". "What?" "Pinkie you are most random pony in the world" Rainbow said flatly then turned back to Twilight. "Well everypony, I found out something about Scootaloo, something that may change everything." Twilight stated as Spike came out with drinks. "Then come out and say it darling." Rarity said leaning up in excitement. "S-Scootaloo......" "Yes." Rarity said literally drooling. "Um Rarity your drooling." Fluttershy said looking at the growing puddle. "Ah never saw her do that." Applejack whispered to Fluttershy. "Scootalooisanorphan!" Twilight said quickly. That's when Rainbow started choking on her drink, while the others mouths fell open, pinkie's fell to the ground. Once Rainbow finally settled down just yelled "WHAT!". "Yeah that’s what I thought at first" Twilight said. "And *gasp* she told you first and not me, the pony she worship's." Rainbow said, sounding a little annoyed. "That's a strange way of looking at it, but yes." Twilight said a little creeped out by the idea of Scootaloo worshiping Rainbow Dash. Twilight shook her head to get the idea out. "So what are you planning on doing Twilight...if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh maybe Twilight will keep Scootaloo as her adopted filly, and she becomes mother Twilight." Pinkie said with a huge smile. "Twilight? A Mother? Our Twilight? The very one who started that symbi-OW." Rainbow got cut off by a hard smack in the back of her head by Applejack, who gave her a glare. "We all agreed never to bring that up again!" Applejack said, while Rainbow was on the ground, her hooves on her head. "Sorry, but after what happened, it took us nearly a whole month just to rebuild." Rainbow said, after all that happened, she was the only one who keep an eye on Twilight. Even though she would get scolded by either Applejack or Fluttershy. Twilight tightened her grip on her drink after the comment. "if I chose to adopt her, what will she think of me, I mean I've raised Spike since he was hatched." "Which you've done well by the way." Spike added. "We’re behind you one hundred percent Twilight." Fluttershy said in her caring tone. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Spike all nodded in agreement. Except for Rainbow who grumbled to herself. Thanks girls. Will I better go till Scootaloo what I've deci-" Twilight was cut off when a red looking tentacle burst through the door, wrapping around Twilight and taking her outside. What in tarnasion just happened! Applejack yelled. While everyone else just stared, wide eyed. -------------------------- "AAAHHH" Twilight screamed, as she was flung around the air in the tentacle's grasp, she was finally thrown to the ground, not too far away from her tree house. Then she heard a voice she knows very well. "We're bigger." Twilight was again flung to the ground. "We're better." she was flung against a tree. "Mares and gentle stallions, we're too much for Twilight Sparkle." And she finally held tightly in the tentacle's grip and was now in view of it was. What she saw was like looking into her alternate self. The figure had two white, deadly eyes, a devilish smile that would give her nightmares for weeks, its color was blood red, with what looks like black veins. "Why hello Twilight Sparkle it's been too long." The red/black figure spoke with a devilish smile. "A S-Symbiote." Twilight said with fear and terror in her voice. "Ah yessss but not just any Symbiote, call us Carnage!" The figure said with a now toothy smile as it was now advancing on Twilight. "Another one, but that's impossible!" Twilight said on her back try to back away. "And yet you don't remember who we are, or should we say..." Carnage then revealed her true face. "Trixie." Twilight said, eyes wide in shock. Carnage then grabbed her by the throat with her right clawed hoof and hissed, Twilight squeaked as she was in Carnage's grasp."WE ARE CARNAGE! NOT TRIXIE! CARNAGE!" Twilight then managed to teleport out of Carnage's grasp and re appeared not far away, but was tired after that spell. Carnage closed her clawed hoof into what Lyra called a fist and smashed it into the ground in anger. She made low growl. And turned to a very tired Twilight which only made Carnage smirk, her left clawed hoof shifted into a red axe. She walked toward Twilight with said axe hoof skidding on the ground. "Trixie please you have to snap out of it, it will only make you do what it wants." Twilight said soundings pleading for her life. "Trixie isn't here anymore." Carnage whispered to Twilight before bring her axe hoof up ready to strike. But before the axe came down. Carnage was hit by a rainbow blur. Twilight's four other friends and Spike came running along with the CMC close behind. "On my Twilight are okay?" Fluttershy said worryingly. "I don't know, I'll get back to you on that." Twilight said trying to get up only to be tackled by orange/purple blur. "AreyouokayTwilight,pleasebeokayyou'vebeentheonlyonethisnicetomeand-" Scootaloo was cut off by a purple hoof covering her mouth. Twilight couldn't help but giggle at Scootaloo's worry for her. It seems she showed the same worry as if she were already Twilight's daughter, except she was acting like Spike, even he got worried from time to time about Twilight. "Relax Scootaloo. I'm fine." Twilight said playfully and put her hoof on Scootaloo's forehead and gently pushed her off, this made Scootaloo blush. They all then saw Rainbow go flying over them and hit the ground not too far away. Twilight then said “Fluttershy take the fillies and spike to a safe place now." Fluttershy nodded and escorted them. "Aw but I want to help." Scootaloo whined, and made the best puppy dog face she could muster. Twilight literally though she toke lessons from Applebloom. "Scootaloo go now!" Twilight said, in no mood to argue pushed Scootaloo toward Fluttershy before she could whine again. While Fluttershy, the fillies and spike ran, Twilight and her three other remaining friends watched as Carnage charged at them before Applejack and Pinkie where the first to attack, they charged head on. Applejack who brought her lasso threw and roped on Carnage's right arm, who just twirled her arm taking Applejack off her hooves, she collided with pinkie knocking them both out. Twilight and Rarity started to slowly back away, as Carnage locked on them they both gulp and shot a bolt of magic at Carnage. A lot of them missed. Once Carnage was nearing them Rarity toke a chance a was about to tackle the monster, but Carnage back hoofed her and sent only a few meters away knocking her out as will Carnage glared at Twilight, but before she could attack a powerful magic bolt hit and sent her flying only a yard away. "How disappointing." Carnage grumbled to herself, she turn to see three frightened fillies and a baby dragon. She smirked and walked toward them. Fluttershy was the first to see this tries to tackle or stop Carnage. "You leave these fillies alone!" Fluttershy screamed as she charged, She was knocked out too by a red tentacle smacking her away. Carnage's red tentacle then wraps around Scootaloo who starts screaming uncontrollably. "Twilight Sparkle if you want to see this filly again, you will come and face us in combat on the volcano at sun down in battle to the Finnish. If not this one fries." Carnage said giving Twilight the darkest of smiles. Before Twilight could say anything Carnage knocked her out as well, the last sounds she heard where Scootaloo's cries for help. "I failed you Scootaloo." She said before she blacked out. ----------------- "Mmmm oh Celestia my head." Twilight groaned. "Is everypony alright?" Rainbow called out. "Ain't nothing hurt but my pride." Applejack said, pushing pinkie off her. "Where okay darlings." Rarity said carrying a not too badly injured Fluttershy. Applebloom and Sweetie came out along with Spike. "Where's Scootaloo?" Rainbow asked. Twilight frowned and was near to tears. "Carnage took her hostage." "Oh my." Fluttershy squeaked. "What are we going to do?" Applejack asked. "Will at times like this we fight fire with fire." Twilight said. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, you don't mean..." Rainbow said, not really likening this idea. "We are going to Canterlot." Twilight said and took off for the train as fast as her hooves can carry her. Rainbow then mumbled. "I've got a bad feeling about this." To be continued... > Chapter 3: an alliance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Canterlot train station They had just arrived to Canterlot and where in a hurry out of the train. "Come on let's go." Twilight yells as they exit the train.(or bulldoze her way out in Twilight's case.) "Sorry, oh sorry sir, and sorry ma'am." Fluttershy said to everyone that was in Twilight's way. "Fluttershy come on!" Rainbow yells, Still close enough for her to hear. "Ok." Fluttershy said before said a few more sorries to the down ponies. "What are we here for any way darling?" Rarity asked. "Twilight plans to use the Symbiote we fought a year ago, to fight this Carnage Guy." Rainbow answered, already knowing what she was planing. "Wait, hold on just sec there sugercube." Applejack said coming to a stop and bites down on Twilight's tail to stop her too. Twilight keeps running unknowning she is not going anywhere for a few seconds before realizing it. "But Scootaloo is in danger." Twilight argued. "And you're answer to this situation is to re-bond with that black and white symbiote, fight this Carnage, and save the Squirt?" Rainbow asked after pushing Applejack out of the way. "Ye...Um..will...when you put it that way-" "FOND IT!" They all hear Pinkie yell, she came out of Canterlot Castle carrying a strange glass bottle with a familiar black and white goo inside. "Pinkie wait-" Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike all yell in unison. "What I thought the plan was we take the Bottle, have a few of use keep Twilight Distracted so i can sneak it away to keep Twilight from turning into that big Venom meanie-" Pinkie was stopped from going any forther when she was tackled to the ground by Applejack and Rainbow. "Girls is this true?" Twilight's had this twitch in her right eye. "Um will only...Um...alloffit." Fluttershy said as quick as possible...for Fluttershy anyway. Twilight's eye twitched again. "Darling we are worried that if you go on with this, that after you defeat Carnage then you'll go a another Rampage and if you separate from the Symbiote you may not survive this time." Rarity said, with nothing but concern in her voice. "No you all just don't trust me." Twilight said, and look back at the now tied up pinkie who still had the bottle. "Fine, I can do this my self." She said as she was approaching the bottle. Until a Rainbow blur took it. "Rainbow!" Twilight said, with a growl. "Give me that bottle." "No way." Rainbow shot back. "We're not letting you do this to you'r self." Twilight was ready to charge, and let out another growl, before charging at Rainbow. "A.J. Catch." Rainbow yelled, before being takled by an angry Twilight. "Ah got it, Ah got it." Applejack yelled. She caught it, but Twilight now aim for her, and Applejack broke out in a run. Rarity soon joined in by trying to slow Twilight down. "Let me go Rarity!" Twilight yelled. "Sorry darling, but this is for your own good." Rarity was not as great in magic as Twilight, but that didn't meant she didn't know any easy to know spells like simply holding a Target in place. It was working until Twilight used her old teleporting trick. And she appeared nearly a few steps away from applejack, who was still running and crashed into Twilight. The bottle went flying, Fluttershy and Spike where ready to catch it, if they where that closer to where it was heading. And it shattered right in front of Twilight. As soon as possiable, the symbiote attached it's self to Twilight. Before everyone know it a black and white figure stood before them. "Will. Will. Will. Look who's back." Venom said with a toothy smirk. "Okay girls is there a plan B?" Rainbow asked. "Mmmm mmmhhh." Pinkie tried to say something but she was still tied up. "Oh sorry about that sugercube." Applejack said, and untied Pinkie. "Know then what are we going to do with this Ruffin." Rarity said glaring at Venom whom just smirked. "What, are you talking about little old me?" Venom trying to look as Innocent as can be, even though that was very much impossible. Rainbow just had about enough about this. "Look here 'Venom' before you go on a murder spree in some hotel or something, let's skip to the point, another symbiote by name of Carnage has foalnapped Scootaloo and taken her to a volcano." "Aye Aye Captain." Venom said in a mock tone. Rainbow was this close to tearing her apart. "But in all seriousness, what do we get out of this." Venom said, suddenly she felt a little head ack. She started talking to her self, when she was done, it was as if nothing even happened."On second thought I'll be off to find this 'filly' and bring her back save and sound." Venom then look back at Rainbow and glared."And when we get back 'Cloud for Brains' we are gonna have a little talk." Rainbow coud not help but shouder at her last word. But before she or anypony could snap back, Venom was gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Before Venom left, in her mind.' As Venom felt a head ack, she found herself in her mind with Little old Twilight. "Just when we where going to get them to beg for us to go." Venom said to herself, unfortunately Twilight could hear her loud and clear. "Don't you even think about that stuff, and as long as you are attached to me you will do what I say." Twilight scowled. "You do know that also means I won't have to what your friends say?" Venom said, while laying on an imagined cloud. "Nonetheless you should learn to care more. I mean don't Symbiotes care for each other or there hosts?" Twilight asked. "Not really, for Symbiotes we think it's what you call territory, and our host get what they want and we get what we want, if the host gets out of line we take the wheel." Venom answered, while now reading something with all Twilight's secrets and memory's. Twilight saw this and tried to stop her."Hey th-that's private." She tried to take it away from her until Venom shot webbing onto the ground, keeping Twilight in place. "Chill out Sparky we're just peeking." Venom looked thought it until coming to a page with a photo that had her whole family, the mother Twilight Velvet, the father nightlight, her BBBFF Shining Armor as a filly, Two foals, nothing ne--. ...... Venom then looked again and sure enough there it was two foals, one was lavender so Venom could tell Right away that one was Twilight, but the other seemed out of focus, she or even he was was just a blur of blue maybe or light purple. It was hard to tell. "Never heard you had a third relative." Venom said, knowing this made Twilight freeze. "I..uh..found a paper back when I was a filly about a sister, but never could find any thing that could prove other wise. I tried asking my mom and dad but they would change the subject." Twilight said, never wanting to bring up an old memory. Venom continued going thought the 'book' when she came to a very interesting secret. "Wow you've got a crush on-" Venom never got to finish as the book was telaported away to Twilight, who made it disappear. "Th-that is quiet E-Enough." Twilight said sporting a huge Blush, which Venom found down right adorable. "Alright, alright I've had my fun. now what say if I save this filly you care so much about. In return I get to have complete control after she is save." Venom then held out her hoof and said."Deal?" "And Trixie, I will not let what happened to me happen to her." Twilight said, as if knowing Venom would kill her along with Carnage. "Very will" and with that they both shook hoofs. "Things are about to get very interesting." Venom said with a toothy Smirk. To be continued... > Chapter 4: Lost Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *On top of the Volcano* Trixie was thinking to say the lest, she did not want it to go down like this, foalnapping and next what...murder? But that was not the only thing on her mind. Her parents... Ever scene she got this thing she can't stop thinking about them. All she can remember was that she...left after feeling...something 'gah why is it so hard to remember?' Trixie asked herself. 'Maybe it's because you don't want to remember?' Carnage replied. Her tone did not settle will with Trixie. 'What is that supposed to mean!' Trixie yelled back. That was met with a chuckle. 'Use your head, we would have Thought you would have figured out by now' Carnage was to say surprised by Trixie's stupidly. 'Just spit it out.' Trixie growled. 'Think oh mighty Trixie, you and Twilight are more alike then you know, one would even say by blood.' Carnage know she had her this time when she used the words 'by blood'. It was then Trixie was haveing a massive head ack. --------------------------------------------------- 15 years ago Trixie was playing with a unknown filly that looked at least an age younger. It looked like near a river. "I'm gonna get you sis." Trixie yelled playfully. Trixie finally tackled the younger filly to the ground assaulting her with tickle attacks. "Alright sis I-I give, I give." The filly yelled in laughing fit. "Who's the great and powerful sister?" Trixie teased. "Y-you are."the Filly yelled still laughing uncontrollably. "Got that right." Trixie said with a smirk. "Trixie." The filly said. "Hmm" "There taking new Unicorns at the school for gifted Unicorns, you show what you can do in order to get in." The Filly looked a little nervous. "I was thinking we should show them what where made of-" The filly did not get to finish as Trixie cut off her sentience." Twilight we talked about this, I know you only want me there so you can avoid making friends." This made the filly named Twilight pout. "Aw come on please." Twilight's puppy dog face was hard to not melt to. But Trixie was not gonna have any of it. "I'm sorry Twilight but that does not work on me." Trixie said. Twilight's sad expiration seemed to break Trixie's heart. "Sis I know you are scared of what may happen but be strong...for me." Twilight looked up at Trixie's smile. "Thanks sis." Twilight hugged Trixie. ------------------------------------------------------------ *End memory* Trixie was now breathing Heavy. 'How could Twilight, my rival possibly be my Sister?' 'I think a better question would be why did you want to forget' Carnage responded and they look into another memory. Soon another massive head ack. ----------------------------------------------------------- 14 years ago Trixie was near the same river from a year ago. "Hey Trixie." Twilight came runing as if trying to find her while. "Hmm oh hey sis. How did it go." Trixie responded smiling at her sister. "I got in." Twilight squealed. "I know you would sis." Trixie looked onto her sister's flank and her eyes go wide. "Oh my gosh my little sister finally got her cutie mark." Trixie squealed in delight and hugged her sister. "T-Trixie!" Twilight whined with a blush. "I'm sorry sis, I'm just so proud." Trixie said. "Your just as bad as mom sometimes." Twilight said, still sporting a blush. "Also Shinning Armor is back from training, we should go great him back." Trixie nodded, and they both walked along the river. Until Twilight slipped and fell into the river witch dragged her down the river. "Sis help me!" Twilight yelled trying to keep her head above the water. Trixie looked for something to help Twilight with. She grabbed a long stick with her magic, she near the river. "Twilight grab on!" Trixie yelled, her magic was flickering. Twilight grabbed the stick, but Trixie's magic faded. "Sis help I'm scared!" Twilight screamed. "Twilight!" Trixie screamed trying to use her magic. Just this Twilight was in a magical aura that belonged to Shinning Armor. "It's alright Twilight your safe." Shinning said to a crying filly. "Shinning I'm sorry I tried to save her but magic." Trixie tried to explain. "It's alright Trixie as long as no one got hurt. Let's get back home." With that Shinning, a now sleeping filly and Trixie on his back began to walk back home. *latter that night* Trixie felt like she failed her sister, she did want to do this but it was for her sister's safety. She was now in her sister's room where lied a sleeping Twilight, Trixie could not help but smile and raised her hoof to remove strains of hair covering adorable face. A few tears left Trixie's eyes, but soon turned to many. "I'm so sorry sis, if Shinning wasn't there you would have...would have..." Trixie's horn lit up." This spill i learned will make it to where you and never remember each other. The spill will start working in three hours. Goodbye sis." With that three streams of magical energy came off of her horn and entered Twilight's horn which glowed for a few seconds before fading. Trixie glowed the same before fading. Trixie then walked out door before saying "have nice life...Sis." Before leaving never to be seen again. --------------------------------------------------------------- *end memory* Trixie could not believe what happened it was as if a old her locked away is now free. 'I remember now why left, I felt like I failed as a sister.' Trixie said to her self. 'Yay, yay now why don't we go back to the part where she was in the river.' Carnage said 'Why you red stain. I'm changing my mind, I'm not letting anypony hurt my sister.' Trixie growled but Carnage just laughed. 'You are no longer in command. I'll give your sister your last words when we strike her down AHAHAHA.' With that Carnage left her mind leaving Trixie alone. 'Will see about that Carnage.' > Chapter 5: Maximum Carnage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: road to mount drago "How could she just take that thing back after what it did to her?" Rainbow asked, mostly herself. "She might be trying to prove that she can do this herself." Fluttershy mumbled, to herself. "Ya sound like your...worried about her." Applejack said, with a rised eyebrow. "Worried about her safety yes." Rainbow said, then flow ahead. Rainbow had been acting weird when Twilight was around. Applejack had even caught her "Spying" on Twilight from on the clouds. She didn't know if Rainbow was being worried about Twilight after the whole Venom ordeal or just being plan creepy. "Of all places for them to duke out why a Volcano?" Rarity asked" after getting cobweb in her mane. "Oh a Volcanic area is all ways the best place to have final battles, even when your apprentice turned and became evil only to get two legs and an arm cut off and put in a suit to keep you alive and makes you sound so silly like this." Pinkie then covers her mouth and makes this wierd breathing sound. "Hmm...Yay what ever you say pinkie" Rainbow was not paying much attention. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venom reached the top of the volcano, she was instantly tackled and thrown at a large chunk of rock, which shattered on impact. "Hi Mom, do you know how long we've been waiting for this moment" Carnage said, after another strike with her clawed hoof. 'What does she mean by Mo...oh.' Venom thought to her self, before a tentacle rapped around her back hoofs and tossed her near cliff to boiling lava below. "And this little story ends no-."Before Carnage could end it, she was tackled by a familiar Cyan Blur. "Not on my watch." "Oh, I didn't know you wear a watch." Pinkie said, with a exhausted Rarity right behind her. "It's a metaphor pinkie." Applejack said getting Venom back up. "We had everything under control." Venom growled, Glaring at Applejack who glared back. "You're welcome And yeah we can tell from the fact that you Where just literally hanging for dear life." Applejack tried not snap at her. "Where is Scootaloo." Fluttershy asked flying low and looking around her. "Over here!" Pinkie waved from on top of a dead tree where a tied up filly was. "Mmmmm?" Scootaloo tried to talk but her mouth was tapped shut. "Ya don't say." Pinkie respond while hanging upside-down. "MMMMM!" Scootaloo responded, looking angry. "Okay okay ya don't have to yell." Pinkie then tears off the tape. "OOOOOWWWW!" Scootaloo screams. "PINKIE!" Everyone except Carnage and Venom yell at the same time. "Sorry." Pinkie said. "Get off us!" Carnage growled. "Not a chance." Rainbow glared holding her down. "Very well." Carnage then tucked her back clawed hoof and bucked her off right at the dead tree." I'll just KILL YOU FIRST!" Carnage walked towards the downed Rainbow who was losing consciousness. "RAINBOW!" Everyone screamed. Carnage smirked back at them, dragging her clawed hoof against the ground. ~THUMP!~ The Valcano was getting unstable as a another shack made applejack, Venom, and Carnage nearly loose balance, the others won't so lucky. 'This Valcano is getting unstable from us throwing each other around.' Venom thought to her self. "Get them out of here." Venom told Applejack who Glared back. "I an't going no where Partner." "JUST GO!" Venom nearly roared. Applejack's glare fated, what did she see in Venom's eye, it was not Hatred for once. She sighed and rounded Rarity and Fluttershy, Pinkie ran to them with Scootaloo on her back. Rainbow was flung at a boulder which cracked. Rainbow had blood on the side of her mouth. "No one can save you know." Carnage said, with a smirk. Her clawed hoof changed into a sword like weapon. "Why don't you look me in the eye and say that." Rainbow heaved. Trying to get back up. " as you wish." A clawed hoop rapped around the back of Rainbow's head, squeezing a little. Carnage brught Rainbow's head to face hers." My face well be the last thing your pathetic eyes ever see." Carnage was about to strike when she felt a...headache and growing, her horn was glowing "AAACCHH WHAT'S HAPPENING!" Carnage soon expanded until... ~BOOM!~ Trixie finally freed herself. "That ~GASP!~ hurt." And Trixie fell unconscious. "Well that happened." Rainbow said. Red goo started to reform near Trixie and from what looked like a bipedal form, hoofs turned into two pairs of long claws and the back hoofs now looked like feet. One claw turned Into a axe and she pounced, ready to strike Trixie. But to Everyone's surprise, Venom tears herself off of Twilight and formed into the same bipedal form. Venom grabbed under axe arm and flung Carnage down into the volcanic lava. Carnage was gone. Venom let out a victorious roar. Until she or now it looked back at the others, some where glares, some looks of fear. One caught it's interest, Twilight who had look of worry,surprise,etc. Venom's appearance soon changed, its mouth disappeared and its chest, shoulders, and knees now looked like armor but still had that white spider symbol on its chest. It countuned stare until it spoke. "No more pain." It even now sound like a male. And like a blur he disappeared. "Should we go after it." Fluttershy asked. "No, something tells me we'll meet it again and hopefully not as enemy's. Right now we better Trixie and Rainbow to the hospital." Twilight said as she lifted up Trixie, and Applejack carried Rainbow. Something about Trixie seems to bring back old memories, and she will find out this time. To be continued > Chapter 6: the Dark Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hospital Most of the others had left the hospital three hours are after they got a room for Trixie. Surprisingly Rainbow was still there along with Scootaloo, Twilight, and Spike. Scootaloo had been having a hard time believing all that had happened. "So let me see if I got this, there are these symbiotes, one "found" Twilight half a year ago, you all had to fight her, she almost killed all of you, Pinkie somehow split the symbiote from Twilight, and saved her. Now the Something happened to Trixie, but Trixie was somehow split from this Carnage, who was going to kill you, however Venom saved you and then just ditched us." "I told you five times already, YESSSS!!!" Rainbow said, getting a little annoyed at Scootaloo. "GAH my head hurts." Scootaloo whined, rubbing her head. Spike was about to say something when Twilight walked in carrying some papers in a saddlebag. "I just checked on Trixie and she should be able to checkout in three days, she only suffered a minor injury horn. She has recovered nicely." Twilight explained, looking more happy then usual. "Well somepony looks happy even though she nearly watched that symbiote just leave. Also what's with the papers." Rainbow said, noting the papers hanging out of the saddlebag on both sides. "Oh he, I just decided on our little dilemma with Scootaloo." Twilight then took the papers out and scattered them on a near by table. Scootaloo then came over for a look scanning the papers before her eyes went wide, followed by some miner tears. "Scootaloo as of today I will be your legal guardian." Twilight said, looking at the little filly with tears of her own. Twilight soon found herself embraced by the little filly who was now crying her eyes out in Twilight's fur. Twilight rubbed Scootaloo's back calming her "Thank you so much you don't *hic* how much this means to me." "Your welcome sweetheart." Twilight said, with a smile. Amongst all the crying, Rainbow was able to sneak out. "Maybe another day just not today." With that she took off letting them have their peace ------------------------------------------- Location: somewhere underground In a room stood a what looked like a human being with a red head looking at some screens that showed locations all across Equestria. A man in a suit walked in carrying a case." Sir we got what you wanted, though I don't see why we need blood or oil." "No. This is more then that what you brought to me will help use take back our planet that we lost so many years ago, and this will enhance our future agents abilities. But first we will our new chemical that will allow our agents to control it." The red head man said, without turning look at him. "Yes sir we will have these sent to our science division." "Good, we will soon rise up from the ashes of the old world and bring forth a new one, cut one head off and two more will take it's place. HAIL HYDRA!" "HAIL HYDRA!" The man shouted then walked away. "Hmm..." The red headed man then pressed a button which brought up two people frozen in time capsules on one screen. The red headed man then pressed another button "begin Project: Symbiosis."