> A New World - A New Game > by V-Oblivion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Past Move I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1/3 of a prologue of Evo's work. This story is set in a time long before the events of the main story, ANW, takes place.If you read looking for Ponies, you wouldn't find them in this portion of the story. You can jump to the 1st move if you wish, but I would thank you if you took the time to read through this portion as well. ATT- V-Oblivion. An old conflict, an old game A Past War Long ago In a far away world The landing craft moved slowly through the early morning waters, waves lapping against its sides as it made its way towards the Tsushima island. A small platoon was doing their best to keep their lunches in their stomach as they headed for their destination. Yet most of them were dizzy long before setting foot on the embankment, as the place they were going to was nothing short of Hell on Earth. For almost three years, the once peaceful island had been the battleground against the most unexpected yet ruthless foe anyone in the Pokemon world had ever encountered; the Pokemon Liberation Army. Without any warning, the PLA began a merciless campaign on the capital city of Shinto, making quick work of its relatively short defences and then moving onto the civilian population, sparing no one in the carnage: old, young or Pokemon. As far as the PLA was concerned, if you weren't with them, you were against them. “Hey Sarge, how long do you think we’re gonna last?” one of the less sea-sick soldiers grimly joked, yet his aspect wasn’t any better. “Don’t make those kinds of jokes Corporal, brings bad luck,” replied the Sergeant with a firm yet hushed tone. “But it would be a miracle if most of us can reach nightfall.” Two years of bloody battle was what followed the already Dante-esque conflict, and now this group would be the newest addition to the island’s body count. Hours earlier “Listen up!” shouted the Sergeant to the assembled men and women. “A few days ago, a surveillance Fearow took some pictures of an abandoned Silph Corporation facility on Tsushima. According to it…” At this point, the room the soldiers were in became pitch black as an aerial-view photograph of a large structure was projected onto the wall behind the Sergeant. “The place appears to have become active. At first we thought the rampant Pokemon were merely messing around with the place, so we cut the electric source. Mostly to avoid any important experiment to be blown away. However…” The picture changed to a nocturnal one, the structure now with its lights on. “They have kept the place running. The Silph Corporation was able to remotely monitor the lab’s productivity, before the Pokemon somehow found out about it and cut the line. They said that most of the protocols were being properly run through the mainframe, yet the energy distribution has been greatly modified. In other words, they are using the place for something. “Our orders are to get in there, investigate what the Hell is going on, and put a stop to it,” explained the Sergeant. The picture changed again, now was a thermal one. “As we can see, security is very tight, whatever they are doing in there seems to be very important. All the more reason for us to go and meddle with it.” A new picture appeared, showing a map of the industrial complex and part of the island’s beach. “The plan is as follows: The 152th, 360th, and the 113th Infantry, will arrive at Izanami’s beach and will then proceed towards the facility. This is deep within enemy territory so we expect large amounts of patrols and surveillance, however the beach itself is relatively unguarded, mostly because it’s the place where the PLA’s Yellow Fins-” A picture showing a group of Sharpedos piercing through a vessel appeared on the wall. “-are stationed, so we will need to drive them away with the help from the 55th Naval Armored Fleet; they will provide a distraction and give us a window to land.” Then a thermal image with a few heat signatures on the beach appeared. “Finally, we will receive some air support to take care of the nests guarding the area. This will also give us some time since, as far we know, the PLA only uses Psychic messengers to deliver information. If we can deal with them before they have enough time to react, then our landing will remain a secret… hopefully.” Said the sergeant with little conviction. Finally, light returned to the room. “Any questions?” A hand was raised. “Sir!” “Yes Corporal?” “Why do we have to go in on foot?” asked the confused soldier. “Shouldn’t an old fashioned air bombing be enough to get rid of the whole damn place alongside the horde?” “We thought the same, but...” Another picture appeared on the wall, a bit dull now that the lights were on. It showed the place illuminated by countless explosions. “They were able to catch the bombs before landing, even managed to take out one of the planes as well.” Another picture appeared, showing what could only be described as a yellow blur about to collide with the camera. “The enemy seems to have one heck of an ace on their air forces, thus ruling an air strike out of our list of options,” added the sergeant with an unpleasant tone. “Anyone else?” Another hand. “Recruit.” “S-sir…!” shouted a young boy with a shivering tone while saluting, though all who saw him could tell how nervous he was. “No need for so much formalities kid,” the Sarge joked, causing the recruit to blush in shame while the rest chuckled. “What is it?” “Sir, d-do we really have to leave our Pokemon here, sir?” All smiles vanished as this question was made. “I’m afraid so,” replied the Sergeant, not too pleased himself. “The snobs on the higher-ups are afraid other Pokemon may join the rampants; a complete load Tauros shit if you ask me, but orders are orders.” The place became very gloom. “So… we’re on our own then?” asked a third soldier, more as a statement than a question. “I am afraid so.” The Sergeant then removed his cap, passing his large hand through his short hair. “I won’t lie to you, this mission will be beyond impossible. If anyone feels like quitting, I won’t blame you.” The room fell silent. “We were trained to fight alongside our companions, and yet to go into battle without them would be like going without a rifle. Simply put, it will be suicide.” The silence continued. “However,” the Sergeant continued, “We humans are no strangers to war, so if these madmon want to give us Hell, I’ll tell them ‘You’re late to the party!’” At these words, the sergeant placed his cap back on and his tone has increased as few notes. “We invented this shit, and I will be damned if we allow a bunch of feral creatures to outdo us on our turf!” He let his words settle in before continuing, but once they did he used a far more gentle yet still strong voice. “Yet we are nothing like them, we fight to defend what is important in this world, not to burn it down as they have done. So if you care about your region, your partners, and your family, write them a very long letter, because we are going to die for them.” The platoon didn’t seem too happy with the idea, but most of them gave a resolute expression in return. “Those who want to leave are free to do so, the rest; I will see you all at 0300. May Arceus watch over our souls, that is all. Dismissed!” “... may Arceus watch over our souls indeed,” repeated the Sergeant as their landing craft came close to land, so far no attacks had fallen on them. Besides their craft were two others, each team would head for a different route on arrival, increasing their possibilities of success. At least that was the theory behind it. “Everyone look sharp!” Shouted the sergeant. “Don’t think anything and just run for the forest when we hit the beach!” Then the first boat made contact with the beach, blowing into pieces as soon as it did so. “Fuck!” Screamed one of the men looking at the other craft as it caught flames. “Fire Types!” As soon his words left his lips, a new volley of fire was thrown into the air. “Mortar incoming!” Shout another soldier as the fire rained on the craft. “We ain’t reaching land like this.” Shout the sarge. “Everyone, jump to the sides! Swim to safety!” And then lead by example, throwing himself into the water. He was followed shortly after by the rest of his platoon, yet some of them weren't fast enough as a ball of fire fell on them as they left the embarcation. The sea was quickly adorned with roasted corpses. As the sergeant swim frantically towards ground, he saw how some of his men struggled to float, at this pace some of them will drawn. “Leave your gear!” He shout as hard as he could over the noise of explosions. “Leave it!” Meanwhile, the third craft was using the smoke from the first one as a cover and had started to return the fire, yet that only turned them into the PLA’s main target. Sarge could only curse in his mind as he finally reached the beach, he could clearly see only two thirds of his platoon on the beach, the rest were either burning on the surface or reaching the water’s floor. None of them will leave the sea. “Communications!” He shouted. “Where the hell is our cover?” “Communications are down sir!” Shouted back one of the soldiers. “She is down with the radio.” “Fuck!” Cursed the sergeant once more, “If we don’t get some cover soon we are done for.” Then, he looked at the still firing craft. “The 360th won’t last long at this rate.” The young man had to choose. Wait for an air support that may or may not arrive so the 360th would make it, or use them as cover and run for it. He had to worry for the lives of his troops, but the ones on the craft were also important. However, the inner debacle was short lived as the 360th made the choice for him. The remaining craft broke from its smoke cover at full speed. Aiming for the beach while also taking heavy fire from the enemy. As this happened, Sarge’s short range radio catched a call. ” …-ead-...or th-..ods… e wil- over yo…” the fire over the craft suddenly intensified as the PLA took noticed of what they were planning to do. “-it wa… onor to kno…” Then a big Pirotecnic hit the craft, causing it to explode. But it was already too late. The craft was going too fast to be stopped now and run trough the beach as soon it made contact with the land, landing right between the PLA’s nest ant Sarge’s platoon, its smocking remains covering the patch of land remaining between them and the forest. Sarge only wasted time enough to salute the flaming craft and then dashed towards the forest while shouting. “Run you idiots, or do you plan to live for ever!?” The platoon followed right after, yet not all of them made it, as the nest continued to shoot at their direction, getting lucky hitting some of the running soldiers. In the end half of the platoon reached the tree line, but they weren't safe just yet. As soon they reached the forest, the Pokemon on the nest began to give them chase, only for a daffing noise to feel between them. Finally the air support had arrived, only five minutes too late. “Those fucking idiots…” Sarge coursed on a low tone as the explosions continued to flatten the enemy. “Stand up you bunch of Slakings! We have no time to lose here, they will no doubt send a searching party.” Not even trying to discover their superior, the remnants of the 113th moved deeper into the jungle, leaving a burning sea behind them. “So much for reaching the night…” Said Sarge to himself as he lead what was left of his troops deeper into hell. After a quick marathon, the soldiers were finally allowed to lay down so their medic could give them an examination. “Okay doc, patch them up…” Said Sarge with exhaustion. “Sir!” A nurse Joy replied. “We really are doing terribly when the Center’s nurses are dragged into this and sent instead of a doctors.” Commented one of the soldiers. “I wasn’t dragged.” Replied the nurse as she stitched a soldier’s arm. “I volunteered myself. There is no way I could just let so many to die if I could do something about it.” “Just don’t get too cooky doc.” Said Sarge. “You can make us go further, but I doubt you can stop us from kicking the bucket.” “Don’t worry sir, we will do our best.” Proudly replied Joy. “We?” Inquired the sergeant, to which Joy simply grinned deviously. “There is no way I can keep up with everyone on my own, so…” The nurse then turned around, carefully looking for something on her clothes while also been sure of no one was looking. Finally she turned around while proclaiming. “Ta-da!” On each a hand, a Pokeball. On her chest, a deflated bust. “... how did you sneak those in?” Asked the sergeant. “Where did she keep them?” asked a less confused but equally curious soldier. “Little details, little details.” Replied Joy as if was some insufficient matter. “For now let us take care of everyone. Is time to work you two!” She proclaimed while throwing the balls. With an herpetic ‘pop,’ both spheres open, releasing a blinding light and two round, pink Pokemon. One was an oval shaped biped with short arms, something that looked like a dress and curled hair. A small egg been holded on a pouch on her belly. The other one was a slightly less round Pokemon with thinner arms, fanned ears and a cotton-like tail. However, no matter how you look at them, the first one seemed to be way younger than the latter. Both of them had a small nursing cap over their heads, an armband and a apron, all of which had a camouflage pattern with a red cross. “Everyone, these are my assistants; Blissey and Audino.” Both Pokemon give a respective bow to the soldiers. Some of the soldiers returned the gesture, while some of the others keep their guns pretty close. “S-sir… are you sure of this…?” Asked a nervous soldier. ‘Less than a day here and some of them are already scared by Pokemon.’ Thought Sarge before answering. “I don’t see why there should be any problem, but just to avoid any trouble: those who don’t want to be checked by the Pokemon Nurses feel free to say so POLITELY, understand?” The only reply the soldiers give were mumbles and grumbles. Yet the sergeant asked in a low tone. “Are those two trustworthy?” Joy kept her gentle expression the best she could, even when her eyes show how much insulted she felt. “There is none more.” Joy said loud enough for everyone to hear. “I raised Blissey myself. I know her from the egg.” Blissey give a blushing smile in return. “And Audino used to help my mom, she KNOWS me from the egg.” The mentioned Pokemon, only give a knowing smile as she checked a soldier. “So I trust them both with my life sir!” “Okay, okay I get it!” Exclaimed Sarge back, urging her to lower her voice. “There is no need to give away our location…” Joy seemed to realize her mistake as her face turn paller. “I-I sorry sir… it won’t happen again.” “Just don’t make a habit out of it okay?” Replied Sarge as he sit back down and examined his map. They were a bit off track, but that may have been a good thing. The searching parties would no doubt look for them on the more obvious routes. That small mishap may end up giving them an advantage. He then looked up toward the working Pokemon, they treated those who let them work on them with utmost care and attention, Blissey even shared some of her Soft Boiled eggs with the soldiers. “It’s hard to believe such gentle creatures can be turned into such terrifying monsters…” Sarge said to himself. On the other side, the Audino had reached a pale and trembling soldier which Sarge recognized as the recruit. To the sergeant, he didn’t looked to be too old, maybe 18 years, tops. As soon Audino placed a paw on his back, the boy began to throw up violently. The nurse didn’t stop him and simply patted him on the back. “Just let him be.” Sarge commanded. “He needs some time and space to get over this… we all do.” He said in the end mostly to himself. After some planning, a short snack and making sure Joy and her Pokemon had done their job, the sergeant put everyone on the move. “Enough rest, boys and girls, that lab isn’t going to inspect itself.” He also motioned Joy to keep her Pokemon out. It would be better to have somemon to heal the team if the situation got too daring. Or in the worst case scenario, as cannon fodder. Inside Silph co.’s labs An hostage Pokemon struggled with its chains, yet the low temperature of the room made it impossible while a soft and gentle voice continued its harassment with an angelical tone. “Why do you continue to deny the holiness of our mission?” Said a female mind directly into the Pokemon’s. “you of all mons should know better and give aid to our glorious commander.” “... your commander…” weakly replied the very tired captive. “is nothing but a madmon… all he looks for is to have the world under his coils!” “And what is wrong about it?” questioned the sweet voice without any trace of doubt. “In his strong embrace we shall find salvation not only for our brethren but to all creation as well. For he is chosen by none other than our Lord and Master, the great Arceus.” The faith the voice had given no place for doubt on her devotion. “... you are blind…” the captive replied. “ you prefer not to, or you like what you s-see, … there is no way Lord Arceus had ever chosen such a sick genocidal fiend as hi-AAagaghagaahggh!!” Suddenly there was that pain again, running through all of his body and mind. “Do not badmouth his Holiness!” Commanded the voice like a mother would to a child. “But it is okay, you will see the light in due time. As long we manage to remove those lies the humans had filled you with.” The captive continued to scream in agony as it felt as if its own mind and body were torn to pieces again and again. If it weren’t for the mental training he had, the mad angel who was talking to him would have broken him long ago, but at this rate, he wasn’t sure of how much he would be able to stand her relentless assaults. “I beg you for your forgiveness.” Said the voice with what sounded as genuine regret, yet the pain didn’t stop. “But you have to understand this is for your own good, for the greater good, our saviour's good!” Then the pain stopped. So did the voice. The Pokemon couldn’t understand why though, yet he didn't care that much. She will return. She always did. All he could do for now was to use the time he head to fortify his mind the best he could. Yet he prayed to Arceus for it to be enough. “I deeply apologize my general…” Said a Bisharp sweating bullets. “But there is a group of humans who need some interrogation... “ “And you dare to say some humans are more worthy of my time that the holly labor I am performing right now?” The general softly said with a tone so cold it could freeze. “No!” quickly replied the soldier with terror. “I-I would never dare to do such thing! I am just following general Zard’s orders ma’am… please… forgive me…” Said at the end the PLA soldier at the verge of tears. “If its Zard then I guess there is nothing we can do.” Calmly replied the general as she pass walked the soldier with her son in tow. “Forgiveness is yours as is the air you breath. Please, remember to use them more wisely in the future.” “Yes… thank you ma’am…” Said the soldier as he kept himself from prostrating before the general. General Voira, considered by many as the second in command on the PLA and the most faithful follower to their commander by all, didn't look the part. She was a Gardevoir beautiful enough for anyone to fall for her beauty alone: male, female or human. Her voice was, as well, nothing like the one who commanded over thousands of killers. Yet every single one of those cold blooded killers knew well to respect and fear the general. “Have you learned properly Gard?” She lovingly asked to the Kirlia walking besides her, whom she kept a hand gently on her. “Yes mother.” Replied the male. “Good boy.” She praised while stroking her son’s head. “One day you will have to lead others through the righteous path as I am doing right now, so our holy work can be one day completed.” “Yes mother.” Gard replied with a cherishing voice. “I will make sure to bring many Pokemons to our cause and slay all humans from the face of the Earth!” “I know you will.” Voira admitted. “But for now you must learn lots and lots okay.” Then they reached the place where the prisoners were been held. “So be sure to keep proper attention.” A group of humans were held in some bright room adapted for the ordeal, although ‘being held’ was a bit of a mistake, since all three of them were completely unrestrained, yet none of them had been able to move for the past minute. No matter how hard they tried. Their bodies had lost all mobility, as if they weren’t theirs. Then a voice broke into their minds. “What have you come here for?” Voira demanded with her sweet and cold mind before even walking into the room. The soldiers felt as if a limb was repeatedly cut into pieces as the Gardevoir walked in with a Kirlia, yet none of them were able to scream in the slightest. Only the pain and terror in their eyes could tell the supplice what they were going through. “Answer!” She demanded again while releasing the restraints in one of the soldier’s mouth. “OH LORD! What the hell is going on?” The soldier screamed, then his head was twisted around and fell to the ground. “Answer properly.” Explained Voira as she tossed the limp body to the corner and released the mouth of another soldier. “AH! We are here to liberate Tsushima from your occupation… god!” Exclaimed the next soldier the best he could within his pain. Then he felt how his arm was twisted in a very unnatural position. “GHYA!!” “That is something I already know, what exactly did you come here for?” Voira clarified. “All of you aren’t regular soldiers, your gear tells me that much.” She said while levitating the communication and infiltration devices they once held. “Were you planning to take our great commander down?” “Nowedont’!Nowedont’!Nowedont’!Nowedont’!Nowedont’!” The soldier hushedly replied numerous times, then his other arm was twisted. “AAGGGHHH!” “Don’t you lie to me!” Voira shout quite violently, something that surprised Gard, although this wasn’t rare. If there was a living being she would care for more than even her son, that was without a doubt her glorious commander. “Do you really believe I would buy that story? What would a group of “elite” soldiers want in our holy land but to shut him down?” The soldier wasn’t able to give a proper reply anymore, as the pain on his mind and body was way too much for him to endure. With an exasperated sigh, Voira made all of his limbs twist multiple times, leaving the neck for last. With a deafening noise of bones cracking, ligaments snapping, organs been pierced and a blood spilling scream, the soldier’s torment finally came to an end. “You” Voira told the remaining soldier, a woman who clearly showed her fear had outmatched her pain long ago. “Because of how poorly your comrades replied I have been left with just you to get any information. So unless you want me to have to ask you repeatedly, you will tell me exactly what I want to hear. Is that clear?” And so she returned the last one her voice. “We… we are here under an special contractor…” The woman began, Voira keep an expressionless face as she motion her to go on. “They wanted us to… to look for a certain Pokemon.” Voira’s eyes flashed red for an instant, something the soldier didn’t miss. “It wasn’t the commander…” The woman said almost respectfully. “It wasn’t him… we were looking for the Pokemon you are keeping hostage here…” The Gardevoir’s eyes blinked a few times. “And how come you know about our honorable guest?” She asked, now interested on what this human had to say. “They were already looking for him.” She abruptly replied, tears falling from her cheeks as the fear within her grew larger and larger. “They told us where to go and where to look at… please that is all we were told…” “And your contractor is?” She asked with fake gentleness. “We don’t know…” Said the soldier while crying heavily. “We never saw our contract, I swear for Arceus!” “Swear it for the commander!” Shout Voira back. “And maybe I will consider your words for true.” “I swear for him, I truly and fully do!” The human quickly did. Voira keep silent for a moment. “I will believe you.” She finally said while letting go of her hold over the soldier’s body. “I wouldn’t like to stain myself looking into your filthy mind, or with your repugnant blood.” She added while mentally grabbing one of the guns from the rest of the secured items and toss it besides the human. “Here, you can at least have the privilege of ending your disgusting existence for the glory of our commander.” The woman stared at the gun while Voira turned to her son. “You see Gard, these foul creatures are ease to tame, so long you know what to say and show them who gives the orders.” As she was saying this, the remaining soldier took grab of the gun she was given and slowly raised its nuzzle, aiming at the Gardevoir's back. “But never forget…” Voira continued while the gun was properly aimed at her. “It is our holy duty to rid the world of these filthy abominations.” And then she pulled the trigger. Nothing happen. “It’s not like these things will properly kill themselves.” The soldier stared at her gun in disbelieve. “Missing this?” Voira’s voice asked while a magazine floated besides her again immobile body, yet this time wasn’t a mental binding that kept her like this, but simple and pure fear that made a statue out of her body. “I give you an opportunity to help our great and just cause, and still you prefer to make me waste my time.” Then her arm began to slowly move on its own, increasing the human’s fright, if Voira wasn’t going to properly kill her, a heart attack definitely would in short time. “You whose mere presence stains this holy land, defiles the air and challenges our exalted existence. Know this...” The gun then pointed directly at her head while the magazine was slowly introduced on the killing device. “It is with great pleasure that I release this planet from your existence.” The gun’s hammer clicked. “So rejoice, as we have removed one more stain from the beauty of this world.” The trigger was slowly squeezed by her finger, no matter how frantically she tried to stop it. “For the glory of our great commander!” A dull explosion, an splatting sound and an empty case ricocheting on the ground. “So be it.” Finished Voira with her own voice as she turned to her son, who repeated the same words in blind belief “Now, we have to go back and continue our holy work.” She warmingly said while taking Gard’s hand, walking him out the now lifeless room. “But first, what would you like to have for dinner?” Tsushima Island Somewhere in a forest The platoon had walked for what had felt like days, finally the sun seemed to disappear on the horizon. “Tsh.” Cursed the sergeant. “I hoped we could have reached the outskirts of the city by now.” He took out his map again, confirming their position and verifying that in fact, they were a few miles behind. “There is nothing to do then. Corporal, take some men and scout the perimeter, the rest of you start to make a camp. But no fires or tents! I don’t want to give these bastards a chance to spot us.” The men did as told and quickly most of the platoon was lying under some improvised roofs made out leaves and twigs. All but one soldier, who continued to look at the jungle, as if afraid of it. Sarge pitied the boy and walked beside him. “Recruit.” Saluted Sarge. “S-sir!” He the young man saluted back with a awkward pose. “Just keeping watch, sir!” “That is okay.” Said Sarge calmly. “But by staying up like this you stand out like an Umbreon on the morning snow.” “S-sorry sir…” Apologized the recruit, yet he didn’t do anything else. “Son, just sit down.” Commanded the sergeant as he lead by example, the recruit needed a second to understand what he meant, but finally sat down beside him. “You are really young.” Sarge said after looking the boy closer. “What will someone as young as you gain by joining something as bloody as war?” “T-to protect my region, sir!” Replied the Recruit with a military yet hushed tone while also avoiding his superior’s gaze with his helmet. “You sound like one of those recruiting propaganda.” Joked the young man. “Is that really the reason?” “It’s way better than the PLA’s sir!” Replied again the recruit. During the following time from the original invasion, the PLA made sure to deliver as much propaganda as possible in order to demoralize their enemies, they covered every kind of it, from written pamphlets been delivered by Flying-types, to hacking famous web sites via Porygons and Rotoms. In short time, the whole world knew about the virtual destruction of Tsushima and the name of the Pokemon behind those atrocities, all in an attempt of made said name feared by all. They succeeded. “It’s all a big pile of Tauros crap kid!” The sergeant exclaimed as lowly as possible. “Both of them. PLA’s is full of sensational stuff made to terrorise masses and ours only talk about defending the free way of bla-bla-bla which translates to ‘go and die for us big-fat-rich farts.” The recruit chuckled at the last example. “That is what it is!” Reaffirmed the sergeant. “But… but what about you sarge?” Asked the boy. “Me?” Asked back the sergeant with confusion. “Y-yeah, I mean, if you know all that then why are you still here?” The sergeant thought how to properly put it into words, finally he said. “To keep gullible people like you alive.” Then he pointed at the troops they still had. “You see Regi over there? He was confident he would die for his region the first day of service. Ramirez over there did it to get Unova’s nationality, Lisbeth there was running from home.” Sarge looked at the camp and sighed. “They all have some random and silly idea of what war was, some easy way to get something or get rid of another thing. So I am here to keep their hides intact.” Explained the young man. The boy thought on his words and then asked with a bit of regret. “And… what about those left behind sir?” Sarge’s jaw become rigid at the reminder. “I am just a man kid… there is no way I can save them all.” “Oh… harsh world huh?” Replied the recruit. “It sure is… it sure… is…?” Sarge said calmly at first, but then his tone and expression grew worried by the second. “...sir?” Asked the recruit with confusion. “Kid… Do.Not.Move!” He commanded in a low tone as he took out his knife and aimed at the youngster’s feet where a vine was slowly coiling around him. “...what the he-AH!” Before anyone could do anything, the vine snatched the recruit into the forest and out of view. “KID!” Screamed the sergeant, only to be followed by another scream. “CONTACT!” which in turn was followed by the sound of bullets. However, they weren’t being shot in his direction. The fire came from the other side of the camp, where a one handed Scyther had just cut a man on the chest. The sergeant cursed his luck as he dashed towards the camp. “... sorry kid.” “I WILL SLICE YOU ALL LIKE GRASS!” Screamed the rampant Bug-type. Of course, no one could understand what he was saying, but that didn’t stop the soldiers breaking into disarray and fear. “God damn it!” Exclaimed one of the soldiers firing directly at the Mantis Pokemon. “Why are bullets bouncing on him!?” “YOUR PATHETIC PEA SHOOTERS ARE NOTHING AGAINST MY CHITIN!” Exclaimed the Scyther while charging at the soldier, bullets doing nothing against its exoskeleton. The soldier ran out of bullets a few seconds later and was unable to reload in time, not that it would have mattered as the Scyther raised its remaining blade and aimed towards the frightened man. Yet at the last moment, the man sized Bug-type was suddenly tackled by Sarge. Having only one arm, the Scyther wasn’t able to do anything as both of them hit the ground. “YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” The frenzied Pokemon exclaimed as he tried to stab Sarge, which did its best to stay out of its blade. The rest of the men were unable to aid him, bullets were ineffective, not to mention they could hurt him instead. ‘Think!’ Sarge commanded to himself. ‘His arm has recently been torned off, and his body looks burned all over. This fucker must have survived the aerial strike somehow,… how the fuck is this thing still standing in the first place?’ Then he noticed how the joints on the Scyther’s body looked more damaged than the Chitin. “Okay…” Said Sarge as he pulled his handgun and aimed at the Bug-type’s eyes. “Rebound this you son of a-” The gun fired before Sarge could finished his taunt, and even when it took out the Scyther’s eye, it didn’t seemed to do any more damage that that. “MY EYE!” Screamed the Scyther in pain. “YOU LOWLY HUMAN TOOK MY EYE!” The new pain, however, seemed to give the already enraged Pokemon another reason to get rid of the human pestering him. It a swift movement, the Pokemon raised back on its feet, giving him enough mobility to throw Sarge away with one swift spin. “Uff!” Heavily landed Sarge beneath a large tree, losing most of the air from his lungs and leaving him too disoriented to know where he was, let alone the enemy. Once his senses returned, he noticed the large Bug-type with its arm raised to strike, yet there was something protecting him, a chubby Audino using her body as a shield for him. “TRAITOR!” Exclaimed the scyther. “DO YOU THINK YOU CAN PROTECT HIM?” “I know you can cut us both in one swing.” Replied the Pokemon Nurse, of course, no one could understand either of them. “But I am not a maniac like you and your colleagues! I swore to protect and save those in need, and if I die doing that then I would have died being far more honorable that a fiend as yourself.” Her words didn’t persuaded the Scyther on the slightest, in fact he seemed way more angry now. “THEN DIE A FILTHY PET!” Proclaimed the Scyther as he raised its blade even higher than before, behind his head. Sarge clenched his eyes expecting their fate. But the Audino hadn't moved her gaze away, that let her saw what happened next. As soon the Scyther had begun to bring his arm down, a metallic wire had fallen around said arm and neck, leaving the blade pressed against it while a body fell behind it, pulling the other side of the wire and raising the Scyther on the tree. The Bug-type struggled to broke free, yet all it did was cut further and further into his own flesh, then the shadow gave another pull and finished the job, leaving a headless corpse hanged on the branch. The shadow then let go of the wire, letting the corpse to fall to the ground with little respect, and turned to the ones he just saved. “Hey!” He commanded to the Nurse. “That guy over there may still make it.” It took a moment for both, Joy and Blissie, to acknowledge what the young one meant. Meanwhile he turned to the Audino. “Quite some guts you have. Try not to lose them so easily.” “Wait!” Exclaimed Sarge as he noticed the new voice. “K-kid?” “Sir.” Replied the young one in a cold yet respectful tone. Then everyone notice it, the one who have just saved their lives was none other than the recruit. “But… the vine…?” Asked Sarge in confusion and relieve. The ‘recruit’ simply pulled out a very large knife covered in some green goo. “Sir, I’m afraid I need your assistance.” The ‘recruit’ continued, not seeming to mind much about what just happened while placing its knife back on its scabbard. “On what…?” mindlessly asked the sergeant. “We need to rescue a V.I.P. from the PLA.” “A very important person?” Asked Joy from her end, patching the soldier up, in confusion. "They leaf someone alive?" “No.” The young one replied. “A very important Pokemon.” “Have you thought about what I have told you?” Aske Voira to her valuable prisoner. “It’s hard not to when is psychically engraved on your mind.” The poor dragon answered with spite. “Good, then I am sure you can rejoice!” She exclaimed with an ecstatic tone. “As you have been graced with the greatest visit one could possibly dream to have.” “Don’t tell me, your commander has decided to come and say hi…?” The prisoner joked. There was no response. “No way…” Suddenly a blast door open, blinding the Pokemon for a moment as he focused whom he had before him. It was a serpentine Pokemon, black as the night and toxic green hexagonal spots over his back, a length not natural for its kind and an even wider width, the creature seemed as a slightly smaller version of himself save the face, which had a serene and almost condescending look on his eyes, his cold and calculative eyes. “It is with great humbleness that I stand before a champion of our father.” The visitor said with a tone so elegant and prideful, none would have dared to deny its owner. He then gave the captive a polite yet altive bow. “My dear brother, Lord Rayquaza.” The lord of the atmosphere had faced many things during his long life, yet this was the first time in all of it he felt such chill run through his spine the moment those blue eyes locked with his. For the first time in forever, the king of dragons felt fear. “I’m afraid I can’t say the same.” Coldly replied the Sky High Pokemon. “Commander Viper.” > Past Move 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2/3 of a prologue of Evo's work. An old conflict, an old game A Past Commander “I am sure it’s shocking to see me in such humble form.” Said the supreme commander of the PLA forces with a melodic and gentle tone. “But I assure you, I am here on behalf of our father.” For the past minute, the one known as the ruler of the skies couldn’t find something, anything, to say to his captor. It wasn’t because of its oddly large body, Rayquaza was still larger, neither its different coloration, as strange as it was it wasn’t unique. What keep the legendary’s tongue still was Viper’s eyes. They were cold and calculative, but they were also… gentle and soft, he showed no trace of regret for having him imprisoned but neither did he show pride or arrogance before him. The only thing those eyes show, as Rayquaza could only compare them to, was love. That thought alone perturbed the Sky High pokemon to no end. He thought the leader of the PLA was another power hungry maniac with an evil speech prepared for the meeting, not a calm and collected Seviper who appeared to be looking at his child. With a deep breath, the captive Pokemon looked at his captor’s eyes and find the first words to share with him. “You make me sick…” To his shock, the commander appeared surprised for a moment and then began to chuckle as if he had heard a good and well intended joke, Voira chuckled heartly behind him. “My apologizes brother.” Viper said as he cleaned a joyful tear from the corner of his eye. “I did expect you to find me as some sort of fiend, but I never expect you to be so direct with me.” “It’s hard to be subtle in my current state.” Pointed out Rayquaza with a growling tone. “Trust me.” “I am deeply sorry about your predicament brother.” Apologized Viper with a sincere and matching tone. “But I am afraid this is necessary in order for you to understand our holy mission.” “Holy you say?” Asked the mighty dragon in disbelief. “Not only do you have me prisoner here, but you have slaughtered thousands of humans and their Pokemons with not even a warning and you dare to call yourself holy!?” The chains restraining Rayquaza’s body trembled as the Legendary did its best to just float closer to the commander. “Forget about you’ve done to me!” Rayquaza continued. “What part of this massacre… this mad carnival of yours, has anything of holiness!?” Viper didn’t flinched nor did he show any other emotion but condescending, the only expression his face gave was a small smile. “Brother, I know this must look bad for you, specially having grown attached to most of those creatures.” At the last line, Viper’s blade made a single and fast dismissive gesture. “But you have been revered by them for generations, it is obvious for you to see them as anything but as what they truly are.” “And what could that possibly be?” Asked Rayquaza. “Vermins.” Answered Viper right away. “Pests, weed, plagues, things that only corrupt and stain the pure essence of this wonderful word and its once pure inhabitants conceived by our all rightful father.” Viper then moved a bit closer to the Legendary, which in return fought more to do the same. “I am sure that, despite the distance of your kingdom, you have heard of the horrors humans have caused.” Viper continued. “Not only have they enslaved us for eons, but they have also turned us into something less than a slave: a toy. A distraction for their amusement and entertainment. Not to mentions those who haven’t been lucky enough to be treated even as such: lab-rats.” For a moment, the commander’s eyes looked into his memories and shivered at them. “Those of us who have been cut open again and again to satisfy their curiosity, not even giving our brethren a proper place to have a final rest as they are simply throw away like useless trash!” Viper looked away as if he had remembered something too horrible to describe, beside him, Voira placed a hand on his side and comforted him. “Thank you Voira.” He complimented her with a gentle tone and then returned to his ‘sibling.’ “I know that what I am doing can’t be called pretty or subtle. But I know our father brought me to this world for a reason, and I have been carrying out his will in order to save my kind, our kind, our family. Can you still say my work isn’t good for this land?” “Well I am sorry if you had a crappy childhood!” Mocked back Rayquaza as he keep pulling at his restrains. “But that never gave you the right to commit such holocaust or call yourself a son of Arceus! Even when some humans are evil, not all of them sin in such way.” “Yet they never stop sinning!” Pointed out Viper, with a firm voice. “For how long have our kind been helping them and yet look at how they treat us! Less than pets at best. And their greed doesn’t stops there, I am quite sure you do know about that.” Viper and Rayquaza stare at each other, then the latter wavered for an instant. As much as he completely hated the Pokemon before him and all of his subordinates, he couldn’t say humankind was entirely free of guilt as well. If things had ended in such a way, it was all because of how prideful and arrogant humans have become. All of that doubt crossed the Legendary’s eyes for less than a second, but that was all Viper needed to see. “How about our brothers?” The commander continued. “Have they been spared by them?” Rayquaza’s restrains rustled more, yet nothing come from his mouth. He couldn’t say they have. “Haven’t they hunted us relentlessly over millennia?” Viper continued. “They don’t rever us anymore, they have imprisoned our family because of stupid reasons like fear or as banal as greed.” The image of the Colossal Pokemon been imprisoned by his own sons and the Wish Pokemon been forced to sleep to grant wishes to humans crossed on Rayquaza’s mind at each example. “No matter what region it is, there are humans hunting our brothers and sisters for their own selfish ambitions, or even worse: for mere ‘sport.’” The not so distant memory of him having to stop the Continent and Sea Basin Pokemon from the clutches of some humans crossed Rayquaza’s mind once more. “I know is hard to understand or even to acknowledge.” Said Viper with a soft tone. “But by Arceus’ blessing, I have, and now I see humans as they truly are: things that have to be taken out of our world one way or another.” Rayquaza wanted to retort Viper’s logic with anything, yet nothing came forth from him at first. ‘Am I… doubting?’ The mighty dragon crushed that thought right away and then shouted. “Then what about the slaughter of our ‘family?’ Did any of those Pokemon have any guilt?” “Sacrifices are needed in order to clean the mighty garden our father has given us.” Explained Viper with a calm tone. “And even when it pains me to see my kind die, I know they are way too contaiged to be helped. They have become used to the human slavery and can’t see the truth of my words. In the end, is for the best of all of us for everything associated with the humans to be burn to the ground, so a new, prosperous world can rise from its ashes, stronger, peaceful, pure.” Rayquaza couldn’t believe what was happening. Not only was Viper been one hundred percent sincere and true about his beliefs, but he was starting to consider them as possible. Then, the Legendary Dragon-type roared. “No-no-no-no-NO!” He couldn’t believe such amount of lies, there was no way he could. The mere idea of him being right switched the brute in him, with this wrath, he struggled and managed to release one of his claws and grab the commander with it. “There is no way a monster like you can be right!” He roared directly into Viper’s face. “YOU CAN’T!” Voira covered her son as she motioned to help her commander, yet he stopped her with a simple wave of his tail. “M-my commander?” She asked with confusion as she kept Gard behind her and an arm pointed at the enraged dragon. “Do not interfere Voira.” He said with a resolution voice. “This is between us brothers. Besides.” He looked back to give her and her soon a reassuring gaze. “You have something more important to protect right now.” Voira nodded Rayquaza’s rage only grew at the scene. ‘He does have compassion…’ He thought again, but with another roar he removed the thought. Viper may be almost as large as himself, but he was still able to snap his neck like a twig if he needed to. Yet he didn’t. “I know you can’t trust me now brother.” Continued Viper with the same voice, not a trace of fear on it. “That you hate me and my soldiers. Then so be it.” He commanded as he keep looking at Rayquaza right on the eyes. The Legendary continued to roar, yet his grip didn’t complete to a close around the Seviper’s neck. “If taking me down will calm your anger then do it.” Viper said. “But you know that will only give the humans more excuses to hunt US down.” ‘This is it!’ Rayquaza thought. ‘All I have to do is to snap his neck, and this will be over. The war will end and this hell will vanish!’ But still, his claw didn't finished the job. ‘But… but what if…?’ Another voice of him said in his head. ‘He is wrong… but what if his death causes a bigger conflict?’ Out of doubt, the Sky High Pokemon began to loosen up his grip. ‘What will be of the Pokemon Lord Arceus commissions us to protect?’ The voice continued. ‘I would be throwing them into the fray of those wanting revenge on us.’ His claws were still around the commander’s neck, but they were doing no pressure by now. ‘I would… I would be just like him!’ Rayquaza mentally proclaimed. Finally, the claw let go of its prey. “See?” Asked Viper with a reassuring tone while his bade patted the legendary’s head. “You can believe, all you need is the will to do it.” As if snapping out of a Hypnosis, the legendary roared once again, trying to reach for thee commander, yet the Seviper was no longer at his reach. With nothing else to say, the commander turned around and leave, a now way calmer Voira and her son following closely behind as the blast door returned the enraged Legendary Pokemon to his confinement. “I will let you think over it, brother.” Viper left the cell with a calm pace and a smile on his face. “Soon!” He proclaimed. “Soon we will be able to make my brother see the truth of this world and thus we will be one step closer to our goal!” “Is a marvelous event.” Agreed Voira behind him as the both of them, and Gard, reached the living quarters. “Truly it is.” Viper said with comfort then he turned around to face the young Kirlia. “You show good determination and will young man.” Prized Viper with a gentle and prideful tone. “Not only you stand your ground before one of Lord Arceus’ most imposing sons, but you also tried to help your mother.” The Kirlia blushed at the commander’s words. “You didn’t thought I would miss it don’t you?” He asked with a smile. “I d-didn’t wanted to fault your respect c-commander.” Gard replied with an embarrassed, yet happy, voice. “But there was no way I wouldn’t protect you!” “You are a brave boy Gard.” Viper prised again as he placed a coil on his shoulder. “There is no way I would feel ashamed of your courage. You will be an exemplar member of the PLA one day, be proud of that.” Gard smiled brightly at the commander’s words. “Listen to the commander, dear.” Added his mother. “He has Arceus’ blessing after all.” And with a tap on the back, she send him to his room, where a young and slightly beaten Seviper would greet him while giving the commander a cold look as he slammed the door. Voira sighed at the scene. “That kid must show more respect to you my commander.” She said tired tone. “He will learn.” Replied Viper with a more tired tone. “One way or another.” They continued their way as the kids share some stories. “It Is sad to know he will have your place one day.” Voira continued as she followed her commander. “He is too soft and weak to even dream about it.” Viper said with slight disdain. “I have to be more strict or else he will be of no use for our holy mission.” Voira doubted for a second and then proposed. “Y-you know I can be of help with that. I can remind him of the greatness of his destiny just as I do with our honorable guest, I am sure he will learn soon enough…” “No!” Commanded the commander, yet he wasn’t rude only definitive. “If I can’t command my own son, then I am not fit to command at all.” “My apologies my commander!” Voira excused herself with a regretful tone. “I never meant to diminish your self.” “You did not Voira, you did not.” The commander reassure her. “And I thank your efforts on treating the blindness of my brother, I know it must be tiresome for you to do that among the rest of your deeds.” The Gardevoir smile couldn’t fit in her face at the sound of Viper’s pride. “I only exist to serve you my commander, you and the glorious path you will make for all of us.” Viper turned around and looked at his more faithful servant. He held all of his generals on high regard, they knew better than not to fail him after all. But he knew his trust on Voira was beyond questioning. She was blindly loyal to him and he had to admit her beauty was a glorious plus. The commander then sighed. “If only you were born on a different egg group.” And continued his way. “We could have given the PLA the greatest leader there could be.” “That is inexcusable from my part.” Admitted Voira as she followed him into his own chambers. “For now focus on helping my brother.” Said Viper as he let the door open for her to walk in, which she did more than gladly. “Worry not my commander, I am sure there is already a voice in his head making him doubt his false beliefs.” Viper nodded as he closed the door behind them. He had taken the room of the once chief of the facility, as such, his room was the more elegant and comfortable in the whole island, more so with the new trophies decorating its interiors. “I presume our daily routine is in order then?” He calmly asked as he then guided the Gardevoir to the large bed in the middle of it. “You know I am here to serve you.” Said Voira with a warm voice. “Viper.” The sergeant couldn't begin to figure out what was going on. Though, it could have been his head a hitting the tree from a minute ago. Before him was an Audino doing as a shield would, a formerly mad but now headless Scyther, the recruit untangling a metal wire from said corpse and Ramirez being patched up by Joy. “Will you help me then sir?” Asked again the recruit as he finished. “Hang on a second kid…” Said Sarge with confusion, though his head was finally starting to process things up. “So you are telling me there is some important Pokemon under the PLA’s control and you want us to help you rescue it?” “Is not yet under their control.” Said the recruit calmly as he stand before the soldier. “Or so say my contacts before they were caught. And it is a he.” The sergeant took a deep breath and then replied. “I can see you are not bluffing or hallucinating, that Bug-type there tells me that alright. Neither am I since the ‘nurse’ is looking after me.” He give the Audino a thankful nod as she used Heal Bell on him. “But still, I have my orders kid.” The sergeant stood up once his treatment was done. “So I’m afraid I can’t say yes.” “Even when we have the same orders sir?” The recruit asked calmly. “... say what now?” Asked back Sarge in confusion. “Don’t you think it’s strange sir?” Asked, yet again, the recruit. “That what?” Asked Sarge confused and a bit annoyed by now. “The higher ups send not one but three platoons deep into enemy territory only so they could know what was happening in some abandoned facility? Not to mention the use of an armored fleet and air units to serve as distractions and cover.” The sergeant did consider the whole operation to be a bit too much for just some spying and sabotage. “So you are telling me, that we were sent here to release this captive Pokemon?” Asked Sarge with doubt. “Yes sir, that is what I am saying.” Answered the recruit. “And what could possibly be worth the lives of so many?” Asked Sarge again with anger. “Rayquaza.” Again, replied the recruit with calm. The name didn’t shock Sarge alone, but the entire platoon as well, even Ramirez stop complaining about his pain for a moment. “Ray… Ra-Rayquaza?” Repeated Sarge as he looked back at the recruit in disbelieve. “The Sky High Pokemon? Lord of the Ozone layer? King of all Dragons and ultimate powerhouse of the Legendaries, THAT Rayquaza?” “Yes sir.” The rest of the soldiers didn’t know to laugh at the news or not. They would definitely have take such information as complete Tauros’ shit if it wasn’t for how dead serious and calm the recruit have say it. The part when they had taken him for dead and then have come to save their lives helped too. “But… how?” Inquired one of the soldiers in disbelief. “Rayquaza is the strongest Pokemon in history!” “She has a point kid.” Acknowledged Sarge. “How did the PLA managed to get their hands on such legend among legends?” “I can only give you an abridged version sir.” Said the recruit with just a tad of annoyance. “I am all ears then!” ‘Sigh’ The recruit then pointed at the mainland. “Somehow, they managed to lure Rayquaza down from the ozonosphere and guide him into the city. From there, they used the buildings and some hostages for cover while they attacked him relentlessly. Only one of the original attackers was able to give him actual trouble though. An Beedrill. It was the only one on the air who wasn’t defeated.” The expression on sarge’s face explained he still understood little. “There were forces on the ground as well.” The recruit continued. “Alongside the Beedrill, they managed to wear him off just enough for them to use some unknown weapon on him. Finishing the fight on the spot.” The sarge waited for more. Yet nothing come. “And that’s it?” He asked in confusion. “Yes sir.” “You are expecting me to believe that those beasts, somehow, managed to use some ‘unknown weapon’ to bring down one of the strongest Pokemon out there?” The sergeant asked with a shout. “Yes sir.” Replied the recruit. “They do have said Pokemon after all.” “And what kind of weapon could they use for that?” The sergeant pressed on. “That is classified.” Said the recruit. “All I can say is that said weapon can ‘freeze’ Pokemon on the spot. However, it seems Rayquaza was strong enough to shrug the thing off at first, hence the need to exhaust him.” “And why would there be such a weapon to begin with!?” Asked Sarge with desperation. “The prototype's specifications are classified sir.” Replied the recruit. Sarge’s skin turned red for a moment, until he noticed the word ‘prototype.’ It figured a bit more. “And what about you then?” He inquired, “How come you know all of this while we were left on the dark? How do you fit in all of this?” At this questions, most of the soldiers drew their guns close, as they realized the same thing as well. “You are obviously not one of us, your training and gear told me that much already.” He couldn’t believe he was fooled so easily at first. “So why are you with us?” “What I can say is this, sir: Me, my team were the backup plan, meant to help the main team in case the platoons didn’t succeed.” He began. “But the others were caught, questioned and executed just recently. So right now to keep you and your men alive is our current objective.” “So the higher ups send you to babysit us then?” Asked the sergeant. “That is...” “Classified, I got it already.” Cut Sarge down. “So what do you want us to do?” “Sir!” One of the soldiers proclaimed. “You can’t be serious!” “Why should we trust him?” Added another of them. “Because he just saved our necks, remember?” Sarge shout back, bringing the soldiers back to their places. “Besides…” He then turned back at the recruit. “He is the only option we have. The men didn’t question their leader any further, but they clearly show no sign of trust over the recruit. “Your man are right on distrusting me.” Said the recruit as he pulled a small device from a pocket, said device then grew larger and displayed a map which he showed to the sergeant. “This is our current position.” Then pointed at another location. “Here is where the VIP is been held.” “I presume you want us to depart right away then?” Ventured the sergeant. “Indeed.” Replied the recruit. “The more time we delay, the more time they have to turn him into their ally.” Sarge let out a tired sigh and then turned to his men and women. “You hear the guy, take your butts off the ground and get ready to leave in five!” Grumbling, the soldiers accepted. “I thank you for your cooperation.” The recruit said. “Just don’t make me regret it kid.” Replied the young adult. Inside his cold cell, Rayquaza continued to fight the small voice arguing with him. ‘I had him, but I let him escape!’ He cursed himself. ‘How could I been so stupid?’ ‘You did what you thought was right.’ His voice pointed out. ‘How could that be the right choice? There is no way letting him live could be a right choice!’ ‘You would have imposed your beliefs over them.’ ‘At least I would be doing it for the greater good! That madmon didn’t even give a warning to the inhabitants of this island!’ ‘He does it for his own beliefs too.’ ‘He is insane!’ ‘Then why did you let him go?’ ‘Because… because...’ ‘You can’t deny he has a point.’ ‘NO! That can’t be the reason!’ ‘You weren’t able to refute his logic in his face.’ ‘That doesn’t excuse mass murder!’ ‘Have humans fared differently?’ The mind was silent for a moment, then the voice continued. ‘You know they haven't, if you compare the lives lost here with the ones the humans have taken over the course of history, it is nothing more than a drop in the sea.’ ‘No… no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!’ The Sky High Pokemon repeated to himself. “Al life is important no matter how small!” “You are wisely correct my lord…” Said a new voice, albeit this one come from a different source than Rayquaza's head. The Legendary was surprised at first by the sudden intromission, but he relaxed quickly once he noticed who came from. “Is good to have someone sane to talk with for a change.” Rayquaza greeted. “General Zard.” The blast door opened once more, revealing a different figure than that of the commander. “Is good to see that, despite the well deserved fame about your strength, your highness can still appreciate the worth of a mortal life.” Said a Charizard known as Zard, High Priest of the PLA. “But please, Zard is enough, I never been in a battlefield, let alone have lead someone on it.” “I still can’t see what is doing a guy like you in a place like this…” Said the Legendary. Of all the Pokemon in the PLA, Zard was an entirely contrasting individual as he cared more for the well being of the soldiers and their spirits than about killing humans. The Charizard was a an important face among the PLA, and one of their primordial sources of recruitment. Yet he had even helped some to escape the hell Tsushima has turned into. However, he never went against the commander’s wishes, as he saw him as Arceus’ knight destined to deliver the Pokemon kind to paradise. He only disagreed with his way of action. “The commander can be… rash, but I firmly believe he seeks out the best for all of us.” Replied the Charizard as he pressed some buttons on the cell’s console for a small tray to appear before the legendary filled with food. “But enough about that. Let us enjoy something more relaxing instead, is sad to eat alone after all.” He said while showing his own tray with food. Both Pokemon proceeded to have a relatively pleasant meal. Given the circumstances, it was something the Sky High Pokemon was more than welcome to receive. “I apologize for the quantity of your meal, but I assure you it is of the best quality.” Said Zard once the food was finished. “I been trying to convince them about giving you a bigger ration. But general Voira will always say that…” “Is better to keep me in low energies so I don’t try to escape?” Ventured Rayquaza. “I was going to say ‘preventing you from doing something inappropriate,’ but I presume that is just a fancy way to say it.” Both experienced mons shared a good laugh. “I envy you Zard.” Said Rayquaza. “You can keep such a friendly and gentle personality, despite the situation this place is in.” “To love the bloodshed is something I have to fight everyday my lord, having a smile on my face and the Holy Father in my heart helps on said endeavor.” “Even whet your commander see humans as nothing else but something that need to be eradicated?” Asked Rayquaza. Zard didn’t seemed to want to reply, so the great dragon continued. “You are better than him Zard.” Continued Rayquaza, happy to have someone to properly talk to as well as to have somemon to distract him of that new voice of his. “Why do you keep following him?” “I know we have done unforgiving things, but I am sure Viper will make it up for the humans once they let us be.” He tried to excuse his commander, even though he wasn’t fully buying it himself. “Do you think this...” The legendary moved his still free claw before Zard so he could see the chains. “Is a way for that? Besides, the humans will not forgive this… they are too...” ‘Evil’ “... resentful for that.” “But… but if the commander isn’t right.” Said Zard at the brink of tears, something quite contrasting with his dragon like appearance. “Then what have we been fighting for?” “That is something you already know Zard.” Pointed Rayquaza out. “And is something you know it has to be stopped.” Both of them made silence as Zard think over the legendary’s words, finally he said. “N-no… he can’t be wrong, he IS Arceus’ chosen warrior… he isn’t wrong.” Rayquaza could only sigh. “It must be me, my weak and meek demeanor keeps me from the path he has taken.” “If that is what you believe then…” Replied Rayquaza. “Then I’m afraid there is nothing else to talk for now.” Not saying another word, Zard give the legendary a respectful bow and then left the cell. Yet as the blast door sealed behind him, Rayquaza couldn’t stop to think one thing. ‘He sees Viper as a saviour. Why can’t you?’ “Can I know again why are we taking this route?” Asked one of the soldiers as the platoon moved around some forgotten hill’s lane. “Despite their numbers, the PLA’s forces rarely go out of their customary patrolling paths.” Replied the recruit at the top of the comitive. It has been almost five hours since the team had continued with their mission and the only thing lighting their path were nothing but the stars. Luckily for them there was no full moon, so there was little chance for them to be found. On the other hand, however, they had troubles moving around as most of the soldiers had to be found repeatedly. “So how long before we get to that place then?” Asked another soldier. “We need to reach a supply point near the top, then we will head for the facilities.” Coldly replied the recruit. He received some tired but silent complains about this. “What?” “So you mean we have been losing our time all this time?” “How did you even manage to get supplies here?” The soldiers asked. “Cut it!” Ordered Sarge in a hushed tone. “I am sure he wouldn’t reply anyway. He would just come out with something like ‘Is classified’ or some stuff like that.” “I am glad you understand the situation, sir.” Said the recruit. Nor the soldiers or the sergeant could tell if he was being sarcastic. “But don’t worry, is not far away.” He promised. An hour later. “What do you exactly understand as not far away?” Asked the sergeant as the road has suddenly become very inclined. “Going up and down Mount Chimney.” Calmly replied their guide. “We are here.” Whatever course the soldiers wanted to say disappeared at the good news. However. “Do not sit down, I will be back in a moment.” Said the recruit as he left the soldiers cursing him on the low. The youngster walked up towards an old tree, nothing seeming to make it different from the rest, save a small cut in its bark. “Subtle.” Said Sarge at the sight. Only to notice the recruit didn’t expect to be followed. “... the simplest things are the more effective.” The recruit coldly replied as he put his knife back on his sheath. The young man let out a relieved sigh and then continued. “You have been in this business for a long time huh?” “Enough to know how to keep myself alive and paid.” Replied the recruit as he looked around the tree. “And you like this life kid?” Asked the sergeant with curiosity as he sat on a comfortable looking rock. “I don’t see what does my personal preferences have to do with my performance.” Replied again the boy with a cold tone. “Don’t you miss your innocence?” Pressed on Sarge. “I don’t even remember having one.” Said the boy matter-of-factly. “Found it.” Almost buried between the tree’s roots lied a small tattered cardboard box, it seemed to have been there for ages. Yet as soon as it was open, it revealed how that was nothing but a disguise. “So you were lacking your whole gear?” Pointed Sarge out as he looked over at the box’s contents. A multifunctional pair of goggles, a pair of binoculars, some light armor, a short and long range radio, a grappling hook, a silenced handgun, a sniper rifle, some cartridges and more knifes. “No offence sir.” Said the recruit as he tested the swordbreakers on his forearm armor. “But any one of your men would die in five seconds if left on his own.” “You are not planning on using us as cannon fodder, are you kid?” Asked the Sergeant with a harsh tone. “As long as all of you stay together, follow my orders and don’t screw the mission.” Answered the boy without any sign of worry. Then he placed the short radio around his neck and ear, then he tested it. “I received my present.” He remained silent for a moment and continued. “I have to told them about the V.I.P. over. ” ‘Talking with his team huh?’ Thought the sergeant as he let him explain the situation to whoever was on the other side. “Over and out” The recruit said as he cut the conversation and then turned to the sergeant. “We can go now.” “Just when I was getting comfortable.” Said the soldier as he stood up. “But at least it is good to see you have a little bit of human in you after all.” The recruit give Sarge a confused look, that was the first time he show something since reintroducing into his unit. “Your partner, whoever may be, seemed to make you feel annoyed.” Sarge explained. “You may keep your Cryogonal face on, but someone tries to make you break it, that means someone worries about you, good for you.” “Irrelevant.” Continued the recruit as both of them reunited with the platoon and resumed their walk. Yet the sergeant could hear some low mumbling about someone having a big mouth. The cold air was reaching its more freezing point, the daybreak wasn’t far away as the group finally could see the outline of the Silph facility against the starry sky. “Just a couple of minutes left.” The recruit said. “Maybe 40 or less.” “Sorry sir!” Exclaimed Joy, much to the recruit’s annoyance. “But this men need to rest.” The recruit looked at the war doctor as if she had just told him the sun and moon were moved by a couple of winged Rapidash. “We are about to reach the complex, and you want us to stop and rest?” He asked. “Yes, more the reason for that.” She pressed on. “They have been doing nothing but run for their lives since yesterday, you can’t expect them to go and risk their life even further in such state.” The boy was about to argue back, yet he was silenced by a stern look from Joy. “... fine…” He said with an even more annoyed tone as he looked away of her. “But make it quick.” The men then proceeded to plunge to the ground, few cared to fall properly. “Thanks doc.” Some of them said as they took their canteens and rations out. Joy’s nurses then proceeded to give the soldiers a quick check, making sure everything was okay on them before the mission started. “... this is ridiculous.” Said the recruit to himself. “And this is the group of women and men entrusted with their regions’ safety?” “What is wrong about it?” Asked Joy as she meddled into his monologue, or at least that is how he felt it. “This world is very peaceful to begin with.” The boy gave Joy a look it clearly described how he disliked to talk to her, yet he didn’t keep quiet. “This world is as peaceful as these islands.” He said. “Trust me, I know how violent it can be away of the pretty lies of your ‘civilized’ life.” Joy seemed surprised by the stern tone such a ‘kid’ used with her. Yet she wasn’t the kind of person to stay quiet either. “And what is wrong about it?” She said. “Violence may be anywhere, but it doesn't make up the whole word. We can guide it to a path of peace and I tell you, that is what we must do.” “Yeah.” Sorted back the recruit. “Because that is what the people who send everyone of you is after, not the power they could get from it…” The recruit didn’t knew why, but he felt very uncomfortable around this Joy, as if something on his head told him to listen to her. He disliked that. Specially since it make him spill something he wasn’t supposed to. “What?” Joy asked. “Why do you think you are here and your leaders are not?” He save it. “Because they prefer to risk the skin of others instead that their own.” Joy was taken aback by this reply. Yes, most of the time those in power sacrificed countless of others to gain even more power, but that was something she couldn’t agree to, specially since so many were there in just that situation. The last thing they needed was such a blow on their morale. “Leaders are needed kid.” She said. “Not everyone can be on the battlefields, it would be chaos. But I am sure they still have a hard time sending people here to…” She stoped herself before finishing her sentence. “You can believe that if you want.” The recruit continued. “But looking for peace with a gun in hand is not only paradogical, it is stupid. We are violent, Pokemon are violent, this world is violent. No matter how peaceful you or anyone want it to look like. If you ignore that, you will die. Simple as that.” Joy couldn’t reply anymore, not that she agreed with the recruit, but because of the coldness on his tone. Not only it told her how dead serious he was about those words, but by the mere wonder of what kind of life could a boy so young could have been through to reach such level of harshness on his heart. On his side, the sergeant decided as well that this talk had gone too far. “Okay everyone, get up and get set.” He commanded as loudly and low as possible. The recruit sigh in relief, but he was told one final line. “I don’t know what life you have been through, but I would rather die saving someone, human or Pokemon, than having to embrace a life such as yours.” And then she left him. “I guess she got that from her mother.” Said Sarge beside him. “That Audino of hers really seems to go by the same way. “A fair way to live by is a good way to get killed.” Was the recruit’s reply. Taking in consideration said Audino, and himself, would have died because of it, the words of the recruit weren’t fully wrong. They continued their path in silence. Both of them, the recruit and Sarge, at the head of the formation, the soldiers with the heavier guns at the rear with a couple of scouts and the rest on the middle protecting the injured ones and their medics. Everything seemed to go according to plan, almost too easy. Then, the jinx strike. From above them a couple of rocks began to crumble. Sarge give a signal for everyone to stop and get into position, which the soldiers didn’t dare to ignore. From up the hill before them came a couple of Bastiodon closing the path and marching towards them. The ones in the front didn’t waste time to began shooting at the Shield Pokemon. Then someone shouted from the rear. “AMBUSH!” And more shots were heard. From behind them a group of Sneasel dashed towards the humans, their quick feet making aiming at them almost impossible. Luckily for the humans, they turned around and left as soon a bullet hit close enough to them. The problem was the rather large number they had. “Shit!” Cursed Sarge. “This will be a slaughter if we don’t get a pass though those damn fossils!” And then unloaded his rifle on the fossil Pokemon before him, not making much of a difference. Then, and out of nowhere, a Focus Blast passed just beside him, smashing one of the Bastiodon’s heads and knocking it unconscious right away. Just behind the sergeant was Joy’s Audino, promptly standing beside the humans and charging another super effective attack. However, since she was a medic Pokemon and not a fighting one, she was taking a considerably long time to charge and aim. At the sight of this, the remaining Bastiodon increased his speed, aiming directly at the Healing Pokemon. “Aim at the eyes!” Shout the recruit as he give the Audino as much time as possible, however he missed most of his shots. Luckily for all of them, sarge happened to have better aim. The bulky Pokemon slammed his head against the hill’s wall with fury and pain as it cried over the lose of one of his eyes. Then it looked back at the humans with a blood filled wrath, ready to smash their bones flat, yet as it did this, a second Fighting-type attack slammed right on his face and taking him out for good. “Good one nurse!” Prized Sarge as he patted the Audino on the back. “Told you you could count on us!” Proclaimed Joy from behind them. Sarge chuckled and was about to order their men to start retreating when something else dashed out from behind the Sneasels. A sort of ball spinning at a blinding speed and ignoring the bullets bouncing against its metallic exterior. “By the plates…” One of the soldiers said in fear as the ‘ball continued its charge. The Electrode then began to shine brightly, they all knew what that meant and increased their assault because of it. Yet it didn’t stop. The Ball Pokemon was about to impact the rear line and leave the rest of the platoon exposed to the PLA’s ambush, yet something unexpected happened: the incoming sphere jumped. It could have been intentional or a pebble on the ground give the spinning Pokemon a change of trajectory. Whatever the reason, no one thought much of it as the electromagnetic charge on it was reaching its critical point. Everyone jumped out of the incoming Explosion. At least those who could move. The shockwave left everyone daft for a moment, and one by one, the men began to raise up and looking around, disoriented and lost. Almost as if they have just woke up from some long dream. Slowly remembering they were still in the middle of a nightmare as the Sneasels didn’t lose time to catch the still confused soldiers. Those unlucky to still be lost could only feel something jump on their backs before having their throats cut open in one swift move and then fall back to the ground. Finally, some soldiers from the front began to return the fire and take down the Sharp Claw Pokemon, giving the rear time enough to run into safety while the front provided cover. Sarge been one of the first ones to do so. “Get behind the Bastiodon!” He shouted out, not to be heard but because he couldn’t hear himself. “Take cover over there!” As most of the men were taken back, Sarge began to retreat himself, only to spot some still in the ground and pretty much alive. “Ramirez!” He shout. “What the hell are you doing? Go and get cover!” The soldier was on his knees, crying. “Sh-she pushed me out…” He sobbed. “What...who…?” Sarge began to ask as he turned around to where the solder was looking at, only to find the unconscious Electrode covered on the scorched remains of what once was Joy and her Blissie. Gritting his teeth as much as he could, Sarge grabbed Ramirez from the neck and throw him towards the rest of his men, not before giving him a proper punch on the face to wake him up. “Snap out of it and get your ass into safety!” Sarge commanded. “Don’t waste the life she just saved!” The soldier didn’t stop crying, yet he did as told and leave. Sarge closely following behind him. As they reached the protection of the unconscious foes, Sarge noticed yet someone else crying over their new found lost. Or rather somemon. The Audino just looked out at the crater that used to be her human and friend, still trying to process what just happened. She slowly stood up and seemed to walk towards it, but was stopped before she could get killed. It wasn’t Sarge who stop her though. The recruit grabbed the Audino by the arm and pulled her away from the remains, ignoring the crying and screaming she was making. Then he threw her to the ground behind him and pushed her down with an arm. “YOU SEE THAT!?” He shouted while pointing at the remaining soldiers. “THIS IS WAR! NOW GET USE TO IT!” He then raised her up and pushed her again further away. “Because you are the only one who can keep this soldiers alive Doc. Now MOVE IT!” The Audino give the kid a look filled with hatred, yet she too came to follow reason and leave for a safer place. Then he turned around and continued to suppress the incoming Sneasels who didn’t seemed to be stopping anytime soon. “We aren’t going to last much longer here” He said, yet Sarge didn’t think it was meant for him. He was proved right a moment later when the hill literally began to fall over the PLA. With a sonorous rumble and a big cloud of dust, the skirmish was finally over. “Next time try to be faster, over.” Said the recruit to his radio. “You are welcome.” A short looking figure shouted from atop the hill besides a larger and bulkier one. A moment later they were gone, not saying anything else. With a tired sigh, the sergeant looked at his team. Despite the abruptness of the fight, there were few loses, almost all of the injured soldiers survived thanks to Joy’s quick action, albeit that was her very last action on this world. “This is good.” Said the recruit calmly as he examined the collapsed stone and ground. “The rocks cover our track and the bodies.” “What the hell did you just say?” Exclaimed one of the survivors, his mouth still dripping with the fluids he just let out. “Those ‘bodies’ were our comrades you asshole!” “Those bodies could have tell more scouts about our position.” Replied the recruit with no care. “Cut it out!” Barged Sarge in. “We need to move fast, discovered or not, that avalanche will bring others here.” Still giving the recruit an evil eye, the rest of the platoon continued their way. “Thank you for keeping your men in line.” Said the recruit, only to receive a punch right on the jaw with enough strength to put him on the ground. “Shut the fuck up!” Sarge demanded. “Just shut up…! I don’t know what exactly you ARE, but right now we just lost a lot of good lives. So some consideration from your part would be welcomed. And if you have none to give then don’t say anything at ALL!” The recruit didn’t seemed bothered, despite the pain he was in of course. He spit some blood to the ground and then looked up to the sergeant. “You feel better?” He asked. “Don’t push your luck kid!” “If you want to mourn your dead that is fine by me, but do it once this is over.” Continued the recruit as he stand back up. “For now we must focus on keeping the rest of your soldiers alive. Sarge simply grinded his jaw to the point his teeth hurt him. “You better keep those words kid!” He pointed out as he joined his men, The recruit didn’t say a thing, he simply followed the rest as he looked at the complex’s silhouette contrasting with the morning sun. Their goal was just before them, the question now been how many of them will be there to claim it. And who will finally claim it. > Past Move 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3/3 of a prologue of Evo's work. An old conflict, an old game A Past Life The morning was surprisingly cold on the tropical island while a red sun raised on the horizon. Yet no one had time to pay any attention to it, as their blood pumped relentlessly inside their hearts. So far, the infiltration went without a single problem. Every time the soldiers found a PLA member making guard along the way was a time they witnessed the recruit’s team taking care of it in the blink of an eye. The more impressing thing being they never saw said team. A few minutes before. “Are you crazy!?” Shouted Sarge as silently as possible, just outside the complex, “you want us to go through there?” The route proposed was the emergency exits, an assortment of tight hallways and staircases with barely enough room to move, not to mention of very easy access from the inside, if they got caught in there, they would be outnumbered fast. The soldiers weren’t too excited with the idea either. “It is the best way of action,” calmly replied the recruit with his cold tone. “For you maybe!” Shouted again Sarge as low as possible, “but we won’t be able to move properly in there, let alone defend ourselves!” “I told you this was a bad idea sir!” Added another soldier, “he wants to use us as a meat shield.” The rest of the troops nodded in agreement. The recruit, in return, let out a tired sigh. “The moment they spot us will be the moment they will move the VIP out, leaving me no time to act, let alone finding him again,” he explained. “We can’t risk to be found, but don’t worry, the PLA will be dealt with.” “And how will we be able to take care of them exactly?” Asked Sarge, just as irritated as his men. “We won’t.” The recruit calmly replied while adjusting the rifle on his shoulder. At first, the platoon didn’t like the idea, but as soon as the third guard fall, they thought the plan could work. Every time a PLA was found, a projectile meet its head with no more noise than glass being pierced. The soldiers then proceeded to hide the body as swift as possible and then continue with their way. This was the faster route around the facility without getting inside where the PLA had most of their numbers. This would take them directly to the intended floor, however they would still have to make it through Arceus knows how many guards once inside. Some of the soldiers had expressed this very doubt as they reached their floor. “How are we supposed to get through all those hostiles sir?” Asked Ramirez who was almost completely healed thanks to Audino’s care. They were waiting for the final post to be taken out, an Aggron and a Ambipom. Meanwhile, the troopers stood by and waited, discussing what to do next. “For now, let’s deal with this,” replied the sergeant, “Then we worry about him.” Truth be told, he wasn’t too sure about this either, but the kid had brought them so far, they have no other choice but to trust him. But he wasn’t going to blindly trust him just yet. “Reporting,” come a voice over the recruit’s radio, “he can’t make the shot in time, that he needs to aim carefully to take down the other Steel-type, but needs the Normal-type distracted. Over.” The recruit cursed on the low and Sarge turned to his men and women, “any suggestions?” The team came up with a few, mainly charge in guns blazing and make their way in. However that didn’t seem to be appropriate for the situation. If they aimed at the Aggron, the Ambipom would most likely flee, sounding the alarm and getting them all caught. If they aimed at the Long Tail Pokemon instead, the Aggron would swiftly take care of them. Time continued to run as they were discussing, a solution needed to be found and fast. “Wait, what about Doc’?” Said Ramirez, pointing at the Hearing Pokemon holding him. The mentioned didn’t like the idea, neither the part where everyone seemed to be looking at her. After a few seconds of arguing, she was pushed toward the hallway. Being a Pokemon, the guards didn’t attack on sight, but neither were they fooled. The quick Normal-type approached her right away while the Steel-type keep his guard beside the emergency exit. “Come on…” said the sergeant on the low, rifle at hand and ready to burst in to help their medic if the sniper was unable to take the shot. As the Ambipom seemed to be interrogating the Audino in a rather ‘intimate’ way, the Aggron diverted his sight with a hint of disgust and then noticed something in the window, a slick figure at the hill behind the building. As he tried to discern what it was, squirting his eyes in an attempt to focus better, a small green shine came from said figure, with the sound of glass being pierced and a sudden jerk of the head, the Agron moved no more. The slight noise was enough to cause the other guard to look back at his comrade, to him it looked like he was staring at the window. Driven by curiosity the Ambipom looked out as well where he found a slick figure on the distance and a green flash. Yet the Long Tail Pokemon jumped just in time for his face to avoid the projectile, although it still made impact in one of his legs. The PLA member screeched in pain as he tumbled into the ground. Quickly, a couple of soldiers had the Pokemon restrained as they struggled to keep his mouth shut. The humans were discussing what to do with the Pokemon meanwhile the Audino moved closer and treat the injury. Enemy or not, she had sworn to heal those in need. She started by giving the Ambipom a warm smile. This seemed to relax the Pokemon. For a moment, there was calm between both factions. Then the sound of a silenced gunshot finished it. The Audino’s eyes were in shock as a few warms drops of blood dripped from her face. “I don't know what else to expect from you,” said Sarge with a disregarding tone while the recruit walked over the Aggron and released three other shots into his bleeding eye. “We can’t have the luxury of any of them giving the alarm,” calmly replied the recruit, “let alone take a hostage.” As soon as he had said that, a pink body tackled the human to the ground and then proceeded to Double Slap him again and again. Being a medic, the Audino’s limit to blood was large. Yet that didn’t meant she had to endure such senseless bloodshed. She screamed things no one could comprehend yet at the same time everyone in the platoon could understand what she was saying. A single look on her sad and angry eyes was enough to know it. However, it wasn’t as the recruit was simply going to be on the receiving end for long. He grabbed one of her chubby arms and with a quick maneuver pined the Hearing Pokemon into the ground as he reached for his knife. A rifle nozzle near his head stop him. “Let. Her. Go.” Slowly but firmly said Sarge. With a sound the soldiers could only determinate as a growl, the recruit reluctantly obliged. “Another one of those stunts of yours and you will have a new breathing hole, understood?” Commanded the sergeant while still aiming at the young man’s head, “understood!?” “Understood…” drily replied the recruit. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence until the sergeant talked again. “Take care of the bodies,” he commanded while making sure that Audino hadn’t been harmed. “There is no need,” the recruit cut in after have waved some motion to the hill, “we need to focus on getting in and look for the VIP A.S.A.P.” He then connected a small computer into the building’s mainframe, quickly disabling its alarms. “What about not been found out?” Inquired other soldier. “There are too many soldiers inside to continue with stealth.” “And how are we supposed to get by those ‘too many’ without cover?” Asked yet another soldier. Ther recruit simply took out a smile device from his clothes and explained, ”with a diversion,” then pressed the trigger. Voira was holding her most radiant smile, a sight which would make anymon fall for her on the spot if it wasn’t for the part that most PLA members knew that if she smiles and you are not the commander, you are about to go through a world of pain. She was at the verge of bliss as she knew how close her work was to fruition, all she needed where a few ‘pushes’ here and there for the mind of Rayquaza to be ‘free.’ The thought alone of properly serving her commander was enough to make her give the warmest of smiles while playing with the great dragon’s mind. She had gone one step forward this time, having removed the blast doors and confronting the Sky High Pokemon directly, just as her commander had the day before. She, however, kept a slightly safer distance from herself, her son and his still free claw. Rayquaza haven’t tried to snatch her so far though. Not that she wasn’t giving him any reason, but because the little voice continued to stop him. ‘She only wants to help you’ it said. The legendary roared in response to both intromissions in his head. “Why do you keep this useless lie to roth your mind?” Questioned the Gardevoir with her soothing yet cold voice, “don’t you see I am doing this for the good of all Pokemon-kind?” “I can hardly call brainwashing something needed for the ‘greater’ good,” Rayquaza roared back, “but rather for the good of your sick commander!” And then let out a shout out of pain. ‘Is it really brainwash?’ The insistent voice inside the Legendary retorted, ‘or re-education.’ "Don’t you dare to disgrace him!” Voira ordered, “you have no idea of what he has been through, what all of us have been through because of those humans.” ‘You know that is truth.’ “You think…” slowly but strongly replied Rayquaza while ignoring the voice the best he could, “you think you are the only ones who have suffered? I have seen far more of what they are capable of, but that is no excuse to have a life full of hatred!” “Then if you were truly honest with yourself, you would have acknowledged how dangerous humans are long ago. How many more of our comrades’ lives need to end for you to notice it?” ‘You have seen humanity repeat their terrible actions again and again,’ added the voice, ‘why do you continue to play blind and let them continue their terrible actions?’ “Are you so sure?” Inquired the Sky High Pokemon with sarcasm to both voices, “because right now I am been tortured by none other than a ‘comrade’ in the name of a madmon’s twisted crusade.” Voira remained silent while her son, Gard, looked at the legendary with challenging eyes. “I see you have been influenced far too much…” the Gardevoir slowly said with her gentle voice, “I have no option but to be less subtle with you.” As she said these words, she raised her arms, both aimed towards the Legendary’s head. The latter showing a considerable amount of nervousness as he knew the Psychic-type had been restraining herself up until now. There was no way he could stand her on full force, especially since she had carefully undermined his resistances. ‘You know this is for the best,’ said the voice. The moment she walked into his head, it was over. He would become nothing more than a puppet. “Please rejoice,” Voira said with her soft, merciless voice, “as you soon will be free of the lies of this world had imposed on you and rejoin the noble quest of your brother!” Then she expanded her mental powers to her limit, mercilessly removing any mental barrier the great Dragon could have left. Not that they were able to give much of a fight in Rayquaza’s current state. The Legendary could feel the grip of her mind taking over his own, determinately moving toward the part that made him who he was. At every moment of this event, the Sky High Pokemon screamed in agony and despair as his mind was brutally torn apart. Gard looked at the event without fear, in fact, the young Kirlia seemed to enjoy the whole ordeal, as if he were presenting a great composer performing its Magnum Opus. In any moment, the climax will arrive and he was eagerly awaiting for it. And then a deafening scream came. However, it wasn’t for Rayquaza, who looked limp all of the sudden, but from Voira herself. As her mind expanded in order to carry on her job, the Embrace Pokemon had suddenly felt the pain, the confusion and the desperation of countless members of the PLA. “Those wretched abominations…!” She painfully said with a tone filled with hatred. “Gard, go with the Commander,” she ordered, “he will keep you safe.” “B-but mother?” Inquired her son with understanding confusion, “what about your work here? What is going on?” “Some filthy creatures think they can outsmart us dear,” she coldly yet elegantly said, “but worry not, mama will show them how wrong they are.” And so they left in such hurry that they forgot to close the blast door. Commander Viper considered himself a resolute Pokemon, the chosen one by Arceus couldn’t be any other way. His path was covered in blood, but what was the point of worrying about the blood of creatures not worthy to be called equals, to take one down was like cutting some grass. Humans were nothing but a plague, a plague only he was able to eradicate, anyone daring to oppose him would feel the edge of his tail, human or not. Before his balcony was the sum of all of his hard work. A whole island under his control, a land his rightful fighters could call their own, and soon would become much more larger. The world would know freedom under his command. He looked at how properly they had taken care of humans and their creations, humans were a plague, but even he had to admit their ingenuity was interesting once in a while. Weapons where a coward invention of them, but they sure showed promise, specially the goldifier prototype they had used to invite their honorable guest. Not to mention that humans themselves worked perfectly as meat shields too. “I may keep a few smart ones for proper use,” the Seviper thought out loud, “ a pet or two would be nice.” He chuckled at his own joke while continuing to look down at his domain. The whole island was completely under their control and hosted a healthy number of warriors at his disposal, most of them already using the facility and waiting for the human’s invasion. He knew they would eventually come for his brother, and he was eagerly waiting for them. The main building they were currently occupying had rooms after rooms filled with labs and machinery, technology still in development. Yet it lacked the space for troops to rest. Luckily for them, the building right next to them was destined to shelter over thousands of humans. It was the perfect place to garrison their forces, not to mention it was a perfect place to set an ambush for those soon to come plagues. It was an inspiring image for the commander, the sight of his land, his servants, his spoils, his domain, His. He was so immersed on this thoughts, than it took him a moment to realize the sudden cloud of dirt coming out of the building right before his tower, the barracks. In a matter of seconds, the building imploded, replacing the structure with rubble and dust. With a single set of explosive charges, the building collapsed on its foundation, crushing all who was inside. Without a moment of doubt, the commander dashed out of his own room, barking orders to everyone he crossed paths with. “To the courtyard!” He demanded, “those filthy creatures had attacked our comrades!” He said to himself as he dashed outside, quickly beginning the rescuing of his troops. The sight was dantesque, ruble covered everything and what wasn’t covered showed body after body mauled by the debris. Eventually, though, the more resilient members of the PLA began to surface by their own, Rock-types and Steel-types being the more abundant. Still, the number of losses was large. About thirty minutes into the rescue operations, Viper made a mental comment. ‘Voira, how many minds can you still feel?’ He asked, yet there was no response, “Voira?” He then noticed it, she wasn’t around. Neither physically nor mentally. Her most loyal member wasn’t answering his call. At that moment, the commander’s tail rattled with anger as he realized what had transpired. “Sir…” a random soldier said, “you wouldn’t think she is a trai-gh!” The insolent Rhyperior was beheaded in the spot. There was no way Voira will betray him like that, she must had a good reason to be away, and they just happen to have a good 450 pounds of a reason inside their base. With a roar, the large Fang Snake Pokemon dashed back in, hopping he wasn’t too late. Chaos reigned over the PLA ranks, suddenly everymon was running around in confusion and no one knew what to do, should they attack, should they retreat, should they look for their commander? But the commander was already out, so what should they do? Gard found all of this frightening, not that he was scared of the humans, he knew his mother will take care of them, but because the PLA was in such disarray. “And to make things worse, I can’t find the commander,” the young Kirlia added as he moved around the chaos with his friend beside. “He should have taken things more properly,” said friend retorted with a dismissive tone, “made sure his soldiers followed instead of bark orders and wait for the best!” “You know that getting attacked in the morning is not exactly how everyone starts their day, right?” Gard said back. “That is why he is such a failure of a commander!” The Seviper, Sev, replied with a shout, “One must expect the unexpected. If I was in charge, things would have gone different!” “And how exactly would that have been?” Gard asked with a bemused tone. Despite the hardships his father had make him go through, Sev was quite optimistic and determined, things Gard openly respected in his friend, despite his short amount of logic. “I would have reunited everyone so they could bask in my glory and then deliver orders so perfect and precise that every kind of problem could be avoided!” “As in?” Gard asked again. “.. don’t bother with the details! My words alone would have been enough to bring them into order.” Sev ‘calmly’ replied, and in a desperate attempt of changing the topic, asked, “Can I know why are we running from the conflict?” “Mother told me to go be with the commander, that he would keep us safe,” he explained, for the hundredth time, he did fill him in on everything so far. From the sudden attack to the barracks to the humans invading. It was just Sev been Sev at this point. A strong hissing could be heard from the young Poison-type. “Nonsense!” He shouted, again, “if there is combat to make then there is no one better to partake in it than me. There is no need for me to be protected by no one. NO ONE!” “Specially not your father?” Gard teased. “Specially.” Sev confirmed while changing his course. “Wait, Sev! Where are you going? The exit is the other way!” The Psychic-type exclaimed as he followed his friend. “To glory!” Sev replied. The soldiers could felt the whole tower tremble as the building next to them collapsed. “What did you just do?” Asked the sergeant as he followed the recruit around the hallways. “Created a distraction,” he calmly replied. “But, how- when?” Added with confusion Ramirez on the rear, now feeling good as new thanks to their medic. “It’s classified,” replied the young one, “it’s good to have people inside.” The soldiers remembered the silhouettes from back on the hills and understood. But then Sarge connected a couple of dots. “Wait, wasn’t the inside team…?” He couldn’t finished his question though, as a few remaining PLA appeared before them. Both sides were confused at this sudden standoff, all but one human who jumped over one of the Pokemon and stabbed him with his bayonet and the weight of his body. The recruit then pulled the handgun out and opened fire on the next guard. The PLA finally acknowledged what was happening once he missed the third one and were about to counter back when a spray of bullets fall on them. The rest of the platoon had finally reacted as well. “Let’s go!” The recruit proclaimed, having left subtlety out of the equation, “we are almost there.” The soldiers proceeded to run around the complex, finally reaching an observation room filled with large, wall-like, windows. From it they could noticed that the heart of the building was like an actual heart, separated from the rest of it. Said heart was a giant gray box held by a collection of pillars and cables of all kinds. As if the box was some sort of experiment Silph.co was studing before the invation, the walls made out of glass could probably have been to give a proper sight of whatever the box was meant for. The only thing connecting the heart with the rest of the building was a single, long hallway, also made of the same transparent material. “So they have him there?” Asked Sarge as he keep his rifle close. “Yes,” replied the recruit as he picked up his scoped rifle and aimed at the end of the hallway, quickly noticing two guards looking after a large emerald creature being held inside of the box, “the door is open,” he said while swiftly dispatching the guards. “Do you think is a trap?” questioned a soldier. The probability was high, even the recruit seemed uncertain. But then, they had something else to worry about, they were slowly but surely moving their guns towards their heads without their consent. ‘You despicable creatures!’ A cold voice said inside everyone’s heads, ‘did you really believed you could just walk here and take our beloved guest away?’ Beside the understandably amount of despair of the soldiers aiming at their own skulls, the voice echoing inside their heads was enough for some of them to wet themselves by fear. It was a cold voice, yes, but it was also alluring. The voice of a seasoned killer, a killer who liked her job and an angry one at that. With a flash of light, the owner of the voice, as well the one threatening the soldiers with their own guns, appeared before them. They couldn’t believe such a beautiful looking creature was the owner of the voice on their heads, let alone been the one threatening their lives. Voira give the soldiers a warm smile, which alone gave everyone the creeps. Suddenly, she made a quick motion and a Protect wall appeared right before a Shadow Ball could hit her. ‘You silly pet,’ she said while picking the Audino up and then throwing her toward a wall, hard. The soldiers had a moment to regain control over their bodies, but they were too slow to put their guns to use. In less than three seconds, they were aiming at themselves once more. ‘Your treachery ends here!’ Voira commanded, looking at the soldiers with disgust, ‘but I presume I must reward you for slithering your way through here…’ As she said this, everyone’s arms began to twist in very uncomfortable ways. Sarge could feel clearly how his unla was about to dislocate inside his arm, and then… “Funny you call our infiltration slithering,” said the recruit with a voice in pain, “considering you follow a bigger slither than us!” The arms were released from their twisting, however they continued to aim at their owners. ‘What did you just said…?’ The Gardevoir asked with her melodic, assassin voice, ‘did you disrespected our great commander?’ The still restrained human didn’t seemed to mind the murderous gaze he was receiving. “I never said that,” he continued his mocking, “I only said it was funny, you were the one who called us slithering creatures while knowing well what your leader does to move around.” ‘Don’t you dare to twist my words against the commander!’ Voira roared inside everyone’s heads while slamming the recruit against one of the window-like walls. Definitely not a pleasant sensation for anyone. Despite all of this though, the recruit keep his mocking smile. “Kid, for the love of Arceus, shut up!” The sergeant commanded, but said boy didn’t listen. “What, did I hit a nerve?” He continued, “I thought you were very loyal to this Viper guy.” Voira was a mon with a very sad, cruel and dark past, a past which had taught her to compose herself in all situations. To keep herself above any kind of provocations or bravado anyone may throw on her way, after all she only existed to serve the one and only warrior chosen by Arceus. She trained herself to know when was the moment to inflict pain and keep those foolish enough to cross paths with her silent. Yet right now, wasn’t one of those moments. ‘You insolent!’ Slam, ‘disrespectful!’ Slam, ‘filthy!’ Slam. With each word, the recruit was mentally thrown into the same wall, each time with more force. By the third hit, the wall was full of cracks. ‘Despicable! Atrocious! Wicked! Heretic! MONSTER!’ Voira could take any insult, she wasn’t meant for greatness. But she will be a human if she ever let anyone insult her beloved leader, the one she has given her everything for. ‘You think your cheap words can make me even consider any sort of disregard for my glorious commander?’ Voira asked while keeping the pressure of her psychic hold on the human grew against the wall. ‘You should feel honored to even be compared with him! You feeble creatures that can do nothing without your savage guns and grotesque machines, tell me weakling: what are you before us but brutes?’ The recruit looked disorientated, anyone would be after so many slams, yet he gave the crazy Gardevoir a cocky smile and replied. “I am sorry, but I don’t care about your religion, thank you very much.” If something as abstract as self restrain could be heard when broken, then the whole platoon could have heard Voira’s crashing like two Rampardos slamming their heads together. She, however, just gave the human an emotionless look and then said. ‘Very well then.’ Thereupon throwing the recruit through the glass, which give no resistance against her psychic force. With a relieved sigh and a satisfied expression, Voria turned back to the rest of her play things, she needed to leave one alive for interrogation. That may take some time though, but it was alright, the actions of their foolish comrade had most likely leave them petrified with fear. Perfect for her to handle. ‘Now that is been dealt with,’ she calmly said, ‘how about you filthy beings share some information? Who knows, if you act nice I may end your lives gently.’ Her gentle, soothing voice only made the soldiers shiver more. She prepared her psychic powers to break their minds when someone else talked, much to her annoyance. “And you call us brutes?” Asked Ramirez with a sour tone. With less than a thought, Voira had the human’s body twisting in a painful way, yet she did not used enough strength to kill him. She had been mocked by a human already, she wouldn’t let another one do the same scot-free. ‘You are quite a feisty bunch,’ she said rather despicably, ‘do you want to say anything interesting? Or do you only plan to make me lose even more of my time?’ Between grunts and moans of pain, Ramirez replied the best he could, “you said we are brute creatures, yet here we are been tortured, left defenseless by you alone.” Voira replied with little care, ‘If I were to give any of you creatures a single moment of freedom, all of you would unleash those nasty killing machines on me.’ “You say it as if we were some sort of evil,” said the tortured between waves of pain, “but right now the one looking forward for our suffering is none of us.” ‘Save your pitiful words for yourself fiend,’ Voira replied drilly, ‘I once lost my everything to your filth: my happiness, my mate and even my sanity to a single human. Why would I ever show any kind of care for the likes of you?’ “So you are saying that the actions of one individual mark the whole species?” the soldier retorted within grunts, “That is like saying that we have the right to go and erase your kind by what you are doing right now!” ‘The commander will deal with all of you before you can even dare to!’ Voira shouted back while increasing the pressure on the young adult. “So you have missed the point of fighting then…” continued Ramirez despite his pain, much for his troops, and even Voira’s perplexion. “you are only spilling blood for your own spite, and have forgotten an important thing about violence…” ‘And what could that possibly be, human?’ Voira asked with venomous words. “People, and Pokemon, may be violent in nature… but we fight not for glory, nor honor and definitely not for vengeance…” the pain the human was going through made talk a very hard task, but he had to. His own pride wouldn’t allow him to go out without, at least, express his thoughts. “violence is a way for us to protect others… you are only killing for the pleasure of it….” Then, the pain on his body subdued, ‘I see...’ Voira said again with her calm tone while Ramirez’s body returned to a more comfortable pose, ‘I see now,’ yet she didn’t release him, ‘ it is pointless to speak with you filth.” And so she prepared to dismember each of their minds in the look for answers. She was looking forward to it, the look of their eyes while she did that was something no other kind of joy could replace, save of course her private times with Viper. But it was in that moment that she noticed something on said terrified eyes. They wasn’t looking at her. In all of her time dealing with the plague known as humans, Voira had always made sure to be the only thing they can possible focus on, yet right now their eyes weren’t aimed at her, but rather behind her. Voira was a seasoned warrior, and was able to feel the killer instinct coming right after her. With a twirl, she evaded the blade going her way, yet she wasn’t able to fully avoid the bullet which come right after, grasping her right under her eye. ‘... you!’ She said while slowly checking her face to look at her injury. “Sorry, I have bad aim.” Calmly said the recruit. Some minutes back. The young human was cursing in every language he knew inside his head. Of all the PLA members they could run into Voira was the least one he wanted to see, besides Viper himself. She was very well known for her power but even more for her viciousness, they will be nothing but vegetables once she was done with them, if they were lucky. He then saw the Gardevoir blocking the super effective attack with ease, so much for a chance to counter her. But it was then that he noticed that his body was free. This only lasted a few seconds, but that was all he needed to plan ahead. If she could only focus on one thing at once, then they may have a chance. It was here that he began to antagonise their antagonist. He had to thank his team for delivering him such a good light armor, it clearly did its job of keeping him alive despite the amount of abuse it was going through. And to do things better, it looked like everyone had their bodies free as she focused on him, yet they were all so petrified by Voira’s madness that none had notice it. They could easily shot her on the back without her noticing and yet they were all frozen in their spot. This plan wasn’t going to work, he had to improvise more. With another blow against her blind believes, the young human was throw off the window. He could see her turning around as he was falling, giving him a frame to pull out the grappling gun, aim to the hallway, which looked more like a bridge from that angle, and pull the trigger. The hook reach said bridge, he then grabbed the wire with all his might. Once the momentum of the fall was violently stopped, and his arm almost dislodged, the recruit began to climb back up. He hoped that Voira hadn’t gone and killed everyone else on the spot, he still needed them for protection if he was going to face her. Once up, he noticed how she was done facing someone else. Without a moment of hesitation, he jumped toward her, gun in hand, and aimed at her back. She avoided it easily. Alone he would lose, he needed back up. Thus he quickly pointed at the man right behind her, Ramirez, and aimed at his arm. A grasp will be enough for him to realize he was free, he then opened fire, grasping Voira and yet missing his mark. Ramirez shouted in pain as his clothes were stained with blood. The bullet had stopped on his bone. It was here the recruit said, “sorry, I have bad aim,” and then rolled to the side to avoid a Psychic blast. ‘You filthy son of a…!’ The madmon halted herself as she moved out the way of a barrage of bullets from Ramirez, who had now full control of his body, save his arm which was resting on the side. The scene was all everyone needed to react. Their bodies were free, and now they could fight back. They quickly took their guns and aimed at Voira, who in return was about to regain control over them if it wasn’t for the recruit holding her from behind while shouting. “She can only focus on one action for a time.” He was then thrown away, Voira’s title as a PLA general wasn’t for show. The recruit continued, “don’t give her time to concentrate!” The hallway became a chaotic ‘dance floor’ as everyone moved in a very dissincroniced fashion. The soldiers aimed at Voira yet constantly held their fire as they ended aiming at a comrade. Voira on her end was constantly twirling around and intentionally using the humans for shielding, making her dress-skin flow at each move. Finally, the recruit was the only one fighting after her directly with guns, knifes or body combat, the kid reserved nothing against her. He didn’t seemed to mind hitting some soldiers while on it, albeit he ‘aimed’ at the vests. “This isn’t going anywhere!” Shouted one of the soldiers as she re-loaded her rifle and a bullet grasped her hand. “Keep it up,” shouted Sarge back, “she can’t dance for ever.” Voira will never admit it, never, but the human was right. She wasn’t a physical fighter, and even when she was good at it, she lacked the stamina needed for it. In a minute or two, her movements will no longer be as fluid. Then, one of the soldiers screamed in pain, only to get stunned right after. Something had rendered him useless. Shortly after another soldier did the same, and another, and another. The soldiers noticed this trend and aimed at their feet where they found a young Seviper slithering around them with a poisonous smile. With his cover blown, the young Pokemon jumped to the center of the ‘stage’ and proclaimed. ‘It was I who shot you down from the shadows you feeble humans!’ He also stroke an heroic pose, a formidable feat considering he had no limbs. ‘Now tremble in fea-ugh!’ However, his act had not lasted long as a certain recruit kicked him from the back with little regard. “Reinforcements?” He wondered while continuing to keep Voira distracted. ‘You!’ The Seviper exclaimed while standing up as properly as his young and tangled body could, ‘you dare to interrupt my triumphant entrance? How dare-hey watch it!’ He was once again cut short, literally, by a blade thrown his way. ‘What the hell is wrong with you!?’ The soldiers reacted too and continued with their dance while a couple of them aimed at the newcomer, only for a Psychic blast to throw them away. ‘They can’t hear you Sev,’ explained Gard as he too take part into the fight, ‘mother is too distracted to perform her translation.’ ‘But how can I induce fear on them if I can not be heard?’ Sev, exclaimed, ‘that is outrageous!’ ‘No!’ Voira exclaimed, ‘this is war, our holy war. The war you will lead one day! Gard, why are you here? You are supposed to be with the commander, not risking your lives here.’ ‘Nonsense!’ Sev shouted back as he also lunged after another soldier, his small and thin body making it easy for him to slither around as he injected various doses of venom. ‘I am the great soon to be commander Sev! I don’t run from fights,’ he jumped towards another foe, ‘I run towards them!’ ‘Don’t worry mother,’ Gard added while blasting soldiers left and right, ‘we will give you time to take control back,’ yet he wasn’t strong enough to take them down with one hit. Voira was a cold and merciless Pokemon, no one on the PLA doubted that, but even she had her motherly side and right now it was filled with pride for her own son, albeit she was also worried sick for his safety. She now have an extra reason to fight, which made her all so more dangerous. The recruit was still distracting her, but every now and then, she lunged smaller versions of her attacks, which were capable of breaking a few bones and even a neck. Everyone in the world knows that there is nothing more dangerous than a mother protecting her child. As the fight continued, Voira noticed how a couple of humans had rejoined the fight, the same humans Sev had supposedly taken care of. ‘Sev! What did you poison the humans with?’ She asked with a tired tone. ‘I Paralyze them!’ The glorious fighter gloriously replied. ‘You fool!’ Voira replied, ‘they have a healer Pokemon with them, she must be healing this filth as we speak!’ And just as she said those wounded were taken out and delivered to the Audino, who quickly fix them the best she could so they could return to the fray. ‘You have to poison them to take them out for good!’ Voira ordered to the young Seviper. ‘Ah, but that is what I am doing!’ Sev pointed out. ‘My poison is the strongest and thus they will shake in fear and run, lest they feel it best them once again.’ Voira had to give her all to avoid cursing out loud the one Pokemon who arrived first to help her. ‘Not with a Paralyzing poison, you have to poison them for real,’ she then looked directly at the young one and emphasized, ‘you have to kill them!’ ‘But how can they tell others of my greatness if they are all dead?’ Sev tilted his head in confusion. ‘They should be driven away like the cowards they are. Let our enemies see the fear in their eyes and they will stay in their holes.’ ‘You imbecile!’ Voira finally snapped, ‘if you aren’t going to fight like your father’ with a mental wave took over the young Poison-type’s mind, ‘I will make you!’ She then ordered him to lunge over one of the soldiers and dug his fangs deep in his neck, piercing the carotid in the process. Sev’s mind was realized as Voira had to avoid another attack from the recruit, leaving the young Seviper to witness first hand what ‘he’ had done. Ramirez was drowning on his own blood while the rest of his body convulsed repeatedly, his foggy eyes showing nothing but pain and terror while his life was slowly been drained and eroded at the same time. Sev just stared at the soldier for a bit. A part of him couldn’t believe what had just happened. It wasn’t his own actions. He didn’t want to bite his throat. He shook his head. ‘No, no. That didn’t happen. You’re not dying. Stop dying and get up, human. Stop it. You’re not dying. I order it as future commander.’ Gard sighed. He looked to the soldier and his friend. He loved his mother, but this was his friend. His only friend in this accursed place. He balled his hands into fists as his anger grew. His friend was his own person. His friend was hurt. He could sense it. No, he wouldn’t let him hurt. He was stupid. He was insane, but Sev was his friend. ‘He isn’t dying. You couldn’t kill someone if you tried.’ ‘I so could,’ Sev responded. ‘The dead just can’t see how great of a commander I will be….’ He babbled out, not sure of what he was saying anymore, Sev then grabbed a piece of cloth. Gard grabbed it from him and put it to the wound. ‘I could do it, he’ll survive somehow.’ The talk was cut down as one of the soldiers grabbed Ramirez and drag him all the way towards their medic, whose mere eyes described how dark the situation was. Meanwhile, the fight had continued. The rest of the humans focused their fire on the Gardevoir as before, but now they no longer had the backup of being heal. Voira was looking for that. Now, their medic was torned between healing any other human or leaving the soldier to die. But knowing the love the pink pets felt for humans, it was obvious she will give her all to save it. ‘Sev, there is no need to pity these creatures,’ she said while blasting a soldier’s leg into an unnatural shape. ‘They are just pests, you know what to do now, make your father proud!’ If the takeover of his mind wasn’t bad enough, the added insult to injury with the naming of his father was the last thing Sev needed to hear. ‘How dare you?’ He exclaimed back, ‘I am the one who will rule the world! How dare you to order ME what to do? How dare you?’ Voira simply gave the Seviper a calm gaze as she replied. ‘Because you are not going to rule anything,’ and again her eyes shone blue, ‘that is the great commander’s destiny.’ Despite knowing well it was in vain, Sev struggled as his mind was again taken over by Voira’s mental waves. ‘You are not worthy of taking your father’s place,’ Voira continued while avoiding the recruit kicking her legs, only to blast him on the chest. ‘So at least feel honored to fight in his name!’ And so, she threw the young Sev against the still disoriented recruit. She knew that without him, the fight was over. The young human raised an arm to defend himself, but that wasn’t enough, Sev dug his fangs deep into his arm, barely avoiding the protection from the sword breakers covering it. Voira laughed at the scene, ‘you see now? Inferior creatures, all of your fighting for what?’ The recruit struggled to remove the Seviper from him with no gain, his jaw was surprisingly strong for a Pokemon so young. ‘What can you possibly hope to gain, when a single child is enough to end your best warrior with ease,’ she slowly raised a hand, as if she were raising an execution axe, ‘now Sev, kill him!’ However, the recruit had not died, he was still struggling with Sev, who in turn was struggling with Voira’s command. ‘I told you to kill him!’ She shouted again while increasing her mental dominance. ‘And I told you...’ Sev replied, ‘that no one orders me, but me!’ Not knowing what the Pokemon were saying, and not waiting to, the recruit changed his tactic, he stopped pushing Sev away. ‘You will do as I say!’ Voira continued to order Sev, who was losing quickly, ‘as you are nothing but a spare part!’ She finally take over Sev once more and make the young Pokemon release the worst toxin his body was able to produce. He was too late. The recruit had pushed him further in, with a roar of pain and determination, the human made the Seviper’s fangs pierce his arm entirely, just as they began to drip an amber liquid. Not waiting for anything else, the recruit then give the Seviper a mighty punch in the side of the head, braking both fangs and knocking Sev unconscious. Her mother taking over his friend was a thing which only made Gard angry at best, a mere human punching said friend unconscious was on the other hand something worth of his rage. ‘Why you monster!’ The other young Pokemon shouted while Teleporting right in front of the recruit, delivering a Psychic blast as soon as he landed. ‘You’ Teleport, ‘let,’ Teleport, ‘Sev’ Teleport, ‘alone!’ At each word, the Kirlia teleported to a new position and blasted the human. It was during this that Voira noticed the human’s gaze, he was looking around vigorously, however, that wasn’t the look of someone looking for a way out, for rather a way ‘in.’ ‘Look out!’ She shouted, but it was too late. Gard changed position one more time, only for the human to have throw a kick right into his face. He was left unconscious on the spot. The rest of the soldiers felt at ease for a mere second, they had the advantage once more, but it was a very ephemeral second. The next thing they felt was the killer instinct emanating from Voira who was, understandably, mad at the human who just dared to hurt her greatest treasure. ‘You filthy…!?’ Yet she stopped as well as she noticed the human wasn’t over. He had grabbed Gard and while looking directly at her eyes, threw him over the same hole she had thrown him a moment ago. She dashed to the broken window and sent her mental arms to catch her son, slowly delivering him to the ground with no more damage than the pain he would feel on the cheek the next morning. She would have to make sure to treat that properly. Then, she felt some pain on her side, she didn’t care much, her attention was somewhere else. ‘Don’t worry dear, I will be done here in a moment,’ she calmly and lovingly said. ‘To use a child as bait to stab me in the back, you are nothing but a monster aren’t you?’ She calmly asked while turning around. What she faced was a very tired and sweaty recruit. No matter how fast he pulled that trick of his with Sev, some poison had managed to enter his system, not to mention the blood pouring from his arm, it was a matter of time for him to fall. She smiled at her soon to be victory, ‘did you truly believed a simple knife would be enough to take me… down?’ She, however, had to admit she was at the verge of collapse as well, her sight and strength was wavering. “I don’t know,” replied the human while holding his still bleeding arm, only to ask, “how strong is his poison?” It was here than Voira noticed three things, one: he was pointing at Sev, two: the human was missing one of his fangs, and three: her tiredness had suddenly became dizziness. ‘You… filthy...’ Lacking strength in her legs, Voira seek support on one of the walls and take out the ‘blade’ she was stabbed with, only to find a fang dripping with the poison she had forced Sev to produce. Her mind was blurry, even thinking was a very painful task, but she had to think, she forced herself to think, she couldn’t end like this, her son needed her, she still had work to do, she couldn’t leave her commander like this. She could cleanse her body with Heal Bell, however her current strength was too faint for it. She needed to distract the human while she gathered enough energy, then she will teleport Gard and herself out of harm's way. The commander will understand if Sev became a casualty, he was weak after all. ‘Do you...’ Voira began with such a wavering voice it frightened her for a moment, ‘do you really think this… is all? You can take me down, but then a thousand more will come for you,’ she could felt half the energy needed, just a little more, ‘the commander will definitely cleanse the world of your pathetic fil-!’ ~Pht~ Then she felt weird, her energy was no longer gathering, in fact, she was feeling weaker and weaker by the second. Voira looked down and find a small hole on her chest, pouring blood like a small waterfall, her legs finally giving out and she slide down the wall. “I … told you already…” Said the human with a silenced gun aimed at her, “not interested...” He then squeezed the trigger another three times, for good measure. The recruit turned away and reunited with the rest of the platoon, leaving Voira to stain the floor. The recruit fall to his knees, the poison hindering his movements, as well as his tiredness and small blood loss. He struggled to take the other fang out and then proceeded to stab himself on the heart with a scaringly long syringe. He stood still for a moment. The soldiers wonder if he had killed himself with the syringe, until he removed said thing from his chest and then treated his arm with some foam. “I would be praising your guts, kid…” said the sergeant with a tired tone as he, and his troops take a moment to breath, “but I can’t believe I am saying this… she was right.” The recruit didn’t seemed to mind, he at least had the modesty to look at the one talking to him. “You just used a kid as bait,” Sarge finished, “how much cold can you be?” “We are still alive,” replied the young man as if where nothing. “Most of us…” sourly pointed Sarge out while looking at the few casualties they had. “She was a monster sir,” replied the recruit as he finished stopping the bleeding and began to feel better now that the toxins on his body were neutralized. “The only thing I could do to defeat her was to be a bigger one.” Another minute went by without anyone saying a thing. Then. “We need to hurry,” commanded the sergeant, “we have a legend to save.” Everyone stood up without a word, but they were stopped. “We need to secure a LZ in the rooftop” said the recruit as he hold the long range radio. “Or we won’t make it out at all.” “What now?” Asked Ramirez with a hint of a voice from the portable stretcher he was been transported with. “The army can’t wait any more.” the kid explained, “they are sending an all out assault.” “But isn’t that a good thing?” Asked one of the soldiers. “They think we failed,” continued the recruit, “they aren’t a rescuing party, they are coming to destroy everything.” “What!?” Asked Sarge with confusion, “Why? Can’t you tell them we are about to finish the mission?” “That is why we need to separate,” further explained the recruit, “to have control over the roof is the signal to call the mission a success.” The troops seemed confused, but they were given no time to thought much. “Everyone head to the roof,” commanded their Sergeant, “the kid and I will release the VIP.” The recruit’s farawell was giving his sniper rifle to the troop’s scout. “Sir?” Asked a soldier in confusion as their superior began to walk away with the recruit on tow. “There may be other PLA on the way there, you need the fight power to get up there, we on the other hand only need to press a button or two, now move, that is an order!” The troops then give Sarge what they feared was a final salute and proceeded with his order. “Hey Doc!” Sarge shouted to their medic, “Keep them safe, ok?” The Audino looked back, and even when she looked exhausted as well, she give him a reassuring gaze in return. “Let’s go,” proclaimed Sarge as he and the recruit run down the hallway. Viper had been close to flight on his way back, but even at such speed, it took him far too long to reach the room where his dear brother was being held. ‘It is all right, we are the strongest beings in the world, there is no way some pathetic humans can take us down that easily.’ Viper’s mental monologue was quickly countered by the bodies scattered across the way. The sight only make him increase his pace. ‘Weaklings!’ He cursed, ‘to be surprised by those inferior creatures, but it's all okay, Voira predicted them, she must had deal with them by now.’ He reached the last turn. ‘That’s right, I will come over this corner and I find her playing with those infernal… creatures...’ For the first time since Viper started his holy crusade against humankind, the glorious warrior of Arceus felt the icy sensation of cold sweat dripping down his serpentine back. Before him was the remnants of battle, walls filled with holes, a couple of human left on the floor, his son unconscious, nothing to care about, what make him froze was the one beside his son. “Voira!” He exclaimed as he dashed towards her. By the trail left by her blood, she had drag herself to be besides Sev. “M-my commander… i-is that you…?” she weakly replied, not being able to see anymore. “It is okay, I am here,” Viper reassured her while desperately trying to stop the bleeding on her chest in vain. “Don’t worry, I will take you to a healer right now!” He was about to coil himself around her and take out, but was stopped by Voira’s hand, who looked for his face, she missed. He had to put himself on her hand’s way for her to find him. “It is… is fu-futile…” she replied with a warm smile, “I have… little strength le-left… I should be gone b-by now…” despite knowing well about her upcoming demise, Voira was genuinely happy at the moment. Not only was she able to be beside her beloved Viper at the end, but she was able to serve him one last time, albeit not as they originally plan it. “That… which will gi-give you immortality… can still…b-e done…” she explained, her voice lowering in tone at each word she give. “But then you…!” Viper exclaimed once he understood. “I… allready a-am…” she weakly replied. Her body then emitted a faint glow, her last job was fulfilled. “It is...do...do-ne…” She whispered. “Where are the responsable of this?” He asked with a cold tone. She wasn’t able to answer, she was no longer able to hear him. “Viper…?” She asked, “have I… have I served you well?” The great commander restrained his emotions, he couldn’t give his most trusted member an improper farewell. “You have been my most trusted, most loyal and most loved friend,” he took a deep breath and added, “you have served me well until the very end Voira.” Despite no longer been able to hear or see, she could feel his answer, she knew what Viper had said, and that was all she needed to know. “... I… a-m… gla…” And so, Voira’s body fell limp, no more blood pour from her wounds. The mad Gardevoir left the world with a smile filled with joy in a face which expressed no remorse at all. With utmost care, Viper closed his subordinate’s eyes and let her hands rest on her chest. He keep a respectful moment of silence for his fallen comrade and a few words to her honor. Yet he never shed a tear. That would have been the last thing Voira would have wanted, even when it pained him enormously. “My lord!” Said a voice behind him. Viper didn’t needed to turn around to know Zard was there. The general was all beaten up, both physically and mentally. “How did this…?” He asked in shock. As much as he disliked Voira, he never wished her ill. “Take a good look Zard!” Viper commanded, “this is what humans are good for,” with a quick move, he threw Sev to the Charizard, “how much blood do they need to be happy?” Zard caught the young one with fright at first, he thought he was gone too, and sighed in relief once he could hear him breath. “He is still alive!” He proclaimed with joy. Viper didn’t seemed to care. “I… I will take him to a healer now...!” And so he left in hurry once he had felt the dark aura his commander was emanating. He couldn’t stop to wonder if this war was worth of so much blood. “First Helen,” Viper then said to himself, “now Voira,” he looked towards the end of the hallway, “how many more of my beloved ones do you need to be satisfied!?” Suddenly, all the windows around him were blasted by the Dark Pulse his rage delivered. “Answer me!” He shouted as he leap forward, “HUMANS!” Sarge and the recruit didn’t take long to reach the end of the hallway, there they found the open blast doors and the precious host they held. “Rayquaza…” the sergeant said in awe as he looked at the majestic Pokemon, despite his tired look. “Don’t worry sir,” he said to the great Dragon with a reassuring tone. “We will take you out in no time.” Rayquaza looked confused but at the same time, he looked relieved. “Now, how are we supposed to let him go?” Sarge asked to no one, yet he received an answer by Rayquaza himself as he pointed at a control panel beside the wall. “Alright,” Sarge exclaimed. He began to look at the consol desperately, they didn’t have much time, but then. ~ka-cha~ He felt a muzzle pointed at his skull. “I am sorry sir,” said the recruit, “I can’t let you do that.” There was a moment of silence, not even Rayquaza dared to make a noise. “Kid… what are you doing?” the sergeant asked while slowly raising his hands. “My job sir,” replied the recruit while taking a step back with his gun aimed at his superior. “I thought rescuing the VIP was our job?” Inquired Sarge as he slowly turn around. “No sir,” the young man explained, “my job is to secure him.” As he said this, the recruit took something out of his clothes, a Pokeball. Yet this one was different, it was white and blue with two purple ovals atop of it with a capital M in the middle. It was the only known Pokeball capable of one shot capturing any kind of Pokemon. “A Master Ball,” acknowledged Sarge with sour words, “you really came prepared for everything.” The mercenary didn’t said anything back, he merely looked at the hostage and took aim. “The other team,” Sarge insisted, “there was no such thing right? You said they were captured and killed, where they just an alibi?” The recruit didn’t looked back. “There was an infiltration team sent by your forces,” yet he replied, “we set them up to be found. That way the PLA wouldn’t suspect of my team, who was already inside.” “So you are working for someone else then,” concluded Sarge, “how much will you be paid for a legend?” “The same as the other team,” calmly replied the kid, “they were supposed to capture him as well.” “What?” “The moment the PLA captured Rayquaza was something everyone with some power in the world couldn’t let pass. It was the perfect moment for anyone to secure him for themselves.” “You mean that…” “I mean that no one planned this as a rescue mission, not even your country.” The mercenary turned a moment to look at the sergeant, “this was a capture mission all along.” And so he turned back to his prey, only to get out of the way of an incoming emerald claw. Rayquaza let out a deafening roar. The lord of the ozone sphere could hear the noise of battle at the distance, apparently something had gone off in Voira’s plans. He, however, didn’t have much time to think over it as a certain voice continued to resound on his head. ‘You should be helping her,’ the voice said. “Why will I ever dare to help the one mon who has done nothing but torture me day and night?” Rayquaza retorted. ‘They are your kind,’ the voice insisted, ‘you should be fighting alongside them.’ “They are not my kind!” The dragon lord replied with anger, “they are murderers and tyrants, don’t you dare to compare me with them!” Suddenly the gunfight went silent. ‘You could have saved them some time,’ continued the voice. Rayquaza didn’t reply, he was still looking at the end of the hallway, he could see little, but still could make out a bunch of figures standing. “Humans,” he said. ‘You won’t think…?’ “She is,” Rayquaza smiled at the idea, “she is finally gone.” ‘Why are you feeling happy?’ “A creature filled with such hate is no good for the world.” ‘Was she that wrong?’ “You know she was.” ‘Weren’t humans the ones who created her and everyone here to begin with?’ “And yet are humans who are coming for us…” he couldn’t stop to look upon his own words with fright, “us?” ‘Will they truly?’ The voice said with a hint of a similar voice. Rayquaza thought about the voice, how up until now he had not acknowledged its existence and thought about how the voice had grown over his head so much, that he ignored the moment the humans had finally reached him. There were two of them, one old and one young. He looked up to the newcomers, slightly confused at first, but soon find out what was going on. One of the humans seemed very worried about him, that made him smile. Said human also seemed confused about how to release him. With his free claw, Rayquaza pointed at the console everyone used when dealing with him. The old human seemed to understand and quickly moved towards it. But he was then stopped by the younger one, who aimed a gun at him. ‘What… what is going on?’ Rayquaza thought, ‘why are they turning against each other?’ ‘Can’t you see it?’ The voice pointed out, ‘they aren’t here to free you.’ At this point the human with the gun took out one of the most accursed inventions mankind had ever come with, a Master Ball. ‘See?’ The voice continued while the doubt, fear and rage on the legendary grew, ‘humans can’t be trusted.’ The dragon was at a loss of thoughts, after all this time humans were never interested in helping him but rather to have him as another of their weapons. Or at the very least as an exotic trophy. As his mind got lost at the harsh reality before him, the voice began to speak, both on his mind and his mouth. ‘Humans...’ “Humans…” ‘Are...’ “Are…” ‘The enemy!’ Rayquaza raised his free claw and without a doubt threw it at the humans while shouting. “THE ENEMY!” The mercenary tried to throw the Master Ball as soon as Rayquaza had missed him, the great dragon looked too tired to fight repeatedly, yet as he took aim, the sergeant tackled him. He lost the capturing device on the fall, yet he hadn't lost his gun. Sarge had to roll over to avoid the bullets shot his way and distance himself from his now aggressor, hopping his bad aim will give him some advantage. He promptly raised back up, taking his rifle from his shoulder and take aim, only to be hit in the face by the silenced gun the recruit was carrying. He had bad aim with guns, yet he had no problem throwing them. The mercenary quickly leaped over the older man and grabbed the rifle from the nuzzle, pulled it and then hit its owner with its back. Next, he swung around and was about to club Sarge with his weapon, when another attack from Rayquaza fell before them. The force of the blast alone sent both humans flying. The mercenary stood up as quickly as he was thrown, meanwhile Sarge had a more regular and troublesome time getting back to his feet, once he did so he spotted the kid rushing toward the Master Ball. He readied himself to throw it but was once again stopped by the sergeant, who opted for take a hold of his arm this time around. “Why are you doing this?” The kid asked, “this is what your superiors wanted as well!” “You don’t work for my superiors,” Sarge replied while continuing his struggle, “and even so, I don’t care, neither you, nor me, nor even my greedy superiors have the right to capture Rayquaza like this!” As they discussed, the mentioned lord of the ozone sphere readied another strike. “Why do you even care?” Asked again the mercenary, none of them having noticed the incoming attack, “you didn’t knew about him been alive to begin with!” “I know now,” retorted Sarge, “and that is all I need to know, every life is important!” And so the claw come down. Yet no one was harmed. Both humans were confused about why had Rayquaza suddenly miss them, but the kid wasn’t going to wonder for too long as he prepared to throw the ball, only for the sergeant to remove it from his hand. “Will you please just cut this crap out?” He asked while snatching the device, it was surprisingly light. The young human was about to continue with the fight as a roar stop them, Rayquaza seemed as angry as a moment ago, however he was no longer attacking them. “Will you at least get him before he squashes us?” Proclaimed the mercenary. The sergeant on his end, looked at the legendary more carefully, he was as majestic as before if only very weak as well. However what Sarge also noticed this time was Rayquaza’s eyes. They were angry, no doubt there, but he was also showing how he was confused, tired, nervous and above all, scared. The mighty lord of all dragon Pokemon was scared. “No,” calmly said the soldier as he approached the legendary, much to the perplexity of the kid. “We didn’t come here to hurt you,” he explained to Rayquaza, “okay, at least I didn’t come with those intentions.” The mercenary only give him a tired look in return. “I can’t exactly know what kind of torture you have been through,” Sarge continued, both talking and walking, “but I know it's been quite a rough one.” He reached a point where he was right before Rayquaza’s maw, a good chomp and he was gone. And still, he slowly raised one of his hands toward him while slowly but clearly putting the Master Ball away. “But you don’t have to worry, I am not here to take you from one hell to another,” softly, the human’s hand landed on the dragon’s face and said, “I am here to help you.” After a moment of silence, which was only broken by the roars caught within Rayquaza’s throat, the great legendary relaxed his body and leaned over the human’s hand. His anger had subdued. This was a new chance the kid wasn’t going to let slip. He slowly walked towards the sergeant, knife on the ready, when the great lord roared again. The mercenary drew the knife up by instinct, but then noticed that he wasn’t been the target of aggression this time, at least not from Rayquaza’s. Following his gaze, the kid turned around to see a Pokemon whose’ size shouldn’t be as large as he was, his muscles tensing beneath his black and green skin, his cold gaze looking at him with a mixture of hatred and disgust. The worst possible scenario the kid had wished so hard to avoid had ended up happening. ‘Two humans...’ Viper said on his own language, much for said humans confusion and fright, ‘two mere humans were all it took to take out my stronger general?’ The humans, in return didn’t know what to do. They were both tired and didn’t have much ammunition left. Not to mention the fright they were in at the sight of the one Pokemon who not only to lead a whole Pokemon army, but also instigated a massacre with little effort. Rayquaza on his end was conflicted, the voice was again arguing with him despite the akin moment he shared with one of the humans. ‘They are here to capture you!’ The voice insisted, ‘why should you care for them?’ ‘One of them wants to save me,’ he restored, ‘one of them wants to help!’ “So… what now?” Asked Sarge with his hand atop his handgun, the rifle being too far for him to use it, thanks to a certain moron. Said moron didn’t replied, all he could do was wait for the large Seviper to do the first move. To start the on the offencive was suicide in their current state, he thought fighting Viper at all was suicidal enough, but if they concentrate on countering him, they may have a chance. With a deep hissing and a quick sweep coming from the commander, the fight started. At first, Viper sweeped all across the floor the humans were in with just a portion of his body, the kid was able to jump high enough to avoid the strike while Sarge was slammed against the wall. The mercenary looked for something on his back, but he wasn’t able to use it as Viper’s next move was an aerial sweep, with nowhere to go, the young man was slammed against the other wall. The kid opened his eyes just in time to see the bladed tail coming his way and rolled to avoid it, he did this for four times until he gained enough speed to stand back up, only for Viper to throw his fangs at him in an attempt to Crunch his head off. The kid grabbed Viper by the fangs while he used one of his legs to keep his lower row of fangs at bay as he screamed in pain. As good as his gadgets were in comparison to the regular soldiers, his arm was still pierced in two points and his body was long over the exhaustion point, he wasn’t going to keep Viper’s mouth open without a good amount of pain. Suddenly, the sound of an automatic rifle been loaded make both combatants turn to the side, Sarge aimed at Viper’s eyes. The commander replied by simply turning his head, using the mercenary in his mouth as a shield. “Of all meatshields you could have used!” Shout the sergeant with a hint of glee as he squeezed the trigger. The mercenary wasn’t much surprised, he would have done the same. The bullets, however, didn’t hit him nor Viper, they hit the wall behind them, leaving the crystal filled with holes and cracks while a few bullets bounced off Viper’s scales. Now the kid was surprised, despite having all the right to shoot him in the back, the sergeant had missed on purpose, he however, was far from thanking such act of kindness as that only gave Viper the chance to cut the rifle in two with his bladed tail. He was aiming for the owner next when a sudden explosion hit his throat, forcing him to release his prey as he scoffed off the gas. “I wish that was an actual granade,” said Sarge as he picked the kid up. “I lost the phosphor one,” replied the young man with annoyance. ‘You -cough- insolent creature, do you -cough- really thought this will harm me on some way?’ with a massive Spit, the large Seviper threw out all of the substance lingering in his throat. The commander then Coiled himself and lunged towards the humans, but was then stopped by the same claw he was grabbed with just the day before. ‘Brother!’ Viper inquired with confusion, ‘what is the meaning of this?’ Rayquaza was doing his best to crush the Seviper under his grip, yet the voice installed on his mind continued to hinder his effort. ‘He is your brother!’ It rushed to say, ‘you should be aiming at the humans! One shouldn’t hurt his family, what would Lord Arceus think of this?’ ‘Shut up!’ The legendary demanded, ‘you are nothing but a whimper in my head!’ However, he was still unable to kill him. ‘Stop!’ The voice commanded back, ‘he is right and you know it! This is all human’s fault!’ The lord of the ozone sphere looked down at the humans, they were promptly aiming at the Seviper. ‘You are right...’ Rayquaza acknowledged as he lowered Viper, yet he didn’t let go of him. ‘So it’s up to them to clean their mess.’ And so he offered the commander to the soldiers to finish him off. ‘I won’t let you get him hurt!’ Commanded Voira’s voice inside Rayquaza’s head as she delivered a psychic punch to his psyche. Even in death, she was still watching over her beloved. The Sky High Pokemon roared in pain, unintentionally loosening his grip over Viper in the process. Not wasting a moment, the commander bit Rayquaza on the wrist and twisted it until he let go of him. Once free, Viper slithered around Rayquaza’s arm and without hesitation delivered a Coiled powered Dragon Tail right into his ‘sibling’s’ face, sending him back into his refrigerated prison without conscious. ‘I will take care of you later, brother,’ he said while turning back at the humans. As he did so he found the younger one of them having used his own coils to reach his face, a knife on the ready. Viper moved just in time to save his eye, as well to catch the insolent creature within his Bite. The mercenary screamed in pain as the rest of Viper’s fangs dug inside his arm, luckily for him none of them were poisonous but they were still large enough to be considered large needles. “Kid!” Sarge open fire with his handgun at the large Seviper, yet he missed once again. Viper chuckled over his failure. ‘You insolent creature,’ he thought, ‘you lack the guts to make sacrifices when necessary!’ And so raised his tail, decided to cut the meddling human in just one swift strike. In the last moment though, he felt the human in his jaws had embraced his neck with his legs. ‘Please,’ Viper joked, ‘don’t tell me you are trying to suffocate me with your puny strength?’ He found the whole ordeal quite ridiculous, yet fitting of such pathetic creatures. It was these thoughts what make him miss the hand reaching for the second weapon at the mercenary’s disposal, let alone the moment he jammed the bayonet inside his eye. The gun was empty though, so the kid was unable to finish the fight on the spot. With a scream of pain and outrage, Viper let go of the human while trying to tend to his injured eye to no gain. ‘Damn you!’ Viper hissed as he looked at the humans with his remaining eye. ‘You dare to steal the light of one of my eyes, you inferior life form!’ Despite their sudden blow, the kid was no longer able to give a proper fight. All he had left was two more healing items, an antivenom and a health pack, and the pointer grenade. ‘I've had enough of your filth!’ Viper proclaimed, ‘perish, now!’ And so he began to rely all of his Frustration against mankind in one single, devastating, attack. The sergeant looked over his gear as well, desperate to find something, anything, able to help them, then his hand hit a small and light object he hadn't remembered to have packed. Viper was about to make his move when he felt something small hit him on the side, he was unable to see what was exactly because of his sudden blindness, but whatever it was, it wasn’t strong enough to even be considered as an attack. ‘A pebble?’ He once again joked, ‘you are more stupid than I thought, to even dare to think a single pebble is enough to stop the warrior chosen by Arceus himself!’ As he said this, Viper’s body began to shine brightly, but this wasn’t the light of his incoming attack, and definitely wasn’t the light of a holy warrior. No. It was something far more simple. ‘What… what is this…?’ Viper inquired as he finally noticed the light show he was giving as well. The light of a Pokeball capturing a Pokemon. ‘No, NO!’ Viper shouted as he resisted the force sucking him, ‘I am a superior life form, a superior being, I AM SUPERIOR! There is no way I can be put into slavery by the likes of you…!’ However and despite the fight the commander was giving, the process didn’t stop, his body shone more and more, until the point it turned into pure light. ‘You bastards…!’ And so the commander was stuck inside the Master Ball. The humans didn’t say a thing, they couldn't fully believe it. It was finally over. They lay on the ground for a moment, completely out of breath. “I guess, that’s it for the PLA,” joked Sarge. It was a given that, without the commander, the PLA will no longer have the moral support of ‘Arceus’ holy warrior,’ and thus the war will be meant to end. The young man, however, didn’t seem to care. “Good for peace,” he said almost annoyed, “good waste of a Master Ball though.” “You still going to try that?” Inquired Sarge with a very tired tone, “I doubt you can carry him around now, let alone give him a proper fight. Let’s just release him and then… you hear that?” The mercenary didn’t say anything, but his expression showed he heard it as well. A small noise near them, it was a hint of it at first, but it was gradually becoming louder. It was similar of a Rattata nibbling its way inside a wall as well as the sound of pressure been slowly released. They looked around, expecting some sort of attack coming from the walls, yet nothing came. “We are in the middle of a suspended hallway, they can’t be coming from the wall!” Sarge reasoned. They a new sound came. ~Crack~ It wasn’t as low as the original sound, this one was loud. Loud enough for them to look at where it came from. The Master Ball. The small capturing device was giving in. The platoon had discovered that, besides a couple of PLA members here and there, there was mostly no opposition on their way back, but it still took them too long to reach the roof of the tall tower. “Finally!” One of the soldiers shouted once the sun’s light hitting his face. “Okay, everyone form a perimeter!” Ordered another soldier, it was her job to take over when their superior wasn’t around and so far, she had been okay. The soldiers proceeded to barricade themselves on the roof, securing the heliport and blocking any other acces than the one they had used, they still had to wait for their comrades to arrive. “What now ma’am?” Asked Ramirez with his now murmur of a voice, rifle firmly pointed at one door despite his current state. “Now, we wait…” replied their provisional officer. They had no other choice. Then, an explosion. It was far from their position, but not far from the complex. “Is that…?” One of the soldiers inquired while other took out the borrowed rifle to scout the distance. “It’s the main force,” the scout replied. The remaining troopers cheered at the news, they all thought they would be saved. A group of armored vehicles appeared at the distance, all of they took aim and unleashed their ogives. All of which made impact in the very building they were in. “They are holding nothing back !” Shouted a soldier. “No,” another pointed out, “those weren’t lose shots, they are aiming here!” “What!?” Most of them inquired, “but we are still here!” “We have to contact them!” Other soldier suggested. Immediately, all pointer grenades were thrown at their feets, clouding the rooftop with orange smoke. Another round make impact. “Why aren’t they stopping!?” A soldier shouted. “Because we failed…” the new leader said while remembering, “the kid said they have deemed our mission a failure, they aren’t going to let them keep Rayquaza…” After a moment of silence, one of the soldiers understood what she meant, “they are going to level the building.” A third round hit the building, the soldiers were left to choose to either flee and be found by the PLA or wait and plumble to the ground with the building once it give up to the army’s assault. No matter the path, they had no chance of walking out of that building. Sarge and the kid were unable to hear the blasts making the whole building treamble, they couldn’t care less about them, as right now, they were looking at the strongest Pokeball of all time being slowly destroyed from the inside. In a crazy attempt to stop the inevitable, the sergeant grabbed the small device and fought to keep it closed with all of his strength, which wasn’t much at that point anyway. “What are you doing?” Inquired the mercenary in disbelief, “that thing isn’t going to last long!” There was no response. The young man desperately looked around for a way to give them time to flee. “The windows!” He shouted, “throw it through them, it will give us enough time to get out!” “Don’t dream kid,” the sergeant replied with a chuckle, “we will be running through a single line from a madmon which greatly out power us, he will take not much more than a sprint to catch us.” “Is better than having us served to him in a silver platter!” The kid replied back. “That is why you should be the one running, I will distract him…” sarge said as the cracking on the Master Ball increased, a couple of actual fissures cracking on its surface. The mercenary didn’t say a thing. “Listen kid, your life is definitely something the world can live without,” Sarge explained, “but I will be damned to hell if I let anyone die without me doing something.” The mercenary was still silent. “Don’t think much over it, you will never understand it. You and I are too different.” He explained, then the Master Ball open, it was thanks to Sarge’s struggle that it went closed once more, yet its deterioration didn’t stop. “Now go!” The military man looked around him, he was already alone in the hallway. He chuckled. Leaving the world as a martyr never crossed his mind, but somehow, he felt right. The Master Ball was all cracks at this point, no longer being able to be functional. With an explosion of light, the small device broke into millions of pieces, throwing the sergeant to the ground while the light within it morphed around and took shape. A few instants later the light subdued and commander Viper was free. ‘Now, where were we?’ The inside of a Pokeball was something most Pokemon found relaxing, it was planned that way. However, while everymon found different levels of fondness within the device, the great commander of the PLA found it anything but comfortable. “How dare those creatures imprison me in this punny little cell!” He shouted. “Me, the chosen one by Arceus… to meet such a simple end?” His anger began to banish. There was no way he could break free. His quest for justice and peace ended there in such ironically pathetic way. “Justice…?” He inquired himself, “peace?” His anger stopped its decrease. “When did I ever wanted those things?” He continued to ask while his rage began to boil back. “Justice and peace are things reserved for those worthy, for those willing to follow, humans on the other hand, what have they ever done but to defile this world our holy father gave us all and claiming all of its riches to themselves!” He then remembered, he remembered all the things humans had done, how they had harmed his kind, how they experimented with him to the point of madness, how they removed his one love from his life and how they recently removed the closest thing he ever had to her once again, he thought all of this without noticing that the space surrounding him began to distort, something within was malfunctioning, braking. “Humans do nothing but corrupt and kill and pollute and lie and crush and manipulate and abuse and disrespect and steal and deceive and maul and decimate and destroy and trick and infect and envy and feast and gloat and boast and discriminate and prey and multiply and spread and exist!” The Pokeball was unable to hold the strength fueled by the immeasurable amount of negative emotions Viper hold against humanity. “Humans exist, that is their worst sin!” He proclaimed to the nothingness. “And as Arceus’ chosen warrior I proclaim this!” Cracks of light began to appear everywhere, yet Viper didn’t notice them. “As long as I exist, all of you shall die! None of you deserve justice nor peace, humans…” All which existed within the Pokeball was crumbling. “Damn you all to hell!” And so, all of Viper’s Frustration against mankind was unleashed in one single yet devastating wave of energy which pulverised the walls containing him. He became light once more and roamed free of his prison. A moment later, he opened his remaining eye and saw a familiar face. He smiled. ‘Now, where were we?’ Viper felt quite calm at the moment, the amount of Frustration needed to brake the Master Ball was so large he no longer felt angry, that didn’t make him forget what had happened though. ‘Oh right,’ he calmly remembered, ‘I was about to cut down some grass,’ Viper looked at the sergeant with calm eye as he raised his bladed tail, ‘some filthy and annoying grass.’ Sarge jumped back as the blade descended to meet his torso, however, Viper had somehow managed to foresee his move and had simply aimed behind him. He was still able to avoid a lethal wound yet the blade cut through his armored vest with ease and even lacerate the sternum and a couple of ribs, not to mention the good amount of poison he was administrated as well. “Agh!” Sarge groaned in pain, unable to stand back up. Viper appreciated his pain with glee. ‘You wouldn't have thought I would miss some grass would you?’ Viper calmly said while slowly moving closer to the human who in return tried to crawl away, ‘neither should you think that leaving this world would be easy.’ He then raised his tail once more. ‘Not after what you have done, I guess a limb at a time will be enough,’ he then took aim to properly dismember the soldier, ‘first a leg.’ And so, his tail swung down. “Now go!” Rayquaza could hear the screams in the hallway, yet he was too cold to go out and see for himself, neither was he able to silence the voice still pestering his head. ‘Why do you have to fight him?’ Voira’s remnant asked, ‘you, who are his brother!’ ‘I thought you were a part of my subconscious all along...’ Rayquaza thought back and chuckled, ‘to think there was a way to actually brainwash a mind such as mine...’ The legendary was too tired to give a proper reply. Voira’s voice on its side was still urging him to join their cause. ‘I guess that was my pride getting the best of me, thinking I could come and stop this massacre on my own...’ He could hear something snapping around him yet he was too tired to see what it was. ‘Lord Arceus, what are we supposed to be doing with this world?’ he inquired as the sound of sort of explosion come from the hallway, ‘what am I supposed to do, humans can do so much wrong, is it worth to keep them safe?’ Then he could feel, faintly, something crawling over his body. Barely opening an eye, he noticed it was a human dressed in black, looking for something. ‘You see?’ Voira’s voice insisted, ‘this filthy creature still looks to imprison you!’ ‘What should I be doing?’ Rayquaza asked himself. Then he felt something pinching him on the side of the neck, as well as all of his energy returning. “There,” the human said, “how about you return me the favor?” Rayquaza looked down at the human, an empty syringe of Full Heal on his hand. ‘This is just a ruse!’ Voira’s voice insisted, ‘ he is only helping you for his own gain!’ Rayquaza rose up, his strength fully returned. He quickly snatched the human and raised him, looking at him directly into the eyes. As if understanding what the lord of the ozone sphere was trying to say, the human replied. “I am not sorry for what I did,” he said coldly, “but right now, there is someone worth saving, squash me if you want, but save him on your way out.” ‘He isn’t worthy of you!’ Voira proclaimed. ‘You are right, he isn’t,’ Rayquaza said while floating out of his cold confinement, ‘your commander is.’ As they went out, Viper stood before the sergeant in the floor, ready to take one of his limbs off. ‘He is worthy,’ Rayquaza then threw the young human to the ground while roaring, ‘of my Outrage!’ And then Voira’s voice went silent. The orange smoke had served the troopers nothing but troubles. The army, their army, was still shooting at their location relentlessly yet numerous members of the PLA had their attention caught, they swarmed the rooftop in an effort to kill the invaders. “Reloading!” Shouted a soldier as he used his last clip. The ammunition was moments of been depleted. Then, a shadow suddenly covered the sunlight above them. A considerable number of flying Pokemon was charging towards them. The number was too large for them to take down. The building began to shake, a part of its side beginning to fall. The constant assault from the bombshells had started to weaken the building, which was still shaking violently. For the soldiers, it was all lost. They had no way out. A Fearow was about to pierce one of them when suddenly a volley of bullets rain upon him and every member of the PLA on the air. The source of the bulletstorm was unseen by the soldiers, but it made quick work of the smaller Flying-types. Then a couple of rockets appeared out of thin air and finished off the remaining bigger ones. The soldiers were left in awe and shock, let alone confusion, at their sudden rescue, yet they were still been unable to locate the aircraft responsable of the sudden extension on their lives. “Everyone,” a voice said from some unseen speaker, “leave your gear and hop on!” The voice instructed, and before the soldiers could even ask ‘what’ a cargo door appeared in the middle of the air, a small Pawniard standing right in the middle and said. “I said: come with me if you want to live.” Viper was caught by Rayquaza just before he cut Sarge’s leg off, the large dragon lord then threw him through the wall and out of the hallway. Despite his current state, the sergeant was able to have a reasonable amount of confusion regarding what had just happened. Then, the mercenary arrived to his side and quickly examined his condition. “Kid… what the hell are you still doing here?” He greeted him. “Shut up!” He greeted back, “I don’t want to own you anything,” he took out a large syringe, “besides, I am not as heartless as you think!” And stabbed him in the chest. The antivenom quickly spread over his body with a burning sensation. Sarge grunted in pain from both the stabbing and the chemical flooding through him. The kid then removed the syringe and proceeded to look at the wound on his chest, it was deep enough to have carved the bone, yet it had missed any important artery or vessel. The mercenary then took out the foam he used on his arm before and sprayed it over his flesh, the sensation was similar of having a hot iron pressed against his skin. “AGH!” “This will stop the bleeding,” explained the kid, not caring for the obvious pain the other was going through. “Now we can go.” “Wait, what about…?” He pointed at the battle happening beneath them. Rayquaza was delivering any kind of hits imaginable with his dragonian body, yet Viper was able to avoid most of them and even deliver a few swings back. “He can make it out,” the mercenary lied, he had no way to know how the battle would end, “but we won’t if we get distracted, the building will not stand the fight those two will have, and neither will we if we stay for long.” He helped Sarge stand up, serving as a crutch as they slowly walked away from the mannheim. “How are we going to make it out?” the sergeant asked. Without replying, the kid take out his long range radio. “We are done here!” He said to the radio. A voice came back, “what about the soldiers on the top?” The kid was about to say to forget them, but a tug on his side make him change his words. “Load them, then come for us, we are at the middle floor.” “Copy that,” we will see you at the west side, over.” “I am guessing that wasn’t a commercial flight huh?” The kid chuckled, “that is classified sir.” And so they left both Pokemon fight at their leisure. Viper could barely recognize his aggressor as he was launched away of his prey. He was able to regain his balance and land properly though, thus he was also able to greet his ‘brother’ with another Dragon Tail. Rayquaza received the hit head on, yet he wasn’t thrown away this time, he grabbed Viper’s tail and using the impulse he just acquired, throw Viper to the ground behind him. “I must admit, brother,” Viper said, “I never expected you to be so resilient to my ideas.” Rayquaza didn’t replied, his Outrage make him unable to, and simply launched himself towards the commander, aiming his claws at his head. VIper dodged the claw effortlessly, he then coiled around the other one and coiled himself around the body of Rayquaza, rendering both arms and his head trapped between his coils. “But don’t worry,” Viper proclaimed calmly while looking down at the legendary, “I will make sure to teach you the right path.” He was grabbed by the neck by Rayquaza’s own tail, “I prefer to die than follow the path of a megalomaniac!” He replied, his Outrage having subdued and once more been able to think clearly. He opened his mouth agape and a sea of flames flow out of his throat. Viper had to release him or be roasted with the Flamethrower. “You fail to grasp the true goal of my path brother,” Viper said as he landed at a safer distance, “you know history is written by the victors.” “I do not care about your path or your goals!” Rayquaza shouted back as he threw more flames at him. “All I know is that I can’t let you exist in this world!” “Then if you are not willing to be with me,” Viper said while slithering around the fire and shortening his distance with the great dragon, “you are against me.” Viper Coiled right before Rayquaza and launched his Poison Fangs at him. “And nothing stands in my way!” He knew he was no match for Rayquaza head on, yet there was no rule saying he had to fight in such way. He was looking for a moment to Poison him, weakening him enough for him to take things back under his control. His new lack of perception, however, made him miss Rayquaza’s neck, which in return tried to chop his head off with a Dragon Claw, yet he missed too as his Outrage left him disoriented. Viper took the chance to Wrap around his ‘brother’ once again, careful to stay clear of his mouth and claws at all time. “Why do you resist me brother?” Viper inquired from behind the legendary, “you know this war will not end here today, not even with my death.” ‘His legacy will live on!’ Voira’s ghost claimed, no longer silenced by the Outrage. Rayquaza shook his head in an attempt to silence the voice in his head as well as looking for an answer to the madmon, he had to find an answer or else he would be not different to them imposing their will. Yet, he knew it all along. Viper, Voira, everyone in the PLA relied under such massacre because humans had driven to the breaking point. But he couldn’t say yes to their drenched ideals. “You are nothing but a phase,” Rayquaza said while slamming himself and Viper against the ground. “You are not the first lunatic looking to rule the world because of how sad your life was!” “True,” replied Viper, still coiled at the dragon’s back, “I am just the most recent model in a long line of failures,” he acknowledged with confidence, “but is because those like me had appeared again and again in the past that I am right!” Finally, Rayquaza was able to grab Viper by the tail and pull him off his back. “How can that prove anything?” He exclaimed while throwing Viper away of him. “That the world has not changed!” Viper proclaimed while landing with ease, “humankind have done nothing but repeat their mistakes,making war after war. The world has been threatened on multiple occasions because of them, because they have been left to roam the land as they please!” Viper’s body began to secret an enormous amount of toxins which was sent flying towards the legendary. “I will stop them on their tracks,” Viper continued to proclaim while Rayquaza dodged his Venoshock, “I will change history!” ‘He will be the one who brings all Pokemon to a land of love and peace, why can’t you understand that?’ Voira’s voice inquired. “And what difference will you bring?” Asked Rayquaza back while hitting the floor like a Bulldozer in an attempt to ignore the voice in his head, “all I have seen you bring is massacre!” “Blood is needed to nourish the world I will create!” Replied Viper matter-of-factly as he simply jumped to avoid the attack, “can’t you see it? I will bring an end to all violence!” As he was descending, Viper’s tail was covered in darkness, with a quick slash, the commander striked his ‘brother’ with a Night Slash right across the chest. Rayquaza was unable to avoid it, neither could he attack back as his current Confusion make him fall to the ground. Viper didn’t lose the chance to Wrap himself around him once more. “I will give the world peace,” he said to Rayquaza to the face while strongly closing his mouth with his coils as well as shortening his supply of oxygen, “I will bring harmony to the land, just as our Great Father wanted!” The legendary could feel his body going numb, his consciousness slowly leaving him. It was in this moment that Rayquaza heard yet another voice in his head, it wasn’t Voira’s remnant, but something more ancient, more powerful; a memory. ‘My children, I know that if you wanted to, you could rule this world with ease. Your power makes you all unmatched. But that is precisely why I am asking you not to rule, but to guide; not to punish, but to scold; not to ignore, but to be patient.’ ‘I know I ask you much, but this world is still an infant, an infant we all have to protect, and with care and love it will become a land of peace and love. For each and everyone of the creatures living on its surface.’ Rayquaza’s body Bulked Up, inspired by the task once left to him and his family long ago. He grabbed a side of Viper’s body and squeezed it, strongly, until the commander let go of him. “You are wrong…” Rayquaza said once free, “that isn’t what he wanted, that is not what he wanted at all!” He then threw Viper away, the Seviper was able to land unharmed once more. “How can you be so sure?” Viper asked. “Because we were given that chore from birth!” Rayquaza roared, “and we have diligently done so for millennia, not daring to disregard the great Lord’s wishes, not even when he was betrayed by humans.” “...what?” Asked Viper in disbelief. The imprisonment of Arceus by the hand of humankind was nothing but myth by now. “We have protected this world from all kind of foes, natural disasters or power hungry humans.” Rayquaza continued. “And I am offering you an end to that!” Viper replied, “why can’t you understand I am doing this for the good of all Pokemon, for the good of all living beings in this world!?” ‘He is the saviour of us all!’ The voice added. “Because you, Viper, are no saviour.” Rayquaza calmly replied. The Sky High Pokemon felt different, as if a blindfold had been lifted from his eyes. The petty excuses of those madmons no longer matter to him. He no longer had doubt. “You are just a being with a mad thirst for power, just like the humans who preceded you,” he then chuckled and added, “in fact, you are the most human Pokemon I have ever seen.” Rayquaza could feel the voice on his head lose strength and become a murmur. Viper on his end had a face no one could have ever thought he could make, a face of disgust to himself. “Me… a… a human!” He asked with revulsion, “what could possibly make you believe that… why will I… I am am nothing like a human!?” “You sure?” Inquired Rayquaza, “not only have you used human ideas and media to spread your words, but you have even get to the point of taking their creations for your own gain.” “No!” Viper shouted back, “I am only looking for ways to make myself stronger… that doesn’t make me a filthy… a filthy…” He looked down at himself, disgust filling his body. Taking the chance, Rayquaza opened his mouth and charged all the energy he was able to muster in a single point. “Farawell, human conqueror wannabe,” he said as he unleashed his Hyper Beam. Viper had a moment to realize the attack and place a Protective barrier around him, yet the blast was so strong that it slammed him against the wall. Viper wasn’t hurt by the attack, but the his sudden collision against the concrete did hurt. “No… no…” he said as he slowly stand back up, “no,no,no,nononononononononononono. NO!” He snapped. “I am Arceus’ holy warrior! And is my duty to cleanse this world of everything I don’t see worthy to live in it, either be humans, Pokemon or you!” “So that is your true self,” calmly said Rayquaza, “then there is no point to hold back anymore.” Both large Pokemon stared at one another, both preparing their next final move. Then a piece of the roof fall between them. “What…?” Rayquaza asked as he looked up. The place was coming down on them. Viper was going to use the distraction to sneak beneath him when a small voice make him turn. “Mo...ther…” Besides him lied a small Kirlia unconscious, a Kirlia he knew all too well. “Gard!” In a swift motion, the commander coiled the child with outmost care. He wasn’t waking up. Viper hissed in rage, he wanted to take down the heretic who had dared to compare him with the creatures he detested the most, but if he did that he would lose the only remnant of the second one closest to his heart. He made his decision. With swift yet careful moves, Viper left the fight. Rayquaza noticed this just as Viper made his way through a hole in the wall. Having decided to end things there, the great legendary gave him chase as the building fell over their heads. The floor beneath Sarge and the mercenary was constantly shaking, either by the fight they left behind or the constant siege the army had, making their march all the more slower. “Why did you come back kid?” Asked the sergeant, “you could have patched me up and call your debt solved.” “I told you already,” the kid replied with annoyance, “I am not that much of a bastard, besides, I don’t mind having someone to call for a favor.” “... why do I even bother?” asked Sarge as the finally reached the emergency exit. “Now what?” Asked the old soldier, only for a sudden burst of air to hit them. The air before them began to shift as a sort of plane was hovering right before them. It was some sort of advanced plane ment for reconnaissance, black paint covered all of it once the cloaking device was off. The hatch door opened and a small Pokemon greeted them. “Just in time!” She said, “this building is about to go down on its own at any moment.” Not giving Sarge a moment to be surprised about the talking mon, the mercenary threw him into the plane, followed shortly after by himself. “How is everyone?” Asked Sarge as he boarded, everyone was there, albeit exhausted. “Report,” was the kid’s greet to the talking Pokemon. “The mission was a success,” she replied. The mercenary seemed please, “the rest?” The Pawniard tapped some Pokeballs strapped on a holster around her waist, a rather abstract sight for the humans aboard. “Everyone is accounted for, I had to make room for our guests though.” As this happened, the plane become invisible once more and afterburn its way out of there. At one point, the sergeant was able to look out one of the windows, the tower was in shambles, then a small explosion came from within, from the dust came a large emerald dragon, who flew away as soon as he found himself free. The tower collapsed soon after. “So this is it then…?” He asked to no one in particular as he layed down on the ground, his eyes no longer able to stay open without the help of some adrenaline. The long day had finally ended. Or so he thought. “You want us to paddle back to base!?” Asked Sarge as the plane hovered over the waves, a large raft waiting for him and his men to aboard. “It’s not far,” said the recruit calmly, “just a three hour paddle to the coast.” “Why can’t you fly us back?” Ramirez asked with a whining tone, not that he wanted. “I presume you can understand that we don’t want to get any attention.” Reluctantly, the soldiers hopped into the raft, it was large enough for everyone and had couple of provisions, even a short range radio, so they wouldn’t be in much trouble. “About our agreement?” the kid asked Sarge before he left the airship. “I get it, I may be a ideologist kid, but I am not stupid,” he then offered his hand, “you on the other hand may be the biggest son of a Muk I have ever meet. Still we own you our lives, thank you.” The kid seemed confused for moment, but then took the hand he was been offered. “Take care, sir.” With a smile, the sergeant left the plane, the only one left was the team’s medic. “There is something else I want to offer you,” he asked the Audino, “will you join my team?” The commander of the human forces read the report a fifth time. A hairy hand resting on his template while the other hold the paper, only leaving its place to remove the cigar on his mouth. “So, let me get this straight capitan,” he finally said to the soldier standing before him, “your platoon was able to reach the island, then the enemy compound, there you were able to create a distraction and confusion on the enemy forces by blowing out one of their barracks.” The captain nodded. “From there, you managed to break the chain of command by ‘disabling’ their main Psychic.” The captain nodded again. “And then you made your way to the coast, since you were unable to communicate with the armored battalion, and fled the island in a raft, that is what happened, nothing unusual or strange?’” “No sir, that is how things went.” The old military man took a long look of the captain, he then extinguished his cigar with one hand while he pull a sort of recorder from a drawer with the other and turned it off as well. “Listen kid, I know how things went.” The commander began to said with a less official voice, “a curtain of orange smoke is pretty impossible to miss. Not to mention a six stories large lizard leaving the building.” “The armored battalion managed to miss our smoke sir, I don’t see how we managed to miss Rayquaza.” The upper lip of the commander twitched. “Why do you cover this son?” He asked in a less demanding manner, “we know things weren’t exactly fair for you, but that gives you no right to keep us in the dark.” “I would hardly call sending three platoons to their deaths to cover a special ops team slightly unfair, sir.” The captain replied with the same monotone he had been using so far. “There are no reports of said teams of our part,” the commander retorted. “I am sure there aren't, sir.” The old man let out a tired sigh. “Son, you know what impact that Pokemon could have meant for our country?” He inquired, “the other regions will think it twice before meddling with us.” “Perhaps, sir.” The captain replied, “but is that power worthy to send so many good men and woman to die in the dark?” “War has casualties, son.” “I am aware, sir,” reluctantly replied the captain. “If you are unable to help us then you will give us no choice, you are aware of that right?” “I am fully aware, sir,” replied the captain with a calm tone. “Then have it your way, but know that if any of this ever reaches the public domain we will have to be forced to ‘deal’ with anyone suspected to divulge this, am I clear?” “Transparent, sir.” “Good, now you can-” “It would be terrible for the public to know you sent so many soldiers to die so you can catch a single Pokemon, one who wasn’t even involved with the PLA may I add.” There was a tense silence for a moment. “You don’t have to worry, sir,” the captain continued, “as long as every one of my men are safe and sound, there is no need for such information to ever reach the news, it would be terrible for your reputation after all.” The commander stared at his subordinate, harsh. “Yes, it would be…” he finally admitted, “fear not, we take care of ours. You are dismissed Captain Sarge.” “Sir!” The captain said with a proper salute and left the office, only to add one more thing, “sir, I am afraid you have my name wrong.” “What do you mean?” Asked the old commander, giving a look to the papers and noticing that, in fact, there was another name. “Sarge was my nickname, sir.” The captain explained, “it standed for sergeant.” With a final salute, Capi left the office. “To think you would return empty handed,” a man said while comfortably leaning on his chair, “don't take me wrong, coming back alive is quite the feat on its own, but how can we do business when there is nothing to fill the deal?” The mercenary looked at his contractor under a pair of shades, even though the room was pretty dark. “There were bumps on the way, nothing can be fail proof,” the mercenary coldly replied. “I am sure of that, but that doesn’t solves our problem here,” said the man on his chair while stroking the Meowth on his lap while the henchmen guarding the door give a rather hostile vibe. “We did something else though,” the mercenary added and the contractor seemed interested. “The prototype used to capture the legendary,” explain the mercenary while taking a flashdrive out of his clothes, “a weapon able to solidify any Pokemon with a single shot as well all the data Sylph.co was working on before the assault. I am sure a man with your influences can make use of this information properly. ” The man smiled like a Sharpeedo, “I heard that weapon was rather big to be useful.” “It was, so large we were unable to secure it, however we still have the plans for its construction, as well as the schematics meant to make it more practical.” The man leaned on his chair more, giving the offer some thought. Finally, he give another smile, a less aggressive one. “I think that is enough to call this even,” he offered his hand, and added, “but we won’t be able to pay you as expected. The original target was lost after all.” The mercenary took the hand immediately, handing over the flash drive at the same time. “That’s understandable.” With a wave of his hand, the contractor made his henchmen open the door to his office, the kid before him was no longer needed. The mercenary was leaving when he added. “For your information, I am also in possession of something else you may also want to buy.” “Which is?” The man said without looking at the mercenary, his attention was on the monitor before him. “The program needed to decrypt the information.” The screen the contractor was looking at showed nothing but gibberish, useless gibberish. With a snap of his fingers, both henchmen tried subdue the mercenary, yet with a snap of their bones they were laying on the ground in pain. The contractor looked at the mercenary with serious, almost angry eyes. “Your price?” He asked. “I will tell you once I am out, the account to make the deposit will be added as well.” “And why should I pay you for that when I can have it decrypted myself?” “Then some unwanted guests may arrive before you have the time, Sylph.co has put an interesting bounty for that info.” The contractor kept his cold and harsh gaze for a moment, he didn’t change it even when he called for more men to his office, they however, only come to take out their injured comrades. “I can’t think properly with that noise,” he explained. The mercenary remained silent. “How about a this, kid?” The contractor said with the same gaze, “half of what your price is, plus a high place in my organisation.” “I refuse,” replied the mercenary right away, “I like to keep things free.” The older man let out a sigh. “I hopped for you to be less greedy. But I guess that will make us good partners in the future.” “Then if you’ll excuse me,” the kid turned around and leave. “One last question,” the man in a black suit stopped him, “does your team have a name? It would be good for me to know who am I contacting.” “We don’t have a name,” the mercenary said calmly as he left, “I may give it a thought.” Capi awaited at the train station rather calm. A monitor placed for those waiting for their train, like him, showed the more recent news like politics, economics, entertainment, weather, etc. Only a few mentions about the war on the lower part of the screen as mere captions idly passing by, or rather reports about the inhabitants returning to their homes. It had been a couple of months, almost a year after the PLA invasion of Tsushima had ended. After losing most of their forces so suddenly, the PLA was no longer able to maintain the conflict for long. It was thanks to a fluked mission that the war met such an abrupt end, and the world didn’t know about it. Most of the PLA leaders were caught, yet not all of them were brought to justice. In the end, the world was forgetting about the whole event and was beginning to treat it as another moment of the past. Capi, for once, was happy with that. Once his troops returned, they were all applauded as heroes in private and given new ranks in the utmost secrecy, then they were all taken to different bases around the region, some even were sent to a whole new part of the planet. The higher ups didn’t wanted them to be together, apparently afraid of whatever plan they could come with to blackmail them further. Capi knew no one would ever do that. The kid had told him of that, how they would try to silence them one way or another, but he also told them to be calm, that he would take care of things under the table. “Having a whole army by the balls is good publicity,” Capi said to himself, remembering the exact words the young mercenary had used. “Even in such situation, cold as a stone huh?” He never knew exactly how he did it, but he did it. Of the nineteen survivors of the Tsushima incident, none were brought back to the battlefield. Most of them didn’t mind the rather luxury lives they were given as a result. Capi himself had been moved to a calm post in the countryside in charge of the whole personal. There was little to do and even less to watch over. For him, that was the most boring job in the world. Once the war ended, however, he was given the choice of continuing or resigning. He had enough of his share in the army. A life in the country wasn’t that bad though, he got used to the peace and quiet of the crops. But for now, he had a little errand to do. ‘... will arrive at station 6, all passengers please board from the blue line...’ The announcement brought Capi out of his line of thoughts. “That sounds like ours,” he said as he stood back up, glad to be in civilian’s clothes. “Let’s go, I am sure your family is worried sick for you.” And so he, and Doc, boarded the train leaving the past conflict behind them. A black coated individual looked at the duo boarding the train, a ghost of a smile crossing his lips for a second as he turned around and left. He had his own game to attend to, the same old game. > First Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Move Setup Kalos region Route 15, Lost Hotel Three minutes to rendezvous. A fully suited man waited nervously between his many bodyguards, his abundant body mass making his constant sweating much easier to notice with each passing second in the decrepit ruins, yet that didn’t bother him. He was more anguished to know the result of his investment; after all, there were a lot of zeroes involved. Two minutes to rendezvous. The place was a wreck: the paint was all dried up, the wallpaper was rolling all over, graffiti and what seemed to be rollerskate marks decorated every wall. The few lights that remained flickered constantly and the air was damp and warm which in turn make the stench even more sickening. But none of that mattered to the Silph Co. executive. No matter how much the sweat stain grew over the shirt around his buxom neck, the really important thing was the meeting. One minute to rendezvous. More warm sweat oozed from the business tycoon while he mumbled “If anyone on the board gets to know… total failure of a… the work of my life… all in ruins… his entire fault!”, desperation more than clear in his fat face with each passing sentence as he hugged a black suitcase close to his fat chest. The bodyguards surrounded him closely, a stone-like look on their faces, hands holding red and white spherical devices -pokèballs- tightly inside their black suits, all faking calm yet nowhere as calm as the pair of black eyes carefully looking at them. Rendezvous. “How long is he planning to make me wait!?” exclaimed the fat man at the verge of an hysteria attack, “I thought mercenaries treasured timing!” “It’s not our fault you and your men decided to arrive thirty minutes before schedule,” said a cold and adamant feminine voice from behind, taking by surprise not only the embodiment of capitalism, but also every bodyguard in the room. The sentence had not been finished when most of them were already turned toward the voice, Pokéballs in hand and ready to be thrown. “…” Yet they all stopped in the act, not by fear but by surprise as they found no woman speaking to them, instead what they all saw was perhaps the strangest thing any of them have ever seen, considering they all lived in a world where creatures of enormous power could easily be stored in baseball sized devices. Before them lie what seemed to be a bipedal being not taller than a youngster, wearing a full set of red and grey armor over its entire body, with what seemed to be blades ranging from pendulums on its chest to a halberd in the middle of its helmet-like head. The only thing that showed signs of life where its tiny cold eyes looking at them. After a few instants the guards recognized the creature as the sword blade Pokémon: Bisharp. A single Bisharp had suddenly and somehow entered the room and placed herself behind them without being noticed. That alone was enough to cool the thick man’s sweat quite some degrees. Nevertheless he was still sweating a lot. “… I see your Pokémon” exclaimed the fatso after a few seconds “now show yourself so we can end this once for all.” The Bisharp made a somehow irritated expression and replied “Well, isn’t that rude from you? Demanding audience with us and now ignoring it.” needless to say it wasn’t only the white suited man whose mouth went agape at the sight. “Y-yo-you c-a- you talk!?” exclaimed one of the guards. “So can you apparently,” the Bisharp deadpanned, “yet you make it sound to be a difficult task,” she added with obvious sarcasm, much to the shame of the guard and a general glare from his kind in the room. With that said she started to walk towards them, but instead passed by as if they were a mere decoration. “Why you petulant creature!” The fatty angrily refuted as it was about to stop her with a chubby hand on her shoulder, but a single glare from over it was enough to make him reconsider. “…follow me,” was all she said as she walked out the room, guiding them somewhere else into the hotel. The group of humans kept a safe distance from the Bisharp as they followed, steps filling the ruins; meanwhile they took the chance to properly look at her and notice some differences from a regular specimen of her kind. Firstly, she was rather thin, almost looking fragile, but her gaze made them think differently. Second was the metallic skirt she was wearing. It supported the same tones as the rest of her body while covering her legs from her back to her sides, leaving a gap at the front for her to move and probably run. Third was the proportioned broadsword resting on her hip. Finally, but not least, was a single piece of immaculate red cloth resting on her left arm, supporting the mercenaries’ logo: an ensemble of black and white squares inside of a circle with every chess piece on it, save the pawns. “…s-so…a talking Pokémon, huh?” finally said the fat man after a while of what seemed to be aimless walking. It was only to be greeted by silence, yet he pushed “Your boss sure is as eccentric as they say…” -this time obtaining a response. “If by eccentric you mean different from your kind, then yes, he definitely is eccentric,” responded the Bisharp without looking back. “Especially from the likes of you,” she added, much to the displeasure of the already vexed fat man, but before he could reply back she turned to them and pointed to a door “We are here.” “Hmph!” arrogantly exclaimed the man while passing besides her, intentionally hitting her on the shoulder while at it -just to notice how hard her body actually was. She merely smiled as she guarded the door. With nothing else to say, the whole group entered the room, which turned to be the exact same empty room they were in a few minutes ago. “IS THIS SOME SORT OF JOKE!” exclaimed the fat man as its pent up aggression exploded, making his chubby face red with anger -a rather silly sight. “If you were to arrive at the arranged hour…” another cold voice said behind him once again, making the same reaction as before, with the only difference being that it came from a male this time -a human male- resting his back against the wall on the other side of the room. He was wearing a simple dark-grey duster which covered his body entirely and a bit of his face, while a pair of sunglasses covered his gaze, which his eyes seemed to be examining them from beneath as he continued, “We wouldn’t have to make you walk aimlessly so we could take our positions.” There was another moment of silence until one of the guards asked, “… we?” and as these words left his lips the lights flickered on once again, revealing that the rest of the walls were also surrounded with shadows lying against them. Their presence was nowhere to be sensed, but their killer intent was. “So,” said the man with the sunglasses, ”shall we talk business Mister Aurum?” After the initially frightening introduction, the fat man proceeded to show a calmer demeanor, sitting in front of the mercenary at a respectful distance as he asked about his errand, to which the mercenary coolly replied. He told him how they found ‘him’ rather quickly and how he was sorry to assume that the suspicions he had regarding ‘him’ were indeed correct. “BLAST HIM TO THE DEEPEST REGIONS OF GIRATINA’S REALM!” exclaimed the fat man furiously. “Is this how he repaid me after all I have done? After the countless hours I expended expanding our wealth? The many privileged colleges I made him attend? The wife I even chose for him!? And he goes and… and…!” The air started to fault Mr. Aurum, quite literally, as his reddish skin became almost purple. The mercenary however remained calm and collected the whole time, his expression covered by his getup. A few minutes had to pass for Mr. Aurum to finally return to his calmer ‘business expression’ as he continued with a melodic voice that dripped venom on every word, “but I am sure you were able to remove ‘that’ from my failure-of-a-son’s life, right?” Here, the mercenary finally let go a single sign of human emotion, a sigh. “Almost… we were able to hunt down his lov… his Pokémon alone and then proceeded to take care of her swiftly-“ “That filthy beast didn’t deserve that!” interrupted Mr. Aurum abruptly, causing the Bisharp to clench her blade’s hilt; the mercenary however didn’t seem to care as he continued. “…We proceeded to deal with her as quickly as possible when your son, Aurum the Second, arrived at the place. We continued since he would more likely have been aware of our existence from then on and made it impossible for us to succeed. But in a last attempt to save the Pokèmon, he foolishly jumped into one of our attacks, forfeiting his life in the process.” There was a pause as the mercenary added, “We understand if the payment is canceled,” the last part said with a bit of compassion. “How dare you…!” exclaimed one of the body guards only to be stopped by a gesture of his superior. ‘Apparently this one knew the boy’ the mercenary thought. Meanwhile Mr. Aurum didn’t say a word, his gaze on the ground. “How can we be sure?” asked the head of the bodyguards, causing Mr. Aurum to jolt as a result. “How can we know he didn’t pay you to let him go?” At these insinuation, the Bisharp at the door and shadows on the walls reacted angrily. “Watch your tongue, human! Don’t you dare to compare us with your kind!” The guards almost forgot she was standing behind them and that she could talk, which made them all the more surprised of her words. However, she didn’t seem to do more than talk some sense into them. Then the mercenary continued, “So… proof then?” With a quick movement he opened his coat, revealing a bunch of Pokéballs on his belt as well some at extra holders over his chest and what appeared to be another one on a necklace. The reaction from the guards was immediate this time, all of them taking out their Pokéballs, except for one whom instead took out a spherical, machine-looking creature from his clothes. Magnets and coils were around its metallic body while its one and only eye looked at its target, waiting for the indication to attack. At this sight the shadows glared menacingly since they didn’t expect a Magnemite to be smuggled into the meeting. Yet before anything dangerous happened, the mercenary added, “Is this the evidence you want?” and continued to reach for something beyond his own Pokéballs. He took out a rather simple, big, blood soaked pouch and showed it to the humans. Some of the guards reacted with disgust while the rest simply looked surprised, all but their boss and Mr. Aurum. “Please! Don’t tell me you are pulling the ‘heart out of the chest’ routine on us?” retorted the guard, Mr. Aurum watching in silence. With a slow motion he opened the bag and carefully placed a hand into it, being careful not to show its contents as he slowly pulled something out of it, something fleshy and hairy. “DEAR ARCEUS ABOVE!” said with horror the head of the guards as the mercenary held the severed head of Aurum the Second in his hand, a mortise expression mocking them all. “Is this evidence enough?” replied the mercenary Suddenly the head was snatched out of his hands by Mr. Aurum so fast he flinched for a second, but Weiss waited for him to say what he thought would be one final goodbye to his son while adding, “We made it look like an accident. His body was torn beyond recognition.” Mr. Aurum looked closely at the head he held on his hands, mumbling things like ‘he never used to shave…’ or ‘this is the scar of…’ and ‘his birthmark’. After some minutes of this Mr. Aurum finally rose his face up, tears filling his eyes as he exclaimed, “How can I thank you for this?!” a tone of supreme bliss and a celestial expression on his face. “Now I can finally rest at night with this dealt with,” and with no other word or even a single sign of remorse, he kicked the head of what used to be his son to the corner of the room. The mercenary replied coldly, “… just pay us and leave.” His expression was still the same, but there was so much dislike toward the chubby man before him it easily made him feel sick. “Oh but of course! Where are my manners?” and with an elegant move from his hands, Mr. Aurum showed him the contents of his suitcase. “Easily thousands, if not a million, of Poké-dollars’ worth in nuggets, pearls, stardust and star pieces. This should about cover it, right?” “… yeah, this covers it all right,” said back the mercenary with some satisfaction, quickly getting over his initial disgust. ‘Just another human’ thought Mr. Aurum. Once the contents were examined and passed over to belong to the mercenaries, the negotiation was officially done. “You can go from the same way you all came from.” The Bisharp moved out the way of the door. “My team will not follow you, but don’t try anything smart!” added Weiss in the end with a threatening tone. Mr. Aurum didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. He looked as if he just got promoted on his job. “Be at ease, I will not tempt fate after getting rid of such a burden, but...” added the fat man before leaving, again using its melodic voice “...won’t you like to work for me? I am sure I can make good use of someone like you.” The mercenary fell silent, as if thinking. Weiss was already tired of having to deal with such a scumbag of an individual in such an ironically fitting place for Mr. Aurum, and couldn’t wait for the moment he walked out of his sight once and for all. ‘At least they don’t want the job to be free like others’ thought the young man as he kept his silence in the room. That always made them think he would consider their offer, while simply thinking on more important stuff like ‘what to do for dinner’ or ‘we are running out of berries.’ “...” Making them wait long enough, Weiss replied, “As ‘invigorating’ as your offer sounds-” ‘that sounds cool, right?’ he thought “-I’m afraid I have to pass. I don’t personally like jobs like this.” “A shame,” replied the fatty with a clear expression of defeat. “Well, I will give you a call if I ever need your hand on some other delicate matter,” to which Weiss thought ‘not in this life… and neither the next one!’ as they left. And so the humans walked away with the magnemite floating close by. The hallways were echoing with footsteps and laughter from Aurum as if he were the happiest, gentlest and most caring man in the world. Finally there was the sound of a slamming door and with it a general sigh, a feeling of calm filled the room as every man and Pokèmon relaxing. “That sure was longer than it needed to be,” said the talking Bisharp, Shredder, as she walked into the room, a chorus of Pokémon names sounding as a general response. “Heck it was. I don’t know what stinks more, this shithole or the fatso,” exclaimed Weiss as he removed his glasses. “Why do people think I can actually see them under these things?” He often wondered why people see wearing sunglasses in dark places like some sort of badass instead of what it actually was: useless. He walked toward the head left on the floor and picked it up. “Sorry about that Ganger. You okay?” As soon the head was on his palms it started to wobble as if were made out of jelly, only to turn into a pink blob with two dots for eyes and a small mouth. “Ditto!” said the little transforming Pokémon with pride after an accomplished mission, not seeming to mind the kick it received in the process. “Good boy,” Weiss said with a smile as he patted the brave blob. Ganger then turned into a small yellow hairy bug that climbed over Weiss’ hair, causing it to become a bit puffy from the Joltik’s static. “Okay then, it’s been a great job everyone. Here’s your part…” At these words every member of the group walked towards Weiss as he opened the suitcase and divided its contents equally. A few days prior Unova region, White Forest, deep into the forest. The mercenary group, ‘Checkmate’, isn’t just your regular small battalion for hire, filled with testosterone filled men from all over the world. No, it’s a small battalion for hire, filled with testosterone filled Pokémon from all over the world, and some females, and a human. Here everyone is treated equally, no matter how each performs. The job is never too small or too big for this group of adventurous Pokémon, and human. So as many may imagine, the number of adventures they’ve been through would be enough to make a little series of light novels and live happily from them, but they don’t care for that. What they thrive, breathe, and fight for is simply the joy of the day as well as the promise of adventure each day brings. Thus we reach Checkmate’s latest contract: to find Aurum the Second and make him part ways with his Pokémon. Aurum, or Ar-two as he liked to be called, wasn’t precisely hard to find. He never stopped using his father’s credit cards. “Seriously though, how come his ‘viejo’ never found him till now?” asked a thick accented voice with sarcastic annoyance within the mental link the team was sharing at the moment. “Not now Pancha,” Shredder replied, making Pancha silent wherever she was. “What now Weiss?” Weiss was discreetly looking through his spyglass, watching a boy walking around an empty clearing of the forest with his Pokémon close by. “I don’t know… he sure seems to be showing some real stuff here. She doesn’t seem to mind either.” “I think they are an adorable couple,” intervened yet another voice over the mind-link, this one being whimsical in tone but with a mix of seriousness and sassiness. “Roll, you think all couples are cute,” retorted Shredder to Roll, being obviously less demanding with her than with Pancha. “Come on, cold ass,” Roll said once again over the link, generating a bunch of laughs from the team, and a deep blush on the Bisharp. “You must admit this is such a heartwarming scene, such tender gentleness emanating from their eyes while having such a forbidden relationship.” Weiss was sure Roll was pulling a dramatic tear off her eye as she finished those lines. “Maybe so, Roll, but how can you define them as cute?“ replied Shredder for a second time. “It’s a skinny looking, wimpy human and an eelektross. AN EELEKTROSS! How is that cute?” Eelektross was the dark blue creature Ar-Two was walking with, big as him and possibly thicker. She seemed to be some sort of eel with frills all over its body and its huge sucker-like mouth covering most of what seemed to be her face, yet, and as Roll pointed out, the Pokémon seemed to be enjoying the moment as much as the human, as if there were nothing else going on in the world. “The heart knows best dear, I am sure you have made some lovely-dovely expressions when with your beloved, especially on the b-“ “Enough girls,” cut Weiss before his second in command lost it a second time in a row, “but Roll is right guys. What I see between them is very real…and I don’t think this kid is just going to let her be harmed.” He played with the damaged Pokéball resting over his chest as he said this. “Not that we wanted to anyway,” added Roll again, making Weiss wonder how she even made it into the team again. With a chuckle the leader continued, “We need to give them a quick briefing of what is against them. His dad sure seemed pleased with any possible outcome, so long as the relationship between the two ended. I’m sure he will look for someone else to finish the job permanently if we don’t first…” Another quick look from his spyglass and Weiss determined the course of action. “First we need to close their path, Simon you go and…” And so they rendezvoused, or rather ambushed the couple. Ar-Two (Arthur from then on) was surprisingly happy to know Checkmate’s decision to end his and his lover’s existence. Of course not in the actual sense of the word, and was more than thankful about their help while all they asked for was a liter of his blood (Ganger needed some in case they wanted to perform a DNA test as well for his corpse). After the blood was donated and Arthur was capable of traveling, Weiss instructed them to drop his name and to never, and he meant NEVER, cross paths with those he once met. Arthur seemed happy to do so, since he never had much contact his family nor did he had any friends to begin with, and so he and his beloved Eelektross left the forest that very day, never to been seen by human eyes ever again. More literally than anyone could have ever imaged. Back in the present. Route 15, Lost Hotel The distribution of wealth was done and each member had to be put back into their Pokéball, the part of the job Weiss hated most, even more than having to ‘end’ someone, since he never saw his team as mere Pokémon doing his bidding because of the mechanical device. He saw them as comrades in arms, viewing them as friends and above all: loving them as family. But moving in large numbers was risky in their line of work, especially when they needed a low profile. “I will let you all out once we are off the city, okay?” said Weiss to the team, to which everyone responded with a happy shake from within their capsules. “Let’s go then,” he finally said to Shredder, to which the Bisharp was more than happy to oblige. Little did they know that far, far away from them, even farther away than any distance could measure, an obnoxious boy and his Pokèmon team had just released an ancient power long forgotten from reality and buried deep in myth. And neither he, his team, ‘Checkmate’, nor the whole world could ever know how that simple act of curious ignorance was about to change the life and history of not only one, but two whole words in the blink of an eye. Kalos region Route 14 Some hours after the rendezvous. Weiss was avoiding the swampy parts of Route 14 alongside Shredder, who seemed paranoid about the water, as she thought muddy water could ruin the finish of her smooth skin, which Weiss often thought those could be her equivalent of getting wrinkles. He wasn’t that happy with the path either, but it was the quickest way to Lumiose City, from which they would take a flight in a few hours. Weiss wondered what to do while in the city as he looked into the sky, noticing a familiar shine on it which in turn made him smile as he brought one hand to the back of his head. “One big caring family alright,” he said mostly to himself while Shredder sighed. “Come on, is not like it will kill you.” He knew she truly believed so, though. “Besides we are returning from a successful job. You shouldn’t sulk like this.” The rest of the team had been released from their pokeballs as soon as they reached the normally deserted route so it was a good chance for her to interact with the team, if they decided to come out the forest of course. Shredder wasn’t someone to show emotions, at least verbally, since her mere expressions were enough to know what was going through her mind ‘Roll says that’s because she is a tsundere … whatever that means’ Weiss thought. They just left behind a big swamp when they found what seemed to be a young man accompanying a traveling girl while trying to impress her with a tale of his. “I tell you, I totally beat the son of those famous trainers. You should have seen it, he was crying once I was done with him. Pathetic right?” The girl gave a monotone and monosyllabic response, a barely audible “Sure”. “With that win, I am just one step closer to becoming the national champion.” Weiss could see the cockiness all over his face. “Ah… so…” replied the girl with continued monotony. She seemed to be from another region, Kanto apparently, and definitely wasn’t enjoying the company, but she at least seemed to keep him around in case something bad happened ‘Pokèmon love to jump out of puddles after all, and this place is all puddles’ Weiss thought. Regardless of her disinterest, the guy continued to boast. “I tell you, that Arrow kid sure is nothing like his parents. He even said he wasn’t into fighting! Can you believe that? Such a failure of a son!” Here Weiss seemed to react, since his line of work had to keep him informed of all important figures on the world, be them renowned or feared, and thus he knew about the Arrows: Silas, Morgan and Jacob, whom prefered to be called ‘X’. He didn’t personally know Jacob, but Weiss knew of Jacob’s disposition regarding battling. “Wait, wait, wait!” Weiss snapped calmly “So you are saying you just beat a kid in a Pokémon battle, when he didn’t want to, knowing he wasn’t good, making him cry on top of it, and you feel proud about it?” This seemed to annoy the cocky guy, as he turned towards Weiss with his attitude inflated by his ego. “Yeah and what about it? Don’t you see we are in the middle of something here!? Beat it loser!” Weiss simply sighed as he noticed how the girl was still going by her own. ‘Guess you aren’t good enough to even be a meat shield, huh?’ he thought and then replied, “If feeling proud of impressing women with stories of how you beat little kids is your idea of success, then I am more than happy to be a poor loser, thank you very much,” and so continued his way as well. However, the cocky guy didn’t take that well. “OH YEAH! Well then prove to me what you can do, big man! No one insults Rick, the greatest trainer ever!” Not waiting for an answer, Rick took a Pokéball from his belt and threw it directly at Weiss’ face, a dirty trick to get him into the fight. Quickly, Shredder used her scabbarded sword as a baseball bat, and hit the ball back. The ball slammed Rick in the face with a cracking sound. Needless to say, he screamed. “…I won’t question why you did that,” started Weiss while ignoring Rick’s cries of pain, “but I would have thought you would be more than happy to avoid getting dirty under these circumstances, Shred.” “This filthy man has not even an ounce of honor in him. He is not worthy to pick a fight with you” “Oh, and you are worthy, miss clean freak?” Weiss sarcastically replied, leaving the Bisharp at a loss of words. All of this was annoying Rick to no end. Not only had he been lectured, insulted and attacked, he was also being ignored. He, the one and only future champion of the Kalos region! “THAT’S IT! You two can go asking for your momma’s help because you guys ain’t walking back-wait did that Pokémon just talk?!” “And he just notices it. Well I must give him some prize though, it only took you five minutes to get it,” remarked Shredder. “Come on Shred, don’t be rude with him,” Weiss said with a condescending tone, “That hit could be enough to turn anyone into a Slowpoke.” “Now you are being too kind with him boss,” replied Shredder. “You think?” Rick grimaced some more, blood coming from his nose. It was hard to tell if that was because it was broken or because he was angry. “Just to warn you,” he decided to ignore the talking Bisharp and proceeded to continue boasting, “this here is the absolute terror of all trainers I have encountered so far.” Though all he did in all his previous matches was merely pick the Pokémon with the most advantages beforehand, and he just happened to have an effective Pokémon for this annoying Bisharp. “GO HITMONCHAN!” And once more he threw the Pokéball, this time far away from the Bisharp, and as soon the little device hit the ground it opened with a ‘pop’ and a blinding light, from which emerged a creature a bit smaller than Shredder, wearing a couple of boxing gloves on each hand and a simple purple robe over his thin but muscular body. “CHAN!” “READY!” exclaimed the fighting-type in its Poké-language while throwing multiple jabs to the air at blinding speeds as a show of power. Of course, Shredder and Weiss could tell that it was just a bluff. “Let’s make this more interesting,” said Rick with his cocky tone back, some napkins appearing from Arceus-knows-where now stopping the blood from his nose. “Winner gets all of the loser’s money!” “…Why would I hand over my well earned money to the likes of you?” asked Weiss with a confused look on his face. “Is this some lazy trainer stuff?” It wasn’t like Weiss didn’t know what was going on. It’s common knowledge that some money was given to the winner as a sign of respect after a good Pokémon battle, but he simply disliked how some people abused this tradition mercilessly, running toward any unsuspecting trainer as soon eye contact was made with them. Not even children were safe from these highwaymen. “Or maybe it’s because you can’t get a job?” Both Rick and Hitmonchan seemed very confused for a few seconds. “… I-… is not like-… I do-SHUT UP AND FIGHT YOU FAGGOT!” was the reply his poor brain could come up with, yet it was all his Pokémon needed to get fired up. Weiss sighed as he offered a look to Shredder. “What do you say? Feel like robbing a robber?” Shredder seemed offended by the mere question. “I normally stand above such brutish ways… but,” in a single movement she removed the sword from her belt and handed it to Weiss, who took it without question, “I can’t allow such a cur to simply insult us and walk away unscratched.” “-if you call a broken nose unscratched,” joked the ‘trainer’ as he took a few steps away, giving them some room for the fight. As the battle was about to start, Weiss noticed they had a spectator; the girl from before had returned and was now watching the fight. He then noticed her purple hair as well how she didn’t have the typical expectant look of someone watching a Pokémon battle, but from someone who knew how to properly fight and was already calculating who would eventually come out on top. “You shouldn’t push your Pokémon like this,” said the purple girl with a serious tone. “Huh? Why is that?” asked Weiss as Rick took advantage of his ‘distraction’ and started attacking. “Hitmonchan! Use Sky Uppercut now!!” ordered Rick. Shredder had to admit his Hitmonchan was really fast, landing right before her in a couple of steps. “All ours!” exclaimed Rick while savoring victory beforehand. However, all Hitmonchan hit was air as Shredder took a simple step to the side, letting the hit swing right next to her, and instead of countering or hitting back she brought her hands to a thinking expression. “Not bad; your footwork is flawless on its movements, but you sacrifice speed as a result,” she offered. “Mo- Hitmonchan!? Re-really!?” replied the aggressor, his natural instinct to enhance his abilities kicking in. “Ah, but if you stop focusing where you are going to place your feet next and more on where you are actually going, you can move more like this,” and so she showed him some of her footwork, vanishing from her place and reappearing right before Rick in less than a blink, much to the youngster’s surprise. “A-ah!” Rick, as a result, fell to the ground “What are you doing!? Hitmonchan, Mach Punch!” “Oh, not a bad move to choose,” said Shredder to her dismay, acknowledging Rick in the process. “… CHA?! Mon-Monchan!! WHA?! Right-Mach Punch!!” Hitmonchan finally reacted as he flew toward Shredder. “Good, your footwork is definitely perfect now, but…” Again all Shredder had to do was simply twirl to the side and Hitmonchan’s Mach Punch missed her entirely, yet this time he did connect something else. “Awghua…!” exclaimed Rick as he was sent flying backwards by the attack of his own Pokémon. “Mo-Monch… So-sorry…” Said the fighter in retaliation. “You are not aware of your surroundings,” said Shredder, again in her instructor mode. “First you have to…” and so Shredder started to give her attacker some more tips -tips Hitmonchan was more than happy to learn, especially now that he had some time with Rick out of commission. ~A few seconds ago~ “What do you mean by that?” asked Weiss to the purple girl. The girl looked at Weiss directly, showing him her big yet serious purple eyes. “She may be able to waltz all over this opponent” - which she was - “but if he connects one single hit, then it’s all over, she is four times weaker against him after all.” “… and your point is?” asked back Weiss with confusion. The purple girl seemed too confused by his comment, but continued, “One thing is trust the strength of your Pokèmon, and another is to overestimate them to the point of setting them on danger. Aren’t you worried of what may happen to her if she gets hit?” the purple girl asked with a voice as serious as her gaze. “…” Weiss thought for a few seconds, only to grab the pendant resting over his neck, a small Pokéball resting at the end of the chain with what appeared to be some frost, a frost that despite the temperature never melted.‘And never will’ Weiss thought as he finally responded, “I think I understand what you are trying to say, it’s ‘overconfidence is a warrior’s worst enemy’ isn’t it?” The purple girl nodded. “Well, I’m afraid to tell you I learned this lesson in a very hard way.” This surprised her again. But she wasn’t going to give up her point just yet. “But then why…?” Here she looked back at the fight which, more to her confusion, had turned into a class. “It’s not because I train my Pokémon to the point of ‘perfection’ so I can boast around like that poor boy over there,” he pointed at the unconscious Rick which none of them seemed to care for. “I train them so we can become a stronger team.” The purple girl took a second to digest his words. “I see your point, but I can’t understand why you’d accept a Pokémon battle that could have hurt her, even if she won.” “Well, to be sincere, this was her choice entirely,” said Weiss with a shrug. “I haven’t been a ‘trainer’ in years you know?” The level of confusion on the purple girl was overwhelming by now. “You are not her trainer then?” “Nope.” “Then what are you?” “Her friend,” said Weiss again with such casualness it seemed to be something as simple as breathing. Here the purple girl seemed to realize something -something more than just Weiss’ words. Weiss decided to let the information settle in her as he looked at the unconscious human lying in the muddy water and turned to the Hitmonchan, which was still learning from Shredder. They seemed to be practicing how to deliver some punches now. “Sorry about this,” Weiss said while pointing at Rick. “Do you need help taking him to a doctor?” he offered. The Hitmonchan then looked at Rick; he knew him well. He was cocky and full of himself, but still he treated him fairly and helped him train while choosing good battles for him to win. He respected Rick despite his flaws, yet he couldn’t deny Rick had gone a bit too far with the Arrow’s son. So with a shake of his head, the Punching Pokémon walked over to his trainer and picked him up, not a hard task thanks to his bulk, and proceeded to leave. Not before giving Shredder an honorable reverence and say in its language “Hit-hitmon, hitmon monchan, Hitmonchan! Shredder returned the bow and replied, “I will be glad to train you some more if the situation ever allows it.” Hitmonchan then smiled widely, a dust of blush on his face as he started to trot down the road with his trainer. “I see you have a fan,” teased Weiss. Shredder replied, “So do you,” pointing at the purple girl with her gaze, who seemed to have a difficult time finding her next sentence. “…About what I said…” she finally uttered, “I owe you an apology. I tried to lecture you about how you treat your Pokémon when you clearly know more than I do… I am a shame to my position… and to my father…” and so the purple girl started sniffing, small tears appearing at the sides of her serious eyes as she clenched her fist, all the while remaining as straight as possible. This blindsided Weiss. “Ah! Come on! It’s not that big of a deal… it’s not like you are a Gym Leader or something” he say while trying to make her feel better, but the look the girl give him, as well the huge tears she was starting to pour, made Weiss realize he had just messed up, big time. “… Crap… so you…? Sorry!” was all he could say as he now bowed deeply to her. Roughly wiping away her tears, the purple girl faced Weiss once more, the seriousness back in her eyes as she offered him her hand “Kanto Gym Leader, Poison-type specialist, Anzu! An honor to make your acquaintance, most people call me Janine though.” Now was Weiss’ turn to be surprised “Anzu... the gym leader ‘Janine’ Anzu…? As in Koga’s daughter Anzu?!” this last part earning him a punch to the ribs from Shredder. “Smooth…” she replied as Anzu only looked in confusion. However, the Bisharp knew how happy Weiss should be at the moment, since it’s not every day you meet the daughter of your idol. “Yeah… my bad… here,” he properly stood up and took her hand. “Weiss, just Weiss, leader of the ‘Checkmate’ hiring team, you need it, we do it!” The brave leader blushed heavily as he noticed how his logo had slipped his mouth because of the euphoria. “… We didn’t have the best ideas at the time,” deadpanned Shredder, adding insult to injury while also ending the awkward silence. The trio burst into happy laughter and started to walk towards Lumiose City, sure to share some stories about each other and what-not when suddenly they all started to feel drowsy, as if something had commanded them to sleep. Despite their better judgment, one by one they fell to the moist dirt, consciousness slowly leaving their bodies as an all-powerful but gentle voice said deep within their very beings: “Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.” Somewhere else A different location A whole different world Deep within a temple of the Griffon Empire, the screams, growls and barking of what seemed to be a whole diamond dog pack echoed all over the dust filled chambers. While most voices were incomprehensible, there were a few others which barked orders like ‘Over there’ or ‘Track her down!’ and ‘Find her!’ Meanwhile, a single pair of rose colored eyes observed the chaotic pack from a safe distance, thanking Celestia for her coat and mane being so good for hiding within temples. She took a moment to rest from her current situation and listed off her day: First she tracked down the stolen artifact to this temple and got into it with no problem. “Entering is always easy, going out though…” Then she found a whole bunch of dogs inside the ruins, looking for who knew what “-ain’t that a change.” Her experience told her it was nothing good, so she decided to just take the artifact and fly home before anything could happened. However, she was found out as soon she put her hooves on the relic, not because of clumsiness or bright guards “-that would be quite a change,” but because of the freaking tremor that suddenly happened, she lost her balance and fell right before the damn dogs. Luckily, she managed to escape with the item in her teeth, but the problem was that she had ran deeper into the ruins instead the other way around. “So let’s see,” the yellow mare started, “completely outnumbered, partially lost, no hopes of been rescued and with every dog sniffing after me… I would say I’ve had a very good day so far, not a single bladed trap, piercing darts or damn feline in sight.” With a proud thud, Daring Do huffed her chest, ready to deal with anything this temple would throw at her while placing the item under her hat and stating “another day, another dung-hoa!” As she was about to start sneaking away once more, she tripped over a very hard something laying on the ground “son of a mule…!” exclaimed Do as quietly as the pain would allow her, then turned to see what made her trip so painfully: a statue. It was big, definitely taller than her if standing, but also thin, barely as thick as she was. But the stranger part was that she could recognize neither the culture nor the creature it was supposed to represent. “Weird… since when did the ancient griffins make statues out of metal…?” asked the adventurer while poking the side of the statute, only for it to suddenly raise an arm “…” a heavily armored arm “…” a heavily armored, mobile arm “...” A heavily armored, mobile and bladed arm. “Okay, that’s definitely new! > Second Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Move Old memories, new lands Johto region City of Alto Mare Years ago The water maze of a city that is Alto Mare was never a place to find mercenaries amok, since it was mostly for tourists looking to relax and spend some time close to the sea while surrounded by exquisite pieces of art and culture, and thus there were hardly any important jobs at such places. But that all came to a sudden end when a monstrous tidal wave from out of nowhere almost leveled the city. The story of what really happened was blurred by gossips and deformed by exaggerations as some said it was caused by the legendary Kyogre, others claimed it was Arceus itself ready to wipe out the filth of the world while there even was a theory saying it was the works of a new evil team and so on and on. However, when the ‘how it was stopped?’ question appeared, people seemed to become ignorant and silent at the spot, only saying things like ‘it was all too fast’ or ‘I was asleep’ but most commonly ‘I can’t remember’. Not only did the citizens never seem to remember what happen, but they downright preferred to ignore how such a cataclysmic event was banished in the blink of an eye, leaving them miraculously unscratched. Long story short: Alto Mare was hiding something. That was as hard to see as the fear Fairy-types bring to Dragon-types (not difficult at all), thus many private parties went off to find out the truth behind it and learn just what was the cause of the events as well as what managed to stop it so abruptly, but more importantly: if it could be repeated, replicated and taken advantage of. And so the once calm city was soon filled to the brim with a new kind of tourists which cared not about the beauty of the sea or the grace of their culture but rather the secrets so nonchalantly admitted to have existed due to their lies. Some of these visitors were well known researchers and philanthropists such as renowned inventor Bill and most of the pokemon professors like Kanto’s Oak and Unova’s Juniper. As well of less known shady characters like team Rocket leader, Giovanni, or even the then unknown leader of Team Flare, Lysandre. They all were part of a colossal treasure hunt, and as such, Checkmate couldn’t stay out of it. Because of the sudden overpopulation on the city, Weiss arrived in Alto Mare with only three members; Xavier, Ganger and the team’s newest addition: Froakie “The city’s layout will become a problem for the recruit,” pointed out Xavier in his deep voice over the mind-link, which had some interference due to that all over the city a large amount of psychic-types mind-linked their respective teams as well, although Xavier would never say he had difficulties over such a ‘trivial matter’ As soon as Weiss arrived, he headed to the town’s library and looked for information, a rather general idea as he soon found out, meanwhile, he mentally appraised the water-type. “I don’t know, he sure shows some sneaking skills,” said the mercenary as he retrieved the latest report from said recruit: a piece of paper that ‘spontaneously’ appeared in his pocket “Hiding in plain sight. I definitely like this guy” “If you say so. I on the other hand see his excess of isolation disturbing,” replied Xavier dryly. Although promising, Froakie hardly said a word, not even on the mind link. Pancha, Rouge and Roll often wonder if he had a tongue to begin with and constantly ended up joking at the idea of a tongueless Greninja. “He has his awkwardness. What about it? I am sure I can make an oddity list from each of us long enough to get back home,” joked the leader as he finished his reading, sharing the information to the team’s tactician. “Just there?” Xavier jokingly replied with his deadpanned voice as he examined the information Weiss received, meanwhile, the human left the library. “I see your train of thought,” pointed Xavier, “but what makes you believe those will tell us anything? They certainly see us as foes since the last time we crossed paths” remembering what a troublesome duo those two thieves where. “Is not our fault we were hired to take back what they stole. Besides, they seemed to enjoy the game of chase!” bragged Weiss happily, although he clearly avoided the part when the game ended with the bandits winning “They will talk with the proper words, they are professionals after all” Replied back Weiss with a calm tone as he reached a building as artistic and elegant as the rest on the city, albeit not as visited: the prison, for which he would pay a visit to his oh so dear ‘siblings’ Annie and Oakley. An hour later “You know I could have taken the information out of their heads,” said an annoyed Xavier. It took quite some talk to get the captured thieves speaking, and even what little they said wasn’t pointing anywhere. “And get my mind scrambled in the process like last time? No thank you. I know you are strong and all but you shouldn’t use other people’s head as relay stations, I couldn’t discern my memories for a week!” replied Weiss as he remembered the incident and how he swore he thought he was a Nurse Joy back then. “And they did tell us where to go.” “… correct me if I am wrong but when was such information given?” asked the Psychic-type curiously. “It wasn’t what they said, but what they didn’t. They mention how they ‘would have gotten away with it…’ ” started Weiss. “ ’If it weren’t for those meddling kids’ yes I heard that too, but what is your point?” finished Xavier “Simple, this place is filled to the brim with museums, galleries, libraries and theaters right?” Xavier gave a psychic nod “so which of those is the only one in the entire city that has a wing closed with no explanation and a whole new security crew?” Xavier didn’t need to think hard and let Weiss continue, “so whatever they almost ‘got’ must come from here” Alto Mare’s Museum of Art & History “I acknowledge your reasoning but… wait!” exclaimed Xavier with a flat tone that, to Weiss, sounded like whispering. “someone is spying on us…!” deadpanned the Psychic, its voice colder than usual. This was something new, and for a mercenary, ‘new’ and ‘unexpected’ never came as good things. “someone is capable of ‘hacking’ into your link?!” asked nervously the human, carefully looking all over the sea of people surrounding him, scanning for anyone as suspicious as himself. “Unprovable, but …” -Xavier wore a hint of what seemed to be confusion, making Weiss a bit more neurotic- “I did sense a presence in the link. it was only for an instant, but it was definitely here… Let me run some diagnostics.” And so the mental-link was flooded with the noises a very antique computer would make when connecting to the net, something Weiss definitely didn’t like to hear; however, the link had to keep online in order to find what or who had alarmed his tactician so much. After a few agonizing seconds against a real and figurative wall, Weiss heard the link going silent. “did you find anything?” asked the stressed mercenary, not sure who to trust among all the faces on the crowd, expecting an ambush at any second. “… no… I didn’t find anything,” said Xavier, not too convinced though. “That should be a good thing, right?” asked back Weiss, noticing the slightlytill different tone yet relaxing a bit more while resuming his way. “That’s the problem,” explained Xavier emotionlessly, “I expected another mental-link to cross mine by mistake or someone attacking, anything like that. But I find none of those, only the link as it was. Whoever broke in, it made little to no effort to do so while leaving no trace behind” Weiss took a second to think the possibilities; It could have been someone trying to hear into their link in the pursuit of information, which was like gold in their situation, or an overload caused by the saturation on the airspace, the place was boiling with psychics after all “…” but experience had also taught Weiss to never go with the simple explanation of ‘who’s there…?! Meh, probably just a cat’ that some idiotic guards had “did you feel any aggressive intent from it?” Finally asked Weiss “It was only an instant, I can’t give an accurate report.” That said, Xavier used all of his mental power to analyze the fraction of second that he had felt the presence. “Negative… I feel no ill intention… nothing close to be considered aggression” “We will have to go with that then…” said the leader of Checkmate while thinking ‘gambits are yet another part of the job’ as he entered the museum, completely unaware of the translucent body that was following him. Finding the most ‘attractive’ sight on the museum closed with nothing more than a sign saying ‘under renovations’ and a guard keeping people as far away of the entrance as possible was enough to tell Weiss he had found the place Annie and Oakley visited. “This was easy…!” exclaimed the human with a bit of disappointment as he looked for a way to enter. “You do know that 78% of the times those words are said something happens,” said Xavier dryly. “Sorry, my bad,” replied Weiss with a scolded tone as he patted his head, “your turn buddy.” And at these words, a Joltik came out of Weiss’ hair, a decisive look of ‘bring it’ on its tiny eyes as it jumped off its hiding spot and quickly made it over one of the many displays nearby, With an electric-ñoming sound, the alarm guarding it was triggered and the general attention aimed towards it, distracting the guard long enough for the mercenaries to enter the guarded chamber. Inside lied a huge machine that looked like a planetarium crossed with a desk lamp: the fabled Defense Mechanism of Alto Mare, or DMA for short -the main attraction of the museum which legend claimed to be a real defensive mechanism of sorts- lied inside the room as the only exhibition alongside a couple of fossils on the ground. The first thing Weiss noticed was how different the machine looked from the promotional pamphlets and said “so many pictures of this machine all over the city makes that change hard to miss” while inspecting the machine. He could find what appeared to be a cockpit. “Why would a planetarium need one of these?” It seemed out of energy. “What do you see, Xavier?” “Besides what people call ‘modern art’? Nothing,” came the reply from the Psychic. “I am not there, so you need to be a ‘relay station’ if you want me to find something” “… did you just act on a grudge?” asked Weiss, a bit shocked by the sudden emotional show his regularly cold tactician made. “Will you or will you not?” pressed Xavier. “Do I have any other choice?” he conceded, although he didn’t mind it this time, since he wasn’t going to enter someone else’s mind. “Whenever you are ready.” Xavier concentrated a portion of his mind on Weiss’ being, causing the human’s eyes to shine blue. “Mental upload completed, beginning analysis,” stated a mix of human and mechanic voices coming out of Weiss’ mouth as the two started to inspect the DMA. “The energy levels this machine needs to operate are nothing I have seen before.” Some remnants of said energy glowed all over the controls, making the machine seem alive once more “however there seems to be not much remaining of it” “So you are saying it’s out of juice then?” asked Weiss from within his own consciousness. “In a way, yes” answered Xavier from Weiss’ mouth, “it is strange though…” Without explaining what he meant with that, Xavier made Weiss move around the machine, tracing down the energy until they found what appeared to be where its power source was supposed to go: a little base for some sort of sphere. “The trace starts here but … this is inconceivable” remarked Xavier with some interest. “What is?” asked again the human. “The size of the energy source is minuscule in comparison with the output. Either the designer knew a way to generate this much energy out of a battery, or whatever lied here is the equivalent of a hyper-micro reactor” “Okay… now in a language we mortals can understand” requested Weiss -Ganger and Froakie mentally nodding in agreement. “Think having the energy for Castelia city in the palm of your hand” the Psychic dryly rephrased, no stranger to such situations. “So you are implying the battery is more important than the machine then?” concluded Weiss as he regained control over his body “you know what this means, right?” “Technology is about to forever change and leap at least ten years of development?” ventured Xavier, although he knew this wasn’t what his leader was thinking about. “That too” lied Weiss “but it also means we hit the jackpot here! And before anyone else to top it” As this little party of one happened, the tactician notices something again “Weiss… it’s back” At these words, Weiss’ demeanor returned to its cold, professional self. “Can you track it back to its source?” “That’s unnecessary…” replied Xavier with a hint of defeat. “Why is that?” asked Weiss, ready to burst into a dash, being worried for its tactician “Is it heading to your position?!” Calmly the psychic-type replied “Negative, it’s already at yours.” And so, the mercenary was left with a cold sweat as he slowly turned to face the one capable of not only meddling into Xavier’s mental link as if it were nothing, but also capable of sneaking behind him without being noticed “…” needless to say, Weiss was beyond perplexion once he saw her. He found a simple looking young girl wearing a simple looking green shirt, a simple looking white skirt and a broad smile which she used to say one simple word, “Hi” Location unknown Present time Weiss started to return from his memories as his eyes opened slowly and looked at the blue sky “… odd… since when was route 14 so shiny…?” his head was killing him and the bright light didn’t help at the slightest, so he slowly turned to his side in order to avoid it and found the weirdest creature he had ever encountered in his entire life: a squirrel. For Weiss, it was a brown-furred and puffy-tailed creature looking directly at him with perhaps the same perplexed expression “…” After some time he finally muttered “you are not a Ratata!” which seemed to startle the ‘creature’ away. Weiss followed the squirrel with his gaze and found what seemed to be a white cottonless Buneary trying to smell the air around him. After yet another staring contest between him and the bunny, Weiss got to the next conclusion “… another eccentric contractor!” exclaimed the ‘human’ as he returned his gaze to the ground with a scowl. From time to time he would suddenly awake in the middle of an unknown region with nothing more than some gear and instructions for some suicidal mission, those where normally pretty annoying, as they expect him to act as Klinklang without knowing what the hell this was all about. He looked around for Shredder or Anzu of which neither seemed to be around. “Shred must be somewhere else,” he thought out loud, “and Anzu is too famous a gym leader, they wouldn’t dare mix her in this, so I am on my own for now.” “What a big pile…” said Weiss with little excitement as he returned his gaze to the sky while waiting for someone to contact him. “Sooner or later they will come and try to make me move my sorry ass,” he said to himself with annoyance while attributing the weird sensation over his body to the gear he was given. He then opted to think about the memories he had on the way there. “Haven’t thought of her like this in a while… I wonder how she is doing,” he said out loud. “It must be because of the anniversary. It is coming soon, after all. Must tell Rouge to get her best roses ready for it…” His mind drifted on preparations for the anniversary as he waited for someone to arrive. Needless to say he would be doing so for a while. Ancient Griffin ruins Daring’s location Daring Do almost forgot the situation she was in as she closely inspected the sort of metallic golem before her. It appeared to be able to talk and had been mumbling for some seconds, which itself told her it was a feminine golem, and she seemed to be coming back into her senses. Normally Daring would have left it there and ran for the exit, finding some more of these golems trying to stop her along the way out, yet something told her this was something unique -similar to the time one of the princess and her friends showed up and turned one of her adventures into one hell of a ride, a ride she was happy to be part of nevertheless. So, trusting her guts, she started to poke at the metallic golem waking up. “Hey…!” -poke- “Are you okay…?” -poke- “You hurt or something?” -poke- “Do you need help-gah!” Her hoof was suddenly grabbed by the golem’s cold hand, which in turn replied with a very annoyed voice. “Enough with that meddling!” the golem’s voice seemed similar to somepony who just woke up after a Buffalo celebration with lots of shrooms “Just where are we anyway…?” asked the metallic being while looking at her surroundings in confusion, not letting go of Daring’s hoof. “Slow start and ignorant of the job huh? This place’s security is cheaper than I thought,” joked Daring while trying to get loose from the golem’s hand. It didn’t budge an inch. “Huh, is that so…” replied dryly the golem, ignorant of what she meant, “but one more thing.” Faster than Daring Do could react, she was now the one lying on the ground with her hoof been tightly pressed against her back while her new captor interrogated, “Who are you, Ponyta, and where is my team?” “Okay! I take back what I said about the lousy security!” exclaimed Do as she tried once again to break loose, “and what are talking about? Don’t you work for those dogs out there? Or the guys who made this temple in the first place? And what the hay is a Ponyta?” Ignoring the last part, the golem faced towards an unfamiliar noise coming from the distance: the Diamond Dogs -automatically deeming them non-friendly. “Just what are those…?” Then she looked at Daring more closely. “And what are you?” She asked, letting go of her. ‘Oh this is going to be one of those long days alright,’ thought Daring as she regained the mobility of her hoof and glared at the metallic creature. “You’re telling me you don’t remember your purpose here?” she was about to joke about the place’s security once more but opted to keep her arm free “You are a golem, and you are supposed to be guarding these ruins,” said the adventurer mare slowly, almost as if she were talking to a ‘special’ pony, a motion pointing at the whole place as extra input. “I see that hardly possible since I am not a Golurk but a Bisharp, neither have I ever accepted the mission you speak off,” replied the Bisharp with a suspicious expression towards Daring’s motions, thinking in return if she was a ‘special’ Ponyta. “A Bishop? Excuse me ma’am but you don’t seem the religious-type at all, unless you are from one of those sects who loves sharp stuff…” said Daring while eyeing the armor more closely. “I know a lost cult or two whom would like to get the name of your tailor.” “Bi-Sharp.” Now was the turn for the metallic creature to talk slowly, “you know, the sword blade pokemon? And I am not a religious-type; I am dark-type” “Poke—what now!?” Replied Daring with a frown. “… you are kidding right?” deadpanned the Bisharp, to which Daring simply denied. “You don’t know what a pokemon is…” she continued with disbelief, “how can you not know what a pokemon is? We are literally all over the planet!?” though her tone of voice was still adamant, the look on her face clearly showed the amount of stress her head was going through. “Is this some sort of bad joke Ponyta…!” Daring had to accept that the level of expression this Bisharp creature had on its face was impressive, considering it was made out of metal. “I told you I don’t know what a Pokemon or a Ponyta its alre-hey-mmmmnmm!!” before Daring could finish, the Bisharp pushed her into the ground and covered her mouth, her eyes again cold as she looked into the distance. A couple of voices, and sniffs could be heard coming toward their direction, only to change its course in favor of a different hallway. “I think explanations have to wait until we are on a safer ground,” said the Bisharp as she stood back up, helping Daring to do so as well. “You don’t say?” joked Daring as she dusted herself off while taking her hoof-erm-hand, although she too had forgotten about the Diamond Dogs since her ‘talk’ with the pokemon started “so where now, Bisharp?” “How should I know, this place is unknown to me” replied the pokemon solemnly “I’m afraid an alliance is in order for us to leave this place, thus I will be at your mercy for now on.” “Quite the golem you are,” joked Daring yet again “Be sure to stay close then, this place is filled with those pups as well some traps. I am Daring by the way-” she raised her hoof “-Daring Do.” The pokemon took the hoof tightly and said in turn “Shredder, and…” Shredder seemed to fidget for a few seconds, her face turning a dusty shade of pink, as she tried to bend the blade on her hips to cover her rear “Would you happen to have some extra clothes with you?” Unknown Place Weiss’ location “JUST WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR??!!” exclaimed the tired mercenary, “I swear to Arceus if this is another sick game of battle royale I am so slicing some necks once I am out of here!” At the mere thought of heads being chopped like apples, Weiss could feel something coming out his forearms “what the fu-” He raised his arm and noticed a sight he had seen many times, albeit from a different perspective: a silver armored arm with a thin, long, sharp blade coming out of it. “… Isn’t this Shred’s arm?” he wondered out loud as he processed the information, taking in the new limb. Weiss decided to look at the rest of his ‘equipment’, noticing it was in fact the armored body of a Bisharp. “Okay… this isn’t Shred’s body” His time with his second in command had taught him how to identify her with ease. “Then is this body mine or some other pokemon’s…?” Being a mercenary, Weiss had heard all sorts of things in his life, from people being spirited away by ghost-types to psychic-types capable of body swapping with unsuspecting travelers -the latter filling the bill- and even some mad scientists hiding all over the world. ”Only one way to find out.” He took his hand to the back of his neck, noticing the familiar sensation within its flesh, or was it metal now? “Okay, this ‘is’ my body -but no clothes- and…” He searched around his neck and noticed with sadness the loss of his necklace, “Gone too, huh?” But he cheered up soon after as he again found that familiar shine up in the sky “It’s okay, family is more than material stuff, right you two?” Weiss proceeded to think about his current situation and the possibilities while looking at the ground, waiting. “Suddenly knocked out cold-” a shadow appeared on the ground around him “-wake up in the middle of nowhere as a pokemon-” the shadow started to enlarge “-So I either got captured by a mad scientist-” the shadow was definitely big “-got pranked by a Ghost or Psychic pokemon-” the shadow was now turning smaller at an accelerated rate “-or I stumbled upon Jirachi while drunk and asked for this to happen… somehow.” laughing about his last option, Weiss stepped out of the shadow just the very instant before it hit the ground. A thunderous ‘Boom’ sounded and a thick cloud of dirt came out of the collision, which Weiss ignored as he greeted his old friend and comrade with a question. “Which one do you like more, Xavier?” From within the dust, a deep mechanical voice raised, “I think wishes don’t work in such a way.” The dirt cloud subsided to reveal a huge, four legged spider-like creature with shining silver skin all over its body, an enormous golden X lying right on the middle of its cold and calculating red eyes, which give Xavier and all of his kind a permanent frown-like expression, however his monotonic voice sounded almost warm and happy as he looked at Weiss. It took Xavier a second to recognise the former human’s mind, and though he too was confused for the change, what he just found out made that seem trivial. “I also suggest you to lie down as I fill you in of what I have found,” said the shiny Metagross as it walked toward Weiss, “and I assure you, it’s not easy to take” “Xavier…” started Weiss “I am a Bisharp, A. BI-SHARP. What can you possibly tell me that surpasses this?” He pointed at the blades on his forearms. “We are in a different world” deadpanned Xavier. “ Oh… that is a good start...” he replied flatly, before the former human took Xavier’s suggestion and slowly sat on the ground. > Third Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third move Piercing the heavens Unknown place Weiss’ location Weiss never had reasons to distrust his tactical commander, not that the Metagross ever lied but he was very professional and serious about certain things, and this one qualified as such “How do you know?” finally asked Weiss, unable to keep his curiosity and anxiety away. With a deep voice, Xavier answered “First is the sky.” His entire body pointed up. “There are no man made satellites.” Weiss knew at least a thousand reasons for that, many involving the legendary, evil teams and evil teams using a legendary, but he let Xavier continue. “Next is the air.” Now Xavier motioned one of its massive legs around them. “It is unnaturally clean, with no trace of artificial CO2 in it at all.” It was common sense that pollution hadn’t been a problem for decades thanks to the development of cleaner energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines, but to go from that to having absolutely no smog or pollution in the blink of an eye was simply unthinkable. But again, Weiss figured it might have been something the legendary Pokemon had done, mainly Legendaries like Celebi and Shaymin. “Finally, there is this.” Linking his mind with Weiss, Xavier showed him what appeared to be a starry sky at a very high altitude. ‘No wonder you fell so hard,’ Weiss thought. “The stars are different, not as in different alignment caused by the flow of time, but as in they ‘are’ different celestial bodies. And the only explanation I can think of is that… ” the image disappeared and Xavier pointed his ‘angry’ eyes at Weiss. Weiss knew the answer already. “We aren’t in Kalos anymore.” “… uhm…” The now Bisharp remained silent for a minute, only to spring back up. “Well we can’t whimper over this forever! I am a Pokemon and we are in a different word, but that isn’t important!” exclaimed Checkmate’s leader, his attitude back in place. “You mean the whereabouts of the rest of the team?” finished Xavier while Weiss smiled, amongst all the members of Checkmate, the shiny always understood him the most. ‘It must be those four brains’ he thought. “You know it! We need to regroup first, then we see what to do from there, it’s not like it is going to be that hard, right?” added Weiss with a triumphant smirk. Xavier, however, didn’t share his enthusiasm. “About that...” –he pointed up again– “No satellites, remember?” It took a few seconds for the information to kick into Weiss’ brain, but once it did... “Well fuck!” “Normally I would prefer more proper ways to exclaim our current predicament, but yeah, those two words do explain our situation quite accurately,” the Psychic-type calmly acknowledged. “I can still feel them, though at a certain distance” “Well this isn’t that bad then,” said the former human with a brighter look. “How far is your range now?” “About a mile,” deadpanned Xavier ~sigh~ “… still better than nothing,” admitted Weiss as he jumped over the Metagross’ huge head, which was most of his body actually, and comfortably sat on it “So, where to?” “You may want to wait,” pointed the shiny, not seeming to mind his new passenger, “I can sense some of them close by.” “Already!” exclaimed Weiss in surprise. “How did they find us so quickly?” “I am a silver flying saucer with a golden ‘X’ on the middle of my face. I am not precisely hard to miss,” retorted the shiny with dry sarcasm. “Oh…yeah, right, dumb from my part –ahem– so when will they arrive?” “They are at the edge of the forest” At this mention, Weiss looked up and noticed the meadow they were in which was surrounded by a thick forest, which also surrounded a huge mountain range in the distance. Weiss focused back on the forest. “Huh, and where are they…? Oh wait, there they are!” As soon Weiss placed his eyes at the forest, three shadows leapt out the trees, rushing towards them. “Wait…” Then the Bisharp noticed something a bit odd. “Xavier…? By any chance have you made contact with them yet?” they weren’t running towards them, but charging. “Negative” said back Xavier. “Because I think they think I’m attacking you.” “What makes you think so?” “Well, there are a couple of reasons, but mainly one.” The three pokemon were closing the distance quickly. “That being the killer intent they aren’t even trying to hide,” deadpanned the leader. “So I would really thank you if you could fill them in ASAP!” Not losing time, Xavier’s mind connected with the others and told them as much of the situation as fast as possible. The three pokemon stopped mere moments of reaching them, their gazes fixated at the Bisharp with confusion and disbelief. After a few seconds of silence a thickly accented female voice exclaimed, “QUÉ PASO QUE!?” Griffin Ruins Daring’s location Daring Do and Shredder had been running inside the ruins nonstop while looking for an exit for the last couple of minutes. Avoiding a few traps along the way, Daring noticed how the Dogs had been diligently working on removing them. This was beneficial for them as it made their running easier. And to Do’s surprise, the metallic creature turned out to be able to keep up with her. “So, may I incur what is the general situation right now?” asked Shredder, “besides the whole ‘I’ve somehow awoken in an unknown region’.” “Empire,” Daring corrected. “This is the Griffin Empire, and right now I am just here to retrieve and return something these puppies stole from a friend’s museum.” Here, the mare patted her hat. “The retrieving part is already done, but it’s the return that is having a bit of a delay” Shredder knew of these kinds of situations thanks to previous missions, so there was little to ask about the item itself. “Stolen good huh, an ancient artifact of sorts?” ventured the pokemon “You bet.” “Seems mystical?” “It even shines.” “And they want to use it in order to activate/revive/open/summon yet another complicated thing or being?” “You sure know this game.” “I think the expression ‘comes with the job’ fits better,” replied Shredder as they ran into a door being guarded by what Shredder could only call two small, hairless Pangoros wearing armor on the other side. “I see a path past them,” noted the Bisharp. “What do we do?” Daring thought about their choices. “There may be another way around but it could take us too long.” Time wasn’t something they wanted to lose in an unknown territory filled with enemies, and though she could take care of one of the guards, the other would either take care of her or bring more dogs into the fight. But then she remembered she had a new companion and asked, “Say, you can properly handle yourself in a fight, right?” The smile she got back was all she needed to know as she readied the weapon under her wing. What happened next lasted a couple of instants. Daring used her whip to distract the guardians. The two bulky diamond dogs, hearing a sudden whiplash right between them, turned their heads in fright. And before they could face them, both girls projected themselves through the archway and toward the Dogs, Daring bucking one unconscious and the other being restrained by Shredder’s right arm while her left one pulled a big blade out of it and would have sliced the dog’s neck if it weren’t for Daring’s intervention. “WHAT THE HAY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” exclaimed the explorer with of horror. Shredder simply replied, “Taking care of the guard…?” a bit of confusion in her voice as she kept the dog under her grip so he was unable to move or whimper, let alone scream. “And why would you do that?” inquired back Do, not letting go of Shredder’s arm. “So we have less to worry about… but I presume you incur this act as…” the Bisharp doubted for a second and then ventured, “bad…right?” “OF COURSE IT’S BAD!” screamed Daring Do again, muffling herself as soon as she finished and hoping she wasn’t heard. “Okay then, if this is how you do things, I will follow your ways.” The sword blade Pokemon then retrieved her ‘appendage’ calming the Diamond Dog and Daring who in turn let go of her arm. Yet as soon Shredder was free she slammed her elbow right into the canine’s jaw, rendering it unconscious in the act, and in the need of an immobilizer collar for a year. “… I guess that is better,” said Daring dryly, a bit surprised of Shredder’s level of aggression, but happy that she also knew how to behave, or at least to follow orders. “This is strange,” said Shredder adamantly. “What? Not wanting you to kill someone?” Daring snapped, “Well excuse me you crazy psycho!” “Not that,” replied Shredder, not seeming to care. “You should have alarmed the rest of the guards with your screams a second ago, yet no one has reported as of yet.” “Oh… now that you mention it.” Daring listened carefully at the many noises the Diamond Dogs were making all over the ruins. They sounded more active than before, but they no longer seemed to be looking for her. In fact, they sound confused and scared. “It sounds as though they are fending against something else, friends of yours maybe?” asked Do to the Pokemon. “I would like to hope so, but my team isn’t this noisy.” She did know her team after all, especially the kind of noise they could make. “And if they were all loud, we would be hearing them clearly, not this faintly.” “Still, we can use this chance and look for a way out without being too cautious, let’s go!” And so they continued running, Shredder still beside her. As the pair ran through the hallways, Daring noticed something strange. The ruins seemed to suddenly have new fauna that she hadn’t seen before: there were flocks of blind blue bats annoyingly flying all over, some sort of bug with mushrooms clinging on their backs, a kind of mole running-ehm-digging? around alone or in groups of three and what appeared to be “A moving blue rock?!” This earned her a frown and a step away from Shredder as if she had just seen a pastel colored Ponyta with wings “Yeah, it is a Roggenrola,” she said as simply as explaining that light came from the sun. “Wait, you know what that is? What all of these are?” again a frown came from the Bisharp followed close by a more comprehensive expression. “Oh… right, you’re ignorant of what we Pokemon are.” It was still a foreign concept for Shredder as she pointed at the blind bats “Those are Zubats, the bug there is a Paras and the digging creatures are Diglett and Dugtrio, all of these creatures are Pokemon as well.” “You are related to them?” ask Do, a more confused expression on the explorer’s face. “No we are not, well… so I think…. But at the same time we aren’t… I mean…” Shredder’s head started to steam because of the excessive thinking. “… every living creature with special powers and a definable typing is what is commonly known as a Pokemon. There are various species all over the globe,” she finally got out, repeating what she read once in a thin book. “You have no idea, do you?” deadpanned Daring Do. “No, I do not,” the Pokemon deadpanned back. “But I don’t understand,” continued the explorer, leaving that discussion for later. “Why are these creatures, ehm, why are you Pokemon suddenly appearing all over?” Shredder could only give her an expression of ‘Do you really think I would know after quoting a dictionary?’ and simply kept running. “My comrades surely may be able to answer your questions, if we find them, then we can discuss it with you at your heart’s content.” Daring smiled at the proposition “It’s a deal then.” They suddenly reached a wide open section within the ruins, apparently the center of them. The room seemed to be an auditorium with terraces all over and what appeared to be a pedestal in the middle, which in turn held a sort of artifact aiming to the ceiling, an entrance right in the middle of it with a form Daring recognized. “Drats!” exclaimed Do, “we are right where this thing goes. This is a trap!!” as she placed a hoof over her hat defensively. “If that is the case then we must haste for the exit before–” before Shredder could end her line, the sound of an incoming horde could be heard from every hallway “–before the ones guarding it comes back…” “A simple ‘this happens’ could have been enough you know?” replied Daring, a bit annoyed by Shredder’s overuse of words. Meanwhile, a horde of grayish bulky Dogs dashed into the room in a chaotic fashion, some placing shields and whatever they could find against the few doorways. The writer mare waited for enough quorum and then asked with a sonorous voice “Okay then, who is the boss here? I wanna know who the bright guy is so I know who I can talk to” Shredder could hear the cockyness on Do’s words, but she could also feel the seriousness emanating from them ‘So this is her battle cry huh?’ wondered the Pokemon as she let her do the talking, trusting her new companion. The dogs remained silent for a second, almost as if they were confused, until one of them exclaimed “MORE INTRUDERS!” havoc seemed to break loose within the Dog’s ranks. To which another voice replied “Someone bring tha boss!” to both the females’ surprise. It appeared none of the Diamond Dogs had noticed them until now. “So this wasn’t a trap?!” exclaimed Daring with disbelief, while Shredder’s newfound trust suddenly vanished. The same Dog from before barked an order as a response, “Someone tie those two before they have time for anything!” this was done immediately with neither of them making much of a fight; they were greatly surpassed with numbers and lost the element of surprise. Oblige was their only option for now as they were restrained, Daring losing her hat to them in the process. Ropes were placed over Shredder’s hands and Daring’s hooves and wings, and then were taken to a side of the room where another prisoner laid against the wall, ropes over its hands as well. Shredder did not care for the other as she could only glare at her captors “What a way to blunder it. I wonder how can I fix this to look more dramatic.” Daring wondered about her upcoming book–it helped to distract her from the actual danger of their situation. When she finally noticed the other prisoner, she, without turning to see him, casually asked, “So… what did you do?” The response she get however forced her head to turn to the prisoner. “Bish, Bi–Bisharp” Unknown place Weiss’ location “… my hands are heavy, like literally heavy!” explained Weiss to the ninja pokemon, who wisely retorted. “…” Weiss was sitting on the ground with his arms in the air, waiting for his team to end its debating while a water blade pointed at him, the water construct been held by a large bipedal frog-like creature wearing dark blue skin on a tuxedo pattern with cream yellow front, bubbles-like protuberances on its joints and a ridiculously long tongue wrapped around his face like a scarf, the tip of which weaved to the wind. Since Greninja never talked, he was put in charge of looking after the Bisharp, and obliged diligently. The rest of the team, Pancha and Rouge, discussed a few steps away of them with Xavier. All Weiss could do was wait and keep his tired arms up for the time being. “So you are sure the world just changed like that? That’s just loco,” exclaimed a small creature with a thick accent, red feathers and cape-like wings covering her muscular body, a mask-like pattern over her beaked face and a big pair of yellow eyes looking at the tactician. “The world didn’t just change Pancha,” a bipedal white rose as tall as Pancha retorted at the Hawlucha with a calm and elegant tone while wearing what looked like a mask, bouquets of red and blue flowers for hands and a long cape-like leaf covering her back in elegant fashion. “We are the ones in a different world.” “Eso, but that still doesn’t explain how the hell we got here to begin with,” pointed out Pancha while thanking Rouge, a Roserade, for the explanation. “That is something we can leave for latter girls, for now reuniting the team is our priority,” replied Xavier with its deep mechanical voice. “Then why don’t you just look for them with our ‘gepe-ese’ stuff and get it over with?” asked the exasperated Hawlucha. “I’m afraid I can’t use the GPS’ tracking as before, since I used the satellites to increase my range.” Pancha looked confused at the words Xavier used. “That only leaves the old fashioned way of walking doesn’t it?” Pointed out the Grass-type elegantly. Pancha seemed to understand these words better. “That seems the case. As long there is nothing covering the signal I shall be able to sense the others when in proximity” “Then it’s a pilgrim’s life for us,” added Rouge with little excitement. “Manta, it really sounds boring when you use those words, how about ‘a road trip’?” retorted Pancha with an energetic movement of her clawed wings. Here another voice join the discussion. “How about you guys make up your mind about me!?” Weiss’ arms were now shaking from fatigue, a water blade poking him every time he tried to lower them. “…” “…” “…” “…” There was a general silence. which Weiss broke with, “… what?” “Darling…” Rouge started, “we knew it was you from the start.” “It’s hard to deny the truth when it’s projected on your head like a ‘Pokewood’ movie,” continued Pancha. “They did not kill you,” finished Xavier. Greninja nodded. “…then I must ask: WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL BEING HELD?!” snapped the leader, causing an innocent look to emanate from the team. “But why else: fun!” topped off Rouge. “… you fucking people…” was all Weiss mumbled to himself as he simply stood up while ignoring Greninja’s blade, which turn into dew as soon he pressed it hard enough “… ‘et tu Greninja?’” It is one thing being mocked by two of the prankster trio, something to be expected, but it was a different story to be mocked by the silent one. The water-type, however, simply shrugged it off. “Before our leader deems us all mutineers,” started Xavier in a monotone, “I would suggest we head for our first clue,” and then pointed its body toward one of nearby mountains in the range. “I had a reading a few minutes ago.” “Then we should hurry” said Weiss. He didn’t seem bothered any more. In fact, he seemed to be smiling, but from then on was serious time. “We need to get there fast so…” again he jumped into Xavier’s body and continued “I’m afraid you will have to take us there.” “Acknowledged” said the iron leg Pokemon as he rose from the ground, folding his limbs over his body as he started to levitate. The rest of Checkmate jumped right after him, each of them riding one of Xavier’s legs. “I would suggest you not to fall.” Not waiting for a remark, the enormous pokemon used his rear legs as engines as he said, “Hyper Beam,” causing a mass of pure energy to accumulate between his limbs and suddenly erupt, slowly propelling them at an increasing speed. It wasn’t as fast as ‘fly’ but it would be faster than walking. As they left, Weiss suddenly had the strange feeling that he was forgetting something, something very important. Somewhere else Yet close by A lone Frogadier with purplish skin rose from the ground for a second time; her initial shock finally allowing her to, as she slowly looked at her now webbed feet and hands, “…” and fainted once more. Outside a mountain Weiss’ group The Hyper Beam was enough to get the team to the mountain in minutes, and there they noticed (they being Xavier) what appeared to be a horde of creatures scattered around one side of the mountain, as well some holes leading inside of it. “I count four caves...” started Xavier, “...and I can feel more minds inside of the mountain as well, and they definitely seem aggressive.” So far they had thrown five spears –plink– six spears at them. Weiss looked at the situation, deciding it was nothing his team couldn’t handle, but the problem was they didn’t know how his other teammate was or if she has been held hostage or just fled the Pangoro-like creatures. However, Xavier also explained how he was unable to look deep into the mountain, leaving them with one option. “Okay, we need get inside and find out who is in there.” “We may also want to keep an eye on the doors,” added Rouge. “They may want to run away with our comrade.” “Good point. There are four entrances and there are five of us. One of us is going to have to enter the cave and look around, so who wants to keep our hosts entertained?” As Weiss finished his plan, Pancha abruptly suggested, “Doors for those who know how to fight!” while raising her claw. “You know I can properly fight right?” Asked the leader, a bit hurt. Pancha simply repeated herself “Doors for those ‘Pokemon’ who know how to fight ‘in their bodies’!!” The group seemed to agree with her, to the Bisharp’s annoyance. “Fine, just don’t hog all the fun for yourselves, okay?” Weiss started but quickly added “Who am I kidding? Those things would be lucky to make it out the mountain.” Acknowledging Weiss, Xavier slowly passed by each cave, quickly dropping a member and then moving towards the next one; first was Greninja, then Pancha and finally Rouge. The last cave was for Xavier to watch, his mere presence scaring all the armored Pangoros into the cave. “All clear,” said the Psychic-type as Weiss landed beside him. “Go!” And so Weiss dashed into the mountain, barks and screams of confusion guiding him. Before the thick rock severed his mental-link, Xavier mentioned “If you take too long, we are going in after you” Static rose on the communication at each step Weiss took, and right after a colossal doorframe, the communication was dead and the now pokemon was on its own. Making use of his speed was apparently useless as the Pangoro-like creatures seemed to be quite fast despite their bulky bodies and heavy armors. “They are going to lock themselves up before I can get to the rest of the ruins.” The rocky walls had changed to bricks with a foundation, which made Weiss realize the temple within the mountain he was in. “I need to find a way to know if they have captured someone yet, but I can’t just run around aimlessly, I have to get into their lair... but how…” As Weiss was considering this, he heard something coming his way–a couple of what seemed to be furry Sableye riding the hairless Pangoros. “Good timing!” Weiss exclaimed to himself as the creatures corner him against the wall, the hairy Sableyes pointing spears at him. “Hold it where you stand shiny one” exclaimed one of the Sableye in a surprisingly fitting voice, however it seemed to be at the edge of flinching, its companion and their rides didn’t seem to be doing better. “W-what do you seek in our lands, you and your monstrous friends?!” As all response Weiss simply did the same thing he was doing a few minutes ago: raised his hands into the air. “I surrender!” The Sableyes seemed confused at his words, wondering what was he saying and why was he repeating the same word over and over. Weiss didn’t take notice of this though, as he was used to being ignored by Pokemon, however, they did understand his gesture, as they quickly tied his hands up and guided him within the hallways, finally reaching an enormous room filled with more of the furless Pangoros and hairy Sableyes. ~Phew~ whistled Weiss at the amount of creatures. “Anyone would say you guys are planning something big here,” pointed the now prisoner. His captors didn’t seem to care about his words now as they pushed him around, haughty expressions over their snouts as they showed off their prey to the other Dogs, calling the rest of their own kind things like ‘weaklings’ and ‘poppers’ while loathing on their captured prey. This of course caused the rest of the dogs to venture out once more and charge towards the intruders. “Oh this can only end so well,” Weiss muttered to himself. “Silence!” exclaimed the hairy Sableye while pushing him to one side of the room to the care of yet another furless Pangoro wearing the same armor as the rest–apparently a guard–and then left to chase more trespassers. Weiss sat beside his guard, taking the chance to properly look at these creatures; the body was still similar to that of the daunting pokemon, but it also made him think on more canine pokemons like Growlithe and Granbull, specially on the snoring. “Brave guard you are,” Weiss commented sarcastically to the sleeping guard. His observations ended abruptly with the entrance of two new creatures on the room, one seeming to be a rather familiar Bisharp–although there was something missing–the other on the other hand was more impressive: a yellow Ponyta with wings! “I didn’t know Ponyta could evolve a third time!” Before he could look closely, the room was again flooded by the canine creatures. All seemed dead tired as if they were running for their hides, this caused a smile to appear on Weiss’ face. “That’s my team alright” Some words were exchanged between the canines and the other two Pokemon were thrown beside him, ropes over their limbs as well. A general discussion started, however it was filled of so many barks, growls and whimpers that Weiss was unable to listen to their words; however, he could sense a certain ‘deception’ on their tones, as if something wasn’t part of a deal. Weiss thoughts were cut once more as he heard the Ponyta talking to him “So… what did you do?” He coolly replied, “Nothing, for now,” a lot of expectation in his tone as he waited for the right moment to act. However, he received an unexpected reply. “Okay… what is that supposed to mean?” the Ponyta’s tone was similar to that of someone seeing a couple of Electrodes mating, not sure if it’s obscene or just odd. “What do you mean?” Weiss turned to see the Ponyta more properly, noticing she was different to the Fire Horse pokemon, even if she were a third evolution. “That! Why do you keep repeating the same word?” the winged Ponyta asked exasperated while playing with Weiss’ face with her tied hooves. “Let me get this straight,” pointed Weiss as he removed the hooves off his face “You don’t understand what I say?” the Ponyta made the same confused expression, although she now seemed to at least understand he was trying to say something “This is just a Tauros pile of…!” The Ponyta only heard variants and repetitions of the same word, luckily, so she turned to the other Bisharp that was brought with her, which Weiss considered to be just another Bisharp “Hey, I have a cousin of yours here. Think you can make head or tails of what he is trying to say?” Broken out of her glaring towards their captors, the other Bisharp turned her gaze to Weiss, the latter finally recognizing his second in command in that instant, but before he could say something she asked “So? It’s not like he can be of much help,” to the yellow Ponyta. Weiss could feel his eye twitching on the moment his friend looked down upon himself so bluntly. “I know I may look out of shape but isn’t that a bit too rude?” Although, he recognized that tactlessness was Shred’s trademark. At the familiar voice, Shredder turned to focus on the other Bisharp, staring deeply into his eyes. “… Is this some joke…?” was all she could ask. “How could I joke in a moment like this?” Weiss shaked his tied arms to her. “…” Shredder didn’t seem to be convinced, though. “Is that you, Ganger?” “Ah! For the love of the legendary, how can you be so thick headed?” exclaimed the leader with a little tantrum. After a moment of formal privacy, Daring decided to get back into the conversation, mostly since it seemed to be going nowhere “So I understand you can understand him, right?” “Indeed” admitted Shredder “I think this is one of my teammates, although I don’t understand why he is using this voice.” At these words, Weiss erupted in more violent variants of his race’s name. “Voice?” asked Do while ignorant of the profanities said in a foreign language. “What do you mean?” “Well, he is using the voice of our team’s boss, that itself isn’t that odd though, Ganger loves to mock the boss from time to time.” Now the male Bisharp was curled on the ground in depression, “But for him to even copy his mannerism...it’s strange.” “So this friend of yours is a Changeling?” asked the explorer while patting the depressed leader. “I do not know what a Changeling is, but if they can transform into other beings then yes, he is something like that. It’s quite useful for our team.” Daring noticed the word Shredder has been using until now–“team”– and the other stuff she had noticed so far. “You haven’t mentioned what kind of team this is. At first I thought you were some sort of security team, then some sort of military, but now I think you may be the mafia,” finally Daring dared to ask, tired of been ignorant for so long. “Just what the hay are you guys?” “We are mercenaries” replied both members of Checkmate at unison, although Daring only hear ‘Bish–Bi–Bisharp’ from Weiss, not that that mattered since Daring seemed to be in shock. Normally, mercenaries worked for the bad guys; Callaberon and his henchponies had been the more notorious, and made her work so much harder and difficult, yet here she just happened to be not at the hooves but at the same circumstances with a couple of ‘mercs’, of which one was definitely violent, and for a change Daring wanted to know how did having some battle muscle under her command feel like, a curious wish that started developing after her adventure with the rings of destiny. After a few seconds processing the information and adding a new exciting option to her escape, Daring asked “… so you guys are free right now?” The Bisharp replied and Shredder translated, “Not exactly. The team is not yet fully reunited,” only to turn back and ask, “What do you mean the team is incomplete?! What did you do while I was gone?” the Bisharp seemed to respond something but Daring didn’t get a translation of it. “Well, is not like you guys have many options, right?” pressed Do. Again the male Bisharp, which she knew as Ganger, responded and Shredder translated “‘No offence ma’am, but we have another itinerary, and now we can proceed to get out of here knowing that our ally is safe’ so he says.” At these words ‘Ganger’ sat up properly, about to do something, but Daring stopped him. “Wait! Can you guys at least help me get my friend’s item back? I can’t return without which I came for!” “Well…” he started again, Shredder translating, “ ‘We weren’t planning to take you with us to begin with, so I’m afraid there is no deal…’ that is what he says,” clarified Shredder, feeling a bit bad about her leader’s decision. “Gee, thank you, Suuuuch a gentlecolt you are,” scolded Daring while feeling a bit hurt. “He says ‘you are welcome’,” added again Shredder while ‘Ganger’ seemed to not give a damn. Daring was about to say something else, but there was a sudden general silence in the room. “It seems the big cheese is about to make its entrance.” Both Bisharps turned to face what Daring was talking about and decided to stay once the Diamond Dog’s boss appeared, not because they wanted to hear what he had to say, but because of how strange he was. If the Dogs were ground and dark types for Checkmate, the boss was the complete opposite; a creature standing as tall as a Pyroar, in fact his rear looked identical to the royal pokemon, with the difference being that the front was a Talonflame–even the coloration was identical. He wore a long crimson cape as his only accessory. “Can I know why you stupid dogs suddenly stopped working?” demanded the creature angrily, which for the Bisharps seemed as an unknown Pokemon, while Daring Do saw a simple but not that common griffin. One of the Diamond Dogs headed to their boss and seemed to explain to him the situation; the griffin didn’t take the news kindly. “And why should I care about some weird creatures invading?” By the mere pompous tone it used, Daring got to a simple conclusion: “A royal member all right, I wonder what someone as ‘elegant’ as himself could possibly gain with the dogs?” As she said this, the griffin continued to scream orders to the Dogs. “ ‘You would be impressed by the teams greed can breed’ says my partner” answered ‘Ganger’ through Shredder’s lips. The other Bisharp said something else but again Shredder didn’t translate; she did, however, reply “True, we have nothing to win anymore. I guess it is better for us to take our leave” Daring turned to look at the Pokemon, which seemed to be ready to act, and again she stopped them. “Hey! Can’t you guys wait just a bit longer? Big pecks here is about to give its long monologue about his plan, I can really use that!” Daring cursed herself since the last part wasn’t supposed to be said out loud, but to her luck the others didn’t seem to care. Shredder simply stated, “This is not our fight, and if what you say is right and this creature is part of some sort of royalty, then we would be interfering with foreign affairs, legal or not” ‘Ganger’ added something, “ ‘And we haven’t been contracted for that’ says my partner here.” Shredder then gave a deep and sincere bow to Daring Do. “I know I said we could exchange information once we were out of this situation, but mixing ourselves any further would only make things more complicated for us, so I am afraid to tell you our alliance ends here… I hope you can forgive us one da–!” The farewell was cut off as the griffin gave a new order, “Bring them to me!” And so a hundred of pawns dragged the trio before the griffin, an arrogant look on his face as one of the Dogs exclaimed. “Here you have them your excellency Terrowin!” Master Terrowin the Blazing looked at them with disdain from up on the platform at the center of the room “Well, well, but if isn’t the famous Daring Do, just as you said” At this mention, the trio noticed a hooded creature behind Terrowin about Daring’s size. The insides of its cloth were pitch black which made it impossible to see it’s wearer’s face, but the garments over it and golden jewelry around its neck, was all Daring needed to identify the creature. “Tlaloque! What a nice surprise. Isn’t your boss with you today?” taunted the adventurer with a sarcastic friendly tone. Tlaloque in turn didn’t say a word, in fact–and despite not having any eyes to be seen–it was more focused on the other two creatures beside Daring Do: Shredder and ‘Ganger’. The male Bisharp said some lines which the female translated “My partner says ‘This is getting awkward’ and I have to agree..” Terrowin seemed to dislike the sudden lack of attention over his presence, so with a dramatic flap of his wings he retook the center of attention. “So, Miss Do, you are here to stop– no! –meddle with my glorious ascension then?” An overplayed pose and tone accompanied his words. Daring simply replied, “Yeah, you see: besides you being part of royalty, I have no idea what you are doing here or what you are after, so I can’t take part on whatever great speech you had in store, buddy.” Daring’s voice sounded apologetic. Terrowin stood flabbergasted in his glorious pose, ignorant of what to say, until he finally accepted defeat and returned to his regular pose, which wasn’t exactly less pompous. “Very well then, can’t entirely blame your ignorance. These creatures–” he gave a quick look at both Pokemon, “–have made this glorious of days into utter chaos, but regardless! I shall achieve my rightful place as ruler of my kind, burning down that pitiful throne of twigs and from its ashes raise a glorious one of iron and steel” At each pause Terrowin gave, his feathers and wings puffed more and more, adding more impact to its pose, or at least that’s the effect he wanted to achieve–none of those present seemed to give a damn. “So, this is all a hostile takeover then?” asked Shredder in confusion, to which ‘Ganger’ simply shrugged. Daring was more interested in Tlaloque and how the Diamond Dogs seemed to be hungry. “… let’s just get this over with, okay?” the griffin finally spat as he took the item from one of the Dogs while of course he continued to boost his ego by explaining each part of his ‘master plan’ in dramatic fashion. “Do you know what this Item does, Miss Do?” He placed the item on the artifact at the center of the room. “This is nothing more than an overly complex and tedious key for a certain chamber in Nesting Hold.” one of the metallic creatures was about to ask something when Terrowin deadpanned “That’s the griffin castle’s name” and continued to boast. “Said room is in fact the treasure chamber.” These words were accompanied with him dramatically throwing one of his claws towards the ceiling. The Diamond Dogs finally seemed to react this time. “And once we deplete its contents, I shall have the path clean for my glorious ascension!” finished the red griffin with yet another dramatic pose followed closely by evil laughter. “So, what you are saying is…” a voice started, causing Terrowin to have a small cerebral twitch as he looked upon the one interrupting him yet again: The male Bisharp “...That you plan to rob your own country? I guess this is where these furless Pangoros gain something, but causing a sort of power shift within the Empire and thus causing its inhabitants to remove the actual ruler and somehow give the crown to you, that is your master plan? For real?” at each word, Weiss gave, he walked slowly towards the griffin until he was standing directly beneath him. “I have literally fought evil teams who vowed to take over or destroy the world with the power of legends, and you come up with this? Either you are so full of yourself that you think this plan can possibly work or you’re just one impressive idiot who came up with the most complicated plan he could imagine in ten minutes!” The whole auditorium was dead silent, most because of awe, others by pure confusion, but a certain Bisharp and mare were nodding in agreement. Terrowin’s eyes twitched at the rage this creature caused him in just a few seconds. “This great plan wasn’t made in ten mere minutes, it was a full hour of hard work what gave birth of this idea, and you are in no position to change its glorious outcome!” Weiss was a mercenary who liked to keep himself away from political troubles unless hired to be involved, and even then he was very picky about what political contracts Checkmate would take in order to avoid being crossed in the end. In short: he wasn’t the heroic type, however what he was was someone who detested ignorance and stupidity in every way; either it be Pokephilia haters, anarchistic encouragers or downright idiots–master Terrowin the Blazing just happened to fill two of those three criteria and Weiss was already fed up of him, despite knowing him for less than an hour. “Let us change that, shall we?” Releasing the blades on his wrists, Weiss cut the ropes as if they were nothing, Shredder following short after and releasing Daring Do as well before jumping into the tribune where the griffin was, making him flock away in shock. Needless to say, the congregation of Diamond Dogs made a ruckus at the scene. It took Terrowin a second to regain his ‘proper’ elegance as he exclaimed in a less proper tone, “And what can you monsters do?” Still he walked away a step for each one Weiss took “you and what army?” Weiss stopped, a smile slowly appearing on his lips. “This ar–!” Before Weiss could finish his one-liner, one of the barricades created by the dogs suddenly exploded, causing an even greater commotion in the room as other four creatures stormed into it, dispatching Terrowin’s ‘army’ at each step they took. “What the feathers is going on now?!” exclaimed the griffin as he took for the sky, leaving a confused Bisharp on the ground, “this was supposed to be my perfect day!” “Xavier!” exclaimed Weiss, “couldn’t you just of waited for a few more seconds? I was about to look so damn awesome!” As the leader complained to his tactician, some dogs jumped toward him. His first reaction was to test his new weapons on them, but he was quickly stopped by the mental shout which made only one statement: “Don’t kill them!” This of course took the team off guard, having to change their regular methods of attack for more ‘passive’ ones. Of course ‘letting them live’ didn’t mean ‘letting them leave’, so most of the cannon fodder ended with broken bones and minor poisoning as the ‘high kicks’, ‘hammer arms’, ‘venoshocks’, water pulses’ and ‘feint attacks’ rained over them. Daring Do, who was doing her part on the fight as well, couldn’t stop feeling sorry for the brute creatures. Despite the numerical superiority of the Diamond Dogs over the mercenaries, the sudden assault combined with the strange magic and techniques the newcomers possessed made their numbers crumble in seconds, yet the Blazing griffin wasn’t going to give up just yet. “Wizard!” he shouted, “if I lose here you won’t get your part of the deal!” However, Terrowin’s voice wasn’t cocky like before, rather it was submissive since he was pleading for help from Tlaloque. The hooded creature, which somehow remained unscratched by the fight, remained silent. He took a single clay staff out of his robes and tapped the ground with it, causing all the dirt on the room to erupt from the ground and the walls, creating a dense veil that obscured Checkmate’s vision, but not the Diamond Dogs’. With that simple act, the tides were changed in an instant and the mercenaries were subdued quickly. With another tap of his staff, Tlaloque made the dust disappear, showing each mercenary under a small mountain of Dogs, save Xavier who was under a large mountain of Dogs. With the threat now dog piled, Terrowin returned to the ground with a victorious grin on his beak. “You see now you horrid creatures?” boasted the griffin for the third time, or was it fourth? “This is my day and nothing you can do can possibly stop it from happening. Soon, everyone will be bowing to my great–why the claw are you whispering?!” Terrowin shot a glare at the mercenaries, but they didn’t seemed to care, in fact they were happily talking to each other. “I got 33! Bet you guys can’t beat that!” boasted, for a change, Pancha with a happy grin, “just one more and I could have made a pyramid out of them.” “Well I don’t see the merit of such brutish body count, because if we were actually having one I would be winning with 42,” replied Rouge with her elegant but mocking tone. A ‘55’ was drawn on the dirt by Greninja. “I got 15, think that will count?” asked the leader with an unsure tone. Shredder seemed angry as she too wanted to give her own to the conversation. “I can’t believe we were taken in such cowardly way. I should have expected they knew ‘sandstorm’, and just when I was about to break my personal record.” “No way! You almost beat your record? That makes our numbers look so depressing,” replied again Pancha with a defeated tone. “…” Daring decided to stay silent, not out of confusion, though she was very much so, but rather out of shame, as she only managed to get 2 or 3 dogs unconscious. “Come on dear, it is not that bad,” comforted Rouge, “You know you can’t beat the queen of queens just like that, or Roll, or anyone on the knight group, or…” before she could continue to point out the members Pancha was behind, a very angry individual intervened. “WILL YOU SHUT YOUR BEAKS ALREADY!? This is my day. MY. DAY! And neither of you insolent simpletons will take that from me!” Terrowin’s color was turning redder as air violently left his lungs. “You at least know how to behave!” he faced Xavier, “or do you have anything ‘smart’ to say?” The whole time, the psychic-type seemed to be in deep meditation, yet he gave a few lines to answer the griffin. “Apologies sir, but properly guiding a creature capable of drilling through the ground at high speeds accurately and listening to your ‘glorious’ voice while thinking of a response is quite difficult, if not annoying” “… and what does that even means?!” asked again Terrowin with a mix of anger and confusion. Weiss answered, “What my comrade wants to say is that bringing a friend here across a mountain while hearing your babbling is tiresome,” and ended with a smile. “And who could you people possibly be guiding here?” Weiss’ smile turn into a cocky grin as he prepared to shock the griffin for a second time “ju–!” only to be interrupted by something that came out of one of the walls spinning and landing right before Checkmate with a sonorous clash and a cloud of dust. “Damn it Simon, you too!?” From the cloud came yet another creature unknown to Terrowin. It was barely taller than a small Diamond Dog but looked way bulkier and wore dark brown skin all over save his cream white face and pinky rose nose, some scratch-like markings decorating his chest and back. A set of gigantic claws made out of metal stood on each arm while a helmet like horn festooned upon his head, a pair of blazingly serious eyes burning beneath it. “Simon the driller!” the Excadrill shouted out as loudly as he could while he too took a dramatic, but somehow manlier, pose as he finished “has arrived!” Griffin ruins Checkmate’s location ~Right before the assault~ After waiting the standard amount time, Xavier and the others entered the caves in search for Weiss, forcing the Diamond Dogs to retreat once more into the hallways. The ruins were a maze; however, because they all communicated their positions, the group quickly arrived at the outside of the blocked auditorium. “What can you see?” asked Rouge faintly as she tried to peek through a hole on one of the barricaded doors. Meanwhile, Xavier looked around the minds of those inside. “I can see our ‘brave leader’ and Shredder being held before some flying-type. The rest of the ground-types are keeping guard” Once the report was finished, Pancha made an attempt to burst through the door, but was quickly stopped by Greninja. “What is your problema? Don’t you see they need our help?” “…” Greninja kept silent, so Xavier had to translate. “We first need to evaluate the situation.” The ninja pokemon nodded. “But what if we wait too long,” pressed Pancha, “we don’t know what those creatures can do to them!” “Apparently they plan to boast them to death” mentioned Rouge as she managed to see the center of the room where a flying-type seemed to be posing for them in an exotic fashion. “En serio?” deadpanned the Hawlucha in return. “This is just another ego trip?” These kind of events weren’t rare for the team, but each time they found an egomaniac boasting in detail their ‘evilly-evil-plan’ was a sad and boring sight. “I almost feel sorry for el jefe, but that is even more of a reason to go and save them!” “…” However, it was now Xavier who had gone silent, much to the hyperactive Fighting-type’s annoyance. “So can we go or no?” “… We will, but I just happened to of discover something.” “What is it, dear?” asked Rouge without moving from her spying spot. “It wasn’t Shredder who I sensed on the way here,” said the shiny, “The rock is too thick for that; I must have sensed someone else before.” “WHO?” asked Pancha abruptly, Rouge and Greninja interested as well. It was another member of the team they could reunite with, after all. “I am trying to focus on the signal but it moves around too quickly and all over the place,” explained Xavier. “Then is it another ‘Bishop’?” asked Pancha. “I can’t know for sure. The movements are too erratic and bold for me to…!” The team seemed to arrive the same conclusion once the words ‘erratic’ and ‘bold’ were used together. A general “It’s him!” came from them all, even Greninja, although it was said in a whisper no one heard. “We need to regain control over the situation before he arrives or we are doomed!” Exclaimed Rouge, no longer watching the auditorium through the hole in the barricade. “But how can we do it in time? We are talking about him!” retorted Pancha with anguish. “I can delay him a few minutes if I can manage to make contact with him” said Xavier as he focused harder. Greninja motioned toward the auditorium, Rouge seeming to understand what he wanted to say. “But what about the rest? they need to know as well” “I just established a link with them” answered Xavier while causing Weiss to be understood in the room unintentionally. Meanwhile, the Metagross continued to focus on contacting their elusive ally for a few more seconds until “There! I made contact, and I will keep him away for as long as I can!” he exclaimed with a monotonic rush. “Then we have no time to lose!” exclaimed Rouge while charging a large amount of life energy within her bouquet-like hands. She screamed “Energy Ball” and threw her arms at the barricade, slinging a ball of light at it and blowing it into smithereens as the team stormed in. As soon as they barged into the auditorium Xavier explained both Bisharp the situation, Shredder took the chance to give the order, ‘don’t kill them’. They needed to have it all in order for the hot-blooded member of Checkmate to make his appearance, or else the situations could turn completely into chaos–not the kind of chaos that made their job easier, but the chaos that ended with blood and tears. That was the situation the very presence of Simon the Excadrill was able to cause on his team, perhaps Arceus would give mercy to those he called ‘foes’. Abandoned Auditorium Beneath Nesting Hold ~Present time~ Terrowin looked in awe at the spectacle before him. A large mole had suddenly appeared out of one of the walls and was now posing before him in a rather ‘dashingly fashion’ a part of him admitted. he looked to his prisoners. “You, newcomer!” started the griffin, “What deal do you have with my prey?” There was no response. This of course ticked Terrowin off. “I am getting tired of you monsters ignoring my great–gre…” yet he was put to a hold mid sentence when a pair of blazing and piercing eyes turned at him. Despite the distance between them–about 16 feet–the griffin could sense an overwhelming presence coming from the mole’s gaze, a clear message coming from it ‘Shut up!’ With the annoying Flying-type dealt with for now, Simon turned to the Dogs piled over his team. “Pups…” started the subterrene Pokemon with a strong tone, causing the Diamond Dogs to flinch and sweat as he ordered “off!” The Dogs obliged immediately while whimpering in an apologetic tone almost as if there did something wrong, but they slowly realized in confusion what they just did; none wanted to protest, though. Meanwhile, Simon walked toward his friends, eyeing them with the same serious eyes, first the one on the far left: Rouge. “Number?” Demanded Simon as soon as he was before the Roserade. Rouge replied in an instant “42!” Simon seemed pleased and moved forward the next member, Daring Do. “… ehm… hi?” ventured the writer with a shy tone. The mole simply passed by her, Daring in turn didn’t knew if she should feel offended or relieved. The Hawlucha was next, and she was sweating heavily as Simon stood before her, a look of ‘you know what I want to know’ on his face. “3–3–33 señor!” screamed loudly Pancha with what seemed to be fear. Simon nodded again and moved to the next one, leaving Pancha to breath and relax. He simply gave a respectful bow to Shredder (which she returned) as he passed by her and then arrived to Weiss, who in turn wasn’t sure if he was going to count because of his current predicament. “…” Simon’s expectant silence seemed to say otherwise. “… number!” For a second, Weiss looked like he was about to cry, yet he pokemanned up and exclaimed “15 sir!” only to be hit by a claw the size of his torso. “YOU FOOL!” exclaimed back Simon the second Weiss finished his line, sending him flying to a wall and scattering any unlucky Diamond Dog not fast enough to move out the way. Again, Daring looked at the scene with disbelieve while forgetting the situation they were in. “Sh–shouldn’t we help him?” asked the explorer. The gigantic psychic-type responded with a deadpanned tone, “I want to live, so…” the rest of the team simply raised their appendage in agreement. Terrowin on his own end was still in shock. Tlaloque didn’t say a thing as well, but was still keeping his gaze fixated on the pokemon. Simon started to shout “WHAT ARE THOSE PATHETIC NUMBERS!?” while moving towards Weiss. “I understand you have been turned into a pokemon, but what excuse does that gives you to not give your absolute best?” With surprising care, Simon picked up Weiss off the ground and against the wall with his body sized claws. “You are the leader of this group! As such you have the DUTY to outperform us. Who will respect us if our leader doesn’t?!” “I…” started Weiss, just to be interrupted by the Excadrill’s shouting. “Do you think I like to do this?” -tears started to form on the pokemon’s eyes- “to hit my own comrades? I know this hurts, but It hurts me more to have to recourse to this when you leave me no other choice. If I don’t ask for your utmost best then who will? I do this because I care for you -for all of us!” Despite the ridiculousness of it, no one, Dog, pokemon or Pony dared to stop the scene before them. In fact a certain air of greatness started to surround the mole as it continued to cry out. “I know this may be hard from me to say it, but we trust you. You are the one that should guide us into the bright sunset with a proud chest! So tell me: will you undo your mistakes?!” To top the scene even more, the leader of the mercenaries started to sniffle at Simon’s words, then to sob until he was downright crying alongside his comrade, but it was okay, because those weren’t the tears of a weakness, no; those were the tears of a man! “Yes sir! I will prove myself to be worthy of your trust!” At these words, Simon embraced the crying Bisharp in a manly hug while saying, “that’s right, that’s how it’s supposed to be” The moment was then followed by pure emotive silence, only slightly disturbed by the sobbing of a Dog or two, but still keeping the moment undisturbed. At least that was until a certain griffin snapped. “ARE YOU ALL KIDDING ME!? This must be some sort of sad dream because I don’t see this amusing anymore!” The red on Terrowin’s eyes was similar in color to that of his feathers at this point “You filthy creatures have insulted me on my special day one time too many already! Now you shall regret this. Dogs ,do your job! Wizard…!” Before the griffin could order something else from the hooded bring, Simon turned to face the one shouting high in the sky. “Why should we care for what you want? You are just another crying boy demanding others to get you what you want. You should instead act like a good boy and keep silent on the ground while we grown ups talk!” The serious glare was back in his eyes. This time however, they didn’t freeze Terrowin, in fact this ticked him off furthermore. “You pathetic beast! You dare to call me to the ground? Me! A mighty griffin of the royal house of Aguilon!” something seemed to catch the mighty one’s attention as he boarded a wide smile “I see the envy which corrodes you, ground dueler. I bet you can only dream to reach the mighty heights we can.” Despite the fact that what came out of Terrowin’s beak was complete nonsense, the look on Simon’s face indicated he had somehow touched a delicate topic. “You Flying-types sure are full of yourselves, aren’t you?” started the armored mole in a tone so low that the griffin couldn’t hear it. “eh?” “So mighty standing on your sky throne. Well let me tell you something!” exclaimed the Excadrill with a sonorous voice while defiantly pointing at Terrowin. “You just watch me slap you in the face as I reach you right where you are.” Diamond Dogs and pokemon, plus a Pegasus, took their respective places amongst the sides of their leaders (Simon in the Pokemons’ case) as the verbal fight continued, both sides waiting for the signal to resume where they had stopped, yet no one daring to act before it. “And what will you do then? Drill your way here? You may be the strongest monster among you, but that doesn’t changes the fact that you are forever bound to the ground!” At this point Daring Do didn’t know what else was happening anymore and simply decided to ask, “Is he always like this?” “Yup” replied Checkmate in unison. Weiss was still wiping away his tears. “Oh, you can be damn right about that!” shouted back Simon. “I will drill over earth, rock, metal and even air if I have to,” again he pointed up, yet not at the griffin, but to the sky (or at least the ceiling). “ ‘If you are going to reach big then reach for the stars, and if you happen to fail and fall, rise again and again until you have the power to make your wishes come true’ that is the way I roll!” To Terrowin, this strange mole creature was spewing nothing but nonsense, and to such an extent he was momentarily at a loss for words. “… hmph! Not that any of your babbling matters; you monsters will be stopped, and that is final!” With that said and a tap of Tlaloque’s cane, the dirt exploded again, the Diamond Dogs again hiding within the sandstorm. However, the mercenaries were calm–waiting. “Guys…” whispered Simon again, every member turning to him with a knowing smirk on their faces, “let’s use that.” “That?” repeated the team at the same time, although they all knew perfectly what ‘that’ was. “Isn’t it obvious…!?” In a second, Xavier linked all of their minds with his and Simon’s, every member feeling as an extension of the Excadrill’s body, and so he exclaimed, “WE ARE COMBINING!” With a powerful jump, Simon leaped into the dust followed by his six ‘extensions’ close behind, all of them sharing his senses and boiling blood as the Dogs flew out of their way. “Assault formation!” the members of Checkmate roared in unison as the dirt started to part in their wake due to their massive speed. “CHECKMATE SPECIAL!” And with that final scream the dirt disappeared to reveal all of the Diamond Dogs scattered in defeat all over the room. The mere sight was enough to remove any bit of assurance Terrowin had left. “But–how… what the flock are you?” He turned to the mage–who once again somehow managed to get out unscatched–and pleaded for assistance. Tlaloque, however, had a different idea. “This can no longer be accomplished. The deal is off,” And with those words, the hooded mage's dark cloak faded from a silky gleam in the torchlight to an almost ‘crystally’ matter that tumbled off of him in bits and chunks until the figure collapsed into a pile of black soil. As the creature escaped, its hollow voice echoing as it faded. “Godspeed and good luck, usurper,” he said, though at this point it may as well have been mocking him. Daring noticed this and tried to dash toward Tlaloque before he managed to escape, but she was still a bit dizzy due to the sudden mental takeover, and tired from the incredible physical display as she too was part of the last charge. Meanwhile ,Terrowin looked in disbelief at his current situation: his troops were all defeated, his wizard had abandoned him and he never got to properly give his final speech–not that the Pokemon wanted to hear it anyway. “aaaaaAAAHAHAHAHAHHH!!!” The griffin screamed madly as he flew towards the door, trying to escape the mess that was the shambles of his ill-thought plan. However, before anyone could react, one of the members of Checkmate disappeared under the ground, only to reappear between Terrowin and the exit. When the griffin noticed him, it was was already too late. The same dead serious shine on Simon's eyes were present before he began to say, “Certain kill...” With a couple of flashing pounces, he sent Terrowin back into the room, yet the Pokemon was far from finished. “Giga...!” started Simon as he took his drilling stance, but instead of aiming to the ground, “DRILL…!” He launched himself at the falling aristocrat “–RUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!–” hitting the griffin right in the chest–and defying all laws of physics–continued to move upwards until they hit the ceiling yet that wasn’t enough to stop the Excadrill’s burning passion “JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!?” they continued to move across the stone, breaking the whole mechanism that Terrowin had so madly wanted to open and made it into the chambers above them. Somewhere else. In a whole different plane of existence. A single lone galactic volcano erupted with explosive passion due to the pure amount of sheer awesomeness someone achieved somewhere out there in the multiverse. From the ceiling, bricks and pieces of foundation started to fall, followed by a VERY badly beaten bird, who by some miracle, was still alive and breathing as he made contact with the ground, yet that wasn’t all. The hole he just created started to shine blindly into the cave-like auditorium, within it Simon could be seen standing while looking down on Terrowin. “See? I reached the stars!” > Fourth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth Move Mindset Beneath Nesting Hold castle Checkmates’ location The Diamond Dogs were still all over the ground alongside their once leader, Terrowin, as Checkmate looked at their next challenge: finding a way to get Simon down. “I could levitate him down, but my current energy levels wouldn’t allow it…” explained Xavier with a tired tone. All of the members were tired at the moment, though it wasn’t like they hadn’t faced similar challenges before. The problem was that once the adrenaline was replaced with endorphin, the mercenaries soon found out that they were more tired that they should be, probably a side effect of whatever brought them to this new world. Whatever the case they were all exhausted, especially the hot-blooded Excadrill, who was now laying on his belly at the edge of the hole he had just made in the roof of the auditorium a few minutes ago, looking down on his team as they tried to figure out how to help him. “You know guys…” started Simon with a burned-out voice. “I could just jump off and drill into the ground as I hit it…” this was actually a good suggestion, but there was only one problem: He didn’t have the energy needed to accomplish it. The only good idea they really had right now was to just lie down and rest until their strength returned. Of course, it wasn’t that great of an idea, since that meant they would be sharing the room with dozens of creatures they had just finished beating up and thus would very likely be holding a grudge against them. Not to mention how they were pretty much sitting ducks at the moment due to how tired they were. In short, they were running out of options and time. However, the choice was quickly taken out of their hands when they heard voices coming from the room Simon was in. “Hey look… more flying-types like our fancy friend,” the burned out mole reported, before adding, “Although they do look strong, and surprised, and angry, and now they just spotted me. HI!” “Do they seem friendly?” asked Weiss, not in the mood to get serious all of a sudden. “Well, they are wearing armor and carrying spears. Now they’re aiming said spears at me.” A tense silence lasted for a few seconds, followed by one more lazy line from the Excadrill. “Boss, I think I’m about to be put under arrest.” “Well, we did invade their castle,” Weiss pointed out. “Not to mention we broke through their vault,” added Rouge with as much style her tiredness allowed. “And there is also the charges regarding invasion, damage to private property and conspiracy if they think we are part of Terrowin forces,” finished Xavier, his whole body lying on the ground as his legs couldn’t keep him up for the time being. “That doesn’t look promising,” observed their leader. The rest of the team agreed, the rest being Xavier and Rouge, since Pancha was already sleeping, Greninja was silent as always, Simon was being questioned on the other floor, Shredder was somewhere else and Daring was thinking over what just happened. In all of her years of adventures, the writer had never seen so much violence and chaos before. Granted, the adventure with her crazy fan could have counted as close, but as chaotic as that was, it was not even as close in terms of the amount of fighting that this one had. She was still trying to remember how she was able to fly through the dust and Dogs while delivering perfect blows at each step. However what shocked her the most was the sensation of being moved by something else, as if her body wasn’t her own. She had let herself go with the flow in the heat of the moment, but now that she thought about it, it was terrifying. These creatures were capable of such impressive things with such ease, they make use of incredible magic and possessed unbelievable strength, not to mention how they completely threw off Newtrot’s laws of gravity through the window with that last move. If these creatures wished to, they could easily take over the world as they know it. “… uhg…” groaned a still unconscious Dog somewhere around the pile, closely followed by another, and another, and another. Soon the place was filled with the pain filled whimpers from the Dogs. This made Daring even more confused. They were violent creatures who claimed to be mercenaries, and as far as she knew, they had no problems with the idea of taking a life, yet they didn’t. All the Diamond Dogs would most likely end up imprisoned after a long time on the hospital, but they will live. They respected her wish despite the fact that it made the job harder, not to mention they just stopped what could have ended in a realm sized crisis all by themselves. Despite her reasoning telling her that Pokemon were dangerous beings, she couldn’t bring herself to fear the group that lied in exhaustion alongside her. Finally she said one single line to herself. “This next book is going to be awesome!” As Daring continued her thoughts, Simon’s voice come back from the ceiling. “Hey boss…!” he started, confusion evident in his voice. “I don’t know why, but these guys don’t seem to understand a word I’m saying.” Weiss turned to Xavier who simply replied, “I’m far too exhausted to keep up the mind-link.” “The translator is down Simon,” was all explanation the leader gave his friend. “Oh… what about Shredder?” ventured Simon. Weiss turned to see his second in command, who had just returned from Arceus knew where, despite being completely depleted of energy a moment ago. She was now wearing a piece of red cloth around her hips like some brutish skirt as she let herself fall to the ground once she had what she was looking for. “Where did she get that from…?” wondered Weiss to himself as he replied to Simon, “I’m afraid she can’t be of much help either” “Oh, that’s bad.” All the constant communication between the Pokemon caused the griffon guards to finally look down and get quite the shock from the scene below. “And now they seem to be calling for reinforcements... Think we can make a run for it guys?” the tired digger asked again, though his own voice made it clear that that was impossible. As Weiss tried to figure out what to do, one of the griffons flew down and landed before them, mostly because they were the only ones awake. “Mhm… we surrendered?” offered Weiss to the armored griffin, although he already knew he wouldn’t understand a word. Weiss was running out of ideas and he could see his team breaking out of a prison in a few days when suddenly he heard a voice he was just getting used to hearing. “You guys may want to get these guys some warm beds,” said Daring Do as she slowly walked toward the guard. “And get yourself a nice spot to sit, because this story is a bit messy.” To Weiss’ surprise the yellow Ponyta, Daring Do, explained the situation to the guards, a short version at least, and though they didn’t fully understand it, they proceeded to arrest the Dogs, but not before bringing a whole medical team to look and treat them first. Daring approached Weiss, who had just finished being inspected by a griffon doctor, who asked him if he needed a medical check up, to which he gave her a negative response, not that they knew what to do anyway, and looked at her with inquiring eyes. The explorer seemed to understand what he wanted to ask as she replied “It was the right thing to do,” she started gently, but soon added, “But don’t think you’ll get off that easily,” she said, pointing at the now busted artifact in the middle if the room, remnants of what used to be the relic she come to look for spread over it. “I now have a big debt on my hooves because of you guys.” The Bisharp look at the pieces and could only smile and bow to Daring, as a thanks for what she did. “Don’t thank me yet,” Daring replied “I may been able to keep the guards at bay for now, but I doubt my name is enough to keep the Empress for doing something brash. Not that anyone could blame her though” And so she again give a glance to the wreck they had caused. Weiss simply waved a hand, as if he were saying that wasn’t something that big, at least for them. “We will see. Just try not to cause a national incident okay?” asked the adventurer with friendly sarcasm. Weiss just nodded, though his expression seemed to say ‘I make no promises’, to which Daring just nodded and left to give more explanations to a new arrival, apparently a higher up by the looks of its armor. Weiss lay his head against the ruble he was resting in, now giving himself a moment to properly think about what just happen, even though most of the team was still to be found. “I hope everyone is okay…” the Bisharp thought, “They have to be…” slowly feeling his consciousness leave him, “Or they will be so disappointed with them…” and with a final thought he fell asleep “Specially...” Johto Region Alto Mare’s Museum Years ago. Weiss had been facing the smiling girl for almost a minute now as he waited for her to do or say something, yet she simply stays there, with her calm smile and her brownish eyes looking directly at his. The human decided to get this over with and break the silence “So, are you after this information as well?” ventured the mercenary. “No,” replied the girl with calm and surprisingly gentle voice, especially considering she just eavesdropped on their conversation AND snuck up on Weiss. “I only want to know what you plan to do with it?” The short answer confused Weiss, but he didn’t let that show through as he replied, “I’m afraid that depends on the higher bidder,” and now it was his turn to ask a question. “Why do you want to know?” The girl made a thinking expression while slowly approaching Weiss, the mercenary keep a defensive stance but let her get close. “I made a promise,” she said once she got close enough and placed her face just short of Weiss’ by a few millimeters and smiled as gently as before. Weiss noticed something strange that caught his attention, besides the violation of his personal space: the girl didn’t breath “… so you are -?” His question was literally held by the girl’s hand against his lips as she said with a playful tone, “Ah-ah-ah! I ask and then you ask, okay?” a playful tone and an innocent gaze accompanying her words. For Weiss this was quite a weird circumstance, however he couldn’t tell why but he didn’t feel threatened by the girl, even when all of his experience, logic and Xavier via the mind-link told him otherwise, “You have to run now!” said the Psychic-type again and again, yet Weiss ignored him. “… then ask” the mercenary replied dryly, much to the girl’s joy. “Well, let’s see” the girl eyed Weiss from various angles while listening. “Why haven’t you attacked me?” Once again Weiss was confused by her words. Certainly, attack was the first thing to come to his mind, however he hadn’t. “…” It took a few seconds for the human to come up with a proper answer, although he knew the real reason why from the start. The problem was it was just too unbelievable. “Because you didn’t attack me either.” The girl erupted in laugh at the answer, causing the mercenary to blush. He wasn’t sure of what was happening anymore, but for some reason, he seemed to enjoy it. “So-sorry…!” finally replied the girl while cleaning her eyes. “You are the first person I’ve met who’s replied so honestly and directly. The others either attack me on sight or tried to persuade me...” “Others?” asked Weiss intrigued. “Yeah,” replied the girl with the same happy demeanor. “Those trying to find out what happened here, about that thing…” these last word was the first the girl say without her gentle tone, in fact it sound like hatred. “But I promised him I would look after this city, even if it included that thing,” she glared the DMA again. Weiss was about to ask again but remembered the ‘rule’ before the girl did it for him, and with a frown said, “Your turn…” The girl seemed happy to hear that he seemed willing to keep the ‘game’ going. “Okay then… you say you want to sell the information so... why are you after it if you aren’t going to use it?” she asked while placing her hand over her chin in a thinking expression. “We are mercenaries,” he answered nonchalantly. “Getting information to sell is part of what we do… although you can make an offer if you want.” “I’m afraid I don’t have much to give, unless you count friendship” “… does she think friendship is magic or something?” asked Xavier from his side of the mind link, causing Weiss to chuckle. “As tempting as that sounds, we don’t live off of love,” shrugged the merc, much to the girl’s disappointment “So I’m afraid that’s that,” taking advantage of her momentary distraction, Weiss dashed toward the door, only to slam against some sort of invisible wall. “What…!?” “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go with that information,” the girl’s eyes shine blue as she created a psychic construct around the room, leaving Weiss trapped, meanwhile her tone sounded apologetic, almost sad. “Well…” the mercenary quickly took something off his pocket: porcelain needles. “I’m almost sorry for this!” and throws them right at the girl. The ceramic projectiles bounce over another barrier surrounding her, something he expected as it gave him enough time to start running toward the DMA while using a smoke bomb to cover his tracks... not that he could go all that far though, whilst dropping a couple of micro speakers all over the floor. “Please don’t fight,” says the girl with her gentle voice. “I don’t want to hurt you.” “Then what will you do?” Weiss’ voice echoed all over the room, thanks to the speakers. “I doubt you will just let me go just like that.” He had little places to hide beside the old machine, and even if he dashed toward a window or door, she would simply stop him with another psychic wall of hers. Taking her down was the only option. “I can make you forget what you just saw,” replied the girl with her sweet tone. “That way you won’t get hurt.” “Well, that sounds fair,” Says Weiss as he thought about Xavier. “So you erase my memories and it’s all done.” “And your companions as well,” added the girl calmly, making Weiss remember how easily she broke through their mind-link. ‘Shit!’ thought Weiss, ‘If she gets a hold of me for even a second with her mind, we’re all done for, and I can’t hide forever. If I get close to her she would just use her barrier again, but what if I get close without giving her a reason to raise her barrier…!?’ the situation helped Weiss come with a plan, even if he wasn’t too fond of this sort of plan. “Xavier, you there?” he proceeded to explain his idea to the tactician as he carefully kept an eye on the girl as she merely seemed to walk around the machine. “It’s possible,” came Xavier’s reply. “But you have to act with exact precision in order for this to work.” “Its either that or losing all the intel… although we don’t lose anything but time, I have to admit she is quite gentle,” Weiss pointed out as he removed his coat and threw it where she could see it, while saying to himself “It’s a shame we’re about to take advantage of that.” The girl noticed the clothing and turned to where it came. “So you give up?” she asked. “Yes, we surrender,” says Weiss as he came out of his hiding spot with his hands on the air. “The money isn’t worthy all of this,” slowly approaching her. “It’s okay,” says the girl with a motherly tone. “Its very wise on your part to take reason over wealth,” the cold hearted mercenary felt guilty when he heard her words, yet he didn’t stop. Once they were close enough the girl put her hands at the sides of Weiss’ head and said, “Relax your mind and don’t fight me,” then she placed her forehead on Weiss’. “This will only take a second.” Ironically, seconds were exactly what Weiss was counting on, as he awaited for the moment to act. ‘First I will surrender to her, this will let me get close to her without the barrier,’ he could clearly feel her consciousness slipping into his mind. ‘Then we need to break her concentration, this is where you enter little guy,’ just when she began to take hold of his mind, Weiss exclaimed “Now!” The whole sequence lasted less than 10 seconds, but for each of the ones involved, it felt like an hour. First a Joltik jumped from Weiss’ hair onto the girl’s face, startling her. ‘Then I immobilize her before she establishes her mind link,’ while she was distracted, Weiss proceeded to tackle her into the ground. ‘Finally as she is disorientated, Xavier jumps into her mind from our link and takes her out!’ “… huh?” So far, all was going along just as planned. However he soon discovered something strange: They weren’t falling, in fact the moment he tackle the girl, she started to float. They were now standing some feet over the floor. “Darn it!” exclaimed Weiss as he looked down. ‘Didn’t expect her to be this strong,’ he acknowledged as he turned to face her as she was still trying to get Ganger off her but that wouldn’t last. If she regained control of her thoughts, all would be over in a second. They still have to make her stop thinking for a moment in order for Xavier to enter her mind with no resistance. And so Checkmate’s leader decided to do the unthinkable in order completed this mission. He pulled himself up, faced the girl, just as Ganger let go, and brought his lips to her lips as softly as the situation allowed it and gently sucked on them, in simpler words: he kissed her. This was more than enough to freeze the girl’s thoughts on the spot, and give the mercenaries enough time to act “XAVIER!” Weiss mentally exclaimed as he felt the Metagross push his mind into the girl’s. Last time they did this was the same: in order to keep the intrusive connection stable, Weiss’ had to become a bridge for the link using his own mind. This of course left him at the mercy of the host’s mind, but the situation was desperate enough for him enduring being a cute psychic girl for a few days. However that when something unexpected happened. The girl’s mind was like nothing they had ever encountered before. It was way more refined and vast in comparison, a miscalculation that Weiss would pay dearly for as the girl quickly sent Xavier’s supercomputer-level mind back out of hers. However, she focused too much on pushing Xavier out that she completely ignored Weiss, who was soon engulfed by her mind and fell into her subconsciousness. Like a body lost in the rapids of a river, Weiss hit the fortified barriers of her mind again and again while the stream of thoughts mercilessly moved him around, before the girl finally seemed to take noticed of the ‘intruder’ as something grabbed hold of Weiss’ damaged consciousness and carefully delivered it back into his body. The mental damage Weiss’ had been trough was comparable to falling down a large cliff in the real world. There was no way his mind could endure something like that. Nonetheless, the girl wasn’t done yet. She quickly entered the damaged mind and proceeded to heal it as fast and as carefully as she could. It was a gamble. The chances of it working were about equal to the chances of reducing Weiss’ mind to that of a vegetable, but as she soon found out, ‘Gambles’ were part of the job. It took Weiss hours to regain his consciousness. There was no longer any light coming from the windows. He then looked around to find a Froakie, a Ditto and a shiny Metagross before him. He...knew them... didn’t he? “You guys…” Weiss started, trying to remember their names, but the memories were scattered. It took him a while to gather his thoughts. “Fro-Froakie…” he doubted himself for a second and continued. “Ditto… no!” he quickly corrected himself “No… Ganger… right?” he ventured as he looked at their confused faces. “His speech…” said Ganger in its own language, before pointing out, “It’s different!” “You… are my… poke-…no… my partners… right?” Weiss was still confused, but the memories were slowly coming back. “Relax Weiss,” started Xavier as gently as his tired mind allowed him. “You were just smashed into another person’s mind. Your thoughts will be scattered for a while.” Weiss looked scared for a second, as if he didn’t know the Metagross. However, once he seemed to remember who was he talking with, he started to calm down. “Xavier… it’s you…” started the human. “So what happened? Did we win?” “That’s an understatement,” started Ganger. “Boss; we thought you were a goner.” Pointed out the Ditto. “No need to worry Ganger,” Xavier said as he tried to calm him down. “Weiss’ former self will return with time, although…” Xavier was about to say something else what there was another mumbling sound besides them. Weiss turned to find the girl of before, although she now looked dead tired but glad about his recovery “Welcome back Weiss.” “…hi…” was all the disorientated human could say until he finally noticed. “How did you know my name?” “…” Followed by a general silence. “Does this have to do with how you saved him?” finally asked Xavier. “There was no other way…” started the girl with a regretful tone. “Your mind was so damaged that I had to know exactly what part of your mind I was handling to bring the pieces together, but...” the girl’s eyes started to water at these words. “There was so much damage I had to… I-I...” here her voice broke between sobbing. She was truly lamenting the damage she had done, even though it was entirely in self-defense and it was Weiss who started it. The crying however, didn’t bring any answers, so Xavier let her be and finished the explanation. “She had to look into each piece of your scattered mind in order to heal your mind,” Weiss didn’t seemed to understand his version either. “See it like this; as of now, this girl here knows you better than you do.” The girl cried some more as Weiss processed Xavier’s words “So, she just saw all of my memories?” “Probably secrets, dreams and personality as well,” replied the shiny pokemon, the girl’s crying intensified at this. “…” Weiss didn’t say a word, yet he did stand up weakly, Ganger help him by transforming into himself, giving him a shoulder to lay on as he approached the girl, “You know absolutely everything about me then…” said the mercenary more as a fact than as a question. The girl brought her teary eyes up and looked at him, there Xavier noticed she wasn’t crying only because of what she did, but because of what she saw. “I-!” started the girl, but this time was stopped by Weiss’ hand. The human smiled and says, “You don’t have to apologize, it was us who drove you to do what you did. Besides, you didn’t have any reason to help me. You could have just left me brain dead, and that would have guaranteed your secret stayed safe,” he said, before moving his hand from her lips to her shoulder. “I owe you my life, so you don’t’ have to worry about us saying anything about this.” Xavier seemed to be about to reply, but Weiss cut him before he had the chance. “We may be mercenaries, but we still have a bit of honor, don’t we Xavier?” the Iron Leg Pokemon stayed silent in response. “So you won’t tell anyone?” asked the girl, her joyful self returning as she dried her tears. “We won’t,” replied Weiss. “In fact, would you mind putting that back to its original position?” asked the leader to the tactician; Xavier didn’t say a word and using both his strength and his mind, he repositioned the DMA as the pictures and flyers promote it to be. “There,” added Weiss as the job was done. “Now you don’t have to worry about someone else finding out about this.” Then Ganger, still looking like Weiss, asked “Soooooo… we worked for free this time then?” to which Froakie nodded. “A mercenary’s life guys,” joked Weiss, though it was obvious any other mercenary would continue the fight. “Now we have to go pack up our things annnndddd….~” then the human suddenly fell down. Ganger and Froakie managed to help Weiss before he hit the ground while Xavier pointed out, “You won’t be in any shape to travel for some time. What do we do?” asked the shiny to the other pokemon. “I could help him register into a hotel, but I doubt the employee would like to lend a room to someone who talks through the mind.” Froakie pointed at the room they were in. “Negative, Ganger has distracted the guards too many times already. Sooner or later they will find out.” Eventually the Pokemon would have to come up with a possible solution, but that was when the girl gave them another option. “Why don’t you come to my place?” “…” It wasn’t that they didn’t consider that idea...rather that it was an option that had no logic behind it for them to follow. “Ehm, no offence lady,” started Ganger, “But we don’t have any reasons to trust you, not to mention you wanted to erase our memories, and there is the part when we attacked you, and-“ “Okay, we’ll take up your offer,” cut in Weiss, much for the whole team’s shock. “… please ignore him, he doesn’t know what he’s saying right now,” deadpanned Xavier, yet Weiss insisted. “I am aware of the danger guys, but we are running out of options and worse: of time. She is offering us a place to stay, I say ‘let’s take it,’ or do you have a better idea?” The three mercenaries didn’t like the idea, but it was a decision their leader made, and thus they would have to follow it through. “The sooner the better,” said Xavier as he lifted Weiss’ body with his psychic powers and deposited him over his head. Ganger followed and turned into a Tangela to keep the human secured. “Lead the way.” “Thank you,” replied the girl with a shine in her eyes, as she opened a window. “This way.” “Will you be okay?” asked Weiss from within the tangle of vines which surround him, “Xavier would take the ‘highway’ to avoid suspicious eyes.” “He is worried about you enduring the cold of high altitudes,” clarified Xavier. “You don’t need to worry,” assured the girl as her body started to glow, slowly disintegrating before them and replacing her with another creature. The new body baring red down feathers on the lower part of her body while white ones covered the upper half; two jet-like wings resting on her back while two fin-like appendages (presumably her feet) lied on her lower body, two small retractable arms adorning her torso as a long neck rested beneath them, a triangular fin-shaped face porting a small patch of red and two golden and friendly eyes made the face. “Oh… that explains a lot,” replied the Metagross as the team looked upon Latias, a Legendary Pokemon and one of the Eon Duo. “Hehe…” laughed Ganger, “You stole a kiss from a celebrity boss, nice!” It was a stroke of luck that Weiss had his face covered by vines, as his face was quite red at the moment. Latias too, blushed slightly at the memory, although she didn’t stop smiling gently as she started to guide them over the city’s night sky, although Froakie decided to travel by water. “I will fly slowly so you can follow, okay?” pointed Latias as she kept close to the group. “Thanks,” says Weiss calmly as they gain some altitude. “And sorry for all of this. You really don’t have to,” apologized the human. “You are kindhearted,” was all the legendary gave as an explanation, much for the perplexity of the team. They knew their boss was kind with them, no doubt about it, but they also knew he could be cold and even cruel if the moment called for it. “How can you say that?” replied the mercenary, after all she did see his entire life, “You know what I have done.” “I know that a person is defined by his/her actions,” answered Latias with a philosophical tone, “And I have indeed seen what you have done,” her eyes again shone with sadness, “But I know why you ended up doing it, as well of how much you tried to avoid doing some of those things. You always look for the best solution for things without resorting to bloodshed or sacrificing any of your teammates,” she patted Ganger at this point, “So I am pretty sure ‘he’ would be very proud of you.” This part surprised Weiss, he knew she knew his whole self, which despite how much that left him ‘naked’ to her eyes, he found it reassuring somehow, “You… you really think ‘he’ would be proud?” “I know he is.” As the Legendary and the human continued to talk, Ganger took a moment to mentally whisper, “Don’t you think these too suddenly became too close?” Xavier was aware of this as well, and though he had a worry or two, he calmly replied, “She saw everything our boss is, and still treated him kindly. I presume that is enough for Weiss to accept her as a friend. Huh... who would have thought he would take her friendship in the end?” noticed the telepath as they flew over the starry night, “Not to mention at this point his mind is almost a blank slate for her to easily imprint on.” A few minutes later, as each pair continued to chat, they reached a certain point in the city, a lonely alley with a dead end, which Latias shortly proved to be a hidden passage to the Eon Duo’s favorite place on the city: the Secret Garden. The name ‘garden’ fell short in comparison to the little forest that lay unseen for by local populace. Dozens of trees and bushes of many sizes laid as far as the eye could see, multiple windmills of various forms decorated the place alongside many fountains and puddles where some Poliwag and Wooper slept. Ganger was appreciating the view from his spot when he noticed Froakie coming out of one of the many waterways and quickly reuniting with them. “A hidden paradise,” acknowledged the Iron Leg pokemon as he landed. “This place will do for the night.” meanwhile ganger helped Weiss land as well, again taking his form to keep him standing. “You can sleep whenever you want,” the female Eon Pokemon offered again. “I will introduce you to Bianca and her grandfather in the morning, they will look distant at first but don’t worry, I will talk to them.” As Latias gave the quick instructions, Ganger noticed something and asked, “I have heard legends of you and your brother, yet you haven’t mentioned him so far. Is he somewhere else?” Latias’ joyful eyes vanished the instant Ganger asked the question, and were replaced by those filled with sadness, that made the Ditto wish he could use ‘Dig’ right now. “He is far, far away…” the legendary started as she flew over one of the many fountains. “Somewhere no one can follow, nor hurt him,” The team followed her to the fountain, which was divided in three concentric ponds; the center one was no bigger than a simple well and was enclosed like a gazebo in simple but elegant ironwork. Inside it lied a metal pedestal on which rested a blue jewel-like crystal. Upon seeing it, Xavier felt an impulse to grab and analyze the gem, yet his reasoning told him that would be rude, impolite, and would more likely get them kicked out of the garden. However what really stopped him the most were the tears the legendary pokemon was shedding at the mere sight of it. “Everyone” she say as gentle as he tears allow her, “I would like you to know my older brother; the legendary Latios, the best big brother someone could ever ask for.” The mercenaries didn’t know what to say, it wasn’t like they thought she was just insane, okay, maybe Ganger thought so, but the rest could feel a great presence coming from the sphere, it was something similar to some ghost-types, but at the same time was completely different. The presence that emanated from it was warm and benevolent. “But… how?” was all Weiss could ask, the team making respectful silence. “Is a long story, but…” Latias thought of how she had seen all of Weiss existence, even if it was for his own good, and thought they deserved to know as compensation, even when it was their entire fault, “I guess it can’t hurt for you to know” Before they could ask ‘know what?’ Latias’ eyes shine blue again and in the minds a story was shown, they could see quick fragments of how was the life of the Eon duo before, how they used to always be together before, then she show them how they arrived to the city of Alto Mare, how they spent some decades there, how they enjoyed having a home for a change, but it all ended when a couple of thieves appeared in town. Their greed ended up sending the DMA into a frenzy and thus dooming the entire city, and then she showed them how his brother sacrificed himself in order to protect the city and the final images he shared with her before turning into the jewel they had before them. The whole ‘story’ lasted a bit more than an hour, needless to say Xavier didn’t have any further interest in analyzing the Soul Dew, the physical manifestation of Latios’ very soul. Weiss on his part could felt the tears flowing from his eyes, before them were the remnants of someone brave and courageous enough to make the ultimate sacrifice without even a second of doubt: a hero. He knew he would never be like this, he didn’t mind though, he liked been a mercenary, but he wouldn’t deny he was now in the presence of a hero, and he deserved respect. “Ma-may I?” asked Weiss doubtingly, Latias simply smiled and nodded while joining the ritual. Before the surprised presence of Froakie, Ganger and Xavier, Weiss brought his hands together and started to pray for the hero’s soul to properly rest, Latias besides him in silent oration. The rest, as confused as they were, keep a respectful silence and distance, however Ganger couldn’t help but ask a single question. “Since when is the boss the religious type?” To which Froakie replied, “I guess he is now.” Nesting Hold Castle Guest’ chambers Present time. Weiss woke up in a comfortable bed and found he had been crying. “This again…” he didn’t mind it though, it was something that normally occurred to him whenever he had one of her memories. “~sigh~ now how are we going to have the anniversary?” wondered the former human as he looked at the room he was in, the walls were made of clean cut and polished rock with tapestries hanging over them, fine-looking furniture was also decorating the place, although Weiss doubt they had any actual use. ~knock~knock~ Before he could continue admiring the place, someone enter the room. “Coming through,” was all Daring Do said as she entered into his chambers. “I take you had one interesting dream,” pointed the Pegasus as she looked at his teary eyes. “It was okay,” he dismissed as he noticed she understood him, meaning Xavier was back in shape, then asked, “I take it we are in the flying-types’ castle. How are the rest of the guys doing?” “Griffins,” correct him Daring, “And they are all fine. I don’t know what you guys run with but you sure recover quickly. It’s only been an hour since we get here and most of them are already causing a lot of commotion on the dining hall.” Weiss looked at the overly draped window and noticed the sun was still out, although it didn’t seem like it would last for long. “Well, I guess it’s a good time to join them then,” replied the Bisharp with little rush and a rumbling stomach. He and his team were used to getting little rest, but in return they needed to eat more, and right now Weiss’ stomach was ordering him to get some food. Daring smiled at the noise and guided Weiss around as she explained to him what happened once he fell asleep: the Diamond Dogs were treated and then taken prisoner, though most of them would be shipped back to their country due to “political affairs and that stuff” pointed Daring. As for them, the Griffins had taken those who couldn’t walk into the castle as carefully as possible, which in turn made Weiss wonder how they managed to do so with Xavier. “It seems you managed to get us a decent treatment ma’am, so I’m afraid I will have to pay my part of the deal then,” mentioned Weiss as they reached the dinner hall, but before they enter, Daring told him on a serious tone. “I told you, you can thank me once we ‘truly’ are through this. I haven’t talked with Empress Victoria yet, and she would more likely want to hear the story with all of you here, as well as ask you some questions. You understand that part don’t you?” Weiss nodded, this wasn’t his first time having to report to the leader of a nation, although this would be the first time he had to report to the leader of a nation they just saved. However he then remembered something a bit more important. “By the way, I haven’t heard your name yet?” Daring seemed surprised by this revelation as she too replied, “Same here, I thought you were called Ganger-or-something, but I think that isn’t your real name” “Yeah, that reminds me I have to talk with my second in command and infiltrator once I have a chance too. I am Weiss,” he offered her a hand. “Daring. Daring Do. Explorer, adventurer and writer,” introduced Do as well. “A pleasure Miss Do, mind if I ask you a few things?” “Ask away, but only if I can ask back” added the explorer, which caused a little laugh from the Bisharp. “I don’t mind, just don’t erase my memory once this is over okay?” joked Weiss at expenses of Daring ignorance and then started to ask. They shared general information, where they were, what the world was called, the Empire’s name, the other inhabitants of the world, the other kingdoms and their respective governing systems. Daring then asked him things that would at least serve to allow him to move around without accidentally breaking any laws. Daring Do on her part asked him what his world was called, whether or not they were all this stupidly powerful, what exactly was a Pokemon and how come they weren’t related to one another, how types worked and what a human was. “So you used to be this naked monkey that wore clothes all the time? That’s just odd,” exclaimed Do once the last question was done. ‘Says the pastel colored flying Ponyta,’ Weiss thought with humor. “I have one last question regarding the Empress. Any advice of how should I deal with her?” “Just one,” says Do sheepishly as they enter the hall. “Don’t make her angry.” Then they entered a huge room, almost as big as the abandoned auditorium from the ruins, lines of tables and chairs crossing over the floor and chandeliers hanging on the ceiling. ‘Nothing too impressive besides the size,’ Weiss thought. It didn’t take him long to find his team, since the shiny Metagross was hard to miss. However they didn’t seem to be as bustling as Daring made it sound. It was then that he noticed the guards wearing armor and holding spears and swords all over the walls as they carefully kept an eye on the Pokemon. Following the line of guards, Weiss found one of the Griffins resting on a higher seat at the other side of the room with its own personal table. Silvery gray fur covered her lion half, while a royal white plumage covered her front eagle self, with a silver regalia placed upon her chest supported by what seemed to be red fabric in a tunic fashion, and a matching silver crown atop her head. All of her attire was simple looking with little jewelry and details, choosing functionality over elegance. Definitely a military outfit. Empress Victoria opened her wings widely, showing her blood red colored wings. She then waved a claw at the sight of the leader of the mercenaries, indicating him to get close to her. Weiss nodded and slowly walked toward the ruler, Daring close behind, passing before lines after lines of her guards. Finally he kneeled before Victoria and noticed she had surprisingly icy blue eyes traced by the same red feathers, her gaze seemed to carefully watch his every move. ‘That is some intimidation alright,’ thought the mercenary as he waited for his turn to talk. “So…” started the ruler with a firm voice, “Tell me your story, creature of metal!” > Fifth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fifth Move Throne of Twigs Griffenheim Empire Nesting Hold castle Empress Victoria looked down at Weiss with her soul piercing eyes, waiting for him to begin his story. On his side, Weiss didn’t know how to start. It wasn’t that he was too nervous to talk, although Empress Victoria was admittedly intimidating, but rather because he didn’t know what would happen after he was done talking. ‘Well, time for another gamble,’ thought the mercenary as he raised his gaze to look directly at the monarch’s eyes. As Weiss told Daring, this wasn’t his first time dealing with royalty, so he already had a way of dealing with situations like these and leave most monarchs pleased. However he only needed one cold glance from Victoria to know she wouldn’t let elegant and flattering words gain her sympathy. Courtesy, honesty and intelligence were important factors in this interrogation, and thankfully, he had the first two while his tactician had the rest. “Your majesty, it is my honor to have this audience with you.” The Empress acknowledged his words, but she looked more interested in the information rather than the formalities. “But I’m afraid to tell you that I am ignorant of many of the things which have happened to us in the past few hours. I don’t know how we did arrive in your domain, and even less the who or what that was responsible for this.” The look on Empress Victoria’s eyes became colder at the response, so Weiss quickly added, “But I am more than happy to answer any question you may have regarding other subjects.” The ruler of Griffenheim sighed, thankfully not seeming offended by his initial words. “Let’s start with the basics then,” her voice was as strong as before, although less demanding. “Who and what are you creatures?” “My name is Weiss. I am the leader of a paramilitary group for hire.” “Mercenaries. I have heard that part already,” pointed Victoria with disdain. “That doesn’t answer my question.” “My apologies…” Weiss swallowed and continued. “Collectively, we are known as Pokemon. What exactly a Pokemon is, is something that goes beyond my reasoning. However, I can tell you this: Pokemon on our world, are the equivalent to wild life on this world, albeit most of them… us, as my team, are sentient and intelligent. Sometimes they are even smarter than regular beings, although they also prefer to be driven by their instincts instead of using their logic. “I see we have at least something in common,” said another griffin besides Victoria. The Empress simply gave her a scolding look and the griffin fell silent, although she didn’t seemed to regret her actions. “Excuse my maiden, she has my trust but often abuses of it.” As she said this, the maiden simply made a childish expression of repent. “Let us continue. If you pokemon are the equivalent of the fauna of this world, then that means there must be thousands of your kind lose all over Equis.” “Fauna AND flora,” corrected Weiss, “And I presume that would be the case, however I don’t know if all Pokemon were brought here. In fact, this falls into the things I’m ignorant to your highness.” Another exasperated sigh came out the Empress’ beak. “We have received reports of your kind ‘popping up’ out of nowhere all over the empire. I presume the other nations may be having the same problem, so even if not all of them are here, I am sure at least most of them are,” Victoria massaged the bridge between her eyes for a second, apparently she has been dealing with these reports non-stop since the Pokemon arrive. “Tell me then. How can we deal with these creatures?” “…” Weiss could simply answer ‘battling them’, but somehow he didn’t feel right about saying so, especially since he too was a Pokemon now. “Most Pokemon are calm as long they are not attacked. If some of your reports include damages, then it is most likely because they are as frightened of your people as your people are afraid of them. Not to mention the whole ordeal of suddenly waking up in a whole different place is probably not helping.” Empress Victoria seemed very displeased with his words. “Are you telling me to just surrender my land to these invading creatures?” she stood up as she said this, making her seem larger and more intimidating as she stared down at Weiss, a frown now present in her expression. “They may be powerful and may be all over the world, but I will show them we griffins aren’t a race that will not go down without a proper fight!” ‘Crap...’ Weiss thought as he noticed how his little discussion with the Empress had suddenly turned into a political debate with at least thousands of lives on the line. However, he managed to keep his expression as neutral as possible and continued. “I never said you needed to surrender anything to anyone your majesty. What I meant was that you can simply let the wild Pokemon be and they will leave your kind alone in return.” “Elaborate,” deadpanned Victoria as she slowly sat back down, taking a big cup of wine in the process and pouring its contents down her throat. “From where we came from, Pokemon and…” he didn’t know how to explain what humans were without deviating from the topic, which in turn would made the Empress’ exasperation grow, so for now he left his former kind out of the equation. “All types of pokemon live in harmony with one another, just as any living creature you may have seen in the woods or your garden,” he knew he just offended his teammates, but he needed a good way to keep the Empress’ mind as far away from bloodshed as possible. “I don’t think you have to worry about the birds resting atop your castle planning an invasion, right?” This was his highest bet of the day: appeal to the monarch’s pride. He just insulted her, although not directly, but he insulted her nevertheless, and possibly doomed not only his team, but all Pokemon in the empire to be hunt down, yet again if she acted out of anger, she would just acknowledged said insult, and thus she would insult herself more than he could have done. It all depended on Victoria’s pride and intelligence. “…” the Empress remained silent, the corner of her eye twitching as she kept her rage under check. This made Weiss smile internally as well, hoping that the ruler had a large amount of patience. “Do not push your luck creature of metal.” The ruler finally said, obviously insulted by his words, yet she still retained her ruler persona. “I may be distrustful about your kind, but you can’t deny that I have good reasons for that,” she then give him and Checkmate a glance. “After all, you defeated a whole horde of invaders with apparent ease.” “We collapsed in the end your highness” “Did you lose someone?” retorted Victoria, Weiss retracted his case. “No, you didn’t. In fact not only was your team able to defeat those Diamond Dogs without suffering a single loss, but you were also capable of doing so without killing any of them. That wasn’t brute strength, that was controlled power, and that is downright insulting to us.” Weiss didn’t know if he should feel threatened or proud. “What I want to know creature, is how I should deal with these Pokemon if they ever decide to become aggressive?” finally asked the Empress. Weiss took a deep breath and replied, “Fight fire with water.” “… beg your pardon?” Victoria was taken off guard by this response, not sure how to respond to the simple, yet strange answer. “We Pokemon have different types,” explained Weiss as he noticed the Empress was currently at a loss for words. “Based on said types, each Pokemon has a number of strengths and weaknesses one can easily exploit,” as far the mercenary knew, Empress Victoria didn’t care much about the Pokemon themselves but rather how should she protect her people from them. So he started to explain about the different types, their pros and their cons. While he explained, Empress Victoria made a scribe write everything down, as as far as they were concerned, this was information worth its weight in gold and jewels. “Alright, we can deal with most of these creatures by ourselves, but we are unable to deal with these Ghost and Psychic-types you speak off. If what you are saying is to be believed, then they could easily take over our minds and souls and we would be completely defenseless against them. So the question still remains: How do we deal with you Pokemon?” Finally, Weiss smiled as he proudly yet calmly responded. “You can always make use of another Pokemon for that your majesty.” By the look of her eyes, Weiss assumed that to her, it was like he was asking a Fairy-type to hug a Steel-type. Completely ridiculous. “Pokemon are social creatures so you can enlist some to protect your city, and with the right Pokemon in your service, no wild Pokemon would dare think to invade your fair land.” Again, Empress Victoria remained silent. However, this time it was not due to anger or confusion, but rather because she was actually considering the option. Yes, griffins were prideful creatures, but they weren’t fools either. ‘If those ponies achieved so much with only horns, wings and hooves, imagine what we can achieve with living multi-tool creatures?’ thought the griffin ruler, while happily adding, ‘Oh I can see the look on Celestia’s smug once we show her what we can accomplish with OUR harmony,’ a smile forming on her beak as these words crossed her mind, however she needed to be sure before making any plans. “You are offering we form an ‘alliance’ with these creatures then?” ventured the Empress. Weiss smiled yet again. “Yes, though only those willing to assist you of course. They won’t be any different from immigrants; they will work for their own sustenance and will provide you with protection, along many other possible outcomes, all favorable for you, your Majesty.” “But how will we be able to achieve so when most of the Pokemon reported so far show no signals of understanding our words? You and your group are the only ones I have records of knowing how to properly talk.” The smile on the Bisharp remained as he turned to his team. “Can you see the silver member of my team your majesty?” Victoria nodded “He is a Psychic-type, and he is the reason why we have been able to communicate this whole time.” The Empress’s gaze stayed focused on the shiny Pokemon. Weiss continued, “You only need one Psychic Pokemon to work for you as a translator, your highness.” there was more to just that of course, but it could work as a start, especially now that the Empress seemed interested in making an alliances with the Pokemon. ‘I don’t know how the Princesses of the neighboring kingdom are, but she surely wants to surpass them,’ thought Weiss, thinking on the information Daring had given him about her home nation of Equestria. “I will consider this idea of yours,” finished the Empress as her personal advisors finally seemed interested to take part in the discussion. It was tradition for the griffins that the ruler would deal and choose directly on affairs involving the nation, but only after she had discussed with her court. Weiss and Daring bowed their heads and withdrew with the rest of the team. Victoria, however, didn’t removed her gaze from them as long they walked, and gave yet another interested look at the Pokemon that bore a gigantic ‘X’ on its face. “I thought she would start demanding our heads on a stake after your little question,” mentioned Daring as they were halfway through the dining hall. “Not bad,” added the explorer as she gave Weiss a friendly hit on his side. “You surely know some politics for a mercenary.” “That was actually Xavier’s doing,” the Bisharp admitted sheepishly as they joined the rest of Checkmate. “He was telling me what kind of things to say while I make sure I said them with the proper words.” “Not to mention I analyzed as much I could of the Empress’ expressions, body language and voice tone,” added the Metagross. “I must admit she was hard to tell.” “True,” continued Weiss. “Most rulers from our world are too busy thinking about their popular appearance instead of their people. She on the other hand, was about to launch an all-out war against an entire race to the death just for them. That in a way is quite upstanding.” “She isn’t called the ‘Steel Empress’ for nothing,” pointed out Daring. “And I thought you sounded too smart all of the sudden.” “Do not exaggerate,” Shredder intervened. “He may be useful, but Ganger is still far from being good at politics.” There was a general silence on the table as every member looked at the second in command with confusion. The silence was finally over once a certain Hawlucha said, “Aun con eso?” through her full mouth. “Your highness, you aren’t seriously considering the creature’s proposition, are you?” asked one of the members of the Griffenheim’s council. “And what if I do, Haimirich?” questioned back Victoria. “You have read the reports. We have barely been able to drive those creatures away, especially when they were in a frenzy.” “Not to mention it was mostly our fault on most of those cases,” added the Empress’ maiden. “Almost all of our guards turned hostile on these Pokemon before they went on a rampage. Now we know why the Pokemon acted the way they did. They were defending themselves,” a tone of ‘I told you so!’ present in her words as she properly served tea for her Empress. “Grizelda, you have my trust and you may be right, but you must remember to keep your place in front of dignitaries,” started the sovereign with the same authoritarian tone and expression, only for the tone to turn into that of a teacher scolding an errant student. “You know that gives a bad impression from our part.” “I do know my place your highness, I’d be cursed forever to the ground if I ever dared to disrespect your name!” honorably protested the young griffin. “But just for your knowledge your highness, these aren’t dignitaries, but mere mercenaries. Mercenaries that just happened to save our rears from a lot of trouble may I add, but mercenaries nonetheless, so I don’t think they deserve the rigorous treatment your grace is giving them.” Grizelda was a simple looking griffin, porting a moderate gamboge coat on her rear and white feathers in her front (although not as regal as Victoria’s), small purple chick-like dots covering her chest, some feathers of the same purple delineate her big brilliant gold eyes and two tufts of feathers decorated her face as if they were pigtails. She entered the castle’s service as a young griffin, though she was often looked down because of her innocent but direct honesty, until she was found by the Empress herself, who instead of driving the child out of her castle, made her her personal maiden, and extra officially, her closest advisor. As such, Empress Victoria held her in very high regards, despite her often odd behavior. “I see your point Grizelda, but they didn’t do it out of the goodness of their hearts. They just happened to be there at the time,” pointed out Victoria. “Speaking of which, we still need to decide on how to deal with Master Terrowin,” pointed out another griffin. “The Aguilon family hasn’t stop demanding his release since this morning.” Victoria frowned when she heard this, rather displeased at the mere reminder. “I don’t see what good it would do him to have him walking out of the hospital with all those injuries,” pointed out the Empress. “Yes, if anything, it would be good for him. Maybe make him build some character. Wouldn’t you agree, your highness?” added the maiden. Most members of the council were often surprised by the young maiden’s direct demeanor, but they also admitted that she was the Empress’ closest thing to a friend, and arguably the wiser of the advisers since she cared neither for status nor fame. She just gave her point of view straight and forward with no regrets. “You have a point,” admitted Victoria, “But we can’t let his actions go unpunished. We just have to wait for him to recover and then we will properly deal with him,” she then turned to the griffin that brought up the topic. “And be sure to tell that to the Aguilons as well.” the griffin nodded. The imperial committee had dinner while discussing what to do with the problem at claw, some of the members saying it was a bad idea to make treaties so quickly, while others suggested to wait for the ponies to do something first (this suggestion pissed Victoria off), while a few suggested going to war, though they weren’t sure what for though. In the end it was Grizelda who come with a proper solution. Empress Victoria wasn’t surprised by this, but she had to recognize the plan was simple, to the point and would help them greatly, if the mercenaries wanted to cooperate of course. Checkmate finished their meal and were now chatting with each other, Pancha and Rouge still trying to convince Shredder that Weiss was indeed himself and not their Ditto comrade, Xavier gave the explorer more and better answers to her doubts regarding Pokemon and the world they come from while Daring shared some stories about her own adventures in return. Simon was trying to make one of the guards make something while Greninja kept an eye on him, constantly apologizing to the griffins as the Excadrill got bored and jumped to the next soldier. Weiss was simply calm, looking at the happy expressions his team was making; even Xavier seemed to enjoy the information exchange he had with the Pegasus. He then leaned back on his seat, which was made for griffins and thus seemed huge for his new body, and thought about what destiny had in store for them. He was in no rush to return to earth. ‘It’s not like life is any different here than it was back there,’ the leader thought. Although this was true, he was also happy to see his team enjoy themselves so freely for a change. They may be feared monsters in the eyes of the inhabitants of this world but their actions of today, as random and unexpected as they were, had brought about a potential treaty between the Pokemon and the residents of the Griffin Empire, not to mention that, according to Daring, griffins were the more ‘violent’ of the races. “If they are the more violent, then the whole word must be freaking peaceful,” Weiss muttered to himself with a chuckle as they noticed Empress Victoria leave the hall and how a member of her retinue landed before them. “Evening creatures!” says the cheerful griffin with a bright smile, her bright golden eyes looking at each one of the Pokemon, Simon posed just for her when she arrived to him, Pancha did the same, and then continued, “My mistress will talk with you in the throne room, if you were so kind to follow me,” And with nothing else to do, the group stands up and walked behind the griffin maiden, though Xavier was the only one flying, since his bulky body was slow and preferred to keep close with the head. As they passed through the hallways, the maiden turned constantly to look over her shoulder to look at the creatures. “So you guys really beat all those Diamond Dogs down on the ruins?” started the girl. “You don’t seem that strong though.” The group simply laughed lightly at her words, Daring chuckled as she replied, “Yeah, they really don’t look the part, but you would do wrong to underestimate these guys. Especially the hot-blooded one over there,” she said, pointing a hoof at Simon, who in return made yet another pose. The maiden smiled at Simon’s reaction and continued, “He sure looks everything but scary though.” “I too recommend you, young girl, not to take us lightly,” replied the deep monotone voice of Xavier above her. “Underestimating an opponent is the worst thing you can do.” “Huh… so you are enemies then?” the sudden question left them confused, not because they were, but rather because the griffin asked it so nonchalantly. However, for the mercenaries it was almost relaxing to talk with someone so direct for a change, and not having to worry about people being two-faced and etiquette been involved. Although they would have to in a few minutes. “You are really outspoken for a maiden aren’t you?” gently pointed out Rouge while giving the girl a sincere smile. “I have been like this all of my life” she replied. “Most people usually find it annoying, but the Empress thinks different,” the last part was said with great pride as she added, “It was this big beak of mine who brought me to her side, and for that I would always be thankful. “So that is why you always say what you have in mind, huh?” asked Pancha, before she smiled. “Nice esa,” she praised while offering a claw bump, figuratively at least. However the maiden stopped and moved to Pancha just to bump her claw with hers and then return to her guiding. Much to the Hawlucha’s bliss “ESTA NIÑA ES GENIAL!” “By the way, what language is she speaking?” asked maiden with little courtesy. “Pancha is from a region with another language, and likes to mix some of her mother’s language with her sentences,” answered Rouge. “Oh, cool! But hey!” noticed the young griffin, “Aren’t you supposed to translate whatever we say?” she points out to Xavier, who was floating above. “Why are her words still on a different language?” A general ‘Holy shit that’s true’ look appeared on everyone’s face as they waited for the Psychic-type to answer. “It’s not that I can’t translate different languages at the same time,” replied Xavier while defending his personal pride. “She wants to say those words so badly that the translation doesn’t work on them. Which I must admit is weird” The group decided to leave it there as they reached the throne chamber. “Okay, I’ll leave you guys here. I will be joining my Mistress now,” and turned to leave them at the door. However, before that she turned around one more time and said one last thing. “There are around five thousand,” and then promptly left the group, all of which were perplexed save for Daring who was silently chuckling. As Grizelda left the group, a griffin soldier intercept her while whispering, “Milady, there are some of these new creatures trying to break into the castle. They are not aggressive, but they are very persistent. What should we do?” The maiden looked disappointed as she would miss the look on the Pokémon’s faces as they enter the throne room, but a maiden’s duty was before her maiden joy. “~sigh~ Let’s see what this is about and solve it properly...not that we can return here in time...” she added, much for the guard’s confusion. The Pokemon plus one Pegasus entered a waiting room; Though they didn’t have to wait long, as they were called to the throne room. Once they entered, they noticed the enormous windows showing the sunset’s light, the distant ceiling above them, the lustrous floor which reflected their image like a mirror, the seats of the court made of refined wood with an elegant finish, and then they noticed the throne itself, and none of them could stop staring at it with perplexity: Unlike the rest of the room which was grand, the throne was shaped like a simple bench with armrests, and not just that. Upon a closer look, they noticed that the throne was actually made out of twigs, like a gigantic nest. Not painted metal or decorations of any sorts, the throne was entirely made out of twigs. And Empress Victoria sat on it with the same solemn expression she had back on the dining hall. “… uno, dos, tres…oh!” Pancha started to silently count, only to abruptly stop as she recalled something. “That is what she meant with that number!” “Dear, I think that is rather obvious at this point,” replied Rouge in a whisper as they approached the Empress. Once they reached a certain distance, she raised a claw for them to stop and then she proceeded, “We have been discussing your offer, and would like to follow it.” Checkmate smiled at the news, some of them whispering about it. However Victoria wasn’t done yet. “Still, we need assistance regarding the first attempts of communication.” Weiss was about to offer their help for a few days when Victoria cut him out and proceeded, “We would like to contract your services for here on, as well as for you to train our soldiers on how to deal with your kind if a new situation erupts.” The tone the empress used was less than a suggestion and more of an order. However, the mercenaries already had their own schedule. “Your highness,” started Weiss. “We are truly honored by your offer,” they truly were, since it’s not every day they get a contract with an empire. “But I’m afraid we are nothing but a fraction of this team. I have other members lost in this world and would like to find them. I am sure you can understand.” A few seconds passed, Empress Victoria took a deep breath and then continued, “I presume you have noticed the throne I stand in,” started the ruler, a general nod came from the Pokemon. “Its meant to remind the one sitting on it that all empires start from the nest, as well as that no matter how resistant and strong one may look, if you made a wrong move, the twigs will crumble and fall on their own weight,” she calmly caressed one side of the throne of twigs and finished, “Empires are delicate. Rulers can’t make moves recklessly mercenary, that is what this throne stands for.” Checkmate couldn’t say anything in response, thus Victoria explained. “I know you have done a great service to the empire, willingly or not. But I can’t ignore you have also done damages to the castle my family has ruled for generations. I hope you understand that this isn’t personal, but as a leader of a nation, I can’t let go of something as delicate as that.” Weiss couldn’t deny her point; a mere show of kindness could be seen as weakness for other countries. Although, and according to Daring’s information, this world was mostly pacific, so such display would be meaningless. Then again they just happened to be in the heart of the more aggressive race on the planet, and as true as that title may actually be, the mercenaries couldn’t just walk away like that. They were at an impasse. Yet, before anyone could settle for something, a yellow hoof rose from within the mercenaries and slowly made its way to the front. Clearing her throat, Daring Do gave a respectful bow to the Empress and then spoke, “Your highness, I understand the situation you are in, and I am sure these Pokemon would follow through, but they are really worried for their friends so…” Daring flinched for a second; unsure of what she was about to say but still said it in the end, “So I’m sorry to inform you that these mercenaries are already under a contract with me.” The griffins besides the throne erupted into whispers. They definitely didn’t consider this possibility. ‘And right now Grizelda isn’t here,’ thought the Empress as she discussed with the rest of her advisors. On their end, Checkmate was just as confused as the griffins. “When did we get contracted and why didn’t anyone tell me!?” asked Pancha, voicing her thoughts rather loudly. “We haven’t… well not officially,” explained Weiss. “We may be in Daring’s debt because of the whole mess we made of the artifact she was after remember, not to mention she saved our skins when the guards arrived.” “I see. Then official or not, we must honor our first contractor,” explained Shredder in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone. “Yeah, but we also are in debt with the Empress here, don’t you see?” pointed Rouge. Both parties continued to discuss for a few minutes, before the griffins became silent. Finally, Empress Victoria began to speak. “I agree. We griffin are beings of old traditions and ancient costumes, and as such, we will honor a contract already made,” Victoria look directly into Daring’s eyes and added, “However, this isn’t just because some contract conveniently appeared, mercenaries. Rather it is because of the debt we have with miss Yearling and the incident concerning the goblet.” The Pokemon seemed confused, wondering who this ‘Yearling’ was, but quickly realized that the empress was referring to Daring, who gave her a respectful bow once more. “I thank your kindness your majesty.” “Yearling…?” whispered Weiss. Daring Do simply shrugged it off, as she too whispered, “I’ll tell you later.” “I haven’t finished, Miss Yearling,” continued the ruler. “We still expect to have your services, and would like one of you remain to us help us with ‘your’ suggestion, if possible we would like Lord Xavier to stay.” Again the suggestion was less of that and more of an order. “I’m afraid that can’t be done your highness…” replied Weiss, “Xavier is the reason why we can properly talk with others, and though I can understand why you request my tactician, I will have to say no.” Again some whispering come from the other griffins and once Victoria had heard them she proceeded, “Then unless you possess another member capable of communicate with us, I am afraid you don’t have much of a choice.” With a serene smile, Empress Victoria waited for them to hand over the Metagross; however it was another raised hand what caught her off guard. “Then I offer myself to fulfill my team’s contract with you, your Excellency,” said Shredder, through her own lips and a decided expression. “So your kind does talk…?” asked the Empress with surprise and distrust. “Some of us can, but only with the proper training and dedication. It’s not something just any Pokemon can accomplish,” replied Shredder with her own adamant tone. “But I can offer you more than just translating” “And what could that be?” the ruler asked, now interested. “You also wanted your soldiers to be trained to deal with Pokemon. That I am also capable of doing with little difficulty,” as Shredder said this, the Empress noticed the militaristic stand and tone the female Pokemon was using, and saw that it wasn’t a bluff. “Let’s say I agree, will your team do so as well?” Shredder turned to her team, which in turn became a mental discussion, then Weiss asked, “She will be treated properly, right?” “She will. As I said, we griffins are creatures of old traditions and honor. It would be an insult to ourselves to treat poorly someone willing to help our kind.” There was more mental discussion, with the main question being a question to Shredder, ‘Are you sure?’ to which the Sword Blade Pokemon nodded adamantly. “If you are sure then,” started Weiss and then turned to Victoria, “We agree to your terms.” The griffins seemed a bit disappointed with the result, but couldn’t deny it was a good bargain in the end. Once there was silence, the Empress spoke, “Good. I am glad this could be resolved properly. We will discuss this matter in more detail in the morning. Now if you’ll excuse us, I have a letter to write.” With that said, Empress Victoria and her committee rose from their seats and left the throne room, with Checkmate doing the same, although from a different route. Once outside the effusiveness of the team was immediate as the girls gave Shredder a hug. “We will miss you reina,” started Pancha. “It was really noble on your part, just don’t go and over do yourself okay? We don’t want to know you became an outlaw because of how you tortured soldiers during training,” joked Rouge. “I will be okay, these creatures may seem intimidating but I can feel their good intentions” “We will try to be in touch…somehow… do you guy have cell phones here?” asked Simon to Daring. The mare just give him a confused look in response. “Sorry about this, I didn’t expect things to end this way,” The explorer apologized. “It’s okay, we do owe her that much. Besides, we are now this Empire’s mercenaries,” replied Weiss, while Greninja give Shredder a origami flower as a goodbye gift. “Shredder is perfect for the job, I‘m sure she will do just fin-!” The heartwarming scene was suddenly stopped by the same griffin maiden from before, although she seemed to be in a bit of a rush this time. “I need you to come with me!” and with nothing else she left, the mercenaries didn’t lose a second and ran after her, not sure what to expect. They ran for at least five minutes, as the castle was massive, until they arrived at the main gate and then reached the front gardens. Rouge marveled at the sight, but didn’t stop there as they reached their destination: a little police box beside the palace’s gate were five griffin guards kept an eye on two Pokemon. One was a rather scared Surskit that kept looking at the other Pokemon, and a purplish Frogadier, which seemed to be trying to talk with the guard in charge. “I told you a thousand times already: I do not understand a peep of what you are saying!” explained an exasperated guard as the Frogadier continued to repeat the same word again and again. Of course Checkmate did understand her. “And I have told you each a thousand times: I am Anzu, gym leader of Fuchsia city.” The mercenaries looked at the scene from a distance alongside the maiden, who asked, “Would they happen to be with you guys?” The whole team turned to face Weiss, who in turn had mixture of shock, horror and regret on his face. Not to mention he was sweating heavily. “Her name is Anzu, better known as Janine,” finally said Shredder as she pointed at their petrified leader, and added, “And she is with him.” > Sixth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sixth Move Girls’ night. Griffin Empire ‘Dear princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna. Through this message, I’m willing to inform you about the current event that has taken place in Griffenheim. Although I believe you should have noticed it by now too, I would still like to remind you all the same: there appears to be a myriad of creatures, for lack of better words, appearing all over Equss’. ‘I managed to make contact with some of these creatures. They call themselves Pokemon, though it is more of a regular term instead of their actual race. Some of them had forms quite similar to those creatures we have seen every day, like pigeons, ferrets, fish or dragons, while others are beings I have seen only in dreams, and even those seem to pale in comparison with some of the forms and shapes these creatures can achieve. As a matter of fact, I am seeing a coalition of gears float by my window as I write these lines’. ‘As far we know these Pokemon are powerful and dangerous, but only when threatened. I would suggest you do the same thing I suggest the other rulers; do not fight these beings. Let them be and they will find their way out of your cities. ‘I hope my message to be illustrative, and I know you both are capable of sorting this out without any casualties.’ ‘Thoughtfully: Empress Victoria of the great Griffin Empire’ Victoria gave her letter a second glance, wondering if it was ‘polite’ enough for Celestia. The griffin ruler didn’t hate the alicorn princess, but she still had headaches whenever she had to deal with her. No matter how old she really was, she looked years younger to her. Not to mention that gentle and somewhat carefree attitude of her’s added to her constant misleading of others. “Really. How come she is the older sister?” thought Victoria as she rolled the scroll. “I think Luna has a more ruling attitude, even if it is a bit outdated.” With all the letters for the neighboring countries written, Victoria left her office and headed to one of the most guarded rooms of the palace: the office of high importance message delivery, or mail-express for short. Normally she sent letters via her falcons deliverers, but as fast they were the message would still take at least a day to reach the furthest regions. Not to mention it would be impossible for the regal creatures to reach Marelantis. Thus she had to resort to one of Celestia’s gifts: the message goblets. Dragon fire was mysterious in many ways, one moment it could evaporate a mountain of ice in the blink of an eye or send a message across the land in another. As much she would liked to make use of it more personally, griffins didn’t were as advanced in magic like their Equestrian neighbors, thus they had to rely on the fire they have received as gifts over the years. So far Griffenhiem had enough fire to contact the other nations and even have some in reserve for important individuals. She made use of the goblets whenever a global situation emerged, like the time Luna returned from her ‘vacation’. “Oh how I remember the total panic that night brought, and all for the ‘It was all so my sister could return’ excuse Celestia gave us. Was it too much to give us a little advice? That could have been nice of her for a change,” the Empress thought out loud as she tossed Equestria’s scroll into its respective goblet. The same was done for the other parchments. With a green flame, the letters where all send, now all she had to do was to wait for the replies. “I guess they will take some time to return the message,” commented Victoria to one of the guards without expecting a reply. “It’s been a long day for all of us,” she said, before heading to her quarters where she would rest as much as she could before more reports made her get up. She hoped those would at least let her sleep for a few hours. “Oh right…” she remembered. “I have breakfast with Checkmate tomorrow in the morning,” and with sadness she continued her path while sighing. “Crowns truly are heavy aren’t they?” Griffin Empire Castle’s Entrance Grizelda took over both Pokemon from the guards, and now she was the only griffin among the group at the castle gates, not that there were no other griffins around. In fact there were quite a group of them looking at the Pokemon, although at a safe distance away of the gates. “Would you guys mind moving to a more ‘private’ place?” inquired the maiden as she was getting tired of the constantly whispering crowd. “Oh, right, sorry. After you,” replied Rouge in her elegantly gentle tone. Weiss on his end seemed stressed and guilty about forgetting Anzu. Xavier proceeded to calm down Anzu and told her all they knew so far. The now Frogadier took it better than she could have thought at first. “…Pokemon and humans have, somehow, made it into this word, and by some cruel joke the humans have been turned into Pokemon. That is all you know right?” asked the ninja. “So far, yes,” added Weiss, “I just woke up a few miles from here, and by a series of odd circumstances, my team and I ended up here.” “As strange as the situation is, I must say it’s good to know there are other humans in this ‘colorful’ world.” Anzu calmly said. “Is it just me or she is taking this surprisingly well?” asked Grizelda, who had been able to understand the newcomer since Checkmates’ arrival. “I expected her to freak out a bit more as well,” replied Rouge. “That would be a shame to her heritage,” added Shredder, making the Frogadier sweat as a result. “But still this is too much self-control,” retorted Xavier. At this point, Anzu merely looked away from the group; she couldn’t possibly tell them she fainted three times before finally accepting her fate. In fact if it weren’t because of the other pokemon who found her, she would be still repeating that shameful circle. This thought made her REALLY want to talk about something else. “It was mostly because of this little one,” she pointed at the Surskit besides her. “One of us had to keep calm, and she didn’t want to; she seems to be the Pokemon of a trainer and seems to worry for her”. The little bug-type didn’t say a word, but kept her big eyes stuck on the new Pokemon. She seemed to want to burst into tears in any second, but at the same time she seemed to want to start a fight. She was terrified with her current situation. “Mhm… well didn’t you guys say your team was missing as well?” asked Grizelda. “You aren’t going to tell me they are in a similar state like this little thing here?” points at the Surskit with one of her claws, only to be shot with Bubbles from the frightened insect. “Whaaaaa-!”[ No one seemed to mind the sudden attack. “Manta, you sort of walked yourself into that,” Pancha said, comforting the now wet griffin while Anzu grabbed the little fighter and held her in her arms. This seemed to relax her. “You think…?” deadpanned Grizelda. “So, like I was saying: Would the rest of your team react this ‘violently’ wherever they may be?” “I see what you mean, but be at ease,” replied Shredder. “We train constantly to keep ourselves in perfect mental condition so that we can act accordingly to the circumstances.” “By that she means she has tortured us intensively in order to be calm no matter what,” added Rouge, “It works most of the time.” “It’s working isn’t it?” countered Shredder. “But she is right,” continued Xavier. “The others won’t just go and wreak havoc because of the sudden change in location.” “What about you…?” she turned to Anzu, “Mhm… what was your name, Anshu, Ancho, Pancho?” “Anzu…” “That… weird name.” “You can call me Janine if you want, everyone else does that… or did… back at home,” now Janine seemed to be depressed. In order to avoid more tears, Grizelda repeated her question. “Okay then, Janine, how about your team? As far I know all of you guys move in flocks isn’t it?” The strategy seemed to work, as the purplish Frogadier looked back up, a hint of pride in her eyes. “Of course not. I may look like a simple gym leader, but I am also a trained ninja! My partners are as well trained as I am so they will know to stay in the shadows and find a way back to me!” “If being a gym leader is something simple to begin with,” pointed Rouge. “But I guess your team and ours have its similarities.” “Huh…, and what is a ninja?” asked Grizelda with curiosity “Mhmm, what is a ninja? Tough question,” started Pancha. “You know, they are those fellas capable of doing amazing stuff and be very silent and fast like shadows and do cool stuff in awesome fashion!” “What my friend is trying to explain,” Rouge took over, “Is that ninjas are very well trained individuals that can do many sort of things, from espionage to sabotaging. Let me put it more simply: have you noticed our partner Greninja?” Grizelda was about to ask who this was when she remembered the silent figure listening to them beside a tree. If it wasn’t because she turned to look at him, the maiden would have thought the pokemon she was talking with where the only ones. “That is a ninja,” resumed the poison-type. “We are those who are one with the shadows and speak with the silence,” finished Janine as she brought her hand close to her face, making a hand seal. Although with only three fingers, she seemed to either making a sign of silence or pointing at the sky. Either way, Grizelda grasped enough to made her own conclusion, “You are like spies then!” “That is one thing they do. Although I would rather say they are similar to us mercenaries… by the way,” noticed Shredder, “Don’t you guys notice someone has stayed quiet for an abnormally long time?” “Simon lost interest a while ago and started posing for the crowd,” clarified Pancha as she pointed at the Excadrill boasting to the griffins around the main gates. Of course whatever he was saying meant nothing to the crowd. “No, I meant the one who should be doing an annoying amount of questions,” explained the Sword Blade Pokemon. “He seemed quite excited about meeting you remember.” Janine seemed to understand who she was talking about after this clarification and turned to the leader of the mercenaries, who seemed to be trying to become as unnoticeable as Greninja, of course he fail miserably. Meanwhile Pancha move closer to Shredder and ask her with a whisper, “Weren’t you supposed to be confusing him with Ganger?” all she get as a response was a malicious grin. “You are evil reina. I am going to miss you so much!” With all gazes against his helmet-like skull, Weiss slowly turned to face the group with a mixed expression of excitement and shame. “I-I’m just… making guard…?” doubted the leader, “Yeah, right: I am making guard… that’s all!” and turned again to guard the wall. “Give him some time,” clarified Xavier. “For now I would say we should head in. It’s getting late and the crowd has grown exponentially larger with Simon as a host.” Grizelda chuckle at the sight, the Excadrill was making show of his drill form while balancing on the tip of his metallic end and spinning like a top, boasting stuff like ‘a Hitmontop has nothing on me!’ and other things the crowd couldn’t understand. Not that it stopped the griffin audience from cheering at his performance. “Okay, okay! This has been entertaining and all but it’s time for this crowd to stop obstructing the main entrance, so if you don’t mind mister ‘top’, this show has to end,” explained the maiden to both Simon and the audience. “It can’t be helped then!” exclaimed Simon, before he unfolded from his drill form, ending in a breakdance-like spin, causing the griffins to cheer one last time as they returned to their daily routines. The group returned to the castle, Anzu and the Surskit included since they came with the mercenaries. Leading the way, Grizelda showed them all to their rooms, which were big, fancy and individual for each member. This pampering and elegance was a new experience for them, excluding Daring, Anzu and the Surskit since they were used to being special guests from time to time because of their positions. The latter however, preferred to remain with the purplish Frogadier, still disliking the situation she was in. “It sure is attached to you, huh?” pointed out Daring as she kept Anzu company before they went to sleep. “So it seems. It may be because I am a gym leader like her trainer,” pointed out the ninja girl. “About that..what are these gyms? I heard Weiss mention them but he said something about ‘not being a competitive trainer’ or something like that so he didn’t talk much about that subject. Not to mention we were minutes away from talking to Empress Victoria.” “I presume he never had to explain it before. Back in our world this is common knowledge,” noted Anzu, again feeling a bit depressed. Daring took notice of her change of mood and inquired “Hey, you feeling okay there Anzu?” “Yeah...” lied the gym leader, quickly cleaning the tears forming on her eyes. “It’s just...I don’t know if I will be able to find my father in all this mess, let alone going back home.” The Surskit too noticed this and became teary eyed as well in the Frogadier arms. “See, now this guy wants to cry as well,” pointed out Daring much to the Surskit annoyance, which glared at her in response. Seeing this, Daring quickly used her wings for cover, expecting another array of bubbles to get her. Luckily there was no need for it this time. “She,” clarified Anzu, feeling better with the simple scene. “This Surskit is a she.” the bug-type nodded. “Well excuse me,” Daring grumbled as she folded her wings back into position. “If it weren’t for your voices, I would say you all are unisex.” Anzu chuckled, before deciding to answer the explorer’s earlier question. “Gym leaders are supposed to oversee trainers and their pokemon, guiding them to become a better team and awarding them when they are strong enough to go on their journey. We also keep an eye on our respective regions, but that is mostly a suggestion, which some of us ignore.” “Wow, I thought you were just the types who told people how to bench press some weight and stuff,” Daring replied, honestly a bit surprised, but she still gave Anzu a more respectful glance. “I thought so as well when I was young. I didn’t understand what my dad’s position was supposed to mean for years.” Again she seemed to become depressed, but didn’t tear up this time. “You remembered my name, people often say it’s too complicated and call me Janine instead, something about being ‘ninja’ backwards or something.” Daring give her a shrug while responding, “I travel constantly and have memorized a LOT of weird sounding names and words so you end up learning how to pronounce foreign words properly. Not to mention my arch nemesis is a five footed creature with a tongue-twister for a name.” This made her and Anzu chuckle. The reassuring chuckled gave the Surskit enough ease to break her silence and venture, “S-so… there are weirder creatures than you in this world?” her voice been that of a child. “Check it out, she does have a voice,” joked Daring. “If I look strange to you, then better get ready to meet hydras, quarry eels, tatzelwurms and more fabulous creatures in Equss.” The stranger the name sounded to Surskit, the more she trembled, although she tried to hide it. Needless to say, she failed terribly at that. “Th-that’s okay. Viola w-would know what to do, once I am back with her.” However Anzu seemed to react to her trainer’s name “Wait, by any chance is your trainer the gym leader of Santalune city?” “You know her?” asked the Pokemon and Pegasus in unison. Anzu nodded. “I met her a few times, mostly during world tournaments and events that required gym leaders to gather. She is a bug-type specialist and a professional photographer. If I made it here then surely there are good chances she is here as well.” So far, none of them knew the divine reason of why they were in Equss, so as far as Daring and Anzu knew, they could be giving Surskit false hopes. Despite that, was better than leaving the poor thing to face the truth all too suddenly “Yeah,” added Do. “She could be right on the next city for all we know. Trust me, we will find her.” “You promise?” asked the big eyed bug while making her eyes bigger. “We promise,” replied Anzu with a reassuring tone. “Right, Miss Daring?” “Be sure of that,” replied the explorer. “I hope she woke up in a situation better than mine though,” sheepishly added the ninja. “You were sleeping in the middle of the woods. How can that be bad?” asked the Surskit sarcastically. “Yeah!” added Daring, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. “She could be lost in a dark wood while being chased by some scary ghost wanting to eat her soul or something.” At that very moment, in another location, a frail-looking Vivillon was too busy flying for her life to notice the itchy nose and warm antenna that she had suddenly developed out of nowhere. But this and her fateful encounter with two Meowstic is a different story. “I see your point,” deadpanned Anzu. “But how is that supposed to make her feel better?” the Surskit was again at the verge of tears. “Ehm… sorry, let’s change the topic then,” apologized Daring as she gently patted the bug-type. “I’ve been wondering: What have you guys been doing before appearing here? Did you step into some sort of lost ruins or found an ancient artifact that could have brought you all here?” Anzu thought for a few seconds, recalling what little she could remember. “I was on my way to the Kalos region for a job when I got a call from Cynthia, the champion of the Sinnoh region. She invited me to meet with her and other gym leaders from Unova and discus something ‘of great importance’. Then I met the mercenaries on my way to Lumiose city and finally I fell asleep all of a sudden.” “That sounds like quite a traveling life as well,” admitted Daring. “But still rather normal. No hidden ruins or lost artifact that comes to your mind?” persisted Do. “Well, the meeting was supposed to deal with a delicate topic from of world, although I don’t know the details that well. I was asked to guard the meeting,” replied the purplish Frogadier. “That could be a reason why you are here,” ventured Daring. “I mean, if it’s such an important and delicate matter, then there sure should be some shady characters looking for said meeting to never happen don't you think?” “I doubt it, since we were the shady characters,” replied Anzu with a sheepishly smile. “Wait what?” deadpanned the Explorer. “What do you mean by that? You aren’t going to suddenly burst into evil laughter and give me a monologue of some evil plan of sorts are you?” “You sure have some interesting adventures,” Anzu commented with a more calm smile. “No, the delicate topic I am talking about is about human and Pokemon having romantic relationships with one another. That is forbidden in our world’s society...at least amongst humans” “So you are telling me that humans over there are some sort of purist race obsessed with bloodlines or something?” surprisingly Daring wasn’t that surprised. “Because I have this colleague who found this weird cult lost on some mountains a while ago…” “No, I guess it’s a bit worse,” clarified the ninja. “You see, a lot of humans see Pokemon as nothing more than mere animals, so for them those kind of relationships were seen as ‘against nature’ and thus labeled as abominations.” “That does sound complicated.” “It is, I have yet to feel that way towards any Pokemon or human, so I don’t know the feeling, but if humans and Pokemon can coexist, fight together and even sacrifice for one another, then why can’t they love each other?” expressed Anzu. “However, even when this is a difficult topic, I doubt someone would go to all the trouble of sending those pro human-pokemon relationships to another world. I mean, we are the minority. They could easily overrun us if they wanted to and no one would say a thing”. “That sucks,” expressed Daring. “But then there must be something else that brought you here. Come on, think hard: What was the very last thing you remember? A shadow, a noise, a voice, some light and green little beings, anything?.” “Not that I think so… although...” something seemed to ‘click’ on Anzu’s mind, “There… there was a voice…” When each member of Checkmate went to their rooms, Shredder asked Grizelda if she could take her to a metal worker, to which the Empress’ maiden obliged and lead her to the imperial blacksmith located outside the castle, past the barracks. “Here you go!” pointed the griffin at a smoking building. “We may not have magic armor like those in Equestria, but our metal work is second to none in Equss!” boasted Grizelda as she entered the forge, Shredder close behind. “As long as the metal work is good, I have no issues with the results,” replied the Bisharp. “If good metal works is what you want, then try the shops on the market, child!” replied a strong female voice from within the forge, followed closely by a bulky griffon sporting dark fur and dusty gray feathers, although the colors could be dull because of the soot. “What we forge here with the sweat of our work is what protects her highness herself and our glorious empire!” The smithy seemed to have confused Shredder for some sort of statute or set of armor as she was shouting her words to Grizelda instead of the Pokemon, the maiden made little effort to feel offended and simply pointed at her companion. “Lady Swanhild, allow me to introduce you to Lady Shredder from Checkmate, the newly contracted Pokemon ‘team’ of the empress.” Shredder offered a hand to the metal worker and apologize. “I had no intention of badmouthing your craft. I was simply indicating I am not picky about the gear I can get given my circumstances. I had not meant any offense with my words.” Swanhild took the hand in her claw and accepted her words. “None taken, but you must be very mistaken if you think I will give you something of mediocre quality. Whether it is for the Empress herself or for a creature from Siegfried knows where, my craft will always be the very best thing you would ever get.” “Those are some heartily words,” replied Shredder with a smile as she let go of the iron grip both strong females were sharing. “So you are one of those Pokemon creatures, huh?” Shredder nodded, “I must admit, it was odd to find all you creatures this morning, but I will admit some of them are quite useful. Isn’t that right Torkoal?” At her question a locomotive’s horn come as an answer, followed by a big tortoise with orange skin, brown carapace with holes leading to what seemed to be a furnace inside of it and a smoke pouring face. If it weren’t for the smoke and steam coming out from the carapace and nose respectively, the pokemon could easily have passed as a regular tortoise. “This guy was here this morning,” explained Swanhild as she tossed a piece of charcoal to the Torkoal, which happily took it as the sweetest of treats. “It was eating my charcoal reserves and I was about to kick it out of here when I noticed its carapace was way hotter than my furnace, with only half the charcoal I normally use for it too. So I simply asked if it wanted to work for me in exchange for this,” she said, patting a bag of the mineral, “It nodded so fast I doubted for a second if it was really a tortoise.” “Tor-Torkoal It's a fair deal,” added the Torkoal with a slow but satisfied tone. Grizelda smiled. “It’s good to see you have achieved this before her highness had made the declaration of her plan.” The smithy seemed confused by these words. “Your excellency had plans for these creatures?” for a second, both girls noticed a hint of concern on Swanhild’s voice toward her new assistant. “She does, but you don’t have to worry, she plans to make a treaty with the Pokemon, as long as they want to help of course. And by the looks of things here, that won’t be too hard, right?” explained Grizelda. “And it’s a he,” added Shredder. “Well this sure will bring new possibilities for this kingdom,” reflected the smith while patting her assistant. “But enough of politics, this is a metal workshop and you came here so I could work on some metal isn’t it?” declared the bulky female. “Indeed” replied Shredder, “I came to order a special type of armor.” “I don’t mind creating something new for someone like you, but...” she gave the Bisharp a quick look from up to down and said, “I doubt you are in need of something like that.” “Well…” Shredder started, showing a surprising amount of expression and blush as she tried to explain such a touchy subject for her. “I-it’s just that… I am not comfortable not w-wearing something to cover my rear…” the Sword Blade Pokemon flinched constantly as she said these words, tightly gripping the make-shift dress she made out of Terrowin’s cape. “I-IT’S FOR DEFENSE REASONS O-OF COURSE!” The last ditched words made both griffins laugh loudly as a result, much to Shredder’s shame, and a few seconds later, Swanhild cleaned the joyful tears with the back of her claw and replied, “It's okay, I got it lady, no need to get all fuzzed about it. Besides...” she put on a working apron and tightly laced it over her body. “We girls have to look pretty don’t we?” Once Anzu and Daring discovered the divine message, both ran towards Weiss’ room across the hallway. Weiss was still awake, in fact he was sitting on a chair with his chin resting on his hands, a thoughtful expression on his face as he looked at both girls. “Weiss, you are not going to believe what we just found!” started Daring. “There was a voice in my head before we fainted,” continued Anzu. “Did it say, ‘Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home’ with a parental tone?” finished Weiss. Both females looked confused at the Bisharp who simply responded, “We’ve been thinking about it as well.” At these words, all of Checkmate made a mental sound to announce their presence to Daring and Anzu. “Yeah, almost forgot you guys can do that,” muttered Do. “So wait: How do you know this?” asked the gym leader. “Xavier scanned the last memories we had before fainting,” answered the mercenary. “We were all doing stuff we normally do and then there was that voice. We all heard it and then fell asleep.” “T-then… something... no,” corrected herself Anzu, “Someone brought us here?” “That seems to be the case” pointed Weiss. “But how? Or more importantly why!?” asked Daring, confusion growing inside of her as much as in her new friends. “I don’t know, but whoever had the power to do this surely had something in store. I guess all we have to do is wait for it to tell us.” “You really believe this being will just go and tell his plan like that?” asked back Daring in disbelief. “I am sure you have seen it before, haven’t you?” inquired Weiss. “When someone IS this strong, they like to monologue.” “Then all we have to do now, besides waiting, is pray for this monologue to be a kind one,” concluded Anzu. “The question now being: how subtle will it be?” asked Daring as she took a seat on the floor. “I hope it’s subtle and well planned, not some ‘Now I have done this, have fun!’ speech”. At that moment, Weiss could feel a cold shiver run through his spine as they continued to plan how to explain this to the Empress the next morning. This day had proven to be tediously long, and the days that will follow it will no doubt be just as long, if not longer. > Seventh Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seventh Move Day out Griffenhiem Empire Nest Hold Castle’s throne room “Someone brought you all to this world? That is what you have discovered?” asked Empress Victoria once the Pokemon report their latest discovery to her. “Yes, your highness, at least that is what we believe,” replied Weiss, again prostrated before the Throne of Twigs, his team besides him plus Daring, Anzu and Surskit, the only member who wasn’t there was Shredder. They had another meeting programed that day, mostly to discuss about how they will work for the empire while looking for the rest of his team, but the recent discovery made them change the scheduled program, at least for now. Victoria remained silent as she think over the information she received, “and you believe this being will most likely made an act of appearance in the near future?” asked the Empress. “We believe so, your highness.” Another moment of silence followed, finally Victoria proclaimed, “As interesting this information is, we can’t do much with it...besides wait and brace ourselves. According to what Lord Xavier showed me, this being wasn’t banishing you here, but rather delivering you to a safe place.” Everyone seemed confused by the ruler’s choice of words, thus she proceeded to explain herself, “Remember this throne my mercenaries, rulers must always act on behalf of their people. And this being’s voice was definitely from someone who sees himself as some sort of ruler; yet we still have to see if his ‘moving’ plans include sharing the land.” Victoria’s eyes turn quite hostile at these words. Xavier took notice of this and quickly made Weiss say, “That may be a possibility, but even if that were the case, our loyalty is already with you your highness. Be assured that we will protect this land with our lives if necessary.” This seemed to please the white griffin as she gave the group a sincere and thankful smile. “That does indeed assure me, mercenary. Now I guess another topic is in order. A more cheerful one I must say.” with a wave of her claw the doors besides the throne open wide, revealing a small team of griffins carrying a set of tools like metric tapes, fabrics and pins, ready to act at the order of Victoria. “I heard you used to wear a piece of clothing with the emblem of your guild on it,” explained Victoria. ‘We are a guild now?’ thought Weiss. “Thus I wanted to award you for becoming employees of the Empire with a piece of clothing of your liking bearing this emblem,” at these words and with another wave of her claw, the griffins moved toward Checkmate, asking them what kind of garment would they like and taking measurements from each member, and though confused, the pokemon were glad to oblige. Anzu declined the offer though, Daring wasn’t a member of the mercenaries and the Surskit was too small and oily to wear anything properly. ‘What brought up this sudden present?’ Weiss couldn’t help but wonder. ‘I presume she is more generous that her cold appearance shows,’ commented Rouge on the mind link. “Choose to your heart’s content,” continued Victoria, “And ask for whatever garment of your choice, let it be a piece of cloth that make others look at it, so those who lay eyes on you know that you are members of the great griffin Empire!” ‘Of course,’ thought Weiss dryly. ‘Political publicity.’ ‘We win in the end, what is the problem?’ replied the gigantic psychic-type as he looked at the color palate one of the tailors showed him. Weiss simply chuckled as he thanked the Empress. “We will make good use of these gifts your highness.” “I am sure you will,” Victoria nodded, before adding, “But I have one question to ask.” “Whatever you want to know, our boss will be happy to reply for you, oh generous of rulers!” exclaimed Rouge as her eyes happily danced from one fabric to the next. “Like she said,” Weiss simply said with a smile as he too gave into the fun and let a tailor take his measurements. “I have been told your emblem is related to your guild’s name: Checkmate.” Weiss nodded in response. “But I only see the second row of Chess pieces on it. I’ve been wondering: what about the pawns?” Weiss looked surprised that this was her question. It wasn’t something he kept as a secret, but it still was the first time someone ever asked about that detail. “Well your highness,” started Weiss as he kept his arms up. “It’s in a way...similar to your throne.” Victoria raised a doubtful eyebrow and deadpanned, “Elaborate.” “Think about the pawns your Highness. What is their primordial function? “To be sacrificed,” answered the ruler with a dry tone “Exactly. That’s why we don’t have pawns in our team,” smiled Weiss as he finished, “We don’t sacrifice our comrades. It’s as simple as that.” Empress Victoria chuckled at the end of the explanation. “I see your analogy is indeed profound, but I doubt it has the same weight as my throne.” This however, was said with a fairly friendly tone. “Now, I would like to discuss the arrangements of your services and how the look of your guild’s members would be. However it appears my tailors will be keeping you all for a while, so I will take my leave. We can finish this meeting more properly in the dining hall.” Checkmate and company nodded in agreement and bowed to the Empress as she left for breakfast. A large detachment of guards was left alongside the tailors, keeping a close eye to the ‘guests.’ “I see she isn’t as reliant as we thought,” pointed out Xavier as he looked at the guards. “Considering how she was willing to declare war at the drop of a hat the first time we met her, I would say this is quite a warm development,” retorted Weiss which generated a general laughter from his team. With the measuring done, the Pokemon were once more moving to the dining hall. On the way there Daring Do took the opportunity to ask Weiss, “Are you sure about that?” “About what?” innocently asked the Bisharp, completely ignorant of what she meant. “About attacking whoever brought you guys here,” clarified the explorer. “Oh, that,” shrugged the leader. “That would depend of the plans this being may have. If he wants to invade this land, then we will defend the people of this Empire, not only because we have been contracted to do so, but because…” Weiss looked at the street from a window. Out there he could see some griffin walking along side some small Pokemon. It was a similar scene he had seen many times in the past. Yet at the same time it felt different. Pokemon weren’t avoiding the citizens. On the contrary, they both walked around as equals. Yes, some griffins stared at some Pokemon from time to time, but still they shared the street as if they had live together for years. “It’s hard to explain…” Weiss turned away from the window and continued. “I’ve been contracted again and again to destroy so many things: documents, machinery, trusts, people. But this is the very first time we have been entrusted with defending something, and something worth fighting for.” Daring chuckled at the response. “That sounded encouraging and all but my question still stands. What will you do if you have to fight a being capable of bringing thousands of creatures to another world?” “Not to mention it also changed some of said creatures into another on the process,” pointed out Weiss with sarcasm. “If this being wants to fight we will most likely perish in an instant, but at least I want to believe that won’t be necessary...for now at least.” They arrived at the dining hall and found the Empress reading a bunch of scrolls while eating her breakfast: cooked sausages with eggs and cheese, meaning she was busy for the moment so the Pokemon took their seats on the same spots as yesterday and each started to ask for their own plates, digging into the food as soon it arrived. “Sabes, I am not sure of what would become of me if there was no meat in this world!” joyfully expressed Pancha as she stuffed some bacon into her beak, bread and beans being pulled into it as well. “Ya ah wigh,” started Simon with a mouthful, only to properly swallow all of his pancakes with mayo and ham. “I was afraid these creatures would be vegetarians, you know since they’re so peaceful and stuff.” “…” Greninja nodded as he ate a bowl of rice with pickles and some cooked fish. Apparently he made a pair of chopsticks himself in order to eat as he wanted. Anzu was eating the same while Surskit was happily sucking at a bottle of honey. “Well, I am for once grateful they do have more delicate meals,” replied Rouge as she slowly nibbled at a slice of cheese, a fruit salad with whipped cream waiting besides it. “If that works for you. I personally prefer more sustainable food, and even when these aren’t Torchic eggs they are quite delicious,” added Weiss as he ate a mushroom and ham omelet. Xavier made no commentaries as he continued to chew large quantities of meat, bread, fruit, etc. “You guys do realize this is the only place along Canadia where one can eat meat right?” commented Daring while biting a simple hay sandwich. The reaction she get in return was slightly confusing. “…” Everyone stood still for a second before continuing their meals at an increased speed...the carnivorous ones at least. “… I am sure everyone can take care of their own from here on, verdad?” joked Pancha as she stuffed more bacon, and only bacon, into her beak. “We will have to look for them outside of this land sooner or later,” pointed out Weiss as he too gave his food a fond look. “By the way Daring, what is this land? A continent?” “It’s a continent. There are no other countries on it besides the Empire. It has a large number of cities and settlements of course. The closest continent has more cultures on it but it mainly belongs to Equestria. I should also add that it is my motherland,” listed Daring as simply as she could. “Then we will have a long time looking around this land then,” replied Weiss satisfied. The rest of the group seemed to share his enthusiasm. However, fate had other plans for the carnivorous group as Grizelda approached them, a pair of black circles under her eyes. “Morning creatures,” greeted the maiden with a long yawn. “You seem to have slept properly.” “Niña, are you okay?” asked the Wrestler Pokemon with a bit of worry, though didn’t stop her from eating at her current pace. “Yeah, just a long night: I made company of your other metallic friend,” the group then noticed the absence of Shredder. They were about to ask what kept them awake when Grizelda seemed to remember her propose being there in the first place. “Oh, right! I was supposed to tell you guys that her Excellency can receive you now. With nothing else to say, the young griffin turned around and left. The group finished their food and moved to the main table where Empress Victoria waited for them. The mercenaries plus three, didn’t have to kneel before her this time, as she simply offer them a few seats close to her table, although not yet on her table. “As expected,” started the empress as soon as they arrived. “There have been numerous reports of Pokemon appearing all over the world, let alone Griffenhiem. However, and despite the ones you say would be confused, there has been few notable incidents so far, other than damaged property. Aside from that, most reports show it was because someone lost their cool over the situation, and a many times, it wasn’t the Pokemon.” Despite the news, Victoria seemed to be very happy. Pancha pointed out that ‘It could be the breakfast’s magic’ in the mind link. “How about the Empire your highness?” asked not Weiss, but Rouge for a change, the Empress seemed to note the change of pace, but replied all the same, thankful that the other mercenaries were worried as well. “I sent falcons to all known towns in our land, strictly ordering the Imperial guards to not engage the Pokemon and to guide them out of the urbanized zones. So far there are few reports with hostile results,” Victoria said, before adding, “That is more than what I can say for Equestria,” she said with a small grin a she gave a glance to the reports she got from other places, mainly the Crystal Empire. Again, Weiss wondered what could be the situation between the Empress and the Princesses for Victoria to be so determined to surpass them, even in things that were really beyond their control for the most part. “But that was to be expected,” she said with a proud tone before turning towards them. “Now we need to discuss how will you look for the rest of your team.” Weiss nodded. “We are in your debt for allowing us to go and search for them in the first place your Highness. I think we should start with the Empire first, and then move to a different continent.” “This quest will take a long time to finish,” added Xavier. “So it seems,” replied Victoria. “However I think I may be of assistance for you,” she said, a shine of a genius idea coming from the Empress’ eyes as she explained her plan. “I will give a speech this afternoon so people can know what to think about Pokemon, mostly things that I think can help with their assimilation.” As she gave her idea, Xavier picked up a line of thought from the Empress and found it a bit amusing ‘She is wondering how long it will take for Celestia to copy her ideas,’ the team had to do its best to not chuckle, as that now explained her Highness’ radiant look. “However,” in an instant, this look drastically changed for one more serious, “This will depend on whether or not the other Pokemon want to cooperate. I can understand if some of them want to live in the woods with the creatures that dwell in them, but I will not tolerate any sort of invasion or sedition against my people.” This time, however, she wasn’t threatening the mercenaries, but merely keeping clear that she will have no doubt about dealing with any Pokemon looking for troubles on her empire. “Our comrade will be more than enough to help in these kinds of situations your highness,” commented Xavier. “I know she will. It was her who told me about your coat of arms, and it was her that gave me the idea of giving it imperial recognition.” At this point, Weiss couldn’t help but wonder how exactly Shredder managed to do something so subtle. “I presume we need some sort of warrant to move around the Empire,” pointed out Pancha, this little act of cleverness making all of us stare at her in surprise. “… que?” “True, but I’m afraid you misunderstand,” clarified Victoria. “I am not doing this so you can move freely in the Empire; I am doing this so you can show the other lands that griffins are working for peace.” Again a big smile lay in the Empress’ beak. “Not that I question your wisdom or anything your highness,” commented Rouge, “But how would that happen on this continent?” “Simple” her smile grew wider, “You are not starting on Griffenhiem.” “… le ruego me disculpe?” asked a shocked Hawlucha. “The empire will take care of searching in these lands,” calmly explained Victoria. “After all we have the sign of your guild as well as someone who can recognize them.”[ ‘This sounds too convenient,’ thought Weiss, and actually all of his team, Surskit included. “So you can go and look for them on another continent, may I suggest Equestria as your first stop.” The mercenaries let out a collective sigh, this was no longer funny for them. “Your highness, we appreciate you help, and we would more likely take it, but we have to know, what is this bickering tendency of yours against the Equestrian kingdom?” Empress Victoria was surprised by this question, and though they would obey her in the end, she didn’t like to be questioned. “Why would you like to know mercenary?” “Your Highness, we have been hired to do many sorts of things, so spying and sabotaging other countries isn’t something new for us.” Just like the Empress, Weiss’ tone became serious, but also emotionless. “We have made an alliance with you your Highness, thus we will do as you command, but if you want to ‘sugarcoat’ our objective, we will have problems in effectively executing them,” he stated, and with these words the presence that Checkmate emanate was no longer of strange and goofy creatures, but that of cold blooded soldiers. Daring, Anzu, Surskit and the guards broke into a cold sweat at the pressure, the latter instinctively drawing their weapons closer. “Wait, wait, wait!” exclaimed another voice who had been mysteriously quiet until now. “So you think we want you guys to spy and sabotage the other kingdom?” Both, Victoria and Weiss, turned to look at Grizelda with surprise. One caused by confusion while the other by embarrassment. “You guys are thinking too ‘hardcore’ here. All that your majesty wants is for you all to show off your position as members of the Empire, nothing more.” The look Empress Victoria gave her maiden was such a mix of anger, embarrassment, confusion and gratitude, that no one who witnessed it would believe that she was the fabled ‘Steel Empress’, but rather a very troubled and stressed woman. This glance however only lasted a second, and only was seen by her trusted servant. “My maiden is correct,” continued Victoria with a very thin hint of embarrassment. “I had never planned to have you act on such devious ways. To be honest I feel astonished and insulted with your insinuation. But then again I should expect so from a world as violent like yours.” The mercenaries couldn’t deny the last part. “My deepest apologies your highness,” said Weiss with a bow. “As you say, our world is rather broken in comparison to this one. But our question still remains: Why are you so obsessed with Equestria?” Victoria seemed to become more insulted at the question, but she seemed to realize something at the same time that replaced her anger with shame. “I do not envy Equestria, nor do I greed for it or loathe it in any way. If anything, I would say it’s because I feel inferior to its ruler: Princess Celestia.” “I thought there were two rulers on your country,” questioned Weiss to Daring, but the Empress replied before she could. “There are. The second Princess, Luna, was reintegrated into her position just recently. She has a bit of a history, yet that is not my right to divulge. Thus Celestia has been the one ruling during her absence, so my story with her is deeper that with her sister.” “I have heard little from the Princesses besides that they are co-rulers of their land, and that somehow they remain princesses despite not having known parents alive. I also heard they have ruled the land of Equestria since its foundation, so I presume it’s a relatively young kingdom.” Grizelda snorted, “That is the understatement of the day.” The Empress had to explain, “What she means is that Equestria had existed for thousands of years, Luna and Celestia seem to be, if not immortal, at least beings with very long life spans.” One of her claws pointed at one of the many paintings decorating the dining room, a royal looking griffin stand besides two tall and slim ponies in what appeared to be a celebration. “That scene, it’s from my great, great, great grandfather’s 70th birthday. The white mare is Celestia and the darker one is Luna. They look pretty much the same at this very day.” “That’s interesting,” replied Xavier with little surprise. He was young but knew well he could live for hundreds of years as well. “Beings with such long lives aren’t rare on our world, but I must admit they do not look this young, or frail.” Added the Bisharp. “That makes things easier then, have you ever discussed with someone who has lived at least five times what you call a long life?” asked Victoria. “Once. It was quite the experience, it made me feel so… inexperienced,” replied Weiss. “Then you have been in a similar experience than mine. Celestia is a wise ruler, cultivated by centuries of knowledge; she is also very gentle and kind.” The Empress surprised herself as she noticed that she admired Celestia, even if just a little. “However these qualities also makes her look at others, as you say, as inexperienced individuals.” ‘That explains the inferiority complex,’ thought Xavier. “Every time I look at her I don’t see a ruler of countless years of experience, but a young mare with at least 10 years less than me.” Now the Iron Leg Pokemon wondered if she also had a midlife crisis. “Ever since I had this crown bestowed upon my head, I have tried to impress her in whatever way I can, only to be patted in the back and guided to a better way of action. I guess she has been a tutor to me as much as she has been for most of the other rulers of this world.” It was now that a joyful laugh barged into the conversation. “I don’t see what is wrong with that!” exclaimed Simon once his laughter subdued. “Surpassing those before us and earning their recognition is something naturally embodied in every being who loves itself a little.” Victoria was surprised by how easily the mole-like creature had accepted what she normally considered a childish aspect of herself, an aspect she liked nonetheless. Simon continued. “So if you want us to show these princesses that you can make peace with us Pokemon before her, then by all means: stuff us on a box, slam some stamps over it and send us to her castle, because we will be more than glad to show off for you!” the Subterranean Pokemon soundly hit his chest, indicating that his words came from his flaming heart. Then another laugh resonated in the throne room: Empress Victoria started to laugh loudly with joy. All the members of the guard, her advisors and even the help looked on bewildered by the sudden show of emotion the ‘Steel Empress’ displayed. “Ah… lord Simon, your words are invigorating, despite their total lack of delicacy.” Simon didn’t seemed to care. “And yes, I would like to commission Checkmate with the mission of going to the neighbor kingdom of Equestria and make show of the progress Griffenhiem has achieved, as well as to report to me any news you may find as well while looking for your fellow comrades.” Weiss chuckled as he realized that, in the very end, the ‘spying’ portion of their original supposition wasn’t that wrong in the end...even if this time it didn’t exactly require them to be stealthy about it. “We will be honored to oblige your highness,” replied the leader as he stood up and bowed to the ruler, the rest of his team following close. “When do you want us to depart?” Victoria acknowledged their words with a bow from her head, “I would like you to set sail the morning of the day after tomorrow. The flag cruiser, ‘Holzschiff,’ will take you to Canterlot in a day and a half.” “You sure lose no tiempo your Highness,” joked Pancha. “We will make preparations,” Weiss said as they prepared to leave. “Please do. However, my guards will provide you with supplies and my tailors will have your clothes ready before today’s announcement ceremony, so you will have some free time until then.” “I guess she is right... wait, you want us to attend the ceremony?” Rogue pointed out. “I certainly do, lady Rouge,” replied Victoria. “I am not just going to send you as ‘ambassadors’ without a proper designation. That would be rude from my part, wouldn’t it?” Rouge gave a sigh in response. “This will be the first time we have ever been given such an honor, or an honor at all… I guess that is quite obvious,” Weiss said, while leveling a pointed look at the poison-type. “Normally we are paid and asked to vanish once a job is done.” “That was in your brutish world,” pointed out Victoria. “But this is Equss, and here we like to reward the work of others. Not to mention we still owe you for dealing with Terrowin’s... ‘tantrum’.” With a general smile coming from all the members of Checkmat, Xavier included (even when it almost didn’t show), the mercenaries left the Empress’ presence, but not before she managed to tell them one last thing. “I suggest you spend some time in the city and get to know it better while you are at it,” she said, before taking a scroll from a pile and read it. “There are reports of a Pokemon staying in a nearby school. There have been no issues so far, but I want you to go and check it as well.” Weiss gave one final bow as they left the Empress’ table. “… is it just me, or could we have just waited out back?” asked Daring to the other two female Pokemon as they walked behind the mercenaries. Griffienhiem Empire Outside the castle The group followed the Empress’ advice and ventured into the city, a small portion of guards still close to look after them, as well to serve as guides. Although Daring Do filled this role just fine. Once at the street, they could see the city’s layout. They already knew that the castle was in the side of a mountain, but they didn’t expect the city to be as well embedded on the other mountains formed by the range. The range itself had a semicircle shape with an extensive valley within it, a river and a lake could be seen in the distance as well. Buildings of rectangular shape laid all over the mountainsides, houses made of gray stone and brick formed a display of many geometrical shapes as the roofs show a variety of brick shades while banners and flags of vivid colors decorated the streets. Griffins could be seen flying all over the city from one side to another, some even flying across the valley to reach a destination at the other side. Yet they weren’t the only ones up there; blimps of many forms and colors floated like dandelion seeds in the wind. “You should see Canterlot,” Daring said as she noticed the expression on most of the Pokemon. “Instead of blimps, chariots take the sky line. Of course it’s all because of our magic,” She proudly added in the end. She then proceeded to explain the city’s layout “The city has this horseshoe shape because of the mountains,” she points at the edges of the city. “To navigate this oddly shaped place, griffins usually refer to it by sections and levels: The lower level is called the valley because of its proximity with the mountain’s base; next it’s the mountainside level on the middle, that is a no brainer; and finally it’s the submit level at the top,” as she mention each level, a hoof pointed towards a relative height on the mountain. “As for the sections,” she continued. “These are also divided into three: a central section and two edges. The central section is the fanciest of them all. That’s where we are right now by the way. It has most of the city’s markets and restaurants at the hill level; museums and more expensive establishments lie on the mountainside level, so it’s considered the more touristic zone here; finally the imperial castle of Nesting Hold rest on the summit level.” She turned to point at the castle, which was massively occupying the entire summit of the mountain it was in. “The left and right edges are pretty much the same,” continued the explorer. “Mostly warehouses and trading offices lie on the valley level alongside the suburbs; middle class houses occupy the mountainside level with most of the schools, the families of wealthy traders and imperial politicians live there. And that is pretty much it.” “That is quite...” Rouge started, looking for a good word, “Summarized.” “It’s not 100% accurate, but it will help us move you Pokemon around,” replied Daring. Speaking of Pokemon, many flying-types could be seen adjusting to their new environment as well: some Staraptor, Talonflame and Braviary were already disputing for the best nesting spots over the range, with their respective pre-evolutions, Starly, Staravia, Fletchling, Fletchinder and Rufflet, cheering at a safe distance. The ground was just as lively, albeit not as wild: a Larvitar or two could be seen sneaking around the many alleys the city had, Shuckles could be found near each fruit stand they ran into, and a group of kids were playing with a group of Helioptile while their parents and a Heliolisk kept an eye on them, the later also getting his share of eyeing as well. The griffin on their side seemed confused by the situation, looking at the new creatures with as much curiosity and wonder as caution and carefulness. Yet none of them seemed to want to start a fight. “Now I can’t stop to wonder if this is luck or a very well thought action,” wondered Weiss out loud. “The fighters of this word may really be as passive as we speculated,” pointed Xavier as he kept his seemingly angry gaze on the creatures around them, both Griffin and Pokemon, and the occasional Pony. “I doubt so,” added Daring, “I presume this is mostly the ‘bravery’ Griffins are famous for. My kind would most likely keep a safe distance and analyze the ‘intruders’ at first. But then again, I haven’t seen a single hostile Pokemon so far, so I doubt it will take them too long to do the same over there as well.” “I can see why the Empress was so interested on our departure then,” reflected Rouge as she and Greninja kept a close eye on the overly excited Pancha and Simon, who in turn were eager to look, touch and ask at every shop they found. Luckily for them, the clerks running them were happy to sell their goods to them, as long a guard was there to pay their debts, although he also kept tabs on how much money they were wasting. ‘Something tells me our first paycheck will not be complete,’ thought Weiss. “Por cierto!” mentioned Pancha a she take a bite of an apple she just bought, “How far is this school anyway? Will we have enough time to look at the city?” “Well…” Daring turned to one of the guards, “How far is it again?” The guard replied, “It’s almost at the valley level on the left edge.” “That isn’t close by at all!” exclaimed Daring. “I thought it would be one of the elegant schools on the summit level!” The guard was about to add something else, but he was silenced by Weiss. “It’s okay, we do have time and the Empress did tell us to look around the city. So I guess we can get the best out of this and enjoy our ride there.” The rest of the Pokemon agreed with his words. “If you say so, but we are still taking the quick route okay?” The mercenaries were then taken on a quick touristic ride across the center section of the city, Pancha and Simon still looking at the shops and stores, although they were forbidden to buy anything else. Rouge on her end was marveled with the elegant architecture the medieval buildings had. They finally arrive at what was called the ‘skyway,’ a transportation system designer for those needing to move large objects but couldn’t afford to rent a blimp, or as in this case, for wingless creatures to move quicker to one edge to the other. The skyway consisted of a rigid airship with three ‘carts’ attached on its belly. The carts were big enough for Xavier to fit in, although a bit cramped. The airplane moved across the city in a semi-linear route with another dirigible a few minutes behind. There were five routes, each of them intersecting at some points but mainly covering different zones on the city. For the Pokemon, the skyway was more of an aerial rapid train system. Because almost every citizen on Griffenhiem had wings, the cart was barely being used, with most of the passengers being tourists from other countries, who despite the current events, still looked to enjoy most of their trip. Some of these tourists were Ponies from different regions. ‘Must have been a group trip to save money,’ Weiss thought. The group consisted of three Earth Ponies, one elderly Pegasus mare, and two Unicorns with a filly. “So these are the magicians of your kind huh?” asked Rouge as she looked at the Unicorns, catching the attention of the filly which she gently waved a bouquet at. The foal hid in respond. “Yes they are, although calling them magicians is a bit of an exaggeration,” replied Daring. “Each kind of Pony has a different kind of magic: Pegasi control weather, Earth Ponies have more affinity with nature and Unicorns can use actual magic.” As she explained this, the foal turned again to look at the group. “One type needs large amounts of training and studying to enhance their natural gifts. For example: an Earth Pony can farm almost anything on anywhere once it has developed its bonding with the earth with years of hard work.” “That sounds quite dull,” replied Rouge as she made her red bouquet flourish in an instant as fragrant perfume filled the cart. “I can make things grow just like this.” “Yeah, but you ARE a plant. Earth Ponies are… well: Earthy.” At this point, the foal had moved from her position and was now before Rouge, apparently attracted by her perfume, “…” Rouge noticed the little child and give her a warm smile as she offer her one of her bouquets. “You want to savor it?” she offered. The child nodded happily as she brought her muzzle into her roses and took a deep breath, and although her parents didn’t share her enthusiasm, they didn’t interfere. Once she retrieved her face, the child gave Rouge a huge grin and then hugged her arm. “You smell pweety!” Now the parents seemed to react worried, not from the creature their child was hugging, but by her hug itself. “Bloo!” started the mare. “You don’t hug strangers sweetie!” continued the stallion as he trotted to his child, then he gave an apologetic look to Rouge. “My deepest apologies… ma’am?” ventured the Unicorn as he didn’t know the Roserade’s gender. Rouge smiled at the worried parents and calmly replied, “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” while patting Bloo gently with her other bouquet. “But your dad is right Bloo, you shouldn’t do this, it’s impolite for a lady.” The blue filly looked at Rouge with sorry eyes and then turned to her father. “Sowy,” was all she said as she let her parent wrap her in a magic aura and take her to his side, but not before offering Rouge another couple of apologies. “Now that is a ternura,” squealed Pancha at the scene. The rest of the ride was calm, with the Pokemon having their eyes glued to the windows, the only exception being Rouge who continued to play with the filly at the other side of the cart, at least while their trip allow them to. With a ‘bwy-bwy!’ the group of Ponies descended on a station, leaving the Pokemon and their escorts alone on the cart. They had to wait for the cart to reach the terminal station to get off as well. “Can we do that again?” exclaimed Pancha, her flying-type instincts making her enjoy the ride.[ “On the way back,” promised Daring. “For now we should head to look for this Pokemon.” “I’ve been thinking though,” intervened Xavier. “What makes this Pokemon so special? It’s not like it’s the only one around,” at this comment, a group of Ratata ran from one side of the street to the other, paying little attention to them. “ I presume we will find out once we get there,” Weiss mused as they continued on their way. The zone wasn’t as elegant and vivid as before, but the houses looked warm and comfortable, and the streets were big and bright, making it seem more like a small town than part of a capital city. As they continued to walk, they soon saw a large building which seemed more like a university rather than a school. On its yard lied play structures of many types: swings, slides, jungle gyms, etc. There, a large number of young Griffins could be seen playing, until one of them noticed the new arrivals and sprang into the air, heading straight into the building. “Ehm, don’t you all think this looks to be a bit too big for a school?” wondered Simon as they reached the front doors, the rest of the children had fled inside as well. That may be because this is not only a school,” replied an elderly voice from within the building as an old but lively looking griffin open the doors, “It's also an orphanage.” Her eyes were automatically locked on the variety of her visitants: imperial guards, a Pegasus Pony and a bunch of the creatures that had been appearing all over the city, although the latter seemed more civilized than those she had seen so far, with that one exception. “Mistress Avice,” started one of the guards as he held a scroll before the older griffin and proclaimed, “We are here by her Excellency’s commands. We have heard about a Pokemon living here and thus the great Empress Victoria had dispatched her personal detachment to assess the situation and deal with it if necessary.” The mercenaries simply waved as this abrupt explanation was given. “He means we are here to help ma’am,” added Weiss with a polite bow, much to Avice’s surprise. “Oh my! I didn’t know your kind were able to talk,” she seemed surprised by his words, yet not by his movements. “That would be our buddy’s doing,” Simon pointed out, gesturing towards Xavier. “So he is a magician then?” “Let’s leave it at an ‘almost’,” concluded the leader. “Is it true that you have a Pokemon here with you ma’am?” “Oh yes, I do,” admitted the old griffin as she lead them around the orphanage, guiding them to the back, “She appeared yesterday in the morning... I think it’s a she at least, one of our boys found her sleeping out the back.” As they walked, Xavier said a single line to Weiss trough the mind-link. ‘I’m having a reading.’ Weiss was about to ask something when they reached the backyard, there another group of younger griffins could be seen playing with each other, however there was something with them that didn’t fit in. Playing with the children was a creature similar to a bunny, but standing on two legs and standing almost as tall as Weiss, a brown coat covered the body entirely with the only exception being the legs, hands, ears and face, which were covered with cream colored fluffy fur. The group of Pokemons’ arrival made the griffins to look towards them, which in turn made the Lopunny look at them as well, tears forming on the eyes as soon as they fixated their gaze on the Bisharp, gracefully running to meet him. However, somewhere at the middle of the way, the tears were replaced with rage and the graceful run was turned into a fierce charge as the Rabbit Pokemon slammed a glowing fist right on Weiss’ plexus. “Power-Up Punch!” exclaimed the Lopunny as Weiss was sent flying away. “…why always me…?” wondered the 4 times damaged leader once he hit the ground, “… it’s good to see you Roll…” The angry look on Roll’s eyes didn’t disappear as she moved toward the closest member she could find: Xavier. With a literally blazing hand, she pinned down the enormous Pokemon and coldly asked “WHERE-IS-SHREDDER!?” > Eighth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eight Move Castling   Griffenhiem Empire Avice Institute for Bright Children   Weiss was currently lying on the ground with one of the griffin kids holding a bag of ice on his chest. “I knew Bisharps had a four times disadvantage to fighting moves, but I never expect it to hurt so…” he carefully picked his words due to being around children, “flapping much…”   “You sure are frail for someone wearing armor, sir,” commented the griffin.   “… just keep the ice still.”   On the other side, Checkmate did their best to calm Roll down. It took Xavier’s entire body on top of her to achieve this and a couple of teeth from Simon, who was currently lying unconscious besides Weiss with swirly eyes.   When Xavier managed to get the Lopunny under control, they explain the whole situation to her: how they woke up in this new world, how they got to meet Empress Victoria and how they were currently under her orders to inspect a Pokemon living at a certain school. Roll, however, didn’t seem to care much for this and only wanted to dash towards the castle.   “Get off me you overweight computer!” Exclaimed the angry Lopunny, “I won’t try to run anymore.”   “You promise?” inquired Xavier calmly.   “… I will do my best…” scorned the Rabbit Pokemon.   “It’s okay dear,” defended Rouge. “She won’t be allowed to enter without us anyway.”   Reluctantly Xavier raised himself off Roll, who calmly stood up, dusted herself off, styled her ears  and hit Xavier with a Fire Pouch. Fortunately, Xavier had foreseen this and protected himself with a Protect.   “Coward…” muttered Roll.   “Hysterical,” retorted Xavier dryly.   “Enough!” shouted Weiss in exasperation from his end. “I understand your disliking Roll, but we have a job to do here.”   “Not to mention we have to wait for both of our comrades because of you manta” added Pancha.   “…”   “S-so…” started Miss Avice, not exactly sure who to be afraid of. “I assume you are friends with them then?”   “That depends on who exactly are you talking about” started the now calmer pokemon, although her tone denoted evident discontent, “right, I forgot!” exclaimed again Roll, her angry demeanor turning into a sweeter one, “I am very  thankful for your help until now Miss Avice.”   “Is okay dear, we owe you just as much” replied the old griffin, “If not more.”   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Griffenhiem Empire Avice Institute for Bright Children One day prior   Avice Buho was an old but strong griffin; her rear had a tiredly colored coat of brown while dusty black feathers covered her front while white ones spot her here and there, however her body looked far from been weak by age, one quick glance of her eyes and you would notice that. The job of taking care for so many children required her to have such strength.   It was another regular day for her on the orphanage; she had finished making breakfast for everyone and had wake up the older children so they could attend their part-time jobs. It was holiday season which meant the younger ones could sleep more than usual, at least until mister Fulk, the resident teacher, returned. She missed having someone close to her age to talk though.   On the meantime, she enjoyed some quiet time in the mornings while doing things at a calmer phase like the laundry, cleaning the floors, rearranging the toys on the toddler’s room, cleaning the windows, looking at the cotton-like creatures floating on the wind through them.   “…!?”   Miss Avice had to double check what she was seeing, a group of small creatures made out of cotton and wearing leaves for ears where slowly passing before her eyes. Once they were finally taken away by the wind, the old griffin simply took a deep breath and opens all of the windows.   “Oh my, these cleaning products are definitely stronger than I thought, better ventilate this place before the children come down… to… play…?”   Avice’s monologue was short lived as another group of creatures appeared before her, this time inside; a group of spherical creatures with purple bodies and string-like limbs float near the roof, it would seem that there were a bunch of balloons hovering on the roof, if it wasn’t for the fact they had two dot-like eyes looking directly at the ceiling, not to mention their constant whisper of a single word to one another. They suddenly made notice of Avice and turned their gaze at unison, a dead shine coming from their inexpressive eyes.   “Great Siegfried!” exclaimed the caregiver as she slammed the door behind her, leaving the balloon-like creatures locked inside the room.   As quickly as she could, she made way to her office and snapped a whistle off its cord on a wall, blow into it as hard as her lungs allow her to and wake the children up as a result. Normally the whistle was reserved for important events such as earthquakes or fires, and right now the situation seemed to call for it more than ever. The kids drowsily but quickly moved off their rooms and formed an ordered line as they exited the orphanage.   “Did Ishild try to make breakfast again Miss Avice?” sleep-asked a kid with ruffled bed feathers as he made notice of the older griffin.   “I wish it was a simple fire dear, now hurry up and guide everyone outside” say Miss Avice as all explanation while instructing the young ones to make haste.   Since she was too busy with the young griffins in the building, Avice didn’t hear the call of one of the boys already outside.    “Miss Avice! I found an odd looking kangaroo here!”   With everyone outside, Miss Avice closed the door and locked it with the key. She finally let out a relieved sigh and was about to ask one of the kids to go look for the Imperial guard when suddenly the air turned cold and eerie.   Her instincts made her turn to one of the walls and catch a terrifying sight: the balloon like creatures were passing through the walls, their dot-like eyes again shining coldly as they looked at the children. The word ‘Drifloon’ constantly coming from their invisible mouths as they slowly float towards them, as well some sort of ‘noise’ could be heard in everyone’s head.    “WaXt X baXloXX?”   “So cool!” exclaimed one of the kids as the Drifloon approached them, offering their cord-like appendages. “Stay away of them Kevin!” exclaimed back Avice with a demanding voice.   The kid replied, but curiosity was getting the best of everyone else, especially the younger ones, the Balloon Pokemon didn’t take long to notice this and start focusing on them, the noise turning more constant as the younger griffin turned their gaze to them.    “WanX a baXloXn? – TxeX XloXt – Xe alX flXXt!”   “Kids stay away of them” instructed Avice again with her authoritarian tone and gestured for them to get back to the ground, yet to her horror, some were still raised, looking for the string with vacant expression on their faces.   “WanX a baXloon?” the noise continued as the Drifloon come closer to the kid’s claws, “TXey floaX” mistress Avice quickly shout everyone to get away from those creatures, but her voice didn’t reach the ones in a trance, the noise continued “We all Xoat!”   Avice then dashed towards the kids but a sudden gust of wind sent her flying back, while a couple of the Balloon Pokemon kept a close eye on her while the others finally made contact with the children.   Then the noise finally subdued, letting everyone hear clearly what lied in its melodically and hypnotic cold voice.    “Do you want a balloon?” The feel Avice could sense in her blood was similar to a frostbite when she realized that the creatures were the source of the noise and that they, somehow, were talking directly on their heads. “They float” the Drifloon collectively continued, “We all float!”  Multiple string-like hands slowly tangling around the kid’s claws, “and now…” the Balloon Pokemon started to take off the ground with some griffin on their grasp as they triumphantly finished “you float too!”   The conscious griffin could only look in horror and shock as the balloon-like creatures slowly take their pray away, the wind slowly taking the flock further higher from them.    One of the Drifloon groups take the head of the cluster and were about to catch a good gust of wind when suddenly a brown blur appeared before them and send them back to the ground with an electric explosion.   The pokemon hit the ground with a couple of whirls occupying the place where the eyes used to be, yet their prey was no longer under their strings. Before it landed what one of the kids once called a ‘weird looking kangaroo.’   “Lo-Lopu-punny! Let them go!” exclaimed the Lopunny to the Drifloon that were still airborne, a now safe, but scared griffin in her arms.   “Do not interfere!” exclaimed the Balloons in unison as again a gust of wind formed from nowhere and charged toward the unexpected savior, who merely take the hit as if were noting while covering the child.   She carefully placed down the griffin she had on her arms and pointed at the rest of the group, “Pun Go.”   The youngster didn’t needed to understand what she tried to say, as soon she reached the ground, the young griffin was dashing and flapping towards miss Avice, tears filling her eyes.   The ‘kangaroo’ smiled at the sight and again turned to the group of ghosts, “Nny, lo-lopunny! Now, be gone!” the reaction she get wasn’t their surrender though.   The group of Drifloon fused their wind, the combined energies giving it a rotten purple tone as they unleashed their attack toward the Normal-type, “Ominous Wind!” the omni-voice exclaimed.   “…” again the ‘Kangaroo’ made no attempt to avoid the attack as it cause a small explosion of purple dust to erupt from the spot she was standing, causing an assorted laughter coming from the ghosts as they deemed their sudden threat deal with.   Yet from the dust emerged the pokemon unscratched, an expression of incredulity on her face, “Lo-lopunny-ny? Normal-type remember?” she said with a sarcastic tone.   Whatever she said, the Drifloon didn’t take it well, “SHUT UP!” they exclaimed as they started to charge yet another attack, however she didn’t let them finish.   With a series of jumps, too fast for anyone to follow, the ‘kangaroo’ retrieved each and every one of the kidnapped (griffnapped?) kids, leaving the group of ghosts confused at first, and even more angry once they realized what had happen.   “Enough!” they shouted, as they turned their attack now at her and the whole group of griffins.   “Lo-punny So noisy” the Lopunny calmly said as she clapped her hands, ice and sparks coming off of them like dust.   And then, one by one, the Balloon Pokemon started to plunge into the ground, swirly eyes now present their faces as they lay defeated on the ground. With the Ghost-types defeated, Roll merely turned to the griffins and said, “Lo-pu-nny… Piece of cake…” while making a ‘V’ sign, only to pass out right after.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Griffenhiem Empire Avice Institute for Bright Children Back to the present   “We then took her inside, put her in a bed and waited for her to get better,” finished Miss Avice, Weiss now feeling well enough to be part of the chat while Simon was still out of commission.   “We also feed her as well!” added a griffin sitting on Roll’s lap, a small horde of them were currently lying close to their savior as well.   Miss Avice chuckled and continued, “As you may have noticed, the kids quickly grew attached to her and she has been like an angel with them.”   “If you say so,” retorted Weiss drily, knowing how the Lopunny could be. “Either way, we are in debt with your kindness miss Avice, you have taken care of my comrade despite the sudden commotion.”   “She saved my kids. I don’t have to be that smart to know she means no harm.”   ‘If you say so,’ thought the leader.   “She has been playing with the kids since yesterday,” finished the director.   “While keeping an eye for those nasty little buggers, luckily they seem to have learned their lesson.” Proudly added the Lopunny.   “But…” started one of the young ones, “I didn’t get it, why did those things wanted to snatch us away?”   Weiss didn’t know if telling the whole ‘Drifloon like to kidnap children and take them to the underworld’ story was a good idea, so he only said, “They like to steal children, but that is very rare, not to mention they rarely attack the same place twice.” He hopped that was explanation enough.   The general whispering of worried kids told him he still managed to scare them.   “But what if they do come back?” started one.   “Or if something bigger comes back?” added a second.   “Or what about those things coming back with something big!?” finished a third one.   “Now, now, everyone,” Avice says with a serious but gentle tone. “Even if something comes our way, we have the imperial guard to take care of things okay?” pointing at said guards as she said this.   The whispering diminished, but the angst on their looks didn’t.   “Not to mention we will be training them to know how to deal with any pokemon malvado lurking around for you!” proudly shouted Pancha with a pose. That alone was enough to calm down the youngsters, while also making them curious about her and the other Pokemon.   “And who are you again?” asked yet another young griffin with a couple of magnifying lenses for glasses.   “You mean us as a group or us as a whole?” added Rouge, who was now standing beside her friend.   More whispers flooded the youngsters’ group, only for the same griffin to say, “As a whole.”   “I guess we can leave this to Professor Xavier here.” and without any further ado, or explanation, Rouge ‘baton passed’ the conversation to the Metagross.   The Iron Leg pokemon give a few steps forward and looked at his audience with a teacher like demeanor, properly playing his part, and with his deep voice stated, “Pokemon are creatures similar to any animal you may find in the wild. Some can breathe fire or water, some are beings similar to plants and some are just bugs, nothing that impressive.”   And so he returned to his original position, earning an scolding look from Rouge, “What is that half-assed explanation supposed to mean?”   “I’m sorry; Do you want me to give them a three hours explanation they would most likely sleep over?”   Before the little discussion could go any further, another claw was lifted, “So Pokemon are like dragons then?”   “That isn’t that special,” replied another kid.   “Thank you children for explaining my point,” finished Xavier with a grin, although no one was able to notice it.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     The group decided to stay around the orphanage so they could check around to see what other Pokemon might have decided to make their nest around and determinate if they needed to deal with them before something happened. And by them I mean Weiss and Roll, since the rest of Checkmate couldn’t keep the griffin kids away from them.   Pancha was currently making some kids pose in various ways, Rouge was helping another group with their flowers, Daring was giving a sneak peek about her next book, Simon was given an ink mustache, Surskit was dancing on a bird’s bath for an amazed but short audience and Greninja was giving a short class about origami.   The only one doing nothing was Anzu, who merely stayed besides Miss Avice, although she didn’t talk with her.   ‘Seriously though, why is everyone so scared of me?’ wondered Weiss with a down tone as he and Roll looked around for any dangerous pokemon.   ‘I presume it’s because of your expression,’ pointed out Xavier.   ‘SAYS THE WALKING PLAYGROUND!’ mentally exclaimed Weiss. Amongst all the mercenaries the kids liked to play with, Xavier seemed to be the most interesting for them, mostly because he was big enough for many to play with him at the same time.   ‘Girls, girls, you are both pretty,’ Roll cut in. ‘Can we finish this now?’   “… there are no traces of any other ghost-type around, and the most dangerous thing I have seen so far were a couple of Beedrill, but they seem to pay no attention to the orphanage so...” he turned back at the backyard, “I guess our job here is done.”   This line made Roll excited immediately. “Then we can go now?!”   “Yes, we can, although we have to wake Simon up…”   “On it!” exclaimed the Lopunny as she took a deep breath and shouted, “Oh my! It seems someone used Rain Dance!”   As soon the shout reached Simon’s ears, the Excadrill sprang back to life, quickly dashing under the nearest roof he could find while screaming.   “Where? Who? How much!?”   “There, done, let’s go!” shouted Roll as she pulled Weiss along by his arm.   They soon arrived with Miss Avice, who give the Rabbit Pokemon a sad look, “We only just met you a couple of days ago, but we will miss you dearly.” Then she turned to the kids. “Children, it is time for Miss Roll to go back with her friends.”   A general ‘Awwww’ filled the place, as the kids stopped playing with Checkmate and gathered around Roll, the Pokemon doing their best not to cry at the scene.   “Do you really have to go? – can’t you stay just for a bit longer? – Now that we finally could talk – Sorry I call you a kangaroo,” were the general things they said.    “I’m sorry kids, but there is someone I really have to see no matter what… but…” a single tear formed at the corner of her eye, yet she clean it away before it show too much, “But I promise I will come back okay?”   The kids seemed to accept her promise as they gave her a collective hug. Meanwhile Weiss told miss Avice, “You don’t have to worry, we have inspected the zone and there seem to be no threats around, not to mention the guards will receive proper training to deal with Pokemon.”   Weiss’ words seemed to assure the old griffin, “I thank the Empress for sending you all here, I presume this was a petition her personal maiden asked for.”   “From Grizelda?”  Wondered the Bisharp.   “Yes, she used to be a resident of this school years ago, and then she managed to achieve a position beside the Empress, and since then she has kept an eye on us.”   Weiss smiled at the short story, ‘If an orphan managed to become the closest person to a ruler, then this place is definitely better than I expected,’ he thought. “I will send her your regards then.”   At this point, Roll had managed to hug every child good bye, and was now ready to go.   With little more than a wave from the rest of the mercenaries, Checkmate left the Orphanage, the cheering voices of the kids bidding them farewell, mostly for Roll.   “… so is it going to rain or not?” asked a still scared Excadrill.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Griffenhiem Empire Nesting Hold castle   The way back was rather hurried since Roll wasn’t in a mood to lose a single second on site seeing, souvenirs or any kind of tourism. All she wanted to do was reach the castle and drag every member trying to stay behind even a little. This also included the imperial guards, who soon learned she was a ‘hit first, ask later’ type of person when they tried to hear the report from a patrol.   In the end, they all reached the imperial castle tired, sweaty and electrocuted.   “How can she use electric moves on me?” exclaimed Simon as he rubbed his rear.   Before Xavier could reply with his theory, Roll took over the conversation. “Where is she?”   Xavier expanded his mind and looked for the familiar sensation each member of Checkmate emanated. Once he found it, he proceeded to see if the mind was the one of the original Bisharp member of the group.   “She is in the left yard,” said Xavier with his monotone voice...before Roll dashed into the direction as soon as she heard it.   With a collective sigh, the group ran behind her, but not before Weiss thanked the guards for their help, and sent them their way.   “I guess rabbits are still fast in your world,” Daring commented as she did her best to keep up with the Pokemon, let alone Roll who was already way ahead of them all.   “That is true,” replied Rouge over Xavier’s head, which was hovering besides Daring. “She is the head of Bishop so it’s only natural for her to be fast.”   “Tambien she had a good reason to be this fast,” added Pancha with a grin while running at the head of the group alongside Greninja.   At their current speed, the group didn’t take long to reach the buildings besides the castle, Roll simply turn to give Xavier a demanding gaze.   “The building pouring smoke” was all the Psychic-type said and all Roll needed to hear.   “By the way!” exclaimed Weiss form the rear, “shouldn’t we warn Shred about this?”   “Nah!” replied Pancha, “I want to see that look on her face again!”   Once close enough to the building, Roll took another deep breath of air and shouted with all she had, “SHREDDER!”   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Griffenhiem Empire Imperial blacksmith   Shredder had finished looking at the request she had made to Swanhild, giving her a few pointers regarding the mobility and reaching an agreement with the embellishments her new skirt would have, ‘I want it for battle, not to show’ explained the Bisharp, but the griffin insisted on giving it a some decoration to it.   In the end Shredder let her do her job, not that she had much choice, and headed back to her chamber while thinking out loud, “Starting tomorrow I will be working here. I wonder how are these guards I have to train, I hope they can endure some proper training and don’t shake like cowards once I have to deal with them.” She was about to step out of the building when she hear.   “SHREDDER!”   At this voice, the Sword Blade Pokemon started to sweat bullets, “T-that can’t be!” she quickly closed the door and hid behind it, “how could she find me so fast!?” wonder Shredder coldly to herself as she dared to look from between the door’s crack.   Before she could make head or tail for what lied outside, a brown blur jumped into the air and aimed at the door. “Get out of there!” the blur exclaimed and added, “High Jump Kick!”   Shredder barely had time to jump out of the way as the door was blow into a million of pieces, a projectile rabbit making impact on the ground like a small missile a few feet away. As quickly as she could, Shredder made her way out of the rubble, dust and building, only to face the rest of her group.   “Everyone!” she exclaimed at first, “She is here, you have to help me!” she implored.   Anzu and Daring were about to oblige but were stopped by Greninja, who merely stood in their way, telling them to wait with a sign.   “We would really like to darling,” lied Rouge. “But I’m afraid we value our lives a bit more.”   “Not to mention we are dead tired!” finished Pancha as she sat on the ground, however she kept a good eye on the events happening before her.   Shredder was about to demand something else when from the smoke screen the silhouette of Roll could be seen coming out of the building; her shining eyes locked on Shredder, who put a defensive stance out of instinct.   “I have you now…” slowly said the Rabbit Pokemon as she launched against Shredder one more time, quickly closing the gap between them and suddenly tangling her arms around her neck, “I miss you so much!”    “…eh?” was all Anzu and Daring could ask.   “Y-you fool, let go of m-me!” demanded Shredder, a hint of a pink blush coloring her face while struggling with Roll.   “I was so lonely, and then these ghosts appeared out of nowhere, and I was so scared!”   Somehow the story Roll was giving didn’t feel accurate to the group.   “I-Is that so…” said Shredder with a less demanding tone, although her blush remained. “I-I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you…” she stop struggling with Roll and slowly, but awkwardly, returned the hug.   “I was, I really was” said Roll with Totodile tears, “But you can make me feel better right?” asked the Normal-type with gleaming eyes.   Shredder’s anxiety returned with renewed strength, “I-I-I would l-love to a-assist you on t-that regard but right n-now…” she turned to the others who continued to enjoy the show.   “What? The audience?” asked Roll with sarcasm, “It's okay, let’s just give them something worth to look at.” and turning Shredder’s face to face her, Roll give the Dark-type a deep and long kiss,  the metal covering her slowly steaming as the seconds passed.   Finally Roll let go of Shredder lips and triumphantly say, “I really needed that, thank you dear,” and proceeded to hug her again   On her end, Shredder was limping on Roll’s arms, her expression showing that she too enjoyed the kiss while it lasted, “a-any time…” was all she could murmur in response.   “I don’t know if I should feel good for them or bad for us,” pointed Daring.   “Oh, just wait for the second half” pointed back Rouge.   Then Shredder remembered she was just kissed by her mate before a bunch of people, a bunch of people that had seen this scene a lot of times before, but a bunch of people nonetheless, and then turn bright red, all of her, “You fool!” she exclaimed again. “How long do you plan to keep this pose, its greatly embarrassing for me and you know that!” she was again trying to break the hug the Lopunny was giving her, but Roll didn’t budge an inch.   “It feels nice, so no,” was all the reply Roll gave.   Before the second half, as Rouge called it, could continue, another shout could be heard within their proximity.   “WHAT THE FLOCK HAPPENED TO MY DOOR!” > Ninth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninth Move Speeches   Griffenhiem Empire Nesting Hold Castle     Checkmate was lucky that Shredder had made friends with Swanhild before the sudden evisceration of her door. Of course, the part where Roll made herself acquainted with her instantly helped too. In the end they only had to pay for the door, although the blacksmith didn’t like the part where she had to wait for the mercenaries to be paid first. With that situation done, the Pokemon, plus one Pegasus, headed toward the castle once more.   Meanwhile, Roll proceeded to catch up with her friends; Pancha and Rouge, although she never broke her hold on the female Bisharp.   “So she helped take down an entire army?” expressed the Lopunny, completely ignoring Xavier’s earlier explanation regarding Daring’s aid during Terrowin’s attempt of assaulting the castle.   “Casi, she was dragged along during the ‘Checkmate Special’ stuff,” pointed out Pancha.   “Still she did her best to help us before that, not to mention she is the reason we aren’t behind bars by now,” added Rouge. “That was very generous of her.”   “She also will serve as a guide once you leave the empire,” contributed Shredder while Roll keep her arm under her hold, she didn’t seemed to mind for now, although her cheeks keep a constant tint of red.   “You girls know I am here right?” stated Daring Do. “You can just ask me.”   Roll turned to look at the mare directly. “Well, first of all, I don’t know you,” bluntly answered the Lopunny, “No offence.”    The adventurer didn’t seemed offended by the Rabbit Pokemon, but instead turned to her mate and asked, “What do you see in her?”   “… she is very persistent,” was all the answer Shredder could give before turning even more red.   Roll simply hugged her mate more and continued, “Second… actually, no, I don’t need a second reason, that’s all.”   “… been there” retorted Daring, “but if you are one of these crazy guys, then you are okay for me.”   “Thank you” thanked Roll, “we may actually get to be acquaintances, with some luck we may even become familiar with each other.”   “Coming from her dear, that is quite the compliment,” finished Rouge.   The rest of the team, plus two, walked a few steps ahead of the girls, heading toward the diner hall. Despite their rushed return, the pokemon lose enough time for Celestia’s sun to be beyond its higher point, so saying they were hungry was an understatement.   “I can’t believe we’ve in this world for almost two days already…” noticed Anzu as they enter the castle.   “Don’t go ending this day yet missy” replied Simon with his boisterous voice, “we still have a good meal to eat, next are those costumes we have to try out, then there is this event we have to attend to, finally is dinner, and then the day MAY end. Depending on whatever destiny have in store for us of course”   “I often forget he is actually intelligent” pointed Xavier calmly above them.   Anzu chuckled at their words, “my presence is not essential on any of those plans, so you can count me out,” her stomach grumbled, she blushed and added, “besides the meals of course.”   Daring didn’t take long to joining the front group, Roll’s silent treatment proving to be super effective, and asked, “How come someone like her became one of you guys?”   “We constantly ask that ourselves,” grumbled Simon.   “It has to do with Shredder...besides the obvious,” Weiss shrugged. “However; we can trust her on a fight, hasn’t backstab us recently nor constantly for us to grow tired of her and she is actually likeable once you give her time and get to know her better. But I do mean a LOT of time.”   “She is quite diligent, despite her appearance,” Xavier added. “Her hard work alone has granted her the head position of Bishop.”   “About that,” inquired Daring, deciding to leave her questions about Roll’s character for later, “I have heard of it before. That and Knight, what are those?”   Again, Weiss had to think before answering, since explaining stuff that was like breathing for him had started to become a habit since their arrival. “We are a mercenary group, as a whole, called Checkmate,” the Bisharp started as they entered the diner hall.   “What, was Royal Flush taken already?” joked Daring in response.   “Actually it was,” deadpanned Xavier.   “But why would we want such a simple name?!” steamed Simon, with Greninja surprisingly nodding in agreement beside him.   “ANYWAY!” finished Weiss as he took the conversation back on its trail, “Checkmate is our group as a whole, but the group itself is divided into five subdivisions. They are: King, Queen, Knight, Bishop and Rook.”   Both groups reached their usual table and sat down, a line of plates filled with food waiting for them already, while some servants made sure everyones’ cups were filled with the brewage of their choice. Once seated, Weiss continued.   “Each subdivision consists of members with special skills or abilities. Rook is formed by those good at defense and assistance. We still have yet to find any of them yet, but they’re likely somewhere in this world; Bishop has the fastest members of the team, which as you heard before, Roll is the head of the division. Pancha is also a member of this division; Knights are all about attack, not much strategies lies in their heads, and as you may have guested Simon is a member of them.”   At the mention, the Excadrill gave a proud smile in response.   “But no, he isn’t the leader of them, neither is Rouge who it’s also a Knight; Queen is for the more outstanding and balanced members of the team. You could say they are elites just as the Queen is the strongest piece in Chess. They are often deployed as our jacks-of-all-trades. Shredder is head there.”   The Queen was currently trying to eat her meal, though the Bishop Rabbit made it a difficult task.   “And finally there is King. However, despite the fancy sounding name, we aren’t that spectacular. Members in this division are in charge of more delicate things like espionage, surveillance and tactics. Greninja, Xavier and I are Kings. “   “Please don’t laugh,” Xavier deadpanned again, as if that were a regular reaction. “We needed to organize our members in an easier way, and since we already decided to base our name on a board game, I deduced using such names was the logical action.”   “As you may have noticed, this whole system was Xavier idea,” pointed out Weiss bluntly, causing the Iron Leg Pokemon to shift his focus from the chat towards his food.   “I can’t say is that strange. In fact, I would say its quite smart,” Daring said sincerely. “I presume those ‘divisions’ can also work as some fancy code names.”   Xavier didn’t return to the talk, but he smiled widely as he continued to chew his large amounts of food.   “It has saved us a lot of time in various moments as well. Xavier only thinks its a bit ‘childish,’ although he did think this up back when he was a child,” Weiss added with a smile as well.   The Metagross simply continued to chew his food seasoned with a hint of nostalgia.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   The meal was fast paced, as one of the Empress’ servants asked them to make haste while reminding them that they still have to try their new garments before the ceremony.   The mercenaries obliged, Shredder, Roll, Daring, Anzu and Surskit head back to Swanhild’s place, since Shredder had her gear made by her. The rest only wanted to tag along, much to Roll’s annoyance and Daring’s enjoyment.   The other group found themselves in another section of the castle; the imperial wardrobe. Victoria’s clothes were held in there, at least the more elegant ones she used for important and official occasions like galas and banquets, and of course the current event. Her more personal clothes and attires were in her own chamber, which she reserved for less important yet more special events.   The imperial wardrobe had her private guild of tailors keeping the clothes for regal occasions in tip top shape, while also creating anything her Majesty had interest to try. Or at least that was the idea as she rarely asked something from them, since Victoria was a more practical woman, and most of her regalia was made by Swanhild’s forge.   So the moment she asked the tailors to manufacture something, the fashionistas become way excited, they didn’t care if the products wouldn’t be for Victoria herself but for a such a strange group of creatures, they were just happy to create something for their empress.   Thus, as soon Checkmate arrived, the griffin tailors and seamstress took each one of them to separate rooms where they could work properly. The only exception was Xavier, who was too big for any of those rooms. He didn’t ask for anything too exaggerated after all.   The rest of the mercenaries then had to inspect their respective garments, check if they were made with their specifications and try them on so the griffins could properly adjust them to their unusual bodies. Luckily some of them knew a thing or two about bipedal proportions from Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs, so they could adapt to the Pokemon’s physique.     Each Pokemon, including the former human, had to admit the job was flawless despite the short amount of time they had to made each piece, not to mention Checkmate did followed Victoria’s instruction and made some interesting requests, and yet there were only minor details and re-arrangements that needed fixing. The seamstress and tailors have to prove they could be up to their ruler’s expectations, and thus, they made the required improvements as they appeared.   As soon as a garment was finished, the Pokemon was then taken to a different waiting room where the constant noise of a big crowd could be heard. There were many chairs for them to wait as well as some guards with shiny sets of armor waiting for anything to happen, a red carpet laid on the floor and headed from the main gate towards a big wooden door at the other side of the room, from which the murmurs and whispers of many griffins could be heard clearly, the whole wall had more of those big doors, but none of them were as decorated as the one with the red carpet.   The first to be released by the tailors was Pancha, wearing a v-shaped brown poncho with a small emblem embroidered with black thread near her neck; however she wasn’t the very first member to be on the room, she soon find out by noticing the shiny Metagross.   “Hey Professor,!” teased Pancha, “What did you asked for?”   Xavier slowly moved one of his frontal legs before her, letting her see a leather bracelet tightly hitched around it, a small metallic plate similar to his skin placed at the center of it with the same symbol embedded on it.   “De lujo!” exclaimed the Hawlucha, “But, isn’t it a bit different?”   As she noticed this, other members entered the scene, Rouge; sporting a wide brimmed slouch hat with the left side elegantly bend upwards, and Greninja; who sported a plain looking, thigh length silk vest of a cream color similar to that of his tummy and clear blue stars impressed at each side of the chest. The group’s emblem could be seen on the slouch’s hatband and the haori’s back.   “Isn’t that a bit muy simple to take longer to be made than my poncho?” asked Pancha as a salute while pointing at the Water-type.   “It could have been a lot faster, but it took so long since the Griffins have no idea what a haori was. Not to mention our silent friend didn’t helped much,” Explained Rouge from beneath her new slouch.   “Then how was it made so ‘quickly’ in the end?” inquired Xavier.   “I had to tell them how it was done, not that I know much about this thing either, but at least I was able to speed things up.”   They didn’t have to wait long for the next member to arrive. Simon, who showed off his hooded vest as soon as he arrived. It had a brown tone similar to his skin with a bright red fire motif that covered most of it, especially on the back where Checkmate’s emblem stood proudly.   “What do you guys think?” exclaimed the Excadrill. “Makes  you jealous doesn’t it?! The best part is that this is rain resistant and…” he then unzipped the vest and show them the interior in a flashing fashion, “This thing can endure my awesome moves too!”   The interior of the vest seemed to be made of some sort of metallic silk which shined silver in the light, upon closer inspection one could notice that the front was made of the same metal as well, although dyed brown and red.   “And check this out!” Simon then proceeded to place his hood over his head, showing that the spikes on his head passed through the cloth without scratching it. “Those tailors even managed to make my awesome hair go through it! They are damn good, for Flying-types.”   “You know Griffins aren’t Pokemon so I don’t see the point of giving them types,” pointed out Rouge as she adjusted her hat upon her head, trying to show up the excitable Ground-type.   Simon was about to retort when the door open once more, showing a couple of imperial guards escorting Empress Victoria and Grizelda. As soon as the ruler and her maiden entered, the guards made their way out and close the doors behind them.   “I see your attires have been finished,” greeted Victoria as she walked toward them. “Are they of your liking?”   “I would be proud to serve your rule till the end of times just for this gorgeous present your majesty,” Rouge smiled elegantly while placing her hat tightly against her chest.   “Same here!” added Simon with a pose.   “I think they will do their job of showing off just fine,” finished Xavier in his usual monotone.   “Gracias!” thanked Pancha.    Greninja nodded in agreement.   “It is good to know, but I see others have yet to arrive. Its okay though, we still have time. In fact I would like to use this time to ask for a favor Lord Xavier.”   Xavier didn’t ask and only turned to face Victoria, who in turn made a gesture for him to escort her to the other side of the room. He did so and started to talk with the Empress.   “Are you nervous, creatures?” asked Grizelda teasingly once her Empress had left the room. “I have taken a glance out of the doors and I seen an unusually huge number of citizens gathered before the castle, and I am not only talking about Griffins, oh no, there are some Ponies, Minotaurs, Diamond Dogs and Pokemon within the crowd as well.”   “And what about it?” shrouded Pancha, “It’s not like we are going to talk to them.”   “We are here to smile and salute,” continued Rouge with a posed salute of example.   “AND LOOK AWESOME!” finished Simon. Surprisingly, Greninja nodded again in agreement.   “… well that is boring. Can’t you do something to make this whole ordeal more interesting?” inquired the maiden.   “Now that you mention it…” started Simon, “You just gave me an idea.”   “… yeah, hard to believe you can have those,” Rouge jabbed as the Pokemon and griffin gathered into a huddle, whispering about Simon’s idea and discussing over it.   A few minutes later...   “What do you guys think?” asked the proud Excadrill.   “I think it’s...actually a good plan… that’s so raro,” expressed Pancha.   “Indeed, but I think I can go along with it just fine,” agreed Rouge.   Simon smiled. “What about you?” Greninja nodded for a third time and the group started to plan more in depth about their idea. Grizelda on her end started to talk with the guards in the room, so they wouldn't be surprised.   Each group was so into their own chatting matters that no one noticed when Weiss walked into the room.   The leader was wearing a grey trench coat similar to the one he used to have on the Pokemon world, the only difference being that he had four blades coming out from its chest. It seemed to be made of the same material as Simon’s vest, but instead of flaming motifs all over it, the coat had a single pin on the neck with the same emblem as the rest.   “I don’t want to know,” was all he thought as he noticed the mercenaries huddled in one side of the room, so he decided to walk towards his tactician. He then noticed Victoria was talking with him.   “Your highness,” saluted the mercenary leader.   “Lord Weiss,” the Empress nodded. “Lord Xavier has just informed me about the results at the school. It is good to see you were able to find one of your members so quickly, not to mention that she was able to save my people as well.”   “We thought the same your Highness, and are glad to have one member less to look for.”   “I presume this new member will be in the ceremony then?”   “If Shredder comes, there is no doubt she will be here as well your Majesty.”   “Good, knowing her she will be punctual.” Weiss wanted to ask what kind of talk they had for Victoria to be so trusting and familiar with them. However, he decided to leave that for another day, not to mention someone else took the conversation.   “Your Highness,” started Rouge, the rest of the mercenaries closely behind. “I thank you again for your glorious gifts,” she patted her hat as she said this and continued, “But we couldn’t help but notice that our emblem was modified slightly.”   “NOT THAT WE MIND!” exclaimed Simon as fast as he could.   “Yeah, we don’t mind, but we’re still curious about it.”   Weiss had noticed the change as well, but as Simon said, ‘he didn’t care’ so he let it be. However he didn’t expect his team to not only notice this as well, but getting to the point of asking about it.   The circular chess board was the same and so were the pieces inside it. The only difference being that now the designs were slightly more elegant and less generic as before, and now four parallel scratch lines crossed the emblem from behind, a single wing spread from the contrary side and a crown lied at top of the design. Weiss had to admit that those simple things gave the former dull design a more elegant aspect.   “I’m sorry to answer your question with another question Lady Rouge, but have you noticed the emblem on my guards?”   The Poison-type nodded as she turned to one of the many guards on the room, the helmet and chest parts of his armor sporting the simple image of a griffin side-standing on its rear legs, both wings spread and claws wide open on the air as if were to strike an invisible foe, as single crown bestowed upon its head.   “That is the symbol of the great Siegfried, a once living legend of our people, and the current emblem of the imperial guard. Whenever my people see that emblem, they know they are protected, and whenever someone from another kingdom sees it on my people, they know they are under my protection.”   “So… what you are saying… es…?” asked Pancha a bit confused.   “That I am giving you my acknowledgement as members of this empire's guard,” replied Victoria with a smile, not seeming to mind the Hawlucha’s innocent curiosity.   “I like that,” added Simon with pride. “We are royal guards now!”   “Technically I still have to fully bestow that title on you,” Victoria chuckled. Then the entrance doors opened once more, revealing the missing members of the group.   The first ones who entered were Anzu with Surskit in her hands, both females sported a simple but elegant floral headdress, while Daring trotted beside them. They gave the Empress a graceful bow as they took a place beside the mercenaries. “Swanhild’s idea,” pointed Anzu while patting her flower headdress.   Right behind them were Roll and Shredder who quickly drew all their attention. Shredder was again wearing a metallic skirt around her legs, but this one looked way more natural and even more elegant than her previous one. Natural patterns of leaves and branches delicately covered the skirt, yet the metalwork looked able to take a hit head on. The metal plates were so perfectly aligned with the Bisharp’s hips that made it look like a part of her body, like the Embrace Pokemon Gardevoir. Finally, a single sword hung on her hip, a hilt with a wing motive being all one could see from it, yet it fit with her new piece of ‘armor’. Last, but not least, was a single piece of crimson cloth tied around her left arm depicting the same modified emblem of her guild.   Roll on her side wore a pearl white frilled skirt that let show her legs and a similar headdress than Anzu and Surskit with the only difference being a small veil like decoration, and a white cloth was around her neck like a silk scarf. “They said this is a dress for ponies, looks good isn’t it?” Explained the Normal-type with a twirl.   “Lady Shredder, I am glad you can finally join us, and I am just as glad to finally meet you Lady Roll,” saluted Empress Victoria with a warm smile, Roll in return give her a dignified bow with her dress, “I have heard great things from you. I see that Swanhild has outdone herself yet again.”   “You said it,” expressed Roll, “I couldn’t believe this beautiful armor was made from zero in just a day! Not to mention it makes her look even more gorgeous.”   “I thank her hard work enormously,” retorted Shredder, feeling embarrassed by her mate’s words, but still keeping close to her. It was needless to say Roll had a hand resting on Shredder’s arm.   With the same smile, Victoria nodded and said, “Now that we are all finally here, I presume it’s time for us to do this for once before the audience starts to grow tired of waiting.”   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Grizelda gave the newcomers a quick tutorial of how they were supposed to go out a different door than the Empress and greet the civilians. As she did this, Victoria walked toward the door on the middle of the room and entered into a balcony high on one of the castle’s walls. From there she could easily see the small sea of creatures that were gathered beneath her, some were also flying too, all of whom had their eyes locked on her. As soon as she made her appearance, an instant silence befell on the whole audience, but only to be followed by a deafening roar right after.   Most of them were cheers for their ruler, but there were also questions regarding the current events and what should they do about it. Some of the Pokemon seemed to be part of this group as well.   The Empress let the crowd express themselves for a few seconds and then raised a claw to silence them. The light from the day was slowly turning the sky a vivid shade of orange, which give the moment an enchanted felling. Once there was enough silence for her to talk, she began.   “My dear griffins, fellow citizens from the neighboring lands and visitors from a land far from our, I am sure you all have doubts; a lot of you want to know what are these creatures that have appeared all over our fair land, while others are worried about their homelands and with good reason, and last, but not least, many must be very frightened about their current situation as well.”   The crowd below, formed by a mix of creatures from both worlds, kept their gazes at the Empress, wondering what was she planning to say.   “I don’t know if I can dissipate all of your doubts, but at least I would like to start with what we do know: these creatures are collectively known as Pokemon, and by reasons unknown for us have somehow arrived to Equss, and I mean all of Equss.”   The crowd started to murmur.   “Like I said, we don’t know the reasons behind the causes of this, but for now we found ourselves in this situation, so as much as we want to fix things as fast and peacefully as possible, it would likely still take time to achieve, if such a thing is even possible to begin with.”   The murmurs turned into chatter, but Victoria allow it to be.   “Thus, I would like all of you to listen to what I have to say regarding these creatures: I hereby proclaim…”   The chatter subdued instantly.   “That the creatures known as Pokemon will be treated as any citizen visiting this empire, and that means they will be left alone as long as they respect our laws. However, be assured that I won’t tolerate any attempt against my people as I won’t tolerate any sort of aggression against these creatures without a valid reason.”   “The chatters erupted once more; questions could clearly be heard from the audience.   “But how are we supposed to defend ourselves?” said ones.   “These creatures can use magic we have never seen before!” exclaimed others.   “Why must we give them the land? It’s ours by right!?” demanded others.   However other voices started to erupt as well, which said; “What proof do we have your soldiers won’t start hunting us down?”   “Why are we the invaders? We don’t know what has happened either!” exclaimed others.   “We want to go back home!” demanded others.   The voices of many pokemon around the crowd were now understood by the creatures of Equss beside them.   Weiss was currently looking at the events unfold from within the room. He quickly noticed how some Pokemon could be heard, and thus how they started to discuss with the griffin. Some seemed as displeased with their situation as the griffin, but none seemed to want to cause any strife out of it.   He then turned to the only being he knew could achieve such thing, his tactician; Xavier was in the middle of his meditating stance, which was similar to his floating stance with the only difference being he wasn’t flying.   “So you are doing this?” inquired Weiss, Xavier didn’t replied, as he was too busy concentrating on his current task of translating the thoughts of hundreds, if not thousands of creatures speaking at the same time.   He decided to let Xavier be and continued to look at the situation.   “As I said, there are few answers we can give, but we do believe we can achieve a mutual understanding. That is why I asked someone to make communication with one another possible, so take your time and solve any differences you may have with the Pokemon while you can, because this won’t happen again.” and with Victoria’s words, some griffins start to discuss with the Pokemon they had a personal misunderstanding with.   It was hard for the Metagross to keep up with so many minds, but he was the only one capable of it, his efforts would make it easier for his fellow Pokemon to be accepted.   Ten minutes passed with many members of the crowd reaching many understandings, although most of them were annoyed with the currents events and there were few discussions left, none end violently.   The Empress continued once the noise coming from the civilians quieted down a bit more. “I know it must be hard for you all, having to adapt so quickly to something so unexpected and large. But we shouldn’t be looking for who to blame and rather for a way to help one another."   At these words, she pointed at the other balconies besides hers, this being the signal for Checkmate to make their appearance, the only exception being Xavier by obvious reasons, Daring since she wasn’t a Pokemon, and Surskit who didn’t want to face so many people all of the sudden.   “These Pokemon,” Victoria continued, “Have offered their services to the empire, and they are willing to teach us how we can properly treat Pokemon accordingly to the situation, so as to allow us to live together in peace and harmony while this situation lasts.”   The mercenaries could sense the uncountable gazes now looking at them, while some Pokemon even tried to enter into their minds. “It’s good to see there are indeed a couple of psychic-types down there,” said Weiss to himself.   The crowd seemed to see the Pokemon on the palace as a good sign. However there still could be heard the voices of worried individuals saying, “But how long will this situation last?”   This was obviously one of the hardest questions to answer...besides what caused such a massive exodus in the first place. However, both questions were suddenly answered when another ethereal voice entered everyone’s mind.   “Greetings citizens of Equus, both old and new.”   Boomed a voice inside everyone’s head, and I mean everyone, which made the whole ceremony silent in a single instant.   “I am Lord Arceus, creator of the Pokémon realm. You have no reason to fear me, I come in peace.”   “… that explains a lot!” thought Simon out loud as the deity give its explanation.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   “… Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”   When Arceus’ message finished, the little calm Victoria’s speech had created slowly turn into murmurs of despair. Most of the Pokemon couldn’t believe they were brought to this situation by none other than their own god, while the denizens of Equss couldn’t believe there was a creature far more powerful than the Equestrian princesses.   However, before hysteria could take hold of the crowd, a roar-like scream could be heard from the balconies on Nesting Hold.   “SHUT UP YOU FOOLS!”   There was an instant silence. “Listen up, all of you!” blasted Shredder with all the strength of her lungs. “What are you barbering about? ‘Whimsical gods,’ imminent chaos’, ’possible conflicts.’ Have you not put any attention to what Lord Arceus and your Excellency Victoria just said!?”   The mere fact the Bisharp could scream so loudly was enough to keep everyone silently listen to her words, but slowly they started to properly listen.   “Arceus himself did this for our own good, and the Empress wants us to co-exist with one another. What is wrong with that? I don’t see any of you trying to give a solution, yet you are all demanding for one!”   The crowd could be heard screaming in disapproval at Shredder words, with good and valid reasons, yet none of them dared to deny the fact she had a certain degree of truth in her words.   “I have been entrusted with the protection of this realm,” at these words, the Sword Blade Pokemon took her own sword out of its scabbard, revealing a silver leaf blade which she used to point at the crowd. “And as such I promise that I will personally crush every single being trying to disturb any of these wills, Pokemon or not. If someone has doubts regarding the Empress and our God, step forward, I will gladly deal with you!”   The general chattering continued within griffins and pokemon, however they didn’t dared to retort Shredder any more.   “… good.” Shredder retrieved her sword’s point from the crowd to the floor. “But if there is anyone willing to follow, then I ask you as well to step forward, that we will show this whole world how we can surpass all of these hardships and achieve harmony together.”   The crowd fell silent.    “So what will it be?” finished Shredder. “Are you creatures up to the challenge of living?”   And so the crowd erupted again on protests, however this protest weren’t as doom-filled as before.   “But of course we will follow our Empress’ will, what do you think griffins are you metallic creature!?”   “If it’s the work of lord Arceus we will followed of course!”   “Do not take Ponies lightly you alien thing!”   With a smile, Shredder took a step back while sheathing her sword. She then gave a deep bow to Victoria and apologized. “Excuse my rudeness your highness.”   “… It’s okay Lady Shredder, your words come from your heart, and there is nothing I would wanted more than that,” Said the ruler. She then turned to the crowd and addressed them. “Thank you for understanding.”   Those lines alone caused a general explosion of cheers from the griffins, which were quickly seconded by the other races, Pokemon included. Of course, the cheering wasn’t general nor total, as many Griffin, Pokemon, Ponies, Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs kept a puzzled expression and doubt filled silence. However, it was clear for the whole crowd that Pokemon were here to stay for some time, even if it were a limited time.   At this, Rouge summoned a rain of petals with her Petal Dance, which gave the moment an even more enchanting atmosphere. However the mercenaries weren’t yet done; Greninja started to shoot burst of water with Hydro Bomb which were in turn intercepted by Simon and Pancha’s Focus Blasts, making them explode like fireworks.   “I am glad I contracted you,” silently thanked Empress Victoria.   Weiss smiled, nodded and replied, “Your highness, I’m afraid we may need to depart sooner than we expected.”   Finally Xavier wondered, “Am I done yet?” > Tenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenth Move Memento Mori I Nesting Hold castle Griffrenhiem empire The crowd before the imperial palace had finally dispersed, and Xavier was taking a well deserved nap. This meant that for the time being, the Pokemon had to communicate via writing and translator, the latter being Shredder. She was currently passing messages between Victoria and Weiss, particularly concerning their sudden departure. The former human had at least been able to explain to her his reasons before Xavier had to go to sleep. "I need to go to this ‘Hall of Legends," he said. Victoria wasn't that surprised as she thought that a LOT of Pokemon and denizens of Equus would like to have a talk with this 'god' about their current predicament, herself included. But she would have to wait for another time, as her empire need her first. "I am sure Celestia will call for a meeting eventually," she said to herself. She agreed to lend Checkmate a cargo ship, instead of the luxurious flagship for their transport, which according to the deck's records would set sail in a couple of hours. Personally, she would have preferred it if they had used a more proper vessel, but their haste made it impossible. Thus it was agreed that the mercenaries would depart later that night. With that subject settled, the mercenary leader and his second in command proceeded to explain about their god to the Empress...at least as much as they could with their limited knowledge about it. "But if he is so powerful, why didn't he deal with those 'umans' before?" Victoria questioned, having been taught what a human was as well. "Human," corrected Shredder. “With an 'h', in the front. As for why, I presume he didn't want them to repeat whatever they did before that allowed them to keep him away for so long." Weiss then said something and Shredder translated. “'Besides, human technology is in many ways similar, if not superior, to the magic that is present here. Because of that, if Arceus tried to fight mankind as a whole, humans would no doubt fight back with all they have. They may lose in the end, but the battle itself would leave no victors.” At this, Weiss let out a tired sigh. "I see, so you think he decided to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed,” Victoria nodded. “But then why not send the humans to another world instead?" she asked. "I think he focused on the quickest option," Shredder replied. “Not to mention the humans may try to return on their own, or start harming the next world they end up in. What do you think they would see in a world with magic? "If most of them are as you describe them to be, then I assume they will have little concerns about recreating their slavery over here." As a former human, Weiss felt bad about the current topic, but precisely because he was a human and knew most of the human world's darkest secrets, he knew humans would eventually attempt to assert themselves as the dominant species of Equss, whether the inhabitants liked it or not. "Then why bringing some humans to this realm as well?" the regal Griffin asked again, as they had also explained about the humans turned Pokémon, as she had figured it out based on part of Arceus' speech. Again, Weiss explained through Shredder's lips. “I think it was either to award us for some reason, or to prevent humans from looking for the Pokemon, as those who stay behind most likely saw them as mere tools or mere animals. I doubt that would entirely work though. Humans are curious by nature, and loving Pokemon or not, they would like to know what happen to them. It’s just a matter of time.'" "Let's hope said time is eons away," added Shredder at the end. "I suppose I will have to wait for a proper meeting with this god of yours to know for sure," Victoria sighed. "For now we must prepare things for your departure, so if you’ll come with me." At her order, both Bisharps followed the Griffin ruler to a different chamber, a small group of guards behind them, while the rest of Checkmate proceeded to grab some gear as well. Meanwhile, Roll staying with the non-mercenaries: Daring, Anzu and Surskit. The Rabbit Pokemon was quick to make herself an acquaintance with the latter, mostly because she knew about them from the previous world and mostly to annoy the yellow Pegasus, which was currently with them mostly to provide some company to the sleeping Xavier, whom they were all guarding. "Things have turned really hectic, haven’t they?" Anzu said, voicing her concern. She was still finding it hard to believe that not only was Arceus a real god, but that he was the cause of all this. "At least we now know what happen and why... almost at least," Roll pointed out. "And we also get to see my hottie of a girl kicking some ass. Didn’t she look gorgeous back then?" Anzu and Surskit chuckled at the Lopunny's subtleness. "I see hearing god's words wasn't that impressive then?" Joked the now Frogadier. "Of course it was," retorted Roll. "It was thanks to him My Shredder could show off as she did!" "... love blinds," thought Surskit out loud. Roll in return just nodded. "They sure seem to be enjoying themselves, huh?" Daring idly asked the shiny Pokemon, who started to grumble in return. "So..." ventured the small bug-type with a hint of shame and curiosity. "H-how did someone as energetic as yourself end with someone as stoic as the Bisharp, miss Roll?" The Rabbit Pokemon had to suppress a 'DAWWW' by the cuteness the little Surskit showed with her bold question. "If you want to know that much then I guess it can't be helped, but I must warn you," warned Roll with a playful tone. "It's a long, sad and scary story little one. Do you think you can endure it?" Despite using her usual sassy tone, the look on Roll's eyes told them clearly that she wasn't joking. With an audible 'gulp' Surskit nodded as Anzu placed her close to her chest as both got comfortable so the girls could hear the story, as none could deny their curiosity. "Very well then..." Roll started to narrate. This goes some years back, when I was a little fluffy Buneary who lived a pleasant life with her mother. Back then life wasn't as exciting as it is today. In fact, I would say I was quite spoiled back then, as you see, I was the daughter of a very famous Lopunny actress of Pokewood. There was hardly a person, or Pokemon, who didn't know about her. She was all over the cover of magazines, constantly appearing on popular variety shows, always being the face of all glamorous publicity. In case you are wondering; yes, my dad was also some famous boxer Pokemon. I inherited the elemental punches from him, but I didn’t really know him. The thing between him and mom was mostly some publicity affair, however the love my mom gave me was 100% real, I can assure you that. She constantly kept me close to her, filling me with lots of hugs, kisses and gifts as well constantly teaching me how to behave, tutoring me about how to pose and speak, kindly guiding me in her world, hoping I could learn from her example and follow her footsteps. Of course I was more than willing to become the next super star of Pokewood and shine brightly in the sky, if it weren't for her fans, or more accurately: her 'biggest fan.' Fans were always after her. She didn't mind it though, 'the price of fame' is how she used to call their constant harassment. However, her manager and a couple of bulky bodyguards kept them at bay. Thus we never feared them unless they were paparazzis. That was too naive from our part. One day, going back from an audition in location, my mother and I boarded the appointed transport to get back to the city. That was the last time anyone heard from us. It took us a while to realize it, but once the driver took us on a different route, we knew something was wrong, he didn't dare to look back or say anything to us, no matter how hard my mother and her manager scream and hit at his window. Finally, he delivered us to some secluded mansion somewhere on the mountains. As soon we arrived a group of thugs and their pokemon surrounded the car, the driver then stormed out of it, grabbed a envelope from one of them and left as fast as he could. I was too young to understand what he just did, but mom and her human friend sure did; he had just sold us to some kidnappers. If only it was just that. We were then 'guided' inside the mansion, where a skinny human with shiny skin waited for us, a crooked smile crossing his face like a Gengar about to devour someone's dreams. He presented himself as some rich someone, I don't remember clearly, but what I do remember was the title he loved to bestow upon himself; my mother's biggest admirer. He then 'invited' mom to have a date with him at his home for an indefinite amount of time, my mother obviously refused and her human friend angrily vent her discontent towards him. "You think you can just kidnap someone to date you?" She raged, "well I am sorry to pinch your bubble, but no amount of money can keep us here for ever! Kat we are leaving!" She determinedly hold mom's hand and start guiding her out, only for one of the thugs to suddenly put a gun's nusle at the back of her head. "Eh...?" Was the only thing the thug let her say as a sudden explosion made her whole body limp and fall to the ground. I instinctively turned my head away of the noise and was about to turn back when my mother held me tightly on her chest, stopping me from doing so as I could felt something dripping over my head, her tears. The slimy human started to scream at the thug, "what the hell have you done!? This wasn't part of the..." "No matter how rich you are, you couldn't hold her or the Pokémon here if someone in the know" retorted the thug with a cold but sadistic voice. "Don't call her just a Pokemon!" Shaped the skinny human, apparently getting over that rather quickly. "But then what do you suggest me to do?" The thug laugh and replied "there was a terrible car accident at the skirts of a mountain, no one survived, that is all the cops need to know. You can always pay off whoever starts asking." I could feel how my mother's body trembled as the humans continued their talk. "But what about the driver?" Worriedly asked the skinny human. I then hear some footsteps walking away and the sound of a bigger gun been loaded, "No. One. Survived," emphasized the thug. From then on, we become hostages to the skiny human and his thugs, at first he was surprisingly polite, giving us a courteous treatment and serving us with the greatest of treats. As the child I was, all of that seemed like a dream come true, however my mother thought way differently than me. She spent most of her time with the skinny human constantly praising her beauty, she merely smiled at his comments with grace, however, and despite my innocent obliviousness, I could clearly see how the human was a revolting being for her. I often found strange how the human never brought a translator to their chats, it was as if he preferred to have those fancy talks with my mother in his head instead of actually knowing what she was truly thinking. In the end that was a good thing, since he couldn't notice how mom constantly glanced at the windows, memorizing the thugs and their pokemon’s patrols or how she kept a knife from one of the meals or how she stole his keys one of the times he played to hug her. That night she grab me and attempted to run away, we made it out of the mansion but mom was constantly slowed down by a spoiled brat; me. If it wasn't because of my constant whining and complaining, we could have made it to the city in one night, but instead we were quickly cornered and brought back to the skiny human a couple of hours later, and he was no longer nice with us from then on. I lost track of time. I was placed on a cage somewhere in the basement, while mom was chained to a bed in the room before mine, and I could see her every time someone opened the door, and could hear her and the skinny human fight each night. I... I just can't describe how it was to see my mother deteriorate so rapidly each time that door opened... her once brilliant fur become dull, her toned shape become limp and weak, her shining eyes were now lifeless. However, she somehow managed to notice me and give me a warm smile, that alone helped me to avoid having those same eyes. Time went by, it could have been weeks or months, I couldn't know, but it seemed the human was no longer pleased with my mother. I could hear him say something about her being too limp now, the mere thought caused me disgust. Then the sadistic thug took me out of my cage and threw me into the room my mom and the skinny human were in, I could notice how my mother tried to protest about something but she was too weak to do that. Her silent argument made me look at her more clearly, she was malnourished to the point one of her eyes was permanently dulled, her fur was raspy all over and her bones could easily be seen on her skin. The lashes on her arms and neck left blooded bald sections caused by the friction, and yet, her thoughts were aimed towards me. I was too distracted with her to even listen to what the humans were talking about, but we all turned to look at another thug who barged into the room with a couple of Mightyenas beside him, he said something about an assault. "By who? How many?!" Demanded the sadistic human, to which the other thug couldn't reply, "Guard the door!" Demanded the sadistic thug and the other obeyed, although he seemed to know that wasn't the best option. The skinny human crumbled on the situation, constantly asking what was happening and what would the thug do to fix it. The thug slapped him on the face. "If you don't want to go to jail for your perversions, you better start picking up a gun and shoot whatever tries to get in here!" The skinny human lay on the floor speechless, only to crawl toward a safe box in the room and clumsily open it. As he was doing that, the thug took out a "T" shaped gun out of his clothes and load it, a sonorous 'ka-shin' coming from the small killing machine as the sound of screams started to be heard over the ceiling, the rest of the thugs let out a single shot only to be silenced right after. The humans in the room sweated heavily as the screams became fewer and fewer, making the sadist aim his gun at the door and the skinny one take an expensive looking gun out of his safe box. And then a single whimper could be heard from outside the room, apparently from one of the Mightyenas, followed close by large blades coming through the wood walls at both sides of the door, the sharp edges covered in blood. The remaining humans froze at the sight, on the other side we could now hear the dying noises of the beings nailed at the wall, as well the lone sound of someone's footsteps, slowly closing to us. The sound stopped before the door and the silent remained on the room for a minute, the only thing I remember to hear was our collective breathing. Then both blades disappeared from the wall. This seemed to bring the thug out of its stupor, as he unleashed a rain of bullets from his weapon into the door, which was quickly filled with holes as the magazine run empty, yet the thug changed it quickly and emptied it again like before, leaving Swiss cheese for a door. He then dropped the gun and took out another pistol to the fight, stiffly pointing at the door as he walked towards it. He kick it open and burst outside, looking for either a corpse or someone to shot at. Yet he found none. Confused, the thug walked out, only for a black silhouette to descend from the selling, grabbing his neck and twisting it in one move. The sadistic thug made a sonorous 'plop' as he hit the ground while the silhouette silently landed on it. Another human, covered with dark clothes then entered the room, a collection of knives hanging over his body as he took a look inside, his presence scaring the skinny human who had troubles loading his gun. The new comer only give him a cold glance before drawing one of his knifes from his gear and threw it at the skinny human's direction. With a gurgling noise the skinny human tremble some moments on the ground, slowly going into a stop. The human with the knifes then turn his gaze to my mother, he suddenly let out a curse as he proceeded to release her. Once the neck was free, her body limped all over the bed, being unable to even stand. "...Xavier, I found her." Said the human, "Keep everyone upstairs." He seemed to receive some sort of answer as he continued to talk. "They don't have to see this. Yes she is alive, but I doubt this can be call as such..." he glared at the human lying at the other side of the room. "I'm afraid we arrived here too late." Said the voice of a female pokemon as cold as the human's. "I ordered you to stay upstairs Shredder." The female Pokemon didn’t reply as she entered the room. She was a creature around my height, seemingly dressed in red and black body armor with blades for hands, coldly looking at the scene beneath the bladed helmet she had for a head. "It would be more merciful on our part to end her suffering now." She raised one of her blood stained 'hands' and pointed at the pitiful creature that was my mother. "..." the human seemed to be against the idea, so I thought he was a good human, that he would save my mother and take her to a doctor, that he will- "I will do it." My heart stopped at that moment that word was said, but erupted the very instant the slim Pawniard and the black human take a step forward. I jumped and placed myself before her and my mother, angrily glaring at her as I charged both of my fist with fire. "Don't you dare to harm my mother!" I exclaimed. Both killers seemed surprised at my sudden appearance, the human placing his hand over his temple, while the dark-type looked at me with disdain. "What good will that do her?" She coldly asked. "She is nothing more than a husk waiting, no; wishing to end its time in this world! And you want us to let her like this?" "Shut up!" I screamed back, "All we need to do is take her to a Pokemon center and she will be..." "Don't be a fool!" retorted Shredder. "It's a miracle she still breathes, and even if we miraculously save her life, do you know what kind of hell she went through? She is beyond the point of no return!" "T-then why didn't you come here sooner!?" I exclaimed back. "You guys are here to save us right? Then why couldn't you do it right away?" I could see my sight getting blurred because of my tears, "Why does mommy have to die because of your laziness?" "You are right, we got here late, but then I ask you..." she then placed herself before me, completely ignoring my flaming fists, "Why didn't you save her?" I frozen on the spot. "You are here, valiantly demanding us to have come here sooner, then why didn't you use that strength to do something in the first place?" The tears flowed and flowed at each word she said. It wasn't because I thought she was right, but because the sudden memory of my whining ruining my mother's escape wormed its way into these events. "If you are so afraid of living," she coldly finished while standing just millimeters away from me. "Then don't you dare decide over death!" The human silently let us argue, but now that it seemed things had settled down, he drew another knife from his gear and took a step forward, only to stop as he saw something incredible for him. My mother, somehow in her current state, had raised herself from the bed and brought her weak body over us, tangling her thin arms around us in a cold hug as she whispered, "You have to keep living..." yet those weren't her final words. "Ple-ease... t-take care... of...h-her..." and then she fell to the ground, a deep wound pouring blood out of her chest. I couldn't fully comprehend what had happened, so I turned to look at the Pawniard, who looked as shocked and confused as me, while my mother's blood dripped from the blade on her forehead. Then, I passed out. Despite the weight of the story she just told them, Roll seemed to be surprisingly calm. Needless to say, her audience wasn’t. In fact Surskit was currently crying, though Roll thought that it was better than being terrified, like she was a few minutes ago. "What happen after that?" Asked Daring behind her, much to her surprise, she quickly noticed Xavier was currently chewing some food in the room. "You didn't part ways with them. That much is obvious," continued the Pegasus. "How much did you hear?" Inquired the Lopunny. "Around the 'no survivors' part, although the beginning was a bit blurred since Xavier wasn't fully awake yet." Roll frowned at that. She didn't liked to share her personal stories with just anyone, Surskit being an exception due to her cute factor (and Anzu by addition), but still she continued. "... I woke up the next day at the mercenaries' place, some camp in the middle of the woods." They explained to me how they were contracted to look for my mom and me, but not by the company mom worked for, but by my dad. Somehow he managed to make his own managers look for us, as he didn't believe the accident story. I have never met the guy, but somehow, that moment made me think his moment with mom was more than just a ruse. Still, being a Pokemon, it took him some time to convince his humans, but he managed to in the end. "Your father also said he would be more than glad to have you with him," explained to me the leader of the mercenaries, which I think you know who he is by now. "But first things have to settle down. It seems your mother's company was quick to collect her inheritance and keep it to themselves, so you suddenly appearing in the picture would just be painting a bull's eye on your back." "... s-so..." I doubtfully asked, "What do I do now...?" The mercenaries looked confused, but it was then when a known voice suggested. "We can take care of her," I turned to glare at the Pawniard, but she kept her gaze up and continued, "We were paid to keep her safe weren’t we?" The human, who looked more calm now without all of his knifes, thought over her idea, before coming to a decision. "It would be the best option, but I won't deny there would be some bad blood between us, so what do you say Missy?" My glare was still locked on the dual type, a single idea on my mind; revenge. "I'm okay with that..." was all I answered, and thus, I became Checkmate's temporal member. "And that was how we first met," finished Roll...with a grin, much for the girls’ confusion. "Wait-what!?" Exclaimed Daring. "But if you wanted revenge, how come you ended up all lovey-dovey with her?" Anzu, Surskit and the guards in the room wondered the same thing. Roll then gave them a sly smile as she finished. "Don't be greedy. That is another story, and you will have to wait for me to be in the mood to tell you the rest." And so, she left them all in suspense. What a prick she is, isn't she? On the other side, Shredder, Weiss and Victoria had discovered Xavier was back on duty along the way, and were now discussing about what she wanted to show them. "With you in Equestria, communication would be troublesome at best, so I’ve come to the conclusion that your group is worthy enough to use one of the Empire's greatest assets." Both Bisharp were about to ask what this great asset was, when they arrived at a heavily guarded room, the words 'emergency messagery' over it's door. "This is the express mail room," explained Victoria as they entered said room, a collection of fire goblets in it. "In it we hold one of this word's greatest mysteries: Dragon's fire." The Pokemon didn't seemed impressed, as to them dragon fire seemed to be no different than regular fire. "I don’t know how this is in your world, but here it is imbued with magic properties, some of which are still unknown to us," the Empress explained as she deduced the reason behind their reaction, although she kept the part about how the Griffin knew little about Dragon’s Fire to herself. "So this can help us to communicate then?" asked Weiss as he gave the fire a more respectful gaze. "Indeed. You see, these goblets have been created to serve for delivery. All I need is to bind one of the clean ones to you and I will be able to send you parchments instantly." Victoria looked proud at these words, but again the mercenaries didn't seem to react much. "So these are magical beepers then?" deadpanned Shredder. "It's some of the technology we had on our world," explained Weiss before the Empress asked. "But still this will be very useful. We can discuss events in real time no matter the distance. That will sure be helpful." Victoria was pleased by Weiss' words, but she seemed a bit embarrassed by one point. "Yeah, about the discussion part," She really felt dumb thanks to the next words she had to say. "It only works on one side." The blank stare both Pokemon gave in return made her feel worse. Fortunately they didn't last long. "I guess we can't ask for much," finished the leader as he shrug it off. Victoria made a mental note of asking lord Xavier about the humans' technology when she could. It certainly seemed useful. "Anyway, please lend me your hand, Lord Weiss." The former human obliged, and offered the Griffin ruler his palm, which she quickly stabbed with a small and thin knife. Apparently it also had the side effect of allowing her to relieve some stress. Weiss on his end, kept his composure like a pro, despite the fact that he was inwardly screaming. Too bad neither females could hear him anyway. "S-what was that for?" Asked the Bisharp as he examined his hand, oily blood coming out of the wound. "Something from the intended recipient is needed in order for the goblet to track you," explained Victoria. "I see," commented Shredder. "Blood being a good link as it holds part of the soul." "Actually, some hair or feathers would do just as fine, but I see none on you so..." the Empress shrugged with a smile. 'At least I was used to relieve some stress...' mentally cheered Weiss to himself as Victoria dropped the blood from the dagger into one of the goblets. "It is done," was all the Empress said with a smile. > Eleventh Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eleventh Move Moving on Nesting Hold castle Griffenhiem Empire The Bisharp were currently going back to the Pokemons’ chambers, Victoria and her guards having left them earlier, and Weiss was currently looking at his wound. "Don't be such a cry baby," demanded Shredder. "It's not such a big wound." "You call this not big!" Exclaimed the former human while showing the 'hole' in his palm to his second in command. "It seems like a bullet hole!" "It will heal in due time. Besides, the hand isn't hurt." "Excuse me but what part of a HOLE in my hand doesn't count as being hurt?" "Right, you are new to this..." commented Shredder to herself as she held his hand and explained. "Think about how you retract your blades, but focus on your hand." "Why...?" wondered the leader with distrust. "Just do it." "Fine then," replied Weiss as he did as he was told. "But if this is some trick I-will you look at that, I have fingers!" The instant Weiss thought about retracting a part of his body, the armored gauntlet he had for a hand folded over and revealed three thin and sharp looking claws laying beneath it, slowly responding to their owner's thoughts. "See?" the female Bisharp said. "Your actual hand wasn't wounded at all, so you can stop complaining." "Is this common sense?" asked Weiss, ignoring Shredder's explanation. Shredder sighed. "Of course it is. My kind-I guess it’s our kind from now on-can retract certain parts of our body. How do you think we do our necessities with a metallic plate covering our..." the skirt wearing Pokemon then blushed. "Well, you know. Covering the 'exits’." Weiss remembered the times he had needed to use the bathroom. At the time he didn’t know much about his new body, thus he had been sitting in order for nature to do it's part, and he did remember feeling something move down there. "That explains a lot, so do male Bisharps have-" "Go and check yourself!" Shredder abruptly interrupted Weiss' intimate question. Weiss looked a bit disappointed but smiled in the end. "Pokemon sure are mysterious creatures," remarked the Bisharp as he glanced at his hand. Shredder had to admit it was interesting to see her closest friend and ally prize her species. "You can focus some attacks through them like Metal Claw or Shadow Claw," as she said this, Shredder retracted her own gauntlet too and showed her own trio of thin appendages, more slim and delicate than Weiss'. They then started to emanate a shining light on one arm, while the other was covered in a dark aura. "How come I never notice it?" Wondered Weiss while 'pointing' at his colleague's moves. "Instinct I guess," answered the female as she canceled the energy and covered both hands. "I mean, you may notice our hand's aren't as tough as our armor, so they wouldn't resist a direct impact. So we instinctively keep them, and any other mobile part, hidden at all times, only using it when needed." Weiss gave his fingers one last look before placing his protection back on. "I will be careful and remember that." They continued on their way back when something else crossed the former human's mind. "But if you stay here, then how am I going to learn moves and attacks? I still remember the stuff I could do as a human, but it would be a huge waste to not use the moves this body knows!" "Don't worry," calmly replied Shredder. "I have something already planned." And so, both Dark/Steel-type reached their chambers, finding the mercenaries ready to go, receiving a cheerful hug from a certain Lopunny and a noticeable group of rather annoyed females. "... what did we miss?" The group waited a few hours before Grizelda came for them. "Are you creatures ready?" She joyfully asked, to which the Pokemon simply nodded and followed her towards the castle's exit, where Victoria was waiting for them. The empress gave the Pokemon a graceful smile as a greeting and said, "Despite the short time we have known one another, I wish you all a safe trip and look forward to your return." Checkmate replied to the gesture in kind. "I am certain I speak for all of us when I say that we also look forward to returning to this empire as well, your Highness," Weiss said, speaking for his team. "I would have liked to provide you a more fitting send off, one that befitted your rank. However, as time is short, I won't hold you for long. Godspeed my mercenaries. May your quest be a successful one." With a general bow from their part, the mercenaries parted ways with the Empress. The group expected to go somewhere on the bottom level to board their ship, but instead they were taken into a building carved out of the stone on one of the range's mountains. Its inside made the Pokemon think of some sort of station, far bigger and busier than the skyway despite the late hour. From one side to the other, griffins could be seen carrying cargo to different hallways while other groups of late travelers waited for their ships to depart. Not being able to hold her curiosity any longer, Pancha raised a claw. "No offence manta, but why does this peak looks like a plane station? Weren't we supposed to go on a boat?" Grizelda, who served as their guide one last time, tuned to reply. "What's a plane?" at this, Pancha gave herself a mental scolding and was about to ask again when Grizelda pointed to a dull looking door. "Here we are, creatures!" She opened the door for the mercenaries, plus three, to enter the dock. The vessel waiting for them was far more impressive than any of their old world's flying vehicles: a galeon lay on a dry dock with a massive blimp tightly placed above it with hundreds of ropes. The sails were placed at both sides of the ship and were currently being checked by some Griffin sailors, if that was the term for the sky merchants. "And you guys traded the great flagship for this merchant bark," commented Grizelda with a sarcastic tone. "Wait, this is our ship?" asked Rouge in surprise. "Well d'uh! What did you creatures expect?" "Definitely not a flying ship," replied the Grass-type. "Don't tell me there are none on your word?" "There are, but they don't look anything like this," commented Weiss. “They certainly don’t look so…” "I think retro would be the word you are looking for," Xavier supplied. "Oi! Are those the mattes we were commanded to deliver?" Asked a savvy tone from besides the ship. The group turned to see what they thought was the vessel's captain, a Griffin with white fur on his rear and dark blue feathers on his front wearing a simple leather vest and a three pointed hat who swiftly landed beside them and quickly gave them an intrusive gaze as a single flock of white feathers dangled between his eyes. "We already had to let go of some pretty good cargo to accommodate your group aboard, so you better not complain about this gorgeous ship." Grizelda let go a sigh as she made the introductions. "Creatures, this is Captain Harlock. Blockhead these creatures are her Excellency's independent military team." 'So we have a title, a guild and now a range, it's like Christmas!' Simon happily joked over the mind link. The group chuckled at the joke, though Harlock just gave them another odd glance. "I know who they are lass, and if it weren't because of the Empress' wishes, I would have left these creatures on land before ruining my schedule. But things are like this so let's get on with it." With little to no decor, Harlock let out a loud whistle towards the ship and a wooden plank fell flat before him, some ropes tied to its ends. "Hop on," was all the invitation the Griffin captain gave as he flew back to the ship's deck. "Well creatures, this is as far as I go. Try not to wreak too much havoc in her Highness' name okay?" Joked the maiden. "I only promise to try," replied Simon, but in a not so joking tone. The Pokemon gave Grizelda a farewell hug as they climbed into the archaic elevator with the exception of Xavier who floated himself aboard. Only Shredder and Roll stayed behind. "I guess this is also our farewell, for now at least," started Shredder as she gave Roll a warm hug, despite her current level of embarrassment. "Be careful out there and try to keep them in check okay? I will be in contact as much I can." Roll looked confused for a second and then replied, "Don't be silly honey!" She then kiss her mate tightly while giggling like a schoolgirl. "I am not leaving your side!" Shredder was slightly shocked by this revelation as well as embarrassed for her wasted show of affection. Thus she turned to Weiss, who simply gave her a shrug. "You knew about this!?" Demanded the female Bisharp. "As if!" Retorted the male one. "But it wasn't that hard to know." "It isn't rocket science!" "Her intentions were clear as water." "It surprises me you didn't notice it reina." "The outcome was predictable." With these words the mercenaries bid farewell to their two comrades, who simply waved at the vessel as it left the drydock. Once the ship was out of sight, the couple turned around and made their way towards the castle with Grizelda. Yet they stopped when they heard a shout at the distance, "WAIT! IF SHE’S STAYING HERE, THEN HOW THE HAY ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET THE REST OF THE STORY!?" Roll just grinned devilishly. The merchant ship, Acadia, wasn't as bad as the captain's attitude made it sound. It was no luxury yacht either, but the mercenaries were in no position to argue...not that they cared about it to begin with. They had a single storage to share, but it was big enough for the Pokemon to lay down comfortably, Xavier included. The shiny Metagross, however, had another plan as he and Weiss made their way to the deck. On the deck, a coalition of many Griffins kept the ship afloat. All of them had different tones of skin and feathers but sported the same white bandana around their necks and a sailor hat atop their heads. "This will work," commented Xavier as he lay down in a spot where his big body wouldn’t disturb the sailors. "The noise and stress of this place will make your training more accurate for battle." During the few hours they had before departure, Shredder had Xavier scan and copy many of her training sessions for Weiss to learn how to use Pokemon moves more quickly. "If you say so... " replied the leader as he sat before his tactician while trying to ignore the constant gazes their presence generated on the deck. Luckily for him, the training was all in his head...literally. As such, he could easily focus on learning instead of looking at the eyes of the sailors. Then again, the constant noise they caused provided a fair amount of difficulty for him. Mentally, Weiss relived many moments of his second in command's life, slowly feeling how some moves were implanted on his mind. Theoretically, Weiss could learn the basics this way, but he would have to find a way to practice physically if he wanted to know for sure how to pull them off. Both Pokemon remained in their respective meditative stances for a couple of hours, going from naturally learned moves to TMs and HMs next. While doing this, they noticed how the sailors’ curiosity turned into boredom as they got used to their static presence. Yet they suddenly felt an abrupt increase in their stress. "It was around these parts, wasn’t it?" commented a group sailors. "Aye, they say those buggers managed to get themselves a dragon, somehow." "A dragon? Don't be ridiculous, why would a dragon want to assault a merchant vessel? Those poor bastards could have made up that story to make themselves look less pathetic." "But then why do they all come with the same story? A huge creature with dark wings which make them all sick with its mere presence. That is more than a coincidence if you ask me." "Nobody asked, now why don't you do something useful and keep those stories up your..." "Incoming ship, port side ahoy!" Exclaimed the lookout from his post, causing the chat to suddenly end as they turned to look at the ship. "Shall we take a break?" Asked Weiss while using the discovery as an excuse and opportunity to stretch his legs. Xavier accepted and Weiss sprang up, turning his gaze toward the other flying ship. It seemed to be a couple of miles away, but still one could see it was far smaller than their ship. Yet what caught the whole crew's attention was the fact it had no flag over its blimp, and that it was rapidly closing the distance between them. The sailors began to look worried about the possible implications, while Weiss simply said one single but enthusiastic line: "No way!" Suddenly a single warning cannon shot came from the small vessel and a Jolly Roger swiftly took its place atop the main pole. The reaction from the Griffins was instant, as they quickly began to ring the alarm bells and prepare for the imminent boarding. On his end, however, Weiss was excitedly motioning to Xavier. "Xavier-Xavier-XAVIER! Look: sky pirates!" Captain Harlock gave the incoming ship an inspection through his spyglass. "Something is wrong!" exclaimed the Griffin. "Their vessel isn't big enough to pull off an assault on us. They may have some trick up their sleeves..." He then turned to one of the sailors. "Keep a look around, they may be a distraction." The sailor saluted in reply and took off immediately with two other members of the crew. The captain kept his spyglass on the ship, only to notice the pirates were doing something strange: They were bringing an odd amount of gongs to the deck, and were constantly slamming them. However, they didn't seemed to be giving a signal. They seemed to be calling something. "What... Is... That...?" Wondered another sailor with a spyglass. Harlock quickly shifted his position, allowing him to take a closer look at what appeared to be some creature that was clinging to the pirate ship's belly. As soon as he found it, the creature let go of the transport and spread a couple of enormous wings which quickly took it high into the sky. "You have got to be kidding me...!" Exclaimed the captain as he turned to his men. "Battle stations! Prioritise rapid fire, I don't know how but they have a dragon on their side!" The crew was awestruck by the information, but was quick to react and take out ballistas and catapults onto the deck, ready to release their payload on the pirates. "That's rather archaic," deadpanned Xavier, before he turned to Weiss, who was currently looking at the dragon flying above them. The creature had two massive wings fused with its thin arms that allowed it to pick up speed fast, a large tail which gave it outstanding mobility and a pair of round ears which allowed it to navigate perfectly through echolocation, yet the weirdest part were the eyes. They were blank and full of scars. Xavier didn't take long to recognize the dragon as the Pokemon, Noivern, and even less to notice something about it. The tactician was about to give this information to the leader when he cut his thoughts. "You don't have to mention it Xavier," Weiss said, keeping his eyes on the aerial display the Noivern was giving, which many of the Griffins had to admit was beautiful. "I recognize those maneuvers anywhere." The dragon then stopped its display and darted towards the Acadia. At the shout of "fire!" from Captain Harlock, all weapons were shot at her, yet neither Xavier, Weiss, nor the Noivern were worried on the slightest. Despite its wingspan, the Noivern avoided the projectiles as if it were a elegant dance. No movement was wasted as the distance between it and the cargo ship turn into meters. It swiftly passed the ship, but before the starboard barrage could come looking for blood, the dragon made a turn that instantly placed it beside the ship, too close for the heavy artillery to properly aim, not that it stop the sailors from trying. The Noivern showed no interest in the nets and arrows that were shot in its direction as it open its mouth and let out an ultrasonic scream while moving around the ship. Weiss and Xavier simply stood there calmly, while noticing how the crew began to fall to their knees, as if some unknown sickness had suddenly taken over their bodies. "Massive disorientation and vertigo," coldly commented the shiny Metagross. "A side effect of the echolocation." "That explain the stories of before," replied Weiss as the dragon Pokemon focused on him. "..." The creature then started to pull away from the boat. "It seems formalities are done," Weiss said excitedly as he put some distance between him and the ship's edge, before he dashed towards it while the Noivern dive-bombed beneath the Acadia. "Don't let them leave!" was the last order the mercenary gave before jumping off the merchant ship... Only to reappear a second later atop the dragon's back. "It’s good to have you back, Edge!" Saluted the leader. "It’s good to have some company to talk to," replied the dragon with a high pitched yet strong and confident female voice as it headed toward the pirates. Xavier made contact with everyone on the ship as soon Weiss jumped off of it. He calmed the Griffins as much as he could, while also explaining to them that Edge was one of them. "If she is with you then," retorted the captain while massaging his templates and doing the best to keep his breakfast in his stomach, "Then why is she taking your leader to them?" Xavier slowly turned to the pirate ship and focused his senses on his comrades while replying, "She isn't taking him to them. She is deploying him." Suddenly, the rest of the Pokemon plus Daring barged into the deck, waving and cheering for the incoming spectacle. "You may want to keep your eyes over there capi," commented Pancha as she too joined the cheers. The pirates seemed to be comprised mostly of Griffins, but a couple of Pegasi could be seen as well, and all of them were completely confused as to why their secret weapon had suddenly returned with someone on its back. Yet before any of them could say a word, Edge repeated the same silent scream towards the pirates. This time however, the dizziness was intentional. She then flew close enough to drop her passenger, who simply took a seat besides the ship's rail, waiting for the robbers to be steady enough to listen. "So... Will you surrender or shall we do this the hard way?" Edge steadily flapping behind him. "Please choose the hard way. I have a couple of moves I want to try." The pirates drew swords and knives out as soon as their dizy bodies allowed and pointed them at the newcomer. This of course made the mercenary excited, but before he could start his fun a big but fat Griffin let out a shout. "We heard about you creatures. You have to follow the rules of this world!" Weiss sighed as it seemed they have to 'parley' first. "And what about it?" The pirate, which Weiss considered to be the leader, let out a sonorous laugh. "That you can't kill! And don't think I don't know who are you either: imperial dog!" A general laughter filled the ship as the pirates mocked Weiss. However, he didn’t seem to care about it in the least. "So your point it's that because we can't kill, you and your crew have the upper hand?" The cold yet calm tone alone made the pirates lose some of their morale. "That because you outnumber me I will lose?" Then it was Weiss who laughed. "There are many, MANY ways that I can avoid killing you, yet leave you with a fate WORSE than death, mates!" The pirates were no longer smiling, yet they kept their weapons firmly pointed at him. "Last chance..." added Edge coolly, much to her ex-crew's surprise, though it didn’t last long, as they were quick to scream back things like 'traitor' or 'ungrateful'. The dragon simply snarled while giving them a glare from her blind eyes. "I don’t remember ever being one of you. I just happened to need a place to crash, and you guys happened to be passing by everything I did before was just me paying the rent." And thus, negotiations ended. The large creatures dashed toward Weiss, swinging their blades at him. Weiss simple reached for his pockets and took out some pebbles, which he quickly use as ammunition while saying a single line: "Fling." The pebbles weren't big or sturdy enough to damage the pirates beyond an annoyance, but the fact that they were targeted at their eyes made them all halt and scream in pain. The moment they turned to look at the intruder, it was already too late for them. Weiss remembered what his comrades taught him and his arms shone with a silver light as a couple of claws took their place. "Metal claw." The shining limb hit a Griffin on the side, clearly breaking some bones beneath the feathers. 'Collarbone.' Leaping to the next pirate, Weiss used the claw part of his attack as he dug into the flesh, causing some bones to dislocate as a result. 'Shoulder'. Next was one of the few Pegasi, who had used its smaller size to jump towards him, yet Weiss' halberd blade began to shine as he headbutted the Pony with an Iron Head, careful not use the blade itself as he cracked its bones. 'Nose.' Finally was the bigger Griffin of the group, who instead used his height and claws to pin down the Pokemon. Weiss however decided to do something a bit flashier. He threw his fist at the pirate's chest, a strong light covering it as he made contact with the creature. "Giga Impact." The big Griffin was sent flying towards the other side of the deck, taking some of his crew alongside the way. 'Ribcage.' "What the flock are you waiting for!" Demanded the pirates' captain once his stupor ended. "Flank this son of a crow from the sky!" At his command some Griffins took off, only to be suddenly knocked back by Edge. "How rude of you captain," mocked the dragon. "To have forgotten about me so soon." Edge's distraction gave Weiss enough time to cool off from the Giga Impact. 'Okay, great output, terrible reload,' he thought as he thanked Arceus for his comrade's presence. The number of attackers had diminished by half and there was enough room for Weiss to try one last thing properly. The Bisharp removed his clothing calmly and said, "Scary Face." Then his expression became terrifying, at least to the pirates. They were too scared now to even think about attacking Weiss, which told the mercenary that it was time to end things. He pull out both of his blades which began to glow softly. "Fury Cutter." Now having the speed advantage, the former human dashed around the remaining foes as he listed each obliterated limb. 'Claws.' 'Beak.' 'Lungs.' 'Femur.' 'Jaw.' Each time his blades made impact, the glow which cover them become shinier and shinier. By the time he reached the pirate's captain, they were blinding. "P-please... I-I surr-We surrender!" Exclaimed the captain in defeat, however he never let go of his sword. He raised his sword as soon he thought Weiss was distracted, he brought it down, only to hit air, before a single line was uttered from behind him. "Wings." The fat Griffin let out a terrible scream as he jerked on the floor, both of his wings bended in various unnatural ways. "Please!" screamed the Griffin. "Kill me!" It was unknown if it was the pain or the fear of losing his wings what made him say that. "Sorry captain, but I am an imperial dog," slowly replied Weiss as he retrieved his blades, picked up his clothes and entered the ship's lower floor, leaving the poor creatures to their torment. Weiss looked around the ship for any more pirates to fight, yet he found none. Instead, he found something he thought was of far more importance: the armory. "Jackpot!" Exclaimed the Bisharp as he focused on a wall filled with knives of many shapes and sizes. “These will work perfectly with Fling,” he thought out loud as he removed a knife, only to find a big and dilated eye on the other side. At first, he thought it could be a victim of the pirates...until it blinked. "Oh my, it seems our luck has made a turn for the better," commented a female voice, apparently the owner of the eye. Weiss could only give one response. "Dafak!" > Twelfth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twelfth Move Parting ways Somewhere between Griffenhiem and Equestria Weiss removed a wall of knives, daggers and even needles to discover something unexpected; a door. A cell door to be precise, and behind it were two creatures, clearly Pokemon. One had a body similar to a fox mixed with a cat, with cream and pink fur, small bows adorning its neck and head, while four long feeler-like tendrils curled around. The other was surprisingly less exotic but just as extravagant; its whole white body was reminiscent of an angel mixed with some sort of bird. Though it had not beak or feathers, yet it managed keep itself off the ground without flapping its wings, as if some magic kept it afloat. There were a couple of patterns on its belly, while two small feet dangled on the bottom of it. Three crown-like spikes finished the design of such an odd yet happy looking creature. "I thank ye for your fair aid, oh unknown black knight!" thanked the Togekiss with what Weiss considered a fitting feminine fairy tale tone. "Don't mention it," calmly replied the newly appointed knight. "But how did a couple of fairies end up in a pirate ship's cell?" "We do not know," replied the Sylveon, who had a surprisingly masculine but elegant tone. "We were going to meet a friend of ours when this whole incident that brought us here took place.” The mercenary quickly noticed how the male Sylveon keep one of its limbs close to the Togekiss in a comforting way. He also began to notice a 'foul' essence. “What a tragedy. To have lost all we knew in the blink of an eye, but..." continued the flying fairy while gently looking at the other fairy on the ground. "There are good things born from it, definitely worth smiling about." The essence increased. "~cough~ that is good and all," said Weiss while thinking that at least one of those two was a former human, and that they seemed to enjoy their current 'predicament’. But still, he wanted to know, "Then how did you two end up here?" Weiss made a motion for them to follow him, the stench becoming a bit unbearable for him. "Oh yes, I almost forgot about it!" Exclaimed the Togekiss while following the Bisharp, Sylveon closely behind. "Its not your fault my lady. It’s been quite the experience." 'Arceus! Get a room, you two!' thought Weiss while keeping his duster's neck close to his face, just to realize that they had JUST come out of one, and had probably made use of it. 'That would explain the smell.' "Certainly it has been, my love," the Togekiss smiled, to which Weiss rolled his eyes. 'Subtle,' thought Weiss dryly. "We awoke in some sort of mountain in the middle of the ocean and ended up in some sort of cave while looking for help," the Togekiss explained. "Let me guess," Weiss interrupted. "You two wandered around in it and stumble across some room full of treasure, only to be captured shortly after by the pirates." Both fairies stopped in shock. "That is far beyond some wild guess my good sir!" Stated the Togekiss. "I must say, I have never heard of a Dark-type able to read the future besides Absol!" Completed the Sylveon. The mercenary only gave them an incredulous look and proceeded. "It’s not something that rare...in novels at least... But still, you guys look strong. I am sure you could have made it out with no problem." "We certainly did," congratulated the female herself, "those poor lost souls were ease to defeat, but they were more cunning than we could have ever expect them!" "Don't be harsh on yourself my lady," her Sylveon reassured. "No one could have seen through such a treacherous lie." "Treacherous? Was someone really so smart in the crew? Because I missed them entirely," Weiss commented, hoping such an individual wasn’t still on the loose on the ship. "What happened?" "Those tricky pirates gave up once we prove to be too much for them and treated us to some 'victory suit' they said," tears started to appear on her eyes as she continued, "And we foolishly trusted them!" "... So... You just followed them to the cell?" Asked Weiss, wondering when the slapstick will come. "And they even covered the door with lots of iron, even when we told them we were weak against it," finished Sylveon with the same dramatic tone as the Togekiss. "You guys are kidding right...?" Weiss deadpanned. "Right!?" "I wish we were," continued the female. "But those pirates showed no remorse or mercy at all." "Those ruffians!" Weiss was too dumbstruck by the innocent stupidity these two fairies were showing to even say a word…but eventually he just had to ask. "Who are you two again?" "Oh, where are my manners?" the Togekiss commented. "I am the gym leader specializing in fairy-types; Valerie from Laverre city, and this is my faithful companion, friend, lover and husband: Sylveon." "It’s an honor to make your acquaintance." Many thoughts crossed the leader's mind, most dealing with the question of how someone as dumb as this managed to become who she was back on earth. 'Then again she was a model,' he thought dryly. "Charmed..." "So you, brave knight, can share your name with us?" "...Weiss." "Ah! Such a wonderful name," replied the other former human. "And so contrasting," her partner added. "A being clad in so much black, yet is called 'white'. What are the odds?" " Thanks... I guess... " he meekly replied, while also remembering that he renamed himself with that in mind. Weiss took a moment to noticed how Valerie's patterns were similar to clouds instead of the regular triangular red and blue shapes from other Togekiss. Her body was also different, as her wings seemed to be slightly larger than average, yet her body was way thinner than the regular Jubilee Pokemon. 'Why is it that Gym Leaders have Pokemon forms that look so...'customised', while I seem to be a standard 'stock’ form?' He wondered, while also asking himself if all Gym Leaders had something unique that told them apart in this new world. At that moment, a skater Lucario, an old looking Mismagius and a headphone wearing Flaffy, among others, sneezed. The group didn't take long to reach the deck, the Acadia already getting close to them. "I have to apologize for the mess," joked Weiss as the unconscious pirates covered the wood. Both fairies frozen on the spot. "By Arceus' glory! Don't you have any remorse?" "...come again?" "What have these poor souls done to you to deserve this?" Dramatically asked Valerie while holding the captain from the back, the action only causing him even MORE pain. "They tried to assault us!" deadpanned Weiss, the incredulity he was feeling steadily rising. "But of course they would, they are pirates!" The mercenary didn't know how to respond. "...and I thought Simon was unbelievable." "Don't worry poor soul, you will be better in no time," proclaimed Valerie. "Wait-what!?" As Weiss said this, Valerie's body began to glow brightly, the warm shine softly embracing the captain, his crew and even Weiss himself, who soon felt how his body tingle while what little tiredness he had vanished. Once the fairy finished, the defeated pirates began to rise to their feet one by one, all of them showing great expressions on their faces at the feeling of being magically healed. And magic was the source alright as Weiss recalled. "Wish can only heal one target per time, not a whole ship! How did you did that?" He was unable to get an answer though, as it seemed Valerie had depleted all of her energy on the robbers, Sylveon carefully carrying her with his ribbon-like tendrils. It was then that Weiss noticed both fairies were the source of the stench, much to his displeasure. On their end, the pirates began to look at their sudden stroke of luck: they had the incoming ship at a range close enough to start boarding it, not to mention they also had the element of surprise. If they played their cards well, all could end in their favor. "Great, now I have to beat them all again! Do you know how hard was to pull this off without killing them?" Or they could just fly away and keep their sorry hides. The second option seem all the more appealing since they knew first claw how efficient the mercenary was. And so, they decided to throw whatever pride they had to the wind, and promptly ran off the deck and into the sky, flapping their wings as fast as they could. In just a couple of minutes, all pirates had abandoned their ship entirely. "Meh, that's better," shrugged Weiss as he turned back to both fairies. "Come with us, you can place her on a bed on our ship." Not having much of a choice, Sylveon agreed. They boarded the Acadia once it was besides them, while they did so, Weiss looked at his team and asked, "So, how did I do?" "Too long." "Improperly and messy." "Muchos punches." "You call that passionate!?" "I think you looked great." "... you fucking people..." deadpanned Weiss as he guided the new arrivals to their room. Weiss informed his team about what had happen once he had gotten into the pirate's ship as soon as he left Valerie and Sylveon in their room, Anzu and Surskit giving them some company. "So she actually went into the cell by her own...?" Asked Rouge. "So they say." "Is she loco!?" Pancha exclaimed, the rest of the team thinking the same. "I am currently wondering the same, although they could be under the effects of some drug or hallucinogen, since the room they were in reeked terribly!" Weiss reasoned. "Reek?" Inquired Rouge. "Yeah, I think they may be high or something, that's why they acted so foolishly." "Darling... you mean you don't know what that essence is?" "What do you mean?" Inquired now Weiss. "Vera: when mommy Pokemon and daddy Pokemon loves each other really really mucho, they begin to share a common perfume." Weiss didn't know if he should feel impressed or ashamed about being lectured by Pancha of all mons. "And what you mean by that its...?" "That they are a couple," calmly concluded the Roserade. "That essence is emitted so others know that they are already taken." "Like engagement rings for Ponies then?" Inquired Daring, to which both girls nodded. "Okay, they smell like 'love' then. Why does it suck so much?" Asked the Bisharp. "Well...the essence varies from individuals, almost like Spritzee and Aromatisse, and I am afraid that it just so happens that you are the type who found the essence foul to your sense of smell." Weiss then thought on how many former humans would be in situations like Valerie and Sylveon, finally able to love each other with no one to suppress their passion and be happy with one another from now on. "yippiedee-fucking-doo!" It wasn't a nice thought for him. "But then, why didn’t I notice it with Roll and Shredder?" he noted before his mind drift to somewhere (or rather to someone) else. "They have been together for years now. The essence doesn't need to be that strong anymore." "Not to mention your kind isn't famous for its nose," added Pancha. "Point taken," Weiss admitted while mentally cursing his luck. As they were talking, Sylveon walked into the room, looking slightly down yet not depressed. If anything, he looked tired. "Once again, I thank you for your help," his tone was still elegant, but it was far more regular in comparison to his previous, overacted, speech pattern. "You are welcome," Weiss simply said, clearly noticing the difference. "Is your 'lady' going to be alright?" "Yeah, yeah..." The fairy looked at the pirate ship now being towed by the Acadia, yet he wasn't focusing on anything on particular. "It’s just... Valerie and I were happy back on Earth, even though we knew that showing our feelings in public would be a death sentence so we just accepted our fate." "I asked you about your partner, not about your personal life story..." Commented Weiss, but Sylveon didn't seemed to hear or care. "That never stopped us from loving each other. Lady Elesa, Lady Cynthia, Mr. Mime and Mawile supported us after all. We even got to encourage other trainers and Pokemon to follow their hearts," Sylveon's eyes drifted off again, staring into the distance, Pancha trying to figure out what he was looking at. "I wonder how the kid with the Meowstic and the boy with the Gardevoir are doing?" "He’s ignoring us, isn't he?" Rogue commented, while Xavier only gave her a redundant glance. "However... She still wanted a more intimate relationship...not that we didn't do it of course." he said proudly while happily adding, "We were so flustered that first time." "That was too much information, thank you very much," Weiss deadpanned while fitting some of the blades acquired from the pirates into his coat. "Then began her obsession with being as similar to a Pokemon as possible. It wasn't that bad but..." again the fairy's blue eyes looked deep into the past. "I was afraid she would take it too seriously one day so I would lose her forever." "This guy may not be using that exaggerated tone, but Arceus, isn't he acting that way!" Exclaimed Simon. "So when we arrived here, with her new glorious body, it was as if Cresselia herself had advocated for us! We could barely hold our happiness." However, Sylveon didn't look happy at all. "Then she began to talk like that. I thought it was her way to express her joy, but she didn't stop using it, not even when those pirates attacked us." Checkmate had stopped trying to make Sylveon end his story, so they instead decided to ignore him. All but one. "I... I am worried I may lose her here," expressed the Gym Leader's husband while tears flowed from his eyes. "Now that we finally had a chance for freedom." "So you are afraid of her going insane then?" Finally asked Daring, who unlike the mercenaries had properly heard his story so far. Sylveon nodded while wiping his tears with a paw. "And have you told her about this?" "It’s not like this is new for her. I mean, she used to talk like that whenever she had to act like a Gym Leader, as if it were her battle cry, or whenever she was happy." "Then what worries you?" Inquired the explorer Pegasus while leaning on the worried Pokemon's shoulder. "If what I understand is right, your previous world was a real douche to those in love like you guys, so it’s only natural for a girl to be so damn happy about finally being able to share her life with the Pony, or mon in your case, she loves. She is just utterly happy!" "Y-you think so?" Innocently asked Sylveon. "But of course!" Assured Daring while giving the husband a friendly bump on the shoulder. "Just give her some time." The eeveelution gave Daring a hug with his paws and tendrils. "Thank you miss Do, it’s great to have someone to properly talk with after so long!" "Not a problem," replied Daring while feeling a tad bit awkward with the way he showed his gratitude. “It’s what ANY normal pony would do!" The last part was dedicated to the other Pokemon, who just shrugged it off. "We’re mercenaries, not therapists," Weiss said nonchalantly. The Pegasus was about to retort something when Harlock cut her off. "I have to thank you and your dragon for helping us earlier," he said in a very unconvincing voice, only to quickly return to his previous distrustful one. "But now because of your extra weight," he points at the towed ship. "We are going to arrive at Manehattan later than expected. At this rate, we may lose a day!" The group didn't like to be blamed for the new schedule, but didn't say a thing about it, as they knew Harlock was the kind of guy who liked to talk back. Normally Weiss wouldn’t care about this issue, as he was a patient individual and knew that sometimes it was a good idea to be patient and wait, but this time wasn't one of those. Deep inside, something told him he had to get to the Hall of Legends as fast as he could, and such triviality as a towing ship wasn't going to stop him. With that in mind, he glanced at Edge, who was currently amazing some of the Griffins with her maneuvers, and came to a conclusion. “Then I'm afraid I will have to take the lead." A large shadow suddenly covered them as Edge perched herself on the ship's side right besides them. “We are taking off then?" she asked, her tone excited. "If everyone is okay with that," replied Weiss with a smile while looking at his team. They simply shared a knowing smile and nodded, while adding, "Be sure to say hi for us!" "Shut up!" And then laughter broke out amongst the group, leaving a confused Griffin, a puzzled Pegasus and a curious Sylveon. "Okay then, who wants to come?" asked Weiss. "I am needed here," said Xavier, something the leader expected. "And waste this cruise so suddenly? I am sorry but you can count me out," replied Rouge with an elegant motion of her bouquet-like hands. "Meat," was all Pancha said. "There is an awful amount of water down there..." Simon childishly said while looking over the rails. "..." Greninja didn't say a thing, he simply moved a step forward beside Weiss, the latter nodding in return. "Anyone else?" Asked to the rest of his 'new' team, Anzu, Daring and Surskit, "...wait! Weren't you girls with Valerie?" "I am going too!" Said a voice already besides Edge. Turning to the source to saw Valerie perched next to Edge. "Dear! What are you thinking?" Sylveon exclaimed, placing his exaggerated accent just at the end of his sentence. "It’s alright, my love," Valerie calmly said to her husband. She then turned to Weiss. "You plan to meet our fair lord Arceus, right dark knight?" Weiss nodded. "Then I shall join thee on this quest, as I too have something of utmost importance to ask him." "Suit yourself," was the only reply he gave her before he hopped on to Edge's back, Greninja doing the same in a more 'ninja' fashion. "Last chance. Anyone else coming along?" "I am going too!" Daring quickly said while flying besides the Pokemon. "There is no way I am losing more time for action and adventure in this flying bathtub!" "Oi!" Exclaimed a Griffin. "Very well then, it seem we are all set. All we need now is a rendezvous point... Mhm... What is the nearest town to the Hall?" Weiss asked their guide. "That would be Ponyville," replied Daring without thinking much, as being an experienced adventurer, she was practically a living map. "Its settled then," confirmed Xavier. "We will head to this 'Ponies Ville' once we reach land." He then raised one of his massive legs at Weiss' group. "Until then, godspeed you three!" The rest of the mercenaries did the same with their fist closed (at least those with fists), Weiss, Edge and Greninja doing the same on their end. Meanwhile, Valerie and Sylveon shared one last hug and kiss before parting ways. "It will be agonising to wait till our next time together," said the Togekiss. "I will endure. You be careful out there," replied Sylveon. They slowly let go of each other's embrace, the morning light giving their departure a fairy tale atmosphere of Pokewoods proportions. "Ah! The cuteness is killing me! Someone blow something up!" Demanded an overly embarrassed Excadrill. Feeling pity for him, Rouge shot a Energy Ball at the pirate's ship, exploding on contact. "Thanks..." Weiss laughed and then patted Edge's neck. "Let’s go." At his command, the Noivern let go of the Acadia and let herself be pulled by gravity, turning herself towards the horizon with a movement of her massive wings. Valerie and Daring following closely behind. "Okay Daring," said Edge in a friendly tone. "Where to?" Griffienheim Empire Nesting Hold castle Training grounds Shredder stood before a group of Griffin soldiers of many branches of the empire's army: cadets, veteran, imperial guards, sky patrol, etc. Yet their numbers didn't surpass that of a battalion, as there were no more than 17 Griffins. Victoria had originally planned for every member of her army to be part of the new Pokemon training program, but she also wanted her soldiers to choose freely, thus only a few members decided to join. Shredder wasn't bothered by this in the slightest, since she thought it was better to have quality over quantity. So the first thing to do would be to give a good and well thought speech to greet her new recruits, or maybe allow them to introduce themselves one by one, or she would rather start screaming insults to every last one of them like every drill sergeant who has ever lived. Instead she only said. "The one able to land a hit on me can leave." And that was it, the Griffin looked at her in confusion, wondering if she was crazy, most of them were double her weight, and almost all of them surpassed her height. Yet she didn't seem to have said anything wrong, as she slowly removed her sword from her side and carefully threw it at a Griffin servant while adding, "I don't have all day." Finally one of the cadets broke the line and dashed toward her as he gave a war cry and launched a punch right at her face, only for the Bisharp to block, and twist the punch, forcing him down. "Too obvious," was all she said, before kicking him back into the line. "Next!" It didn't take long for another Griffin to take his chances with her, this one being a member of the sky patrol, took the aerial route instead and sky bombed toward the Pokemon with the intention of pinning her down with his weight. However, all Shredder had to do was jump to the side and throw a kick as soon as she landed, kicking the air out of the Griffin's lungs. “Not fast enough!” Another Griffin took the challenge as the sky trooper limped back into formation. This one was an older looking Griffin, golden armor covering his chest, claws and head while the emblem of the Sighfridian squad, Victoria's personal guard, decorated it. The looks on the Griffins show a bit awe as he passed before them. He didn't make any attempts to charge or mindlessly attack Shredder. Instead, he merely walked till he was before her and gave her a polite salute, which Shredder returned, though neither of them broke eye contact. They had this staring contest going on for a silent minute, before one of them made a move. The Griffin threw a jab at Shredder, who quickly intercepted, leaving the Griffin leaning against her. However she wasn't able to twist it against its aggressor like she had done before. "Oh, not bad." the female Bisharp complimented. "What's your name soldier?" "Harbinger Ulfric, former head of our excellency's personal guard," Replied the veteran with a thick Nordic Griffin accent. "You do possess astounding strength Ulfric, but how about your agility?" As she asked this, Shredder swept his legs, only for Ulfric to flap his wings and avoid the fall. However Shredder didn't seemed impressed, in fact she looked displeased. "You didn't let go," she coldly said while tightening her grip around the Griffin's claw. Pulling the now airborne body of the imperial guard down and slamming him into the ground caused two things, one: a small burst of dust erupted like a small explosion, and two: all remaining trainees lost their enthusiasm to take on the Pokemon's challenge. "You are promising despite your age, Harbinger Ulfric," Shredder praised while helping the old Griffin stand up. "But you need a wider mindset for the job you have taken upon." She then turned to the rest of of her trainees and continued. "You all need to forget what you used to know. Pokemon can be either honorable fighters or sneaky tricksters, sometimes we can be both, thus you need to learn how to act and react to any kind of situation," she then raised her hand to the help holding her sword, which was soon thrown it back at her. Shredder then proceeded to place its tip on the ground while exclaiming a single line. "Welcome to the Imperial Pokemon Corps, training starts now!” Griffenheim Empire Avice's School for bright children The orphanage burst into cheers as a certain Lopunny presented herself to help miss Buho from then on, a frilled apron, a pen and a notepad as her work uniform. Much for the resident teacher's shock and surprise. Somewhere between Griffenheim and Equestria Weiss' group Daring's wings were flapping at an insane speed, annoying the Pegasus mare to no end, yet all she had been able to do was keeping up with Edge’s gliding and eventual flapping. The explorer was amazed before of the mercenaries' speed, but this was downright pathetic for her. On her end, Valerie wasn't doing any better, despite using her fairy powers to fly. "You girls know you can latch on to me whenever you want don't you?" Calmly commented the Noivern without looking back, not that she was rude. "I appreciate the offer, my dragon lady, but this is a quest I must fulfil by myself, no matter how harsh the winds or how hard the roads!" Dramatically replied the Togekiss. "And I can't leave Valerie here fighting so hard on her own... Right?" Lied the stubborn marte once Weiss had translated with some miming that would make a Mr. Mime proud. "Suit yourselves then," replied Weiss while Edge laughed at her new title. "But we still have some distance to cover... How long exactly?" The Bisharp asked in gestures. Daring then made an estimated calculation. They have been flying non stop for a couple of hours now, but the distance between her homeland and the land of the Griffins was supposed to be crossed in two to three days in a lazy cruiser ship, so for them... "We will be reaching ground in around five hours, then we can proceed towards the Everfree forest. At the rate we’re going, we will be there around midday tomorrow," Daring proudly announced her calculations. "Wait, wait, wait!" Exclaimed Edge the moment she heard that, and turned her dulled gaze towards Daring. "You’re telling me we are going to wait and rest once we touch ground?" she asked, an eyebrow raised toward the mere. "... Ehm... Yes?" Replied Daring, guessing what Edge just asked. "Nope!" Exclaimed Edge as she grabbed both Daring and Valerie with her talons. "You are not cramping my style!" "You two may want to hold on like your lives depend on it," joked Weiss as he buried himself in Edge's furry neck, Greninja doing the same behind him. "Because it does!" Finished the Bisharp as Edge began to flap harder and faster. Both female passengers wanted to voice their protest, but the roaring wind made that impossible. "Time to show these mortals the meaning of speed!" Cheered Edge to herself as she shot a constant wave of ultrasonic screams, her already fast speed doubling as a result and the scenery becoming a blur. Daring had only heard stories and legends about the famous Sonic Rainboom, but she wondered how Rainbow Dash was actually able to pull it off. And after a few seconds under Edge's accelerated flight, she decided to ask her biggest (and most annoying) fan something: If the world she saw was similar to the one she was watching right now? She gazed at the ocean passing by at an insane speed for what she thought was mere minutes, when in fact it was an hour. Suddenly a port city appeared beneath them, and the moment it did, the speed decreased. "Okay, we are over land now. Where to next?" Asked Edge in Pokespeak, only to remember it would have sounded like gibberish to Daring, so she opted for a less subtle tactic; shake her like a maraca. "How! Wait, stop it!" Exclaimed Daring as she faced the Dragon-type, who only gave her a questioning gaze, "...what...? Oh right, directions." It took a moment for her to realize where she was. Luckily they were high on the air and the city they just passed by was big. "That is Baltimare, so that means we should go..." She then raised a hoof pointing at a mountain surrounded by a thick, dark forest, "That way!" As soon the course was set, Edge increased her speed once more, though this time she didn’t need to use her ultrasonic trick again. In five minutes they were right above the Hall of Legends, home of Arceus and his family. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce we have reached our destination," The Noivern said playfully while acting like a flight captain’s voice in an announcement, static at the end of each sentence included. "We suggest that you remain in your seats while we land and remind you that whenever you need to get somewhere, Air-Noivern wasn't your best choice." Weiss chuckled at the joke as he stretched, but suddenly felt his comrade halt on the spot, her ears focused on a point on the ground. "Ehm... Problems captain?" Half joked Weiss as he too felt something. Needles to say Greninja was also alerted. "Finally!" Exclaimed Daring as she and Valerie were released. "I am so complaining to this traveling company," joked the explorer as if she knew about the joke. The only problem was that it wasn’t the best time anymore. "Ehm... Guys...?" The explorer noticed the sudden change of attitude in the mercenaries, and so did Valerie. "Is that supposed to be normal?" Asked the former Gym Leader. "Only if you count their killer-switch going on," replied Daring, again guessing what the Pokemon just said with incredible accuracy. "I only hope this ends well..." was all the Pegasus could say as they all noticed a flame quickly coming their way. > Thirteenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirteenth Move Encounters, encounters everywhere Ignis was having a rather good day. He had just found out what he wanted to do with his life on this new world, found a couple of Pokemon he knew, reunited them with their trainer and even managed to find his own trainer as well. However he also had to part ways with him as soon as he reunite with Seth, the former human who was like a hatch mate to him. And though he found his new look as a Luxray rather fitting, if not humorous, Ignis was having a bad time getting used to the idea of him ditching Seth after so long. He knew he was in good care with Elesa, Selena and Rika, whom he cheered for. There was also a Pony with him as well, thus he was bound to be alright without him. Yet he also felt sad, but above all, he was angry. Angry with himself. So here we had a Charizard who was in a rather agitated state, looking for something to distract his already blazing head, when he suddenly felt several presences, most of them promising a good fight. "Okay then..." said the Fire-type to himself as he took to the sky. "Let's cool down with a good battle!" Above the Everfree Forest Weiss' group The group looked down at the light coming their way, Daring and Valerie wondering what it could possibly be that it could cause the mercenaries to go into “mercenary mode”, as Daring dubbed it. What’s more, the Pegasus was in a worse situation, as she couldn’t even ask what was going on. An eternal minute passed by as the fireball grew larger, eventually revealing to be a large dragon-like creature heading their way. However, despite the many travels and adventures Daring Do had been on, a dragon with its tail on fire was not yet on the list of the weirder things she had seen before. Then again...the last three days have proven to be all but conventional. The dragon-like creature was orange in color and had two slightly disproportionate blue wings carrying him at a surprisingly good speed. A pair of cold blue eyes locked on them as it roared with enthusiasm. "You!" Exclaimed the Charizard while pointing a claw at the mercenaries and demanded, "You are strong, fight me!" For some unknown reason, Daring was able to understand this creature, thus she wonder if he was indeed a Pokemon or an unknown type of dragon from Equuus. "Asking for something without introducing yourself is rude Bisharp-sharp bisharp," replied Weiss from his end, "Besides, we may need to land first Bisharp sharp, Bisharp." "You can land if you want pipsqueak!" Exclaimed the Charizard, which confirmed to Daring that he was in fact, a Pokemon. "Its him I want to fight with!" Weiss didn't say anything, but could clearly feel his eye twitching, "Edge, kick his butt, Bish, Bi-bisharp" said the Bisharp as he turned to both females beside them and gestured his arms up, "sould you kindly do this? Bi sharp, Bisharp?" Valerie obliged and Daring copy her by reaction, as soon both of her limbs were up, Weiss throw himself off and grab each of them, forcing the girls to slow down his fall, much to their surprise and annoyance. Greninja on his end only give Edge a reassuring look and a thumb up before jumping off her. "Edge!" Commented the Charizard, "that is one interesting name you have there, who knows; maybe I will remember it if you put a good fight!" And then charged at the dragon-type. Ignis was surprised by the height these Pokemon were at. Not the height itself, but by the fact he could feel them, sense their power, all the way from the ground. This however, thrilled him far more than it scared him. He then got his first glimpse of the owners of the presence: a Noivern, a Greninja, and a Bisharp. There was also a Togekiss and a yellow Pegasus, but he paid little attention to them as he felt little power coming from them. However, he kept his gaze fixed on the Dragon-type as if it were some sort of oddity or rarity, which it was in a way, since Ignis hadn’t had the chance to fight one untill now. Luckily it was blind, unable to see the eyes Ignis was using, which weren't nice as the thought of parting ways with Seth was still fresh in his mind. "You!" He declared while pointing at the Noivern, hoping the thrill of the fight will help him ignore the event as soon as possible. "You are strong, fight me!" He couldn't stop thinking what would Seth have said and come up with in a moment like this, facing an unknown opponent, this making him angry with himself again, slightly hearing the Bisharp saying something about landing. "You can land if you want pipsqueak!" Exclaimed Ignis while wanting the match to start ASAP, "It’s him I want to fight with!" He look as the rest of the group bailed out, but he clearly made out one word. "Edge," he said as he couldn't hold back his eager fighting spirit any longer and charged into the heat of battle. "That’s one interesting name you have there, who knows; maybe I will remember it if you put a good fight!" Yet he only hit air, as he looked around for his prey, only to find Edge flapping in the same spot as before. "I was merely waiting for my team to reach the ground you hot head!" Exclaimed back the mercenary before Ignis could think on what just happened. "And for your information," she suddenly disappeared and reaped right beside him and finished, "I am a female!" While throwing a gust of wind at him. The wind wasn't hard enough to be called an attack, but it sure made Ignis lose his balance. Whoever this Noivern was, it-SHE surely knew how to read the wind. "And I still don’t know your name hothead. Mind sharing it this time?" It wasn't as if she wanted to hear it, but at least it would give her team enough time to reach the ground safely. Ignis was about to simply give his name and start again, but something told him that wasn't right, a feeling similar to the one driving him to this fight. So instead he proudly shouted his full name and title, “I am Ignis Crescent, brother to Seth Crescent!" At the notion of this, the Noivern seemed to gain some actual interest on him. "Crescent? The same Crescent who promoted human-Pokemon relationships? That Seth Crescent?" She asked in disbelief, only to erupt in laughter a moment later. "So you are the 'brother' of our would-be target?" The way she said 'target' made the Flame Pokemon feel uncomfortable for some reason. However he didn't let that show as he replied, "Of course I am, and his is a just and great cause!" However he couldn't stop to ask, "And what about it? What do you mean he’s your ‘target’?" "It WAS a glorious cause," corrected and mocked the female dragon. "And we were asked to 'end' his life by some people who didn't like his philosophy." Upon hearing this, Ignis roared in anger at the notion that they intended to take his brother’s life. Despite that, Edge seemed unfazed by his bravado. "Oh don’t get all flared up...at least more than you already are. We declined the offer, since our boss thought your brother was okay." "Hmp..." snarled Ignis. "Even if you were to have accepted the job, you all would have met your defeat the instant you fought us!" "Would we?" Cooly asked the Noivern while lazily circling around Ignis. "What make you think we would have give you a chance to fight to begin with?" Ignis couldn't stand being mocked any longer, especially by someone who had been tasked to end his brother’s life. So with another roar, he launched himself toward the Noivern, waiting till he was at point blank range to throw his attack at her while exclaiming, "Dragon Pulse!" Everfree Forest Weiss' group Weiss and the rest of the group walked away, leaving Edge and Ignis to their match, the mercenaries showing unwavering trust in their comrade. "You guys should be out there cheering for her!" Exclaimed Daring a bit upset while following the Pokemon. Aside from the seemingly lack of care she was seeing, the fact that she had just been used as a parachute didn't help her mood at all as they headed toward the newly placed mountain besides the Everfree. She didn't know what they had been talking about, as for some reason she could only understand Ignis, but the carefree attitude they were showing gave her a good idea of what it could have been. Weiss calmly look at her and wrote a single line on the ground: 'we would be a distraction', followed by 'or could get hit by an attack and be caught on the middle of the crossfire' by Greninja, who was surprisingly talkative when writing. Daring scoffed at both lines, wondering what could possibly happen that made them deem it necessary to leave a team member behind. After all, she had already seen what they were capable of doing so there was no point in walking away of it. Then the first blast was heard and felt, and suddenly Daring felt that this was a VERY wise move. "I suggest we make haste, Bisharp sharp" commented Weiss as he increased the pace, the rest following his example, whether they understood him or not. Aerial battleground Edge's location Ignis turned around once the smoke created by his attack had cleared out, only to reveal nothing, and found Edge calmly gliding behind him, the expression she gave him clearly showed that she wasn’t impressed. "Wow," she mocked. "A dragon attack against a Dragon-type, how original!" Falling to her provocation, Ignis threw a small ball of energy at her, which she easily dodged. "Okay, now you are not even trying!" Commented Edge at the last attack. "I wasn't aiming at you," snarled back Ignis as the attack headed towards the sky, clearing any cloud out of the way and causing the sun to shine brightly. The Flame Pokemon dashed toward Edge, as he expected the sudden light will distract her for a second, time enough to roast her with his "Searing Flamethrower". Yet to his surprise, she didn't even flinched at the light as she flew around the infernal flames Ignis had unleashed at her as if it were a mere acrobatic exhibition. She then started to gather a large amount of dragonic energy in her mouth, which Ignis quickly recognised as Dragon Pulse, and thanks to how fast she closed the range between them, there was little he could do but brace for the impact head on, yet she didn't shoot, she bit the energy and spun around Ignis, then she 'spit' her Dragon Pulse at his back as a small but powerful bullet. The resulting explosion causing Ignis to lose his aerial balance once more. "Fire against a dragon, that is as smart as using a Fairy-type against an Aggron," Edge tiredly commented. "Wh-what was that...?" Ignis asked, "Dragon Pulse can’t be shot like that!" "Dragon Bullet, my own version," cockly replied Edge, "it has increased power because of the added speed." "Cute trick," prized Ignis sarcastically, "but don’t think it will work aga-" Ignis had his words cut by another bullet to the face. Ignis found that her attack was surprisingly annoying and damaging as he struggled to regain his balance once more, yet he glared at Edge as his wings shine and throw a cutting blast of wind at her, "Air Slash!" "Finally, a good choice!" Edge sarcastically applauded, if she could actually clap of course, but she merely spun around the blades of air. "But you aren't the only one who knows how to read the wind!" She declared while surrounding them with her own wind and then sending them back at the Charizard. Ignis was surprised by her sudden counter, but he was able to avoid his own attack with ease, what he didn't expect was that she threw a Hurricane at zero range, increasing its already low hit range at a 100%, and trapping him on a momentary and painful air prison, however she wasn't done yet, as he heard her shot her Dragon bullets at the storm again and again, which didn't took long to catch up with him, hitting him like a hail. "So? Do you like my BulletStorm?," Edge sarcastically asked once all of her bullets had made impact and the wind had calmed down. Ignis found himself at a fault of air and unable to focus on the foe before him. But what had him more stressed was the fact he was still thinking 'what would Seth do in these situation' again and again. He was so into his thoughts that he didn't noticed the moment Edge had moved before him. It took Ignis some seconds to realize this, surprisingly reacting at the Noivern presence, and finally noticing something about her. She was blind. "You... You can't see?" the Charizard asked in shock. Edge snarled. "That's it!" She exclaimed while flying away. "This fight is over. I don't know what the reason is and I don't care, but don't you demand a fight when you aren't fully invested in it!" "What!?" the Charizard wearily demanded, while clumsily following her. "You fell for my taunting, used ineffective attacks, lost sight of your surroundings, you even ignored the part of my blindness for Arceus sake!" She listed, annoyance growing in her tone at each point, finally turning her scared eyes at him. "..." Ignis didn't know how to reply, as he had to admit, she was right. Normally he was a far better fighter than this. "So whenever you feel like stop feeling whatever is slowing you down, you can try to challenge me again." Edge was about to fly away for good when she felt Ignis’ presence increase, not in a menacing violent way, but as a strong foe. "I can still fly," he calmly replied, "So I won't let you fly away from this fight! This isn't over yet!" He knew he was an attack away from fainting, but if he was going down, he will do it fighting, not being written off as some low level encounter. Edge seemed to see him on a slightly different light now, as she turn herself to face him. "Very well then, if that is what you want," she happily replied, seemingly enjoying Ignis new found confidence. Ignis growled and then charged at his for one more time. The world spun around Ignis as he plumber toward the ground, yet he was clearly smiling. He had charged at Edge as fast as he could, another Dragon Pulse charging on his throat as he closed the distance between both of them, finally copying her own maneuver and spun around her while unleashing his attack at her back, hitting clear between her wings. Yet the figure of Edge wavered at the impact, disappearing soon after. Seeing this made Ignis realise there were now dozens of Noiverns flying around him. "Double Team huh?" Noticed the Charizard. But instead of giving up, he made use of what remained of his strength and charge at each one of them, Dragon Bullets raining at him at each second. Ignis knew he was done, but he still managed to keep flying, charging at each illusion as if it were the real thing again and again, until finally he threw a scorching torrent of fire at the real dragoness, who didn't avoid the attack. "Not bad," she honestly praised the tired Charizard's accomplishment, she then flew besides him and whisper to him in a surprisingly sensual tone, "You do have it in you why don't you?" but as soon as her voice left her lips, she proceeded to bite Ignis on the neck with a Leech Life attack, "But I’m resistant to fire, remember?" With what little energy he had being sucked out of him, Ignis began to fall down to the earth, yet he was happy. He had given his all at the end, there was no regret on his part, besides maybe heading to his demise, literally head on. Yet he found himself caught by a gentle gust of wind when he was just about to hit the ground, looking at the wind's owner he found Edge, calmly flapping above him. "I should be ashamed of how I fought today," Ignis apologize as he looked at his rival. "But at least I am glad to know I can give you an actual fight next time!" "An actual fight?" Edge asked with disbelief, and proceeded to laugh in a high pitched tone, "boy, I wasn't giving my all at all." "You are bluffing!" Exclaimed the Charizard after a few doubtful seconds. Edge merely turned towards a nearby boulder and shut another of her Dragon Bullets at it, pricing the thing and blowing it up to smithereens in just an instant. "I could have done that to you at any time," she cooly claimed while landing besides him. "But I thought you were too cute for that, thank Arceus for your good looks!" She joked. Yet, Ignis didn't want to believe it. "Y-you can bluff all you want," he stammered while trying to stand up and thank his luck, not his looks, but he was still glad that Edge was not able to see his blushing face. "But I will show you-!" Again his words were cut off by the Noivern, who pinned him down with her body. "Now, now, you shouldn't push your luck nor your body," she said again with her sensual tone while looking at the blushing Charizard with her blind eyes and whisper, "or I shall punish you!" "...eh?" Was all the aroused and confused Ignis could say as he noticed Edge's ears shine, the Hyper Voice pressing him against the ground. "I would love to have a chance to brawl with you if we ever cross paths again, or to fight if that is more of your liking," was the farewell words Edge gave the Charizard while taking off, her last words slowly blurred as Ignis lost consciousness, but he still could clearly hear, "And don't you dare to remove those fang marks off you, or I will punish you again!" And giggling away the Noivern went, leaving a smiling Charizard pinned down with swirls for eyes behind her. Outside the Hall of legends Weiss' group They found the entrance rather quickly, thanks to the guards besides it that is. Both seemed to be carved out of blocks of ice and rock respectively, the one of ice had a huge block of it for a body and smaller ones for limbs, icicles where its legs and fingers while seven yellow dots organized as a cross take the place of a face of sorts. The rock one seemed to be a pile of boulders joined together to a massive one, this one however seem to be more agile than the other, albeit just a little more, thanks to the larger amount of joints it had on its arms and legs, this one too had dots for a face, although these made an 'H' form instead. To Daring, those seemed to be structures besides the door, mere decoration, but she soon changed her mind as both Legendary Pokemon turned their dots to them, a sequence of signs coming from them. "We seek audience with the lords and ladies of this Hall!" Exclaimed Weiss as a reply, surprisingly calm despite the situation. Both Regis turn to each other and shared another sequence of blips. "Hey!" Demanded the Bisharp. "We are not 'another group of pilgrims’!" Both golems kept their gaze on the newcomers. Whether they were annoyed or surprised was impossible to decipher though. Regirock then had its dots flash in a sequence, before walking into the Hall, while Regice moved to block the door, its dots flashing as well, while Weiss nodded, having understood the command of "Wait here". Meanwhile, Valerie looked surprised at Weiss. "I learned braille for Edge. You know, from when she was a small and sneaky Noibat," Was all the explanation he gave. Daring on her end was in shock, "D-did y-you just yell at and retort at one of your own gods!?" At this, Weiss look at her with incredulity. True, the Regi trio were powerhouses in their own right, but they were far from gods, and maybe elemental embodiments would fit their status more properly. Gods were beings like Arceus and his children, like the Creation or Lake trios, but unfortunately he was unable to explain this to the mare, so all he did was shrug. Before Daring could made another argument, the earth began to softly shake under their feet at a rhythmic phase. Shortly after Regirock returned alongside his father, a white creature so large some vegetation grew on its back and feet. Six eye-like gems stood on its chest while a yellow and round head hold yet another collections of spots. "Follow me," was all Regigigas said in a deep, though almost monotone voice, and as soon he was fully outside he turned around and return inside. "Thank you," was Weiss’ answer as he took the invitation, Greninja right behind him and Valerie not far behind, although not as confident. "Wait!" Exclaimed Daring as she dashed beside Weiss and grabbed his shoulder. "These ... Giants! Are all Pokemon right?" The Bisharp nodded. "And they are just in charge of the security?" Another nod. "So there are even more important and frightening Pokemon inside?" A third nod and Daring felt her haunches touch the ground. "I don't know if you’re too confident, stupid, brave or stupidly confident on your bravery." Weiss laughed at her sort of compliment, patting her on the head to make her know they were going to be okay, even though he himself wasn't fully sure of that. They slowly made their way into the mountain, mostly because of their guide's Slow Start. Weiss was thankful that Edge had stayed behind or else things could have turned 'impatient' very fast. He also wondered if Regigigas just happened to be passing by when they arrived, since it didn't take him long to greet them. This however gave them a chance to contemplate the royal look and elegant design the Hall possessed, marveling both females with each slow step taken by the Colossal Pokemon. The mercenaries on the other hand, didn't seem to care. "Defended better than the Sinnoh nutjobs," was all the praise Weiss gave. Almost thirteen minutes later, the group finally arrived at one massive dining room with a grand dining table in the middle of the room. On it lay a sight none of them expect, not even the mercenaries: a two story tall vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and strawberries, also the legendaries Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Reshiram, Mew and Deoxys holding a plate with a slice of said desert made the scene so much more impressive...or silly. "Oh come on!" Exclaimed the black dragon Zekrom at the sight of the newcomers. "We just had our meal interrupted and now we can't even finish our dessert!?" "Now, now my son," said a gentle yet omnipresent voice from somewhere in the room, making both mercenaries weary. "They only come seeking answers." Then a slight glow come from behind the cake, only to float over it, and the table, and land before them. A white creature slightly similar to an equine, yet possessing no visible mouth, hooves or mane, instead two pair of wise eyes looked at them kindly while an imposing aura emanated from it, an 'X' shaped ring rested on its torso, the source of the Alpha Pokemon's divine light. "Greetings my children and resident of Equus," politely greeted Arceus while making his ring shine once more. "What troubles disturb your mind?" Both Daring Do and Valerie looked at the original Pokemon with awe, barely able to stand their ground. Weiss and Greninja on their end, again didn't seem to care. "I thank you for your warm welcome, Lord Arceus, and I apologise for our sudden intrusion," commented the Bisharp while looking at the table, adding to Daring's shock as she was suddenly capable of understanding him, thanks to Arceus of course. However, ignoring her, Weiss continued. "But one would expect random and unexpected guests to arrive when you caused a world changing event and gave away the location where you currently live." The Deep Black Pokemon glared at the newcomer, only to burst into sonorous laughter. "He has you there Lord Arceus. Not exactly the wisest of moves." "And where else should I greet those looking for answers then?" Asked back the original one. "I don't know, anywhere but where we are at home maybe?" Arceus dropped the topic before it became repetitive and returned to the visitors. "I presume you have something to ask, don't you young Bisharp." "Weiss," the mercenary offered his name and continued, "And being sincere; no. I am not here to see you Lord Arceus. I am here to see someone else, so if you’ll excuse me." And so the former human turned around and began to walk away, much to the shock of everyone in the room, save perhaps Greninja who had his expressionless face on as always while staying with Daring and Valerie. "Well that was new," commented Mew on her end while sipping some tea, though when she had heard his name, she wasn’t all that surprised, remembering that one Legendary had a connection with this particular human. "We deeply apologize for our comrade's outrageous behaviour!" Valerie quickly said in a very apologetic tone and repeatedly bowed as soon as it was clear Weiss wasn't joking. "Y-yeah, not quite sure what happened with him," added Daring, although she wasn't as polite as her Togekiss companion, mostly because she was afraid of what a 'god' could do. "It's okay madames," Arceus replied calmly while watching the clothed Pokemon leave the room and ask something to Regigigas, probably directions. "Believe it or not, I have heard of this being before." The remaining visitors seemed confused, yet none of them wanted to ask. "Either way," proclaimed the god while asking for a third time, "What troubles you young maiden?" Valerie hoped she knew Minimise, as she felt like she wanted nothing more than to shrink as much she could under the Legendary’s gaze, but regained a bit of courage while constantly reminding herself about her reason to be there. 'It’s for him, for us, for our happiness!' She chanted to herself a couple of times till she finally opened her lips and asked in a half scream "L-lord Arceus! Is this... You know... Are we going to remain as Pokemon? Or is the happiness my beloved and I have share thus far an ephemeral dream?" She began to tremble as the possibility of returning to the old ways passed her head. "Please! Please, let this not be a dream..." Small tears began to roll down her face, yet she continued to look up at the Pokemon god. The look she gave through her dilated eyes showed how concern and terrified she was, not about Arceus but about his answer, about the possibility of all this being a mere and sad illusion. The Alpha Pokemon look at her eyes and smiled inwardly. 'Such passion and worry towards her loved one, no wonder she was so synchronized with the Fairy-types,' he then brought his own body down and lay down on the ground before Valerie, so she could have his gaze closer to her height and probably calm her a little. "This is not a dream, I can assure you of that," began Arceus with a paternal tone. "This is reality. You can even ask Darkrai or Cresselia if you wish," offered the god. As soon these words were said, the shadows of the room enlarged and extend towards a single point on the ground, from it a white flowing mass of hair appeared, single cold blue eye followed shortly after and then a voice with a tone dark as the night said, "This is no dream." And then Darkrai's head returned to the shadows. "That was cryptic...and weird," commented the white dragon Reshiram over her cake. "He has been like that as of late," Deoxys explained. "And he seems to be constantly preoccupied with something.” "At any rate," said Arceus as he continued the conversation, "Be at ease. I am not willing to go back, and even if some force capable of making me change my mind suddenly appeared out of thin air, I don't have the power to do so anymore." Arceus knew the last part was perhaps a bit too much of information, but he knew the former Gym Leader would have no use whatsoever for it, though he would have to ask Daring Do to keep it a secret. However, the relieved look Valerie gave him told him he had done the right thing. Yet she returned to her former angsty expression, although not as troubled as before. "I thank you for your kind words my lord, you surely have relieved a monumental weight out of my back..." "But?" Invited Arceus. "It’s not that I am not unthankful or anything," she quickly explain before continuing, "But why am I unable to give my loved one an offspring?" "Huh?" Wondered Daring. "She means why it's she unable to have a child," kindly replied Mew as she floated closer to the talk. "Ehm... Thanks…?" Awkwardly replied the Pegasus as she gave an inquisitive look at the pink cat hovering besides her. "I did get that though, what I mean is how can she know that after only three days in this world. I mean; I know those two have been cooking like crazy, but the bun needs more time in the oven to know such a thing!" "Their egg groups are different," explained Mew as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Of course, Daring had no idea what she meant. "I see," commented Arceus as he too reached the same conclusion. "That is odd, I made sure all humans took the form most fitting for their loved ones when transporting everyone." "Or the form most fitting for them," completed Arceus' first Daughter, this seemed to light something on the Alpha Pokemon's mind. "Oh! Of course, I hadn't thought about it." "About what my fair Lord?" Valerie asked worriedly while looking at both legendaries alternatively. "I had heard you had the wish of becoming a Pokemon long before I was even able of think about all of this. Is that correct?" Valerie nodded. "I always loved Togekiss’ gracefulness and title, although I knew I was as close to becoming one as I was to show my affection to my soulmate to the world. It was just a silly maiden's wish." "But I am afraid that you wished a bit too hard." "...eh?" "You had your sight so fixated on such a wish that when it was your turn to be converted, I could only see your wish to become a Togekiss, and since it was fueled by your love towards your mate, I was unable to sense it." What followed next was a scene anyone would have deemed as depression incarnate; a crying Togekiss. Even Daring could see it despite knowing little about Pokemon, Valerie was lying on the ground, wings flat on her sides, eyes small like pebbles and tears streaming out of them, followed by the most heartbroken tone one could possibly achieve. "Then, this is none other than my fault..." Surprisingly, or shattering, she was still trying to use her cheerful fairy tale voice, "How... Un-unpleasant... This news is..." At each pause the amount of tears increased and her voice faltered. "How foolish a woman I am!" She finally snaped, no longer holding back the tears or the sadness. The rest of the legendaries also heard the roaring cry and stand up from their seats, and then Daring sees them do something she wouldn't have expect them to, they gathered around the crying fairy in a comforting way, Mew even letting her cry over her shoulder. It was an impressive scene, all of these gigantic and strong looking creatures showing so much kindness toward a small being such as her new companion. "I guess these guys aren't legends for nothing," She commented to herself as she too leaned closer to the crying fairy. Some minutes passed before Valerie to finally calm down, the legendary Pokemon having left during the time, leaving Mew and Arceus to keep her company besides Daring and Greninja. She was currently sitting on a small chair willed into existence by Arceus, besides her was Daring and Mew, they had a smaller version of the cake served on cute and elegant white dishes on a Victorian table, all also bringer by the Pokemon god. "Feeling better now?" Asked Mew while offering Valerie a levitating tea pot. The Togekiss gave a slow nod as she finished her third slice of cake. "I am better now," she held her cup with the tip of her wings and offer it to Mew to refill it. "So..." Starter Daring as she finished her cup. "I presume having a child was your third wish?" Despite the harshness of the question, Daring used a tone as subtle as possible. She didn't like to keep trouble at bay and unchecked, even emotional. Valerie didn't break into tears this time, instead she looked up into the ceiling. "It was," She calmly said, no longer using her exaggerated speech or tone. "Back on earth we knew such possibility was nothing but a dream, yet it was a dream I loved to have every night." She had to take a very deep breath to stop herself from crying when an unknown child's voice crossed her thoughts and softly call her 'mama.' "Well, is not the end of the world you know," started Mew. "We could-" "She's right!" Cut Daring, "You two are finally together in a world free of that puristic crap, not to mention you can try having a kid another way, like maybe adopting one." Valerie smiled at the thought, that was a good possibility, besides she was also right about having a whole new world for her and Sylveon. "You are right, this is a whole new beginning! I shouldn't be mopping like this!" Daring was about to say something else but was her turn to be cut off by Mew, "or you could, I don't know, let us change you into another Pokemon." The other two looked at her in surprise and confusion. "Me, father, my brothers and sisters were responsible for your, and everyone's, transformation, so it won't be hard to give you a new body more fitting for your beloved and your wish." Daring turned to Valerie to see her reaction, but she was currently looking at the legendary Pokemon and couldn't tell what she was thinking. "It will be slightly difficult, but not impossible," proudly explained an incoming voice. "Nothing compared with what we had to do when moving here," said Arceus as he joined the group, having overheard his daughter's proposition simply because he remained close to the group. "So what do you say young one?" It was impossible to calculate what lied in Valerie's mind, as she kept her eyes closed and her expression calm, slightly smiling from time to time as the imaginary voice of before came back from time to time. For Daring it seemed like a no-brainer. She had beings capable of solving her problem in an instant and were offering their help willingly, no restrains, after effects or side quests needed, all she had to do was saying yes. "I thank you for the glorious opportunity you both are granting me," Valerie said calmly while finally looking at both Legendaries with her big eyes. Arceus give her a welcoming nod while Mew floated next to her father, Daring on her end though that Valerie's choose was obvious, she would say... "I won't change." The three beings besides her couldn't hide their surprise. "WHAT!?" Exclaimed Daring, "Why not?" "I achieved many things on my life by my own means," Valerie replied, a smile on her face, as she did so, "I became a successful model, an expert on Fairy-types, a respectful leader of a Pokemon gym and above all, I got myself a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am, even when loving me was forbidden." The two legendaries and Pegasus kept a respectful silence, although they couldn't understand where she was going. "But I also made my share of mistakes in life," she kept smiling while remembering them, although she didn't list them this time. "And it's because of them I stand as who I am right now. This form may be my greatest wish come true, but its also my greatest mistake, and its up to me to live with it." She then took to the air and placed a gentle kiss on Arceus’ forehead and gave Mew a gentle hug. "I truly thank you for what you have done, and believe me when I tell you I wanted, I really, REALLY, wanted to accept your offer, but a god's job isn't to help every creature with their tiny little problems all over the world, but to guide them towards happiness, or am I wrong 'father?' Arceus blinked at the title, it was the first time someone other than his children, or an overly religious person, had call him as such. “It is your life Miss Valerie, so you may choose as you wish." "But you can always ask for some 'divine intervention' if you ever change your mind," finished Mew while returning the hug. Valerie smiled brightly as she thought on what she will tell her husband once they see each other again. 'I don't know what we will talk about, but I will properly talk to him, no fairy tale mask from now on, this is our home after all!' 'Tears of a maiden A spring breeze Promises of new starts' The Ninja Pokemon looked at his little poem and then at the sight who inspired it, smiling slightly as he gently placed it on the wall beside him with some sticky foam of his. While he wasn't able to use it as much as when he was young, he was still able to do things like this every now and then. Greninja then turned his face toward another place on the ceiling, wondering how his comrade was doing on his end. The Hall of Legends A few minutes earlier Weiss left the dining room at a calm pace, hearing how Valerie apologized for his rude demeanor. 'If they call that rude, I can't imagine what my angry self would seem to her' he thought as he walked towards Regigigas, who was still holding its position besides the dinner room entrance. "Excuse me," he begin, "I am searching for the remanent member of the Eon Duo, can you kindly point me in her direction?" The Colossal Pokemon slowly turned its head down at Weiss, the Bisharp wondering if he was confused or uncertain about his question, since the Legendary remained silent Weiss decided to rephrase himself. "I am looking for Lady Latias, do you know where she is?" His tone was less gentler but quite friendly this time. Regigigas seemed to understand him this time, as he slowly raised his massive arm and said with his avalanche of a voice, "Stairs on the left, second door to the right, at the end of the hallway." And then returned to his statue-like pose. "Thanks!" Cheerfully replied Weiss as he followed the instructions. On his end, Regigigas thought 'remnant member?' and chuckled. Weiss followed the path instructed with little to no problems, yet that didn't stop him from looking at the other doors open along the way. He saw Meloetta practicing her dancing on her pirouette form, Jirachi lazily reading a book, and he even caught a good look at Rayquaza passing by the same path in the hallway, the great dragon merely giving him a glance. "All my life I’ve been offered bounties for these guys and here I am casually walking into them," Weiss joked to himself as he reached the end of the path. He raised a hand motioned to knock on the door, but stopped right before touching it, his memory drifting into the past and into a single line. 'We will see each other again, right?' Said the memory of a plain looking girl smiling at him, only to hear his own voice from then. "It's a promise." Yet he still couldn’t bring himself to knock on the door. "And how am I going to greet her?" He thought out loud, "I can't just walk in and say 'hey long time no see! By the way your patriarch turned me into a Bisharp, any way how is the weather?' just like that," he then took the moment to realize something. "Will she even recognize me?" Suddenly Weiss was grabbed by the back of his coat and thrown at the other side of the door. A back flip latter, Weiss look for who ever throw him with both forearm blades ready for battle, but he only found nothing as the door closed by itself. "... Okay, not what I planned." Commented Weiss to himself as he turned around and look at the place he was in, or rather out. He was on a huge balcony, filled with small gardens and fountains all around, yet Weiss felt he had seen the view before, 'Alto Mare' he thought while looking at the small replica of the secret garden, the only differences being the size and the panoramic view of the landscape. A shadow passing by cut Weiss' awe as he looked up for the owner. "You’re back!" Commented a cheerful female voice, a voice he knew all too well. "What was so important that you left so abrupt...ly...?" The Legendary Pokemon stared at the clothed Bisharp in surprise, obviously, he wasn't the mon she was waiting for. On his end Weiss didn't knew what to say, mostly because he hafn't expected to find her as he did. "Ehm... How’s the weather?" Was all the Bisharp could say while mentally face palming. 'Oh yeah, real smooth' he thought 'Of course she is frozen, she mustn't recognize me,' as he thought this, Weiss took a small step back, 'I better leave before things turn high wire,' and then he turn around while saying "I am sorry for startle you, it was my mistake..." And adding nothing more he took another step away. Only to be suddenly stopped by a pair of red arms hugging him from behind, a good thing since he had four sharp blades on his chest, although he wasn't thinking on that at all. It was Weiss' turn to be in shock as he slowly turned to face Latias, but as soon he did so, he found himself being hugged tightly at some good feet off the ground, while also being moved from side to side as a cheerful tone energetically said, "You’re so small now!" "Huh?" Sophisticatedly replied Weiss. "You used to be such a tall and scary human, but now you almost look adorable." "You..." Doubtfully began the almost adorable Bisharp. "You recognize me? But how?" Once Latias finally put him on the ground, Weiss turned to face her old friend, who seemed confused by his question. "It wasn't that hard you know?" Weiss thought for a second before saying, "You read my mind?" She nodded with her head. "You’re immune to psychics now." The former human saw her logic, 'but then how does Xavier manage to talk with me?' He thought, but left it for later, as he ventured his next guess, "Was it the clothes?" Latias chuckled, "They look better on you now, but those weren't how I found out." "Mhm..." He took a longer moment to think, an idea crossed his mind but he diminished right away, thinking it was too cursi to be it, "I give up then." He said with both arms on the air, as if he were turning himself in to some Jenny. Latias chuckled again, "Your eyes." Weiss chuckled too, 'So it was that after all,' he corrected himself, "It’s good to see you being as cheerful as always, Latias," greeted the Bisharp while holding his fist before her. The Eon Pokemon raised her fist and bump it against Weiss' and joked "And is good to meet you once more, 'tin man!'" "Really?" Deadpanned Weiss, "of all possible nicknames, 'tin man' is the best you could come with?" "Well it's not like I have much to work with, I mean look at yourself!" The dragon-type gestured at his body. "What else could I call you?" Weiss did think up a good list of possible other names she could use, each more embarrassing than the other, so he decided a tactical retreat was his best option. "You sort of have a point there..." Replied the Bisharp. "Of course I do!" Proudly retorted Latias while raising her chest. Both friends chuckled as a result. "So, how has this world been treating you?" Calmly asked Weiss as he looked at the sight on the balcony, "I presume you have seen more of this world than I have." The legendary Pokemon floated besides him as if she was walking, "I haven't seen much of this world," a slightly frown of defeat on her face, "Lord Arceus has commanded we stay here, for the time being at least." "Ouch," replied her friend, knowing well how she liked to aimlessly fly around their previous world. "Yeah, but he promised that he will let us go outside in due time, he even managed to give Rayquaza a spell so he won't destroy some Pegasi city when he passes by!" "Wow! Magic?" Commented Weiss. "So Lord Arceus can use magic as well?" "He’s been studying some Equestrian books," replied Latias. "Now that's just being a show off," declared Weiss with an exaggerated tone. Latias give her friend a cold look, the Dark-type simply shrugged. "And what about you?" Asked Latias, "what have you seen since last time we see each other?" "Huh?" Answered Weiss with other question, "Haven't you read my mind as always?" "What part of you been immune to psychics didn't you get?" Deadpanned the Eon Pokemon. "Oh... Right, sorry!" Weiss shyly apologized. "But how comes I can still talk telepathically with Xavier?" Latias gave him a puzzled look on return, as she too ignored the fact, but remembering one of the many lessons she, and her brother, had with Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit in the past, she figured it out. "Dark-types Pokemon have a natural immunity to psychics," she began to explain with a tone that resembled a scholar. "Yet they are capable of granting a bypass to some if they want." She then looked at her friend and continued explaining, using her normal voice though, "You and Xavier have been together for so long that he already has a bypass granted long before you even become a Bisharp" she then whispered to herself, "... I’m kind of envious of that." Weiss however had a good ear as a human, and it seemed to become even better as a Bisharp, "Why would you envy my tactician?" Latias in turn seemed surprised by been heard, although she didn't seem flustered on the slightest, "Well, it seems like both of you have such a strong link it transcended a whole universal jump!" Weiss thought for a second and added, "You make it sound so gay," and then chuckled, Latias joining him once she realized her choice of words, "But you are right so," he then took a step closer to her "let us change that shall we?" And offer his head to her. The female Eon Pokemon nodded and bring her arms to his shoulders and her head close to his, Weiss fidget a second and say in a whisper, "aren't you a bit too close?" "That is surprising, feeling nervous all of the sudden?" Replied his friend in a mocking tone. "Well, it’s your face what may get sliced by my 'hair' after all," retorted back Weiss with a similar tone. "It’s okay," finished Latias as she rested her forehead right on the halberd's edge, "I know you won't hurt me." And then she searched for Weiss' mind, the Dark-type concentrating on letting her mental self in, it didn't took long for him to feel the familiar touch of her mind on his own, he then started to feel how some parts of his memory began to be shared with Latias. A few seconds later, she pull away with a slight face of disgust, disbelief and naught. Taking a few deep breaths to calm down and keep her stomach in its place, Latias look directly at Weiss and finally says, "He really french kissed an Eelektross!?" Weiss simply laughed. > Fourteenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourteenth Move Celebrations Hall of Legends Weiss' location The legendary dragoness and the mercenary continued to catch up with one another just like they used to do back on Earth, though ironically most of the talk was about Earth since they hadn't been on Equus for all that long. They took turns telling each other stories, for even though Latias had looked through Weiss' memories, she liked to hear some parts coming from him as if he were selecting what he considered the best of his experiences. Weiss in turn got to see segments of Latias' memories as she added her portion of her story. They were aimlessly moving around the Balcony Garden and it was Weiss' turn to talk about one of his and his teams’ adventures. "... and then Simon cuts their path by surfacing out the earth before them, yet the Eelectross sent him flying away with a Dragon Tail." The mercenary was on the verge of laughing at this point. "He never said he disliked the experience though and he even went to say that he 'almost pierced the heavens for good this time!' with his usual extravagance." The Eon Pokemon chuckled at his words while mentally replaying the scene from Weiss' perspective. "It’s good to see that Simon still has that 'over the top' attitude." A small snort escaped her mouth as she noticed something. "Quite literally this time!" Weiss smiled at this. "Yeah, same old same old. The team hasn't changed much since last time we meet and they all send their regards by the way!" he quickly added as he remembered his teams’ constant teasing. Latias simply nodded in thanks. “At least before the whole 'jump' thing." Latias turned to the landscape beyond the Hall's walls and sighed. "I hope they’re all okay." The Bisharp in turn smiled. "They sure are. We aren't mercenaries for nothing!" He proclaimed, mostly to calm his friend than to boast. "They sure know how to take care of themselves, so don't worry, the team will be whole again," he calmly said and gently added, "thank you for your concern though." The legendary dragon hit him on the shoulder playfully. "Hey! What is it with this sudden melancholy? That doesn't fit you at all." He merely chuckled, "Does it now? It’s just that I’ve been wondering what we will do once we're all reunited again. We have this contract with Empress Victoria, but our old way of living is done for. Many of these Pokemon have no reason to remain with us now..." Weiss turned too towards the horizon, his friend catching on to his worries. "And what will you do then? Stop them?" "Of course not," Weiss calmly said. “They are free to do with their lives as they see fit. If they want to go and make a new and better life in this new world then they have all the right in this world to do so, although that doesn't mean I have to like the idea." With a sigh he added, "Not to mention I may really have no right whatsoever. After all, me being here could be an accident, I wasn't exactly the holiest of humans back there." Latias looked at the Bisharp with knowing eyes. Having seen his entire self years ago had taught her how he felt about his team and the place each of its members had in his heart. In fact, she would have been envious of them had she not already known the place she had in his heart as well. "You are an interesting human, Weiss," complemented Latias while delicately placing a hand on her friend's back. "WAS a human," he corrected her with a chuckle. "The point remains," she cheerfully retorted. "You never saw your team as other mercenaries, evil organizations or even good organizations did." She then hovered before him while looking him in the eye, a hand resting on his shoulder as she proceeded. "You never saw them as mere tools, but as your irreplaceable friends and companions. That is what makes you so different from others back on the old world and surely that is what granted you your place on this new one." Weiss kept his eyes on his friend's as he listened to her speak, slowly raising a hand and placing it at Latias' face as he replied, "You always know what to say, now don't you?" They kept looking at each other for what seemed to be minutes, the soft afternoon light showing a bronze light all around them while a gentle breeze made the plants of the garden quiver as the windmills resonated with tranquil repetition. Then Weiss spoke, "We have talked a lot about me though. Let's hear more of you!" He gently patted Latias on the back of the head. The Dragon-type smiled and happily replied, "What would you want to hear then?" "Well, you mentioned Arceus called every Legendary to his presence before moving here. How was it?" the Bisharp asked curiously. "To see all of them all of the sudden?" "It wasn't that bad. I got to see many familiar faces like my teachers," Latias cheerfully commented while thinking on the Lake Trio, but cocksurely added, "and you will do well to remember I am also stuff of legends too!" "My apologies then, oh mighty one," joked the Dark-type. "So it was like a school reunion?" "Almost," Latias pondered. "With the added part of a god deliberating whether or not if he would wipe out mankind next door." "We kind of deserve it," shrugged Weiss. His friend chuckled at his carefree look on the past possibility of his race being exterminated, him included. "Did you reunite with some old friends then?" He casually asked. Latias perked up at his words and blissfully smiled in the instant, "I certainly did! In fact I would love to introduce you two." Weiss arched an eyebrow, or the closest thing to it a Bisharp had, and replied, "I already know your 'dad', but I think he hasn't the best opinion of me," joked the mercenary. "No you dofus!" she cheerfully scold him, "and it’s someone more special to me than Lord Arceus!" Now Weiss was truly surprised and intrigued. He was about to ask who when he felt a presence right behind him alongside the worst case of déjà vu he had ever felt in his entire life. "She is referring to me," said a calm and cool voice Weiss has never heard before, yet somehow he found it familiar. He turned around and met the owner, a being identical to his friend stood before him, the only differences being his bigger size, sharper appearance and his blue tone–not to mention the deathly seriousness his eyes emanated, a polar opposite to his cheerful friend. "..." Weiss found himself at a loss of words before the male half of the Eon duo, Latios. The legendary seemed to catch this and proceeded to smooth things a little by offering him a claw, although his expression didn't change in the slightest, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you mister Weiss, I have heard A LOT about you." Weiss composed himself as he firmly took the claw Latios had offer him, and with utmost politeness replied, "No offence good sir, but weren't you supposed to be dead?" Weiss and the Eon duo walked back to the dining room where he left everyone. "And that's how my brother was remade!" Jokingly finished Latias, her explanation regarding the return of her brother, Latios, who floated at the other side of the clothed Bisharp. "I am sure you can show me the memories of the event and still I would hardly believe it," he then turned to the resurrected in question and added, "but then again your mere presence is a proof blunt enough to see its truth." Latios nodded. "Lord Arceus’ place as a god is well deserved." "He sure does, doesn't he?" dryly replied the Bisharp, enacting a confused look from his friend and a weary glare from her brother. "I thought you were the religious type mister Weiss," commented Latios as he kept his tone as courteous as possible. "Oh I am!" Quickly answered the former human. "It’s just that I didn't expect god to make such a childish thing as taking all of his stuff and leaving just because the neighborhood wasn't of his liking. Then again, I do know how bad said neighborhood was." "Lord Arceus’ plan was... rushed," replied back Latios. "But I am sure this was the best course of action." Weiss wanted–really wanted–to retort Latios’ point, but having known the male legendary from many stories from his friend, plus the fact he always saw him as a great hero back when he was nothing but a jewel, the mercenary decided to let it be–for now at least. 'Meh, he deserves that much,' he thought. "I wish you are right as well brother," the female legendary replied instead, although not as convinced as her brother, "But I think we could have been able to restore some balance back on earth instead of throwing more chaos to it with our leaving." "I am officially surprised!" commented the Bisharp before Latios could retort his sister. "Of all Pokemon, specially the legendaries, you would be the last one I would have expected to root for the humans!" Latios nodded. "I know you can be gentle and kind, sister, but to get to that extent of kindness..." "You can't blame an entire race for the sins of a few," wisely, yet coolly, replied Latias. "Besides, it was a human who helped us solve the chaos those two thieves created, don't you remember that?" "True, more lives than mine would have been lost if it wasn't for that boy's selfless bravery." "You mean that kid with a condiment for a name?" added Weiss. "I wondered what he was all about." "I heard he continued to travel all over the world. Some fellow Legendaries seem to have met him as well!" explained Latias with amazement. "Lord Ho-oh theorised once it may be his doing." "That would make him a lucky human then. I suppose he made it here as your friend." They continued to talk of all and nothing as they made their way back to the dining room, but before entering, the Bisharp warned them. "There is something I must say to Lord Arceus." Both Eon Pokemon looked at him with worry–one for him while the other for what would he say. "Will it end with you being willed out of this world," Slightly jokingly, slightly worriedly, asked Latias. "Will it give him a reason to do that?" seriously asked Latios. "A bit of both perhaps," nonchalantly replied Weiss. "Its something I have to tell him though, even when my own personal feelings may be involved on it." "Correct me if I'm wrong then," cut Latios, "but didn't you say you had nothing to discuss with Lord Arceus just an hour ago?" "So that's where you went!" Concluded Latias, her brother merely keeping his eyes on Weiss, not to force him to talk but to avoid his sister's gaze. Weiss on his end chuckled, but properly replied, "I didn't quite mean that, he asked me if something troubled my mind, which nothing does. What I have to say isn't a trouble at all, but a warning." Both Legendaries gave him another share of weary looks, only for the Bisharp to add, "besides, I had other priorities." Latias chuckled at his comments while Latios rolled his eyes. "Point is, guys, things may get ugly, and if I happen to be willed out of existence, I want you both to know I did what I felt was right, but that I am sorry for whatever may happen; I do not look to offend Lord Arceus." "You should think better on our lord," commented Latios. "He would never do harm to someone expressing their thoughts." "I suppose we need to find out then," finished Weiss as he and the Eon duo made their way into the room Regigigas was still guarding. The three of them entered the dining room where Daring was avidly writing something on a small notebook while listening to some story from Arceus. Valerie on her end was cheerfully chatting with Mew a good distance off the ground, while Greninja was calmly waiting upside down on the ceiling. The rest of the Legendaries from before were nowhere to be seen. Yet once the Togekiss noticed the new arrivals, she flew down to their height and gave Weiss a gentle smile. "I think I owe you a big thank you, mister Weiss, as well an apology for my strange conduct as of late." She then offered him one of her feet. "But first I would like to properly introduce myself this time; hello, my name is Valerie, former gym leader from Laverre city." Weiss didn't knew what could happen to kick the Fairy-type back on gear, but he firmly took her offered limb. "It is good finally knowing the real you, ma'am." Valerie smiled at his comment. "And what is our friend up to?" he casually asked while looking at Daring, "and from where did she get that notebook?" "Lord Arceus created it for her, as she mentioned him how she would like to write about his reasons behind our travel and his future plans about it." "Isn't that a journalist's job?" wondered Weiss out loud. "She mentioned something about having a great opportunity for a best seller and she wasn't planning on letting it go." "Mhm..." The mercenary then remembered her mention something about her writing down her adventures, however he still wasn’t in the mood to be patient. "Lord Arceus!" he exclaimed, "I am sorry to interrupt, but I would like to take a moment of your time, it won't be long though, I promise." Daring glared at his 'employee' as she finished to write down the last bits of information she had received from the Pokemon god, but nevertheless, she awaited for Arceus to answer. "If it will only be a few minutes, then I don't see why not," he elegantly replied while turning to Daring. "I am sorry to make such a sudden hold to our conversation, Miss Do, but I promise we will continue where we left." "Fine..." snarled back Daring as calmly as possible, "but you definitely have to explain to me more about these egg groups, okay!" And so she flew away, using the meantime to look at her notes. "She truly is an avid writer. Now"–he landed before Weiss, the size difference making the later seem insignificant, yet as before, he hold his ground–“what is it that’s so important that you interrupted our session, young man?" "It’s not much, but"–he removed all emotion from his tone and proceeded to talk as coldly but elegant his mind allow–"I would thank you to remember it clearly." "That would depend," replied Arceus with his own emotionless gentleness, "on what you have to say to me." The temperature of the room seemed to drain as the god and the mercenary stared at each other, causing the tension to raise so much it could be felt on everyone's skin. "I will be direct then," continued Weiss, "I know you had every mon's future on your thoughts when you brought them–and some of us–here. You may have had other options, yet this is the plan you saw as more fitting, so I will have trust in it." Arceus simply nodded, yet he never removed his gaze from the former human, which continued. "But there is a fact our arrival had generated: us becoming invaders of these lands. As pacific as you want things to be, and even if they somehow are peaceful, the fact remains: There are beings already living in this world." "I am well aware of this fact," calmly and knowingly replied the Alpha Pokemon with his cold tone, "and I do know of the grief and havoc our presence is causing to the inhabitants of this world. But I also know–no–I firmly believe we can achieve peace and harmony in this world." "I thought your grace would say that," coolly proceeded Weiss, "but still I have to express my concern. You may already know about the other countries besides Equestria in this world. We came from one of them: the Griffin Empire." Weiss let the name sink in so Arceus would remember it, although he knew he would remember it no matter what he would say. "There we were, treated kindly, fairly, and above all: equally. That realm envies nothing of Equestria’s, for it is a strong and proud nation. Yet it’s also a nation willing to learn and adapt when change approaches, thus we were offered a place as members of the empire by Empress Victoria herself–an honor we gladly embraced." "So you are delivering a warning from the empire then?" Arceus forethought, "so I may be aware of its wrath?" The tone the original Pokemon was using was still cold, but also a tad mocking. "Not entirely your 'eminence,' you see" retorted Weiss calmly, "I know you will take the best course of action, but unfortunately you will look for the best course of action for yourself." Another deadly silence. "If by some point the rulers of this world happen to become an inconvenience for you, I know you can overthrow them with nothing more than a thought. And I also know, as you told me, you have no intention to change the order of this world nor to impose your will over millions of sentient beings, but the problem is that you have already done that when you brought us here." Arceus didn't reply–he didn’t say anything. That alone shocked the remaining legendaries in the room. He, however, didn't seem disgusted or angry in the slightest as he calmly awaited for Weiss to continue. "I am nothing but a mere mortal Lord Arceus, but if by any reason you decide that politics are no longer an option, then I will tell you to be aware of our wrath, because the empire will not go down without a proper fight. That is all I had to say, Pokemon God." The room went dead silent for a third time, only for a sonorous laughter to erupt from the legendary Pokemon. "Young man, I can't say if you are too brave, too ignorant, too confident or all together at once!" "That is what I thought too" whispered Daring to herself. "But I do long for a peaceful lifestyle for all my children–you included." Arceus then proceed to do the same he did with Valerie: He hung low enough to be at the same eyesight as Weiss. "So don't you worry, I do not plan to throw a tantrum if things get difficult and erase a country in my anger." "And so I expect lord Arceus," replied the Bisharp more relaxed, no longer using his cold tone, "but I had to say something in the behalf of my new country. I hope you can understand that." "I definitely do. As a matter of fact, I found the news of the Griffin Empire quite invigorating!" "Perhaps we should think on moving over there one day?" Joked Mew once it was clearly obvious nothing bad would happen. "That would be a talk for another time, dear," Arceus gently replied, although he had no intention to move so soon. "But then, was that the only thing you wanted to discuss young man?" "Discuss: yes. The only thing: not quite." Weiss pointed at the book Daring had between her hooves. "I take you can create matter out of thin air." Arceus nodded. "Then, would it be too much to ask for a wide board?" The Pokemon god arched an eyebrow but with a thought complied the Bisharp's strange request. A long wood message board similar to that of many universities appeared between them. "That will definitely do, thank you!" Thanked Weiss as he took the newly created object and began to walk away. "It has been an honor talking with you." And with nothing else to say, he left, again leaving Valerie and Daring to apologize for him. Weiss was midway out the Hall of Legends when Latias caught up with him. "And you really thought Lord Arceus would will you out of existence just for telling him a couple of harsh words?" Asked the female Legendary with a surprised tone. "Hey! You know god, I don't," retorted Weiss without slowing down. "No offence, but the title alone gives people some ideas." "ARE YOU INSANE!?" exclaimed Daring on cue as she caught up with them. "Arceus could have just popped you out of this world if you managed to anger him!" "Wow, referring to him so casually already, you sure know how to make connections, Daring," joked Weiss who then added, "and thank you for proving my previous point." Latias chuckled while Daring looked puzzled. "Still!" she snapped back, "what would have you done if he didn't happen to be so patient?" "Probably would have died on the spot," immediately replied Weiss as if were nothing. "... and that didn't worry you?" "Oh, of course it did," admitted the Bisharp, "yet this wasn't the first time I have been in a situation like this." As if he knew how cryptic he sounded, he turned to look at the Pegasus and proceeded without stopping. "Being in the presence of individuals capable of ending my life in an instant if they wanted to, yet giving them a piece of my mind without hesitation. That is something that comes with the job. Simple as that." Daring first thought he was just bluffing, but suddenly she remembered all those times she was before some maniacal lord about to unleash some ancient evil to the world. She had to remain calm for the sake of those who would suffer the consequences. The images of Ahuizotl, Calaveron, the Bloody Claw and Tlaloque appeared before her. It enacted a 'so that is how I look like' thought out of her. "Still," she replied more calmly now, "what was the point of that? You merely told him that the other nations may attack him if he ever goes rogue–not that I see it happening, but if he ever goes that way, I doubt there is much the world can do." Daring was surprised to find herself saying such lines, but something told her Arceus had his title for a very good reason. "What will that change?" "Simple: I make him remember that if he ever goes rogue, the rest of the world will go after him, and most likely for his Pokemon in addition." Again, he let that thought settle in and continued. "Arceus now knows for sure that if he tries to, let's say cheat, on this global re-accommodation, Equus will reply. And I am sure he already knows that even if he can silence those opposing him with a thought, he can't stop a whole world from taking actions against his kind. Not to mention he knows better than anyone what grief and resentment can do to the most innocent of minds with time." "So what you just did was...?" doubtfully asked Daring, although she already had a good idea of what the answer was. "He just threatened Lord Arceus with the lives of every mon on this world," uneasily yet gently said Latias while adding, "it’s your way to show him the 'Throne of Twigs' then?" Weiss simply pointed a hand to her in affirmation. "But that’s just a bluff!" commented Daring while wondering how Latias knew about the Griffin's extravaganza, "even if Griffins and Minotaurs were to fight him TOGETHER, there is no way there would be a bloodshed as you threaten him with." "It is with the help of a few Pokemon who happen to be on the side of those of this world," replied Weiss. "I mean me and my team." Again, Daring had a flashing memory of how the mercenaries seemed calm and even used to killing. If they were like this back on their home world, then it was more likely they could carry on with no hesitation. "That is really... Cold" was all Daring could reply. Weiss shrugged. "It's not like I feel happy about committing genocide, but if it’s the only thing that may keep a god at the right path, then I will be sure to keep him on track." As he said these words, a mind made its way through his Dark-type resistances as if they were wet paper. "I would like to make a point to you, young Mister Weiss, that should such an act ever be taken out against my Pokemon, merely in spite of me or otherwise, I would care not for the species of the beings I would be forced to erase. I will not tolerate threats of genocide. They are innocent, and I do not believe many of the rulers would enact the idea should I be forced to unleash my full power upon them... that being said. You are quite the eloquent weaver of words, and for the record, I doubt you would had made it to Equus, had Latias' memories not vouched for you." "And I would like to remind you, good Lord," mentally replied Weiss with tranquility, "that those willing to hunt for your kind will not be those ruling these lands, but those dueling in them out of spite. As a matter of fact, they are currently being held by those very rulers as we speak. If they were removed then fear and ignorance would take over their minds and turn the denizens of this world into angry mobs, then you will retaliate, and then they will retaliate, creating a vile vicious circle that will not end until there is nothing else but an ashen world. So I will again recommend you to keep your word, Lord Arceus, and try your hardest on the path of diplomacy. As for that last part..." Weiss looked at his friend hovering besides him while thinking, "I already knew that." "... what?" curiously asked Latias as he noticed the Bisharp's gaze. "Nothing, I was just thinking how lucky I am to know you," merely replied the mercenary nonchalantly with a smile, causing one of the rarest sights he could get of his friend: a little dust of blush over her face. "Oh hush you!" exclaimed Latias with her cheerful tone and a broad smile, yet she returned to the previous topic before her expression betrayed her more. "You very well know Lord Arceus would never do such a thing. He has his thoughts for the best of Pokemon as well as the best of Ponies, Griffins, Minotaurs, Zebras, Deerfolk, Diamond Dogs and Hippocampi. He has too much faith on this world's inhabitants to do that." "Well, at least he has a little something else to remind him of his choice," Weiss calmly replied as they reached the outside of the Hall. "Now, where do you girls think is the best place to put this thing?" He patted the billboard he has been carrying along so far. "I don't know," pondered Latias while looking at the outside of the mountain which served as the Hall's outer walls. "These mountain sides give little to work with." "Huh!?" Wondered Daring while snapping out of her thoughts. "I want to place this to leave a message. It may also work for other visitors coming here as well." As Weiss explained this to Daring, Latias flew over to Regirock. "This spot will be visited by many Pokemon looking for answers, and like my team, they will also be on the lookout for lost party members." As he said this, the rock golem Pokemon moved a few steps aside the entrance, not before giving a soft punch to the rock behind him, leaving a flat portion of wall. "That should do it!" Proclaimed Weiss as he placed the billboard on the new surface. "Don't you think this is a bit small?" Questioned Latias while thinking on the number of Pokemon looking for someone else. "I only thought on the idea, it’s your patriarch's job to keep this running," solved Weiss. "It’s like a wall of laments then?" Daring concluded, Latias and Weiss looking surprised at her words, thus she had to explain, "it was a place where ponies left letters telling familiars where they were during ancient times of war." "No... we do know what that is, it’s just that we never expect this world to have such things like war before, let alone the wall itself," admired Latias as Weiss placed a piece of paper, indicating that a certain Surskit was currently within the care of the gym leader Janine. "Well, the Griffin and Minotaurs didn't earn their reputation as warriors for nothing, besides, we couldn't always be a society of parties," replied Daring. "Oh, that's right!" exclaimed Latias, turning to Weiss who was currently placing the paper with a couple of needles from his coat. "There is going to be a welcoming party for all Pokemon tonight, you guys should totally go!" "A welcoming party?" restated Weiss as he looked at his work. "Here?" "Nope, it’s going to be in a nearby town, Ponyville I think it’s called." "Wait! The Ponies from there are already organizing a party for you all?" inquired Daring. "It was somepony's idea, to bring us all closer, at least that is what she said it would." "She?" wondered the explorer. "Was she by any chance a very bright pink earth Pony?" "So you know her?" asked Latias. Daring kept silent for a second till she began to laugh. "As expected of those six, not letting big events slip around them!" "Six?" now inquired Weiss as he took one of the spare bandanas with his 'guild's' emblem and wrote on it. "You’ll get it once you get to the party." At these words, Daring took off. "I promise it will be awesome, just say hi to them from me!" And with no further information, she flew back into the Hall. The two Pokemon seemed confused and puzzled at the Pegasus' words, although they could figure out she wanted to be back to Arceus' story as soon as possible. With her gone, Latias focused her attention on her clothed friend, who was currently looking for something on his clothes. "So you are going, right." she said more as a fact than as a question. Weiss found what he was looking for, a large knife, and placed it over his chin in a pondering manner, "mhm... Do I have much of a choice?" he joked with an overacted tone as he stabbed the piece of cloth on the billboard, a single line written besides the emblem. GRIFFIN EMPIRE. Weiss waved to his friend once she flew back to the hall of legends, but not before settling that they would meet in at the party. Their farewell was rather common since they would eventually see each other again later that night. So for the time being, the mercenary leader waited for the rest to come out so they could visit this Ponyville before night. As he awaited, the shadow of a certain Noivern passed over him, Edge casually land beside him with a satisfied smile on her face. "I see you had 'fun'" said Weiss matter of factly as a salute. "Sure did!" cheerfully replied his flying unit with a grin. Then Weiss noticed something on said grin. "You did it again, didn't you?" "I don't know what are you talking about," terribly lied Edge. "What is it with you and biting your foes?" tiredly inquired the Bisharp. "You know that makes them prone to look for you?" "Well duh! What would be the point of marking them then?" proclaimed Edge proudly, leaving all lying attempts aside. "Besides, this one had a cute passion. Simon would be proud of them." For all the curious habits his team had, Edge was possibly one of the weirdest, alongside being one of the more annoying ones. Most of the mons she bit tended to look for her, either for a rematch, revenge or mere admiration. "I just hope this one doesn't come with bouquets and presents like the last one," sighed Weiss while face-palming at the memory. "So do I!" Happily exclaimed the dragoness. "He would stop being so cute." Weiss chuckled and then said, "by the way, how do you feel about attending a party tonight?" Needless to say that Edge was in a great mood to go and celebrate. Both mercenaries continued to talk about what had happened so far on their respective ends.The Noivern explaining how the pirates tried to make her fly away with loud noises, and it would have worked if it weren't for a passing ship, which Edge scanned in the search for her team, which of course turned out to be beneficial for the pirates who in turn decided to give her a more proper treatment. Weiss on his end told her about the latest events the team had been through, including their current association with Empress Victoria. He also placed one of the crimson bandanas on her neck. "So we are now Imperial Mercenaries? That is awesome!" cheered the Noivern with excitement as she felt the little piece of cloth. "Indeed it is. All we need to do now is find the rest of the gang and we will be the Empire's newest and deadliest addition!" bragged Weiss, for a change. As they discussed if they should ask for a portion of land for their headquarters, Valerie and Greninja headed out the hall, the Jubilee Pokemon smiling greatly as they approached them. "Lord Arceus mentioned there would be a party in a nearby town to welcome all of us. Don't you think it’s great to see people looking forward to coexistence?" She said. "Yes, and wish said people the best of luck," sincerely replied Weiss while standing up, dusting himself off as he added, "is Daring coming?" "She said she would prefer to avoid large groups of people, but that she would thank us enormously if we told her how the party went," answered Valerie. "She also said she may be gone for a couple of days, something about getting to talk with her editor." "Figures," calmly acknowledged Weiss while starting to walk away. "Then if there is nothing for us here , I suggest we head to this town and get ready for the party." He then patted Edge on the side and added, "would you kindly guide us?" Edge took off as soon as Weiss asked. She hovered above the group, keeping herself within clear eyesight. "It’s this way, a few miles. I guess you guys can walk it alright." And adding nothing else, she slowly flew into the distance. The rest following as fast as they could. Griffin Empire Nesting Hold castle Victoria looked down at her citizens through a window on her dispatch. The number of Pokemon having increased exponentially since her speech. Although reports of Griffins asking her to rethink her statement, mostly from the royalty, arrived on a daily basis, the number of Pokemon joining the Empire greatly surpassed them. Although most Pokemon, if not all of them, decided to join various branches of the city, like Swanhild's Torkoal, Furnace, or the newest addition to a certain kindergarten, Roll–who she had hoped would have stayed to help the imperial guard with the Pokemon as her girlfriend did. She however didn't show any interest on that. Instead, she borrowed an apron and took care of the orphans. "It’s only been one day, Your Highness," said a carefree voice from behind her as the aroma of earl grey filled the room. "You have to give these creatures some time." Victoria took a cup full of the tea her maiden had brewed for her and replied, "I know, I know..." She took a deep breath of the infusion followed by a sip of it and replied with a calmer yet still serious tone, "but the reports of wild Pokemon rampaging over the world keep coming, more than those of the royalty wanting me to change my mind." "Not that I want to sound too distasteful, but why does it matter what happens in the rest of the world?" asked Grizelda with a slight bit of shame. "I mean, besides the damages and possible casualties which should never be overlooked!" The empress chuckled at Grizelda's clumsy attempt at correcting her tone. "I understand, don't ruffle so much over that." She then let out a sigh. "What worries me is that a Pokemon may go rampaging among my citizens as they did in those other cities. It’s not something a ruler can be fond of." "Unless you are that one dark Unicorn from old times," jokingly added the maiden with a smile. Victoria only groaned. "What I mean, Your Highness, is that your worries are completely natural. You would need to be a world threatening kind of villain not to." Grizelda's words visibly seemed to calm the empress as her posture slackened. She looked a little more relaxed. Taking the chance, the Maiden continued, "Besides, the rest of Equss didn't have the help and advice from such an unexpected band of creatures as we do. Thanks to them we managed to control the initial chaos rather calmly. I think that alone deserves some recognition" teased Grizelda at the end. "Yeah, it does does it not?" She then turned again to the window. "Not to mention said band of creatures, as you call them, are now training our own guard to be ready to deal with any kind of hazard the Pokemon may bring!" As she said this, a Griffin in golden armor was tossed into the scene Victoria was looking at. A sonorous voice called for him. "Ten seconds!" causing the poor warrior to clumsily stand up. He dashed back to whatever had thrown him about. "...if our soldiers can survive said training, that is," noted Grizelda from beside a face-clawing Empress. Ponyville Equestria Weiss' group Most normal Ponies would keep their distance from the Everfree forest, or go through it as fast as possible if there is no other choice. Not to mention the whole horde of new residents it had made the place far more iring, intimidating and dangerous. Yet for the mercenaries, plus one, the forest was just a dark forest to walk through in order to get to the next town, to which they soon arrived as they were chasing after their comrade in the sky. Valerie having decided to keep close to the ground duelers mostly out of courtesy. "Well I be damned, they do live close to this forest," mentioned Weiss as they reached the outside of the forest, the colorful town already in sight. "Makes me wonder though. Why do they fear this place so much, yet live so close?" A few more minutes of running later and the group was already at the outskirts of the town. They were greeted by a bunch of techni colored Ponies staring at them. Not only for the fact that they were like some of the creatures that just showed up a few days ago, but also because of the road they came from, this being of course the road to the Everfree. "So it far all seems okay," said Weiss as he walked by the street, ignoring the eyes looking their way. This was something he had to admit was new to him and also quite annoying. Luckily for him, most Ponies began screaming and scattering around once a dragon landed beside them, which Weiss greatly appreciated. "I never imagined attention to be so uncomfortable," realized the leader. "Thanks for the clearing, Edge." "Ehm... you’re welcome?" awkwardly replied Edge as she arched a brow. "Okay, we may want to divide the number of stares on us, say: we look for each other at the party?" offered the Bisharp. ".. Ah...ah.... I am... up for the idea..." said the Togekiss, finally showing signs of exhaustion after the short flight and the small section of the continental flight she made that morning. "Would you mind giving her company?" Weiss asked to Greninja, who nodded and moved beside the fairy-type. "Okay then, I’m smelling some good fruits at the other side of town," mentioned Edge as she prepared to flap her way out of the frame, only for Valerie to suddenly stop her. "Wait!" She exclaimed while huffing, "just give me a second..." The Togekiss flew close to the Noivern. "What can I help you with-WHY ARE YOU BUZZING!?" shouted back Edge as Valerie's body began to glow, and apparently vibrate, the dragoness fearing a zero point hit from a fairy. The glow covered her entirely, and then it all ended. "There..." And then she fell unconscious for the second time of the day, although not as dramatically as before. Luckily for her, Greninja caught her before hitting the ground–lucky not because of the height, but mostly because Weiss would have caused more damage than good if he were to catch her with his armored arms. "I am okay, friend," she weakly replied while fluttering around the Ninja Pokemon, using his shoulder to keep her balance. "Okay... What just happened?" Inquired Edge in confusion, since she couldn't see what just happen. "I casted a translation spell on you. Now you can communicate with the inhabitants of this world..." explained Valerie with a tired smile. "Oh... neat!" "Since when can you use magic?" Wondered Weiss as he already had an idea of what happened. "Lord Arceus thought me..." she replied while regaining a bit more of composure, "he told me how some Pokemon can be able to use magic, mostly Fairy-types apparently." Weiss thought for a second, remembering he read once how some Pokemon professors theorised that unlike Psychic-type Pokemon who use their own mental powers for their moves, Fairy-type's harvest their powers for an ethereal source of energy. The writer jokingly called it a sort of magic, which in turn made him think how close that joke was ironically. "So that is how you healed all those pirates on that ship," he recalled, "but how did you learn that spell?" "The pirates had a magician with them, it looked like," she pointed at one gray Unicorn passing by, which sped up at the sight of the Pokemon looking and pointing at him. "Like that Pony." "A Unicorn," Weiss clarified, "Then you learn from seeing it? That is quite the feat." "So we have a new healer? Cool. The Doc is going to be so pissed off!" Cheerfully and devilishly replied the dragoness. Greninja on his end congratulated Valerie with a tap on her back. "That answers that," happily commented Weiss. "I wonder what other things you will learn." And with nothing else to add, he turned left, not without reminding them about meeting at the party. "Same Weiss as always," claimed Edge as she too took off to the sky. "Your group is quite bad at farewells" jokingly mentioned Valerie to the water-type. Greninja merely gave her a 'so-so' sign. Weiss decided to avoid large groups in order to keep the watching eyes to a minimum. Yet, he couldn't help stopping to wander around the more curious places the town had to offer, such as a the town hall which seemed to resemble a park's kiosk instead of a political building, a prank shop that looked just like an oversized jester hat and a house made out of candy–just like the one of the old fairy tales. "I hope there is no Hypno like in the tale," Weiss thought to himself. But by far, the one that really caught his attention was a shop which was reminiscent of a carousel. Not that it was more eccentric than the building made out of treats, but because of how extravagant it looked. It was reminiscent of a carousel, but that was it. It didn't take things to an unnecessary extreme to pull the client's attention. Weiss grew curious about the products in the window and walked closer. A pair of blue eyes stared at him with interest from within the store. Suddenly, a light blue aura took hold of Weis and dragged him inside. Again Weiss found himself twirling and pulling his blades out, ready to fight his way out when he noticed a regal white coated Unicorn Pony with a sophisticated purple mane looking directly at him–and directly being right before him. "Oh my!" exclaimed the Unicorn while carefully looking at the clothes covering Weiss, completely unaware of the pair of blades aimed at her. "I can't believe I am actually touching this marvel!" "Ehm..." Weiss didn't think the Unicorn meant any harm, thus he retracted his blades and asked, "can I help you ma'am?" This make the Unicorn snap out of her thoughts. "Oh, I am so terribly sorry for my sudden and rude outburst, I am normally far more composed." The tone the mare was talking with reminded Weiss of Rouge. "What do you say about restarting this meeting more properly?” “Hello good sir: my name is Rarity, and this is my humble shop, the Carousel boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique." She held a hoof for the Bisharp in a very different fashion from Daring's salute. "Weiss," friendly, and more calmer now, replied the mercenary while taking the hoof he had been offered and giving it an elegant kiss, not too exaggerated though, as his pre rendered elegant self took over the conversation. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Rarity." "Well I can see someone knows some manners," joyfully replied Rarity. “And I see you have also been granted a translation spell. I presume you have met our princess then?" "I'm afraid I still need to get that honor," replied the Bisharp while wondering why royalty would live in such a small town. "My current speech has been granted by Lord Arceus after I paid him a visit." Needless to say, the Unicorn mare did not hold her surprise at the news. "So you went to talk with the Pokemon god then! I take by that and your courteous demeanor that you were a former human then?" It was Weiss turn to be surprised, "you know about humans?" Rarity smiled smugly while replying, "Why of course I do. I even have the pleasure to consider some of them as my friends! Never underestimate the connections of a fashionista." 'So there are other humans in town. Interesting' Weiss thought. "I will be sure to remember that, Miss, but if you excuse my rudeness, can I inquire why was I brought here so suddenly?" "Oh... about that," replied Rarity with a less extravagant tone, yet nevertheless elegant. "You see, it’s not just everyday one in the world of fashion gets a chance to look at the fabled wonder of the Griffins: Orichalcum." "Wait, orichalcum as in the one of folklore? That orichalcum?" Weiss knew of the mythical metal of magical properties, but only as a mere fairy tale, nothing more. Then again he was currently in a world where magic was a norm, so finding out the ore actually existed wasn't that rare. "Why of course!" replied the fashionista. "The thread as slim as a spider's web yet as resistant as steel. It was born from an attempt to replicate the magical enchantments on Pony armors and somehow it fulfilled its expectations greatly, to the point that this is one of Griffenheim’s greatest secrets, which they keep to the point of rarely giving it to their soldiers, let alone some outsider." Weiss was very surprised by this. He thought his new clothes were just tough and resistant. He never expected it to be so special and important. "I have to give one big thanks once I get back then..." "Beg your pardon?" "Nothing, I just realized what an impressive present this garment is." "So you received it as a present. I would dare to say it was given away without knowing the true value of this gorgeousness," began the fashionista, but quickly added, "but the very fact that it is trimmed and sized for your anatomy tells me already that it was custom made for you. So I have to wonder: what did you do to earn the trust of someone so high in the Griffin hierarchy to get such present?" "I'm afraid that is classified, miss," replied Weiss with a courteous smile. "And now that I know how important this is, I'm afraid I must cut your thoughts short. I can't let you examine it. I hope you understand." Rarity had to curse her talkative self for ruining such a rare opportunity, but with a radiant smile she said, "of course I understand darling. I would hate to have my work stolen... again" the last part held obvious bitterness while the Unicorn recalled her last visit to Manehattan. "So fear not, I will not ask for such, but I must insist you at least tell me what you did to earn such wonder, at least as far as you may tell." Weiss thought for a moment on how to reply, then he simply replied, "let's just say my friends and I earned our place in the empire by piercing the heavens." Rarity could understand a little, but had to admit the last part was rather cryptic. "Well, if you managed to earn such thing from them, then I am sure to get some information next time I pay a visit to the empire." Weiss chuckled while mentally acknowledging Rarity's own advice: 'must not take a fashionista lighty.' Ponyville Equestria At the other side of town. Edge was smelling the sweet fragrance of ripe apples in the air, which only made her all the more hungry. The few fruits the pirates actually offered was rather simple and soggy, so it was good to get a good and decent meal after three days, or so she thought. Once she reached the ground, she found that the trees belonged to someone else, thus meaning she would either have to grab-and-run or properly pay for her food. Being with the pirates had removed any desire to take things by force--for now at least--so she decided to take a more honest route--for now at least. She walked toward the building she thought was the owner’s home and knocked on the door. As soon as someone popped out she demanded, "I am broke. What can can I do for some fruit?" "Ehm... Big bro, there is ah dragon here asking for a job!" incredulously replied the soft yellow filly who happened to open the door. A Bulbasaur perched on her back was picking glances at Edge from the huge ribbon the filly wore. "Ah think." Shortly after a much bigger red stallion come trotting into the scene he patted his sibling to leave and faced Edge, obviously being as confused as the filly about the customer. "Good day, ehm... Ma'am?" Edge smiled. "Good day indeed. I want to get some of your fruit," she said while sniffing the air, her mouth drooling at the sweet aroma of fruit. "But I so happen to be out of money, so here is a deal. I work for you and I get some fruit, what do you say? It's a fair bargain!" The red stallion thought on her offer, but gave her a sad look. "Sorry ma'am, but we already have enough help for the day." "What!? What kind of help can you get that rivals that of a dragon?" asked the Noivern. "How 'but a electric lion, a white reaper, a pink fox, a electric lamb, a tall Zebra, and two blue jackals?" listed the stallion. By the weird naming he gave each creature, Edge deduced they were all Pokemon. "So there is nothing I can do?" "Nope." Edge was about to leave in defeat when she donned a brilliant idea. "How about an imperial IOU?" The stallion looked at her with surprise. "Just send the bill to the Griffin empire with this." She removed the red bandana she wore as a scarf and gave it to the red Earth pony. "Alongside this, and you will get your money!" The Pony gave her an incredulous look, which Edge obviously missed, but giving an look at the cloth, which seemed a bit torn apart by some strong wind, he sighed and replied, "You can take some apples from the trees. Those ain't been used for now. Just don't break the trees!" warned him while taking the small cloth. "Don't worry, sir, I will be as careful as a Butterfly!" And with nothing else to say, the dragoness took to the sky, gently flapping over the tree tops of the orchard and snapping their fruit with utmost care, her mere presence causing a small number of Bug-types to fly away in fear. Big Mac smiled on one side while giving the cloth a second look. "Ah wonder how will this look on mah shelf?" It had took Valerie almost an hour to regain her strength, yet Greninja haven't moved from her side during that time (quite literally, he really didn't move an inch). Feeling bad for her guardian, Valerie asked him if he wanted to see something in particular. The Ninja Pokemon simply replied with a negative wave of his hand. "Oh, is that so?" calmly, but awkwardly replied the Togekiss as they moved around the town at an easy pace. They wandered for a few minutes until something grabbed her attention, a huge tree with a house embedded in it much like the ones on her home. "How marvelous!" she proclaimed on sight. "I didn't knew buildings like this could also exist over here as well." As they looked at the tree closer, they found out a small sign which read, 'Golden Oaks Library'. "By my shine, but isn't this a library! Would you like to take a look, my friend?" she asked the ninja, who simply nodded. With glee, they headed to the door and watched a small group made from a Luxray, an Absol, a Sylveon and an Earth Pony leave the building. "My, it seems it’s okay for Pokemon to walk in as well!" With extended glee over the new discovery, they made their way into the library. "Good afternoon!" saluted Valerie while passing through the door while cheerfully adding, "sorry for the intrusion but can we look at your lovely establishment?" Right after her question was made, a lavender Pony came to greet them as she magically placed a thick book in a shelf. "Well, isn't this a busy day?" The Pony surprised Valerie, as it had not only a slightly larger horn than average, but also a big pair of wings. "Good afternoon to you too... wow!" She exclaimed once she properly looked at the most recent visitors. Valerie on her end also noticed the 'mixed' Pony was a tad taller as well. "You two are new ones," she joyfully noticed. These words snapped Valerie out of her staring, which luckily wasn't noticed, "huh... What?" "Sorry," the Pony awkwardly replied. "I just came from a talk with some other Pokemon and I think I'm still a bit interested learning more about you all." She then offered them a hoof. "Let me start again. Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and welcome to the Golden Oaks Library. What can I do for you?" Valerie smiled back at Twilight while gently taking her hoof with her own limb. "A delight to make your acquaintance, miss Sparkle. I am Valerie, and this here is my friend... I think you can call him Greninja?" The Ninja Pokemon nodded. "Please, just Twilight is fine," she replied with a dry chuckle while looking at Valerie’s companion. "Is he mute?" "I'm afraid I do not know. He seems to be more of an overly silent type." Greninja just blinked. "But if you want to know more about Pokemon I would be more than happy to oblige. I am especially knowledgeable on Fairy-types. It comes with the Gym Leader title." "Gym Leader," echoed Twilight. "So you are a former human too?" "Too...?" echoed back Valerie, yet she properly answered, "Well yes, I used to be a human. But now I have the body of a Togekiss." As she heard this, Twilight grabbed back the notebook she had just put away with a purple aura, writing down the small fact as soon as she could, while also explaining, "yeah, I was just visited by a former human, Seth Crescent he's called, and was kind enough to explain a few things about Pokemon." "So mister Crescent made it here as well!" happily replied Valerie while Greninja arched an eyebrow in the direction where the previous group had left. A silent chuckle emanating from him. "You are friends with him?" asked Twilight with curiosity. "I have the pleasure to know him, but only on few occasions. Mostly as a public figure, that being Gym Leader," the Togekiss explained. "But I never had the fortune to know him on a more private manner. Although I was about to do so in an upcoming meeting some friends of mine was planning to have, before all of this happened of course." "I see, but what was so important of him to be so known?" "Well, he openly promoted Human-Pokemon relationships," awkwardly replied Valerie, still feeling new to the notion of Pokephilia being non existent in Equss. "Oh, I see," replied Twilight with a slightly clearer point of view on Seth. "I think that was very brave for his part." "Oh it was!" Valerie proudly replied. "He dared to do what someone in a position such as mine would never even consider. I only wish he doesn't regret not finishing his quest." "He seems to be okay... huh." replied Twilight. It was then she noticed that the silent ninja had, somehow, taken the notebook out of her hoofs without her knowledge and was currently writing in it, "Hey! When did you take that!?" Greninja didn't flinched as he looked back at Twilight, only to show her what he was doing. He was currently writing a very long and detailed description of his kind and his evolutionary family. There were even some small illustrations too. He then used an empty piece of paper and wrote: “I was getting bored.” "Yeah, he and his comrades usually do things like this." apologized Valerie with a chuckle. Twilight on her end didn't know if she should feel angry anymore and wondered if she could ask for more information. As if Valerie was reading her mind, she replied. "I guess it is now my turn to share some information as well, shouldn't I?" Valerie said, much to Twilight’s glee. "I see we have more visitors," mentally expressed a being who seemed to have been taken out of a sci-fi movie wearing a lab coat. "We truly do!" Chirped the lavender Pony, "let me introduce you both, this here is Professor Juniper." "Good day!" Replied the Beheeyem in a friendly tone. "And this here is..." Twilight's introduction was cut as Valerie did it herself, "June! It’s so good to see you!" She embraced the Beheeyem In her own unique way, this been hugging her with her big wings and tangling feet while also snuggling her. Any normal individual would have taken such an overkill of affection as suffocating, yet the Pokemon Professor did know of someone with such extravagant personality, and her voice helped too. "Va-Valerie! Is this you?" mentally asked the Psychic-type. "It is me, my friend, and I see your bright mind earned you a fitting body!" "I take that they know each other as well," mentioned Twilight, Greninja simply shrugging redundantly. "And this here is Greninja," finished her introduction. From within the obsessive embrace, Juniper glanced at the second guest. "Honey, I see he IS a Greninja," obvious but friendly sarcasm on her tone. "Well, you can call him Checkmate's ninja if you want," happily suggested the still hugging Togekiss. Juniper on her end seemed to be lost in thought, "Checkmate? As in the chess game?" she inquired. Valerie nodded. "Now where have I heard that name before... Oh yeah! The other day in the news... about that... dismembered...gang...!!!" The professor didn't finished her line as her memories clicked into position. She yanked her friends in a psychic pull as far away from the Greninja as possible. The mercenary only rolled his eyes, sighed and continued his writing as the Beheeyem began shouting. Griffin Empire Nesting Hold castle The sun had began to sink into the horizon as Shredder made her way towards her chambers. she could hardly believe that, according to what she had heard, the celestial bodies of the Sun and the Moon were actually being pulled by two living beings. "Then again, we were brought here by another living being," she thought. Despite it being the first day training her team, she felt quite tired, not physically but mentally, as she had to explain again and again many things that were common knowledge back on Earth. Yet here she had to explain the differences of types and each strength and weakness they had. Needless to say the thing she most wanted to do was to remove her armor-skirt, take a long warm bath and then lie unconscious on her bed. So it was also needless to say that the least she expected, or wanted, was a brown blur to knock her off her feet once she entered her room. "Welcome home, honey!" Cheerfully welcomed Roll while snuggling her on the ground. “How was your day?" "..." The Sword Blade Pokemon let out a huffed groan. "Tired," she replied while slowly standing up, closing the door and carefully placing her sword on a small pedestal. All the while Roll hung off her neck. "I should have asked Xavier for some teaching tips before he left..." "Now, don't you go soft on me!" demanded the Lopunny. "I know you can turn this whole bunch of birds into Pokemon hunters in no time. All you have to do is keep being the most awesome badass of the world. In short: just keep being you!" Shredder chuckled at her mate's to-the-point reply as she properly hugged her. "You are right, I have to keep myself together." She then lifted Roll's face and kissed her impassionedly. The Rabbit Pokemon didn't fight it in the slightest. While Shredder was usually shy and timid when in the presence of others, she had no reservations whatsoever when she was able to find herself and her mate alone. Of course Roll loved to tease her more timid self but she was just as joyful when they were by their own. "So how was your day at the orphanage?" "Oh you should have seen the looks on their faces--specially the one from the resident teacher, he was..." Roll proceeded to give her a very detailed narration of her day. Not even a minute was left out. "... and then I got here and waited for you!" The Normal-type finished. Meanwhile Shredder had removed her armor-skirt and had sat on the bed, Roll obviously beside her. "I see you had quite the day as well," the Bisharp prized while placing a hand around her. "And this was just your first day, yet you seem to have gotten used to this new life." Roll leaned on Shredder's shoulder. "Well, you know I always wanted to quit that life, but there was a little someone who always refused to leave with me!" she joked. "And you know I have been honor bound to Weiss long before I was bound to you," stubbornly replied the dual type. "I will convince you one day" replied the single type with the same stubbornness whilst intertwining her soft fingers with Shredder's thin claws. "And I have the higher ground this time," she cheerfully added. "Ho! And what would that be?" questioned Shredder while gently giving Roll a kiss on her neck. The Lopunny shivered, but kept her voice as steady as possible, "We have a new world for ourselves. We surely will find a new way to live our lives." As she said this, she lifted Shredder's hand and kissed it. Then they shared another long yet passionate kiss, then looked into each other's gaze for a silent minute. "Weren't you going to take a shower...?" slowly wondered Roll as she knew most of Shredder's habits, yet she didn't make a move to let her mate go. In fact she didn't stop her when she gently pinned her down on the bed. "It would be a waste to clean myself when we are about to sweat..." she replied while leaning towards her. They spent the rest of the night with their own little celebration. Ponyville Equestria Weiss' location Weiss had a very relaxing talk for a change. Rarity wasn’t bothered by his half truths and replies. She even called the mysteriousness he kept sophisticated and intriguing, which gave him enough freedom to talk as much as he wanted within his own restrictions. In return, the fashionista granted him some of her stories regarding some of the events of her life, including her former role as a wielder of the Elements of Harmony. "I have been casually talking with a celebrity then?" joked Weiss. "I've been having a great evening, miss Rarity, but I'm afraid I have to take my leave. I have some friends I have to meet at tonight's party." He was about to leave when Rarity interjected, "well I too have some acquaintances to rendezvous with in there, so I don't see why we can't go together there." Weiss smiled at the suggestion. "I would be honored." He had to admit that though he originally kept up his chat with the mare for the sake of getting information about Equestria, which he got aplenty, he came to appreciate Rarity's personality: strong and determined, both characteristics he greatly prized. This again made him think of his Poison-type comrade, and wondered for a second if there could be a possibility of them being alternative versions of one another. As they were making their way out, they noticed a couple of Pokemon coming the Carousel's way. Both had a green and white humanoid body with a red spike coming out of their chests, although one was much thinner while the other had a stronger build. The Gardevoir had an arm around the Gallade as the later waved at Rarity, and Weiss by addition. "Some of your friends I take it," the Bisharp said. "You can bet your clothes on that," she replied. "Hey Rarity!" happily greeted the Gallade as he gave Weiss a curious but friendly look. "A client?" The Gardevoir on her end only nodded as a salute. Weiss repaid the gesture with one of his own. "More of a subject of study," she jokingly replied. The mercenary offered a hand at this point. "Weiss. Nice to meet a former human." The Gallade took his hand as soon he drew it. Before he could introduce himself, the fashionista began for him. "This handsome Gallade here is my good friend Gene, and this lovely lady is his fiance Belle." As she mentioned those names, Weiss gained a thinking expression. "And good timing you two, we were about to go to the party.” "Then we shouldn’t waste any time," cheerfully replied Gene as the four of them began to walk. "By the way, Rarity, you will never guess what we found in Appleloosa." Before Rarity could actually guess, Gene replied, "My friend Draco, he’s a Flygon." "A Flygon by the name of Draco," Weiss began, then realized something. "A Gardevoir named Belle, and I take you also have a Dragonair, a Mismagius, a Galvantula and a Houndoom as well?" Gene and Belle looked confused at first, but that was soon exchanged for fear as the list went on. Then Gene made a realization on his own. "Former human, dark clothes, an elegant tone," he thought. "He seems to be one of them," mentally replied Belle. Gene swallowed a bit as he replied, "Then I take you know us because you were after us," a dramatic pause, "mister detective?" "...!?" Weiss was dumbstruck by the sudden assumption he made, which in turn made him burst into laughter. Needless to say this caught the Psychic-types by surprise, Rarity on her end was beyond lost. "And afraid of authorities," Weiss finished with a half triumphant, half laughing, tone, "that settles it, you are Gene Phillips!" Gene was so confused and taken aback by the Bisharp's laughter that he almost ignored the fact he call him by his full name, almost. "I take it you’re no officer then," he snarled back, "so why don't you cut this crap out and tell us why you know so much about us?" "Why to kill you of course!" Merely replied the still grinning Dark-type. Gene's thoughts frozen in place, while Rarity looked to Belle, knowing she would doubtlessly charge the assassin at full force, yet she stood still, her face showed she wanted to attack Weiss, but at the same time it seemed as if she were restraining herself. "N-now now," began Rarity as calmly as possible, still taken back by the situation, "I didn't take you as a prankster mister Weiss..." "That is because I am not, you see; this gentleman here wasn't liked by many persons back on Earth, and only for the crime of loving!" The tone Weiss was using for his explanation was quite similar to the ancient writer Hoofspeare, Rarity thought, "yet that was a love cursed by society, thus me and my associates were hired to 'end' their story as dramatically and tragically as possible." "And you’re still going to end the job, even if we’re in a whole new world!?" Exclaimed Gene, he could feel his body trembling. Weiss just smiled and continued with his narration. "We had the time and place ready. We even managed to get some media ready for it, if the world wanted you gone, then we would make a fucking spectacle out of it. You two would have become the Romeo and Juliet of this generation. I am sure you would have liked to see the chaos your deaths would have brought to the world and to the view of Pokephilia in general." "That is hard to appreciate when one is on the grave," bitterly interjected Rarity, who by now was quite sure Weiss wasn't lying. "Oh, but that is the best part, you see. It all would have been just a play." He looked at both lovers and smiled. “You two would have lived to see the end of the story. After all, your love is quite real." Gene could finally feel his breathing as he realized what the Bisharp was talking about, only to feel extremely tired as the stress caught on with his mind, "But... we don't know you, why would you have done that for us?" "The people after you are morons, and if there is one thing I hate it’s stupidity." Was all the answer he gave as he passed beside the couple, patting Gene's shoulder and saying, "still, I feel like I owe you something, if you ever need help, just look for us, we will be glad to assist." And then he walked away from the group, knowing well that his presence will only ruin their night, yet he gave one final message. "I still hope we may have a proper talk again in the future," and left. The trio stand silent for a few seconds until Rarity broke it, "Well, that was definitely unexpected, but I must admit that I thought you would start havoc as soon he made his little proclamation," the fashionista looked at Belle, who was currently hugging her mate's arm as tightly as possible. "I wanted to... but..." She quietly replied. "I couldn't..." Gene's eyes widened at the news while Rarity looked confused. "You mean...?" Gene asked and Belle nodded. "What?" Questioned the confused Unicorn. "Gardevoir are said to have the ability to look into the future of their trainers in order to avoid danger," he then swallowed as he looked at the back of Weiss in the distance, "that means that the moment she challenged him, things could have turned dangerous for real." "But Belle is, and excuse me if I say it like this darling, a beast in terms of attack, not to mention he is a former human, would she even have a problem with him?" Gene didn't liked to but he nodded, "He is an assassin after all, human or not, I’m sure he already knows how to counter some Pokemon. And he’s a Dark-type now, which makes him immune to her Psychic attacks." Another silent sequence passed, this time been broken by Belle, "But... he wanted to help us. Can you imagine how things might have turned out if things had gone differently?" She seemed to be happy all of the sudden, knowing someone as shady as Weiss didn't dislike their relationship was a rather nice thought. "Yeah..." Gene couldn't avoid thinking of how things could have been if they have a chance to start anew back on Earth, yet they had just the same opportunity on Equus, "But I wouldn't change this world for anything!" He solemnly claimed Gene as he hugged his fiance. Rarity saw the opportunity to return to a happier topic, "So, Gene, you were telling me about this new friend of yours..." And then they left towards a happier place. Weiss made his way into the party, not knowing what to wait yet willing to enjoy it, he was in a very good mood for a change. For starters, he was greeted by a brilliant Pink earth pony with a overly excited voice. "Welcome to the Pokemon's super-duper-hyped Welcome to Equus Party extravaganza!" The mare fit the character previously described by Rarity as one of her closest friends. "Pinkie Pie I presume," calmly greeted back the mercenary with a grin. "You can bet your metallic skin I am!" Replied the hyper pink Pony. "Wait! Are you by any chance a Psychic-type?" Weiss simply smile more, "You would love to know don't you?" He cryptically answer while adding, "oh, and miss Do sends a hello!" And then he proceeded into the party, escaping Pinkie's next question as soon she had to greet another arrival. He had to admit that things looked promising, numerous Ponies and Pokemon were enjoying themselves, even some Legendaries made an act of presence, as an extravagantly denoted Articuno with her arrival. And the more interesting part: both races were talking! Somehow the Ponies managed to made everyone able to chat with one another. Weiss was currently waiting for his friends at the heat of the party by the bar, he was amazed by the fact they even brought setup a bar. Somehow the Ponies didn't make Weiss think on stuff like drinking, or swearing, or anything beyond a 'Pg-13' rating. So he was very content to get a drink for the night, only to find out there were no alcoholic beverages that night. "Is this place child friendly or what?" Wonder the Bisharp as a mare beside him was suddenly showered with a drink in comedic fashion. He didn't have to wait much for Valerie to arrive, she seemed exhausted though. "You okay there?" Casually asked Weiss as Valerie snatched his mug and drink it in one gulp, only for her to realize it was just apple cider. "Are you guys heartless mercenaries?" She inquired. Weiss glanced at Greninja, who simply shrug, "We are professionals miss Valerie, if we have a contract we follow it through, of course we take some creative freedoms from time to time, as if we are asked to end someone's life because of an stupid reason, we make it look like they have departed this world while giving them a new identity." Valerie's mood seem the relax as she said, "Then you didn't slaughter that wherehouse of gang members back in Unova!" The mercenarie was ordering another drink when she said this, which in turn make him stop enough for a piece of ice clatter on a cup. "... Totally did that." He emotionlessly claimed, "In our defence; they totally deserved it!" And then he left, not wanting to ruin the party with stories of previous jobs, but he did add, "Besides, I try to avoid those jobs as much as possible, since I have someone who sees my memories from to time to time I would hate to show some of my least favorite moments constantly." And thus he left Valerie on disbelieve, hoping he could properly explain the situation latter. "Is not my fault they were such a bunch of psychos, what was I supposed to do when someone is running towards me with an axe, a gas mask and screaming gibberish...?" He said to himself, scaring a few ponies beside him. "You could have made Xavier kick their minds into a psychic pit," offered a familiar voice. Weiss didn't have to look above him to see Latias hoover beside him. "They had one lovely 'cocktail' on their system, so there was no mind to kick to begin with. And their masks made Rouge's Sleeping Powder useless." "I know you guys tried to persuade them," she gently added. Weiss didn't like to mindlessly kill someone, but he disliked more having to show it to his Legendary friend, let alone talking about it, so he preferred to change topic. "How has the party going?" He calmly asked. "Awesome!" She cheerfully replied, much for Weiss content. "Every pony is so nice and kind, I even managed to get myself a challenge tomorrow!" Weiss looked behind her and found a mare that filled yet another character from his previous talk with Rarity. “Let me guess, cyan Pegasus called Rainbow Dash?" "You know: when I do the mind reading stuff is cute. When you do it is creepy" deadpanned the Dragon Legendary. "And what happened to the adorable me?" Replied Weiss with a fake hurt tone. "I said almost," triumphantly clarified Latias, "but yes, I am having a race tomorrow morning, and you better be there." She added matter-of-factly. "I will see if my 'almost adorable' schedule allows it." Teased the Bisharp. "Here is the location," said Latias, completely ignoring his joke while her eyes shine, delivering the information directly into Weiss' head. "Mhm... Tastes like peanut butter," joked again the mercenary. “Word of advice, this pegasus has a unique gimmick which can be used as a hidden ace." He warned his friend, of course without exactly telling what. "Don't you worry, I do have one on my own," she assured him. And again they chatted for a bit longer. This time it was most of Latias talking though, as she mentioned about the Ponies she had met so far. "... those two spa owners really wanted to know how I keep my fur so smooth," Latias pridefully remember, only to deadpan right after, "they kind of look depressed once I told them I had down." "Well, you do have a lovely coat of down," answer back Weiss in an attempt to cheer his friend up. This attempt seemed to work as the female Eon Pokemon look for the closest thing to deviate the topic. Luckily for her there was a rather unique sight passing right before them. "H-hey! Is that a group of young Dragons being lead by a Pegasus?" And indeed it was, a Gible, an Axew, a Dratini, a Bagon and some purple dragon she didn't know were been guided somewhere by a cream yellow Pegasus with a pastel pink mane. Weiss looked from where they come from and smiled, but returning at the topic at hand he said, "the mare is called Fluttershy, the dragon is Spike, assistant to the local princess, she may have been offering a place to the young Pokemon.“ The information was again taken from his 'informant' while the latter part was simple deduction. "You are creeping me out now. How did you know all of this?" Demanded Latias with dramatic curiosity. "And what else do you know?" "That Pony over there talking to Arceus is princess Twilight, her type of Pony is called Alicorn. The Earth pony from over there may seem simple and rustic, but she is in fact a member of the biggest apple producer family on the continent, most of the drinks and treats must be hers, and the odd creature talking to the flying imp is the incarnation of Chaos," monotonously listed Weiss as he pointed at a Purple Pony with a horn and wings, an orange coated Pony wearing a hat and a serpentine chimera. "... the flying imp is Hoppa..." added Latias with a defeated tone, in a last attempt to regain some glory. She then turned at Weiss and stare at him, a single message clear on her eyes: how? "Never underestimate a fashionista, darling!" Was all explanation he gave as he walked towards the small hill Fluttershy and the dragons had come from, towards a Scizor looking at the starry sky. Leaving his friend quite confused, lost and at the need to read his mind to properly get an answer. "You cheater!" She exclaimed. "Said the mind reader," retorted the Bisharp. The Scizor turned at the incoming rockus, finding a familiar face on Latias yet an unknown face on the Bisharp, but it didn't took him long to connect the clothes, emblem and personality with an old comrade and friend of his. "I see changing worlds and even bodies hasn't changed your relationship on the slightest," commented the Scizor without moving from his place. Both newcomers give him a silent glance before chuckling. “And you still as cool and collected as always, Mr. Red Comet." Greeted Latias. "All you are missing is your sunglasses and an iced glass," added Weiss as he offered a fist at the Bug-type. “Good to see you, Char." "The glasses can be fixed easily, but there is no way I will chill out with apple cider instead of whiskey," he coolly replied while hitting Weiss' fist with a big claw of his. "That is for youngsters such as yourselves." "May I remind you that she easily quadruple your life-ow!" impolitely added Weiss. Latias in turn bumped her friend. Char chuckled in response. “And I will remind you that is harsh and impolite to talk about a lady's age!" "You listen to him, because you can learn so much from him!" Wisely added Latias. "He has, trust me, he has." Weiss 'annoyingly' replied as he looked around for someone, only to find the three of them in the hill, "I take Lala didn't have the luck to appear close by," silently commented the leader. "No, she didn't," sadly yet calm replied Char. "I been looking for her tirelessly and was hoping to find her here, I got invited by a small orange coated Pegasus on a scooter by the way, quite an odd sight." Weiss knew of his relationship with Lala and was quite surprised how calm he was taking it. "No offence sir, but: why aren't you freaking out?" Added Latias as she had similar thoughts. "I was about to. I even wanted to charge towards Arceus as soon he appeared." Char confessed. "And how come everyone is still alive then?" Inquire Weiss. "A mare caught on to my sorrow and helped me with kind words," Latias and Weiss thought on the yellow Pegasus of before. “She had quite the stare I must also say." "That is quite the feat," Weiss admired, yet he didn't ask about Char's talk, the Scizor was quite reserved on such topics after all. "But what will you do now?" "Lala is more likely going to be looking for any trouble she can found, most likely to find us in it," Char processed. "I won't deny we have a tendency to do that..." Shamelessly admitted Weiss. "So you are staying with the group?" Wonder Latias. "For now at least," Weiss wasn't surprised, "I would like to have a proper life from now on, once we found her of course." "I knew you would say that," admired Weiss calmly, although his eyes show different. "I thank your comprehension," replied Char with his smooth voice. "Well," began Latias, hoping to cheer the mood. “There is a race tomorrow. Knowing the mare I am going to go against, there will be quite the crowd. You may found Lala there." Char nodded. "Then is settled. We will go to the race tomorrow morning," declared Weiss. Noticing how the party was reaching his end, most of its attendants having returned home by now, the group decided to call it a night as well. Latias give again a simple 'goodbye' as she left to look for her brother, who was surprisingly not beside her, at least for the night. "To be lost in a world with no worries, truly a young's life," Char poetically said. "Shut up," was the calmly answer Weiss give. Outside of Ponyville Race grounds Weiss and company didn't have a proper night of sleep, as a matter of fact. They had a long night explaining what once happened back on Earth to Valerie, thus they had a very little time to snore. Not to mention the race was been hold at morning, so the mercenaries didn't have the best of starts. Still, they managed to arrive early, mostly because Edge, who only attended the party for a few hours, since she was properly fed, thanks to the apple family. Valerie herself wasn't in a good mood. Although she had come to understand that the mercenaries did have not choice of action once the story was told, she didn't enjoyed the part when she had to calm down her friend Juniper and made out for the chaos at Twilight's library with a very long and detailed description of Fairy-types. So the only one looking forward for the race was Char, albeit by different reasons. "I can see an interesting number of Pokemon and Ponies gathered," commented Char at the crowd with promised excitement. "but its amazing to see the level of organization there is for this event, despite been planned one night prior." "I think it must be Pinkie's doing with the help of Discord," replied Weiss, glad to know some stuff his team did not and rub it on them as much as he could. "Who and what now?" Asked Edge. Before Weiss could reply, Valerie made an observation. “How are we going to look at the race with all these people in the way?" Wondered the once Gym leader, as they were a bit late to take on better seats. "Du'uh!" Replied Edge while flapping her large wings. "Oh... Right!" Exclaimed back Valerie as she too took for the sky. "We will be going up then, you guys are coming?" Asked Weiss to Char and Greninja, although he knew what will the Scizor would say. "I will prefer to look at the crowd, but I thank your offer," and headed to the group of Pokemon and Ponies while adding, "but I wish the best of lucks to your lady!" Weiss groaned as Greninja followed Char, apparently he also wanted to help his friend. With a chuckle he patted Edge as he hopped on her back. “Up please." And up they went, getting a good sight of the race track, although they couldn't hear anything from the ground. Apparently the chimera was currently giving some instructions to both participants. "Huh..." Then Weiss noticed something, "that is odd." Valerie turned at Weiss, "I see Latias, but I don't see her brother..." "Wait! He is alive?" Inquired Edge confused, as she didn't see the male Eon Pokemon on the party, and neither did Weiss told her. "Yeah, Arceus brought him back it seems." "Cool! So he can do all your lady friend can?" Inquired Edge. "Apparently," replied Weiss while rolling his eyes, "why?" "Because that would explain the mass that has been hovering besides us for over a minute now." With his cover blown, Latios saw no further use of remaining invisible, thus he made his presence clear for the group. "Good morning," was all he said, although with his cold yet elegant tone. "Good morning to you too good sir," replied Valerie with an aerial bow. Meanwhile, the race seemed to start, both contestants making an impressive display of speed. However, Weiss was interesting on something else, for a change. "I knew you were the reserved older brother," joked the Bisharp, "but why looking at the race with us?" "Actually, I was looking for you mister Weiss." "Oh, so formal, I guess you are in trouble," teased Edge. He ignored her comrade though, "and why would that be?" "I would prefer to ask it on a more calmer place, and alone if possible." "You really are in trouble." Teased again the Noivern. "If that is what you want then," he calmly yet slightly worried replied. "Ehm, I don't want to be rude but," interjected Valerie while Edge seemed to be a bit disoriented, "the Pegasus just rocketed ahead of Latias." Both male Pokemon looked right down in disbelieve, as the sound of an explosion catch on to them. "So that is a Sonic Rainboom!" Noted Weiss as they looked that the trademark rainbow the move leave behind. Only for Latios to chuckle, "it seems my sister has found herself an appropriate match," yet he didn't seemed to be that surprised as his body, and Latias down on the race, began to glow, "so is only natural for her to go all out." And then Latias' form drastically changed, her body was now bigger and her color red was changed for purple. "Mega evolution," noticed Weiss, knowing about it by Latias' memories, yet this been the very first time he actually saw it, "so that is how you two look like-hoa!" The Bisharp awe was short, as Edge was now really losing her balance. "One blast I can take," she screamed, "but two sonic explosions are too freaking much!" The sudden vibrations caused the blind dragoness to lost sight of her surroundings, while also hurting her like hell. "Here, let me help," said Latios while easing the dragoness' pain with a Heal Pulse. "THANKS!" Screamed Edge, apparently been momentarily deaf. "Indeed..." Replied a dizzy Bisharp. “This was worst than a Taurus's rodeo..." "Oh no!" Exclaimed Valerie. "because of lady Edge's problem, I couldn't see who won." "Same here," replied Weiss and Latios at unison. "WHAT!?" screamed the confused Noivern. "I will be waiting for you a few miles from here mister, please don't disappoint me" and with that said, Latios turn invisible again and left for the wrecked goal. Meanwhile, down there a single mare could be heard declaring. "AND THE WINNER IS...! At the same time Somewhere in Canterlot Daring had left the Hall of Legends as soon Arceus left for the party and was on her way to deliver her small literary piece to her editor for it to be published. Yet she first took a small deviation towards a small curio shop placed on a forgotten alley. She knocked three times yet enter as if she own the place, a collection of artifacts of many shapes and sizes all over the dusted shelves. At the back of the a dark counter lay a grey Pony with a braided mane, who sported a pair of reading glasses and small candle to see in the dark. Ah! Miss Yerling, so good to see you again, tell me: what can I assist you with." Cheerfully asked the shopkeeper once he recognised Daring's alter ego. "Having a rollercoaster for three days straight," she calmly replied while taking something out of her saddle bags. "I can say the same. The shop has been constantly visited by some of these creatures as of late. The Purple mice are ease to take out, but some are a bit more difficult to... Let's say drive away." At this mention, a being Daring could only call a bipedal mummy phased through one wall, giving her a lifeless stare with its one eye before returning back from when it came. "At it least keeps any rover at bay," commented the Pony. "Good for you," deadpanned the disguised explorer. "Look, I heard from a friend that a creature known as Tlaloque has been spotted on the Griffin empire, do you know something about it?" "The Griffin empire is a land far beyond this little shop miss, I'm afraid there is no way I can be of help," expressed the shopkeeper with faked sadness, which disappeared from his voice when a bag full of bits landed on his counter, "but I may have heard of some gossip," greedily added while taking the bag. Daring on her end waited for the information. "Some say Tlaloque is no longer a buddy of Ahuizotl and that he is looking for something on his own." "And what could that be?" Inquired the mare. "Some say is a weapon, others than a temple, but some shady Griffin say he wanted to help some royal snoff in exchange of something rather displeasing for me to say." Another bag of bits landed beside him. "Oh but I am sure you can take it miss Yerling," replied again the greedy merchant, "he wanted the Griffin to perform an old ritual once in power: a sacrificial ritual, a crimson blood celebration!" > Fifteenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fifteenth Move Innocence The Friendship Express Going back to Ponyville The overly colorful machine kept its engine roaring and its wheels spinning across the mountain side of Canterlot. The city bestowed on the very mountain's submit been already a sight on the horizon. The engineer had the steam powered machine running at tip top shape, making it so the passengers would properly arrive at Ponyville in time as always. Of course, that wasn't counting that train which was almost derailed by some Pokemon, but that was a different story. On each wagon was a group of Ponies eagerly looking at the marble capital of Equestria at the distance, all but one. Daring looked at the window from beneath her big hat and fake corrective glasses. A full body cape covered the rest of her. She would have preferred to fly back at Ponyville, but the train was giving the explorer mare some good privacy as she thought over what the merchant had told her. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caterlot's alley The night prior "What do you mean by that?" Asked the explorer with surprise and disgust. "There hasn't been such a thing like a sacrificial ritual in centuries. Why would Tlaloque want something like that? Let alone someone agreeing to it!" "I only told you what I have heard miss Yearling," replied the shop keep. "But I could give you something more with the right incentive of course!" The mare simply took a single bit out of her pocket. The gray pony was about to take it when she slammed her hoof on it, leaving it as flat as a piece of paper while looking at the shop keep as coldly as she could. "I-I presume that is incentive enough" replied the mystical pony with slight fear, "I think Terrowin saw a chance to get rid of Empress Victoria with the ritual and I presume others against him as well. He has never been too bright after all, so the implications of his 'escapade' may have been over his intellect." Daring just gave the stallion another cold look. "O-o-of course that is not what you want to know," he stuttered and cleared his throat, then continued. “People say that old creature broke his ties with Ahuizotl because of disagreements. He seemed to be looking for something that the three legged dog was never able to deliver, so he grew weary of him and left his side." Daring arched an eye. "He seems to be looking for that ever since. The ritual may be a key for that, at least that is what some of us theorize. That creature rarely talks about his plans, or talks at all for that matter." "Do you know where he is?" She asked/demanded. "I am afraid not miss," the shop keep honestly answered while cleaning his glasses. "But I have a colleague that may be of your assistance. He has his own shop in the colorful city of Las Pegasus, so even if he can't be of help. You can hear a thing or two from the gossips." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back on the present Daring continued to look at the window. Her mind lost in thought, while the train had stopped to deliver some cargo and let other passengers board. These kind of inconsistencies made Ponies wonder if the train should really be called 'express' at all. The explorer, however thanked the solar diarchs for the extra thinking time. The sudden revelation of having a psychopathic creature looking for blood while in the middle of a world wide crisis didn't settle easily in her head. She thought about the possibilities behind Tlaloque's ritual. “First of all it was a ritual," she thought. "Meaning that it is meant to call for something else, which now brings me to the next question: why? If is something he can summon no matter the place, then why bothering with the Griffin? He could achieve his goal just as easily with any of the rouge Diamond Dogs all over Equss, not to mention those Hyena breed from Hoofrika..." Then a rather odd sight made her snap out of her out of her thoughts: an all out musical number, or at least the end of one. Ponies erupting into such thing at the drop of a hat wasn't such a rareness. In fact, all of Equestria was rather proud of their sporadic ability to create a whole melody for the simplest of events. The one Daring just saw seemed to be about trains as the music stopped in perfect synchrony with their arrival. Such things weren't of the explorer's delight, but she paid little attention to them. What did catch her attention this time was the thematic of the music: opera. Despite the roaring notice from the train, she could clearly hear the finishing notes they achieved. Specially a rather slim Unicorn Pony directing the group and clapping her hooves in glee after a perfect performance. As always, the routine life returned as if nothing happen. The slim mare was still clapping so an Earth stallion gently pulled her into the train, and by some twist of fate, right before her seat. "Is this seat occupied?" Gently asked the stallion with a Trottingham accent. He wore a black smoking over his soft blue coat. A blonde and stylishly combed mane over his gentle but sharp eyes. Daring noticed all of this and it made her think of somepony, although, she couldn't quite remember. 'It was that guy of the martinis,' she thought while mindlessly giving them a nod. "Thank you," thanked the Pony and first offered the seat to the slim mare of before. "Danke!" Thanked said mare in an old and thick Griffinheim tone, "Mhm..." She had a grayish blue coat and a braided jet black mane, but what called more the attention was her big cold blue eyes, as Daring subtly noticed as the mare had her face inches of her snout. "...can I help you?" Asked the disguised explorer while masking her voice as much as possible, although her tone was clearly of discomfort. "Mein freund," she calmly replied without moving away. "You have a rather large amount of clothes for creatures who like to be naked." "What my friend means," quickly interjected the stallion while softly pulling the big eyed Unicorn back. "Is that it’s such a waste to cover that lovely face of yours with so much clothing." A suave smile upon his lips as he flattered her. 'Nice save,' she thought while chuckling. It wasn't the first time she had met with ponies hiding something, but she had to admit the stallion did a good job doing so. Even when she wasn't some pony to fall for flattery. "Thanks," she dryly replied while giving them an odd look from beneath her fake glasses. "I see your friend here still has some spirit despite the number she just pulled." "She sure does," he replied with what Daring could only assume was embarrassment over the musical number from last stop. "She often likes to break into songs. I never expected the town's folk to go along with it to the point of getting a whole set out of no where!" "Ya!" Exclaimed the mare with glee. "I have never been part of something like that." "Never... Really?" Daring questioned with disbelieve, something the stallion quickly picked up to. "Is that not supposed to be weird?" He asked with his calm demeanor, yet his eyes showed how interested he was. "Not really," she casually replied with a shrug, as she thought things had suddenly gotten interesting. "I guess she is lucky to have ended up directing." "Indeed she was," replied the stallion while looking at his friend who was currently humming the song from before. Daring smiled as he seemed to have let go of the topic. Although she preferred to use her time to think over Tlaloque's plan, she had to admit it was fun to have some old Agatha Crystal like adventures from time to time. "By the way, I never got to hear your names," she began while letting them see a bit more of her face. "I am Yearling by the way." "Uns auf sie!" Chirped the Unicorn mare. "I am Roa!" she held out a hoof towards Daring. The explorer took it gently and then noticed the black circles around Roa's eyes, and how they seemed to be lifeless. "And I am agent Gold," added the Earth Pony a bit too quickly, apparently having noticed how she was staring. "Nice to meet you," she gently replied with her fake voice, while also noticing that they didn't recognize her fake, yet more popular name. "Agent? That is one odd name. Not the strangest I’ve heard though." She recognised. "Y-yeah, my crazy dad's idea," he replied, a bit confused at first. "It sure seems like that," calmly replied Daring with her real voice now, which both passengers noticed. At the distance, a mountain could be seen. "So unless you work for that rare agency with a lot of zeroes," she began as the train began to enter through a tunnel. "Why don't you two tell me who you really are, or rather what type of Pokemon you are?" The cart they were in finally had to go under the mountain, where the shapes of Ponies before Daring disappeared and were replaced with two big shadows sitting as a certain bipedal Pokemon she knew. "What gave us away?" Inquired the male one. His voice was still the same elegant one of before, although he didn't move his lips, or rather beak, anymore. Daring calmly replied. "Musicals are way too common here. If you two were to play dumb about it, then you should have better chosen different species than Ponies." The female one didn't say a thing. All she did was shiver in the corner of her seat. Daring quickly noticing the big fur ball trembling and added. "Relax, its not like I will start screaming or anything. I just don't see the need to camouflage yourselves when Pokemon are pretty much normal by now," she patted her head as she said this, noticing how much hair she had. "Or at least they aren't such a fuss anymore." Roa seemed to calm down in response. "Its mostly because of my friend here," explained Gold. "She doesn't like to be the center of attention, at least not when everyone points at her like she’s some kind of dangerous creature, so I suggested that she disguise herself as one of the locals." Daring made use of the information she received from Arceus the night prior and run a list of Pokemon capable of doing such a thing as disguising as Ponies while also been able to talk. The list narrowed to a couple of them, but the furry sensation she received from Roa turn it into only one option. "So she is an Illusionist Pokemon then?" She asked more as a formality, as she was sure to be correct. If Gold was surprised or not was a mystery for the Pegasus, since the train was still dark. Roa on her end stopped trembling, instead she grabbed her hoof and pull her close, again having her snout inches from her now shining blue eyes. "Beeindruckend!" She exclaimed, "I didn't know there were psychics in this world too!" Daring couldn't stop comparing Roa's expression with that of a child. "I’m sure it is just a mental deduction," interjected the agent. “But how you arrived at that answer in the first place is what surprises me the most." Daring could hear the seriousness on his voice. "We may not be that much of a hot topic, as you say, but I don't see how you became capable of knowing so much about her. Not many people know of her kind back on our world, so how come you do?" "Let's just say I have a very important acquaintance," She replied cryptically. "But don't worry, I can introduce you to him." "That is something I look forward to," Complemented Gold as the train left the darkness of the mountain. Daring had a mere glimpse of what they looked like, it was too faint to make much out of it, yet she was impressed all the same, as one thing was to know about something and another very different was to see the real thing. Although Gold only looked like some blue duck who was really wearing a black tuxedo. Once the flash of light was over, both Pokemon returned to the Ponies she had meet a few minutes prior. "I, however, do not know what you are. Care to answer the question?" Inquired Daring while retuning at her fake voice and looking at Gold. Roa was now looking at the window like a child. "Me?" Retorted Gold with fake humility while smiling, "I am just a ladies mon." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside of Poniville Racing grounds The general public seemed to be in both, awe and discomfort, as the race had an unexpected end despite how impressive it was. Weiss however, wasn't around for the 'celebrations' as he was currently talking with someone else. Edge had left some time ago to give the duo, Weiss and Latios, some privacy. The Bisharp waited for her to be far enough to hear them and then he started, "what is it that you are looking to discuss Lord Latios?" "Just Latios is fine," replied the Eon Pokemon with cool elegance while adding. "You do call my sister without any formality after all." 'So its going to be one of those talks,' dryly thought Weiss, happy about his Dark-type advantage. “Very well then, so how may I be of help?" Latios looked directly at Weiss’ eyes with his usual seriousness. "I know you and Latias are close," he began. "And I also know you became a great source of moral support for her once I was gone, for which I am thankful." Weiss nodded, accepting his words, and was about to reply something when Latios raised a claw, meaning he wasn't done yet. "Latias can be really friendly and kind towards others, she has a very soft heart after all." Weiss had to hold himself from adding 'she is too good for her own sake.' "Yet I see she acts slightly different with you." The legendary continued. “She seems to treat you on a more carefree way, a way I would say I have only see her use with me." 'Is that... Is that jealousy I hear on his voice?' "Besides, I have little reasons to think you to be someone to dislike Pokemon or consider them as inferior, your relationship with your team makes that much clear." There was a silent pause. "So I will be direct here," if possible, Latios eyes become even more serious as he asked, "what is your relationship with my sister?" "..." Weiss remained silent, not because he was taken off guard, he saw the question coming from miles, but because he didn't have to answer such a question before, properly at least. "Well, what else could I be?" He replied casually. "I am just a good friend." Latios arched an eye as he found that hard to believe, but waited for him to elaborate. Weiss sighted and continued. "You don't have to worry about anything happening between us. I am nothing but a grain in the massive sand clock which is time." He shrugged while finishing. Latios was about to say something else when a voice join them, a voice both of them knew very well. "He is right brother," Latias commence as she make herself visible, a gentle but fake smile on her face. “There is nothing, there can't be something, between us beyond friendship." "... I'm so-" Latios began, but was cut short. "I am tired, from the race and all the cleaning..." She abruptly said while turning around, her voice a lot less gentler than before. “So I will be heading back." And so she took off. "We will catch up another day!" Weiss exclaimed before she was too far. The female legendary looked back and nodded. A small glimmer of sadness and happiness mashed together shone on her teary eyes as she took off. Latios then turned back to glare at the former human, who didn't seemed phased in the slightest as he commented. "I am a mere mortal," he walked beside Latios and added, "So I entrust her happiness to you, demigod." A silent second later he added, "And I would suggest that you start now." Latios couldn't reply as he too took off behind his sister. Weiss look at them flying away, sighte, and then said, “Eavesdropping is a terrible habit you know." From behind a three, a slim Togekiss came out, a sad look in her dilated eyes. "I didn't want to..." She began, "I thought you were in trouble because of your actions before Lord Arceus... So..." "You didn't expect to find this washed out soap opera cliche?" Joked the mercenary. "She does like you, you know!" Valerie snapped, not comfortable with Weiss’ choice of words. "And yet you...!" "She can read my mind, remember?" Weiss replied calmly. “She already knows how I feel." Valerie looked confused. “Then why?" Weiss sighed again. “A hundred years. That is as about as far as my life will last, and even that is only with lots of luck. She had over a millennia and still she has that lovely juvenile heart." The Fairy-type remained silent. "My words are causing her pain now. That is the truth and it hurts me back, but it will be a mere second in comparison to what my departure could become to her if I ever stopped being 'her friend'." He continued to look at the retreating forms of the Eon duo, apparently talking in the distance. "You should have seen what losing her brother was like for her." "..." At the moment, Valerie seemed to be through an emotion she rarely experienced: anger, "What do you think is worse?" She coldly began. "To mourn a loved one for a couple of years and cherish the good times, or regret over the 'what could have been' for eternity?" And then she left. Leaving Weiss alone with his thoughts. Meanwhile above, a dragon legendary received a Mist Ball to the face as his sister flew away into the distance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walk back was very uncomfortable for the Bisharp. Not because of what had happened, at least not in the 'awkward walk' kind of scenario. Valerie had been kind enough to cover the events as she told Edge, Greninja and Char about her night. "... and then I spent an hour calming June down, and another one to convince Princess Twilight not to throw the royal guard at you ..." What was troubling Weiss was the fact he made Latias cry. It wasn't the first time though. He had a record of those from which he wasn't proud on the slightest, but every time he achieved another 'milestone' he regretted it greatly. That was what had been troubling the former human all the way back. His team already knew what happened without needing to ask. Weiss looks said it all, so they preferred to hear at Valerie's story. The mercenary leader, however, was grateful for that, as it give him time to think. "But anyway, I promised the Princess I would visit her later so I could give her the information I know about Fairy-types, so if you’ll excuse me," And without adding much she left. "..." "..." "..." "..." "... So, Char!" Edge broke the silence with a scream. “How was the search for Lala?" The veteran mercenary seemed glad about her sudden and abrupt inquiry. "I am afraid I wasn't able to find out much," he began while walking into the Village, at a rather fast pace in fact. “There were many lovely ladies like her, but none were her equal. I think we should ask around for information.." Weiss looked at them rapidly disappear in the distance, and looked to his side, only to find that at some point Greninja had left as well. The former human couldn't blame them though. It was something his own stubbornness had brought and thus it was up to him to deal with it. Not to mention the rest of his team constantly tease him in order to make a choose, either be true with himself or cut his ties with her. Yet he was unable to do neither of them, which weary him even more. So he did the only thing he could think of, walk aimlessly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffin Empire Training grounds Shredder had a wonderful night and that could clearly been seen on her shining metallic skin, although her expression remained the same thought one of always, so etching her 'trinies' did noticed with sadness, as they were currently running around the castle. "Watch your breathing!" She exclaimed. “You are too used to fly to solve most problems, and while is a good advantage, some Pokemon will know how to abuse it on their favor. You need to be able to maintain your ground without relying on the sky!" The tired Griffin would be glaring at their instructor if it wasn't for how unfamiliar running was for them. Truth, they could be fast sprinters if they wanted, but keeping a phase for a long time was new to them, much to their tiredness, but mostly, for their instructor's confidence. They had no way to retort at her when they clearly show weakness in this aspect, so they keep trotting around, focusing on their breathing. As morning training continued, a young maiden approached the female Bisharp. "What news do you bring Linza?" Asked Shredder to her newly given maiden. It was something the Pokemon felt unnecessary, but Empress Victoria insisted on her having a servant. "Morning my lady," replied the maiden with a soft and gentle voice. Unlike most Griffin, who had the head of a bird of prey and the rear of a hunting feline, Linza had an exotic body: a elegant Red-rumped Swallow face with big eyes, and a petite Ocelot's rear. Obviously either of these creatures were unknown to the Pokémon, but even so she could tell how different this maiden was from the rest, her soft and gentle demeanor increased this fact enormously. "I see your training regime has started earlier than yesterday's" pointed out the maiden. "I had to show kindness to those under my command, for the first day at least." Calmly replied Shredder. 'That was kindness!' Mentally exclaimed the few trainees capable of hearing her. "But that is to be expected," finished the Pokemon. "I see my lady is very strict with her morals," replied Linza with a smile. “The Empire is surely is at good claws." Shredder wasn't a mon who liked flattery, but she had to admit Linza's tone made her think about accepting them. "You still haven't told me what you come for," the Pokemon retorted. "My apologies my lady," replied the Griffin unphased "I was sent to look for you. It seems a group of Pokemon had gathered on the front door. They seem to be looking an audience with the Empress." "Oh!" Said Shredder with delight, happy to see some Pokemon willing to approach the castle. “So I am needed to translate then?" "Actually no, my lady," calmly answered the maiden. "So there is a Psychic-type with them?" Asked the mercenary with renewed interest. "I am afraid not, my lady," replied Linza, much for Shredder's dismay and confusion. "One of their members seem to be capable of talking just like you do." "That is rare," proclaimed Shredder as she turned to the running Griffin and order them. “Take a ten minute break, then began combat training!" The soldiers were happy to oblige as they sat down on the ground. "I want to meet this talking Pokemon," explained Shredder as she let Linza guide her. "I have only met one in my whole life. What kind is it?" "He is accompanied by a large number of pokemon, and he claims to be a..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Meowth, that's right!" Happily exclaimed a rather common looking cat being. The only difference been the gold plate on its forehead, the fact he was standing on two legs and mainly the part when he was talking in perfect and proper equish. He also happen to be wearing a ringmaster costume. "We are more than willing to perform for the great Empress as a show of good will and thanks for the kindness she has bestowed upon us!" An assorted group of Pokemon cheered in agreement, some wearing other circus costumes and eager to perform, like a strong man Machamp, a fat lady Snorlax, a contortionist Medicham, a knife throwing Lucario, a magician Hypno, a group of clowns conformed by a Spinda, a Ursalisc, a Jinx and a Wobbuffet, and of course a mime Mr. Mime. "I see you are an interesting group..." Commented the guard looking at the gates while glancing at the Meowth and the two other Pokemon beside him, a lioness like creature with a red mane longer than her body and a sophisticatedly smirking Roserade, although this one had a short leaf-cape, "but I can't let you all in just like this, if you want to perform before our highness, I suggest you to present the proper petition for an addition, then your group will be allowed entrance." "Oh, don't be so stubborn!" Replied the Meowth while elegantly twirling the fake mustache that lied on his face. “Can't you see the enthusiasm these good Pokemon are showing? Not to mention you will make waste of the hard work these lovely ladies put on making these attires." The Meowth then pointed his rolled whip towards a smiling group of Leavanny and Spinarak, beside them was yet another two groups, apparently one was in charge of carrying most of the equipment, like a Vigoroth, a Pinsir, a Gigalith and a Granbull. The other group was confirmed by some Iluminise, a Froslass, a Vivillon, a Loudred and a couple of Kricketune. The roll the last group had wasn't clear. The guard look at the eager group, sad to be about to crush their illusions, when someone arrived to remove that weight off him. "They can perform." Commanded Shredder as she arrived, much to the guard's surprise, meanwhile Linza took off. "Milady," greeted this Griffin with a bow. "I don't think that is wise..." "Nonsense!" Replied Shredder back. “These Pokemon look forward to perform for our Empress and I don't see a reason why we should stop them." "How about security?" Offered the guard in a deadpan. "If anything were to happen, I will deal with them myself." Calmly and surely replied the Bisharp as she walk out the castle gates. "You all can rejoice. Your enthusiasm will not be wasted!" Needless to say, the circus troupe cheered at her words. "We thank your generosity milady!" Thanked the ringmaster with a bow as he rubbed both of his paws, the Pyroar and Roserade bowing in a similar fashion beside him. "You are the ones I should be thanking. With your help the relations between Pokemon and Griffin will grow stronger." She then give the trio a small but respectfully bow in return."I will talk with the Empress about grant you entrance. I am sure you will be able to perform this afternoon." Shredder then left the little circus troupe waiting as she went to inform Empress Victoria about what was about to happen. "Laughter is what we need more in times of need," she told to herself as she left. The trio look at Shredder go, once they were sure she was out of sight, they began to chuckle as devilishly as toddlers. "Infiltration completed!" Proclaimed the male Roserade in a whisper. "I can't believe it was so easy," added the Pyroar with a grin. "but it was to be expected from one of MY plans!" "Now all we need to do is waltz in and let the show begin!" The childish hodle ended with a silent proclamation the three of them made. "For the New Team Rocket!" "Wooooobuufett!" Added one of the clowns. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weiss walked around Ponyville for what felt like hours to him, even if they really were just a couple of minutes. During the time, not once had he looked at anything other than the road beneath his feet. Then he found himself in an unknown place, some small forest beyond the colorful houses, yet still nothing compared to the dark Everfree. The atmosphere was quite tranquil and calm, which made Weiss think on a certain memory he charged with his friend once, the mood was quickly ruined as he remembered the situation said friend and him had. "Ahhhhh!" Shouted Weiss as he rubbed his hands over his head. It would have seemed normal on a human with hair, but he now looked as if the helmet he had for a head was itching him to death. "Why do things have to be so difficult...?" He wondered to himself as he proceeded to walk some more, eventually finding something he didn't expect to find; Pokemon training other pokemon. It took him a second to realize that with humans out of the picture, it was up to Pokemon to train them. As he looked from the distance, he recognised the Gallade from last night as well the Gardevoir currently instructing him. "Then the rest of the ones training must be humans as well," He told himself as he watched as two Lucario practicing with a Mismagius, a Blaziken teaching a Delphox and Vaporeon receiving lessons from a... "Is not fair you know," Weiss heard some energetic child's voice said. “Why can't we be a part of their training as well!?" "Ah don't know if you remember Scoots, but we ain precisely good a battling yet" retorted another young voice with a thick southern accent. "Not to mention we’re not Pokemon," added a gentler third child. Curious, Weiss silently moved closer the childs spying on the Pokemon. It didn't took him long to found the owners of the voices, three little fillies one of each race: an orange Pegasus, a cream yellow Earth Pony and a white Unicorn, the later seemed slightly familiar to Weiss for some reason. The girls made no moment of silence, thus making the Bisharp sneaking around them so much easier. As the girls talk, another group of voices could be head besides them, although these didn't seemed as interest as the others. "They do know we are the ones who can fight, right?" mentioned a Charmander behind the orange filly. "You do know how these three get once something sticks on their head," reasoned a Bulbasaur behind the southern accented one. "You mean your companions!" proudly proclaimed a Squirtle behind the familiar Unicorn, "Sweetie Belle keeps her hooves on the ground, most of the time." he admitted on the end. 'Sweetie Belle...' Weiss thought, 'I have heard that name before..." "Come on!" Exclaimed the Pegasus with exasperation, "you two have to admit that looks awesome. I mean: imagine if we could use crazy moves like those!" "So you are thinking...?" asked the Unicorn with some concern, as if the Pegasus' ideas were a bad thing by default. "Something dangerous ah’m sure," complimented the Earth Pony. Her words were ignored as the Pegasus proclaimed. "We should look for some Pokemon and see if they can show us too!" "That sounds dangerous alright," deadpanned the Unicorn. "And quite short sighted," added Weiss behind them, having decided that letting the fillies proceed without further supervision was beyond careless from his part. “What will you do without proper knowledge of Pokemon moves." The three fillies, and the three starters, jumped and twirled toward Weiss as soon he finished talking, although they were more surprised by his presence instead of him talking. "Good day there," calmly saluted the Bisharp. "Ehm... good day to you too sir?" shyly but gently replied the Unicorn. "You gave us the fright of our lives there!" proclaimed the Earth Pony. "Those who owe nothing, fear nothing," replied the Bisharp with a wise tone, however the Ponies didn't seem to understand him. "I mean you three shouldn't ask about being sneaked on when you were spying on others to begin with." He explained. The three fillies look sheepishly at Weiss as they tried to think of a good comeback, one finally came from the orange Pegasus, "We weren't spying, we were... ehm... right! We were properly looking at our friends training from a safe distance." "Uhu..." Replied Weiss unconvinced. "But back on topic. You three should be more careful with Pokemon. Some can be quite nasty." The orange filly groaned. “We get it. Wild Pokemon are dangerous. We’ve been told that to death!" "Good, good," complimented Weiss with sarcasm. “And do you know why are we dangerous?" It felt odd for the former human to refer himself as a Pokemon, although only for a second. "Isn't that obvious?" doubtfully asked the Earth filly. “Some are said to have caused chaos all over Equestria!" "Points for knowledge," prized Weiss. “But what kind of Pokemon do you think has caused more chaos over the world?" "Dragons!" "Dark?" "Ghosts!?" "I won't deny those types are known for causing lots of destruction," replied Weiss as he found quite impressive the part they already knew some of the Pokemon types. “But not all of their kinds are bad. I mean, aren't a few of your new friends some of those types?" Weiss pointed at the group training. "Ah guess you are right mister, but what about it?" asked the filly while scratching the back of her head, which was adorned with a ridiculously big bow. "Simple!" proclaimed the Bisharp. “Just as some of the scary looking pokemon can be good, some of the harmless looking ones can be dangerous." "Oh yeah, like what?" asked he Pegasus filly in a defiant tone. “The bugs already living on Apple Bloom's orchard are very weak. Only one of them is strong and it already looks the part." "Mhm..." Weiss thought for a few seconds and then he hit the three behind him, making it shake so violently than a bunch of birds and Flying-types were scared because of it, this also caused a small beetle like creature to fell of one of the branches. "Oh come on! Karra-karra !" exclaimed the little Bug-type. "I was just taking a nap here! Karrablast karra!" Weiss calmly kneeled before the Karrablast and whispered to him, "Throw the strongest attack you know and I let you live." The calm Weiss said that line was enough motivation the Clamping Pokemon needed to throw a Signal Beam at him. The mercenary dodge it effortlessly with a jump, but the attack went on to hit a tree, a big healthy and thick tree, only for it to fall as the beam reached it. "That should do it, thank you," thanked Weiss as he softly knocked the bug unconscious before he threw another attack. "Was that lesson enough?" With an unanimous nod, starters included, the youngsters admitted his point. "Good, now with that solved, why don't we..." Weiss next line was cut by an abrupt shriek coming from the woods. The Pokemon trainers looked over at the source of the noise. "And I presume that is our cue to leave. Come on girls, you don't want to know what caused that." Weiss took a few steps away, only to turn and see the fillies were on the contrary eager to know what happened. "I bet it was some sort of monster!" proclaimed the Orange filly. "Which ones, the old or the new?" asked the Unicorn innocently. "Now that you mention it, we already have a good amount of dangerous critters in this world. We could make a monster encyclopedia out of them!" Added the ribbon wearing filly. "Hey that is a great idea!" exclaimed the Pegasus exited. Before the last filly could add her own portions of their next exciting, and most likely dangerous, adventure, Weiss walked upon them. "You three lose focus rather quickly, don't you?" The Bisharp then recalled something 'three of each race, energetic and voisterous, looking for any kind of danger they can get themselves into’ he mentally listed and gave them a sigh. “Now I know why your name sound familiar." He looked at Sweetie Belle. "Huh?" incurred the confused Filly. "Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, you three are the CMC, am I wrong?" Now all three fillies look confused, so before they ask how and why, the mercenary simply replied, "I know your sister. And I would be a terrible acquaintance of her if I let you and your friends, run into some unknown danger. So tell you what. You all come back with me and I will give you a good story, is that okay? The three fillies ponder over his proposition. "And what kind of story can you probably share with us?" inquired Scootaloo. 'This one is a pain.' Weiss thought. "Yeah, no offence mister, but even if your story is good, we aren't supposed to follow strangers." admitted Apple Bloom. 'This one has some common sense.' "Well, I don't think going back on our own is a good idea. I mean we were lucky coming here." pointed out Sweetie Bell while pointing a hoof at the three down the road. "Besides, he seems to be a good mon and happens to know my sister. I say we could trust him." 'And this one is too innocent for her own good,' the former human mentally face palmed as his mind returned at the thoughts that brought him there to begin with. "If you want," began the Bisharp. "I can tell you the story and then you go back home. Is that okay enough for your three?" The six youngsters hoddled and deliver for a few seconds. Then they broke up and proclaimed, "If it’s a good story, you can." Weiss smiled at their curiosity. "Okay then, this will take some time so may want to sit down. Now how should I start it? I guess I should avoid as many name, locations and terms unknown to you as much as possible, so lets begin like this: It was a cold snowy day." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The past Kanto Region I should first say is that I have a team, a big family if you will. We specialize in performing jobs of many kinds. I won't get into the details too deep but I will say we did one of every possible job out there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So you were looking for your own special talents then?" Inquired Apple Bloom. "Oh no, we have our talents well defined," calmly replied Weiss. “Although saying we were a bit 'lost' would be more precise." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of said jobs had taken us to a frigid mountain from our previous world. We were contracted to fight a certain champion whose abilities were said to be legendary and his achievements well proved those legends. However, our contractor wanted to see if those gossips were indeed true or just exaggerated stories. Thus we head towards the peak of one of the tallest and less populated places of all that world: Mount Silver. We could have easily arrive by air, but rumors also said this legendary champion would never take a challenger who doesn't climb properly. Thus we had to go by the hard way, but taken the jobs which included things like climbing walls or pass through mountains. To climb a mountain was rather easy for us. Not to mention those guarding the champion were ease to pass too, because somehow some people thought they had to test those looking for a challenge. To not make things too long, I will cut to the good part, when we arrived at the peak. The wind stormed as if the nature itself tried to persuade us from our decision, but we pushed forward till we reached a neutral battle ground. On the other side was a lone young man. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Man?" "Oh, right, forgot that part. Let me retrace that." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lone young adult stood at the other side. His serious gaze looking at us with enthusiasm and determination. "..." "That is one odd greeting," I commented as I placed myself on my respective position. "I am looking to challenge the one called Red! Would you happen to be him?" "..." The smile grew on my opponent, as well did his excitement on his eyes. "I am the one known as Red." The tone he was using was quite difficult to decipher. He clearly looked excited, yet his voice was really calm, I would even dare to say emotionless. "Then shall we start?" I simply asked as I sent my first comrade into the fight. “Go! Simon!" Still smiling, Red sent his own companion as well. "Snorlax, take care of him!" And then the battle started. My family and I had taken care of numerous foes in the past, from strong monsters to overwhelming numbers to both at the same time,but Red, Red was indeed something else entirely. Simon's kind is known for been able to pierce through anything, yet he was unable to break through the thick body of Red's Snorlax. In the end, and to my surprise, my comrade was out of commission in less than five minutes. "Come back Simon, you did a great job!" I congratulate my friend. Once I was over the surprise, however, he had managed to leave the opponent damaged enough for the next round. “Go, Burton!" With each Pokemon we draw, a small war of only two combatants broke loose, and for every mon we took off, a very tired and weakened one remained, only to be taken out in return. Finally we ran out of Pokemon, and had to put our trust on our best fit there, mine was my second in command Shredder, a Bisharp, his was a very brave Pikachu, and I mean brave since it didn't doubt to go against a fully rested adversary after had taken care of a Haxorus on its own. Now something you should know about my team. The world subtly doesn't exist in our dictionary when we decide to go all out, with the exception of my second in command. She always goes full force from the beginning. "Shred, don’t give them time to react, Iron Head!" I order her and she immediately replied with a full frontal charge against the small electric Pokemon. The famous trainer wasted no time however, as he made his companion avoid the attack and increase its speed again, and again and again. As you see, as quick on her feet my Shred is, Pikachus are damn fast, and their speed give them a certain advantage, as there is a single attack they can learn which exploits this advantage, an attack which becomes stronger the faster the user its. Now I can't tell you how that is done, because I am not a Pokemon professor, but all I will say its this. A fully speed boosted Pokemon knowing that move is a threat to be reckoned with and as such we already knew what was coming. Shredder continued to throw attack after attack at the Pikachu, knowing well he would dodge them as soon as she throw them and then boosted its speed once more, because we were looking for that attack. Finally the look on both, trainer and Pokemon changed, as they no longer focus on avoiding, and finally charge at us, quite literal in fact. The Pikachu began to release energy out of his body at an accelerated rate, creating a small ball of light right above it. That was the attack Red was preparing and the one we were waiting as well. "Electro Ball!" As these words left the boy's lips when the Pikachu spinner on its feet and throw the ball directly at Shredder at a blinding speed. She barely had time to react. A small explosion covered her body as I desperately tried to look into the smoke I was worried stiff, but I dared not show it. Instead, I kept up playing my part. The Pikachu was looking at the smoke as well although he and his trainer were both sure there was no way a Bisharp could have taken the hit and survive it. I don't mean in the literal sense of course. Then I smiled as my comrade dashed out of the dirt curtain at her maximum speed, a dark light glowing on her arms as she charged at the little Pokemon, who could have avoid her with the same ease of before if it wasn't for the ahead start Shredder had thanks to the dirt. He still tried to jump out of the way, but Shredders Night Slash reach him fist, throwing it away. We both smiled. The previous fight would most likely leave the Pikachu too tired to endure such an attack. Yet he stood up. We were struck dumb by this event, his trainer included, but while we were in shock, he regained his composure right away, ordering a barrage of Iron Tails at her. This time was Shredder who had little time to react. She managed to block and avoid some of the attacks, yet most reached its target. Luckily for her, those weren't that damaging to her, but if she didn't feel the strength on each strike, she surely felt the sheer amount of them. Yet Red wasn't done yet, before the Pikachu landed, and thus become an easy target, he ordered the Pikachu to throw yet another Electro Ball, which he did in an instant. Shredder had just a second to dig one foot into the ground as she readied the rest of her body, letting all the power of the attack to go through her body and directly into the ground. However, the trick was now discovered. "A lighting rod." Red noticed. "Yeah," I replied, not seeing the point of hiding the obvious. “A little trick I copied from a kid a friend of mine once meet ..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you alright sir?" "Eh!? On, sorry, I just remember I never thanked the friend who told me about that trick. Anyway..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red smiled at our ingenuity and my fighting friend commented. "The electric charge should go through my body and into the ground thanks to my metallic skin, but your little friend here has so much power I don't go unscratched when doing this..." And then she loses her balance, as if fate wanted her to prove her point. Read and his Pikachu chuckled. “Then I guess it’s time we settle this, last attack?" For some reason, and despite how badly we were going on the fight, Shredder and I smirked back at the legendary trainer's words. We were excited about the battle, for the first time in forever. "Electro Ball," Red commanded as the Pikachu began to generate yet another ball. We on our end prepared another round of dark power to counter as Shredder dug another leg on the ground, yet we didn't expect what come next. "Volt Tackle!" Suddenly, the Pikachu absorbed the ball into its tiny body and charged at us at its blinding speed. We didn't have time to react at all. The mini electric nuke blasted Shredder away from the ground, causing the effect of the earth to disappear and thus to make her take the full force of the attack. She was sent flying, abruptly landing on the ground head first. The Pikachu on its end didn't end any better. Since Volt Tackle is an attack that uses so much strength, the impact ends ricocheting on the user. That plus the already increased attack of the Electro Ball, made the electric rodent to fall unconscious right after Shredder. We didn't wait for any ceremony or congratulations as we both cached towards our fallen friends. Shredder was laying on her face as I reach for her, trying to wake her over as subtly as I could, and I must admit that isn't my speciality. "Come on, come on, come on!" I exclaimed as I repeatedly slapped her face, which was quite painful for me may I add. She finally come back, although with no strength on her body to stand up, "sorry..." She weakly, yet proudly, said, "I lost." "It’s okay," I replied. “You give your all." "It has been a great battle," said Red as he walked to us, the unconscious Pikachu on his arms. “It's been quite some time since I fight this hard. Last time was when I lost to that Gold kid." He then skilled and offer us a hand. “Looks like we ended on a draw." "It was no draw," I replied. Shredder looked at Red with a expression which said she thought the same. “It was your attack what ended this battle, thus we lose before your partner lose consciousness." Then I took his hand. "I was contracted to see if your legend was real, or beat you if not, but I am happy to say you are 100% right to have such fame, and I... No, we are proud to have been able to fight you." As to agree with me, every one of my comrades come out of their Pokeballs, all looking beated and tired, but also damn happy to have been able to fight in such honorable way, for a change at least. Red simply chuckled. We proceeded to heal our teams and bid our farewells. Then I mentioned how much of a pain the trip down was going to be. "Don't you have a Flying-type with you?" Red calmly asked. "...huh!?" I replied. "To take you down. I just don't understand why people always come up here on foot. It's a mountain after all. Who wants to climb that?” I could only facepalm myself as subtly and elegant as possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And that’s the story," Weiss said with a smile. “What do you girls think?" "So all of that was a glorified story about you losing?" Asked Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, no offence mister, but ah thought this story of yours would be more special." Added Apple Bloom. "But I liked how you tell your story," finished Sweetie Bell, much to the mercenary's satisfaction. However, he couldn't relish on that small victory as the three little starters were currently staring at the Bisharp. "No.Freaking.Way!" Began Charmander. “You mean you actually met Red?" "Not to mention you fought with him as well!" Added Squirtle. "You look quite different in my eyes now sir," Finished Bulbasaur. Weiss chuckled. "I see you six are meant for one another," needless to say, the three fillies were confused. “Your friends here are awestruck by my story," he proudly explained. “It’s good to see some of you actually enjoy it." "But ah still don't get it," replied the Earth Pony. “What was so amazing about the story, besides the fight and all." "Well, I presume you could understand it better if you knew what my team and I do more properly, but let's just say we hardly have the time to simply enjoy life and what ever comes from it." Again, his thoughts went towards a certain legend. "You mean before coming here, right sir?" Added the soft voice of the Unicorn filly. "Huh!?" Weiss snapped from his thoughts. "Sweetie is right, with all of you here, I don't see why you and your friends should have the same life of before." Added the Pegasus. "True!" Finished Apple Bloom. “Mah sister learned that change isn't such a bad thing. In fact, she says keeping yourself in your old stubborn ways will only cause you more trouble." Weiss remained silent for a moment, eyes wide as he looked at the small child's, and then erupted into laughter. "To think I, who have done so many unthinkable things, would be taught by a group of children!" "Hey!" Proclaimed the trio. "Sorry, I didn't mean to 'insult' you girls," he apologize. "I just never realized the simple wisdom your innocent minds can reach." "It come natural to us!" cheerfully proclaimed the white filly. "So, would you girls go home now?" Asked the Metal-type kindly. "Yeah, I don't see the point of staying here." Replied Apple Bloom. "They seem to have left already after all," added Scootaloo as she looked were the others had been training until a moment ago. "And don't worry sir, we will be careful on our way back." Finished Sweetie Bell. Yet she wasn't the last one to talk. "We will be sure to bring them home safely!" Began Bulbasaur. "We will put our honor on it" added Charmander. "You can count on us sir!" Finished Squirtle with a toothy grin. The three starters seemed to take Weiss as some sort of influential figure now, as the Pokemon stood proudly before him as if he were some sort of leader. "Ehm... You guys know I didn't personally fight Red, right?" Inquired the former human with curiosity. "Technically speaking sir, neither did Red, but you both were part of the fight alright." "That is what trainers do, don't they?" Weiss again chuckled at the matter-of-fact answer the Fire and Water-type give him. "I guess you two are right, but know you should be taking these confused fillies back home," motioned Weiss a hand at the lost girls, as they could only get half of the conversation. The trio nodded and the six of them left to their homes. Weiss did the same, but he couldn't stop thinking about the little truth he just received from them. ‘Having a new chance means having a new way to do things huh...?' Wondered Weiss to himself as he also thought over the possibility of having a more common life on Equss. A proper job on the empire. A proper family relationship with his comrades, and maybe even a 'mate.' "Only time will tell," he said to himself while smiling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weiss returned to Ponyville, quite calmer now as he had made amends with his mind, at least for now. "So our great leader has cooled his head properly now?" Smoothly asked Char as he leaned against a wall. "Sort of," Weiss replied, "I received help from some of the locals though." "Oh yes, they have a rather unique way to express themselves don't they?" Weiss chuckled. “So, do you know when Daring will return?" Char looked confused. “Oh right, you haven't meet her yet. She is..." "There you are!" Proclaimed a familiar voice, although the mercenary had troubles to recognise its owner with all the clothes covering her. "I need you to get everyone. We’re leaving." "Right here," finished Weiss, confusing the hurried explorer. "Daring, I would like you to meet Char, the red comet," the Bisharp pointed at the Scizor as he said this. "Char, this here is our guide, friend and temporary contractor, Daring Do." "An honor to make your acquaintance," said Char with a sophisticated bow. "Same," was all she said back. “Sorry, bit of a hurry. Need you guys on the next train to Canterlot as soon as possible." "I presume it would be better get the explanation together then," said Weiss as he turned to Char. “Would you mind gathering everyone. We’ll wait here." With a nod, the Steel/Bug-type took off. "As we wait, I think you should make some introductions as well," pointed Weiss as he looked at the thin mare staring at him from behind Daring and the tuxedo wearing Pony besides her. "Oh yeah, I forgot they had stuck with me," joked Daring. "I met these two on the way back. Roa, this here is Weiss, my temporary employee." "Charmed" "G-gleich," shily replied Roa while still looking at Weiss with slight fright. "You sure he is friendly?" "Once you get to know him properly, sort or of... Almost... Let's just say he is tolerable." Joked the writer. Weiss stared at her with a deadpanned gaze. "And the other one is?" Without waiting for Daring to introduce him, the second Pony walked before Weiss and offered him a hoof. "I am Agent Gold and I must say that of all the Pokemon from Earth, I never expected a bunch of mercenaries to make it here." There was a second of silence, then Weiss said with confusion. "And who are you again?" > Sixteenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sixteenth Move Fighting Illusions Ponyville, Equestria Weiss' Location Daring could only curse her luck while facehooving. “Of course this would happened when I’m in a hurry..." Meanwhile, the merc still held the hoof of Agent Gold for a few seconds. The latter being quite surprised and slightly annoyed with Weiss' reaction. "You don’t remember me?" Asked Gold. "How could I when I haven't met you before?" Replied the slightly less confused Bisharp. "After screwing over our operation less than a year ago! You do not remember?" "Ehm..." Weiss was obviously out of words and slightly scared as Gold didn't let go of his hand "Less than a year ago I was on a whole different world, so I don't see how I could have met somepony like you back then." The stallion blinked a couple of times before turning to Roa. “Will you please remove the illusion dear?" She seemed to understand after a second as she let out a 'eep' while saying. “Richtig!" The form of the tuxedo wearing Pony waved and disappeared, showing a blue duck with arms and a red jewel on his forehead wearing a tuxedo. The Golduck glared back at Weiss. “Remember now?" "Mmmmmmm..." Weiss thought for a few seconds. "I think I would remember the tuxedo, but I must apologize. We’ve foiled a lot of evil plans, good plans, and even mediocre plans; sometimes completely by accident." Gold did his best to remain calm and collected. He finally pulled his hand away from Weiss' and combing his down back over his head to look more proper. Once this was done, he continued with his suave tone. "Well, I presume I can't blame you then. After all, I wouldn’t be very good at my job if everyone remembered me, now would I?" Confused and curious, Weiss gave the Golduck a more proper glance, this time recognizing a blue insignia he wore around one of his arms in much the same manner that Shredder did. "Oh, you’re one of those Pokemon fanatics!" The part when he hit his palms on the realization made Gold loose what little composure he had regained. "You label the Pokemon Liberation Army as fanatics!?" "You mean you aren't?" Asked the Bisharp with doubt. Needless to say Gold, and Roa to some extent, didn't take his words too kindly. "Is the fight against slavery and oppression something to be called fanaticism?" Inquired the agent with elegant drama, looking to get the attention of some bystanders. "You tell me. You’re the ones proclaiming after all," calmly retorted Weiss. “Or when you guys aren't doing that, you’re stealing from the humans." Gold huffed. “It’s normal to take some weapons and technology from the oppressors. That is the path of revolution after all." "Uh-huh... So tell me, when did revolution became terrorism?" Asked Weiss, still very calm, much to Gold's annoyance. 'He is a mere mercenary. How have I been unable to speak over him?' The Golduck questioned internally to himself. "Terrorism? I think you are confusing the PLA with the ways of the humans!" Weiss smiled and shrugged. “Well, you guys were stealing pieces for, and I quote, 'an anti-human death ray of doom;' that’s pretty hard to forget, or even take seriously." "Well... the Commander has a terrible ability for naming things" the Golduck replied almost apologetically. "But that doesn't change the fact that you managed to make it here!" he exclaimed while trying to change the subject, as the current topic didn't leave him nor his organization in a good light. Gold then pointed at himself and Roa, who was still wearing her Pony 'costume' quite elegantly. “We are Arceus’ chosen warriors,” he continued as he then pointed at Weiss in an almost accusatory way, “while you on the other claw are nothing but a simple soldier for hire; how could you possibly manage to arrive here? Did the humans send you to come after us?" 'Arceus, I sound as paranoid as the Commander!' Gold couldn't help but think to himself. "To be honest, I questioned that myself..." Weiss replied almost sadly, a fact that wasn't lost on Daring. "But I just happen to know someone in a good position, so I got a pass." "So you’re saying you have connections with Lord Arceus?" the spy inquired back with disbelief. "I never said..." Weiss began, but was quickly cut off by Gold's proclamation. "Then allow me to prove that!" The Golduck then leaped towards Weiss, throwing a simple scratch attack for starts. It wasn't like Gold didn't know how to fight. On the contrary, he was rather good considering that in his line of work it was a given. Yet Gold was not above underhanded tactics. With but a single move, he attempted to get his opponent to attack him. Thus, when the authorities arrive, it would appear Gold had been the victim. Yet what he didn't expect was for Weiss to simply take the attack head on. Not that it caused him much damage though. 'Why didn't he...?' Gold began to thought, only to see a cocky smile on Weiss’ face, then it clicked. 'He... HE JUST REVERTED MY MOVE ON ME!' He mentally proclaimed while some Ponies and Pokemon began whisper about the Golduck who started a fight. "I will ask you once," calmly said Weiss. “Please stop. This place is just adapting to us and a fight in the middle of the street wouldn't help." Gold was quite irritated, and slightly humiliated, by the Bisharp at this point. He decided it was time for the 'big guns' to take a part in the fight. "Roa, dear, will you be so kind and show this crowd what we stand for please?" Asked the Water-type with a melodic voice. Roa seemed a bit annoyed by his request, but she simply sighed. Suddenly the whole area around them seemed to be distorsioned once again, and then... nothing happen. Or so thought Weiss, as he was about to ask what she did when 'he' leaped towards Gold and punched him right in the stomach and soon followed up with a kick that sent him flying into a nearby market stand. The crowd looked on in horror as the Bisharp seemed to have suddenly gone berserk on the other Pokemon, but the most confusing thing about this turn of events was the fact that Weiss watched the entire spectacle unfold from same spot he was originally standing in. "Now who is the terrorist?" Asked an invisible Gold close to Weiss. “Soon any ounce of peace you had here will be crushed just like the scene before us and this whole crowd.” The fake Weiss had the fake agent pinned down in the dirt at this point. “If you want this to end, then just walk away. We’ll make sure trouble doesn't find you." And then the voice went silent. Weiss examined the scene. He was clearly seeing it, which meant it wasn't a psychic trick. in addition, he could clearly hear every single punch his other self delivered and the splintering crashes that came with every time 'he' threw the fake Gold into some wooden crates. He even felt how the ground shook when the fake Gold landed beside him. "A very high-level illusion, I must admit," he said, much to Gold's surprise, as he didn't seemed confused or scared. In fact, he seemed fascinated and curious about his vicious self and the one behind it. "I see you are so shocked that you don’t know how to think properly," supposed Gold. "Should I choose for you then?" As the Golduck was about to strike the Bisharp unconscious, a gloved metal hand grabbed his own, shocking the Agent. "Do you know what the only weakness of this illusion is?" Calmly asked Weiss, as he kept his grip strongly on Gold's wrist. The agent flinched at the metallic grip, but he didn't give his captor the pleasure to know he had indeed surprise him. “And what would that be?" Asked Gold as calmly as possible through his pain. "Smell can't be hidden. Neither can the sounds made by beings or things under the illusion, so I must thank you for been such a talkative and clean gentlemon." Replied Weiss with a smile. “Will you kindly ask your friend to stop this?" "I hardly see that helping. The illusion will fade, leaving my friend as a target when the citizens snap and then a real vicious monster will break lose." The answer Gold gave was more of a warning than a bluff. Weiss sighed. "So you won't ask her to retreat then?" Silence was all Weiss got. "Okay then, I am afraid I’m going to ask for her to be 'flushed out' of town." "What are you talking about?" Gold inquired when a dark blue blur suddenly jumped into the picture. Greninja raised his hands as soon as he arrived and unleashed a strong Hydro Pump on what at first appeared to be empty space, only for Roa to appear literally out of thin air and be sent flying off towards the Everfree as her Unicorn form changed to that of a large, hairy, fox-like being, although few had time to see that last part. With the caster sent away, the fighting vanished in a second, leaving Greninja bowing to the crowd as he held two small spouts of water in his hands, before he vanished as well with a fast jump. "Thank you for your attention, everypony!" Weiss exclaimed as he forced Gold into a bowing position beside him. “We hope you enjoyed this little street performance!" The Ponies in the crowd began to whisper. "A street performance? Was this some sort of magic?" "Is beating a poor creature your idea of entertainment?" "These creatures have one sick way to enjoy their time." Damage was done, but it was short lived as the crowd slowly left the area. "And that solves that," Weiss calmly said. "Do you know what this plan of your’s has unleashed?" Gold asked of his captor. "Roa will no doubt go erratic now. This place is no longer safe!" "Didn't I tell you?" Weiss asked as he let go of Gold. "We’re used to trampling on plans of all sorts!" He then left, dashing off in the direction Roa was sent while finding Char, who had returned from his latest assignment and was given a new one. “Bring Valerie!" Not knowing what to do, the Golduck simply began to run after the merc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffenheim Empire Victoria's chambers The empress looked from a window at the creatures waiting at the castle's doors, the Pokemon circus troupe seemed more than ready and eager to perform. She had to admit, they looked very interesting and she was curious as to what kind of acts they would present. However, she couldn't stop thinking about what Shredder had told her about the ones leading the performers. "You’re certain we can just let them in?" Victoria inquired using a cold tone of voice, the one she usually reserved for discussing serious business. "I assure you that no harm will befall any civilians" the Bisharp across the room from the Empress stated for the fifth time. Victoria let out a sigh, "Very well then, the troupe can perform tonight, but I must ask why you are so interested in allowing such individuals in?" Shredder smiled, "Because if there’s one thing my mate has ever taught me, your Highness, it’s that everyone deserves a second chance. Besides, we could all enjoy a good laugh while we’re at it." Victoria smiled at this. "Linza," she called forth Shredder's clawmaiden, whom quickly stood before her, "go and inform the visitors that they are granted permission to perform in the Wagner auditorium, but that they must take care of their own equipment and that our guards will not hesitate to imprison any mon breaking the laws." "As you wish your Excellency," replied the clawmaiden before leaving the room. Shredder thanked the Empress, gave her a bow, and prepared to leave when Victoria stopped her, "Lady Shredder." "Is there something else I can do for you, your Highness?" inquired the Bisharp. "I may be seen as a cold and stern ruler, but that doesn't mean I don't like to take some time and talk with my staff." Shredder arched an eye, not sure of what the ruler wanted to say. "By that I mean two things: one, that I would like to extend the same courtesy to you," the Griffin Empress motioned a claw towards an empty chair, "and two, that I have caught notice of how your relationship with Miss Roll happened to be, the beginning at least." Shredder was a strong, stoic Pokemon who rarely showed any sign of emotion as she thought such things could cost her a victory. But at that moment, she displayed such an expression of absolute horror, shame, embarrassment, and disbelief that Victoria thought for a second the Steel-type would faint right there. "How do you know about that!?" She stammered, "o-of whi-ich I don't know w-what you are ta-talking about..." The Empress had to do her best not to insult her with her laughter. "Lady Shredder, there is nothing wrong with admitting one had a troublesome start in a relationship, in fact, I find it intriguing that you two ended together after... such an bumpy start." "..." Shredder had to let her body stop steaming before she could properly reply, "... We..." Suddenly, Grizelda entered the room, a serious expression on her face, "Your Highness," she exclaimed as soon as she enter the room, "it has arrived!" The clawmaiden then gave a small roll of parchment that was tied using a blue ribbon with a golden rim, a single emblem keeping it in place: a Sun. "So the World Summit has a date now?" Victoria said as she gently but quickly took the scroll from Grizelda, avidly reading its contents. Once she was done, she let out a sigh, "We still have some time before it occurs, but we still have much to prepare... My apologies Lady Shredder, but I am afraid we will have to wait another time to talk." Shredder on her end was more than willing to leave, completely ignoring what Victoria meant by 'the Summit' yet not giving a damn. "I understand, your Highness. Now if you’ll excuse me, I will look after the preparations for tonight's event." And then she headed out. "Don't forget to invite Miss Roll," the Empress reminded her with a smile, before adding "and don't go thinking I won't ask for that story again." Shredder blushed hardly as she bowed one last time and left the Empress' presence, finding Linza returning shortly after. "My lady, is everything alright?" the clawmaiden gently asked, concerned by the redness on Shredder's face. "Yeah, it’s all okay..." the Bisharp badly lied while coughing to fix her tone, "I need you to deliver a message for me." "I will be happy to oblige, where to?" Shredder smiled as she replied, "Avice School for Bright Children." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Equestria Outer rim of the Everfree The black 'meteorite' that was Roa made a subtle entrance into the scene, or at least as subtle as being thrown high into the air by a Hydro Bomb, skydiving back to earth, and softening the landing with a Night Daze could allow. Not to mention Roa was roaring all the way down. She was surprised when the Greninja suddenly appeared, but she expected him to pass her and head towards her illusion, as many had done before. Yet he perfectly placed his hands right in front of her and threw an attack directly into her chest. As scared as she was, she wasn't able to avoid the attack and was sent flying. That’s when her anger snapped. She was the PLA's most feared member for a reason and that damn ninja just woke her 'working self.’ As such she began to fight the water which send her flying, but it didn't let go of her until she was far away from the village. That was when she had to use Night Daze to avoid hitting the ground. By this point, her thoughts had been replaced by her instincts, which were going ballistic at the moment. "... at... hi..." She mumbled as she raised out of the rubble her fall had caused. "I... I'll... ea... hi..." She repeated, her eyes shined with blazing azure light as she looked for something, anything to smash. "I WILL EAT HIM!" she shouted. Luckily for her, and for the creatures and Pokemon around, she didn't have to look for too long before she had her eyes fixed on her prey. Above her, on one of the branches of a tree, a lone Greninja looked down at her, patiently waiting for her to begin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weiss left the town behind him and dashed towards the forest. He didn't know how far away Roa had landed, but he could feel the dark energy she was unleashing. He only hoped his ally was able to handle her properly and cursed the only trait that his new body lacked in when compared to his older one: speed. Although he was still relatively fast, he wasn't as good as before. Not to mention Greninja was way faster, thus wondering how long will it take them to reach the fight. "Would you mind to explaining what we just awoke?" Weiss asked as he keep running and running. He still felt the dark, menacing aura in the distance. "General Sev rescued her from some mad humans who wanted to breed the ultimate Dark-type." Gold began. "Were they colleagues of Doctor Nurem by any chance?" "What?" "Never mind," Weiss said. "So they made her this way?" "She was born with the utmost 'pedigree', as those humans said," despite keeping his calm tone, it was obvious Gold didn't approve of whatever those breeders did. “They labeled her as a weapon and made her fight strong opponent after strong opponent. She was left alone in a cell whenever she won, and was beaten whenever she lost. Commander Sev rescued her and she has been forever grateful to him. She only gets back like this when she is doing her job." "I get it. She has a troublesome past, big deal, but what makes her so dangerous?" Asked Weiss as if were nothing. "Didn't you just hear!?" Gold exclaimed with a shout. “She’s had a hell of a life you cannot even imagine. She slaughters Pokemon like your for breakfast. Doesn't any of that leave you the least bit scared?" Weiss looked back at the tuxedo-wearing Pokemon and simply raised an eyebrow. "What makes her any different from us then?" The mercenary asked with scepticism. Gold couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, overconfident, serious, or just ignorant. But before the PLA spy could argue back, Weiss rephrased his question. “You mentioned a job. What was her’s?" "She is PLA's assassin..." replied Gold almost with sadness. “The Commander offered her a less violent position, but she denied it, saying she was most suited for those kinds of missions." "Then I presume you commander isn't such a bad guy, even if he is totally insane." "You bloody bas...!" The discussion ended as they heard an explosion nearby. "We’re here," pointed Weiss with his serious tone. His ‘mercenary mode’ had activated. "You don’t say?" Gold replied sarcastically. Weiss didn't bother to reply though, as he was interested only in the fight before them. The foe Greninja was currently going against was a tall bipedal creature which resembled some sort of big black canid. A dark grey coat of fur covered its entire body while a long, thick crimson mane with black tips fell from her head and reached as far down as the waist before meeting a round, aquamarine jewel and taking on a shape more similar to a fox’s tail at the end. The Zoroark roared menacingly each time she slashed her vermillion claws at her foe. Greninja was the team's spy, and thus he was fast enough on his feet to rival even Roll, but he was currently having trouble dodging Roa's constant slashes, dashes and bashes. He had, however, been able to stay clear of any lethal blows, only paring or blocking attacks too fast for him to dodge. Gold was about to mention something about hoping the mercs had a life insurance policy capable of covering them extra-dimensionally, when he noticed something about the Ninja Pokemon. He was having trouble, yes, but not in the 'she is too strong for me' way. He saw how the Greninja had multiple opportunities to land a hit yet he let them go. He was having trouble in a 'I don't want to hurt her' kind of way, and this realization alone caused Gold to ask "Who the hell are you guys?" "Just the best team for hire you will ever encounter," calmly but exaggeratedly replied the Bisharp. As Roa released a blast of flames from her mouth, Greninja barely avoided the Flamethrower with a jump, while Weiss stood in front of the flames and stopped them with a Protect. At each passing second, Roa seemed to become more and more vicious, her dark aura growing over her back as her eyes shone stronger yet colder. "Things are going to become difficult if one of her attacks reaches out," Weiss pointed out. “Roa's Flamethrower could have easily started an out-of-control wildfire. And we can't properly strategize either without Xavier... Talk about bad luck!" As the mercenary said this, he jumped over a Toxic spit, removing his previous disliking over his new body as the corrosive substance dripped on the ground. "But I guess we don’t have much of an option," Weiss pointed out before shouting a command to his comrade. "She isn't gonna get tired any time soon. Try to 'disarm' her!" The Water-type nodded in agreement, but then Roa noticed Weiss as a result. “Crap!" was all the merc leader said as the Zoroark charged towards him, preparing a Focus Blast in her hands. “Crap, crap, crap, crap, crapppp!" As the Bisharp cursed his luck and typing once more, the Illusionist Pokemon jumped at him, ready to deliver the blow at close range, but then... Ka-boom! An explosion was heard as the Fighting-type attack made contact, yet it smacked a boulder into smithereens instead of the coat wearing Bisharp. "..." Weiss blinked as he searched over his own body, making that every limb was still in its place. “I’m alive... and apparently whole." Then Roa landed with a thud back in the center of the fighting zone while a shadow positioned itself above her. "You’re welcome," commented Edge as she kept an ear for any attacks heading upwards. "I see you found her too," commented Weiss without looking back, as he was too busy watching out for any loose attack on his side. “You take the other side." Gold was about to ask what was he talking about when a red blur shot past him and quickly positioned itself across from them. "She is hard to miss," Char replied as smoothly as Gold, although without the accent. "What about Valerie?" Asked the leader in return. "Miss Do is on her way to fetch her. I decided to come over and help" the Scizor replied again while smacking a Shadow Ball to the ground before it exploded right before him. Yet the Scizor held his ground as if nothing happen. "Okay then, until she arrives we have to keep things under control, Greninja!" Commanded Weiss to his teammate, the latter quickly turning towards him. “You can take her on!" The Ninja Pokemon smiled under his tongue; while he had been doing his best to 'disarm' Roa, being as crazed as she currently was made that impossible. Now that he didn't have to worry about an attack getting loose or making her angrier, he was set to go all-out. In the meantime, Roa's anger had been growing. During her little 'rampages', she just loved to crush, slash, break everything. Her favorite killing technique was beating the crap out of someone with their own skull while they were still conscious, as physically impossible as it seemed. But this 'frog' had somehow managed to keep himself safe from every single one of her attacks, not to mention he hadn’t even throw a single punch back at her. If she were slightly conscious, she would have wonder if Greninja was some sort of hippie, but she was currently been driven by her instincts. She didn’t care that he didn't fight back. He was prey and prey was to be slaughtered. She wouldn’t stop until his blood painted the forest. And blood was spilled, although much to Gold's surprise, it was Roa's. Greninja had slapped Roa across the face with one of her own claws, giving it more momentum and leaving her nose sliced open. As soon this was done, Greninja connected a Water Pulse-covered jab right to her muzzle, leaving the frenzied Zoroark with a taste of iron in her mouth. The move wasn't just random, as Greninja began to connect hit after hit. Each one covered with a ball of water which increased the impact, yet at the same time made him avoid hitting her too hard. Again, if Roa was properly thinking, she would have taken such treatment as degrading, but all Roa could feel was the need to dig her claws into the flesh of the Pokemon before her. To rip him to shreds and feast on his innards. Thus with a demented grin, she decided it was time to escalate the scenery to a more chaotic state. "Oh no..." Gold said as he recognised the grin. With a flash of darkness, the simple woodland they were fighting was suddenly twisted before their very eyes. The sky became pitch black. The color of their surroundings was dulled as what seemed to be white walls and oxide-corroded fences materialized around them. Even the leaf-covered ground was replaced by a floor composed of bolted metal plates. A simple sign that read as “W---ome t- S---nt Hi--” appeared, the paint once coating having long-since peeled off, while an alarm siren was heard in the distance as the grim atmosphere took effect. It seemed the group had suddenly been transported to yet another world. One corrupted to its very core, and even when they knew this was an illusion, what they were seeing seemed way too real to ignore, save for only one member. "She’s closing on your six!" Exclaimed the blind Noivern from above, snapping Greninja out of his stupor as he barely avoided a Night Slash aimed for him. He quickly turned and threw a kick at his attacker. Yet what he found wasn't a Zoroark as he had expected. Instead, what he saw was some sort of small, clawless Drillbur with a knife pouring out of its hands. The creature squealed as it returned to the surrounding darkness, only to return shortly after with about another dozen of those creatures, all aiming their sharp blades at the Pokemon. "Um, Edge?" Weiss asked as he was beginning to get creeped out. “We’d appreciate some air support here!" Edge wanted to provide said support, but Roa had caught on to her quickly and was currently throwing Swifts at her while running around. Needless to say, Edge had a hard time giving commands and avoiding/been hit by the never-missing attack. "She’s on the left, ah! No, now she’s at the- fuck! No, your other lef- Oh come on!" Taking advantage of the confusion, Roa began to slash the Pokemon on the ground. Weiss and Char could endure it thanks to their types and the orichalcum cloak, but Greninja wasn't having such luck. His kind is well-known for its speed and strength, but it’s also well-known that they can barely take a hit. So things were turning very dangerous for the Ninja Pokemon. So he then did the only thing he could think of: he placed both of his arms at his sides, palms aimed down as two small spouts of water then began to pour out from them. Weiss and Char smiled as they understand what he was doing, while Edge continued to curse whenever a star hit her. "Oh you son of a b-!" "Edge, keep quiet!" Weiss commanded as the group became silent. Gold, who had been watching from the sidelines in amazement at how the mercenaries were actually holding their ground against the PLA's scariest member, also understood what the Greninja was about to do. He felt the need to stop them. As violent as she was, Roa didn't start such things on purpose. In fact she didn't start anything. It was his fault things ended this way, and as such he wanted to make it up for his friend. Yet as he was about to warn the Zoroark, a pair of small feet gently grabbed him by the arm. Gold turned his head and gazed into the face of a smiling Togekiss. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he could trust her, even though she had taken him by surprise with her sudden appearance. "Yeah, they can be silly and odd and hard to take seriously most of the time," added Daring as she too landed beside him. "But they know what they do once they get into this mode." Back in the fight, Greninja had taken yet another barrage of hits. Yet he continued to pour water all around him. He then closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds around him. He could clearly hear the steps each of the creatures made as they moved around the metallic plates they had for ground. Some of them even splashed over the water he released. He could also hear the air coming out as they squealed. But then he found the sound he was looking for, paws rapidly splashing around. The Ninja Pokemon then opened his eyes to look for the illusionist. He saw nothing, but he still smiled. He then made use of Extreme Speed to tackle Roa, yet the illusion didn't vanished as it would have with a regular Zoroark. However, Greninja wasn't done yet, and as soon as he felt Roa's fur, he proceeded to deliver a series of hits and punches at a blinding speed. First her liver, next the lungs, the solar plexus, ears and jaw. By the time he was done, the world around them began to wobble until it finally shattered like glass, only for Roa to fall unconscious as her body hit the ground. Greninja followed her example. Weiss let out a relaxed sigh as he approached his comrade while turning to Valerie. “Would you mind?" he asked the former gym leader. The Togekiss simply smiled as she approached the tired combatant and healed his injuries. Gold was about to dash towards Roa and make a run for it as the mercenaries were distracted in healing their own, when Valerie turned to Roa and proceeded to heal her as well. "You... You’re helping her?" Inquired Gold with doubt. "Normally, we would have dealt with her differently," admitted Weiss. "But you say she isn't that different from us, so not helping her would have been hypocritical on our part." "... What?" was all the agent could answer with as Roa regained consciousness. "There you go," Valerie said as she helped the Zoroark to her feet. "Da-danke..." she thanked the Togekiss. "And... ahm... Who are you again?" "Don't worry dear, I am a friend" Valerie assured her with a smile. Gold couldn't believe the moment Roa looked up at Valerie and returned the smile as only a child would. "See, told you they could be trusted," commented Daring as she too approached the group. "Just what mess have I waltzed into?" Inquired the Golduck as he did the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group let Valerie take care of Roa, who somehow managed to keep the Zoroark calm as they walked through the woods. The mercenaries in return 'guided' Gold back at Ponyville. Daring groaned in front of them. "This is why I never have partners! Now we’ll have lost a whole day!" Exclaimed the mare with a bit of desperation. "Luckily we can make it back at Canterlot by midnight, but we’ll have to wait ‘til tomorrow for the train to Manehattan, not to mention we still have to drop these guys off with the royal guard somewhere on the way." A gasp behind her made Daring look back to a shivering Roa cowering behind Valerie and a sweating Gold. "You can't seriously be thinking about throwing this poor girl into a cell?" Valerie inquired. "I don't take pleasure in this," replied Do in a almost apologetic tone, "but these guys didn't think twice about trying to frame you for a fight, and she’s just plain dangerous if left alone." "She is right," Weiss pointed out. "We can't just leave them on their own, especially since this world is still adapting to us. We simply can’t allow guys like them to take advantage of the denizens of this new world." Daring smiled at his words. Apparently Weiss was able to have some normal ideas from time to time. "So we’ll take them with us." Or so she thought. "What!?" "You said it yourself: he can sneak around with her illusions and she can go feral at any second. Do you really want to leave such individuals in the hooves of unsuspecting, ill-equipped guards? Daring couldn't retort that. She knew that her land’ enforcers were strong, but if even they had difficulties in dealing with Roa and Gold, then the Royal Guard would be nothing but a glass box for the two of them. A very thin glass box. "The guards may still end up hearing about them, though. Even as a 'street act' some Ponies may still report them, and you," she pointed at Weiss, "for disturbing the peace." "Mhm..." Weiss thought for a second. "You mentioned that the rulers of this land live in Canterlot, right?" "Yes... What about them?" Daring asked bit expectantly. "Then I propose we give them a visit," proclaimed the Bisharp with his elegant accent in place. "Afterall, we are Griffinheim's ambassadors." > Seventeenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seventeenth Move Memento Mori II Ponyville Equestria Train Station As the group had decided to take the last train to Canterlot and were currently waiting for departure, Weiss had to praise their ticket-seller’s professionalism. "His voice never wavered as he saw us behind you, but by Arceus can your kind bug out those big eyes of yours!" Proclaimed Weiss as he faced Daring from across his seat, Char sitting beside him. Greninja was in the row on the other side of the traincar, carefully keeping Agent Gold company, who would trade his silent companion for a Loudred any day. Valerie was still looking after Roa on the seats behind Weiss and the others, keeping the Zoroark company and giving her the confidence to stay in her true form. The only one missing was Edge, who preferred to take the air route and thus wait for the rest of the team at the station. "So what’s our schedule, then?" Asked Char as he took a glass of scotch from the drinker's car, glad to know his favorite poison still existed in this word. "Go to Canterlot, ask for an audience, give your message, whatever it may be, make a stop in Manehatten so I can drop all these notes I’ve compiled so far, and then we head for Las Pegasus." Replied Daring matter of factly. "But I don't know if we can catch another train at the hour we’ll be arriving." The explorer let out a tired sigh as she remembered yet another delay. "Not to mention the Princess would most likely be too busy to receive us." She take a glance out the window and added with a serious tone. "However,she needs to know about what I have found." "Don't worry, if she turns out to be uninterested, then we’ll improvise," Weiss calmly replied as he leaned back in his seat. "Should I be worried?" Do inquired to Char. "Young lady, let's just say improvisation is what we do best." "Then I should be worried," Daring deadpanned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some minutes past since the train have began to move; Weiss was apparently sleeping, Valerie seemed to be playing some sort of game with Roa, and Greninja continued his staring contest with Gold. Thus Daring felt the tension of being idly immobile building in her, so she decided to relieve some of it with the only remaining member available: Char. Because of how differently he acted in contrast with the other mercenaries, the cool Bug-type gave Daring a serious vibe she could only compare with Xavier, although less emotionless. His eyes showed he had seen many battles, yet they also showed he was more than capable of going through another one if he needed to. This reminded her of a certain Griffin who had saved her life during one of her encounters with Callaberon, even when said Griffin was working for him. Because of this, she felt a certain calm when talking with the 'Red Comet,' as his team call him. "So as far I see, you’re not like the rest of this crazy team. So how did you end up with them then?" Of all the mercenary members the writer-slash-adventurer had met so far, Char was the first one who actually seemed normal, thus she was curious about him joining such a bizarre group. The Scizor didn't seemed surprised by the question, almost as if it wasn't so rare. "Mhm... How should I tell it this time?" Wondered Char, confirming her last suspicion. "I could explain many things about my past to you, but they all took place in a world you do not know, so they would end up being pointless and redundant." "Then why don't you just tell me how it happened?" Offered Daring. "That sounds like the smartest thing to do, doesn't it?" Calmly acknowledged the Pincer Pokemon as he took a sip of his glass. "'Start from the beginning,' as some people would say then… but I guess some kind of explanation is still needed." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By what I have heard, you have seen individuals like us in this world, those who will do any kind of job to subside; and I do mean ANY kind of job. To see old veterans in this industry was a real rarity, as you might imagine. Yet I managed to become a known mercenary in my own right and after ten years of sweat and blood, more the latter though, I earned my title of veteran. So because of my skills, my contractor and I (‘contractor’ was the term mercenary Pokemon used to refer to their trainers, by the way), we were hired to for this very dangerous mission alongside other renowned and blood-thirsty mercs and... let's just say we made one hell of a job, even though we lost a bit more than half of our members. Once the job was done, we returned to where we were to be paid, but surprise surprise, we were double-crossed by our actual contractors. The typical story of 'tying up loose ends' and all that. We were all tired and wounded, yet we’d be the world's worst mercenaries if we went down without a fight, and so a fight we gave them. In the end we won, but not without loosing most of the already few members we had left, my 'contractor' included. There wasn't much between us but a professional relationship, yet she never was mean to me, and she certainly didn't deserved to have met her end in the stomach of a Swalot. Anyways, that’s all in the past. The ones who managed to take down most of our foes, and the actual owners of that victory, weren’t some overpowered psychopath or a pseudo-legendary; it was a young cold-blooded human and his two companions, a Nidoking and a white Cloyster. The coordination they showed was beyond anything any of us had ever seen before. In fact, it was as though they were mentally linked instead of simply acting as a team. Once the dust cleared, some of us found ourselves without a contractor, and at the mercy of others who wouldn’t hesitate to catch some new additions for their team. "Out of the frying pan..." I said, cursing my exhaustion as another battle was about to begin. Yet everyone around me suddenly went silent, dead silent, as a certain trio walked behind me: the human with cold eyes and his Pokemon. If his gaze wasn't enough to chill one's blood, his blood-splattered body sure did the trick. He walked beside me and said one single line. "You can come with us if you want." And so he walked toward the door with his comrades. For some reason, I felt no hesitation when I heard his words, and I was soon limping after them. As the four of us left the place, I could hear the roars and screams of those who’d foolishly decided to continue their futile hunt. Now don't go and think I joined the team because of a mere impression. What made me choose the way I did was something even more unexpected: once we were far away from the battle zone, the boy suddenly collapsed, and he didn't stand up. Then the Nidoking began to laugh. "That’s what you get for pretending so long!" And then he lifted the boy as if he were a doll, a grumbling noise coming from him. "Don't mind our boss, he likes to act all hardcore to the point of collapsing, as you may have noticed," added the albino Cloyster. "So what will you do now, Scizor?" I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the human who seemed to be as cold as a Bisharp when slashing, was currently out cold as a K.O.’d Shuppet, yet the other two seemed to respect, and even care, for such an odd being, so I ended up saying the only thing I could think of at the moment. "For the meantime, I will join you." "Suit yourself," said the Nidoking with a shrug. "And what should we call you in said 'meantime?'" Asked the albino. "You can call me the Red Comet," I replied as serious as I could, then they laughed. I didn't mind. All I wanted to know was what made such an strange child so important to the other two, and once my curiosity was satisfied I would leave; 'it will only be for a year at most,' I thought back then. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And then, twenty years passed by, and here we are." Finished Char as he took another sip of his alcoholic beverage. "Wait, you said this was twenty years ago?" Daring inquired and the Scizor nodded, she then points a hoof at the passenger beside her. "Then how old was he back then?" "Around fifteen years old," replied the calm voice of Weiss beside her. This startled Daring and caused her turn to quickly turn to her side, only to find the Bisharp in the very same position, his eyes still closed. "What is with you guys and scaring people!?" She exclaimed, "And how long have you been on this job?" "Long enough to be considered a veteran as my comrade before me," he calmly replied. Daring didn't wanted to know about what could have bring some to the path of war at such young age, although not right now, as she had already started a previous topic with somemon else. "So, I take you didn't find your answer?" Asked the explorer. "Oh I did, I definitely did," replied Char. "But when I did, I found myself with something else I never thought I could have: a family. Since this part includes someone dear to me, whom deserves to tell her own portion of the story, I’ll only say that once I found that, I didn't feel the need to foolishly risk my life anymore." "And now, will you look for a chance for peace here?" The 'sleeping' Bisharp asked. "Once we find Lala, yes, I will." Weiss sat up properly in his seat and offered Char a fist, "I hope we can find her quickly then, you deserve this peace." The Scizor returned the gesture and smiled. "For every answer I get out of you guys, a ton of new questions pop up as well!" Daring exasperatedly exclaimed. Weiss chuckled. "We like to keep people guessing." "And didn't I tell you before: improvising is what we do best." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffinheim Empire Nestin Hold Castle The circus troupe was excited that Victoria had gave them the green light to perform, and even went on to make the event free and open to the general public, be it either Griffin, Pony, Diamond Dog, Minotaur, or Pokemon. The crew then placed themselves at the back of the castle, right where an old but large open auditorium was. A ring was placed at the center of the stage, as well as a couple of poles and lines. While the imperial guard watched them like hawks, they had to admit they were really good at placing the set. As Celestia's sun began to sink into the horizon, the stone tribunes began to be filled with expectant visitors, and though the kinds were really diverse, there were some small groups that stood up and changed location once a Pokemon had sat beside them. However, they didn't leave, which in itself was a start. For the most part, nothing special happen as the tentless circus was set in place. Shortly before the show’s scheduled starting time, a single Griffin's voice could be heard from all across the area, thanks to the auditorium's construction and the Griffin's strong points as he shouted from his podium. "Announcing the arrival of Her Majesty, Empress of the great Griffin Empire, Victoria von Griffinheim!" And then he moved aside, letting Victoria walk into the scene with a serene and relaxed smile for a change. "Greetings my dear subjects, old and new, as well as those from the friendly nations of Equus. I welcome you all to this special event, carried out by a traveling troupe with one goal on their minds: to secure the bonds between Pokemon and us with the power of one of the Elements of Harmony themselves, Laughter!" There was a welcoming applause which Victoria let for a second and then proclaimed, "Now, let the fun begin!" And thus there was silence. Next was darkness. Finally there was the sound of music accompanied by some flickering lights and fog covered the stage, shortly after a voice began to proclaim. "Prepare for trouble!" A strong female voice exclaimed to everyone's surprise, as it was understood by all, meanwhile a Medicham kept her eyes glowing while concentrating. "And make it double!" Added a male voice with a very sophisticated tone. "To protect a new world from de-harmonization..." "... and show a new way to all its nations!" "To announce the power of truth and love..." "... and extend our preach to the stars above!" The light stop flickering and shone bright to reveal a female grinning Pyroar sporting a white ringmaster’s vest who exclaimed, "Jessie!" Similarly appeared a male Roserade wearing a similar garment, who then added with a sophisticated expression and tone, "James!" "New Team Rocket shines in purest light!" "So prepare yourselves for one Heck of a night!" "Meowth, that's right!" Jumped in a Meowth with a full red ringmaster getup, fake mustache and all. Finally, a blue blob-like being with a an odd expression sneaked its way behind the trio, silly clown makeup on its face, and a hat over its head as it proclaimed a single, proud line. "WOOOBBUFFET! While the general public looked interested, mostly because of the special effects and music used for the dramatic opening, though some of the Pokemon seemed to be worried, some even angry, yet curiosity was enough to keep them calm, for the time being at least, as some did recognize the old Rocket trio, yet again curiosity stopped them from doing anything rash. "I said you weren't supposed to be a part of the introduction!" Demanded Jessie at the clown, whom replied with a sad tone. "Wobbuffet..." "But still, how come we can be understood and yet he keeps saying that one line?" Inquired James with an inquisitive look towards the Patient Pokemon. "Wobbuffet?" Replied the clown with a shrug. "Maybe he is just too dumb for the translation to work?" Theorized the ringmaster while twirling his fake mustache, to which the Psychic-type retorted with an angry tone. “Wobbuffet!" "Or maybe... Just maybe..." Began James, with a serious tone, "Wobbuffet is far more intelligent that we think, leaving any normal means of measurement useless because of how massive his intellect may be?" "But then, wouldn't he be on par with the great Legendary of legends? Would he be able to stand on pair with even the mighty Arceus!?" Added Jessie with exaggerated overacting. "If that would be the case..." Stated Meowth, "then could he be the lost link of all Pokemon, could he be the answers to all the incognita on the universe? Could he be the alpha and the omega...? Is... Is Wobbuffet...God?" The trio looked at its fourth member in awe for a few seconds as a choir sounded in the background. Needless to say Wobbuffet looked quite full of himself, only for them to turn and exclaim in unison. "As if that could be possible!" Then they were shot by a random Thunderbolt which sent them flying off as they chanted, "We’re blasting off again!" Finished by a shriek from James and a twinkle in the sky. After a silent minute the crowd began to react. First there were chuckles, then there were giggles and finally there was laughter, a roaring laughter followed by applause, shortly after the quartet returned surrounded by a blue aura as Wobbuffet's tail eyes shined. Once they landed properly they waved at the audience. "We welcome you all to tonight's premiere of the whole new Team Rocket!" Began the Roserade, "and we promise you all that you won't be disappointed." "We know the name we sport for our troupe may bring bad memories," continued the Pyroar, "but that was all left behind in the old world, now we have a chance to make-up for the bad times." "And what better way to do so than bringing joy, awe, and laughter to this new world!" Finished Meowth. "Wobbuffet!" Truly finished Wobbuffet as the audience laughed some more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening was a glorious one indeed, the audience having the chance to observe an astonishing barrage of acts, from Water-type Pokemon swimming around in small balls of water, to acts of strength and power performed by some Fighting and Rock-types. There was even more laughter when the clown act passed by and a repetitive choir of awe as a pair of Medicham contortioned before the public. If there were any odd acts, they were the one with the Mr. Mime mime, who just gave everyone the willies, and the knife-throwing Lucario; as good as his throwing was, it wasn't quite as impressive when some already knew that his species didn't need to see to hit a mark thanks to their Aura Sense. The Lucario then made-up for it as he ran, dashed, jumped, and twirled around WHILE throwing his knifes. The resulting roar of excitement from the audience seemed to indicate they had liked his performance in the end, although Jessie didn't seemed quite as happy. "TELL ME NEXT TIME YOU PLAN TO CHANGE THE ACT, YOU MORON!" Roared the Pokemon tied up on the wooden plank now full of knives. The crowd cheered and laughed and enjoyed the event, a massive applause making all ears deaf. Then the whole troupe walked onto the stage, gave a salute to the crowd, and so it ended. The visitors gave the circus Pokemon another roaring cheer and few minutes later they were leaving the auditorium. Once the place was empty, Victoria turned to Shredder and Roll sitting beside her. "I see your trust in them was well-placed, I would like to have a talk with the troupe in my chambers if you will," she commanded. "It will be done," Shredder replied as she, and Roll, exited the area. Victoria then proceeded to leave as well and wait for the group in the throne room, but was then intercepted by a certain Lucario she had seen earlier that night. "The knife-thrower if I am not mistaken," she calmly acknowledged the Aura Pokemon as her guards took a defensive position between the Lucario and the Empress. "Your Highness," he replied as he kneeled before Victoria, the guards didn't drop their stance despite the fact he had somehow been understood. "I take you have something of importance to tell me then." The ruler inquired as she hid the surprise she got from the Lucario's words. "But I think a more proper introduction is needed, so if you don't mind telling me your name so we can start this conversation properly." The Lucario stood up and smiled at the empress. "You are definitely not like the rulers we have back home," he said as he gave her a bow and his name. "My name is Jack Walker, Pokemon Ranger. And there is something you may want to know about your guests..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shredder and Roll took their time to reach the auditorium, mostly so they could have some time on their own, hence why they decided to deliver the message themselves instead of sending Linza. "It was an interesting production, don't you think?" Asked Roll as she kept herself close to her mate's arm. "True, they delivered just as they promised, I see they can become a powerful influence in these times of doubt." Replied Shredder. They commented about the parts they liked the most and how well their performance turn out to be, especially considering who was directing. But as the couple began to talk about that, they arrived at the auditorium, where most of the scenery had been removed. "Skillful and reliable, that is one promising team alright." Shredder announced, praising the troupe as they approached. "Ah! If it isn't the lady who granted us this opportunity!" Commented Meowth as the couple arrived. "You were excellent tonight, I am sure the Empress would be glad to have you all around the empire!" Exclaimed Roll with glee. "We do have a gift for these kind of things," proclaimed James with a twirl of his bouquets, a movement which would made Rouge proud, Shredder thought. "But we are afraid to tell you that we have other plans." Added Jessie as she struggled to remove her vest. "I see, that was to be expected." Commented Shredder as she make a motion to them to follow her. "But still, the Empress want to have a talk with you, so if you would?" "But what about the rest of the troupe?" Roll asked while pointing out the still working Pokemon. "I am sure they can finish their job once she is done talking to them; besides, the throne room should be big enough. Not to mention one doesn't have the honor to talk to her Highness just like that." The trio, plus a clown, discussed for a second and then replied at unison, "We would be honored to!" And so they went to talk everymon, quickly making them all follow the couple across the palace's halls. The large group finally arrived at the chamber of the Throne of Twigs a half an hour later, moving that many Pokemon wasn't so simple and easy when they weren't in their Pokeballs. They awaited outside the throne room as the group share a small story with Shredder and Roll. "So this was all because of this dude's help, we are thankful for his kindness, we only wish he joined us as well." Said Meowth as he finished the story of how a former human, and an old acquaintance of theirs, had help them to convince some Pokemon to join their troupe at the outskirts of a small town. "But it was from then on that the rest decided to join on their own." Pointed James as he looked at the rest of their troupe. "Each bringing something new and special to the act." "True, we owe them our current success." Admired Jessie. "I wonder why we never thought to do this back home..." Roll then noticed something. "Isn't one of your members missing?" Meowth was about to notice it as well when a guard finally came to greet them. "Her Highness will see you now," The Griffin said almost mechanically and then returned inside. Shredder didn't say anything about it because of the guests, but she felt something was off. The whole group enter the spacious chamber and place themselves before Victoria, who sat upon her philosophical throne with a serious expression. 'That isn't right...' Though Roll too as they awaited for the Empress to begin. "Good evening traveling troupe," she began. "I am pleased to tell you that I found your performance more than interesting and that I truly can't remember the last time I had so much fun in this castle." However, Victoria's expression didn't seemed to say that. In fact, she gave them an expression Shredder recognised as the same one she used the first time they met. Luckily, or unluckily, the Rockets couldn't have know this fact. "We thank you for your kindness, Your Highness." Replied Meowth at the head of the group as the Medicham translated. "But it was mostly the effort of our companions which made this enjoyment possible." Added Jessie besides the Normal-type. "I am sure of that." Retorted the empress coldly. The Pokemon at the throne room didn't know if she was been serious or threatening, although Shredder and Roll did know. "You see," began Victoria after a pause, "I heard about the kind of team the Rockets were back on Earth." The troupe began to murmur. "But even so, it pales in comparison to the newer information I’ve just received from a very unexpected source." At this mention, the knife throwing Lucario walked into the scene, seriously looking at the group he supposedly belonged to as if where some sort of dirt on the floor. "This gentlemon has taught me about how this ‘Team Rocket’ acted back on your world." Victoria kept silent for a minute, allowing her words to be discussed among the troupe, who didn't take long to begin to whisper about this fact. All save the trio at the front, which seemed to suddenly have lost all color. Satisfied with the results she continued. "I just can't come to understand what moved so many hard working and honest Pokemon to work alongside these... Ruffians, and that is giving them a proper title, while the terrible acts they once did still linger as terrible stories." These words turned the little murmurs into a more heated discussion. The Pokemon began to question themselves. Roll on her side was growing angry, not at the Rockets though, but at Victoria for doing something she considered to be so cruel after they had just given such a fun filled night to her and everyone else. She was about to jump into the discussion when her mate stop her. "What? Why are you stopping me?" She asked with comprehensible surprise. "We are part of the empire now," Shredder told Roll as calmly as her own discontent allowed. "We now have to show respect to OUR empress and trust on her rule." Roll wanted to ignore her beloved and jump to aid the trio, but she too felt she had to believe, if not in Victoria, at least in Shredder. "So, tell me 'Team Rocket’, what right do you all have to be trusted by these Pokemon after all you have done?" Inquired the ruler with a cold tone and icy glare. Finally there was silence, as Victoria awaited for their reply, the troupe glared at their backs and the Lucario just smiled besides the throne. "..." "..." "..." The trio seemed to have no comeback and thus their future seemed even more uneventful. Finally, somemon spoke. "Wobbuffet!" Proclaimed one of the clowns. "Wobbu-wob wobbu, ffet Wobbuffet, wooooobbuffeeet!" As each word left the Psychic-type's lips, a fingerless arm pointed and waved at Victoria as if he was trying to make his point even more clear. "... I... I'm sorry but I don’t think I got that, is there something wrong with the translation?" She inquired to both the Lucario and the Medicham, both giving her a shake of their heads and a shrug of confusion. "I'm afraid he… DID mean to say that," Added Shredder on her end, just as confused as the empress. However, someone seemed to have indeed understood as the trio chuckled. "Seriously, you always pick the worst moments to interrupt!" Commented Jessie as she gave the Patient Pokemon a friendly nudge. "But I guess that’s what makes him worthy of our team, isn't it?" Added James with a nod. Meowth wiped a tear of joy from his eye and then faced Victoria. "Your Highness! We have no right to deny any of the horrible things that the Team Rocket of Earth once did." It was obvious the trio had lost their initial shock as he continued. "I’ll admit that we belonged to that horrendous group, and that we even aided in some of said atrocities, but we did believe at the time that we were leading the world to a better place." "But worry not Your Highness," interjected James. "We are no longer that blind. We opened our eyes thanks to a... it feels sligthly odd for me to say this, but it was thanks to an old friend of ours that we finally decided to end that chapter of our lives." "We left that Team Rocket and began to look for our own paths after that." Continued Jessie with nostalgia. "I presume that saying we didn't do that well on our own is an understatement. We roamed the world in search of a place to call our own. All we found was nothing but distrust and despise, it’s not as if we didn't deserve it though." The trio looked at the floor for a moments each tinking of the hardships each of them had to go on their own. However, it was Meowth who broke the silence as he again looked directly at the empress right on the eye. "Yet for some reason, Lord Arceus deem us not only worthy to reach this world, but he also put us right back with each other." The Normal-type smiled as he remember how they had reacted when they first woke up in Equus. "We knew that something, if not Arceus himself, had brought us together like this. We knew there had to be a reason for it!" Exclaimed James as he remembered how natural it felt to be reunited with his old team, despite the circumstances they were in. "We then arrived at a single conclusion," Said Jessie. "We were given a new chance to make amends, not only for the things we did, but for the things the whole of Team Rocket destroyed." "We decided to remove the stigma our actions had created and most likely resided in the minds of countless Pokemon and humans," James finished. "We took it upon ourselves to make the words 'Team Rocket' normal once more, so the people of this world never have to fear them ever again." Explain Meowth with a stern expression. "So to answer your question Your Highness..." Every creature in the throne room remained silent as the Scratch Cat Pokemon replied. "We don't have any right to to be trusted by these great and talented Pokemon." The room was filled with murmurs again, although they didn't seemed as heated as before. "At all, we start this crusade to become trusted by Pokemon." Added James. The room was silent again as the trio turned around and faced the circense group. "Even though you all have the right to hate us." Jessie pointed out, "We truly are thankful for your help, and we wish you all, even if you decide to abandon us, the greatest of futures in this new world." Finally the room was filled with gasps as the trio bowed respectfully at their companions. "We are truly sorry for what we once did." The room then become silent save for the metallic steps of a certain Bisharp. "I know it is not my place to question your commands Your Highness," Shredder began as she placed a hand over James' shoulder. "But I do believe they have given you a proper answer, even when it was quite incomplete, yet I can assure you they will find a more complete one eventually." Victoria silently looked at her servant with the same expression of before. Only for it to turn into a softer smile. "I told you she would eventually stand for them." She told the Lucario, who was now smiling as well. "I thank you sincerity Lady Shredder, but I think their answer is already complete for me." The trio and the troupe turned to the empress with surprise. "I have to admit that we have no right to judge any action done in a world beyond our own. It's simply out of our jurisdiction." She chuckled at her own words and continued. "Not to mention their own god saw them as worthy to come here, meaning they do mean well to this world as well as to the inhabitants of the old one." The trio smiled and thanked Victoria for her wisdom while the troupe began to apologize with their friends for ever doubting their resolution. "I assume you wanted to see the will which drives them," Shredder analyzed before she glanced at the Lucario. "But I also see this is something Your Highness wouldn't do if it weren't for the intervention of a third party." "And that’s why I owe them an apology," the Lucarios said as he jumped off the throne and walked toward the larger group. Shredder was about to say something else, but one of the Rockets cut her thoughts. "That voice!" Meowth exclaimed with disbelief. "But he looks different!" Seconded Jessie. The Lucario simply smiled as he rubbed a paw over his face, removing some sort of makeup and revealing the blonde fur that lied beneath the blue coloration. "I thought you guys would have recognize me if I didn't wear a disguise." "Jackie!" Exclaimed the trio, and a couple of the other Pokemon as the now Shiny Lucario stood before them. "You know him?" Roll asked as she too approached the group. "He’s the guy who helped us with the Circus to begin with!" James answered. "Top Ranger, Jack Walker." the Lucario introduced himself. "I know how much they tried to made up for their wrongs back on Earth, so I helped them as much as I could to recruit members for their idea. But I also knew some Pokemon may still hold a grudge against Team Rocket and it would only be a matter of time for the gossip to reach the ears of those ruling, then they would have to face their greatest threat here: prejudice." "Mister Walker then informed me about who these three were and the plans they had," Victoria commented from over her throne. "And asked me to bring this burden upon them as harshly as possible. Worst case I would have apologize to them, even when it would have meant for them to start all over again." 'What kind of point of view is that!?' Mentally exclaimed the trio. "But still you guys passed, now all you have to do is to keep a hold of these thoughts whenever you find those willing to question your resolve!" Added Jackie with a smile. The group think about the ranger's twisted idea of a test, yet they had to admit he was right. If they ever had to face such a threat again, they will be sure to know how to reply. Not to mention the rest of their group will be behind them for real as well. "However..." Shredder broke the happy thoughts as she held Jackie from the shoulder, hard. "You snuck into the castle and reached the Empress without proper announcement, that can easily be taken as an act of war." Proclaimed the overly serious Bisharp. "C-come on, I am sure that when the circumstances deem it necessary, even you would sneak into a place to make your point, right?" "I’ll have you know, you cur, that my guild upholds honor in the highest regard. They would never break into a castle in order to make a royal visit!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot, Equestria Just outside of Canterlot Castle "We need to break into this castle in order to make a royal visit!" Proclaimed Weiss. "That was a mouthful," commented Daring with sarcasm. "And you do know I‘m the one in a hurry, right?" "Can you blame me?" Weiss snapped back. "They gave us the 'too late for a visit' cliche!" It was not surprising Celestia wasn't too eager to meet with Daring after a whole day receiving Ponies and Pokemon with lots of complains. Yet Weiss was again showing no signs of patience as he wanted to finish this whole thing as fast as possible, thanks to the letter Daring sent to Xavier before taking the train, telling him of the change in the meeting location. Now a little explanation of how Equestrian mail service worked. Apparently when an express letter was sent, a mailpony was personally sent towards the destination as long the direction of the city and a small description of the intended recipient was added. And Xavier was somemon hard to miss, thus it was just a matter of time for him and the rest of the team to read the message and change course towards Manehatten. So Weiss wanted to end this as fast as possible. "I like to be punctual," Added Weiss as Greninja and Char returned from exploring the castle's possible entrances. "Okay," began Weiss once the explanation was finished, "we are going to need a small group for this, so..." He looked at his team, Valerie, Roa and Gold included, and then proclaimed "Valerie and Char, you two stay near the train station and look after those two." He pointed at the PLA members, Roa cowering behind the Togekiss as a result. "Edge, you fly over the castle and standby in case we need a quick escape route." The Noivern nodded and took off. "Okay, that leaves Daring, Greninja and me to get inside." And so the group split up; Edge flying into the night sky silently, Valerie and Char taking Roa and Gold back towards the station while the remaining three walked around the castle. Almost an hour later, the infiltration group made it into a portion of the back garden which wasn't as guarded as the rest, mostly because of the gigantic pink diamond heavily guarded on the front one. "Well, that is a sight I didn't expect to find here." Commented Weiss as they sneaked around. "You mean the Sundial?" Whispered Daring. "Arceus mentioned he brought it along with other things in order to help some Pokemon evolve." "Makes sense," the Bisharp replied as they made it into the castle's library through one of the windows. "I doubt some Pokemon would like this world without the a proper way to develop themselves..." Suddenly Weiss and Greninja realized something. "That means they can... Oh boy, we have some stones to look for." The mercenary happily thought as Greninja smiled as well. Daring on her end, for a change, wasn't lost on their line of thinking, yet she couldn't question them as they had to focus on the shore at hoof. Thanks to Daring's wings, Greninja's adhesive digits, and Weiss' claws, the group was able to stay clear of any passing patrol they encountered, the harder been some Bat Ponies, whom had better night-vision and hearing. But they soon found out that as long they keep still and out of sight the night guard was easy to avoid. Or as easy as Daring having to carry both mercenaries and remain airborne as the patrol SLOWLY passed by. "Huaaaa!" Gasped Daring once the latest Bat Ponies had passed by. "I thought he would never leave!" "Are we getting closer?" Questioned Weiss as they reached the ground and start running once more. "Just a couple of hallways away," replied the explorer. It was a good thing she had been to the castle so many times before, it made her remember the inner structure out of repetitiveness. "This is the last one." The group made it into a hallway full of stained glass murals, each depicting some part of Equestria's history, some older than others, some more colorful than others, but all depicting the many achievements the kingdom had made over the centuries. "I must admit no place back in Kalos is this shiny, save perhaps the champion's chamber." Joked Weiss as they reached the end of the hallway. A quick sneak peek from the door told them they were in the right place, as a wide hallway stand at the other side of the door with only two elegant doors on each side. A quartet of guards that consisted of a single member of each race, night guard included, made sure the royal chambers wouldn't be disturbed. "It’s a good thing that they’re so orderly," Weiss commented as he took four needles out of his coat, a bluish substance covering each of them. "That makes them so much easier to hit..." Daring give the Bisharp a quick inquisitive look, which the mercenary catch on and added. "They will only sleep for a couple of minutes." The door then opened with a quick swing, alerting the guards and making them turn. But as they did this, the four small projectiles hit their marks on their necks, knocking them out shortly after. "Coast is clear." Whispered Weiss as the other two enter, carefully closing the door behind them, Weiss on his end retrieved the needles as gently as possible. "Thank you Rouge." Do on her side motioned a soundless 'sorry' to the now sleeping guards, then she proclaimed. "Okay, let’s not waste any more time then!" She said as she trotted towards the door with a royal sun design emblazoned upon it. She was about to knock the door when suddenly Weiss yanked her by the neck. "Wha..!?" Her complaint was literally cut short as a blade swung right on the spot her head was just a second ago. The blade stopped before it hit the ground and raised itself before the trespassers, much for the explorer’s utter surprise as the sword seemed to be wielded by no one. Instead, she noticed how the wide silver and golden blade possessed a pair of tassel-like arms of some sort, one of them carrying a circular shield almost as big as the sword itself. A lone purple eye right beneath what appeared to be the hilt looked directly at them as it spoke with a deep, spectral voice. "Intruders...!" Said the Aegislash as he kept a fighting stance. It was a mere whisper of a sentence, but the tone showed how serious the Royal Blade Pokemon was in having to deal with them. Daring wasn't sure which she was more impressed by: the gigantic, floating AND talking sword, or the fact that Weiss was smiling at it. "I see this place has a more proper defence than I thought, but I am afraid you are forgetting one little detail." If the Steel/Ghost-type could, he would be raising an eyebrow in confusion as Weiss finished. "There are two of us here." He pointed to himself and Daring. "We are three." The Aegislash processed and realized what the intruder had just said too late as a shadow jumped right at him from behind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few minutes earlier. Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and one of the world's oldest monarch, was having a very tiring and extenuating day. Not only had she been through so many new experiences in barely a week, which given her age was a new personal record, but she was also having trouble dealing with the constant doubts, complaints, and events that Arceus had caused in moving the Pokemon to Equus. "I know he has his children’s future in mind..." She said to herself. "But couldn't he have asked before hoof? Was it really that hard?" "Lord Arceus may have had too many things on his mind." Calmly replied a white-blonde fox with nine tails gently flailing around beside the ruler's bed. "You Pokemon truly take Arceus' command as law, don't you?" Celestia sarcastically retorted as she thought she could really use a big slice of a Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness right now. 'Ka-chan. Kloooong!' The solar princess and the Fox Pokemon turned towards the source of the noise, both intrigued at what could it be, but mostly wondering why a guard hadn’t already broken into the room to inform her of something or at least apologize about what happened. Yet there was nothing but silence. Finally, Celestia stood up from her bed and gave Ninetales a single command. "Wait here." The ruler open the door with her magic. There was no one. That alone told her how wrong this was, as there were supposed to be at least four guards outside her and Luna's rooms. Wanting to at least know what had caused the clatter from before, she carefully peeked into the hallway. Darkness was all she saw. She was starting to felt an eerie chill running down her spine when a single line cut her line of thought. "Tia..." Ninetales said in a meek and fearful tone, "Help." Celestia let out a sigh as she turned back. "I'm afraid this isn't time for... games...!?" "My apologies for this sudden intrusion," Weiss said as he gently patted the Fire-type at the other side of the room. "..." The solar princess had been confronted by many weird and unexpected creatures in her life. Most of the time said creatures boast and shout as soon they meet. Yet this was the first time she was approached in such a sneaky yet subtle way. "I'm afraid I have to ask you to release her" she calmly asked as she walked back into her room and saw the confused look Ninetales was giving her. "Don't worry Your Highness," Weiss politely replied as he immediately stopped petting the large multi-tailed creature. "I had no intention of harming her, nor do I plan to use her as a hostage." As if to make his point, Weiss waved at Ninetales to leave. The Fox Pokemon didn't doubt a second as she jumped off the bed and right beside Celestia's side. "... I thank you." Acknowledged Celestia. "But I must ask what brought you to made such an abrupt entrance." "Well there is something we wanted to discuss with you, Your Highness." Answer the Bisharp with an elegant bow. "But for the time being, I was merely making sure I had your attention." The princes was about to say something else, but then... 'Ka-chan' The sound of the door closing behind her halted her current train of thought. She then turned to see a bipedal frog carrying the unconscious form of her self-proclaimed bodyguard into the room and placed him in a corner with outmost care. "I am so sorry for this Princess Celestia!" Exclaimed a Yellow Pegasus from beside the frog which Celestia knew well. "Miss Daring, are these..." Celestia glared daggers at the Pokemon before continuing. "Gentlemon friends with you?" "I'm afraid ‘friends’ is a tad extreme, Your Highness. Let's just say they are my employees for the time being." "Oi!" "But we mean no harm Princess, we just happen to be in a bit low on time to properly wait for the open court tomorrow." "Coming from you miss Do, I understand this must be something of great importance. But couldn't you look for a more polite way to give me your message?" "I apologize for these guys." The explorer said cheapishly. "They have this tendency to take the hardest route possible." "That seems to be the case." Replied Celestia as she watched Weiss walk beside Daring. "But I'm afraid we have yet to be properly introduced." "The name’s Weiss, your Highness. And these here is my colleague Greninja." Replied the mercenary in a polite voice as the Ninja Pokemon bowed to the ruler. "I am the leader of my humble guild, Checkmate. And I have a little message for you, but where are my manners? Mares first!" And with that said, he calmly waited for Daring to give her story first, much to the princess' curiosity. "Your Highness, I’ll get straight to the point: I just found out Tlaloque is looking for a way to perform some forbidden ritual which includes living sacrifices to work." Celestia gasped at the news, yet she remained silent, letting Daring continue. "I will go with these guys and see what can we find and, if necessary, stop whatever that cloaked freak has in store before anyone ends up hurt." Celestia took another deep breath and replied, "I can't believe Ahuizotl and his kind continue to cause so much trouble, even after so many decades. I would like to take part of this adventure of your’s Miss Do, sending some guards to look for the creature and aid in your search. But the current circumstances with the Pokemon," here the ruler gave another glare at Weiss, although not as cold as before, before continuing, "have my hooves tied. However, I do wish to properly read all about it once things settle down." The Princess joked with a chuckle. "I’m certain it will be my greatest work yet!" the writer claimed with certainty. "But I would at least suggest you to keep an eye out for Tlaloque or Ahuizotl, even the smallest bit of information could help me... us, to stop them in their tracks." Celestia smiled as she gave Daring a nod. Then she turned to Weiss with an less gentle expression. "I believe you said you had a message for me, but can I inquire who would send such a being to deliver this message?" "Empress Victoria" Weiss replied nonchalantly. "... What?" Celestia replied back in confusion. "I believe you must know by now that Her Excellency has managed to give Pokemon a place in the Empire, with a bit of our help of course. As such, she has given my humble team a single mission." "And what kind of mission would include sneaking into my personal chambers to tell me?" Celestia asked gently but coldly. "To show off!" Weiss again replied as if it were nothing. Needless to say, Celestia's confusion only grew. "At least while we look for the other members of my team," Added the Bisharp. "This little visit is mostly to inform you that we may end causing a bit of... let's say noise, from time to time. But I assure you, we will be looking to keep the peace and balance between Ponies and Pokemon as long as we are here." He then added with pride. "In the name of the Empire of course." "I still don't see why Victoria would take an individual such as yourself under her wing," Celestia concieded. "Defeating an entire invading army does do wonders when meeting rulers." Dryly added Daring. Celestia blinked in disbelief, but decided to personally ask Victoria when the chance came. "At any rate, I think you’d at least have a bit of 'respect' towards this land since you had come to tell me about your intentions." Sarcastically commented the princess. "But I am afraid that even with Victoria's aid I must put you under custody." "And that's our cue!" Exclaimed Weiss as he walked around Celestia, with Greninja and Daring following closely behind. "No offence Princess Celestia," Daring added apologetically as she followed the mercenary, "but I’m responsible for these guys as long as we’re here, and I really need to get to Manehatten as soon as possible; having them locked up will only throw off my schedule even more." "I see your point miss Daring, but Arceus clearly said Pokemon had to follow the rules of this world, and last time I check breaking into private property was cause enough for arrest." "Yeah we aren't really known for following rules," noted Weiss as he smiled, "and I’m sure the rest of my team will agree." A slick smile crossed the Bisharp's lips as he looked behind the Solar Princess. Another cold chill passed through the ruler's back as she turned to look behind her. Only to find the room just as it was a second ago, empty. "Made you look!" exclaimed the mercenary with a chuckle as he suddenly opened the door leading to the balcony, and then jumped into the night, followed again by Greninja and Daring. A huge blur appeared a second later with the trio of trespassers on its back as it flew away into the night. Celestia could only watch as the group escaped, then finally some guards dashed into the room. Or at least they tried to as they stumbled around with dizzy eyes. "Y-your Highness! A-are y-you... Are y-you..." "I am fine Sergeant," Celestia addressed the still-disoriented guard. "I’d rather worry about yourselves." "They look like Spindas," Ninetales pointed out. "I would suggest you all to lay down for a little." Celestia said as she moved some pillows from her bed to the guards' hooves. She didn't know what they used to knock them all out, meaning it would be dangerous to try removing it with magic. "Rest for now, I... I think the effects will pass soon." She admitted as she thought over about what just happen. Then the door was opened once more as the second ruler of Equestria enter the room. "Sister, is everything alright? I heard some noi..." The Princess of the Night looked at the scene and frowned. "Oh come on! Why do I always miss the action!?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I hope we can scan this city once Xavier returns, I can't shake the feeling we are forgetting someone here" pointed Weiss as they reached their destination. The trio quickly jump off the back of Edge and run for the train, where Char was currently awaiting for them. He swiftly take them in with his calm demeanor as the train began to move. "So how did the meeting go?" Asked the Red Comet as he guide the group to their seats. "Same old, same old!" Simply replied the clothed Bisharp. "So we may be banned from this country? That is a shame." Commented Char as he give the city passing by the windows a glance. "This is such a wonderful city, I hope we can come back." "We will." Declared Daring as they reached their seats, Valerie and Roa already talking with each other. "We only need to give this story a proper ending and things will be okay." "By the way." Noticed Weiss as he remember something. "Why are we going to Manehatten anyway? Don't you said your contact was in Las Pegasus?" "I need to deliver my transcript." She replied. Weiss give her a stern look as he added. "What about mail?" "I prefer to deliver these myself. Not to mention I need to tell the owner of a certain artifact that he just lost a piece of Griffinheim's history!" The look on Weiss face didn't change. "It was just a glorified key." "..." Daring tried to look as stern as possible, yet she fail miserably as she let out a sigh. "I need to retrieve something from a vault I have there. I know this guy in Las Pegasus, he’ll give us the information we need in exchange for something of great value. And I happen to have my collection of 'personal souvenirs' there." "You mean the treasures you get from your adventures?" Asked Char with a smirk. "Hey! Adventuring isn't a profitable career. I need to get the bits for traveling, gear, intel." "What about the books?" Questioned Weiss. "Charity." Replied Daring right away. "They’re mostly for personal fun, never thought they would become popular back when I start them." On the other side of the seat's row, a lone Agent Gold looked at the group happily talking, while he had to endure the continuation of Greninja's staring contest. "I can't believe I’m saying this, but I really miss the Commander right now..." > Eighteenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eighteenth Move Free Time The Friendship Express Halfway to Manehatten The group left Canterlot far behind them as Celestia began to raise the sun. That itself was a good sign as she seemed to keep up with her duties despite the sudden visit the mercenary leader paid her and her security staff. "Then we flew off into the night!" the clothed pokemon exclaimed. "I firmly believe they could learn a thing or two out of this." Said Weiss full of himself as he finished to narrate what had happen last night, for the fifth time. Apparently, the way things went down make the former human quite happy with his current body. "We heard you the first time," Retorted the tired mare with foggy red eyes glaring at him. "Not to mention I WAS THERE!" "Is it rare for us to have such a rushed plan working as expected with so little problems?" commented Char, who didn't seem to mind how little sleep his leader had put them through. "If you call been attacked by the guard a little problem, then you all have quite an ego" Gold commented from his seat across the hallway. "Then again, the mere fact you were caught shows just how little you know about sneaking around" he smugly added to the end. "Oh, so what would you have done then?" Weiss asked with curiosity as Daring groaned over her seat. "I would have set some distraction to take most of the guard’s attention" proudly suggested the Golduck. "But wouldn't that make them aware of the ruse once the distraction was over?" inquired the mercenary. "I would be done and long gone before any guard had a chance to catch me" Gold replied in his Trottingham accent. "That is an interesting idea and all, but we were supposed to keep things in a footnote." Retorted the Bisharp. "Well in that case I would have-" the agent began again with more pride, only to be cut short by a glaring Togekiss. "In case you gentlemon have forgotten, allow me to politely remind you" the Fairy-type coldly added. "We had a very exhausting day just yesterday, and I am sure most of us are really, REALLY in the need of a few good hours of sleep. So if you two don't mind, will you please shut up already?!" The last part was mostly for Weiss, who merely gulped and nodded. "Y-yes ma'am..." And so the group could sleep calmly for a couple of hours as the colorful transport they were in took them further away from the capital of Equestria and closer to its biggest metropolis. Elsewhere A cloaked figure made its way around the expansive collection of hallways that acted as a protective maze of its lost city. And despite the sudden surge or Pokemon all over Equus, the stone hallways were completely devoid of any kind of living creature. Not even moss grew on it. There were no death traps or ghoulish guards keeping others at bay; only a simple but powerful spell which implanted a simple idea into the minds of those daring to enter: leave. The idea was enough to keep anything away. And the maze took care of any smart being trying to fight against it. Yet Tlaloque didn't have to worry about it since the enchantment only worked on living creatures. A few Ghost-types been the only exception thus far; they seemed to be resistant to the spell as they seemed to be devoid of life. However, the lack of anything of interest gave them little reason to push forward, and the maze did a proper job keeping them off limits. It smiled at the sight of the city's defenses still functioning, which brought back the memories of when the city was still alive, when he and his family ruled this and so many other lands unopposed. "Those times... I will bring them back..." Tlaloque said to himself. The ancient had to admit that talking to itself was a something it saw as a mere odd mortal habit. Yet, somehow now it began to do it somewhere in the distant past, much to its own shame and displeasure. "Mother will fix it..." He continued to talk to himself. "Once they are all back in their rightful place." It proceeded to move along the desolated ruins in silence for about an hour or two. Finally reaching a small temple, or at least what seemed to be the remnants of one. Despite the still activity of the spell keeping any living being at bay, things like time and weather continued to claim what lied inside of the city, especially since Pegasus Ponies couldn't stop by to keep the skies clear. Tlaloque paid little interest to the ruined appearance of the building. 'The slaves will fix it in due time,' he thought. Another silent hour of slow walking later and the hooded one found what it was looking for. A round room filled to the brim with hundreds of quartz pillars in all sort of fashions. Some pointed up, others come from the ceiling, many more sprout from the walls, yet there was not a single pillar that was exactly the same as another, each one pointing in a different direction or had a different size. At the center of the room stood a single lone tribune, it's symmetrical shape contrasting with the rest of the rather chaotic room. Tlaloque walked toward it and looked around the room as it conjured some words in a language Equus had likely forgotten. As each phrase left the hood, the quartz on the room began to glow slightly and vibrate gently. Each piece slowly consumed energy from the very core of the city and turned to face the plane they were designed to look at. "Over eons of search for a way to bring back the good days of old, to reclaim what was taken from us! Only to grasp at nothing but straws again and again... But then... Then you came here..." With a motion of the clay staff, one of the pillars shone brighter and from it a creature could be seen running across some unknown grassland. It was quite similar to a Pony, save for its lack of a Cutie Mark and its blazing mane. "You Pokemon come to take the lands..." continued Tlaloque with the monologue. Another pillar began to glow and revealed what appeared to be an armored sea jelly roaming some oceanic deep. "... the seas..." Another pillar, another glow, another image: a brown bird with a crest larger than its body soared the clouds. "... the skies..." A final pillar show a red and yellow creature similar to a duck with flaming like down emerging of a pool of boiling magma as if just come out of a jacuzzi. "... and even fire itself." The images changed from time to time, showing a different Pokemon with each change. "You can have them if you want." Chuckled Tlaloque as the images changed at an increased phase. "After all, you just give me the opportunity I been aimlessly lookingfor so long." The images were now a blur. One could hardly make head or tails of what the pillars were showing. "Providence has brought me this chance I so desperately needed. I must act carefully and don't let it go to waste..." The flashing unintelligible images from the pillars began to change once again, showing what appeared to be some other scene from somewhere else on the world, yet unlike the previous ones, the new images seemed to be blurred. "It would be bad for me to be caught by this god of yours." Drily pointed Tlaloque as he looked at the pillars. One showed a gigantic mechanic crab destroying some city. Another revealed an Equestrian wasteland. Another one showed a world ruled by two adorable overlords. Yet another displayed Manehatten covered on ice. Other show a great war between Pokemon and Equuslings. Other a prosper and bright future. "But I must thank for the chaos he himself has brought, as it gives me the one opportunity I have looked for in an eternal lifetime." The images show many and various events which could be or could not be, as Tlaloque was currently looking at the infinity of possible futures the world of Equus had. Needless to say, the possibilities grow exponentially since the Pokemon exodus took place. "After all..." said the cloaked figure with a sinister and demonic grin, "it’s unfair for only one god to see into the fate lines." And so Tlaloque continued to gaze upon what fate had in store, trying to figure out and predict the right moment to act, yet a single pillar was showing something different, something that was far more interesting: the past. "Now, why don't we get to know each other better, lord Arceus?" Griffinheim Empire Nesting Hold Castle Shredder had enjoyed the last night tremendously, but now was time to go back to work. And that of course meant she had a couple of Griffins to pluck around until the day they could withstand a proper, or at least decent, fight with her. Needless to say that was still a far day yet to come. However, today was special. Today she had a chance to have the Empire's very first Pokemon recruit in the form of a shiny Lucario. Or at least that was the original plan as Jack Walker was nowhere to be found that morning. "Just who does that sneaking bastard think he is?" Protested the female Bisharp as she look over her trainees. "I thought Rangers were more dependable than this!" "He may be a bit intimidated by you, my lady." Replied Linza with her gentle tone. The few guards close enough to hear the little discussion couldn't stop to nod in agreement, and flutter a bit at the clawmaiden's melodic tone. "Nonsense!" Proclaimed Shredder as she hit the ground with her hilted sword. "Even it that was the case, that doesn't justify him for ignoring a direct order from the empress herself." Despite her rude methods of training, the Griffins under her tutelage had to admit that Shredder had developed an admirable respect toward Victoria, even though she had been under her contract for barely a week. "She clearly commanded him to show his worth to by taking a test on this morning’s exercises," the Steel-type protested, "so that she would consider aiding him with this Ranger branch of his." "We can't deny that is very rude from him," Linza replied, "but he did show to have a kind heart last night, so he may be thinking over the departure of the Rocket's troupe." The night before, and right after their great performance, the group decided it was best to try new lands before rumors of their past life made traveling across the rest of the world impossible. Thus they took a late night air ship towards the Equestrian kingdom, after having thanked Jackie and Victoria for all they made for them. "I remember such events clearly Linza, because I was there" Shredder retorted coldly. "And yet here I am, still waiting." "Well, you are quite an 'adamant' individual my lady, so I could only say you are a special case." The clawmaiden replied, causing the soldiers to nod once more. "Hmp." Shredder snarled, although she seemed flattered by Linza's words. "A slacker, that is all he is." "Maybe so" admitted a blonde Lucario as he strolled over to them with no sense of haste whatsoever. "Or maybe I had my own doubts about her Highness' request." The mercenary turned to the Lucario while arching an eye. "I see someone finally decided to arrive” Shredder exclaimed. “And why would that be?” she asked in reply to the Ranger’s comment. “I thought you wanted so badly to start your branch of the Rangers so things would be 'under control' once you all regrouped. What has brought such change of mind?" explained and questioned the Bisharp. "I do want to get the Rangers in top shape, no doubt about that. Especially since Arceus himself has explained how we seem to be staying here for a while." the Top Ranger stated in reply. "Not to mention other Top Rangers like Spenser, Abby, Joel and Professor Hastings will most likely do the same. But I don't see why I should prove myself over a mercenary whose loyalty depends on the amount of money they are paid." Shredder didn't need to question Jackie's resolve anymore, she knew it alright. The Ranger must have heard about her and her guild from back on Earth. That didn't surprise her though, in fact she was expecting something like that. They weren't saints, after all. "I see. But still you are here. Why?" She asked again. "Because the same reasons we heard last night" the Lucario explained. "We no longer have jurisdiction here. So you guys have a whole clean slate and rep." However the harsh look in his eyes didn't change. "But that doesn't, and will never, erase the things you and your team have done." Jackie was so into his argument with Shredder at this point that he didn't notice the glares coming from the Griffins around him, Linza included. As crazy and tortuous as her training was, Shredder never showed the slightest sign of disrespect towards any of them. She had earned their respect fair and square, and the Griffins weren't just going to listen happily while 'one of their own' was foul-mouthed by some stranger. "So you are saying I am not worthy of your time then?" Shredder asked calmly, with a slick smile crossing her lips. "No, you are not" clarified the now Fighting-type. "But the Rangers are. So give me whatever test you want me to go through and let's finish this for once." "Very well then." Shredder began. "If that is what you wish." She then looked away from Jackie and towards her Griffon. "Private Alberich! One step ahead!" She commanded. Right away, a lone young-looking Griffon did as he was told. "Her highness decreed you should prove your worth by showing us what you are capable of, so I can determine if your suggestion should be considered. Well then: show us what you’re capable of." She stated calmly, way too calmly. "I will proclaim you worthy for her Highness' aid if you can best him in battle." She placed a trusting arm over the Griffin's shoulders as she said this. "Is this good enough for you?" "Whoa, whoa!" Jackie exclaimed. "I am here to pass your training, not to beat-up your boys. No offense." "None taken." Alberich replied, although his eyes said otherwise. "True, but you claim I am unworthy of your time, so I presume my training is as well." She calmly replied. "Then just prove you are better than my training and I will personally ask Victoria to assist you." The Lucario couldn't stop to look at Alberich with a bit of pity. The boy had a lion’s rear which still had its cub fur and a eagle front filled with chick feathers all over. The fight was damned to last just a few minutes. "Sorry kid, this a chance too good to let go." And with nothing else to say, Jackie took a fighting stance. The rest of the group jumped back and gave them a good space to fight, the only ones remaining were Jack, Alberich and Shredder. The last slowly walked around the Griffon ring whilst stating "There is only one rule: there are no rules. Also, don't kill each other." "Isn't that a second rule?" Asked Jackie with confusion. "That was no rule." Shredder calmly said as she too took her place among her trainees. "That was a command." She coldly smiled and finally shouted. "Start!" Jackie was the first one to move, his already fast Pokemon body being even faster thanks to his natural agility. The Ranger preferred indirect assaults and surprise attacks, but right now he wasn't in the right spot for that, so he only dashed towards the Griffon and pretended to throw a punch at him, only to jump past him and aim another hit at his back. 'Sorry kid, but today isn't your day.' He thought as he landed behind the Griffon and prepared his next punch. Yet he never managed to land it. As soon his paws hit the ground, Alberich had kicked the ground as well, throwing sand directly into Jackie's eyes while crunching his front close to the ground, barely avoiding the Lucario's attack, safe a few lost feathers. "Ah! Sand Attack!" Cursed the Ranger as he rubbed his eyes. The Griffin didn't let go of the opportunity as he grabbed a clawfull of dirt and punched Jackie right on the jaw with it as he exclaimed. "Steel is weak to Ground!" The punch wasn't as painful as a real Pokemon move, but was enough to make Jackie realise how weak his new body was to the element. "... and to Fighting!" Alberich exclaimed again as he grabbed Jackie from both shoulders, spin over his own back, kick the Lucario on the stomach and threw him high into the air. The Ranger hit the ground with a sonorous ~crash~ and a cloud of dust. Seconds later, however, Jackie dashed out of the dust cloud in a burst of surprising speed. With it he landed a good punch to the Griffon's face, which much to his surprise was quite sturdy. "Auch!" He had hit the helmet by mistake, but he didn't let go of the opportunity just yet. He grabbed the head gear and pull it down, covering Alberich's eyes in the process. "Ah! You cheating coward!" He shouted as he lost a few good seconds to readjust his helmet. "What?" Jackie retorted with a grin. "There are no rules remember?" And so he used his earned seconds to place both paws together in front of him and channel the energy his new body was famous to control. 'I only hope this doesn't blow-up in my face again.' He thought as the Aura Sphere charged. Alberich finally removed his helmet out of his line of sight yet he only had just enough time to react as a blue ball of energy was fired at him. ~ka-booom!~ Another cloud of dust erupted from the collision. Meanwhile Jackie smiled. "Alright, I got it to hit something this time...!" Only to realize he just announced his last move was all thanks to luck. The dust finally dissipated to reveal a still standing Griffon, his large wings covering his front just as his claws beneath them. "I thought that would have hurt more" replied Alberich with a grin of his own. "Tch," cursed Jackie, "forgot he’s a Flying-type." "It's ineffective then?" Commented Linza with confusion at the edge of the 'ring.' "Your kind doesn't have types" Shredder stated beside her. "That attack had enough force to end the battle properly." She was now also smiling. "Yet Alberich performed something similar to a Pokemon move called ‘Cotton Guard.’ He used his feathers to absorb most of the impact, leaving him mostly unscratched." The fight seemed to resume as she finally added. "That was a great show of quick thinking." The Ranger didn't knew if he could pull the same move without it blowing up in his face, so he relied on another move he knew that just happened to be quite fitting for his personal fighting style. "Extreme Speed." And then the Lucario became a golden blur of lighting which bolted all around the arena. Hardly visible for most of the spectators and even less visible for his current fore, who couldn’t keep his gaze fixed on him. Taking advantage of this, Jackie began to deliver a flush of hits every time he passed beside Alberich, the latter unable to anything but hold his cover the best he could. Yet he still felt the sheer amount of hits taking their toll on him. The rest of the trainees did an excellent job keeping their expression as neutral as possible, yet they all thought the match was settled. "It’s not over yet," the trust-filled voice of their instructor stated. "If he has such a good battle instinct, then he already knows what to do." The Griffin look at her in confusion. Alberich seemed to have been on the receiving end for too long as his wings began to shake,until they finally fell to his sides. Leaving him wide open. Jackie didn't let go of the chance, and wanting to about hurting the brave soldier more than needed, he dashed to hit him right on the jaw. "Sorry kid, nothing personal" he apologized as he appeared before Alberich, a glowing paw aiming to ram into the young one's face. Yet at the last moment, Alberich moved his face and body towards Jackie, avoiding his Power-Up Punch and heatbutting him in the process. As the Ranger felt the pain on his face, he could also felt how a couple of claws grab him from the sides as a young voice said "Sorry sir, but this is very personal." And with a mighty roar fitting of Entei himself, Alberich jump a good meter off the ground, raising Jackie over his head and then slamming him against the ground with a sonorous crash and a small tremor. Jackie hit the ground with his back and was disoriented by the impact, giving Alberich enough time to flap his wings once more, gain a bit more of altitude and finally body slam the Lucario in wrestling fashion. Then there were only silence as Alberich did his best to stand up and not fall over from exhaustion. Finally a voice was heard. "F-Flying... Pre-ess...?" Muttered Jackie with a sad smile as he slowly lost consciousness, and the fight was over. The Griffins then exploded in cheers as they congratulated the the young Alberich. "Good." Commended Shredder as she walked towards the victor. "You missed Fire as one of his weaknesses, but you took a great advantage of the sky, another type he is weak to." She instructed and praised with a serious smile. "A formidable first fight." "Ma'am! Thanks ma'am!" Alberich replied with a broad smile. Shredder then added "You can take the rest of the day off, Private Alberich. You earned it." She then turned to Jackie and gave him a glance, only to turn to her Clawmaiden and exclaim "Bring a medical team here to tend his injuries." She then walked away from him and added "And leave him this message for when he awakens..." Jackie woke up in the middle of the afternoon, a killer headache been the first thing to welcome him as he found a small note beside his bed. Petition denied. I expect you tomorrow morning for training for now on until you prove worthy of her Excellency's aids. Ps: Be punctual. Shredder of Checkmate. The Lucario only sighed, and then cursed his headache. The Friendship Express A few hours to Manehatten The group slept soundly in their own seats, each one doing its according sounds as they traveled the lands of Cresselia, or rather Luna as the fact was from now on. They each had their own unique dream which keep them entertained on the long way towards Equestria's largest city. The plan was simple: get there, get whatever Daring would use, get back on the train and then get to Las Pegasus. Then they would worry about Tlaloque. A simple plan alright. Yet none of the mercenaries could stop to wonder: and once we are all done, what else is there for us? They had been through so many events since their abrupt arrival that they had no time to think about their future roles in this world from now on. Or at least everyone but Xavier and Weiss. The former had a mind great enough to think on such subject while beating the crap out of someone. Weiss on his side wasn't as lucky. He had been thinking what his team, his family, would do with their own lives now that they seemed to be no longer needed. He ultimately decided to let go of anymon wishing to leave. Weiss didn't liked the idea, but the facts of the matter were quite clear to him. Not to mention Checkmate was currently being employed by the Griffin Empire, so they would most likely have a secure job for quite some time. Yet that wouldn't hold those wanting to go, and Weiss knew very well who would love to take the opportunity for a better life; not to mention the rest of the team would begin to have similar thoughts now that they had the opportunity to do so. He only hoped that in the end they could all keep in touch once they made said choice. And thus, Weiss and co. continued to drift into their dreams. Unaware of what the future had in store for them and finding comfort in the unknown. > Nineteenth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nineteenth Move Rivaux Some years ago City of Alto Mare It had been a couple of years since the mercenaries of Checkmate and the remaining member of the Eon duo had their bumpy meeting. By now, it had become a habit for Weiss to visit the vacation city at least once per year. More specific, the hidden garden. At first, he did it to pay his honors and respects to the deceased savior of the city. Why? His comrades and he himself asked constantly. They were mercenaries. They normally had a pretty tight schedule for life and thus enjoying their ghostly vacations to their fullest was sort of a norm for them. So why was he losing his time in the same place again and again? He pondered these very questions as he made his way to the hidden garden, a path he knew so well by now that he could take it blindfolded. In the same manner, he reached the fountain/ tombstone/ pedestal/ altar to the Legendary Pokémon Latios. He give his regards as always, and as always he got a glaring stare from one of the owners of the place. “I see he’s still alive” was the cold greeting a normal-looking girl gave at the sight of him as she removed her white beret and placed it atop her sketching tools. “And you’re as lovely as ever” replied Weiss as he turned to see her and her ‘twin’ walking towards him. To say that the mercenary was surprised the first time he meet the human Latias based her disguised form on would be an understatement. Bianca was a girl around her twenties who looked exactly the same as Latias’ disguise, which made things so contrasting as their personalities were polar opposites. According to his Legendary friend, Bianca was always cold and weary toward strangers, especially when they managed to made it into the garden. But she also assure him that she could be a very nice friend once one get to know her better. Yet she became colder after Latios passed away as apparently they were rather ‘close.’ “Do you always have to be like this Bianca?” asked the disguised Legendary with a smile. “It’s obvious by now that he isn’t going to do anything to the Soul Dew.” “Hmph…” her human friend retorted. “Still, that doesn’t change the fact he did tried to DO something to him the first time he was around.” “Bianca…” Latias began, but was stopped by the other human. “It’s okay, I have nothing to say to deny her accusation. But, neither do I have to prove myself to her, so she is free to glare at me as much as she wants. I can live with that. It comes with the job.” Bianca didn’t know how to respond so she merely keep glaring at him, only to receive a begging look from her ‘twin.’ “… ah fine!” she proclaimed as she turned and left while murmuring. “Sorry for trying to stop someone from taking what’s left of him away from me…” The Eon Pokemon could only heard fragments of it, but Weiss’ good ears did get most of it, which make him feel a bit sorry for the young woman. “She doesn’t mean any harm.” The disguised one said with an apologetic tone. “As I said,” Weiss replied, “I can’t fully blame her. But moving to happier thoughts: how has the world been fairing?” The Legendary smiled at his question and then proceeded to answer while connecting their minds. It was common knowledge that Latias and Latios where the guardians of Alto Mare, yet that never meant they were bound to the city. They preferred to travel around the world and see what it had, even when they have seen it a couple of times already. The only reason they returned to Alto Mare was because it felt like home for them, and the last time the Duo returned was because of the Gran Prix De Alto Mare. Now Latias returned on her own to do something similar. “You let yourself get captured!?” incredulously asked the mercenary at a certain point of Latias’ story, knowing well how his friend loved her freedom. “It was for a good cause, besides, Joy and I were just pretending, all I did was turn invisible when ‘inside’ my pokeball, besides: when have you seen a pokeball like that?” She replied while adding. “But I don’t understand how some Pokémon like to be captured, those pokeballs are incredibly tiny and uncomfortable!” “Yeah, I almost feel sorry for my team.” Latias chuckled at the last part, “Well, maybe you should cut them some slack no, giving them a bit more of ‘freedom’.” Weiss shuddered at the thought. “Yeah, giving them more freedom, because that is a safe idea” he joked. The two of them continued to talk and walk aimlessly around the enclosed forest, simply enjoying the company of one another until the sun seemed to start its descent, replacing the bright look of the garden to a slightly enchanting twilight glittered atmosphere. “You know…” Weiss started as he noticed something. “I been wonder for some time; why do you keep your disguise? I understand when we go outside, but right now there is no one, not to mention the only two people who know about this place know you already.” The Dragon/Psychic-type give him a sad smile as she think for an answer. “I… prefer to keep this for when talking to others… I think it makes them feel okay when they talk to me. That I won’t scare them.” Weiss went still at her answer, an incredulous look on his face. “You are joking right?” The female Legendary seemed confused at first until she caught onto what Weiss was thinking. “Oh! No! It’s not like I don’t like my true self! It’s just…” she looked away from her friend as she continued. “I prefer to get as close as possible to others if I can, which would be difficult if I show them my real self.” “That didn’t stop you from showing yourself to that boy…” retorted Weiss with a tone slightly rougher than originally intended. “Sorry, didn’t mean to reproach you…” “Is alright, I sort of understand…” she had to admit that the young trainer who helped her and her brother years ago made himself trustworthy fair and square, even to the point she had hoped that he would have taken her with him along on his travels. ‘But he didn’t…’ she thought with a bit of bitter sweetness. Weiss cleared his throat in order to get his friend’s attention back from memory lane. “Why don’t you let me rephrase myself; am I not worthy of your trust?” he seriously asked as he placed a hand over her disguised head. Latias knew that whenever Weiss, or anyone on his team for that matter, became serious there was no room for jokes or misunderstandings. He was directly asking. Thus she thought for a few seconds until her figure gave off a faint glow and revealed her true Pokémon self. “T-there…” she said as she leaned a bit under Weiss’ hand. “Happy now?” Weiss smiled warmly, a kind of smile he rarely used. “Blissfully.” Friendship Express Few hours for arrival Weiss awoke from his memory and looked around. The group was still lying on their seats, their minds drifting in their own respective realms of slumber. He sighed as he wonder how his friend was doing back at the Hall of Legends, slightly worried of how things ended last time they meet and hoping he could have a chance to fix things shortly. And while thinking that, the now Bisharp let himself go back into Luna’s realm. Yet there was another early bird, already stretching her wings at the first signs of Celestia’s sun rising in the horizon. One of the perks of being an adventurer was the habit of waking up rather early, a perk Daring Do was rather fond of herself, that and her innate drive for thrill and excitement. However, this was one of the few times she found said custom to be quite annoying because of a simple fact: there was nothing to do right at that moment. The train has still a good hour and a half to go before arriving to Manehatten, not to mention the dining car wouldn’t be open until another thirty minutes. Thus she look for alternatives in order to pass some time, unluckily for her, there weren’t many, yet luckily for her somemon took notice of her little struggle. “Can’t s-sleep mein freund?” asked a timid Roa, much for Daring surprise. “Whoa!” she turned to see the Zoroark looking at her with her dilated eyes shining at her. “By Celestia’s flank! What the hay is wrong with your eyes?” Roa shivered by the sudden shriek and tried to hide behind her seat as much as she could, only to pop her head back out a few seconds later. “So-sorry… I am used to do this when is dark, that’s all.” She slowly replied. It took Daring a few seconds to realize what she meant and compose herself. “Oh… night vision… makes sense.” She said while patting the back of her head, shortly before adding “Also, I should be the one apologizing, didn’t mean to startle you.” Then she properly replied the Roa’s first question. “And I’m okay, thanks. I’m used to waking up early, how about you? An early bird as well?” Roa turned her gaze away from Daring’s for a moment while sheepishly replied. “I normally have problems with going to sleep…” she said. “So you didn’t sleep at all…?” Daring began before realizing something. “Huh? But you seemed to be so peaceful sleeping beside miss fairy over there?” she points a hoof at Roa’s sleeping companion. “Ya” she warmly replied. “Frau Valerie has been really nice to me, I been able to sleep properly in the first time since forever!” her tone was no longer shivering, in fact, she sounded like a cheerful child. Although it didn’t lasted. “But then I started to wonder if she would still like me if she were to see me as… you know” Daring nodded at Roa’s implication. “I don’t want her to hate me… so…” “You’re worried she’ll reject you?” Daring guessed, not that it wasn’t that hard. “Well, I haven’t known her for that long so I can’t tell much of how she would react, I mean; I presume you have a background as shady as these guys.” She pointed now at the sleeping mercs. It was Roa’s turn to nod. “Then I guess there are a lot of things you don’t want her to know.” Daring said matter-of-factly, much to the Illusion Pokémon’s cringe. “Y-ya…” she sadly replied. “I was bred to become the ultimate killer… I never knew why though.” She admitted as the memories of her ‘raising’ paced through her mind. “So it became natural for me to accept that as a part of me… but…” then she remember her savior, a rather boisterous Seviper and his adorable sister. “But, somemon told me I didn’t have to be what others want me to be, that I could be what I wanted… so I decided to put that side of me to a good use and serve that person’s cause.” Daring noticed an interesting tone was added whenever she referred to said ‘somemon.’ “So is this ‘somemon’ important to you?” teased Daring. Yet all she got was a confused look from Roa. “Well, he saved me from my torment, so why wouldn’t he be important for me?” she asked nonchalantly. “…eh…” Daring didn’t knew if Roa hadn’t caught her drift or of if she did not harbor any kind of feeling towards this ‘somemon’ but loyalty and gratitude. “Never mind, but why do you keep turning like that even when you no longer need to do so?” wonder Daring with confusion. “Is not like you like it…or do you?” Daring regretted have asked, as Roa smiled in a very pleased and cold way. “Okay, forget I ever asked…” Daring bluntly said before the Zoroark had any time to explain herself. “But then why are you afraid of being found out by Valerie… I mean, you seem to like being a killer… no offence, but you also like to be this timid self… and… AGH!” she exclaimed while holding her head with her hooves. “This is so confusing! Roa just smiled at Daring torment, a gentle smile. “I… I can’t change what I am. But that doesn’t mean I don’t look forward to know people and be close to them… if I can… or if they don’t mind… or if I don’t scare them…” at this point Roa’s eyes began to water as she thought this was nothing but a sad, impossible dream. Some awkward silence. “And why do you think she will really hate you if she ever finds out about your… more wild side?” Daring finally asked, only to receive a deadpanned look from Roa. More awkward silence. “You know, giving advice is not my strong point…” Daring finally admitted. “Ohne Scheiß!” Replied Roa. “But that doesn’t meant I can’t try!” She then proceeded to think on any good things she could say to Roa in a situation like this. Suddenly a figure she hasn’t seen in some time appeared on her memories, a front filled with gray feathers on most of it, save the red ‘mask’ around the eyes and the black feathers on the back of his head fit perfectly with the sleek body of a cheetah in the rear. A Griffon, but not just any Griffon, was what Daring brought back through her memories. Years ago “Listen kid,” the Griffin said as he walked besides a young Daring on some forest, “if you seriously want me to teach you how to survive in the wild I have but one word of advice before: don’t imitate me!” “Huh?” replied a childish version of herself as she did her best to look at the Griffon from under her new tattered pit had, “but then what am I supposed to do? I mean, if how will I be able to use your tips if I can’t be like you!?” “First of all, listen to me not just hear me.” Retorted the Griffin hunter, “second, you may be an agile kid, but last time I checked you had no claws nor experience to fend yourself if there is ever the need. So if you want to go out to the great unknown, you better come with some tricks of your own.” “And what is that supposed to mean!?” The young Daring replied with irritation. “You will know in due time, and when that time come, you’ll be thanking me.” He simply replied as he tapped the pit hat on her head while adding, “a good meal would do fine.” Back in the present ‘Now that I remember, I do owe him some meat’ Daring smiled as she mentally thanked her old mentor, wondering on what kind of adventure had he get himself into. She then faced Roa and said, “You just have to be yourself kid.” “… huh!?” replied the confused Zoroark. “But isn’t been ME the whole source of the problem?” “Yeah… that is indeed tricky. But from what I can gather, you are both the beast who hungers for blood and the one who shivers at the sight of others yet only wants to be loved.” Roa blushed a little at what she thought was prizing. “So what would be the point of showing a lie of yourself in order to be liked? With the luck we have, you would be found out in a couple of days, so I say you go and be yourself. After all: better to be loved for who you are than for what you pretend to be” she finally stated. “…” Roa didn’t know how to take Daring’s idea, though she did see a bit of truth in her words, but she couldn’t deny that her darker self was something most people wouldn’t like to have close. “… I… I think…” she doubly began, “I think it is worth a try…” she admitted with a smile, just to add quite coldly “but I will blame you if I do end up being hated.” And with nothing else to say, Roa sat back and closed her eyes. Quickly falling into a warm and happy dream. Daring didn’t say anything as she could only feel a very cold sweat drip on her back while a single thought crossed her mind. ‘What did I just get myself into?’ The Hall of Legends Dining room Being a Legendary was not as legendary as most people thought. Firstly, knowing you had one of the biggest and noisiest families in not only one, but two worlds made any of its members either proud or ashamed depending on their personal thoughts. This also made family reunions damned to be everything but normal. Not to mention all member were constantly chased by every trainer worthy of the title, not to mention the evil and good organizations who want them for their own personal agendas. Yet, one small, cream-colored Legendary with a red ‘V’-shaped crest over his head begged to differ. Victini just loved being a Legendary, as being one meant he had a freaking license to kick all kind of butts; not to mention he was victory incarnate, thus it was impossible for him to achieve anything but (except that one time his victory lead him to being trapped in a castle for over a century, but that was water under the bridge). He liked to win, but things could get dull after so much winning after some time. So in order to keep things interesting, he often changed the topic of his winning streak once every decade or so. Though now than Arceus had taken him and all the other Legendaries to Equus, Victini found himself with few options (not that he hadn’t been in a similar situation in the already mentioned castle), so he decided his next theme would be board games, since he didn’t have much to do inside the Hall of Legends. However, he quickly found out that beating the lake trio in chess a thousand times in a row made things pretty boring pretty quickly. So he looked for another hobby: cooking. It was difficult enough, it took time, and he even felt afraid of failing a couple of times. Yet he came out with perfect dishes and pastries, enough for him to feel proud about his own cooking skills. Yet again, he had one little problem: no one would eat his dishes. Not that they didn’t want to, but when their patriarch could simply will into existence whatever food they wanted to eat with a mere thought, spending so much time cooking a single meal seemed rather pointless. Then came the welcome party in Ponyville. The awesome, awesome welcome party. Victini enjoyed every moment of the extravagant night to the point he asked Lord Dialga to send him back in time just so he could enjoy it again. Sadly, the flow of time was currently locked for now, thus there was nothing that could be done and no victory to achieve to begin with. The small legendary did consider having his version of the party a couple of times, but he felt it wrong to just have a party without a proper reason; the Pink mare who organized the party made him understand that much at least. The Victory Pokémon was starting to feel bored, and for the first time in his life, defeated by the circumstances. It seemed that once again his power over Victory had lead him to yet another death point. He was about to give up when suddenly one of the other Legendaries, Virizion to be exact, asked for his help in a certain romantic affair between the ruler of Nightmares and the regent of Dreams. Being as bored as he was, he decided to give her and the girls a hand. Things turn out pretty well in the end, as expected, and then the little winged rabbit noticed something: playing matchmaker was fun. And even if he win every time, the number of variables was way too many, not to mention not everyone had the same problems, and definitely all results would vary. Long story short, Victini had finally found what to do with his time for the next decade. Only problem was, he didn’t have much to start with, most legendaries already have a partner, like Darkrai and Crecelia, or didn’t mind much about such affairs of the heart like Lady Xerneas, Lord Genesect or Lord Arceus himself. “And don’t get me started with Mewtwo, the lord of coldness himself!” exclaimed the little legend to as he floated into the dinner room. “Seriously, that guy could teach how to give a cold shoulder even to Kyurem!” As the little Victory Pokémon made his way to eat he noticed a trio of legends sitting around a small table away from the main one, the group was confirmed by Lady Virizion, Lady Diancie and Meloetta (the Melody Pokémon was one of his closest friends, thus he used no honorifics) chatting in a hushed voice. “But what could possibly had happen to her to be so down lately?” questioned Meloetta. “I mean just look at her! Have any of you seen her?” “I am afraid I have,” gently answered Diancie, “and she seemed so melancholic it almost looked tragic. Then she noticed me and faked a smile, then she DID look tragic.” “The problems on her heart must be quite heavily indeed,” Virizion wisely noted, “but I do not look forward to keep such a lively spirit under such state of depression.” “Indeed, she seems so different now, I only wonder what could have possibly had happened to cause her to turn like this in such a short amount of time, definitely something quite awful must have happen.” Pointed out Diancie. “But what can we do then?” Asked Meloetta, “We can’t help if we don’t know what is happening in the first place.” “We could go and ask her brother.” Proposed Virizion. “They have always been close, and I am sure he already knows all which is there needed to know.” “But wouldn’t he then go and tell her about it? Blowing off our cover.” “Hey, those who doesn’t dare doesn’t wi-WHAT THE DISTORTION ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” shouted the Melody Pokémon once she and the other two realized the sudden addition of a fourth member to their little assembly. “May I ask, lord Victini, how long have you been here?” inquired Diancie. “Not much, I do understand we are looking to help somemon, so I thought ‘what the heck, let’s give a hand!’ so here I am.” Bluntly admitted the Victory Pokémon while adding. “Also, why are we still whispering?” “I appreciate the feeling.” Admitted Virizion in a normal tone. “But I must first admit that eavesdropping is quite a rude way to offer your help.” “You are kidding right?” asked Victini with sarcasm. “Ever heard the saying ‘Never run from an immortal or you will stick out’ before? We’re all immortals here! Placing your table away from the rest and hushing about Arceus-knows-what is just you shouting for others to wonder about what you’re plotting.” At these words, the trio of ‘plotters’ noticed a certain silence on the room and turned to look at the main table, only for the commensals to turn back to their meals and resumed their eating noises as obvious as possible. “…” Virizion didn’t say a thing, but she certainly gave a very disapproval gaze to the backs of those at the table, a gaze they could clearly feel on their skin. “Very well, I will admit our covering tactic was ‘inefficient’ and immature.” Victini scoffed but didn’t say anything. “But then, do you happen to have any kind of idea of what could we do?” Asked the Sword of Justice. “I thought you would never ask,” confidently replied Victini, only to add right after “But first: who are we ‘helping’ again?” Hall of Legends Garden balcony Latias wasn’t been her usual cheerful self, and she knew about it all too well. She didn’t like to be like this, but her own heart didn’t let her just ignore her current emotions and forget what happened, no matter how hard she tried to do so. The part where her brother was constantly trying to apologize to her didn’t help one bit as she just remember the events from after her race with Rainbow Dash. “That was supposed to be a good day…” she tiredly said to herself. As she hear the door to the garden sung open. With a groan, the female Legendary just made her down reflect the light around her body and proceed to vanish from sight. “Lady Latias!” shouted out Victini as he floated around looking for her. “I want to talk with you!” Latias wasn’t precisely in the mood for talks, so she kept her distance from the cute Psychic-type. “Okay then, if you want to play this game…” Victini said to himself as he flew away. Latias sighted as she saw him float away, only to be tackled by a surprisingly strong little Pokémon right after. “Found you!” Exclaimed Victini. “You know playing ‘hide-and-seek’ with me is useless!” With the air out of her lungs, an amazing feat considering she was able to dive for hours, Latias made herself visible again as she give a fake smile at the tiny legendary. “Lord Victini, what do I own the honor of your visit?” “… wow, Diancie was right, you do look tragic!” he tactlessly replied. “W-what do you mean with that!?” she replied with fake anger now as a part of herself did know what he meant. “She, Lady Virizion and Meloetta seemed to be quite worried about you, so I thought coming here and asking you about what happened would be the quickest way to know.” He said with little regard. “Why would they send you to ask about my life?” she asked again with her fake anger. “Well, they didn’t.” Sheepishly replied Victini. “Remember that I said this was my idea, well, I sort of suggested coming to talk here and decided to do so while the others tried to stop me. So…” he then turned to the door, which suddenly busted open as it led three Legendaries barge out. The Eon and Victory Pokémon looked down at the pile of limbs that Virizion, Meloetta and Diancie were at the time being. The three of them stood up, as awkwardly as possible, and returned the gaze. They keep silent for a few seconds until one of them broke it. “Well then… if you excuse me…” said Virizion as she took her leave as proper and fast as possible. “S-sorry for our intrusion!” Excused Diancie right after. “… IT WAS ALL HIS DOING!” finished Meloetta as she pointed an accusatory limb at Victini and then flew out in the end. Latias keep silent at the whole spectacle, she then sighed and continued as she had saw nothing “A-and what, could possibly make them think I- I have a problem?” she said with fake calm. “Come on there, you have been looking like this for days now, not to mention you have also been avoiding your brother too. You know, that one Pokémon you said was the most important being in your whole life?” Latias seemed to get angry again, although more to the memory of her brother than to Victini. “He is still the most important Pokémon in your life… right?” Ventured Victini. Latias didn’t knew what to reply and looked away from the Victory Pokémon, a small blush showing on her face. The tiny Legendary went wide eyed as he put two and two together and reached a small realization “Oh Arceus…!” He said in disbelief. “Just… try to keep it a secret… please.” Latias begged as she hide her blushing face under her claws. “…” Victini had to shake his head to snap out of his first impression, but once he was back on gear he placed his small hand over his chest and proclaimed, “I swear on my honor as a Legendary child of Arceus to keep this between us.” Latias picked an eye from her claws and looked at the solemnity of Victini’s words, then she could properly look at him. “Thank you…” She said, feeling slightly better at the fact there was at least somemon sharing her problem. “Besides, this is perfect, I was looking someone to help on their romantic affairs!” Suddenly, Latias didn’t felt okay. “So who is the lucky guy?” Inquired Victini. “Knowing you it must be someone cheerful, is it Lord Jirachi?” “I’m afraid is more complex than that…” Latias began, but was shortly cut short by another question. “Okay, maybe someone as cool as your brother if not even cooler, mhm: Lord Zekrom then? I wonder if Lady Reshiram would get jealous.” “Eh…! What? NO!” “Then someone who clashes with you entirely…” quickly continued the Victory Pokémon and asked with confusion “Zygarde!?” “IT’S A HUMAN OKAY! I LIKE A HUMAN!!” Latias busted out, only to cover her mouth right after. “…” “…” The silence was suddenly cut by the sound of a door slamming as Victini left the room at a blinding speed. Latias was left alone as a long sight left her still covered mouth. “Way to blow the news” she said to herself. “Now everyone will know about me liking... him… I wonder how far I can make it before things get awkward.” As she was left to her thoughts, the door was swung open once more, letting a silly song to be heard as Victini floated back while whistling, with a tea table, a small chair, a tea set, a still-steaming tea pot with fiery designs and some macaroons (made by himself) held within his psychic grasp. “What are you doing…?” Latias began to ask but didn’t get an answer as Victini continued with his little endeavor and song, seemingly ignoring her for the time being. He carefully placed the table before her as soon he reached Latias. Latias only looked at the tiny Legendary antics as he set the table cloth on top of it, followed shortly after by the tea pot and the macaroons, which he arranged so each one of them could be picked up casually and properly with their hands, despite they both being Psychic-types. Once he was happy with the organization he gave an approving nod and elegantly took the tea cup before Latias, gently pouring some Jasmine tea into it before offering it back to her, then proceeding to do the same with his own cup and place it on a small but delicate tea plate. Latias wasn’t sure to why was she still waiting for Victini to finish, yet she did as he sat on his chair and smiled widely. Then he said one single line. “Now dear, tell me everything!” Manehatten City Train Station The group leave the train as if they were leaving a prison behind. “By Celestia’s grace, I don’t remember been this stressed since my last encounter with Ahuizotl!” Daring shouted as she stretched her wings. “I wonder how that old dog is doing.” She added with a bit of nostalgia. “I thought he was the antagonist.” Pointed out Weiss as he too stretched his body. “You know, with the whole ‘I am evil’ monologues we’ve heard of him, not to mention we’re running around just to stop him.” “He can be a pain in the flank,” Daring admitted, “but he isn’t that bad. His minion Tlaloque is a whole different story though, he is quite cold and heartless when it comes to his threats. I don’t know why Ahuizotl has such a servant; sometimes I think he has troubles controlling it.” “Well, we are one step closer to them, I guess we can ask them personally once we are at it. So where to Daring?” pointed and asked Weiss. “A couple of miles, but I think you guys won’t mind if we take the long route and walk the stiffness off, don’t you?” All the Pokémon agreed. “I wouldn’t mind a stroll for a change” said Edge as she joined the group. “You guys sure took your sweet time.” “Well sorry, but not all of us can fly at supersonic speeds” clarified Weiss with a salute. “I think it’s…” Daring took a quick look at her surroundings to get herself oriented, “this way!” The group left the train station with little to no troubles at all and then gazed upon the renowned city of Manehatten, needless to say the Pokémon were really impressed. “Ugh, and I thought Black City’s buildings were oppressive.” Pointed Valerie out with discomfort as a small shadow follow them at the distance. Griffin Empire Training grounds “Keep it up! There’s only twenty minutes left,” instructed Shredder to her trainees. In a mere week, the female Bisharp had managed to improve the stamina of the Imperial Guard tremendously. Not only where they able to run a hundred laps around the castle in a less than a couple of hours, but they also had managed to keep their lunches in the stomachs at the end of it. Part of the improvement though, was because of Jackie. The ranger may be distrustful of Checkmate, but that didn’t stop him of giving his absolute best on the training field, which in turn stimulated the rest on the group to keep up as well. Unfortunately though, there had been no other Pokémon wanting to join the new branch of the guard. Or at least there weren’t until that morning. “My lady.” Saluted Linza with her singsong of a voice. “Morning my clawmaiden.” Replied Shredder without turning away from the Griffon and Lucario trotting. “I have news from the gate, apparently there is this huge rock who wants to join your branch.” Here Shredder did turn to look at the servant to the eye, a glimpse of interest on her own. “But he refuses to speak with anyone but you my lady.” “Is it a huge clay-doll like creature?” asked Shredder, hoping the Pokémon to be a Baltoy or a Claydol. ‘A Psychic-type would do us well’ she thought. “I am afraid he is not.” Linza answered while predicting the reason of her mistress’ question, “He came here with a note, that is how we were able to know his purpose, but it doesn’t explain why it wants to talk to only you.” “I see, then if we have no other choice.” The Sword Blade Pokémon turned back to her trainees and shouted an order. “I will be gone to salute our newest addition, Linza will be in charge while I am gone so I don’t want to know about anyone lazing around; got it!?” A bunch of ‘aye’ was all she got for an answer as she once again turn around and leave the Griffins, and a Lucario, at Linza’s care. “They’re all yours.” And so she left. The Griffins awaited for Shredder to walk away enough to slow down their phase; it was one thing being able to endure a hundred laps race and another to endure them all week. Yet they didn’t expected what come next. “AND WHO TOLD YOU TO TURN DOWN THE HEAT!?” screamed Linza at the top of her lungs. “You bunch of maggots got an order and I am here to see you go through it! Now run faster or I will make you all run another hundred laps!” The group didn’t know if they should take Linza seriously or not, to the point one of them broke the line and face the new one in charge. “And what will you do if we don’t?” Stated a female Griffon with a light armor. “I am sorry to burst your bubble cutie, but we have been through this hell and I think we deserve some relaxation now that we can properly have some.” Linza didn’t seemed paced by the Griffin’s words, in fact she seemed bored. “Your name trainee?” she asked. “Hilda Thunderwing, captain of her Highness’ aerial corps.” The Griffin, Hilda, proudly replied. “Okay, trainee Hilda. I am sure overpowered by any of you, but don’t take my position lightly. You may want to remember lady Shredder will be back one moment or another and I would have the terrible task of reporting what I have seen.” The thought did scare Hilda for a second, but she regained her attitude right after. “And so? We are not disobeying her orders, we are still running aren’t we?” She pointed a claw at the rest of the group who was still running, albeit much slower than before. “True, but that is not what I was going to report.” Hilda raised a doubly eyebrow. “What I will be afraid to inform her is the fact that her trainees decided to let a rookie take the lead just because you were all a bit tired.” At these words, Linza turned to see the one at the head of the group, been none other than a blonde Lucario with a really good advantage at this point. Needless to say, Hilda was really scared now. “So unless you have anything else to add, I think you have some terrain to recover trainee.” With a sonorous gulp, the Griffon began to run faster than before, the rest of her comrades following her example shortly after. “Finish properly and I will give you all a treat!” she happily added at the end with her singsong voice as she turned back to her watching position. The guards didn’t knew if they should feel happy or scared. Jacky just turned to see the surprisingly assertive clawmaiden and smile “Nice wording,” He said to himself. “Makes me want to call her Judy.” Then Linza get a cough of his gaze merely gave him a playful wink. Griffin Empire Front Gates Shredder was happy to know there was a new member for her group, and a Rock-type nonetheless, but she was also curious of what could possibly needed from her to in order to join her ranks. “I only hope is not another presumptuous Ranger.” She commented to herself as she finally arrived at the gates where a small group of guards keep watch of what could only be scribed as a living monolith with red crystals sprouting out of it. The properly named Gigalith turned to Shredder directly. “My lady!” saluted one of the guards at the sight of her. “This Pokémon hasn’t said a word ever since he deliver this letter to us.” He then handed over said item to her while adding. “… neither has it move an inch since. Is this normal or should we be worried?” Shredder took the note examinee it while replying. “Rock-types are known for their patience and stubbornness. It could easily wait like this for hours, if not days, if it had to.” “It, my lady?” asked confused the guard, he and his kind didn’t know how to difference a male from a female on most Pokémon, thus they often call them an ‘it,’ but if someone should know how to do such thing it should be another Pokémon, or so they thought. “Yes, an it.” She replied and explained. “Some Pokémon are almost impossible to difference between each of their genders.” The Gigalith keep staring at Shredder with its rock eyes as she give her explanation, the Bisharp in return made a question. “So what should we call you?” asked the female Pokemon. “I do not have a name Giga gigalith,” replied the androgynous one. “But you can at least refer to me as a ‘he.’ Lith giga ga gigalith 'lit'” The voice he was using sounded similar to that of an old but strong man echoing through a cavern. “A male then” replied the Sword Blade Pokémon. “And what brings you here?” “The note Giga,” was all the answer the Compressed Pokémon gave. Shredder looked at the letter and then read it. To the leader of the Imperial Pokémon Troops. I write these lines by petition of my trusted and old friend, Gigalith. We are a small but scattered family desperately looking for our little daughter, however, so far we have been unable to find her as of yet. With few options left, Gigalith decided to enroll in the empire in exchange for its help. Please don’t take him too seriously, he is just as worried as we are about our poor little Aley… There were a couple of tear stains on the paper, some space later the lines continued. ‘We know the empire has more important things to do than look for a missing child, but he firmly insisted on doing this. So please, even if just a little, we would be forever grateful for any help you might provide. Yours truly, Sally Checker. And that was it. “So you couldn’t told me this when asking me to come?” asked slightly annoyed the Pokemon to the Griffin guard. “Well ma’am, he didn’t say a word to us, and all we could get from the letter was that it was addressed to you, so we guessed it was better to bring you here and end this quickly.” “Not a bad reasoning…” Shredder admitted as she turned again to Gigalith. “So you want to join the empire in exchange for our help?” The Rock-type nodded slowly. “I see you have a very strong reason to join, but I do not see why we should let somemon join out of such a selfish reason.” The Guards were slightly shocked by Shredder’s choice of words, not to mention Gigalith was even more shocked. “You are saying that finding Aley is selfish? Gigalith giga gigalith?” asked the Pokémon with disbelief. “Indeed.” Coolly replied Shredder. “You look for this child of your trainer, not to help the Empire. As such we have no use of somemon looking for something else. Otherwise those with a second agenda will turn against us as soon their goal is achieved.” The Compressed Pokémon kept silent for a minute, as its solid face was expressionless, save for his eyes which were becoming two small pits of magma. “You dare to insinuate my child is not worthy of a reason for me to help this land!? Giga gigalith giga ga lith giga!?” shut out the Pokémon with a more sonorous tone. “That is right.” Replied Shredder with little hesitation. “We are too busy to go looking for a lost child. Not to mention that your alliance would most likely be temporary. So unless you show me you can put some resolve to support the empire, I don’t see why we should help.” Gigalith stood still for another minute, the burning gaze fixated on Shredder all this time. Finally he erupted in another ear shattering scream as he lifted his massive body on his hind legs, bending his front ones as a rampaging Rapidash would. The guards were taken by surprise by his sudden outburst of liveliness and thought for a second he was about to stomp on their commander by her, mostly uncalled and incredibly rude, reasoning. Then the earth trembled as the Gigalith hit the ground, yet he didn’t hurt anyone. He merely make his knees hit the road as he lowered his massive neck towards Shredder. “I beg you, please help us! Giga ga lith, lith li gigalith!” shouted back the Gigalith with such passion that even the guards could understand what he was saying. “That child is everything to me, and I would do anything you ask me to do if that meant we can get a way to find her. Giga ga Gigalith giga Gigalith.” Then he looked up and directly into Shredder’s eyes, if his body contained any water, he would no doubt be crying at this point. “You are right, I do not care for this country at all, but if you can make me see Aley once more, I will become a fully invested member of the empire, just please… please...! Gigalith, giga ga Gigalith lith, lith ga giga Gigalith, giga lith… lith…!” Shredder looked at the begging display from the Rock-type with the same cold expression of before, yet she let out a sight. “As if the Empire wouldn’t care for the safety of its children.” Then she spoke with a gentler tone, “there is no way we would deny your petition to begin with. All I wanted to see was your determination, like I said a couple of times, we can’t have every mon just join us out of a whim.” Gigalith’s trembling stopped at these words and once again looked Shredder directly to the eye. “We can have you fill a report about the missing child so the imperial guard can be on the look for her.” At these words Gigalith face shone with hope. “However, I am afraid to tell you yours is not the only child who is missing.” That hope wavered. “It appears many families were torn apart when we were brought here by Lord Arceus, so we already have a long list of missing children, and as you may have notice it, the list is just getting longer and longer.” Gigalith looked defeated. “But…” Shredder slowly added “if you do join the Pokémon Troops, I would pass the name to my comrades and see if they can find her as they are currently traveling around the world. Search and rescue missions are nothing new for us.” Gigalith thought over her proposal for a few seconds until he finally hit the ground with his heavy head once again. “Then I beg you again, even if it’s just a small glimmer of hope, please: let me join the Pokémon Troops! Giga lith lith, ga giga lith li lith, lith: Gigalith giga!” shouted the Compressed Pokémon as he pushed its front head even further against the floor, cracking one or two stones. “Very well then, we will have you fill in other documents first for your registration.” At her command, one of the guards took off for said documents. “It won’t be much, personal information like your name, your family’s name and your current location!” “Thank you! Gigalith!” proclaimed the Rock-type while adding. “You can call me Gigalith Checker. But.. I am afraid we don’t have a home as of now. Giga ga li Gigalith Lithga. Gi… giga ga lith gigalith gi.” “Mhm… then let me ask the empress about what can we give you, but first.” Shredder walked over the gigantic Pokémon and grabbed the hilt of her sword, slamming its pommel right into his chin right away as she shouted, “DON’T YOU EVER DARE TO KNEEL SO PATHETICALLY EVER AGAIN!” To say the guards were surprised by her behavior would be exaggerating, they already knew how bold Lady Shredder could become. What did surprised them, however,]] was how she managed not only to make Gigalith stand up with that single hit, but that she also threw him higher into the air than when he did it himself. “You are a member of the Imperial Pokémon Troops now. Show some self respect, trainee.” Gigalith only nodded as he give her a stony smile in return. “Yes ma’am! Giga li'th!” Manehatten City Downtown “The infrastructure is well planned indeed, a marvel of architectural engineering if we take into consideration who build this place. No offence.” Calmly said and added Char as the group make their way towards Daring’s safe. Enjoying the sights as much as possible. “None taken” the explorer said shrugging it off. “We sort of cheated when building this place though.” She admitted. “How would that be?” inquired Valerie with confusion, “how can someone cheat when building a city?” “I mean we Ponies didn’t build it alone, have you looked at the streets more carefully?” The Pokémon did as she asked and then they noticed it; the streets were bursting with activity and life, but its bystanders were not only Ponies, there were members of all races walking around as well. “The city was built as a collaborated effort between all races, it just happens to be considered Equestrian land but in fact this place is the most cosmopolitan in the whole word.” Daring proudly explained, it was good being in charge of the situation, even if only was her giving a little tour. “I see the city’s already big populace is going to grow even more” Gold noted as another fact jumped into sight; not only were there those from Equus but also those from Earth. Pokémon could be seen properly moving around, some of them seemed to have already been employed by some of the local shops and establishments. “Victoria isn’t going to be happy with this.” Said Weiss, admitting that te city was one step ahead than the Griffin Empire. “Well, at least we know this is thanks to the diversity it already has, so I presume the citizens get used to Pokémon quickly.” “Or that would seem to be the case but…” Said Gold while noticed something, there were many repairing squads fixing one thing or another all around; broken sections of the floor, damaged walls, shattered windows, light poles taken down. All seemed as the results of the usual chaos caused by the Pokémon arrival to Equus. “It seems like there were some skirmishes, but still I don’t see people cowering away from us.” Pointed Char as they saw a small group of Ponies walk pass them with little interest. “I think this is the work of someone else.” Added Valerie, “some kind of mediator I think.” “A pe-peacemaker?” asked Roa. “So it seems, I mean look at this place.” Pointed Daring as they were walking beside a cafeteria bursting with all type of customers, literally ALL types. “This seem too perfect to have been achieved naturally.” “That may be the case,” finished Weiss. “But we are not here to solve this mystery. All we know is that someone is taking care of Pony-Pokémon relationships properly so we have nothing to do here.” And as on cue, the group arrived at a large, old looking, building of white stone, its marble columns hosted two smoking and black shades-wearing guards, a Minotaur and a Machamp carefully guarding the glass entrance which was constantly swinging around as many visitors come in and out. “Here it is!” proclaimed Daring, “Manehatten’s central bank. I will go in and grab whatever I think the guy in Las Pegasus can find worthy enough for some information, one of you guys want to come with me?.” Greninja step forward and besides Daring. With a silent nod, and with nothing else to say, they went inside. And so the rest of group awaited outside, not wanting to get separated by the sea of people roaring in the bank. Meanwhile, they couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being followed. “What do you think Miss Daring will bring?” Asked Valerie, oblivious of their tail. “I don’t know, maybe something fancy like a staff covered in jewels or some old and historic crown.” replied Gold, “What do you think Roa.” “…” Roa however, seemed to catch the presences looking at them. “You know, we could usually see who it is when Xavier is around, but since he is not for the moment, I would greatly appreciate you all come out and deal with you at once.” Said Weiss with a tone rather annoyed. Shortly after four other Pokémon ‘appeared’ before them, this surprised Valerie, Roa and Gold, the latter two taking a defensive stand out of habit, yet the mercenaries didn’t seemed that much surprised. “I see being brought here didn’t dulled that sharp tongue of yours Shredder.” Commented a sunshades-sporting Scrafty with a smug grin and a heavy Kalosian accent as he looked at the rest. “But is good to see your skills are still on good shape as well, mes ennemis.” “…” Weiss kept silent for a second, then he turned to the group and asked, “I don’t sound girly, do I?” “Well…” began Edge, only to be cut right after. “Never mind!” Weiss then turned back to the ‘familiar’ Hoodlum Pokémon before him, “Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not Shredder.” “As if le black cloak wasn’t indication enough!” snarled back the Scrafty with a mocking grin. “Still, I think is amazing that you from all humans make it here, Shredder.” Weiss sighted, knowing well he walked right into the joke, so instead of continuing a pointless argument, he merely looked at the other mercenary and asked. “What do the members of Royal Flush need with us? Other than antagonize us of course.” The grin on Scrafty’s face grow to sinister levels. “Is there something else to do?” he proudly replied. “Is not like we are new to this aren’t we?” asked a female Liepard with a sassy tone. “I would like to have a proper talk for a change.” Calmly admitted Char. “Huh?” Inquired a Krokorok with a snarl, “Would you like to have a fight instead then? IS that what you mean!? HUH!?” “Co-come on you guys, we just happen to meet for the first time since the whole world change” interrupted a rather shy Weavile. “Let’s start things with the good foot this time, okay?” “… if you want that so much…” said the Krokorok as he looked away of the Weavile. “I see your team is as lovely as ever,” Char replied, “And it’s always a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reine.” The Weavile literally burst into steam at Char’s prize, which caused Krokorok to glare at the Pincer Pokémon again. This, in turn, made Reine stare at him, harshly. “OKAY?” “Y-yes ma’am…” “Ehm… friends of yours?” finally inquired Valerie at the slightly aggressive reunion. “Ha!” Both Weiss and the Scrafty laughed with sarcasm. “They wish to be that lucky!” exclaimed the Fighting/Dark-type. “I would like to say ‘rivals’ is a more accurate kind of relationship” explained Weiss. “Okay, I have all paper work done so things should go… smoothly…?” said Daring as she walked out the bank with Greninja behind, then she blankly stared at the now larger group and the aggressive atmosphere they gave. “Five minutes… I can’t leave you guys alone for five minutes!” “Well, if isn’t the master of ninjutsu himself” commented Liepard with an even sassier tone as she placed herself before the Ninja Pokémon with little to no concern for his personal space. Needless to say, the Greninja was quite uncomfortable with these events. “Say, would you finally quit this bunch and join our guild instead, I am sure we could use your talents rather,” a loud purring sound could be heard coming from the Liepard as she added, “properly.” “So… should we be worried?” asked Daring as she looked at the new group. “That depends, do you gars want to settle things up?” commanded Scrafty. “These guys here are the members of the mercenary guild Royal Flush, Spade division.” Calmly replied Weiss while ignoring the challenge. “Hey! Don’t ignore moi!” “This boisterous guy is the division’s leader, Roi.” At the mention of his ‘name,’ Scrafty changed his look from annoyed to dashing, “Le pleasure is all yours!” “His second in command, Reine.” He pointed at the Weavile who was still looking at Char with dreamy eyes. “Hey, snap out of it, we are being introduced!” harshly said the Krokorok as he tried to brake Reine’s charmed state, only to be glared at. “The scary but frightful one is Valet.” Added Weiss with little regard. “And…” “And I am As,” interrupted Liepard as she keep codling with Greninja, who was sweating heavily. “The division’s ace.” Commented Weiss. “A bit redundant if you ask me.” “So, they are mercenaries like you guys?” asked Daring with confusion. “They wish they were as good as us!” proclaimed Roi with arrogance. “In a way, yes. They are not as organized as us, though” explained Weiss. “Stop ignoring me!” “We have our divisions based on our individual strengths and skills.” Continued the once human. “They however, only base their divisions on the typing. That leaves a lot of spoilable weakness one can take advantage of.” “He! For your information we can properly regrouper with one another so we can come with the best strategy!” defended Roi. “It would be a good thing, if you guys weren’t made of only four types” added Char. “W-well, it was all Joker’s idea so…” shuttered Reine. ‘So that is how ich look?’ Thought Roa. “Joker?” Asked Valerie with confusion. “Their contractor, or in more simple terms, their trainer,” explained Weiss once more. “Just as I was to my team back on earth.” “Which reminds me” Inquired Char, “Have you located the rest of your team yet?” “No…” replied Reine with a sad look, “We were able to find each other shortly after awaking, but we had no luck with the other groups.” “Let alone Joker.” Added Valet. “Meh, screw that human, he was way too crazy to begin with.” Scoffed As as she keep her tail around Greninja. “Yeah, I doubt Lord Arceus is crazy enough to go and bring such a dément here.” Replied Roi with a sonorous laugh, a couple of the members of Royal Flush agreed with him. Meanwhile Weiss thought one thing, ‘I would totally be the same if it wasn’t for her.’ “So if you guys are all on your own, and I don’t see any real harmful intention coming from you, I have to ask: what are you guys doing here? Don’t tell me you are the ones in charge of keeping the peace here!?” “As if we would care for something so much without a proper paid,” scoffed the Scrafty. “And I don’t know if you notice it Shred,” mocked Roi, “but we have been able to talk with ce Pony here so far.” The group nodded. “We happen to stumble across these Unicorn jumeaux and, after some arguing and charades, we were able to form an alliance: we protect them dash aid in their performances and in return we look for the rest of our team.” “Makes sense,” said Char. “We are in a similar situation.” “Hey! I don’t need your protection!” exclaimed Daring. “So where is your little Pony then?” asked Weiss with curiosity. “I TOLD YOU BOTH ALREADY! WE ARE NOT GIVING YOU A CREDIT ANYMORE!” shouted an angry voice from inside the bank. Spade just sighed at the sound. “Speak of the devils…” said Valet. Shortly after, a pair of stallions were tossed/escorted out by a Throh and a Sawk dressed in black. As the twins hit the ground, a smaller Unicorn with a gray suit, black framed reading glasses and a rather flat mane cut walked out the bank and said. “We have had enough of your fruitless schemes and non-lucrative scams.” Then he turned and walked back inside, only to add, “Come back once you have a plan that actually works! Until then: have a nice day.” and then shut the doors close. “That was quite rude of him” Said one of the twins, who was surprisingly taller than the average Pony and spurted a pale olive coat, a white striped red mane, tail and moustache. “Not that we haven’t had worse thought,” replied his identical twin, the only difference been his cutie mark and his lack of a moustache. “Checkmate, our current employees; le Flim Flam Fréres” Introduced Roi with an almost sad tone. At the sound of their collective name, both siblings raise up and turned to see the new comers. “Well look at this Flam, more members have riled up to be our loyal assistants.” Exclaimed Flim. “I won’t blame them,” replied Flam with fake modesty. “We are two of the best investors on all of Equestria after all.” “Ouais… keep dreaming.” Added Roi. “Sorry to disappoint you both, but we already have a contractor.” Finished Weiss as he pointed at Daring. “By the way, how did it all go inside?” “Smoothly.” Calmly replied Daring, once she was over her initial shock. “All we have to do is wait for the petition to pass some executives and I can go enter my personal vault, the benefits of being a V.I.P. and stuff.” She smugly added at the end. “… We get it, you’re important. Cut us some slack” dryly replied Flim with a more normal tone as he looked away of Daring. Flam on the other hoof, was keeping his gaze on her. “Excuse my curiosity good lady but: have we meet before?” he asked with his acting voice still on place. “I do feel like I have seen you somewhere…” Daring broke into a cold sweat as she realized one thing: she wasn’t using her disguise as A.K. Yearling. “Ehm… no *cough* I don’t remember having met such a nice couple of stallions as you before, I definitely would if I had…” she said while hopping some cheap flattering would make them drop the subject. “Well shucks miss, I would say you do have a good eye,” said Flim as he did fell for it, “won’t you agree brother?” Flam however didn’t seemed to fall for it, “… could it be…” Daring was growing anxious by the con-pony’s insistence and was about to ask her employees to give her a hand, if it wasn’t for the fact that both Checkmate and Royal Flush were currently looking somewhere else, both parties seemed quite serious as well. “Ehm… what is going on now?” asked the mare with curiosity while adding, “and a little help would be quite welcome!” “So vous notice it too?” inquired the Scrafty “Is not that hard when they are being so obvious.” Replied Weiss as they looked at other guild preparing to do their job. “What is it?” Inquired again Daring, the rest of the non-mercenaries interested as well. “An aggression” Calmly said Roi as he looked at two Pegasus, a Unicorn, a Griffin and a Minotaur take positions around the lobby. “A heist!?” Asked Valerie back with shock. “What?” Asked then Daring, “Who?” Weiss pointed at the Equuslings Roi was looking at, while also pointing at a couple of Sableye, a Golurk and a Hypno. “They will start soon, so I guess we could clear the area before they do.” Suggested Weiss with a shrug. “A pity, but this peacemaker will be able to take care of things once he arrive.” Acknowledged Char as Checkmate prepare to leave. “En effet,” Added Roi as he and his group did as well. “Hey hold on!” Exclaimed Daring. “You are going to just let them rob the bank?” “Well this isn’t our fight.” Said the mercenary, “Besides, they have Pokemon security, not to mention the peacemaker. They will be fine.” At this words a shout of “EVERYPONY TO THE GROUND NOW!” could be heard coming from the bank alongside the screams of those inside the building. “And they have start it.” Pointed out As as both Sableyes guarded the doors, using their creepy appearance too keep everyone inside, meanwhile the FIgthing-type guard was quickly disposed by a united effort from the Gorluk and the Hypno. “And that is why don’t rely on teams of a single type” commented Char with irony. “Okay guys, I won’t pretend I’m surprised by your lack of empathy,” explained Daring, “but if they get to the V.I.P. vaults, then they’ll take my stuff as well! Then we’ll lose the only clue we have.” The team’s thoughts froze at this news. They could care less for the contents of the vault. But they had a contract to keep and right now, Daring was in a position to exploit it. Weiss sighted. “Let’s do this quickly shall we.” And started to walk towards the bank. “Bonne chance playing the hero!” mocked Roi one last time as he turned to leave. “Don’t worry, we can handle this, you guys can go and hide somewhere safe.” Replied Weiss with a knowing grin. “…” The Spades turned to look at their boss with annoyance, as they knew what would happen next. “Excusez-moi… but did you just call us cowards?” asked Roi as he slowly let the sunshades slide of his face so he could see Weiss directly. “No, no, no! How would you possibly think I would offend your fine organization?” Gently retorted Weiss back. And then said, “I called YOU a coward.” Then Roi’s sunshades hit the ground. “Well if vous think you can handle this by yourself then, by all means, don’t let me stop you.” Sarcastically replied Roi as he picked his sunshades up and walked beside Weiss. “None at all, I am totally perfect of taking care of this, you can just watch and learn a thing or two, I am sure you need the lesson.” Retorted Weiss with a similar tone. “Oh how cute of vous, to think I can learn something of the likes of a Bisharp.” Added Roi with a cold grin. “I would love to teach, if that is what it takes to make you a proper mercenary!” Complimented Weiss with a similar grin of his own. Meanwhile, both Sableyes had noticed the two incoming Dark-types and were sneering at them as they kept a couple of fillies as hostages. Daring, on her end, watched the scene in disbelieve. “What the hay are those two doing? They already spot them!” and then turned to the rest of the mercenaries, both of their teams. “And why haven’t you go and help them already?” “Simple,” Replied Char calmly, “We don’t want to get hit by the crossfire.” “Oh yeah!?” Exclaimed Weiss at Roi’s latest reply. To which the Scrafty promptly re-replied, “Yeah! Wanna settle this out properly mon ennemi?” “I think is a good idea!” Shouted Weiss back as they reached the Darkness Pokémon watching over the door, which didn’t took long to warn both intruders. “I don’t know what’cha think you doing here, but if any of you take a single step forward, this little Pony won’t be seeing another day!” Proclaimed one of the raiders as he held a filly close. Only to suddenly receive a soulless glare from both mercenaries. “… oh Arceus…” Suddenly two dark projectiles hit the other side of the bank with tremendous strength as Weiss and Roi stood in the now clear door, each of them holding a fighting position. “I see your gimmick trick still works” Weiss observed as he retracted his blades. “Jeloux?” Asked Roi as a dark aura dissipated from his leg. Outside “Did he just kick a ghost!?” Inquired Valerie with disbelieve. “Those were Ghost-types?” Asked Daring as well. “Roi can focus dark energy anywhere on his body, making his Fighting moves effective against Psychics and Ghosts, while also giving him a boost” explained Reine as she got a scolding look from Valet. “The idea of secret moves is to keep them a secret, you know!” “He is the head of his division for a reason, in fact, all leaders from a mercenary group deserve to be recognized,” pointed out Char, causing Reine to completely ignore Valet as she mumbled to herself. “He recognized me…!” Back inside, the robbers had gotten over the initial surprise, but were now at a disadvantage since the hostages didn’t lose any time to dash through the door as soon it was cleared. “First, clear a path for the civilians to run.” Said As with a cool tone. The Pegasus and Griffin then took off, aiming to stop the escape of their valuable hostages. “Second, take down the ones which can recapture them.” Followed up Char with a similar tone. “Couteau!” Demanded Roi. “Don’t you order me!” Replied Weiss as he lend a knife to him. “Degommage!/Fling!” Said both mercenaries at unison as they dashed inside. Then all three of the flyers hit the ground as the painfully looked at their wings where deep cuts run through them, three knifes hanging from the selling was all the clue of what happened to them. “Pretty neat huh?” Boasted the Scrafty as he kicked the Griffon unconscious. “Hit more than one moving target at once and then we talk!” Replied Weiss as he lariated the Pegasus. “Who in Tartarus are those two!?” Shouted the Minotaur as he and the Golurk run to intercept them. “Take down the muscle” pointed Valet. Both heavy-weights raised their massive fists and threw them at Roi and Weiss, only to hit air as each of them went up and down respectively. “Piet Voltige!” Proclaimed Roi as he propelled himself from the roof and slammed his darkness covered High Jump Kick into the Golurk’s face. “Giga Impact!” Exclaimed Weiss from below the Minotaur as he gave him the equivalent of a warhead uppercut right on the stomach. Both thieves fell unconscious right away. “And now all there’s left to do is clean up the leaders.” Calmly said Reine. “So how’s the score going?” asked Weiss. “Who is keeping track?” asked back Roi with arrogance. “Well I was just being polite, as if I don’t remember wrongly, I took down four of them, while you just took care of one.” Sarcastically pointed Weiss out. “… batard!” Was all reply Roi give as they get close to the remaining two robbers. However, neither of them seemed scared. Back outside. “That’s strange” mentioned Daring. “What is it?” asked Edge. “These robbers, it look like they come from some of the local gangs, but they each seem to come from different ones.” She looked at the tattoo markings of the Pegasi, the extravagant piercings on the Minotaur, and the heavy dark makeup the Griffin was using; each a label from their respective group. “So you are saying they are not the kind to orchestrate a hit?” asked Char. “Not only that, they are not the kind to work with other bands at all” pointed out the explorer. Then the mercenaries came to a conclusion. “Things have definitely turned interesting” commented Valet. Back inside. “… oh boy” Roi said as he find out what was happening with the remaining thieves. “They’re the muscle” added Weiss as he did the same. Then the Unicorn let out a massive blast of energy which could easily be compared with a weaker Hyper Beam. “Ce que le baiser est que !?” Exclaimed Roi from behind a Protect wall, “and why does it burn so freaking much!?” Even with his defense up, some of the attack scorched some of his skin. “Magic is the equivalent of Fairy-type moves in this world, and we just happen to be weak against it” Weiss said from behind his own wall. “Sucks to be you” he calmly added as he once again thanked his metallic coating. “Okay gentlecolts,” cooly said the Unicorn, although he seemed to be fault of air. “You either give up or you will have a bunch of roasted innocents on your consciences.” “Le what are you talking about?” Asked Roi with skepticism. “Huh,” Snorted the Unicorn as he continued with his explanation, “A Minotaur, a Griffin, two Pegasi and a bunch of Pokémon of different gangs enter to rob a bank together, why do you think that would be?” “Because it’s the start of a terrible joke?” challenged Weiss. The Unicorn ignored the insult, although his eye did twitch. “Because they found themselves under the mind tricks of a stronger foe.” Both mercenaries then looked at the Hypno, whose pendulum was still moving under his hand, a sinister look in its owner’s eyes. Then Weiss looked back and noticed how the ones they defeated once again began to stand up, even when they seemed to be unconscious. “… not a bad trick” Roi admitted as he seemed a bit worried about having to take care of two flanks now. “So what’s it going to be, huh!?” demanded the Unicorn. “Roi,” calmly said Weiss, “you said you wanted to even the odds, didn’t you?” The Scrafty thought for a second and then smiled, “Oh, so you’re leaving the fun to me. How kind of you!” he replied sarcastically as he turned back at the zombie-like attackers. “Yeah, yeah, I’m Arceus’ favorite soul” Weiss joked back as he took his blades out. “Whoa!” Exclaimed the Unicorn with disbelieve. “What are you two doing? Don’t you care about what’ll happen to those drones!?” “No” was the unanimous and calm answer both mercenaries gave as they dashed towards each side of the bank. Roi took care of both the Golurk and Minotaur first with a dual spinning kick, and then threw a Focus Blast at the Pegasi, sending them flying far away. Weiss on his side dodged volley after volley of magical attacks shot his way as he shortened the distance with the minds behind the heist. Some of the attack miss the Bisharp entirely, while others had better aim, yet bounced off the orichalcum coat he was wearing. Then Weiss stood right before the Unicorn, which prepared a strong magical blast; but he couldn’t use it as the Bisharp used his head as a jumping platform and then aimed one of his arm’s blades towards the Hypno, suddenly an idea erupted into his new Pokemon mind, a whole burst of energy flowing through his body as he flexed his body and trusted his arm while shouting “Psycho cut!” The Hypnosis Pokémon flinched, yet nothing hit him. “Tsh!” Said Weiss as he finally landed before the yellow aggressor and cut his pendulum right off. Nothing too epic though. With the controlling device off, the unconscious hostages were released and finally plumbed to the ground. “And to finish this off,” Weiss then gave the Hypno a Shadow Claw punch right on the nose, leaving the Psychic-type unconscious with a single hit. But then Weiss’ back was hit by a powerful magical blast, one his coat wasn’t able to fully repeal as he hit the next wall. “You may have taken care of my henchmen, but I am still able to stomp in you, you pathetic foreigner! You will pay for ruining my plan… what!?” exclaimed the Unicorn as he turned to a hand poking his shoulder. Only to receive a fist right in the muzzle, finishing the conflict for good. “What do you say mon enemi?” asked Roi with faked humbleness. “Pretty noble for me to save you at the end of the day, huh?” “Yeah, yeah…” replied Weiss as he dusted himself off. Even though the blast was strong, it didn’t hurt him as much as he thought it would. ‘I wonder if I’m leveling up?’ Weiss thought as they walked off the bank. “There, problem solved!” proclaimed Roi. “No need to thank me, I was just doing the right thing.” “Said the one who was ready to leave” retorted Weiss. “I would be hurt if it wasn’t because you were running away first” replied Roi back with a sneer. “So you want to take this somewhere else?” suggested Weiss. “Why would I, I’ve already won here, remember?” He then pointed at the bank while listing, “one Sableye, a Griffin, a Golurk, twice, a Minotaur and the mastermind. Not to mention I save your sorry skin from all of this!” “I was just distracted…” was all Weiss could reply. As both mercenaries continued their arguing, the small gray coated and suited Unicorn from before come trotting out directly at them. “Can I know who is responsible for this?” Looking at a chance to get their rep back, both twins suddenly appeared before the manager. “Well good sir, but it was none other than our good assistant here!” Began Flim. “It is thanks to him alone than the bank is now safe and secure,” continued Flam, “you need to thank us.” “Thank you?” Exclaimed the Unicorn with a frown, “Thank you!? Do you have any idea of how much will cost to repair the damages this assistant of yours have caused? Not to mention the bank will have to be close for the rest of the day!” “… wait, what? You’re saying this is our fault!?” Exclaimed Flam. “But what about the others?” proceeded Flim. “Oh no, I wouldn’t dare to take any of your ‘honorable deed’ away from you.” Quickly added Weiss all too happy as he began to walk away. “It is your victory after all!” And so Checkmate and their companions leave the stage for Royal Flush and the Flim Flam Brothers to clean it up. “… tenir! You can just let them escape!” Exclaimed Roi. “Hmp! I would let you know that miss Daring is a prominent member of the V.I.P. ring of the bank. There is no way a mare of her caliber would have taken part in this mayhem. Now we’re going to discuss how you’ll be paying for the repairs” finished the Unicorn as he pulled both twins with a magic grip. “So that was Daring Do, I knew I knew her from somewhere!” proclaimed Flam as he was togged inside, not seeming to care that much about their current predicament as a new devious scheme (or as he like to call it: investment idea) build up in his mind. Not far away from the bank A small Mawile looked in shock at the events on the other side of the street and how only two Pokémon singlehandedly took care of the situation rather violently. She looked like a curious child that poked her head around the corner. Sheesh, those are mercenries? Terra thought. I always thought those guys were just a story made up by the older mon to scare us to sleep. The doors were blasted off their hinges with numerous cracks in the tiled floor. “I could’ve done that too.” She mumbled. That sounded convincing. “Guess those old geezers were wrong about them. These ones at least seems like a good bunch.” She watched as a large group of guards made their way down the road, passing right by her without even a glance. “And those two fuzzballs don’t even need to worry about bank heist.” And with that, the little Mawile spun on her heels and headed home, hoping that Octavia came through with her promise of roasted nuts and bolts for dessert. Manehatten Downtown A few streets away from the Central Bank “Perfect, just perfect you guys, we only had to wait for the paperwork to be done and I could’ve had the items we need and then head for Las Pegasus, but now we have to wait a whole day for them, if not more!” Exclaimed Daring with righteous anger. “I’m sorry okay, I just got caught up in the heat of the moment…” Weiss apologized. “Seriously, I am losing some years of my life out of pure stress.” Daring finished as she lead the group toward a mail office. They had to give Xavier the news about their current predicament, as well the information regarding their delay. As they walked in, Daring and Weiss left to deliver the letter to a Express Pegasus while the rest of the group used the waiting room. Then Roa found some interesting note. Weiss and Daring returned as the note seemed to have been delivered, however, Weiss couldn’t stop thinking about the fluke of an attack he did back at the bank. ‘Why did I suddenly think about it…?’ Weiss thought to himself. ‘I don’t have a Pokémon father, so it’s only obvious it wouldn’t work, but why do I feel I can use it?’ he continued as he missed having Xavier to discuss these ideas with. Weiss’ thoughts were suddenly cut though, as Valerie show him the note she found on the general chart board. “Look, I found this little poem Roa found,” Said the once Gym Leader with glee, “I see someone has some latent potential here.” Weiss didn’t give it much importance as he merely give it a quick glance, yet he snatched it from Valerie’s legs as he noticed something of it. “Hey guys!” He exclaimed as he read said poem. The mercenaries looked at their leader with curiosity as he show them the piece of paper. “What do you read here?” The Fairy Queen of Roses waits From the Apple on the Hill Look in the Mountain City “Titania…” the whole team replied at the reading of the first lines, even Edge. “Why is she always so extravagant?” inquired Char. “So this is a message from one of your teammates?” asked Valerie with curiosity. “Yup,” replied Weiss. “She has always liked drama, as our good Scizor friend pointed out. While also some mystery as well.” “So she’s waiting for you guys, good thing” said Daring with honest happiness. “But where is she?” “Beats me.” Replied Weiss. “I don’t know which mountain city she’s talking about, let alone the apple hill.” He then turned the note over and found a single piece of information. “But we are lucky some things are the same here.” Weiss smiled as he made a mental note regarding their next destination. Sender city: Canterlot. > Twentieth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twentieth Move Sudden goodbyes - Aggressive hellos. Manehatten City Downtown The group left the postal office with a smile, as they happened to stumble across a nice bit of information regarding one of their member’s whereabouts, despite the fact they had to wait at least a day to get what they were looking for. The mercenaries, now plus three were following Daring around the big apple as they headed towards one of the simpler and duller buildings the city had to offer: Hoofson’s Hotel. “We’ll sleep here tonight.” Said Daring as she led the way still. “This looks fancy,” Pointed Gold said with a smile. “Indeed. Are you sure you want to rent so many rooms in such a place, Miss Daring?” Char inquired as they entered the hotel, where the building’s dull exterior appearance was quickly thrown out the window in comparison to the elegant yet modern design of its interior. “Hey! I like to camp in the wilds as much as the next adventurer, but we’re not in the wilds now,” replied Daring as they moved towards the lobby. “Or at least not ‘that’ kind of wilds; point is, I like to pamper myself whenever I have the chance okay, so take it as my treat.” “If you insist then” Shrugged Char as he let Daring ask for their rooms. “I would gladly sacrifice myself,” joked Gold as he looked at the place, bringing good memories to the spy. Weiss, however, couldn’t remove the thought of before out of his head. ‘I don’t have Pokémon parents, so it’s only natural for me to not been able to have such moves like Psycho Cut… but then why do I feel like I can use it?’ he thought as he looked at his forearms. ‘However, the closest thing I have to a dad would be Arceus… right? I mean, he said he and his children reconfigured our bodies when bringing us here… so maybe…’ “Hey Weiss, you coming?” Asked Daring as the registration was finished, snapping the once human out of his line of thought. “Wha-Right, you guys go ahead,” he replied. ”I would like to spend some time at the gym if you all don’t mind. This place does have one right?” Daring gave him an odd look while replying, “Yeah, there is one. Just ask any of the help and they’ll guide you. But why the sudden need for a workout? Didn’t you just beat the crap out of a room full of bandits just a few hours ago? So what do any of you ‘monsters’ need to work out?” “Well, I don’t know if you noticed, but I am now a whole new species of a being, so I still need to find out some things about my body.” He replied back as he made his way toward a maid, but added, “And for your information, I am currently the weakest member of my team.” And so he left, leaving Daring’s mind mildly shocked while his still felt that odd sensation on his blades. Griffin Empire Training Grounds As the day finally came to an end, Shredder allowed her troops to leave. They seemed slightly more exhausted for some reason though, yet she didn’t pay it much attention. ‘It’s good to see them giving their all despite my absence during most of the day,’ she thought. Her time that day was mostly consumed whilst helping Gigalith to fill in his registration documents and paper work of the like. It was a good thing she was there to write down things for him as he seemed to be unable to do it himself due to his short limbs. Although he was quite slow in regards to both movements and thoughts, so it took him quite some time just to get from one office to the next. But they could join training at the middle of the day, as for some reason some of the trainees were enjoying some tea and crackers, apparently a treat from Linza. The group resumed training for the rest of the day, proving that Gigalith was in fact good at taking hits and surprisingly good and giving them back, even Jackie seemed surprised by the endurance of the Compressed Pokémon. But now every Griffon, and Lucario, had headed back to their dorms, Gigalith in contrast made his way toward the exit. “And where are you going?” Asked Shredder as she catches up with Gigalith, not a hard task given his speed. “To inform my mistress and her husband about my results. As well the good news regarding their child.” His voice was as euphoric as the dripping water on a cave, but it seemed to be indeed happy. “An understandable resolution.” Replied Shredder. “But I can’t let you go like that.” Gigalith turned to look at Shredder with a raised eyebrow. “You joined the new Pokémon troops, thus you agreed to stay in the barracks with the rest until training is over.” She explained and then pointed out. “And that would be decided by how well this unit work as a team.” Gigalith seemed to understand his current predicament as he keep his emotionless expression, thinking what to do. “But fear not,” Shredder added before Gigalith could go too deep into his thoughts. “You can still receive visits from your family. Not to mention they have been granted a place in the Avise Orphanage for Bright Children to live and work there, this surely come handy as the orphanage’s children has grown in numbers because of the numerous families separated.” “…” Gigalith didn’t said a thing, but he seemed sad by the news. “So many children, away of their families…” He slowly said. “The empire is doing what it can to find their families as soon as possible. Some Griffons had even show interest to give house to some of them for now, although this is mostly done with the ‘cuter looking’ ones. Those with the bad luck to be turn in things like a Grimmer or a Carvanna doesn’t seem to be so lucky.” “I am sure my mistress will be able to help them.” Gigalith said convinced enough as if the sun was moved by an Alicorn. “We will see. So if you would be kind to tell us where your trainer and her husband are, we will send them the news about your success here, as well about the orphanage and their child.” Gigalith didn’t liked the idea, but he knew he had walked into this himself, thus he obliged and gave Shredder the information she asked for, while hoping that Alley was safe and in good hands whenever she was. Somewhere in Baltimare City At that very same moment, a scarf wearing Zangoose couldn’t hope more for someone to take a certain Petilil off his back. Hall of Legends Garden balcony “…” “…” The tea and the macaroons have long been consumed by the time Latias had finished her story regarding her rather complex yet somehow short romantic life, which was surprising given she was an immortal. “…” “…” Now, Victini was currently processing all the information which wasn’t a simple task. “…” “… would you please say something? You been staring at me for the past ten minutes as if I were some glareless Gastly!” “Eh!? What? Oh, sorry…” Apologized the Victory Pokémon as he cleared his throat, ~ahem~ and then replied, “But is just quite the story. Have you told your bro…” he hold himself right on the spot as a cold glare shot his way, “… have you told this to someone else?” “I doubt you would be here if that was the case…” Latias replied with a sigh. “Okay then… so I am on my own here.” He pointed out while looking for any remaining tea on the pot while adding, “Unless you want me to ask the girls for help?” “NO!” The Eon Pokémon shouted right away. “… I would rather prefer to keep this as… private as possible.” She said while thinking ‘Just having others already plotting how to meddle on my personal life is troubling enough thank you!’ “Alright then,” Said Victini without giving it much of a thought about Latias’ discomfort as he proudly added. “More fun for me!” Again, Latias sighed at the tiny Pokémon’s cheerfulness regarding her troubles. ‘But… I guess is better than having no one to help me at all’ she thought. “So what would you suggest me to do then?” She asked. “Well, this whole thing seems quite troublesome so…” Victini said as he began to float around the Dragon/Psychic-type as he pondered about her problem. “Are you sure of what you are feeling?” “You are joking right…?” Deadpanned Latias at the question. “Well excuse me, but you mentioned this other human who happened to hit your heart quite hard on just a day, so how can you be sure this is in fact attraction and not just some childish infatuation?” “First of all I never was just infatuated with Ash!” Latias snapped back, “and second, how come you are questioning what I feel? You are just forced your help on me you know?” “You accepted my help so that is your problem now.” Victini said without the slightest bit of remorse, “Besides, how are you so sure you liked this… wait did you said Ash? As in Ash ‘Meet all the legendary’ Ketchum?” “Yes,” Latias said a bit calmer now, “I take you know him.” “Knowing him!?” The tiny legendary shout back, “I doubt there is a single legendary here who haven’t heard of him! He somehow managed to know every single one of us as if where some sort of…” “Luck?” added Latias, “I know. He seems to have been blessed by Lord Ho-Oh on the very first day of his journey. How did you meet him?” “Lucky bastard, literally.” Said Victini as he replied, “I met him when I was stuck in that blade like castle. He helped rescue me from there a few years ago. There were battles, explosions, a significant change of the scenery, Lady Reshiram and Lord Zekrom were there too. Pretty epic stuff.” “Sounds like Ashy alright.” Latias admitted with a chuckle. Then Victini smiled, “I see I may owe you an apologize.” “Huh? Why for?” Asked the Eon with confusion. “You do seem attached to this human, so how about you tell me about him in a bit more of detail and see what we can get.” Suggested the Victory Pokémon. With a small blush, Latias nodded, as she wanted to solve this once and for all before someone else decided to give a hand as well. “It was back in the city of Alto Mare…” City of Manehatten Hoofson’s Hotel The night passed without any other events of importance. Weiss trained most of the evening but eventually rejoined the group, then they ate something, washed out their tiredness and slept soundly. The next morning, the guild was now happily heading toward the dining area for a good buffet for breakfast. “We should take the chance and refuel now while we can.” Ordered Weiss as he took one of the trails and fill it with as many food as he could. “We don’t know when a good meal will appear in our future.” Luckily for the team, the buffet was divided on two sections, one for herbivores and another for carnivores. Of course Daring, Edge, Valerie and Gold preferred the first area to eat a more ‘healthy’ meal while the rest gorged themselves on the meat to the point even some Griffins had to look away from them. Suddenly, a mare wearing a simple cap and a beige bag, both carrying a winged letter logo, flew towards them and gave them a letter, while adding. “You bunch are quite hard to miss,” she said with a whistle a she give them an envelope. “Specially that flying saucer friend of yours.” And with nothing else to add, once Weiss had signed for the letter, the mare left as quickly as she arrived. “How did they managed to find us?” Asked Char with confusion as he sipped some coffee. “This isn’t exactly a small town to look for a specific someone.” “Beats me!” Said Weiss as he opened the envelope and proceeded to read its contents. “M-magie maybe…?” Suggested Roa as she took a bite from a sausage rather violently. The letter was then passed to the rest of the mercenaries on the table, which read a single line. Acknowledged. Arriving at morning. “It seems we have a little reunion awaiting for us.” Char said with a smile. “I hope they found someone else, I really need some good news right now.” Weiss replied while Char and Greninja give their leader a confused look. “… I need some help with a new move I am working on. Needless to say I am not doing great on my own.” Was all the answer he give as they felt a familiar link getting in touch with them. ‘I would be glad to be of assistance.’ Was the sudden mental comment which Xavier gave as a hello. “Well, speak of the devil and he does arrive!” Replied Weiss with a smile as he finished his fifth plate. “Good to have you back in our heads old friend. How was your travel?” ‘It had a few aggressive encounters, nothing new.’ Replied Xavier. ‘And I see we have made yet another re-addition to our crew. Good to see your mental waves again Char.’ “It’s good to have you looking over them as always.” Replied Char over his coffee. “How about the others?” Asked the mercenary leader. A barrage of new minds thought into the mental conversation. ‘We are quite fine, thank you. How have you been dear?’ Started Rouge. ‘We have an awesome fight over Baltimare!’ Informed Pancha. ‘I could be better…’ skulked Simon, a fact none of the mercenaries on the buffet let go unnoticed. ‘Is everything alright?’ Asked Edge with concern. ‘I am afraid it is, despite the bad news I have to deliver.’ Said Xavier with his monotone, albeit it did sound a bit sad as he gave Valerie and her husband a private link to catch up with one another. “This doesn’t sound ominous at all” Commented Daring with obvious sarcasm on her end as she then turned to a scared Agent Gold. “Xavier is member of their guild, and quite a cold-hearted bastard, so watch your mouth around him.” “I have properly learned of that around any of these ‘fine’ gentlemons quite already.” Replied the PLA member. ‘I would like to ask about these new minds with you, but I prefer to go and get this message delivered now.’ Explained Xavier. “Message?” Said Char with curiosity. “This seems important…” Pointed Weiss out as he leave his plate to the side and leaned back on his seat. “Shoot.” ‘First of, I would like to tell you that Miss Anzu has decided to stay over on Baltimare, as she happens to found some old acquaintance of hers.’ Xavier began. Weiss sighted at the new, “It can’t be helped then… but I never got to talk about her dad…” he said with a regretting tone. ‘You can go all fan boy over Koga once we’ve found him.’ Said Pancha with a teasing voice. “Ha, ha…” Deadpanned Weiss. “Did Surskit stay with her too?” Asked Daring, apparently she wasn’t that shocked about the other former human, but instead worried about the small Bug-type. ‘She is remaining with us, saying that she has more opportunities of founding her trainer with us than staying in one place.’ Replied Xavier. ‘She is currently sleeping as we speak.’ Daring seemed happy with the reply. ‘Now, to a more delicate matter…’ At that instant, Xavier’s mind made the mercenaries on Manehatten move toward a mental construct of his, which appeared to be some port city. “Baltimare!” pointed Daring out as the mental avatars of Checkmate look at her confused. ‘Right you are.’ Priced Xavier while explaining, ‘and I took the liberty to inform Miss Do about this as she is our current contractor.’ “Makes sense, so what is this message you want to deliver so badly?” Asked Weiss as a new mental construct appeared before them. A creature similar to a quadruped dinosaur with fins for legs, a large body and soft blue skin formed before them, a thick-looking grey shell covered its back, while a few old scars covered the base of the long neck. At the top of it, a serene head lied which coldly looked at them. “Ness.” Said Weiss, but not as if he recognize her, but as a salute. A sonorous sight of relief could be hard coming out from Greninja as the Ice/Water-type made herself visible on the mental landscape. “Weiss.” Said the Lapras with a cold, yet gentle voice in tone with her eyes. “… wait… is she…actually talking?” Asked Daring as she noticed how ‘lively’ she looked. Ness seemed to notice the Pegasus, but instead of answering her, she merely look at her way but not directly at her, as if she wasn’t even there. “I am afraid my answers are limited, please ask properly.” Was all the Transport Pokémon said. “Storage Personality.” Said Weiss to Daring and then explain, “Xavier copied a bit of our comrade here on one of his brains and is now ‘playing’ it to us.” “It’s useful for delivering important messages.” Added Xavier’s omnipresent voice. “So… this is not a memory, as you guys always show, but a part of her?” Inquired Daring as she pointed a hoof at Ness, she was also starting to feel a slight pain on the head caused by the amount of incredible things Pokémon keep showing her as if they were nothing. “Is more than that… but I guess that works in the end.” Said Char calmly, “This is Ness, Miss Do, a Lapras and a member of our guild. Member of King and second mistress tactician whenever Xavier isn’t viable. “Her forte is stealth and infiltration.” Proclaimed Weiss as he turned to Ness’ copy. “So what is it that you want to tell us Nessy?” The copy seemed to be caught off guard when called by her nickname as she smiled warmly for a second, before returning to her cold self. “Is good to see you are as interesting as usual despite your current form.” She pointed out while Weiss nodded, taking her compliment. “But I am afraid the news I have to give you all aren’t going to sit you well.” “You are leaving us aren’t you?” Weiss asked rather calmly, although he himself was quite expectant of Ness’ reply. Edge, Char and Greninja seemed surprised by these words, especially the latter, who seemed more than shocked. “That is… true… I am impressed you are taking this so well.” Said Ness with her calm but cold voice. “That is an understatement.” The once human said to himself. “I won’t ask why though, which would be dumb from my part…” He admitted. “You never liked this life, afterall.” Added Char. Edge and Greninja, on their own respective end, decided to keep listening to what Ness had to say. “That is true.” Admitted Ness. “I had a debt to repay and so I worked with you. Now, however, lies a new opportunity before me. One I am definitely not letting go of in order to return to a life I didn’t like!” Weiss sighted, “Nessy, I known how you’ve felt about this job for a long, long time,” began Weiss with a calm yet sad voice, “and it was very selfish on my part to keep you around when I knew it.” “That explains your calm demeanor” Replied Ness, although she didn’t seemed too happy about it. “But I would like to tell you, and the real you in due time, that it really hurt me to think about letting you go even more… you are one of my family after all.” “The mother role wouldn’t be fit for anymon else.” Proclaimed Edge as her eyes tear a little. “I thank you…” Said the copy with a slightly gentler voice toward the Noivern. “And I do hope you can go and tell me these things for real in a short future. But I would thank you if you all take your time.” The mercenaries, specially the Ninja Pokémon, looked confused. “I don’t want to return, that is final,” she stated, “but meeting you all face to face would be too much for me to bare… I doubt I could keep my cool, something Simon surely knows by now.” ‘So that is what happened!’ The mercenaries mentally exclaimed. “I need some time get used to my new life and to get over all the distaste I hold over this guild. But…” Finally, her voice and features turned as soft and gentler as those of a mother, “Once I am okay, please, feel free to pay a visit. I may have hated our lifestyle, but there is no way I could ever hate any of you… except a certain mole, but he isn’t important.” The group chuckled at this sudden change of personality and a lot at the little joke about their boisterous comrade. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a little message for my child.” “Who am I to stop a mother?” Weiss said. And without any doubt or regret from his part, Weiss shrugged it off as Ness moved to face Greninja with the same motherly expression of before. “My boy… I know this may sound rude and selfish from my part…” Ness began while Greninja keep looking at her, a slight hint of many emotion going through his eyes, specially distrust, betrayal and sadness, yet he never moved his gaze away from hers. “I know why you joined us… them, in the first place, so I have no right to ask you to leave them, at least not yet.” She then placed her large head before Greninja’s and gently placed her muzzle over his face and softly nuzzled him. “I have trust you will look for a life of your own one day,” Ness continued without stopping her show of affection. “For now, though, you can know that I am very proud of you and your perseverance. And that I will always be proud of you no matter what…” A small stream of tears began to pour from the copy’s eyes as she turned to look at the other mercenaries while her body seemed to disintegrate. “Weiss, I thank you for delivering my revenge all those years ago, as well as giving me a family to love. Even when you are all weirder than a stable Spinda.” The once human chuckled, “but who is stranger? Us, the crazy bunch, or you for staying with us for so long?” Ness smiled back and then turned towards Char, “I know we had little to talk, but I always cherished our chats Mister Red Comet.” “A life looking for what one wants is a life worth to admire.” Replied the Scizor solemnly. “Good speed on your new life Miss Tactician.” Then Ness turned to Edge, who was already crying her blind eyes out. “You are one of the bravest Pokémon I have ever meet, I am sure your mother would be proud of you Edge.” “Y-yeah…” Replied the Noivern as she clean her face, “It helped to have such an awesome mother, and a great substitute, to show me the way.” Finally, Ness faced back Greninja, who seemed as he wanted to say something, badly, as his eyes began to water as well. “Is okay my boy, you can tell me once we meet again, for real this time.” By then, her body had disappeared almost entirely a she said one last thing, “take care of yourself, my ninja boy…” And then, the copy of Ness busted into pieces of light and banished. ‘And that is all of her.’ Said Xavier calmly. ‘There is a little extra meant for the rest of us, but that will be for the moment we find them.’ Weiss took a deep sigh and then looked at the rest of his team in the mental plane. “Xavier, would you please bring the rest here?” He asked. Xavier didn’t say a thing as Rouge, Pancha and Simon appeared in the imaginary harbor. “You are all in one piece, entonces I guess we didn’t lose anything important.” Chirped Pancha. “But you do seem to be crying…” Simon pointed the obvious, “So did she tell you the gentle way then?” “You are the only one who took the harsh route you know?” Asked Rouge back. “Well excuse me for feeling a bit betrayed…” replied Simon as he looked away of the group. “We get it Simon,” said Weiss as he turned to the team’s ninja, “But if someone must feel betrayed out of all of us, that surely isn’t you.” At this point, Daring had moved beside the mental projection of Greninja and was currently placing a hoof on his shoulder while the Ninja Pokémon sobbed loudly while cleaning some tears. Even when the whole group would agree that having Greninja to show his emotions so evidently was a rare sight, none of them tried to make fun of it, at least for now. “So, she’s your mum huh?” Said Daring, more as a statement than a question, “You should be proud of having such a decent mother, she sure seems like a decent woman.” Greninja didn’t said anything back, however he did give Daring a glance which did said one thing: of course I am! Weiss then give a look at the group and took a slightly serious tone. “We definitely recieved the message, thank you for your hard work.” He said to Xavier and then to the rest of the new comers, “welcome back you all.” “Sir!” was the unison reply the Bisharp received. “Now, if you don’t mind old friend, I would like to have the rest of my breakfast before we rendezvous with you.” Proclaimed Weiss, enacting a sight from those still airborne. “Oh… don’t tell me you guys found a place with meat?” Asked Simon. “Baltimare is a nice place and all, but there are very few Griffons around.” Added Pancha as, somehow, a sonorous growl could be heard coming from her stomach. “If Xavier hurries up, you may be able to have some of the buffet before it closes.” Teased Edge, who was back to her regular self. “Xavier, double time!” Proclaimed Simon as he vanished from the mental plane. “Yes, yes.” Replied Xavier while Pancha and Rouge disappeared as well. “We will be there in a couple of minutes, I can see the skyline of the city.” And so the mercenaries plus one found themselves facing their food once more. “Just be careful old friend.” Replied Weiss as he took yet another plate and continued, “but while you are at it, why don’t you tell me about this ‘fight’ Pancha was so excited about?” And so, Xavier give his report regarding the adventures the group had over the seaport city, a story full adventure, meetings, negotiations and fights, yet that is the story from another time, as a new story began to unfold before the mercenaries. The large body of a Shiny Metagross entered the airspace of Manehatten, another five Pokémon atop his head, as he reached the halfway point of his story. Meanwhile, Daring, Valerie, Roa and Gold made their way towards the bank, hoping it would be already back in functions by now, and Sylveon had get off Xavier in order to reunite with his wife. “We will be back in a jiffy,” Proclaimed Daring as she and the others left the hotel. “Just, try not to break something, okay?” Thus, there were only the mercenaries, who chuckled as a goodbye, not promising such a thing. Xavier was giving his report when a sudden sensation cut his mental words. 'Ehm... Xavier, buddy, you okay there?' asked Weiss with slight worry, it wasn't often that his tactician became silent like that at the middle of a report. 'I found someone doing a wide mental scan of a vast area, quite the feat.' Now Weiss was surprised, he knew pulling such trick was hard, yet what surprised him more was the part when Xavier was praising someone. 'Okay, now I’m interested!' Pointed Weiss, the rest of the team giving a mental nod as well. 'Is it friend or foe?' 'It is a strong mind, promising may I add, but also inexperienced.' Without noticing it, Xavier had turned towards the source of the mental scan. "What do you mean?" Inquired Rouge over his back. 'There is no cover or decoy on it, I can trace it back easily.' As to prove his point, Xavier took hold of the mental signal and in a second found the owner of it. 'Got it.' Said the shiny Pokemon. The team could hear Weiss think over the mental link, finally he commanded, 'let’s see what its intentions are. Who knows, we may have some fun from it.' 'Understood' replied Xavier as he 'reprogrammed' the signal as his own, while adding 'and it is a he.' Then the Leg Pokemon gave a certain moustached Pokémon the equivalent of a mental slap, just for reaction's measure, and saluted 'state your intentions.' Meanwhile Weiss and the rest left the hotel and began to move towards Xavier’s group. “Should we be worried?” Asked Edge with curiosity. “You know our job requires us to ‘hit first’ in order to survive right?” Replied Weiss Then, Xavier reported back. 'I made contact,' commented Xavier calmly as he keep a mental hand over the line so the other side wouldn't hear, 'it is a mere child.' Again the team was surprised. 'Did... did Xavier just show interest over another living being!?' Asked Simon. 'That seems to be the case,' replied Char. 'See what he is Xavier' commanded Weiss again, 'and see what was he looking for.' 'Not hard,' commented the shiny, ‘there are many minds around him... this one will do.' Elsewhere A small and innocent rat set its head out of a sewer grate and glanced at a tall brown fox like standing on two legs, a Kadabra, sporting a top hat. A Scizor, a Lucario, and what appeared to be a circus balloon with bright yellow eyes and disconnected limbs floating above them. Back on Weiss’ group Xavier listed the Pokemon to Weiss and then explained. ‘The kid says he was merely looking for things to do.’ Weiss was a bit skeptical, “You are joking right? Is he using mental powers just for that?” ‘He seems to be a former human’ Added Xavier. “And people call us irresponsible” Chuckled Char. “Keep us in touch.” Said Weiss with a smile of his own. As he said this, Xavier made sure the line could be traced back or pinpointed. Yet he didn't place much defences, he wanted to see how the boy acted and reacted. Xavier remained silent for a second, then he did one thing no one would have expected him to do; he laughed, loudly. "Manta..." said a frightened Pancha as he held Rouge in a tight hug, "I am scared." "We all are dear, we all are..." replied the Poison-type while patting her friend. "Idem..." added Weiss, "okay Xavier, we are scared enough, what is going on?" 'He made a ephemeral interpretation of me, and as a result he got to see my links with you all.' The Metagross finally stopped laughing and added, 'oh, and he threatened to take you hostage.' This time the team chuckled, 'that wouldn't be a first' joked Edge. 'And what about his identity?' Inquired Weiss. 'He seems to be the son of Doctor Nurem,' answered Xavier as if it were nothing. The team, however, did seemed to react in a rather regretful way. 'Mhm... that may get troublesome later.' Weiss said almost as if he were about to deal with a dragon. 'Anyway, give him a proper reply in kind, we need to look intimidating from time to time.' 'Ehm... And Xavier, would you mind giving us some protection please?' he added. The Metagross smiled as he covered his guild’s minds while also letting them hear what he and the Kadabra were talking about. In a moment, he was again focusing on the four 'lab ratatas' and quickly decided on the best way to show off a bit to Vincent. He took over one of the other mon’s mind and used it against the Kadabra, then rejoiced in the results. Xavier had to admit, this was the most fun he had been through for some time. Until the Kadabra snapped back at him, violently. 'I may have made a slip here,' calmly replied the mercenary while a pain caused by the angry Kadabra lay at the back of one of his brains, a scold for his actions. 'No shit Looker!' Replied the leader at the sudden turn of events, 'we will rendezvous there, this is our mess. We need to clean it.' "I'm afraid you guys get off here," commented Xavier to his passengers, which didn't take long to jump into the skyscrapers while Edge appeared not far from them to catch them. As this happened, Xavier flew towards the Kadabra as he continued to talk with him, yet a small portion of his mind drifted into one of the more secured parts of his four brains; a humongous cell door. ‘I don’t like to do this, but this kid can overwhelm me if I am not prepared.’ He said to himself as he placed one of his legs at the entrance. ‘Well, if it isn’t mister cold head,’ Said a cold and sadistic voice from within the fortified door, ‘So what can I do for you today?’ ‘There is this mess I need to clean and I need your help to do so.’ Replied the Metagross. ‘It would be interesting to argue with you about what I would get out of this...’ the cold voice said but then added with a uninterested tone.‘But then again, this would be the first time you used me in this world, so let’s call it a service, shall we then?’ Xavier didn’t like to owe ‘him’ something, but he had to face the consequences of his own actions, so with a reluctant nod he proclaimed. ‘Release mental seal, five percent.’ As Xavier went to apologize with his power boosted, Weiss and co. made their way towards the giant silver saucer in the middle of the sky, not a hard task. “Do you think we have to go all out with them?” Inquired Rouge as she and the rest appeared on Edge’s back. “I definitely hope we don’t, it is a kid after all.” Replied Weiss as he jumped onto the dragon’s back while Surskit jumped down, obviously the small Bug-type didn’t want to do anything with the incoming mess. “Baltimare has been fun enough, thank you very much!” She proclaimed as she landed on the Red Comet’s claws. Then the Noivern took off and towards Xavier while Char continued to run towards them at a good speed. “Are your stays in new cities always like this?” Asked Surskit to Char while adding, “By the way, who are you again?” Char chuckled as she give her a small introduction of his persona. Back in the air, the group then noticed how Xavier suddenly lumbered out of the sky and heard the shockwave of him hitting the ground shortly after. “That’s it for holding back…” Said Weiss in a monotone as he patted Edge on the back of the neck, inquiring her to fly faster. They quickly arrived at the scene where Xavier walked out a small crater he just made and he seemed to be talking toward a group of four other Pokémon, and by the looks they were giving, they were getting ready for a fight, at least the Lucario and Porygon-Z did as the Scizor seemed to be out of commission. Then Weiss noticed the crowd forming around them, Equus-lings and Pokémon alike, some of them seemed surprised by the huge Pokémon which had fallen from the sky, but most were panting in pain while glaring at the Kadabra. “I don’t know what happened, but things will get out of hand if we don’t do something first.” Weiss acknowledged as he then turned to Pancha and Simon. “You two take care of the program and the fighter…” He commanded while pointing at the Pokémon standing beside the Kadabra, “I will take care of the psychic. Rouge, be ready to cover us in case we fail.” And without a word, the four of them jump off Edge’s back and landed silently behind the unknown Pokémon, then Weiss could her the Kadabra speak with a surprisingly young voice while his psychic powers began to envelop his body. “The ones you’re linked to. They’re coming...or here, aren’t they.” The young one started while adding, “Am I likely to have to defend myself from them in a similar fashion? Because you and I had so much fun and understanding right from the get-go!” Weiss chuckled as he added "Oh no, I wouldn't dare to have that kind of fun," meanwhile, Pancha and Simon sneak attacked the Lucario and Porygon-Z with a Karate Shop and a slap respectably as he finished, “it would be dangerous for my health!" And then hit the Kababra on the back of the neck with a small coat of dark energy, hoping that would do the trick. “Sorry kid, nothing personal.” Weiss said apologetically. Surprisingly, the Kadabra spoke up, “Yeah...no. Not...not sticking around...anymore. Maybe when you explain the situation to them...maybe we can talk again, Xavier. But until then…” and then took hold of an ítem Weiss had failed to noticed until now, a Twisted Spon. ‘The kid is packed with surprises!’ he mentally proclaimed as he motioned a silent order which Pancha and Rouge get immediately. Then the Kadabra whispered. “Teleport.” And with a bright light they were no more. Weiss was left with a confused group of civilians staring at them, wondering what just had happen. Then, the Bisharp proclaimed. "... There was a gaze explosion! That is why everyone feels such a headache!" Proclaimed Weiss as the general public looked confused. "Don't worry pals, that is what you will believe in a second." With a shine of Xavier eyes, all the witnesses forgot about what just happened. "Good, now back on the previous topic, should we worry about him?" Asked Simon. "We need to make things clear, more properly this time, so they don't come after us once they find out who we helped in the past." Said Xavier solemnly. "Ah!" Exclaimed Weiss with exasperation. "Why does the old world have to come back and look for us here..?" He asked himself as he turned to Xavier with a cynical look on his face. "And what of shielding those two from his mind properly, is that a way to fix things?" “It is a start” Replied Xavier with a chuckle while a familiar Hawlucha and Roserade appeared alongside other four Pokémon on a hotel room. “Let’s get this over with… but before that.” Said Weiss as he sat atop Xavier’s head. “What did you two talk about?” And then they took off, towards their comrade’s signal. > Twenty-first Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty-first Move At the sidelines Griffin Empire Dining Hall A new day normally meant the same old routine for Empress Victoria: wake up, take a shower, have breakfast, read every report from the guards and nobles all over the empire, get in touch with dignitaries from the other nations if they happen to be around, have open court and listen to all kind of troubles from her citizens, make some public appearances, have dinner with said dignitaries or alone, head to her chambers and have at least a couple of hours alone until she had to head to bed. It was safe to say the life of a ruler was rather boring, at least regarding the Griffin empress. Or so it was until a week ago. Now there was a mountain of stuff to do regarding the new citizens of her domain, plus most of her previous routine. “You know, I never thought a world-changing event would be so draining on me,” said a very tired Victoria as she sat in her royal seat in the dining room, as she tiredly took a bite out of her omelette. Last night, and because of Shredder’s newest addition to the Pokemon Corps, Victoria had noticed just how many children were currently away from their families, a fact which left her with very few hours of sleep as she read over all the reports regarding said missing children or the parents desperately looking for them. “I just wonder what kind of disaster forced this Arceus to move this many people in such a rushed and tactless way… have you seen how many reports we have so far?” Inquired the Empress with a tired and almost angry glance toward the pile of missing reports. “It’s been a long week your Highness” said Grizelda with a comforting tone as she poured some tea into the Empress’ mug. “Well, almost a long week.” A tired groan came from Victoria. “But we know you will manage!” Cheerfully added the clawmaiden, “As far as I know, we have some of the best relationships with Pokemon since the very start, that alone is a great feat itself.” “I suppose you are right…” replied Victoria with a small smile as she took some of her tea and give a bite to a toast. “Besides, the Pokemon registration has gone smoothly, now they are fully fledged members of the Empire.” Grizelda continued, “all we need now is for some translators to join the efforts and we will be one step closer to have a level of harmony worthy to make Equestra jealous!” “Don’t go assuming only because things had gone calmly,” softly scolded Victoria, “but I must admit it would be an interesting sight to see Celestia’s shocked expression for a change.” The ruler openly admitted with a childish grin. “But for now, we must focus at the problems at claw,” the Empress continued. “Wise words indeed your highness,” half jokingly said Grizelda, “so what will the imperial schedule be for today?” “Same as yesterday I am afraid…” calmly said Victoria with a slightly defeated tone, “hear random troubles at open court, bargain the nobles to help us…” ~splosh~ “... read this scroll which just fell on my oatmeal…” As if it were nothing, the empress took the scroll off the now wasted cereal and dry it off, now used to their random appearances. “I sometimes wonder if Celestia sends her messages with such timing and precision on purpose” Said Grizelda with an arched eyebrow. Victoria chuckled as she unrolled the piece of parchment and read its contents. ~Sigh~ Victoria put down the letter and turned to Grizelda with her serious demeanor back on, “cansel every appointment we may have from three days onward.” Grizelda noded and then inquired, “something important I presume?” “We may find out about Celestia’s expression sooner than expected.” Victoria said as she finished the rest of her food. “She is calling a world submit.” “I will go get my camera!” Happily replied the clawmaiden. Victoria smiled as she added to herself, “and we can finally meet this Pokemon God…” Manehatten City Weiss’ location The Bisharp sighed at Xavier's head as they float towards Pancha and Rouge’s signal “So let me get this straight… you went and took over one of his companions, which he saw as a brother, and turn him against him?” “Pretty much,” replied the Metagross as if where nothing. “And you really didn’t expect him to lash out at you?” Asked back Weiss. “If I remember correctly, you were the one who told me to ‘show off’ to them,” defended the shiny Pokemon. “As in let them know how strong you are, not incite them into a fight!” retorted back Weiss. “Not to mention he is the Doctor’s son, if he were to know about us we would be in serious trouble by now.” “Apparently he didn’t know anyone on the staff besides the assistants from the lab, there is little percentage of probability about him knowing about us.” “Maybe…” replied Weiss with an annoyed tone, “but that doesn’t make things any easier…” The two of them keep silent for a couple of seconds before Weiss spoke up again. “You mentioned something about him throwing a barrage of memories at you…” “He did,” Calmly replied Xavier. “Memories of his time with the Doctor huh…?” Weiss said while thinking ‘this may be divine retribution for our past life. I would say its rather twisted, but then again knowing ‘our’ God...’ “More like the evidence against a monster” Coldly added Xavier, much to Weiss’ surprise, which finally lead him to say something more surprising. “Xavier, play those memories to me.” Weiss said with resolution. The Metagross stopped in midair, if he could turn around and look at his leader, he would have give him an incredulous look. “Are you insane?” Asked Xavier, “I can shut down my emotions thus rendering them ineffective, but you wouldn’t be capable of such!” “I know that,” calmly said Weiss, “but something brought our path to cross with theirs, if we’re going to come clean in this world, we need to start atoning for our actions, even when we get nothing from it.” And then added, “not to mention we wouldn't be in this situations if someone haven’t been such an exuberant pain in the ass!” “I don’t see any sort of logic in your reasoning…” admitted Xavier, “but you are our leader, and thus I must obey. They finally reached a regular looking building, the presence of their comrades coming from it. “I presume you want to go through this before meeting them.” Inquired Xavier as they stop before the window. “Just do it already before I change my mind.” Proclaimed Weiss. In just a fraction of a second, Xavier established a mental connection with Weiss, brought him into an accelerated state of mind and share with him the events Vincent Nurem had used to attack him a few minutes earlier. Although Xavier did some modifications to the memories, like playing one at a time and keeping Vincent’s personal feelings out of them. However, that didn’t make things that much easier for the Bisharp, who soon found himself trying to keep his breakfast in his stomach with all he had. “... I told you it was too much…” said Xavier with his monotone as Weiss did his best to not throw out. “... and I told you we need to be on equal footing…” answered the disgusted and pale leader. “Also, do you really hold such little interest in your kind!?” he asked with a small amount of disdain as he placed a leg between Xavier’s eyes. “I told you I can turn my emotions off, so what I said back then was purely my empirical reasoning.” Replied Xavier. “You can keep telling yourself that, buddy, but you and I are going to have a very long chat once this is done with… now let’s properly join this party.” At these words, Xavier established another link with Pancha and Rouge, whom were currently talking with the Nurems. “They seem to be calming them down, that is a good start.” Said Xavier while making another mental link, Simon and the rest had arrived as well and were currently waiting in the hallway. “It seems we are ready to go, just need to make them look this way” was all Weiss said as he looked for the right time to join the conversation with the rightly distrusting Kadabra, while adding to himself, “I’ve always been curious about what we look like when we sneak up on someone.” Daring’s safe Manehatten Central Bank Daring had left Valerie with her husband somewhere in a nearby park, as she knew they would appreciate the alone time to catch up with each other, not to mention that their shows of affection were significantly more than what she was used to tolerating. “And I thought Ahuizotl was over the top.” She said to herself inside her personal vault. “A mere ‘hello’ from those two can beat any of his doom speeches with ease.” Daring seemed to have little troubles continuing the paperwork she had left the day before, since most of it was approved anyway. She was currently in her vault, choosing what had the least sentimental value out of her personal collection. However, this seemed to be a rather difficult task as most of the things she regarded as ‘treasures’ were very dear to her, even when they were mostly trinkets she had picked up right from the ground to commemorate the clearance of yet another dungeon. A very small piece from some deteriorated throne which she used to whack one of Ahuizotl’s machines. A baseball cap used by one of her short lived assistant from her events in The Altar of Perdition. A fake beard made of leaves from when one of the princess’ friends become yet another of her temporarily sidekicks. A simple stone she used to kick the lights out of the raven witch Thirst on one of her latest attempts to do her creepy black ‘juju’. “This one is definitely staying.” Pridefully said Do as she placed the stone back into its pedestal and moved on to the next item. A small idol made out of jade and covered with polished obsidian stones from a small village from her encounter with the Quetzalcoatl princess. A sign of gratitude and friendship from their part they had call it, so it was bound to be worthy something. “I guess this will do.” Said the explorer as she casually grabbed the idol and toss it into her saddle bag alongside some other trinkets she had gatter over the years. “I never been in this for any of you anyway.” She solemnly said as she remembered each and all of her adventures. Daring had never been a Pegasus of luxuries or riches. All she wanted was the thrill and excitement only the deepness of jungles and the loneliness of ruins could give her. Maybe this was why that cyan pegasus held her in such high regard, just as she once held a certain Griffin hunter beyond a mentor figure and close to a fatherly one. This thought made Daring turn to the more secure exhibition inside her personal museum within the bank. A single vitrine exposing a single, tattered and old, pithat. The very hat she received from said Griffin so many years ago. “This seems to be one of those extra epic adventures…” Daring said as she walked over the panel and removed her current pink hat from her head. “It’s only fitting to dress accordingly.” Outside Manehatten Central Bank “...” “...” “Sie have been surprisingly silent…” commented Roa over Gold’s lack of noise. Normally, the spy was calm and collected, but still he liked to talk whenever there was a chance; as far the Zoroark knew, this eased his mind when he was out on his missions. However, if he was ever this silent, it meant something troubled his mind heavily. “We have been taken to a whole new world, separated from our comrades and friends, and sent astray from them by none other than our God,” replied Gold in a rather calm and slow tone. “Forgive me if I finally found some free time to properly think over it now that I can.” “S-sorry…” said Roa with a hushed tone. “No, I am sorry Roa” Gold replied again as he patted his comrade. “I didn’t want to make you feel bad. In fact, I feel lucky to have found you right away once we woke up. Only Lord Giratina knows what you could have ended up doing all by yourself.” “...” These ‘apologies’ however, didn’t seem to calm the Illusion Pokemon in the slightest. “Y-you know I don’t get that bad without a reason…” She replied. “Not to mention my latest ‘event’ was because of some spy.” “It was reckless of me to have used you as I did,” acknowledged Gold. “I also shouldn’t have taken my frustration over this whole deal on the mercenaries in the first place. They are surprisingly nice.” “Ya, they are like nothing we have seen before,” replied Roa. “Then again, most ‘mon usually say the same of the commander. Why would that be?” She wondered. “You really need to get out more.” Calmly added Gold with a chuckle as he knew Roa’s devotion over their commander wouldn’t let her see his character. “But on the contrary, you have become a bit more talkative and calm around others.” “Y-you think so?” Asked Roa with curiosity and a bit of shame over this new topic. “Certainly, before you would be staring at the ground to avoid any kind of eye contact, and now here you are enjoying a regular chat with me right before a very busy bank as if where nothing.” At this point, however, Roa seemed to noticed the amount of Equuslings and Earthlings walking around them. Needless to say it was a big step back for her as she suddenly began to breath a bit heavily while looking around nervously. To the point where she looked right to the ground while covering her eyes. Gold noticed the effect his words had caused and was about to correct his actions when then he heard his friend do something he didn’t expect her to do in such a situation; she began to whistle. Not only did she whistle, she began to give a small sort of tune out of it, although it didn’t sound like any kind of melody Gold have heard before. This, however, seemed to calm the Zoroark’s delicate mind almost like magic. Not wanting to make his friend go back into such a stressed state, Gold simply thanked the fact Roa had managed to calm herself down, as impressive as that thing alone was for him. “Better?” He calmly asked once the little tune seemed to have ended. “Y-ya…” Roa said back, and as if she knew what her comrade was thinking she explained. “Fraüline Valerie sings a little song for me some times to help me sleep. I thought remembering it would help me to calm down.” She then looked back up to Gold’s eyes. “It seems to do the job, right?” The Golduck smiled and patted Roa once more. “It appears my worries over you will not last forever after all.” He said mostly to himself, something Roa didn’t seem to understand. “It’s nothing dear.” Gold calmly said as he stand back up. “But it seems this human lady has been a surprising good thing for you.” Added the PLA member with curiosity. “To think all you needed to get better was a motherly figure.” “Mü-mü-mü-mü-mü-mütte-tte-tte-tterlich!?” Replied Roa with a bit of shame and quite some surprise. “You don’t see her that way?” Calmly asked Gold. “I don’t think she sees me that way.” Quickly replied Roa, although as she said this her face took a slightly sad expression. “I doubt she would like ‘me’ as a daughter anyway. Who would want a creature like me as such anyway… But…” Some seconds passed and Gold had to make a ‘go on’ gesture for Roa to complete her explanation. “But, I wouldn’t mind to have her as a freund” she admitted with a childish and hopeful smile. Gold went wide eyes at the scene. This was the first time in his whole life knowing the Zoroark that he had seen her pulling out such expression, at least, regarding someone who wasn’t their commander or his sister. This finally made Gold chuckle. “You my dear girl need to be more sincere with yourself.” Of course this confused Roa even more, yet before she could ask anything to Gold, the mare they were waiting trotted out the bank. “You two ready?” She casually asked. “Have we ever?” Replied Gold with exaggerated elegance. “A simple ‘yes’ would do, you know?” Deadpanned Daring as she pass walked the spy and meet with Roa. “Sorry, took longer than expected, you didn’t get too over crowded?” She sincerely asked as they began to walk away the bank and Gold. “Not as much, danke” Roa answered. Meanwhile Gold stood there, looking at both females walking away. He let out a sigh and began to walk behind them while wondering a single thing. “When did we start worrying to wait for this group instead of looking for a way back with the Commander?” “Quit your jabbering!” demanded Daring without turning back. “He is quite nice once you get over his fanciness” defended Roa, sort of. Daring only snorted. As far she concerned, Gold was the reason behind the rather rude visit they had to pay to none other than Celestia because of how he abused off Roa’s powers, not to mention her next book will cause some controversy because of this. “You’re okay, kid,” said the explorer to Roa, “but he still has to work to get my trust. Besides, I did leave you two alone didn’t I?” “For about twenty minutes” dryly replied Gold. “And you should be thankful!” Commanded Daring back. “Now we need to go and pick up those two love birds so we can go and rejoin the rest before something bad happens.” Then, a sudden shiver ran through the mare’s spine like a centipede made of pure ice. “That can’t be good…” said Roa as she noticed this. Suddenly the sound of something crashing down hit their ears. “I told you it wasn’t” She added while Daring huffed and bring a hoof right between her eyes. > Twenty-second Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Second Move Memento Mori III City of Manehatten Downtown A large number of royal guards populated the scene. They were trying to piece together what had happened. The Pegasi were flying all over the place, while some Earth Ponies asked around and Unicorns examined the crater which now adorned the middle of the street. All the guards were on the lookout for clues that could shed some light on the matter. Needless to say that Daring only had to take a glance over at the resulting chaos to know who was behind it. “Xavier!” the explorer exclaimed as she walked away with the authorities and the rest of her group in tow, not seeming to care for the odd looks her actions were attracting to them. “I know you can hear me, and you better answer, what the hay happened here!?” The only response was silence for ten seconds. And then. ‘You do know that any of our kind could have caused a hole of that size, right?’ came the mental response from somewhere else in the city. “I will think about it when you guys can stay in one place without things like this happening.” Coldly replied Daring before adding, “and I don’t remember saying anything about a ‘hole.’” Again, there was only silence for a few seconds. ‘I will fill you in on the way...’ said the Metagross in his usual monotone. ‘This is our current location.’ And with a small download of information, Daring turned around a street and guided the group towards the beach. Meanwhile she continued her argument with the Leg Pokemon. “So what happened this time, more rival guilds?” ‘Not quite, but something like that’ Replied Xavier. “Elaborate.” ‘We found some individuals with a dark past. A past which tangles with our own, even if they don’t know it.’ “Okay, that isn’t ominous at all.” Joked Gold at the end of the group. “I hate to agree with duck face here. Why the sudden criticism?” Daring had to admit that the Metagross had moments when he liked to talk a lot yet saying nothing at the same time, but this time he was hiding something. ‘They have to do with an old job we did back on Earth, I am sure Weiss will fill you in once he has the time.’ “Could it be a… ‘wiping’ contract?” inquired Sylveon with a bit of dramatic tone, although some of the members thought of the same possibility. ‘We didn’t assassinate anyone related to them.’ Calmly replied Xavier, but then added. ‘Although it could be counted as such.’ “Okay, you’re really getting me lost here, just who did you find?” finally asked Daring with exasperation. ‘We have made ourselves acquaintances with none other than the son of Doctor Nurem and three of his test subjects.’ “...who?” This name obviously meant nothing to Daring, but it wasn’t the same for the rest of her group. “By Lord Arceus’ innombrables…” said Gold with shock, Valerie and Sylveon shared a similar expression while Roa was suddenly hugging herself, almost as if she felt dirty all of a sudden. ‘I am needed here, so I would suggest you ask them what that name means. But fear not, there is no risk of any further violence, now if you’ll excuse me.’ And so the mental link became silent. “Okay, that didn’t answer anything.” Said Daring to herself. “So who is this Nurem guy again?” She then turned to the others, only to find their current expressions those of disgust and sorrow. No one said a thing, until finally Valerie began “... To the general public, he was a revolutionary scientist in Pokemon research, his main field being genetics and reconstructive surgery. That is what most people will tell you.” And her husband added, “That and the fact that one day he just vanished from public view.” “That doesn’t sound bad at all, what’s the catch?” asked Daring as the view of Celestia’s sunlight being reflected over the ocean became visible in the distance. “Was he a closet mad scientist?” Teased the explorer. “If only he kept it in the closet, we wouldn’t be this disgusted.” Clarified Gold with a distasteful tone. “Wait… are you serious!?” Inquired Daring with disbelief, she was merely joking after all. “The one who raised me knew the ‘good’ Doktor” Added Roa, “said it was thanks to him he came up with the technique to make the ultimate Dark-type… you know… me.” Daring was now both surprised and confused. “Wow! Wait, but wasn’t he supposed to be a Pokemon professor or something? Helping make life better and all that egghead stuff? Why help with something like that?” “Like we said, he is known as such by the general public.” Clarified Gold, “few knew him to be a madman who made many unethical ‘treatments’ to Pokemon in order to make them stronger. Even fewer know what drove him to such extents though. He went to the point where some of his patients didn’t make it through.” “That poor, poor child…” said Valerie with a small sob, a few tears ran down her cheek as her husband comforted her. “I can’t imagine what kind of a life that kid and his companions went through,” He said. “If you can call that a life.” added Gold. “There were even some reports of him ‘acquiring’ Pokemon for yet more private experiments of his own. I presume that is where this group came from.” “Okay, this guy was a sort of Doctor Flankenstein, I get that much, and apparently had a knack for kidnapping as well. So how come he was able to do that in the first place?” inquired Daring as they kept walking. “Wasn’t there some sort of police on your word?” “We gym leaders also heard about said reports,” admitted Valerie in a very shameful tone, ”but the police, the Ranger Union, or even us weren’t able to go after him and do something, since many organizations had interests in his projects and thus forced us to look the other way.” Valerie was at the verge of unleashing the floodgates at this point. “The villain didn’t have to bother about covering his tracks if he wanted to, since many people in high places already would have do it for him.” Concluded Sylveon. Daring didn’t know what to say, she was beyond shocked. “On the PLA’s case, we just couldn’t find the time for the guy. We had another crazy madman keeping us busy.” Explained Gold as he patted Roa’s head. As pacifistic as Equus was in comparison with Earth, Daring did know of many individuals who lived a respected life despite doing some shady business. She remembered her once rival, Doctor Caballeron. The once acclaimed archaeologist and explorer who turned out to be nothing more than a tomb raider and smuggler who could still be considered an elite member of Pony society, if it wasn’t for her actions years ago. But even he wouldn’t go to such lengths as to go and steal someone from their family just for his own nefarious motives. Or at least, she liked to think he hadn’t stooped so low just yet. “But... “ Began the shivering voice of Roa, there was a slight hint of hope in her tone, “but they are now free, aren’t they?” she inquired, and noticing how everyone was looking at her she continued. “I-I mean, if they had a life similar to… mine…” There was a slight moment of awkward silence before she continued, “they most likely wouldn’t want to go back to that. That would explain why they become so aggressive with Herr Weiss and the rest.” “Point taken.” Admitted Do, “but why do you sound so happy about it?” “Well… you know… when I was saved by der Kommandant, I felt something I hadn’t felt in most of my life: joy.” She looked up to the sky for a moment before continuing, “if they are together, then that means they knew one another, if I would have the same luck, I think… I think I would have taken the opportunity to let go of my past and enjoy freedom. Unlike me, who preferred to stick to what I knew all my life… makes me… almost jealous of them.” Roa admitted, feeling a bit depressed. Then Roa was suddenly hugged by a still crying Togekiss, although this time the tears were for her. “Oh my dear child, you made that choice yourself and carried on with it. There is nothing to be ashamed about it.” “On the contrary, I think you should feel proud.” Added Sylveon as he joined the hug. Roa didn’t say anything as she enjoyed the sudden show of affection towards her. A small teardrop left her eye. ‘If only she knew what that choice had meant for her future...’ Gold thought while chuckling awkwardly. Daring on her side smiled a bit more calmly now. Roa was right. The Doctor wasn’t on this world, those children were free and that was all that mattered. There was no point to bring the past back for them. However, this still left her thinking on something else as they kept walking. ‘Then… why do they have a past with Weiss?’ Daring wondered. Griffin Empire Training grounds. Shredder looked at the best members of her troops with a very analytic eye to inspect each one of them, after all the current situation demand her to do so, she had to leave someone in charge for the time she would be away for the world summit, and of course every other time she needed to be elsewhere. She wasn’t too surprised when the Empress informed about the upcoming meeting, it was bound to happen since day one. What did surprise her was the fact that Victoria herself asked for her to be her counselor for the event. “Why me?” She remembered asking, “don’t take this the wrong way your highness, I am very honored, but I don’t see why I should go when you must already have good strategists and politicians among your own court.” Victoria smiled at her question as she replied. “Yes, I do have a couple of those. Grizelda herself is great analyzing things no matter how chaotic they may be, as you may remember from the day we all got acquaintanced with each other. But as smart as she and everyone in my court is, they all know as much as I do regarding your kind and your world. I have trust in you Lady Shredder, thus I will be bringing you as my advisor.” Finished Victoria. Her tone would make one wonder if she was still offering or demanding. “So it shall be done.” Was the female Bisharp’s reply. “I am pleased to know that, I hope you have everything settled up over here before we leave.” Was the last thing the Empress informed her about. “And be sure to bring your mate along, I would hate to split you love birds for too long.” She added at the end with a joyful tone. “Since when did I become her personal source of amusement…?” Shredder wondered to herself, back in the present. “You said something my lady?” Inquired Linza beside her. “Nothing…” Replied the Sword Blade Pokemon while trying to hide her blushing face. “Very well then.” Said the clawmaiden as she dropped the topic. “Has my lady chosen who will be your remplacement?” Shredder let out a deep sigh as she looked at her candidates. On one hand she had Ulfric, the veteran from the elite guard who had enough knowledge, experience and strength to match his once deserved position of authority, but still he knew little about Pokemon and lacked interest to learn about them. Not that he was reluctant or unwilling, but most of the times when she inquired him about this, he replied something between the lines of ‘all I need to know is what kind of hits work on them.’ It was a straightforward attitude Simon would be proud of, she thought, but not something that should be found in a leader. At least not in this situation. Next was Jackie the Ranger. On the contrary, Jackie knew much about Pokemon thanks to his previous training as a Ranger, not to mention that unlike Ulfric, Jackie wanted to know more about Griffins and the others creatures on Equus. The downside was that he was more of a solo player, not to mention that his first impression with the troops didn’t help in the slightest. His cookie attitude had most of the Griffins on their nerves. He was a good member of the team. There was no question about that, but he would be more fitting as a free agent rather than as a leader. Then Shredder looked to her side. According to some reports, Linza was surprisingly good at keeping the troops in line whenever she had to attend something away from the training grounds. She currently had the respect and admiration of most of the Griffins, and apparently one Lucario as well. The problem, however, lied in her inexperience in combat. She was a maiden after all. No matter how much she took care of the soldiers, a training field wasn’t the same as a battlefield. Thus she had one final option, an option she didn’t fully like because of an obvious point; inexperience. But at the same time, said option looked promising in her eyes, and thus was deserving to give him a trial run. And what better moment than the current peace. With a deep breath, Shredder looked at her troops and candidates. Finally, she spoke. “Sergeant Ulfric, one step forward!” The veteran did as he was told right away. A serious look in his eyes. “Sergeant, you possess enough experience to be an excellent leader, as you once were. But you lack the knowledge to deal with Pokemon related threats. Thus I am unable to promote you to leader of these troops. However, I hope that you can still be the voice of reason and experience for the one I will choose.” The old Griffin looked a bit disappointed for a second, but returned to his regular expression shortly after as he simply gave his commander a strong “Ma’am!” in response. Shredder nodded in gratitude and then proceeded with her next candidate. “Specialist Jack, one step forward!” she commanded. The shiny human-turned-pokemon did as told, a cocky grin on his snout. “Mister Ranger, I have no doubts regarding your performance on the training field, plus you already possess vast knowledge of pokemon. However you lack something very important to be a leader, the most important thing I would dare to say: team spirit.” The Lucario didn’t seemed surprised, in fact his grin only grew. “Thus I am not able to promote you either. But I expect you to follow orders, be them from me or my second in command.” The Lucario’s smile grew even more as he cheerfully replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way ma’am, after all, the Union needs me more.” And so he returned to his position. Shredder then looked to her right. “Linza, I know you can deal with the troops just as fine as I do, but as far I know, you possess no military training and lack sufficient knowledge about Pokemon. Not to mention you aren’t a real member of these troops.” Linza only nodded in acknowledgement. “But I still wish you to support this bunch of brutes the best you can.” “I have no other wishes but to please my mistress.” Replied the clawmaiden with her gentle tone and elegant demeanor, “if that is what you want me to do, I will do it gladly.” And so Shredder ran out of candidates, and thus she faced the one she had decided to bestow the position as her second in command. “Corporal Alberich, one step forward!” The young Griffin did as told a bit clumsily, a slightly confused look on his eyes. “Corporal, you have shown to be a promising soldier from the very start. You were the first one to challenge me directly, albeit a bit unprepared. Yet you have proven to be willing to surpass your limits again and again during training, combat and class. Something Specialist Jack will agree with.” She give a quick glance to the Lucario, who only chuckled in return. “You have still much to learn and also have a strong will to do so. Both traits of a good leader, even though you may be still too young for the position. But I do believe you can prove your worth when the time is right. Therefore I now grant you the rank of Sergeant and hereby name you leader of the Imperial Pokemon Troops whenever I happen to be absent.” The silence Shredder left was quickly filled with murmurs from the troops. It was expected for her choice to cause some confusion and dissatisfaction among the troops, but she also expected for Alberich to show his value dealing with these hardships, in due time. “Ehm… ma’am… are you sure about this?” Asked the very confused Alberich. “I am not the strongest or smartest of my comrades. I am sure you can make an even better choice.” “Are you questioning my decision Sergeant?” Shredder coldly asked back. “Maybe… I mean yes… I mean no!” Alberich stuttered at each answer. “Is just, too sudden… ma’am.” “Are you nervous then?” “... I think that is a bit of an understatement, ma’am…” “I can understand you.” Replied Shredder with a calmer tone as she took a step closer to the young Griffin. “I was in a similar position when I was granted the same responsibility among my guild. I hadn’t even evolved yet.” She seemed to smile at the memory as she placed a hand over Alberich’s shoulder. “But that is why I know you are the best suited for this role. I trust you son.” “...” Alberich was still very confused about his sudden promotion and responsibility, but somehow at the same time he felt he had to repay his instructor’s confidence. ‘It’s not like I will have to take command right away,’ he thought as he give Shredder a stern look and proudly replied. “Yes ma’am, I will do my best!” “I know you will.” Replied Shredder with a kind tone. She then walked back to her position and shout out. “Okay, enough formalities. I hope you bunch give Sargent Alberich the respect he deserves and follow his orders whenever I am not around, is that clear!?” “Ma’am, yes ma’am!” was the unanimous reply. “Good, because he will be in charge once I leave with her Highness for the World Summit.” She calmly added, somehow making Alberich’s face a few tones paler. “Now move your rears to the classroom, today we have lessons on typings!” And so the troops moved into a classroom, leaving a very scared second in command behind. “... help…” Somewhere else The colossal quartz that filled the forgotten cave continued to show the innumerable amount of possible futures Equus had in store. From all of them, only one will become a reality, thus finding out which story would eventually be written was harder than finding a world able to sustain life besides Equus in the immensity of the cosmos. Yet that mattered not to Tlaloque, who continued to look at Arceus’ past with utmost diligence. It cared not for the chaos that was the future, it was interested in the order which lied in the past. To witness all the said God was capable of, was it’s mission, to see what he was afraid of, to know every aspect of his immortal existence to the point it could know him on a personal level. Of course, such thing would need an amount of time just as long as the God itself. Yet Tlaloque knew how immortals saw time, being an immortal itself. Years were mere seconds for them, and thus it only focused on the events when history was written. The moments when history shaped the world and no force could ever change; the fixed points in time. These were the moments Tlaloque had to focus on. And so far, they had told much about Arceus already. Tlaloque now knew Arceus was no longer a whole being, as the creation of his sons and daughters had diminished him from such position. Or at least that was how Tlaloque saw it. It saw how his lineage had literally shaped the world. How he was worshiped as a God, something Tlaloque would feel nostalgic about, how he grew confident of his power over his world, something it knew how would it end, and how he was eventually overthrown by those who he thought only lived to adore him. “It stings doesn’t it?” Asked the hooded voice to the Arceus once trapped in an isolated dimension. “To have been betrayed by those you gave flesh and bone and life. But where you fail to punish, I will deliver judgement.” And so Tlaloque continued his observations while making another pillar show him the past of Earth, but no longer was it only interested about the Pokemon God, it was now interested about something else, something new. Something so different from Gods yet capable of challenging their power. The magic humankind had developed entirely for this reason by themselves. Tlaloque began to study human technology. “This seems promising…” City of Manehatten On a lonely beach It was surprising to learn out how calm things had actually turned out for the mercenaries and the once test subjects. The formers decided to admit their part of the blame and allowed the latter to get even on their own terms. Which meant an Aura Sphere to the face. Two for Weiss. But once all that was done, each side found themselves enjoying the company of the other. Particularly the young Kadabra and the blind Noivern, who hadn’t had a reason to fight each other to begin with, mostly because they didn’t fight one another. Besides of course, the little event they had with the teleportation, but still that seemed to bring them a bit closer on friendly terms. So once Vincent had mentioned how he was able to share his siblings’ sight, Edge was more than eager to be a test subject for the other way around. Although reluctant at first, since it could cause some headache in a long run, Vincent agreed to grant the dragoness her wish as he and his family wanted to apologize for what had happened. Needless to say, Edge was beyond thankful. The Sound Wave Pokemon was unable to look around freely since she was looking through Vincent’s eyes, that didn’t stop her for trying though. Although truth be told, this wasn’t the first time she was able to see in such way, as Latias had shared her eyes with her a few times in the past. However that didn’t diminish the joy she was feeling at the moment. "By Rayquaza's awesomeness, I missed how colors were," she proclaimed almost at the verge of tears. “Yeah, just, y’know, stop trying to look around? Gives me a dizzy sensation to the point of feeling nauseous. Let me know if you want to see something different, and I’ll oblige.” Vincent put one hand to his head in an effort to steady it from some unseen malice. “Um...if it isn’t too offensive? I’m...pretty sure Noivern aren’t...normally sight-impaired…” Edge moved her long neck and placed her face right before Vincent, "well most Noivern don't have these on their eyes," she pointed at her scars with a wing. "And I can't promise much," she returned her head to her previous position, "I am able to see after years, I think you can understand my feelings, freedom boy." Vincent gulped before poking the dragon again. “Yeah, I get that, I really do. And hey, at least I’m getting experience in linking with others, I think I’d gotten complacent about that…but...how, if you don’t mind me asking, did it happen, Edge? Please tell me it wasn’t father…” Edge chuckled as she patted Vincent on the head with her tail. "Kid, your dad wasn't the only demon back there. But it wasn't such a bad thing now that I think about it." She commented. "But if you want to know..." The past Kalos region I presume you know a thing or two about Kalos right? Beautiful gardens, deep forests, clean skies and gorgeous sunsets. I can assure you they are indeed real, and it’s a shame all of that was left back home. But this world doesn’t fall far behind. Now, how can I know these when I blind? Well if you had heard me before you would understand I wasn’t always like this, not to mention the scars all over my eyes. So how about I tell you of the Edge from back then, the Edge who was still able to see. It was many years ago, I am not telling how long exactly though, why? You never ask a lady’s age, that’s why! Anyway, back to my story: back then I was a young Noibat, small, fluffy, adorable, all that good stuff. But I wasn’t just a small little Noibat, I also happened to be a member of the greatest colonies of the Terminus Cave, if not of all Kalos. I had a family of a few thousands, and mine was considered small. But we weren’t precisely an united family. One day, when roaming the many caves among some of my siblings we stumbled across some nasty Durants. Those bugs are nasty to anyone who gets on their turf, but they had an special hate towards us, since we constantly managed to get the best fruits from the zone. I presume you are imagining what happened then, I mean, I do have the evidence right on my face after all. But at least I was able to keep those bugs busy while my family escaped, the last image my eyes saw were of my family getting away and safe. That was all that matter to me as the light was suddenly snatched from me. Yet, as you may have also notice, I did not die. I am sure my aggressors would have finished the job, if it wasn’t for some one walking into the scene. Or rather slither in. At first the Durants stopped focusing on me as they focused their menacing maws to something else. I couldn’t see what it was of course, but I definitely could hear how threatening they tried to sound. They were obviously afraid of whatever was coming their way. They finally gave up though, as they leave back to wherever they came from, while whatever it seemed to have been that drove them away continued to approach me. I was too tired and disoriented to even try to stand, let alone defend for myself. Yet I did the best I could to sneer at whatever was approaching me. Yet the being didn’t seem that surprised. “I would be interesssted on your effortsss if you at leassst look my way.” Said a rather serious but funny voice. “Well ‘scuse me for being so disappointing, but you know I just happened to lose my eyes!” I shouted out. “Sorry for doing what I can…” “... You are quite calm and collected dessspite what jussst happened to you.” Pointed out the voice. “And you seem as interested in me as if you were looking at some pebble on the road…” I replied as I tried to move around. It was a total failure, not to mention my face hitting the cave’s walls made my eyes bleed and made me start to lose a dangerous amount of blood. “And thank you for the help with those damn bugs a few minutes ago, it’s not like I need my eyes or anything….” I snarled back as I started to feel sleepier by the minute. However I didn’t get any kind of a reply. “...” “What’s the matter…? Are you afraid about staining your skin with some blood?” I teased back as the tiredness grew on me. “Thisss isss the natural order of thingsss, there wasss no reassson for me to meddle in it.” Explained the voice with a bit of remorse. “You chossse to give your life ssso your family could live. That was a very ssselflessss sssacrifice.” “Well woop-de… do…” I replied with as much strength as I could, which wasn’t much. “I deserve a... freaking... me-medal…” I knew I wasn’t going to last long, and yet. I couldn’t feel angry at the voice making me company. As cold as it sounded, it was logical. The circle of life as some call it. One dies so more can live on. However, that voice seemed to had found ways to work around this rule. “Perhapsss you do.” It said. “Or perhapsss you dessserve to be kept conssscious enough while our noisssy talk bringsss sssomeone here.” As I managed to react to what it was talking about, I could faintly hear the noise of something slowly slithering away. “Wh-what…. what are you… whe-where are you going…?” “Good luck on your next chance…” Was the last thing it said. “...choossse well…” But it was not the last I heard that night. “How come we can’t find it?” Exclaimed a voice walking down the cave, by the tone of it and its sonorous steps it was easy to recognize it as a human. “It’s a ten or more meter long Dragon! How hard can it be for you to locate it? … because the mountain is too thick… well isn’t that convenient?” By the sound of it, he was talking with someone else, even when there was no one else. Judging by the sound of his voice, he seemed to be too focused on whatever he was doing, not to mention he seemed to be looking for something else. There was no way he would turn down to see me. Then I finally felt something I should have felt since the start: desperation. I was okay with giving myself away so my family would live. I didn’t mind that voice didn’t save me as it did scare those Durants away. I didn’t bother to overthink the poor excuse said voice gave me, it made sense to me at the time. But there was no way in hell I would let go of myself a third time. I gathered all the strength I had left. I raised my head and then screamed as loud as I could. It wasn’t strong or dramatic, in fact it was quite a pathetic cry for help. Which in a way was a good thing since the human could hear it, otherwise it would have bypassed his hearing range. It appeared to have worked as I heard him stop walking, there was only silences. This in turn made me renew my efforts. “... give a minute…” The human said as I continued to cry out loud gibberish. I knew he couldn’t understand me, but I cared not for that, I had something else to worry about. I was unaware if he had actually found me or if he had turned the wrong way, all I could do was continue to exhale as much air I could from my tiny lungs, then replenish them with more and then burst them out again. Rinse and repeat. Finally I heard something. A couple of steps echoing right before me, or at least I thought it was before me, as far I knew, it could have been from my sides or even from behind me. “... no, just a beaten Noibat.” The voice said to no one as he picked me up. “It’s in really bad shape.” I could feel how my head was being moved around, so I supposed he was looking at how bad the damage was. “It’s a miracle that it’s still alive... maybe it’s because it’s bigger than your average Noibat.” The man continued with his talk, yet I couldn’t feel him moving beyond his arms. He was still standing where he had found me. “They really took it against it’s eyes…” The tone of his voice wasn’t too promising for me at this point. “I could use a potion on it but it would need much more than that… yes I know Doc can be of help, but I don’t think it will make it, not to mention we have a Legendary to catch.” If I was desperate back then, now I was feeling like I was at the edge of a bottomless pit. “... yes I know she wouldn’t like me to catch one of her friends but what can I do…” The man seemed to began to lose interest in me. I had to do something, anything. Even if it meant getting squashed as a result, I wasn’t just going to let fate tell me to go into the quiet darkness. Again I brought forth the very last ounce of energy I had left and brought my head up, only to land on the human’s hand. Hard. “We still-AH!!” The human yelled as I dug my fangs into his flesh, sucking out his blood in a last attempt to Leech as much Life as I could out of him. Of course it was just a short term solution. The little adrenaline I used for that last move was all I had left, and now I could feel my body go completely limp in the human’s hands. Then I could feel it, his blood vessels pulsating under my fangs, how the blood poured from the small punctuations I had made, how it came from up his arm, how it was pumped by his heart, and how it reached the rest of his body. His chest, arms, legs and head. I was, for a moment, able to see his entire self through his bloodstream. I could hear him. With the head located, I painfully raised my head to face him and gave him one single line. “... I… wa-nt to… to live!” I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I don’t remember if it was because of my own desperation or the pain what brought them out, all I was focused on was to deliver that final message, even when he was just a human who wouldn’t understand them. However, he seemed surprised. Which wasn’t how I expect him to react. Something more on the lines of threw me against the wall seemed more likely. But no, what he did was all the contrary. “Xavier, call Simon and Char back and come pick us up. We are going back, and tell Doc to be on standby!” As he said this I could finally feel that he was moving, fast. As well as something cold was being sprayed over my face, it stung for a while but I could felt the scars were quickly closing on my face. “Hang on there, you will live…” was the last thing I remembered hearing as I finally passed out. “... I promise…” You choossse wisssely. “This all sounds very mystical and stuff but as I later found out, it was thanks to Xavier’s mental link that Weiss was able to hear my plea. Now that I think about it, I could’ve saved a lot of time if I had just asked for help to begin with instead of screaming gibberish first. Although, I still don’t know who was the owner of that serpentine voice.” Edge chuckled at her discovery. “But still, that wasn’t the end of my story, as you see young Kadabra, it was just the beginning of my life with the mercenaries.” I woke up a few months later, of course I had absolutely no idea of where but I care little. I was still breathing and whole, almost at least. “So you are finally awake huh?” Said a feminine but old voice somewhere close to me, “I must admit I am surprised. You shouldn’t have been able to make outside that cave, let alone all the way over here.” I was going to ask something when suddenly a wooden spatula was pressed against my tongue as soon as I open my mouth. As well a couple of tentacle-like limbs been pressed against my chest. “I don't see anything bad here… and your insides sound okay.” The old female said as she let go of me. “I doubt you will be able to fly though, that will take some time.” Although she left the spatula in my mouth. I bit the cursed thing and spat it to the side, then I finally asked. “Just who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing!?” I politely asked. In case you didn’t get it, I was being sarcastic. “Well, I just happen to be the one who stood up all night and part of the day when you arrived and patched you up, as well as the one who has been keeping a constant eye on you to keep your vitals stable. I’m the person your very concept of life is now in debt to.” I couldn’t say I saw it coming, besides being highly ironic, since I didn’t expect to receive an actual answer for my question. And what an answer it was. “I-I’m sorry ma’am…” I finally replied with a very defeated tone. It seemed to be enough though. “Your thanks won’t refill the equipment and supplies we had to use on you to bring you back to the land of the living…” was the sour reply I got. Yet, she wasn’t over. “If you want to repay me you better work hard from now on,” at that moment, I could ‘see’ through my ears a chubby but small hand pointing at me, “understand?” “Yes ma’am!” I didn't know where I was, nor who I was with. But frankly I did not care. I was alive and that was all that mattered. “But ma’am…?” I asked. “What is it?” Asked back the old one. “How am I going to work back the favor?” “Heck do I know? That’s up to my boss to decide.” She said dryly. “Which reminds me, I should be telling him about you by now… gah! Why I don’t have an assistant like everyone else? Don’t move while I go, understand?” She commanded. “Y-yes ma’am…” And so I could hear her walking away, leaving me alone again. All I was left with was the sound of some machines buzzing in the room, which slowly began to take form in my head. They slowly formed into things, I could swear I knew where they were, almost as if I could see them- “So you did survive.” And then I lose my line of thought as I heard a new female voice. The surprising thing was that I never heard her getting in. “Everyone seems too impressed by that fact.” I replied, not feeling too comfortable about it. “So what, now that you all brought me back I am in debt with you all?” I was thankful, yes, but that didn’t mean I liked how they referred to me as some sort of a thing. “More or less.” Was the de-facto answer I got from this woman. “W-well, I am in debt with the woman of before… and that man which brought me here. But I don’t see why I should be in debt with you!” I retorted back. “Sort of have a point there huh, well don’t worry, I will make sure you own me big time.” She again replied as if was a sure fact just waiting to happen. And again there was only silence. “If you are trying to be intimidating I will let you know that the silent treatment is quite childish!” I proclaimed. “What is childish again?” asked another voice with confusion. I turned towards its source, which I happened to recognize, albeit just a little. “That obnoxious woman.” “...” “...” “... there is no one else here right?” I asked in defeat. “Don’t worry, it happens a lot in this place.” Replied the man. “My name is Weiss and you could say I am the leader here.” “If I were human I would be the leader instead.” Snorted the old woman from before as she moved away to her machines. “The Doc is nice once you get used to her.” The human, Weiss, tried to assure me. “By the way, you still need to repay all the money invested on her.” The ‘Doc’ said. “It just takes a really long time…” He then proceeded to explain me what had happen, how he had drop his current bounty to bring me to his base and give me the treatment I needed. And that, of course, I would have to work back for it. “... and that is pretty much all. So what do you say?” he asked. “Well, I am alive, so I don’t see how can I say no to help your group. But I have two questions.” “Shoot!” “First, why did you help me…?” odd question right? “Why would I not? You wanted to live.” Weiss replied right away. “I don’t know how you ended up like you did, but you didn’t want to leave this world. That’s a good enough reason for me to help you.” I had to do my best not to break into tears at that moment, I really didn’t expected such an answer after all. “.. t-thanks…” I said dryly. “Don’t be, show it.” He said before adding. “And your other question is?” I took a deep breath and asked again, “How am I going to repay you? I mean, I’m pretty much a crippled mon now.” I was unable to see it, but I’m sure Weiss smiled at that point. “First lets get you over rehab and then we will see, okay?” “He then proceeded to introduce me to everyone, a crazy bunch. Of course you know this by now. But the strangest meeting I got that day, and that I still remember was meeting the Mercenary Queen.” “And this here is Shredder.” Weiss proudly commented as he placed me before somemon I couldn’t see, but damn could I feel her seriousness. “Welcome to the team.” She said flatly as I head some metallic noise coming from her. “And sorry if we end up killing you, is not intentional.” She solemnly added. “Thank you- Wait! What!?” I asked with understandable surprise. “What do you mean by that!?” Sometimes our practice sessions get out of hand… began the voice on my head. “Or our jokes can be a bit too harsh…” continued Weiss as if was nothing. “Or we could just happen to hold a death grudge against each other.” Finished Shredder nonchalantly as she added, “which reminds me, if you’ll just excuse me…” “Wh-!!!” My question was abruptly interrupted as giant boulder landed right before us with enough strength for me to see how a tiny Paniard jumped out of its way. “WHAT THE FLAPPING FUCK WAS THAT!?” I properly inquired. “She is getting better.” Weiss calmly prized. “I didn’t become collateral this time.” “Indeed, her aim and trap placing has improved.” Shredder said in a similar tone, not seeming to mind the giant boulder which almost turned her into tin foil. “So is this normal for you!?” I asked again, more confused than before. “Sometimes we get a bit… lets say physical with our discomfort.” Weiss explained. “Mostly when a joke goes a bit too far.” “In my case, it has been like this for almost two years now… so I would suggest you to keep your distance from me.” And with nothing else to said, she left. “Now I have to move this from the front yard.” Was all the human said with slight annoyance. Meanwhile I could only think one thing: ‘Where the heck did I end up?’ We, or rather Weiss and Tomino, mostly Tomino, moved the rock out of the way and continued our tour. I couldn’t enjoy it much because of how shocked I was from the last encounter, not to mention I was blind. “And that is most of it, what do you think?” Weiss asked calmly. “It seems big... “ was all I could reply back. “But I still don’t see how anyone from your team will be able to help me.” “Welp, there is still one person you have to meet.” He said calmly as he placed me on some table or crate and left looking for said mon. “Now, she should be here somewhere…” Yet again I was left alone, and yet again was I caught off guard by a very obnoxious voice. “Well, well. But if isn’t the new girl. Are you ready to owe me that life of yours yet?” she inquired. “I knew there was something I was missing…” I replied while trying to turn at the source of the noise. “And the last time I checked, I still don’t see how you could be of any good for me.” “But girl, that is the point!” Come her cheeky voice from beside me, a place I was sure she wasn’t at a second ago. “You can’t see a damn thing.” “... now I understand why jokes can become lethal here.” I dryly replied. “So this is your idea of helping me? Mocking a blind bat!? Well congratu-freaking-lations, you just hit a new low on my deep guano list.” “Don’t go thinking everyone is born the same, child.” She snapped back at me, although I must admit I felt happy about finally getting to her. “Neither go thinking you are oh so special because you have lost your eyes. I was born without them and here I stand, looking down on you.” “... wait what?” I was, again, confused. But before we could continue bickering at each other, a certain human came back. “Huh, there you are Sonya, I see you just made yourself acquaintanced with our newest addition.” “You can say that…” she coldly replied. “Good!” Weiss replied, faking ignorance to the female Sonya’s tone as he then talked to me, “This one here is Sonya, our team’s spy and infiltrator Crobat. If there is someone able to help you out is none other than her.” “Indeed, you could say you will be in debt with me.” She sarcastically said. “... fuck you…” I wisely finished. “If you thought meeting my boss was rough, you should have seen me and miss prideful back then. She expected me to learn on the fly, literally, or suffer the very painful consequences if I didn’t, which believe me was a lot. I think I ended up owing Doc a lot more because of her than my original state ever did.” “What part of making her fly over a mile of thorn bushes was exactly a good idea for you!?” exclaimed an angry Doc after the latest of my failures. “I am expecting her to live to pay off the bills you so kindly keep making her increase, Sonya!” “Hey, you fly or you die, simple as that.” The spy replied on her defence. “Besides, it’s not my fault she wasn’t able to fly past those bushes. She still needs more practice.” “She failed to get through a pass barely the size of her head! How can you expect her to do so, in her state, when you can hardly pull that off yourself!” “Thanks for the vote of confidence Doc…” I said from the bed. “Shut it, you are willingly going into this woman’s death traps she claims to be training, so you are as guilty as she is.” She said in a cold tone and added, “You two are too bloody similar, I’ll be damned when the two you get over your issues and become an actual team.” “She still needs to impress me before to even daring to think about working with me.” Sonya said disapprovingly. “As if I need your permission for anything, I can do all that you can with just a wing, let alone work with you...!” I shouted back, only to receive a shot of anesthetic to one of my legs and then passing out. “Finally, silence!” Doc said. “I presume you may have noticed it by now, but my relationship with Sonya wasn't exactly normal but it was far from strained as well. She was surprisingly good at teaching me how to use my sonar, and I was able to move around thanks to that. But she constantly made fun of my inferiority in comparison to her, so how did I return the favor? I worked harder and harder in order to finally impress her.” “However she never seemed to do so. No matter how well I performed a move, she could do it just as well if not better on the first try. But that just fueled my will to get back at her, it became a vicious cycle both of us enjoyed.” “Bit after my first year with the team I was capable of moving around perfectly. I was totally aware of everything around me and could move better than ever before thanks to it. But of course, I was still unable to catch up with Sonya. So of course I continued to train whenever she happened to be taken for a mission, so I could challenge her right away whenever she returned.” “It was one of those moments when I realized what she had become for me.” “We’re back…” said a tired Weiss as he and the small team he took for the job plumbered all over the living room. “Anyone asking ‘how it went?’ receives a smack, got it?” “I presume it wasn’t that good then.” Inquired Doc as he gave each member a quick check. “I guess that counts…” replied Weiss as he stayed true to his words and smacked Doc. I chuckled at the scene. I wasn’t yet a fully fleshed member of the team, since I had yet to be on a mission, but I had grown attached to everyone’s antics. Especially Weiss’ with those wiser than him, namely Doc, Ness, Char, King and Burton. It was like a dad meddling with the grandparents. “Does that makes us the children?” I wondered out loud. “Child?” Come a sarcastic but tired tone, “You can be considered lucky to be the pet.” “Ha-ha, so funny Sonya. But what would that make you then? The spinster aunt?” I properly replied, and properly get smacked by a wing. “auch!” “Shut up Fido.” And then we laughed. “So you are up for a rematch!?” I excitedly asked. “Sorry kid, but not today, today’s job left me quite wasted.” She apologized. “Was it that bad?” I asked, only for a pebble to hit me on the back of the head while Weiss mumbled something. “Hehe, yeah. We did get paid in the end thought, but I’m still not sure if it was worth it.” We then began to have idle talk about how the mission went, how troublesome it was, and how bland was the pay for it. “Aw, I wish I could have been there too.” I pouted. “I would totally have pulled it out in ten seconds flat!” “Sure kid, sure. But I see that being rather difficult since you still have trouble with Spinarak’s webs.” She teased. “... those are a work in progress.” I tried to defend myself, before adding with a slight blush “but… I think I could learn more if you teach me another trick of yours…” I could hear Sonya chuckle, albeit I felt it a bit awkward, as well as happy. “Y-yeah, I will see if my schedule allows it.” She joked. Then remembering something, “By the way, I’ve been wondering for some time now: how come you can teach me so much about flying blind when you have a good pair of eyes?” “You are joking right?” She asked. “My kind may have eyes, my pre-evolution does as well, but every single Zubat is born with nothing both a big mouth and a couple of sharp ears.” “So you weren’t joking when you said you were blind then?” I genuinely asked. “True as how I enjoy to soar the sky. We all know we will be able to see if we can evolve, and the safest way to do so is by getting caught by a trainer. That is why every Zubat glomps to every trainer who crosses paths with them, we just want to see what is the world like.” “I can relate to that…” I said a bit sad. “That’s also why I knew how it’s to fly in complete darkness, and thus, be able to teach about it. At least, I can do so to somemon with an ear as good as mine.” She said pridefully. “And so far, you are the only one who’s been able to follow my every move kid, you have truly earned my acknowledgement long ago… crap!” She shut in the end. “Wait… so you… you have been impressed by me before?” I asked in doubtfulness. “I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud…” Sonya admitted, “But yes. You are one awesome kid. And I am proud to call my prodigee… now don’t go and get any funny ideas okay, I still need to call you worth-!!” This time, Sonya was cut short of her speech as a purple blur glomped her, that purple blur being of course, me. “O-oi… I don’t see the need for being overly affectionate.” She said with a bit of annoyance, although she didn’t move me away. “I know… but…” I couldn’t explain it either. I felt extremely happy at that moment. I felt accepted, loved and cared all of the sudden, and that make me the most happy ball of fluff in the world. “Just… just let me be okay?” I slammed back as I keep hugging her. “Okay kid,” she replied with a chuckle as she returned the hug. “Huh,” Vincent said, idly twirling one spoon. “Reminds me of the day when I told the others what I saw them as. Thought the hugging would never end.” Edge chuckled at the coment. “Same here kid. Yet... I must tell you one thing, there is no Crobat in our team, at least not anymore.” Another year had passed and I continued my training rigorously, as Weiss had left with a small group formed of Froakie, Ganger, Sonya and himself. A simple mission of espionage, so they would be back in a couple of days. However, I no longer had to train on my own as I had befriended everyone around, so it wasn’t rare for some other mon to give me a hand from time to time. “Well I am impressed, you can move quite fast now, almost as fast as me.” A prideful Lopunny said as I continually avoided her Ice Punches. “You sure… because I feel strange…” I replied. “Huh? what do you mean?” Roll asked. “Well, I feel like I could be faster than this… almost as if something if this body is restraining me.” “Oh my!” Come Rouge voice from nearby. “So you are finally getting there.” “Getting where now?” I asked with confusion. “Evolution darling, you are just one step from evolving.” She explained. “Really!?” I asked with very comprehensible excitement. “THAT IS AWESOME!! But wait… how am I give that final step, do I need of some stone for it? No wait, we don’t use those. Do I have to beat someone in a battle? Because I can totally go against Roll right now!” “You wish!” “Darling, darling, calm down.” Rouge said as she took me between her bouquets. “Not everyone evolves the same. True, some of us make use of stones while others make use of the experience they gain from a battle. But there are also some cases when one unleashes its hidden potential when letting the feeling they love the most flow free from them.” “So… should I go and gorge myself on berries?” I inquired. “That could work, but how about the next thing you like to do the most, that thing which makes your blood boil?” I thought only for a second and grinned right after it. “GOT IT!” I proclaimed as I flapped my wings away from the Roserade and simply took off to the sky, faster and faster at each flap I give. According to Rouge and Roll, I was already shining as soon I left the ground. I could feel joy and freedom only the sky could give, and how my body began to grew more and more the faster I get. Finally I lose connection with all as my own self exploded in a burst of light, or so I heard, as well a burst of growth. In less than a minute I had become into the majestic, and sexy, Noivern you have the honor to see today. To say I was excited was an understatement. I couldn’t restrain my enthusiasm so I decided to do the only thing I could to celebrate; fly! “Look at her going.” Pointed Rouge out. “I would dare to say she is almost dancing up there.” “... how long do you think she will be up there?” Asked Roll with little enthusiasm. A few hours later. “Darling, please, I want to go to sleep!” protested my poisonous friend as she keep waiting for me to come down. Roll on her side had gone long ago. “Oh come on! Just another round to the city?” I begged. “Dear, I know you are excited and all, but you must have some… self… con… that isn’t good.” Rouge said as a lot of noise began to come from the building we live in. Which wasn’t the chaotic noise we were used to. It was the sound of desperation. “Agreed!” Without thinking Rouge jumped onto my back as I flew into the house. We were greeted by a very unpleasant scene. “We were ambushed,” we heard Weiss explain to Shredder as we reached the source of the noise, he sounded very stressed and tired, yet he seemed to be worried about something else. “Those bastards wanted to have a free job, damn cheap sakes.” “Dear, your ear!” Said Rouge as she seemed to notice something on the human, which in turn appeared to just notice it as well. “Just a flesh wound…” he lied. He reeked of blood. Most of which was from others, but still some of it was his, and was fresh. “You need to rest, or else you are going to pass out.” Commanded Shredder as she too noticed the state our leader was in. “As soon as I know she is okay…” He exclaimed, then he realized his mistake as he finally noticed me. “... you evolved…” He said more as a statement than a praise. “Where is she?” I coldly asked as I have also noticed what he had said, there was only one female on the job. “Where is Sonya!?” He kept silent for a few seconds and finally spoke. “She is with Doc right now… You can’t get there!” He exclaimed as soon I motioned toward the surgery room. “You won’t be able to be help… none of us can. All we can do is wait, okay?” “...what happened?” I asked with a trembling voice. Weiss took a deep breath and began his explanation “The mission was a success, but instead of finding our contractors we found their PMCs.” The problem of being a mercenary, kid, is that there will always be some people who think they can outsmart you and get things for free. It’s not rare for us to get betrayed and doublecrossed just to save a few bucks. “We fought our way out, but one of them, Psychic-type… we didn’t see when it threw its Future Sight, let alone react at it. Save for Sonya. She covered us from the blast. That’s what happened.” “What about the rest?” Asked Shredder. Weiss said something about them being okay, but I couldn’t hear much of it. I was worried for somemon else. He and I, and most of the team actually, passed the rest of the night in front of Doc’s room. Even Froakie and Ganger where there, despite their own injuries, and Roll seemed to withstand being in the same room as Shredder for that night. Rouge was the only one allowed to get in and help while the rest of us could only watch. Ironic, isn’t it? I can’t remember how long we waited, nor who of us were able to stay awake, all I remember was that it was past morning when Doc finally came out. I couldn’t see her face, of course, but I could hear her breathing; it was tired and sad. “I did all I could…” She began with an uncharacteristic soothing voice, “but Psychic damage isn’t easy to fix, especially in her case. All we can do now is wait and hope she is strong enough to pull through.” One by one, we were allowed to see her. Weiss was first of course, then was Shredder, Xavier, etc. I was last. Not that I didn’t mind, I am sure you know that can’t be the case by now. I just didn’t knew what to think. “Niña… te toca…” I snapped out of my trance as I was told I was next. I mildly nodded and went into the noisy room. It was hard for me to ‘see’ properly, not because of the constant beeping and humming from most of the equipment around Sonya, but because of how little noise she made. “Hey kid…” she tirely began, “you look different… did you get your mane cut?” I couldn’t stop a small chuckle to escape from me at her words. “Hey there…” I replied with a wavering voice, “you seem quite beaten…” “I’ve had worse days” She joked again, only to brake on coughs. “Damn it… of all the ways one can go in this profession… laying on a bed wasn’t the one I was expecting.” “Don’t say that!” I shout, tears already dripping from my eyes. “You can get through this… you must get through this… please!” “... Kid… Clean that huge nose of yours, you are making a mess out of yourself.” she said nonchalantly. “S-sorry…” “That’s better... There’s no point to fight a losing battle kid. I know that much. But I have no regrets…” Those words made something snap in my memory. “... Why…?” I asked. “Why are you giving up like this?” “... What makes you think I am giving up?” she asked back. “... eh?” “I am not letting this damaged body take me away… I chose to get this beaten.” “But why!?” “So my family can live…” I froze at those words “those three made it back didn’t they? So it’s my win.” I remembered that moment back on the cave, back when I got to know Weiss and everyone else, the night which became eternal for me. And the voice I heard that night. You choossse wissely. “We choose what to do with our lives kid… I choose to give my life for them, I choose to go with them on the first place, I choose to join this team… and I chose to raise a bratty girl like you as my own.” If I wasn’t crying before, I had become a waterfall by then. “I don’t have any regrets with my life… save perhaps just one.” I ‘looked’ up at her, hoping to help. “But I think you may be able to change that…” She hadn’t told me what she wanted, but I just acted as soon as she finished. I carefully grabbed her and snapped the cables and tubes restraining her and before anyone outside could react, we were already out and high into the air. “I was going to ask for some berry juice, but this should work.” She joked again. “...how did you know?” “I… just… I just thought if I could choose, how would I like to go… and it came naturally to me: flying.” “Good choice…kid… good choice...” she tiredly admitted. “You know… we mercenaries live our lives at the edge… always at the edge… one misstep and our life just ends… but sometimes… is worth to take the jump for someone else… and trust they will… live more properly… on that… edge...” She kept herself holding against my neck for a few minutes. I was about to ask if she was still alive when I felt her let go. I snapped my neck back, only to find her gliding the wind. I couldn’t see her face, but I am sure… no, I know, she had a bright smile on her face as she soared the sky one last time. Then, her whole self become silent for ever. “H-hey… Sonya…?” I asked, hoping she would reply, even when I knew she wouldn’t. “You okay there… ma’am? Ma’am!?” She drifted further away little by little. Her body didn’t flinch or drop. Her body refused to plumber down. “Ma’am… say something… ma’am…!” I shout out, as I finally admitted the truth before me. She was gone. “..” And thus there was one last thing to say. “... good bye… ma’- … mom….” I returned to our base. Weiss and the rest were there waiting for us, but they weren’t surprised to see only me making it back. Then something odd happened, odd for mercs anyway, they hugged me. From that moment on I knew it, this was my familly. You know how in some movies, that marks the end of the story? Lesson learned, live and forget and all that cheesy stuff that only happens in fiction? Normally that is when the ‘End’ logo pops out. But that story wasn’t yet over. “… We lost someone dear to us…” Said Weiss as he let go of the group hug, it was then that I noticed he was wearing his full combat gear. Blades thinkled all over his body. “So I say… how about we get even?” Suddenly a killer intent filled the entire compound as the whole team prepared themselves for a small war, none of them seemed to mind what they were about to do, nor did any of them regret it. “... This would be your first deploy, are you sure you want to go?” asked Weiss. I didn’t have to answer his question, I was going whether he wanted it or not. “Edge…” “...?” “You haven’t given me a name… I want to be called Edge.” “Very well then. Edge, we deploy: now!” I would like to give the details of how that first mission was, but to leave it simple I will just say that things turned ugly. Back in the present City of Manehatten “And that is the story of how I joined this gang, kid. Yes I am a mercenary, yes I have killed. But I am still a female Noivern, I have a family within my team and I would do whatever is needed for them.” Then Edge turned her face towards Vincent and stare at him with her blind gaze. “So I think is safe to say, yours isn’t the only crazy family in this world. So what do you think?” As she asked this, the rest of both groups began to discuss about what will they eat, and then they heard the sound of several other stomachs rumbling, Vincent looked up at Edge and smiled. “Yeah, I know what you’re saying. Family isn’t defined by blood. Although yours seems to be defined by their stomachs.” The dragoness smiled as she thought 'At least while we are not at the edge kid, at least while we are not at the edge.' > Twenty Third Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty-third Move About the Past Griffinheim Empire Living Quarters Shredder left her troops at the end of the day as always, entered her room as always, got glomped by Roll as always with the only difference being that she had come to expect such by now. “Good day to you too dear, how was the orphanage?” Shredder asked, genuinely interested, as she made her way to her chambers, while carrying the Lopunny like an apron. “Those kids are very energetic and curious. But Miss Avise has a good control over them, so they are quite adorable,” Roll replied as she finally let go of her lover’s neck. “And what about those orphans from our world?” Asked Shredder with some worry. “They are doing fine,” Roll stated, although she didn't seem that sure herself. “Even though they break into sobs and tears from time to time. Luckily, the rest of the kids are nice to them, and those three from Earth are a big help as well.” “Gigalith’s companions?” Inquired Shredder as she removed her skirt and sword. “It’s good to hear they are valuable additions to the empire.” “Yeah… even though they seem to have a bit of a harsh time with themselves. Not having their child seems to have strained their relationship,” Roll explained. “... Crap!” the female Bisharp exclaimed. “I forgot to ask Empress Victoria about helping them!” “Some leader you are!” teased the Lopunny. “Convincing mons to join you with promises of help and then forgetting about it.” “I know, I know,” Shredder said with a sigh. “I’ll go talk to the Empress now and rectify this.” With little decor or announcement, she left the room, leaving a disappointed Roll alone. “... So we don’t get to ‘play’ tonight!?” she shouted as she dashed after her lover. Manehattan City Central Park Both parties had pretty much made amends with one another at this point of the day and were currently parting ways for the moment as they went for their respective things at their respective hotels. They would reunite at the train station and then head for Canterlot together, the only exception being Edge, who preferred to take the aerial route. For now, the group was heading towards the Manehatten’s library to retrieve Xavier and Bit, and to hopefully find the place still standing. “They seemed like a nice group to me,” admitted Daring as they left the Nurem family and the park behind. “I still can’t believe they went through such a past… until they start repeating it over and over.” “I don’t think they’re entirely okay up here,” Char pointed at his own head, “so they deserve for us to cut them some slack.” “Cut them some slack? They’re lucky to still be somehow sane!” exclaimed Valerie. “Those poor children, oh how they have suffered.” “They’re free and they aren’t going to start any major trouble, unless they’re provoked, so I guess we can let them be,” Weiss said on his end, before adding, “They do deserve that much, especially from us.” “Oh yeah, that reminds me!” proclaimed Daring. “How exactly do you have a past dealing with them?” All the mercenaries became silent with that question. “... Por Arceus’ name, Xavier needs to learn to explain things properly or to keep his gigantic boca shut!” exclaimed Pancha. “First thing’s first, how much do you already know?” asked Weiss with a sigh. “Not much, only that your group had something to do with them. Although he was a bit cryptic about it,” answered Sylveon from besides his wife. “Well…” began Weiss not sure if he should fill them in or not. “Well?” Said Daring as Weiss seemed to keep quiet for far too long. “We’re listening.” Weiss sighed once more and finally replied with a monotone fitting of Xavier himself. “We… used to work for Vincent’s dad, Doctor Nurem.” The non-mercenaries of the group halted in the middle of the sidewalk. “Okay… before you start…” began Weiss as he turned to Daring, who wasn’t too kind on letting him talk. “YOU DID WHAT!?” she screamed, as did the rest, although she overpowered them with her voice. “Before. You. Start!” Weiss tried to explain himself once more, with no success. “You helped what I can assume is a monster far worse than those from the deepest realms of Tartarus!” “We’re mercenaries, remember!?” Weiss shouted back, finally getting a bit of her attention. “We get paid, we do the job, simple as that!” “... And what exactly could that madman need your all for?” asked Gold with no little disgust. “... It was many years ago…” began Weiss as he motioned for them to keep walking; after all, he didn’t want others to know about it. “The good doctor had just began to gain fame in the underworld, not to mention he was a total celebrity in the known one.” “We sort of thought it would be a simple job,” admitted Char with sadness and regret as he thanked Arceus that Surskit was sleeping in his arms. “Easy money and popularity,” added Simon with a similar tone. “And what was that ‘simple’ job?” Asked Daring. “We were asked to deliver test subjects for him,” answered Weiss right away, not wanting to keep those words on his mouth for too long. “You help him with those kidnappings!?” shouted Valerie, although she hushed her voice as much as could. “No… at least not at first.” Admitted Weiss. “We were first asked to get some specific wild Pokemon for him. That wasn’t that rare when working for scientists, they do need specimens to analyse and study after all,” explained Rouge as she held her arms crossed. “We didn’t know what he was doing with the Pokemon we brought him, but neither did we ask,” now it was Simon’s turn to explain while he kept looking at the nothingness above. “It was a fair deal.” “Then the was changed?” asked Roa, surprisingly being the only one not as shocked or disgusted as the rest. She was only curious. “Then his requests began to turn more and more… specific,” said Weiss without turning back. “He asked for Pokemon with distinctive traits, like their personalities, body structure, age, etc.” “Again, we didn’t ask, but then we started to have our doubts,” said Char. “Especialmente when he started asking for eggs,” added Pancha. “By that time, his fame in the underworld had grow exponentially, especially with military organizations,” Remembered Rouge. “Good or bad, they were always making donations to the doctor’s research,” explained Simon. “Everyone wanted their Pokemon to be the ultimate ‘weapon’.” “That increase in demand gave the doctor more fields of study, which in return caused a greater need for test subjects, which made him start using his own people to get the Pokemon he needed,” began Char. “We thought that would mean the end of our collaboration.” “We were wrong,” continued Weiss at the front. “He began to ask us for even more specific subjects, to the point of wanting those whom belonged to someone already.” The silence which followed those words was only comparable to the tension floating on it. Finally, Valerie broke it. “So… those were kidnappings…” she pointed. “We didn’t perform most of them…” Weiss tried to clarify, “But I can’t say we didn’t regret it...” he ultimately admitted. “And what do you mean by that?” Daring dryly asked. “The last of those jobs,” replied Weiss with a dried throat, “he asked for a particular Riolu, one which was very well guarded… we didn’t want to at first. But he told us how none of his men were able to since the parents were quite sturdy. Of course he also promised a bonus.” “And you accepted it,” said Sylveon. “Of course we did, we had a reputation to protect,” Weiss took a moment to breathe and then he continued. “The job was a success, although things did get a bit nasty. Luckily the ‘target’ was too young to remember anything.” There was another awkward silence after this last explanation. “And…?” asked the explorer. “Don’t tell me he betrayed you?” snarled Gold. “Would it be that rare?” sourly replied Weiss. “Once we delivered the Riolu, the good doctor began to praise our job, a bit too much for our taste. He obviously wanted something.” “And what was it?” asked Roa. “Xavier,” replied Char. “What?” asked Daring in confusion. “Why him?” “Xavier is quite unusual, not only for his rare coloration, but because of his mind. He wouldn’t admit it, but he is far stronger than those of his own species, which are already considered to be one of the more powerful in our world.” “I didn’t see that much of a difference between Vincent back on the beach.” Admitted Valerie as she remembered the event they ‘felt’ as Vincent talked with some old Ranger. “I mean, he could stand against Xavier to some extent didn’t he?” “He restrains himself,” Explained Simon with little care. “Xavier only uses the 1% of his full power, if not less:” The look on the companions was of utter shock, yet Weiss didn’t let them duel into it for too long. “Nurem, however, found out about it. And wanted to add Xavier to his Pokemon ‘staff.’ Something about him being in charge of the program running his facility.” “And what did you say?” Asked Valerie with curiosity. “I think that’s a no brainer,” replied Daring. “He’s still around isn’t he?” “Right you are Miss Yearling,” admitted Weiss while referring to Daring’s pseudonym. “We adamantly declined the offer. But of course, the doctor didn’t take it very well, we weren’t contracted after that.” “I thought your kind didn’t take double-crossings too well?” asked Gold with surprise. “Of course we don’t, but we were able to part ways on relatively civil terms,” explained Weiss. “Honor among thieves?” asked Daring with sarcasm. “Something like that,” admitted Char. “It was also then when we truly felt regret for our previous deals with him.” “The way he tried to convince us…” remembered Rouge. “He was more obsessed with adding Xavier to his experiments than Xavier himself.” “Then we knew it,” finished Pancha, “he was beyond loco.” “... And that’s what happened?” asked Daring again, although her sarcasm was no more. “That’s how you met them?” “Technically, we only met them today,” clarified Weiss “The problem is that we once worked with the person who put them through a living hell again and again. I am sure they wouldn’t be too keen on that.” The mercenaries exchanged a knowing look with one another, they knew this was too much to keep the group as it was. “What will you do now?” asked Weiss. “I doubt any of you would be comfortable with us around.” “We will do nothing to you for knowing these facts,” Char added with a calm yet serious tone, “Neither will we try to stop you should you decide to spread them. So again we ask; would you like to continue to travel with sinners such as us?” The group stopped once more as the mercenaries looked straight at the civilians, plus two, who travel with them, waiting for an answer. The mons had to take some time to process the idea, especially Valerie and Sylveon whom had no reason to go with them in the first place. They just found some interest in roaming this new land while having indirect protection from the mercenaries. Roa and Gold on their end were a bit more split. Both of them wanted to leave, that was for sure, but Roa would prefer to stay with Valerie, something Gold knew without asking, but he still had his doubts regarding the sanity of his PLA companion. Not to mention he didn’t know where the Commander was. Daring, however didn’t need any time at all. She took a determined step forward and stated “I’m not leaving you guys.” “... Wait, what?” asked Weiss in disbelief. “You’re mercenaries. Expecting you guys to have a clean past is as ridiculous as asking for Ahuizotl’s plans to have common sense; not to mention you guys have done nothing but help others since your arrival, whether you wanted to or not.” The mercenaries didn’t know what to say, for a change. They were moved by their current contractor’s trust in them. “Besides, if I can barely keep you all in line while I am around, I don’t want to know about whatever destruction you’d cause to this already chaotic world on your own and feel responsible afterwards!” And then they felt a bit annoyed by their contractor. “... pfffft, hahahahahahahaha!” Simon erupted into a sonorous yet sincere laugh. “I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t deny miss Do’s claims about us. We’re actually starting to turn into good people under her watch, so who knows, we may actually become proper members of society at this rate!” “Not to mention we do have a tendency to blow things up,” admitted Rouge. “And we have no idea of where Norte and Sur are!” added Pancha. Char, Greninja and Weiss simply chuckled in agreement. “Thank you miss, it’s quite refreshing to be trusted for a change,” Char stated. “Even when is just a little bit,” concluded Weiss. “So what do you say?” asked then Daring to the rest of the group. Valerie and Sylveon shared a silent glance for a few seconds, then they replied. “We own our freedom to Mister Weiss and his family, not to mention the chance of meeting our Lord Arceus. It would be rude for us to leave them after something that was mostly in the past… even when it was clearly a horrible thing,” began Valerie. “But we must also admit that, even when that history is now buried in our previous world, it’s still a bit soon to say we will trust you as before, but I still have faith our patience will be rewarded. We shall look forward for the great acts of heroism you all will perform for now on!” Gold let out a defeated sigh as he noticed the bright resolution on Roa’s eyes. “Well… you all said you will keep an eye on us. So I presume we are in your care until we can prove to not be a threat to this world,” he lied. “Of course, I still think any one of you is far more dangerous than both of us.” On this point, he wasn’t lying. And then the group began to laugh a good, sincere, and friendly laugh. “See?” Pointed Daring out. “You guys really think you're going to get rid of us THAT easily?” “Maybe for a second.” Joked Weiss. “Even when we still have sins to atone for… I thank you. It’s good to know somemons, and a Pegasus, can have faith in us,” admitted the mercenary as they finally reached the library, which was surprisingly still whole. Although... “Ponies running from the place and erie lights shining through the windows… this has Xavier written all over it all right,” Weiss admitted as he entered the building with a tired step. Griffinheim Empire Nestinghold Castle “So, you want me to deliver the information about this lost child to your guild so there are better chances of finding her over in the neighbor continent? is what you want me to do?” Empress Victoria elegantly asked with an arched eyebrow as she looked to Shredder, and Roll, kneeling before her bed. “Yes, your Highness,” admitted the female Steel-type. “And you’re sure this can’t wait until tomorrow?” she added with a less elegant and a bit more annoyed tone. “You do know by now how little time I have for myself, not to mention all the preparations that have to be made for the upcoming summit?” “My apologies your highness, but I gave my word that I would help my recruit in this way and I’ve already wasted a day of his time.” Shredder replied with an outmost sympathetic tone. She is quite stubborn when it comes to noble things like this… Added Roll with a note beside Shredder. That makes her cute. Victoria chuckled at the little explanation and then replied. “I suppose that is a good trait of hers.” “Y-your Highness, please; don’t encourage her!” steamered the flustered Bisharp. “My apologies,” said Victoria with another chuckle, she had to admit that the interactions of this couple were very cute and entertaining. “And I think I can help you in this regard…” as she said this, the empress took a small patch of scroll from the bedside table as well a quill which she soaked in some ink. “I was planning to deliver this tomorrow morning, it contains information regarding the upcoming summit for your guild master, but I presume I can send it now, along with the information you want to deliver,” and so Victoria added a few more lines to the parchment. “So, what did you say this child’s name was again?” The Friendship Express A few hours after leaving the station The regrouping with the Nurem family was calm, no major incidents worth of mention happened as they boarded the train. And so the group passed the few wake hours of the ride talking with each other until they all fell asleep. The only ones still awake being Weiss, Xavier and Vincent, the latter two having a short farewell, since Xavier had decided to help Vincent control his powers so the things from that day wouldn’t happen again. He planned to do this by simply using a little trick he had picked up along his mercenary life, the acceleration of mind. This made him, and whoever he took with him, process information so fast that time turns into a very slow ilusion. This trick had proved to be useful for either training or last minute reorganization on the middle of a battle. But it was also one of Xavier’s biggest secrets outside the team, for him to help someone else like this was unheard. ‘Hard to believe you’ve developed so much interest in someone, old friend,’ admitted Weiss as Xavier made preparations to leave to the inner constructions of his mind. ‘Is it because of our past with them?’ ‘It has something to do with that,’ said Xavier as he also keep a part of his mind talking with Vincent, ‘but also because I can sense an incredible potential lying within him. I would like to help him reach a new level of awareness so he doesn't end up hurting those he wants to protect.’ ‘So it’s a personal thing as well, huh?’ asked Weiss with surprise, but didn’t ask anything else about it. ‘That is very unlike you, I must say this kid may become a good influence!’ ‘We will see about that once I come back. Until then, safe travels Weiss.’ ‘You too old friend, you too.’ And with nothing else to say, the link was cut. Weiss let out a small sigh as he leaned back on his seat, wondering what would his team do from then on. “Well, we still have a lot of things to do, so I doubt others like Ness will disband as suddenly as she did,” Weiss said to himself. Then a young little voice interrupted his line of thought. “Mister Weiss?” The mercenary training Weiss had gone through most of his life had granted him many perks, one of which was the ability to suppress the moments he was surprised. Thus he didn’t let out a girly shriek once he heard that little voice so close of him. “...” He then looked down in the direction of said voice and found a face he hadn’t gazed upon in what felt like ages. “Why hello there Surskit, sorry if I kind of forgot about you,” he apologized as he offered the Pond Skater Pokemon a hand so she would be at a better level to talk with. “It’s okay mister. I fell unconscious once mister Char began to dash around, although I sort of missed most of the day,” she admitted with some shame. “He is quite fast for a Scizor.” “I don’t have my nickname for nothing,” said Char himself as he opened an eye from across the seats and joined the conversation. “You could say it comes with the job,” added Weiss. “So, how was your time with Xavier and company?” he asked Surskit. “It was good I guess, everyone seemed to distrust us, but other than that we were properly received. I even managed to make some friends… and then one of them tried to eat me…” For a moment, the little Bug-type seemed to remember something too scary for her. “Ehm… you okay there?” asked Weiss, causing Surskit to yelp in surprise. “Eeep!” She seemed to realize where she was and then she relaxed. “S-sorry, bad memory.” Char was about to ask something else when Surskit said. “The less I talk about it the better…” and as she said this, a big yawn filled her mouth. “And I am afraid I will be leaving for Cresselia’s land once again soon. Good night Mister Weiss, Mister Char…” And so, the young one was gone. “It seems she had quite some time as well,” observed Weiss. “She is quite strong though, most mons tend to have headaches when exposed to the speeds I reach, yet she merely seems tired,” pointed out Char. “I presume that is because she is a Gym Leader’s pokemon, those guys are tougher than we thought…” ~Flush~Poof~ Suddenly, Weiss was interrupted as a piece of parchment feel into his lap. “Did the sky just puke on me…?” he said as he took the scroll, finding the Imperial Seal on it. “Oh, so this is how these things arrive!” “The famous fire-transported scrolls I have heard about?” inquired Char while Weiss took a look into the content. “The magic of this world is almost as amazing as the technology of our world.” “It truly is…” said Weiss absentmindedly, “a word summit huh? Makes sense. I doubt we can be around for it though. Besides, Shredder is with them and I am sure she can be help enough… well, what do we have here?” “New orders?” asked Char. “More like a favor for Shred. She want us to look for this kid; it seems she made a deal with one of her subordinates in exchange of our help.” “That is quite a smart course of action,” admitted Char with a heavy sigh, “the whole world movement did leave many of us strained and afar, I am in a similar situation after all, so I can understand the desperation that family may be feeling. What is that child’s name?” “Aley,” Weiss replied. “Aley Checker.” Weiss noticed Surskit mumbling. “Shall we talk somewhere more private?” he suggested. “I wouldn't like to disturb anyone.” Char nodded and they both left for the dining car, which at the current hour was nothing but a bar; the perfect place for the mercenaries to relax. Yet they couldn’t hear the Pound Skater Pokemon mumbling something on her sleep. “Little… Al...ey…” “What do you think of this world so far?” asked Weiss as he finished his fifth glass of rum as he thought how much he was going to miss getting at least tipsy. “Peaceful as we could only dare to imagine,” replied the veteran. “It’s not perfect, that’s for certain, but the level of friendliness these ponies show is very contrasting with our world.” “We used to surround ourselves with the craziest beings from that world, it isn’t surprising we found this world almost like paradise,” added Weiss as he poured some more rum into his glass. “I look forward to enjoying this peace, I can assure you that,” commented Char. Weiss was still not happy about having to part ways with one of his oldest companions, but there was no way he would dare to challenge his decision. “It will be a bit lonely without you around, old friend,” Weiss replied. “You’re kidding right? I’m mostly around to stay cool and save everyone’s butt when things have gone too bad.” Joked the Scizor. “Yeah, yeah, half of us had an ‘IOU’ tag on our butts,” joked back Weiss, and thus both mercenaries laughed. “Have anything planned for when we find Lala? What you’ll do and stuff?” “I… may not have all that planned out,” admitted Char with a shameless shrug. “But I do know that I want to give her a normal life, she deserves that much.” “She really is lucky to have you,” said Weiss as he looked at the starry sky shining through the car’s windows as the first rays of morning began to shine upon the horizon. “No, I am the lucky one,” replied Char. “And I have to be thankful to the mare who made me realise that.” “Oh yeah, you had a talk with this Pegasus, what was she called…” commented Weiss while remembering his own talk with a friendly Unicorn mare on Ponyville. “Oh right! Fluttershy… I’m still having a hard time adjusting to these names.” Char chuckled. “I wonder if parents have a prophetic way to name their children so accurately to their personalities and skills or if they just change their names once they find out what they want to do in life.” “So this Fluttershy is as her name implies?” Weiss asked with curiosity. “She said she was, but with the help of her friends she has become far stronger now,” complimented Char, only to chuckle once more. “Or so she says; I still remember how impressed she was when she saw me.” “Odd, I thought I was told she was kind with all type of animals.” Weiss remembered. “First, I am no mere animal,” Char retorted. “Second, she seemed to be looking for a quiet place when she found me, and third, I may have scared her unintentionally.” “Wish I was there,” Weiss said with a smile. “So, what did you two talk about?” “I apologized for scaring her first, from there we introduced ourselves and talked a bit about our respective experiences since Arceus’ exodus. I ended up telling her about Lala at some point and how I wished for a better life for her.” “So you told her about our job?” asked Weiss as he remembered how Rarity and Princess Twilight had reacted, at least according to Valerie on the last one. “How did she take it?” “I didn’t tell her about that,” Char explained, “but I did say I had a rather violent and dangerous life, and that I was worried Lala would become used to it.” Weiss took a small sip from his glass as he allowed his comrade to continue talking. “The answer was quite simple of course, me quitting. But then I told her I was worried about what I would do afterwards. I’ve been a mercenary far longer than you.” “Hey! I’m still young.” Char chuckled at the random comment and continued. “At that point I finally came to a conclusion; I was afraid.” This little revelation did surprised Weiss, but he remained silent. “I don’t want Lala to become like me, someone who doesn’t know what to do besides war and conflict. And here it is, when this little pony gave me her piece of advice.” “If you know what you want to do, then do it,” remembered the Red Comet while repeating the words. “You won’t know unless you try. You were brought to this world because you were deemed worthy after all.” “Well… that is quite simple,” admitted Weiss, little surprised. “Indeed,” Char admitted in turn. “But remember; simple things often are the most effective. And that night, that was all I needed to hear.” “I presume that makes sense,” replied Weiss as he leaned on the bar. “But at the same time it makes me wonder if all of us made it here as well. We’re no saints, after all; we’ve never even tried to be.” “Hey, if a couple of sinners such as you and me made it, I’m sure the rest are here as well.” Weiss smiled at the thought as he pushed his own worries to the side. ‘There are still things that need to be done, but I’ll get worried about those other things in due time. For now, let’s focus on stopping this nutjob, finding the rest of the gang, and have a blast while we’re at it!’ he mentally said to himself. ‘That is a the proper course of action after all.’ Acknowledged Xavier’s mind. “Well but it isn’t our master tactician!” saluted Char. “So I presume your training with mister Nurem is over then?” ‘It is.’ Replied the Shiny Metagross. “The sun is beginning to break, so I presume it must have taken quite some time for you.” rationalized Weiss. “How long was it?” ‘Around six years,’ replied Xavier as if was nothing. Weiss on the other hand, almost spit out his rum, “What!? Years? It took you two years of mental training?” ‘Yes.’ “... I sometimes wonder what would become of the world if he decided to plan its end with such determination,” sarcastically mentioned Char. ‘There are more interesting things to do with my mind,’ admitted Xavier. ‘Besides, calculations say I would be defeated 78% of the times.’ “... so you have thought about it?” Weiss asked. ‘Sometimes I find myself too bored,’ was all the tactician replied. “I guess we’re responsible for keeping your mind occupied then,” joked Weiss, “cheers for us!” And again, the group laughed. “So you are free then?” asked Weiss. ‘Yes I am,’ replied Xavier. ‘I presume you want to train as well?’ “Train?” repeated Char with curiosity. “Yeah. You see Char, I’ve been having this sensation of being able to pull off Psycho Cut, even though I have no Alakazam as a father,” Weiss explained. ‘Technically, Arceus and his children would be yours and every former humans parents.’ Rationalized Xavier. ‘Your theory may have some basic foundation.’ “Those were my thoughts exactly!” admitted Weiss. “So can you help me?” ‘I will, just give me some time to get my mind in sync with my body, I did spend six years in there you know?’ “Take your time then,” said Weiss with excitement. Ever since becoming a Bisharp, Weiss had to admit he liked his new powers and abilities, and he was looking forward to adding even more tricks to his repertoire. As Weiss was thinking this, a third mon joined the dining car; a Kadabra who looked the same as the young Psi Pokemon they knew a few hours ago, yet the look in his eyes showed a more mature person. ‘I guess we can’t call him a kid anymore,’ Weiss thought as he saluted Vincent. “Welcome back, kid!” The Hall of Legends One of many corridors Latias had spent most of her past days talking with Victini about her feelings, and even when she felt awkward a couple of times, she admitted the whole experience helped to clear her mind, sort out her emotions and think a bit more straight; now she needed to go and put their plan into motion. ‘You have me behind you, there is no way this can go wrong!’ she remembered the cheer the Victory Pokemon had left her with. “Alright, time to kick myself into gear!” she proclaimed to herself. “I can’t just wait for things to solve themselves anymore, neither can I run away of them, I mustn't run away from them!” she cheered to herself. However, she had been cheering herself on for the past two hours before a door, not feeling able to knock on it and properly do what she had to in order to start. “... But how should I start?” she asked herself. “I mean, what I am about to tell him is quite harsh, not to mention we sort of have a fight between us right now, and there is the part when I shoved a Mist Ball to his face…” As Latias continued to worry herself, fate decided to take the choice for her, or rather her brother. “Will you just come in already!” demanded the voice of Latios from within his chamber. Latias was startled for a second, but obliged right after as she enter the room, looking everywhere but at her brother as she did so. “... How long did you know I was there?” she asked as she took a look at her brother’s room. “It’s hard not to notice you when we already have an ever-present link with one another.” Latios replied as he looked at the enormous window his room had. The only thing their respective rooms had in common. Latios’ room was filled with many pieces of art from Earth, or more exactly, those from Alto Mare’s museum. Yet those had a rather average placement, as if they were mere decor; what really caught the eye of anyone entering the room were the portraits all over the room. They were placed so anyone could see them. And one thing one could easily notice about them was how similar they were from one another in terms of strokes and technique. They were all made by the same hand. “I see you managed to get most of her art,” Latias idly commented. “It was Lord Arceus’ favor, although he did offer me some of the more prized art from Earth,” he replied with a slightly sad tone. “I accepted some of it, but told him there was no better art I would like than hers…” “You will find her,” Latias added, finally looking directly at her brother. “I know I will,” he replied with confidence yet not less sad. “Having to wait is what strains me.” He then removed his gaze from the window and looked at his sister as well. “But you didn’t come to talk about me. Tell me then, what can I help you with?” Latias brought forth her courage and then proceeded to be sincere with her one and only brother. “I first wanted to apologize for what happened on the day of the race,” she began. “I shouldn’t have acted like that.” “It’s okay, I was at fault as well,” replied Latios with a regretful tone. “It’s just that you have gone through so much all by yourself that I… sort of… became a bit overprotective of you. Not to mention most of those memories were about that man.” “Yeah, Weiss and his gang have quite an history with me. But what’s done is done, and I don’t want to keep repeating mistakes that will throw people away of me,” she confirmed mostly to herself. “... Repeating?” began Latios with confusion, but his line of thought was cut short as her sister blurred out her suggestion. “So I wanted to repay you for your troubles,” she once again began. “I will help you find her!” Latios was surprised by the sudden proposition, and even when he would’ve preferred to find her on his own, he also had to admit he couldn’t let a chance for him to make up with his sister just slip by. “I would be glad to have your help… but there’s just one problem: we’re still grounded, remember?” he replied. “No problemo! All we have to do is go and ask Lord Arceus for permission!” And like that she left the room, leaving Latios confused. “... Wait!” the male Eon Pokemon shouted as he flew after his sister, happy to see their bond had begun to heal. Friendship Express Toward Las Pegasus A couple of hours had passed since the team had left Canterlot and Vincent and his family, which had stayed on the capital of Equestria. Now the team was once again awaiting for the train to reach its destination as Celestia’s sun shone on the horizon. “You know guys… I can’t shake the feeling I’m forgetting something.” Weiss mentioned as he looked at the window, a very tired look on his eyes. Once Weiss’ training was over, the once human returned to the normal world with a slight temporal disorientation. The training had positive results, however the whole thing took him around three days to pull through. As such, the rest of the team had to help him remember stuff he would have forgotten. “You still remember where we are right?”Asked Simon. “Is pretty hard to forget when we are riding a pastel colored train.” Sarcastically replied Weiss. “Okay, how about our current mission.” Asked Rouge. “To show off… and something about stopping this Ahuizotl guy?” He asked back. “Casi!” Said Pancha as she told him about Tlaloque. “It’s quite impressive,” said Daring on her seat as she watched at the mercenaries’ antics. “No matter how many times I see it, you Pokemon folk can really pull the strangest of things.” “I won’t deny that, we are pretty impressive,” modestly said Gold, “but even I must admit some of us are more impressive than others. Take mister Xavier for example. He just spent years training Vincent inside his mind, and he has been using just an insignificant portion of his true potential.” “That makes us look like simple mortals.” Added Valrie. “Well, Xavier is in an entirely different league of his own, but you guys are quite impressive yourselves. I mean look at what you can do: Valerie can use Equestrian magic with ease and Roa here can create illusions not even the best magicians I have met so far can dream to accomplish.” At this point, Gold looked at her in a pompous way, waiting for whatever praise the explorer had for him. “...” she looked at the Golduck for several seconds before continuing. “And those guys don’t seem to be your run of the mill gang either.” She said while looking at the mercenaries once again. Gold became depressed for the rest of the journey. ‘Like I said before, we have to be good for this job,’ added Xavier within their minds. “Oh yeah, and then there’s this” commented Daring as she got over the initial fright Xavier had caused with his abrupt introduction. “I can’t get used to it.” ‘My apologies, but this is the only way I have to communicate as I am too big for the passengers cars,’ replied Xavier. “It’s okay big guy, I don’t hold it against you,” Daring clarified. “It’s just that I’m not used to having voices talk in my head, at least when I am not being enspelled by some sorcerer.” “Yeah, psychics are so normal in our world we take them for granted,” Sylveon explained. “I guess you’re right. I mean, I just can’t believe there are other worlds without magic. It just seems unnatural for me,” Daring rationalized. “But now magic und mental powers are part of this world, I wonder what kind of future will this world have,” thought Roa. As they were on this metaphysic levels of thought, Weiss seemed to remember what he had forgotten. “It was something about a note!” He proudly claimed. “I read it just a little while ago… what was it, what was it… Ah-ha!” As inspiration hit the Bisharp, he began to look around his clothes, until finally finding a small piece of parchment. “It was this…” said Weiss as he read over the scroll. “World Summit… new member in their troops… here we go; we have been asked to look around for little Aley Checker!” he said triumphantly. “Ah yes, the search mission,” remembered Char. “Are we really doing that?” “It won’t hurt us to look around once we arrive in Las Pegasus. Besides, it’s a personal favor,” explained Weiss. The rest of the group seemed to agree. “Wait! Do you mean little Aley?” asked Surskit as she began to wake up as well. “So it says here,” replied Weiss. “You know her?” “I meet an Aley back in Baltimare,” replied the Bug/Water-type. “You mean that cute and energetic young Petilil you played with?” asked Rouge. “Are her parents Sally and Joseph Checker?” added Weiss as he read the information they received. “She didn’t say,” acknowledged Surskit with a hint of sadness. “Well, here’s another coincidence,” pointed out Weiss while reading the scroll. “It says here that miss Sally is a Liligant now.” “I presume she is under the care of someone if she was energetic enough to play with our little friend here.” Char pointed. ‘She was normally under the care of a former human whom is now a Zangoose and goes by the name of Powell,’ replied Xavier. ‘Although that’s a false name.’ “Should we worry?” asked Weiss. “His real name is Nathan Wood,” explained Simon. Weiss made memorie for a minute. “There was a bounty for him, wasn’t there?” “More of a reward for a missing person,” added Rouge. “He no longer has any attachment with his old organizations and only looks for a peaceful life.” “So there is no worries for ese,” finished Pancha. “Then we will not,” said Weiss. “I’m sure he and this child’s parents will be glad to receive the good news. All we have to do is send a letter to each of them and they will reunite in no time.” “Good job everyone!” shouted Simon as the group began to laugh. Then Daring spoke. “That’s cool and all but weren’t you supposed to go look for one of your comrades on Canterlot?” “...” “Oh yeah… what was her name… Titania?” added Valerie. “...” Then Weiss uttered a single word strong enough to be heard all the way from the engineer's room. “BUCK!” > Twenty Fourth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Fourth Move Game Stars Somewhere The quartz flashed images from Earth to Tlaloque as if itself was a quartz as well, not moving an inch away of them, assimilating all the information they displayed. The future. The present. The past. All dancing before the cloaked form. “To think so much creation could come from such violent creatures,” it said calmly, not referring to the Pokemon. “Even when their lives are a mere breath, they do nothing but war with one another over the smallest of things. Social status, beliefs, fate, jealousy, love, peace...” The creature kept quiet for a few seconds, only to erupt into a chuckle which quickly escalated into a sonorous yet somehow emotionless laughter. “To think there is a creature capable of waging war in the name of love and peace!” Tlaloque exclaimed sarcastically, an emotion still unknown to it, yet one it was growing fund of. “They will be of good use for us.” At this words the pillars stopped as Tlaloque began to look for something among its robes, a small gem. “But right now, somepony else is needed.” The hooded one then proceeded to infuse some magic into the gem, waiting for the spell to work. And then. “What is it?” said a more lively voice from the glowing gem. “I’m kind of busy right now, so I hope this is worth it.” “You know I always make it worth it for you,” it answered. There was a silence for a second, then the gem replied. “Well but if it isn’t mister ‘ex-lakey’ itself. Tell me, what can I do for one of my most annoying clients?” “There is something I need you to retrieve,” replied Tlaloque once again, not seeming to mind in the slightest the tone and words the gem was using. “Really… of all the things I can do, and undo, you want me to play courier for you?” “At first,” admitted Tlaloque. “And what can you possibly offer me to make it interesting besides the usual pay?” the gem asked once more. “A place among my servants,” replied the immortal. “Uh-huh…” said the voice from the gem, not too convinced. “Not to mention you could snatch said thing from none other than Daring Do…” “Why didn’t you say this was a treasure hunt in the first place?” the gem interrupted with a sarcastic tone. “Seriously, if there isn’t something worthy of my time, I am leaving!” “And her bodyguards.” “... goodbye!” “Pokemon bodyguards,” clarified Tlaloque. Las Pegasus Some shady alley. “Now that’s more like it,” said a white Unicorn levitating a green gem close to his head while turning his back to a bunch of thugs from varied races, Pokemon included. “Okay, enough is enough!” exclaimed one of the mentioned, a beefy looking Earth Pony. “You have used more than the minute you asked for, now you better give us those chips or else you ain’t leaving this alley!” “... I’ll call you back,” the Unicorn said to the gem with an annoyed tone as he looked back at the Pony. “I agreed to come because you’re staff members, so why do have I to surrender my chips to you?” “Look pal, nothing personal, but you arrive and leave table after table clean, so either you had help or you had help,” explained the thug, sort of. “Now hand over your bag, and don’t even try to call upon you Pokemon pals you hear me!” “First, I won these chips fair and square, is not my fault I know how to properly play.” The Unicorn began. “And second, what makes you think I have anyone, let alone Pokemon, assisting me?” The thugs didn’t mind the first part, it was something they were used to hear, but they really weren’t expecting the second half. “Well… there was this bunch of Pokemons who used some mental tricks to get their way around, it wasn’t long before other folks began to copy the trick. Now if you’re telling the truth, then we own you an apology.” The expression of the thugs, however, was not of regret. On the contrary, they seemed more at ease and far more menacing knowing now that they knew there were no overpowered creatures backing up their prey. “We’re sorry for calling you a Poke-pal, now give us those chips!” commanded the head thug. “I presume we can’t talk this out in a civilized manner, can we?” asked the Unicorn with little emotion, almost as if he was facing a trivial matter. “As you can see, I’m sort of in the middle of something right now.” “That depends of you, pal,” joked one of the thugs, an even beefier Minotaur, as they began to close the distance between themselves and the Unicorn. “Have it your way then,” calmly replied the Unicorn stallion as he looked at his aggressors with little contempt while adding “But don’t blame me for what comes next, I am in a hurry after all.” Las Pegasus Train Station A couple of hours later. “You all sure took your sweet time,” saluted Edge to her comrades as they arrived with a relieved look on their faces. “By Arceus’ grace! That was the longest time I’ve ever had to be still!” shouted Simon as he stretched his chubby body. “We are all grateful that is finally over,” commented Rouge as she keep a vine around Pancha’s waist, as the Wrestler Pokemon was even more eager to run free than her teammates. “Por favor! You simply can’t ask me to stay put any more than what I’ve already been through!” demanded Pancha. “And look at this place! It looks so awesome!!” she added while pointing at the magical neon lights shining all over the city. The group quickly noticing how similar the place was to Black City. “I overheard a Pony or two saying this place was a sort of gambler’s paradise,” began Weiss. “A place where one can let their vices break loose and kill your morals in the process, or so they said.” “A city where degeneration rules all night and day long…” added Char with a philosophical tone. “Sounds like our kind of city to me!” shouted Simon, causing a chuckling agreement from his comrades. “As fascinating as all of this is,” interrupted Daring as she too stretched her wings, “We have more important things to worry about; not to mention I’d prefer NOT having to pay off your debts before we can go see this guy.” “So job first, get hammered despues?” asked Pancha with shining eyes. “If we have the time,” the explorer said, after all, no trip to Las Pegasus was worth it without visiting any of its inviting Hells. “Sounds fair to me,” commented Weiss as he turned to his tactician. “Any luck finding little Vincent so far?” “Negative,” replied the Metagross with his usual monotone. “It seems he and his family are still traveling.” “Well, so much for having a place to sleep for free,” replied the leader. “Worry not!” commanded Daring with a smile. “There are hotels a-plenty in this place, but no first class this time, I don’t have discounts over here after all.” “As long the beds are clean, I don’t see any problem with that,” mentioned Valerie while carrying a sleep Sunkern, some of the mercenaries to make a ‘don’t count on it’ look behind her. “We’d better get going,” Gold stated as he propped Roa up; who also was a bit sleepy as well, a good thing considering the larger amount of Equuslings roaming around in comparison with Manehatten. “I agree, dear we are leaving!” Rouge said and shouted as she gently pulled on her vine in an effort to recall her friend from a nearby magazine stand. “This place is as feo as back home…” Pancha said to herself as she scanned the headlines of a newspaper, before she felt the tug on her waist and properly ran after her friends. “Hey, wait for me!” Meanwhile the shopkeeper gave her and her group an odd look as he pick his merchandize up to call it a night, starting with the same paper the Wrestling Pokemon had seen, which read Violence Alley: staff workers from local casino left on the verge of death, Pokemon thought to be responsible, foals discretion is advised. Pictures on pages 12 to 14. Las Pegasus Next day The team was lucky to find a rather decent place with enough room for them, however, their funds began to run low because of this. “I really need to start considering sending some of you guys back to the empire,” Weiss rationalized as he followed Daring on the now dull looking city’s streets. “The pirate’s money is running low yet we keep growing, at this peace we will have financial troubles in just a week.” “You can always sell off your gear,” calmly replied the mare. The former human was about to complain, but then he gave her idea some thought. Most of the knives he had gotten from his time with the air pirates were pretty useless, since most of them were over-accessorized and thus fairly impractical for his style of combat. “We could also ask for the empire for some lana,” proposed Pancha. “Out of the question!” said Weiss, Char, Rouge and Xavier at the same time. “Not only have we barely reached a week and are already at the verge of being broke,” began Weiss. “Which by itself gives us a bad enough reputation to cause doubt in our abilities,” Char continued. “But we agreed to go and serve Miss Do first, so we are technically not part of the Empire, at least not officially,” Rouge added as she tapped her white hat. “Not to mention there is the part when we assaulted the Princess of this land in her own bedchambers,” finished Xavier. “... You know Xavier, it sounds a lot more aggressive when you say it that way,” Weiss stated defensively before adding, “Doesn’t ‘express midnight visit’ sounds more proper?” “That is a fat lie and you know it,” scolded Daring from the front of the group. “Of course it’s a lie!” replied Weiss. “But at least it makes me feel better.” The explorer simply let out a tired sigh. “Why am I starting to hear those excuses as regular things?” she wonder herself before changing the topic. “Either way, if you bunch still want to get rid of some of your stuff to make some bits, now’s the time.” Then she pointed at a building at the other side of the street. “We’re here.” Their destination was anything but spectacular, its plain exterior contrasting with the flamboyance of the rest of the city. Truth be told, Las Pegasus was rather dull during the day, but the buildings still had the magic lights hanging on them, waiting for the lively night time. This one, however, did not. It was a simple, cream colored shop without any visible windows and a simple sign which said “Gems and Crystals Pawn Shop.” “This is it?” asked Simon with disbelief. “Esta horrible,” added Pancha. “Really guys?” asked Daring back. “You lot of all creatures should know not to be fooled by appearances.” “Point taken,” replied Char with a chuckle as they walked into the shop, which had a door and ceiling tall enough for all of them to walk comfortably inside, apparently so the other tallest races of Equus could buy and sell freely. The place was filled with customers, showcases and items of all kinds and all over it. The staff was ease to recognize, they all wear a simple black polo shirt with the same logo from outside. But by far what caught everyone’s attention was the sheer amount of items the place had at display. Antiques, rarenessess, toys, weapons. Anything a treasure hunter would love to sell was most likely there already. “Okay, this is quite the merchandise.” Admitted Weiss as he give some items a quick look. “Just don’t break anything okay.” Half joked Daring. “I am going to see the owner, you can come if you want. The rest wait here…” she said Weiss and went to talk with some shopkeeper. Meanwhile, the mercs received some odd looks from the shop’s security team, not that such a thing was new for them though. “There are a lot of things here,” admitted Simon as he keep his claws behind his back while looking at some of the nearby showcases which had a collection of expensive looking rings on display. “Indeed…” agreed Char as he did the same with his claws, and then he remembered. “Rouge, would you mind keeping her under check.” “Already on it dear,” replied the Roserade as she kept two vines on Pancha’s waist and claws while keeping the Hawlucha a good meter away from any of the merchandise. “Oh por favor!” exclaimed the now restrained one. “I only broke one thing!” “True, but said thing happened to be a museum’s major exposition!” Rogue kindly remind her. “... It wasn’t my fault the damn thing looked like a seat.” Back with Daring, the explorer had managed to ask for the shop’s owner and was now waiting for him. “I’ll warn you guys now,” she said to Weiss and Xavier, “This guy is quite… eccentric.” Weiss calmly chuckled, “It won’t be the first time we have deal with such characters. They love to look as mysterious and elegant as possible.” Daring didn’t said a thing and merely looked at the Bisharp while trying to hold her laugh. “I won’t spoil it, you’ll get it once he comes.” Shortly afterwards, a stallion arrived. He looked rather simple; a black polo shirt as the rest of the staff, a chubby yet muscular body with a semi buried treasure chest for a cutie marc, a closely shaven head and a short goatee to match. Even when not an average Earth Pony, this stallion could easily be lost as a face in a crowd, all the more shocking for Weiss when he introduced himself. “You were looking for the owner right?” the stallion said with a strong but friendly tone. “So what can I do for you?” “Hi Rich,” saluted Daring as she removed her tattered pith helmet and offered the owner a hoof. “Do! What brings you here?” the stallion now called Rich asked as he took the hoof in a brotherly way. “And who are your friends?” he asked while looking at the Pokemon. “They work for me,” Daring stated with pride. “For now,” clarified Xavier. “The big angry one is Xavier and the skinny black one is Weiss,” Daring stated as she introduced the two to the store-owner. “You two, this is Rich History, the most unlikely source of historical information on the continent.” “If I don’t know it, I’ll find someone who does,” said Rich as he offered a hoof an added n a joking manner. “And then will claim the info as mine.” Weiss and Rich have a quick hand/hoof shake while Xavier simply nodded, then the mercenary leader said. “Okay, it’s one thing is to create suspense and quite another to lie,” he began. “This guy seems pretty normal to me… no offence.” “None taken,” replied Rich with a chuckle and a smile. “These sort of things are normal when she’s around anyway.” Daring, on her end, didn’t say a thing as she simply waited for what she knew was going to happen. It didn’t take very long. Suddenly a couple of other Ponies’ appeared behind Rich. Neither of them seemed to be members of the shop, they seemed more like reporters and they kept quite close to the owner. One held a camera and the other a note pad. “And that is?” asked Weiss with a slight bit of confusion. “Just ignore them, they’re just doing their job,” Rich calmly replied, not minding much about the duo who was properly writing down anything he did or said and taking pictures of them. “Okaaaay… Daring, explain,” the former human commanded while pulling up the neck of his coat, not feeling to comfortable of having pictures of him been taken repeatedly. “It’s an stuff of his,” Daring obliged while pointing at the Rich. “He records most of his day and then sends it to the local news, then they edit and publish it. And before you said anything about how crazy it sounds, I’ve been there, I must said it’s actually quite popular.” “With over 500 visitors per day, and an estimated 10 of them bringing in something extremely rare, there was no way this could fail!” Rich proudly said with yet another of his laugh. “Our boasting charisma helps too,” said a chubby and tattooed Unicorn employee as he passed by. “Shut up Chum!” Rich immediately exclaimed. To Weiss it sounded like how he usually spoke to his team. “Please excuse him, loves to be in the spotlight. So what can I do for you?” “I wanted to trade some of my stuff in exchange of a favor,” Daring said, finally returning to her serious tone while also eyeing the camera colt. “In private of course.” “I can’t publish stuff if you don’t want me to,” Rich said with a polite tone. “But you have to at least let me publish what you have to show. I mean, it’s not everyday when one has the chance to look at items held by the famous Daring Do.” “So I can refuse too?” asked Weiss as he blocked the camera from the lent. “If that is what you want… but is a shame, I haven’t had a chance to make deals with Pokemon yet,” Rich admitted. “I’m really looking forward to having some publicity with these creatures, bad rep or not. It’s a whole new market waiting to be exploited and the first one who seals a deal will be the one with the biggest profits.” “... did he have to suddenly go to the back with them?” inquired Xavier. “I warned you didn't I?” was all explanation Daring gave with a chuckle. “But enough chit chat, let’s do business okay?” “Very well then,” the smiling Pony said as he trotted behind a counter. “So, what have you brought today?” What followed was a rather simple exchange of items and information about them, most information however came from Rich, who for the mercenary's credit did know his business very well. He recognised most, if not all, of Daring’s treasures with ease, while also sporting some info about them. “This jade idol is roughly 400 years old but the empire that inspired its design was from over 1000 years ago, so I’m afraid this a hoax. A very well-made and jewel-encrusted antique hoax, but a hoax none the less. Don’t take me wrong, this is still very valuable. I only need to call a friend of mine to know exactly how much. I say that with the proper time and wording, I can get a pretty good deal out of it.” Luckily, it was enough to get the information they were after. “Okay folks, take twenty,” Rich said to the ‘paparazzi’ Ponies as they moved to a section in the back of the store, away from peering ears and eyes. “So what info do you need know?” “We’re looking for Tlaloque,” Daring said, cutting to the case. “You’re really after that… thing?” asked Rich with surprise. “He only appears whenever he feels like it and does stuff so crazy it would leave even Ahuizotl ashamed.” “So it’s a ‘he’ then?” asked Weiss with curiosity. “Beats me, but I feel more comfortable calling it a he.” Explained Rich. “We ran into him right in the middle of yet another of his schemes, and it seems to have become a bit more bold nowadays,” Daring continued. “I’ve caught word that it wanted to do some sort of sacrifice ritual.” “The whole event in Griffonheim?” asked Rich with little surprise. “I heard a thing or two, but it’s not strange to reach such conclusion, I mean, Thirst and her despicable kind come from there after all.” “Thirst?” Xavier asked. “An old raven-like Griffon witch that I’ve ran into a couple of times; she uses a very ancient and forbidden form of dark magic and we’re not exactly on good terms,” Daring explained and continued to talk with Rich. “Tlaloque seemed very intent on having a coup as bloody as possible, so I would prefer to lose my time chasing after it instead of letting it get its way.” Rich remained silent for a few seconds, finally he said. “I’ll have to look at a few books and make a few calls to ask some old favors to see what I can get. Just give me a few minutes and I will be right back with you.” “No offense, but how can we trust in this information?” Weiss cut in. “I see where you are coming, son,” calmly chuckled back Rich. “... son?” “But I can’t let anyone get to know my sources, or else I’ll be out of the business. Daring can come with me though, so she can come to her own conclusions.” And with nothing else to say he left. “Pretty smooth,” said Daring as she gave Weiss a smack on the head. “Need I remind you that I have worked with him before?” “Well excuse me but I’m not from this world, remember?” replied Weiss, who seemed to have not felt her hoof in the slightest. “And it’s not like I don’t trust him. I just don’t trust anyone.” “He hasn’t lied so far,” Xavier added, “so there is no reason to doubt him.” “Oh yeah,” said Daring, “for a moment back there I thought you will grow tired of this and read his mind.” “It’s wiser to keep the heads of potential sources of information intact and friendly,” calmly replied the Metagross. “Besides, that would be an abuse of my abilities.” “Since when do you worry about abusing?” Asked Weiss with comical disbelieve. “You said it yourself, this isn’t our world,” explained Xavier. “So far I have felt little to no mental resistances from most Equuslings. If we are to give Pokemon a good name, we need to respect those we are importing with our presence.” “You sound very deep about this,” Weiss admitted. “I’ve had six years to think on the subject,” Xavier replied. “Well, thank you for that,” added Daring. “It’s good to know a cold-blooded mercenary can get to worry for others.” And so she followed after Rich. “... was that supposed to be a compliment?” asked the Iron Leg Pokemon. “Just say ‘thank you’ and nod, Xavier.” Weiss answered with a chuckle. Rich seemed to take longer than expected, so Weiss took the opportunity to get rid of some of his less useful knives. For his surprise, most of them had a very good value. Some of them seemed to be from old armies and historical stuff alike, which translated in good money. Not to mention the jewels encrusted in them. If only they were on better shape, and the owner’s son wasn’t so petty, Weiss would have gotten an even better deal out of them. In the end, Weiss still made a good deal. It wasn't a big amount of money what he got, but it was enough to last for about month. As long they didn’t had to pay for any major destruction. He could have gotten a bit more out of if it wasn't for the books Weiss had bought as well. “And why will that be of any good for us?” asked Char as he gave one of the books a glance. It didn’t seem that special. “It’s a magic book,” Weiss replied. “Like most stuff in this world,” dryly added Char. “What does this one does, tells you where you left?” Weiss chuckled as he explained. “These are special. You see, I write something here,” he made a small annotation on one of the pages, “And then that appears over there,” the same words appeared on the same page in the other book. “... I am not a snob.” Calmly replied Char. “Yes you are,” Weiss joked back. “I’ll send one of these to the Empire so we’ll be able to communicate a bit faster. But first...” As he said this, Weiss cut a couple of pages from one book and gave them to the Scizor. “Keep one of these and share the rest with the team. We might find ourselves in a situation where Xavier can’t keep us linked.” “That is very resourceful…” admitted Char as he folded one of the pages. “I wonder why such an item isn’t more valued?” “It’s mostly a trinket since mail is so trustworthy and all.” Theorized the leader. Char simply smiled at the thought and then began to share the rest of the pages. “So how’d it go?” asked Weiss as he saw Daring walking back towards him. “Are you bunch done?” she quickly inquired. “If you’re not then hurry up and finish, because we’re leaving.” Weiss didn’t say a thing as he simply gave Xavier a thought, then the Mercenaries stop what they were doing. “What’s the rush?” Simon asked, as he was the first one to follow behind Do. “One of the informants said that Tlaloque’s new approach to things isn’t that new,” she replied as she walked out the pawn shop, not waiting for everyone else as she suspected Xavier would keep them informed. For a second, she had to admit that she had found the Steel-type to be quite useful. “There are some reports of him wanting to do something bloody. Increasing conflicts in some places and stuff like that, but it doesn’t seem to be after any sort of power in particular. Like support or a country.” “And how does that work exactly?” asked Gold from within the mental link. “Last time I spied on someone, power was still something everyone was after.” “Whatever whatever power its after, it’s not going to find it in however the conflicts end, but in the conflict itself,” continued Daring. “Not to mention there are reports of it collecting relics from all over the globe.” “That is a rather known modus operandi in our world actually,” said Xavier. “Many corporations and countries have monstrous gains from the conflicts of others; trust me, we know about that.” “Not to mention some of said relics could be the same as the ones on our world,” Rouge added, a massive flower-like device flashed in the mercenaries’ memories at her commentary. “So he’s looking for forgotten weapons as well.” Weiss said, starting to speed up. “But I still don’t know what the sudden rush is about.” “There are some old ruins not far from here, some say it has some important relics lost within it since no one has ever been able to enter them. Some sort of magical seal or barrier. Trust me, I tried to explore them once.” “And those are important por que?” asked Pancha. “There’s a certain Pony who works for Tlaloque occasionally,” Daring continued without slowing down and confusing the team with the unexpected mention of an underling. “And last night, he left for those very same ruins.” > Twenty Fifth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Fifth Move New Challenger Las Pegasus San Palomino Desert “So how is it there is a temple, fabled to be filled with treasures, still sealed and untouched despite its proximity to a large metropolitan area?” Xavier asked with curiosity as he flew as fast his four Hyper Beams allow him. As soon the team had a course set, taking the air route was the best option to reach the relatively close ruins. Although it was slightly cramped for most of the team since the only ones able to fly where Daring, Valerie, Edge, and Xavier (the latter two being the only ones able to carry the others). Luckily though, Roa, Char and Simon were fast enough to keep up from the ground. Which still left a very crowded back and head to Edge and Xavier respectively. “I told you, the place has some sort of magical barrier,” Daring replied back. “Many explorers and magicians have tried to open the damn thing countless times, yet we haven’t been able to even scratch it.” “Scratch?” inquired Weiss with curiosity from Edge’s back. “Some attempts included the use of explosives and destruction magic,” Do replied once more while the memory of a mushroom cloud passed by. “A beautiful sight for sure, but not even that was enough for the doors to open.” “One heck of a security system then,” acknowledged Char from within the mind link. “But how do you know the place has anything to do with the character we are after?” “Most of Ahuizotl’s lairs, and Tlaloque by extension, have a common appearance and construction.” “Let me guess, this place and those lairs share an architectural style,” said Weiss. “Judge for yourself,” said Daring back while pointing at an approaching mountain range. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as they approached the mountains, then a certain pattern on one of their faces began to become more and more defined. A building was erected within the rocks, yet as the later had a reddish tone, the ruins host a grayish color instead. It seemed to be made of various terraces and stairs. However, and despite the magnitude of it, time seemed to be the only things capable of bring down some of its former glory. “You bunch, and dear additions,” Daring announced, “Welcome to the ruins of Timbisha!” The Pokemon world had its own share of ancient ruins left by lost civilizations with styles so different and varied as the Pokemon themselves. Even the building before them was slightly similar to a few ruins from there. Yet the shape and decoration the carved stone had was something a bit special, as a portion of the team could tell they have seen something similar not too long ago. “Nesting Hold’s caves,” said Pancha, which surprised and scared those who didn’t know, mostly because Pancha of all mons knew something they didn’t. “That’s right,” said Daring, and then explained “The ruins there weren’t sealed though so they weren’t that much of a mystery, but no one ever knew for sure what was in that place, only when Tlaloque meddled with Terrowind’s coup attempt could we find out about the direct connection with the castle. It’s quite interesting you know; this means there could be a connection between the young Griffin country with an even older civilization. The implications alone will…” Daring’s small lapse of anthropological discovery was cut short by a wagging tail before her muzzle. “No offence there, but we have other matters to worry about remember?” Edge said as gently as possible. “Right, Tlaloque! Sorry, I just find that discovery very transcending,” the explorer said as if she were trying to defend herself. “We get it,” said now Weiss. “It’s good to know you have something to be properly passionate about besides tomb raiding.” “Thanks,” Daring said with a sheepish smile only to snap right away. “Hey! I am no Lara Trot!” A ‘evil’ smile was all Weiss gave back. “... Anyways, let’s get down.” Daring finally said while landing. The place was a cleaner version of the same mountain the team had awaken close to, the position of some of the ‘caves’, which turn out to be some sort of hallway entrance, were in the same places, although sturdy-looking doors made of rock blocked the way in all of them. “Okay, we’re here and I see no way to sneak in,” Gold said as he scrutinized the structure. Greninja and Simon looked around for any way to get access to the ruins, even trying to dig their way through it, yet the place wasn’t damaged in the slightest. Simply put, there was no way inside. “Now what then?” Valerie asked as she keep Surskit close to her, whom then added... “Well, I doubt this Pony person will use any of the main doors to get in, how about we look for something less ‘door-y like?’.” The team was silent for a moment. “Edge, would you kindly?” finally asked Weiss with a slight tone of defeat. “Be back soon!” the Noivern proclaimed as she left for the ruins. And there was silence again for a short while, and then... “A child's intelligence is proportionally relative to their innocence,” Xavier rationalized. “Said the supercomputer who couldn’t reach the same conclusion,” Weiss replied. Griffenheim Empire Nesting Hold Castle The empire was, despite the upcoming world summit, quite calm within its own hetich way. All over the castle were servants running around, moving documents, preparing the ship and troops so the flag ship could leave on time and with the proper comforts for Victoria and her retinue. The Empress herself was quite busy as well, finishing any important matter which may need her attention and leaving the proper instructions for the ones she will leave in charge in the time being. However, the atmosphere was the same as always. Every Griffin moved at a proper pace, making the scene an organized chaos. “I must admit her Highness seems very used to all of this commotion,” acknowledged Shredder besides Grizelda as they keep a respectful distance from the ruler. “Most rulers have it this way, especially when sudden things like this call for their attention,” explained Grizelda with a bit of pride herself. “They can’t just leave without having everything ready.” On her end, Victoria seemed to have finished another bunch of paperwork and then turned to the talking duo with a slightly tired and annoyed expression. “Lady Shredder, I won’t blame you for keeping yourself useful by not hindering us, but I will thank you if you wouldn’t give my clawmaiden an excuse to skip her duties.” “My apologies you Highness,” said the busted clawmaiden in a docile tone, something none of those present thought possible or believable. “But I just so happen to have finished my duties. It’s not my problem your important agenda keeps the Empress more busy than me.” Grizelda pointed at a tea car already on the way with tea and pastries for the right time, and right now Victoria had to admit it seemed to be a good time for a brake. “One of this days Grizelda, you will find someone who isn’t as patient as me,” the Empress said in a defeated tone as she waited for her tea to soothe her tired nerves. “And what makes you think I will ever go and look for someone away from your side, your Highness?” the young Griffin teased back. Victoria simply chuckled. “Lady Shredder,” she said, “I hope you have chosen someone to look after your team once we departure. We only have a couple of days left before we leave for Equestria and I would hate to turn back because any of us forgot something. “Rest assured your Highness,” the female Bisharp replied, “I have left Sargent Alberich in charge.” “Ah, right.” Victoria seemed to remember. “The young one, are you sure we will be able to handle the pressure?” “That is something only he can answer, your Highness,” replied Shredder. “For now, I trust him and that is more than enough for me.” “I see you hold him in some high regard,” Victoria pointed out as she placed her teacup down. “If it wasn’t for Miss Roll, I would say you have some ‘special interest’ on him.” The mercenary couldn’t stop to blush at the insinuation, yet Shredder keep her expression the best she could. “I-I will thank her Highness to refrain of making such kind of jokes.” A fast sigh latter, she was able to properly explain herself. “I only happen to see a bit of myself on him.” “So you were a frightful pile of nerves on your youth?” Asked Grizelda with curiosity. “Not at all!” Modestly replied the female Pokemon. “I was top of my class, leader of hunting excursions and daughter to the group’s alphas.” “And you are the more serious one,” Grizelda said mostly to herself. “If that is the case, then what makes you see yourself on someone as green as Alberich?” asked the now curious Empress. “He seeks to be the best, no matter how difficult the odds may seem for him” Shredder calmly explained with proud . “I think I can relate to that.” Admitted Victoria as she lean back on her chair, a far off memory of a young Griffin just learning the ropes of ruining a whole Empire by her own roaming on her mind. “None of us come to this world knowing how to perform.” “Speak for yourselves,” the clawmaiden proudly interjected. “I always knew I was made for greatness!” “Then is a good thing you don’t have much ambition,” joked the Empress. “I thank your hard work though, never doubt that.” Grizelda give a bright smile in response. “But enough chit chat, there are still things which require my attention,” Victoria said as she returned to her work. “I recommend you to the same Lady Shredder.” “I was about to leave anyway your highness,” the Bisharp replied. “I think I have left Alberich to suffer long enough.” She added with a smile as she left, which in turn only left both Griffins confused on the study. “... and these require you to read and sign each and every one of them,” Linza stated as she left yet another bunch of papers into an already full desk. “BY SIGFRID’S MIGHT! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH PAPERWORK FOR ME TODAY!?” screamed a very exhausted sub-leader behind some still large piles of paper. “Shouldn’t we help?” asked Jacky in a hushed tone, not too convinced of his own proposition. “Nah,” replied Ulfric. “He needs to learn the ropes and form some leading character. Besides, I don’t want to suffer tendinitis,” he added at the end while Alberich continued to swim around the fort of paper. San Palomino Desert Timbisha ruins It took Edge a couple of rounds to echolocate the entrance to the temple, a small cave-like corridor barely large enough for them to get in. This and the indestructible nature of the stone left the Noivern and Metagross out of the incursion. “Was this here before?” asked Weiss as he and Simon examined the tunnel leading inside and looking for any signs of potential traps. “Definitely not,” replied the explorer, doing the same on her end. “The place has been scrutinized hundreds of times over hundreds of years. I think even something like a small cave would have been noticed before.” “Well, I see no marks of someone going out, but there is definitely someone inside,” Char acknowledged as he examined some hoofprints in the dirt. “We’re not alone then,” Weiss stated as he turned to Edge and Xavier, as well Valerie, Sylveon and Surskit whom were also being left behind for their safety. “Stay focused, we may not be the first ones to come out.” “Keep close and in contact at all times,” said Xavier as the team ventured further into the tunnel, the mind link slowly getting weaker as they did so. “I won’t be able help once you are deep inside.” “We will dear, don’t worry,” replied Rouge. “I could place a vine around everyone if we need to.” “Is this really necessary?” asked a confused Roa. “Have you ever gone hiking niña?” asked back Pancha. “Hikers use that for safety, or so they say.” “We could also got lost in the darkness,” added Simon. “Besides you and Greninja, we don’t have night vision.” “But it will also reduce our mobility,” finished Char as he brought up the rear. “So let’s stay together at first and avoid having to resort to that.” “How many foes do you guys think we’re up against?” asked Simon with excitement. “Two, four?” “There is only one,” Gold stated matter-of-factly. “A unicorn, in fact.” Then there was silence. Surprised silence. “...what?” Asked the PLA spy. “I have learned my share of information from this world.” “Care to share it with the rest?” Added Weiss. Gold had to be thankful to the increasing darkness, as his smirk couldn’t be seen by the rest. “Well, if you notice the hoof prints from the start, they were perfectly aligned and had no other trails, that alone tells us is only one Pony.” “True,” admitted Xavier from an almost broken mind link, but then inquired. “But how about a Pegasus? One could be following through the air.” “It could be, but the dirt hasn't been moved anywhere else, that rules out anyone flying alongside him.” “Point taken, what about the Unicorn part?” Asked then Weiss. “Have you seen or smelled any sort of soot?” Gold asked in reply. “Whoever came before us must have used something to light their way, and the only kind of pony capable of doing that by themselves are Unicorns,” Gold finished with a cooky and prideful tone. “Well, I’ll admit it: that was impressive,” Rouge stated with a matching tone. “Elementary my mercenary captors,” Gold boasted. “The best tool of any spy worth of the title isn’t dashing looks and daring personality, but his quick learning and brilliant mind. Having to learn things like this on the go is something innate for me. Thus rendering the deduction of our rival into a nimiety.” “Or it could be a Batpony walking,” finished Do with an uninterested tone. “... a what again?” asked the Golduck with a lost tone. Some minutes later “This is boring…” said Pancha after yet another long yawn. “Well there is nothing to see to keep us entertained, literally,” added Rouge. “Roa, dear, are you sure this is the right way?” “Eep!” exclaimed the Illusion Fox Pokemon, not used to be talked to when she was tracking. “Ye-yeah, the track is very easy to follow.” “I doubt it would be,” continued Weiss with a tired and bored tone, much similar to Pancha’s. “I mean, besides us, that guy is so far the only one who has ever entered this place right? It would be almost impossible to cover your track in such ground.” “True,” added Char a bit lost in thought. “Almost impossible.” Suddenly, the group could notice a faint light appearing on the distance. “Show time everyone.” Weiss stated in a hushed tone. “Keep your voices down and walk as silently as possible, Greninja, you go ahead.” As a soft breeze, the Ninja Pokemon left the group while the rest made as little noise as possible, expectant of what could possibly be waiting for them. A moment later, Greninja returned. “Er ist gesturing us to join him,” communicated Roa. “Huh?” asked Weiss as he did as told, finding his comrade in a large, torch lighted, room with a couple of other hallways around, yet no signs of other living being. “Okay, this is puzzling,” the leader admitted. “So this guy went out through another route then?” asked Simon a bit disappointed. “Maybe…” Char said, still absentminded. “That seems to be the case,” Rouge added right away. “It seems we have lost our only lead.” Weiss sighed. “We were too late then.” “Not all is lost,” said Daring as she made her way toward a sort of altar at the other side of the room. “We can at least look for clues and find out what did Tlaloque sent for.” “That is… almost out of a Police novel,” admitted Gold. “We do work for a writer so it isn’t that far-fetched,” commented Rouge. Daring, followed closely by Weiss, inspected the altar. It was slightly similar in design to the one they had seen in Griffonheim, however this one didn’t seemed to be a tool of sorts but a mere pedestal designed to guard three unknown objects. Emphasis on unknown as only one of them was still there, one of them was empty and the other one had a big rock fall on it, destroying whatever once was atop it. “Any idea of what this is?” Weiss asked with curiosity. “I think I can translate these glyphs…” answered the explored while pulling a book note out and compared the inscriptions of the stone. Meanwhile, Weiss examined the remaining item. Is seemed like some sort of stone-like pod engraved with even stranger glyphs, barely bigger than Weiss’ hand. “This seems ominous don’t you think?” joked Weiss while pointing at the item. “Yeah, it has ‘trap’ written all over it,” admitted the explorer. “De veras?” barged Pancha in as she took said item, much for Daring and Weiss’ horror. “Because I don’t see crap on this thing.” “Are you bucking nuts!?” Yelled Daring. “You do realize who you are asking right?” replied Weiss as he looked around franticly, on the lookout for anything to move. “What’s going to be, a trap door? Spiked walls? The place collapsing in on us?” asked Simon with very little dismay, in fact he sound very excited about it. “Oh! I hope it’s a rolling boulder, that one is a classic.” The rest of the team, however, wasn’t so enthusiastic, as they awaited for something to be triggered. Yet nothing came for them. “Raro,” added Pancha. “That was easy.” “So you did it on purpose!?” Exclaimed Daring again. “Of course not… I just sort of wanted to see what happened,” she shamelessly replied. “Anyway…” said Weiss as he took the item from Pancha’s claws and give it to Daring. “Think you can see what this is?” Still mumbling under her breath, Daring grabbed the item and give it a look. Meanwhile Pancha was sent back with the rest. “Well, that was boringly easy,” she proclaimed. “Besides having jinxed us all…” began Rouge with a tired tone, “What do you mean by that?” “This is supposed to be an old important temple right?” she asked, to which Rouge nodded. “Well, wasn’t there supposed to be traps, guardians and hard stuff to do like in the movies?” “Now that you mention it dear,” Rouge acknowledged. “This was a bit too easy… and now I have jinxed us all.” “Traps?” Inquired Roa. “There were traps all the way down here.” “Wait-What!?” shouted Weiss from his end. “And why didn’t you tell us? We could have activated one on accident!” “S-sorry!” she quickly and meekly apologized. “B-but…” “But?” Simon inquired. “Most of them were disarmed,” she explained. “Wires cut, buttons jammed, trap doors plugged. It was almost as if someone cleared the path.” “More like someone cleared the path for US,” Weiss thought, only to be distracted by Daring. “Holy Grail filled with first grade cider!” Daring exclaimed. “Interesting analogy,” said Weiss. “You discovered something?” “This thing here is the Wand of Guidance!” she replied with excitement while showing the item to Weiss very closely, as right on his face close. “You sure?” He asked with little annoyance. “Because it doesn’t seems too ‘wandy’ to me.” “You don’t understand, this is one of the three great Tartarian relics!” “Aha… sorry, but I’m still lost here,” Weiss shamelessly admitted. “Ugh!” exclaimed Daring with annoyance. She knew most Ponies had no way to know about such things, let alone the Pokemon, but she really hated having her explorer’s drive cut short like that. “This, alongside the other two relics, the Sphere of Calling and the Orb of Imprisonment, are said to be able to bring any kind of spirit from the land of the dead to our realm!” “Cool!” said Simon. “But why did this Tlaloque guy take only one?” “How am I supposed to know?” sincerely replied Daring. “And how can you claim this thing is what you say?” Asked Gold with curiosity. She, in response, pointed at the pedestal and ‘read’ “Beware those who look beyond our land, as for they can bring chaos to this kingdom. May this guide them to the right place.” She then pointed to the inscription of one of the other pedestals. “May this one take them home,” and then the last and destroyed one. “May this keep captive those who desire to ruin our world.” “Will you look at that, an ancient weapon with its own instruction manual included,” joked Weiss as he give the Wand a look. “Legends said these things could bring or send spirits with the Sphere, control them with the Wand and trap them with the Orb.” Finished Daring. “None of those things sound very good,” Pancha pointed out. “True, but the legends also state they required absurd amounts of power to be used,” she explained. “Aparently, the Sphere needs an amount of magic equal to what the Princesses use to move the Sun and Moon for a week.” “They do what?” asked Simon in confusion. “The Orb is speculated to require a sacrifice to work,” Daring continued while ignoring the Subterrene Pokemon. “You think that is the one Tlaloque has?” Asked Weiss at the sound of the word ‘sacrifice.’ “I doubt it, some texts said it’s a self-sacrifice,” the mare replied. “Not to mention it was the one crushed by the rock.” “So he has the Sphere then. What good is it for him?” Inquired Weiss again. “I don’t know.” Admitted Daring. “Current magic spells can do summoning way safer and easier, not to mention spirits are hard to control on their own without the proper tool.” “Which they, for some reason left.” Added Weiss as he examined the Wand. “... unless.” “Unless?” Asked Daring, a bit worried by Weiss’ change of tone. “Unless they wanted us to find it, not to mention to get here safely and get this thing out of the pedestal.” The mercenary processed as he remembered the ‘lucky’ events they have been through; the itme been left alone, the trapps been removed, the sealed temple been open, the sudden report of Tlaloque’s assistant. Then he noticed. “How did Rich know about this assistant?” Weiss urged Daring. “He asked a friend of his,” the explorer replied confused. “And how did that friend know in the first place?” he urged again. “He said something about having seen him at his place just this morning and that he…” Suddenly, Daring seemed as concerned as Wess. “That he told him he was going to try his luck on Timbisha.” “It’s a trap!” Weiss proclaimed as he looked around, waiting for something to come for them. “What do you mean?” asked Gold in confusion as he and Roa were dragged into a circular formation. “We weren’t lucky to get here, we were brought here, guided,” explained Weiss, still looking all over the place. “B-but why?” asked Roa in confusion, who unlike her PLA comrade had her claws and senses ready for battle. “What would someone win from us.” “I don’t know…” He then looked again at the Wand. “But it had to do with this thing…” Then he noticed something else. “Wait! Where are Char and Greninja?” A moment of silence followed where everyone looked for their friends, arriving at one simple conclusion: they had gone. As he noticed this, the mercenary could feel something vibrating on his clothes, the book he had just acquired. On it he found a single line to which Weiss could only exclaim the smartest thing he could come with. “Crap!” Timbisha Ruins Deep inside “Such a slave-driver of a boss I have,” a white unicorn complained to himself as he awaited. “Promises me a good fight and then orders me to place a trap instead. Where’s the fun in that?” The unicorn continued to ramble to himself as he placed some spells all over the pillars and columns on the room. “Placing explosive spells to bring this place down and then retrieve the other relic, such an amazing job this one is…” the unicorn placed the last of the spells and turned up. “So you better give me some fun mister sneaky Pokemon.” “My, my,” said Char as he landed before the unicorn. “My apologies about that. I normally leave those kind of tactics to other members of my team. But I must admit I was curious to see what kind of person would take so much trouble to luring us like this.” The Unicorn chuckled at Char’s words and whistled at his shape. “Ain’t you a frightening one! Not only in looks but in brains as well,” said the Pony with a respectful tone. “It was the traps, right?” “A red carpet would have been less obvious,” Replied Char as he walked around the Unicorn, who did the same. “It wasn’t easy, you know?” explained the latter. “I may have been told where to find those things and how to disarm them, but the spells in this place keep the damn things not only in pristine state but they were also hard to tinker with. I think you and your team own me a thank you.” “I am certain we do,” said Char politely as he keep his claws up, meanwhile, the light on the unicorn’s horn glowed brighter and brighter. “After all, not only have you given us such a warm welcome, but you will also give us information about your boss.” “What do you want to know?” asked the unicorn with a sincere tone. “It’s a jerk, a plothole, a jerk, an inconsiderate bastard, a jerk, a damn ambitious son of a Dog…” then he turned around and aimed at the entrance Char had come through and blasted the rocks above it, sealing it. “did I mentioned a jerk?” “Tsh…” Char cursed under his breath. “So you knew where I came from?” “I did leave the path you and your friend followed after all,” the unicorn proudly replied. “But for now, I would like to have a private party. No friends allowed.” “You and our friend Gold will get along just fine,” Char teased while a strong sneeze could be heard from the now collapsed tunnel. “But I have to admit I am impressed. To think this place could be damaged this low makes it seems as this place was meant to be used as a trap.” “It does, doesn’t it?” admitted the unicorn. “Quite useful. But I am afraid you have a little misconception, you see: this place can’t be damaged, the mortar on the other hoof…” At these words, the unicorn fired another blast of magic at the ceiling, dropping a huge boulder directly at Char. The Bug-type had a second to decide to punch the rock or avoid it, his instincts told him to dodge, but his pride told him otherwise as he threw a powerful Bullet Punch to the boulder, the thing didn’t get a scratch. “The mortar can be easily removed with the right spell.” Finished the Unicorn with a slightly disappointed tone as the piece of the temple landed with a sonorous thud. “Thanks for the explanation.” Said Char besides the boulder while massaging his wrist. He wasn’t been able to break the thing, but at least hit it with enough strength to change its trajectory. The stallion, in response, smiled at the sight. “You are something else entirely, aren’t you?” he asked with excitement. “Alright then, I’ll tell you what: you entertain me and I will answer your questions.” As he said this, his horn shone for a second, summoning several small balls of light around him. “That is, if you manage to ask them properly.” “Its a deal then.” Char accepted as he flared his wings and claws. “Will you show me then? The strength of Equestrian’s fighters.” They stared at each other for just a second. And then it began. The sound of small explosions and strong impacts could be heard at the other side of the pile of rubble the Unicorn had used to block Weiss and co.’s path. “I know being sneaky and stuff is your thing,” Weiss complained, “but did you really have to leave us behind?” Greninja, on his end, seemed a bit ashamed. After hearing about the traps, he left to look for any other sort of trail to follow, only to find Char had followed right after. The veteran then asked Greninja to guide the rest there after using the new item Weiss got from Las Pegasus. However, said Unicorn had proven to be quite a sharp one. “‘Follow him’ Couldn’t he be more cryptic?” Weiss asked to himself as he looked at the book. “What do you think Simon?” he asked as the Subterrene Pokemon tried to dig through the rock in vain. “It’s no good, these damn things won’t budge,” replied the hot-blooded mole with annoyance. “I could remove them one by one but that would take ages.” “We don’t have that long…” agreed Weiss. “Okay, Rouge, tie us up and wait here with Daring and Gold. The rest, go and look for a way around.” As he gave his orders, the Bouquet Pokemon tangled a thin vine around her comrades. “Squeeze the vine if you find a way in,” continued Weiss. “And come back if you don’t find any way in.” “Just, be gentle please.” Added Rouge with a bit of dismay. The group shared a quick chuckle, but a new explosion remind them of the situation. “Be swift.” Commanded Weiss. “Good luck!” And so the group parted ways, most of them lighting their way with a Flash. “I am still surprised of how calm your team is despite their current situation.” Commented Daring once everyone had left. “I mean, aren’t they worried for their friend?” Rouge was focused on her vines and didn’t seemed to reply, though she seemed a bit insulted by her question. Luckily for her, she didn’t have to reply anything. “What would they win by getting worried or anguished?” asked Gold back with a serious tone. “That is for petty amateurs, pros have to keep their cool and even their joy in order to think clearly and react properly.” Daring was surprised, not only what Gold said sounded somehow logical to her, but because he didn’t sound cooky or arrogant. On the contrary, the spy sounded convinced of his words. As if he were a spy or something. “You guys had some rough lives huh?” asked Daring with an apologetic tone as she removed her pit helmet. “You have no idea…” Rouge replied as she kept focusing. Char had to give the Unicorn some credit, not only was he able to give him some trouble, but the Red Comet hadn’t been able to made a single question so far. He predicted the balls of light surrounding him to be projectiles of some sort, yet he never expect them to move so fast and with such agility. The Unicorn showed a superb control over the violent spells. On his end, the Unicorn was starting to ask himself if he had bitten off way more than what he could chew. Not only did the red Pokemon keep avoiding his attacks so fast it was almost impossible for him to keep up, but there were moments he had charged towards him, yet his light spells managed to stop him. His control over his orbs were his pride, but right now, they were the only reason he had a still safely distance with his foe. “I’ll admit…” the Unicorn said as he keep his eyes on his elusive prey. “You are one tough bug, I thought squashing you would be easier.” “And your light show sure is annoying,” replied Char right away as he shot Razor Wind after Razor Wind. The spells caught the air blades before they could be a threat for their caster as well keeping the aggressor at line. As both of them moved around, dodging each others attacks, the room filled with more and more explosions and blasts, the magic casted over the ruins’ stones been the only thing keeping the place intact. “You have a nice technique,” Char praised as he continued to avoid the light spells. “Offense and defence in one, a great combo.” “Don’t let the cheerful and colorful look of this land fool you,” replied the Unicorn. “There are many dangers in it few dare to challenge. And I am proud to say I am one of the bests who dare to do so.” “Aren’t you an special one?” Joked Char as he let out a chuckle. “You can bet I am!” Proclaimed the Unicorn with a laugh. Despite the level of hostility on the room, none of them could stop from smiling. That was what they lived for: the level of adrenaline they could only find in the middle of a battle. Nothing in could compare to that. Or almost. “This sure beats having a steady income and a happy family!” the Unicorn shouted with glee. “This is something no pathetic pacifist can ever know!” However, Char didn’t receive the words with the same emotions as the image of a beautiful Bug-type with blade-like leaves crossed his mind. Giving one of the light spells a chance to mess with his footing. With a sonorous crashing dirt explosion, Char hit the wall as the rest of the spells went after him right away. “...huh?” Questioned the Unicorn in confusion. “I got him?” he said disappointed. “So much for that.” “Indeed,” said the Red Comet behind him. Before the Unicorn had time to even gasp, Char threw a mighty kick right between the ribs, only for a shield to protect the Equestrian in the last second. However, the Unicorn still flew a good distance away. “What the Hell are you!?” asked the Unicorn with shock and pain. “Sneaking from behind like that…!” Not only had the kick been almost as fast as his own casting, but was strong enough to send him flying with all and his shield. “I don’t remember having a friendly sparring here.” Replied Char, no longer sporting the smile of second ago. “Now you will answer our questions. Why do you need us here?” “So you want to get all serious then?” mocked the Unicorn as he stand up, calling more light spells around him. “Fine, two can play this game.” Then the spells grew in size and shape, becoming into shining copies of the Unicorn who had cast them. Then they all spread across the room. Then they all said. “We needed you to retrieve the item, damn thing had a safety spell preventing anypony from taking more than one at a time.” “So your kind knows how to use Double Team,” commented Char unimpressed as he looked at the hooves of the clones, locked his sight on one and dashed towards it without hesitation, grabbing it from the neck. “You know doubles can’t leave footprints right?” The Unicorn struggled under Char’s grip. “You sure…?” He then smiled. “Because mine can.” Then, the veteran was hit not by one, two or four, but by six different hooves on the back while the double in his claw vanished. “What!?” Char shouted in confusion as he turned around. Despite his small size and regular built, the Unicorn had a good punch. Having multiple copies of him sure helped too. “Doubles hitting?” “It’s rather simple you know,” explained the Unicorns in unison, still loyal to his end of the deal. “How do you think my spells work? Mindlessly giving them shape and throwing energy blast? Nah.” “That would have been too easy!” Two more doubles dashed behind Char as they continued. "I can make light solid, chump." Char had to admit the Unicorn’s new spell was quite annoying. But at least his big mouth made it easier for him to react as he simply hit both images with the back of his claw. He could clearly feel as if he had hit an actual being. Finding the original among them was going to be difficult. “So you give shape, mass, and even voice to so many spells, that seems quite difficult,” Char observed as he then focused on the formation. A basic one, many foes all around him, looking for a chance to strike. Yet there were some few on the distance, as if they were covering something. “I suppose it needs even more concentration than their previous form.” “Oh it is, giving the proper mass to light is quite troublesome.” Replied the Unicorn. “But I manage to keep myself safe from harm.” “You don’t say… But you aren’t the only one who knows some tricks.” Then Char shouted as he raised his arms, receiving an odd look from the Unicorns and then slam them into the ground while screaming. “SANDSTORM!” A huge dust cloud raised from the ground, disorientating and blinding the Unicorn. From it erupted the Scizor at a blinding speed, aiming directly at the Unicron further away and guarded by a group of clones. “Quick attack!” Char shouted again as he hit the Unicorn right on the muzzle and caused a few drops of blood to come out as he bounced on the ground. A couple of clones vanished right after this. “The rear gives both, a good perspective and good cover,” Char admitted, “But it also tells me where you are.” Yet, not all the clones had vanished. “I already learned that the hard way, thank you very much!” they shouted as something exploded across Char’s back. “But I also learned that this serves as an excellent decoy.” Char felt a bit disorientated by the explosion, then he noticed he had landed right besides the double he had hit a second ago, the blood still on its nose. “Quite a neat trick huh?” Boasted the Unicorn. “Gives a false sense of victory.” Then the bleeding double began to shine. Char jumped back on his feet right away, avoiding the explosion, only to be tackled by a couple of clones. “And for my next trick!” they said at unison as they suddenly shone and exploded one after another. “... kamikazes…” Said Char from within the smoke, looking at the doubles still remaining. “Hey, I don’t have enough strength to bring you down, I learned that much.” Said the Unicorn as he placed a hoof over his red cheek. “So better bring you down with something brighter.” Two more doubles dashed against the veteran, but before they could hit, Char’s claws shine in a silver tone as he threw two fast Bullet Punches on their faces, sending both flying and exploiting right in the middle of the clones. “You really don’t want to die don’t you!?” Exclaimed the Unicorn as every horn they had began to shine and open fire at the Pinsir Pokemon. “Agility.” Char said on the low as he began to avoid the magic bullets throw at him. Aparently this sort of tactic required even more concentration from the Unicorn, as the collective aim they had was really terrible. Then he open both of his pincers and let out a barrage of Swift stars against his foes. The bright projectiles made impact with most of the spells from the Unicorns, yet those who weren’t intercepted continued to flew around the small battlefield. Avoiding to impact anything as they did so. “What the hell are these things?” Shouted the Unicorns in annoyance as the stars moved around, chasing something. “Doesn’t matter if you keep ‘blinking’ around all day. Those stars will never fail to hit their mark!” Replied Char as he continued to fire his barrage, causing the Unicorns’ shots to be fewer and fewer as the amount of stars become too many for the Unicorn to keep avoiding them. “GYA!” With a defiant shout, the Unicorn was caught by the swarm of Swifts which caused a barrage of small explosions, finally causing all clones to disappear from sight. Once the smoke had cleared out, Char moved beside his foe laying on the ground. “... h-how?” He asked tiredly. “I don’t remember having back-slapped you for real, I only hit a double that way.” Char explained as he grabbed the Unicorn and raise him from the ground. “You should have been Teleporting around your doubles.” “... Quite sharp,” praised the Unicorn with a smirk. “‘The perfect place to hide a tree is in a forest’,” quoted Char. “Now, what do you mean with a protection spell?” The Unicorn chuckled. “Anypony can grab one of the relics, if they make it that far, as a sort of reward,” he answered. “But if somepony tried to grab more than one... well, you saw the other pedestal right?” “What about your boss, what does he wants this for?” Char asked, and then mocked “I am sure he wouldn’t be that pleased to see not only have you missed to retrieve the other relic, but that you destroyed the third one.” “First of all, it's an IT okay,” pointed the Unicron out. “I wouldn’t call that thing a he or she. Second, I never said he told me why, I only was told to retrieve this. Picking on you was my treat. And third, sorry to disappoint you bug but I never blunder like that. That relic was long busted before I arrived.” “My apologies then.” Said Char about his false accusation, not too apologetically. “Now I am sure you can tell me where to find him, don’t you?” “Of course, of course.” Admitted the Unicorn. “I will tell, I am a colt of my word after all. But is not like it will help you and your friends!” “Wha-?” Before Char could put the pieces together, the Unicorn's horn flashed, causing one of the spells he had previously placed before the fight to be activated, taking away the mortar from one of the main columns. The place didn’t took long to began to crumble. “I said I would answer your questions.” Moked the Unicron. “But I never said I wouldn’t bring this place down!” With a growl, Char throw his captive to the ground and dashed towards the collapsing column, doing his best to support it. “... unbelievable!” Said the Unicorn as he stand up. “Not only could you give me one hell of a battle. But you still have juice to keep this damn place up!” He walked toward Char as he said this, the joy on his eyes long gone as it was replaced with something Char hadn't expected to see, yet far more sinister. Envy. “You make this: fighting to the death, the rule of the strongest, my life… you make it all look easy.” “Trust me, it’s not…” Said Char under the pressure of Arceus knows how many tons. “Then how about I make it a bit harder for you?” He shout as he shoot another magic bolt at Char, who was unable to block. The impact caused a small explosion which didn’t hurt the veteran that much. ‘Magic is similar to Fairy-types.’ Char rationalized as he thanked his metallic coating while the Unicorn continued his assault. “Why don’t you just die!?” Commanded the Unicorn as he continued, not seeming to affect the Pokemon on the slightest, then he changed his spell. Lighting. Frost. Fire. There was a positive response. “Agh!” Char cursed, not the pain but his own voice. “Huh?” The Unicorn notice it. “So a good old fire spell works against you?” Then a ring of flames appeared around Char. “Good to know.” The pressure was suddenly returning to the roof as Char began to lose his balance and strength as he could felt almost as if his chitin was melting on the surface while the Unicorn began to charge a bigger and hotter spell. He looked up, hopping he could at least give his team enough time and then noticed something. “Those persistent idiots…” he said to himself in a low tone. “What was that?” Asked the Unicorn. “You never answered my question… I never got to hear your name.” Char said with a defeated tone. “Keeping up the tough act ‘til the end, huh?” replied the Unicorn. “Very well then, you can't say in the afterlife that I didn’t keep my word: I am Lux Ray.” “... like the Pokemon?” Char asked. “Wai- what- NO!” Proclaimed Ray as he extinguished the flames. “I am THE Shining Demon, not some freak of nature!” “You sure?” said a voice behind Ray. “Because it sounds a lot like an Electric-type.” “Of course it’s not- WHAT!?” exclaimed Ray as he turned around and remembered he was supposed to be alone with his prey. However, he was promptly punched in the face before he could properly ask something else. “Char!” Weiss said as he run to aid his friend. “You okay?” “That is… quite relative…” Replied the veteran as his grip began to grow lose. Weiss then didn’t waste any time to hold the pillar as well, even when his strength was minuscule in comparison with that of his comrade. “You think…” Began Ray as he stand up. “You think you are all that special…?” He asked as a magic shield covering his body disappeared. “Only because you were born with such strong bodies? Do you have any idea of how…?!” His speech was then suddenly cut as he heard the rest of the team closing by. “Do you always talk that much?” Asked Weiss with a smirk. “Why you…?” The anger on Ray’s expression only grew at the taunt. “Have it your way then. I will be waiting for you all in the Unsolvable Maze” He proclaimed, keeping his word. With that said, his whole body began to shine. “But know this, I will prove you my sacrifice is superior! Just you wait…” The last part of his words echoed on the room as the white Unicorn vanished from the room. “Tsh, coward.” Said Weiss, then he looked at Char, he didn’t looked good. His exoskeleton was battered all over, not to mention the scorched places and the heat it irradiated. It was a miracle he was still conscious. Then a pair of massive claws took hold of the pillar and raised the roof as if was nothing. “Don’t worry guys, I am here!” proudly announced Simon. “I can be here all day.” “I will have your word… then…” Said Char as he finally collapsed on the ground. The team had to move quickly, they placed most of the rubble from the blocked passway to sustain the damaged column while Greninja cooled down Char’s temperature. They run for the exit while carrying their fallen comrade. What they found outside didn’t surprise them that much. “... he didn’t come out this way then?” Asked Weiss as he looked at the rest of his team aiming at him. “So it seems,” Xavier calmly replied as he lowered his Hyper Beam and positioned himself to carry Char. “What happened?” “Read my mind, I don’t know exactly though…” Admitted Weiss as he and Simon placed Char over the Metagross’ head while Rouge tangled some vines on them. “All I know is that Tlaloque has the worst kind of help he could have.” “A Unicorn?” asked Edge with doubt. “Worse,” answered Weiss with an ominous tone. “A mercenary like us.” > Twenty Sixth Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Sixth Move Booze Run Equestria Kingdom Across the sky “I can’t believe it was so easy.” Commented Latias to her brother besides her. “I presume the old saying ‘those who ask got answers’ wasn’t that off.” Replied Latios as they remembered their meeting with Lord Arceus. After Latias’ abrupt idea, the Eon Duo had gone to explain their situation to the Alpha Pokemon, regarding their interest on looking for an old friend of theirs. What they had in return wasn’t something they expected. “You two can go and look for this friend of yours.” Acrecus started. “But you do know my imposition about having the legendaries here expired some time ago right?” Needless to say, neither of the siblings knew what to say, although the tone Arceus said such news made them think it was a small joke from their patriarch. “Still, a success is a success!” Cheered Latias to her brother as they kept flying aimlessly through the late sky. “I guess you are right but…” Said her brother. “What is our plan exactly? Besides flying around like a pair of Zubats.” They did take some time to prepare themselves before leaving the Hall of Legends, yet the only thing they had done so far was moving from one town to another with little success. “I told you already!” Explained Latias, for the first time. “Asking around would take us ages. So scanning everyone’s minds speed things up.” “That is true.” Acknowledged Latios. “But we don’t know for sure if she is in this continent to begin with, let alone this kingdom. And you never explain anything to me.” “Details, details.” Interrupted Latias. “We are the fastest dragons in existence, there is no way we can’t cover enough ground if we get serious. Besides.” Suddenly, her body began to shine. “We can bust ourselves!” Latios just let out a tired sigh as he began to glow as well. A moment later, both of them had mega-evolved and were now fly at twice their speed. “You know mega-evolution isn't meant for childish things like this right?” Asked Latios while keeping close to his sister. “You want to find your lady friend or not!?” Latias shouted out with a childish tone. “Now shut up and scan everything!” As ridiculous as it sounded, Latios had to admit she was right, on her reasons though, not her actions. After all, this whole ordeal was done so he could find ‘her.’ ‘Just wait a bit longer...’ thought the male Eon Pokemon as he began to look around for his long lost friend. At that very moment, somewhere on this world a sleek Dragonair wearing a white beret looked up at the twilight sky with hope. San Palomino Desert Outside Timbisha’s ruins “Well, that was a burst.” Said Weiss with disappointed tone, however he didn’t seem angry or sad. Simply annoyed. The team had been treating their injured comrade for the rest of the day, and even when Valerie healed Char, the Claw Pokemon remained unconscious. “Have you ever seen that Unicorn before?” Asked Xavier to Daring, who was currently eating some weeds Rouge had grown for her and the rest to eat. “I haven’t seen the guy yet.” She admitted. “But I have heard some stories of him.” “‘The Shining Demon’” remembered Simon. “Quite an pompous nickname if you ask me.” “True.” Admitted Daring. “But if half of what I have heard of him its true, then he deserves it alright.” “Is he that good?” Asked Gold who was, reluctantly, eating the same weed. Most of the non herbivorous members of the team shared the disgust. “Most hench ponies work to give their employers time or numbers for their evil plans.” Daring explained. “This guy, however, is the kind they contract when they want things actually finished and done.” “Sounds like us alright.” Repeated Weiss with sadness. “It a bit disappointing to know such individuals existed in this world already. “Well, he belongs to a rare breed, actually.” Daring pointed out. “Most people would think twice before asking for him or anypony with such set of skills. Ahuizotl once said it gives them bad rep.” “Interesting quote.” Said Rouge, a she knew about their sort of relationship. “The guy is a pain in the flank and his schemes are ridiculous as hay!” Said Daring rather quickly. “But still he isn’t that evil. I wonder what kind of plan has made his lackey to call upon Ray.” “The more reason for us to focus on stopping him then.” Added Sylveon with a confident tone. “I guess we will be running into him from now on so I guess that is a given.” Said Weiss with less enthusiasm. “I only hope this guy keeps moving around so I can find the rest of my team.” “Like the member you forgot in Canterlot?” Gently remained the Intertwine Pokemon. “... I know she can handle herself.” Replied Weiss while completely ignoring the Sylveon's gaze. “For now, I would suggest we start heading back to Las Pegasus. I don’t want to risk giving Char a heat stroke once the sun raises.” The team agreed and finished their meal quickly, some more than others, and departed. They wouldn’t be able to move fast though, as none of them wanted to risk putting Char in a worse condition. Even with Valerie’s healing, they needed to keep their comrade as stable as possible. “Lets go.” Somewhere else A few hours prior Tlaloque continued to look at his pillars just like before, only to be interrupted by a sudden burst of light appearing behind him. However, that and the intrusion of somepony on his chambers didn’t surprise him. “I see you were successful.” Greeted Tlaloque. “Yet, by the look you have I would say things didn’t go exactly as planned.” “You never told me they were so bucking strong!” Shouted Ray back as he held a hoof close to his aching ribs. “Damn creatures… I think I broke something.” “And I thought you were looking for a challenge.” Calmly replied the immortal as he proceeded to heal his employee. “DIdn’t you say you would only take this job so you could have some fun, or were you just bluffing?” Ray didn’t say anything and merely give Tlaloque an annoyed look. “Fine, you are right…” He finally said once he felt better, tossing over the Sphere to Tlaloque. “I will be more careful next time.” A magical aura enveloped the Sphere just as it was about to reach the ground. “I would thank you if you were careful right now.” Calmly scolded the hooded being while properly carrying the item. “Sorry boss, my bad.” Said Ray with an mocking tone. Tlaloque didn’t say anything else, it only turned around, leaving the pillars for the first time. “So what is this thing for?” Asked Ray as he followed his contractor, not that he had anything better to do besides ignoring the voice telling him to leave. “I know you are a well educated magician Ray.” Replied Tlaloque as he moved around the abandoned complex with the Unicorn in tow. “Why do you ask what you already know?” “I am bored.” Was all Ray said. Tlaloque kept quiet for a few seconds and then continued. “I am using this for its designed purpose.” It said. “Simple as that.” “You mean calling upon a spirit from the underworld?” Inquired Ray once more. “No offence, but I thought a thing as strong as you didn’t needed of such trinkets to do so.” “And I don’t.” Calmly acknowledged Tlaloque. “But this one will be special.” The duo then reached a bigger room, filled with crystal-like jewels floating in it, a different kind from those Tlaloque was using so far since these ones didn’t consume any kind of energy; they produced it. Ray whistled at the sight. “Fairy Diamonds, and a lot of them.” He said while looking at the one slowly spinning in the center of the room, a massive structure shining softly as it gave power to the whole complex. “Just a small one is worth a year of my salary, and I am not exactly cheap!” “This item requires an enormous amount of magic in order to be used.” Proceeded Tlaloque while keeping an eye on Ray, the last thing it needed was for one of his gems to be snached. “So you are going to charge it with these?” Presumed Ray as he moved away from the smaller ones once he understood why Tlaloque hadn't removed his sight from him. ‘Next time.’ He thought. “Yes, but I am using them for a different reason than just recharging the Sphere.” Said Tlaloque as it placed the Sphere on a pedestal before the main crystal. As soon the item was in position, all the diamonds in the room shone brighter, as their toll was suddenly increased. “I could do this myself, but that would leave me exposed to those looking for me.” “uhu…” Said Ray, as he know very well the sphere required a quantity of magic not even an alicorn could muster just like that. “If that makes you feel strong. So how long will it be for this to be ready?” “A couple of days maybe.” Replied Tlaloque as he stared at the charging Sphere. “Neat… so do you need me for something else or should I go for some snacks?” Asked the Unicorn. “There is something else I will need, yes.” Began Tlaloque as his body began to vanish. “But I am sure you will only make things worse, so I will go and fetch it myself. You can leave if you want, I will call you when needed.” And so the hooded thing vanished, not without adding. “I have them counted.” Ray just stared at the now empty place where the last words came from and sighed, then he returned the small diamond to its place and left the room while saying. “Snacks it is.” Hoofrica Continent Near Zebrican borders The dwelling of a witch was usually said to be ominous. Ominous was certainly a watered down word for the dwelling of Thirst. The dark abode smelled of death and decay. The boat made for a suitable place for her to conduct her ‘experiments’, but it certainly wouldn’t have been her first choice. It was rather cramped, but she’d have to make do. The witch, was a tall lanky griffin of sorts. Her body resembled that of a limber puma, while her upper features were more like a raven’s. Her large wings lay at her sides, over her robes. A large staff with a dark purple crystal atop it lay in her left hand. Currently, Thirst was working on the collars again. There were so many ideas and ways to instill control in these new creatures. Her test subjects were all in trances, so she wouldn’t have to worry about them. That and Rage could protect her. The once small Rattata now was larger than a tiger thanks to the witch's magic. The pokemon wore thick, black armor and was currently curled up near Thirst. It surprised her how much she’d grown fond of the creature. Still, fondness would have to wait as Thirst had to focus on her plans, specially since a certain commander had become a new hindrance for her. Thirst lightly used her dagger to cut into her latests test subject’s arm, a Scyther. Drawing blood, she quickly smeared it over the beast’s collar, chanting dark words not meant for this realm. It glowed brightly and she knew that the collar had taken full control. “Perfect.” Step one was complete. Now to give that foolish Caballeron her other tests. The greedy stallion would certainly water at the sight of these beauties. With a job well done, Thirst walked over to a bowl. It wasn’t any ordinary bowl, since it was made out of ribcages. Dipping a clawed hand into the blood stained water, she calmly let it flow over her skin, rejuvenating her power. The blood of mon certainly had a kick to it. Hearing struggling, she glanced over at a bound zebra. “Hush now. I’ll get to you in a second.” Thirst grinned. She always needed ‘immortals’ for her work. The undead creatures made for good soldiers. Killing the host was easy. Keeping the corpse together afterward would be a tad bit costly. Taking her hand out of the water, she strode over to the zebra. However, she stopped the moment Rage started growling. She could tell by it that he was wary, which caught her a bit off guard. There was a nervous tick to his growling. She had placed wards around this place to make sure that she wouldn’t be found. Rage wouldn’t be growling like that with anyone that fool Caballeron brought. So, she stomped the ground with her staff and scanned about. “Who dares enter my domain?” “I see you got yourself a new ‘pet’ to keep you company.” Came a emotionless voice from the shadows Rage was growling at, shortly after the hooded form of Tlaloque came out of it. “How unlike you Thirst.” The immortal kept its features hidden beneath the ragged robes as always and gave a look to its surroundings, as he well knew how protective the witch was about her privacy. “Tlaloque,” Thirst loosened up just a tad. With a wave of her hand, she called off Rage. The beast did as he was told, but kept a close distance to Thirst. “So nice to see you. It’s been so long since we’ve last met. I had thought you had forgotten about me.” “I’ve been working on that suggestion you give me once.” The immortal replied with the same tone, yet it seemed to relax once it seemed the witch wasn’t going to attack just yet. “I must admit that being more direct in my approach is slightly more effective, although it leaves me with less time to be free.” Of all the creatures on Equus, Thirst was, perhaps, the closest thing he had to a friend, after all she had lived almost as long as itself, something not even the rulers of Equestria could say. A couple of centuries were the only difference. Yet at the same time he knew he couldn’t bring himself to be too friendly with her, as they were also rivals. “And how is your father doing?” He asked with the same dead tone of before, although it knew well it was being sarcastic. Thirst glared at him. “Still trapped in Tartarus, the same as he was the last time you asked. My efforts are proving well enough. Did you come here to patronize me or did you have a point?” “A pity.” Mocked back the immortal, but then cut right to the case. “I need a favor.” The clay staff appeared from within the robes and shortly after a magical shape took form from it, a sort of spherical being with magnets and coils on its sides. “I am looking for one of these new creatures, it looks like this one.” It then “looked” at her with its empty-like face. “I heard you have been collecting them and thought you may have one to spare.” “Perhaps I do,” Thirst eyed him curiously. She smirked. “What need have you for such a creature? Have one of your many inane plans finally proven well enough?” Tlaloque had to admit it, of all the creatures on the world, Thirst was the only one able to make it feel a need to shut up, it was unsure of how such thing worked though. “Unlike you, Thirst, I am patient.” Tlaloque responded as it moved around the cramped chamber, examining her work. “I've been looking for the correct time and method to reach my goal. But yes, you could say one plan has proven ‘well enough.’” “Then I will aid you,” Thirst said. She stomped her staff and in swirl of dark magic, appeared the creature. It was currently wearing one of her collars and lay sleeping on the ground. “Though, care to share your plan with lil ‘ol’ me?” Tlaloque reached for the Magnemite, yet it stopped at the question, carefully thinking what to say as he didn’t wanted to give up much of his plan. Then, it noticed the collar. “A control device?” He said more as a statement. “So you plan to have these creatures as your servants?” “Among other things,” Thirst chuckled. “Honestly, that’s the least of my many talents.” She stroked Rage’s head, causing the beast to growl in contentment. “And you are changing the subject, my dear friend.” “I may want to reach a similar goal.” The hooded being replied. “Although with a different way of approach.” He then grabbed the necklace and removed from the Magnet Pokemon, not before giving the small charm a good, quick but extensive examination. “How about you? Will you use them as mere tools of war?” “War is the fuel my father thrives on,” Thirst said. “Tools such as these will more than suffice in the upcoming war.” “So you are going to war then?” Asked Tlaloque with only she could interpretation as surprise and curiosity, others would have heard the same tone of always though. “War would come whether I lift a talon or not, Tlaloque.” Thirst said. “There is no stopping it. Instead, I wish to revel in it. The blood will flow like it has not done in centuries.” “That is more like it.” Said the immortal. “I, for now, look to make use of this being.” It said while holding the now awake, scared and hysteric Magnemite in his magical grasp. “Its properties are perfect for my experiment with the Orb of Calling.” “The Orb?” Thirst let an interested bird-like hum fill the air. “What are you planning, Tlaloque? I’m growing more interested the more I listen. You always had that effect on me.” “You have been a good student.” Tlaloque acknowledge her. “And I thought it was time to use it. The time couldn’t be more perfect for it.” Then Tlaloque turned back at the witch. “But enough about me, how about you? Have your plans been ruined lately?” As those words were said, Tlaloque looked around at her current and small location. “More postponed,” Thirst sighed. “These mon are truly stronger than I had first thought. They gave Zebby Skulltaka quite the fight. The Alpha Dog is certainly looking to spill more blood soon, but to see them in action...There is much more we need to plan for. That and that infernal sword.” She snorted. “Other than that, a tad bit degraded. I have been resorted to dwell in a small boat after all.” “You know I can offer you help and shelter.” Offered Tlaloque. “So long you forget about your father, of course.” He knew she would decline, but that never stopped it from asking whenever the opportunity appeared. Despite knowing well enough that the triumph of either of them would mean the death for the other, Tlaloque couldn’t stop wanting to have the witch as a servant. “We should be thankful that the blade’s twin hasn’t found a wielder yet.” The immortal added, changing the topic. “Yes, but that still leaves us with one large thorn in our sides.” Thirst snorted. “And honestly, when have I ever thought of abandoning my father.” She gave a tired chuckle. “You and I are on different roads...and mine will end shortly enough. One way or the other, I suppose.” “Thorns…” Tlaloque said thoughtfully, really wanting to change the topic. “I seem to have a major one in my side right now. An old ‘friend’ of yours if I don’t remember wrongly.” “An old friend?” Thirst blinked in confusion. “Perhaps you are mistaken, I have only one ‘Old’ friend and right now, he’s being a tad bit rude.” “Careful Thirst.” The immortal warned. “You are turning soft. And this friend of yours is the Equestrian explorer which loves to stop our plans so much.” Thirst shook in rage. “Daring Do? DARING DO?!! She is here?” Her dark aura surged about, darkening the room and would have no doubt overwhelmed lesser creatures. “That solves that.” Said Tlaloque as the Magnemite fell unconscious. “She has been following me for some time now. I doubt she knows what I am planning though.” He then looked at her placing a ‘hand’ on her shoulder to calm her down. “And I presume that is a good thing for you, since she won’t be meddling here. I would say you own me for that.” And then the limb returned into the tattered clothes. “Why have you not killed her yet?” Thirst growled. “She must die! The sooner the better. You know this to be true.” “And you know killing her will then bring every self proclaimed ruler on the word after us.” Tlaloque replied back with the same dead tone, albeit a bit more authoritarian. “You are acting strange Thirst.” “I am fine,” Thirst snorted. “I am the same as I’ve always been.” “The time will come when those who challenge us will pay in due time.” ‘For one of us at least’ he thought. “For now, do not lose sight of your own goal. You are the only one fit to end me if I ever were to fail.” “And end you I would,” Thirst replied. “But that is not for now. Now we must continue to whatever end awaits us. Though, perhaps Daring could meet hers a tad bit sooner.” “If we can find the appropriate tool for it, so be it.” Added Tlaloque. “For now, I have what I come for and have seen you are still scheming That is enough for me.” As it said this, Tlaloque began to disintegrate, slowly vanishing from Thirst’s presence. “Until next time, Thirst.” “Until next time, Tlaloque.” Thirst sat down. She gave another look around. Somehow, the place seemed a tad bit lonelier. Perhaps she was just missing her sisters and their remarks...With a faint nuzzle, she was reminded of Rage. “At least I have you still….Till the end of this.” Equestria Kingdom Las Pegasus’ outskirts Next day. The team had been walking non stop, and now had to endure the blinding light from the midday sun. However, their little pilgrimage had finally come to an end as they reached the Pony city of sins. “Just a bit more guys!” Cheered Edge through the mind link as the dragoness had decided to take a less warm route and follow her teammates from the air, a couple of miles away from the floor. A group of grumbles and mumbles was what she got on response. A few minutes of walking latter, the group was finally in the more colorful parts of the city. “I don’t know about you guys, but I could really use a bath about now.” Pointed out Rouge as she dusted off her hat. A general agreement came from the team in the form of a grunt. “Any idea where can we crash?” asked Simon as he let his claws scratch the road with each step he took. “Well… shouldn’t lil’ Vince be back by now?” wondered Pancha as she surprisingly kept her cool despite wearing a poncho in a desert city. At this point, the group was too tired to show their amazement for yet another moment of Pancha’s wisdom so they merely turned to look at Xavier, who was also too tired to hover and was currently helping Simon in damaging the street with each step. “... I presume you all think I know where he lives.” the Metagross said. “You two did train for half a decade.” Retorted Weiss. “Then I am afraid to tell you he never told me… not that I ever asked him.” The group was still too tired to give a proper reply of annoyance to their tactician, so all they did was glare at the shiny Pokemon. Which let out a tired sigh and complied. “I always wanted to try this thing of his anyway…” He then proceeded to gather as much energy as he could, which in the current situation wasn’t much, and then let out a “Ping!” “... does that word needs to be said?” questioned Daring under her old and tattered pith hat. “According to what I know: yes.” Then they awaited, hoping for Vincent and co. to have returned. They were in luck. The wave of light returned to the shiny Metagross, carrying back one word. Pong! “Found him…” Tiredly replied Xavier. “Is this way…” Groaning, the group followed the Leg Pokemon with not much else to say. The group took a good half hour to properly arrive at the building Vincent and his family used to live at, noticing a rather peculiar sight. “Okay… why would an apartment building need a metal plate with lasers right beside its door?” Asked Pancha in confusion. “Who cares!” exasperatedly replied Weiss. “Xavier, tell them we are here.” Xavier’s eyes lit for a moment and then said. “Done… it seems they aren’t in a better shape either.” “Are they as bad as your cargo?” drily asked the leader, to which Xavier denied. “Then we are good.” The group was well received by the Nurems, which seemed to have been busy since the last time, so both groups proceeded to share their respective experiences. Each of the once test subjects seemed to have found a job of sorts while Vince himself was turning the building into an Pokemon run living complex, as well as he was currently on a relationship with Lucy. This sparked a small grudge Weiss, and a now awake Char, had with the now Psychic-type, who had once said he was too young to drink. But now he seemed to be old enough to be in a relationship. Thus, the only right thing to do was to settle the score fair and square. Once the mercenaries had decided that it was their duty to introduce Vincent and Lucy into alcohol in a safely environment, and because they didn’t take no as an answer, they then proceeded to buy lots of drinks, separated into two groups and then leave for the dessert to drink under the stars. Mostly so each gender could have a night to relax and so Vincent wouldn’t break anything if he got too tipsy. The relation between the mercenaries and the Nurem family had turned into a rather odd friendship. Mostly because of the background they had, though the Nurems were still ignorant of it, but there was also the part where most of them were tormented souls looking for a normal life. In way, they could relate to such concept, and thus form a strong bond with them, even though they still had some truths to share with them. But that was a sin to expiate another time, for now they decided to get a calm and crazy night of drinking. And what a night it was, specially for the young couple who found support on their ‘friends’ to bring their relationship one step closer. However, everything has a price, and they all where paying the moment the sun shone bright on their room. “You guys look really pathetic!” Joked Weiss with a cheeky tone. “Well excuuuuuse us for not being poison immune, you metal jerk!” Replied Daring from her corner of the room, doing her best to keep what ever light entered the room from crippling her eyes any further. “Who told you all to go and hammer your heads like this anyway?” Continued Weiss as he looked at the actual line waiting for a turn to use the bathroom. “I mean, yeah, moral support for Lucy and all but that didn’t mean you had to end up like her.” “Well dear, we girls have to stick together don’t we?” Replied Rouge as she exited the washroom with a very refreshed expression while Pancha quickly dashed inside. “Its sure nice to be able to assimilate the toxins in your body,” Pointed Simon as he looked at his comrade with tired and red eyes. “I am not that bad thought, but man, did we really have to go and extend it…? Not to mention we return at the breaking of day, I barely had any sleep!” “Stop whining!” Said Edge with an annoyed tone, her head sticking in from a window. “... what? no retort or sarcasm?” Asked Weiss intrigued. “I didn’t mean it that way.” Replied the Noivern. “I mean him to stop making so much noise, my head feels of the size of a Snorlax, and its snoring!” “Well, I do hope you all can take this as a lesson.” Said Sylveon with a tone of superiority. “Now you should be careful with what you drink, isn’t that right my love?” He then turned to his wife, who was as awake and ready as a Combee drone. “You are right my dear, one must know when to stop.” ‘None of you have the right to talk back to us!’ proclaimed everyone, on their minds at least. “So shall we look for something to eat?” Asked the leader. “Sam keep mentioning this pizzeria all night, and how its sausages bested all we could ever dream, so I say we give it a try.” Replied Rouge. “Besides if we don’t go there I won’t get this curiosity from my head out from here on.” “So pizza it is, when do you guys think we can go?” Asked the mercenary with a slight hope it won’t be long. The sound of some puked ooze hitting the toilet made him lose his hopes right away. “... I am going for some coffee at Vincent’s.” Was all he said as he left the room. “Greninja.” Saluted Weiss at his comrade. And received a simple nod back. “Any other plans for today then?” Asked Daring as she to waited for the bathroom to be free. “Ich suppose we could go sightsee?” Ventured Roa, who was as awake as always, mostly since she didn’t drink anything. ‘I presume we can do that.’ Added Xavier from within the mental link. ‘It give us time to wait for the train.’ “Good, then I will go and see Rich.” Said Daring as trotted out the bathroom. “I need to ask him a few things.” Then, they heard a shout just outside of the room. “FIVEBLOCKSWEST-TWOBLOCKSNORTH-FREDERICK’S!” Was all the leader said to Greninja as he dashed into their room, left a coffee mug on a table and kicked Simon out the bathroom as he then made use of its fine equipment as he let the contents of his stomach vacate very loudly. “Well, took him long enough to get kicked.” Joked Daring. A few minutes later, Weiss come out and then open a window and left his head hanging out of it as a contrast to Edge. “Why does it have to stink so much!?” He asked himself as the rest of his comrades ran from the light. “Everything okay there Weiss?” Asked Rouge as she patted her leader’s back. “I know the odor from a Pokemon couple is bad for me, but the odor from a newly formed one is far more atrocious!” Explained Weiss as he took deep breaths of fresh city air. “It was like having my nose stuck into a Muk’s butt… okay that just sound terrible. But is still quite accurate!” > Twenty Seventh Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Seventh Move Back to LP Las Pegasus Downtown The day had a bright and clear sky which graced all of the surface with the gift of Celestia’s sunlight while the lives of the Ponies and Pokemon in the city filled the air with cheer, joy and enthusiasm. In other words, the mercenaries couldn’t have a worse day to be outside while suffering from a hangover. “Why is the sun so bright!?” “There is so much noise!” “Can we turn back?” Where the complains most of the Checkmates made as they looked for the pizzeria Vincent and co. had been talking about. Needless to say, not all of them were too eager to go. “It's not that bad,” commented Weiss as he took a deep breath. “It's good to have a change of air.” “Say the one who was turning green,” replied Daring, who kept her long brimmed hat close to her face. “Okay, I find the odor of mates to be utterly disgusting,” admitted the once-human. “Is it that bad for me to run away from it?” “Lucky you who can run away of your pain,” said Simon as he used his own claws to block the sunlight. “How come you end up this bad?” asked Gold, who seemed to be over his own hangover at this point. “I mean, aren’t you a Steel-type like them?” He pointed at Weiss and Char. “He is mostly metallic on his claws and bones and a little on his skin,” commented Valerie from slightly above them. “Unlike Bisharp, Scizor and Metagross who are all fully metallic.” “So das means…?” inquired Roa. “It means we can still get hammered, albeit not as easily as regular folks,” said Simon with a boasting tone, only for him to regret it right after as his own words echoed on his brain like church bells. “All you guys need is some food to restart your systems,” said Weiss as they arrived the pizzeria. “So lets hurry and eat so we can get over this.” The food was well-received by the team’s livers. Not to mention they all had to prise the owner, a Griffin named Frederic, for the wonderful pizza he give them, not to mention the slight discount they were given mentioning Vincent. Once their meal was done, and their heads didn’t throb on their skulls, the group proceeded to properly plan what to do next. “We are out of clues, that Unicorn guy got away from us on the temple, and we are still ignorant of what this villain of yours wants to do… I say we are pretty much right back where we started,” Xavier calmly pointed out. He only had a few slices and thus didn't have a proper meal for his size. “That is an understatement…” replied Daring even a bit more tired as the owner had tried to hit on her a couple of times. “In all honesty, he does have a good approach,” pointed Rouge out as, even when not as direct as with Daring, she had received a few compliments as well. “He could have been a total mule…” added Valery, only to turn to the next table. “No offence.” “None taken,” calmly said a mule while enjoying his pizza. “But I am sure he could have used some piropos,” finished Pancha. “The point is!” changed Daring the topic, “that we need to decide where to go now. Any suggestions?” “I guess we could go and ask around about this Ray guy,” proposed Edge who also ate little, but unlike Xavier, she had a more filled stomach thanks to the free fruit snacks which came with the food. “This kind of city must have a den for characters such as him after all.” “But we can’t all go,” noticed Weiss as he looked at his numerous group. He couldn’t help but think about how many have he had found, but he still felt worried for those still out there. With a short sigh, he returned to his line of thought. “I think you should take Greninja and Gold with you,” he proposed to Daring. “I can really make use of Froggy here,” she amicably said to the silent ninja who seemed surprised about the nickname, albeit it lasted only a millisecond. “But why would I need Mr. Duckface here?” “HEY!” “He IS a spy of sorts, I presume he can help you identify where and who to ask for this kind of info.” He then proceeded to give a read to the newspaper he had taken from the Nurems and added. “And some cannon fodder is always okay.” “Come on!” “May Ich go as well,” inquired Roa as she finished licking the sauce from her last slice with joy. “I am sure I can be of some help for Fraülein Do and Her ninja as well.” Gold simply remained quiet and depressed in his corner of the restaurant while eating the remaining crusts. “It seems we are all set then," Weiss said pleased. “Wait!” interrupted Daring. “What about you bunch? not that I like to jinx it, but every time I leave you all alone I get an unpleasant surprise.” “Don’t worry, we have Xavier to keep us all linked, if something were to happen we will contact you right away,” said Weiss with the same calm demeanor, a demeanor which did nothing to calm Daring. “We have been warned about this city’s police so I guess we should play ‘by the rules’ for now,” added Char from his end. “Not to mention that we don’t want to give little Vince a bad reputation by making him have to help us out of some sort of mess.” “Our biggest compliment and respect to someone is to stay the hell away from them,” said Simon with his shout of a voice. With regret, Daring finally agreed. “Fine… but don’t do anything dangerous and stupid without telling me, understood!?” As she said this, the disguised explorer picked up her things and left the Pizzeria with other three Pokemon in tow. A few moments latter, Weiss quickly stood up and paid their bill, which had a couple of zeroes, and hurried everyone to leave. “Get set you all, we are going on an adventure!” he proclaimed. “So you noticed it as well,” said Char with a grin, as he too had been reading the same newspaper. “It was hard to miss actually,” admitted Weiss as the group left the place. “Wait, where are we going?” asked Sylveon with confusion while the rest of the mercenaries shared an enthusiastic grin. “We have a friend to catch up with,” explained Char while Weiss shown him the newspaper, a page from the advertising section to be precise. “... Oh,” said Sylveon. “Should we tell miss Do about this?” Valerie added while Surskit read the page over her wing. “Relax, everything will go alright,” said Weiss with a slightly arrogant tone. “Besides, we aren’t doing anything dangerous.” “So this is just something stupid then?” inquired the young Bug-type as she joined two and two together. “She said ‘and’!” Weiss quickly pointed out with the same tone. “Loophole!” “I have a bad feeling about this…” was all Valerie said as she give the paper another look. On it said: Gran Equestria Traveling Wrestling Tournament! Come and show what you have and win great prizes. At the same time and a few blocks away, a certain yellow mare made an astounding conclusion on her own as well. “DOES THAT MEAN I AM NOT RESPECTED HERE!?” she shouted. It only took a few minutes for the mercenaries to find the place they were looking for, the Grand Metro Trotting Mayer Hotel, more accurately its grand auditorium, reserved for prime events such as euphoric concerts, refined symphonies or, in this case, a series of thrilling matches. As tonight's main event was none other that the famous “Missing Tooth’s Traveling Tour,” a starting point for anyone wanting to make a name out of their bucking or lose a few teeth in the process. As expected of said event, the line of participants was rather large. About two times the Hotel’s perimeter. At the mere sight of the amount of Equsslings, and some Pokemon, waiting for their turn under the blinding sun, the group stop to look at their determination and resolution. “They do know we have a thirty or more degree heat, right?” inquired Surskit atop Valerie’s head. “And still they don’t give up on their dream to have a good fight, definitely my kind of bunch!” Proclaimed Simon with a smile. “But still, how are you going to manage to get into the tournament and finish before our train departs?” Inquire now Valerie herself. “I may not be as smart as mister Xavier, but even I know that is pretty impossible with this many competitors.” “Tournament?” asked the mentioned mercs in unison and confusion. “Aren’t you here to gain a quick buck then?” asked Sylveon a bit lost. “Bits,” correct Surskit. “That.” “Din’t you saw the foto?” asked Pancha in the same confusion. The trio took out the newspaper again and gave it a second look, yet they learned nothing new besides what they had read before. “Oh, that is right,” said Char as he noticed what the others couldn't possibly have known. “You guys aren’t one of us, but with us.” With that said, the Red Comet pointed at a picture beside the challenging propaganda, where a dinosaur-like Pokemon stood roaring next to a text saying “Pokemon’s challenges are welcome!” However, this kind act didn’t shed any new light on the current confusion. With a sigh, Char continued explaining. “This gentleman here is a friend of ours,” he said. One could ‘hear’ the gears turning in the Gym Pokemon as they finally understood what they were truly after. “Oh!” they all said. “Exactly,” said Char with a smile. “But how are you sure he is one of your friends?” asked Valerie as she gave the page another look. “No offence, but this picture isn’t that clear. He could be any other Pokemon.” “Your concern is well placed,” commented Xavier without looking away from the crowd, or rather the building they were surrounding. “But fear not, I can sense it clearly, one of our comrades is in there.” “Oh right, you guys have that trick,” said Sylveon, only to find something else to ask right after. “But wait; how do you exactly do that again?” “Is quite simple really,” said Edge. “All Xavier has to do is…” continued Rouge, but she stopped once a certain Bisharp returned from the crowd. “So you wern’t able to get in?” “Actually, all I had to do was say I was a friend of his and ask if we could go and see him… they said ok,” replied Weiss calmly, albeit a bit disappointed as he didn’t have to sneak around this time. “Neat!” proclaimed Simon as they began walking after their leader. “So you all friends of the champ’?” asked an Earth Pony guard as he guided the Pokemon around the expensive looking hotel. “Yup,” answered Rouge kindly. “We are like family.” “We are blood!” Pancha with a chirp. The Pony chuckled as he continued. “Welp, I am sure he will be glad to met’ ya all again after this whole transdimensional mumble jumble.” And then, the group reached their destinated suit. The Pony simply gave a “We’ here,” and then knocked at the door. “Hey champ!” the Pony proclaimed as he and the rest entered. “I have a surprise for you!” “Not now Stomp…” replied a tired sounding yet ‘vibrating’ voice. “I am meditating…” What would anyone expect to see from a friend who had been lost for some time? To be worried? Sad or even depressed? That would be normal. Yet Checkmate was anything BUT normal. As the group walked in, they noticed a few things, first how large and fancy the room was. Big enough for Edge to spread her wings wide without a problem, this was the Royal suit after all. Then they noticed the large amount of pampering things on it, from a fountain of chocolate fondue to a small collection of robes of many colors and fabrics, there was even a whole team of masseurs properly working as well. Which bring us to the final thing they noticed and what they were after. Right on the middle of the room lied a large creature receiving numerous stomps by the many massagers at his disposal, the roughness needed to relax his muscles being the reason behind his odd sounding voice of a moment ago. “Yeah, I can see you are very into introspection now,” said Simon with a mocking tone. As soon as he said this, half the massager team was knocked up as a large dinosaur like creature with yellow plating for skin and two axes for cheeks looked at him, his face showing disbelief at first, yet as soon as the evidence before him proved him wrong, he dashed towards the group and gave the small ones a general and big hug. Save of course Valery, her husband, Surskit and Weiss. The later, however, seemed to be expecting to be part of the group hug, as his empty open arms suggested. “I've missing you guys so much!” said the Haxorus as he finally let his friends back on the ground. “And we sure missed you big guy!” said Pancha, still hugging one of her lost friends. “It's good to see you in good shape Chopper,” said Char calmly as he fixed a few parts of his shell, as it had been moved by the monumental show of affection of a second ago. Not that he minded though. “Is sure good to see you too sir,” the mentioned Chopper said with a respectful tone. “Is that so?” asked Edge with sarcasm as she looked around the room and joked. “I am sure you were so lonely without us.” “A-a lot of things happened, okay?!” the young Dragon-type quickly ‘explained.’ “Is not like I am forgetting of you all or anything…” “Really?” asked Simon with a serious tone which made Chopper lose a few shades of tone. “And you decided to wait for us to appear while surrounded of all this luxury, I am sure you suffered a lot…” In an instant, the Dragon-type was crouching before the Subterrene Pokemon in an apologizing manner. “I am sorry of having fall victim of these soulless pampering master!” he exclaimed. “You fool!” Replied Simon with a shout of his own. “There is nothing wrong with enjoying life while it lasts!” said the Excadrill as he laid down between the massagist team, who were currently working on him. “But you really went and enjoyed this without your honorable master, how shameful of you!” he proclaimed again while munching a bunch of grapes. “I am so sorry master!” Chopper apologized again at the verge of tears while Simon enjoyed the pampering. “M-master?” asked Sylveon with curiosity. “Chopper is Simon’s apprentice,” calmly explained Xavier as he also took as much food as he could. “I can somehow see the likeness,” Said Sylveon with a chuckle as he saw the Dragon-type’s manly tears. “There is no greater honor than to be trained by the strongest Pokemon in the world!” proclaimed Chopper in addition to some remaining tears in his eyes. “But still…” he said as he turned to see at the newcomers and asked. “Who are they?” Of course, Weiss had been included. Before the Haxorus could say something else, a dagger flew and stab him between the eyes, the Dragon-type, however, didn’t seem to feel a thing as the tick scales keep the edge at bay. “RECOGNISE ME NOW!?” asked the Bisharp. Chopper stood still for a moment before finally linking the voice and the dagger together. “... No way!” he exclaimed as he picked the Bisharp up as if were a rag doll. “Is this you boss? You make it here?” “What the hell do you mean by that!?” asked back Weiss as he ‘gently’ took his dagger back. “And of course it's me, who else would I be? And could you please put me down!?” “Excuse my surprise boss,” apologized Chopper as he inspected his leader like a toy, “but I still can’t believe you of all humans made it here.” An interesting thing about most Dragon-types is their uncanny resistances, either by their sturdy scales or their draconic auras, they are immune to almost anything. Save perhaps some delicate spots, like their eyes, as Valerie, Surskit and Sylveon quickly noticed once Weiss punched his comrade right on one. With an annoyed ‘Ouch!’ from both sides, the once-human landed as delicately as a 150 pound creature could. After a quick dust off, Weiss smiled and looked at his friend rubbing his eye. “It's good to see you are okay Chop,” he admitted with a friendly voice. “Yeah, you could say I was lucky though,” said Chopper as he blinked a few times. “I arrived at some small town in this world. Needless to say I wasn’t well received there.” “Tell me about it,” added Edge as she, and most of the team, was currently taking advantage of the small buffet. “I must admit it’s hard to believe that when we found you in a room like this,” said Char who preferred to assault the minibar. “It was pretty rough at first, trust me on that,” continued Chopper as he made himself comfortable on his minotaur-sized couch. “I had to fend for myself a couple of times. Even with a small frame like mine, I am not exactly hard to miss among all these ponies.” “Small?” asked Surskit in disbelieve. “Now that you mention it…” cut in Valerie as well as she gave Chopper a cautious look, the Haxorus took the chance to make a dashing pose while at it. “You seem a bit smaller than those of your kind.” “That is because I am,” cheerfully replied Chopper. “But what I lack in height, I make for in awesomeness!” And again, the mercenary group shared a loud laugh. “Forgive us for the late introductions,” said Rouge as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “We usually don’t worry about these kind of stuff, Valerie, Surskit, Sylveon, this here is one of our stronger and stranger comrades: Chopper of King.” The mentioned Dragon-type gave a sheepish smile as a greeting. “Chopper,” Rouge continued. “These here are Valerie, Gym Leader from Laverre City, her husband Sylveon and Surskit, also a Gym Pokemon from Kalos.” “I am Viola’s partner!” cheerfully said the small Bug-type. “An honor to make your acquaintance Ladies, Sir,” Chopper politely replied, and then proceeded, “and yeah, my days were filled with fights and escapes. Not much different from our time back home so I didn't mind.” “But then how did you end…” asked Pancha while pointing at the room. “Aqui?” “You must thank coach Missing Tooth for that. I sure am,” answered Chopper. “One day, while running around, I came to save this old Pony from some street thugs looking for a quick Bit. I made a quick job out of some of them, no surprise there, the surprise was said old Pony who did the same just fine. He looked at me with squinted eyes and said: ‘You ain’t bad son. Want to join my crew?’ I said ‘yes,’ and the rest is history.” “I am going to presume this Missing Tooth is somepony important then,” said Char as he gave the room another look. “As far I know, he is a legendary trainer in this world, roaming the land and looking for the next big champion. And let me tell you, he is good on his job. I mean, he didn’t show me nothing new on the punching department but good Arceus! does he knows how to manage people. First thing he did was look for some Unicorn to cast a translation spell on me.” “I ain’t going to go and make publicity for some mute bastard,” added a beery voice as a white, old Earth Pony walked in. The stallion wore a grey hoodie and a black skullcap, a pair of boxing gloves donning his rusty flank as he give a skinted look to all the Pokemon in the room. “So, these are your friends then?” “Yes sir,” Chopper replied politely yet happily. “They sure look the part,” said Tooth with little conviction. “Sep for those two…” He pointed at Char and Simon. “It would be pointless to have them in the ring, fights would end too quickly.” “I like this guy,” admitted Simon while Char simply chuckled. “I thank you for taking care of my dumb pupil until now,” the Excadrill added while offering one of his claws. “Just helping somepony to make a name for himself,” calmly said Tooth as he took the gigantic claw with his hoof without a trace of hesitation. “He seems tough and well seasoned,” said Weiss on his end, “definitely a nice guy.” Xavier made a ‘hum’ noise beside him and then added, “if so, then why didn’t he included me on his last statement?” “Because you clearly look like a bookworm type!” said Tooth right away. After a moment of silence, the tactician said “I prefer the term well read.” And a third laugh filled the room. “Well, it's good to see you in good shape and all Chop, but I have to ask: what will you do now?” asked Weiss calmly, albeit a bit afraid on the inside. “Will you prefer to stay with mister Tooth?” The Axe Jaw Pokemon gave his leader a confused look and then replied, “what are you talking about boss? Of course I will be going with you.” Weiss on his end didn’t knew if he should be relieved or confused. “What about your fame here?” he asked, not fully believing he was asking if one of his crew wanted to stay. “Aren't you happy here.” “This is a comfortable life,” admitted Chopper, “but I am not an indoors Pokemon.” The Dragon-type then cracked his knuckles and added. “I am here to kick butt and chew berries, and right now I am all out of berries.” “You sure? Because these here looks like citrus,” cut in Pancha while picking some fruits from a basket. Weiss, and everyone, smiled at the scene, but then turned to the old Pony. “Is this okay with you? Because we have to leave today.” “Kid, I know when I have an opponent I can’t fight before me,” replied Tooth with little care, “and right now, I am in a room filled with them, if he says he wants to go with you, I am nopony to say no.” “You are the best coach someone could ever ask for!” Chopper said as more manly tears come from his eyes. “Quit your tearing, it freaks me out,” admitted the Pony with a matching tone. “Besides, this whole tour was for you to find your family after all, and it worked out just nicely. However…” At this point, the Pony walked towards the window and open it slightly, showing the large amount of participants waiting outside. “I want to let you go kid, I truly do,” said the old manager with a tired tone as he turned back to the Pokemon. “But I’m afraid I can’t let you without giving this city the show it payed for.” “Okay… that is confuso.” Said Pancha with a matching tone. “So are you letting him go or not?” “I will let him go, but I would like to ask for a little favor in return,” said Tooth. “As long as I can help sir, I am all ears,” solemnly and exited said Chopper. “Would you go and fight all of those challengers?” said the coach as if was nothing. As a comprehensive individual and respected Gym Leader, Valerie couldn’t see any fairness in the deal as she made herself clear, “that seems a bit too extreme don’t you-” “Okay,” was Chopper’s immediate reply. “Fine, I will arrange things right away!” cheerfully added Tooth, much to the responsible Fairy’s disbelieve. “But… that… huh?” she sputtered politely. “How is that even fair!?” asked Sylveon beside her. “I know right, it's really unbelievable,” continued Chopper with the same serious tone, “those poor guys will have their dreams crushed just like that.” “After what we have seen these guys do, I am not surprised anymore,” added Surskit with a tired tone. “The ones who can properly give you a fight, or last long enough, will have my patronage,” explained Tooth with the same beery tone of before. “I don’t see the problem of this.” “I, for once, see a problem,” Xavier cut in, “we know the outcome of this challenge already, but I am afraid we have time against us.” “So you are saying that…?” Weiss then asked. “That if we wait here for this to end, we will lose the train,” explained Char. “Oh, that is bad.” “Indeed,” said Xavier. “We seem to be at an impasse then,” cursed Tooth. “How are we supposed to find a proper solution?” “I may have an idea,” Simon suggested. Around thirty minutes later, the doors of the grand hotel opened for the event to commence. As the challengers walked into the lobby, they were received by a gentle pair of aides, Valerie and Rouge, who greeted them with some encouraging words. “Greetings, and welcome to the Missing Tooth’s Super Mega Cluster Buck Tournament Extravaganza of Awesomeness!” they both said Pancha’s new slogan. “Please take a number, it will tell you which door to take, may luck be with you!” Done as told, each participant took a small number out of a toll and went to another waiting line were their opponent will be waiting. The first ones to make it inside the auditorium soon find out the gallery to be already full as thousands of Ponies, Minotaurs, Griffins and even Pokemon cheered as they waited for the fights to begin. And a good number of fights is what they will definitely have. Instead of a single ring for them to fight the legendary Pokemon champ, they had five different rings to hop into. Each one with a different fighter. “This is my final fight, so might as well give my crowd a good show!” proclaimed Chopper only to receive a daffing cheer in response. “It's good to see him this enthusiastic,” said Char to himself as he waited on his own ring. “Like master, like student,” added Weiss as he looked at his equally boasting comrade on his own end, which received a similar boost from the crowd. “However…” Then both looked at the small and exited red bird on the last ring smiling side to side of her face, waiting for the poor little lambs to willingly walk into her slaughter house. “She does realise we have to hold back… right?” asked the once-human. “She will do fine,” assured Char. “Mostly, probably… I hope so.” As the preparations were done, explanations given and excitement exalted, the Checkmates smiled at the rare opportunity they had before them: to fight for fun. “Best reunion party ever!” was Chopper words before the games began. And then, the bell rang. Daring’s group Las Pegasus’ Downtown “So that is how your group’s honor system works then?” asked Daring to Greninja, who simply nodded, “you know, for a silent guy you sure tell a lot.” The Ninja Pokemon give a small shrug in response. The group had paid a quick visit to Rich in his pawnshop and found out little information regarding the ruins they just visited, the info which lead them there and the item they recovered from it, even though the owner did give them an interesting offer for the Wand he wasn’t able to give them any new information. He was, however, able to put them on the right path to the city’s most dangerous zone, a place bound to know about the most dark and wretched plans and plots going on all over Equestria and beyond. The area known as Sierra Cuesta community, better known as the Foal Ghetto. Eighty two buildings and five line streets. They had just reached the recommended street and they already felt to be on the right course. “Evil eyes prying on us from every direction, a sense of dread filling the air all around us, street rats trying to steal from me right under my muzzle,” said Daring as she slapped a mouse off her saddle bags. “Yup, this is the place!” “I greed,” added Gold with a slightly disgusted tone. “This looks like the kind of place one can get their hands on some juicy information. Albeit it may not be worth this filth” “All the shops have the same unwelcoming presence,” Roa pointed out and asked. “How are wir going to find the right place to get some intel?” “It's actually easier that one thinks,” replied Gold as he looked around the sinister looking establishments like bars, brothels, XXX shops, love hotels and alike, all of which exude a violent aura. “All one has to do is…” the spy smiled as he set course at one of the establishments, “look for the one getting the less attention.” And then he stop before a small bakery, a died out salmon color adorning its walls while a small variety of bread goods were shown on the street counter. A simple sign displayed the name with little exuberance, unlike the other more shiny establishments. “Pantheon’s Bakery,” Roa read aloud. “Because I always wanted to be a baker?” “Interesting tag line,” commented Daring as she, and her companions, walked into the shop. The smell of sugar and flour hit their noses rather softly, as expected of a regular shop. As the crystal door closed behind them, a small chiming bell give notice of their arrival. “Coming!” Said a very masculine singsong voice with a slight Medimarerranean accent. From the ovens come a big and muscular Earth Pony stallion with a deep brown coat and a cooking hat resting over his head which covered his eyes, yet his red piercing gaze was still clearly visible, almost as if it were glowing. “Welcome to Pantheon’s Bakery, where you have the honor of eating my breads! How can I help you?” “We are just passing by,” said Do as the others waited beside her, save for Roa who was currently looking at the bread on display. “But I must say, you have a fine establishment here, despite its rather grim name.” The stallion simply made a dismissive wave with his hoof and replayed. “About it meaning graveyard right?” he asked. “A general misconception, it stands for ‘Temple of all Gods.’ Sounds better than a simple place for rest, doesn't it?” he asked again with a short laugh. “Indeed it does,” admitted Daring. “Mister…?” “Spear Thrower.” “Mister Thrower,” continued Daring. “You seem like a nice and honest Pony, how come you have such a nice establishment in a place like this?” Despite its regular appearance, the bakery held nothing that one could relate with the other establishments, like alcohol, pornography or secret doors of any kind. It was a well established and well earned bakery. “An easy job this one isn’t missy,” admitted the now named baker. “I had my amount of encounters with the so called ‘owners’ of these streets, demanding for protection and alike. But a good placed 'twak' on their heads takes care of it. The price for this place was cheap because of them though. I guess I should be thankful for that.” “So you have been able to get yourself clean of this sort of place by pure force of will, outstanding,” added Gold with a surprised tone. “I wasn’t captain of the Royal Guard and loyal servant to the princess for nothing,” he said with matching pride. “That position requires a strong heart and body to perform, that and baking. Something the goons of these streets surely don’t know.” “I asume you know your way around here then?” Gold asked again. “Have to,” admitted Thrower. “Otherwise I would find myself stabbed on the back in a wrong turn, not to mention I have to guide my suppliers in this death trap of a place.” The Duck Pokemon smiled. “Then would you mind giving some instructions to us, poor outsiders?” The baker give the group a long look, then added. “Look, I know when someone is looking for trouble. And you are definitely not here for bread, save perhaps the missy in the back,” he pointed at Roa, who was currently ogling at a Panettone. The group turned to stare at their ‘enforcer’ which simply give a sheepish smile in return. “It looks very good…” Roa admitted. “So why don’t you kids tell me what are you all after and I may give you a hoof,” finished Thrower as he pulled a large rolling pin close to him. “I guess keeping the act would be useless at this point,” admitted Gold. “We are looking for a hired thug, we sort of have a score to settle with him.” “He’s calls himself the Shining Demon,” added Do, much for the baker’s confusion. “A rather pretentious name huh?” Daring chuckled and joked, “you should meet my current ‘associates.’ His name is Lux Ray.” “Ah!” Thrower said, now recognising the name, “an extravagant foal. But quite good with the tips.” “Was, you actually know him?” asked Roa with surprice. “Yeah, even the worst scumbags on Equus like my bread!” Thrower explained. “Not to mention this shop is considered neutral. No ganks allowed, or else you answer to the spear!” “Then I presume you can’t tell us where he is then?” inquired Gold, assuming that the baker wasn’t the kind to rant their customers. “I’m afraid not,” corroborated Thrower. “It would be bad for business you know?” The group seemed disappointed at this, however Thrower wasn’t done yet. “But, I can point you towards someone who may be good at selling out those kind of Ponies.” “That is not bad for his business?” asked Gold with doubt. “Poor bastard uses any kind of publicity to get his name known. You all going to ask about a cold blooded merc will be a blessing on his eyes.” “I guess we will take that then…” replied Daring, only to take the piece of bread Roa had been eating with her eyes until now. “And this.” With the sound of a cashier closing and a happy stallion saying, “thank you, please come back soon!” the group left the bakery just as another strong yet graceful looking, brown coated mare with a smiling sun for a cutie mark made her way into the shop. Much to the owner’s delight. The group followed the instructions and with little effort, found the place they were looking for within the dark streets and alleys of that hostile place; an even darker alley. Rubish filled the place and unknown critters filled the thrash, giving the place a disgusting array of slithering sounds all over the cramped alley. “This seems promising alright,” said daring as she chewed the bit she had taken from Roa’s bread while also looked at the directions Thrower had given them. A rude doodled map with a note of ‘It has a green rooftop’ marking their destination. “How the buck does he knows the color of the roof from here?” the mare asked while looking at the tall and menacing grey walls. “He is one of your kind,” added Gold. “You tell me.” “Maybe er jumps very high?” suggested Roa. “Yeah sure…” Joked Daring as she walked into the alley. “And our contact is a rodent of unusual size.” “Those things are real I tell you!” shout a red coated, blue maned, Pony bump, as he spring out a trash can. “REAL!” And as suddenly as he appeared, he went back inside. “Lets just get the info we need and leave, please,” Daring plead after a moment of silence. They found an old and rusty place with a matching door, it seemed pointless with the amount of holes it had. Knocking carefully on it, and hoping it didn’t fall down, Daring called for whoever was inside. Nothing happened. “You guys sure we are in the right place?” asked Gold. “It says 'the most rusty looking door,'” replied Daring as she watched at the note. “According to Thrower’s note…” Suddenly the door was open, or rather taken down, by somepony who greet them immediately. “Why didn’t you say so to begin with?” exclaimed a green coated Pony with a black mane and a notepad for a Cutie Mark. “I was about to buck your brains out!” he proclaimed, only to have a water blade pressed against his neck. “You were saying?” asked Daring, not seeming to mind. “T-that any friend of Thrower is a friend of mine,” meekly said the green Pony as the blade was slowly removed. “What can I help you with?” “We are looking for someone named Lux Ray, calls himself-” “The Shining Demon, yes,” interrupted the Pony while fixing his door, sort of. “He just happens to be hired. Are you looking for him as contractors or as foes?” Daring didn’t answer, but she continued, “we want to know who contracted him and why.” The green Pony gave them a long and squinted stare and then replied. “Foes it is then,” he chuckled. “What can you offer?” Daring hopped she didn’t have to reach this point, not that she hadn’t bribed information out of somepony before, but right now she wasn’t exactly in her best financial situation, especially after last night. “How much can 1000 golden pictures of Celestia can get?” she asked with a tired tone. “A nice amount of NOT ENOUGH!” replied the Pony, finishing to fix his door. “Now if you'll excuse me I am a busy stallion, have an average day!” and slammed the door close. “That could have gone worse,” said Gold from his end. “We have no information at all, what part of this could be worse?”inquired Daring with annoyance, only to be tapped on the shoulder by Greninja. “WHAT!?” With the right gestures and signs, the Ninja Pokemon made his companions aware of a little fact, there were only three of them at the moment. “Where is Roa?” Daring asked. Then some noises come from within the green Pony’s building. “What the hell are you doing here… wait, what is that? HOLY CRAP HOW DID YOU DO THAT!? No! Stay back, stay back!" “I think she decided to persuade our little informant,” ventured Gold while the screams and noises from inside became more and more hysteric and frantic. Finally, the door was again taken down by the green Pony, dashing out of his building and pulling onto the trash on the street while trying to gain as much distance as possible from the terror who had driven him near insane. “T-t-t-take that t-t-thing away of me!” proclaimed the Pony while pointing inside his dwelling, a grim spectacle of burned meat, scorched ground and carbonized bones filled the place. Then from within it, came out the cause of the green Pony’s near heart attack experience. A fluffy and big, white rabbit. “You are joking right?” inquired Daring, more to Roa-bunny than to the Pony. “I-this-Just look at the bones!” the Pony proclaimed again. “Okay, okay, we will help, but you may want to give us something in return,” Daring began. The Pony didn’t need a second to consider his situation, “he said he was going to work with Tlaloque, some old dude from Ahuizotl, mentioned something about using ‘that old temple in somewhere’ now please take it away of me!” “Not that I am well informed about this world yet but: there are a lot of temples in it.” Gold pointed out, however Daring threw the bag with bits to the other Pony’s hooves while picking Roa-bunny up. “That will do. Thank for the help.” She said while passing by the green Pony. “Herzlichen dank!” Said the bunny as well with a happy yet devilish tone. The group left the alley with a calm step while the poor green pony slammed his door up for a third time. Not wanting to get any unwanted attention like this ever again. “Nice one Roa!” Daring prised once away the alley. “Bitte,” replied Roa slightly excited. “It wasn’t much of a challenge, but it was a good exercise.” Her bunny illusion vanishing from Daring hooves as the real one appeared beside her. “I was missing using my illusions for some fright.” “I am sure he got a heck of one,” joked Daring. “Excuse me for butting in but how are we supposed to find a temple in a world filled to the brim with them?” exclaimed Gold in once again, “because correct me if I am wrong but: you said once there are hundreds of them!” “Simple,” replied Daring as if she was saying that Luna will rise the Moon on the night. “There is a place called Somewhere’ in Equss, which is famous for having one Unsolvable Maze.” “Just like that?” “Just like that.” “Then what is the catch?” asked Gold again. “There is no way this can go so easily.” Daring let out a sigh and give back a slightly embarrassed expression. “There are many old documents mentioning not a temple in somewhere, but THE Temple of Somewhere is another story, some mention the maze like layout, others say that it holds a treasure like no other, and there is the believe it may have a gateway to another plane of existence. However…” “However?” asked Roa with curiosity. “There is not a single report indicating where the hay it's supposed to be,” Daring finished. “Sounds like a perfect place to hide,” acknowledged Gold. “But what good does it do us to know the place they are hiding when we don’t know where that place is?” “I have tried a couple of times with no gain,” admitted Do. “But I did get to know this professor once who seemed to know more about ‘Somewhere’ than anypony else I have meet. Or rather anyzebra else in his case.” “What do you mean by that?” Gold asked. “That we need to leave the continent,” Daring finished. Somewhere else “You have been surprisingly quiet since you got back,” said Ray while munching on his apple fries. “Is meeting that witch so special to you?” However, there was no response as the immortal continued its learning, the Magnemite brought from Thrist floating around the pillars. “If she is so important then why don't you make her your underling?” Ray proposed on his own end, which was another pillar displaying another portion of human history: warfare. “It would be nice to have somepony to boss around for a change.” “She and I have different goals. And you are eons away of standing against her,” finally replied Tlaloque. “But I must admit you have your own gifts. Like right now; you managed to see over the Fate Lines with little problem, all it took you was seeing me using them just once.” “Since someone has a security spell telling me to leave every second, I have to find a way to distract myself with,” he explained. Tlaloque turned away from its pillars and gazed on the mercenary. “I can’t believe that of all Unicorns in the world, you were blessed with the art of Spellthief,” it said condescendingly and then continued with its watch. “It's not such a rare deal as you think,” replied Ray while filling his mouth with more fries. “The new Princess seems to be able to copy spells on sight too.” “And her title alone represents how much of a ‘deal,’ as you say, it is,” continued the immortal. “You could achieve so much if you just find the right motivation for it.” “And end like mister shadow lord of the Crystal Empire?” countered Ray. “no thanks, I like the underling life. Besides, you can’t say I don’t make my share of studying.” he added with a sadistic smile while carefully looking at a green clothed human wrestling a familiar looking, red clawed, Pokemon. The Magnemite floated beside Tlaloque as he too looked at Ray with caution, wondering what would be of him. “Worry not,” said the clothed one to the Magnet Pokemon, “we don’t plan to hurt you. But we do have plans for you. So I recommend you to stay put until then.” The Magnemite didn’t try to reply back, it was obvious for him that those two creatures were way out of his league. Not to mention that, in a way, the clothed being had just saved him from a far worse fate in the claws of that black witch. For now, all he could do was to do the same as his new captors: to wait and see. Frederic’s Pizzeria was bursting with cheers and laughter as its more recent patrons filled the place with a noisy celebration. “For the best training I've been through in a long time!” said Simon as he held a beer mug high on the air and then depleted its contents in a swift gulp. “Not to mention the return of my protege to the group!” “Master, your welcoming words are the best thing I could have as a returning gift!” admitted the Haxorus with tears. “Did you guys see how I took care of those who tried to double tag me?” added Pancha with a chirping tone. “I sure saw how far you launched them dear,” added Rouge. “As well I saw how you never remembered the part about holding back.” “It's a bit disappointing to see most of the normal fighters of this realm are rather average nn combat knowledge,” thought Char out loud with his regular calm attitude. “I didn’t have much to do nn this tournament. “Not all of us had the luck of facing one of their top tiers,” said back Edge with a slightly dry tone. “I mean, you could have died… and I was stuck as babysiter, not to mention I could have participated in the tournament too! I could hade make some sweet maneuvers to impress these Ponies.” “It wouldn’t have been fair for those too small to properly face you,” Weiss pointed out. “Nor did we have to make all this fuzz about it, we all were there and saw everything.” The team nodded in agreement. “But you have to admit we kicked so much flank boss!” added Pancha. “We sure did, didn’t we?” admitted Weiss with more laughter coming right after. Needless to say that the whole event ended as a glorious spectacle for Missing Tooth, he was able to find a couple of successors for Chopper. Albeit he needed to wait for their injuries to heal to properly start training. Despite this minor setback, it was a good parting of ways for the old Pony and the young Pokemon. “You think we will cross paths with the coach one day?” wonder Chopper once the food had made the talk more pleasant. “So far, this world has proven to be rather small,” replied Simon with a knowing tone. “I don’t doubt you two will cross paths eventually.” “Speaking of small world,” cut Weiss in. “I would like to have another, but more proper, cheer for our returning comrade.” At this words, the whole team went silent, much to the delight of the few other customers in the pizzeria. “Chopper, to your willing return to the group.” And so the whole group raised their respective brewages to the air with an unanimous ‘cheer!’ and then proceeded to swiftly empty them. Then the noise returned, as well as the displeased faces of the Ponies. “Today has been a good day so far,” said Xavier. “We got to become more acquaintanced with the Nurems, we found another of our comrades, you managed to pull that trick you have been working on.” “Almost,” admitted Weiss as he patted his forearm. “It was good to have so many challengers for my training, but I am still unable to pull out a proper Psychic Cutter.” “But that thing you ended with isn’t that bad either,” pointed Simon across the table. “Is a neat move on its own, although not that strong.” “Or legal,” added Rouge. “I am sure a move like yours would be banned as soon as it's discovered.” “For which is a good thing we aren’t precisely know for following the rules,” joked Weiss. The group continued to laugh for some minutes, until the mare they were waiting for came back. “Sorry, took longer than expected, we had to go all the way to other side of the city and why is there a yellow dinosaur in the table?” “Darn it,” cursed Chopper as he pulled a bag of gold and called the owner to pay the bill, his end of the bet. Daring, and co, was understandably confused by this. “We tell him about you,”explained Rouge, “and tell him that by now you wouldn't be faced by him.” “You are like family at this point,” continued Pancha. “He would have won if he had surprised you a little.” “Okay,” replied Daring. “But that doesn't explain one thing.” “And what is it dear?” “What is a freaking, yellow dinosaur doing at the table!?” The group gave Daring and Chopper a proper and more calm introduction to one another as they walked over the mail center, to deliver a couple of letters, one for the Griffin Empire, containing a small sumary of their adventures so far, the communication book Weiss had bought and a letter for Shredder, informing her about the missing child she was looking for, as well as a little petition about their honoraries. Another letter was made and distributed to every mail post on Equss. Inspired by their comrade Titania, Weiss made a similar message directing every Checkmate member towards the Griffin Empire if they weren’t lucky enough to find them. With that done, they went to the train station and were currently waiting for their train to depart as well for any of the Nurems to pass by and give them a good bye. In the meanwhile, the explorer had give the mercenaries a quick explanation about their next direction. “So to Zebrica now huh?” asked Weiss. “Sounds interesting.” “Actually, we first need to get to the Hoofrican continent, then we can go to the Zebra kingdom,” explained Daring. “Sounds adventurous enough,” pointed Char out. “And from what you've told us about it, is similar to the places back home were we used to thrive with.” “No international conflicts!” demanded Daring behind her fake hat. “Getting into the Princess’ room was enough danage for my career.” “Fine, we will not influence other countries to battle each other for profit,” said Weiss not too convinced. “But I don’t promise anything if we got asked for it!” The mare simply give him a glare in return. ‘These guys are such a head ache,’ she thought. It didn’t last long though, as she had her own little problem at the moment. ‘How much money do we still have?’ she wondered. ‘It's not like they expect me to take care of them and their expenses for the rest of this adventure despite being a properly experienced explorer who just wasted what few bits she had left on some random informant…’ Clearly, she wasn’t on her best moment to criticize somemon. Weiss on his end wasn’t doing any better. ‘We almost lost all last night, and what was left went to Chopper’s welcome party,’ the leader thought. ‘Do you think we need to go and make some quick money before leaving?’ Suggested Xavier on the mind link. ‘Nah, we don’t have the time anyway,’ Weiss replied. ‘Not to mention we have an experienced explorer in our side, I am sure she can take care of things for a few more days right?’ After a moment of silence, the tactician said something else. ‘We really need our pay.’ ‘Agreed.’ Both lines of thoughts were cut short as a new mind began to talk with them. Vincent gave them a good bye on his own way. As the group joined the talk, both Daring and Weiss decided to leave their monetary problems to the side for now, as they both thought. ‘What is the worst that could happen?’ > Twenty Eight Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Eight Move Memento Mori IV Las Pegasus - Canterlot railway A small waiting hut “Here is as far you fellas get,” said the Pony in charge of the multicolored transport, and at the shout of “ALL ABOARD!” he and his machine quickly disappeared on the distance. The group silently watched their transport leaving, not able to say a thing as they couldn’t believe what had happened. In their wasting frenzy from yesterday, namely getting hammered in the desert, buying food, paying for information and getting into another party, the team found itself in a small pickle: they had no more money. They managed to reach this point in the middle of nowhere thanks to the amount of bits the group was carrying. Ignorant to this disadvantage, they all boarded the train with what little extra they have, getting delivered just this far before being gently kicked off. After more silent staring into the distance, someone decided to finally say something. “You know, I could have make him think we had paid the full ticked already,” Xavier mentioned. “And why didn’t you do that?” Weiss asked calmly, still looking at the horizon. “I thought it would be rude,” replied the Metagross. “Humm…” replied Weiss. Another minute of silence passed by. “NEXT TIME TRY TO ASK US BEFORE BEING SO CONSIDERATE!” the whole group, Daring included, shouted. “Okay, we better start moving,” said Weiss with a defeated tone as he, and the rest of his team, walked beside the railtrack. “I hope we find some water, the sun is still up.” “On foot?” asked Valerie with confusion, to the point she forgot she was currently floating, “but that would take us ages!” “Perhaps,” admitted Daring, “but we don’t have the bits to pay a train ride, and we are too many to hitch one either, so we better hurry up before the sun gets warmer.” “We have no other choice,” added Gold. “It’s not that bad, this isn’t the sandy part of San Palomino, so getting dehydrated will be a smaller problem.” With a sigh Valerie began to float behind her rat tag of friends. “Well, every trainer starts with a journey, I think this can make us remember a few things,” she finally admitted with a bit more optimistic tone. “That’s the spirit dear,” complimented her husband. “I hope we can find some juicy fruits on the way though.” And so everyone started on their warm journey, all but one. “I wonder if any of them will remember that I am a Water-type?” Surskit silently asked to herself as she put herself in motion as well. Griffienhiem Empire Nestinghold castle After much preparation and proper planning, the time had come for the flag ship to depart with the Griffin Empress and her comitive towards the Kingdom of Equestria. The vessel was the largest ship in all of the Empire, and was rumored to be the largest battle craft in the whole world, although this was debatable since the Minotaurs of Minos didn’t show off their own war vessels. Still, the magnificence of the ship wasn’t questionable. It was covered in orichalcum all over it, yet it was so carefully crafted that it looked more like a gigantic piece of art than a weapon. The reason being mainly because there hadn’t been an actual war for decades, at least on the Griffins’ side. The port had a whole crowd waving flags and throwing rose petals, all wishing their Empress a save travel. Among said farewell committee were also some Ponies and many Pokemon as well, some of which were responsible for the flower rain, no doubt inspired after Rouge’s number a week ago. “Such thing would be seen as weird on our world,” commented Shredder as she and Roll walked behind Victoria. A line of guards flanked each side of the red carpet they walked in in order to aboard the Holzschiff. “What would be?” questioned Grizelda beside them. “The whole cheering and farewell?” “That would be considered extravagant at best,” replied Roll. “The fact of two races becoming so acquainted with one another so fast despite their circumstances. It is incredible to see how peaceful, welcoming and friendly the inhabitants of this world are.” “Really?” Grizelda asked again in confusion. “I consider it normal, in fact we are considered to be the second more aggressive nation in the world, beaten only by the Minotaurs. Although I have heard a few nasty things from Zebrica, and there are the Yaks.” “And yet things have gone so smoothly, if only our world knew about your ways before.” “It is sad to hear you world was such a dark place, Lady Shredder,” commented Victoria without turning around, as she was currently waving at her people, “but your kind is here now, and we can’t just stay with crossed claws and do nothing. To look for the best for our people is what any leader must do.” “That IS the point of this trip,” added Grizelda with her usual cocky tone. A few steps latter and they were before the boarding lane, where Victoria’s advisors and some heads of the army awaited for them. The Empress left her remplacements some trusting words and wished for them to rule properly in her absence, she then proceeded to face her Empire and bid farewell to her citizens. Shredder, on her side, did a similar thing with her own troops, who also awaited beside the carpet, each one of them wearing a perfectly fit piece of armor, even Jacky and Gigalith carried a piece made for them. Alberich was the most shining of them all as he proudly stood at the front of the soldiers. “I leave this land at your care,” Shredder calmly said while firmly taking the young Griffin’s claw. “I am not the in charge of the army ma’am,” Alberich said back, “but I will do my best.” With a final inspection over her troops, Shredder proceeded to board the ship, a small detachment of her soldiers following after. She would show off some of the Griffins’ training if the opportunity ever arrived. And with the cheer of the Empire daffing most sounds, the retracted its ropes and slowly but surely left the port. From then on, it would make a direct line towards the capital city of Canterlot and arrive in an approximate time of three days. The Imperial committee for the World Summit had officially departed. Somewhere in San Palomino Desert Along the train rails The group continued their march with nothing much to liven things up, other than the occasional train passing by or a random Pokemon encounter. Yet besides that, there was nothing but dirt, rocks and the railroad. Needless to say that the mercenaries and their companions were slowly getting weary. “I am so bored!” shouted Simon, “I have dug so many holes that there could be a sink hole if I continue!” “It was worth the try,” replied Weiss as he, and the others, rest under the shade of a rock Chopper had kindly raised for them. “We can’t keep going without water for too long.” Surskit chuckled. “And Rouge’s weeds can only give us so much hydration.” “I still think is amazing I can grow things so easily on this dead land,” admitted the mentioned. “I am surprised you can grow anything at all!” added Daring, who was one of the few who enjoyed the food, “it’s almost as if you were an Earth Pony, is this a Pokemon thing or something?” “Actually, no,” replied Xavier, who reluctantly eat his pasture, “some Grass-types can grow fruits and berries on their bodies or control grass with certain moves. Yet with the exception of the Elder Tree Pokemon, none can order nature like this.” “It’s odd right!” admitted Rouge once more, “but, ever since we got here, I’ve been feeling a stronger connection with the flora around me.” At this mention, Rouge waved a bouquet near the ground where a new patch of grass began to emerge. “Almost as if I could communicate with the plants around me. However…” At this point, the green and healthy grass became brown and dry. “I can only control it so long before it dies.” “Maybe is the natural magic on this world?” ventured Valerie above her, “this world does have tons of it.” “Magic…?” said Rouge, pondering the possibility until she found a little limitation to said theory, “but I am not a Fairy-type, how can I possibly be able to use magic?” “That may be impossible in your world,” added Daring, “but in this world magic can be used by anyone, as long they have the proper connection with it and some training .” Again, Rouge remained silent as she thought on the possibility while smaller patches of grass grew near her feet. A chuckle broke her of her thought once again. “I guess we need to find you a magic instructor then,” half joked Weiss. “I Wonder if there are any green thumbed magicians in this world?” “Magic here comes in various forms, I am sure we can find one for you,” assured Daring as she happily munched more of her meal. Once what little food they grew was consumed, the group resumed their pilgrimage, something Chopper greatly thanked as the rook was becoming a bit heavy at this point. Flagship Holzschiff Somewhere above the ocean The great vessel was more than a gigantic war-dash-transport machine, which it definitely was, but also a well equipped, first class, royal cruiser. Every cabin was elegantly decorated in a modest yet effective way. The walls had molding adorning each part of it with motifs of ancient battles and legends, other places were covered in elegant wallpaper with exotic designs. There was not much in the way of decoration besides that though, like old armors or ancient coat of arms, this was a war vessel after all and such things would be rather useless if a combat ever erupted. With the only exception being, of course, Victoria’s personal cabin. A place so filled with furniture and decorations it could easily replace her actual room back on her castle. The Empress, of course, found all that exaggerated and unneeded. But ‘Appearances need to be kept’ was the answer she normally had from the ship’s captain. And as such, Victoria was constantly surrounded by any kind of pampering she could imagine and even more. This became old quickly. Being someone used to ruling an Empire, Victoria couldn’t find her current lack of work relaxing on the slightest. She needed to work, to do something, anything that would prove to herself that she was the head of state of her country and not just some pompous V.I.G. Her boredom reached a point when she had go and give some help to the ship’s kitchen. The crew didn’t know how to react to this at first, so they let her do as she pleased. For around two hours, before the captain arrived for an inspection and almost had a heart attack once he saw her washing some dishes. As expected, she was prohibited to repeat such actions as she was sent back to her cabin. “He does know I am the Empress right?” inquired Victoria, “I could easily demote him from his position if I wanted to.” “Come on your Highness,” commented Grizelda, “that would be too harsh. I would rather call it ‘rewarding his services by sending him to the Yakyakistan embassy on the Frozen North.’ That wouldn’t raise any commotion.” Victoria chuckled at the suggestion as she looked out at her window. As expected of the cabin reserved for the Empress, the view was simply gorgeous. The whole horizon was visible from the elevated position the cabin had. It was then when Victoria noticed a group of Griffins flying around the ship. “Right on schedule as always,” Victoria pointed out, “does Miss Shredder know those poor souls may like to enjoy the trip?” “Either she doesn’t or she doesn’t care,” replied her clawmaiden, “I guess she shares that with you.” “Well, we can’t let things go on like this can we?” The Empress acknowledged. “Grizelda, will you be so kind to bring Miss Shredder to my cabin please?” “I am sure your soldiers will be more than thankful with you, your highness,” Grizelda replied with a smile as she leave. “Finally, something to distract me from this tedious calm,” Victoria said to herself once she was alone. A couple of minutes latter, Shredder’s troops could be seen catching a breath at the deck, a sign that the mercenary instructor has left her position. Latter, said instructor was before the Empress. “I’m back!” carefreely said Grizelda on her return, “and I brought her along, she was a bit reluctant though.” “How can I be of service your Highness?” inquired Shredder as she entered the cabin. “I was merely looking for a reason to give your Griffins a few minutes of peace,” elegantly yet shamelessly replied the Empress on her couch as she offered the newcomer a seat before her. Being as ‘no-nonsense’ as she was, Shredder was unable to interpret Victoria’s words. “My apologies your highness, but what do you mean by that?” She asked as she finally sat down. “Let me put it like this; what can possibly happen during our travel that requires your troops to continue their training even as we move around on the biggest ship in the Empire?” The mercenary replied with her regular seriousness right away. “A ship in the middle of delivering a diplomatic envoy tend to be a valuable target; we could be ambushed by pirates, an enemy country could launch an attack on us, a storm could send us astray and lose our route which would end with our troops rioting against us once the supplies had run low and thus start a fight of the fittest within the vessel.” Victoria stood silent for a minute and finally asked to Grizelda. “I-is that how I regularly sound like?” “Normally, not that exaggerated or confident about bad things to happen, but yeah, sort of.” “Remind me to program me some self imposed relaxation once this is over.” The Empress then turned back to her ‘employe,’ “I see you like to be prepared for any kind of situation, as impossible as they may sound,” “Keeping your troops in shape is my job, your Highness.” “But still, I doubt they can be of much help on any of those events if they are too exhausted to even think, let alone react to said events.” Shredder thought for a moment and then replied. “So what you are saying is…?” “To give them some free time, at least while we are on this ship. The Holzschiff already posses its own troops, and even when they have no Pokemon training, they remain as one of the best troops in the Empire.” “That is something one of my trainees, Saewine, proclaims as a former member of this ship’s crew. But I can only trust that which I have grown, your Highness.” “That is wise, to a point,” admitted Victoria. “But even when I haven’t raise them myself, I can admit the sailors on this ship are all trustworthy of my, and everyone’s, lives.” “My apologies your Highness, I didn’t meant to insult you,” Shredder said politely while adding, “I guess it’s an old family habit.” “There was no insult,” Victoria reassured her with a gesture of her claw. “But I am curious now. For how you act and what I can tell, you were raised in a strict household, am I wrong?” At this point, the Empress was resting her shoulders on her couch, looking for a more comfortable position while Grizelda patiently stay close to her. “So, how come someone as righteous and stern as yourself ended up with a group of mercenaries?” Shredder’s face kept her serious demeanor as she replied, “I am afraid that is a bit private for you to ask, won’t you agree your Highness?” Victoria let out a sigh, “perhaps it is…” yet she smiled deviously right after, “maybe we could talk of something else we all know, say, how you and Lady Roll ended up together maybe?” The mercenary replied with her regular seriousness right away, “I was raised back in Virtus.” Back on earth Virtus Region A long time ago. Virtus is an island region not far from the Kalos region. As ancient and beautiful as the latter, yet if possible with a past far more covered in blood. Even though is a very peaceful place nowadays, or at least it was… My apologies, I am getting off topic. The region was famous for its countless tales of folklore about the great Fabeled King, who brought together the land, and his loyal Knights who keep peace all over his reign. Because of it, things like honor and duty are highly valued and respected, even by Pokemon. All over the land were clans ruling over their domains, the Ferrothorn garrisoned in the forests along side the Escavalier, the Lucarios, Gallades and Gardevoirs roamed the human towns and gave them protection, the Aegislash served as loyal guardians of said humans’ governors, the Haxorus constantly looked for worthy foes in the mountains and so on and so forth. In such a place, every Pokemon who valued itself was sworn to a cause and bound by honor to it, even the likes of my Dark-type kind who ruled over the grasslands with a mighty yet humble strength. It was there where I was hatched, as I stated once before, from the clan’s Alphas. My mother was a gentle warrior, swift in her strikes and merciful on her kills whether she was on the hunting parties or fending off enemy clans. She was known simply as The Silver Flash for her superb use of a rapier. My father was a stern and direct ruler with a tough ‘lead by example’ principle, he would often show respect to his enemies by giving them a chance to avoid a pointless battle but reaffirmed his sovereignty by slaying those who refused said kindness. He was a formidable user of a dual blade technique, yet he mostly fought using only a dagger, leaving the companion sword for worthy foes. And between them, was me. A young heir to a vast and noble land with an even larger heritage and pride. Since I was able to stand I was shown how to fight and guide, the basics of swordplay were told to me far before I was fully able to walk and the principles of ruling come before I was fully able to talk. I suppose you could say I had a rough childhood, but having known that from the start, there was nothing for me to fear or regret. In fact I loved every single moment of it as it was the most time I spent with my parents. By the way, there is something I would like to explain first. “And what may that be?” inquired Victoria a bit disappointed yet retaining a calm expression. Grizelda beside her didn’t care to even pretended to take the stop well. “I am sure you and the other races in this world see swordplay as a common thing to learn.” explained Shredder as she placed her sword from her lap to stand between her legs. “Soldiers need to learn how to fight after all,” said Grizelda matter-o-factly. “Indeed,” proceeded the Sword Blade Pokemon, “but back in my world, it was extremely rare to see a Pokemon with a weapon, especially as they are considered to be weapons themselves.” “Of course there exist a few exceptions, like the Wild Duck or Muscular Pokemon who made use of different objects for combat. However, things are different in Virtus.” Every clan made use of weapons. The only exception being the prideful Haxorus who preferred armors. As such, to have things like spears and swords among the ranks of ‘wild’ Pokemon was an unheard thing all over the world yet a daily basis in my home. Because of it, it was rare for young human trainers to visit our lands in the search of partners as it would have been almost suicidal. One or two foolishly brave did try it from time to time, but we quickly show them the error of their misplaced pride. They always returned unharmed of course, albeit a scratch here or there. Back on topic. The reason behind such an unorthodox way of living lied in the legends of the region, which claimed that in the old times, the great fabled King and his Knights wage war with their Pokemon companions close to them, entrusting their lives to one another as if they were of the same flesh and blood. Said legends even mentioned how these Knights gifted their partners with trophies of weapons and lands. Some humans theorised it was the legends that give the Pokemon the idea of using weapons in the first place. But I can assure you that my clan wasn’t one of those. As my clan had one of said heirlooms from the time of legends. The fabled sword Arondight. We knew it was a present for our services to a human from long, long ago, yet we couldn’t tell from whom. It could have been from any of the twelve Knights or from the fabled King himself as far as we knew. Yet that wasn’t the point of it, the blade symbolised the longevity of our clan and the honorable history behind it. The importance each and every one of its members had within the region was embodied in that ancient sword. So you can guess how much pressure was put onto me. As each head of the clan was responsible of keeping the sword, it was my duty of birth to not only inherit Arondight but also what that meant: to be the righteous leader of the clan. And so I grew to be the stronger, faster, tougher and smarter than any other member of my generation. Knowing of all techniques of swordplay, educated in the many tactics of battle and diplomacy, even versed in human writing for the occasional signpost we may encounter within our land. I was resolute in my actions, proud of my strength and confident in my future. But everything changed in one single day. It was another regular sunny day, nothing big was meant to happen. At the time I was a small Pawniard, my hunting party and me were returning victorious with our prey when we spotted an unknown scent, someone was inside our territory. It was the scent of a human and its Pokemon, we thought it was yet another young trainer testing its bravery and luck, we decided to go and give him a fright as always. We surrounded this human, as always, and waited for our scout to distract them so we could jump in. However, there was something different about this human. The scent was of a human, yet there was something else to it, something I couldn’t figure out at first, yet something I know all too well. Then we noticed that our scout had taken too long. We jumped into the clearing the invaders had been using to camp, only for all of my subordinates to be knocked unconscious before they could hit the ground. I would have share the same fate if I had done as much as blink, I avoided a fist sent my way at the very last moment, albeit my body had to move in a way that made my fall a total wreckage. “So the rumors are true,” commented one of the Pokemon as he turned around to face me, “Pokemon in this region use weapons.” It was a Nidoking, he seemed to be as big as a mountain to my shocked young self. “Let’s thank this is not a trend been copied by other regions,” added a Serperior next to him with a royal yet rough tone . He somehow looked very tired yet ready for action at the same time. “It has its own charm though,” said yet another Pokemon, a Scizor, as he inspected one of our weapons, “warriors following the ways of old times, it’s almost romantic.” He was the one who took care of most of us in the blink of an eye. Then, the human spoke. “I missed mine.” He said with a cold tone and even colder eyes as he turned to me. He was the one who’s fist I dodged. He looked to be young, physically at least, not much older than me, and was wearing plain black clothes and nothing more. It was that moment though when I noticed the one difference this human had from the ones who had come before him: he smelled like blood and death. “Oh come on kid, don’t be so mean with yourself,” commented a Pokemon I have never seen until that point, a Cloyster, whose carapace was white as snow and his eyes were red as rubies. He floated near the human as he said this, yet the human didn’t remove his gaze from me. “I need more practice,” he said to himself, “and I have told you before that I can’t understand you,” his tone didn’t sounded as harsh for a moment. “Look at you,” Continued the albino one while pointing at us with its horn, “this little guy barely dodged you while the rest are unconscious, you can’t call this a loss.” The human was still ignorant of what his partner was saying and simply give an annoyed look in response as he was at least able to understand what he meant. “Fine, wake them up and send them home,” the human said with a sigh. “See, we can understand each other!” Said the Cloyster as he ‘hugged’ the human. “For an armored Pokemon, you sure are very soft,” joked the Scizor as he began to wake up the rest of my group. “All he needs is love.” We left as soon as all of my Pawniards wake up, not before the human give me a parting word. “You’d better hurry.” “This is one long story,” commented Grizelda. “I am sorry about that, but all good stories need a good setting,” replied Shredder. “But isn’t this a real story?” inquired Victoria. “As I was saying…” ignored Shredder. We left the camping site immediately, luckily our prey was left away from the whole ordeal so the only loss of the day was our pride. I remember my scouts asking, “my lady, just what in the world were those?” “They defeat us rather pathetically,” other comrade said. “Whatever they are, they are not match for our whole might,” I replied, “we have to hurry back so we can return with more warriors. No one mocks our clan and leaves without a proper fight.” We were almost there when a new scent hit our noses, this wasn’t the smell of a human but of something far worse. “... Fire!” We dropped everything that wasn’t a weapon and ran back home as fast as our legs allowed us to, hopping for the smoke to only be near our home. As we got closer and closer, we noticed that the smoke pike was coming directly from within our home, not only that but the smoke and fire was growing. We increased our pace, getting ready to help our kind against the natural disaster. Only to find it wasn’t natural fire but a disaster all the same. As we arrived we found not only fire and smoke, but also many Fire-types blazing all over the place with humans shouting orders behind them. We didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know what to do. And as such, all we did was stay still in shock while our home and our comrades were consumed by the flames. Yet not all of us were completely impotent at the sight. Some of our strongest warriors were doing their best to fight off the invaders while giving the rest of our clan time to flee. Suddenly, a dark blue glimmer shone on the distance, I catch a glimpse of Arondight been waved, my father was still alive and fighting. Even when it could have been anyone else, another member of my clan using the sword or even a human, the sight of the old blade alone was all I needed to snap out of my stupor. I turned to my comrades and scream orders to them: help with the evacuation, look for stragglers and stay away from the aggressors. I looked up to see the sword one more time, it was ‘one more time’ wasted for me as I suddenly hear someone screaming. “There is another one!” Said some woman, “Magma use Flamethrower!” As I turned around to look at said voice, a Magmortar had jumped to me, and arm raised as he let out a stream of fire on my way. I smashed the ground in reflex, sending a volley of Rock Tomb in their direction. The rocks were enough to stop the attack yet not the attacker who simply passed through them and then delivered a Fire Punch right into my then small chest. Luckily that Magmortar was a rather stupid foe for two reasons, first: his kind isn’t physically strong, and second; my chest is covered in blades. His hand was a bleeding mess long before he could even acknowledge the pain. Unfortunately for me, that punch still delivered a considerable amount of damage which I noticed by the distance I was send flying. I rolled on the ground once I landed and could barely remember who I was and what was happening. The smell of molten metal and the sound of screams brought me back just in time as I noticed a very angry Magmortar with a bleeding hand looking for me. I wanted to help my kind, to avenge my comrades, to fight alongside my father and mother. But in that right moment all I could do was flee. It was mortifying. One of the greatest, strongest and proudest members of my clan and I didn’t know what to do other than flee. The thought alone mortified my immensely, not only was I running from a fight but I was also running from my home in a moment where I was needed the most. Because of these mental trepidations, I fail to notice a branch on the ground which sent me rolling another couple of feets, only to find myself something I didn’t expected to see, the remnants of the prey my comrades and I had caught not so far ago. And a few extras. “Isn’t the world small?” I heard a relatively familiar voice said, “Isn’t this the little one we met a few minutes ago?” I looked up and noticed it was the Cloister from before as well as his comrades. “She seems to have come from the fire,” pointed out the Scizor, “what should we do?” “What could we do?” asked the Nidoking with a surprisingly calm tone, “we aren’t the ones calling the shots here.” At this point, everyone turned to look at their human, waiting for instructions. Said human looked at them knowing of what they were thinking. “Forget it,” he said with the same serious tone of before, “you all know why we are here for.” “And there is our answer,” said the Serperior calmly as well. The Cloister seemed to try to convince the human otherwise, yet he didn’t seemed that interested, I on the other hand was going through a rather, I think the term Pancha once used was ‘trippy,’ situation on my head. My home was under attack for unknown reasons, I didn’t know how many of my family and friends were still alive, I was being chased by some angry Fire-type and there was a bunch of insanely strong individuals about to turn around and leave us all to our own luck. And so something snapped. During a single second, I was able to remember a single subject of one of the many I had to study during my life; literature. My kind didn’t involve itself with humans that often, but it was good to know when to keep some distance from things with their words on them or to calm down the foolish children we beat and sent back. Thus in that moment, I pulled all of that knowledge from whatever corner it was in my head and run through it again and again and again and again. I went through all of that knowledge, study and re-interpret it. Then I did something no one, not even a Legendary, could have predicted. I talked. “Plase… elp… help us!” Those were the first words I ever spoke in human language, my voice sounded like I was at the verge of a seizure. The whole group halted on the spot, none being sure of what just had happened. “Did she just…?” Asked the Nidoking with disbelief as he and the rest looked down on me. “Hal-help us, plese!” I begged once more. The Pokemon turned again to look at the human, who was the only one who hadn’t turned around to see me. Yet he did talk. “Will your kind pay for our services?” He coldly asked. I struggled to stand back up and was about to reply when a blast of fire fell not far away of me. The Magmortar and his human had caught up to me. “There it is!” Both said. “Answer!” The human before me demanded. “Please help us, we will repay you!” I screamed as I laid in my knees. “Don’t you dare to take our bonus from us! You filthy merc...” the other human snarled when she noticed the others, only to suddenly fall silent as a knife landed on her forehead. The Magmortar turned to look at his master, not noticing the Nidoking who had jumped up to him. With one fast motion, the Fire-type’s head land beside his feet. “So we have a new plan then?” asked the Nidoking, not seeming to mind in the slightest at what he just did. “Do I have your word?” Said the human as he offered me a hand to stand back up. I nodded while unconsciously taking his hand, cutting his palm on the process. He didn’t seem to mind. “Deploy!” He proclaimed. Then the Nidoking charged directly at the fire while smiling, the Serperior went for the higher ground and the Scizor just vanished as soon the order was given, only the Cloyster remained with us. The human climbed on to him and turned to me one last time. “Stay here.” He said and then tapped his ‘mount’ on the shell. With the propulsion of an Hydro Pump, both of them leapt into the air and flew into the fray. The fire began to die down once they reached the battlefield and I could hear more screams erupting from within the smoke, albeit they were no longer coming from my people. A moment later, I fell unconscious. There was a moment of silence, Victoria and Grizelda didn’t know what to say. They had many questions, yet they didn’t know where to start. Shredder on her end had closed her eyes, as if the memory was still a fresh one. She then opened her eyes and with a calm sigh continued. I woke up after the whole battle had ended. The fire was completely under control at that point, thanks to the Cloyster and the Nidoking, and everyone was looking for survivors within the wreckage that was once our home. I caught a glimpse of a line of bodies being covered in whatever cloth we could find while many mourned them, our losses were significant. But I could also see other bodies been thrown into a pile with less respect, the losses on the aggressor's side were total. As I processed what I was looking at, I noticed I was no longer outside of my home, but rather back in and right before my parents. I felt glad to see neither of them had lost their lives during the fight, even though my father had half of his face melted. Of course, his good half didn’t show any concern about it, in fact he looked quite relieved once I was awake. My mother was completely unscratched yet she looked as if a couple of years had suddenly gone through her. From what she told me, the intruders arrived with no previous warning other than a sudden rain of fire. They quickly sealed the paths we used to go in and out our encampment before we even knew we were under attack and slowly proceed to immolate whoever they cross paths with. According to some reports, these aggressors came to exchange blows with themselves from time to time. That gave my parents enough frame to come with countermeasures. My father lead the charge against them while my mother took every non-combatant able out via hidden paths. The fight stumble into an impasse as our warriors faced the enemies who had troubles organizing themselves. It was around that moment the human I met and his partners arrived. A Rain Dance and a couple of Hydro Pumps from the Cloyster were enough to cripple the Fire-types’ advantage while the Nidoking and Scizor tore the intruders apart with overwhelming might and unrivaled speed respectively. My mother was unable to tell me what the Serperior did to contribute to the fight, but some scouts mentioned some enemies being taken down by what they could only describe as ‘air.’ I already know how this works by now, but back then when I was ignorant of it, this and the rest of the fight clearly showed how different these Pokemon were in comparison to those who cowardly attacked us. Once the battle was over, they began helping with the search while its human leader went back for me and delivered me to my parents. He was waiting for me to wake up so I could perform my end of the deal. “We did as you asked,” he said once I was fully awake, “now do your part.” My clan didn’t take such arrogant tone to be used against the clan heiress lightly, even when it came from the one who just save everyone’s lives. Most of the warriors looking after my parents and me took an aggressive stance right away, only for my father to calm everyone down with a single gesture of his hand. “You may have come in our moment of need, fiend,” my father replied with a tone which demanded authority, “but that gives you no right to talk to us as if we were simple beasts.” The human and everyone remained silent, he then said. “I can’t understand you,” he then pointed at me, “but I was hopping he would translate.” My clan was understandingly puzzled at the human. We knew he couldn’t understand us, but we rarely needed to be understood as our mere presence was enough to convince others. Especially my father’s. Speaking of which, he didn’t take how the human pointed at me too kindly. “I will not take your insolence for much longer,” he replied, “so I expect you to explain yourself.” He then looked at me and added, “and you as well.” I swallowed nervously, if there was something I could tell filled me with fear, it was the glare from either of my parents. The current state of my father’s face didn’t help. I knew what I needed to do, and I knew it was going to get me into much trouble, but given the circumstances I had not much of a choice. I turned my face away from my father. I could clearly hear his hand crushing whatever was under his grasp so I quickly talked. “Me fater want to now…” I said it in a way the human and my father would understand at the same time, so actual pronunciation wasn’t my focus, “what do you mean b-by your woks…? words!” It was hard, talking as a mere human while all of my clan was looking at me, I felt like, well, like a Pokemon talking as a human. The human, however, didn’t seemed to mind as he replied. “This one asked for our help, he…” “Wait! He?” Inquired Grizelda. “I-I just happen to have had a rather masculine voice when young…” awkwardly yet sternly replied Shredder, “as I was saying!” “He said your kind will be able to pay for our services.” He explained. If looks could pierce metal I would have had a hole in the back of my head as I could clearly tell how my father was looking at me. “I panicked.” I said to him as I slowly turned around, “Th-there was not much I could do and we met these individuals on our way home… I couldn’t think of anything else!” “You could have at least discussed their price,” my father replied with a deafening tone, “at the very least. Now you have left us to their demands.” The rest of my kind began to whisper around us, I couldn’t tell if they were discussing what my father said or judging me for my poor thinking. “However, I doubt we can deny their involvement in today’s victory, especially now that we can’t play fool,” my father continued while looking at me, he seemed disappointed. He sighted and then continued to stare at the human and his companions. “So, what will it be?” I translated the best I could. “I would like you and your kind to leave these plains,” the human said right away with his emotionless tone. Again, my kind erupted in noise yet it wasn’t whispers and murmurs, they were protesting and shouting in disagreement, after all a mere human just ask us to leave the place we had been living for generations. “That is ridiculous!” I exclaimed, being the only one he could understand, the human looked at me as I continued, “these lands has been ours since the time of fables, there is no power in this world able to take us away! No mather if you saved our clan, what you are asking for is simply too much.” The human didn’t seemed to mind, on the contrary, he seemed tired. “If that is what you want then,” he replied while giving a careless shrug, “I won’t force you then.” Again, we were all confused. “But you will all die.” No one took that last part kindly, not even me. We all knew these foreigners were strong, but even so one should never treat our clan and expect us to take it lightly. In a moment, all of us had our weapons and blades aimed at them. Then. “Will you all just listen to our side!” Exclaimed the Nidoking while slamming a feet on the ground, causing it and everyone to tremble. “Jesh, we are trying to save you people!” It took everyone a moment to calm down and dust themselves off, the human included. “To demand silence by the act of violence is a rather cowardly cheat!” said my father once he was back on his seat. “... violence?” The Nidoking asked in confusion. “You just used an Earthquake you fiend!” The Nidoking remained silent for a moment and then added. “Ah… sorry!” He said with a refreshing laugh, “I was just putting my feet down, I didn’t mean to shake everyone here,” and then laughed, loudly, “My bad, my bad, I guess I used too much strength.” It was our turn to remain silent, yet little by little we began to chuckle as well, we didn’t know what to say back. It was a rather comical turn of events, even when we all couldn’t stop wondering just how strong that Nidoking was. Once the laugh was over, my father continued with the negotiations. “I will take your word for now and let it pass, but do not repeat that kind of behavior.” He said to the Nidoking, he then looked at the human, “if you are not threatening us, then why are you foretelling our demise?” The human looked around and pointed at the pile of bodies. “You see the human with the green vest and the camera?” He asked and my father nodded, “he was going to publish some article about a wild fire erupting here and explain how wild Pokemon lost their lives to it.” “And what could he possibly gain for lying? Let alone what does that has to do with any of this!” “He would have gain the same that the rest on the pile, if not a slight bonus. You see, they were contracted to make all of you disappear and make it look like an accident.” “And what would they do that for?” “What else? Money. Each of them would have gotten an extra bonus for each of you they killed.” “But why would your kind look to exterminate ours in such a cruel and violent way?” “A shopping mall.” We knew what a shopping mall was, a large market of sorts where humans went to look for vain things and useless items. Places where they waste hours upon hours of their lives. Places that had to do absolutely nothing with the ancient and honorable ways of our people. “So you are saying that my clan, my comrades, all the lives lost today were extinguished for a shopping mall?” My father asked with the first show of disbelief in the day and the first show of shock I have ever hear from him. “Yes,” the human carelessly replied, “you see, you and your clan have made a name for turning away every human coming here. So when some entrepreneurial tycoons found out about that while in the middle of planning their next financial success in this area, they couldn’t risk themselves to have potential customers being scared away by some wild Pokemon.” “And so they order our destruction?” Inquired my father as he breathed heavily, “I can’t see how are we called ‘wild’ when your kind act more like beasts in a single day than most of us have in centuries!” My father had to took a moment to take a breath before proclaiming. “But if war is what they want then war is what they will have!” “Then whatever chance your clan may have of survival will become zero,” the human replied, “remember the one with the camera of before?” He pointed at the pile again. “He was also their ‘Plan B.’ If your kind show to be strong enough to put a fight, then he would have make it look like you were feral Pokemon and thus call the government to take action against you. They may have attacked a town or two to give a bigger sense of threat.” “What you mean with that is?” “The rangers, the army and probably even poachers would have been tasked to come and deal with you. In a way, those who contracted us would have prefer it that way, it would have been a free job for them.” We all notice the little word the human had used in that last sentence. “Us?” I asked, not that my father took long to do the same. “You mean you were with these fiends!” Again our weapons were pointing at them, but yet again the human show little concern. “We were ‘Plan C,’” the human admitted, “if your clan had reacted in time and fight back from the start, thus giving the cameraman no chance to take the pictures needed for Plan B, we would have stepped in and dealt with all of you.” “And why would you turn against your employers so easily?” Asked my father with an untrusty tone. “We would only be paid if said event ever were to happen, so we decided to come once the fight was over and kill them off all the same. It’s bad for business to work for free.” “I don't know what I should have expected from a fiend such as you,” my father replied, “but you haven’t answered my question yet, what made you all change your mind?” “There was no chance of a peaceful solution, however,” the human then looked at me, “now we may be able to reach an arrangement and avoid more useless bloodshed.” “And get paid for doing nothing?” Added my father, the human shrugged, “your words seem to imply that we have no chance of winning, right?” “Even if you say no now, those who want you all gone will not stop here. They will send another group to take your clan down or make you look like frenzied Pokemon. And right now you don't stand a chance against a second assault.” My father remained silent for a moment. I knew how much he wanted to go down while fighting, however that fool wish would only doom us all. He was unable to decide, for now at least. “I can’t give you a direct answer right now,” he said with a dry tone, “I will discuss this with the other heads of the clan and reach a conclusion tomorrow. You and your group must wait until then.” And so the negotiations were placed into a hold. As everyone leave, I was embraced by my parents who then told me. “Despite your lack of foresight, it appears we have to thank you for your actions of today,” my mother said with a sad and tired smile, “not to mention your surprising display of human language.” “I owe you an apology,” added my father, “it appears your decision may have save us all from a bigger threat that we could have foreseen.” I thanked his words, yet I didn’t show any happiness for it and neither did he, as we knew well what my actions meant. And that hurt us. The human and his Pokemon left right away and made a camp near our home where they waited for my father to come with a decision. He and the surviving heads of the clan discussed the topic for the rest of the day and even into the night. They would do as the human told them. This choice was made very reluctantly as the human had given no proof other than his words, yet his and the invaders’ actions could serve as enough proof for such regard. If only we could have reacted on time and our losses hadn’t been as heavy as they were, we could have been able to give a proper fight to those looking to take our land from us. But we were weakened far too much, there was nothing we could do, and so my parents chose the path which may give the remnants of our clan a chance of survival. And the next day the news was given to the human, alongside something else. “So that is your decision?” The human asked. “Is with a heavy heart that we do as you say,” my father replied once the explanation was over. “Good,” and on word, he and his partners prepared to leave, “as long you move a dozen or so miles from here and keep a reasonable distance from the humans, the ones responsible for this will have no reason to finish the job. We take our leave now.” And so the human turned to do as he said, but this time he was stopped by my father. “Wait,” he commanded, “there is one last thing to discuss.” The human did as told and awaited for me to translate. “Your actions were guided by greed and your heart is filled with filth, but still you save us all, included my one and only daughter.” “... so you are a girl then?” The insolent asked. I proceeded, “it is by your actions, as shameful as they were, that we owe you our lives, but more importantly her-my life.” The human and his partners were confused, I continued. “Our honors dictates that this debt must be paid in kind, you saved a life…” my father stopped, he wasn’t able to finish the sentence as our rules demanded, so I did it for him. “So do with this life as you please.” I then kneeled before the human, “I am from now on bound to your path as your servant, I am yours to command, master.” There was a comprehensible silence after I was finished. The human was most likely thinking over my words while my clan was respectful over the oath of servitude, the only noise one could hear was the tears dripping from my parents. For this time only, they wanted to ignore the tradition more than anyone else, but then they wouldn’t have been worthy to guide anymore. As such, we all had to endure and obey. The human then asked, “so you will serve me from now on?” “Yes,” I replied. “For how long?” “As long either of us live or until I am able to return the life I have been granted.” “You mean as long you can save me back?” “Yes.” “How old are you?” “I have seen 10 springs.” “Are you strong?” “Yes.” “You can translate what other Pokemon say?” “Yes.” “Can you backstab me?” “No.” “Can you disobey me?” “Depends.” “Can you train me?” “Yes.” “Then let’s go.” And without any other question, he picked out a Pokeball out of his coat and put it before me, he wanted me to do the other half myself. I presume you can’t understand what is like to be inside a Pokeball, those things may be comfortable for some, but for a ‘wild’ Pokemon as myself, that was like letting go of what made me, me. So imagine being left to perform the act which would forever remove my freedom by myself. It wasn’t a nice experience. Nevertheless, I complied as I should as tears feel to the ground. I knew that once I was swallowed by the device, I will never see my home or family again. So I pressed my blade on the sphere as soon as possible. I didn’t wanted to stall any longer. And so the world around me vanished, I was inside the Pokeball, I was no longer free. I was away of my family and friends from then on, and there was nothing I could do about it, as such I decided to make use of the solitude the Pokeball provided and let my emotions flow with the tears which fell from my eyes. Then there was a flash of light and I was back outside, right before my parents. “Make it quick,” the human commanded, “we need to hurry to deliver the news.” I was confused at first, until I was engulfed in a group hug from my parents for a last time. Then I understand one thing, not what the human was doing, but that deep down, very deep down, he was a good human, a worthy master. Again, Shredder had her eyes closed as she remembered the last moments she had with her family, she didn’t seem sad, in fact, she had a warm smile on her face. “We ended up departing past midday, I remember that ‘human’ was a bit pissed off by the time we finally left.” “I can’t believe what greed is capable of,” Victoria said, “I have seen greed corrupt many beings like Diamond Dogs gone rouge or the raven witches of legends, but they are exceptional cases, to think there is a whole world filled with creatures capable of doing such horrible things only for greed.” “But there is one thing I don’t understand,” said Grizelda, “if you had such a sad farewell and such a forced introduction with the mercenaries, then why are you one of their highest ranking members? Wouldn’t you have fulfilled your duty long ago? I mean; he was such a jerk while you, look at you! You are so awesome and strong! You should have saved that guy’s rear like a million times already!” “It is true that, Weiss… was quite different back then. I highly disagreed with many of his ideas over the course of years yet there was a reason I was so resolute about joining his group: I felt weak.” “During the whole incident I was shocked by fear and despair, thus I was unable to be of any help while they not only changed sides in an instant, Weiss completely came with a whole new plan right on the spot and had the strength and the smarts to see it through. A part of me wanted to know what made such a nimble being look so strong compared to me, so I as much as I wanted to say that my oath was fulfilled I was unable to leave as my curiosity and pride wouldn’t allow me to while I could become stronger in their company.” “As for why I find such an odd group as my new family, well, do you remember that part I mentioned about how he may have been a good individual?” “Yeah, what about it?” Asked Grizelda. “You see, he reported to the ones in charge about the success of their mission and get paid, as expected. But a month later some photographs about how they made my clan move were leaked to the media.” “In no time, there were rangers from all over the region and even from beyond it investigating the incident. With the truth out to the surface, the ones behind it all were imprisoned and given very long sentences, I even heard some Poke-fan groups asked for a death penalty as our clan was, apparently, widely known as one of the clans who once served the fabled King.” “In other words, they got what they deserved?” ventured Grizelda. “Exactly, and all thanks to a certain someone who decided to leak the pictures taken by that one arsonist during the attack,” Shredder replied and then smiled. “But why would he do that?” Inquire now Grizelda, “wouldn't that be bad for a group of mercenaries?” Shredder smiled once more as she replied. “That is what we will do, you understand Shredder?” The human said as we walked away from my home, “Shredder?” and then proceeded to smack me on the back of the head. I turned to him with surprise, “ow! You fiend! What was that for!?” “First rule of this group: stay sharp at all times,” he explained. “You understand what we will do then?” “Y-yeah, but why would you do that? Weren’t you all commissioned for this whole thing to begin with? Why exposing the truth about the ones who buy your services?” “They were going to pay us only if we were to act, that gives us a loophole,” he replied, “not to mention that I didn't like having a client who asks for mass murder.” “Professionals have standards,” added the albino Cloyster. “We aren’t the kind who go and kill just to get paid,” continued the Nidoking. “Just as your honor compels you to follow this strange human, ours compels us to do things how we see fit,” commented the Scizor. “We are not heroes nor slaves, we are ourselves,” said the Serperior. We continued to walk as they explain all of this, which can be summed up as this: being a mercenary doesn’t make you evil, only free to a extent. At least that is how they saw it. “Shredder?” The human asked again, “Shredder!?” and again smacked me on the head. “What is it with you and the smacks!?” I understandably asked back, “and who is this Shredder?” “Who else?” The human said while pointing at me. “You do need a name after all.” “Shre… why must I have such a ridiculous name?” “You are an assembly of knifes and blades, a walking shredder,” he explained with the same emotionless voice. “Yeah, sometimes I forget it too,” cut in the Nidoking, “despite how soulless and cold he looks, he is still a kid so try to bare with him.” “It’s what we all do!” Pointed out the Cloyster. I could only sigh. “Shredder?” “What!?” “Can you tell me what are they saying?” He asked as before, albeit there was different shine on his eyes. He was looking for me to translate. I let out another sigh, “what other choice do I have? He said…” “It was on that day that I joined the mercenary guild. Befor I knew it I had spent over a decade with them, and during that time I had my share of discrepancies, lessons, experiences so different and varied I could fill a whole book with them, and so far I don’t regret it in the slightest. “But what about your family?” Asked Grizelda. “They continued to lead the clan, according to the last thing I heard, they reclaimed the grasslands a couple of years after my departure. I presume they continued to prosper after that.” “Then that means you haven’t seen them since then?” Asked now the Empress. “I couldn’t let myself to return while still been bound to my oath, even when Weiss offered to let me take a vacation multiple times.” “Don’t you worry about them forgetting about you?” asked the clawmaiden. “I know my parents well, they will remember me with sorrow, yet would never allow me to return while still tied to someone else. I am sure they will receive me with arms wide open once my job here is done.” “Your parents sound like very prestigious individuals. I wish I could have met them,” commented Victoria. “I wish so as well your highness, I wish so as well.” The talk continued from then on in a less formal manner. Shredder mostly shared stories about her life with her clan and the first years of her mercenary life. However, she roundly refused to talk about her romantic life. As the stars shone in through the window of the royal cabin, the three ladies decided it was time for them to rest. “I didn’t expected to spend this much time here, I am sure Roll will be mad with me about it,” the mercenary pointed out as she made her way outside the room. “If you excuse me.” “Lady Shredder,” interrupted Victoria, “one last question, do you think your clan made it here?” “They are here,” replied the Pokemon wholeheartedly, “I know they are here.” “Then I hope we can find them one of these days, you may not be able to go and see them, but I am sure you would like to at least know of their whereabouts.” “The day I get to know about them will be a blissful one your Highness.” And with a final bow, she left the cabin. “I have to tell them about them after all,” she said to herself as she walked to her and Roll’s cabin, “I am sure they will like to know about this crazy team I have for a substitute family.” > Twenty Ninth Move P- I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Ninth Move Feelings Part I Flagship Holzschiff Somewhere on the Equestrian Air space The great flagship give an impressive spectacle to everypony nearby. The weather also helped to the show of Griffinheim’s might, as it give the Holzschiff an even more imposing aspect; the warm light reflecting on its numerous layers of orichalcum, the soft wind waiving all of its flags to full display, even its shadow made for a perfect place to enjoy such a wonderful day and sight. The perfect moment for the crew to drop anchors and enjoy the ground beneath them with the typical picnic or a casual walk around the Equestrian land after three days of travel above the sea. If only anyone aboard could, that it’s. “I am bored!” protested Roll for the eleventh time on Victoria’s chambers. “Is not like we could do much, isn’t there?” replied her mate with a less exasperated yet still bored tone. “This is a large ship after all.” The passing trough the borders of the Pony nation was going slow. Not that the Empire expect it otherwise, the Holzschiff was a battleship after all, so for it to be carefully inspected on its entry was common sense, especially with the amount of heads of state attending and the specific matter they will all be treating. Security had to be the first priority, but that didn’t help to ease the boredom the crew had as a result, since as expected no one was allowed to get off the ship until the inspection was fully completed. “That is why I thought this ship was unnecessary,” said Victoria as she watched some Pegasus looking at the exterior of the ship.“It’s so big we may end losing a day.” “At least the Ponies are being relatively considerate. They haven’t gave a double check to our rooms, nor are they asking for anything devious from our part, they are purely doing their job,” replied Grizelda with a tired tone. “Lets hope that is all,” said a Gothorita on the corner of the cabin. Everyone was ordered to wait in their respective chambers until the end, the only exceptions being the captain, who was needed during the whole inspection, and the empress’ committee, who were permitted to await on the ‘Imperial’ cabin alongside Victoria. A guest from the Equestrian welcome committee was also left with them to serve as a translator. And said translator was the Manipulate Pokemon. “Aww, sad because your ascension was busted and now want to leave?” joked Roll with a sour tone. “Too bad there is nothing thing for you to report.” “Drop it Roll,” said her mate. “She is only doing her job.” The Equestrian translator nodded in appreciation of Shredder’s words. “I truly thank your kindness, Miss Shredder,” she said with her most honey-coated voice and charming face to match while keeping her anger away from their knowledge. She was, in fact, looking forward to scan the heads of those arriving from the Empire in look of any dirty plans from their part. Given their fame it would have meant a small scold and a great thing to report to her new Pony employers if she happened to find anything ‘juicy.’ She could always erase any trace of her actions once the deed was over. However, she wasn’t expecting a member to be immune to her mental powers and her mate that able to read her as an open book, a thinner one at that. As such, all she could do now was to quietly wait in the corner and be as pleasant as possible till the end. Each minute felt like an eternity for her. “But I can’t stop thinking I may be of no use with someone as talented as yourself here,” the Gothorita added. “Nonsense,” sternly replied the Sword Blade Pokemon. “Besides, its good to have my mate talking directly for a change.” “I wonder about that…” discreetly said Victoria to herself as she covered her beak with a cup of tea. Given Roll’s nature, she was a bit ‘outgoing’ from time to time. Having Grizelda to comfort her while being truthful and direct was something she had always appreciated of her clawmaiden. Having to deal with two of her on the other claw was something entirely different. “But I am surprised the Equestrians had send us a Pokemon translator,” said the Empress with slight sarcasm. “I would have thought a Unicorn would have learned some spell of theirs to remove the language barrier with ease.” “Right your are, your Highness,” the Gothorita replied with her bright yet fake smile. “The Unicorns cast translator spells with great ease.” The Empress’ eye twitched for a moment at this reply. “Is that so…” “Then why are you here?” blunted in Roll. “Shouldn’t one of those Unicorns be here instead of you?” “Since this great ship is so, well, great! We had no ways to bring one of them up here, maybe if you had arrived on any big city, but on this countryside, there is no way to bring one up, Me, on the other hand, I have no frights about been carried on by the Royal Pegasus Guard.” The part where she manipulated other’s minds to get such a ‘juicy’ chance was something she properly kept to herself, although Roll give her a knowing gaze. “Is that so?” she inquired sarcastically. “How convenient, isn’t it?” “Roll!” her mate demanded with a quiet yet stern tone. “Come on! It’s written all over her face!” Roll rebuked, “and you know it.” The translator gave Shredder her biggest Baby Doll-eyes as she awaited for her to reply. “You are right,” the Bisharp replied with no tact, to the shock of the Psychic-type, “but that doesn’t give you any right to pick on her like that. It’s not her fault to be such a terrible liar.” “Actually, that is a really good reason to pick on her,” Grizelda pointed out, “Heck! To pick on her is the least of things to do on the list of things that would worry us.” ‘I just wanna get down this ship…’ the Gothorita said to her crying self while the others stared at her. “Well,” Victoria cut in, “It’s not like the Equestrians can predict what each of their new citizens think or plan, so cases like this one are to be expected when you suddenly give a certain amount of power to someone you just meet.” Victoria give the busted intent of a spy a kind and condescending gaze as she continued. “So worry not young one, I won’t be taking any sort of retaliation for your arrogant yet failed ambitions.” The Gothorita began to cry for real this time. “Your Highness is so kind with this poor unfortunate soul!” “There, there,” Victoria patted the repented translator, “It's all okay now.” Then she beamed the most ‘wicked’ grin one could never thought a head of state could do, “I am pretty sure Celestia will love to know of how kind the Empire is right?” “It's good to know someone did get something juicy in the end,” joked Roll at the scene. Time continued to move slowly aboard the ship, and the latest report didn’t helped. “ONLY 10% DONE!?” Exclaimed Roll as they received the news. “That is what Pleased Papers, my supervisor, said,” the Gothorita explained. “Why would a Pegasus have such a name?” Shredder said to herself. “Who cares about that! I am going to become insane in here!” her mate roared. “They are inspecting every single thing, not that they are looking for anything suspicious, but mister Papers is very strict about meticulous inspections.” “We heard that already, like five times already!” exclaimed Roll yet again. “Perhaps a new way to wait is order,” commented Victoria, “like sharing stories and alike.” “You mean like in slumber parties?” asked Grizelda a bit surprised. “I always wanted to try that with friends,” replied the Empress. “Don’t take me wrong Grizelda, you are my best ally and my closest friend in the whole world, but you know me better than anyone, maybe even myself, so there was hardly anything to share with you.” “Fair enough,” replied the clawmaiden knowingly and proud. “So if you girls wouldn’t mind having a heart to heart for a change?” the Empress asked once more with eyes filled of enthusiasm. Such enthusiasm was impossible to ignore by the mercenaries, as they had also grow to respect the Griffin ruler to the point of call her a friend of them. “I am ok,” Roll replied, “but what about miss wannabe-spy here?” She then pointed at the corner of the room. “I can walk out the room if you don’t want me here,” the Psychic-type politely replied, “but I may be of use for this particular event,” she added. “... explain yourself?” Roll inquired. “Well,” the Gothorita smiled as she took a step forward so she was easier to see, “talking to one another is fun and all, but how about I would be able to make the experience all the more personal?” “Sharing one’s memories with others?” Shredder concluded, “that is what you offer?” “Correct you are, my lady.” “So we can ‘see’ the narration? That would be an interesting addition!” admitted Grizelda. “So who would go first?” “Whoever wants to go but me,” Shredder said, for everyone’s surprise save for Roll, “My kind makes me immune to any kind of mental manipulation unless my permission is given. And even when I treat you fairly as an official translator of this lands, I do not trust you enough to get inside of my head.” “Too bad,” bragged Roll, “so sad.” “I-I am no longer thinking on meddling with anyone’s heads!” the Gothorita replied. “So you were planning on doing something after all,” deadpanned Grizelda. “A-anyway! Is anyone going to start or not?” Roll chuckled at the Psychic-type’s dismay and acknowledged she would solve a small issue she had been through for some time now. With a sonorous clearing of her throat, she make everyone look at her. “I would like to start, if you don’t mind?” “Thank God!” Said the Gothorita to herself as the eyes moved away from her. “That’s unexpected,” admitted Grizelda. “I thought you would prefer to tease this Equestrian here.” “I would love to, trust me,” the Rabbit Pokemon admitted as well, “but there something else I would prefer to talk about. So we can leave her for later,” she added on the end with a devilish smirk. Victoria show much interest and joy on how her childish wish had been granted. “Very well, if you want to indulge us into your story, I would be glad to listen to it.” “Same here!” added Grizelda with a raised claw. “I wonder which story will it be?” wondered Shredder. “One of your many ‘outstanding’ performances while doing a job?” “On the contrary, is perhaps the lowest moment on my whole life.” At her mate’s words, the Sword Blade Pokemon sweat cold. “Y-you wouldn’t mean…?” And so, images of long ago began to flow into the other’s minds. “It all started some good years ago.” Some good years ago. Back on the human world. Kalos region. I had just lost everything, my home, my fame, my life, my mother, my happiness. All I had left was a bunch of brutes who enjoyed killing and stealing for a living. Only Arceus knew what kind of hardships awaited me with my new life surrounded by mercenaries. “You sure you don’t want more food dear?” asked the Roserade they called Rouge. “You barely touched your food.” “Not hungry…” I disinterestedly replied as I left the table, some eyes staring at me as I walked away. I was unable to stay there; not with so many males on it. It make me felt uneasy; uneasy and filthy. Yet, that wasn’t the least of my worries at the moment. It had been about a month since my arrival to Kalos, a month without my mother, a whole month to think things more calmly and carefully, yet the exact same feeling of vengeance burned on my chest. I was fixated on the idea, I had to have my revenge on the mercenary who had snached my mom from me. But the problem was: how? In the short time I was there, I quickly learned the hard way how different was my young and frail frame in comparison to those bulky and brute killers, the level gap was just too far for me to get my satisfaction head on. I was depressed. The one who ended my mother’s life was right before me. Not only that, but I had to look at her everyday. It was excruciating. Sometimes I had a glimpse of her, others a couple of minutes, some days we saw each other for hours, and yet at all times she never show concern over me. She show no remorse over her actions, no care on my existence, no interest on my retribution. I was unable to make her pay for what she had taken from me, and my young mind was in constant conflict. I felt that every single day I lay eyes upon her and she was able to walk away unpunished. I was betraying my mother. I was unable to have my retribution, and in return I felt unable to keep going. I had a goal to live for, yet no means to reach it. Eventually, I lost my interest on other things of life, including myself. My fur once silky and smooth was all rugged and tousled, my body was thin and my muscles were nonexistent, my step was clumsy and my gaze blurry, I hardly looked up for anything. I had turned into a shadow of my previous self, lurking around the mercenaries’ base as each day passed with a chilling cold roaming my body, a blazing flame burning in my heart and a maelstrom roaring in my head. “Well, but it isn’t little Miss Unova?” said a voice above me, a buzzing voice I was getting used to be mocked with. “Looking down as always?” I didn’t had to look up to know that the mercs’ bodyguard was doing her daily taunt of the day. She looked like all from her kind, a mix of a bug with a human wearing a ballroom gown, save for her eyes, which exuded displeasure everywhere she looked at, me on that moment. “What? Too tired to even look at me eye to eye?” Alice, a Vespiquen, scoffed. “Such a rude child we have here.” “What do you want?” I awkwardly asked back while walking aimlessly. “Well, I show some appreciation for you and you repay me with such rude words!?” she dramatically replied. “And here I was wondering how your whole revenge thing was going.” It wasn’t a secret for the mercenaries that I had a grudge on one of them, as I made it clear quite obviously, and by obviously I mean that I tried to attack the team’s Pawniard head on a couple of times, only to be defeated in less than a second. As such, I was unable to reply anything to Alice, so I continue my walk. “Promising,” she scoffed yet again. “I would have thought you loved her more that this.” “Don’t say that!” I snapped back at her. “There,” she replied, not seeming to mind about my anger. “Properly looking at my eyes. Was it so hard?” I felt dumb for falling on her trick so easily, yet I did my best to keep a stern pose at her. “Y-yeah...? Well… it’s not like you are that smart for having one good idea!” Or at least as much as my young self was able to. “Wow, I have heard better comebacks from a Chatot to a human,” Alice said as she rolled her eyes and buzzed closer to me, “I guess it is better than nothing. So what now? Will you take your frustration on me because you can’t have your little vendetta?” I really hated those moments she picked on me. I didn’t even knew why she was doing this to begin with. “What do you even care!? Why are you bullying me anyway?” “Child, we were paid to rescue you and your mom, we could only do half the job though so we got half the paid, yet we were ‘asked’ to take care of you for the time being.” I tightened my fists as I knew what will follow, it was the same words she used on me. “You are an act of charity.” I felt a couple of tears at the corner of my eyes. “Y-y-yeah…! well.. it’s not like have to keep me around!” I exclaimed. “You can leave anytime!” “Trust me, if I wanted you gone, you would be gone long ago,” Alice give a tired look at the direction of the dining hall, “but is not my call, so here we are.” “Too bad then!” I said smiling, my young self feeling like I had a small victory. “You can harass me all you want, but that won’t stop me, I will make her pay, I will make you all pay! ‘specially you Alic-!” I was unable to finish my little menace, as a swarm of mind controlled Bug-types gathered around us. “Child, you should know when to pick up a fight,” Alice said coldly as her eyes shone like garnets, her Attack Order controlling the numerous bugs around us. “I have my orders, but even someone as generous as me has its limits.” She snapped her claw and the Bug-types stormed around me. None of them touched me, but I wasn’t going to get close to them either, I was petrified by the constant buzzing around me. After a minute or so, they all stop and left, Alice had ended her control over them. “Remember this child,” she said as she land just before me. “You are here because we allow you to, nothing else. If you dislike it, then change it yourself.” She turned around to leave, so thinking she was done for the day I took the chance to at least have the last word. “You only act so brave because you have so many Pokemon at your disposal!” I obviously made a big mistake. Instead of leaving, Alice halted in place. “You, who had everything from the moment you were born, can’t possibly know about what a real fight is. What to fight to live is like.” She turned around, “I use what I can to get the upper hand, so what’s wrong about it? That is what everyone on the real world does,” she said with an angry tone. “If you can’t understand that much, then you may need some actual tutelage on the subject.” The wind began to stir around her, ready to send a Gust to me at any moment. I was again petrified as I didn’t expected things to turn like this. I was crying. However, at the same time, I wasn’t able to stop smiling. This seemed to puzzled Alice for a second, a second enough for things to end as another voice joined in. “What’s going on here!?” asked a Crobat as she arrived to the place, “I saw a swarm of Bug-types fleeing from here…! Alice, what are you doing?” Sonya asked with a serious tone. “Nothing,” Alice calmly replied as the wind around her calmed as well. “Just teaching this brat a thing or two about dealing with her elders.” A quick look at me told Sonya all she needed to know, but instead of getting angry she give her comrade a sarcastic smile and replied. “Yeah, I am sure she needs one, with you being as much of an elder as you are, poor child must be on a lost of how to deal with you.” Alice’s face became as red as her eyes from this commentary and her wings buzzed strongly, yet she said nothing else as she turned around with a “humph!” and left for good. “See you around granny!” Sonya send off her friend and then turned to me. “You okay kid? I was still crying, and smiling. “...so weak..” I whispered. Sonya could hear me, but still, she asked. “What was that again?” “I am so pathetically weak,” I said with a large grin while huge tears drip from my face, “I couldn’t save my mommy, I can’t avenge her, I can’t even talk back to some mean Bug-type… I am so pathetic.” “Come on girl, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Sonya said as she used one of her wings to wipe one of the tears off my face. “It’s not like you could have achieved much. I mean you are just a little girl and she is an old hag. There is nothing to feel ashamed about you been weaker.” “Then she is right!” I exclaimed, “How can I do anything when I don’t have the strength for it? How can I avenge my mommy if I can’t even stand on my own!” Sonya gave me a defeated look. She obviously hadn’t thought much over her words before letting them out. Fixing the moral damage would be more difficult than dealing with any physical harm done by Alice. “You just said it, kid…” Sonya replied with an awkward tone. “She is right. It’s not like it gives her any right to pick on you or anything, but there is nothing you can do to get this vengeance of yours. Not as you are right now.” “But I have to!” I replied, “I have to… or else… or else I would be… I...” I was unable to finish my sentence, as I knew the weight behind it, so I push those words back to the bottom of my mind and continued, “I would be betraying my mommy!” “Then became strong,” was Sonya’s reply. I didn’t know if she was been serious or if she was playing with me as well. “You think we are like this from the start?” Sonya continued with a sarcastic tone. “Living machines of killing awesomeness since hatching? Pffff, nah! We all were weak at the start. Very weak at that.” I thought over her words for a moment, the idea surging from them helping me to calm my mind for the first time in a month. “So I should become strong?” I wondered,.“But how?” “I don’t know,” Sonya bluntly admitted. “I have wings, not legs. I can’t help you there.” “... help…” For some reason, that word (and my current state of mind) allow me to noticed something I haven’t noticed before. I thought over everything; Sonya’s words, how I was protected from harm for the time being, how the Pawniard had her guard down before me, and above all, I thought about Alice’s words. “Use what I can…” I repeated. Then, a whole plan unfolded before: first of all I had to become stronger, but that would take too long, so I had to made use of everything I could to achieve my revenge, and that included the same mercenaries on the base. Without saying anything else, I ran away. I could hear Sonya shout something as I left but I couldn’t hear it. My mind was too focused on my plan to wait a single second. I barged into the dining hall, jumped over my seat and finished my food as soon as possible, much to the surprise of the ones still eating. One of them, Rouge, was about to say something when I give her my finished plate and left the place once more. My fur was still a mess and my body far from healthy, but my gaze was confident, my step firm and my mind clearer than ever. For the first time in a month, I knew what to do: I had to be stronger. Physically and mentally. My body will need some nutrition for the time being, but my mind could be educated immediately. So I headed to the mercenaries’ library, there was someone I knew could help me, as he had tried to cheer me up by teaching me some strange calculations and offering me a couple of thick books. As fas as I knew, he was one of the smartest members on the guild, and the best option for my training. “There was someone else,” Roll explained less serious, “but I could hear his reply already. Some sort of ‘this plan of yours is most likely a derivation of your traumatic event and your current state of malnutrition’ and then ignore me,” she said with a fake monotone. I barged into the library, a place quite big for a mercenary hide out. It was filled with rows of book shelves, which in turn were filled with books thick ones. I walked pass them as I was looking for his den on the other side of the room. A pile of books covering a corner to the point of almost reaching the roof. There he was. “Hey! I know you are there!” I shouted while I tossed a couple of books out of the pile as I called for him. “You have to teach me something!” A couple of seconds later, I could hear a voice from within the pile of books saying, “You know one is supposed to be silent here, right?” As these words ended, a group of books bulged outward the pile as a chubby Pokemon emerged from it, a couple of reading glasses resting on his white and pinky nose. I tremble a little at his sight, as I did every time a male was before me. “Teach me all you know about traps!” I demanded, while using my right arm to hold my shaking left arm. The reluctant look on his face told me I was using the wrong words, so I rephrased myself. “P-please, teach me how to make traps,” I asked with a more polite tone. “Please teach me how to beat others, please teach me how to be strong. Please, mister Simon!” The then Drilbur, sighted as he removed the glassed off his face and looked at me directly, then said. “Third row, second shelf, from five to seven.” Simon said. I didn’t understand at first. “Those are the books we’re starting with, now go for them.” I open my mouth in disbelief, even myself from back then knew it was a long shot to get one of the mercenaries to help me take down one of their own, and yet he accepted. “... wh-?” I was about to ask, when he shouted. “There is no way I can say no to such determined eyes,” Simon said me with a smile, only to return to his more serious look, “I don't have all day girl, you want me to teach you or not?” “Y-yes!” And so I dashed for the books. “You better take learning with a serious passion, or else there is nothing I can teach you!” Simon shouted once more as he prepared a make out table for me to read with other books. “Yes!” I shouted back while dragging the books back. From that day forward, my training began. “Time on the library passed fast,” Roll said with a smile, fond of the memories. “Every day I learned more and more, not about traps or battle, but about mathematics, physics, literature, strategy and more.” “I once thought Simon was teaching me that to derail me from my true goal, so I ask him if he was, in fact, doing that.” She stopped to think over the memory, then everyone laughed as they all saw what happened. A very long, and detailed talk regarding the Earth’s rotation, using Roll’s body as a prop for the planet. “You have to be passionate,” Simon explained the next day. “If you don’t have passion to ignite your will, then there is no need to wish for anything to begin with. If you wish to be a speedster, you run around till you can casually stroll around the globe. If you want to feast, you eat until you give every Snorlax an inferiority complex. If you want to learn you will learn everything there is to know for breakfast and if you want to beat someone, you make yourself stronger, smarter and passioner than that poor bastard.” He said all of this, of course, with matching passion. “Better die with your blood boiling, that live long till it freezes.” As such, I never doubt his method again, and with time I find myself fond of his teachings; I get to learn the classics, solve difficult equations and explain the daily phenomena with ease, and above all, I found myself liking this knowledge. On the mean time, I continued to nourish the rest of my body with food and exercise. Rouge was particularly helpful with proper diets and dishes meant to help me return to a healthy body as well as a confident for my crazy ideas, as I wasn’t properly nourished for heavy training so I started with small things like strolls, push ups and alike. It was during one of my mornings sessions that something particularly important happen. I had just finished my stroll when saw her, the one who made my blood boil, the Pawniard who I hated the most. She looked at me and then made a tired sigh, expecting me to do what I always did when we meet and I looked energetic: fight her. She stood there, waiting for me to repeat that routine. And then. I walked pass her, much to her surprise. Yet I didn’t just left. “Shredder…” I began, “just wait, I will properly make you pay…” “I will be waiting,” I heard her say. I turned back, confused as well, but she was gone. My blood boil even more, to hear she was looking forward to my revenge, it encourage me to crush her even more. Without stopping, I once more dashed towards the library, where I picked every book I knew about trap making. I had already read more than half a book away when I felt something hit me on the head; a plate. “Is okay to be passionate about something,” the human on the base said as he moved the plate filled with food from my head and placed over the table, “but don’t go all over just one thing. You will burn yourself out.” And without another word, he left. I was puzzled, the Psychic must have told him about my actions a long time ago, yet he didn’t show any sign to be against it. He could have easily tell the Metang to erase my memory and self everything, yet he didn’t, and now he seemed to even be supporting me. I was so focused on tha that I ignored the reflex tremble on my body caused by his presence. My thoughts were then cut, however, as my teacher give a loud bite to one of the carrots he had brought. “Not bad examples,” he said as he looked at my books with a mouthful of carrot, “but it would help you more to make some of these by yourself.” “Did…” Grizelda cut in with a bit of regret, but her doubt was killing her. “Didn’t mister Simon cause you to tremble as well?” Roll chuckled. “He was, there were times I wasn’t sure if I trembled because of his gender and my memories or because he was so boisterous about everything.” She then looked at the ceiling without been actually looking at it. “Before I knew it, I have grown fond of him, fond enough for me to bear my fear.” Grizelda was about to ask something else, but then Roll continued. More days passed, and I was hardly saw around the base without me trying or having a book between my paws. Be on the library with Simon, on the kitchen with Rouge or aimlessly walking by my own. This, of course, gave her new reasons to pick on me, even on snowy days. “I presume I can’t say you are been gloom anymore, huh?” Alice scoffed as she buzzed behind me, been careful to avoid the water dripping from the frozen rooftops. “Despite you still looking down all the time.” I didn’t replied, just keep walking, my fluffy feet making squishy noises as I splattered the snow under me. “Mhmm…” Alice take a quick pick from my book over my shoulder. “Traps huh? is that what you are learning now?” “And what about it?” I asked without turning back, nor stopping. “Nothing, just that you may need to start for something more basic.” She said with a rather sincere voice. “... why?” I asked as we reached a big tree. “Because you are obviously missing a lot of things.” She said with a knowing tone and smug. She flew over me and buzzed over a rope hanging on the ground from said tree, the end on the ground been covered by leaves. “You were clearly leading me here, I can so not stop seeing this so obvious trap and, my favourite one, you completely forgot one very important thing.” She looked down at me with the same superior smug on her face as I looked ashamed at each of her remarks and added. “I fly, there is no point on putting such a silly trap for me,” and then proceeded to raise her claws towards the rope. “W-wait, don’t!” I sputtered with an ashamed expression. Alice simply laughed at my plee and then cut the rope. The tension making the rope flung back up, releasing the branch knotted to it, which in turn went back up to its original position, hitting every snow filled branch on its way up, which promptly fell down, right on the airborne Bug-type. With a surprised “Uhwa!” Alice fell right on the bed of leaves, which in turn fell down on her and the snow’s weight into the small, muddy pit which was hidden beneath. “That’s what you get for being such a bully!” I happily replied as I watch her from above, a big smirk on my face. “You can’t say I didn’t warned you!” Only to be surrounded by a swarm of Combee while a playfully cold voice come from the pit. “Neither can you.” I spent the next week on the infirmary, where I was treated against dozens of Combee stings, yet I couldn’t be happier. My studying, my planning, my hard work had give me a victory; a small and painful one, but a well deserved victory none in the less. A proof that this was working, than my goal was once again achievable, that I could have my revenge. “Hush bu weit Sredder,” I said to myself with a swollen face. “Hush bu weit…” “Yo, niña, what did you do?” someone asked across the room. “You look like a sturdy piñata after a school’s party.” I turned to look a Hawlucha laying on the bed beside mine. “...whu a bu?” I asked. “Name’s Maria Francisca Concepción de la Soledad Hernandez-Lopez, but you can just call me Pancha.” “... oj, A m...” I then said my name to the wierd luchadora, and from then on our friendship is history. She was quite odd, even back then. She had just joined the guild and told me her epic tale of how she used to be a cuatrera until one day she left the outlaw life to become someone of better use. I once asked Rouge why would she think it would be better IN a mercenary guild. She didn’t knew either. I told Panche my own story in return and she offered me help as soon as I was done, stating that “Mothers are sacred!” And so, she began to train me physically as well as to help me sparing. She beat me even faster than Shredder, however I enjoyed every time she wiped the floor with me, as she always cheer on me to stand back on, only to send me back down. I remember how Rouge always was there for me, bringing advices, drinks and looking after me. After all, Pancha has never been good at self-restraint. Oddly enough, I started to receive tips from Alice as well whenever I found myself stuck with my progress. Ever since the snow trap, she began to treat me different. She was still being offensive, but now she showed some respect towards me. A year passed, my father contacted me a couple of times, saying it was safe for me to go back with him, but I didn’t. “I am sure he is worried sick about you dear,” Rouge constantly said after I read one of his letters. “I will give it a thought,” I simply replied, but I never truly did such. I couldn’t. With Simon’s teachings, Pancha’s training, Rouge’s support and Alice’s tips, I became strong enough to start the second part of my plan, making traps and alike for her, trap doors with spikes ready to block her way, boulders failing at her at the snap of a string, explosive charges set to blow her to smithereens. Yet, for every trap I planned, she casually avoid them with little trouble and walked away without a word. … save the time with the explosives, she did talk to me that time, and what a talk it was. “You fool!” she scolded me once the debris of what once was one of the base’s walls had fallen down. “Those were way too many charges! What were you thinking?” I didn’t reply her, my ears ringing because of the explosion, yet I was confused by other thing. “No answer, huh?” She continued with a less demanding tone. “Don’t do that anymore. You may end hurting others, not to mention the damage to our home.” And so she turned to leave. “... I don’t understand.” I said, still looking into the ground. She turned back. “Why… why did you save me?” After so many fail attempts, I had grow a bit impatient and set the charges to do as much damage as possible, both blast and debris. Yet I fail to realize that when I did so, I had also put myself at risk. I didn’t have the right tools for an adequate remote controller, so I used a wired one instead, placing myself right on the blast area. I noticed that, as soon as I pressed the detonator, I was covered by the dirt. At first I didn’t care, if the blast was strong enough to take me out then it would meant I was able to take her with me as well. I would have been victorious. But right after, a doubt erupted from the back of my mind: then what? I had completed my revenge, what was next? Dead obviously, yet I didn’t feel right about it, in fact I felt terrified all of the sudden. Was that what my mother died for? So I could die roughly a year later? That is why I shift my guilty on her? My thoughts don’t make me realise the moment my body went from been covered in debris and fire to been covered by mud and dirt. The instant Shredder saw the detonator in my paws, she threw herself to the ground to Dig away of the surface, yet not away from the blast, she quickly reached my location and pull me down to safety. A few moments later, we resurfaced away from the explosion, safe and sound. My thoughts had moved away from regret, to confusion. “Why did you save me?” I asked once more. She didn’t reply. “Why did YOU have to save me!?” I demanded, half because of my troubled mind and half because I was almost deaf. “You know what I feel for you, how much I despise you! So… why? After all I’ve been doing.” Shredder seemed to doubt for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn’t. She just looked away and said, “You… you are our job. We are meant to keep you save.” “So I’m just a job then, a pay check…” I stand back up, enraged. “Just a thing for you and your comrades to get some money from!” I didn’t know why, but her reply had me mad, really mad. “It’s not like you actually care!” I shouted once more as my rage boiled to the point I couldn’t control my actions, with all of my strength I throw a punch at her, she didn’t avoid it. She didn’t try to move away or counter my strike, she stood her ground and took the hit right on her face. Her skin was cold and hard, I wasn’t able to make her move an inch and my paw hurt as soon as it made impact with her cheek. Yet, she looked back at me with the most hurt eyes I had ever seen someone give. “You… I… JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!” I demanded again as I turned around and flee. “I ran over to my room and cried the rest of the day,” Roll said with a sigh. “My mind was such a mess I was unable to understand what had just happen. All I knew was that I felt sad, very sad.” The group take a moment to let the images sink in, then Grizelda spoke. “So, where those the seeds of romance flowering between both of you?” she asked. “Pfff, of course not,” Roll replied right away. “I was confused, but not confused enough to just like the one who killed my mother… that sound really bad. Sorry babe.” Shredder, on her end, remained silent yet her expression was far from her stoic one. She was sweating and seemed nervous for some reason, yet she keep silent. All she give was a knowing nod. “Well, that makes things more confusing then, what happen after that?” Victoria asked. “I continued with my attempts of getting revenge,” Roll answered, “but I stopped using traps. Somehow, I felt that wasn’t the right way to get even. Besides, I was finally scolded by everyone on the base for my actions.” Another quartet of seasons passed by, I had trained long enough to keep up with Pancha's speed and even managed to fight back from time to time. Eventually, even Rouge spared with me, she wasn’t as fast as Pancha but could manage me just as well, but she never throw a single hit at me. Not because she was afraid of hurting me, but because she was afraid of blasting the place. At least that is what she said, I wouldn’t understand her until some years later. As with Pancha, I managed to make her to get serious a couple of times, which I also marked as small victories, even when I ended up in the infirmary right after, again. “You sure love getting here huh?” Alice joked as she paid me a visit. “Buzz off,” I replied tired but with a smile. “In due time. For now, I prefer to buzz you,” she joked back and then give me a letter. “You received this today, monthly as always. He is quite punctual.” “He sure is,” I replied as I opened the envelope and read how dad’s life was going but the second page had something new: besides asking me to go back, he also explain me how those who once where my mother’s managers wanted to declare me as dead for some greedy excuse, so he urged me more to go back. I didn’t care though. “You sure you don’t want to go with him?” Alice asked. “I will… once I am done with things here,” I replied with a serious tone, yet I felt a bit awkward about it as I was unable to tell when that will ever be. “If that is what makes you happy then, but if I were you, I would have go flying to those millions a long time ago.” “You know my dad isn’t that famous now, don’t you?” “Millions are still millions child. What are a few numbers less?” “Not if his child keep adding zeroes to her staying account,” said a voice over the other side of the infirmary, “I don’t mind getting paid for doing my job, but you really send him some bills each time you end here.” We chuckled, then we were interrupted by the slamming of doors. “Doc!” the human leader shouted as he barged in with someone on his arms. “On operation the table,” Doc replied with a cold voice as she left with Weiss, ready to do her job. Alice and I were left wondering who it was this time, as getting injured is… was part of the mercenary life. The procedure turn out to take some hours to be done, finally, from the operation room came out Doc and her patient. “Getting herself like this... This isn’t like her,” said the Audino as she left her patient on the bed next to mine. I could hardly believe it. “She’s been acting weird as of late. Good luck Tomino and Alexander were there to give us cover...” Weiss explained as they left the room. The sight was odd at best. Shredder lied down on the bed next to mine; unconscious, weakened, vulnerable. A heart monitor giving everyone a constant reminder that, despite her dead look, she was still alive. I stared at her, my paws turning into fists without noticing. “You know I can’t let you alone with her, right?” Alice said as she noticed my staring. “It wouldn’t be fair.” “Said the one who takes every chance she can to win?” I replied without looking at her. “That is exactly why I can’t let you.” She replied, standing right on my field of vision. “You may be our guest, but she is still my comrade, and I won’t let you harm her like this.” I finally looked up at her. “You know you can’t be here always.” “I am not her only comrade.” I didn’t reply. Instead I looked away, out the window and smiled. “I have waited this long, what is waiting a bit more for a chance?” Alice went through with her word and stayed between us for an entire day, using her control over other Bug-types to look after me while she had to leave, but eventually, she had to rest from her constant watch. It was then then others took her place. First was Rouge, I was unable to do anything bad with her around, literally; she used her vines to tie me onto the bed. Second was Pancha, who although acknowledged my reasons, couldn't bring herself to let me attack some unconscious mon. Simon was next, with similar reasons, although said on a different way. “To protect his family from everything; that is the way of a man!” he explained, “Even if that includes other family members as well.” Eventually I got better and had to leave the infirmary, yet the mercenaries keep their guard. Xavier kept a mental watch over me, Doc moved her desk besides Shredder’s bed, Sonya and her new apprentice, Edge, took turns day and night, Tomino look over her door for a whole day, literally. Each day that passed, they keep a constant watch over her, giving her more and more time to heal and less opportunities for me to get even. Up until one night, the night the leader look after the infirmary. He simply stood up, left the room and walked away. I thought he was going to the bathroom or something like it, I didn’t care, I finally had found the chance I was looking for, and I wouldn’t waste it. With careful moves, I snuc into the infirmary, silently heading for the resting room, in less than a minute I was before her bed. The constant beeping of her heart filled the room as well as the soft dripping of the fluid bag feeding her directly on the blood. I could do it of so many ways; I could load a syringe with air in insert it on her arm. I could use one of the pillows to stop what little air she was breathing, I could charge the defibrillator and fry her brain, I could grab and scalpel and jab it on her face, over and over. I had so many ways to get my revenge that I was lost in thought, so lost that I didn’t noticed when did I jumped over her bed and stare directly at her face. I could still see it, the blood which once covered her and could feel how much I wanted to see her bathed on it once more, her own blood this time. Then, I noticed. She was looking back at me. All of my ideas and anger vanished the instant I noticed her foggy eyes looking at me, but they slowly come back as she spoke. “So, you are here to have give me your retribution?” she asked calmly, too calmly. Nor her heart beat or her breathing had changed by my presence. “If you know what I am here for…” ‘Why wait?’ Is what I wanted to say, but instead, “Why aren't you worried?” “Because… I deserve it…” She replied with a soft tone. I wanted to shout at her, ‘OF COURSE YOU DO!’ but I couldn't. ‘You killed her!’ I only had one chance, ‘You have to pay for it…!’ I needed to be careful. “You have to take the responsibility…!” And I needed to act fast. “Go on then,” she replied with the same tone, almost as she had understood what I wanted to say. “Who knows when this chance will happen again.” “... I don’t need a second chance,” I said in a whisper, yet I could feel how my rage keep building on me. Ignoring how hard her skin was, I placed both of my small paws around her neck and with all the strength I could muster began to clench my grip around her. I focused on that night, on how she had stabbed her on the chest, how she suggested to end her life, how she was betrayed by… Before I know it I was crying, tears were dropping from my eyes. I ignore them and focus more on my task at hand, tightening my grip tighter and tighter. I barely noticed one of her arms raising slowly. ‘She’s going to try to move me away,’ I thought, so I added my weight to my grip. Finally, I could heard her breathing faltering and the beeping changing. The blade that was her hand reached for me... I ignored it. I was close. I was too close to let anything stop me. Then, she touched me with it, not with the cutting edge but with its smooth back, it was in that moment that I noticed my tears dripping over her face, as well as the tears coming from her. “ I… I’m sorry…” She said with a hint of a voice. I was caught off guard by all of this, I didn’t release her from my grip, but I stopped choking her. With a bit more of air slowly filling her lungs, Shredder continued, albeit with troubles. “I am sorry for have taking her from you…” she said while tears continued to fill her eyes. “I thought… she was done for, that there was nothing else to… to do… that she… that she was beyond saving…” I tighten my grip once more, as we both know that wasn’t the case. “Then you know how wrong you where!” I replied, anger burning on my very blood. “If you haven’t been there, if you haven’t give him the idea, if hadn’t been beside me, she wouldn’t have hugged us… and then… and then…!” Tears flooded my vision, I was no longer able to see her clearly, yet I know she was still looking back at me, with tear filled eyes just like mine. “Then she wouldn’t have me take her life…” she said with a sorrowful tone. “We could have save her. Instead, I took your most important being in this world.” I wanted to finish her off, to crush her throat and hear her choke on her own… but that was impossible. I wasn’t applying any strength for a while now, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it again. “Why…?” I asked with tears still flowing from my eyes. “Why are you saying me this now? You are only looking for a way to save yourself!” “If that was the case, I would have dealt with you from the start…” She replied, not seeming to mind my paws still on her neck. “No, I felt regret over my actions, I once swore to spare those weaker than me, and yet not only I took an innocent's life, I thought about it without hesitation, without regret.” Shredder then placed her blade back on the bed. “My time with this guild, with these mercenaries had me forget about my old sworn ways. Yet your mother… she managed to make me remember it, all of it. I felt ashamed, guilty, filthy about myself. I knew you deserved something in return, but I was too ashamed to admit that.” She chuckled with regret. “I was so ashamed that I wasn’t able to stand your gaze. I couldn’t look at you and tell you how much I was sorry, no matter how much it ate me inside. I wanted to be punished for my actions, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. That is why I asked everyone to let you get your revenge, to let you make me pay for my sin.” “Then, what about those traps? You kept dodging!” I inquired while finally removed my paws from her, so I could clean my eyes. “I told you already,” she answered with a sour smile, “I couldn’t punish myself, so I was unable to fall for such easy traps.” ‘Easy, she says…’ I thought, not with anger, but with rather comically. “So my traps were easy for you…” I thought over my crosses with her, and remembered the last trap I set for her. “Then, what about the last plan, why did you save me?” She didn’t answered. “So you could be punished?” I asked again, an angered tone returning to my voice. “So I could be a tool for you?” “I wasn’t sure why either,” she replied with an honest tone. “Before I realized it, I was digging frantically towards you. I wanted to save you… no, I needed to save you. At least that is what I felt that time.” I was genuinely speechless, from all the things I expect her to say, I never thought of she saying so cheesy and corny to the point I was unable to reply for a second. For some reason unknown at me, her words made me glad. “What about now?” I finally asked, “What is making you say these things to me? Regret? Shame? Duty?” “Pride,” she said, again surprising me. “I had ignored and worried for you for far too long, to the point where it clouded my judgment, bringing me here.” “... so you are here… because… because?” I asked in confusion, although I already knew the answer, somehow. “Because of you…” She replied, a hint of red on her face. I stand up on the bed and away from her. “Why!?” I spluttered, not noticing my own face felt hot. “Why would you think on me so much, even when I… I have a grudge on you… you killed her… you have to pay or else, or else…” Suddenly my head become a storm one more, a swirl of ideas, emotions and memories running around without control, not letting me think straight as my mind went overdrive. “It has to be you!” I proclaimed, no longer caring for the volume of my voice. “It has to be, you have to pay! You are the one who ended her life! It has to be you! I have to make you pay for it! There is no other way! Your blade killed her! It’s you! You have to be guilty! You are the one who made her stay! You took her from me! You thought about it! You wanted to kill her! It couldn’t be my fault so it has to be yours!” My mind and mouth keep going and going, my head felt it will blur out of existence until I felt the cold of metallic limbs wrapping around me. The chill sensation making the storm of ideas calm on my mind, letting me think more properly, more calmly. “It’s all right. It’s my fault. You have every right to be angry.” I faintly heard Shredder say beside me as she carefully patted my head. This calm me even more, to the point my head was fully rational. This made me think over something I had locked on the back of my head, hidden from me so I could focus on blaming Shredder, something I couldn’t deny anymore. “It has to be you… or else… or else…” I wasn’t able to look it up any longer. “It would have been my fault…” > Twenty Ninth Move P- II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty Ninth Move Feelings Part II Still on the past Kalos Region “I ran out the infirmary, not caring for Shredder, my revenge, or even the shadow standing beside us,” Roll recalled. “I should have know he hadn’t left for real. I did see his stealth skills first hand after all.” The Lopunny took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as to remember the events of that time. “I was so naive…” Almost a minute passed, yet no one dared to said a word in fear of making her stop, until someone finally had the courage to do so. “So, what happened then?” Victoria asked. “Your highness, there is something called dramatic pauses,” Grizelda scold her. “Not to mention she may need a moment to get her mind in order.” The empress looked embarrassed for a moment, but then Roll spoke. “It’s ok,” she said. “It’s a troublesome moment of my past… but one I would never change.” A warm smile come with those words as well as her hand gripped on her mate’s as she continued. I was fully aware of it now. I always knew. I only lied to myself to be able to keep going. I tried to deny it once more, to tell myself it was a lie, to shift my blame of it once more. It was pointless. It was my fault, my doing, that my mother had died. Not the night we parted ways, but many nights before. The night my mother snuck me out of that cursed place and yet I crushed her only chance of surviving. ‘I want to go back!’ I recalled my younger self saying with the voice of a spoiled brat. ‘My feet are hurting me, I don’t see where we are going, and there are branches pulling my fur!’ My voice of years past haunted me that night, no matter how much I cried for it to stop to the point I deny it as my own but someone else’s. ‘It’s okay dear. Just hang on for now,’ I heard my mother said that night. ‘I will make up for it, I promise. For now we have to hurry.’ Her voice was out of breath and filled with anxiety, yet she managed to keep her words kind and her smile up so the brat could behave and comply. She didn’t. ‘But I am tired! Can’t we go tomorrow?’ the brat whined again. ‘We can even go in the car.’ ‘There is no time for it sweetie,’ my mother explained, the tension on her voice raising. ‘We have to do this now… or there will be no other chance.’ FInally, the brat snapped. ‘I don’t wanna go!’ she shouted, loud enough to be heard around. ‘I am tired and I want to go back to sleep!’ My mother kneeled down before the child, urging her to stay quiet with the hints of a voice. ‘Please dear!’ She whispered while frantically looking around. ‘You have to trust me on this. It’s just a little further, so please?’ The brat nodded not to happy and then her mother janked her, now urging her to go faster. Noises could be heard at the distance. My mother keep running with while carrying the brat for a couple of minutes until she found a brick wall appear. They had finally reached the state’s limit. She beamed a large smile as she picked the child up and hurried for the wall. It was tall, far too tall for her to jump over it. She cursed her lack of actual training as she look for a way to climb over it. The noise grow closer. She panicked, they were close of getting freedom, but so were their pursuers. Finally, she stop thinking and acted, she threw the child over the wall. ‘I am sorry dear,’ she apologized. ‘But we really have no other choice. Now please, lend mommy a hand so I can climb up as well.’ The brat only looked back at her with tired eyes, tired, confused and annoyed eyes. ‘Why did you throw me like that?’ she whined once more, ‘I could have fallen!’ ‘Roll please!’ She pleaded. ‘Just help me up! We have to get out of here!’ The brat keep her annoyed expression, she didn’t knew what was happening and she didn’t care about it. All she knew was that she had been pampered ever since her arrival to this mansion. She ate whatever she wanted. She didn't have to go to those tiring classes all week. Her life was perfect there. And then she was abruptly pulled from her sleep and sentto stroll in the forest like some wild Pokemon to leave. She looked at the forest with disgust, then she noticed some lights on the distance. ‘Roll, please help me!’ Her mother called for her while desperately trying to climb over the wall. But she refused. ‘Why would I want to leave?’ She said and then began to shout at the torches at the distance, waving her body to get extra attention. The ones carrying the lights caught on shortly after. I didn’t knew how many times the same memory repeated on my head, over and over, reminding me of my sin and filling me with guilt. Before I noticed it, there was sunlight and there was someone with me. Rouge was there too. she slowly caressed my head as I slowly took notice of my surroundings. I looked around. It was my room, or so I figured out after looking at the mess around me. The place was destroyed. Everything not bolted to the walls had been thrown around and torn to pieces; furniture, clothes, ornaments– everything was fair game for my franatic self in the the fight to keep those memories away. Even Rouge seemed to have some of it as well. Her petals and leaves were scattered here and there. She, however, didn’t show the slightest bit of worry once she noticed I was conscious. “Good morning dear,” she said with a calm smile. “How do you feel?” “My head hurts…” I replied. And boy, was that an understatement. Not only my head was killing me, my throat was sore, my eyes burned, my mouth was sour, my stomach felt like fire, and every single part of my body hurt. Needless to say, I was dead tired that morning. Yet, I didn’t care. It was annoying and painful for sure, but I didn’t care about any of it. I couldn't. Carefully, Rouge took me to the dining room. On the way there, I could see the sun shining high up in the sky. It was past noon. She give me some bland oats and waited for me to eat. I saw a couple of the mercenaries walk in, feel awkward, and then leave. The only ones who acted normally were the always cold tactician, the remissive leader, and Doc, who was there mostly to look at Rouge’s injuries. “It’s okay darling, I will be fine as long I can have some sunlight,” she reassured her. “If you say so then,” Doc said as she left, only to spare second to look at me and say, “I wish I could heal you too, but I never studied how to heal a mind. I am sorry, kid.” She left. My whole body was too tired for any sort of fast movements, and my stomach stirred every time some of the food landed on it. But I was hungry nonetheless, so I ate at a very slow pace. It took me almost an hour to finish the oats with milk. Rouge stood with me until I finished, she pick up the bowl and drop it on the sink. She took a chair and sat beside me, placed one of her bouquets over my head and asked once more. “How do you feel?” I slowly turned to her, look directly into her eyes... Then began to bawl. I instinctively hold on to her as I let my tears flow, wailing loudly as my emotions dripped out of me. More time passed, I finally felt like my eyes were dry and let go of Rogue's arms. “Better now?” She asked. I nodded while whipping my snout. “I… I am sorry about last night,” I said with a raspy voice while looking at the numerous scratches on her. “It’s okay darling. As I said: sunlight and some good nutrients are all I need to geed better,” she replied with a calm voice. “Besides, you weren't exactly you last night.” I still felt guilty though. “No, I… I think I was more myself than ever last night,” I said to myself. “But, I can hardly remember it, what did I did last night?” “Well…” Rouge started, looking for the right words. “You went all histerica shouting like a lunatica and running around like a madmon,” said a chirping voice from the window. “What!? She did!” Pancha pointed out as Rouge stared at her. “You went a bit... confused,” she said the last word to Pancha, “last night, so we decided it was safer to place you in your room until you got better.” “I can tell that much,” I replied with the same sore tone. “As such, I decided to stay with you so you wouldn’t end hurting yourself during such delicate mental state.” “I wanted to help too you know,” Pancha added yet again. “But they said I would cause even more damage.” I suddenly had the mental image of her suplexing me to calm down. It made me chuckle. “Ah! se río!” Pancha quickly pointed out. “And here I was worrying about you,” said an incoming third voice. “It’s good to know that we won’t be needing a straightjacket.” “Charming and subtle as always Alice,” greeted Rouge with a sarcastic tone. “I do my best.” Alice replied without looking at her, instead she looked at me. “So, what now?” “Smooth,” Rouge said with the same tone. “Really smooth.” I however, didn’t mind, I could, but I didn’t. “What now?” I asked back, while thinking on the time I had passed with the mercenaries. The things I have learned, the hours of training, the time lost on hatred and lies. All of it was pointless now. And there I was, wondering what to do next. I obviously didn’t know what to do, but I did noticed something else. “You all seem kind of calm, despite my sudden episode, not to mention that I tried to… you know.” “Kill Shredder?” “Yeah, that. Thank you, Pancha.” “Any time.” “Why are you so calm despite all of this?” I inquired, if only to keep my mind away of my guilt. They seemed surprised and uncomfortable, not for the question but because they had to answer. With a sigh Rouge placed a bouquet on my shoulder and then answered. “We put you on your room, but we didn’t know what had happened, nor what to do, only that you began to trash anything on sight as you shouted at the top of your lungs.” “Loudly,” added Alice. Rouge give her a ‘seriously?’ look and then continued. “Shredder then explain to us what happened.” “Well, she actually told Weiss, who in turn told Xavier, who in turn told all of us,” added Pancha this time. With a deep breath, Rouge continued. “They told us what had happened, how she asked Weiss to let you sneak in so…” “So she set me up?” I cut in. “No…! I mean yes, I mean… that is not why she did that!” Rouge sputtered. “I understand,” I added, while telling her to go on. “She told us the last words you told her before going into a rampage.” “Something about your fault.” “And people say I get brutal with my words.” “CAN I FINISH EXPLAINING THIS TO HER!?” Rouge bellowed, the other two remained silent. “Thank you. As I was saying; we knew something was going on, but we couldn’t act without knowing more, so Xavier decided to help. He looked into your mind and told us what you were feeling at the moment. What you were remembering,” she said with some shame, but she never stopped looking at me directly. “We know what happened dear, what you felt. That is why I decided to keep you company.” I keep looking at her as well, asking with my eyes just how much did they know. It wasn’t hard to understand her answer. They saw it. All of it. That, however, made a bit calmer. I at least had no need to keep it a secret to them. That itself was incredibly liberating. I sigh relieved and then asked a bit more worried, “But what will you do about me?” “Is that really the most worrying thing you can think of right now?” Alice asked with sarcasm. “It keeps me distracted.” I answered, matter of factly. “Oh…” “Well,” Rouge continued. “Is not like you are much of a threat. No offence, dear.” I wasn’t offended. “Since she let you get close and Weiss was there to look after both of you...” “I doubt our dear leader will do anything. He isn’t that kind of human.” Alice admitted. “So you don’t have to worry. We will not take any sort of action against you, nor do we hold any sort of grudge against you,” Rouge finished explaining. “Niña, you had already been through some rough stuff already,” said Pancha. “You could say we know the feeling,” finished Alice. I smiled at them. I felt glad to had such nice friends and I felt terrible for having to make them go through such troublesome night, specially Rouge. But still I couldn't shake off the feeling that lingered on me, the guilt. “But then, what should I do now?” I asked once more, the girls couldn’t reply. “We can’t answer that,” said yet another voice. “That is for you to work out. After all, it’s a man’s way to reach his own happiness.” Simon then sat across the table, as if waiting for my reply. Meanwhile, Pancha whispered, “But isn’t she a girl?” “Go and tell him,” whispered back Alice, neither of them said anything else. Rouge noticed what Simon what waiting for and then said, “You can’t possibly think she can answer you right away. She just been through that terrible experience.” “Haven’t all of us?” he inquired back. “But she isn’t one of us…!” Rouge shout back, only to cover her mouth right after. Again, I didn’t mind yet I couldn’t deny she was right, both of them in fact. I was the only one who could fix my problem and I wasn’t one of them. I was ‘only there’, but I was a part of it. I couldn’t think clearly and I knew I would never be able to with everyone there. Even when they had show no signs of distrust towards me and had in fact told me how they understood me, I was still too ashamed with and by myself. So I looked directly at the recently evolved Excadrill and then answered him. “I will be going back home.” The girls tried to convince me otherwise, even Alice, but I had made up my mind. Simon supported me on that decision. I knew he would. Weiss didn’t seem to mind, as always, and had everything arranged for me to fly back home. In less than five days, he had secured a plane for me to go to Unova. To finally go back home. He was waiting for the rented car to arrive. They would take me to the airport the,n I would be out of their lives forever. “So you are really going then?” Pancha said, still unable to believe it, even when she was actually looking at me as I made my own bags. Not that I had that much left after that night though. “I had to,” I drily replied as I finished. “I can’t stay here. All of the revenge thing is over anyway and I can’t even look at you guys properly. ‘Specially her.” During the past five days, Shredder had been given permission to move freely, yet whenever we crossed paths, she abruptly turned around and left. I couldn’t blame her. At first I tried to reignite the hate I once had for her, but it swiftly turn into guilt. I couldn’t blame her any longer, but I at least wanted to apologize for my actions. Yet I was unable to, which only added to my uneasiness at the moment, so leaving look more and more promising for me. “Ok then, I am going to miss you niña,” Pancha said defeated as she leave the room. “You tried,” I heard Alice said as she enter in exchange. “Here to insult me one last time?” I joked. “I don’t feel like it, yet,” she replied as she looked at the now empty room. “You know… I didn’t like you at first.” “Really? I couldn’t tell.” “Child, I am being serious here,” she said with a matching tone, that was a first. Before I could ask anything, she continued. “I really hated you, being a rich brat who had it all and who never had to suffer to get something. That is how I saw you when you arrived. But as time went on, I could see past those pretensions of mine and discover just how nice you can be. Even when you were a rich bratty at first.” I smiled at her words. I never expected for something so nice to come out from her. If anything, I never expect her to actually do something nice. I was about to say something back, but she stopped me. She wasn’t done. “I got to see how stubborn and strong you are and how much far you got, not to mention that now I know for sure that you aren’t a regular bratty. You have been through something not anyone can relate to anyone but very insane, mad, insane driven individuals, A.K.A. us.” I thought over a moment what she meant, she continued. “Sonya told you once didn’t she? That we aren’t the killing machines we are now from the start. We had to become strong. We had to grow. But there had to be something to impulse that growth, something to nourish our determination. All of us had our dark pasts and reasons. That night with your mother is yours child, so it's up to you to choose if it will crush you or if it will feed you.” I continued to think over those words as she continued. “I know you have what it takes to be one of our kind, for good or bad. That is up to you, but I have hope you will come out on top just fine.” She then offer me her claw, slowly but without hesitation. I took it. “I am glad I had meet you child. You are a nice mon on my list.” We shook and let go. “But if you ever need a bodyguard, you only need to call. I will fly over you to guard you and your millions right away.” “I don’t know why I am not surprised.” I truly wasn’t. We chuckled and then Alice turned to leave, only to add right at the door frame. “I guess I have to thank her as well.” “Who?” I asked instinctively, not really caring for the answer. “Shredder,” Alice calmly replied. I dropped whatever I had on my paws. Either Alice didn’t hear that or she didn’t care as she continued. “She paid me to keep an eye over you and keep you company. You want it or not.” “Why would she…?” I asked confused. “I don’t know. I never asked her,” She replied with the same tone. “She paid me, I did my job as any good professional should do. But now that you're leaving, there is nothing else to keep me from telling you that.” And so with a wave of her claw, she left without looking back. I was called shortly after. The car would arrive on a few minutes. The base was located on a rural village an hour away from Lumiose City, yet the guild didn't had a car. Weiss didn’t knew how to drive, as he always move on top of Xavier’s head. Since we had to go to the city within a certain time and with what little luggage I had with me, a rental was needed. So there I was, a couple of the mercenaries waiting as well. Yet I was completely focused on something else, so focused that I even failed to look at my friends as they give me their farewells. “It seems this is it, huh?” another female voice I knew well said to my left. My concentration stopped as I replyed to her. “Yeah,” I said, not knowing what else to say. “Look, you know what I think about what happened, about how you felt about me, so I don’t mind if you still resent me even a little, but I wanted to be trough and true with my words: I am sorry for what I did.” That was the best moment to apologize myself, to tell her how much of that was my fault as well if not more. No, it wasn’t even more. It was totally my fault and I had to apologize for it, as well as I had to ask her for Alice. Or was it to thank her about it, but what about the reasons behind her actions? Why was she so worried about me? She had told me it had to do with her honor. Was that why? My head was so lost on those thoughts that I didn’t notice the black car approaching us until it was just a couple of blocks away. In the end, I was unable to say anything. The car stopped right before me. It was too late to do anything. ‘No.’ I thought to myself as Weiss tried to look at the driver. ‘I can’t leave like this. I must thank her for her care, or at least apologize for my actions.’ With awkward determination, I turned to her and start. “I…!” Then. Boom. Time went into slow motion. An explosion occurred not too far from us, yet not close to be dangerous for any of us. Since I was already looking towards it, I saw it first; a large pillar of fire licking over one of the base/villa’s outer walls, as well how everyone turned to it by instinct, only to draw knifes, claws and energy attacks back at the front. They knew they had been set up and that they just fell for a distraction. I turned as well, only to see a black bag thrown over my head. Then, my body was janked, not towards the car, but away of it, to the right. I looked down and found a small and shiny body pushing me away as it’s owner’s head looked up at me with a kind smile. I raised my paw to help her, but before I knew it, time move normally once more. The bag covered Shredder entirely and with a rope was pulled towards the car which was already accelerating away while one of the tripulants open a window. It was Weiss’ body who covered me from a quick shower of bullets. None were properly aimed so no one was hurt. Its objective was to give the snatchers some time. “Sonya!” Weiss shout as soon as he give me a quick check. “We’re on it!” Sonya said as she and her apprentice flew right after the car. However they had enough time to throw a smile cylinder at them. With a deafening bang and a blinding light, the explosive covered their tracks as they drove into the distance. When we finally had our sight back, the car was no longer in sight. The room was once more dead silent, not even Grizelda dared to say a word. “I see I am doing a proper job with this story of mine,” Roll sadisticly said as she looked at her friends, plus one. Said friends didn’t reply anything, they only plead with her eyes for her to continue. All of them save Shredder, who no longer seemed a bit stressed but greatly worried, Roll smiled at this and continued with her story. “Gizmo, into the net, now!” Weiss commanded to the team’s… ‘information gatterer’ while carefully but hastily taking me back inside. “Xavier, you go up. Try to see if you can break into their minds.” On command, both Pokemon went to their respective spaces, meanwhile some of them move around, gathering supplies, information and alike. They had been surprised but that didn’t meant they wouldn’t retaliate, the problem was knowing who where they going to retaliate. Meanwhile, Doc quickly checked if I was injured. “Ok, you are unscratched. Is everyone else whole?” She asked the rest. They were all fine. Xavier had his mind blocked, said something about it not being a natural cause while Gizmo found some info about the kidnappers, they were contracted to declare me ‘officially’ dead for some people on Pokéwood. I couldn’t hear it well. I was too lost in thought. Before I know it, I was been guided back to my room, which was empty. “Oh, right. Sorry Dear, force of habit. Let's go somewhere better.” “Why…?” I asked. “Because we can’t stay in such a dull room.” “Why are we still here?” Rouge seemed to be expecting other sort of question. “Shouldn't we be heading for the airport?” I asked again with dismay. “I thought you would be worried about someone else,” she said to herself with a sigh, she then shifted to a more serious tone. “We aren’t exactly on the best of moments for you to go out.” “Then when will be going?” I asked again, a hint of anger on it. Rouge looked at me and replied with the same voice, “When we can solve this problem and save our comrade. Don’t worry though, I am sure we won’t be taking that long.” “Can’t we go any sooner?” I exclaimed. Rouge continued to stare at me with a severe expression, however and unlike me, she didn’t show any sign of anger, on the contrary she looked worried. She, however, kept a serious expression and tone. “So you can run away of your guilt?” She asked with no concern. I was angry, furious even. Not because of not been able to leave. “And what about it?” I shout while tears filled my eyes. “Even when I knew I am at fault and tried to make things right, I only end up causing misery!” “It wasn’t your doing this happened. And even if it were, what good will leaving do?” she asked back, same tone. “You run back home. Will your feelings stay here?” “What else can I do then?” I cried back. “How about having some patience and faith?” she asked. “Wait for us to get our friend back.” “Do you think you will be able to save her in time?” I asked back, desperation filling my voice. “They must know they screwed up their mark by now. Do you really believe you can find them before they see her as a liability!?” Rouge was unable to reply. Even as strong as they were, she knew they were no prophets. There was no way they could find her in time. “You can’t,” I gloated. Pathetically, may I say myself. “You can’t know how much I have screwed things up for you all. Not even she could. So please, while you still can: hurry the hell up and take me out of your lives as soon as possible-!” And then: slap. It was quite impressive how hard those bouquet hand of hers are when she use them in a violent manner. “Little lady, I thought you were more than this,” she said as she look at me. “She saved you for a reason. And for good or bad, you are here thanks to her. I thought that could you at least appreciate that much. But if you prefer to brood and whine instead, I clearly overestimated you.” And with that said, she hug me, tight. “We have spend years together. You may not be one of us, but there is no way we will see you in such way. You are our friend of us as much as Shredder.” She let go and said, “Please, believe in your friends.” And she left. I stood there, thinking on my own. Reflecting over her words, properly organizing my thoughts and prioritizing what I knew. They wanted me, that was a given. They had no need of Shredder so time was limited. Their whereabouts were unknown. Even if we managed to find their location, there was no guarantee of finding them fast enough. We, however, had the strength advantage, that was obvious. They avoided any sort of direct confrontation. The difference in strength had to be large. Finally, they knew the guild well enough to perform a hit and run tactic, thus they had to be close enough to spy on us. They had to be close. Slowly, all pieces fell into place on my head and again, after two years, I knew what to do. I left my room and went straight to the noise the mercenaries were making. They were still trying to figure out Shredder whereabouts. I walked straight at Weiss and told him I had a plan. He didn’t heard me over the noise. I doubt he was even aware of my presence. I tried again, he didn’t even turn to see me. Then I shouted, “Take me to the airport!” This time, I got their attention. Rouge walked towards me, in an attempt to stop me as she thought I was repeating my tantrum of before, but she stopped as soon as she look at me in the eyes. “Those are some pretty nice eyes,” Simon pointed out behind her. “So you have some sort of plan then?” I nodded. “I am listening,” Weiss said and waited for me to answer. “Those guys must have discovered Shredder by now, and I am sure they aren’t too glad that they miss their mark.” “Your point?” Weiss inquired, a bit hasty. I turned to Gizmo and asked him, “They already used the money they were given right?” The hacker nodded. “Almost all of it in fact.” “Good,” I continued.” Then they must be desperate at this point, especially if they already informed them about their success.” “So they will make a mistake if they see you on the open then. That is your idea?” Weiss figured out, I nodded again. “It’s a bit of a stretch to plan on a hunch.” I was unable to give any other suggestion. However, I didn’t need to. “She is right though,” Gizmo then said. “I bugged their contractors. They received a notification about having ‘finished the job’ just recently. Quite cliche if you ask me. Point is, they screwed up on that.” “Their location?” Weiss inquired. “Another ghost account, as mediocre as they are, they at least know how to cover their tracks.” “Then her bait strategy is our best option,” suggested Xavier. Weiss was still not convinced. “We will lose both of you if they manage to get you.” I thought over his words. Pros or noobs, those were kidnappers and they were bound to know how to fight. But I knew I was no pushover either. “I am not a bratty rich girl,” I cleared out. “I am sure I can give them a fight if I have to.” They deliberated my plan. With no other option left and time been against them, they reluctantly agreed to it. “Are you sure this is a good idea manta?” “No,” I admitted, “but I want to believe.” Weiss call another rental service, as obviously as possible, and head towards the airport. It was only him and me, as any more members will only make them wearier to act. Nothing happened during our way, which we expected to be the best moment for they to attack. ‘Xavier, keep a good hold of our minds, ok?’ Weiss commanded through the mental link as he guided me across the large air terminal. I, on my end, was constantly looking down. I tried to look around for any suspicious individual, but soon found out I was too unease by the large amount of people walking everywhere. ‘You don’t think they will try to hijack the plane, won’t you?’ Weiss thought for a moment. ‘Improbable, a stealthier approach would be the more rational choice.’ Xavier replied. “Then again they attacked us on bright daylight,” Weiss replied. “Less than three hours ago.” We filled up our paperwork and wait for the passengers to board. Still nothing. ‘Stay sharp!’ Weiss told mentally as the room become less and less crowded, only a few passengers and a janitor remaining. If they were going to make a move, it was right now. On que, a daffing crash could be heard, as if something large had hit the ground, filling the room with the expected screams and noise caused by the bystanders. However, Weiss didn’t look towards the noise. Instead, he turned towards the exact opposite direction, fist raised. “Fool me once,” Weiss said as he knocked the janitor out cold, who was silently approaching us from behind and was about to abduct me. “Xavier, scan him!” He commanded as he was about to restrain the kidnapper, only to see a cylinder roll from his sleeve. “Son of a…!” Bang! Another flash grenade. We were able to cover our eyes just in time, but the explosion still stunned us good, not to mention the pain on the ears for the time being. We looked around us and noticed that the janitor wasn’t alone. That was expected. What we didn’t expect was the amount of company he had around five men and their pokemon. None gave a friendly vibe nor did they share a friendly look to us. I turned and saw some knifes flowing around as soon as Weiss drew them, swiftly taking down half of the humans and a Pokemon. However, the rest reacted to their fallen comrades and dodged their respective knifes. The Pokemon charged at Weiss, and even when he was able to keep his ground, he was unable to deal with them and look after me at the same time. This give the other humans time to go after their prey. I took notice of them right away, but I was decided to don’t make it easy for them. I readied my stance, prepared a move and channeled the energy needed to give those humans the beating of their lives. Then I properly look at them and froze in place. Even when I knew I was strong, even when I knew I could deal with them, I was stiff. The way they looked at me, how they charged at me as if I were nothing but merchandise: a thing. It made me think on that human, the one who once claimed to love my mother and had gave her such a tragic end. An end I had helped to achieve. Fear and regret stop me from acting. “Roll!” I heard Weiss shout, “What are you doing!? Move!” He wanted me to fend myself, but I was unable to. I couldn’t fight the humans, let alone stop them from throwing me into a bag with less effort than placing a doll in a bag, they took me away and I did nothing to stop them. Once the visual contact was over, the stress ended and I was able to move again. I tried to break the bag and make a run for it, to help Weiss capture one, to found Shredder, only to find a small ball of wool with a funny smell. Shortly I was somnolent and powerless. Soon, I fall unconscious while hearing Weiss’ shouts getting further and further away. “Roll!” My plan had failed. I lost track of time. I think that was a bad habit of mine back then. I slowly looked around: darkness. I couldn't see a thing. All I knew was that I was tied up in some dark, large room; a warehouse maybe. I could tell because of how the place echoed with our breathing. Then I noticed that there was another person close. It could be one of my captors, but still I raised my voice. “I-is anyone there?” I called with a low tone. I knew there was no way the humans could understand me without a Psychic. But I wasn’t going to give them a reason to knock me unconscious once more. “H-hello?” I called again. “Wh-what...” I heard a faint voice reply not far away. “What are you doing here!?” I recognised the voice, and I was so surprised to be so glad of hearing her. “Shredder!” I shouted, only to whisper again. “Where are you?” “Feeling relieved about having atone for my sins until you showed up!” she answered, understandably angry. “How did you end up here? Where are the others? Why-*cough*!” It was then that I noticed something beside the anger in her voice. She sound tired, beaten. “Are… are you okay?” I ventured. “You don’t sound that good.” “They wasn’t too pleased to find me in your bag,” she replied once her cough stopped. “It didn’t helped I give them a few cuts. I was unable to take down any of them though.” She was already in recovery from her last time on the infirmary. It was obvious she wasn’t at her best. But still, I was glad to know she was still alive, as surprising and new the idea was for me. “Can you move?” I asked. “A little… but they put chains on me. I won’t be able to move much,” she replied. For some reason, she was no longer angry. “Why… why did you come back?” I was caught off guard by her question. “... I, I just couldn’t let you save me like that and do nothing. Not after all I made you go through.” I honestly replied. I didn’t see the point of being ambiguous at such moment. “What… what about you? Why did you save me again?” “Again...” she said with a nostalgic tone. “The time with the explosives… I was looking at you, so I could tell what they where planning.” “That… wasn’t what I asked…” I pointed out while feeling a bit confused for the heat on my face. “I… I don’t t-think that my r-reasons are of any i-importance…” she babbled out. It was the first time on my life I ever heard her use such voice, I found it adorable right away, despite the situation we were into. “What’s with this interest, all of the sudden?” she asked, confused but also interested. “I just realized how much of a burden I must had been for you all this time, and still you kept helping me, despite how I felt about you. I am sorry for how I treated you until now,” I said wholeheartedly. “You have been saving me time and time again, even when I treated you so terribly, even when I blamed you for what was my doing.” “I won’t say it was my whole fault,” she said sternly. “But I still share some responsibility on what happened that night. It’s not a burden you should carry entirely on your own.” “Shredder, thank you,” I said with a couple of tears, “I don’t know why you have been so kind with me. And even when I ignored your reasons, I only wanted to tell you that I am sorry. I truly am.” The distant echo seem to disappear for a moment, and even when we couldn’t see one another, I knew she had acknowledge my apology, or at least that was what I wanted to believe. That was all that matter. I felt at peace. If anything, I regret how I couldn’t save Shredder. ‘All I have left is to atone for you mother, and so, we can meet again.’ I thought. “Y-you… you know?” Shredder said, stuttering once more. “The, t-the reason why I… the reason is… that… well… I…!” Then there was light, bright and blinding light. “Ok, time to make some money!” A human shout as he enter the place. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see where we were. First, I noticed the bars before me as well as the ones surrounding Shredder. We were in small cages; cages in a very large place. It was a warehouse, with large containers filled the whole place. I could tell the latter as I was abruptly taken out of my cage, and dropped before a table where one of the kidnappers kept me down. Again, I was trembling because of their presence, I could see at least around fifteen humans walking around, three of the where currently dealing with me. One kept a camera pointed at me while other made some sort of speech, the third was the one pinning me down. “Dear mister Adrew, we managed to acquire the Buneary you and your board had been so frantically looking for. However we haven’t done that specific part of the deal you are so eager for us to do as you failed to mention that those guardians she had were so damn trained!” He pointed at a group of humans: comrades of his, no doubt. They had bandages all over, one seemingly missing a hand entirely. “This was done by only one of them! A freaking human at that! So I guess we really earn a little bit of a raise in our contract!” He shout to the camera, tapping the lent a couple of times as if that would help to his argument. “We are talking at least the double of what you offer us, first payment included!” He went on and on about how much they deserved their money. I didn’t care. All I knew was that my body didn’t stop trembling, which in turn made the goon holding me increase the strength of his grip. I couldn’t stop it. It make me felt so helpless and useless. “... we will be waiting.” Finished the kidnapper with a dramatic tone. “I am sure that will teach them boss,” said the one with the camera as he stopped his recording. “Those fat bastards always need a little reminder of how things are done here. It’s all about demanding respect!” The ‘boss’ said arrogantly. I couldn’t stop a laugh to go out from me. He, a kidnapper, someone who literally steal living beings, was talking about respect. It was laughable, even for my stressed self. It may had been because of this stress than my laugh come out quite loud. “Do you think this funny?” The ‘boss’ question, apparently been able to discern a laugh, even from a Pokemon. “Do you think you are on a position to laugh like this?” He grab me from the ear and pull me close to his face. “I think you may need a good lesson then,” he taunted, his face just millimeters from mine. He then walked back to my cage, he was about to throw me back to it when someone else got his attention. “You fiend!” Shredder shout from within her cage and bounds. “Don’t you dare to hurt her! Or better come and try to try your luck with me! I swear that if you dare to hurt a single hair of her I will end you where you stand!” The human turn toward her with a superior smugg on his face, laughing at her threats. “What? You worried about your little friend?” he taunted again while kneeling down. “Don’t tell me she is special to you?” Shredder stared at the human, harshly, while trying to break her chains. They cracked and bend, but didn’t budge just yet. The human gloated at her fail attempts. “I just had a good idea,” he proclaimed while pressing me against the bars. “Why don’t I show you how I teach this rascal here some manners? I am sure you can learn a thing or two.” And so he started to laugh, maniacally. I was scared. And then. Bam! Something squishy hit the ground hard. Everyone turned to find one of their sentries laying on the ground, a hole where he used to have one of his eyes. Another sentry turned back to the window he was guarding and then, as suddenly as his comrade, he hit the ground with a new whole on his head. “SNIPER!” someone finally acknowledged the danger. The goons move away from the windows and made haste to cover them with whatever they could find. They were so focused on that, that they forget about barricade their main door. With an explosion, the large metallic door jumped back and fe’l to the ground, causing a large cloud of dirt to cover the place. “What the hell is going on?” The boss demanded as he kept close to the cage, only to be stabbed from within it. ‘You are in no position to ignore your surroundings, fiend!’ Shredder said while blood dripped from her head. The human let go of me instantly, and even when I was as lost and confused as everyone around, I still had enough common sense to get away from him and closer to Shredder. “Here, let me get those for you,” she said while offering me the blade to cut my ropes, which I let her do as fast as I could. I then removed the locks on her own cage and offer her a paw to help her out, I was able to take a off one of the chains wrapped around her when I could feel someone grabbing me from behind. I instantly threw my paw in search of a hold when I find out that Shredder had done the same with her blade of a hand. She cut deep into my paw, and yet I didn’t let go of her. I kept my holding to her until something broke inside the cage, causing her to lose her balance and me to lose my grip. As a result, I was pulled out by the human boss, who promptly throw me to the ground, followed suit by a stomp. “You are not going anywhere!” He shout as he tried to stop the bleeding on his other hand. “I told you that I was going to teach you some manners, and I go trough my word!” “So am I!” said Shredder as she jumped out of the cage, tackling and stabbing the boss on a tight. Being unable to stand, the human fell to the ground in a mess of screams and blood, I couldn’t care less for him on that moment. In fact, I was more worried about getting some oxygen back. “Are you okay?” Shredder asked as she removed the remaining chains off her. I nodded as stand back up. The place was a mess. There was more smoke covering the place, probably used by the kidnappers to cover their numbers. “We have to get out of here!” Shredder said as she offered me a blade. Again, I took the blade without a doubt as we both left the place and run. But when I mean left the place, I sadly mean that we only ran away from the bleeding human. The place was still a mess, with gunfire, screams, and more gunfire filling the place. At some moment though, the kidnappers remembered that they had Pokemon as well, and soon the place was even more of a mess. I, however, was able to follow Shredder just fine, not only because I was holding her blade, but because I was able to see her clear as day despite the dust covering everything, as if she was glowing. “What’s happening?” I asked in confusion while following Shredder. “Must be Weiss and the others, but I can’t even tell if they know where are we,” she replied while avoiding anything that moved. “Our best option right now is to get out of the fray and head outside, then try to locate our comrades.” “Did you always talk this much?” I asked. I am not sure why. Maybe because I hardly spoke to her, but I found very surprising and a bit annoying to hear her explain things so detailed with such large words. “Right now is not the moment to talk about my speaking patterns,” she retorted back as she push me behind some boxes and hide with me. A group of Pokemon and humans passed by without noticing us. But just to be careful, we stood there for a moment. “Alright then, if you don't tell me that, how about finishing what you were about to tell me a moment ago?” I asked, remembering how she was about to say something. I could see how she halted up at the question as well as how she began to sweat all of the sudden. “T-that isn’t important right now!” She shout in response. “Who’s there!?” A had human spot us. “Tch!” Shredder push me further behind the box while commanding, “Stay here!” She left right after shouting something like ‘Those with a dying wish, try to push forward!’ I could hear the sound of battle right outside my hiding spot, as well as I could hear Shredder’s voice moving around, progressively getting more and more tired as time went on. She was in no shape to fight properly. I couldn’t leave things like that. I couldn’t just hide and wait to be saved yet again, but I knew I couldn’t be of help either, I would only be a liability to her, but still I didn’t feel right about it. I was debating about help her or not when I heard the boxes around me being crushed by something, the small hiding place beginning to fall apart. Instinctively, I dashed out of it, only to land right outside of Shredder’s fight. I landed right before a fallen human, which triggered my fear instantly. I looked away of him and find Shredder exchanging blows with other two humans and three Pokemon; a Gligar, a Hariyama and a Scrafty. She didn’t had any sort of advantage and still she was keeping her ground just nice, if it wasn’t for her current tiredness and the new liability which just join the party. “Roll!” She shout with worry as she looked at me, only to block an incoming barrage of Arm Thrusts from the Hariyama. “Isn’t that our mark?” one of the remaining humans said while also noticing me. “Gligar!” The other one commanded. ‘On it!’ his partner replied as he fly towards me. Only to be stopped by the flung body of the Hariyama. “Who give you permission to look away from me?” Shredder said with a heavy breathing. ‘I can tell you the same!’ the Scrafty shout back as he threw a Brick Brake to her back. Shredder was barely able to block the attack, but she was still send flying away, or rather beside me as she land with a metallic thud. ‘Shredder!’ I crawled towards her. ‘Get up! You have to get up! Please!’ “I guess that is that, Will, go grab our money,” one of the humans ordered. ‘With pleasure,’ the Scrafty replied as he cracked his knuckles and moved toward us. ‘Nothing personal kid, but a mon has to eat.’ He reached to me but then jumped back as a blade swung his way, just barely missing its mark. “You have some nerve, to attack me from behind and take me for dead,” Shredder said as she slowly stood back up. “Who told you our fight was over?” “Why doesn't he just die!” the other human shout. “I am a girl!” She shot back while charging at the Scrafty. The fight resumed, but it was bent to be short. Shredder was tired and injured far too much at this point. She know this, and yet she didn’t try to run. ‘Please, stop…’ I said, losing what little hope our escape had provided us with. ‘There is no need for you to do this! Just let them take me with them, you can reunite with the others, please!’ I knew I was of no use for the fight, but I couldn’t stand to let someone else die for me, not again. ‘I don’t want you to die, not for me. Not for someone as unworthy as me.’ The Scrafty took the chance to use a Faint Attack on her, causing Shredder to take a step back, but not a single one more. “Unworthy you say?” she asked while retaking her stance. “I am afraid I have to disagree.” Seeing this as another chance, the Scrafty lunged at her with another Brick Break, which Shredder countered with ease. “I have seen just how worthy you are,” she continued while taking a step forward, countering every punch the Scrafty threw at her. “I always keep an eye on you, look at you, seeing how decisive and passionate you can be and how much you can achieve by pure determination.” At each word she said, Shredder too a step forward, not stopping or moving to the side, always forward. “What the hell is she talking about!” the human questioned, “Will, hurry up and finish her off!” ‘That’s easier said than done!’ “At first I was worried about you, afraid that you may lose your will to live, afraid that you would want to join your mother because of my actions. I feel guilty and responsible for it. But as time went on, I saw how far away you where from that thought, how willing you were to live on, to achieve something, even when it was revenge.” Suddenly, Shredder’s body began to be easier and easier to see among the smoke and shadows. She was glowing. The humans knew what this meant, and step in to fight Shredder as well. In an attempt to stop her. Yet she simply evade their hits as she held her ground and continued. “You showed me how strong you become each time you challenged me and how much you were willing to push even further. I felt happy to know my actions have give you a reason to live.” She shone brighter and brighter. Yet I didn’t notice it, my focus was totally on her words. ‘Then, if you worried for me this much, why did you got injured? How did I made you lose your will?’ I asked. “Looking after you was because of my honor, at first at least,” she admitted. “Yet my feelings changed as time went on. I was looking at you not because of worry. I was worried of you constantly but no longer because of my sense of duty. I suddenly found myself constantly thinking about you.” “Why do I feel this is only getting worse?” The human said after who knows how many missed punches and kicks. “I know what my feelings had turned into, and it hurt me, because… I… I…” The light she was emanating exploded all of the sudden, making it impossible to see how her body change from the little and chubby Pawniard into the gorgeous and deadly Bisharp. And so, Shredder evolve while shouting, “Because I fell in love with you!” As been empowered by her words alone, her whole body was engulfed on wind, which roared against the humans and Scrafty as she delivered as single Aerial Ace to them, knocking them all unconscious on the spot. All three aggressors hit the ground like bags of potatoes. Yet all I could see was Shredder’s now large back. “It hurt me," she continued. "I knew my feelings were unwelcome, undesired and most likely unneeded.” She then turned to me. “But I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Despite all odds, I couldn’t. That became my downfall.” I was speechless. Of all the things she could have said, she went and give me yet again, the most cheesy and cliche reason one could have ever expected. And yet, I feel happy about it, I feel warm, I feel strong. ‘You wench! You will pay for this!’ Shout the Gligar, who finally got free from the Hariyama. ‘Get a load of this: Sky Uppercut!’ The Gligar was faster than Shredder’s previous foes, not to mention that she was distracted, she wouldn’t be able to counter him in time. She didn’t needed to. I was faster, stronger and larger now. Just before he could touch Shredder, my Ice Punch hit him right on the face, and turning into a small ice meteor. He hit a wall with enough strength to blow it to smithereens, and finally let the sun’s light into the battleground that was the where house. “Good job,” Shredder admitted. “We can get out through there-!” Then hit her, hard. It didn’t hurt that time. “You idiot!” I shout. “Why would you go and do something as stupid as confessing in the middle of a fight!?” More than hurt, Shredder seemed to be confused. “I-I thought I had little chances of victory, so I wanted to at least depart this world with my mind in peace!” “And what about me?” I asked with an annoyed tone, “do you think that would be the best way to send me off? Confused about your last words? Not to mention in the middle of a battle field!” She turned red as she added, “Well… I-I also wanted to look c-cool to you for once…” “And to think I wanted you dead,” I said with a sigh as I offer her a paw. “Let's get out of here.” “Yes… lets.” “It was in that moment than I finally noticed that, I too, had evolved.” Roll explained with a ashamed smile, “That was a bit awkward but ignore it, we still needed to make it out of there alive.” “I have heard a bit about that,” the Gothorita cut in, much for the Griffins’ annoyance. “Pokemons are said to evolve when they reach a certain level of power. But how was it that you felt awkward about it?” Roll, for once, looked surprised and ashamed for this question. “You see, my kind doesn’t evolve in that way,” she explained. “Strictly speaking, my kind evolves when enough friendship is given to us. The more we share with others the more our power grows, the more love we receive the stronger we became.” She then lean over her mate and added, “And I just happened to receive large amounts of love that day.” The Griffins change their minds, they were glad the Equestrian translator had made that question. “So, that is why you had been so tense all this time?” Grizelda asked the Bisharp. “You were embarrassed of your confession?” “Well, I know now that wasn’t the place not time for such thing, but I did thought I was going to die, besides…” “That isn’t why she is tense.” Roll cut in, much for her mate’s shock. We walked out of the warehouse and discovered we were still on the airport, the kidnappers were using one of the abandoned hangars as a hideout. “So this is why they didn’t showed up on our way here,” I pointed out. As we were walking out, Shredder’s newfound powers vanished and had problems to walk. “Here, let me help you,” I said as I let her lean on me. “You sure had some odd ways to show your feelings,” I teased. “Are we really doing this right now?” She inquired back. “You are the one who thought that the middle of a battle was a good place for it.” “I-I told you my reasons already!” “Yes, yes you did.” I then took a moment to look at her, she was right beside me and yet I couldn’t feel any sort of discomfort, even when the memory of her younger face covered in blood crossed my mind. “Shredder?” I said after a few moments. “Yes?” “Thank you… for looking after me, worrying about me, loving me. Thank you, for all of that.” “D-don’t mention it…” She stuttered. “But I think you should use some training as well.” “... huh?” “I mean, how much do you weight? A ton? Carring you is quite the task! You really need to lose some weight, especially on that big butt of yours.” “MY BOTTOM IS NOT BIG!” She shout back, “... isn’t it?” “Is a bit hard to miss, you know?” I teased back. She then tried to cover her rear the best she could with her free hand, much to my delight. Shortly after, another human walked out the smoke, casually looking at a machine gun. “So uncivilized,” he said as he was about to throw it away, until he saw us, and then point at us. “Hands in the air please,” Weiss said. “We tried to convince him of who we were to little success until Xavier stepped in.” Roll said with a smile, “I am pretty sure that of all things, he never expected both of us to evolve at the same time.” Everyone smiled, but not at the last part of Roll’s tale, but at the expression the mon sitting beside her was doing. “So… you are a ‘heavy height’ then?” asked Grizelda with little care. “I don’t have a big buttom!” Shredder shout with embarrassment. “It’s really cute and nice you know,” Roll added. “Don’t tell them what they don’t need to know!” Shredder shout again, even more embarrassed. “So you're the reason behind her sense of fashion then?” Inquired Victoria. “CAN WE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT MY ASS!?” Shredder finally screamed. “Dear, please. That is such a not proper word!” Roll pointed out with a voice similar to that of Rouge’s. “Besides, we were talking about your dress, not your beautiful ass.” “I give up…” Shredder said as she simply lay down on the couch. “So that’s it then, that is when you two become an item?” Grizelda asked. “Oh no, that is how she declared to me.” Roll replied. “There is even more?” Asked the Gothorita with surprice. “Is not that much left, but I think it deserves its part on the story as well.” Once we finally proved to Weiss it was us, he went to explain how he and the others had arrived there. It was rather simple, really. One of the knives he struck the kidnappers with had a tracker, a small one, but strong enough to locate with the proper guidance, which was provided by one of the kidnapper's hand. They used its fingerprints to know where the owner worked at: the airport, as a night watchman of the abandoned hangars. All they had to do was storm the place. We made a quick exit, as the place caught the attention of firefighters and police alike. Weiss lamented letting the kidnappers there, their bounties could have been a great income. But at least he could use the events and information to blackmail their contractors. Short story long, he made sure they will never go after me ever again. Yet, what I remember the most was the surprise on everyone’s faces when they look at our evolved selves. A month passed with nothing much to comment on, the authorities took care of the kidnappers, making sure that their victims testified against them. The news call it a suppressive act of their police department while the showbiz gossip about the sudden dismembering of one of the biggest filming companies in Pokéwoods. And nothing else of importance happen. No. There was something. Every time I looked at the mirror, I had a good look at my mother, as I happen to be identical to her, albeit a bit more muscular. A constant reminder of what I did. I couldn’t let things like that. “So you are leaving?” asked Pancha with the same tone she once asked me with just a month prior. “For real this time?” “I am sorry Francisca, but I can’t stay here,” I replied. “I don’t feel right. I need to solve this on my own. Not because of you or anyone!” I quickly clarified. “Not even her?” she inquired. “... yeah, not even her.” I lied. This time, we wait for the car to properly park in front of the villa before going outside. “Well, we had a more proper time to say good bye dear,” said Rouge as she hug me goodbye. “Be sure to have a happy life.” “My offer is still standing,” said Alice on her turn. “Really, call me okay?” “I am going to miss you niña!” Pancha shout while almost crushing my bones. I share a few kind words with each of them, as well as thanking everyone for their help and support, but above all, I thank them for their love. All of them save for one mon. “I guess she couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye,” Weiss said as the car left. “I can’t blame her,” I said as I looked at the window. And I really was unable to blame her. After all that had happened and the time we had, I was unable to give her a proper answer. Even when we spend a more proper time together during the last month. We reached the airport, have our luggage checked and wait for the plane to arrive. “I forgot,” Weiss said after Arceus knows how long. “Your dad sent this to you. Told me to give it to you so you two can meet fast.” It was a cellphone. Some people stared at us because of it. It was rare to see a Pokemon using such tool. I held the device. It already had a number recorded; my dad’s. “I guess you can make time go faster if you give him a call,” he suggested, and then return to the silence. I supposed it wasn’t a bad idea and give him a call. He pick up right away. “Hello! Hello?” he greeted me with a deep and heavy voice. “Roll, is that you?” He sound nervous, very nervous. But also excited and happy. “H-hi… dad?” I replied, a bit anxious myself. “Hi! Hi… it’s so good to hear you are okay,” he said with more excitement. “It’s also good to hear your voice for the first time.” My dad and me had been communicating through letters this far, so this was in fact the first time we actually hear one another. “Y-yeah, you have quite a loud voice.” “Oh, sorry, I guess I have the volume too high, or am I shouting too?” “No, it’s okay dad. Is okay.” We talk about all and nothing, I explain him what had happened and how I feel about going home. Of course, I skipped the more dark and private parts. “I look forward to meeting you.” “I look forward to it too babe…” he said, not too convinced. “But I know you are lying.” He surprised me. “Wha… why would you say that?” “Dear, did your mom ever told you why we ended apart?” “No…” “We meet in one of her studio’s parties, she was a racing star and I a promising boxer, we talk, feel Butterfrees and all that stuff. We feel like we couldn’t be any happier when together.” “Dad, what is your point with this?” I asked, he continued his story. “We had the full cheesy movie plot, our managers didn’t liked the idea of us together yet we fought for our love to the point they finally let us be together. And so you were born. But then my carrier started to plummet a little. I was still strong, but people was forgetting about me.” “So one of my managers said it would be a good publicity stunt to break up with your mother. Of course we denied at first, going as far as to say we would rather be happier as a poor family than as wealthy and separated. But then my bad fame began to affect her as well. People began to say that I would drag her down with me and stuff. Finally, I decided to go with the stunt. Of course I talked with your mother about it. I told her that I wasn’t really forgetting about her and you, that I would be back some time.” I was about to ask ‘but then what happened?’ but he did it before me. “I couldn’t see her while my reputation was in such bad shape. It would make people aware of the ruse and get shouted as a result. In the end, it took me too long to actually get my reputation back. Before I knew it, we were apart for so long that the fire was gone. We were wealthy and alone.” “Dad, what does this has to do with me right now?” I asked again. “The last time your mom and I talked, we promised each other that things would be temporarily, that we will find the way to be back together, that we would be happy.” I waited for him to explain. “Your tone now is exactly as the one we were using back then,” he said. “We knew it was a terrible idea. We knew we were doing the wrong thing and we knew how much we wanted to be together, yet we couldn’t admit it. All we could do was to lie to ourselves.” “So, I am lying right now?” I said more than asked. “Pretty much, babe,” he replied. “I don’t know who this guy is or how he is so important for you to get like this, but he better be worth it.” “What do you mean..?” “Babe, you are better than me. I am sure of that. Don’t go and repeat the same mistakes we old folks did. I know how you feel about your mom, but right now I am not the person meant to help you to get over that.” “... are…. are you sure of this?” “Hell no! But this isn’t about me,” he explained, “this is for you. This is your happiness. So go and take it girl! For us.” “Thank you dad,” I said at the verge of tears. “I love you.” “And I love you too, babe.” “I am sure you will love her too!” I said in the end. “Wait! What? HER!?” Was the last thing I heard him saying before I threw the phone to Weiss and ran the heck away from him. I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could, jumping over vehicles, cars and even houses as I put my everything to go return. To go back home. I arrived at noon. The sun was setting as I reached the villa the mercenaries used as a base. I stormed the place, not caring for the ones who I crossed paths with and ignoring whatever questions they made. All but one. “On the cape!” said Rouge. I didn’t turned back to thank her. All I did was run. There, I found her, staring at the ocean while a piece of fabric waved at the wind from her waist. “So, you do realize the size of your butt then?” I shouted. I clearly noticed how she tensed at the sound of my voice, yet she turned around as slowly as possible. “You missed your plane?” Shredder asked. “It was worth it,” I replied as I moved towards her. “I would have missed something else otherwise.” “And what may that be?” she asked as she walked toward me as well. “I am not sure yet,” I said sincerely. “All I know is that I hate it at first, but that hate help me move forward, helped me to have a goal as well as it helped me to realize how much have I achieved. Even when it's so annoying, thick-headed, and straightforward as something can be!” “That sounds like a troublesome thing to return to,” she said. “It is, but I trust it,” we finally stopped, one right in front of the other. “I trust it will be worth it.” For my surprise, it was she who made the first move, as she placed her hand over my cheek. It didn’t felt cold. It was warm, soft and loving. “I swear, if you allow me to it, that I will forever look after you, help you, and fight so you can be the happiest mon in the world.” Then I made the next move. “You talk too much,” and grab her from the neck and pull her towards me so I could kiss her. “And you better make me happy!” I said as our lips parted, only for her to kiss me back way passionately. We stood there for who knows how much, only to be annoyed. “I didn’t see that coming.” Weiss said while carrying our bags. We turn to find everyone looking at us. “I say it was about time,” Rouge declared while the rest simply applauded. Shredder on the other side, got all sweaty and nervous all of the sudden. “D-d-d-did you all see that?” she asked in disbelief. “I guess we heard a bit more than just that,” joked the little Noibat that was Edge back then. For everyone's amusement, everyone's save Shredder’s of course. Everyone on the room share the same expression, the expression everyone with a heart does when hearing a story so ridiculously cheesy yet heartwarming than one can’t stop smiling, as if wishing for a good future to those having such a lovey-dovey story. “That was our first kiss, our first time having a public moment, our first moment as a couple.” Roll said with a broad smile. “And it has been like that ever since.” “Well, it was only fair to be you the one to kiss first, after her interesting confession,” pointed Victoria out. Shredder was, true to her word, no longer trying to defend herself in any way, she was simply steaming like a train. “So, what happened next?” Grizelda asked. “What else could happen?” Roll asked back,. “We become a couple and started to do couple things. Like getting to know each other better, getting into one another nerves, argue and make up over the most silly of things, train and compete together to the point we both reach the highest position within our organization, kick all sort of butts in the battlefield or in the bedroom!” “Could you please keep that part out of the Empress’ ears?” Shredder asked with a defeated tone. “Oh come on, you know you like those stories.” Roll tease back. “It’s where you shine the most.” “One doubt though,” inquire now the Gothorita. “You mention some sort of PTSD of yours regarding males, but you don’t look the part of someone getting frozen so often. Was that real or just added for impact on the story? I am sorry but I found it hard to believe you get over such a thing by your own with only the power of love.” “Who said I ever got over it?” Roll retorted back. “Girl, I showed you my memories didn't I? I froze whenever there was too many males in one place. And even when I no longer get paralyzed, I can feel the pressure on the back on my head building up.” “Wait, you still suffer from that?”inquired Grizelda. “But you never show any sign of it!” added the Empress. “Oh, that is simple,” Roll said as she clinged onto Shredder’s arm. “I know I will be fine, because I know she will be there to help me out, won’t you dear?” For everyone’s surprise, Shredder’s face stop steaming for a moment as she looked back at her mate. “I promise I will,” she said sternly yet lovingly. “And I will keep my word till the end.” “Wow… suddenly, I feel like I am meddling something.” Grizelda joked. The girls continued to joke and laugh and tell stories to one another till the horizon turn dark and the stars filled the sky. Meanwhile, a grey pegasus awaited outside the door, a bunch of papers been perfectly hold on both of his wings and ready to report that his inspection had finally ended. However he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt such a warm moment between friends. > Thirty Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirty Move Softspoken Canterlot Castle Victoria’s Suit The Empress wasn’t looking forward for the next day on the summit. It wasn’t bad so far, but she wasn’t expecting things to move so slowly. She thought most of the rulers would be at least cooperative about regulating the new rules for the Pokemon and alike. Instead, all they have been discussing so far was why the Pokemon arrived on the first place and why should they let them stay. Two of the dignitaries were very reluctant about even think of them as coexisting creatures, let alone see them as citizens. “I knew Minotaurs were stubborn, but this is a new level of insolence!” said Victoria with exasperation. “And there is the whole ‘I can destroy the world’ speech Arceus so kindly give…” “And the chaos which followed suit,” Grizelda kindly added, much to the Empress’ dismay. Last time, all hell broke lose on the group between those pro-Pokemon and the few against them, to the point where Celestia had to step in and silence everyone, much to her personal shame. “You are never letting that go, will you?” She said while hiding her face behind her claws. “Nope!” Victoria sighed. “At least we are the majority. I only hope we don’t have to force our ideas into those against Pokemon. The last thing we need is yet another imposition regime like in the times of old.” “We have come a long way since then, your Highness, no need to worry about the dark ages,” the clawmaided reassure her. “And how has lady Shredder been working with you?” “Ok so far,” the Empress calmly replied as she looked at herself on a mirror. “She has been explaining to me some stuff from her world so I won’t stay behind. But I also been explaining to her just as much about our world. We should have done that before the meetings.” “No gain from crying over the spilled milk, your Highness,” Grizelda said as she placed Victoria’s crown atop her head and fixed her robes. “What is not done, wasn’t done. All you can do is to work hard for the people of your Empire.” Once all preparations were done, she made Victoria face her. “Griffin or not.” “Honestly, I am afraid to think on how my life would be without you Grizelda,” she thank her. “Me too. How else would I be able to work as freely as this?” she joked. After a wholehearted laugh, the Empress of Griffenhiem returned to her ruler and serious self. “Alright then, here we go again.” And so they left the room. San Palomino’s outskirts Near Ghastly Gorge “Just how large is this damn desert!?” asked Pancha to the four winds. It has been days of walking non-stop on the coolness of night and living on weeds. The mercenaries were clearly beyond tired and bored. “We are not even moving. Just waiting, ” Weiss pointed out, “ now will you please be a bit more patient?” The former human was so tired that he forgot the futility of said question, but at least had the sight to keep himself calm. The group had been blessed that morning with the sight of a large forest at the distance, still too far for them to reach it with a dash, but close enough to keep their spirits up. The group decided it was best for Edge to make a quick scouting and look for anything for them to eat. The last part of the desert would be easier to walk with a full stomach and proper hydration, much for Surskit’s annoyance. “I only hope Miss Edge come back,” Valerie said. “I can really use something more nourishing than just weeds… No offence, Miss Rouge.” “None taken,” the Bouquet Pokemon drily replied, as such apology grew old after the second day. “And it appears we won’t have to wait that much.” Rouge pointed out as a familiar silhouette reappeared at the distance. “I presume you found something of interest,” greeted Char as their flying comrade landed. “I heard a lot of water, just behind the hill up ahead,” she pointed her blind gaze at said direction. “That is way better indeed,” admitted Weiss as he stood back up. “Would you kindly guide us then?” With a ‘do you have to ask?’ expression, Edge took back up to the sky once more with the group following after her. It took them around another hour to reach their destination. A small oasis filled by some underground fountain large enough for a Wailord to swim freely on it shown clear enough to see the bottom with ease. Various palm trees surrounded most of the calm waters while a rock formation protected all from the desert winds. The perfect place to wait in such a scorching heat. Tossing everything they had to the side, the group jumped head first into the water, which was freezing in contrast with the hot air, a well received change for them. “I don’t mind losing a day here,” said Weiss as he enjoyed the lower temperature while also wondering how was his heavy body been able to stay afloat. “I agree,” replied Daring as she slowly propelled herself on around with her wings in a fin-like manner. “I doubt Tlaloque will be up to much right now…” “What’s up boss?” “... I don’t know why, but I have this urge to do this thing mortals call sneezing.” Everyone enjoyed the water, on their own unique way. “So, what is he doing again?” Asked Valerie near the shore as she looked at Simon digging at the edge of the water. “Isn’t he going to join us?” Added Sylveon. “He doesn’t come near large bodies of water,” replied Rouge. “He is af-whatch it!” “My master prefers to keep his inner flame burning at all times, so he only uses water for hydration.” Cut in Chopper with his splashing tail. “Ok… but then why is he digging?” Having noticed the little commotion, Simon heard the last question and feel obliged to answer it himself. “Why I am glad you ask!” He shouted louder than needed. “I am about to perform my secret technique when I am in desperate need of liquids!” “Which is…?” “You will see in an instant,” he replied as he let water pour into the hole he had digged, deep enough for him to submerge half of his body. “Behold!” Simon shouted again once the hole was full. “My ultimate hydration technique!” And with no warning nor elegance, Simon plopped into the sand, all limbs spread as his face sunk into the water. No one said a thing. “Do you see the greatness of my technique?” Simon asked as he let his head out. “With this ultimate move, I can drink as much as I want without fearing to fall into the treacherous currents, no matter what!” And so he continued to drink, much to the onlookers’ disbelieve. “A Staryu?” inquired Roa as she joined the group and looked at the star-like shape flat on the ground. Capital City of Canterlot Royal Palace Despite being a bit slow, the summit ended smoothly, or as smoothly as possible with so many heads of state discussing such a delicate matter and each one having their own respective idea of how things should be done. In the end, it was decided to acknowledge Pokemon as legitimate members of Equus and recognize those who wanted to as citizens of their respective new countries and homes. The ruler of Minos agreed quite reluctantly though, so everyone should kept an eye out for the Minotaurs’ land and hopped they didn’t do anything hastily. The results clearly wouldn't end the problems the massive exodus had caused all over the world, but at least made things a little more easier for the countries’ governments. If new problems where to arise, as it was bound to, they would be addressed on a new summit. Which was also bound to happen. The world can’t be fixed on a single day, let alone three. Victoria walked away the round table tired as expected, but she was long from done. “I so don’t want to discuss with Halfpaw about mineral shippings and those rogues of his. The old Dog is too hard to talk with, ” Victoria said with a very tired tone. She needed to made use of the visit to also deal with other issues, like trading contracts and alike, especially since most of the world rulers were in the same place. She left all things not intended for the summit for the moment she was done with that, which was now. “I think is quite remarkable of you to keep going on despite how tired your mind is, your Highness,” admitted Shredder as she walked beside the Empress. “Unlike popular belief, being a ruler has no glamour,” Victoria pointed out. “There are at least a dozen of things to do for each elegant banquet. Each political move we do can mean the wealth or starvation of our citizens.” “I can sympathize with that,” Shredder replied with an honest tone. “I wasn’t able to rule my clan, but I was taught all needed for it and witnessed the feats my parents had to achieve in order to keep our kind alive and prosper. Of course, a small land as ours must be nothing compared to an empire.” She humbly added. “A good leader is not decided by the amount of land and riches it hoarded, but by the smiles and happiness from their people. That must be a ruler’s treasure,” she solemnly instructed. “Of course having a nice castle, good meals and a gold filled vault has made no one sad as far as I can remember,” added Grizelda as she joined the group. “Appearances need to be held,” Victoria countered matter-o-factly. “That is why the submit ends with a gala.” “Touche. Speaking of which: how was the summit?” The clawmaided asked. “It ended properly.” “I guess that is the best we can ask for, huh?” “For the time being, is more than I expected after the first day,” Victoria admitted. “Well, I am off to meet Halfpaw before he borrows himself. I doubt I would be in need of your assistance for now, Lady Shredder. You can take the rest of the day.” “Try not to spend it on training, would you?” added again the clawmaiden. “I thank your Highness’ kindness, and I wasn’t thinking about training… in fact I was thinking about making up to Roll for the past three days. I been too focused on my duties to give her any proper attention.” “A remarkable course of action. I wish you and your mate a good evening,” said Victoria as she left. “Now, if you excuse me. Have a nice date Miss Shredder.” The Bisharp nodded in assent, a bit red by the Empress’ words. “And I know just the perfect place!” added Grizelda. “I know of this part of the city the guards said is great for Pokemon! They even have a boutique aimed at them! You should totally give it a try.” “Is that so? Then I should follow your advice and pay it a visit,” said Shredder with a smile. “Who knows, we may find something worth of interest in there.” What happen after that, is in fact worth to another story. San Palomino’s Oasis Noon Taking their contractor’s word to heart, the group decided to take the day off on the oasis. Having refreshed themselves enough, the Pokemon, plus one Pegasus, were now making a more proper and fulfilling meal. A warm fire shone at the heart of the banquet while freshly catched fish roasted on its flames. A collection of fruits and berries, gathered by Edge and Sylveon, were served for those who prefered a less meaty nutrition. “That hit the spot alright,” said Simon with a smile while a sonorous ‘dub’ came out of his belly as he slapped it. “We can remove bath and food from our list of things to get once we reach a city or town,” said Daring while happily munching an apple. “We still need to re-equip,” pointed Weiss out. “I am running out of knifes.” As to prove his point, Weiss pulled out a couple of his remaining weapons, most of which were throwing needles and less than effective knifes with crooked edges and rusted metal. “Good luck finding those in Equestria,” teased Daring between bites. “I would conform with someone able to fix these,” he said, picking one of the rusty blades, “I doubt they have any sharpness left, not to mention they have zero aerodynamic.” “I been curious by now,” cut Gold in. “Why knifes? Didn’t humans prefered firearms?” “Too noisy.” Weiss replied casually, despite the grim indications of such a specific subject. “And even with suppressors, I found them too bulky and hard to handle unless I am too close or too far. Knifes on the other hand are easier to carry, harder to spot and can be used on close quarters far more efficiently. Not to mention they intimidate more than a stereotypical gun.” “I think all sort of weapon are intimidating,” cut in Valerie with a matching tone of disgust. “Hey, I am only answering to his question,” Weiss said, watching his hands over to Gold. “Ja... weapons are all terrifying, aren’t they…?” Added Roa with shame. “Oh, no! Roa, I didn’t mean it like that,” Valerie quickly apologized, “I meant those soulless things used to end the lives of others.” The mercenaries made some uncomfortable expressions, as they knew how will Roa take those words. “Ja... it is quite souless to took a life…” Valerie was at a lost of words. Then there was a very awkward silence. Everyone tried to ignore the recent events on any means necessary. Simon digged lazily on the ground, Chopper and Pancha filled their mouths with food, Xavier simply looked away, Weiss continued to look after his own gear, mumbling a thing or two about its quality. “Useless, useless, probably salvageable, what would I give for something to lighten up the mood, useless-I can’t believe I still have this!” He said honestly surprised, and relieved, as he found a cylindric looking relic laying around the rest of his items. “The Wand of Guidance!” Daring said also surprised, and relieved. “I can’t believe I forgot about it!” “We had been through a lot of experiences,” pointed Xavier out with his monotone voice, perfectly covering how glad he also was about the new subject. “That is an understatement,” said Rouge with a sarcastic tone. The cheerful mood returned to the group, to most of them at least. “So what is so special about this thing?” Inquired Weiss while looking at the item. “Besides being old, of course.” Daring took a moment to recollect her memories, bringing back the old thomes she had read information regarding the three ancient relics. “Well, it is said that as the name implied, the Wand guided spirits and alike. But that it's only usable through the concentrated power of its wielder.” She explained. “Concentrated?” Asked Char. “It said something like that. Other sources mention that only those able to focus themselves will be worthy of its use, thus it was as hard to use like the other three.” She then turned back to Weiss. “And that is what I…know...!” She couldn't finish her words as the Bisharp hold the Wand of Guidance, which had one side open like a flower while small volts of lighting jumped around its ‘petals’ at blinding speeds. “HOW THE HAY!?” The shout made Weiss lose his concentration and the Wand closed instantly. “WHAT!? NO!” The explorer roared. “Do that again!” “Do what again?” Weiss asked. “Don’t you buck with me!” Daring snapped at him. “How did you managed to do that?” “You mean this?” Weiss asked again as the Wand ‘bloomed’ once more, the same electricity jumping around like before. Daring looked marveled at the item. Once her eyes demanded her to blink, she faced Weiss once more and asked. “How?” Or rather, she demanded. “I am surprised too,” Weiss replied as the Wand closed once more. He then throw it to Xavier and added. “It’s Hidden Power.” “What now?” Daring asked confused as a sound of crystals growing come from Xavier’s direction. “Hidden Power,” Xavier repeated while big spikes of ice grew from the claw holding the Wand. “A move all Pokemon can learn, it uses an energy dormant in every one of us.” The ice then chattered as he gave the Wand back. “It’s typing variates depending on each individual. It’s impossible to use it any other way.” “So you are saying you can use moves to open the Wand?” Asked Daring with an academic tone as she looked at the sparks once again jumping ot Weiss’ hands. “More like is the move itself what allow us to do so,” suggested Char as he asked for the item, which sprout water as if were a small sprinkler. “This will be useful for our next walk on the desert.” “Oh come on!” protested Surskit. “It allows the user to ‘focus’ that dormant and unachievable power within us,” Char continued,” It kind of works as a shortcut for it.” “That is so unfair…” finished Daring with a defeated tone, noticing she would be unable to made use of the Wand. “Relax manta, is not like the end of the world or anything. “Added Pancha with a reassuring tone, then turned to Char and asked for the item. “Me toca, me toca, me toca!” The Scizor obliged and had over the Wand, which made the flower bloom larger and spin on its own, releasing a fresh breeze. “This could have been so useful on the way here!” She said a bit disappointed. Simon was next, which made the Wand cover his claw on flames. No one was surprised. Chopper had a similar result but with steel instead of fire. “Bring me some Fairy-types!” He shouted. The only Fairy on the group didn't seemed to mind, in fact, she wasn’t even listening. Greninja made a blade of water pour out of it, he then made another one with his regular water: larger and sharper. As implying it was a redundant result. Then come Rouge’s turn. “It is quite interesting it takes so many shapes and forms,” she pointed out as the Wand was handed over to her. “Almost as it fits the user.” And said, “Hidden Power.” Boom. The moment the energy dormant on her was released into the wand, an enormous pillar of energy emerged from it. Warm, pink light elevated into the sky, touching the clouds above. “That is very unexpected,” pointed out Weiss. “Also, why is my skin tingling?” Then three members of the group hit the ground. Roa, Edge, and Chopper. “I~I feel powerless…” the later said with a matching tone. “Rogue, cut it.” Weiss said calmly but quickly. The move was stopped and so was the pillar of light. Once it disappeared, the fallen ones raise back up. “Fairy-type,” Xavier pointed out. “You don’t say!” Pointed out Edge with painful sarcasm. “I could feel meine strength leaving my body.” Added Roa as Valerie tried to take a look at her. She gently but firmly blocked her. “Forget about typing!” Daring shout. “How, why was the result so enormous in her bouquets!? That was some Alicorn stuff!” She exaggeratedly added. “Hidden Power’s output depends of what human scientist denominated as ‘special attack.’ You know how Pokemon have two kind of strengths: one coming from physical body and another from the energy stored within them. That is the special attack. Some Pokemon has it on low levels, others on normal quantities and…” “And then are those who can blow stuff up with a sneeze!” Added Chopper, still feeling dizzy. “Needless to say that Roserade is of that last kind, not to mention that Rogue herself is an outstanding individual among them.” “So the stronger one’s ‘chi,’ the stronger the Wand?” Daring concluded. “In a sort of way.” “... when will I be able to use the cool magical stuff?” she pouted. The lively talk continued for a couple of hours, until the stars shine bright above alongside Luna’s moon telling every diurnal creatures that the time to sleep had come. “Well, without booze to extend this banquet, we better made preparations for the night. You guys know the drill,” causally ordered Weiss. Desert or not, a merc was a merc. Every time they had to sleep outdoors, the mercenaries made sure there was no one planning to ruin their night. A swift scout of the zone is mostly what they did, but experience had proven that such simple and rutinary task was efficient on numerous occasions. Three teams of two left to explore the surroundings while the rest prepare a place to rest the night. Greninja and Gold inspected the lake, Edge and Valerie soared the sky and Simon and his student scout the lake’s surroundings. Around half of an hour later, the first pair returned. “There are lots of bugs and Bug-types up there, but nothing harmful besides mosquitoes,” reported Edge as she clean her face off the gooey mass that once was a swarm of insects. The second pair show up right after. “Nothing on the lake. In fact, I think we almost exterminate the fish population down there,” commented Gold as he swim out the lake while Greninja simply appeared besides everyone else. “Good, all we need is Simon and Chopper to come back and we can call go to sleep,” said the leader with a slightly tired tone, obviously looking forward to hit the small patches of grass Rouge had grow for them. Yet after another thirty minutes of waiting, the last group didn’t appeared. “Come on guys,” said Weiss tired. “I really want to take a nap.” At this point, some of them were already sleeping. “Shouldn't we worry?” Inquired Daring. “It’s been some time by now.” “Nah,” calmly replied Weiss. “Xavier has them in check, though I would be worry if I had felt some sort of commotion.” “Felt?” “Why do you think I choose those two?” Asked Weiss with a bit of sarcasm. “They cause such a ruckus for everything that is impossible to miss. They most likely got distracted with something.” And there was some silence. “You are quite strange for mercenaries.” Daring commented. “I won’t deny that,” said Weiss with a chuckle. “But what made you say so?” “Well, even for such a pacifist kind as ours, Pony mercs are mostly intimidating and mean looking. You all on the other hoof are a bunch of oddballs.” “I am sure you have seen us be serious from time to time,” commented Weiss. “But I admit we tend to give a rather different vive. Since that is the idea.” “You act like this on purpose?” “Not entirely,” said Weiss, thinking over how to explain himself. “There was an… incident at some point of our guild which made us change. You see, we were the cold and heartless kind of mercs until that point, then we sort of stopped. You could say we went through some sort of phase.” Daring wanted to ask about said ‘incident,’ but Weiss give her no chance for it. “We began to be more real and honest about ourselves because of it, as a result, we discovered an unexpected perk out of it.” “How so?” “Without considering the feats you have seen us do, would you think of us as something dangerous?” “I can hardly picture you all like that even with that into consideration.” “Gee, thanks.” Said Char from his make-shift bed. “Sill, that is how the world sees us.” “So you deceive others?” “Exactly. Deception is the point. Anyone can calculate the strength of others, especially King’s.” Weiss murmured the last part. “That is something everyone does, specially on this line of work.” “But if you give them noting to calculate,” added Char. “There is nothing they can know…” said Daring, coming to a realization. “Thus fearing what they ignore.” finished Weiss calmly as he continued to look for his comrades. Daring thought over what she was just told How simple yet effective it was. So simple and effective that even the natural world keep it as a norm. Yet what surprised her most of this train of thought was how such thing could be on two entirely different worlds. “No matter how complex the universe, deception is the stronger card one can play, huh?” “You said it,” replied Weiss as he stood up. “They took their sweet time.” Then, a large silhouette emerged from the waters. “And Simon?” greeted Weiss calmly once he took a look at Chopper’s face. The Haxorus was calm, dripping wet, but calm. “My master had something to look after.” Chopper replied while shaking off the water over his scales. “He didn’t told me what though, but he sound calm.” “That is odd,” admitted Weiss, but trusting his friend, he simply went to sleep. Looking forward to know what had happened. “I want to hear his story for this.” Somewhere else in Equestria It turned out that Latias’ idea of blasting around the continent was the best course of action. It took them little time to find their friend, but when the time came for them... for him, to go and see her, the elder brother of the Eon duo froze at the sight. They were invisible so she couldn’t notice them, yet she turned to them, as expecting them to come out of their stealth. She did grow knowing them all of her life after all. Latias was about to reveal herself but he stopped her, he was unable to face her just yet. It wasn’t that he didn’t wanted to talk to her, to hug her after so long. It was the look she was giving to the empty space what shock him. A large longing come out of her eyes. Despite her new body, she keep those large and honest eyes. In them, he could see how much she miss them, and he couldn’t stop to think how lonely she should have felt after the exodus, after his departure. He was unable to make a move at all. He knew Latias would eventually come out with some idea, but it was here that his sister surprised him the next day. “You are leaving?” He asked in shock and terror, both emotions rarely seen on him. “My part is done,” Latias cheerfully replied. “We found her. Whatever happens next is up to you. Besides, you need some time to figure out some things by your own.” “As sure do I as well,” she whispered to herself. “Bu-but you can’t leave me like this!” he replied. “Watch me.” And so she flew away at mach two. That was yesterday. ‘Sigh.’ Latios let out some of his stress up on the atmosphere, not wanting to be found by anyone. “Come on… you can do it…” he repeated to himself again and again. “Just fly to her and talk.It’s not that hard… though I will have to explain how I am still alive, and why it took me so long to get here…” He sighed once more. “How am I supposed to do this alone?” He had tried to look at her while invisible but she was always seemed to noticed him. He thought about disguising himself to grow easy around her, but she would look right through it. He spent the following time trying to find a good way to approach her, which led to him wondering how she would feel, which led to how she would react, which somehow ended with him having to flee to another country and change his name out of shame and guilt and... It was safe to say that the long-lived legendary’s imagination was beyond wild at that point, if not at the brink of hysteria. It was good for him that the clouds of Equus were so comfortable, as even when he was unable to move them as Pegasi, he was somehow able to stay on them as fluffy pillows. He sat on his clouds and looked up into the sky. Luna’s moon shone brightly. At his current height, it looked even bigger. The sight remind him of Earth, one old memory of him contemplating the moon in a similar fashion. Yet he wasn’t alone back then. Nor was he accompanied by his Sister or any kind of Pokemon. He remembered how she used to make him take her around in search of inspiration for her art. It was annoying at first, but with time... He chuckled. “That was how it started…” he said, still remembering their past. “You wanted to go as close to the moon as possible so you could sketch it.” A large cloud passed by the moon at a slow pace, covering the place in a comfortable darkness. Allowing the sky to dance in privacy. “I was worried you would fall. It’s cold up here after all,” He closed his eyes, basking in the memory. “Not to mention how focused you got once your muse had finally arrived to you.” He opened his eyes again, the cloud was slowly letting the moonlight shone back over the world. “But you insisted. You wanted to draw it so badly no matter what.” He smiled. “You said that ‘a picture of the moon basking the city on silver light was too beautiful to let it go’ and convinced me in the end, caring not of how dangerous I told you it was.” “It took time for you to get ready, setting everything into place and finding the right inspiration to use the chalk on the canvas. But once you started, time become a blur. I was able to see it through your eyes. Your hand swiftly moving over as the image before you was immortalised on your work.” Half of the moon shone as the cold wind pushed the cloud away, little by little. All the clouds moved closer or distant in an endless mess, yet only one seemed to have a proper destination. “Then you finished it,” he continued. “A picture of the moon basking the city on silver light, just as you described it. I scolded you for making me take you to such a dangerous place but praised the result nonetheless.” The moon shone whole once more. “I then asked you ‘why would you risk yourself like that?’ And then, you replied..:” “Because I know you would protect me.” As the silver light of the moon rain over the sky, the silhouette of another Dragon-type was illuminated by it. Bird like in nature. It was almost impossible to see it without the moonlight, as her wings mixed with the clouds while her cerulean body got lost on the night. A single white beret differenced this Altaira from the rest in this world. She arrived silently, yet she didn’t seemed surprised nor mad, and definitely not sad. She landed on Latios’ cloud. The Legendary didn’t seemed as worried as before, on the contrary, all the stress he had been building up until now was gone, he was at ease now. “And so I did, until the very end,” he calmly said. None said a word as she made herself comfortable besides him. “You are terrible at hiding,” she then said. “It helps that you have known me all of your life,” he replied. “You’ve let me seen all of yours as well,” she remind him while looking at the moon. Latios smiled, “I see I no longer need to worry about you getting cold.” “These wings are comfortable.” Again, there was silence between the two, but it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. To them, it felt normal. It felt natural. It felt right. “You know I’ve been missing you,” the Altaira commented. “I can only imagine,” he replied. “I thought I would never see you again.” “I can’t apologize enough for that.” “You don’t have to.” “I was afraid you would be mad for it.” “There is no way I could.” “All I was able to think was to protect both of you… to protect you.” “And you did.” The wind keep flowing, the clouds keep changing, the moon keep shining. “It’s good to have you back, Latios.” “I am back, Bianca.” Yet that matter not for them. Sn. Palomino’s Oasis Earlier that night “Come on, we can still make it before the rest!” shouted Simon as he and his apprentice made their scouting while also doing squats. Being as diligent towards his students as he was, it was obvious he wouldn’t let the chance for them to made some improvised exercise while at their job slip by. “Yes, master!” shouted back said apprentice. “I am more than honored to be trained by you, but why the sudden interest?” “You are sharp,” Simon replied with a bit of shame. “I couldn’t shake the thought of how you keep training despite the sudden change of world while I limited myself to walk around. It’s a terrible example as a teacher.” “Then I am glad that I was a source of inspiration for you,” said Chopper proudly. “But isn’t the job of a student to surpass their masters?” “You fool!” Simon shouted. “What is the point of being surpassed out of laziness!? If you are to overcome me, it will be when I am at my best!” “Sorry for ever doubting you, Master!” Chopper shout back while kneeling to the ground. “It is ok. As long you understand the importance of hard work…” and so they made silence. “Ehm… master?” Mustered Chopper once the silence had overstayed its welcome. “Is everything alright?” “Shh,” Simon silenced him. The Haxorus was about to get into a defensive stance but was once again stopped by his mentor. “There is someone near…” Simon said, not with a shout but a whisper, puzzling Chopper all the more. The Excadrill then stabbed the ground with one of his claws, searching for the vibrations on the ground. He remained silent and stiff for a moment and then jolted toward a group of rocks near by. Chopper tried to follow suit, he was about to climb the first rock when Simon stop him yet again. “Is everything okay master?” The Dragon-type inquired from his lower position. “It is okay, don’t worry,” Simon reassured him. “But I am going to stay here for some time. You go back and tell Weiss I am fine.” As much as the curiosity burned him, Chopper wasn’t somemon to distrust his master, let alone challenge him without a good reason. “As you wish then. Have a good night!” And with a militaristic salute, Chopper jumped into the water and swim away. “Hey, hey,” Simon said as he saw his apprentice leave. “You forgot about our mission here.” He chuckled and then returned at his discovery. “So, would you mind me staying for the night?” He asked to a small cave made by the fallen rocks, from where a faint sobbing could be hear. “It’s alright,” he said reassuringly. “I am not trying anything funny.” He laid flat on the floor, just as he did when drinking water earlier. This way he was able to look directly into the small whole. “I am simply laying on the ground, see?” He asked to the darkness from which the sobbing continued to emanate from, albeit less louder than before. After ten minutes or so, the sobbing stopped, but Simon could clearly hear the breathing coming from the one inside, it was far from sleeping. If anything, it sound agitated. “Did you know?” Simon then said, halting the breathing for a second. “An ounce of gold can be stretched out to 50 miles?” He then awaited for any kind of response. The breathing was still there, but it was no longer stressed. Feeling confident about this development, Simon continued. “Do you know that colored diamonds are actually less pure than white ones? That’s because the colorations are caused by impurities in them.” He could hear the breathing getting a little bit closer, as if it's face was turned towards him. “If the criteria is right, there are rocks able to move around. Do you know why?” There was some noise of movement on the small cave as the breathing come closer. “That’s because the moisture under the rock gots frozen on the night, which makes the rock slide ever so slightly with the wind.” And so the breathing come yet another bit closer. “Did you know…” Simon continued like this for hours, making the breathing calmer and closer with every trivia he said. Always keeping the interest, always waiting for the one breathing to move before saying something, but above all else: always using a soft soothing tone whenever he give one of his bits of information. Celestia’s sun shone on the horizon, waking Simon as soon as its light touch his eyes. He end sleeping with his back against the rock as he didn’t needed to keep a low profile anymore. “You sure took your sweet time,” he said to the small creature soundly asleep on his belly. A short bird Pokemon, yet not meant for flight. The blue feathers were made to give zero resistance when gliding under the water as well as to keep the warmth in on the cold. The down’s design was similar to a cape, as the darker down on the back almost turn into one while two white dots on the lighter down made up for bottoms of said cape. At some point of the night, the Piplup had finally come out of the cave in order to hear Simon more properly. In time, he moved away from the trivia and into some personal info, like his name and alike. He didn’t wanted to pry on her just yet, but he was able to ask her one question. Her name. The Penguin Pokemon seemed to hear Simon’s voice, and slowly woke up as well. “Oh, sorry for waking you,” he apologized. “Good morning, Penny.” “Ith morning already?” Penny replied with a child-like tone as she rubbed her eyes with her flippers. “Pretty much,” Simon replied as he stood up as soon as she did the same, taking his time to stretch out. “Boy, am I hungry! How about you?” A rumbling stomach was her response. “Thorry,” she apologized. “Hey, nothing to be ashamed about,” Simon reassured her. “Are ready to meet my friends?” He softly asked while offering her a claw. She fidget for a moment, but then took Simon’s invitation. ““Ith it really okay?” She asked. “I don’t want to be a bother.” With a swift but gentle motion, Simone placed Penny over his head. “Of course it’s okay. Everyone will be glad to meet you,” he reassured her again as he set out. “They will love you! You just wait and see it!” Latter that morning. “And that is what happen.” Simon finished his explanation. “... you gotta be kidding me.” Weiss said as he massaged his temple. “Another one… really? Don’t we have enough straymons already?” “Oh come on, it’s an defenseless little child! I couldn’t leave her just there!” Simon retorted. “She is a Pokemon. I am more than sure she could take care on her own,” Weiss pointed out. “It’s a Piplup in a desert. Don’t you think there is something wrong with that?” Simon asked back. Weiss didn’t reply. He could, but he knew it was pointless, and that Simon was right. “Besides, look at her, they love her!” As soon as the mercenaries went to meet with their comrade, they discovered the one he was carrying along. She seemed shocked at first, as if she didn’t expected so many Pokemon (and a Pegasus) to be there. But as everyone introduce to her, she seemed to be more open towards others. Surskit took a special liking to her, since she seemed to be close to her own age. It was surprising to see that she wasn’t afraid of the more menacing looking members but rather the more noisy ones, as proven by how she seek refuge behind Roa, Xavier and Char while avoiding Pancha, Chopper and Sylveon, for some reason. She didn’t dared to even look at Weiss though. ‘What a surprise,’ the leader though. Although Valerie’s husband was more shocked and depressed. “So, who does she belongs to?” Weiss asked. “Some Allen guy,” Simon replied. Having some miles on the way back, Simon used the time to ask a bit more about Penny. It wasn’t much to know though. “She didn’t wake with him, so good luck knowing how he looks like now.” Weiss sighed as he looked at Penny peck on some fish. “It must have been hard on her until now… crap!” he said, knowing he had been bested. “See, she warm up to you,” Simon teased. “And she sure have, I can only think it was thanks to this Allen’s training back on Earth that she was able to survive till now.” “Well, enough with this moody talk,” Weiss said as he shout to everyone. “Ok, the fresh air won’t last guys, so we better get going!” At the sound of his words, Penny whimpered and hide behind Daring, shivering under her wing. Everyone else give him a cold look in return, even Xavier. “Now look what you have done.” “Inadequate.” “Nice job.” “How can someone make such a cute thing cry.” “Don’t worry dear, sis here will make sure this brute doesn’t get near you.” “Just ignore the mean gloomy Bisharp!” And so on. They, however start moving, leaving the oasis and heading towards the forest on the distance. All making sure Penny felt safe on the way, while Weiss stayed as far behind as possible. “... you fucking people…” Canterlot Castle Grand Ballroom Latter that day With the summit finally over, now was the turn for celebration. Wars were avoided, a wedding had been held and the Pokemon around Equus where now officially citizens of their respective nations. A good party was more than deserved for those involved and of course for everyone in general. Like the party once hold at Ponyville, there was a large variety on the attendants, if not more than last time. Not only were there Ponies and Pokemon, but also Griffins, Diamond Dogs, Zebras, Changelings, Hippocampi, Buffalo, Deer and a single Minotaur who was there more as an act of duty than willingness. Despite Golden Horn’s long face, the rest of the guest were enjoying themselves. Everyone else danced, talked, feasted and smiled. But more importantly: everyone was at harmony. No matter the kind, type, race or age, everyone was having fun and cared not for their differences. Than on itself was triumph for the summit, a victory for the rulers. One of which was finally taking a well deserved break once the whole ordeal was finally done, plus the extra ‘errants’ she had to run while in the Pony capital. Empress Victoria was enjoying a well earned glass of fermented Pony Cider as she looked at everyone laughing and smiling. She was by her own for a change, as she had let her clawmaiden the night to herself. She had earn it just as much as the Empress after all. Victoria smiled at the scene before her eyes and feel proud of her work as her Empire’s ruler. “Quite the week we had, haven’t we, Victoria?” A kind voice asked beside her. The Empress chuckled a bit drilly, as there was only one individual who call her so freely beside Grizelda. “I am sure it’s just another event for you, Princess Celestia,” Victoria replied as she turned to see the Pony ruler of the day. “Still, you know how to deceive, Princess. This is not at all what I have hear about the Grand Galloping Galla.” “It’s an upgrade made by my student’s friends last year. They are far more lively this way, aren’t they?” Celestia cheerfully replied. “By the way, what happened with the rogue dogs who intended the coup?” “Afraid I would mistreat citizens of another country? Even when they tried to overthrow me, I would never degrade myself to their level,” Victoria retorted in a slightly more serious tone. “Would you doubt of me in such way, Celestia?” “I never said that,” Celestia pointed out with the same kind tone of before. “I am simply curious about their fate. Nothing else.” Victoria couldn’t read the Alicorn on the slightest, which in turn make her feel inferior in some way. “I talked with Halfpaw about them just recently, among other things,” Victoria explained, still remembering her long talk with the Dog king. “For now, they will remain under our custody, since most of them are still unable to do the long travel from Griffinheim to Canida. Not with those injuries anyway. They will be deported once their wounds heal.” “There was a need for conflict then?” Celestia inquired a bit disappointed. Not that she haven’t been through her own number of hustles and battles on her lifetime, but it saddened her to see that conflicts still remained on the world. “A necessary ill, one I too regret, but I also thank at the same time, as it turned out for the best.” Victoria admitted in a similar tone. “Yet despite all odds, there were no casualties, as incredible as it sounds.” “None?” Celestia asked with interest, yet not surprised. “How is that possible?” “It would have been a bloodshed, I know that much, if it wasn’t for the arrival of the Pokemon.” Victoria explained, a bit ticked off by Celestia’s knowing expression. “Or more exactly, the mercenaries I now have under a contract.” “The Checkmate guild you talk about,” Celestia ‘remembered’ as she invited Victoria to keep their talk as they walked. “So they are that capable?” “Well, I was very surprised as well, even afraid of their power,” Victoria admitted as she walked besides the Equestrian ruler. “I could have end like Golden Horn if it wasn’t for their own intervention.” “So they abdicated for their kind then? The mercenaries?” Celestia asked with what seemed to be genuine surprise. “Inconceivable, right?” Victoria agreed. “As far as I know, conflict is what such individuals thrive for. Yet they seek for a bloodless solution, to the point of helping to achieve said end” “So you genuinely trust them then?” Celestia asked. “I had my reserves at first, but their actions have talked more than their words. As I stated on the submit: they have helped to the point Pokemon have already volunteered to work for the Empire. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a whole bunch of new faces once I return to the palace.” “They are worthy of your trust then.” Celestia said as a fact. “Something tells me you already knew about some of this,” Victoria suggested. “Was my trust the reason behind your facade?” Celestia didn't seemed surprised about been caught, all she did was give Victoria a bright smile. “I have to make sure they didn’t have any sort of ulterior motive,” she admitted shamelessly yet with the same knowing tone. “As I have heard a thing or two about them myself.” “Oh, and what would you heard?” Victoria asked with curiosity. “I heard they met with Arceus on arrival, and that they caused quite the impression on him. I haven’t heard what they said to him, but it wasn’t exactly nice.” ‘Not nice… what is this kindergarten?’ Victoria asked to herself while making a mental note to ask what did they talked with the Pokemon God. “Then they cause a bit of a commotion on Manehattan, or at least so said the rumors. Someone as big and shiny as one of his members is hard to miss.” ‘So far so good,’ Victoria also thought, happy with the results of her mercenaries. “They also payed me a visit,” Celestia added. “Impressive. They sure move around. So how did it went?” Victoria asked, barely holding back her eagerness. “Well…” “THEY DID WHAT!!??” “... it seems some poor soul is in trouble,” said Roll as a faintly familiar voice shouted from some unknown place. “It sure one heck of a screw up to reach a level like that.” “I can only pity the fool who caused such amount of distress,” added Shredder. “There are insolent fiends no matter the world.” The pair continued to enjoy the Gala while ignoring the string of shouts still been delivered somewhere else. Since the location demand it, both mercenaries were more properly dressed than regularly: Shredder doned a more elegant skirt in red and black tones which was similar to her metallic one, with the difference been that it wasn’t metallic. A couple of long sleeve gloves added to the presentation while a dark mascada covered her neck. These also covered most of her blades. Of course, the red cloth representing her guild was still wrapped around her left arm. Her mate, in contrast, wear white and cream colors in a similar outfit tailored for her figure with matching gloves and mascada. The dress had a skirt made in a way which let her legs be seen with little problem while the dress fell like a waterfall on her rear. “This has proven to be more than an exciting trip, wasn't it dear?” Roll asked as she make sure to keep close to her mate. "We definitely have to thank the little queen for these dresses." Shredder, for once, wasn’t as shy as regularly when in public. “Truth,” she replied with a smile. “Not only have we been able to know more of this world and its inhabitants, but also managed to meet another one of our comrades. Although it’s sad to hear how she would prefer to stay.” “Come on, it’s Titania we are talking about,” Roll pointed out. “You know why she joined us. That guy must be more than enough of a reason for her to change her mind.” “I only hope she can either end or fulfil her infatuation,” Shredder sternly wished. “He is a kind man, but I doubt he will give her what she desires.” “You of all mons should know exactly how hard that is,” Roll pointed out. “But only time will tell dear. Only time will tell.” Then something caught the Lopunny’s attention. “So those are the fabled couple?” Shredder then followed her mate’s gaze, quickly founding what she was seeing. It was rather hard to miss. Not so far from them, two Pokemon talked with the biggest of smiles: a Gardevoir and a Gallade. They would look like any other pair on that night if it wasn’t for their clothing: wedding garments and their respective vow rings. “And that is the happy end of Gene Phillips’ story?” Shredder said as she contemplated the couple. They knew about him because of their previous contract as well the report Weiss have delivered, but they also have heard about their wedding. It was hard to ignore with how quickly gossip moved around in Canterlot. However, the mercenary couple decided to indulge themselves on avoiding the ceremony. Not that they didn’t wanted to, specially Roll, but they knew it would be strange for those contracted to kill him to appear on their ceremony. But now that they could clearly see them, a hint of regret appeared on their hearts. “They do make a good couple,” Shredder pointed out. “May whatever God reigning over this world’s fate have them on its providence.” “That is rare,” Roll pointed out, “for you to be this emotional and religious.” “I have my times,” Shredder said back while tightening his hold over her mate, “or it could be you are rubbing over me…” She then steamed off as always. “New record,” Roll joked while returning the hold. “And is good to know, it tells me I can still pull you out.” “O-only time will tell…” Shredder stuttered while looking away. Only to return her gaze to Roll’s and chuckle with her. “Would you want to?” she offered. “Lead the way, my knight in shining armor.” With arms intertwined, both of them walked calmly but firmly towards the nuptial couple. Belle and Gene noticed them once it was clear they were walking towards them, they give them a typical smile at first, then they noticed the red cloth tied around Shredder’s arm. They looked surprised for a brief moment and then give them a less typical smile. “Checkmates, right?” asked Gene as he offered them a friendly hand, not sure who to exactly offer it to though. “Mister Phillips,” replied Shredder as she took his hand with a strong grip, she then offered her hand to his wife. “Mistress Phillips. An honor to make your acquaintance. My name is Shredder, and this is my mate, Roll.” Roll nodded at the mention of her name. “We are members of Checkmate, as handsome here kindly pointed out.” Gene on the other hand seemed uncomfortable for a second, a single second, since the next second her wife was been hugged by the Lopunny who just greet them. “Congratulations, girl!” Roll proclaimed. “You finally got your happy ending.” Belle was surprised by the sudden show of appreciation, but she return it nevertheless. “T-thanks, it's certainly has been like a dream come true,” she admitted while smiling to her husband, “but this is far from the end. We still have a long way ahead of us, right dear?” “Yeah,” replied the once human with a matching smile, as full of hope as his wife’s. “This is but the beginning.” Roll moved away from Belle, yet she didn’t let go of her. “Mhmmm…” She looked at Gene, then at Belle, then at Gene, then at Belle, then at Gene’s faint blush, then at Belle’s stomach. She smiled, deviously. “So you already did the thing, huh?” She teased while placing her paws atop Bells’ womb. “When will it come?” Gene and Belle were caught off guard, specially Gene, who was red as Shredder at the moment. “I apologize for my mate,” she said with a matching tone. “I-it’s okay. She is quite forward,” he replied. However, Belle was quick to calm down. It was only natural for them after all. “We are not entirely sure yet,” she replied while placing her hands alongside Roll’s. “But we can hardly wait.” “I can see that,” Roll commented with a sincere smile, only to return to the devious one right away. “I mean, he clearly couldn’t wait to put the bun on the oven. Since when were you an item? From before the whole travel thing for sure!” “Roll!” Shredder exclaimed. “It’s not kind to pry on their past life.” “What about it?” Roll retorted. “Being offended by that would mean giving credit to those bigots back on Earth, right?” she asked the newlyweds. They didn’t knew what to reply, for once Roll was quite rude, but at the same time she was quite right. Gene then chuckled. “You aren’t as one would imagine a group of mercenaries would be.” “Hey, we were only trying to kill you, is not like we are inheritably evil or something,” Roll defended. “Roll, please, just… stop,” Shredder asked as she facepalmed. The couples laugh at the scene. “You are nothing like the people usually after us,” added Belle. “They were always shouting how we were been immoral, brand us as criminals or down right put on the whole ally of justice act.” “As if they were the Swords of Justice or something,” Roll joked. The couple chuckled, a bit on the low though. “Pretty much,” Belle said, “but I would be careful with that, there are a few of them in this very Gala.” Then the mercenaries went silent. “... oh boy…” Roll said as she looked at her mate whose face turn serious in less than a second. “Is everything alright…?” “Where?” Gene was barely able to ask as he was suddenly interrogated by the female Bisharp. “A-at the other side of the room, near the exit to the inner gardens,” he was about to add something else about a Minotaur when Shredder stormed out of the place. “What just happen?” Gene asked more confused. “You could say it's a feud of generations,” Roll said as she departed too. “But I think is more like fate working as it owns everyone something.” Shredder left the grand ballroom as she tracked the one her family had some business to solve with. On the garden, things were surprisingly less noisy. Perhaps a magic spell keep the sound from bothering those on other rooms. However the reason, it give the dimly lighted garden and sense of mystery fitting of novels of romance. Yet not those of love and affairs, but the romance who made people's blood boil and inspire nations. As if scripted by a superior being, the one Shredder found was resting right on the middle of a small bridge, contemplating the beauty of the garden and the shine of the stars reflecting on the small lake. “You know, it's hard to enjoy the view with so much aggression looming around,” said the Pokmon Shredder was looking for. Shredder didn’t said a thing at first, she simply stared at the member of the Fabled Swords of Justice, then she smiled. But if anything, her face didn’t show the slightest amount of joy. “I thank whoever deity in charge of ruling over this world,” she said as she approached the Legendary. “I was looking for you. I would have settled with any of the swords in order to get your attention.” She stopped a few steps from the other Pokemon. He was a tad taller than Shredder, not counting the jagged horns that grow at both sides atop of his head. A patch of white fur shroud from his neck as if where a cravat, adding to his regal yet stern look. A quadruped of a solid aqua blue fur which contrasted with his yellow and calculative eyes, which analyzed the one who suddenly appeared before him. Yet besides that, the Iron Will Pokemon made no show of either surprise or discomfort. “So now you have found me,” Cobalion replied. “What will you do next?” “This!” proclaimed Shredder as she took off one of her gloves and throw it to his hooves. If Cobalion felt something, he did an excellent job hiding it, as he simply raised an eyebrow as he look at the garment laying at the ground. “Lord Cobalion of the Swords of Justice,” continued Shredder with a demanding tone, “I challenge you to a duel!” > Thirty First Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirty First Move Duel Canterlot Castle Early in the morning The weather was nice, the sun was just raising on the horizon, a thin layer of mist covered the royal gardens. A beautiful morning to just grab a soft blanket, drink a warm drink and relax while contemplating the aurora. If only the ones present could even appreciate any of that. Before Celestia had started her daily routine, Shredder had already wake up, eat a light breakfast, done her regular getup, sharpened her blade and properly awaited for the asignated hour. As soon as she arrived, the Sword Blade Pokemon began to examine her surroundings. The legendary would most likely be familiar with their fighting ground so she will be at a slight disadvantage. However, the terrain wasn’t so much different of any other garden. If anything, she will adjust just fine. She kept her blade’s tip on the ground as she held it from the pommel, patiently awaiting for her opponent to arrive. A stern look on her face and her breathing been the only things differencing her from the many statues decorating the garden. Then she stiffened as a silhouette appeared in the distance. “Time to finally put this feud to rest,” said Roll not too far from her mate. “I only hope things don’t go too much out of hand,” added a distressed Gene. Last night. One could hear a drop of dew fall into the nearby pond as everyone kept the utmost silence at the scene playing before them. A Pokemon, a Dark-type Pokemon, a Mercenary Dark-type Pokemon had just challenge to a duel to none other than the leader of the famous Swords of Justice. Seeing somemon challenging a legendary wasn’t that rare, nor that impressive. Most of the fights lasted seconds after all. But the mere premise of this particular fight was what kept everyone in suspense. The Swords of Justice where famous for their heroic deeds and selfless acts all over the old world. Giving them enough time and new tales of them would bloom in this one as well. Yet someone not only challenged their leader while glaring, but also with a grudge. A Pokemon held a grudge against the greatest Pokemon heroes of all times and did nothing to hide it. “What can she possibly hold against Cobalion of all Legendaries?” inquired Gene, startling Roll just a bit. “You came along?” she asked slightly surprised once she turned to the couple. “We are sort of responsible for this development,” explained Belle. Roll chuckled, “If anything, she will be forever thankful to both of you. No, her whole clan will.” Both Psychic-types seemed confused. “You just give them a chance in a lifetime.” Before they could exchange more questions, a sonorous yet somehow elegant sigh interrupted their dialogue. “You know my name,” finally speak Cobalion, “but I don’t see why should I listen to you when I don’t know yours.” “My given name is Shredder of Checkmate and my home lies on the ruling clan of the grasslands in the Virtus region from the old world.” She adamantly replied. “Lady Shredder, I don’t mind obliging to your request,” he said while keeping his stern look. “But as stated before, I can’t stop noticing the aggression pouring out from you. If we were to fight now, your current mind set would be your downfall.” “My feelings are in fact betraying me,” admitted Shredder with a slightly calmer tone. “But I am afraid I can’t wait much for them to lay down. I am bound to my dutty, thus I can only dispose of a couple of hours before returning to my new home.” A soft breeze passed by, then Shredder continued. “I can’t and will not let this chance go,” she said while clenching her armored fist close to her heart, “this is something that must be done!” “Very well,” replied Cobalion with the same tone, “I will take you on, but now is not the time and here is not the place.” Shredder was about to retort him, but the Iron Will Pokemon wasn’t finished. “Tomorrow, as soon as the sun comes out on the horizon, we can fight to our heart’s content.” He looked at Shredder’s expression which show no change, so he continued. “I am sure you can reign over your emotions enough by then. As for the place… I suppose we can made use of the castle’s gardens.” “I won’t mind the place as long as we can fight fair, square and wholeheartedly,” Shredder said without a thought. “Then this leaves you with the honor of choosing the way we will fight,” said Cobalion, quite familiar with the dueling way. “Swords,” Shredder swiftly replied once again, “no other kind of weapon than our blades and bodies will clash until one of us can move no more.” “Swords it will be,” echoed Cobalion, “only one thing remains, witnesses.” “Fine by me.” “Good, but I must remind you that family does not count as such,” pointed the Legendary as he give Roll a quick glance. “That sounds a bit arbitrary,” mentioned Belle, “why is that?” “A witness is meant to make sure that honor is kept from beginning to end, even if said end is dead. No family would stay neutral at such,” answered Shredder without turning back and then replied, “There will be one from my part.” “And so will from mine,” replied Cobalion, “and fear not, none of my fellow Swords will be my witness, we are brothers in arms after all.” With a slow and gentle motion, Cobalion gave a bow to his contender and picked up her glove. “Then, until tomorrow,” the Legendary said, not obstructed by the cloth on his mouth. And so he left. “I have few friends in this capital city,” said Shredder once Cobalion had left, “but I will make sure to bring someone, Pokemon or Pony, to make sure of the fairness of the fight.” “I wish I could be of help Shred,” said Roll with a honest tone as she placed a paw on her shoulder. “You know that right?” Shredder didn’t turned back as she was still looking at Cobalion, yet she did placed one of her own hands atop of Roll’s paw. “E-excuse me…?” Said a still impressed Gene, “I think you have a little problem then.” Shredder seemed to return from a dream, as she finally turned to face the ones standing behind, she even seemed to have forgotten about them entirely as she looked surprised once the memories of a few minutes ago returned to her. “Right, Miss and Mister Phillips,” she said to herself. “I am sure I can ask someone to come, a friend of ours from the empire.” Shredder of course meant the Empress’ very clawmaiden. “But will she be free?” Inquired Roll, “she is very devoted to Victoria, not to mention that she already took the day off.” Then Shredder’s look changed, drastically. As in completely shocked. “How could I forget that!?” She asked herself, her resolve crumbling little by little now that the adrenaline was finally fading. “Now I need to find someone to bring along, not to mention I have to get my gear ready for tomorrow, sharpen my blade, have a proper night. Will I have enough time to calm down!?” She demanded to her mate. “Dear, I think sleep should be there as well, also I have no idea how to calm you down without depriving you off of some sleep.” As Shredder continued to worry and Roll tried to calm her down, Gene thought about the last thing the Lopunny said to them. “In their eternal gratitude huh…?” Gene said to himself. Then Belle took his hand. “You are doing that again,” she said softly. “What?” replied the Gallade confused. “Worry over others,” she replied. “We just meet them, and you already think of helping them despite their past.” “... should I keep quiet?” Belle shook her head in disagreement, “it wouldn’t be yourself if you did that,” she gave him a peck on the check and added, “I love that part of you after all. Don’t worry, I will explain it to Lia.” Gene smiled at Belle’s words and wonder for a second if he could marry such a wonderful being. ‘Oh right, I already did,’ he remember as he took a step forward. “I would like to be your witness,” he said determined. The mercenary duo took a moment to process what he just said, then both jumped at him. “Really!?” they asked at an unison. “Y-yeah, as long as it is early in the morning, I can make some time,” Gene replied. In one swift motion, Shredder took hold of both of his hands. “Thank you!” she said with a humble tone. “I will be on your debt!” Gene didn’t know what to say. “Finally… finally…” she continued, more to herself than to anyone else. “Finally, my clan will have their retribution!” Canterlot Castle Hallways Gene wasn’t able to ask what Shredder meant by that as she and Roll left as soon as they agreed on the hour they will meet. He let out a sigh while looking at the windows passing by and wonder, “will this really be solved in a couple of hours?” “It can become larger or just end in a second,” commented what appeared to be a dark purple ghost floating beside Gene. At first glance it looked like a floating hat with long sleeves dangling below it, her body and arms. Three red gems come out of her skin around her neck while a pair of glowing eyes looked with enthusiasm to the events about to be unfold before her. “I am still surprised you decided to come along Mage,” Gene commented as they continued to be guided. “Are you kidding?” the Mismagius replied, “this is a duel we are talking about. Not some brutish fight for a couple of Pokedollars but an actual, well established and ancient duel! Do you know how rare those are now?” The Magical Pokemon inquired while adjusting a couple of reading glasses on her face. “Yes, yes, my bad to forget,” apologized Gene with a grin. As soon he had told the rest of his family what he was going to witness, Mage appointed herself as well for the event. ‘Of course she will,’ Gene thought, ‘been able to witness what her history books describe will fixate her on the stuff.’ “But I must admit this is an interesting turn of events,” Mage pointed out. “With the dueling grounds being taken to somewhere else like this. Why would you think that is?” Gene was curious a swell, but since he was meant to only witness what will happen, he had no word unless something broke the rules established by both adversaries. As obvious as it is, the group didn’t find Cobalion on the garden but rather another of the swords of justice: Lady Virizion. She didn’t explain much other than the garden was too delicate for them to fight properly and thus lead them somewhere else. She didn’t ask a thing to the challenger nor her companions, all she did was lead the way with a kind and somehow exited yet discreet smile. A few turns and backs latter, the group reached a simple white door, which contrasted with the rest of the architecture on the whole castle. “Over here,” Virizion calmly said as she open the door to a different place entirely. The room was as white as the door, no windows or furniture of any kind besides a table and two chairs. “Excuse me for my intromission but his doesn’t look like the place to have a fight,” pointed Mage out. “Because this isn’t the place,” Virizion calmly replied while taking the group out of the meeting room and into another hallway. As soon as they left the white door behind, the climate changed, nothing too drastic but a couple of degrees and some humidity. “This isn’t Canterlot any more, right?” inquired Shredder with her usual tone. “Why, you are quite sharp,” Virizion replied with a joking tone, “the door we just came trough is reserved for the Princesses and Lord Arceus. They use it when they need to talk. A sort of neutral ground if you will.” “So that makes this a sort of pocket dimension?” asked Mage once again. “I can’t give you the exact details,” Virizion continued, “not that I can’t tell you but rather that I can’t understand the process itself, let's just say is a magical gateway to our home.” “Wow, and I thought my girl was blunt,” said Roll. “Honesty is an innate part of any swordsmon, you can’t deliver your own feelings with your blade if you can’t be honest with yourself.” Shredder replied. “Heh…” Virizion, for the first time on the trail, turned to see the challenger to the face. “I see now, it does makes sense. Mailady is very interesting indeed.” And with nothing else to say, she continued. The mons following her wanted to ask what did she mean with her words, but no one was able to as she pointed at another door. “We are here, for real this time.” The next room they were lead to was large, very large. Pure white as the previous room and door but big enough to hold all of Arceus’ childs if needed. Because of how perfectly white the room was, it was hard to make out the walls or ceiling for that matter, yet one could tell they were there. As they walked further inside, the group soon noticed another group waiting for them at the middle of the apparent nothingness. Four Pokemon and a single Pony awaited around a table filled with snacks and drinks, however the later was just as tall as the other legendaries beside her. She was the first one to noticed the challenger and her companions. “This Pokemon definitely gives the sensation of strength with just a glance, even a novice on Pokemon like me can tell.” she then looked at the ones behind her, locking eyes with one Pokemon in particular. “ISn’t this a surprise, of all people to come, it is you who decided to serve as their witness, mister Gene?” “Well, this kind of happen because of me your highness,” the Gallade replied to Princess Luna. The ruler of the night smiled. “So I heard, it is a noble act from your part. I on the other hoof was simply around when I catch notice of this particular event and offer myself for it.” “I see two of the witnesses know each other,” said Virizion, “that should made things faster. These persons will be in our side, your highness Luna of the Equestrian kingdom.” “Greetings,” the alicorn said properly. The others give her a respectful nod in return. “And the ruler of Victory itself.” “The one and only Lord Victini!” cut in the Victory Pokemon. “But worry not, I am here to look after the fairness of the fight, so the only one winning will be your own satisfaction,” he swiftly added with a ‘V’ sign on his hand. “As for you…” said Virizion. “She means us!” said Mage after a short silence while also giving Gene a soft smack on the head. “Ah! Right, sorry… ahem.” Gene replied in surprise. “M-my name is Gene and I will be vouching for miss Shredder’s fairness in this fight.” “So will I, I guess,” said Mage right after Gene was done. “I am here mostly to witness a proper and real duel though.” “Alright then, do you admit of these witness?” Virizion asked the blue Legendary still sitting beside the table. All the Iron Will Pokemon give was a nod as he finished a cup of tea. “And the challenger admits our witnesses?” “I do,” replied Shredder with an resolute tone, barely holding her eagerness. “Good,” said Virizion. She then walked back to his comrades and proclaimed. “Mailady Shredder of Checkmate, be prepared to face The Swords of Justice.” At her words the other two members joined her side. “Don’t worry,” Virizion added, “ we will go easy on you.” Little Brook Earlier that morning Weiss and co. were lucky to reach a small town the last day and even more lucky to find someone used to work with metal, since the passing rails needed maintenance once in awhile. “A good bed, a good bath, a good breakfast and in a couple of hours a good set of knifes, that is quite a nice amount of ‘goods’ on my opinion,” commented Weiss as he enjoyed his meal, a fully vegetarian course. He didn’t complain though. After a marathon through a dessert, any meal was great. He still wished there were some oasis’ fish to accompany his food. “Yeah very good and all,” added Daring with a slightly annoyed tone while she placed a cup of coffee on the table, “but we still have the little problem of our lack of money!” She quickly shut her own mouth before the innkeeper noticed what she had told. “Trying to getting us kicked out so early in the morning?” asked Char calmly as he hold a newspaper. “I would prefer to finish my read first you know?” “Look,” she replied in a hushed tone, “you can be all chill and cool all you want since you guys will most likely run away without saying a word, but I have some personal pride to keep. Can you imagine what will my readers say if I were to sink so low?” “Oh come on there, I am sure you have run at least a couple of times without paying,” retorted Pancha, “it comes with any sort of job revolving adventure in it!” “Well… yeah, I can’t fully deny that.” Daring admitted, “but there was always a good reason for it to happen, like a hot clue, someone chasing after me or me chasing an escaping goon, and even then I managed to pay my fee once all was done!” “Ain’t you an exemplar individual then,” said Weiss as a sarcastic price. “You bunch are just too low in comparison.” “I can’t deny that,” admitted Weiss without a second of hesitation, the rest of the mercenaries nodded as well. “I shouldn’t be surprised at this point,” said Do in a defeated tone. “I can’t believe you are still been surprised at this point,” added Rogue. The group continued to talk on the low while enjoying their breakfast while they could, as everything pointed out at them having to run for it once their tab was too large for some random travelers. Daring continued to mope over the idea of having to do such a thing while Penny and Surskit played around. Gold and Sylveon on the other hand weren’t as enthusiastic as the rest, they still took the opportunity to eat and chat but their interests where on both ends of the group. Valerie and Roa were barely eating and neither of them tried to look at one another. For the past days, they haven’t been their usuals self. Roa was more silent and depressing than usual while Valerie’s eyes show only regret and shame. ‘That is starting to get annoying,’ though Weiss. ‘Would you like me to intervene?’ suggested Xaver mentally, both for discretion and because he was eating outside beside Edge and Chopper. They were too big to fit inside the Pony made establishment. ‘As if we could do something so low,’ retorted Weiss, ‘besides Roa is immune to it.’ ‘That is more like our boss,’ joked Pancha. ‘But we still need to look for a way to mend this,’ added Rogue. ‘How?’ inquired Char. ‘We may be traveling companions, but we are still far from friends. We can’t simply go and give them counseling out of the blue without properly knowing them. The fact that they have this problem to begin with lies in how quickly they bonded with one another.’ ‘But we can’t leave them like that,’ added Edge. ‘What can we do?’ asked Weiss, ‘we are a bunch of mercs.’ ‘The more reason to help them,’ added then Rogue, ‘we know well what Roa have been trough…’ ‘Yes we do!’ cut in Simon with a mental shout, ‘we all do know well what that life is like. But each of us was able to walk forward by their own personal reasons: pride, duty, will, love. We found an answer ourselves.’ ‘So you are saying this is something only she can answer?’ cut in yet another one. ‘... oh, right, she has access to the mental meetings, I forgot,’ admitted Weiss. ‘You guys do know I am practically your ‘handler’ right?’ replied Daring with an annoyed tone and then returned to the matter at hoof, ‘but there is nothing we can do?’ ‘Is like my master said,’ Chopper contribute, ‘we can only wait, this is up to them to resolve or ignore.’ ‘Damn,’ proclaimed Daring, ‘who would say the life of a hired muscle was this deep?’ ‘Going down the rabbit hole is easy miss,’ replied Char while leaving the newspaper on the table and looking directly at the mare, ‘way easy. Getting out of it is the hard part.’ ‘Is all up for Roa to decide: will she climb the deep or will she stay in it?’ ‘Let's only hope she chooses swiftly,’ finished Weiss, ‘all she is doing right now is staring at the abyss, and it has the bad tendency of looking back.’ The bodies keep moving around and the mounts keep talking nonsense, but the minds went silent after that. The group finished their meal and was more than ready to go, but they still have one problem to solve. “So… who will be the distraction?” asked Weiss as he made sure of the best escape route. “Wait! Are you guys really doing this?” inquired Daring with a silent but desperate tone. “Unless you have enough money to make up for all we just consumed today, not counting lodging and room service, I don’t see a better course of action.” Pointed out Char as he too has his gaze locked on his escape route. “But… you… think on the example you are giving the young ones!” she exclaimed while pointing at Penny and Surskit, their innocence being her last resource to save her own dignity. “Alright girls, we may have to run, so be sure to hold tight, ok?” said Rogue to said innocent childs while carefully wrapping them with her vines. ‘Is because they are ‘innocent’ that they are also malleable,’ mentally commented Xaver as he and Edge were about to jump sky high. “I was naive to doubt your cunning for only a moment,” Daring admitted in defeat. “You should start to learn you know,” said Weiss as he give his coffee another sip. “Please, any sort of miracle will do, just stop these shameless mercs of mine of tarnishing my image!” Then, a small patch of fire appeared atop Weiss. It swirled around for a moment and then in turn into a scroll. “Nope!” Said the former human as he catched the letter with his left hand while finishing his coffee with his right. “You ruined me a meal already.” The group awaited for him to read the parchment, they will have time to flee right after. “Oh,” said Xavier. “What is it darling?” Asked Rogue as she keep the younger ones ‘afloat’. “A letter from the Empress,” replied Weiss before Xavier spoiled more. “Or rather an scolding about our night meeting this land’s ruler.” “Oh, you mean that night you guys sneak into Celest-aghhhgmmmm!!” “Yes that night!” quickly said Weiss while keeping Pancha’s beak shut. “I guess is safe to say she isn’t exactly glad with your perfomance,” pointed out Daring. “That is an understatement,” Weiss said drily. “Xavier, would you mind?” “Done.” Weiss then clean his throat and began to read the letter once more, yet everyone was able to hear it on their heads with a very realistic yet oddly toned voice of Victoria. Mister Weiss. I am writing you to inform about your latest report. I haven’t been able to properly read it as of yet since I am away of my castle, but I have been informed of its safe arrival. I will make my duty to read through it as soon as I return, for now I can rest assured that you are fulfilling your end of the contract. I have heard here and there about your exploits in these lands, although nothing as big as I originally expected. With only one particular exception. Did you know, lord Weiss? There are many ways to meet a dignitary, more so if it happens to be a ruler. One must properly introduce to the rulers, making sure to acknowledge their importance as the maximum leader of their country without diminishing the importance of one’s self aliance. Finding a balance between the host and the emissary. And by no way should you disregard them, as in for example: barging into their domain at the death of night, assault their servants, break into their very room and then flee the place without a more proper explanation! The next lines where all rudely written, some of which had also been crossed out, making them impossible to read. The letter then continued. I guess playing fool would be pointless at this point: yes I know how you went and ‘meet’ Princess Celestia to inform her about your activities. Of all the ways I could have fathomed, yours is by far the more petulant, insulting and threatening I could have ever imagine. Fortunately Celestia had taken little offence of the whole ordeal, although she did spend an hour or so lecturing me about how to reign over my subordinates, which I would like to remind you that you are. I swear I thought it would be better if she declared war on us than having to endure another night like that. Which I have you responsible for. So if possible I would like you to properly apologise to her if you ever have the time, just be sure to do it with more peaceful methods. That been said, she admitted to have been genuinely impressed by how easily you and your companions managed to get into her chambers without been noticed and with minimal force. She also wanted me to thank you for not harming her guards. All things done, you did what you were asked for: show off to her. So I guess you do deserve a reward. “Isn’t that a conflicting message?” inquired Simon, “we are been scolded yet we will get a reward.” “Those are politics for you,” said Daring with an used tone. “As far we got some money out of it, I don’t mind.” Added Char, “but I don’t see much of it with the message.” “I guess it will arrive by other means,” said Weiss and then looked at the letter, “there is more…” I hope it's enough for you and your companions to reach Canterlot so you can apologize properly to her. It will arrive shortly after this letter. “...wait-what?” asked Weiss as something made a ‘poof’ sound above his head, followed by a bag landing right on top of the Bishop's unfinished meal. Weiss simply sighed and continued to read. That is for that incident, which I hope we have to never repeat again, or else you will get something far different than a bag of gold. Regarding our side, I am glad to inform you that Pokemon are officially acknowledged as members of this world and formal citizens of their respective nations, so the more reason for your team to avoid an international conflict. “Well that is no fun,” bluntly said Pancha. For now I have nothing else to say but to wish you godspeed on your travels and hope you can find the rest of your team safely. Ps. “... ps what?” inquired Daring as the mental reading ended right after. “Is everything alright?” The other members of the group had similar expressions. The mercenaries, however, were far from lost. “Hay dios!” said Pancha. “Will you explain or not?” “Is about Shredder,” replied Char, “she got herself a duel.” “That does sound like something she will do, what is so impressive about it?” “There is only one mon she will fight in the whole world,” continued Char. “I am guessing is someone strong,” said Daring as she took the bag off the wasted coffee and began to count the money. “Far from strong,” finished Char, “Legendary.” “Good luck Shred,” said Weiss to no one, “you will need it.” Hall of Legends White Room “Wait a minute!” exclaimed Gene at the sudden turn of events, “how can a four versus one match be even considered fair?” Virizion looked at him with the same calm smile. “We are the Swords of Justice, and if I don’t remember wrongly she wanted to settle a score with us.” “And that gives you the right to gang on her?” the Gallade retorted. “Oh do not worry, we will not go all at once, that would be too cruel from our part.” “Consecutive battles of one on one, that is how this will be done?” inquired Mage. “Correct.” “Well excuse me but that still seems very unfair,” continued Gene, “you can’t be agree to such thing,” he complain to the Legendaries’ witnesses. Nor Luna or Victini said a word. “Lord Cobalion!” he then appeal to the Swords’ leader. He didn’t give the slightest show of emotion, however he keep his serious expression and his eyes closed. “You can’t be serious…” “Is alright,” Shredder finally spoke, placing a hand over Gene’s shoulder. “If this is how things must be done then I have no intention to back down because ‘I wasn’t able to last until the end.’” “But this is unfair!” “Perhaps,” Shredder admitted as she step forward, “but if this is how they want it to be, I will gladly face them on their own terms, so there is nothing for them complain.” “You heard her,” Mage cut in before Gene could said anything else, “if she agrees then there is little we can do, other than point out how awfully unfair this is!” she exclaimed more to the Legendaries than to her friend. “I thank your concern,” replied Shredder to her witnesses and then faced her foes. “Well, who will be the first one?” She placed a hand atop her sword as she added, “I only demand you to hold nothing back!” The three Swords look at her demeanor and then erupted in laughter. “You sure know how to pick them Cobalion!” said the larger member of the quartet, “she definitely have a nice pair, even though she is a she. “Of course we wouldn’t be as unfair as to make you fight all four of us,” continued Virizion. “But that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be letting just anyone come and challenge our leader just like that,” added the younger sword. “It wouldn’t be fair for us to at least have some standards.” “So what is this all about?” asked Mage, “some sort of test?” “Indeed,” replied Virizion, “and she pass the first one with flying colors.” Gene let out a satisfied sigh, “I thought for a second you were really going to fight her.” “They are,” added Roll with a serious tone. “...eh?” said Gene confused. “Can’t you feel it?” she continued, “they are not just talking, their fighting spirit is quite palpable even now.” Gene was still confused, but after a second glance he understood a bit better. The Swords of Justice were eagerly looking forward for a challenge, it reminded him of how Draco got before a gym battle. “But didn’t they just said this was all a test?” he asked. “Exactly: ‘a’ test, there are three more waiting for her,” Virizion explained. “But worry not, these won’t be wearing her down too much if she shows been capable of facing us properly.” “What do you mean by ‘not wearing her down?’” Asked Mage. “That if she wants to face our leader in top condition, she better not fail.” Both witnesses looked at Shredder, who still have the same resolution expression. “Well, if she is fine with this then,” reluctantly said Gene. Meanwhile Mage noticed something from Cobalion, the legendary still had his stoic expression yet she could feel something, for a faint second but she was certain about it, for a mere instant the Iron Will Pokemon made a small show of emotion: embarrassment. “So that’s how things are?” she said to herself. “Ok, if everything is settled I will like to go first,” said the younger Sword while taking a step forward. “The name is Keldeo, but I am sure you already knew that.” Then the room stop been white. As the younger Legendary walked towards Shredder, the room around him modified at each step he took. The walls and ceiling turn into a distant twilight sky while the ground become a collection of rocks and stones with patches of grass here and there. From it, a part of the ground raised in an arch while water appeared below it. A canyon of sorts with a river and a fenceless bridge formed out of nowhere as Keldeo stood in the middle of it. “Quite a thing huh?” He said with a cocky grin. The Legendary was quite similar to a Pony Unicorn in both size and shape with a beige coat and reddish mane, the exception been some blue fur shaped like a tabard covering his front and his sabre like horn, unlike the swirly one from those inhabiting Equus. “The test is simple,” Keldeo explained, “all you have to do it's to get to the other side of this bridge, of course I will try to stop you.” As he said this, the Colt Pokemon made a series of strikes and strokes with his horn. “You can come at me when you wish, all is permitted so long you reach the end of this road,” he continued. “Even this!” To prove his point, Keldeo let out a stream of water erupt from his hooves allowing him to hover around the bridge and even above the river below. “That is quite the advantage,” admitted Mage. “Yeah, even if she manages to take him off the bridge, Keldeo will simply fly himself back up,” added Gene. After showing what he was able to do in the air, Keldeo returned to the bridge. “Now with the rules out of the way, let us be-…!!!” Splash. No one said a thing. Everyone was so focused with Keldeo, that no one noticed Shredder walking, so the moment he landed back was also the moment she grab him from the horn, trip him on his hooves and throw him head first on the river. It took Keldeo a moment to come out of the water and another to return back into the bridge, but by then Shredder was already on the other side. “You said when I wished,” she simply said and then shout, “next!” Keldeo didn’t show any sign of anger with his ‘defeat,’ other than a short mumbling. “Things would have been different if I went resolute,” and alike. “That is what you get for talking too much and don’t taking things seriously enough!” teased the larger Sword with a sonorous laughter as he left the group and face the challenge. The Legendary was far bulkier than his friends on both his body and his horns. While Keldeo reminded of the fellow Ponies, Terrakion was more akin to Minotaurs with his bovine build, albeit he was still a quadruped. Their coats were just as different, a soft grey covering most of his body while the large horns covering his shoulders sport a dark brown. Yet both legendaries had the same enthusiastic smirk. “I am next,” Terrakion said while stomping on the ground, eager to start just like his fellow sword before him. “I guess you know by now, but…” Both the river and the bridge disappeared while the sky become orange tinted, the rocks however remained, some of them even grew larger and larger, covering Shredder and Terrakion’s sides and leaving them with a single path for both of them. Instead of been atop a canyon, the next ‘test’ would be at the bottom of it. “We can change the terrain at will,” continued the Cavern Pokemon once the ‘terraformation’ was over. “A good thing for us Legendaries to practice our moves without being spotted or blowing up a town by mistake.” “It only happen once!” Victini shout somewhere at the other side of the rock formation. Terrakion chuckled and then continued. “Of course, it comes handy for our tests here,” he then proceeded to ‘crack’ his neck, loudly, while also been careful not to hit the walls. “The idea is pretty much the same as before: get to the other side.” Once his neck, back and joints had properly popped, Terrakion stomped repeatedly so his footing was set while also slashing the ground with his large horns. “Now don’t expect me to go easy on you!” he properly added, “nor should you expect me to get distracted like our newbie just now” he further teased his centuries old comrade, “I been too bored to let this chance scape just like that!” “So that is why this is all about,” pointed out Mage. “What do you mean?” asked Gene without looking away. “Don’t you think is strange for the fabled Swords of Justice to gang up on somemon who properly challenge them?” the Mismagius replied and explained, “they are too noble for that.” “So what you are saying is that…?” asked Gene once more. “That they only look to use her to kill their boredom,” added Roll, a tad annoyed for how they treated her mate’s resolve. “If for a little while,” said Mage, “that would explain what I felt from Cobalion back then.” “It must be very embarrassing for him,” pointed out Roll. “You girls are very good at reading these sort of things…” finally said Gene confused on how could they know so much with mere glances. “No dear, you are just too dense.” Replied Mage. Meanwhile, Shredder keep looking at his new opponent, then looked at the ‘ring’ beside them. Rock, sturdy looking but she couldn’t be sure of it, a room made by the foe wasn’t worthy of her trust. She then sized how much room she had on the rock hallway, it was large enough for her to move around but not for her to fight with her sword neither would she be able to pass by Terrakion’s large body which blocked almost all of the way with his bulk alone. Overpower him was also out of the question. She may be able to stop his charge at first, but to push him to the other side would be almost impossible without an enormous effort, but she wasn’t going to waste her precious pent up strength because he was bored. That only left her with one option. With her mind set, Shredder took her sword and carefully but strongly throw it over Terrakion’s head, landing to the other side of the hallway. “From above huh?” Terrakion guessed while following the blade while his horns allow him. “Not a bad idea, but…” The large Pokemon then made a surprising act of agility and jumped almost instantly just as high if not higher than the blade had previously reached. “You shouldn’t underestimate us Swords of Justice young girl.” He then landed obstreperously. It was Shredder who smiled this time. “Underestimate a foe is the last mistake the weak do in life,” she simply said as she prepared herself to charge in. “That’s the spirit!” Terrakion replied as he crouched himself as well. Then both of them sprint towards one another. Shredder run at a surprising speed given her typing and metallic skirt yet it paled in comparison with Terrakion’s charge: his speed was similar to hers, however and unlike Shredder, the Cavern Pokemon made little tremors at each step he take, moving his 572 pounds of weight with ease. Yet Shredder didn’t slow down, she even increased her own speed as they get closer to one another, the Sword replied in kind as the little tremors turn into a small earthquake. Just mere meters from impact, Shredder made a short dash towards Terrakion, looking to grab him by the horns before they collide. The legendary smiled at this. ‘She’s going to pull my head down by the horns, forcing me to crash with the ground’ he thought as he readied his massive neck and back for one powerful gore. ‘Sorry but I have no intention for that to happen!’ It all ended in an instant With a mighty roar, Terrakion pushed his front with all of his strength, even going as far as to jump to get some extra force. This was meant to push his adversary back to the running start.. “...eh!?” Yet he was still looking at her right on the eyes. His body was arched and his face was aimed at the fake sky, yet he still had Shredder before him, if only for a moment. As she made us of his power and her own momentum to spin on the air, hand-land on his rump and then pull herself away with another mid air spin, landing with a tumble and then casually dust herself off while walking away. “Hey, wait!” Terrakion shouted once he had landed, “this isn’t how this is supposed to go!” He tried to run back and stop her, but his massive build and large horns made the simple act of turning around impossible in such small hallway. “Wasn’t it?” Asked Shredder as she picked back her sword and continued to walk, “the goal was to reach the other side, not to play inverse tug-o-war with you.” And so, she reached the end of the hallway. “Next one.” “Alright!” proclaimed Gene once his own surprise have ended, “that is two down!” “Your girl knows how to move around,” then complemented Mage to Roll. “She has to, I don’t like one trick Ponitas after all,” the latter replied. As they where on this, the landscape changed again, much for Terrakion’s comfort as he had somehow stuck himself between the walls but also for his shame as he now had to face his fellow Swords in defeat. “That is what YOU get for charge in blindly,” mocked Keldeo. “At least I was able to touch her,” Terrakion silence him. “Come on kids, show some composure before our guests,” Virizion told them as she marched towards Shredder. Again, the room disappeared, but instead of large mountains or rivers, all that appeared was a thick layer of grass covering the land as far as one could see while the sky had a less epic aspect. “By order of elimination, the only answer is ‘me,’ Mailady,” Virizion greet the challenger with a gentle bow and a kind yet emotionless smile. Shredder replied in kind, although she didn’t removed her gaze from her. “The test is exactly the same,” Virizion explained, “you have to pass me in order to reach your oh so desired duel with our leader.” The wind flow on the grassland. Shredder awaited for her to explain more, however she keep a close hand to her sword and expectant of any sudden move. “Girls, is it me or is lady Virizion looking different?” asked Gene to everyone on their end. “You mean the ominous atmosphere surrounding her, the cold look on her face or the lack of emotion I sense on her?” replied Mage, happy to finally been able to write something worthy to be called a duel, yet feeling anxious about the lack of emotion the kind-looking Sword was exhibiting. “I doubt she was bored to begin with,” noted Roll. As if she was waiting for such words to be said, a pillar of light at larger than as her emanated from her forehead, quickly taking a refined shape and edge. A sword made out of pure energy. “This is the cornerstone of our might and the reason behind our orders name, the Secret Sword!” Virizion explained as the blade keep shining on her head. “Taking out the big guns from the start huh?” said Mage with an impressed tone, even when the move was useless against her, she could feel an enormous pressure coming from the construct. “No,” Roll correct her, “there is an even stronger version of it. But as far as we know, only one of the Swords have been able to reach its form, luckily for her he didn’t take this as seriously as Virizion.” On the other side of the field, Keldeo looked a bit disappointed with himself. “This light is not for show, Milady,” Virizion continued, “is the very manifestation of our determination made present by our resolution to our sworn duty and sharpened by our very will.” With this said, Virizion made a single motion with her neck and a small gorge was made on the ground. “This is the light of hope for those we protect,” she continued, “and the cold shine of doom for those who taint the land, so tell me Milady, how will you face this challenge?” The sword was too large for Shredder to run past her, and Virizion herself looked agile enough to keep up with whatever maneuver Shredder could make in the spot. The lack of anything on the room but grass give the legendary yet another advantage as it give Shredder no place to hide. Not to mention that Virizion was also known for been able to ‘hear’ the voice of the grass. The only way past her was through her. “No matter what I try you will go after me, right?” Shredder asked. “Yes.” “With all you have?” “Yes.” A moment of silence. “This is not fair,” Shredder then said. “Now you said this?” Virizion replied, “I am afraid is a bit late for it though.” “You misunderstood,” Shredder explained, “I am not saying a fight with you is unfair, if anything I feel empty with my victories. Given the chance, I would love to fight you on fully equal terms, all of you. But…” She looked away from the Grassland Pokemon and into Cobalion who was no longer ignoring the events and properly return her gaze. “I want to fight you,” she turned back to Virizion, “I want to fight all four of you!” The other two Swords smiled at her words. “I would have jumped at the challenge without a question, but right now. There is something I need to do first, something that can’t be postponed by anything, not even my own pride as a swordswoman.” “And that is?” “My family,” Shredder replied, “my duty to them and to all of my ancestors who once fought alongside him.” “You are not them.” “True, but I come to give them the satisfaction he was unable to deliver when they were alive.” “So what will you do?” “Give them peace and then think about get some myself,” with that said, Shredder faced Virizion once more with the same solemn face, “for that I ask you to please, let me fight your leader.” Meanwhile, the Secret Sword atop Virizion show no change during these exchanges of words, it didn’t shone brighter nor did it went dim. I t shone brightly from beginning to end. “Very well.” In the blink of an eye, the construct was gone. “You pass!” proclaimed Virizion. Shredder bow at her words and awaited for her to walk pass her before continuing. “What!?” proclaimed Gene on his end, “That’s it?” “Sorry, were you expecting a bloodshed?” inquired Virizion with a playful tone. “Yes… i mean no! I mean: wasn’t the point of this to see if she was worthy to fight Cobalion?” “And test her I did.” Virizion replied once more as she walked towards them. “I heard about how she demanded a duel last night and couldn't think of her as a proper challenger.” “What do you mean?” asked then Roll, not too comfortable with the words used by the legendary. “That she wouldn’t be able to give none of us a proper fight,” Virizion continued, not caring for Roll’s tone. “She would have charged mindlessly and got beaten on a single move.” Virizion then placed herself besides Shredder’s witnesses and waited for the main event to start. “But today’s her is not yesterday’s her,” finished Virizion. Once Virizion had placed herself with the witnesses, Shredder turned to face the one Sword she had come to fight, finally. Cobalion walked slowly toward her, porting the same stoic eyes and cold demeanor from yesterday. The landscape didn’t changed this time around. “I apologize for my comrades,” were his first words, “they insisted on this.” Shredder shaked her head. “I rather thank them,” she said, “now I can go all out with no doubts nor a clouded mind.” Cobalion smiled for a mere instant, and then stood as upright as possible, Shredder replied in kind. Slowly, she unsheathed her sword and place it before her face, and with a swift motion place it on her side. They analysed one another before anything, then they dashed. Although calling it a blink would have been more accurate, as they cashed in an instant. The metallic resonance of Shredder’s blade against Cobalion’s horns echoed across the grassland with every clash. Despite having no arms, Cobalion show supreme mastery of his own projections to the point of giving nothing to envy to those with fingers. Shredder on her end was taken by surprise by this, not that she haven’t fought creatures without arms before, but because of the level on Cobalion’s craft. He wasn’t ramming randomly with his horns, he was delivering proper slashes, stabs and parries with such precision, no one could believe he was a quadruped. The fact he had two made it harder as it give Cobalion an extra advantage: if she wasn’t careful enough, he could easily snatch her blade from her grip or simply snap it in half. However, and despite her initial disadvantage, she kept her ground, every time Cobalion tried to push forward, she replied with a flurry of stabs. Shredder felt a tad nostalgic while performing her mother’s technique. It wasn’t perfect though, since it was designed for a slim and lighter blade unlike her large sword. But since Cobalion could only move his neck so much, he was unable to parry all of the stabs, luckily he had a natural layer covering both sides of his face, so he suffered no damage from her sword other than small scratches. However, Cobalion wasn’t the leader of the Swords of Justice just for show, by the third time he pressed forward, he had already thought on a way around the counter-flurry. As soon the first stab was throw, he pressed his neck against the blade and pushed forward, giving Shredder no room to swing her blade back. He then positioned his head so he could jab one of her shoulders, it was in that moment he felt a huge pressure coming from neck, she was pushing against his whole body with all her might. He knew she could bat him away, but she would also need time while he was just about to get his first hit on her, so he pushed forward. Then something hit his front legs, with a quick glance he noticed one of Shredder’s legs besides his. She was about to sweep him down as she did with Keldeo. “Gyaaaa!” with a roar, Shredder swing her blade from side to side, twisting Cobalion in the process but not throwing him a single inch away. “Wha-!?” In a strange sense of deja vu and karma, Shredder find herself still facing Cobalion, although the later was in a strange pose. She had forced him to twist his head but he had lifted his front legs on the last moment, so all he did was contorsioniste his front while his rear keep a good hold of the ground. The Iron Will Pokemon completed his charge but his new angle stop him from delivering a proper stab, so he ram her straight on the chest while avoiding the blades she had around her body. As Cobalion crashed against her chest, Shredder made hold of one of his horns, pulling the legendary toward her with the very same impulse he had give her and with a strong yank she pulled his face down, where he was greeted by her fist. Both got the first hit on one another. Both of them raice up slowly, not that they were tired or injured, but because they were weary of one another. Gene swallowed deeply at the scene. “They are quite at it,” he said. “Yes they are,” replied Virizion. “I can feel each of their strikes from here, just how violent will this get?” “This is only the warm up,” said Virizion, “they are still getting used to one another, is interesting to see her getting used to our swordplay so quickly.” “They are only warming up?” inquired Gene in disbelieve. “This is not a petty Pokemon Battle where everyone wins,” finished Virizion, “each of them give their everything with each blow, not to mention their own personal reasons behind their blades.” “Blade,” Roll corrected her, “there is only one blade drawn.” “I shouldn’t expect less from the challenger’s mate.” Admitted Virizion. “But I doubt that will last.” “Somehow I feel like we just stumble in the middle of something really big,” said Gene to no one in particular. Cobalion was glad his nose wasn’t broken, it was annoying when that happened. He was also quite impressed with his contrincante as she not only was already getting used to his style, but also managed to react in the nick of time. However, Shredder didn’t show the same feelings. She no longer looked as stern as before, yet neither did she seemed afraid of him. She was angry. “Why?” she asked. “Hm?” “Why do you restrain yourself?” she inquired again, “you are not going serious on me!” “I’m afraid that is quite the assumption considering we just hit ourselves quite hard just now,” replied Cobalion. “Lies!” Shredder shout while charging once more. Cobalion didn’t replied, he swinged his head around in an arc, aiming to counter Shredder charge with it. Yet as he was about to conect, she crunched on the last moment, letting his horns slash air as she hit right on the armored side of his, throwing him some good feet away. “The light to shield your ideals and the shine of doom to those ill to the world, that is the strength of the Swords of Justice, yet you haven’t unleashed that power at all.” “I want to fight without regrets or remorse, for me and my kind,” she then pointed her sword at him, “yet I can hardly achieve that if you keep your blade holstered.” Cobalion stood back up and remain quiet. “Answer, Sword of Justice!” “That blade,” he finally replied, “is meant to protect those in need and take down those whose heart have fallen into darkness. I can’t say it would be fair to fight someone like you with it.” It was Shredder’s turn to remain silent. She tightened her grip on her sword and then she talk. “The fabled King of Virtus, do you remember him?” she inquired. Cobalion noded as his eyes remembered an adventure long forgotten by the world. “Shortly after his fall, the knights who fought beside him went to forge their own legends alongside the Pokemon they call their own blood.” Cobalion’s gaze turn dark as he knew how the story went all too well. “Some went to create their own kingdoms, others to maintain the one their King had made, while the rest dedicated their life to chase after one of their own, the knight once called the strongest among them, the knight our clan followed until the very end and beyond.” “Such was your clan’s devotion,” Cobalion suddenly continued, “that they come and asked for our aid.” “Which you denied,” Shredder added. “It wasn’t in our right.” “The swords raised the fabled King, yet you deny to aid one of his knights!” “We only helped to stabilize a kingdom, we never care about their actions as humans. The fate they written afterward was done by their own hand.” “... that is true,” Shredder admitted with resentment. “It was selfish from our clan to ask for your aid. However, your actions were what give the other knights an excuse to hunt down the strongest knight, our knight. And us.” “Each clan followed those humans on their own accord, none were forced into their service,” Cobalion explained with a resolute tone, “it wasn’t in our hooves to intervene.” “Not even when we were hunted down as fiends? Not even when our name was corrupted from history as the aids of a traitor? Not even when we lose our rightful place on history besides the fabled King to the point we were only looked as ‘evil-types’?” “It wasn’t in our hooves!” Cobalion snapped, “have you ever consider if such event didn’t weigh down on our consciousness? Out of a whim we raised a lone human to become a beacon of hope and prosperity for both his kind and Pokemon.” “Yet we were naive,” he continued with a softer tone, “we thought the legacy will endure and that the kingdom will become into one of equality, we should have known that human hearts will always have their own desires and goals.” He then looked directly at Shredder and continued, “we had already done much damage and couldn’t bring ourselves to repeat the same mistakes, because of our actions your clan suffered, for that I have no words.” Another silence filled the place, then Cobalion spoke again. “However, that is a sin we have to endure, it has nothing for you to demand a compensation about.” “There is where you are wrong, Leader of the Swords. As the blood which courses through my veins dictates me so,” Shredder replied, “we were persecuted and hunted down to the point of eradication, yet we endure. We endure and prosper because we choose to.” As she said this, Shredder brought back her sword to her face. “We endure to never forget what had happen, we survive to keep the legend alive and we become strong so one day we could reclaim the glory we had lost.” “By fighting me at full strength?” Cobalion inquired. “Indeed,” Shredder said as her blade began to emit a faint glow. “To tell you and the world that we are not the fiends legends taint us as.” “No way!” proclaimed Keldeo at the glowing sword, “there is absolutely no way she is doing that!” “To think their grudge is this deep,” added Terrakion with the same tone. “For generations, we have known about the light which give the Swords of Justice their name. For ages we have study it, passing down our discoveries again and again so one day we could deliver our feelings with it.” The glow grew more and more, to the point it surpassed the blade itself and turn into a flaming aura coating the sword. “And now one of you had preached how to wield it,” the glow grew even more with each of her words, “this is the manifestation of our ancestor's determination, made present by our resolution during centuries of duty and sharpen by my own will!” ‘So that is what you show her...’ though Cobalion as he looked at Virizion who cheekily smiled back at him. Then, Shredder took a single step forward while raising the blade above her head and with a deafening shout exclaimed the most ancient move of her clan for the first time ever. “Secret… Sword!” she then brought down the shining blade, which blasted towards Cobalion. The impact was almost instantaneous, yet the energy didn’t explode or cut through, it only bulged as if something had stopped its advance. Another pillar of energy appeared, cutting Shredder’s energy as if were nothing. Then Cobalion spoke. “Your people's feelings, have been properly delivered.” With a swift movement of his neck, the dust surrounding him disappeared, revealing the leader of the Swords of Justice also wielding his own Secret Sword. “I apologize for my actions in the past and regret my lack of action as well for my actions on the present, I will not overlook you anymore.” Shredder didn’t seemed angry or surprised at this, on the contrary she finally give a more positive expression to her foe. She was excited. “That is what I asked for from the start.” And then they both clashed again, each carrying their own pillar of light. Now, not only where the clashes heard by everyone but they could be felt as well as a shock wave was carried over the whole room with each impact. “That’s impossible,” Gene exclaimed, both by sheer impression and to have his voice heard over the deafening echoes of the duel. “How is she using that move?” “Decades,” said Virizion without shouting, “no, centuries worth of a tainted honor lead to this very moment.” “H-honor?” asked Gene confused while feeling his personal space invaded. “A fickle thing isn’t it?” continued the Grassland Pokemon while keeping her face very close to Gene so she could be heard. “But for some mons, that is enough to nourish their will and give them a reason to get even through the disgrace given to them by others to the point of growing such power by generations in order to prove their right to be among the legends of old.” For a moment, a memory of old flashed over Virizion eyes, a large number of Bisharps begging for their help. “May these feelings put an end to this feud.” Gene wasn’t sure if he understood what she just said, yet that didn't changed the fact that the fight he was witnessing was no longer a simple feud but more akin to the stuff of legends. ‘Be sure to write this down Mage,’ he mentally said to his friend. Mage didn’t reply, as she was already doing so. ‘I don’t know why. But we need to write this down for her and her kind.’ There was no longer flurries of stabs or random slashes been thrown around but calculated and precise cuts and hits made at high speed and tremendous force. Shredder’s enormous blade was as light as a feather yet it resonated like a wall of bricks at each impact. While the power she wielded was like nothing she felt before, she didn’t had time to bask in the glow of her feat, been the very first of her kind to use the blade of the Swords of Justice was only the first half of her endeavor. Despite having her ancestors appeased, her own honor couldn’t allow her to just give a half-assed fight. Not caring for the toll of her new move. Each strike was perfectly aimed and delivered with all of her might yet this was also truth for Cobalion which resulted on every swing been a clash among both swords. “I must admit this is a very surprising turn of events,” commented Cobalion as their blades lied crossed against one another. “To think I would be able to fight properly against other than my fellow comrades.” “I imagine you a humble Sword,” she replied as she swung her blade, forcing Cobalion to step away. “But I admit that this is the most fun I ever had in some long time.” “Violence related I mean!” she quickly added. “You know she can’t hear us over here right?” Cobalion joked while give his foe’s mate a swift glance. “... i-is a habit.” Coblation smiled, then chuckled, then laughed. “Such a pure soul you have, no wonder you can wield that Sword, as incomplete as it is.” Shredder didn't reply. “Don’t take it the wrong,” the legendary continued. “I am still amazed of your ability and respectful of your resolve. But that doesn’t change the amount of energy needed to sustain such a crude form.” “You can tell?” Shredder then replied, a tick drop of sweat dripping off her face. “We created this move after all.” “There is no point on keeping things simple then,” she replied as she charged back at Cobalion. With a smile, the Legendary received the charge as he parried the impact literally head on. Shredder swing her sword around her without showing her back to him, paring Cobalion's strikes while also looking to land a hit, meanwhile Cobalion was unable to swing around as she could, instead he kept his blade as close as possible to her, so all of her blows would be deflected and give her little room to attack while also looking for an opening. Another clash and both jump backwards. Cobalion’s breathing was agitated and sweat covered all of his body yet he looked as determined as ever. Shredder on her end was not as well, in fact her breathing was even faster and deeper and her balance was starting to go lose. “So this is it?” inquired Cobalion. “So it seems,” replied Shredder. “You know we could end it here,” he began, but a single gaze on his opponent eyes told him all he needed to know. “Until one of us can move no more.” Shredder said while her sword flared once more. “Until one of us can move no more,” echoed Cobalion whose blade shone brighter as well. Both stood on their places, raising their swords to be swinged one last time. Without a word, both brought down their blades at unison, unleashing a massive blast towards one another. The collision of both energies resulted in an explosion that shone all over the room, filling it with light. It lasted for less than an instant, but for everyone it felt as hours. The blinding light dissipated, leaving only both warriors and no trace of their Secret Swords. “Wh-what happened?” Inquired Gene once all was calm again. “It ended.” Virizion replied while leaving the group. Gene looked at them confused, “Aren’t they still...?” He was answered right away. With no grace whatsoever, Shredder fell face first into the grass. Yet despite how heavy her body felt, her soul had never felt so light before. “It is done,” she said to no one as she slowly turned herself around to face the fake clouds. “I have delivered honor to my ancestors” she said while a couple of tears formed on her eyes. “They must be proud of you,” said Cobalion as he approached her, his resolute tone been replaced by a tired one but just as adamant. “I know I can't change what I did in the past, but at least I hope this was enough to apeace my mistakes, even if it's a little.” “It probably wouldn’t be enough back on the old world,” Shredder replied, still flat on the grass. “But this world is a new story. The old sins are things of the past, what we must live on today so we can look forward at the future.” Cobalion smiled once more. “I’m almost sorry for your short existence.” “Because is short, I give my all at all.” Cobalion didn’t said anything, he simply smiled as the others arrived, Roll taking proper care of her mate on the ground. Not wanting to rub over his victory, Cobalion left Shredder and her companions’ side quietly, the room returning to his perfect white form as he reach one of its walls. “That was quite the show,” a voice praise him. “I hope it was of your liking Princess,” he replied. “I did, and I must admit is quite impressive to know that not all of your Legendaries are as almighty as Arceus made you sound to be.” “If I look ‘mortal’ to you, then that is a victory to her own determination,” he complimented his fallen foe. “True, I must admit this was a pretty equal fight.” “If only…” Cobalion whisper. The Princess seemed curious at his words, “If only you have act differently in the past?” she ventured. “It would have been wise and fair to have made amends with her clan long ago,” Cobalion admitted. “The past is filled with mistakes,” Luna said as a dark memorie passed through her eyes, “that is so much true for beings with lives as long as ours.” For once, the Pokemon show signs of regret and shame. “However, it is also filled by victories,” the Princess of the night continued. “Yes, we immortals can do wrong, staining countless lives in the process with a single act of arrogance. But is because that we have mistakes that we can meet those willing to straighten things up and thus help us turn into a better being. That in itself is a victory we shall never forget. Even if is not ours.” “Because life is short… huh?” Cobalion replied as he looked more at ease with himself. Satisfied, Luna took her leave while saying. “I will inform my sister about this event. I am sure she would find it as interesting as me how ‘mortal’ you can be” she joked while letting Cobalion to himself. As soon as he was out of anyone’s sight, the Iron Will Pokemon seek support in a nearby wall. “When was the last time I had this much fun?” he inquired himself. “I guess age takes its toll, even for immortals.” He let go of the wall once he had steadied himself enough. “The victor shall be our satisfaction huh? Asking Victini to come was a good call.” He began to walk away once more as he said the one thing pestering the back of his mind. “If only she had a proper instruction with the Sword…” The Swords of Justice congratulated Shredder on her fight and give her plenty of invitations to challenge them whenever she wanted. “LIfe is dull right now, so you can come and help us spice things up from time to time!” Shout Keldeo as he and Terrakion left the room. Shredder promised to do so while her body was surrounded by a indigo aura. Luna healed Shredder with her magic and priced her for her courage and skill but mostly for her fitting will of steel. “I see now that the Griffin Empire is under great hands. With that, I must leave you now,” Luna said, “as I would like to tell my sister your story while is fresh on my mind.” “I can help with that!” Said Mage while sticking with the Princess, as having a chance to verify a couple of things would do good for her little story. “I should be going as well then,” said Gene as he began to follow the pair. “Wait!” Shredder shout before he could get too far, “Sir Phillips, would you mind me to take just an extra moment of your time?” “Ehm… sure.” “Sir, thanks to you I have delivered honor to my clan beyond what I could even express.” She then took her blade and offer it to the once human while adding, “while I am bound to others by honor and love, I would like you to know that you will forever have an ally in me.” “You don’t have to…” “I have!” Shredder interrupted, “and I would love to. Please, if you ever are in need of assistance, do not hesitate and ask for my help.” “She isn’t backing down you know,” commented Roll besides him. Gene let out a sigh and then took hold of the blade’s handle. “Then I would remember to ask for help, but not as a lord but as a friend.” “I would be honored.” Gene then let go of the sword while Shredder place it back on her side, both of them smiling. “I do have to get going ,” Gene then said as he began to chase after Mage, he couldn’t let her get too carried away with her writing. “Until the next time!” “Godspeed,” Roll shout as he left, then she turned back to her mate, “shall we then?” “Lets us go,” replied Shredder as she took Roll’s hand and leave the with a bright smile. “And so this ends,” said Virizion as she walked besides the couple. “Was it as you expect it to be?” “At all,” replied Shredder with a carefree tone. “This ended way better than I could have ever imagine.” “Would you perhaps thought things would be harder?” “No, I thought I would only need a single swipe to end things up,” she replied once more with the same tone. “I guess this proves how legendaries are not called as such just to show.” “It would be troublesome if we were just a bunch of weaklings,” joked Virizion. “But you felt our strength on your own flesh and walk away with a smile on your face, that is something not many challengers do.” “What is not there for me to smile?” Shredder replied, “I delivered my ancestors off their shame, proven my worth to one of the most famous warriors of our world and managed to made use of his very technique.” “I would say that is quite a list to smile to.” “And the best part is that I have yet to master this new blade of ours,” added Virizion. “As amazing as the feat is, is still far from perfect.” “Indeed,” admitted Shredder with an enthusiastic tone, “It may take me months or even years to made proper use of this blade, but I will make my duty to master it, no matter how long it would take.” “That is some remarkable conviction,” said a fourth voice behind them. “Such will do you good on the path of the Secret Sword.” “It is only thanks to your help; Lady Virizion, Lord Cobalion.” The Iron Will Pokemon looked refreshed as h joined the group as the walked back to Canterlot. “I admit I never expected your kind to have been studying our blade, but I do have a theory of how they got such knowledge,” said Cobalion with a knowing tone as he looked at his second in command. “I wonder how that ever happen,” said Virizion with a joking tone. “But still, I can’t deny your worth as a swordsmon Lady Shredder.” “Again, I am grateful for having agreed to my egotistical request,” replied Shredder as they returned to the gardens they have meet the night before. “And look forward to the next time we will cross our swords once more.” With that said, she and Roll prepared to leave, but were stopped by the leader. “I am afraid I didn’t make myself clear,” Cobalion said a bit more serious, “I do acknowledge you as a formidable user of the sword, and as such I can’t just let you walk away just like that.” “So what you are trying to say is…?” Inquired Roll. “Lady Shredder of Checkmate, I would like you to be a proper user of our Sword, so I would like you to become my apprentice.” Both, Virizion and Roll were very surprised by his words, specially the Grassland Pokemon, who have only seen her superior do such thing once in their long lives. Shredder, on her end was completely speechless. Cobalion smiled at her face, he seemed especially pleased in Virizion’s case, but he simply turned around and leave while saying. “I am not expecting a quickly answer, so please give my words their proper time and think over my invitation. Until you have your answer ready.” And so he left, shortly followed by a very curious Virizion. “Wow…” finally said Roll once the silent grew old. “You did quite the number on him.” “So it seems…” replied Shredder. “Is incredible how you could become friends with him by beating the ‘Sword’ out of him.” “The trill to focus your true self on each of your attacks in order to deliver what you think on each hit. To exchange punches in order to know someone else, what is not to like about that?” asked Shredder as a gentle breeze cradled the flowers around them. Somewhere else. A large cloud of dust surrounded the area as Weiss did his best to stand back up, his mouth tasting like blood and his body aching all over. Yet he didn’t give his foe the joy of seen him beaten. He stood back up, cleaned his face, spit on the ground and then said. “I hate to exchange punches in order to know someone else!” > Thirty Second Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirty Second Move The meaning of defeat Everfree forest Outskirts Weiss' breathing was hampered as he spat the dirt and blood, an annoyed look in his eyes as he kept watching out for his ‘challenger’. Still wondering how this all ended in such a way in so little time. “So?” the challenger inquired behind the dust covering him, “are you feeling it yet?” At such moment, the former human could only think a single thing, a single idea, a single mantra to keep himself going. ‘Fuck you and your idea of helping!’ Earlier. The group continued their walk back to Canterlot, as Weiss had yet to make his apology with the princess of the day. Not that he was too thrilled to do so, so they kept walking at a leisure pace, not to mention it was nice to be under the canopy of trees for a change compared to the scorching sun. “Is good to have such a lazy moment for a change,” said Rouge as she enjoyed a single ray of sun piercing through the trees. “Sorry to break your bubble,” chimed in Daring, “but we already lost a day, so we may want to speed things up.” “We are still walking you know,” countered Rouge, “it’s not like we are losing that much time, besides, isn’t this forest supposed to be close to that Pony town, you know… the one with the Princess?” “Ponyville,” mentally reminded her Xavier from high above, as he and Edge would have troubles to be under such reduced space, “a bit of a redundant name if you ask me.” “Is like calling a human town ‘Humansville’…” added Pancha, “de hecho, it doesn’t sounds that bad.” “I am surprised they never did that, being as arrogant as they were,” said Gold, his PLA self clearly shining through such commentary. “I am surprised they never named a city after a living being at all, it's all colors, or elements, or letters, or stuff,” pointed out Weiss as they continued their walk. It was all calm and quiet. “Don’t worry,” Said Simon reassuringly as he noticed Penny’s hesitant gaze since the mention of the incoming town, “Ponies ain’t bad beings.” “I can vouch for that,” added Daring while flanking them, “with very few exceptions, the life of Ponies are the most simple, calm, quiet, and boring one can possible imagine.” “Ith that tho?” asked Penny with a brighter look. “But of course,” continued Daring while boasting, “Ponies are so freakingly boring that even a place as ‘wild’ as this forest has few things to show. By mere proximity to my kind, this place is one hundred percent boring!” And then a huge explosion could be heard, seen, and felt not so far away. “You just had to call for it, didn’t you?” asked Weiss with an incriminatory look towards the Pegasus. “That can’t possibly be my fault!” she defended, “right guys?” Everyone averted her gaze, while Penny looked at her at the verge of tears. “You can’t be serious…” The only ones who didn't share the moment where Roa, since she was still looking depressed; Valerie, who was still feeling guilty, and Greninja since he hardly had any other setting but silent and serious. The Ninja Pokemon taped Weiss, asking for instructions. “Right,” snapped Weiss back into the event at hand, “would you kindly?” As soon as he said this, Greninja was nowhere to be seen, only to return a few moments later while gesturing everyone to get close, whatever the cause was, it wasn’t considered a threat. The group slowly approached their comrade and quickly discovered the one responsible for the startle before. They found a Pokemon battle just having reached its conclusion, on one side lied a very unconscious Toxicroak inside of a small crater, he was the one on the receiving end of the explosion. Besides him was a Hitmonchan trying to help his friend, although he didn’t looked that impressed with the results nor that worried to begin with. On the other side was the victor, a large humanoid looking Pokemon, very humanoid looking in fact: he was akin to a body builder, both in height and aspect, completed with a thong and belt. The only differences being the grayish hue of his skin with red stripes accenting his already ripped muscles and the almost reptilian shape of the face. “And with that I have 89 straight victories!” exclaimed the Machoke with the happiest of grins on his face while celebrating with his own companion. A small Pokemon, which looked even smaller beside his friend. “Only 11 to go!” added the Sandslash to his victorious friend. He looked like a brownish yellow pangolin sporting two thin and sharp claws on each arm while a coat of hard looking, brown colored, quills covered his back as a sort of armor. “Just a battle,” calmly said Weiss as he left the bush they were using for cover. “Nothing to worry about.” Everyone agreed on his words and decided to be on their way, when the Machoke spoted them. “Hey! You guys!” he shouted. “So much for tranquility,” said a salty Rogue, as she felt certain Deja Vu vibe from the incoming Pokemon. “Good day,” saluted Weiss, not seeming to mind as the other approached. “Congratulations,” he added while pointing at the still unconscious Poison-type, who was now been taken away by the Hitmonchan to the nearest settlement for him to be healed. “Great day indeed,” replied the Superpower Pokemon, “and thanks, but I wouldn’t be satisfied until I reach my goal.” ‘Well good for you, now please don’t tell me your life story’ thought Weiss. “But I still have some way to go, as you see…” ‘DAMN IT!’ “... I won’t be ready until I reach 100 straight victories.” “Huh, that was rather short,” said Weiss outloud. “Why such a self imposed challenge?” asked Daring besides Weiss while the former human just facepalmed. “So I can finally be on equal footing with SS here,” he said while patting his friend. (Writer Note: It stands for SandSlash, don’t look for any deep meaning for it.) “I make him go through a similar challenge, back in the old world, and against all odds and adversities he pull through. So it is only fair for me to undertake that path now that I am a capable fighter.” “That is surprising honorable of you, unlike some Mons…” Daring said while glancing Weiss, who gave her his best ‘I really don’t care’ expression in return. “So you were a human then?” “Sure was, another trainer looking to have his name known for everyone in the world of competitive Pokemon battles!” He proudly said while flexing his beefy arms like any good Gobernator. “You can call me A.J.” “A.K.” Daring replied while taking his hand with her hoof, “and these are…” “Her posse,” Weiss said while also grabbing his hand. ‘I don’t wanna stand out too much…’ he thought to the group as he had seen the similarities between this AJ and his very own hot blooded comrade. Daring seemed confused, but she was starting to learn about her mercenaries, so if Weiss had such change in his actions, it meant he was worried about something. ‘Or else we won’t hear the end of it, is enough to have two of them already, let alone three!’ Weiss thought, worrying more for the comfort of the moment, rather than any sort of danger. “But to have one hundred victories in a row, you must be truly a gifted fighter,” mentioned Daring. “As if!” proclaimed AJ with a loud chuckle, “I was barely able to land proper punches at first, but thanks to SS and some diligent training I was able to grow everyday, little by little, until I was finally able to start my string of victories.” “I can already tell,” said Chopper almost solemnly, “the muscles on your body already bare witness of the tribulations you had to go trough, truly a manly story!” ‘Great, he had already drawn one out…’ thought Weiss. Luckily for him, Simon was more interested on keeping Penny calm than joining the talk. “But that wasn’t all,” added SS, “he would have a couple of straight victories, but then a strong opponent would appear and we had start all over again.” “Right, like this Gold guy, he clearly held nothing back,” remembered the Machoke. “Friend of yours?” inquired Pancha to their Gold, who actually looked offended by her words and shocked by the fact that there was a human, of all beings, sharing his name. “But we had been talking about ourselves so far, that is a bit rude don’t you think? What about you guys?” AJ asked. “Just passing by,” replied Daring dismissively, “we had somepony to meet back in Canterlot.” “Oh, then we won’t keep you off your way,” AJ said calmly, “a pleasure to meet you!” And with that, he and his friend began to leave while waving, “Good luck with your meeting!” “And good luck with your challenge!” Daring replied, “See? That is one nice Pokemon, unlike a certain former human I know.” Weiss was about to counter her comment when a shadow appeared before him, to both of their surprise, the massive AJ simply ‘appeared’ before them. “Did you said, ‘former human?’” he asked, barely able to refrain his excitement. “... OH COME ON!” shouted Weiss. Griffinheim Empire Nesting Hold castle “Come on guys, just another lap!” proclaimed Alberich at the head of ‘his’ remaining group of Griffins, and a couple of Pokemon, while trotting around the castle grounds, just as their instructor often did. “One would have thought that with our leader away, we could have some time to relax.” Mentioned Jakie to the old Griffin beside him. “Is only natural for him to want to emulate our leader, if he is to ever lead us himself.” Replied Ulfric with his Nordic tone, “not to mention this is the closest thing he has for fun before been buried in papers by Linza later.” Both chuckled, as they both know well how serious the maiden was about her own job, leaving the advisors glad of not been in charge. As they were about to complete another lap, a sort of commotion on the main gate caught everyone’s attention. “Okay guys, finish the lap and then began sparring, you know the drill!” ordered Alberich as he left the group and headed for the doors, the older Griffin and Lucario close behind him. “I told you, we sent for our translator, just wait for him to arrive!” exclaimed one of the gatekeepers to the being desperately trying to get through. It was hard to miss, as tall as a Minotaur, if not as bulky and imposing. Albeit the similarities ended there. At mere glance, one could tell it was an insectoid Pokemon: the black compound-like eyes; purple antennae and silver armor-like shell were a dead giveaway. It had two massive arms with matching claws on each end while four smaller limbs rested at the side of its body. An impressive sight on its own, was increased by the fact that, unlike most Pokemon who use variations of their names as a sort of language, it only emitted a series of clicks and gnarls for communication. The Golisopod looked desperate to be understood as he kept pointing at the distance, at the castle and at a certain paper one of his smaller limbs carried, all at once while clacking and clicking his mouth off. “What seems to be the problem?” inquired Alberich for etiquette as the ‘problem’ was rather obvious. “This Pokemon here,” started the guard. “Golisopod,” pointed Jackie. “This Golisopod,” repeated the guard, “is insisting on telling us something. We sent for a translator but he still keeps this up.” “Quite a being we have here,” admired Ulfric, “but shouldn’t you be able to translate for us mister Walker?” “I do know a few Psychic things, but that ain’t mah type. Plus this guy’s head seems resistant to Psychic moves, I doubt I can make anything fancy like a mind link.” The ranger explained. “How about old fashioned translation?” inquired Alberich. Clearly, this had gone completely over Jackie's head, who simply coughed while approaching the Hard Scale Pokemon. “Alright, hold on there partner, what can we help you with?” started Jackie. “Finally!” the Golisopod exclaimed while pointing at the castle, “I’ve been warning these guys about the danger yet they wouldn’t listen!” “Woah there, slow down. What danger?” “THE ARMY MARCHING TOWARDS HERE!” he exclaimed while pointing at the distance. Jackie translated. “Who would be foolish enough to challenge the empire?” inquired Ulfric with disbelieve. “Let alone that, where did that army come from to begin with?” added Alberich with a matching tone. “Well, this fella says it’s a Pokemon army of sorts.” Translated Jackie. “Pokemon? Why would they do that?” Asked Alberich to Golisopod. “Because… I kind of… guided them… here…” slowly and shamefully admitted the large Bug-type. Everyone stared at the newcomer while slowly drawing their weapons. “NO!Nonononononononononono!!!” Exclaimed the Pokemon while bowing to the ground, “you don’t understand! I only told a couple of them about this place, and before I know it there was a whole bunch of them marching after the city!” “And why would you have done that to begin with?” Inquired Ulfric with a cold tone, his matching cold blade already out of its scabbard. “Because they are family of a friend of mine!” the Pokemon explained while on the verge of tears. “Sorry, but we would’ve remembered somthin’ as large as your kind in the castle.” Pointed out Jackie as he too was starting to look menacingly at the newcomer. “That’s because she isn’t one of my kind, here look!” he proclaimed while offering the paper he was carrying. Alberich took it and read it. He didn’t have to read much to understand who this Bug-type was friend with, as at the bottom of the parchment lied a modified version of the Imperial army’s crest with a distictibly Chess motive. “You are a member of Checkmate,” said the temporary leader matter of factly. “Yes… YES! I am one of them… kind of…” the Golisopod said, “My name is Tomino.” “Kind of?” inquired the old Griffin. “Long story, but there is no time to explain.” Tomino said, “we need to do something about them before they reach the city!” “Well, you may want to know,” proudly stated Alberich, “that we are capable to stand our ground against your kind. We have been through the most rigorous of training regimens, thought by none other that Lady Shredder herself, so tell me sort of member of Checkmate, what can this army be made off to represent a challenge to us?” Tomino had lost interest on this speech, though, as he was currently looking at the valley right between the mountain range where the city lied. A humongous cloud of dust slowly but firmly advancing toward them as the sound of metal echoed through and the reflection of their bodies shine through the sun. “How about her whole kin… plus some friends?” flatly asked Tomino as he pointed at the marching army. Suddenly, and as if the heavens themselves directed it, a strong gust of wind removed the dust, showing the incoming army composed of a myriad of weapon wielding Pokemon, or in some cases a whole set of armor. Among the perfectly organised lines, stood large banners flapping on the wind, proudly proclaiming the clans each division belonged to. The only exeption been two large Pony like Pokemon covered in flames who gallantly stood at the front of the formation, both pulling a single chariot with a single occupant. A large looking Bisharp holding a sword as large as him in a fashion everyone on the Pokemon corps recognised. His single eye scanning his surroundings while the other half of his face lied covered by a single plate of steel, yet instead of making him look weak, it gave the unknown leader an imposing sense of superiority. It said a simple yet strong message: I’ve been through hell and back, now try to keep up. The Pokemon army marched towards the city. “... they clearly know how to make an entrance.” Jackie pointed out. Everfree Forest Near Ponyville “So I take you want to challenge us?” finally said Weiss as it was apparent that AJ wasn’t leaving anytime soon. That and the fact that he hadn’t said a word for a while and only looked at Weiss in a erie way. “Heck yeah I do!” AJ proclaimed, “Well, not all of you, just you,” he then pointed at the Bisharp. Weiss in turn, sighed. “And why did you challenge him just now?” inquired Daring in confusion, “you could have done it as soon eyes meet… or so I heard.” “Is true that is the ancient way of starting a battle,” AJ explained. “But that would only bring me to fights against Pokemon.” “And that is not what you been doing so far?” asked again the explorer. “Not on the slightest,” replied the Machoke, “you see, the first thing I felt when I awaken on this world was sadness.” The group looked confused, and by group I mean everyone besides the mercenaries, except Chopper. “I was sad that, after so many years I had, suddenly, become a Pokemon. All that time wasted on the backlines while my comrades fought for me… but now,” he clenched his massive fist while a single, manly, tear slipped his eyes. “Now I can make up for the lost time and be part of the glory which is battle!” “And that has anything to do with former humans because…?” asked Weiss while motioning with a hand to further explain. “I want others to understand the fun of battle as well!” he proclaimed, Weiss sighted again, “so far, everyone used to be nothing than an spectator, a mere backline for the real fun which lied on the battlefield. But I wanna change that,” he proclaimed while placing a hand over his heart, “I want those trainers to know that they can stop relying on their teams, that they can join the fights. That they can join the fun!” “I understand what you are saying,” said Xavier mentally, surprising AJ and SS for a moment before continuing, “but I can’t help but notice some flaws in your logic. “That being?” asked AJ while looking around him, wondering where the voice's owner was at. “Humans were, as you said, out of the battle. But they were an intrinsic part of it just as well. They were, and are, the ones giving the orders and strategizing according to the battle at hand. It would be impossible for most Pokemon to do so in the heat of battle.” “Maybe so,” granted AJ, “but isn’t that what has driven hundreds, if not thousands of people to mistake the bond they had with their teams with that of mere tools?” Xavier was surprised by the reply, it wasn’t flawless, but it was a good counter argument nonetheless. “That is what I will change,” continued the former human, “the leaders will still be necessary for battles to be more exceptional, but for former humans to fully understand what it's like to be in a battle, not as spectators but as warriors. That is the kind of bond I want to promote in this new world” “I see…” said Xavier while landing before AJ, “although I still see flaws in your logic, I can’t deny that the end result is in fact productive in the long run, as it will prevent former humans from creating a rift between them and Pokemon.” He then turned to Weiss, much for the former human’s distaste. “I highly suggest you undertake this challenge.” Weiss in turn gave him his biggest ‘you gotta be shitting me’ eyes he could muster. “I second,” added Simon, Weiss wasn’t that surprised but still he didn’t take the words well. “It would be nice to see how you handle that body of yours.” One by one, the mercenaries, and even those they traveled with, began to support the fight, the only exeption been Roa, Valerie and Daring. Weiss didn’t said a thing, he simply sighed. “Look, as much as I would ‘love’ to help you out, we are kind of on a tight schedule, so if you would excuse us…” and began to make his escape. “Actually…” inquired Daring. Weiss stopped, sighed again and then said. “You fucking people…” Canterlot Castle Kingdom of Equestria Victoria was finally done with her political duties. No more Diamond Dog riddles to examine, no more half truths from Deers to decipher, no petulant Minotaurs to endure and most of all, no more lectures from a Pony princess. Just quiet and calm time for her to enjoy her visit in the Equestrian capital. She, of course, looked the part: she wore none of her royal regalia, instead opting for a simple coat and scarf to hide her royal white body and a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses for her face. She just looked like any other Griffin tourist in Canterlot. “It’s good to go out with nothing to worry about, is it not?” mentioned Grizelda besides her. Her loyal assistant hadn’t left her side, as always, and also was wearing something fitting for the occasion, that being nothing. “I still think you are exaggerating with all that ‘Vicky’” she joked. “It would have been far easier to just go out like this, it is not like we are that known over here to begin with. “Canterlot is known as a place of fashion, so I fit in just as well,” Vicky explained, “so if anything, you are the one being more obvious around a fully clothed crowd.” Grizelda had to admit that was true, many pompous Ponies walked around in a way to show off their expensive clothes, to the point some even sneered at her mere sight. If that was because of her lack of accessories or her race was unknown. “Ok… you may have a point there,” she said while looking at the hundredth couple to give her a snobby tourn of head. “But is not like we can just go and find a shop for not Equestrians just like that.” “Actually…” Vicky stated as she looked for a direction. “Oh fluffy feathers.” “According to miss Roll, there was a shop dedicated to these sort of clients.” “Wasn’t that more akin to Pokemon?” Grizelda asked. “True, but Pokemon come in various shapes and forms, so it only makes sense if they can also work on something for you.” Defeated, yet not unwillingly, Grezilda decided to go along with her Empress, knowing all too well how rare these moments of calm and peace were for them. It was only a matter of time before they had to go back to their old routine of ruling an empire. ‘Well, she does most of the ruling,’ Grizelda thought as they enter the shop, ‘I only bring the tea and the saz.’ And so they entered the shop, unaware of the turbulences of the world, which were bound to find them sooner than latter, as a lone mailmare keep flying around looking for a pure white Griffin. Everfree Forest Weiss’ group The mercenary couldn’t believe what was happening. He had just been challenged by some random guy and his whole team had prompt him into it without his consent. He at least expected Daring to say something about it, as she seemed to be so desperate to stop losing time, yet in a surprising turn of events, she was also up for it. “It would be interesting to see how a former human fights in contrast to a regular pokemon,” she had said, “not to mention it would be nice to see you get some humbleness beat into you for a change.” Reluctantly, and clearly with no way out of the whole ordeal, Weiss agreed to battle the AJ guy. He let go of his coat and all the weapons he hid in it, so the fight would be at least fair, or so Simon had instruct him. He even went as far as to inspect him for anything hiding within his body. He did found a couple of needles. “... I am not apologizing,” was all Weiss said as he went to face AJ, who was also done warming up. “Alright, let us see how strong your bond can grow!” the Machoke said while taking a fighting position akin to a flat-hand wrestler. “Lets just get this over with,” replied Weiss as he as well took a loose stance. Besides them, and acting as a referee, SS said. “This battle will last until one falls unconscious. That is all!” he then raised a claw while shouting, “begin!” ‘So short!’ Weiss thought, expecting something more detailed, yet it made sense that such hot blooded individuals would skip formalities. Yet, as Weiss thought this, AJ dashed towards him, his speed wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, his kind wasn’t know for speed. It give Weiss time to increase his Iron Defence, he was four times weak against him after all. ‘Not taking that pain head on again, thank you very much,’ he thought while remembering Roll. AJ raised his right arm as he prepared to throw a generic looking punch. ‘A single block should suffice,’ he strategized, ‘it’s not like I am letting him hit me square on the face, then I shou…!’ A sudden cold sweat stopped Weiss’ thoughts as it run across his back while AJ was finally in range to throw his first punch, he saw not much form to it other than a mole of muscles punching, and still all his instincts told him one single thing, not to parry, not to avoid, not even to run. What his instincts, enhanced by decades of battlefields, told him was something far more primal. One single world. Death. Before even Weiss could notice it, he was already somersaulting away, while AJ continued with his motion until his knuckles made contact with the ground, then a cloud of dust akin to an explosion was thrown into the air while the ground shaken as if an Earthquake has been unleashed. Once the dirt clean off, everyone could see that that single punch had reshaped the landscape, as now a new crater lied in the middle of the clearing, a Machoke with his fist buried deep into the earth at the very center. The Machoke was not known for their speed, but they greatly make up for it in sheer brute strength alone. “Wha- what the heck is wrong with that stupid physical power!?” Weiss asked at the rim of the crater, clearly glad of having let his instincts guide him. AJ on his end, looked a bit disappointed. “Tch, you dodged my Dynamic Punch,” he said. “AS IF I WOULD LET YOU HIT ME WITH THAT!” Weiss replied. “Ok, I may be having second thoughts about this fight,” said Daring as she didn’t expected AJ to be so ridiculously strong. “Fighting-types exceed at physical strength,” explained Xavier, “but I must admit that is some well toned power he is wielding, albeit lacking in control.” “He did mentioned some training,” pointed out Chopper, as the resident Hot-blooded master was currently busy keeping Penny, Surskit, Roa and Valerie at a safe distance. “But just what kind of training would he take to make it this far in so little time?” inquired Rouge who, although not the aggressive type, was well versed in training regimes. “I am glad you asked,” said AJ from the crater as he finally managed to remove his fist from the ground. “I just happen to have been following a quite excruciating training even before coming to this world, so my body was already a bit ripped back then.” “So,” inquired Weiss, “would you mind sharing that knowledge with us?” He wanted to know what parts of his body were trained, so he could come with the best strategy. “If you want to know, then I will tell you, my regime is…” Everyone leaned a bit forward to hear what he had to say, not daring to breath. “One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats and a ten kilometer marathon, every-Single-DAY!” he proudly proclaimed. Then the wind passing by was heard, as everyone could only think a single thing. ‘So average!’ Weiss on his part, was also trembling. “I know…” he said on the low, “I know I am at disadvantage here… than I have slim chances to win in pure strength… but!” he then looked at AJ while shouting to himself, “I so don’t want to lose to someone as idiotic as him!” As so let out his blades while charging at the Machoke, who was already bracing himself for the incoming attack. Weiss picked up as much air as he could from around him as he jumped toward AJ, the Aerial Ace covering his arm blades as he threw slice after slice, expecting the effective move to work on his favor. And it did, as the larger foe showed a face of pain each time the wind made contact with him, albeit he was smart enough to avoid being hit directly, thus leaving the amount of damage taken to a minimum. Annoyed, Weiss then opted to Slash his straight on the chest, hoping for him to ignore the Normal-type essence of the attack. AJ, however, did not such a thing. He caught Weiss’ arm right between a Cross Chop, far more painful being four times effective. With a kick to the stomach, and a shout of pain, Weiss made some distance from the Machoke, then gave his arm a quick examination. His arm was still whole yet it felt as if it was completely shattered, as the bended points in the metal which now was his skin pulsated with each breath he took. “If he ever lands a hit, I am done for, let alone KO.” AJ didn’t show any sign of stopping, as he then proceeded to harness all of his strength into the palms of his hands, a glowing sphere of pure physical energy condensing between them. “You gotta be shitting me!” Weiss shout to himself as he prepared to avoid the incoming Focus Blast. The challenger smiled as he then proceeded to fire the gathered energy towards his foe at an alarming speed. Weiss did again a somersault to gain distance, but Aj had expected that, as the attack was now aimed behind Weiss and not where he was originally standing. “Being able to strategize on the flow is also vital for combat,” AJ said proudly to no one in particular. Yet, he wasn’t the only one able to strategize like that. As soon as Weiss made contact with the ground, he dug his leg on it, unleashing a small Rock Tomb on the incoming attack. The sphere obliterated the rocks on impact yet gave Weiss enough cover to avoid the attack, still the pure shock wave was enough to send him flying a good distance, luckily for him, his metallic body proved to be resistant to that kind of damage. That, however, didn’t stop the mercenary from panting. “Just a couple of minutes and you are already like this?” pointed out the Machoke, “see how different it is to be a part of the fight instead of just looking from afar? Is quite a different thrill right?” He asked with an excited tone. Weiss in the other hand keep breathing deeply, an annoyed look on his face. “Of course I would be panting if I were to fight someone with such advantage over me...!” he shouted. “A single move of yours can slap the lights out of me.” “Well, not all combats can be fair,” AJ admitted, “but to fight through those hardships in fair combat is what brings us closer both as foes and friends in the middle of the battlefield.” “So you want us to grow closer by beating the crap out of each other huh?” he inquired, “to find ‘the glory of battle’ as some call it…” He chuckled, and then hit the ground, hard. A new dust cloud erupted from the impact, covering him entirely, yet his voice could still be heard. “Alright then, you want me to see the world through your eyes, so be it.” he said as the dust started to dissipate, “show me how you can help the world with these idea of yours!” The dust cleared, showing Weiss standing just where he hit the ground, a combat pose at the ready. “That’s the spirit!” congratulated AJ as he too resumed his fighting stance, waiting for the next move to come. Yet none moved, as both were expecting the other to act first. Or so AJ thought. The challenger then noticed that, unlike him, Weiss was perfectly still, not moving on the slightest, not even to breathe. Almost like a statue, or rather, like a move. Suddenly ‘Weiss’ moved, but not around, rather his body fizzled, as if fighting to keep its shape in place. “Wait… when!?” AJ realized what had happened as the Bisharp before him broke its form and suddenly took the shape of something akin to a stuffed, dragon-like, toy. A Substitute. AJ looked in shock at the decoy as it returned to its original form, completely missing the real Weiss jumping behind him, a Shadow Claw slashing over his back with the force of two Sword Dances. “Fighting fair and square…” then said Weiss with a mocking tone, “yeah right, as if I would follow that logic!” AJ rolled on the ground to gain some distance, and then stood back up, meanwhile Weiss continued. “As if I would go along with YOUR rules just because YOU challenged me,” he said while straighten himself up. “I already have the disadvantage to begin with and you want me to face you head on? I am sorry but I don’t play that way. I had my share of unfair fights over the years so I don’t need you to remember anything, if I see a way of winning I will take it, I don’t care what others think of me, its not like I have to prove anything to them.” AJ show a slim sign of discontent over the Bisharp, but it was quickly replaced with a grin. “It’s not like I was expecting you to just go and lose to me,” he said, “but to go to such extent, you clearly ignore what a battle is huh?” AJ missed how Weiss’ eye twitched because of the distance between them. “I understand though, the use of unpractical strategies are normal in the world of competitive battles, but know that they all have their limits, all i have to do is wait for you to reach yours.” And with that said, AJ dashed towards Weiss once more, delivering a Low Sweep as his first move. “The thing about fighting..!” he shouted while moving. Weiss hopped out of the kick’s way, but then saw a Karate Chop going his way, still being midair, Weiss had no way to avoid the hit. “Is that you can learn in either victory or defeat!” Or so AJ thought. The Bisharp grabbed AJ’s wrist and then spun his body around, using the momentum from the chop to propel himself over the move and then Slash him over the face with one of his legs. He then jumped out of the Machoke’s reach with a rather dusty tumble. ‘This body is too heavy…’ he noticed, missing a bit his older and more agile body. However, he didn’t have much time to react. “If you go around thinking that you will always win, then you have clearly need to learn how harsh a battle can be!” AJ pulled both of his arms up into the air and then brought them down with such strength, that he produced an Earthquake. Unable to dodge such attack, Weiss covered his body in a Protective shield,avoiding been damage just barely, yet giving AJ enough time to jump toward him and Tackle him right between the blades and prompting all air out from the Dual-type’s lungs. “Ugha!” With the temporary loss of oxygen, Weiss was unable to block the Wake-Up Slap that went right after, hitting him square on the face. The Bisharp’s sight went black and couldn’t see how he flew a few meters and then crashed on the ground, yet he still felt it all. He remained still for a few seconds, prompting everyone to think that the battle was over. Then, Weiss coughed, loudly and painfully. Causing Daring to let out the air she didn’t noticed was holding. “I must admit,” she said, “that I didn’t expected him to outclass him this much, I guess you guys aren’t as invincible as I thought.” Yet no one said a thing, they didn’t seemed worried about their leader, but neither did they seemed to be angry. They were still showing interest. “Wait…” Daring then realised this as well, “you guys can’t be serious!” On his end, Weis was slowly standing back up. “There is no way he can continue!” Daring proclaimed, yet no one said a thing. “Fine, if you guys don’t stop this, then I-!” Yet before she could do anything, a red pinzer stopped her. “You heard Simon before don’t you?” said Char, “we want to see if Weiss can use this body of his properly.” “You are willing to let him get mauled just to see if he can fight someone with so much of an advantage?” Daring shouted back, yet she made no more attempts of stopping the fight. “You didn’t understand,” continued Char, “we want to see if he can use his body properly, as you see, he has a huge type disadvantage now, but back in our world he had an even weaker body.” Daring was about to ask what did he meant by it when suddenly a loud noise brought her back to the fight, where her answer was given right away. Weiss’ sight had returned, albeit with a couple of black dots here and there, alongside the faces of those gone in his life, and for some reason he also thought he saw ashes on wool here and there. He looked directly at his foe yet he did his best to show none of his tiredness to him, at least as the best he could. “So, can you feel it now?” inquired AJ with a humble tone, “this is what it's like to be part of a battle, is quite different than fighting on the sidelines right?” Weiss continued to stare. “Don’t be like that,” continued the Machoke, “is not like I am enjoying your suffering or anything, I just want to make my point across. There is nothing wrong with losing, so long you can walk out of a fight with your head high and with a lesson learned and the drive to grow stronger, then you have not lost at all.” Weiss remained still. AJ approached the Bisharp and offered him a hand. “Don’t feel bad about yourself, you give a good fight.” Weiss raised his gaze and chuckled while also raising his hand. ‘SLAP’ Only to remove AJ’s hand from his face. “Learning from defeat you say…?” he said with a tone Daring had never hear from the carefree merc. Anger. “You say it as if was something as simple as to walk off,” Weiss continued while standing back up. “But of course, there is no way you can know what losing meant for us.” AJ didn’t seemed to mind the slap, yet he seemed surprised for the Bisharp’s sudden change in attitude. As he took a step back out of pure instinct. “If you lose you start all over, just a bad day. But a loss to us meant way more than that...!” As he said this, Weiss had another flash of those faces and then resumed his fighting stance, yet he was no longer in a loose and random pose, his feet were firmly on the ground and his arms were at the ready of any incoming attack while his eyes never left AJ’s. “I suppose you are not a regular Trainer then,” replied AJ, “but this is just a Pokemon battle, there are no high stakes on the line. Not to mention that there is no way someone can be victorious for ever.” And so, AJ retook his fighting stance as well. “So let me show you how a real Battle is like!” Weiss chuckled yet the look on his eyes didn’t changed on the slightest. “I see you don’t get it…” he said, “I’m sorry if I break your bubble but I have no plan of going soft anyday soon, I still a job to fulfil and a family to look after. So instead let ME show YOU, what someone who survives an actual battlefield can do.” Then, the Bisharp took a really deep breath and said. “I am the river…” “And what does that has to do with anything?” inquired AJ as he again throws the same Dynamic Punch he opened with, expecting Wiess to jump back as before and then aim for where he would land. Yet Weiss didn’t made any attempt to move out, “forever fluid…” he continued while throwing a hand to intercept the incoming warhead of a fist, then a dirt explosion as before occurred. Once the dust had settled, it revealed AJ and Weiss on the exact same spot, albeit the Machoke had a fist aiming at the ground, which was the source of the dust cloud, and the Bisharp having a hand firmly over his foe’s wrist. AJ was still processing what just had happened when he felt Weiss moving. When he looked down, he found that the merc had placed his other fist over his ribs. “I am the earth,” he said while punching him while keeping a hold of his arm, causing the impact to be increased by the awkward pose AJ was in, “immovable and unbreakable.” AJ took a couple of steps back as he felt the sudden fault of air to the point he had the kneel down to keep himself from fainting, not to mention the pain alone was blinding on its own. Yet he started to smile with glee. “I don’t know what are you talking about, but this battle suddenly become far more interesting!” he proclaimed while jumping back up and charging after Weiss, who again kept his ground. When he was on range, AJ throw another Cross Chop towards the Bisharp. “I am the wind,” Weiss simply said as he took a simple side steep besides AJ, avoiding all damage, “intangible and unconquerable.” Not letting his momentum to take him away, AJ turned around and began a barrage of moves towards his foe: Cross Chops, Karate Chops, Brick Breakers, Low Kicks, everything on his kind’s repertoire. Yet Weiss keep flowing around them as if they were in slow motion, deflecting those getting too close for comfort. Frustrated, AJ reeled back his body and then threw a Dynamic Punch with the help of all of his body height. Yet all Weiss did was side step once again, leaving AJ pulverise another section of the ground and then said. “I am the flames,” and then proceeded to hit the Machoke on his ribs, followed by a kick towards his closest knee, prompting him to kneel down, but before AJ hit the ground, he turned around his arm, in an attempt to gain some distance from him, yet all Weiss did was simply dodge the large arm and then face him head on. “Vicious and consuming.” And so he hit him on his lower jaw with his palm, followed right after for a double palm strike to his torso, a knee to the sternum and then the other knee to his jaw, finished by a somersault kick to the head. AJ took another step back, feeling greatly disorientated and quite damaged, yet far from defeated. However, he couldn’t tell if he was facing the same guy from less than a minute ago, not to mention the moves he was using were entirely unknown to him. “What the heck are you using?” AJ asked with sincere curiosity. Weiss simply let out another breath and resumed his position, then said. “They are called martial arts,” and then invited AJ to continue with a move of the hand. “Hoof Fu?” inquired Daring. “I presume Kung Fu exist in this world as well,” suggested Char, deciding to ignore the punny name the explorer had used. “Well, yeah, but I couldn’t imagine someone with a body like his could use an style meant for quadrupeds,” she replied. “Is not like that in our world,” explained Char, “Kung Fu was devised by humans to fight foes stronger than them, for humans to fend against Pokemon without the use of weapons. Some said that they were also helped by some Fighting-types like Lucario and Mienshao.” “So what you are saying is that…?” “That you can call those Human-type moves.” Char joked while keeping his eyes on the fight. AJ cracked his neck and slapped himself back into shape. After another round of him trying to hit Weiss to no avail, and the Bisharp’s recurring counters. There was no way he was going down easily from a fight this much fun. “So you dropped Pokemon moves in order to use something you know better?” he inquired. “I would rather say remembered,” Weiss replied, “I learned these in order to protect those dear to me, to not be a nuisance on the battlefield and fight besides my family. Not to mention that if I take another of your hits I will be down for good.” Weiss’ eyes matched his words with the same blaze as of before, yet he was no longer angry, if anything they seemed a bit thankful. Thankful that he had to revert to martial arts in order to defeat an opponent clearly out of his reach. Of course, he wouldn’t ever said that out loud. “I see,” AJ said noticing the change as well, “then asking you for a battle may have been a miss from my part, as you already seem to know what been part of the battle is like.” He smiled, wholeheartedly and then resumed his stance. “But is not like I will just give up like that either, we started this and we will end it.” Weiss didn’t said a thing, he simply reinforced his stance. “But let me borrow some of you into my style!” he shouted while charging at Weiss, throwing an austoningly amount of punches in a barrage akin to a gattling gun. ‘Oi, oi, that looks more like a tantrum than a martial art,’ Weiss thought as AJ charged at him, ‘I guess I took him too seriously. But then again, he made me remember not to underestimate my foes.’ AJ was right before him. “At least I didn’t have to lose someone for me to remember,” he said and then meet his opponent head on. Their clash causing yet another dust cloud to raise, one that was swiftly swept by the air pressure generated by their current entanglement, as every punch thrown at Weiss’ direction was swiftly guided away of him. Causing the ground the shake and even crack by the pure pressure they were generating. Yet, the amount of punches been thrown by AJ surpassed Weiss’ deflections substantially, so all the Bisharp could do was avoid all the hits aimed directly at him, while ignoring anything going to scrape him. However, that kept a toll on him all the same. He wouldn’t go down in a single punch, but he already had low strength left, as he did receive a good hit from AJ’s part and the energy needed to generate the Substitute before that. The strain was evident on Weiss’ face, something AJ didn’t lose sight of. “And for the finish!” he proclaimed as he aimed another barrage directly at his body, both fists carrying a Dynamic Punch on its own. The Weiss smiled. “All that strength,” he said while grabbing his wrists, “yet no discipline at all.” Weiss then propped both arms open, leaving AJ completely exposed. The Machoke was quickly bringing them back down but was surprised by Weiss taking a jump towards him, followed by something he never expected: a clap. The clap stunned him in a way he never felt before, his body felt paralyzed, giving Weiss about ten free seconds to simply place himself before AJ’s large body. ‘Well, it’s not like I will drop moves entirely,’ he thought while charging his arms with Steel and Psychic energy, placing both fists on his foe’s chest, one over the other, and said. “Finishing move!” AJ struggled to have his body moving again, but it was all too late. “Metallic Psy-burst!” Then all the damage Weiss received during the fight was delivered in a pin-pointed Metal Burst and then covered in Psychic energy and then released on AJ’s as a simple yet stroundus bang. A final cloud of dust been erected the instant the fusion move was unleashed, it been far larger than those who proceed it. It took a whole minute for it to clear, revealing both Pokemon still facing each other, although Weiss was no longer standing. He was clearly out of breath and was hardly keeping his consciousness. “That… was… my ab…. absolute everything…” he admitted while taking tired breaths between words, “I can’t do … anything else…” AJ on his end was still standing, and there was no signs of his breathing been like Weiss’ at all. “THE FIGHT IS OVER!” Proclaimed AJ’s companion at the sight, “Weiss can’t continue!” Weiss on his end sighed, the fight was over. “The winner is A…!?” Then, before SS couldn’t announce the winner, AJ fell down like a log, his eyes having become a couple of swirls and his mind having left the conscious world. Weiss chuckled and turned to SS as asking ‘you were saying?’ “Guess we have to start all over again.” SS said, yet he still fulfilled his part as a neutral referee. “... THE WINNER IS WEISS!” City of Canterlot Flagship Holzschiff The once peaceful ship was again full with its crew, yet the movement that was organized and calm, was now chaotic and hasted. The crew pulled ropes, charged engines and took out navigation charts as if there was no tomorrow. And given the recent news the Empress had received, it could be just that for the Griffin Empire. “A whole army… how could we overlook such a large amount of Pokemon?” Victoria inquired to herself in disbelief while painfully waiting for preparations to be over, a crushed letter under her claws. The message was short but nevertheless devastating on its own. ‘Pokemon army marching toward the city, make haste on return.’ Alberic. Victoria took not a single second to wait. She flew over the Holzschiff and called all the few crewmembers on it to set sail as soon as possible. Grizelda was sent to look for Shredder and Roll, as they would be more than needed, it also hindered the clawmaiden to be wearing a new and slightly pompous dress. But she still took her job as serious as it should, albeit looking slightly ridiculous. “Were they waiting for me to leave to act?” she wonder in her cabin, “so does that mean they have no interest on negotiating?” For each question made, Victoria’s unease grew larger and larger. As a ruler, she was meant to live for her subjects no matter what, but right now when they needed her the most, she was nowhere near her beloved Empire. She knew it was pointless to beat herself over it, but still was unable to feel guilty of taking just a single minute of time away of her duties. “Your highness!” barged in Grizelda with three Pokemon in tow. “Got them!” “We received an overall notice of the situation your highness, there is no way we would sit idly by when the Empire is under such distress.” Said Shredder while saluting the Empress. “Good,” said Victoria with a calm tone, even when her eyes clearly betrayed her emotions. “Then I don’t have to explain to you the situation. Now we can go as soon as preparations are over.” Roll remained close to her mate yet said nothing since she knew there was little to joke about a situation such as this, also because she wouldn't be understood. “But still, it would take us at least three days to reach Griffinheim, two at best.” Pointed out Grizelda, bringing Victoria to sigh with exasperation. “There is nothing we can do in that regard, is not like we can bring our land closer merely by willing it so.” “Perhaps I may be able to help with that,” suggested the third Pokemon, which Victoria now noticed. She was so focused on her kind that she completely missed the large quadruped standing behind her advisor. “An honor to meet you your highness, my name is Cobalion, leader of the Swords of Justice and friend to your servant,” the Iron Will Pokemon said with his elegant tone yet showing a serious gaze. “The honor is mine, Lord Cobalion. My apologizes for ignoring you until now,” admitted Victoria, “but I am sure you can understand my mind is worried about my kind.” Cobalion nodded and the Empress continued, “so what help can you provide us with in this time of need?” “I had made Lady Shredder an offer about becoming my pupil, since she showed great proficiency with the blade, to the point of been able to use our Sword, albeit incomplete.” It was Victoria seemed surprised for a moment and then was her turn to nod and for Cobalion to continue. “Yet I am aware of her duty with your realm, and as a fellow knight myself, I couldn’t dare to intervene between her duty. But as well, I am resolute in giving her Sword a proper shape, so I asked Lord Arceus for something to help us both, and in the current turn of events, help us three.” “And that is…?” inquired Grizelda while removing her gown. “A portal for direct access between Griffienheim and the Hall of Legends.” Cobalion said. “... is that even possible?” inquired Victoria with a hit of both hope and disbelief. She knew of the hallway from Canterlot to the Hall of Legends. But that was in the same continent, what Cobalion was suggesting was at least five times that distance. “For Lord Arceus, it is. But I was saving it as a surprise for Lady Shredder,” he said motioning to the Bisharp who was indeed surprised. “I know you still have to decide, but this would have made the decision easier for you, as it meant you didn't have to leave the Empire, nor do I have to leave the side of my fellow Legendaries if the need of us ever arrives.” “It is true that I felt conflicted with your offer,” admitted Shredder, “but if there is such a path, and it help us save the Empire, then I would gladly go under your tutelage on my own accord.” She proclaimed while slamming a fist over her chest, right above her heart. “Then it is settled, I presume haste would be the best course of action then,” suggested Cobalion to which Victoria nodded. “Indeed, lets.” And so they left the cabin, yet Victoria added, “And I would like to thank your kindness Lord Cobalion, it’s not your country and yet you are doing and incredible service to Griffenhiem.” “It is not my country, but I once ignored a Kingdom once, and I never forget about it,” Cobalion admitted, “so let me learn of my mistakes for a change.” Victoria smiled and then walked closer to the Legendary. “Still, I would like to reward that resolution,” she said with a less worried voice, albeit she didn’t slow down. “Once this is over, I would like to award you as a friend of the Empire, if you would like to of course.” Cobalion’s eyes didn’t show any sort of emotion, as always, yet one of his eyebrows was raised, apparently in surprise. “I would humbly accept your offer,” he said without much of a thought, “I have seen the resolve of your kind,” he continued while looking at Shredder, “so I have no doubts about the potential of your Empire as another beacon of hope for Pokemon in this world.” With nothing else to add, the group continued their way towards the royal castle, hopping there were still an Empire for them to arrive. Everfree Forest Outskirts Weiss looked at AJ as Valerie healed him, he had to admit the other former human was incredible in his own right. Going so far to improve the world around him, although he was dead sure about how much of a knucklehead he was as well. ‘Who the heck goes spreading peace by beating people?’ he wondered. Then, AJ sat, his healing done. He looked at Weiss and smiled while offering a hand. “That was quite the battle, thanks for the fun.” Weiss chuckled and did took his hand this time around. “Meh, I guess having fights for fun is good for a change.” “That last move, you fused a Metal Burst with a Psycho Cuter, right?” he deducted, “it’s quite impressive to see a ‘human’ using a move they can’t learn normally.” “I thought I could be able to, since Arceus give me this body… although it’s not yet a Psycho Cuter,” he said while letting out a blade, a pinkish hue emanating from it. “I can’t throw it like normal and the effects of it when I hit someone are a bit different.” “Then why you didn’t use it during the fight?” inquired SS. “It’s not what someone would call fair,” Weiss said as an explanation as he hide the blade back into his forearm. AJ chuckled, he had understood that Weiss was not normal ‘human’ as he was, but it was nice to see he at least had a bit of respect for battling itself. “So, the reason for your anger,” AJ changed the topic, “were those comrades you lost?” AJ inquired. Weiss looked a bit surprised, then he remembered having said something like that in the heat of battle. “Yeah… I won’t go into details, but I was someone you wouldn't run across in the legal world you lived in. Defeat for you means a simple lesson and to start all over, for us it meant a single thing: the end.” “Were…” AJ ventured again, this time with a bit of reluctance, as he didn’t wanted to bring back bad memories, but still wanted to know. “Were there too many ends?” This time, Checkmate as a whole went a bit somber, yet not in the aggressive way AJ was expecting, but rather reminiscent of good times of old. “One is already too much,” was all Weiss said while remembering the faces of his old comrades a third time. “But still, that come with the life we all chose.” “I guess that is a way to see it through huh?” AJ said and then prompted back up. “Either way, it also is what make you who you are today, so I should thank these comrades of yours as well.” Everyone looked surprised and then chuckled. “To think someone would ever thank those of our kind,” said Char, “truly you are one special guy.” “I think the term is naive,” added Xavier. “You can say what you want, but it’s the way of a man to keep going on the path he has chosen no matter what. And mine happen to include honor to my adversaries, as they are who made me stronger with every fight.” “Let me correct myself,” continued Xavier, “he is painfully naive.” “You wouldn't have survived a day in our world kid,” said Weiss, “so that’s more to show how much of a goody-two-shoes you are.” AJ and SS laughed, not seeming to mind having grown in a world of light. “Well you honor me, but now if you excuse us, this goody-two-shoes has a challenge to re-start. Those 100 trainers ain’t gonna learn by themselves!” “Ah, about that,” mentioned Weiss, “I guess it’s obvious by now but I would like to make it clear: I wasn’t a trainer, back in the old world I mean.” “So…?” inquired the duo. “So I guess you can call this an exception,” finished Weiss with a sheepish grin. “You didn’t lose to a trainer, therefore you didn’t break your own rule.” AJ and SS looked at Weiss, then at one another, then back at Weiss and then back at one another. Then both grinned like toddlers. “Yosha! We are still in our string!” AJ and SS shouted at the same time while high fiving. As they celebrated, Weiss and co. prepared to continue their way. “That was surprisingly humble from you,” mentioned Daring while giving Weiss a nudge on the side, which surprisingly still hurt. “Yeah, yeah, I did get some of it beat into me after all,” he replied. “You sure did, you look like a different Pokemon already… actually it’s kind of creepy.” “Why you little!” “Hey Weiss!” AJ shouted, “don’t think is over like this, I will be sure to train hard and have a rematch! So be sure that we will fight the next time we meet!” And with that proclamation, he and his friend turned around and walked away while gleefully talking about the fight. Weiss on his end didn’t seem to mind, in fact he was smiling. “Whatever you want kid,” he said mostly to himself, “it’s not like the result will change that much.” Then Simon cut in. “You do realize that he can still turn into a bigger wall of muscle with another pair of arms right?” he inquired. Weiss stopped right then, a cold sweat going down his face. “... now order, we will start every day with a training regime!” he exclaimed, “it would be bad to be taken down because of some lack of concentration!” “That means we will be doing one hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats and a ten miles marathon?” inquired Chopper who, for some reason, seemed trilled with the idea. “... you fucking people…” Somewhere Tlaloque continued to look at the fate-lines with its untiring diligence, Ray on the other hoof was just loitering around. Despite numerous offers from the imortal to let the Pony go until the time was right, Ray had decided to stay. There was no way he would miss a chance to get even with those creatures who humiliated him in such an easy fashion. Suddenly, the room’s light changed, from the warm yet soft hue of pink emanating from the dozens of Fairy Diamonds to that of a erie lime green, coming from the Sphere of Guidance. “So it is finally done charging up?” inquired Ray as he looked at the artifact glow. “Yes, it is,” said Tlaloque while slowly turning around toward the pedestal where the Sphere lied. “Now, we can commence.”