> Keep living for Friendship > by alejin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a pacific City of Central America, a Guatemalan young man is going to make a trip to a land where many people would give anything to go, a land of magic and friendship, by making the right choices, he might find happiness, friendship and who knows? maybe even find love, his name is Alejandro, his closest friends call him ALEX, an active 22 years old young man, an average person who liked hanging out with his few friends, playing video games, watching movies and dreaming to have adventures, like the adventures in the video games, like Solid snake, Mega man, Prince of Persia, even though the closest thing he got was his training with the scouts as a child, it didn't was the same but by the time, it was more than enough. Since he was a small child, he fell in love with video games, by the pass of the years, after playing hundred of games, he became a huge fan of Princes of Persia Sands of time saga, but it was replaced later by the Assassins Creed saga, it started in 2007, when the first game came out, he didn't pay any attention to it, since he was waiting for the new Prince of Persia game for PS3 (What a disappointment, after an incredible Sands of time saga, you give me this? Ubisoft. . . shame on you, he thought), trying to overcome his depression, he finally decided to give Assassins' creed a chance, when he played it, he fell in love with it, (Ok. . . you are forgiven Ubisoft, he thought later) the game had everything he always wanted, the adventure, the story, hero! it had everything to inspire him, this game ignited that Adventure's Spark that not even prince of Persia games (the good ones) could, since that day, he made everything to be like his new hero, Altair. By making the right calls, he contacted people who taught him the art of Parkur, Alex was not exactly a muscular or athletic guy, but he did everything in his heart to learn, unlike his scout training, he had to admit it that watching something in T.V was one thing, but doing it in reality was definitely a pain in the ass and in other parts of his body, but he didn't stop there, moving fast and being agile was one thing, but he needed to know how to fight, he also started to practice different types of martial arts, the usage of weapons like the bow, throwing knives, sword, spear, etc, obviously it didn't help to keep him away from the hospital, his visits to the hospital reached levels to such degree that in many occasions, he was really near to be considered a suicidal guy. His friends tried to stop him, but he was determinate and nothing would stop him to reach his goal, many people wondered if he was doing all that for mere fun, it seemed there was another most powerful reason behind his motivation so they left him be. By the year 2010, he was satisfied with the results, he proceeded to purchase and make every tool or weapon he would need, he got a bow, throwing knives, blowgun, sword, spear and to finish, he crafted 2 well made hidden blades, (It's amazing what one can find in youtube these days, he thought), he really wanted to make ninja smoke bombs, but really, it was imposible to make ones that work like the ones you see in games. (damn reality! he thought) The only thing Alex never was interested in using were fire guns, he was not really going to become a real Assassin or a mercenary so why bother? and besides, just by buying and crafting all the other weapons was attracting enough unwanted attention already from his friends, neighbors and even the authorities. . . nope, definitely not fire guns he thought. Even thought he dominated the parkur by running across the town and city, Alex also wanted real wild field experience, to have it, Alex travelled to the only place in Guatemala suited for the job, not to mention, it was the place where his ancestor used to hunt their preys centuries ago, a real wide jungle, PETEN, he spent there for 5 months training, it was tough, but it worth every second, somehow, he felt like he made a connection with his past elders. Ok, now, I'm sure many are wondering how he managed to afford all that right?? or at least, Why his parents didn't stop him? or at least say something to make some sense to him? Well……. thats the sad part of this story. > Chapter 1, Tragedy, conviction and.... WHAT PONIES??? No way!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Alex P.O.V) In 2007, Me, a 16 years old teenager, my little cute 10 years old sister and my parents were eating in our favorite restaurant in the world, Pizza Hut, we loved this place since it had some story with every one of us, there was the place where my father proposed to my mother, (Not a guy I want to ask for Love advices, that's for sure) my sister found her first little boyfriend here (they broke off when we went back home that night, yep, it was a 1 hour love relationship, way to go little Sis). And me?… well let say the sexy manager will always give me a good discount for a little help I gave her one night (. . . . yeah, I’d like it would be like THAT but no, I just helped her to become the girlfriend of one of my best friends, well, at least I get free pizza sometimes) We used to go there at least once every month, but this time was different, we were celebrating, It was funny, I always thought the lottery was fake and a big fat lie, that no one could ever win those incredible money prices but who would say it? we won, it was just like a movie with an happy ending, we really hit the jackpot, (we were not poor, my mom and dad were really hard workers, they always gave me and my sister a good life and stuff, even I was already starting working in my own part-time job) anyway, while we were eating, we agreed that in the next morning, all of us, as a family would go together to Exchange the lottery ticket and start planing the best family vacations around the world. . . who would think, only one of us would do it. I don't really know. . . if fate really hates me or loves me, the one thing I surely know is. . . .fate really has it's own plans, when we finished our dinner, I received a call from my friend Steven, he asked me if I could crash in his house to have a gaming party, (4 people killing each other playing call of duty or Street fighter) I really was in the mood, but I didn't want to be rude to my family, my folks noticed that excited look in my face and immediately agreed to let me go with promise that I would arrive home next day at 9.00 AM to go to Exchange the lottery ticket with them as planed, I agreed and gave them a kiss and a hug, my sister came too and tackled me in a bear hug (damn, she is a strong cute brat), as I did with my parents, I gave her a crushing hug and told her how much I loved her and be carefully with her next one night boyfriend (she giggled and kicked my leg at the same time, yep a Little cute brat), I was leaving the restaurant when something odd happened, the three of them in unison screamed. . . GOOD BYE ALEJANDRO, it wasn’t supposed to be odd, it wasn’t the first time they did that, It felt. . .like a real Good bye, I felt a little sad and even considering to stay with them, but as I am, I shake the feeling off and kept walking to Steven's home. The night was good, we played until midnight, but it worth it, the next morning, I arrived at home exactly at 9:00 AM, but it was strange, dad's car was not there, hmm, well maybe some last minute shopping, anyway, I went inside the house, prepared some breakfast and waited for them, but at the 10:00 AM, I was starting to get a little worried, they couldn’t have gone to change the ticket without me right? I looked in the place where we hide it, and it was there, it was a relief but it also increased my worries, and in that very same moment the house’s phone rang, when I answered and listen to the other person behind the other line (a policeman from the hospital) my world shattered around me, my folks… my cute little sister…. There was a car accident, a drunken driver wasn’t paying attention or something like that and. . . CRASH, I didn’t really listen how it happened, I couldn’t care less, the thing I cared was. . . they were…… GONE, really? no, of course not! this was a nightmare, yeah a nightmare, I was wondering what my friends put in the soda and snacks last night that could give me this bad taste nightmare, I pinched my cheek once, didn't wake up, twice, still dreaming, hit my head to the table, (it hurt like a bitch) but no, this nightmare was a stubborn one. I was about to do it again when I received a late text message from my Iphone I just had charged recently, (the battery died just after I left the restaurant), the message was sent last night and. . . .it was from my father, I can only assumed this was sent after the accident for what it said: "Son, I don't have much time, the first thing I want to say is. . .we love you, please never forget about us and your Guatemalan heritage, I'm sorry this have to happen, and I'm glad you were not with us, it wasn't your time yet I think, your sister and mother went ahead first but I know they wanted you to know this too. we will be waiting in heaven for you and your sons and grandsons, keep living, keep working hard, a little diet would be nice too (dad even dying you keep your funny side) please. . .don’t get carried away with the money we won, use it for what you think is best, always remember, no drugs, smoke or beer and from all of us let me say it one last time." "We love you son, never change, keep living, we are proud of you!!!, your sister most of us" I was just staring the device, I didn’t know how serious the accident was, but to think that maybe. he texted this, bleeding on the Street, having just lost his wife and daughter there or in a hospital bed, suffering for his injuries, he did this for me, he knew it was his time and he knew I needed a proper farewell, to know they love me at the very end, to know their sorrow and worries about me, maybe that I would be too shattered to think straight, and the first thing I’d do after receiving the notice. . . would be grabbing a knife or a rope and well…. You know, or sink myself in beer or drugs to try to forget, (after all in case all people forgot, I was f...rich at that moment), no…. my dad saw it coming, he didn't want that fate for me, he knew I would not be that easily defeated, but he wanted to make sure of my safety, he…..beyond secured my safety, he SAVED MY LIFE. Well, I wont get in details about the funeral and the condolences from the other members of the family, I was 16 years after all, I was not a child that lost his folks, I was grown up young man, I had… to keep living and I did, (to be honest I cried every night for at least one month and a half, having nightmares about many things, but the worst ones were of. . .how I couldn't fulfill my promise on time for Ang. . . An. . . my sister), after two months, I was able to at least try to continue with my life. Well, this is how I lost my family but gained something wonderful too, I don’t know if dad knew what he achieved with his last message, I think he did, along with my promise to my sister, he inspired me to live at my fullest, I had the money after all, but I was not planing to waste it in stupid things (just to be clear, I do not consider buying video games, comics, mangas, cards, etc, stupid things), I wanted adventures or at least being as near as an adventurer could be, but for my disgrace, I lacked from the motivation, I needed a spark, I played many games and watch many shows and cartoons, I thought the Prince of Persia Sands of time saga would do the trick, but no, who would say the games of certain assassins would be the ones. Let's jump to now to 2012, I was 21, by then, I could say my training gave me good results, I wasn't a badass, but I also wasn't exactly a weakling any bully could push over, not to mention, I quit school, (shame on me, I know) thanks to some advices from “family” and friend, I invested the half of my fortune in small companies. . . and who would say, the results were magnificent, I could say by now that money was not and will never be a problem anymore. (of course I had a great portion saved in my cushion and closet, I'm not that stupid) I spent my days playing video games, at least once a year, traveling to diferent places as my family wanted to do together, the trips were fun and awesome, I wont lie, it was still hard, after all, that was the family plan from the beginning. Everything was good, considering at that time, next to assassins' creed, I had another love…..My Little Pony Friendship is Magic > Chapter 2, My True Motivation, goodbye Earth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHBACK October 2010, Alex was really impatient for the next to come Assasins Creed game, BROTHERHOOD, Alex liked the new assasin Edzio Auditore, granted, he wasn’t Altair, but he knew how to kick asses too, at that moment he was in his room searching for something well recomended by one of his friends, it was a show about colorfull little ponies who liked to spend their days learning the “Magic of Friendship”. . . . just that information was enough for Alex to try to avoid this show like some kind of letal decease, but one comment of his friends made him at least give this show a chance, stupid comment he thought. . .“HEY REMEMBER WHEN YOU SAID NOT TO JUDGE KINGDOM HEARTS JUST BECAUSE IT HAD DISNEY CHARACTERS, NOW YOU OWN ME ONE, DON’T JUDGE THIS SHOW BEFORE WATCHING IT”. Damn! that hurt like a bitch, but he was right, now he was there searching in the web for the first two episodes of the show, he found it and started watching it with his sick bag in hands just in case. But. . . he didn't throw out, he could not believe it, the show no matter how childish it was, it was…….really good, even the draws wasn’t bad, the animation, the story, the music, everything, he had memories of the last generations of this particular show, (those ones did really make him trown out), he…..like it, no maybe he…… LOVE IT, maybe as much as he loved Assasins creed and his PS3 (well, not really, but he liked it a lot). Since that day he waited for the next new episodes, he loved every one, he didnt have exactly a favorite pony, all characters had their own good and bad atributes. But maybe what sealed the deal, was the fact they had what he always dreamed, ADVENTURES, what would he give to have adventures like they did, going in the search for some ancients artifacts, facing a dragon, not every episode was about an epic adventure, but somehow they managed to make every day to look like an adventure, he like many BRONIES at least once (no matter how much he and they try to negate it) wished to be there, to talk with Twilight and Rarity, help Applejack with her apples, to fight or spare with Rainbow dash, play and partying with Pinkie pie, and why not… give a crushing hug to Fluttershy and never let go. Of course as with assasins creed's smoke bombs and leap of faiths, he knew how to separate fiction from reality, and of course the day he would photoshop one of his photos with a pony or some ponies claiming to be his special somepony or his herd, he would definitely search for profesional help and seclude himself in the nut house. THIS IS HOW ALEX WAS GOING TO LOOK IN EQUESTRIA, MY FIRST DRAW OF HIM, I DECIDED TO CHANGE IT A LITTLE, BUT I WANTED TO KEEP THIS ONE HERE, AND I KNOW, I SUCK COLORING. As any gamer and normal teenager, Alex was not diferent from the rest, some of his activities since he found Prince of Persia, sands of time saga, consisted in going to Comicons and local game conventions, of course when he cosplayed, at firstn he invested good money in the Prince's outfit copy, but since 2007 he cosplayed as ALTAIR, with a crossbow, knifes, everything, and Alex really liked it, then he cosplayed as Edzio and finally Connor, until 2013 He was never gonna forget that day, february 2013, it was a local normal Comicon, same rutine, he took his backpack and suit case full of stuff, in his backpack it was of course his profesional bow and arrows, his bowgun, his laptop and psvita with their unoficial solar chargers and his yugioh cards to play for a while, anyway, this year, his outfit was diferent, in the last convention, his costume was of CONNOR KENWAY, up today, connor was his favorite assasin, because unlike the previous ones, he was a hunter by nature, everything he wanted to be, his costume this year, was not about an assasin one could ever see in a game, because it didnt existed. This year Alex finally made his own Assasin outfit. Alex didnt have anything againts gowns, they look good and treathing with the assasins, but this was the 21 century, and gowns really weren't practical, his outfit was almost plain and simple, not exactly a ninja, but it did the trick, it was really clear that he was not a fan of color White since this outfit was grey, red and black, his ninja belt with 3 mid sized bags, two for the right and left side fo his waist and one for the side of his butt, in one, he carried his throwing knifes, in the other his his darts for the bow gun and in the last one was saved for food, in the game he never saw it, but it was obvious the assasins has to have a bag to store food to not starve) and to finish the touch, one sheath for his sword and one for his tomahawk (yep he added the tomahawk to his arsenal, he thanked Connor for that amazing idea) his T shirt was plain and black with a hood added, but under it, he of course, had his bullet proof vest. For his arms he had his elbow protectors and his hidden blades and brown motocyclist gloves, when he made his hidden blades, he managed to make them as plain and simple as posible, he manage to cover them so no mecanism could be seen, for any person I was just a boy’s toy without anything inside. Except for the blade point imposible to hide no matter what. His black jeans were convined with a his knees protectors and to finish he was using black soldier's boots, Of course, his black t shirt had the distinctive assasin logo, the Hood that unlike all the other outfit was white, (he did it for tribute to the game, after all all hoods had always been white). ALEX THE "ASSASIN" He entered to the the event with a proud expression in his face, he thought maybe nobody would like his costume, surprisely, every one in the convention loved it, the originality played great role in it. Alex really sigh in relief for the good result. The event continued perfectly, Alex showed his agility and some of his parkur moves in an improvised obstacle course his friends helped him to build, he also using targets for a throwing knives and arrows demostration, and some sparring with swords with a friend, it was all a show, but for him, the applauses of the crowd worth it, now that Alex thought about it, he never really knew why he learned to use the Spear, he meant, the assasins never used them in any game, realization then just hit him, the royal guards of MLP use spears, cool! it's all he could think, After the show, Alex just expended his remaining time playing psvita with some randow guys, exchanging cards, etc. By the time the convention ended it was like 6:00 PM, so he started the long walk home, while he was walking with his backpack and suitcase, he passed next to the local park, Alex remembered how he spent time there with his sister, playing tag, hide and seek, etc, while it was a beautiful memory it also ache his heart. Not having anything better to do at home, he entered the park and searched for a especific special place, the park wasn't that big, but since the accident, Alex didnt return there again, after 15 mins he finally found it, the big and oldest oak tree in the park, a little deep in the woods, it was a special place since he and his family many years ago gazed a meteor shower under that tree, it was beautiful, he got closer to the tree and stare it for a while, finally putting all his stuff next to it, he sat there and started gazing the stars, many memories came to him, memories of his family, his little sister playing with him, he was fighting to not let his tears come out, but then he remembered something his mother told him once, “if u dont cry when you want to, you will never be able to smile”, there in that very moment one tear came out, but a few second later, a rain of tears followed it, Alex just stayed there, crying like a baby, it was funny in some kind of way, he didn’t think of his family in years, the memory was too painfull, he regreted not being there at their last moments, sometimes, he really wished to had been there that night, to die with them, thought that banished as soon as he remembered his father last words, it hurt, it hurt so much not being able to say goodbye, not being able to hug them more, kiss them more, being with them more, but the worst of all, was. . .his broken promise to his sister, since that day, he wasn’t able to even finish saying her name, it always ended in Ang. . . Ang. . . , for a long time he wondered why, until this day, he remembered his promise to her, he remembered he didn’t do everything for only himself or his dad's last word. . . but. . . for her, how she always wanted to have a brother like the prince of Persia, (kid’s dreams he guess), and then he remembered, he . . . .promised her that someday he would be one, appareance and all, that he would be the most coolest brother she ever had and she will be the proudest sister in the whole world, he remembered her face. . .a huge smile in it, and then. . . she died, she died before he could fullfill his promise, granted it was a silly promise, but it was their life promise, a promise at least he wanted to fullfill to the end, now. . . 6 years later, here he was, a crazy man pretending to be an “Assasin”, did it worth it?, it was a question he really didn’t know how to answer. After some thinking, he finally thought with his heart, he looked at the beautifull night and said “Ang. . .Ang. . . Sister, I really hope someday you will be able to forgive me for failing you, I really wanted to make you proud, I hope you are watching me from Heaven, I'm really sorry for being late, but now, look at me please, I hope you like what I became, I hope this would be enough, now, let me make another promise, I. . . promise no matter where I’d be, I wont let all the hard work be for nothing, I will use it as you'd want me to, I will protect anyone who need it, , I will fail to no one again, and finally say dad, I’m planing to keep living, so don’t worry, I. . . Pinkie promise. . . that, cross my heart and hope to fly. . .. stick a cupcake in my eye. . . damn, I think I went nuts, hehehe” After that and not in the mood to stand up, Alex fell asleep under that beautiful tree, who would say in the very same moment he did that, a meteor shower started, that was odd, it wasn’t predicted by any way, and then a bright light began to cover the oak tree with Alex undert it, many people stared the show with wonder in their eyes, for many people it represented many things, miracles, wishes, good luck, but for one particular person who was no longer under in an oak tree in this world, it was the begining of a new life an maybe the greatest adventure an earthling has ever made. ----------------------------------------- It was the 8:00 PM in Ponyville, a little pony named Twilight Sparkle and her friends along with all the ponies in the park, were enjoying the show, the first meteor shower of the year, many were wishing many things, good luck, love, but a very special baby dragon was wishing something really special, A FRIEND, not any friend but somepony who could understand him, someopony who he would want to be, to look up to, don't get him wrong, he loved Twilight and everypony, but he knew he needed more guy friends, granted Big Mac was his friend but it was not enough, he wished with all his heart even knowing it was just a fantasy and nothing more, who would say that this meteor shower would bring somepony or better said someone really special, who now was resting under a very same looking oak tree in the Everfree forest. > Chapter 3 Nice prank. . . . . where am I?? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful morning in Equestria, the birds were singing, tha bunnies were runing and huming, squirrels were gathering food, everything looked so normal, well, not counting the fact that a never seen before creature was sleeping very happy under the giant oak tree in the EverFree Forest, this special place, luckily for Alex, was somehow one of the safest places there, many creatures gathered around the extrange creature and were just watching him with wonder eyes, they just stared for many minutes when they noticed he was starting to wake up, he let it out a big yawn and started to scratch the top of his “mane”. at least the animals thought it was a mane “Oh boy I cant believe I really fell sleep in the park, really? if I got mugged I will really gonna lose my head here, just to think how many hours I will have to spend downloading all my movies and games in a new Vita and Laptop will be a pain in the ass, not to mention having to wait weeks again for that crazy electrician to make me new solar chargers” When he finally opened his eyes to look for his stuff, he found them next to him, untouched, like he left them last night “well, I'll be damn, maybe this part of the park is not very known by people, lucky me I guess” Just to be sure, he started to register every inch of his backpack and suit case, everything was there, his devices, assasin outfit, his gadgets, some spare clothes and snickers he saved just in case he would crash in a friend's house after the convention. “ok, it looks like everything is here, ok, lets go home and have some breakfast” He graved his backpack and suit case, keeping talking to himself, he turned around to start walking “And then I can call Steven to see if he wants his ass to be kicked again in Call of……” At that moment Alex finally noticed he wasn't alone, he just stayed there, not believing what he was watching, there in front of him, little creatures like bunnies, squirels, many kind of birds, even a monkie, but something was odd, out of place… he could almost swear they look almost like cartoonish and boy…. freeking adorable, (he already thought little animals were adorable but the ones he knew and was used to see, looked like abominations compared to this ones) One squirell even got near and offered him a peanut and he can swear it smiled to him, so did the other creatures, Alex could not believe it, this were creatures he already saw before, but they acted like they have some kind of mild inteligence, he was shocked, it actually could take a life to make an squirrel or any other animal do what he was just watching now. But what really took his attention is the fact that the creatures and enviroment looked…. Familiar, like a dejavu, he grabed the peanut, smiled and nod to the squirrel that nod in return and returned to its friend, all the animals quickly lost the interest and started again doing what they were doing (wow!!! Its all what Alex could think at the moment), now he just started to look at his surroundings, he finally noticed he was no longer in the park, this looks like somekind of forest. “Did someone or someones (he thought his friends maybe) found me sleeping in the park and brought me here as some kind of prank?” he laughted a little, of course It had to be a prank, all his stuff were intact and with him, but he was in a different place, a robber would only take the stuff and who knows, maybe hurt him in some way, he would never take the chance to try to move him if he wanted to steal his stuff . . . yep! definetily a prank. (a little heavy, but a good prank in the end) “Hahaha very funny whoever you are, cmon, you can come out, I'm not angry, in fact, I have to congratulate you for this prank, it had to be really hard to bring me here, I know you are not a mugger, you could just steal all my stuff and go, cmon don't be shy, Steven if it's you, I swear if you dont come out, I will go for you, and you know I will find you” The answer never came, “Well maybe they just left me here and leave” It had sense after all, if you were gonna do this kind of prank, you will not wait for the person to wake up and try to beat you to a pulp, he sigh and did what any scout would do to find his way out of this forest, he climbed the tallest tree he could find, when he reached to top, he could not believe it, he was in the middle of and incredible huge forest, it had at least around 6km of diameter side by side, but what really took his attention, was that not much far away maybe 2 or 3 kms, at least, he could identify a figure that looked like an abandoned castle. "Where the hell did that or those prankster brought me to? Steven if I found out it was you, you have a lot to explain man" Alex kept looking for his surrondings but he still was wondering, Am I crazy?, everything really look like a cartoon, it almost feel natural but he couldn't shake off the feeling, he saw his hands, his clothes, his body…. Cartoonish? No way, he needed a mirror to know he was just imagining things, for his bad luck he wasn’t a narcisit so he didn’t have a mirror to always see his reflection, so before going to this castle to find some people, (its a castle, there have to be some tourists taking pictures or something) he thought and went first to the other point that took his attention, a wild river maybe 1 or 2 kms away, he needed some wáter anyway, so he came down from the tree, graved his stuff and started walking. The scenary wasn’t all bad, it was beautiful and relaxing, but he could swear something or somethings were watching him, he thought it could be the pranksters, but it was… diferent, one almost could feel the thirst of blood in the air. When he finally reached the river, before any sip of wáter he had to do something first, for one reason he needed it, he had to see his reflection, he saw the wáter of this wild river and could not give credit of what he was watching, it was… HIMSELF but different, he could swear his eyes were at lest 4 or 5 times bigger, all his features looked like a cartoon, even his hair look all pointed like an anime character, even looking like a cartoon with big eyes, he knew what was in the reflection. . . was him, Was he kidnaped by some weird scientist that was experimenting a new hallucinogenic drug on him, did he eat something really spoiled yesterday, had he simply gone nuts, the worst part was that the fact that the cartoon looking was not shocking enough for him, but the fact he almost looked like something he knew he saw before, but he could not remember what it was, maybe anime, no it wasn’t, an animated movie, no it wasnt, think Alex think he thought. Who would say his answer would come in the most unexpected way posible, in the distance he could hear a scream, he was about to run to its source but he noticed the sound was coming in his direction, Alex tried to identify the sound, it was definitely a little girl, not older than 9 or 10 years old, he took his binoculars from his backpack and started looking for the source, what he saw almost made him faint and started to think of the posibility of indeed he had gone nuts, what he saw, was a FILLY, but not just any fillie, it was someon….. somepony he knew very well, there she was, screaming and trying with all her strengh to keep floating, dragged by the wild river, she was, she was SWEETIE BELL!!!!! What the Fu….. for some reason he didnt find the strengh in his heart to finish that word. > Chapter 4 I'm in Equestria?. . . . My first pony friend. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever thought at least once in your life that you become crazy, not only crazy but totally lost your mind, but no matter what, you try to convince yourself you are not, well. . . think now that was Alex thoughts, but multiplied by 1,000, he just stood there, his jawn wide open as almost touching the ground to such degree not any strange in this world, but in his world it would mean it could be broken and detached from his face. “Swee…Sweetie bell?, it can’t be, it's not posible he thought, he could devate with himself if he really had gone nuts for hours, trying to find a good explanation, but there was no logic in this, Any way, no matter how much crazy logic he tried to find for this situation, one fact remained, she or that thing was scared, was drowning and needed help, moving by his instincts he ran as fast as he could, jump to the river and started to try to reach her, he had to admit it, this river was strong and if he wasn’t carefull, it could drag him too, but if it was really Sweetie bell, he would do anything to save her, no matter the cost. The river was strong, but failing was not an option, with struggle, he finally reached Sweetie who was too scared and busy trying to stay alive to notice the tall creature aproaching to her, Alex grabed her an inmediatly tried to drag her to the safe side of the river, even with he eyes closed by fear and desperation, when she felt an strange "hoof" around her stomach, she inmediatly thought one good pony was saving her and started to relax, but when she opened her eyes, she let out a scream that Alex could swear even someone in his world probably heard, “HEY!!! LET ME GO APE” its the first thing she said (not really the first impresión you want to give to such a cutie in the first place) now Sweetie Bell was screaming, punching and kicking this strange "Ape", Alex really didnt mind it, he had to thank the logic of children strenght this time, her punches and kicks were not more like tickling to him but after the first 20 seconds it started to get anoying (God she is weak, how the…. F she manage to stay afloat with that little strenght). Anyway, he managed to take her out of the river, he let down the little pony (who hadn't given up fighting yet) on the ground, she just retreated at least one meter away and stared at the creature with tired and focused eyes, she remained in that position for a few seconds before her body betrayed her, she was tired not only for all the struggle she had to put in the river in order to stay alive but also for the “fight” she just had with the “Ape”. You…. You will not eat me, my friends my sister and her friends too will be here any minute, you… can’t fool me, you rescued me to having me for dinner didn’t you, besides Zecora. . . . there cannot be any good and kind creatures living in this forest, just you wai……, POF, she fell in to the ground unconsious. ALEX POV I just stayed there, looking her with really serious eyes. Thinking how I got here, how it was posible to be in… Equestria, in the EverFree forest, (I believe is the everfree for what she said), how will I return home, can I return home, how…… OH SCREW THAT I WILL NOT LET THIS CHANCE GO WASTED, I inmediatily scooped the sleeping filly in my arms and give her a soft hug, it was Sweetie bell after all, (I just fullfiled the dreams of many bronies and pegasisters around my world, sorry), any way I had to let my brony side aside for again, I sensed that thirst of blood and heard noices coming from the bushes, the thing or things watching me were still there, Following my insticts, I searched in my backpack for my hidden blades and throwing knives and finally as quickly as his body let me, I also put on my bullet proof vest, I thought about my bow but I had no time, that thing could jump in front of us at any minute and right now I needed to be more agile in case I had to make a run for it, (I was with sweetie after all and of course I would carry her to safety) “I really hope its my imagination, what could it be???, if I'm really in Equestria, it could be a timber Wolf or a pack of them, in that case, knives and blades will not help very much, damn, if I have a stick I could set it on fire, that would help, what about a Manticore, if they are as strong as I think they are, I dont know if I will stand a chance, but at least with my current equipment, it's my best shot, in any case if the situation demands it, I will just grab Sweetie and jump in to the river and trust my chances, I hope I wont need to do that.” At that moment just like if I just summoned my toughts to reality, finally I could hear a Roar and the creature (that I believe it thought it didn't have the surprise element anymore) jump out from the bushes, it was indeed a Manticore, his lion body with really big arms and paws, his giant bat wings and the most dangerous thing I would have to worry… his big scorpion’s tail. We just stared each other, I knew sooner or later he would try to charge at me, I really hope all those years of training made me as agile as I needed to right now, I didnt show my hidden blades yet, I wanted my own surprise element in case he managed to grabe me, with throwing knives in my hands, I just waited. “What do you want, I really don't want troubles and I really don't want to fight you” I said. The manticore, as I didn’t expected, showed me a really surprise look, I could say he never saw that coming, maybe he thought I was some kind of mindless monkey who couldn't talk, with a little hope, I tried to negociate with him. “Is there any chance you can search another source of food this time?” I asked His answer was simple, he regained his attack position again and charged at me full speed, (I really hate when diplomacy fails) I managed to Dodge it by moving aside (Thankyou training), he tried again but I did the same thing, after a few more attemps, it finally realized he would never take me down that way, so he stood up in it's 2 “legs” and started to aproach me with his sharp clawns and started to try to strike me, just one hit and I would be grated cheese for sure, I was just dodging but I needed to attack, I needed an opening so I kept dodging, dodging, dodg…. There it was!, just when he raised his right arm to swing again I threw the two knives to his ribs, I could swear it screamed like a little girl and backed off, the ribs started bleeding, I inmediatily graved to more knives from my ninja bag, made the more serious and determinated face I ever made in my whole life, and said “There are more from those two came from, if you really don't want to continue this useless fight, leave that filly and me alone, I refuse this to be her time to die, go away and keep living, stay here and fight me and…. DIE!!” of course I was bluffing, but after our first encounter, the way I managed to Dodge his atacks really increased my confidance. It seemed that he really was thinking about backing off, I assumed this creatures were not very used to attack prays willing to fight back and put a descent challenge, I was starting to relax a little when the most unconvenient think that could happen…. HAPPENED, in the middle of the fight, Sweetie bell woke up and I assumed was watching us fighting for at least for a little few minutes, she was terrified, It was too obvious what was in her mind at that moment, two creatures fighting over their next meal, HER, she screamed when she noticed me staring at her, when the manticore heard and saw her too, it smiled and started running to the most obviously easier pray, I had to act fast, how dumb I was, in my desperation to reach at Sweetie first, I lost all focus in the fight, of course the manticore saw this and took advantage, he swang his scorpion’s tail at me, I managed to Dodge it in time but it made me fall to the ground, the manticore just stayed there in front of me, I was there trying to regain and stand up again but he pushed my stomach with his feet to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere, I was done for, he had that wicked smile in his face, the smile of victory and was already tasting the suculent exotic meat he will soon have, he pointed his venom tail at me and….. striked my chest, it hurt, it really did, but that was odd I didnt felt any piercing cut in my chest, less any venom circulating in my body, that's when I saw his face to instantly change from a victorious creature to a really one in pain and surprise as he backed off some inches trying to figure what happened, the point of his scorpion’s tail was shatered, I could see some venon and blood Licking from it, then I realized, my bullet proof vest, it …. Protected me, even though the hit did leave it a little shatered, (and it hurt like a bitch. . .really), but I didn't have time to waste or have pain, I had to act right away and do what I had to, I really didn’ want to do this in front of sweetie bell (who was still watching everything with fear in her eyes, but I could swear I noticed a little relief in her face when she saw I was still alive, well I guess I'm the less hated….. yay?) but it was something I had to do to keep her alive, taking advantage of the manticore in pain and distracted, I drew my two hidden blades, I moved as fast as I could and striked his throat the deepest my two blades let me, he never saw it comming, he just stared at me, with disbelieving eyes, I retreated my blades and only saw (a little sad, it was a creature that only was hunting for food after all, I thought) how he bleed to die. I stayed there for a minute watching the dead creature in front of me, some of his blood manage to spit in my face but I washed it almost inmediatly at the river, then proceed to sit down on the ground thinking what I just did, Sweetie bell also just stayed there, her mouth opened, I didn't care if she would just take this chance to run from the “still alive predator” in front of her, she was safe and alive, that was all that mattered to me at that moment. But …. She didn't run, in fact she aproached to me, stopping some inches away, I thought she was gonna scream again, but she didn’t. The next thing she did made my heart melt in that very moment, she tackled me and hugged me, I could feel the tears wetting my T-shirt. “Thank you so much, you saved me, I never hear of anypony who would face a manticore instead of runing away, but you did, you could just leave me here to my fate but you didn’t. THANK YOU , THANK YOU , THANK YOU.” “It was nothing little cutie”, I said smiling. When she heard me, she became silent and surprised, as incredible it seems, I was very sure one could hear some crickets in the distance, but very soon the silence was reaplace for a loudy scream. “OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH, YOU REALLY CAN TALK!!!! I KNEW I HEARD YOU TALKING WHEN I WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR FIGHT!!! , THAT'S SO COOL, WELL I KNEW YOU HAD TO BE SMART AT SOME DEGREE SINCE YOU WEAR CLOTHES OR FIGHT LIKE THAT, NO DUMB ANIMAL COULD DO THAT OR BE DRESSED, THAT OF COURSE WOULD BE POSIBLE IF U ARE THE PET OF SOMEPO…..umgmgmgmg” I had to put my hand in her mouth to stop her, if she were talking normally I’d had let her continue, but she was screaming, and the last thing we needed in that moment was to atract the atention from more predators. “ok… I’ll remove my hand and let you continue but please don't scream ok?” she nodded, I removed my hand and she continued. “As I was saying, maybe you are the pet of somepony, you look like some kind of ape to me but you can talk, what kind of creature are you?, if I have to bet I'll say you are a minotaur but you muzzle is reallyyyy small and you have no horns, but if you have an owner that wouldn’t explain what were you doing here all alone, besides I can see you have luggage with you, are you traveling?” I decided to be honest with her “No little filly, I'm a human, I bet you never saw one before, (she noded) and yes I'm a travelling from a far away land, I stopped at the river and then saw you almost drowing… how you ended in the river in the first place??.” “oh. I almost forgot thankyou for saving me from drowing too, (she gave me another hug, not that I minded it), ok I was with my friend applebloom and scootaloo doing some crussading as olimpic swimmers trying to swim againts the flood in a wild river at the edge of the Everfree Forest, (……wow they are as crazy and fearless as in the show), and well, I went first and of course it was more than I could manage and ended being draged until you saved me, once again THANK YOU!!!!!” Ok, no problem, I'm glad you are ok, but let me tell you this, if you want to keep youself alive and safe, try to not take things too far, crusading is good, but always have a limit ok?, she nodded, ok, now let's get you home or at least search for your friends, I'm sure they are dead worried for you. She nodded again, I grabed my stuff and started the long walk to ponyville, she was leading the way of course. I didnt have any desire to show myself to the ponies in ponyville, at least not for now, I was just gonna take her to ponyville and then reach the abandoned castle (now I was sure it was the Sister's Old Castle, where the elements of harmony were stored, I cursed myself a little for the lack of knowledge I have about MLP, all because for being so stubborn, for I never passed from the first season of the show, I wanted to wait for at least 2 more seasons to to be completed and watch it all in one whole day, so I didn't know as much as I wished, stupid me I thought). besides I needed to return to the place I arrived to maybe find some kind of clue of how I ended here, being in a magic world, my fantasy logic told me that maybe some kind of portal opened and got me here, so my best chance was to start looking there, plus I needed a place to stay, I was almost sure Ponyville would never give shelter to an strange creature that came from the everfree forest and killed another living being. . . not to mention it was armed to the teeth (I was a lot worse case than Zecora) So the abandoned castle for now was my best bet. Sweetie really got used to me really fast (child inocense I believed), we talked about our names, friends and family (of course I already knew a little), likes and dislikes, the crusadings she with her friends made every single day, where we were from, she of course never heard of a place called Guatemala, I just told her it was very far away and it was natural she never heard about my country. It was getting dark when we reached the entrance of the forest, luckily we didnt found any other creature on the way, I assumed Sweetie bell lead me through the safest road, I had some other theories but I kept them for myself, anyway when we were out, I could not believed it, I was watching it, the very same place any brony would kill to see, Ponyville, it wasn’t so far away, but what really found my attention was the fact that not very far, a group of ponies were running to our direction, I believed it was a searching group, after all she was with me for hours. I had to act quick, “look sweetie bell, I bet they are looking for you, c’mon let see who got there first” “OKAYYYYY she said and she started running to their direction”, mem by my side, grabed my stuff and started running again to the Everfree and to the castle to settle down and make some thinking. END OF POV Sweetie bell!!!!! Rarity screamed as she was running to where her sister was, she could not believe it, she was fine and alive, she thanked Celestia for that, she gave her little sister a crushing hug. “Applebloom and Scotaloo told me what happened, what were you thinking?, but never mind, I'm glad you are ok. By the way you are grounded for at least 1 week little filly” Sweetie only gave an big “ahhhhhhhh cmon!” It didn’t take longer as the rest of the mane 6 as the other two crussaders arrived and be glad that Sweetie was ok, Applebloom and Scootaloo inmediatly rush and hugged Sweetie, apoligazing for what happened. “Sweetie bell thank Celestia you are alright, but what happened to you, we lost track of you hours ago, how you managed to survive in the Everfree forest with all those creatures and monster???” Scotaloo asked” “yeh sweetie how, because if yah managed to keep yar self safe on your own, ah wont be surprise if yah get a cutie mark for and adventurer or survival pony, like Daring doo!” Apple Bloom said “oh oh oh, you can thank my new friend Alex for that, he is just right here, Sweetie said with so much proud in her words while she presented her new human friend, all the ponies were confused, who was she talking about, “oh cmon, I know he is a little weird looking but he is not invicible, right Al………..” She turned around and saw nopony, he didn't even race with her, all she could manage to say was Alex????? > EMERGENCY DELAY > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM SORRY, I REALLY WAS PLANNING TO ADD 2 OR 3 MORE CHAPTERS THIS PAST WEEK, BUT MY COUSIN LIKE SISTER WHO LIVED ALMOST ALL MY LIFE WITH ME BRENDA.... DIED 2 DAYS AGO FOR HER LONG LAST CANCER, IM SORRY IM A LITTLE SAD BY THE TIME, BUT I PROMISE I WILL PUBLISH THE NEXT CHAPTERS SOON, JUST PLEASE WAIT A LITTLE MORE. REST IN PEACE MY COUSIN, BRENDA FAJARDO, (MI MORENITA) > Chapter 5, Flashback, Search and the Old Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was around 7:00 PM in ponyville, the stars and Luna’s beautifull moon were already filling the sky, everypony were closing their stores and preparing to go to their homes and prepare for a good night sleep and dreams (cortesy from Princess Luna), but there were one particular group of ponies that were not heading to their homes, who could they be? Oh yeah the elements of harmony and 3 little fillies who really had trouble learning the meaning of “keeping safe and out of trouble”, all of them were heading to a certain library located inside of an giant oak tree, the owner was no other than a certain magenta unicorn, the Element of magic and an egghead (according to certain colored mane not so feminine cyan pegasus), the walk was silent and long, all the Mane 6 were mad with the crussaders, it’s like they managed to get in trouble almost every day, if there were a cutie mark for that, they would quit being the cutie mark crussaders so long ago. “I keep telling you he is real, Alex is Real!!!!!” Sweetie said. “Sweetie bell! I already told you, we will talk about it as soon as we arrive at Twilight house and don’t scream it so high, you don’t want all ponyville to hear you, they will think you are as crazy as Lyra.” “Yeah, its not like we all don’t have enough with only one crazy pony claiming that….houmans? exist right, now you will start to say it too. (dash said) “Rainbow!! That’s really too cruel to say! Lyra is a litte obsesive with that issue, but she is not crazy” (applejack said) (pinkie continued) “yeah, yeah, and besides, just because you never saw one, it doesn’t mean he doesn exist, “I really hope he is real, so I can throw a WELCOME TO PONYVILLE THE VERY FIRST HUMAN EVER party!!!” Every pony just rolled their eyes and kept walking. EVERFREE FOREST ALEX POV “I have to keep running, i don’t know if they are gona believe Sweetie or not, but I can’t take any chances, the castle is not very far, I believe I can make it there in less than 30 minutes if I keep this phase, hmmmm, but it’s really odd, I really don’t feel anything watching me, well not that I complain, but…. I wonder why? END POV GOLDEN OAK LIBRARY All the main six and the crussaders were sitting on the floor of the living room, the atmosphere was so dense and one could almost touch the tensión, all eyes focused in Sweetie bell, Twilight was the one in breaking the ice, with a scroll and quill prepared she started. “Ok Sweetie bell, tell us about this…. Monster you call houmein” “He is a human, H.U.M.A.N. and he is not a monster, he saved me from the river and from a Manticore, he is my FRIEND so please don’t insult him!!!” “ok, ok, i’m sorry, back to the topic, how was he, what he looks like?” “hmmmm well….. it’s a little hard to explain, he is like an ape or a minotaur, but he has no fur covering his body except the top of his head, he called it “hair”, his legs are really large, instead of hooves, he has hands in the front hooves and something he calls feet in the back ones, just like spike but much larger and big. “soooo maybe he is a dragon? (twilight asked a little dissapointed but also getting more and more excited, she still didn’t completely believe Sweetie bell, but this human sounded really interesting no matter what) “Not really, he didn’t look like Spike at all, true, he didn’t have any fur but I'm sure he had skin, not scales like him. (now was Applejack who asked) “How in tarnation you met a creature like him in the first place sugarcube?” “Oh, Oh, just after he saved me form the river, I felt unconcious, then when I opened my eyes again, he was protecting me from a Manticore (all group gasped, Rarity almost faint), when I saw the fighting I screamed, there was when the manticore noticed me and started to run after me, then without even thinking twice he also started to run after me but he did it to stop him, then the manticore tried hit him with his tail but he Dodge it, but by doing it he lost balance and fell to the ground, then the manticore proceeded to pierce his chest with his scorpion’s tail to kill him with his poison (everypony gasped againg, twilight too while writting every Word), I thought he would die but then I saw the manticore in pain with his tail shatered, you see Alex had some kind of weird armor protecting his chest, while the manticore was distracted by the pain, Alex didn’t lose any time and drew from his both “hands” two really large big needles and strike the manticore’s throat with both of them, he then just stayed there, watching how the manticore died slowly.” “All the girls were in shock, Twi stop writting, Applejack and Rainbow had their jaws at the floor level, Rarity and Pinkie just stared, Fluttershy began to cry and said “So he….he…..he killed a manticore, a living creature without a hint of mercy, so cold blooded??” “Oh my Sweetie, thank Celestia you managed to escape from that beast, who know what he could do to you” “I…. Didn’t escape from him, after that I hugged him and thank him for saving me” “WHAT????” All said in unison. Then rainbow said “so let me get this straigh, you hugged and thanked a monster that killed another monster and probably only wanted to have you for dinner?.... are you NUTS?” “I already told you, he saved me, Twice, why do you keep thinking of him of some kind of monster??” Sweetie said obviously getting angrier. Fluttershy answered “Sweetie please, try to understand….. he killed another living creature, no nice creature would ever to that” “He didn't have any other choice, he tried to talk to him to just go his way, but he didn’t listen” “What???... he can talk? All said again in unison. “Yeah and not only that. as I said he tried to solve that all without fighting, he killed him in order to save me, its TRUE!!!” “Ok, I see….well, I still…..don’t like the idea of killing but…. He did save you…..so I think I can let it pass… this time” “Ok Sweetie (Twilight Said), then what happened?” “Well then he grabed his luggage and escorted me to the entrance of the forest, we talked and I found out his Nick name Alex, he didn’t tell me his real name, told me all his friends call him Alex, he also told me where he were from, I don’t remember very well the name of his country but I’ve never hear that name before, it was Gua…Guota, well whatever, I’ll ask him later if I find him again. Ok back to the topic, then when we finally went out the forest, we spotted you, he then challenged me to a race, and I started running to meet with you. Then when I noticed you didn't see him, I realized he probably went back to the forest. All the girls were silent and just stared all except Rainbow and Pinkie Pie. “Thats so awesome, so you are telling me there is a creature we have never seen and is strong and skilled enough to take down a manticore by himself??? “Hmmmm, yes?”, Rainbow only kept flying excited. “……well (rarity started) while I don’t aprove his….methods, I have to say, I should at least thank him for keeping you safe.” “Yeah, and now I have to throw him two parties, one of Welcome and another for saving you” Pinkie said bouncing around. “Well… ah have to admit, now ah am curious now too, I want to meet him too,” Applejack said. Flutters then said too “Well I’d like to meet him too…. I mean… he is a new creature….maybe a new animal….I’d like to hear him talk and maybe have a converstion with him about…. Maybe not to kill again…. If that fine with him of course. “ok then it’s settled, starting tomorrow we will go to search for him, but first I have to do a couple of things first” “And what would that be Darling?” “First send a letter to Princess Celestia” then go to give the news to Lyra” “And why would you do that Twilight?” “BECAUSE she is the one who always believed and talk to us about…. Humans and I believe she deserves to know that maybe there is one here in Equestria, we can’t hide that from her, it would be too cruel”. “I see Darling, ok I think you are right, I cant imagine her face when you go to tell her that, just also tell her not go and put herself in danger in the everfree forest, but I believe by hearing you, Its the first thing she will do” “I know Rarity, ok every pony, we’ll start the searching tomorrow morning” “yeah” said everypony including the crussaders. “you three will stay here, you are still grounded” rarity said “Awwwwwwww” it’s all they could say in their defense. ALEX POV I finally reached the old castle, it wasn’t that hard, in fact i have to ay, it was super easy, i guess the monster need to sleep too and if you are quiet enough and don’t start to screaming or start running like a little girl, you can cross the fores without waking them up, anyway, i did meet certain giant sea serpent, a cool guy, very polite, but…. well a little affeminate if i have to say, but anyway a really great creature, we became Pals very fast, he even let me pass the wild river in his back, anyway as i was saying, the castle was beyond in bad conditions, granted, many parts of if were wrecked, it was obvious a great fight happened here, but there were many descent but rusty rooms, i manage to find one, it even had a bed and a wardrobe, i really thank God for my good luck, and started to clean it up a little, then i proceeded to investigate the castle, i will say, the castle in deed was spooky and terryfying (just like many places a night), i never believed in ghost or stuff like that, but now i was in Equestria and well i gues many things can happen, i proceeded to check every not so wrecked room, i found a dinning room with table, chairs and all, a library with a descent collection of old books (and…. In english…. Ok thats really convenient i must say, i was never really a big fan of books but even me have some reading history, terror ones, from my favorite autor Stephen King, i even have at least 20 or 25 in my laptop, now that i remember i need to finish a couple of them), ok back to the topic i have to say, if it weren’t by the fact this castle is placed in the most dangerous place in Equestria, it could be the home for many homeless ponies or creatures. END POV Alex took his precautions of course, the room he choose to stay was one in the deepest part of the castle, in case somepony came by curiosity or looking for him, he would have enough time to hide his stuff and himself, or in case he had to escape, a very descent big window there will do the trick. After a few hours of playing and reading with his laptop and Vita, he finally decided to have a good night rest, he after all had many things to do the next day, he even made a check list. Find a Source of wáter to drink and wash himself (check) Find spots to get food like berries or other fruits and a place to go fishing, maybe the river or a lake. Check the oak tree to find clues of his arrival here Find the place where Rarity dig for gems and make some digging. With his mind set, he finally proceeded to sleep but just when he was to finally go to the realm of dreams a noise caught his attention, it was a scream in the distance, (how tha hell…) its all he could thought, the scream came from a certain Green mint colored unicorn with white mane and a lyre as a cutie mark. WHAT???? ARE YOU SERIOUS TWILIGHT, THERE IS A HUMAN HERE!!!!, I…. I HAVE TO FIND HIM, HE WILL BE MINE ALL MINEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Of course Alex could not understand anything the screamer pony was saying, but he could swear he did hear some thunders along with the screams, even though there were not any storm clouds in the sky. > Chapter 6, Encounter with a friend, meet Spike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, all the mane 6 gathered in Twilight library were preparing to start the search for the human, all of them with saddlebags equipped and filled with food and maps of the Everfree. “Ok girls (Twilight started), we really don’t know what we’ll find there but remember, it’s the Everfree Gorest, we don’t get separate and if we have to run away we’ll do it togheter. They all nod, and then everypony started heading to their destination leaving 3 little very angry filles in charge of Twilight number one assistant. “It's not fair, why can’t we have the chance to see the human???” scootalo said. “yeh!!!! Only Sweetie has seen him, ah want to see him too!!!, what you think of all of this Sweetie…. Sweetie bell???” Sweetie didn’t say anything, she was too busy worrying, she loved her sister and friends but she couldn’t helped to feel worried for her new friend, what if they attack him or hurt him or turn him in to the Princesses, and then put him in a cage or a dungeoun. “Girls we have to go” Sweetie said with mixed feeling with worry and determination. Spike answered right away “oh no you don’t, its the Everfree Forest, its so dangerous even for Twilight and the rest” “Oh c'mon Spike don’t tell me you don’t have any desire to see him too??, let's go and find him before them” Scots said “Let’s not” he said, your sisters will kill me if they know I let you go there and even worst if I go with you” Sweetie then proceed to make a deal “ok, how about this, let’s take the safe path to Zecora’s place, if we don’t spot him in some time, we return inmediately, what you say??” Spike wasn’t sure what to do, he indeed wanted to see the human, he sounded really intersting and besides he sounded similar to him. “. . . . . . . ok, but we only will take the Zecora’s house path ok??” “Ok, lets go crussaders, for our cutie marks, THE CUTIE MARK CRUSSADERS HUMAN FINDERS!!!!!” “. . . . . . . . I really doubt there could be a cutie mark for that” Spike thought. A CERTAIN GREEN UNICORN POV I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew they existed!!!! I'm so happy, I'm going to have my own personal human, I will take good care of him, and he will be my friend forever and ever, now I only have to find him, yes yes find him and bring him to his new home, oh oh I can’t wait, but first things first, now I need to buy him the stuff he’s gonna need when he is here, I have to hurry, yes hurry. Then I noticed all the ponies staring at me, judging me, thinking how crazy I am, ha, just wait, when I have my loving human here with me, let see who has the last laught. Then BonBon my friend told me “Lyra!!!! Please stop, it's a little embarassing, yes, I have to admit, maybe you were right after all, Twilight description of this . . . . . Alex match with many things you said about humans, by the way, where are we going now? “Where else BonBon? To the Petshop, I need to buy my future human a confortable hay bed, a bowl with a cute name and a chain with a collar, and some rope too, yes, I have to make sure he will never be able to escape” Bombom answered “Lyra you do realize that according to Twilight description. . . . . he doesn’t seems like a mindless creature or animal, I really doubt you will be able to make a pet of him and I don’t think he will like it either, he even took down a manticore, What do you plan to do againts something like that??” “OH BonBon, That’s what the rope and chain with collar are for, I already know he will be hard to deal at first but with tons of love and affection I will give him, in sometime he will LOVE ME!! (and in that moment again there were thunders even though it was daylight) (At that very moment, a human in the middle of his training in the castle felt his body reaaaaaally cold without a reason) (Bon Bon then was starting to get worried, but not for her friend but the human. . . . . she only thought “Dear Celestia please help this human in case Lyra manage to catch him”) __________________________________________________________________________________________ In a certain Palace in Cartenlot early in the morning, a very tall white alicorn with a colored mane floating by an unexisting breeze and also with a sun in his flank was reading all her letters sent by nobles and some servants and why not even some admirers, (she was really hot by pony standarts) she then noticed a new letter from her most faithfull student. “Oh my, what my student would want to tell me to sende me a letter in the middle of the night?, let see”, she removed the seal, unrolled the scroll ant started reading. Dear Princess Celestia As your most faithfull student, I believe it’s my duty to inform you that by some reliable information, (Rarity sister Sweetie bell) we have reasons to believe that there is a creature that we have never seen in Equestria, according to Sweetie bell, it’s species name themselves “humans”, I tried to find any information about them with no avail, but fear nothing, we the Elements will find him and I will personally study him and keep you informed, we know he is in some place hidding in the everfree forest, please don’t worry, we don’t have reasons to think he could be dangerous anymore since Sweetie bell also told us this human saved her twice from drowing and from a manticore, in any case, please trust us and expect my next letter with good news. Your most Faithfull Student Twilight Sparkle “Hmmmm, a human? It’s all she could think, a. . . . . human??, I know I’ve heard that word before or at least read something about that, hmmmm, oh.. . . . yeah, in the journals of StarSwirl the bearded” Celestia inmediatily oredered her servants to bring her all the journals of that legendary unicorn from the archives, she had a lot to read. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ It had been hours since the Elements of Harmony started their search for the human, but they couldn’t find any sign or trace, even rainbow flying couln’t spot any clue. “Mr Alex, please show yourself, we are not going to hurt you, we only want to talk and thank you for what you did for my sister” Rarity said “Yeah, please pretty please come out, there is a great party waiting for you!!!!, we have snacks, cupcakes, muffins and tons of fun, please ALI come out, please please please!!!”. Ali??? Who is that Pinkie Darling? “It’s his Nick name given for me, well it will be once we become Super Duper Best friends of course”. At that time, Rainbow returned to regroup with everypony. "Yah found anything at the old sister castle rainbow?, any trace of the human?” applejack said. “Well there were signs that somepony was there recently, but whatever it was the human or not, it’s not longer there, at least not now.” “Uhg, ok Rainbow, good job, but please, next time follow the group and stick togheter, remember where we are please”. “I know Twilight but I had to go full speed because maybe if he would been there, he wouldn’t had time to escape or hide.” Ok, ok, I know, well girls, it’s time to go back, we’ll continue tomorrow ok, “OK” all said in unison, and proceeded the long way back to their homes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT WAS I THINKING REALLY????, its all what Spike could say while running for his life from a Timberwolf, “I thought it was a good idea, to follow Zecora’s path, the safest Path in this forest, just one problem, they really didn’t know very well which was her path.” How did this happen. . . . let see When spike and the crussaders entered to the forest, thinking they were following the safest path, they kept walking until after an hour, it was obvious they were lost. “Ahhhh, Sweetie bell said, Applebloom you said you knew which path was the right one, what happended?” “Ah don’t know, ah thought ah knew it, sorry, but at leat.. . . well. . . . . we know he is not around here right?” “Really applebloom? Really?” Scootaloo said angry. Ok, ah get it, let’s just return, get a map and try tomorrow again ok?! “ok!!” said everypony and dragon and started their long return home, following their own hoof steps, but after some minutes of walking, they smelled something awfull and spoiled. “Uhg!!, What that’s smell, it smell like Spike when Rarity ask him to take out the trash!! Sweetie said “That was really not necesary Sweetie, but yeah you are right, but I think I know this smell, but. . . . from where? Let me think.” In that moment the answer pop in his head like a balloon. GIRLS!!! WE HAVE TO RUN NOW!!!! The crussaders gasped but trusting Spike started to run with him like there was not tomorrow, one second later, a timberwolf humped from his hideout, the four little ponies and dragon didn’t dare to look back, they just kept runing and runing but it was obvious the timberwolf was coming closer and closer, at that moment Spike knew what he had to do, then he said. “Girls you keep running, and try to bring help, I will try to delay him the longer I can”. “nooooo Spike, dont’ do it” Sweetie said crying. “There is no other way Sweetie, I at least have scales around my body, my chances are better compared to you, trust me, I won’t let my self get caught, now goooo” “But. . . . .” they started “Just go now!!!” “O. . . . Ok, just be carefull ok” Scootalo said. The girls kept runing and Spike then stopped and turned to the timberwolf. “ok, I hope this work” he said to himself, then with all his stregnth he proceeded to fire a little Green fire ball to his persuader, the ball was not very powerfull, but enought flashy to surprise the Wolf and make him put all his attention at the baby dragon, Spike then continued with his escape and trying to atract the Wolf as far as he could from the crussaders, after minutes that appeared like hours of running, Spike noticed that he was heading and getting closer to one of the most terrifying places in all Everfree, the Sisters old castle, he really didn’t want to go there, but in this situation he was out of options. He was almost there, almost “safe”, then as if fate really really hated him, he triped and rolled int the ground, when he stood up, he felt the breath of the Wolf in his head, Spike gulped and turned around, Spike was trapped, he really didn’t believe when somepony told him that when one is about to die, he/she in that very moment in a blink of the eye sees all his/her life passed in seconds, (because he was too young, the flashback was really short), the Wolf opened his mouth to give the fatal bite to the baby dragon. Spike closed his eyes for the soon coming pain,….. but it never came, he opened his eyes, what he could see was unbelieveble, . . . . . the timberwolf was there running in circles and almost covered on fire, but that’s not what caught all his attention, what got it was that. . . just a few metters from him, covered in mud and dust, with a backpack full with maybe rocks or maybe gems (yeah right) and with some kind of torch in his “hooves”, there he was (according to Sweetie story) the human, watching how the wolf was reduced to ashes, Spike only stared at him for a while until the moment his body collapse since he wasn’t full of adrenaline like some minutes ago. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ A FEW MINUTES EARLY ALEX POV Damn!!, I really didn’t think it would take all day, well, guess when you are digging with your hands, it could take a lot of time and its a bitch of a work, at least it was almost a good day, the Oak tree had nothing, it’s just a tree but I don’t know, it gives a sensation, like it’s full of something, magic maybe, any way, I stayed there for a while, even slept there like that night, but when I woke up, I was still here, damn, well I had to try right?, or maybe it only works at night, who knows, I’ll try it some other day, but for now lets focus in the good part of the day, I have berries, some fishes, and the most important thing, my backpack full of gems, damn, I wont say it was easy but compared to how much one has to search for gems at my planet, it was SUPER EASY, I think I have enough for my “proyect” for tonight. END POV At that moment Alex Heard something, it was clearly stomps, he knew it could be a Timberwolf, he already had an encounter with a couple of them early that day, but unlike last time with the Manticore, he was prepared that time, with a stick on fire, he manage to scare them away, he really didn’t know they were that scary to the fire but hey! If it Works why complain he thought. He was thinking about leave him be, it was the Everfree, it was the way of the nature like in any Woods or forest, but when he heard the screams of the prey, he knew the wolf wasn’t chasing a bunny or a squirrel, he. . . .as fast as he could ran to the sound, when he got there, he found the wolf aproaching to kill the dragon, a purple baby dragon, . . . . . Spike? “oh no”, Alex ran again and prayed God to have good aim, he threw the “torch”, almost as if the torch was leaded by the heavens, it hit the wolf and it started to get on fire (it appears they get on fire pretty easy he thought), while the wolf was runing in circles and rolling in the ground desperatily trying to extingish the fire to finally succumb and become ashes, Alex just grabed the torch on the ground in case there were more of them, when no more came after a while, he just heard a STOMP some meters away, then he saw him, the little dragon unconcious on the ground. “damn, are all the younglings around here daredevils????” was all he could say to himself ALMOST AN HOUR LATER Spike was starting to wake up, his legs hurt a little, it was normal considering he ran for his life almost an hour ago, he could feel he was in a soft bed, maybe Twilight and the rest found him and saved him, maybe all was a dream, when he finally opened his eyes, he inmediatily noticed that he was not at his home, he was in an old room, like the bedrooms in princess celestia’s palace but darker and dusty, he proceeded to look around the room, it was obvious for him now, he was in the princess old castle, but this realization became nothing after he looked at the final corner of the room. . . . . , there he was, sitting on a chair, The. . . . human, Alex isn’t, the humas was just there staring at him with a little bag in his "hands?” The human suddendly stood up and proceeded to walk to him, Spike was terrified, his eyes closed, what could he do, he thought about breathing fire to him but he was too scared to do it, what this human planned to do, did he just wait for him to wake up to chasing him down for fun, “Twilight where are you?” he whispered with his eyes tight closed waiting for the worst. Then he felt something falling on the bed, still fearing for his life he opened his eyes, he could not believe what there was in front of him, a bag full with GEMS!!!, emeralds, rubys, saphires, a full feast. “I….. heard dragons like to eat gems, eat them, you’ll need strenght to walk back home” Alex said “. . . . . . ok . . . . . thanks” it’s all what Spike managed to say, then he proceeded to eat. > Chapter 7 Lets go. . . .shopping? Alexis wikie?. . . . oh no, hell no!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was already night, everypony was already sleeping, in Golden oak library there were also two unicorns sleeping but unlike the rest of ponyville. . . . they didn’t fall sleep voluntary, they fell unconcious by the shock of hearing that Spike was int the Everfree forest being chased by a Timberwolf. While Pinkie and Fluttershy were trying to wake up Rarity and Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow were really busy scolding 3 little very ashamed fillies. “So let me see if ah understood well all this, you somehow convinced Spike to go to the Everfree forest with ya, and all of ya ended being chased by a timberwolf, and ya 3 manage to flee while he kept runing for his life??” Applejack said “hmmmm Yes?” they said “Sometimes ah really think you 3 were born without that really convenient thing ah like to call COMMON SENSE, Really”. At that vey moment Twilight with a gasp woke up and started to freak out around the library. “oh no, oh no, Spike!!! Don’t worry, I’m coming for you, just you wait, I’ll save you” she was almost leaving the library when she felt her tail grabed by the mouth of Applejack. “Applejack?? What are you doing?, Can’t you see Spike needs our help??, LET ME GO” “ah know Sugarcube, ah know he NEEDED our help, just think about it, according to the time, it happened about 2 hours ago, if the timberwolf was already chasing after our friend Spike, you think by now there is still a baby dragon to save?? I dont’t want to think that, but right now, at the night, it’s almost suicide to go to the Everfree Forest, worst in your mental condition, sorry Twilight but there is only two ways how this could have ended.” “Or Spike managed to get away from that wolf and now he is hidding somewhere safe, or. . . . . he is now in the dragon’s heaven, but ah can tell ya this, ah hope and ah’ll pray to Celestia with all my heart for the 1st option, and if it is the case, ah will gladly go with ya tomorrow morning to try to find him and bring him home.” Twilight and the others were angry, they wanted to say to Applejack some well chosen words, but they on the inside knew she was right, if there were somedragon to save, it was too late, they would have to have some faith in the baby dragon this time. Waterfalls of tears were coming from Twilight, “ok. . . . . Applejack. . . . you are right, and besides Spike is a tough dragon, he has read a lot of books, not like me but. . . . . , I know he at least knows some survival knowledge.” “that’s so true Darling (rarity added, she had just woke up) I know my little spikey wikey is fine, cmon girls, we need a good night sleep to go for him the first hour in the morning.” They all noded and proceeded to go to their homes to try to sleep, thing that they knew in that moment would be imposible. With every pony already gone, Twilight proceeded to go to bed and only whispered “Spike please be ok” and “Alex. . . . if you are real. . . . please keep Spike safe as you did with Sweetie bell. . . please.” Old Sisters Caltle Spike just finished eating, he couldn’t remeber the last time he had a a feast like that, by his part, Alex was also finishing eating a cooked fish and some berries, surprisely Spike wasn’t disgusted, after all, Dragons were like him omnivores, but unlike the human, they really didn’t need to eat meat to survive, in fact, almost every dragon prefered gems over meat. “So….(spike started sitting next to Alex, he somehow by now knew he was harmless) you eat meat and fruits, you are a. . . . how they call it omna, ovnim…” “Omnivore” Alex finished it “yes I am and before panic. . . . don’t worry, I have never eaten dragon or pony meat and I don’t plan to start any time soon”. Spike just sign in relief, that was going to be his next question. Alex continued “So, are you going to tell me how in the world you almost ended being the dinner of that timberwolf” “Well me and other 3 filles were trying to find you (Alex didn’t need to be a genius to figure out who these three fillies were), we . . . .got lost and the wolf appeared, I had to attract his attention in order for him to forgets the filles and come only after me”. “I see, well. . . I must say, you are very brave kiddo” Spike eyes grew and had a little bright in them “you , you think so, really?” “yes, you choose to keep other ponies with life knowing you could lose yours, and that makes you a very brave dragon and even a hero in my eyes.” “gee thanks, but. . . . if we are going to start talking about heros, you are the one, you saved Sweetie bell from drowing and a manticore and now you also saved me” Alex blushed a little “I’m not a hero, I only did what anypony would do”, Alex answer, but spike inmediatily said “but you were the one who did it, nopony were there to save me, you were, and for that thank you so much”, Alex blush a little more, it’s not like he wasn’t complimented before by other people, but right now it was Spike, a dragon, one (in Alex eyes) of the most powerfull especies in the world and myths. “ok kiddo whatever you say, thanks” “I’m Spike by the way, you can call me that if you want, and if what Sweetie told us is true, your Nick name is Alex right?. . . . can I ask you your real name? “. . . . . Alejandro , but my friends call me Alex” “Oh! Sorry Alej. . . . . .” he was interrupted quickly “you can call me Alex, don’t worry for that” “REALLY!!!, Spike said with a huge Smile, so that means you see me as a. . . . friend?” “yeah, I mean why not, who wouldn’t want to be friend with a dragon and a true hero like you?” Now was Spike time to blush, “so Alex, you are a human right? “yep, I am, I believe you never saw one before right?” “nope, I can tell for sure, if anypony see you, they will think you are some kind of hairless monkey or a minotaur without horns, no offense” “NONTAKEN” Alex said. . . . then strangely he thought (why am I feeling like a Mule now. . . . wait, how I even know how to be a mule feels like??) they spent the next hour talking and sharing information with one to another, (Alex knew a little, but he was impressed for what he did in the Cristal Empire) “Damn I knew I didn’t have to wait too long to see the 2nd season, but noooo, I had to wait until the 3rd one ended right, stupid me” Alex thought. Obviously like Sweetie, Spike didn’t know about Guatemala or any place Alex mentioned, but he was fascinated anyway. “ok spike, I think is time to go to sleep, don’t worry, as long as you stay here, you will be fine and tomorrow morning, I’ll bring you to Ponyville, and please don’t worry if you don’t find me in the middle of the night in case you wake up, sometimes when I can’t sleep, I go to patrol the Area, (he was lying but he needed an excuse to go out that night in particular) Spike noded, then Alex exit the room, after making sure he was sleeping, he took his backpack full with gems and went out the castle, he also took his empty suitcase, he knew he would really need it, after all, his destination was Ponyville and his “proyect” was difficult SHOPPING!!! Well. . . . . almost. Alex didn’t know all the Everfree, but at least by now he knew great part of the área he was living now, he knew where Zecora lives (in case he would need to meet her), and he also already knew the safest paths to Ponyville (just in case too), but no matter what, he always had to be very carefull and always looking behind his elbow. True the Everfree was more dangerous at night but only if you manage by pure bad luck or being so dumb to wake up some monster, but if you were carefully enough, quiet, fast and not showing any sign to be a threat, even if you somehow manage to wake them up, they maybe would ignore you to go back to sleep (Monsters need to sleep too, after all they need to defend from other monsters) Now Alex, dressed in his Assasin’s outfit, perfect for the job (save by the Hood, it was all black after all), he only brought his hidden blades just in case, and some sticks to use as torchs. Now in ponyville, Alex needed to go to many stores and places, he knew by now almost everypony should be sleeping, but of course that wasn’t gona make this proyect any easier, the plan indeed in theory was easy, place the suitcase next to the place he would go in, take what he needed, leave some gems as payment (he could be many things but not a thief) put everything in the suitcase or backpack, and go to the next place, and after gathering everything, go back to the castle. OK….. ITS GAME TIME (he said to himself) ALEX POV FILTY RICH’S 1ST NECESITY MARKET I can’t believe it, the ponies don’t lock their doors, I guessed thievery is not actually a part of pony’s nature, at least not in ponyville, they do really trust each other. . . .wow, just wow, it is a true place of harmony I thought (great. . . hours spent practicing how to unlock doors wasted). Well, I then proceeded to take anything I would need, soaps, tooth brush, tooth pastes, sponges, shampoos (hoping they would not be like the pet shampoos back home), some towels, some matches boxes, (guess the lighters are still not invented yet, damn I will have to use mine counsiously), finally I syncronized my Iphone and my watch with the local time in the coco watch on the wall, (it wasn’t so much diference but hey, precition is always good), “so this is diamond tiara’s father bussines, well I’m glad he is doing well, but he should really watch his daughter behavior, she is a brat (seen on the show), I was about to leave when I noticed something inside Mr FiltyRich office, I saw it through the window, unlike the front door this door was locked, (well not so hours wasted after all. . . .yay), I forced the lock very quickly and proceeded to go in, in other circunstances I‘d not mind about minor things but. . . . this really took my atention, inside the office there was some kind of mini altar, on the top of it, there was a picture, in the picture, there was a. . . .Mare, she was as well as everypony, cute and beautiful, pink fur, white mane, she was like an older versión of diamond tiara, it was obvious who she was, (well the show never mentioned her anyway, at least not in season 1), there was an plaque with some sentence written in it “PRECIOUS GIFT, LOVELY MOTHER, FAITHFULL WIFE, THE TIME YOU SPENT WITH US WAS PRECIOUS”, there were also a vase with some flowers in it, . . . ., then I started to notice a lot of pictures of her with her daugher, sharing hugs, playing at the beach, family pictures, the three of them smiling and finally one. . . . with her lying in a bed in the hospital and huging her dauther diamond, still with a smile in the face, well, maybe. . . . man. . . now I feel like a dick , well it isn’t exactly an excuse for your behavior Diamond but I do know the pain of losing a parent and how it can affect you, I’m sorry for thinking you were just an spoiled brat and bully without a cause, if I have the chance. . . I’d…. like to talk to you, who knows? Maybe someday, anyway shaking my head I proceeded to left some gems in the counter and go to my next target. COLGATE’S PHARMACY I really never put much attention to this pony in the show, after all she is a background character, but as Lyra she gain some popularity with memes and fimfictions, according to them, she is a dentist and boy who would say, they were right but not only that she is also the owner of ponyville pharmacy, well, I repeated my act like in the last place, I quickly found what I was looking for and really needed, a full equiped first aid kit, headache pills, bandages, alcohol, etc, I grabed it and was about to leave when I heard hoofsteps, I quickly hide the best I could and try to see who it was, then from the front door a blue pony appeared, wow her mane do really recemblance tooth paste. “hmmmm why Bonbon asked me for some bandages at this time of the night, well I guess it can be helped, Lyra is a special case after all, but going to the everfree forest and get hurt by hidding in a bush fulls of thorns, funy Lyra, I wonder what she was doing there. . . oh well, not my bussiness I believe”, she then just took some bandages and alcohol and left the place. I just waited a bit longer, until I was sure it was safe, I left my payment there and got out of the pharmacy, I was about to go to my next target but my thoughts betrayed me “mmmmm, Lyra Heartstrings and BonBon. . . . I wonder?” what the hell I know I want to check it out, lets go” BONBON’S CANDY SHOP Ok, I proceeded to take ones of the most important thing in this misión (. . . . WHAT? I really really really love candies and they are a need. . . . maybe), just follow the rutine, take the product leave the payment and leave, simple right?, but as with Colgate I really needed to prove if the myth is true, If Lyra knows and is obsesed with humans as many fans believe. I filled the suitcase with a lot of candies and chocolates, then I went to the second floor where they sleep, the first room I reached showed me a really peacefull sleeping cream colored mare, with curvy blue and pink mane, BONBON, “nope, wrong room. . . sorry” I whispered and went to the next room. I proceeded to go in, and . . . . there she was, Lyra Hearstrings, sleeping and snoring a little, lot of bandages covering her body, I could notice some superfitial little cuts around the uncovered parts, “ohhh, poor Lyra, I was relieved she wasn’t in so bad conditions, but. . . I was also very dissapointed. “I guess the whole human thing was a fan made up thing”, but very soon that thought was crushed when I noticed two really dreadful things, the first one not as dreadfull as the second was a big map on the wall with a lot of “Xs” marked as already cheked places, the title on the top of the map clearly said “ALREADY CHECKED SPOTS WHERE MY HUMAN IS NOT LOCATED” Well. . . . she was already awared of my presence in this world and was already looking for me, cute, very cute but. . . . . there it was, the 2nd dreadful thing I noticed, if only the map would had been there I swear I could have present myself to her, to fullfill her dream of finding a human, to help her gain the respect of anypony who made fun of her for believing in us. But I killed that thought in that very instant when I saw the. . . . . the. . . . things she bought I think for . . . me? there in the corner of the room there was, there was a hay bed, a chain atached to the wall on one side and in the other side atached to a collar, (I could just asume Lyra maybe was planing of buying a dog or some other pet) but next to it, to finish the combo to my already shatered mind, there was a pet’s bowl and in it there was a name writted with ink and it said. ALEXIS WIKEY, MY LITTLE LOVED HUMAN I gulped, I could freak out or scream, but if i did that, I was done for, instead I did what any Smart and mature person would do, O grabed some ink and a feather from the little table next to Lyra’s bed, then I proceeded to spread the ink on every corner of the map, making it imposible to read anymore for her know where had she already looked for me (she was getting close to the castle by the way), finally I just made a little art in the bowl, when I finished the bowl said this: ALEXIS WIKEY, MY LITTLE LOVED HUMAN NOPE!!! NEVER!!! KEEP DREAMING!!! Satisfied with my work art, I just grabed my stuff, left the gems and go to my next destination, and start thinking how to forgets what I just saw. SWEET APPLE ACRES Just before going there, I made a little detour at Sugar cube corner to “buy” some cupcakes and muffins, and to my surprise there wasn’t any incident. . . . “really? No incident at Pinkies place??” I couldn’t stop wondering why I was upset just because there weren’t any troubles or incidents when I was there. Well, I went to Applejack’s place for two things, apples and buckets, I needed to carry wáter to my place and use them to wash myself or my clothes, I take so much pride in my hygiene and I really feel unsanitary to wash directly to the rivers or lakes, not when they look so pure and clean, also they were my source of wáter and maybe to other creatures and ponies, well I quickly found what I needed, I collected the apples by climbing in a tree, when I came down, I noticed I wasn’t alone, there she was, a dog, but not just any dog, it was Winona, Applejack’s pet, staring, obviously upset at the “Apple Thief”, she was about to bark to alert the family, when I quickly said “wait, wait, I’m not a thief see?” I showed her how I was gonna pay for the apples and buckets, Winona calmed down when she saw the gems, I just placed my “payment” there under the tree and started to leave when Winona growled at me What??, its not the right ammount?, I added more gems and started to leave again, Winona growled again, “still not enough ok, then I’ll keep adding until it is enough ok?” she noded, I started to add gem by gem until she finally gave me the aproved nod. “Finally” I thought and started to run away, when I was out of her sight, I chuckled and say to myself “I guess Big Mac is not the only one who knows “FANCY MATHEMATICS” in this family” With everything I needed ready, I finally started my way to the castle, always taking my precautions, by one hour (man this things all together are really heavy) I was there, I placed everything in my room, verified if Spike was still there, (there he was, sleeping like a baby), After that i just laid on my bed and let myself be taken by the realm of dreams, (I was hopping not to have a nightmare with certain obsesed green unicorn in there). > Chapter 8, To be like you…. To be your partner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was around 5 AM in Equestria, Luna’s moon was about to start hidding and be replaced by Celestia’s beautiful sun, as usual, Alex woke up, put on his shorts, T-shirt and snikers and proceded to make his morning exercises to stay in line. The wrecked parts of the castle worked really good with his parkur training, he was jumping from stone to stone, using some improvised targets made of hay and leafs to practice with his bow and throwing knives, and finally he practiced a little with his sword and hidden blades, making some swings to the air, (without a practice partner it wasn’t the same), his trainings sesions never last more than an hour, every morning was the same, he practiced all alone, but this particular morning, that. . . . wasn’t the case, too focused to notice, this time he had company or better said, audience, Spike saw everything, from the parkur practice to the hidden blades one, his jaw wide open and with eyes shining and with full of wonder. “Holy Guacamole, that was. . . . . AWESOME. . . How can you do all that???, where did you learn??? Who trained you???” Alex still a little shocked and embarassed said: “well. . . . I kinda have a lot of teachers or senseis, they thought me the basics and the theory, I had to pulish my abilities with lot of training and practice.” Spike nod, but the movements were not the only things that attracted his attention “And what about your tools, those cool big brazalets in your hands? I’ve already seen bows, knives and swords but those. . . . large needles or blades. . . they come out and hide at your will, those are just so cool, who made them??” “oh my hidden blades, I. . . . kinda made them actually, but I must tell you, I only copied the design, you see, some really cool guys I admire use them, so I really wanted to have and try some for myself” “Wow, that’s so cool, I mean. . . . the mecanism seems to be a little tricky, you must be a genius to be able to made them” “Not really, it’s kinda easy, well not so easy, but when you follow the steps properly, even if you take little or a long time, you can be able create this beautis at the end.” Spike was really impressed, Alex was very cool (in his eyes), he knew his friends were cool or at the very least nice, Twilight, the crussaders, every pony in ponyville, but Alex was different, his tecniques, his fighting style, his agility, Spike knew that just by the fact they both have hands (almost similar), and could walk in two feet, maybe he could someway do the same things Alex did, the ponies fighting style didn’t seem to work for him, after all they were PONY styles right? but his, they were something he could relate better, so taking all his will he looked at Alex and said Alex. . . . . is there a posibility that maybe you can teach me all that cool stuff you know, fighting, training and all, even make me weapons like yours or teach me how to make them, please!!!, what I really want to say is PLEASE PLEASE TRAIN ME TO BE LIKE YOU!!!!” Alex was shoked, honored! But shocked. “whoa whoa, that’s too sudden little guy, besides you are just a baby dragon for God Sake, you should be worrying about playing and having fun, not learning how to fight or creating and using weapons, sorry Spike but I think you are still too young, I don’t think I could live with the guilt if you get hurt trying to be like me.” with that Alex finished, Spike became silent and only looked to the floor, Alex knew maybe he was upset so he just turned around and starting to go to his room “I am not. . . . .” Spike started “you said something Spike?” “I am not a . . . . baby, I'M NOT!!!, I. . . . have twelve years for Celestia’s sake!!!, Why everypony and even you think I’m a baby, granted I may be a kid, but I can tell you I am not a BABY!!!” “What?? Really?? But I thought. . . . .” “You thought I was a BABY for my size right?, that I need to be protected all the time for being a BABY right? that I’m too young to do a lot of things or go to adventures?? That’s what everypony thinks, That’s what Twilight thinks and that’s her reason she never take me to her adventures along with her friends, I know she wants to protect me, but I do want to help sometimes you know, but how am I suppose to do that if she keeps refusing to let me learn self defense, when I wanted to learn how to use a little bow or a wooden sword, she said no, that it was too dangerous, when I asked if I could learn some karate or any other pony martial art, she refused again, granted, she may let me helped her to save the cristal empire by giving me the cristal heart, but she only did it because she didn’t have any other choice and technically I. . . . was just a delivery dragon.” Alex didn’t know what to say, he started “Spike. . . listen I. . . . .” “NO!, YOU listen, I want to go to adventures, I want to be able to defend myself in those adventures, I want to be usefull in defending Equestria, not only be a Librarian’s number one assistant, and in tough situations be helpfull, at least a little, not BEING always the one who needs to be saved. I want to be. . . . .BETTER, I want to be the DRAGON who defends Equestria alongside WITH the Elements of Harmony, not the little dragon who was just NEXT to the Elements of Harmony while they were saving the day.” . . . . Alex never expected this, Spike the little dragon he saw in the show, he had to admit it, for him. . . . Spike always looked like a weakling, never be able to do anything in tough situations, only being useless, but now well. . . . he just saw something, he saw something he never saw since long time ago. . . . DETERMINATION and WILL to keep living at his fullest. At that very moment, Spike realized what he just said and to who, he quickly regreted emptying all his frustration to his new friend and started to say “oh… sorry dude, I know you don’t have the fau. . . . “ “I’ll do it “ Spike was cut by that sentence “Do what?” “I’ll train you, I have to say, I'm not a good teacher or master but I will do it if you want” “ “RE-really?” “yeah Spike, you have proven yourself again, first by saving those filles from a certain death and now with your determination” Alex got near face to face with Spike and asked “Spike the bab. . . . .NO!, Spike the dragon, please let me to teach you everything I know, my resources, my techniques, my arts, what I’m trying to say is “would you become my aprentice and my partner?” YES!!! Spike said Jumping almost one meter high, he lost his balance at midair and fell to the ground with the face (Alex just smiled at this) But then Alex said “but. . . . I have two conditions” “ANYTHING!” the little dragon answered “1st, you will keep this training a secret and only but only use it in case of an emergency or need, never to show off or to hurt anypony or creature ok?” “. . . .OK” “And 2nd, you cannot under any circunstance tell anypony where I’m staying, got it?” Spiked was just surprised “but why? All my friends want to meet you and thank you for saving Sweetie bell and I’m sure they also will want to thank you for saving me too” Alex just looked at the sky, after some seconds of thinking, he finally said “It’s a personal thing ok, look I’m really busy in these days, and to be honest, I’m not so social as you may think, I still need to check out somethings here, but I promise, when I’m ready to meet them or if I have to. . . . I’ll let you take me to them ok?” The dragon reluctant and little dissapointed just nodded In his heart Alex knew the real reason to not wanting to meet the ponies, he knew if he ever meet them, maybe just maybe he would never want to go home again, it’s not like he hated his home, he loved Earth, his friends, his videogames, the next assasins creed games yet to come, the next generations consoles, but he also was a brony, and this. . . . world was so beautiful, he didn’t want to have mixed feelings in the future, just by meeting Spike and Sweetie had already started trigger those feelings, he was sure he was out of place, so the less creatures he interact here, the better, he already had a plan, he would try to sleep every single night for one month under the oak tree to see if “the portal” would open again, and if that doesn’t work, he would try his chances by asking Twilight or even Princess Celestia’s help. Spike just said “. . . . Ok Alex, I promise” “You pinkie promise?” Spike just gasped, “how do you know about pinkie promises” Stupid me was all Alex could thought, he had to think fast “What? You know what a pinkie promise is too? Well, where I come from we do it like this” then Alex just proceeded to show him with his pinkie fingers how the humans do pinkie promises. “ohhhh, I see, well, we do it a little diferent here” Alex just smiled, he already knew but his brony side really wanted him to see Spike do it. “Really!!”, well show me how you do it” “cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake on my eye” Spike finished by covering his eye with his hand After laughting in his mind, Alex narrowed his eyes a little and proceed to say “Ok Spike, every morning I'll be waiting at the entrance of the forest at 10 AM, just call my name and I will come out, if you don’t show up at least the 10:15 AM, I will come back here and train alone, never come here if not with me got it? (he nooded), If I see you coming with company and you call my name, FORGET you even know me, at that very moment I will come back here, pack all my stuff and will leave this place forever ok, don’t betray my trust Spike (Spike noded again)” “OK, let’s get you home now” ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ONE HOUR LATER “Ok. . . . . is.. . . . everypony ready?” Twilight said, it was obvious she was stressed Everypoy nodded, they were leaving ponyville to search for their friend Spike, their hearts and mind were set, full of determination to spend hours of dificult searching at the Everfree Forest, they were going to find him no matter what. Twilight then open the front door and. . . . . . there he was, just in front of her, Spike, her little dragon who was about to knock the door before she opened it,. . . . . . . . SEARCH OVER? Spike!!!! Twilight said, then she tackled him and proceded to nuzzle and kiss him like there wasn’t a tomorrow, a second later, Everypony soon joined her in a crushing hug (rainbow dash only patted his head) “Ok, ok Twi, I get it, you are relieve I’m ok but please you are embarrasing me” “Ok, Spike but. . . . . how?, Applebloom and the others told us. . . .” “I managed to escape and hide in the trees and bushes Twi, don’t worry, I'm fine ok” Spike said interrupting her “Oh. . . . ., i see, well no matter, I’m gla. . . “ “Wait a minute!! Applejack said, Spike. . . tell us the truth” “What? I’m telling the truth I’m real. . . . . . Oh yeah. . . Element of honesty, I forgot for a minute, Ok. . . long story short, Alex the human saved me, and brought me near Ponyville and I walked here, ok” Everypony gasped, “So you met him too? Sweetie bell asked, how. . . is he, is he alright?” “Yes Sweetie bell, don’t worry, he managed to burn to ashes tha timberwolf with a torch to save me” Sweetie sighed in relief “I see, But tell me Spike, by any chance do you maybe know where he is hidding or where is he staying right now?” Twilight said Spike had to be carefull, Applejack could tell if he tried to lie, he had to think a well honest thought answer. “I’m sorry Twilight he never TOLD ME where he was hidding” “Is he telling the truth Applejack?” “Sorry sugar cube, but he is” “Dang it” Spike was relieved, Applejack being the Element of Honesty was the ultimate lie detector anypony could ask, BUT, if somepony technically tells a “truth”, you could sometimes fool her, he wasn’t LYING, Alex never TOLD HIM where he was hidding, he SHOWED HIM, (well played spike, well played spike) it was all he could thought at the moment. Twilight was about to ask some more questions when a ears piercing scream came from somewhere, Everypony and Spike hurried as fast as they could to the source, it came from the 2nd floor of BomBom Candy shop, BonBom was coming out from her shop, when Twi and the others spot her and run to her. “Oh, Twilight! Thank Celestia you all are here, please I really need help here, I think Lyra finally snap, she doesn’t stop crying sobbing and whining, and repeating the word “WHY” Twilight alongside with the other elements and Spike hurried to Lyra’s room, they inmediately found her lying on a “Hay bed?” in a corner of the room, she was hugging a bowl while watching an illegible ink covered map floated in the air by her magic “Whyyyyyy?, why why why, Why did you do this to me???, I bought all this for you, I wanted you to feel welcome, I wanted you to feel loved or at least that you will be loved here, why? Am I not good enough for you? I just want to love you, to protect you!!!, Why wont you love meeeeee??” “Lyra calm down!!! Twi said, What happened to you, Did somepony broke your heart?” “Nooooo, My human!, my Alexis Wikie, he. . . . . rejected me, he came here at night and wrote this in his bowl I bought for him and he also ruined my map, he doesn’t want me to find hiiiiiiim!!!!” “Lyra listen. . . .” “Whyyyyy??? I am the one who always believed in humans, he was suppose to love me!!!!” “Lyra Snap of it!” Rainbow said, Why do you care so much anyway?, besides, you can’t be sure if it was Alex” “It had to be him!!, I knew it as soon as BomBom told me what he did after this” “What did he do Lyra???” Rarity asked “he. . . . . took some of BomBom candies. . . . from the shop” Everypony and even Spike gasped “Sooooo, he finally showed his true colors uh? Rainbow said, no so good creature after all, he is a thief, a criminal” “well. . . . not exactly” BomBom said “What ya mean Sugarcube?” “He did take some candies and chocolates from my store but, well he left lots of gems as payment” They all gasped again, Spike just sighed in relief and felt ashamed, he doubted his friend for a second “Ok. . . . Twi started, But that doesn’t proves it was the human who did this” then Lyra still sobbing said “Who else could do that Twi, if you have the gems to pay, why take the candies in secretly, besides he really overpayed for what he took, its obvious the one who did this doesn’t have any idea of Equestria’s money currency” Everypony thought about it, it had sense, the human had been here in ponyville, but. . . why do this to Lyra, wasn’t she the one who could understand him better?, then. . . after considering the hay bed, the chain with the collar, the bowl with that kind of nickname she gave to him, well. . . . Alex did what anypony or creature would do in that situation, he even was easy on her. When everypony left, leaving Lyra in her well deserved misery, they couldn’t help to hear everypony in ponyville talking about the “kind thief”, apparently Alex didn’t just stop at Lyra and BomBom’s place, he also went to Filtyrich, Colgate’s places, he even went to Sweet Apple acres, they found out when Big mac came with the “payment” he left, he found the gems when Winona leaded him to them, Big mac showed the gems to Applejack who only grinned. “he. . . .really is a. . . .kind human, Fluttershy said “Yeah and he is awesome, I know it’s very quiet here at night, but taking all that stuff without been spoted, he indeed has some skills” “yeh, Applejack started, and ah can tell ya something sugarcube, if he is gonna pay like this everytime he comes, he can return to my orchad anytime he wants” “Oh Oh, maybe he went to sugarcube corner too!!!”, I need to check, one minute girls please!, Pinkie then disapeared leaving confeti in her place, after a couple of minutes she came back bouncing happily. “He did, he did, he took some of my special cupcakes and muffins, now I really have to find him and ask him if he liked them, I’m so happy, now I’m sure we are going to be super best friends” After knowing Pinkie pie for so long, nopony wonder how in tartarus she does what she does, they already knows the answer, it was just Pinkie being Pinkie. "So this is what you meant when you said "I'm going to patrol this night" eh Alex" Spike thought grinning. > Chapter 9, We meet again little cutie. . . now let’s save the day my team > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESKIP ALEX POV It’s been 1 month since my first shoping night, I’ve been training with Spike every single day, I have to admit, he really is a quick learner, thanks to all the materials and tools he got for me, we managed to make a descent bow, blowgun and a little hidden blade, (trust me, that was a bitch to make, for the tools on earth make the job a lot easier) the blade wasn’t as good and durable as mines, but by the time, I’m sure it would do the trick, I really wonder what kind of excuses Spike had to made up to not attract any suspicious, then I thought, it’s Equestria, the land of trust. . . . I believe. During this month I managed to avoid the mane 6 and Lyra (yep she hasn’t give up yet), but there were some red alerts, a couple of times they were really close to find me, thanks to Spike and Zecora (yep Zecora, now she is my friend. . . I still remember how I met her). FLASHBACK Spike was always telling me and trying to convice me to go to Ponyville with him, or at least meet his friends, the mane 6, I always declined, I knew he wanted me to have more friends, (guess he still has some issues for Twilight, how she always was too stuborn to make friends before), well, knowing he was never going to stop so I promised him that i would go to meet Zecora, i had already seen her sometimes but in the shadows of course, spike nooded with a huge smile when i told him that. When i met her. . . she didn’t betray my expectations, she screamed like a filly, she backed off and started to throw at me lots of jars, bottles, some kind of tribe masks, some bottles with potions, some smelled very nice, others well. . . smelled like crap, i managed to dodge almost every proyectile, but sometimes well. . . not so lucky right?, one bottle hit me right in the head and knocked me out, when i woke up, I was in a little bed, (Zecora’s i believe), i raised my head and look at her, talking to Spike, how he was explaining to her that i was harmless, when they both noticed i was awake, she inmediatily aproach me and started to apologize, (i think at least she was apologazing, damn. . . does she really needs to speak in rhymes all the time and how in the world she does that so fluent anyway?) And well, we became good friends (even thought it was reaaaaaally hard to understand her), and i have to say, she does know how to make potions, when i saw it, i asked her if by any chance she could make some sleeping and poison darts for me, she was a little reluctant when i asked her that, after a little explanation, she agreed, (not before make me pinkie promise to never use it to hurt anypony), after that i visited her very often, i have to admit it, having another pon. . . . zebra to talk besides Spike was. . . . nice. END OF FLASHBACK Anyway, as i was saying before, with the help from Spike and Zecora and their warnings, i always managed to hide myself and my stuff on time (having two more pairs of eyes here really is helpfull) Sometimes Lyra really made me feel. . . . sad and in some kind of way guilty, in one of her searches for me, i could hear her how she tried to invite me to go to live with her, trying to convince me how i would never starve, that i would always be protected, that she would. . . . always love me forever. . . . , it was cute, very very cute but. . . really creepy at the same time, (if only she could drop the idea to make me her. . . Pet). Well, i have to say, during this month, i went to the oak tree every single night, but nothing happened, i swear i could feel some energy from that tree, it has something i know it, but one month every night and nothing, maybe i missed something, i asked Spike if anything happened the night before i saved Sweetie bell, then he told me, there were a meteor shower, maybe. . . .that was. . . .the key, with little hope i asked if maybe there was gonna be another meteor shower soon, what he told me really Shock me to no end, unlike earth, meteor showers here in Equestria ocurred every 4 or 5 months, wow, just wow but how. . . . . Oh yeah Equestria right. Maybe the “magic” of the tree (it’s still a theory) only works on those nights, but having to wait for three or four months, well i could do it, but it would be too boring, there is, when i took my decisión, it was time to. . . . .meet EVERYPONY. I decided so fast because well, (i have to wait for a little long time, and the magic of the oak tree it’s just a theory, there is no warranty it would work, so by doing that i would acomplish some tasks. The first three were obviously brony dreams 1. Fullfill all bronys and pegasisters megadream to meet the Mane six 2. Fullfill the 2nd bronys and pegasisters megadream, meet princess Celestia 3. Maybe somehow manage to hug all the mane 6, or at the very least Fluttershy and Pinke pie. 4. In case that my theory fails, become their friend, after all, i knew in some way maybe they could help me to find a way to go back home or at the very least teach me how to live here forever, their kind of culture, style of life, etc. (i need a plan b, c and if necessary D) and of course i would be FRIEND of the Mane six. END OF POV At Zecora’s house, Spike, Zecora and Alex were enjoying a cup of tea and some cookies, they were discussing how they were gonna introduce him to ponyville, the plan they manage to make was really simple, he only was gonna walk alongside with Spike and Zecora through ponyville directly to Mayor Mare office (Alex really thought her name was mayor mayor. . . . idiot), and ask her help to introduce Alex to everypony, he wasn’t gona go armed, but he did know, maybe somepony would try to attack him by instinct, he would at least bring something to fight back in case of need, his only weapon he would carry that day would be a Long stick, it was almos the same as using a Spear but without the impaling part, they were starting to think which day was perfect to do that, when they heard somepony rushing to the house, Alex managed to hide upstairs before whoever it was arrived. It was Sweetie Bell, she was very tense and hiperventilated and it was obvios she was crying moments ago. “Zecoraaaaaaa please help!!!!, oh Spike you are here too, Thanks Celestia” “Sweetie bell, please calm down, now tell us, what is going on?” “It’s Ponyville, it’s. . . . . under attack!!!!, we were surprised” “Who Sweetie bell, who could have the guts to attack Ponyville?” Spike said “The. . . . . diamonds dogs, at least 40 or maybe 50 of them, they. . . took over Ponyville” Alex who was listening upstairs was really confused, how they manage to do that to ponyville?, granted they were so many, but he remembered from the show and when Spike told him, how the Mane 6 managed to beat many of them by themselves, besides, obviously there were a lot of unicorns, mares and colts in ponyville, wasn’t their magic a huge advantage againts many creatures? Spike and Zecora were really shocked, how could they?, then Spike even surprised asked, “But. . . . . Sweetie bell, even by surprise, how they managed to that? Granted, they are a little stronger than an earth pony, but we have Twilight and other strong unicorns, we should have the upperhand againts them with their magic??” “That’s the thing Spike, it’s really strange, all of them were well armed, helmets and all, and by some reason, our magic didn’t . . . . . afect them, no at all, they captured everypony, we need you to send a letter to the Princesses, for what they were saying, they are planning to trade almost everypony to the changelings, and keep some that could master Rarity’s spell to find gems for them.” Spike knew they needed to tell the princesses but right now it was. . . . imposible, with his head looking to the floor he proceded to say “I’m sorry Sweetie Bell, but right now, Princess Celestia and Luna are in Saddle Sarabia, my conection with them outside Equestria is not very powerfull and can’t reach them very quick, even if i send the letter now, it would reach them about tomorrow afternoon” “But. . . . . (Sweetie bell started to cry again) what are we going to do??, if we don’t hurry, everypony, my sister will be will be. . . . . . noooooo” “Sweetie bell (Spike said) don’t worry, i promise you, we will thing of something” “But Spike, we can’t tell the Princesses, they are the only ones enough powerfull to deal with so many foes, you and Zecora are only two, even with me, we would only be three” Zecora watching Alex walking to an oblivious Sweetie bell from behind, smiled and tell her “Little Sweetie, don’t count only two, you know why? Because for this problem we will have the help another good ally” “What?, what you mean Zec. . . .” Sweetie started to ask when she notice a great shadow behind her, but for some reason she didn’t feel afraid or threatened, she feels safe, she slowly turned around to see who it was, in that very same moment with mixed feelings of surprise and happiness, she tackled her very favorite human friend. “Alex!!!, it’s you it’s you, is what Zecora saying is true?, are you going to help us, please, pretty please do it, you can beat them right? as you did with the manticore, right?” Alex just looked to Sweetie with a warm smile and proceded to stroke her mane to make calm her down, while doing it he said “Of course Sweetie bell, i will help you and Ponyville, but this time. . . . well, we’ll need a plan, we cannot just go there and fight againts them, Sweetie, we are talking about 50 of them, we are so outnumbered, and they are using armors.” “So. . . .Alex. . . what do you propose?? Spike asked “just give me one minute to think this very carefully Spike, please” Alex started to think, mmmm, why the magic didn’t affect them?, as i can remember from the show and what Spike told me, they weren’t suppose to be inmune to magic, hmmmm, maybe. . . . are the armors. Alex quickly turn to Zecora and Spike “Spike, Zecora, do you by any chance have any idea or theory why magic doesn’t affect them, by any chance the inmunity of magic is natural for them???” Spike then answered “Well, they are not inmune to magic, i’m pretty sure of that, and i have to tell you, i have read many books, and i know there is a very rare stone or mineral, it’s called the “Darkness Stone”, it and anything made with this stone as alloy will be totally or at the very least very inmune to magic, it even nullifies already casted spells like shields or barriers, it’s use it’s ilegal no matter how lacking it is, the few of them they have or find in Canterlot is used to make the magic proof rings they put in the horns of criminal unicorns, if i have to bet, i would say their armor have to be made with Darkness stone, but. . . . how they manage to build so many armors with it, trust me when i say that there aren’t many stones i mean it, find them it’s almost imposible, and not only that, how they knew it’s use, somepony must had told them, they are too stupid to figure it out by them selves.” “hmmmmm. . . . intersting, just one question Spike, tell me, it’s that all you and everypony know about this stone, that’s all the information you all have, that it’s inmune to magic?? Spike noded Alex only grinned “one last question Spike, are the diamond dogs as stupid as you say they are?” Spike noded again His grinn only extended, “Then. . . . .Zecora please, we will need you to make at least 15 sleeping darts, the tiny you can make them the better” Zecora noded with a smile, she knew Alex had a plan and she was more than happy to help him. “Ok Spike, come with me, we are going to the castle right now to get our gear, Zecora we’ll be back in 20 mins aprox, Sweetie please stay with her and help her anyway you can, ok? “, “Ok Alex, i’ll do what you say” she answered “Oh yeah, we are going to fight some diamon. . . . . wait! Alex didn’t you say we were outnumbered, and Sweetie told us they are at least 40 of them, why are you only asking Zecora for only 15 sleeping darts, how are we going to face them with only that.” Alex only chuckled to his dragon friend, puting his hand on his shoulder he said “No Spike, we are not going to Face them, we are going to HELP them” “WHAT???” the three of them said in unison “he…help them how? Sweetie bell started, help them how to slave ponyville (she was almost in tears, she felt betrayed) NOPE Sweetie bell, we are going to help them to not fall to the “ETERNAL SLUMBER CURSE” “Eternal slumber curse???” they all said again at the same time “EYUUP” > Chapter 10, Feel our vengeance Ponies. . . . Uh? What are you? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHBACK Some time ago, the day after Princess Cadence and Shinning armor wedding, Queen Chrysalis woke up in a cabern, her body ached, but at least she believed she could walk and maybe slowly fly, but when she tried to, she noticed she indeed was in a dungeon, who would dare to do this? She thought, then she realized she was in some kind of cell inside some wet and dark cave, rocks and more rocks, obviously it wasn’t any pony dungeon in Canterlot, besides she didn’t have any Darkness stone ring in her horn to nulify her magic, so in this situation the bars of the cell wouldn’t be a problem, but in that moment she was weak, after being litteraly sent flying from canterlot by Cadence and Shining armor powerfull magic, she realized that her fall wasn’t a nice one, Chrisallys decided to sleep and wait, she wanted to know who “her captors” were, one hour later, they came, when she opened her eyes to see who they were, she could see 3 diamonds dogs, she looked a them behind the bars, then one of them said “Oh you are finally awake, bugpony” Chrysallis after hearing this statement, started to feel very angry and ofended, and then she answered “I am not a “bugpony”, i am Chrysallis, Queen of all Changelings and future Queen of Equestria!” “Chang, changol, changi. . . . . a what again??” the short one said Chrysallis only rolled her eyes, “great i was found by the most stupid creatures in the whole world” “Anyway chang. . . . Bugpony, now you are ours, we found you and now you will help us to find gems, and you will never escape, never, not like that. . . mulepony Rarity and her friends before” That last part got Chrysallis atention, Rarity? Could it be. . . . The dog was about to say something else when he was interrupted by Chrysallis “Wait a minute, you know Rarity the element of generosity, by any chance she is a spoiled ans whinie white unicorn with purple mane?” The eyes of the diamond dogs grew and their jaws fell to the floor “Yeah, that’s the one, that’s the one, the short said, she never stopped whinning, she was unbereable so we let her go, she was a nightmare so we free her and her friends too with a lot of our gems, since that day, we all hate them, we hate all ponies!!” “Yeah, other said, we always wanted revenge, but. . . . they have magic, even if we can beat the normal and the flying ponies, the ones with horns you call. . . . unicorns are invincible, we can’t even get any near to them, their magic is too strong, NOT FAIR!” by this part of the story Chrysallis was already with a grinn in her face, in that moment she knew she finally found the ideal fool allies. “Well, if revenge againts ponies is what you want, i can tell you a little secret, a secret involving how to beat umm. . . . . horned ponies” The dogs shocked by this comment, inmediately charged to the prison bars and stared at her “REALLY!!! they said, TELL US, TELL US NOW!!!” “First of all, diamond dogs, how many in total of you live here?” Confused but also curious, one of them answered “We all are about. . . . let see, he started to count slowly with his paws, one minute later, around 47 diamond dogs.. . yeah, around 47.” “Chrysallis smile grew even more, then gentledogs, i think we can make a deal that can benefit all of us.” /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// After that, Chrysallis told them how in her kingdom, for many many centuries before her ruling, the changelings had been gathering something, a very rare mineral called the “darkness stone”, even tough this stone is very rare everywhere, centuries of digging gave them a considerable ammount of stones, then she proceded to tell them about how it was inmune to all kind of magic making them the perfect weapon againts unicorns. Even being not very smart, the dogs asked her why she or any changeling Queen never used the stones againts ponies before, she just rolled her eyes and made some telekinesis with her magic to show them that changelings too can use magic, like any magical creature, if they got near this stone, their magic would be useless and they would be weaker, for that chrysallis had tried before to make deals with groups of griffins, minotaurs, even young dragons, but all of them rejected her, true all kingdoms weren’t allways in good terms, but none of them would be stupid enough to do that, it would like betraying their own country, less to try to cross Princess Celestia or Luna, for they were needed to rise the sun and the moon, no matter if they even have the greatest weakness againts magical creatures. After saying that, Chrysallis proposed to them a deal she knew they would never reject, they would never tried to invade Canterlot or try to fight againts the Princesses, she told them she would give them all the stones her kind had been gathering for centuries, it would be enough to make enough antimagic armors, more than enough to conquer a little town called Ponyville, why ponyville they asked, Chrysallis told them that there is where the elements of harmony lived, and by conquering the town and defeating the elements, it would give her better chances to defeat Equestria in the future not to mention she also wanted them to give her almost everypony to cultivate their love by force, (true they could foalnap ponies one by one but by doing this deal with the dogs, she could take a whole town of ponies in just one go). The dogs accepted the deal with just one condition, besides the stone to create armors, they also wanted her to let them keep at least 5 or 6 horned ponies, ponies who could like that Rarity, master that jumbo bombo trick to find gems, chrysalis accepted. The dogs were very happy, they were going to have unicorns to help them find gems and also they will have a weapon againts horned unicorns who dare to cross them again, by her part Chrisallys only kept smiling, very soon she would have everypony from Ponyville in her hooves including the elements of harmony. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THE DAY OF THE ATTACK After sometime, Chrysallis with the help of her servants managed to bring every darkness stone she had, everything was ready, 47 full armors, cages with wheels, antimagic rings to every unicorn horn. “Ok (Chrysallys started), according to my resources, Princess Celestia and Luna are very far away in a foreign country, even flying at full speed, she wouldn’t be here up at tomorrow, now i will go for my children to set everything ready to take everypony with us when you bring them to me, do what you have to do, have them ready, me and my children will arrive at night to the entrance of your underground cave, don’t be late, ok now go, take your REVENGE”. As expected, thanks to Chrysallis good coordinated plan, Ponyville never saw them comming, the diamond dogs just started to smash everything in their way, knoking down every pony they saw, the filles and colts were captured and put in bags, even though they tried to fight back, they were surprised, the ponies with horror noticed their magic didn’t have any effect on the diamond dogs. One by one, everypony was falling, the dogs were not holding back, Applejack and Rainbow dash put up a good fight but were outnumbered inmediately, Twilight seeing herself surounded, tried to teleport from there but by that moment the influence of all that darkness stone were so powerfull that she couldn’t complete the spell, so they manage to catch her, the rest of the mane 6 and Ponyville surrender inmediately. Hidding in a bush, impotent to help, a little unicorn filly Sweetie bell managed to sneak and run as far a she could, the dogs spot her but didn’t bothered to go after her, she was too far already and what she could do anyway, by her part Sweetie proceded to go to Zecora’s place, thinking maybe she could help in anyway possible, and maybe Spike would be there, after all she didn’t see him getting caught. 2 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WITH CHRYSSALIS All the diamond dogs were happy, they had won, they really had WON!!!, now with all the ponies in their cages, they only had to decide which ponies they should take with them and forcé them to learn the trick to find gems, all unicorns were really scared, who would they chose, but anyway, it didn’t matter, whoever they choose, it couldn’t be any better than to be slaves of the changelings as the diamond dogs said. Just before they starting to decide, something. . . . that nopony or dog expected in a life happened. A. . . bipedal creature without any fur, with some strange clothes was walking to their direction, he had some weapons with him, a sword and a bow in his back, his face almost covered with a hood, the dogs thought it was cool, but even if he was a strange creature, even if he had weapons, the thing that really took all their attention was a little unicorn fillie unconcious, she was the one who manage to escape. The creature continued advancing to them (everypony and dog staring at him, one particular mint colored unicorn who also saw him from her cage was hyperventilating and taking huge breaths), when he was about 2 meters from the dogs, they were already pointing at him with their spears, the creature stopped, smiling he just extended his arms, he was offering the fillie to them and said “HEY I THINK YOU MISSED THIS ONE!!!!!” > Chapter 11, And that my friends, it’s what we call. . . Trolling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “SWEETIE BELL!!!!, Rarity yelled inside the cage, you. . . you . . . whatever you are, what have you done to her??” At that instant Sweetie bell “woke up”, she look at Alex with “Sorrowfull eyes” and said “Alex, why???, i thought you were a good human, you even helped me, i. . . thought you were my friend, but you are. . . . helping this dogs? they are planning to trade my family and friends, and now instead of helping me, you are turning me to them? How could you?” Alex only chuckled and with an “evil smile” he said “HAHAHAHA, you thought i would be friend with a pony??, silly filly, why would i be friend with you or any weakling pony when instead i could be friend with the powerfull diamond dogs, they are way cooler, i even would say they are even cooler than that mare everypony admires, what was her name again? “Rainbow dash?” “HEEEEEY” a multicolored mane pegasus screamed (Alex and Sweetie bell only laughted in the inside, they so saw that coming), Sweetie bell kept whinning and asking why, then Alex continued “Ok, enough”, Alex said, he closed her mouth with his hand, while she “struggle” to get free, he told her “if you don’t shut up i will eat you, go it?” Sweetie bell “Afraid” proceded to be quiet, then Alex looked at at the “diamond dogs leader” and said. “I found her running away to the everfree forest to get help from a Zebra who lives there, i managed to catch her and bring her to you, as a token of confidance” “the dogs, who were only blushing (after all, not every day they were praised by other creatures) only stared at him, then the “leader just said” “Emmmm, good. . . . thank you. . . . . a . . . you. . . . What are you? “ohh sorry, where are my manners, my name is Alejandro and i’m a human, i’m sure you never heard of one before (they noded), i’m a traveller, i’ve been in many places and i always get stories about how cool the diamond dogs are, and i so wanted to meet you, then i saw what you were doing here in this town, and i knew you indeed are cool, but then i saw this fillie runing away, i didn’t want her to get help and spoil you fun, so i caught her.” When he finished talking, Alex wasn’t surprised when he noticed the dissaproval stares from everypony, they were obviously mad at him, he almost knew what they were whispering. “Sooo, he is the “kind thief???”, kind my flank” one stallion said “He is nothing more than a big minnie” another mare said “Sweet Celestia, how i’d like to buck him right between his. . . . “ Rainbow dash said Rarity also was whispering to Applejack. “I knew it, that rufian Sweetie bell met was nothing more than a RAT, right Applejack?. . . . Applejack??” Applejack was just staring at the human, watching every movement and controlling every word he was saying, then a smile appeared in her muzzle. “Don’t worry Rarity, ah think somehow everything will be allright” “But ummumm” rarity’s mouth was covered by Applejack hoof, “just enjoy the show Rares” Applejack said “OK. . . . one of the dogs said, Thanks again, now. . . . can you please hang over her to us to put her in her cage with the other ponies” "Ok, lets do it fast, we don’t want her to use her magic on us right??" The dogs only grinned at that statement, and then one said “Ha, that wouldn’t matter anyway, thanks to this armors, we are invincible to any horned pony or magical creature” (ok, now is when the real show start, its game time, Zecora and Spike) Alex thought “Rea. . . . really??, cmon that’s imposible, the only way that would be true, is if your armor were made of Darkness stone and we all know that wearing something made by it would be the most stupid idea ever, heck even be near of it would ignite the CUUUURSE (Alex said it that way to attract their attention even more) The dogs inmediatily changes their smiles faces to confused ones “Curse???, what you mean by. . . . Curse??? “Oh, cmon every creature know about the curse and it’s story, i don’t think the most coolest creatures in Equestria don’t, right??” “Well. . . . . of course, of course, but why don’t you refresh our memory a little, i mean we are too busy doing. . . . cool stuff that maybe we forgot a little of it”, every dog noded trying to look confident. (ok, let see if they are as gullible as i think they are, heck they surely are) “Well, many centuries ago, the darkness stone were known as the holy stone, instead of looking dark and well ugly, they were shinny and beautifull, the holy stone was the most valuable thing in Equestria, but one very powerfull King whose name was Sombra (man i’m so good), was so jealous that these stones were even more pretty than his cristals in the Cristal Empire that he used all his power to cast a powerfull Spell in every holy stone in the world, and i mean every stone, even the ones that were underground, the spell was simple, to make the stones be hated by everypony, they would be inmune to magic, making them imposible to a unicorn, alicorns or any magical creature bear be close to them, but in case that wasn’t enough, in order to made them be hated by nonmagical creatures like you and me, he also set a curse on them, the ETERNAL SLUMBER CURSE!, a curse that even tough he was defeated, never dissapeared. “What.. . . what is the Eternal Slumber curse???” one guard dog asked “As it’s name says, if you get near to a darkness stone or something made with it, you will sleep forever, you will not be dead or alive, you just will sleep, of course saying forever is meaningless, since of course by no eating or drinking anything for being only sleeping, you will die by starvation or dehydration, did you really think havind that kind of power would come cheap and without consecuences” The dogs only stared, some of them were really shocked, thinking about stripping their armors right away. “You are lying” one said, the one who gave us the stones never said anything about that, and we have been wearing these for hours and no one seems to be sleepy or tired” “Who said it works inmediatily???” he said, “by the way how many hours have you been wearing them??” “hmmm, about 2 hours, i think” (OMG this is too easy, he thought), Alex then used all his wil to put the most shocking and surprised face he ever had made “WHAT??, but. . . . you need to take them off right now!!!, the curse starts working about 2 hours or a little more after being in contact with the stone or something made with it,” (Ok Spike, Zecora, your turn) Zecora and Spike by their part were hidding in 2 diferent key points in the shadows, with blowguns and sleeping darts in hands/hooves, when they saw Alex with that “shocked expression”, they knew that was the signal to act, and so they did. Spike acted first. Few second later, one dog only felt some sting in the back of his neck, he was about to scratch it when he just felt dizzy and fell to the ground Everypony, diamond dog and human heard the big dog, stomping on the ground with his full body. Alex still with “worried face” said “SEE!!! I TOLD YOU!!!, IT HAS BEGUN!!! THE CURSE HAS BEGUN!!! “What???. . . . Is it true??, maybe it’s just a coinc. . . . .” one dog started before he could finished the sentence. . . 3 more dogs fell before he could finish (way to go Spike and Zecora, good aim). One dog tried to wake up his Pals with no avail, “Sir. . . he is not waking up, no matter what i do, this is not a normal sleep, it’s the CUUUURSE!!! The three leader dogs panicked “OH NO, OH NO, WHAT DO WE DO, WHAT DO WE DO??” they screamed Another 4 dogs fell (great, we almost go it) “Ok, Alex started, don’t panic, first of all, take off your armors now!!, even take off the armors of your fallen comrades, we might still have a chance to save them” All the diamond dogs, even in panic noded and started to take off the armors as if there was no tomorrow “Ok now, you have been in contact with the darkness armors for too long, but just to be sure, let’s wait for one minute, maybe the rest of you weren’t in contact with the stone enough time for the curse to remain in you (Ok, Finish this Spike and Zecora) Another 2 dogs fell to the ground (NICE) “Oh no!!!! it wasn’t fast enough!!!, now, we have to act quick, according to the legend and some tales from creatures that survived the curse, the only way to get rid of it from you and your fallen comrades, it’s by jumping in a wild river, because the purity of the water and the fact it runs so fast, it's said it washes the curse before it can start acting, it even works up to one hour after it started to act, so we don’t have much time, now take your fallen comrades and go go go go to the everfree, to the wild river, just tell the sea serpent you know me, and he will let you in into his river” “Oh thank you, thank you human, some of them said kissing Alex shoes (ugh, gross!, he thought), then they proceded to run as fast as if they were been chasen by their mother in law.” While they were running , Alex only screamed at them “And just one more thing, whoever that gave those stones. . . . make sure he or she gets it, no one messes with the great Diamond dogs right??” “Yes! You are right, don’t worry, Queen Chrysallis will no know what hit her, that Bugpony, that. . . . . WITCH!!” Alex and Sweetie bell still in his arms waited until they were all gone, Spike and Zecora came out from their hidden spots, reunited the four, they just stared the way the dogs took. Every pony still in their cages also stared at the little group, very confused, many ponies noticed how their local dragon and Zebra were carrying Blowguns in ther hands/hooves, but Spike had something else, he was wearing a well made customized hood that covered his entirely forehead and had holes for his scales so they were still visible, (Spike practically begged Alex to make him one). They kept staring a few more seconds before they exploted in one of the most higger laughting nopony has ever heard in decades, they even were rolling on the ground while laughting. “Holy Guacamole, it worked Alex, it really worked, you did it Alex, you did it” “No Spike, WE did it, Sweetie Bell, you acting was priceless, good job, Zecora! Those darts worked perfectly and so fast, and really good job in the size, none of them noticed even one, and Spike, also Zecora, good aim, really good aim, i knew Spike could do it, but you Zecora, i know you told me you were a trained potion maker, but a hunter too, i had to see it to believe it” “Well my dear, in that forest, in order to be safe, on must know how to defend herself” They could have been talking about their well earned victory and experience for a long time, but that would be imposible considering the lot of stares they were recieving from everypony still traped in their cages, lucky for them the dogs along with the armors also threw the keys away, well it was time to finish the job. Spike with keys in hands turned to Alex, “Well Alex, want me to wait until you make a run for it?” “. . . . . No Spike, as you, Zecora and me were planing to do before all this happens, it’s time to meet everypony, it’s not like how we were planing to do it, but i think it’s a good chance right?, let’s make some good friends Spike (Spike and Sweetie bell smiled when he said that, Finally, they both thought)” Alex and Spike then proceeded to open the cages, Everypony got out, Spike, Zecora and Sweetie bell remained close to Alex in case somepony tried to do something to him, Everypony just stared at him, the Elements included. Alex didn’t know what to say (they were all too cute, damn, his brony side) “hmmmm. . . . Hi, hmmmm, well my name is Alex and well, maybe you never saw one, but i’m a human, and well, it’s a pleasure to mee. . . AGGHHH. . .” Alex only felt his eyes closing slowly, losing the conscience, but before losing it completely he managed to see something. . . .mint green and a drawing of a Lyre??? “Fuc…..” “I GOT YOU!!!” Lyra screamed with a shovel suspended in the air by her magic. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TWO HOURS LATER Outside the town, in the entrance of the underground cavern, Queen Chrysallis with some of her subjects were waiting for their prices, she was really angry, what was taking the dogs too long, then she heard a lot of feet running at her direction, Finally she thought, but what she saw left her speechless, she saw. . . . really pissed and angry dogs, all their body was wet and licking wáter, but the most terrifying thing thing was their eyes, full of hatred and with so much thirst for blood. “YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD FOOL US, YOU WANTED ALL BY YOURSELF AND THEN LET US DIE FOR THE CURSE, YOU WILL PAAAAAAY FOR THAT!!!!” One of them said. At that moment Chrysallis knew that if the stayed, they would be their next meal and her head would be their trophy, inmediatily she ordered their servants to fly away, they were chased at least 5 miles before the dogs finally gave up. All Chrysallis could say was “WHAT THE BUCK JUST HAPPENED????” > Chapter 12, Meet the The Pink Menace, And please. . . no needles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Ponyville's local hospital, this day was a day for history, a day to remember for many generations, after all, it was the day when they will treat the 1st ever human in Equestria, the diagnosis was simple and plain, HEAD CONTUSION and a little cut in the right cheek when he fall to the ground face down (bad luck they guessed), “Sweet Celestia, this is a heck of a bruise” the doctors thought. This creature was amazing, his muscular bones, his physics, his inteligence he just showed no more than an hour ago, at his side with a worried face was his dragon friend, keeping asking if his human friend was alright, the doctors hadalready told him yes but he kept asking, he was just unconsious and needed some rest. When Spike finally relaxed, they let him in to his room, he was after all, a confirmed friend of the human. Alex was sleeping very peacefully, but the sound of the opening door woke him up inmediatily, before opening his eyes completely, he wanted to make sure who it was, he slowly half opened one eye, he was relief when he saw his partner in crime. “Spike!!!” “Alex!!” Spike said before jumping on to the bed to give his fríend a bear hug. “I’m. . . . sorry dude, no pony. . . or me thought. . . . well that Lyra would try something like that, at least not infront of EVERYpony” Alex only chuckled, he somehow knew and understood why Lyra did that, when you have a once in a life oportunity, you do anything to have take it, (It’s still hurt like a bitch, thanks a lot Lyra, your chances to become my friend are not precisely good now) “No problem Spike, but i really need to know, what happened after i fell unconsious???” “Well. . . . she did try to take you to her home, no matter all the stares and dissaproval looks she was getting, then Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight tried to stop her, telling her if she was crazy and why she did that, by her part Lyra only answered it was for your own good, that ponies wouldn’t understand you as well as she could, anyway. . . i have to admit, she did indeed put a heck of a fight, but finally when she was distracting, Sweetie Bell manage to knock her out with the same shovel she used on you, right now she is resting in another well guarded room, so don’t worry for her. . . . at least for now” “I. . . . . see, (damn i think i’m going to have to talk to her and make her understand once and for all i’m not a mindless creature she can turn into a PET, of course not now or in many days at least), it’s ok, it was my fault after all, i should had see it coming, right, that was my first question now for the second, why am i almost naked (thank God i still have my bóxer covering my pride) and please tell me you have my clothes and weapons.” “hehehe. . . . i know it was a shock for you, but please, face it Alex, you are unique, almost as for Lyra, a once in a life oportunity for doctors and nurses to study you first, don’t worry they only took some blood samples and made some reflexes tests, they had to remove your clothes and gears but i managed to convince them to give them to me, i kept everything safe, they are under your bed, althought Twilight and Rarity practically begged me to give them to them, Rarity for the clothes to study the material and the style, and Twilight for your hidden blades, she found them facinating,. . . . now tell me Alex, does your head hurts??” “Just a little, but don’t worry, it’s nothing i haven’t face before (you should see how my failed parkur attemps got me), now tell me, how did everypony react at my sight?” “Well, when you were introducing yourself, i thought they were just curious about you, but well, then Lyra attacked you and you screamed a little by the impact and then. . . . I. . . in some way, saw it coming, almost everypony are scare of you, like with Zecora before, many of them right now are following their daily routine but also scared to see you leaving the hospital, so for now Alex, i don’t recomend you to expect any parade or thanks for what you did for them, at least not for now, i think it’s unfair, why do they always are like that for new creatures?” “Thanks Spike but don’t forget, is what We did, not just me, don’t sell yourself short, ok now tell me what about your friends, are they afraid too??” “Not really, more than afraid, all of them, expect a little for Fluttershy, are eager to meet you, they are waiting outside the hospital right now.” “Sooooo, there is no escape from this right??” “Noope, you have to meet them this time” Spike said happily. Alex sighted “I’m glad, at least everypony are not terryfying and forming mobs to banish me or putting me in a dungeon” “Oh cmon Alex, give Ponyville more credit than that, maybe just maybe that would be the case in Canterlot or other cities, but trust me, they may be scared now but just give them time, i know by fact how friendly they are, they would never hurt you, and even if they try, you think Twilight will let them hurt a new especies creature to study???” (Alex could smell the sarcasm in every corner of the room) “hehehe, Spike, you really know how to help someo. . . somepony to feel better” (they both smiled) At that very moment, an earth pony with pink mane entered the room, it was obvious she was a nurse, she just stared the new creature talking to the dragon, thinking to herself (well it isn’t something you see everyday and maybe you wont again) Alex just smiled at her and said “cmon, don’t be shy, humans don’t eat ponies. . . they taste awfull” With horror in her face she asked “You. . . already tasted pony before????” Alex and Spike only laughted at her inocense “Of course not, and don’t worry, i’m not planing to do it, not in a life time” Nurse redheart only sighted in relief “Well Mr. . . . “ “Alejandro, and don’t worry about the Mr part, only Alejandro is fine” “Ok. . . Alejandro (she smiled), i’m only here to tell you that according to all the tests we made, besides that bruise in your head and the cut in your cheek, you seem to be alright, but just to be sure, we wanted to ask you if you could please stay her for the night, and if posible let us take some more samples?” “Do those samples have something to do with needles???” she noded “damn. . . . ok, why not, if you say is for my own good i will stay for ONE night. (damn i really hate needles, he thought)” She kept smiling and said “Ok thanks Alejandro, i’m glad you agreed because well. . . im also here to take the samples right now” at that very same moment she took one big needle from her saddlebag and looked at Alex with extecting eyes” “Oh. . . . FU. . . .” After that. . . . interesting yet little painfull experience, Nurse redheart left the room leaving Alex and Spike alone again “Soooo Alex, tell me, why did you tell nurse Redheart your real name instead of Alex???” “Don’t judge me Spike, she seems friendly and a good pony but. . . . she is not my friend, at least not for now, maybe in the future when i know her better, she will move to my friend circle” “I see (So he really see me and Sweetie bell as friends, Spike thought with a smile in his face) They were about to keep talking about random stuff when both of them noticed something. . . . out of place. “Spike?” “Yes Alex” “It’s my imagination or there is a cool breeze in the room right now” “Nope, i do feel the breeze too” Then Alex saw the window “Spike? was the window open a minute ago??” “Nope, it wasn’t” they both stared at the open window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Hey Spike, i never noticed you smelled so good, like cotton Candy” “Uh? Ok. . . well i have to say too Alex, i do also never noticed you indeed have so much fur in your arms and it feels like you take good care of it, is so silky” “. . . . . . . . . . . . uh??” “OH, thankyou you silles, i’ve always have very confidence in my own personal hygiene” a very cute pink earth pony said in response. At that very moment, they both looked at their sides, right there, just between both of them, there she was, the little crazy party pony everypony loves Alex didn’t have any time to scream in surprise cause Pinkie inmediatily tackled him in a crushing hug and started to talk “ HELLO MY NAME IS PINKIE PIE, BUT YOU CAN CALL ME PINKIE IF YOU WANT, IM THE OFICIAL PARTY PONY IN PONYVILLE, TELL ME DO YOU LIKE PARTIES?, I HOPE YOU DO, I WILL MAKE YOU THE BEST PARTY YOU EVER HAVE, SPIKE TOLD US YOUR NICK NAME IS ALEX, BUT WOULD YOU LET ME CALL YOU ALI, I LIKE ALI MORE, LET SAY IT, ALI ALI ALI ALI, SEE? IT HAS A BETTER RING TO IT, ALSO PLEASE PLEASE BY MY FRIEND, I PROMISE YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WITH LOTS OF SUGAR?” After that, she let go Alex from the hug and just stared at him, waiting for an answer, (a little scared that he’d say no or maybe he didn’t understood what she said), to her and Spike surprise, he indeed answered back, like if he got every word Pinke said. “Ok. . . . Pinkie, yes i like parties and i gladly will go to the party you are going to do for me, and tough i rather Alex, yes, you can call me ALI if you want, an very very yes, i would like to be your friend” then he proceeded to hug her. Pinkie was in shock, never but never a Pony. . . or human listened or got every word she said when talked that fast, everypony would only stared confused trying to understand what she just had said, or proceded to put their hoof on her mouth to shut her up in the middle of the talk, what she didn’t know is that Alex had a really noisy and hardcore talktaive little sister, and he was really well trained to be a good listener. Even in shock Pinkie managed to return the hug, in that very moment, she knew. . . . she knew she had found a really really interesting good friend. By his part Alex in the inside, was dying of joy (Yes!!!! I’m hugging Pinkie pie, oh God thank you, i mean it thank you, Alex said to himself) They broke the hug and Pinkie then took her time to take a better look of his new friend, then she said with disbelief eyes “Wow, you are tall, not as a minotaur or a Manticore, maybe as tall as princess Celestia, and. . . . . it’s true you don’t have fur covering your body” (really pinkie?, you just noticed all that right now?, Alex thought) At that moment Alex just noticed something, (Of fu…., i’m almost naked, damn, wait Alex don’t worry or panic, for them this is normal, awkward for you, but normal to them), trying to keep calm he said “Hmmmm, Pinkie, could you please just go out the room for a minute, I. . . . need to get dressed please” “Ohhhh, but it’s not even cold in here silly, why would you need to get dress anyway?, not like you are going to a fancy event or anything” “Well. . . . Pinkie (OMG this is so. . . ) as you said before, i don’t have any fur to cover my body, and my skin is a little sensible (he lied), and most of all, for human is a custom to be dressed all the time, well there are some people or weirdos that like to be naked all the time, but they are. . . . . , damn out of the topic sorry, anyway please Pinkie, just give a minute ok?” “okidokilokie” Pinkie said before she bounced out of the room singing lalalalala, (boy. . . . she indeed is a little random) Alex then gathering his clothes that were under the bed proceded to get dress, his shorts, t-shirt with hood, socks and sneakers, just for instinct he also put on his elbows, knees protectors and his hidden blades (After all Lyra was in the hospital too), of course he would never even dream to hurt her or anypony, the blades were there only to intimidate her, just in case. “Ok Pinkie you can come in” At that moment when the door opened to reveal the pink earth pony, a really fast white fur ball entered beside her and tackled Alex with another hug making him loss his balance and fell into the floor, “Alex, Thank Celestia you are ok, i was so worried” said Sweetie Bell said, obvioulsy beaming in joy. “OMG, she is adorable, just like Ang. . . Ang.. . .. . uh?, just like my sister. . . . damn, not again??” “It’s ok Sweetie, i’m fine, but. . . how you got in here? “i sneaked carefully without my Sister notice, i was looking for you in the halls when i saw Pinkie outside next to this room, and when i heard you saying she could come in, i run as fast as i could to meet you” “Ah ok, i see. . . .Wait? sneak?, why would you need to do that?, didn’t they let you pass like they did with Spike? you are also my friend” Sweetie blushed at this comment “Well they were about to let me pass along with Spike, but then my sister stopped me, she still a little afraid that you could do something to harm me, no offense” “nontaken”. . . . (damn, again the Mule feeling), ok thank you very much for your concern Sweetie, it means a lot to me, ok, changing the topic, Spike you said your friends also wanted to meet me, (Spike noded) tell me, is it safe?? (Spike noded again) “. . . . ok Spike, i think it’s time, lets meet your incredible friends but. . .” Sweetie bell interrupted “Oh, Can Applebloom and Scootaloo meet you too Alex?” Sweetie bell asked bouncing happily “Of course Sweetie, but just not today. . . . let me meet your sister and her friends first and in another time i’ll meet your friends ok?” Sweetie happily noded and said “Ok, then i will go to meet them and give them the good news, oh they will be so happy, they want to meet you so badly, ok bye”, then she sprinted out of the room almost matching Pinkie’s speed.” “Ok Spike and Pinkie, as i was saying i’ll meet them but not right now, go tell your friends to come back in about 2 hours and we’ll talk, i want to rest a little ok?” “Ok Alex, rest fine, we’ll come back in a couple of hours with everypony, cya later” Pinkie again hug Alex, “cya in a while Ali, have good dreams” “thank you, ok cya later” Spike and Pinkie exited the room, Alex only laid in the bed, thinking what he would say to the rest of the mane 6, he was so excited and before sucumb to slumber he only could say “This will be one of the best days of my life” > Chapter 13 Meeting the rest, Please, your tears = my heart breaks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex was resting like a baby until he heard some noises outside the room, to his excitement, it was them, he was sure it was them, OMG, it was really them, the main 6 and Spike, Everypony talking about him, by the sounds, he was almost sure Twilight had lots of quills and scrolls in her saddlebag. “ohmygosh, i can’t believe i’m finally meeting him, i only managed to see him from far behind when i was in the cage and when he was unconcious, i know he is tall and different, oh i’m so excited, this will be an incredible letter to princess Celestia” “I just hope he is a civilized creature, and gentle with ladies as myself, not like some nobles in Canterlot, bunch of brutes” “yeah right Rarity, you think some snob noble would have the balls to do what he did, i’m not saying he is dumm or brute but i can say he is an adventurer and fearless creature, just like me” Rarity just huff and said, “not everypony or human has to be uncouth to be brave rainbow dash” “And please Rainbow dash (Applejack added), please don’t say just like yah literally, that’s the last thing Ponyville or Equestria needs, another Rainbow dash” Rainbow dash only grinned (she didn’t take it like an offense) “yeah right he wishes, he will needs decades to be as awesome and cool as i am” “No offense sugarcube, but remember he took down a manticore by himself, burned to ashes a timberwolf and he has been living in the Everfree forest for more than a month, everypony ah know wouldn’t even spend one half night there, he is definetily a creature you must not underestimate” Rainbow dash only huff and looked away, then Rarity noticed something “Fluttershy Darling, you haven’t say anything all this time, something wrong?” “Uh no. . . . i was just thinking, if it safe?, i mean, we didn’t bring the Elements of Harmony, we. . . . don’t know anything about him. . . . . i’m not saying he is dangerous, but. . . . well we should have bring them, . . . . just in case” Alex was speechless, Fluttershy was that untrustfull to him?? Why? At that very moment Spike narrowing his eyes said “I already told you Fluttershy, he is a good human, he even saved all of you Ponyville, he was the one who thought that silly story about the curse, you think any brute creature would have done that, any dangerous creature only would had tried to fight and try to kill them, but he choose a harmless way, and you already saw it at that moment whit the diamond dogs, did he really look that threatening or dangerous?” “well. . . . no, he didn’t (he even looked kind of cute, she thought, wait, where did that come from?) Then Pinkie pie interrupted “Oh cmon Silly Fluttershy, don’t worry, i already met him and talked to him and trust me, he is a good po.. . . . human, he even said he wanted to be my friend, i’m so happy, and i know you will be happy having him as a friend” “um. . . . ok. . Pinkie. . . if you say so” At that very moment, they all entered the room, and there he was “sleeping” (Alex used all his strength to not blow laught, (the thought of Fluttershy being afraid of him helped a lot to achieve that), everypony except Pinkie and Spike looked at him with curious eyes, there he was, a human, a never seen creature in Equestria, he was so diferent, but not in a bad way, Rarity was the first to talk “Well. . . . i’ll say, he isn’t exactly. . . . ugly, i mean when i saw him, he had that hood covering half of his face so i thought maybe he wanted to hidde something”. Then Rainbow still staring said “Yeah, he looks so harmless and a little inocent, does this human really killed a manticore?, after seeing him, i’m starting to have my doubts about that” “Ah have to say, he doesn’t look like a monster to me, and if he is as kind and strong as Spike said, i would not have any trouble to hire him to work in my orchad” “well. . . . he does look. . . . harmless” Fluttershy added At that very moment Alex thought it was time to “wake up”, he proceded to open his eyes and was finally able to see them, there they were, staring at him, together, the very 6 ponies every brony or pegasister would kill to see, the mane 6, they were as beautifull as he imagined, so colorfull and inocent, he almost thougth he wasn’t worth too see them, (ALMOST, his self-steem wasn’t low after all) He didn’t say anything, just stared back, words failed him at that moment, but 30 seconds later he finally managed to say “ummmm, hello?” “Nopony said anything, they were to shock say something” Spike getting irritated to them said “Cmon girls say something, it’s rude to not answer when somepony or human greet you” Twilight was the one to break the ice “Hmmm Hello Mr Alex, my name is Twilight Sparkle, nice to meet you” “Nice to meet you too Mrs Twilight Sparkle, there is no need for Mr, just Alex is fine” “Oh, ok, in that way then to be even, just Twilight would be fine ok? (Alex noded), Ohhh this is so exciting, ok, first things first, let us introduce ours selves, then everypony made a step forward, Rarity first “My name is Rarity, nice to meet you Darling, i’m a fashionista, the best of ponyville if i have to say, modesty apart, i want to properly thank you for saving Sweetie bell from that brute manticore” Alex just could just greet her normally but SCREW IT!!, he knew he will never, eveeeeer have a chance like this again in his life, so he proceeded to stand up from the bed (he was already dressed this time) and got infront of Rarity, he crouched to her level and by her surprise, took her hoof in kissed it, then said “You are very welcome Miss Rarity, i only did what anypony would do, and by the way is my pleasure to meet you too” (blushed a little she said) “Oh my my, we have a true gentlecolt here, see Rainbow dash? He is not a brute as you thought” then she reunited back to her friends and rainbow was next “Hey dude, I’m Rainbow dash the fastest flyer in Equestria, i heard you a little strong, enought to take a manticore by yourself, thats. . . . cool, well not as cool as me (Alex only chuckle inside), nice to meet you, and please, please don’t try to kiss my hoof or i will have to smack you” Alex just smiled at her and said “Don’t worry, Rainbow dash, i know a lady when i see one, trust me, the idea of kissing your hoof never crossed my mind in the first place” “Ahhh. . . . Thanks?” (did he just insulted me or complimented me??) “don’t take it the wrong way, i can also say you are a though girl, so let’s do a fist/hoofbump, i think thant greeting is more your style right?” Alex then proceeded to extend his fist to her, and by instinct she clashed her hoof to it. “Well that was weird, but cool, i think i can get used to you with no problem, i hope you like pranks” (he just noded with an evil smile and said yes) Applejack next “Howdy partner, nice to meet ya, the name is Applejack”, she extended her hoof to make the hoof/fist bump, but Alex had other plans, she grabed her hoof and proceded to shake it like she did with Twilight in the first episode in the show while speaking “Hello Applejack, nice to meet you too, and let me tell you this, your apples are the best i ever taste, every Apple in the planet should be ashamed to be called Apple compared to yours” She blushed a little while trying to stop her hoof shaking after alex let it go, “Gee, thanks sugarcube, they are the pride of the Apple family after all” “A pride well earned Applejack, trust me” After Applejack reunited with her friends, we just stay there, waiting, after one minute, nothing happened, Twilight irritated noticed Fluttershy behind Pinkie pie, her face covered by her mane and apparently she was. . . . crying? Noticing this, pinkie said “Cmon Fluttershy, don’t be afraid, as you could see, he is really nice. . . . I’m sorry Ali, it seems she. . . “ Pinkie stopped after seeing Alex (moved by his brony side) walk to their direction, everypony just stared, Applejack was a little worried he could do something to Fluttershy knowing how she was, she was taking a fighting stance but was stopped by Spike glaring at her with a “don’t you even think about it,” look. When Alex was only a few inches from Fluttershy, he crouched and asked “Hey.. . . . . cutie, i can tell by your name (he lied) that you are indeed shy, but i can also tell, that you are not hidding because of shyness, are you. . . by any chance afraid or upset with me?” Fluttersy didn’t say anything Alex, a little reluctant and scared, proceded to rise his hand and started to stroke her mane, just by the fact that Fluttershy would be scared to death of him. . . . hurt his heart. When he started to stroke her mane, fluttershy only “screamed a YEP” but didn’t stopped him, his stroking was. . . . nice” “I. . . don’t know what i did, but i wont know if you don’t tell me, please Fluttershy, please tell me what i did?” The stroke relaxed Fluttershy a little, she finally started to show part of her beautifull face to him, she stared at him a little more, then she said “Well. . . .nice to meet you. . . . Alex, I’m. . . Fluttershy. . . . oh, but you already know that. . . sorry (she blushed) (OMG SHE IS TOO CUUUUUUTE!!!!! Alex Thought, he wanted so hard to hug her and never let go) She continued “. . . . I heard you saved Sweetie Bell from drowing and from a Manticore. . . . but tell me please (she started to show some tears, OMG, really, it’s not good for the heart to watch Fluttershy cry, worse when you are the reason, Alex thought) did you really have to kill him???” At that moment Alex knew his next words had to be well chosen, or she would be scare of him forever Alex not knowing what to do, did something nopony could predict, he as fast as a lightning, graved fluttershy in a kind hug, Fluttershy was in shock. . .but not a bad one, she felt somehow. . . safe. . . she knew at that moment he wasn’t an. . . Evil creature. “Fluttershy. . . I. . . I. . . I really tried to not kill him, i only wanted to save Sweetie bell, i tried to talk to him, to convince him to leave us alone, but he didn’t, he attacked me and tried to hurt her, i. . . wont say i enjoyed killing him, but i'll also say i don’t regret it, because it was something that needed to be done, but trust me when i say this, I’m so sorry that upset you or made you cry, please forgive me, i promise, if i’m in a similar situation again, i really will try harder to not hurt another living creature again, i can tell you really care for the animals, then i will care harder, i promise” Fluttershy didn’t need to be the Element of Honesty to know he was telling the truth, at that moment she returned the hug. “Thankyou Alex, Sweetie Bell had already told me what happened, but i wanted to hear it from you, now i can say you did what you had to do, you are a good human, and. . . i’m sorry for made you worry, please forgive me. . . if you want” “You already are Fluttershy, and can you forgive me for making you cry?” “You already are too Alex” Everypony and dragon just dawwwwwww for the beautiful moment they just saw, Pinkie pie even was crying too, but they were also impresed, very impresed, Alex managed to gain Fluttershy trust in minutes, he definetily was something else. At that moment Pinkie also aproached Alex and starte to introduce herself “Ok my name is Pimhhmhmhmh” she was stopped by Twilight hoof in her mouth “Uhg Pinkie pie, you already met him, remember?” “. . . . . Oh! Right, hehehehe” Everypony, dragon and even Alex only rolled their eyes and started Laughting. > Chapter 14, Questions and Answers . . . . Yep a Cliche chapter, what can i say? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some good laugh and introductions, it was obvious now was the part Alex knew Twilight was really gonna enjoy more than anypony, Questions and answers!!! Twilight playing with her front hooves asked “Ok. . . . Alex, if is ok with you, can i, no, can we ask you some questions about you and your kind??” “Dispara tus preguntas Twilight” “What???” Everypony and dragon asked “Sorry, that’s my native language where i come from, it means “Ask your questions” “Oh. . . . i see, ok, I already know your species is called human, but i was wondering, by any chance are all of you related in any way with the simians??” “Twilight!!! Rarity interrupted with horror in her face, how can you even think about trying to relate somepony as gentle and Smart like Alex to. . . . Simians?” Twilight looked down to the floor ashamed, but Alex inmediatily stroked her mane and said “It’s ok lady Rarity, even I as a human have to admit that in someways there is some resemblance, well to answer your question Twilight, even some people in my world believe all the human race evolved from Apes, but there isn’t exactly any concrete proof of that, almost every human already discarded that posibility.” “Excellent Thank you, ok next question, then where do humans believes they come from??” “Well Twilight, as many people believe we evolved from Apes, there are many other beliefs, by my and many people’s part, we believed we were created by our God, we believe he created everything, our planet, humans, the animals, etc, and please Twilight don’t ask me about religions, i really don’t like to talk about that theme ok?” “Oh, ok, don’t worry, if it makes you feel unconfortable, thats fine” “Let see, third question, how do you humans managed to stay hidden all this centuries and why haven’t we already seen or heared about another human besides you, are you some kind of spy, collecting information of us to your kind knowledge, are you living underground here in Equestria, Zebrica, Minous, Griffonia or even the Changeling Empire??” Alex didn’t know what to say, was it wise to tell he was from another planet or maybe lie, . . . . . he decided to be honest “ok Twilight i will answer with the truth, but all of you have to pinkie promise to not shock ok? (they all noded and made the pinkie promise, just whatching them doing that promise made Alex his day), the truth is. . . it’s not like we’ve been hidding from you all this time, it’s well, as i can see, humans doesn’t exist in your world” “Say what again” “I’m not from this. . . Planet, somehow, i don’t know how, i was teleported from my home planet to yours” Twilight stayed silent then she said “Applejack? Is he telling the truth” “Ah’d like to say no sugarcube, but. . . . he is telling the truth” Everypony and dragon just let their jaws fell to the floor after hearing Applejack, they were not only dealing with a new creature, but also with an ALIEN “ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, Rainbow repeated, That is awesome!!!” “Zip it rainbow”, Twilight said almost as excited as she was “Ok Alex, then tell me what is your planet name?” “Blue planet, Earth, third one of the Solar Sistem” “Solar sistem. . . i see, then you have a sun, so i believe you also have a moon right?, do your prince or princess move them too” (Alex had to be carefull to not blow his cover by showing them he had a little knowledge about her world) “hmmmm, well, if you are asking that, i could asume your ruler or rulers move them here, wow, move a sun and a moon, just wow, but back to my world, well in Earth, nobody or nopony moves them, let me tell you the best i can, our planet moves around the sun for it’s gravity at the same time the Earth rolled by itself alongside the moon creating that way the days and nights consisting in 24 hours, 12 for daylight and 12 for nights, when the Earth makes a whole roll around the sun that takes 365 days, we know a year have passed.” Twilight was speechless, a sun and moon that moves by themself technically, “WOW, that’s amazing, so you don’t need magic to do that?, then what you do with your magic?” “That’s the thing Twilight. . . . we don’t have magic on Earth, the closest thing we have like magic are ilusions with smoke and mirrors, you know, all fake, just a show” “WHAT? REALLY?, then how you managed to keep advancing as a civilization without magic?? “Well, we may not have magic Twilight, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work hard to keep improving, you know. . . . like Earth ponies, (Alex gave a glance to Applejack who only blushed at that statement) but also we kept trying to improve by creating tools to help us to make the hard work easier, as far as i can tell you Twilight, what we lack in magic, we compensate in Technology. “Ohhhhh” Everypony and dragon said “I. . . . I see, well. . . . by any chance do you have some of your technology with you to show us??”, Twilight said, hope clearly seen in her eyes” “Right now no, but at my PLACE (he half lied for the time being, saying his place didn’t especific Earth or the Sisters old Castle, so maybe that could fool Applejack), i have some advanced stuff, I’m sure you would like to see my Iphone, my computer, my PsVita, my PS3, etc” Twilight was a little dissapointed but still interested more than ever, “Oh, you have computers in your world too, i don’t know about those other things you mentioned a minute ago, but i can tell we have computers here in Equestria, and let me tell you i have the most advanced one right now, the best of the best, with 1000 kilobytes or 1 Megabyte worth of space, really impresive uh? tell me, how much memory the ones in your planet have?” Alex wasn’t exactly shocked, in the show he already had seen Twilight computer and well.. . . he knew it was like the ones on Earth, like 40 or 50 years ago, he didn’t want to make Twilight feel bad by telling her how outdated her computer was, for not saying “muy pero muy CHAFA” (very very cheap) compared to his, she obviously seemed to have so much pride in her device. “Well my computer memory is hmmmm” “Cmon don’t feel bad or ashamed, after all mine is the newest one, you can be honest, but i have to tell you, my friend Applejack here can tell if you are lying, trust me” Alex was trapped (Sorry Twilight) “well mine has. . . . . . . 2 Terabytes of worth space” “uh? what is a Terabyte??” Twilight asked (Alex Facepalmed in the inside, of course she doesn’t know, they haven’t reach that capacity of internal memory) “Well Twilight as you may know, 1000 kilobytes are 1 Megabyte right? “Yeeeeees?” “then tell me. how would you call to a gathering of 1000 Megabytes?” “Oh that would be a Gigabyte, (she knows, this will be easier than i thought) but we are very far to reach that capacity yet, but someday, i know it, in many years maybe 20 or 30, but tell me, what does that have to with this topic?” “Well Twilight, a Terabyte is like well. . . . . 1000 Gigabytes” Twilight only stared at him, Alex could swear by this time he had spent in Equestria, he already had seen jaws extended to their maximus size, but Twilight proved this statement to be wrong, regaining her jaw to her place, without stopping staring at Alex she said “Applejack?” “Yep Sugarcube?” “He is Lying right?” “Nope, he is telling the honest truth” “I. . . . see, then. . . “ Twilight breath slowly and then. . . . “ “WHAAAAAAAAT???? Your computer has 2000 Gigabytes?. . . . 2 Terabytes?. . . but for that to happen, your computers must have the size of a town or a palace at the very least, and it would need a lot of energy, how much power cristals you use to keep it working???, how you managed to build them in the first place, PLEASE TELL ME!!!” (she was shaking Alex shoulders by this moment with a wicked look in her face, also Alex didn’t have the heart to tell her his laptop size, nor to tell her his iphone or Vita were even far more advanced than her computer, at least not tell her for the time being) “Easy there sugarcube, you are scaring him (no she wasn’t, Alex thought.. . . . well maybe a little), anyway, why all that conmotion, is there really a great diference between your computers for these. . . BYTES” “YES APPLEJACK!!!, uh sorry, i mean, yes Applejack, his computer is at the very least 2,000,000 more powerfull than mine, it’s like trying to compare the size of a dog house to an entirely palace, and it even wouldn’t be a fair comparation” “. . . . Well ah don’t know much about Fancy mathematics, but. . . that does sounds big” EveryPony and even Spike noded “Well Twilight, Alex said, remember this, by not having magic to aid us, we had, well, better said, our scientist and inventors had to try to advance as faster as they could, and you can trust me, many scientists in my world would give anything for having a bit of your magic” (Twilight smiled at him) “Ok. . . Twilight said, i’ll stop this topic for now, but you can be sure this conversation isn’t over” “Ok. . . . (OMG, what did i get myself into??” he thought) “Ok, those are all my questions. . . for now, anypony have one?” Rarity then stepped forward “Ok Darling, just one question, why do you always wear clothes?” “Ok lady Rarity, to start, back on Earth, we don’t have fur to keep us warm, and well, not wearing anything in public is a taboo, you can get even be put in jail for exhibitionism because. . . . well, let say unlike you. . . our manhood is not that very well hidden, (everypony, even Rainbow dash blushed at this statement, Spike had to bite his lips to not laught), and finally for confort and protection, by example we need to use shoes like this, (he showed them his sneakers) to let us walk in rough grounds, our feet are not as strong as your hooves or Spike feet. (they noded in agreement and understanding)” “I see, Thank you for your honest answer Darling, and don’t worry, if you ever need some clothes, don’t hesitate to pay me a visit, i have to admit your style has caught my attention, and also bring your. . . . shoes, i think i may be able to recreate similar copies if you let me study them of course” “Thank you very much Lady Rarity” AppleJack was next “Ok Partner, ah need to know, are you some kind of royal guard or soldier back in your world?, i mean considering the tools and weapons you have, the sword, the bow, ah didn’t see you use them againts the dogs, but i believe you don’t carry them just to show up right?” “Well. . . i’m not a warrior, soldier or guard, but i always felt fascination about been. . . like some cools guys i admire in my world, so i trained really hard to be at least as cool as them” “ok sugarcube, ah can say, after hearing of what ya have done, i can say your training really worked, ok, just one more question, what are those. . . . brazalets in your front legs” “My arms Applejack, well they are nothing, just a decoration” Applejack narrowed her eyes a little, “Alex, please, Twilight already told you. . . please don’t lie to me” “Ok, wow, you do are a lie detector, well this beautis are my hidden blades” “hidden blades, and how do they work??” “let me show you” at that moment Alex extended his both arms with a fast swing and let out his blades finishing in an assasin pose (Ninja style), then he retrieved them again turning back in a normal pose. (he had to do it that way, he just. . . had to, even though, then he really felt like an idiot, blushing like a tomato, of course any girl would think he is lame now, idiot, idiot, idiot) Everypony only stared at him, shocked what they just saw, Twilight wrote something in her scrool (dunno what it was), then Rainbow dash with a big smile said “That was AWESOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!” Rainbow dash shoutedn (Well, at least one girl liked it) “yeah, Spike started, no matter how many times i see it, it doesn’t stop being awesome” (Thanks Spike, at least someone apreciate it) Applejack after recovering the shock just said “wow sugarcube, i have to say, that tool is intersting, it’s mecanism is something else, to manage to take out the blade and hidde it again by your will it’s really amazing. A perfect tool for a warrior or guard”. “Thanks Applejack and trust me, i would never use it to hurt the inocent, pony, human or any other creature, i made an oath to not to” “ah can tell you are telling the truth Alex, ah have my doubts about ya, but now, ah know ah can fully trust yah” “Thanks Applejack, ok. . . . next question, Rainbow dash?” “Ok dude, just one question, are there flying humans?” (it was too obvious that would be her question, Alex thought, laughting inside) “Well humans can’t fly by themselves, no human have wings, but our technology advances have let us to build giant aircrafts to help us reach the sky” “ugh, like the ballons we have here??. . . BORING” “Well. . yeah (so you do underestimate us) at first, but now, humanity manage to make like well. . ., let say giant metalic birds called airplanes that let us fly faster, there are even airplanes (Alex avoided the part about they were war planes) that let us break the sound barrier and let us make Sonic booms (like your Sonic rainboom, haha, take that rainbow) “. . . . . Wow, the sound barrier?, Sonic booms?, ok, i have to admit. . . not so boring” Pinkie was next “Ok, i already asked you if you would be my friend, you said yes, and if you would come to your party, and you said yes again, just one question, can you please tell me where do you live to send you the invitation there or maybe even make the party there. “Ok, Pinkie, to tell you the truth, i’m living in an abandoned castle in the Everfree forest” “WHAT?” they all said, except Spike, then Rarity stepped forward with a face like she had just been ofended “Oh Darling that . . . will not do, no sir, you are moving to Ponyville inmediately, there is no way i will let you spend another night in that horrid and dark place” “I have. . . torchs?” Alex responded, Rarity only stared at him with a “you are moving, got it” look, defeated Alex only said “Ok, ok, but where am i going to live here??” “Oh, oh, at my place, at my place, please please”, Pinkie said “Are you sure Pinkie?, i mean, i don’t want anypony to think im imposing or freeloading, is there at least someway i could pay for my stay” “It’s not a problem silly, i’m sure the Cakes wont mind at all, and if you want to, you can help me bake, what you say?” “Ok Pinkie but know this, if i see any sign of troubles for you, i’ll move right away any other place or back here ok?” “Okidokilokie, besides i know there wont be any problem” “Well Rarity said, i was gonna invite you to stay at carrousel boutique with me and Sweetie bell, after all, anypony can say now she adores you, but if Pinkie wants to. . . well, that’s ok, but remember, in case that doesn’t work, you don’t have to. . . No! you will not go back to that castle, you are coming with us, got it??” “Ok. . . (man she can be scary if she wants to), Thank you very much Lady Rarity” “Ok, and even though i really love you to call me Lady, you can call me just Rarity, we are friends after all right?” “Ok Lad. . . . Rarity” (she smiled) “Well. . . any other question?. . . Fluttershy? Fluttershy YEPED and hidded almost all her face behind her mane again asked “Well. . . . can you please. . . tell me, what do humans eat?, well if thats. . . . ok with you” “(OMG does her cuteness have any limit???) Ok Fluttershy, it is ok with me, well first of all, please don’t panic ok?” they all noded “Right, well. . . . humans are omnivores, we can eat fruits, vegetables, and. . . meat, but before somepony panic, don’t worry, ever since i arrived here, i only have eaten fish, and no, i don’t eat ponies, dragons, any other Smart creature and of course any little or big animal creature you consider your friend Fluttershy” Fluttershy gave him a warm Smile and hug him “Ok Alex, Thank you” Alex inmediatily hug her back “Fluttershy, since you care so much about animals, tell me, do my necesary diet upset you?” “Well, you don’t do it by choice, and well. . . many of my animal friends are carnivores, so no, i’m not mad at you, it’s who you are” “Thank you Fluttershy” and gave her another hug (yep another hug so what?, for God sake it's FLUTTERSHY cmon) Everypony dawwwwww again, By that time, they didn’t notice it was already night. “Ok girls, Alex said releasing Fluttershy, this was a good and entertaining visit but i believe we need to call it for today”, i have to stay here for tonight, but tomorrow, i will go to the castle, take my stuff and move to pinkie’s place ok?” “Ok, Alex, Twilight said, but we are going there with you, it’s dangerous there, you most of all should know it” “Cmon Twilight, you really don’t have to, i think i can. . . “ “We insist Darling” Rarity interrupted glaring at him “. . . . Ok” After that, they all left, once alone, Alex was only thinking “Man. . . . they are. . . AMAZING, everyone of them, everypony is so unique, what a waste, if. . . . only they were humans, o well, i still have around 3 more months here (in theory) and i’m planing to enjoy it at the fullest, Ponyville, Equestria, here i come, are you prepared??” > Chapter 15, Moving out!!! don’t hate me!! Three Little sunshines!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a good night of sleep and some more tests in the morning, Alex was ready to leave the hospital, in his way out along with his little sleepy friend Spike, both noticed two hospital guards keeping guard outside one of the rooms, they both wondered who could it in there, maybe it was the Mayor, a Prince, a Pop star, or maybe. . . (he was interrupted by somepony shooting from the room, it was obvious she had just woke up) “GET ME OUT OF HEEEEEERE!!!!, CAN’T YOU ALL SEE MY ALEXIS WIKIE NEEDS MEEEEEE??!?” The scream of certain unicorn banished any wonder of who could be in the room “Lyra!!! Calmdown!!, (Bombon said), he is not your human or pet, you need to calmdown!! Or they will never let you go and instead of a hospital room, you will be confined into a nut house!!” “BUT, BUT, ugh, not fair!, I had him, I really HAD him!, what is everypony problem, why they interfiered, I only wanted to help him, he must feel really lost right now without me, I need to find him now!!” “Lyra!, I know you were so excited to finally be able to meet him, but. . . how in Tartarus you thought hiting him with a showel was a good idea!, how in the world do you expect him to like you now after that??” After hearing this, Lyra knew Bombom was right, she had to be carefull of her actions for now on, or she would never see his Alexis Wikie again, she still remembered him, so tall, sooo CUTE!!! And his HANDS!!!, she had to see him again, he was all she always wanted and expected if she ever manage to find a real human. “He is, he is just confused, I had to take him home before anypony else would try to. .. . . to take him first. . . .NO!!! HE IS MINE, MINEEEEE!!” While Bombom and Lyra continues arguing, Alex and Spike, after hearing that, just resume their way out, hoping that door and the guards would be enough to stop the Mint Green Menace Once they were out, the mane six were already there, waiting for them to go to the Sisters Old Castle “Ok Alex, ready to go for all your stuff at the Castle?” “Yeah Twilight, but I mean it, you don’t have to come” “Nonsense Darling, we can’t let you go there alone, it’s dangerous, besides, no offense dear but, we really have no warranty that you will come back if we let you go alone” (everypony noded) “Ouch Rarity, that’s hurts. . . . but, I have to admit, it’s a valid argument, ok, lets go” The walk to the castle wasn’t so bad, it was quiet when they were walking through Ponyville at that moment, after all, everypony hidded when he came out of the hospital (man, this was what Zecora had to endure?, no wonder she is tough), of course everypony, Spike and Alex were always carefull, he lead them through the safest path he knew, Twilight made sure to write the path in a scroll she somehow summoned with her magic. While walking, they asked some more simple questions to him, like how was Earth, where he lived, if he had a job and what he do, some questions about his family, (that ones Alex ignored and tried to change to topic as soon as posible, he wasn’t ready to talk about them. . . yet), Everypony of course, noticed that, so they didn’t insist about the topic, much to his pleasure. Finally, they arrived to the castle, everypony were really scared just by watching it, it was obvious after all, they weren’t as used to it as Alex and Spike “Cmon dont worry, Spike and I can tell you it’s safe, I’ve been living here for a month, besides . . . . I’m pretty sure, I will need help to finish studying all those books in the Castle big library. . . “ “At that very moment, matching Rainbow Dash speed, Twilight sprinted to the castle as if it was gonna dissapear in any moment. (OMG, she is so easy to read, like a book. . . . hahahaha, a book. . . . what? Oh cmon! That was funny, tough crowd)” “Twilight wait!!”, Everypony said and proceded to go after their egghead friend, Alex didn’t run, alongside Spike, they just walked there and when they finally reached the Library, of course they found Twilight in there reading at least 5 books levitated by her magic, she was reading with a her well known litte wicked smile. “ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, how in Tartarus I didn’t notice this Library the last time we were here!!!” Applejack answered “Well. . . ah don’t know, maybe because we were too busy trying to save Equestria with the Elements of Harmony sugarcube?” “Oh Right” Twi said blushing “Ok girls, Alex said, Please wait here with Twilight, I’m only going to my room to pack all my stuff, I’ll be back in around 5 or 10 minutes” “. . . . Can we come with you??” Spike and Pinkie pie asked “ok, cmon you two” They both followed him, when they arrived to his room, they didn’t see anything out of normal, some clothes in the bed and floor, his tools in the wall, some food in a mini table, apples, berries, cupcakes (Yep, Alex made some more shopping a couple more times, man, those muffins and cupakes are out of his world.. . . literally). Alex never saw it comming, how Pinkie pie after noticing the cupcakes, literally catapulted herself to his chest in a crushing hug and nuzzling, “ohmygosh, ohmygosh (gesh, they really like to say that when they are excited uh?, Alex thought), it was you, it was you after all, I knew it, you are the kind thief (Kind thief???, what’s that, a snack?), tell me, please tell me, you liked them?, you liked them? I mean, my muffins and cupcakes?”, Pinkie kept asking while shaking Alex to no end. “Hmmm yeah, I loved them, they were the best Muffins and Cupcakes I ever had, as Applejack with her apples, you should feel really proud of your cooking Pinkie” Pinkie stopped at that very instant, she just kept staring Alex, a light blush appeared in her checks, many ponies had told her before how they liked their cooking, but he said, he LOVED it, and not only that, he also told her she should feel proud of it, it was the first time somepony told her something like that, she was definetily not used to it, then by pure instinct she hugged Alex, but this time, it wasn’t a bear hug, it was kind and warm, like the ones fluttershy gives. “Thank you so much, I love when others enjoy my cooking, and yes, I am really proud of it” Alex returned the hug and stroked her mane, “Ok Pinkie, thanks, now let’s gather all my stuff and get out of here” Alex with their help, managed top ut all his clothes and tools in the suitcase, luckily for him, he already had all his tech stuff in his backpack, he would decide to show Twilight his world advances at the right time. “Ok, I think everything is packed, Let’s go” Alex, Pinkie and Spike reunited with the rest of the gang, it was a war to convince Twilight to leave the library, Alex had to tell her and pinkie promise her that he would come with her again many times later, she accepted and then they proceded their way back home. Back in Ponyville, as before, nopony was out of their stores or homes, just a minute before they arrived, they all heared how everypony trotting to their homes to hide, wining everypony trust will be hard, its all Alex could think at the moment. “Well, I think, it’s better they’d be afraid of me instead they’d be trying to banish me with torchs and spears I guess” (Alex tried to be funny with no success) “Gosh, why do they have to be sooooo Thick headed?” Rarity said, obviously ofended and dissapointed “It’s ok Rarity, it only will take more time that we thought, that’s all,” (Rarity just smiled and noded to him) “No problem Ali, we will think of something!! You’ll see!, Pinkie said bouncing “Thanks Pinkie, I know you will, ok now. . . lead the way” “Okidokilokie” Everypony, dragon and human proceded to walk to Sugarcube corner, when they finally were at the front door, Alex felt a little afraid, he wanted to make a good impresión, after all, the cakes could be his host for the time being, when Pinkie tried to open the door, she and everypony noticed it was locked “Uh??, that’s odd, Sugarcuber corner never closes so early, MR AND MRS CAKE, PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!!, IT’S PINKIE PIE AND FRIENDS, THERE IS SOMEPONY I WANT YOU TO MEET!!” At that very moment, in a blink of an eye, the door opened really fast, a yellow hoof grabed Pinkie pie and took her inside the house, Alex and the rest only stared and started to hear noises from inside. Mrs Cake then said “Pinkie pie!!, thank Celestia you are ok, you must be carefull, that monster in two legs is wondering around the town and he almost got you!” “WHAT???, there is a monster here in Ponyville??, I have to warn my friends” Pinkie was about to leave when she was stopped by Mrs Cake by the tail “No Pinkie Pie!!, can’t you see right now he is at the front door??” “Really?? Oh no!! my friends!”, then she proceded to see from the window, she was so worried for her friends, she looked, but saw no “monster” “ummmm, are you sure Mrs Cake?? I only can see the girls, Spike and Ali, Maybe he or the girls took the monster down, but a don’t see it beaten on the ground, or maybe he ran away ” “Nooo Pinkie, Mr Carrot interrupted, that thing with strange clothes it’s the monster, can’t you see it, he may have your friends trapped with some kind of mind control power or something like that” “OHHHH, wait! No, don’t be silly, That’s Alex, but he let me calls him Ali, he is no a monster, he is a human, and even better, he is the “kind thief” he is nice, he is a really good stall. . . . human” “Oh, Pinkie my dear, you must have hit your head very bad this time, or maybe you are still a little in his mind control, just look at him, there is no way that. . . . FREAK could be good” Oblivious to them, Everypony, dragon and Alex heared everything, with a warm voice Alex only said from outside, hoping they could hear him, “Pinkie, It’s ok, don’t worry, I. . . understand, now is not the moment, not yet, I already took Rarity’s offer, maybe later, when everything cool off, we can return and try again to meet the Cakes, ok, sorry for bothering you Mr and Mrs Cake, Cya later, you too Pinkie, Cya later.” Then Alex and Everypony else proceded to go to Carousel Boutique for Alex could unpack his stuff, some seconds after they left, Mr Cake said “Ja!, he thinks he can fool us with kind words, Really, Thank Celestia he is gone, wow, to even be able to mind control Princess Celestia’s Student Twilight Sparkle, his magic has to be very powerfull, I just hope the royal guards come here fast so they can deal with that freak soon” After procesing everything that just happened, watching how Alex went somewhere else, listened what Mr Cake said about him, how he. . . called him, Pinkie just stared at them, anger and sorrow in her eyes, her mane almos deflated. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!! Can’t you see he is my new friend, you. . . you. . . hurt his feelings, he is nice and kind and perfectly normal, and you called him a freak??, have you forgotten how much I really HATE! That word? How many ponies used to. . . . GOSH, Sorry but i have to go, I need to get out of here for now!” Pinkie then in tears, exited sugarcube corner to confort his friend, she needed to apologize for everything. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Walking to Carousel Boutique, the mane 5 were only staring Alex, they felt really hurt, and they wondered. . . was Alex hurt as well? He had to be, Alex noticed their concern, he knew what it was but he asked anyway “What’s wrong girls? Spike?, is something in my face??” “Well sugarcube. . . . tell me the truth please, and yah know yah can’t lie to me. . . Aren’t yah angry, hurt, ofended?” “To be honest Applejack.. . . not really, maybe a little dissapointed, I really saw it coming, granted maybe I expected a little more, but we all know it will take some time for the ponies to trust me and accept me” (Applejack smiled at his understanding nature) “Ok sugarcube, ah am glad that’s how you feel, and don’t worry, we will help you to ponyville to accept you, and trust me when I say that Celestia protects anypony who even try to hurt you again, I had to held back my desire to buck the cakes at sugarcube corner just because they are Pinkie caretakers.” “That’s right Darling, I mean, maybe somehow. . . . I can deal with the fact they are scare and all, but. . . . calling you a Monster? a. . a. . freak?, they can be really sure to not expect having me as a customer for a long time, not unless they properly apologize to you Alex, (everypony and Spike noded in agreement)” “Thanks girls, I really apreciate it, but I can say, I dunno if you will be able to fullfill that promise, let’s face it, Pinkie pie pastries are too good to be ignored for a long time” (every pony knewing that was true only looked away) “besides I don’t want to cause troubles, maybe I should head back to. . . . . .” Rarity interrupted him right away and said “Don’t you even think about finishing that sentence, you stay here with us, with your friends, not being alone anymore” “I wasn’t exact. . . . .” Alex tried to respond before being interruped by Rarity Puppy eyes “. . . ok Rarity” (Wow she really is generosity in person I mean in pony? Whatever), I just hope Pinkie pie is ok wi. . . .” again Alex was interruped by a Pink pony that tackled him to the ground. When Alex opened his eyes to see what it was, he just could feel somepony huging him like if he was gonna banish, it was. . . Pinkie pie, although he couldn’s see her face, he noticed almost inmediatily that he mane was different, it was straight and. . . so flat, and the second thing he noticed, . . . his chest little by little was getting wet, it was obvious by it and the sobs, that she was. . . crying, it wasn’t right, this was not the Pinkie he knew and admired from the series (he remembered seeing her like this in one episode after she thought her friends abandoned and hate her), did she think he was going to hate her or that he was mad at her? His thoughts were fast interrupted by Pinkie pie who just started to say “I’m sorry, I’m. . I. . .I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m. . I’m so. . . sorry, please, please don’t hate me, please, I’m sorry, please don’t stop being my frie. . . friend. . .I’m sorry, please don’t hate me, don’t hat. . hate me” Just hearing her saying that. . .was enough for her friends to share some tears, Even Alex had to fight to not let some come out with no success, everypony tried to get close to confort her friend but were stopped when Alex rised his hand commanding them to stop right there, he some. . . how knew what to do. He started to stroke Pinkie mane very gently while hugging her back, she felt it and started to calm down a bit, and finally manage to speak again “Ali, I’m so sorry!, I. . . never thought the Cakes would react like that, ever, they were so. . so. . meanies, please, please don’t hate me, I didn’t want that to end like that, I’m so sorry for brought you there to only to be insulted and kicked out before even going in” Alex only chuckled at this “Pinkie, I would never hate you, never, even in a million years, you wasn’t the one who said those things, they were, and is perfectly normal, they are scared, sometimes you reject or are afraid of what you don’t know”. “But. . . they called you a. . . Monster and . . . . a Freak (Pinkie pie shrudered after saying that last word), if I never had brought you there, you would never had to pass for that” “Pinkie don’t worry, there was no way you could know that would happen, besides you weren’t the one who acted like that, and it’s not like you think that way right?” At that moment Pinkie moved her head to be face to face with Alex with and ofended expresion “NO!!, of course no, NEVER, you are not a freak nor monster, you are my. . . our friend (everypony and Spike noded), and we care for you, and I promise as Celestia as my witness, I will not stop until all ponyville can see that and be your friend” “You can count us in to promise that too Alex” Twilight said while everypony else noded “Gee thanks girls and Spike, but Pinkie, just one request please” “yes?” “Never, ever let me see you like this again, I have to admit the straight hair well. . . really suits you and all, you look very cute, but if it means you are sad. . . . then I rather your other style, because it means you are happy and cheerfull. At that very moment Pinkie hair blowed up again to its old self, she just smiled at him, and proceded to hug him again, “Thank you so much Alex, Thankyou for being my friend” “Anytime Pinkie, Anytime” They continued walking to carousel boutique, (pinkie bouncing happily as always, which really was a relief to everypony and Alex), Rariy said “Well Darling, we are almost there, I’m sure you will like my place, its very warm a conforable, just one thing, the spare room is in the basement, I hope you don’t mind” “Rarity, you are giving me a roof under my head and a bed to sleep, I would never even dream about complaining at all, I just hope to fill your expectatives and be a worthy guest” “What you mean dear?” “Well, look a you Rarity, you transpire nobelity all times, it’s obvious your place must be very fancy, I’m really glad and impresed you even offered a room to a common guy like me” Rarity blushed hard this time, of course everypony knew her tastes were. . . . a little higher compared everypony else, but to be called. .. . . noble, now she really want. . . needed to help him to be happy here in her world. “Oh! Thank you dear, you are really humble, I really hope that modesty didn’t come for having hard times in your world” “hmmm not really Rarity, to be honest, money was never a problem in my house and my parents always thought me about humility and even how to be apreciative about the free things life can give you, they thaught me the meaning of hard work and to earn what you want, of course by honest ways” “I. . . . see Darling, I’m glad to hear that." They finally reached caorussel boutique, once inside, Alex could not help to admire the internal decorations, (wow, the series showed Rarity’s home many times, but the really went short, this doesn’t even compare) “Well, what you think Darling?” “What do I think? well, remember when I told you how you recemblance a noble” “yes?” Rarity said, fearing Alex would no longer think so high of her “Well I have to correct myself (Rarity was a bout to share some tears),. . . . you have to be some kind of princess or a the very least a relative of a duke” Rarity could not smile higher even if she’d tried to all day, “Oh my, thank you dear, but I’m not, I’m just an average pony, who as you said, worked really hard to get everything you are seeing” “Rarity, you and your friends (Alex said pointing everypony and dragon), are everything but average, you all are kind, loyal, funny, honest, generous and why not very magical in a way I can’t describe, (yep, he just listed the elements), and that’s is SPECIAL, no matter what other ponies says” Everypony blushed a little at this statement and along with Rarity, proceded to make a group hug. “ok, I think it’s time for me to settle down, Rarity can you please show me the basement?” “Ok course Alex, come with me”, When Alex saw the basement room, he saw a very confortable room, a little bed, a wardrobe, a little table and chair, even though it was a basement, the room was really beautiful at sight, way better than the dusty and wrecked Castle room “Ok Rarity, I think for now I will just leave my luggage here, then unpack everything at night, now let’s go, everypony is waiting for us” When Alex and Rarity finally reach the room where Everypony else were, they noticed they were having some kind of meeting. “Hey girls, what’s this all about, is something wrong?” “No Ali, pinkie said, we were just planing how to make all ponyville to meet you, I really wanted to make you a party right away, but if I do it now, nopony will come and I don’t want that” “That’s right sugarcube, so we were thinking about visiting Mayor Mare and ask for her help, maybe make an oficial presentation or something, since Princess Celestia and Luna will not come back in a week from Saddle Sarabia, we can’t ask them, and ah am sure you don’t want to be secluded in your room for one week, so what you say?, wanna come with us partner” “Ok, let’s go” They were about to exit the boutique when Alex noticed someponies or better said somefillies in front of him at the door, stearing him, at least two of them, the third one, a beautiful unicorn filly was only looking at him with a huge grin in her muzzle, then she said “See? he is real!”, Sweetie Bell squeak, Applebloom and Scootaloo only kept staring (DAMN, the CMC!, Sweetie bell is really cute, but seeing them three togheter reaches imposible levels of cuteness, Alex thought) It was Applebloom who broke the ice “yeh, Sweetie bell, ah can see it now!. . . . ummmm, good day sir, ah am Applebloom, nice to meet ya” “Nice to meet ya too Applebloom (Damn! Just damn!, so cute!), I’m Alex, and if I have to guess, you must be an Applejack relative” (of course he lied) “well. . . . . yeah, I’m her little sister, how you knew, are you a. . . .” “PSYCHIC!!, Pinkie pie interrupted, looking at Alex with expecting eyes” Moving pinkie aside to look Applebloom again he responded, “no I’m not, it’s just so obvious, I mean really, APPLEbloom, APPLEjack, your country accent, how really cute you both are, I mean DUH!” Applebloom and Applejack (who was behind Alex) only blushed, “ I see sir” “Please, Alex is fine, if you want” “Ok Alex, as ah was saying, nice to meet ya, Sweetie bell have told us how ya saved her in the Everfree forest and. . . . “ “Yeah! Scootaloo said, how you faced that manticore and had a fight, and well you had to take him down, that’s so cool, well not as cool as rainbow dash, but still, really cool, and now, how you manage to fool those diamond dogs, really, that just so. . . “ “COOL?” Alex, Applebloom and Sweetie bell answered for her “well yeah” she blushed Alex then aproached Scootaloo and said “And who this little cutie pegasus might be?” he asked while pating her head “Oh right!, I’m Scootaloo and I’m not cutie (well.. . maybe a little) I’m the the most amazing pegasus fillie you will find in Equestria” “I see, Scootalo, yeah I can see you might be amazing and also I see some resemblance with Rainbow dash, are you by any chance her sister too?? (of course Alex knew she wasn’t, well at least the first season never mentioned it, but he knew she admired her)” “Really!!! you think we look alike, I mean she is not my real sister, but she took me under her wing, it’s like we are sister right?” (took her under her wing?. . . that’s new) “Well yeah, and I have to say, there could not be any other fillie in Equestria that could fill that spot better than you”, Scootaloo blushed harder after hearing that, she already liked this new guy. “Ok girls, believe me when I say that i’d like to stay here and know you a little more, but the girls, Spike, Everypony and I have to go do some things with Mayor Mare, What you say, wanna come? “YEAH!!, they said in unison” "Ok, Let's go then" > Chapter 16, A fresh start my little mint pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOME OF THE MOST AMAZINGS OCs I EVER SEE, A TRIBUTE TO THEM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ALEX POV We finally started our way to Mayor mare ofice, the crusaders with us, (Sweetie bell was on my head, (wow, I didn’t know she already trust me that much. . . . YAY), walking and talking about ourselves, of course Sweetie bell already knew many things about me, I thought Applebloom and Scootaloo wouldn’t find my story interesting, but they really listened with full attention, I have to admit, their faces (including Sweetie bell) when I told them that I was an Alien was priceless. Then Scootalo said something that really took my attention “Wow Alex, even though now I’m talking to you, I still can’t believe it, I mean, Lyra always wanted to share her beliefs of your kind with everypony, they, well, we always thought she was crazy, someponies even made fun of her, now that I think about it, it was a bit. . . cruel.” “yeh, Applebloom continued, as everypony, ah always thought she was crazy, but ah never made fun of her, she was free to believe whatever she wanted to right?, ah believe now that you are here, she must be the happiest pony in all Equestria, she can finally prove she wasn’t crazy, not more bullying to her, ah’m. . . . glad for her” Wow, I couldn’t believe it, she was made fun for believing in us, I thought here, well ponies were more tolerant, but I guess, bullying can be anywhere, Lyra. . . . always kept believing, no matter what they said about her, no matter how much she wanted to prove them wrong, knowing maybe she would never be able to, and now here I am, the living proof, granted maybe she was a littl.. . . . . ok she was REALLY obsesive with me, but, isn’t it the same as in my world??, how many locos would give anything to prove the existence of Aliens from other worlds, (these ponies are really lucky I’m just a regular brony instead of a freaky psycho Alien believer). I stopped my tracks at that very moment, just thinking and looking to the ground, thinking about. . . Lyra, the other girls and Spike noticed this and aproached me with worried eyes, then Twilight said “Alex is everything alright?, don’t tell me you changed your mind??”, Everypony gasped and started to have worried faces. “uh?, hmm, no Twilight, not at all, it’s just. . . . girls, we need to go somewhere else before to Mayor Mare” “Where we need to go Darling?” “To the hospital, right now” “Why the hospital sugarcube, you forgot something there?” “Actually Applejack yes, I did, I forgot. . . . . . . Lyra” “What???, are you crazy dude (rainbow said), she is reaaaaally crazy, she wants to make you her pet, remember the hay bed, the collar, the bowl with. . . ugh, that name, not to mention she knocked you out and tried to. . . ponynap you” “Yeah, I remember rainbow, my head still hurts a little, but. . . . let’s put ourselves in her place one moment, imagine something that you believe with all your heart, but nopony believes you, but you know it exist, even worse, they made fun of you and humíliate you for that, and then from nowhere, the proof you have been looking all this time suddendly appears, what would you do? Everypony didn't know what to say, then Alex continued You will try to get it no matter what?, I have to admit, I still have issues about her wanting having a human as a pet, I mean it, seriously, that just creep. . . . , sorry back to the topic, what I want to say is, all this time I have been only avoiding her, maybe it’s time to settle down all this issue, talk to her and try to understand her better right?, what you say girls, Spike, crussaders, are you with me? Everypony just looked at me with big eyes and smiles, Rarity even got close to me and gave a hug, then said “You are a good human Alex, and very generous” “Thanks Rarity, but compared to yours, I'm greed incarnated, ok girls, let’s go, I believe Lyra also needs to have her dream come true too, just one thing, this is the only chance I’m giving to her, if she gets crazy or hostile, let us never speak of this again” Everypony noded. We finally arrived the hospital and all of us went directly to Lyra’s room, the two guards were still there, when they looked at us, (to me most of all) one of them said “Don’t worry. . . . sir, this crazy unicorn in there is well secluded, until she is ready and promise to not hunt you again, she is not leaving this room, you may not be a pony, but you helped us, and then she did. . . that, shame of her” “It’s ok dudes, glad to see you are not afraid of me, and don’t worry, you are making a good job, tell me, has she calm down” “Yes, she is now sleeping after the docs used some anesthetic on her, she wasn’t stop talking, that you are a human, and she wanted to protect you from this cruel world, and bla bla bla, what a crazy pony, she still believes this humans exist” I was getting angry, I didn’t like the way he was speaking about her, then I said “Actually, yes I am a human, she wasn’t crazy after all” They both gasped and wanted to say something, but before the could I talked again “And I’m here to see her right now, and my friends here are coming with me, in case she tries something crazy again, can you please let us in?” Still in shock, both of them noded and opened the door, when we entered the room, we found Lyra in her bed, sleeping like a baby with teary eyes, (she was crying before, man she really, really wants get out of to meet me and uhg make me her . . . ) Bombom was next to lying in the couch, she also was sleeping (wow, she really is a good friend to her and like everypony, she is .. . . cute). At the moment everypony were inside, she inmediatily woke up, when she looked at us, her jaw opened, somehow she managed to put it in it’s place and said “What are you doing here???, can’t you see you are not safe here?, when she sees you, she will become crazy again, get out, I’m telling you for your own goughughg” I putted my hand in her mouth and said “yes I know, I know the risks of being here, I’m not dumb, but knowing you are Lyra’s best friend, I can tell you this, I want to help her, she wants to meet a human, here I am then , I only want to talk to her, ok?” Bombom noded “Well thank you Mr human, even though she is a little crazy, she is a good pony, and I’m sorry for what she did, it’s just, she wanted to meet you so badly, trust me, I tried so many time to convince her that you are not a pet, I know you are not a mindless creature that needs to be take care of, so don’t worry, I know that with your help, we can help her to finally get the idea” Don’t worry miss. . . I believe your name is Bombom? (she noded and said yes), ok bombom, how much time we have before she wakes up?” “well, I believe she will wake up in about. . . . (she gulped) now” “. . . . . crap” LYRA POV “Oh, sweet Celestia, I had the most incredible dream ever, my Alexis wikie and I were enjoying a picnic together, he was so well manered, he was a very good listener, we talked about many stuff, like what I liked to eat, how I moved to Ponyville from Canterlot, but more importantly, I told him how I knew a lot about humans, Alex only noded all the time while stroking my mane, ohhhh, those hands, it was everything I always dreamed for (it was still dream by the way. . . dang it, I need the real thing), I only stayed there in his lap, and then woke up” (Lyra said to herself in her mind, thank God) “Ok, Bombom where are you (Opening eyes), do you think they will finally going to let me. . . . . (finally sees Alex alongside with the mane 6, the crussaders and Spike) leave??” END POV Lyra only stared, stared and stared and stared, it couldn’t be true, but yes it was, there, just a meter away from her, staring back, with a weak smile, there he was, her. . . human, her Alexis wikie, just before anypony could react, moved by her instincs, she jumped from the bed and tackled Alexis to the ground and started to nuzzle her face in her chest. “Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, (what? Even her, Alex thought), it’s you, it’s really you, my Alexis wikie, this is the best thing posible (wow, counter Rarity), why are you here? Not that I mind at all, are you here to finally accept my love? Yes that must be, don’t worry, I believe you didn’t like the idea of the haybed, don’t worry, we’ll get a good bed for you, and the collar, don’t worry, you don’t have to use it all the time, (uh?. . . what??. . . thanks??, Alex managed to think), you’ll see, I will take good ca. . . . what?” At that moment, Rarity and Twilight, using their telekinesis, floated Lyra back to her bed and proceded to restrict her “What on Tartarus are you doing?? Don’t you see it? He came back to me!!, he does love me and want me to take care of him!, LET ME GO” Lyra tried to get free with her own magic, she wasn’t exactly weak with her magic, but. . . being restricted by two unicorns, and one of them being the Element of Magic, well. . . It was obvious she wasn’t going anywhere. “Lyra snap out of it!!” Bombom finally said “Uh? Bombom, why are you not helping me, they will take my human away from me, PLEASE, HELP ME!, I’M BEGGING YOU!” “Please listen, they brought him here, no, they didn’t, he came to see you by his own free will, he wants to talk to you, will you please calm down and try to listen to them” “But. . . But. . . I know what he will say” “You do??” “Yeah, he will tell me how bad and mean everypony has been with him, don’t you think I haven’t hear any of that, everypony is scared of him and had been giving him the cold shoulder, that’s why he came back to me, I’m the only one who really can understand him, don’t you worry Alexis wikie, I promise you. . . no harm will come to you while you stay with me, really, just come with me, you’ll be safe my. . . my precious human” “Jesh Lyra!, why are you so stuborn, if you keep acting like this, he will. . . .really hate you!!” “What??, don’t be silly Bombom, there is no way he hat. . .” Lyra then looked at Alexis, he was there looking her, fear in his eyes, the eyes of “I don’t want to be near of you”, the eyes of rejection she has been recieving for many years from fillies and ponies for believing in humans, why? why he was looking at her with THOSE eyes? “Alexis, you don’t. . . .hate me right?, you want to be with me . . . . right? (no response) “But. . . why??, I am the only one who always believed in your kind, your kind was always so fascinating, so awesome, so beautiful, my grand grand grand. . well my Elder grandpa’s journals always talked about your kind, how incredible yet too stupid you were, how your world was so unique, your culture, your life, your. . . wars, yet when I first found those journals and knew about you. . . humans, I fell in love with the idea of someday, meeting one and visit your world, don’t missunderstand, life here is good but sometimes is so. . . boring, but all of you, your world, even being a little barbaric, sound so excited, so unreal, so. . . unique, but the one thing that make me really be so desperate to know more was your. . . HANDS, they are the most amazing thing I ever see, true many creatures here have pawns or claws very similar, but. . . not Hands!, but I. . . don’t know, human’s hands are so. . . I don’t know how to describe it, all I can say, it’s, I became obsesive ok. Alex was speechless, Lyra really knew about his world and his culture (maybe a littl. . . . , well a lot downdated), her grandparent journals? Her grandparent once was in his world?? How?, many questions that needed answers, but maybe for later, he was about to say something but was interrupted by the sobing of the green mint unicorn. “(hic) I wanted so much to meet a human, so. . . .much, and in the end. . . I made you hate me, fear me, (hic), I’m sorry, I think. . . I overeacted, but when I knew there was a human, a REAL human, told by Twilight, not those fake tips many ponies sent me only to make fun of me, (hic) which I, like a fool. . . always gave a shot in case those would be real, ugh, stupid me, I guess, I thought you would be lost, in a whole new world, maybe you would need help, maybe you were hostile, but I was prepared to tame you, to make you love me, to respect me and could live in my world with no trouble, to be. . . my special friend, human friend, to help me prove to everypony I wasn’t. . . crazy, I’m. . . . sorry, I’m so sorry, Alexi. . . . no, I don’t deserve to call you like that anymore, I never deserved it, I’m sorry, Human, if you want to go and have nothing to do with me, well go ahead, I wont stop you” By this moment, Lyra wasn’t even looking at Alex or anypony to the eyes, she was just staring down. Alex knew what he had to do, until now, it had proven to have a powerfull effect, it worked with Fluttershy and Pinkie pie. “Twilight, Rarity, please. . . .let her go” “What?? But darling, if we do that. . . she will try to knock you out again, it’s for your own good, (Twilight noded)” “I. . . know, but. . . I need you to trust me in this one ok” “They just stared for a second, reluctant, they noded and turned off their horns” Lyra now free just sit there on the bed, speechless, not daring to look at the human, only hearing how he was aproching to her, maybe to smack her for how stupid she was, she stayed there, waiting for it, but it never came, instead, the human did something that was. . . incredible, a DREAM COME TRUE. Alex was. . . hugging here and stroking her mane while doing it, his hands felt. . . so incredible, no dream could compare, never. “You are incredible Lyra, I mean it, alongside Spike and her friends, one of the bravest pony I ever met” (technically he haven’t meet many ponies, but you get the idea), you kept strong to your beliefs, you knew maybe you would never be able to prove our existence, but you kept and kept believing, I’m sorry you were bullied for it, but that’s only demostrates your devotion, and that’s makes you awesome to my eyes, I. . . . can’t be your pet, but I can be your friend, if you let me” Lyra was in shock, the human just asked her to be her friend, she had always dreamed this since so many years, but this time was real, and SOOOO much better than any dream, and like any of her dreams the answer was the same. “YES YES YES YES YES, ONE MILLION TIMES!!” she then just hugged him tigher and tigher, she was now the most happy pony on Equestria. “uhgggg, Lyra, I need to. . . breath!” “Oh, sorry, sorry, and now that we are. . . friends, I just have one question. . . is there a posibility that. . . . “ “Yes Lyra, you can call me Alexis if you want, just please not. . . . Wikie” “What?? really? why? it sounds so lovely” “Sorry Lyra, it’s nothing personal, I just don’t like it” “. . . . . ok , Alexis, as you say” They broke the hug and then Alex just stood up and said “Thanks for not taking personal, it’s just, don’t be offendend, but I must tell you, for you it sounds well. . . cute, but for me or any other man or in this case male creature. . . I can say, I don’t know who could be dum enough to let being called like that, it’s just. . . Lame” At that very moment Alex felt something, sudendly the room felt warmer, not just warmer, it felt hot, when Alex turned around he saw everypony with their jaws on the floor and shocked, all except Rarity that only was looking at him with eyes that were like beging him to take that back. “Hmmm, Rarity? Did I said something that ofended you??” “Well. . . Darling, you. . . didn’t offend ME, you can be sure of that” Relieved that Rarity was not offended and ignoring everypony else, Alex then proceded to look at his dragon friend to ask him what was happening, but when he looked at him, he inmediatily regreted it, Spike. . . well, he was steaming, letting smoke coming from his nose and mouth, like preparing to throw a fire ball, but on who? “Hmmm, Spike, are you ok?, is something wrong??” “Alex, you think being called Wikie is. . . . Lame?” “Well . . . . yeah, I mean, it sounds so. . . . girly if you ask me” “Spike only kept staring at him, with eyes of disbelief, anger increasing every second” At that very moment, Rainbow dash aproached Alex a said “Alex. . . I think you should run!” “Uh? why, did I say something bad? I mean, did I offended somepony?” Rainbow dash only got close to him and whispered something in his ear, at that very moment, Alex changed his face from confused to a shock one, Alex could only think one word at the moment “CARAJO!!” “hmmm, Spike, would you believe me if I tell you I didn’t mean any word I just said a minute ago?” Spike shooked his head and said “are you prepared??” “If I tell you NO, would you forgive me” Spike shooked his head again “. . . . . . Figures” For many years, everypony who was in the hospital that day will remember it, like the day. . . they could be witness of how a human was running for his life, screaming like a little filly while a little purple dragon was throwing little green fireballs at him and screaming “WIKIE IS A VERY MANLY NICK NAME, SAY IT!!!!!” > Chapter 17, It's your time Lyra, Hello Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some good running at the hospital halls, Alex and Spike were finally stopped by Twilight and Rarity, Spike was so eager to at least smack Alex once in the head, (of course he wasn’t planing to burn him, the fire was only to scare him, even though Alex face full of fear was priceless), After, both being restricted by their magic, Alex proceded to apologize. “Ok, Ok, Spike, I’m sorry, I didn’t know Rarity called you (he had to use all his mental capacity to not laught) Spikie Wikie, I . . pufs, . . . take everything back, let’s just say. . . that name doesn’t work for me, but if you like it, well. . . you like it.” “Ok. . . . I forgive you, but one more thing, you will say that nickname is manly and you will let Lyra call you Alexis wikie” At that moment, Alex could watch Lyra looking at them with hopefull eyes, she wanted him so badly to say yes. “. . . . . Spike. . . you know that’s not going to happen, but I’ll say this, I’m sorry I said that Nickname is lame, it’s manly ok, it’s just. . . . I just don’t like it ok” Spike just kept starting at him, Alex had to use his secret weapon to seal the deal. “Uhg, FINE!, I will give you 2 full buckets of gems just for you” “Three” Spike said “Two” he responded Three” “Two” “Four” “The half of that” “Deal!!! . . . . . wait what?” “Ok then it’s settled, two full buckets” At that very moment, Twilight and Rarity freed them, Everypony including them was laughting of how Alex managed to Outsmart Spike, Pinkie even was writting with a pencil in a notebook he could swear she didn’t have a second ago the prank he just played on Spike. Then everypony proceded to tell the guards that it was safe to let Lyra go, they reluctant just looked at Alex to give them the green light, Alex noded and told them now she was his friend and so please let her go, they both noded and let them all out from there. Once outside, they continued their way to the Mayor office, and of course Sweetie bell reclaimed her spot in Alex head, so much dawwwww for everypony, (Alex could swear he saw Lyra with a look that showed she wished to be a fillie at that very moment) the scenerio hadn’t changed, Ponyville was almost like a ghost town, this caused Lyra to frown a little. “Jeez, I knew it!, why do they have to be like that, well I do have to admit, when our local Zebra came for the first time, we were all afraid of her and hidde everytime she came, but when she show us she was harmless, she became a good frined of Ponyville, Alexis is the same, he already showed us by saving us from being traded by those dogs, all by himself!, were they blind at that moment or what?” “Ok, thanks Lyra, but just for one thing, it wasn’t all by myself, Spike, Zecora and Sweetie bell played their roles perfectly, heck they even did all the job, I just talked to them, (Sweetie bell smiled, still on his head) it was a team work, please give them the credit they deserve, I’m as good as my team” “Oh, ok Alexis, it’s true, sorry Spike and Sweetie bell, (they noded, letting her know they weren’t offended) by the way I noticed something, at that moment you both were wearing. . . . hoods, can I ask why??” “Well, Alex started, I. . . always liked hoods, they are so practical, they protect you from getting too much sun, it gives you a mystery presence, and. . . . a. . . Screw that, most of all I just think it’s cool ok?” “Yeah!!! Well said Alex!” Spike said then. “I see. . . . (well maybe it’s a male thing, even so, I have to admit, those are indeed kind of cool, maybe I can ask Rarity. . . ), anyway, is there a posibility that maybe someday. . . we could talk a little at my place and answer some questions I have for you???” Lyra asked with expecting eyes “Ok, I don’t see why not?, maybe someday but instead coming to your place, come to Twilight’s, I’m pretty sure she still has some. . . . a lot of questions for me (Twilight noded furiosly)” “Ok!, but right now, I just keep wondering, where are we going?” “Well. . . . Twilight said, we are going to Mayor Mare office, we want to ask for her help, to introduce Alex to everypony, you know, a public presentation, we think, it would be better than just going one by one like we did with Zecora, at least they gave her a chance because she resemblances a pony, but with Alex, maybe that wouldn’t have the same effect” “Ohhhh, I see, well. . . . . it’s a good plan, but know this, when we do it, if anypony tries to hurt him or start calling him names, I can’t promise I wont personally buck them in the face” “Trust me Lyra, Applejack said, ya’r not the only one who thinks that way (Everypony and Spike noded)” After some minutes, they finally reach the central hall, where Mayor Mare office was, they knocked her door who was obviously locked and closed. Twilight getting irritated said “MAYOR MARE!!, PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!, TRUST ME IT’S SAFE, IT’S ME TWILIGHT AND FRIENDS!! They waited a little, after one or two minutes, they finally heard the door being unlocked from inside. Oblivious of Alex presense, Mayor Mare show her head a little, “Ok. . . Twilight, if, if you say so, now tell me what you all want??” “We want you to meet our friend, Alex the human!!” she inmediatily stepped aside to let her see her friend Mayor Mare only gasped and proceded to inmediatily close the door, but she was inmediatily stopped by Twilight, Rarity and Lyra’s magic “What are you all doing??” “Mayor!!, he is not dangerous, how could you! Like everypony forgot what he, Spike, Sweetie bell and Zecora did for all of us??, don’t you think he at least deserves a chance” “Well. . . I. . I” “Yeah! Rainbow dash interrupted, he and his friends risked their lives for us and you all shuned him like some kind of decease, remember this also happened with Zecora, but surprise, she ended being a good friend and her potions helps many sick ponies today, and she is even not a pony, tell me, how is Alex different!!?” “I must say, now rarity said, I’m so dissapointed Mayor, Alex Darling here has not done anything to deserve this kind of treatment, it’s just so. . . . uncivilized if i must say” “But, but. . . . . . sorry, you are right, I’m afraid let Ponyville missjudged somepony again, I’m really sorry Mr Alex” After she said that, with her head down in shame and laid down in the floor, , she waited for some kind of insult from the human, a well deserved insult. Alex then, just got near her, crouched to her level, she raised her head to look at him, (he wasn’t really that scary, she thought) “Don’t worry Miss Mayor, I forgive you, you are just scared, sometimes the fear takes the best of us, I’m sure you are a good Mayor, please stand up." Alex took her hoof to helped her to stand up again, she never expected this, this creature she just thought was hostile and dangerous have just told her he wasn’t angry at her and he even was helping her after the way she treated him, once in her hooves, Alex said “Ok, now. . . hello Mr Mayor, my name is Alex, I’m honored to meet you” “Ohh, thanks Alex, well. . . I’m Mayor Mare and. . . the honor is all mine and thanks for forgiving me” “Gee, no problem Mayor, ok, now, I’d like to say this was just a normal visit, but to be honest we are here for a reason. . . . Twilight please” “You see Mayor, as you was acting a minute ago, it seems that everypony is as well acting that way, Just like with Zecora, the Cakes. . . . I’m sorry Pinkie but I have to tell her (Pinkie noded, aproving her) the Cakes even called him names like Freak and Monster (Mayor Mare gasped, true, she was scared but that’s was too much), so we thought, maybe you could help us, we need you to let us organize a Assembly, where we could present Alex to everypony, and show them once and for all he is harmless, please will you help us” Mayor Mare only smiled and noded “Of course Twilight, you have my full permition, we can even use the Central hall if you want, after meeting Alex here, I could not look at me at the mirror if i don’t do anything to help him” “Thankyou Mayor, to be honest, I always thought all politician were fat, old, ugly and evil, but you have so proved my theory to be so wrong, you are very kind and well. . . also kind of cute if i have to say it. She blushed hard “OH well. . . thank you Alex, ok, what are we waiting for, let’s go now, we have an Assembly to prepare” It took a little while, but with the help of everypony, Mayor mare and some pony workers (Mayor Mare explained everything to them and now were unafraid of him, much to his relief), they finally had the platform ready, a courtain and all, Everypony and Spike managed to deliver all the calls to all ponyville, saying Mayor Mare had something very important to say and everypony had to come, no exception, she also told them to not be afraid of the “Monster”, since the Elements of Harmony would be there as “Protection”. Actually it helped to bring everypony to the Assembly, after all they indeed trusted the Elements. Once Everypony was gathered in the Central hall, waiting for what their Mayor had to say, they could see all the Elements also gathered together in the Platform with the Mayor, Lyra and Spike were in the crowd waiting for the moment, Alex by his part was behind the courtain, sweeting a lot, he was nervious, what if they panic? What if they try to hurt him? He inmediatily drop those negatives though, it would turn ok, his friends are there, he thought, everything will be alright. Mayor Mare then proceded to step forward to start her speech, she cleared her throath and started “Citizen of Ponyville, we are here reunited for one important reason, a reason that will be revealed by somepony who is not me, (Everypony, even the elements lookes at her confused) the news involves my newest friend I just made today and he wanted somepony else to give the news to you, he told me. . . it was her moment, and that he or anypony didn’t have the right to take it from her, so please Miss Lyra, would you please give the honors??” Lyra only gasped, like everypony, they all thought, why her, why that crazy pony had to give the news, Lyra only started to cry (Oh sweet Celestia, THANK YOU ALEX, THANKYOU, she thought), she slowly walked to the platform, and when she was infront of everypony, she looked at the Elements and the mayor who were giving her a warm smile and a look that told “go ahead, enjoy it, you earned it” After returning the smile, she proceded to make a very improvised speech (geez Alexis, you could at least give me some kind of hint you were planing this), grabing the microphone she started “CITIZEN OF PONYVILLE, AS YOU ALL KNOW, FOR MANY YEARS I HAVE ALWAYS BEING TELLING YOU THAT A CERTAIN SPECIES OF CREATURES EXISTED, THE HUMANS, I KNOW THAT MANY TIMES. . . ALL OF YOU THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY, SOMETIMES I EVEN STARTED TO BELIEVE IT TOO, BUT DURING THIS PAST MONTH, WE RECIEVED THE VISIT OF A UNKNOWN CREATURE, MANY OF YOU KNOW HIM AS THE “KIND THIEF”, HE TOOK SUPPLIES FROM MANY STORES, BUT HE DIDN’T STEAL ANYTHING, HE PAYED FOR THEM WITH LOTS OF GEMS AT SUCH DEGREE, MANY OF YOU EVEN WISHED FOR A VISIT FROM HIM, BUT MANY ALSO WERE VERY AFRAID SINCE NOPONY HAD EVER SAW HIM, THEN YESTERDAY WE WERE ATACKED BY THOSE DOGS, WE WERE DEFEATED AND WERE GOING TO BE SLAVES, BUT THIS CREATURE, THIS KIND THIEF, HE ALONGSIDE WITH A VERY BRAVE DRAGON, FILLIE AND ZEBRA, SAVED US FROM THAT FATE WITH A STORY I ONLY CAN DESCRIBE AS CRAZY BUT GENIOUS, I CANT SAY IM PROUD OF WHAT I DID AFTER THAT, I TRIED TO FOALNAP HIM, YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE HE WAS THE ANSWER OF ALL MY PLEAS, HE WAS . . . A HUMAN!!, A REAL LIVING HUMAN!!, THE VERY SAME CREATURE I ALWAYS TOLD YOU EXISTED, THAT YOU WERE ALWAYS MADE FUN OF ME, I WAS SO DESPERATE TO SHOW YOU I WASN’T CRAZY AT ALL, AND ALSO WANTED TO HAVE HIM JUST FOR MYSELF, I WAS SO WRONG AT THAT MOMENT, BUT EVEN AFTER WHAT I DID, HE FOUND IN HIS HEART THE WILL TO FORGIVE ME, AND NOW HE IS ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS, HE IS NOT A MONSTER, HE IS NOT A FREAK, AND I CAN ASURE YOU HE IS A GOOD FRIEND TO ME, THE ELEMENTS, OUR LOCAL DRAGON AND ZEBRA, AND EVEN A GOOD FRIEND TO THE MAYOR, PLEASE GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO THE FIRST AND I REALLY HOPE NOT LAST HUMAN TO EQUESTRIA. . . . . . ALEXI. . . . NO. . .I MEAN. . . . ALEX!!!!” Lyra used her magic to open the courtain to show what it was behind, there he was looking so nervious, obviously he was scared, (He didn’t bring any of his tools, he didn’t need to show he was hostile) he used all his will to start walking to where Lyra was, every step was so heavy, he tried to ignore all the stares and glares he was recieving, when he finally reached Lyra, he started to stroke her mane, (she liked it so much) and grabing the microphone he proceded to say “HELLO PONYVILLE, AS MY FRIEND LYRA HERE TOLD YOU, MY NICK NAME IS ALEX, BUT MY TRUE NAME IS ALEJANDRO, ONLY MY FRIENDS CALL ME ALEX, SO FOR THE TIME BEING, I’D REALLY APRECIATE IF YOU CALL ME BY MY REAL NAME, PLEASE DON’T BE OFFENDED, BUT IT’S THE WAY I THINK, IT’S REALLY A PLEASURE TO FINALLY MEET ALL OF YOU, I WANT TO SAY, YES, I WAS THE “KIND THIEF”, I’M REALLY SORRY FOR TRASPASSING YOUR PROPERTY WITHOUT YOUR PERMITION, BUT I NEEDED WHAT I TOOK, I HOPE I PAID THE RIGHT AMOUNT (no pony said anything, in fact, he overpaid a lot), EVEN TOUGH LYRA GAVE ME SO MUCH CREDIT FOR IT, I HAVE TO SAY IT AS WELL, I DIDN’T SAVE YOU ALONE, ME AND MY TEAM DID, SPIKE, ZECORA, EVEN SWEETIE BELL HELPED US TO MAKE THE DIAMOND DOGS BELIEVE OUR LITTLE MADE UP STORY, THEY DESERVE AS MUCH OR EVEN MORE CREDIT FOR WHAT WE DID, PLEASE DON’T FORGET THAT, AND FINALLY, I WANT TO SAY, I REALLY MEAN NO HARM TO ANY OF YOU, I REALLY HOPE TO GET ALONG WELL WITH ALL OF YOU, AND PLEASE DON’T BE AFRAID, I CAN BE A GOOD FRIEND. . . IF YOU LET ME, SOOO, PONYVILLE, WHAT YOU SAY?” The silence and tensión was almost touchable, no pony dare to say anything, for Alex, it was not a good signal, feeling defeated, he slowly turned his back to them and started to walk away, he was fighting to not let tears come out, he only gave about five steps when he felt something poking his leg, he tried to ignore it, but it was so persistent, he slowly turned aroung and say a little purple unicorn filly with yellow mane, she was just staring at him, with a peace of paper and a pencil in her mouth, she let them on the floor and with her mouth free she said “hmmmm, Mr Alejandro, is there a posibility I can have an. . . . (she blushed a little), a little autograph, I already asked Spike and Zecora theirs, only yours I don’t have yet, please, you all are very cool and brave, please???” Alex recognized her, from many memes, she was. . . Dinkie, yeah Dinkie, he wonder if the Memes were right, was she the daughter of that very famous pegasus called Derpy, (he liked her too, her eyes were very cute and unique). “Ok little cutie, no problem, I don’t think I’m amazing, but. . . if you want my autograph, who am I to say no, tell me, what’s your name” “Dinkie, Dinkie Doo”, (so her mother, if she is who I think she is, may be called Ditzie doo or Derpy doo, (I guess Derpy Hooves was just a myth), I should be carefull to not call her Derpy to not offend her, even though I rather Derpy, it’s cuter) “Ok Dinkie, (Alex put his sign in the paper) to Dinkie doo, My first little cutie fan” and then proceded to give her paper back, she just stared a it, and then made an squee sound, and as fast as Pinkie, she proceded to run to her mother and showed it to her “Mom see, see, I have his autograph, I told you he was kind, if Sweetie bell trusted in him, he could not be an evil creature” “Yeah, you are right my little Muffin”, (yeah! Derpy! Another myth proved to be true, well actually two, she does like muffins too), then she screamed at Alex “thank you so much Mr Alejandro, she wanted so badly your autograph since yesterday!!” After this, many other fillies and colts with also their mouth full with papers and pencils proceded to aproach Alex, he gladly, proceded to sign any paper he got in front of him, while he was signing them, they were telling him how cool he and Spike was, how those hoods looked so awesome, asking him if could actually knew how to use his weapons (he never used them with the dogs after all), after some minutes, everypony joined the foals, greeting Alex, (and almost everypony aproached Lyra to apologize and congratulate her for being right, for her looks and tears of joy, it was obvious this was one of the best days of her life) asking random questions, The Cakes even begged him to forgive them for insulting him, he only noded and told them to not worry. Everything turned to be alright, this day started really good, and ended even better. > Chapter 18, The Party, . . . . . Twilight, do you break. . . dance? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After many introductions with almost everypony and many apologizes to ponies whose he “stealed”, Alex was relieved they weren’t mad at him, Filty Rich and Colgate even jocked saying they wouldn’t mind if he kept doing it, Alex was glad to see also Spike was recieving some attentions from the fillies and colts, like some kind of hero, (well actually, Spike was really a hero), good for you spike he thought, but Alex. . . . ashamed that he just noticed something important, he proceded to ask Spike inmediatily. “Hey Spike, I just noticed now. . . .but. . . Where is Zecora?” “Oh, yeah, I never told you, sorry dude, but during your time unconcious, she recieved a letter from manehattan and Fillydelphia, apparently the hospitals needed many of her healing potions and they needed her to go there inmediatily, she really didn’t want to go and leave you like that, but me and Sweetie bell promised her to look up for you, she told me to tell you get better soon and she will be back in around 2 weeks” “I see, well I’m glad she is needed and well known, wow she must be a lot better potion maker than I thought if she is that famous around the Equestria” “The best, even better than Twilight, and trust me, that’s saying a lot” After that, everypony and Alex proceded to go to sugarcube corner for Pinkie WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA ALI!! Party, (damn, how she manage to have everything ready? We all were so busy preparing everything for the Asembly, it’s just. . . . . why am I always forget, it’s PINKIE PIE) The party was great, Alex wasn’t really the party type of person, he prefered little reunions (gaming reunions), but considering he was partying with the ponies he loved and admired so much, he almost became a party monster that could match Pinkie. The snacks and pastries (made by the Cakes as an apology, even though Alex told them a million times it was ok) were really delicious but nothing that he didn’t already taste before, after all, he already tasted Pinkie’s muffins and cupcakes. Many ponies aproached him to say hello, to thank him again for the dogs incident and some of them to just ask some random questions, where he is from, if the manticore incident was true (Sweetie bell or rainbowdash, you big mouths, he thought), after eating some snacks, pastries and sharing some stories with the fillies and colt who only listened with marvel eyes, Alex was now in his chair, looking how everypony celebrated, so happy, he was happy, he was so glad to being alive to see this in person, he really was here in Equestria, why he, there are so many hardcore fans who would give anything to be here, maybe they even deserved to be here million more times than him, but he didn’t mind it, Life decided to give him this chance, and he took it, he was planing to enjoy this 3 months he had left in Equestria (still just a theory, but he had to also believe it could be also not be), he was too busy in so many things to notice now, sitting next to him, there was Fluttershy, she playing with her hooves for a minute, finally manage to say “. . . . Alex, would you (she whispered it) “ “What? you said something Fluttershy” “I said, would you like (whisper again)” “Fluttershy, even though I really really like that shy part of you, I must tell you, you need to speak louder, please tell me, what you want?” “would, would you like to dance with me?. . . . if is ok with you of course” Alex was speechless, she, the most shy pony in all Equestria, found the courage to ask this new creature to dance, wow, just wow, he could have expected a little to be invited by Pinkie Pie, or maybe just maybe Rainbowdash, but. . . Fluttershy?, this was unreal, there was no way in HELL he would say no “Of course Fluttershy, I must say, I’m not really the type of a dancer but if you show me, I’ll try to learn fast” She looked at Alex with a huge smile, then grabed his hand and inmediately dragged him to the dance stage with a strenght she never showed before “Yay. . . . .I mean, Ok, this way please, if it’s ok with you” They started to dance, Alex just saw every step everypony were following, he inmediatily got used to the dance, it wasn’t that hard considering they dance in 4 legs, everypony didn’t mind seeing the Human dancing, it wasn’t so odd and he really didn’t dance so bad, by his part, Alex was relieve he wasn’t dragging so much attention, after sometime he was getting tired, after all, ponies had a lot more stamina than humans, he gave them that, Fluttershy seemed she was having a lot of fun, she was a embarrased but happy, after some more minutes they noticed many ponies were chuckling and staring somepony in the stage as well, when Alex and Fluttershy aproached to see the source of all that attention, they had to fight with everything in them to not burst in laughts. There she was, Twilight Sparkle. . . . dancing?, OMG, it’s all Alex could thought, her dance was so . . . . random, moving her hooves all the ways, her tongue out, making random moves instead a normal dance, it was some kind of poor excuse of break dance, but worst of all, she had her eyes closed so she didn’t notice she was the center of attention, but not the kind of attention you want, when she finally opened her eyes, she could see everypony staring and chuckling at her, she was so embarrased, by her look, he believed she always thought she was a heck of a dancer, but aparently. . . she realized she wasn’t after all, she only stayed there, on the floor, avoiding any eye contact, when he noticed this, Alex only could think one thing to do, he whispered something to Fluttershy “I’m sorry Fluttershy, but maybe after what I’m going to do right now, you probably would never want to ask me to dance again” “What are you. . . “ Before she could finish, Alex got near to Twilight, she was still in the floor, her head hidden by her hooves, then she noticed something, some noices, like if somepony was dancing just next to her, she removed her hooves to see who it was, maybe somepony making fun of her, but. . . . when she looked carefully, there he was, her human friend, he was dancing. . . . like her, in four “legs” every step he was making was the same as the ones she made, she was in shock, he was humiliating himself, for. . . her? “What. . . . are you doing Alex?” “What you mean Twilight, your dance is out of this world, would you stay there quiet or you will show me how to do it right?” Twilight agape, after realizing what he was doing, she only smiled and thought (Thank you), “Ok first of all, you are making it all wrong, this is how you do it” then she proceded to “show him the right way”, they both were laughting while dancing, some minutes later, Lyra joined them, if Alex was doing it, of course she would try it too, then Spike, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie and even Rarity (after a legendary battle in her mind if doing it or not) joined them, it was so funny, they were dancing so “BAD” but they managed to earn in the end some “aplauses from the public”, not for the dance, definetily not for the dance, but for being so hilarious, best comedy show in months, everypony thought. After “the show” all the mane 6, Lyra, Spike and Alex aproached to the nearest table and proceded to sit and rest. “Ah have to say Twilight, ah never expect seeing me dancing that dance, ever” “Ohhhh why not Applejack, pinkie said, I thing it’s cute, embarrasing but cute” Blushing Twilight said “Oh cmon girls it cannot be that bad?” (silence), “Ok, I have to admit it, it’s really bad, why you think I only dance when I’m alone at my house, anyway what did you expect from somepony who never danced since she came here to Ponyville” They all noded, then Rainbow said “Yeah that’s true, but . . . . Alex, I still can’t believe you did that, why, I’m pretty sure you knew that dance was awful, right?” “Well, Dashie (OMG I said it), yeah, I thought that dance was. . . . unique, but after seeing how everypony was looking at her, I couldn’t help my self, besides I really wanted to dance with her that weird dance, it looked so funny, (besides, maybe it was a once in a life chance, honestly he believed she will never dance like that again, not infront of everypony at least), AND in the end you all ended joining us, even you Lyra and Spike, (they both blushed) “Even so. . . . Alex (fluttershy started), you were really kind, we always knew Twilight didn’t know how to dance but we never told her, but. . . . you. . did, and you even support her. . . . and for that. . . Thank you.” “Yeah” Twilight said, and hugged Alex “Thank you so much, and thank you for dancing with me, no stallion had ever danced with me, let be honest, who would even think about dancing with a boring egghead and terrible dancer like me?” Alex only frowned and narrowed his eyes after hearing this, he inmediatily looked Twilight to her eyes and said “Ok Twilight, enought with selling yourself short!, you call it egghead, I call it a really Smart and beautifull mare, . . . .Twily, you are not boring, you are really interesting and funny to hang out, just because you are Smart, very very Smart doesnt make you a boring mare, on contrary, it makes you very interesting to know, and please don’t ever say you are not beautiful, Twilight, trust me, I have know many girls very Smart but. . . let say they are not supermodels, like mayor mare with politicians, you have prove to me to be wrong again, a girl can be an “egghead” and very very beautiful at the same time, and trust when I say you are the living proof for that statement.. After hearing that, Twilight blushed like a tomato, nopony but NOPONY had ever tell her that, sometimes she really thought that maybe she would end all alone, without a stallion at her side, but now, after hearing Alex, she regained hope, she as him, will try to believe every word he just said, she hugged him tighter this time and only said “thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, you really always know what to say to a mare” “haha, not really, (you should see how I always screw it with the girls I know at home) I just say what I really think, that’s all” “So. . . .tell me Alex, rainbow said, what do you plan to do from now on, I mean, until now you have been living in the everfree forest, and as far as we know you been only training, “Shopping” and letting the time pass, now that you are here in Ponyville, what you plan to do??” “Well that’s really a good question, obviously, I don’t plan to freeload at Rarity’s place, I need to look for a Job, or in the worst case, do what I did befofe, dig for gems, I plan to hang out with you or maybe some friends I’m planing to make, also I have to say, and I already talked about it with Twily. . . if it ok if I call you Twily (he said looking at her, she noded smiling) we already talked about meeting princess Celestia and Luna, maybe they can help me to find a way home” (of course Alex never told them he maybe had his own way home) “Wait?? Are you planning to leave Equestria?? Lyra said (everypony shocked and frowned at this, Pinkie pie and Fluttershy looked like they wanted to cry) “Well. . . yeah Lyra, I mean, I have my planet, my own home, don’t take it wrong, I like it her, I like it here a lot, but this is simple not my world, it’s yours, that doesn’t mean of course, I want to go right away, (they calmed down a little after hearing this), besides there is no warranty there is a way back, after all, I’m the first human here ever, so the probabilities to go back I believe are practically 0, (Lyra, much to her shame, couldn’t hide her relief and joy after hearing this). “I see, well. . . let’s not think about that right now, the Princesses will not be coming back at least in 1 or 1 week and a half, for now, let’s just keep enjoying the party, and I’m really in the mood for another dance, anypony want to come dance with me?” (Twilight said) After finished that question, Alex noticed he was the only one left in the table, he also planned to make a run for it when he looked at Twilight with pleading and excited eyes, “. . . . . You are really lucky I apreciate our friendship a lot. . . . Ok, let’s go dance Twilight” “YAY!!” it’s all Twilight could say before running to the stage while dragging her human friend with her magic. “. . . . . it’s still a lot better than be called WIKIE” Alex thought as a consolence > Chapter 19, Thank you for being. . . . my Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Party had been great, but as every good thing, it had to end at some point, with everypony gone, all the girls including Lyra proceded to clean Sugar cube corner, the girls insisted that he didn’t have to do anything, it was his party, so this time he was excused, seeing Alex had some free time, Rarity asked him if he could bring Sweetie bell to Carousel boutique, the little fillie was lying in the couch alone (Applejack and Rainbowdash had already took the other 2 crussaders to their homes), she was really tired after expending all night celebrating, then he realized they let the crussaders be in the party since tomorrow was a day off, Aparently Miss Cherelee was in a Teachers convention in Appleloosa, (That’s explained why he didn’t see her in the Assembly or Party) and would be back in 2 days. Alex proceded to scope the little fillie in his arms, but when he tried, even sleeping, Sweetie bill by pure instinct jumped to his head like she had been doing since he came to Ponyville (Wow, I can understand the fillies are someway very affective, but, does she really like me this much, Alex thought, not that he mind being loved by Sweetie bell, in someway she reminded him to Ang. . . . ), shaking the thought, he puted down sweetie bell and changed her position to the confort of his arms, she didn’t mind it, contrary to that, she started seek for Alex warm chest or elbow, and a little smile appeared at her muzzle. Rarity was speechless, she knew her sister was really lovely by nature, but she wasn’t that trustfull that quick to anypony, and not only that, nopony noticed but her, this night, Fluttershy asked him to dance, she meant it, FLUTTERSHY!, the most shy pegasus one pony can meet, a pegasus that would not start talking to you for at least one week after meeting her, less invinting you to dance with her, less if you are a stallion. . . or a male human, she still remembered how she was gonna ask him to dance with her when Fluttershy aproached him first, it was incredible, do humans have some kind of power or spell to make you trust them very quick?, no she didn’t think so, what was his secret. “Ok, Rarity, only please tell me, where is Sweetie bell bedroom?” “Oh, it’s in the 2nd floor dear, 1st door to the left, trust me you wont miss it” “Got it, but Rarity. . . .but. . . is it ok?? I mean you really are going to let someone you just met bring your sister to your open house??. . . . you. . . trust me that much, already?” “Well of course Darling, the trust is important with roomates, and. . . . until now, you only have giving me reasons to trust you more and more, and Sweetie bell likes you very much, anypony can see that, don’t worry, I know I can trust you, all of us know (even cleaning, everypony look to Alex and Rarity and noded)” “Gee, thanks Rarity, that means a lot to me, really, it’s just. . . well, let say in my world. . . that kind of trust is something. . . . very hard to get” “Darling, remember this, you are no longer in your world, I don’t know how things works there, but I can asure you, if you are kind, hard worker and have a good heart, your chances to be happy in this world are really high” “Thanks Rarity, I’ll have that in mind, ok. . . lets get this little cutie to her bed” Alex exited Sugarcube Corner (not before telling spike in his ear that they had training tomorrow morning, which he gladly noded) and proceded the long walk to Rarity’s place, in his way, he could noticed how someponies in their way back home, no longer stared at him with fear eyes, no, far from that, they now have smiles and some even waved to his direction, he couldn’t wave back for the little joy he had in his arms, but he did nod his head in response, it was amazing, Ponyville really was a trustfull town, geez, to be honest, he knew some people in his world who were as trustfull as them, but there weren’t so many, but here, it’s like if. . . trust were in the air, he even start to be a little afraid if someday some creature or. . . . human would come here and take advantage of it, he could only wish that would never happen (oh Ang. . . I’d had really like you could see this. . . . wait a minute, Ang. . . Ang.. . .Ange. . . why do i have issues saying her name,. . . . I have already moved on. . . right?). He reached Caursel boutique, went up to the 2nd floor, Rarity was right, I wasn’t that hard realizing which was Sweetie bell’s room, it was so girly, for a 10 years old foal, (now that he thinks about it, excepct for spike who alreday told him, he really didn’t know how old are all his friends, the crussaders could be around 9 or 10, but the rest. . . he will ask them later. . . even though is not nice asking a lady her age) Alex inmediatily aproched to her bed and proceded to leave her there and cover her in her sheets, but when he tried to reléase her, he noticed she was awake and was grabing his arm with her tiny hooves, as if he was gonna dissapear. “Uh?, you are awake Sweetie, (she noded, Alex could noticed she was trembling a little) Sweetie, is something wrong?” “Please, don’t leave me alone. . . . in the dark” “But Sweetie, I believe you have been sleeping alone for many years until now, right?” “Y. . yeah, but not before Rarity or my mommy and daddy wish me good night and sometimes read me a bed time story, c.c.could you do that for me. . . please.” “Sweetie. . . ok, do you know where your sister keeps your kid’s tales books??” “No. . . but. . . I already heard all those stories, do you know any. . . from your world” Alex didn’t have to think too much about this, he inmediatily chose one random tale from his childhood, Cinderella, of course he had to change it to pony versión, Sweetie bell really liked the story, by the middle of the tale, Sweetie was already sleeping, she looked so cute, so inocent, just like Ang. . Ang. . . damn, why? he thought. Alex really didn't want to go to sleep yet, instead, he decided to sit in the couch of the living room, once sit, he pulled out his wallet, everything was there, his driver license, his ID, some bucks, (not that they were necesary here), but above that, the most important things, two pictures, one of him with his family, and one of. . . her. . Ang. . . his sister, the one. . . he.. . . . failed. Alex stared at his and his sister picture for long minutes, his look could show many things any time, but this time, it only showed. . . sorrow and regret. He remembered again, his most painfull memory, the memory he chose to block and didn’t came to surfice until now, his. . . broken promise, he really wanted to keep it, to show her sister he could be what he promised to her, but. . . he didn’t, she died before he could do it, feeling really defeated, he let his pictures fall to the couch and proceded to put his hands to cover his tears, then he started to talk to himself (gee, he felt really pattetic) “Ang. . . Sister, remember that night when I was transported here?, you see. . . I meant every word when I said I wanted you to be proud of me, Please Please be proud of me, even though I didn’t fullfill my promise on time, I. . . really did my best, please. . . I need a closure, I need to know, please, give me a signal, anything, please let me know you are proud of me, let me feel worth to say your name again” At that moment Alex could hear between his sobs, another sobing echoing with his, when he removed his hands to see, he could see her, there she was. . . .Sweetie bell, looking at him, sadness in her face by looking at him, she looked at the picture on the couch, then she said “She. .. . your sister is beautiful” “Yes, she really was, right?” “Was, what you mean was? (Idiot) “well you see, Sweetie bell, she is no longer with me” “Where did she go??” “Hmm, before answering that, please tellme, Sweetie, where the good ponies go when they die?” “. . . Acording to my mommy and daddy, if you are a good pony, you go to Elisium, and if you are a bad pony, you go to Underworld” “I see, well, you see, she is in Elisium” (Sweetie bell gasped) “Really???”, I’m so sorry Alex” “Don’t be Sweetie, she is in a better place now, right? (she noded) Silence filled the room again, then Sweetie said “Alex, what did you mean about an unfullfilled promise to your sister and not being worth of say her name??” (wow, she heard me) “Well, Sweetie you see. . . . “ Alex then proceded to share his story with Sweetie bell, his youngeer days, his motivations to be better for himself and the promise to his sister, the night of the accident (he knew it wasn’t something one should say to a kid, but. . . he needed to let out), his father last words, all the things he learned and did to at least try to keep his promise even if he was too late, saying all that. . . . broke him, he hadn’t feel like that in years, sobing he finally said “You know, sometimes I really wonder if is allright for me to be alive, maybe I should have died with my family” (Really Alex, saying this to a kid, what in the f.. . . Hell are you thinking?) Just after saying this, Sweetie bell inmediatily tackled Alex in a crushing hug, sobing she said “How could you say that???, of course is alright if you live, don’t forget your daddy last words!!, you have to keep living, if you were dead, then I may be dead too right now by the river or worse, the manticore, Lyra would never be able to fullfill her dream, my sister and friends would be right now slaves of the changelings, Alex, if. . . if . . . than doesn’t make you the brother your sister always wanted to have, then your sister is a big DUM MINNIE, if she is not proud of you then . .. . . she. . . she . . . she doesn’t deserve you,. . . you know what? is that case, then. . . I’m. . . . I’m adopting you as my Big Brother!!!. Alex was speechless, “What did you just said???” Sweetie realized what she just said at that moment and inmediatily got red like a tomato “Hmmm, I. . . . said, I said I’m adopting you as my big brother.. . . . .if you want” Really?, was all Alex could think at the moment, Sweetie bell wanted to be his little sister, he. . . had the chance to be a big brother again??, was this. . . . the sign?, no matter, there was no way in He. . . . . in Underworld he would decline this chance, he grabed a shocked Sweetie in his arms, hugging her like if there wasn’t a tomorrow and said “Sweetie bell, sorry but no, you can’t adopt me as your big brother” After hearing that, Sweetie bell was about to cry, Alex didn’t want to her to be her big brother, just like that time with Applejack, but this time the feeling was even worse, but she stopped the moment Alex talked again “You can’t because . . . . I’m the one adopting you as my little sister!!!” Sweetie bell couldn’t smile bigger even if she tried to, she then hugged him even harder and did something that almost made Alex pass out, she kissed him in the cheek, they kept there for many minutes, hugging each other, then Sweetie bell said “So this is what having a big brother feels like? Applebloom, you are so lucky to have Big Mac since so long ago” Alex only chuckled, “thanks Swe. . . Little sister, ok, now it’s time to go back to bed, and is also time for me to go to bed” then he scooped her in his arms and proceded again to bring her to her room, once again in her bed, he proceded to exit the room when Sweetie bell only said “Alex. . . Big brother. . . now that I think about it, you never told me your sister name. . . . can you please tell me?” Alex only stood there, thinking and with a huge smile he turned around to see his new little sister and said “Her name was Angela, a beautiful Angel called Angela” Sweetie smiled too and finally proceded to sleep. Once the fillie was finally sleeping, before going to his own bed, Alex proceded to take some air outside, once there, he looked at the sky, with a sigh he said “Thanks. . . .Angela, thanks for the sign, thanks for loving me so much to send me this beautiful second angel to look after, I promise to protect her always, and not only her, everypony, as I promised that night, and please, I know I keep repeating this but please. . . .” “Hush, YES!!, I’m super duper proud of you, never forget that big brother, I loved you, always had, always will, now, give that love to that lucky fillie” Alex was interrupted by that sentence and he could swear he felt a hand in his shoulder from behind, gasping, he inmediatily turned around “An. . . (there was no one there) . . . gela?” Alex only stayed there for a few seconds before smiling and said “Thanks Little sis, I love you too Finally he proceded to go to his room, but just before sucumb to sleep, he only said “Gee, it was really true, A kid’s love and kindness can cure any pain in the heart” > Chapter 20, Knowing Ponyville, I’m not going anywhere. . .yet, Don’t slack off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, at 5:00 AM, Alex wake up very early before Sweetie Bell and Rarity, he knew he had a training sesión later with Spike, but before that, he had his own rutine in the mornig, (he wondered if Spike was following his every morning as he comanded to him) he proceded to change from his pijamas to his warm up clothes, slowly go out of Caroussel Boutique, not wanting to wake up Rarity and his new little cute sister. Once out, he breathed highly and proceded to make some cardio excercises, after that, next, he started to make his stroll through Ponyville, by doing this, he killed to birds with one stone. . . . . . (ups, sorry Fluttershy). . . . . by doing this he could acomplish two goals at the same time, (better), make a good strolling and know and get familiar with Ponyville surroundings at the same time. So he started, taking his breath, he ran throught ponyville streets, while doing it, he couldn’t help to notice how really beautiful this town was, almost every house made by Wood and hay in the roofs, with some expections of course, like carousell boutique, SugarCube Corner, Golden oak Lybrary, some restaurants, Filthy Rich Store, etc, Alex also could prove another fans myth to be wrong, many fans of the series always thought this world was behind centuries to have technology like Earth, but in reality. . . no, considering Twilight computer, the fact they are starting to have black and white movie theaters (maybe even some color ones), vacuums, ovens, fridges, even spa machines, if he had to guess, maybe, with the Scientist of Equestria and Twilight knowledge, they will be at Earth current level of technology in around. . . . 40 to 50 years, like Earthlings did, and who knows, with magic at their side, maybe it will take a lot lesser time. When he ran near sugarcube corner, by noticing the lights in the window, he assumed the cakes were already awake, to Alex somehow it was obvious, they were bakers after all, ponies obviously wanted hot and tasty bread in their tables every morning, so they had to wake up early to bake and have them ready, then Mr Cake was opening the door and start to sweep the entrance, when he ran close to him, Mr Cake inmediatily noticed, waving his hoof he said “Hello Alejandro, how are you doing?” “I’m doing fine Mr Cake, Thanks, I see you woke up early, it’s Pinkie Pie awake too?” “oh no, no, she is not as used to it as my wife and me, besides, she babysits our little foals, we could never dare to asked her this much, I believe she will wake up in around 1 hour, by the way, why are you wake up so early?” “Well, I’m used to make excersices and take strollings every day to stay in line” “I see, well, that’s really very admirable of you, trust me, not many ponies wakes up at this hour, normally, the first few ponies will start to wake up in around one hour too. I believe the only ones you maybe will find awake beside us, will be the Apples” “Figures, after all, I believe, taking care of a Farm is really, really hard work” “that’s right, ok Alex, please don’t let me interfiere in your strolling, hope to see you later” “No problem Mr Cake, and keep the good work. . . . or baking, trust me, after the treats I ate last night, with your quality and of course with Pinkie Pie help, I can be very sure your bussines will always be open and will keep rising and raising” “Thanks Alejandro” Alex then resumed his strolling, about five minutes later, he noticed something very odd, there was some kind of warehouse, a little meters far than every other houses, moved by his curiousity, he aproached it and looked through the window, inside, even though it was a little dark, he could see. . . there was where the ponies brought all the armors and cages the diamond dogs were using the day of the attack, if Alex would have to guess, maybe Mayor Mare ordered to keep them there until Princess Celestia and Luna returned and proceded to send every piece of darkness stone to Canterlot. Alex just stayed there for a long time, thinking and wondering something, coming back to reality, he proceded to continue his strolling, but he had his mind in maybe. . . .coming back later. By this time, Alex had already being out for one hour, before returning to caroussel boutique, he wanted to go to another place, Sweet Apple Acress, thanks to some signs leading the way, he knew where to go, damn Applejack Farm was really far away, the show always made it seems like it was just a few steps away from Ponyville like the everfree forest, even troting, it took Alex about 15 minutes to get there, there as Mr Cake said he found Applejack and Big Macintosh, bucking trees and harving apples, he aproached Applejack, when she saw him, she smiled and said, “Howdy Alex, what bring ya to my humble farm? “ “I’m only making a strolling like every day, and besides I wanted to see and know every part of Ponyville and of course, your lovely farm is part of it” She blushed a little, and said “ah see sugarcube, and yah arrive at good moment, now let me introduce ya my big brother, Big Macintosh” Then the red stallion aproached us and started to glare at Alex with no expression in his face, (like in the show), “Ok ah have to go to buck some more trees, why don’t you talk a little to each other while I do it, but not too long BigMac, we need to finish this as sooner as posible” “Eyuup” (Wow, he said it) After that, she went back to her daily work with the trees, they just stayed there, looking each other, it was awkward, after some seconds of silence, Alex finally broke the ice. “Hello BigMacintosh” “Howdy” “sooooo, you are Applejack big brother” “eyuup” “you both wake up this early at this hour everyday to work?” “eyuup” “Applebloom is still sleeping right?, still too young I believe? “eyuup” “I see you are a lot taller than many other stallions” “eyuup” “. . . . . you don’t talk too much do you?” “Nope” “Ok. . . . .it was a pleasure to meet you, maybe some other time we can talk a little more” “Ok” (wow, no eyuup, or nope) After that Alex proceded to make his return to carousell boutique when he was stopped when Big Mac started to say something else “Ah know now, you are a good. . . human, no wonder why mah sisters like yah” “. . . . . uh?” “but know this, mah sister really like yah, she talks very good of you and ah can say now she really trust ya and considers yah a good friend, so who knows. . . maybe someday she could start to like like yah, but know this, she doesn’t have many for not saying none other male friends, and applebloom is also really eager to know yah better, ah don’t mind it at all, but don’t forget this, do anything, anything to make them cry or sad, and yah will know by the bad way how strong an Apple Stallion can be, am ah clear” “. . . . . yeah, like cristal, and now let me tell you this, I meant every single world I said yesterday at the assembly, I don’t plan to hurt anypony, so don’t worry, and besides, what’s with all that of like like talking, dude she had know me for no more than 2 days, and I believe there are many good stallions who would kill to be friends or even better, date your beautiful sister” “yeh, many stallions ah have made sure to send away, none of them really liked mah sister that way, not even as a friend, they only wanted to lay and have some “fun” with the one and only Element of Honesty, like some kind of bet”, please, as a brother ah ask yah and warn yah, don’t be like them” Alex could not believe it, to think he would see those kind of males here too? “Never, I like your sister, as a friend, and I would never, eeeeever, would think to do something so vile like that to her, I’d rather die before doing that” Big Mac only stared at him, then he just smiled and said “Ok partner, ah don’t know why, but ah can say yah are not lying, ok, ah choose to trust yah, if only you were a pony, but who knows, maybe it could work, anyway, please keep being good friend with her and please always protect her, not that she really need it, she is a tought Apple Pony” “Always!!” then Alex proceded to return home but not before hearing some last words from the red stallion “Just know this, being an Apple has a lot of benefits” “. . . . . . ok?” When Alex finally arrived to Ponyville entrance, a little more than 2 hours had already passed, he didn’t plan this stroll to be this long, but at least he now knew the town a lot better, but he kept wondering what Big Mac told him, he wasn’t dum, he could tell and notice if a girl or pony starts to like him. . . right? (not like those harem animes where the protagonist is very stupid and oblivious from every girl’s affection to him), besides Alex still had some issues with that topic, he could still remember very well when he said to himself that if he ever ever started to think about having hard a crazy romantic feeling to any pony from the show, he would gladly seclude himself voluntary in a Nut house and seek for some help, of course that happened before coming to Equestria, before founding out they . . . . were real, of course there were some more mental barriers, they were. . . . well, PONIES, but. . . they weren’t ponies like on Earth, on Earth, Ponies and Horses were mindless animals, ANIMALS, these ponies were practically humans but in pony bodies and obviously not ANIMALS, Alex never really had those feeling for any of them, (well maybe a little, but very very little), but not at the moment, he prefered to lock that thought, at least for the moment and continue his way back to Carousel Boutique. When he entered to the boutique, the scene in front of him almost broke his heart, there she was. . . . Rarity hugging Sweetie bell who was crying loudly in her sister embrance, when they heard the door opened and see who it was, Sweetie bell almost inmediatily trotted to Alex and jumped to his chest and proceded to hug harder than ever, he was shocked, what happened, he looked at Rarity for some answers, he could notice Rarity seemed relieved? Sweetie Bell still huging him, raised her head to and said “I. . . we thought you left us, Rarity asked me to wake you up to have some breakfast together, then. . . I didn’t found you, we searched for you around the house and outside some houses away. . . . WHERE WERE YOU???, YOU DIDN’T LEAVE A NOTE, I WAS SO SCARED, we thought maybe you ran away, or that you went back to the castle, or even worst, maybe went back to your world without saying goodbye, after all, we don’t know how you got here, please please, never do something like that again. Then Rarity also joined the hug and said I’m glad you didn’t run away Darling, not that I didn’t trust you, but please, I must know, where were you? “Sorry Rarity, Sweetie bell, I just . . . made my stroll to keep in line, just this time I used it to know every part of Ponyville, then I didn’t realize it would took so much time, sorry.” “It’s quite alright darling, just please, next time, be sure to tell us in advance, you don’t want to worry your little sister again right?” “. . . . how did you. . . . .” “Oh please dear, what did you think? That Sweetie bell wasn’t gonna tell everypony those great news, starting with me?” “I. . . . good point, just one thing, are you alright with that” “Please darling, why would I mind? you have protected her since long ago, like a real big brother, please, keep protecting my. . . .our little sister” “you bet, ok Sweetie, please, forgive me, I didn’t think this would happen, next time I will tell you in advance ok?” “. . . . . . . Ok, (she cleaned her eyes), now let’s go for some breakfast” “Great, because I’m so hungry that I could eat a hor. . . . . I mean I could eat anything” Both sister only shared a look , wondering why he corrected himself, but decided not to ask about it. “Ok darling, let’s go then” After a good shower and breakfast based in eggs and salad, Rarity almost inmediatily proceded to take measurements to Alex, after all, she promised him to make some clothes to him, even some new sneakers, lets face it, been using them almost every single day wasn’t exactly doing wonder to them, Alex only asked her to make them as plain as posible, like his shorts and t shirts he already had, and if posible more socks, (she noded, if that what Alex liked, she would do it), she asked if at least she could add her cutie mark in the corner of the T shirt and sneakers, as her own brand mark, (he noded) When Rarity was done, somepony or better said dragon knocked the door, it was spike with a backpack in his shoulder. Oh, Spiky wikie, (Alex had to bit his lips to not laugh), what are you doing here so early dear? “Oh, hi Rarity, Sweetie bell, I came here for Alex, we have a training session today” “You train with Alex??” Sweetie bell asked excited “eyuup, been training him everyday since I met him one month ago” “Oh really, so that’s would explain all your disappearances every day last month, I just hope you didn’t do anything dangerous all this time, I would hate to see you get hurt. . . you too Alex, (Oh you have no idea, They both thought at the same time). . . ok, go on.” “Thanks Rarity, Ok Spike just wait 5 minutes while I get my equipment” “oh oh, can I come with you, my friends too, we don’t have school today, please, please” Spike and Alex shared a little worried face, “. . . . .Sweetie bell, Spike and I well, we think maybe you and your friends would not like to see that, it’s a little boring, (he was lying of course, the last thing he or Rarity needed was worrying about Sweetie bell and her friends having the idea of training with him and Spike, trying to get their cutie marks with some random idea about it” “Don’t be silly Alex, of course we would like to see, and I really want my friends to see what you really can do, Spike too!! “What you say Rarity?, can they come, I promise they only will watch” “. . . ok, darling as long as they don’t interrupt you both and only watch, it’s ok” “Ok Sweetie, go get your friends, Spike and I will be at the plain lands next to Sweet Apple Acress where Spike had told me Rainbow sometimes practices her stunts “OK!!!!” Sweetie bell screamed before trotting outside the house” (Wow, she really can run fast when she wants to) Alex thought After getting all his gear, (bow, sword, etc), he, along Spike proceded to go to the plain lands, during the walk there, almost everypony, like last night, were not scared of him anymore, they waved their hooves and some even said “Hello Mr Alejandro”, of course he told them to drop the Mr, just Alejandro was fine, then Lyra aproached them and huged Alex from behind “Helloooooo Alexis, how are you todaaaaay?” “Hey Lyra, I’m fine thank you, and you?” “Better than ever, I can’t remember the last time I walked outside without getting critical stares and being called crazy mare” “I’m glad to hear that Lyra, get used to it, because nopony will ever think of you as a crazy mare, never again” “Thanks Alexis, by the way (she thighted the hug), Thank you so much for letting me introduce you to everypony, I forgot to thank you yesterday” “It’s Ok Lyra, you always believed in us, it was your moment, and nopony had the right more than you” Lyra released Alex “Thanks Alexis, it meant a lot to me, by the way, (finally noticing Alex and Spike had their bows and backpacks) where are you going?” “Oh, we are going to train to the plain lands, we have to sometimes or we will start to slack off” Lyra’s eyes widened “OH!!! CAN I COME!!, PLEASE, PLEASE!!” “Ok Lyra, but I must tell you, it could be a little boring” “You?? Boring, hahahahaha, please Alexis, you are everything but boring” “Gee, thanks Lyra, it’s not true, but thanks, anyway, ok, let’s go” Then with Lyra as a companion, they proceded to continue their way, when they finally arrived to their destination , Alex and Spike proceded to put on their protectors and hoods (Spike was able to purchase his from where the crussaders got their helmets for the Scooter). Lyra asked them if she could try at least make the warm up with them, after sharing some worried looks, they finally noded in aproval so much for Lyra’s relief, they started with some cardio excersisses, runing to one place to another, jumping and rolling on the ground, some push ups, squats, abdominals, etc, Lyra was beaming in happiness, it was literally another dream came true, it was like she was playing with a human, like as a fillie she always dreamed, (of course she wasn’t even thinking anymore to make Alexis her pet). By the time they were finishing the warm up, the crussaders finally arrived, Sweetie bell and Applebloom dragged in their waggon by Scootalo in her scooter, all wearing helmets, (sooo cut. . . damn, is that really all I can think about?, Alex thought) Then Alex and Spike sparred with their wooden swords and hidden blades for a while, then thanks to some hay bails borrowed by Big Mac as targets and some paint to draw a bullseye on them, they proceded to practice distance attacks, the first practice was with the bow, they both had 10 arrows each, when they finished throwing them, the score was. . . . . 7 for Alex, 6 for Spike, at the blow gun, Spike won with 10 to 7, (Spike speciality)Throwing knives, Alex won 9-7 (Alex speciality), after that, they proceded to practice the only elements only Spike could do, like breathing fire, since they started training, Alex knew (for what Spike told him), that he almost never used his fire other way than to send letters to the princess, that’s why, it was indeed very weak, so since that day they started to strenght his fire and it’s ratio, so far that now the he could breath decent size fire or even little fire balls to at least 4 meter before it fade off, finally they also worked in his claws, many ponies sometimes forgets that he indeed is a dragon so he has sharp claws, but he (almost as wolverine and the hidden blades) could control when to take them out and hidde them again, much to Alex relief if someday he finally decides to show Spike his PsVita. . . . (What?, he doesn’t want him to ruin the touch screen), of course for the love of the nature and not to face Applejack and Fluttershy fury, they only used dead trunks for this, and seriously, for a pre-teenage dragon, he could make Wolverine very proud. The crussaders and Lyra were really impressed with grins in their muzzles “Wow! Alex, that was amazing, you both are amazing, really, I lived in Canterlot some time ago, and I really can tell you, the royal guards could use someponi. . . somecreatures like you both in their forces” “Thanks Lyra, but I don’t think we are still at their level, I mean they are royal guards, chosen to protect princess Celestia, they have to be very skilled right?” “Well, as far as I could see when I lived there and when I visit my friends and family there, I’ll say there are some really great skilled and strong royal guards like Captain. . . well, now Prince Shining Armor and his Elite guards, but trust me when I tell you this, many royal guards are only pure appearance, granted they aren’t exactly weaklings and also they recieve some training and a test, but I can really say without a doubt, you both may be better than them, maybe Elite level.” “Ok, Lyra if you say so, of course me and Spike don’t have any intention to even face them just to compare or show up” After saying that, Alex could feel how his new sister jumped to his head (her favorite place now) to start nuzzle it “Alex you are so cool, like I expected from my new brother, of course I already knew it since the manticore incident, you too Spike, considering we always only had seen you working at the library, the idea of you being this strong never crossed our minds (everypony noded)” “Gee, thanks little sister, but know this, Spike had always been this skilled, he only needed somepony to teach him how to pulish his raw abilities, if it wouldn’t be me, it would be somepony else who could teach him” “thanks Alex, (Spike started), but I really doubt I ever would encounter another non pony creature like you willing to teach me, thank you for being here, I mean it.” Alex blushed a little, “you are welcome dude” “Wow, so yah really are Sweetie bell big brother now??, wow Sweetie bell congrats, yah found a really cool big brother like mine” Applebloom said “Puff, he is. . . fine for a brother, but still not as cool as Rainbow dash!, she can fill perfectly the role of a sister and a brother just fine, after all she is AWESOME!!”, Scootalo responded.” They all rolled their eyes and smiled “Ok Alex, now that you both are done, what about we help you to return those hay bails to the Apples and then we share some cupcakes at sugarcube corner, my treat, that’s for the three of you too of course” Lyra said pointing the crussaders “Allright!!, said Scootaloo, now Applebloom, Sweetie bell get on the wagon” “Hmmm, I think I will stay up here, it’s the best spot ever, if you don’t mind Alex” Sweetie bell said hugging her brother head “Not at all, ok, everypony and dragon, let’s go” While they proceded to go back, they were too busy and distracted to notice some dark silluetes with big eyes watching them from the far bushes. Even though they couldn’t speak pony or human lenguage, by instint they roared (We found him, We finally found the current King, here is where he has been hidding in order to not lose his Crown, what a coward, now our boss can Challenge him and overthrow him), after that, the siluettes ran to the Everfree forest to give the news to their boss. > Chapter 21, All bowdown to the the New King! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERFREE FOREST Three Creatures were runing to their hideout, all of them grinning for the great news they had for their boss, this creatures were. . . . Manticores. FLASHBACK It’s been a while since that day, that fatefull day when this creature by pure luck managed to kill the previous King Manticore Alpha and take the tittle for himself. When they found his corpse, they couldn’t believe it, no creature, Manticore, dragonchicken, even the big sea serpent would ever dare to challenge their King, but this creature, even though he was almost shorter than them, he managed somehow to kill him. Since that day, no manticore dare to touch this new creature or threat him, as the King, he deserved respect, besides no creature really liked the previous King, in fact, many were even gratefull to the new creature, the previous King was a tyrant, always taking food or preys from the others, walking like he was the King of the whole world, looking down at them, many manticores wanted to overthrow him, but, he was King for one reason, he was the strongest of all, and by decree the only way to strip him for his tittle was by killing him in a duel, but always in a one on one battle, they may be wild animals, but even so, they had their pride and rules. For 30 moons, things were great, but as many manticores didn’t mind having a quiet and almost unexistent King, one particular Manticore saw this as a chance, when he saw their new King, he inmediatily deduced he beated the previous by luck, maybe the last King understemated him, maybe he had overconfidence when they fought, allowing this creature to take him by surprise, who knows, but one fact remained, he would never ever dare to challenge the previous King, but. . . . . this creature was one he could kill and take the Crown from him. He planed this fight for a lot of moons, taking his time to study this. . . new King, at simple sight, he was harmless, indeed he was fast and agile, but aside from that he didn’t have any weapon to use, like his scorpion tail, paws or even fangs, but he had “tools”, like those bows or swords some hunter ponies use, he also had two big needles that came out from his “paws”, deducing the injuries of the past King, he could asume these was the weapons he used to kill him. After 30 moons of studying and training, he finally felt ready to challenge the creature, he gathered every manticore in the everfree to be witness of how he became the new King, he had everything planned, this days would be great, many manticores were concerned, why would he want to do this, this new King didn’t bother them, he wasn’t a Tyrant, things were perfect, why ruin them, of course for this manticore that didn’t matter at all, he wanted to be King, he didn’t care about no one but himself, wanting to have the respect and control of the everfree, and who knows maybe at some moment organize an attack to Pony town, a plan that no Manticore, event the previous King didn’t have the balls to do, and why not? Pony meat was the best, he still remembered when a daredevil pony who wanted to prove himself being brave, entered the forest, he inmediatily got him and proceded to have his feast, since that day he craved for more, but his King was weak and never dare to attack them, (saying their ruler was really powerfull to such degree, there were proofs that she even was be able to move the giant fire ball in the sky during the day and replace it for the other gray ball during the night), but he would, Manticores were indeed by nature inmune to magic, there were at least 100 manticores in all Everfree forest, more than enough, there was nothing to fear, they only needed a Ruler to motivate and order to them to do it, and this day they will have it. Slowly, everymanticore followed this tyrant, wishing for his loss except for a very few (his lackays), they finally arrived to the old Castle (it was no secret the King lived there), they proceded to look for him to accept the challenge, but. . . . they didn’t find anything, they searched for the whole day, it was strange, he sometimes abandoned his Castle but not for so long, they searched everywhere, the River where he took showers and gather water, the cottage of his Zebra friend, but nothing. Starting to lose his patient, he sent his few comrades to see if maybe he was in the Pony town, he waited for hours, but the only news he got from his spies were that the whole town was atacked by the diamond dogs, but somehow they managed to win, but still no sign of the King, but strangely almost everypony was staring at the “place where ponies go when they get sick” with fear in their eyes, but even so, still no sign of the King. Frustrated and feeling humilliated, he only roared to the sky, the coward ran away!!, maybe he saw it coming, and now there was no way he could be King, at least not soon, since according to their laws, Only after 300 moons of a King missing, the tittle would be available again, he didn’t want to wait, he ordered his comrades again to search again with no rest, to keep their eyes open everywhere and even make some trips to the pony town again, in case maybe he was indeed there, and if they ever see him, they would come to tell him right away, the manticores nodded and resumed the search. They kept the searching, and at the 3rd day, they finally found him, he was in the plain lands, next to the Apple trees área, he was there, it seems he was making some excersises with a dragon friend, a green unicorn, and three little ponies were watching them, after a while, one of the little ponies, the white one climbed in the King’s head, then according to the direction they were taking, it was obvious they were returning to the pony town, with this great news, the three Manticores returned to their boss with the great news. END OF FLASHBACK The 3 manticores finally reached their hideout, a cave, there he was, the Boss, it was obvious he was not exactly happy, he wanted to be King as soon as Posible, so many Pony meat to enjoy, he was lost in his thoughts when he finally noticed his 3 lackays entering his cave, he stood up and said “I was having happy thoughts, this better be important” “BOSS!!, we found him, we finally found him” “REALLY??!, WHERE IS HE!” he said excited “In the Pony town, it seems he now is living there, he is now friend with them” “ .. . . . . I see!, HAHAHAHAHA, excelent, EXCELENT, this is perfect, ok, now that we know where that coward is hidding, we can reunite all the Clan again for the deadmatch, spread the word, tell that in 2 days at the afternoon, we will invade the pony town, but we will not harm anypony, the only one I want for now it’s him, His Lackays noded and proceded to tell the news to every manticore in the Everfree. Once alone, he started to laugh again, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, once I decimate him in front of all those. . . . ponies and my soon to be subjets, and proclaim my self King of the manticores, my first inmediate order will be, decimate everypony of that lame town, HAHAHAHAHA, it will be a feast, and once my subjects see we are indeed superior of them, we will gather more manticores from every forest in the world and finally conquer every pony town or city, HAHAHAHAHA, AHAHAHAHAHA, be prepare creature, in 2 days, you’ll be DEAD!, enjoy them the best you can” Oblivious to him or any of his already gone lackays, a kind Manticore who was hidding behind the rocks, friend of a certain cute yellow pegasus in ponyville heard everything this Tyrant just said, he as many other manticores never liked this crazy manticore since the begining, they knew he was up to something but this. . . . he didn’t just want to become King, he wanted to. . . . eat everypony in that town, granted manticores were carnivorious and yes many of them already tasted pony meat from poor souls that dared to enter their forest, but. . . . that’s how it was, they invaded their territory and pay for the consecuences, but this. . . mad creature, his plan was beyond barbaric, and yes, as a King, no manticore would dare to say no, no matter what, because. . . . as he did, any manticore would have to wait at least 30 moons to challenge him for the crown, damn Manticore rule, he thought. He knew what he had to do, this creature and the ponies neededed to be adviced, his chances were already low, not to mention a surprise attack, but how? The creature didn’t speak their lenguage, how. . . . yeah, his pegasus friend Fluttershy can understand every kind of animal and . . . even him, he inmediatily and silently proceded to run to find her. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FLUTTERSHY COTTAGE Fluttershy was ending her workday, she treated a couple of sick pets in Ponyville and sucessfully gave two kitties in adoption, for her it was a good day, she also managed to spend sometime with her friends, except with Alex who was spending some time with Lyra and CMC, it sadened her a little, she wanted to show Alex what her job was about, no matter how insignificant it was, after feeding the last of her little animals, she proceded to return to the confort of her cottage, she was about to open the door when she suddendly felt somepony behind her, when she turned aroung, she saw him, a Manticore, but she didn’t freak out, because she inmediatily recognized him, he was his friend, the one she made that night she got her Element of Harmony and since that day, sometimes he visited her, of course when nopony was around, (they would freak out or even would try to attack him), they hugged each other and he even lick her in the face. “Oh hello my Manticore friend, are you her for some meat?? I think I have some fish stored in the fridge, would you like some?” “Normally, I would Fluttershy, but right now. . . I need to tell you something, it’s really serious” “What is it??” “Well, you see. . . . “ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAROUSELL BOUTIQUE After spending some quality time around Ponyville, eating cupcakes and then saying farewell to Lyra, Spike and the crussaders, Alex and Sweetie Bell finally proceded to enter home, Rarity inmediatily greeted them “Hello Sweetie bell, Alex, did you have a good day?” “Yes!!! Sweetie bell screamed, Oh Rarity you should had seen them, Spike and Alex, they are so cool, all the things they can do, wow, guess what sis?, we and Twilight have like our own personal Royal guards in our homes, maybe even better”, she said while hugging Alex leg.” “Ohhhh, is that so?, well, I’m glad to hear that, I already feel safer, (Alex and Rarity both chuckled) “Gee, thanks Rarity, but I think Sweetie bell is giving me so much credit, I don’t think I’m that awesome, but know this, even being an average human, as long I’m here, I will do anything in my power to protect you, Sweetie bell and everypony.” Rarity only smiled at him, deciding to ignore that “as long I’m here” comentary, then she said “Thank you dear, ok, now why don’t we have some dinner shall we” Alex and Sweetie noded and alongside with Rarity proceded to enter the kitchen to cook something, after another veggie dinner (Alex noted to go fishing later as a priority), Alex proceded to take Sweetie bell to her room, read another story to her, Rarity by her part returned to continue to make Alex’s clothes, she wanted to at least have the first ones the next morning, she wanted to surprise him. Just at the time Alex was walking down the stairs, he and Rarity heard knocks at the door, not wanting to interrupt his host work, Alex proceded to answer to whoever it was, when he saw it was Fluttershy, his face inmediatily showed happiness but was also inmediatily changed to a concern and worried one when he saw her worried face before she inmediatily tackled him to the ground,. Then without any warning, with a high voice he could swear he never ever in his dreams believed he would hear from her, (like the one she used when Rainbow made the Sonic Rainbom) “Alex, Alex, you are ok?? You are ok??” She inmediatily proceded to study every inch of his body, when she found no harm, she sighed in relief and let him stand up. “Wow, Fluttershy, What is going on?, why are you acting like this? Did somepony do something to you? “No, no, nothing like that, and well. . . Hi Alex (damn Fluttershy, even worried you are so cute). . . . , I need you and Rarity to go to my cottage right now, please!!!, and in the way if you can. . . advice Pinkie and Twilight to come too, I. . . will go get Rainbow Dash and Applejack, we. . . . have a big problem.” “Uh?. . . . . ok Fluttershy if you say so, ok, I’ll go get Rarity and the others, see ya at your home” Fluttershy noded and inmediatily flew to get the rest of the mane 6, Alex then told Rarity everything just happened, she reluctant, left her work and proceded alongside with Alex to get the other two, finally the three ponies, Alex and Spkie arrived at Fluttershy cottage and wait for her and the others, a couple of minutes later, Fluttershy, Rainbow dash, Applejack arrived as well. Fluttershy let them in her house, everypony, dragon and human proceded to sit in the living room to wait what Fluttershy had to say, finally and with everypony and else ready, she started “Ok, girls, before I start to talk, I need to show you a friend of mine, he is the one who inform me the things I’m about to tell you” Everypone noded, then Fluttershy looking at the dark room behind her, made a nod, indicating the creature he could come out, then after some seconds, the manticore finally showed himself, everypony just gasped, Rainbow, Applejack and Twilight were already taking battle poses, but were inmediatily stopped by Alex raised hand. “What in Tartarus are you doing Alex, we need to take him down” “Easy Rainbow, Fluttershy alredy told us he is a friend, besides, knowing you are a fighter, tell me, do you really feel any thirst for blood” (she shooked her head), figures, just sit down, and let Fluttershy tell us what is going on ok?” Rainbow, Applejack and Twilight took their sit positions again and let Fluttershy to continue talking “Ok. . . you see, my manticore friend here told me something, something that involves everypony in Ponyville but most of all. . . . you Alex” Everypony, dragon and human gasped by that commentary, then Fluttershy proceded to tell them everything her friend told her, about the Tyrant, why he needed to kill Alex by himself, what he was planning to do after, the Rules to become king, when she ended the story, everypony just stayed there, trying to asimilate every word she just said, then Rainbow said “Wow, just wow, to think you would be so. . . Lucky Alex. . .the manticore you killed was the King of the everfree, and now you are. . . . I don’t have to bow to you now right??” Alex only chuckle at her, (Jesh Rainbow, even in this predicament, you manage to make it funny, he thought) “Well, I have to say, I never expected this, I’m glad I freed them from a Tyrant, but I didn’t want to become their ruler, even though, this explain why I never encountered any other manticore after that day or why they never attacked me again, I had some theories but. . . ., I have to say, it was really convinient for the time being” “Indeed darling, but now we really have a really tough predicament here, they will be here in two days, if there are really 100 of them, maybe even more, they have more than the necesary power to destroy the town or even defy Canterlot itself” “What?, Really? I have to admit, I took down with a really lucky shot, but, you have magic, I mean, with the diamond dogs I understand the darkness stone armors repelled it, but why are they a problem??” “You see sugarcube, Manticores race had been existing even before our Princesses ruling, and by all that time, they somehow by the time, got inmunity to magic, they don’t need darkness stone to have advantage againts unicorns, and trust me, you need at least 2 well trained Royal guards to take down a manticore, not to say 100 of them” “I see, then, I will just go to the Everfree and face him myself , I wont involve Ponyville in this” “You can’t do that darling!!!” “Why not Rarity, is much better than wait for them to come here to Ponyville, think all the chaos and panic it will provoke to this town, besides they just want me, me going there its a win win situation, even if I lose and get killed, and I’m sorry saying it like this, but it’s the truth” “No Alex, (Twilight started, choosing to ignore about what Alex said about dying), for what Fluttershy told us, this Manticore once he becomes King is planing to kill us all, if you go, you will face him in his own field, your chances are worse there, remember, if he manages to kill you, we are next, we are already involved” Alex was speechless, true, maybe his actions one month ago helped a little the manticores, but even so, he may had killed a Tyrant, but at least he was a Tyrant that didn’t want to order his subjets to attack his ponyfriends, he felt guilty, granted it was for saving Sweetie bell, but he also could have choose to run away with her, maybe drag him away very far from her, but he decided to kill him, he. . . he. . he in some kind of way felt like he broke the most important Assasin’s rule, HE COMPROMISE HIS FRIENDS!, he fell to the floor and stared at it. “I’m. . . I’m sorry girls, I’m really sorry, I never thought this would ever happen” He was fighting really hard to surpress his guilty tears with no success when he felt a hoof in his shoulder, it was Applejack “Easy Sugarcube, this isn’t yer fault” “Yes it is Applejack, the manticore I killed at least didn’t want to eat you alongside with every manticore in the Everfree forest” “Cmon don’t say that, think about it Alex, as Fluttershy friend said, it seems that nasty manticore had been planing to do this from a long time, who can tell yah, maybe just maybe he would manage someday to kill the one yah killed, right now, we at least have time to figure what we need to do, and we need to be at our fullest, even yah partner” Alex thought everything Applejack told him, it. . . made him feel better, he wyped his tears and huged her “Thanks Applejack, I needed that” She returned the hug and said “Anytime. . . . sugarcube, now tell me, maybe, just maybe, do yah have something in mind?” Alex thought for a second, then he asked Twilight “Twilight, you think we can evacuate everypony out of Ponyville? or even better, I can run away very far away.” “Well maybe we. . . .” she was inmediatily interrupted by Fluttershy “No we can’t do that” “Why Fluttershy? At least if I lose, they will not find anypony here, they can make to Canterlot and have more time, they will be safer there” “Yes. . . but if you do that, they will know we were alerted, as my friend said, some lackays of that minnie manticore may be watching Ponyville right now, Even if you or many ponies try to flee, at that very moment they will know and get suspicious, and maybe will start the attack at that very moment, no matter if everymanticore isn’t here yet, you or anypony will not reach very far, and. . . they will know some creature told us, my friend (she pointed the manticore) and his friends could be in danger” “But. . . I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just come here and challenge me, I mean. . . It’s not like many Manticores were there and saw me when I killed the last King!!” “Well. . . .(Fluttershy started), my friend also said. . . . when you killed the previous king. . . .you didn’t know, but you and Sweetie bell in fact were surounded by at least 6 Manticores hidding in the bushes, but the King decided to take you down for himself, you after all. . . was a never seen before creature and his pride. . . well, he wanted to be the one to kill you and prove himself, not to mention to taste your meat and Sweeties (Rarity shrudered after hearing that), no manticore imagined you would emerge victorius, the only reason the other 5 didn’t attack you was because you became new King at that very moment, and now this manticore, he is even worst than him, he wants to kill you in front of everypony and manticores to feed his ego, not to mention to attack us right away if he manages to do it” “I. . . . see, then. . . (Alex thought it for some seconds), there is no other choice I guess” “No. . . other choice, what do you mean Alex??” Rainbow said “I will face him here” “WHAT????” Everypony and dragon screamed, then Twilight said “But. . but. . . .No!, we will not let you do that, granted you took down one, but as we know, it was luck most of all, this time, this one will come prepared, you have no chance” “Gee, thanks Twilight, but it’s true, even so, remember, It’s me who he wants, nothing happens if he can’t kill me right? and according for what our friend Manticore told us, he has to kill me himself, so I will face him, with everything I got, and trust me, sorry Fluttershy, but if I have to, I will kill him, (everypony gasped, Fluttershy most of all), sorry, but, that’s how it is, I really don’t want to, but. . . It’s necessary, finally, If there is any sign I would lose, I will. . . . use my own Hidden blades and strike my . . . . . own throat, killing . . . . myself inmediatelly” The gasp from everypony was even higher this time, Rarity and Fluttershy seemed they wanted to faint. “Pinkie hugged Alex, crying loudly and with her mane flat, then she said “Whyyyyyy?? Why would you do that Ali?? “Because for what he told us (Pointing the manticore), if nomanticore kills me, the Tittle will be available for I believe. . . 300 moons. . . almost one year. . right?, you will have enough time to strengh your forces, tell the princesses to be. . . . ready, Pinkie please, don’t make it any harder than already is” Rarity then joined the hug “Sorry darling, but you can’t ask us for that, we care for you, please never say something like that again, and. . . if you have to face him, for what Sweetie bell and Lyra said, I’m sure and believe you can beat him, but in order to do that, you need to believe it too” “Yeah, sugarcube, ah’d like to say ah have a better plan, but ah don’t, but I’m with Rarity in this, ya have to believe in yourself, . . . . Ah believe in yah as Rarity does” “Me too, I. . . don’t like the idea to kill him, but. . . . do what you must Alex, you are not doing it by choice, so. . . . I’m with you. . . . this time ” Fluttershy said, also joining the hug. “I’m also with you, you can take him down Alex, you have to, you promised me to answer all my other questions next week remember?”, Twilight said, huging him too. (he smiled and noded) “Yeah dude, show us all those fancy weapons you have are not for nothing, let me still believe you are cool, and who knows, maybe as cool as me. . . nah, not really” Rainbow also joined the hug while everyone else shared a laugh Spike didn’t say anything inmediatily, he just joined the hug, everything that needed to be say was already said, except one thing “Don’t you dare to die” Once again Alex was speechless, he really wanted to keep everypony safe, and he though killing himself could be a choice?, how wrong he was, he didn’t think about his friends, his partner, his. . . new sister, his renewed promise, what. . . what in Hell was he thinking, having his faith back, he broke the hug, stood in front of them and said “Girls!!, thank you, and I’m sorry, I will, I will believe, even though my chances are not great, practically 0%, I. . . . will believe, and the idea to kill myself in the fight, don’t worry, is already discarded” Alex then looked at Pinkie who was still crying, he aproached to her, started to stroke her mane and said “Sorry Pinkie, I promise you I wont do something like that, please cheer up” “sniff, Just with one condition Ali” “Anything Pinkie” “Pinkie promise you will win and live, please please, Pinkie Promise me” Alex only smiled at her inocence and said. “. . . . . Ok, Pinkie Pie, I promise I will not die, Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” Pinkie smiled after this, with her mane back to normal she hugged Alex again and said. “And remember, you can’t break a Pinkie promise, EVEEEEEEEEER” “I know Pinkie, and trust me, I wont” ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The next day, Alex and everypony proceded to tell the Mayor the news and their plan, also to ask her to spread to news, the way she reacted didn’t dissapointed them, she freaked out, wished Alex good luck and proceded to order to the Mail ponies to send letters to everypony to know what to do, the plan was simple, the next day, everypony, EVERYPONY, would stay in their homes doors and windows closed, They didn’t want anypony to get hurt as colateral damage. Twilight by her part managed to alert the Royal guards from Canterlot, even if princess Celestia or Luna wasn’t there, for being her Faithfull student, she at least could get 50 Royal guards to be prepared outside Ponyville in case Alex lost, also she contacted Princess Cadance, even though, she and her husband had to prepare the Crystal Empire in case the manticores decided to attack them as well, they sent at least 50 Cristal guards to help them, also, they agreed to host all the fillies as a “schoolar visit to the Cristal Castle” much to everypony relief, the guard would be placed outside Ponyville (they didn’t want the manticores to get suspicious and attack by instinct), but even with that as well, the chances to defeat 100 or more manticores were really low, not to forget the plan was to prevent a war and bloodshed, the guards were only to reduce the casualities. When Lyra recieved her warning letter, like a bullet she trotted to find Alex and started scream to him if he went nuts, that she didn’t want to lose him, Alex and the rest, explained her the situation, there was no other choice, he caused this (he still thought), and he had to solve it, Lyra reluctant accepted but said that alongside with the Elements, she would be there to watch him kick the Manticore’s ass, and she would not take a no for an answer. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Later that night, After visiting Twilight for a little request, Alex was in his room, pulishing his Tomahawk, hidden blades, arrows, (one special arrow most of all), etc, examinating his bullet proff vest after Twilight and Rarity fixed it, he examinated his darts, unfortanelly he only had 4 sleeping darts left, until Zecora come backs, it was all he had, the poison ones were useless, after all, Manticore have their own, so obviously they are inmune to any poison, after a while and with everything ready, he joined Rarity and Sweetie bell at the table, Everything was silent, when finally Sweetie bell said “You. . . know, I’m really excited, tomorrow everyfillie will go to visit the Cristal Castle, we even are going to spend the night there, it’s great isn’t it?” “Yes Sweetie, it’s great, have some fun ok?” “Oh, I will big brother” “Please, try to see everything to tell me later with much detail ok” “Ok, now I must finish eating early and go to sleep, will you read me another bed time story pleaaaaase?” “Of Course Sweetie” After that, they continued their dinner, Alex only thought to himself “There is no way I’m losing you too little sister, Angela. . .God, please. . . give me Strengh” ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It was finally the day, every royal and cristal guard were already in place, Every fillie in their way to the Cristal Empire, everypony else in their homes, praying to Celestia and Luna for their safety, It was obvious they didn’t trust Alex very well, and they were right to do not to, Ponyville now looked like a ghost town, even worst when they feared Alex or Zecora, the only ones outside were, Alex, The Elements, Spike and Lyra next to him Spike then noticed something odd with Alex Equipment and said “Alex?? That arrow? you know you are not facing a Timberwolf, I really doubt it would be of any use” “Well. . . . Spike, remember he indeed have a lot of fur, who knows maybe it could come in handy or maybe not, that’s why I only brought one” “. . . . . Ok, whatever you say bro” Then, they proceded to wait a little longer, It was already afternoon, they had waited some good time and started to have hope maybe they backed off but. . . some minutes later, they felt how the ground started to tremble and they finally saw them, it was like a parade, but made by only manticores, some bigs, some smalls, there were even kid manticores (jesh, shame on you tyrant, Alex thought), Every manticore was about to start wrecking every house to try to find the King, they didn’t even start when they finally noticed him, just in the center of Ponyville, where a Princess Celestia’s statue was placed some hours ago, it was the most larger space available in Ponyville, so much place to run and dodge for Alex. The challenger then emerged from crowd, when Alex saw him, he noticed he indeed was a littler taller and muscled that the rest of the older manticores, (eventhough, shorter than the previous King), he had some kind of “armor” made by tree bark and tided by vines, (wow, they are not so mindless creatures, but. .this. . . in some way. . . was very convenient), covering his elbows, knees, chest and head, (. . . . . hey!!, now that I notice, he copied me!) When he finally was infront of him, with everymanticore behind him, he roared something and seemed he would start his attack, at that moment Fluttershy with guts she very very few times showed before to anypony, stood infront the manticore and using her stare. . . said “I will traslate what you said and what he will say to you”, she turned to Alex and said “he said “I challenge you for the Crown” “Ask him what he will do if I refuse the challenge” she did (I will continue as if they were talking directly to each other) “I get the tittle automatically, and you will have to be executed for cowardice” “I see, then why you bother to ask then??” “It’s the custom, but, you can also give me the Crown Voluntary, do it and I will spare your life, and I wont touch your pony friends” “Fluttershy, he can’t understand me right?” (she shooked her head) “Ok. . . . Applejack!!!!, he is lying right??” “Like cristal sugarcube!!!!, or in this case, like mud!!!” “I see, ok, then, I accept, right here right now” The manticore only grinned, “Ok, we start in 1 minute, it’s obvious somemanticore warned you, so you prepared yourself, no matter, I’ll find him later, it even is better this way, when I kill you and eat you fighting at your best, every creature will know I indeed deserve to be King!, please try to be a little challenge at least, your Crown will be Mine!!!” “Over my dead body” “Sounds good to me” Then he started to walk away to take his position and battle pose, Alex after telling the girls and Spike to get far away from the battle ground (which very reluctant they did), proceded to to walk at some distance. it was a really tense moment, everypony from their houses, looking from ther barely opened windows and almost every single Manticore wanted Alex to win, The Manticores unlike everypony thougth, weren’t brutes, As long as they were left alone, they would not harm them, less invade them, the forest was their place as the town was pony place, if you invade a place, that’s different, it was harsh, but It brought harmony.. . . . why ruin that, this manticore was crazy, and he had to dissapear, but their rules were their rules, they only could hope the creature king emerged victorious. Then only stared each to other, waiting, neither of them dare to make the first move. . . not yet, finally, getting impatient the manticore in four legs charged to Alex in a ferocious tackle, (just like the previous one), Alex managed to dodge it, but it was more dificult this time, this manticore was shorter and less muscular, so it was more agile and fast, so fast Alex didn’t even have time to take his bow from his back, it tried again and again, the strategy was so obvious, he wanted to exhaust Alex, he knew he had more stamina than this creature, after all they were natural hunters but for his bad luck so do Humans. After few more tries, Alex finally managed to get his bow and an arrow and aim to the manticore, it inmediatily stopped his charges, now it would be very stupid to try a direct attack, he knew that strange weapon could shot that pointed proyectile at long distances, so he knew what to do, he extended his batwings and proceded to take flight, Alex facepalmed (damn, of course he can fly, he has wings for God Sake, just because the last one didn’t do it, doesn’t mean they can’t, stupid, stupid, stupid me), the manticore tried to charge him again from the air, he was even faster charging from the air, Alex shot his arrow but he dodged it with ease, he tried to hit Alex with his full body again, but again Alex speed didn’t fail him yet, he jumped to the side and rolled to inmediatilly get a combat position again, the manticore without even touching the ground, flew again to try again, the process repeated a couple of more times, Alex tried to strike him with throwing knives and a couple of sleeping darts without any success, Knowing he was wasting his ammo, Alex again took his bow, but this time he took 3 arrows at the same time, this creature was fast, but maybe he could trick him, he didn’t want to use three arrows, besides those, he only have 1 more, the special one he was saving for the right moment, to be honest he didn’t think he would use it, in this circunstances, it wouldn’t do any good as Spike said, but considering this beast Wood armor, it. . . . became maybe a triump card , but in order to use that one, he needed to slow down this Monster at least a little, Alex then only waited, and there it was, the Manticore charged again The Manticore once again tried to charge him full speed again from the air, waiting for the creature to shot his proyectile to dodge it again, he noticed too late this creature shot not one but three pointed proyectiles at him, he inmediatily move aside in a desperate move, but, he only managed to dodge one, the other two. . . .one hit his chest and left wing, making a hole in it, with it, the manticore lost his focus and fell to the ground while Alex again jumped aside to dodge him, but this time it saw it coming, in a desperate move, in mid air, it managed to roll and using his tail like a whip, he striked Alex in his ribs, Alex was sent one meter to the air and fell in his back, while the manticore continued with his falling, hitting the ground full face, thanks to it was a desperate and improvised, he didn’t recieve the hit with full forcé, but it was enough to get Alex to try so desperate get some air and cough some blood, no ribs were broken by luck, but the pain was there, that will make a hell of a bruise, the manticore wasn’t doing any better, his wing wasn’t useless yet, but the pain in his chest really was getting to him, it if werent for his armor, maybe now one of his breathing organs (lungs) would be critically hit, he was trying very slow to stand up again and try to take flight again, but by his bad luck, Alex was faster than him, with two throwing knives in hands he hited his already bad wing (making the hole even higher and making it totally useless now), and one to his left leg, finally he graved two sleeping darts and managed to hit his right leg, unfortunely, Alex got too close to him and then, with a closed fist, the manticore swinged one brutal hit to Alex, who managed to cover with his two arms, it did help to minimize the hit, he still was sent flying away, it hurt a lot, but what hurt more was. . . . his both hidden blades were now completely destroyed and pulverized, they protected his arms to be broken, but the pain was still there. Everypony and manticores gasped at this, it was so brutal but at the same time they were really impressed, this creature managed to stay alive until now, but how much would it last?, the mane 6, Spike and Lyra wanted so badly to help, they felt so impotent, so useless, they could only watch, by this point, all of them were already sharing some tears for their friend, but they knew they had to keep believing. Alex was now spating blood, those two hits, even if he managed to not recieve them directly, they were really strong, looking at his now useless hidden blades, with anger in his voice he said: “You son of a. . ., look at what you’ve done!, you crazy tyrant. . .. .” He was cut in the middle of the talking when his right leg and right arm were pierced by his own throwing knives. . . . he screamed so loud, then he noticed these were the same he used against his wing and leg, the Manticore took them off and throw them back to him, he crouch, hishing in pain, he didn’t remove the knives, it would worse the bleeding, but he knew somehow, it didnt hit a nerve, then he saw the manticore now very angry, in a crazy frenezi, tried to hit him with his scorpion tail, swinging like a whip again or trying to pierce him, thanks to the deep cut still in his leg and Zecora sleeping darts in the other, he was considerable slower now, too bad it wasn’t enough to make him sleep, by his part, the manticore knew that one little touch of his poison, and this match was over, he only had to hit once, and then like the coward he was, just run and getting away from him and wait for it to do it’s job, it wouldn’t work with another manticore, lucky for him, this creature wasn’t one. Alex managed to dodge almost every hit, but one hit his already bad leg, making him lose his balance and fell to the floor looking face down, but the worst part was. . . he lost his bow as well, he let it go to have his hand free to protect from the fall, and the manticore just stepped on it, braking it to pieces, he started to laught like a maniac, while he was laughting, Alex managed to stand in a kneel position, showing his back to the enemy, he then grabed his “special” arrow and from his pocket a. . . lighter? Aproaching to him, the manticore was already tasting his victory, he knew, without his big needles and throwing piercing objects, this creature was far from dangerous now, he stood in front of it and raise his tail to pierce his back, he then licking his lips. . . attacked. At that very moment Alex turned around and recieved the hit directly to his stomach, Every pony gasped, Fluttershy and Rarity even fainted, Spike looked horrified, it was over, when they saw Alex spating more blood it was obvious that he managed pierce him, no matter if he was wearing his “armor”, not much to make it a lethal blow, but enough to let the poison go in. Like the last one, this manticore felt the pain of his needle shattering, but unlike the previous manticore, he managed to get through the armor, granted, it would take some time for his needle to grow again, but he did it, he only had to take it back and back off, looking at the sky grining for his victory, he tried to take it back a couple of times, but with no success. . . then he noticed the human was grabing it with one arm, but not only that, he had something in his other hand, it was one of his pointed proyectiles but this. . . was diferent, it didn’t have just a sharp end, it had some kind of ball that smelled. . . strange, and. . . . it was. . . . on fire??. . . . oh NO!!!!, Alex only raised his head, smiling, with a maniac face and said “Te tengo Hijo de Puta!” (Got you son of a Bitch!) Then Alex, using all of the strength left in him, jumped to the manticore and pierced him with the flaming arrow in the chest so deep it wouldn´t come out that easy. The manticore could only watch how his Wood armor along with his fur started to get on fire, he backed off, and tried to take it off, but he couldn’t, the previous arrow along with this new one, (the other one who was still inside his chest) was preventing him to take it off, the rest of the body began to burn, unfortanelly for Alex, (who was searching for something in his ninja bags at the moment) the manticore wasn’t a timberwolf, so. .. . after a lot of work and rolling on the ground, managed to turn off the flames, even so, the damage was done, by the time the smoke dissipated, the look of it was unbearable, burned flesh, almost all his fur gone, his batwings and scorpion tail, literally melted. After throwing something to the distance, (the manticore didn’t bother to see what it was), Alex with his tomahawk in hand (his only weapon left) only stared at the manticore who even in his poor condition, was still chuckling, granted he was a mess, but even so, a mess that still will become king, and what no many creatures knew, was that they had an incredible healing factor, by the time of two weeks, his fur would be back, his wings and scorpion tail would grow up again, he would be back to normal, but the human wouldn’t. The manticore roared something, of course Alex asked Fluttershy to tell him what he said, she in tears after hearing what the manticore said, responded “He. . . he. . . he said. . . . “are you starting to feel the effects of the poison yet, worm?, I won, just die already as the freak you are” Everypony gasped again, Spike only stared in shock. It couldn’t be happening. Alex then, just started to collapse, mumbling something and finally fell to the ground, with his face looking at the sky not showing any expression. . . . he just laid there. . . . dead. Applejack began to cry like a fillie in Fluttershy shoulder who was crying as well, Rarity was still unconcious, Lyra just stared for a moment and then fainted too, Pinkie pie mane went flat and just kept staring at Alex’s corpse, she thought (you. . . . . pinkie promised), staring as well was Twilight, but she wasn’t crying, just staring, like if she was expecting something, Applejack and Fluttershy deduced she was just in shock, in denial, but now was not time to cry, they had to wake up Rarity and Lyra, because in some minutes, they probably will have to fight for their lives, without them noticing, the manticore was already walking to where the fallen king corpse was, he wanted to taste his reward, starting from his horrible face. He only stayed there, just a minute to proclaim himself the winner, finally licking his lips he opened his mouth to start digging, who would say the only thing he would taste would be the piercing pain of a Tomahawk striking his forehead with a direct hit, he backed away, but it was too late, he was already bleeding and losing consiousness, he was dying, but. . . how?, the poison failed?, not. . . . possible. Everypony and Manticores were shocked, how?, Alex was alive, was he inmune to poison, was he inmortal. . . how?, Everypony including Lyra and Rarity who just woke up, stared at him with disbelieving eyes, their friend was alive, but how? not that they really cared how, they were beaming in joy in the inside, Pinkie pie mane even went back to normal, no one dared to go there yet, they knew it wasn’t over. Alex stood up in a kneel position and stared at him, his face covered in mud, blood in his stomatch, mouth, arm and leg, Alex grinned and pointed to one object on the ground at the distance, the one the threw away, the one the manticore decided to ignore, it was. . . . a little empty bottle. “In. . . case you are wondering. . . . That bottle had the. . . .antidote for your poison, I asked my beloved friend Twili to make it last night, (he looked at Twilight at the distance and noded to her who was smiling as well), you failed to realize something, you knew I was prepared, tell me. . . how in hell you never thought that maybe just maybe, I wouldn’t have something to counter you poison? You really are not very clever are you?” The manticore only stared at him roaring things, Alex didn’t need to be a genius to understand he was cursing him, some seconds later he finally collapsed to the ground. . . . . Alex had won. Everypony, the main six, Spike, Lyra even the Manticores just stared for a few seconds, trying to process what happened, he won, the human won, in a blink of an eye, every creature proceeded to run as fast as they could to congratulate the winner and true king, Spike was the first to arrive, he inmediatily huged Alex like a bear, crying, but this time those were tears of joy and relief. “Wow dude, you really did it, as expected from my partner” “Thanks little dude, I’m glad to still be here” Then Pinkie pie proceeded to hug him. “Ali, you won, you won, you kept your promise, thank you so much for keeping your promise” “Uhg, Pinkie pie. . . . I’m glad you are happy, but please, . . . . cuts, bleeding, remember?, please. . . .” Pinkie pie was inmediatily floated by Rarity and Twilight, who after let her land a little away from there, proceeded to hug Alex as well, but unlike Pinkie, they were carefull to not extend the wound. “Darling, you really did it, I must say, you were amazing, not only used brute force like that nasty manticore.” “Yeah, that was incredible, Twilight said, I mean, I knew you were going to use the antidote but not like that, that was just. . . you are a genius.” “. . . . Thank girls, can you please help me stand up” They started to help him with their magic when they were interrupted by 3 more fur balls, a green, a cyan and a yellow one who pinned Alex to the ground again. “Alexis, omigosh, omigosh, you, you, omigosh, thank you, thank you, I. . . . I don’t know what to say” “No need Lyra. . . I love for you too my friend” She only noded and proceded to hug him “Wow dude, I really have to say, you are a tiny little more closer to be as cool as me” (Rainbow said patting his back, then not being able to help herself any longer, she finally follow her feelings and huged him too, sharing some tears in the process) “If you ever tell anypony you saw me crying, I will negate it and you will fear me even more than this manticore” Alex only chuckled, “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me” Finally Fluttershy started to inspect the wound, she was really worried, after the inspection, she sigh in relief “It. . . seems you are not in danger, the cuts are deep, but it seems no internal organs or nerves were touched, (she started to cry). . . . I’m glad, I’m really glad” “Thanks Fluttershy. . . . and. . . I’m sorry I had to kill a creature in front of you, I’m so sorry” She stared at him, and while kindly huging and nuzzling him she said: “Don’t be sorry. . . . Alex, he . . . . . brought it to himself, he was willing to hurt you. . . to hurt us, I can only hope. . . if there is really another life, he… could reborn kínder.” “Shesh Fluttershy, you really are kindness incarnated, well I guess it’s time to. . . “ He was stopped by Fluttershy hoof on his chest “Wa. . . wait, the check-up isn’t over” “Uh?, what do you mean? You already checked my cuts . . . .” Alex was interrupted by the most amazing thing that had just happened since he arrived to Equestria, much to his pleasure, even more amazing than Sweetie Bell kissing his cheek, or hugging everypony, Fluttershy was. . . . kissing his forehead, “That’s was. . . . for being a good patient and for not crying during the check-up and this. . . (Fluttershy kissed his cheek as well), is for still being with us. . . .(with me) “Hey!!, not fair, me too, me too”, Pinkie pie said and also proceded to kiss him on the other cheek. Alex could really die in that very moment and don’t mind at all, not even in a million years, he was really close to faint, but he couldn’t, at least not at that moment, with the help of Fluttershy and Pinkie pie, he managed to get near every manticore, once in front of them, everymanticore started to cheer for their King, Alex inmediately stopped them with raising his bruised arm and proceeded to make an important speech with Fluttershy as a Traslator. “Manticores from every age, as you could see today. . . there was a fight between two creatures who gave everything, one. . . . a misscarried manticore who wanted to hurt many inocent lives and was willing to order you to help him. . . and an average human. . . me. we cannot allow this to happen again (Everymanticore noded), you deserve a kind King, one who guides you to live peacifully in the forest, therefore everything will be as before, the Everfree is your territory and you are free to live or do whatever you want in there, just some new decrees, no other King or even I am not allowed to nullify these, EVER! (Everymanticore noded again) 1) The Manticores will not hurt or kill anypony unless they would be a threat. 2) No more deathmatches for the Crown, the way to decide a new king now will be by friendly competitions, it’s up to you to decide, but without blood. 3) Order to Attack Ponies or cities without any provocation is forbidden, just like the first rule, if any King dares to even mention the idea, he or she will be stripped of the tittle. (Every manticore smiled when they heard this particular decree) “And finally (Alex asked Fluttershy to call her Manticore friend from that night, he came and stood up in front of his king). 4) I declare this Young fella, NEW KING OF THE MANTICORES, because for his advice, we were able to prepare for the fight, even if it looked like he was bretaying you, but far from that, he did it for your well being, to avoid having another tyrant as your leader, he is the true hero here, a good King always does what is right, and you need a Manticore to Rule the Forest, therefore, please Everymanticore, BOW DOWN TO THE NEW KING!!!” Everymanticore and Alex bowed to the new king, the manticore was Speechless, he by instinct did what any other manticore would do, he licked Alex’s face, it was gross, cute, but gross, Alex thought. After that, glaring at Alex one last time, everymanticore took their fallen brother and returned to the Everfree forest. Once they were gone, Everypony proceded to go out their houses, they inmediatily surrounded Alex, Everypony was cheering him, some taking pictures, they were stopped by Mayor Mare. “Citizen of Ponyville please, Can’t you see he is wounded?, we need to take him to the hospital, please allow his friends to take him there” Everypony noded and let the Mane Six and Spike to take their friend to get some medical attention. Alex only chuckled inside, man, he defeated another Manticore, again he had to use the surprise element to win, after all. . . . that and trolling are the humans best weapons. Looking at his current state Rainbow Dash couldn’t help herself. “Wow dude, you really are messed up” “Yep, and now I have to go back to the hospital, and maybe for some more Needl. . . puahgg” At that very moment, Alex was interrupted when he spatted more. . . black and red blood?. “What the. . .?” then he fainted. Twilight and Fluttershy gasped when they saw it. “Oh no!!!, Twilight said after seeing the black blood, oh no, oh no, it wasn’t enough, I know I’m not Zecora but I was sure I made it perfect, we have to take him to the hospital FAST!!!” “What is it sugarcube? What is happening” “No time to explain, please we need to get to the hospital now” Everypony noded and proceeded to take their friend there as fast their hooves let them” “Stay with us Alex, please, please, Stay with us, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” Twilight managed to say while carrying Alex to the hospital with her magic. > Chapter 22, Let’s save our friend together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PONYVILLE HOSPITAL “Fast, he is burning, we need to control the heat, more wet towels right now or his fever will kill him, and where in Tartarus is the Antibiotic and the Antidote.” “In a second doctor, right now we are looking for it, we are having trouble to find it, this is really a rare case, not many ponies got themselves poisoned by manticores every day, the last one was about 6 months ago” “Really? I mean it REALLY nurse redheart??, Please go and look for it harder NOW!!” “. . . . . Ok doctor, sorry” Another nurse came to help “How is he doing doctor” “Not well Nurse Sweetheart, thanks to Mrs Twilight “antidote”, the poison hasn’t reach lethal levels, but if we don’t give him a more powerfull one soon, he will be dead if I have to say. . . . by night, we already are having troubles controlling the fever with Serum and antibiotics, horseapples, Where is that Antidote, we need it now for Celestia’s sake” “Easy doctor, panic will not help right now, we just need to wait a little” Then Nurse Redheart came, with a face like if somepony had just die “Oh, Thank Celestia you are here Nurse Redheart, ok. . . .where is the antidote?” “Well doctor. . . . we don’t have any left, the ones we have are. . . . already gone bad, it’s been months since we don’t ask Zecora for more, and besides, all of them were for pony dosis, they wouldn’t work anyway” The doctor only stayed there, mouth agape, how. . . . unprepared they really were? Granted, It wasn’t a usual case, in fact it really was a reaaaaally rare case, but. . . how could it happen?, this creature was dying, and the only one who could really save him was not in town right now. They could try to sintetize a custom antidote, but they didn’t know how to make it for humans size, and they didn’t really have much experience making that kind of medicine, one wrong step and it could do more harm than good. . . .and any healing spell wasn’t gonna help this time, maybe just maybe delay the poison to spread, but without a proper antidote. . . the human was going to. . . HORSEAPPLES. The doctor knew what he had to do now, feeling defeated he proceded to go to the waiting room. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// All the main 6, Lyra and Spike were waiting, they were the only ones allowed to go into the hospital as Alex’s closest friends, there were mixed feelings. Rarity was consoling Fluttershy who was crying in her shoulder, Pinkie pie was just waiting there, her mane flat and staring at the floor, Applejack and Rainbow dash (the tough ones) were trying to stay strong, looking at the door for news, Spike and Lyra even sad were trying to confort Twilight who was reading a potion book and was whispering “This is all my fault, this is all my fault, What. . . what I did wrong, I was really sure I made the antidote perfect, what could hav. . . . . Oh no!!!” “What is it Twilight? You found something?? “Yes Spike, how could I be so stupid, I didn’t mess off with the ingredients,. . . . I made a dosis for Ponies, Alex obviously is higher than us, he needed a more powerfull one, the one I gave him wasn’t enough to counter the poison, only to hold it for some time, stupid, stupid, stupid me” Twilight said falling to the floor and started to sob for her mistake. “Calm down Twilight, Spike said, It wasn’t your fault, at least you made one to give him more time, if it wasn’t for it, he would be dead right now, now we are here, everything will be alright, you’ll see” At that moment, the doctor came, Everypony forgetting how they were feeling, proceeded to run to him, Lyra was the one to speak “How is he?, How is he doctor?, please tell us!!” “Easy Sugarcube, please let the doctor talk” The doctor only stared to everypony and with a sigh he started “Girls. . . .I’m sorry, but it seems, we don’t have antidote for Manticore Poison right now, our reserves are already spoiled and we can’t ask for Zecora for more by the time, I’m afraid. . . (he looked at the floor again, ashamed), there is nothing we can do, I’m. . . really sorry, we can. . . make him feel confortable, but according to our calculations, a this phase, he. . . .will not make it after the night.” The room became silent, even the nurses and other patients who were there didn’t dare to say anything, that wasn’t true right?, It was just a sick joke, their friend wasn’t going to die. . . right?, Rainbow was the first one to talk “hee hee, nice prank doctor. . . . No, I’m not serious, I don’t apreciate this kind of tasteless humor, now please, tell us the truth and say he is gonna be fine, cmon, say it, SAY IT!!” She was stopped by Applejack grabing her tail “RAINBOWDASH STOP!!, I. . . really, really want to believe he is lying but. . . (she started to share some tears). . he is not. . . he’s not” (she covered her eyes and continuing sobing on the floor). “UNACEPTABLE!!!, just Unaceptable!!, Now!!, go in there again and save my Friend life right NOW!!, Rarity said in tears and frustration. “I’m. . . sorry, I really am, but as you may know, healing magic cannot heal this kind of things, that’s why we have medicines and antidotes for, but please try to understand, this is really a rare case, I know it’s no excuse to be so unprepared, but. . . unfortanely we are, I’m really sorry.” Fluttershy didn’t say anything, no longer being able to help herself, she fainted, the pain was so much to bear. Pinkie pie and Lyra didn’t say anything, they just embrace each other, trying to forget with no success they had a human friend just to escape the pain. Twilight was also using Spike little shoulder to cry, she already had let the book fell, not like she cared, she failed, it was her fault (she thought). Spike only watched everypony, he was sad, but. . . . most of all, he was pissed, they just accepted it. . . and that’s it?, helping Twilight to compose herself, he climbed to a chair where everypony could see him, and started to say, SCREAMING “SNAP OUT OF GIRLS!!!, WHY ARE YOU KILLING OUR FRIEND SINCE NOW, Twilight. . . is there a way for you to sintetize a new Antidote before the night??” “I. . . I. . . “ “YES OR NO, ANSWER ME!!” “No. . . I mean Yes, it takes its time, but I think if you all help me finding and mixing different ingredients, we. . . can do it, but Spike, If we make it in a hurry, It might be lethal instead of helpfull, so I don’t think. . . . ” “So What?, as far as I see, he is as good as dead now right?, Twilight, we. . . need you, granted Zecora is the best of the bests, but she is not here, we need you Twilight, Alex needs you, please help us to save our friend, and even if we fail, at least we could step in front of him and tell him we try with all our will and he will understand, he knew his chances of survival were almost null, but he choose to fight anyway, he choose to trust in you, he still is trusting you, I’m pretty sure he is right now waiting for you to do your best to save him, please don’t disapoint him.” Twilight stayed there, staring to her number one assistant, he always managed to help her when she felt scared or confused, at that moment was not exception, she felt ashamed, they did right? they really took their friend death for granted, she wasn’t like that, none of them were, maybe it was because this was the very first time they had to deal with something like this, every single time they thought all hope was lost. . . some kind of miracle would happen and would save the day, but this wasn’t the case, some or better say, many times you have to make your own miracles, with her hope regained, she stood up and looked at her friend, surprisingly, they also had that confidence back in their faces, even Fluttershy who managed to hear almost all Spike’s speech. “Ok girls, please come with me, we have an Antidote to sintetize, we don’t have much time, but let’s give it a shot, show our friend what we can do, when we work TOGETHER” “YEAH!!” Everypony scramed Spike and Lyra decided to stay in the Hospital waiting for more news about Alex condition, meanwhile, back in the library, Twilight made a check list and passed it to her friends. “Ok girls, we are going to need all this herbs and flowers, you can find them In the Everfree forest, and this ones, you will find them at Zecora’s hut, here is the Key she left me in case I needed something in her absence, Everypony Except Rainbow and Fluttershy can collect these ingredients, now go!” Pinkie pie, Rarity and Applejack noded and proceeded to go for the ingredients as fast as they could “Ok, finally Fluttershy and Rainbow, I need you to go and look for a Manticore, (they both gasped), better said, the new king, your friend Fluttershy” we need some Manticore Poison, I have some here, but considering Alex condition right now, we need it as fresh as we can get it, Fluttershy I know you are really scar. . . “ “Ok Twilight! no problem, just wait here, we’ll be back soon, let’s go Rainbow dash” Twilight and Rainbow dash only let their jaws fell to the floor, they never saw Fluttershy not complaining about going to the Everfree forest, she really, really, really wanted to save Alex, after fixing their jaws, they both looked to each other and chuckled. “Ok Fluttershy, then. . . . what are we waiting for?, let’s go” Rainbow dash and Fluttershy then proceded to fly to their destination, with Fluttershy using at least 5.0 of wing power speed. . . she really was impresing Rainbow dash and Twilight this day.” //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ZECORA’S HUT “Ok girls, thanks to Twilight list we almost have every ingredient we need, (Rarity said), the only thing left to find is.. . . . . Heart spores, hmmmm, where could they be?” “Ah dunno sugarcube, there are a lot of jars here, this is gonna take a little while, better start now” “FOUND THEM!!!” “What??, but Pinkie darling, how you knew where it was?” “It was in the H sección” she said smiling Applejack and Rarity only facehoof, how in Tartarus she does that?? The answer was always the same. . . . PINKIE BEING PINKIE. “Ok, now let’s go, I hope Fluttershy and Rainbowdash managed to find whatever Twilight sent them to get” Applejack and Pinkie pie only noded and alongside with Rarity proceeded to go back Golden Oaks library //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVERFREE FOREST For Fluttershy and Rainbowdash, it wasn’t that hard to find the manticores, After all, only a few hours passed since they were in Ponyville, in fact, all of them were gathered at the plain área of the Everfree, they were burying their fallen brother, it appeared that by the time they got there, the funeral was already over. With no much time at their side, they trusted their chances and showed themselves, everymanticore just stared at them, some of them with desbelieving eyes, these ponies had to be crazy some thought, some of them were already preparing to attack but were inmediatily stopped by the new king that gave them a stare that could really kill, turning to his friend, he said “Hello Fluttershy, what brings you here so soon, it’s only been a few hours since we left Ponyville. . . . Something wrong?” Fluttershy, remembering her friend predicament, was close to tears, but this wasn’t the time for that, determinated she proceded to say “Actually. . . yes, you see our friend. . . your friend Alex. . . he is dying, the antidote he took wasn’t enough powerfull to counter your fallen subject poison, we need to make another one, please. . . we need some of your poison to make it. . . will you help us??” After processing everything Fluttershy said, the King was really surprised, the previous king was dying?, of course he would help him, he own him one after all “Of course Fluttershy, I will help you saving our friend, cmon, do you have something to store the poison?” At that moment Fluttershy and Rainbow dash took out from their saddlebags some glass containers where the Manticores poured their venom in to, once the containers were full, they covered it, then Fluttershy hugged her friend who hugged her back. “Yay. . . . Thank you so much. . . this means a lot to me, to be honest. . . . I thought it would be a lot harder to get. . . sorry” “Don’t be Fluttershy, I know how our reputation is, but remember this, you and Alex are always welcome here, never forget that, now go, save our friend” “Yes. . . we will” then they proceded to go back to the library. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// When Everypony arrived the Library they found everything set to make the mixing, they also found Twilight but she seemed. . . very stressed, a huge scroll and feather showed she was working in something involving . . . “fancy mathematics”, when she saw everypony, she inmediatily troted to them and said. “Ok girls, first of all, thank you very much, but know this, mixing everything will be harder than it seems, we need to be very carefull, we cannot add to much or too little of everything, my last potion failed because I made it for Pony size, Alex is taller than us, the potion wasn’t enought powerfull for him and glady not too powerfull to . . . . . kill him” “So Twili. . . (Pinkie said), all we have to do is do it for a larger species and that’s all right?, I propose we use a Minotaurus size one, they a lot taller than Alex, it definitelly has to work on him” “Ugh (Rarity responded)Pinkie pie dear, didn’t you listen anything Twilight said??, if we do that, we are practically killing Alex, the potion will be too much for his body to handle, right Twilight?” “Yes Rarity, and that's the problem, in my books. . . . there are instructions to make the antidote for every known species in Equestria, even. . . . changelings, but. . . .I’m afraid to say. . . . . “ Rarity deducted it “Obviously there is no record for a human size one, right?” “Right Rarity, I’m sorry, but. . . I don’t know what to do. . . . if we use any of them, we will defintelly kill him, and if we use pony size again, that will not do, I’m so sorry, I think I going to fail Alex. . . . again” (twilight just stayed there, her head looking to the floor), Applejack then noticed the scrolls and ink in the table, many of them had some numbers and very tricky math problems, It looked like if Twilight wasn’t only preparing the mixing área in their absent, then she said “But Twilight ah can see you been working in something involving Fancy mathematics, if ah have to bet, ah’d say you been calculating the right amount for him. . . right?” “Yes Applejack. . . . I made some calculations based in his, Pony and Minotaurus sizes, but. . . I can’t be sure if it will work. . . sorry girls, I made it the best I could” Twilight kept staring at the floor, until Rainbow dash came and with her hoof in Twilight shoulder she said “Cmon Twilight, don’t sweat it, I’m. . . . We are pretty sure it will work, you are the smarter unicorn we know, remember what you said to Alex before his fight, you have to believe, believe in your self, as we believe in you, as Alex believes in you, what you say Twilight.? Twilight dried her tears and smiled at their friends “Thanks Rainbow, Everypony, ok, let’s do this, we don’t have much time. “YEAH!!” Everypony started to smash and mix every ingredient following very carefully every isntruction from Twilight, there was no room for any mistake, the antidote had to be as perfect as possible, after a couple of hours of intense work, they finally have it, everypony was exhausted, even Twilight, after all, this time it wasn’t just a test, a life was in danger and she wasn’t gonna fail. . . not again, only one thing left, give it to him and expect the better. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It was almost 6:00 PM when the girls arrived at the hospital, when they found Lyra and Spike at the waiting room, they could notice they looked even sadder than before, with worried faces they aproached them, then Twilight asked “What is going on Spike, something happened?” “Well you see Twilight, there were complications, when you left. . . we inmediatily told the doctor that you would arrive soon with a new more powerfull antidote, and. . . he . . . .told us” “Oh NO!!, please don’t tell me it is too late, please Spike, tell me we are on time!!!” Everypony looked at Spike with expecting eyes “No no no, If an antidote is giving him before night, it could still work, if it is powerfull enough of course” Everypony sigh in relief, but couldn’t help notice Lyra wasn’t as relieved as them, that was definetily not a good signal “The problem is, the poison have already corrupted great part of his remaining blood, even if the antidote works, he would need. . . . a transfusión” “I’m sorry Spike, but I really fail to see the problem there” Twilight said Spike sigh, “The Problem Twilight is. . . . his blood type is. . . AB negative” Everypony except Twilight and Fluttershy looked at Spike with confusión eyes, Applejack finally asked to Twilight “Twilight. . . . is that a. . . . bad thing?” Applejack asked Twilight only stayed there, not believing what she just heard, like if time itself had just stopped, Fluttershy by her part, crouched, covered her head with her mane and hooves and started to sob and cry. “Ok. . . . .?, can please anypony could explain to me what is going on with this. . . . AB negative stuff” Lyra was the one to answer “You see Applejack, there are many types of blood, A, B, O, negative or positive, even though, A and O are really common, the B one is really rare, only 25% in all Equestria shares this type of blood” “Ok. . . . , and what about this AB negative one” Lyra started to share some tears “The. . . the. . . .AB negative is the most rare blood in all Equestria, even in all other kingdoms, only. . . only. . . 2% in all Equestria have this kind of blood, we already searched in the warehouse, it was obvious they don’t have any, in your absence, Spike and I asked everypony in Ponyville their blood type, no pony have it, in fact, in all Canterlot, the only ponies registered with this type of blood are. . . believe it or not. . . . The princesses” Everypony gasped, they did’t want to believe it, after all the work, it wasn’t enough, how.?, do their friend really was that unlucky, was he really destined to die that day, no pony or dragon dared to say anything, they couldn’t, then Twilight remembered something “Wait Lyra, you said you asked everypony in our absence right??” she noded, “Then. . . . well I already know I’m O positive, Girls please tell me your blood types, now??” Rarity was the first one to talk “Darlings, my type of blood is B positive, sorry” Rainbow dash “Mine is O positive as Twilight’s” Applejack “Ah really like to say mine is AB negative, but is B negative, dang it!!” Fluttershy still sobbing managed to say “Mine is. . . is. . . A positive. . . (hic)” Lyra and Spike, both were A negative, with almost all her hope crushed, Twilight finally aproached Pinkie pie, and asked her “I. . . I don’t know, remember I used to live in a rock farm, the only one who had the family records was dad, he told me once, but I only can remember it started with A, and that’s all, sorry girls, Sorry Ali” Twilight eyes widened to imposible levels and as fast as she could, she grabed Pinkie pie with her magic and started to troth to the examination room alongside with the nurses. “Twily?, what are you doing??” Pinkie asked “Pinkie, we need to know your type of blood, I really can’t believe you forgot yours” “But what good would it be, as Applejack, I really don’t know much about fancy mathematics as she says, but tell me, is there really a posibility for me to have it?, please Twilight, even good luck have his limits” “Ugh, Pinkie pie, you want to save. . . Ali or not? Pinkie in tears only screamed “YES!!! I want to, ok Twili, let’s check it out” After taking some samples from her hoof (Pinkie hated needles as bad as Alex), the nurses and the doctor proceded to study it, after 15 minutes, the doctor finally got out to the waiting room, everypony after noticing him, inmediatily surrounded him with expecting eyes, the doctor. The doctor was looking at the floor, with his head hanged didn’t say anything, the girls only and dragon didn’t take it as a good signal, they were about to lost it, Rarity and Fluttershy were about to faint, but the doctor inmediatily raised his head with an smile in his muzzle, this inmediatily took everypony attention and look at him again, waiting for what he had to say. “It’s. . . . AB negative, Mrs Pinkie pie type blood is. . . AB NEGATIVE!!!” Everypony just stared at the doctor, Twilight inmediatily asked to her friend “Applejack, he is not lying right??, please tell me he is not Lying” Applejack with a huge grinn said “No Sugarcube, he isn’t” At that very moment everypony and dragon made a hug group, Lyra, Pinkie and Fluttershy crying of joy in the process, Unfortunatelly one pony had to remember them. . they only had won the half of the battle, and that pony was Twilight. “Ok Girls, I’m really glad how everything turned at the end, but remember we still have to try this antidote on him, and Pinkie pie please go with the nurses so they can take some of your blood for the transfusión,” Everypony noded, Twilight then gave the Antidote to the doctor and Pinkie pie entered to the transfusion room, some minutes later, Pinkie pie exited the room, a little weak, but still bouncing, her happiness and joy for helping saving her friend was bigger than her lack of blood. After that, everypony and dragon just waited, Pinkie pie eating some cupcakes and drinking Applejuice to regain her strenght, After a couple of hours, A nurse finally came out, looking at everypony, she finally said “Girls, already had administrated the antidote to him and. . . . it seems. . . .” “It seems what darling please, don’t stop” “It seems. . . it’s working fine, his fever is decreasing, and thanks to the blood from Mrs Pinkie pie, he is in stable conditions again, but we must tell you, he is not entirelly out of danger yet, we still need to check if the antidote eradicates the poison completely, he will be sedated for at least one week, please go to your homes, we promise if anything happens, we will contact you, tomorrow, you can visit him, now please go and get some rest, I promise you he is in good hooves.” Reluctant, everypony and dragon noded, it was true, that day was really hard, The manticores “invasión”, their friend predicament with the poison, making the antidote, the thought of not having the blood to save him, yep this was really a long and tired day, thanking the nurse, everypony proceded to leave, praying to Celestia for their friend safety. > Chapter 23, I’m back. . . . A charm from my little sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week had passed since the girls saved Alex, everything was normal in Ponyville, the mane 6, Spike, Lyra, the crussaders, Zecora (who after learning the news thanks to a letter sent by Spike, finished her bussines as soon as posible and returned) and some ponies including Ditzy and her daugther came to visit him, Rarity and the girls were never going forget the face of the crussaders when they told them the news (they thought they deserved to know), the horror in their faces, most of all in Sweetie bell, she inmediately trotted to the hospital to see her brother but she couldn’t pass far from the waiting room, she struggled with all her strength with no success, she was finally calmed down when her sister told her that Alex needed his rest and now was out of danger, Sweetie bell reluctant agreed and was determinated to come to visit him later much to Rarity relief. Everypony life was as normal as any day, Applejack harving apples and baking some Apple pies for when her friend finally wakes up, Pinkie pie planning parties and baking pastries, Rarity making dresses and her special surprise to Alex, Twilight taking care of the Library, Rainbow dash controlling the weather and practicing some stunts to show to Alex, and Fluttershy taking care of her animals and her the pet adoption bussiness, yeah it was really a normal day, except for one thing. . . . “THE PRINCESSES WERE GOING TO RETURN TODAY FROM SADDLE SARABIA!!!” Twilight inmediately remembered, she was hyperventilating at this moment, how could she forget, maybe it was for everything that happened a week ago, her worries for her Pony and human friends, no matter the reason, the Princess were returning today and their first stop was Ponyville, she inmediately went to Mayor Mare office to tell her the news, for her Luck Mayor Mare was aware of that days ago and had already preparing the celebration for their ruler much to Twilight relief, in her rush, Twilight didn’t notice all the decorations around Ponyville, (idiot me, she thought), now with that problem solved there was still one last little problem, how explain about Alex, his current condition, the Diamond dogs and Manticores?? Twilight was stressing again when she felt her number one assistant claw in her shoulder “Twilight, relax, everything is fine, the princess are coming today here, so what? we are prepared, I’d like Alex to see this, but according to the doctor, he will wake up around today or tomorrow, more probably tomorrow, and don’t worry, when they arrive, we will be there with you to explain what happened last week, for now let’s enjoy the celebrations so we can tell Alex tomorrow how good it was ok?” “. . . . Ok Spike, you are right, this is not the time to worry, he is ok, as you say, it’s a waste he will miss the celebration but we can ask Pinkie to make a Party to compensate it, (Assuming she is not planing one already), ok now let’s go to check on everypony and let’s visit our friend before Princess Celestia and Luna arrive” Spike noded and they proceded to go and gather the rest of the gang, Everypony inmediatily accepted to go for a visit, before exiting her house Rarity grabed a package and reunite with their friends, Applejack noticing this said “Howdy Rarity, tell me, what yah have there?” “Oh, this dear, it’s nothing just some clothes and. . . . shoes I just finished for Alex, I know he will wake up tomorrow, but we don’t know at what hour, so I will let it under his bed in case he starts to look for some clothes, I managed to make them based in his current ones, and those sneakers. . . well after washing them counsiously, I studied them and was able to create almost exact copies, of course I changed the colors, the design and put my logo instead of that. . . . boomerang one, well it looks like a boomerang to me, and what kind of brand name is. . . .NIKE, it’s just sounds so. . . .uncouth if I must say, anyway, I just hope he likes them.” “Coming from a good friend like yah Rares, I know he will love them, trust me” “I. . . .hope you are right dear, ok let’s go, I have to pick up Sweetie bell from the hospital too” “How yah know Sweetie bell is in the hospital sugarcube” “Oh please Applejack darling, you know as well as me that since she knew about his condition, she spends almost all her free time in there, talking to him, telling him stories, or just lean besides him, she even didn’t crussade very much this days (not that I mind), she hopes this would help him to wake up faster, even though I already told her he will probably tomorrow” “Hehehe, easy partner, you know how much she loves and care for him, and besides remember. . . Scootalo and Applebloom had also been visiting him regulary, not as much as Sweetie bell, but ah can tell they really care grately for him too, If it were yah, me or Rainbowdash, they would do the same” “Thanks darling, Ok let’s go” When they finally arrived at Alex room, the scene they saw could warm any creature heart, there they were, Alex sleeping peacefully with his little sister besides him, hugging him with a warm smile in her muzzle, and in the other side, Scootaloo and Applebloom also sleeping beside him, there were a note in Applebloom hoof, Rarity made it float to her to read it, what it says only could be answered with a “awwwwwww”, there was a draw (not very well drawn by the way. . . children), of Alex and the 3 crussaders, all wearing CMC capes, even Alex, there was something written under the draw that said. . . “FOR OUR NEW SOON TO BE CRUSSADER. . . .YAY!!!” At that moment Twilight remembered that one of the many questions the CMC asked to him while they were going to Mayor Mare Office was if he had a cutie mark, their faces of Joy when he told them he didn’t have one were priceless, he was about to tell something else but they were interrupting him with some other questions and stories about their CMC group and Alex forgot what he was about to tell them (Maybe that humans don’t get cutie marks. . . maybe) They could stay looking the beautifull scene all day without getting bored of it, but they needed to prepare for the Princesses visit, Rarity and Twilight were going to levitate them away (trying to not wake them up), “No!. .. not yet please” They inmediately stopped, the shock was too much, it was unbelieveble, they were looking at their friend, his head raised, his eyes fully opened, there he was. . . smiling at them. “Please, just 5 more minutes and please pretty please, somepony take a picture of this, now!” “Okidokilokie” At that very moment Pinkie took out a camera from her mane (Alex was not even gonna ask anymore) and took 3 pictures, she even gave the camera to Twilight to take a picture with her included, After that Twilight and Rarity finally levitated the sleeping crussaders to the room’s coach, the second after the crussaders were moved, Pinkie pie and Fluttershy Jumped to the bed to make an Alex sándwich. “Omigosh, omigosh, Alex you are finally awake, but the doctors said you probably would wake up tomorrow, not that it’s a bad thing anyway, I’M SO HAPPY!!!” “Yay” was everything Fluttershy could manage to say, the words failed to her this time (. . . surprised. . . . guess not), besides everything that needed to be say, Pinkie already had already say it. “Ummmm. . . girls, Although (uhg). . I really love your hugs. . . (uhg), but really. . . need air here” Realizing they both were crushing Alex, they inmediatily let him go and only stayed there, sitting besides him in the bed, then Applejack also came to hug him and said “Howdy sugarcube, yah really got us worried this time, anyway, Ah am glad yah are ok, and who would say. . . mah instints were right after all” She got closed to Alex ear and whispered “Ah brought one of my Apple pies hidden in my saddle bag, don’t ask why, as ah said, ah did it by pure instint” Alex just huge her back “Thanks Applejack, I’m glad I will finally eat one your famous Apple pies” (she just blushed and kept hugging him) Rarity and Twilight then joined the hug, then Rarity said “Thanks Celestia you are alright darling, please never let us see you like this again, it would be too much for me or Sweetie bell to bear again” “I’m sorry Rarity, and trust me, the last thing I want to do is see you and my little sister worried again” (she just smiled and noded) Just in the middle of the apology Alex could hear Twilight. . . . sobing? “Twily?. . . What’s wrong?” “I’m sorry” “Uh?. . .What?” “I’m sorry, the first antidote I gave you wasn’t powerfull enough and for that you were close to die. . . . I’m so sorry, now you will probably hate me or you will never going to trust me again. . . .and. . . I don’t blame you if you do” Alex only stayed there, after processing every word Twilight just said he only could chuckle and say “Wow, Twilight, you . . . thought I’d . . . . just Wow, you must be the one of the most smartest unicorns in Equestria and at the same time one of the most stupid ones. . . .(Twilight raised her head, confused), how could you think I’d ever hate you, Really. . .you saved my life for God sake, now I like you more than ever” “But. . .but. . . if I’d not had made that weak antidote you. .” “I would have died there. . . .Right?, Twilight you made a little mistake. . . so what?, thanks to you, I’m still here, And I can swear it was you who made the 2nd antidote that saved me this time. . . right?” She still a little ashamed noded Alex hugged her back again and said “Twilight, you are my heroine and for that. . . thank you so much” Twilight in tears, not believing what she just heard, hugged him even tighter, he wasn’t mad with her, he even was really gratefull, she was so relieved, after releasing Twilight and Rarity, only Rainbow remained, she reluctant flew infront of Alex, she obviously wanted to say something, but she didn’t know how, to her surprise in the middle of her thinking, Alex extended his closed fist to her and said “No needs for words Rainbow, I love you too” Rainbow no longer able to help herself, finally let some tears and proceded to make the Fist/hoof bump. “If. . . . If you. . . ever. . . tell som. . . .” “I know Rainbow, your secret is still safe with me” She smiled and noded, then she did something nopony, dragon or human would never but eveeeeeeer expect, in a blink of an eye, she huged and nuzzled her cheek in Alex chest, It only lasted exactly one second, but it was enough to make everypony, dragon and human drop their jaws. “And that’s also a.. . .” “No need to tell Rainbow. . . . Definetily not something to tell, besides, really?, who would believe me?” “Exactly” then she flew with the rest of the gang. Finally, it was his dragon friend turn, Alex stood up from his bed, (only in boxers. . . again) and got close to him, they stared for some seconds and finally Spike jumped and hugged his neck, trying to not cry. “Thanks for not dying Alex, I mean it, Thanks” “Thankyou Spike, I’m glad to be still here” “I don’t know what would I do if you die, my friend” “You keep living Spike, you move forward, I’m not saying I’m planing to die anytime soon, but in case me or anypony close to you dies, you have to keep living, for their memory, for the friendship you shared.” “I think. . . Its. . . . not that simple Alex” “I know. . . who said it was, but it is something anypony, dragon or human must bear in some time of their life, but as long you have your memories of them, they really never go away, even though, sometimes you need help from a good friends or . . . little sister to remind you that, (as you reminded me Sweetie bell)” “sniff, Thanks dude, you are right, I’ll keep it in mind, ok. . . . now, how about if you get dressed and we get out of here” Those words really got Alex attention and he finally realized he was almost in Adan Costume again, he was about to panic but then remembered (it’s not akward for them Alex, only for you), even though when he turned around to ask them to leave the room to get dressed, he could swear everypony was blushing at least a little, (What the?), deciding to ignore the scene in front of him, he finally said “Ummmm, girls, could you please go out the room for 2 minutes, I need to put on my clothes. . . . (Alex looked around the room), hey!, has anypony seen my clothes?” “Oh darling, they are at my place, I took them to wash them, they were dirty with mud and. . . ugh blood, but don’t worry I finally finished your new clothes, I even made some new . . . “Sneakers?”, and some socks for you”. Rarity inmediatily floated to him his new clothes, Alex only stared at them, they were really. . . .cool, not any unecesary or girly accesories, the Tshirt was plain black, but as Rarity promised it had her cutie mark in the high part corner, the Shorts were deep blue, and like his old ones, had the big bags in both sides, (Alex really loved shorts like that) It also had her cutie mark, finally the sneakers, just like his old ones, except these were white, black and purple, (like Rarity), and she replaced the Nike logo for her cutie mark, (wow, many bronies and pegasiters would kill me to get this ORIGINAL clothes made by the one and only Rarity, Alex thought). He inmediately forgot everything about privasy (he had his boxers already on. . so what the hell) and proceded to put them on as if there was no tomorrow, when he was done he asked Twilight if she could materialize a mirror, which she inmediately did, when Alex looked his reflection, he really liked what he was seeing, the size was perfect like his old one, not tight, giving him freedom to move, the sneakers, really confortable, just like the old ones, he only could think. . . .WOW” “Rarity, these are. . . perfect, you said you were the best in Equestria??, heck you are the best in the planet, no doubt of that.” “Oh, thank you dear, I’m glad you like them, just. . . I’m sorry but neither of us could do something. . . about. . .these” Alex turned around and saw Rarity had his. . . Hidden blades, they were smashed, they saved his arms to be broken at the moment, but payed the Price, they were beyond repair, even the blade was shatered, he shrudered just by thinking how things would have ended if he’d hadn’t wearing them during the fight, (he would probably be armless right now) “I see, no problem Rarity, it pains me a little to see them like this, after all I had them since long ago, but. . . they protected me at the end, I guess I will have to make new ones, but please don’t throw them away, maybe I still can use some parts, (she noded) ok. . . by any chance do you know any blacksmith around here???” “Uh?, why would you need a blacksmith Alex? Spike said, you didn’t need one to make mines?” “This time is diferent Spike, the ones I made you with random materials are not the same quality, I need more sofisticated tools and a metal cutter to make more resistant ones” “Ohhh I see” Alex then got close to his “ear” and whispered “And who knows? Maybe It’s time for you to have descent ones too after all” Decent Ones???. .? was the only thing Spike was manage to say, before Alex backed off, Applejack after hearing his need, said to Alex “Oh, in that case Sugarcube, Big Mac knows a good Blacksmith that lives here in Ponyville, he make Armors and Spears for the Royal guards in Canterlot, ah bet he wouldn’t mind to borrow some of his tools if he ask him” “Thanks Applejack, that would help me a lot, I really want to make new ones right away (not to mention it will also help me to work with my other secret proy. . . damn Alex, shuuuu)” ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// After signing some papers and final tests, Alex was finally able to leave the hospital, in their way to caroussel boutique to leave the crussader rest for a little while, he noticed all the decorations around Ponyville “Wow, what are we celebrating today girls?. . Spike?” “Oh!! (Twilight started), Sorry Alex, we were so happy at the moment that we forgot to tell you, Princess Celestia and Luna are coming today!!, Isn’t it great?!” At that moment Alex stopped and stayed there, frozen and shocked, the princesses were coming?. . .today?, he had mixed feelings, for his brony side, meeting them was another dream come true, from his logical side, they were like godesses who could banish him if they didn’t like him, what would he say to them?, how should he act?, he was starting to feel very stressed, granted, maybe he was planing to meet them in the future, but not too soon. “Ali?, Are you alright? Pinkie asked “Umm. . . well yeah Pinkie, It’s just, maybe I should go back to the hospital” “Oh no, are you feeling sick?” “No, but I think I will be very soon” “Oh Cmon sugarcube, don’t tell me yah are scared to meet the Princesses?” “Well. . . duh, what did you expect?, they are royalty and I’m an alien here, what if they think I’m some kind of threat, monster or a freak?” “Oh, don’t say that darling, even if they are royalty, they are really nice, trust me, they will not missjudge like everypony else at the begining, besides, you have done so much for us, for my sister, we will be with you all the time, so relax.” Alex then sigh and said “Thanks Rarity, I needed that, besides it’s not like they are gonna arrive right. . .” “THERE COMES THE PRINCESSES!!!!” one Pony screamed “now?. . . . . Carajo!!!” At that moment everypony, dragon and human raised their head to see a carriot pulled by royal guard pegasi, on it there they were, Princess Celestia and Luna, although they were still far away. . . Alex could feel it, so regal, so powerfulls, so. . . beautifuls (brony side), they really transpired Royalty, he knew. . . these really were ponies you don’t want to piss off Everypony continued staring until the carriot finally landed just infront of the mane 6 and Spike, Everypony and dragon bowed to their rulers who only smiled and waved their hooves in response, when the princesses got out of the carriot, Princess Celestia said “Hello my little ponies, we are pleased to see you again, and thank you for this warm welcome, (she said after she saw all the decorations)” Twilight was the first to talk “Hello Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I’m glad for your safe return, we all are, how your trip to Saddle Sarabia?” Twilight was being polite to her mentor, but she still was wondering when Princess Celestia was going to ask about his new friend who was obviously almost infront of the Princesses, was she ignoring him? “It was a nice trip Twilight, the Sultan as always, is a good host, the negotiations for our market relationships ended well for both countries” At that moment, before Twiligh could answer, Applejack interrupted “Ok!!, sorry to interrupt Twili, I’m really sorry, but yah can talk about that later, now ah have to say, (she turned to Princess Celestia), Princess, yah are doing such a good job ignoring our friend Alex, Ah know he is not like us, but ah think ignoring him being in front of yah this long is just rude!!” After some thinking and staring to everypony present, and sharing a confused look with her sister, princess Celestia said “we fail to see what you mean Applejack” “What ah mean?, ah mean our human friend standing right there next to Rarity!” Applejack said while pointing an empty space with her hoof, at that moment when Applejack and everypony turned to see Rarity, they noticed Alex was no longer there, in fact, there was no sign of Alex, like if he just dissapeared. “wait what?, Rarity!!, Where is Alex?!!! Applejack scolded “I’m as surprise as you Applejack, he was here a minute ago I swear” “What?? (Twilight said), but, but where could he go, we were about to introduce him to princess Celestia and Luna!!” At that moment, Princess Celestia and Luna aproached to Twilight and princess Luna said “Twilight Sparkle, what is this all about, what you mean about introduce us somepony” “Well, it’s really a long story, but . . . . . well, long story short, in your absence we managed to make contact with the human I mentioned in my letters, we discovered his name is Alejandro, but as his friends we call him Alex, he is nice and doesn’t want to hurt us, in fact he have helped us a lot, and now is a good friend with us, most of all with Spike, (Spike nooded in aproval), and now we wanted to introduce him to you, he was a little nervous about it, but I never thought he would run away, but don’t worry, we will find him” “Ok my dear Twilight, but I’d like to hear more of this. . . Alex, let’s focus finding him right away, (Twilight nooded and gave a little explanation about Alex image), ok, then let me help you, GUARDS!!!, disperse and find the human, don’t harm him if not neccesary, you hear me (they noded. . . . not necesary?? everypony thought)” After that, the mane 6, Spike, the Guards and even the princesses started to look for the lost human, after a brief explanation to Lyra who was beaming in joy that Alex was awake but horrified he was lost, proceded to help with the search, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity first of all brought the crussaders to Carousell Boutique, After letting them in Sweetie’s bed, Rarity inmediatily looked in Alex Room, for her relief, all his stuff were still there, he only was hidding instead of escaping, then after reunited with Applejack and Rainbow dash, they proceded to continue the search. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Some minutes later, Sweetie bell woke up, she wasn’t really surprised to find out she was in her own room, she clearly rememberd she was with her brother in the hospital, along with her friends, they made a draw for him, to show him how much they wanted him to be a new member of the CMC, she wanted to be the first one to be there when he wake up, it was obvious they were a little exhausted for so many visits, so she rested next to him followed by the other 2 crussaders, who would say all they three would fall sleep. After managed to got out of the bed without waking up her friends, she went to the kitchen for a glass of wáter, she had deciced to sleep a little more and then go back to the hospital, but at the moment she was staring to climb the ladder to her room, she heard something. . . in the basement, where Alex room was, moved by her curiosity, she as quiet as she could, aproached to the room to see who it was, when she finally reached the room, she found no pony there, it was odd, but still she didn’t say anything, she waited to see if the noise came back, after some seconds she heard it again, it came from the wardrobe, something was knocking from the inside, she got closer to it and for her surprise she could hear a voice, but not any voice, it was the voice of her brother. “Damn, just damn, why I did that, I. . . . really wanted to meet them, damn. . . stupid me, and now I’m stuck in this wardrobe, what do I do now?” Sweetie bell was really confused, wasn’t Alex suppossed to be in the hospital, what was he doing here. . . trapped in his own wardrobe, putting all her confuse aside she said “Alex.. . . . is it really you??” “Sweetie Bell???. . . it is you little sister??” “yes” “. . . . well, yeah Sweetie, it’s. . . . me” “But. . . what are you doing there, you have to be in the hospital” “Well Sweetie, I woke up a little earlier and well. . . . ok. . . I promise to tell you everything but please don’t tell anypony I am here and please help me get out of this wardrobe” Sweetie bell noded and after some effort from Alex and Sweetie bell from both sides, they finally managed to opend the door, Alex came and started to breath heavily, it was obvious he needed some fresh and cool air, after thinking a lot, Sweetie bell inmediatily hugged Alex. “Omigosh brother, it’s really you, but how? not that I mind but how?” “It was you Sweetie, I don’t know how to explain it, but your love helped me to recover faster, (it wasn’t a lie, for some reason, it seems, feelings have great power here, Alex thought), and for that thankyou.” Alex then returned the hug and she tighted hers, they stayed there for at least 2 minutes without saying one single word, then Sweetie bell raised her head, she was starting to cry “Why. . . . why didn’t you tell me you was going to fight againts a manticore??, while I was having fun, you were fighting for your life, I had to be there, cheering for you, you know how worried I and my friends were for you??, I was so happy when I came back, then I recieved the news. . . (hic), please, please, don’t do something like that again, this is the 2nd time I thought I lost you (hic), please, please, please. Alex only looked at her, ashamed and feeling like a dick, she made her sister cry again, he started to stroke her mane and said “Sweetie . . little sister, please forgive me, but please try to understand, they wanted to hurt everypony in case I lost, that’s why we sent all of you foals very far away, we did it to protect you, for me, seeing you hurt would be even worst than death, . . . . I love you so much for let that to happen, please, forgive me, but we did what we have to do, I already lost one sister, there is no way I was letting that happen again” Sweetie bell only stayed there, agape, he loved her thar much?, now she was sure, Alex was not some random adoptive brother she just picked, like applejack case, he. . . like Rarity, her mommy and daddy and her friends. . . was true family, a sibling she really could count in, not like she didn’t believe it before, but if she ever needed a proof, now she had it “Thank you so much, I love love love you too brother Alex” Alex then just helped her clean her tears and she continued to talk “Now. . . . . care to explain why were you hidding? “Well you see. . . . “ Alex told her everything that happened, how he was afraid to meet the princesses, afraid to give a bad impresión to them, he really wasn’t good meeting royalty. “But brother, although It’s true, well they are the most important and powerfull ponies in all Equestria, but I can tell you they also are very nice, you don’t have to be afraid, besides. . . you are not alone, you have me, Applebloom and Scootaloo, my sister, her friends, Spike, Lyra, even everypony in Ponyville have nice opinión of you, and don’t worry, in any case, I. . . I’ll protect you, as you protected me, so what you say, want to go meet the princesses?” “I. . . I don’t know Sweetie bell, It’s just. . . “ At that moment, faster than a lighning, Sweetie bell kissed Alex forehead, much to his plesure but also for his surprise “What?. . . for what was that for?” “I casted an spell on you, as long as you have it, you will be safe, my mommy do it all the time, and see, no matter how much crussading I do with my friends, I never got seriously hurt, so I know it works” Alex, after hearing her say that, knew there was no turning back now, he stood there with Sweetie bell in arms, before walking out of the room, Sweetie bell asked Alex to wake up her friends in her room, she wanted them to come along, Alex nooded, After another warm reunión with the rest of the crussaders and a fast explanation of past events, they finally proceded to go and find the princesses, this time, faster than Sweetie bell . . . Scootaloo took her spot in Alex shoulders. “Hey!!, that’s my special spot Scootaloo” “Cmon Sweetie bell, I really wanted to try this and I like it, I feel like a giant” “but. . but” “Cmon Sweetie bell (Applebloom said), sharing is caring.” (not to mention I want to try it too) “uhg, fiiiiine” (at least Applebloom doesn’t seem to want to try it too) Alex only chuckled “hahaha, that’s my sister, like Rarity you are generous too, ok let’s go” “Ok Alex, and I’m glad to see you are not scared anymore” Alex only thought “to be honest. . . . . Me estoy cagando del miedo hermanita” > Chapter 24, Princess Celestia. . . I really didn’t expect that > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex and the crussaders exited Caroussel boutique to find the mane 6 or the princesses, they proceded to go to the Central hall where they supposed to be, in their way there Lyra came to them rushing to tackle Alex, but this time when she jumped, Alex had to dodge her, after all he still had Scootaloo on his shoulders, although is not a nice thing to feel, Alex and the crussaders had to admit her landing was priceless, she fell in the bushes with a sight of disbelief, her eyes looking exactly as Derpy’s, when she finally composed herself and troted to them, she said “Alexis, how minnie, that wasn`t very nice from you, why did you dodge Lyra’s human special hug?” “hehe, sorry Lyra but probably you didn’t see Scootalo on my head, if I’d had recieved that, I’d had let her fall, (Alex then much to her anger put Scootaloo down), now I’m ready, care to try again?” Lyra then hugged him gently while he returned it “It’s so good to see you back Alexis, I was so worried” “thanks Lyra really, It’s nice to see you too my little human lover pony friend” Lyra then relucant broke the hug and said “Now tell me. . . what are you doing here?, Everypony, the princesses and their guards are looking for you, Twilight told me you ran away. . . why?” “Well Lyra. . . let’s say I’m not really good meeting Royalty, I got a litt . . . I got really scared, that’s all (It’s princess Celestia for God Sake. . . . sorry Luna, I don’t know much about you. . . in fact I know nothing about you)” “Oh!, I see, well. . . not to worry Alexis, they are really nice (as everypony had already toldme that, he thought), cmon let’s go to the central hall and wait for them” “Wait??, why, where are they right now?” “well. . . when we didn’t find you anywhere here on town, all of them went to the Old castle, they thought maybe you returned there. . . by the way, where were you?” “. . . . ummmm, traped in my wardrobe” “hahaha, really, where were you?” “I told you, trapped in my wardrobe, Sweetie bell had to help me get out” At that moment Lyra looked at Sweetie bell who gave her a nood indicating it was the truth, Lyra only stared at Alex for a few seconds before letting her fall in her back and stared to roll in the ground laughting like a maniac, she even was letting some tears coming out “you. . . hahaha, trap. . . .trapped. . . hahaha. . . in your own. . . hahahaha, wardrobe, omigosh, this is so delicious, I hope I could be there to take a picture, hahaha” “hehe, well. . . . even I have to admit it’s hilarious, ok. . . back to the topic, in how much time you think they will be back here?” “hmm well, I think maybe in about one hour, they will search in all the castle and maybe around it, throught the forest, they will also search at Zecora’s place, even with the manticores, after all what Fluttershy told us, you are welcome with them now” “Really?, well. . . . that’s nice (even though I can understand what they say), well in that case let’s go to the central hall then”, In their way Alex inmediatily felt a little hoof pulling his sock (how she did it without fingers was beyond his understanding), it was Applebloom looking at him with pleading and puppy eyes “Hmmm Alex. . . ah was thinking. . . is there a chance that, well you can, like Sweetie bell and Scoot. . . wuahhh” Alex didn’t need to be a genious to know what Applebloom was asking, after all, everychildren loves it. . . her sister angela included, he inmediately raised Applebloom and put her on his shoulders, Sweetie bell and Lyra could not help show a little jealous faces. “Wow. . . Scootaloo, yah were right, this is awesome, now ah feel like a giant too, even on Big Mac barrel. . . . the sight is so diferent” “Glad you like it Applebloom, you know I used to do this with my little sister Angela when she was little” “Oh!, so you have a little real sister??” Lyra asked excited “Well. . . yes I had” “Yah. . . . had?” Applebloom asked “Yeah, well now, as I told my sister Sweetie bell, let’s just say, she is in ELISIUM now” “Oh, like mah momma and Daddy, great!” (So, she is really doesn’t have parents, and wow, she didn’t even flich, what a strong fillie, Alex thought) “yeah, just like them Applebloom” Alex then inmediatily felt Lyra hugging him again as she whispered “I’m sorry Alexis, please forgive me, I didn’t know” Alex patted her head and said “Don’t be Lyra, after all, sooner or later I was planning to tell you and the girls about my family, and besides, trust me, Is an issue that no longer make me sad. . . maybe a little, but also makes me happy, for thanks to my little sister Sweetie bell, I finally moved on and I know they are in a better place now” (not to mention Angela even paid me a visit. . . maybe) “Ok. . . thanks Alexis, and know this, if you ever want to talk about it or anything. . . don’t doubt to come to see me” “Thanks Lyra, you are a good friend, ok, now, let’s keep going, I have some Princesses to meet” The rest of the walk was normal, they talked about what happened when he was resting in the hospital, how Pinkie pie was planing a “congratulations for getting out of the hospital” party, Twilight discussing with Zecora her findings and the right amount of ingredients to make Manticore’s poison antidote for humans, which Zecora was really impresed, how Everypony visited him every single day, then the CMC shared some stories with him, like the sister and hoovesocial competition Sweetie bell and Rarity almost won, Applebloom having “cutie pox??”, when they worked for the school press and gained the dislike of all ponyville. Alex was listening carefully and wishing this events would be in episodes to watch when. . . . he'd return home. When they arrived at the Central Hall, they didn’t find the princesses or the mane 6, obviously they hadn’t came back yet, Alex, not wanting to wait outside (the sun was a little heater this day, thanks a lot Celestia), told the girls. “Well CMC, I think it will take a little more time until they come, what about if we go to the nearby park, obviously when they arrived somepony or ponies will scream it out or something like that, everypony nooded, once in the park Alex found a confortable spot under a tree to rest while he and Lyra watched the CMC playing, they were so adorable, the could show some maturity sometimes but they indeed were still children, then Lyra sat next to him, they were enjoying this relaxing time, after some minutes Lyra spoke “This is really nice” “Yes it is, Like those days in the park with my sister Angela, I really forgot what a really relaxing time felt like” “Alex. . . can I ask you a little serious question?” “As always Lyra, go on” “Alex. . . . . have you ever considered in. . . . staying here. . . in Equestria??” “Uh?, what you mean?” “I mean, you at the party said you wanted to ask the Princesses if they can send you back home, but you also believed the chances are 0, but tell me, what if there is a slight posibility that they actually can, would you return there today?” Lyra was shaking a little by now “Hmmmm, to be honest, No, not yet at least, I’d like to spend here at least some more weeks, you know, knowing more about you, the rest of the gang, training with Spike a little more, know this place you call Canterlot, and many other things” “I. . . see, but what I really meant was, would you like. . . . to live here forever??” “Part of me says . . . I’d like that, but I wont” “Why?” “Well Lyra, as I said at the party, I’m out of place here, this is not my home, it’s yours, also I want to return, I don’t dislike my world, there are so many things I still want to do (not to mention, so many games to play, my comics, mangas. . . damn out of the topic), and besides, I must be with the humans, It’s what I am, remember?” (And . . . . in a sad way to see it. . . I don’t have a future here) “But. . .” “Lyraaa, please, don’t push this topic, let’s wait what the princesses say, depending of that I promise we will talk deeper about this ok?” “ok, but just know this, I don’t want you to go, so do many other ponies and a dragon, think about that” “. . . . I promise I will” After saying that, Alex just stayed there, thinking about what Lyra just told him, he kept thinking until slumber finally took over him and his friend ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// At the Entrance of Ponyville (30 mins later) After searching every posible place where Alex could be at the Forest and sharing some stories about what happened the past week, (Princess Celestia and Luna seemed pretty shocked by this time) The Mane 6, the princesses and the royal guards were walking to the Central hall, hoping if somepony had seen Alex and reported to Mayor Mare, in their way there, they noticed something. . . unusual, someponies were looking a tree in the park, there weren’t many but it was enough to block what it was, when they finally reached there, everypony bowed to the princesses and they could finally see, there. . . was the human, resting with a sleepy Sweetie bell in his lap and the other two crussaders and Lyra next to him, it was really a tender moment, all the mane six just dawwwwww, but unfortunatelly that wasn’t the case with the princesses, they both narrowed their eyes and Celestia said to her unicorn guards, “Guard, quickly! Move the fillies and Miss Lyra far away from that creature!! Twilight noticing this, inmediately wanted to say something but was interrupted by princess Celestia shooting again “NOW!!!” The guards, not wanting to fail following her orders proceded to levitate the fillies and Lyra as quickly as posible, this caused the fillies and Lyra to wake up very surprised, then Lyra said “What the. . . . what are you doing, I was having a nice nap, hey. . . let me go” “Sorry Miss, but we have orders, also we need to save you from that. . . monster over there” Lyra narrowing her eyes just thought (Oh no!! you didn’t just say that!) Sweetie bell and the crussaders were also struggling, they didn’t like what was happening, Sweetie bell said “Let us go!! Why are you doing this, I was having a nice nap with my brother, his lap was so confortable” She tried to use her own magic, but nothing came, noticing it, she started to struggle harder “Easy Little brats, I’m trying to help you” The guard said and then tighted the grip on them, it caused to Sweetie bell to squeak a little “Hey. . . . you. . . are hurting me. . . .ahhh. . . Alex help!!!” “Just shut up or I will have to forcé the grip a little mo. . . . . .” At that very moment the guard was interrupted by the most unexpected thing that could happen to a guard, it was a. . . . sole, a shoe sole directly in his face, it was too quick, the hit sent him flying at least one meter, he lost his focus to keep the fillies in air, Scootaloo and Applebloom wer caught by Rarity and Twilight magic while Sweetie bell landed in Alex’s arms, he putted her down and told her to go to their friends and sister side, when the remaining guards saw their partner on the ground, they inmediatily turned to see the culprit, there they saw him, the strange creature that was sleeping under the tree no more than a minute ago , with an angry expression, to their surprise and the princess he said “Rarity, Twilight?, are Applebloom and Scootaloo ok??” “Yes darling, they are fine, thank you” “Good, ok, YOU THERE!, (he pointed the one who was restricting Lyra), Let her go, or you will feel what your partner over there is already feeling” The guard only stared back with an stoic and anger expression and shooked his head “Ok. . . have it your way then” Alex said and inmediatily charged to the guard, jumping to also give him an aerial kick, but he was stopped inmediatily by a deep blue aura” “HOW DARE YOU (Princess Luna said using the Canterlot royal voice), HOW DARE YOU TO ATTACK ONE OF OUR PONIES, NO LESS A ROYAL GUARD, THAT’S A VERY SERIOUS CRIME” After that she threw him to the tree, he flew and slamed the tree with his back and and landed with his stomach and face, he still managed to cover it with his hands at the last minute, as he was trying to stand up, the princesses started to aproach him “Princess Celestia wait!! Twilight said “Not now Twilight!” Celestia said and then casted a Magic bubble aroung her, Luna and Alex who was still trying to compose himself under the tree, When Alex finally managed to stand up, he inmediately was surronded by an Aura, but this time it was a golden one, Alex felt himself being levitated, he was dragged until he was finally face to face with princess Celestia, she only examinated him with her eyes narrowed, then she finally said “I see Starswirl the bearded was right, you really are barbaric and filthy creatures. . . too dangerous to be near my little ponies” “What. . . did you say?” Alex said while trying to get free “Star. . . well, of course you don’t know him, he was a really gifted unicorn that lived centuries ago, he managed somehow to visit your world, and he wrote a journal about your. . . . violent kind, he studied you for days. . . ” “I see, and he said we are barbaric, well. . . that’s really one way to see us” “SILENCE!!, (Celestia said, using her own royal canterlot voice), YOU WILL NOT SPEAK UNLESS I COMAND YOU TO, Ok now tell me, how you came here, what are your plans, are you here to infect us with your violent nature??” Alex was speechless, why was princess Celestia acting like this, granted she was maybe protecting her subjects, but to be hostile at the begining? she was judging him only for some old geezer journal?? “I. . . I don’t know how I got here, I was teleported here somehow and ended in the Everfree forest, that’s all, I don’t have a plan, and even if I do, it would never consist in harming you or your ponies” “LIES!!!, Luna shouted, we already heard of what you have done, you have already killed 2 living creatures, instead of trying to look for a peacefull solution, it’s obvious you are dangerous” Twilight, after hearing that, screamed outside the bubble “Princesses, we already told you, he had no other choice!!!, he did it because he had to, we told you that because we wanted you to know he cares for us, please listen to me!” “I’m sorry my faithfull student, but even though it’d be true, acording to Starswirl and the behaviour he showed to my guard, it’s obvious he is hostile, we have to banish him out of Equestria” After hearing this, Lyra who was still holded by the guard inside the bubble (without the princesses noticing it yet), gaining forcé from nowhere, managed to get free from the guard grip and shot him with a light beam, letting him unconcious, after that, she used her magic to set Alex free too, much to Celestia surprise, and she stood between Alex and the princesses “What are you doing my little pony, stay away from that human!!” “No!, he is my friend” “What??, but haven’t you heard what we said, Stars. . . “ “Yes! I know what you said, but. . . . that’s not the whole story!!” “What you mean, my little pony?” “Remember Starswirl the bearded used to have some aprentices helping him gathering information about his researches?” The princesses nooded “Well my great, great. . . Elder grandpa Lightscroll Heartstrings was one of them, and he. . . also visited the human world alongside with Starswirl, he even made his own journal without him knowing about it” “What??!!!, and why you never told us any of this” “Well. . . . because. . . that journal. . . was the only real proof I had about the existence of humans, I didn’t want it to be taken away from me” “I see, but. . . if you have a journal about humans written by a pony who meet them, I believe this. . . journal also mentions about their hostile nature” “well.. . . . yes, It said things like that” “See, then why. . .” Celestia was saying when she was interrupted “But it also tells about the humans good qualities” “. . . . . Care to Explain?” Luna said “Well, while is true he tells in his journey about humans constant wars and conflicts, but he also said. . . . he and even the great Starswirl the bearded were able to see their culture, their festivities, their education, the music, happy families, how the good parents protected their children, even thought there were tyrant kings, there also were good kings trying to make their kingdoms happy, just. . . just like here, It’s true they solve many conflicts with violence, but almost every human chooses that as a last resource, besides it’s been centuries since those journals were written, I believe if the humans were hostile and nothing more, they wouldn’t even be existing by now, don’t you think?” “You indeed have a point my little pony, maybe the humans are much more than just violence, but even though, for the safety of our little ponies. . . we cannot take any chances, I’m really sorry, but he needs to leave Equestria and go back where he came from” Lyra only gasped after hearing that, she was shocked, her human friend was going to be banished, Everypony in Ponyville who were watching everything by now, were also shocked, were their princesses really gona banish the human that helped them, Sweetie bell was crying by this moment, she didn’t want to believe it, in fact many ponies looked sad, even the Mayor, Alex noticed this, he was sad as well, but most of all he was pissed, how it was possible, Celestia was judging him for his anscestors, he really wanted to talk back to her, to tell her she was wrong, that he would never do anything to anypony, but he didn’t, maybe it was his brony side, because he. . . deep down still respected Celestia so much, why did this have to end like this? He thought, so he decided to do nothing, he felt. . . ashamed but there was another problem now, Alex knew if he was going to be banish, he would not stand a chance at that moment outside Equestria, (no hidden blades, bow, provitions, etc), after some thinking he had an idea, it was a really stupid one, but hey, almost all his ideas were stupid. (At least it would give him more time if it worked) He moved next to Lyra and cleared his throat “ehem, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, may I speak??” They both shared a surprise look, after all what happened, he was showing some manners?? they thought it was a trick so they decided to play along “Yes, you may, what is it human?” “You insist, I must be banished, if that’s is your decisión, as the Rulers you are . . . I can only accept it. . . (damn, why I’m feel so sad), but tell me something, are you planning to teleport me to where?? The moon? I can’t breath there, I will die inmediately and my head will POP, to outside Equestria?, without supplies or my tools, I wont stand a chance for more than a day, to another kingdom like the griffons and minotaurs?, they will judge me and will try to kill me and again I don’t have tools to fight back, you are talking about we are barbaric and cruel, but tell me, aren’t you doing the same thing right now??” “Well. . . . we. . . we” “I see you didn’t think this through. . . . ok, let me propose you something” “proceed” Luna said “Give me one more week here, I need to make new weapons since the ones I had were destroyed in my fight the Manticore, also I need to get supplies for a long journey, Applejack told me she will help me to find a blacksmith so I can recreate my broken tools, but I’ll need one week to have what I’m going to need, please, grant me that week and you will not have to worry about sending me to my death, since you will at least will let me go prepared. . . what you say??” The princesses only stared at Alex, somehow they knew he wasn’t lying, been the previous wielders of the Element of harmony including honesty help it a lot, after some thinking Celestia (with a dissapointed expresión?) finally said “very well human, we really have our doubts about this, but. . . . considering you haven’t harm any pony in our absence, we will grant you this one and only wish, but be warned, if we know you hurt one single pony, we will come back here and banish you inmediatily and not in a kind way, are we clear?? (Alex nooded) we will be back in one week, be ready and determinated. After that the princesses made the forcé bubble disapear, Sweetie bell inmediatelly rushed to Alex and hug him tightly, everypony (the mane 6, spike and Lyra) joined the hug. After some seconds Celestia said “Ok, human, know this, we will be back in exactly 7 days, as I said, be prepared, and. . . . (she was now refering to everypony) I’m sorry my little ponies for not staying to celebrate with you, I promise after this week, we will come back to see you and we will celebrate once this human is gone” Nopony dared to say anything, they already liked Alex but the Loved Princess Celestia a lot more, the fillies only stayed silent because their parents told them to, not even the Elements dared to say anything. After that Celestia and Luna got in their carriot and proceded to go back to Canterlot, once they both gone, Twilight only stared at Alex and ashamed said “I’m sorry Alex, I’m so sorry, I never thought they would react like that? But don’t worry, I. . . I know we can think of something, yeah, we will, you’ll see” “It’s ok Twilight, she is thinking about you, she wants to protect all of you” “Protect us from what?? from you darling??, please, you have already proven you will not harm us, why she didn’t listen” Rarity said “Relax girls, everypony and Spike, who knows, many things can happen in one week. . . and if that is her decisión. . . I can only guess is for the best, right?. . . (silence) Ok, Applejack? “Yeh Sugarcube?” “Can we please go look for Big Mac, I really need to start working in my weapons right away” “sure thing, c’mon follow me” Alex then alongside with Applejack proceded to go for BigMac so he could introduce him the blacksmith, Everypony tried to follow them but with the exception of Spike were stopped by Alex who told them it was something he and Spike needed to do by themselves, everypony understood (he was his Partner after all), so they left them be, so then Alex, Applejack and Spike proceded to go to Sweet Apple Acress. > Chapter 25, A really LONG week > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the event with the princesses, Applejack with the help of BigMac introduced to Alex the Ponyville blacksmith, an middle age unicorn called Proud Hammer, after some explanation about what happened early that day, he accepted to teach Alex the basics about his job, and he also offered to make throwing knives and arrows for him (After all, a week was really a short time for doing all by himself), Spike also offered to help, his fire would come in Handy after all, after that and according to meet very early in the morning to start learning and working, Alex and Spike said their farewells and proceeded to go their homes, while walking, Spike said “Well, he is nice for teaching and helping you to make your weapons again” “Yeah, I think, I’m really lucky, but Spike remember this will be really tought, his work really seems. . . dificult” “I know. . . . . .so . . . . “ “Uh?, what is it Spike?” “What are you planing to do?” “What? isn’t it obvious, make new weapons, gather supplies and maybe some gems, and follow Princess Celestia orders” “I see. . . why!, why did it have to happen?!” “Easy Spike, she is only doing what she thinks it’s best for you” “Banish you isn’t best for us. . . for me. . . for Sweetie bell, your new sister remember?” “Spike. . . . you are not making it easier for me, and Sweetie bell will understand, she told me about the sistersocial hooves day, as I can see, she forgot the idea of Applejack being her big sister by now, she will forget about me too” “That’s so not true. . . and you know it, she loves you dearly, I’m pretty sure she is now waiting for your return at Rarity’s place” “. . . . if you say so, sorry Spike, I just trying to find the good side in all this” “you found it?” “just one. . . . . I was able to meet you all” They both smiled and took their separates ways, not wanting this week to even start. Once in Caroussel boutique, Alex had to fight his urges to dawwww in high voice when he saw Sweetie bell sleeping in the couch, she was clearly waiting for him, he inmediatily moved her to her room in his warm arms, while going out there and looking at her once more he only could whisper “Sorry Little sister, but. . . the princess only anticipated the inevitable” He then proceded to sit in the couch, he really wasn’t in the mood to sleep yet, he thought many things, his arrival to this world, the adventures he had at the Everfree forest, meeting Spike, Zecora. . . . Everypony, he knew he eventually had to leave. . . but not like this, but as the things seemed, the new plan was simple, Live again in the Everfree or another place, wait and survive the remaining time before the next meteor shower, and go back to his home, not a very clever plan but the best he had now, without him realizing it, Rarity sat next to him and watched him, lost in his thoughts, when he finally noticed her, he said “Hello beautifull Rarity!” (Silence) “hey. . . I found Sweetie bell sleeping here, don’t worry, I already brought her to her room” (Silence) “And Spike and I met the blacksmith, Proud Hammer. . . a really nice dude, he will teach us and help us to make some tools for my journey, isn’t that great?” (Silence) “. . . . Ok Rarity, I get it ok? . . .I’m not happy either ok?, but it was your Princess orders, at least I managed to convince her to let me stay one more week to get ready, after all it’s her kingdom, her rules” “. . . . . I know. . . . darling, and. . . .” To Alex surprise Rarity only pressed her head to his chest and started to sob “I’m sorry, we are sorry, after all we told you about princess Celestia being kind and understanding, then. . . she. . . did this. . . trust me. . . no one of us saw that coming, and now he will banish you outside Equestria, maybe not even being able to stay at the Everfree Forest, close to us, I’m sorry, If only we’d never brought you here. . . “ “Rarity stop, It’s not your fault, and besides, your Princess is really kind, she is doing all this for your and everypony safety, after all Rarity I can’t say humanity is precisely. . . . the most kind existing especies” “That. . . may be true, but they are they, you are you, it’s like saying all unicorns are bad just because King Sombra was a tyrant” “true, and really, I apreciate your concern, I wish there is something we could do” “Oh, don’t worry Alex, Twilight is already on that, for our Jobs, we can’t do it right now, but. . . . in 4 days, we, Lyra included will travel to Canterlot to try to convince her, Mayor mare is already gathering signatures from everypony and fillie, declaring you are a good human and we will show them to the princesses, so you don’t really need to make more weapons for that journey that isn’t going to even start” “. . . . thanks, really, but. . . . as I could see, she was really set to it, I’ll wish it work, but as things are right now. . . I can’t take any chances too, sorry, but in case the answer is still No, I need to be ready for the journey” “Ok. . . darling, as you wish, but trust me. . .we will do everything for that would not be necesary, but Alex, I need to know something” “Yes Rarity??” “why you didn’t say anything to princess Celestia??” “To be honest Rarity, I don’t know, maybe because well , She is PRINCESS CELESTIA, and. . . let’s face it. . . . I’m technically an outsider, if she wants me out of Equestria, who am I to talk back to her” “well dear, if you put it that way, I . . . . can understand, well. . . . never mind, leave this in our hands” “Thanks Rarity” “Even though, you could at least. . . try” Rarity said almost whispering “what??” “nothing darling, nothing” They stayed there, huging each other, finally after some minutes they broke the hug and proceded to go to their rooms, Alex. . . trying to ge some rest only could think. . . THIS WILL BE A LONG WEEK //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DAY 1 The first day started really nice, he and Spike started their lessons with Proud Hammer, many ponies understood why Alex needed this. . .but why Spike, Alex only said it was a male thing (besides, if Spike was going to be defensor of Equestria one day, of course he would need to know this things sooner or later), the lessons were really constructive, he taught them how to melt the materials, each right time to work, how to mold and double the desired shape with the hammer and how to cool it off in the wáter and give the final touches, all in a day, of course seeing and doing it was two diferent things, what Proud hammer could do in 20 minutes, it took a couple of hours to them, after a tired yet somekind funny day and shared some cider, Alex and Spike already liked Proud hammer, he was some kind of funny uncle, and by his side, not having any kids or grandkids of his own, he really enjoyed their company, Alex inspired by Spike and knowing he had to trust more ponies outside Twilight and her friends, he decided to share some stories with him, where he came from, his world, reluctant, the manticore incident (Proud hammer insisted), Proud Hammer really was impressed, he already heard about it from some random ponies, but hearing from Alex himself was better, Alex obviously told him he was just lucky in those fights. At night, after saying their farewells to meet the next day, Alex arrived at Carousel boutique to be recieved by a cheerfull Sweetie bell and the crussaders who were having a sleepover, (Alex and Rarity told them about what the mane 6 and Mayor mare were doing, it gave them hope to be relax, they trusted their sisters after all) Alex only told them to have a good night, he was really tired, he was a little sad, since he didn’t see any of his pony friends, but he really needed to rush if he wanted to be ready in case the banishment proceded, he went to his room and proceded to sleep. DAY 2 The second day, Proud hammer thought them again the same procedure, this time, thanks to the past day experience, after their third try, they finally managed to make a descent spear, obviously still not at Proud hammer level, but it wasn’t useless, Proud hammer let them keep them, it was their first descent job after all, they continued trying, by the afternoon, Alex and Spike finally got a lot better, of course they could only make little things like Spears and arrows points, they also half mastered how to mold metal, after all, for them to able to make an armor, obviously less than a week would not be enough time to learn that, but it was enough for him and Spike to finally start working in the cover, blades and other materials to make new hidden blades, for the springs, gears and other random materials, he managed to get them with the help of random ponies, like the owner of clock shop, etc. once every material was molded and gathered, it was already night, they decided to assemble everything the next day, after another afterwork hangout time with Proud hammer, Alex and Spike proceded again to go home for a good night sleep, once again sad because of the lack of the mane 6 and Lyra company, they decided to work faster the next day to have at least a little time with them the 3rd day since the 4th they will go to canterlot at least for 2 or 3 days.” DAY 3 The third day was simple compared to the previous ones, Alex and Spike had everything set, they finished their hidden blades, and also made a little sparring with Proud hammer as audience, they were perfect, Spike loved his, but he decided to kept the other ones as well, after all those were his first ones, after promising Proud hammer to pay him a visit some other time to hang out a little, Alex and Spike took separates ways, Spike had to finish some chores at home, (After all, he’s been absent for two days), by his part, Alex proceded to visit Fluttershy first, the walk to her cottage was nice, the smell of the nature was really relaxing, after some minutes he finally reached there, and there she was, feeding some birds, Alex inmediatily aproched her and said “Hey Fluttershy” “Eeep. . . .” was all Fluttershy managed to say by the impresión and then hidded her face with her mante “Oh sorry, sorry, I didn’t want to scare you, are you alright?” After realizing who it was Fluttershy inmediatily showed her face with a huge smile in her muzzle “Oh, Alex it’s you!, I’m Ok thank you . . . .but I thought you and Spike would be really busy remaking your tools” “Oh! you mean these?” Alex said after showing her his finished hidden blades “we already finished them, Proud hammer told me he will have my throwing knives and arrows finished in 2 days, and for my bow, the local carpenter is taking care of that, so until that moment, I have a lot of free time. . . . so tell me. . this is your job” “Well. . . I take care of the animals of the forest, they are my friends and always ask me for help, but my real job is the Pet adoption farm, where many fillies and colts can adopt a really cute little animal trained by me,” “I see. . . . well I must say. . .” “I know it’s not much. .. . . It’s not like to be a fashionista, a Baker, a Library caretaker. . . . but It’s what I do and I like it. . . I hope you don’t think. . . it’s boring” “Fluttershy cmon, give me more credit than that, I would never think you are boring and besides, I think you do a really good job, very noble, many of this animals would be homeless without you, don’t ever let anypony or any creature your job is useless or boring, and if they do, don’t doubt to call me, ok?” “. . . . . Ok, thank you Alex, that’s means a lot to me” “Anytime Fluttershy, Ok, time to go, I know you all are traveling to Canterlot tomorrow and wont be back around 2 days, I want to say at least hi to everypony before that, ok. . . cya tomorrow at the train station” “Ok, bye Alex,” Alex was already walking away when he hear “Alex?” “yes Fluttershy?” “Alex why don’t you come with us to Canterlot to try to convince the princesses?” “Fluttershy. . . It’s obvious they don’t like me, besides I don’t think talking to them will help at all now, coming from me, maybe it would even worse the situation” “I see. . .” “Ok. . . .cya later Fluttershy” “Wait!!!” “Yes?” “Well. . . I was just thinking. . . . When the princesses tell us you can stay, would you like to come here and share some nice tea with me?” “Ok, Fluttershy I’d like that very much, If. . .” “WHEN!!” Fluttershy interrupted “(so much cute), Ok WHEN the princesses let me stay, I will pay you a visit wishing to taste your fabioulus tea” then he turned around and continued his walking leaving behind a really happy pegasus. **************** After that Alex made a stop at sugarcube corner, Pinkie was there baking some pastries, the moment she saw Alex entering she inmediatily tackled him to the ground “omigosh Ali, It’s nice to see you again, It’s been a long time” “Pinkie. . . .It has only been 2 days” “well. . . .when you are such a good friend. . . 2 days feels like an eternity” “Thanks Pinkie, I just wanted to come and say hi, I know you are busy right now” “Thanks Ali, here have a cupcake, House cortesy” she gave him the cupcake and then noticed his blades “Ohhh, I see you already finished your cool bracelets” “Yep, well. . . .when you have another 2 guys helping you, it doesnt take too long, the first ones I made took me around a week to make, and my other stuff will be ready in 2 days, so I’ll be ready when Princess Celestia comes in 4 days” Pinkie just stared at him, her smile changed to a frown, she got close face to face and said “Ali, I’m glad you are preparing everything and all, but. . . you know it’s not necesary, you’ll see, we will convince Princess Celestia, we have to, please stop saying you will be banish, it. . . aches my heart” Alex hugged Pinkie and said “I’m sorry Pinkie, the last thing I want to do is making you or anypony sad, but, we have to consider every posibility, Ok?” “Ok, but I can guarantee we will do evetything we can, besides if that doen’t work I’m sure you are planning to talk to her right?, tell her you don’t want to go and leave your friends. . . right?” Alex only smiled (of course he wont, he didn’t want to challenge Princess Celestia, he didn’t have any right to) “Let’s wait and see what happens ok?” Pinkie Pie noded and went to the kitchen bringing something in a flash, it was a muffin “Pinkie. . . you already gave me a cupcake, I could not. . .” “please take it, it’s special” Alex reluctant, took the muffin in his hands and noticed the frosting had something written, it said “FIGHT” Alex was confused, why that word was written in it, maybe she made a mistake, anyway he only smiled and gave Pinkie another hug that she inmediatily returned, and only said “thanks Pinkie” After that Alex proceded to find Applejack and Applebloom in their Apple stand, when he got there Applebloom screamed “Hi Alex, It’s nice to see yah” “Hi little cutie, working hard I see, nice to see such a hardworker fillie” “yep, that’s me, top Apple seller Applebloom” “hehe, says the fillie that once tried to sell the Apples to the customer by forcé or by tricking them” Applejack said “Oh, c’mon sis, besides that’s was when ah was desperate to have a cutie mark for that, now ah follow your rules” “And yah see it’s better that way (she turned to Alex), Howdy partner, ah can see you are done with your brazelets” “hey Applejack, Yep, Spike and I finished them early today, I can say I’ll be ready when the Princesses returns” “Easy sugarcube, don’t say that yet, we still have plenty time to convince princess Celestia and Luna” Alex then felt something or somepony hugging his leg “yep Alex, yah’ll see, she will change her mind and after that, we will make the initiation ceremony” “Initiation ceremony?” “Yeah, yah know, to join the CMC, after all yah told us yah don’t have a cutie mark, and Sweetie bell is already making a cap. . . . Ups. . .sorry Alex, please forget that last part, it’s a surprise” (Oh God, she doens’t realize she already said too much) “Ok Applebloom, I’ll be waiting, well Applejack, I just wanted to say hi, see you at the train station tomorrow” “Ok sugarcube” Alex didn’t even make 4 steps when he heard Applejack say something “Yah know Sugarcube, ah noticed this at the moment but didn’t say anything, we as your friends, Lyra and even Mayor Mare are doing our best to convince the princess, but. . . what about yah? “What you mean Applejack?” “Nothing sugarcube, just think about that, ok cya later” then she went back to her stand Alex just kept his way to Twilight Lybrary and just thinking what could Applejack mean ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Once in Golden Oaks Lybrary, Alex found only Spike there, just finishing his chores, when he asked him where Twilight was, he told him, she, Lyra and Rainbow dash were eating in a hayburger restaurant, Manedonalds. . . . (seriously. . . . Alex thought, SERIOUSLY?!!!), Alex and Spike with some gems in hands, proceded to go and join them, when they arrived, they were greeted by many ponies and fillies, find the girls wasn’t hard, they were in a table in the corner, eating and talking, when they got there, they inmediatily waived their hooves, inviting them to join them, once everyone in the table Alex said “hey girls, having a good time?” “yes Alex (Twilight said), we are, this new restaurant is amazing, besides mom’s, the best hayburgers I ever ate, do you want one, my treat” “thanks Twilight, but I’m afraid I have to decline it, humans can’t eat. . . . (well. . .technically we can eat grass. . . right?. . .what the hell), Ok Twilight, let’s give it a try (how bad can it be?) After ordering and waiting for it, Lyra, noticing Alex hidden blades said “Alexis, I see you finished your hidden blades, I must say, the look exactly like the previous ones, only more shiny, do they work as the others?” To show it to her, Alex move his hand to drew the blade and then did the same thing to hidde it again, Lyra and many fillies who were secretily looking only squeeak “yes Lyra, they work fine, I just hope my new bow works fine too” “Don’t worry for that (Rainbow said), as that fella who you worked with metal, the carpenter is really good, I can say your new bow will be even better” “Thanks Rainbow, now, can we know what were you talking some moments ago?” Twilight said “we were talking about, what are we going to tell to the Princesses, and also I have here the scrolls with everypony signature, I’m sure with this we will convince her to let you stay here, at least for the time being” “for the time being??” Rainbow and Lyra asked, then Alex responded “yeah, remember, we are trying to convince her to not banish me, but remember, we still have to ask her if she can help me to return to my world” Lyra surprised said “Oh!, I see, well, ok. . . but for now, let’s focus in the first goal. After that Twilight proceded to explain Alex that the trip will last at least 2 days since they had to wait to have an audience with her, and it probably would be at the end of the day, since she was really busy, and not matter if she was her student, she had to wait as everypony else, Alex only noded in understanding. Then after some thinking to himself. . . Alex asked “Twilight, Lyra, considering all things that could happen. . . . would you like to have a questions and answers session??” Twilight and Lyra ignoring his defeated behavior only shared a smile and said in unison “we rather to wait until next week, after Princess Celestia let you stay here” “. . . . Ok. . . . (shesh, they really are optimistic. . . why I’m not?)” “Alex, I think you should try to talk to her too” Rainbow said “Nice joke Rainbow, it’s obvious she will not listen to me. . . nope, I think it’s better to see what happens, and if I have to go. . . then I’ll go” The girls only shared a sad look, Rainbow only thought “Actually, I was serious, you really don’t plan to say or do anything at all, only accept your banishment??” After that, Alex hayburger and Spike hayfries were served, Alex stared at it, It really looked like a normal hamburger, he took a bite, well as expected, the hay well taste like hay (grass, nothing) but the tomatoes, lettuce, kétchup and mustard helped to flavor it, it wasn’t something he will eat anytime soon, but it was beareable, after finishing their meal and promising to meet at the train station the next day, they part ways, Alex proceded to return to carousel boutique, after all that happened today, he needed a good night sleep. DAY 4 The fourth day started with Alex and Rarity waiting for the rest of the Mane 6 and Lyra at the train station, after some minutes they arrived, the first one was Lyra, then Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbowdash, Applejack and Finally Twilight with a little sleepy Spike, they said their farewells and proceded to board the train, promising Alex that everything was going to be Alright, once gone, Alex and Spike, proceded to go to their homes to gather their gear and make some training, (Rarity left the key for caroussel boutique to Alex, he still was shocked how much she really trusted him), once there Alex found a very cute Sweetie bell, sleeping in his bed at the basement, he tried to take his training tools the quieter possible with no success, Sweetie bell woke up and inmediatily gave him a hug and said “Hello big brother, are you going to go to train with Spike again today?” “yeah little sister, wanna come??” “hmm, no, I can’t today, in fact I only came to ask you something” “What is it??” “Is there a chance that maybe. . . you can come to my house at dinner, My parents wants to meet you. . . you think you can come, besides I’ll will cook and I really want you to try my food, what you say??” “. . . . Well. . . . Ok, why not, but. . . tell me, your daddy and mommy are not mad. .. . . right?” “what you mean?” “I mean, face it Sweetie bell, their little daughter has an Alien as big brother not to mention he is living with their Elder daughter, in a logical world (my world), I’m surprised they haven’t come here to kick me out of here” “Well at first they were surprised you were living here, but when I and Rarity told them how you saved me. . . twice and what we as a team did, not to mention they were witnesses of your 2nd fight with a Manticore, they weren’t mad, but obviously they have some doubts, that’s why I want you to come tonight. . . . so they can know you better. . . what you say? “Ok Sweetie bell, I’d be honor to, What time?” “Around 7:00, Spike can come too, after all, he is part of the team, I wanted to invite Zecora but she had to make another trip to finish her business in Fillydelfia, oh and Applebloom and Scootaloo will be there too” “Ok 7:00 PM, we’ll be there” Sweetie bell only said YAY and trotted out of the room, probably to give the news to her parents. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alex and Spike training day was good, they sparred with their new hidden blades, spears and wooden swords, this time only Spike could practice with throwing knives and bow, as always Alex also made Spike practice his fire and strengh his claws, Spike thought it was unecesary and always asked him why he kept him practicing that, Alex only kept telling him it was for his own good, that maybe someday he would be in danger and unarmed so he would need to use his natural weapons, Spike noded and did his excerscises without complaining. After a good training day, they were sweeting bullets, Alex told Spike about the dinner with the CMC and Sweetie parents, Spike agreed to go, with Twilight in Canterlot, he didn’t exactly had anything better to do, they proceded to go to their places and took a deep shower and get prepared for the dinner. Alex put on the clothes Rarity made for him, he didn’t have any tuxedo or something like that, not that he minded, in fact he hated tuxedos, the only day he used one was the day of this family’s fun. . . ., no, not the time to think about that, once ready, he proceded to meet Spike at the Library and go to Sweetie’s parents. Once there, outside the house, Alex could not hidde his worries, being aproved by Rarity was one thing, but these were her parents, let’s face it, in his world, being a 22 years old guy spending so much time with a little girl not older than 9 or 10 years would have attract some really unwanted attention, (to be honest, by now the pólice and parents would be stick to him like bubblegum), this. . . really was a trustfull world. Alex finally found the courage to knock the door, they waited and finally they were recieved by a Unicorn lady, she. . . wasn’t precisely old, not to mention a little chubby, if not for the fact she had a horn and fur color, she could be Mrs Cake relative. “Oh, hello Mrs. . . .” “Pearl darling, (Darling?, definitely Rarity’s mother), you must be Alex right?, (he noded), wow, you are really tall, I only had the chance to see you from the distance, ok Sweetie, please come in, you too little Spike, the girls are already inside” Spike and Alex noded and proceded to go in, inside they found an Stallion Unicorn in the living room, (he was tall as BigMac and had a really cool mustache), he was reading the newspaper, he inmediatiely put it aside to look at them, the tensión was high. . (Alex then thought the fight with the manticore wasn’t so bad compared to this), he stood up and got near to them, finally stopped in front of Alex, his looks, very serious, Alex was seeing it coming and was just waiting for it (Stay away from my daughters, specially Sweetie bell, or something like that), but by his surprise the very first thing he heard was “Wow boy, you indeed are very tall, like Sweetie bell said” “. . . . . Seriously?, that’s the first thing you said to a complete teenanger stranger who hangs out with your fillie daughter, Alex thought” “Well. . . yeah, I’m. . . tall I guess, and you well, as BigMac, I have to say you indeed are taller than many other stallions I’ve seen Mr. . . . ” “Magnum, and you are. . .” “Alejandro, but as my friends, please call me Alex” “Very well, Alex, I must say, it’s really diferent to see you this close” “You seen me before??” “Yeah, my wife and me, we saw you when you faced that nasty Manticore, and when Princess Celestia told you to go away from Equestria” “I see, well it’s really nice to meet you Mr Magnum, your wife too, I can see now where Rarity and Sweetie bell got their warm and kind personality” “Thanks kiddo, and only Magnum is ok, come, let’s talk a little” After that, they talked a little about themselves, Alex as always, told him where he came from, Magnum gasped a little when Alex told him about being an Alien, but after all Ponyville had went throught this past week, he really didn’t care that much, he also told him about his hobbies and Jobs he used to do, for his part Magnum was now a retired pony, he used to be a Player of Hoofball (Alex didn’t even bother to ask), now he was the trainer for Canterlot gifted unicorn’s hoofball team, and Pearl had her own cosmetic shop in Ponyville, After some time, Pearl called them to the dinning room, she also called the CMC who were upstairs at Sweetie’s room, they rushed to come and when they saw Alex and Spike, Sweetie inmediatily hugged his chest, “helloooo Alex, I’m glad you could come” “I wouldn’t miss it for the world Sweetie, hey there Applebloom, Scootaloo” “Hi!!” they both said and hugged him as well. Alex now putting Sweetie on the floor remembered where he was and only nerviously chuckled and saw Magnum and Pearl, waiting for a dissaproval look, but by his surprise they were smiling, the Pearl said “My my, she. . .they indeed are very atached to you, as Rarity said” “Well. . . yeah, she. . . they are, and I really care for her and her friends a lot, I hope you don’t mind” “we mind? (Magnum said) Please boy, after you have done for Sweetie bell. . . for us, you have proven you will never do anything to harm our little angel or any Pony, please keep being a good big brother to her” “so. . . you do already know” “Yes darling, You think a kid like her would keep that a secret, to be honest, we were worried at first, but after all we have witness, we know they. . . Rarity and Sweetie bell are safer with you” “Yeah, besides she always tell us how nice and kind you are and how you saved her from that manticore at the Everfree, and boy. . . (he raised his hoof to Alex chest), for that. . Thank you, I mean it” “No need to thank me Magnum, Pearl, I only did what anypony would do, that’s all” “No need to thank you?? Really??, boy you saved our little Angel’s life. . Twice, please don’t say that again, as far as I see it, you are family now, don’t forget that” Alex didn’t know what to say, wow, really, this Ponies were beyond trustfull, the kindness and trust one only can see in a kid’s show. . . . oh. . . right, but this was real, he just couldn’t believe it. “Thanks Mangum” “No need boy, and please keep watching over my daughters, and this little cutíes too (he pointed the CMC)” “No need to ask Magnum, as long I’m here, I will protect them with my life” “Glad to hear that (Pearl said), now, let’s start digging shall we?” Alex and everypony else went to the dinnig room and started to eat, the food was nice, a Salad, some Apples, grapes and brownies, during the dinner, Spike was talking random stuff with the Crussaders, while Alex was talking a little more with Magnum and Pearl, the night had been good until now, he made new friends, (almost family. . .as they said), and was having a nice family dinner, not get confussed, he enjoyed his dinners with Rarity and Sweetie bell, but this was different, he hadn’t enjoyed this kind of family dinner since. . . that night at Pizza Hut, nothing could ruin this night, then Spike started to belch, like if he wanted to throw out, (Seriously Spike, I mean it, Seriously??), then out of nowhere, Spike belched a scroll, (ohh, so that was it), he unrolled it and proceeded to read it, while he was reading it, everypony and Alex looked how his smile slowly changed to a frown, he even let the letter fall and only stared at the floor, Alex tried to reach it, but Sweetie bell and the crussaders read it first, they looked as shock as Spike, Sweetie bell started to cry, Alex grabed the letter and started to read. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Princess Palace (20 minutes before) After being waiting for a Princess audience all day, the mane 6 and Lyra finally had their turn to talk with Princess Celestia and Luna, they greeted each other in the throne room, everypony decided to let Twilight do the talk “Hello Princess Celestia, Princess Luna” “Hello Twilight, everypony, we are glad to see, it’s unusual for you to come without advice, what do we own this honor??” “Well Princess, we think you know already” “. . . . . I see, so where is the human?. . .” “With all respect princess, but his name is Alex” “Ok. . . . tell me, where is Alex, isn’t he with you??” “No, he is not, he stayed in Ponyville preparing for his banishment” “So. . . he sent you to plead for him” (Luna said, anger in her voice) “what? no he didn’t, but after what you said to him, he thought it would be a bad idea to bring him to Canterlot, at least for now, Princess. . . please listen to me, he is a good human, he had help us a lot, you already told us humans can’t be trusted, but, I. . . we know he can, I know we can learn so much from him and even change the perspective you have of humans, look at this signatures list, everypony in Ponyville, even the Mayor trust him too, why you can’t??” Celestia read the letter from Mayor Mare and lookd that indeed, everypony signature was there, the full scroll was full of them, she was impresed yet dissapointed at the same time. “I see all you’ve done for him Twilight, but sorry, the answer is still no, as far as we know, he may be pretending, trying to gain our trust and then strike in the future” “. . . . Princess!!, why are you saying that?? you never said anything like that about another creatures, even. . . Changelings” “That’s because. . . . sign, Twilight, do you know how Starswirl the bearded died??” “Yes, he died from an illness in his bed. . . why?” “That was the oficial story, but is. . . . not true” “What you mean Princess??” “You see, he didn’t just studied humans in their world, he even befriend one little. . . human girl, he being an unicorn who never had family, inmediatily took great afection for her, everytime he traveled there, she was there, waiting for him, he taught her many things, and she in return also told him about humans” “. . . . Princess, I don’t see the point of . . .” “Please let me finish Twilight, their bond was so deep that Starswirl even considered bringing her here to Equestria, she accepted gladly, but she asked if she could bring her family, Starswirl was sure they had to be nice like her. . . but they weren’t, when she introduce him to them, they inmediatily saw in him a great oportunity to catch a rare and unique species in their world, the little girl tried to stop them, but their greed were greater than their love for her, Starswirl, watching this, grabed her with his magic and proceded to go to the portal with her in the forest, but. . . because the little girl’s family alerted all those. . . I’m sorry for saying this. . filthy humans, they were prepared, Starswirl was chased by a mob, throwing him rocks, spears and arrows, by miracle he managed to dodge almost all of them, but he and the little angel were hit by one each, Starswirl managed to cross the portal with her, but. . . it was too late, the girl was in her last breath, our medic could not do anything for her, she died in Starswirl hooves, and even dying she was happy to finally see Equestria with her own eyes, Starswirl. . . he was devastated, that little was like the granchild he never had, but soon we realized that in fact she was lucky, because those arrows. . . were poisoned, Starswirl painfully dying, proceded to close the portal under a tree in our Palace gardens, he told me there were many portals to other worlds. . . maybe another human world, but he only managed to find one more, but before he could tell me where it was, he died beside his little girl, I buried them together, It’s the only human buried in Equestria, It’s. . . been centuries since I speak about that, I even cast a memory spell on my self to forget all about humans, I wasn’t interested in them at all, but when I recieved your letter. . . I guess the Spell broke, I didn’t do anything at the time, thinking maybe it was a mistake, but in fact. . there were another human here, worse, a grown up one, sorry for hidding this to you Twilight, everypony, but I need you to understand, Humans kills between them to get what they want, they didn’t care to kill that child to capture Starswirl, please Twilight, I hope you understand now, humans cannot coexist with ponies” The girls were shocked, such a sad story, nopony dared to say anything, but . . . the unicorn Lyra, even shocked by the story, she stood in front of Princess Celestia and said “you are wrong” “Beg your pardon my little pony?” “you are wrong princess, humans and ponies can coexist together, and the proof is Alex and. . . that little girl” “. . . . care to explain” “My Elder grandpa in his journal even though he never wrote anything about Starswirl befriend with a human, he wrote he. . . .Starswirl. . . when he visited the human world, seemed happier than ever, and I believe it was for his friendship with that kid, he even wanted to bring her here, I believe he was breaking a lot of rules, but he didn’t care, they loved each other as family, and there is also Alex, he had done so many things for us. . . for me, he risked his life more than once for us, even not having magic, he never ran away, and I can say by now, besides Bonbon. . . he is my best friend, please Twilight, tell her, tell her how good fríend he really is. Twilight, after recovered from the shock of the story, noded and started to tell her all the things they had made with Alex, hanging out, Talking in the hospital, tear moments with Fluttershy and Pinkie pie when they felt down, how he danced with her. Princess Celestia only stared the at them, she was surprised, it was imposible, she expected to heard about greed, mistreatment, jelausly, but no, but still believing in her judgment, she interrupted Twilight “Stop!!, sorry Twilight, everypony, but no matter how much you want me to believe, I can’t, besides that little inocent girl, humans hasn’t show me any knowledge about friendship, that human proclaims he is your friend, but tell me, why he isn’t here?” “Because you told. . . “ Twilight started to say before being interrupted by Celestia again “Because I told him to not come right??, see? if he values so much your “friendship” why he didn’t come anyway, he didn’t even tried to convince me when I told him I will banish him, he only asked me for more time to prepare, as I can see, he only cares for himself,” “No princess!!, he didn’t talk back because he respects you, you are our ruler, he said it, your kingdom your rules” “So what??, Twilight remember that time with Chrysalis? You didn’t care that even I didn’t believe you, same with Nightmare Moon, even though I said it was just a tale you still defied my judgment and tried to solve the problem” “But princess, at least I’m a Pony, he feels like he is an outsider, he thought he didn’t have any right to talk you back” “So he prefers to go in banishment in his own than talk back to us??, what a great friend. . . . he is a coward, (Princess Luna said) Sorry Twilight, but the answer is No, and I forbid you to tell him anything about it, understood??, I don’t want a creature that doesn’t fight his own battles near our ponies, worst one of the most backstabing ones.” Nopony said anything, they knew once princess Celestia and Luna are set on something, there is no turning back, Twilight only trotted to her mentor, she felt defeated, sad, but most of all regretfull, she failed to his friend, she only said to the princess “Princess, at least could you please.. . . let me send a letter to Spike to inform Alex your final decisión, I really don’t want to tell him this in person” “Very well Twilight, but remember, not a single word about what we talked” Twilight noded and proceded to writte the letter, once finished she gave it to the princess who sent it to Spike, after that, the girls bowed and proceded to go to their rooms, some of them sobing, knowing they will only expend one more day with their human friend, once gone Princess Celestia only thought “I’m sorry for this Twilight, . . . someday, you will understand. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BACK AT SWEETIES HOUSE Dear Spike You don’t have any idea how much writting this letter pains me so I’ll go straigh to the point, we tried to convince Princess Celestia and Luna, we really tried, we showed them how much he cares for us. . . but in the end they didn’t change their minds, sorry, we are sorry, please, tell Alex this, and I’m sorry not have the courage to say it personally. . . one more time. . I’m sorry. Twilight Sparkle Alex finished reading, he wasn’t exactly surprised, in someway, he saw it coming, but her little sister and her friends. . . they didn’t take it that good, the CMC crying, hugged Alex, he started to strock their manes “easy girls, easy” “NOOO!! Sweetie bell yelled, I WONT TAKE IT EASY!! WHY, WHY PRINCESS CELESTIA AND LUNA HAVE TO BE SO MINNIES, WHY, WHY?” “Sweetie, they are not, they are just doing what they think its good for all of you” “Banishing you is not good for us!!, why do you keep saying that, in fact why you haven’t do anything about it??” “. . . . .Say what??” “Until now you have only said yes yes yes, I was there that day remember? You only accepted their decisión right away, no matter how minnie they were with you, you. . .you. . . didn’t fight back. . . for us. . . for me, It’s, It’s like you. . . want to go or were planing to go anyway, I thought you loved us, I thought you loved me” “Sweetie!!, of course I love you, of course I want to stay here (at least for sometime), but they are-. . .” “They are the princesses I know, so what??, just for that you will abandon me, we are family now!, please. . . don’t abandon me” then she trotted away to her room “yah know what Alex?, she is right, it feels like yah don’t want to do anything to stay here.”, she followed Sweetie bell, then Scootaloo with narrowed eyes said “Alex, after Rainbowdash, I always thought you were the most coolest creature in Ponyville, but now. . . I just don’t know, you want to go, you don’t want to do anything to prevent your banishment, fine, just please. . . . stay away from Sweetie bell, at least for these last days,. . . sorry, in fact. . . I. . think you should return to the Everfree forest, don’t make us care for you more than we already do, or the goodbye will be harder, anyway. . . goodbye” she trotted away. Alex didn’t know what to say, he only stayed there, he said nothing to Magnum and Pearl who were shocked as well, and proceded to leave, Spike at his side, they didn’t want to go to their homes, not yet, they saw a little lake and a little dock in front of the house, they proceded to sit there and do nothing, they just stayed there. . . looking their reflection at the wáter “Spike??” “Yes Alex??” “Please tell me, Am I wrong for not doing anything about my banishiment??, “To be honest. . . . yes, I think you are wrong” “Why??, I mean. . . It’s Princess Celestia, what everypony expect from me? what you, the CMC, everypony want me to do, in fact, what can I do, what could anypony posible do about this, obviously talking won’t do anything at this point, I repeat, whan could a pony do? “I know what a pony would do Alex, I’m sure noPONY would ever dare to do anything in your place, because they are her subjects and loves Princess Celestia and Luna very much, (Spike stood up and before leaving he whispered to his ear)” “But, I don’t know what a human, a non Equestrian and non subject of her can do, so ask this to yourself. . . what can you do Alex?, What can you do? After saying that Spike left him with his thoughts, Realization then came to him, they were right, he just accepted his banishment as it was nothing, he wondered again why, why he didn’t say anything that day or the day after, maybe because either way, he would have to leave in a few months, or because it was Princess Celestia who said it, who knows, he didn’t care anyway, he felt. . . ashamed, granted he was planing to maybe leave at some moment, but at least in his own terms, but this. . . . he was giving up to his friends, he was giving up his little sister. . . NOT ANYMORE! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Proud hammer was preparing to sleep at his home, after finishing a big order from Canterlot Royal guards army, he was really tired, he was about to turn off the lights when he heard some knocks in the front door, reluctant he answered the door, by his surprise it wasn’t a client, it was his new human friend dressed in somekind of. . . combat outfit, what posibly would he want at this time of the night, but what really took his atention was a a big bag he had in his hand, by the clanks sounds, it seemed inside were some metallics stuff. “Howdy Alex my friend, what can I do for you??” “Proud Hammer. . . you trust me? “Well yes of course boy, why?” “Because. . . I really need your help for the next 3 days” > Chapter 26, Take me out If you can. . . and yep, I know you can > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days have passed since Alex recieved that letter, The Princesess would arrive in about 1 hour and nopony had seen him since then, the last one to see him was Spike 3 nights ago in that little dock, Twilight and the others were worried to death, as before when he dissapeared the first time, they knew he didn’t escape, all his stuff except some clothes and his weapons were in his room, with a note on the bed, it said + + + + + + + + + + Dear friends I still have some unfinished bussines that will take me around 2 or 3 days, please don’t worry and don’t look for me, It’s something I must do alone, I’ll be there when the princesses arrive, please be patient. Cya in 3 days Your friend Alex P.S. Tell Spike to not slack off with his excercises and training. + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Even though he left a letter, all his friends tried to find him with no success, they tried every posible place he could be, The Old Sister castle, Zecora’s place, with the manticores, they even asked Proud Hammer if he had seen him, Proud hammer only shooked his head and said no (Thanking it wasn’t Applejack the one who asked him), after one day, the girls gave up, not that they didn’t want to find him, but it was obvious he was hidding very well, besides he said he would be back the day of the banishment, but it also was sad, they wanted to spend his last day with him, Pinkie wanted much to her grief to throw a “Goodbye Ali” Party, no pony was taking his decisión very well, first he didn’t do or said anything to try to stay, and then he dissapeared without telling them, It’s was like he indeed was abandoning them. The CMC weren’t taking this too good either, Sweetie bell didn’t stop looking for him, she wasn’t happy he had to leave, but at least she as well wanted to spend all the time she could with him, Applebloom was worried as her, Alex was her friend too, but she kept wondering why he dissapeared, Scootaloo by her part just felt guilty, she really didn’t think Alex would follow her advice to stay away from them, she admired him and only said that for the moment, later that night she inmediately regretted saying that and decided to apologize the next day, only to find he left. To surprise to everypony, the only one to did nothing was Lyra, she said it was meaningless, how she spent weeks trying to find him in the Everfree forest when he was hidding from them with no success, she also said she trusted him and if he said he will be there in 3 days, he definitely will. The hour finally came, EveryPony were in the Central Hall, waiting for Princess Celestia and Luna arrive, Everypony wondered where Alex could be, did he really ran away??, to almost everypony it was a fact, after all what else could he do if he was going to be banish anyway, Spike was looking everywhere, for any sign of Alex, he was so focus looking for his friend that he didn’t notice the Royal Chariots. . . . what Chariots??, what was happening, Everypony wondered, when the carriots finally landed, everypony gasped when they saw not only Princess Celestia and Luna, but they also were recieving the visit of Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor, all four Royalty members got out and stayed there. Shining Armor inmediatily looked at her little sister who came trotting to him to give him a crushing hug “Twili!!!, It’s so good to see you little sister” “BBBFF, It’s so good to see you too, but. . . what is going on??, why are you here?” “Well (Princess Cadence answered and made her dancing greeting with Twilight then she said), my aunts told us about the banishment of the creature known as human, and well. . . . thinking this could be our only chance to see him. . . we came, also we wanted to pay you a visit” “Yes Twili, besided, Princess Celestia told us the kind of creature he is, and well, I got worried for your safety. . . tell me, It’s everything alright, have he tried anything?” “What? no, no, he is a good human, he had done nothing but helping us and being a good friend” “I see (Cadence said again), tell me, is this human the one involved with the Manticore incident weeks ago??” “Yes he is, he fought to protect us” “Ok. . . . well, where is he, I only see ponies and Spike here” “Yes Twilight (Celestia stared), were is the human Alex, is he here, is he hidding??” “well. . . princess Celestia, to be honest. . . we don’t know where he is” Celestia only raised an eyebrown “Care to explain please” “We haven’t seen him since we came back from Canterlot, he left a letter telling us he was going to be here today” Princess luna then said “Well, as far I can see, it seems he lied, we knew it, he is nothing more than a coward, as expected from a human” Nopony dared to say anything, it seemed they. . . . were right “No!!!” A fillie screamed Everypony turned to see an angered Sweetie bell, she was breathing hard, her eyes narrowed. “Alex. . . .my brother is not a coward, he is not!!” “Little Pony, please, it’s obvious he ran away, he prefered to banish himself than confront us, he has no sense of honor” “But. . . but. . .” “Accept it once and for all Little Sweetie bell, he abandoned you” Sweetie bell just laid on the ground, crying with her little hooves covering her face, Everypony including the mane 6 stayed there, not wanting to believe it, but it was indeed obvious, Alex would not come, he. . . . gave up “HEY!!!, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY SISTER CELESTIA??” Everypone inmediately turned around to see who said that, what a hell of surprise was for them to see him there, covered entirely in a cape with a hood covering half of his face, there he was. . . Alex the human, he was just standing there and he was not happy, but what really shooked everypony was that. . . he didn’t say. . .Princess, Shinning Armor after recovering from the shock (was his first time seeing a human) said angry “Hey!! Who do you think you are??, show more respect to Princess Celestia” “And exactly who the hell are you?” “I’m Prince Shining Armor, former Captain of the Royal guard and actual Prince of the Cristal Empire, so I recomend you to watch your tone with me” Alex after processing what he just said started to laught like a maniac “Shinning Armor. . . . HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, really??, and what’s your wife name?? Princess Lady in distress???, HAHAHAHAHA” Everypone, Twilight most of all were shocked, Alex didn’t just say that. . . right?, Shining by his part were redder than a Tomato “ENOUGH!!” Shining said before throwing an energy beam to Alex, a beam he dodge with no much effort “I will not tolerate a creature like you to talk to us like that” “Easy Prince. . puff. .Prince Shining Armor, I don’t have anything againts you, please step aside” “YOU. . . .” Shining was about to say more when he was interrupted by Celestia raised hoof “Enough Shinning Armor please, soon you will not have to hear him again” she turned to see Alex “Ok. . . human, I think you are here to accept your banishment as you promise, I hope you are prepared as you wanted. (Silence) “Very well, please follow us, we will escort you to Equestria Limits, get on the carriot please” “. . . . . . . NO” “Sorry Human, I think I heard wrong, you said. . . No?” “You heard very well Celestia” “Princess Celestia!! Shining screamed, adress her with respect” “Why should I?” “what did you say” “I said, why should I? . . . .don’t get me wrong, as the Rulers they are I respect them, after all those stories about them being so kind, how lovely they were, (how in the show Celestia seemed so. . motherly like), I remember how eager yet scared I was to finally meet them, (Celestia most of all), but they. . . they called me filthy creature without knowing me, even now, She knows my name yet she keeps calling me human, so. . . why should I call her Princess?. . . in fact I think I should just call her big pony” Celestia (ignoring that last comment) then said “You had your chance to defend your self and show your worth yet you did nothing, you only asked for one more week and I granted your wish, now come here and accept your banishment now!!” “I have a better idea, you come here and do it yourself, because you can be damn sure I will not go voluntary. . . not anymore, you said you want me to come ready and determinated, then here I am, ready and determinated to not be banished” Shining Armor only cuckled and said “Brave words creature, but it’s futile, I will banish you myself, guard!. . .don’t you dare to interfiere” (they all nooded) “You can try, pretty boy” “You really think a nonmagical creature like you stand a chance againts me??” Shining then glowed his horn and pointed it to Alex, he inmediately jumped away from there to see a magical barrier “bubble” appeared a second later where he was just standing, Shining kept doing it faster and faster, Alex kept dodging being restricted in one of those bubbles. “Shinnig Stop this now!!” Twilight said, breaking Alex and Shinnig armor focus, infortunately Shining Armor regained it faster and finally was able to trap Alex in a bubble “Thanks Twili, you were a good help” “What no!! Shining! Reléase him now!!” “No can do sister, sorry, (Sister??, what??, Alex thought), and now. . . human, I heard many things you did here so I must say. . . I’m dissapointed, I expected you to put more fighting than this, well. . . I guess I’m so good after all and. . . . what are you doing?” Alex inside the minibubble was looking for something in his cape, finally he took out some kind of. . .Iron knuckles, like the ones the minotaurs use in their army, he taking his time put both in his hands, shining was only smiling at this “You think you can break my barrier, wow, humans are not exactly the smarter species. . . right?” At that very moment Alex hitted the bubble with full streght, he regreted not having his Iphone to take a picture of Shining, the princesses or better said, EVERYPONY faces when he made that hit, he made a huge crack in the shield, before shining armor could do anything, a second hit in the same spot made the bubble to broke in thousand of pieces that inmediatelly dissapeared. “What??. . . how?? Not posible!! Shinning Armor thougth speechless “What’s wrong pretty boy?, cat cut your tongue??” “UHG fine, I don’t know how you did that, but let’s see if you can break this one” Shining then shot a beam to Alex to prison him in another bubble, no one could predict what happened later. . . . Alex . . . instead of dodging the beam, he blocked it with his hands, the beam was deflected to another Pony (Derpy who was inmediately imprisoned in a bubble which she seemed to. . . like?. . . ok?), even though Alex was able to deflect the beam, he still was forcéd back a few inches, Shining Armor magic was really strong, He gave him that. What?? again?? How did you do that??” Alex knew he would start to suspect so taking his chances he inmediately charged agains shining armor at full speed, shining tried to defend himself with more beams which Alex kept dodging or deflecting with his Iron knucles this time, Shining then thought, If barriers or beams don’t work, then telekinesis, thinking Alex was stupid enought to get close to his range enough to be affected by it, he tried to levitate him when he was about 2 meters and half away from him, but by his surprise he only could manage to levitate his cape. . . “what??” he thought, but before he could do anything else, a closed fist impacted in his right cheek, making him flinch a little, but it didn’t end there because before he could respond, Alex made a roundhouse kick to his left cheek, this did the trick, shining fell to the ground hiting hit with his face, after some seconds, he raised his head. . panting, he could see what the cape was hidding, Alex had some kind of protectors. . . metal protectors covering his clothes, knees, feet, elbows, chest, every part, he even had some kind of headband with a plaque on it, the simbol on it that looked like an “A”, and it was also in his chest armor, at last he seemed full equiped with a bow and backpacks hidding Celestia knows what. “Dark. . . dakness. . .s, stone?. . . not. . fair.. . . but. . . very clever” “thanks, but to be honest. . . only you being able to use magic isn’t so fair as well right” Alex said panting too, he got close to Shining and crouched” ////////////////////////////////////// FLASHBACK Proud Hammer Workshop Proud hammer, after seeing how everypony including the Mayor, the local dragon, almost every fillie and colt were talking and wondering where Alex could be, proceded to enter his workshop, in there, Alex was finishing the touches of his work, proud hammer, after staring at it, said “Boy, you should see how it is out there, all your friends are really worried about you, I really hope you know what you are doing” “Don’t worry, I know, well . . . . maybe not, even so, Thanks for all the help, I really like how it ended” “Yeah, It’s different from everything I know but hey, if it works for you, that fine by me, but really kiddo, It was tought, I’m really not used to working in this conditions, you know. . . without magic, I must say, now I respect more earth ponies or pegasi blacksmiths.” “You said it, and I’m sorry to put you in this predicament. . . . look, don’t worry, as I said 3 nights ago, I wont use this to harm anypony or any creature (too much), and if anypony asks, I’ll say I did it all by myself, I know what we did. . . it’s not precisally. . . . legal” “Relax kiddo, I told you that I trust you, I wouldn’t had done anything of this if I think otherwise, but I do must warn you again, your plan is really crazy, the kind of plan that would make the princeses want to banish you. . . . . oh!! . . . . right, why do I always forget” “hehehe, Ok. . . Proud hammer, let’s try these babies before the Princesses arrive, we only have about one hour and I really need to get used to them” “Why???, It doesn’t look so diferent of the ones you normally use. . . right??” “no, not really, but the extra “upgrades” maybe made them a little more. . . heavy.” “You mean adding the new plates to your protectors, shoes, gloves to your clothes. . . . even to your weird armor, remember what I told you, thanks to my alloy, they are as light as a feather, don’t understimate my work kiddo” “. . . . . Really?!. . . . thanks, it will come in handy, what about my new weapons, I know it was a last minute request but. . .will I feel them heavier??” “Nope, all your new weapons will weight the same, even your new bow after all the modifications, don’t worry,” “Thanks Proud Hammer, well. . . . then. . . anyway, at least I want to try them on” After saying that, Alex put on his modified outfit and weapons, Proud hammer was right, he didn’t feel any heavier, in fact he felt. . . . lighter, he looked at the mirror, and he just thought “I look so badass, if I have to say it myself” “Wow Proud, an impecable job, thank you” “Thanks kiddo, now, just one question, for what you want those??,” Proud hammer said pointing a couple of cardboardboxes on the table “Ok, the little one is for Spike, in case my plan fails. . . please give it to him in any case (Proud hammer noded) the other one is for me” “why did you make those?, for the dragon I can understand but. . . you have a full armor for yourself now” “Do you really expect me to go on armor every simple hour of every day in case my plan works??” “OH. . . right, but they will not have the same effect” “It’s something at least, now please I need a cape” “why you need a cape for??” “If there is something I learned in my stay in this world is. . . never underestimate the power of the surprise element” “If you say so, just one more thing kiddo” “What is it?” “Just because your armor is inmune to magic spells or beams, it doesn’t mean your body will be able to handle being pushed too much, trust me, the Princesses can really hurt you, darkness armor or not” “Thanks Hammer, I’ll have that in mind” END OF FLASHBACK /////////////////////////////////// “So now you are going to finish me, then go ahead” Shining said What was his surprise when Alex grabed his hoof, put on his shoulder and brought him to his sister to recieve healing magic, Cadence inmediately came to treat her husband as well, (even though she was pissed with him, she was also gratefull he didn’t do anything else to her husband), After secured he was in good hooves, Alex proceded to walk again where the princeses were, but he heard Shining talk “Why did you help me, I was trying to banish you?, I thought you all humans were barbaric and cruel.” Alex only chuckled without turning his head “Don’t get confused Shinning, you are right about that, every human can be barbaric and cruel if he/she really want to, but almost every one rather not to be, so do I, sorry for what I did to you, I got carried away, besides I would never dare to do something to harm permanently the brother of one of my best friends (Alex said looking at Twilight who only smiled at him, a little angry for what he just did to her brother) Shining only grinned at this comentary and left his sister and wife to treat him, Alex then continued his track to the princesses, once of some meter away from them, he only proceded to stare at them who stared at him back, the royal guards proceded to try to arrest him but were stopped by the princesses canterlot royal voice “NONE OF YOU WILL MOVE A HOOF, THIS IS A ROYAL BUSSINESS, WE REPEAT. . . STAY WHERE YOU ARE” “. . . . Yes your Highness” the guards said, they were smiling, they knew he only defeated Prince Shining armor by luck and surprise, trick that would not work with the most powerfull beings in Equestria Princess Celestia then made another bubble barrier which imprisoned themselves and Alex, (like last time), then she said “So. . . . Hum. . . . Alex, I see when you said you came determinated and ready, you weren’t bluffing, tell me, who helped you to make this “armor”? “I made them myself, no pony helped me” “I see, then, tell me. . . what are you planing to do now, because as far as I see, you used your surprise element with Prince Shining armor, so tell me. . . exactly. . . what are you planing to do?” “If you really want to know. . . I guess I will fight you” Luna surprised and chuckling said “Fight us??, really?, you should know Alicorn magic is way powerfull than Unicorn magic, you think your armor will help you againts us, don’t think we didn’t notice, you had trouble deflecting Prince Shining armor beams, you had to use a lot of strengh in your arms and body to not being pushed to the ground by the hits, and he is a unicorn, granted, one of the most powerfull unicorns of this time, but even so, that wont work with us, even if you manage to deflect our beams, your body don’t have the endurance to take that kind of pressure,. . . . so you still want to fight us?, it would be better for you if you only accept the banishment” “. . . . yes” Princess luna rolled her eyes and in a blink of an eye, she shot a powerfull surprise beam to him, Alex only got time to cover from the hit with his hand and deflected it with success, but he was sent flying, at least 2 meters away, the landing wasn’t so bad, but his arms, they hurt like a bitch, she was right, as Proud as well, the armor could protect him and deflect, but his body could not take the push and presure, another push like that and maybe this time she will break his arms and hands, even so Alex stood up again and walked again to where the princesses were. Princess Luna was shocked, he didn’t get the message?, but before she could say anything, her sister shot her own beam to Alex, Alex didn’t have time to try to block it this time, the beam striked directly his chest, and like the last time, he was sent meters away, he stayed there, hardly breathing, tried to strock his chest with no avail (his modified bullet proof vest was preventing that), he even spat some blood, he stood up again, but this time he didn’t wait for another beam to strike him, Alex then took his bow and one arrow and pointed it to Celestia who only smirk and said “Do you really think your weapons can affect us, we will just make a barrier, in some kind of way. . . .I’m starting to feel pity for your worthless efforts” Someponies couldn’t help to chuckle as well, it indeed just seemed like a desperate move After staring at them for a few seconds, Alex smiled, then he moved his arrow and targeted at the bubble surrounding them, (a part where nopony was of course) and threw his proyectile, no one could imagine the surprise and shock when the arrow pierced it and left a little hole and crack on it After seeing this Alex took another arrow and targeted at them again “Tell me princess Celestia. . . seeing now your barriers will not work. . . what will be faster. . . your transportation spell or my arrow??” The princess didn’t say anything, Luna tried to grab the bow and the arrow with her magic with no success, then she noticed it had some kind of dark metal plaques around it and obviously the arrow point was made with. . . damn more darkness stone she thought. There were really very few times where the princesses feel intimidated and this moment was one of them, they trusted their speed, but the chances still were 50-50, but for Celestia this was the moment she really wanted to have with the human. .. better in front of everypony, she only thought “Cmon human, shot that arrow and show everypony and us. . . your real nature. . . don’t dissapoint me” Alex kept pointing his weapon at them, after a few seconds he sigh and low his bow, Celestia was speechless but Luna seeing this didn’t lose time and shot another beam to Alex’s bow. . . sending it away, Alex in shock not wasting time as well used all his strengh left and. . .as with Shining, he charged at them, (If I’m gonna be banished so unfairly. . . at least you will taste my fist as well Celestia, Alex thought) Princess Celestia still not believing what she just wittnessed started to shot him a lot beams, he managed to dodge some, but the rest were direct hits, to his stomach, shoulder, right leg, etc, when the last hit impacted, instead of having a human running at them, they had a human draging at them with one arm (to them it was obvious Celestia broke the other one), he was spitting more blood, it seemed he was at his limit. Everypony in town was horrified by the scene, Fluttershy, Lyra and Pinkie Pie were crying and begging them to stop, Sweetie bell fainted and was being assisted by her sister and fillie friends, Twilight was shocked, why was Alex continuing with this useless fight?, Applejack used her stetson to cover her eyes, Rainbow was hitting the bubble as Spike was throwing fire at it, they were so desperate to break it and treat their friend. Alex finally, after draging with his still good arm, finally managed to grab Celestia hoof who in responde stomp it on his hand, maybe breaking it inmediately, Alex screamed, but it wasn’t for so long, all his body ached anyway, Finally Being levitated by Celestia and Luna convined magic, Princess Celestia said “So Alex, tell me, You really thought you could challenge us?” “he. . hehehehe, not really, in fact I ended way better than I thought” Celestia chuckled at this and continued “Tell me Alex, acording to what Twilight and Spike told me about the Diamond dogs incident, you knew, using darkness stone was ilegal here, you even threated us with darkness stone arrows. . . and for only that the punishment is very severe. . tell me why did you use them even knowing that” “Yes. . . I know, the truth is, I remembered when I told you to grant me one more week to prepare to be banished and you know what. . . I really was prepared to accept it. . . because I thought I wasn’t hurting anypony, and well because I knew it was meaningless to try to oposse you. . the Princesses, but. . . I was wrong at one thing, I was hurting my friends. . . , my partner. . . my little sister, I was abandoning them and I wasn’t doing anything about it, so. . . I took my chances, I knew challenge you was suicide, but if I would do it, at least I would do it the better a nonmagical creature could, so, I took some diamond dogs’ darkness stone armors from Ponyville werehouse and modify my “armor” and weapons. . . I did my best, and now. . .even so it’s really painfull, I can say at least I tried with all my might. . . . “I could see that. . . Alex, but I need to know one more thing. . . why did you stopped pointing your arrow a us” “. . . . Did you really think I would use my weapons to hurt anypony. . . worse the princesses of Equestria. . . as I said to my good friend Applejack, I would never use it againts anypony (Unless they are trying to kill of course which I thought they weren’t. . . right?) “I see, well Alex. . . I think it’s time to proceed with your banishment, Shall we proceed??” Luna said “. . . . Yes Princess. . . . but just one little advice, if you really want to get rid of me, Instead of that. . . I strongly recomend you to end my life here” Princess Celestia and Luna’s eyes widened, what was this human asking was. . . so unreal, who would choose execution over banishment? They thought, Princess Celestia then said “Why are you saying that Alex?” (Uh? no human) “Because if you just banish me, I swear by my two sister’s names, no matter where you send me, I will be back here and will try to convince you again, I love Equestria as a 2nd home now and I’m not willing give up on it” The Princesses, everypony, even Cadence and Shining Armor smiled after hearing that. Princess Celestia and Luna looked each other, their horns started to glow, Alex waited for it, then he remembered (damn, all my stuff is still at Rarity’s place, nonononono, not to mention all my body ache), resigned, Alex closed his eyes waiting to see where he will be sent, After a minute he opened them and saw. . . . Princess Celestia and Luna, staring at him, smiles still present, but. . . he noticed, he was fine, his body was healed, (well, at least they will not banish me injured he thought) the princesses then put him down on the ground, he stayed there, finally asked “Soooo, what will happen now??” Princess Celestia said “Well, you tell me, what you want to happen?” “I . . . . want to stay here. . . .at least for the time being” “For the time being?. . . I see, very well, please come with us” Celestia then made the barrier dissapear, and alongside with Alex and Luna proceded to go infront of Everypony, once there, Everypony just stared at them, waiting what their Ruler had to say, Princess Celestia then said with her canterlot voice “CITIZEN OF PONYVILLE, TODAY AS ALL OF YOU, PRINCESS LUNA AND I COULD SEE WHAT ALL OF YOU ALREADY SAW. . . YOU SEE, ALEX THE HUMAN SHOWED US HOW MUCH HE CARES FOR ALL OF YOU, HOW HIS LOVE FOR THIS PLACE IS SO DEEP, HE EVEN DARED TO DEFY MY SISTER AND ME, EVEN KNOWING IT WAS A FUTILE EFFORT, STILL, HE KEPT TRYING AND TRYING, AND FOR ME AND LUNA, THAT’S MUST BE REWARDED, HE TOLD US HE WANTS TO STAY HERE FOR A LONGER TIME, THEREFORE WE, PRINCESS LUNA AND I GIVE HIM FULL PERMITION TO REMAIN HERE IN EQUESTRIA BY HIS OWN FREE WILL, BECAUSE NOW WE DECLARE HIM AN OFICIAL EQUESTRIAN, BUT ALEX KNOW THIS (She turned to Alex) AS PART OF EQUESTRIA NOW, YOU WILL BE TIED TO EVERY EQUESTRIA DECREES, WE HOPE YOU FOLLOW EVERY ONE OF THEM INCLUDING THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE” “And what decree is that Princesses?” “NEVER FORGET THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP” Luna said “Never Princesses” Then Alex, before any of them could do anything, taking all his chances hugged both of them (another brony's dream. . . complete, he thought), the princesses were surprised, but not the bad way, they returned the hug. Everypony stomped the ground (applauding) and cheering in joy, while they were doing it, Princess Celestia said “Alex, I have one more thing to say, I. . . . still have my issues with humans, but I really believe we can trust you, please. . . don’t dissapoint me” “Don’t worry Princess, I don’t plan to” “Glad to hear that, (she then got closed to his ear and whispered), but also know this, we still have to talk that “for the time being” issue” “Ok Princess, as you said, to be honest, me and Twilight were planing to have a chat with you before. . . well. . . all of this happened” “Ok Alex, in that case, don’t hesitate to come to Canterlot with everypony for a visit, just be warned, Canterlot citizen are not. . . . well, let say not as accepting as Ponyville” “Oh please sister, say it as it is, almost everypony there are bunchs of buttholes” “LUNA!!, watch your mouth!” “What? It’s the truth! “hahaha, Luna, you are so funny, I think we will be great friends!” “. . . . Really?, you want to be my friend?” “. . . .yeah?. . .I mean why not” “well, to be honest I don’t have many f. . . “ “ALEEEEEEX” (Luna was interrupted by Sweetie bell who by no longer a surprise for anypony, tackled him to the ground, then the other crussaders joined her) “You are staying, you are staying, you were so cool, you lost, but you were so cool, Oh my, I sound like Scootaloo now” “yeah you wish, Alex I’m glad you returned and. . . sorry for what I said” “Thanks Sweetie, yes I’m staying for now and Scootaloo, don’t worry about it, in fact, what you told me help me clear my mind, and you don’t say anything little Applebloom” “ah want to say, ah am glad to see you fine and. . . . Sweetie bell was right, you are not a coward and you didn’t leave us” “Never Applebloom, I would never abandon my family like that and know this, Sweetie bell may be my “oficial” sister, but I love you and Scootaloo as sisters too, hope you don’t mind little sis” “Nope, in fact, you know. . . they are like my sisters too” (so much dawwwwww) “After that everypony (Twilight and friends) joined the hug. “Wow Alex, you were amazing, I never thought you could face my brother and. . . win” shining then said “yeah, but remember this, I want a rematch, and if you ever consider to join the royal guards, don’t hesitate to ask me for a recomendation” “Thanks Shining. . . Twilight” Fluttershy then said “Alex, are you ok?, any broken bones, injuries?” “Don’t worry Fluttershy, the Princesses took care of that already” “Oh. . . . I’m. . . glad, yay?” Rarity then said, “Oh dear, I guess you are still staying with me, glad I didn’t decide to clean the room yet” “Yep, you are still stock with me. . .if you want of course “well. . . of course dear, just please, try to stay away any confrontations from now on. . .ok? “I’ll try, I promise” “WOW, ALI, YOU DID IT, YOU SEE, YOU ONLY NEEDED TO TALK TO THE PRINCESSES, WELL AND FIGHT, FIGHT A LOT, HEHEHEHE, BUT NEVERMIND, YOU WILL STAY WITH US, AND THAT’S MAKE ME SO HAPPY, I WILL HAVE TO MAKE A “HURRA FOR STAYING PARTY”, BETTER START THE PREPARATIONS NOW” Pinkie then as always dissapeared in a confetti explosión “Wow, as always, Pinkie being Pinkie (rainbow said), well. . . dude, I can only say. . .you were. . .awesome, congratulations, from now. . .count me in when you and Spike train” “I’ll. . . . keep that in mind” (she noded) “I’m glad yah still with us partner, ah hope this fight left you hungry because a full Apple feast is waiting for yah” “wow, Applejack, you read my mind, I’m as hungry as a horse.. . . . hmmm sorry” “for what??” “. . . . never mind” Lyra then came, she seemed relieved but as the same time worried, she also hugged Alex and said “Do every human gets in trouble this often??” “To be honest. . . . yes, but not like the ones I got here, that for sure” “I’m glad, so it’s natural, I thought maybe you had really bad luck here” “. . . . Thanks?” Finally Alex noticed Spike “Hey buddy, I hope you kept your training in my absence” “eyuup” then he hitted Alex in his ankle “Ouch!!, what was that for?” “For hidding and not took me with you, and this” He hugged his friend in his chest “This is for returning, thanks dude” “your very welcome partner” Twilight then aproached Princess Celestia and said, “Princesss Celestia, Luna, would you like to come with us to Sweet Apple Acress and have some dinner” “I think we would like that very much Twilight, let’s go” Then after dissmising everypony, all the mane 6 (Pinkie reapeared from nowhere. . .again), the CMC, Spike, all the princesses, Prince Shining armor and finally Alex proceded to go for a well deserved dinner. They spent the rest of the day knowing each other, Alex finally could oficial introduce himself to Prince Shining Armor and princess Mi Amor. . . . Cadence, she was an Alicorn as well, she was really nice and kind, and acording to Twilight she was the princess of Love, she could spread the love to everypony (wow, a really and hot versión of cupid if you ask me Alex thought), Shining Armor was a really nice dude, he was strong with a lot of honor and he kept talking about a rematch, Alex told him maybe when they visit the Cristal Empire which he gladly accepted. After brunch, the royal family had to say good bye, all of them said their farewells and entered their carriots and went to their own kingdoms (Alex noticed Luna turned around and it seemed she really wanted to say something to him but stopped at the last minute. . . . weird), once far away from everypony Luna said to Celestia “Well Tia. . . .it seems he really is a good human after all. . . he passed your test with honors” “Yes Lulu. . . but still just in case. . . .let’s keep watching him. . . at least for a little more time” “Yes Tia, but I must admit, I kinda like him a little, he seems fun and nice(besides. . . he told me he wanted to be my friend. . . . horseapples I didn’t gave him a response. . . well. . . next time” “Indeed Luna, at the very least he really seemes . . . trusfull” After the chariots were gone everypony said their farewells to each other and proceded to go to their houses too, Alex, Rarity and Sweetie bell started their walk home, it was kinda funny, because this time . . he could say with no doubt, now it really was his true 2nd home. > Chapter 27, A normal day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s been a week since the Princesses incident, everything went back to normal, Alex managed to find a job as Rarity oficial digger, sometimes when Spike was too busy or the job was too much for him to handle alone, Alex went with Rarity to dig the gems she could find with her natural magic, (wow Rarity, what every human would give to have that ability), he also sometimes helped Pinkie Pie baking and Applejack collecting the apples (he tried to buck trees, to his surprise, it didn’t ended so bad, but. . . after the 15th one, he was almost dead tired, ponies were without a doubt strong creatures he thought), he always insisted Rarity to let him pay his rent and she always answered it was not problem and refuse it, even though, Alex made sure to spend a part of his money in at least keeping the fridge and cellar full, not mention helping cleaning, much for Rarity Joy, she wasn’t exactly a mess, but her. . . “Inspiration room” almost always needed to be put in order, he still remembered when Sweetie bell told him when she cleaned it and all the chaos it made, but after a little time, Rarity realized indeed she did her a favor, Alex also recieved a couple of visits from Magnum and Pearl who where happy of how everything ended well. Sweetie bell by her part kept asking Alex if he could come to school which he only aswered he would think about it, back to the topic, his trainings with Spike continued, but one in particular came to his mind FLASHBACK “pant, pant, Ok Spike, I think, it’s time to call for the day. . .” “Ok. . . dude, I’m really tired, let’s go have some muffins, my treat” “sounds good to me, but first Spike come here, I want you give you something” “What is it Alex?? (please be some gems) Alex searched in his backpack and finally he took out a little box, a box Proud hammer gave to him, he passed it to Spike who inmediately opened it, whe he saw what was inside, he was a little dissapointed it weren’t gems, but he was amazed, inside the box, there were a black circle medal with the simbol Alex loved to use, and a couple of bracelets and knuckles perfectly made for his little arm and claws, he stared at them, then realization came to him “Alex, is this what I think it is?” “Yep, I asked Proud hammer to make them for you, you are free to give them back if you don’t want them” “No, no, I want them, but. . . isn’t it ilegal, as you now, I am as well tied to Equestria laws” “Don’t worry, remember princess celestia didn’t confiscate my armor?? After our little fight, In a letter she told me to only use it in case of great emergencies you know when her little ponies would be in danger, (he nooded) but she gave me full permition to wear this (Alex showed him his own medal and bracelets), and she also let me give you your own, Spike, she loves you very much, and she want you to be as well protected as posible, contrary to my armor, these tools have a lot more darkness stone in them, that’s why they are heavier, if our calculations are not wrong, no unicorn, except the strongest ones like Twilight and her brother will not be able to grap you with magic, or at the very least, you will have a chance to break the grip more easily, not to mention you will be inmune to some minor spells, always keep this medal and if posible the bracelets with you, the knuckles are for emergencies only ok?” “Ok Alex and thanks, this medal is really cool, but tell me something. . . what this “A” means?” “hahaha, Spike it’s not an “A”, it’s well, let’s put it this way,. . . it’s a simbol of justice, many people in my world know it, for they believe in true justice, like . . . . a creed” “Justice uh?, well, I like that, thanks Alex, I mean it, these gifts will come in handy when Twilight tries to forcé me to take showers out of my schedule” “hahahahaa, ok Spike, now let’s go, I’m really in the mood for a muffin right now” END OF FLASHBACK Since that day, he never took the medal off, sometimes he even used the brazelets, they made him feel cooler, Alex also visited and spent some quality time with Zecora, sharing some good tea in her house or helping collecting plants and herbs, Zecora also scolded him for being so reckless with the Princess, but also she was relieved how everything turned ok, even though Alex had to promise her to never do something like that. . . at least no without telling her, (shesh, she is like one of those everprotecting aunts or grandmas he thought). He also visited Lyra and Bombon regulary, Bombom always was offering him a good discount for candies, much to his pleasure, they spent their time to talk about their days and random stuff but Alex also asked Lyra something that had been bothering since days ago “Lyra, I need to know something” “Yes Alexis??” “You see, I always wondered, How Pinkie Pie’s blood worked with me??, I mean, we are diferent especies, I can understand we share the same type, but. . . . let me tell you . . . .In my world, taking blood from a diferent . . . species like sheeps, cows, etc, means an instant death, don’t take it the wrong way, you are not animals by any degree to me, but also definetily not humans. . . so how? “Don’t worry Alexis, I know you see us as equals, but with the blood topic, well, you see, it’s not that dificult to understand, there are special yet very very dificult spells to transmutate the blood to be compatible between species like Griffin or minotaurs, donkeys, etc, and I’m not talking about spells you can master in weeks or months, it took years and only the best of the best master it, the only thing we needed was a sample of your blood, but please know this, your case, according the doctors, was a tricky one, for your blood was so diferent, but. . . they also were amazed by human blood, it seems. . . maybe your kind have a lot inmunities, in fact, I wouldn’t be surprise if they ask you for more any time.” “Nah, I think is just a coincidence that’s all, but wow, you all are. . . amazing, to be able to do that. . . just wow, you may not have our technology, but your magic is really. . . well amazing, to think what our species could achieve working together. . . . maybe my world will be ready. . . someday” “What you mean Alexis??, I know your world is not as harmonius as ours, but. . .” “No, Lyra, just no, I won’t say my world is no good and doesn’t deserve a chance, trust me, there are a lot of people who would benefit and help this world a lot, not to mention there also people who’d like to be here, to learn how you manage to keep harmony and peace, (well at least almost all the time), but unfortunately, there are few people who would just see this world as a chance to expand their greed, even well try to. . . . . conquer it (not to mention, making you slaves)” “We would fight back Alexis” “Lyra, I’ve seen what your magic can do, and I’m sure the princesses are mighty powerfull, but. . . you haven’t seen the kind of weapons humans can create, I can asure you, Princess Celestia wasn’t that wrong for being worried by my presence, I really thank you for your trust in me, but please don’t understimate our cruelty, In a war between us, I can’t say who would win, but I can say. . . there would be a lot of colateral damage, A LOT of colateral damage” “I. . . understand Alex, but why are you telling me all this” “Because I know you like us more than anypony else, so I want you to be prepared in case another human have the blessing to come here too, please be carefull of us, the last thing I want, is seeing you hurt or betrayed by one us” Lyra gave Alex a warm hug and nuzzled to his chest “Alexis. . . I’m very happy you trust me that much to recognize your kind flaws, but please I must say as well, as you told us, don’t sell your self or your kind short, I know as you say there are a lot of good humans in your world as well as few bad ones, but to be honest, we have the same problems here, we have our own bad guys, even though they are few, they could do a lot of damage, King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Discord. . . . Nightmare moon,. . . some corrupted nobles, and trust me, the idea of conquering another world would be very tempting for them as well, and I’m only talking about ponies, don’t forget there may be also greedy griffons, minotarus, dragons, etc, every world have it’s flaws, don’t forget that.” “Thanks Lyra, and trust me, I’d really like to see every human to witness what your world have to offer as well you all can witness what ours can offer you, maybe some day, who knows, maybe someday our worlds will be ready for that to happen” “I’d like to be alive to see that day, let’s hope for it together ok?” “You got it” After saying her farewells to her mint pony friend, Alex visisted Fluttershy to help her to feed her animals, when he knocked the door he was recieved by her little bunny pet who only stared at him with narrowed eyes, those eyes that says “I’m watching you”. “Hey little dude, Is Fluttershy home??” Angel only pointed to the backside of the cottage and closed the door in Alex Face “. . . . . . I think he likes me” Alex said After that Alex proceded to find Fluttershy in the backyard, there she was feeding some birds, squirrels, deers, etc. “Hey Fluttershy, want some help?? “Eeep, oh. . . hi Alex,. . . . . yes I’d like some help” “Ok, tell me please, what do I do?” After that Fluttershy showed Alex what kind of seeds he had to use for every birds, how to feed the squirrels and deers, when all the work was done, they sato n the grass, Fluttershy playing with her hooves asked Alex “Uhmm. . . . Alex?” “Yes Fluttershy??” “You. . . I mean. . . . remember that promise we . . . made. . . you know. . . in case you weren’t banish??” “Let me think. . . . . O yeah, the one to never come to your cottage again right?” “What????, NOOO! I mean. . . .” “Relax Fluttershy, I was jocking, of course I remember, and yes I’d like to test your fabioulous tea” “Ohh, why did you do that, It wasn’t funny” “. . . . sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t want to upset you (shesh, Rainbow and Pinkie were right, she is very sensible)” “It’s ok, just please don’t do it again” “Trust me, I wont” Then they proceded to enter the cottage and enjoyed the tea, for Alex it was amazing, only Zecora’s could match that tea, to be honest he was more a cofee’s guy, but this was a good substitute, At that time, he finally noticed, he hadn’t seen coffee since he came to Equestria, if is posible. . . . it doesn’t exist in this world? He thought “Fluttershy?” “Yes Alex?” “Do you have any coffee by any chance?” “. . . . . .What is coffee?” “. . . . . . (Mier. . . Carajo), nothing, never mind, Ok Fluttershy, it’s been a nice visit, but I have to go, I need to help Pinkie with a big order” “oh. . . ok, have a nice day, see. .. . . see you around” “Always. . . (at least for now)” Alex then proceded to go to sugarcube corner, he was recieved by Pinkie well known crushing hug “Ali!! I’m glad you are already here” “Thanks. . . Pinkie, I’m glad to be here too, but please, you still remember I. . . need to . . . breath right?” “Oh. . . 5 more seconds. . . . and there, ready” “. . . . wow Pinkie. . . I never get tired of this, (It hurt a little though)” “Me too, Ok, let’s go make some muffins” “Yeah, what kind of muffins we are baking today, I hope chocolate chips ones” “. . . . . what is a chocolate chip muffin??” “. . . . . . (SERIOUSLY??!!), what?, you never baked chocolate chips muffins??” “well. . . no, I always bake the muffins with little fruit pieces or almonds” Alex then thougth deeply about it, it was true, he remembered he never tasted a single chocolate chip muffin since he arrived to Equestria, he indeed remembered the almonds ones, they were. . . good, but . . . for chocolate chips muffins to be unknown to Pinkie?, it was so bizzarre, he always thought maybe they were out of stock when he made his night’s “shoppings”. “Ok Pinkie, if you are not lying, let me teach you our way to make muffins” Pinkie and Alex proceded to bake, when they finished it, the variaty of muffins were unbelibeable, as always there were banana, vanilla, chocolate, some of them with pieces of almond on them, but Alex made a special batch, he wasn’t a Baker, but thanks to his mother past and Pinkie quick lessons, he at least learned how to make muffins, cupcackes and cookies, with a little extra help maybe a cake, Alex after his special batch was ready, he took it out of the oven and only stared at it, and for him. . . it was good, (heheheeh), Pinkie pie also stared at them, she wanted to take one, but was stopped by Alex slapping her hoof “Hey?, I want to taste one!” “wait a little Pinkie, you will burn your tongue” “Oh right, heheheheh” After some minutes Pinkie Pie finally grabed one, she only looked at it, to be honest, for her, it didn’t seemed anything special, the only diference was that instead of fruit or almond pieces it had little chocolate balls around it, when she took the first bite, she could swear she saw the whole universe in all it’s glory, Alex could swear she was doing the same movements like when little scooby doo ate one scooby snack, after the little drama, she atacked the rest of the muffins like a manticore to a little pray, without thinking she took every chocolate muffin from the tray and devoured them in seconds (Alex could save a couple of them at the last minute, she even tried to take them from him), after swallowed the muffins, Pinkie close her face to Alex and said “You are a GENIUS!!!, those are the best muffins I ever ate, I’m ashamed, why I never thought about that idea?” “(trust me Pinkie, me too, it’s a basic récipe after all), thanks Pinkie, but it isn’t my idea, back in home, many bake chocolate chips muffins, this ones in particular is a recipe from my Mom, you are free to use it anytime you want” then Alex wrote the recipe in a paper and handed over to Pinkie “Are you sure??, I mean, remember you told me your mommy . . . .” “It’s ok Pinkie, I’m sure she’d be glad if her recipe would be known in a whole world, and with your skills, even better Pinkie hugged her friend kindly in his chest and said “Thanks Ali, it’s a perfect recipe, trust me, one can feel all the love of a mother with the first bite, I’m sure your mommy thought in you and your sister when she created it” “Thanks Pinkie pie, now, how about we bake some more chocolate chip muffins to sell” “Okidokilokie” Alex and Pinkie baked at lest 5 more chocolate chips batches, 4 to sell and 1 for Pinkie, (really, how she never gets fat? Alex thought), it didn’t take to long until the scent dragged the first customer, it wasn’t a surprise for Alex to find out the first one was. . . . Derpy, after tasting the first one and literally looked at it as some kind of saint, she inmediately bought a full box of 10, some minutes later more customers came wondering why derpy seemed more cheerfull than normal, every muffin was sold in less of an hour, (Wow, really?, Alex thought). After that, Alex and Pinkie proceded to go to the lake, where the rest of the mane 6 and Spike were, they were having a picnic, Pinkie brought some of her new creations with her and she really had to fight her urges to not eat them (wow, I think I created a drug for her, Alex thought with sarcasm), once there they greeted everypony who were watching Rainbowdash doing her stunts to impress the Wonderbolts, of course Alex knew a little about them but he asked Rainbow dash who were they anyway, Rainbow dash almost faint when he asked that, after a brief explanation, she continued with her practice, after the show and food, Twilight aproached Alex and said “Hey Alex?” “Yes Twili?” “I’m been thinking, don’t you think it’s time for a nother questions and answer meeting??” “. . . . yeah, why not? when?” “What about tomorrow? It’s everypony day off so we can be together in the Lybrary, what you say?” “Sound good to me” “Thanks, I’m so excited, I want to know more about humans technology, it’s a shame you have nothing to show me, but it will be interesting anyway” “Yeah, but please, just one favor, could you. . . .” “Yes Alex, I will tell Lyra, I’m sure she would not miss it for the world” “Great, I’m glad everypony will be there” (After all, it will be a day to remember) > Chapter 28, This is my world. . . you have the spirit of a gamer Luna. . .almost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day Alex woke up as usual, made his excercises, took a shower and had his family breakfast with her host and little sister, Alex didn’t really sleep well, he spent almost all night thinking what to show to the girls, Alex was going to show them his laptop, Iphone and PSvita, how they work and everything, one of his questions was, were they prepared for this, he didn’t need to be a genius to know his world technology outsmarted theirs by decades, he thought about showing some movies from his laptop to them, so he spent great part of the night choosing which ones show them, when he was watching them he noticed again something really interesting, when he was watching Batman begins, he actually believed he saw it normally like always but looking it carefully it still looked cartoonish like him in this world, the odd part was. . . he didn’t feel it strange, he always wondered why, maybe was the magic of this world made it natural to him, or he was already used to his new enviroment, (like when Sora from Kingdom hearts had to take a diferent form to match in other worlds), it even happened with his photos, he looked at his and her sister photos, and like him, she looked cartoonish like him, but he didn’t noticed it the first time he saw it that night he adopted Sweetie bell (also as l if it was already natural to him), even though . . . he decided to let it be, trying to explain this was like trying to explain pinkie sense or randomness, but he still wondered, what would happen if he took pictures here and then saw them in his world, how would everypony look like, who knows, it was an question that will be answered eventually. The funny part was, that it didn’t happen with games, movies like toy story, the lorax, finding Nemo, etc, or even with cartoons, they still looked like always, or at least he saw them like that, maybe because they were not. . . . “real”, only a program and as with his movies. . . he decided not to question it, he would never have the answer anyway. He prepared everything in his backpack and proceded to go to Twilight Lybrary alongside with Rarity and Sweetie bell, yep the crussaders were coming too, Rarity was keeping asking what he was going to show, he only chuckled in response much to her annoyance, when they finally arrived, Spike answered and let them into the library and as always he looked at Rarity with puppy eyes, anyway when they entered the Library, they could see everypony was there, the mane 6, Lyra, Scootaloo, Applebloom, the princesses. . . . . . WHAT??, Alex thought at the moment, before he could say anything, Princess Celestia was the first to talk “Hello my little human” (. . . . uh?) “Hello Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Everypony, I must say to be honest, this is really unexpected” “Well, Twilight told us about this meeting today and Princess Luna and I took it like a good oportunity to know more about the humans of today” “I see, ok, then let’s do it” LYRA POV I’m so excited and happy, the day finally came, I want to ask Alexis so many questions, as well as I want to know so much more about his world, but I have to be fair and see what everypony else ask him, oh Sweet Celestia, this will be awesome, everypony and dragon proceded to sit in the floor, Alexis as well, then he said “Ok. . . who want to make the first question” “Oh me, me!” Pinkie Pie said raising her hoof “Go on Pinkie” “Ok. . . please tell me, when is your birthday?” (Well that was one of my questions, way to go Pinkie pie) “. . . .before answering that. . . I need to know, how your calendar works here??. . . Twili?” “Well, believe it or not, as you told me with your. . . years, our years also consist in 365, and our months are 12 in total 30 and 31 days each, but we only say month 1, 2, 3, etc” “I see. . . . (I’m sure Alexis was thinking about how incredible the coincidence was) well Pinkie, if I have to compare and match our calendars, I would say my birthday is Month 4, day 10” and to be exact I’ll be 23 that day Pinkie gasped. “so your birthday is in 3 weeks??, great!!, I’ll plan the best birthday party you ever have” (and I have a present to get) “Thanks Pinkie, Ok next question??” Princess Celestia said next “Ok, Alex, according to Twilight letters, you said the sun and the moon move by their own in your world, please be honest, is that true” (Wow!! Really, I want to hear more about that) “Yes Princess, they do move by their own, it’s a gravity issue or something like that, sorry, I’m not precicelly a smarty pants, but if someday I manage to return to my world and be back here, I promise to bring a lot of science and stronomy books” (Twilight and me almost beamed in joy after hearing that) “I see, well that’s interesting” Princess Luna then asked “Alex. . . please tell me, how do humans like the nights and the. . . moon.. . . do they shune them??” “What are you talking about, almost every teenager human love nights, it’s when the best parties happens and many people and couples like to gaze the stars and the moon, sleep under the stars, make bonfires, not to mention one of our greatest achievements was to finally put a man on the moon” Wow so humanity already reach the moon, but how?? As Alexis said, their technology surely is incredible, Princess Luna expression was priceless, she blushed hard, she was flattered, it was so obvious she already liked humans a little more, then me and everypony realized. . . Put a man. . . on the moon? “Wait, did you say, humans already reached the moon??” Princess Luna asked not believing him “Yep” “but. . . but. . how?” Twilight said, “how you did it with out magic??, Even princess Celestia had to use the Elements of harmony to send Princess Luna to the moon!”, then Twilight realized what she just said, ashamed she looked at Princess Luna and said she was sorry “It’s ok, Twilight, but what you said is true, tell me Alex, how you humans managed to do that” “Well, as I said to Rainbowdash about the aircrafts humans built to reach the skies, they also managed to make ones to reach the space and finally the moon, as we keep living we also keep progressing (and becoming more amazing Alexis)” “Fascinating” was all Princess Luna could say Applejack asked then “There is something ah been wondering sugarcube, are there creatures like us in your world?” (Great question Applejack, however Alexis seems a little worried about this one, I wonder why) “Well Applejack, as dragons, griffins, minotaurus, they are only myths in my world, fabula stories, and with ponies and horses, well. . . . yes there are but not like the ones here” “. . . . care to explain sugarcube?” (Yep please, explain Alexis) “ok, as pegasi and unicorns, they are as well myths, basically there are only earth ponies in my world (everypony including me gasped), and well. . . . they can’t talk or reasoning, they are like barn animals, like sheeps and pigs” (the gasp was harder this time) “So you are telling me, in your world, Ponies and horses are nothing more than wild animals or farm animals??” “Yes Applejack, but don’t get me wrong, granted, there are people who mistreats animals, ponies included, but almost everyhuman take care of them with love” “I see. . . .” (Fiuuu, that’s a relief) I could noticed my Alexis expected some angry stares or disapproval looks from everypony, but we just stayed there, smiling, me most of all, then he asked. “. . . .What??, no “you should be ashamed”, or “how dare you?”, or some kind of moral speech about how cruel humans are??” (Wow Alexis, you really underestimate Pony understanding, so cute) Ratity then said “Why would we do that darling?” (yeah why?) “Well, I just told you, ponies are like pets in my world, didn’t that offend you??” “It’s a little shocking I must admit, but we also understand every world has it’s rules, you said ponies in your world aren’t inteligent like us, you think I’d treat my Oppal the same if she could talk or think like a pony, sentinent creatures are sentinent creatures, and animals are animals, and besides, it only proves how good friend you are to us, even though you came from a world where ponies are like that, you always had treated us with respect, like if we were equals” (Everypony noded, well said Rarity, I could not be more agreed) “Rarity, we are equals, don’t forget that” (awwwww) “Thank you darling” Not wanting to wait anymore I said “I’d like to know your world someday” “That’s would not be a good idea Lyra” “why?” (why would you say that Alexis) “Even though many humans would accept you with open arms. . .I’m pretty sure many of our cientists or goverment would hunt you, put you in a cell, make some experiments, it shivers me only to think about that” (so you really worry about me) I nuzzled my face to Alexis chest and said “You would protect me. . . right?” “With my life Lyra? (so do I, Alexis) “Ok Alexis, I also have a question, do you. . . . have a special somepony back in your world??” Everypony got closer to hear the answer, (what? are they that interested?. . . weird, well It’s a mare thing after all) “I believe that is your versión of girlfriend. . .well to be honest Lyra, no, at least not for now, With luck a had few friends, not to mention a girlfriend or as you say. . . special somepony” “Ok, what a waste, those girls don’t know what they are missing” I said still hugging Alexis chest “Thanks Lyra, It`s not true but thanks” (Wow Alexis. . . stop selling yourself so short for Celestia’s sake) After that, Fluttershy reluctant raised her hoof to talk, and said “Um. Alex, I been curious about something. . . . you been here for almost two months, by any chance. . . . do you miss your home already, do you want to go back??” (Well, I’d like to know that too, I love having Alexis here, but I don’t want him to be sad or homesick) “Well, Fluttershy, as I told you, I like it here a lot, but I must admit, there are many things I miss of my world and many things I’d still like to see there, so yes, If I can return, I will return back to Earth (Everypony frowned a little after hearing that, bell and me most than everypony, strangely Fluttersy and Pinkie Pie looked like they wanted to cry)” “Please don’t get me wrong, It’s not like I don’t want to stay here for some more time but try to understand. . . is my home and my friends and relatives probably are wondering where I am, remember I just. . . . dissapeared without a trace, I have to let them know I’m ok” (Well. . .that’s true) “I. . . think I understand, but do you think there is a way for you to return Earth?” “I don’t know. . . .Princess Celestia?” (Am I a bad pony for thinking. . . please say no?) “Well, my little human, My sister and I had been looking for a way to maybe open again the portal the human world at the castle, but our efforts had been worthless, Starswirl the Bearded closed it very well, besides who knows if is a door to your world” (say what?) “What you mean??” “I mean, if Starswirl journal and our researches are not mistaken, there are infinite worlds there, Twilight remember when I told you he knew about two diferent portals? (she nooded) well, you see. . . he always said even though it seemed it brought him to the same human world, he said they were slightly. . . diferent, and the little girl he loved so much only existed in the one he liked to visit most, acording to him there could be many versións of Earth and even Equestria” “hmmm. . . . It’s like the multiverse theory right??” (fascinating, more human worlds, I really like that, of course if the humans are like my friend) “Something like that, yes, worlds very similar in many ways, but also so diferent at the same time, but don’t worry we will keep searching, you said you came from the Everfree forest, maybe the other Portal he told me about is there, maybe we will be able to find something in his remaining journals, just be a little patient ok?, I hope to have something when you visit Canterlot” “Thanks Princess Celestia and Luna, I’ll be waiting” (you don’t have to hurry Princesses, trust me, but. . . . Looking at Alexis, he. . . seems like he is. . . hidding something??. . . nah, maybe it’s just my imagination) Rainbowdash was next “Ok Alex tell me, exactly what do humans do to have fun, you have sports, games??” (Yes please, I always wondered what kind of sports do humans do, I hope some involving those. . . hands) “We have many kind of sports, like football, soccer, baseball, swiming. . . .” Alexis then proceded to explain to us the rules of all the sports he knew, he was surprised when we told him, we had sports very similiar in Equestria, (to be honest I was also shocked by the similarity as well) like the football with hoofball, Rainbow dash seemed very fascinating when he told us about something called the WWE and the UFC, then he told us about the Olimpic Games and all it’s competitions, and again, we told him Equestria had something similar called the Equestria games, and again Rainbow dash really seemed fascinated about them. “Wow, dude to think our worlds are similar in so many ways, so Sports aside, what else do you do?” “well. . . we like to go to watch movies, cartoons, anime, going to parties, reading, playing card games, but most of all at least for my part, playing the most beautifull invention of all times, The videogames” (Videogames?. . . like the ones we are starting to have at the arcade?) the Rainbow dash said “Movies? Videogames?, we have those here, even though they are kinda new, If I’m not mistaken that little colt. . . .Button Smash is the one who plays them the most, I have to admit they are kinda cool at first, but one get bored pretty quick, and with movies, well . . . I only watch the awesome ones” (Well I think they are kinda cool as well) “Well Rainbowdash, I have seen them, but trust me, back at home, they are so much diferent” “What?, how yours look like??” (yes! Tell us) “It’s hard to explain, I’ll do it later ok, any other question??” Alexis prepared for Twilight question, me and he knew what it would be, and to be honest it was one of the most important ones for me as well “Ok, Twilight started, Alex, I’ve been waiting for this, please tell me more about your world technology” (OMG, I’m a psychic) “Nope. . . I will not tell you anything about it” (. . . . .What??) “But, but, you promised me. . . .?” “Twilight, I wont tell you, instead of that, let me show you” (Again. . . .What?) “What?, how are you. . .” Before she could finish, Alexis stood up, grabbed his backpack and started to search for some stuff, Twilight and everypony were confused for what Alexis took out from it, those were things we never saw before, two of them were small, not bigger than 10 inches, both had some kind of window, one of them said. . . . PSVITA and SONY words imprinted on it and also had buttons and little joysticks like the ones in the arcade, the other one only had one little bottom under the mini window, but the most extrange thing was the third device, it was way bigger than the other two, it didn’t seemd as impresive as the others, but then Alexis “opened” it, it had the same window in the “upper” part and a lot of buttons in the “lower” one, the buttons had letters and many strange simbols unknowns for us, Alex putted them on the table, one next to the other, Everypony only stared at them, agape, Twilight finally finding her voice again said “Alex. . . . what are these things??” “Ok, (Alexis breathed and sighed) these two little ones are my Iphone 5, my PS Vita, and the bigger one is my. . . . computer” (. . . . Computer. . . . hahaha nice joke Alexis. . . .what? I also know what a computer is, Twilight is not preciselly the only Pony to have one) “. . . . . . Seriously Alex, what are those?” “Applejack. . . please tell her I’m not lying” “Ok Alex, Sorry Twilight, but he is telling the truth” (Really?) “Ok. . . . . (Twilight sighed and breathed as well and) WHAAAAAAAT??”, BUT, BUT HOW??, YOUR. . . YOUR COMPUTER IS. . . THIS. . . THIS SMALL??” “Yes Twilight, it is, I know it sounds imposible but it is, trust me, around 50 years a go if any human would say the computers could be this small, they probably would be treated as crazy people, but here it is, and I’m sure it will keep improving and improving” (wow. . . just wow) Twilight still looked shocked, Alexis was afraid maybe he broke her, it took some more seconds before she could speak again, only one sentence she managed to say “Can you. . . . ple. . . please. . . turned it. . . . on” (pleaaaaase!) “yep” Then Alexis proceded to push a button and inmediately the window still all black showed a strange draw, it looked like a bitten apple and the word Imac under it, after some seconds, it showed a cyan screen with a lot o little draws and little words under them as well, some of them said. . . Word, Excel, Paint, Movies, Games, Calculator, etc. Everypony was shocked, me included, it was something out of the world (literally), Alexis only chuckled and proceded to show us the most basic “aplications” (as he called them) like word, excell, paint (Pinkie pie really liked that one) Twilight really couldn’t believe it, but ironically one of the aplications that impressed her the most was the calculator, how it calculate so fast and so easy to use, that’s really convenient I have to agree. Everypony, fillie, dragon, even the Princesses were in shock, Alexis then proceded to show us some of his photos (yes! photos, real human world photos) from when he traveled around his world, we could withness some countries like. . . . well he called them Egypt, Japan, Italy, United States, Guatemala, the cities were outsanding, big buildings, the parks, the “piramids?, ancient ruins, Rarity took a great liking to one particulary country called France, and the clothes some human women were wearing, she even took some notes of every country style, also he showed some pictures of diferent sports, Rainbow as before took a great liking to wrestling and Mixing Martial Arts, even though seeing men in thights make all of us Laught a lot, for us to understand what he said about ponies and horses not being sentinent creatures in his world, he show us some pictures of him riding a horse in some kind of farm, much to his relief, we only stared at the pictures but didn’t show any sign of being offended, (Alexis, really. . . have more faith in us) the last photos showed some of the aircrafts or planes as he called them, (I must admit they really looked . . fast, I was obvius Rainbow dash was the most facinated of all of us after seeing them) after finishing showing us the photos, Twilight aproached Alexis and said “Wow Alex, just wow, to think your computers can do all those things, even storing a lot of pictures and photos, can it do more things?” (please say yes) “Yeah, you can listen to music” (yes!!!. . . what? really) “Really??” but where do you put the disc” “Well. . . . you can put disc in here, (he showed her the slot, very small if you ask me, what kind of disc to they use I wonder), but I’m not planing to put any, as with my pictures, it had a lot of songs stored in its memory” Alexis then looked in his “albums”, he looked for some seconds and finally decided to plaid a band he called. . . Blink 182, he decided for a song called “the rock show”, and “let’s stay together for the kids”, (odd names I must say) the girls, most of all Pinkie and Spike took a liking for this band very quick, After that he played a guy called. . . Michael Jackson and his song “Billy jean”, the Princesses and Fluttershy seemed to enjoy it the most, Rainbow dash melted with the rap style of a guy called Eminem, for Applejack it seemed she liked every song but didn’t pick a favorite, Rarity and me loved so much one called “Final fantasy Vll one winged angel”, It sounded like an Opera, finally he plaid as he said two of his most favorite songs in the world, “Simple and clean, from Kingdom hearts and We are, versión 2 from One piece”, everypony enjoyed very much the first one, (The CMC even danced a little with it) then we all listened carefully the second one, even though we could not understand any word of this language called “japanese” expect for the few ones sang in equestrian (english), the melody inmediately won us. After finishing listening, Princess Celestia said “I must say, even though there are some styles not exactly my liking. . . .humans music is very beautiful, thank you Alex for this interesting experience” (yeah Thank you Alexis) “No prob Princess, but we are not over yet, I left the best for the end” “Really??!! Everypony and me said in unison “Yep, just please just look at it, and don’t talk until it’s finish ok??” Everypony noded, then Alex proceded to play according to him. . . the most hilarious “videos” in the world, no “video” lasted more than 5 or 6 minutes everypony and me gasped when the “animations” (as he called them) started, but as we promised no Pony talked until the end, by the end of the 2nd video everypony were already laugthing for the misventures of a little squirrel over an acorn in a Winter land, really, how much bad luck that little squirrel could have, when it ended, Rainbow was the first to talk “That was. . . . AWESOME DUDE!!!!”, please tell me you have more like those” (everypony looked at him with expecting eyes) “Easy Rainbow, those were only sneak peaks for 4 full movies, maybe someday I will let you watch them” (Really??) “Really!!!”, Rainbow and Everypony and dragon said in unison (hey?!, they copied me!!) “Yep, in fact, for you and Spike, look at this. . . . just one thing, everything I will show you is fiction, trust me, many of the things you are going to see don’t even exist. . . yet. . . . maybe in 30 or 40 years” (we all noded, I wonder what does he wants to show us now??) Alexis then proceded to show us two more “sneak peaks”, the first one was about a young man who wanted to be a soldier but his body wasn’t strong enough, then he was injected by some kind of “medicine” and he became a lot more muscular, some final clips showed him using a blue, white and red uniform with an “A” in his helmet, (I must admit, he seemed very cool in that outfit, it was like a moving comic book) the other one was about some kinda “rich narcisist man” traveling with some soldiers and showing some kind of. . . weapon, (he blew up a mountain with it. . .scary) then he seemed like he was kidnaped and then wearing some kind of red and yellow full body armor with some a blue light in his chest, (wow, to think if someday humans or ponies would have that kind of technology) after finishing watching, everypony were shocked, Rainbow dash the crussaders and Spike looked agape, all of them were. . . drooling?, she only looked at Alexis and said “Please.. . . . tell me you have those 2 movies too in there” Spike noded in agreement with her, me as well “Don’t worry Rainbow, I do, I promise someday I will show you every movie I have here, I have a lot, action, drama, comedy, for kids (she looked at the crussaders). “Cool!!, Spike and Rainbow said, Spike was even hugging Alex foot Twilight then said “I hope the invitation is for everypony present” (yes please!) “Of course Twilight, oh!! and just for you to know, I have some books in there as well. . . if you are interested, but I must warn you, almost all of them are terror ones” Now was time to Twilight to drool, she only stared at Alex her face a few inches to him “Really!!, you have books in there?, books from another world? (he noded) She inmediately tackled him in a crushing hug and said “Do I ever tell you how much I like you” “Yes, but I like hearing you saying it again” they both laughted After that . . . Princess Celestia Spoke again “Well Alex I must say, the technology from your world is outstanding, to think how far your kind has reached, just by looking at this. . . device I can say humans had great imagination to create, but tell me. . . what do the other two devices do??” (Oh Sweet Celestia, I almost forgot about the other two) This atracted everypony attention to Alexis again, he sigh and proceded to grab his “Iphone”, turned it on and said “Well, this is an Smartphone. . . like my computer, it has very similar functions, a calculator, you can make note lists, watch videos, Listen to music, playing games, but it’s not a computer, this device main function is comunication” (. . .. ok?) Everypony looked how Alexis sliced his finger on the “screen” as he called it, after some videos and music demostrations like with his computer, Applejack asked “Ah can see what you said about this. . . device being like your computer but tell me sugarcube, what exactly yah meant by comunication” (yes please, I’m intrigued) “Well I don’t know all that tech stuff, but long story short, by using radio frecuencies, If another person has a device like mine, I can talk to that person as if he were in front of me, or. . . if we can’t talk, we can also send text messages, think about it like twilight comunication sistem with Spike, only. . . faster and to anypony you want. . .not only the Princess” (Really?, wow, that would make sendings letter by mailmares so outdated) “Really?? Rarity said, wow, do every human have one of those in your world??” “Yes, believe it or not, this. . . phones became part of our daily life” “why darling?” “Well, It help us to keep in touch with every person we know, we talk to our family or friends even if they are very far away, and not only that, it let us call for medical help in case there is an accident, call for the pol. . . .the guards in case there is a crime, they will come faster, if you are sick, you can call your work for them to know faster about it, In some kind of way, these devices became an escential element in our lives” (Well. . . if you put it that way, yes it seems an essential ítem) “I understand darling, and I must say, having Smart. . . . phones here in Equestria would really come in handy, not to mention all the other things they can do” “Well. . . . having great unicorns like Twilight here. . . I would not be surprised if they come out soon” (I really hope they do) Then Rainbow dash said “Ok Alex, I have to admit it’s cool and everything but you said you had games, are you planing to show them or not??” (yes!! Let’s see some human games) “Ok Rainbow, you are right sorry, let see. . . . Oh!! I know!” Alexis then decided to try according to him, one of his Iphone favorites, every pony watched how the screen showed some kind of birds that looked. . . angry?, after Alexis pushed some buttons on it, it inmediately changed to an escenario where some kind of. . . Slingshot was place and the ammo it uses where the birds, aparently the meaning of the game was to try to knock down all the green pigs secluded in some kind of constructions made from Wood, stone and ice walls because they stole their eggs (Ok. . . the idea is. . . interesting) By slicing his finger on the slingshot with a bird on it, Alexis showed them how to play, every bird had a diferent “power”, except for the red one, one multiplied x3, another was a lot faster (Rainbow dash took much attention on this one), other exploded like a bomb, etc, after a few tries and using every bird in his arsenal, Alexis managed to hit and banish every pig on the other side, then according to the game he got 1 star of 3. (1 of 3, it seems even you are not so good at it my dear Alexis) After that, Alexis pushed the button to repeat the same stage and passed the Iphone to Spike, Spike then as Alexis, he used his little finger (I thought for a minute that maybe Spike would ruin the “screen” with his claws, (After all it looks. . . sensible) but. . . he didn’t, (thanks Celestia) and sliced it on the screen, after using 3 birds he finally got one pig “Yay I got one!!!” Everypony cheered with him much to Alexis joy. “Yes you did, now, let’s go for the other ones” “You bet” Spike used all his remaining birds but he wasn’t able to clear the stage, Alexis thought he was gonna throw the Iphone when he saw Spike getting angry at the remaining pigs were smiling and laughting at his defeat. (Even I have to admit, they were kinda meannies) “DANG IT!!. . . . BUT NEXT TIME I’LL WIN!!!” “Take it easy Spike, you have a lot of time to keep trying” he noded and handed the Iphone back to Alexis “Everypony, including me only stared with marvelous eyes, this game even being so simple looked so fun, Princess Luna then said “I must say Alex, the game seems really plain and simple but. . . even so, it has a lot . . . A LOT better quality than the ones we have. . . . mind if we try it” “Sure Princess Luna. . .” “Please. . . .adress us. . . as Luna, drop the formalities, we are. . . friends after all. . . right?” “Ok. . . .Sure Luna, of course we are. . . just wait one second” Alexis then started to search for something in the case where the Iphone was stored, he then took something out of it, it was some kind of. . . pencil, he gave it to Princess Luna who just levitated to her and looked at it very confused, Alex then said “I think hooves wont work on the screen so use that. . . . It’s a special pencil with a gum point, just slice it easy on the screen like I did with my finger” (I see, well it make sense after all) Princess Luna noded and proceded to play, to Alexis disbelief, she managed to destroy every pig, but as him, she only got 1 star, seeing this, obviously angry she said “How dare you Game!!!, We won in our first try!!, why did we only got 1 of 3 stars?!!” “Easy Luna. . . (now that I think about it, why does she refers her self as. . . we, maybe. . . I’ll ask later), you only got one star because you used all your birds, you don’t have to use all the birds, in fact, the less birds you use, better your score will be” “but. . . but” “Believe it or not, this stage can be clear by using only 2 birds, you just have to realize where to hit in order to destroy more than one pig with only one shot, strategy is part of this game as well, don’t forget that” (hmmm. . . interesting) “Ohhhhh, no matter, we will keep trying and will get our 3 stars, you’ll see” “Oh please Princess Luna, we all want to play too, don’t be greedy” (Rainbow dash said then regreted saying that when she realized who she was talking to) “Very well Rainbow dash, you are right, then Luna aproached to Alexis and said, We expect you to borrow us your. . . Iphone afterwards to keep trying ok??” “No problem Luna” (awwn, I wanted to ask him that too!!) Not really wanting to do it, Princess Luna proceded to pass the Iphone to the next pony, everypony had her chance, non unicorns or alicorns ponies had to grab the pencil with their mouth, Obviously no pony managed to clear the Stage, but I really enjoyed my turn, I was so close, only failed for one pig, Princess Celestia seemed a little bit annoyed when she failed, much to Luna’s pride, but when it was Twilight turn. . . she managed to clear it by using only 2 birds, she got 3 stars, Everypony and Alexis looked shocked, he said, It took him at least 12 tries to get 3 stars in that stage “Wow Twili. . . how you??” “Oh, After I saw how you and everypony played, I made some calculations to see the best spots to hit, and in some kind of way. . . it’s just basic geometry and physics, I hope there are stages or levels tougher than this one, I must admit, I never liked our world videogames very much but. . . this game is something I can really relate with” Alexis looked very surprised, like if he already heard those exact words before, I wonder where? “. . . . Ok Twili, you really impress me, but as you asked, there are a lot of tougher levels than this one, be prepared” “Bring it on, Human boy” Twilight said, trying to hide her excited face with no success, she would never admit it, but it was obvious for everypony that she really was eager to keep playing the game. After that Alexis showed us a couple more games, one was about making groups of candies or sweets to make them dissapear, it was called Can. . . something, the other one was about of a human running in a straight line and the player had to help him to not clash by moving him right, left or jumping, really, one could become addict to these games. After a while and a few tries of everypony (most of all Princess Luna who obviously wanted Alexis to borrow her the Iphone now more than ever) “Soooo, Rainbow dash, Alex. . . do you have any other cooler games, I mean these are good and all, but after seeing how awesome your computer, music, movies are, I was kinda expecting something. . . well. . . more awesome” (Rainbow, these are awesome, but I kinda hope you are right) To my surprise Alexis only grined and said “You are right Rainbow, as with my Iphone that is meant for be a comunication device, my final device is meant for gaming, Alexis said pointing his. . . . “Vita??” “So that device is used most of all to play?” Spike asked “Yes, If you think the games in the Iphone were good, trust me, you have seen nothing!!” (. . . . . you must be jocking Alexis) We only stared at him, trying to find any sign of lying, but we didn’t, Alexis still smiling proceded to check which game to show us, the screen was touchable as his Iphone, he started to slice his finger on it and after a minute he told us he was gonna show us the very first game he played for this “device” Alexis then choose and after selecting some options and pushing some buttons, the game started, It showed a human, in a wide jungle and ruins, he seemed like daring doo type, according to the game, his name was Dra. . . something, Alexis then started to move the “joysticks” as he called them, and pushing some buttons, the characters started to move around the ruins, he could jump, escalate, aim with his “weapons” or lance (It looked like a mini cannon, like the ones the soldiers in the movie he showed us had), then he started a confrontation with the bad guys humans, Alexis however even being outnumbered managed to take them all down and proceded to keep his way around the ruins All of us were shocked, the Princesses too, the games in the Iphone were incredible enough, but this one . . . ., I mean our games were like moving forward, back and jumping, no to mention the quality didn’t scrath these ones, very simple games, but this one . . . .it was completely in a whole other level or dimensión, it was like inside of this game was a whole new world, the enviroment felt so real, the character could go wherever Alexis wanted, he and the bad guys even had voices, I mean VOICES, and finally the quality, the Iphone games made our games look like nothing, but this game. . . .it made them look like trash, it was just something way ahead to our times, not that I didn’t already notice with the computer and Iphone, Alexis then called for Spike, and after some basic teaching and aparently changed the game to the most easier mode posible, he handed the device to Spike. Spike started to play, much to Alexis surprise Spike got used to it very quickly, Kid’s nature I believe and well, like Alexis, he has hands, after some minutes, without removing his eyes from the game Spike said “Wow!!!, just Wow Alex!!!, this is way AWESOME!!, how in the world humans managed to create this, trust me, even now for me it seems imposible for this to exist” “I know Spike, but. . . .trust me, if 20 or 25 years ago, any person would tell us that we were going to have games or technology like this, we would had not believe it either, what seems imposible today sometimes becomes posible in the future, that why people or ponies with. . . .vision are so important today” (Oh, I’m so agree with you Alexis and it seems Everypony as well) “I understand Alex, but please tell me you have more games in this thing” “Oh Spike, I was hopping for you to ask that” Alexis then showed us some more games of his favorites, like the first one, every one of them were awesome, the most awesomes by my part were one about a pretty blonde human girl with a strange cat who could manipulate gravity, the style was similar to the first one, but the “style” were more like a comic than realistic as the last one, even so. . .awesome, also he showed us another one about a Fireman?? who started to fight againts some really ugly aliens, using weapons that shot lasers, this game took everypony attention since it gave the player the feeling to being there, since the character was unseen, only the “weapon” pointing to the aliens was visible, Alexis described it as a First person shooter game, after another incredible experience, much to Spike and the crussaders annoying, Alex shutted down the Vita, and said. “Well. . . . . I just showed you a little piece of my world. . . . what do you think??” (Oh Alexis, better ask what I don’t think, it would be a lot shorter answer) Twilight without thinking, proceded to hug Alexis and said “What do I think?? WHAT DO I THINK?? all I can say is. . . .Thank you, Thank you, you just showed me the future, a lot of posibilities, options, what we ponies can become if we keep progressing or even more, humans are amazing, is as you said before, you totally compensate your lack of magic with technology and imagination” (well said Twilight) I joined the hug and said “Indeed Twilight, humans. . . .as us. . .you keep evolving and moving forward, they are really amazing, Alexis. . . . thankyou from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for making me like humans even more” Rarity then said, “Yes darling and thanks to you, I have a lot of ideas for fashion for at the very least 5 seasons, to think the endless fashion options your world has to offer, it was the best thing possible” “yeah!! Rainbow said, and look all those incredible videogames and sports, wow, wrestling and mixed martial arts, we definetily must have something like that here!, with some tigher rules of course” (yeah, not so violent please, we have fillies and colts here) “yeah, yeah, and did you see all those humans in the photos, they seemed like if they were having fun, like a big PARTY!!!” Pinkie pie said “Well. . . . .I have to admit, I liked all the animals you showed us from your world, but please tell me, that bird. . . the one green with a red chest and that beautifull long tail made of feathers, what is it’s name??” “Well Fluttershy. . . It’s called Quetzal, it’s a patriot simbol in my country, one of the most beautifull birds in the world” “I’m. . . . agree, it’s really beautiful, I never seen any bird like Quetzales here” “Thanks Fluttershy, it’s our pride after all” Sweetie Bell then aproached and hugged Alexis stomach and said “Wow big brother, to think your world has to many funny stuff, it was so much fun!!” “Yeh, no wonder why yah miss your world a little Alex” “Well. . . . all that stuff is cool and all but not. . . . Oh who am I kidding they were the mos awesome things I ever see. . . .sorry RainbowDash “No problem kiddo, they are indeed incredible awesome” Everypony including me were really impresed but as me Alexis noticed Applejack didn’t say anything yet, she as all of us. . . . looked amazed but she also looked. . . .worried, Alexis noticing this asked “Something wrong pretty cowgirl?” “What?. . . no, nothing!” (she said looking in many directions, she is really a bad liar) “Applejack. . . . you may be the best lie detector that exist but you also are the worst liar ever, please tell me what’s wrong?” “Sigh, well sugarcube, everything you showed us was so unreal, I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it, but in the “movies and games” you showed us. . . ah could notice those strange. . . “weapons”, the humans use, tell. . . are they real and. . . are they that dangerous” Everypony even myself were shocked, I believe we all noticed that but I thought nopony wanted to ask about that, at least not yet, I was going to. . . but later in private, well. . . I guess Applejack is just too honest to let it be for another moment, Alexis with a sigh proceded to answer “Good one Applejack, I gues it was foolosh by my part to think this topic would pass unoticed, anyway sooner or later we’d had to discuss about this, many of the things I showed you like lasers beams or full armors that can fly are just fiction, but if we talk about the other weapons that looked like mini cannons. . . well, yeah they are very real, unfortanitely, our technology also let us create dangerous weapons like big cannons, guns, tanks,. . . . mass destruction. . . bombs, etc” (Wow) “But. . but. . why would ya all need that for sugarcube??” “To be honest, if we talk about mass destructions weapons, we don’t even use them anymore, they only works as an insurance that no country will turn againts each other or to be use in case there would be a war” “I see. . . .then what about the other ones, the mini cannons. . guns I believe you called them. . . as your. . . phones. . .do every human have one of those??” “Applejack, as here where anypony can purchase a bow, a spear, swords, etc, there are also stores where we can buy this kind of weapons, there are rules for one person to have them, even though they are avoided sometimes, anyway what I want to say is yes, almost every person can have access to them, but almost every person use it to protect himself or his family and not to hurt others” (so. . . . bad humans have access to them as well. . . that’s. . . a little scary) “Ah see. . . then. . .just tell me this. . . by any chance you brou. . . .” “NO APPLEJACK!! I don’t use any of those weapons and also No!, I didn’t bring any here to Equestria, the last thing you need here are guns” After hearing this and knowing he was telling the truth, Applejack hugged him in the neck and said “Thanks sugarcube, yah again showed me you are a good human who really don’t want to hurt us, now I trust yah even more” (Everypony included me nooded in agreement) “Thanks Applejack, and don’t worry, even IF I were to use them, I would never dare to hurt any of you or inocent creature, I swear” (awwwww) “Ah know sugarcube, yah know ah know” END OF POV Smiling Princess Celestia aproached to him and said “Thank you Alex for that comment, after hearing you say that and for all what we saw today. . . I must say, humans. . . your humans are indeed an interesting especies that deserves to be watched, we can learn so much from your kind, know this.. . . I still have my doubts but I can guarantee you now, I respect you humans a little more now” “Thanks Princess Celestia, It means a lot to me hearing you say that, and I also think we could learn so much from all of you, your harmony, trust and peace is something we really could use in my planet” “Indeed. . . now my human friend. . . I know I maybe asking for too much but. . . is there a chance that maybe. . . you can borrow us one of your devices to bring it to Canterlot for my scientist to study it in the academy, I believe it would help us ponies. . . no, all our world technology to advance faster” Alex didn’t know what to say, he had the chance to help ponykind to progress faster, not that they start to have iphones or laptops the next week or next year. . . .but who knows?? He didn’t exactly wanted to relinquish one of his devices, but in someway. . . he saw it coming, with a deep sigh and with his Iphone in hand he said to Celestia “Here Princess, take it, I hope this would be enough for now, at the time being, I may be willing to borrow you my Laptop. . . but for now, take my Iphone” Celestia not believing how fast he took his desition said “Are you sure Alex??” “Yes I’m sure, take it as a token of confidence, besides. . . I already promised Luna to borrow it to her, be sure she can use it as well ok?” he said winking at Luna who smiled and blushed a little, after that Alex gave Celestia the solar charger and explained to her how to use it, (Celestia couldn’t believe her sun could be used as energy source) he also thought her how to use and access to some handy applications and commands, (Celestia made sure to write everything in a scroll) “Thank you my humand friend, I promise to take good care of it” “Me too Alex” Luna said before turning to Celestia and said as well “But remember sister, the acadamy can have it during the days, but at nights, IT’S ALL MINE! GOT IT?” Princess Celestia only smiled and rolled he reyes, everpony, dragon and Alex only chuckled and rolled their eyes as well, Princess Celestia then said “Well my little ponies, dragon and human, it was a really and I mean really a great experience, but I think it’s time for all of us to get some rest” Everypony then noticed that indeed it was already night, everypony, human and dragon bowed to the Princesses who proceded to return to Canterlot, Alex could not help to laught a little when he saw how Luna never stopped staring at the Iphone in Celestia’s aura” Once the Princesses were gone, Alex inmediately noticed everypony and dragon staring at the two left devices on the table, before anypony could react, Alex stepped in front of them and said “I think we have to set some rules for the usage of these ones ok??” Everypony and the crussaders looked dissapointed, seeing this Alex felt strange. . . like if he experienced this before. . . soon realization came to him and he thought “OH MY GOD, I JUST BECAME MY MOM!!” > Chapter 29, A day in the school. . . . I know your pain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Alex this past week was a war, the mane 6, the crussaders Spike. . . even Luna asking him the show them more games and movies every 10 minutes, having enough and to end this, he managed to make a deal, Movie nights every 3 days, the first one they watched last night was.. . . . the Ice age 1, although everypony liked it, Rainbow and Spike were a little dissapointed, they wanted so bad to see Captain America or Iron man, Alex promised them that they would watch it later in private since the movie could be a little strong for the crussaders, (even though he saw worse movies when he was 8) what Alex really had to acknowledge was how amazing was the Amplification spell Twilight used to make the screen 6 times bigger, it was like having a mini theater at Twilight home, really magic is really cool he thought, in the case of the Ps Vita, the rules were simple most of all for Spike (since he was the only one who could play every game for his hands/claws, Twilight only used it top play angry birds and Zombies vs plants), chores and training first, then 2 hours of playing per day, yep he indeed became mom, he knew Twilight could control herself but he really didn’t want to spoil Spike’s life too much. ///////////////////////////////////// The next day, Alex was preparing for his demostration with everyfilly at Cherelee’s school, he still remembered when she came to ask him to come and oficially meet her students and answer some questions, everyfilly since weeks were asking Sweetie bell to bring him someday (they knew she was one of his closest friends), he gladly agreed, Alex loved children and Sweetie Bell asking him with puppy eyes sealed the deal, he knew it would be fun since he remembered when the visits Angela’s school for family’s apreciation days. Now he was thinking what to show, Technology was definitely out of question, he had enough already with his friends knowing and asking about his devices, he even had to convince and make the crussaders pinkie promise to not tell anypony about what he showed them, at the end he decided to bring his assasin’s gear. With everything packed, he proceded his way to the school alongside with his little sister. “I’m so excited, all my friends at school will finally meet my awesome big brother!” “Gee thanks sister, I just hope to not dissapoint them” “Yeah right, that’s imposible, you are the coolest human I met and the best brother ever” “Sweetie Bell. . . I’m a the only human you ever met” “So what? still you are. . . at least for me, never forget that” Alex then grabbed his sister in his arms and placed on his head much to her pleasure “Say Sweetie, you told anypony about me coming today? “yep, everypony is so excited! be prepared for a lot of questions Alex, but. . . . just a little warning” “uhu” “Be carefull with two earth ponies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they probably will try to say or ask something to upset you, they are the worst, Diamond Tiara most of them both, they are just big minnies” “Easy sister, maybe. . . there is a reason for their behavior, maybe Diamond Tiara just fell lonely or sad for something” “Oh you are not serious, she is the richest fillie in all Ponyville, her dad give her everything she wants, she is just a big evil spoiled fillie” “You think so?. . . .well. . . let’s see about that, you know. . . my mom used to say that sad people needs to make other feel sad to try to feel better” “I’m so sorry big brother, but me and my friends really don’t think Diamond has a reason to being mean, It’s just who she is, simple as that” “I see. . . (sorry if I try to stand for her sister but. . . . maybe you haven’t seen what I saw) anyway, thanks for the warning, don’t worry I won’t mind if she tries to bother me” “Ok!!” After that Alex and Sweetie kept their way to the school, when they finally arrived, every fillie just stared as Alex, most of all how he was giving Sweetie a ride in his head, Scootaloo and Applebloom inmediately greeted them, the three fillies went inside the school while Alex stayed outside until Cherilee would call for him, after some minutes he finally heard “Ok class today we have a very special guest, I guess many of you have alrady seen him around Ponyville, he isn’t from around here, in fact he is not a pony or any creature known, Please everypony say hello to Mr Alejandro the human” Alex then proceded to walk infront of everyfillie, he was a little nervious, but having his oficial and unoficial sisters there in the audience made him fell more relaxed, once infront of everypony, Alex said “Hi everypony, as you know, my name is Alejandro but all my friends call me Alex, so all of you can call me Alex as well, (everypony happily nooded) Miss Cherilee called me here today to have the oportunity to know all of you a little better and to answer any question you may have. . . so . . . let’s start, who wants to ask first??” Every foal raised their little hooves “Ok. . . . you!! the little cutie with the glasses” “Hello Mr Alex, my name is Twist and my question is do you humans like to eat candies?” “Excellent question Twist and yes we like to eat candies, as you do, I have proved a lot of sweets while I’ve been here, the only thing I can’t eat are sugarcubes, humans can’t stand so much sugar like ponies” “I see, well I was asking because. . . .well, I like to make candies and I was wondering If maybe you could taste these peppermint sticks because well I’d like to know an opinión from you. . . a human” (oh she is so cute) “Ok, thanks a lot Twist” Alex then grabed the stickS and took a little bite, after tasting it for some seconds, with his eyes wide open he said “Twist?? Did you really make this sweet by yourself??” “hmmm, yeah” “Wow, you are just a fillie and you already make sweets this qualily? No wonder your cutier mark are two peppermint sticks, I can’t imagine how good they will be when you get older, you want to know my opinión, 10 of 10.” “Oh, Thank you so much Mr Alex” “No prob Twist and just Alex is fine and that goes for everypony here ok? (everypony noded again), ok. . . any other question? Let see. . . you!!” Alex pointed a little chubby gray colt “Yeah. . . I was wondering. . .besides candies. . . what do humans eat?” “Well. . . to be honest with you. . humans are omnivores (Everyfillie looked confused). . . it means we can eat fruits, vegetables and. . . . meat” Everyfille gasped, Sweetie bell seeing coming inmediately stood up and said “But. . . don’t worry, he doesn’t eat ponies or other creatures, he like the bears only eat fishes” Every fillie even Cherilee sigh in relief, Alex hugged Sweetie Bell who returned the hug inmediately, at that moment another fillie raised her hoof, Alex gave her the aproval nod to ask “So. . . the rumors were true?? You really became Sweetie Bell big brother??” “Sure I did and I can tell you, I’m the most proud brother in all Equestria” Almost everypony dawwwww, the questions continued, as where did Alex came from, how his world looked like, If he really saved Sweetie Bell from a Manticore and if he really fight another one while they were in the Cristal Empire, how he got his weapons, etc, after some more questions Alex asked Cherilee if he could bring everypony outside to the yard, she noded, once outside, Alex putting on all his tools and hood and proceded to make a little demostration with his parkur abilities like jumping, rolling, making pirruetes, somersaults, climbing trees really fast, then he show them his skills with his bow, throwing knives and finally his hidden blades, he really thought they would be bored at his demostrations but actually everypony looked at him with amazed eyes, some fillies were even praising Sweetie Bell for having such a cool brother, Alex couldn’t help to blush hard, it was. . . really nice to be admired (wow dash, so this is how it feels like, no wonder why you are how you are) After a while much to everypony grief, they had to return inside the school, once in there, Alex said “Ok, It was fun and all but I think It’s almost time to end this, I think we still have time for a couple more questions, anypony? One hoof was raised inmediately, it was. . . . Diamond Tiara’s, Alex sighing inside decided to let her ask while preparing for the worst “Ok. . . you. . .the little cutie with the tiara, your question??” “Oh! It’s nothing too hard to answer, just tell me, do humans get cutiemarks?” (well, I guess it was obvious that would be her question) “Well little girl. . . no, humans don’t get cutiemarks” “Ohhhhh, how boring, so you will be a blank flank forever” Silver spoon said Both fillies started to laught, every foal looked at them with dissaproval eyes, but in Sweetie bell’s eyes there was. . . pure hatred, she even tried to charge at them but was stopped by Alex grabing her” “Easy Sweetie, remember what I say to Spike, stay calm, don’t let your emotions take the best of you” “But-“ “It’s alright, it doesn’t bother me really, but still thanks for standing for me, now go back to your sit ok??” “Ugh Fiiine” Then Sweetie trotted to her sit but no before giving Diamond and Silver one last death glare gaining Alex dissaproval look” They after seeing this resumed their laught until Cherilee with a stomp on the floor made them stop in an instant “Enough!! Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, you both are grounded for 3 weeks!!” “But. . . .but. . . .why?? we were just telling the truth, he will be blank forever!!” “Diamond!! I see 3 weeks weren’t enough uh?, Ok now it will be a month. . . also, I will talk to your father when I have the chance” After she said that. . . Alex could see Diamond with an angry expression but. . . there also was something else, he could swear it was. . . . sadness? “So what?! he is almost never here in Ponyville, I suggest you to be prepared for a long wait, he wasn’t here even for my birthday. . . . MY BIRTHDAY!!!” At that moment Diamond trotted out of the school no matter how much Cherilee or Silver Spoon screamed to her to stop, After calming down a little Cherilee made a horrified expression. “Oh my. . . how could I forget, stupid me” Alex aproached to Cherilee and said as low as posible “Something wrong Cherilee?” Alex and Cherilee exited the school leaving the students very confused, once out and also talking with low voice, Cherilee said “you see Alex, Diamond Tiara hates when somepony talks about her dad” “She. . . hates him?” “Oh no no, she loves him deeply, but he is always away for bussines and Diamond Tiara even thought she will never admit it. . . . gets very lonely even if she has lots of caretakers” “Has she always been like this?” “. . . . . No, it started when Diamond Tiara’s mother. . . .one of my best friends. . . (she let some tears out) Died” “You. . . .mean. . . .Precious Gift?” “How you. . . . .” “I just know, I’ll explain later ok?. . . . look. . . . I’m not sure if I know what I’m about to do but. . . .could you maybe. . . let me talk to her” “Are you sure Alex?? She is really hard to deal with. . . .ok. . . I don’t know why. . . but something tells me you. . . someway understand her. . . by any chance you also. . .” “Cherilee. . . we may talk about that later, for now please. . . don’t ask me that, it’s a personal subject, but I must say. . . you are very clever” (she noded) Alex then proceded to go after Diamond Tiara when he was stopped by Sweetie bell “What are you doing brother?? After what she did. . . you will go to look for her” “She needs help sister. . . she needs somepony to talk to. . . like a human who was helped by a beautifull unicorn filly” “. . . . Ok Alex, but if she keeps being mean to you, just leave her, I think. . . she doesn’t deserve your time” “Cmon sister, as me once. . . she is suffering, at least let me try” “. . . . . ok” Alex then exited the School and looked for Diamond Tiara in her favorite tree in the school yard, (told by Cherilee) Following fer advice, Alex searched there first, to his surprise she was there crying under the tree, her eyes covered by her hooves, Alex tried to aproach her but without even looking she just screamed “WHOEVER YOU ARE GO AWAY!!! I WANT TO BE ALONE” Alex felt his heart break a little, it was obvious Diamond Tiara had so much pain in her heart, she aproached again and sat down besides her, she didn’t raise her head, Alex reluctant started to stroke her mane, Diamond started to feel a little better, the strocking was nice, almost as nice as how her mom used to do it, but she then realized it wasn’t a hoof doing the stroking, she raised her head to look who it was, when she saw Alex, she inmediately narrowed he reyes and tried to bite Alex hand who removed it on time, then she tried to get away, Alex betting all to his next move grabed her and (hopping it would work) started to rub behind her ear, Diamond even struggling started to calm down, the feeling was nice, it remembered to her. . . . mommy but just thinking about her. . . made her snap and resumed his struggling “Let me go Ape. . . I told you I wanted to be alone” (Ok. . . is now or never. . . please God. . . let it work) “Why Diamond Tiara??. . . .Don’t you feel lonely enough already??” “What?? who. . .wha. . . I DON’T FEEL LONELY!” “Really??” “Yeah really!! I mean, look at me. . . I’M DIAMOND TIARA!!, I’m rich, I can have anything I want, I just have to ask my daddy for it, I live in a mansión with a big pool, have lots of servants and. . . and” “And. . . . you would give up all that just to be with your daddy or have your. . . mommy back. . . right?” “. . . . . how did you know? How did you know. . . about. . . mommy?” “I don’t really know much, I saw a picture of her at your daddy’s office. . . she was really beautifull. . . like you” Diamond blushed a little after hearing that and said “yes.. . . mommy was. . . beautifull, she was kind. . . she was. . . perfect. . .” Diamond tiara looking at the ground started to cry again “Why? why? why did she have to go?” Alex started to stroke her mane again “Trust me. . . I asked that very same question to my self for many years” Diamond ignoring the nice feeling of his stroking raised her head “Really??, you lost your mommy too??” Alex then told Diamond Tiara his story, Diamond listened him with so much attention that she didn’t even realize she was putting herself confortable in Alex lap, she kinda like it “So. . . you know how it feels? Tell me. . . how you deal with the pain??” “For many years. . . I dealt with it alone and to be honest. . . It didn’t work, I had to come here to Equestria to do what I must had done many years ago. . . talking about it with someo. . . somepony and believe it or not that somepony was Sweetie Bell, she helped me realize I need to let go to move forward” “What??. . . that blank flank helped you??” “Yep Diamond, she did, she can be very mature when she wants to and please. . . remember she is my sister so please watch what you say about her (Diamond sadly nooded) hey hey, I’m not mad at you, (she smiled again) but you must know, besides her many ponies also gave me their support and kidness and that helped too, one must never deal with this kind of pain alone Diamond, tell me something Diamond. . . have you ever tried to talk about this with somepony? (she shooked her head) not even with Silver Spoon? (shooked her head again). . . I think it’s time, don’t you think?” “I. . . I. . . but with who??” “I promise you I will always be there to listen to you so does Miss Cherilee. . .but I think the one you must talk most of all is. . . . your dad” “But. . . he wont listen, he is always so busy, even for my birthday” “How are you so sure he wont listen if you never even tried?” “Well. . . . I really don’t want to bother him with my little problems” “Trust me Diamond, for any daddy or mommy who loves their children. . . a daughter or son problem is never little. .. . just give it a shot, you have nothing to lose” “. . . . ok” “Ok, I’m glad to hear that, trust me, I’m sure everything will be fine, now let’s return to the school, I bet Cherilee is starting to get worried” Alex then started to stand up and move Diamond from his lap but he was stopped when she said “Wait!! Who said I. . . wanted to move. . . from here. . . . but. . . if I have to . . . is there a posibility. . . you can. . . carry me” “. . . . (wow, she can be cute when she wants to) ok, let’s go” With Diamond in his arms he proceded to go back to school, in their way Diamond said “You know. . . . even if you are the brother of that blank. . . of Sweetie Bell. . . you are not so bad” (hehehehe, well. . . . Rome wasn’t build in one day. . . . baby steps Alex, baby steps) Once in the School, they were recieved by the cheering of every fillie, Cherilee was impresed when she saw Diamond Tiara in Alex’s arms (Sweetie bell was sweeting bullets of jelously), he put an Diamond on the floor who was hugged by Silver Spoon and conforted by other fillies, Cherilee aproached to Alex and asked “How everything went Alex?? “I think everything will be alright” “I can see a little change in her. . . you think maybe she will start to be more friendly with other ponies??” “I’m a human. . . I can’t do miracles (Cherilee frowned a little, but Alex then said) but I think she is not a lost cause after all, just let’s hope for the better” “ok” The school time ended and he and Sweetie bell started their way home when they heard Diamond scream “Good bye Alex and you bla. . . Sweetie bell” Sweetie bell and Silver Spoon were speechless, Diamond called by her name, Alex who noticed that only chuckled and said “Thanks. . . see you later too Diamond” she giggled and blush a little, then resumed her way home (Yep. . . not a total lost cause) Alex then felt his leg being pulled by her sister “What is it sister??” “hmm brother is there a posibility that. . .” “oh you want a ride on my head??” “well. . . no” “No?? (ok. . . ) then what is it?” “Please, carry me in your arms like you did with Diamond” “. . . . (OMG. . she is jealous. . . so cute) Ok! Come here little cutie” “OK!!!” Alex then scooping his happy sister in his arms started the journey back home, after leaving Sweetie bell at her home and arriving at Carousel boutique, he found Rarity. . . packing? “What is going on Rarity? Are you leaving for fashion bussiness??” “Oh don’t be silly darling, I’m just packing for our trip to Canterlot, you should start packing now” “what! but why??” “Princess Celestia invited all of us to stay at the castle for a few days, also she sent us tickets to attend to the Grand Galloping Gala 2” “Grand Galopping Gala 2? I thought you said that event was once in a year” “Yes, but. . . . just let’s say the last one was considered. . . . a disaster, so the nobles. . . decided to make another one” “I. . . . see” (well I must say it was really hilarious when I saw the episode) “Ok Rarity. . . . just one question. . . . exactly who are coming?” “Well. . . you, Spike and the rest of us the Elements, we invited Lyra but she sadly said she had to go to a family reunión in Manehattan, take this, it’s her ticket to the Gala, maybe you could give it somepony else” (Alex took the ticket) “Ohh, too bad, well I’m glad to go with you and the rest of the gang, Ok. . . I’ll start to pack” Alex then started to think about the things what he was going to see at Canterlot, he knew he would have to be prepare for lots of stares. . .worse. . . stares from conceited nobles, well at least his friend would be there, after finishing packing some clothes and other things he proceded to sleep, but 1 minute later he opened his eyes in realization “Oh damn it, they will want me to use. . . . formal clothes or (shrudder) a tuxedo. . . . well. . .they can TRY to make me use one” > Chapter 30, Canterlot. . . . Gala?. . . . No thanks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everypony, Spike and Alex were inside their train car, they were enjoying a little conversation, about the things they would do in Canterlot, Alex could notice that none of them were so eager for the Gala (well. . . . after what happened at the last one, is understandable) He was a little sad since Lyra couldn’t come and Proud Hammer told him he was too busy to attend as well, his third choice was Derpy but she was taking care of her daughter who had the flu, Zecora was still in her business trip to Fillydelphia, in the end he kept the third ticket, such a waste. “Say girls, are you excited for the Gala?” Alex asked “To be honest darling. . . no, before the last Gala I though it was incredible . . . .but it really wasn’t what I expected, (Everypony nooded in agreement), I know my tastes sometimes are a little high but I can at least say I’m not like those. . . .nobles” “So. . . . are all of you be attending or not?” Twilight said “I can say neither of us really want to go. . . but Princess Celestia invited us herself, we have to go and who knows. . . maybe this time it will be not so bad, besides. . . this time we will spend this Gala togheter” “I see. . . . Twilight, would it be a problem If I. . . . don’t attend??” “What??” they all said in unison “But. . . but. . . why you wouldn’t want to come??” Twilight said “You see, It’s not really my kind of parties, I really don’t see myself surounded by a bunch of conceited nobles. . . worse. . . staring at me” “I see. . . well. . . I guess you are right, we’ll see what princess Celestia says about this, but I guess. . . If you really don’t want to come, we can’t forcé you to” “Thanks Twilight” “That goes for me too Twilight, as the last Gala I rather spend the night walking in Canterlot and eating donuts at Joe’s place and if Alex comes with me the better” Spike said “Ok Spike, but as I said. . . let’s wait for the Princess answer” (they both noded) After that, they all resumed their talking about random stuff until they finally arrived to Canterlot, everypony grabbed their stuff, As Alex expected Rarity brought enough suitcases for a year trip, all them in a little wagon who obviously the one pulling it was Spike (shesh Spike. . . .you really like Rarity, I’d really like it to happen. . . I keep cheering for you, but honestly. . . I think one of the crussaders would be more in your league) Once outside the train they started their walk to the Palace (Alex did his best to hidde his excitement) the Canterlot Citizens didn’t dissapointed Alex expectations, once he put one foot on the city the rain of stares started, some of them were just curious ones but most of all were angry and disgusted ones. Alex and the others kept walking, he with a nervious smile, it was really hard to ignore all those stares, but then he felt his leg being pulled by a tiny hoof, when he saw who it was, he saw a little unicorn fillie “Mommyyyyyyy, can I have one of this??” Alex didn’t know if take it as a compliment or an insult. “No Stardust. . . you already have a monkey, and besides this one doesn’t have fur. . . it’s disgusting” Ok. . . that one was an insult. . . no doubt about it, he keeping it calm, started to stroke the little fillie mane and said “Sorry little one, but I’m not a monkey nor a pet. . . and sorry but there are not others like me” Everypony including the mother where in shock when they heard Alex talk, but the fillie just got more excited “WOW!!, and you can talk?. . . even better. . . . Mommy please buy me this monkey. . . even if he doesnt have any fur, his clothes are really cool, he is way better than the monkey I already have” “.. . . . . Ok honey let me ask” the pony aproached to Rarity who for her. . . seemed to be the “owner” “Excuse me young lady but. . . by any chance you sell your exotic monkey here? Or at least could you tell me where you got it” Rarity could not be any more angrier even if she tried to, she had some good well chosen words she wanted to use but by looking at Alex who was staring at her with a “be careful for what you say” look, she composed herself and said “Sorry but he is not in sale and as my friend said. . . he is not a pet or a monkey” “Then. . . what is he??” “His name is Alex and he is a human, the only one in Equestria” Everypony present in the streets gasped and started to murmur to each other, taking advantage of that, Alex and the rest trotted to the castle as fast as they could “Well. . . . that was weird” Rainbow said “Yeah. . . . why they reacted like that when I told them he was a human??” Rarity responded “I don’t know, maybe we should ask princess Celestia” Everypony noded Everypony, human and dragon kept running to the palace, stares still present, Alex only ignored them, thet finally arrived at the main gate guarded by two pegasi “Halt” they both said but when they saw who they were, one of them said “Mrs Twilight and the Elements, greeting to you” Twilight then said “Hello, we are here because Princess Celestia invited us. . . and before any of you ask or start calling him names the tall creature besides me is” “Oh don’t worry Mrs Sparkle, we know all about the human Alex, Princess Celestia told us about his and your arrival and gave us a full explanation about his appereance, besides we also asumed it was him. . .for the rumors” “Rumors??, What kind of rumors?” “Well you see, many ponies who have relatives or friends in Ponyville tell stories about a very tall creature. . . .a. . . .in their exactly words. . . some kind of big monkey without fur called human, powerfull enough to take down a Manticore by himself, tell us. . .is it true??” “Well. . . (Alex started) yeah, kinda. . . I did beat a Manticore (two in reality but. . . whatever) but I think I was just lucky at that moment, nothing impresive really” “Nothing Impresive?? Mr Alex, you need at least 2 guards to take down a manticore (as Lyra said) trust me when I tell you that is impresive” “Ok. . . thanks and everything but we don’t want to make the Princesses wait too long, let’s go girls” Everypony noded and followed Alex inside the Palace not minding the guards wanting to ask him more questions, while running Rainbow aproached Alex “Wow, dude. . .it seemes you have a little reputation here. . . cool isn’t” “Kinda, but I’m not here to brag about anything, besides I don’t want everypony to think I’m dangerous for the Manticore incident” “I guess you are right but I also believe you should just go with the flow and enjoy it” Alex and everypony else rolled their eyes and kept their way to their rooms (Alex was speechless, all the luxury in his room, definetely the room for a noble) after leaving their luggage they proceded to go to the throne room, once there, they had to wait for a while since she had a meeting with somepony else, after some minutes the big doors finally opened revealing a white unicorn stallion with blonde mane, while he was exiting he said “And please, follow my advice Aunt Celestia, don’t bring those uncouth Elements of Harmony to this Gala. . . specially that one they call. . . Rarity, so filthy unicorn, don’t forget it was them who ruined the last one” Blueblood then turning his head saw them, he only smirked and said “And speaking of of uncouths ponies, what are you all doing here?? Isn’t there other commoner parties you could ruin?” Alex remembered that asshole from the season finally, he knew he was. . . well a bad and spoiled brat but. . . he really was an asshole, he saw then how Blueblood aproached to Rarity and said “And what are you doing here, you are very brave to show your ugly face in this palace after what you did to me the last Gala” It was obvious for Alex that Rarity and the others. . . even the guards present wanted to do something (they respected the Elements after all), but striking or talking back to a Royal was a serious crime according to them, for everypony surprise, Rarity showing how a mature mare she was smiled and said “Hello to you Prince Blueblood, I’m Glad to see you are fine” Everypony including Alex could do nothing but cheer in silence for her attitude (way to go Rarity, you are definetily 100 times more royal than this asshole, Alex thought) “huff, Whatever commoner” then he finally noticed Alex and just chuckled “And what do we have here? Your coltfriend is a monkey? huff he is perfect for you” Alex was about to tell some well chosen words when Rarity spoke again “To be honest. . . . yes, you see, after our last. . . contact, I decided I deserved a lot better and I found him and I can say it’s a dream come true” Rarity said and ending it by jumping and giving Alex a kiss in his cheek” (much to everypony surprise, more to some than others) Alex still a little shocked realized what Rarity was doing and took part in the play “Oh you are so sweet darling, so you wanted this pony to be your coltfriend? Yep, you deserved a lot better and hey! You found me, aren’t we the most lucky creatures in Equestria?” “Indeed we are Sweetheart?” Blueblood only stared at them and said “Well. . . in that case. . . enjoy your monkey” then he started to leave “I’m a human Idiot” Alex whispered “What did you say monkey” “nothing, nothing your highness” “better” “Idiot” After Blueblood left, Rarity aproached to Alex and said “Thank you so much for helping me a moment ago, I really wanted to give him a lesson” “Yeah Rarity, and don’t worry, whenever you want to prank that dude, I’m with you, but just one question. . . what about the kiss, not that I mind but. . .was it really necesary?” “Oh! I was just improvising, after all I always believed I could be a great Actress “ok. . . sweet darling?. . . hahahahaha” “So you both are not. . . together??” Fluttershy asked. . . shaking Alex responded “Nah, we were just pretending, and besides. . . do you really think I would be in anypony league worse in Rarity’s? Ok. . . let’s forget that bad moment and go to see Princess Celestia” Fluttershy sigh in relief while Spike smile grew, everypony started to trott to the throne room, while they were entering there Rarity thought (I think you can be in anypony league, after all. . . somepony is already after you. . . even though she wont admit it so easily) Once in the throne room they found princess Celestia and Luna who smiled when they saw them enter. “Hello my little ponies, dragon and human, I’m pleased all of you were able to come, (she turned to Alex), I hope you found your room. . . enjoyable” “Yes I did, thanks Princess Celestia, I must say you really are a good host” “Thank you Alex. . . now (she turned to everypony) my little ponies I’m really looking forward to see you in tomorrow at the Great Galloping Gala” “No 2!!!” Pinkie said with loud voice” “Yes Pinkie pie. . . No 2, sorry I’m still don’t get used to it, but one thing my little ponies. . . I must tell you, please don’t mind the behaviour of some nobles, they still believe you ruined the last Gala, and don’t forget if any of them dare to do something to you don’t doubt to tell Princess Luna or me or any of our guards” Everypony nooded, Alex then raised his hand to speak “What is it Alex??” “Princess Celestia, do I have to be at the Gala?. . . don’t get me wrong, I’m honored you invited me and all but. . . let’s just say those kind of parties are not my type” “I see. . . very well, thanks for being honest with me Alex, In that case I don’t see any reason to forcé you to come, but I must insist for your presence at the Gala’s ending ceremony, is when Princess Luna and I will oficially present you to the citizens of Canterlot” “Ok Princess, I think that can be arranged” Celestia giggle and said “Very well, once that said, go my little ponies, dragon and human, see you tomorrow at the Gala. . . 2” After that, everypony proceeded to leave and let Celestia continue with her Royal Duties, once out Everypony went to their rooms for a little rest, Spike decided to share the room with Alex. “Say Spike, since we wont be assisting at the Gala 2, what’s the plan for tomorrow night?” “Well, since we have to make time for the Gala’s ending Ceremony, I believe I have time to bring you to Joe’s donut place, he bakes the best donuts you ever eaten, then we can go to watch some pegasus races at the derby, and I heard there is a new place to buy drinks, they say their Cherry and Berry cyder can even match Applejack’s Apple Cyder” “Really??, wow, it sounds good to me, the pony in charge must be really good” “Yeah. . . it’s a new mare unicorn in the city, very cute many stallions say, too bad we have to return here soon, I’d like to show you many places” “Don’t worry, it’s still sounds like a great plan to me Spike, Ok. . . let’s go to sleep” “Ok” /////////////////////////////////////////// The next day, After a good pancakes breakfast with Princess Celestia and Luna, then saying their farewells to them, Everypony proceeded to give Alex a tour through Canterlot, since Twilight used to live there before, she was the guide, the first stop was Canterlot’s Library (OMG, too obvious) they spent some time there, everypony, dragon and human with a book of their liking, Comic books, daring doo, fashion, etc, Alex couldn’t help to notice how soft the comics of this world were, the rating was really strict here (figures) The next stop was a little restaurant to have a little dessert, everypony sit in a big table outside, Alex really thank God for the pastries at least were normal here (no grass or hay) once eating, they noted how like the last day, everypony were staring at Alex “They really should mind their own bussiness” Rainbow said and everypony noded “Easy Rainbow, we all knew it would be like that” “Yeah but. . . still I don’t like it” “Thanks for your concern Rainbow, but just go with the flow, let’s hope after tonight everything change” “. . . ok” After brunch they continued their tour, Alex was really impressed, the series crearly showed Canterlot to be a beatiful place but looking at it in person, the arquitecture, the elegance, Canterlot was. . . he really didn’t know the word to describe it, he was too focused looking to notice what was in front of him until. . . . “ BUMP!! Alex bumped with somepony, they both ended on the floor, everypony were shocked when they noticed the other pony next to him. . . . Fancy pants, Alex still composing himself could hear one of Fancy pants companions scream “Ahhhhh, a weird big monkey creature atacked Mr Fancy Pants!!!” “. . . . What?” “Don’t worry everypony (A unicorn stallion said) I’ll deal with him. . . (he turned to Alex) you filthy creature, how dare you attack Mr Fancy Pants” “Wait, wait, it was an accident, we just bump to each other” “huff, likely story, it’s time for you to know your place freak, I Jet Set will teach you a lesson” “But. . .” At that moment Jet Seth used his telekenesis on Alex and Levitated him “Hey!! What do you think you are doing to our friend?” Twilight said “So you are the owner of this big monkey, you should put a leash on him” Twilight and the others could feel their anger rising, not letting it take the best of her, she said “Don’t worry Alex, I’ll use my magic to free. . .” Nopony could predict what would happen later, Alex freed himself of Set Aura by himself. . . . what? is what everypony thought, Alex then said “Wow, that was super easy. . . . dude . . . your magic is really weak” “What?! how dare you, let’s see if you can do it again” Jet Seth made Alex levitate again, but this time he didn’t lose any time to broke the bind “Ok. . . if magic doesn’t work, then hooves will have to do” He then started to swing his hooves at Alex like a maniac, It wasn’t hard to Alex to dodge, it was obvious Jet wasn’t a combat trained pony, he didn’t fight back, the last thing he needed was to get in trouble there, after some more tries, Jet Set panting and sweeting only looked at Alex with disbelieving eyes “Did. . . did you have enough. . . monkey?” “dude. . . . seriously?” Set was about to continue his attack when Fancy Pants said “That’s enough Mr Set, I apreciate your concern but I believe you are just embarassing yourself, you should stop” “But. . .but he attacked you” “As he said, I also believe it was an accident, besides he made clear he doesn’t want to fight you and I’m glad he did, because. . . nevermind” “. . . ok, Mr Fancy Pants if you say so” He then returned with everypony else in Fancy pants group, Fancy Pants aproached to Alex and said “First of all I must say I’m sorry for this missunderstanding, my name is Fancy Pants, nice to meet you Mr. . . .” “Alejandro. . . but. . . you can call me Alex” (for some reason Alex thought this noble seems way different from the others, he could be. . . trusted) “Very well, Alex, I must say, I’ve never seen a creature like you, can I ask what are you?” “I’m a human, and I’m the only one around here, no surprise you don’t know anything about us” “I see. . . well, one more time sorry for the missunderstanding and I’d like to talk and discuss with you someway to make amends. . . but we have some bussiness to attend, I hope we meet again another time, you too Miss Rarity” (she noded) “Same here Fancy Pants” Fancy Pants and his group resumed their way, all of them except Fancy pants and another white beatiful unicorn gave Alex a death glare, Jet Seth most of all, once they were gone, Twilight inmediately asked him “Wow Alex. . . I can’t believe you did that” “Yes darling, I’m really glad you showed that Jet Set a lesson, he really isn’t a nice pony” Rainbow then said “But dude, tell me how you managed to free yourself from his Aura, I mean you are not using your DS armor?” “Well. . . . ok, to be honest with you. . . beside my armor I made these Alex then showed them his DS big medal and told them his brazelets were also made by it but with a purest Darkness stone alloy, they all gasped, then Twilight said “But Alex. . . you know it’s ilegal to. . .” “Don’t worry Twilight, Celestia and Luna gave me and Spike their permition since I could be a target from prejudice ponies just like that Jet guy” “I see, well, I’m glad they trust you enough for that” “Yep. . . trust me, it really surprised me as well, ok let’s continue shall we” After that, they visited Twilight house, the face of her parents when they saw Alex was priceless but at least they didn’t freak out since they knew Twilight wouldn’t bring somepony dangerous, they had a little conversation with them, after a while it was time for the ponies to return to the Palace to prepare to the Gala, saying their farewells, everypony proceeded to leave, the return was quiet, since many ponies would asist to the Gala there weren’t many outside, once in the Palace everypony went to their room to get ready, Alex and Spike decided to take a little rest before their little night tour. > Chapter 31, Night tour, An Artist Friend, Just one hit please! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a good little sleep, Alex and Spike were ready to go out, they reunited with their friends, the Mane 6 were wearing their same dresses from the last Gala, Alex had to admit, seeing it in person was even more impresive than on TV, they really looked. . . beautiful, they tried to convince them to come with them to the Gala, they declined but promised that maybe come a little earlier to spend some time together, after they part ways, Alex and Spike started their little tour, It seemed Canterlot wasn’t exactly a partying city since the streets were almost empty at night, well maybe having everypony at the Gala was helping in that, as Spike promised their first stop was Joe’s donut shop, when they entered, Joe turned to see and when he saw Spike first he said “Hello my little dragon friend how you. . . (he noticed Alex entering) Whoa!!, what is THAT!!?” Joe and everypony were shocked but before any of them try something Spike said “Wait, wait Joe!! he is my and Twilight friend, he is the human I mentioned in my letters remember? The one I wanted to taste your donuts!” “. . . . .Really?, but you never told me he wasn’t a. . . .” “Yeah, well I wanted to see your reaction and I have to say. . . it worth it” Joe, Alex and Spike then laughted in unison, Alex was relieved Joe and the few Ponies there weren’t so judgamental, then he proceded to present himself “Hello Joe, my name is Alejandro but my friends call me Alex so feel free to call me that, any friend of Spike is my friend, well. . .as you already noticed I’m not a Pony, and no I am not a big monkey, I’m a human” “A human? You mean the human of the rumors? The one who took down a Manticore alone?” “Well. . . .yeah” Everypony gasped and proceded to get close to them “Wow, Spike . . . I didn’t know you knew him, I have to admit, he is tall but I must say a manticore is way taller, (he turned to Alex) how you managed to defeat a manticore” “Well. . . . I was kinda lucky. . . .let’s leave it in that ok” Spike narrowing his eyes said “Oh cmon Alex, true, you managed to surprise him in the end but you gave a good fight, don’t just say it was luck, please” “Thanks Spike, well. . . back to the topic, Spike told me how good this place donuts were, let’s start with a couple of them ok?” “Ok. . . prepared to be amazed” “Thanks and just one question. . . by any chance you have. . . coffee?” Spike, everypony and joe confused asked “What is coffee?” (. . . . CARAJO!!! He thought) “Never mind” After that, their donuts were served, he had to admit it, they were really delicious, like Dunking Donuts, so many flavors, everypony present like the the foals as the school asked him some simple questions to clarify the rumors, he gladly answered them, even though this ponies lived in Canterlot it was obvious they weren’t any near to those greedy nobles he met (Except Fancy Pants), he then realized there were indeed good ponies in this city, he was enjoying this time becasue it was like hanging out with his friends in a restaurant back home, yep so much better than a Gala, after sharing some more donuts, much to everypony grief they had to continue their Schedule and said their farewells and everypony said theirs as well. “Wow Spike. . . I thought Canterlot was full just with conceited nobles but I can see there are good and friendly ponies here as well” “Yeah. . . that’s true, just look at Twilight, she never says anything but everypony forgets she is a noble, after all her family have been living in Canterlot since many generations, trust me, you will find many good ponies here, you just have to know where to look” “Ok, I’ll keep that in mind, now tell me. . . what’s the next stop?” “Yeah, now. . . we go to the derby, there are some night pegasus races, it’s not like the wonderbolts ones but they are pretty entertaining as well” “Ok, lead the way my purple friend” Alex and Spike then proceded to go, once there, as before Alex had to answer some questions from curious ponies, the racers were amazing, after all Alex had never seen any pegasi race, in fact he maybe was the first human seeing it, Alex and Spike would like to continue their tour all night but decided to spend some time with their friends at the Gala so they proceded to return to the palace but before that they wanted to make a last stop, the new Juice bar for a little quick drink. When they arrived there, the place was empty, maybe it wasn’t that well know yet or for it was a little late, not caring for that they decided to buy a drink, when they knocked the barcounter they were greeted by a cute unicorn mare, her fur was Pink and had brown mane, she was wearing glases (like Mayor Mare but someway. . . cuter), yep, definetily a pretty mare “Hello Gentlecolts. . .What can I. . .” (She finally saw Alex and Spike) “Serve you?” She stayed there. . . quiet and seemed she could scream at any moment, Alex and Spike were about to make a run for it but they noticed she composed her self and started to talk again “Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, A kid dragon and a big furless monkey, that’s really unusual but it’s still incredible!!” She then as fast as Rainbow dash stood in front of them and with expecting eyes she said “I know you are a dragon cared by Princess Celestia’s student Twilight Sparkle but. . . (she turned to Alex) Are you a Monkey or maybe that Human the rumors says? . . you can talk. . . right??” Alex and Spike looked at her impresed, to think she knew not only of Alex (for the rumors) but also about Spike and even he was living with Twilight, wanting some answers Alex said “Well yeah, I can talk and yes I’m a human not a monkey, but I must know, I understand you knew a little about me for the rumors, but how you know about Spike?” The unicorn only smiled and looked at them with a face that said “SERIUSLY?” “Tell me. . . how many good dragons you know that are nice and helped to save an entire 1000 years lost Empire? Those news appears in every city’s newspapers you know, even in Manehattan where I used to live, gosh they are even making a cristal statue of him” Spike blushed a little after hearing that, he didn’t knew they were going to do that, he decided to go for a visit when it’d be ready. “Ohhhh, I see, well it was kinda obvious you knew about him I guess, well, with that already clarified let me oficially present myself. . . .I’m Alejandro but my friends calls me Alex and as you know already this Dragon kid is Spike” “Oh, nice to meet you. . . my name is PixelBerry owner of this juice bar and I believe you came here to taste some of my drinks. . . right?” “You bet, we heard your drinks were amazing, let’s see if it’s true” “Ok. . . wait a moment please” After that, PixelBerry went inside the kitchen and came back with a couple of cherry cyders, Spike and Alex tasted it and wow, it was really good and he mean it, REALLY GOOD, while drinking it Alex noticed a lot of paintings in the wall, many beautiful scenarios, sunsets, nighfalls, nights with meteor showers, wow, she surely spent good money buying those, he thought maybe Rarity would like one, (to thank her for let him stay at her home) so he said to PixelBerry “Wow PixelBerry I have to say, all the paintings you got here are really something, the artist is very skilled, they had to cost a fortune, can you please tell me who painted them. . . I have a friend I’m pretty sure would love to have one like those” “Oh those. . . . they are not really impresive. . . just. . . something I made in my free time that’s all” Alex and Spike just stared at her with their jaws opened “What?? you are the artist PixelBerry?? But. . . but. . . how come you have so many of them, I mean. . . even these quality of paintings don’t sell very well??” “Well. . . you see. . . I don’t sell them. . . who would want to buy one of my paintings? they are not very good?” Now it was Alex and Spike to give PixelBerry a “Seriusly?” look “I want one” “What?” “I want one of your paintings PixelBerry. . . how much” “Rea. . . really?. . . well I. . . don’t know, as I said I never tried to sell one” “Ok. . . . how about. . . (Alex took out many gems from his sidepockets) this. . . is this enough?? “Oh no no no, It’s. . . .” “I know, not enough, ok let me give you this as well” Alex then add one Gala ticket to the gems, PixelBerry seeing this almost fainted, she looked at Alex with disbelieving eyes and said “you . . . you have a ticket from the Great Galloping Gala???” Alex and Spike smiled to each other and showed her their own tickets “yes we have tickets, we decided not to go, you see Spike and I. . . .well, we are not exactly creatures that enjoys those kind of parties” “But. . . it’s the great galloping Gala, everypony want to go there, I always wanted to go there” Alex smile extended even more and said “Then I’d say it’s a deal, the gems and the ticket for one painting, I suggest you to choose quick, you almost missed half of the Gala” PixelBerry didn’t know what to say, for her. . . the ticket was more than enough for one of her paintings, but seeing Alex would not take a no for an answer she sighed and nooded, sharing some tears of joy “Excellent, ok. . . I want that one” Alex choose one of the nightfalls, PixelBerry then proceeded to pack it as a gift she even added a ribbon “Thanks PixelBerry, I’m sure this will make my friend very happy and seriusly, you should consider trying to sell your art, take it from me, you are good, VERY GOOD, (she nooded) ok . . . now go and prepare, we have a Gala to go” “You. . . are going with me” “Yeah, for three reasons 1) We promised some friend we would go for at least a little while, besides, 2) We have to prove to you the ticket is not a fake and 3) We cannot let a beautiful mare like you to go there alone” (besides we have to keep an eye on you in case you get bored or if any of those. . .nobles try to bother you, Alex thought remembering how the mane 6 had their worst night ever thinking the Gala was so great) PixelBerry didn’t lose anytime she inmediatelly went upstairs her bar to get dressed, Alex and Spike waited, when she came down and they looked at her, the only thing they could say was. . . WOW, without anything she was pretty but at that moment. . . she was BEAUTIFUL, The dress was pure white, with curby gold lines around it, she was wearing golden shoes as well and to finish the combo she was wearing a necklace made by a natural esmerald with heart’s shape (very similar to Rarity’s fire ruby except for the color) and a Golden Tiara (she could even be mistake as a Princess, Alex thought) With her ready, Alex whispered something to Spike, Spike smiled and inmediately wrote a letter to Princess Celestia and sent it to her, some minutes later a Charriot pulled by two royal guard pegasi landed next to Pixel’s bar, she was shocked, what was it doing there, she looked at Alex and Spike if they could explain, smiling Alex said “When you took the ticket you took the whole service PixelBerry. . .let’s just say I. . .well Spike have conections with certain Princess. . . don’t question it, just enjoy it” PixelBerry nooded and they three entered the Chariot, it was just.. . . not possible, her first and hopelly not last Gala and not only that, being brought there by a Royal Chariot, it had to be a dream, it just had to, he pinched her cheek but nothing happened, she thanked Celestia for that, when they finally arrived at the Palace entrance, going out the Charriot Alex said “Ok, PixelBerry, Spike and I have to go to our room to get ready (Spike with his Tuxedo and me with Rarity’s clothes, no matter what other says), go there and have fun, just one little advice Pixel, remember there will be a lot of nobles there, many of them are not exactly friendly, try to avoid those ok?” “Ok Alex, Spike, trust me I’ve been living in Canterlot for a little while to know many nobles are unbearable, thanks for the advice anyway (they nooded). . . ok cya later in the Gala” Once they parted ways, Spike and Alex in their room started to get dress, Spike feeling a little uneasy said “Hey Alex you think Pixel will be alright there?. . . I mean. . . remember when I told you how the girls thought they would spent their best night ever and just got dissapoinited at their first Gala? And. . . why did you give her the ticket anyway?” “Well Spike, if she gets the same lesson as them I’d say it worth it right? and I don’t know why but. . . I wanted to make something nice for her, she really wanted to come so why not? After all she. . . well. . .is a nice Pony “You said it!!, she is nice, kind and beautiful” “hmmmmmmm, somedragon got a little crush on somepony uh?” “What? of. . . of course not, the only one for me is Ra. . . I mean. . . no I’m not, I think you have a crush on her” Alex rolled his eyes “Ok, whaterer you say pal, (yeah. . . . she is pretty and all but. . . I already have a little crush on. . .) ok, now let’s go” “alright!!” Alex and Spike proceded to go to the Gala, he decided to bring his gift so Rarity and everypony else could see it and give their opinión, he hope maybe this would help to promote PixelBerry work, at the Gala the first thing they did was to get in the line to greet the Princesses, no longer a surprise everypony there stared at them, as always they ignored them and waited for their turn, some seconds later they finally reached the Princesses “Hello Princess Celestia, Princess Luna” “Hello Alex and Spike, I see you decided to come a little earlier” “Well. . . we didn’t want to completely waste the tickets and also we wanted to spend some times with our friends” Celestia looking that other ponies were getting impatient said “I see, well. . . . see you around” “Ok, cya Princess Celestia and Princess Luna” “I already told you Alex, just Luna, (Alex nooded), see you around” Once inside, Alex and Spike still ignoring the stares from the nobles started to look for their friends (PixelBerry included), they separated to look better after some minutes Alex finally spoted them sit in a table eating some Apple snacks (definetely Applejack treat), he then started to run to them “Girls! Hey girls!!” “Ali!!!” Pinkie pie screamed Alex was to focused to get ther to notice that somepony put his hind leg in his way making him tripp to the floor, he still managed to cover his face and make an improvised roll but it still hurt, everypony (except his friends who were just shocked) started to laugh, feeling a little upset he started to look who was the funny guy or pony, he wasn’t surprised to see it was BlueBlood alongside with a group of ponies (Jet set and his wife amongs them) “Ohhhhh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you Monkey” Alex could just stand up and put that idiot in his place, he really didn’t seem so strong, he seemed more like a spoiled brat but he knew it would be a bad move, he really didn’t care try to strike a royal, (after all he hit Prince Shining armor and tried to hit the Princesses as well, but probably they covered it so he could get away unpunished) it took all his mental capacity to do what he did next “Wow. . . that was a . . . nice prank Prince BlueBlood, I really didn’t see it coming” He then turned around and proceded to greet his friends who were shocked but at the same time proud of his attitude, BlueBlood just stayed there anger increasing, he expected other kind of reaction, a reason to get this monkey in the dungeon, he and his group then went to eat some cushions while he was formulating a plan to make that creature snap, with that crisis avoided Alex finally reached his friends, of course Pinkie pie tackled him to the ground “Wow Ali, I can’t believe you did that, I really thought you would kick him or punch him, but you didn’t, I have to admit I would like to see that even tought I hate violence. . .but after all that pony is a big minnie” “Indeed Darling, I must say you took the situation very well, If it were be me.. . . I don’t know what I would have done” “Probably the same as me Rarity, trust me. . .I really wanted to kick his flank and I was going to but then I remembered how you dealed with him today and I decided to follow your example not to mention I’m a royal guest here and your friend, the last thing I want to do is making you or the Princesses look bad, besides it wasn’t really the big deal, there are things not worthing fighting” Twilight then spoke “Thanks Alex, we really apreaciate your concern, you once again showed me. . . us humans don’t use violence as first resource, I bet Lyra would liked to see that” “Thanks Twilight, but trust me, this was just a minnor event, I really don’t care if people try to bother me, but if he ever tries to hurt you or any of my friends, God protect him from my wrath” Everypony smiled after hearing this “Ok partner, c’mon join us, I brought many apples pastries to share” “Thanks Applejack. . . let’s dig in” Once eating and Spike finally joining them and having some kind of eating contest with Rainbow dash, she said “You know Alex, even though is not a nice thing to say, I’d really love to see you kick that guy flank, after I heard how he treated Rarity the last Gala he was lucky Rarity convinced me to not do anything” (everypony noded) “I just wondering. . . why he is a prince? With Shining Armor I understand since he married Cadence who is an alicorn therefore a princess but why him?” Twilight then answered “Well. . . you see. . . Princess BlueBlood is. . . .believe it or not. . . Cadence’s brother, Princess Celestia found them as fillies and saw great potential in them and decided to be their godmother and bring them to Canterlot, when they were old enough she made them both Prince and Princess, the original idea was to make only Cadence a Princess but in order to avoid hate between siblings she also made BlueBlood a Prince. . . of course only Cadence ascended to Alicorn, of course BlueBlood wanted to be one as well, but Princess Celestia told him he wasn’t ready and according to her maybe he will never be, but even now Princess Celestia still has faith that maybe someday he will be a good Prince and worth to ascend to Alicorn” “I see, well at least she has hope to trust that spoil. . . . wait. . . you said ascended to alicorn?? You mean Cadence didn’t born as one?” “Oh no no, nopony born Alicorn, to become one, other Alicorn has to choose you and make you one, Cadence born as a pegasus and Princess Celestia and Luna as unicorns but know this. . . once you are an Alicorn there is no way back, that’s why they have to choose wisely their sucesor since the pony they choose will live for milenias and has to be a good ruler. . . not a tyrant, tell me. . . can you imagine BlueBlood as a Ruler of any kingdom??” “I’d rather not, so. . . sucessor uh? so that means Alicorns are not exactly inmortals?” “Not really, they just keep living until is their time, according to the history books one Alicorn managed to live 15,038 years and even so he died in a young form” “soooo they don’t get old. . .they just know when is their time” “Something like that, even now their kind hiddes a lot of misteries” “I see, ok that settles the topic of the age but. . . please don’t be mad at me. . . what about if somepony tries to kill one Alicorn” “No problem Alex, I know you would never dare to hurt them, ok to answer that, Yes. . . an alicorn can be killed but is almost imposible, first of all because they are really powerfull, you’d need an incredible amount magic to best an alicorn, and everypony forgets that they may be like Godesses but still. . . . their bodies are as fragile as any other pony, piercing objects can hurt them as well, to be honest Alex.. . . I was a little bit scared when I saw you pointing them with your DS arrows” “I see. . . well, now I feel more honored they left me keep them, they really trust me now” (everypony and dragon nooded) They kept eating and enjoyig each other company until Alex remembered he still had Rarity’s gift under the table, he inmediately show it to everypony and said “Rarity.. . . as a token of my gratitude for taking care of me in your house all these weeks. . . I want to give you this, I hope you like it” “Oh thankyou Alex . . . you didn’t have to. . . but I’ll accept it, let me open it” Rarity removed very carefully the wrapping and ribbon when she finally took a good sigh of the Painting, she and everypony looked at it with wonder eyes “Oh my Sweet Celestia, Alex this painting is beautiful. . . . sorry but I can’t accept it, it probably cost a fortune!!” “Not really Rarity, trust me. . . I got a good deal for it” “May I know who is the great artist, I feel I need to congratulate her or him” “hehehe, she is a mare, Spike and I met her tonight, she is very kind, she should be around here. . . I think you will like her, her name is Pix. . . .” At that moment Alex was interrupted by the screaming of his most favorite hated prince “AHHHH!! YOU RUFIAN, WHY DON’T YOU SEE WHERE YOU ARE WALKING, LOOK!! YOU DROPPED SOME PUNCH IN MY FUR, IT’S RUINED!!! Alex and everypony proceded to go to see who was the poor soul being bullied by that asshole, almost there Alex and Spike inmediately recognized the other voice “I. . . I’m sorry Prince BlueBlood” “OH GREAT! YOU ARE SORRY, THAT SOLVED EVERYTHING” “It. . . .really wasn’t my intention, let. . . let me help you” “DON’T YOU DARE TO TOUCH ME YOU PEASANT, YOU THINK ONLY BECAUSE YOU ARE DRESSED A LITTLE FANCY YOU ARE AT MY LEVEL? I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, YOU ARE THE OWNER OF THAT 3RD CLASS BAR IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CANTERLOT, HOW IN TARTARUS YOU MANAGED TO GET A TICKET TO GET HERE?” “A. . .friend of mine. . .gav. . .” “DON’T SPEAK UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN!! NOW. . . (he made a devil smile) WE HAVE TO BE EVEN FOR THIS. . . INCIDENT AND I THINK I KNOW WHAT TO DO, DON’T MOVE OR I’LL PUT YOU IN A DUNGEON” BlueBlood the levitated a big cider mug and place it right on PixelBerry, although many of the nobles were looking at the situation with some interest, many even chuckling, Alex, Spike and the Elements were just staring the mug “He wouldn’t dare Alex thought” BlueBlood the proceded to empty the mug on PixelBerry beautiful mane and dress, just after doing that almost everypony started to laugh “HE DID!!!” PixelBerry just stayed there, not believing what just the prince did, why did this have to happen, the Gala was suppose to be a dream come true, now it was nothing but a nightmare, she wanted to run away but the laughts and humilation left her shocked, she started to cry and calling for help in her mind, but aparently it wasn’t over “HAHAHAHA, that was nice Prince BlueBlood, that will teach that commoner a lesson, why don’t you do that again, it was so funny!!” Jet Set said “OK, WHY NOT? BlueBlood then levitated another mug to repeat his cruel prank, when it was about to reach the now broken PixelBerry, the Mug was sent away by an aereal kick made by a now angry Alex, Everypony, even the Elements were shocked, BlueBlood just stared at him, anger increasing “HOW DARE YOU? YOU SPOILED MY FUN, MOVE NOW, I HAVE TO TEACH THAT OTHER PEASANT A LESSON” Alex only stared at him for some seconds before turning to his crying friend, he used a napkin levitated by Rarity to help her clean her mane, the dress was a lost cause, Alex felt like a dick, he was the one who gave Pixel her ticket, he underestimated the nobles cruelty, he almost sharing some tears started to stroke her now clean mane and said “I’m so sorry PixelBerry, I didn’t came here on time, I’m sorry for giving you that ticket, I’m. . . sorry for everything” PixelBerry raised her face, when she saw her human friend, she hug him like there was no tomorrow “It’s. . . It’s not your fault. . . it was me the one who bump and dirt his fur” “What? Pixel No!! it was an accident, he is the one at fault here, he is just an spoiled ass. . . . flankhole!” Everypony gasped after hearing that, BlueBlood still not believing what that monkey just said about him said “HOW DARE YOU MONKEY?? YOU KNOW I’M A PRINCE, I CAN THROW YOU ON A DUNGEON JUST BY WISHING IT, I DEMAND AN APOLOGY RIGHT NOW” “Ok, I’ll give you an apology” “What??” Rainbow dash screamed at the distance “That’s much better now. . .” “If you apologize to my friend and promise to pay for the dress you just ruined” Now was the time for BlueBlood to scream What?, nopony ever dared to talk him like that, less try to demand something, he was getting really angry, he was about to talk when Jet Set interrupted “Prince BlueBlood please allow me, today I was about to kick this monkey flank but was stopped by somepony, please let me finish what I started earlier today” Prince BlueBlood only noded and made a devil smile, he thought obviously this monkey would be humiliated by a unicorn, Alex watching Jet getting close only narrowed his eyes and said “Jet. . . right now I really don’t have anything againts you, please step aside because if you don’t I will not hold back like I did before, I’m really pissed off and I’m not in the mood for your shi. . . . to waste time with you” Jet Set continued his walking but it was obvious he wasn’t so confident anymore at that moment, once again before Alex could do something he used his magic to bind him Like the last time and really not wanting to lose time with this him, Alex broke the bind the next second, everypony except the Elements and Spike were shocked, even PixelBerry was amazed, Jet set tried a couple of times more with the same result. “You see now?, it’s worthless. . . just step aside, I really don’t have issues with you now. . . . just step aside please” Jet Set seeing this started to back off but stopped when he saw BlueBlood and the other nobles look, he knew if he do that his reputation was over, having so much to lose he charged at Alex who now was starting to feel pity for him, Alex dodged Set charges with no problem, (compared to Manticores charges this guy is nothing he thought), some failed attemps later Set once again tried to swing his hooves at him, once again Alex dodge them easily, losing his patient and to end this quickly Alex responded, closing his fist, he impacted it on set muzzle making a crack sound, Jet Backed off not believing what just happened, he covered his now bleeding muzzle with her hooves, trying to contain his tears “Ohhhhhh, Sweet Celestia, my nose, I think you broke my nose” “I told you to step aside, that was just a warning hit, the next one will go to break some tooth so I will say it just one more time STAY OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!” This time Jet didn’t lose time and started to trott outside the Palace with his wife behind him, (probably to get a doctor) Alex saw them leave and then he heard some hooves clashing like an applause, it was BlueBlood with an evil smile in his muzzle “Well done monkey, you managed to defeat that weakling but tell me, do you have the balls to try to do the same to me, I mean do you have to balls to spend many years in a dungeon, everypony know I can do anything to you but you can’t respond, not without getting a severe punishment, please stop pretending being a hero, I must say I somekind am impresed for your actions that I’m willing to give you one more chance, bowdown to me, kiss my hoof and apologize” Alex didn’t know if feel anger or pity. . . this guy really was Cadence’s brother?. . . he was broken and corrupted, If he really had any hope. . . is way buried, sorry Celestia but. . . I think he is a lost cause he thought, dediced to ignore this. . .”Prince” Alex turned his back to him to help PixelBerry to stand up, grabing her hoof he said “Cmon cutie, let me get you out of here, let’s go to your bar and taste some more of that incredible Cherry cyder” Pixel only stared at him smiling in the process “Thanks Alex, yes I’d like that” “And guess what? I showed your painting to the Elements of Harmony, I’m sure they will help me to promote your Art, you’ll see” “REALLY?!!” (he nooded) PixelBerry huged Alex even tighter at that moment “Thank you Thank you, you didn’t have to do it, THANK YOU!!” “You are very welcome. . . now let’s go” (she nooded) “HEY HOW DARE YOU TO SHOW ME YOUR BACK AND IGNORE ME? LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW” “Dude I really don’t want to continue this useless talk. . . we’ll just leave. . . you really don’t worth it” Alex and PixelBerry then walked where the rest of the elements were and the started to walk away not wanting to see that spoiled prince anymore, the only one who turned her head was PixelBerry, when she saw what was going to happen she inmediately tackled Alex away “Alex!! Look out” “What?” was all Alex managed to say now in mid air after the tackle of his friend, before landing to the floor he could see a beam hitting PixelBerry and sending her many meters away, Twilight managed to create a half forcé field around her but the beam still reached her, Composing himself he saw Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy with her, he still shocked only managed to say “How is she Twili??” “Don’t worry Alex, she is just stuned, thank Celestia my field still protected her a little or this could have ended way different” “THAT IS WHAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU DARE TO GIVE ME THE BACK MONKEY” Alex not caring anymore for that asshole and procesing everything that just happened he only standed up and asked to Twilight “Twilight. . . .you know every law in Equestria. . . right?” “Almost. . . why??” “Tell me. . . .what is the punishment for hitting a royal once” “Alex. . .why are you ask . . . .” “TELL ME!!!. . . please” “. . . . 1 to 4 months depending Princess Celestia judgment” “It works for me. . . . well. . . . sorry girls. . . see ya in 1 or 4 months” “what? don’t tell me you” Twilight didn’t have time to finish talking because Alex started to run full speed to BlueBlood, his eyes set in one goal, erase that smirk in his face, she tried to stop him be he was out of her range, his friends screamed to him to stop but he ignored them, there was no way back now, BlueBlood in shock and realizing he was serious in his desperation started to shot beams to Alex, he dodge them with ease (he wasn’t even good defending himself with magic?. . . what a piece of crap of prince Alex thought) once he was a meter away from him Alex jumped to give him a direct hit with his sneacker sole right in his face. . . . .and suddenly just a few inches from his target. . . he was stopped in mid air not by one but two auras. . . one deep blue and the other gold. “ENOUGH!!” Princess Celestia and Luna shouted with her Canterlot Royal Voice while walking among the crowd “Prin. . . Princess Celestia?. . . Luna? Alex started, look I know this looks bad. . .” “Sip it Alex, we seen everything” “Oh. . . I’m glad you did aunt Celestia and Luna, you see?? this monkey is dangerous he tried to. . .” “BLUEBLOOD!! Luna said WHEN WE SAY WE SAW EVERYTHING WE MEAN EVERYTHING!!” (BlueBlood then gulped and said) “Everything?” “EVERYTHING BLUEBLOOD, YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARD ONE OF OUR SUBJECTS (she turned to see PixelBerry) HOW INSULTED ONE PONY WHO TRIED TO DEFEND YOU AND FINALLY YOU ATTACKED AN EQUESTRIAN FROM THE BACK, THAT’S NOT HOW A PRINCE SHOULD ACT!!” “But. . . but. . . she ruined my fur and. . . and I didn’t attacked an Equestrian. . . I atacked him, the other pony stood on the way” Celestia then said “Ohhh, now I remember we didn’t tell you, in my last visit to Ponyville, Princess Luna and I declared him an oficial Equestrian” BlueBlood even imposible seemed to turn even more white than he already was, but before he could say anything Princess Celestia talked again “I’m so dissapointed of you BlueBlood, we didn’t interfiere before we wanted to see how you’d handle the situation and . . . . well, we expected a lot more from you. . . at least I expected more from you, even being a prince this kind of behaviour can’t be ignored, now go to your room for the rest of the night, we will discuse your punishment later” “but. . .but” “Are you really planing to make me say it again BlueBlood?” “. . . . Ok. . . Aunt Celestia but before I go I want to hear his punishment as well. . . he tried to kick my beautiful face” “Indeed he tried my nephew and of course that cannot be ignored as well” “EXCELLENT!! I recomend you at the very least 10 years in a dungeon” “BLUEBLOOD! Remember is our choice (he nooded but still smiling) Celestia and Luna then freed Alex from their aura, looking at him Celestia started to talk “Alex. . . I’m a little dissapointed of you (Alex ashamed nooded) but at the same time. . .I’m very proud of you(many ponies and Blueblood gasped) but I want to hear it from you, why did you try to do that to Blueblood” “He humiliated one of my friends and she even got hit by him on my behalf. . . I just snaped. . . I’m sorry” “I see, but. . . isn’t she just a pony you just met tonight?. . . why going this far for a so newest friend?” “A friend. . . is a friend. . . no matter for how long you have know him/her and. . .. . . he doesn’t have any right to treat ponies like that” Princess Celestia and Luna smiled after hearing that, Princess Luna then said “Well said Alex, trust me I always tell Celestia she gives him too much freedom, (she then whispered to his ear) to be honest I didn’t want to stop you. . . but Tia made me” “You know I still can hear you right Luna?” “Luna just gave a nervious smile and again stood up next to her sister” “Ok Alex. . . back to the topic, by luck we managed to stop you before things become more complicated, but even so you still tried to strike a royal and we said. . . a punishment must be applied” “Ok. . . Princess Celestia” (Alex said trying to ignore that asshole smirking at him) “But before giving my judgment. . . Luna and I believe there are some. . . matters we need to take on account, (everypony and Alex just looked at them. . confused) as far as we know. . . you saved a filly from drowing and from a Manticore, you also helped to save Ponyville from a diamond dogs and manticores invasión” Everypony at the Gala even PixelBerry let their jaws fell to the floor, Princess Celestia continued “And we believe you never were rewarded for any of those heroic deeds so Luna and I think for that we can for this time ignore this kick issue. . . but be warned. . . if you try to do it again there will not be any consideration for you, AM I CLEAR?” Alex smiling said “Yes. . . thank you Princess Celestia and Luna” “BUT. . .BUT AUNT TIA AND LUNA. . . THAT’S NOT FAIR” “Not fair?!! Luna said, BlueBlood! he had helped our little ponies, our subjects, I think we can let this little misunderstanding pass. . . RIGHT?!!!” BlueBlood after seeing Luna angry eyes only nooded and proceded to go to his room mumbling a lot of things like “this is not over monkey. . . and Princesses” Princess Celestia then aproached to PixelBerry and using her magnificent magic she clean her beautiful dress, it even looked like new (What Rarity would give to master that spell) after that she said “I’m so sorry my little pony, please in the name of the royal family accept my apology, this would never had to happen” “it. . . it’s fine princess really, thank you for helping me” “no need to thank PixelBerry, every subject of mine is important” After that issue settled Princess Celestia turned to see everypony and said “OUR SUBJECTS, ME AND LUNA BELIEVE THIS GALA IS OVER, PLEASE GO TO YOUR HOMES AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT” Almost Everypony growled and started to leave the palace, only the Elements, PixelBerry, Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur Dis Lee left, noticing him Alex said “Mr Fancy Pants, nice to see you again” “Hello my human friend, you see. . . I’m here for two things, first I wanted to shake the . . . . hoof of the pony who stood up againts that prince” (Alex smiled and gave his hand for the shake) second. . . Rarity showed me her fabulous gift you gave her and I must ask you. . . who is the artist?” “Oh. . . ok, you see the talented artist is her” (Alex pointed PixelBerry who was hidding behind him) “Oh really? well Miss PixelBerry, I must say I’m impresed, looking at your work I can say you indeed have talent and I was wondering. . . do you have more paintings like that one?” “. . . . yes? a few more” Alex then interfiered “A few?. . . Mr Fancy Pants the entire walls of her Juice Bar is full of them, you really have to go and see them your self” (PixelBerry blushed) “Oh! magnificent! You see Miss PixelBerry I know a mare who would love to have your work at her Gallery, what you say??” PixelBerry didn’t know what to say, she looked at Alex and Spike who nooded at her “YES!! I’d like that very much” “Excelent, then tomorrow we will pay a visit to your place, please have them ready for her to choose which ones to show for the Gallery” “Thank you Mr Fancy Pants” After saying that, Fancy Pants and Fleur said their farewell and left the Gala, once they gone, PixelBerry after processing everything that just happened made an squeak sound and started to skip around in circles, realizing she had company she stopped embarazed, Alex alongside with Spike then aproched to her and put his hand on her shoulder and said “We are really happy for you PixelBerry” She inmediately hugged both of them and said “Thankyou” “Just one thing PixelBerry. . . once you are famous. . .don’t become greedy or indiferent to others” “. . . never Alex, Spike . . . everypony” After that, thanks to another little request from Princess Celestia PixelBerry was brought to her home again by a Royal Charriot but not before giving Alex and Spike one last hug and thanking the Elements (most of all Rarity) for their help, once she was gone Everypony proceded to go to their rooms to rest, every noble again would think as the last one this Gala was a disaster but to everypony and the Princesses again it was one of the best Galas in history. > Chapter 32, A little Talk my human friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was beautiful as always, Luna really know her business, Everypony dragon and human were sleeping peacefully until Alex feeling thirsty woke up, knowing that without a sip of wáter he would not be able to sleep again and not wanting to wait until morning, he took all his chances and proceded to exit the room, maybe a night guard could show him where the kitchen was, after walking in the halls for some minutes and looking his surroundings Alex in fact realized how beautiful the palace really was, Royalty or rich ponies really live a fancy life he thought, he chuckled inside, for him it was kinda funny, thinking how even though he had the money to build a great mansión all fancy and all, he decided to stay at his parents house, as he told his friends he really liked simple things, for him as long as he has a roof on his head, his Internet, junk food, card and videogames he was happy, of course he like to use cool clothes like any other man, enjoying some time with his friends (ironically gaming meeting or movie nights) but he really never looked himself spending money in superficial stuff, well maybe a motocycle or a go-karts for him and his friends. . . that would be cool, back to the topic, lost in his thoughts he bumped with somepony (damn I really need to pay attention when I’m walking he thought) Alex composed himself to see who it was the poor pony maybe a night guard, when he opened his eyes who would imagine his surprise when he saw Princess Luna. “Ouch. . . who is. . .oh it’s you Alex.. . . what is going on. . . a nightmare??” she said sarcastically “Not really, I’m just a little thirsty and started to look for the kitchen for a glass of wáter, can you please tell me where is it?” “Sure come with me” “Thanks Luna” He then started to follow Luna, while walking he said “Say Luna, what were you doing walking in the dark halls at this hour, I mean I know you rule during the night but . . . shoudn’t you be at the throne room?” “Well Alex. . . to be honest I got bored and stared to get sleepy.. . . let’s face it, who would come at this hour for a meeting with royalty? (Alex nooded, it was a valid point) so I decided to have a little walking to cool my head” “I see, and after your little walk, what do you do?” “After that. . . I start to spy. . . I mean to look in my subjects dreams to watch they are not having nightmares” “You can do that. . . cool!!” (a sexy Fredy krugger) but tell me. . . have you seen any of my dreams?” “Until now. . . no, not yet, even though I’m the guardian of the dream world. . .that doesn’t mean I can be in every dream at the same time, I use a powerfull spell to make astral copies of me and help as many ponies I can, but my priority are the ponies with nightmares” “Wow. . . just wow Luna, you are as incredible as your sister” “You. . . you really think so? I mean. . . everypony always think Celestia is. . . well. . .the only one amazing of the two of us” “Oh Luna. . .that’s not true and you know it, you are both amazing, but let’s face it, you been absent for sometime. . . everypony just need to know you a little better that’s all, just give them time” “Thank you Alex. . . I’ll have that in mind. . . ok here we are. . .the kitchen” When they entered both of them were shocked when they found Princess Celestia having a. . . .snack, of course by snack Alex and Luna meant a big cake almost half eaten, they had to cover their mouths at the same time to prevent laughing. “Hello. . puff. . . Tia, a little night snack uh?” “Well. . . Lulu, you know very well the stress of leading a kingdom. . . a Pony Princess needs her energy” Luna and Alex chuckled and rolled their eyes as she continued talking “But. . .taking that aside, I’m not surprised to find you here Lulu but what about you Alex, came for a little snack as well?” “Nah, I just wanted a glass of wáter then I found Luna and she showed me the way here but really wow Princess. . . I really need to know, you eat so much cake all the time?” “No. . . not really, some times I only eat half of a cake” “I see. . . Princess. . .do the ponies.. . . even the earth ponies and pegasus have some kind of spell or charm that prevent them from getting fat?, I mean. . . almost everypony I’ve seen are thin as a model, of course I’ve seen some chubby ones but maybe 1 of 50 and when I say if earth ponies have it too. . . I obviously mean Pinkie Pie, gosh she eats as she has the stomach of 10 people together in my world and she is as thin as everypony, even you, you told me you eat a lot of cake and even so you are as. . . well as hot as a supermodel. . . sorry. . . that was uncalled for” (Did he just call me. . HOT?) Celestia blushed like a tomato “No. . no problem. . . well. . .I mean. . . hehehe, well not really Alex, even though there are some spells that allows us to eat a lot more without fatting too much, remember all of us trott and work almost all day, not to mention pegasi flies a lot, believe it or not that’s in some kind of way requires a lot of effort and excersize, the little chubby ones you’ve seen well. . . you know there always are exceptions.” “hahahaha, well. . . that may be right, like my mom always used say “you are what you want to be” “Wise words Alex, wise words. . . . Alex. . . Luna, would you like to come to my room? I’d really like to keep this little chat but to be honest I think this place is not very confortable” Luna and Alex looked to each other and noded, after drinking all the wáter he needed and Celestia finished her “little snack”, they three proceded to go to Celestia’s room, Alex was a little curios. . .really. . . for a little chat. . .the kitchen was a good place. . . if Celestia wanted to continue the conversation in her room. . . maybe she wanted to talk something more. . .serious. Once they arrived to Celestia’s room and he has to admit.. . . it really was Impresive, all the elegance, believe it or not it even made Rarity’s home look so. . . simple, well duh she is Princess Celestia for God’s sake, finishing admiring the room he and the Princesses proceded to sit besides the chimney (yep chimney, where do the smoke come out, who knows) With all of them confortable Princess Celestia started “Well my human friend. . . if you don’t mind. . . I’d like to ask you some questions, may I?” Alex nooded “Ok. . . .first of all I need to know, did you have fun today?” “. . . Yes Princess Celestia, Spike showed me many cool places and introduced me many nice ponies, and for the Gala. . . if we don’t mention the BlueBlood incident. . .I’d say everything was perfect” “I’m glad to hear that, now tell me how you like Canterlot or better said. . . .Equestria?” “. . . well if you want my honest answer. . . I believe it’s a dream land, you have no polution or contamination, you have no wars, almost not hate, your citizens are kind and nice. . . of course there are some exceptions and rooted apples like. . . .well you know who (she giggled a little) by the way Princess Celestia just let me ask one thing, do you really think that BlueBlood can change?” “Trust me Alex. . . even sometimes I ask that to myself and start to doubt” “I still say you should strip him from his tittle for some time, some days in the real World would be good for that spoiled brat” “I already told you Lulu, I can’t do that, that title cannot be removed unless the Prince or Princess agree to it, let’s hope cutting his founds for one month would teach him a lesson, let me still believe he can change” “uff, I really doubt he can” “Ok Alex back to the topic, so you like Equestria, now tell me. . . have you made friends?? “Yes. . . well apart of the Elements and Lyra, I have the CMC. . . well now they are like sisters to me, I have Zecora, Proud Hammer, Mayor Mare, Shinning Armor, Cadence, PixelBerry. . . you and Luna (they blushed a little) and there are many ponies in Ponyville and Canterlot that I’m starting to like now” “I see, thanks Alex we needed to hear that from you” “Thanks Princess, I have another question, how things are with my Iphone, your scientist are studying it?” “Yes, only few of them, I had to choose wisely the most loyal ones, the last thing I want are rumors about we are in posetion of such futuristic device, oh Alex you should had seen them when Me and Luna showed it to them and what it does, I really thought their eyes would exploit” “Well. . . after seeing Twilight reactions. . . I think I can imagínate it and what about you Luna, have you been able to play. . . I mean use it” “Of course, when I said It was mine during the nights I meant it. . . what you think I do now when I got bored in the throne room or not having any nightmare to banish? (she whispered to Alex) to be honest with you. . . I was going to my room to play when I found you” “Wow, for you to use it during the night and it been studying during the day. . . I didn’t know the charge was that good?” “Well Alex. . . to tell the truth, thanks to your explanation back in Ponyville the very first thing our scientist find out was it’s source of power, to find it used a well controlled amout of electricity really shocked us, no question the ones who design it were genius, knowing that, Luna and me were able to use an electricity spell to charge it without the help of your. . . “Solar charger”, even so I’d apreciate If you let me keep it as well, my scientists are eager to deduce how your kind managed to convert solar rays into energy” “Ok, no problem princess, I just hope my little devices are helping” “Helping?, Alex I will not lie, it may take at least one or a couple of decades before we start to have something near good as your devices even having one for study, but without it. . .it would had taken at least 40, 50 years or even a Century if not more instead, you helped our technology to advance for many decades” “Although I’d like to take the credit . . .I can’t. . . I was just a. . .delivery guy, the real credit is for the ones who created it” “Alex how good is something if you never know anything about it, you are not the creator but you brought it, you could choose to keep them to yourself but you didn’t and to us that’s means a lot” “Thanks Princess Celestia and Luna, ok. . . . now. . . .by any chance. . . have you discovered any way for me to return. . . Earth?” After that Luna and Celestia looked each other and nooded, making a serious and worried faces they looked at Alex who was a little nervious after seeing this change of mood “Alex. . . first of all we are sorry, we lied you in one thing, the Gala 2 wasn’t the main reason we wanted all of you to come here, even so thank you for making it epic, ok. . . Alex. . . to be honest we wanted to talk about that with you. . . you see. . . we didn’t find anything about any portal in the EverFree Forest. . . that secret died with Starswirl” “I see. . . well. . .” “But. . . we believe there is a way we can use to send you home. . . but. . . it has it’s risks” “Uh??. . . could you explain please?” “You see. . . there is an ancient and powerfull spell. . .it’s called “return to the start”. . . as it’s name says, It literally send you to the place where you started your existence. . . where you born, It’s like other versión of a teleportation spell” “Return to the start? So. . . in that case that spell would return me to. . . Guatemala, my birth place” “In theory. . . yes Alex, but remember I told you there were risks. . .in your case. . . “the start” could mean lot of things, a country, a place, anything, you see, this spell is very unestable, I can 100% asure you it will send you back to Earth. . . but I can’t say where you are going to appear. . . it could transport you to. . . how you say. . . Guatemala or maybe a foreneigh country, maybe the very place you born like your birth hospital, your house, the desert, the ocean, an island. . . the posibilities are endless, time and space spells are always dangerous. . . that’s why besides the teleportation spell. . . all of them are forbidden and well hidden.” “. . . . Have you tried this spell before?” “Just once, when I found Spike egg by chance. . .my firt thought wasn’t to use it as a test for my school future students, I wanted to find his family and know why they abandoned him, with the help of my niece Cadence I was able to use it and teleport me and the egg, the place it sent us were the north desert mountains, when I examinated the place. . . it was. . . wrecked, It was obvious a battle had taken place there, maybe dragons fighting over territory, or griffins hunting them who knows?, but what really ached my heart was seeing many dragon eggs like Spike’s. . . . shatered and broken, even now just thinking Spike could had been one of them scares me. . . ok to continue, I didn’t exactly have to any proof but I can say that was the place where Spike’egg was “made”. “Interesting. . . so in short I may be able to return Earth but not so sure to return home right?” “Exactly, I’m sorry Alex but is the best we got, I’ll let you think about it and let you decide to tell your friends or not, if someday you decide to try your chances. . . don’t hesitate to come to us, for now please continue being a good friend with us and my little ponies for the time being” “Ok, thanks Princess Celestia, I really apreciate it” “Your welcome my human friend. . . now if you excuse me. . . (she yawned) I really need to go back to sleep if I want to survive my royal duties and also I need to work in my speech for your late oficial presentation” After saying that Alex and Luna exited Celestia’s room and started to walk again in the halls, Alex then wondered and said “Late Oficial presentation?” “Yes Alex, remember the plan for tonight was to present you to everypony in Canterlot but it was all ruined by the spoiled brat so Tia decided to do it in 2 days. . . what you say?” “hmm, it sounds good to me. . . . now. . . tell me have you gotten better in angry birds or any other game??” “Oh you have no idea” Alex then followed Luna to her room to play for a while, I was very fancy as well but contrary to Celestia’s. . . Luna really liked the black and deep blue colors (definetely the Princess of the night Alex thought) after examinated the room Alex noticed something interesting hanging in the wall. . . a list, It said all the diferents kind of moons Luna had to made at some nights in the year like full moons, half moons, first quarters, last quarters, (so she even liked to give the moon diferent angless?. . . wow) but there was something else, it said where the coming meteor showers would come and as how Spike said, it only occurred every 3 or 4 months “Wow Luna. . . I didn’t know you were so organized, no offense but I expected this from your sister or Twilight” “Non taken Alex and trust me. . . it wasn’t my idea but Tia is right, I need to be more organized with my moon. . . it’s not just raise it and lower it and that’s it right?” “yep, you are right, and I can see you will make a meteor shower in. . . one month wow” “Yes!! you see. . . as you may know, I was banished for 1000 years and during that time Tia was in charge of the moon and stars but wasn’t exactly as good as me. . .so. . . no meteor shower was seen very often, not only because one need a great amount of magic but also she. . . well decided to do it only every 100 years. . . as a tribute for our eventual reunion, when I returned. . . in order to make ponies to apreciate my nights more. . . we decided to make that show at least 3 or 4 times in a year. . . Oh Alex just wait. . .you will love it, not only for the show. . .you see. . .even though I’m the Princess of the night, It’s almost imposible for me to make a meteor shower by myself so Tia also helps me with her magic so when we do it, part of our magic surrounds great part of Equestria and the Ponies or any creature can feel the Love of my sister and I for Equestria and they can enjoy the show even more” “Wow Luna. . . incredible so besides the meteor shower. . . someway yours and your sister magic surrounds almost all Equestria and make the ponies. . . happier and enjoy the meteor shower even more?” “Something like that. . . . but only at those nights, If I must guess I believe the spell is so powerfull that part of our magic is released without us knowing. . . not that I mind since those are the moments where literally everypony enjoy my nights and my moon,. . . . hehehehe” “What’s so funny Luna?” “Well. . . you will laught but since the firt meteor shower we made togueter, there were rumors in Ponyville that. . . the Everfree forest becomes even more stranger during those night. . . like the manticores becomes pacific and don’t attack anypony or creature, the timberwolf inmediately becomes sleepy. . . there even was. . . puff. . . one crazy pony that swear she from her baloon saw some kind of light very deep in the Everfree, she said it lasted at least 30 seconds before dissapearing, of course being the Everfree and the fact it only happened during our meteor shower nights. . . no Pony dared to investigate” (. . . . . seriously?. . . . SERIOUSLY?, without even knowing. . . .I think you just proved my theory to be true, sooooo if the release of part of their magic is true. . . wow. . .to think maybe they open the portal without even know about it, it’s funny in some kind of way, but it’s still a rumor, it still could be a coincidence so I wont tell anything yet, I’ll check it out at the time and if not. . . well I think I’ll take my chances with the “return to the start” spell Alex thought) “You are right Luna, it seems imposible but who knows. . . remember there are things we can’t explain, (I’m in Equestria for God’s sake, I’d never could explain that even in a life time) anyway. . . Luna. . . is there a chance I can have a copy of your list. . . it would be great to know when these special moons will appear and to know the dates of your meteor showers to be sure to watch them” Luna blushed a little and noded, it really made her happy to have a friend so interested in her nights and moon, grabbing a scroll and quill she inmediately made a copy which he folded and put it in his wallet “Thanks Luna, now let see if you can break my scores” “Oh now we are talking my friend” /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SOMEWHERE ELSE AT THE PALACE Blueblood was walking in her room anger and hate in his eyes, he made sure to cast a silent spell around it to be sure nopony could listen “Damnit. . . Damnit. . . It’s not fair, how could she favored that . . . monkey before me A PRINCE, now I want to overthrow them more than ever. . . but I can’t .. . not yet. . . if only. . . . “ “Oh BlueBlood as always you are so calm and serene” BlueBlood turned to see who was funny pony only to find in the shadow there she was. . .Queen Chrysalis, narrowing his eyes he said “You have a nerve to return here after failing me twice. . . I showed you the secret passage to infiltrate Shining Armor forcé field to take my sister place at the wedding and take over Equestria. . . and now you failed in taking down Ponyville and retrieve. . .the Elements of Harmony for them to not be a nuisance in the future, what do you want now witch?” “Oh Blueblood please, don’t be cruel, you are going to make me cryyyyy, (she smirked at him) I already told you, maybe with in your sister wedding I. . . was overconfident but our second plan. . . It wasn’t my fault, don’t you think I’m not mad at it too? I finally had found nonmagical creatures to help me and this. . . .human ruined my. . . our plan.” “Yeah, but it was you who choose those stupid diamond dogs, I think no other creature would had believe that stupid story he made up, everything would had been perfect, with the Elements secluded I’m pretty sure with your help, your army and my army we would had have a Chance againts Celestia and Luna, now we have nothing!!” “Don’t say that my dear Prince. . . not everything is lost. . . you see, after our defeat and thanks to some rumors, one of my scouts found something interesting in the hut of a local Zebra near Ponyville, something we been looking for a long time” “you. . . you don’t mean” Chrysales then made appear in front of him two amulets, one of her own and the other was the one not many days ago a blue unicorn wore in order to conquer Ponyville and aparentely make Twilight Sparkle “pay” “YES!, WE FINALLY HAVE THE PAIR, THE POWERFULL ALICORN AMULETS!! Who would say the other one was in Ponyville” “After all the troubles we passed finding the first one it would had been too good to be true” “No matter, the fact is we have both now, my little childs are ready outside and inside canterlot. . . they never will see it coming and I believe the best chance we got to strike is in two days” “What??, two days. . .why so soon?” “BECAUSE. . . in two days Princess Celestia and Luna will present that giant monkey to all Canterlot in the Central hall, the Elements will be there and according to my infiltrators. . . they wont be wearing their Elements of Harmony.” “Interesting, but tell me. . . don’t you think it a little too fast, maybe if we plan this for a little mor. . .” “And you will have the chance to take down that human for good or make him your pet. . . whaterever you want” “DEAL!!” “Ok, now take your amulet. . . DO NOT wear it yet or it will make you something stupid before time, remember we need to be carefull with them (he nooded) ok now go and start to gatter your subjects because soon. . . Equestria will finally be ours!!” “YES OURS, just you wait Celestia and Luna and monkey” ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In another room Alex and Luna were breaking each other scores without any rest, then Alex felt something “hmm Luna. . . didn’t you feel a shivering feeling. . . like. . . if something. . . bad will happen?” “Nope, cmon Alex. . . FOCUS I don’t want you to use this. . . “feeling” as an excuse when I beat you” “Beat me??. . . in your dreams. . . you get it . . . . dreams. . .” (Silence) (Why nopony ever laugh at my jokes???) > Chapter 33, A day together. . . what is this feeling? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a half night of sleep because Luna kept him awake until 2:00 AM, (wow she really is a sore loser Alex thought remembering the last night), Alex proceded to take his shower and get ready to spend another day in Canterlot with his friends, even though all of them had plans for that day they found some time to spend with him, everything was planed. . . first some quality time with Twilight at the Canterlot Lybrary, visit PixelBerry bar with Rarity and Applejack, going with Spike and Pinkie Pie to Donut Joe shop for an donut eating contest, Assist to the Wonderbolts Derby with Rainbow dash (she got two tickets from Spitfire at the Gala) and finally a night little stroll with Fluttershy at the Palace Garden, once dressed and having another good breakfast with everypony and dragon, he exited the palace with Twilight to start this great day. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Alex and Twilight started their way to the Lybrary, Alex was thinking about what Princess Celestia and Luna told him, to think they could bring him back home was a good thing, he thought about telling them about the portal “posible location” but decided to make sure the night of the meteor shower (after all if part of their magic opened it without them aware of it, obviously they would be able to open it any time they wanted after knowing it exact location) Twilight noticed Alex distracted said “Alex. . .are you ok, you seems. . . distant” “uh?. . . oh! sorry sorry Twilight. . . it’s just I was thinking about my oficial presentation tomorrow. . . how I can’t wait to everypony in Canterlot to know about me. . . after all. . . after what I did yesterday to that Set guy I believe the rumors got worse, just look at them” Twilight reluctant started to pay more attention to their surroundings. . . Alex was right, everypony as before was staring at him but there was something else. . . they seemed. . . scared, she wondered what kind of lies that Jet Set spreaded about her friend. “I can see what you mean Alex, but don’t mind them. . . just ignore them, remember you are a Royal guest and friend of the Elements of harmony, If anypony tries to do something funny, there will be consecuences. . .ok now let’s continue our way to the Library” Twilight finished by claping her hooves in an applause” Once in there Twilight proceded to show Alex around, (she didn’t have time last day since everypony else was there at that moment) Alex was really impresed, it’s not like he didn’t visit a Lybrary before but this one was at least 5 times bigger, so much. . . knowledge, after picking a “horror book” by Twilight recomendation, he read the first 3 chapters. . it wasn’t that bad. . . still too soft next to Stephen King ones but enjoyable, he shared his opinions with Twilight who was so happy for finally having a book discution with somepony, (she tried once with rainbow dash but. . . let’s just say it didn’t end well), after another hour of reading and talking, Alex said farewell to her to reunite with his next friends, but before he exited the Lybrary Twilight informed him that her Brother and Cadence would be present at his presentation, Alex smiled and nooded to her, to be honest the more ponies who knew him would be there the better, after that he finally started his way to PixelBerry bar APPLEJACK AND RARITY When Alex finally arrived at PixelBerry’s place. . .he was shocked to see so many ponies there. . .nobles amongs them, making his way inside (someponies scared even gave him space to pass) he found Applejack and Rarity drinking Cherry cider and talking with PixelBerry and. . . Fancy pants?” “Hey everypony. . . Ladies. . .Fancy pants” “Howdy Sugarcube” “Hello Darling” “Hello Alex my human friend” “Oh Alex hiiiiii” PixelBerry said last before tackling Alex in a crushing hug “It’s so. . . ug. . . nice to see you too PixelBerry but please. . . I. . .need. . .air” “Oh sorry. . . sorry. . . it’s just I’m so happy and gratefull to see you” she said releasing Alex much to her grief “Really??. . . hmmm, ok? If I have to guess by seeing Fancy Pants here and the lack of paintings in your walls I must say the reunión for the presentation at the gallery went well. . . right?” Fancy Pants answered “As clever as always my dear friend, yes my friend of the Gallery picked many of Mrs PixelBerry paintings and will make a full presentation next week, If I must say you should ask for PixelBerry autograph now because after the presentation I’m pretty sure it will be something very hard to get for everypony will want it” Everypony laughed but not in a bad manner, They all knew that may be true, then looking at Applejack he said “So Applejack, how you like Pixel Cherry cyder. . . good isn’t it??” “Ah must say partner, this cyder isn’t half bad, ah already told to her that ah will talk to some of ma friends in Ponyville bars to consider make business with her” “Glad to hear that, and you Rarity. . .what you think?” “It’s very tasty, until now I only had tasted Apple cyder that is really delicious. . . but I must admit. . . tasting something new like this is very enjoyable, but not only that. . . I wanted to see her other paintings. . . too bad many of them are not here right now. . . I guess that will have to wait until next week” PixelBerry blushed and said “Thankyou very much Lady Rarity and Applejack, It make me so happy to know you like my product and my art, I’m really proud of my cherry cyder but I don’t think it is near good as the famous Sweet Apple Acres Cyder” “Yah knew about our cyder sugarcube?” “Oh yes, some time ago one friend of mine brought a barril to Manehattan, when we all taste it. . .there was no doubt for any of us why it was so famous. . . to be honest. . . that is what ispired me to open a juice bar and make my cherry cyder, I wanted to make Apple cyder as well. . . but I think Cherry is more my style” Applejack blushed a little by finding out she inspired somepony with her cyder made by love and said “Yeh sugarcube, trust me I really can see that” After that Alex and his friends shared some drinks together and talked random stuff, Alex wasn’t surprised to find out that Le Fleur was absent since she had to travel to Trottinham for her model work (to be honest. . . he thought she was hot, she reminded him to the princesses in someway, she surely could pass as a princess if she wanted to), some time later Alex said goodbye to the group and promised to visit Pixel presentation next week alongside with Rarity and maybe Sweetie Bell. SPIKE AND PINKIE PIE At Joe’s donut place Alex found Pinkie Pie and Spike having a conversation with Joe, Alex aproached to them and said “Hello everypony and dragon!” “Hi Ali!!” Pinkie said with another hug that easily matched PixelBerry’s” “Nice. . . as cheerfull as always Pinkie, but remember. . . air” “Just 5 more seconds please. . . . . and done” “. . . . thanks” “Hey partner. . . how was everything with PixelBerry” Spike said “Excelent Spike, I believe you and me discovered the next Canterlot’s great artist” “Glad to hear that” “Hello Alex, nice to see you again” “Hey Joe. . . well it’s nice to be back here, after all your donuts are really something” “Thanks Alex and don’t forget to tell that to everypony” Alex nooded “Ok. . .ready for the contest?” “OH yeah” After getting everything ready. . .one big table where a dragon, a pony and a human were gathered to see who could eat more donuts, even though Alex was really confident with his appetite he knew Pinkie Pie was an endless bottom, but he at least wanted to be more than a match, Spike by his part was more confident, he knew that maybe beating Pinkie Pie was imposible at least Alex would be at third place, by her part Pinkie pie was just wondering why she was Pink, without them noticing, the event gathered a lot of ponies, after all. . . it’s not common to see three diferent species (one big monkey and a dragon amongs them) competing. “Ok Alex, Pinkie and Spike, the rules are simple, one at a time I will serve you a donut, when you are done eating it another one will be served until you can no longer continue, if you say “I give up” or throw up you are out, the one who eats more donuts will be the winner got it?” (they three nooded) “Ok. . . ready. . . let’s get started” Inmediately Joe served the first donuts to them, everyone of the finished it with ease, then another one came, no problem, and the another one and so, when they finally reached the 15th one Alex was speechless, how in the world he reached 15 donuts, he remembered how he almost got sick trying to reach for 10 donuts back home, maybe his “adaptation” to this world also increased his apettite but that didn’t make sense, after all he ate his usual breakfast and never felt hungry until the next meal. . . then he remembered he was in Equestria and left the manner alone, Continuing the contest, at the 20th donut only Pinkie and Alex left, Spike gave up at the 17th one “Oh Ali, I have to admit, you are the first pony to go this far with me in an eating contest, I’m reaaaaally impresed” “Thanks Pinkie, but tell me. . . . how you manage to eat so much and yet being so thin and healthy?” Pinkie blushed a little and said “Oh silly. . . that’s why hopping almost all the time and doing somersault are for, they are a good source to burn the extra calories” (Well. . . that’s actually make sense, just as you said Celestia, being a pony is an excersize itself) it was at the 25th donut that Alex finally sucumb, Pinkie Pie really seemed like she could eat at least 100 more donuts. . . .really where she puts all that food! Alex thought “And the winner is PINKIE PIE!!!!” Donut Joe said Everypony there applauded for her victory and for Alex great effort, standing up to go to the bathroom Alex once again was attacked by a Pinkie’s crushing hug “Ohh Ali. . . that was so much fun, let’s do it some other time ok??” “Yes. . .but. . . ug Pinkie. . . you see. . . I’m a little full right now. . . so it would be wise if you wouldn’t hug me so. . .” “Oh please. . . just 10 more seconds” Pinkie said tighting the hug, at that moment Donut Joe and Spike inmediately cover Alex mouth but it was a worthless effort, everypony would remember that as a funny but really really really gross day RAINBOW DASH Alex finally arrived at the Derby to meet his rainbow colored mane friend, she was there in front of the entrance when she finally saw him she flied to him and smack him in the head “Ouch. . . what was that for?” “you are almost late dude, I may not be as the others but I’m still a girl you know, it’s not cool to let a mare waiting” “I’m sorry dashie, let’s just say. . . I had a little problem and I had to take two showers and go back to the palace for a new set of clothes” “I see. . .you know you have to tell me the whole story right?” “. . . . yes I know” After laughing like a crazy mare hearing Alex. . . puke story, Rainbow and Alex finally entered to the derby and took their seats, as always many ponies stared at him but he was used to this by now. “Who do you think is going to win Rainbow?” “FleetFoot!! Definetily!!” after all she was the winner last time, she may not be as strong as the others but she compensate it with speed” “Ok. . . but don’t forget that according to rumors. . . Soarin and SpitFire have doubled their training, (What? I’ve been reading some of their magazines pushed by Rainbow) If that’s true. . . my pony is SpitFire” “hehehe, want to make a bet??” “. . . how much?” “20 bits and a all you can eat at hoofdonalds” “You got it.. . . but If I win I can change it to an all you can eat at sugarcube corner. . . you know I’m not exactly a hayburgers fan” “Deal” Rainbow dash said and spitted in her hoof which Alex responded by spitting in his fist and clashed it and clashing them much to disgust for everypony else present After some minutes the race finally started, it was amazing, Alex remembered how fast the pegasi from last night were but the wonderbolts were in whole other level, the race didn’t last more than a minute and. . . “And the winner is. . .is. . . FleetFoot by a literally a nose with SpitFire” “OH CMON!!!” Alex said “YES!!! 20 BITS AND AN ALL I CAN EAT AT HOOFDONALDS. . . WHAT A AWESOME DAY!!” “Well. . . what can I say, here. . .take your bits (he handed over the money to cheerfull Rainbow) and for the invitation, I haven’t seen a hoofdonalds here in Canterlot. . . let’s go the next week in Ponyville ok? “Ok dude, it’s on, ok I think it’s getting a bit late and you I believe you don’t want to be late to your date with Fluttershy” “hahahaha, nice joke Rainbow dash, it’s not a date. . . as with you and everypony, I will just spend some friendly time with her, trust me I’ve noticed how nice she is with me but it’s not like she likes me” “Dude. . . normally any mare would stay quiet but that’s not my style so I’ll say it straigh. . . “Its a fact that . . . FLUTTERSHY LIKES YOU. . . VERY MUCH, what’s with you males that never notice when a girl likes you. . . me and the rest believed it was so obvious. . . anyway you by the other hoof are not so easy to read so I can’t say if you feel the same for her. . . maybe because she is a pony” (Rainbow said the last part almost whispering for Alex couldn’t hear her) Alex only stared at Rainbow with disbelieving eyes. . .still thinking she was joking “Ok. . .don’t believe me, just do me a favor. . . in your “not date” tonight. . . kiss her in the cheek. . . her reaction will tell you everything. . . ok?” “Ok. . . but isn’t that a little. . .rude” “Trust me. . . for her. . . coming from you. . . it wont, I’ll see you later at the palace, I remembered I need to go somewhere else before. . . cya” Rainbow finished before flying away leaving her caracteristic rainbow trace, Alex stayed there for some minutes, thinking of what Rainbow just told him, could it be true? Was he that oblivious? (Maybe the animes main characters weren’t so idiots after all. . . or he was as idiot as them. . .probably the second) do Fluttershy really have feelings for him?. . . and if that was the case. . . how would he respond. . . ok first things first. . . let’s find out if is true. FLUTTERSHY At the moment Alex arrived to the Palace garden he found Fluttershy already there, feeding some birds. “Hi Fluttershy. . . I see you started without me” “Yip!. . . Oh hi Alex, I’m sorry but I saw this beatiful birds here in the light of the moon and couldn’t help my self. . . please don’t be mad” “Easy Fluttershy I’m not mad, besides you didn’t do anything wrong, cmon let me help you” “Yes!” With the feeding of birds done Fluttershy and Alex started their walking through the garden, it was really beautifull, there was no comparasion with the ones in Ponyville, they spended some good time looking at the flora and fauna, it was like a safari, there were tucans, wallabies, monkeys and many kind of birds. . . according to Fluttershy at least one kind of bird were in that garden, even a Phoenix (Alex decided to ask later) After hearing that Alex noticed she was right that night at the tech demostration, if it was true that every kind of bird were in that garden then. . . . Quetzales really didn’t exist in this world, no wonder why Fluttershy took great liking to it, Alex made a promise to himself, if he somehow managed to return Earth and come back here, he would bring her some Quetzales (the problem is how to get them, after all. . . like any patriot bird of every country, catching, selling and buying them is ilegal. . . minor details he thought) They kept walking and talking random stuff until a little tired they decided to take a break in a bench and started to look at the stars (how could ponies shune this beautifull nights Alex thought) oblivious to him Fluttershy wasn’t looking at the sky, she was blushing a little, Alex then looked at her and she with a “yep” started to look at the stars too, he then remembered what Rainbow said, was he crazy enough to do what she told him. . . (he kissed Fluttershy cheek) YES HE WAS! Fluttershy after feeling Alex’s lips touching her cheek and then leaving it only stayed there shocked, she started to shake and sweat a little and finally she fainted with a smile in her muzzle “Wow. . .or Rainbow was right and she fainted for excitement or it grossed her enought to knock her out. . . Rainbow. . . it seems maybe you were right. . . yay” Not wanting to leave Fluttershy there, he proceded to carry her (princess style) to her room, he was so surprised finding out she wasn’t heavy at all, many guards looked at him with suspicious eyes but he told them she was sleepy, thanks to some directions given by them he managed to find her room, he left her there and covered her with sheets and proceded to go to his own room for a good rest, after all his formal presentation was the next day. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alex, Spike and the mane 6 were having a funny picnic day at the park, everything was perfect, after a good brunch and rest Alex not knowing why proposed a little race throught the park, how surprised he was when everypony accepted, all of them took their positions and started to run/trott, to his suprise Alex started to run faster and faster, he was leaving everypony behind, he won the race but his feet didn’t stop no matter how much he tried, everypony and Spike scared and still runing as well started to scream at him to stop, Fluttershy was in tears but he kept running until a light appeared infront of him, he continued runing to it and just a second before crossing it he. . . . screamed to his friends. . . . “Good bye everypony, it was fun!!!” At that moment Alex woke up, wow, that was a weird dream. . . what was it. . . did it mean his eventual goodbye. . . maybe, deciding to let it be and feeling thirsty again he proceded to go for another glass of wáter, good luck now he knew his way to the royal kitchen which will make this trip a lot faster, when he opened the door to exit. . . he was shocked to find Fluttershy just in front of him. . .shaking and crying silently, he didn’t lose time and asked “What. . . what is it Fluttershy? Something wrong?” “I. . . I. . . I had a nightmare” “Oh. . .fiu, thank God it was only that, no problem. . .let’s go to find Princess Luna to help you get rid of. . . ” Alex was interrupted with a soft tackle from her, he trying to compose inmediatily noticed she was sobbing hard and then she said “Please. . . Please. . .don’t go anywhere. . .don’t leave us. . . don’t leave me. . .not like that” “What?? what are you talking about, leave you like. . .how? “I dreamed that you . . . you. . . were. . . saying goodbye to us. . . like if you were going to leave. . . and would never come back, it felt like if you were. . . were. . . going to die” After saying that she tighed the hug, Alex was speechless, he just had a weird dream (maybe a premonition dream) but. . . Fluttershy dreamed he (aparently) died?. . . that was ridiculous, he not knowing what else to do started to stroke her mane and said “Fluttershy. . .that’s ridiculous, It’s true I would go back to Earth if I have the chance but I promise you I’m not planing to die, and trust me I don’t have any Illness or something like that for that nightmare to come true, don’t worry, it was just a nightmare, want me to go with you to find Princess Luna and talk about it?” “. . . .No. . . just. . . let me stay like this for some more time please” “Ok” Alex said still stroking her mane said “Fluttershy. . . sorry for what happened last night” “what? sorry. . . . . . I only remember looking the stars with you and then is all blank. . . what happened. . . did I do something embarasing?” “No No No, nothing. . . just forget it ok, trust me it was nothing” “. . . . Ok” They remained like that for at least 10 minutes until Fluttershy finally calmed down and let Alex accompaned her to her room to try to sleep again, Oblivious to them in another room Pinkie Pie woke up by her Pinkie Sense, when it finished she only stayed there. . . .sobbing and said to herself “It had been so long since I didn’t feel this combo and I was hopping to never feel it again. . . . . . body shaking. . . tears comming unintentionally and the heart aching. . . my most hated combo!!” After calming down she finally was able to go back to sleep wishing with all her heart that this combo was nothing more than a coincidence. . . since the last and only time it happened was. . . when somepony close to her. . . went to a place where she could never reach, it happened. . . when her beloved grandmother. . . died //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// At the catacombs, BlueBlood and Chrysalis were giving one last speech to all their lackays, all of them wearing black armors, Ponies and Changelings, they weren’t exactly friends but they had the same goal. “Ok my Ponies. . .and changelings, tomorrow we will atack with all our might, we will finally conquer Canterlot and don’t worry, even if the three Alicorns will be here, we outnumber them and we have two triump cards, the surprise elements and these (they showed the Alicorn amulets), trust us. . .the victory is a fact, there will not be anything that will stop us. Every lackay cheered and scream while BlueBlood only thought “Hahahaha, tomorrow a new era will begin and for you monkey. . .oh what I have prepared for you” > Chapter 34, The invasión. . . . I wont beg. . . at least not to YOU!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After an almost good night of sleep, everypony dragon and human proceded to get ready for this great day, Alex and Spike once clean proceded join everypony for breakfast, once there they found the mane 6 and the princesses “Hey everypony!!” they both said “Hello Alex and Spike” they responded They proceceded to start eating their pancakes, Alex was relieved when he saw Fluttershy calmer and eating with gusto, but he could swear Pinkie Pie seemed distracted “Something wrong Pinkie?” “uh?? oh!! nononono nothing, I was just. . . er planing your birthday party in 3 weeks. . . yeah yeah that was it. . .” “Oh!! I see” (Wow. . .it seems not only Applejack sucks in lying) “Sugarcube please, ah don’t need to be the Element of Honesty to know yah are lying. . . what is it? “sigh, Please Applejack, just for this time. . . don’t ask, I promise nothing is wrong, I just had a feeling thats all” “. . . . Ok Sugarcube, ah let you keep it for yourself, but remember if yah want to talk about it. . . I. . . we are here to hear yah” “Thank you Applejack, but really it’s nothing. . . just a. . . feeling. . . that’s all” Everypony noded and continued eating for a few minutes until they heard a royal guard shouting behind the big doors “Princess Celestia, the other royal guests are here” “Oh. . . Ok, let them in” Alex confused said “other guets? Who are they Princess Celestia” “You’ll see” Just when the doors were open enough to let a little filly go in. . . A LITTLE FILLY WENT IN and screaming “BIG BROTHER!!!!!!” “WHAT?” Alex was tackled by his favorite little unicorn filly followed by the other two crussaders and Lyra. . . Lyra? “Sweetie Bell?? Everypony??, wow what is going on here. . . Princess Celestia?” “I knew you’d like it, you see. . .Twilight told me about your close relationship with these three little cute fillies and how much you’d like to have Mrs Heartlings here so I made this day off for you to have your little sister and his friends here today. . . I hope you don’t mind” “Mind? never, but. . . and Lyra?” “Oh Alexis, my family reunión ended early and I came to Ponyville sooner and on time since yesterday Princess Celestia sent his royal guards to invite me and the crussaders to come” “Oh. . . excelent, thank you Princess Celestia (she nooded) so. . . . what is the plan for today?” “Nothing too fancy. . . My ponies are already making the stage, the presentation will be like according to Twilight you had in Ponyville, I’ll make a little speech and then you’ll come out and introduce yourself, after that a little private party at the Palace garden with everypony you know here. . . ok?” “Sounds good to me” Lyra and the crussaders joined them for breakfast, once everypony full, Alex and his friends proceded to get ready for the presentation, Alex put on his new clothes, as always Rarity outdone herslef, shorts, sneackers and a set of T-shirts with not only her but everypony cutie mark. . .even “his cutie mark” the Assasin’s logo, Rarity once asked him if he would like a Tuxedo which he declined, once dressed and ready he and everypony proceded to go to the stage in the center of Canterlot, in their way there Alex noticed two weird things . . he could almost swear he saw Donut Joe two times in a diferent place (maybe he was very fast he thought) and then he saw Jet Set with his nose bandaged and 5 minutes later he saw him again but without the bandage and with his nose fixed (What a heck of a doctor he thought) but he looked. . . so serious and. . . menacing (he wondered what kind of bad intentions he had for somepony and since when he had green eyes) Once there they found everypony gathered and cheering Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor “Hey Cadence. . .Shining” “Hey Alex!!” (they both said and made everyony gasped, this human knew them?) “I’m glad you are here, it will make things easier” “No Problem dude, just know this, after this presentation we will start to arrange one in the Cristal Empire” (Cadence nooded and smiled in agreedment) “. . . . Wow. . . ok” (I feel like I’m in a tour) After a warm friend and family reunión everypony waited until all Canterlot were gathered in front the stage, the trumpets started to play to introduce Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence, everypony cheered for them, Princess Celestia raised her hoof to command them to quiet and started to talk “CITIZEN OF CANTERLOT, TODAY WE ARE REUNITED FOR ONE IMPORTANT REASON, AS MANY OF YOU MAY NOTICED DURING THIS PAST DAYS A NEVER SEEN CREATURE HAS BEEN STAYING HERE IN OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY, SOME OF YOU ALREADY HAD THE OPORTUNITY TO KNOW HIM AND MADE SURE HE DOESN’T MEAN ANY HARM TO US, THIS CREATURE SPECIES IS CALLED HUMAN, HE IS KIND AND FRIENDLY AND A DIRECT FRIEND OF ME, PRINCESS LUNA THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY AND MANY OTHER PONIES, PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE HIM FOR HIS APPEREANCE, HE MAY NOT BE A PONY BUT HE LIKE ALL OF YOU. . .OF US IS AN OFICIAL EQUESTRIAN AND A GOOD FRIEND IF YOU LET HIM, PLEASE GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO ALEJANDRO” At that moment Alex came out from the courtains and took his place next to the Princesses, he felt a little nervious but thanks to the Princesses reasuring smiles he got the streght to stood in front of everypony and start talking “HELLO CANTERLOT, AS YOUR PRINCESS SAID MY NAME IS ALEJANDRO. . . ALEX TO MY FRIENDS, IT’S AN HONOR TO MEET EVERYONE OF YOU, I HOPE WE ALL CAN GET A LONG, AND AS IN PONYVILLE I HOPE TO MAKE MANY FRIENDS HERE SO. . . IF ANY OF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HAVING A HUMAN FRIEND. . . I’M HERE FOR YOU, (Many Ponies giggled) I ALREADY HAD THE PLEASURE TO MEET SOME OF YOU, LIKE YOU. . . PIXELBERRY (he pointed Pixelberry who was in the front of the crowd) BY THE WAY, HER CHERRY CYDER IS OUT OF THIS WORLD, TRY IT, NOT TO MENTION HER PAINTINGS (she blushed like a tomato), OK. . . . WHAT I REALLY WANT TO SAY IS. . . HELLO EVERYPONY AND LET’S BE FRIENDS” After saying that many ponies started to cheer Alex (of Course many nobles didn’t not that he minded) after the cheering ended somepony behind Alex and the princesses continued aplauding with his hooves. . . it was Prince BlueBlood, covering allmost all his body with a big cape “Nice speech. . . freak monkey, a really nice speech” Alex didn’t do anything, he knew if he tried something. . . this time with no doubt he would be punished hard “BlueBlood!! (Princess Luna started) What are you doing here? You are supposed to be grounded in your room until we find a suitable punishment for degrading the Royal Family” “Oh, I just got bored and wanted to come to see how this monkey embarazed himself in front of all Canterlot” “BLUEBLOOD!! (Cadence said) that’s not a way to talk to somepony, what is wrong with you brother” “Nothing is wrong with me big sister. . . to be honest I feel better than ever, after all today is the day of my coronation as King of Equestria” Everypony including Alex looked at him in confusión, what the Hell was he talking about? “What nonsense are you talking brother. . . have you lost your mind. . . saying that could be assumed as. . .” “Treason. . . well yes Cadence, you see. . .today Canterlot. . . Equestria is under new managment” “BlueBlood. . . please brother stop saying. . . .” At that moment Cadence was interrupted by a scream of a poor pony in the distance “Changelings!!!!” At that moment at least 50 ponies in the audence changed to their true form and started to atack everypony “What??” Cadence said “But that’s Imposible. . . Canterlot has an invisible forcé field that warn us if a Changeling enter the limits” “Well. . . (BlueBlood started while smirking) maybe just maybe the guards that make the spell are not so loyal to Princess Celestia and Luna. . . . NOW!!!” After saying that more and more Ponies in the audience started to change and many other changelings started to fall from the sky, everypony started to disperse to try to escape, every guard try to fight back but were outnumbered by the changelings and traitor guards that caught them by surprise, the Elements and Shining Armor also started to fight, Alex commanded Lyra to take the CMC to a safer place which she inmediately did while he and Spike remained on stage watching BlueBlood movements and try to figure how to take him down, seeing everything that was happening. . . . Cadence in tears only could say “BlueBlood. . . what have you done” “I joined the wining team” “No BlueBlood (Luna said) you didn’t” At that moment Luna shot a beam at him which he countered with one of his own. . . besting princess Luna and shoting her making her lose the consciense” “What??? LUNA!! But how??” Celestia said “You thought I would come unprepared, I knew Luna would never dare to use all her magic to hurt me so I took my chances and shot a beam with all my might to knock her out” “But how you managed to best her even her holding back” Shining Armor said getting more and more angry “hahahaha how? Well. . . with this!!!” at that moment he removed his cape showing the Alicorn Amulet, Twilight fighting with the changelings and seeing this in shock said “The Alicorn Amulet?? But how. . . . Zecora had it well hidden “Don’t underestimate my partner resources Element of Magic” “Your Partner? Alex said At that moment a huge beam shot a shocked Celestia down (she could still not believe what her nephew did) leaving her uncounsious as well “YES HIS PARTNER” A mare said, Alex looked up to see who it was, he was so surprised when he saw another changeling but way different than the rest, at 2 and a half taller, as tall as Princess Celestia, Eyes like a pony, holes in her hooves, she like all the others to him were like hibrids between pony and bug, (cursing himself he had to admit she was. . . . kinda atractive) and as BlueBlood she was wearing another “alicorn Amulet?” “CHRISALLYS!! SO YOU ARE BEHIND IT, YOU BRAINWASHED BLUEBLOOD TO HELP YOU!!” “HAHAHAHA, OH MY PRINCESS CADENCE, AS ALWAYS. . . THINKING EVERYPONY IS NICE AND WITH A GOOD HEART. . . SORRY TO DISSAPOINT YOU BUT NO, HE DECIDED TO JOIN ME BY HIS OWN FREE WILL” “LIES!!” Cadence shouted wanting to Believe her brother would never do that “If you don’t believe me why don’t you make a scanner spell on him to see if I’m controlling him?” Cadence at that moment did what Chrisallys said, she died a little in the inside when she found out BlueBlood indeed betrayed them “Brother. . . why?” “Why?. . . why??. . . WHY??, I’ll tell you why, because no pony ever treat me with respect, everypony in Canterlot thinks I’m a joke that I only am a Prince for Celestia’s charity and for being your brother, if I’m a true Prince. . . why am I not an Alicorn yet?? Where is my kingdom to lead uh? Everypony thinks I’m a loser. . .even you. . . don’t think I didn’t notice, you promised me you would always be there for me but you. . . once you were married you left me alone, you don’t even talk to me as before, you abandoned me!!” “Blueblood!! That’s not true, you know I love you, I’m sorry If we don’t hang out as before but leading a kingdom is really tought, please. . . is not late yet, help us to end this and I’m sure our aunts will go easy on you” “Sorry big sis, but the answer is no. . . I will only say this once, join us. . .you and your husband and I will let you keep your Empire” “You know we will not do that BlueBlood” Shining Armor said now next to Cadence “Ok, have it your way then, too bad sister. . . .believe it or not I had hope we could lead Equestria as a Family but now you will go down as everypony else” Cadence sharing some tears and noding to Shining to attack said “I’m sorry for this brother” Cadence and Shinning Armor combining their magic blast a beam to BlueBlood and Chrisallys which them using all their magic with the amulets deflect it. . . sending it back to them. . . .Everypony, Alex and Spike looked horrified how Princess Cadence and Shinning armor were imprisoned in huge cristals each “BBBFF. . . Cadence!! Twilight screamed while fighting alongside with the Elements. With all the princesses out of the game and being so outnumbered, in a few minutes the changelings brought the defeated Elements to the stage, everychangeling and traitor ponies also forced everypony in canterlot to return to the stage as well, no pony could resist after getting great part of their love taken away, once there, all of them could see Princess Celestia and Luna (already awake) Cadence and Shining Armor chained and with five DS rings in their horns, it appeared like if all of them would be the audience of something. . . and not only that. . . Everypony realized not Changeling or traitor had attacked Alex and Spike yet, Chrysallis only said to BlueBlood. “As promised. . . he is all yours” “Thankyou very much. . . now monkey where we left our little fight two days ago?” Alex only stayed there and said “When I was about to kick your deformed face” “Hahahaha, mind to try it again??. . . cmon I dare you” As commanded Alex charged at Blueblood not hearing what the Elements were screaming about the Amulet, when he was again close to hit him he was stopped by his aura, “What?? but how??” “I’m not the same as yesterday monkey, let see how you like the new me!!” After saying that BlueBlood Slamed Alex in the floor in his back, Alex could fell how at least a couple of ribs broke, he tried to get free and almost did it, but BlueBlood streghted the Aura like if he wanted to crush him, Alex screamed. . . he could not get free even with his medal and bracelets??. . What the Hell was happening? “hahahaha. . . really. . .all that talk and this is the best you can give me? pattetic” BlueBlood kept hitting Alex againts the floor and walls, Alex thanked God for his toughness or by now he would be dead, even though everything hurt like a bitch and he still had some broken limbs, no longer able to watch. . . Spike tried to attack him with his fire which he deflected as well, BlueBlood also managed to grab Spike with his Aura and proceded to slam them to each other “Hey. . . leave him. . . (caugh some blood) out of this. . . it’s me who you want!!” “True. . . but he attacked me and besides. . . as far as I know he is your aprentice, he deserves to suffer as you” “. . . . you are crazy” “YES” BlueBlood then still floating them proceded to also grab some pieces of the stage Wood and started to hit Alex and Spike everywhere, everypony could only wittness and watch the brutality of the attack, Everypony were shocked, mothers clossing the eyes of their foals, even Lyra holding the CMC to her chest, trying her best to block their eyes and ears, Twilight screaming for her friend and her number one assistant, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity fainted, Rainbow dash and Applejack still trying to free themselves from all those changelings, Chrysallis and the rest of the changelings were only watching and enjoying the show Satisfied and having both of them bruised and bleeding and knowing they were so beaten to even move a finger, he set them free “It was fun and all monkey but I think it’s time to finish this, plus I’m bored, and I know exactly what to do with both of you” At that moment BlueBlood started to focus all his power in his horn, but was stopped by as scream from Twilight who now was just a few metters from them “Nooooooo, BlueBlood. . . please. . . don’t kill them” “Yes. . . please Blueblood. . . don’t do it” Princess Celestia said “Yes. . . .don’t kill the little Spike and my friend. . . please. . .”Luna said as well BlueBlood only kept staring at Alex and Spike, both of them laying there barely breathing and coughing blood, he then had an idea “Ok! I will not kill them” (Everypony started to smile) “but he has to ask me for mercy” Alex and Spike still on the ground were watching and hearing what Blueblood wanted them to do, after he said that everypony (Expect Shinning Armor) sigh in relief thinking Alex would do that without a doubt, then Princess Luna said to him “You hear. . . my human friend. . . you just have to ask him to have mercy and he will spare your life. . . now. . . I know you have your pride but please. . .please. . .do it” “Yes Monkey. . . ask me to have mercy on you” “Alex. . . . his name is Alex” Celestia said “. . . Ok. . . Alex. . . ask me to spare your life” Alex and Spike looked to each other for some seconds and then looked at Shining Armor with a Sad expression, after nooding to each other he said “I am Alejandro to you. . . and for me, you can go fu. . yourself” “Yeah!!” (Spike seconded) Everypony gasped after hearing that, BlueBlood got even more angry than before and started to charge his spell again. . . then Twilight screamed “Wait. . . wait. . . please just let me talk to him (she turned to see Alex and Spike). . .guys please. . .please. . . I. . . we don’t want you to die and. . . and I know you both don’t want to. . . right? but. . .in order for you both to live. . . you need to ask him” Everypony nooded in agreement with her. . .Fluttershy most of all, Alex only stared at Twilight who was crying like a baby, he looked at the Princesses looking at him and nooding as well, the rest of the Elements, Lyra and the Crussaders. . . his sister with a desperate look. . . everypony wanted so bad to hear him say those words. . . . only Shining Armor looked at him with a resigning face, sighing he turned again to Twilight with a little smile he said “Twilight. . . all of you want me. . . want us to beg? To see if he spare our lives?? Oh my unicorn friend. . . I said this once and I’ll say it again, you are one of the most smartest unicorns in Equestria but at the same time. . . too stup. . inocent to see. . . all of you are too inocent to see. . . only Shinning Armor and Spike noticed. . . . tell them Shining. . . please” Everypony, Changeling turned to see Shining who was starting to share some tears, “What is it brother?? What is he talking about??. . . what did you see what we didn’t” Shining sighed and said “No matter how much he begs. . . . BlueBlood already took his decisión 10 minutes ago” Everypony then turned to see BlueBlood who was started to laugh while charging his horn “hahahaha, so you saw through my lies uh? too bad, I really wanted you to beg for your pattetic life before ending it anyway, any last words??” “Just do what you must. . .” At that moment BlueBlood shot them both with a powerfull beam, everypony looked horrified how it hit the human and dragon making them dissapear leaving just a dark siluette where they were just a second ago. . . the only things left were their DS medals and brazelets, all the mares screamed and hugged their colts who were shocked as well, the Princesses only stared and then broke in tears, Twilight fainted not believing she just lost her number one assistant and human friend, Fluttershy screamed like she never did before, Applejack started to cry alongside with Rarity who refused to believe she just lost her Spikey wikie and Roomate, Pinkie Pie just stayed there with her mane deflated and with a look of a corpse, even Rainbow started to sob covering her eyes, an enraged Lyra tried to charge at BlueBlood but was inmediately stopped by the guards “Ok, show is over” Chrysallis said “Take the Princesses and the Elements to the Dungeon” (Her lackays nodeed and proceded to do it, non of them tried to resist. . .the shock was still present, Alex and Spike. . . .died?) with them gone Chrysallis alongside with BlueBlood turned to see everypony “CITIZENS OF CANTERLOT, I HOPE THIS SERVES AS AN EXAMPLE TO EVERYPONY WHO TRIES TO CHALLENGE US, GO BACK TO YOUR HOUSES AS USUAL, TOMORROW MORNING AN ASEMBLY WILL BE HELD TO DICTATE SOME NEW DECREES BETWEEN CHANGELINGS AND PONIES. . . NOW GO. . . ONE MORE THING. . .ANYPONY WHO TRY TO ESCAPE THE CITY WILL BE PUNISH SEVERELY” Everypony scared then proceded to return their homes, Lyra still trying to maintain her sanity levitated the shocked crussaders to her parent’s home. . . Alexis was really gone was all she could think. Once everypony gone Chrysallis aproached Blueblood and said “I must say that was quiet a show but I have to admit. . . I never expected you to really execute them so coldy.. . . . I didn’t know you were willing to dirt your hooves” “hehehehe, who said I was. . . . come here I’ll tell you a little secret. . . (she got near to him) I didn’t vaporized them” “Then what did you. . . .” “Remember he stopped a Manticore invasión?. . . I don’t know all the details but I’m pretty sure after killing their king. . . they must not be very happy with him. . . I wanted to make him dissapear but then I thought. . . why not share some of my vengeance with them. . . .let the manticores have their piece of him. . . . so I teleported both of them to the EverFree forest. . . near their hunting área, I’m sure they must be pieces by now” Chrysallis smirked and said “You really are evil. . . I like it” “Thanks my Queen. . . .Co Ruler of Equestria” ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Very deep in the EverFree Forest Zecora was in her cottage unpacking all the stuff she brought from Fillydelphia when she heard somepony knocking her door, who could imagine her surprise when she greeted two manticores, she was about to slam the door in their faces when she noticed something, in one manticore arm was lying a baby purple dragon and in the other one’s back was. . . her human friend. . .both of them covered in dirt, bruises and blood, Zecora inmediately trotted inside her home and drank a potion, waiting some seconds for it to work she aproached the Manticores “What happened to my friend?? How he had this kind of end??” The manticores even tough she was speaking their lenguage . . . it was confusing so they deduced she was asking how their previous king ended in that condition and said “We don’t know, we were hunting when a bright light blind us in the distance. . . when we went to take a look. . . we found them lying in the grass and uncouncious, we brought them to our king and he told us to bring them to you. . . after all you know Ponies are still scare of us” After that Zecora asked the manticores to bring them inside to treat their injuries and started to wonder. . . what in Celestia’s name happened?” > Chapter 35, The Calm before the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Just do what you must. . . .” Alex started to say before being striked by the beam from that Asshole, he thought he was done for, he regreted to die but only because he thought he had it easy, his friends by other hand would have to suffer in the hands of those two Tyrants, I’m sorry was the only think he managed to say before. . . . “AHHHHHH!!!!” Alex woke up screaming, without thinking he tried to stand up but was stopped inmediately by the pain all around his body, (I didn’t know you could feel this pain in the afterlife he thought) feeling weak again he fell on the bed again and started to look at his suroundings, then he started to recognize the place, the same place he woke up after his Zebra friend knocked him out when he first met her, he also noticed he was bandaged in his arms, legs, head. . . . all his body, he could think many things but only one remained in his head. “How am I still alive. . . .I’m sure that beam striked Spike and me. . . . oh my God. . . Spike, how is he??” Alex tried to stand up again, all his body hurt like a bitch but he really needed to see Zecora and check if Spike was fine as well, using all his strenght he managed to walk very slowly to the main Room, he didn’t find anyzebra or dragon there, he started to search in other rooms until he found him. . . his little purple partner. . . sleeping in a spare bed, he was covered in bandages too but it seemed he was fine (as fine as one can be after the beat up they both recieved) Alex started to wonder what could had happened, how they were still alive if BlueBlood shot that beam to them, some minutes after Alex heard the door of the room slaming and revealing his Zebra friend, she inmediately huged him and tears she said “Alex my human friend. . . you are still not cured, you are very reckless for that I’m sure” “I’m fine Zecora. . . well not that fine but alive.. . . . thanks by the way but tell me. . .how is it posible we are here?” “Of that I’m confused as well but maybe these two here will be able to tell” Alex then saw two manticores entering the room, he turned to see Zecora who asured him they were friendly after all they were the ones who found him and Spike, Alex wanted to ask them all the details but he remembered Fluttershy wasn’t there to help him to traslate, Zecora noticing this brought a Potion bottle and gave it to him, he stared at it confused while she said “Drink this Potion my human friend and the manticores you will be able to understand” “Thanks Zecora” Alex drank the potion and turned to the Manticores “Can you understand what I’m saying?” They both nooded “Can you please say something to check if I can understand your language” “Like what?” One manticore said “I don’t know. . .anything” “Any word Previus King?” “Yes, just say somethin. . . . . . (Alex facepalmed) forget it, ok please tell me. . . where did you find us” “Two days ago in our hunting área, my friend here and I were chasing some vampiric Jackalopes when a bright light appeared, when it was gone. .. . in it’s place were you and the baby dragon both unconsious and barely breathing then our king told us to bring you here with your Zebra friend.” “I see then I have to thank you guys, you could eat us. . .thanks for didn’t” “Of course not our previous king, don’t forget almost all of us are very gratefull with you. . . just be thankfull you weren’t found by the few who aren’t” “Trust me. . . I am, but that doesn’t explain how we get there. . . we are supposed to be dead” Zecora and both Manticores gasped after hearing that but before any of them could say something “That’s because BlueBlood didn’t strike us with a killing or vaporizing beam. . . he used a teleportation spell to send us here” Everybody turned to see who said that, it was Spike as Alex walking slowly to join the group, once there Spike sat on the floor and proceded “If I must asume I’d say BlueBlood didn’t want to dirt his “Royal hooves” so he sent us here to be killed by the manticores” “. . . . ok. . . .but why not kill us himself?” “Alex. . . you know Ponies almost never choose to kill other creatures. . . BlueBlood is not an exception, he can be a FlankHole but he still is a Pony, besides he still is “Royal” or at least he think he still is. “interesting. . .but still. . . why here” “Remember Canterlot only knew about you by rumors, many ponies knew so little about the “Failed Manticore invasión”. . . I’ll say he thought you stopped them by forcé and they would be more than glad to kill you in his place. . . not knowing in fact you are friends with them. . . . hehehehe even in being evil he sucks” “Wow Spike. . . if that is true. . . you are right. . . he is an idiot after all but I must give it to him. . . he did made a good number on us, I don’t want to admit it but. . . he kicked our asses pretty bad. . . how he got that strong so fast?” “Alex. . . you see. . . his strenght is not his. . .I believe you saw that amulet he had in his neck (Alex nooded) that’s the Alicorn Amulet, it can amplify any pony magic at least 10 times, more than enought to match or maybe even best a true Alicorn but. . . the more he uses it the more it corrupts the wielder’s mind, I believe the next time we see that pony. . . trust me. . . he will not hesitate to kill us at that very moment, not to mention Queen Crysallis who is evil incarnated. . . I really don’t want to imagine what kind of power and mind she has right now” “I see. . .now please can anybody tell me what happened this past two days? “Well acording what Zecora and these two manticores told me when they went to spy Ponyville, it seems Prince. . . well now “King BlueBlood” (Spike seemed like he wanted to puke) visited the town yesterday, you see. . . now there are new laws and decrees to Ponies to at least once in a week they must let a group of Changelings come to town to retrieve part of their love, and if any pony says no, he or she would be put in a coocon and the love would be retreived painfully, and about Canterlot, everypony is living “normally” but by that I mean with fear, the streets are almost empty all the time, one can only see Changelings patroling all day, it’s like a ghost town. “And what about the true Princesses, our friends. . . my little sisters” “They are still in Canterlot, no pony is allowed to leave the city and well. . . please read this (Spike gave him the newspaper) Alex could not believe what it said, in exactly one week. . . a formal ceremony would be held for everypony in Canterlot to wittness how the new rulers of Equestria will banish the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony to the moon for 1000 years “Damn. . . those two are crazy. . .but why wait so long?. . . not that I mind” “Maybe they still need them to teach how to raise the sun and the moon, after all we still need them and for the Elements maybe they are used as hostages to keep the Princesses under control” “That’s make sense. . . DAMN! Stupid Blueblood” “Alex we have to go and save them NOW!!” Spike said trying to run but failed miserable, Alex after seeing this helped him to stand up and said “Spike calm down” “But. . .but. . .in 7 days they will be sent to the moon. . .and and. . .” “SPIKE!! snap out of it!!” (he said knoking Spike head) “Ouch. . . Alex? What’s wrong with you. . . they are in danger, we need to do something” “Spike trust me I love them too and want to rescue them but think for a moment, that bastard defeated us in no time, do you really think rushing there like a crazy dragon and human will do any good? we need to prepare and think how to best an entire army?” “Is there a way to do that?. . . . we are doomed right?” “If I have to say it. . . yes we are. . . but maybe there is a way. . .” “What is it?” “First we need to get better. . .Zecora. . . how fast your potions can heal us in 100%?” “Well Alex if you take them all and in a bed you lay I should say you will be better in a day” “Ok. . . now you two (he turned to the Manticores) please tell the King I need to talk to him tomorrow if he wants of course (they both nooded and exited the cottage). . . now Zecora. . . I need a little favor. . . please go to Ponyville and bring me Proud Hammer and please be carefull, for what you told me there could be Changelings keeping eye in the town” (she noded as well and started her way), A little while later Zecora brought Proud hammer who inmediatelly hugged them “Oh Thanks Celestia Zecora wasn’t lying, you are both alive, but the newspaper said that Tyrant killed you two days ago” “Let’s just say he sucks in getting rid of humans and dragons” (all of them laughted) Ok Proud hammer. . . I’d like to say I only called you to let you know we are ok but. . . we really need your help” “Say no more my boy. . . what is it?” “First of all. . . Ponyville warehouse is still full of the diamond dogs Darkness stone armors?” “Yes. . .we didn’t have time to send it to Canterlot for all what happened” “Excellent. . . do you think you can use some to modify Spike armor and weapons with DS like mine” “Of course my friend” “How much time will you need to have them ready?” “Well. . .the armor and weapons for little Spike . . . . in two days” “Wait Proud Hammer (Spike said). . . do you think you can have them ready by tomorrow?” “Well. . . if I work all night yes my boy why?” “Because I’ll need to make a trip tomorrow and maybe will not be able to return here to get it” “uh? what you mean Spike?. . .where do you need to go” “A place very far by foot, I need to go talk to a friend. . . I can’t tell you the details just. . . please trust me in this one” “. . . . Ok. . . Proud. . . you think is posible?” “Yes boy, leave it to me” After that Spike told him where his weapons and protectors were stored at GoldenOaks Library which he nooded. “Excelent, thanks Proud (Alex said) . . . now. . .is there a way you can help me to get in Rarity’s place without being spotted?” “I think there is a way. . .but let’s just wait a couple of days until everything calms down ok?” “Ok” After that Proud Hammer took some meassures to Spike and proceded to return Ponyville to start working, Spike confused asked him “Alex. . . after knowing you for some time. . . I’m almost sure you will ask the Manticore King his help. . . Do you think. . . he will accept? “I really hope so. . . If not. . . well I can say without that we are almost doomed” “I see. . . then more reasons for me to travel where I need to?” Alex and Spike then drank their medicine and proceded to sleep for the rest of the day, the next morning Alex could not believe it, he and Spike really were almost full healed, there still were som minor injuries but Zecora told him they would be healed by the time, still Alex was speechless. . . he knew Zecora’s potions were the best but this was beyond unreal, after thanking her they both recieved the visit from King Manticore who the first thing he did was hug Alex and gave him a huge lick in the face (cute but still so gross) “Alex my friend, It’s so good to see you ok” “Thanks King. . . too bad I can’t say the same for my friends” “What?. . . what happened. . . something happened to Fluttershy?” Alex then explained everything that happened to him and the plan the Rulers had for the Elements with her included, the expresión of the King was like a demon. . . (Alex noted to never make a manticore to really get mad) “So you are telling me they plan to send Fluttershy away for 1000 years” “Basically it will be forever, she as her friends are not alicorns, she will not live for 1000 years, she will never comeback” “NO!!! that will not happen, Alex tell me anyway I can help you and I will” “I’m glad you say that, you see. . . we need to face them. . . but. . . we are talking about hundred of changelings here, I really need as many manticores you can gather to help me and Spike to fight againts them, I know it is too much but. . .” “I’ll do it” “What?” “I’ll do it Alex, I still owe you so much and Fluttershy.. . . she were always kind to us, not only to me, trust me. . . there will be many manticores that will give their lives to save her and your friends” “Thanks King. . . how many manticores do you think you can gather in 6 days?” “. . . . if we search the entire Everfree forest and other neighbor ones . . I’ll say. . .around 200” “200???, wow you really can gather around 200 manticores??” “Yes all of them ready to part in 6 days” “Great!! (Alex said hugging his friend) After that the King and his bodyguards returned to the forest to start the gathering, a little later Proud hammer returned with Zecora with Spike special order, Spike looked at it amazed. . . his armor was so cool, it looked much like Alex, his new bow and arrows, hidden blades and his little tomahawk, everything with Darkness stone alloy, he tried it and didn’t believe how light it was “Wow, thanks Proud Hammer really. . . this will come in handy” “No problem kiddo, just please be carefull, kids like you shouldn’t be involve in this kinds of things” “You may be right. . . but right now. . . we are fighting for Equestria’s future, I’m fighting to save my mom’s figure, the Pony I love and all my friends, I can tell you. . . I rather fight as a kid than be a grown up who did nothing” “Wow. . . Spike. . . you. . . really are growing up. . . I’m so proud of you” “Thanks Alex” (Now I can fight without any regrets, I know now you will be fine. . . .even If I don’t. . . ) Spike then removed his armor and stored all in his back pack and proceded his long journey, he would have to take another route to not be spotted, but before starting Alex said “Spike wait!!” “What??” “If what you really said about meeting us outside Canterlot in 6 days is true then I need to tell you this right now for I will not be able later” “I’m listening” “Spike. . . I trust you and you know that, I don’t know what you are planning to do but I know it will be awesome, but remember. . . you are still a kid. . . when the time to fight comes. . . maybe there will be a moment where you will have to. . . kill, I really don’t want you to. . .that’s not something a kid should do and I really don’t expect you to . . . . but remember this. . . it’s easy to wield a sword or any weapon and feel in the top of the world. . . .but. . . that’s not what defines a true warrior. . . Spike. . . you need to have this in mind. . . . true braveness is not about knowing when to take a life but to know when to forgive it” “You. . . you just made that up?” “Nope, a wise old man in my world said it, but is so true, Spike. . . . ok. . .see you in 6 days” (he nooded and they both shared a hug) Once Spike gone Alex proceded to train a little, he had to be in his fullest for the incoming day and he had no time to lose. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CANTERLOT’S DUNGEONS As usual like any kingdom dungeons, Canterlot ones were dark and lonely, the place where no pony really wanted to be, the place where the most despicable creatures should be, but this time it wasn’t the case for at that very moment the ponies imprisionated there were the most kind and brave ones of the time, they were really miserable each and one of them in their own cell. . . .only waiting. . . all their hooves and throat chained, unicorns and Alicorns with 5 DS rings each, escaping was nothing but a dream, some of them were unconcious for exhaustion, hunger or just for crying every night, Princess Celestia and Luna weren’t even the shadow they once were, their mane not floating, their fur not as bright as always. . .Exhausted for teaching them the spell to lower the sun and the moon all day. . . they stayed there. . thinking what went wrong. . . how could they let this happen. . .Princess Cadence and Shining Armor Imprisoned together. . .their only consolation were they could see each other but at the same time it was torture for they could not at least touch each other hooves. The Elements weren’t doing any good either, all of them in diferent cells chained, Rainbow dash and Applejack still half strugging to get free and swearing to take revenge for Alex and Spike. . . Rarity unconcious for been in that awfull cell for so long and the thought of never be able to see Alex or her Spikey wikey, Pinkie Pie with her mane flat only staring at the floor like if nothing in the world mattered anymore, Twilight still thinking every posible way to escape. . . her eyes red. . .obviously for the lack of rest, Finally there was Fluttershy. . . she was the only still sobbing, she still really didn’t want to believe Alex and Spike were dead, she saw them. . .all of them saw them. . . dissapear and she could not do anything to stop it from happening, at that moment the iron door opened revealing BlueBlood and Chrysallis, aproaching the cells she said “Hello my little ponies” “You don’t have any right to call us your little ponies. . . only the true Princesses can call us like that” Twilight said angry “Oh sorry. . . hahahahaha, I hope all of you are enjoying your staying here and preparing for your journey in a week” “What do you gain by banishing us Chrysallis?, I thought you needed everypony posible to take their love” Celestia said “Hahaha, as clever as always Princess, you are right, I gain nothing. . . .in fact I lose too much but. . . having you here would not be very wise, you could escape and start planing a payback” “sob sob. . . Alex. . . .sob sob. . . Aleeeeeeeeex” “Oh shut up little anoying pegasus, it’s not so a big deal, why are you so sad for the death of a monkey. . . not like you’d seen him again after your banishment” BlueBlood said “You. . . you are a monster” “Incorrect. . .I’m the monster who bested the human and a dragon” “huf!! You were able to defeat him for the alicorn amulet you spinless excuse of prince, If you really are proud for that fake victory. . . you are more pattetic that I thought” Rainbow dash said BlueBlood started to shock her with his aura “You will not talk to me like that you worthless pegasus” “Ugh. . . Truth. . .hurts. . . right?” BluedBlood only smiled and let her go “Just enjoy your nonsense talk. . . while you can” He then turned to Princess Cadence “Sister I really don’t like to see you like this. . . cmon just say it. . . oath loyalty to us and you and your husband will exit here in no time” Cadence only saw him with pitifull eyes “Don’t call me sister anymore. . . you are not my brother, that colt as I see. . . dissapeared so long ago. . . I’ll just say. . . I’m sorry. . .I’m so sorry for not noticing it before to try to bring him back. . . I’m sorry” “. . . .Fine. . . have it your way. . . I hope you enjoy your long staying in the moon, hahahaha you know what everypony? I’ll tell you a little secret, I was planing to let you live and die thinking your friends died right away but guess what. . . they didn’t. . . I never vaporized them (Everypone raised their head) I wanted them to die as painfull as posible so guess what. . . I transported them to the everfree forest. . . .to be more specific to the Manticores hunting área so they could get their revenge like me, they both must be manticore poop by now HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” Saying that, BlueBlood and Chrysallis exited the room leaving the soon to be banished ponies, Everypony just stayed there agape. . . did BlueBlood really did that or was he just pulling a cruel prank of them Prank or not it was enough for Pinkie to recover some of her fluffy mane and for everypony (most of all Fluttershy who stopped crying) to have a little hope “Girls. . Girls (Twilight said) don’t get your hopes up, even if it were true. . . remember their condition at that moment. . . and the fact it the Everfree Forest. . .I’m sorry but. . . until I hear any news about them I will keep believing they are no longer with us” “Twilight. . .sugarcube. . . yah know ah know yah are lying. . . yah also believe they can be alive. . . right??” “Just. . . just don’t get your hopes so high. . . is all I ask. . . I don’t think anypony here could bear. . .another deception” Everypony noded still with a smile present. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alex trained the first two days without trouble, as incredible as it seemed he had a competent sparring partner. . . Proud Hammer, who would had say he was a royal guard in his younger days and who would say his weapons were nothing more than sledged hammers levitated with his magic, he really didn’t make it easy to Alex. . . in fact once he sent Alex flying to a tree leaving him uncouncions, he apologized at the very moment he woke up. “Ha . . . ha. . ha. . . Wow Proud. . . you are really tough, I’m impresed, if I’d have known you were this good I’d have invited you to come to train with me and Spike so long ago” “Thanks kiddo. . . I also have to say. . . you are pretty good and fast, no wonder how you managed to best a manticore and those ponies in Canterlot” “Thanks. . . . Ok. . . what you say if we call the day, I really need you to take me to Ponyville, I need to retrieve my armor and weapons” “Ok Alex let’s go” Hidding in wagon full of hay pulled by Proud Hammer, Alex was able to reach Carrousel Boutique with no problems, as fast as a lightning he entered there and went to his room to get all his stuff, after packing everything he proceded to exit when he heard noises in Sweetie Bell room, he went to check who it was. . . who would say he’d find Magnum consoling Pearl crying on Sweetie Bell’s bed and hugging one of her toys, when they saw him, not believing her eyes. . . Pearl inmediately tacked him in a hug followed by Magnum “Alex. . . you are alive. . .but. .. but the newspaper said” “I know Mrs Pearl. . .Magnum, don’t worry. . . I asure you I’m very alive” “Oh thanks Celestia .. . . Son. . . I believe you know what is going on right??” “Of course Magnum. . . don’t worry. . . me and some friends are already planing a rescue mission, I promise I will do anything in my power to bring Rarity and Sweetie Bell here safe” “Thank you Alex (Pearl said) but please be carefull, don’t increase the reasons to be sad” “I wont, promise” Alex was about to leave when Pearl stopped him “Alex wait. . . here have this” She opened the closet and levitated some kind of scarf with the CMC logo in it “As you may know. . . your little sister wanted to make you an oficial crussader but since you are so big. . .making you a cape was too much for her so she asked me to help her make that. . . she didn’t asked Rarity for fear you could find it before time but. . . . I believe you need it now” Alex stared at the scarf, then a big smiled appeared in his face “Thanks. . . Pearl. . . this will help me a lot. . .believe it, I promise the two of them will be back here” “You mean. . . The three of you. . . right?” “. . . . . Yes, the three of us” Alex exited the Boutique and Proud Hammer brought him back to Zecora’s cottage, but not before making a little detour to Proud hammer workshop, he retrieved a huge box and proceded to return to the Everfree. Once there Alex could see what Proud got from his workshop was an armor. . . his armor with 4 big sledgehammers, both of them put on their armors, then Alex said “Wow Proud. . . you really can fight with 4 sledge hammers at the same time??” “Yes kiddo, many guards like swords and spears but. . . these were always more my style, you can imagine my surprise when I invented a four hammer style, ironically I haven’t hear any other pony who uses it, these kids today” “hahahah, don’t sweat it proud hammer. . . NOW. . . SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT OLD MA .. . . OLD PONY” Alex said wielding his hidden blades “You bet, let me show you how the old school do it” /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It was night and Spike was a little tired, he had been walking for at least two days only taking short breaks, he had to admit it. . . walking there instead of taking the train was horrible but he couldn’t let anypony know he was still alive, he finally reached the wild lands, once there he proceded to look for someponies. . . they should be near, after some minutes he saw smoke at the distance, he proceded to run as fast as his little legs let him, after some minutes he finally could see the huge campfire and the creatures he was looking for. . . some of them dancing around it, some of them saw them coming and inmediately greeted him. . . amongs them the biggest of them stood behind Spike and said “Hello my little dragon” “Hello. . . Chief” > Chapter 36, For Equestria. . . For Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only two days remained before the banishment ceremony, everymanticore, pony and human was ready, Alex was speechless, his manticore friend really managed to gather around 200 manticores. “Wow dude, this is amazing, I really happy you are in my side” “I think the same Alex. . . . now what is the plan” “To be honest is not really much of a plan, it’s a charge. . . all or nothing againts them. . .I’ll explain how, Proud Hammer will help me to infiltrate in one of his wagons. . .I’ll be in the one full of weapons hidden in a bag, there were also another with two manticores caged, he will say he is making a delivery to the armory and the zoo then we will be at the ceremony, the two manticores will “escape” from their cages and start to spread chaos, when Everypony had flee and in the middle of the confusion, we will use the Flare my friend Zecora made to let you know the time to attack. . . we’ll try to distract them the longer we can but please be quick, remember. . . our priority is to secure the safety of Twilight, my friends and the Princesses, Spike who will come later will be in charge of retrieving their Elements of Harmony since only he knows where they are, once we get the Princesses and the Elements under our power my friend Zecora will use her potions to heal their injuries and stamina since we believe they probably must be weak, they’ve been in a dungeon a whole week for God’s sake, if we manage to make them help us we might have a chance to win this, please. . . please don’t try to face Chrysallis or Blueblood. . .they are too powerfull now, I don’t want heros here, if we have to face them. . . please let Spike and me handle Blueblood and let’s hope the Princesses or the Elements will be in condition to handle Chrysallis. . .ok. . . everymanticore, Pony and Zebra understood? (they all nooded) good. . . now. . . I really would like to avoid a bloodshed so please. . . if you can. . . no killing, but if is absolute necesary well. . . do it (they all noded again), ok. . .let’s do this!!” Alex, ProudHammer and Zecora then got on their manticores back and started the long way to canterlot, to avoid any suspicion they had to fly close to the ground and to reach Canterlot it would at least take one day All the Manticores kept flying and of course being almost 200 of them. . . they didn’t pass without been noticed, many ponies and changelings saw them, although it was really weird they decided to think maybe it was a migration. . . after all. . . Manticores never showed such degree of organization and is not like somepony would be brave enough to verify, Alex didn’t believe nopony or changelling noticed some manticores carrying cages and wagons. . . but if it works why to complain. They reached Canterlot limits at night, there were many changelings guarding the walls, all of them changed their course to a nearby forest and camped there. Once there Proud Hammer prepared everything to do his part while Alex proceded to hide with the weapons inside a bag, once the wagons full with weapons, Alex and the two brave manticores inside their cages, all of them proceded to go to Canterlot. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// “Halt!! Who goes there?” the two changelings guarding one of the frontier doors asked “Hello, my name is ProudHammer. . . . King BlueBlood asked for more weapons and a couple of Manticores for his new zoo soon to be constructed” “King BlueBlood asked for two Manticores for a Zoo??” “Hey!! Is not my place to question Royalty tastes of exotic animals” “hmmm Ok? I do have to admit that Pony is a weird one. . . and a little sissy if you ask me” “Hey. . . shhhhhh you don’t want him to hear what you said” “Don’t worry. . . besides who will tell him. . not you right?” he said pointing Proud “Of course not, sooo can I pass” “Ok go in, and you came in the right time, tomorrow there will be a great event” “Really? awesome thanks” ProudHammer then proceded to take the weapons to the royal armory outside the palace, he also left the Manticores there, then grabed the bag an put it on his barrel “Sorry guys, please just wait here until tomorrow when the plan starts, if anypony comes, act like wild animals. . . no offense” Alex said Roarrrr (non taken) After that Proud hammer and Alex thanks to some information he got from Mayor Mare proceded to find certain unicorn house there, after a while they finally found it, Proud knocked the door and was recieved by Lyra . . . her eyes were red as if she was crying a while ago “Proud Hammer? What are you doing here?? Why are you here. . . now you will not be able to leave. . . are you crazy??” “Trust me Lyra. . .I’m pretty sane. . . may I pass?” “Well of course, you know you are always welcome to this house, after all you were always good friend with my parents” “Thanks Lyra” When he entered with his big bag in shoulders he found 3 little fillies in the dinning room having Lunch but there was something wrong. . . the three of them. . .most of all the unicorn white filly looked miserable, they were eating but it was like they were struggling to. . . it was obvious they weren’t in the mood to eat. . . in fact they didn’t look in the mood for anything. “Wow Lyra. . . is your house always this lively?” “. . . . sorry Proud, let’s just say you didn’t come in a good time, I. . . well we lost somepony very important to us. . .didn’t you hear what Princess BlueBlood did to Alex??” “I did Lyra, I couldn’t believe it, I’m sorry. . . I know how close you two were” “Thanks Proud. . . I’m trying to be strong for these little girls but. . . it’s too hard” “Don’t worry Lyra. . .it will get better. . .you’ll see” “Thanks proud. . . I hope you are right, but for Little Sweetie Bell. . . I doubt it will anytime soon” “It will truste me. . . one more thing Lyra.. . .tomorrow since they will make you go to the Banishment ceremony. . . please be aware of the sky, when you see a flare. . .take these little cutíes and come here inmediatelly. . . go it” “But how you” “Just do it ok?” “. . . ok” “Ok. . . cya later. . . oh by the way. . . I almost forgot I have a little message for the three fillies over there especially the little unicorn from one friend of mine” The CMC looked at him with confusing eyes, Sweetie bell even feeling down said “What is the message Mr Proud Hammer?” “Just two short ones, the first is. . . thanks for the scarf. . .I’ll use it with pride and the second is. . .I hope the charm you gave me that night is still working. . . I’ll really need it tomorrow” Applebloom, Scootaloo and Lyra looked confused at Proud but Sweetie Bell felt like if time itself sudendly stopped, “What. . . what did you say? But. . . but. . .the only one who would say something like that would only be. . .” “Yes my little sister. . . ME!” Everypony were shocked when they heard a voice coming from the bag but it wasn’t just any voice. . . it was the voice they thought they would never gona hear again, with much struggle Alex managed to finally go out the bag “Ahh. . . ahh, Damn Proud. . . . you could at least put me in a cleaner b. . . .” Alex was interrupted by four Ponies tackling him “BROTHER!!!! yes yes yes yes yes yes” Sweetie Bell kept repeating while nuzzling her face in Alex chest, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Lyra were doing the same “OH sweet Celestia. . .Alexis. . . Oh my gosh you are alive. . . you are alive, thank you . .. thankyou so much for being alive” Everypony (including Proud hammer) and Alex were crying at this point “Yes Lyra. . . crussaders. . .I am, sorry for making you worry, I’m here. . . We are here to rescue you” “What??. . . don’t be ridiculous Alexis. . .there is not way in Tartarus this time you can do anything by yourself” “Yes Brother, don’t be reckless. . . we just reunited again. . . please don’t go again” “Yeah Alex, they even got ma sister and the rest of the girls, it’s almost suicide!!” “Alex please. . . we already lost our sisters. . . please we don’t want to lose you again” “Girls. . .girls, who said I was alone. . . as Proud Hammer said. . . tomorrow things will get ugly, Lyra please be prepared for what is going to happen tomorrow” “What. . . is going to happen?” Alex then proceded while sharing lunch with them to tell everypony the plan and to be ready to flee during the confusión “Soooo tomorrow you all are going to fight the changelings and traitors. . . Alexis please even with all those manticores and whatever Spike is planing. . . you are still so outnumbered.. . . . please reconsider it” “Lyra, all of them are going to be banished tomorrow if we don’t do anything and please don’t underestimate the Manticores, I think we have a chance and besides. . .I trust Spike will do something amazing” “uhg Fine Alexis, I’m with you in this.. . . .just be careful” “We will Lyra. . .we will” After that all of them proceded to go to sleep, it didn’t pass 10 minutes until Sweetie Bell came to Alex room and proceded to sleep besides him, very soon the other two crussaders joined her, Alex didn’t mind. . . . he huged them and let himself go to the land of dreams. . .after all. . . maybe just maybe it could be the last time he’d have the chance to do it. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The next day Alex woke up with the 3 cuties still by his side he made everything in his power to not wake them up with no success, the CMC woke up and gave him a huge smile each, it seemed they still thought maybe they were dreaming last night. “So. . .you weren’t a dream. . . Thank Celestia” Sweetie said hugging his brother “No sister. . . I wasn’t, I’m here and with the help of my comrades. . . we will save your sister and everypony” The crussaders noded and went with Alex to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast, very soon Proud Hammer and Lyra joined them, after the best breakfast they all had in the past week, they said their farewells and Alex entered to a now cleaner bag (he thanked Lyra for that) and both he and Proud proceded to go to the the armory to get their equipment and see their manticore comrades. They both entered, the manticores were still sleeping. . . Alex and Proud proceded to put their armors and lock the armory to wait until the right moment, it was really a lucky it were just a few houses from the Center of Canterlot where the ceremony would be held, they looked how the stage was already build, Alex hoped Spike was already with Zecora which whoever he went to look for, they waited and waited, soon some ponies started to show, some voluntary. . . some with changelings behind them obviously pulled forward, there really were so much changelings, maybe hundreds, the traitors guards weren’t wearing the usual Golden armor. . . they were using a black one with green lines around it. . . like emulating a changeling, after a while the entire Central was full, everypony and Changeling in Canterlot was there, it was a good thing. . . maybe Chryssalis and BlueBlood thought nopony wouldn’t dare to attack them during the “show”. Some minutes later the princesses and Elements were brought chained and restricted, they seemed a little weak and it was obvious they weren’t in their best days but hey, try to pass one week in a dungeon and let see how you look he thought, but what Alex most noticed was that. . . . they looked confident. . . like if they knew they were going to be rescued but at the same time they weren’t so sure, anyway they assumed their position while Chrysallis stood in front of everypony and started to talk. “CITIZENS OF CANTERLOT TODAY WE ARE HERE TO START A NEW ERA, AN ERA WHERE THE CHANGELINGS AND PONIES WILL COEXIST TOGETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, FOR MANY YEARS PONIES SHUNED US FOR OUR APPEARANCE OR OUR “EVIL NATURE”, WE REALLY TRIED TO GET A LONG WITH YOU. . .EVEN TRIED TO ASK FOR HELP BUT YOUR SO HARMONIOUS LAST RULER. . . QUEEN SOLARIS REFUSED, WHILE MY MOTHER’S SUBJECTS WERE DYING. . . ALL OF YOU WERE ENJOYING A NICE AND WARM PEACE AND PROSPERITY. . . . THAT’S ENDS TODAY!! “What?? what are you talking about Chrysalis? the history books don’t mention anything like that?! (Celestia said) “OF COURSE NOT DEAR CELESTIA, LET ME GUESS, THE “OFICIAL STORY” SAYS WE TRIED TO ALWAYS TAKE EQUESTRIA BY FORCE, THAT QUEEN SOLARIS TRIED TO MAKE PEACE WITH US BUT WE REFUSED BECAUSE WE WANTED ALL FOR OURSELVES RIGHT?” “. . . . . Yes. . .” “THAT WAS A LIE!!” “No it wasn’t, I still remember now. . . I was a Filly and Luna didn’t even born but I remember, My parents were willing to share some of our lands to the changelings and even let them try to coexist with our ponies together but what your mother wanted. . . was only our love, she didn’t want our ponies near your changelings saying we would never accept them, she wanted my parents to give her every month packs of ponies to retrieve their love by force. . . like what you are doing right now but unlike you. . . she wanted hundreds at the same time” “YOU ARE LYING. . .AND EVEN IF NOT. . . SHE WAS RIGHT TO DO IT!! JUST LOOK AT US. . .YOU THINK ANYPONY WOULD GIVE US LOVE WILLINGLY, THEY HATE US. . . LOOK AT US LIKE BEASTS, YOU ARE NO DIFERENT THAN MINOTAURS OR GRIFFINS, FOR HUNDRED YEARS WE BEEN WAITING AND NOW IS OUR TIME (She turned to the crowd) PONIES!! SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR SO LOVED RULERS AND YOUR ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!! BLUEBLOOD! LET’S DO IT” At that moment both of them started to charge their horns for the ultimate teleport spell, at that moment Alex nooded to Proud who inmediately set free both manticores and scream “AHHHHH, TWO MANTICORES IN THE CITY!!! EVERYPONY. . . RUN!!!” The two manticores then started to fly in circles around the crowd who started to run for it, they only kept roaring and didn’t attack at all, in a way it was funny how ponies are such drama Queens “WHAT?? HOW IN TARTARUS TWO MANTICORES MANAGED TO ENTER MY CITY??” Then everypony and changeling saw something in the sky exploting. . .it was a flare. . . that was strange who would do that in day light, ignoring that Chysallis said “GUARDS!!! STOP THOSE MANTICORES NOW” Dozens of changelings tried to catch the manticores but they proved to be more than a match for the poor little guys, the manticores swinged their pawns to every changeling in their way, Alex really had to recognize their stregh and bravery. . . only some more minutes until back up get there he thought. . . at that moment both of them were stopped by two auras. . . both of them red like blood. “ENOUGH!! YOU TWO. . . I DON’T KNOW HOW YOU ENTERED HERE. . . BUT I KNOW HOW YOU WILL EXIT. . . IN A BOX!!” She and BlueBlood started to shock them, both manticores still trying to get free roared in pain, they could have died if not for two knives that were flying to where the Rulers were standing, they jumped to dodge. . . breaking the bind, both manticores flew away and stood up next to the culprit. . . everypony who was still there, the princesses, Elements, changelings. . . all of them only stared. . . mute, there next to both manticores and a huge armored unicorn with two sledge hammers was. . . was. . . the human, armored to the teeth, with an angry expression. “Aleeeeeeeeeex, you are alive!!. . . oh my gosh you are alive!. . . you came back for m. . . I mean for us. . . thankyou thankyou thankyou” Everypony turned to see who screamed and were surprised to see it was Fluttershy. . . her eyes were beaming in happiness and the rest of the Elements were not containing their excitement as well. . . all of them cheering Alex and his group but a little worried at the same time, Princesses and Shining Armor were sharing some tears (Luna most of all) they could cheer as well but it was obvious they were really tired, Chrysallis and BlueBlood started to applaude and then he said “Well well monkey. . . I see. . .somehow you managed to survive and even you tamed those worthless creatures” “Not really. . . they are my friends since long ago, you thought they would do your dirty job and surprise. . . you are not really Smart aren’t you?” “hehehehehe. . . HAHAHAHAHAHA. . . DON’T WORRY MONKEY I WILL NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN, THIS TIME I WILL EXECUTE YOU MY SELF” “That will not be necesary my dear BlueBlood. . . Guards. . . .excecute these insolents” At that moment. . . hundred of chagelings and trairtors guards surrounded the four of them pointing their spears or charging their horns” Everypony looked shocked, their friends were trapped with no way out, Chrysallis and BlueBlood smirking said “This was your great plan and your attack forcé??? WE ARE INSULTED!” “Oh BlueBlood. . . even having all that power you still are an idiot. . . have you ever heard the word. . . DISTRACTION?” “WHAT?” they both said Then from nowhere the day light started to dissapear for hundred of shadows, everypony was confused until they saw Alex looking at the sky, everychangeling did the same only to see horrified how dozens of manticores started to land on Canterlot. . . one with a Zebra on his back, everypony started to run and escape again. “What how?? How you” “You know. . . I always had my doubts but it is really true, having Royal friends have it benefits. . . isn’t right?. . . my dear friend. . .King of the manticores?”, Alex extended his fist to one of the manticores besides him who responded clashing his pawn to it” “WHAT??” they repeated in unison Alex then removing the smile in his face scream “NOW ATTACK MY FRIENDS. . . TODAY WE TAKE CANTERLOT BACK TO THE PONIES!!” ROOOARRRRRRR every manticore and Proud Hammer said and started the fight “You think we will just stand still and let you ruin everything monkey” BlueBlood said and tried to levitate Alex like last time Alex with some struggle managed to break the bind “What?? how??” “You are not the only one with new toys” Alex said He then started to charge full speed at BlueBlood, Chrysallis was about to help him when two Manticores tried to strike her, she flew away followed by them “YOU INSOLENTS!!” she thought Alex and BlueBlood started their fight in the stage, trying to punch him or kick him but he was fast in creating new forcé fields after the ones Alex was breaking with his DS knuckles, by his part Blueblood was shooting beams at him, Alex managed to dodge some but some hit him sending him away some times, Alex started to cough some blood. . . he didn’t want to admit it. . . but he was losing, some more of those beams and he was done for, Alex then shouted “Now!! Don’t forget our priority” “What?, isn’t it take me or my Queen. . .” BlueBlood didn’t finish talking when he noticed a pack of five manticores leaded by a Zebra who were freeing the elements and Princesses “No!! Blueblood said and tried to shot a spell to them but was stopped by a kick in his check” “Remember your oponent is me asshole” “AGGHHHH MONKEY!!!!” The manticores and Zecora started to get away with the Elements and Princesses when BlueBlood still fighting with Alex screamed “CHRYSALLIS, WE HAVE TO USE THAT NOW!!!” he then used a beam to shot Alex legs making him jump and back off giving him time to run to the stage Chrysallis now facing 4 manticores said “What?? is not necesary, there may be so many of them but we still have the upperhand, it’s just a manner of time. . . besides we still have the Prin. . . .” She noticed then the manticores getting away with their hostages, she knew that with they free. . . they could inspire the ponies of Canterlot to fight back. . . not to mention the Cristal Empire or the other cities “NOOOOO! OK LET’S DO IT BLUEBLOOD” Chrysallis used a blind spell with the manticores to get away from there, she reunited with Blueblood at the stage and while covered in around five forcé field bubbles they started to charge their horns together, Alex and some manticores started to strike the bubbles but they were tough Alex then said “Everymanticore. . . RETREAT!! WE HAVE WHAT WE CAME LOOKING FOR!!” Alex started to get away and so did the everymanticore but it was too late, Chrysallis and BlueBlood with their eyes Glowing red released the spell, a powerfull shockwave that hit everymanticore, human and pony around, it even hit many changelings but still left a great part untouched, Chysallis and BlueBlood were panting after that, it was obvious that spell consumed great part of their magic and they could not repeat it again. . . at least not soon, Alex alongside with his comrades stayed there on the ground, he was stuned and could not move any limb. . . the Princesses and the Elements as well. . . they had lost, Alex. . . nopony or manticore really didn’t see that coming “Who would’ve. . . gah. . . say. . . those two. . .knew what a Triumph card is. . gah” The remaining changelings and guards started to restrict the manticores and everypony again, BlueBlood then started to trott where Alex was. . . licking his lips to get his reward. . . the head of the only human in the world, he with much effort half levitated Alex and with his own sword he said “I have to admit it monkey. . . you almost won but in the end I was superior, don’t worry. . . many will remember you or at the very least will know who you were. . . after all. . .your skull will decorate my room. . . now. . .let me send you to your dragon friend in the afterlife” Alex waiting for the final blow noticed something runing at them very fast and smiled “Uh? isn’t that curious? Are you that happy to see your dragon friend?” He then looked at BlueBlood. . . still smiling “Who said Spike was in the after life?” “What? then. . .” At that moment BlueBlood was interrupted by a close little fist striking his cheek so hard that he was even sent to flying some meters away. . . the culprit was Alex best partner in combat, after that he breathed fire balls to the changelings restricting Twilight and their friends, then changelings started to burn and scream, and flew away inmediatelly. . . leaving the Elements alone “WHAT?? Chrysaalis said “YOU ARE ALIVE AS WELL?? WELL NO MATTER, WHAT DO YOU THINK A BABY DRAGON CAN DO ALONE ANYWAY?” “Who said I came alone? Spike then took out a horn and made a huge breath with it, every ear could hear the noise then he looked at the horizon, seeing this Chrysalis and everypony looked as well only to see a full army of bisons standing there. . .all of them with war paint in their faces, Spike then turned to Alex and said “HEY ALEX!!” “Hey Spike!!” “It seems we got here on time” “Well. . . I’m glad you didn’t come five minutes ago” “What?. . . well never mind, I’ll ask you later now. . . . (he turned to the bisons) ATTACK MY FRIENDS!!!” At that moment all the bisons roared and started their charge to Canterlot, All the changelings assumed combat position, they were still confident, the numbers were still by their side, then they clashed and the battle started, some of the bisons were trying to free the manticores that didn’t look so afected by the shockwave. . . some of them secured the element bearers and broke their chains. . . chrysallis seeing this inmediatelly used her aura to secure the three Alicorn Princeses and the unicorn prince and escaped, Twilight still recovering saw this and screamed “No! the Princesses.. . . my BBBFF . . girls we have to go after her” (everypony noded) Zecora went with them to give them potions to recover some of their strenght and to cure some minor injuries. . . all of them before going turned to see Alex who saw them back, all of them noded to each other and then continued the chasing. . . that moment was not the time to talk and they knew it, after they dissapeared at the distance, BlueBlood stood up. . . his eyes on fire and said “aghhhhh, you damn dragon” “You will not touch my friend. . . you ok Alex?” “ah. . .yes, I think I’m recovering the control of my body but I will need some more minutes” “Don’t worry. . . I’ll give you those minutes. . . CHIEF?!!” After shouting that the leader of the bisons alongside with two freed manticores came rushing “What is it Spike??” “I need one of the manticores to help me fight this pony while you and the other one take Alex and retrieve the Elements of harmony” “But Spike I don’t know where” Spike as fast as he could whispered to Alex “They are behind the gem doors at the throne room” Alex nooded “NOW GO!!” even with my friends and some manticores we will not stand for so long” Alex then carried by a Manticore and the Chief started their way to the Palace but then he remembered “Oh my God, the Princess, The Bearers. . . .Chief we need to back them up” “Don’t worry my simian friend, my people alongside the manticores are doing their best to help them, for now we need to focus on our mission and they in theirs. . . now BISONS!! COME WITH ME!!” At that moment 5 more bisons joined them, once in the throne room they inmediatelly searched for the gem door, they found it but it was tight close, Alex was about to try to unlock it when the chief said “Allow me” then he tackled the door. . .crushing it to pieces” “. . . . well. . . that works for me” They found the Golden chest, when they opened it.. . . there they were. . . the Elements of Harmony. . . wow looking at them in person was even better than he ever imagined but he had to leave his brony for the moment, the mission wasn’t over, when they were about to exit the room, they were recieved by a dozen of changelings and guards “Alex. . . now go with your manticore friend and give these to the bearers, we will hold them” “Chief? Noooo” “Go on boy, remember time is not our ally today, Go!!” Alex nooded and climbed on the Manticore’s back while the chief and his bisons battled the guards Alex inmediatelly flew where Spike was. . .he still was fighting BlueBlood but alone, the manticore with him was knocked out. Blueblood like before with Alex was now hardly levitating Spike to finish him, he tried to breath fire at him but he deflected it again “You gave a good fight dragon, your skull will be next to your monkey friend’s, he was close to pierce him with a knife when his eye suddendly was striked by an arrow” “AGHHHHHHH MY EYE, MY BEAUTIFULL EYE!! WHO DARED?” He was interrupted by a fist in his muzzle sending him away, BlueBlood lost focus and set free Spike “Are you ok partner??” “uhg yes. . .thanks” “YOU. . . YOU!!! I’m done with these games. . . I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Alex then clashed with BlueBlood again, as before BlueBlood was more powerfull, “Don’t you realice monkey? I am stronger and better than you. . . and I’ll show it to everypony who always doubt me!!” After hearing that. . . his ego complex. . . Alex then had an idea “Sorry dude . . . but that’s not true and you know it!!” “Don’t you remember how I clean the floor with you a week ago monkey?” “You didn’t do that. . . the amulet did. . . in fact. . . I think the amulet should be King not you” “I can beat you any time I want. . . I’ve been training you know, I’m better than anypony and any worthless human like you” “Then show them!! show them you are a Ruler who can win with your own power” “What??” “YOU. . . ME. . . MANO MANO, YOU REMOVE YOUR ALICORN AMULET!! I REMOVE MY ARMOR AND PROTECTORS, NO MAGIC NO WEAPONS, SHOW ME YOU CAN FIGHT WITH YOUR HOOVES LIKE A TRUE STALLION!!” “YEAH RIGHT, YOU THINK I’M STUPID ENOUGH TO REMOVE MY AMULET” “. . . . Pattetic excuses from a sissy prince, what a dissapointment you are. . . what a reputation to leave behind. . . you know what. . . my little filly sister has more balls than you” BlueBlood could feel how his anger increased and increased then he had an idea. “AHHHHGG FINE!!!. . . .BUT WITH TWO CONDITIONS. . . FIRST THAT DRAGON HAS TO GO AND SECOND YOU WILL LET ME DO A LITTLE SPELL BEFORE TAKING IT OFF” Alex nooded BlueBlood then removed his Alicorn Amulet from his neck, he only left the lower part of his armor on then Alex removed his DS armor and Tshirt, he only kept his hidden blades on “Great Alex (Spike said) he will remove his Alicorn amulet then we can. . . .” “No Spike. . . you will go. . . take the elements to Twilight and their friends and stop Chrysallis once and for all” “But. . .” “I know is stupid. . . but he accepted my challenge. . . if we don’t respect that. . . we will sink at his level” then he whispered to his ear “Besides we need to have him here the longer we can, trust me. . . you don’t want to see that powerfull spell they can do togheter” “But, you don’t know if he is gonna” “I know Spike. . . please trust me in this one. . . as always” “. . . . . . . . . Ok, please be safe” Spike hugged his friend, took the chest and alongside the Chief proceded to go after Twilight and everypony ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// With them go. . . BlueBlood and Alex stared to each other. . . he then charged his horn and cast spell around them both “What was that??” “A “ignore me” spell, no matter what we do. . . no pony will pay attention to us, we can fight without any interference” “Excelent” “You promised to remove all your armor. . . what about those huge brazalets in your. . . front hooves” “Just an insurance. . . after all you still can use your current magic” “Uh. . . whatever. . . it wont make any diference anyway. . .Monkey. . . do you really think. . . they have any chance againts Chryssalis, he has absorbed too much love in her staying here. . . not to mention she has the Alicorn Amulet. . . hahahaha, do you think those pattetic Elements of Harmony really have a chance?” “. . . yes, I believe. . . after all. . . it’s Twilight and her friends and they have the most powerfull weapon in the world even more powerfull than any human weapon in my world” “And what weapon is that??” “Friendship” “So they bind you with their stupidity as well. . . then allow me to free you from it. . . by killing you” For some seconds they stared to each other. . . then. . . the fight started, BlueBlood charged with his hooves at him, Alex was really exhausted and still didn’t have 100% control of his body but still he managed to dodge some but this time it was harder, it seemed BlueBlood made some combat practice. “Wow BlueBlood, I can say you had not been wasting you time” “Believe it or not. . . I wanted to be an Strong King to prove anypony to not mess with their new ruler” “Too bad you choose the wrong way to do it” They kept fighting and hiting each other, Alex did all his best to avoid any hit in the face, one hit there and maybe he was doomed, but still the ones in the arms, chest and stomach hurt like a bitch. “Now monkey time to end this” BlueBlood then stricked Alex on the stomach again and then in the jaw, sending him to the ground, Alex stayed there looking stars when BlueBlood started to aproach to him “You see now monkey. . . nopony is better than me, everypony have to bowdown to me all the time, because I’m superior. . . I’m a true ruler!!” Alex then recovered and hit his stomach with a kick, BlueBlood cough some Blood but before he could so something Alex made a second kick in his jaw as well and to end putting his hand together he hit him in his neck, BlueBlood feel to the floor, Alex kept hitting his face until he could no longer continue, BlueBlood was bleeding badly, snaping Alex said “You had everything anypony or human would wanted!!!, a Family that loved you like Cadence!!, a warm home in a palace!!, power of a prince!!. . . but that wasn’t never enough for you uh?!! I pitty you!!. . . enjoy your staying in the dungeon!! You piece of sh. . . ” Alex was about to kick him in the face to leave him unconsious when he felt a piercing feeling in his stomach, when he noticed. . . he saw his own DS arrow deep on it, he spilled some blood and fell to the ground BlueBlood stood up and started to laugh and then he used his hooves to restrict Alex arms and said “hehehe hahahaha, you really are an idiot. . . you really thought I would keep fighting clean” “What happened to your honor as a king?” “pah, who need honor when you have power, this is what you got for being good guy. . . learn your final lesson. . . never trust. . . a bad guy. . . and don’t worry. . .I’ll treat your little pegasus marefriend very nice. . . don’t you think I didn’t notice, I have to admit she is very cute. . .maybe I will have my fun with her before banishing her and for your dragon friend. . . I think he will make a nice suit and for the rest of your friends. . . don’t worry I’m sure they will find a nice way to die in the moon” BlueBlood then started to levitate his alicorn amulet to put it back on him when Alex only stared and after thinking about deeply he said “. . . .Sorry but. . . I’m not exactly a good guy” “What. . OUCHHHHHHH” “Alex then using his free leg gave BlueBlood a clean kick in the balls. . . strong enough to allow him to free his arms, BlueBlood then grabed one of Alex throwing knives on the floor and proceded to strike him in the chest but not before Alex said “By the way. . I learned that lesson long ago. . .I never trusted you!!!” He then striked his both hidden blades on BlueBlood neck. . . he just stared to him. . . but consious enough to strike the knife in Alex Chest who fell on the ground again hishing in pain “What. . . what?. . . you. . . you killed a pony?. . . I thought didn’t have what it takes. . .to do it” “I’m a human. . . cough. . . . .not a saint” BlueBlood then fell on Alex. . . dead. . .Alex then took his blade and striked the Amulet. . . piercing in pieces. . . he saw all the dark magic leaving it to God knew where. . . then he stayed there. . . on the ground. . . with an arrow and the knife in his chest knowing he could not remove them or he would die faster. . . he decided to wait the longer he could . . waiting and hoping for his friends to defeat Chrysallis and come as soon as posible. . . to hear his last. . . . wish CANTERLOT PALACE (Some minutes before BlueBlood defeat) Twilight and her friends weren’t doing any good againts Chrysalis and her minions, weaker and tired there was so little they could do againts her. . . worst her using the Amulet, if not for all the manticores and bisons backing them up they would be in a cell again at that moment, they were so desperate to reach the princesses who were inside coocons behind Chryssalis who was smirking “HAHAHAHA did you really think you could defeat me, even without the amulet you’d never be a match for me!! “No matter Chrysallis. . . we will defeat you. . .and. . .and rescue the Princesses” “Whatever you say dear. . . I think it’s time to send you to the moon, since my partner is not here right now to send you all at the same time. . . I think I will have to do it one by one. . .so who wants to be first??” She started to look to everypony and finally took her desition “I think it’s better to start with the stronges of all. . . so long Twilight Sparkle” Chrysallis then shot her powerfull Spell to the unicorn who casted a forcé field, the beam hitted the bubble and started to crack it, everypony tried to use this time to attack Chrysallis but were stopped by her subjects, even with all the back up they were still outnumbered, Twilight was trying her best to maintian her bubble but it was useless, she really was going to be sent to the moon, Chrysallis was smiling like a maniac, she finally was going to have her revenge over Twilight and Canterlot. . . then from nowhere a little flying tomahawk striked Chrysallis amulet. . . making a little fisure on it, it reléased a bright light who blind chrysalis for a second and ending her spell “ahhhhhggg who dares??” “Me you bigbug” Said the little dragon who was helping Twilight “Don’t you dare touching her or anypony” “Spike!!” Twilight said hugging her little dragon “Oh thanks Celestia you are allright. . . tell me. . . where is Alex?” “Fighing BlueBlood” “What?? all of the Elements said “I know. . .but trust me . . . he told me he had a plan, now we must focus on defeating Chrysallis to back him up. . . I brought something you will need” Spike said looking at the chest at the entrance carefully for Chrysallis didn’t realize “Put them on. . I will buy you some time. . . NOW!” “Wait!! Spike!!” Twilight couldn’t stop him in her state. . .this time she had to believe in him then she turned to her friends and said “Now Girls come with me!!” Spike shot some arrows to Chrysallis who casted a forcé field, the arrows pierced the barrier hitting chrysallis in one leg and scratching her cheek “What?? Darkness Stone?? you useless dragon. . . I’ll teach you some maners” She tried to pull Spike with her magic but he started to struggle and finally got free “This can’t be happening. . . your armor too?. . . no matter let’s see how much longer you can keep it up” Chrysallis then started to shot beams which thanks to his natural agility and parkur training he managed to dodge “Wow little dragon. . . you impress me, who taught you all that?” “My partner and brother figure. . . Alex” “Ohhh. . . well. . . he taught you well. . . . I promise you I will bury you two togheter” Spike kept throwing knives and arrows to her which she knew was useless to block with magic so she only dodged them while attacking back. . . Spike continued his attack until he had no ammo. “It seems you have nothing more to attack me with uh??, I’ll give it to you, it was a great effort but useless. . . it seemed you lost HAHAHAHAHAHA, now die!!!” “No!! you lost Chrysallis. . . I didn’t have to win” (Spike said pointing the Mane 6 with their elements on) “What but but!!!” “I only had to made sure you lose” “NOOOOOOOO!!!!” Twilight and everypony’s eyes glowed as allways to actívate the Elements. . . soon a rainbow beam aproached to Chrysallis and. . . “Noo!! I will not be defeated!!!” Chrysallis said countering with her own beam. . . it was imposible. . . she was matching the Elements of harmony, the beams were equal for a moment but chrysallis one started to get the upper hand “hahahaha, I even stronger than the Elements. . . HAHAHAHAHA, enjoy the after life Elements. . .(Chysallis heard something aproaching to her side, she turned to see Spike with his hidden blade ready to pierce her neck) she tried to cast a Bubble to protect herself but since she was focusing all her magic in the beam Spike broke it with no problems and continuing his attack. At that moment Spike jumped to give the lethal blow. . . he just had to do it and everything was over. . .no more chrysallis once and for all. . . but when he saw her expresión of shock and fear. . . .he remembered his partner words(true braveness is not about knowing when to take a life. . . but to know when to forgive it) so he changed the route of his blade and pointed it to the Alicorn Amulet. . . it was a direct hit. . .he even made a huge scratch in Chrysallis neck but not lethal, she hished in pain and he said. “No!! you enjoy being a statue” Chrysallis beam lost almost all her mighty power. . He then jumped again while now the rainbow beam aproached her and started to turn her in stone “NOOOOOO!!! HOW. . . MY PLAN WAS PERFECT I CONSIDERED EVERY POSIBILITY” “No. . . (Spike said) you didn’t. . . you didn’t considered the strong friendship. . . between a human and a dragon with these Ponies” Chrysallis with hatred in her eyes stayed there. . . . turned in stone Every Changelling and traitor guard who saw their queen defeated started to flee like scary cats. . . The girls and Spike proceded to free Princess Celestia and the rest, all of them woke up and Shinning armor said “What. . . what happened” “No time to Explain. . . we need you and Cadence to repeat your barrier spell like in your wedding” “Twilight (Cadence said) we. . . we are exhausted. . .I don’t know if we can” “We’ll give you strengh” Twilight and her friends using in a last effort used their elements to replenish Shining armor and Cadence magic “Wow. . .thanks Twili. . . with this I think it will be enough” At that moment. . Shinning and Cadence started to charge their horns and once again in a reléase of pure light and both of them forming a heart’s shape with their bodies. . . reléased their spell all around Canterlot, Every Changeling and traitor were affected by the shockwave, Manticores and bisons only looked how all of them were sent away so easily. . . and leaving a huge bubble field surrounding all the city. . . they had won. . . everything was. . . over. Everypony existed their home and looked all the changelings and dark guards gone. . . they started to cheer with high voices, Lyra along with everypony were so happy. . . she was about to call the Crussaders to come out. . .until. . . she saw something at the distance. . . it seemed like a unicorn laying on the ground and under him was. . . “OH NOOOO!!” she said before trotting there wishing her eyes were lying to her. After releasing Princess Celestia and Luna and having a warm reunión. . . she said “Thank you my little ponies. . . I’m so sorry I had to leave all the work to you. . I’m sorry” “Don’t be princess Celestia. . . all of us were took by surprise” “But. . . BlueBlood was my responsability. . . I should had seen this coming” Spike then gasped “Oh no!! BlueBlood!!, we have to help Alex” “Easy Spike. . . with our barrier Spell he surely was sent away as well. . .but I have to admit. . . I thought he would put more of a match than that. . . well. . .it’s BlueBlood” “Anyway I think we should go and check on. . .” “KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Everypony, dragon and any other creature heard coming outside the palace “That. . . can’t be good” Spike said before runing out of the palace with everypony else following him. > Chapter 37, Keep Living for our Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When everypony arrived at the Center of Canterlot. . . they found a huge group of ponies, bisons and manticores all of them surounding something or better said someponies. . . there they were. . .Lyra in her haunches. . . sobbing besides. . . Alex? “Oh no!!. . .Partner!!” Spike ran to his friend. . . he noticed some inches from them was BlueBlood’s corpse. . . and some pieces that seemed to be. . The Alicorn Amulet. . .Alex managed to defeat him but. . . . he sat next to him “Alex. . . Alex. . . you alright?” (Stupid question Spike thought) “. . . . ugh. . . to be honest. . . I’m dying . . .other than that I’m fine” “. . . Dude. . . please. . . no jokes. . . not now!!” “hehehe. . . cough. . . sorry little guy. . . at least let me try to be funny in my last. . . last moments. . .” “Last moments??. . . what. . what are you talking about?? You are not dying. . . the Princesses will help you. . . you’ll see. . . everything is going to be fine” (he turned to Princess Celestia and Luna who just arrived) “Right Princesses?. . . you can heal him. . .right?? RIGHT??” Princess Celestia nooded and aproached to Alex. . . .carefully she and Spike removed his remaining DS armor off him for they could block her magic, first she casted a scan spell. . . the wounds were deep. . . mortal. . . but maybe she could do something. . . then she casted her spell on him. . . but nothing happened, the arrow and knive where stuck in him and he still was bleeding, she tried again and nothing again “What?. . .but how?? Why is my healing magic not working?” “. . . . Uhhh. . . that’s. . .that’s because. . . this arrow and knife are. . . mine” Celestia’s and Spike eyes widened to imposible levels “You. . . you don’t mean. . .Darkness Stone?” He forcefully nooded The Gasp between Ponies was harder this time, Lyra then aproached Princess Celestia and said “But. . .but. . that’s not a problem right?? I mean. . I mean you are Princess Celestia!! That’s a child’s play to you. . . RIGHT?!” “Child. . . I really like to say yes. . . but I can’t. . . with normal wounds. . . At least I could stop the. . . bleeding. . .but he was injured by DS weapons. . . worst he still have them inside him” “Then. . then. . .if magic doesn’t work. . . let’s take him to a hospital . . . yes a hospital. . .the doctors can help him. . . right?” Celestia started to share some tears and lower her head “I’m sorry my little pony but. . . that will not work. . . his wounds are so deep. . . even our best doctors can threat this kind of wounds faster enough after removing the piercing objects. . . he would die in minutes. . . the only thing I can and I’m doing is. . . delaying the bleeding the best I can but. . . it’s all I can do. . . sorry. . . I’m so sorry” Every creature just stared at Celestia. . . she. . . . wasn’t lying At that very moment all the mane 6 and Spike ran and hugged Alex gently, Pinkie pie no longer able to contain said “NONONONONONONO! YOU CAN’T DIE ALI. . .YOU CAN’T, WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY AND SPEND SO MANY DAYS PLAYING, HANGING OUT AND BEING HAPPY. . . ALL TOGETHER. . . please. . .please” “It’s Ok Pinkie. . .really. . .I’d had love to see my party. . . I know it would be epic. . . please. . .smile. . . never stop smiling. . . let me remember you. . . smiling” Pinkie still in tears gave Alex the most huge smile she never gave to anypony “See. . . you are a lot prettier when you smile. . . makes me love our friendship even more” (she nooded) “DUDE. . . I FORBID YOU TO DIE. . .NOT COOL. . . NOT COOL AT ALL!!. . AND AND. . . YOU STILL OWE ME AN ALL YOU CAN EAT IN HOOFDONALDS” “hehehe. . .Thanks dashie. . . I. . . cough. . .needed a good laugh” “I was. . . serious dude” “Me too. . .what you say?. . . one last time?” “Alex then spitted in his fist and headed it to dash who also spitted in her hoof and clashed to it” “Goodbye saliva sister. . .love you” “Goodbye saliva brother. . . agh. . I’LL SAY IT.. . . LOVE YOU TOO!!” Everypony smiled. . . they were grossed but still smiled” “Alex. . . . (Twilight said). . I. . .I still have so many questions. . . so much I wanted to learn from your kind. . . what Am I going to do now?” “. . . My Laptop. . . there is so much information there. . . now. . . is yours” “You. . know that’s not the point Alex” “. . . I know. . . sorry. . . it’s the best I can do now, please take care of it. . . love you” “I love you too. . . .VBHFF” “VBHFF?” “VERY BEST HUMAND FRIEND FOREVER” “heheheeh. . . then. . . .Thanks. . . let see. . . EHPBFF” “UH?” “EGG HEAD PONY BEST FRIEND FOREVER” “they both laughed and shared a warm hug” “Sugarcube. . . thankyou. . . from all of us. . .thankyou for coming back for us. . .” “You are welcome pretty cowgirl. . . but I know you’d do the same for me” (she noded) please continue being honest and hard worker. . . and. . . take care of that mane of yours. . . I never told you but. . . blondes drives me crazy” (she blushed and let a little laugh escape) “I will sugarcube. . .I will” (she then kissed his forehead). . . hehehe it’s funny. . . it’s my first kiss to a male outside my family. . . be gratefull” “I am. . .it’s the honest true” Then Spike talked “Alex. . . .so. . .this is it?. . . you really are going?. . .what Am I going to do now? There is so much you need to teach me!” “No Spike. . . I already taught you everything I know.. . . you stopped needing me so long ago. . . now you are more than prepared to keep your journey without me. . .cough” “That’s not tr. . . “ “IT’S TRUE!!.. . . BELIEVE IT PLEASE” (he nooded) “I. . . will try” “Just one little advice. . . no more than 2 hours of playing by day. . . got it?” “. . . . ok” “That’s good. . . Rarity. . . I’m sorry I left a mess in your basement. . . my roomate friend” “Darling. . . I. . .I don’t know what to say. . . what Am I going to tell Sweetie Bell?” “Tell her the truth. . . that I went back home” “. . . Uh? What you mean?” “you’ll see. . . .please tell your parents. . .I love them and I’m sorry for not. . .coming back. . . I love you. . . my friend” “I. . .I will tell them. . . and. . . I love you too darling” Alex turned to Princess Celestia “Princess. . . . please. . . cast that spell on me. . . let me. . .cough. . . die in my world” “Princess Celestia. . . (Twilight) you know how to send him back to Earth?” Celestia ignored her and said to Alex “But. . .I don’t know where” “Don’t worry for that. . . as long it’s my world. . . . it doesn’t matter. . . please. . .besides. . . I don’t know how but I. . . feel it will take me to a known place. . .” Princess Celestia still in tears nooded and turned to Princess Luna and Cadence “Luna. . . Cadence. . . please. . . I need your help. . . most of all to share your remaining magic with me. . . we’ll send Alex to Earth. . . I hope” “You hope? (luna said). . . you mean you are not sure?. . . there is no way I’m. . .” “It’s ok Luna (Alex) I know the risks. . . and agreed. . . please help her” “Ok. . . my friend. . . and thankyou. . . thankyou so much. . . thankyou for showing me my moon is loved and respected. . . here. . . have this. . . I was going to wait until your birthday but. . . please have it” At that moment Luna made appear a little gift enveloped with a black ribbon. . . she levitated and put it on Alex short’s bag “Thanks Luna. . . I mean it. .. . . Ok. . . Princess Celestia. . . I’m ready” At that moment Celestia, Luna and Cadence started to glow their horns, while they were doing that, Alex turned to Lyra “Lyra. . . my human lover friend. .” “What is it Alexis. . .” “You. . . are one of my best pony friends. . . you know that. . . don’t you?” “Yes. . . thanks. . .” “I need a favor. . . if someday. . . anyhuman managed to get here to Equestria. . . please show him kindness and friendship. . . but at the same time. . . be carefull. . . ok?” “. . . sob. . . Ok!!. . . I . . . .I will. . .I promise. . . . love you Alexis. . . ” “Thanks . . (He turned to Everypony and creatures), Thanks. . . cough cough damn I have no much time. . . thanks everypony, dragon, mantic. . . ahg thanks everycreature. . . I’d like to say goodbye to all of you. . . cya someday . . in the afterlife. . .maybe” Alex then before the Princesses casted their spell. . . with Lyra’s helped him to assume a sit position for the hit. . . Princess Celestia shot the beam at him. . . it was warm. . . someway he felt. . .free. . .then he started to dissapear. . .At that moment he felt somepony hugging his neck. . .it was his favority shy pegasus friend “ouch. . . Hey pretty shy pony. . . what is it?” “Alex. . . please. . . don’t go. . . please don’t die. . . stay. . . stay with us. . . stay with me!! “I’ll always be with you. . . with all of you, even if you can’t see me” “NO! not like that. . . I want you here with us. . . in flesh. . .Alex . . Don’t go!!. . . I. . .I. . . I LOVE YOU!!” Everypony’s jaw felt to the floor. . . all except the mane 6. . . instead they smiled. . sadness still present. . . Alex felt his heart stopped for a second. . . he then looked at her in her eyes. . .smiling he said. . . “Thanks Shy. . . I’m still not 100% sure. . .but I think I love you too. . . to be honest with you. . . maybe . . . I. . . cough. . . was willing to. . .try” Fluttershy felt her heart explode. . . he maybe felt the same for her?. . .all this time she had a chance? No longer able to help herself she pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss. . .that lasted some seconds. . . releasing their lips. . . she stared at him again. . . crying “Those. . . were my true feelings Alex. . . they are all yours. . . not to anypony else” Everypony could already see through Alex by this point. . . the teleportation was almost complete “Thanks Shy. . . Goodbye. . . but before I go. . . please promise me this” “Yes?” “You will be happy. . . you will have a happy life. . . with a good Stallion. . . will have many “shy” foals and die as an old mare” “. . . Alex. . . with you gone. . . I don’t think that would be pos. . . . ” “Please. . . don’t let this interfiere with your happiness. . . please” “I. . . promise” “Pinkie promise?” “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. . . happy now?” “Very” At that moment Alex kissed Fluttershy in her cheek before finally dissapearing Everycreature stared the spot where the human was a second ago. . . the only things that remained there were the bloody arrow and knife (of course they weren’t transported with him. . . like last time). . . the mane 5 helped Fluttershy to stand up. . . she was so sad. . . but still smiling. . . she promised him she will be happy. . .and she wasn’t planing to dissapoint him, the manticores then after saying their farewells to Fluttershy and Spike. . . took their fallen ones and flew away to their homes.. . . it was cold. . .but the misión was over and the one who they did all for was gone. . . they left but not before roaring in unison in respect to Alex. . . .once they were gone . . . Celestia using her Canterlot royal voice said “CITIZEN OF CANTERLOT, TODAY JUST SAW A BRAVE CREATURE DIE BEFORE US, HE SHOWED US SO MANY THINGS. . . HOW YOUR KIDNESS REALLY REPAYS YOU WHEN YOU NEEDED IT THE MOST. . . HE SHOWED ME ONE CAN TRUST IN THE LESS YOU EXPECT TO, AND NOT ONLY HIM.. . BE GREATFULL FOR THE MANTICORES AND BISONS WHO FOUGHT FOR US AS WELL. . . LET IT BE A GREAT LESSON TO ALL OF YOU. . . NOW. . . EVERYPONY. . . WORK WITH EACH OTHER AND LET US PUT OUR INJURED CITY BACK TOGETHER AGAIN” Everypony nooded and started to clean and plan the repayments, the bisons asked by Spike offered to help too, the Princesses, Spike and the main 6 proceded to go to the Palace to have a well deserved Sleep, Lyra and Rarity went to check the crussaders at her place. . . but none of then could stop thinking about their human friend. . . .how now he was. . . in a better place. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EPILOGUE (Two weeks later) Everything went back to normal in Equestria. . . the news spread fast as always. . . how some heroic manticores and Bisons leaded by a Human and Dragon helped the ponies to free Canterlot, BlueBlood was buried in a common place at the cemetery. . . Celestia decided he wasn’t worth to be buried in the royal graveyard. . .Cadence was sad but she in her heart knew the brother saw it coming. . . still she visited the tombstone almost every day in her staying. . . Celestia made her servants to make a statue of her friend in the palace gardens with a plaque that said “TRUST” simbolizing her and everypony new opinión on humans, there where no day with the statue not having flowers in its base, Celestia offered Spike his own statue besides him but he declined saying Alex was the true hero there even though Celestia told him Alex wouldn’t think like that. . . besides the stained glass window with him and his partner in the palace was more than enough, Luna using all her power created a new constellation. . . for everypony it looked like a very bad shaped monkey. . . but for the ones who knew. . . it was so obvious what it was. . . in her mind she kept thinking “Oh my human friend. . . how would I liked to see you using my gift. . . . I think many mares would had been very pleased. . . Fluttershy most of all” ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Back in Ponyville. . . the mane 6, ProudHammer, Zecora and Spike were recieved as heros with cheerings and a party. . . but the mood decreased after hearing about their human friend parting. . . but knowing he would be sad looking them like that. . . they decided to keep celebrating, Rarity and the rest decided to tell the crussaders the truth. . . tears were shared most of all from Swetie Bell but Applebloom conforted her “Be happy Sweetie Bell. . . he is in Elisium with mah Ma and Pa. . . and his family. . . .besides he’d like to see yah smiling. . . remember how he loved your smile” “sniff. . . thanks Applebloom. . . I will. ..but. . . just please for now.. . let me cry” Applebloom noded then she and Scootaloo kept hugging her friend. . .sharing some tears as well. Lyra decided to make a trip around the world, checking every posible sight of humans or weird monkeys. . . who knows? After finding Alex. . . .maybe some weren’t made up stories after all. . . BonBon decided to go with her. . . better said. . . Lyra forced her to go. Proud Hammer and Zecora business increased to the sky. . .she was selling Potions like if there was no tomorrow and Proud Hammer by his part was even offered to work some more years as Captain of royal guards which he declined. . . he wanted a peacefull life only ponyville could offer. . . besides. . .who knows. . . maybe in some years a certain purple dragon would be more suited for the job. With the mane 6 everything went back to normal as well. . . sadness was still present but they decided to keep living the best they could. . . for their friend. . . Twilight spend some time studying Alex Laptop and finally decided to borrow it sometimes to Celestia as another study ítem. . . but with the promise to not mess with movie nights like the ones they enjoyed with Alex which she gladly agreed, Applejack started to work harder than ever but being carefull to not overwork herself again not to mention she started to keep her mane as beautifull as posible. . . Rarity was too busy making hoods for almost everyfillie and colt in Ponyville who liked to play. . . the human, Pinkie pie decided to name her chocolate muffins as ALICHOCO MUFFINS.. . . ok?. . . they sold out every day by the way, Rainbow dash as always kept doing her weather job and practicing her stuns. . . .no pony knew when she thought she was alone. . . she proceded to put on a hood (made by Rarity who pinkie promised to not tell anypony), one time she even said to herself “Spike and Alex were right. . . . this is cool. . . .” Fluttershy kept taking care of her animals. . . thanks to them and her pony friends she managed to overcome Alex lost. . . besides she promised him. . . and she knew in some kind of way as he said. . . he was alive. . . watching all of them. . . with a new light in her face. . . she exited her cottage to live a new day and said. . . . “Watch me Alex. . . . Watch me. . . my very special Friend (and maybe. . . very somehuman)” After that she reunited with her friends in the plain lands to meet Princess Celestia. . . aparently she would come with a guest “Twilight. . . do you really don’t know why Princess Celestia want us here?? (Rarity asked) “She didn’t give me all the details. . . but aparently after BlueBlood and the Manticores incident. . . she thinks well. . . Equestria is in need for a contingency plan in case something similar happens again” “You think she is bringing somepony who wil be our ally” “Maybe” “Wow. . . maybe it will be a handsome pony GOOD prince from a distant land” Rarity said. . . daydreaming Everypony rolled their eyes and waited for some time until they finally saw two chariots. . . in one was Princess Celestia and in the other was. . . .Discord? “OH OH!!!” was all everypony thought at that moment. SOMEWHERE IN EARTH A doctor was filling the paperwork for an unusual patient who arrived a couple of weeks ago. . . he was questioning a nurse who brought him. . . wanting to have everything clear. . . .he proceded to say “So. . . let me get this straight.. . . you are telling me there was some kind of bright light in the babies room. . . every baby started to cry for being woken up so sudden. . . and then. . . from. . . no where. . . he. . . appeared. . . laying on the floor with those injuries in his stomach and chest??. . . really? “I know it’s crazy doctor but. . . it’s the truth. . .maybe he was attacked and his assailant took pitty on him. . . and brought him to the hospital” “But. . . why THE NEW ARRIVED BABIES ROOM??, why not the waiting room or outside the hospital?” “I. . . I can’t say I understand Criminals. . . otherwise I’d be a Cop” “ugh whatever. . .” “But. . . to think. . . he really survived!!!” “Yes. . . it’s odd. . . according to his injuries he should had died even before you found him. . . but someway he was bleeding. . . slower?. . . anyway. . . he sure will need to answer some questions when he wakes up. . . but I must say. . . or he is really lucky or he really has someone watching his back. . .found anything in his clothes?” “some stuff and his wallet with his ID. . . it seems his name is. . . .” THE END? . . . . . . . YES. . .THE END!