Happily Ever After...

by spideremblembrony

First published

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy are transported to a mysterious new world where everypony is happy under the benevolent rule of Princess Leina. But what dark secret lies within the city that threatens their lives?

After a mysterious cloud brings Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to the unknown land of Leaven, they desperately search for a way home. Fortunately, they happen upon the Harmony Force and their benevolent ruler, Princess Leina. However, as they continue to search for their way home, they soon discover that something within this seemingly peaceful town is threatening to end their lives.

Will they make it home? Or will they be forced to live in Leaven, where something unnatural is sure to occur?

My entry for the Most Dangerous Game Contest

Happily Ever After...

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Applejack’s head was spinning relentlessly as she started to gain feeling in her forelegs. She slowly opened her eyes as the street appeared before her eyes. Blurred images faded in and out as she attempted to focus her vision. She shut her eyes again, as if to clear them by even a little. She groaned as she moved her foreleg to her head.

What in Equestria just happened? She thought back last thing she could remember. Her eyes shot wide open as her memory came flooding back to her. The cloud had swallowed her and the others. Twilight and Rainbow Dash had attempted to disperse it, when it suddenly attacked them. She stood up quickly and glanced around her, praying that her friends were unharmed. She noticed them lying on the ground, not but a few feet from her. Fluttershy let out a moan.

Applejack rushed over to her side and kneeled down to her. “Fluttershy!” Applejack cried out. She placed her hooves on her chest and shook her gently. “Wake up.”

Fluttershy shook her head as she leaned forward. She placed her foreleg on her forehead and let out a deep breath. She looked over to Applejack, her eyes slowly opening. “Applejack?

“Are you alright, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked.

Fluttershy put her hoof on the ground and started to stand up. “I think so.”

Pinkie Pie let out a low moan as she slowly stood up. “Whoa, that wasn’t much fun at all!” Her pupils rolled around her eyes, as if she was dizzy.

Rarity groaned as she placed her foreleg onto her forehead. “Does anypony remember the last thing that happened?”

Applejack nodded as she made her way to Rarity’s side. “Yeah. Twilight was dealing with that cloud thing and it ran into us.”

Pinkie Pie leaped up in the air with a gleeful smile on her face. “Yep! That’s what happened! And then we passed out!”

Fluttershy lowered her head. “Oh, I hope Twilight and Rainbow Dash are okay.”

Applejack’s heart sank as Fluttershy reminded her of her friends. If the cloud had knocked them unconscious, then who know what it could have done to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who were right next to it. Applejack turned back to Fluttershy. “I didn’t see them when I woke up.”

Rarity picked herself up off the ground and took a step forward. She glanced around her. “Where are we, exactly?”

Applejack looked around her, expecting to see Sweet Apple Acres. However, they were in the middle of a golden street. Houses filled either sides of the street, but none of them were anything she recognized from Ponyville. The buildings stood up higher than what was seen in Ponyville and they were scrunched together leaving almost no room between them.

It gave off the feel of the high walls of a labyrinth rather than a town. Applejack admitted to feeling a little intimidated by it. The ponies on both sides of the streets simply trotted by, with only a few of them giving them a glance. A couple of them gave a friendly smile and wave.

“Oh! I’ve never met that pony before!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as one pony gave a friendly wave. She then quickly pointed to another pony. “Or that pony!” And another. “Or that pony!” And another. “Or that-!”

Applejack quickly placed her hoof on Pinkie Pie’s mouth, muffling her voice. “I think it’s safe to say we aren’t in Ponyville anymore.”

Pinkie Pie nodded, smiling through Applejack’s hoof.

Fluttershy took to the air and started to look around the area, as if she was searching for some sign of where they were. She then flew down to a small newspaper stand on the side of the road. The stallion running the stand gave her a smile. Fluttershy started to blush as she looked down at the front page of the newspaper before her.

She looked back to the others. “Girls,” Fluttershy called out in a soft tone. “Come look at this.” Applejack and the others quickly trotted to the newspaper stand. They examined the newspaper.

“Leaven?” Applejack asked. “Where the hay is that?”

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe we’re in someplace that’s really, really far away!”

Rarity glanced up at the newspaper stallion. “Excuse me, good sir, but might you be able to direct us to Ponyville.”

The stallion frowned and shook his head. “Sorry, miss. I’m afraid I’ve never heard of Ponyville.”

Applejack turned to the stallion. “How about Canterlot? Can you tell us how to get to Canterlot?”

The stallion shook his head. “Sorry, I’ve never even heard of Canterlot.”

The group’s mouth dropped upon hearing those words. Pinkie Pie leaned in on the newspaper stand. “You can’t joke about a thing like this! This is serious! We need to find Princess Celestia!”

The stallion gave a nervous smile as Pinkie Pie leaned forward into his face. He gave a chuckle. “Princess Celestia?” His eyes then widened as he gave a bright smile. “Oh! You must mean Princess Leina!” He maneuvered around Pinkie Pie and pointed to down the road that swerved back and forth until it reached a large golden palace that seemed to glow a darker shade in the twilight.

“Princess Leina lives there,” he stated. “But you’ll need to talk to the Harmony Force to get permission to see her. Princess Leina is very busy running everything.”

Applejack turned to the stallion and smiled. “Thanks. Where do we find the… Harmony Force, you said?”

The stallion gave a chuckle. “They’re all over the place. You just got to look for where trouble is brewing and you’ll find them.” He put his hoof on his chin. “The real trouble is getting their attention. Like the princess, they are also extremely busy.”

Rarity nodded. “Thank you, darling.”

The stallion waved them goodbye with a smile as the four trotted off. Applejack wasn’t sure where to start looking for trouble. The ponies around the area seemed so peaceful. As they traveled down the road, they were often greeted with a friendly smile and even given a chance to mingle, all of which Pinkie Pie gave in to. Applejack was often forced to pull Pinkie away, telling her to focus on finding the Harmony Force.

Pinkie smiled as she was pulled by her tail by Applejack. “These ponies are extremely, super, duper nice.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh, yes. They are really nice.”

Rarity shook her head. “They’re just not the ponies we are looking for.”

Pinkie Pie smiled wider. “Maybe they might know where they are!” Before anypony could stop her, Pinkie Pie darted off and started to mingle with another pony.

Applejack just shook her head and smiled. “Maybe Pinkie’s got the right idea.” She turned to Rarity and Fluttershy. “Maybe we ought to talk to some of the ponies around here and find out where to find the Harmony Force.”

Rarity and Fluttershy nodded in agreement. Applejack looked up to the sky and noticed a large clock tower above her head. She pointed to the sky, causing Rarity and Fluttershy to turn their heads. “We’ll meet back here in a half hour.”

With those words, Rarity and Fluttershy each trotted off in their own direction, speaking to ponies along the way. Applejack trotted down the road, passing Pinkie Pie talking with another pony, asking his birthdate, favorite color and other things that Pinkie loved asking.

Applejack made her way to a local café, where she hoped to see the store owner. Out of the three ponies she talked to, only one of them said anything different about Princess Leina and the Harmony Force. Apparently, the Harmony Force was supposed to be the city’s protectors and that they were under orders from Princess Leina. But that still told her nothing about where to find them.

Applejack walked through the door and made her way in the line to the cashier. A stallion with glasses looked up to the menu and smiled. “I’ll have a Danish, please.”

The cashier shook head and frowned. “I’m sorry. We’re all out.”

The stallion stomped his hoof on the ground. “Aw, nuts.” He looked up and smiled. “Well, I guess I’ll come back tomorrow.”

The cashier nodded his head and smiled. “Have a good day.”

The stallion turned around and trotted past Applejack and out the door without saying another word. Applejack made her way up to the front desk as the stallion greeted her with a smile. “Well, hello there, beautiful. What can I get for you today?”

Applejack smiled. “Hi,” she quickly said, trying to ignore the ‘beautiful’ comment. She took a deep breath. “I’m looking for the Harmony Force. Do you know them?”

“Oh, you a fan?”

Applejack shook her head. “I’d just really like to meet them.”

The cashier shook his head. “I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere. We don’t see them too often unless there is trouble.”

Applejack sighed and turned around. “Thanks away.”

The cashier nodded and smiled as Applejack trotted away. “Have a good day.”


After thirty minutes of traveling the town and asking the same questions, Applejack was no closer to finding the Harmony Force. She was beginning to think that the Harmony Force was some sort of hoax. She grumbled to herself in frustration. Not at the town. She berated herself for not finding anything beyond the one thing she had learned and it was hardly anything that couldn’t be put together by listening to everypony else.

She arrived under the clock tower where Fluttershy awaited. “Any luck, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No.” She lowered her glance. “I’m sorry I couldn’t find out more. I was just… too shy to talk to strangers. No matter how nice they seemed.”

Applejack placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, causing her to glance at her. “It’s alright, sugar cube.” Applejack smiled. “I didn’t find too much either and I was talking to anypony I could.”

Fluttershy gave a slight smile and turned her head back down the road. The two watched as Rarity made her way to them. “I am afraid that I my search did not prove fruitful.”

Applejack shook her head. “We didn’t have much luck either.”

Rarity gave a sigh and shook her head. “Well, I suppose we will have to hope that Pinkie Pie found something.”

Applejack nodded as the three made their way to a nearby bench and sat down. As they sat and waited for their hopping pink friend, Applejack looked back down the road as the ponies went about their business. She mind wandered to Twilight and Rainbow Dash. She wondered what could have happened to them. Were they taken by the mysterious cloud as well? Or were they still in Equestria, trying to find them?

Applejack wished she knew more about what was going on around them. Her heart sank into her chest. She wished Twilight was here. She would know more about what happened than anypony she knew. But the sad truth was, Twilight was likely far away, so Applejack needed to figure it out.

Finally, her depressing thoughts were broken up by a shout coming down the hill that came in the voice of Pinkie Pie. “Girls!”

Applejack whipped her head around and spotted Pinkie Pie making a mad dash for them. Applejack stood up from the bench. “Whoa! Slow down, Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie Pie flew up to them with a worried look on her face. “There is a building downtown that is on fire! There are ponies trapped there!”

Applejack mind went blank as her mouth started to move on its own. “Where?!”

Rarity and Fluttershy stood up quickly as they gave a quick glance at one another.

Pinkie Pie pointed down the road. “Come on! We’re not too far!” Pinkie darted down the road with alarming speed with Applejack not far behind her. Rarity and Fluttershy followed as closely as they could, but their speed caused the gap between Applejack and Pinkie to widen until they were little specks on the road.


Flames roared from the windows of the building, pumping black smoke into the air. Applejack looked up to the building, seeing several ponies trapped on the upper floors. She assumed them to be non-pegasi ponies. However, they were too far away from the windows for a pegasi to fly up without burning. She looked down the road, hoping to see rescue ponies. Her heart dropped. The street was empty, save for the few ponies who were glancing up at the fire. She looked up at the upper floors and gave a deep swallow.

Applejack leg’s moved with the speed of a jackrabbit as she dashed to the front entrance and into the building. Pinkie Pie’s voice called out to her to stop, but Applejack’s heart was pumping in her ears, causing her voice to sound as if it was muffled.

Applejack rushed up the staircase, the heat overtaking her body. Beads of sweat soaked her coat with each step she took. The roaring flames overpowered the beating of her heart, followed by the crackling and creaking of the wooden support beams around her. Her breath felt as if it was on overdrive, taking in a breath every second. She attempted to slow her breathing as much as she could, focusing on taking as few breathes as possible.

Applejack made her way down the hallway. A crumbling sound reached her ears causing her to look above her. Rubble burst from the ceiling heading straight towards her. She darted to her left as the rubble collided with the floor, burning her skin as it passed by. She grunted as a dark patch started to form on her left side. She grinned her teeth together and continued down her path, ignoring the pain as best she could.

She made her way up a set of steps when she heard a scream. The scream repeated itself several times as she searched the hallway for the source. She perked her ears up focusing with all her might, while her mind tried to separate them from her beating heart, the sound of the fire roaring around her and the crumbling of the building. Within a moment, she rushed towards a door at the end of the wall and listened intently, hearing a small whimper on the other side.

Applejack turned around and gave the door a swift buck. The door flew open. But as the room was revealed fire burst from the entrance, catching Applejack’s tail and burning off several hairs from her body. Applejack ignored it as best she could, taking a short breath. She let out several coughs in the air.

She trotted into the room, glancing around her. A small closet stood at the other end of the room, across a sea of flames, with only a small path between. Applejack rushed over the path and placed herself in front of the closet where the whimpers grew even louder.

She opened the doorways and found a small colt shivering and coughing as he scrunched into a ball at the corner. Applejack gave a friendly smile, trying to calm him down. “It’s alright, youngin. I’m gonna get you outta here.” Applejack wrapped the colt in her hoof as the colt wrapped his hooves around her.

Applejack rushed out of the room as a wave of fire came straight towards her. She continued forward, wincing as her tail was once again taken by flames. She pounded her tail against the ground, quelling the flames, but not before it burned several of her tail hairs and pieces of her skin.

She arrived at the hallway and started back towards the staircase. Her mind went back to the several ponies still trapped on the upper levels, but her first thought was to get the colt out safely. As she rushed to the staircase, she saw that the stairs had collapsed behind her. Her heart pounded even faster in her chest, as if it wanted to escape her body.

She silently asked her legs to give her everything they had to make the jump. After taking several steps back, she darted forward, holding the colt tightly in her forearm until she was at the edge of the platform, bending her knees to leap forward.

However, as she planted herself on the ledge, the floor beneath her gave out, causing gravity to grab her. Applejack’s mind went blank as she and the child screamed as the bottom floor grew closer, the flaming ripping at them. However, as Applejack closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the colt, their momentum slowed, and eventually, stopped.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” a voice came to Applejack’s ear that seemed to pierce through all the noise around her.

Her eyes opened and she glanced up to the sky, spotting a pony with pale white skin and a bright blue mane. At first, Applejack thought it was that pony who D.J several parties Pinkie had thrown. But as she looked again, this pony was not a she, but a he. And he had wings at his back. His horn on his head glowed as it carried Applejack and the young colt to the entryway.

The alicorn set Applejack down gently. As soon as her hind legs touched the ground, she released the child, who darted for his mother in the distance. Applejack watched as the two embraced, the mother’s face covered in tears and a smile.

Applejack took a deep breath, only for her lungs to begin burning. She let out a series of uncontrollable coughs. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie rushed over to Applejack. “Applejack, what were you thinking?” Rarity chastised. “You could have been hurt or worse!”

Applejack tried to respond, but her coughs took over her voice as her lungs continued to sting. Fluttershy took a step away from her. “Just take slow breaths.”

Applejack started to rise to her feet. She needed to go back in, knowing that other ponies were still inside. Like reading a book, Pinkie Pie knew what Applejack was up to. Pinkie threw her forelegs around Applejack’s body. “Applejack, you can’t go in there again!” Pinkie shouted. “You might not make it out!”

The alicorn then approached them. Applejack cast her eyes to the tall stallion standing above her with a smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll take it from here.”

Applejack raised her eyebrow. “We’ll?”

She felt a small gust brush against her coming from the sky causing her and the others to turn towards it. Her eyes caught the sight of four alicorns soaring above her, their horns pointed directly to the fire.

The stallion on the ground took to the sky and shouted to the others. “Cookie, Morning Glow, Marigold, you three will help get those ponies out of there!”

Three of the alicorns placed their forelegs to their foreheads as if they were saluting. The alicorns dove for the higher windows, their horns glowing. The fire before them parted. The ponies made their way to the window, where the other two alicorns began to gently lift the ponies out.

The stallion then turned to the final alicorn. “Alright, Little Lake, let’s see if we can’t get this fire under control!”

Little Lake gave a salute and smiled. “You got it, chief.”

The two alicorns flew to the top of the building as their horns shined brightly. Storm clouds began to gather over the building, like metal to a magnet. With a small spark of their horn, the clouds released the precipitation over the building, drenching it in its wake. Within a mere minute, the fire had been greatly weakened. A moment later, the fire had died.

As the last pony was set gently on the ground, the crowd thundered in applause. The stallion, who Applejack assumed was the leader, turned to the cloud above him and with a spark of his horn, dispersed the storm cloud.

Applejack couldn’t help but be a little impressed at the alicorns in the sky above her. She hadn’t seen the faces of her friends, but she could almost tell they were thinking the same thing.

The alicorns placed themselves on the ground before Applejack. The leader trotted forward with a smile on his face. “Are you alright, Miss?”

Applejack smiled as she started to rise to her feet, Pinkie Pie finally letting go of her. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”

A brown alicorn mare stepped forward. “That was quite a brave stunt you pulled.”

Applejack placed her hoof on the back of her head. “Probably more stupid. I almost got myself and the youngin killed.”

She then felt a light grip tighten around her foreleg. She looked down to see the colt from the building, giving her a tight hug. The colt looked up and smiled. “Thank you.”

Applejack smiled. “You’re welcome, sugar cube.”

The colt darted off and joined his mother as they trotted down the street.

The yellow alicorn gave a slight chuckle. “I think that child and his mother disagree.”

The leader smiled and nodded. “As do I. That was certainly a brave and selfless thing to do.”

Applejack started to blush as she diverted her eyes away. Rarity took a step forward. “So, you are all alicorns? Who are you?”

The leader’s eyes widened as Rarity’s words filled the air. “Why, we are the Harmony Force.”

The group gave a salute and chanted in unison. “Let justice prevail!”

Rarity turned to Pinkie Pie, her eyebrow raised. Pinkie Pie simply shrugged. Fluttershy tilted her head as her jaw opened a bit. Applejack finally glanced back at the alicorns. “I’m sorry, but we’re new around here… And if possible-“ she bit her lip and took a deep breath. “We’d like to speak to your princess, Princess Leina.”

The leader gave a nod and smiled. “Of course. After what you’ve done, you deserve an audience with her.” He placed his hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “And I will escort you there, personally.”

Applejack felt her stomach tighten, not really knowing what to do or say. She just gave a smile. The leader turned towards his fellow Harmony Force members. “You four meet me back at HQ, I will join you when I can.” The four alicorns nodded, and like birds flying south, were off to wherever they were sent to. He then turned towards Applejack and the others. “Follow me, please.” He trotted forward with the others following closely.

Rarity made her way next to Applejack and gave her a gentle nudge on the side of her body. “Well, he is quite attractive.”

Applejack raised her eyebrow. “What the hay are you talking about?”

Rarity sighed. “Nothing, I suppose.”

Applejack shook her head and continued down the path to the castle of Leaven, secretly wondering what Rarity was talking about. If it was anything that she thought it might be, she wanted to keep that as far away from her mind as possible.


The extensive royal palace seemed to welcome them in its bright golden embrace. Applejack and others surveyed their surroundings with care as they continued to follow the alicorn in front of them. The hallways were golden and at all sides. The walls, the pillars, even the floors seemed to reflect their images, like a hall of mirrors. Applejack felt a strange combination of awe and discomfort. She shook her head, trying to ignore it.

The guards of the castle simply bowed their head and stepped aside with a smile. They seemed to know where they stood in life and accepted it. The stallion gave them a friendly nod and smiled himself.

There seemed to be a peace in the air about them. Applejack thought she should have felt at ease, but something was troubling her. She couldn’t explain it, but she thought something was irking her. Perhaps it was because she missed Twilight and her other friends back in Ponyville. Yeah, maybe that’s all it is, she convinced herself.

“Everypony,” the leader of the Harmony Force spoke as they entered the large throne room ahead of them. The long bright pink rug flowed to the bright golden throne that seemed to shine like the sun. Sitting on top of the throne, was a tall violet alicorn with a flowing pink mane with lighter pink highlights. The stallion pointed to the throne. “Princess Leina.”

Princess Leina nodded her head. “Welcome, everypony, to Castle Leaven.”

Applejack and the others bowed their heads and greeted her.

The stallion took a step forward and gave a salute. “Your highness, I’m pleased to report our mission was successful.”

Princess Leina smiled and closed her eyes. “That’s wonderful news, Star Fighter.”

Star nodded as he placed his hoof on the ground, but still stood at attention. “I would like to introduce you to some ponies I found in the city central.” He pointed towards Applejack and the others. “They were helping some civilians while we were away.” He moved to the side as if allowing them to pass by. “They asked to come and see you.”

Princess Leina nodded and glanced towards Applejack. “I am honored to meet you. And humbled that you would help our citizens.” Her smiled transformed into a frown. “But I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

Applejack took a step forward. She felt a bead of sweat coming from her neck. She felt it would have been easier to talk to Celestia rather than this princess. However, she felt in her stomach, maybe she could help. “Your-your highness,” Applejack started, her voice shaking as she spoke. She wasn’t sure if it was the nerves or something else, but she shook her head, trying to ignore it as best she could. “We aren’t really from around here.”

Princess Leina’s eyes widened as her words reached her ears. “What do you mean?”

Rarity took a step forward. “Your highness, we believe we do not belong here.” She lowered her head. “We come from a place called Equestria.”

Princess Leina tilted her head. Star raised his eyebrow and shot the princess a confused look. Princess Leina stood up. “You are in Equestria.”

Applejack glanced over to Rarity, who simply shrugged.

Pinkie Pie leaped forward with a big smile. “But this isn’t our Equestria! Our Equestria has Ponyville, and Canterlot and Twilight and Princess Celestia and –“ She was cut off by Applejack, who stepped forward.

“What she means is, we just want to go back to our home,” Applejack interrupted.

Princess Leina placed her hoof on her chin. “So, you hail from another Equestria? One that is similar to ours?”

Applejack started to think about the magical mirror of the Crystal Empire that Twilight had stepped through to travel to another world. While she had not personally experienced it, Twilight had described the events quite thoroughly. She admitted to not understanding all of it, but if there were other worlds like the one Twilight traveled to, it’s possible that’s where they were.

Princess Leina turned to Star Fighter. “Do you think it is possible?”

Star Fighter shook his head. “I’m afraid I do not know, your highness.” He then turned to Applejack and smiled. “But I know that they are sincere in their words.” Applejack wasn’t sure if she wanted to smile. Part of her wanted to. Another part of her wanted to know why Star was smiling at her. Of all the ponies he could have smiled at, why her?

Princess Leina gave a smile. “Than that is enough for me.” She sat back on her throne. “Star Fighter, I trust the Harmony Force will attend to our new guests.”

Star Fighter nodded as he turned back to the princess. “Don’t you worry, your highness. The Harmony Force will get these ponies home safely.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Thank you.”

Star Fighter turned towards the group and gave a nod. “Not at all, my friends.” He gave the princess a bow and marched towards the exit. Applejack and the others followed him, a large weight shifting off their shoulders. Applejack silently praised their luck for finding such nice ponies to help them.


The group made their way to a building that looked like a fire station back in Ponyville. However, instead of the usual red, it was painted a bright yellow color. Applejack couldn’t help but raised her eyebrow at the odd choice of colors in this city. Yellow and gold seemed to be the most common colors, with hints of brown. It gave off a sunset feel to the town that seemed to both calm and frighten her.

Applejack and the others followed Star through the front door where they spotted a round table with the other four alicorns each at a seat around it. Star turned and smiled as he made his way to the table side. “Allow us to introduce ourselves.”

Star stood at attention, placing his hind legs together. “Harmony Force, roll call!”

A brown mare with a short red mane stood up and saluted. “Cookie Crisp.”

Followed by a green stallion with spikey yellow hair, imitating her movements. “Morning Glow.”

A red stallion stood up and followed them in suite. “Little Lake.”

The last mare on the table stood up and repeated their movements. “Marigold!”

Finally, Star Fighter gave a salute. “Star Fighter.”

Applejack raised her eyebrow and turned towards Fluttershy, who widened her eyes and bit her lip. She turned back to the Harmony Force, “Um… hi.” She pointed to herself. “I’m Applejack.” She moved her hoof to each of her friends as she introduced them. “This is Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie Pie leaped passed the group and made her way to the table and shook Little Lake’s hoof with her usual enthusiasm. It caused Little Lake’s body to shake as she continued to shake his hoof. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie! Wow, that roll call was great!” She then gasped as a wide smile came across her face. She turned to Fluttershy and Rarity. “We should have a roll call!”

Rarity gave a nervous smile. “I don’t think so, darling.”

Pinkie Pie leaned against Rarity and gently nudged her. “Aw, come on. It’ll be so much fun!”

Applejack took a step towards Star Fighter. “You’ll have to excuse her. She’s easily excited.”

Pinkie Pie appeared in front of Applejack, cutting her off from Star Fighter. “And why shouldn’t I be?!” She pointed towards the table. “We just found the nicest, niceyest, nice ponies we could find!”

Fluttershy nodded. “We were pretty lucky we found all of you, but what is the Harmony Force?” She lowered her head. “I mean, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Star Fighter smiled. “Not at all.” He eyed Cookie. “Cookie, would you?”

She stood up abruptly and at attention. “Yes, sir!” Fluttershy and Rarity backed away a step from her sudden movement and loud voice. She gave a salute. “We are the Harmony Force. We dedicate our lives to the protection all ponies of every shape and size. No matter where they come from.”

Pinkie Pie let out a gasp. “You are like superheroes?! I love superheroes! They are my favorite kind of supers of all time!” She placed her hoof on her chin. “Well, except for super sweets! I love super, delicious sweets!”

Little Lake let out a chuckle. “Well then, I think you’re in luck, Pinkie Pie. I think Marigold has some cookies baking in the oven.”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up as Marigold stood up and gave her a big smile. “Would you like to help me get them, Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie zoomed next to Marigold and placed her hoof around her. “Would I ever?!”

Marigold giggled and wrapped her hoof around Pinkie Pie. “I really like you, Pinkie Pie! You are so…” she let out another giggle. “bubbly!”

Pinkie Pie’s mouth dropped as she heard those words, her eyes widened and a smile overtook her face. “I love bubbles!”

Marigold imitated Pinkie Pie’s expression of joy. “Me too!” The two let out squeals of joy at the same time. Realizing how silly it was that they matched each other’s energy, they let out another giggle as they marched into the kitchen.

Star Fighter let out a chuckle. “You’ll have to excuse Marigold. She’s easily excited.” Applejack smiled.

Star Fighter briefly explained to his fellow Harmony Force what had transpired at the castle. As he talked, Applejack started to wonder what kind of magic it would take to get them back to Equestria. Their Equestria.

Morning Glow stood up. “If you would like, I can show the three of you my plan to get you all home, while we wait for those delicious cookies.”

Rarity took a step forward. “We would be most grateful.”

Morning Glow nodded and guided them into another room down the hall. The room led them to a small library. It was quite a bit smaller than the one Twilight owned. Almost half its size but it had enough books to keep any one of them busy. Morning Glow made his way to a small mirror on the other side of the room.

Applejack’s mouth dropped as she looked upon it. It looked exactly like the one she had seen in the Crystal Empire. Her heart started bouncing with joy as she knew that it was only moment away from leaving this place and going home where they belonged.

Morning Glow made his way beside the mirror. “I found this during a dig up north of here. When I found it, it was completely shattered.” He placed his hoof on the glass. “It took me months to finally put the mirror back together.”

Fluttershy smiled. “So, we can go home with this.”

Morning Glow frowned and lowered his head. “Well…” Fluttershy’s smile disappeared from her face, leaving only a frown. “I haven’t been able to generate the right kind of magic to power it. It lost the magical power to travel other worlds a long time ago.”

Applejack’s ears drooped as her heart sank deeper into her chest and suddenly, the large weight at her back placed itself firmly upon her.

“I guess this means we’re stuck here for a while,” Rarity stated.

Morning Glow smiled. “Don’t you worry, my friends. I will not rest easy until I find a way to get your four home safely.”

Fluttershy turned towards the others and smiled. “I’m sure Twilight is looking for a way to get us home too.”

Morning Glow chuckled. “Perhaps we can make this a race to see who will get you home faster, Twilight or myself.” He let out another chuckle.

Applejack almost smiled. She appreciated that Morning was trying to cheer them up, but she felt jerked around. She had been several places in this world and not one of them could get them back home to their families. She then shook her head. Still, I guess we are pretty lucky. These ponies are a least offering to help. It could have been much worse for us.

She smiled. Fluttershy is right. We are lucky.

Morning Glow led them all back to the main hall. “I assure you, that I will work as long as I have to in order to get you home.”

Star Fighter approached the group as the trotted in. “In the meantime, let’s get you some rooms. I imagine you all are pretty exhausted from your trip.” He turned back to the table. “Cookie, would you?”

Cookie stood up and gave a salute. “Yes, sir! Follow me please.” She started to move to the other end of the room, but was stopped by a sudden shout.

“No pony is going anywhere!” everypony turned to see Pinkie Pie holding a plate of steaming cookies. “Until they try these amazing, super, sensational, so good that they leave your mouth wanting more COOKIES!”

Morning Glow gave a chuckle. “Only one plate, Marigold?”

Marigold gave a nervous smile. “Well, I did make two, but then Pinkie Pie had one… Then I had one because she had one. And then she ate another… And I ate two…”

Star Fighter laughed as he moved over to them. “Well, at least you managed to save us one plate.”

Pinkie Pie leaped in the air. “Come on, everypony! You’ve got to try them!” She raced around the room, presenting the plate to everypony around her. The members of the Harmony Force took them without hesitation and bite into them.

Fluttershy was the first to receive hers and bit off a small chuck. She gave a moan of pleasure as she started to chew. She swallowed. “These are amazing.”

Rarity took hers and bit into it, giving the same signs of approval. “Marvelous. These cookies are among the best I have ever tasted.”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “I know, right!” she said as she gave the last cookie on the plate to Applejack. She darted over to Marigold and wrapped her hoof around her. “Marigold is going to give me the recipe!”

Marigold giggled. “The secret ingredient is love.”

Chuckling filled the room as they dug into their treat. Applejack glanced out the window, giving this world a smile. Really lucky we found these ponies.


Applejack listened intently for the signs of the rooster’s cry in the distance. The sound would have brought her closer to home as she lied in her bed. However, there was nothing, but the silence. It wasn’t that she wanted to be woken up, but she just wanted to hear it. Just to feel like she was safe in Sweet Apple Acres. That they were all safe in their beds and that yesterday was all just a bizarre dream.

Guess I’m just fooling myself. Applejack picked herself off the bed and made her way to the main hall.

She noted Star Fighter at the table, who gave her a smile. “Morning, Applejack.”

Applejack smiled. “Good Morning.” She took a quick glance into the kitchen. Her stomach growled at her as she saw the vacant room. “When’s breakfast?”

Star Fighter lowered his head. “Sorry. Our cook, Marigold, got called on a mission.” He frowned. “And I can’t cook.”

Applejack gave a deep sigh. She could have probably wiped up something. She trotted into the kitchen and opened the fridge. As her eyes set upon it, they widened with her mouth dropping open. The fridge was completely bear. Not a single piece of food, not even a crumb occupied it. It was as if the fridge hadn’t even been used.

Applejack shook her head, hoping that it was the long night playing horrible tricks on her. But as she focused on the fridge once more, it remained empty.

Applejack closed the fridge door and made her way to the cupboards just to the right. She opened one after another. One by one her heart sank. Empty. They were all empty. Not even a trace of food.

Applejack grunted in frustration as she made her way into the main hall, where Star Fighter waited. He gave her a smile. “Didn’t find anything you liked?”

Applejack raised her eyebrow. “I didn’t find anything.”

Star Fighter’s eyes widened. “Really?” He placed his hoof on his chin. “Huh. I guess we need to go grocery shopping again.” He smiled. “Marigold and Little Lake have a huge appetite.”

Applejack wasn’t certain what to say. Pinkie Pie was similar in her eating habits, but any pony could tell when she had food in her house. This place didn’t have so much as a speck. It was as if they cleaned up after themselves constantly. Well, maybe I’m just overacting, Applejack convinced herself. She started for the front door when Star Fighter’s voice stopped her.

“Wait.” She turned around towards him. “If you are going out, here. Take these.” His horn started to glow as a small bag hovered towards her. It jingled as it landed in her hooves. Applejack opened the bag to reveal a small amount of bits.

Applejack shook her head. “I’m sorry. I can’t accept this.”

Star Fighter smiled. “Of course you can.” He raised his eyebrow and a frown appeared on his face. “Why wouldn’t you be able to?”

Applejack diverted her gaze away from him and looked down. “Look, you folks have done so much for me and my friends.” She shook her head. “We have no way to repay you all.”

Star Fighter stood up and smiled. “That’s what’s so great about the Harmony Force.” He made his way to her and placed his hoof on her shoulder. “We don’t need to be repaid for what we do.”

Applejack shook her head. “But all this? It’s too much!” She gently pushed the bag back towards Star Fighter.

Star Fighter laughed. “Too much? My dear Applejack, a small amount of bits for you and your friends?” He shook his head. “What is in that bag is not nearly enough.” He frowned. “In fact, you could call it downright insulting.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. She wasn’t sure where Star Fighter was heading. She hadn’t ever heard anypony speak like this, outside of Twilight. “Insulting?” Applejack asked.

“Think of what you and your friends have gone through in the past day. The troubles you and they have had to endure,” Star Fighter explained. Applejack lowered her head, thinking about how they were stuck in a strange land, with strange ponies and rules, and had no idea how to get home or even if they would get home. “A hundred. No, a thousand times the amount in that bag would never compensate for what you’ve gone through.”

He lowered his head and frowned. “But I’m afraid that is all I can do to help right now.” He raised his head, looking into Applejack’s eyes. “So, please, accept what little I can offer, knowing that I only wish I could do more.”

Applejack was silent as the words set into her mind. She only glanced into Star’s begging eyes, as if this was a matter of life and death. Applejack smiled. “Alright, I accept it.” She took the bag from Star Fighter.

She quickly turned around as she felt heat rising in her face. She felt her heart beat quickly as she stood at the doorway, waiting for her body to move so she could open it. It was as if her body was paralyzed by something she couldn’t explain. She took a deep breath and finally proceeded out the door, her heart still thundering like a drum.


Applejack thought about the words that Star Fighter said. She felt a weight being shifted off her shoulders by talking to him. It almost as if he was certain that everything would be alright. As if there was nothing that could happen that would be able to stop the right thing from coming through in the end.

She felt herself blushing to herself as she trotted down the street. He had such unwavering hope. It is what made him a good leader in her eyes. However, the more she thought about him, the more she thought about Twilight Sparkle. She was, in many ways, similar to Star Fighter in their ability to believe in the best of things. Applejack felt her heart sink. She wasn’t sure if the similarities made her less homesick or more.

She shook her head, trying to not think about it and just focus on breakfast. She made her way to the local diner she had come to when she first arrive and noticed the stallion from yesterday at the front desk.

The stallion looked up to the menu board. “I’ll have a Danish, please.”

The cashier shook head and frowned. “I’m sorry. We’re all out.” Applejack raised her eyebrow. She thought she had seen this exact same situation yesterday. She pondered on it for a moment and she was certain it was the same situation. There was no question in her mind.

The stallion stomped his hoof on the ground. “Aw, nuts.” He looked up and smiled. “Well, I guess I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Applejack’s eyes widened as she heard the reaction to the stallion’s request being denied. It was the exact same as yesterday. The stallion moved passed her without exchanging another word. She stood still for a moment as her mind tried to comprehend what was happening.

Her stomach growled, interrupting her thoughts and causing an ache in her belly. She decided that her hunger was playing tricks on her. She shook her head and made her way to the register. The stallion gave a smile.

“Well, hello there, beautiful. What can I get for you today?”

Applejack shook her head. “I’ll have-“ her speech was cut off as her eyes glanced at the menu. Her eyes widened as they consumed the entire menu in one glance. The blank white menu. She shook her head and looked up again, hoping that her eyes were playing tricks on her. But when she opened her eyes, the menu was as blank as ever. Was it like that before? Did she just not notice?

Applejack glanced down at the stallion before her, who still had a smile on his face. She pointed up to the menu. “Your menu is blank.”

The stallion shook his head. “No, it isn’t.”

Applejack looked up again, but it was still as blank as before. She glared at the stallion in front of her. Did he really think she was stupid? “Look, I don’t know who you think I am, but you’re not fooling me.”

The stallion shook his head. “I assure you, miss. My menu has never been nor will it ever be blank.”

Applejack took another glance at the menu. She didn’t know why. Her head just tilled upwards on its own. She wasn’t sure why she was surprised when it was blank either. The words hadn’t just magically appeared before and they sure as hay wouldn’t then either. She scowled at the stallion. “Right.”

She turned away and started to make for the exit. As she moved, her mind spun in a tornado of thoughts. First the cupboards and the fridge at the Harmony Force’s home and now this. This place doesn’t make any sense.

As she approached the exit door, the doors opened to reveal the smiling face of Pinkie Pie. “Isn’t this place great, Applejack?!”

Applejack turned back to the menu. “I’m not so sure.”

Pinkie Pie’s mouth dropped open. “What do you mean you’re not sure?” A rumbling came from Applejack’s stomach. Pinkie Pie gave a smile. “I know! A nice breakfast will cheer you up!” She made her way pass Applejack, before she even had a chance to respond.

Pinkie Pie made her way to the counter.

“Well, hello there, beautiful. What can I get for you today?” the stallion asked.

Applejack’s ears picked up on that line. It was the third time she had heard that exact same thing. The very thought sent a shiver up Applejack’s spine.

“I’ll take a Danish, please!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

Applejack started to approach the counter. “Pinkie Pie, they’re out of-“

The stallion quickly interrupted, as if Applejack wasn’t even talking. “Oh! Looks like you’re in luck. I have one Danish left!”

Applejack’s mouth would have surly dropped to the floor if it was not attached to her face. Her ears and mind couldn’t believe what they had heard. And yet, not a moment later, the stallion appeared with a Danish in hoof.

Pinkie Pie turned to her with a smile. “Wow, you are really lucky, Applejack! You got the last Danish!”

Applejack took the Danish from the stallion and hinted for Pinkie Pie to follow her away from the counter. Pinkie Pie followed her with a frown on her face. “What’s the matter, Applejack?” she asked, her ears drooping. “I thought you liked Danishes.”

Applejack leaned towards Pinkie Pie. “I just saw him deny a pony a Danish just a few minutes ago.” She whispered. “He said he didn’t have anymore.”

“What?!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Applejack quickly covered her mouth, hoping no pony would look at them. She quickly scanned the room and everypony seemed to be going about their business.

Applejack finally removed her hoof from Pinkie Pie’s mouth and allowed her to talk again. “Why would he lie about that?”

Applejack shook her head. “I’m not sure, but look at that.” She pointed towards the menu.

Pinkie Pie glanced upward and her mouth dropped. She leaned into Applejack’s ear. “It’s blank!” she whispered.

Applejack nodded. “I think we need to find out what is going on in this town and fast.”

Pinkie Pie raised her eyebrow. “What about the Harmony Force? Do you think they can help us? They seem really nice.”

Applejack thought long and hard about asking the Harmony Force for answers. But what if they were in on whatever was happening? They did seem the most normal. Perhaps too normal. Maybe that is why Applejack was having trouble accepting it. They were too perfect. In the end, Applejack wasn’t sure if she could trust them. Not with this. The only ponies she could trust were the ones she came here with. “I think we need to find answers on our own on this one.”

Pinkie’s ears dropped down. “You mean, we can’t trust them?”

Applejack placed her hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder. “I know you like them a lot.” Applejack felt her face glow red. “I … like them too.” She pushed the event of the early morning away from her mind, trying to focus on the task at hoof. “But we need to find out what is going on. And they may not be intentionally lying to us, but something is.”

Pinkie Pie nodded, but kept the frown on her face. Applejack could tell Pinkie Pie wasn’t comfortable with this. The truth was, neither was she.


Fluttershy sat across from Rarity at in the main hall, waiting on Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They had been gone all morning, before they were even awake. She turned towards Star Fighter who stood at the doorway. He gave her a smile. Fluttershy smiled a little, but couldn’t help but feel a little homesick.

She thought about Twilight and how she was probably working nonstop to bring them home. It wouldn’t surprise her. Twilight always had a habit of overworking herself. Fluttershy hoped that she was taking a small break from her work. On the other hoof, she wanted to go home soon.

She looked down at the checker board in front of her and slid her piece, not paying attention to what move she was making. Her mind was consumed by this world and all the ponies in it. They were all so very nice, but there was something else. She didn’t know what it was, but there was something odd about it all.

She thought about how it all started this morning. She didn’t hear one bird chip when she awoke. At first, she thought it might have been they were too far from any nest or tree for them to be heard. However, as she looked out her window, she saw a group of birds out her window. She sang them one of her songs, hoping for a reply, but they were silent. Not even a chirp of disapproval.

It wasn’t the first time she had failed in her powers over animals. The Grand Galloping Gala taught her that. But even those animals made some kind of sound.

“Fluttershy, is something wrong?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy smiled and shook her head. “No. Nothing’s wrong.”

Rarity raised her eyebrow. “You just moved your piece off the board.”

Fluttershy looked down to see her piece straying away from the rest of the pieces on the game table. She closed her eyes and diverted her head away. “Maybe something is bothering me.”

Rarity smiled. “Fluttershy, you know we’re in this together.” Fluttershy turned and gave a smile. “Please, tell me what is wrong.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, when the front door burst open to reveal Marigold, Little Lake and Cookie Crisp. They smiled, trotting in the main hall with bags of groceries following them like a floating dog on a leash.

Star Fighter approached them and smiled. “Any problems?”

Little Lake shook his head. “Nothing we couldn’t handle.” He and the others made their way to the kitchen, presumably to put their groceries where they belonged.

Star Fighter turned to Fluttershy and Rarity. “We’ll have some food for you and your friends in a jiffy.”

Morning Glow appeared from behind them. “Good. I’m starving.” Fluttershy looked up at Morning Glow to see bags under his eyes.

“Did you stay up all night?” Fluttershy asked.

Morning Glow yawned and wobbled as he walked. “I’m sorry, but I’m still no closer to finding a way home for you.”

Rarity shook her head. “And you think exhausting yourself is going to help us faster?”

Morning Glow lowered his head. Star Fighter placed his hoof on his shoulder. “She’s right. That was a foolish thing for you to do.”

Morning Glow frowned. “I’m sorry, sir.”

Star Fighter gave a smile. “It’s alright. Take a little rest and we’ll deal with this problem.” Morning Glow nodded and turned back towards the hallway. His horn glowed as one of the doors before him opened and he disappeared into another room.

Fluttershy lowered her head. If Morning Glow was willing to stay up all night for complete strangers, she could only imagine what Twilight was going through.

Rarity turned to her. “You’re worried about Twilight, aren’t you?” Fluttershy nodded and glanced away from the table. “So am I.”

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the doors wide open. The squall sent the checker board on the table to soar like a Frisbee off the table and against the far wall. Fluttershy and Rarity dived under the table, uncertain what to expect. The gust swirled all around them, whooshing into their ears.

Only a moment later, the wind stopped blowing. Fluttershy looked up to see the Harmony Force gathering around the room, frantically searching around them. Star Fighter stood up from the ground. “Is everypony alright?” he asked.

Responses came from all sides of the room, in the form of the other members of the Harmony Force. Fluttershy and Rarity slowly crawled out of the space on the floor. As Fluttershy crawled, she noticed a black envelope on the floor in front of her. That wasn’t there before. She picked up the envelope, which caused Star Fighter to turn towards her.

“What is it, Fluttershy?” he asked as he approached her. Fluttershy revealed the envelope. Star Fighter’s horn glowed as the envelope floated from Fluttershy’s hoof and made its way in front of him. He opened it and pulled out a letter contained inside. His eyes widened as he read the letter out loud. “’Dear Harmony Force, I have kidnapped Princess Leina. Come and save her if you dare. Signed, Prince Terror’”

Gasping sounds came from all around the room. Fluttershy took a step forward. “Princess Leina has been kidnapped?”

Little Lake made his way beside her. “By the worst of all ponies. The greatest enemy of all of Leaven. Her brother.”

Rarity raised her eyebrow. “Her brother?”

Cookie nodded. “Yeah, he’s the worst dastard in the world.”

Star Fighter crumbled the letter in his magical grasp and turned towards Rarity and Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, Rarity, we could use your help in rescuing our princess.”

Rarity nodded and smiled. “Of course, darling.”

“We’ll do whatever we can to help,” Fluttershy assured.

Star Fighter smiled. “Good, because I have a plan.”

Fluttershy and Rarity perked their ears up and listened intently to his plan of attack.


Fluttershy and Rarity scaled the side of the dark castle just on the other side of the city. The cliffs were steep, but with the instructions they had received from Star Fighter, they were able to slip into the old catacombs, while the Harmony Force distracted Terror with an attack from the front.

Traversing the catacombs provide little difficulty, with only the usual stench of mildew assaulting their nostrils as their trial. It looks like their distraction worked, Rarity guessed. They made their way through a long hallway. The further they trotted down the hall, the more light reached their eyes.

A green light started to pulsate from the end of the hallway. Rarity thought they were getting close to where ever they needed to be.

When they arrived at the end of the hall, they looked down to see a throne room that rivaled that of Celestia’s. The throne was black and had spikes shoot out from the tips, with a long green carpet rolling down to the door on the far side of the room. Next to the throne was a small green cage with a familiar princess trapped within.

“You’ll never get away with this, brother!” Princess Leina threatened.

A figured moved from the shadows and stepped towards the cage. “On the contrary, my sister,” Terror replied. The green torches atop his thrown revealed his black body with red stripes that covered his body like a gazette. “By the day’s end, I will be the new ruler of Leaven.”

The doors at the end of the throne room burst open, revealing the Harmony Force. They rushed to the center of the hallway, their horns shining brightly. Rarity turned towards Fluttershy and nodded to her. Fluttershy spread her wings and slowly descended to the ground, being careful not to make any kind of sound as she slowly fluttered behind the throne.

Rarity was forced to climb down, keeping constant eye on where her hooves were. The rocks crackled as she descended to the floor, each one sounding like a thunderstorm to her. She would turn her head back every second to see if Terror had noticed them. However, it seemed he was distracted by the Harmony Force.

“It’s over, Terror!” Star Fighter shouted.

Terror gave a chuckle. “Indeed it is.” His horn started to glow bright red as a green cage, similar to the one Princess Leina was trapped in, fell on top of the Harmony Force. Their horns shined as bright as they could, but the cage would not release them. Terror’s laugh echoed into all around them. “It’s alicornite! You won’t be able to break it with your magic!”

Rarity placed herself on the floor and slunk next to Fluttershy. “Alicornite? Have you ever heard of that?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, I haven’t.”

Rarity had heard of many strange stones in her career, but alicornite seemed too strange a stone to be real. A stone that could resist the magic of even an alicorn seemed too unbelievable. However, it seemed that, in this world, it was real and Terror had just captured their allies. It seemed it was up to them to save them.

Rarity scanned the area around them, searching for anything that could help them. She finally spotted a set of keys on the throne, sitting there as if to taunt the nearby princess. The keys were made of a green crystal-like material, similar to the cages Terror had constructed.

Rarity and Fluttershy began sneaking to the throne as they listened to Terror gloat over the heroes. “For years, my sister has looked over this kingdom with her precious Harmony Force.” His voice echoed in the dark room, making it easy to be distracted as to where exactly in the room he was. Rarity would glance in his direction every step they took, making certain that he wasn’t aware of them.

Fluttershy quickly and quietly grabbed the keys on the seat of the throne and lifted them, desperately making sure that they wouldn’t accidently jingle. After taking in a breath of relief, they steadily trotted towards the cage of Princess Leina, hoping that she would be powerful enough to face her brother in combat.

As Fluttershy raised the key to the lock on the door, a voice caused the hair on the back of their necks to stand up. “What is this?!”

Fluttershy and Rarity turned to see Terror soaring above them, his wings spread, his horn glowing and his eyes piercing at them.


Applejack and Pinkie Pie arrived the local library. Applejack figured it was the best place to start looking for answers. She marched up the steps and slowly opened the door. The room was darkened and there didn’t seem to be any pony else in the room.

“Hello?” Applejack called out. The two waited for a response, but only silence greeted them. She thought about calling out again, but dismissed it. If the city didn’t make sense, it was only fitting that the library followed suite.

They trotted inside and made their way to one of the bookshelves. Applejack looked above the shelves to a sign that said ‘history’. She figured it would be the best place to start. She turned to Pinkie Pie. “You start in that section over there,” Applejack said as she pointed towards the other side of the row of shelves.

Pinkie Pie nodded and did as Applejack told her. Applejack looked up to the shelf and pick out a random history book off the shelf. She looked at the front cover. The book had, in golden letters, 'history' written on it. She figured it was as good a place as any to start. She opened the cover and to the first page. Her eyes widened as she looked upon the white sheet in front of her.

She turned to the next page, with the same thing revealed to her. She kept turning pages, one after another, only to find the same problem.

“Applejack!” Pinkie Pie called out. “Something’s wrong with this book!” Applejack turned towards Pinkie Pie as she held out a book, revealing the pages. “It’s completely blank!”

Applejack frowned. “I’ve got the same problem here.” She tossed the book on the ground and reached for another book. She flipped through the pages, hoping that something would change. However, the white sheets just revealed themselves to her, one after another, like a joke that kept repeating itself. “This one too!”

“And so are all these!”

Applejack turned to see a Pinkie Pie with a large stack of book next to her and the shelf completely bare of any of them. Applejack couldn’t believe what she was seeing. An entire library and she had seen more words on the welcome sign of Ponyville. She gave the shelf behind her a swift, hard buck, grunting in frustration.

Pinkie’s ear drooped. “Applejack?”

Applejack took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “It’s just… this place doesn’t make any sense at all!”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face. “Maybe there is something in the newspaper archives!”

Applejack nodded. She wasn’t completely dry of ideas. Hearing Pinkie give a clever idea was a relief, but she had a feeling that, like everything else, it would lead to a dead-end. She hoped she was wrong.

They made their way to a long staircase at the other side of the library. As they looked down, the light became darker with each passing step, until the darkness completely concealed the rest of the steps. There was no way to tell how far it went. Regardless, Applejack pressed forward with Pinkie Pie following.

The darkness slowly began to consume them. Applejack felt her steps become slower her vision turned to black. She steadily reached for the next step, praying there was a floor under her with every step. She knew it was rather silly to think such a thing, but with as much strange things that were happening around them, she needed to be cautious.

She took another step down and proceeded forward, when her face slammed into a barrier in front of her. From behind, Pinkie Pie was stopped by Applejack suddenly stop, crashing into her.

“Sorry, Applejack,” Pinkie Pie’s voice came from the darkness.

Applejack shook her head. She placed her hooves along the wall, trying to survey her surroundings or see what was ahead of them. She slid her hooves up and down as high as she could, trying not to move forward or backwards. There was only the hard surface of the wall on either side of her as she moved her hooves. “We need to find a light switch or something.

“Like this one?” Pinkie Pie asked as a tiny clicking sound was heard. A few feet above them, a tiny light bulb began to flicker repeatedly.

Applejack felt a shiver slide up her spine as the light continued on and off. She looked forward to see a wooden door staring them down. Applejack moved her hoof to the door knob and pulled the door open with ease. As she looked into what the door was guarding, she grunted in frustration. A giant grey barrier was tactically place in front of the door. Applejack assumed it to be a boulder.

“Wow, some pony really doesn’t want us down here,” Pinkie stated.

Applejack turned to her. “Help me move it.” She placed her hooves on the boulder and began pushing with all her might. Pinkie Pie stood beside her and assisted, pushing as hard as she could. Applejack could feel the rock shift an inch as they pressed against it. The rock began to tilt as they continued their efforts. Applejack gave it one last solid push. With that, the rock tumbled over.

Applejack could feel the answers the sought already flowing to them. This has got to be it. This has got to be the place where we can get some answers.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie climbed atop the rock and as they glanced out into the room, their mouths dropped open and their eyes were filed with horror. Devastated remains of a city stood before them. Buildings that had long toppled over, covered in dust. Window that had been shattered and littered the streets with glass. The skeletal remains of ponies who had perished in this tragedy. There was no vegetation. No wildlife. No life whatsoever.

“Where are we?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Applejack shook her head, unable to contemplate what she was seeing. “I have no idea.” It was like looking into a desert, if the desert’s sand was unnatural grey. Applejack braved the destruction and scanned the area for whatever clue she could find to what happened. Everything around her depicted some horrible attack, perhaps an earthquake.

“Applejack!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Applejack quickly turned to Pinkie Pie who was pointing to a large sign that tilted off to one side of its support beams, as if any sudden movement would cause it to plummet. Applejack examined the sign. Her heart stopped as she looked upon it. ‘Welcome to Leaven.’

She glanced around, her mind spiraling out of control with questions. She took a step forward as a slight crumbling sound came to her hoof. She looked down to see a newspaper littering the floor. She kneeled down and began to read it. However, the first sentence was all she needed.

“What could have caused this?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I think I know,” Applejack replied. She picked up the newspaper as Pinkie Pie quickly rushed to her side. Applejack showed her the front page. Pinkie Pie gasped and took a step backwards. Applejack could understand her reaction.

“What do you think it means?”

Applejack looked at headline again. “I think it means we need to have a talk with Princess Leina.” She wasn’t sure what kind of answers they would find, but they knew that this ‘princess’ had the answers.


Rarity and Fluttershy dove out of the path of the oncoming energy blast. Fluttershy’s heart thundered in her ears as hit the ground. She quickly picked herself off the ground, the keys still jingling in her mouth. Her wings started flapping violently as she avoided another blast of magical energy.

“Hold still, blast you!” Terror shouted. His horned glowed as another beam came for Fluttershy. She lowered her ascent slightly, allowing the beam to pass overhead. Fluttershy quickly made a U-turn, trying to get to the cage of Princess Leina. However, Terror seemed to be onto her plan. He rushed towards her, blocking her path. Fluttershy stopped in her tracks as Terror’s horn started to glow.

Suddenly, a small rock hit Terror on the side of his head, giving Fluttershy a moment to slip away from him.

“Over here, you brute!” Rarity called out. Terror growled, his horn glowing again. He unleashed a beam of energy towards Rarity, who was barely able to escape it.

Fluttershy rushed over Rarity, hovering slight above her. She scooped her up in her hooves. Fluttershy flapped her wings with all her might, lifting Rarity off the ground as high as she could. Another blast hit the ground where Rarity would have been.

Rarity’s horn started to glow as a large tapestry hanging from above them was encased in her glow. The tapestry was ripped from the ceiling and allowed to fall, heading straight for Terror.

Terror gave a thunderous roar as he disappeared behind the tapestry. Fluttershy felt beads of sweat rushing down her face, as his voice echoed throughout the hall. “Rarity, what do we do?”

Rarity looked down. “First, we hide.” She pointed down to the throne. Fluttershy nodded and made her way to behind the throne. Fluttershy and Rarity curled up behind it and waited for their enemy to begin blindly searching for them.

Rarity poked her head from behind the throne to see Terror serving back and forth across the room. Fluttershy dropped the keys from her mouth and looked towards Rarity. “What do we do now?”

Rarity put her hoof on her chin and looked down at the key ring. She then gave a smile. “I have an idea.”


Rarity dove out from behind the throne and rushed to Princess Leina’s cage. However, with the loud jingling that the key ring was promoting, Terror spotted her quickly. “There you are!” he shouted as his horn began to glow.

Rarity looked up to see Terror unleashing a blast of magic towards her. She quickly dove out of the way. She ran forward, serving back and forth, hoping to keep away from the magical blasts. She heard one of the blast just miss her as it collided with the ground. Her heart felt as if it was going to rip through her body and crawl out of the opening. Her lungs felt as if they would burst from the amount of breaths she was taking.

She looked behind her and saw Terror soaring right behind her. Terror gave a grin as his horn started to glow once more. He unleashed a magical blast that headed straight for her. Rarity, fearing that her hooves would not get her out of its path fast enough, leaped into the air, hoping to get a few more inches from it.

However, the blast’s shockwave caught her and tossed her across the room. She slid on the ground, her body throbbing in pain. She slowly pushed herself off the ground as a shadow started to form over her. She looked up to see Terror, with a grin.

“It’s over, my little pony.” He glared at her. “Now, give me the key ring.”

Rarity smiled. “If you insist.” She tossed the key ring straight to him, but before it could hit him, he caught it with his magic.

He gave a smug grin as she examined the key ring. His mouth then dropped. He spun around to see Fluttershy unlocking Princess Leina’s cell. “Treachery!

Princess Leina placed her hooves on the solid ground one after the other and glared at Terror, her eyes glowing white. “It’s over, brother!”

A terrifying roar was unleashed from Terror’s mouth as he rushed towards Princess Leina. Princess Leina’s horn shined bright, engulfing the entire room. Terror stopped in his tracks as he covered his eyes to protect them from the light. As the light died down, Princess Leina unleashed a powerful beam of energy and hit Terror. Terror soared back into the wall behind him and tumbled to the ground.

He moaned in agony as his movements became still. A gathering of cheers could be heard from the cage of the Harmony Force.

Princess Leina made her way to Rarity and kneeled down before her. “Are you alright, my dear?”

Rarity gave a smile and nodded. “Nothing a nice warm bath wouldn’t cure.”

Fluttershy rushed over to Rarity’s side and began to aid her to her hooves. “That was really scary. I thought you were hurt.”

Rarity gave a smirk as she steadied herself on her hooves. “I may not be Applejack or Rainbow Dash, but I’m perfectly capable when the situation calls for it.”

Princess Leina’s horn started to glow as she engulfed the chain connected to the large cage of the Harmony Force. She lifted the cage high above them and tossed it over Terror, trapping his unconscious body.

The Harmony Force gathered around Rarity and Fluttershy. “Let’s hear it for Rarity and Fluttershy!” Little Lake suggested.

“You two were amazing! Spectacular! Sensational!” Marigold gave a hug smile as she started shaking. “I’m so happy I could just scream!” She then let out a squeal of joy.

Star Fighter nodded. “It’s too bad we have to send you girls home. You would make excellent members of the Harmony Force.”

Princess Leina shifted her gaze away from the group as if looking at something that wasn’t there. Rarity noticed it and took a step forward. “Princess Leina, is something wrong?”

Princess Leina’s eyes narrowed slightly and her voice was silent, as if she didn’t hear what Rarity said. Rarity then felt a pair of hooves wrap around her body, distracting her from Princess Leina. “And when you ran out there and almost got hurt, I was panicking so much!” Marigold explained as she tightened the hug around Rarity.


The sounds of Marigold’s voice came from outside the Harmony Force’s home. Applejack and Pinkie Pie sat as patiently as they could, the unbelievable newspaper still sitting in front of them. Applejack’s mind was still flooded with the new revelation that they had discovered. Pinkie Pie hadn’t smiled since they discovered the underground city beneath them.

Applejack didn’t blame her. Nothing was what it seemed and Princess Leina was connected to it. Her ears picked up movement coming from the hallway. She twisted her body to see Morning Glow trot out of his room. He gave them a smile. “Good morning. Or is it afternoon?”

Applejack didn’t respond. She waited purposely for Marigold, her friends and the others to pass through the front door. Applejack stood up slowly as they began to finish their conversation. Whatever they were talking about seemed to have Marigold extremely excited. Applejack began to open her mouth to speak, when she stopped dead in her tracks by the sight of Princess Leina.

She knew she would have had to confront her about this issue sooner or later, but she had hoped to gain the support of the Harmony Force first. Well, I can’t let this wait any longer.

Rarity made her way through the crowd of ponies . “Applejack, Pinkie Pie, where have you two been?”

Pinkie Pie stood up. “We’ve been busy trying to figure out all the weird things that are going on around here.”

Marigold raised her eyebrow and tilted her head. “Weird things? What kind of weird things?”

“For one thing,” Applejack started. “That isn’t Princess Leina.”

There was silence in the room as the Harmony Force’s mouths dropped. The silence began to overwhelm everypony. Fluttershy finally took a step forward and broke the silence. “What do you mean, Applejack?”

Star Fighter glared at her and slipped passed Fluttershy. “This is a serious accusation, Miss Applejack. I suggest you explain yourself.”

Applejack narrowed her brow. “No.” She reached for the newspaper in front of her. “You explain this!” She tossed it towards Star Fighter, who caught it with his magic.

He flipped the paper to the front page and examined it. He read it, his mouth dropped open, causing him to read it out loud. “Princess Leina assassinated?” He took the paper in his hooves. “War inevitable? Harmony Force killed in battle?”

He glance up at Applejack with a look as if she had just broken his heart. “What is this?”

Princess Leina made her way to Star Fighter’s side. “Isn’t it obvious? It’s a prank and not a very funny one.”

Applejack shook her head. “It’s not a prank.” She glared at Princess Leina. “Ten years ago, Princess Leina was publicly assassinated by her brother. Her death ignited a war in her country that devastated it.”

A frown appeared on Marigold’s face. “She can’t be serious.” She turned towards Star Fighter. “Can she?”

Star Fighter put his hoof on his chin. Princess Leina glared down at him. “You can’t seriously believe this, can you, Star Fighter?”

Star Fighter turned towards Rarity and Fluttershy. “What do you two think?”

Rarity shook her head. “Applejack would never lie about such a thing.”

Fluttershy nodded. “And Pinkie Pie would never pull a prank this mean-spirited.”

Leina pressed forward. “Obviously, they are working together.” She placed her hoof on her head and gave a sigh. She nearly tumbled to the ground, but Star Fighter caught her in time. “A dragon… it has appeared in Leaven.”

Star Fighter nodded. “We’re on our way.” He gently set Princess Leina back on her feet and began to make his way towards the exit, only to be cut off by Applejack rushing in front of them.

“Nopony is going anywhere until we get some answers!” Applejack snapped.

Cookie poked her head out from the group. “But Leaven needs us!”

Applejack shook her head. “But nothing in this town makes sense! Library books with blank pages! Ponies who repeat the same day over and over!” She moved passed each of the Harmony Force until she was face to face with Princess Leina. “And I know it all starts with you.”

Princess Leina shifted her gaze and took a deep breath. Her body started to shake as she glared at Applejack. “Shut up,” she hissed.

Applejack shook her head. “I know you are lying to these ponies.”

Star Fighter came to Applejack’s side and narrowed his brow towards Princess Leina. “Is there something you are not telling us, your highness?”

Princess Leina seemed to ignore Star Fighter, instead glaring at Applejack. Applejack leaned forward, her eyes piercing at Princess Leina. “You owe these ponies an explana-“

“I SAID SHUT UP!” Princess Leina shouted as her horn shined brightly. She picked up Applejack and tossed her into the wall above the entryway.

Applejack felt to the ground with a thud. She slowly opened her eyes. Her blurred vision blocking the solid images. She saw the shapes of her friends coming to her side. She tried to make out what they were saying, but her ears were still ringing.

Fluttershy and Rarity slowly helped Applejack to her feet. Applejack looked up to see Star Fighter placing his hoof on Princess Leina’s shoulder. “Your highness, what has gotten into you?”

She took a step forward, her horn continuing to glow, her eyes filled with spite. “I will not let you ruin everything!”

The far wall began to crack and crumble. Two sets of black talons appeared through the wall. The large pieces of the wall ripped from its foundation to reveal two large black arms connected to a dragon.

Fluttershy sunk to the ground as her body started to shiver. “Can we go home now?”

Star Fighter turned to his fellow Harmony Force. “Harmony Force! Attack!” The Harmony Force shot into the air and attacked the dragon, firing various beams of energy from their horns.

“Wait!” Applejack cried to them, hoping that they would come back. She turned to Fluttershy, who she noticed was shivering in fright. “Fluttershy, it’s not real.” She glared back at Princess Leina. “She is!”

Princess Leina took slow steps towards Applejack and the others. She growled as her horn began to glow once more. However, she was stopped by a pie flying into the side of her face. She hissed as she spun to the source.

Pinkie Pie threw another pie at Princess Leina, followed swiftly by another. Princess Leina conjured a barrier, preventing one of the pies from hitting her. The other was caught in the air by her magic and forced by at Pinkie Pie.

The pie hit Pinkie Pie in the face, blinding her. She was then hit by a magical blast that forced her to the wall behind her.

Applejack found a piece of rubble and quickly bucked it at Princess Leina, scratching her face. Princess Leina glared at Applejack with a growl. “It’s over, Princess.”

Princess Leina’s horn shined brightly. “It’s been over before. I fixed that!” She picked up Applejack’s body and tossed her into the wall behind her. She pulled her from the wall and slammed her into the ground, as hard as she could. “Why should every pony get to enjoy their lives while I was cheated out of mine?!”

Applejack slowly rose to her feet as she saw the curtains reach out and wrap Princess Leina within them, as if they were alive. She looked back to see Rarity manipulating the fabric with her magic to restrain Princess Leina.

Princess Leina roared as her horn glowed and burst from the fabric in a powerful shockwave. The force knocked down Fluttershy and Rarity and sent Applejack to the wall once more.

Applejack felt her body press against the wall, as if she was being nailed there. She opened her eyes to see her friends trapped in the same position. She struggled with all her might against the invisible magic force that restrained her. It would not release her, however. Instead, the pressure became more intense.

Princess Leina hovered in the air at the center of the room. Her eyes glowing white. “Here’s how this story is going to end!” she threatened. “I’m going to kill you! And then I’m going to put you in my perfect world and you are all going to live happily ever after!”

The pressure on Applejack’s body increased, causing her to cry out in agony. She felt as if a mountain had just been laid on her chest and her rips were slowly collapsing. She could only imagine what the others were going through. Her eyes began to darken as she could hear less of her heart rate. Every second felt like an eternity of agony. She lowered her head, blaming herself for their defeat.

Suddenly, a blast of magical energy knocked Princess Leina to the ground. Applejack felt gravity take over and pulled her back to the earth. However, her chest no longer felt that it was going to crumble on top of her heart. She slowly pulled herself off the ground and glance upward. She saw the Harmony Force soar into the ruins of their home and stand before Princess Leina.

Princess Leina pulled herself off the ground and scowled at her fellow alicorns. “How dare you?! I made you!” she screeched. “I gave you life!”

Star Fighter narrowed his brow. “We took an oath to protect ponies of all shapes and sizes. No matter where they come from.” Star Fighter pointed to Princess Leina. “Harmony Force, attack!”

Cookie flew into the air and fired a beam from her horn. Princess Leina blocked her attack with a barrier, but before she could counterattack, Morning Glow hit her in the chest with a blast from him, sending her back several feet.

Princess Leina fired a blast from her horn, but Cookie and Morning Glow moved out of its path. Princess Leina was hit in the chest once more by a blast from Marigold and Little Lake. She was sent flying out of the building and into the street. She slowly picked herself up, watching as the Harmony Force followed her.

She roared as she fired another blast. The Harmony Force avoided her attack and all of them unleashed their powers at the same time, their attacks slamming into her body. Her screech filled the air as she slowly toppled to the ground.

Applejack rushed to the doorway, watching as the fight finally ended. Princess Leina slowly rose to her feet. Her hind legs, however, started to vanish into dust. Princess Leina glanced back at her legs and then to her forearms, which were being reduced to dust as well. “You fools!” She yelled. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done!”

There was no response. Only Princess Leina’s scream as her entire body faded into a small pile of dust on the ground. Star Fighter turned towards Applejack giving her a smile, as his body faded and disappeared.

Applejack felt as if her heart had been stabbed. She watched as the ponies disappeared one by one. The once lively city of Leaven was transformed into a desolate wasteland. The buildings vanished into dunes of sand and the ponies all vanished, as if they never existed in the first place. She felt a tear run down her face as she turned away, trying to push them from her mind. Applejack made her way to her friends.

Rarity slowly stood up and glanced around her. “What happened?”

Applejack tilted her head to the ground. “They saved us.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made their way to their side. Fluttershy lowered her head. It was clear that the group was upset with what had just happened. But something else just occurred to them. Something Fluttershy brought up. “How do we get home?”

Applejack wasn’t sure what to say. She looked up, seeing the ruins of the old Harmony Force home around her. She trotted down what she remembered to be a hallway and turned left when she believed she saw something sparkle in the sand. She started to dig through the sand with her hooves, revealing the mirror they had seen earlier.

Applejack smiled. “It’s still here!”

Rarity tilted her head. “What good does it do us? Morning Glow wasn’t able to figure out how to get us home.”

Applejack lowered her head. The weight of never going home began to hit her. Suddenly, a voice came from the mirror. “Applejack!” the faint voice cried out. Applejack put her face next to the mirror and listened closely. “Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity!” the voice became more familiar.

Applejack gave a big smile. “It’s Twilight! She’s trying to find us!”

Fluttershy rushed over to her side and placed her hoof on the glass. “I can hear her too!”

Applejack felt something in the glass start to pull her into the mirror. “Everypony, touch the mirror!” The others did as they were told and placed their hooves on the glass. The mirror slowly started to pull each of them into it. A bright light shined in their eyes as they felt their body slowly become weightless.

As they passed through the glass, Applejack closed her eyes. It felt like an eternity since she had first closed them. When she finally did open them, she saw the face of Star Fighter.

That’s impossible! she told herself. She quickly shut her eyes and opened them once more. The face of the stallion was replaced by the face of Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight smiled. “Applejack, I’m so glad you are all alright!” She wrapped her hooves around Applejack and hugged her tightly. Applejack was slow to wrap her hooves around Twilight, but they did eventually encompass her. Twilight seemed to catch this. “Applejack?” She pulled away from Applejack. “Is everything alright?”

She scanned the area around her. The crystal surroundings told her where she was and as she scanned the floor, saw the images of her friends who had traveled with her. Applejack smiled. “It is now.” She glanced at her apple orchard, wondering what kind of happily ever after awaited her in this world.