> The Whole Tooth > by Silver Wrench > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: I wrote this story the I day I had a bad tooth pulled, the day after Easter. So this story is brought on by the pain in the gap in my jaw, slowly fading away Novocain and later Hydrocodone I was taking for said pain. I had to later edited the story because ... well it did not make any sense when I had re-read it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just came back from a emergency tooth pulling, the pain I endured all weekend was unbearable. Even drinking water hurts. But finally the broken and rotten tooth is out and I can recover. My face is visibly swollen on the left side with drool dripping pass my still numb lips. I sat by my computer and wait for my steam games to update. I think come on Gary's Mod and Team Fortress 2. "Umm are you feeling okay" said a tiny voice coming from the Writer's desk. I looked around for the phantom voice. "Who said that", I exclaim. My words are muffled and distorted from the gauze in my mouth and the Novocain that have yet to wear off. "Umm, its just me Fluttershy" said the yellow plastic McDonalds Happy meal toy. "I wanted to see if you are feeling better, if that okay by you I mean..." Yes I own a MLP Happy Meal toy. "Wait, did you just talk" I said. "O' course we can talk Sugar Cube" spoke the smaller orange and yellow grab bag pony who stood next to the McDonald's Fluttershy". I looked at the Apple Jack figure, did a double take and said "Oh great I am now talking to plastic toys now". I know I didn't opp for the laughing gas, as my insurance didn't cover that or that is what I understood from the oral surgeon. "Darn tootin you are" spoke Apple Jack. "It's kinda rude to ignore the pony talkin' to ya". "Although I can recon talkin' toys can appear odd to some folks". Especially if that person is 31 years old and under the influence of pain medication. At the other side of my desk I spot a Rarity McDonalds toy, and a grab bag Rainbow Dash. In my mind she didn't look like Rarity, the mane and tail color is off and there is only 1 gem instead of 3 for the cutie mark. The Toy appears more like a adult Sweety Bell than Rarity. "Darling you really must straight up this room later" spoke the plastic white unicorn. "Rarity I am sure he get around to is as soon as he's feeling better" said Apple Jack. Yes my room is a mess. There are clothing everywhere, Seimtsu arcade push buttons from my last mod of my Mad Catz TE-s arcade stick are sitting in a zip lock bag near my computer desk, and my trash cans are overflowing with empty mountain dew bottles. The Toys have yet to move, I only notice the voices coming from there respective directions. Maybe I am going insane? "At least he is not wussing out or anything" spoke the plastic cyan pegus with a rainbow colored mane. I replied with "Well I did called out work, and asked my sister to pick up my prescription of loratab". "Well you should call out, no pony expects another to do their job under these conditions" replied Rainbow Dash. "Take it easy I don't want to see you hurt, if you do not mind" spoke Fluttershy. "Lora-what, what is that stuff" spoke Apple Jack. Rarity replied " I think its medication darling, something for that horrible unbearable pain he must be feeling". "Thank you for your concerns" I said. Sorry for over reaching back there. "Oh Shucks, you handin' things better than when Big Mac had a sore tooth" said Apple Jack. "For a big tough guy, he can act mighty grumpy when he isn't feelin' very well". I think I feel mighty grumpy, I looked back at Apple Jack, I am familiar with the cast and characters from the TV show, but I don't have a Big Mac Figurine. Yea Apple Jack has a brother Big Mac, but does these figurines have knowledge of the occurrences of there cartoon counterparts? I ignored the logic or lack of it figuring I do not want to know the explanation. All I care about in my current state is I get my meds soon. "So what are we going to do now" spoke Fluttershy in a soft voice. Then Fluttershy's plastic form turned around to look at my computer screen. "May I ask, what are you writing spoke Fluttershy". "What the, did the plastic toy moved?" would be the logical response, but in my half dazed stupor I did not care. "Read for your selves" I said. The four ponies read the still progress short story for fimfiction.net up to this point right here. This actual story. "Why would you write down what we are saying" said Rainbow Dash in somewhat a confused tone of voice. Rarity replied "oh darling all writers write from what they know, and the best stories are often stories that are true. Or you think are true but being imagined by someone who is not quite them selves. "Umm, Sliver Wrench, Pinkie asked if you are going to finish your Discord - Q Story any time soon" spoke Fluttershy. "She said something about wanting to meet Klingons". Authors Note; this is an unfinished story I thinking of deleting now. "I will get around to it when inspiration hits me" I said. Complete Lie "Wait how does Pinkie know about my other story?" "Pinky said she been watching over Bronie's stories ever since Cupcakes" said Fluttershy not having a cute what Pinkie meant by bronies of cupcakes. It is best for Fluttershy that she never knows, and no one tells Fluttershy about shead.mov please. At the mention of CUPCAKES, Rainbow Dash shook, as she was chasing away a bad though or memory. Rainbow Dash's voice trembled as she said "Best not to look into it, you not like what you see”. I figured you find it disturbing Rainbow Dash. Rarity spoke up " Darling you really should get an editor or proof reader, you grammar can use some .... work". As Rarity tried to critique my writing without being too harsh. "Wait you really wrote that comment in?" "Oh Never mind, you look tired take a nap it will refresh you". I guess I just tie up the story here, no one going to believe this actually happen any ways. Authors Note: This never actually happened. Yes it did. At this point the author walked over to his bed and fell asleep. Somewhere else a Pink mare with fizzy mane looks over her computer. "C'mon finish up your story" the mare said. As she enter's Sliver Wrench's account. Oh Hello I am Pinkie Pie, you can call me Pinkie, or Pinkie Pie, you can even call me Diane which is my middle name but do not call me Pinamena, because I do not like that okay. Any ways it looks like Sliver Wrench is not going to finish his story, so I going to finish it for him. His story ends with the writer getting better and become really good friends with this other ponies. Well Silver Wrench isn't a pony, well he is in Lt Bubbles' Story Seven Ponies, Seven Trials, Seven Loves but that is sort of different. And if you are asking how I am typing with hooves, my reply is how you type with fingers. But any ways Silver Wrench is cool because of him I meet Winnie the Pooh, and Piglet and Eyore. And he became friends with my friends and with me and started to feel better and everypony lived happy ever after the end. Did Pinkamena Diane Pie hacked into my Fim Fic account? As I woke up, I saw for some reason the additional Pink text, not just color change tags to make the text pink, but the text is pink even in the editor. I looked around the room, and my HD TV is on and my PS3 is on, apparently someone been plying BlazBlue Continuum Shift. I asked "what happened", not expecting a response as I though the whole conversation with the ponies was imaginary. That is when Apple Jack spoke up "Oh Suga cube Pinkie decided to visit you". "You were asleep and she couldn't wake ya so she used that thing over there". "My PlayStation 3, Pinkie who isn't in my room now was playing on my PlayStation 3"? "Yeah, your video game thingy". Fluttershy added "so many violent games, not enough happy ones". I looked though my PS3 game library, I see what Fluttershy meant. Mortal Kombat, Super Street Fighter IV, Metal Gear Solid 4, the God of War HD Collection, the list goes on. I did see how Fluttershy find these disturbing. Rainbow Dash spoke up in my defense "what are you talking about these are all cool games, yeah they are kinda violent but it is pretend, imaginary". “If I was not at this moment an inch tall, I would be playing these games myself". “It is like playing pirates as a filly, it is just for fun”. “Fluttershy looked like although she did not agree, she did accept that answer. C’mon Fluttershy it is not like actual ponies got hurt or anything. At the moment I failed to notice how Pinkie Pie actually got in my house and used myself. Well I walked in silly, thats how. I was also browsed though your netflix, I booked marked Dr Who, that guy resembles somepony I know. He even had the same blue T.A.R.D.I.S. that the Doctor who lived in Ponyville had. I should tell Twilight that that pony laughed at her for time travel when he himself uses a time machine. That is when I heard my toilet flushed and a moment later walked into my room a pink pony with a darker red pink frizzy mane, comes to about waist height. Hell kind of drugs I am on. "Pinkie?!" I screamed. As the Pony that stood before me was not a toy, or some cardboard cutout or even a displaced cartoon character but an actual Pink Pony. “Well I wanted to see if you are okay” said Pinkie. “Look I brought Chocolate pudding”. As I looked up Pinkie brought to me one of the chocolate snack pack puddings I had in my pantry in my kitchen. “I hope you did not mind, I made myself some lunch, you didn’t have any hay or daises so I made PB and J sandwiches”. “Also that hay bacon tasted weird”. I said coldly “Pinkie that was not HAY BACON, it was PORK BACON”. I never saw anyone’s (or any pony’s) face actually turn that shade of green as Pinkie Rushed back out of my bed room, into what I hope is the bathroom with the toilet and I hear the sound of puking”. Apple Jack looked up and said “Pork, what is pork”? I said “AJ, pork means pig meat; I think Pinkie ate some pig”. Rarity acted like the issue didn’t matter, or she was trying to avoid the whole issue altogether. Surprisingly Fluttershy kind of shrugged her shoulders. Apple jack said “Fluttershy you are not disturbed that humans eat pigs”. Fluttershy said in a calm tone “ummm not really, I do take care of all kinds of animals including carnivorous or predator animals”. “Many do eat other animals to sustain themselves, like hawks, eagles, dogs, snakes and so on”. “Umm you don’t actually want to know the ingredients of Wynona’s dog food”. "I know humans eat pigs, cows, chickens, fish but not ponies". Apple Jack though about it “well ponies do drink milk and eat eggs which does come from animals, I recon animal flesh is natural for critters that eat that sort of thing”. The toilet flushes, and I hear the sink is turned on. I assume Pinkie is cleaning herself up now. I cannot help to think responsible for Pinkie, for she is an [not invited] guess in my house. Meanny. Hey you didn't ask Pinkie. "So umm Pinkie, how did you get into my world" I had to ask. Pinkie who is using my mint Listerine to get the last bits of puke and bacon flavor out of her mouth. Went back to spit out the mouth wash. Pinkie exclaimed "Minty"! "Hey Pinkie when I get better I will make it up too you, promise" I told Pinkie. Pinkie replied "Pinkie Promise"? I Replied "cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye". All 5 ponies gave me a odd look as the hear the human version of the 'Pinkie Promise". "I like my version better, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" recited Pinkie. Oh you better make it up to me mister, that was disgusting and nasty. I am almost tempted not to throw you a party when you come visit Ponyville. I wonder is this is how Trixie feels like all the time.