A day at the Lake

by SolidFerret

First published

With summer finally here, 10 friends head down to the lake.

(a story based off of the characters made by kilala97)

It's summer, schools out, no more teachers to deal with, what better way to celebrate then going to the lake. A day where nothing but your friends and lack of parents should make up for fun...

Until someone won't stop pushing their friends into the lake.

(Humanized. I might evolve this into a series of short stories involving the characters)

"No pushing"

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The class bell rang, signalling yet another day at school was over.

Except that it wasn't just any other day, it was the last day. At least till Summer ended, but no one likes to think about that.

Prism Bolt lived up to his name as he ran out of the building, threw his backpack on the ground, got on his knees and put his fists in the air and let out a triumphant cry of victory. His friends walked out, a few rolled their eyes.

"Drama queen." Said Starburst, one of his many friends.

"Let him be, he had a rough school year." Said Turquoise Blitz, or "T" as his friends called him. "Especially when he got into fights a lot with his homeroom teacher."

"Oh, that was the best part of having the same class as him!" Whirlwind exclaimed, Prisms bestfriend/ex girlfriend. "In this corner," she mocked an announcer to a boxing match, "we have the Old, mean and tough as nails Ms. Greene."

She ran over to Prism and knelt down by him, "and in this corner, we have Prism Bolt, who spends most of his class time sleeping and is scared of heights."

"Am not!" Prism insisted as he got up, wiping dust off of his pants.

Around T's arm was Anthea, who held his hand. Golden Delicious watch the two begin to bicker while the rest of the group joined them. Crystal Clarity walked over and began to laugh as soon as the two were grabbing eachother's hair and messing with it.

"Those two together remind of me of another pair from a movie." Golden Delicious commented.

"I'm gonna say Edward and Jacob."

Illusion walked up behind the two, putting an arm around Clarity.

Clarity blushed a little, reaching to grab his hand before yet another voice was heard from within the halls of school.


The two didn't have time to see who ran into them, both were knocked onto the ground before they could even blink.

The source of the collision was none other than Cotton Candy, and no not what you get at an amusement park, but Pinkie Pie's daughter, who skipped down the steps happily.

"Sorry for the rush, but my mom promised to make us special End of the school year cupcakes and I got a little excited?" Her cheeks turned pink as she twiddled her fingers.

"A little?" Clarity asked as she grabbed Illusions hand and was helped up.

"Hold the phone, did you say 'cupcakes'?" Prism stopped his joke-wrestling match with Whirlwind and looked over to Candy.

"Yep! Don't you remember we always go to my house for cupcakes every end of the school year?"

"It wasn't on my mind." He said as Whirlwind got off of him.

"Well lets get going." Anthea said.

"Yeah, you guys have fun. I'm going home to train." Starburst said as she began to walk off.

"Aw come on, Star. We really want you to join us!" Candy whined.

"I said-"

"Please Star, we got through this year together." Golden Delicious stated.

Despite wanting to go home after a long school year, Starburst lost count of how many times her friends bailed her out of trouble, protected (not that she needed it) from bullies, and helped her with homework.

Besides, a cupcake or two sounded good since they didn't serve lunch today.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes.

"Yay!" Candy zipped over to her and hugged her tight, squeezing the air out of her.

"I'll race ya. Or, just beat you in a race there." Prism boasted to Whirlwind.

"Oh boy, you flaunting your non-existent skills will my victory sweeter than the cupcakes waiting for us."

Whirlwind got in a running position.

"A challenge I see." Prism got in a ready stance next to her. "Someone count us down-"

"Go!" Anthea shouted without warning, causing the two to take off running.

T flinched the moment Anthea shouted, causing her to giggle.

"Well come on, they'll get to the cupcakes and eat em all before we have a chance to get there." Candy took off running, the rest following her.

Pinkie Pie breathed in the scent of fresh baked cupcakes as she added the frosting to each one. The frosting being in the colors relating to the kids.

Before she forgot, she made sure there were two saved for her and her husband.

As she put on the rainbow frosting, she remembered to not include half a heart the led onto the one with blue and silver colored frosting.

'Well, not yet.' She thought to herself as she finished the two, knowing they would be here...

The door flew open as the athletic duo ran in. Prism fell down and was panting and trying to catch his breath.

"I think I won." Prism called as he turned over on the floor.

"Yeah, nice one." Whirlwind went over and grabbed his hand to pull him.

"Hey you two lo-uhhhhhh the cupcakes are ready!" Pinkie quickly changed the subject as she showed a plate with several cupcakes on them.

"Sweet." Prism jumped up and grabbed the rainbow one. Whirlwind grabbed the one next to his and giggled lightly at the fact that they all matched their hair.

Candy ran through the door and shrieked happily before running up and hugging her mom.

"Candy! How was your last day of school?" Pinkie asked as she playfully messed with her daughters hair.

"It was great! And you made the cupcakes again." Candy zipped over and grabbed the pink and white one and ate it in almost one bite.

The rest of the group came in, excited to be with their friends and able to hang out after the school year had finally ended.

"And remember the time T accidentally spent the whole period in the wrong class?"

"Hey shut up!"

"No, tell it." Del said to Claire as she continued.

"All I know is that he sits next to me in Science, I walked to school with him that day and he wasn't there. I later found him and asked him he just casually said 'went to wrong class' and tried his best to never bring it up again."

"Until now." T deadpanned.

"I can only imagine him sitting in the class for like twenty minutes, then realizing 'I've made a mistake'." Prism joked.

T decided that he has indeed 'had enough of this bullcrap' and left to go talk to his parents, who had arrived some time ago.

"Hey, we need to all do something tomorrow." Whirlwind suggested.

"I say movie night." Illusion nearly jumped for his suggestion to be heard.

"No!" Claire shot his idea down instantly. "when we did one for Halloween, Prism would not stop making jokes."

Prism perked up at the mention of that. "Me, make a joke? Why I'd never." He said sarcastically. "Besides, why would we watch a crappy kids show for Halloween?"

"Because we had young kids who couldn't watch horror movies unless you wanted to be by their side for the rest of the night." Claire told him.

"Hey, you could have at least made a better movie choice. Even Annie thought it was crappy."

"It's true." Annie said, blushing a little.

The group sat there, and thought for a while. Until finally, Candy spoke up.

"We should go to the lake." She suggested.

"Brilliant." Illusion proclaimed.

"I mean, I got my drivers license so I could pick you all up tomorrow if you wanted." Candy told them.

"I would actually be down for that." Prism said.

"Yeah, and maybe we could camp there overnight." Whirlwind also suggested.

"Yeah, ask your mom if you can borrow her car." Prism told her.

"Okie dokey." Candy hoped up and went over to her parents.

"Hey mom!" She almost yelled.

"What!" Pinkie almost yelled back.

"We're thinking about going to the lake tomorrow. Can I borrow your car?" She asked, getting nervous as she waited for the response.

"All of you?" Pinkie looked over to see the group of teens sitting in the corner.

"Yeah. Paaalllllleeasse mom." Candy begged, clasping her hands together.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow before going over to her son.

"Sure, you can go if you bring your brother with you." She told him.

Prism snapped his fingers, while keeping the same facial expression he would always wear whenever his mom talked to him about anything.

"I knew there would be a down side." He said, his voice low.

"Don't give me that. You know he wants to spend time with you and playing on the Football team didn't help it either." Rainbow Dash said with an almost harsh tone.

"Fine." Prism groaned as he slumped in his seat.

"You know, Claire. I'm sure your aunt would appreciate it if you invited Pixel to come along as well." Rarity said, trying hard to not smirk.

"Ugggghhhhh." Claire groaned.

"Please, for me." Rarity pleaded.

"Uuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhh." Claire groaned.

"Sure mom, she can come too." T told his mother.


"Well mom, how do you know if he wants to go or not?" Prism asked.

"I can call him." Rainbow suggested. She pulled out her phone and began to dial his number.

"Oh please oh please say no." Prism prayed.

"What's wrong with your brother? He's sweet and it would be fun to bring some others with us." Whirlwind told him.

"But I can't go all wild because "I have to set a good example for him" and all that stupid crap." Prism mocked his mothers tone.

"Only you to go from all happy to mean in a few seconds. Besides, it would be best that you stay mellow. That way the cops won't get called on us like at the party we had."

"Hey." Prism pointed a finger at her. "mistakes were made that night."

"For you. I thought it was hilarious." Whirlwind got a huge grin on her face suddenly. "My favorite part was when you got arrested and were still able to make jokes."

Whirlwind began to mimic the officer.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to get in the car."

She then pretended to be a drunken Prism.

"Alright Officer, but it will cost ya." She recalled how he licked his lips in an attempt to look sexy.

"Okay okay okay, I get it." Prism tried to change the subject quickly, sine he didn't want to be reminded of what Whirlwind told him the day after.

Before Whirlwind could speak, a phone was put in front of Prism.

"Talk to him." Dash told her son.

Prism picked up the phone, and in a girly voice, answered.


"Hey sis, it's Storm. So yeah, I wouldn't mind going to the lake with you guys tomorrow." He told him.

In his girly voice, Prism responded with "Well sure, but I'm not responsible for yo-"

"Yes you are." Rainbow Dash said.

"You heard mom, you are." Storm said over the phone.

"Oh dear. Well we're out Sugarcube corner. Bring your girlfriend over, cause Rarity wants her to go too."

"Ya know, at least I have a 'girlfriend', as you call her."

Dropping the girly voice, Prism told his little brother "I'm going to remember you said that."

There was nervous laughter from the other end.

"Ya know... I don't think I want to go now-"

"No, you're going." Prism told him. "Now come over to Sugarcube corner with Pixel." *click*

"Yeah mom, he should be here soon." Prism told her.

"Okay, thanks." She grabbed her phone and went her way.

Whirlwind rolled her eyes at her friend before sipping on a milkshake.

As night set in, the party at Sugarcube corner began to die down. The group of friends made promises to all each other in the morning and went home.

The next morning, Candy packed a bag as music played from her earbuds. She danced around excitedly as she grabbed her bag and went to get the keys to Pinkie's van.

"Mom knew there would be a lot of us kids." Candy commented on the reason her mom bought the car in the first place.

Making a mental checklist of who to pick up, Candy drove off towards the library.

Starburst packed her bag as her mother lectured her.

"Now Star, please try to be social."

"Mom, I'm going for a reason."

"Is it to train at the lake?"

"Okay, maybe two reasons."

Twilight deadpanned. "That's what I was afraid of."

"Okay mom, I'll act 'social' for ya." Star heard a horn honk outside.

"Thank you." Twilight grabbed her daughter and gave her a quick peck on the forehead. "Have fun."

Starburst rolled her eyes before heading out the door.

"Shotgun." she called as she hopped in. "Who're we picking up next?"

"Oh, you'll see."

"Can't you just tell me?" Starburst said, getting annoyed slightly.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise." Candy told her.

Star rolled her eyes as she looked out the window and watched the houses passed by.

"So... how are things?" Candy said to start up a conversation.

"Really? You start with that?"

"What...?" Candy laughed as she pulled up to T and Claire's house.

*honk honk* Candy rolled down her window.

"HURRY UP GUYS!" She yelled loudly.

"Did you have to yell so loud?" Starburst asked.

The brother and sister came running out before Candy could give an answer. They both hoped in the back rather quickly.

"Drive! Drive!" Claire ushered. "You woke mom up and she's super pissed."

Soon enough, Rarity came running out, her hair in curlers, and began to yell.

"Go!" Starburst yelled as Candy drove off, leaving Rarity to be comforted by Spike as he ran out into the front yard.

Anthea waited outside patiently, petting Angel as she anticipated the arrival of her friends.

Sadly, Angel was scared off by screeching tires as Candy pulled up a little to fast. T got out and guided her to the car.

"Now we gotta go to Sweet Apple Acres to get Del, plus Pixel and Icy are there too." Annie told her.

"No need to tell me twice." Candy said as she drove over there in a heartbeat.

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Pixel cheered happily as she, Icy and Del awaited their ride.

"Oh man! I'm so excited." She exclaimed to an annoyed Icy. "One time my parents went to the lake with my aunt and cousins and we did chicken fights, that's where you sit on someone's shoulders and push each other, and I won twice but lost to T. Then we-"

Icy sighed in relief when he noticed the van Pinkie owned pulling up.

"Here on time." Del commented as he walked over.

Pixel bounced up and down in excitement. "Hurry up, Icy. maybe Whirlwind is with them and in a bikini. Doesn't that excite you?'

"Shut up!" Icy yelled while trying to keep his face from being too red, as they hopped in.

"Just one more stop." Candy told them. "Prism and Whirlwind."

"Well knowing Prism, we should take our time." Claire said, getting a few chuckles.

Prism snored as the sun shined just above eyes, making him stay asleep. He grumbled a little before turning over and facing a full dressed and ready Whirlwind.

"Oh boy, how should I handle this?" She sarcastically asked herself. "I think I'll..."

She lifted the cover and almost thought of getting in with him, just to scare him.

"No..." She told herself longingly.

Seeing as how he didn't have his band-aid on, Whirlwind thought of maybe giving a light tap on Prism's scar.

"No, I've hurt his nose enough already." She thought.

Looking back at Prism, who's chest rose up and down with each breath he took while sleeping, she decided there was no more time to waste.

"Wake up!" She yelled as she pulled the blankets off of him before pulling his pillow out from underneath his head.

"Wah... huh?" Prism sounded like he was still asleep despite looking around and having his eyes open.

Whirlwind grabbed his head and pulled it close to hers.

"Hey there, buddy. Rise and shine."

"Dubz..." Prism moaned, shaking his head a little.

"Hope you slept well (not really), but now it's time to get up and oh yeah, that's right. We have maybe five minutes tops to get ready." She shook him before dragging him out of bed.

"I packed our stuff. Now hurry up and get your swim suit."

"Okay..." It would be suspected that Prism may not have even known what was going on at that moment. He was confused as to why a few moments ago, he was laughing at Whirlwind for dropping her cupcake on the ground and now she's telling him to put a swim suit on.

Standing up, began to change...

"NOT WHILE I'M IN HERE!" Whirlwind screamed.

Prism fully woke up now, looking around while pulling his shorts back up.

"Okay. Now I'm awake." He told her.

"Great now I don't have to see your butt." She said, her face red.

"Just get out." Prism told her. Whirlwind didn't hesitate in running our.

'Like you don't want to see my butt.' He thought as he changed.

While waiting outside, Whirlwind tried to forget what would have happened if she hadn't screamed in delight at Prism and to get the blush off of her face. Luckily, the sound of car pulling up was enough to distract her mind for the time.

Icy Storm came in, happy to see Whirlwind.

"Hey there, buddy." She greeted with a hug.

"Hi Whirlwind." He said, trying to keep his cool. "I take it my brother isn't ready."

"He should be out quickly." She hoped.

"I got this." Icy told her. He went over and knocked on Prism's door. "Hey Prism, you're so slow at changing so we left-"

The door swung open, showing Prism in swim trunks and a pair of sunglasses on his head.

"Not on my watch." He declared as he ran out the front door.

"Genius." Whirlwind commented as they followed him.

Prism walked out to see his friends waiting for him, all ready for a day away from their parents and with each other.

"Ah yeah!" He cheered as he hoped in, with his brother and best friend getting in with him. "Hey guys."

"Yay, Prisms here." Crystal said, sarcastically, and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, don't be like that, Crystal." Prism said as he ruffled her hair, and quickly retracting his hand when she bit at it.

Del and T watched them, Del jokingly made a heart with his fingers at the two, making T start to chuckle. He then cupped his hand to Del's ear and whispered.

"I don't think "Lulu" would like that."

"I heard that!" Claire snapped. "What are you saying about my future hubby?" She asked, concerned.

"Oh, nothing." T said with a grin.

Crystal glared at the two, both struggling to keep a straight face, before pointing at her eyes with two fingers and pointing them at the two.

"So hey, what time should we be there?" Prism asked, already annoyed a little by Pixel's nonstop talking directed to his brother.

"An hour or so... maybe two... maybe six." Candy said, lying about the last part.

"Oh boy. A road trip." He responded sarcastically.

"Yep!" Candy exclaimed excitedly, "so buckle up and..."

Prism feel asleep before she could finish the sentence.

After several time of pulling over to the side of the road so someone could pee, and to many games of I spy to count, they arrived. There was a delay between getting out of the car and getting to the lake itself due to the group posing a sleeping Prism and Whirlwind together and taking pictures with their phone

"Now no one post these, at least until they get back together." Claire told everyone.

Pixel nudged Icy after hearing that, causing him to blush.

As the rest talked, another car pulled up. Claire got excited, recognizing that this car costs more than anyone could afford in their teen years.

Illusion stepped out, wearing a pair of sun glasses.

"Hello all you beautiful people." Claire ran into his arms, giving him a quick kiss. "Oh, and the rest of you."

"Oh brother." T said as he rolled his eyes.

"T, be nice." Annie said, holding his arm.

Illusion looked over to see a sleeping Whirlwind leaning on Prism's chest, who was still asleep.

"Well, I knew that wouldn't last long. It looks like I owe Del ten bucks." He said.

Golden Delicious stepped forward, ready to accept his money.

"No!" Claire stopped him. "We put them that way to take pictures."

"Oh!" Illusion quickly pulled out his phone before going over to the two. He gently put Whirlwind's lips on Prism's cheek and took a pic.

The sound of the picture being taken was enough to make Prism begin to stir. Panicking, Illusion put Whirlwind back in her original position.

Prism opened his eyes and was met with a grinning Illusion.

"Hey there, buddy."

"Oh brothers." Prism rubbed his eyes.

"Hope you two slept well. But now we're here." He went over and tried to help Prism out. "Come on, it's a big day considering you never go outside because you're so darn lazy."

"Don't touch me." Prism glared at him.

"Okay. I'll just wake up your friend."

The moment Prism saw Illusion reach for Whirlwind, he hit his hand away with a little more power then he intended to.

"Oh. Feisty." Illusion gave a snicker. "Is it because you still love her?"

That set Prism off. He hoped out of the car and shoved Illusion before getting really close to his face. He looked Illusion straight in the eyes.

"Listen here, screw you. I don't butt into your relationship so stay out of mine."

'What relationship?' Illusion thought, knowing well that saying it out loud would start a fight.

Prism poked his chest. "You got that?"


"What's going on?" Candy asked.

Prism took a deep breath, calming himself. He didn't want to start their time here with conflicts.

"Nothing." He breathed out.

"Are you sure? Cause I don't want any problems."

"There won't be any." Illusion assured.

"Okie dokey." Candy said as she skipped off.

Prism walked over to go grab his bag.

"Hey dude... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Forget it." Prism told him. "Lets just have a good time and put that behind us."

"Sure." Illusion said.

"Oh yay. I slept through one of your guy's fights." Whirlwind said, sarcastically while stretching. "So which one of you lucky boy's want to rub sun screen on my back?"

"Well Crys would kill me so you can let Prism rub you down as long as your hearts desire."

Whirlwind sighed. "You kidding, he didn't even by me dinner first."

The three shared a laugh. Claire rolled her eyes, thinking it was one of Prism's stupid jokes.

"Hurry up, guys." She called to them, slightly agitated.

"Well we better get moving, or we will never hear the end of it." Illusion told them.

"You go on ahead, we'll catch up." Prism told him.

"Alright, but don't take long, you two."

"Wait... what?" Whirlwind asked, not getting the joke.

"Oh boy..." Prism said under his breath. "Come on, lets go."

Whirlwind smiled. "Sure, buddy."

The lake was a bit crowded but seeing as it was the beginning of summer, that was natural. The area was somewhat hidden by tree's and had a cliff for those who were brave enough to jump off of it. Ropes were in the lake to separate boaters from swimmers. There was also a platform in the middle of the lake with a slide to swim to.

The group walked down, placing the coolers at an open picnic table before heading to the beach. Though, the sun was already heating up the land.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Pixel hopped off of her feet one at a time, trying to avoid contact with the hot sand.

"Calm down, now." Golden Delicious laughed as he set a towel down, which Pixel took over.

"Ah, a perfect time to work on my tan." Claire said as she laid her towel down.

"Well, you can have fun with that." Prism said to her. "I am hot, and so is the sun so I'm going to run into that lake at full speed."

"Yeah, you can make up for the day you couldn't go swimming at the pool since you got Saturday Detention." She reminded him.

"Shut up."

"By the way, did you make any friends?" She joked.

"Okay. So yeah, I plan to enjoy today without your sass."

"Without sunscreen?"


"And suffer through another sun burn like last summer?"

"Yea- no."

Prism remembered how painful it was to lay in bed due to how bad his shoulders were burnt. How he peeled a ton of skin away. And getting kicked in the groin after throwing it at Claire. He walked to where he set up.

"Make sure to get your back this time." Claire called to him.

Illusion appeared right next to her, kissing her cheek quickly.

"I suppose someone needs to get your back as well." He said, slyly.

"You're right..." Claire reached in to her bag and pulled out a spray bottle. "No way you're getting that hand-sy with me in public."

Illusion didn't say anything save for a sigh as he sprayed his girlfriend down before applying sunblock to himself.

"Well have fun, I'm going swimming."

"You're not gonna stay with me, Lulu?" Claire pretended to whine.

"You going swimming?" Illusion asked her?

"No... I uh... don't wanna get my hair wet." She lied.

"Well sorry about your hair, but I'm going in." He got up and walked off. "Yo, Prism! Last one on to the platform is a rotten egg!" He called as he ran into the water.

"In your dreams!" He yelled as he ran after him, Whirlwind chasing while spraying sunscreen.

"Wait! I wasn't finished." She yelled as she sprayed at the air. Upon realization, she stopped and felt her skin and smiled as she realized that she was covered in sunscreen. Shrugging, Whirlwind quickly put the can back before swimming after the two.

"Yo. Wait up." She called to them as they swam out to the platform.

Illusion was the first to make it, and having difficulty climbing on. Prism swam up next to him.

"Trouble?" He asked.

"Oh good. Prism, boost me up on to here."

"What? No! I'll drown."

"No you won't." Illusion half assured, half lied.

Whirlwind swam up with the two and in no effort, climbed on by herself.

"Oh, come on!" Illusion complained.

"Need help?" Whirlwind asked slyly, reaching her hand down.

Prism moved aside. "Lady's first." He told Illusion.

"Why thank you." Illusion said in a lady-like voice.

Whirlwind pulled up Illusion with little ease.

"I know, I'm quite light. Unlike Prism."

"Are you implying I'm fat?"

Pretending to not hear him, Illusion said "It will take both of us to pull him on."

The two reached down and grabbed both of Prism's hand.

Whirlwind grunted and pretended to struggle lifting up Prism. "Wow, he was right."

"Shut up, Dubz."

As the two began to lift Prism, Illusion took the chance to get right into Prism's face and muttered "Long live the king."

Then he dropped him, which also pulled Whirlwind into the water with him.

"Oh, Simba and Nala." He remembered. "That's who those two remind me of."

"Who?" Del asked, swimming up.

"Simba and Nala. Ya know, from The Lion King."

Del thought for a moment before slapping his forehead.

"Ohhhhh. It's so obvious now!"

The two shared a chuckle as Prism and Whirlwind surfaced.

"I hate you!" Prism yelled.

"Oh, I know." Illusion cooed.

(Bonus chapter)

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Prism walked out of the bathroom, whistling a tune as he walked to his room. He sang the tune he was whistling, unaware of Icy snickering from behind his door.

"Got sunshne, in a bag. I'm usele- whoa!"

Prism's foot slipped slightly across the floor, he noticed the floor seemed a little greasy.

"Aw man!" Icy whined a little, disappointed that his prank didn't work.

Prism looked over to see his little brother hiding behind his bedroom door.

"HEY! What did I tell you about going in my room?"

"I was just looking around. Why, got any secret magazines?" Icy said with a sly smile.

"Get out." Prism pointed out the door.

"Fine, you're room smells anyways." Icy complained as he walked out.

"Like yours is any better." Prism talked back.

"Whatever, later loser." Icy tossed up a peace sign. "Swag."

Prism stopped when he heard such a word.

"Ah hell no."

Taking a magazine off of his desk and rolling it up, he chased after Icy, being careful over the trap he set, and proceeded to beat him with it.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Quit it!"

"We don't use such words in this house!" Prism scolded.

Icy pushed his brother away for a moment and ran down stairs. Prism trailed after him.

"You come back here, boy! I need you to learn that we will never use such words in this household."

"No! Get away!" Icy laughed as he ran past the kitchen.

"We are an intelligent household. Come back here, Icy!"

Soarin leaned back in his chair, watching as Icy ran down the hall while Prism chased him with a rolled up magazine. He looked over at Rainbow Dash.

"More coffee dear?" she asked.

"Icy, I shall succeed where our parents failed." Prism could be heard yelling.

"Oh they failed alright, with you!" Icy yelled back.

"Yes, please." Soarin answered.

Don't be a beach

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"Are you having fun, Prism? I'm having fun. You two look like you're having fun. This is a fun day."

Prism was not amused by Illusions happy attitude, nor was Whirlwind.

"Come on, Prism." Illusion said, walking over to the rainbow haired teen.

"Smile!" Without warning, Prism's face was stretched into a smile, resulting in him smacking Illusion.

"Don't touch me." He growled.

"Someone's happy today." Del said as he climbed onto the platform.

"Come, Prizzy. Cheer up!" Illusion moved over to Whirlwind, who mere dipped her feet in the water.

"Go make Prism feel happy." He told her.

"Shouldn't have pushed him." She said. "Good thing he's right behind you."

Illusion quickly turned around, only to to be forced off the platform and into the water.

Del, Prism, and Whirlwind all started to laugh a Illusion surfaced.

"Ha ha, very funny."

As he was about to swim over, until Claire floated over on a tube with a drink in her hand.

"Hey Lulu, T and Icy found a cliff to jump off of into the water."

"Prism-proof. Perfect." Grabbing on to her tube, Illusion waved goodbye and floated away.

"That's bullcrap. ''Prism-proof" sounds dumb." Prism complained.

"Someone's mad that his friends are gonna ditch him to go cliff jumping." Whirlwind said.

"Ditch me? I was invited, and I won't be left alone in a public area."

"Well then come with us." Del told him, crossing his arms.

"Well.. uhm... how high is the cliff?"

"Yep, I knew it."

"So sorry I'm afraid of things. Should I jump wearing clown make-up?"

Whirlwind went quiet.

"Thought so. We should stay here and look at all the cool stuff like uh... that jetski!"

Prism pointed out towards the open area of the lake, where someone was riding a jetski at fast speeds.

"I've always wanted one of those." Prism said to himself.

"I'm gonna head to shore I think." Del said as he turned to walk away.

"Did he just do a flip!?" Prism pointed.

Del turned to look, only to have a brief struggle with Prism before being pushed into the water.

Whirlwind and him shared a laugh as Del deadpanned and climbed back on.

"Oh man, when I get him, I get him good." Prism cheered loudly.

"Well I'm going back to shore. Take it easy Randy and LaVerne." He told them as he jumped off.

Both of them were confused, and Whirlwind tried to ask "I'm sorry but who?"

As Del jumped into the water, Prism came up from Whirlwind and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh don't worry about that boy, he's out of here." Prisms eyes widened when he noticed a certain girl on the beach. "But there's someone on that beach over there, and that's to close for comfort when it comes to romance junk."

Whirlwind sucked her teeth before saying "well the boy is in the water, and the girl is on the beach. But I'll be up here."

"No you won't."

Whirlwind couldn't even process what he said before Prism pushed her in the water.

Meanwhile, Del had swam back to shore, seeing Icy back and talking to Pixel about the spot they had just found while sharing nachos.

"Ah, young love." He commented at the sight of them before turning and bumping into someone.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." He said, before getting red with embarrassment when he saw who it was.

"Oh it's alright, I wasn't- wait a sec... Del!?" The girl got up to see if she knew that voice.

"Oh... h-hi Creme."

Without warning, Del was wrapped in a tight embrace. Del's whole face almost seem to glow red as he hugged back.

'Why did she have to be in a bikini?' He thought in annoyance.

"Oh em gee, look who it is!?" Just by the tone, Del knew that the person it belonged to was mocking him while still somewhat excited.

"Prism!" Creme exclaimed.

'No no no! Please don't embarrass me!' Del shouted internally.

"Hey girl, how have you been?" He asked.

"I've been doing great. I just got out of school for the summer and decided to come down here."

"Why didn't you let us know?" Prism asked. "Because Del here," moving next to Del, "absolutely adores seeing you. Isn't that right Del?"

Creme giggled. "I was gonna tell you guys tomorrow. I waned it to be a surprise."

"And a surprise it is for him."

"Prism, I know what you're doing. Please... don't." Del gritted through his teeth.

"Are you still angry I took a picture of you two without permission?"

"We were asleep... of course I am." Del gritted through his teeth.

"Okay, how about one of you two while awake?"

'Oh no...' Del internally screamed.

"Creme! Come here. I want a photo of you two."

Creme was already taking to Whirlwind and the others when she heard him. Going over, she asked "A picture?"

"Yeah, I need one of you two cause somebody" Prism glanced back at Del "doesn't like the one I have of you two."

Creme giggled, knowing what picture he was talking about. "Of course."

"Perfect! Okay dearies, let me get my phone." Running back to their spot, Prism grabbed his phone and came back. "Okay kids, get in nice and close. Don't be shy enough as Del already is."

"I hate you."

"Either I put this one online or the other one. Which one do you want?"

Creme, deciding to join in with Prism's joking, almost shouted "Put both online!"

At this point, Del laughed from all the jokes made at his dispense, causing even more laughter.

"Okay, Creme, get as uncomfortably close to Del as you can. Del, you do the same."

As Creme pressed herself up to Del, she squealed in surprise when Del wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her off the ground.

Snapping the picture on his phone, Prism smiled at the results of the picture, showing Creme the two smiling at the camera with Creme being lifted in the air.

"Oh, this is definitely going in their wedding portfolio. Just you wait."

"Hey, lets get a picture of you and Whirlwind."

"Creme, they're not together anymore. You know that, right?" Del asked her.

"Oh... I know. Just thought it would it would still be cute." She said, nervously.

"Well, I did just embarrass the crap out of you two by having Del take a pic with his crush in a bikini, might as well do the same for me." Prism tossed Del his phone and went over to Whirlwind.

"They're gonna be back together, aren't they?" Creme asked.

Mocking Prism, Del turned to her and said "This will be for their wedding portfolio." making her giggle.

"Okay kids, we're ready." Prism called, an arm around Whirlwind. Both of them smiling happily.

"Wow Prism, I see you were hoping to top our picture." Del commented.

"Hm... you're right."

Prism bent down and put his other arm behind Whirlwind's legs and lifted her up to his chest.

"Prism!" She laughed. "Put me down!"

"Take the picture!" He yelled to Del, who gladly did.

"Look at them, Claire. The sexual tension between them is so thick you can cut it with a knife." Illusion told his girlfriend

"Lulu, that was us when we first started dating."

"Shush, Claire. We need to mess with them." Illusion hid behind his menu.

After taking pictures, the group decided to go to the snack bar. While Del and Creme sat with Prism and Whirlwind, Illusion and Claire sat across from them.

"Just leave em be, Lulu. What good would it be to make things awkward for them?"

"Do you not know who my dad is?"

Claire remained silent.

"I thought so."

"Well what do you plan to do? Throw food at them and make it seem like one of them did it?"

"No, I'm gonna give them two milkshakes, for the couple to share. Then I'm gonna take a picture of it, and post it online."

"Oh my gosh, Illusion" Claire said, sarcastically and unamused. "You're a monster."

"I sure am."

Claire rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me, waiter." Illusion called over. "I'd like to buy two milkshakes for the double date over there." He pointed at Prism's group.

"Of course."

"Wow, buying him free shakes. How nice." Claire said, still unamused.

"Shush, this is gonna be hilarious."

"Here you love birds are. Courtesy of that gentleman over there."

Illusion wasted no time in getting his camera on his phone ready. But when he looked over and was ready to take a picture, he was shocked at the sight.

They were sharing the milkshakes with two straws, but instead of what he was hoping for, it was Del and Prism sharing one with each other.

"Wow.... great picture." Claire commented.

As he was about to take the picture, Prism gave him a rather obscene gesture at him.

"That's something you shouldn't be doing to your friends in a public place!" He shouted at him. "Put down the finger."

Prism laughed before turning back to his friends.

"I always knew Prism had a deep secret." Whirlwind joked.

Prism stopped drinking and gave her a sassy. "Aye!" He said, snapping his fingers. "I love mah man." The rainbow haired teen told her as he put his arms around Del.

"Don't touch me."

"Shh... let this happen." Prism whispered in his ear.

"Get off me!" Del pushed Prism away, who was laughing to himself.

"Come on Icy, I know it's scary but trust me it will be soooooo much fun after you jump." Pixel told him, shivering slightly.

The two were there while T left to go find Annie (as always). Pixel decided to see if the cliff was safe enough to jump off... by jumping off. Icy's heart was still racing in his chest after she jumped off with little warning.

"I don't know Pixel... I kind-"

"Want to wait for the others to get here so you can show off to Whirlwind?" She ask.

A little shocked, Icy didn't bother responding. He only just nodded his head.

"Well they should be here to. It's your lucky day, Prism won't be jumping so you'll be alright."

"Well... where are-"

"It's over here." T called out to the others as he moved a branch aside. "Hey you two. How was it Pixel?"

"Super fun! You guys gotta try it." She cheered to the others as they arrived.

"Yeah, have fun with that."

"Oh Prism, you'll jump." Illusion said.

"Make me." Prism exclaimed.

Illusion dug his heel into the ground as he spun on it to face Prism. His face wide, he only whispered "We will" to him.

"Dubz I'm scared." He said,

"Good." Whirlwind told him.

As the group looked over the cliff, some shuddered while others scoffed at the others fears. It was only 12 or 14 feet. Enough for Prism to cower, and for Del to look brave for Creme.

"So guys, who wants to go first?" Claire asked.

"I already went first Claire." Pixel squeaked out, jumping a little. "But I get what you mean."

Rolling her eyes, Claire saw Starbust doing a few stretches. Stepping aside, Starburst ran and jumped before doing a flip in the air and landing in the water.

"Is she dead?" Prism asked rhetorically.

The sound of her surfacing was followed by a "Wooo!" as Starbusrt flipped the hair from her eyes.

"See, told you it was fine." Pixel spoke up.

Starburst relaxed in the water. "Come on guys, the water is perfect and the jump is awesome. Come down here."

Under his breath, Prism sang "Come down now..." before glancing at Whirlwind for a bit.

"Hey Icy, why don't you go?" Whirlwind suggested.

"Well uh.... I don't know..." He said, getting nervous.

"Want me to throw you?" Prism asked, earning a light smack from Whirlwind.

"No, cause then Illusion will push you." Icy responded,

Prism remained sitting.

"Well... here it goes..." Icy said as he walked over to see how high it was. It didn't look as high as he remembered when he saw Starburst at the bottom. Taking a few steps back, he began to run when he felt someone grab his arm and run with him.

"Lets jump together!" Pixel cheered.

"Uh... okay." He said.

"On three, ready? One.. two... three!" Pixel shrieked happily as the two ran and jumped off the cliff and into the water. The splash was followed by cheers from the others.

"Awww, she gave him a peck on the cheek." Claire said, peeking over the edge.

"What!" Prism got up, looking over. "He's not a blushing mess like when-"

Two arms wrapped around his waist and dragged him back to the ground. As he flailed his arms to get free, they were grabbed by Del as Illusion quickly grabbed his legs.

"Guys! You can't do this to me!" Prism yelled, frightened at what was happening.

"Relax... it's not that high. You'll be fine." Illusion told him.

"Please guys, I'll do anything."

"Okay Del, on three."

"It's about me kissing Claire isn't it. I'm sorry!"

"One..." The two swung Prism towards the edge.

"Okay, I'm sorry for taking the picture of you and Creme cuddling in your sleep, Del. Please!"


"OKAY! I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS I ADMIT IT!" He nearly screamed in fear.


Instead of flying over the edge like he thought, Prism landed and felt rocks, sticks and dirt on his back. Getting up, he heard a distant "woo!"
before a splash.

"Those jackasses!" Prism yelled. "I'm gonna kill them!" Was the last thing heard before he dove in after them.

"Wait... did he just jump in after them?" Whirlwind asked, another splash being heard sounded by threatening yelling.

"Yep..." Candy said.

"Prism! Don't drown my boyfriend!" Claire called after him.

The campfire crackled, ember and wood burning as the group huddled around it.

"Ah... what a day. What a day." Illusion said, an arm around Claire.

"Yep... I hate you still, but was still a fun day." Prism said, poking the fire.

"Prism, be careful." Whirlwind said.

"It's alright." He reassured for the tenth time.

"So... what should we do next this summer?" Candy asked.

"Amusement park!"Annie suggested, much to the dismay of T.

"How abou-" Claire started say.

"Amusement park!" Pixel cheered.

"Amusement park!" Prism exclaimed.

"Alright... fine."

"Oh and concerts." He said.

"That's for you and Whirlwind."

"Well..." Del passed around sodas for the group. "I say we just enjoy summer."

"Amen." Starburst said, raising her drink.

"Yeah, I'll try to visit more this summer." Creme said.

"We'll visit too." Del said,

"I bet you will." Prism whispered, getting smacked before handed his soda.

"So..." Del said, raising his drink. "To the best summer yet."

"Best summer yet!" They all cheered.

The group sat around a tree in the shade, trying their best to stay cool in the summer sun.

"What should we do today?" Starburst whined.

"I don't knoooooooowwwww." Annie also whined.