Chaotic Wind

by Dark Colt Sabata

First published

Human turned into a certain wind mage goes nuts on Equestria, and he LOVES it. LOHAV story.

On one side, I've been knocked unconcious into a world of anthropomorphic ponies away from the comfort of my home.

On the other hand, I can do anything I want thanks to this cap that I got on my birthday that turned me into a bishounen sexy mage.

Oh this will be fun.

This is meant to be a not so story driven ride, something I write out of fun and to contribute to the League of Humans Acting Villainous group, feel free to jump in and enjoy. And if you don't, you're not obligated to read it.

Also, this contains content and references from other series of my choosing, mainly Dragon Ball Z and Final Fantasy 14. It also contains genderbent characters.

I am Vaati, you are f**ked.

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I honestly never thought that my life would have changed like this, much less to wake up in a motherfucking street made out of crystal or something, how did it not break again?

Hearing steps closing in on me I jumped up and landed after I did a summersault and holding my arms in the air saying ‘ta-daaa!’

Surprisingly they were humanoid-like shiny ponies who looked at me as dumbfounded as I was looking at them. Looking at the reflective floor I gasped at my reflection. Light purple skin and eyes, violet robes and cap with a red jewel that strangely looks like the cap given to me by my folks on my birthday earlier.

If I’m correct, I’ve become Vaati from Zelda Minish Cap and I have somehow ended in this weird crystal place. Which if my assumptions are correct…

With a bright flash a piece of recently made toast appears on my hand, I happily munch it down while the resident ponies still looked at me weird and some gasped when I made the toast appears.

“Okay, take me with your leaders.” I ordered as soon as I finished my toast, I had to get the information somehow. I could wish it with my super awesome magic hat, but that wouldn't be as fun.

“Step away from the Crystal Heart fiend!” Suddenly a shit ton of guards came out of the crowd and pointed their spears at me. But I could care less about that.

“The Crystal what now?” I eloquently asked him.

“The Crystal Heart! It is the only thing that-”

“Yeah, I don’t give a shit. All I asked was for you to take me to your leaders, so if you would kindly do that good sir.” I pushed away the nearest spear to me and stared at him with the eye that my sexy bishounen hair isn’t covering.

“You’re not getting anywhere near Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, either to the Crystal Heart!” Now he and his fellows were poking at me with their spears.

Okay, fuck this. Using my magic I teleport into the throne room in a puff of smoke, it was as crystalline as the rest of the city, it came with a crystal throne included. Kinda neat, but not my style.

On the throne I saw two people that I assumed that are the prince and princess, they seemed to be discussing something until they noticed me and gasped.

“Oh don’t mind me, I just came for a visit and a little information,” I said as I started to walk towards them, both scowling at me “What? Is this how the welcome committee works around here? With spears, ugly looks and threats? I just came in like a minute or two, I didn’t do anything and this is how am I recieved?” Funny thing is, I wasn’t joking or anything on that. I genuinely felt offended by that.

“Well maybe if you weren’t so shady with that dark aura emanating from you, the guards might haven’t done that and we might not be so, shall we say, disrespectful to you creature.” The white one with blue mane that I assumed was Shining Armor responded to me.

“Look, all I wanted was some questions to be answered, but now you pulled the motherfucking racist card on me.” Both of them winced at my vocabulary as I halted to a stop in front of Cadence “By the way, reading your mind now.” I laid my hand on Cadence’s forehead before Shining could do anything and absorbed all the knowledge she had in no time and retreating my pale hand away “Hehe, that thing fucked up your wedding.”

“Wait, did you just read my mind?” Cadence asked with wide eyes.

“Again, racist card.”

“But how did you-”

“Muffin button.” I don’t know what made me say that, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna tell them about my awesome birthday cap.

“Don’t you ever touch my wif-” I touched his forehead to read his mind as well, just in case.

“Twily? That’s possibly the dumbest nickname I’ve ever heard, also you’re a stupid prick for abandoning your sister.” I turned away from them and made way for the exit, that was until I felt a strong kick on my neck.

“You barge in here, accuse us of racists, insulted my wife and little sister. I’m not gonna stand by and let you do as you want.” He tried to strike a punch at me, this time I catch it firmly in my hand and turn my head and glare at him.

“You shouldn’t have motherfucking done that.” I spin him around and release my grasp so that he goes flying back, lucky for both of them he didn’t landed on her “Don’t make me kill any of you, or else Twily would be sad.” Yeah, that had pissed me off greatly, but in hindsight I did kinda deserve it.

“Oh the fuck am I saying?!” I continued as I slapped myself on the forehead “I can bring you back from the dead if I do, so there’s no motherfucking harm in that.” That definitely struck home, the look of terror on their faces brought about the realization of how strong I can actually be was very delightful, it’s good to be the villain.

“We… we stand no chance, not even-”

“Not even with the motherfucking Crystal Heart.” I cut off Cadence before I chuckle “And I know what you think you can do, you’re planning on letting Princess Celestia know of me. I’m not gonna let you ruin the surprise.” I start to conjure a ball of red energy with small tendrils on my hand.

“You see,” I continued as the energy kept charging “I’m just getting started, King Sombra will be nothing more than a pussy and Discord more of an incompetent manchild that he already is compared to me.” The energy was now emitting an ultrasonic sound and the tendrils were growing stronger, truth is that I could unleash it at the first second without charging it, but I like to fuck with these ponies as you can see.

Finally with a raise of my hand I unleash the energy with a commanding booming voice, Shining tried to teleport and I could feel Cadence trying to draw power from the Crystal Heart to try to save the empire from the incoming catastrophe, but it was too late.

Red Miles!

The energy exploded, covering myself with an indestructible barrier while I was at it, the explosion engulfed the castle along with the Crystal Heart while the tendrils took care of killing the rest of the residents of the Crystal Empire while destroying some buildings on it’s way too.

I teleported to a safe distance away from it, watching as the Red Miles destroyed the empire and leaving only a trail of fire and destruction. With a snap of my fingers black clouds gathered above the ruins of what was left of the crystalline kingdom, declaring it by his own hand a literally cursed ruin.

I chuckled before snapping my fingers again, a white orb with Shining’s cutie mark and a pink one with Cadence’s appeared before me. My chuckle gets louder, I might had come off as a psychotic asshole there, but I don’t care.

I am now aware that I’m ripping off Discord and that I’m being a, what was the word? A villain sue? Well yeah, but I’m having a blast being one, being a hero is for pussies. So I don’t care what you think, I’m gonna exploit my birthday cap’s powers and I will take my sweet time fucking around with this ponies.

Anywho, I save the souls of the prince and princess away for later as my chuckle goes into full on evil laughter, you can’t be a villain without an evil laugh to match. I create large black wings for myself and I fly off for my next destination, laughing all the way like a maniac.


The scapegoat

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So, after my psychotic episode had toned down I realised that I forgot something important. I fly back to the cursed empire and on the snowy trail I found what I had forgotten, I landed at the spot as gracefully as possible by falling face first into it, I need to practice my flight more. Fuck it, I have unlimited motherfucking magic.

I crouch and move away the bits of snow that are covering what I was looking for. Now you may be wondering what could be so important that I have to return to search for it in the middle of the arctic.

Oh you know, treasure, very special treasure. What kind of treasure? Only one of the most valuable kind of treasure that has ever existed, remains.

Now you’ll ask to stop beating around the motherfucking bush and tell you already, well I shall do so right now. What remains are more valuable than the remains of King Sombra himself? Yes, while it is true that a cardboard cutout is more three-dimensional than him, I still have some plans for him.

I pick up his horn in a magic aura and rise it up, dark magic flows into it and it’s starting to take shape. The magic is near to revive him, but first I make some tweaks before it is completed. He’s gonna get a big motherfucking surprise.

I hear the crackle while his emerald eyes are formed, to which I change them to white with red irises and removing the shadow smoke on the eyes. His jet black mane flowing along with the darkness and his armor appearing too worn on his body.

“Yes, I have finally re-” He stopped as he landed and finally noticed one my little tweaks, the change on voice “What is this?!?”

I bursted into laugh as the realization finally has hit him, or should I say her? I might as well call her Umbra, there is nothing that she can be queen of and in my eyes this is a well deserved punishment.

“What did you do?!” Umbra yelled at me grabbing me by my robe collar “What have you done you fool?! I should kill you for this insolence!”

I managed to shut her up with a punch to the stomach strong enough to make her cough blood and fall on her knees, this is to be expected of her if the princess’ memories are anything to go by.

“Oh please, you wouldn’t be able to motherfucking kill me even if I was asleep.” I answered her as I shake said hand that I punched with.

“Wh-why you…” Umbra growled as she tried to cast magic, but nothing happened. It was adorable when she tried harder to call forth magic, even more when the exhaustion caught up to her and fell to the snowy ground “My… magic…”

“See, that’s one of the reasons why to not fuck with me,” I pull her by her mane and force her gaze to the dark clouds over the destroyed empire, she tried to struggle of course, but it didn’t last long “This is another one, does this place ring any bells?”

“Wait, isn’t that..” Umbra gasped as she just now started to shiver.

“Motherfucking right, what you see before you is all that’s left of the motherfucking Crystal Empire.” I finish with a laugh, but I am careful to not get carried away this time.

“You lie, a measly mage like you couldn’t have caused all of that.”

“Then look into my eyes motherfucker!” I yank her to meet my eye level, I also share my recent memories of the empire. Her lip quivered and bit it while trying to suppress her anger. Can’t blame Umbra, I did blew up an entire kingdom with lots of potential slaves and mines. But I don’t feel like being a tyrant like her… yet.

“How much of a fool are you?!”

“My patience is wearing thin Umbra, I don’t need you yet, so begone!” I zap her with a thunder spell that rendered her unconscious and with a snap of my fingers she disappears to my, let’s say, pocket dimension.

Resuming back to my plans, I’m in a mystical land with mythical creatures where the sun and moon are raised and lowered by two ponies where they send out six girls in their twenties to battle demons and shit.

Wait, I know of one. I surround myself with my dark aura and take off to the skies again. I am intended on going to Ponyville, but I have all the time in the world to arrive there, surely a few stops on the way wouldn’t hurt. I have all the time in the world after all.

“I came as soon as I could sister,” Luna entered her sister’s chambers quickly joining her by the balcony. Both dressed in royal gowns that matched the color of their coats and jewelry “What has happened?”

“It’s Cadence, can you feel her presence?” Celestia asked as she kept looking worriedly at the recently formed dark clouds above the Crystal Empire. Luna closed her eyes and tried to establish a mental link with Cadence, but nothing happened.

“No… I can’t… she couldn’t be…”

“I’m afraid it is Luna.” Celestia wrapped her in a hug and shed tears for their lost niece.

“Wait, I sense something!” Luna gasped as she broke away from the hug and focused on the lone survivor, it was difficult thanks to the curse laid on the land, but as soon as the link was fully established she knew well who it was the survivor which made her blood run cold.

Ugh...brrr!” Luna heard a deep feminine voice who seemed to be out of breath and shivering, but kept on walking despite the fatigue.

“Tia, try to communicate too, you won’t believe this.”

Celestia nodded and did as her sister asked. As soon as she was in she could feel the familiar dark terrifying essence that neither of them could forget.

Sombra, you’ve revived!” Celestia gasped as well and her hands started to shake slightly.

What?!” Sombra responded while he started to panic “Who are you? Where are you? Where am I?!” She got more desperate and confused by each question she asked.

The princesses dropped their jaw in shock after what they heard. It seems that Sombra has lost his memory, or what is left of Sombra. Not only he was back on the land of the living, but his memory had been erased. Not only that, but the voice change suggested that something else was done

Hello?” Sombra’s voice reached their minds again after a few seconds of silence “If there’s anyone out there, please help. The only thing I can make out from this forest and grass are some train tracks,” Soon the voice broke into tears and started to sob “Please, I’m all alone, cold and it’s dark here. I don’t have anything to cover myself with, help me…I beg of you…

Do not despair,” Celestia responded “A team of guards will shortly be deployed to look for you, do not move from your location.

Thank you,” Sombra sniffed as the tears calmed down “Thank you very much.

The connection broke as Luna entered back into the quarters and rubbed her templates. She didn’t liked none of this and it was too suspicious, yet Sombra didn’t seemed to be lying at all, both could tell.

“Luna,” Celestia approached Luna while her back was still turned at her “I know this is crazy, but it’s the closest we got to a clue to what we are up against, I didn’t had any choice.”

“I know that,” Luna turned back at her and lowered her head in uncertainty “I don’t like it, but I understand that this has to be done.”

“I feel the same,” Celestia turned her gaze back at the dark clouds way on the distance “Dark times are upon us again, we can’t afford to take risks this time.”

“Sombra aside, what do we do now?”

“Call Discord,” Celestia sat down on taking a parchment and a quill to write the message “We have no other choice but to send him to investigate.”

So you might be wondering why am I doing all of this, causing destruction and such. Well, if you had unlimited power like this you would make the best out of it too. Also the villains of this world sucks all kinds of ass, so I want to give them a real challenge in which I can take enjoyment out of it.

It’s not that I’m a bad person, it’s just that I bottle up many bad thoughts and fantasies that which I can make them true with this unique opportunity. Like many people I live a stressful life, even my hobbies weren’t helping me deal with life since my family drives me nuts, except my sister even though she scares me at times, I’d rather not talk about it.

Of course I plan to return home soon, I’m not gonna stay in this land as wonderfully magical as it is. I have a few loose ends to tie up back there, lots of people sure know what I mean.

But I digress. Continuing flying over the landscape I noticed something that catched my eye, kinda looks like a farm but it’s so motherfucking boring and color lacking. I could see a light blue shape down there near a pile of rocks, I have no idea what could she be motherfucking doing, but that what I will be finding out now.

It would be boring to do this quest of villainy all alone, either it would be to just go right now and reveal myself as the mastermind behind the destruction of the empire and blow up everything after a little fight. So I need a lackey of sorts and I think I found said lackey. Landing on the farm I noticed that it was an unicorn mare in overalls who was picking at the pile of rocks, for what reasons I do not wish to know.

“Greetings madam,” I greeted her successfully getting her attention.

“I would rather not be bothered right now,” She said as she got up and turned to glare at me “Begone, I am busy.”

“Noted,” I nodded giving a slight smile “But I just came here for a quick talk, I’m sure you can afford a small break.”

“Look buddy, I am in no mood to talk to a stalker or anything. So get lost!” She snapped as me with a sneer before she turned back to work.

“Why is a unicorn of a level such as yours working in a motherfucking boring ass farm like this?” I walked over to the pile and sat on an unused rock.

“That is none of your business, now get lost.” She picked up the pickaxe and continue to pick the rocks.

“You have more power that you think you have, you know.”

That caught her attention. She stopped picking and eyed at me suspiciously, but to be fair it’s very fucking obvious that I was with the getup I have.

“What are you stupid? I’m just a pathetic unicorn whose magic is just as pathetic.”

“That’s what you think, but your full magic extent can be woken with a little trick,” In a second I surprised her by teleporting myself in front of her with my index finger on her horn “Like this,” I lightly pressed her horn as her eyes go white and gets surrounded by a strong light purple aura. Her magic gone berserk shot blasts at random that turned some rocks into candy.

I pressed into her horn again and she had gone back to normal, she collapsed on her knees out of breath. I, like a complete motherfucking gentleman of course, helped on her feet and rested her against the rocks that remained untouched.

“What did you do?” The mare asked me after she had somewhat recovered.

“I unlocked your hidden potential, I told you that you had more power than you thought.”

“My what?”

“Hidden potential,” I took a seat next to her, though she scooted away from me immediately “You see… erm…”


“Yes, Trixie.” Okay, so far so good “Some unicorns can’t exactly use their magic to their full potential like in days of old, like when they used to raise the sun and lower the moon before the princesses came. A big part of their magic gets locked away at a young age, like in your case. The most common cases to unlocking a unicorn’s true potential generally is experience some unfortunate tragic event, a massive magical interference of any kind or with a very complicated spell that requires a ton of motherfucking magic.”

“Then why unlock mine?” Trixie seemed to be getting a bit inpatient, might as well to make it quick as I said I would.

“You saw how big your real magic power is, why let that go to waste? Besides, there was one filly that had her potential unlocked long ago. A little ‘prodigy’ from Canterlot so the ponies say.”

Trixie quickly stared at the ground with a sneer, something I said definitely had triggered her off, good.

“I do not know who that is,” I stood up and started walking away calmly “But with your magic now this strong, you might be able to beat her now.”

I continued walking until I have hidden myself in a treeline that was at a fair distance of the farm. I could see the bits of indigo shed a little light to where I was, I didn’t need to turn around to know that she had left. With that boost she can give quite some to the elements, even the princesses if she is smart and fast enough.

I chuckle as I take flight again, there aren’t many stops on the way though, I needed to balance time just right so it doesn’t drag out too long, too short and that it will be enough to remember a real villain that doesn’t put the dark forced to shame.

And now that I have my scapegoat in place to spice things up, I can continue on flying without much of a care.

Calm before the storm

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Twilight Sparkle nervously walked back and forth muttering to herself, she wore a formal violet shirt that almost matched her coat with some dark lavender pants. Her assistant, Spike, sat on a nearby sofa thinking carefully on what to say to calm her down, with his growth spurt that has hit him years ago he was almost as tall as an average mare, not to mention his wings had grown too.

They recently got an urgent letter from Princess Celestia and as usual of Twilight she got overly histeric over it like with all the other letters, but given that with the news of the Crystal Empire blown up and that their rulers had disappeared it was justified.

“Calm down Twilight,” Spike finally spoke up “Cadence and Shining are just fine, all we can do now is wait for Discord to come back with news.” Truth to be told, a part of him doesn’t think they could have made it, but he brushed those thoughts aside.

“Oh yeah sure, why not?!” Twilight stopped and glared at him. She hadn’t had much time to rest and it shows just by looking at her “I mean it’s not like my big brother and sister in law are possibly in some kind of danger and could be seriously hurt or worse!”

Spike stared back without saying a word and let her calm down crossing his arms. She was breathing in and out before her expression saddened. Spike got up and gave her a hug while patting her back.

Neither of them said anything for the next minutes, the only sound that was heard was Twilight’s weeping. She cried on her assistant’s shoulder until she pulled away, wiped her own tears and sat down on the sofa with him.

“Thank you Spike.” Her voice wavered as she sniffed.

“It’s no problem, you did the same for me years ago.” Spike winced and growled slightly at the memory of that day.

“You mean when Rarity-”

“Yep,” He cut her off and glared somewhere else “Well, you and Sweetie Belle to be exact.”

“Yeah, but that was so low of her. Lying just so she could have a stand with another rich stallion, I still remember how exactly the scolding I gave her went.”

Spike visibly grinned, from what Twilight had told him she went as harsh as she could possibly be on that day. She had crushed his heart so hard that he was left depressed and Twilight took the initiative to talk to her immediately.

Of course her sister wasn’t left out, she was also angry at her and dedicated herself to make time for Spike, since then the two had become great friends. Rarity tried to redeem herself by acting more romantic towards him, but the damage was made and he ignored her advances.

At times he would hang out with the other crusaders as well and spend time with Spike more than anyone else did, eventually getting him out of his depression.

The sound of the door slamming open had startled the both of them, making them realise that they were spacing out remembering the past. Rainbow Dash flew in with her cyan jacket and jeans with dark blue undershirt.

“Twilight, we got trouble.” She flew up to Twilight with a distressed face.

The three hurried up towards the town square as fast as they could, there they found a mare covered in a black cloak sitting in a magically conjured seat, her foot tapping on the ground impatiently.

Looking closely they saw other ponies hiding in either their home or in a safe spot that could be found, hiding in fear of from this newcomer.

“What’s happening here?” Twilight asked while Rainbow and Spike glared at the cloaked pony.

“It’s been a long time,” The hooded pony responded as she stood up and lowered down her hood. Everyone gasped to see Trixie grinning at them with her horn shining bright “Twilight Sporkle.”

“Sparkle.” Twilight corrected her.

Sporkle.” Trixie repeated with venom emphasised on that sentence.

Taking her eyes off Twilight for a moment, Trixie found the other things that she had come back here for, the two stupid colts that attracted the Ursa to the town. Her grin turned into a scowl and teleported in front of them to give them a deadly glare.

“You…” Before any of them could say anything, Trixie grabbed them by their throats with her magic. The other three stood frozen at Trixie’s sudden cruelty as she kept choking the life out of them.

“Trixie, stop!” Twilight rushed towards her, but before she could do anything she was blasted by a magic blast at short range, tumbling towards the ground as both Spike and Rainbow went to her help.

She has gotten better and meaner, that’s for sure.’ She thought as her friends helped her get up. Snips and Snails were kept on Trixie’s grip and she isn’t showing any signs on stopping.

“Stop picking up on my friends Trixie, leave them out of this!” Twilight tried to reason one more time.

“Humph,” Trixie looked back and forth between the groups, finally deciding to drop the foals and turn towards Twilight as the colts run away “Very well, you’re one of the unfinished business I have to resolve anyway Twilight.” She started to approach Twilight slowly with a hateful glare on her face “You and me. A magi duel. Winner stays, loser is banished from Ponyville.”

“Forget it!” Twilight responded quickly “I’ll never agree to that. Besides, I have more important things to do.”

“Like worrying about them?” Trixie grinned maliciously as her eyes flashed red for a moment and her horn shone again. A flash of light appeared behind her before it quickly disappeared. They froze in shock a second time when they say that Trixie had conjured a cage big enough to fit in multiple ponies, said ponies who were inside was what had shocked them.

Inside were the missing Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, both injured and with an empty expression.

Twilight only stared while the tears flowed free, they were injured and captive, but they were alive. A part of her is happy to know that, but another part of her is freaking out at what Trixie might have done to them. Wait, she couldn’t have…

“Trixie,” Twilight tried to fight the tears “You didn’t…”

“I had to test my rightly earned magic somehow Twilight.” Trixie chuckled as a shadow was cast on her face “So what do you say Sporkle? If you want them to be freed, you have to beat me in a duel, there is no other way.”

Both Spike and Rainbow were about to charge at Trixie before they were stopped by Twilight’s arms. She silently nodded to them and turned back to Trixie, eyes gazing at Cadence and Shining both sitting on the cage unmoving as they stared into space.

“Alright Trixie,” Twilight glared at Trixie trying to control herself “Let’s duel!”

Rainbow and Spike both stepped away to give room for these two to duel. Trixie positions herself as Twilight does so too, the deafening silence taking over. Both mares stared each other down without moving a muscle, Twilight had been visibly sweating. It was hard to believe that Trixie had gained such massive power, but there was little room for doubt when the rulers for the former empire were caged in a zombie like state.

After moments of silently waiting, the duel between the showmare and the element of magic starts with the breaking of silence.


Okay, so this city looks like it’s about midnight even though it is foggy as fuck in here though. The next target I’m looking for should be around this motherfucking cobblestone street that with it’s barely lit lights, one can barely see shit.

I jump down to the street and immediately I hear something making a metallic sound somewhere near me, it’s getting motherfucking close. I innocently start walking at the opposite side of the source of the sound, whistling happily until I bump into a dark cloaked figure that is half as tall as me, perfect.

“Watch where you’re going, will you?” I started.

“Well well, aren’t you unique?” Old and quivery masculine voice, he hasn’t gotten far enough yet, not that it fucking matters if he does mind you “I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what is rightfully mine.”

“Yeah, no.” I said before punching him in the jaw as he fully opened his mouth, he reeled back and groaned as he gripped his jaw “Pleasure to motherfucking meet you,” I crack my knuckles as I grinned at his weak form “I am Lord Vaati, official ultimate ass raper of existence, both figuratively and literally.”

I crossed my arm as Tirek recovered from the blow and wobbled towards me “You remind me of Discord a little, but you seem more-”

“Serious? Stronger?”

“You could say those. You are certainly more strong minded than both my brother and Discord,” Oh fuck, here we go. This motherfucker thinks I’ll let him off and let him live, I know his type “You are far more capable than both of them were, I see great potential in you Vaati. Help me grow strong, and be rewarded with riches and as many mares as you like. Once I’ve stolen all their magic, they will be helpless against you.”

“Are you done yet?” I yawned as he took a step back and tilted his head “If I wanted all that shit, I wouldn’t be here wasting my motherfucking time with you, now begone.” I grabbed him by one of his frail bones, throwing him into the night sky and pointing at him with the middle finger to make him explode in a gory fashion.

With his blood and guts raining over the city now, I figured it was time to take flight yet again. One of my minions, or puppets better said, should be on Ponyville causing a shitstorm right now, so that leaves me with enough time for one last stop.

The badlands.

He is already here

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Or maybe not…

On my way a pegasus had placed himself on my way, I decided to be a gentlemen and stop to listen what he had to say instead of ramming him over.

And then, believe it or not, he started to lecture me on the ways of villainy, or so they say. Oh please. He looked like a complete thug and he dares to tell me how to use my power, then came something about growth and character or whatever, I wasn’t really listening.

“Look,” I interrupted him holding a hand up “I appreciate the advice and such, but I’d rather to enjoy myself with what I have. Besides, this opportunity doesn’t come everyday.”

With that I face the other direction and fly towards the opposite direction, it seems I have to cancel my appointment at the badlands and stop messing around, maybe.

I stopped again when I saw the same pegasus from before in my way again, I didn’t even saw him nor hear his wings flapping.

“Now now, don’t be so hasty, our little ramble isn’t quite over yet.” He responded me as I saw his eyes change color, you’ve got to be kidding me.

“Well, that explains the smell of brown nose around here.” I roll my eyes as said pegasus changed his appearance after a flash.

“It pales in comparison to the smell of angsty edgy teenager.” Discord replied as he covered his nose.

“What do you want?”

“Well my dear purple psychotic friend, while I like the potential for chaos you have, I’m not to keen on the part where you killed everyone on the Crystal Empire and blew it to smithereens. It’s one thing to take someone prisoner or to mess around with them a bit, but when you actually hurt them I’m afraid that going too far.”

I could feel how my eye is twitching like mad and my brain shutting down for a few moments the time he had said that last line, I could also feel the handcuffs being put on my hands as well.

“Pray that Sunbutt isn’t too harsh on you, but knowing her she will let you off with the task of learning about the magic of friendship or something.”

“This coming from the element of Kindness’ bitch.” I growled at him while clenching my fists tight “I will not take orders from someone unfit for the title of ‘Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony’, emphasis on the Disharmony part mind you, nor anyone else.” Discord leaned towards me with a raised brow, giving me a chance to raise my cuffed hands to bring them down to his head as hard as I can.

He seemed to have plummeted into a house unconscious, that should give me time. I change my hands into a dark purple mist form and let the handcuffs fall down as well.

Changing my hands back to normal, I rubbed my wrists and finally continue on my way. I’ve wasted too much time as it is, assuming miss Trixie should be done with her revenge plans, it’s time for the main event.

Both Celestia and Umbra remained seated across eachother on beanbag chairs at her study, fear and uncertainty evident on Umbra’s face. She remained curled in a blanket wrapped around her while Celestia remained examinating her.

“And that’s it.” Celestia finished, filling Umbra in on her actions in the past.

“I see.” Umbra muttered looking down “I think I was better off without remembering.”

“Do not worry, that is all in the past now, you’re not that pony anymore.”

Even with the comforting words of the princess, the former tyrant didn’t seem to be convinced. A moment of silence followed suit until Celestia spoke up again.

“You don’t remember anything about the attack at all?”

She looked down and shook her head, unable to recall the terrible events that had led to this.

“I see,” Celestia sighed standing up walking to the open doors of her balcony “Equestria is facing a new threat, but unlike previous enemies we have no idea what we are up against. But the mere thought of his ability to completely decimate and lay a new curse on the former Crystal Empire.” She shuddered as she recalled what Umbra had told her before she reminded her of her previous life “Hence why we need to figure this new threat out quick before it’s too late.”

A success of rapid knocks was heard on her door, Celestia turned to call in whoever was knocking. Both she and Umbra were met with the distressed looks of a few guards along with her sister Luna.

“Sister, look at Ponyville quick!” She hurried past her without giving her any time to react. The guards stayed at the side of the doors while Umbra got up and joined Luna.

Celestia followed them on the balcony and what they saw was concerning, dark clouds are closing in on the nearby town currently covering the forest. The sisters could feel something dark even from this far away, a malevolent force was closing in on the blissfully unaware ponies below.

A flash besides them indicated Discord’s return, he held an ice bag on his head were a nasty bump can be seen even with said ice bag.

“I’ve found our troublemaker.”

Twilight felt the azure mare’s blast hit her once again, her strength was falling but she still continued to stand. She tried to fire a blast of her own only to watch it go through Trixie, the magician appeared behind her picking up Twilight in her magic to slam her between two buildings repeatedly.

“Oh don’t tell me that’s all you got Sparkle, after all a princess such as yourself isn’t going to disappoint Trixie like this!” Trixie focused her attention on her with a wide grin, leaving the purple alicorn pretty bruised up with the tactics Trixie had executed during this duel, which it doesn’t seem to be a magic duel anymore.

While they were on that, Rainbow Dash along with Spike tried anything they could to break open the cage that held Cadence and Shining Armor. But no matter what they do, whether is to attack it or blow fire on the bars, nothing worked.

Trixie stopped for a moment to look at the direction of cage “Do whatever you want, you can’t break that cage. Just a heads up.” With that she stopped her magic and let her opponent fall to the ground.

Twilight tried to stand up, but the injuries inflicted on her by Trixie didn’t seem to let her. Leaning down to cough blood she looked to see her standing proudly above her.

“Looks like I won this time,” She gave a darkly chuckle “Trixie always knew she was talented, not unlike some cheaters I know.” Twilight was about to reply to her only to be cut short by Trixie’s index finger on her lips “You lost little miss perfect, deal with it.”

Unbeknownst to Trixie, dark clouds have started to sweep in the skies of Ponyville, thunders striking down from some clouds. No pegasi was in sight nor near those clouds, it’s as if the everfree weather is starting to affect Equestria.

Everyone then felt a chill, a terrifying chill that no one had experienced before. Trixie stopped to turn at the top of the Mayor’s building, soon becoming affected by that unknown fear.

“What the fuck is that?” Rainbow Dash commented unsure at what she was looking at.

Up there was none other than a bipedal creature with purple robes, one visible eye was on them as if it could see their soul. It’s smile held a wickedness that threatened to stop their hearts on the spot.

“Hello girls,” It spoke in a whispering but audible tone “Room for one more?”

End of Act 1

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Trixie froze at the sight of him, she met this guy before and to think that he held a big and dark magic rendered her speechless. She didn’t need to do much to feel his power, she could practically taste it.

The creature jumped and floated slowly to the ground, looking at how everyone kept looking at him dumbstruck, it was funny to him. Looking down at the beaten alicorn princess made him smile a bit more, but it was countered as he felt what was undoubtedly her backup coming closer to their location.

“Took you quite a bit, Princess Sun and Moonbutt.” His voice sounded deep and malicious looking as Celestia along with Luna, Discord and Umbra descended upon the town “And you took your dogs with you too.”

“You wretched vermin, how da-” Luna started only to be cut short by a blur of black and to be hit by it followed by a flash. The princess of the night found herself unable to move as her body had begun to petrify from her legs, she screamed and thrashed all she could but there was no stopping it.

Celestia threw herself in front of her sister in desperation, but it was too late. Long before anyone could properly react the princess of the night was turned into stone, the remaining ponies stared in shock while the princess of the sun fell to her knees to cry for her once again lost sister. Not long after the ponies previously known as the remaining bearer of the elements and the Cutie Marks Crusaders arrived at the horrific scene.

“Listen well,” The purple creature spoke gaining their attention once again “If you have enough time to talk so much shit, you have time to attack. I shall not wait until your bullshit friendship speeches are done nor I will wait for you to get another McGuffin to defeat me, I’ll take you out right here and now.”

“Wh...why…?” He turned to where the weak voice of Princess Twilight called for him, looking at how much it’s costing to the bleeding alicorn to even speak “Why… do you do thi-”

“Fight begins now!” He cut her off and jumped at her with little patience. Just as it seemed as it was about to strike the her, a purple and cyan blur stopped him in his tracks. The creature stood still with both hand and claw struck on his face.

“Not on our guard, freak!” Rainbow Dash struck a cocky grin while Spike gave him a hateful glare.

“Come on Celestia, I’ll take care of Luna, you go attend her wounds.” Discord tapped on her shoulder quickly while he snapped his fingers on the eagle paw to undo Luna’s petrification. Celestia looked up, nodding shortly after as she went to cast a healing spell on Twilight.

“Don’t make me laugh,” The purple creature stared back at Dash and Spike, pushing their fists back with just his face before swatting them away with little effort, yet they went flying into different houses wit at an incredible speed “You cannot hurt me with those mosquito bites you call punches.”

Wasting no time he countered Discord’s spell, leaving Luna as a statue once again. Now with his target set he shot to him the same blast that petrified the night princess, Discord disappeared in a flash avoiding the attack entirely. On his stead the ground below him had petrified instead.

“You won’t escape,” The purple creature rose his arm and reached for his side, his arm seemingly disappearing in thin air. Not long after he pulled his arm back with the former spirit of disharmony’s neck on his grasp, rising him further up “Unlike you, my power is knows no bounds and I can’t be swayed by a bitch that is afraid of her own shadow.”

Both Trixie and Umbra watched horrified and confused, everything happening so fast that she can barely process anything that has been going on. Next thing she knew, Discord was turned back into stone thrown into the ground, the yellow mare running to the statue bawling over him.

The creature turned his gaze to Umbra momentarily, following by checking on the remaining princesses. It seemed that princess smartass was fully healed.

“Heh, as if getting a full recovery will help you.” He smirked walking to them “I only do this so you know the name of the very first villain who truly successfully triumphed over harmony. I am Vaati, the mage with no boundaries.” Raising a hand that charged magic once again, he approached with a malicious grin. Twilight and Celestia charging up magic of their own, but a yellow blur flashed and stopped in between them.

“Now you listen here mister!” Fluttershy glared at the purple mage with wide eyes “Just because you have all the power in the world doesn’t give you the right to be a massive jerk and such a meanie. Now undo all the harm you’ve done and apologize for what you’ve done.”

Vaati stared back unamused, undoing the magic charge leaving only his index and middle fingers raised. Fluttershy let go of the stare smiling and the crazed mage smiling back as he suddenly pointed the fingers at her eyes, setting them to explode and the mare falling to the ground as her eyes burned screaming louder than anyone has ever heard.

“Nobody tells me what to do.” He kicked her making her cough blood, only for him to be almost immediately greeted by another scream filled with rage and a tackle from a technicolor blur.

“You monster!” Rainbow Dash reared up a punch and brought it down to the now pinned Vaati “How dare you... how dare you to do such a horrible thing to my friend!” One after another more flurries of punches rained down on him, making him spill blood “I’ll never forgive you!” She delivered the next hit with the most force she could muster, only to make a small crater on the ground where her enemy used to be.

“Rainbow, behind you!” Twilight warned her and followed her advice immediately. Indeed he was there, but he didn’t do anything. Though it was clear that his face was full of bruises and was bleeding in some spots.

“I figured it would be quite boring if I was invincible throughout the whole fight, neither would it make me like a good villain if I was.” He rubbed the edge of his bleeding mouth trying to clean it off “Even if you always cheat by using the same 1 hit K.O. tactic, I am going to be nice enough to give you a fighting chance.”

“Fair? Fighting chance?! You rendered Fluttershy blind!” She pointed at the agonizing mare with another one of the element bearers that the mage was sure that was the wrongly chosen element of Generosity “You have no right to talk about fairness!”

“It’s the shit villains do, duh.”

This only served to fuel her anger, the remaining elements along with Celestia that were still able to fight joined her up. The bearer of Generosity remained attending her injured friend.

“While that is true,” The pink one started as she frowned back to him “However, you forget that we’re heroes. And heroes always win over the bad guys, our duty is to get rid of guys that bring misery to this world like you and that’s exactly what we’ll do!”

“Nice one Pinkie.” The orange one whistled before focusing on him as well.

“Yes that’s nice and all, but I still made this happen,” He clapped sarcastically before pointing at the stone statues of Luna and Discord, making Celestia flinch “And I meant it when I said that I wasn’t going to wait for your deus ex machinas to appear.”

“Vaati, you will not win!” Celestia stepped forward with her courage recovered “Harmony will prevail in the end no matter what.”

“I’d like to see you try,” His aura darkened shaping themselves in a tendril like manner while his only visible eye glowed.

“Let’s do this girls, for Equestria.” Twilight stood firm lighting up her horn, Celestia joining at her side.

“I shall fight too Twilight.” She lit up her horn staring down at her enemy.

“Isn’t that cute? They think that they can take me on.” Vaati smirked sprinting as fast as the wind, barely giving his opponents a chance to react staring face to face at Twilight.

Spike fell down on the cage, exhausted at both the attack from earlier and from using so much strength in futile attempt to break free the rulers of the formerly known Crystal Empire.

What he found strange was that either Shining nor Cadence reacted at anything, it was as if they were replaced by dolls of themselves. Nevertheless, he can’t do anything for them.

He leaned his back on the cage, leaving him the misfortune of witnessing the battle that has broken off, if one could call it a battle. Whatever advantage his friends seem to get they would almost instantly lose it.

The mage changed between a dark mist and normal forms no matter how many punches or magic was thrown at him, the only times they could deal damage to him was when he stopped to attack. However, it was quickly turning to be a risky tactic since he would deal more damage in his few attacks than any attack the girls dealt to the crazed menace.

He ducked under one of Applejack’s kick, taking this moment to grab her tail to lift her and swing her in a circular fashion. The girls stopped their attack, giving Vaati the chance to stop and charge towards them starting to swing the farm pony again, successfully hitting them with Applejack.

“This is one of my favorite quotes,” Vaati took a swing to hit the pink pony that went flying as her blood spilled “I’ll beat a motherfucker,” He heard the cyan pegasus’ war cry once again, permitting him to put the orange on in front of him to intercept her attack that led to Applejack coughing blood “With another motherfucker!” Yanking her tail again he swung her against his enemy that also fell down.

Spike was awestruck at the scene, Applejack’s injuries ranged from cuts all over her face, what seemed to be a deep gash on her forehead and one arm that was bent backwards. He closed his eyes and looked away to not witness this slaughter anymore, unfortunately the cries and screams of the Crusaders didn’t helped at all.

This guy is insane! There has to be something that can beat him, but what is able to defeat a mage with literal unlimited power? A light broke through the dark sky opting Spike to raise a claw to cover his eyes, the light seems to be clearing the sky of any dark clouds.

“Wait, what?” Spike heard Vaati shout and unsure of what was going on, he spotted him looking at the sky and the mares collapsed near him do so too.

The rainbow colored light descended with a familiar silhouette that looked that it has five objects stuck on it’s upper part. The light dispersed and when it died out indeed it was what the young dragon thought it would be.

It was the chest with five of the six keys.

“No…” Vaati trailed looking at the chest wide eyed.

Another rainbow light shone from Discord’s statue prison, a glowing necklace floated out of him that wriggled while it got close to the chest, transforming into a key with the head styled into a six pointed star.


The key flew into the remaining keyhole of the chest, the purple princess’ eyes sparking the moment the key turned. Another bright light came from the chest as it started to open, letting out six spectrum colored streams that landed on each of the element bearers.

“No no no no no no!” Vaati’s voice grew watching the transformations take hold, they each glowed brightly and he had no other choice than to avert his eyes so his eyes don’t water. Once it had diminished enough he turned back to find the six mares now transformed into apparences that could be described as a technicolor 80’s fashion vomit, surrounded in a single sphere of rainbow light “MOTHERFUCKER, no no no no! Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!”

“Vaati,” Twilight started “You may have all the power from the world, but I carry within me the most powerful magic of all!”

“Yes, the power of BUUULL-SHIT!”

Magic streams run between the girls, combining into a single giant rainbow blast that went up and dived straight towards Vaati. The blast hit in a bright onslaught of bright colors, hope returning back to the expressions of the town residents. Spike smiling wide while Trixie and Umbra watched with their jaws dropped at the light show, hearing the screams of agony of the mad mage along with the mixed cheering of the crusaders.

Once it faded the sphere expanded, giving out a rainbow wave that undid all of Vaati’s hexes and curses, including turning Umbra back to her original gender, thankfully he covered himself with the blanket as if it was a towel before anyone could see him. Light returned to Cadence and Shining’s eyes the moment the cage disappeared, luckily Spike got up in time before he fell.

Luna and Discord also got released from their stone prisons, the latter flying up in the air freely not long after stretching. Receiving a sudden hug from her sister Luna gladly returned it shedding a couple of tears.

Now that the mage was taken cared of, Trixie finally felt that she could move. Seems that little miss princess has won over yet another another powerful enemy, one with unlimited power no less.

She might as well give up, no matter what she could do there was no way to beat that despite what she does. She watched the sphere lower and levitate the mares inside outside of it, it flew off into the forest and soon another rainbow appeared crossing over to the other side of Ponyville. The earth shook rising from where the rainbow landed a massive crystalline castle that stood taller than any other building in town.

“Nice,” Sombra smiled looking at the new castle and then looking at Celestia “I’ll give you anything for it.”

“I don’t think you’d have anything to give as it is.” She laughed and soon everyone else joined in laughing, even Sombra has found it some humor to it.

The transformation faded off on the six mares, Twilight spotted Spike with her brother and his wife, not thinking twice on running to hug them.

“Thank you Twilight, without you who knows what that monster could have done to us.” Cadence hugged her back shedding tears of joy, Shining joining in the hug as well.

“That’s my sister, saving Equestria even in the lowest of odds.” He ruffled her hair getting a giggle in return. Spike watched happily with the other three girls, it seems that the wave healed everyone too, including Fluttershy’s blindness too somehow.

Celestia walked to her along with Luna glancing at the castle once before looking at her again “You’ve been wondering what you are meant to do as a princess. Do you know now?” Twilight broke the hug to take a few steps towards her mentor.

“As Princess, I believe I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria.” She looked at the shimmering town and crystalline castle that she had to admit stung a little just by looking at it “That is the role I am meant to have in our world! The role I choose to have!” She walked to her friends getting them closer “But I didn’t defeat Vaati on my own, in fact it was a very close call. It took all of us to beat him.”

“Then it is unlikely you are meant to take on this task alone.” Celestia nodded, she made way to the tree castle until it suddenly blew up in pieces, the remains made holes in some houses as everyone wondered what did just happen. They didn’t had time to do that when another scream reached their ears, Cadence fell down forming a pool of blood below as the light left her eyes for good this time.

“Cadence!” Shining hurried check on her, but a burst of blood appeared from where his heart is. He fell down too as blood ran from his mouth and the darkness returned to his eyes.

Fluttershy screamed, a couple of that blood splashing on to Twilight who had frozen in horror and wondered what was going on. One more shriek, Sombra was turned back into a mare and her memories were erased once again. The onyx mare looked at the scorched spot where the rainbow beam struck before her memories were gone again and stopped moving.

“No way!” Rainbow shouted looking where Umbra was looking a second ago “How?! The power of that box should have beaten you!”

Vaati stood with a pointed finger that some smoke was coming from, he glared with an unimaginable rage. The dark aura that he gave off earlier now held a fury that they cannot match even with their combined strength.

“I sidestepped,” Everyone was left dumbstruck hearing such a claim like that “What, you’d think I’d be stupid enough to stand still and let that thing hit me?!”

Discord facepawed as he remembered the two times he did exactly that while Luna looked down feeling a bit stupid.

“But enough about stupid shit. You’ve cheated once again, now I’ll hurt you back a thousand times more.” Vaati pointed at Trixie to successfully paralyze her, then pointing at the white pony of the three that was near Spike.

The dragon jumped in front of Sweetie Belle as Vaati casted his spell, hitting him instead of the mage’s intended target.

“Thanks Spike.” She locked him in a hug while Spike turned his attention to the mage.

“Nice try, work on your aim next time!” He smiled smugly.

“Don’t mind if I do!” Vaati snapped his fingers making Sweetie Belle pass out, Rarity ran over her sister while Spike tried to shake her so that she wakes up. She does, but her eye color has changed to a glowing red delivering a strong punch to Spike that made him fly.

“Sweetie, what are you doing?!” Rarity gasped watching her sister get up slowly and staring at her, her two friends running at her sides.

“What was that for? Spike is on our side!” Scootaloo scolded her.

“What WAS that? You didn’t told us you were this strong.” Applebloom tugged on her arm, but Sweetie Belle wasn’t paying attention to them.

Vaati chuckled seeing that it has worked “Go, my servant! Take out your former sister and return to me!”

“Yes, my lord.” In a similar fashion she kneed the alabaster mare right in the stomach, rendering her kneeled and both arms in her stomach as the marshmallow filly reappeared in a white smoke at Vaati’s side.

“Wh...Why…” Rarity muttered feeling consciousness fading away from her, seeing nothing but darkness not long after.

“Come here, other servant.” Vaati commanded looking at Umbra who rose up not holding on the blanket anymore, her body fully exposed before she teleported with an aura similar to the dark magic she possessed during her time as King Sombra, reappearing behind the purple mage so that he covered the view of her body.

Trixie too complied with the command in the same fashion, her eyes the same as Sweetie Belle’s not. Vaati snapped his fingers one more time to imprison Discord one again, this time so that nothing nor no one could break him out. One more snap to render the butter yellow pegasus blind again, only in a less gory way.

“My eyes! I can’t see!” Fluttershy’s gaps and less audible screams in comparison of the last one had finally snapped Twilight out of her shocked state, looking Vaati and his new allies.

“What the… Let them go now!” Twilight snarled at them.

“I’m afraid that request is not possible.” Sweetie Belle stared blankly at her “We do not desire to return back to our previous lives, so don’t waste you time.”

“I’ve had just about enough for today,” Vaati conjured a mirror that made Celestia, Luna and Twilight flinch, pouring some of his dark magic to it to have it function again “We’ll retreat for now, but be sure that there will be a next time. Come follow me if you wish to stop me, surely you'll know your way around enough to find me.”

The mage ordered his teammates to step in the mirror, they all went until only Vaati was left. While that happened Twilight flew towards them as fast as she could, but she was barely late as not only he escape through the mirror, but the magic disappeared closing the portal.

Spike caught up to her while being carried by Celestia along with her five remaining friends who were carrying the unconscious Rarity. Fearing the unfortunate implications of having that crazy monster not only run off with two ponies and a filly who was sister of one of them, but to the world he had run off to.

“Twilight, isn’t that…?” He asked hoping that he was wrong.

“I’m afraid it is Spike,” She confirmed the drake’s fears “He ran off to Canterlot High.”


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This is impossible! The evidence of the table should be enough, the testimonies written on her notepad, the online video of that political campaign, even clearly fake pictures of her breaking a school gym apart.

But it doesn’t help when she disappeared out of thin air after a school dance that her target was queen of, which was another impossibility since apparently she never attended class nor had signed up officially as a student.

She set her glasses down on the table, taking the cup of coffee she made not so long ago and took a sip out of it as she inched back on the chair where her white coat was hung on.

Looking back at the table illuminated by one of the ceiling lamps, she racked her purple head trying to find answers. Not getting anywhere else than she did before, she sighed in defeat running.

“Only one thing's for sure,” She sets down the coffee on an unoccupied section of the table “There’s definitely something strange going on in that school.” She heard the ring of a phone, but that didn’t break her from her train of thought.

“I’ll get it!” A voice called out near the source of the ringing that silenced the phone almost immediately, now she could maybe take a break and collect her thoughts. Someone creaked open the door letting some more light into the dark room. A purple colored boy with green hair and shirt walked in the room with the phone in his hand “Twilight, it’s for you.”

“Tell them I’m busy Spike.” She replied not breaking his gaze from the table.

“Yeah, I’ve been told that it’s for helping you in your research. The guy says that it’s important and that he goes by the name ‘Glyde’ or something.” Spike moved closer handing the phone over and waiting near the door.

“Twilight Sparkle speaking,” Twilight held the phone as she crossed her legs “Yes.” She nodded pausing for a moment “How do you know that?” Another pause “Is that so…” One more pause “Alright, I’ll meet you there.”

After ending the call, Twilight’s lips turned into a smirk as she took her lab coat from the chair “Spike, I got a breakthrough.”

Sunset Shimmer got interrupted mid sentence by a terrifying chill up her spine, unsettling her more than she already is.

“What’s the matter?” Fluttershy leaned worried about her.

“I don’t know,” She looked down at her food again “I got the strange feeling that something really messed up just happened.”

“Like what?” Rarity asked curiously.

“I don’t know, like those girls I can’t put my finger on it.”

“I feel you there sister,” Pinkie interjected letting the vegetables that was on her face fall off “My Pinkie sense had warned me that today will be a big doozy.”

“Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash spoke up “It’s probably just you and Pinkie being Pinkie.”

“You do realize that I hate it when everyone does that, right? I thought we talked about this.” Pinkie frowned at Rainbow.

Before any more words could be said, the sounds of girls singing reached their ears. Three girls no one but Sunset saw before entered the cafeteria, their singing reaching to the students and moments later they were on eachother’s throats at the so called Battle of the Bands the new students suggested during their song.

“Ooooh, now I see where you’re coming from Sunset.” Pinkie noted while she and her friends took noticed of the new problem at hand.

Twilight had been informed by this Glyde person that the first step to catch the faker and her accomplices is to catch them red handed. Shortly when lunchtime was nearly ending, she positioned herself a hallway away from Sunset Shimmer’s locker, hiding herself behind a wall in which she can peek out of to see the locker.

To her luck she didn’t had to wait for long as she heard voices and looking from where she was it is indeed the faker’s complices. She would have them arrest them on the spot, but Glyde had told her she had to wait and see so she can believe the story completely.

“I can’t believe they got to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna too.” That one was Fluttershy if she’s not mistaken. She took note to check on the principals later if any harm had come to them.

“They’ve gotten to everybody!” Unmistakably that one is Rainbow Dash.

“Not everybody!” You don’t need to be a genius to know that’s Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie Pie’s right. We were there when the Dazzlings were singin’, and we weren’t affected. It was like we were protected somehow.” Interesting. If what Applejack said is right, then there is another incident incoming to the school, but this time she was here to deal with it.

“So let’s take them down! It’s not like we haven’t tangled with dark magic before and totally whupped its sorry butt.” Rainbow kicked the football she had on her feet catching it in her hand, glancing at Sunset “Uh, no offence.”

Sunset just ignored that remark and rolled her eyes, they continued talking and what they were saying was nonsense. They say ridiculous things like music that gives them magic, something about contacting her but the portal is closed besides her being right there. It is possible that they were talking about the faker.

“I may have an idea how we can get in touch with Princess Twilight!” Sunset opened her locker, digging inside of it until she took out a dusty brown book “When I was Princess Celestia’s student back in Equestria, she gave me this.” Twilight still cannot make heads and tails around this, she would have given up on this group of crazy girls if it weren’t for the fact that they were related to an impostor.

“That’s a book, darling. What do you mean, ‘maybe still works’?” The one named Rarity surprisingly voiced her thoughts.

“It used to be that if I wrote something here, it would appear in the pages of a book back in Princess Celestia’s library. I get a message to her, then she can get a message to Princess Twilight.” Cringeworthy title aside, was Sunset’s words true? This is even better! They’ll get to call her here and then she’ll ambush them to have them arrested. So Glyde didn’t tricked her after all.

It was a mystery to her how they would contact her with that book, but it didn’t matter. She finally can bring justice to these criminals. Having enough, she makes way to the exit as she dug on one of the pockets of her coat hearing her cellphone ring to pick it up.

“Hello?” She remained silent for a moment “Oh, it’s you Glyde. Good news, I got useful information to catch her.” More seconds of silence “The entrance statue? That’s the second and final clue I needed?” Another pause while she looked the area to see if she was being followed “Alright, I’ll wait there.”

The girls waited where the statue was located, Rarity was polishing Fluttershy’s nails, Rainbow and Sunset sat at the base of the statue while Sunset read the old entries on her journal. Finally, Applejack and Pinkie played cards on top of it.

“I’m starting to think she’s not coming.” Rainbow spoke up after a long bit of silence, passing her ball from hand to hand.

The side of the statue glowed white, the purple skinned girl that they’ve been waiting for has finally arrived and had a rough landing. The girls are quick to take note of her and rush to her.

Twilight sits up and rubbed her head before looking back at her old friends “I’m back…” She spoke weakly, seeing Sunset’s hand and taking it without hesitation to stand up. Spike traversed through the portal just in time to join the group hug they were about to share, but after a short time they break off from it. Giving Twilight time to let them know about her discovery.

“I’ve got some bad news about those new girls.”

“And I’ve got bad news for all of YOU!” Another voice exactly similar to Twilight cut her off before she could say another thing.

Police cars pulled up in front of the school as their helicopters flew above them, dozens of police officers going out of their cars to point at the girls with handguns and shotguns alike. They instantly raised their arms while another person jumped up from behind the bushes, she looked identical to Twilight.

She kept her cold glare on them as she kept moving closer, particular on the doppleganger that was with them who she stopped in front of.

“I finally got you, impostor.” She spoke to her otherworldly duplicate with the same coldness that was on her eyes while she seemed speechless and confused “You don’t know what I’m talking about? The REAL Twilight Sparkle. I’m arresting all of you for impersonating a staff of the secret service and for being accomplices on the crime, you shall be taken away for questioning.”

She watched as the impostor Twilight Sparkle along with her friends got handcuffed, some had uselessly tried to break free, which had of course failed. Some kept screaming and protesting even after they got taken into the police cars and taken away, not one of them was spared the arrest.

A different show

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Groups of two to three students gathered in the gym, glaring daggers at eachother. A girl with a cape and wizard hat remained quiet looking at them cursing eachother mentally, another one from a trio of young girls also kept an eye out when they weren’t looking. It wasn’t hard at all, but she had to include them since they behaved as stupid as everyone else was.

On the end of the gym, the new girls with the shiny red necklaces walked into the building. The blonde one smiling wide as if she fed on the negativity coursing through the air.

“Oh, no! No one’s mingling!” She took on a mock tone before her smile returned “It’s like there’s some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute.”

“It’s the fruit punch, isn’t it?” The ponytailed girl holds a cup, eyeing it carefully “I knew I used too much grape juice!”

The purple pigtailed girl besides her rolled her eyes while the on in front of her slumps on her feet and facepalm “It’s not the fruit punch, it’s us!”

“But the punch is awful too.” The pigtailed girl remarked to her not-so-bright companion besides her, who stared back as she brandished her cup.

“What do you know about good fruit punch?”

“More than you.”

“Man, and here I thought I found myself some cute girls in here.” A voice none of them recognized made them freeze in the spot, quickly turning behind them they saw yet another new face. This new guy ran his hand through his styled blond hair, adjusting his open tan colored jacket with a white undershirt. Wearing pants that matched the color of his jacket “But I must have confused these two with children.”

“Ugh, I know what you mean.” The lead of their group looked at her friends annoyed, while they’re unamused and interested in this guy “What do you want?”

“I’ll introduce myself, I am Glyde Loath. I suppose you don’t mind introducing me to your dumbwitted friends, don’t you?”

“Listen here loser,” She tapped his chest with two fingers “We don’t care about what you want or about your whole pathetic existence. So get lost!”

Glyde narrowed his eyes at her, grabbing her hand with enough force to make her scream and retract it. His gaze turned ice cold while the other two attend to their leader.

“Adagio! Are you okay?” The ponytail one got pushed back by her colleague before she could get any closer.

“Back off Sonata, I’m fine!” Adagio held her nearly broken hand, glancing back at Glyde quickly averting her gaze back to her hand almost in a flash “Something is wrong here Aria…”

“No kidding, our amulets are going out of control.” Aria nudged her to their amulets, all of them shining brightly than when the first discovered the equestrian magic in this world.

“Anywho,” Glyde called attention back on to him, his stare softened “I heard there will be some sort of competition going on here, I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t participate.” He shrugged walking past the trio waving a hand as he walked further in the gym.

The glow faded once he was far away enough, Adagio’s wide smile returned as she gave a sinister chuckle “I think we may have found what we’re looking for. Or rather, it found us.”

Closing the steel door behind her, Twilight adjusted her glasses and keeping a glare on her lookalike that was sitting on a chair in the interrogation table. She took a seat on the empty seat across her, her impostor is clearly unnerved by how her eyes scanned around the room.

“You waste your time,” She started to get her attention “You’re not out of here until I’m done with you, not like you can go anywhere with those handcuffs anyway.”

“Couldn’t you have them be a bit more loose?” She winced feeling the handcuffs dug in her wrist uncomfortably, looking up at her human counterpart whose gaze hasn’t faltered one bit “Look, we don’t have time for this!”

“I am the judge of that, now tell me what I need to know faker.”

“Where are my friends?”

“Your accomplices? They are going to be locked away for a while, unless you cooperate with me.”

Silence had followed, the Equestrian Twilight thought over about the situation at hand here. Not only she and her friends would rot in jail if she chose to keep everything secret to her human counterpart, but also the sirens and Vaati would be free to do whatever they wanted with this world. Looks like there’s no other choice.

“Miss Sparkle!” A man dressed in a tuxedo barged in the room before any of the two could say anything.

“This better be important, I was in the middle of an interrogation.” The human Twilight stood up, groaning as she got closer to the man, her doppelganger leaning in worried at what has happened.

“It’s an emergency, you have to see it to believe it.” He dug in his pockets to get a picture, handing it over to the human Twilight who’s harsh glare broke completely into despair.

“This is impossible!”

Taking another swing, Rainbow’s leg clashed against the prison bars. Needless to say that she ended up almost breaking into tears while laying on the floor holding his bruised leg. The canine Spike pawed around the floor searching for a way out, Rarity comforted the sobbing Fluttershy, Applejack laid down with her hat over her face, Pinkie Pie struggled against the straightjacket and gag on her mouth. And Sunset remained leaning on the wall, looking downcast and remaining quiet.

The human Spike kept close eye on them from outside of the prison as the illumination from the windows barely seeps in, despite holding a comic book on his hands “You thought we’re not dumb enough to make the prison bars weak, right?”

“Come on dude, you’re making a mistake!” The canine Spike pleaded to him as he turned to face him.

“Sorry, but I’m not the one in charge here. Plus I kinda don’t like you.”

“Come on, pleeeease?” He gave his human counterpart literal puppy eyes, who in turn winced and shuddered.

“Okay no, that’s just creepy.”

“Come on Spike, there’s something you can do, we have something really important to do.” Rarity continued.

“I already told you, I can’t do a thing.” He crosses his legs and returned back to his comic book.

“Wonderful,” Rainbow Dash groaned “Not only my leg is broken, but our families are gonna know we got arrested for something stupid. My dad is gonna kill me.”

“Not to mention the sirens will be free to control everyone and we can’t do anything about it,” Sunset added, tracing her gaze at the ceiling “What do we do…?”

Everyone’s attention turned to Pinkie, screaming against her gag and trying to point with her head to the window. A slight reddish light came from the window, catching the attention of the human Spike who went to check out the window too.

Clouds covered the sky, thunders striked occasionally and a giant crimson red orb hung menacingly in between the clouds. Surrounded in an orange glow that it’s as if glowed as bright as the sun, instilling immediate fear on each of them.

Whatever was happening, it didn’t looked good at all.

Battle of survival

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The night of the final round of the battle of bands has finally arrived, the crowd full of the hypnotized people of Canterlot high. Blissfully unaware of the flaming planetary sphere slowly falling down.

The Dazzlings waited on backstage as Trixie’s group performed their piece, two of the group looking unsettled while their leader focused all her attention on the competition.

“I thought that we were here to feed on equestrian magic.” Aria spoke up breaking the silence present between them.

“We are.” Adagio replied glancing at her “But the magic we have gotten from these fools is enough to restore us to full power.”

“In case you haven’t noticed,” Aria raised her voice staring back at their leader “That thing out in the sky is on freaking fire, is breaking down and is falling down here! We would be already out of town and safe if I were in charge around here.”

“Well you’re not.” Adagio’s stare became stern as she puts her hands on her hips. Both unaware of their third companion looking between the two, scared of saying anything in this situation.

“Would you look at what’s going on?!” Aria pointed a thumb behind her, multiple trails of smoke coming from both the town and city visible from where they stood “People are losing their minds. heck I’M losing my mind!”

“And that’s why you’re not the leader, you’re weak!”

Sonata covered her ears as the discussion between her sisters continued, hoping that they would stop soon and unsure of what to think of anymore.

Entering the interrogation room again, the human Twilight rubbed her temples as she sat down again. Looking down on the table, her impostor tilted her head.

“What’s going on? What happened?” She asked as her human counterpart as she sighed and finally met her gaze, unsure of what is she feeling no matter how much she looked at her eyes.

“A catastrophe, that’s what happened.” The human Twilight paused before continuing “I’m being called to help with this situation, but I’m not going without you.” Not letting her impersonator respond, she grabbed her arm taking her outside of the room. Handing her over to one of the men in suits waiting.

“Take her and her accomplices to the helicopters, I’ll meet you there in a moment.” The man nodded as he went off to carry his orders. With that dealt with, she took out her cellphone to make a call. Getting a response after a few rings.

I’m glad you called Twilight, everything is going to hell and all that these zombies from Canterlot High cares about is the stupid competition!” Desperate screams came from the other side, overlapping the cheers from the crowd in the background and the performance of the band currently playing.

“Calm yourself Glyde,” Twilight told him calmly as she took a brief pause “I assume you’re talking about the meteorite.”

Yes,” Glyde exhales and spoke calmly “I don’t know what happened, it just came out of nowhere in the middle of the night.

“Unless…” She pondered as she made way through the hallways of the facility, walking past the panicking staff who in turn ran past her “Go seek shelter, I’ll see if I can do something. Thank you for helping me.”

No problem miss Twilight, godspeed.” With that the call ends, next thing she knew she was already in the heliport with the prisoners she requested already on the multiple helicopters there.

“Miss Sparkle, what do you plan on doing?” A man in suit asked her. Looking in the helicopter were Twilight, Sunset and their dog staring back at her. The eyes of her doppelganger were unsettling, seeing despair and misery in them.

“Well?” The resident Twilight asked curiously, meeting with silence as her double momentarily stared down. Her dog nuzzling her cheek, drawing her stare on him and then back on her.

“I can tell you on the way, I think there’s a way to stop all of this. But you have to trust me and we don’t have much time left.” She pleaded to her human counterpart, glancing up to the now bigger meteorite.

Without a word she joined them up on the helicopter, tapping it’s exterior and it soon takes off. Nudging her otherworldly companion to start explaining herself.

Once the turn of the sirens had come to perform, at first they didn’t show up. But they did after a few minutes, two of them looking slightly bruised. But given the state the whole school was in, they wouldn’t care about that seeing that they don’t care about the giant red moon-like object with blue spears stuck on it.

Without any more problems the performance began, absorbing power the more the song progressed. Their bodies shining like the cosmos before finally regaining their lost power, all was going well. Now all that was left is to get out of this death zone into a safe place.

If only it were that easy.

The Dazzlings only made it as far as the backstage once they finally decided to retreat, bumping into some invisible force that prevented them to leave. Aria attempting to punch the invisible glass, even attempting to use her screech. But it was ineffective.

The boom of a thunder echoed from far away, a figure with a purple robe and cap approaching from the other side of the wall with only his neutral lips visible of his face.

“And just where do you think you’re going?”

Aria screamed and charged into the barrier, banging her fist on it while the man on the other side stared at her futile attempts. Simply rubbing his eyes while she still continued with her desperate assault.

“You stupid halloween freak, let us through or-”

“Or you will break your hand trying to break my barrier.” He cut her off giving her a glare, raising a hand to her a gust of wind blew into the backstage. Blowing the sirens back to the ground, the invisible barrier giving a short flash before cracks started to appear on it before breaking apart. The shards purposely flying past the group of sirens, not caring if he can see France from where he’s standing.

Letting anger flow through again, Aria’s eyes had fully glowed red. Summoning her inner siren spirit she started to flat faster than the others could, focusing her magic into a magical shriek that shook the place. A slightly closer sounding thunder boom could be heard not much shorter after the siren unleashed her magically enhanced attack.

Contrary to what was believed before, the attack did have an effect on the wizard. Who’s eyes went wide before closing them and covering his ears, his own screams of pain barely audible while the rippling screams roared through the backstage. Feeling as if his ears were being drilled into eachother and meeting in the middle.

Without knowing the other two sirens have joined into the attack, adding their own voices in order to bring him down. The pain on his ears increasing as he felt that he was slowly being pushed backwards, unable to do nothing he was flung into the darkness of the backstage. The sounds of crashing came to seconds after.

“We got him, now move your asses!” Adagio didn’t gave them a chance to respond, quickly retreating her siren form before retreating back the way they came. Flying away with their smaller version of their wings, the Dazzling ignored the inactive crowd while they retreated to the other side of the stage. Escaping this time by the outside.

It was unfortunate that a sudden massive cyclone engulfed the stage entirely, blowing them and the students away.

This time the siren trio softened the landing with an attempt to recover themselves, setting to float in place once more. Spotting the one shadow that hasn’t moved inside the storm carrying debris of what used to be entire stage, the shape fits with of that purple mage that they had encountered earlier. The reading on his magic suddenly skyrocketing to insane levels.

“Adagio, this isn’t good!” Sonata screamed, the fear in her voice notable as she holds her hands together on her chest.

Not letting her fellow of kin even a tiny chance to speak, a black and red ball of sparks was summoned at the mage’s side. Quickly firing a concentrated heat laser targeted at Sonata, who was late by a second with her attempt to dodge by leaping away from the other sirens. The attack severing one of her wings before she landed and rolled on the ground with a loud scream.

But it hasn’t stopped there, four more similar spheres have been summoned to surround him as he dismissed the cyclone surrounding it. The remains of the stage for the battle of bands falling down on the ground, the orange glow of the cloudy night sky illuminated the mage’s more enraged expression.

Aria’s eyes glowed red again before attacking one more time, using both her and her spirit’s voice towards him. Adagio quickly ran to Sonata’s side and knelt down besides her, her own rage rising seeing her becoming a sobbing mess while trying to reach to the spot her wing was severed. Adagio’s own eyes starting to glow as well.

The mage received the siren attack once more, but this time the orbs of darkness countered with their heat laser. Cutting through Aria’s assault until the five finally hit her in various part of her body like her stomach, left arm and one of her legs. Screaming as she felt the lasers burn into her body that forced her manifested spirit to disappear.

Adagio had quickly catched her in time, picking her unharmed arm to wrap it around her shoulders. Aria took a glance to her, honestly a bit surprised to see this.

“We did not…” Adagio trembled, her voice starting out low “But I’ll be damned if we got banished to this world just to die in it. I don’t know a thing about you. But I don’t care, we’re not gonna die here after a thousand years of banishment! Specially just when we got what we wanted!” She finished shouting as loud as she could, not knowing that she was crying tears of frustration.

All she got in return was an eyeroll before he suddenly appeared before the two standing sirens, holding his hands outwards a jet of flames was unleashed upon them acting like a magic blast. The two becoming separated and leaving their skin further burned, the mage looking at Sonata for a moment before firing a heat laser on the neck. It didn’t kill her, but left a mark.

The mage walked over at Aria, stepping a foot on the stone of her necklace. Her eyes went wide and soon his hand covered in fire has been brought down to a stop near her face, a deep frustration and hopelessness coming over her while looking at the defeated forms of her fellow sirens. Some flames still remained on Adagio and Sonata was too shocked to move.

“I hate to admit,” The purple mage spoke to her with coldness in his voice “But you fight well, in my opinion anyway.” His gaze hardened as he put more pressure on the necklace, it’s owner giving a short scream before he continued “However, your lives themselves are a hindrance to me and my plan. I can’t have that.”

He then looked up at the sky, the red meteor now growing closer to the planet and in closer look it seemed that not only was it breaking apart. But there was blue sword like objects sticking out from all around it. The mage had put more pressure on the necklace, cracks starting to appear on it slowly. Making Aria to try taking his foot off her necklace with punches, but it was no use.

“It’ll be over soon,” He continued to speak as he ignored her futile attempts to save her magic source “No, more like it’ll start. This isn’t even close to the beginning.”

End of Act 2

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The helicopter falls silent once Twilight finished explaining the situation as best as she could, her human double glaring silently back. Still having her cuffed while the dog Spike remains curled up in her lap, the copter moving harshly with some meteors passing by the windows.

“You could have just taken the stupid crown you know.” The human Twilight starts with a cold tone.

“It wasn’t so easy!” The other one retorts leaning forwards slightly.

“You could have said it was a gift you bought for someone, I don’t know!” She coated Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose while groaning lowly “Why did you have to ruin my reputation and make me look like an idiot desperate for a pretty face?”

The otherwordly girl just fell silent, feeling unable to do much for the frustration of her human counterpart. But more importantly…

“Miss Sparkle,” The pilot called out “A tornado was reported to briefly appear near the Canterlot high school, a big group of kids have been spotted either wounded on the ground or outright dead.”

This revelation stunned everyone, Spike and Twilight the most. Her canine companion looked up to her with immense worry, she doing the same thing. When trying to reason with the human Twilight once more, she didn’t get the chance to do so.

“The rescue team will save however civilians they can,” She responded sternly and coldly “Leave behind those who can’t be saved, the meteor is due to impact pretty soon.”

“No! You can’t leave them at his mercy!” Twilight stood up slightly, ultimately forced to be seated back down as the helicopter did another sharp turn to avoid another meteor. Also forgetting about Spike who had to briefly hold on to her skirt.

“We have an entire city to evacuate in case you haven’t noticed!” Her human double raised her voice while leaning towards her “The government is doing their best to save the people of this city, do you think your dumb school friends are the only ones that really matter at all?”

“You don’t understand, this is the work of Vaati. Me and my friends are the only ones who can stop him!”

“Not while you’re under my custody you won’t. I’ll get to decide what happens with you, and that will be put on hold until we reach the safe zone. Is that clear?”

“You don’t get it-”


A booming thundering voice interrupted them, a tornado disrupting the helicopter before it got covered in a huge shadow. A giant black ball appeared inside the tornado, multiple bat like wings sprouting from all over it. Even on the limbs that seem to work as arms.

Opening a huge red eye on the center of the ball, the voice came back as a loud laugh. A spark going off on Twilight’s head as the helicopter shook harshly against the massive gusts of winds from the tornado.

“Twilight, it’s him!” Spike yelled out while clinging on her for dear life, the human Twilight and the pilot couldn’t get a clear view of him much less believe it.

“GET DOWN FROM THERE.” Vaati screamed as he changed the direction of the wind to suck the helicopter in the tornado, the turbulence bringing down the helicopter after they all have lost consciousness. A mad laugh from the made being the last thing they hear.

Consciousness was slowly returning, wincing as the pain assaulted her upper body. A slight sound of wind was heard along with another faint one she wasn’t able to recognize, Twilight felt that the cuffs weren’t on her wrists anymore despite still feeling their pressure. Eventually opening her eyes to be greeted by the even bigger and closer falling red moon descending upon this world.

Trying to get up to see what she could do, her wounds didn’t allowed her farther than lifting up enough to sit down on what appears to be a grassy field. The goal and building ahead of her giving away that she was on the football field of Canterlot High, which glowed in the dreadful glow reflected from the sky.

The memory of the helicopter crash coming to her, she went into a quick panic trying to get up again. Ending up in the equestrian princess hugging her stomach while shutting her eyes tight and grunting to herself.

‘No good…’ She thought after deciding to have a quick rest ‘That thing is gonna fall soon, where’s the human me? And the others?’ Surveying the field once again, she noticed a few figures visible under the red glow. Gasping seeing her friends along with her human counterpart tied up and unconscious on the spectator seats, complete with cuts and ripped clothes on them.

The faint sound from before was made clearer now. The echoing voice of a beautiful singing from a young woman, mixed with the gusting wind and the new sound of footsteps on the grassy field that were getting close to her.

“Well aren’t you impatient…” Twilight turned and winced feeling her wounds kick in again, frowning at the sound of that familiar voice “Totally unrelated, but I’m glad I’m out of that ball form. Really hate it.”

“What did you do to my friends?!” She glared as the crazed mage sat down besides her, opting to look up at the thundering sky with an indifferent expression.

“‘Of course you’d ask about them. Took care of them, just like I did with you.” He responded with a tone matching his face.

With how he handled Trixie and Sombra back on Equestria, the young princess felt her cheeks go red in embarrassment and humiliation thinking of what he might had done to all of them whilst unconscious “You are a monst-”

“No, don’t flatter yourself nor your annoying friends.” He made shook his head before bringing it back down “That’s another total prick you’re confusing me with. Always saying something about dreaming to be a king.”

“Gee, sure glad you have enough standards to not do that.” Twilight rolled her eyes while giving him that spiteful, sarcastic response.

“That aside, the point is that you and your slave are not supposed to be here.”

“He’s not a-!”

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night.” He waved her off before getting up and look at her “Save for a selected few, I’m ending this world along with killing the rest in it.” Raising a hand towards her, the mage shook his head “And on a wild guess, you’re next gonna say: ‘You’re not gonna get away with this!’ Right?”

“You’re not gonna get away with this!” Twilight winced as she struggled until she got up, her face turned to surprise realizing that he did predicted what she said.

“You don’t need to read minds to know what your kind is going to say in these kind of situations.” He then turned to the stadium’s seats, seeing Sunset Shimmer awake and trying to break free of the ropes tied on her “Bet that horn would be pretty useful now, that way you can set that rope on fire with that useful magic. Or a knife would do too.”

Sunset’s attention was brought to the one mocking her, anxiety coming to her with the sounds of thunder close to them and the small flaming rocks falling to the planet with more frequency. Opting that talking to him might be able to solve the problem.

“You don’t have to do this, there is a better way!”

“Sunset don’t do it, he’s not gonna listen to you!” Twilight tried to warn her, but Vaati just kept quiet while listening to Sunset. Who kept going on.

“There is always another way than to destroy everything, before I used to be kind of the same. I’ve made the mistake you’re doing now! I was overwhelmed by the magic I’ve got, I thought I could get what I wanted!” Her voiced started to get desperate as she felt the tears go down her cheeks “Even with all that power, you’ll-”

“Yeah sure, friendship this and that. Whatever.” The mage said coldly and blatantly ignoring Sunset’s attempts at redeeming him, his face staring rather bored at her “I had friends you know, had known even love pretty well too. My life was shitty like everyone else’s, but at one time I was getting back up fine.”

“Then why?! Why all this destruction and chaos? This isn’t gonna make things right!”

“Easy, one is that said loved ones betrayed me.” Vaati got closer kneeling down being face to face with Sunset, staring with the same bored indifferent expression “No matter who I’ve met, they always pretending to be nice to me before long they all always stab me in the back. Eventually I stopped feeling hurt and surprised until I gained this spiffy power.” He arched his back clapping his hands once and spreading them out “And here we are. After learning about Equestria having it too good I decided to give them a real bad guy, since I love playing the bad guy.”

Unbeknownst to him, the rest have already woken up. Not seeming to care as he got up to kick Sunset down on her back. Stomping on her stomach while putting pressure on it. The dog Spike wiggles and growled against his restraints that in another situation would make Applejack blush.

“I didn’t want friendship, because I had it and kept losing it no matter what I do.”

He stomped on Sunset again, Twilight starting to limp towards him until she fell over again. Even while trying to get up again, she was helpless to save Sunset.

“As much as love would be nice, I either didn’t exactly attract the wrong crowd or always met... ” He paused as he grabbed Sunset by her undershirt and brought her to him, ignoring the cries and struggles of the other Canterlot High students “Sane girls let’s just say. So that was out too, all I want is one thing with this situation.” He threw her into the seats, suddenly appearing before Princess Twilight giving her a kick in the jaw as she was getting up.

“To watch the world burn.” With that, the wind picked up as if a monstrous creature was roaring. Blue cracks spreading all over the falling sphere, the mage rising up in the sky as the distant sounds of impacting debris replacing the thunder. Both human Twilight and Spike disappearing in a teleportation flash.

Finally feeling like at least her legs recovered, she rushed as fast as she could to free her friends after she spat blood on the ground. A blue spot on the falling sphere glowed brighter while the cracks spread.

“We have to get out of here, now!” Twilight urgently told them once she had untied all of the ropes.

“No way, that madman is gonna destroy everything! I’m not gonna let that happen.” Rainbow Dash objected and cracked her knuckles together before receiving affirmations from the others of following through with this.

“You’re all… idiots, you know that?” Another new voice called out to them, holding her stomach and covered in blood along with her wings turned to ash was Aria from the Dazzlings limping on their right “You can’t… beat that guy… even with your magic…” She covered her hand before entering in a fit of blood that left her hand bloody, Fluttershy quickling going over to lend her shoulder in help.

“What the-?!” Twilight joined up with the rest ignoring the flares of pain her body was giving her “What are you doing here? Where’s the rest of your crew?”

Aria had remained silent taking trying to get to the statue in front of the school, the spot on the meteor had more similar spots surrounding it with tiny cracks quickly surrounding it. A gust of wind picking up a bit more force with the meteor glowing brighter and bigger.

“They’re dead, the bastard killed them.” Aria replied with her head hanging down trembling with rage. The Rainbooms’ blood had turned cold hearing the new of this “We had it, I told her we should run while we had our… magic back and… the idiot didn’t listen to me.”

Rounding up at the side of the school they saw the statue close, but the cracking noises from above got louder now with the meteor full of cracks. The crimson glow becoming so intense that it was technically shining like a sun and the meteor slowly breaking apart with two large wings coming out of the meteor’s top.

At this the group erupted into screams and cries of mixed emotions, many of the girls panicking over their safety or location of their loved ones worried about where they would be. Only making it through the entrance before the meteor expanded further turning the crimson glow into a fiery orange one, looking up with barely any luck they could see a scaly figure inside trying to break free.

“Is-Is that a dragon?!” Rarity pointed with little calm at the creature within up there.

“Dragons burn villages and stuff, how does he plan to end the world with that when we got guns and stuff?” Rainbow Dash chimed in as she held Sunset in her shoulder, who in turn widened her eyes in horror thinking of one way giving with what they’re dealing with.

Almost as if on cue, the dragon roared exploding the meteor breaking it apart. The girl huddled together scared of the incoming flaming debris coming towards them, but nothing came after a few moments. Opening their eyes they found themselves surrounded by a purple shield like on the night of the Fall Formal, the meteor’s pieces exploding on the shield falling whichever piece landed on it.

Kind of a cruel mercy they were given when they saw the pieces razing the town to the ground, the now broken meteor covering the town and the school behind them in exploding flames with the freed dragon flying rather fast above the destruction taking place.

They were silent with Fluttershy and Pinkie starting to cry once they settled the injured Aria on the ground, Rainbow was seething with Sunset looking down and Applejack holding her hat down covering her eyes.

“This… this can’t be.” Twilight could only get those sentences out while holding her canine companion close.

“My family, I didn’t get to talk to them one more time.” Applejack muttered while breathing deeply through her nose. Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity looked at her knowing how she feels.

“We can’t stay here long.” Aria spoke up through her panting “We must refuge in Equestria, assuming that portal does take us there.”

“You sure you wanna take her with us?” Spike rose an eyebrow who didn’t looked very convinced.

“Do I look… like I’m in any condition… to do anything?” Aria glared at the dog before entering a coughing fit covering her mouth.

The dragon suddenly flew over them with dozens of rays trailing under his wings and crashing down all around him, including the shield which started to crack under the rays making the girls flinch.

Sunset looked up narrowing her eyes, standing up away from the shoulder she was leaning on. She still hurt like hell, but she could walk fine which she did towards Twilight. It would seem the fiery haired girl had to do this quick since the dragon was aiming stronger rays at the shield.

“Sunset, wait.” Rainbow called out to her reaching an arm out to her, but Sunset looked back smiling at her.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” It was an obvious lie, but her sad smile was hinting of something else she had in mind. The former bully walked to Twilight’s back putting a hand on her shoulder causing her to look back. “Thank you for everything Twilight, I wish we had hung out all together having fun more.”

“What are you saying?” Twilight was shoved towards the base of the portal slipping in with Spike, the last she heard was the roar of the dragon and hearing the shield breaking.

The girls looked up seeing the dragon with a scorching solar-like aura behind it, thunder roaring with it as the ball descends with the dragon flapping its wings in place staring at them.

“Shouldn’t you go too?” Fluttershy addressed at Aria wiping her eyes, but the surviving Dazzling just shook her head looking back at her burnt wings.

“I’m useless as I am, and even if that bastard is beaten I’d be jailed or banished again. Not to mention my sisters are dead, so I’m pretty much done.” The former Dazzling sighed as she laid down on her back.

Feeling something wrap around her left hand she saw Fluttershy holding it tight with a smile, and her other hand being held by Rainbow Dash. The girls formed a circle holding hands with eachother until Sunset told hold of Aria’s other hand, the situation absurd enough to make the only Dazzling chuckle and shake her head.

The dragon’s flare becoming more intense and hot as it got closer to them, the statue crumbling before them and enveloped into the ball of fire. The girls feeling happy sticking together and their friendship comforting them, Aria just felt at peace that she wasn’t going out alone though. The light intensified further until everything turned white.

Final Act Start: Breaking down

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Hear ears moved picking up the sound of wind blowing faintly, groaning feeling as if she’s been falling for days. Shaking her head and pressing her hands on the ground to push herself to stand up, Twilight shook her head and rubbing her forehead feeling her horn back.

Taking a moment to feel up her pony ears back, indeed she had returned to her pony body. Her eyes opening wide remembering what had happened back in the human world, though just now noticing where she was also remembered what had happened. Last she was here Princess Celestia was there to be with her before ascending into an alicorn, but now the looked like it was in the middle of a sunset with a massive broken wing laying still above. Some magic windows from back there were here too, except now they were broken showing nothing but static.

As if that wasn’t enough, ahead also was someone who looked an awful lot like her. With darker skin and hair color, wearing a dress similar to the transformed Sunset from the Fall Formal incident. Her raven-like wings flapping once while she turned to her staring with dark blue eyes, strangely her dark double suddenly smiled at her with warmth.

“Ah, hello there.” Her double started while waving at her “Good to see you’re okay.”

Twilight stood still speechless. Sure, she met and got arrested by her human counterpart in the other world. But this dark mirror of her rubbed her the wrong way, unable to say a word just shaking her head.

“You may be thinking I’m some sort of Nightmare Moon successor, but I promise that I’m not.” She walked close taking one of Twilight’s hands and holding it with both of her looking at her softly.

“Then…” Twilight finally started with her hand holding both of her double’s tighter “What happened to you?”

“It doesn’t really matter, we don’t have much time and we may never meet again.” Her double’s head tilting up pointing at the dragon wing above “It’s him, that madman is out destroying. Equestria is being affected too.”

She let go of Twilight’s hands walking to the broken static monitors, touching one of them before exhaling sadly.

“With each passing day, magic is slowly disappearing. The past, the future. They are uncertain right now. Harmony… is fleeting.”

Twilight walked after her standing behind her dark double, with the memories from the catalyst came the image of a certain mage of the winds. One of her hands clenching into a fist.

“You mean Vaati, right?” A nod from her other confirms it “But his power is insane, how can he be beaten? The power of the box did nothing to him, doubt the elements of harmony would do much to him too.”

“You see how you try to redeem some of the villains you face?” The darker Twilight faced to her side with a hardened expression, leaving Twilight confused before her ears flatten to her head.

“Yeah. Lots of my friends died because of that, and a whole world too now. It’s horrible.”

“Do the opposite of that. He has a tendency to lower his guard to the level of his opponent, use chance that to kill him.”

“K-Kill him?!” She covered her mouth staring at her double wide eyed.

“He’s a crazy psychopath!” The other Twilight wrapped her arms around her stomach, her face in the verge of wincing “Believe me, yourself. Only more people will suffer and die if you keep approaching him the same way you did everything before, there’s no redeeming him. There’s no way to seal him, he has to be stopped.”

“Still…” Twilight held out a hand to her before stopping feeling a small earthquake, a very distant roar reaching to both of their ears. The darker Twilight looking up with a somber expression.

“We’re out of time. Remember to get your friends before going after Vaati, show him no mercy at all.” She walked past the main Twilight with the mist around them slowly getting thicker, the dragon’s distant roar heard closer as well.

“But wait, who are you? Why did you come to tell me this?” Twilight called to her one last time with her head starting to get dizzy. Struggling to stay awake seeing the other Twilight stop and look at her for what’s possibly the last time she will be.

“I’m Midnight Sparkle. This was all that I could to help you beat him, do not let Equestria nor magic die!”

With one more roar the mist covered everything and Twilight felt herself fall again. The mindscape disappearing completely, feeling the fall going on with no signs of stopping nor her wings working at all to save herself.

Stirring once again she felt sheets on her before yawning and getting up from where she laid. A comfy bed within a very similar room used in one of her many visits to Canterlot when she needed a place to sleep in. Though even awake, she still can make out the dragon roar from where she met Midnight.

Luckily with her equestrian clothes still on, she threw aside the bedsheets making way outside. Not long after she went out the door Twilight felt a hand touch her shoulder, letting out a surprised gasp which belonged to one of the two guards near the door.

“Easy miss Twilight, we’re glad that you’re here. Princess Celestia is waiting for you in her chambers.”

“The princess? Oh yes, lead the way gentlemen.”

They complied with a nod. Walking the familiar halls of the castle, strangely there’s more ponies and castle staff than when she last was here. Mainly guards were scurrying about in a hurry, also strange that curtains had closed any and all windows on their way. The exception being stained glass windows.

Soon they arrived at their destination, the guards nodding at Twilight before going off to join the other guards in whatever they’re in a hurry of.

Inviting herself in Celestia’s room, her eyes shrunk at an unbelievable sight she found inside. The princess indeed was inside, and was sitting in a table taking tea with the changeling queen Chrysalis. The purple alicorn wasn’t unnoticed by the two while she received a chuckle from the changeling.

“Pleasure doing business with you, princess. Me and my hive are grateful, excuse me as you discuss the more… important matter.”

Celestia just nodded at her as she got up leaving her now empty cup, passing by Twilight surprisingly without any remarks or taunts. The younger princess could have sworn she was going to.

Though feeling Celestia’s arms around her, that had to wait. Hugging back her mentor both smiling feeling relieved.

“Welcome back Twilight, I’m so glad you’re okay. I was worried when you and Spike came out of the mirror with fire after you.”

They soon broke the hug with Twilight’s ears sprang up, she had forgotten about Spike! Were she not in the presence of the princess her palm would be on her forehead by now.

“Is Spike okay?! What happened? Why were you negotiating with that witch of a queen?”

“Easy, Twilight.” Celestia rubbed her student’s back trying to calm her down “Spike is alright, he is with your friends right now. The other questions…” Her expression visibly became concerned, something unusual from her calm self from even other disasters “It’s better if you see for yourself.”

Wordlessly knowing to follow her into the balcony, Twilight did so feeling her anxiety rise and a louder echoing dragon roar from the direction of it. But she wasn’t prepared for what she found outside.

Dark clouds surrounded the entire sky with few light shining through them, seemingly light of sunset. The shadow of a gigantic dragon flying through the sky of darkness, it was visible even on the darkest of clouds.

Worse was what down. Smoke and fire coming from all places of Equestria. Smaller shadow-like dragons attacked any towns and villages they see while ponies defend themselves with spears or any other weapon they could find. Both Canterlot and Ponyville filled with barricades that successfully have kept the dark dragons from attacking, some with wings while lots of other who didn’t still attacking. Changelings flew down aiding ponies to fight against the shadow dragons, their task of defending their homes a bit easier thanks to their support.

Unicorns were seen throwing magic spells on the dragons clawing and attacking the barricades. While effective, were quickly running out of magic and for some reason their magic reserves not refilling themselves even when they rest. Forcing said unicorns to pick up a weapon instead. Fighting broken out all over, the massive shadow dragon flying around in the sky, the depleting magic, innocents suffering while the brave charge to protect them.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time until they can’t take anymore. Memories from the human world falling came once again, Twilight couldn’t help but shed tears. It was happening again, but more slowly.

The end of harmony, the world was breaking. Both princesses witnessing a nightmare unfold before them.

Final Act: Last Chance.

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Neither princess said a thing after what they witnessed out there. Both taken a seat for a while, Celestia’s gentle hand stroking her back, thankfully she still had her mentor and her friends with her to support her in this difficult time.

“Twilight.” Celestia called her attention “You’ve asked what has been happening, right? While you were out a few days ago, the creatures came out of nowhere.”

“And magic started to disappear, right?” Twilight replied turning her head up seeing her mentor face to face, who nodded in response before her expression becoming grim.

“You and Spike came back from the mirror with fire behind you. And you wouldn’t wake up, given who we were dealing with I feared the worst…”

The younger princess flinched understanding her fears. She lost Cadence and Shining Armor not too long ago, Rarity had her forcibly sister turn on her and Fluttershy cannot see anything anymore. Much less talk to her reformed friend now.

Thankfully she was much better at holding back now, otherwise she would have vented harshly. She exhaled, once again hearing the roar from the skies before feeling a slight rumble shake the city. Celestia looked uncomfortable hearing that.

“We’re running out of time, come with me.” Waved over after her for Twilight to follow, rushing through the castle halls like the other ponies around “Vaati returned while you were sleeping. Saying Equestria’s destruction will be faster once you woke up.”

Almost as if on cue. Both winced hearing an explosion and screaming from outside. Guards running to a path besides them while they kept going, going to a room familiar to them from days ago.

“With magic drying out everywhere, the conservation of it is needed as much as possible until Vaati is defeated. Such reason is why I’m not risking even teleporting.”

“Princess…” Twilight paused hearing screeches from what can be assumed are from the creatures outside. Still she shook her head and continued “He dodged the power of the box, anything similar most likely won’t work either. We have no other choice to but to resort to force.”

“Much as I dislike to do so, he has pushed us to this.” The pain and sadness on Celestia’s voice was quite obvious. Taking a life was something she would like to avoid at all costs, with any means necessary.

But it was inevitable this time.

"Tch, here comes the pep talk."

The mage muttered watching at one of the many crystals in the dark room he stood in, the glow from the crystal shard in front of him illuminating his face looking at the situation in Equestria. Looking at both princesses locking themselves up where the mirror to the other world is, rolling his eyes hearing them talk about waiting for her friends to come there and trying to cheer eachother up once again.

Vaati gave out a groan turning away from the crystal letting it and the scene projected there fade out, walking past some crystals passing by a womanly shape obviously wanting his attention. The mage simply stopped shortly past her not turning back to see her, she wore clothes that now belonged to the fearsome tyrant she used to be before her resurrection.

"Master, there is a matter out there for you to see." The now mare Sombra addressed him with eyes lacking any life that matched her stance and expression.

"They're just people, sure you are aware. You know well they're no problem for you." Vaati looked back with his currently visible eye, casually talking back to his servant. Exhaling slightly from his nose and preparing to walk on.

"They aren't, master. But one of them dared to turn on you and you would be delighted to see them suffer."

The mage stopped for a moment pondering who could that be, the possibility of maybe being someone he missed while letting loose with his power. Nodding to himself, he was now curious and looking forward to this moment as he chuckled too.

"Very well, I'll be there. This should be more fun than listening to those mares giving themselves speeches for hours, it's tiring damnit."

"What of that coin?"

Once more he frowned on reflex at that reminder. Taking out a coin from under his robe with the insignia of an eye he is now associated with carved on both sides of it, curling his fist around it slightly.

"I know it's related to my grandfather's job. But if they think they can tell me what to do after he quit them, they thought wrong." He clenched it tighter with a grunt, golden dust sliding out between his fingers "Now they won't be a problem, nor will they interfere."

Shaking his head he turned to yet another crystal, touching it so it glows on him. A figure with a familiar star cape and hat on the other side.

"Twilight and her cohorts should be coming soon, make the preparations to welcome them appropriately. I have a little something to take care of." He received a nod shortly cutting off connection with his servant, looking back at the shadow pony urging her with his head to come over "Let's go, see who's the idiot that wants to die so fast."

The shadow mare obediently followed after as the crystals in the room dimmed one by one, leaving it in full darkness once both figured left it.

Explosions and roars rang in the battle outside against those dragon-like creatures. The elements long had come in the room along with Spike, who was strangely quiet with narrowed eyes. Pinkie kept brushing her hand on Fluttershy's mane, who was sobbing quietly on her shoulder with her eyes gone clear and non-functional.

The other elements obviously were there as well, glancing over at the mirror over to the other world. Scorch marks surrounded it as well the floor in front of it, but seems otherwise fine. Though the mares felt an ominous feeling knowing who was on the other side and wondering what surprised he had for them, the bearer of magic looking at the mirror with determination standing by her mentor.

"Our enemy this time is well prepared and even a small mistake might cost you." Celestia started up addressing the element bearers "Those most well versed in combat are needed and a good strategy with quick thinking."

"I have the strong and quick parts filled out already." Rainbow Dash stepped up smugly bringing a fist to her own palm.

"And an extra pair with me," Applejack spoke up next with a fist clenched "I'll be darn if ah won't give that midget a piece of mah mind for all he done to us."

"I'm going too," Rarity spoke with unexpected confidence and determination "That fiend kidnapped my dear sister. I'll make sure to make him more purple than he already is with my bare hands!"

Twilight couldn't help but smile and nod knowing her friends were by her, though it was short lived reminding herself of a timid pegasus unable to do anything at the moment huddled up to Pinkie Pie. The party pony looked back to Twilight smiling while patting Fluttershy's back.

"Don't worry, I'll watch over her. I have plenty of tricks and ideas to protect her with." Pinkie spoke up trying to reassure her friends "After all, it is my job to make other ponies smile."

"She's right, all this time we have learned to not underestimate Pinkie Pie." Dash continued before shaking a bit and chuckling giving the party pony a thumbs up "We'll leave her to you, buddy!"

"You can count on me!" She made a two finger salute back at the cyan pegasus, her friends smiling now feeling relieved before another voice stepped up making up his mind.

"I'm going in both of your steads then." Spike decided as his tail flicked behind him once "If he's fighting with dragons, then another one is going to fight back against him."

"But Spike," Twilight responded putting a hand on his shoulder "You became a dog last time we went there and we... we almost..." She stopped as her eyes softened and small tears began to form embracing the young dragon "I don't want to lose another brother."

"It won't be like last time, Twilight." Spike returned the hug succeeding a bit more in holding back his own tears "Even if I become a dog again, I would still want to try help you all."

Another roar broke them out of their embrace before anyone could take the moment in, Celestia and Spike already going up to the portal with the rest joining up to them. Except for Pinkie and Fluttershy who remained seated in their place while the party pony took out a notepad and a pen from her poofy hair writing on it already.

"Not much time left," Celestia stated looking at the locked and barricaded door out to the castle "We'll stay behind to defend Equestria while you go after that insane mage. No one will blame you if you stop him at any costs or means necessary."

The princess' grim tone still shocked them despite knowing what must obviously done. So much chaos, death and their world is at the brink of destruction at the hands of a psychopath with too much power on his hands. Twilight and her friends lined up walking at the portal with her assistant at her side, the mirror glowing faintly and rippling once putting a hand through it.

"I hope for your success, my little ponies. Good luck." Celestia encouraged them one last time, each one passing through the mirror as another explosion was heard closer to them this time. She placed her faith in her student one last time, even if it's to take an action this extreme against someone.

No times for regrets not recalling sadly, her sister and subjects were waiting for her. It was time to finally join them in the battlefield.

Despite their efforts, the group fell down feeling disoriented from traveling through the mirror. First thing Twilight saw was soot on her nose and on the ground the laid upon, exhaling and shaking her head she got up on her feet. The scene she found left her speechless and horrified.

It is Canterlot City alright, she knew from the buildings around them. But said buildings were all collapsed, destroyed and burned judging by the scorch marks on the streets. Canterlot High before her now looked as if it was an abandoned old building half collapsed and it's entrance blocked by rubble.

She let out a gasp remembering Sunset Shimmer's last words on her previous visit, looking at both her sides seeing her friends sporting the same looks as her counterparts of this world and Spike now looking like a human teenager with more muscle anyone thought he would have coming with a jacket as well as jeans.

Somehow she got the feeling to look at the statue that held the link between the two worlds, it made her almost shriek when she saw the new makeover the statue got. Now replaced with the statue of a phoenix with a familiar girl coming out the phoenix's back looking towards the sky smiling.

"Sunset..." Twilight muttered with her voice shaking, placing a hand on the statue with an immense sadness. Not noticing her friends until they gave her a hug from behind, she had closed her eyes letting tears out again. So many lives lost and homes destroyed, and for what? What exactly does Vaati want? What have they done to deserve this?!

This moment didn't last too long either thanks to a small bang going off the ground near them, Rainbow let out a swear with her and Applejack alerted looking for the attacker. Though taken offguard with the sound of footsteps coming to them and taken aback seeing a familiar silver haired girl with glasses in a military pointing a handgun at them.

She also seemed surprised to see them, but quickly fear filled her with her hands shaking a bit on her gun "Y-You... How are you all alive? You all died on that day!"

They stepped back feeling a bit sad, Rarity dusting herself of the ash before taking one step before the gun was now pointed at her and a bit of sweat went out her forehead.

"W-We came with Twilight! We are your friends, we're on your side!"

"Got a bit of of an appointment with the crazy dude high on magic." Dash followed up even her knowing how scared the girl was of her.

"An appointment to kick his teeth in." Spike didn't bother hiding the spiteful tone on his voice given the topic of the conversation. The girl looking conflicted and scared not knowing what to do on this moment.

"Easy Silver Spoon, they speak truthfully." Another voice came up behind her that she trusted enough to lower her firearm. Another teen came up to her, a guy in the same clothes as Silver Spoon. One with great her and looks that was very familiar to Rarity.

"Oh goodness' sake, you gotta be kidding." Rarity put both hands on her face dreading this moment. And the others can tell with how they also recognize that voice and dignified tone.

"Seems we already met in your world under less than pleasant circumstances." He responded as he stopped to look at the dark, bleak sky above with little light but ones far away giving the illusion that more locations were burning in the distance "Not like this is any better, but where are my manners. My name is Blueblood, but between survivors I am called Glyde."

"Wh-What has happened here? First a meteor broke on it's way down, then a dragon came out of it-" Twilight was interrupted by Blueblood raising a hand and turning around.

"Pardon for interrupting, but it is not safe in here. Please follow us, I shall answer as best I can. Be sure to keep a close eye too if you would." Blueblood motioned to follow them with Silver Spoon nodding and going after.

Feeling no hostility from them, Spike already went with them. The others following too despite Rarity keeping a close eye on the seemingly spoiled prince from this world. The building's debris and destroyed vehicles littered on the street, the disgust obvious on Twilight's face looking at the charred corpses around too.

"When that dragon attacked," Silver Spoon addressed them picking up from the question asked before "Some of us had hidden deep underground in bunkers safely to avoid being destroyed, thanks to Glyde and his government connections."

Blueblood nodded picking up from where she left from "The one I was in was broken into shortly after the attack, by a women surrounded in some sort of darkness. Wanting to make us suffer."

"Eeyup, sounds like Vaati alright." Applejack commented as they saw a subway station entrance coming up.

"With what little forces we got left, we got equipment and defended whatever survivor we could find." Blueblood continued with a bitter tone "We can't hold out forever though."

"Wait, have you seen like a little girl like her around here?" Rarity asked while looking at Silver Spoon for a moment "With a mane kind of like mine?"

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry." Silver Spoon responded making both of them look down, but one for a different reason "Closest we saw was Diamond Tiara, and she..."

She didn't dared to continue, preferring to not push it getting a good idea of what happened. Finally reaching the entrance underground to the subway, stopping and looking down the stairs seeing darkness looking a few stairs down it.

"This is it, down here is our underground base. That mage doesn't know we're down here." Blueblood stepped up besides the entrance gesturing to it "Come here, we can think of a plan over there and also on how are we gonna find him."

"You don't even know where he is?! And he I was aching to finally settle the score with him." Rainbow rolled her eyes looking disappointed.

"We can't help it if we don't know where he is, the guy doesn't exactly lets himself known despite the power he has." Silver Spoon followed up about to go down the stairs, until an earthquake stopped her making the rest grab on to the sides of the rails.

A pillar of light rose from the ruins of Canterlot City, expanding while the earthquake intensified and screams were heard all around. The light splitting the streets as the shadow of yet another building rose from withing the light, rising to the point of it looking like a pyramid with small lights on it too. The shadows receding exposing indeed a pyramid, but it was completely mechanical as if it was a futuristic city from sci-fi.

The earthquake and light stopping once the pyramid came into full view, somehow it had helicopters as well as searchlights on it's corners pointing back and forth on the sky. A terrible pressure came to their chest the more they looked at it despite how unbelievable what just happened had been.

"I SWEAR I once saw this in a comic book..." Rainbow Dash muttered as she let go of Spike's leg taking one step to the newly appeared futuristic pyramid.

"I grow tired of this game, it's been going far too long already."

"It's him!" Twilight yelled.

"Bastard showed himself at last, huh." Spike felt anger rise within him and clenched his fist knowing his voice is coming from that building.

My fortress is here as well as me. Come at me already, time to end this game once and for all. You five, against me and my servants.

"Oh no, he didn't!" Rarity knew well he was trying to rile them up, it took all her willpower to not lose it right there.

I don't advice to waste anymore time, Equestria's magic is dying faster now that you're here. The Endgame has begun!

Final Act: Palace of Millennium

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"Alright, take takes care of that problem."

Vaati wiped his hands walking to an illuminated computer with three monitors, one showing a bird's eye view of his Palace of Millennium, another showed the bearers from Equestria waiting in a ruined subway station that slightly ticked him off. And in the last one the ruined Canterlot City as a whole. It's a good thing for him the other countries in this world didn't come yet here, a tad hard to do considering what he unleashed. Thinking of what he did to make the other countries busy made him smile a bit.

A few quick types the monitor on his fortress changed into a view of this planet with more dulled colors, the computer didn't pick any traces of magic or anything coming to this world. Much less the dying Equestria. No one had stepped into here yet, not the 'merchants' from his grandpa's former job, nor any transformed people like himself. This was good, last thing he needed was an idiot acting heroic, already lots of those in this world, or grandpa's old co-workers wanting to take his power from him.

A tinge of frustration came to him seeing the second monitor again. He understood and let them get equipped enough to face him with his servants, it would be very boring to kill them first knowing full well it would be the most efficient way, but he was growing impatient and wanted to end this soon. Maybe sinking half of their country in their world would make them go faster...

Huh, those were footsteps. Turning away from the computer he faced one of his servants once more, her face cold and emotionless just like Sombra's was. Jacket, shirt, skirt and boots all matched her mirror self of this world to the last detail. His perfect stealth and combat agent.

"Sweetie Belle, good to have you back. Did you had fun?" He asked with a sarcastic tone and a smile turning back to the monitors. Her version in this world with her friends too were still around of course, can't have enough agents and spies after all. Their mission kept them busy in the various countries of this world and were just as dangerous as his other servants.

"The tunnels have successfully collapsed, the survivors can't get away." Emotionless and to the point, just how he likes it. The mage couldn't help but smile with everything falling into place.

"You did well as usual, but the decisive time is growing near. Go to your position, soon you will meet your dear sister again."

Only reaction he got after telling her that was a nod and walking off the room. Trixie and Sombra should be in position by now, chuckling to himself remembering what happened before his agent came to report as he checked on the monitors again what was going on inside the subway hideout.

"How much you have grown in just days, Blueblood." Vaati curled up his right hand into a fist leaning his cheek onto it "Least you weren't as dumb as that jackass who went directly to me, thankfully that has net me a new servant. Oh the surprises I have in store for you lot, can you really prevail against my Elite Four?"

The atmosphere of the city's 'refuge' was undeniably depressing, debris was all around and the train had almost completely derailed turned to scrap. The people around huddled around barrels lit with fire inside them while wearing blankets, a few teenagers were around shivering out out of fear. Some were people Twilight and Spiked recognized.

Like poor human Lyra, she just sat still arms hugging her knees and staring at the fire. Her bloodshot eyes and wet cheeks was a tell that she had been crying a lot, some had whispered about being unable to find others like Flash Sentry. One green haired girl looked like she was about to snap while holding some kind of necklace on her hands, seems the others curled up and hugged up to her apparently kept her from doing that.

Looking at this made Twilight depressed, they were at the subway stairs leaning on a wall looking over at the makeshift refuge. Rarity came up besides her putting a hand on the young princess' shoulder who looked between her and the camp, Spike too seem down seeing this situation.

"Something in your mind?" Rarity started knowing well the mood her friend was in.

"I... knew them before, when I first got here." Twilight continued as recalled those times that felt like long ago "I helped them to win the formal against Sunset, we had so much fun before I went ba-"

A loud bang and a bright orange light coming from the dark train tunnel stopped her from saying more. The remaining students started to panic while her other friends snapped to attention looking at the smoke coming from the tunnel, people in military gear came from the side of the crashed train towards the smoke. With one silver haired girl in similar gear carrying two suitcases in her hands towards Twilight.

"Commander Blueblood has gone missing, take these quick!" Silver Spoon shoved the suitcases in Twilight's hands, turning back on her drawing a knife from her belt "We got separated and the commander entrusted me to give you those, they will protect you from whatever nightmare that madman has in store for you."

"But we can't just leave you!" Spike interjected as the panicked students rushed past the soldiers running to the smoking tunnel. The group flinching hearing an echoing growl from said tunnel.

"We'll be in more danger if you keep staying here. Go, now!" The girl pushed Twilight up the subway stairs before she ran disappearing in the crowd. More soldiers came to push the group upstairs with three of the four girls there raising objections as they closed off their access to the subway.

"Hol' on, wait!" Applejack yelled reached out over the wall of soldiers she and Dash were struggling against. A struggle cut short hearing a booming voice making the group stop on their tracks.

"Oh! I see that you just LOVE wasting time now." Vaati's voice ringed to them again from other of nowhere, leaving Rainbow Dash and Spike fuming seeing that he was watching them "I told you, this is the Endgame now. Either you come to me at this moment or I'll start sinking any country I please of this world!"

"You want your butt kicked so bad?!" Dash lashed out glaring at the ceiling "Don't mind if we do, got a lot for you to pay for!"

"Enough!" Twilight yelled next taking both suitcases on her hands putting a foot up the subway stairs, no one noticing the young princess frowning struggling to keep it together "Let's go, seems we're not the only ones in a hurry."

Rarity was the last to come out of the barely illuminated bathrooms as her friends stared at her dressed in similar gear. Everyone wore a thick-like vest similar to the bulletproof ones, combining with gloves and knee-pads connected to the vest from a rope going between the limbs. Twilight was kneeling to one of the empty suitcases reading a file in her hand picked up from the suitcase.

'Project Hercules (Prototype Version)

Inspired by the bulletproof vests and the strong of unusual incidents of lasers flying into the sky mysteriously, as well reports of people able to manipulate others fast into turning against eachother. The vest is designed to absorb much damage than usual and inflict as much, currently untested and six vests produced. Strength and durability increased fivefold in hopes to combat the unknown dangers behind our back, too many coincidences to be disregarded.'

"Usually I would tear designs like this blight we have on." Rarity looked down at her suit wincing and shaking her head "But a mass murderer has my sister captive, I'll let it slide for this vest helping me so."

"Oh mama, feel like ah' could pull a house easily with this thing!" Applejack grinned while stretching her arms and giving some test kicks.

"Is everyone ready?" Twilight closed the suitcase receiving nods as she stood back up, her friends looked determined like before in previous adventures. It gave her the courage she needed in this situation that weighed much on them "Then there's no more time to waste, let's save both worlds!"

Pumping a fist in the air the group walked back up the subway stairs back into the ruined, ashen world of Canterlot City. A second of confusion ran through them seeing a purple colored bus parked right outside the subway entrance, the mechanical pyramid still shining in the distance like when they first saw it. Dash, as brash as always, waltzed into the the open door of the vehicle.

Twilight and Spike wanted to be careful given what cunning their enemy has done before, but both Rarity and Applejack walked inside the bus too. Seems there was no other way to arrive at their destination quickly, resigning to get into the bus jumping up looking at the door close behind them. The vehicle started the engine with no driver and the bus moved as Twilight fell over to a seat while Spike held to a nearby pole feeling the bus shake.

"You okay Twilight?" Spike called out concerned looking at her rolling into a sitting position quickly grabbing to the seat before her.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." She replied with a nod shortly before the bus picked up on speed and hitting a bump.

"Twi, ah won't lie to ya." Applejack called her attention behind her sitting with Rarity and on the seats besides her being Rainbow Dash occupying the spaces for two persons by herself "We can't go in blind with this crazy guy, what's the plan ya got?"

"I'm also scared, no one we've faced has gone this far before." The princess grimly stared at the window passing by the ruined city and forward to the approaching iron fortress "But I think I might have something..."

Soon the sights of the destroyed Canterlot City were left behind over a city more advanced than it should, buildings made out of machinery and roads unnaturally clean. They could hear in the distance various jackhammers being in use and sizzling sounds as well, coming from two half-finished domes where large machines worked on them.

The lights from the helicopters passed by with the lights from the advanced buildings mixing with those light, Rainbow's sight never left from the amazement towards the city as the bus was driving past their surroundings. The rest were left either surprised or speechless with the pyramid drawing very close leaving the domes behind.

"Rainbow was right, this does look like something out of a comic book." Spike stated with his jaw hanging open staring outside "Why did he of all guys had to make it look so cool?!"

"Oh good, I was about ta' give yours teeth in for complimenting that guy." Applejack gave him a playful hit that the young former dragon didn't seem to mind.

The automatic driving bus screeched into a halt stopping in front of large metal doors, staring upwards the building belonged to the pyramid that seem to stretch all the way into the heavens. Static noise booming around them again making the five friends group up in a circle before a screen of light appeared above the metal door and blinking once reflecting the mage in purple sitting in some chair in the dark smirking carelessly.

"You!!" Rarity yelled out pointing at the screen with shrunk pupils "Give me my sister back right now or I'll use you as my pincushion for the rest of your miserable life!"

"You're in no position of demanding anything, Prudy McSlut." He wiggled his index finger ignoring the half screech and grunt from the fashionista "Took you all long enough, now here is what you will do for the final game."

With a snap of Vaati's fingers the doors to the pyramid slid open into a dark hallways whose only illumination was coming from the lights from the city seeping only a bit inside it "Inside are my four and best servants waiting to battle you, and I mean real last one standing battle. Not hitting your enemy with a newspaper until they behave like you have done before."

The condescending tone he took with them only made Spike and Dash angrier, rolling their hands tightly as they glared daggers at their uncaring enemy before he kept talking "For example, that time you beat Sombra? THAT is what you have to do." They didn't like this condition, though Rainbow Dash nor Rarity didn't show concern about it. But it was either play by his rules or lose for real "I do hope you can pull that miracle again on your own, specially now that Sombra is back and serving me now."

"But why?!" Twilight separated herself from her friends yelling desperately "We haven't done anything to you! You just came and did all of this, why?!"

"A good question." Vaati replied half hearted with his only visible eye halfway shut and stroking his chin "One you will get the answer to, should you be worthy enough to reach me." He ended giving out a malicious wide smile and cutting the transmission off. The screen had disappeared with only the entrance to the fortress left before them, the young princess was left confused for a moment before feeling one of her friends shake her shoulder.

"C'mon, sugarcube. We gotta go." Applejack cocked her head pointing to the entrance that Spike was the first to enter in, after him was Rainbow Dash as the princess nodded walking in along her remaining friends. Once stepping into the darkness of the hallway she clenched her hand at a memory resurfacing.

'Only more people will suffer and die if you keep approaching him the same way you did everything before, there’s no redeeming him. There’s no way to seal him, he has to be stopped!'

Final Act: Deathmatch

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She had lost sight of him. Rainbow Dash ran in her new body as if it was second nature looking for Spike, but there was no sign of him. What little the athletic girl could see was some sort of boxes and metal tubes behind grates.

The paths had split multiple times, which gave Dash frustration whenever she ran into one of them. She just ran whichever path was most illuminated, her home needed her and it's about to be history thanks to the most psychotic person she ever met.

Yelling for Spike to wait for her was an idea that had come up, but knowing who they were up against she'd be done for the moment she did that or would be after a few calls. After seeing what Vaati did to Fluttershy, Cadance, Shining Armor and even Discord. This wasn't time to be cocky with what's stake.

Her human ears perked up hearing footsteps other than her own on metal, rolling forward before pressing her back to a metal grate corner. Peeking into a long hallway that was only visible for a few feet before the rest swallowed by darkness. Something that didn't last long as the end of said hallway slid up pouring light on to it, a tall figure had it's back turned to her standing before the light. Oh? Seems to be a pathway, the figure stepped into the light and soon the darkness covered the path along the hallway. The person never turned back and thus the prismatic haired girl remained unnoticed.

"Was that Spike? Knowing our luck recently maybe it wasn't." she whispered diving into the darkness ahead, her visibility of the hallway getting better finding a metallic door with a red button on the wall to the right "Oh, I know what to do."

Pressing the button had opened the door once more shining light in, inside was a lift elevator that could fit in about three other people. She sighed missing her wings so she can get this done faster as the door closed behind her and the elevator rising upwards to wherever it was taking her.

But she can't help to think about how Equestria was doing. These beasts came to attack them only for now to leave everypony to fend them off at their most aggressive while she along with her friends were forced to comply to play dumb games. Allying themselves with changelings made her uneasy, but thankfully the princess reached a compromise with the queen. They made strong allies sure, but with what they last seen of their home even with their help it won't last long.

Frustration and anger had come to the flier, the elevator stopping to open at the new floor. Running inside it now clearly seeing her surroundings. Almost visibly flinching spotting the monstrous armor before her, thankfully currently unused. But all around were rows of it and equipment to be used along with it. As if this was meant for a dragon, like the creatures attacking Equestria right now.

More noise caught her attention, turning to her side to another door opening up like before. This one almost as big as the building noticing the figure from before more clearly. A tall muscular woman with dark hair who turned to look back at Rainbow Dash, both of their eyes meeting and going wide at that time. The red horn on the tall woman's forehead making ti clear who this was.

The woman ran out the open door not sparing any other second, Dash becoming angrier and clenched her hand "Sombra! Get back here!" The flier ran after the former tyrant knocking over an armor on the way and once more plunging on the light from outside.

She came out to a road built similarly to those on the big cities back in Equestria, noticing it goes two ways spotting Sombra on the right at the road going into a bridge. Wasting no more time and running after once more, putting force on her legs in an attempt to go faster. If only her pegasus magic worked in here, she'd have Sombra pinned in the blink of an eye.

Rainbow Dash never noticed her experimental armor tightening just slightly, gritting her teeth and leaning forward slowly catching up to Sombra. Who was clad in armor and regal cape as usual. With a scream along a tackle she finally got to stop Sombra, sitting on the dark ruler's stomach in the middle of the bridge overlooking what seemed to be destroyed or burned tree lines below. It was hard to tell from this high up, but anyway.

"Spit it out, Sombra. Where's Spike? What did you do to him?!" Dash grabbed her by the collar literally shaking her for answers. It would be amusing to see Sombra reduced to this if magic and everything the flier held dear wasn't at risk right now.

"If you mean the dragon, he didn't come through here." Sombra glared disappointed speaking a deeper woman's voice "Though, either of your purple friends would be fine to me. But maybe you can be a good warm-up." Sombra swiftly kicked off the bearing of loyalty and a few feet away, Rainbow felt as if her insides were scrambled from such force and clutched her stomach with an arm. An echoing yet familiar laugh made her freeze, coming out as if some P.A. system was nearby.

"So the first match goes to the dumb jock, how unfortunate for her." That was Vaati indeed, the anger Rainbow felt from hearing his voice was enough to ignore the current pain "And against a magic user too! Mocking aside, this is finally the first match."

"You cannot continue to me until you have beat my elite by taking their lives." He took a pause as the athlete stood back up seeing Sombra also frowning hearing him "You'd only waste time if you came directly to me, my door only opens when all of you win every deathmatch. That or you would get yourself killed in the process, killing is mandatory or else you can't continue."

"You're a sick bastard, you know that?" Rainbow Dash snapped looking at the sky responding to him.

"Try something new, carpet muncher. Hope that your friends don't find your corpse in the middle of nowhere though." Vaati added with a glee that his smile can be felt even from his tone.

"If I find you, I'm gonna give you the beating you have been asking so much!" She raised her fist to the sky clenched tightly.

"I'll hold you on to that if you pull that miracle. But enough talk, let the fight to the death begin! The element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash versus the Crystal Empire's horrible King. Sombra!"

The armored step brought Dash to attention of the foe before her, some dark fog coming out of the former king's armor who also bore an expression of fury.

"This will be the last thing I do for that madman." Sombra snarled while continuing to step forward "Your friends are scrambled all around, who knows where they ended up. But all I have to do is kill you and then I can take back my empire!"

In the blink of an eye Sombra appeared right before Rainbow Dash, who rolled back at the fist swung intended for her crashing on the road and leaving behind a crater. It was too close. The flier felt lighter breaking into a sprint against Sombra, ducking under another strike hitting the former king with a kick to the ribs and rolling away once more.

It did some damage, but nothing more than making the woman wince. Her red horn crackling and bubbling with some magical energy. But nothing happened, despite having a horn it seems Sombra's magic was very limited. To Dash's misfortune there was nothing on this bridge she could use against the tyrant and has little time to think.

Using her speed to her advantage she leaned forward dodging Sombra's next attack, but being stopped at a harsh knee struck to the stomach. Forced to cough blood on the armored leg and brought down by the dark king's elbow to the back, the shock of the impact resonating through her body before crashing face-first back on the ground.

"Get up, bearer." Sombra's voice resonated once more before picking Dash up by her prismatic hair "I know you can take more than this, morons and specially bearers of the elements have a lot of endurance." She let the girl go leaving her there dizzy and not realizing that the flier's vision had gotten blurry.

Regardless, she clenched a fist and brought it up to Sombra's nose. Rainbow shook her head with her vision more clear continuing the assault on the dark pony's head, neck and finally pushing her back with a flying kick that also sent Sombra's cape flying away. All of the sudden the pain in the bearer came back to her about to fall down, blood already on her knuckles and coughing a bit more right on the ground.

Sombra had taken a share of her beating too, blood running down her nose getting back up again. It was subtle, but she was wincing as well. Apparently the tyrant is unable to heal in this world. But hold on a second, magic in this world? Could it be...?

"Now we're getting somewhere." Sombra's voice had grown sinister before wiping her nose with the back of the hand and spreading her arms wide "I can actually have fun in this fight. Let's get real now, shall we?"

"You're gonna have fun with the date my shoes are gonna have with your ass, you fake mare." Rainbow stood at the ready to continue the fight expressing her trademark confidence. Though Sombra is no easy foe, if only her friends were here now. Hoping as well that her hunch is correct.

The mage's tricks have officially gotten to fully grating levels now. Spike kicked a small rock away traversing a forest that seems to have been run down, the illumination reflecting off the pyramid fortress dome high above him and beyond what little trees he traversed by.

With the path he was taking, the tree lines had come fewer indicating that he was nearly out of this place. This psycho was messing with them while destroying their world, killing and brainwashing his friends for the sake of it. It's as if Discord had no restraint nor even a shred of decency. And he killed said spirit of chaos!

Finding himself before a crater of earth that suggested some lake was in here, the former dragon leaned in looking at his reflection in what little water remained in there. His reflection being similar to his counterpart of this world, but now old enough to blend in just find with any regular student at the ruined school despite the noticeable bit of muscle he gained. Freezing for a moment looking at the eyes staring back at him.

Emerald green eyes, that no longer slit, gave off pure hatred even when calm. A desire to hurt and punish the guilty. A desire to get back what was taken from him. Vaati's previous words ran through his mind and memories of Sweetie Belle's glazed eyes as she was forced to attack her older sister with no knowledge of it. Growling in anger swinging a fist into the water distorting the reflection.

Before Spike could indulge in any thought, a chill made him stop on the spot again. One the former dragon hasn't felt since his first visit to the Crystal Empire. With less trees in the way he could see a tall bridge that was actually closer than he thought, barely seeing dark mist coming out of it.

He saw the king's new form back in Equestria, the crazed mage took her with him here. Spike immediately broke into a sprint towards the bridge, hands closed shut with his mind focused on Sombra. The mage took the tyrant under him, and was his way of getting to him as well to end this madness.

But he can't ignore either the threat the dark king is, he has to be brave. His friends and everything is at stake.

Rainbow's world kept rolling until she found herself facing down on the ground, the exhaustion taking a toll on her body feeling her muscles ache and tremble. Sombra's heaving form getting closer to her looking bruised.

She was so close, if only she could rest a moment to execute her plan instead of being helpless at the dark pony's mercy. Struggling to call the strength to move while grunting in frustration, efforts rendered fruitless feeling Sombra's fingers digging between her hair and bringing her up staring at the tyrant's scarlet red irises. Who wiped some remaining blood on the corner of her mouth.

"I am impressed, bearer." she began calmly "Magic or not, you made me actually try." The former tyrant brought her free hand to grasp Dash's neck before narrowing her eyes "I must break my shackles from that mage though, I refuse to be his subordinate any longer! I am a king!"

"So nothing personal, bearer. But your life is the key to that freedom. Farewell!"

The flier flailed weakly in vain feeling the pressure tightening on her neck, her air being cut off trying to struggle harder in a desperate attempt to save herself. So many ponies were counting on her to be victorious, a lot riding on the line. The ones who's lives were taken by Vaati's mad schemes, the ones fighting for their lives. She can't let everyone down now!

'Can't... lose...'

Suddenly she breathed a sigh of relief finding herself kneeling on the ground, coughing and trying to breathe in much needed air. Rainbow Dash could swear she heard something hitting hard against metal, a light of hope ignited in her hearing a new voice in front of her.

"Rainbow Dash! Glad I made it." Spike had come to save her, staring to the left seeing Sombra slouched against the bridge railing. Usually she doesn't like being saved, but the dragon became much more cool in her eyes at this moment.

Spike didn't take much to get on guard again as Sombra had gotten up again staring at him with an angry snarl, taken by surprise she also coughed up blood once seemingly hurt by the impact. A fact that matters little to her as she started to walk again.

"I've been eager to settle the score with you too, dragon. Even with this humiliating body, I shall pay you back for interfering with my return to the empire. Mage!" The dark king screamed to the heavens for the attention of the mastermind behind this calamity, a request that was met with the echoing voice laughing from everywhere.

'It's HIM...' His anger returned digging his nails on his palms into clenched fists, wishing he could take said anger on that infernal capped mage right now.

"I sense that you have a request, got a good feeling about this one." Vaati replied eagerly waiting for Sombra to continue.

"I want to vanquish the dragon. I want to make him and Twilight Sparkle pay, I want my revenge!" She rose a fist up glaring at his opponents like a predator eager to strike.

"Tell you what," He replied rather quickly, filling Rainbow Dash and Spike with an uncomfortable dread "I'll let fight both of them at once. Hell, for the remaining fights against my servants. Should there be enough participants, they can fight two against one of my elites. I am practically handing this out on a silver platter for you allies of Equestria."

Two against one, huh? Despite Sombra's condition, both of them knew the dark pony held more power than they first thought. Spike's eyes narrowed knowing that she'll be back on the offensive and would hit harder, Rainbow Dash managed to get on one knee as more smoke came out of Sombra's horn. Who grinned widely bearing her fangs.

"Now, let the match continue. Are you capable of shedding blood to save your world? Or sticking with your principles as you and your world die with them?! Let us find out! Have a great time everybody!"

His maddened laugh echoed as the battle continued, both sides now intending to end eachother.