> Spike's Kingdom Quest > by Element-OverLord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue/Chapter 0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike's Kingdom Quest DISCLAIMER: MLP Is Of Hasbro. WarioLand 4 Is Of NINTENDO. NOTE/WARNING: Some Scenes Were Made By Yugiohfan163, Known Also As Spikerules302, So Equal Credit Is Given To Him As Well! |Ponyville| "Long ago, there was a legendary kingdom that ruled alongside Canterlot in a era of love and peace. That kingdom had such beautiful culture and a legendary treasure worth an entire nation, which the beautiful Princess Shokora used to help those less fortunate..." A voice read an old story in a book that the voice's owner had found. "It seemed that nothing would wrong...but then princess Shokora became suddenly arrogant and began abusing her power to make everything better for her, losing sight of the kind ruler she had been once." The voice paused as another page was turned, "Yet one day, the dreadful Golden Lady, a banished unicorn thief that somehow managed to became as powerful as the royal alicorn sisters themselves, cursed the princess Shokora by transforming her into the animal she had loathed the most and proceed to take control of the legendary kingdom for herself..." Another page was turned, "And while at first the people accepted their new monarch with high hopes that she would bring order once again in the kingdom, they soon found out that the Golden Lady was an ever worse ruler than the now banished Shokora. But when they tried to rebel, the Golden thief just created the Four Heavenly Guards, mythical beings based from the major personifications of greed itself, to protect her stolen treasure and soon any resistance was destroyed..." "Eventually the Alicorn Sisters themselves saw how far the legendary kingdom had fallen when the Golden Lady in her arrogance and greed tried to push war between her stolen kingdom and Equestria. Thus the princesses themselves went into the battlefield and proceed to seal the kingdom and everyone in it, including the lady and her guardians, into the underground to put a stop to a possible war threat, at the cost of many innocent lives..." Now the figure was on the last page; "But no one suffered more than the banished princess Shokora, who was forced to watch her former kingdom being destroyed and to wander the earth eternally until, perhaps, one day her kingdom raised again and she was able to take back what was rightfully hers and bringing a new era of prosperity..." "Also there is still the stolen treasure, which would be enough to not only buy an entire nation but even make it's owner live like a king for the rest of their lives, even for a thousand years...DAMN! WHAT A TREASURE!" Grinned the figure, revealed to be a certain dragon with purple scales and green spiked hair and eyes in his face while wearing a purple and green hooded jacket and black pants on his body. He was Spike the Dragon, the number 1 assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle and the adopted son of Princess Celestia. (Yes, This IS An Human Story.) "Wow, what a book." replied Spike laying it down as he got up to stretch. He had already done his regular chores for the day, and found this book laying the shelf. His curiosity lead to him reading it, and liked it. If he found the treasure, who knows what he could do with it. "Shame it's only a story." Sighed Spike who decided to take a walk. He opened the door and noticed something on the ground. He picked it up and it said: "If you wish to know the truth about the kingdom, follow the map. But be warned, for many dangers await on this journey." Spike scratched his head at the note and didn't see the name of whoever sent it. "Probably just a prank." Spike decided then to look at the map, because it wouldn't hurt to see how it was made. And upon opening it he was surprised upon seeing how authentic the map looked like! Especially the Pyramid in which the princess Shokora had lived in, which was located...right in the middle of the EVERFREE FOREST! "Hmm..." Spike gulped, "Well, I guess I MIGHT give this a try, but if I don't find anything I quit..." He said before he noticed a black cat near him, which pointed at Spike to follow it. "Well, that's not something you see everyday..." Spike said in surprise before following the map's route towards the legendary pyramid with the black cat following closely by. |Everfree Forest| As so, our young hero traveled into the dark and creepy forest after seeing Zecora to confirm the authenticity of the map, which she said was an actual map! Fortunately, he picked the right time as not many creatures ventured out during the day. He managed to get across the rope bridge that lead to the old palace of his mom and aunt, and kept walking until he stopped. He was looking at a massive pyramid that had a flat top instead of a point. He saw the cat point up, and begrudgingly began to walk up the blocks. "What...never heard of an elevator?" Gasped Spike who got on top the last step and saw the cat point to an opening before darting in. "Sheesh, this is why I prefer phoenixes." Spike made his way inside and used his flames to light up the hall as he ventured forth into the darkness. Meanwhile, as our heroic drake and his companion were exploring the pyramid, someone was awakening from her long forced slumber. And soon a pair of golden eyes opened for the first time in a thousand years before they narrowed darkly feeling someone enter HER pyramid. "They must be her for MY TREASURE! THEY CAN'T HAVE IT! IT'S MINE! MINE! MINEEEEEE!" She roared as on the four corners of the pyramid, four beings awoken at the same time before roaring. Truly things weren't gonna be so easy for the young Spike... > Chapter 1: Toads > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Meeting With The Perverted Toad! |Pyramid| Spike sighed from all the steps he was going down while following the cat. "Why is there so many stairs?" Groaned Spike who made it to a room where the cat sat near a a square hole that seemed to go straight down. The cat jumped down. Seeing how he got this far, Spike curled up and jumped in after the cat. It was only 1 second later that Spike realized there were stairs near the place he had been, and so: "GYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Cried the scared dragon before hitting the ground, because apparently the hole wasn't so deep, making the fall not hurt him at all, yet it was quite troublesome. "Rather take the stairs next time..." Said the boy while balancing himself before noticing a certain black cat pointing to the entrance. "Alright, alright, I get it! Geez, this better be worth it!" Spike walked into another empty hall and took the entrance to the right. After entering, he saw a blue frog head that looked like you could push down on it. He cautiously walked over and pushed it down, causing a portal to open and suck him in. He would up in another room where there were some branches in the opposite wall he could use to climb. "What am I, A monkey?" Sighed Spike who began to pull himself up using the branches and continued forward after getting to the top of the wall. |?| Meanwhile, near the main entrance a pair of eyes narrowed as a mysterious voice said: "Another thief? But...this feels different...WAIT?! The princess too?!" He stood shocked before getting serious and jumping inside something, "Perhaps I should test them..." |Near There| Returning to our dragon, he was running towards the sealed entrance while avoiding several enemies, which looked like armored mummies with a sad aura around them. "Sheesh, should have seen something like this coming. Note to self, read up more info on dangerous places like this." Replied Spike who saw the cat walk up to the door and point at it. "I get it, you want me to go in there. Figures." Sighed Spike as he walked towards it. The gem in the middle of it glowed and opened up, letting Spike enter with the cat following. It was pitch black in the room, but a sudden series of torches were lit, illuminating the room and made Spike gape at what was in there with him. Standing in front of them was a a tall man with waist-length, spiky white hair usually tied back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs that framed both sides of his face. He also had red lines that ran down from his eyes and wore a horned forehead protector with the kanji for 'Oil'. He also had a noticeable wart on the left side of his nose. The man wore a green short shirt kimono and matching pants; under which he wore mesh armour that showed out of the sleeves and legs of his outfit. His outfit was completed with hand guards, a simple black belt, traditional Japanese geta (wooden sandals), a red haori with two simple yellow circles on each side, and a scroll on his back. He also had a tattoo in his left palm which resembles a toad. "W-who are you?!" Spike asked in surprise before the mysterious toad man posed. "I'M THE MAN KNOWN AROUND THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD! THE NORTH ADMIRES ME! THE SOUTH FOLLOWS ME! THE WEST LOVES ME! THE EAST IS AFRAID OF ME! THE MANS WANT TO BE ME! THE WOMEN LOVES ME! THE CHILDREN REMEMBER MY LEGACY! I AM THE GREAT TOAD SAGE, JIRAIYA!" The now named Jiraiya finished in a ridiculous pose as Spike looked in disbelief and the black cat surprisingly had a few tick marks on her face. (YES! I ADDED JIRAIYA! But I Don't Own Him. I Just Added Him As Tribute To Him After His Tragic Death...) "SHUT UP, PERVERTED TOAD!" Surprisingly the black cat roared in a female pissed-off voice as she kicked the pervert in the face sending him crashing upon the wall as Spike looked in surprise at the cat. "Y-YOU CAN TALK?!" He exclaimed as the cat looked at him annoyed. "Yes I can, is that much of a surprise?!" "Well..." Spike paused, before remembering all he went through with the mane 6 (AKA All 4 Seasons) "Fair enough...so what's your name?" "Good! My name is the wonderful Princess Shokora!" "Wait. The same princess that was overthrown? Woah." Replied Spike whose mind was blown. "Yes, now can we move on? You still have to beat this pervert." Replied back the princess. "What?" Asked Spike. "She's right gaki. Beat me, and I might tell you where the treasure is." Steeped Jiraiya. "Alright. I accept your challenge." Replied Spike getting in a ready stance. He had been training with Shining Armor on a certain martial arts style while Zecora managed to find old texts on which ones would help him the most. "Alright, time to see what you got." Jiraiya went through several handsings before slamming his hand on the floor. A large puff of smoke came up and dispersed to reveal a large blue mechanical toad that wore shoulder red armor and on its arms. "Beat this fella, and you win." Said Jiraiya crouching on the toads head. "Alright, let's go." Replied Spike. Jiraiya grinned as his toad inhaled some air before sending several large condensed bullets of it at Spike. "Soru." Spike's form disappeared and let the air bullets hit the wall, causing large impacts from them. "Where'd he go?" Questioned Jiraiya who sensed something coming up from behind and had his toad deflect it with its armor. Spike jumped back and saw the toad about to spit something out. The toad sent more wind bullets at him but he stood there. "Kami-e." Spike's body seemed to literally go limp as his body dodged each compressed bullet that harmlessly passed by him and hit the wall behind him. "So that's the Rokushiki, huh?" Jiraiya remembered in surprise the style that was used by the Canterlot's elite guard and wondered how such dragon learned that, but then Spike appeared in top of the toad with a raised leg. "What he's gonna do?" Wondered Shokora, whom had been surprised by the fight and how Spike acted...not as if was that surprising at all! "Time to end this..." Then Spike's leg shinned in a green light as he launched the attack wave, "RANKYAKU!" The attack soon hit the toad on it's face, sending it towards the wall surprising both the pervert and the tsundere cat. The toad caused the wall to crack before it disappeared in a puff of smoke and left the pervert. "Well, I said I'd tell you, and I will. Just keep going down the hall, take a left, and you should find what you're looking for." Said Jiraiya walking out of the room. "Wait, where are you going?" Asked Spike. "I need some research. It's been quite a while. Besides, I was told to just stop you. Obviously, you beat me. So, my job is done." Replied Jiraiya who kept walking, but was sent farther due to Shokora coming up form behind him and delivering a strong kick, even in her animal form, that sent him flying. "Heheh..." Spike laughed nervously upon seeing how dangerous the princess was, "So shall we go forward, princess?" 'Mental note: NEVER piss her off. EVER!' Shokora calmed herself down before looking at the dragon boy and nodding, "Fair enough, Spike..." "How you know my name?" "I heard your conversation with that new princess Twilight before she went off to those hot springs..." "Ah yes..." Spike said embarrassed before they went into the path told by Jiraiya, but then he saw Shokora stop with a shocked look in her face, as if something just came to her. "What's up?" "...N-nothing, nothing at all~!" She said nervously before speeding up with the confused boy following her. 'Oh dear! Those poor girls at the hot spring! Suffering before that perverted toad! I MUST WARN CELESTIA AS SOON AS THIS IS OVER!' "By the way...what kind of research did Jiraiya talked about?" Spike's question made her stop before she sighed and told him. Then the entire forest shaked up from a loud- "WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" |Canterlot| Celestia and Luna were preparing themselves to go to the Pyramid that was recently discovered before they felt a VERY familiar AND unpleasant shiver...like when J-... "OH NOES!" Luna screamed in her canterlot royal voice! "HE'S BACK, TIA! THE TOAD IS BACK!" "I know..." Celestia said darkly, "Better catch him before he spies on the hot springs again, or god forbids, meets Discord again!" OMAKE! Jiraiya smiled as he made it to the hot springs, but stopped as he saw a familiar spirit of chaos. "Discord, my good friend." Said Jiraiya with a smile. "Jiraiya? Why it's been years. Still the same I'm guessing?" Suggested Discord. "You betcha." Replied Jiraiya. "Well then, how about some 'research' for old times sake?' Asked Discord with a perverted look. "I got my notebook ready." Grinned Jiraiya as they both began to quietly climb the wall. On the other side, we find Twilight and her friends. Twilight could feel like something was off and turned towards the wall. Jiraiya and Discord were almost to the top, but stopped as they felt a dark aura behind them. They turned and saw Celestia and Luna with a stern look. Both were scared shitless and saw the grin Celestia had. They shook their heads with speed to rival Rainbow and watched in horror as Celestia opened her mouth and scream, "EEEK, PERVERTS!" The effect was instant as the wall was pushed down and the two peeping toms saw all the females, including Twilight and her friends. Each girl, minus Fluttershy, cracked their knuckles and the duo began to run in fear as the entire female side chased after them with any weapon they could find. Luckily, Pinkie had extras to go around.