The Devils Temptation

by Thebravenorse

First published

What would you do, if the devil offered you what you most desire?

In an alternate universe. During the attack on the Crystal Empire by King Sombra. Spike is falling to his death, in trying to save everyone. But... he dose not die. Instead Spike is taken to a dark void. Were Sombra temps Spike with what he most desires... Will Spike give into his greed, his desire, or his lust? Or will Spike NOT give into Sombras temptation.


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The Devils Temptation
Chapter one:

"It is said that in the bible. Satan appeared to Jesus and Tempted him. Jesus having refused each temptation, Satan departed back into hell. Will Spike do the same?" .

At that moment; Spike was falling to his death.

After Twilight had gotten captured, it was up to him to save everypony. His mission: Get the Crystal Heart and defeat Sombra. Saving everyone.

Easier said than done.

Spike had manged to get the Crystal heart. But.. now he was falling to his death. As said before.

And worst of all; there was nothing that he could do, but close his eyes and hope that it would be a quick and painless death.

He could hear his friends calling to him in helplessness despair.

“SPIKE!!!” Cried Rarity and Twilight. Who were among the loudest of the screams.

There voices fell on death ears. Sure he could hear them, but chose not to pay that much attention. The last thing he wanted to hear before his death were his friends and dream crush crying over him.

Turning his thoughts to something else, he sighed. It wasn't supposed to end this way A few tears escaped him. Then he griped his claws. This is all Cleastia's fault! What kind of leader sends a 20 year-old mare and her friends to stop the most evil villain in history?!.

“What kind of leader indeed” Spoke a voice in his head.

Spikes eyes shot open. The Crystal Empire was gone! And he wasn’t falling to his death anymore. Now, all around him was a black and hollowed void. Nothing but... darkness everywhere.

“Hello! Is anyone there?!” Called Spike. He got no response, so the dragon tried again. “I heard you before, now answer me!”.

There was a dark, evil laugh all around him.

“Your in no place to be making demands Spike the Dragon” mocked the voice.

“H-how do you know my n-name?” Asked Spike in fear.

“I know your name, because you opened my door mortal” Laughed the voice.

Then it clicked. “Your Sombra!” Exclaimed Spike.

“Indeed..” From the dark void sprang forth green and violet smoke. The smoke formed into a ball of blackness. Then, there was a flash of bright light! Spike had to cover his eyes, the light was so bright.

As the smoke cleared a large pony emerged from its darkness. And there he was in all his evil power.

King Sombra himself.

Sombra slowly walked towards the baby drake. Spike himself was to shocked with fear to move. Sombra was now right above the little dragon. Looking down upon him with evil green and violet eyes. And those sharp fangs that could scare a pony to death.

“W-what d-do you.. w-want with me?” Spike shook with fear.

Sombra smirked. “Why. To ask you to join me of course”.

Spike had to blink twice. Just to make sure that he had heard him correctly.


Sombra chuckled. “For someone so powerful you sure are slow” He shook his head. “but then again, you are still a baby”.

Spikes face turned red with anger. “Don't call me a baby!”.

“Oh! But that's what you are, am I right. Or do my eyes deceive me?” Spike looked down. Sombra was right. At least this time.

“Fine.. I, technically, am a baby dragon. But that's only in size! Twilight says that I'm real mature for my age” Smirked Spike.

“Oh, but of course” Sombra rolled his eyes.

“But.. about what you said. I don't understand. Like, aren't you trying to kill me? And my friends? Why would you want me to join your side. What could I possibly mean to you?”.

“Nothing!” Spike winced. “you mean absolutely nothing to me mortal. I could kill you right now if I wanted!”.

There was a moment of silence.

“But then... why haven’t you yet?”.

Sombra looked away. “I since great, untapped power coming from off you. Power that you could only begin! to understand mortal. Power... that could even rival my own” Sombra whispered the last part.

“What was that?” Spike couldn’t understand the last thing he had said.

“Nothing!” barked Sombra.

“Okay then. But here's another question” Sombra looked back at the little drake. “why in the name of Luna! Would I help you!?”.

For the first time Spike saw a genuine smile form on Sombra's lips.

“Why?...” Sombra laughed. “because I can give you anything you want in return. What you most desire”.

Sombra's horn glowed and in a flash Spike was surrounded by gems! Millions and millions of gems!

Spikes eyes widened with greed, and his mouth watered. “Wow..” he whispered.

Sombra smirked. “Yes, and they are all yours Spike” Spikes expression turned to one of joy. “If..” his smile dropped. “... you join me” Sombra held out a hoof that glowed with dark magic.

Spike looked at the evil hoof of Sombra. Then at what could be the biggest hoard of gems ever! Then back to Sombra, then to the gems, then Sombra!, then the gems!... finely he sighed.

“No..” Sombra's eyes widened, but only just a little. “I can NOT accept this!” Spike crossed his arms.

“Well... that's what I should have expected from the likes of you” Sombra's horn glowed. Then the massive hoard of gems vanished. They both where once again in the void. “being as loyal as you are. You wouldn't just sell out your friends for some sweet rocks”.

Sombra grinned. “No matter” His horn glowed. “there are many more desires that you have”.

Then Sombra's horn shot a magic blast at Spike. The dragon closed his eyes, fearing that it was the end. But when he still felt fine... Spike opened his eyes. Then he looked into a mirror.

The little dragon named Spike was gone. Now standing before him was a tall, handsome, green and violet stallion! The stallions cutey-mark was a scroll with a flame behind it. And his eyes were of dragon resemblance.

“Is.. is that me?” Asked Spike mouth agape.

“Yes” Sombra outstretched his dark magic hoof once again. “or what could be yours. But only IF you join me”.

Spike looked at the hoof. Then back at himself. I do look good... and I'm sure to impress Rarity now! Spike thought, smiling. Yea! This could work. Rarity would never be into me as a dragon. But as a pony then I'm a shoe in! Spike jumped with joy.

Sombra smirked. “Game. Set. Match!”.

But then Spike took another look in the mirror. A longer, more hard look. Sure I'm handsome... but could Rarity ever forgive me for making a deal with.... Sombra of all ponys! And could any of the girls even forgive me? He sighed. Knowing that this could never work.

“No..” Sombras eyes bulged out of there sockets. “I will NOT accept this as well. Sure, I've always wanted to be a pony and impress Rarity. But she could never forgive me for making a deal with you!” Spike crossed his hoofs.

Sombra was about to choke the drake to death. But then a thought came to him. He grinned. “Very well..” Sombra's horn glowed. Then in a flash Spike was back to normal. “but.. If you wanted this 'Rarity' mare so badly then why didn't you just ask?” His horn glowed once more.

A bright flash enveloped the void. Once the smoke cleared, there! Standing right in front of Spike was a wet, dripping, sexy, bedroom eyed Rarity.

Spike blushed madly. Feeling like he was going to faint. “R-rarity?...”

She smiled and batted her eyelashes. “Why hello there my BIG and STORNG dragon” She licked her lips. “how have you been?”.

“G-good. Better now that your here”.

She blushed. “Oh Spikey! Your such the charmer” Her face turned serous, yet sexy. “there must be someway I can repay your kind words” She started to drag a hoof down his belly.

Oh my Gods! This is for real. The mare of my dreams is... is.. well I'm still a baby dragon. So I don't really know what shes doing. But who cares?! This is awesome! Spike beamed.

Sombra watched from the shadows. The king of evil smirked. I couldn't win him over with greed. I couldn't win him over with desire. But maybe I can persuade him with... lust Thought Sombra.

Spike was in heaven! Rarity was licking all over his body. Like he was some kind of ice cream. And he was loving it. “Ooooo, R-rarity don't s-stop” Spike moaned.

“Of course Master” Spike blushed harder at the use of the word 'Master'.

But then for the first time Spike took a good look at this Rarity. She looked like his Rarity... but something was off... her movements seamed. Fake. You could say. Then he remembered!

He was still in the void.

Sighing Spike pushed Rarity away. She looked hurt.

“Master Spike.. did I do something w-wrong” Tears fell from her eyes.

Fake Rarity or not. Spike hated seeing her cry. “No! Not at all” He smiled and blushed. “you were amazing”.

She wiped away her tears. “R-really?”.

“Yes really” His smile disappeared. “but your not MY Rarity! And as much as I wish you were, your not. So please go... before I change my mind” The last part he whispered.

Then Sombra's horn glowed again. In a flash the fake Rarity disappeared. Sombra stepped out of the shadows. “I'm truly impressed... you have great willpower”.

Spike growled. “Oh shut up!” Spike snapped. “can't you see that you can't tempt me with your offers. Why don't you just kill me and get it over with!” Tears of pain and anger fell from the drakes eyes.

Spike got down on his knees. Closed his eyes. Then waited for death to come.

Sombra sighed and smiled. “Oh Spike.. but don't you want to know who your parents are?” Spikes eyes shot open. Sombra held out his hoof.

“Your mine now!”.

* * *

Twilight and friends were standing on the balcony of the Crystal Tower. Not to long ago Spike had disappeared into then air, as the drake was falling to his death. Sombra's shadowed form had also disappeared.

“Where did they go?!”.

“Whats going on?!”.

“What happened to the Crystal heart?!”.

“Where is my Spikey-Wikey!!!!”.

Twilight started to cry. “Spike... were are you..” she wispered.

Just then right behind them a great flash appeared. All the pony turned around and covered there eyes.

Then as the smoke disappeared. There standing with the Crystal Heart in his claws was Spike.

“SPIKE!” Everypony cheered out in joy. All the ponys galloped to there friend. Twilight and Rarity taking leading. But then, they all stopped when Spike lifted the Crystal heart over his head.

“Spike.. what are you..”


The Crystal Heart. The only hope for defeating Sombra. Had broken into hundreds of tiny, little pieces. Everypony gasped in horror. There eyes wide in shock and disbelief.

“S-spikey... why?” Asked a crying Rarity.

Then Spikes eyes turned blood red. With green and Violet smoke pouring out from them. His body grew in twice in size than the average stallion. And his body turned black as the void.

As one single tear escaped him. Spike could only speak two words before turning feral.

“I'm Sorry” Then with a demonic scream Spike pounced at his prey.

That day the Crystal Empire was bathed In blood. And a few days latter Sombra stood on the Crystal Tower balcony. Proud in his victory. Looking over the carnage in the streets that one dragon had caused.

“And soon the world..”