Two spirits.(Reedited)

by Dashkin Grandhook

First published

Twillight and her friends are hunting for a dangerous animal. During the quest, they meet strange trop of wild wolfs. Their Leader is pony called "Black Wolf"

A strange and dangerous monster attacked Ponyville. Some ponies are wounded so Celestia decided to kill a monster. Witnesses said "It looks like a wolf. But not a normal wolf. This one is the biggest wolf that we've ever seen". Twillight, and her friends, went into a forest with task to kill the monster. During a travel they met a trop of wild wolves from a North. Their leader was a... pony called "Black Wolf- at your service".

Coverart by a the best from the best ones - Yakovlev-vad :D
Big thanks to a good editor and even better friend - pokefreak13 :D

Wild hearts

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"Good morning, Princess Celestia. I came here as fast as I could," the purple alicorn said breathlessly when she stood in front of Celestia.

"Good morning Twilight," Celestia welcomed her student, then she got up from her throne and looked through the window. “I called for you because I have a very special task for you”.

"What is it? Are we going to hunt that monster who attacked those ponies yesterday?" the young alicorn smiled with excitement, but with flash of fear in her eyes. She wanted a new experiences, adventures, because life in Ponyville started getting boring. However it would be a good chance to check out her new spells too.

"Yes my dear student, I order you to find this beast and bring it here," Celestia looked at her student as she began to smiling.

"Finally an adventure! The unkown, I’coming" thought the purple pony as she turned back and started to move towards the door.

"Twilight,” the princess of the sun stopped the young alicorn, “Please be careful,” she said looking into those purple eyes. “ Whatever it is, it must be very strong and dangerous,” the uncertanity flashed in Celestia’s eyes.

"I’ll be fine Princess. The tracers shows that this monster is just a big wolf. And, because I’ve read some books of them, so I’m sure that I know what to do," Twilight smiled calmly and moved out of the hall.

"Do you think she is ready? This task can overwhelm her," Luna teleported from nowhere next to Celestia.

"I think so" Celestia looked again thtough the window. “I think so,” she repeated quietly.


The morning sun was slowly flooding Ponyville, when Twilight ran into her home.

“Spike!” she yelled, almost flying through a room.

Spike slowly jumped off the bed and rubbed his eyes.

"What is going on?" said Spike sleepily while moving downstairs.

"Celestia ordered us to hunt wolf!" yelled an excited alicorn, flipping throught the pages

"Wait! What?! Are you serious?" the dragon asked with disbelief .

"Yes I am. You have no idea what we can learn about wolves. We need just to catch it and I’ll be able to take some notes".

"I have a bad felling about this,"said Spike, leaving the library.


"Where is Rarity?" Rainbow Dash was loosing her patient.

"Ah guess, in her house stil’ prepearing." Applejack said with boredom while kicking a small stone..

"Is she going to take her entire home or what?" The pegasus began to fly over the group. "Yeah, typical Rarity,” she said with sarcasm.

"Maybe, someone should get her? I’m worried that she forgot about us" Twillight said worriedly.

"Hey look over there!" yelled Rainbow Dash, pointing hoof at the white unicorn with a small cart.

"You are late. What did you take so long, Rarity?" The purple alicorn asked when the unicorn came closer

"I had to take some useful stuff," she answered.

"Alright, don't waste time. We have to go if we want to find a good place for the night,"Twillight said before looking at the sun, which slowly hid behind the horizon.

The group moved out together. Only Fluttershy was walking slowly behind them. Normally she would be fearful of this dark forest, but not this time. Now something was wrong. She affraid but not as much as normal. Something very strange felt as if it was trying to calm her down. Her ears almost caught a whispers from somehere “Come on. Come to me!”. What was that? Maybe Twillight knew the answer, but surely she has more interesting things to think about than Fluttershy’s problems. Suddenly, the whispers were gone.

Whatever it was, Fluttershy will find it.


The Six brave ponies moved through the bushes very slowly, as the sun hid behind the forest line and the skies began to turn into a black mass with shinning stars. When they came to a glade, the sunshine was gone. Thanks to the moonlight, Twilight and her friends set up a campfire, After that, they began looking at the sky. A thousand little dots were burning like a small candles lit by a little kid. Somewhere behind this wall of stars levitated a big, silver sphere. The moon. A lonely, grey planet in the ocean of stars. Fluttershy was looking at it, thinking: I’m like this moon. No matter how many stars are shining around me, I still feel lonely. But why? I have lovely friends, what do I need more? What am I looking for? She didn't know that someone was looking at her.


"Come on girls, we have a monster to hunt," Twilight said happilly once sunshine flooded the sleeping forest.

"Let me sleep. I need five hours of rest after a sleep," Rainbow Dash turned her backs and continue sleeping until Applejack kicked her strong enough to pushed her from the sleeping bag.

"Wa;e up ya lazy turtle," the earth pony said smiling friendly.

Meanwhile Fluttershy slowly and quietly got up from her sleeping bag.

"Hello,"she tried to greet her friends, but alas nopony heard her for she was too quiet.

After breakfast, the six ponies packed their sleeping bags and went deeper into the forest. A slow, cool wind moved softly the leaves, making the march pleasant. Soon the nature woke up. Squirrels were jumping from tree to tree, rabbits and deersate grass, a badger may be sneaking in some bushes, and birds were singing their beautiful song.

"Don't move," Twilight said suddenly.

The expedition freezed immediately.

"There is something right there," she pointed a hoof at something in bushes a few metres away.

Everypony started gazing as the bushes shook. A pair of red points appeared and stared at the ponies. Just like the bushes had got its own eyes. Suddenly, something came out from the bushes.

"W’at t’e hell is it?" asked Applejack when a mysterious figure stopped in front of them.

"Good morning," he said with a demonic smile. "Don't run away, unless you want to be eaten by my comrades," he added as wolves appeared out from nowhere.

"Who are you?" Twilight gulped while looking around.

The stranger looked like a pony wolf hybrid. Long dark hair covered his back with a strange tone of grey. His red eyes gazed calmly at the six ponies in front of him. They were terrified besides Fluttershy. Though the hybrid may appear scary, she could sense his good side. Somewhere in her heart, something was telling her that this hybrid wasn't a beast but somepony similar to her.

"I am Black Wolf - at your service," he smiled again, but now friendly.


"Sorry if I terrified you. It is a long time since I have seen a pony," said Wolf, as he brought the ponies to where his group made a provisional camp.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight was still a bit scared and she was keeping her distance.

"The same thing as you. We are hunting a Werewolf," answered wolf's leader.

"Werewolf?" Twilight made herself sure.

"Yes. Just I said," Wolf looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"But in books I’ve read, a Werewolf is a half human and half wolf, hybrid" she said.

Wild pony raised his hooves:

"My goodness... Who cares? If you want I will tell "subnormal wolf" or "very big monster"".

"You know? Maybe “Werewolf” isn't so bad." Twilight mused.

Ponies went into a provisional tent.

"If you want, you can stay here," said Wolf when the ponies went inside.

The structure was small, but it had a homey feel to it. Which helped ease the ponies a little.

"Hey, Wolf. Umm, can you tell us about your homeland?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

The hybrid gave a small smile before taking a seat near the entrance.

“ You really want to hear my story?" glanced at them.

"Eyup. Wolf-ponies aren’t so typical he’e." Applejack said, sitting near the wolf-pony.

He cleared his throat and glanced on them.

"Many years ago, our land called the “North Region” was split between many groups of wolves. There fought with each other for ages and the adjacent lands were invading “North Region” almost all the time. They were searching for something, but nobody knows what it was. Thousands died in this pointless war, which we call “White Fire”. However, one day a wolf called “Grand Hook”, decided to reunite his brothers and sisters to create one big country that could defeat the invaders, bringing us peace. It took many, many years. Firstly he had to fight with the biggest wolf clans. Grand Hook was young but he was also very intelligent and he defeated almost all of the biggest clans. Because of this, more wolves decided to join his pack. However, it was just a beginning. The more difficult task still laid ahead. He had to fight against two of the most dangerous wolf herd. The first one,“Red Tails” had the fastest hunters in all of the North Region. The second one “Thunder Eyes”, had the stronges. The new war has begun. Many years have passed, many lives have taken. Everybody began to think that this fight wouldn’t end. Suddenly, something started to change. Red Tails and Thunder Eyes began to loose. After only a few weeks, the rest of their soldiers retreated to their capital - the place we call “Misty Mountain”. Grand hook surrounded them and waited for their capture. Unfortunately, the Empire of Satinis formed and sent a giant army to take control over the North Region. Grand Hook had to do something quick, for he couldn't keep the siege since Satanis' army would flood the entire country. So he decided to launch an assault on the Mountain. The bastion fell, but something strange happened. Grand Hook has changed mentally.

"What happened to him?" Twilight asked, raising her hoof.

"He disappeared during the battle for many hours. Some wolves saw him moving to a tunnel that led inside Misty Mountain. They found him many kilometers away from the bastion. He was barely conscious. They took him to their camp. The leader was sleeping until the Satinities’ Army’s defeat. Grand Hook woke up yelling something in a strange language. “Monstry da li mom kaq” or something like that. After this he became a cold hearth and full of anger. Shouting and punishments became a normal thing in the herd. Many months later he was killed.”

“By whom?” Twilight look at him with a curious.

"In the night, when Grand Hook died, on of the guards saw a big black figure moving in shadows. Its eyes were red. Just like Werewolf’s.” Wolf narrowed his eyes and drifted them across the ponies.

“Why didn’t they chase him then?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“They did, but monster disappeared into the forest. Now, few hundred years later, the beast has shown again. And tried to kill one of the oldest wolves, but he ran away. The footsteps lead us here.” said Wolf.

“Why this beast want to kill an old wolf?” For Twilight this idea seemed pointless.

“Well, they aren’t just a typical old wolf. We call them “Ten Chosen ones”, but it is a very long story,” Wolf stood up.

“Wait. What did Grand Hook found during this battle?” Twilight suddenly got up.

“Nobody knows. I know many legends about this event. Some wolves say that he found a strange artifact, the others say that he reached an oracle. They have tried to find an answer in the tunnel, but it was destroyed so we can only guess.”

“The last question and I’ll let you go. Who did lead the herd when Grand Hook was out?” Rainbows Dash stood up.

“Of course one of his bests friends. Wolfrim,” Wolf looked at the pegasus. “But as I remember this issue was very complicated. I mean, Wolfrim indeed was leading them, but after a battle with Satinis’ Army wolves split up between him and the other Grand’s Hook friend: Daszkin. But this inside conflict is unknown for me. Of course, the herd became united again, when Grand Hook woke up. Left the wolves for a few hours only to find that they killed themselves. Wolves, wolves, wolves…,” Wolf smiled, while looking at the snorning wolves in front of the tent.

"Alright, it’s enough. We should go sleep. Tomorrow will be a hard day," The wolf-pony went toward the entry, when Pinkie Pie appeared in front of him.

"Can you talk with animals?" She asked him with curiosity and excitation in her bright eyes.

"Em... of course?" he answered a raised eyebrow.

Pinkie said nothing more but looked stealthily to the right. Wolf's eyes followed her and they stopped at the yellow pegasus sitting in the corner.

"Let me guess, you can talk with them too?" he smiled.

Fluttershy blushed and hid her face behind her hooves.

"Good night my comrades," Wolf went out from the tent, looking at Fluttershy with a mysterious smile.

Once he was far away, Rarity and Rainbow Dash came closer to Fluttershy.

"Uhuh! I think he like you,” Dash grinned.

"No... maybe… I don’t know!" Fluttershy replied, feeling rather uncomfortable. This is the last thing she would want to talk about.

"Not ‘maybe’ sweetheart. I saw how he was looking at you so don’t say it isn’t true,” Rarity pointed out, causing Fluttershy to take a few steps back, muttering to herself.

"Leave her alone." Twilight sighed while using her magic to pull the two ponies back.

"But we want..." The white unicorn tried explaining their intentions, but Twilight interrupted her.

"I don't care what you wanted. Fluttershy doesn't want to talk about it so don't push her."

"Yeah, Twil'ght is rig't." Applejack joined the purple alicorn's side and looked at her. Suddenly, something black flashed briefly in Twilight's eyes.

"Okay, okay. I'm really sorry Fluttershy. I didn't mean to scare you." Rarity apologized with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, me too," Rainbow Dash said, putting her hoof on Fluttershy’s. Yellow pegasus smiled to them.

"Much better. Now, let’s go to sleep" said Twilight and before laying down in her sleeping bag. as her friends followed suit.


Many similar days passed by as fast as arrow drowned in monotony: wake in the early morning, breakfast, get prepared for the hike, track the beast, return to camp in the late evening and then rest. While everyone else began to feel bored, only Fluttershy seemed unaffected.

Every day she discovers another part of Wolf's character. She was beginning to feel certain that Wolf is similar to her. Fluttershy more often or not, trying to find a method to become close to him. However, Fluttershy didn't know that Wolf was beginning to feel this way too. One day, she decided to convince herself to do something.


After another barren day, Wolf found a trail but sadly he lost it soon after. Seven ponies returned to camp exhausted and hungry. Luckily, some wolves hunted two big deer and Wolf soon found himself preparing the meat. After the meal, the ponies were sitting near the campfire until the moon rose. Then, everyone went to sleep. But only Wolf stayed up. He was sitting under a tree and looking at the stars in the black sky. His mind was overrun by thousands of thoughts-most about Fluttershy.

During these few days, he noticed something familiar in the yellow pegasus. He felt that he finally met someone who was as anxious as him. Many ponies rejected him because he chose freedom. But what is freedom in he's trapped in his herd? He received understanding and support only in his herd. He was free, but it just wasn't what he was looking for. However, the herd is what makes his life valuable, but how valuable is it without somepony who would love him. Not because he is the leader, but because of who he is. Then, once again, he thought about Fluttershy. The hybrid could feel that his spirit was lost between two worlds too. Between civilization and the wild.

But which is correct?

Suddenly, Wolf heard quiet clatter behind him. Someone or something was coming. Quickly, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The steps were becoming louder and louder. A supposed enemy was getting closer and closer. Wolf only needed a few seconds to kill, but he had to jump at the right time. Too early and he would miss his mark. Too late and the enemy would have a few second advantage.

Wait...wait...closer...just two more steps and-

Now! He yelled in his mind before jumping toward the mighty enemy. His fangs were just a few millimeters from the throat when suddenly,

jumped back.

"Fluttershy?" Wolf asked in a slightly higher pitch, "why aren't you asleep?"

"Um..ehm..I-I couldn't." Fluttershy replied shakily.

Fluttershy was paralyzed because of Wolf’s speed.

The hybrid sat back in his previous spot and drew a heavy sigh.

"Is there something wrong?" Fluttershy questioned while slowly getting closer.

Wolf was sitting in silence for a few second.

"I'm not sure." He said.

Fluttershy sat near him, gazing at his snout. Wolf raised his eyebrows when, he spotted a yellow hoof on his. But he soon began to calm down.

"I'm glad you're here," he exclaimed while taking a deep breath, "when you're close to me, I feel like my heart runs like stupid. I've never felt something like it, but it makes me happy. What is it?" He asked while looking at the pegasus.

"Wolf..." she murmured. The hybrid's gaze was mixed with confusion. Fluttershy couldn't collect her words, "'s love and-and I feel it too."

Love was such a simple word on a piece of paper. But experiencing it now, Wolf knew that it was something much more.

"I love you." they said simultaneously before blushing and hugging each other. Finally, two wild hearts found themselves. Someone could say that it was just an accident. Others would say that it was destiny that brought them together. Who knows? They were happy and that was the only thing that counted.


"Where is Fluttershy?!" Twillight shouting while pointing at an empty sleeping bag.

Everypony jumped out of their sleeping bags and began looking around.

“This is all your fault! She wouldn't have left if you two hadn't laughed at her!" The young alicorn raised her hoof at Rainbow Dash and Rarity's direction.

"But I said I was sorry!" Rarity shouted back.

“Ah found her,” suddenly Applejack exclaimed from outside. Everypony ran out from the tent and stopped, seeing her point at a small hill nearby, where two familiar silhouettes were sitting and hugging each other.

"Ha! I knew it!" Rarity exclaimed, clasping her forehooves together in glee.

So as the days past, it became a common sight to see Fluttershy and Wolf on top of the hill. However everything has changed one night when the best attacked.


As the sun began to sink after another unsuccessful day, the group was laboriously moving through the bushes.

Suddenly, Wolf freezed.

"I can feel something," he whispered before jumping into some bushes.

Rainbow Dash immediately went after him, but the hybrid was too quick and disappeared.

"Whoah, that was unexpected," Applejack said, standing with her forelegs raised.

"He disappeared like a ghost. I can’t see him at all" Rainbow Dash exclaimed before moving back. “how do we find him?”

"Only wolves can find his tracks. Let's go incase he needs help." Twilight informed before running in the camp's direction. Everypony followed except Fluttershy. Once her friend's silhouettes disappeared, she followed Wolf.

Fluttershy was jumping through another bushes, guided by an unknown force. Even when the sun hid behind the horizon and the forest dipped into the darkness- she didn’t slow down. Hours passed and soon Fluttershy felt that her body wouldn’t be able to continue the chase, she stopped near the tree lited by a moonlight. A sliver of silver light was moving through a dark clouds above the young pegasus.

Her breath quickened as she looked around. Her heart was beating so rapidly it felt like it was about to explode. Fluttershy moved slowly but soon froze, but not because of exhaustion. A strange darkly figure was standing just a few meters in front of her.

“Werewolf?” she thought while slowly getting closer. A huge black wolf stood with his back turned against her. It seemed that he was standing on his rear legs.

Fluttershy stopped near a tree which stood five meters from the monster. Was it possible that he hadn't heard her yet? She took a step backwards, unprepared for what was to come. Suddenly, a few seconds later, Werewolf immediately turned to the young pegasus and jumped. Before Fluttershy could respond, long, sharp fangs sank into her soft throat, making her unable to scream. Once the monster let her go, she stood up in shock. Her blue eyes gazed into his. Something very warm was slowly moving down her throat, chest, and ending at her forelegs.

The world in front of her began to spin and slowly disappeared into fog. She didn't know when she collapsed on the ground. Fluttershy could barely see something red in the grass. Coming to a realization, she noticed it was her own blood that was shining in the morning sunlight. Fluttershy barely rose her head and looked with glazed eyes once more at the beast. Her mind still not being able to process what just happened. Blood dripped from her chin as she tried to speak, but all she could do was cough.

"W-Wolf?" Fluttershy whimpered before laying her head on the grass. Her left foreleg limply moved before her body finally shut down.


When the world disappears in darkness and everything freezes, we then realize how brittle our life is. We think about all the mistakes we've made, what we could've done differently, or how we could have avoided our fate.

Fluttershy didn't feel the bite of death. A big injection of adrenalin anesthetized her to such an extent, that when a black curtain cloaked her eyes, she still wasn't sure if she was dead. However, the effect of this substance slowly disappeared, taking the remnants of Fluttershy's conscious with it.

In the underworld nothing in complicated. You lived, and now you're dead. There is no place for sentimentality. No pain, no feelings, no worries, no dreams, no memories.

However, even in the darkest abyss there was a small burst of light. The same that appeared in Fluttershy's subconscious. She kept running in the light's direction, but it wasn't getting any closer.

What was this light? Nobody knows for certain, but some say that it's a way back to the living. Others say that it's an entry to Paradise. For now, the origin of this light still remains a mystery to the living.


"Fluttershy!" Wolf shouted while sitting near the pegasus.

The sun was slowly moving out from the horizon.

"Fluttershy!" He cried out again, cradling her limp body. Staining his paws red with her blood. "No, it can't be true! No, please no." The hybrid cried into her chest. "P-please come back...I-I wouldn't..." his helpless cry turned into a soft whisper.

He grew silent. Shouting wouldn't bring her back. All Wolf could do was staring at her face. He felt like somebody should take out his heart and leave him in the desert. Were he could die a slow and painful death.

Suddenly, something began to move in the bushes.

"Where did you go? We've been looking for you for nine-" Twilight froze once she moved out of the bushes. "Fluttershy!?" The others appeared right behind her and momentarily froze.

"What happened?" Applejack asked once the group ran closer to Wolf.

He showed them his bloody fangs as the ponies sat next to him.

"What! Why?! What the hell have you done?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, getting ready to punch the wolfish pony. However his next words stopped her.

"I am the beast called Werewolf," Wolf explained as tears slowly ran down his face. "I didn't mean to do this. I thought she wasn't following me." Wolf placed a hoof on Fluttershy's face.

Twilight's eyes sparkled a little.

"There is a way to revive her but..." she began, but Wolf interrupted her.\

Tell me how! I am ready to pay any price," he gazed at her with hope.

"Someone… someone had to sacrifice themself,” Twilight finished, looking unsury at her friends.

The sillence hang in the air for a long moment. Life instead a death? It seems logic, but who would sacrifice himself?

"I'll do it." Everypony said together before looking at each other with a sad smile.

"No, you all stay here. I'll do it. This is the only way I can redeem myself for my actions." Wolf gently placed Fluttershy on the ground before standing up.

"Are you sure? You don't have to." Twilight said, but she knew that only a soul similar to Fluttershy's could work. And so far the closest seemed to be Wolf's.

"Yes I have to do this. She's dead because of me. Not you. So I have to do everything I can to bring her back." A flash of determination lit up his eyes.

Twilight nodded and a magical aura from her horn slowly surrounded Wolf and Fluttershy. A purple light flashed, blinding everypony.


The last thing Wolf remembered was a very bright, purple light. A few seconds later he woke up in complete darkness. Wolf wasn't sure if the spell worked, but he hoped it did.

He took in his surroundings and imminently spotted Fluttershy, who was sitting in a glowing circle just a few meters in front of him

"Fluttershy?" He whispered as he came closer.

The pegasus momentarily turned her head and jumped before giving him a hug.

"Wolf! I’m so glad you're here." Fluttershy said with relief.

"Yes, I'm here and I promise that I won't leave you anymore." He informed while returning her hug.

Fluttershy gazed up at him. He loved those blue eyes. Wolf noticed that she was trying to work up the courage to do something, but alas her shyness restrained her from doing so. Smiling, Wolf could only guess what she wanted to do.

"Do it." He whispered gently with a wide smile.

The yellow pegasus smiled back and they both plunged into a long, passionate kiss. So much so that they didn't notice they were levitating up to a white light that appeared above them.


Fluttershy moved her front hoof slowly and began to breath very shallow.

"It worked! Thank goodness." Twilight beamed after removing her hooves from her face.

Suddenly the pegasus raised her head, her breath becoming heavier. She looked around shakily with wide eyes.

"Welcome back Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash shouted while she and Rarity helped their friend to stand.

"Are you okay? You lost a lot of blood." Twilight asked, noticing how pale Fluttershy's face was.

"I'm okay, just a bit dizzy." Fluttershy replied. "Where's Wolf?" She questioned while looking around. The pegasus spotted his body laying in the grass nearby.

"He gave you his soul." Twilight explained as her eyes brimmed with tears. It was a very hard decision for her, and surly for Wolf too, but there was no other options.

The yellow pegasus moved to her lover's direction and sat near him. Soon Wolf's herd came out from the forest a few meters from her. One with grey eyes walked towards Twilight.

"Your leader is dead. He...he gave up his soul so our friend could live." The alicorn explained.

The wolf frowned as he looked at her. "I see." He replied.

"You can talk!?" Twilight asked with wide eyes.

"Yes? We can," wolf gazed at her, raising his eyelashes.

"Why didn’t you talk earlier?"

"Because it wasn't necessary?" He shrugged.

"So what now?" Twilight question, only to realize that the wolf had no idea what she was talking about. "I mean, your leader is dead, so what are you doing to do?"

"We will be here for a while, and later on we will probably go back home. Now excuse me while I tell the others what happened." The wolf informed before going back to his companions. Twilight tried moving towards Fluttershy, but suddenly Applejack appeared next to her.

"Hey, Twi? How did ya kn’w, t’at yer spell would work?" She asked.

"I didn't" Twilight replied quickly with a calm grace before trotting away.

Applejack stopped, utterly speechless.


Hmm, that wolf's magic is really strong. Though it is still dark magic, I'll still try to get some. But from where? I will just have to remember to not let it take control over me. That shouldn't be a problem and soon I'll have power I could've only dreamed of. Thought an alicorn while looking through a palace window.