> The Model's Secretary > by Dudeler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: "You're Hired!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Model’s Secretary Chapter 1: “You’re hired!” I swear, I feel like everything I’ve done up to this point is worth shit now. All of that hard work, the struggle, the treatment I’ve put up with, all for naught. Let me just explain some things to bring you up to speed. My name’s Ozzy Shore, but I’m okay with people calling me Oz. Caucasian, 5’11”, 23 years old, bluish green eye color, short black hair, glasses, and a community college graduate with a major in Liberal Studies. Eight months ago, news broke out throughout the world that portals have been popping up around planet Earth that linked to an entirely new world. People were afraid of going through it to see what was on the other side until the residents from the other world came to ours. They were certainly unique looking as they had certain equine like features like hooves for feet, and short muzzles; yet, still maintaining a body frame that were like a human’s, such as hands, torso, breasts, and all. They were known as ponies from their world, which was strange considering the only pony I know of were small horses on all fours while these were bipedal. These guys ranged from five feet being their lowest after finishing puberty, to a whopping seven and a half. What also stood out was that some had wings who can fly—the pegasi—while others had horns that could actually cast magic—the unicorns—and I mean real, fantasy type of magic unlike the one you see in magician shows from Las Vegas. The main rulers of their world, who were known as alicorns that have both wings and a horn, met up with the United Nations to make peace, have both of our worlds collaborate, provide resources, and exchange information on our cultural backgrounds with whatever advancements in technology we can trade. I’m not much of a guy that follows government and political progress, so I couldn’t get all the details, but our representatives decided to make a truce, and took the repercussions necessary to set up inter-dimensional traveling laws, and preparing forms that contained waivers and all other paperwork that we swore to follow the laws in the world of Equines—named Equius—and not bring any recreational drugs and weapons such as guns, explosives, and the works to their peaceful community. There were those who were still skeptical of the idea of sharing resources to these new species of intelligent life forms, especially the extreme followers of certain religions, and I practically laughed my head off from everything they knew up to then was wrong, and causing a huge riot over it. Of course, there were others that want to get there by illegal means with weapons, but our government was doing something right for once by holding tight enough security to not only prevent such people through, but kept track of any new portals that pop up for people to get through without signing any legal documents. It took our world six months to prepare for people who want to traverse to this new world, requiring those to sign applications on their backgrounds, criminal records, take drug tests, basically the process everyone goes through for getting a new job, but MUCH more strict and upscale. I was one of the many who’s eager to see what this new world has to offer, especially with all the crap I’ve put up with most of my life. It was time I move to a new environment with a clean slate, and see what’s there for me to offer. I was able to apply and get an office space type of job in the city of Canterlot with good pay according to Equestrian standards. I didn’t look for a place to stay at the time, because with the money I’ve saved up once converted to Equestrian currency, I would stay at a cheap hotel for a couple days until I find an apartment with payable rent. Two months later of signing papers, interviews with Equestrian officials, and getting my job application approved, I packed my essentials while selling a bunch of stuff I wanted to let go as I adjust to my new life style. All I had was my clothes, laptop, cell phone with new services paid, ipod, bathroom essentials, passport, a folder full of signed forms, certificates, and diplomas (plus another with copies just in case), and a guide book on Equestrian living. I had arrived with about fifty other people, and after almost losing my lunch from the trip, I went through a bunch of security and form confirmations, and checked in at the hotel I called ahead to unload my things. I then went to my new job place with the proper attire: a light blue, button up, long sleeved shirt with white vertical stripes, white tie, black khakis, and shined shoes, to meet my new coworkers before I got started the day after… And that’s when everything fell apart. “W-what do you mean your place is booked? I have the completed job confirmation right here, I SHOULD be able to work here,” I argued to the receptionist up front. She was a mare with a hot pink coat, pale orange mane tied in a bun, and a white long sleeve shirt. She was one of those with neither a horn, nor wings, and was called an Earth Pony. Strange they were called that since the world they’re on is called Equius. There was some history that explained why, but I haven’t gotten to know much about that yet. “I’m terribly sorry Mr. Shore, but it looks like you were one of the few that got in on accident due to one of our managers making a typo in the system,” the mare explained. “You aren’t the first who came here that got ‘accepted.’ We’ve actually filled up our staff just about a month ago.” “So… What am I supposed to do now?” I asked. “I came here knowing full well I had a job, and sold almost everything I had back on Earth to make a new living here. Isn’t there any way you guys could make some adjustments?” “I wish I could Mr. Shore, I really do, but I’m not in a position to hold such an authority,” she responded. “The director made sure that those who’ve got in on accident had their resumes spread out to other places in hopes someone would take them in. It was a few weeks ago he did that, but it won’t be until a month from now before we get any word of any job openings.” A MONTH?! I don’t have enough money in pocket to last me that long! This is great. This is just FUCKING great. I sighed in frustrated defeat while rubbing my eyes. “Alright, thank you miss,” I said. “I am really sorry Mr. Shore. I wish you the best of luck, and we’ll call you if we find anything,” she said before I nodded, and left the building. And so here I am in the present, sitting in one of the tables outside of a café nearby the office building while having some tea to calm my frustration and anxiety. I was so set and ready to start my new life, only to wound up at the bottom, JUST like my old way of living before I got here. Okay Ozzy, calm down. This isn’t the first time you’ve been between a rock and a hard place. So you never had a job in the first place, that’s life making a bitch out of you as usual, but you can’t just stop and quit here. Like the mindset you had back on Earth, if you want to live a good life, you’ll need to work for it. Right now, you just need to walk around Canterlot to find any places open for hiring with your resume, and hopefully make some progress before dinner. You’ll probably have to eat light in order to ration what money you have, but you’ve done this before, so it shouldn’t be TOO bad. Alright, let’s get busy. I’m not gonna wait a whole month hoping for a job offer when I can speed up the process myself. With my new goal in mind, I finished the rest of my tea, fixed my tie, and went back to my hotel room to pick up a copy of my resume that I luckily kept with me. After a trip to a copy print, I had a folder with copies of my resume to bring around, and leave my information to any businesses in case they were interested in hiring me. Things weren’t looking very good as there weren’t many places open for hiring, despite how big the city was, a huge chunk of property was owned by this country’s princesses. Hours later, though my pile of resumes shrunk, I STILL had no luck with finding a job in Canterlot. I went through about a third of the town, asking and leaving information to businesses that I had even a REMOTE interest in with no luck of at least getting an interview to see what I had to offer. I walked through the streets as the sky was starting to change colors from orange, to purple, to night blue, totally spent walking around the city through most of the day finding a job. I noticed some of the locals were giving me strange looks as I passed by, which I assumed would be normal considering I was a human, and at the moment, I was the equivalent of an alien creature. Besides the owners and employees of businesses I talked to, there weren’t very many, if not, no ponies in the city even making the slightest effort in talking to me, but I wasn’t bothered too much by it as my social status was the LEAST of my concerns. Ugh, what a day. If I go through the whole city without even a chance of getting a new job, I’ll probably have to move to another town to try my luck there. Think I’m gonna find some cheap food to eat for tonight, and I’ll try again the next morning— “LOOK OUT! I CAN’T STOP!” A male voice exclaimed that interrupted my thoughts. I turned to the source, and found that a stallion was in a runaway electric carriage, making poor efforts in trying to put on the breaks to stop the vehicle. Ponies were clearing out of the carriage’s way while I looked to the direction of where it was going. There was a mare frozen stiff in the middle of the street like a deer in headlights, and without a second thought, I dropped everything I had to sprint over to her. “WATCH OUT!” I yelled while I jumped and grabbed the mare in my arms, and moved her out of the way just before the carriage passed by us. I put in every effort to turn my body enough to where I landed on the ground first while I held the mare tightly in my arms as the carriage kept moving. As it was getting closer to a wall, the stallion jumped into the street in time before the vehicle rammed into an abrupt stop, practically exploding with splinters from the aftermath. I groaned in pain from landing on the ground so hard, but not so much due to the adrenaline that was running through my body. I panted harshly for air as I was trying to calm down from doing such a crazy stunt before I spoke. “Are you okay Miss?” “Ugh, I think I can manage dearie,” the mare said in a surprisingly fancy, yet exotic tone before she stood up, and I followed suit. As I rubbed out the stinging pain, and brushed off whatever dirt was on me, my eyes widened at the mare I saw before me. She was a snow white unicorn with large, pale purple eyes with matching eye shadow. Her mane and tail were two shades of pink that was barely distinguishable, and was well kempt despite the rough treatment earlier, with some of the ends of her locks split and curled up. She wore an aqua blue, silk dress that reached to her hooves, hugging her thin, yet curvy body frame with well-endowed breasts. She was actually about a half inch taller than me, and I noticed three flower-like symbols, two purple ones, and one big yellow one below them. She also had an expensive looking purse that matched her dress. “I’m terribly sorry about that Miss,” I apologized as she smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress. “I’d be a little gentler if I could.” “Think nothing of it dear,” she replied while waving a hand out front. “I should be thanking you for saving my life. If I may ask, you’re one of those humans from the other world are you?” “That’s me,” I answered. “I actually just got here today. I’ve read a little on your culture, but I’m still pretty new to this place myself.” “Well now, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Equestria,” she replied with a smile while holding her delicate looking hands. “My name is Fleur de Lis.” “Ozzy Shore, but you can call me Oz if you’d like,” I greeted as I shook her hand. “I simply MUST repay you for rescuing me from who knows WHAT could have happen to me,” Fleur said. “Is there anything I can do for you Ozzy?” “Oh, it’s no trouble Ms. De Lis,” I replied while waving my hands out front. “I just did what anybo—anyPONY, would do. You don’t really need to—“ GYUUUUUUUUM My stomach’s loud grumbling interrupted me, which had my face heating a little as I forgotten for a moment that I was getting some dinner before the road rage. “Ah haaa~, somepony’s a little hungry now aren’t we?” She asked with half-lidded eyes, and raised eyebrows, which made her more attractive from how seductive it looked with that small grin of hers. “Then allow me to treat a gentleco—gentleMAN such as yourself to dinner. It’s the least I could do,” she said as her horn and hand glowed an unusually pale purple aura that levitated my folder of resumes I dropped earlier, and brought it over to me. I was surprised that had just happened, but I tried not to dwell on it too much. “You’re too kind Ms. De Lis, but I’m not—“ “Ah bup bup! Not another word out of you young man,” she interrupted with a finger to my lips. “I’m treating you to dinner, and that’s final. Now if you’ll follow me, and please, call me Fleur,” she said before turning around, and I saw her horn glowed once more. One of her hands that she held up had the same kind around it as she moved her finger in a ‘come here’ motion. Unexpectedly, my tie rose up by itself with that same aura around it before it started tugging me towards Fleur’s direction as we walked. Okay, I guess I can now believe that magic in Equestria exists after seeing it firsthand, and apparently getting pulled by it as well. I must say though, Fleur certainly looks different compared to all the other ponies I’ve seen in Canterlot. Heck, when I tried moving her out of the way, she was actually lighter than what I had made her out to be. Either that, or I don’t know my own strength. Still, this mare’s certainly being generous towards a stranger like me, especially one that’s pretty much alien to her no less. She doesn’t need to go so far for me, but her pulling me along shows how persistent she can be. Then there’s her body frame… My god does she look incredible, especially the way she was walking, or perhaps I should say strutting as if showing off her beauty was natural to her. How her hips swayed while her tail moved along was also hypnotic to see… Wait a minute, what the heck am I thinking? Is it even right for me to see her this way? I mean Fleur’s pony kind certainly displays the same kind of intelligence as humans, but their genetics are waaaay different compared to ours if their equine features weren’t a dead giveaway. Would humans having those kinds of relationships with ponies in this world even be possible? “Is everything okay for you Ozzy?” Fleur asked, which snapped my attention back to reality. “You’ve been quiet for a bit since we started walking. You didn’t get hurt badly trying to save me earlier did you?” Her gaze as she looked back to me had concern and possibly guilt in her eyes, as if the pain I went through was partly her fault. How she folded her equine ears back behind her added into the expression as well, which I had to admit was kind of cute if she didn’t look so worried. “Oh no! I’m fine!” I exclaimed. “I’m just not used to a girl treating me to dinner. I’m not saying I have a problem with that, but it’s usually the guys who would treat the girls out back in my world. Are all mares in this world as forward as you?” “I would say for the most part, yes,” she replied. “Then again, mares outnumber stallions in this world seven to one, and though we tend to not get violent, you could say we can get pretty competitive in that kind of scenario.” Damn, and the ratio’s usually around 50/50 in my world. I guess the girls in this world tend to get more assertive at times like the guys back on Earth. “Anyway, we’re at the restaurant we’ll be dining for tonight,” Fleur continued as she gestured to the building beside us with a smile. The place certainly looked… High class. I certainly hope she doesn’t go overboard with the generosity. I mean one’s life can be priceless, sure, but I would treat them to some place that’s at least a little less fancy if I was in her position (especially with what little money I had on me at the moment). “Come along now Ozzy. I’m actually quite famished myself, and I could use something good after that carriage incident,” she insisted before she led the way, and I followed. We got up front to the host’s podium where they mark down reservations for those who called ahead of time. “Welcome to the Golden Crown, how may I… Why Ms. De Lis! What a pleasant surprise!” The brown colored stallion host exclaimed with a cheerful tone. “Good evening. I’m terribly sorry for coming in without calling ahead of time, but I just had a long day today, and I could use something special for tonight,” Fleur explained. “Not at all Ms. De Lis, not at all!” The host exclaimed. “We’re always welcome to have you here. Would you like the usual table for this evening?” He asked. “Yes please, for me and my new friend here,” she replied while gesturing to me. The host gave me a curious look while raising his eyebrow. “Erm… Of course Ms. De Lis. Right this way,” he said as he took two menus, and we followed him to Fleur’s favorite table apparently? When we got there though, I could see why. It was one of the tables outside of the restaurant, which gave a beautiful view of the city, plus the land that extended beyond the horizon. We took our seats across from each other as the host gave us the menus. “Somepony will be with you two shortly. Enjoy your evening,” he said before he walked off. Fleur looked through the menu as she thought about what to have for supper, while I sat there looking at her with a mixture of shock, confusion, and a tinge of anxiety. “So uh… They know you pretty well here huh?” I asked, trying to come up with some conversation to ease my tensions. “Oh yes. I know the pony who owns this restaurant, so the staff here knows how to treat me and my guests well,” she explained. I guess that can kind of explain how I didn’t get a rude comment from the host like ‘is that a hairless ape?’ Or something of the sort. Though I am kind of worried on how well known Fleur is around these parts. “Well aren’t you going to see what they have?” Fleur asked. “I understand you humans have a different diet compared to ours, but this place has a good variety that I’m sure you’ll find to your liking. And please, be free to order whatever you please. This is all on me tonight.” “You’re too kind Fleur. Thank you,” I said before I picked up the menu, and I could have sworn my eyes popped out of my sockets as I noticed the prices on some of the entrees. HOLY SHIT these selections are expensive! The money to pay for these would be enough to pay about a quarter of apartment rent for god’s sake! Does Fleur even KNOW what she’s doing?! “Um… I think I’ll just have the salad for tonight,” I said as I set my menu down. The salad I ordered was the cheapest thing on the menu. I didn’t care what she said, I am NOT gonna take advantage of her generosity. “Do they serve bread as well?” “Oh yes, the garlic bread here is to DIE for in Canterlot. You will not be dissatisfied, I promise you that,” Fleur responded. “Are you sure salad and bread is all that you’ll be having for tonight though Ozzy?” “Yep. I’m TOTALLY okay with that. I’m on a bit of a diet anyways,” I replied. Though it was a partial truth considering how I knew the locals don’t eat meat, and I’ve been wanting an incentive to eat healthier for a while, I was honestly fit enough that me going on a diet would be considered a lie. “Huh, well alright then,” she replied while shrugging her shoulders. “I actually like the salad here too, so I’ll be having that as well. Would you like some wine?” “That sounds nice, thanks, and you can choose whichever one you prefer,” I answered. I certainly hope she wasn’t on a diet if a salad is what she’ll be having. I mean she looks healthy enough, but lose a few more pounds and I would probably worry that she’d be anorexic. Soon a waitress came by with our garlic bread and glasses of water to start us off. Like the host earlier, she also gave me a questioning look, but probably didn’t comment because Fleur was in the same room. We made our orders before she left us be, and I tried the garlic bread dipped in olive oil they provided. Fleur giggled at my reaction to the god-like taste of the appetizer as I savored every bite afterwards. “So tell me a little about yourself Ozzy,” Fleur requested. “What brought you to visit Equestria?” “Well, I came here in hoping to start my life fresh, and live in a different environment compared to my world,” I explained. “Besides a place to rent, I thought I had everything set when I came here. I sold most of my belongings that I couldn’t bring here even if I tried, so I had plenty of money to spare for emergencies even after paying for the trip; I was a college graduate with a Bachelor’s in Liberal Studies, tuition all paid for thanks to the scholarships and grants I applied for; and at first I thought I had gotten a job at an office building here after they opened spots to hire humans. I signed the applications, and all other legal forms to be a resident in Equestria, and I thought I had my new job ready for me when I got here.” I sighed in frustration after remembering what happened earlier while rubbing my eyes behind my glasses, to which Fleur was confused at my sudden change of mood. “Turns out, me being hired into the system was a mistake according to the receptionist I talked to, along with other humans that came before me.” “Oh dear…” Fleur said. “Yeah,” I continued. “She said their director sent our resumes to other businesses for those who got in on accident so we wouldn’t feel completely screwed, pardon my language, but it won’t be until at least a month that I get ANY word from them, and I only have enough on me to last a couple weeks since I’m staying at a hotel in the meantime. So I spent the rest of the day going from place to place, finding any job openings while leaving my resumes with them in hopes that they’d contact me if they ever showed interest, and then I ran into you later on. Literally,” I laughed pitifully as I tried to make my situation not as much screwed up as it was then, but I couldn’t convince myself that things were going to get better any time soon. I ate some more of the god-blessed garlic bread after I finished, hoping I could eat my troubles away. A moment of silence passed between us besides the activity of the restaurant, and the crunchiness to the bread I ate before our waitress came back with a wine cooler and two glasses. It looked new as she popped the cork from the chilled bottle before she poured red wine into our glasses. “Your meals will be with you momentarily,” she said before she left us once more, and I took a sip of wine from my glass. “Is that folder you got there have those resumes you mentioned?” Fleur asked. “Yeah, though at this point I’m wondering if anyone in this city would even hire a human, no matter how good my background is,” I replied. “I don’t blame them though. I mean I’m a completely different species who thought magic never even existed until now, and I might as well be a hairless ape in a monkey suit. At least that’s as far as what I could interpret from all the stares that were on me throughout the day.” “… Do you mind if I take a look at one of them?” Fleur asked, which perked my attention with a raised eyebrow. “Uh… Sure, I suppose,” I said before I took out a copy from the folder I carried with me, and handed it over to Fleur. She looked over my resume with much attention that I honestly haven’t seen up until now. After a couple moments, she looked back up to me as she set my resume down on the table. “Tell me Ozzy, how do you like Equestria so far?” She asked with a small smile on her muzzle. “Well despite the stuff that happened today, I’m really liking it so far,” I answered as I looked outside to see most of Equestria’s land. “When I first stepped into this world, I had a feeling this place had loads of opportunities that I think I could never take a chance in back on Earth. Though I had assumed I had a job in hand, I just knew that whatever I would end up with here, I would do it much happier than I did back home. That’s pretty much all I want to do with my life: live happily, and work to maintain that happiness not only for myself, but perhaps with some new friends I come across here. If I did this for me, myself, and I, I just know I wouldn’t be feeling happy at the end, because I never shared it with anyone, er, anypony. I’ve worked hard to get to this point in my life, and I want to make the rest of it worth living for.” “Would you say you’ll work as hard in your new job here as you would back on Earth?” Fleur asked. I turned my attention back to her, and she was looking at me with a serious looking expression in her eyes while resting her arms on the table. “Of course I would, maybe much more,” I answered. “Jobs were hard to come by back on Earth, and with the state it was in when I left, I doubt that will change anytime soon. To me, having a job is a privilege, and I would do whatever I can to keep it in order to get around.” “Well said Ozzy, well said,” she praised before she took a sip of her wine with her lips curled in a small smile. “Well then, what would you say if I know somepony who could have just the kind of job you’re looking for?” I tried to keep myself calm after hearing that in hopes that I don’t look too desperate as I gazed into her large eyes with a serious expression. “If they’re willing to hire a human, then I’ll do whatever it takes,” I answered. “Who’s the pony I should be talking to?” “You’re looking at her,” she replied with half-lidded eyes and a smile. “Since you’re new to this world, it would make sense that you don’t know my own background, so allow me to introduce myself once more. My name is Fleur de Lis, and I make a living as a well-known model.” The wine I was drinking went into the wrong pipe as I gasped in shock, and looked away from Fleur while trying to cough out the alcohol in my lungs. After I regained my air, I turned back to her with that same expression she had on her face before. “A m-model?” I asked. “As in… Doing photo shoots to advertise products kind of modeling?” “That and others dearie,” she replied. “You see, I had to let go of my secretary recently because she wasn’t doing her job, and it was affecting my career in a negative way. My manager has helped me through some tough times, but she can only do so much by herself. So now I’m without a good secretary who could organize agendas, record appointments I need to attend, take letters, and whatever other projects and chores outside of my career that would cause me less stress to go through my photo shoots. “Now, after looking through your resume, AND taking into consideration how fast you came to my aide from that runaway carriage earlier, you may just have the qualities I need in a secretary to help me keep everything organized and structured. I’d like to offer you a chance to take that position, and help me get through my career as one of Equestria’s top models. Since I’d need you by my side throughout most of the time, I’ll be offering you the guest room my previous secretary used in my home to keep you close by. We can work out your starting pay, a proper interview, and how you’ll be doing your job with my manager once the three of us get together. So what do you say Mr. Shore? Would you be interested?” My jaw dropped to the table at what I was offered. Not only would I have a job, but I would have a new home, AND I would be working with a model. A MODEL, maybe a super one at that. I don’t know what the difference there was between them but who cares right now? Being a secretary for somepony like Fleur de Lis, who knows what my future has in store for me? “Fleur, it would be an honor and pleasure working for you as your new secretary,” I answered with a smile on my face. Fleur clapped happily in response. “Marvelous! Then let’s celebrate with a toast,” she said before she levitated the cooled bottle of wine, and poured more liquid into our glasses. She set the bottle back in the ice as we held up our glasses in the air with content smiles in our faces. “To a bright and happy future that lies ahead of us, and our time working together. Until we get everything with you settled, you’re officially hired as my new secretary.” We then clinked glasses, and took our drink. With an eagerness for a new chapter of my life to begin, the red wine that went down my throat couldn’t have tasted any better. > Chapter 2: "I get to live HERE?!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: “I get to live HERE?!” After we had our dinner, Fleur paid for the food with tip before we left the extravagant restaurant. It was dark now, despite the lights from street lamps and buildings that lit up the city. When I looked up, there weren’t very many stars in the sky, which made sense with the lights and all. Even so, it was a great evening, but that was probably because I was in a great mood after getting a job offer of being a famous model’s secretary. It felt like a dream, and for me being in a world full of pastel colored ponies that could fly and do magic just adds into how surreal this fantasy-like reality can be. “Have you checked in at a hotel yet?” Fleur asked, which snapped my attention back to full circle. “I have, yes,” I answered. “I have all my things over there, and I already paid for tonight’s stay.” “Well now, I do think it’s about time we check you out early then,” she said. “I’d like to get you settled into your new home, and show you around. I’ll give you the money owed to pay for your stay if we somehow can’t get you a refund.” “Oh Fleur, there’s no need for you to do that,” I said while waving my hands out front. “You’ve done so much for me already, a couple of bits lost doesn’t mean much for me. I don’t want to impose.” “How sweet, but it’s of no trouble Ozzy,” she replied. “If you really want to pay back the worth, you can do that as my new secretary. Taxiiii~!” She sang to the oncoming taxi carriage before it slowed down to a stop in front of the restaurant’s entrance. I took the initiative to open the door for my new boss to let her inside first. “After you Fleur.” “Why thank you,” she replied before stepping inside. I followed suit before I shut the door. It took a while to get back to the hotel, and gather my things from the room before I checked myself out. The hotel was nice enough to give me a refund, but it may have been because Fleur was with me. It was a good thing I didn’t bring much with me to Equestria, or I’d have a hard time lugging around all my things. After I loaded my case to the taxi carriage, we went on our way to Fleur’s home. “So do you have any ponies that keep your house and belongings clean while you’re gone?” I asked Fleur as we rode. “Indeed,” she responded. “My maids come by once a week, sometimes twice if I have guests coming over for something at the last minute. One thing I’m glad with humans coexisting with us ponies here is bringing their advanced technology to Equestria, especially cell phones and computers.” “You like those things huh?” I asked. “Oh yes, it makes communicating long distances and keeping schedules SO much easier and convenient,” she replied. “It’s also nice to have a place to keep all of my photos, but I still have the physical copies. I must say though, some of the things I’ve seen on the internet is… Questionable.” “Yeaaaah, the internet can have some strange and inappropriate things. That’s why there are settings to block content you don’t want to see,” I commented. “You can DO that?!” She gasped. “I can set it up for you if you’d like. I’m pretty good with computers.” “Please do so! I’ll leave a list of things I don’t want to see, and I’ll leave the rest up to you. That will be your first assignment as my secretary.” “I still need to go through the interview though right? Will that be with your manager?” I asked. “Is she staying with you as well?” “Yes, yes, and no,” Fleur answered. “She actually lives next door, and I do admit she tends to be… High strung. She and my old secretary bickered a lot, but that’s only because the latter didn’t do her job correctly. She’s nice once you get to know her though. She has always put me and my health first before my career, and I’m grateful for that.” Well that’s good to hear. It sounds like this manager knows what she’s doing, and not just exploiting Fleur’s looks for money like I expected most would do back on Earth. I swear, I feel part of the reason why some popular icons hit the ground so hard was because of how badly they worked with their managers. Some have made it big and became awesome people like Michael Buble (one of my favorite artists I might add), just letting their hard work and talents making them well known instead of going through some dramatic scandal, or getting divorced two to three months after marriage to grab all the attention like Kim Bitchface Kardashian. “Here we are Ms. De Lis,” the driver said, which snapped me out of my thoughts. Fleur reached into her purse to pay the bits needed for the ride before I stopped her. “Please, allow me,” I said as I took out the right currency to pay while she smiled. After I got out and grabbed my luggage, I looked at the building before me, and my jaw dropped to the street. “Sweet Mother of God,” was all I could say at that moment. Fleur de Lis’ home was like any home you’d expect a celebrity would stay in. It was a large, uniquely designed, amazing two-story building. It was painted the same color as Fleur’s fur, mane, and tail. The outside walls were white, while the two roofs that separated the two floors were in two barely distinct shades of pink. On the side, I could also see a swimming pool that lit up from the lights under water, while the surface was glimmering under the half-moon’s nightly rays in the night sky that was riddled with more stars compared to when I was in the main city. There were also a couple lounging chairs along the poolside, and a hot tub that was currently turned off. A fit of giggles snapped me out of my awe-induced trance before I turned to Fleur who was making them. “I hate to interrupt, but I’d like to get inside so I can show you around if you don’t mind,” she said. “Y-yes… Of course,” I replied before I gulped in nervousness, and followed her to the front door. Oh man… I’m not so sure about this anymore, and I haven’t even gotten inside yet. This all just seems too good to be true, and I can’t shake this feeling that something equally bad is going to happen anytime soon to balance out my atmosphere. Fleur unlocked the door before we went inside, and she flicked the lights on. What I saw in the room just left me speechless once more. The floors had a soft, purple carpeting that filled most of the floor, including the stairs that led to the upper level. After I took off my shoes and set them by the door, I went to what I assumed was the living room that had some comfortable leather chairs and matching couches that I’d probably be okay just sleeping in for the rest of my life. The floor changes to white tiles as the kitchen neighboring the living room was quite big to walk around. There was also a sliding door that led to the pool in the back, and along the walls were some expensive looking paintings. There was even a widescreen T.V. above the fire place, probably another one of the few things humanity gave to Equestria. On a lone, small table to the corner there were smaller, personal photos that had Fleur and another unicorn that had white fur like hers, a styled blue mane and mustache, and a monocle over his left eye. They looked close as some pictures portrayed them having a good time in different locations that looked very extravagant. “That stallion who’s with you in the photos… Is he your coltfriend?” I asked as I made a closer inspection on them. Fleur giggled in response before answering. “You’d be surprised how many times we’ve been mistaken for such. No, he’s actually my older brother named Fancy Pants. He’s the one who owns the restaurant we went to earlier.” Well that certainly explains a lot. Having the staff know a famous model being the sister of the owner would definitely give her special treatment. Makes sense for why none of them commented on me being there. I must have looked… Plain compared to her, if not completely strange considering I was a human. “He’s very nice, and we’re very close. I must introduce you to him soon,” Fleur continued. “He’s always welcome to meet new ponies who are new to around these parts. Like one time he made friends with a fashionista from Ponyville who is well acquainted with the Princess. I think her name was Rarity I believe.” Sounds like how the social network functions around here show’s one’s worth to the community, or popularity no less. I’m not sure what else Fancy Pants is known for besides owning a restaurant, but all I’m getting is this: If you want to get anywhere, brown nosing is the way to go… Huh, somehow there’s something here that’s not so different compared on Earth. “So what else is there in this house?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. “There’s the kitchen, a bathroom, and the dining room left on this floor,” she replied. “Let me take you upstairs to your room so you can settle your things,” “Of course,” I said before she led me upstairs, and I followed with my luggage in hand. The first room she led me to was my new bedroom. It was pretty empty except for the bed, desk, and chair inside. There was also a closet that had a decent space for those who don’t have a big wardrobe. “Once we have you on board, you’re welcome to decorate this room as you please,” Fleur said as I walked inside, and set my luggage against the wall. “If you’ll follow me to the other rooms please,” she requested, which I nodded before I followed her out. She showed me another bathroom that had a shower, and a workout room that had a treadmill, some dumbbells of different weights, a yoga mat, an exercise ball, and a stereo to play music. None of them looked dusty, so they must have been used regularly. “And now for the last room in this household: my room,” Fleur said before she opened the door, and I looked inside. I couldn’t find a word to describe the room, as there was so much to say about it. It was definitely the master bedroom, as it was the biggest room I’ve seen on this floor. Next to the nightstand with a decorative lamp, her queen size bed was almost regal-like with the purple, silk blankets that matched the carpeting, and stylish decoration pillows with insignias that were the same symbol as her cutie mark. There was also a desk and chair in her room, with a computer that looked to be still new since she bought it, and a bookshelf next to it that had a variety of books in different genres, magazines, and a few photo albums judging by their large size. She had a personal bathroom that was bigger than the one in the hallway, a walk in closet that had loads of stylish dresses, a drawer for what I assumed to be casual clothing, and a large window next to it with purple curtains. Finally, all the walls and ceiling were painted a shade of purple that was the same as Fleur’s eyes, which complimented the darker shade that made up the floor. “So that’s everything I have here in my home, and you may use anything within these boundaries to do as you wish within reason,” Fleur said with a smile. “What do you think Ozzy?” “It’s great. Fantastic even… And that’s what I’m worried about,” I replied. “What do you mean?” She asked with confusion and concern in her gesture. “I’ve wanted to live in a good home for a long time… Nothing too showy, fancy, or expensive, just a place with a roof that I could stay in while I go about my daily living,” I explained. “I wasn’t one who had high hopes or dreams to achieve back in my world. All I wanted was a stable lifestyle after all the work and effort I put myself through to get to this point. It’s what I had in mind when I came to Equestria, even in a city like Canterlot. When I came here, I was prepared to work my way into such a lifestyle, to live in a stable home after all the stress and struggle I’ve experienced. “This… It just seems too good to be true. I mean I understand you need a secretary close by to keep track of your busy daily schedule, but… I just don’t think I deserve to live in a place like this with you. Everything that I wouldn’t even DREAM of owning is right here, and I feel all of that just dropped right onto my lap out of nowhere. There’s a nagging voice in my head that there’s some sort of big catch in all of this, even after everything I’ve been through to get here that some would think they deserve such treatment… But I don’t. All of the things I have received as rewards, gifts, and possessions I bought before I got here, I saw them as privileges, with no expectations that things would get better than that.” I looked into Fleur’s enchanting purple eyes as I continued. “Fleur, I have never been given such luxury in my whole life like you have for me today. I just need to know… Why me? You could have anypony from this city, from this world that’s better suited to be your secretary, especially one that’s of the same species as yours who’ve known your work SO much more than me who had just got here today. The dinner was one thing despite how ridiculously expensive it was, but a job offer, AND a place to stay from one of Equestria’s top models such as yourself? I just can’t think that you’re doing all of this just because I saved your life today. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed some of the stares the locals in this city gave me, especially the host and the waitress at the restaurant, but they looked like they were wondering, pardon my language, ‘what the fuck is he even doing here?’ I had expected to receive such looks since I’m totally different compared to them, like I was some sort of weed in a patch of grass that doesn’t belong there. Even if I became your secretary, I’ll STILL be getting those looks just because of the fact that I’m human, and they may even question why you even let me tag along. “This may be because of how things worked back on my world, but I just got to know Fleur… Why are you doing all of this? What would you gain from all of this? What made you decide to hire what most ponies around here would describe me as a hairless ape?” Fleur stood there in silence with an attentive look even after drinking in everything I’ve explained. She looked to the side for a moment to think of a response before returning her gaze back to me. “Ozzy, would you please take a seat on my bed for a moment?” She asked. I was taken aback from such a request, but I nodded in response before I complied and sat on the edge of Fleur’s bed, which felt quite soft for me to sink myself into. She followed suit next to me, and unexpectedly took off my glasses before setting them on her nightstand. She then turned my gaze toward her eyes with my face between her delicate hands. For what felt like an hour, we just stared into each other’s eyes. I was getting lost in her amazing purple eyes while Fleur looked like she was looking for something inside my bluish-green ones. “When I first set my eyes on you, there was something about you that I found different compared to other ponies, despite you being a human,” Fleur explained. “Looking into them now without those glasses… I can see that there’s something about you that’s unique, something I’ve never seen from other ponies before, even if you WERE one of us as a species. I don’t know why, but I feel like I want to get to know you more, especially after you confessed your concerns to me,” she then pulled back and looked down to her floor as she tried to come up with more things to say. “As for what I might gain from this… While I do need a new secretary, I also need… A friend.” I raised an eyebrow at that last statement. “Um… Don’t you have plenty of friends here already? I would think with someone being a model, they would have quite a social network around them.” “But they’re only there because I AM a model,” she replied, to which I raised my eyebrow again. “What I mean is… They usually get acquainted with me because they want me to give a good word to the public such as their businesses and products. My manager’s the closest pony of a friend I have who cares for me, and get together from time to time on my off days. Of course there’s also my brother who I love dearly that I like to spend time with, but other than that, anypony else I get acquainted with don’t really make the time to get to know me, ask me how I’m doing, or just spend time with me when there’s not a big party or something to attend. Even my old secretary didn’t want to make the time as she only saw me as her boss, and would go off with her own friends.” “So… Has everything you’ve done so far been because you want to make friends with me?” I asked. “I mean yeah, I was in deep shit then, and I appreciate you doing all of this, but you didn’t need to do it if you were just wanting to make friends. During that low time I had, I think I actually NEEDED a friend to help me feel better. Even if you weren’t intending to help me out, it was nice that I was able to just talk about my troubles with someone, er, somepony. I rarely even did something like that back on Earth, as most people I know wouldn’t really want to hear about my day.” “I think I can understand why you would want to move here,” Fleur commented. “Excuse me for saying this, but your world doesn’t sound all that great.” “It’s no problem,” I replied with a wave. “Anyway, going back to making friends with you, whether you were a model or not, you’re the first pony I’ve met since I got here who even made me feel, well, welcome. I was going to ask later on if I could see you again and get to know you, but uh… I guess that won’t be an issue if I get this job.” Fleur looked at me with widened eyes from my comment. “You wanted to get to know me?” She asked. “Well, yeah,” I replied. “I was kind of hesitant at first, because even if I didn’t know you were a model when we met, you looked… Well, very beautiful compared to other ponies I’ve seen here, and I’m just, well… Plain. Not to mention an entirely different species.” “Ozzy, from what you did earlier, you’re anything BUT plain dearie,” Fleur said. “And I’ve actually been wanting to meet a human since I first heard about them. You’re actually the first I’ve met.” “I’m honored,” I replied. “So, even if my interview doesn’t work out, and I don’t end up being a good secretary… You think we can still be friends?” I asked as I held my hand out. Fleur looked down at my hand held out before glancing back to me. “… I should probably tell you, but we don’t shake hands for that around here,” she said, which left me kind of hurt for a moment before she hugged me. I sat there shocked and taken aback at the gesture. “We settle things with hugs, if that’s alright with you?” She asked. I let go of the tensions I didn’t know I had as I hugged her back with a small smile. “Yeah, I’d like that very much,” I replied. Funny… I don’t think I remember the last time I had hugged like this… It feels nice, and her fur is so soft, which makes this all the better. If this is normal in Equestria, I think I could get used to this. We savored the moment before fast doorbell rings and knocks snapped us back to reality. It sounded like whoever was at the front door, they were in quite a panic. Fleur looked at the time on a clock hanging against the wall, which told that it was 11:45. “Huh, I wonder who’d be here THIS late at night?” She asked before she got up, and left the room while I followed after I put my glasses on. When she got to the door, I stood from a distance to be sure that whoever was there they wouldn’t be surprised about a stranger in her home. She opened the door, and suddenly a light purple blur rushed inside and closed the door behind it before it stood in front of Fleur and quickly checked her body. Upon closer inspection, it was an earth pony mare with not only a light purple coat, but also a light blue mane that was tied in a bun. She wore big, round glasses with a white frame while wearing a blue business jacket and matching skirt with a black undershirt. “Fleur! Are you alright?! Any scratches?! Bruises?! How’s your mane?!” She asked quickly without giving Fleur time to answer. “Calm down Shiny, I’m perfectly fine,” Fleur responded. “What got you this riled up?” “The CARRIAGE incident Fleur! Your rescue is all over the news!” She replied before sprinting to the remote on the coffee table, and turning on the T.V. where the news popped up, showing a video footage of the scene where I saved Fleur from the carriage. “Earlier today, one of Equestria’s newly arrived humans have proven themselves to be more chivalrous than what we had expected, as a male heroically moved one Canterlot’s finest models, Fleur de Lis, out of the path of a runaway carriage that might have been the end of her career. We went to the driver who was trying to stop the carriage to get further details,” the newspony explained before a gray stallion with a driver’s uniform appeared. “The brakes broke down, and I couldn’t budge the emergency one until it broke off,” he explained. “I wouldn’t know WHAT I’d do if I had hit Ms. De Lis if it weren’t for that ape-looking thing that saved her.” “We couldn’t find the pair at the scene to answer more questions, but they were last seen having dinner at the Golden Crown,” the newspony continued. “When we get ahold of these two, we’ll catch the full scoop on what’s going on with these two individuals, and whether they’ll press charges on the carriage driver,” she finished before the purple pony turned off the T.V. “Why didn’t you press any charges on that pony for almost running you over?!” The mare asked. “You could have been killed!” “I had to treat my new friend to some dinner, I was actually getting hungry myself,” Fleur explained. “Anyway, it doesn’t seem like anypony else got hurt from that, so as long as it’s so, I’ll let it slide. I’m in a good mood tonight anyway.” “SERIOUSLY?!” “It’s the least I could do after he saved my life. Speaking of who, Ozzy, come on out of there and meet my manager,” Fleur requested. I peeked behind the wall to see the two mares, and the first thing that I saw was a deathly glare Fleur’s manager was giving me. … Uh oh. I am NOT liking where this is going. > Chapter 3: "Time to get busy." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: “Time to get Busy.” The high volume of Skillet’s “Awake and Alive” from my ipod attached alarm clock abruptly woke me up from my sleep. I groaned not only from the noise, but from how tired I still was. I struggled to put the music on snooze before I sat up, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes while I try to wake up. Once I properly turned the alarm off before it would start back up in another couple minutes, I checked the time, and it read 5:15 a.m. Ugh, so fucking early, and I only had about four to five hours of sleep last night. I shouldn’t complain though, because I set my alarm to this time for a reason. My conversation with Fleur’s manager last night prompted me to get up this early, not even taking another couple of minutes to sleep after it first went off. [Last Night, 12:00 a.m.] “So… YOU want to be Fleur de Lis’ new secretary huh?” The manager asked with a raised eyebrow as we were sitting in the living room. I was sitting upright and attentive next to Fleur on the couch, while her manager, who goes by Shining Star, or Shiny as Fleur would sometimes call her, sat across from us on a leather chair. “Yes,” I replied. I had to admit, the introductions were very tense when the three of us were in the room. I could tell when Fleur told Ms. Star how she offered me the job, she was NOT pleased by the news. My new friend tried to explain to her how she has seen me so far over the evening, and even gave her the copy of my resume to show my general information. It seemed to have caught Ms. Star's attention, but she was still not amused, especially considering how Fleur didn’t come to her first after all that had happened. She was reminded of how I saved Fleur’s life, and brought up the point on what would have happened if I wasn’t there. I just stood there and tried to look as professional as possible while Ms. Star scanned me. She just asked me and Fleur to have a seat, and there we were. As far as I knew, we were pretty much having the interview at that very moment, and I had to do my best to answer what I could without going off. Ms. Star took another look at my resume after she asked, making sure what she had read before was some kind of joke or something before looking back to me with a critical, yet deathly glare. “Why did you save Fleur in the first place?” She asked. “I just did the first thing that came to mind ma’am,” I answered. “I had no expectations of anything afterword besides whether she was okay.” I felt some rustling to the side of me, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it. “And you had NO idea who she even was?” “No ma’am.” “Why?” “I’ve been in Equestria for only a day, and besides looking into a little of your culture from the guidebook, I had no other resources on what the latest trends were here.” “Why did you come here?” “I thought it would be nice to live in a new environment different from my previous one.” “What were you planning to do here?” “Before I met Fleur? Live in a stable home with a good paying job, and make the most of what I had.” “I hear your kind eats meat as part of your diet. Are you planning on anything with us?” “SHINY! That is VERY rude and inappropriate to ask!” Fleur interjected. “It’s fine Fleur, I got this,” I said to Fleur while still looking at her manager with a small smile on my face to display my confidence. “While it is true that we eat meat, we also eat vegetables as well. We’re called omnivores back on my world. I understand some of your subspecies here are more predatory than others, and I assure you, I have no interest in eating pony meat. Personally, I was actually hoping to change to a healthier diet while staying here, getting the iron and protein I need from nuts, beans, eggs, and fish.” “Hmm…” She kept looking at me with a critical, yet skeptical expression before continuing. “What are your best traits as an employee?” “Organized, creative, friendly, and hard-working,” I answered. “Where do you see yourself ten years from now?” “Hopefully still living in Equestria as happy as I can be.” “What can you provide if we appointed you as our secretary?” “I’m good with Word, Excel, and Powerpoint on my laptop, so I can print off daily or weekly tasks and appointments Fleur would need to get to; I can record future events she would get called for; while living here, I can cook meals that would fit her diet; and most importantly while I make going through daily tasks easier for Fleur, I wish to get to know and make friends with her, and even you as well Ms. Star.” That seemed to get Shining’s attention as her eyes widened at my last statement, probably caught off guard that I was that forward in making friends with Fleur, and even her despite the skepticism. Personally, I was even surprised I was that forward, and I’m not sure that came out on its own, or it was something to get Ms. Star interested. Though I was still looking at the surprised employer, I could tell Fleur next to me smiled judging by a sudden sense of warmth that radiated from her. Shining took a moment to scan myself once more while mentally going over everything I had answered for her before she took one more look at my resume. “Well, it seems you show SOME promise from what I could see here,” she commented. “But before I make my final decision, I’d like you to go through an initiation, a probationary period if you will, starting tomorrow morning at 7:45.” “That sounds reasonable Ms. Star,” I answered. “I can manage that.” “Alright then.” She gets up, and fixed her glasses before looking at me with that same look of skepticism, and held out her hand. “I’ll explain the details of your first assignment tomorrow. Until then, I suggest you get much rest Mr. Shore… You’re going to need it.” “Will do Ms. Star, and thank you,” I replied as I stood up, and shook her hand. Her grip was strong as she kept staring at me, but I tried to even the odds with my own strength before she released the handshake. “Fleur, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good evening,” she bid as she walked to the door. “Yes… You too,” Fleur replied before Ms. Star opened the door, and practically slammed it behind her as she left. Not a moment too soon later, I collapsed back on the couch next to Fleur with an exasperated sigh. “She’s going to make road kill out of me. I’m sure of it,” I said. “I assure you, Shiny’s usually a better person than this,” Fleur said. “That question about you eating us was uncalled for though.” “Is she usually like this with your past secretaries?” I asked. “She was… More professional compared to what I’ve seen tonight,” she replied. “Now that I think about it, she wasn’t exactly fond of you humans coming to inhabit our world once she heard about it. Plus, she’s not exactly fond of stallions due to some of the staff members she came across making cat calls at me during my photo shoots, and my… Past experiences in romantic relationships.” “Great, and I’m pretty much the entire package in her eyes. That’s DEFINITELY reassuring,” I said. “Actually, you might have gained some of her attention,” she commented. “Because of her dislike in stallions, she’d pick mares over stallions to work with me on any given day. She’d give them a chance at the interview, sure, but she would hire a mare the following day.” Sheesh, I know some guys can be bad, but isn’t that kind of discriminating? Are there laws around here that don’t allow that? “You must have caught her off guard when you mentioned making friends with me and her,” she continued. “If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have given you a chance to get into an initiation.” “Well whatever she has to throw at me, I’m going to take it head on,” I said as I got up from the couch with a determined expression. “I’ll do whatever it takes to gain her approval. I’m not sure how good the job market is here, but I’m not going to let her demeanor get to me. I’ll make sure my work ethics will knock her… Well, I would say socks, but you ponies don’t usually wear them right? “Some places we don’t,” she replied after she giggled. “Most mares around here though would usually wear some slippers with stockings while they go out for the evening. Some of us wear socks indoors from time to time, especially during the winter seasons.” She then surprised me by hugging my side. “Try not to overdo it tomorrow alright? I know you’ll do great.” I smiled before returned the hug, my confidence rising a little from how Fleur trusts me from the sound of it. “I’ll try. Thank you Fleur.” [Present, 5:20 a.m.] And after a quick shower, clean up, and setting my alarm, I woke up here only a couple hours later. I know this is WAY early by my standards, but I need to make sure I give Ms. Star a good impression with however much time I have. I stretched and popped out my stiff bones after the sleep last night before I punched into my open palm. “Okay, let’s get started,” I said to myself before I started my morning routine. I began with a quick, yet clean shave without cutting my skin, as I’ll need to look my best like Fleur does in the modeling industry. After applying deodorant and brushing my teeth, I put on a different set of formal-casual attire than yesterday: a pale purple, vertically striped button up shirt, white tie, black slacks, socks, and shined shoes. I took some pomade to style and spike my short hair into a European Mohawk before I put on my watch, and saw that the time was 5:55. Alright, making good progress. I’ll start making a good, healthy breakfast so we’ll start the day with some good energy. I think omelets with coffee or tea sounds reasonable. With the plan in mind, I quietly went back to my room to grab my laptop with attachments in a case before I got downstairs without risking to wake Fleur. Three veggie omelets later, I set them on a cooking sheet, and put them in the oven with a ‘Keep Warm’ setting. I checked my watch, and it was 7:00 before the kettle on the stove started whistling from the scalding hot water. I didn’t find a coffee maker in the kitchen, so I assumed Fleur must have been a tea person. Good thing I like them more myself. I turned the stove off, and the whistle died down immediately before I went to the cupboards and got three mugs. A yawn caught me off guard before I turned, and saw Fleur in a pale purple bathrobe with cotton fluffs at the trimmings. She looked different without her make-up and groomed mane and tail, but that didn’t dwindle on how attractive she still looked. “Ozzy, when did you get up?” Fleur asked tiredly while rubbing her eyes. “About a quarter after five,” I answered, which seemed to wake her up in shock. “Just thought I make use of my time and get things started this morning. I got hot water ready for tea, and today’s breakfast special is veggie omelet.” I used a mitt to take the cooking sheet out of the oven, and placed two of the prepared omelets on separate plates before I put the third back inside, still keeping it warm for the third person to come by at any time. “Here you go Fleur, I hope it’s to your liking,” I said as I passed her a plate. She seemed to be surprised as she still kept staring at me before she looked at the food on her plate. “Um… Thank you,” she said before she prepared a mug of hot water to brew some tea. Fleur then grabbed a seat on one of the stools in front of the kitchen counter. It was big enough to make a small table, probably for some mornings when she didn’t have time to enjoy a bigger breakfast than what I had made, or when she wasn’t expecting any guests. She took a fork and knife to cut a piece of the omelet as I prepared my own by drizzling some ketchup on top while I waited for my own tea to brew in the mug. Fleur took a bite of hers, and after a moment of chewing her eyes widened in shock once more before she swallowed. “Goodness, this is very delicious,” she praised. “Thank you. I’m glad you liked it,” I replied with a smile before I started eating my own breakfast. We sat and ate quietly while we waited for Ms. Star to come around until around 7:40 when she came inside. She looked tired as I could see bags under her eyes, despite the glasses keeping them covered. Her attire was the same as yesterday, only more cleaned and pressed, which made me wonder if she had more than one set in her wardrobe. She looked towards the two of us with an unamused expression, but I gave the best smile I could muster under the circumstances. “Good morning Ms. Star,” I greeted as I got up and walked to the oven. “I took the liberty of preparing breakfast this morning. I hope veggie omelet is good with you?” I took out the cookie sheet, and turned off the oven. The omelet was still warm, which was good on my part as I set it on a plate. Ms. Star walked over and prepared her tea before I gave my plate to her. She had the look of skepticism like last night, but her tiredness made it look like it was hard for her to maintain it. She sat on a stool next to Fleur before she cut out a piece of the omelet, and tried a bite. Fleur had a hopeful look in her eyes as she watched her manager and friend. It was actually kind of cute at as they looked like she was expecting Ms. Star to have a shock on her face from the taste like she did. Ms. Star paused for a moment after she swallowed, her expression still looked tired, but that skepticism lessened a little as she turned to me. “I don’t like mushrooms, but it seems… Adequate enough,” Ms. Star said. Well, it’s better than nothing I suppose. I’ll have to make note on her dislike of mushrooms though. Ms. Star took a couple moments to eat her food while Fleur and I enjoyed our tea before she finished, and wiped her mouth. She then took out a small black notebook from inside her coat pocket, opened it up to a certain page, and fixed her glasses. “Alright, since we’re all here, I’ll discuss today’s schedule,” she said before I took a note pad and pen from my laptop case, prepared to take notes. “I’ve been getting numerous calls last night and this morning about the carriage incident yesterday, so the first thing we’ll be focusing on is heading to the news station to address the situation, and we can get all of that behind us.” That must be why she looked so tired this morning. Taking all those calls by herself must have been exhausting. Wonder if she even got to bed last night? “Next, we have a meeting at 10:30 in Maretoria’s Secret’s building to discuss Fleur’s involvement in this year’s summer swimsuit collection in their catalogue,” Ms. Star continued as I wrote down the major, general details in my notepad. “After lunch at 11:30, we have a photo shoot from 12:30 to 2:30 with Equestrian Eagle to pose for some of their summer collection products. From 3:15 to 5:30, we have another photo shoot with Mare de Fur’s Shampoo for advertising their newest fur cleaning product. Finally, we have Fancy Pants’ birthday party at 7:30 to the rest of the evening to mingle, take up future meetings, positions, and—“ “Shiny, I know what you’re trying to do, but this is my brother’s birthday we’re talking about here,” Fleur interrupted. “He’s coming back after his three day business meeting in Manehattan, and I want to not only spend time with him and not worry about work, but also introduce my new secretary here.” Wait, today’s Fancy Pants’ birthday? Talk about bad timing on my part. After all that’s happened with the carriage incident yesterday, I wondered why he hadn’t shown up after I heard about him. At least I know now though. Crap, and I bet his parties are all the rage in this city, and I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb. “Also, I’d like to help Ozzy pick a present for Fancy’s birthday since this is only his second day here, and I’m sure he’d like to bring something for the occasion. Isn’t that right Ozzy?” Fleur asked with half-lidded eyes, and a smile while looking towards me. And I need to get a present as well. I was going to ask that myself, but thanks for putting it out there Fleur. “Y-yes, I’ve only heard a little of Fleur’s brother, and he sounds like a great ma… A great stallion,” I corrected. “I’d like to meet him myself.” Ms. Star sighed while rubbing her eyes before jotting something down in her notebook. “Very well, and I suppose by the time we get there, the party will start to get good,” she said. “Since you’re SO new to Canterlot, let alone Equestria, here’s how things are going down: you will address Fleur as Ms. De Lis in public, you will record notes to important information that involves Ms. De Lis’ career, you will NOT speak until you’re addressed, you will NOT go off by yourself besides the bathroom—in which you let me know so I know where you are—you will act and look professionally, and you will NOT do ANYTHING that will embarrass Ms. De Lis, and ruin her standing as one of Equestria’s top models, or Celestia help me, I will wring your neck hard enough to pop your head off, and sell off your internal organs to black markets. I will decide by the end of today whether or not you’re fit to be Ms. De Lis’ secretary. Any questions Mr. Shore?” My whole body was trembling from hearing Ms. Star’s threat before I gulped. “U-um… C-can I ask questions about anything related to the appointments while I’m there Ms. Star?” I asked. “If it helps you not look and act like a complete foal, then be my guest,” she replied. Good, because I wasn’t sure what I would I need to do if I didn’t ask, yet not have freedom to speak. “Alright, if nothing else, Fleur, get yourself ready, Shore, clean up the breakfast, I’ll call our personal driver to come pick us up at 8:50. Chop chop, and let’s move!” Ms. Star exclaimed before she left the front door. I sighed a breath in defeat from the high tensions in the atmosphere. “I’m so dead,” I said hopelessly before something soft and warm wrapped around me. “Don’t worry sweetie, you did wonderful,” Fleur said. “It may not look like it, but though she doesn’t like mushrooms, I could tell she really liked your breakfast.” She probably knows her manager better than I do, because I barely saw ANY kind of change in her expression before she commented my cooking. “And her death threat?” I asked with a shake in my voice. “Probably still cranky from lack of sleep last night, but your case is better compared to what she said to guys in staff from other companies that hit on me.” What could be worse than popping my head off and selling my internal organs? Wait, I take that back, I don’t think I’d rather know. “And despite how she wants you to address me, remember that at the end of the day we’re still friends alright? I’ll help you getting into the loop on how things work in Canterlot as we go along the day, okay?” She asked with a warm, comforting smile which just melted my tensions and weight on my shoulders from looking at her. “Y-yeah, thank you Fleur, I really appreciate it,” I said with a small, yet nervous smile. “I’m going to get ready then. Be back soon~,” she sang before she walked upstairs to her room as I watched her. Man, somehow Fleur’s voice and friendly nature just calms me down a lot. Despite the hell I’ll probably go through, just knowing I could make her smile like she did back there just makes this worth it. I quickly got to clean the dishes and kitchen ware from breakfast before I looked through the notes I wrote that detailed the schedule Ms. Star addressed me. I looked up in thought as I took notice of this world’s similar implications to mine in equine form such as Maretoria’s Secret, and Equestrian Eagle. Just knowing we would be working with those groups and a company of a shampoo product today got me to think about what Fleur would be doing in all of those situations. Posing summer dresses and gowns in a beach-like setting, bikinis where the top would accent her soft, tender breasts, and how her bottoms might get cutely wedged between her cheeks under her tail, how she would wash herself under hot running water— WAIT! WHAT THE FUCK AM I EVEN THINKING ABOUT?! AND WHY ARE MY PANTS GETTING TIGHTER?! For fuck’s sake man, this is your boss, friend, and a PONY you’re thinking about here! Get those damn thoughts out of your head right now man! You shouldn’t even be THINKING about something like that with a friend you’ve just made! You are NOT going to let her godlike attractiveness disrupt your thoughts, and you are DEFINITELY NOT going to think about ANYTHING of the sort! I hit my forehead on the table repeatedly, trying to erase the images in my head, and replace them with pain. A voice from outside of the kitchen stopped me midway. “What are you DOING Mr. Shore?” Ms. Star asked before I turned to her. “Uh… Just psyching myself up ma’am,” I replied, to which she raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “May I ask something Ms. Star?” I asked, trying to change the topic. “Yes?” “The places we’re going for the photo shoots,” I said. “Should I be in another room while they’re taking pictures of Ms. De Lis? I’m sure she’ll be constantly changing clothes in a dressing room during Equestrian Eagle’s, but I mean she’s going to be… *ahem* Naked in Mare de Fur’s right?” “Well of COURSE she’s going to be naked in Mare de Fur’s photo shoot, models do that all the time, and I’m sure it’s the same way with you humans back on Earth,” she replied. “They’ll use the one pic that shows the least of Fleur’s private areas to post for their ads in magazines. As for you being in another room, that will be a no, because you need to write down any notes our case manager will say about any future appointments with their company and the like. Why? Do you have a problem with Fleur’s body?” “No no! It’s nothing like that at all!” I exclaimed while shaking my hands out front. “I just figured she would need the privacy, and thought the other male staff would leave as well.” Ms. Star sighed frustratingly while rubbing her eyes under her glasses before looking back up. “As much as I WANT to have only mares in the room, there are members on staff that work the best in handling equipment such as cameras, backdrops, and lighting, plus there's potential investors who might take interest in having Fleur on board for their own advertisements. Most of the time, they act professionally with nude mares in the room, but of course there’s one or two from time to time that would have some ideas in their perverted heads, and would even try something with the female clients. That reminds me, you BETTER not try anything with Fleur as well if you know what’s good for ya.” “I wouldn’t think any of it,” I replied. “I must say however, though you may be new to the modeling industry, you’re the first stallion, or man, I’ve seen who would take Fleur’s privacy into consideration. What’s your game Shore?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, Ms. De Lis is a friend of mine, and I thought friends usually put other people, or ponies, first before themselves. Is that not the case?” I asked. “I mean seeing how you devote so much time and effort to help with Ms. De Lis’ career, I’m sure you care for her a lot, and the two of you have gotten to be close friends correct? I kind of admire that in a pony.” Her eyes widened in shock with a very subtle hint of pink in her cheeks, and a twitch from one of her pony ears before she coughed and cleared her throat while looking to the side. “Y-you could say that, yes,” she answered. Huh, so she DOES have a soft spot under that cold, hard shell of hers. If I could even make Ms. Star blush, then I’m sure I can get through this okay. Plus she actually looks kind of cute like that. “Sorry for the wait!” A familiar voice exclaimed. Ms. Star and I looked up the stairs, and saw Fleur coming down in a white sun dress with violets embroidered on the side while its vines stretched and intertwined around the hem. She had her mane and tail fixed, wore the same colored eye shadow as yesterday, and eyelashes that didn’t stand out too much, but it was just enough to see she worked on it. She also had a violet purse, and matching slippers that clacks slightly as she walked. “Ready for the day!” Fleur exclaimed. “Wonderful, you look fabulous,” Ms. Star commented with the first smile I’ve seen from her, which I probably won’t be getting anytime soon. “Come on come on, chop chop, we haven’t got all day, and I’m sure it’s going to be a long one,” she said as she led Fleur out, and I grabbed my laptop case and notepad before I followed suit. This is it. My test of being Fleur de Lis’ secretary begins now. You’ve come this far Ozzy, and it’s time to tread onwards to the first day of my new future. Let’s do this thing. > Chapter 4: "These Ponies are Fucking Crazy." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: “These Ponies are Fucking Crazy.” When we got out front, the carriage we were about to ride on was certainly more fancy looking compared to the taxi ones I rode yesterday. It was white with gold framing, the wheels were shined enough to look brand new, and the inside had red velvet carpeting, seats, and curtains. The driver who was waiting patiently out front looked old, taking into consideration his silver-gray mustache, mane, and tail, yet he still had plenty of time to live judging by his sturdy body frame under his violet coat. Like drivers you see in limousines, he also had a blackish blue uniform with matching hat, and white gloves. The guide did mention how earth ponies are more physically fit compared to unicorns, and pegasi have a more lean body structure to allow them flight. Though I haven’t seen pegasi yet, looking at the driver’s and Ms. Star’s body frames at the time (even though the latter’s a little harder to tell with that business suit she was wearing), they certainly took the cake from the guide’s descriptions. “Good morning Ms. De Lis, Ms. Star, and… Whoever you are,” the driver greeted as we walked up to the carriage. “Silver Wheel, this is Ozzy Shore,” Fleur introduced. “A human that just came to Equestria yesterday, and our new secretary.” “Correction, he’s our secretary under initiation. We’ll see if he KEEPS his job at the end of the day,” Ms. Star corrected with a disinterested expression. “A pleasure to meet you Silver Wheel. You can call me Oz if you’d like,” I greeted while shaking his hand. “Pleasure to be acquainted Mr. Shore,” Silver Wheel replied. “I’m Ms. De Lis’ personal driver. If you need a ride, I’m at your service.” He then opened the door to the carriage. “So the news station is our first stop Ms. Star?” “Yes Silver Wheel, and posthaste if possible. We’re on a tight schedule today,” Ms. Star replied as she stepped inside first, followed by Fleur, and then myself with my laptop case before Silver Wheel closed the door. “Right away ma’am,” he replied before he got on the carriage, and we were on our way. You know I’m curious how these carriages are able to move. It didn’t look like there’s enough room to put in an engine, and there weren’t any horses pulling it either… Then again with just a hint of magic Fleur displayed yesterday, I think I’ll just let that explain for a lot of things here without thinking too much on it. As we were on our way to the station, Fleur took the opportunity to teach me a little about Canterlot’s culture, and showed some of the city’s main establishments that we passed by. There was Canterlot Castle, the city’s museum, the central fountain, and the park around it. It’s a wonder how all of this was intact on the side of a mountain of all places, but with everything made mostly of stone, it must be structurally sound. While Fleur and I talked, Ms. Star just sat there, still looking tired from all the calls she answered last night. Were all of those calls from other businesses about Fleur’s later appointments maybe? Actually, how DO they see Fleur anyway? If what she told me last night was true that they’ve only made ‘friends’ with her because of her occupation, do they see her as some sort of walking bag of money or something? Adding into how she had to… *ahem* Take photos in her birthday suit for some, I’m sure that not only those businesses, but the ponies who see those advertisements view her as some sort of sexual object as well… Is Fleur aware of this? In fact, what made her become a model in the first place? I’ll have to ask Fleur about this at some point when the two of us are able to talk in private. We arrived at the news station a couple minutes later, where there was surprisingly not much ponies in the vicinity. Huh, I thought at this point there’d be loads of ponies and paparazzi crowding around about Fleur. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. “Alright Mr. Shore, you might want to prepare yourself if you want to live,” Ms. Star warned. “Things are going to get chaotic, and we’ll need to keep Ms. De Lis away from harm at all costs.” “But there aren’t many ponies out here. Things couldn’t go bad THAT quickly around here could they?” I asked. “Oh you naïve little foal,” she replied while patting my head like I was some sort of child. “You’ll see for yourself how wrong you can possibly be soon enough. Now, you step out first, I’ll go next, and once Ms. De Lis goes last, cover her fast, and clear a path for her until security arrives. We go on a count to three. Ready?” Fleur nodded with determination, and I shrugged in response. “Alright… One… Two… Three!” I quickly opened the door at ‘three,’ and leapt out of the carriage with my things in hand. Ms. Star followed suit, and as soon as Fleur stepped out… “LOOK! IT’S FLEUR DE LIS!” “AND THAT MONKEY FROM THE NEWS!” “Come on! Let’s move move move!” Ms. Star exclaimed before she and I had our backs towards Fleur, and we shuffled to the news station entrance. My eyes widened in horror for what was coming towards us. A mob of ponies big and small, young and old, and some holding expensive looking cameras were rushing to us almost screaming and yelling sentences that I could barely even make out. “MS. DE LIS! DID YOU RECEIVE ANY INJURIES FROM THE CARRIAGE INCIDENT?!” “ARE YOU GOING TO PRESS CHARGES ON THE TAXI SERVICES?!” “WHO’S THAT HAIRLESS APE WITH YOU?! IS THAT REALLY A HUMAN?!” “I LOVE YOU FLEUR!” The mob was surrounding us from all sides, and getting into my personal space. The yelling and screaming was hurting my ears as all I could make out at that point was a high pitched noise, and muffled noise. I tried not to let it get to me as Ms. Star and I pushed our way through the crowd with Fleur between us before security poured out from the building, and cleared a path for us. It was as if they made a pony wall that separated us from the crowd before the three of us rushed inside, and we panted for air as my hearing was slowly coming back to me. “Are you okay? Ms. De Lis?” I asked between breaths, taking account what Ms. Star said to me about addressing Fleur as such in public. “I’m fine, thank you,” she sighed. “I’m impressed. That’s probably the biggest we had before, and you handled it quite well,” Ms. Star commented as she fixed her suit, mane, and tail. “Do mobs like that happen often?” I asked as I fixed my shirt, tie, and hair. “Compared to what we just went through? We probably handle 80 to 90 percent of that from big events and some scandals,” she approximated. “Think you can still be Ms. De Lis’ secretary after all of that?” “I’ve been through worse. I think I can handle something like this,” I replied with a confident smirk. It’s true that I’ve been through worse cases back on Earth. What I’ve just experienced was being shoved, pushed, and touched in places that were out of my comfort zone. That’s almost being touched by butterflies compared to what happened on Earth, but I’d rather not go into detail on that right now. “Ah, Fleur De Lis and Shining Star! So glad you can finally make it,” a mare’s voice greeted. I turned to the source, and it was a pale light green unicorn with a blue mane, plus cyan and white streaks styled to make it bounce as she walked. She wore a light green coat that matched her fur, and a white shirt underneath, with a few of her buttons from the neck down to give her large mounds some air. Despite the get up with matching skirt, her figure was more voluptuous and curvy compared to Fleur. “I apologize for our security coming in so late. It was kind of a last-minute appointment considering we’re covering Fleur’s incident yesterday.” “It’s quite alright Chitchat,” Ms. Star replied while fixing her glasses. “It’s been a hectic time for all of us.” “And… Who or what do we have here?” Chitchat asked while glancing towards me. “This is the human who saved me from the runaway carriage yesterday,” Fleur answered. “He’ll be with me in the broadcast today to explain the details.” Wait… I get to be on T.V.? Fuck, how did I not see this coming? I’m not good with making public appearances, heck, I’ve never even MADE a public appearance before in my life. “Um… I’m Ozzy Shore… You can call me Oz,” I introduced while shakily holding my hand up. “So you’re one of those humans I’ve heard about? A pleasure,” she replied while shaking my hand. “The name’s Chitchat. I’m the director of this news station. Now we’ve got a half hour before we cover your story. Let me get you three to the broadcasting room, and we have refreshments and chairs available for you three before you go live. Right this way please,” she requested before she took the lead, and the three of us followed. With Fleur between me and Ms. Star, I took the initiative to ask the former about my concerns. “Fleur, are you sure I have to be in the broadcast?” I whispered. “Well of course. Why do you ask?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “I just think I’m not all that interesting to talk about,” I explained. “I mean this story’s more about you really, plus… I’ve never made a public appearance like this before, and I’m kind of nervous to make you look bad.” “Just relax a little dearie. All you have to do is answer questions the news anchors ask you, and you’ll do fine. Plus I’ll be right by your side throughout the session, so now it’s my turn to cover your back like you did mine on our way here. Okay?” She asked with a calming smile. There it is again. The moment she gives me that look, it’s like all my worries were lifted off my shoulders, a little if not all at least. I can tell that she not only trusts me as her secretary, but as her friend as well that I can do this. I can’t let her down on both cases. I closed my eyes, and took a moment to breathe deeply to calm myself down. Once I gained focus, I fixed my glasses, and looked back at Fleur with a determined expression. “Alright. Thanks for that Fleur. I’ll do my best,” I said, and she nodded in response. After a few drinks of water, a trip to the bathroom, and making sure I wasn’t sweating like a pig, Fleur and I sat next to each other on a couch that was across from the two news anchors with a table in between us. The four of us were in a set of the broadcasting room, which looked like to be a place where special guests come in to talk to the anchor ponies about whatever topics that were discussed. Ms. Star was sitting in one of the chairs outside of the set with my things leaning against it. Though it was slightly comforting that whatever’s outside of the set was darkened enough for me not to see many of the staff there, I could tell my manager was glaring at me that said ‘Mess this up, and you’ll wish getting fired was the worst thing that happened to you.’ Then there was the cameras aiming at us, recording live footage that the hundreds… Thousands… However many ponies total in Canterlot, maybe in Equestria as a whole will be watching. “Good luck,” Fleur whispered to me, which I took the initiative to release whatever tensions in my body, trying not to mind how loud the popping of bones echoed on the set, before I relaxed on the seat, and took another sip of water that was on the table in front of me. “Quiet on the set!” The camera pony exclaimed. “Going live in five. Four. Three. Two…” “Welcome to today’s segment in ‘What is up?’ I’m Mic Talk,” the yellow unicorn stallion with a gelled, mint green mane greeted first. “And I’m News Flash,” the pale orange unicorn mare with a curly, milk chocolate mane added in. “We have some special guests today to discuss about yesterday’s runaway carriage incident where a certain supermodel was saved from becoming road kill by one of the first human settlers that arrived in Equestria. Please welcome Ms. Fleur de Lis, and Mr. Ozzy Shore,” Mic Talk introduced. “Fleur, Ozzy, it’s a pleasure to have you with us here today,” News Flash. “A pleasure to be here News Flash,” Fleur responded. “Likewise,” I added in with a slight shake in my voice. “So Fleur, from what the witnesses have explained, while the taxi driver was yelling everypony to move, you stood there frozen in the carriage’s path before Ozzy tackled you out of harm’s way. What were you doing there yesterday, and what is up with the dramatic save?” News Flash asked. Come to think of it, what was Fleur even doing out in public like that in the first place? And how come Ms. Star wasn’t around the scene as well? “Well before the incident, I was enjoying my day off watching the Canterlot Symphony while my manager was spending hers at the spa I treated her to,” Fleur explained. “During the intermission… I stumbled across Solar Flare.” I noticed her expression changed from calm and collected, to looking irritated and… Sadness? At the corner of my eye, Ms. Star’s expression went from shock, to what was probably the fiercest look I’ve ever seen from her yet. She seemed to tremble in her seat with anger while snapping a pencil she was using to write down notes in her little book, which had some of the news staff stepping away from her slightly. Whoa, who the heck is Solar Flare, and what did he do that got these two in such a sour mood? “That must have been awkward,” Mic Talk commented. “How long has it been since you two broke up?” “Five and a half years I believe,” Fleur answered. “Though I’m surprised he’s even out in public today. I thought I wouldn’t see him around again longer than that. Turns out he was let out for ‘good behavior’ just last week.” Okay, I’m guessing this Solar Flare is Fleur’s ex-coltfriend? And somehow he got into prison? Sheesh, I’d hate to be that guy right now. “Anyway,” Fleur continued. “He had the gall to ask if we would hook up again, and I was so furious, I smacked him across his muzzle before I left the theatre, not willing to stay for the rest of the concert that took place. I… Wasn’t in the best of moods after that, and so I went to the nearest club to catch a few drinks to calm down. “I’ll admit, I may have been slightly impaired while I walked out and decided to take a stroll. My reaction was kind of slow in my condition at the time, which may have been why I didn’t move out of the way so quickly when that taxi driver yelled everypony to move. The next thing I knew, I was in Ozzy’s arms who was under me, and the tackle pretty much sobered me up a little.” “Ozzy, were you aware Fleur was in such a condition when you saved her?” News Flash asked. “… No. I didn’t,” I replied as I looked toward her. “I didn’t even know who Ms. De Lis was when I saved her either. When I saw how she wasn’t moving a muscle away from the carriage’s path, I dropped everything I had to rush over and move her out of the way. I’d be gentler if I could, but I instinctively made the fall where I hit the ground first so she wouldn’t get any scrapes or bruises.” “So what did you two do after that if you weren’t at the scene of the incident?” Mic Talk asked. “… I got hungry, and Ms. De Lis treated me to dinner as her way of saying thanks.” I blushed a little from explaining that, and it got the anchor ponies and Fleur laughing. Some of the ponies on staff tried to stifle their chuckles, and surprisingly even Ms. Star who just looked to the side with her hand covering her muzzle. “So Ozzy, when did you realize you were having dinner with one of the top supermodels in Equestria?” News Flash asked with a smile. “Like I said, I had no idea who Ms. De Lis was, or what she did for a living up until around dinner,” I answered. “I kept on telling her that she didn’t need to do something like that for thanking me, especially if I knew she was taking me to some place like the Golden Crown to have supper, but she insisted on treating me. Speaking of which, have you seen the prices they have on that menu over there? No offense, but if that was converted to currency back on my world, their ‘Eggplant Casserole Flambe’ would be a week and a half’s worth of my paycheck on minimum wage.” That got the anchor ponies to chuckle more, and the news staff off set were laughing along as well. “So true Ozzy, so true,” Mic Talk said. “So what’s next for you two then?” News Flash asked. “Well when I met Ozzy, it turns out he was without a job, and he had only been in Canterlot, let alone Equestria for one day,” Fleur explained. “So after telling him I was a model, I offered him to be my new secretary after looking over his resume. And here he is under initiation.” “My word! So this is your only second day here in Equestria?” News Flash asked. “Let alone the first day being Fleur de Lis’ secretary?” Mic Talk added in. “You got it,” I answered. “And I couldn’t be more thankful to Ms. De Lis for giving me this opportunity. I won’t let her down, and I hope we can make good friends along the way,” I finished with a smile. “Well I think I speak for all of us here in the Canterlot News staff that we wish you the best of luck, and a big welcome to Equestria Ozzy Shore. Thank you for joining us here today you two,” News Flash said with a small smile “It’s been great being here News Flash,” Fleur replied with a smile. “Ditto,” I added in with a smile of my own. “Well that’s it for today’s ‘What is up?’ with Fleur De Lis, and Ozzy Shore,” Mic Talk said while he and News Flash turned to the camera. “Stay tuned, and we’ll be with Chef Ravioli who will show how you can make a pesto linguine that will send your taste buds to heaven. We’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.” “Aaaaaand we’re clear!” The camera pony exclaimed before a bell rang. Once that ran off, Fleur and I were barraged with the news staff. It was unusual for me considering it was only yesterday that not only was I ignored, but possibly avoided because I was a human. Then there’s what’s happening right now where everypony was shaking my hand, saying hi, and asking me questions that I had a hard time keeping track of. “Thank you, you’re all too kind, I’d love to stay and chat, but we must be on our way for our next appointment,” I said to the staff as Fleur and I backed off from the group, with the help of Ms. Star separating us from the crowd while handing me my laptop case. “Alright everypony! Back up! You heard the man, we have to get going!” She exclaimed before she pulled the two of us out of the studio. We stopped midway where Chitchat stood with a small smile on her face. “Chitchat, thank you for having us over, you have my number if you want to see us correct?” “Of course. Thank you for stopping by, and welcome to Equestria Ozzy,” she greeted. “Thanks. We’ll see you later I guess,” I bid before Ms. Star pulled us along once more to the front desk. She took out her phone, dialed a number, and set it over her ear. “Silver Wheel? Yeah we’re ready to go. Meet us out front where you drop us off, and we’re heading to Maretoria’s Secret’s complex next. Prepare to disembark immediately.” She put her cell phone back in her pocket before turning to us, more particularly to Fleur with a concerned expression. “Fleur… About what happened yesterday...” “I’ll tell you more about it later Shiny,” she responded. “And you don’t have to tell me about what happened with… Well you know who, right away Ms. De Lis,” I commented, which had the two of them turning to me in shock. “I may not know the details, but I can only gather it’s something personal that he’s not worth mentioning at this time. I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anything that’s bothering you at your own pace.” “Thank you Ozzy. I appreciate that,” Fleur replied with a small smile. “Well I must say Mr. Shore, you’ve been doing adequately so far, but don’t let your guard down just yet,” Ms. Star critiqued. “I’ve been getting e-mails popping up from other businesses asking for Fleur’s appearance in their future advertisements after that broadcast. You being her secretary may be going around news for a while, giving her more recognition than what I had expected, but I still got the final say on whether or not you keep your job at the end of the day, no matter what the outcome. So you better not be slacking throughout the rest of the day.” “Of course Ms. Star,” I replied with a nod. Soon Silver Wheel came by with our ride, which was behind hundreds of ponies that were crowding in front of the door. The security outside was making great, but almost futile effort just blocking their way inside. “Alright, looks like we’re in for round two. You better prepare yourself Mr. Shore,” Ms. Star warned while fixing her glasses. “Please. I’ve seen worse in Metal concerts back on Earth,” I scoffed while fixing my own glasses, showing a confident smirk. “I say bring it on.” “I’m counting on you two,” Fleur commented with a smile. “SECURITY! PREPARE TO MAKE WAY!” Ms. Star exclaimed, which security bunched close together up front. “ON THE COUNT OF THREE! ONE!” “TWO!” I exclaimed. “THREE!” Fleur finished before we rushed out, and plowed our way through the screaming crowd. “MS. DE LIS! WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO HIRE A HUMAN AS YOUR SECRETARY?!” “MR. SHORE! WHAT’S IT LIKE WORKING WITH MS. DE LIS?!” “DO YOU HAVE ANY HAIR ON YOU BESIDES WHAT’S ON YOUR HEAD MR. SHORE?!” “AGK! MY LEG!” More loud, irrational questions spurred through the air as security cleared a small path for the three of us. Once we got to the carriage, I opened the door, and let Fleur and Ms. Star inside first before I jumped in, and shut the door. “PUNCH IT SILVER!” Ms. Star screamed before Silver Wheel complied, and the carriage dashed off of the news station’s property as we were on our way to our next destination. > Chapter 5: "Does the job usually come with this much drama?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: “Does the job usually come with this much drama?” [10:15 a.m.] As we were heading to our meeting with Maretoria’s Secret, I took the opportunity to type notes in a word document to keep track of how much time was spent on each appointment on the agenda; what businesses Ms. Star want me to keep tab on to set up such appointments; and finally organizing the future appointments that’s in the next couple of days. Basically writing a lot of notes about appointments in general. I typed some personal notes on setting up an agenda in an excel file to keep track of schedules in the future. I’ve also took note on a separate document about what I’ve learned about Fleur and Ms. Star that I could either talk about some more, seek more information on, or avoid altogether until they’re ready to speak. Like who the heck Solar Flare was, and what was his history with the girls. Now that I think about it, would they have some sort of Wikipedia or page about Solar Flare now that Equestria has technology? I COULD look him up for myself to see what the fuss was about, but then again, this is personal territory for both Fleur, AND Ms. Star, considering how furious she looked back at the news broadcast. Plus when you think about it, doing something like that would be like stalking your ‘friends’’ pages on Facebook. I swear, I’ve given up my account on that so long ago when I realized how pointless it was. I’ve also realized that though the internet makes things more convenient, it kind of lowers the value of conversation and meaningfulness to personal topics compared to talking to them face to face. Plus, some people can be so dumb on what they put up on the web these days. It’s a wonder how our species even survived for this long with such intelligence. “Here we are,” Ms. Star said, interrupting my train of thought. I looked out the window, and saw the large building complex before us. If I had to guess what goes on in a couple parts of this establishment, I’m sure that each of them holds a different kind of process that goes on before they sell the product. Like one part works on the designs; another would create and fit them on volunteers or mannequins; then there’s taking the photos to showcase and advertise the product; and finally making copies in different sizes before they ship them to chain stores to sell. As I was thinking all of this through, I just realized the elephant that was in the room. I’m going to be surrounded by different types of lingerie… Alright, try not to overreact, and think rationally by counting down a list. One, you have two mares with you. As long as you’re not by yourself in these kinds of businesses, unless you’re one of those WORKING in such a place, you won’t be branded as a creeper or a pervert. Two, you’re only there to record notes during the meeting discussing about swimsuits. Last I checked, swimsuits aren’t NEARLY as bad as undergarments or lingerie depending on the setting... Uh… What else is there? “Ozzy? Are you doing alright?” Fleur asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. “I’m… Fine… Mind cloudy,” I replied like some slow thinking idiot. “Well hurry on up Mr. Shore. We don’t have all day,” Ms. Star said before taking the lead. “R-right…” I replied as I got my things, and I followed with Fleur at my side. [1 hour later, 11:30 a.m.] “Mr. Shore, while I’m sort of glad you were able to keep track of the important notes, recorded our photo shoot with them at a later date, and not do something stupid, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stallion in a more pathetic state than what you’re in right now,” Ms. Star insulted while rubbing the eyes under her glasses. The three of us were back in Fleur's home where I offered to make sandwiches for lunch after the meeting with Maretoria’s Secret. True to Ms. Star’s word, I had to clean myself and change clothes when we got back, because I looked like someone dumped water on me a while ago, as my hair, face, hands, and pits were covered in dry, icky sweat due to how anxious I was inside the building. I had a box of tissues one of the staff generously gave me to try and wipe myself off, but the dryness only lasted for so long before things got wet again. I think I might have used about half a box’s worth before we finally left. “I’m kind of amazed how you were still able to write such legible notes despite your condition,” Fleur pointed out as I gave her a lily sandwich on wheat. “Though, you looked like you were glued to that notepad throughout the whole meeting, and barely even said a word. I thought the newscast was bad enough for you, but I guess that’s not the case… What went on with you back there anyway?” I took large gulps of ice water from a glass, trying to gain back the liquid I lost from all that sweating earlier. After that, I had a hard time finding the words to explain myself while I finished Ms. Star's RLT (rose, lettuce, and tomato) on whole grain next, as I was too ashamed and embarrassed at myself for how ridiculous I looked back there. “Um… I uh…” I mumbled. “Honestly Mr. Shore, you’re a grown man for Celestia’s sake,” Ms. Star nagged as I gave her the sandwich she requested ordered, and I started making an LT on wheat for myself. “You did adequately with your breakfast, and the news broadcast, yet right when you stepped inside Maretoria’s Secret’s building, you choked up and acted like a lost puppy. Surely for somepony... someONE, your age, you’ve gotten over this kind of thing after going through a couple relationships back on Earth.” I stood there silently while looking down, unable to answer and defend myself for something that’s really embarrassing to be honest about. A pause between the three of us was in the air, and though my face was down while I finished my own sandwich, I could feel Fleur and Ms. Star exchanged questionable looks. “Um… A few relationships?” Ms. Star corrected. I took my sandwich to a spot on the kitchen counter, and sat next to Fleur without saying a word. “… One relationship?” Nothing. “A few dates?” Nada. The silence in the air felt heavier than an anvil as the pause felt like it took hours of awkwardness before Fleur finally spoke. “Ozzy… Are you a virgin?” My only reaction was taking off my glasses, sliding my food to the side, and slammed my forehead on the counter. If that didn’t get the message across, I didn’t know what will. Unfortunately, Ms. Star seemed to get the message, as the next thing I heard was loud guffaws of laughter, and a thud on the floor as I could tell she fell off her stool. It was so bad, she even snorted a few like a pig, while my whole face just heated up from embarrassment. “I… Don’t understand,” Fleur commented while Ms. Star was slowly coming back to her senses. “You can cook, have a great work ethic, well-mannered, considerate, did excellently in academics, and even got awarded with grants and scholarships to pay for college. Surely you must have gotten SOME interest from a girl back on your world?” “That’s just it… Even if they did, I never had the time and money for it,” I finally spoke for the first time. I turned my head to the side, away from the girls as I was still ashamed and embarrassed in myself. “Throughout most of my life, all I had in mind was getting through my education with above average grades. I wasn’t into sports, dances, I took part in a club and became part of a choir to at least put SOMETHING on my letters to better my chances of getting accepted into college. When I was old enough to work, I went from part-time, to full-time after I graduated high school. I then went to my community college after I moved into an apartment with a few roommates that same year. “I might have seen some girls attractive, but I’ve only gotten so far as speaking casually with some small talk. I didn’t make close friends to hang out with, my dad’s a hopeless drunk, my older brother’s a dick, and I barely even knew my mom before she got killed in a car collision. I’ve only gone to see my school counselors to talk about my personal problems. Other than that, I’ve had to look out for myself throughout most of my lifetime. “When news spread about how there was a new world linking with ours, and then settling arrangements enough where humans and ponies can coexist between worlds came to light, I found it as an opportunity to change my life around. A chance to start fresh, and make the life I want to live with nothing like my poor excuse of a family, and my previous debilitating boss to hold me back. I could even finally make some friends like my counselors kept telling me to do. “So yes, I’ve never had sex, I’ve never seen a girl naked, let alone their bra and underwear in person, and I’ve never been on a date in my life. Ms. De Lis, I’m probably more lost on how to make and act around friends in this world than you, so I’m sorry that I don’t reach your expectations. Ms. Star, I don’t mind that you probably never want to be a friend of mine, especially after hearing how pathetic my life has been up to this point. A part of me felt that we could at least get on good terms, but if what we have now is the way it’s going to be if I still somehow end up being your secretary at the end of the day, then I won’t bother you anymore.” I stood up from my seat without looking at Ms. De Lis and Ms. Star, took my last couple drinks of water, grabbed the sandwich I made myself for lunch, and my laptop case. “I’ll be in the carriage and work on the agenda before we leave for Equestrian Eagle. Enjoy your lunch,” I bid before I walked off of the café’s property, went inside the carriage, and finished my lunch as I set up an excel file on my laptop for our agenda. [30 minutes later, 12:00 p.m.] The ride over to Equestrian Eagle was quiet, save for the typing I was making while I updated today’s current events, and the rest of this week’s schedule on our agenda. I may not be able to get the job at the end of the day, but I might as well leave something for Ms. Star to make scheduling easier as a parting gift. Speaking of computers, I still need to set up that blocking feature for Ms. De Lis’ browser. I’ll ask if I can do that before I leave, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that won’t be the case. When we arrived at the building complex, I packed everything in my laptop case before Silver Wheel opened the door, and I let the girls step out first before I went last. A unicorn mare was out front, probably waiting for us to direct us to the studio where we would have Ms. De Lis’ photo shoot. “Shining! Fleur! A pleasure to have you with us today,” she greeted with a smile like any business person as she shook their hands. “My name’s Heartsong, and I’ll be guiding you to the photo shoot. We’ll stop by the dressing room first to set Fleur up with the clothes line you’ll be posing in for our advertisement, and get started immediately,” she then turned to me with that same smile. “And you must be her new secretary that showed up in the news this morning! Ozzy was it? I must say that I’m interested in your culture, and I’d—“ “Thank you for your interest, and I’d love to stay and chat, but could we get going with the shoot please? We’re on a tight schedule. I’ll wait in the studio while the girls get things settled if that’s alright?” I asked. Heartsong stood there with eyes widened, along with Ms. Star and Ms. De Lis before she spoke. “Um… Yes, of course, right this way everypony,” she said before we followed her to the studio. [1 hour later, 1:15 p.m.] While Ms. De Lis was posing for the camera during the photo shoot, I’ve done like Ms. Star told me to do this morning: basically shut up unless somepony talked to me, and don’t do anything that would make Ms. De Lis look bad. As I sat on one of the chairs provided for me by the staff, I took the initiative to keep record of the time spent over the past couple hours in the agenda, while typing notes on who Ms. Star should call for Ms. De Lis’ future appointments. Some of the staff came by and asked me human related questions like ‘Are there really as much guys as there are girls back on Earth?’ ‘Do humans have cutie marks?’ and ‘What type of meat do we usually eat?’ I just replied with short, concise answers while I kept working. Soon, the questions came to a stop, and I finished my updated agenda before it was somehow break time. I got up, stretched, and went to the refreshment table to grab a bottled water before I was poked behind my back. I turned around, and saw that it was Ms. De Lis, still in one of the clothes the staff set up for her to wear for the photo shoot. “Did you need anything Ms. De Li—GLK?!” I asked before I was suddenly pulled by my tie with Ms. De Lis’ magic as she walked me, and Ms. Star who was tugged by the collar of her suit to the dressing room. She practically tossed us inside, stepped in, and slammed the door behind her before locking the door. She then cast some sort of spell that covered the room in a pale pink aura before it disappeared. When Ms. Star and I got up from the slight pain from the toss, we were confronted by Ms. De Lis who had a furrowed brow, giving the both of us a look of disapproval. “Okay, WE are going to settle this issue. RIGHT. NOW,” Ms. De Lis emphasized. Wait, what’s going on? “Shining Star, we’re starting things off with you,” Ms. De Lis ordered. Ms. Star’s eyes widened from being referred to her full name in such a demanding manner before Ms. De Lis continued. “I’ve been wanting to avoid coming to this ever since I first saw the signs. At first I thought that if I gave you enough time, you’d sooner or later let go of your grudge in the past, and move on with your life. Since I haven’t seen ANY attempt of you talking to Ozzy about what happened earlier, it’s about time I finally said something that should have been brought out of the open a long time ago.” “W-what do you mean?” Ms. Star stuttered. “I’m TALKING about how you’ve treated all the stallions for the past five years ever since you became my manager,” Ms. De Lis clarified. “Shining, I KNOW you were much better than this at one point in our time as friends. Not only were you strong, assertive, and honest, but you were one of the most well-liked ponies I’ve come to know. You were supportive, hard-working, and kind to both mares, AND stallions, I couldn’t have been more proud, and lucky to have you as my best friend. “But ever since that day… You’ve changed Shining. You may have been an excellent manager for the past couple years, but not only have you scared off any stallion who’ve tried to get close to me, you’ve pushed away any stallion who’ve tried to get close to YOU, by degrading and downplaying them until they walk away and leave you alone. When was the last time you’ve TRIED to connect with a stallion since YOUR ex-coltfriend left you?” Ms. Star stood there speechless before she furrowed her brow to Ms. De Lis. “I THOUGHT we agreed not to go back there again,” she sneered. “Well we’re GOING back there again. It’s because of that and the incident before it that turned you INTO somepony like this!” Ms. De Lis exclaimed. “What HAPPENED to you Shining?! The ‘Shiny’ I used to know would talk to Ozzy here about how it’s okay that he’s still a virgin, help him get comfortable with the awkward moments in the modeling business, and let him know that he’s anything BUT pathetic for how much he went through to get here! Instead, I get Shining Star the manager who’s doing jack squat, and pushing him to the point of seeing us as employees, and nothing more! “Even after you’ve brought up rude comments in the interview last night, Ozzy STILL wanted to get well-acquainted to you. He’s the first guy since the last couple of years to REACH OUT to you, with almost no idea on how to make new friends, in an ENTIRELY new world that’s different from his own with a COMPLETELY different species, and you’re STILL pushing him away that he doesn’t deserve like all the other stallions before him! I don’t think I WANT Shining Star the manager anymore! I want the real Shiny I’ve come to know and love back!” Whoa… I guess these two have a longer history than I thought. Looks like Ms. De Lis is having a hard time coming out with this too, since I’m seeing tears welling up in her eyes for the first time. Ms. De Lis took a couple shaking breaths to calm herself down, and dabbed her eyes with a tissue while trying to avoid ruining her make up. Once she collected herself, she then turned to me with a serious expression. I guess it’s my turn. “Ozzy, since my ‘manager’ hasn’t said anything, I’ll put in my two bits,” Ms. De Lis said. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about being a virgin at your age. I honestly think it’s sweet that you wanted to hold onto it while getting through everything else before you moved here, and start settling down. To me, it’s like you’re saving it until you share your first time with your special somepony to show how much you love and trust them to get to that point. Sometimes I’ve come to regret giving up my own to somepony I thought I had loved at an earlier age, only to realize later that he didn’t turn out the way I had hoped. I’m sure my old friend Shiny felt the same way.” Ouch. From the way she’s talking, it’s like the friend she knew died and left this world. “You are also not pathetic for only seeking to reach your goals,” Ms. De Lis continued. “I may not know the details of what happened back on Earth, but I think you deserve so much better from what life had gave you. I can tell that you’ve worked at your best to pursue your education while doing a full-time job, and that’s something to be admired. I’ve only gotten through high school with passable grades before I pursued my career of being a model, and I sometimes wonder how different things would be for me if I went through a higher education. “As for what happened back at Maretoria’s Secret, don’t worry about it. I’ve seen other stallions walking inside the stores with their marefriends while feeling uncomfortable, and I can only imagine how bad it must have been for you being surrounded by all of those large pinups of practically nude mares, and undergarments displayed on the walls. Passing by the studio with a bunch of those models in such attire in the middle of a photo shoot didn’t really help much either, considering how new you are not only to the business, but just being around mares in such a state either. You aren’t the first good-natured guy who has acted this way when they first started working in the business, but I promise you that after being exposed to this for the first couple of weeks, they’ve learned to get used to it. Nopony around here, myself included, will judge you in a negative light. “Last couple of things: first, I want you to forget about what Shining Star had told you about how you refer to me in public. No matter what anypony says, my manager especially, you just call me Fleur from now on alright? I’m the kind of pony who doesn’t like to be so formal with titles 24/7. Second, don’t be afraid to open up and tell other ponies about yourself if they asked. Some of them are really interested about the world you came from, and I think they’d be thrilled to get to know you and make friends with you. Finally,” Fleur said before pulling me into a hug. “It’s okay if you don’t know how to act around friends. If anything, what you’ve done for me up to before we got to Maretoria’s Secret is a good of a start as any. I’ll let you know if something bothers me, and like how you offered back at the news station, you can come talk to me about anything you don’t understand around here. Until then, just be yourself… Okay Ozzy?” I stood there frozen and speechless, trying to take in everything Fleur had told me for the past couple of minutes. It felt like all of that awkwardness from earlier, all the shame in myself, and at least some of the anxiety and bashing against myself was being melted away under the comfort and warmth from Fleur’s embrace. I slowly raised and wrapped my arms around Fleur’s back, and returned the hug while I rested my head on her shoulder. “Thank you… Fleur,” I mumbled. “You’re quite welcome,” she replied before we pulled from our hug with a smile. “Okay, let’s finish things up here, get things done with Mare de Fur, and we’ll find a present for Fancy Pants before the party, alright?” “Can I ask you something?” “Of course.” “You’re going to be… In your birthday suit during the photo shoot at Mare de Fur’s right? Are you okay with me being around? And is it only you? No other mares?” I asked. “It will only be me, and I’m fine being nude around you and other stallions. It’s part of the job as a supermodel sometimes,” Fleur answered. “If you’re not comfortable, I can see if you could wait in another room until I’m done if that’s what you want.” I looked down, and thought about it deeply. If Fleur said things like this take time to adjust for newbies like me, and I won’t get judged, I should make the time to start now rather than wait later. I don’t know why, but if it’s just Fleur in the room… Somehow I’m okay with that compared to other mares. Plus, I should probably step in if I see her getting uncomfortable with someone on staff if there’s really one or two stallions who behave in a way Ms. Star described this morning. I looked back up to Fleur with a small smile on my face. “I think I should be fine. I’ll need to get used to this sooner or later right? I might as well start now.” “Excellent! Just know that you’re free to step out of the room if you change your mind,” Fleur pointed out. “Now let’s finish this photo shoot, and move on to the next one. We still have plenty to do before the party tonight.” “I’m right behind ya,” I replied as I followed Fleur out of the dressing room. Before I stepped out, I glanced back, and saw Ms. Star looking down on the floor with her ears folded. “Um… Ms. Star? Are you coming?” I asked. “You… Go on ahead… I need some time to myself for a bit,” Ms. Star answered. I nodded silently in response before I stepped out, and quietly shut the door behind me. [1 hour, 30 minutes later, 3:00 p.m.] Before we continued the photo shoot with Equestrian Eagle, some of the staff asked if the three of us were okay since Fleur pulled Ms. Star and I to her dressing room. Fleur answered that things were fine between us, and I played along. I couldn’t say the same for Ms. Star however. Now that I think about it, do things in this business usually get this dramatic? It’s like this day so far has become an emotional rollercoaster. Wonder if all the stress that comes along with this gets their emotions hard to control? Maybe I should schedule some time for Fleur to take breathers, or some exercises that helps lower stress levels. It was tough getting into the habit, but I’ve tried to take a couple minutes to meditate before I head to bed back on Earth. Along with taking antidepressants before, that sometimes helped me fall asleep better and faster. I’ll have to talk it over with Fleur about it later. From how she behaved earlier, and learning a brief history of her with Ms. Star, it’s a wonder how she can look so calm and collected throughout the day, especially when she had eased my nerves more than once today, when it should probably be the other way around. Anyway, when we continued the photo shoot, I tried to make things up to Heartsong and the other ponies who talked to me earlier by apologizing for my mood, and asking them questions about themselves. They turned out to be not so hard making amends with, as they may have thought my mood from earlier was because of the stress from today. I got to know a little more about Equestria’s culture while I gave them some things about Earth in the end, and we came to be good acquaintances. Fleur seemed to notice that as I noticed how much better her poses have gotten before the break. I guess what happened at lunch bothered her enough to not focus on her work. Once we finished up at Equestrian Eagle, we had to find Ms. Star, who was still in Fleur’s dressing room when we found her, before we had to leave for our next appointment. On the way to Mare de Fur’s photo shoot, I talked with Fleur about what I’ve learned about Equestria so far, and what made this culture different than where I came from. She looked like she was better than how things were during the break, but I couldn’t help but feel there’s something in her mind that was still bothering her. Ms. Star on the other hand looked like she had a lot to think about, as she stayed silent throughout the ride, and just looked out the window. I guess hearing what her best friend had to say earlier really opened up her eyes, and had her look back on her life to think things through. As we were getting closer to Mare de Fur’s building, something came up in my mind that I didn’t notice back at Equestrian Eagle’s photo shoot until now. “Hey Fleur, despite how… Loud the conversation was earlier, how come some of the staff members looked like they didn’t hear anything? Was that weird glowing thing you did with the room earlier part of it?” I asked. “Very perceptive Ozzy. I wondered when you were going to bring that up,” Fleur answered. “That was actually what’s called a ‘sound-proof’ spell. It makes whatever room you’re in unable to get any sound out, or in until you open a door, which will wear off soon after.” “Oh I see, so you can pretty much make any room like one of those recording studios at record companies. That’s pretty useful,” I commented. “It certainly is, especially if you want keep any loud noises outside of the room gone. Anyway, let’s get ready to move on out. I’ll need some time to clean off my make up for this one, and I’ll definitely need more to put it back on after the shoot,” she commented before the carriage came to a stop. Silver Wheel came to the door, and I let Fleur step out first before I went next, and Ms. Star left last. We walked out and went through the automatic doors before we saw another mare waiting at the front desk before she gave a small smile at our arrival. You know, I thought the guidebook mentioning that there was an eight to three ratio of mares to stallions in the pony population was a little farfetched, but I think I’m starting to believe it since I’ve only came and talked personally to… Like two stallions? While the rest of the time not only have I spoken to mostly mares, but there certainly was more of them in a room compared to stallions as far as I’ve noticed. If there aren’t that many stallions to go around, are the mares around here more competitive in seeking romantic relationships? Then again, with Equestria being a Matriarchy type of society, something like sexual orientation is probably more flexible and possibly normal to have compared to Earth. So there may be more bisexual and lesbian oriented mares here, which means more lesbian relationships… I gotta admit, that sounds kind of hot. Still, living beings have to reproduce in order for their population to thrive right? Unless there’s a spell that allows two mares to bear foals (or possibly TONS of donated sperm banks to gain access to), that still leaves the question on how heterosexual relationships here work. Is having a lot of foals in a household normal? Are guys allowed to have more than one spouse here? Even if that were the case, I think I’m just fine having a monogamous relationship… Wait, where the heck am I going with this? “Hi there! You must be here for the photo shoot then. I’m Glitter Spell, and I’ll be directing you to the studio where the shoot will take place,” she introduced. “We’ll be stopping by the dressing room first to get you prepared… Um, is your friend back there alright?” I turned my head around, and saw that Ms. Star was definitely not in a happy mood, but not in the way I thought I was getting used to. She looked very down as her eyes were glancing downwards to the side, while her ears were still folded like I saw them back at Equestrian Eagle’s photo shoot. Her glasses were even a little off, but she barely took note on their position before fixing them. Okay, this is starting to get uncomfortable with me. I wasn’t lying when I said I would put up with what the two of us had going so far. I’ve had bosses and managers just as bad, if not worse than Ms. Star to deal with. Is she really that conflicted with herself right now? Should I say something when the two of us are alone in a room? I haven’t had much experience dealing with this kind of situation, and with how things were between us up until during lunch, I’m kind of afraid of what may come if I try to step in. “She’ll be fine. Shining Star is just having a long day,” Fleur reasoned. “Let’s just get ready for the shoot shall we?” “Of course Ms. De Lis. Right this way,” Glitter Spell directed before the three of us followed her. Then there’s what’s going on with Fleur right now. It’s like she’s giving Ms. Star a shoulder so cold, it would put an iceberg to shame. Not only has she stopped referring her as Shiny, but it’s like she’s really seeing and treating her like a manager, or a coworker she doesn’t pay much mind to. As cold as Fleur’s behavior towards Ms. Star has been, there was a hint of pain and sadness I could see in her eyes that she’s trying so hard not to show. Does she really think the friend she used to know is gone? The thought plagued my mind as we followed Glitter Spell to Fleur’s dressing room. “I’ll help her get ready for the shoot. The way to the studio is the next left down the hallway, and there’s a break room on your next right with refreshments if you want some,” Glitter Spell explained. “Thank you, we’ll be on our way then,” I replied before Ms. Star and I walked down the hallway. I glanced at Ms. Star as I was behind her. Her ears were still folded down, and even her tail was drooped to the point of dragging itself through the floor if it was long enough. Okay, I can’t bear to watch this any further. This all started because of my sob story during lunch, so I’m as much involved in this conflict as Ms. Star and Fleur. I got to do something that could possibly help repair… Whatever those two have going on, or things could possibly get worse than what’s going on here. I may get something negative for doing this, but I’ve been through worse back on Earth, so I’ll have to push it through. When we got near the path to the studio, before Ms. Star could make the turn, I caught up and grabbed her shoulder from behind to stop her, which made her freeze and tingle in surprise from the sudden physical contact. “Ms. Star? Can we talk?” > Chapter 6: "Does this make me a Xenophile, or a Zoophile?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: “Does this make me a Xenophile, or a Zoophile?” [3:15 p.m.] Ms. Star turned quickly to face me with widened eyes after I asked the question. She stood there frozen for a bit, looking like she was trying to get her senses back on reality. She glanced from side to side, and there were no other ponies on staff around. She then took a long sigh to try and calm herself down before she wiped her glasses with a handkerchief that was in her pocket. Huh, she looks really different without those on. Wonder if she was always wearing glasses? “I suppose… We would have to discuss this eventually. Might as well do it now,” Ms. Star said after she put her glasses back on. “You want to take this in the break room?” I asked. She nodded in response before we went further down the hallway, and took the next right where the break room was. It looked pretty empty. There were bottles of water on the counter, along with some different brands of chips stocked in a basket. There was also a table with chairs to sit in as well. Okay, this is good. I got her to speak at least, and there’s nopony else in the room. I’ll have to take as much advantage of this to talk to Ms. Star privately as much as I'm able. I closed the door once we were inside, and Ms. Star took a seat. “You want some water?” I asked. She nodded in response, and I took two bottles of water off the counter before I sat across the table from her, and passed the water over. After we took a few sips, we sat there in silence for a moment. She probably was having trouble what to say since she was looking to the side, so I guess I should start things off. There’s been something on my mind after hearing about Fleur and Ms. Star’s history. Even if I get some kind of backlash, it’s a good of a start in conversation as any. “So… Something I’ve been meaning to ask, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but… Are you and Fleur… In a romantic relationship, or you have a huge crush on her or something?” I asked. Ms. Star looked at me with widened eyes, and a hint of blush in her cheeks. “… Huh?” She asked. “It’s just that… Seeing how close you two are, and how you kept Fleur away from other stallions, I just figured that, well—“ “No! There’s NOTHING like that between us!” She exclaimed while shaking her hands out front, getting more flustered than before. She tried to keep calm, took a few deep breaths, and collected herself before she continued. “I’ll admit… She and I fooled around and ‘tried’ a few things when we were younger, but we came to terms that things like that may not work between us, and it’s best that we just stayed as friends. I love Fleur as a dear friend, and I always will no matter what happens.” “Are you afraid that she might leave you, or not pay as much attention to you like before if she started seeing somepony else?” I asked. “I’m not trying to take her away from you or anything if that’s the case, I just want to become a good friend and secretary for Fleur… Same goes for you, if not the former, at least make good acquaintances.” “… That might have been part of it, but it’s not just that,” Ms. Star answered with a sigh. “I won’t go into too much detail yet, but Fleur was devastated after she and Solar Flare broke up. I feel partially to blame for such sadness, and I didn’t want her to go through that ever again. So when I became her manager, I promised to myself that I wouldn’t let anything like that happen to her again. So I tried to keep the suspicious looking stallions away from Fleur since then.” “But it’s been five years since that break-up right?” I asked. “From as far as I can see, despite how agitated she looked during the news broadcast, Fleur looked like she had moved on from that a long time ago, and probably learned from it too. I’m sure she’s more aware of what she wants and looks for in a stallion since then, and knows how to take better care of herself. Plus, does Fleur really look like a pony to blame you for her break up with Solar Flare? Did she tell you that specifically?” Ms. Star sat there in silence with a confused expression. She looked up to recall those times if there ever was any hint of that notion Fleur acted upon her. “I may not know much about friendships, but if the two of you have such a close and strong bond with each other for as long as I can guess, I don't think Fleur would ever blame you for what happened with her and Solar Flare,” I continued. “I’m sure if you talked to her about it, she would pretty much repeat what I just said. Did the two of you ever talked anymore about that break up since then?” She opened her mouth to answer, but closed it to think back once more. “… No, I don’t think we have,” she answered. “Something tells me that if you’ve never known for sure, you have never forgave yourself for what you might have caused, and that may be why you haven’t moved on from that break up like Fleur did,” I theorized. “I don’t know how much of a touchy subject that is right now, but I think you need to talk about these concerns with her so you’ll know for yourself whether or not you’re to blame for what happened. Then the two of you can talk things over about what to do next, and see if you can fix things up with her.” “… I suppose you’re right,” Ms. Star conceded. “Alright then. I think the best chance to chat may be sometime after this photo shoot, perhaps during the shop for Fancy Pants’ present. Let’s get things done here, and you two can talk privately then,” I said as I got up, and was about to open the door to leave the room before— “W-wait!” Ms. Star exclaimed. I turned around to look back at her, giving her my attention. “Isn’t there something else we need to discuss?” “What’s left to talk about?” I asked. “… You mean to tell me you wanted to talk about how to fix my friendship with Fleur, and not about how I treated you so far?” She asked. “I… Guess?” I replied with a shrug. “I didn’t really think too much on it when I came to you about this. I felt a little responsible for bringing this up in the first place after our lunch, and I kind of had an idea on how much you cared for Fleur even before this. I feel bad that I was basically a catalyst to all of this, and I didn’t want what happened at lunch to be the cause of your friendship with Fleur ending. That’s what’s been bugging my mind mostly, not much else.” Ms. Star sat there wide-eyed silently for a bit before she suddenly fell into a fit of laughter. I raised an eyebrow, confused on whatever part of this joke I didn’t know I told about was to laugh about before she calmed down, cleared her throat, and fixed her glasses. “You certainly have been full of surprises today, I’ll give you that,” she said as she got up, and walked toward me. “Fleur was right on one thing though. It wasn’t right of me to treat you the way I have since last night, and to all of the other stallions. I suppose since I couldn’t forgive myself, issues of trust with myself and other stallions followed through. I haven’t even thanked you for saving Fleur from that carriage yesterday. When I saw the incident on the news while I was in the spa, I dropped everything so I could find her and see if she was alright. I was so stressed and worried about her, my thinking wasn’t straight when I met you.” “It’s fine Ms. Star, there’s not much to—“ “It is NOT alright Oz,” Ms. Star interrupted with a finger to my lips. I was surprised not only from the interruption, but how she even referred me by my first name. “Your resume was impressive; your omelet was delicious even WITH the mushrooms I had to pick out; though it was shaky at first, you handled the broadcast quite well; the agenda you made was also well-written; and I’ve never come to acknowledge any of those. I had some second thoughts about you, but I desperately pushed them out of my system so I wouldn’t let my guard down, and not give you a chance when I should have. “I’m… Sorry for me not doing such, for laughing at you for being a virgin, for calling you pathetic, and just basically giving you a hard time altogether.” “It’s no sweat,” I replied while waving a hand out front. “If it makes you feel better, I’ve dealt with worse bosses back on Earth. You’re like some sort of saint compared to them.” Ms. Star chuckled a little at that before her expression turned to a sad smile. “I really did meant what I said though Oz. Again, I apologize for my behavior, and I thank you for saving Fleur’s life yesterday. Do you think… We could start over with a fresh clean slate?” “I think I’d like that Ms. Star,” I replied with a small smile before I held my hand out to shake on it. Ms. Star gazed at my hand, and she looked hesitant for a moment. She looked behind me to the door, making sure it was still closed before she looked at me, and gave me an awkward, yet warming hug that caught me off guard. She seemed tense at the sudden alien gesture before I felt her body relax, and heard a relieved sigh. “Please… Call me Shining.” Huh, I guess hugs like this DO happen more often here than on Earth if Shining of all ponies is going this far. I smiled a little as I returned the gesture with a few comforting pats to her back. Over the embrace, I notice something about this hug that was different compared to Fleur’s. Shining felt like she had softer, squeezable curves compared to Fleur’s, probably due to fatter tissue, but I still felt some muscle in there that told me she still tries to stay in shape. Then there was her chest… It was pressing against me a little more than Fleur’s. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was squeezing me tighter than her, or if she was actually a little bigger than her by at least a cup size. I had to admit, she probably has more to put out under that business attire than what could be seen in public. I realized that we were in that hug a little more than what was needed before things got a little awkward, and it was about time I said something. “Um… I think we can let go now.” “Huh? Oh, r-right,” Shining stuttered before we pulled back. She looked to the side with a slight blush while clearing her throat. “Yes, well… Don’t tell anypony what went on in here. Though I’m going to try to change for the better, I still need to maintain my position of authority. And don’t think this means you can slack off in your work Oz.” “I wouldn’t dream of it. My lips are sealed,” I replied before I made the motion of zipping my mouth, and throwing away the key. “Alright, let’s get things done here, find you a birthday present for Fancy Pants, and get ready for the party later,” Shining suggested. “I’m right behind ya,” I replied before the two of us grabbed a new bottle of water, got my case, left the break room, and went to the studio for the photo shoot. “Oh and try not to get your virgin eyes too awestruck by Fleur’s nude form. She’s a beauty, sure, but we still need to keep things at a professional level around here,” Shining pointed out. “Of course,” I responded. When we got inside, there were a bunch of staff members moving props, chairs, and equipment around in a dimly lit room. There was a set that contained a white backdrop, plastic walls on adjacent sides, with one of them that aims towards the audience missing, a metal shower head, a panel of tiled floors with a drain, lights that helped make the set the most lit area of the room, and cameras aiming towards it. There was also a stool with the product of soap that I assumed is what’s going to be advertised. “Could I take a whiff of that?” I asked Shining. “There are sampler bottles over there with different scents,” she said as she pointed to a table with four baskets filled with respective scents. “The one Fleur’s using for the set is ‘Mare de Fur’s Luscious Lavender of the Heavenly Forbidden Collection’ if I recall. Not only a shampoo and conditioner for the fur in one, but leaves your coat smooth, and smelling fresh for longer periods than other products. There were three models before we came that used the other three kinds. It looks like we’re almost ready to start, so keep out of the set once that happens, alright?” “Sounds good, thanks,” I replied as I set my things on a vacant chair before I went to the table to check out the samples. Let’s see… There’s ‘Luscious Lavender,’ ‘Lovely Lily,’ ‘Spicy Cinnamon,’ and ‘Soothing Citrus.’ Well they certainly know how to name their products, that’s for sure. Sounds like all of these also act as some sort of stallion magnet. I took a small bottle of the lavender kind first, opened the lid, and took a few whiffs of the scent. Dang, so this is what Fleur will be using for the shoot? I could see why this would suit her. It gives off an elegant and comforting, yet attractive smell that matches her personality. It’s like she was an inspiration for this product. I put the bottle down, and sampled the other three products. The lily kind smelled sweet and inviting; cinnamon not only cleared my sinuses from its strength, but it gives off a passionate and an arousing feeling; finally the citrus was not only like the name of the product implied, but it leaves a feeling of freshness as well. It’s difficult to even call some of these products heavenly when the collection portrayed them as the complete opposite. I can probably see now why. Stallions would probably melt and wrap around any mare’s finger at their mercy. It’s almost sinful from how much lust this brand of product could give off, as if this was made in hell. Once I finished sampling and put the products back, I returned to my seat where Shining sat next to me. “So how were they?” She asked. “They smelled really nice,” I replied. “I could see why they put Fleur next to the lavender kind. It’s like the product was MADE out of her.” “Really now? Then just for fun’s sake, which would you say fits me?” Shining asked with a slightly smug expression. “Most likely the cinnamon kind,” I answered. “Not only strong, but it can take control with great passion, and probably give ponies a good time.” “Okay, now I KNOW you’re just trying to sweet talk me,” Shining rebutted. “Strong I can probably buy, but what makes you think about the other two? Especially the last one when CLEARLY I’ve been giving you of all people the complete opposite.” “Well I can tell from how Fleur talks about you that you put a lot of work into helping her becoming a great supermodel,” I explained. “I mentioned earlier how I admired your loyalty, and how much you cared for her, and that still holds true. That’s where I got the passionate part from. As for giving ponies a good time, Fleur mentioned how you can be a great pony once I get to know you. Sure, we may have gotten to a rocky start, but quite frankly, it’s been quite a blast working with you two so far. I’ve NEVER gotten this much excitement in a job back on Earth, and as we’re getting on better terms than last night, I’m kind of eager to learn more about you two as we work together, and maybe have some fun along the way.” Shining sat there with eyes widened before she turned her attention away, crossed her arms, and cleared her throat. “Yes, well… Despite the craziness sometimes, I suppose this job has its… Perks.” I then suddenly saw a slight twitch of her tail poking behind her chair as if it was trying to shake off something. It’s probably going to take her some time before she starts to treat guys better, but I think she can take the challenge. “Alright everypony, we’re going to start in ten! Take your positions!” The director pony exclaimed through a megaphone before the rest of the staff scrambled to get things ready. I looked behind us, and saw Fleur walking down in an aqua colored bathrobe, with her make up removed, but mane and tail still styled like earlier. Alright Ozzy, this is it. Try not to freak out over what you’re about to see, this is just business. Plus there aren’t any other models in similar states either. It’s just Fleur, the first real friend you’ve made in Equestria, and possibly in your lifetime. She’s done this probably many times, and she trusts you. Just try to give her your full support, and make her comfortable if you see any sign of tension. Fleur walked into the set with a smile on her face, almost in a strut like she was on a catwalk, as if she was eager to show the world what she’s made of. “Ready the lights!” The director exclaimed, to which the ponies working the respected equipment. “Cameras! Dim the studio! Ms. De Lis, are you ready?!” “Ready as I’ll ever be dearie~,” Fleur sang before she practically ripped the robe off her body, and all the guys on staff besides me cheered in various ways. “Tch. Stallions,” Shining scoffed while rolling her eyes, as my own were practically glued to the sight before me. Fleur looked confident, perhaps proud of her nude, hourglass shaped figure, and she should be. Her body frame was thin, but not enough that you could see the ribs. It was like she had the perfect balance of fat that made her not only look healthy, but something that should be showcased in an art museum that would make Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa look like a kid’s drawing. Her fat looked like it filled in the right places that mattered most. Starting from the top, her breasts were perky. They weren’t big enough for perhaps a D cup, but they have a good enough roundness to bounce a little as she walked. Her pink nipples that her fur wasn’t covering were poking out, probably because from how slightly cold the place was, and they looked sensitive enough to make her spine shiver if they were given the slightest touch. Moving downwards, her stomach also looked to be filled enough to be considered healthy too. With her white fur, I was having an urge to give it a comforting rub like one would for a dog, but just enough to feel every fine hair that brushed under my hand while her stomach would rise and fall from breathing. Going lower, her hips looked voluptuous, and big enough to give plenty of love to. Her cutie mark that was shown on her arms were also seen on her lower sides, taking up most of the space, and moved as she walked. Watching from behind, her round, perky butt was practically hypnotizing as their cheeks shifted in a figure eight while her tail swayed to the opposite sides. Finally, even her legs looked well sculpted as her hooves clopped on the tiled floors. “Alright! Start the hot water!” The director exclaimed, and soon water came rushing out of the metal shower head, hitting Fleur’s head while it ran down her nude form, making her fur shine from the light’s reflection. “Alright Fleur, squirt some soap, and begin when you’re ready. Get the cameras rolling, and ACTION!” So I’m basically going to be watching Fleur washing herself… I am SO going to hell for this am I? I crossed my legs tightly as Fleur’s fur got soaked enough, levitated the bottle of soap from the stool to her, and squeezed a glop on her hand before putting it back. She rubbed and lathered the soap together in her hands enough before she started washing her arms in a slow, thorough manner. When she got from the arms to her collar and breasts, the latter was getting covered in suds as they were pressed, squeezed, and shifted together. It was just mesmerizing how soft, yet firm they looked. Though there were three cameras pointing and running, Fleur rotated and shifted from side to side enough so they could get any good shots possible. She worked on her back next. I didn’t realize how flexible she was in the arms from how she could barely get those hard to reach places. Probably because from all of that yoga she had done. Then there was her stomach, sides (along with her cutie marks), and butt, accentuating the curves that make up her body frame in a slow, seductive matter. When she finally got to the legs, she bent over enough to reach, but also to give the cameras some great, eye-catching shots of her butt, thighs, and legs covered in the bubbly suds. Once she got the last part of her body cleaned, she whipped her mane back, flinging water that hit the plastic wall along the way, and let the hot water run down to soak her fur once more, rinsing the soap and suds off her body with a refreshing smile on her face. “And CUT! Kill the waterworks! Excellent job Ms. De Lis!” The director exclaimed. “We got some great shots, and we’ll show you the final product when we’re ready. THAT’S A WRAP EVERYPONY!” There was a bell that then rang, and I blinked while getting back into reality from my trance. One of the female staff brought Fleur a towel, and the robe she walked in with before she gladly accepted, dried herself, and slipped on her robe. As she walked out of the set, she stopped by next to me with that same calm, comforting smile with half-lidded eyes. “So what did you think Ozzy? Not so bad right?” She asked. “… Uh… Heheh,” I laughed nervously while scratching the back of my head. Fleur giggled at my pathetic attempt of forming words. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it in time. Well I’ll be seeing you out front, and we’ll head to the shopping district to find that present next, okay? I’ll see you soon~,” she sang before she walked out of the studio with Glitter Spell. I sat there staring off into space once Fleur left, trying to wrap my head around what the heck I just watched, what I was feeling, how, and why. “Lucky YOU get to work with somepony like her, huh guy?” One of the male staff asked before he chuckled, patted my back and walked off. Shining sighed while rubbing the eyes under her glasses before she got up. “Well are you going to sit there all day, or are we going to get that present? We don’t have all day you know,” she pointed out. “… Could you just give me a couple minutes to myself for a moment?” > Chapter 7: "It's nice to see how these things work out sometimes." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: “It’s nice to see how these things work out sometimes.” [5:45 p.m.] Even after some time to calm myself down, I was still having trouble processing the feelings I had experienced back at the photo shoot as the three of us were on our way to the shopping district in Canterlot. My mind was outside of reality as I was distracted by my thoughts. Why was I so… Entranced by Fleur? I mean she’s not only the first friend I’ve made, but she’s a pony as well. Is it wrong to have these kind of feelings welling up inside? Is it just how attractive she looks that’s making me this way, or is there something else? I mean I’ve seen some pretty girls growing up back on Earth, but I’ve never really followed through with it besides talking to them casually. I was focusing on other priorities as well, but I can’t deny that I was sometimes distracted by those kinds of things now and then. Of course it wasn’t until later on that once I got to know them, not only were they not worth the effort of hooking up, but some even have called me boring, plain, and ‘not with the times.’ I’ve stopped putting up with those kinds of people after that, and have just been distancing myself from them so I wouldn’t let trivial matters get in the way of handling other priorities. It’s part of why I barely attempted to make friends like my counselors suggested I should. Now that I’ve acquired a good education, moved out of my house, my old world of Earth to Equius where bipedal, talking ponies of different colors and subspecies thrive, where do I go from here? I’m still not sure if I’ll have this job as Fleur’s secretary at the end of the day, but it’s been an interesting job so far, until I know I DO have the job, I have a place to stay (albeit a house I’d never thought to live under), I’ve made at least one friend since coming to this world, what’s left for me to do besides just living life to how I see fit? What else can I— “Ozzyyyy? Hello? Equius to Ozzy, are you there?” An angelic voice asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I found that it was Fleur who called me with a confused expression on her face. “H-huh? Sorry, what were you saying?” I asked, recalling that she was telling me something, but I was tuned out by my thoughts. “I was just saying how nice the soap I put on earlier smelled on me. Incredible that it’s still lingering like some sort of perfume. Would you like a whiff?” Fleur asked as she held her delicate arm out front. My mind raced back to the photo shoot at Mare de Fur’s, replaying Fleur washing herself under the shower like a movie, and my face heated from her offer of smelling the soap she put on after I’ve seen her naked for the first time. Is it rude if I declined her offer? Would it send the wrong message I wasn’t intending? Is she usually this nonchalant with her coworkers? Then again, she certainly made some sort of showcase of herself before they started recording. Are friends usually this lax with each other? Fuck, I’m not sure if doing this will either make me look like a pervert or something else. I gotta say something before she sees something suspicious. “Uh… No need, I can smell you from over here. It’s a fascinating fragrance, definitely,” I replied. YES! Awesome response Ozzy! Give yourself a pat on the back and a gold star, ‘cause you just OWNED that situation like it was your bitch man! You GOT this! “Isn’t it?” Fleur asked as she pulled her arm back. “It’s a good thing they gave me a variety basket as a gift. I’m curious to how the other kinds smell, and it’s amazing on the fur too.” She then held up said basket that was wrapped in plastic, containing bottles of all four kinds from the Heavenly Forbid collection. … Oh god, now I’m picturing what Fleur would smell like with all the different scents I sampled. I hope she likes the lily one, that’s my favorite. Wait, why am I even HOPING for something like that?! Dammit man, what is HAPPENING to you?! Try to think of something else to talk about before this gets out of hand! “So uh… What do you think Fancy Pants would like for his birthday?” I asked. “I’m not even sure if mine can compare, since I’m sure many others will come along with more expensive gifts than what I can afford.” “I’ll admit, he has some expensive tastes, but it’s not always what he likes in personal belongings,” she commented as she looked up in thought. “Even then, it’s still difficult to find out what he likes. I only came up with a new pocket watch with a message engraved to the back this year, and I’m STILL not sure if he’ll like it.” “Well I’m sure that no matter what you get him, he’ll appreciate that it’s from his wonderful sister,” I commented. “If he isn’t anything like MY older brother, he probably values in the thought that’s behind the gift than what was on the price tag.” “What did you get for your brother on his birthday?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, along with Shining who looked to be piqued in curiosity. “I got him a coffee mug I molded from a pottery barn,” I answered. “I didn’t have enough money to get him anything big back then, and I’ll admit, I’m not really good with my hands, and it didn’t look like the best mug ever made, but I tried to make it look presentable enough.” “How did he react?” Fleur asked. “… He wasn’t really thrilled, and I saw the mug broken, and in the garbage can the next day,” I replied, to which Fleur, and even Shining gasped. “That’s just awful,” she commented. “Yeah, NOT the best brother I ever had to live with, I’ll say that much,” I said. “I didn’t get him anymore gifts since then, knowing that unless it’s expensive that I can’t afford, it would only be garbage in his eyes like the coffee mug… But let’s not dwell too much on it. Since I don’t even know your brother, I don’t think anything I’d get would matter all that much to him compared to yours Fleur.” “Not when I tell him you’re my new secretary and friend he won’t,” she argued with a furrowed brow. “We’re getting him something great from you, and I’ll help however I can.” “Thanks Fleur, I appreciate it,” I said with a small smile, to which she returned. As we got to the shopping district, Shining had a look of uncertainty while she gazed on the floor. She may have been trying to come up with a way to talk to Fleur about the incident, which was why she had been so quiet over the ride. I was curious to why she seemed piqued about what birthday present I got for my brother though, but I didn’t pay too much in mind. Before we stepped out of the carriage, Fleur suddenly opened up a cabinet that was under her seat that contained a sun hat, a hair tie and some big shades. “Does that get up REALLY work in public?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, taking into account how ridiculous the ponies were this morning at the news station. “You’d be surprised dearie,” she replied as she tied her mane into a pony tail, then put on the hat and shades. “When something big like the carriage incident happening yesterday, and what was shown on the news this morning, you’d need to sport this around the next couple of days before ponies start to forget about it and move on.” We then stepped out of the carriage, and sure enough, none of the ponies batted an eye at Fleur’s direction while she was in her disguise. Huh… I guess it worked. “Meet us back here in one hour, would you Silver Wheel? We’ll be going back to my place before the party tonight once we finish our errand,” Fleur said. “Right away miss,” he replied before he drove away, and we walked along the sidewalk to begin our search for Fancy Pants’ present. We passed by shops that sold clothes, jewelry, and antiques while I try to come up with something decent to get for Fleur’s brother. Since I don’t know him very much, it would probably be best if I get something practical, but since he’s probably as much of a celebrity as Fleur, he may have gotten a lot of those things already, if not, have maid or service staff doing everything for him. Maybe it can look good, but perhaps doesn’t have to do anything to make it impressive… What would that be though? I try to recall what Fleur has told me about him so far in the past day and a half. Then I remembered what brought him into conversation in the first place. The photos I saw in Fleur’s living room. I looked around the street, and found a hobbyist store with potted plants, some crafted arts, and picture frames on display. “Do you think he might like a picture frame?” I asked Fleur as I poked her shoulder, and pointed her to the shop that was across the street. “That’s PERFECT!” She exclaimed with glee. “Let’s go see what they have then!” She then grabbed my wrist, and eagerly pulled me to the shop while Shining awkwardly followed. When we got inside, the place wasn’t very busy, and there were aisles of different items for either decorating, or even crafting your own pieces. “I’ll look around over there while you check the other side, alright?” She asked. “Sure thing,” I replied before I watched her walk off to one side of the store, and Shining came up my side. “Okay, this is your chance. The place is practically empty, and she’s on her own,” I whispered. “I’m not sure Oz… Ever since what happened at Equestrian Eagle, it’s like I’m invisible to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Fleur like this,” Shining said with her ears folded. “I’ve never realized how much of what I’ve done with other stallions for all of those years affected her like this. Would she even want to talk to me anymore even after everything I’ve done?” “You’ll never know until you put yourself out there,” I said as I held her shoulders, and turned her gaze to me. I didn’t realize it until then, but Shining had some incredible, pale green eyes behind those white framed glasses of hers. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my experience before I got here, it’s that if I want to get anywhere, I have to get there myself, starting with that very first step. I may not know what’s ahead of me before I get there, but even if there’s some rough obstacles along the way, I wouldn’t stop walking until I get to that destination. Fleur may not have looked like it to you now, but I’ve seen hints of sadness every time she mentioned you, or looked in your direction after what happened in that dressing room. Right now, Fleur doesn’t need you as a manager. She needs you as a friend, and you’re the only one who can go over there right now, and fix things before things can get any worse.” Shining looked surprised a little after I was finished, but probably because I was holding her by the shoulders, and I had to let go of her if I was in her personal space. She looked to where Fleur was browsing different items displayed on the walls, and it was hard to tell what she was feeling with those sunglasses and hat covering most of her face. Shining took a deep breath with a hand on her chest to calm herself down before her expression of doubt changed to determination. “Alright… Wish me luck then,” she said before she walked to where Fleur was, and I went to a spot where I could see their development from a distance without being seen. Shining made the first move as she walked up to Fleur’s side, and poked her shoulder to gain her attention. Again, it looked difficult to see what Fleur was feeling under those shades, as if she was sporting a poker face. Shining looked anxious as she tried to speak, and not looked to her friend’s direction. I couldn’t hear what those two were talking about because I was too far away, and the music that was playing throughout the store helped drown out the conversation. At one point during their discussion, Fleur looked surprised as she covered her muzzle with a hand. I could only guess that was when Shining told her that she was partially to blame for her sadness during the break up with Solar Flare. I had to hide behind the shelf as Fleur looked around the store for a bit, but when I peeked out again, not only were her shades off, but she had Shining’s hands within hers. While she spoke, there was something black running down her cheek, which was probably some eyeliner that was running with her tears. Not too long later, even Shining was breaking the waterworks before the two got into a tight embrace. Their bodies shook a little from the sobs, with Fleur’s back facing away from the wall to keep herself exposed from the public. I smiled a little when Shining looked up at me, and mouthed ‘thank you’ before I nodded. I left the two of them some time alone, and looked around for Fancy Pants’ gift. Yeah, I think those two are going to be fine. [1 hour, 15 minutes later, 7:00 p.m.] I ended up getting an eight by twelve, dark colored, wooden frame with a glossy finish, and getting it gift wrapped at another store since there wasn’t any paper to use at Fleur’s or Shining’s place. Surprisingly, Fleur bought an eight by ten, beige frame while we were at the store after the two of them settled down. When we were on our way back, I took the opportunity to talk about how big Fancy Pants’ parties usually are. “So do Fancy Pants’ parties tend to be high class? Should I wear something formal like a suit jacket over a shirt like this with a tie?” I asked while gesturing the dark blue, long-sleeve, button-up shirt I was currently wearing. “If you have it, sure, but whatever shirt and slacks you have that are like the ones you’re wearing right now should be fine dearie,” Fleur said. “It may be high class, yes, but it’s still a party no less. There will be a few different bands playing throughout the night for mingling and dancing along to, a small bar for drinks, food and hors d'oeuvre to serve, a table to leave our gifts for him to open later in the evening, and there’s somepony who keeps track of the guest list at the entrance.” “Is the party taking place at his restaurant? It sounds pretty big,” I commented. “Nope. All of it is taking place at his mansion,” Shining answered. “Trust me when I say that if you think Fleur’s house was big, wait until you see his.” … Uh… If the place of the party’s anything like ‘The Great Gatsby’s,’ I think I may stick out like sore thumb if me being a human doesn’t cut it. I’m kind of nervous now. “Don’t worry about a thing dearie,” Fleur said, recognizing how sweaty I was already getting, and shaking in my seat. “You’ll be with us throughout the evening. Just relax, and have some fun okay?” “I’ll try…” I replied. When we got to Fleur’s place, the girls left the carriage first before I stepped out last to carefully carry the frame out. “So we’ll leave for the party in a half hour once we clean and dress up,” Fleur explained. “Shiny that goes for you too. I don’t want you coming back out here with that suit of yours, or any other business attire you have in your wardrobe. We’ve had a long day, and it’s time that we have some fun for the rest of the evening.” Looks like things are okay now if Fleur’s referring Shining by her nickname. I’m glad those two worked things out. They look like they’re practically made for each other. Shining chuckled a little at Fleur’s playful demand before she smiled. “I suppose I’ll cut back a little for tonight, but there’s one last thing that needs to be settled since we’re all here. Oz? If you could step forward please? Silver Wheel, I’ll need you down here as well.” … Oh boy, I think I know what’s coming next. Guess I should prepare for the worst. I handed Silver Wheel my gift to hold once he got off the carriage before I stepped in front of Shining. My hands were behind my back at attention, ready for whatever she had to say. “Ozzy Shore… I must admit without a doubt that despite you being a human, I’ve never come across a stallion such as yourself before,” Shining said as she fixed her glasses before crossing her arms. “Over the course of today, I’ve seen you as somepony who gets distracted in very… Risqué situations. Not to mention awkward, gets nervous easily, and perhaps there may be some clumsiness I haven’t seen yet that will come in the near future.” … Yeah, I guess that can be seen as a bit pathetic like how she described me earlier. “HOWEVER!” She continued, catching my attention back. “You’ve made up for those by putting others before yourself, having the drive to push yourself through whatever challenges that come your way, and taking great focus to the task at hand. And most importantly…” Shining then looked over to Fleur with a warming smile on her face. “You’ve helped me gained back something I had lost briefly, and I couldn’t bear to think what would happen if you weren’t there.” She looked back to me with that same smile on her face. “Not only that, you’ve opened my eyes to recall something I was afraid of ever looking back to, and help me start moving forward to the future after holding onto the past for so long. “You have far exceeded my expectations today Ozzy Shore, and after taking careful consideration…” A brief pause of silence filled the air, quickly getting heavier as time passes for what seemed like an eternity until… “… If you’re still interested, we’d be delighted to have you on board Oz. Do you accept?” Shining asked with a smile. Everything that was piling on me disappeared into thin air as the question came about, and I could have sworn my smile was about to split my face off. “Uh, YES I FREAKIN’ ACCEPT!” I exclaimed I as I rushed and hugged Shining tightly. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” I then stopped and realized what I was doing before I quickly pulled back, and cleared my throat as I calmed down. “Uh, yes, I would be glad to accept that offer. Sorry about that,” I chuckled nervously. “It’s quite alright Oz. We’ve all had those moments at least once in our lives,” Shining replied while fixing her glasses with a smile. “We’ll discuss your payment, and give you a proper welcome to our team tomorrow. Until then, let’s just get ready for tonight, and enjoy ourselves shall we?” “Oh I’m so happy how everything turned out!” Fleur exclaimed with glee as she hugged the both of us tightly in her arms. “This new team is going to work out GREAT! I can feel it already!” Silver Wheel chuckled at Fleur’s enthusiasm. “Congratulations on having you aboard Oz. Welcome to the group, and I look forward to working with you.” “Thanks Silver Wheel, I feel the same,” I replied with a smile as we shook hands. “Well what are we standing around for?! We’ve got a party to prepare!” Fleur exclaimed before she pulled me to her house, and Silver Wheel chuckled as he followed us with the picture frames inside. Shining giggled a little before she walked back to her own home, with what I could have sworn was her tail wagging back and forth swiftly. [45 minutes later, 7:45 p.m.] I took a quick shower before I applied some deodorant, and changed into some new clothes. I went with a pair of black slacks, black shined shoes, and for safe measures, a classic black suit jacket with a white button up shirt underneath, and a striped tie that resembled Fleur’s mane and tail colors that I wore today. You know, I didn’t realize how much I would sweat today from all that I’ve experienced, and I probably should have worn an undershirt while going through all of that, but that WON’T be an issue for tonight, and the many days after that. Since I’ll be working as Fleur’s secretary, I may need to look the part on a daily basis like Shining does. I’ll have to find some better shoes to walk in daily besides the ones I currently have if I don’t want my feet to get sore, and maybe more suit jackets and slacks of different varieties. Maybe more button up and undershirts too if I’m going to be mostly wearing those throughout the week. I’m working in quite a business, that’s for sure, and I don’t want ponies to view Fleur differently if I don’t put in the effort to look the part myself. All the money I brought with me that I was going to use to spend the first few weeks of staying at a hotel plus food will DEFINITELY help me out here. I should probably take the spare time I have tomorrow to shop for those. With the plan in mind, I styled my hair with the pomade I used this morning, and put on some cologne before I put my wallet and phone in my pockets, and went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a peanut butter sandwich with milk for a small snack. I didn’t want to look like a pig at the party, so I might as well have something in my system before then. Once I was finished, I cleaned everything up and waited for the girls. I checked the time on my phone before I looked outside. Even though it was late in the evening, the summer season made the night sky come at a later time. The sun Princess Celestia raises and lowers (which I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around along with how the weather works around here) was hovering over the horizon, giving the sky a beautiful, colorful mix of yellow, orange, red, pink, and violet. I was quite entranced at the scene before the sound of door knocks snapped me out of my sky watching. “I’ll get it!” I exclaimed as I walked over to the door, opened it, and my eyes widened at the sight before me. Shining Star looked completely different compared to the business attire I saw her in today and last night. Her light blue mane wasn’t tied in her usual bun, and it was not only down, but it definitely looked like she had put a lot of work on it. It looked… Open, if I could describe it in one word. It was thicker and silkier than what I had expected, the ends of those locks were styled freely, and they stretched just past her shoulders. The white dress she wore certainly hugged her body frame as well. It looked fuller compared to Fleur’s, similar to a cello perhaps, with her hips probably a few centimeters wider than her D cup (?) sized bust. Her breasts showed an impressive cleavage in the dress that was held up by the comfortable looking straps on her shoulders. Speaking of dresses, not only was it made of silk, but it stretched down to just an inch and a half above her hooves where she wore slippers that matched, and there was a slit on the side that went up to her mid-thigh. Since it was also sleeveless, I could finally see the cutie mark on her shoulders, which was a big white star that was leaving a trail of smaller stars in its path. She also had a white purse strapped over one of her shoulders as well. In short, she was one heck of a beauty. “Hello there Oz. You look quite handsome,” Shining complimented while fixing her glasses. “Thanks. And you look… Wow. That’s all I can say,” I replied. She giggled at that with a smile. “Thank you Oz. Is Fleur ready?” “Not yet. I’m still waiting on her. You want to come in?” I asked while leaving room for her to walk inside. “Gladly,” she replied as she walked in. I closed the door, and we took a seat in the living room, with the picture frame I have for Fancy Pants’ birthday leaning against mine. “So what did you get for Fancy Pants’ birthday?” I asked “I got him a new cobalt blue metal framed monocle,” she replied as she reached into her purse, and took out a small, hand sized gift. “You know, I’ve always been wondering, are monocles for ponies who only have that one bad eye to help them see, or is it just for show? I’ve sometimes seen that in movies back in my world, but I’ve never seen them on anypony in person.” “To be honest, I’m not quite so sure myself,” she said as she put the gift back in her purse. “I sometimes think it’s some kind of microscopic lens or some sort. It’s a wonder though how those things even stay on them, unless they have to squint that one eye they put it on to keep it from falling.” “Right? That just makes it sound uncomfortable,” I added in. “I don’t really see why they couldn’t just prescribe for regular glasses, even if one of their eyes are that good in vision.” “Who knows? I only picked the frame for mine to make it look more like an accessory than an essential.” “And that’s the thing. If you want to look good while keeping good eyesight, just pick one that fits your style better than others. I mean taking you for example, whether you’re wearing your usual business attire, or going out to an event like right now, you’ll still look quite attractive with those glasses because they’re like a part of you.” My eyes widened when I realized I had just called my new boss attractive. I wasn’t sure if it was because I’ve never seen any of my old ones outside of their business back on Earth, but I never thought that I’d ever call anyone in a higher job position than me attractive, especially in this case when my current manager was a bipedal pony. Shining’s eyes widened at that slip of the tongue as well while there was a hint of blush in her cheeks. “Umm… I don’t think I’ve ever thought of it that way before... Thank you,” she said as she looked away from to the side. Her ears twitched while she shifted in her seat, making a somewhat poor attempt to make herself comfortable. Oh god, what the fuck am I even doing? First it was Fleur, and now there’s Shining to add in. What makes this awkward is that the latter had a strong distaste in stallions for five years until she decided to try and change that starting today. Now that I think about it, Fleur mentioned during that time, Shining would try and push those stallions away from getting close to her. I could only guess that her ex-coltfriend and Solar Flare were the culprits who caused that change of behavior. How long has it been since somepony spoke to her like that before today? Judging by her reaction, she must be having as much conflicting thoughts about this as I am right now, and I don’t blame her. “Sorry for the wait~!” A voice sang, butting in the air of awkwardness that I thanked god was stopped before it continued to grow thicker. Shining and I looked back, and saw Fleur walking down the stairs in her own dress for the evening. Hers was more creative compared to most, which sort of make sense considering she probably had been in at least one catwalk in her life wearing something similar for the occasion. It started off as a jade colored, strapless top around her torso. Her heart shaped neckline that pushed up her breasts had not only showed some good cleavage, but they were also formed in a way that gave the illusion of making them look bigger. Then from the just below the waistline, down to an inch and a half above the ground, was a skirt that consisted of many feathers that had colors of turquoise, green, and blue. Sort of like the feathers from peacocks, but not the same kind that was used to make up the dress. She also had a matching jade purse, bracelets that had the same feathers as the skirt, and slippers to go along with it. Despite the dress colors, she still had the pale purple eye shadow that matched her eyes to finish her ensemble. All I could think of from looking at it was what the poor birds went through getting all of their feathers plucked for something like this. “Oh my goddess Shiny, you look incredible!” Fleur exclaimed with glee as Shiny stood up, and gave her dear friend a hug. “Well, tonight’s a special occasion for all of us, so I might as well cut back a little like you said,” Shining commented. If what you have there is ‘a little,’ then I’m curious to what it looks like when you go all out. “Ozzy, you’re looking quite sharp yourself,” Fleur complimented as she gave me a hug as well. “Ooo~ and you smell nice too.” “Well first impressions are always important I always say,” I replied. “Just want to look the part as your new secretary for your brother.” “And new friend of course,” she said with a smile. “We need to take pictures for tonight, I got a camera right here, and I’m sure Silver Wheel can help do the shots for us.” Shining and I nodded in agreement before we called Silver Wheel over to help us out with the pictures. He took one of the three of us first, and then I switched places with him so he could be in a few shots. Even though he might not be attending for the party, he’s still as much part of the team as I was, and he was happy to oblige along with the girls. I then took a few with the girls by themselves; Silver took a few with me and Fleur; and finally a few of me with Shining. Funny, this is like going to a high school prom back on Earth. Even though I’ve never been in one, I’ve seen over the top clothes some students wore for one night, and that’s kind of what’s going on here right now. Except that even if I did go to prom with a date, that would probably be nothing compared to where I’m going tonight. “Alright, I’ll have to help upload and e-mail them to you guys once the party’s over,” I commented after we were finished with the pictures for the moment. “Well if there’s nothing else, let’s get going while the night’s still young,” Shining said while fixing her glasses with a smile. “I’m with ya there. Let’s kick it everypony!” Fleur exclaimed before I grabbed Fancy Pants’ gift, and we headed out of her home. Once we got in the carriage, we were on our way for the last stop for the day, and my first destination as Fleur de Lis’ official secretary. > Chapter 8: "Oy. What a night." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: “Oy. What a night.” [8:00 p.m.] Shining was right on one thing: if I thought Fleur’s house was big, then what was before me far exceeded my expectations. Fancy Pants’ mansion was ginormous. Carriages were packed along the side of the roads, there was a drop off point at the front gate, and there were at least a few hundred ponies that were walking in. Some paparazzi tried to get in as well, but the security was tight enough to keep them out. Once Silver Wheel dropped us off at the front, I followed Fleur and Shining to the check in at the front with my gift for Fancy Pants in tow. The stallion that was there looked very uptight and burly. The sunglasses and black suit made him look like some kind of intimidating agent. “Fleur de Lis! So glad to have you join us for the evening,” he greeted with a gruff sounding voice. “Glad to be here,” Fleur responded. “May we go in?” “Yes you may,” he replied before opening the door for the girls, and I followed before the stallion stopped me abruptly. “Whoa there pal, where do you think you're going?” “Oh! Don’t worry about him dearie, he’s with us,” Fleur vouched. “He’s our new secretary,” Shining added in. I looked up to the stallion who lifted his sunglasses to give me a skeptical, yet threatening look. “Uh… Hello?” I asked with a wave of my hand, and a sheepish smile on my face. “Hmmm… Alright, you’re in, but I’ve got my eye on you buddy,” he warned as he set his glasses back in front. “Thank you sir,” I replied as I quickly rushed inside with the girls, and gasped a breath of air I didn’t know I lost. “My god that was tense. He looked like he could rip me to shreds.” “Oh don’t worry about him dearie. When you get to know him, Bubbles can be a pretty nice guy,” Fleur defended. … Bubbles… I’m fighting a very powerful urge to burst out laughing right now if I don’t want to risk him hearing it. “Well with that out of the way, let’s put our gifts on the table before we find your brother Fleur,” Shining suggested as we walked further inside. “Sounds good, though I don’t think we’ll need to look very far,” Fleur said as she pointed a finger. Shining and I followed the direction, and my eyes felt like they bulged out of their sockets. On each side of the grand stairway in the center were literally mountains of presents for Fancy Pants ranged from small to at least twice my size. “Uh… I’m not even sure if he’ll have time to open all of those presents in one night,” I commented. “Maybe he can open the two of yours when we meet Fancy Pants since I can only guess you’re the closest to him. I’ll just lay mine—“ “Are you looking for Sir Fancy Pants?” A stallion voice interrupted. I turned, and saw that he was probably one of the older staff of house maintenance from the way he was dressed like a butler, carrying a silver platter of hors d’oeuvre. “Indeed we are,” Fleur answered as she stepped in with a smile. “Do you know where my brother is?” “He’s taking some rest in his private study. I suggest you go to him soon however. He’s been wanting to see you,” the butler suggested. “We’ll do that, thank you,” Fleur replied. “Ozzy, why don’t you bring that gift with you? Fancy Pants probably wants to speak about the broadcast this morning, and I’m sure he’d be delighted to meet you.” “If you say so Fleur,” I replied before Fleur led Shining and me up the stairs. When I looked back, I didn’t realize how crowded it was inside the mansion, with a handful of ponies within it giving me questionable stares before they looked away, and whispered something to their peers. Looking at their attire, they must be the more upper class type of ponies compared to others I’ve come across today. These look more judgmental compared to some I’ve talked to at the businesses today, and probably even more than the ones I’ve seen in public when I first arrived. I pushed whatever they might have said about me out of mind before I continued following the girls. A few minutes later, we stopped by a well engraved door with one of the maid staff standing in front. The attire she wore was kind of revealing, and probably what you might expect any maid would wear. It was black with white trimmings, her heart shaped neckline gave her D cup sized breasts excellent cleavage, her skirt looked just too short to be not revealing, and not only was she wearing one of those frilly hats, but she even had a matching choker. “Excuse me, is my brother occupied in there?” Fleur asked the maid. “Let me check in,” the maid requested before she gave the door a couple knocks, opened the door, and peeked her head inside. “Sir Fancy Pants, your sister and her guests are out here. Should I let them in?” A sound of silence filled the room, probably because he was too far away for his voice to reach in. The maid pulled back to us, and gave a nod with a smile before she opened the door wider. We walked inside with Fleur in the lead, and the first thing I noticed about the room as the maid shut the door behind us was how red it was. The carpeting was crimson colored, the walls were in a lighter shade, the bookshelves and desk were redwood, and the suede chairs that sat in the middle had only gold trimmings to contrast the rest of the material. On one of those seats was a burly white unicorn with a styled, short aqua mane, mustache, and monocle with a gold chain connecting to one of his coat pockets. The suit he was wearing looked suitable to his name, having a purple bow tie, black coat with a vest that matched his mane, and a white button up shirt underneath. Unlike most of the ponies I’ve seen today, his blue hooves were actually shown under his white fur as it was trimmed to such length. Come to think of it, how come I couldn’t tell whether they were actually their hooves, or just covered well with their fur? Strange how that part works around here. “Fancyyyyy!” Fleur exclaimed with glee. “Fleuryyyyy!” Fancy Pants returned as he got up from his chair, gave his sister exaggeratingly loud kisses on both of her cheeks, and pulled her into an embrace. During that close proximity, I noticed that he was actually about an inch and a half taller than his sister. “It’s so good to see you safe and sound dear sister. Are you feeling alright from that carriage incident yesterday?” “I’m feeling quite well Fancy, and it’s good to see you back in Canterlot. Sorry we couldn’t come by sooner. Today has just been a hectic day for me,” Fleur replied as she pulled back, and gestured to Shining. “Dearie, you remember Shiny?” “It’s good to see you again Fancy,” Shining said with a smile as she walked up and gave him a handshake. “My word, I haven’t seen you this well dressed in years. I almost didn’t recognize you for a second,” Fancy Pants commented. Huh, I guess those two have some history as well. Wonder what he meant when he said he hadn’t seen her dressed that well in years? “And Fancy, allow me to introduce you to my new secretary and friend, Ozzy Shore. Ozzy? This is my older brother Fancy Pants.” “Ahh, so you're the little rascal who whisked my sister away,” he said as he came in with a smile, and shook my hand that was not holding his gift. “I must simply thank you for saving her life. I’m afraid to fathom what might have happened if you weren’t there.” “Oh no, it’s no trouble at all Mr. Fancy Pants,” I replied as we finished the handshake. “I’m just glad nopony had gotten hurt. You can call me Oz if you’d like.” “Well in that case Oz, you may call me Fancy,” he replied with a nod. “And I see you’ve brought me a gift.” “Oh yes, but I think you should open Fleur’s and Shining’s first,” I suggested. “For moi?” He asked playfully as he turned to the girls. Fleur was the first to pull out her present from her purse with a smile before handing it to him. “Happy Birthday Fancy.” Fancy then unwrapped the gift before a black box was revealed. Once he opened the lid, his eyes widened at the beautifully engraved, gold pocket watch that was inside. He pulled it out along with the chain, and observed it in amazement before he sees some writing on the back. “To my beloved brother… Aww Fleury, you shouldn’t have.” Fancy looked back up to Fleur with a smile before giving her another hug. “Thank you so much for this. It’s simply wonderful.” “I’m glad you liked it,” Fleur replied before they pulled back. “Here’s my present next Fancy,” Shining said as she pulled out her gift from her purse before giving it to him. After a few moments to unwrap, Fancy smiled once he saw the cobalt blue framed monocle with chain. “Why Shiny, this is quite divine, and it matches my mane and stache. Thank you very much for this,” he said with a nod. “Ozzy? You’re up,” Fleur said before I nodded, walked up and presented the gift to him. Fancy then began tearing apart the last gift before observing the picture frame that was revealed. “Marvelous! You have a fine taste indeed Oz, and I think I know just the picture to fill this with.” His horn then glowed a light blue aura before a camera came floating from behind his desk towards us. “Buttermilk! We need your assistance!” He exclaimed before the same maid from earlier came inside, and curtseyed to him. “Would you be a dear and take a few pictures for us please?” “It’d be my pleasure sir,” Buttermilk replied before she took the camera. Fancy and the girls took a position in front of the furniture with albeit a strange one, as Fleur was in the middle with Shining and him at her sides. “Are we all set?” She asked. “Hoooold it! There’s still one more that needs to be in here,” Fancy said before he glanced over my direction. I raised my eyebrow, and checked both sides of me to see if he was referring to someone else before I pointed a finger at myself. “Yes you dear old boy. Come on in the shot with us would you?” “Um… Okay,” I said nervously before I walked up to Fancy’s side, and he had an arm over my shoulder. “Okay, now we’re ready,” Fancy confirmed. “Smile for the camera!” Buttermilk exclaimed before we complied, and two bright flashes temporarily blinded me. “I got some good shots here sir.” “Marvelous!” Fancy exclaimed before he had his arms over the girls’ shoulders. “Ladies, I’d love for you two to stay and chat, but could you two give me moment with Oz here?” “It’s not anything harsh is it Fancy?” Shining asked with folded ears. “Don’t worry Shiny, it’s just a small chat. I won’t chew him out,” Fancy promised. “Now you two go on out and enjoy the party. I’ll be coming down later Fleury.” “Alright then. Ozzy, we’ll be in the gardens if you need us,” Fleur informed. “I’ll meet you down there then,” I replied. “Don’t stay up here too long then! And don’t give him too much of a hard time Fancy. Come along Shiny,” Fleur said before she pulled Shining out of the study, and Buttermilk followed suit after curtseying and shutting the door. The study was quiet now besides the music that was playing downstairs, with me and Fancy being the only two in the room. Oh boy… This is getting tense. I’m sure Fancy’s one of those overprotective kinds of brothers since he and Fleur seem so close. Though why did he want me to be in the picture with him? Fancy set his gifts to the side before he got behind his desk, and pulled out two glasses, plus what looked like a bottle of expensive scotch. “Care for a drink dear boy?” Fancy asked. “Uh, yes please,” I hesitated before Fancy popped the cork, and poured the amber colored liquid in the two glasses. “So you’re one of those humans who started settling in Equestria recently, yes?” He asked as he handed me a glass. “That’s right. I actually just moved in first thing yesterday,” I replied. “Well now, allow me to welcome you to Equestria then. A toast to your arrival,” he said before we clinked glasses, and I took a few sips of the scotch. It was stronger than I expected, but I tried to not let it show as I combatted the burning taste of alcohol. “How has Canterlot been treating you so far Oz?” He asked as we took a seat in the chairs. “It’s been quite a ride, I’ll say that much,” I replied. “Even if I wasn’t in this kind of business as a secretary before, I don’t think there was ever this much excitement with anything similar back on Earth.” “How has working with Fleur been for you so far?” “It’s been fantastic. I’ll admit, I’m kind of concerned as I noticed how carefree she can be, but she’s just been wonderful to be with.” “And how about Shining Star?” “It went a little bumpy between us at first, but I think things are starting to get better.” I took another sip of my drink as I finished, getting more used to the burning sense than before. Then again, when I said things were ‘bumpy,’ it was more like walking through a minefield in some cases. “I see… You must have done more work than I had previously thought,” Fancy commented while looking up. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I quite follow.” “It may have been because of how long it’s been since I last saw Fleur, but when she came in earlier… I noticed there was something different about her,” he explained. “How so?” I asked. “She seemed… Happier than usual. A kind of joy that I haven’t seen in quite some time. She has a good way of hiding her feelings, but I’ve known my sister enough to see signs that not many other ponies can see. Adding into it, something was especially different with Shining Star as well.” “You mentioned earlier how it’s been so long since she dressed like she is tonight… What did you mean by that if you don’t mind me asking?” “I apologize Oz, but that is something I cannot share with you. It’s a rather personal subject that Shining doesn’t want anypony referring to her with. I’m sure you’ll get the same answer if you asked Fleur as well. You understand this don’t you?” “Of course,” I replied with a nod before I downed the rest of my drink. “I may not know what had happened before you came in here, but I’m getting a sense that these subtle changes I’m seeing in the girls right now have something to do with you Oz,” Fancy theorized. “… That’s not a bad thing is it?” I asked with a shakiness in my voice. “On the contrary. I’m a little more at ease seeing them the way they are tonight,” Fancy said as he got up to the window that was behind his desk, and I set my empty glass down before I followed. We gazed outside to the gardens, and saw Fleur and Shining having a good time chatting with each other, and the other guests. “It has been quite some time since I last saw the two of them like this, at least a little. I was afraid that something like this might not happen again, even if I did everything in my power to make it so… I suppose there are some things a brother just can’t do that others could.” Suddenly a hand on my shoulder made my spine tingle, not realizing how tense I was before I turned to Fancy who had a melancholic look. “If those two have eyes like mine, they must have seen something that makes you different compared to other ponies… Besides you being a human of course,” he continued. “You probably already realize by now how much I care for my sister Fleur, and as her brother, I want to do however I can to keep her safe and happy. So I’d like to ask you from stallion to stallion that you please watch over and take care of her and Shining not as just their secretary, but as a dear friend as well. Can I trust you to do this Oz?” I looked back down to the garden where the girls were still having a good time, and I recalled what had happened since I first came to Equestria to now. Things might have been rough between us three for a brief period, but I don’t think I would ever be here if I hadn’t met the two of them. It may have been crazy, sure, but I’m happy that I got to meet and make friends with them, and I want to do what I can to return their kindness. I looked back to Fancy with a determined expression before I nodded. “I promise I’ll take good care of them. You have my word.” “I’m counting on you then Oz,” he replied as he patted my shoulder a few. “And if there’s anything you need that could help them, don’t be afraid to give a call or stop by.” He then reached into his coat pocket, and took out a business card with his contact information. I took the card and placed it in my wallet for safe keeping. “I’ll keep it in mind. Thank you Fancy,” I said with a smile. “You’re quite welcome dear boy. Now run along and enjoy the party. And I thank you for your gift and promise,” he said with a smile before I nodded and walked to the door. “It’s no trouble Fancy, but I got one question I’d like to ask though.” “What’s that?” “Why do you have something like that in here?” I asked as I pointed to the one thing that stood out in the room that was itching my brain: a monocle in a glass case displayed on the wall with a small hammer hanging on the side, and a sign below it, reading ‘In case of really fancy party, break glass.’ “Like is it an emergency, special monocle for those kinds of parties, or what?” “Ah… No my dear boy,” Fancy answered. “That would be… The second monocle.” “… Huh?” “There was only one time when I attended a party that was so fancy, I had to wear a second monocle along with one I already have on like right now… The results were disastrous.” “What happened?” “… It’s too terrifying to speak of.” Suddenly there were beads of sweat running down Fancy’s forehead, and his irises shrunk just a tad. “Well… Do you think you’ll ever need that second monocle again since it’s displayed right there?” “… No, not again… Never again… Celestia help us all should I ever need to wear the second monocle…” There was nothing besides the music that was playing outside as I was starting to realize things were starting to get pretty weird for my taste. “Okaaaaay… Well then, I’m going back to the girls downstairs then. Like I said, I promise I’ll look after them… See you around, and Happy Birthday,” I bid before I smiled sheepishly, waved, and opened the door. I nodded a little to Buttermilk who was still standing at the door, and she returned the gesture before I stepped out of the room. [9:30 p.m.] Well that had to be the strangest way to end a conversation I ever experienced. Why would anyone even wear a second monocle for something more fancy than usual? I’m curious to what happened at that one party Fancy wore that monocle if it was that much of a taboo to talk about. I guess some of even the highest class of ponies around here can have their awkward moments sometimes… Strange as that was, I actually feel a little better knowing that even those kinds of ponies can’t be considered perfect. If there’s one thing I’ve learned that I’ll never forget, it’s that no matter what happens, everyone has fucked up so bad at least once in their lives unless you’re some kind of hermit. Me? Well I pretty much learn from everyone else’s fuck ups to avoid them mostly, but I can’t deny that I’ve made a few myself. Anyway, I better go see how Fleur and Shining are doing. They may be worried for why I’ve been out for so long. I tried to get myself through the large crowds of ponies to get to the garden while picking up a few hors d’oeuvre along the way as I was a little hungry. Soon however, I got a little lost from how big the mansion was, and somehow ended up in some part of the backyard where not only there was a pool, but over in the distance was appeared to be some sort of vessel that was a mixture of a yacht, and a blimp. Christ, just how loaded is this guy anyway? Surely he can’t afford something like this just owning a restaurant. Does he fund it perhaps, and gets a share of the loan? What else could this guy do? Gah, forget that. I’m lost, and I need some directions. “Excuse me, young stallion? Or man should I say?” A feminine voice called me while poking my shoulder. I turned around, and saw that it was a fancy looking unicorn mare. She had hot pink fur with an indigo mane that stretched just above her shoulders, with the ends of her strands curling outwards. She wore a red silk dress with her heart shaped neck line accenting her pushed up bust, matching gloves that stretched to her elbows, and one of those white fluffy things around her neck. “Are you here alone tonight?” She asked. “No, I’m here with some friends,” I replied as I looked around. “I’m just a little lost finding them. Do you know how I could get to the gardens from here?” “Why the sudden rush? I’m sure your friends won’t mind you staying out for just a tad longer,” she replied with half-lidded eyes, and a smile as she wrapped her arms around one of mine. “Why don’t I treat us to some drinks, and get to know each other for a bit? I’ve been wanting to meet a human since I first heard of them, and I’d like to get… Personal, as we talk.” She pressed my arm between her breasts outside of the dress as she fluttered her eyes at me. I laughed nervously at the sudden up close gesture as I tried to pull away, but to no avail. “Thank you for the kind offer, but I’ve been keeping my friends waiting for too long, and I promised to be with them throughout the night. So if you could please excuse me—“ “And let go of our friend so we can be with him for the rest of the night, that would be most appreciated miss,” a familiar voice hissed. I turned my gaze, and found that it was Shining standing there with her arms crossed, and her brow furrowed to the mare. Fleur was also alongside her doing the same gesture. The mare that was holding me had her irises shrunk to pinpricks once she saw the girls before she pulled away quickly, and gave me some space. “Um… Yes, of course. If you’ll excuse me,” she said before she turned and power walked out of the area. I sighed a breath of relief before I turned to the girls. “Thanks for that. Things were starting to get uncomfortable for me.” “Are the girls from your world usually that forward?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “I can only say a couple out of the majority,” I answered. “I gotta say, I thought Fleur pulling me to a restaurant for dinner was forward. I don’t usually see behavior like that unless the roles were switched.” “Well it’s like I’ve said yesterday Ozzy. With how there’s more mares than stallions in this world, the competition to find mates can be quite brute unless they’re willing to make a herd,” Fleur explained. “So polygamy does exist here,” I said. “Honestly, I don’t think I could handle that. Plus I think giving all your attention and love to one girl makes it more meaningful compared to sharing it with others. Then again, polygamy’s mostly looked down upon back on Earth.” “So monogamy is the main practice back on your world?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, and I think it’s mostly because the numbers between guys and girls are more even,” I answered. “If we were in the same scenario as this where one population in gender outnumbers the other, I guess it would make sense to form herds, or harems as it’s termed back on Earth, in order to keep the population stable and growing. But that’s not a problem back on Earth, and since there are about as much girls as there are guys, one can keep the other all to themselves.” “That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” Shining asked as she turned to Fleur. “Well enough about that for now, how did things go with Fancy? I hope he wasn't too hard on you,” Fleur said with ears folded. “Oh no, things were great between us,” I said with a wave of my hand. “I think we’ll be able to get along just fine, all things considering.” “What do you mean by that?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow. “Do either of you know anything about… The second monocle, of Fancy’s?” I asked. The girl’s eyes widened with their irises shrunk to pinpricks. “Oh, yes… that,” Shining deadpanned. “That’s… A touchy subject for all of us dearie. It would be best that you don’t know the details,” Fleur suggested. God, what is up with this second monocle thing?! The only thing I could think of that can be considered the worst possible thing would be how ridiculous it would look. Ugh. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll ever get the answer no matter how hard I try. “Anyway, why don’t we go to the dance hall and enjoy the rest of the evening hmm?” Fleur asked with a smile. “Oh, uh… I can’t,” I said with a sheepish smile. “Never been to a dance before remember? Somehow I don’t think I’ll do better than a fish out of water.” “Well now, I think we should change that for tonight,” Fleur protested with a devious smile as she grabbed my wrist. “I’m going to teach you how to dance, and I’m not going to let you stand in the background the rest of the evening without having some fun.” She then pulled me back inside the mansion, caught off-guard by her demanding behavior. Shining just giggled at my expense as she followed us. [9:50 p.m.] When we got to the dance hall, there was a small orchestra of ponies on stage, performing pieces that many other ponies in a circle were dancing in front of the stage, while there were those sitting in tables scattered around the hall enjoying the music, and chatting. The dancers in the circle looked like they’ve been doing what looked like the waltz all their lifetime, which I feared was the kind of dance I would never get. “Uh… I’m worried that I might go against their flow. Are you sure I can’t just step to the side and watch?” I asked. “Don’t worry dearie, you’re going to be fine,” Fleur said with a wave. “Learning the waltz won’t be too hard as long as you know the movements. Shiny? Do you mind sitting out for a moment?” “Go nuts. I’m not much of a dancer anyway,” she replied as she walked to one of the tables that were scattered along the walls of the room, and took a seat. “If you’ll follow me please?” Fleur asked before she pulled me along to a space on the dance floor once the music stopped for a small intermission. The two of us faced each other, Fleur still sported the same, warming smile while I did everything in my power to not sweat from nervousness. “Now then, to dance the waltz, we need to be in a good position. Take your left hand, and hold my right,” she instructed, and I complied as our hands were held by the palms. “Now I put my left on your shoulder, while you put your right around my side.” She then did as she said, and I gingerly placed my right hand under her bottom ribcage. Without warning, she took my right hand, and dropped it lower and further behind until it was to the small of her back. “There we go. Now we get closer, stand up straight, keep your gaze on mine, and don’t look down between us.” When we got in position, our fronts were barely touching each other, with her chest lightly pressing against mine, and my heart was racing just from not only looking into her pale purple eyes, but from how close our faces were. “We’re… Certainly a little close in proximity aren’t we?” I asked with my voice shaking. “Don’t worry Ozzy, this is normal for any kind of dance,” she replied still keeping that smile up. “Now to start things off easy, we’re going to draw a box on the floor with our hooves, or feet in your case. You step forward with your left, sidle to your right, and bring your left back in making the first two sides of the box in three steps. Then you step back with your right, sidle to your left, and bring your right back in, coming back to where we started, and completing the box. Understand?” “I think so,” I replied. “We’ll begin after the introduction, and I’ll count the steps as we go. Alright?” She asked, and I nodded in response. Once the other dancers got in position, the music started playing a familiar piece. After the small intro, Fleur nodded, signaling me to begin moving to the tempo before I made the first step. “One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Very good Ozzy. See? Not so hard is it?” She asked with a smile as we kept dancing to the beat. “I guess not,” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. “Now we’re going to try and change things up a bit,” Fleur challenged. “We’re going to do the same motion with our hooves, but turn one quarter counterclockwise as we get on our second step. Does that make sense?” I nodded in response. “Alright, we’ll start with the same step we began once we get there. Ready?” Once I stepped my left foot we started with, I turned left as I stepped with my right, and brought my left back in. Then I stepped back with my right, turned and stepped to my left, brought my right back in, and repeated before I realize we were making a bigger, and complicated box around the floor. “One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. You’re doing it Ozzy!” She exclaimed with glee. “Ha ha, look at me! I’m dancing the waltz!” I exclaimed with a smile. “This is actually really fun. This music’s also nice to dance to as well.” “Isn’t it? This is actually my favorite piece,” Fleur replied as we continued dancing. The tensions I had earlier soon melted away without me even realizing it, as Fleur and I were not only dancing in sync with the music, but with each other, as if there was some kind of strange force or magic that was keeping us connected. What I didn’t realize however, was how connected we were in our fronts, as it seemed like we pressed closer to each other than when we had started. Did this happen on accident while we danced? Ozzy, if there ever is a time for you to get a boner, you BETTER not be getting it right at this moment. Soon however, the song ended, and the ponies in the hall (including me) applauded to the small orchestra. Fleur sighed in content and slight exhaustion as we gave each other some space. “My, that was quite exhilarating. Would you like to go again Ozzy?” “Sure, I could probably go for one more song,” I answered. So long as I don’t get something in my pants again. Seriously, why is something like that keep happening today? “Excellent!” Fleur exclaimed with a couple claps. “There’s just one thing though. Give me a moment.” Her horn then started glowing the pale pink aura I’ve seen before. I looked at myself, and my surroundings to see what she was trying to do until— “Hey! You put me down right now Fleur! This is not funny!” A familiar voice exclaimed. I turned to the source, and my eyes widened when I saw that it was Shining enveloped in Fleur’s aura, as she was being levitated over to the dance floor. She was then gently put down on the floor in front of us before the aura dissipated. “You know you didn’t have to do that if you wanted to talk to me Fleur. That was very unnecessary.” “But how else would I want you to come by and have a dance with Ozzy while I get us some drinks?” Fleur asked with a devious smile. “… Huh?” The two of us asked in synch. “Oop! Looks like they’re ready to do another song. You two have fun while I go fetch us some wine. Ta-ta~!” Fleur sang before she rushed out of the dance hall. “Wait! Don’t leave me here alone with… Why that sneaky little…” Shining muttered. … Okaaaay, this is a little awkward. I was okay with one more dance, but I didn’t think Fleur wanted me to do it with Shining. I’m not even sure if she’s comfortable enough to go this far with a guy yet. I understand that Fleur wants her to come out of her shell and relax a little, but this might be a little too pushy for her. Maybe I’ll just ask, and if she doesn’t want to do it, I’m fine with just talking while we wait for Fleur to come back. “Um… May I have this dance?” I asked as I held my hand out. Shining’s ears perked and swiveled towards me before the rest of her followed suit with widened eyes. She looked unsure of what to do as she covered her mouth with her closed hand, and scanned her surroundings. I knew it. She looks uncomfortable. I’ll have to say something to calm her down a little so she doesn’t feel pressured. “Listen, I know what Fleur did was sort of uncalled for, and we don’t have to—“ “I suppose I could go for just one dance if you don’t mind doing it with—“ “… What?” The two of us asked each other in sync after we said our previous lines at the same time. “I-I mean, if you’re okay having this with me, I’m more than happy to oblige,” I said first. “I thought you’d feel awkward having a dance with your manager, especially after all that’s happened day,” Shining commented while fixing her glasses. “N-no, I’m fine. If we’re starting over like we agreed earlier, I just want you to feel comfortable while we’re here like I sort of am.” “And you’re absolutely sure you’re alright with this?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “Of course. I mentioned earlier how I wanted to have some fun while working with you girls right?” I asked as I held out my hand, my offer for her to dance still standing. “Well… If you’re fine with it… Just don’t get that hand any lower than where you had it with Fleur,” she demanded as she gingerly took my hand. “Don’t worry, I won’t,” I promised as the two of us got in position for the next song like I did with Fleur, taking note where my hand was before it bumped into something little stringy. It twitched from contact while her whole body shivered as she gripped tightly onto me. ... I think I might have just touched her tail. Oh god, is that a sensitive place for ponies? “S-sorry, that was an accident,” I apologized as I moved my hand up slightly. “I-it’s fine… Just don’t do that again please,” Shining requested as her cheeks blushed a little, and she looked to the side. Once we got the awkward tensions from getting into our positions out of the way, the orchestra started playing the next song, and I led us after the first couple of beats. Since I was getting the hang of the movement from the last song, I upped the pace a little, and made the steps smoother to transition than before. Shining seemed surprised at how good this was getting, as she looked at me with those widened, pale green eyes. “Goodness… I guess Fleur turned out to be a better teacher than I thought,” Shining commented as we danced. “Has she always been so… Pushy, if that’s the right way to word it?” I asked. “Not to mention a little too comfortable with herself, and her surroundings,” she replied with a sigh. “Then again… You have to admire how she enjoys the littler things sometimes, and always trying to have me join in on the fun she wants to share.” “Yeah, I can see that,” I agreed. “But you have some good things that help balance things out in her life.” “How so?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, you seem like the voice of reason for her when she may try something a little too risky,” I explained. “Maybe that’s why she trusts you so much as a friend and manager, because you’ve probably looked out for her since day one. She also sees how tense you can be sometimes when you do things for her, and that’s why she wants you to relax at these kinds of things, and treat you to something special like that spa treatment she mentioned in the broadcast this morning. “As far as I can see, you want to get Fleur to be more serious with how she handles things, and she wants you to relax, and not let such things stress you out. You pretty much complement each other into one heck of a team like peas and carrots, and I admire that.” “… I see,” Shining responded as she looked past me, probably trying to come up with something to say. “Well… I guess you aren’t as bad of a guy as others I’ve come across.” … I’m not sure if that was a compliment, but I’m just going to take that as it is. “May I ask you something Oz?” Shining asked. “Sure. What is it?” “… Did you really meant what you said earlier… When you said I was attractive, even with these glasses of mine, and wearing my usual attire during my work days?” My cheeks heated up a little from hearing that. It still felt a little awkward that I just called my boss attractive back then, even when she was in her business attire. “Uh… Yeah, I did… Why do you ask?” “… It’s nothing… Just thought I’d get that statement clarified,” Shining responded with a small smile. As we continued to dance, I noticed something familiar that was like the last dance, but a little different. Our chests were pressed against each other more than when I had danced with Fleur, but as I glanced at the other dancers, some added their own little twirls and spins to their routines. … Eh, why not? Might as well add something interesting to this occasion. With the plan in mind, I gave it a go by flinging Shining out, catching her by the hand I was still holding. She was surprised at first before I pulled her back, twirled her around me like I saw the stallions on the floor. As the song came to a close, and Shining was in front of me, I dipped her with my hands holding her up by the back, while she had her arms around my neck. Everyone but Shining and I applauded to the orchestra while we stared at each other with surprise in our faces, the former more reddened in the cheeks. “… Did you learn that from Fleur when I wasn’t looking?” Shining asked. “Uh… No?” I replied. “I kind of watched how the others did it, and I guess I just… Gave it a shot?” “And what a marvelous shot indeed!” A voice exclaimed cheerfully. Shining and I turned to the source, and saw that it was Fleur smirking with two wine glasses in her hands, while Fancy was beside her with that same expression, and two more wine glasses. “A little stagnant in the end, but very well done for your first time,” Fancy critiqued as I pulled Shining up to a standing, with both of our faces still flushing red. “Um… Thanks,” I replied with an embarrassed laughter while scratching the back of my head before he handed me a glass of wine. “Do you not regret having a dance with him now Shiny?” Fleur asked with a smirk as she passed Shining her own glass. “I must say, that last one was a bold move on his part, I’m rather jealous I didn’t get a piece of that.” “I-it’s not what you think!” Shining exclaimed as she shook her free hand out front. “I was as much taken aback by that as you were. I thought he was going to drop me in that dip… Which was why I held onto him for dear life… Yes, that’s it.” “Well, I’m certainly glad everypony here is having a good time,” Fancy commented with a smile. “I must say this turned out to be a splendid birthday for me this year, and I look forward to spending the next one with all of you.” “A toast to Fancy Pants then!” Fleur exclaimed joyfully as she held up her wine glass. “Happy Birthday Fancy!” “Happy Birthday Fancy!” Shining and I joined as the four of us clinked our glasses, and we took a sip of the wine. Shining continued downing her glass (which was quite full when we got it) when the rest of us finished sipping ours. She finished with nothing left in her glass, and gasped an air of refreshment. “Uh… Shiny, are you feeling alright?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “I feel fantastic!” Shining exclaimed almost too quickly. “Oh, would you look at that, out of wine. I’m going to fetch myself some more. If you’ll excuse me,” she said before she dashed out of the dance hall, leaving the three of us with dumbfounded expressions. “Um… Maybe I should give her some space for the rest of the evening,” I commented. “I think that might have been a bit too much for her.” “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d like to go for another try in dancing,” Fleur asked with a smirk. “If you’re that quick of a learner, maybe I can teach you some more advanced techniques.” I looked to Fancy, about to ask if it was alright him before he smiled and waved. “Go right ahead dear boy. Give her a good time.” “Thanks Fancy,” I replied with a smile before I took a few more sips of my wine. Fleur and I set our glasses down on the table Shining occupied earlier, before she pulled me back to the dance floor for another song. Fancy chuckled a little at the sight before he walked out of the dance hall. [10:30 p.m.] A few songs with a break for chat in between later, Fleur and I were tuckered out, and ready to call it an evening. We tried to find Shining before we bid Fancy a good night. We found her at the bar booth that looked like she had a little too much to drink, as she was a little off balanced when she tried to stably get off the stool with little success. Though she was kind of out of it, at least she looked more relaxed compared to how she was earlier. When we thanked and gave Fancy a good night, we walked out of the mansion with Shining leaning between us. Once we came out front, Silver Wheel came around right on time. We helped Shining get in first before the two of us followed, and Silver Wheel began the ride home. “S-so Oz… S-some par-party huh?” Shining asked, barely able to make sentences. “Yes, it was quite a night. A great way to end my first day here in Equestria as your new secretary,” I replied with a smile. “Well don’t think—don’t think further d-days are like today’s,” Shining warned in quite poor a fashion. “You never know—you never know what day will come next Ozz-zz. Luckily, we have a day off t-tomorrow, ‘cause I think… I think I’m gonna wake up with such a hangover tomorrow.” She chuckled from the thought of the aftermath, probably too drunk to even see how that was remotely funny. “But when I feel g-good enough, we’ll talk payment and all that crap tomorrow. Despite what bad stuff I s-said about you earlier, I c-can see you being a good—a good member of the team.” “Thanks Shining, I’ll work hard for my part,” I said. Even though she might not remember most of this by tomorrow, I might as well take what I can get. “And don’t let anypony—anypony else say otherwise,” Shining continued. “‘Specially about you being a virgin, ‘cause if I met you—if I met you long before today, I’d be…” She then flopped over to her side on the floor of the carriage, out cold from the alcohol as I heard her snoring, with only her tail and ears giving involuntary twitches. … Somehow I wish I was drunk enough to not remember that in the morning, and I’m kind of glad to not hear what she was going to say next. “Oh dear, she’s really out of it,” Fleur said as we came to a stop at Shining’s house first. The place wasn’t as big as Fleur’s, but enough to be considered a condo. I couldn’t get much else on the details because I was a little tired, buzzed, and it was too dark to see anymore. Fleur reached into her purse to grab her keys, and handed them to me. “Shiny doesn’t want anypony besides me and Silver Wheel to be in her home for personal reasons, so you go on ahead inside, and I’ll see you in the morning alright?” “Sounds good Fleur,” I said before Silver Wheel opened up the door. I crouched down to Shining’s level, with my head close to her ear. “I’ll see you tomorrow Shining. Thanks for the job, and the wonderful time,” I whispered before she responded with some gibberish in her sleep. I got up, and stepped out of the carriage, and bowed to Silver Wheel. “Silver, good seeing you, and thanks for the ride.” “A pleasure to have you *umpf!* with us Oz,” he replied as he got Shining over his shoulder, and Fleur stepped out of the carriage to help him out. “Fleur, you have a good night as well,” I bid with a smile. “You too Ozzy,” she replied before I turned and went my way back to her house. “And Ozzy?” She asked. I stopped in my tracks, and I turned my gaze to her over the shoulder. “Welcome to the team, and thank you for the lovely evening,” she finished with a smile. “Anytime Fleur,” I responded while returning the gesture before I went my way back to Fleur’s house… Or should I say my new home in the land of Equestria. Boy, that’s going to get some getting used to. > Chapter 9: "Note to self: NEVER go on a shopping spree with a supermodel. EVER." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: “Note to self: NEVER go on a shopping spree with a supermodel. EVER.” [6:45 a.m.] I woke up the next morning that was too early for me, but couldn’t get back to sleep. Thanks to me living with an alcoholic for a dad, I’ve learned to drink plenty of water while moderating alcohol on my less than occasional outings so I wouldn’t get a hangover. Though I didn’t have a headache, I was still pretty tired from the party last night. Let’s see, we have a day off today right? I could use this day to shop for some attire for work, and probably unpack my things to settle into my new room. First thing though, is probably go to the grocery store to get some ingredients for breakfast this morning, and make up something for Shining’s hangover. With the plan in mind, I put on some more casual clothes since the last few days: a t-shirt, sweat pants, and sneakers before I grabbed my wallet, and head out while getting a little exercise in the morning with a jog. [7:25 a.m.] I came back to the house with the door open so I wouldn’t lock myself out, and not wake Fleur up to let me in. I got into the kitchen with a few bags of groceries, and organized them in the fridge except the ingredients I needed to make Shining’s hangover: skim milk, chocolate syrup, a shot of pickle juice, hot sauce, and pepto bismol. This was something one of my dad’s buddies came up with to not only cure hangovers, but it also helps with stomach aches. Sounds like it would make things worse, I know, but trust me when I say that they look like they had never even went out drinking the night before after downing this concoction. I took a small jar out of one of the cupboards, and began making the disgusting sounding drink before I closed the lid, and gave it couple shakes to give mix it up real good. I then took a sticky note, and wrote a message to stick on top of the lid. Down this, and drink water immediately afterwards. Just trust me on this. Oz Short, sweet, and to the point. Yes, this concoction will taste disgusting, but sometimes that’s just what makes great medicine. Once I put the ingredients away, I stepped out of the house with the jar while giving it a couple more shakes before I approached Shining’s condo. Now that it was brighter and I was less tired, I could see that it had very pale, light blue walls, with just the same amount of pigment in lightness for the purple roofs. You know I didn’t really think about it until now, but the houses around here are certainly bolder when it comes to color compared to back home. It’s different, but probably for the better, since it just seems like everything back on Earth looked kind of pale and dull. I set the jar in front of the door, and gave the doorbell a ring before I made my way back to my place. If Shining’s hangover was as bad as I thought it was, she was going to get to the door as soon as I got back inside. Once I took off my shoes, I went back to the kitchen, and got the necessary utensils and ingredients needed to start breakfast. I recall one of the countries outside of Equestria is called Prance. Since there are things similar to this world compared to Earth’s, would this be considered Prench toast? Have they ever had this before? Eh, whatever. If they liked my omelet, they may like this too. [8:00 a.m.] Fleur came down a couple minutes later once she heard and smelled food cooking, wearing the same bathrobe like yesterday, no make-up on, and sported a slight bed head and… Would it be called a bed tail, or a bed butt? I’m sticking with the former, because the other one sounds too inappropriate to say. “Morning sleepyhead,” I joked. “Had a good sleep?” “It was nice, but why are you up so early? We don’t have work today, remember?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “Old sleeping habits I guess. I got up earlier than what was needed, and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I went on a little jog while getting some groceries to make breakfast this morning. Hey quick question, do you call this Prench toast around here?” I asked as I held up Fleur’s prepared breakfast, and the sight somehow made her gasp while her eyes practically sparkled in joy. “Oh my goodness I love Prench toast!” She exclaimed as she took her plate. “It’s one of my guilty pleasures since I was a little filly. Please tell me you also got some raspberry preserves from the store too?” “I do in fact. It’s in the fridge,” I said as I pointed back with my thumb. “… You don’t mind making two more of these do you?” She asked with an almost amusing look of puppy dog eyes that just made my heart melt. “Sure thing Fleur, no problem,” I replied before Fleur levitated her plate with magic, and gave me a tight embrace while I was still holding a spatula in my hand. “How was I able to get a great friend and secretary such as yourself?” Fleur asked. “Quite frankly, you should probably thank the carriage for that one. Now grab what you need before the food gets cold. I got hot water prepared for tea as well,” I informed. “Thank you dearie,” she replied before going to the fridge, grabbed the preserves, and prepared her tea. When she took her first bite after spreading the preserves, her eyes widened. “Ozzy, you will prepare Prench toast for breakfast every day from this point on,” she playfully ordered before I chuckled a bit. “Now now Fleur, we can’t have you eating too unhealthy, but thanks for the—“ SLAM! “OZ!” A loud shout along with the door slam interrupted, making me and Fleur flinch in shock. We turned to the door, and saw that it was Shining coming towards me. I didn’t have time to react before she grabbed the collar of my shirt, shoved me to the sink and got up close to where I couldn’t look away from her eyes unless I wanted to get hurt. “Shiny! What’s the meaning of this?!” Fleur asked. “Oz, I want to know what the fuck you just made me drink. Spill it. Now,” Shining ordered. “I-it was something I learned to make from one of my dad’s friends back on Earth,” I explained quickly. “Ch-chocolate milk, pickle juice, hot sauce, and pepto bismol. I don’t know why, but it always seems to work for hangovers that I thought might help you from all that you drank last night, and I’m sorry if that wasn’t a pleasant experience, but it was the best thing I could come up with at the time, and please don’t hurt me.” I then gestured to the stove where two more slices of egg soaked bread were cooking on the pans. “I’m making Prench toast!” The kitchen was silent except the sound of bread cooking filling the air as Shining kept staring at me in close proximity. “Are there any side-effects after drinking it?” She asked. “No! I wouldn’t make it for you if I knew the side-effects besides the bad taste was so severe!” I defended quickly before I shut my eyes tightly. A few moments past while I was at the ready to take whatever beating Shining was going to throw at me. I suddenly heard a sigh before the gorilla-like grip on my collar was released, and I was dropped back to the floor. When I opened one eye, her back was facing me as she cleared her throat. “Yes, well… I feel much better after drinking that crap you gave me a couple minutes later. Sorry for the intrusion,” Shining said before I noticed Fleur was giving her some sort of death glare, as if demanding her of something with such passive-aggressive vigor. “… And thanks,” Shining added in. “Well I’m certainly glad to see you’re feeling better,” I said with my voice shaking before I tried to breathe to calm myself down. ‘Feeling better’ may not even be the half of it. It was like she was at full strength, ready to pound me into submission. “Honestly Shiny, was that outburst really necessary?” Fleur asked with a raised brow. “What did you even think Ozzy was doing when he gave that… Unique drink to you?” “I thought he was pulling some sort of sick prank!” Shining defended. “I woke up with a pounding headache from the doorbell, walked to the front without changing out of my dress from last night, found nothing but a strange jar of liquid with a note that said, and I quote, ‘down this, and drink water immediately afterwards, just trust me on this,’ with Oz’s name signed at the end. “I had no idea what it was, but I thought I’d change into some more comfortable clothes before I tried it. I almost literally barfed from the foul taste after drinking it whole! I had a glass of water prepared before that, and I chugged it down soon afterwards, only leaving me very pissed that Oz had me drink something that tasted like freakin’ sewer water with no idea if there was going to be some backlash! How could I have not confront him for something like that?!” “Well, Ozzy wrote in the note to drink water soon after the concoction yes?” Fleur asked. “… Yeah?” Shining responded with uncertainty. “Then he must have already known how terrible it would taste before even making it for you,” Fleur concluded. “If you thought Ozzy was pulling some sort of prank, wouldn’t he have worded out the note differently to make it so? Or even make a completely different concoction that would make your hangover even worse than it already was? Did you really think Ozzy’s the kind of person to go that far after just getting the job that you gave him yesterday?” Shining opened her mouth to answer, but paused as she made second thoughts. She then sighed a breath of defeat while pinching the space between her eyes behind the glasses. “Yes,” she replied. “Well I’m quite surprised at you Shiny,” Fleur scolded while crossing her arms. “I think you just lost Prench toast privileges this morning because of giving poor Ozzy such a scare.” “Now now, let’s not get too harsh Fleur,” I broke in between them. “I’ll admit, having Shining read it to me now, I can understand how vague I wrote that message, so it’s partially my fault for not explaining it in further detail. I can understand how worried she can be for having no idea what she drank, and even more that something might happen to her, and I apologize for bringing up such a scary misunderstanding Shining. “Also, you have to understand Fleur that Shining needs some time and effort to not lash out at guys as much as she used to. She and I came to a common ground yesterday after what happened in the dressing room, and decided to start things over with a clean slate. It was my idea that she came to you talking about whatever you two discussed afterwards, and you saw for yourself how thankful she was for that yesterday before the party. Now I’m not sure how badly she treated the stallions before I came along, but don’t you think just having Shining drink something I gave her, having no idea what it was, but only have a note that said ‘just trust me on this one’ to go by is a right step to that direction?” Fleur’s and Shining’s eyes widened at me after I finished my speech. They then gazed at each other with looks of guilt painted on their faces while their ears folded. “I suppose he’s right,” Fleur admitted. “You’ve been at this for five years up to now, and after what you been through, I guess it’s going to take more time than what I had anticipated for you to start getting comfortable around stallions again. I only wanted to help out by getting you to dance with him last night, but I didn’t think you’d end up drinking yourself under the table, and getting a hangover afterwards. I’m sorry that I pressured you that far Shiny.” “But if you hadn’t told me what you confessed in the dressing room yesterday, I’d probably still be giving Oz as much of a hard time as before, maybe more this morning,” Shining added in. “Up until then, I didn’t realize how much that had concerned you so much when I’ve just been so busy keeping you at a good condition for your modeling career. So I’m sorry that I worried you that much for so long. I still want to change my ways, I really do, but like Oz said, I need some time and effort to make it possible.” “Why don’t we just put that little outburst behind us, and just… Take this one step at a time. Alright?” Fleur asked with a smile. “I’d like that,” Shining replied, returning the gesture before Fleur got up, and the two of them hugged it out. I relished the heartwarming moment that was going on before Shining made a couple whiffs of air through her nose. “Is there something burning?” She asked. I raised my eyebrow, took a few whiffs, and agreed that something was actually burning before I came to a horrid realization. “OH NO THE PRENCH TOASTS!” I exclaimed before I got to the stove and turned off the flames. The egg soaked bread that was on the pans were sizzling loudly while it looked totally black. I sighed a breath of relief knowing that I didn’t cause some sort of fire before I took the spatula and practically chipped them off the pan before throwing them away. “Sorry about that. Do you mind waiting a little longer so I could get some new ones ready?” “I don’t have a problem with that,” Fleur said with a smile. “I’d… Like to try some too if it’s not too much trouble,” Shining added in with a sheepish grin. “No problem. I figured you might want some to get that awful taste out of your mouth,” I replied as I cleaned the blackened crumbs from the pans before I started preparing two new slices of egg soaked bread. [8:30 a.m.] “Oz… You’re going to make Prench toast every morning from now on, because this is just that delicious,” Shining professed as three of us ate our freshly cooked Prench toast (or French toast in my case). I chuckled at the order Shining gave before I spoke. “Fleur pretty much said the same thing before you got here. As much as I’d like to, I still need to keep your health in mind. Plus I’m pretty sure that Fleur having three raspberry spread Prench toasts every morning will go straight to her thighs.” “Hey!” Fleur protested with a pout before Shining and I chuckled from the playful insult. “But seriously though, thanks for the breakfast even after that little outburst earlier,” Shining thanked. “A little outburst?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Okay okay, it was a big outburst that wasn’t needed, and again I apologize for that.” “Eh, it’s in the past,” I replied with a shrug. “Speaking of the past, do you two know what happened sometime after my dance with Oz last night?” Shining asked with a confused eyebrow. “I remember going to the mini bar, but my memory got fuzzy after that. I didn’t do or say anything embarrassing did I?” “Uh, nope, nothing at all,” I lied. I’m not sure how she’d react if I told her how she might have taken my virginity (though it wasn’t said, but heavily implied) if she had met me long before last night, and I’m not going to find out anytime soon. “If anything you just kind of passed out on the carriage floor on the way home,” I continued. “Oh goddess, I guess I did go a little overboard last night huh?” Shining asked with a hint of red in her cheeks. “I must not have been a pretty sight then was I?” “Not really. In fact it was kind of cute how your ear and tail twitched while you were out,” I replied. … There might have been some truth there, I don’t know why I said it was cute, but I didn’t want to see Shining looking so shameful of herself. It seemed to have worked, as Shining’s eyes widened at the compliment while her cheeks reddened brighter than before. “… C-cute?” She asked. “I’d have to agree with Ozzy on this one,” Fleur added in. “You were like a cat high on catnip, and off to dreamland. But I must ask though, why did you drink so much after that dance? It wasn’t that bad of an experience was it?” “N-no no! It’s not like that!” Shining defended while waving her hands out front. “It was awkward at first, yes, but I… Kind of liked it as the dance went on.” “So what was with rushing out of the dance hall to the bar then?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “I… Had a lot going on in my mind, and I needed to calm down,” Shining answered. “Let’s just move onto something else. I don’t want to feel like we’re interrogating her,” I commented. “Since we have a day off today, I was thinking I could go around the city finding some new clothes to wear for work. I only have the one suit jacket I had on me last night, and I’d like to get a few more with slacks and shirts for variety, plus shoes that are comfortable to walk in if they have any that’s suitable for humans yet. Other essentials that I need for settling into my new home would be nice to get as well, and I’ll need time to get myself unpacked in my new room.” When I finished, I realized Fleur had a steadily growing smile and sparkle in her eyes as I spoke, while Shining grew more in fear and dread before she turned to her friend. “Fleur, you better not say it—“ “SHOPPING SPREEEEE~!” “Aaand she said it,” Shining concluded before flopping her head to the table. “Am I missing something here?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’m going to change and get ready right away. Shiny, you change into something casual as well, and call Silver Wheel to pick us up. We leave in 45!” Fleur exclaimed before she got up, and dashed upstairs. “… Okay, so you two are coming with me to shop for clothes. It can’t be that bad can it?” I asked. “… You’ve never went shopping with a girl before have you?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow. “Uh… No? Never dated a girl to shop with before remember? I never had a mom to take me shopping either. I pretty much had to find my own clothes to buy,” I answered. “Let me tell you something about girls and shopping around here,” Shining said. “When they have the time and money, besides me, it’s pretty much every girls’ past time, especially when they have boys with them. They pretty much take hours, going from store to store, finding whatever attire and accessories that look cute or on sale, and trying them on to see if they fit, look good, and have second opinions from the guys who are with them before they decide to buy it or find something else. Finally they pay everything up front before moving on to the next store, having the guys carry all of their stuff. “Now with our friend Fleur here?” She asked while pointing her thumb upstairs. “She can get pretty overboard with how much she buys. It’s what I like to call ‘binge shopping’ when it comes to her, buying more things than what’s needed, and probably never wears at least half of what she bought.” “… She has a walk in closet, and I saw for myself how packed to the brim it was with clothes,” I pointed out. “What does she do with all that she doesn’t wear, or gets bored with?” “She has what we’d like to call a ‘seasonal closet clean up,’” Shining answered. “Every three to four months in the year, or transition between seasons, she goes through her closet finding whatever clothes she likes to keep, or tossed to a pile that gets donated to charities.” “Well that’s certainly nice. At least they won’t go to waste,” I commented. “That can be a problem sometimes though,” Shining sighed frustratingly while rubbing her eyes. “She’s kind of a pack rat when it comes to clothes, and she can get pretty difficult letting some of them go. That’s why I have to help her out so she doesn’t carry something she doesn’t wear for at least two years.” “What was the longest time she kept something?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “… Six years, and she didn’t realize how some don’t even fit her anymore,” Shining answered. … Yikes. “Anyway, as I said before, she goes overboard with her shopping, and guess who gets to be the lucky stallion to carry all of her things?” Shining asked with a devious smirk. “… I’m going to be put through hell am I?” I asked. “After this? You’d wish you were locked up behind the gates of Tartarus,” she answered. “Come to think of it, I think I need to find some new things for my wardrobe as well. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready for the day. We’ll discuss your payments as our new secretary later in the evening.” She then leans over the table into my personal space, giving me the most devilish smirk I’ve seen from her yet. “You better prepare yourself Oz… If you thought yesterday was crazy, today’s going to be something else. Soon you’ll share the same fate of every guy that has gone shopping with a girl tenfold.” She then walked over to the door with a cheesy evil laughter villains from cartoons usually make before she left the house. I didn’t realize it until I got a good look at her, but she was wearing a fitting tank top with a pair of yoga pants that accented her cello-like figure, especially her well sculpted legs from the hooves up. Her round, yet firm ass was also hypnotizing to watch as their cheeks shifted in a figure eight, while her tail swayed from side to side. … If part of what the girls want to buy is similar to that… Somehow I think the struggle today will be worth it… Though I have no idea why I’m thinking this as a good thing. Ugh, what’s going on with me anymore? One minute I was practically scared of Shining pounding me to a pulp, and the next I’m seeing a different side of her that’s attractive when she’s not in her skeptical mode. Then there’s Fleur that I practically drooled over at the soap photo shoot yesterday, and her open, perky personality’s drawing me in as well. I need to talk to someone, or somepony, about this, and get a second opinion on whatever I’m feeling around them is normal for someone like me. With the note in mind, I cleaned up the aftermath of the morning’s breakfast before I changed from sweatpants to jeans, and cleaned myself up enough to look presentable. I then took my wallet and phone before I went back downstairs, and waited for the girls. [9:55 a.m.] We arrived at Canterlot’s main shopping district, with Silver dropping us off at a store for home essentials that I requested. When Silver opened the door for us, I stepped out first before Shining followed with a sleeveless indigo top, matching purse, black jeans, and her mane let down. Fleur came out last with a casual, daytime, sleeveless dress that was light yellow, had a white purse, and was wearing the same sunhat and shades as yesterday while sporting an eager grin to start her ‘shopping binge.’ “So I’ll be back here at 1:30 to pick you three up yes?” Silver asked. “That’s right Silver,” Shining answered. “Come back with the S carriage as well please. We’ll be having a lot of things with us when we’re done.” “What the heck is the S carriage?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “The Shopping carriage is what we use for carrying large amounts of luggage and items to store Oz,” Silver answered. “Shopping spree today Ms. De Lis?” “That’s right~,” Fleur sang. “The S carriage it is then. And Oz?” Silver asked me. “Yeah?” “… Good luck out there,” he said with a thumbs up. … Somehow I feel like he wants to tell me something else that’s similar. Like ‘from all of the stallions that have braved this quest, we wish you safe travels,’ and just the thought alone makes me worried. “Have a nice morning you three!” Silver exclaimed as he got back on the carriage, and drove off, leaving the three of us to ourselves. “Alright, since I’ll need some big sized essentials from this store, we’ll stop here last to shop,” I said. “Besides some work clothes, I don’t think I’ll need much else to buy. I’ll just get what I need last, and follow you two around since you know your way around here more than I do.” “Hope you can carry a lot of weight Oz, you’ll probably need it,” Shining pointed out. “Ahh~, it feels like it’s been so long since I last shopped. I can’t wait to see what new things they’ll have on this beautiful day,” Fleur commented. “Let’s get this shopping spree started everypony!” You know I’ll bet Shining just told me what she said earlier to scare me. I mean going shopping with girls can’t be that bad can it? [12:15 p.m.] I take that question I had earlier back now. I was wrong. Oh so horrifyingly wrong. The long wait time while the girls tried clothes on, the long walks throughout the stores, the questions that are too difficult to answer like 'does this make my butt look big?' My whole body’s screaming at me in protest from all the weight I had to carry up to now, and the exhaustion that’s taking its toll on me. How did guys with girlfriends put up with this kind of cruel and unusual torture?! The three of us were at a local restaurant in the shopping district where we were having a lunch break. At my sides were a bunch of bags that weighed up to probably 80 pounds total that I had to carry half on each arm like a walking coat hanger. My arms were having trouble just trying to help me eat a green salad I was having for lunch, while the girls had different kinds of their own. “Aah~, I think I’m through with my shopping spree for the day,” Fleur proclaimed while stretching her arms like she just got back from a workout that she never went through. Unlike me where I may need more than a couple stretches to get back in full swing. “I believe what I bought today seems adequate as well,” Shining added in. “Got some nice new sets for work, and some clothes for my off days as well.” “You mentioned earlier how shopping isn’t one of your past times like most other girls,” I pointed out. “Why is that exactly, and why pick today to shop for new things?” “I haven’t had as much concern over what I wear as I used to Oz,” she answered. “When you work as a manager for a supermodel, there isn’t very much time to wear as much stylish clothes as you used to. Of course there are some days however where you’d like to try something new for a change, and today seemed like a good day to find things to spice up my wardrobe.” Let’s not forget how you’re making joy out of my misery in carrying your stuff around the city you evil, conniving... Somehow cute-looking fiend. “Anyway, since we’re done with our shopping, we can focus on what you want to buy Ozzy,” Fleur said. Good, ‘cause I’d like to buy what I need and get this day done and over with. “That would be much appreciated, thank you,” I replied, my thoughts saying otherwise. Once we finished our lunch, I followed the girls to a place called Stallion’s Warehouse, with their new clothes in tow. When I walked inside, there were many different varieties of suits in sets on display, jackets by themselves, dress shirts, and slacks in different sections of the store. “Ooo~, I think this one might look good on you Ozzy. What do you think?” Fleur asked as she pulled out a set from a rack that was near us. It was an indigo suit with a light blue undershirt, plus a tie that was black with white dots spread around it. Huh, I guess this looks pretty good… HOLY SHIT this looks expensive! I only got enough on me for so many clothes! I still need to get essentials for my room as well! “Uh, Fleur, while I do agree this looks nice, I don’t think I can get this,” I replied. “Why not?” Fleur asked with her head nodding to the side in confusion. “I only have so much money on me to buy what I need,” I answered. “I can’t really pay for this when I want to buy enough to get around work. Heck, just looking at the prices on the items individually around here is too expensive for me to buy.” Just having me to explain that to Fleur who probably has little idea on what living in the working to middle class life is like is kind of irksome to be honest. Sure she might be giving what old clothes she doesn’t wear to charity, but she’s been throwing all that money around like it’s nothing when it could be used for so much more. “What do you mean it’s too expensive for you to buy when I’m paying for it?” Fleur asked bluntly. At that moment, I was almost caught off guard enough to drop all the bags I was carrying, along with my jaw to the floor. “… Huh?” “I’m with Oz on this one with the same response: huh?” Shining added in. “You didn’t think me shopping for myself was the only reason why I wanted to come along did you?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’ll admit, it’s quite a pain carrying all of the things I bought around when there’s other places I want to visit, and I can only levitate so much with my magic. I appreciate you putting up with it over the past few hours Ozzy, so this is not only my way of saying thanks, but you could say it’s an employer providing their workers the required materials they need for the job. Like some uniforms associates wear in the businesses they work. I recall the stores provided them the shirts while they find the slacks and shoes needed to go along with it yes?” “Uh… I suppose, but this isn’t a service-industry type of job I’m working in Fleur,” I pointed out. “And while I do appreciate it, I can’t have you buy—“ “Ah bup bup! Not one more word out of you Ozzy,” Fleur interjected while putting a finger to my lips. “It’s my money to do as I please, and it’s my decision to do this for you. Let me take care of the work-related essentials, and you can buy whatever other things you need, alright? Now as a supermodel with good tastes in fashion, I’ll find some jackets, dress shirts, and slacks that will suit you, and I do believe this place can special order the kind of shoes you need from Earth. We’ll take care of that last before we go back to the home essentials store we were dropped off so you can get what you need for your room. Just give this set I have here a try in the fitting rooms, and I’ll find some others that could also work. Don’t wait up!” She handed the suit set to me before she walked off to browse and find what clothes I should wear, leaving me with my jaw still dropped to the floor. “You know, I found it odd that she finished her shopping with less things than usual. I guess now I can see why that was,” Shining asked. “This is less?” I asked with a raised eyebrow while holding up the bags I still had in my arms. “I’ve known her to be quite a generous pony, but I didn’t think she would go this far,” Shining continued. “… Fuck, now I feel like crap, and it’s not the weight I’m carrying that’s making me so.” “Elaborate.” “I thought she wanted to come along for her own needs, and when she asked why I couldn’t buy the set she showed me because of how expensive it was… For a moment, I thought she was one of those high class people back on my world who have no idea what those in the working and lower class like me would do to make a living, and how much we value money for our own priorities. Most of the rich back on my world would only think of themselves, living the life of luxury with overly expensive things that might not even be needed, and even if they got everything they wanted, their greed would only cloud them into thinking they ‘need’ more, and getting money in ways that would be considered despicable to the human eye. They wouldn’t care what would happen to people like us who’ve been working for most of our lifetimes to get by, and some may not even spare a penny for a cause that would benefit the many. It has brought up an ideal where it’s ‘every man for himself,’ and cause such competition to reach the highest point of success that almost everyone would dream of. “Politicians, government officials, and celebrity icons, those are the kind of people that would make so much money for themselves, and throwing most of it away over ridiculous things that would end up on the news. A rich person using their money to help others and special causes like Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres is almost a godsend in my eyes. It’s part of why I want to live in a lifestyle that isn’t full of luxury and riches, so that I wouldn’t be corrupted by the greed, and end up like the bastards and bitches that end up in the news for the wrong reasons. And for a moment, I lumped Fleur de Lis with one of them, the first friend I’ve ever made since coming to Equestria, and now I’m getting sick in my stomach for thinking like that.” Shining and I stood there in silence for a moment while Fleur was outside of the hearing range, still looking for the clothes she’s willing to buy for me to work in as her secretary. “I can’t deny the fact that there are ponies here that think and behave the way you describe,” Shining said. “But let me ask you this Oz, why do you think Fleur wanted to become a supermodel?” That question baffled me speechless. I’ve wondered why she wanted to become a model for a bit, as somepony who would go so far as posing naked in front of the cameras for some advertisements, subjecting herself to sexual objectification that I’m currently ashamed of looking at her in such a… Guy-like manner in such a situation. Even so, I still don’t know why she became a supermodel in the first place, and if this was really something she wanted. “I… Don’t know Shining. I honestly can’t think of any reason,” I replied. “Remember how Fleur told you how she only got through high school with ‘passable’ grades, and wondered how things would be if she pursued a higher education?” She asked. “I… Recall that, yes.” “Getting good enough grades to graduate wasn’t the only thing she was struggling with throughout high school,” Shining said. “She was one of the few ponies who didn’t get their cutie marks until at a later age than most. Getting our cutie marks is a very important moment for all of us, as they not only display our special talent, but it’s a symbol that represents our entire being. Unfortunately when there are some ponies who still don’t know what their special talent is enough to not get a cutie mark, they can be considered as social outcasts, and if high school life is similar back on your world, you can probably understand how much of a rough time Fleur had. “She may not know what she wanted to do, or what she was good at, but she had a certain idea on what kind of pony she wanted to be. She looked up to Princess Celestia and Fancy Pants very highly, because they use their wide range of knowledge to help give other ponies a chance to live happy, fulfilling lives. She wanted to help ponies probably as much, maybe even more so than her brother, but she feared she doesn’t have the kind of knowledge, brawns, or skills in magic to do so. The only thing she had was her beauty, both inside and out. “It wasn’t until one day however, when she came across a patch of lilies in the school’s garden with a magazine in hand. She likes how the flowers give everything around them a sense of joy, ease, and beauty, so she took it upon herself to help take care of them so they can keep doing what they do best. When she came across those lilies, her favorite kind of flower, with a magazine she was reading through at the time, something clicked that gave her an idea as she looked at the models in some of the advertisement pages for certain products. Up to that point, though it was nice to look beautiful herself, she didn’t see very much value in it. But she then came up with the idea of how she can use that beauty to help other ponies. Making lots of money that she could use to donate to causes that needed to be filled at the time. “So she did some research, talked to some ponies that are good in the business with the help of her brother, and snagged an opportunity for a photo shoot. It was a big success, as how she struck those poses in front of the cameras was like second nature to her. When she received her paycheck, she used most of it to put into her first project that needed financial aid.” “What was that?” I asked, my interest in this topic piqued to the brink. “Putting up a garden for a local orphanage to grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers that included her favorite kind,” Shining answered with a smile. “When it was a success, the kids were thrilled to see how amazing it looked, and Fleur was proud that she helped made that possible… That was when she got her cutie mark. The three lilies symbolize how they not only inspired her to make that goal possible, but her desire to spread the joy of beauty with her own. That’s why she became the supermodel you see today, and being the manager to help a mare make such goals possible is what makes my job worthwhile.” My vision was starting to get blurry before something wet streamed down my cheeks. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, trying not to make a scene in public. “Dammit… Why’s she even helping me though?” I asked. “If she’s helping those that are less fortunate, she should focus more attention on them, not me. I don’t deserve such kindness and generosity.” “Perhaps it’s because she sees a little of herself inside of you,” Shining answered. “I may not know much of you yet Oz, but so far you seem like someone who tries to earn what he wants through honest hard work instead of underhanded schemes. You don’t want to burden others with your troubles, and when there’s a problem set in front of you, you put to solving it as first priority without a second thought. You’re pretty much helping other ponies in your own way, and Fleur acknowledges that part of you.” “I… Don’t feel like I’ve helped very many so far Shining,” I confessed. “I can’t think of anything I’ve done that levels up to what Fleur had accomplished. What have I done that’s even considered helpful to other ponies at all?” “Well… There was staking your life in saving Fleur’s from the carriage, you’ve helped me start to rethink what I’ve been doing in the last five years working as her manager, and you helped mend my friendship with her more than once since you joined in. I think that certainly counts as something, don’t you think?” Shining asked with a smirk before she walked off to where Fleur was, leaving me standing still, not realizing how sore my arms were getting after holding them up for so long. After a few moments, I walked over to the fitting rooms with the girls’ bags in tow, and much to think about in my mind. > Chapter 10: "I think the mares here are harder to read than human girls." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: “I think the mares here are harder to read than human girls.” [1:30] After minutes of trying on clothes in different combinations, and getting the girls’ approval, I ended up with three new suit jackets, four dress shirts, three neckties, and three slacks. Surprisingly, Shining actually offered to pay for the special ordered shoes I’ll need to walk around in. The associates said they’ll have them delivered to me at the house, and I can bring them back with a receipt to order a new size if they ended up not fitting me. The total price altogether left me losing color after seeing the numbers. I tried to tell Fleur once more that she didn’t need to pay all of this for me, but she was too stubborn to listen. Once we were done at Stallion’s Warehouse, we went to the home essentials store as the last stop of our shopping day. I didn’t take long to get what I needed: a laundry basket, some coat hangers, a trash bin, a lamp, they even had undershirts and black socks I could buy as well. Sure enough, Fleur let me pay for them myself, and I was very glad for that. I was really not used to having someone buy so much for me. I never had such treatment back on Earth, and even though Fleur insisted in buying the clothes for me, it was sort of off-putting for me to receive so much, especially after what Shining had told me about her. Silver came back right on time in front of the store, and I was shocked at how different the S carriage he drove was compared to the other one he usually drives. If I had to describe what it look like in Earth terms, it was like a mixture of a limousine with a hummer (that I pray I’ll never see something like the latter in Equestria. Whoever even built that large, gas hogging monstrosity had no idea what he was even doing). There was enough space to put all your belongings in for a big move to a new house, and imagining how all of the clothes that were bought today was actually less compared to Fleur’s usual shopping binges, I gulped at the thought of what it would be like if she went all out. Silver seemed surprised at how much things we had on us too, as if he thought he could have brought his regular carriage if he knew we had so little at the end of the day. After finally storing everything we bought in the back, giving my arms and shoulders a sense of great relief, Silver drove us back home while I looked out the window, still thinking about what Shining had told me about Fleur. I was almost spacing out before a voice was calling me back to reality. “Ozzy? Are you feeling alright?” Fleur asked. “H-huh? What?” I replied before rubbing my eyes, and getting my mind out of the clouds. “You’ve been quiet since we left Stallion’s Warehouse dearie. Did you not like what you got?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “No no! It’s nothing like that at all!” I exclaimed while waving my hands out front. “I’m grateful you went such lengths to get them for me Fleur, I really am. I’m just not used to receiving something this big back on Earth.” “Did you not have a lot of material possessions while growing up Oz?” Shining asked. “Yeah. Usually on my birthday or Christmas—which is sort of like your Hearth’s Warming here as far as I can understand from the guidebook—I usually get small, cheap, essential things like underwear and socks,” I explained. “Up until I was able to get a job and earn my own money, we were barely able to live off from social security. It’s like the government giving you money to buy the things you need once you’ve filled in the requirements to receive their services, but even then we don’t get very much every month to live by.” The carriage was then filled with an awkward silence, leaving the girls speechless. Fleur was looking at me with concern, and Shining was gazing to the side while rubbing her arm in discomfort. … Perhaps I might have said too much. I don’t think I want the girls to feel sorry for me. I’ll have to say something to lift the mood. “But that’s all in the past now,” I continued after a brief pause. “I just want to focus on what’s ahead, and be a good secretary and friend to you girls. I’m much content with what we have right now, and I’d rather not dwell on the past.” “… When is your birthday Oz?” Shining asked, leaving me and Fleur looking at her with widened eyes as she was gazing to the side. After brief pause, she exchanged glances between me and Fleur for a moment. “… What? I figured since we went to Fancy’s party just yesterday, having it planned weeks ahead of time, it would be good to know when Oz’s is since we were on the topic… That’s all.” “Um… Is it May right now here?” I asked, and the girls nodded in response. Strange that even when our worlds are so different, and apart at such a great distance, our timelines is kind of synced in a way. Not to mention how we name our months of the year the same way. “My birthday is on August 17th,” I answered. “I’ll be turning 24 this year. What about you two?” “March 17th for me,” Fleur answered. “I’m 25 this year, Fancy turned 27 yesterday, and Shiny turned 26 on January 3rd.” “Wow,” I replied. “Yes, I know, we’re old, especially me,” Shining commented, who for some reason had her pen and notebook in hand. “Well, I suppose, but I was thinking more on how you two look like you’re still in your prime,” I said. “And you’ve been in your jobs for at least five years?” “That’s right,” Fleur answered with a smile. “I gotta say, that’s quite an achievement,” I praised. “I must be a lucky guy to work with such talented ponies as yourselves.” “Well we’re lucky to have a hardworking stallion, or man, as our secretary. Aren’t we Shiny?” Fleur asked her. Shining had to clear her throat while looking to the side before she could answer. “I suppose Fleur, I suppose.” “Shiny,” Fleur said with a furrowed brow. “It’s okay Fleur, I get the message, and thanks,” I said with a smile. “So what are we planning to do for tonight Shiny? We still need to give Ozzy a proper welcome to the team like you said last night,” Fleur pointed out. “Hm? Oh, right… Uh…” Shining mumbled while deep in thought. “You don’t have to do that girls, I’m grateful enough that you bought the clothes for me,” I interjected. “Besides I thought we had enough fun at Fancy’s party yesterday.” “Nonsense, that was something for my brother specifically. Tonight it’s all about you, and the four of us are going to enjoy it as such,” Fleur proclaimed. Four? Is Silver coming along as well? Somehow I’m kind of glad for that, it’d kind of weird if I was spending it with two girls by myself tonight. “It’s quite alright Ms. De Lis, I actually have plans for the evening,” Silver interjected. “Tonight’s card night for me and my old chaps. Something I cannot miss, but I’ll treat Oz to a drink or two sometime.” Aaand my handicap just flushed down the toilet. Alright, I’ll just have to be the same way I was last night, just not as nervous. I just hope we aren’t going someplace that doesn’t have very much activity. “Perhaps a night at the local jazz club is in order?” Shining asked. “They have good food, different well-known artists playing every couple of nights, and after last night, I think a mellower atmosphere is a nice change.” Didn’t think I’d say this so soon, but thank you Shining for reading my mind. “I do like me some jazz music,” I responded. “The jazz club it is then!” Fleur exclaimed with hype. “Silver, do you mind dropping us off there around 7:30? We’ll take a taxi back home afterwards.” “That will be no problem Ms. De Lis,” Silver answered. [2:05 p.m.] We arrived back home a couple minutes later. I let the girls out first before I stepped out last. I then went to the back to take out everything but my home essentials that the girls gratefully held for me. We agreed that Silver will pick us up at 7:00 tonight before he left, and the three of us went inside mine and Fleur’s home. I dropped off Fleur’s clothes in her room first, then my own things in my own room while the girls brought my home essentials inside. “Okay, since we have some time, why don’t we have some tea while we discuss your payments as our secretary Oz?” Shining asked while fixing her glasses. “That would be nice. I’ll go prepare the water then,” I said before I went downstairs with the girls following behind, got in the kitchen, and filled the kettle with some water before setting it over the lit stove. After I took out three mugs with a tea bag each inside, I sat with the girls on the counter. We discussed my payments for the next couple minutes while I prepared the tea in between, having Shining explain to me how models in the industry get paid, and how the total money earned for the week is split between her, Fleur, and recently myself. My jaw dropped to the counter after hearing the approximated amount I’d get paid per week. “Th-that much?” I asked with a shaking voice. “That’s right. That’s not a problem is it Oz?” Shining asked with a smirk and a raised brow. “N-no no! Not at all!” I replied while shaking my hands out front. “Converted to U.S. currency, that’s much more than what I had made every week, even on full-time… There’s one thing I’d like to request though.” “What’s that?” Shining asked. “… I’d like to put a percentage of my earnings away for whatever charities Fleur’s supporting each week. Would thirty percent be reasonable?” I asked. Fleur and Shining widened their eyes in surprise at the request before the latter giggled in response. “I think that can be arranged. Fleur? Does that sound good to you?” Shining asked “Absolutely,” she responded before giving me a tight hug that I gladly returned. I’m not one that pays for a lot of expensive things that I may rarely use. Sure, I could put a couple away in savings for emergencies or special occasions, but then there’s the rest I don’t know what to do with. Might as well do something useful with them. “Well, I think that will be it for the payment. You’ll get your first paycheck by the end of the week Oz,” Shining explained while fixing her glasses. “Since you’ll be staying with Fleur, you’ll have to register your residency at city hall. I can come along to help walk you through the process on our next day off if you’d like.” “That would be most appreciated. Thanks Shining,” I replied with a smile as I pulled back from the hug. “I think I’ll head on back home and relax a little before we head out tonight,” she planned. “I could help carry your things there if you’d like,” I offered. “Fleur, when I get back, I can help set up the site block thing on your computer like we talked about the other night.” “Oh yes! That would be wonderful Ozzy,” Fleur replied with a smile. “I suppose I can let you carry my things. Thank you Oz,” Shining answered. “Fleur, I’ll see you later tonight then.” “Okay Shiny, see you later. Ozzy, I’ll be in my room when you get back,” Fleur said before she took her tea, and went upstairs. “Be back in a bit,” I called out before I picked up Shining’s bags, and the two of us left the house. I followed her just a little behind at her side as we enjoyed the nice day that was taking place. It was nice to enjoy the quiet atmosphere for a bit before Shining brought a question that left my stomach dropping to my feet. “So Oz, what did I really do last night when I was hammered?” She asked. “… Huh?” I replied. “You know what I’m talking about Oz,” she continued. “Fleur might have hidden it well as she played along, but I read you like a book when I asked this morning.” “… Uhh…” “I won’t lash out on you if that means anything… Or at least try,” Shining commented as we got to her front door. She then turned to me with an expression that was hard to read. It wasn’t demanding, determined, or too serious. It was kind of… Patient? “I want to start getting on better terms with you and other stallions in the workplace for Fleur’s sake. I feel this may be good for me too in the long term. Besides Silver Wheel who has been loyal to us as our driver for years, you’re the first stallion in a long while that I’ve… How can I put this? Opened up to a little? So while I try to better myself, I want the two of us to start being more honest with each other on mature grounds. As coworkers, and as friends. I think telling me what really happened last night may be a good start as any.” Okay, I was not prepared for this kind of development. I’d have to agree that being honest with each other is a good start, but I’m afraid of what she’ll say or do once I tell her what happened last night. Looking at Shining now though, being patient as she is, especially gazing into those green eyes of hers, it's harder to say no to this than if she had me trapped in a corner with her death glare. “… And you won’t lash out on me if I told you?” I asked. “I’ll try Oz,” she responded with a small smile. So that means there’s still a chance… Well, I’ve been through worse back on Earth, so I might as well come out with it. “Okay… I’ll start things off after you left,” I said before Shining nodded in response. “So Fleur and I danced some more, while we took breaks and chatted in between with a few drinks before we were exhausted enough to be done for the night. We found you sitting at the mini bar, drunk enough to barely stand before we had you leaning on us for support, bid Fancy a good night, and went our way back to your place first.” “Uh huh…” Shining said with a nod. “On our way there, you and I chatted a little, even when you were barely able to make coherent sentences, about how fun the party was, how each day working in the modeling business is as different as the last, and you mentioned how you saw me as being a good member of the team, despite some of the bad things you’ve said earlier.” Shining’s cheeks reddened a little at the last part before looking to the side awkwardly. “… A-anything else?” “You also said I shouldn’t let anypony else say otherwise, especially about me being a virgin, and mentioned that if you met me long before last night…” “… Yes?” “… That was the last thing you said before you passed out, and slept the rest of the night,” I replied. “That’s everything that happened last night from when you left, up to where we stopped at your home. Fleur and Silver helped carry you inside while I went back home, showered, changed, brushed, and slept for the night as well. I didn’t leave anything out from detail besides what happened while I wasn’t with you. That's the entire truth, and I haven’t told anypony else about this either.” Shining and I stood there in silence while gazing at each other. I didn’t realize how close she was to me until she pulled herself back, and looked to the side in thought. “… I see,” she said. “The compliments were nice to hear, but I didn’t take most of what you said too seriously,” I continued. “I figured since you had a lot to drink, you may not have known or meant what you were saying.” “Yeah, alcohol can do that… And can make some ponies pretty dangerous,” she commented before looking back to me. “Excuse me for asking, but you mentioned your father was an alcoholic correct?” “That’s right.” “Has he always been that way?” “… As far as I can remember,” I answered while looking down. “He and I… Weren’t very close while I was growing up. He was almost like a complete stranger to me to be honest. He hadn’t told me what Mom was like before she died, or what things were like before my brother and I came along. His daily routine would be going to work, coming back, and then either have a couple beers, or go out drinking with his buddies before he ends the night almost drunk enough to pass out. It was lucky that he’s always from a walking distance from the house, or he’d have trouble getting around without his car in the morning to get to work… Sorry, I was kind of going off on a tangent there. Did you ask because you knew somepony who was the same way?” “… I did once,” she answered with a stern glare to the side. “He… Had problems before, but let’s just say that whether or not he was drunk at the time, I…” She then shook her head before sighing, and rubbed her eyes under the glasses. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m ready to open this up to anypony yet.” “Hey, it’s okay,” I said. “You didn’t lash out when I told you what happened last night, and that’s a big improvement.” Good thing for me too since I’ll be walking away without any scratches or bruises. “You can come talk to me about what happened when you’re ready. There’s no need to rush,” I pointed out. “Thank you Oz, I appreciate that,” Shining said with a smile before she gave me a hug, which was less awkward than the first time she did it. “I’d return the hug, but I still have your bags in my hands,” I pointed out. “Oh, yes… Thank you for doing that, I’ll take care of things from here,” she said as she pulled back, and I handed her the bags. “There’s one last thing I’d like to ask for an opinion on if you don’t mind.” “What is it?” “What do you think of the mares you’ve seen in this world so far? How do you think we compare to the human girls back on Earth?” She asked. I was caught off guard with that question, leaving me speechless for a brief moment. Wait, what does she mean by that? I feel like something bad might happen if I say something inappropriate. I better watch my steps here. “Well… I mentioned before how there are more girls here that are forward with their approaches compared to Earth, and that can have its ups and downs depending on the person,” I replied. “I recall that, yes. Anything else?” She asked. “I found it strange how that one mare back at the party last night was coming on to me. I thought with me being a different species, it’d be more of a turn off.” “Well inter-species relationships have mixed views I’ll admit, but the majority here are open to that concept,” Shining pointed out. “I’ve seen some ponies being with griffons, dragons, buffalos, a few zebras, and even minotaurs. Perhaps it’s because some ponies see things in other species that they don't in their own, as far as I can guess. What about you Oz? What's your view on this?” “Uh… I’m kind of conflicted with this myself to be honest,” I answered. “I mean I can certainly see how ponies here are similar to humans, but I have mixed thoughts about them being in a relationship. Maybe if I talk to somepony that could help me understand myself better, or see such a relationship in person, I’ll feel more comfortable with it. There’s also the concern with reproduction to this as well.” Shining nodded in response. “That’s understandable Oz. Thank you for your input.” “You’re welcome, but what about you Shining? I know it may be hard right now, but if you were comfortable enough to go out with guys again, what’s your take on those kinds of relationships?” I asked. “… I'm a kind of mare that likes to try things at least once,” she answered with a smile before she opened the door to her home. “I’ll see you later tonight Oz,” she bid before closing the door behind her. “… Yeah… See ya,” I bid before I went my way back to my house. [3:30 p.m.] “And there we go,” I said as I finished sending the pictures from Fleur’s camera to our friends through e-mail. I already finished setting up her browser to block out any unneeded (and albeit inappropriate) sites and links that come up within searches, and even set up some virus security programs on it. When that was done, Fleur wanted me to upload the pictures she took last night before we left for the party on her computer, and e-mail them to me, Shining, Silver Wheel, and even Fancy Pants with the provided addresses that was saved in her contact list. “Thank you very much for doing this Ozzy. I don’t know if I could take another one of those annoying pop ups and strange sites sent to me,” Fleur commented. “No problem. If you need any more help with this, just let me know,” I offered. “I’ve been meaning to ask, but you certainly took your some sweet time carrying Shiny’s bags over to her house. Did I miss something interesting?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. I laughed nervously at the implications she was putting on. “Well, she kind of found me out that I held back some things back about what happened last night when she was drunk.” “She didn’t pressure you into spilling it did she? It’s unfortunate how she has such an eye for spotting minute details, even with those glasses of hers,” she commented while taking a seat on her bed, and patted an empty space next to her. “Actually, she was pretty patient,” I answered while taking up Fleur’s offer, and taking the seat next to her. “She explained how we should be more honest with each other if she wants to get comfortable around stallions again, and with reasons like that, I just couldn’t say no.” “So how did she take it when you told her?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “… Not much actually. She looked deep in thought, but that’s really it,” I answered. “Interesting… Anything else after that?” “Well we talked a little about what it was like living with my dad as an alcoholic, I won’t go into any details to get into anything depressing, and she was going to mention somepony she knew who had drinking problems, but changed her mind as she wasn’t ready to open it up yet. “After that, she asked me out of the blue on my thoughts with the mares in this world, and how they compared with the human girls back on Earth. I mentioned how there was a larger number of girls here being forward than back on Earth, which can be good or bad depending on the situation, and how strange it was for that mare yesterday to come onto me the way she did, even though I was a different species compared to her. We then talked about how inter-species relationships are viewed here, I gave my thoughts on me being in a relationship with a pony, which I’m still conflicted about right now, and I’ll need to explore a little in order to understand myself a little better. Shining then told me about how she’d be willing to try it at least once when I asked her the same question before we ended there.” “I see,” Fleur said while she was also deep in thought. “What about you Fleur? About your take on inter-species relationships I mean?” I asked. “Well after my break up with… him, I had to take a break from the dating life for a while,” she answered as she lied back on her bed, looking up to the ceiling. “Though it was sort of bothersome having Shiny pushing potential stallions away from me, it certainly gave me time to think about what I’m looking for in a special somepony. Then I see the occasional couple with one pony, and one of a different species where they look very happy being with each other despite their differences. Actually, it may even be those differences that gets those ponies attracted to them. “As far as I know in what I want in a guy, I just want someone who can treat me special-like, and not see me as some kind of trophy, or somepony to use for their own gain.” “Was that how it was with you and… him?” I asked as I lied back alongside Fleur, looking up at the ceiling as well. “That, and apparently slept with other mares, even though I told him I didn’t want a polygamous relationship, and I still don’t today,” Fleur answered. “It’s like what you explained at the party last night Ozzy. I want to be the only mare for him, and he’ll be the only stallion for me if he treats me well. It’s just that much more meaningful in love compared to just sharing it to more than one pony.” “That’s understandable,” I agreed. “I’m not against it, but I just don’t get how a guy would want more than one girl to be honest. You got three wives? Good for you, but why should I care? You have threesomes more than once a week? I don’t think I need to know that. Getting complaints from your wives about not getting a fair amount of attention or other things? Hey, you signed up for that shit, that’s your problem. As far as I can guess for why, I can only come to the conclusion that they’re just plain greedy with the sex, and not realize the weight they carry on their backs that goes with the commitment. That’s probably why they resort to just seeing other girls without telling their significant others like your ex.” “I can totally see that too,” Fleur said. “Anyway, going back to the question about inter-species relationships, as long as they can fulfill my needs, I’m willing to give it a shot, and I’d show them how good a pony rides.” I couldn’t help but guffawed from how she phrased it as I rolled off the bed. “Oh my god, that would sound so wrong back on Earth!” I exclaimed in between laughs, tears starting to well up in my eyes from how hard I chuckled. Somehow I feel like I should be more flustered from how she said it, but oh god that was just too good to pay much attention to. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I quite understand,” Fleur said with a raised eyebrow in confusion as she looked down from her bed. “I think it’s better if you don’t,” I replied as I got back on the bed after I calmed down. “I’m not sure how offensive it would sound if I told you the implications.” “Dearie, I’m in a business where I’ve seen a lot of offensive things that gets showcased in the media,” Fleur said. “You’re also my friend, and we’re on equal terms here, so I think I can probably handle what kind of joke I’m not getting here.” “You sure?” I asked, and she nodded in response. “Okay, so to start off, horses on my world are on all fours, and have hooves to walk and gallop on. Their colors usually range between brown, black, and white, there aren’t any pegasi or unicorns that exist there, and they don’t talk like we do. Now what humans do with horses, is they strap harnesses on them to literally help ride on top of them, and to go out on a stroll, race, and other equestrian related activities. “Now on my world, we usually refer the term pony for smaller horses. The kids would just love to get what we would call ‘pony rides,’ where they literally ride on top of those small horses, and just walk around in a small closed circle. Now from how you just phrased it earlier…” Even when it was steadily growing, Fleur turned completely red once she got the message before she shifted in her seat. “Oh goddess, that sounds so kinky,” she said, and that just got me dropping to the floor laughing once more. “Well I’m certainly glad you're getting a kick out of this,” she ticked off with a pout. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll stop,” I said as I tried to calm myself down, wiped more tears from my eyes, and got back on the bed. “Anyway, you can get now how the joke turns out, and how offensive it sounded.” “I can certainly see that now. Is that why you’re kind of conflicted with having a relationship with a pony here?” She asked. “Partially,” I answered. “I mean I can certainly see how intelligent ponies in this world can be, not to mention something out of reality from my own. Magic not only doesn’t exist on Earth, but things like pegasi, unicorns, griffons, and minotaurs were only mentioned in mythology. Plus, a human having a relationship with an animal like a dog, cat, or a horse, is considered a big taboo on Earth, usually referred to as bestiality. Now in this case, where I’m with a bipedal pony with some human-like features and behaviors, there’s still the equine part that kind of throws me into a loop.” “… Do you… Find it strange to be friends with a pony like me then?” Fleur asked with ears folded. Oh crap, I didn’t realize I was concerning her. I didn’t mean to take the conversation in this direction. “Oh Fleur, of course not,” I said as I held her hand, and looked into her pale violet eyes. “I’m having a blast having you as a friend. Heck, this is probably the most excitement I ever had in my life right now, and I’m glad to have somepony as kind, generous, optimistic, and beautiful as yourself to spend it with.” Fleur’s face reddened a bit as we gazed into each other for a time that might have been too long for comfort. I didn’t realize that I still had her hand in mine before I gingerly pulled it away, and looked to the floor with a heated face of my own. “Uh… Sorry about that,” I apologized. “I guess what I’m afraid of in being in a relationship with a pony is how much of a freak would I be in another person’s eyes for being with someone of a different species. Same goes for the pony I’m with too, since they’d most likely be in the same boat as I am with their own kind, if not my own.” “Ozzy… Look at me please,” Fleur said as she held my chin, and directed my gaze back to her big, purple eyes that were looking at me with a serious expression. “First of all, you’re not a freak. You’re a wonderful person, and I couldn’t be any happier to have met and made friends with you. Second, don’t worry about what other humans think of you. You moved into Equestria to make a new life for yourself correct? Follow through with it. Who you decide to love and be with is your business alone. Same goes for the pony you’re with as well. If they can’t handle the criticism and left, that just means they aren’t worth to fret over. For a stallion, or man, such as yourself, you deserve a great mare to love you dearly, and no less. Do you understand Ozzy?” I smiled a little and gave a slight nod despite how her hand was holding my chin up. “I do. Thank you Fleur, I appreciate hearing that. And you know if it’s easier, you can just refer to me as a stallion if you’d like. I somehow like how it rings.” “I’ll keep that in mind then,” she said with a smile before she looked up to her clock, and read it was 4:00 p.m. “Looks like we got lots of time before we get ready for the evening tonight. You still need to unpack and settle in your room right? Would you like some help?” “I’d like that, thanks,” I replied as the two of us got up, and walked over to my room to start unpacking, and putting away the old and new clothes I had with me. As we did that, Fleur brought up something that left me baffled speechless. “While we’re on the topic of romance Ozzy, I’d like to share some tips from one friend to another,” she said. “What’s that?” I asked as I folded my t-shirts. “If you’re conflicted with your feelings for a mare, don’t question it too much. Sometimes it’s good to explore, and see what comes up once you give it a chance. You never know, even if you did had experience with sex before with a human girl, you’d be surprised what we mares are capable of. We’d probably ride you in ways you’d never dream of,” Fleur finished in a sultry tone before she gave a flirty, teasing wink in my direction. With that statement, my whole face heated from the implication instead of rolling on the floor laughing. I went back to folding my t-shirts in silence, trying not to dwell on the very lewd imaginations on how Fleur would ‘ride’ me while she giggled at my embarrassing expense. > Chapter 11: "This night didn't turn out the way I had expected... Ow." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: “This night didn’t turn out the way I had expected… Ow.” [6:50 p.m.] After Fleur and I finished organizing my room and put away my clothes, she and I talked more about what things I should be careful with mares if I decided to go out with them. Turns out the mares here go into heat every two to three months, and that lasts about four days to a week, which leaves them much more likely to get pregnant once they mate with stallions. They don't exactly have red days like human females (with the bleeding and all that), but their heat cycles get more intense than menstruation. Not only that, they get more… Frisky and active with sex than usual, and it’s also harder to hold in the urges when a stallion is just within their presence. To avoid any unwanted pregnancies and rape, mares were required to stay within their households for the week while a flower symbol is hung on their front doors, letting passerby know that they’re not available for speaking unless it’s with another mare, or their significant others. On the bright side though, is that when they’re not in heat, especially right afterwards, they’re not as likely to get pregnant than human girls do as far as I can gather. Though heat cycles differ from menstruation cycles in terms of timing, it's still thankfully possible to keep record for when the next time it hits. With Fleur and Shining, they keep track of their times for when theirs start, so that they won’t schedule any appointments that coincides with them. The signs of when they come sometimes show sooner however, which can be quite inconvenient depending on the time and place. Fleur’s ended just last week, and Shining’s was a couple days before I got here, as far as what the former has told me. It may not be the best idea for me to be around the girls when they’re in heat, considering whether or not reproduction between humans and ponies was found possible yet. The three of us will have to discuss that at some point soon considering the circumstances, like how Shining’s not comfortable enough to allow me in her home yet. In the meantime, I’ll have to look into this further so I can help keep records of their heats as well, and schedule accordingly. When the evening was near, Fleur and I went to clean ourselves up, and get ready for the night out. After a shower, I put on an undershirt before putting on a black suit jacket with a white dress shirt, matching slacks, and a black tie with stars scattered around it, fitting for where we were going for the night. I then styled my hair with pomade, used a handkerchief to clean my glasses before putting it in my coat pocket, spritz some cologne, shined my dress shoes, slipped my wallet and phone in my pockets, and waited downstairs for the girls. The doorbell rang, and I assumed it was Shining before I walked up to it, opened the door, and confirmed my suspicions with widened eyes. It’s quite amazing how colors can change one’s outlook towards people, or ponies in this case. Last night, Shining wore a white silk dress that made her look beautiful, and practically innocent. Tonight, she was wearing a black dress that made her, dare I say it, drop dead sexy, and almost mysterious. She also still had the white framed glasses she usually wears that not only contrasted the colors, but they somehow gave the pale green eyes behind them a sense of purity. The V neck shaped neckline was low enough to accentuate the cleavage of her practically bouncing D cup sized breasts, while the straps that held it up looked comforting, yet open enough to still show the cutie marks on her shoulders. Like the last dress, there was also a slit up the side of the skirt that perhaps showed more leg than before, making her bolder than she was last night, but also giving her more room to walk. Finally, she had a matching black purse to go along with the ensemble, black slippers that glistened in luster, and her pale light blue mane was down and styled as before. If I thought Shining was intimidating enough just in her business attire during the day, this just brought that scale to a whole new level. “Hello Oz,” Shining greeted with a small smile. “… Hi,” I practically squeaked. “Fleur’s not ready yet if you’d like to come inside and wait.” “I’ll do that, thanks,” she replied before I moved aside, and allowed her entry. As she passed by, I noticed a familiar scent… Something that was strong, and practically cleared my nostrils as I took a whiff. This smell… Was this the cinnamon kind of soap from Mare de Fur’s brand? When did she get this? I closed the door without thinking about it too much, and took a seat across from Shining while trying not to ogle her new look. “So uh… That’s certainly a nice dress,” I complimented. “You like it? It was actually something I just bought today,” she answered. “When I tried it on, I didn’t even need a second approval to know how good I felt wearing this. Since we’re going to a jazz club tonight, I thought this was a great opportunity to dish this out.” I swear to god, it’s like the colors she wears are changing her personality. I don’t think I’ve seen Shining this confident before, and I think I’m getting more nervous with this than when she was in business mode. I just hope Fleur wears something outlandish like last night that would help balance things out. “Is everypony ready?” Fleur’s voice called from the top of the stairs. Shining and I looked to her direction, and I just gulped from the sight I wasn’t expecting. She too had a black dress, only her neckline was a sweetheart type without the straps that gave her a cute, yet devious demeanor. Not only that, but the skirt was more frilly and free compared to Shining’s. It stretched down to just above her hooves that were wearing black slippers, which had one black flower blooming from each side. She also had black gloves that stretched up to her elbows, a matching black purse of a different design than Shining’s, and was still wearing the same eye shadow color as usual. The ensemble altogether made Fleur look more enchanting than seductive, but it still gave that mysterious vibe as well that was probably a little higher than Shining’s. … Okay, different than what I expected, but still intimidating all the same. I was hoping to not be as nervous as last night, but I think I may be more than twice as so tonight. “Sorry for the wait dearie, but I had trouble finding the right dress for the evening,” Fleur apologized. “I-it’s fine… You’re good,” I replied. “Well if we’re all ready, shall we get going then?” Shining asked as she got up. “Yes. Let’s get Ozzy’s welcoming celebration started!” Fleur exclaimed before the girls went for the door, and she turned her gaze to me. “You coming along Ozzy?” “Y-yeah… Sure,” I replied as I got up, and followed them out. Silver was out front right on time, and the sky was in the middle of its twilight from day to night. After a greeting and a few compliments, he opened the door to let the girls in first before I went last. He shut the door before he got on the carriage, and started driving to our destination. … You know, I’m starting to wonder why I’m getting so nervous over this. I mean it’s not like there’s something from this I should be expecting. It’s just a way for the girls to welcome me to their team that I’m grateful for, and that’s all it really is. I mean it’s not like these two have some kind of interest with me right? Shining’s trying to treat stallions better, clearly not ready to go out in the dating world yet; and Fleur, well, she’s a generous, goddess-like supermodel. She only seeks companionship with me as a friend to support and be there for her. Not like I’ll ever have a chance with her, or Shining for that matter. We’re all just friends here that are about to spend a fun evening together, and I’m content with that. I’m sure Shining’s dressed the way she is because she knows how intimidating that dress looks on her, and wants to toy around with me because of that. Same goes for Fleur when she teased me earlier, as it was just some payback for me laughing at her expense before. Plus, I shouldn’t even be worrying about dating and relationships right now. I’ve only been here for at least two days, and I want to make the most of my time here before I start settling down. With that thought in mind, I slowly gained back my composure, and tried to come up with something to talk about with the girls that will help me relax more. “So Fleur, did you get that dress while we were shopping today too?” I asked. “This was actually something from my last shopping spree,” she answered. “It looked really cute when I got it, but I couldn’t find a good occasion to pull this out until I found it for tonight. Speaking of shopping, it looks like you picked out something that surprised the both of us Shiny.” “I thought that since I’ll be trying to change my ways since the past five years, it would be a good start to get some new things for my wardrobe,” Shining replied. “What kind of attire did Shining wear for these occasions before anyway?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Her business suits,” Fleur answered while rolling her eyes. “Sure it’s formal to wear, but you’re stiff as a board during the occasional outings. I thought you’d never cut loose until last night.” “I am not stiff as a board,” Shining argued. “I’m with Fleur on this one Shining. You can be pretty uptight,” I commented. “I concur,” Silver added in. “Shut up Silver,” she huffed while crossing her arms before Fleur, Silver, and I chuckled a little at her pout. Not too long later, we stopped in front of a swanky building where there was a small line forming from the entrance, consisting of ponies in formal dress get-ups. “Here we are everypony, the ‘Canterlot Swank,’” Silver announced before getting off the carriage, and opening the door for us. Shining stepped out before me, and Fleur came out last. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up later tonight?” “Don’t worry about us Silver, just enjoy yourself tonight,” Fleur answered. “Have fun at card night. Good luck, and win big,” I added in. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to do that,” Silver answered with a nod before getting back up on the carriage. “Have fun you three, and Ms. Star, please control your alcohol intake tonight.” “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Shining answered before Silver drove off. “Alright, shall we head inside? There’s an entry fee, but Fleur and I will pay for yours since we’re holding this for you Oz.” “Thanks Shining, I appreciate that,” I said with a smile. After paying for our admission, we went inside, and music (Smooth Jazz Chill Out Lounge [Full album]) was playing with a smooth tune that filled the entire building. The atmosphere made the tensions in my body I didn’t know I was holding loose enough for me to relax, and pushed any concerns I had earlier to the side. While the band was performing on stage, there were tables and booths scattered around the area with only candles on top to light up the dimmed building. There was also a bar on the side that looked to be busy, as the ponies running it were quickly making drinks that the wait staff brought to the house guests. Same goes for the kitchen across from it as ponies were bringing out food for the guests as well. “Wow, this place is great,” I praised. “Good evening, and welcome to the… Say, aren’t you Fleur de Lis? The same one that almost got hit by that carriage two days ago?” The hostess pony asked. “Yes, yes, that would be me. Could we get a table for three please?” Fleur asked with a smile. “Absolutely! Please, right this way,” she directed as she grabbed three menus, and led us to an open round table that was just perfect for us to chat at a normal, comfortable volume without the band playing over us. I sat with my back to the band, while the girls were evenly spread out on each side of me to where we made a small triangle. “Somepony will be with you shortly. Enjoy your evening,” she said as she passed us the menus before heading back up front. “I guess that news is still going around huh?” I asked. “Well with only her remembering, and not having the entire club mobbing us, I think it’s safe to say that it will pass over by tomorrow or the next,” Shining said while fixing her glasses. “That’d be a relief. It’s getting kind of bothersome wearing a hat and sunglasses I don’t need to wear,” Fleur commented. “Come to think of it, I’m surprised there weren’t many ponies that recognized me since I didn’t have a disguise on, especially since I’m human. I guess I’m just easily forgotten since I was probably ‘the hairless monkey in a suit that saved Fleur’s life’ or something like that,” I said with a shrug. “Well besides being a human, you don’t really stand out that much,” Shining said. “Probably because since more of your species are starting to move in here from your world.” “Somehow I’m kind of glad,” I replied. “I’m not used to getting so much attention.” “Hello, I’m Evergreen, and I’ll be your serving you tonight,” the waitress mare greeted as she approached our table. “Can I start you off with something to drink?” “We’d like some wine please. Any preference to what kind Ozzy?” Fleur asked me. “Not really. I’m good with whatever, but I’d like some water with my wine,” I replied. “Do you have merlot?” Shining asked. “I’ll bring it right out. Be right back,” Evergreen said before she walked off. I then looked at my menu to see what kind of food they have, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Though some of the selections were expensive, it certainly wasn’t as bad as the Golden Crown’s. “Pick whatever you like dearie, it’s on us for tonight,” Fleur said with a smile. “You know I’m going to be doing the same with you two for your birthdays right?” I asked. “Heck, I could probably try and make you something special myself if that’s what you want.” “… You know? I actually would kind of like that,” Shining replied. “Me too. Cooking something at home would just make the evening all the more special than going to even the most expensive of restaurants,” Fleur commented. “Do either of you two cook?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I could only make something that’s easy to make. Like spaghetti and soup,” Shining answered. “Don’t try Fleur’s cooking though. Eat her meals, and you’d need to get your stomach pumped like poor Fancy did.” “Hey, that was only one time,” Fleur interjected with a pout. “With grilled cheese nonetheless, probably one of the easiest to make out of everything else,” Shining argued. “How you were able to make it that unhealthy is as questionable as the princess’ actual ages.” … Okay, putting down ‘never let Fleur do any of the cooking’ on my mental note list. I didn’t think she’d mess up that badly with only grilled cheese. I can’t fathom how things would be if she tried to make anything else. Once Evergreen brought back our drinks, and poured the wine for us, we made our orders for dinner before she left once more. “I propose a toast,” Fleur said with a smile as she held up her wine glass, which Shining and I followed suit. “To Ozzy Shore, for successfully passing Shiny’s initiation, despite the drawbacks, and making it to the team as our new secretary. We wish you’ll work at your hardest, and having some fun with us every now and then for the times to come. Congratulations Ozzy, and welcome to the group.” “To Oz,” Shining said before the three of us clinked glasses, and took a few sips. “Thanks girls, and I promise to be a good friend to you both as well,” I said with a smile. “I don’t think I could be any happier or luckier to have you two playing a part in my life.” “Awww, you’re such a sweetheart,” Fleur said with a slight hint of red in her cheeks. “Yes, well… Um… Thanks for joining us,” Shining added in while looking to the side with a blush of her own. [9:15 p.m.] For the next few hours, the three of us chatted idly, getting to know each other while we shared a few chuckles from telling some of our embarrassing stories, enjoyed the music, and getting buzzed from the wine we drank until our food arrived. I had a fettuccine alfredo while the girls had dishes that contained vegetables and hay. I almost cringed having the thought of what eating hay tasted like, and I don’t think I could digest it if I tried. After we were finished, and the girls paid the bill, we walked out of the club, with me being slightly more impaired than last night due to the wine, but I did make sure to drink plenty of water though. “H-hey, thanks for the night out girls, I really appreciate this,” I said. “I had a good time tonight.” “I’m glad you did Ozzy,” Fleur replied with a smile. “Now let’s grab a taxi and—“ “Hello there, what’s a beautiful thing such as yourself doing out here?” A male voice interrupted. We turned to the source, and saw that it was a burly, dark orange earth pony stallion with a military cut blonde mane, giving Fleur a flirty smile that irked me from the cockiness it radiated. “I treated my friends out to dinner, and now we’re heading home,” Fleur answered with a deadpanned tone. “Why the sudden rush? The night’s still young, how about I pay for the ride back to their place, and you and I can share the rest of the evening together over a few drinks?” He asked with a smirk. “Thanks for the offer, but no,” Fleur answered, still in deadpan. “Come on, give me a chance, I’ll make your night worthwhile,” he persisted. “Sh-she said no dude,” I replied as I came up to him. “Was I talking to you bud?” He asked. I took off my glasses and slipped them in my coat pocket before looking back to him. “No you weren’t, and the fact that you didn’t acknowledge my presence, AND can’t take a hint for when a mare says no to an offer, you probably haven’t exercised that common sense in that pea-sized brain of yours as much as the rest of your body.” The girls turned to me with widened eyes at what I had just said. Okay, I was probably a little drunker than I thought when I talked to this guy, but someone had to say something to get through his thick headed skull. “Are you calling me stupid you hairless monkey?” He asked while standing over me. “Oh yeah, s-sure, like I haven’t heard that name before since I got here,” I scoffed. “You know I still have the hair on top of my head right? If you can’t s-see that, you probably have worse eyesight than I do, and I don’t even need glasses to see how much of a jackass you’re making yourself right now.” “You’re making a bad move sounding cocky right now bud, you better step aside before I move ya myself,” he threatened. “Hey, I may be a little drunk to s-sound cocky right now, but that’s nothing compared to how you think you have a chance with a beautiful flower as her with that attitude of yours,” I replied as I pointed to Fleur behind me with my thumb. “Seriously, that was so cocky, I thought I mistook you for a giant walking dick before I took off my glasses, and now you’re just making a bigger one out of yourself right now. So unless you want to make yourself look worse, I suggest you—“ POW! I was interrupted by a large fist that acted a force of pain on my left eye, and muffled screams were the last thing I heard before I hit the ground, and blacked out. [11:55 p.m.] “Ugh… My head and eye hurts,” I groaned as I tried to force my good eye open. I was greeted with the sight of a worried Fleur, at least that’s what I thought her expression was since my vision was blurry without my glasses. When I awoke, she sighed and her expression changed to a small smile. “Thank Celestia you’re okay. I was worried that you might never wake up,” she said. “Where are we?” I asked tiredly. “Back at my place in my room,” she answered. “We took you to a hospital before bringing you back here. Though the punch knocked you out, the doctor thankfully said you only came out with a black eye.” “How long was I out?” I asked. “Three hours,” a familiar voice answered in a deadpanned tone. I tried to turn my gaze to the source, which was Shining with a slightly messed up mane. She came over with an object wrapped in a towel before handing it to Fleur. Fleur then set the towel over my bad eye, and I winced at the sudden tinging of pain before it turned into a cool, soothing feeling. “Honestly, I know you were impaired, but agitating that bastard was a foolish thing to do Oz. I thought you had walked in with some sort of death wish,” Shining scolded as she took a seat in a chair across from me. “What happened to that guy anyway?” I asked. “Shiny pretty much beat the crap out of him, excuse my language,” Fleur answered with a slight giggle. “After he knocked you out, she was on him almost immediately to the point of making him cry like a foal before he ran off. I haven’t seen her that pissed for a long time.” “Wow… I wish I was conscious enough to have seen that. It must have been hilarious,” I said before I looked down with a disappointed sigh. “Still… How pathetic was I? Getting knocked out by just one punch for taunting him like that. I must have looked as much of a jackass as he was, and embarrassed the two of you for it… I’m sorry I ruined a good evening.” “Ozzy, you weren’t a jackass,” Fleur rebutted while lightly shaking her head, and brushed my hair to the side with her hand while still sporting that small smile. “It was a little brash, yes, but you stood in for me when I said no, and he didn’t leave it at that. You weren’t even fazed by his size either, which would probably make smaller ones run away with their tails between their legs. No stallion has ever done that before, not even my ex. What you did back there was brave and chivalrous.” “More like stupid and foolish,” Shining scoffed while looking directly at me. “You could have gotten yourself killed you idiot. We could have just walked away while calling the cops on him for harassment, but noooo, you just had to egg him on yourself. How do you think things would turn out if I wasn’t there, huh?” “Shiny, please don’t,” Fleur pleaded. “No, Oz needs to hear this,” Shining argued while still looking at me. Though it was hard to see with one eye without glasses, I could have sworn her eyes looked slightly red and puffy. “Something you should know about us ponies if you haven’t read it in your guidebook yet. Though we earth ponies can’t cast spells or fly like unicorns and pegasi, we make up for it with our strength depending on how much we maintain our physical prowess. You’d pretty much be asking for trouble if you’re taking them on in a brawl unless you have something to take advantage over them. You were lucky to come out with a black eye, but things could have gone a lot worse, for you, and for Fleur here. “I don’t know how often you’ve gotten into fights back on Earth Oz, but don’t even think about walking into one around here when you know you can’t win. Sometimes walking away from a fight isn’t a cowardly thing to do when the stakes and circumstances aren’t high. Burn that lesson into your brain, and don’t make me repeat myself when something like tonight happens again.” She then looked to the side once more with her eyes squinting, and her muzzle scowled almost mournfully. “I don’t know what I… What we would have done if we lost a secretary like yourself, and I don’t want to find out anytime soon... You got it?” … I see. Though she tried not to show it, she was probably really worried. The firmness in her voice kind of shows how much she cares for me, if it really means anything. Then again if she didn’t care, she probably wouldn’t be staying up this late in Fleur’s room right now… It’s funny, I would think this is something a parent would have done with their kids if they did something wrong. Not being angry with them, but telling them up front why something they did was wrong so they would learn from it, and move on while trying not to repeat that same mistake again in the future. The harsh name calling at the beginning aside, she was only looking out for me in the end… If only there were more people like her that existed in my life back on Earth. “… Yeah, I got it. Thanks Shining,” I replied with a small smile. “You think you’re going to be okay Ozzy?” Fleur asked with her ears folded. “I think I’ll live another day,” I said as I grabbed the ice pack over my eye, and sat up. I didn’t realize it until then, but my head was laying on something soft, but firm at the same time. … Was I on Fleur’s lap the whole time? It felt nice, but I don’t think she needed to do that. Eh, I won’t think on it too much. “Am I still allowed to work tomorrow? I could probably use some of Fleur’s make up to hide the colors if we don’t want to make it too noticeable,” I said. “Should he even be working tomorrow Shiny?” Fleur asked. “If he feels fine enough to work tomorrow, I won’t stop him,” Shining replied as she stood up and wiped her eyes under her glasses while sniffling a little before crossing her arms. “If he’s like any other stallion around here, he’s probably pretty stubborn and hardheaded enough to keep going. Just keep that ice pack on for the next half hour or so before heading to bed. We’ll be leaving tomorrow morning at 9:30 with, or without you. Have Fleur help you apply the make up over the eye if you’re planning on going, and try not to sweat enough to make wiping it off a breeze.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” I said before I gave Shining a light hug, making her shiver in surprise. “Thanks for what you’ve done for me tonight Shining. I really appreciate it.” She sighed in slight defeat before returning the gesture. “Just don’t do anything stupid like that again alright? I’m not one to let my coworkers get into any danger.” She pulled herself back, fixed her glasses, and grabbed her purse. “Well if there's nothing else, I'm heading off for the night. Oz, Fleur, have a good evening,” she bid with a nod before leaving the room. “Well that’s certainly something new,” Fleur said as she stood up with widened eyes. “That’s the first time I’ve seen Shiny that comfortable with a stallion in a long time. You must be putting more of an influence on her than I thought.” “If you say so. There are times I don’t know what goes on in her head though,” I said with a shrug. “I’ve been meaning to ask, but did you know you were going into a fight once you took off those glasses?” She asked. “Partially,” I answered. “I’d like to take it off when I talk to someone that looked intimidating, more so than Shining, as a way for me to not get scared as much. I don’t know why that is, but I think just blurring out some of the worrying parts helps me not tense up so much. That’s why you didn’t see me so nervous tonight if being impaired didn’t add into it.” “Are you sure you want to work tomorrow Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “Of course. Eye aside, I’m as healthy as I can be,” I answered as I stepped out of Fleur’s room. “As long as I’m still mobile and can tolerate a couple coughs, work’s no problem with me.” “Just try not to overexert yourself okay?” Fleur then did something unexpected that I didn’t see coming. She came up, held my chin, and gave me a brief kiss on the cheek that was just below my good eye. After a few seconds, she pulled back with a warm smile. “Thank you for standing up for me tonight Ozzy. Have a good night,” she said before she gently shut the door while I stood there frozen with heat rising up to my cheeks. “… Yeah… You too,” I mumbled before I went to my room, and prepared myself for sleeping tonight. [12:20 a.m.] After I grabbed a bowl to put the ice pack in overnight, I changed my clothes to boxers and a t-shirt, washed the pomade out of my hair, and brushed my teeth. I then sat on my bed with the ice bag over my swelling as I played back the events of the evening in my head. As far as I know what happened before this, Shining was probably being tough with me because she cared, and Fleur only gave me that kiss to show her appreciation. The qualities they displayed is part of what having friends is like right? I can’t say I know for sure, since I haven’t grown up with many close ones, and I’m still new to the whole friendship thing. Strange how big of a deal that is around here now that I’ve thought about it. I don’t think they’re hinting anything with me showing those qualities either, in a romantic kind of sense anyway. I probably shouldn’t look into this too much right now, I’m a little too tired to worry about that. What I should worry about however was how things turned out in that very short fight. Shining was right on one thing, if I ever get into any of those fights again in the future, they have to be for really good reasons, and I need to prepare myself for what the ponies here may bring. If most earth ponies are as strong as she said, who knows what pegasi and unicorns may bring to the table? If anypony attempts to harm Shining and Fleur in any way, I need to keep my promise to Fancy and protect their well-being like I unfortunately didn’t do well tonight, if not at all. If I can’t even protect the girls from harm’s way, then what good am I as their friend? If I want to change this, there’s one thing I can do that will get me started in the right direction. “… I need to go to a gym and train.” > Chapter 12: "Exercising sucks big time." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: “Exercising sucks big time.” [5:35 a.m.] It’s been one week since the night of the fight, bringing my first week as Fleur de Lis’ secretary, and as a resident in Equestria come to a close. I have to admit, it wasn’t a pleasant week, and it’s not because of the work during the day that made it so. Ever since that fight, I’ve started having nightmares that recalled some moments in my past that I’d rather not look back to. I won’t go into details yet, but it's the biggest reason that I see my older brother as such an asshole to this day. I had them before, but I thought it was all over once I moved as far away from my hometown as possible, and that was before Equius was found years later. I guess that punch might have triggered them to come back, but I’m just glad it doesn’t happen every night. I’ve tried to go on jogs first thing in the morning to not only wake myself up more, but to motivate myself into exercising. Even after that though, the nightmares would still leave me exhausted. I felt I shouldn’t go to the gym yet until my black eye faded away. I haven’t told the girls about the jogs and nightmares yet, but I felt like this was something I needed to deal with on my own time without getting them worried. After the jogs, I cleaned up quickly, changed my clothes, and had breakfast. Fleur would then sit me down and apply the make-up over my shiner before we started the day. It must have been because of how long she’s been putting make-up on herself, but she applied it on my black eye so well, it looked like I never had one at all, save for my eyelid still squinting. After that, I followed Fleur and Shining around, recording important information to add into the agenda while getting friendly with the staff of businesses we visited, and watching Fleur modeling for various products. Shining was still having some trouble trying to adjust herself around stallions, but it looked like she was putting effort into it. From what Fleur had told me, Shining would sometimes butt in to a conversation she would have with a stallion, and pretty much scare them off. So far Shining not only hasn’t done that since that fight, but she didn’t have the vibe of looking down on other stallions as she talked to them. She was still nonchalant with them, but it was a good of a start as any I guess. I was the only guy she was comfortable talking openly to, as we not only discussed future meetings and photo shoots, but she also had me taking notes on what I should consider about their diets when I make their meals, and some things about the modeling business I didn’t know up until then. While we had time in between, Shining helped me with signing the legal residency documents like she said she would the other day. During that same day, she even gave me my first paycheck. With how much I had received, even after the thirty percent that was given away to the charity Fleur supports, I think I’ll have no problems getting around in Equestria. I was getting a better handle on the business as well, especially during the photo shoots. I still get a little… Tight in my pants when Fleur would not only pose in some bra and panties, some lingerie they picked for her, or even just nude in general, she does it for the cameras in lewd, seductive ways. I can understand that as a way to bring in potential customers to buy their products, but it was still a little difficult to not make a big deal out of. At least they distract me enough from the nightmares though. So far I’ve only stopped having trances, and not get as nervous as the first time I’ve seen Fleur in such a way, and I think that’s as much of a progress as any. There was also coming up with the many vegetarian meals I found recipes to online to make for the girls that fit their nutritional needs. Sometimes I would make a separate dish myself to get the required supplements in protein we humans live on, but still try to maintain the veggie diet I said I was getting into since I got here. Coming back to the early morning at present times, my shiner had faded enough to not worry about putting make up on anymore, and my vision out that eye was getting better. Fortunately I didn’t get a nightmare the night before, so I was a little more energized than usual. “Alright, I think this is a good day as any to start training at the gym, and see what I can do to get stronger,” I said to myself before I went and changed into a tank top and shorts, set myself up a water bottle, and grabbed my phone, ipod, and wallet before I walked out, and jogged my way to the gym as a warm up. When I got to the gym called Iron Hooves, the place was big, but pretty empty, as there was only a couple mares, and two stallions. I walked up to the service desk up front where a lean looking earth pony mare was standing. “Hello, do you have a membership program I could sign up here?” I asked. “We do in fact,” she answered with a smile. “We charge membership twenty bits a month, and since this looks to be your first time here, newcomers get their first two admissions to whatever classes and equipment we provide for free. We also have a personal trainer program that gives ponies their first two appointments for free as well before we discuss separate charges for later ones.” “Nice. Do you have a locker room I can leave my stuff in?” I asked. “Down there to your left, and we sell locks to keep your belongings secure for thirteen bits,” she answered. “I’ll take one of those, and thanks for the free admissions.” “No problem! Just sign in here so we can keep record, and we’ll get you arranged for the membership after the two days are up.” After I signed in, I bought the lock before I went to the locker room, and secured my phone and wallet in one of the vacant lockers. I put the key to it in my pocket before I went back out, put on some music with my ipod, and stretched as I thought about what I should do first. Let’s see… Gods it’s been so long since I actually lifted weights, but at least I know the forms to do some exercises, and there are machines that focus on some parts of the body. Maybe I’ll start off simple and do dumbbells. Once my stretches were finished, I went to the long rack of assorted dumbbells, each pair growing in size and weight as the line went. Maybe I should start with this much, and see where I can go from there. I tried lifting one of the bigger dumbbell pairs off the rack, which turned out to be more of a challenge than just doing the exercise. I then sat on one of the benches, and tried to start things off with some curls… Which was kind of degrading in the end, as I only ended up making five on each arm. My arms were already straining to flex as I set it down. Goddammit, and I thought keeping the girls’ clothes up during their shopping spree was heavy. I must have gotten weaker than I thought. Maybe I should look into getting that personal trainer thing. It may be expensive, but I need some help, like BAD. Suddenly a few pokes behind my shoulder made me jump out of the bench in fright. I quickly took out the earbuds, turned, and was surprised at the familiar face I didn’t expect to see here. “Hello Oz. Sorry for scaring you,” Shining Star deadpanned, making it hard to convince that she wasn’t in fact sorry for startling me. She had her mane tied to a ponytail, wore a fitting tank top, and some yoga pants. She raised an eyebrow at me in suspicion while crossing her arms, waiting for my response to her ‘greeting.’ “Uh… Hey,” I replied with a nervous shake in my voice. “May I ask what’s going on here?” She asked. “Can’t a guy get a workout every now and then?” I asked trying to defend myself. “No seriously, what have you been up over the past week? You try to hide it, but I’ve noticed you’ve been slightly out of it in the mornings. I tried not to think on it too much until I see you in the same gym I go to for my triweekly morning routine. What’s going on Oz?” “… Um,” I replied while trying to come up with an excuse. “Remember what I wanted us to do with each other more, starting from last week?” Shining asked. “… Being honest with each other,” I sighed in defeat. “I may be your manager, but I’m also your friend too Oz,” she said. “You know that if there’s something troubling your mind, you can come talk to me or Fleur about it, and we’ll try to help out however we can. I’m not mad at you for hiding something like this, I’m just concerned.” “… It’s about the fight last week,” I confessed, which Shining widened her eyes in response. “I know you said I shouldn’t get into any fights when the stakes aren’t high, but what if they were? I felt so pathetic for not holding on my own after that fight, and I don’t want anything bad happening to you two because I was too weak to do anything. Not to mention I feel just as bad and weak just relying on you two all the time, and I want to try solving problems on my own. So the morning after that fight, I’ve been going on morning jogs to help get myself motivated. Once my eye healed enough to not get stares without make-up, I came here. This is only my first day, and as you could probably see from my curls, I’m not doing so well to get stronger.” Shining sighed frustratingly while rubbing her eyes under the glasses before looking back to me. “I swear, I wonder if you humans are this stubborn with yourselves. Oz, there’s nothing wrong to seek help now and then. I can understand how tough that can be for some ponies depending on the circumstances, and just asking for help can actually be very brave. Part of what having friends is all about is letting them carry some of that weight so you wouldn’t have to put everything on your shoulders. Handling all the burden to yourself is not only dumb, but kind of selfish when you think about it. “As for the fight… *sigh* I should apologize for lashing out the way I did. I was really emotional during that time, and I shouldn’t get mad at you for that.” “But you were right though,” I rebutted. “Being impaired aside, I wasn’t thinking straight when I came up to him like that. I just didn’t want something bad happening like Fleur being forced to do something against her will.” “While I do appreciate that, there are better ways to handle conflicts like I mentioned before,” she commented. “Just try to remember that next time alright? And again I apologize for that night.” “It’s in the past, and I kind of needed that anyway,” I said with a shrug. “Anything else that needs to be addressed?” Shining asked. My mind then turned back to those nightmares I’ve been having over the past week. Conflicted to think whether or not talking to Shining about it was a good idea. Should I tell her? Talking about it could help me ease up a little, but how would things go if I told her what contained in those nightmares? How different would she and Fleur see me if I told them? I don’t think this may be good, but I should hold it off for now. They’ve only known me over the past week, and I want to make sure I can trust them before I tell them all about it. Besides, it’s not like I’m the only one holding secrets here. I still don’t know what happened between Fleur and Solar Flare, and what Shining was about to tell me the other day before she backed herself out. They may have as much issues with trusting others as I do right now, but that doesn’t mean I should reveal everything about myself in one sitting in order to gain theirs. Maybe if Fleur or Shining told me something about one of those things, then I’ll talk about mine. Until then, I’ll act like nothing’s happened. “None that I could think of,” I answered to Shining. “Very well, now for the getting stronger part,” she said. “If you’re really serious about it, then I can help you out if you’d like. I’ve been doing this for much longer than you have, and I came up with my own procedures for training.” “How strong are you anyway?” I asked. Suddenly Shining made a snide smirk while raising her eyebrow. “You sure you want to know that Oz?” “Uh… Yeah? I guess I do—YIPE!” I yelped as Shining lifted me by the waist off the floor, and set me down to the side before walking up to the dumbbells. She picked up the dumbbell I was curling with slight of ease, along with the other of the pair that was still on the rack in her free hand. She then turned to me, and did quick, alternating curls with both weights. She was well past my record of five, and finished off with twenty before setting the weights back on the rack, turned to me, and gave me a boastful smirk with half-lidded eyes. “… Show off,” I said with a scowl before she giggled at my suspense. “If you thought that was impressive, you should see how much I bench press,” she replied. “So how about it? You want to train together?” “… Just try not to kill me with your routines okay?” I pleaded. “Oh don’t worry Oz… I will, and you’re going to feel MUCH worse tomorrow morning. Now pick up your balls and follow me. We’ve got A LOT of work to do,” Shining finished before passing me, and maneuvered her unusually dexterous tail to whip my butt with a loud snap as she walked off. “OW! Why me?” I whined before I followed her lead through the gym. [7:30 a.m.] “Ahh~, there’s nothing like a good workout to start the day, and more enjoyable doing it with somepony than by myself,” Shining said with a content smile as she walked and stretched her arms. “Well I’m glad you’re in a good mood,” I deadpanned sarcastically, as I was walking slightly behind, sore in places I didn’t know were possible until then. “Oh pony up would you? You know what they say, no pain, no gain.” “And you certainly made sure I had pain… A LOT of it.” “If it’s any consolation, despite your whining right now, I’m sort of impressed at how you kept willing yourself to keep going until the end,” she explained. “You keep that up, and results will come quicker than what you might expect. Just make sure you keep doing your morning jogs, even on days you aren’t going to the gym except weekends. You’ll have the endurance of a griffon after a few months. We’ll also attend classes held at the gym to teach you self-defense.” “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, but why do you go to the gym and exercise anyway?” I asked. “I like to keep myself fit, especially for some of those long, arduous days of working as a manager,” she answered while she looked longingly ahead. “Also… Pretty much the same reason you have. To protect Fleur, and now to cover YOUR ass.” “You know there will come a day when I’ll get strong enough so you won’t fight my battles right?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as we approached Shining’s home. “I’ll make it so that if you pin me down, I’ll get it to where I’ll break free from your hold.” “… Ha! I’d like to see you try,” Shining said almost hesitantly before she looked away, and one of her ears and tail gave a slight twitch. We then came to a stop in front of her house before she walked up to her door. “Anyway, clean yourself up real quick and prepare breakfast please. I’ll see ya in a bit,” she said before she walked inside. … Huh, she seemed a little off at the end there… Did I just make things awkward with that scenario I just explained? Shit where did THAT even come from? The exhaustion must be getting more into my head than I thought. I then walked back home while trying to push those strange, yet somehow interesting visualizations out of my head. [8:15 a.m.] “Are you feeling okay Ozzy? You’re kind of slow with the cooking today,” Fleur pointed out as I finished preparing some scrambled eggs, toast, and some fruit to serve for the three of us. “I’m fine… Just having a rough morning, I’ll get better as the day goes on,” I replied. When I said rough, it was more like beaten senseless by a deranged, sadistic maniac that’s my boss. “Well try not to overexert yourself today, okay dearie?” Fleur asked. “What’s the plans for today anyway?” “Let’s see, there’s the meeting with Blossoming Scents at 9:45, some lunch after that, then at 12:15 we—“ “SLAM!” “Oz! We need to cancel ALL the appointments we have for today and everything up to next week!” Shining exclaimed as she walked in with a black box in her arm, wearing her usual business attire while her mane was tied up to a bun. “Huh?” I replied. “What’s going on Shiny? Why the excitement?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “Everypony, we may have just received a chance to get into the biggest gig in our career, no scratch that, in our LIFETIME!” Shining exclaimed as she pointed a finger to Fleur. “Fleur de Lis, you may be on a commercial with Vogue’s clothing brand!” > Chapter 13: "Um... Wow, this is unexpected." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: “Um… Wow, this is unexpected.” [12:50 p.m.] The girls and I were on our way to the city of Manehattan, taking the Harmony Express train to get there. I was sitting across from the girls in one of the cars while we had lunch we picked up from the station’s deli. I chose an egg salad sandwich, Fleur had a daisy sandwich, and Shining ate a spinach and rose petal salad while all of us had different chips and soda on the side. While I ate, I thought back to the hectic morning we had that came to where we were. [Four and a half hours ago, 8:20 a.m.] “AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” The girls screamed in glee, making me cringe from the high pitch and volume. “Vogue wants to interview me?!” Fleur asked with a wide grin. “Yes! I even have the message that I JUST received this morning to prove it!” Shining exclaimed before she plugged the answering machine to the wall, and played back the message that was recorded. “Good morning, this is the vice president for the Vogue clothing brand, Autumn Winds,” a mare voice in the message greeted. “I’m calling on behalf of our president and CEO, Mascara, who would like to invite Fleur de Lis to an interview to see if she’s fit to not only model for one of our latest designs that’s to be released by this fall, but to even star in a commercial we’re preparing to air for that time. I realize this is a last minute notice, but Mascara is eager to meet with her ASAP. We’ll be expecting to see you two days from today at 3:00 p.m. sharp at our headquarters in Manehattan. We’ll see you then.” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” The girls squealed once more while hugging and hopping in joy after the messaged ended, while I plugged my ears from the painful noise. “Could somepony please tell me who or what a Vogue is before my eardrums explode?!” I demanded loudly before unplugging my ears. “Vogue is one of the top clothing design brands that exist in Equestria today,” Shining explained while fixing her glasses. “Some of the top designers today work to their very souls over there, coming up with unique clothing lines for mares and stallions to wear for the most exquisite occasions. The pricing for their designs may be expensive, but trust me when I say that their works of art are worth it to wear in public.” “It’s been our favorite brand to buy since we first saw some of their designs, and we’ve been trying to get in touch with them for years now,” Fleur added in. “We’ve tried to apply any open positions that were available just to get into at least one of their photo shoots. I can’t believe I get to be on T.V. with one of Vogue’s upcoming products!” “Okay okay, let’s try not to get ahead of ourselves,” Shining said before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. “I know this is big, but we’re only going for the interview. We can’t say Fleur getting in is a sure thing, but we need to be at our sharpest in order to pull this gig off. Because of how important this is, we’re cancelling all appointments for the week in order for us to focus on this one interview two days from now, and spend the rest of the week waiting for their final decision, and possibly celebrate for the success. We need to put our game faces on, and tackle this head on.” “I don’t mean to be the devil’s advocate here,” I interjected. “But don’t you think you’re taking this too seriously for just a clothing brand?” “JUST A CLOTHING BRAND?!” The girls practically screamed in sync at me, with possibly the scariest death glare I’ve seen yet. I could have sworn there were flames of rage burning in their pupils. “Um… Yes?” I squeaked with a sheepish grin, literally feeling myself shrinking as the girls’ glares looked down, and possibly grew in size above me. “Okay, clearly you’re not seeing how big this thing is,” Shining said as she got on my laptop on the counter, and typed in something that I assumed would lead to some kind of site. Once she got to where she wanted, she picked it up, and turned the screen towards me. “Let’s see if you can change your mind after seeing this.” “With Vogue clothing design making yet another big hit with their latest lines for the season,” I read aloud. “Each of the models who’ve starred in their latest commercial have been paid handsomely with the price of…” If my bottom jaw could snap out of my face from how heavy it would drop, that would probably show how fucking shocked I was once I saw the amount of bits paid to the models. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT’S A HUGE ASS NUMBER!” “Still think this is just a clothing brand?” Shining asked as she closed the page on the screen, and my laptop. “You can probably see now how big this thing really is for us, and why we want to make at least one appointment with them, and that was just for the photo shoot. If Fleur gets paid as much for starring in their commercial like the other models in that site page, and splits it between the three of us, that’s still a lot of money for us to get.” “Just think of all the things I could use that money for to help other ponies,” Fleur said to herself while looking up in thought. “Maybe I could pay for renovations at the local orphanage that needs to be done.” That does sound nice. I’ve passed through it a few times myself, and even with the flowers prettying up the front, the poor building looked like it was going to fall apart any day now. “Alright, you got me hooked,” I said with my hands up in defeat. “So should we make preparations to leave for Manehattan today?” “Oh absolutely!” Shining answered. “We’ll need time to make a bunch of phone calls to cancel our appointments. It may not be pretty, but this will be so worth it.” “Oh goodness, I need to find what to wear for the interview,” Fleur said with a furrowed brow, and clenched fists in front of her. “I’ll need to pull out all the stops on this one in order to showcase myself. I need to get to that right away!” She then dashed upstairs to her room before a loud door slam could be heard from the kitchen. “I guess I’ll pack my things for the trip as well… Crap! Fleur hasn’t had her breakfast yet!” I exclaimed before I took Fleur’s plate, and ran upstairs. “FLEUR! HAVE SOME BREAKFAST FIRST BEFORE IT GETS COLD!” [Present time, 1:00 p.m.] We spent the next few hours making a bunch of calls to cancel all of the businesses we were appointed with for the week, and find the best clothes to wear for the interview while we packed our things. Fleur took the longest to find what she could wear, and Shining and I had to help in order to come down with the final decision. Shining called Silver Wheel to drop us off at the station, and gave him the week off until we got back. It wasn’t until we bid him good-bye until next week at the station before we grabbed lunch, and got in the train car we were currently sitting. It was a pretty hectic morning, I’ll say that much, but that was the first I’ve ever seen the girls so excited. I certainly hope Fleur will get this chance. For a beautiful pony like her, it’s a wonder why Vogue hasn’t called her in until today. When we finished having lunch, Shining brought up my workout session to Fleur that I didn’t want her to mention. “So that’s why Ozzy looked so exhausted this morning,” Fleur commented. “Shiny, did you really have to push him that hard? You don’t even know if he has the same kind of strength earth ponies have.” “Oh trust me, he didn’t,” Shining commented. “But if there was one thing his stubbornness was good for, it was to keep going until his body melted. He may not be strong now, but with me helping him out, he’ll be more than strong enough to be evenly matched with that bastard stallion the other day within a month’s time. We may not get the time to train some more over this week, but I’ll work him over twice as hard when we get back.” “Gee, I am so thrilled,” I deadpanned in sarcasm. “Well even with how tough she is with other ponies, Shiny can be a good trainer once you get used to her treatment,” Fleur commented. “She made sure that I get the proper amount of diet and exercise to get the body I have today.” “… No offense Fleur, but you kind of look delicate,” I said. “Did Shining somehow go easy on you?” “A little, but she was still firm with my routines,” she answered. “There was also learning self-defense for times I’m out by myself, and practicing my magic to lift heavier objects, so don’t think I need Shiny or a stallion to look after myself.” “She’s right you know,” Shining added in. “Since she’s got magic on her side, she could probably do more damage with that dick from a week ago than I did.” Okaaaay, writing mental note not to piss Fleur off along with not letting her cook any meals. Sheesh, what else is there about her I should worry about? Not to mention, it sounds like she and Shining can look after themselves no problem. What did Fancy Pants even want me to do with them if it’s not providing protection? “Besides, my main training focuses on my body tone and flexibility, which may be completely different compared to what Shiny put you through today,” Fleur said. “How flexible can you be?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. All Fleur did in response was give me some kind of lusty smirk with half-lidded eyes, and raised eyebrows. “… Okay, never mind I asked,” I said while looking to the side with slightly heated cheeks as Fleur giggled at my expense. “I’ll be right back. Gotta use the restroom,” Fleur said before she stood up and walked out of the car to the nearest bathroom, leaving me and Shining alone to ourselves in awkward silence before she spoke up. “Can I ask you something Oz?” “What’s up? “How are you still here?” She asked. I raised my eyebrow in confusion at the question. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I follow.” “I mean how are you still working with us? Especially me, from the hard times I’ve given you?” She asked. “To be honest, you’ve kind of lightened up on those ‘hard times’ you’ve given me since the first day,” I answered. “It’s not as bad as the treatment I’ve received from the managers in my past jobs.” “What makes me different from the rest you’ve worked with?” She asked while her head tilted to the side. “Well you give a shit for Fleur’s and my well-being for one thing,” I replied. “You’ve apologized for the rash behaviors you made; you show me the ropes around the business a lot better than them; and you’re trying to improve yourself for the better after hearing Fleur’s concerns last week. That’s as far as what I’ve noticed, and I find them admirable qualities.” Shining’s cheeks reddened a little in response before she glanced to the side. “Sh-sheesh, has there really been humans that acted the opposite of what you described me?” “And then some,” I answered. “W-well… Don’t take this the wrong way Oz, but even though I may have given you some hard times in the past, a few that were harsher than others… I do appreciate you working hard for us,” she said while crossing her arms and looked to the side. “It’s only been a week since you started, and with some setbacks aside… You’re a better secretary than the ponies I had worked with in the past. Not to mention comfortable to talk openly to that I rarely do with others in public besides Fleur.” Um… Wow, that came out of nowhere. Wonder how hard that was to say? Especially with me being a guy no less? And she didn’t even need to get drunk to be honest with me this time. “Uh… Thanks Shining, I think it’s been kind of fun working you two as well,” I said while looking to the side and scratched the back of my head. “And since I’m starting to get more comfortable around you, I need you to do me a favor Oz,” she said while looking at me directly, and fixing her glasses. “What is it?” “Though it’s easier with you, I still have trouble being with other stallions in the work place. I sometimes lash out at some who get on my nerves for maybe no reason at all,” she explained. “I feel I need some kind of incentive, a reminder for me to act better around stallions when I talk with them, and I need somepony I can trust to let me know what I’ve done wrong if I ever get harsh or lash out at them. Do you think you can do that Oz?” “Uh… Sure if that’s what you want, but isn’t something like this more around Fleur’s territory? Since she’s your closest friend?” I asked “That’s just it though Oz,” she replied, to which I raised a brow in confusion. “Yes, I’m trying to improve for her sake, but if what you’ve seen and heard from Fleur over the past week says anything, it can be difficult for her to voice her opinions until she’s pushed to the brink like in the dressing room last week. I don’t want that happening again anytime soon, especially if that next time may break things off between us. Plus for what I’m about to ask of you on how to help me with my problem, I can’t really say to Fleur.” “What may that be?” “If I lash out at a stallion I come across… I need you to… Tug my tail as a reminder.” My eyes widened at the request, especially considering what I barely knew about it after accidentally touching Shining’s tail at Fancy’s party. “Um… Isn’t your tail sensitive?” I asked. “Doesn’t it hurt when I tug it? Let alone just touching it?” “Tugging somepony’s tail can be quite… Interesting at times, depending on the time and place,” she explained while glancing to the side. “I haven’t had a pony, especially a stallion, done it to me willingly for quite some time because it makes me feel… Something I shouldn’t be at certain times, and I’d get brasher than usual with stallions that have tried without my consent.” Okay, that sounds worrisome. I’m not sure if I want to step into any boundaries that could get me in a worse condition than the dick that came on to Fleur last week. “And you expect me to go along without worrying about the last part because…?” I asked. “You don’t seem like somepony who would take advantage of others’ kindness and generosity for their own gain or amusement,” she explained. “If I really want to change myself, I need the right motivation from the kind of pony I’m trying to get along with, and not lash at. If I had Fleur did it, then I’d automatically give in easily since she’s the reason I’m doing this. With you, I’d consciously make the effort of not lashing out, and try to change for the better with the other stallions. In fact, if I ever do lash out at you unreasonably, especially if I rebutted after the first tug on my tail, give me two more consecutive ones since you’re putting in the time to do this. Does that make sense?” “… You know you don’t have to go this far to try to improve yourself right?” I asked. “I feel I haven’t made much progress over the past week, and this is the only option I can come up with,” she answered. “I also believe this is a good way for the two of us to gain more trust within each other. You put your trust in me to improve myself while I try not to get brash on you, and I trust you to not misuse my consent for your personal amusement while giving me your unbiased opinion on what I did wrong. Now, can I trust your sense of judgment for this task?” I gotta say, this is certainly a tall order coming from Shining of all ponies, and she looks serious about it from how she’s gazing at me with those eyes of hers. It’s going to feel weird to do something like this, but if this is something she wants to do… “… Alright, I can do that. You can count on me,” I answered with a nod. Shining then gave a sigh of relief, and fixed her glasses before coming back up with a small smile. “Thank you. I’ll especially need this for the interview since we’ll be with a large company like Vogue.” “Sorry for the wait,” Fleur apologized as she came back from the bathroom, and took a seat next to Shining. “Did I miss anything?” “Nah. Just getting to know each other,” Shining answered. “Yup,” I added in, going along with the lie. “I’m glad to see the two of you are starting to get along. To be quite frank, you sometimes bicker like an old married couple would,” Fleur giggled as Shining blushed at the concept. “A-as if I’d go out with somepony like Oz here,” Shining argued while looking to the side as she crossed her arms. Okay, this was too good to pass up. It’s practically begging me to take advantage of this. “Really now? Oh what a shame,” I sighed in fake disappointment. “And I was going to treat us to dinner and a movie too. Oh well, if I’m not good enough for you, maybe Fleur would like to join instead.” Shining then turned to me with widened eyes, and cheeks that were still flustered. “Oh! Do you think we could go see that Guardians of the Galaxy movie?” Fleur played along while Shining turned to her then. “I’ve been wanting to see a human movie for quite some time, especially with something unique as this. That talking raccoon seems quite a delight as a character as well.” “But… But I like the raccoon…” Shining mumbled with her ears folded. “I don’t see why not. I’m eager to see that movie myself,” I replied. “Then after the movie I’ll treat you to a nice massage to end the evening.” “Ooo~, I’d love to have some of that,” she cooed. “Maybe I’ll return the favor with a little ‘happy ending.’” “Okay stop stop stop! I do not want to hear anything further than this!” Shining exclaimed with her head completely red while covering her ears before Fleur and I chuckled at her embarrassed expense. [4:15 p.m.] We arrived at the station in Manehattan a few hours later. Once the train came to a stop, the three of us grabbed our things before we walked out of the train car, and practically bombarded with many ponies that were bustling around the station. Sheesh, this looks more packed than the station in Canterlot. As we tried to squeeze through the crowd, a young looking pegasus stallion bumped into Shining (albeit abruptly) before getting past us without a word. Shining turned to him with gritted teeth, and a frustrated glare. “HEY! You’re supposed to say ‘excuse me’ when shoving yourself into ponies like that! Watch where you’re going jackass, or I’ll teach you the lesson myself!” Shining exclaimed with a shaking fist. The stallion’s irises shrunk to pinpricks before he dashed of at an incredible speed, leaving Shining gritting her teeth while Fleur sighed, and looked to the side. “Ozzy, could you please watch my things for a little bit? I need to use the restroom,” Fleur said. “Sure,” I replied as I grabbed a hold of her luggage, and she left to the bathroom’s direction, leaving me alone with Shining who was still glaring in the stallion’s path of departure. Oh boy, that was uncalled for. Okay Ozzy, time to see if she follows through with this, or come out with a new shiner trying. While I was close enough to Shining, I reached down to her tail that was twitching in annoyance before grabbing it still, and giving it a slight tug. Her body tensed up, and shivered as she gasped in response. She then turned to me with flushed cheeks, but still maintaining that glare of hers. “A-are you kidding me?!” She snarled. “If you thought that was too far, then you’re a bigger dumbass than—Ffffffff!“ With my hand still holding her tail, I gave her two more consecutive tugs like she would tell me to do if she argued, which got her to painfully bite her lower lip. I knew her tail was sensitive, but what came next was surprising to me. Not only did her cheeks flared up redder than before, she buckled her knees, and tried to stifle some sort of whining sound she made in her throat. She had her hand gripping the shoulder part of my shirt as she tried to keep herself standing. She just looked down without saying another word. Her lower regions were still shivering a little before I let go of her tail. After that, she started to pant harshly while I saw beads of sweat rolling down her face. It was very unusual, as if she just came out from a very long jog out in the summer heat. “Have you calmed down enough?” I asked, which Shining just turned to me, nodded silently in response. “Okay. While it’s true what that stallion did back there wasn’t nice, getting aggressive over it like that wasn’t necessary in the slightest. There’s either ignoring it and move on, or talk it out calmly with him. Does that make sense?” She swallowed a little to keep her mouth from drying out before answering. “Y-yes… S-sorry for calling you a dumbass back there.” “Are you feeling okay? You don’t look too hot,” I said as I rested my hand on her back in comfort. “I-I’ll be fine… I just need some time to get myself back in full swing. Thanks for following through with that favor I asked of you.” “No problem. Just try to watch yourself next time alright? I’m kind of worried how doing this will affect you in the long term, and I’d rather not risk hurting you because of it.” Her eyes widened while her cheeks reddened once more before glancing down. “W-well as long as you don’t pull hard enough to tear the hairs out, I’ll be fine,” she answered. “Most ponies get this way when their tails get tugged like earlier, but they recover shortly afterwards.” “Alright, if you say so. Just let me know if it somehow gets out of hand alright?” “I’ll keep it in mind, thank you.” “Um… Did I miss something?” A third voice asked. Shining and I turned to it, and it was Fleur with a raised eyebrow and a tilted head. We then looked at each other, and noticed that Shining still had her hand gripping the shoulder of my shirt, while my hand was still on her back, leaving us in an awkward position to somepony just walking in. I tried to quickly come up with something that goes along with this before answering. “Shining almost slipped and fell face first on the floor,” I responded quickly. “Some idiot spilled some drink that made the floor slippery, and I caught her just in time before she hit the ground.” “Y-yes! And I’m just pulling myself back up with his support,” Shining played along before she cleared her throat, stood up straight, and fixed her glasses. “I’m okay now.” “Well that’s certainly a relief,” Fleur sighed with a hand to her chest as she grabbed her luggage. “Shall we get going then?” “Sure. We should check in at a hotel first before we do anything else,” I said as we started to leave the station. “It may be best if I checked in a room for myself while you two take one next door.” Suddenly the girls stopped mid-step, and stood there staring at me blankly with confusion. I glanced back and forth between the two before I raised my eyebrow with confusion of my own. “… What?” “Why?” Fleur asked. “Why what?” I asked. “Why would you stay in a room by yourself?” She asked. “Uh… Because I thought you girls might want some privacy?” I asked. “You know, since I’m a guy?” “Oz, let’s not get things too complicated,” Shining sighed while fixing her glasses. “We’re staying here for a week at most, and hotel lodgings are pretty expensive around here. It’s best that we poll our bits together to share one room to stay in over the week.” “So… You don’t have any problems with me staying in the same room with you two?” I asked for certainty. “Nope. I’m good,” Fleur answered. “Me too,” Shining added in. Sheesh, I didn’t think they’d be so chill about this, especially Shining of all ponies. Maybe I'll just change clothes in the bathroom while I wait for the girls to finish with theirs. That’s the only thing I’m concerned about in terms of privacy. “Alright, if you say you’re okay with it, then I won’t argue,” I said. “Excellent. Let’s get checked in, and we’ll grab some dinner before we settle for the night,” Fleur suggested. “Sounds good,” I responded before the girls took the lead, and called a taxi carriage over to pick us up. Once the girls started to get inside, I suddenly felt something heavy that was weighing on my shoulders, as if there was something… Or somepony, was giving off bad vibes that affected everything around it, including me. I quickly turned around, and didn’t see any suspicious ponies that were lingering, save for a couple that just stared at me in curiosity before turning away, and went back to their businesses. “Everything okay Ozzy?” Fleur asked, snapping me back to what I was doing while my eyes were still being attentive to what was around me. “… Yeah, I’m good,” I said before I put my luggage in the trunk with the girls’ things, and I got inside before the driver took us away. … Was I just imagining things, or was somepony watching us back there? Seeing how Manehattan has a striking resemblance to our Manhattan, I’ll have to keep in mind that the structures may not be the only things that are similar around here like on Earth. If all the movies and shows I’ve seen that took place in New York are any indication, I’ll have to watch my back along with Shining’s and Fleur’s. No friends of mine are getting hurt on my watch, no way no how. [8:30 p.m.] Once we checked in at the hotel, and dropped our things in our room, and we went out for dinner not too long afterwards. As we ate, we discussed about how things may go with Fleur’s interview with Vogue. They talk and discuss with her, we bring some photographic samples of her best modeling moments to sell herself more, and once the interview’s over, they’d take about a day or two to decide whether or not she’d see fit to work with them. I asked at one point if they’ll give her another chance to do a photo shoot or commercial recording after they made their decision. Shining answered that whether or not they’re in, they could be put in what they would call a reserve list, where some models would be put there for future appointments if they’re booked on the current roster. It’s also used for models that the company would be interested in working with again in the future if they were impressive enough the first time. If the models turn out to be total bitches before or after the photo shoot or commercial, chances are they may not get an opportunity like that again. With Fleur being the way she is, even if they somehow can’t put her in for the upcoming commercial, there’s a good chance she may be put on the reserve list for a later time, as far as what Shining had said, and that can be as much of a victory as any. Once we were finished with our meal for the night, we went back to our hotel room to settle for the evening. The room they gave us was pretty comfortable. Though there were two beds, there was a couch that unfolds into another one if there were more than two guests… It didn’t look all that comfortable once I set it up, but I’ve slept in worse. There was also a small table with a few chairs to sit; a bathroom with a large tub; a container to keep ice stored along with a couple glasses; a small fridge with small drinks and snacks inside while the list of prices for consumption were on top (which were ridiculously expensive might I add); the place had free Wi-Fi for us to gain access to; and of course any room is incomplete without a T.V. and D.V.D. player against the wall. Altogether, it was like any other hotel room. “Is it okay if I take a shower first? I’ll be quick and sure to save some water,” I said. “I don’t have any problems. Shiny?” Fleur asked her. “I can wait,” Shining answered. “Alright, be back in a bit,” I said before I grabbed my change of clothes and bathroom essentials, and went inside. I came back out about ten minutes later with a plain t-shirt, some boxers, and night pants over those. It was a good thing I brought the latter with a second set. I’m not sure how things would be if I was basically in my underwear in the same room with the girls. I tried to not have too much of a hot shower while I cleaned myself as well, it was practically lukewarm. “Huh… So that is what you sleep in?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, yeah… Any problems with this?” I asked, and the girls just shrugged in response. “I’m heading in next,” Shining said as walked inside with her own essentials, leaving me and Fleur sitting next to each other on her bed. “Soooo… How’s your eye?” Fleur asked. “It feels okay. Plus with the color gone, putting on make-up won’t be necessary anymore,” I answered as I lifted my glasses, and touched my eye that was hit to demonstrate. It was still a little sensitive, but better all the same. “Can I ask you something Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “Sure.” “This morning when you went to the gym… Was it because of what happened last week?” I sat there speechless, surprised that she was able to figure that out so quickly. “Guess I can’t hide anything from either of you girls,” I lied, as there was still the nightmares I haven’t revealed yet. “You know we’re capable of protecting ourselves right?” “I know that now, but I just felt so pathetic since that fight,” I said as I looked down at the floor. “Even over the past week, I still feel like I haven’t done much as your secretary and friend. I’m supposed to be helping you two, yet it’s like it’s becoming the other way around. I don’t know, I feel like I’m not putting in as much work into the team as I should.” “Dearie, believe me when I say that you’ve helped us more than you think,” Fleur responded. She then surprised me by leaning against my side, and laid her head on my shoulder. “Since you’ve came around, though I know we can’t keep living in the past, I feel like things between me and Shiny are slowly going back to where they were before, and I couldn’t be any happier. So many things have happened since I broke up with Solar Flare, and I didn’t realize how much that would affect Shiny and me.” “You broke up with him because he slept with other mares right?” I asked. “Was he always like that?” “Sadly, no,” she answered. “He and I go way back since our time in Canterlot High, where we hooked up not too long after I gained my cutie mark.” Ah, high school romance, the least successful relationship in life out of all others, at least as far as I’ve noticed. “He and I were good friends before that, and he had big dreams of becoming a movie actor,” she continued. “He was the sweetest stallion I’ve ever met, and when I told him how I wanted to be a model, not only was he thrilled, but he was determined to keep our relationship strong past high school, and become one of Equestria’s biggest power couples… Sure, we've gotten there briefly, but thinking back on it now, he may only thought of how much fame we would get as a power couple, instead of just loving me for who I was like he did before. It might have been a hint of what was to come later. “Fast forward to after graduation, he got booked on his first movie that became a big hit, and I was getting a good start on my modeling. We may have been busy, but we’ve tried to get together when we were free. Overtime though, he was changing. He had a growing ego that he didn’t have before, started to drink more to the point that it was becoming a concern, and thought he was living the life of everypony’s dream: making big money, gaining fame, and of course, dating a hot celebrity. That’s what most of the press was saying, but we haven’t spent as much time together as we used to, and being in a relationship was becoming more than just a label than really working to make what we had was real.” Hold on… Drinking to the point of concern… Have I heard of something similar before? “At some point, we stopped seeing each other for a time, and I was getting fed up on the lack of attention,” Fleur continued. “So when I came up to him, I found him in our room, on our bed, banging another mare, having the time of his life. That was when I realized the Solar Flare I once knew was gone a long time ago, and everything around me just shattered. He and I had a fight after I kicked the mare out, and I could tell he was out of it from the alcohol, as he was more abrasive than usual. Soon after I broke things off with us, I packed my things and left as well that same night, staying with Shiny for the time being until things got better.” “You mentioned breaking up with him pretty much changed everything for you and Shining, did something happen after that?” I asked. “… There was, but I promised I wouldn’t tell anypony until Shiny was comfortable enough with them,” she answered. “Let’s just say that what happened afterwards made me feel like I was the one that changed her life forever, and even though she said it wasn’t my fault, I still feel guilty for it. It was sometime afterwards that Shiny started to change as well, and I was worried I would lose my best friend like my coltfriend. Though losing Solar Flare hurt me, I don’t know what I would do if I lost Shiny…” It was then that my shoulder started to get damp, and I heard sniffling sounds coming from Fleur. All I did was hug her close to me, and she continued to sob on my shoulder while I sat there in silence. After a couple minutes, Fleur calmed down, and she stopped her sobs. I reached to pass her a box of tissues, and she took some out before pulling back. Once she dabbed her eyes dry, she noticed how her eyeliner stained the shoulder of my shirt from her tears. “… Sorry,” she apologized. “It’s no problem,” I said while I patted her back. “You feeling okay?” “Yes, thank you,” she responded before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. “Anyway, going back to what we talked about before, you’ve helped Shiny to start slowly becoming as happy as I remembered since you first came in, and I can’t express how grateful I am for you making that possible. So don’t think you haven’t done much for us, as you’re already doing much more than you realize.” “I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” I replied with a small smile. “It’s quite funny when you think about it though,” Fleur commented. “None of this would have happened if I hadn’t seen Solar Flare that day, the one stallion I didn’t want to see ever again. I didn’t think running into him would lead me to getting tackled by a better stallion.” “Heh, that is kind of funny,” I said before the two of us chuckled at the irony. Not too long later, Shining came out of the bathroom with not only a damp mane, but also wearing a pair of violet pajama shorts that hugged her form comfortably, and a white tank top. What amazed me was how well her legs were sculpted, even up to her thighs. Not to mention though it was barely noticeable, but I could see something poking out from under her top where her breasts were. Two of them in fact, that looked to have the same size as a golf ball, and slightly erect as if the sudden change in temperature caused them to get that way, and sensitive if I touched one of them. It was almost just as hypnotizing when they bounced as she walked. She sighed in content before she finished brushing her mane, and went to work on her tail as she sat on the bed across from us. “A shower after a long day was just what I needed,” Shining said “I guess I’m up then. Be back in a bit,” Fleur said before she grabbed her things, and started her shower last. “What’s with the stain on your shirt?” Shining asked as she pointed to said stain on my shoulder. “Uh… Fleur was just having a sad moment, and I just did what I could to comfort her,” I answered. “What was she crying about?” She asked with concern in her eyes. “She was telling me about how things went with Solar Flare before they broke up,” I replied. Shining’s concern quickly changed to anger, spite, and a tinge of fear as she furrowed her brow, and looked to the side. “I see… Did she—“ “Fleur didn’t tell me anything about your side of the story,” I interrupted, having her widened her eyes as she looked back to me. “She said she wouldn’t say until you were comfortable enough to talk about it yourself, but she did mention about how she still felt guilty about what happened after the break up.” She sighed as she rubbed her eyes under her glasses. “I thought we went over this back at the hobbyist shop last week, but I guess I can’t blame her for still feeling that way.” “You don’t have to tell me what happened back then if you’re not comfortable yet,” I said. “This sounds like a touchy topic, and I’d rather not push it until you’re ready.” “I appreciate that. Thank you Oz.” Still though, I’m seeing some kind of connection. If Shining and Fleur were talking about the same pony, then Shining must know about Solar’s drinking problem Fleur mentioned. And whatever happened after the breakup somehow ended with Solar sent to prison for five years, Shining changed from whatever kind of pony she was before, and Fleur feeling guilty about getting her involved… Oh and somehow Shining’s coltfriend left her after that while we’re at it. God, I’m starting to hate this Solar Flare the more I keep hearing about him. I don’t care if I do end up getting beaten again. If I somehow come across him one day, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind. “I’d have to agree with you about whatever happened not being Fleur’s fault though,” I commented, trying to get these hateful thoughts out of my head. “I’m sure what happened after that break up was completely out of her control, and something nobody ever suspected to happen.” “You couldn’t be more right on that,” she said. “I’m just glad I’m finally starting to move on from it like Fleur had. I just hope things will turn out at least a little of what we had before… I kind of missed it.” “Believe me, Fleur wishes the same thing,” I said with a small smile. “And I’ll help out however I can, like going through that… Thing you want me to do.” “Uh, yes… The thing,” she replied with a slight blush while looking to the side, and crossing her legs. “That reminds me, what happens if you, well… Lash out on a stallion if I’m not around?” I asked. “I’ll be truthful in my experiences with them to you,” she answered. “If you see that it wasn’t acceptable behavior, you can tug my tail the number of times I did wrong while you were out. You’ll do that in someplace private of course.” “That sounds reasonable,” I said. “So what are we going to do tomorrow since the interview won’t be until the day after?” “I guess we’ll take some time to rehearse for when the time comes,” she answered. “After that, we’ll just have to try to do what we can to relax while we mentally prepare ourselves.” “Huh, I guess that makes sense,” I said before I looked up in thought, and tried to come up with some ideas for tomorrow. A couple minutes later, Fleur came out of the bathroom, and my eyes widened at the sight. Instead of some casual nightwear like Shining’s, Fleur came in with something more alluring. She was in a light pink, silk chemise type of nightwear where the skirt part was just starting to get high enough to worry about discretion. It also showed a good amount of cleavage that gave a little bounce as she walked. I know I’ve seen Fleur in much more risqué attire before, but seeing her with just me and Shining in the room made me more nervous than being surrounded by other ponies in a studio. “I wish I had more casual nightwear like Shiny’s, but this and the purple one were the only ones I found that weren’t too risqué,” Fleur said. “This doesn’t bother anypony here does it?” “Uh, nope. Not at all,” I replied, trying to keep myself calm. “You’re fine Fleur, don’t worry about it,” Shining said with a wave of her hand. “That’s a relief,” Fleur said as she walked over, and sat back next to me. The close proximity in her change of clothes was making me shudder slightly more from nervousness. “Anything I missed?” She asked. “We’re just coming up with a way to spend tomorrow before the interview the day after,” Shining answered. “We’ll be rehearsing a little for it first, but I thought taking the rest of the day to try and relax would help us prepare ourselves too.” Right, maybe if I try to keep my mind on that, I can try to distract myself from my arousal. I gotta come up with something quick before things get awkward. Okay, try to think Ozzy, what would be a fun and relaxing to do with three people? Or two ponies and one human in this case. Come on, think… Think… THINK! “Do you two want to go out tomorrow?” > Chapter 14: "I must be losing my mind here." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: “I must be losing my mind here.” [6:45 a.m.] …Okay, this is confusing. Right now not only do I feel unbelievably sore in parts of my body from the workout yesterday, and achy from how bad the mattress on the couch was, but somehow I still had a good sleep altogether. Actually, if I was in my own bed, this would probably be the best sleep I ever had. Maybe it’s because of whatever I’m holding onto that made my sleep all the more relaxing… But what the heck is it? It’s warm, soft, smells sort of like… Lilies? Wait, I know this scent before. It’s my favorite kind of soap from Mare de Fur’s brand. I don’t think I scrubbed this on me last night… Come to think of it, something’s tickling my nose. Feels like a few strands of hair that also smell nice, and whatever I’m holding is… Breathing. Not to mention it's also soft and round, and thumping like a heartbeat. Still half-asleep, I groggily opened my eyes, my vision dark and blurry without my glasses, but something in front of me contrasted the colors of my surroundings. Though it was dark, it looked… Pink. There were also white stubs sticking out that flicked a little every now and then. My feeling of exhaustion quickly escalated to terror as I scanned the object in front of me, and gave whatever my hands were holding a few gentle feels, and received a moaning sound in reaction. … Okay Ozzy, try not to freak out, but I think Fleur is in bed with you, and you just groped her breasts. Don’t you fucking scream to wake the girls up, or Shining will literally kill you for what you’re doing with Fleur. Try to focus on breathing first like the counselors told you to. In… Out… In… Out… In… Out... Okay, I think I can put my logic back on. Before you do anything, try to think back to what happened last night that might brought me to this situation. [Last night, 9:30 p.m.] The girls sat there wide-eyed at me as they tried to drink in the question I had no idea why I said it in that particular fashion. The three of us were still, the air in the room deathly silent like a graveyard that I’ll probably be buried under for bringing up the question. “… What?” Shining asked first. OZZY, WHAT THE FUCK WENT ON IN YOUR HEAD MAN?! I SAID THINK OF SOMETHING TO DO FOR TOMORROW, NOT ASK THEM ON A FREAKIN’ DATE! Oh god the air’s getting heavier with awkwardness with every passing second. You gotta say something to get yourself out and not have Shining beat you to a pulp! “To the movies!” I exclaimed, making the girls jump in surprise. “I meant… Do you two want to go out to the movies tomorrow? Maybe see Guardians of the Galaxy?” “But… I thought you were kidding earlier,” Shining pointed out. “Me too… That’s why I played along,” Fleur added in. “I was!” I waved my hands out front. “But that was only a one on one, date kind of scenario I was implying. This is with just the three of us without the massage at the end. Just going out as friends, grab a bite to eat first, then the movies, then come back here and sleep. That’s it… Just the three of us going out as friends, having a good time like the welcome party you threw for me last week, but without the fight to ruin it… Just something to throw out there for an idea on what we could do tomorrow…” Silence filled the room once more as the girls switched gazes between each other and me, drinking in the clarification I just made up. … It’s hopeless… I fucked up. I don’t even know why those words came out the way they did, I just wanted to think of something to say without getting a boner… Well it didn’t come up at least, because all of those hormones are now being replaced with adrenaline as I stepped too far into the girls’ territory, and not only will I be talked down, but perhaps even fired on the spot… Though the girls may not want me as a friend anymore, it was nice while it lasted… Maybe I can get a new job here in Manehattan. Looks like there are loads of job opportunities here compared to Canterlot. I’ll have to make do with what I have like back on Earth. Alright, time to face the music… Let me have it. “… I think I can work with that,” Fleur answered first, leaving me wide-eyed in reaction. “It sounds nice. Not going all out like the last two big occasions we went to. Just something simple.” “We won’t need to get too dressy for the occasion either,” Shining added in, my attention now turned to her who had a thoughtful expression on her face while looking down. “Maybe we’ll just take it easy tomorrow morning before we start rehearsing for the interview, stroll through the city, grab lunch, catch the movie, and then come back here to relax the rest of the evening.” “I like that plan. Ozzy? What do you think?” Fleur asked me. … I can’t believe it… They actually bought it?! It may be this world that’s making me saying this, but thank Celestia I dodged a bullet on that one! There’s still hope for me yet! “Uh yeah, that sounds great,” I said before I pretended to be tired by yawning as I stood up from Fleur’s bed. “Well, I’m getting tired. Better catch plenty of Z’s before the big day tomorrow.” I walked over to my bed, and tried to adjust to the discomfort the mattress was acting on my body as I pulled the covers over me. “I’m tired too, that train ride took a lot out of me,” Fleur said as she floated a sleeping mask out of her bag, and strapped it over her eyes before she got under the blankets as well. “It has been a long day hasn’t it?” Shining asked as she settled herself in her own bed. “We’ll take our time with getting breakfast tomorrow morning.” “Sounds good. Good night everypony,” Fleur said. “Good night.” “Night,” I bid last before I closed my eyes, and let my tiredness took me over. [Present day, 6:55 a.m.] Okay, so all of that happened. Glad things didn’t go to shit, but now I’m in an even bigger pile of it. Let’s process the situation. Sucky couch bed? Check. Fleur in front of me? Check. Clothes? Check and Thank god for that. Morning wood? Check, and goddamn my hormones. So I can conclude that I didn't somehow get out of my bed and slept with Fleur in hers in the middle of the night, but the vice versa happened… That still confuses me to heck though. What brought Fleur to this anyway? She seems peaceful, for now at least. She still has her sleeping mask on. Does she even know she’s here with me? I don’t know, but I think the best course of action right now might be to get up, and out of the room before the girls wake up, gets confused on how things turned out, and we’ll talk over it before breakfast. much better than Shining waking up first, finding us like this, and probably go more bat shit crazy than what I had originally feared last night. Alright, let’s do this. With my plan in mind, I started things off by carefully lifting one of my arms over Fleur, and back behind me. The second one was going to be tricky, since she was on top of it, and it’s slightly asleep from clotted blood flow. I adjusted my body to where it was easier to pull my arm off before I made my next move. I slowly and carefully pulled my arm out, and I was thankfully home free. It limped idly like a rag doll as it was still asleep, and the feeling of needles piercing into me was starting as blood was flowing back into my arm. With no time to wait for it to make it fully mobile, I made my way to the front door, picking up one of the keys to get back in the room along the way as I walked quietly in the dark. Things were going good until I came across an abrupt, loud, and painful obstacle… Stubbing my toe against the corner of the wall that was near the bathroom. “A—MMMMMFF!” I covered my mouth with my hand quickly to muffle my scream of pain. I stood frozen still, waiting for the possibly pending doom that was before me. "Oz," Shining said, my whole body tingling from anxiety. "Go get the... Strawberries from that... Giant cake, and I'll get the... Chocolate syrup from the river so we can..." She then fell silence once more, besides the sound of her breathing from sleep. Oh thank GOD that was a close one! I thought I was dead meat for sure... But what the heck was she talking about in her sleep? Were we making sundaes in her dream or something? I set those thoughts to the side for later before I limped my way to the door with room key in hand, and my stubbed toe still throbbing in pain. I quietly opened, and shut the door behind me once I stepped out of the room. I then laid on my side on the floor in the hallway, holding on to my aching toe for dear life. “FFFffffffuck,” I silently swore. As I was on the floor, a passing pony stood over me with a confused expression on his face. “The floor’s real comfy here. You should try it sometime,” I said before the stallion walked away, pretending he didn’t see me. I sighed as the pain in my toe was starting to fade away, and rubbed my eyes. “This is going to be a long morning,” I said to myself. “Guess I should try and get some more sleep until the girls wake up, and we’ll talk by then…” I settled myself against the wall, and closed my eyes, having the chilly air in the hallway not letting me get any rest. [9:30 a.m.] “Ozzy, I must deeply apologize for what happened this morning,” Fleur said with her eyes shut tightly, and hands together in a prayer-like position. The three of us were in the room, me sitting across from the girls on the beds while I had a blanket wrapped around me, and a glass of water at my side. When the girls woke up, Fleur immediately felt concern when she realized she was on my bed, and Shining found me outside of the hallway, shivering from the cold. They immediately brought me inside, and wrapped a blanket around me before I told them what had happened when I woke up. Shining twitched a little in the eye when I mentioned about… The breast thing, but Fleur stopped her from doing anything brash, despite the deep flushing in her cheeks. Thankfully Shining pulled back on her anger… For the moment anyway, and I didn't tell her about what she was saying in her sleep, as I wasn't sure if that may tick her off more. We come to the present with Fleur apologizing to me about the weird situation that was before us. “Can I just ask what brought you to my bed in the first place?” I asked. “I’m just seriously drawing a blank on how that came to be.” “Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time something like this happened,” Fleur said while looking to the side with ears folded. “I was unaware that I switched beds, and when I woke up, I completely forgot to mention something important to you since you moved in with me.” “Fleur has… Sleepwalking issues,” Shining said as she looked to the side while scratching her head. “This usually occurs with a specific nightmare she sometimes get, and she does what just happened last night: getting up, and move to another pony on their bed to sleep with.” “But she usually sleeps by herself in her home before I came along right?” I asked. “You aren’t seriously suggesting Fleur just got up, and walked all the way over to Shining’s house to sleep with her in bed right?” All the girls did was blush while looking away, confirming my answer to the question. “Wow… That’s pretty bad,” I said. “Did you see a doctor or psychologist about this?” “I did,” Fleur answered. “They said it may have been because of a traumatic experience I had that made the nightmares in the first place. Even when Princess Luna came back a few years ago, all she could do was pull me out and talk to me about it in my dreams before I woke up. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much she could do for something so severe.” “Wait, one of the princesses here is able to get into other ponies’ dreams? Isn’t that considered an invasion of privacy?” I asked. “Adding into raising and lowering the moon, guiding ponies through their dreams is part of Princess Luna’s duties of looking out for her subjects,” Shining answered. “This especially goes to fillies and colts of young age, as whatever causes the nightmares could possibly hinder their growth to become good, healthy ponies of Equestria.” … This could be concerning if she comes across my recent nightmares over the past week. I’m not sure if this may affect my staying here in Equestria, but I should prepare for her arrival the next time that nightmare comes around. “There’s something that concerns me about this occurrence though,” Shining said as she looked down in deep thought. “This usually happens about once a month, and even when Fleur’s past secretaries moved in with her, she would still sleepwalk over to my bed in my place before she was found the next morning… So how did she have this nightmare only three weeks since the last one, and was found in Oz’s bed this time?” Fleur’s and my own eyes widened at such a change in her sleepwalking patterns, speechless to come up with a valid response. That does sound concerning. If for some reason these nightmares are getting worse, then Fleur might be in for some kind of trouble in the long term. “Fleur? Did Princess Luna came to you in your dream last night? If so, does she know what might have happened?” I asked her. Fleur suddenly blushed a little in her cheeks before she looked to the side. “Um… She did came to me, yes, but I’d rather not talk about the details of the nightmare if that’s okay?” I nodded in response. “Understood. Just let us know if you need anything Fleur.” “Thank you Ozzy,” she replied with a small smile. Still… What could be so traumatizing that would give Fleur monthly nightmares? And why did this happen just last night? Could stressors trigger hers like mine somehow? If so, considering what we just talked about last night… Call it a hunch, but I think that Solar Flare bastard had something to do with this. What could he have done that would cause Fleur so much pain and misery if cheating on her wasn’t bad enough? “So can you forgive me for sleeping with you last night? I’m really sorry I might have caused such a scare to have you wait outside of the room for a few hours,” Fleur apologized with her ears folded, and guilt filling up in her pale violet eyes. “It’s okay Fleur, I know it wasn’t your fault now,” I replied with a small, yet assuring smile. “I was more worried about Shining beating me to a pulp if she found us in such a position without giving me a chance to explain. I still don’t know how my hands could have wandered to someplace like… That, while I was asleep.” “Well, I can’t say you could be wrong, I’ll say that much,” Shining seethed with a small twitch in her eyes, probably still irritated about hearing something like that. She then stood up and sighed harshly while rubbing her eyes under the glasses. “I’m going to take a shower to calm myself down. We’ll go have breakfast once we’ve changed.” She picked up her change of clothes for the day, and went to the bathroom with a loud enough door slam that made me flinch. Fleur then moved to sit next to me, and leaned against me like last night. “Thank you for understanding Ozzy, and I apologize for Shiny’s behavior this morning.” “It’s no problem.” I waved off. "I'm just sorry that I... Well, you know." "Let's... Just forget something like that happened, and hope it doesn't come again," Fleur said before she looked to the side, and her face flushed red once more. "... Did they feel good?" "What?" "Huh?" "Did you say something?" I asked. "I thought you did," Fleur said. "I didn't." "Me either," she responded. "... Anyway," I continued. "I’ll have to think of some sort of outlet for her to vent on so it doesn't explode on me. I thought she was going to lose it back there.” “I’ve suggested some things for her to do while you were out, so as long as she took at least one of those to mind, she should be fine.” “What did you bring up?” I asked before I took a few sips of water from my glass. “Oh you know, punching a pillow, focusing on her breathing, angry masturbation, things like that.” “PBBBTH! What was the last one?!” I exclaimed after a spit take. “Well you heard of angry sex right?” Fleur asked. “Well it’s pretty much the same concept except using toys or fingering herself to climax. I mean what better way exhaust yourself than the afterglow of an orgasm?” “Okay, you’ve gotta be pulling my leg,” I chuckled. “I mean we’re talking about Shining Star here right? She couldn’t possibly resort to something like that to…” I trailed off before I heard some strange noises. Though it was drowned out by the running water, I could hear muffled moans and swearing from the bathroom’s direction, causing me to flush very hard on my face once I recognized it was Shining’s voice. All Fleur did in response was give me a devious smirk, half-lidded eyes, and raised eyebrows. “Welp! This is getting weird. I’m going to change someplace else and just wait this out until you’re ready,” I said as I stood up, quickly grabbed a change of clothes, and a large plastic sandwich bag I used for carrying my bathroom essentials to store my nightwear. I then grabbed the room key, and dashed out of the room while Fleur had a laughing fit after I left. [10:30 a.m.] After spending a couple minutes in the bathroom to release my tensions, I sat on one of the chairs in the hotel lobby, wearing jeans, sneakers, a purple shirt, and a gray zip-up jacket with my bagged nightwear stored in its inner pocket. While I waited for the girls, my mind was wandering with conflicting thoughts. I swear, if I didn’t find a private place to jerk off, I thought I was going die of blue balls. I can’t remember the last time I even gave myself some wanted attention by myself. If there’s one thing that makes working as a secretary difficult, it’s dealing with the arousal from a complicated, yet attractive at times manager, and a devious, sexy supermodel. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact they’re also bipedal ponies. Yeah, that certainly makes my situation better. It’s pretty clear some of the mares I’ve come across have no problems hitting on me even as a different species, and want to be alone with me in a bedroom, and that’s before they knew I was a freakin’ virgin. I can’t even fathom how they’d react once they know that much about me. Laughing at my expense, more eager to get in my pants, or everything in between just turns out bad in the end for me. I need some kind of sign that what’s going on in my head doesn’t make me crazy. Heck, a part of me is thinking right now that feeling up Fleur this morning was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. That’s both shameful, and pathetic if that’s the biggest highlight of my lifetime so far. I just need one couple. One couple of a human and a mare of any genders and sexualities who’s gutsy enough to go against social norms, and show both worlds that kind of relationship is okay, or at least one human doctor, counselor, or psychologist to tell me I’m not some kind of sick human being to have these feelings for mares. I’ve only been here for a week, I’ve tried to put these feelings aside while I focus on my job as a secretary, I know Fleur told me I shouldn’t worry about questioning it and just experiment, but something is just telling me, ‘You’re a pathetic snot. There’s no way any girl would fall for someone like you. All you’re good for is being a plaything for them’… Something that was ingrained in me for so long by the biggest bastard I’ve personally known that may top off Solar Flare on my hate list... The main source of my own nightmares. “… Fuck you Robert,” I snarled quietly. “There you are Ozzy! Sorry for the wait!” A cheery, familiar voice exclaimed. I looked up, and saw that it was Fleur coming over with Shining at her side. Fleur had her usual eye shadow on, along with a spaghetti strapped, white camisole, matching purse, and black jeans. It was definitely something more casual than usual for Fleur. Shining on the other hand had a light gray colored tee with a scoop neckline, blue jeans, a blue purse of her own, and her mane was down. She looked… Creepy. I mean the clothes she was wearing were great, but she was practically glowing with positive energy while she sported a warm smile. It was twenty minutes ago she was on the brink of tearing me a new one. This time it looked like she was not only refreshed, but she was like her name implied, shining like a new mare. “Sorry for the wait, I guess Shiny needed more time in the shower than she thought,” Fleur said. “Are you… Feeling okay Shining?” I asked with a raised brow. “Never better!” Shining exclaimed. “I’m just practically giddy for how we’re going to spend the day.” Not convinced, I stood up, walked over to her, and felt her forehead with one hand while another was on my own, comparing our temperatures despite Shining’s slight redness in her cheeks. She seems to be feeling fine. Not delirious or anything of the sort, but this still can’t be the same Shining Star I’m talking to right now. Not once have I ever heard her use the word ‘giddy’ in any sentence, not even when she was so excited for Fleur’s interview yesterday. Was one masturbation session all she needed to get like this? I know she had a tight grudge for guys until she started to change that last week, but she must have pleasured herself every now and then right? How fucking pent up was she until this morning? “Okay, who are you, and what have you done with my manager?” I asked Shining, at least that’s who I thought she was, while I stared into her pale green eyes. She giggled in response before answering. “It’s still me silly. I can be a fun mare too you know. Since it’s late in the morning already, we’ll have to make do with brunch while we try to rehearse for Fleur’s interview tomorrow. Now let’s get this day started everypony!” She exclaimed before she turned, and led the way. Fleur and I were walking at an arm and a half’s length behind her as I crouched over to Fleur’s ear. “Okay, what’s her deal?” I whispered to Fleur. “Bipolar Disorder? Dissociative Personality Disorder? There’s just no way she can be this… This…” “Joyful?” She finished for me. “Yes! How can she be like this after just one session of self-ministration in the shower?!” “You’d be surprised how sex can brighten somepony’s day dearie,” Fleur said. “Believe me when I say that even with her hate for stallions up to now, every mare needs some form of release, especially during our heat. She usually finds the time to relax a little when nopony’s around. She’s just being more open with herself about it now since you came along.” “… Excuse me for saying this, but you mares are weird,” I said. “Says the human who can’t admit he’s attracted to us mares,” Fleur rebutted with a smirk. “You gotta learn to lighten up and enjoy the little things sometimes Ozzy. You’ll break yourself apart if you keep stressing yourself like this. Maybe you’ll feel better once we get that stomach of yours full, so let’s get some food… To… Eat,” she trailed off before her expression of playful calmness turned to worry and fear. I followed her direction of the gaze, and saw that Shining was glaring at an earth pony stallion, probably the most I’ve ever seen out of all others she came across. The light green stallion in question was very trendy, wearing a white dress shirt with frills at his cuffs, a light green, satin vest, a teal ascot that matched his eyes, and black slacks. His aqua and white striped mane was pulled tightly back, and tied into a ponytail, while his real matching tail in question curled at the end. His expression was one of disinterest, which was surprising since most other stallions I’ve seen usually feared Shining’s glare at lesser degrees. “Shining Star,” he deadpanned. “Puff Tie,” Shining returned with same tone, but almost like she spat his name like venom. “Still playing manager for Fleur here?” “Yes. She and I were called in by Vogue for an interview tomorrow.” “What a coincidence. I actually just sent an application to them as one of their top designers. Perhaps we may be working together soon enough.” “You fucking wish. Vogue must be crazy to think they could take in an ascot wearing douche bag like yourself.” “At least I'm going places in life. Unlike you who had hit rock bottom, and are only walking in Fleur’s shadow to make up for it. Quite ironic since you helped moi to get where I am today.” “Out of all the mistakes I’ve made, you were the one I regretted the most. Why don’t you take a hike before I make you into a mare like you really are?” “HMPH! How very unladylike, but I’m growing rather bored here anyway. I wish you and Fleur the worst of luck at the interview tomorrow.” He then turned to me, and briefly scanned my form before meeting my gaze. “You the new secretary I’ve heard in the news?” “Um… Yes?” I answered with a raised brow. “I see… Shining definitely needs to get a new prescription on her glasses. Her eyes must be getting worse for hiring an ape such as yourself. Now move over,” he ordered before I stepped aside, and he strutted past us. The three of us stood on the sidewalk with only the noises of city activity filling the air as we watched him walk away. I turned to Shining with a raised eyebrow, along with Fleur who looked concern. “Um… Who was that?” I asked, feeling way out of the loop on what had just happened. “That, was Puff Tie,” Shining answered. “One of the more recognized, growing designers in the fashion industry of Equestria…” She then twitched in the eye, and gritted her teeth, desperately trying to hold out the next few words as though they were poison to her if she said it. “… And my ex-coltfriend.” > Chapter 15: "Those stallions should burn in hell." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: “Those stallions should burn in hell.” [11:15 a.m.] The three of us were in a well-known restaurant for their breakfast entrees with a very awkward atmosphere around our table. Fleur and I received our food, but we barely took a bite as we only watched Shining eating her smorgasbord of a brunch like a ravage animal… Well, more animal than usual considering they’re ponies. That moment, she could care less about the high calorie intake that she was ingesting. There were three chocolate battered, chocolate chip pancakes in a stack with whipped cream, three strips of hay bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, prench toast, two biscuits with blackberry preserves and butter, a chocolate shake, and finally a bowl of fruit to at least add something healthy to her feast. I wasn’t sure if eating her problems away was one of Fleur’s suggestions she didn’t mention this morning, but I’m pretty sure this is just a bit much for somepony like Shining. Taking one for the team, I decided to make the first move to break the silence before things got more awkward. “Um… How’s the food?” I asked Shining. Shining took a moment to swallow her food before answering with a furrowed brow. “Alright, I know that isn’t what you want to ask Oz. I know this is more food that I’m having than usual, I know you probably want to know how I ever was in a relationship with that prick, which I’m still trying to figure out myself anyway, and I know you want to know what he meant when I hit ‘rock bottom,’ and how I became Fleur’s manager to make up for it. I’ll burn off the calories and flabs of fat once we get back home, we’ll work on Fleur’s rehearsal after brunch, and I’ll tell you a little about my brief history with him later. Just…” She took a shaky breath as she rubbed her eyes under the glasses. “Just give me some time to calm down so I won’t lash it out on you, alright? Out of all the stallions I’ve met, you don’t deserve that the most. Just… Let me recuperate.” She then went back to eating her brunch, but more calmly and refined than when she started. Fleur next to me put a hand on my shoulder, I looked to her, and she gave a silent nod, letting me know we should leave her be for the time being. I nodded in response before the two of us started eating our own brunch in silence, ignoring some of the passing ponies who were shocked at all the food that were on Shining’s side of the table. [12:30 p.m.] Shining didn’t finish all of her food in the end, so I helped lessen the load after I was done with mine. She didn’t want me to pay for half of her bill when we checked out, but I gave the excuse I would pay part of it since we shared some, and she gave in after that. We took a walk through the city in silence after that, with Shining looking down, Fleur concerned, and me having no idea how to lighten the mood between the three of us. Besides a few fuck ups I made in the past, I was one who tried to avoid as much conflicts as possible, and while that made my life a little easier, it doesn’t help when I don’t have the experience to help someone, or somepony, with a problem that’s at least relatable. Funny how I’ve mainly learned how to deal with shitty people up to this point, but barely know how to help them solve problems, even with a few communication courses I took in college. We ended up sitting on a bench in a park, one of the few places in the Manehattan where there were grass, trees, and a few flower patches to not make this city totally urban-like. As Shining was sitting between us, Fleur used physical contact to help comfort her by rubbing her back, while I was unsure that any action I would make to provide my own support could get her ticked at me like any other stallion. Shining took a deep, shaky breath to calm herself down, trying to come up with something first to say. “Please be honest with me guys… How hard is it dealing with somepony like me? How much of a problem am I just being here? Am I even a good person?” “What kind of question is that?” Fleur asked. “I’ll admit, we had our disagreements, and we said and done some things we regretted later, but you are anything but a problem Shiny.” She then pulls herself closer and gave Shining a tight hug. “You’ll always be my best friend, no matter what happens. I can’t even begin to imagine where I’d be right now if I never met you. You are more than just a good person to me Shiny, and that’s a fact.” Shining returned the hug while I saw small trails of tears running down her cheeks, and savored the moment. She pulled back, sniffled a little, and wiped her eyes before turning to me now. “Oz? Your thoughts?” “Well you certainly can be a handful at times, Fleur as well,” I explained. “Despite how things started out between us, you’re definitely one of the better people, or ponies, I’ve ever met. It’s been great being with you as your secretary and friend, and I hope things get better between us as times go.” I opened one of my arms halfway, offering her a hug of my own, and she accepted it gratefully. “Do you think… I’m beautiful?” My eyes widened at the question Shining asked as she pulled back, and looked at me straight in the eyes while waiting for an answer. Though I was having conflicts with my feelings for mares, this was one of those times I should shove it to the side, and give it to her straight. “How do you think you’re not?” I asked. “You’re very beautiful. Plenty of it, both outside and inside. I’m surprised you haven’t thought of becoming a model like Fleur here.” I think I might have stepped on something severe, because right when I said that, not only did she flinch, but looked down on the ground with her ears folded, while tears were welling up in her eyes once more. “That’s just it though Oz… I was,” she croaked. My eyes widened greatly at that, and turned to Fleur. “Is… That true?” I asked, and she nodded silently at that. “I was on the same boat as Fleur back in high school,” Shining sniveled before she wiped her eyes and nose, but still looked down. “I didn’t have a cutie mark until sometime in high school, and I still had no idea what I want to do, but like Fleur, there was a hint that I wanted to help ponies as well. I was more of a brainiac compared to Fleur though, and possibly shallower, I had to admit. I was a bit jealous for how popular Fleur would get for being one of the most beautiful mares in school, and I wanted to get as much attention, but not as ‘that mare who hangs around Fleur.’ “She noticed that, and decided to help me look prettier so they could start seeing me for being me. I switched from glasses to contacts at the time, which bugged me like fuck, but I endured; styled my mane and tail some; changed my wardrobe; and got tips on how to apply make-up before I started to get the attention I wanted while I maintained higher than average grades. It was around then that Puff Tie and I hooked up. Even then though, I still didn’t get my cutie mark until one day a pony came up to me and asked for help on their homework, since she knew how smart I was. “I usually have study sessions with Fleur, mostly to help her get through her classes, so I offered that pony to join us that afternoon, and she accepted. So I helped her along with Fleur with their homework that night, and at one point she asked how she could be as pretty as I was so she could catch the attention of a colt she had a crush on. Her reason to look pretty was definitely better than mine, so I was more than happy to give her some tips like Fleur did with me. When I walked her home that night, I looked up to the sky, and saw those beautiful stars that I always loved. I was amazed that there was a princess that made those while raising and lowering the moon before she disappeared, and this was before Princess Luna made her return. I had hoped I helped that mare get her crush to see how beautiful she can be. The next time I saw her, she was walking down the school halls with a cute colt while holding hands. I was glad I helped her achieve something that special, and possibly go places with that newfound confidence that came with her new look, like I made my own star that will shine brightly one night, and that was how I got my cutie mark by then.” “That’s a great story, but how did that led to you becoming a model?” I asked. “I’m getting there,” Shining said. “Anyway, I ended up getting a cutie mark before Fleur, but it wasn’t too long before she got her own, and told me what she wanted to do for a living. Using her beauty to help other ponies was the most ingenious idea I ever heard from her, and that made me want to follow in her hoofsteps. So with the ‘help’ from Puff Tie providing designs for us to wear, gaining attention from other businesses and sponsors, Fleur and I became quite the duo, using our beauty to help others one thing at a time. Puff was also gaining recognition as a designer as time went, and Solar Flare became a successful movie actor if Fleur hadn’t told you that already. Things were going great for the four of us… At least until the time of the break up. “I was growing concern when I noticed how much Fleur and Solar were growing apart as a couple, and you can bet how infuriated I was when I found out that he cheated on her, even when she told him she didn’t want to form a herd. So Fleur stayed at my place for a bit, I tried comforting her while we took a break from modeling for a few weeks to recover ourselves. One night, we decided to take a stroll to the park and stargaze. I thought having some time out of the house while enjoying the view of the sky was just what we needed… And that was when he came along…” [Five and a half years ago, Shining’s POV, 8:45 p.m.] “This feels… Nice,” Fleur said with a small smile as we sat on a bench in Canterlot Park, looking up at the night sky, stargazing. “Thank you for convincing me to come out here Shiny. I think this is helping me a little.” “Anything for you Fleur,” I replied with an assured smile as I patted her back. “I’m just glad to see a little of that smile I always liked coming back.” “Do you think… I’ll ever find a good stallion again? One that’s kinder than him since we first gone out?” She asked. “Of course you will,” I replied. “There’s no need to rush on romance. Just take your time and think about what you really look for in a stallion, and I’m sure he’ll come to you one day.” “Thank you Shiny,” she said before we hugged it out. “Boy, it’s getting a bit chilly out here,” I commented. “You wanna head back inside?” “Sure,” she replied before we stood up, and made our way home. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out that stopped us in our tracks. “F-Fleur…” Oh Celestia no, it can’t be. The two of us turned, and saw a yellow pegasus stallion with a messed up white mane and tail walking toward us in an unbalanced manner. His clothes were filthy, his amber eyes were riddled with blood vessels around them, and was looking sweaty. He was a complete wreck, but we both knew who he was despite the drastic change of appearance from what we remembered. “… Solar,” Fleur said. “F-Fleur… Please come back,” the bastard pleaded. “I’m a total—total wreck without you. I need you back in my life. I’m sor—I’m sorry for what I did, and I’ll never do it again… I love you Fleur, please come back to me.” I turned to Fleur who stared at him blankly until she furrowed her brow. “… You really hurt me Solar,” she said. “Not just sleeping with that mare, but not even giving me the time of day anymore before that. You were different before high school Solar. You’re not the same stallion I used to love now…” She turned around, not bearing to look at him any longer. “… It’s over for us Solar. It’s time to move on like I’m starting to… Good-bye,” she bid before she walked off, and I followed behind. “… I see,” he replied, my ears perked at his sudden change in tone. “If I can’t have you…” I turned around, and my eyes widened in horror as I saw a sharp object reflecting the moon’s light was in his hand, unsteady as he was still drunk. “THEN NOPONY WILL!” “FLEUR!” SHHKKK! Everything went cold as I stood frozen still, and my eyes widened at the shock. I looked down, and saw a handle was sticking out of my lower stomach, with a piece of metal still outside of it, covered in blood. Then everything heated inside me as adrenaline, anger, and pain were acting upon me. With all the strength I could muster, I grabbed the knife steady in one hand, looked up to Solar with fire in my eyes while he had a shocked expression of his own, and I pulled a fist back. “Y-you… Fuckin’ prick.” POW! With what strength I had left, I punched Solar right on the jaw, knocking him out cold as he hit the ground. I started coughing up blood, and my body started to weaken. I lost my balance as I fell to the side while I tried to keep the knife in my stomach steady. “SHINY!” Fleur screeched as she caught me before I hit the ground. I looked up, and saw her face welling up in tears while her irises were shrunk to the size of pinpricks. “SHINY! YOU GOT TO HANG ON! PLEASE! SOMEPONY! ANYPONY! HELP!” Her screams for help started to get harder to hear as it was replaced by white noise, and everything around me turned black while my body grew cold once more. [Present day, Ozzy’s POV, 1:00 p.m.] I was practically trembling in place, mixtures of rage, sadness, and anxiety welling up in my mind. Tears were streaming down my cheeks while I gritted my teeth, and tightened my fists. Shining still looked down on the ground with ears folded, depressed, while Fleur was sniveling and crying tears of her own. “F-Fleur,” I said to her. “Was that… The traumatic experience you were talking about earlier?” She just nodded silently in response. “I was in the hospital when I woke up,” Shining continued. “Solar was arrested, and imprisoned for eight years, but apparently was just released recently for ‘good behavior’. I got away from death by blood loss, but a scar on my lower stomach wasn’t the only thing I walked away with...” She took a moment to take a deep, shaky breath to calm herself down before she continued. “Because of the bastard’s drunk condition, he wasn’t close to where he wanted to stab, and ended up puncturing me right in the uterus. They couldn’t do anything to repair it as it kept on pouring out blood, so they ended up taking it out while my ovaries were still intact… Leaving me infertile.” “He… Took away your capability to bear foals,” I said with a shaky voice, and Shining nodded in response. “Once I was healthy enough, I tried going back to modeling,” she continued “But they couldn’t take me in because of the scar I came out of, and I couldn’t even get close to any stallions. I was… Afraid of them at the time, paranoid that one of them could be like Solar.” “And Puff Tie?” I asked. “Because of how poorly I was doing in modeling, there wasn’t any need for him to be around me anymore,” she answered. “Turns out with the addition of having sex, he was only with me to showcase his designs, and gain recognition in the fashion industry. I was pretty much his living, fuckable mannequin. It was then that my fear for stallions turned to hatred. With Fancy Pants and Silver Wheel being special cases, I vowed not to associate myself with another stallion ever again… At least until last week. Though I couldn’t get into modeling anymore, I still wanted to help Fleur in achieving her goal in aiding other ponies with the business, and become the greatest supermodel in Equestria. So I studied my materials, and became the manager you see today. Still doing my best to make Fleur shine as the brightest star in the night sky like my cutie mark implied.” “Shining… I am so sorry,” I sobbed as I couldn’t hold in my tears any longer, took off my glasses, and tried to wipe my face of the mess that still kept going. “There’s no need to apologize Oz,” Shining said as she held my face, and turned my gaze to her as she gave a small smile while tears were welling up in her eyes as well. “You’ve been one heck of a guy for putting up with me over the past week. Instead of backing off like all the other stallions I pushed away, you were patient, persevered, and even went so far as to help me with this problem. Something I’d never thought any normal stallion could accomplish, and I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” She then gave me a tight hug before I returned the gesture. I looked up to where Fleur was, and she was crying with probably tears of joy instead of sadness, as she smiled while dabbing her wet eyes with a handkerchief. “I’m just glad I’m able to do something to help you girls,” I said. “And you can be sure you won’t get rid of me so easily. I’ll be at your sides for quite some time.” “Still stubborn as usual,” Shining chuckled before she pulled back, and wiped the tears that were in her eyes. She then looked to me with a content smile. “Annoying at times, but one of your better qualities I suppose.” “There’s one thing tickling my head that I’m confused about if you don’t mind me asking,” I said. “Is it personal?” She asked, and I nodded in response. She thought about it while looking up, and shrugged. “I’m feeling pretty good after opening up to you like this, so ask away.” “Alright,” I said before I wiped my eyes once more, and cleared my throat. “So… Fleur was telling me before we went to that club last week about mares and their… Heat cycles.” My face heated a little while looking to the side and scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. “She mentioned you had yours a couple days before I came here, but you said the doctors removed your uterus… I’m just making sure I didn’t get two different answers to the same conflict, so…” “… Oh,” Shining replied before looking to the side with a blush of her own. “I still have my… Heats, yes. I think it’s because of my ovaries were still intact that are still producing those hormones as far as what the doctors have told me. Not to mention I get occasional mood swings since my uterus is gone.” I figured there was something off about her odd behavior changes. Fleur must have hid it to give Shining some privacy up to now. “Do you get more… Unpredictable with your mood swings when the heat comes around? Just to prepare myself in the future for when it happens,” I said. “… Sometimes,” she replied before giving a devious smirk. “But you should see when Fleur goes into one. Her horniness can get pretty bad in some cases.” “AH! Well I never!” Fleur harrumphed with a flush. “Well at least I don’t get really kinky when I get on mine! Especially with a riding crop!” “Do you have to bring that up again?!” Shining rebutted with a blush of her own. “I didn’t think you ponies had riding crops here,” I added in. “NOT HELPING OZZY/OZ!” The girls exclaimed at me in sync. The three of us sat there in silence for a moment before I started chuckling at the girls’ embarrassed faces, and they couldn’t help but joined in as we laughed our sadness away. Shining sighed in content once she stopped laughing while wiping her eyes. “I didn’t think I’d feel this good after something like that.” “Feeling better then?” I asked. “Much,” she responded. “Well, I think this is a good time as any to see that movie,” Fleur said as she stood up. “Some sci-fi action sounds really nice right now,” I added in as I got up, and pulled Shining as well. “I can’t wait to see that raccoon,” Shining commented as we walked over to the theater. “You really like that raccoon huh?” I asked. “I honestly thought you’d be more into the green assassin. She’s like a living fighting machine.” “I like her too, but the raccoon just looked so cute!” She exclaimed. “I’ve seen the trailers Oz, I just think it’s adorable how he acts like some sort of big shot despite his size.” “You have a weird taste in cuteness,” I commented. “You sure it’s not about time to get a new prescription on those glasses?” “Oh shut it Oz.” CRACK! “Ow! Again with the whipping Shining?! How can you even move your tails that well?!” “Dearie, if you’re ever alone with a mare in the bedroom, you’d be surprised what else we can do with our tails,” Fleur commented with her usual playful, seductive look. “… I could go my whole life in peace without hearing that,” I said as I looked away with a blush, while the girls laughed at my expense. Laughing at my embarrassment aside, I’m glad the girls are able to relax briefly after what we talked about… But still, after hearing that, Solar Flare pretty much ties in with Robert as the most hated person in my list, along with Puff Tie, Justin Bieber, and Kim Kardashian following behind. I could go on and on with other celebrities I hate, but I’m going off topic. Anyway, if I ever see that bastard in person… No, it’s not good to think like that, no matter how despicable he is. I’m not going to repeat what nearly happened back on Earth, but if he ends up trying to harm the girls again like before… Things won’t get pretty, I’ll say that much. I should probably just stop worrying about these thoughts. For now, I’ll just enjoy five prison escapees kicking ass, and saving the galaxy. [8:00 p.m.] After enjoying what may have been the best movie I’ve seen so far in my life, the three of us took an opportunity to rehearse for Fleur’s interview tomorrow in a sound proof meeting room that was in the local library. Shining pretended to be the pony interviewing Fleur, while she and I acted like ourselves like we did at any other business meeting. I could tell the girls have done this numerous of times, as they went through the process very natural-like, and they were all ad-libbed. At least that’s what I thought, as I not once seen either one of them read through some kind of script or list of commonly asked questions in a meeting before that. I think it’s safe to say that even if Fleur may not get the part for the fall fashion line commercial, she’s guaranteed to get in the reserve list for the next one. We then grabbed dinner afterwards. Thankfully, Shining didn’t go overboard with the food like she did this morning, which was a surefire sign that she was much better, along with the chuckles in between the conversation the three of us had. She was however tempted to have some of the place’s special cheesecake, along with Fleur. In the end though, we just went ahead and ordered three slices of it for dessert, worrying about burning the calories off once we got home, and my god was that cheesecake delicious. After we paid the bill, we went ahead and walked our way back to the hotel to at least burn some of the dinner off while we enjoyed how very lit the city was at night. When we got to our hotel room, I raised a brow at the strange change in the arrangement, mostly the couch I was sleeping on. “Hey, how come the room service folded the couch back up?” I asked. “Oh! Actually, that would be our doing dearie,” Fleur admitted. “Shiny and I folded it up while you were waiting for us in the lobby this morning.” “Why did you do that?” I asked. “Ozzy, if there was one thing I was sure of when I woke up, it was how achy I was feeling in my backside from sleeping on it,” Fleur commented while rubbing her back in question. “I don’t know how you were able to sleep through it, along with waking up with the muscle soreness from Shiny’s workout, but I’m not going to let you spend the rest of the week sleeping in that monstrosity called a couch.” “So where do I sleep? On the floor?” I asked. “Nope. You’ll be sleeping on one of these beds, mine in particular,” Shining answered. “But that leaves you with no place to sleep,” I pointed out. “We’ll be sharing my bed,” Fleur replied. “Shiny’s used to waking up to me sleeping by her due to my sleepwalking, and it’s big enough for two, so it’s no trouble at all dearie.” “You sure you’re okay with this?” I asked. “We talked it over once I calmed down enough from the shower,” Shining answered with a smile. “Like she said, I’m used to it, and the two of us slept together a couple times before as fillies. So it’s kind of like a sleepover for us.” “Alright, if you say so,” I replied with a shrug before I pulled out the bag of nightwear I almost forgot I carried around in my jacket. “I’ll take the usual quick shower first.” “Take your time, the hot water doesn’t run up so quickly here.” Fleur waved. I just shrugged in response before I went inside. I came back out a little longer than last time, about fifteen to twenty minutes later in the same nightwear I wore last night. “I’ll be going in next,” Shining said as she got up with her change of clothes, and went to the bathroom. Fleur sat next to me on my bed after I put today’s clothes away. “So did everything today turned out okay for you?” I asked Fleur, starting the conversation off. “It turned out pretty well near the end, all things considered,” she replied with a smile. “I got to hand it to you Ozzy, it was a good idea you brought up last night. I think I’m relaxed enough to take that interview head on tomorrow.” “I’m glad.” “Still though, for a moment there, I thought you were actually offering to take us out on a date,” she giggled. “O-oh no, I wouldn’t do that.” I shook my hand out front. “Even if I did, I don’t think I would even have the slightest chance if I tried to go out with just one of you two.” Fleur’s expression turned to confusion as she tilted her head to the side. “… What makes you say that?” “Well I know Shining’s still trying to settle her problem with stallions, so she probably isn’t ready to date yet,” I explained. “Not to mention, even though I don’t know what kind of person she was as a model before… Well, that, she’s doing great today as a manager. Hard-working, smart, loyal, honest, and she looks fantastic at that. Screw what Puff Tie said about her earlier. “You, well, you’re Fleur de Lis the supermodel. Sure it may have been sometime since you last dated, but I’m sure you want a handsome, caring stallion that’s way better than Solar Flare. Adding into your beauty, you’re also kind, generous, playful, open-minded, and you look out for others before yourself. “Me? I’m just a plain human. I didn’t have as much of an eventful life as you two did before now. The only thing I could think of would be my first kiss from elementary school, and it turned out to be bittersweet because our classmates caught us doing it in private, and we got teased for it. The girl who had a crush on me at the time didn’t like how it turned out for us, and never talked to me again after that. I guess that affected my self-esteem enough to not bother with any other girls from then onward. “I’ve mostly took care and looked after myself to get by, and I’ve had my share of getting bullied and teased not only by my peers, but my older brother as well. Sure the locals here are nicer to me, but I’ve come to realize they’re only interested because I was a human, and not being, well, me. Plus, you’ve seen a few times yourself how a mare sometimes try to hit on me so forward-like. They don’t want to get to know me as an individual, they just want to know how different humans are in bed. In the end, I’m just a walking display of a plaything… Like my brother kept on telling me…” Fleur then pulled me to a hug where my head rested on her collar, and she laid hers on top of it. “Ozzy… Is this why you have trouble being with other mares?” She asked. “Are you… Afraid of being used and thrown away like Shiny was? Or being ridiculed?” “At this point? It sounds like a better excuse than me questioning why I’m starting to get attracted to mares,” I answered. “I can’t deny some look cute, but… Robert’s voice just keeps screaming in my head how pathetic I am, and how I’d only be used for their benefit." “I didn’t realize your brother would be this cruel…” Fleur tightened her embrace on me in concern. “Well, at least I won’t have to worry him coming here anytime soon,” I said. “When I finally moved out, he got arrested for illegal drug dealing.” Fleur’s grip suddenly lessened before she pulled back with widened eyes. “Yep. He was that bad, and even if he was released, there’s no way he’ll get here with his criminal record.” “Didn't your father ever stepped in and said something to him about how you were treated?” Fleur asked. “Being an alcoholic certainly affected his way of thinking, I’ll say that much,” I replied as I looked down. “He doesn’t barge in unless things got out of hand between Robert and I. Other than that, it was like I wasn’t there most of the time until I finally moved out.” "... I want you to know something Ozzy,” Fleur said as she took my gaze back to her. “Whatever your brother Robert had told you is unforgivable, and completely untrue compared to who I’m talking to right now, so don’t you even think about degrading yourself like that anymore. As for your thing with mares…” She sighed in disappointment while rubbing her eyes. “I can’t deny that some of your suspicions may be partially true, especially for some of the most forward mares you’ve come across. However, those who’ve been kind and gave you attention didn’t do it just because you’re a human. There are some very friendly ponies out here Ozzy, probably much more than what you were used to back on Earth, and I’m sure they want to know more about you other than just being a human. “I also want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable from all the dirty jokes I’ve made. I didn’t realize you’d be so wound up about this until now.” “Actually… Though it was a bit tensing at first, it’s actually helping me a bit,” I pointed out. Fleur blinked in surprise. “… Really?” “I mean it’s still embarrassing to talk about, sure,” I explained. “And though I’ll still need to be wary of the more forward mares, you kind of make it funny sometimes, and something I shouldn’t be so scared about when my first time comes around. It’s also kind of cute how playful you can be with it.” “… Oh,” she replied while looking to the side with a slight blush. “Well… Glad to be of help, I guess. But there’s something you should know about it that I’ve definitely learned after being with Solar.” “What’s that?” I asked. “While it is an enjoyable past time, it can be very beautiful when you’re doing it with somepony you love, especially if it’s your first,” she said as she looked back to me with a smile. “It’s that one time where you give yourselves to each other, communicating through your words and bodies that you trust, care, and love them with every fiber of your being. If your feelings aren’t in sync, you’re just two mindless animals clouded by lust. Take it from me who has received such treatment from somepony who acted as such. Does that make sense?” “It does, and thanks,” I replied with a smile. “And… From what you said about me earlier…” She looked to the side with uncertainty, and a tinge of fear. “… Yeah?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well… What if—“ “Goddess how I needed that,” Shining sighed in content as she came out of the bathroom in the same nightwear she wore previously, interrupting Fleur. She looked over to us, and glanced back and forth at the tense situation. “Uh… Am I interrupting something?” “N-no no! You’re fine!” Fleur exclaimed as she stood up and cleared her throat. “Hey Ozzy? Do you mind if I told her what you told me?” She asked me. “Might as well, today seems like we’re all opening ourselves up today,” I replied. “Alright. Shiny? I need to tell you something in private,” Fleur said before she gestured back to the bathroom. Shining nodded, and went back to the bathroom before Fleur picked up her change of clothes, and followed her inside. The place turned deathly silent once the door closed. I could only guess Fleur probably cast that sound-proof spell in the bathroom to keep the conversation inside. I took the opportunity to think back on what I told her as I laid back on my bed. Should I have told her about my nightmares too? I hate to hold something important from the girls now that they’ve started to open themselves up to me, but I don’t want them to get more worried over me at this time, especially with Fleur’s interview coming up. Plus, I’m still trying to comprehend whether what I did back then was right or wrong. Sure, Robert may be out of my hair for the rest of my life, and even if he got out of prison, there’s no way he can get here with his criminal history, but with how it all ended up for him, and how I haven’t even spoken to Dad since then… Was what I did make me as bad as him? Maybe even Solar Flare? It’s sickening to compare, even if my intentions were different from theirs, would that even be a good enough excuse? Maybe I do need a visit from Princess Luna. It’s uncanny that she’s over a thousand years old, but with her position and experience, maybe she can provide her point of view that could help me shed some light on this. Maybe I’ll tell the girls about the nightmare once I’m sure about my actions that led up to them. Whatever happens next… I guess that’s for them to decide. Shining came back out a couple minutes later, with the sound of water running from inside, and kept going when the door was closed. I sat up as she walked over with concern written all over her face before she sat next to me, and looked directly at me. “Oz… Has what Fleur told me true?” Shining asked. “Pretty much,” I replied. “Don’t you have any other family members you could have moved in with?” “My parents were pretty distant with their relatives, so I can’t say for sure if my situation back then was not as bad compared to other households. The only people I know that have sort of looked out for me were a few of Dad’s friends, my counselors, and a few neighbors.” “My gosh… It’s like you never had a family at all…” “Call me crazy, but I wish I came across at least one person that's like you back on my world,” I said as I looked over to her who blinked from surprise. “That same night after the fight, sure, you may have been harsh with the language at the beginning, but you were telling me straight what I had done wrong, and what I should do next time something like that ever happened again. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that kind of attention from anyone before I got here, as far as I can remember. I probably wouldn’t be so lame right now if I had someone like you as a parent. I’m not sure if you’ve looked into adoption, and with our human technology, there’s also the option of having surrogates, but I think you would be a great mother if how you’ve treated me up to this point is any indication.” “… Y-you really think so?” She croaked with welled up eyes, and I nodded in response with a smile. She sniveled and wiped her eyes before continuing. “I’ve wanted foals for quite some time, even before the incident. Right now though, I just want to help out Fleur being her manager as much as possible. I’ll think about adoption once I get close to a certain age, whether I’m settling down with a stallion or not.” “I’m sure you’ll find somepony one day,” I said. “I mean even if you’re not into modeling, you’re still quite an attractive mare. It’s crazy those ponies didn’t take you in because of that one scar.” “Oz… My scar isn’t really that good to look at,” she rebutted while looking down with ears folded. “Even if I was comfortable with stallions again, who’s to say it would turn them off when we get to that stage?” “Has Fleur told you that you’re beautiful? Even after the incident?” I asked. “Well… Yes, but—“ “Shining,” I interrupted. “If a stallion doesn’t see you as beautiful as Fleur does, with or without the scar, then they’re not worth fretting over. When you come across a stallion who does, maybe more than that, he could be a keeper. Heck even if I haven’t seen it myself, I’m taking Fleur’s word that you’re more beautiful than you may think.” “I bet you’ll change your mind once you do see it Oz,” Shining argued as she turned to me with a stern, stubborn look. “You don’t know that for sure unless I saw it myself.” “Well… Do you want to see it?” “If you’re comfortable with it, sure.” I shrugged. “I can understand why you’ve hid it up to this point, but we’re all friends here. Whether you have a scar or not won’t change anything between us.” “… I guess so. Alright, but don’t say I didn’t told you so if you get grossed out.” She hesitated for a moment once she turned her body towards me, and grabbed onto her top and shorts. With flustered cheeks and a shaky sigh, she slowly pulled her tank top up to the bottom of her breasts, revealing her well sculpted, hard abdominals. She then pulled her shorts a little down enough to reveal a large mark as a whole. The scar was lighter than her light purple fur that stretched from the bottom of her belly button down to a certain point. “The stab… Wasn’t as big as this, but the doctors had to open it further to remove my uterus… What do you think?” “… Yep, still the same beautiful Shining Star I know,” I said as I looked up with an assured smile, and her irises shrunk to the size of pinpricks in shock. “Nice abs by the way. Despite the brunch and popcorn today, they still look pretty fit. I don’t think you’ll have much problems burning those calories off.” “Y-you really mean it?” She asked as she covered herself back up, and I nodded in response. She then looked to the side still flustered. “Th-then… Would you—“ “Everything alright here?” Fleur asked as she stepped out of the bathroom with the same nightwear she wore previously. “Yep, we’re good,” I said as I turned to her. “Shining showed me her scar while you were out.” Fleur’s eyes widened in response. “What did you think then?” “It’s no problem for me,” I replied with a shrug. “Being judgmental some ponies in Canterlot can be, I can understand why she’s shy about it, but it doesn’t really affect her appearance at all in my opinion.” Fleur then turned to Shining with a smug expression on her face. “You see Shiny? I told you Ozzy wouldn’t mind.” Shining sighed in defeat as she rubbed her eyes. “You were right. I admit it.” “Do you feel better from hearing me say that?” I asked. “… More than you can imagine,” Shining replied with a smile before she got up and stretched. “Well as much as I’d like to stay up longer, we should probably get plenty of rest tonight. We’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow,” she suggested as she set her glasses on the nightstand between the beds. “It may be a good idea to have a few more rehearsals before the interview. You can never be too prepared.” “Even so, I’m sure you’ll definitely get in Fleur. You deserve it,” I commented with a smile. “Thank you Ozzy. That makes me more determined to get that spot,” Fleur said before she got up and stretched. “I’m certainly up for some sleep as well,” she yawned. “You sure you two are okay sleeping on the same bed?” I asked. “Unless you want me to sleep with you again like this morning, I’m fine Ozzy,” she teased before giggling. “Fleur, don’t give him any ideas,” Shining groaned while rubbing her eyes. “I’m worried about where his hands will go if they don’t come back to the same place twice.” “Hey, I didn’t know Fleur would be like that until this morning, and I still don’t know how my hands got there. Cut me some slack,” I pleaded as I took off my own glasses, set them next to Shining’s, and got comfortable in bed. “And if it does happen again, there’s no need for you to get brash since we know what to expect,” Fleur pointed out as she got under the covers. “… Still irks me though,” Shining said before she joined Fleur in the same bed. With the help of Fleur’s magic, the lights flicked off. “Good night everypony.” “Good night.” “Night.” > Chapter 16: "Just keep calm and... Crap, this saying's getting generic." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: “Just keep calm and… Crap, this saying’s getting generic.” [3:00 a.m.] I’m having a mixture of relief, disappointment, and confusion right now. I’m relieved that I feel much better compared to sleeping on the couch over the previous night, and Fleur didn’t sleepwalked into my bed again; however, a part of me is kind of disappointed, and slightly lonely that I’m still by myself in bed. Why that is, I don’t know, but I hope something like this doesn’t happen again. What I’m also relieved about is that I didn’t have another one of my nightmares overnight, yet that meant I couldn’t speak to Princess Luna about my concerns… Huh, I’m disappointed because I didn’t get any nightmares last night. How fucked up is that? As for why I’m confused, though I’m still tired, I somehow got up at what looked to be three in the morning. Probably because of the sound of moving that woke me up so late… Wonder what’s causing it? I groggily opened my eyes, and though the room was still dark, my vision adjusted to the lighting enough to make out a figure that was quietly putting on some clothing from the looks of it. After it was finished, it walked across the room, picked up the room key, and quietly opened the door to leave. From the lighting outside, it gave me a better look at the figure briefly, making out its mane, curves, and white fur reflecting the rays. “… Fleur?” I asked in a whisper before I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I looked over to the bed across from me, and saw one lump rising and falling under the covers. I could only assume that it was Shining, as the white stars from the cutie mark on her arm stood out under the dark. Realizing Fleur must have left the room, my concern was fighting against exhaustion, with the former winning as I quietly stepped out of bed. I put on a coat, socks, my glasses, and tennis shoes before I left the room without making a sound. Once I got to the hallway, I looked both ways to see where Fleur might have went, and saw a familiar pink tail just moving out of view from around the corner. I followed her as I tried to rub the tiredness out of my eyes until I saw her standing in front of an elevator. She didn’t look all that great, as she was still wearing her camisole while wearing a pair of yoga pants. Her mane and tail were slightly out of place, probably from her sleep, and without her make-up, I could see some bags that were under her eyes. As I walked up to Fleur, her ears perked and swiveled to my direction before she turned to me. “Oh, good morning Ozzy,” Fleur said tiredly. “Morning,” I replied. “Couldn’t sleep last night?” “Not really. Did I wake you?” “Nah, I couldn’t either,” I lied. “Excuse me for my appearance. I must look like a wreck right now,” she chuckled tiredly while moving a few strands of her mane out of her eyes. “You’re fine.” I waved off. “Where are you heading?” “Just heading into the lobby to think.” “Mind if I join you?” She gave a small smile with a nod in response. “I’d like that.” The elevator dinged before the doors opened, and we walked inside. We were silent on the way until we got to the hotel lobby, where she and I sat next to each other on one of the couches. She was shivering slightly as she rubbed her arms, which I found odd because I thought her fur would keep her plenty warm already. With a shrug, I slipped out of my coat before I covered Fleur with it. She was surprised at the sudden second layer covering her before turning to me. “Dearie, you didn’t have to do that,” she said. “I mean you don’t have any fur on you like I do.” I shrugged “I don’t feel all that cold really. Plus you look like you needed it more than I did, so why not?” Fleur blushed slightly as she slipped her arms through the sleeves, and looked ahead of her. “Thank you Ozzy.” “Anytime,” I said with a smile. She then leaned against me like usual, and I pulled her in by holding her side, helping her feel secure. “Are you nervous for later?” I asked. “Yes,” she sighed. “I’ve always wanted to work with Vogue since I started modeling. It was actually in one of their magazine advertisements that inspired me to be one.” “So this must be really important to you huh?” I asked, and she moved her head that was on my shoulder in a nodding motion in response. “Even if I get turned down though, I won’t take it personally,” Fleur continued. “There’s always a next time, and I’ll have you and Shiny to support me. Still doesn’t help me being so nervous though.” “But it’s a nice way to look at it,” I pointed out. “If anything, they’re missing out if they can’t take in somepony like you for their commercial or photo shoot.” “Thank you, but do you mind if we talked about something else?” Fleur asked. “I’d rather not dwell on this thought too long before I start to get anxious.” “Of course. What do you have in mind?” “Well… You mentioned you had your first kiss by a girl crushing on you right?” “That’s right.” “How did it come to that if you don’t mind me asking?” I had to take a moment to recall that distant, slightly hazy memory before answering. “Well I honestly didn’t consider that she had a crush on me until I thought back on it years later. How she had a crush for me, I’m still trying to figure out, and I still doubt that was even the case with her. I wasn’t like a lot of boys back then, who were usually loud, obnoxious, and of course some teased me from time to time. I was usually quiet, not very social with other kids, or active when recess came. I was usually by myself just lounging underneath this tree we had on the playground. That girl though, who I don’t know what her name is now, one day asked if she could join me under that tree. I didn’t really care what others were doing at the time, so I just shrugged and said go right ahead. “After that, she was usually the first to ask about partnering up for certain projects, talk from time to time during recess, she was probably the closest thing I had to a friend during that period. One day, she was telling me one time where she overheard some girls talking about kissing boys, and that was somehow becoming a thing where ‘if you don’t have this, or haven’t done that, then you’re not cool’ kind of fad. I didn’t really care about things like that, even when other boys were giving me a hard time for not having my first kiss, so I wasn’t too bothered by it. I’m not sure if she took that as an excuse, or if she felt more left out about it than I was, but she asked me quite nervously if she could have her first kiss with me. I shrugged and said ‘eh, why not,’ and we found a secluded spot, or at least what we thought was secluded, to have our first kiss in private.” “How did that go?” Fleur asked. “It felt good actually,” I replied. “We weren’t sure how to go about it at first during the time, so we just thought touching lips for about five seconds sounded reasonable. When we closed our eyes and locked lips, I could have sworn my whole body just tingled in that moment, like I had no idea what I was missing out on until then. It felt soft, smooth, and kind of sweet like she might have applied some flavored lip gloss or something beforehand. Those five seconds took longer than what I had imagined, until a group of kids caught us, and laughed at what we were doing. “I think it might have been because of my reputation of being ‘that lame, boring kid’ that got them laughing at us, perhaps the girl slightly more than me, as if she just got lamer from kissing me like I was some kind of virus. The girl couldn’t take it and just ran away crying. That good feeling I had that time felt like it died and got stepped on after that, as if that may be the last time I’ll ever get something that amazing again, even though it was my first.” “That’s awful,” Fleur commented. “The girl didn’t come and talk to me after that,” I continued. “We stopped hanging out under the tree, we didn’t become partners for future school projects, things were going back to the way it was before she came to me for the first time, only I had to deal with the loneliness that I didn’t have before until then. I stopped trying to get close to other people since then. I just made acquaintances of people who I knew from work or school, and didn’t get any further than that.” I pulled Fleur closer to me, a little tighter than what was necessary. “Fleur, I just want to thank you and Shining for being friends with me. Something I thought would be better to live without until now.” “Oh sweetie,” Fleur said before she pulled me into a hug. “We’re happy to have you with us Ozzy. Just remember that we’re here for you if you need us, like what you have done for us.” “Thank you,” I replied. … But would you still be here with me if I told you what happened in my nightmares? Trying to shake the morbid thought out of my head, I pulled back with a straight face. “So what about you? What was your first kiss like?” “Would you believe me if I said that Shiny was my first?” Fleur asked, and my eyes widened at the question. … Oh yeah, I think Shining mentioned how the two of them… ‘Tried’ a few things, but I’ve tried to not pay too much attention to it until now. Didn’t think they’d shared their first kiss together. “How did that happen?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “It was around junior high as we were going through puberty,” Fleur explained. “We saw a few pairs of mares were getting close and intimate with each other as we walked around the school. While we had health class together that included sex education, we were piqued with curiosity to try it ourselves. So during our next sleepover, once we got settled in Shiny’s room, since her parents weren’t as… Open with same sex relationships as mine, we just went ahead and just locked lips.” “And how did that go?” I asked. “I’ll admit, it was kind of hot,” Fleur said. “Then again, the both of us were near our first heat cycle, so that might have gotten us feeling good a little more than normal.” “I asked Shining if you two were some kind of item, or if she had a crush on you after what happened in that dressing room last week,” I pointed out. “She mentioned you two… Tried a few things before you realized things wouldn’t really work out. She wasn’t open about it at the time, so I didn’t pay too much attention to it.” “Ah yes, I’ll admit, that was kind of fun for both of us,” Fleur said as she looked up in thought with a smile. “After our kiss, we kind of explored with each other, and even tried going on a few dates to see how things went. While we realized that we weren’t into each other romantically, we’ve concluded we’ll always love each other as friends, and watch each other’s backs. We would, however, help each other with our heat cycles so we wouldn’t constantly feel unsatisfied for the next couple days.” Well that certainly explains how they know so much about each other’s behaviors during their heats like they mentioned yesterday… Seriously though, besides getting kinky, what would ponies even do with riding crops in the first place? “We also agreed on a few things like how would we deal with both of us getting interested in the same stallion,” she continued. “Neither of us want to become part of a herd, even if we both joined in, because we want one stallion to give us the most attention, and not feel like he’d have to share it between the two of us.” “That sounds very reasonable,” I commented. “Sounds like you two planned a lot of this out.” “Oh we did Ozzy, we did,” she replied with a nod. “Enough where both of us agreed on a method that wouldn’t get either of us hurt so badly in the end, and not spite each other.” “Well let’s just hope neither of you will resort to it too much,” I said. “You two deserve the best after what you’ve been through.” “Thank you Ozzy,” she replied with a small smile before yawning. “I need some more shut eye.” “Probably a good idea to get some more sleep before we start our day. We’ll need the all the energy we can get,” I commented as I got up, and pulled Fleur to a stand as well. “Sounds good,” Fleur agreed before we made our way back to our hotel room. [2:45 p.m.] Fleur and I ended up waking around six hours later, along with Shining who got up for the first time this morning. Once we had breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant, the three of us went over the rehearsal for the interview a couple more times before Fleur felt confident enough to get that spot with Vogue. We decided to stop at a point before a few hours so Fleur can focus on mentally preparing herself. Once we got to that point, we had a quick lunch before we changed into our best outfits for the interview. I had a navy blue suit jacket with matching slacks, black shoes that were shined, a white dress shirt, and a tie with Fleur’s mane and tail colors striped diagonally. I was also shaved, my hair styled with some pomade, and my laptop case in hand. Shining had her light pale blue mane tied to the usual bun during business days. She wore a suit jacket in a lighter shade of blue than my own with a matching skirt, and a white dress shirt. What surprised me is that she also had thigh high fishnet stockings, and black slippers on her hooves as well. Strange how that makes her slightly more alluring since I’m used to her not wearing stockings, or that ponies in this world even had stockings. She had a small case of her own that contained Fleur’s portfolio with her best pictures inside, and other information about her successes. Finally, Fleur wore the outfit Shining and I had to help her pick after 45 minutes of going through clothes. We went with what the girls called the ‘innocent, yet attractive’ look that would hopefully catch Vogue’s attention. She wore a white silk dress with a cowl neckline that stretched down to where some of her cleavage was shown. The skirt was open and free to move around in as it stretched to a few inches above her hooves. She also had a matching purse, and a pair of white framed shades that was optional to wear. Yeah, why they called it ‘innocent, yet attractive,’ I had no idea, but I’d rather not get picky with the girls on it if I don’t want the same treatment like two days ago when I questioned Vogue’s business. Once we were ready to go, we took a taxi carriage to get to Vogue’s business building. Unfortunately, while we tried to find a carriage, Shining lashed out on a few stallions who I had to admit were rude to us, but still not an excuse get so aggressive over. Shining and I agreed it would be better to enact her ‘punishments’ as she called them in private while Fleur wasn’t in the room, and I’d keep count with a small notepad I kept in my pocket of how many tugs she’ll get at the end of the day. We also came up with a sign I would do (which was me scratching behind my ear) to let her know she made a wrong response on a stallion, and will get a tug later. If she argued, I’d do the second sign (scratching my face), telling her that she’ll get two consecutive tugs added into the total as well. How many tugs will she get later tonight? Let’s see, she lashed at three, two of them she argued with me, so that makes three tugs with four consecutive ones adding to a total of seven… If we were in any place other than Manehattan, I think she wouldn’t get this many so quickly in one day. Considering how she was with only three the day we got here, I’m kind of worried on how she’ll be later on tonight. Oh, and the one bout she had with Puff Tie yesterday was a freebie because come on, from how he treated her after hearing their history? Why should I enact her punishment for that? Heck, that guy should get ten for what he had done with her, hard enough that I’d rip the hairs out of his tail. Anyway, we finally arrived at our destination with fifteen minutes to spare for our appointment. The building was big, I’ll just say that much. There was a sign above the main entrance that had the company’s name in capital letters with a stylish format. The three of us stepped out of the carriage, paid for the ride, and gazed at the sight before us. “Well… This is it,” Shining said. “Yep,” Fleur agreed. “Uh-huh,” I added in. We stood there in silence for what seemed like an eternity before I spoke up. “Shall we head inside?” “O-oh yes, right,” Shining said while fixing her glasses. “Let’s do this everypony.” She took the lead as Fleur and I followed inside, the glass doors sliding open when we got close enough. We got to the front desk where a mare was fiddling around her computer before she saw us approaching. “Welcome to Vogue’s clothing brand and design, how may I help ya?” She said in an accent that’s similar to someone from New York. “We have an appointment at 3:00 today? Fleur de Lis?” Shining asked. “Ah yes, here you are,” she said before she picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Ms. Autumn Winds? Your 3:00 appointment with Fleur de Lis is here… Alright, thank you,” she said before she hung up and turned to us. “Please have a seat over there, and our Vice President will be with you shortly.” She pointed to the small area with tables, chairs, and sofas. “Thank you,” Shining said before we complied with the receptionist’s request, and we waited. The next couple of minutes felt agonizingly long before an orange pegasus mare with a red and yellow mane and tail approached us. The colors reminded me of the changing colors of leaves in the fall season, so I could only assume the mare in question was Autumn Winds. She had a black business ensemble like Shining’s with a white top underneath, and white slippers on her hooves. “Good afternoon, I’m Autumn Winds,” she introduced with a smile as she turned to Fleur. “And you must be Fleur de Lis?” “Yes indeed. It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Winds,” Fleur greeted with a smile after she stood up with a handshake. Shining then got up and walked over to the pegasus, and I followed suit. “Hello, I’m Shining Star, Fleur’s manager,” she introduced as she shook Ms. Wind’s hand. “And I’m her secretary Ozzy Shore. You can call me Oz if you’d like,” I greeted last. “Ah yes, I remember you,” Ms. Wind said. “I saw you in the news broadcast last week. A pleasure to meet one of the first human settlers in Equestria in person. Now our president is waiting for us in her office on the top floor, so if you three may follow me please,” she requested before we nodded, and let her lead the way to an elevator. Ms. Winds pushed a button, and the elevator started moving. “I’d just like to say before we get started that I’m quite thrilled to have you over Fleur,” she said. Fleur blinked a few times in surprise. “Really?” “Oh yes,” she replied with a nod. “With the past applications and photos you sent over, I’m quite interested in your work from how you’ve improved over the last couple years.” “If I may ask, what brought you to calling us over on such short notice?” Shining asked. “And why pick now to have an interview with the president no less?” “I’ve been wondering that myself quite frankly,” Ms. Winds admitted. “From what I can see, Fleur’s got great potential to be one of our models, but President Mascara somehow couldn’t give the time of day to put her in an interview for our previous dressing lines.” “… So when did she suddenly gain interest in Fleur?” Shining asked with a raised brow. “Surprisingly enough, just last week when she and Oz here were in that news broadcast,” she answered. … Huh, strange, but I guess my coming here turned out for the better with the girls? “She and I were watching it that day, and that was when her curiosity piqued,” Ms. Winds continued. “From that point, she wanted to keep track on Fleur’s involvement with other businesses in modeling, and pulled a few strings to get a couple pictures and recordings that were taken both on and off set.” Why would she want pictures of her off set? I’m pretty sure pictures of her on it would get more appeal if we compare. The elevator suddenly dinged before the doors opened, and we stepped out to where there was another receptionist typing things in the computer at the center of the room, and there were three doors labeled “Chief Designer,” “Vice President,” and “President/CEO.” “Right this way everypony,” Ms. Winds said before she led the way to the president’s door, gave a few knocks, and peeked inside. “Ms. Mascara, Fleur de Lis is here.” “You may enter,” a mare’s voice from inside called before Ms. Winds opened the door fully, and we walked inside. The office looked very impressive when I stepped in. There were pictures of models hanging along the wall that looked to be taken for past advertisements. The mares looked like they resembled the company’s ideal vision of beauty in its time as each one progressed chronologically with different designs that were in style. There was also a file cabinet, a shelf containing many portfolios, a safe with a combination lock, and a couple chairs laid in front of the desk that was facing away from the glass wall. In that desk was a unicorn mare with icy blue fur, and a styled white mane with a black streak that stretched from her bangs to the back. Her business attire was the same color as mine, except for the teal top that was under the jacket. She also had small, black framed, oblong shaped glasses perched on her muzzle. Taking a good look at her, she may have the image of a mare in their mid to late 20s, but somehow she seemed older than that. Just not enough to be my mother. She smiled as she stood up, and walked over to us. “Good afternoon everypony, my name is Mascara.” “Fleur de Lis, and it’s an honor and pleasure to meet you Ms. Mascara,” Fleur greeted with a smile as she shook the president’s hand. “I’m Shining Star, Fleur’s manager,” Shining greeted as she got her turn. “A pleasure to meet you both,” Mascara said before turning to me. “And you must be Fleur’s human secretary?” “Uh yes,” I said as I shook her hand. “Ozzy Shore, but you can call me Oz.” “Nice to meet you Oz, you can just call me Mascara,” she replied. “If you’ll all have a seat please, and we can get started.” “Of course,” Fleur said before she, Shining, and I sat across from Mascara’s desk while Ms. Winds sat on a chair beside it facing us. Mascara used magic to pour herself and Ms. Winds some coffee from the maker that just finished brewing a fresh batch. “Can I get you three anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?” Mascara offered as she poured a mug for herself and Ms. Winds. “I’ll have some tea please,” Fleur answered. “Me too,” Shining added in. “Could I get some water please?” I asked. “Of course,” Mascara replied as she floated Ms. Winds’ coffee over to her, and she picked up the phone before she dialed a number. “Pantyhose? Could you please bring two teas, and a water please? Thank you,” she said before she hung up, took her seat, and took a sip of her drink. “I’d like to start off by apologizing for calling you over on such short notice, as I’m sure you’re quite busy with other appointments.” “Oh not at all Ms. Mascara.” Fleur waved off. “I’m just glad to be here.” “I understand you’ve submitted numerous applications and photos to us for quite some time,” Mascara said as she pulled out a folder that was unusually thick with papers and pieces of photos sticking out. Fuck, how often did she apply herself here? Fleur couldn’t help but blush a little when she saw the stack. “Please excuse me, I’ve just been wanting to work with Vogue for a while now.” “Not at all Fleur,” Mascara giggled before a mare that looked to be the receptionist outside of the office came in with two mugs of tea and a bottled water in her hand. We thanked the mare who I assumed was Pantyhose for the drinks before she walked off. “Please understand that getting a spot in this company can get pretty competitive, even for just the reserves list.” “Oh I’m sure it does,” Fleur agreed with a nod. “When I saw you last week on the news, I remembered all the applications you sent, and the fall design line coming up may just be perfect for you,” Mascara continued before taking a sip between a pause. “But of course like all interviews, I need to meet and speak to you in person before I can make my final decision.” “Of course,” Fleur said before sipping her tea. As the interview went on, I wrote down notes on my note pad for any important information like usual, taking small breaks in between to drink my water. Sometimes Ms. Winds would join in as she asked Fleur more questions while Mascara sat back and enjoyed her coffee. What I found strange though, which was probably my eyes just playing tricks on me, but it looked like the president would sometimes glance over to me at the corner of her eyes while Ms. Winds and Fleur spoke. Mascara would also sometimes ask me a question or two about what it was like working with Fleur, which I assumed was because she wanted a second opinion on how great of a model she was. Shining on the other hand… I’m kind of worried. She had that familiar look I saw when we first met and she interviewed me. It was only to a lesser degree, maybe more subtle compared to the first time I saw it, but it was there. It was strange because even with her being partially on the receiving end, she’d keep her business mask on like all the other meetings and interviews we’ve been to before this. Considering her history of mood swings I’ve seen over the week, it’s quite an impressive accomplishment. If she’s sporting that look, there must be something in her mind that’s bugging her. “Well, I think that will be all for today,” Mascara said as she stood up, and walked over to Fleur with a smile before she held out her hand. “We’ll call you and let you know what comes up sometime this week.” “Thank you very much for your time Ms. Mascara,” Fleur said with a smile as she shook Mascara’s hand. “Yes, we appreciate it,” Shining added in with a monotone as she shook Mascara’s hand next. “Oz, it was a pleasure meeting you as well,” she commented with a smile. “Of course, same to you,” I replied as I shook her hand with a smile of my own. “Thank you all for coming today. You’ll receive my final word sometime this week soon,” Mascara said. “You all have a good day now.” “Thanks, you too!” Fleur bid before Ms. Winds led us out of Mascara’s office. “Excuse me, Ms. Winds?” Shining asked. “Yes?” “You mentioned earlier that Ms. Mascara wanted some pictures of Fleur offset during her photo shoots, correct?” Shining asked. “That’s right.” “Could I possibly get a copy of all that you have please?” “Sure! I’ll be right back,” Ms. Winds said before she walked into her office. Wonder what Shining wants with those photos? Ms. Winds comes back a moment later with a folder that was clipped closed. “Here you are, Mascara took the liberty of marking down which ones she liked best, but I must say some are kind of odd.” “How so?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “There were a couple shots where you couldn’t get a good glimpse of Fleur,” Ms. Winds said as she looked up in thought before shrugging. “Eh, she does have unique eye for these sort of things, and it never failed her yet, so I can’t really argue.” “Thank you for printing these Ms. Winds,” Shining answered. “My pleasure! I hope things go well with Fleur—“ SLAM! “How dare that bamboozle to think he had a chance of getting in with this blasphemy of art!” A stallion exclaimed, jumping everyone the room in surprise. We turned to the source, and see an earth pony stallion with a dark bluish green fur, with a mint striped mane and tail where the former was short and spiked forward. His ensemble was kind of like what you see painters would create on a canvas, but adjusted to make it actual clothing. It was a white dress shirt that looked to be riddled with different colors of splattered paint that was engraved in the material. He also had a pair of black slacks that looked like it had brighter, contrasting colors splattered on it as well. Ms. Winds groaned while rubbing her eyes at the stallion’s complaint. “Mr. Brushstroke, what are you complaining about now?” “What I’m complaining about, Ms. Winds, is how ridiculous these submissions a recent applicant put in his portfolio looked!” Mr. Brushstroke exclaimed. “How he’s considered one of the growing designers in Equestria is beyond my understanding, and I’m slowly losing hope in today’s tastes in fashion!” “Erm… Who is he?” I asked. “WHO AM I?!” Mr. Brushstroke yelled before he stomped into my personal space, close enough to where our eyes practically touched. “I am the great Palette Brushstroke! Chief Designer for Vogue’s clothing design, and ranked number two as Equestria’s top fashion designers you…” He stepped back to scan my form with an inquisitive look. “… What are you? A hairless gorilla?” *Sigh* I’m going to be called something like this for a while am I? “Ozzy Shore here is a human Mr. Brushstroke, and you will treat and respect him like any other pony,” Ms. Winds ordered while crossing her arms. “This is one of those humans I’ve heard about?” He asked as he walked around and scanned my form some more. “And there will be more of you coming here?” “As far as I know,” I said while I shrugged. “Hmm… Perhaps I should look into making a line specifically for humans?” Mr. Brushstroke asked himself while rubbing his chin. “And I assume there are female counterparts?” “Uh, before that, but what were you saying about this fashion designer and his, *ahem* ridiculous submissions?” Shining asked. “Hm? Oh yes, that,” he said as he held up said portfolio. “That atrocious poser of a designer submitted an application to work in our studio department, the one that comes up with new pieces of work that could be possible put in the market. this pony in particular thought he had the audacity to get into my studio with this pathetic excuse for garbage. I figured there was something off about him when he came in with that out of style ascot of his.” Shining’s eyes widened at that last statement. “… And what was his name?” “… Puff Tie, apparently,” Mr. Brushstroke harrumphed as he looked into the portfolio. “Why he’s named that when he doesn’t even wear one is a mystery to me. I swear to Celestia, I want to tell him straight how horrifying this is, and how he’ll never get the chance to work in my department, but just the sight of him makes me gag now.” “… What if we told him for you?” Shining asked, making everyone in the room watching to her. “… Would you do that for me?” Mr. Brushstroke said with a raised brow. “Sure, we’ll be around for a while, so why not?” Shining asked with a shrug. “You got his address in the resume he put in that portfolio correct? Why don’t I give you my contact information, you write down your most detailed critiques and frustrations in a document to send for me to print, and I’ll deliver everything over to him?” She wrapped her arm around his shoulder while she checked her nails. “For a brilliant fashion designer such as yourself, you just can’t possibly make the time to walk to his home, or even call him straight as you need to save your precious breath for other priorities. I’d be more than happy to do the honor of doing this favor for such a brilliant, and talented artist like yourself. So what do you say?” A pause filled the room before it was replaced with Mr. Brushstroke’s loud guffaws. “You’ve got me hooked! Alright, I’ll let you handle it. Thank you for doing this Miss…” “You can call me Shining,” she said with a smile as she traded the portfolio with her business card. “And please, I should be thanking you for your generosity. Just pour your heart out into your critique, and I’ll be sure to read every single detail aloud for him.” “It will certainly help me vent my frustration over this monstrosity,” he agreed with a nod. “I’ll get to that right away, and send you the e-mail ASAP. And with that,” he said as he walked back to his office, part of his body still outside of it. “I bid you all, ADIEU!” SLAM! Silence filled the room once more as all of us drank in what had just happened. “Well, I guess we should be going then,” Shining said. “Fleur? Oz? Let’s get going you two. I’ve got a few chores I need to do today.” She then pulled us to the elevator with her things in tow, and closed the door. As soon as we left the building, Shining gradually grew from a fit of giggles, to laughing like an insane, maniacal villain that just found the solution to take over the world. Fleur just smirked deviously at Shining’s behavior as we walked. At that moment, I wasn’t sure if I should be happy for her, or scared of her. All I know is, Puff Tie is going to crumble into atoms when he sees Shining again, and I do not envy him when that happens. > Chapter 17: "P-Pizza?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we get started, I just want to let you know that there will be some clop material happening in this chapter. I've marked down spots where it will start and end so those of you who aren't into it can just skip ahead. At any rate, hope you enjoy the read. Chapter 17: “P-Pizza?” [5:45 p.m.] I think this is probably the giddiest I’ve seen out of Shining so far, and I thought her behavior yesterday morning was strange enough already. When we got back to our hotel room, Shining kept checking her e-mail on my laptop every five minutes, waiting for Mr. Brushstroke send that letter of… ‘Critiques’ for her to print out and read aloud to Puff Tie. Since this was a special moment for Shining to rub in where it hurts, and technically reading what somepony else wrote to him, I wasn’t going to enact punishment on her for that. “I don’t know about you two, but I could use a dip in the motel’s hot tub right now after today,” Fleur sighed. “I’m not up for going out to any place big for dinner tonight either.” “How about we have pizza tonight?” Shining asked as she checked my laptop again. “I can pick up a few boxes on the way back from Puff’s groveling. Plus I think it’s a good way for us to take things easy tonight while we watch a movie or two.” Pizza… When she said that word, I had a horrid realization. The day before I left Earth for Equius, I had one last feast that included meat. Now I wasn’t as much of a meat person as one who likes a rib-eye steak, but I do like food like cheeseburgers, hot dogs, some ham or turkey, and not much of a chicken fan unless it’s with noodles in soup on my sick days. The horrid realization I found when Shining mentioned tonight’s dinner, is that I forgot to have my last pepperoni pizza before I left. I don’t care how crazy would anyone think of me. They can keep their sausage and Canadian bacon, but going for the classic pepperoni is the way to go for me. I couldn’t remember the last time I had pepperoni pizza before I left, and since I’m in Equestria now, I would never taste the hot, spicy godsend of food ever again. I’d have to make do with either plain cheese, or vegetarian, which are okay too, but those don’t compare to the goodness that is the pepperoni. A small piece of me died horribly inside after realizing that, and I fought every urge to break down into tears before answering. “S-Sounds good. I love pizza.” “Me too!” Fleur exclaimed cheerfully. “Pizza it is then! Ozzy, I’ll be at the pool if you want to join me.” She then grabs a change of clothes from her bag before picking up the hotel key. “I’ll see you two later!” She said before she left the room. … You know, as much as I don’t want to do this, but since Shining and I are alone, this may be a good time to do… Well, that. I’m still concerned how Shining behaved after the first time, but she wants to do this to get a better handle with stallions, and she trusts me enough to help her out. This is the least I could do to help and support her. Might as well do it now before she leaves. “Um, Shining?” I asked. “Yes Oz?” She asked while her eyes were glued to the laptop screen. “Since we’re in private now, it may be a good time to… *ahem* Enact punishment?” Her eyes widened as she turned to me, a blush showing on her cheeks. “O-oh yes, sure… How many do I get?” “Seven,” I answered. “Three singles for three stallions, and four consecutives split into two from arguing that many times with me.” “… Sounds fair.” “Before we get to that, I want you to tell me what you did wrong with each stallion so you can keep it in mind for next time. I thought this might be a good way to learn from experience for the times ahead.” “Very well,” Shining said before she looked up in thought, and recalled her experiences today. “Let’s see… The first one I shouldn’t have threatened to rip his head off after he bumped into me pretty hard.” “Uh huh.” “The second one I shouldn’t have threatened to break his horn off from cutting in line to grab our lunch.” “Yep.” “And the third one I shouldn’t have threatened to rip his wings off for not flying to his destination instead of taking one of the taxi carriages we were about to get into.” “You got it.” Yeaaaah, if you thought those were bad, I’m surprised she hasn’t threatened to rip somepony’s dong out yet. I’m not sure if she was holding back that threat because of how less reasonable it is than tearing a pegasus’ wings off, but I guess I can count that as some kind of progress… Oh wait, I remember how she threatened to ‘make a mare’ out of Puff yesterday, so I guess that’s sort of implied? But I gave her a freebie on that one, so no harm done I suppose. Shining sighed as she stood up, and leaned on the back of the chair she was sitting for support while her back was toward me. “Alright, you said seven right?” She asked. “Try to keep the force of the pull the same as last time, and don’t hold back no matter how I’m doing.” “Alright,” I replied as I popped some bones in my body to get myself more comfortable before I reached to Shining’s tail. It flicked a little before I gently grabbed it, and her body shivered like last time. “Okay, let’s do the three singles first.” Shining nodded in agreement before she shifted to a more comfortable position. “One,” I counted as I gave the first tug about the same as I did the first time, and she squeaked in response (kind of cutely I might add). “Two.” Her body tensed slightly, and her knees buckled. “Three.” She bit her lower lip to keep herself from screaming as she arched her back. “Doing okay so far Shining?” “Mm-Hmm,” she whined. “Alright, we’re almost done,” I said. “Just need to get through four more split into two consecutive ones. Just hang in there a little longer okay?” “Okay,” she whispered in a high pitch. “Here comes the first two,” I said before I gave her tail two quick tugs, and Shining yelped at first before she slapped her mouth shut, her body shaking more intensely than usual while she barely held onto the chair for dear life with her free hand. “And here’s the last two.” I gave her the two last tugs quickly, and her scream was muffled by her hand covering her mouth. I let go of her tail, and walked up to her side where I could see her face totally red, and sweating as she panted harshly while trying to keep herself supported on the chair. “Shining? Are you alright?” I asked with my hand on her shoulder. “I-I’m fine,” she panted, but her condition didn’t left me convinced. Shining yelped as I picked her up princess style, and carried her to the bed she and Fleur were sleeping. I gently set her down as she continued to pant harshly while looking at me. “Sorry about that, but you looked like you could barely stand,” I explained. “Do you want some water to drink?” “… Please,” she sighed before I walked over to grab a glass, some ice, and water from the bathroom faucet. When I came back, her glasses were on the night stand, her jacket was laid to the side, and a few buttons from her collar, to the center of her breasts were undone. The open shirt showed a good amount of cleavage, and a slight hint of her bra that was peeking under. I shook any lewd thoughts out of my head, and convinced myself that she was really hot from the punishments before I walked back, and gave her the water glass. “Here you go,” I said. “Thank you,” she said before she took a few gulps from the glass. Some stray water droplets dripped to her collar, and slid down to the big valley in her chest as she drank. She gasped in refreshment before setting the glass back, and her breathing turned lighter. Keep it cool Ozzy, keep it cool. Shining just needs some air, and that’s no excuse for you to get engrossed to her chest. Keep your eyes on hers. “Feeling better?” I asked. “A little, thanks,” she replied with a smile. Suddenly, I picked up a few whiffs from a strange scent in the air I just noticed. “Why does it smell funny in here? I’ll open the window,” I said before I walked over to a window, and open it to let the room air out. I then walked back to Shining, and sat across from her on my bed. “You know you don’t have to put yourself through this much right? You look kind of worse compared to the first time when we got here.” Shining chuckled a little before turning her gaze back at me. “No need to fuss over it Oz. This will just take me more time to get my strength back than before.” “If you say so...” “It’s still sweet of you to worry over me so much Oz. Thank you for that.” “Well you kind of saved my ass before, so it’s the least I could do.” I shrugged. “Plus, you’re one of my best friends. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you and Fleur.” “... Do you really mean that?” Shining asked. “Of course.” I nodded. “… Oz?” “Yes?” “… Don’t ever change, okay?” Shining asked. I smiled, and nodded once more. “Do you need me to stick around before you leave for Puff’s place?” “I’ll be fine,” she said with a smile. “Why don’t you go see what Fleur’s up to? I’ll bring the pizzas after 7:30 once I’ve done my business with Puff.” “Alright, I could use a dip myself actually.” I got up, and went to my bag to grab a change of clothes, swim trunks, and my phone. “My flash drive’s in my laptop bag if you want to download the document in there. Let me know if you need anything else alright?” “Will do,” she replied before I made my way out of the room. “Oz?” I stopped midway out of the door before I turned to her. “Yes Shining?” “… Have fun,” she said with a smile before I nodded. “I will. Take it easy,” I said before I was on my way. [Shining’s POV, 6:20 p.m.] “*sigh* What the hell’s wrong with me?” I asked to myself as I stared up in the ceiling, taking a drink of water to cool the heat between my legs that were still burning in protest from not releasing the hatches. “Why did I even think this was a good idea in the first place? One more tug or two, and I could have climaxed right there with him behind me.” And yet a part of you wanted that to happen. “Oh fuck you,” I berated my thoughts. “Oz is my secretary, and I’m his manager for Celestia’s sake. I shouldn’t be having such thoughts, especially since he’s not interested in me. He’d be more into Fleur.” Horseapples. You showed him your fucking scar, and he still sees you attractive. He said it himself. You have as much of a chance and right in getting him as Fleur does. Besides, you can’t say he’s not interested in you unless you heard it from his own lips. “Why am I even arguing about this? It’s not like I have feelings for him. I didn’t have something like this when I was with Puff Tie.” That’s because you never had feelings for him in the beginning you dummy. “Well how do I know this is real then? I wasn’t like this with other stallions before him, not even with Fleur when we experimented.” And boy did you have a blast with her, still do whenever you two are in heat. As for how you know about your feelings, think about what Oz told you when Fleur sleepwalked to his bed. “… Do you have to bring that up? I’m still mad and want to slap him in the face for that.” Ah, but that’s just it though isn’t it? If it were any other stallion, you’d tear them to shreds like that dick from last week, and not hold back. “I held back because Fleur stopped me. Not to mention I promised I wouldn’t lash out on Oz while we tried to be honest with each other. What’s your point?” My point Shiny, is that you weren’t mad at him for touching Fleur, you’re mad at him because he didn’t touch you. “W-Why the fuck would I even be mad about that?” I asked myself with heated cheeks. “I didn’t want him to touch me there.” Oh, but you do, and your little ‘angry masturbation’ in the shower yesterday can vouch for that. “That image popped in on accident, and you know it!” Oh yeah, and I’m sure him eating you out after he kisses your body down to it is also something that ‘randomly’ popped into your head. Yeah, that’s definitely an accident. “… Goddessdammit! Now I’m pent up again!” I got up, grabbed my change of clothes, and went to the bathroom before slamming the door. After locking the knob, I quickly stripped down to my nude form, let my mane down, and turned the shower on. I set the dial to freezing temperatures, and hesitated before I stepped in. … Go on. You know you want to. “… *sigh* I can’t believe I’m doing this… again.” I turned the dial to a warmer, comfortable temperature before I stepped inside, and closed the curtain. CLOP STARTS HERE. SKIP TO THE END POINT IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED IN READING THIS PART. I laid down with my back against the edge of the tub to a comfortable position, having the water hitting my sex as I opened its warm lips. Even with the water hitting me, I could tell I was already wet before I stepped inside. I inserted a finger in my vagina, and gasped once I found my button. “There you are,” I said to myself before I started playing with it by moving it in a circular motion, and I didn’t hold back my moans since I was by myself. My mind raced to where I imagined Oz was standing over me on my bed, the both of us in our nude form as we kissed passionately. Our fronts were pressed against each other, especially my breasts on his chest, while his erection was sandwiched between us. He groped one of my breasts with one hand, while the other was supporting my lower back as we wrestled tongues next. I used my own hand to grope my breast to get the feeling Oz would give me as I inserted another finger, and I moaned louder. Goddess, why do I feel like I need this so much right now, especially with him in my mind? “Amazing that a beautiful mare such as yourself hasn't been cared for properly. Allow me to change that tonight,” imaginary Oz said before he kissed my neck, making me gasp from the tingling sensation. Oz slowly kissed his way down before he stopped at my free breast while he still groped the other one. He then teased my areola, and erect nipple by lightly circling his tongue around them before taking the patch of flesh whole, and sucked it like a hungry foal. I gasped in real life as I pinched the one I was holding to imitate the feeling, giving me a painful, but euphoric experience. Oz then worked his way down lower to my scar, and gave it delicate, loving attention as he kissed and licked it caressingly while groping my ass cheeks. “Oh yes, right there,” I moaned as I upped the pace of my fingerings. He then moved to my snatch where he wrapped his arms around my thighs. He made out with my sex like he would kiss the lips on my muzzle, making me shiver and pant harsher than before as I gripped the bed sheets we were on. He inserted his tongue with his thumb and finger inside, and played with my clitoris, making me moan loudly. “Oz! I’m… Almost there! Don’t stop!” I exclaimed in between breaths as I put everything I had into my fingerings. With fantasy and reality in sync, I pinched my clitoris the same time Oz did, driving me to the brink. “AAAAAH!” I screamed as I arched my back, and climaxed in the tub. My body tensed and shook as my snatch poured its juices that were washed away by the running water into the drain. CLOP ENDS HERE I slumped to the wall of the tub after I finished with my tongue lolled out, panting, and savoring the afterglow while the warm shower water added into the comfort. My fantasy was finished by Oz coming back up to me, and we shared one last, soft kiss, making me hum in bliss. I then pulled him into a loving embrace where he rested his head on my chest, and enjoyed each other’s company. “I’m such a messed up mare,” I said to myself as my mind came back to reality, not sure if the water hitting me, or the tears welling up in my eyes were disrupting my vision. Yes you are Shiny, yes you are. But do you still feel good after letting all that out though? “… Sort of,” I sniveled slightly while wiping my nose and eyes. What are you going to do with this? “I don’t know… I’d rather not think about it too much right now. If anything, this might just be sex deprivation that’s making me like this or something.” Well if you’re still feeling shitty, I know one thing that could cheer you up. “What’s that?” Printing out that document, and ruin Puff Tie’s life. I chuckled a little at that. “Yeah, that could work. That pizza sounds pretty nice right now too.” There ya go, now you’re getting it. “I’ll have to think about what happened at the interview today too while I’m at it,” I pointed out. “It’s not sitting right in my gut somehow.” Yeaah that Mascara seems off. There’s something up with her, and you’ll need to check through those photos tomorrow to see what her game is. “Very true. But right now, let’s focus on ruining Puff’s life, and we’ll go from there.” I got up, turned off the shower, and started to dry myself off. You’re such a bad filly. “I play dirty when I need to.” I smirked to myself as I put on my change of clothes. And I’m sure you’d love Oz to punish you for it with more of those tail tugs you like so much. “… This conversation’s over.” For now, but you’ll see me again soon. Ta ta~. “… I just realized I’ve been talking to myself this whole time… I must be more messed up than I thought.” I shook my head straight before I walked out of the room with my old clothes, put them away, put my glasses back on, and opened the e-mail Mr. Brushstroke sent with the document. I double clicked the attachment, and fixed my glasses as I skimmed through the hate letter critique. To Mr. Puff Tie, I’ve taken careful consideration into putting my thoughts on paper after looking through your portfolio, and making the decision to enlist you in the design department of Vogue’s clothing company. The following entries to this point are my personal comments on your work, and some advice on what to do next. Mr. Puff Tie, your designs are the biggest monstrosities in fashion history, and you should feel bad for coming up with them. I don’t know how you were able to come up with these designs, but my eyes are still practically burning to the back of my skull as I write this, even long after I’ve finished going through your work. I cannot see any occasion that would recommend the line you came up with unless they’re taking part in an ugly contest, and even then the participants can’t get in because the dress code you came up with is too professional for their taste. The colors you picked for some don’t go together; others looked too uncomfortable for ponies to wear; some I can’t make heads or tails of what kind of dress you’re trying to lump them in, and finally there’s no variety that could fit mares with different figures compared to the bland, practically toothpick models you came up with. Your style of work doesn’t fit in with our company’s goal of giving ponies, both mares and stallions, big and small, a chance to look and feel their very best for any occasion; a way to use our clothing lines to express themselves both inside and out; and finally leaving them satisfied enough to reel them back in to look through something else that’s to their liking. Your current quality of work will never get into my design department, and unless you don’t change that, I suggest finding a better calling for your life that doesn’t require your taste of art that’s sourer than the largest water tower filled with the highest concentration of lemon juice. Don’t even think about applying for our company again, and I pray to Celestia that we don’t meet again. From Chief Designer of Vogue clothing design, Palette Brushstroke P.S. For Celestia’s sake, lose that cringing choker around your neck while you’re at it. Ascots were so last century. “Ooo~ he even managed to sign it to make it official, all the more delicious,” I cooed before I downloaded the document to Oz’s flash drive, pulled it out, grabbed Puff’s pathetic excuse of a portfolio, and made my way to the nearest print and copy place. “Puff Tie, prepare to get royally screwed,” I said with a cynical smile as I walked out of the hotel, and laughed like a maniac along the way. [Meanwhile, Fleur’s POV, 6:20 p.m.] “… I’m so bored,” I sighed before I sunk myself into the bubbling hot tub, and blew my own bubbles in boredom. If there was one thing that’s worse than anxiously waiting for an answer from a big company like Vogue, it’s getting bored while waiting for their answer. I was glad the hotel pool wasn’t active with other ponies that stayed in the hotel, especially since I had my cute black bikini on. Being a supermodel as I am, getting ogled by the public is one of those things you’d have to get used to, especially when you’re posing naked in some photo shoots and recordings. Sometimes it’s kind of fun, but there are moments where you just want some solitude from it all. Or at least spend the quietness with a dear friend. When I stepped into the hot tub, it was like my tensions were just melted away into the waters, but after sitting in the tub for about five minutes, I went from relaxed, to getting too much of it. I know Shiny’s getting ready to hit Puff Tie where it hurts, but what’s Ozzy doing right now? He should’ve gotten here not too long after I did… Wait, why did I expect him to be here? It wasn’t like I asked him to come with me, I just told him I’d be here if he wanted to join. I mean it has been fun and interesting spending time with Ozzy lately, but I’m not getting that attached to him am I? Still, when Shiny and Ozzy are out and busy, I have been getting more lonely than usual recently. That feeling gets swept away when Ozzy’s around though. I mean I’m not lonely when Shiny’s nearby of course, but I guess there’s a kind that Ozzy’s filling in that makes me feel… Safe? Comfortable? Open? It’s hard to describe. I haven’t had this feeling since— “Oh hey Fleur! Mind if I join you?” A familiar voice asked. I turned to the source, and my bored mood lit up when I saw Ozzy standing beside the hot tub. He had a towel, a case for his glasses, and his phone in his hand, wearing a pair of black and blue swim trunks. What surprised me a little though was how lean he looked without his clothes. He didn’t have too much muscle, but it was just enough that he could do some heavy lifting. His torso also looked like it had enough fat and muscle to look healthy as well. Then there’s the biggest thing that surprised me the most that I found. … There are nipples on his chest. “Uh Fleur? Hello?” Ozzy asked with a raised eyebrow. “H-huh? What?” I blinked. “I asked if it was okay if I join you in the hot tub. Is that alright?” “O-oh yes! Of course,” I replied before he made his way over, while I was still a little surprised of the nipples on his chest. Once he set his stuff down, he hissed from the water’s temperature before he sighed in content, and eased into the tub. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff,” he sighed. Soon his glasses quickly fogged up from the steam once he was inside. “Well, I guess I should take these off.” He then took off his glasses, and folded it up before putting it in his case, and turning to me. “So how have you been Fleur?” I blinked a few times before answering. “Huh? O-oh, I’m doing okay.” “Are you feeling alright? You seem kind of out of it.” “… Do you mind me asking you something personal Ozzy?” I asked. “What is it?” “… Are those nipples on your chest real?” He raised an eyebrow at that before he looked down, and gave one of them a test touch. “As far as I know. Why?” “Stallions don’t usually have those here,” I answered. “Huh. Actually now that I think about it, I did see a few without them in the locker room. That might explain why they kind of stared at me with my shirt off… Is it weird?” “No no! Not in a bad way!” I shook my hands out front. “It’s just something I haven’t seen from humans yet… Can you lactate with them?” “We can’t. Only girls do.” Ozzy shrugged. “So they’re there just because?” “I suppose.” “And you somehow don’t cover them up at certain times and places?” “Like at a beach and a pool?” He asked, which I nodded in response. “Pretty much. There are some who still wear tops over them just because, and there’s a couple times where I’ve seen guys just walk around in public without a shirt off, especially in the summer times.” “Well that’s kind of odd. So human girls have to keep their tops on in public, while guys can just stroll around without them, and display their nipples out in the open?” “Sounds about right, but I personally don’t like the sight of guys without a shirt on in public, especially when some are… Less fit than others. I mean I’m not shaming their bodies, I know it’s hot during those times, and they may want to get a tan, but for Pete’s sake, they need some sense of decency.” Somehow that kind of irks me, but I don’t know why though. “So are they sensitive too?” I asked as I pointed to the nipples on his chest. “I… Guess so.” The two of us sat there with only the bubbling waters filling the silence in the air. I had a strange urge to touch his nipples to see his sensitivity for myself, but that might lead to something more awkward than where we were currently in, and I’m not risking to ask his permission to do that… Not yet anyway. “So uh… I like your bikini,” Ozzy complimented to break the silence. “It looks great.” “Thanks. I got these during our last shopping spree,” I said with a smile, internally sighing as I was glad that things were starting to get comfortable again. “How’s being in Manehattan for you so far Ozzy?” “It’s interesting, I’ll say that much,” he answered. “I didn’t grow up in a very big city when I was younger, so this is certainly something new for me to experience. Call me crazy, but I’d actually rather live in a city perched on a mountain like Canterlot than a place like this.” I’m still questioning why Canterlot was put up there and hasn’t collapsed from the weight yet. It’d make sense if it was for defense purposes for the princesses, but doesn’t it put the citizens in danger as well? Either way, I’ve grown up in Canterlot my whole life, and there hasn’t been any news of the city ready to crumble yet, so I guess there’s no harm done for the moment. “Can I ask you something Fleur?” Ozzy asked. “What is it?” “Have you met the princesses in person before?” Huh, wonder what brought this up? “Well you’ve already known me meeting Princess Luna in my dreams,” I replied. “And I’ve met Princess Celestia on a few occasions after my brother introduced me to her.” “Does Fancy work close with them?” He asked. “Oh yes, he’s one of the few nobles that provides insight on some of Equestria’s problems, and suggests courses of action to help those ponies that he’d personally provide the money to support. Considering how Princess Celestia puts her subjects’ needs first, she would be happy to allow it, and Princess Luna can be pretty gentle when I talk to her in my dreams.” “Sounds like your brother’s quite the stallion,” Ozzy commented. “You must be very proud.” “Proud is only the tip of the iceberg for me,” I replied with a smile. “It’s because of his help that I got a good start in modeling, and use the money earned to help other ponies. I’m sure our parents would be very proud of him…” Ozzy changed his expression to concern and guilt when he caught how I worded it. “O-oh… Are they…” I nodded somberly in response. “Fleur, I am so sorry, I didn’t—“ “It’s okay Ozzy, you didn’t know,” I interrupted as I put a hand on his shoulder, trying to smile despite the slight pain inside. “Though they were strict sometimes, Mother and Father had raised us to become great, happy ponies like they wanted us to be. I’m sure they’re in a better place now.” “And I’m sure they’d be proud to see how you and Fancy are right now,” he pulled me close to where our sides touched, and I leaned my head against his shoulder. There it is again. That strange, yet comforting feeling inside me when we’re like this. I don’t know why, but when Ozzy’s like this, it’s like I wouldn’t have to worry about what’s around me for the time being. It’s just him and I, enjoying each other’s company, and I can relax. A part of me wished I could just live like this for the rest of my life without a care in the world. I may not know what exactly is making me feel this way, but I do know this: Whatever happens, I don’t ever want Ozzy to leave, especially in the way I envisioned in my recent nightmare. In that one, Solar would stab Ozzy first like he usually did with Shiny in previous times before he would get to me. I pray to Celestia that I don’t see him again, and that nightmare doesn’t come true. As if on instinct, I pulled Ozzy into a tight embrace, not wanting to let him go. He was surprised at first, but he returned the gesture while my tensions slowly loosened from the comfort. “Are you feeling okay Fleur?” He asked. “I am now,” I answered before I pulled us back with a smile. “Thank you Ozzy.” “No problem,” he replied with a smile of his own. “What do you say we find a movie or two to watch while we wait for Shiny to come back with the pizzas for tonight?” I asked. “Sounds good,” he said before he got up, grabbed his towel, and dried himself off before I followed suit. “Since Shiny and I got to see one of your human movies, I think it’s about time you watch a few pony ones of our own if that’s alright?” I asked. “I’d like that. I’m curious to see how different movies are here,” he said as he put his glasses back on. “Should we head to a store to rent one after we change?” “That’s what I’m planning,” I responded once we got to where the halls diverged to different locker rooms. “I’ll see you in a bit Ozzy.” “See ya,” he responded as we made our way to the locker rooms. After a quick shower to wash off the tub water’s chemicals, and dried myself off, I went to the locker where I stored my things in my nude form. As I got the stuff out, I recalled what Princess Luna was telling me during our recent talk in my nightmare. Your dear human friend is carrying something dreadful that’s locked within his heart my little pony. It has been troubling him in forms of nightmares over the past week that I haven’t been able to see into yet, which shows just how bad his circumstances are. It perhaps may be wise to keep a safe distance from him until I know for sure what’s going on. I don’t know why Ozzy hasn’t told Shiny or me about these nightmares yet. Probably because of how he doesn’t want us to worry about it when I have my interview with Vogue to focus on, and he’s one who’d rather take care of personal problems on his own; however, holding something like this from us isn’t healthy for him, and only leaves me more concerned for his safety. I won’t press him on it, considering how he values his privacy if our conversation yesterday morning was any indication, but I’ll step in if it somehow gets out of hand. I may not know what’s inside Ozzy’s heart, but for what he has done for me and Shiny, even if I might get into dangerous territory, I want to do everything I can to help him in return. I then cupped my bare breasts while recalling what Ozzy told me about his wake up that morning, making me heat up in the cheeks just imagining the thought. Perhaps I can understand why I’m feeling this way for him in the process, and see what I can do about it once I know for sure… Maybe experiment something further than this while the two of us are awake… I shook out these strange thoughts before I changed into my casual clothes, and met up with Ozzy out front. [Ozzy’s POV, 8:10 p.m.] After the two of us rented a few movies from the nearest store, Fleur and I cleaned up, and changed into our nightwear while we waited for Shining to return. Fleur had a violet camisole this time instead of her pink one, and I was in a different ensemble of nightwear myself. “What time did Shiny say she was coming back?” Fleur asked. “She said it was after 7:30,” I answered. “She must relishing Puff’s anguish longer than I expected.” Fleur giggled at that. “I wouldn’t be surprised. She has a punching bag back in her home with his face taped on it for ‘motivation.’ I’m sure she wants to savor every last moment of it. Plus it might take some time for the pizzas to get ready as well.” “True, true,” I agreed. Suddenly a few knocks were heard from the door. “Coming!” I exclaimed as I walked over, checked into the peephole, and saw that it was Shining with two pizza boxes of different sizes, and a paper bag. I opened the door for her, and she stepped inside. “Sorry for getting here so late everypony,” she apologized as she set the stuff down. “I had some trouble finding Puff’s place before I went to grab dinner.” “How did he take the news?” I asked with a smirk. “I could hear him crying like a foal after he slammed the door on me,” Shining chuckled. “The look on his face before that was just priceless. At last, my sweet revenge has finally been realized.” “I’m glad you’re happy then,” I commented. “Well what are we sitting around for? Let’s eat!” Fleur exclaimed. “Before we do that Fleur, I have a bit of a surprise for Oz here,” Shining said before she took the smaller pizza box from the top, and brought it over to me. “For me?” I asked as I took the box. “Go ahead and open it,” she said with a content smile. I opened the lid, and my eyes widened at the sight. I could have sworn this was some kind of dream, or a cruel joke, but that thought was overpowered by what may be pure happiness welling up inside my heart. I looked back up to Shining with disbelief. “I-is this… P-Pepperoni?” I asked with a shake in my voice. “I had some trouble finding a place that sold those,” she commented. “Luckily there was a place ran by a griffon that serves this kind of food in Manehattan. Since you’ve cooked a bunch of meals for us, and endured our diet, I thought this might be to your liking.” “Awww, Shiny, that’s so sweet,” Fleur cooed. “Well go on, give it a bite. I want to see the look on your face when you try this,” Shining urged. I looked back down to the hot, steamy goodness before me, and pulled a slice out of the box. The melted cheese was stringed to the rest of the pie, showing how much cheese they put on this, and how fresh out of the oven it was. Once I got the cheese cut and settled on top of my slice, I made my first bite on it, and my eyes widened. At that moment, I could have sworn angels were singing, celebrating the joy of all that is good and holy of pizza as I chewed. Tears were welling up as I tasted the beautiful, spicy taste of pepperoni, savoring every last bit of flavor until the angels in my head finished their chorus, and I swallowed my bite. “Shining, I think I’m falling in love with you,” I sniveled, and wiped my eyes from the tears. “Thank you so much for getting this, you have no idea how much I’ve missed this from my world. I’m forever in your debt.” Shining’s face flustered while her eyes widened before she glanced to the side, crossed her arms, and cleared her throat. “J-jeez Oz, no need to get that emotional over food ya big foal… But you’re quite welcome.” She then gave a small smile while her tail flicked a little. “Well I’m happy you were able to give Ozzy a taste of home Shiny.” Fleur smiled. “Now let’s get some slices ourselves, and watch some movies huh? I got our favorites~.” She levitated over the movies to show, which had Shining widening her eyes. “The Maretrix, and Pirates of the Mareibbean? Oh yeah, we’re going to have fun tonight,” Shining declared with a smirk. Shining and Fleur had their first few slices with garlic bread sticks, and soda before the former changed into something more comfortable in the bathroom. I was taking a long time finishing my pie as I was savoring every last bite, and I didn’t care how cold it was already getting. I was only about a third way through before Shining came back with a different tank top and night shorts, and we started the first movie of the night while we had our food. We sat on the same bed as we watched, with me sitting in between the girls. The three of us finished the boxes part of the way through, and I enjoyed the comfort of having both of my friends leaning against me. When we got partway through to the second movie though, I couldn’t remember when I had fallen asleep from the drowsiness as everything went black. > Chapter 18: "Just don't hurt my jewels... Please?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: “Just don’t hurt my jewels... Please?” [8:30 a.m.] … Okay, now this feeling’s a little strange compared to others before. It’s… Similar compared to a previous morning, but doubled? I’m basically feeling like a sandwich. I’m also holding something, which is slightly bigger compared to the last time while whatever’s behind me is trapping me as well. What’s strange though is that I feel like my face is pressed against something soft, squishy, but slightly firm, and was thumping at a beat. I groggily opened my eyes, and my vision was blocked by some kind of mass. Gaining some senses back, that pressing feeling I had clarified that my face was being surrounded by two large mounds covered by some kind of cloth. I looked up, and noticed a familiar mare, despite my lack vision without my glasses. It was hard to tell from little lighting, but I could make out the colors were purple and blue in a lighter, almost paler shade. Like déjà vu, my tiredness turned to horror, but in a higher degree as my senses are coming back to me. I noticed my hands were on something, and I gave a little test squeeze to see if I was awake. “Mm~, getting a little frisky now aren’t you?” Shining giggled before she pulled me in tighter, making my face press more against what I could conclude were her breasts before sounds of sleeping were heard once more. My heart raced when I realized that I had just groped Shining’s ass (which was quite firm I might add), and judging by the recognizable white arms wrapped around my waist, and a slightly smaller pair of soft mounds were pressed against my back, I could only conclude that Fleur was right behind me. … Okay Ozzy, if you thought what happened with Fleur before was bad, I think you’re about to get literally screwed once Shining sees the situation you’re in. Try to calm down now, remember your breathing techniques… Alright, try to recall what happened last night. Let’s see… I was watching a movie with the girls last night, I already had finished my pizza by the time we got to the second movie, and at some point, I think I might have fallen asleep… Sounds reasonable, but I had my glasses still on when I zoned out right? Where did they go? Well in any case, if I don’t find a way to slip myself out of this, I might get myself into something worse than I thought when I found Fleur in my arms. Now let’s see, what should I do first? Probably get one of Fleur’s arms off me first. I then did what I suggested as I moved my top arm from Shining’s to my own, where I carefully picked up one of Fleur’s to set it behind her. Alright, good, now to release Shining’s hold… God she’s got quite the grip on me, damn earth pony strength, and I can’t just slip out of it because my face is too deep in her rack. I got to find a way to loosen her grip on me. I tried to feel my way around to find some solution while trying to avoid touching Shining or Fleur. My hand stumbled onto one of the pillows where there was something poking out of the cloth. I tried pulling it out, and saw that it was a feather. Perfect! Just what I need! I then reached the feather over to Shining’s nose, and tickled it. Her muzzle scrunched from irritation (which was quite adorable I might add), and unconsciously moved one of her hands to get the itch. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I quickly, yet carefully sat up from the bed, and out of the mare sandwich. I stepped out of the bed, and fist pumped in the air in victory of escaping another meeting with death. Yes! Another close call! Now to get my glasses and… Then what? Should probably see what time it is. Now where are my… Oh there they are. I picked up my glasses on the night stand that were next to Shining’s. I gave my lenses a quick clean with my shirt before putting them on. Funny, I don’t remember taking them off last night. Did Shining or Fleur somehow took them off for me while I was out? I’ll have to ask once I know the time. I picked up my phone that was plugged into my charger, and found that it was 8:45 a.m. Looks like it’s about breakfast time. I’ll just change into some clothes for the day, and wake up the girls… Should I tell them how I woke up this morning? Despite the awkwardness with Fleur on my bed last time, things went somewhat okay… Besides Shining looking like she wanted to beat me to a pulp for groping Fleur’s breasts. I sighed silently while rubbing my eyes. Why do I keep thinking like she’s going to hurt me at some point? I know she’s working hard to get along with other guys, despite how brash she would get towards some, but at the end of the day, she’s a pretty okay mare. I mean despite her diet and possible discomfort, she went out of the way to get me a freakin’ pepperoni pizza last night (and sweet Celestia was that the best pizza I ever had). Not to mention she’s kind of cute too once you look past her business-like, tough girl mask. We even promised to be more honest with each other, and though I’m not sure if I’m ready to tell her and Fleur about my nightmares yet, I need to trust them more. I better change, and wake up Shining first so I can break things off with her as soon as I can. Better to rip the bandage off quickly than pulling it slowly. I picked up my change of clothes, went to the bathroom, and came back out with a purple t-shirt and blue jeans a few minutes later. I walked over to Shining’s side of the bed, and shook her shoulder a little. “Psst! Shining, can you wake up?” I whispered. “Mmmgh… Oz? What time is it?” Shining grumbled. “It’s ten ‘til nine. Can I talk to you something in private?” “… Hand me my glasses, and meet me out in the hallway please. I’ll be out there in a few.” I picked up Shining’s glasses, and handed it to her. I then grabbed the hotel room key before I grabbed my jacket and glasses case, and walked out of the room. I leaned against the wall next to the door while I waited, coming up with a way to explain myself to her. What should I say? ‘Hey Shining, I woke up being sandwiched between you and Fleur, and I had to squeeze your butt to make sure I wasn’t dreaming?’ That’s pathetic, and a one way ticket to the moon by a buck on the ass. ‘So I woke up in your chest puppies, and I wanted to get out before you killed me?’ That’s kind of hurtful, and would still get me sent to the moon. *sigh* I’ll just have to try and put it straight to her, no questions asked. Heck, from how I did with her this morning, I wouldn’t be surprised if she did want to bruise me up a little. I’d have to give her that much. A moment later, Shining walked out of the hotel room with a yellow, slim-fitted top, black jeans, and her mane and tail brushed. She closed the door quietly, probably to try and not wake up Fleur who was still sleeping, before she turned to me. She cleared her throat, and fixed her glasses before speaking. “So you have something important to talk to me about Oz?” “Yes, and I’ll admit, you may not like hearing it,” I replied, making Shining raise an eyebrow. “Whatever happens after that is up to you, and I won’t hold anything against whatever you decide to do.” “… Alright,” Shining said with a patient expression. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down, coming up with the right words to say first before looking into her eyes, and speaking to her. “So… I wasn’t sure how it turned out the way it did, but when I woke up this morning… I was sleeping between you and Fleur in bed.” Dead silence filled the hallway a little before Shining spoke, keeping her patient expression mask on. “And?” “To be more specific, I wasn’t sure where I was at first, as it was too dark to see,” I explained. “I just noticed I was being pressed on both sides, with my face pressed against something soft, and my hands were holding something I was wrapping around.” “… Okay.” “When my eyes adjusted enough, I could have sworn I was in some kind of dream with the… Awkward position I was in, so I gave whatever I was holding a little squeeze to see if it was real, and I got embraced tighter in reaction… Long story short… I realized my face was pressed against your chest, and I just kind of… Squeezed your butt.” Silence dawned on us once more as Shining drank in the information she just heard. She looked like she tried not to overreact, but her irises shrank while her cheeks blushed a little as she looked to the side. “Well… That explains the dried up drool on me when I woke up.” I drooled on her?! Oh god, that just makes things so much worse! “So what happened after that?” She asked as she tried to retain herself while looking back to me. “I didn’t want to wake you up in shock,” I continued. “So I carefully, and successfully got myself out of Fleur’s and your hold on me, put on my glasses, changed, and woke you up so I could come clean. I wanted to do this in private because I know Fleur would try to barge in to reason, and I can understand how you can be pissed about stallions in your personal space like that. So, I decided to just get on with it, and brace for anything that comes instead of waiting for it to blow up on me.” I took off my glasses, folded them up, and put them in my case before stuffing it in my jacket pocket. I then took a deep breath to calm myself, closed my eyes, and waited for my fate… Which was getting awkward as it seemed to take longer than what I had imagined. “… What are you doing?” Shining finally spoke. “Waiting for a beat down,” I replied. “Why would you think I wanted to hit you?” She asked. “I pretty much just did the same thing with Fleur the other morning onto you, even though it was by accident,” I explained with my eyes still closed. “You looked ready to beat me to a pulp after I came out, and I just thought—“ My explanation came to a halt as my whole body shivered from the sudden touch on my face, making me tense up all the more to take on Shining’s attack. “… Oz… Open your eyes… Please?” Shining asked. I squinted one of my eyes to peek before I opened both, revealing a guilty Shining with ears folded. One of her hands were still on my face, which felt more comforting than threatening once I calmed down. “Oz… Remember what I promised when I wanted us to be more honest with each other?” She asked. I looked up in thought, trying to recall the conversation I had with her that included the promise made about a week ago, but was drawing blanks on what it was. “… I’m sorry, I only remember about the being honest part,” I apologized. “While we try to be honest with each other, I promised that I would try not to lash out, whether that be with harsh language or violence, against you,” Shining explained before she pulled her hand back, hugged her arms, and looked to the side with guilt. “I’m sorry that I looked like I was going to hurt you that morning. Looking back on it now, I guess it would be concerning to go from angry to happy that quickly before you knew about my mood swings. I didn’t realize how scared you were of me before then, and I…” Tears then started to well up in her eyes before she sniffled, and hugged herself tighter. Aw man… I didn’t think she’d get like this. I didn’t even want her to get like this. Tentative I first, I walked up, and wrapped my arms around her in comfort. She returned the gesture while gripping my jacket tight, as she sobbed into my shoulder. “I’m s-so sorry Oz… I d-didn’t—“ “Shhh… It’s okay Shining,” I whispered as I rubbed her back. “Just let it out, and breathe. Just relax a little before speaking, alright?” I stood and waited for Shining to calm down as she sobbed against my shoulder while holding the embrace. It took her a few minutes before she pulled back, and rubbed her eyes under her glasses. I took an initiative to slip them off her muzzle, used a cloth I kept in my case to wipe off any grime on the lenses clean, and put it back on her face. “Th-thank you,” she sniveled, and I nodded in response. She took a breath to calm herself down, and fixed her glasses in place before continuing. “I just want you to know Oz that I’d never try to hurt my friends in any way. I wouldn’t even be here with Fleur right now if I did. I know I look scary when I’m pissed, but I would never intentionally harm you like you were afraid of.” She placed a hand on my chest while looking into my eyes with a sad smile. “You’re a good stallion Oz, and you don’t deserve such treatment from somepony like me. I appreciate you came up front with me about this, and while there may be times I’ll be a little strict depending on what you confess, you can be sure that I’m not trying to be too harsh on you, physically and emotionally.” She then pulled my case out of my pocket, took off my glasses, and gave them a quick clean before putting them back on my face. “Is that reasonable?” “That sounds good,” I replied with a small smile before I opened my arms for one more hug, and she happily accepted. What made this cute was that Shining wagged her tail happily like a dog while we were in the embrace. “So you aren’t mad about what happened?” “… Nah, not really.” Shining then pulled back, and fixed her glasses once more before smiling contently. “Like you said, it was a weird accident that happened, and I won’t hold it against you like what happened with Fleur.” “That’s a relief,” I sighed. “Anything else I should know about?” Shining asked. I looked up in thought, and there were a few things that came to mind. “Just a few things. First, did you take off my glasses last night after I was out?” “Actually… No,” she answered. “I think I’m on the same boat as you. I dozed off after a while, and I don’t remember taking off my glasses before I fell asleep.” Well that narrows one suspect down, which leaves only one culprit that I’ll have to confront later. “Second thing, has Fleur ever told you that you talk in your sleep?” I asked. “… Not that I recall. Why?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well after I… Squeezed your butt,” I explained with a slight blush while looking to the side, and scratching the back of my head. “You mentioned how I, or whoever you were talking to in your dream, was ‘getting a little frisky’ before you pulled me in tighter, and went back to sleep.” It was Shining’s turn to blush then before looking to the side. “D-did something like that happen before?” “Well as I walked out of the room during Fleur’s situation, I thought I woke you up after I stubbed my toe on the wall corner,” I continued, cringing a little recalling the pain that followed. “You mentioned something about me grabbing some strawberries from some cake, and you were getting chocolate syrup from some river so we would do something… I figured that was some sort of weird dream you were having. Do you know if we were making some kind of sundae or something in there?” Somehow that got Shining to flush even harder before stuttering her answer. “Y-yes! We were making sundaes… Sweet… Delicious looking sundaes with whipped cream on top.” “That does sound delicious,” I agreed. “Think we could make some ourselves some time?” Shining paused with her irises shrinking, her blush not even close to fading before answering. “S-sure… We can do that… Yeah,” she giggled nervously after that. What’s up with Shining here? It’s just sundaes. What’s so awkward about them? Shining then cleared her throat, and fixed her glasses before calming down. “Well, if that’s all, then I have something I’d like to ask myself if that’s alright?” “Sure, fire away,” I accepted. “I need you to be absolutely honest with me, and I won’t judge you for your opinion on what I’m about to ask you. Am I clear?” “Uh, sure.” Shining then took a breath to relax herself, blushing a little before gazing to the side, too embarrassed to look at me. “Was I… Big?” I tilted my head to the side in confusion from how vague the question was. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I follow.” “When you grabbed my… Rear… Was it big? Fat? I-I need to be sure I’m not packing too much back there you know? From what I’ve eaten so far since we got here, I’m… Just worried that—“ “O-oh oh!” I interrupted, with a blush forming on my own cheeks. “N-no no! You’re totally fine Shining!” I shook my hands out front. “Your… Rear’s totally fit, round, firm enough to bounce a bit off of, yet just enough jiggle in there to make it alluring, especially when you walk. Perfect for modelling like you used to do.” I mentally face palmed myself with infinite force after I went overboard with my creepy, pervert-like praise, especially the model part as I realized then that might still be a touchy subject for her. Silence filled the hallway before a fit of giggles were heard from Shining, which quickly turned to chuckles as she held her gut, and tears were leaking from her eyes as well. She then calmed down a few moments later as she wiped her eyes. “So my butt’s that great huh? Have you been undressing your own manager with your eyes Oz?” Shining asked with a devious smirk. “N-no! I haven’t done anything like that!” I defended, my straight face poorly being downplayed by my blush. “I mean you’re attractive, but I wouldn’t—wait, I didn’t mean like it in a way you were ugly I was just—“ Shining just chuckled some more at my poor attempt in trying to explain myself before I went silent. “Oh relax Oz, I’m just giving ya a hard time, but I do appreciate the praise,” Shining said before she walked past me… And did something unexpected. SMACK! “YIPE!” … I just got spanked by my own manager. “That was for getting a feel from me, and now we’re even.” Shining smirked before looking at the hand she spanked me with, and gave a few squeezes. “Huh, your butt’s not too bad yourself.” “I feel so violated,” I said while rubbing the cheek I was smacked as I blushed. “Now buck up and let’s wake Fleur for breakfast,” Shining said. “I got some things I want to look into before Vogue calls us for an answer.” She then gave me one last hug that was more comforting than the last. "And thank you for this Oz.” “S-sure… No problem,” I responded as I returned the gesture. [9:45 a.m.] “Wait… So that was you?” I asked. “Guilty~,” Fleur sang with a sheepish smile. After we woke up Fleur and talked, it turned out that not only was she the one who took off Shining’s and my own glasses off, but she used her magic to get the two of us in that… Awkward position I woke up in. “And you did that because…” Shining trailed off. “You two looked so cute the way you were last night! How could I not make the scene any better?” Fleur asked. “And with you behind me the way you were?” I asked. “Can’t a mare get some nice cuddles from a good friend every now and then? Besides, I wasn’t going to sleep by myself and leave you two like that. I wanted in on the action at least a little.” Fleur sighed while folding her ears back. “I’m sorry I made things awkward between you two. I thought I would end the night on a good note for the three of us.” “Well… Though it kind of sort of did, that doesn’t excuse how things turned out this morning,” I argued. “If we agreed to sleep the way we did last night, then maybe it wouldn’t get so awkward,” Shining pointed out. “I think it’s best for future reference that we plan these kinds of things ahead so none of us would freak out the next morning.” “I guess that’s fair,” Fleur sighed. “So if something like this were to happen again later, without me interfering besides taking off the glasses, would you two be alright with it?” Shining and I looked at each other, and she raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged in response, and she returned the gesture before I turned back to Fleur. “I guess so. It would certainly be better for me to just sleep some more instead of getting out of bed almost immediately,” I said. “Eh, why not?” Shining added in, which made Fleur smile. “Now why don’t you go change into something comfortable, and we’ll go out to grab breakfast?” I asked. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll be right back dearies!” Fleur exclaimed before she grabbed her change of clothes, and went to the bathroom. I then cleaned up the mess of pizza boxes and soda from the table last night as Shining took out what looked like the folder Ms. Winds gave her yesterday, along with a felt tip marker. “You’re bringing that to breakfast?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I probably won’t look into it until after breakfast Oz,” Shining said. “There’s something about this whole interview entirely that has got me thinking, and depending on what I see in these photos, I’ll have to plan my next move accordingly.” “Well try not to work yourself too hard alright?” I asked while I put my hand on her shoulder. “Though we may be here for Fleur’s gig with Vogue, this is kind of a vacation for all of us as well. We might as well take advantage of our time here while we can right?” Shining smiled at that while fixing her glasses. “I guess that is true isn’t it? We’ll have to do something special before we head back home then.” “Definitely,” I agreed with a smile. [11:50 a.m.] Fleur came back out with a light purple sundress before the three of us went to a different restaurant for brunch compared to the day before. Since we were all in a better mood than last time, we were able to eat reasonable portions, and enjoyed ourselves. After we were done, Shining decided to go off on her own to look into those pictures Ms. Winds gave her, and suggested I watch over Fleur while she did so. Fleur and I just went about strolling around the city, thinking about what we could do while we waited for Vogue’s call. Fleur looked like she came up with an idea though as she turned to me. “Hey Ozzy, have you ever been to a spa before?” She asked. “Uh… No, I haven’t,” I replied. “Someplace to get a massage?” “Nope.” Fleur looked up in thought to think of something else that may be smaller. “Any kind of service to loosen you up at least a little?” “Can’t say I remember anything like that,” I admitted. Fleur then went behind me, and felt up my shoulders. “Sweet Celestia Ozzy! How can you even walk with this much tension?!” “I kind of pop myself loose sometimes when I find myself stiff.” I demonstrated by popping kinks out of my neck, and twist my torso to loosen up my back. “… That does it, I’m giving you a full spa treatment stat,” Fleur proclaimed. “Fleur, you don’t have to do that, I feel—“ “Ah bup bup! I’m not taking no for an answer in this case Ozzy. Your body’s practically begging for proper treatment. TAXI!” Fleur yelled before a taxi carriage quickly pulled up front of us. She then pulled me inside with the help of her magic. “Where to Miss?” The driver asked. “Take us to Veiller du Magnifique sir, pronto!” Fleur demanded. “You got it!” He replied before he quickly shift into full gear, zoomed onto the street, and we were on our way to my first spa trip in my lifetime. > Chapter 19: "I thought spas were supposed to be relaxing?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: “I thought spas were supposed to be relaxing?” [12:20 p.m.] After Fleur paid the driver for the ride, we stepped out in front an exquisite building with a sign that said Veiller du Magnifique in fancy letters. “Ah yes, I recall Fancy telling me his experience in this establishment one time, and urged me to come here the next time I’m in town. This will be just perfect for you Ozzy,” Fleur claimed. “I still feel like I’m fine, but if you say so Fleur,” I said before we walked inside, and up to the front desk. “Ahh! Welcome new customers!” The pegasus mare at the desk greeted. “What may we do for you today?” “A full service treatment for me, and my friend here please,” Fleur requested while taking out her card to pay for it. The mare looked over to me, and her eyes widened. “Aren’t you one of those humans from Earth?” “Uh… Yes?” I asked with a sheepish grin. “… Would you two excuse me for a moment please?” She asked before dashing out the front desk, and into the back. “… Uh… What just happened?” I asked. “I don’t know, but she seemed rather rude just leaving us like this,” Fleur harrumphed. Not too long later, the mare came back with a unicorn mare with a light pink coat, and a hot pink mane and tail that blended to white at the tip. Her figure was more voluptuous compared to Fleur’s, but not as much muscle and fat as Shining’s, giving her curves that accentuated the right places. She had a white uniform that fitted her body nicely, with her collar unbuttoned enough to show her small, but perky looking cleavage. “Good afternoon, my name is Pink Lily,” she introduced in a subtle French accent. “I’m the manager and head masseuse to Veiller du Magnifique, and Sparkling Waters was telling me we had a human in our vicinity. I’m assuming that would be you?” She asked with her gaze on me. “Uh, yes,” I said as I shook her hand. “Ozzy Shore, but you can call me Oz. This is my friend Fleur de Lis.” I gestured to her as she came up, and shook Pink’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you,” she greeted with a smile. “Ah, you must be Fancy Pants’ sister he told me about,” Pink commented. “He left a special tab, saying to give you our finest treatment once you stop by.” Well that was certainly nice of him. “That sounds like Fancy alright, always looking out for me,” Fleur commented. “But you came here because of Ozzy correct?” “Indeed,” Pink answered. “You see, with humans moving into Equestria, that means more potential customers. So our business has a secret, special offer for the first five humans who come here in order to spread the word of our services to more of their kind, and Oz here happens to be the very first.” “Huh, that’s kind of cool,” I commented. “So what’s the special offer?” “Any special treatment of your choosing for 50 percent off, handled by the very best in our staff, which would be moi,” Pink answered with a smile. “Dang, that is a good deal,” I admitted. “Indeed, a very good business tactic for bringing new human customers, and possibly more pony ones as well,” Fleur added in. “Exactly!” Pink exclaimed cheerfully. “Now if I recall, Sparkling mentioned two full service treatments correct?” “That’s correct. Will this do?” Fleur asked while holding up the card she had before. “That will do nicely,” Pink answered before borrowing the card, and calculating the final price of our treatments on the register, which was really good considering my deal, and Fancy already paying for Fleur’s. Once she was done, she gave Fleur back her card with a receipt. “We’re all set! Sparkling, would you be a dear and lead these two to the changing rooms, and show them where they’ll be taken for their first phase of the treatment please?” “Right away Ms. Lily! If you two may follow me please?” Sparkling said before Fleur and I followed her to the back where two hallways diverged. “If you two would please change into our robes provided inside, and leave all your clothes and belongings in a locker, I’ll direct you to the massage rooms for our first phase of the full treatment.” “Will do,” Fleur said she and I went to our designated locker rooms. After a few minutes to change, Fleur and I walked back out with nothing but a white robe with straps tied around our waists. When we got out, Sparkling had an earth pony mare at her side wearing the same uniform as Pink Lily’s, but hugging a slimmer figure compared to Shining’s while it covered her light green coat with purple mane and tail. “Hello Fleur, I’m Lavender, and I’ll be guiding you through your treatment for the day,” she introduced. “A pleasure to meet you Lavender.” Fleur smiled. “If you may follow me to our massage room first, we’ll get started from there,” Lavender directed. “Alright then. I’ll see you later Ozzy,” Fleur bid before she followed Lavender into one of the massage rooms. “And I’ll be directing you to Pink’s personal massage room for your treatment Ozzy,” Sparkling said. “Lead the way,” I replied before I followed her in the opposite direction. We ended up going to the last room in the hallway where the inside was different compared to the other ones I passed. When the door opened, a very relaxing, soothing scent strolled into my nose, as there was a faint, wispy steam coming out of a heated pot from a corner, while the dimly lit room itself was beautifully designed with mixtures of soft pink and white blending together. There was also a small table to the side with a few tools, and different bottles of what I assumed to be lotions and oils to be used for the massage. Next to that was a stool with a few folded towels stacked on top. Finally in the center of the room was the massage table itself like the ones I’ve seen on T.V. a few times, only the head rest was slightly different compared to what I remembered. I concluded that it was probably for pony muzzles to fit through instead of human faces, which makes sense. There was even a dent on top of the rest to fit a unicorn’s horn in as well. “If you would please disrobe and get comfortable on the massage table, Ms. Lily will be with you shortly. Enjoy your treatment!” Sparkling exclaimed before closing the door, leaving me alone in the room. Huh, I didn’t think I’d be that bare in something like this. Maybe I just need to cover my private areas is all, it explains why the towels are there. With the thought in mind, I slipped off the robe, and hung it on one of the hangers that were attached to the wall. I grabbed the towels, set my glasses on the counter, and situated myself on the table to where I had one below, and one on top of me that were covering my privates. I then set my face on the rest, and my arms to the ones below it. Suddenly a few knocks came from the door before it opened just a crack. “All set Oz?” Pink’s voice asked. “Ready,” I replied before I heard the door open fully. It then clicked closed before the sound of hoofsteps echoed in the room. “I must apologize that we don’t have the headrest needed for humans yet,” Pink said. “We already ordered a couple attachments before you got here, and I guess they haven’t arrived yet.” “It’s okay, I feel fine,” I replied. “Everything else comfortable for you then?” “Yep.” “Alright, let’s get things started then,” Pink said as she walked to the direction of the lotions, and sounds of squirting and rubbing were heard. I then felt a tingly, cold touch to my shoulders before it became a soothing, loosening feeling as the muscles were pressed, and stretched to loosen knots I didn’t know were there before. Oh wow… If this is what massages are like back on Earth, what the heck have I missed out on? “So how long have you been living in Equestria so far Oz?” Pink asked as she worked into my shoulders, and slowly made her way down. “At least a week now,” I answered. “Does Earth have spa centers like this one?” “It does, but this is the first I’ve ever been inside one in general.” “From how much knots you have here, it certainly shows, but it looks like you have a nice posture as it looks well sculpted. So what made you come here today?” “Fleur pretty much dragged me in here when she saw how tense I was. I told her that I felt fine, but I don’t think I could have been more happily wrong.” “I see, it sounds like your marefriend cares deeply for you.” I was glad my head was facing down, as my face heated up greatly. “Sh-she’s not my marefriend,” I defended. “She’s just a good friend of mine, and I’m just her secretary for her modelling career.” “Really now? Have you thought about asking her out?” She asked as she made some twisting motions on my back that loosened some knots. … Have I thought about it? I mean Fleur’s quite beautiful, kind, generous, playful, and though I’m ashamed of thinking this, but her breasts felt pretty good as well. Asking her out on a date though? I did tell her about how I wouldn’t even have a chance with her when I compared ourselves, but is that some kind of excuse for me to not move forward with it? How do I feel about her anyway? “… I can’t say that I have,” I admitted. “It hasn’t crossed my mind very much.” “Do you have your eyes set on somepony else then?” She asked before she got to working on my legs next. The only other pony I could think of would be Shining. I may be crazy for even considering her, but she does have her good quirks. She’s loyal, honest, full of surprises, pretty cute, and her butt’s quite a treat to grab. God, why do I feel like such a perv today? “Not really, no,” I answered. “To be quite frank, I’m still a little uncertain about going out with someone, somepony, that’s very different than what I’m used to back on Earth, especially since I haven’t had much dating experience to begin with.” “I suppose that’s understandable for someone from a completely different culture,” Pink said. “But you are planning to be staying with us for a while yes? If there aren’t many human females coming here, then who can you seek and share your love with?” … Haven’t thought of anything like that before. “I think if there’s one thing both of our worlds, in fact, any of the worlds with possible life can agree on, it’s that love can do strange things with us,” Pink continued. “After a while, you may not even think about them being a different species, and just relish what’s already in front of you. Speaking of which, I need you to lie on your back now so I can work on your front.” “Alright,” I said before I turned my body to where I was lying on my back, with the towel still covering my privates. What I wasn’t prepared for, was not only how close Pink was, but how much I could see her cleavage. Her eyes widened once I flipped over, gazing at my chest in particular. “Um… Are those?” Pink asked as she pointed to the pink dots on my pectorals. “*sigh* Yes, those are actually nipples, no, I can’t lactate with them, they’re there just because,” I answered. “I don’t know why they’re there, as biology isn’t exactly my best subject, but guys back on Earth are allowed to go topless at the beach and pool, sometimes in public on a hot summer day.” “I see,” Pink responded. Sheesh, first Fleur, and now Pink? Something tells me I should wear a tank top the next time I go to a beach unless I want to get stared at. Wonder how Shining would react if she saw these? “I may have to touch them to work on your pectorals if that’s alright?” Pink asked before I nodded. She then lathered some more oil in her hands before she started to work on my chest. Speaking of chests, I was getting a good view of her cleavage that was hanging down as she rubbed into my front. “Um… What was I saying before?” “Something about me being in a relationship with ponies?” I asked. “Ah yes, that’s right,” Pink said. “Sometimes you may not want to sweat the smaller details, and just think about what really matters to you. Once you know that, you’ll see how beautiful somepony can truly be, and your arousals like your little friend is showing won’t be a strange occurrence to you.” My eyes widened some while my face heated up greatly before I covered the tent that was pitching on top of me. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Pink just giggled at my expense. “It’s quite alright. You aren’t the first stallion to get something like this under my magic fingers, as do other mares here.” She then eyed the tent I was pitching with a bit of curiosity. “In fact, if this is anything like other stallions I’ve come across, yours is at a considerably welcoming length if I do say so myself.” “Y-you really think so?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I mean if the ponies here are anything like the horses back on Earth, they can get pretty…” “Ah yes, when the internet came around, I was quite curious to look into it myself,” Pink added in. “The anatomy’s similar, but the stallions here aren’t even close to,” she trailed off before gesturing her whole arm to demonstrate the length, and getting back to massaging my torso. “Compared to the ones from Earth. Looking at yours, it may be just over the average length of a stallion’s here.” As awkward as where this conversation’s going, I’m sort of relieved to hear that. “And we’re done, how do you feel Oz?” Pink asked before I sat up, and tested the movements of some parts of my body. “… Fantastic actually,” I admitted. “I feel much freer now quite frankly. You weren’t kidding when you said you were the best here.” “Thank you for your praise.” Pink smiled. “Now, if you can wrap the towel around you, and slip your robe back on, we’ll get to our special bath next.” If my eyes were anything like a ponies then, my irises would be shrinking to pinpricks at the mentioning of baths. “Th-there are separate baths for the stallions, right?” I asked with a shaking voice. “Though we do have the occasional stallion customers, we don’t get as many as the mares,” Pink explained, my tensions beginning to come back up to me again as I feared where this was going. “So we made the spa pool available here a mixed bath, with rules of no sexual advances, and not coming in when mares are going into heat so things don’t get too out of hand.” Okay, good to know there are rules, but that still doesn’t lessen the fact that I’m going to be in the same bath with Fleur naked, along with a bunch of other mares walking around. Could I skip this phase to the next one? It would definitely be less awkward for me, that’s for sure… Then again, even though the price was cheap, Fleur still ended up paying a full treatment for me, and I’d rather not let that money go to waste if I can’t get a refund… Gah! Why does she have to be so freakin’ generous?! “Alright, well lead the way then,” I said as I tried to cover myself as much as possible, and put my glasses on before following Pink Lily out of the room, to the further back. Okay, I should try and calm down. Now that I think about it, mixed baths are found in different cultures like Rome and Japan, so it’s not like this is something that’s unheard of back on Earth. It’s probably the same for Equius as well. What I’m worried about though is if she gets in my personal space. I mean I’ve seen her naked a couple times already, but that was just part of a job. That’s different compared to being naked in a public facility, AND things somehow get more personal between us to the point of physical contact. Not to mention she has only seen me in just my swim trunks so far. Maybe if I told her about it, she’d understand and give me the space I need. Plus, there’s a chance that one or two more guys are in the spa as well, so at least that thought alone could leave me at ease. I just got to cross my fingers and hope for the best. Once we got inside, there was a large pool with a different colored water than what I’ve usually seen that gently bubbled. I could only guess it was because of the special herbs or something added in to freshen the body a little. Around the poolside, there were a bunch of mares walking around either in robes, their birthday suits, or just dripping wet as they chat with each other. Some were even just stepping out of the pool for some air, and just the sight alone is plain intoxicating, while others were giving me glances before they looked away, giggled, and probably talked about something I shouldn’t listen to. In the pool however, while I did see Fleur inside, the only stallion in the room she was talking to made me shit bricks as I recognized the burly, brown figure with the shaved manecut, sitting with his arm around another mare. “Ozzy!” Fleur exclaimed cheerfully while waving. “I’m over here, and look who I’m with! It’s Bubbles and his wife!” … Somehow the nightmare I was having over the past week seems like a sweet dream compared to where I am now. God, if you exist, I swear I’m going to kick you in the balls for setting me up in this after I pass on. “What do you know? It is the secretary,” Bubbles said in that same gruff tone, not sure if he was pleased, or annoyed to see me. “Yep… That’s me,” I said with a shake in my voice. “Well don’t just stand there dearie, come and have a seat!” Fleur exclaimed as she gestured to the open space beside her. “… S-sure,” I replied before I tentatively walked over to the pool edge next to Fleur, having no idea how I was going to get in without drawing too much attention. After a quick moment to think, I just quickly stripped out of the towel with one arm covering my nipples, and stepped in with my towel still around my waist. I situated myself on the seat that was in the water while I had enough space between me and Fleur. The three stared at me while I exchanged glances between them, feeling slightly tenser as I felt more eyes from the other mares on me before Bubbles spoke. “… Oz, was it?” “Y-yes?” I asked. “… You got in with the towel on.” “O-oh yes!” I exclaimed before clearing my throat. “I just thought that even though this is a mixed bath, some of the mares here wouldn’t want to see our… Package, so that’s why I stepped in with the towel on.” “… You don’t put out much do you?” Bubbles asked. “Bubbles!” The earth pony mare with a lighter shade of brown than Bubbles exclaimed to him with a stern expression. She also had a white mane that stretched just to the top of her shoulders. “Don’t you give him a hard time young stallion, you promised you would ease up while we’re on our vacation! I apologize for my husband’s comment Oz, he has a hard time cutting back when he’s not on duty.” “I-it’s no problem Missus…” “Call me Toffee,” she replied with a warm smile. “She and Bubbles here are celebrating their seventh anniversary by spending a week here in Manehattan,” Fleur explained. “They just arrived yesterday.” “Seven years huh? Congratulations,” I commented. “Thank you kindly. It’s been one heck of a ride so far,” Toffee replied while Bubbles sat there with a stoic gaze at me. Well on the bright side of things, my fear of getting beaten to a pulp is winning over my arousal from getting surrounded by naked mares. Looks like they’re getting back to their mingling too. Good, less attention means less anxiety. “So what brings you two here then?” Toffee asked. “Shiny, Ozzy and I are here seeing if I could model for Vogue for their upcoming fall line-up in their commercial,” Fleur replied. “We just had our interview yesterday, and I’m currently waiting for the final decision. “Ooo~ I heard Vogue’s pretty high up in the fashion industry,” Toffee commented. “I hope you’ll make it inside then.” “I’m confident that she will,” I said with a small smile. “For somepony like Fleur, she earns it for how hard she works. It makes working as her secretary worthwhile.” While I glanced to the corner of my eye, I could see a hint of red in Fleur’s cheeks. “How did you become her secretary?” Bubbles asked. “Funny story actually,” I said. “So I came to Equestria with a job I thought I was already given in an office space, had enough money to last me a few weeks before I moved into an apartment to settle, when I found out the same day that somepony made some mix up of adding me in their accepted applicants when they were already booked with employees.” “That’s got to be unfortunate,” Toffee commented. “It was, and I only had so much on me before I started living on the streets,” I continued. “So I went ahead and went through a third of a town, finding job openings, and leaving my resume for them to contact me. I was about to call it a day when there was a stallion screaming at the top of his lungs, ‘everypony out of the way! I can’t stop this thing!’ Ponies quickly made a clear path for the runaway carriage to pass except for one who was a little out of it to respond quickly. Guess who that pony was?” Toffee, and even Bubbles looked over to Fleur with widened eyes. Fleur just giggled embarrassingly with a slight blush. “I was a little tipsy during that time, so I didn’t really know what was going on until then,” she admitted. “Now I had no idea who Fleur was back then, all that zipped through my head was that there was a pony that’s about to get hit,” I continued. “So I dropped everything I had, and practically tackled her out of the way before the carriage zoomed us by. The driver jumped out, and the carriage exploded in splinters and broken wooden parts while I had Fleur on top of me.” “That must have been scary,” Toffee commented. “It certainly sobered me up, I’ll admit,” Fleur said. “So after we brushed ourselves off, we introduced ourselves, Ozzy had no idea I was a model, and I offered him dinner as a way of saying thanks. He tried to brush it off, but I wasn’t going to let him off that easily. Isn’t that right Ozzy?” She asked with half-lidded eyes. “Yeah, you actually pulled me by the tie to the Golden Crown for dinner,” I answered. “So we talked a little, including my job situation, and after giving her a copy of my resume she requested, Fleur introduced herself then as a supermodel who was looking for a new secretary, and well, here I am.” “What a nice story that was. Isn’t that right Bubbles?” Toffee asked him, who only hummed in response. “So how did you two meet?” I asked. “Bubbles here was a bouncer for this club I used to go with some friends,” Toffee explained. “He was pretty much as tough as you see him now, but back then, you should see the look on his face when I flirted with him. With a body like mine, he couldn’t take his eyes off of me.” I would pay 200 bits to see that for myself. That sounds like something that happens once in a life time… Scratch my previous offer, make that 300 bits. “After about two weeks, he had finally got some balls to take me clubbing while another bouncer took his place for the evening,” Toffee continued. “Let me tell ya this, though this guy has a hard exterior, he’s quite a mess on the dance floor.” “Toffee,” Bubbles said. “Oh hush, you gave this nice young stallion a hard time, so I might as well help him return the favor,” his wife argued with a devious smirk while Fleur giggled. Toffee, I would kiss you right now if I wasn’t in hot water… Well, technically I am, but you know what I mean. “So anyway, the poor guy looked like he was about to die in there, so I used my charms and moves to help him ease up a little, or should I say rise up, ‘cause I definitely felt my sweet beans getting grinded while we danced,” Toffee chuckled. “So while the two of us were in the mood, Bubbles practically lifted me up, and carried me to the nearest hotel to end the night there. We’ve been together ever since.” “I always loved hearing that story,” Fleur said with a smile. “And you two look great together,” I added in. “Definitely worth seven years, and more to come.” “Aww, why thank you Oz.” Toffee smiled. “Well, I think we should be moving on now. We’ll have to get together again sometime soon.” “Of course! I’ll have to let Shiny in on this as well,” Fleur commented. “You and her still got my number right?” Bubbles asked. “If you need anything while I'm here, give me a call.” “I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” Fleur replied with a smile. “Oz.” “Y-yes?” I asked with Bubbles attention turned to me. “… Do your job right with Fleur and Shining, and we won’t have any problems. Understand?” “S-sure, crystal.” The couple then stood up from the bath, and I tried to look away from them, accidentally glancing Toffee’s curvy figure as they stepped out, wrapped their towels around themselves before putting on their robes, and walked out of the room. I sighed an exasperating breath of relief as I lowered myself in the water after I moved my arm away from my chest. “I haven’t been this mentally exhausted since I first met Shining.” “I think Bubbles is starting to warm up to you,” Fleur commented. “Once again, your perception on other ponies exceeds mine Fleur, as I haven’t seen anything of the sort throughout the whole conversation,” I said. “What does he usually do for a living if he isn’t still bouncing for that club Toffee mentioned?” “He’s the head of security for Fancy’s mansion,” Fleur answered. “When Mother and Father were still around, he was a bodyguard for my brother and me before I moved out, so he’s like an additional family member.” Gee, that explains so much. “Well I’m just glad I can actually start relaxing now,” I said as I sat back up, closed my eyes, sighed heavenly as I released my tensions, and let the waters do the work. Fleur and I sat there in silence for a bit, relishing how the nicely scented waters were washing away our stress and discomfort. “So how was your massage with Pink Lily?” Fleur asked. “Amazing,” I replied with my eyes still closed. “I didn’t think I was that wound up until then. She did quite a piece of work with me. What about you?” “Mine was good too,” she replied. “So do spas have baths like this back on Earth?” “Some cultures that are different compared to where I was from,” I answered. “There are even hot springs in some places as well, but I think the majority of spas have separate rooms, or perhaps time schedules for when guys and girls would use the baths. This is the first I’ve ever been to a bath like this.” “You’re taking this quite well for your first time, with all the mares here and all,” Fleur pointed out. “I think my little scare with Bubbles earlier kind of pushed that thought aside. I’m feeling a little okay right now.” “Really?” “Sure.” “… Enough to take that towel off?” My eyes opened wide before I glanced to Fleur’s direction at the corner of my eyes. “W-what?” “Well, you’ve seen me nude a couple times on the job already,” Fleur explained. “And even Shining had to round up enough courage to show you her scar, so I just thought… I’m sorry, that’s probably a little too much to ask. Forget I said anything.” Her gaze turned away with a hint of red in her cheeks while I looked down to the soaked towel underwater that was wrapped around my waist. Is she curious to what it looks like or something? Now that she mentioned it though, I’ve probably seen a lot more than what most guys have seen in their lives when it comes to girls, or mares in this case. When she put it that way… It’s kind of unfair that I’m holding this out from her and Shining when they’ve opened up so much already, both physically and emotionally, and especially when I’m not even sure if I should tell them about my recent nightmares yet… “… Do you really want to see it?” I asked, which had Fleur quickly turning back to me with widened eyes. “Um… If you’re comfortable, yes?” She asked with a sheepish grin. “… I’ll do it in two conditions,” I said before I held up one finger. “The first is that Shining would be present and comfortable enough to see it as well. I figured the three of us should have equal grounds on how much we’ve seen from each other, and it’s better if I showed it to you both at the same time than one after another.” “… Sounds fair,” Fleur replied with a nod. I held up my second finger. “My second condition is that this takes place in private like in our hotel room or something. It’s a little weird getting stared at from mares in this room just for what’s on my chest, and I’m afraid of what might happen if I’m too exposed.” “From your history with mares we’ve come across so far, I’d have to agree with you on that one,” Fleur commented before nodding. “Alright, I think I can make do with those conditions. I’ll let Shiny know and see if she’s into it as well… Is it okay if it’s just you and me if she isn’t interested?” I shrugged. “I guess so.” I then closed my eyes and tried to get back to letting the herbal waters soaking my skin. I wasn’t sure if I was hearing things, but I could have sworn I heard someone in the room saying ‘yes!’ in a loud whisper. I didn’t let it stick too much in my head though, as I just let the waters take its toll on me for the next couple of minutes. Suddenly, a few pokes on the shoulder opened my eyes, and saw that three mares were gathered around Fleur and I, one of them was too close to me for comfort. Seeing how they were all in their birthday suits, and displaying different breasts of shapes and sizes along with their varied figures, I fought really hard to not get a rise under my towel. “Can I help you?” I asked before the girls tried to stifle their giggles. “Okay, so like, my friends and I couldn’t help but notice those nipples on your chest,” the mare closest to me explained, while Fleur raised a brow in suspicion. “And we’d just like to know… Are those real, and could we touch them?” I slowly slid away from the mare closest to me, not noticing that I accidently bumped into Fleur. “Uh, yes, these are real, and no, you can’t touch them,” I responded as I covered my nipples with one of my arms. “There’s no need to be shy cutie,” another mare said with half-lidded eyes, and a smirk. “What if we took you someplace private, and let you cup a feel from ours? Would you let us do it then?” Fleur stepped in between me and the mares with a stern, powerful glare that made them frozen in shock. “He said no, and that’s final. So back off. Now.” she snarled before the trio did so without hesitation. She then turned to me with her look softened, and a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s step out and move on to the last phase of our treatment, alright?” “I’m right behind ya,” I replied without hesitation before she and I stepped out of the pool with the soaked towel wrapped around my waist. Fleur covered me in a corner for privacy while I quickly dried off with a clean towel, wrapped it around my waist, slipped on my robe, and told her I was ready before she did the same. We then stepped out of the room, and I sighed a breath of relief. “Thank you for that Fleur,” I said to her. “You’re quite welcome Ozzy, those mares were getting on my nerves as well,” Fleur replied. “Perhaps the next time we decide to go to a spa, we’ll find one that respects the privacy of both sexes in baths.” “That sounds nice,” I said. “So what’s the last phase of the treatment?” “Facials, manicures, and hooficures… Or whatever they call the last one with your feet,” Fleur pointed out. “Pedicures I think, but isn’t that usually for mares though?” “Ohh Ozzy, let me tell you right now that once you get this treatment, you’ll understand why we like them so much, and what most stallions are missing out on. I promise you’ll feel brand new once we step out of this spa.” I took a moment to think about it. Though I’ve seen girls back on my world go through it in some T.V. programs, while I still don’t understand it, a part of me was kind of curious to see how it goes. “… I guess trying it once couldn’t hurt,” I answered. “Excellent! Let’s get going then,” Fleur said before she pulled my hand to the next room. I’m certainly glad Fleur knows when I’m starting to get uncomfortable. I know there were rules about sexual advances around the pool, but I wasn’t going to risk finding out whether they’d follow them or not. Though I should definitely take note that from now on, when I’m going to a beach, t-shirt or tank top are on at all times, no questions asked. I’ll certainly have to be careful around public pools as well. [4:30 p.m.] I had to say, I never thought my hands and feet could get so smooth. Not to mention my face feeling so fresh, probably because of all the pores were cleaned off by the mask I was wearing. Fleur and I chatted while Pink Lily and Lavender were working on our last part of our treatment. All three mares would sometimes get in the conversation as well before they asked me something, which was quite fine as I just sat and listened. I also learned that unicorns apparently would get their horns filed sometimes like how Lavender treated Fleur’s. I wondered if that horn was sensitive from getting touched like that. At one point, the mares that were coming on to me earlier glanced over as they passed by, but were scared off by Fleur’s death glare like a mother bear was protecting their cubs. Once our treatment was done, Fleur and I changed back into our regular clothes before we received Pink’s and Lavender’s business cards to call ahead for future appointments next time. I had to give Pink a considerable tip as she did excellently with showing me the ropes, and giving me such a feeling of freshness from the massage, and the last few treatments. After we said our good-byes, Fleur and I went back to the hotel room by taxi. Shining didn’t come back from her chores yet, so Fleur and I were laying in our beds while we tried to come up with something for dinner. “I don’t feel like having anything too big or unhealthy like last night,” Fleur commented. “Yeah, I think I’ve satisfied my pepperoni need to for quite some time after last night,” I added in. Fleur giggled at that. “You really love that kind of pizza huh?” “It’s the best out of all others, at least in my opinion. Tonight though? I could go for something different that I haven’t made or eaten here yet.” “Oh! Have you tried Chineighse food?” Fleur asked. “… Chineighse?” I repeated. “You know, rice, cooked noodles with vegetables and sauces, that kind of thing?” Fleur clarified. So there’s even something like that here huh? Cringing because horse pun, but it sounds good because I like Chinese food myself. “I had something similar back on Earth, but I haven’t tried this world’s yet,” I answered. “Thinking about going there tonight?” “Even better!” Fleur exclaimed. “We can just pick up the food and bring it back here. We’ll even pick up more movies to watch tonight along the way.” “Sounds good to me,” I said before something popped up in my mind. It’s been a while since I last done it, but if I’m really going through with what I promised Fleur, I’d rather make it look at least presentable than some kind of odd sight. “… Actually, there’s something I need to do.” “Oh?” Fleur asked. “Yeah, and it’s something I need some privacy with,” I clarified. “I mean I could save it for later, but I’m not sure when an opportunity like this will pop open again, so…” “Well I can grab the food and movies tonight. I’m capable of doing something like that myself,” Fleur said. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely.” “I really appreciate this Fleur. I promise I’ll make it up to you one way or another.” “Don’t worry, that’s what friends are for.” Fleur smiled before she picked up the movies, her purse, and hotel room key. “I’ll ask what Shiny wants along the way, and I’ll bring back whatever sounds good along with the movies.” “Sounds like a plan,” I said with a smile. “See ya later Ozzy,” she bid before she left the room. With the place to myself, I grabbed the required essentials I needed for my task: my shaving gel, and razor blade. I looked at the latter for a moment to inspect its condition. "It's still pretty new,” I said to myself. “But it’s a good thing I brought a spare just in case, because I’m pretty sure I won’t be using this again afterwards.” I then grabbed a change of clothes for the evening before I went inside the bathroom, closed the door, and got to work. > Chapter 20: "Don't scare a horse from behind... Especially a bipedal one." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: “Don’t scare a horse from behind, especially a bipedal one.” [Shining’s POV 4:40 p.m.] “Boy, this has been a long day,” I sighed as I made my way back to the hotel room with the folder of Fleur's photos Ms. Winds gave me, and a small bag of certain equipment I bought while I was out. “Good thing Fleur’s already on it with dinner. Some chow-mane sounds pretty good right now, and I could definitely use a shower to relax a little.” Still though… From the photos I’ve looked through today, I definitely know there’s something off about this entire interview. I don’t know what Mascara’s next move is, but I’ll have to be ready for anything that could happen. Right now though, I should just try and take it easy. Once I got to the hotel room, I put away the bag of equipment before I immediately stripped myself down to my nude form. I grabbed my change of clothes for tonight, and went to the bathroom for a relaxing shower. When I opened the door… I was at a loss for words. Sitting on the rim of the tub with a razor in hand was a buck naked Ozzy Shore. He quickly moved his hands between his legs before he turned his upper half of the body towards me in reaction. The two of us were frozen still as we drank in what we were gazing at before both of our faces turned bright red. “U-um… Could you shut the door please?” Oz asked. “Y-yes! I am so sorry, I’lljustwaitoutsideuntilyou’redonebye!” SLAM! I briskly walked over to the bed, still in my nude form, and sat down while I tightly embraced the clothes against me as I tried to comprehend the situation I just saw. Dear Celestia that was so embarrassing! He saw all of me, and I only got a glimpse of him! Those lean arms, that smooth torso, the nipples on his pecs—HOLD ON! THERE WERE FUCKING NIPPLES ON HIS CHEST?! How are they there?! Why are they there?! What was he even doing with that razor?! Oh gosh, I’m never going to get this image out of my head. I’ll never be able to look at him the same way again! I tried to take long, shaky breaths to calm myself down, and not freak out. I attempted to get my reasoning back in check while slipping on the clothes I was holding as I waited for Oz. Okay, obviously the two of us will have to discuss what just happened, despite how horribly awkward this turned out. I’m sure it will start off with some apologies, but where do we even go from there? Try to forget what just happened? That’s usually the best course of action right? So… Why does a part of me feel like I don’t want him to forget what he saw? He’s already seen my scar, and now he’s seen what the rest of me looks like… Except my backside, my ass especially… Does he still think I’m beautiful after that? I looked down on my currently clothed body, and juggled my breasts a little. I have to admit, I’ve gained more muscle after I stopped modeling. Not a lot of it, but enough to gain a subtle six-pack. I’m kind of big in a way that isn’t fat… Is he even into muscular mares? Would he even want to be with somepony who can’t bear foals if humans are compatible with us? I didn’t see what was down there in that bathroom… What does it look like? How much of him has Fleur seen already? What does she even think about him? Do we both have these strange thoughts that involve Oz? The sound of a door opening brought my attention back to reality before I sat up on the bed with my hands on my lap. Oz walked out of the bathroom with his nightwear on, his old clothes, and the bottle of shaving gel he must have used while he was in there. I was curious as to why I didn’t see that razor again, but I concluded that he must have thrown it away after he finished using it. Oz sat at a considerable space between us while staring at the wall after he put his things away. “I guess I should start off by apologizing for not locking the bathroom door,” Oz said. “Guess I forgot to do that when I got in.” “I’m sorry I didn’t check to see if you were in there,” I apologized. “I was kind of out of it after a long day.” “Can we conclude that this was just one big accident on both our parts?” Oz asked. “That seems to be the case,” I answered. “We’ll just have to remember this in the future so we won’t make that mistake again.” “Ditto.” The two of us sat there in silence for a bit, the air getting awkward as time went by before Oz broke it. “So… How much of me did you see?” He asked. “Just the waist up… Were those really—“ “Yes, those were nipples on my chest. You’d be surprised how many ponies were staring at them.” “O-oh…” The two of us sat there silently again while we tried to come up with what to say next. “I’m not sure if this will lighten the mood,” Oz said. “But I’m just going to put it out there and say that you looked really amazing Shining.” I turned to him with widened eyes. “R-Really?” “I’m not sure if there were other ponies besides Fleur that told you the same thing, or how self-conscious you are about your looks, but I just felt someone had to say something, especially if you aren’t confident in your appearance after what you’ve been through. So yeah… You looked very beautiful.” Oz scratched the back of his head with a slight blush in his cheeks. He thinks I’m beautiful! YES! There’s still hope for me yet! Wait, why do I care so much about that? “Th-Thanks Oz,” I replied while still looking down before turning to him. “So… What were you shaving in there? Your face looks clean enough… Actually, it’s practically glowing. How did that happen?” “Oh uh, Fleur took me to a spa after we separated this morning,” Oz answered. “She was persistent with getting my body refreshed from the stress it was put under, and one of the treatments was a facial.” Drat, now I’m kind of jealous. Here I am after a long day and could use a spa day myself, and they went to one without me. “Hmph, well I’m glad you and Fleur had a good time there,” I scoffed before pulling back, and looking to the side with crossed arms. “… Are you mad?” Oz asked. “I’m not mad,” I rebutted. “Your pout’s saying otherwise.” “I’m not pouting.” “Did you want to come with us?” “… Maybe.” The two of us sat there in silence once more for a bit, my awkward mood changed to irritation as I snorted. “Well… I’m not sure how well I’d do, but I could… Give you a massage myself if you’d like,” Oz offered. My eyes widened as that phrase echoed in my head. My mind suddenly raced to a scene where I was laying on the bed I sat in the nude, the room only lit by scented candles, and a topless Oz was working into my back, making me tingle and sigh internally from the mixed feelings of relief and pleasure. W-Why am I imagining something like that?! He wasn’t even implying a massage like that at all! The massage does sound nice though… Gah! Dear Celestia, what is wrong with me?! “Y-You would do that for me?” I asked after I mentally shook the thought away. “If you’re comfortable with it, sure,” Oz answered. “I-I suppose you pretty much owe me this one time,” I said. “I mean when you came here the first day, I was having a nice massage myself before I panicked about the carriage thing, and ran out of there with my treatment unfinished.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that,” Oz apologized. “And you looked so tired the next morning too… That was probably a long day for all of us.” “All the more reason to pay me back then,” I said before I settled myself on the bed, lying on my stomach while I rested my head on a pillow. “Well we haven’t gotten all day, get to it… Please.” “Uh, sure,” Oz replied before I heard cringing noises of bones being popped to loosen himself up. He then got to work as I felt some force pressed into the back of my shoulders, and made motions to unwind the muscles as I sighed in content. “How does it feel?” He asked. “Pretty good, not bad for your first time,” I replied. “So Fleur’s bringing Chineighse tonight?” “Yep, and a few new movies to watch while she returns the old ones,” he answered. “How nice. So what were you doing in the bathroom?” “… Shaving.” “But your face was already shaven. Where else would you do it?” “I’d rather not say… Not yet anyway,” Oz answered. Not yet? Maybe it’s something too embarrassing to talk about? Guess I won’t press him much further then. The next half-hour (or at least it felt like that long of a time) was quiet, as Oz kept working into my back in a series of motions on different places while I was left to my thoughts. I have to say… Oz is turning out to be a good guy at the end of the day. Sure, he can get pretty idiotic when he tries to take everything on himself, and he still sometimes gets awkward with other mares, whether they be coming on to him, they’re posing in more risqué attire, or nude in some photo shoots; but I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun with anypony besides Fleur. I still remembered how things went when he and I first danced at Fancy’s party. I could recall how fast my heart raced when he made those unexpected moves, and finished with the dip as I looked into those bluish green eyes of his. I thought I was going crazy when I felt something then, and I had to numb that feeling with all the wine I drank afterwards. I tried not to think about what happened then until after the three of us left that jazz club the next evening. I don’t know what came over me after that bastard knocked Oz out cold. One minute, I was furious enough to beat that guy down to where he walked away crying with a broken jaw, a black eye of his own, and looking much more purple than what was on his fur. The next, I had to hold in all the crying until I was by myself in one of the bathrooms at the hospital. When was the last time I ever cried that much over a stallion? The only pony I could think of would be Dad after I heard how he got killed by some drunk pony in a darker part of Canterlot one night. That was a hard time for Mom, my two siblings, and me. After he left, I had to help Mom look after Sparkling and Shooting since I was the oldest of the three. He was probably the best stallion I’ve ever known, and I’ll always love him for that while being a great dad to us, but I’m going off topic though. I still don’t know why I even dated Puff Tie to this day. He could only pleasure me so much before he finished first, and went straight to sleep while I was left unsatisfied after that. Most of the time we spent together was probably when I modeled in the nude to give him fashion design ideas to draw. To put it simply, he was just really lame. Oz though? He’s kind of like Dad in some ways. Awkward, a little shy, and stubborn; yet, hard-working, understanding, and considerate. After what happened with Solar and Puff, I was convinced I would never find the kind of stallion I want in a special somepony… What about now though? It’s been hard trying to get along with other stallions, sure, but somehow I’m more at ease whenever I’m with Oz. Along with Fancy, Silver, and Bubbles, Oz is probably one of the few stallions I can actually trust in this world. Somehow after the end of each workday, I feel a little empty when I’m alone in my own house, even though I’ve gotten used to living there like that for so long, save for Fleur sleepwalking over from time to time. Then there’s all the weird stuff that’s been going on with me the past few days. I don’t know why I even suggested doing the tail tugging method to get me working with other stallions better. It was just something I came up with on the spot, and worked with it from there. I’ll admit, I probably should have specified that we do it in private so he wouldn’t do it in public like the first three tugs. Even then, I felt… Odd, after that. I still wanted the circumstances to be better during that time, but it still felt somewhat pleasing, strangely enough. After that, there’s my mind coming up with weird scenarios in forms of dreams and fantasies. One dream I had was full of sweets and desserts in some Candyland kind of world or something. Oz and I were naked, eating chocolate drizzled strawberries with whipped cream off of each other after we got the ingredients, and things just got messy after that. Another recent dream I had was completely different, but surprising from how realistic it felt. Oz and I were having a sweet dinner I made in my home, a little tipsy from the wine we drank, and I had one of the humans’ ipods hooked up to a stereo speaker attachment playing music while we ate and chat. At one point, the music changed to something slow and romantic I liked, and at the heat of the moment, the two of us slow danced in the living room. The atmosphere went from very soothing and intimate, to hot and frisky once Oz grabbed my ass while we danced. The last thing I heard was him whispering my name in my ear repeatedly while giving me amazing ministrations on the couch before I woke up. Then there were the times I fantasized while I was in the shower twice now, and a more lewd version of the massage that popped into me recently. Why is this even happening to me? And why now? Am I just that desperate in seeking a special somepony? Or— “Huh, what’s this weird fleshy part inside your hooves?” Oz asked, interrupting my thoughts. Before I could get my mind back in reality, an electrical surge ran from one of my hooves, all throughout my body. “AAAAAAH!” KICK! THUD! My leg was straightened out stiff while the rest of my tightened body tingled from the sensation I felt in my hoof as my eyes were shut tightly. It wasn’t until a familiar groaning sound snapped me back into reality, and I made a horrid realization as my eyelids snapped open. I just back kicked Oz into the wall. “Oh no!” I exclaimed as I sprang out of bed, and quickly went to Oz who was sitting on the ground against the wall, holding onto his stomach. “Oz! Are you alright?!” “Urrgh… I feel like I got bucked by a horse,” he groaned in pain. “Here, let me see,” I said before I pulled up his shirt, and gasped as I saw a purple, hoof-shaped mark on his stomach. My heart began to race, and tears were welling up in my eyes when I saw how much damage I caused. “Oz, I am SO sorry I hurt you! I didn’t know why I did that, and I—“ “Sh-Shining, it’s okay,” he interrupted while sounding a little hoarse. “I shouldn’t have touched that flesh back there. I didn’t know it was that sensitive, and I know you didn’t mean to kick me.” “This is so bad, I gotta take you to the hospital to make sure you’re—“ “I’ll be fine Shining, don’t worry. Could you help me lay down on the bed though please?” “O-Of course,” I replied before I helped him up, and he grunted in pain. He tried to tough it out as we got to his bed, and I gently set him down on his back with a few pillows propping his head up. “Hold on, I’ll get some ice.” I went to the ice container that had a plastic bag of them inside, with spares on the counter. I pulled out the bag that already had some ice, tied it up, wrapped it in a towel from the bathroom, and came back to set it where the mark was. “Boy, I’m going to be feeling this in the morning,” Oz painfully chuckled. “This isn’t funny Oz,” I said with tears now streaming down. “What if I really damaged something in there? I can’t forgive myself if I did that to you.” “Hey, don’t beat yourself up like that,” he said as he reached over and wiped my tears away. “I know you didn’t mean it, and I forgive you. Besides, this isn’t as bad as the last couple times I got hurt.” Last coupletimes? The only one time I saw him getting hurt was that black eye. How much pain did this guy go through back on Earth? “How was it by the way?” Oz asked. “How was what?” I asked, confused at what he was referring to. “The massage... How was it? Did I do okay?” I can’t believe this. Here he is in bed with an ice pack on his stomach, possibly suffering from internal damage from my kick, and he’s worried if he gave me a good enough massage… How much of a dummy can this guy be? I couldn’t help but chuckled a little at the thought as I sniveled, and wiped more tears out of my cheeks. “The massage was great Oz, thanks for that.” “You’re welcome,” he replied before forcing a smile. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” “I’ll be fine Shining. You haven’t taken a shower yet right? Why don’t you take one and relax a little? I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.” “Okay, I’ll be back real quick though,” I said before I zipped into the bathroom, locked the door closed, and took off my nightwear and glasses before getting into the warm shower. I slowly washed myself as I tried to reflect on what had just happened. Nice going Shiny. You just kicked the best stallion friend you’ve ever had in the stomach and sent him flying to a wall. Fleur’s definitely going to have a word with you when she gets back. You’ll be lucky if you still have a chance to look into whatever weird stuff you have going with Oz… If he’s still willing to be around you… I just stood there while the water washed away the suds on my fur, and the fresh tears streaming down my face as I tried to stifle my sobs. [Meanwhile, Fleur’s POV, 4:40 p.m.] I made a stop to return the movies Ozzy and I rented last night before looking for some good ones to check out for tonight, and grab dinner after that. Once I picked up a copy of Big Trouble in Little Chineigh, and The Tuxedo (one of the human world’s movies), I walked over to the restaurant to pick up tonight’s dinner. Once I arrived at the restaurant, I made my order to go before I paid for it, and took a seat in one of the vacant tables with a number. I reflected on the past week’s events while I waited for the food. I must say, things have certainly been different ever since Ozzy came aboard. Different, but for the better. Shiny’s finally trying to get along with stallions again (which will take some time considering the threats I’ve seen from her so far since we got here), I have an incredible secretary rooming with me that cooks one heck of a Prench toast, and somehow it was because of him coming into my life that I may get a chance to work with Vogue. Most importantly though… I’ve gained an amazing friend in Ozzy. . Ever since I first looked into those eyes of his, though I saw signs of great struggle, there was also perseverance and kindness behind them. He doesn’t try to be a burden, pushes his way through awkward situations like being around other models in risqué attire, or even nothing at all, works hard for Shiny and me, and to top it all off he’s just one heck of a sweetheart. I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun with anypony besides Shiny since— “Fleur… It’s been quite some time,” a familiar, unwanted voice interrupted me. I turned to the source, and I scowled at the pony who was before me. Though he looked cleaner compared to that night, I still could see him as the way he was then. … Speak of the devil, literally. “… That’s what you said last week… Solar Flare,” I snarled. “What are you even doing here?” “I’m on vacation,” he replied as he took a seat across from me. “This encounter is just out of chance. How’s life?” “… Good,” I said as I looked away from his gaze while crossing my arms. “How’s Shining?” “She’s doing well, no thanks to you.” “Right… Listen, I wanted to apologize for that before you took off last week. I was at a very low point in my life during that time, I was drunk, and I had no idea what I was doing.” “You tried to stab me because I didn’t want to have you back in my life, and ended up getting Shiny instead. How did you not know what you were doing??” I asked as I glared at him. “Like I said, I was fucked up,” he replied, keeping his expressionless mask on. “I thought about it while I served my time. I looked back to what I was doing then, before that, all the way back to when we first got together, and I realized how much I’ve screwed up ever since I got into acting.” I raised an eyebrow in suspicion, as I didn’t think he was the kind of pony to even think that much. “I’m a changed stallion now Fleur, and I want to show you how I can make up for everything I’ve done, if you can just give me another chance… What do you say?” You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s still trying to get back together with me? You can talk all you want Solar, but I know you. Being a ‘great actor’ as you were, you can act just about anything to win any other pony over. Me though? I just need one look in your eyes to tell me how you really feel. … And from the looks of it, your eyes are saying a completely different story compared to what’s coming out of your mouth. “If you really want to prove how much you’ve changed, move on with your life Solar,” I answered. “I’m happy as I am right now with Ozzy, and I’m not going to change that anytime soon. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: it’s over for us Solar. It’s time to move on like I have, and there’s no chance of us getting back together.” “Order number 23!” One of the employees exclaimed. “That’s me,” I said before I stood up from the table, still watching Solar with little expression. “Good-bye Solar, and congrats on your early release.” I then picked up the plastic bag of Chineighse food with soda before I left the restaurant with the movies, called a taxi, and rode my way back to the hotel. The nerve of that stallion, thinking he can get back with me after an apology just like that. I swear to Celestia, if he keeps coming back to me like that, I’ll have to issue a restraining order. If he really cared for me, he wouldn’t have tried to kill me in the first place. I know Ozzy would never do something like that to me or Shiny no matter what. My eyes widened when I realized what I had just told Solar back at the restaurant. Wait, why did I refer to Ozzy like that? I told Solar off like Ozzy was my coltfriend now that I think about it, even though he really isn’t. I didn’t even refer to myself being happy with Shiny either. I mean I like him, but I don’t think I like him that much… Do I? After the taxi stopped at the hotel, I paid the fare before I grabbed the food and movies, and made my way to the hotel room. Come to think of it, besides telling those three mares to stay away from Ozzy, I felt strange when he talked so highly about Pink Lily’s massage back at the spa, and a little more so when she was getting too close to his personal space… What was that feeling? Was it… Irritation? In fact, I felt a little annoyed when Ozzy didn’t want to come with me to pick up the movies and dinner this time. What did he need to do that required privacy? And why then? When I opened the door to the hotel room, I was greeted by a concerning sight. Ozzy was lying on his bed with what looked like an ice pack on his stomach, while Shiny sat on the other bed with a grim look on her face, and ears folded. “Um… What happened here?” I asked as I walked inside, and set the food and movies on the counter. “I… Accidentally kicked Oz while he was giving me a massage,” Shiny answered while looking to the side in shame. “… Huh?” I asked while blinking in confusion. “Shining felt left out that we didn’t bring her to the spa with us,” Ozzy explained, his tone slightly hoarse. “So I offered to give her one myself, she accepted, and somehow in the process, touching the fleshy part inside the hooves was enough to scare Shining to, well… Yeah. Could you not give her a hard time though Fleur? It was an accident, and she feels bad enough as it is.” “… I see,” I said. “Was the massage the ‘private thing’ you were referring to earlier?” Ozzy’s eyes widened while his cheeks blushed a little. “N-no no! That’s completely different compared to what I told you! The massage was last minute!” “Wait, private thing?” Shiny asked before turning to Ozzy in confusion. “Is she talking about whatever you were shaving in the bathroom?” Shaving? If that’s what Ozzy was talking about, his face looks clean enough already before we separated. What else could he shave? Wait… Hold on. “Shiny? How did you know Ozzy was shaving?” I asked, which left the two flushing deep red, and looking away from each other. “… Okay, obviously a lot more has happened besides the kicking accident since I left. Why don’t the three of us be mature adults about this, talk it out over dinner, and we’ll laugh it off over tonight’s movies?” “It’s going to happen sooner or later. Might as well be now,” Ozzy said. “I suppose… Though I’m not going to hear the end of it after this,” Shiny commented. Once the three of us set up our plates with our food, and gave Ozzy support to get from the bed to the table, Shiny started things off with what happened after I sent her a text on what she wanted from the Chineighse restaurant. “I was on my way back here after I finished my chores, dropped off my things, and decided to take a shower early to take it easy the rest of the night,” Shiny said. “Uh huh,” I replied before I ate some noodles, still giving her my attention. Ozzy just ate his food while listening. “So I just stripped myself down, grabbed my change of clothes, and when I got to the bathroom… Oz was sitting on the edge of the tub naked with a razor in his hand, and we just kind of… Stared at each other in our birthday suits before I quickly apologized, closed the door, and waited for him to finish,” Shiny said while looking to the side with a flushed face. “I didn’t see all of him, just his front torso… Did you know he has nipples?” “Uh, yes… I first saw them when he came to the hot tub yesterday,” I answered. “So what happened next?” “I waited for Oz to come out from the bathroom for us to talk,” Shiny continued. “We apologized, and at one point he mentioned you two going to the spa. Since I didn’t come with, he offered to give me a massage to make up for it. So we spent the next couple of minutes doing that, and at one point, Oz pressed into the flesh in my hooves, and I accidentally kicked him from the scare. After I laid him down on the bed with an ice pack and I apologized repeatedly, I took a shower to calm down, then just sat with Oz in silence for a bit until you came back.” “… I see,” I said. “Well, since you seem sorry enough for kicking Ozzy, and he told me himself not to go too hard on you, I think I can let this slide. However, I hope you’ve learned not to overreact when you know somepony’s touching you, and let Ozzy know at some point about the other sensitive places we ponies have so something like this doesn’t happen again. Do I make myself clear Shiny?” “Of course, and again, I deeply apologize,” Shiny replied while folding her ears. “It’s already been forgiven Shining,” Ozzy said in between bites. “Since we have that out of the way, I’d like to move onto something on a lighter note,” I said. “Shiny, what are your thoughts?” “What do you mean?” Shiny asked with a raised brow. “About what you’ve seen of Ozzy’s body. What’s your opinion?” I clarified. “Uh… It was, alright.” Shiny looked down on her food, embarrassed to see either Ozzy’s or my own gazes as she shuffled in her seat. “Didn’t look as scrawny as I thought he’d be from what I’ve seen of his performance at the gym earlier, no offense.” “None taken,” Ozzy replied with a flushed face of his own before he continued eating. “Alright, then let me ask you this Shiny… Would you like to see the rest of him?” I asked with a smirk. She spattered the soda she was drinking in response before coughing out what might have gotten in her lungs. After she stopped her fit, she stared at me with wide eyes. “D-Did I just hear that right?!” I nodded. “As in… What’s from the waist down?!” “He and I were talking during our bath back at the spa, where we ran into Bubbles and Toffee by the way,” I explained while swirling my soda. “Because of how it was Ozzy’s first time being in a mixed bath with plenty of nude mares in the vicinity—which he handled quite well I might add—he had a towel wrapped around his private area throughout the whole bath. Since he has seen me naked along with risqué attire plenty of times during the photo shoots, and now he had a good glimpse of you, we agreed that he’d show the two of us his nude form in all its glory so long as it’s just the three of us in a private room. What we want to be sure though is if you would be comfortable enough to—“ “YES!” Shiny exclaimed, making me and Ozzy jump from surprise with wide eyes before she cleared her throat, and looked to the side while blushing still. “I-I mean if Oz is fine with it, I am rather curious to see it myself.” “Well there you go Ozzy, I guess we’re both in now. Still want to do it?” I asked him. He sighed before answering. “It’s the least I could do to even the odds between the three of us, but could we possibly do it tomorrow? I’m still feeling kind of achy after that kick earlier.” “Of course, I think this has been a long, awkward evening for all of us,” I replied before I took a swig of my soda. “While you two had your little awkward moment, I ran into Solar Flare while I was getting our dinner.” “YOU WHAT?!” Shiny and Ozzy exclaimed in sync. “Apparently he’s in Manehattan for a little vacation himself,” I snarled. “He tried apologizing for what he did five and a half years ago, and had the gall to ask me to give him another chance. I told him to buck off of course, excuse my language, before I picked up the food and left. I swear to Celestia, if he keeps getting this persistent, I’ll have to issue a restraining order.” “After what he did, he deserves so much more than that,” Shiny replied before grinding her teeth in anger. Ozzy on the other hand looked down on his food with deep thought, concern, and dread. “Ozzy? Are you feeling alright?” I asked. “I may be paranoid for thinking this, but I think your encounter with him was no accident,” he replied. “What do you mean?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “When we got here the first day, at the station before we got on the taxi… I had some sort of bad feeling before I turned around to see what it was. Though it was slightly different back then, I haven’t felt that uneasiness since…” Ozzy went silent before the chopsticks he was holding were slightly trembling in his hand. He grabbed it with the other one to try and stop it while taking deep, shaky breaths, but was having little success. What’s wrong with Ozzy? I’ve never seen him this… Scared before. This isn’t the usual nervousness that he gets when he’s near forward or nude mares… This is actual, legitimate fear I’m seeing in his eyes. He’s terrified, almost to the point of panic. Filled with great concern, I touched Ozzy’s arm in support. Shiny looked like she saw the same thing in him, as she followed the same gesture with folded ears. “Ozzy? Please calm down okay?” I asked while trying to give an assured smile. “Whatever it is you’re going through, Shiny and I are here for you. You aren’t alone. Right Shiny?” She nodded in response. He took longer, calmer breaths as his trembles started to go down to the point that I could feel the blood pulsing greatly through his arm. “A-anyway,” Ozzy continued. “If that same feeling is what I think it was, it may have been Solar Flare stalking you.” “You think he followed us all the way here?” Shiny asked. “Considering what you have told me Shining, yes,” Ozzy replied. “I had no idea why that feeling was so great until you gave me the idea the next day. I don’t know how he tracked our moves, but if he was still in Canterlot one week after Fleur saw him, I can only guess he took the same train as us to get here. Since he’s a pegasus, he probably flew out of sight fast enough for me to not spot him when I looked his way. After that, he stalked us whether it was from behind, or even in the sky, finding a chance to get to Fleur alone.” He looked to me with fear still in his eyes. “I think it’s best if we don’t leave you alone out there for a while Fleur. Have at least one of us be with you, or even call up Bubbles to hire some guys on lookout at all times. If what I felt back there is what I fear, Solar may not be walking away satisfied with just a disapproval of his offer to you.” It’s crazy and scary, but it sort of makes sense since it’s Solar Flare we’re talking about here. I don’t know what he may plan next, but I think it’s best to follow Ozzy’s advice on this. With Bubbles being a long-time friend and somepony who knows as much about my situation with Solar as a few others, I can count on him getting right on the case. “Alright, that may be a good idea Ozzy,” I answered with a nod. “We’ll call him in the morning and see what he can do for us.” Soon a phone rang before Shiny reached for her phone, checked caller id, and widened her eyes in shock. “It’s from Vogue! Everyone quiet!” She whispered loudly before answering. “Hello? Good evening Ms. Mascara, how are you? Doing okay, thanks… You came to a decision about Fleur?” My heart suddenly began to race as I waited anxiously for whatever fate decided to do with me. My nervousness went up higher as Shiny’s expression turned from patient, to shock and confusion before turning to Ozzy’s direction. “You want Oz to come over to pick up the message to deliver to us?” I turned to Ozzy, and he traded looks between me and Shining before shrugging in response. “I guess he can do that,” Shining continued on the phone. “What time do you want him to come over? Uh huh, 3:00? Sounds good, I’ll be sure he gets there. Thank you Ms. Mascara, good night.” She then hung up her phone. “So… Ms. Mascara wants me to come over so I could deliver the message to you two?” Ozzy asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yes, and alone apparently,” Shining answered. “She was… Definitely making sure to bring the point across. I guess she’s done this a couple times before with associates of other models as well, as far as what she told me. Said it just gives those models a surprise hearing it from their coworkers.” “I guess that’s… Reasonable,” I said. Why do I have a bad feeling about this though? “Well don’t worry,” Ozzy said with an assured smile. “I’m sure Mascara has some great news for me to deliver to you tomorrow Fleur. Now let’s pop a movie in, and relax with more Chineighse to end a long day huh?” Anything sounds good to me as long as you’re around Ozzy… AND SHINY! With you and Shiny was what I meant… Dear Luna, what is wrong with me lately? “That sounds nice right about now,” I said with a smile. We then watched the first movie of the night as we finished up our dinner. Just like last night, Ozzy and Shiny fell asleep part of the way through the second movie, leaving me still awake. I put the movie back in the case and turned off the T.V. before I set Ozzy’s and Shiny’s glasses on the night stand. Something caught my eye while looking at Ozzy’s sleeping body, or more specifically what was under his shirt. I gently pulled it up and hissed from looking at the damage Shiny gave him earlier. The hoof shaped mark looked like it was healing, but it was still noticeable. I can’t imagine how Shiny felt when she did this to him. She’d have no regrets with other stallions, but she has been good friends with Ozzy over the past week… In fact, this is probably the closest I’ve seen of her with any stallion for quite some time… I wonder if she has something going on for him like I do? Maybe I should talk to her about this in private after this Vogue thing is over. She must be just as confused about this as I am right now, and if this actually goes where I think it goes… We’ll have to recite the agreement we have for this kind of situation. It’s only fair for Shiny and me… As I pulled Ozzy’s shirt a little higher without waking him up, I saw his nipples, which were rising and falling as he breathed. I glanced back at Ozzy and Shiny and saw they were still sleeping. I probably shouldn’t do it. He feels awkward with other mares just looking at them, and he definitely doesn’t want them touched either. He’d probably let you touch them though. You’re one of his best friends, and you’re hot to add on top of it. You got this. How can being attractive have anything to do with this? You’re Fleur de Lis the supermodel dammit! How often do human guys get to have hot supermodels touch their nipples? … That’s kind of weird when you put it that way. Just shut up and do it already would ya? You know you want to, and Ozzy would never know. … Alright fine! If it will keep you quiet I’ll do it. “… Boop,” I whispered as I touched one of Ozzy’s nipples before I stifled my giggles. I have to say, it feels similar to Shiny’s and my own. Kind of cute too. Still, I probably shouldn’t leave poor Ozzy without something to like as well, even if he’s asleep. … I know just what to do. I crouched down to Ozzy’s hoof-shaped bruise and gave it a brief kiss before I pulled his shirt down and patted his stomach. A little love always heals injuries a little faster, at least that’s what Mother would always say. I yawned as I felt satisfied with myself before I laid down next to Ozzy. I flicked the lights with my magic, and snuggled up to him where I laid my head on his shoulder joint. He unconsciously pulled me closer by wrapping an arm around over my shoulder, enough to where his hand was touching my breast. My face heated up, but I smiled internally and put my hand over his, making sure it doesn’t move from that spot before I sighed in content. “Good night Ozzy,” I bid in a whisper before I closed my eyes, used my magic to cover the three of us in the blanket, and drifted to sleep. > Chapter 21: "You got me here for THIS?!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21: “You got me here for THIS?!” [Ozzy’s POV, 8:20 a.m.] I felt really comfortable, but at the same time very trapped as I groggily woke up the next morning. I also smelt something that was mixed somehow, but the scents that came together were familiar. There was more force pressing on me from both sides than previous nights, and the positions of my arms felt awkward. Once my vision was clear enough, I saw that the room was barely lit, and there were some blobs blocking my vision. I looked down, and saw that Fleur’s head was on the crook of my neck. Shining’s head was close beside my own while her breasts were pressing against my side, and my torso was wrapped by her arms. Speaking of arms, not only was one of mine was around Shining, but the other had my hand on something soft. I looked over, and saw that my hand was held by Fleur while it was on top of one of her breasts. I wasn’t sure if I moved around enough that caused something like this to happen, but I don’t think Fleur wants that happening again like last time. I also realized something dire once my senses came back: as much as a part of me wanted to stay in this position a little longer, there was something welling up inside that would say otherwise. … Crap, I need to pee. I looked down and noticed my legs were trapped by an ensemble of the girls’ legs and tails coiled around me, but a little more from Shining’s side though. I didn’t want to disturb either of the girls, but I’m not sure if I can hold it until they wake up, and I’m too tangled up this time to get out on my own. After an internal sigh of guilt, I went with the option of waking up one of the girls, Shining mostly, to make some room for me to get up. With one of my arms still around her, I gave her shoulder a little shake. “Psst, Shining, wake up,” I whispered. “Mmgh… Wha?” She asked as she groggily opened her sleep filled eyes to where they were half-lidded as she tiredly gazed in my direction. “Shining, could you move please? I need to use the bathroom,” I said. She took a moment to blink her eyes a few times before her senses came back, and a hint of red was shown on her cheeks. “U-um… Sure… Could I also talk to you outside when you’re done?” “Sure thing,” I replied. Shining then moved herself out of the bed, and I followed without waking Fleur up. Shining and I then put on our glasses, and I went to the bathroom to do my business. Once I was finished, I put on my jacket, socks, and a pair of sneakers before I stepped out of the room, and saw Shining waiting with a jacket, and a change of clothes of her own. She seemed to be worried about something when I came out. I shut the door quietly behind me before turning to her. “So… How’s your stomach?” Shining asked. “Still a little sore, but not as bad as yesterday, thanks,” I replied. “I just… I want to say I’m really sorry for what happened yesterday,” Shining said while looking to the side with ears folded. Is she still hung up on this? I thought we went over it already. “Shining, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it,” I said. “I still feel it’s not okay though,” she said while still looking away. “I mean I was enjoying the massage you were giving me yesterday, and I didn’t mean to overreact the way I did. I appreciated you giving me such treatment even after I was giving you a hard time about not going with you and Fleur to the spa. I just feel like I returned the favor by kicking you in the stomach.” She then turned back to me with a guilty expression on her face. “Isn’t there anything I can do for you to make up for it? Maybe give me like, I don’t know, five tail tugs that are harder than usual?” “I don’t feel right evening things out between us with more pain,” I admitted. “It just doesn’t seem like what friends would do. Besides, from the way you were two days ago after seven tugs with less force, I’m afraid that I’d be hurting you quite a bit doing what you requested. Before we continue this though, is there any other sensitive places on the majority of ponies’ bodies I should know about? I know the tail is, and the fleshy part of the inner hooves just recently… What about your ears? It’s kind of cute the way they flick sometimes, and I’m curious to how they feel.” Shining’s face blushed a little before glancing to the side once more. “Um… In our culture, any physical contact with a pony’s ear is kind of something couples would do once they’re really close in their relationship, and what most spouses would do with each other. It’s a very… Intimate moment for us.” “O-oh,” I replied. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, and I don’t want to bring up any wrong ideas. Forget I asked.” “It’s fine,” Shining replied with a wave. “Anyway, besides the ears, the inner hooves, and tail, the unicorns’ horns are pretty sensitive, especially when they’re focusing magic through it, and a pegasus’ wings can be as such as well. I’m sure whatever other places that are sensitive varies, and perhaps similar to humans, taking into account how similar our body structures are.” “I guess that makes sense,” I said. “Anyway, back to the, um… Paying me back for the kicking thing, there isn’t really much for me to think about, and I already forgave you for doing it on accident.” Shining glanced to the side with ears folded once more. Looks like she still feels guilty about it, and this may keep going until she actually does something for me in return… “Alright, how about this then,” I continued, making Shining look back with a patient expression. “Since I can’t think of anything, how about you think of something creative to do to make up for the accident? It doesn’t have to be right now, or soon, and I don’t want anything that involves pain, just something that the both of us will walk away happy with, and putting the incident behind us. What do you say?” Shining glanced to the side while holding a hand up to her chin in thought for a moment. After a couple of seconds, she turned back, nodded, and gave a small smile. “Yeah, I think I can work with that. And I promise I won’t feel guilty about it after that, and not overreact to something by hitting you again.” “Alright, glad we got that settled. Now give me a hug ya big worrywart,” I said while holding my arms open with a small smile. Shining giggled a little before she complied. Once again, I saw the cute side of her where she wags her tail like a dog as we hugged. I wonder if this is something they do intentionally, or it’s some kind of instinct at play showing happiness? Maybe they’re slightly more in tuned with their animal instincts than we humans are? Wonder if scratching behind a pony’s ears will get them to react the same way dogs do? I mean, sure, ponies can scratch themselves just fine with their hands, and unicorns could probably levitate backscratchers to get hard to reach places, but getting touched by someone else must be different compared to doing it yourself right? Eh, it’s something to think about for another day. The two of us then broke the hug, and Shining fixed her glasses before speaking. “Alright, why don’t we take some time today to relax a little before we get you to Ms. Mascara’s office later today? We’ll have to give Bubbles a call to see if he can get some ponies to be on lookout for Fleur’s sake.” “He’s the head of Fancy’s security right?” I asked. “Shouldn’t all of them be in Canterlot right now? I doubt they can get here until later in the day.” “Oz, Oz, Oz,” Shining said before clicking her tongue. “If there’s one thing you should never doubt, it’s a noble’s security team, especially Fancy Pants’. They’re pretty much on par with the Royal Guard, and they’ll respond to Bubble’s call faster than a regular pony.” “Well that’s certainly good to hear,” I said. “Alright, how about we wake up Fleur, and get some breakfast?” “Sounds good, I’m kind of starving,” Shining said while rubbing her stomach. “Strange how Chineighse food can sometimes never fill you up no matter how much you eat.” “You know? That’s like the exact same thing back on my world, only we call it Chinese,” I replied. “How do you think our worlds have so many similar things?” Shining asked as we walked inside, and continued our chat about our worlds’ odd similarities. [2:25 p.m.] After we woke up Fleur, the three of us went out for breakfast like usual, enjoying a light meal while we chatted. We agreed that I’d… Disrobe myself for them later in the evening once we have our final answer from Vogue, but depending on what the company decides, plans could change in just a snap. Once we were done with our breakfast, we headed back to our hotel room so Shining could brief me in on how I should behave around ponies with high, important occupations like Mascara’s. I thought with me handling higher ups back in my previous jobs would give me some experience, but since I’m in a completely different culture, I’d have to be careful about what I say or do that might offend somepony. Finally, with the time of my appointment near, I got into my best business apparel, which was the same set of clothes I wore the last time I was in Vogue’s building. I made sure everything about me was clean, my hair was styled, and I didn’t smell gross. Once I knew I was fully set, I went to the girls who were waiting patiently. “Well, this is it,” I said. “The moment we’ve all been waiting for.” “It sure is,” Fleur said before giving me a big squeeze. “Best wishes that the news will be a good one.” “Same here,” I replied before I pulled back, and it was Shining’s turn for the embrace. “Best of luck Oz, we’ll be with you in spirit,” Shining said. “Thanks,” I responded before pulling back, and I grabbed my laptop bag. “See you later girls,” I bid before I grabbed my phone, wallet, and the hotel room key as I made my way out. I stepped out of the hotel, called a taxi, and rode my way to Vogue’s corporate office. I tried to keep a calm face as I repeated the things Shining taught me like a broken record in my head along the way before we finally made it to our stop. Once I paid the driver, I grabbed my things, headed inside, and went up to the front desk where the same receptionist mare from yesterday sat. “Hello, I have an appointment with Ms. Mascara for Ozzy Shore?” I asked. “Ah yes, here you are,” the receptionist said before picking up the phone. “Ms. Mascara? Ozzy Shore came in… Uh huh, alright, thank you.” She then hung up the phone, and pointed to the elevator. “Ms. Mascara will be waiting for you on the top floor in her office. You may proceed.” “Thank you,” I said before I walked inside the elevator, and went to the designated floor. The elevator music didn’t exactly help ease my tensions as I was the only one inside. When I stepped out of the elevator, the place was kind of different. The mare who sat in the center of the room, Pantyhose I think was her name, wasn’t present. I looked around, and saw that Mr. Brushstroke’s, and Ms. Wind’s offices were vacant as the lights were out, leaving Mascara’s the only one lit. Huh, were they scheduled a day off? I’d think there’d be somepony subbing Pantyhose for the day. Maybe it’s a slow day? I shrugged before I walked over to Mascara’s office, gave it a few knocks, and found the door unlocked as I opened it a crack. “Mascara?” I asked. “It’s me, Oz. I’m here for Fleur de Lis?” “Ah yes, please, do come in,” she said before I walked inside, and closed the door behind me. The biggest change I’ve seen compared to the last time I was in her office were the large blinds that were covering the entire wall that acted as a window. There were only the lights from the ceiling that kept the office lit, but not bright enough that they were blinding. Mascara sat in her desk like last time, only her suit jacket was hung on the back of her chair. She only had her dress shirt that had a few buttons from her neck undone. “Please excuse my current state Oz,” Mascara said as she fanned herself. “It’s been getting pretty hot and stuffy in here, and the A/C takes time to kick in.” “Oh, it’s no trouble at all,” I said. “Please, have a seat,” she said as she gestured to the chair in front of her. I complied to her request with my laptop case leaning the side, and my hands together on my lap. Mascara’s horn then lit up before she shot a navy blue ray of magic to the ceiling before it spread throughout the entire office, the lights dimmed to make the room darker than it was, and a subtle click was heard from behind me. “So… Here we are,” she said with a smirk as she fixed her black framed glasses. “Yes indeed,” I agreed. “Before we get started, I just have a few more questions I’d like to ask of you Oz.” “Please, ask away.” Mascara then stood up, and walked in front her desk where she sat on it, giving me a full view of her. She had a skirt that matched the jacket that was hanging on the chair along with black stockings on her crossed legs, and matching slippers. “Would you say you’re happy with the job and place you have right now?” “Uh, yeah,” I replied with a shrug. “Job pays well, I have a nice home, and I made good friends with Fleur and Shining.” “I see. Have you ever thought of aiming a little higher than where you stand?” Mascara asked with a smirk before she got off from her desk, and started to slowly unbutton her shirt. “Making more money than you earn now, settling in a better home, and having more… Fun, with new, better friends than your current ones?” She slipped off her shirt, revealing a voluptuous torso with a D cup sized, black laced bra. “What if I told you Oz, that I could give you everything I had mentioned, and more?” She then unzipped her skirt, and let it drop to the floor before stepping out of it. She had a pair of black laced panties with garters that held up the stockings on her legs. On one side of her hip and shoulders, even in the dark, I could make out her cutie mark of an opened bottle of mascara, the brush part combing an eye’s lashes to make them stand out more. She kicked off her slippers to the side before walking towards me, sat on my lap with her hands resting on my shoulders, and started to grind herself on my lap as she moaned in pleasure. “How does that sound to you Oz?” Mascara asked in a euphoric sigh. … I AM OFFICIALLY FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! This is not the direction I expected this meeting to take, and good lord why are my pants getting tight?! “U-uh…” I stuttered before I gulped my suddenly dry throat, sweat already forming quickly on my forehead as my clammy hands gripped to the chair’s arms tightly. My heart began to race as I had no idea how to respond. I suddenly recalled the magic I saw, and the click I heard earlier. I made a horrid realization that not only did Mascara locked the place from the inside, but even if I screamed to the top of my lungs, not only was there nopony on this floor, but the sound-proof spell she cast made double the insurance that no one would hear the slightest peep from this room. “All you have to do to make this possible Oz,” Mascara continued in a sultry tone as she unraveled my tie, and slowly unbutton my dress shirt and suit jacket. I could see the great lust in her half-lidded, deep blue eyes, taking her time to undress me like a child would hold in the eagerness to opening a present. “Is to quit your job as their secretary, and come work for me as my own. Not only will you have a higher pay than what you currently earn, but you’ll live with me in my humble abode, answering to my every beck and call in order to satisfy me in any way possible. I promise you with my experience, you’ll never want to work with anypony else for the rest of your life.” She then reached down to grab my member over my slacks, and inspected its greatly pulsing girth, hardness, and length by feel. “Mmm~ a big boy aren’t you? So what’s it going to be Oz? Them, or me?” What she didn’t know was that I stopped listening after the phrase ‘quit my job’ kept echoing in my mind. Images of all the good and bad times I spent with Fleur and Shining flashed before my eyes. How they welcomed me (Shining taking a little longer to adjust) to the team with open arms, how they showed kindness and care to my well-being, making sure they’d always be there for me while I would do the same. My nervous wreck of a body may be saying otherwise from the sheer arousal, but my mind and heart can agree that all the times I’ve shared with these two fantastic mares up to now, and the times ahead are worth more than the best job, house, sex, and all the money in the world combined. Mascara’s lustful expression turned to shock as I furrowed my brow, and stared at her sternly without blinking. “I’m afraid I’ll have to decline Mascara,” I responded with assurance in my voice before I grabbed her by the waist, and got her off of me. I then stood up, and practically stared her down. “You can try to bribe and convince me all you want, but nothing will ever make me let Fleur de Lis, and Shining Star go for my own benefit, as they’re worth more than anything you, or even the Princesses of Equestria can offer. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going back to my dear friends now.” I then walked toward the door, proud that I made the right decision while stepping up to it… Until… “How very noble of you to say Oz,” Mascara said. “But what about Fleur’s chance of modeling for our Fall design lineup?” My whole body froze once more as my hand was just about to unlock the door. From all the nervousness and arousal, I had completely forgotten why I came here in the first place, and everything inside of me went cold as I finally put the pieces together. “I respect you for not accepting my job offer Oz, but I’m not going to let you leave me empty handed,” Mascara said as my body was suddenly encased in her magical hold. She laid me down on the floor before she got on top and gripped the collar of my dress shirt tightly. The expression she had was one of persistence, determination, lust, and hunger as she gripped my open shirt tightly. “Ever since I first saw you on that broadcast, I wanted to have you all to myself at least once to get a taste for how well you human males can please me in every way possible. It’s a shame you didn’t want to be my secretary. I’ve satisfied my urges with other stallions who’ve worked with their models I took in, but I’ve never come across anypony who looked so exotic, so different, so…” She paused before moving up my head to take a big whiff out from my hair, my face buried in her large cleavage as I could feel her racing heartbeat. She sighed a hot, shaky breath of euphoria on my head, making my back shiver from the alien-like feeling. “… Delicious, in all my lifetime.” She moved back down to where her half-lidded eyes met my own as I wavered in different directions. “Oh the things I could do to you if you were mine, but I think just one experience will be all that I need before I decide to look for more humans like yourself. I don’t know when I’ll ever get a chance like this again, and I’m not getting any younger.” Her expression then turned fierce, almost predatory like she was about to eat me alive. “So if you aren’t going to be my secretary, then you’re going to be my living sex toy for the next few hours until I’m completely satisfied, or all chances of Fleur working for us are off. permanently.” “H-has this been your plan all along?” I stuttered, my heart thumping enough that I could feel it against my ears. “Is Fleur even worth modeling f-for you?” “I’ll admit, Fleur de Lis is pretty good… For a stripper,” Mascara answered as she looked to the side with disinterest. “I’ve seen her work, and quite frankly, she’s better off working in a brothel as a pleasure mare than a professional model. That goes for a couple other models I’ve taken in because they knew how to pick their stallion associates. Now, I have enlisted professional models for the sake of their work, I’ve been in this business long enough to know how to pick them, but when they have hot stallions in tow as well, it’s a win-win for all of us. The models get their places in my company, while the stallions and I have mind-blowing sex that leaves them wanting more even outside of this office.” How dare she call Fleur a prostitute when she’s so much more than that! The nerve of this fucking whore! “Anyway,” Mascara continued as I felt what I assumed to be her tail stroking my leg. “You may not be like the other stallions to enjoy this, but I’m not letting you leave without getting what I want. You do this for me, and keep everything that will happen in this room a secret, and I guarantee that not only will Fleur be in our Fall lineup commercial, but she’ll be put on the reserves list for future occasions. Do we have a deal Mr. Shore?” My mind raced back to all the times when Fleur talked about how much she wanted to be in at least one of their photo shoots. I could tell from the glimmer in her eyes, and especially all the applications in that folder I saw that this meant everything in the world to her. What do I do? I don’t want Fleur to earn her spot this way, and I don’t want to lose my virginity like this. I think out of all the forward mares I’ve come across, Mascara’s probably the scariest I’ve ever met, and since she can cast magic, who knows what she’s going to do with me? What if I still said no? Will she stay true to her word, or is she going to get worse than she is right now? Even if it did go in that direction, I can’t even fight back because of her magical hold on me. Goddammit, no matter what I choose I’ll always lose, and the only good thing that will come from one choice is that... “… You promise t-to take Fleur in if I do?” I asked for clarification. “You have my word,” Mascara replied with the lust-filled look back on her face. “… Just do whatever you want, and make it quick,” I said while I looked to the side in shame. “Oh no, for something like this? I’m going to enjoy and savor every last minute,” she purred before she turned my gaze to her, locked her lips with mine, and moaned in hunger as she jammed her tongue inside my mouth. She scoured every last bit of me as she swirled her long tongue against my own, along with my teeth, and my inner cheeks. I almost gagged from how tasteless her make out was, and how wrong all of this was. Tears started to stream down my face as feelings of fear, sadness, shame, and disgust were scattering inside me. As she ate me out, one of her hands moved to my hardening crotch, and slowly undid my belt and pants while I waited for my fate. Good-bye my sweet virginity, I’m sorry our first ended up like this. Fleur, Shining, I hope you’ll forgive me for what I’m about to do, and I’m sorry that I got us all into this— SLAM! “EVERYPONY FREEZE!” A familiar, gruff voice exclaimed. Mascara jolted up from the kiss, leaving a coat of saliva on my mouth while the two of us saw the pony who yelled the order. Standing at the entrance over the broken door was Bubbles. Behind him was a stern Shining, an angry Fleur, a surprised Ms. Winds, and a police stallion that followed suit with a deep blush on his face. “Step away from the human, and put your hands in the air lady. Cuffs, hold her,” Bubbles demanded in such stern voice it made Mascara obey without hesitation. The police stallion who I assumed to be Cuffs took out a pair of handcuffs, and some kind of ring. He fitted the ring over Mascara’s horn before holding her from behind, and locked her hands together. “Mascara, you’re under arrest for sexual assault, and questioning for illegal business negotiations,” Cuffs said. “How do you know that?!” Mascara asked with fear now prevalent in her voice and expression. “This whole floor’s deserted, and I soundproofed the office!” “Because of this,” Shining said as she walked over to me, reached behind my head, and I felt a tug on my back collar. I looked up, and I could make out some kind of black electronic piece she was holding. “I planted what was called a bug on Oz because I wanted to see for myself how legit this whole interview was. I had my suspicions when I went through the photos Ms. Winds lent me. When I saw most, if not all photos contained good captures of Oz here, that’s when I came up with planting a bug on him to see if my suspicions were correct. We heard everything from the very beginning, and have it all recorded for evidence.” She then held up some kind of box that I assumed to be a recording device. I wiped my tears and Mascara’s saliva off my face before I sat up. “S-so what’s going to happen?” I asked as I button my clothes back on. “Once we get her dressed, we’re taking Mascara to the station so she can explain all the other ‘negotiations’ she made with her past associates like what almost happened here,” Cuffs explained. “Bubbles called me over for extra security, and when I heard how things got out of hand, I called backup. They’re all waiting out front.” “What about Ms. Winds? Why’s she here?” I asked. “I was on my day off, but I came back because I left something in my office,” she answered as she walked over to Mascara, crossed her arms, and stared her down. “I heard what I needed to hear when I ran into Mr. Bubbles and the girls. Mascara, in all my years of working with you, I must say I’m deeply disappointed that you took advantage of your occupation for something like this. I don’t think you even realize how much this will affect our business once this gets out in the news. Not only that, you’ve besmirched, no, you made a complete mess of our company’s ideals of beauty. I’m afraid you’re not going to seduce your way into keeping your job once this is all over.” “And don’t think you’ll ever get away with this in court,” Fleur added in as she helped me up. “I’ll make sure my brother hires the best attorney to bring you down to the ground.” “Oz,” Bubbles said before I turned to him, and he handed me my laptop case. “You and the girls go head back to the hotel. We’ll take everything else from here, and we’ll call you for anything that needs to be clarified.” “Thanks Bubbles,” I said before I looked back to Mascara, and she gave me an angry stare. I quickly turned around, and I left the office with the girls and my things in tow before we got into the elevator. Instead of the first floor, Fleur pushed a button that would have the elevator take us two floors above it. “Uh… Why are we—“ “Oz… We have much to discuss,” Shining interrupted me, making the air in the elevator silent and tense. I didn’t say anything else when we made it to the floor. When we stepped out, the room had a couple box offices that some of the employees were busy making phone calls while a few were staring in our direction. We ignored them as we made way for the break room on the side, closed the door behind us, and Fleur cast a soundproof spell in the room. We stood there in tense silence, lost for where we would even start our discussion. I took the initiative to begin with what needed to be said. “Um… T-thanks for coming to save my hide by the way,” I said as I looked to the side, and scratched my head in awkwardness. “I can’t imagine how things would go if that were to continue—“ “Why?” Fleur interrupted. “I-I’m sorry?” I asked. “Why didn’t you say no?” Fleur asked with her back still turned, but I could see that she was trying to hold in her tears from how her shoulders were shuddering. “Why didn’t you just walk away and save yourself?” “She… Said she wouldn’t give you the spot if I said no,” I answered. “I know how much modeling for this company meant to you, and—“ “THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” Fleur exclaimed as she turned to me, making me jump back from the volume. Tears were streaming down her face that made the eyeliner she was wearing run. “Do you even know how I felt when I heard one of my best friends was going to sacrifice something so precious to them for my sake?! Do you think I wanted the spot so bad that I’d use you to get there?!” “WHAT THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO FLEUR?!” I screamed, making the girls jump back. “I was fucking trapped in a locked, soundproofed room with a deranged unicorn possessing God knows how much magic she had under her belt! I didn’t know what she’d do to me if I said no, and I…” I slid down the wall until I got on the ground, and I broke down. All the fear, anxiety, stress, and helplessness came out as I closed myself into a fetal position and sobbed greatly. “I wanna go home… I just wanna go home,” I whimpered pathetically as I continued crying, not even able to look up at the girls anymore. The sobs only filled the silence in the break room as the girls were silent, and my head was down while I hugged my knees. At one point, I heard a door opening, and a couple hoof steps before the door closed. A few moments later, I heard a few light hoof steps coming towards me before I felt something hugged me, and rubbed my back. I just accepted it as I returned the gesture. I didn’t care how pathetic I may have looked, or how awkward I felt. I just wanted, no, I needed someone there to hold on to comfort me. “Shhh, it’s okay Ozzy,” Fleur’s voice whispered as she rubbed my back, and I felt something wet drop on me while I heard sniffling. “It’s all over now. You’re safe here.” “I’m so sorry,” I apologized while my crying calmed down. “There’s no need to apologize,” she replied in a soothing, caring voice. “I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that.” I took a few moments to gather myself before I pulled back. Fleur with a mess of make up on her face offered me tissues that I gladly accepted before she grabbed some for herself. Once we cleaned ourselves, I was a little calmer than when I came in. “Sorry about the mess,” I apologized as I looked to the side in awkwardness. “It’s quite alright Ozzy,” she replied with a small smile. “How do you feel?” “A little better,” I answered before I sighed and I rubbed my eyes. “I still can’t believe we came all the way here for this, and how that whore was referring you.” “Unfortunately, that’s one of the downsides of modeling,” Fleur said while brushing her mane out of her face. “One way or another, you’re basically using sex appeal to bring in customers, whether it be selling products, yourself, or just giving them a show in a club. You can label it to whatever floats your boat, but in the end, there’ll be at least one who sees it as seduction no matter what the occasion. “I knew what I was getting into when I started modeling, and negative publicity aside, not only am I making good money to help other ponies and causes, but I have a blast doing what I do for a living, and I think that’s what’s most important.” “That’s a nice way to look at things,” I commented. “Still, for Mascara herself to refer to me in such a manner while she not only has those escapades, but the company as a whole using the bodies of models to sell their products, she’s kind of a hypocrite,” Fleur regarded before sighing. “I still can’t believe I looked up to this company for so long. I don’t think I’ll look at their brand of gowns the same way again. “Anyway, why don’t we get something to eat, call it a night, and make our way back home tomorrow?” Fleur asked. “I think a quiet evening is something all of us will need at this point.” “That sounds nice,” I replied before the two of us got up, and left the break room. When I stepped out, Shining was having a talk with Ms. Winds before they turned to us, the latter with her ears folded. “How you doing Oz?” Shining asked with a hand on my shoulder, and a concerned expression. “A little better, thanks,” I answered. “Mr. Shore, I must deeply apologize for what Mascara almost did to you,” Ms. Winds said. “If I knew she was doing something like this, I would have stopped her a long time ago.” “It’s fine. You didn’t know about this as much as I did,” I replied. “Anyway, while Mascara won’t be working here for a while, if not forever, I’ll step in until we get everything settled,” Ms. Winds continued. “We’re going to take full responsibility for what happened today. No bribing to avoid lawsuits, no schemes, and especially no seducing our way to get what we want. We may be cutting back enough to cancel the commercial for the Fall design lineup, but Fleur, I really do feel you have the potential to model for us no matter what Mascara had said about you. I’d like to have a proper interview with you for next year’s Spring or Summer lineup if you’re still okay working with us. What do you say?” Shining and I turned to Fleur while we waited for her response. She took her time gathering her thoughts, which had me surprised since she wanted to work with Vogue for so long, but after everything that has happened today, I could understand why she would second guess her decision. “ I... Suppose I could work with that,” Fleur answered. “After we have court settled, would we schedule a proper interview then?” “Absolutely, and it will be planned further ahead of time instead of last minute,” Ms. Winds added in with a smile. “Despite everything that has happened, I’d like to thank you three for coming by. What will you do now?” “We’re going to be heading back to Canterlot tomorrow,” Fleur answered. “After what we’ve experience here, I think spending the rest of our days off back home sounds nice right about now.” “I don’t blame you,” Ms. Winds agreed. “Well then, I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here in Manehattan, and I’ll be sure to keep in touch. If you’ll excuse me, I need to make some phone calls.” She then took the elevator to leave the floor, leaving the three of us to ourselves once more. “So I guess that’s it for our trip in Manehattan huh?” Shining asked. “I’m kind of glad actually. The big city life here is getting me less comfortable with stallions compared to Canterlot.” “And I’m kind of worried what may happen if we stay here a little longer since Solar’s around too,” Fleur added in. “Come on. Let’s go grab something to eat, and take it easy for the rest of the evening huh? We’ll try to grab the earliest ride back home tomorrow.” “Sounds good,” I replied. With the plan in mind, we took the elevator down to the first floor, and the police held back the paparazzi that were trying to ask us questions as we hitched a taxi ride to a nice restaurant as far away from the scene as possible. > Chapter 22: "It's about time I come clean." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22: “It’s about time I come clean.” [Fleur’s POV, 7:00 p.m.] Ozzy, Shiny, and I went straight to a good restaurant away from Vogue to grab a bite to eat after a hectic afternoon. During dinner though, the three of us didn’t talk much, if at all. Ozzy looked out of it after the incident, and Shiny was as concerned about his condition as I was. The scariest thought I’ve ever had before was of losing Shiny after Solar stabbed her, probably more so than being the target myself, but now, I can’t imagine how Ozzy was feeling at that moment. He isn’t strong like an earth pony, doesn’t possess magic or flight, he’s vulnerable to pretty much anything around here if he doesn’t know how to defend himself. He’s just as helpless as a foal. Then there was what happened in the break room. That may have been the first time I’ve ever seen him cry since he moved to Equestria. He looked so vulnerable, frightened, and possibly ashamed of himself for selling himself like that. I felt guilty myself for thinking he was sacrificing his virginity for my sake when that may have been the safest way to get out of the situation with minimal damage in his perspective. Once we paid for our meal, we went back to the hotel room to settle inside for the rest of the evening. “I’ll go first and try not to take too long inside,” Ozzy said. “Oh don’t worry about it, dearie,” I replied with a wave. “Take as much time as you need.” Ozzy nodded before he grabbed his nightwear and went inside the bathroom, leaving Shiny and me by ourselves, across from each other on the beds. Oh gosh, where do we even start? There’s so much I want to talk about, but I don’t know where to begin. “… Oz seems really down, huh?” Shiny asked while looking to the side. “I can only imagine,” I followed along. “I wish there was something we can do for him. For something Ozzy has experienced... I may not know how often that occurs back on his world, but something like that could make anypony terrified.” “That’s not the only thing that concerns me,” Shiny commented as she looked towards me. “Remember when I said how I apologized so many times for kicking Oz?” “Yes?” “At one point he said it wasn’t as bad as the last couple times he got hurt.” The air suddenly felt heavy, at least to me, as everything inside just dropped after hearing Shiny’s comment. “I-I’m sorry. I thought you said it wasn’t as bad as the last couple times he got hurt when we’ve only seen him get a black eye from that stallion last week.” “I meant what I said, Fleur,” Shiny replied with her ears folded as she looked to the side. “I can’t say for certain myself, but I think he’s been in more fights back on Earth, life-threatening or not, than I’ve come to realize.” “Y-you mean to tell me there’s more to his previous life back on Earth that we don’t know?” I asked with a shaky voice. “Pretty much,” Shiny replied. He did mention about starting fresh in a new environment when we first met. I think I’m  finally starting to understand why. “Do you think that… he might not want to see other mares after experiencing everything today?” Shining asked, which perked my ears from how she even thought about his social life, especially romance. “I’m… Not sure Shiny,” I answered. “If anything, I’m worried if he’ll even stay in Equius if he keeps running into mares like Mascara, or at least thinking he might. It makes sense considering this has occurred often enough for him to think that way. Why do you ask?” “Fleur… There’s something I should probably, no, I need to tell you because I’m still not exactly sure about this myself, and I need your opinion on it,” Shiny requested as she looked at me directly. She looks pretty serious about this… wait, is she? “Alright. What do you need to tell me?” I asked. She looked hesitant as she tried to come up with the right words. There was a slight blush on her face as if this may be something really awkward or embarrassing to confess while she looked to the side. “So… I’m not sure about this myself yet, but I may… like Oz as more than just a friend.” My eyes widened before blinking in shock. “Y-you feel that way for him too?” “Too? Don’t tell me—“ “I’m afraid so,” I finished for her as I looked to the side with my cheeks slightly heated. “I may have something for Ozzy myself.” “Fuck… when was the last time something like this happened?” Shiny asked while looking to the side and scratching her head. “Back in Junior High I believe,” I answered. “We turned getting one colt for ourselves into a competition until he ended up seeing somepony else.” “And that was when we made our pact should something like that happen again,” Shiny added in before she looked down with ears folded. “I don’t know about you, but I’m more concerned about whether or not Oz will get over his insecurities for us mares than trying to go out with him.” “Same here,” I sighed as I followed Shiny’s gesture. “He’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met, and I want him to be as happy as he made me ever since he came to Equestria.” “I couldn’t agree more,” Shiny added in. “Even after all the shit I’ve put him through, he’s still patient and kind to me. I owe him a lot for how much he’s helping me change myself for the better…” She looked up to me with concern. “Should we just… hold off on dating Oz until he’s comfortable with the idea?” “That may be the best option right now,” I answered with a nod. “We’ll discuss what will happen when we get to that point. Right now, we’re the only mares in this world Ozzy can trust, and he needs us to help him get through this hard time.” “This wouldn’t be so difficult if Mascara hadn’t assaulted Oz like that,” Shiny commented as she gripped her fists tightly. “Somehow I don’t see stallions so bad now considering we mares aren’t any better. What if she raped others in the past and they were too ashamed to report her? How often do mares take advantage of stallions when they’re in heat? How do they fare with other mares? It’s just…” She started to shudder as her eyes welled up in tears. When I sat next to Shiny to give her comfort, she broke down crying right there. I didn’t say anything and just comforted her as much as I could while she let it all out. I couldn’t help but break a few tears myself. Once we started to calm down and used up many tissues to clear ourselves up, Shiny fixed her glasses after cleaning them. “I don’t care how long it takes, and I’ll figure out my feelings later. All I want to do is help Oz get through this and do what I can to be a good friend to him. I’m sure that’s all he wants from me right now.” “That goes double for me,” I agreed. “It’s the best that we can do for him right now.” [Ozzy’s POV, 7:30 p.m.] I took a little longer in the bathroom so I could scrub off the filthiness on my body, and cleaned my mouth of any taste I still had from that awful kiss. No matter how hard I tried, or how many times I did it, I still felt completely disgusting. The images from the incident that kept playing back in my head didn’t help at all either. I haven’t felt this awful about myself since the last time I saw Robert. Sure, that may have been completely different compared to what happened today, but that uncertainty and shame in myself is still the same, somehow. After I brushed my teeth for the third time, I gave up and left the bathroom to join the girls in my nightwear. “Bathroom’s open,” I said. “Also… I’m sorry, but could I not show myself tonight?” The girls’ eyes widened in shock before Fleur answered. “You don’t have to do it Ozzy. In fact, don’t worry about it until you’re comfortable enough to reveal yourself. Take all the time you need.” “Thanks,” I replied. “I think I’ll go next. Be right back,” Shining said before she got up, grabbed her nightwear, and went to the bathroom before I took her spot next to Fleur. “How are you feeling?” Fleur asked. “The water was nice, but I still feel like shit,” I replied while I rubbed my arms. “My mouth tastes awful, I can’t clean whatever she rubbed off on me, and I can’t get those damn images out of my head.” “Ozzy,” Fleur said with her ears folded. “Why does this keep happening to me, Fleur?” I asked. “I was never this popular with girls back on Earth, I wasn’t the most social person compared to others, and I don’t think my body looks all that great. What the fuck is it about me that gets some of those mares to lust after me? “It’s funny actually. I’ve acquainted a couple guys back on Earth who’d practically crave this kind attention from girls, especially my brother Robert. I swear, he became a bigger douche as soon as he had his first time, and somehow the girls back home just swoon over it. He doesn’t even keep one girlfriend for more than a month because he either gets bored with one enough to drop her, or starts seeing someone else even before that. If he saw me right now, I must look like quite a pussy in his eyes.” “Ozzy, please don’t degrade yourself like that,” Fleur said. “Nopony’s first time is perfect, and it’s normal to be a little scared when you’re at that point in a relationship. From what I’m hearing about your brother, it sounds like he doesn’t see the value and beauty of sex like you do. Am I right?” “I guess,” I answered. “I rarely thought about how I want my first time to go before now.” “Why don’t you talk to me about it now?” Fleur asked. My eyes widened at the question Fleur just put out as I gazed at her. “Like… right now?” “Yeah,” she answered with a shrug. “I think you already know how open and comfortable I am talking about this kind of this thing by now, so why not? I’m kind of curious to what your imagination can come up with as well.” “I’m not sure, Fleur,” I answered. “I have mixed feelings talking about this sort of thing.” “It could help you keep your mind off of what happened earlier, and I won’t tell it to anypony else,” she added in before she made what may be the most adorable puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen while quivering her lower lip. “Pweeeeease Ozzy?” She asked before blinking her eyes. Oh god the adorableness! It’s too wrong and painful to watch! Will fading… resistance to ‘d’aww’ crumbling… can’t… hold out much longer… “Alright alright fine! Just please stop it with the cuteness before I die from a heart attack!” I pleaded as I looked away. “Yay!” She cheered while clapping happily. Dear god that was horrifying. I better watch for anything else if I don’t want her using that again. I sighed in defeat before I looked up in thought. “Alright, where do I even begin?” I asked.  “If you have trouble with it, I find closing my eyes to visualize a nice way to start,” Fleur commented. “Okay,” I replied before I did what she suggested. “Let’s see… I don’t think I want anything too fancy and complicated. Since there’s a good chance I’ll be with someone who’s not a virgin, I just hope she’s patient enough with me to take it slow, maybe help walk me through it so I won’t feel like I have no idea what I’m doing and look like a complete idiot.” Fleur giggled a little from that comment. “That’s understandable. What else?” “Uh…” I took a moment to visualize my ideal setting before answering. “Having it taken place in a bedroom seems simple enough, not expecting much except how comfortable the bed is. Whether we start it off with or without clothes doesn’t really matter. I’m sure whoever I’d be with is the most beautiful person in the whole world to me no matter what she’s in. I heard girls take longer to, uh… orgasm than guys do. So I’d give her much attention to warm up a little after a few minutes of good kissing. I would take my time to explore every place on her body that makes her feel good, probably tell her how beautiful someplace looks, how great it feels, maybe how cute she looks when she reacts to the touch. Hopefully she’s willing enough to guide me where those good spots are that I’d be more than happy to provide such ministrations. “I don’t know how willing she’d be to return the favor, but I’m not going to worry about that for now. Once we’re warmed up enough though, I’m okay with whatever position she’d like to do for the actual thing since I’m still new to it. If I had to choose, probably something where she’s on top, and we can change positions at any point we see fit. And… I guess we keep going until we’re tired out—hey, do you smell something?” I asked before I took a few whiffs. Strange… This is the second time a scent has come out of nowhere. It’s different, but somehow it has some sort of sweet flavor like the last one. I opened my eyes before I looked over to Fleur. Her whole face was red enough to overcome her white fur as she gazed at me with shrunken irises. Crap, did I somehow go into too much detail? “Fleur? Are you okay?” I asked. “H-huh?” She asked before blinking. “O-oh, I’m sorry, I’m fine… just… lost in thought for a bit there.” “Was that description weird?” “No no! It’s fine! It’s… very well thought out… beautiful even.” The two of us sat there in silence for a moment before Shining came out of the bathroom with her nightwear on. “Bathroom’s ready—“ “ThanksShinyI’llberightback!” Fleur interrupted before she quickly got her clothes and dashed to the bathroom. “Did I interrupt something?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’m… not sure,” I replied before I got up, and opened the window to air out the strange smell. I then took my seat back on the bed where Shining sat next to me. “So what did you and Fleur talk about?” She asked before fixing her glasses. “I was… explaining how I want to have my first time with someone,” I answered while looking down with heated cheeks. “Oh… how’d that come up?” “It was something to keep my mind off of earlier. I’d rather not repeat it again since I somehow made things awkward between Fleur and me.” “Of course. Do you want to talk about something else?” “Do mares get aggressive around stallions often?” I asked. Shining paused before she looked down with ears folded. “I’m… Not really sure myself Oz. There are different scenarios of sexual harassment and rape that could happen, and as far as I know, cases where mares act out on stallions are the most condemned in this country.” “Mares on stallions?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “What about the other way around?” “It may be about the same, but the former seems to grab more attention because there are fewer stallions in the population, and we need them in order for us mares to bear foals.” “And that’s why herds are accepted in this world?” I asked. “That’s right,” she answered. “Some ponies may want monogamous relationships, and that’s just as accepted, but with more mares sharing one stallion means more foals to bear, and more ponies to help populate Equestria. Sadly, with us in heat it’s more likely for us to get pregnant, and since that can only happen once every two to three months, it may take us a while to really grow. Then there’s cases where stallions aren’t ready to have foals, and mares being more aggressive when in heat will make rape happen more often.” “Fuck,” I swore. “And Mascara wasn’t even in heat when I was in the room. I can’t fathom how things may have turned out if she was.” “Well it’s not like every mare wants foals so badly they’d resort to rape to get them,” Shining added in. “Heck, even if I was still able to bear foals right now, I’d much rather wait for that special somepony before I would want to go that far. With that said, it’s harder for us to control our urges when in heat no matter how much we don’t want to bear foals.” “And that’s why you have that ‘flower symbol thing on doors’ law, right?” I asked. “Correct,” she answered. “This is so mares can stay in households and not risk getting pregnant when they don’t want to, while it warns male passersby so they won’t get victimized… unfortunately, that’s not always the case.” She then looked down with her ears folded. “Stallions have those urges as well and probably want to have a good ride, but don’t want to hold the responsibility of fathering foals. So when those stallions go into a mare’s home while they’re in heat, that’s when things start to get complicated, and that’s part of what ticks me off about stallions sometimes. I guess I was so focused on that, I didn’t think about other scenarios like what almost happened today.” She looked over to me with a concerned expression while placing a hand on my shoulder. “I just want you to know that you aren’t the first guy to have something like earlier happen, and there are reasonable mares out there who want to have a healthy relationship as much as you do. I understand you’ll need time to get somewhat comfortable with mares again, and Fleur and I will do whatever we can to help. All I ask is that you don’t lose all hope in seeking a relationship with us because you deserve to be happy with somepony you love as much as anypony else.” Wow… I don’t know how I can respond to that except… “Thanks,” I replied before a phone rang. It sounded like Shining’s as she picked up her phone from the nightstand. “Hello? Oh, hey, Toffee, what’s up? Yeah, today’s been rough for all of us. We’re planning on going back home tomorrow… Hold on a second.” She covered the bottom of her phone before turning to me. “Toffee wants to know if we could have lunch with them before we leave tomorrow. Would you like to go?” “Lunch sounds good,” I answered. “Yeah we can come for lunch tomorrow,” Shining continued on her phone while Fleur came out of the bathroom with her nightwear on. “Uh huh? 12:30 at Tortellini’s? Sounds good, we’ll see you then. You have a good night too. Bye.” “Who was that?” Fleur asked. “Toffee,” Shining answered. “She and Bubbles want us to join them for lunch tomorrow before we go home.” “How lovely,” Fleur commented. I yawned before I set my glasses on the nightstand and rubbed my eyes. “I think it’s about time for me to hit the hay,” I said before I got under the covers. What I didn’t expect though was Fleur and Shining taking each side of me on the same bed and got comfortable. My face couldn’t help but warm up a little from this sudden moment. “Is it alright if we join you Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “Uh… sure, I guess,” I answered. This may be the first time I’m fully aware that the girls are sleeping with me before I fall asleep. All the previous nights since we got here I just took as accidents. I didn’t think they’d actually be this willing, especially Shining. Are they doing this for my comfort? Is this normal for friends to do in Equestria? It’s strange, but I feel a little more relaxed now than I was earlier. It’s… kind of nice. After Fleur turned out the lights with her magic, she and Shining snuggled up to me. I was glad it was dark enough for them to not see me blush, because I felt their breasts pressing against me from both sides, their tails coiling up my legs, and I could smell the same soaps they used on their fur the last couple times we slept. I felt trapped like this morning, but in a good way somehow. “You comfortable Oz?” Shining asked. “Y-yeah, I’m fine,” I replied. “Let us know if you need to move, okay?” Fleur asked. “S-sure…” I closed my eyes and adapted myself to this new, comfortable position I was fully aware of compared to the mornings before. “Good night.” “Good night,” they both said before the room was silent. As I drifted off to sleep, an uneasy feeling I haven’t had for quite some time was coming to me, unaware that what happened next was very different compared to other nights. [Time unknown] I was on my way back home from the grocery store, carrying a couple bags of groceries I need to cook dinner for the girls and me. It was a nice day, I was relatively calm, possibly relieved to start settling down after a long day being the girls’ secretary. As I was a couple blocks away, there were brown and white stallions in golden armor running past me in the same direction. “Come on everypony we gotta move! We have a hostage situation in our hands!” One of the guards said, which had my heart racing in panic. No… I dropped everything before sprinting the rest of the way back home, only to be greeted with a crowd of police officers and bystanders gathering around the front of Fleur’s house. There were also a few guard carriages parked along the street as well. Among the crowd, I saw Bubbles, Toffee, and Fancy together with looks of despair on their faces. “What’s going on?! Why are there so many ponies here?!” I asked in a demanding tone. “A human has taken Fleur hostage,” Toffee answered with tears streaming down her face. “He has a knife ready to cut my poor sister’s throat,” Fancy added in with grief. “He said he won’t let her go unless I trade a million bits for her.” “LET ME IN THERE YOU BASTARDS!” A familiar voice screamed. I turned to the source, and saw that it was Shining struggling to break free from a few guards’ grips on her while tears were slowly streaming down as well. “MY BEST FRIEND IS IN THERE! YOU HAVE TO LET ME IN!” What kind of human would want to get ahold of Fleur just to get some freakin’ bits? Doesn’t matter. I need to see who the hell would even do this to one of my friends, and I’m not going to stand around and do nothing this time. “Bubbles, cover for me,” I said. “Huh? Oz, what are you—“ POW! I gave one of the guards closest to me a hard punch to the jaw that was unprotected by their helmets, enough to loosen their grip so Shining could break free and knock the other one out. “COME ON, LET’S GO!” I screamed before Shining and I went under the police tape, ignoring the demands for us to stop as we sprinted to the door. Shining didn’t even bother taking the house key out as she just kicked the door down before we barged inside. What I saw next left my whole body cold, shivering, and sweaty. Behind a frightened, crying Fleur who was tied to a chair with rope, was a guy with a military cut hairstyle in a lighter shade of brown than my own, light olive skin, green eyes, a tank top, and jeans. He had a large army knife against Fleur’s neck while he was gripping her mane tightly upwards. “Well well well… if it isn’t Shnoz, my little baby brother,” the guy said snidely. “ROBERT!” I yelled. “Get the fuck away from my friend you bastard!” “Th-this is your brother?!” Shining asked. “OZZY!” Fleur screamed while sobbing. “Help me! Please!” “SHUT IT HORSE!” Robert yelled while yanking Fleur’s mane up, making her scream in pain. “DON’T HURT HER!” I yelled. “Why are you even doing this?!” “I thought I’d start anew here with the money to trade this bitch over, but the plans have changed,” Robert answered before he gritted his teeth. “You took everything away from me, you little snot! I was living the big time before you fucking ratted me out! Now that it has come to this, I don’t think I’ll need that money anymore. I’ll just take everything away from you before I finish what I started years ago! Starting with this whore right here!” Everything seemed to slow down as my heart raced exponentially high, and I tried to rush in to stop Robert from slitting Fleur’s throat while Shining followed. My screams were silent as I tried to beg him to stop, my hopes quickly deteriorating as I felt I was too late to save Fleur… “THAT. IS. ENOUGH!” A new, female voice exclaimed at the loudest volume I’ve ever heard, freezing all of us in place. My whole body besides my eyes were frozen by a light blue aura as I saw everything around me, even Robert himself being warped and faded out until there was nothing but dark blue skies riddled with stars everywhere I looked. Off to the corner of my eye was a soft, light blue glow radiating from a dark figure’s horn as she flew in my direction. At a close enough distance, I could see it was a mare with a midnight blue coat, and a mane and tail gently blown to the side by a nonexistent breeze that resembled the night sky itself. She had a black crown, necklace with a crescent moon at the center, slippers on her hooves, and a silk dress that hugged her figure in the right places. Once she landed gracefully before me, I saw that she was very tall compared to most ponies I’ve seen so far, yet her female features were just as good, maybe better in proportion than regular mares. She folded her large, majestic wings behind her, and the glow around me diminished before I fell flat on my face. I groaned in pain before I got on my knees, and looked up to the regal mare in front of me who was like an amazon from where I was sitting. “So I take it you’re… Princess Luna?” I asked. “Indeed I am,” she replied. “I must apologize for not coming here sooner, as your nightmares weren’t like most I’ve come across. It was a bit of a challenge breaking my way inside.” “So this is a dream… figures considering how messed up that was,” I commented while rubbing my head. “And I came at the best time as well,” she added in. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Your nightmares have become so great, it actually bled into the dreams of your dear friends because of how close in proximity they were with you back in the real world,” Luna explained, making me wide-eyed in response. “Because of this, Fleur de Lis, and Shining Star have witnessed everything that has happened here, and are still present at this very moment.” I quickly got up, and checked around, and like she said, Fleur and Shining’s bodies were enveloped in her magic, frozen in their designated positions from the dream earlier, but only their eyes were locked on me while tears were streaming down their faces. “Had I not come here sooner, I can’t fathom what might have happen to them,” Luna continued with a look of dread on her face. “Is it possible if you could have them join us here?” I asked. “Since they’ve already seen it, I’m sure they have a lot of questions, and it’s about time I explained everything to them like I should have.” Luna gave a small smile in response. “I was hoping you would say that.” Her glowing horn got brighter while she closed her eyes, and waved her hand over Shining and Fleur who were enveloped in that same light blue aura. In one motion, the girls were able to move again, and they each took a breath while they sat on the ground. Before too long though, they practically tackled me to the ground while they sobbed into my shoulders and squeezed me tightly. “Oz, you fucking jerk! Why did you held this out from us?!” Shining exclaimed. “What the heck was that?!” Fleur added in. “A doozy of a nightmare apparently,” I answered as I had my arms around the girls. “The ones I had before were different compared to this. They were more like memories that got out of hand, really, but no matter what, it was always about me and Robert. They stopped appearing long before I came to Equestria, but they came back after that fight at the jazz club a little over a week ago, and I guess the stress from today added into this one.” “THIS STARTED AGAIN LAST WEEK?!” Shining exclaimed before she pulled back. “Why didn’t you tell me when I asked you about anything I should know about back at the gym?!” “I was… afraid of what you might think of me once I told you how I got these nightmares in the first place,” I answered. “But since you’re here now, I guess it’s about time I come clean about my own past. You two deserve that much after everything you’ve done for me.” The three of us then stood up from the ground, the girls wiped their eyes while I straightened my shirt before I turned to Luna. “Princess? You think you can help me out? I think it’s probably better if I show than tell.” Luna nodded before she placed a hand on my back, focused her magic, and everything around us was spinning. When everything slowed down, the setting changed to a city that was smaller than Manehattan, but still urban all the same. The streets were busy with locals and cars passing by our intangible bodies. “Where are we?” Shining asked. “This is my hometown back on Earth three years ago,” I answered. “Peoria, Illinois, in the U.S. We’re starting off here because this is the time when everything started going downhill for me. There I am, over there,” I said as I pointed to my younger self who was walking along the sidewalk. As I was on my way back home after another long day at work, I spotted something in a shaded alley. Upon closer inspection, it was two people finishing some deal by trading a plastic bag of white powder with a bundle of money. Once they parted ways, I followed the dealer from a safe distance, as he looked somewhat familiar to me. Once I reached the dealer’s hideout a couple minutes later, I followed him to the room where all of the drugs were being made. The dealer pulled back his hood, revealing a familiar guy with a military haircut. “Drug deals were a popular thing back then,” I commented as we watched. “There was one type of heroin in particular that was stronger compared to regular ones, and it was a big hit; however, there were many reports of people dying from consuming this drug, and police were tracking the suppliers to take them down.” “Did the suppliers and dealers know about these deaths?” Fleur asked. “I’m pretty sure they did, but they didn’t give a crap about it,” I answered. “All they cared about was making big money by means that require a lot of planning, but little physical effort to achieve.” “I suppose your brother actually worked for such a foul group during the time?” Luna asked. “Yep, and when he didn’t, he either did whatever he wanted with his buddies, saw other girls, or had a good time by making my life miserable,” I answered. “When I found out what Robert was doing, I’ll admit, I was hesitant on calling the police at first, because I was afraid of what he might do to me if abusing me both emotionally AND physically on occasion wasn’t bad enough, but it was a chance for me to finally get back at him for everything he had done to me, and get his just desserts.” “We got a bundle!” Robert exclaimed as he slammed the money he received earlier onto the table. The people in the room cheered for his accomplishment in making the big hit as I watched from an unseen spot. “Yo, man, that’s how we do it!” One of the guys said as he high fived Robert. “We are selling these bitches like hotcakes these days! We’ll be living like kings at this rate!” “Hey man, we got a report that three more guys died from overdosing this shit,” another person said. “Narcs will be catching up sooner or later if we’re not careful.” Holy shit, are these guys the suppliers? “And that’s why we’ll be relocating  a few days from now,” one person who I assumed to be the leader said. “Robert, you’re the finest of our dealers, and we’d be honored if you’ll join us…IN MEXICO!” The room was filled with cheers once more. “Once we cross the border, nothing will stop us!” “Hey, with you guys? Especially my baby girl here? How could I say no?” Robert asked before the room cheered once more, and he made out with I could only guess was his 100th girlfriend, if he wasn’t past that already. Not if I have anything to say about it. I quickly made my way out of the hideout as quietly as possible before I ran out of the property. I called the police and told them what was going on along with the location of the hideout, then power walked my way home. I made it to my messy, smelly, poorly kept apartment building a couple minutes later. On a chair was a chubby, medium-short haired man with a stubble beard, a messy tank top, boxers, and a couple of empty beer bottles and cans lying around him as he watched T.V. in the living room. “Hey Dad,” I deadpanned as I walked past him. “Mm,” he responded. “That's your father?!” Fleur exclaimed. “I know, the resemblance is just so uncanny, isn’t it?” I asked with sarcasm. “Fuck, he actually makes Solar Flare from back then look clean. No offense,” Shining said. “None taken,” I replied. I started making dinner for Dad and me once I settled down. I was quite proud of myself for my actions. Not only had I done the right thing in calling the cops to arrest the suppliers of that special heroin, but my own brother would be taken in as well. Finally, he’d be out of my hair as he’d serve his time in prison, and I’d move out after I got my schooling done. Things were slightly calm before the door slammed open, making me and Dad jump in surprise. At the door was Robert in his tank top and jeans, sweat pouring all over his body, eyes filled with rage as he glared at me. “YOU!” He yelled. “You fuckin’ called the cops on us!” “Wh-what’s going on here?” Dad asked. “Called the cops on you?” I asked with as much innocence I could act out. “What are you talking about, Robert? What would I even call them for in the first place?” “BULLSHIT!” Robert yelled. “I know you called the cops on us for drug dealing you fucking prick! I saw you leaving our hideout before I bailed!” “Shit,” I muttered under my breath, admitting defeat for not getting Robert to fall for it. I then stared him down, mustering as much intensity as I could. “You’re going to get what’s coming to you Robert. Many people have died from the heroin you were dealing, and you never showed a shred of guilt for being a part of it. It’s about time you get what you deserve.” “If you think I’m going to let you get away that easily, you’re dead wrong Shnoz!” He exclaimed as he pulled out an army knife. “If I’m going down, you're coming with me, you little shit!” My whole body was trembling as Robert charged me. Out of all the times he and I fought, this was one where only one of us would walk away with minimal damage. This wasn’t one I could run away from. This was where I need to fight back no matter what my brain said otherwise. I gripped the kitchen knife I used earlier, and dodged Robert’s attack. “KYAAAAAAAAAH!” SHUNK! Robert froze and dropped his knife while mine punctured just at the bottom of his ribs. Before he could respond, I quickly pulled my knife out, and knocked him down to the ground. I then sat on top of his injured torso, and began my flurry of punches to his face. “WHO’S THE PUSSY NOW, ROBERT?! YOU LIKE PLAYING ROUGH?! YOU LIKE THIS, PRICK?! HUH?! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR PUTTING ME THROUGH HELL, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” I kept screaming as I whaled on him. There were moments where he tried to retaliate, but at some point he just stopped and lay there as his face kept getting covered in shades of blue and red. Once I tired myself out and wheezed from lack of breath, my logic and reasoning came back to me, and I was horrified at what was before me. I raised my trembling, bruised fists, and saw Robert’s blood coating it. I quickly got off of his unconscious body, and I sat against the wall while I hugged my legs and trembled. “Oh God… What have I done? What the fuck have I done?” I kept asking myself repeatedly while Dad stood there with shock in his face. The heavy, silent air was suddenly replaced with loud sirens while red and blue lights were lighting behind the front door before it was knocked down by the police, yelling the two of us to freeze. “Having a lot of bouts with him taught me a few things about defending myself,” I commented as Shining and Fleur watched with despair written all over their faces, while Luna’s was one with close observation. With the memory finished, the entire room faded out, and the four of us were back in the cosmic-like realm of the dreamscape before Luna moved her hand out of my back. “One thing I learned that I’ll always remember is that if you want to live another day, you have to win by any means necessary.  “Robert was quickly taken to the hospital while the police took Dad and me to the station for questioning,” I continued as I just stood there while looking at the starry ground with dread. “Robert was still alive. Once he was released from the hospital, he was sent to prison with his associates for dealing drugs that caused the consumers’ deaths, long terms of physical and mental abuse, and attempted murder. I was sentenced to weekly appointments with a psychologist for two months to get my mental health checked, and somewhat recovered. It was during that time that my nightmares began to occur three times a week, showing times of my brother and me fighting in different occasions, but most of them were what we’ve just seen that could have cost one of us our lives. It got so bad I had to take antidepressants so I wouldn’t feel so… anxious. Once my probation was over, I packed my things and moved out of state as far away from home as possible. Dad and I shared few words during that time, and I haven’t seen or made contact with him again ever since I left. “I got a new job and transferred to a new community college to get my degree. The nightmares were slowly coming less often until they stopped altogether, and I’d just been living on my own with a roommate for a while until news broke out about a new world being discovered. I was thankful they still let me pass after what I went through, but…” I dropped to my knees, and tears were streaming down my face as I kept looking down. “Even now, I’m still not sure if I should even BE here, and to have such great friends like you two after what I’ve done. I mean I almost killed somebody! My own brother at that, and he was sent to prison while I got a slap on the wrist! I… I feel like I’m as bad as Solar Flare for doing what I did!” “YOU STOP THINKING LIKE THAT RIGHT NOW OZZY!” Fleur yelled. I looked up in surprise and confusion, and was met with Fleur and Shining looking like complete wrecks while Luna had only sadness written on her face. Fleur and Shining came up, got on their knees, and embraced me tightly from both sides. “You are nothing like Solar Flare Ozzy, and I know that firsthand,” Fleur continued. “Don’t even think that what you did then makes you a bad person, or that you don’t deserve to be here with us.” Fleur pulled back, and turned my teary-eyed gaze towards hers. “When I first looked into your eyes Ozzy, I could tell you went through great struggles and sadness to get here, but I also saw kindness and hope that glimmered. I wanted to know more about you since then, and even now, I couldn’t be happier to have you with us today.” “That goes double for me,” Shining sniveled as she wiped her eyes with a small smile. “I can’t imagine where Fleur and I would be right now if you hadn’t come around Oz. You’ve helped me in ways I didn’t think any stallion would, and even after knowing what you’ve gone through, the only thing that matters to me is how things are now, and you aren’t somepony I want to let go so easily, whether you’re our secretary or not.” I chuckled a little as I wiped my dried up tears. “Thanks girls… But there’s one thing I need to be sure of,” I turned to Luna who was standing before us with a stoic expression. “Princess Luna, does learning this now affect my residency in Equestria?” Fleur’s and Shining’s expressions turned to worry as they just realized Luna could probably send me away for being a potential threat to her subjects, along with every other human that’s in Equestria. Luna closed her eyes in thought, trying to come up with the right words to say. “Your nightmares have certainly brought my attention, Ozzy Shore,” she said. “Seeing a glimpse of the human race’s darker side has also left me with concern; however, I know my sister and I had to take drastic measures at the last minute ourselves during our time of ruling before my banishment. My sister has changed her ways of ruling our subjects after sending me to the moon, making decisions that led to current events today after 1000 years.” She opened her teal eyes to gaze upon me once more. “I understand you did what you had to do, and though it was traumatic, it was fortunate that no lives were taken that day. It seems however the incident has you questioning yourself, perhaps regretting the actions you took against your brother no matter what he had done to you. Is this not correct?” “That sounds about right, yeah,” I replied. “While I have to admit I’ll need to confide with my sister about such cases in the human world, yours doesn’t seem like something I would go so far as sending you back to Earth considering your current condition,” Luna continued. “I will however recommend seeing somepony about the nightmares you’re having, and I’ll check in from time to time to see your progress if that is alright.” “That sounds reasonable. Thank you,” I answered before Fleur and Shining hugged me tight once more while sighing in relief. “One more thing I’d like to say before we finish things up here,” Luna said before she got on to one knee, and held my chin up as she gave a small smile. “Don’t let your past hold back your path to happiness, as everypony deserves a second chance for it. Though we cannot change our actions back then, the best we can do is learn from them, forgive ourselves, and move forward to a brighter future. Take it from somepony who has gone through this before. Does this make sense?” I nodded with a small smile in response. “Yes. Thank you Princess.” Luna then nodded before she stood back up once more, flared her wings open, and took to the air. “I will see you again soon, Ozzy Shore. Fleur de Lis, Shining Star, I wish the both of you the best of luck.” Fleur and Shining looked to the sides with a hint of red on their cheeks as they were speechless to come up with a response. Wait, what? What does she mean by that? “Until next time, farewell everypony,” she bid before she flew backwards, and everything around me blacked out. [7:15 a.m.] I opened my eyes groggily to the room that was slowly lighting up, with a familiar force pressing against me from both sides before they shuffled and groaned. As I sat up to rub my eyes, Fleur and Shining followed suit with wicked bedheads. “Oh god… What time is it?” I groaned. Shining picked up her phone from the nightstand, and squinted as she checked the time. “7:15.” “Ugh, I don’t want to get up so soon after that dream,” I said before I glanced to the girls from each side of me. “You two remembered that right?” “Yep.” “Uh huh.” “Are we still friends?” “We’ll have much to discuss, but you’re crazy if you thought we weren’t,” Fleur answered. “And you’re still our secretary as well,” Shining added in. “That’s a relief… You mind if we slept for another few hours?” I asked before the girls lazily pulled me back down by the arms. They snuggled themselves on both my sides, grasping my arms against their breasts, getting hugged from both sides, and their tails wrapped around my legs. They sighed in content once they rested their heads close to mine (Fleur being careful with her horn), and closed their eyes. “… I’ll take that as a yes.” I then let myself get heavy, and closed my own eyes as the comfort of my two friends won me over. Before I fell asleep, Fleur mumbled something in her sleep. “Please don’t ever leave us… Ozzy,” Fleur said. I smiled a little before I hugged her and Shining closer, making them hum in happiness. “Not in a million years,” I whispered before I fell asleep, not letting the sun’s rays breaking through the curtains bother me and the girls. > Chapter 23: "It's good to finally be home." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23: “It’s good to finally be home.” [Ozzy’s POV, 9:55 a.m.] “Alright, so to start off, I want to apologize for keeping what we’ve just experienced last night from you two,” I said. “I wasn’t exactly sure how to tell you two because, well… you saw it yourself, not my finest moment, and I didn’t want that to scare you away somehow. You two made staying here worth it despite the occurrences so far, and… I don’t think I’ll ever be this content with myself again if I lost you two. Can you forgive me?” We were in the hotel’s restaurant to have a small breakfast for the day after we changed into casual clothing. When we woke up the first time after that nightmare, Fleur said we were going to have a lot to discuss about what they saw before we went back to sleep. So I’d like to get some questions out of the way before we meet Bubbles and Toffee for lunch, and possibly continue the conversation on the ride back if there are any more concerns that needs to be put on the table. “I suppose you had your reasons for keeping something like that from us, as it seemed to be quite the experience you’d rather not look back to,” Shining said before fixing her glasses. “Speaking as somepony who has gone through a traumatic experience myself, and didn’t tell you about it until a week after you came on board, I can empathize with you making sure we’re ponies you can trust before disclosing such information. So apology accepted, and I forgive you.” “Thank you, Shining,” I said before I turned to Fleur. “I’m just glad that so-called brother of yours is behind bars,” Fleur commented. “I’m on the same boat as Shiny here, but I do have some questions I’d like to ask.” “Ask me anything,” I replied. “It may be the therapy I went through after the incident with my brother, but I feel calmer talking to you two about this now that it’s out in the open.” “I’m glad to hear that. Let’s see, where do I start?” Fleur asked as she looked up in thought. “I just want to be sure, but you and your father haven’t spoken to each other since you left, correct?” “That’s right. The same goes for Robert after he was taken away,” I answered. “What was your relationship with your father like before then?” she asked. “If I had to say one word to describe it, it would be ‘distant,’” I answered. “He’s been an alcoholic for as long as I could remember, and I could barely tell when he was sober enough for us to share more than a few words before we went our separate ways. Other than what he is and what he did for a living, I don’t know much about him on a personal level, if at all. I don’t even know what he’s been doing since I moved out.” “When did you and Robert start your fights?” Shining asked. “I think it was sometime in Junior High for him while I was still in Grade School,” I answered. “That was when he started to become more of a delinquent and things escalated from there. Dad tried to step in from time to time, but he pretty much gave up on it after it kept going.” “How long was your brother sentenced to prison?” Fleur asked. “For all the lives the heroin took, his buddies received fifteen years while Robert had ten extra for all the abuse he brought onto me, plus the attempted murder.” “Wow… twenty five years?” Shining asked. “Twenty two now,” I corrected. “But yeah, even if he was let out, there’s no way he can get into Equestria with his criminal record.” “Thank Celestia for that,” Fleur said while rubbing her temples. “And your mother’s… gone, right?” Shining asked. “Yeah,” I answered. “I was pretty young when that happened though, so I didn’t remember her very much before the car accident. I think it was sometime afterwards that Dad started drinking.” “So… did you have adult supervision of any sort?” Fleur asked with folded ears. “There were Dad’s occasional drinking buddies, a few nice neighbors who’ve helped me learn to take care of myself, and my school counselors, but that’s really it.” Fleur and Shining looked at each other with concern written on their faces. “But that’s all in the past though,” I continued before they turned back to me. “Like Princess Luna said, I shouldn’t let it hold me back while I make my own path to happiness. I’m here now, and I’m leaving all of the bad times in my life back on Earth. I’m going to get rid of those nightmares like I did before, and I’m going to try to get over my insecurities as I try to make something out of my new life here.” The girls smiled a little at me after I finished. “Don’t forget you have us behind you as well Ozzy,” Fleur assured. “As your dear friends, we’ll do anything we can to help you.” “I’m especially going to help you put some meat on your bones, Oz,” Shining commented as she gripped her flexed arm with a smirk. “With that and some fighting tips, you’ll be as tough as an earth pony. I guarantee it.” “I’m holding you to that,” I replied. “No matter how many times I looked back on it, I still couldn’t believe I had beaten up Robert like that.” “Where’d that strength come from anyway?” Fleur asked with a confused expression. “After seeing that last night, if you were sober when we run into that stallion again last week, I think you might have stood a chance against him.” “Maybe,” I replied as I looked at my hands. “When that last fight with Robert happened… I don’t know. I think I snapped, driven by my fear, anger, and desire to live. It was like all the things Robert pounded into me for so long built something inside until it just exploded. I didn’t care how I had to do it, but I just wanted him to stop making my life a living hell… and boy, did he stop.” I looked up to the girls as I set my hands down on my lap. “I don’t think I want to go back to feeling like that again, to be honest. I want to defend myself, sure, but I don’t want to go overboard with it either, you know?” “I understand,” Shining answered with a nod. “Sometimes I think my way of venting my anger by beating up a punching bag with Puff’s face on it isn’t very healthy either. It helped me, sure, but it just led to me getting angry every time I saw his poor excuse of a face. Don’t worry though, Oz, we’ll figure something out.” “Thanks, Shining,” I replied with a small smile. [12:15 p.m.] Once we finished our breakfast, we went back to our room to clean ourselves up and pack our things to prepare for our departure. We decided to leave the stuff in the room and have lunch with Bubbles and Toffee first before we come back and check out. I was glad we decided to have a light breakfast, because it sounds like we were going to an Italian restaurant for lunch… or should I say Itailian, and they can get pretty filling. We took a taxi carriage over to Tortellini’s as I looked out the window for anything suspicious. I wasn’t joking when I told the girls I felt something very off since we first arrived in Manehattan. If that bad feeling in my gut and Fleur’s encounter with Solar are connected, then I needed to be on my guard… but then I realized something so simple I felt completely stupid for not thinking about it sooner. I’ve never even met Solar Flare, and I don’t even know what he looks like. I could have looked him up on the web myself, but since it was something personal from the girls before they opened up to me, I didn’t want to feel like I was intruding into other ponies’ business. “Hey, Fleur?” “Yes, Ozzy?” “Just in case I somehow run into Solar Flare, what does he look like?” I asked. “Well he’s a pegasus for one thing,” Fleur explained. “He has yellow fur, white spiked mane and tail, amber eyes, and if he’s in little enough clothing, he has a pair of sunglasses with light reflecting on its lenses as his cutie mark.” “Pegasus, yellow, white, amber, and sunglasses. Got it,” I replied. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, but humans don’t have cutie marks right?” Shining asked. “That’s correct,” I answered. “So how do you know when you’ve found your special calling or talent?” “As far as I know, just trying out a lot of things until we come across something we like. Some of us stick to one thing for the rest of our lives, others may get tired of it after a while and look for something else. It’s really a never-ending game of trial and error. The closest thing on our bodies that might represent ourselves in a way would be tattoos.” “Tattoos?” Fleur asked. “It’s like an artificial cutie mark,” I clarified. “Instead of it appearing out of nowhere like cutie marks, tattoos are etched into the surface of the skin with needles and different colors of ink.” “That sounds… painful,” Shining commented. “Yeah, and not only does it cost a lot of money, but it could take hours and more than one visit to the tattoo parlor before you get exactly what you want,” I continued, making the girls cringe from the thought. “They don’t just get them on the shoulders and hips like ponies do either. They can be on our backs, chests, arms, legs, and some can even go hardcore and get their whole BODIES tattooed.” “Dear Luna,” Fleur commented as she and Shining shivered in their seats. Okay, this is starting to get fun. I can’t just stop here. “And you know what’s truly horrifying about tattoos?” I asked. “There’s more!?” Shining asked as her irises shrunk to pinpricks. “Oh yes,” I replied. “Over time, tattoos can get droopy as people age, making them not look as good as when it was applied, and you can never… wash… it off…” “YOU CAN NEVER GET RID OF THEM?!” Fleur yelled. “Oh don’t worry, you can get rid of them,” I answered, and the girls sighed in relief. And now for the painfully ironic twist. “It’s just that you have to do it with laser surgery, and that costs more money than getting the tattoos.” “L-lasers?” Shining asked. “L-like the ones from Guardians of the Galaxy?” “Something like that,” I answered. “But from what I heard, the lasers are small, and they shoot continuously as it slowly goes all over the tattooed area to remove it, making the process so excruciatingly painful, you wish you’d never gotten the tattoos in the first place. And that’s why I didn’t bother thinking about getting one.” The girls trembled in their seats as they sweated bullets on their fur. “O-Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “Yes Fleur?” I asked as innocently as possible while trying to hold in my chuckles. “I think I’m happy I got my cutie marks on my butt without pain,” she proclaimed before I lost it and laughed hysterically on the floor. Wow, I feel so much better than I did last night. My god, that was a load off. I calmed down as we arrived at the restaurant. After I paid for the ride, I stepped out first while the girls followed, still a little shaken up from the tattoo thing. When we got inside we told one of the hostesses about Bubbles and Toffee waiting for us, and she directed us to the couple that were sitting at table far into a corner. They were both in casual clothing; Bubbles with a button up tee and signature shades, while Toffee had a pale yellow top and her mane was straightened so it stretched just past her shoulders. “Oz!” Toffee exclaimed before she got up and gave me hug that felt more like a vice trying to snap me in half. “Bubbles told me everything that happened yesterday. I am so sorry you had to go through all of that you poor thing.” “It’s… alright Toffee,” I wheezed out. “You’re… crushing me.” “Uh, Toffee, I think Oz would like to be free now,” Shining suggested. “Oh! Sorry about that, I get a little carried away with these things,” Toffee replied as she loosened her grip, and I drank the sweet oxygen that I was lacking. Dear Luna, that was painful. That earth pony strength isn’t something to laugh at. “Please, have a seat. We only got here a few minutes ago ourselves,” Toffee said before we complied. I sat between the girls while Bubbles and Toffee sat across from us before we ordered our drinks and looked through our menus. “Fleur, I’ve let your brother know about the Solar situation before the incident yesterday,” Bubbles explained, making the three of us look up. “He sent three of my guys here almost immediately. You won’t see them, but they’ll be following you back to Canterlot after this. They’re actually outside right now.” “Thank you for doing this, Bubbles,” Fleur said with a small smile. “I’m sorry I had to interrupt your anniversary vacation with some work.” “Oh don’t worry about that, baby,” Toffee intervened with a wave of her hand. “You and Shining are practically family to us. We’d drop everything we have to see if you two were okay. Ain’t that right, Bubbles?” “Mhm,” he replied. “Fancy also called up Silver to pick you three up at the station later today. He wants you to call him when you get back home too. ” “I’ll be sure to do that,” Fleur replied. Gosh, it’s really something to see how much they all care for Fleur and Shining. Fancy and Fleur’s relations aside, it’s like they really are one, big family. Once we got our drinks and ordered, I excused myself to use the restroom. After I did my business and cleaned myself, I left the bathroom and— “Oz.” “GYA!” I yelped as I jumped back in shock from Bubbles’ face appearing out of nowhere. “Crap, ya scared me. Is there something you need?” I asked as I caught my breath. “I’d like to have a word with you outside,” he answered. From the tone of his voice and his face with those shades, it sounded more like an order than a request. “S-sure, lead the way,” I replied before I followed him out front. Crap, I bet he’s going to chew me out for being such a pussy yesterday. Makes sense, since he was there hearing the whole thing along with the girls. He probably didn’t want to do it earlier because of the other ponies in the room and decided to do it now in private. Well, you gotta respect his sense of decency, I’ll say that much. When we got outside, we took a seat at one of the vacant outdoor tables that were off to the side. Once I got myself comfortable and prepared for the worse, Bubbles cleared his throat before he pulled out a folder from his shirt. “First off, you and the girls are appointed to be in the Royal Day Court for Mascara’s Trial four weeks from today at 3:00. This is the information you need to give to Fancy so he can turn it over to the attorney selected for the case.” I blinked a few times in confusion as I took the folder, and inspected the contents inside. “Uh… thanks, Bubbles, but how does the ‘Royal Day Court’ work?” I asked. “How do trials back on Earth go?” he asked while keeping his stoic expression. “Um… a prosecutor presents the opening statement for a case to the jury, a defense attorney says a few things, then there’s evidence being presented along with witnesses explaining the event in their own perspective. The jury then decides whether the defendant is guilty or not, and the judge makes the closing statement that includes the defendant’s final declaration before adjourning court. It usually takes a few days, and there’s some details I left out, but that’s pretty much the best summary I can give you.” “Mm,” Bubbles hummed. “Well the Royal Day Court works pretty much the same way as yours from Earth, only there’s no jury, it usually lasts only one session, and Princess Celestia herself is the judge.” My eyes widened at the last statement. “P-Princess Celestia runs the court?” I asked. “D-does Princess Luna run the Court too?” “Yes, except it’s called the ‘Royal Night Court’ in her case,” he answered. “It’s part of their duties as rulers of Equestria. They take a couple hours out of their time to listen to our cases, and on occasion, a noble’s bill they want to pass into law. It takes a long time to plan an appointment as there are only so many interpersonal problems the princesses can resolve in a matter of hours, although sometimes they’ll request more time to think on an issue.” Yikes, that’s got to be excruciating. And they’ve been doing that for a thousand years? I’ve got to give them props for their commitment in keeping their subjects safe. “Going back to the current case,” Bubbles continued. “You and Mascara will be in the same room as the trial progresses, and with some well-known ponies on your side, she won’t have much of a chance to seduce her way out of it.” “There will be security to oversee it right?” I asked. “Of course. There will be guards to protect the princess, and some will escort Mascara inside.” That’s a relief. Just the thought of being in the same room with her now makes me tense. “Now for the other thing I brought you out here for,” Bubbles said. Oh boy, here it comes. He reached into his pocket for a wallet before pulling out two cards, and handing them over to me. “This is… your business card,” I said. “And… a psychiatrist named Doctor Mindset?” “I’ve seen many different ponies in crazy situations during my time,” he said. “I was a part-time social worker while I did my time in security. Some ponies can be fragile enough to crack into social anxiety from cases like what you almost went through. I may not know how you fare now since you dodged it yesterday, but directing ponies to the professional help they need is part of my job. Since you’re also working with Fleur and Shining now, I figured giving you my contact information would be a good idea in case of emergencies, especially with Solar Flare possibly on the move. Any questions?” I sat there trying to drink in everything Bubbles had just explained to me. It was completely different than what I was expecting, and it was because of that that I needed to ask, “Why are you doing this?” Bubbles raised a brow above his shades. “Elaborate.” “Why are you helping me?” I asked. “You could have sent somepony else to give me all of this information since you probably don’t like me enough to do it yourself, you barely know me, and I’m a completely different species from another world.” “Does this face look like somepony who doesn’t like you?” Bubbles asked as he pointed his same, stoic expression. … Was that a trick question? “Uh…” Bubbles sighed as he took off his shades and rubbed his eyes before looking back at me. “I realized we didn’t exactly start off on the right hoof, and I apologize for that. Being skeptical while keeping up a tough-looking image like mine is part of my job. Over time, Toffee and I have watched over Fancy and Fleur like they were our very own ever since their parents passed away. Same goes for Shining. They’ve all grown up to be fine ponies, and I know I can’t protect them from harm forever. Heck, Fancy kept on telling me to retire soon so Toffee and I could start a family of our own… in fact, that’s actually part of why we’re on this vacation.” “I’m not following you,” I commented. “We’ve held it off because of our busy lives, and have handled Toffee’s heat cycles quite well for some time,” Bubbles continued. “But she and I have talked it over, made sure we were ready, and her next heat will be coming up anytime now.” “… You took the week off so you can start making a family.” “Exactly. Once Toffee gets closer to conceiving, I’ll be retiring to help look after her and the coffee shop she runs back in Canterlot.” “So how do I play a part in this?” “I had an odd dream last night,” he confessed. I raised an eyebrow at that statement. “It’s still hazy trying to recall it, but one thing that stood out the most was you knocking out one of the guards to get Shining free so you two would save Fleur in her home from some sort of hostage situation.” Wait… did he somehow see that nightmare the girls and I experienced last night? How’d that happen? “I’m not sure if that was some sort of sign, and I didn’t buy into it at first, but I had a small feeling that you would do anything to keep the girls safe the moment I first saw you,” he continued. “That still held true when we met again at the spa. Sorry about the ‘putting out’ thing by the way. That was just a bit of a joke.” I didn’t think this guy even had a sense of humor. “Uh… no problem,” I replied. “But how can you think that after saving my ass from Mascara yesterday? I mean I’m sure you of all ponies knew how pathetic I was in there, especially if you heard everything from the recording.” “First off, can you keep a secret Oz?” I raised an eyebrow in response. “Uh... sure, Bubbles.” He grabbed his wallet again, and dug deep to pull out an old, small photograph before presenting it to me. The scrawny brown colt that was in it had a bit of a black perm going on, braces in his sheepish smile, and was wearing a polo shirt with shorts. “This is me before I earned my cutie mark,” he said, and I put everything I had in my power to hold myself from bursting into laughter. Don’t laugh don’t laugh don’t laugh oh sweet mother of Celestia don’t you fucking laugh if you want to live Ozzy. “And you *snrk* want to show me this b-because?” I asked before I bit down the insides of my cheeks. “This is to remind me that not everypony had enjoyed the tougher times of their lives,” he answered before putting the photo back. “I was pushed around from time to time back then, but I didn’t let it bother me too much. When I saw somepony in trouble by those same bullies, however, I had to step in to give them a good wallop before things got worse. I was beaten up in the end, sure, but I was also proud because I protected somepony by putting myself in harm’s way, and the pony I saved couldn’t have been more grateful for the help. That was when I got this.” He rolled up his sleeve, and presented his cutie mark of what looked like a police badge with a cobra coiled in a circle with its flared head at the center. “From that day on, I worked myself to get strong enough to handle any kind of situation while protecting ponies, which led to me getting jobs in security.” “Okay, I give you high respect for that, but that still doesn’t explain your certainty that I’d protect the girls,” I pointed out. “That’s why I brought this to say otherwise,” Bubbles said before pulling out a tape recorder from his pocket and pressed play. I’m afraid I’ll have to decline Mascara. You can try to bribe and convince me all you want, but nothing will ever make me let Fleur de Lis and Shining Star go for my own benefit, as they’re worth more than anything you, or even the Princesses of Equestria can offer. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going back to my dear friends now. *click* Bubbles put away the tape recorder before turning back to me. “Though things didn’t turn out very well in the end, just hearing this part played back to me confirms your dedication to the girls, and I know you can get strong enough to look after them to make up for it. Now, can I trust you with the girls?” He put on his shades, got up, held out his open hand towards me, and made the very first smile I’ve ever seen from him. I couldn’t help but smile a little from that, and the tension in my shoulders loosened as I got up and gave Bubbles a firm handshake. “You can count on it Bubbles.” “Good. And, uh… besides the trial and contact information, keep what happened here between us, especially the foal thing. I want that to be a surprise to the girls and Fancy once we seal the deal if ya know what I mean.” He chuckled a little while he gave me a good punch to the arm. Though it wasn’t intentional, I tried to keep the slight pain not present in my face as I laughed nervously. “Yeah, best of luck on that. I’m sure you’ll make a great dad.” I felt a tinge of pain inside of me from that statement for some reason, and it wasn’t the punch on the arm Bubbles gave me that was stinging. “Now how about we get back inside and grab some lunch? I’m sure the girls are worried about what we’re up to.” “Sure thing,” I replied before I put everything in my shirt pocket and followed Bubbles back inside the restaurant. [Meanwhile, Shining’s POV, 12:45 p.m.] “I certainly hope Ozzy will be okay with him,” Fleur commented sometime after Bubbles left the table. “He gets pretty tense when he’s around somepony like Bubbles.” Fleur, I’m pretty sure everypony gets tense around somepony like Bubbles. “There’s no need to worry about him girls,” Toffee said. “I made myself perfectly clear last night that if he gets too hard on the poor guy, he ain’t getting any of this for the rest of our vacation.” She moved her hands over her curves to make her point. “Plus, he’s really a nice guy once you get to know him.” “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him,” Fleur commented. “Anyway, enough about that. Shining, I have to say you’re looking amazing today since we last met in person,” Toffee complimented. I couldn’t help but heat up a little after hearing that. “Y-you really think so?” “Of course I do,” Toffee replied. “Bubbles himself told me how incredible you looked last week at Fancy’s party. He said he hadn’t seen you that happy for years and I can agree now that I’m looking at you. I’m sure something amazing happened that got you like this.” “I-I don’t know,” I replied as I looked to the side. “I don’t feel that much different as far as I can see. I guess something did come up, but I wouldn’t call it amazing.” “Really now?” Toffee asked with a raised eyebrow. “Tell me, what kind of things do you think have changed in yourself?” “Well,” I said as I looked up in thought. “I suppose I’m a little more relaxed from the lighter workload since Oz keeps our appointments and activities on agenda; the two of us make sure everything’s on track while keeping Fleur in good condition; even some of his cooking has gotten the both of us more energetic since he keeps our diets in check—” “Sounds like more things have changed for you than I thought,” Toffee interrupted with a coy smirk. “What more is there to feeling healthier than usual?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “You keep mentioning Oz for one thing, and as far as I remember, you can’t even stand being in the same room with a stallion,” Toffee explained. “S-so?” I asked, feeling a little tense and warm in my cheeks as I looked to the side with my arms crossed. “Oz is a good secretary. Sure he’s patient, kind, and loyal, but it’s not like I like him for always putting us first before himself or how kind of cute it is when he gets shy around other mares—“ SMACK! I clapped my muzzle shut as Fleur stared blankly at me while Toffee smiled wider with smugness. My entire head heated up to my ears. FUCK! “I think somepony’s got a crush~.” Toffee sang before turning to Fleur. “And I think you’ve got somepony on your mind as well.” “Who? Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “He’s nice, but I don’t have a crush on him.” “Mmhmm, and I’m sure your blush from his appraisal back at the spa was just the bath’s heat,” Toffee said. “O-of course!” Fleur defended. “Speaking of heat, you would not believe how forward these mares were with Ozzy after you and Bubbles left. I thought they were in heat themselves, and that was just from seeing his cute nipples—“ SMACK! It was Fleur’s turn to be cornered as her face turned red as well. Toffee’s eyes widened for a moment, probably because of the nipple comment, before she smirked once more. “So human males have nipples, huh? Guess that explains why Oz had his arms over his chest the whole time we talked,” Toffee commented. “I figured something was up when both of you were cheerier than usual. So, the two of you like Oz, then?” “I guess,” Fleur sighed in defeat. “But neither of us can go out with him right now because of how uncertain he is with mares thanks to Mascara,” I pointed out. “That, I can understand,” Toffee said. “But what’s going to happen once he’s ready to see other ponies? We aren’t going to have a problem like back in Junior High are we?” “Don’t remind us,” I deadpanned. “That was a tough time for both of us,” Fleur added in. “While I do think that colt was some idiot to turn the both of you down for somepony else, have either of you two ever thought about giving forming a herd a try?” Toffee asked. “I was… uncertain of the idea really,” Fleur admitted. “It’s not that I dislike the concept, but having a stallion to myself just seemed more appealing to me. Plus, I always thought mares in a herd would always fight over each other to get their stallion’s attention, like what we did back in Junior High.” “Ah, but that was before you even knew about herds back then, right?” Toffee asked, which made both of our eyes widen. “Tell me, how many successful, happy herds have either of you seen in Canterlot?” “None, but that’s usually because there were hardly… any herds in the city at all,” I pointed out. “When I was still living in Trottingham, herds were about as much of a common thing as drinking coffee. Same goes for same-sex relationships,” Toffee explained.  Two friends of mine and I were in a herd with a stallion one time before I met Bubbles. The three of us were pretty much the party bringers everywhere we went, and we were all having a good time no matter what the occasion. So guess what happened when we made a herd with one stallion after a while?” “The three of you got into a fight for him?” Fleur asked. “Not even once,” Toffee answered. “We were actually having a splendid time before we realized how much of a prick that stallion was because of how badly he treated everypony around him. None of us wanted anything to do with him, so we ditched him and still had great times with each other as always. I still try to keep in touch with my friends today. “Fast-forward to when Bubbles and I got together and moved into Canterlot; not only were there very few herds, if any at all, but I didn’t see many same-sex couples either. There were more snooty ponies there than I could count, and even when some were in a relationship, they didn’t seem to be as happy about being together as us.” “Come to think of it, I’ve seen some same-sex couples in high school move out of Canterlot because of how the majority despises  the idea. Herds, too,” I commented. “Mother and Father weren’t exactly fond of those concepts either, now that I think about it,” Fleur added in as she looked up. “Personally, I think most of the ponies in Canterlot think that way because they want to be part of the ‘in’ crowd, and the peers’ thinking became their own without realizing it,” Toffee commented. “Take your brother, for instance, Fleur. From how well-known he is around Canterlot, how often does he get asked about his view on relationships from his so-called peers?” “Actually… not once, as far as I’ve heard,” Fleur admitted. “I haven’t even asked him about it myself, yet I’m curious to why I’ve hardly ever seen him with other mares anymore.” “Now take a look at each other,” Toffee requested. “Would you still let a stallion get in the way of your friendship after that little fiasco from Junior High?” Fleur and I turned to each other with patient expressions. I thought back to everything I’ve done with Fleur, but when I did, I couldn’t help but feel ashamed for some of the things I did, especially back in Junior High. “You know… sometimes I wonder how I’m still your friend at this point,” I said, which made Fleur’s eyes widen. “You’re beautiful, wealthy, and you could probably hire a better manager to help you model than somepony like me. You were beautiful even back in Junior High, and you were liked by almost everypony in the school. I… was kind of jealous of that.” I looked to the side with shame. “Nopony would want to date a filly with brains during that time, but I still wanted to make the best out of what I had. So I kept doing what I did because I knew  my smarts were the only things superior to yours, especially when I helped you with your homework. “Then there was that colt I had a crush on. I may not have had the kind of beauty like yours back then, but I was determined to let him know how I felt so I could see for myself whether I was actually beautiful. When you told me you had a crush on him too… I guess I felt threatened to lose to you at something again, and that was why we had that bout.” I turned to her with folded ears. “It wasn’t until after that colt left with somepony else that I realized I almost lost my one and only best friend because of my damn insecurities in myself. I guess I didn’t think about forming a herd with you because I feared that stallion would probably love you more. Not only did I not want what happened at Junior High happening again, but I didn’t want to feel… inferior, that I would just be the third wheel in the group. Looking back on it now… I guess that doesn’t make me as good of a friend as you deserve to have.” The table went silent for a bit, except for the sound of food being set on the table by the servers that we ignored. Once they left though, Fleur’s expression turned more… determined, if I had to describe it. I couldn’t tell, but she looked like what she was about to say next would be important. “You may not have known this, Shiny, but back in high school, some asked me why I didn’t stick with more beautiful, better friends instead of being with somepony plain like you. Some of them asked the same thing after we graduated, especially about finding a better manager.” I looked to the side with ears folded, as they might have been right about that. “But no matter how many times it was asked, I always reply with, and I quote, ‘you must need better glasses than Shiny’s, because when I look at her, I see the most beautiful and amazing pony I’ve ever come to know, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have her as my best friend and manager.’” My eyes shot wide open as I looked back to her, and she rested a hand on my shoulder with a small smile. “I apologize that I made you feel that way for quite some time, but believe it or not, I sometimes envy you too. Your brains were part of it, but you’ve seen for yourself how authoritarian my parents can be, right? Even when you helped me with homework, when I made a decent grade, they would wonder if I could have done better. I felt like my best effort was never good enough for them. Your mother, on the other hand, was always proud of you no matter what your grade was, and you even helped her take care of Sparkling and Shooting on top of it. I’ve always admired your drive, enough to inspire me to do the same no matter what Mother or Father would have said otherwise. “I think the main reason why I haven’t thought of forming a herd with you after Junior High was so you could have your own stallion to tell you how beautiful you are like I do, and give you the love you deserve to receive. You’re a very important pony in my life, Shiny, and I don’t ever want us to separate for anything, for as long as life can keep us together.” “Fleur…” I tried not to make a scene in the restaurant as I quietly sobbed into Fleur’s shoulder while she rubbed my back. “Shhh… it’s okay Shiny, there’s no reason to cry,” she whispered before grabbing her napkin, taking off my glasses, and dabbing the tears out of my eyes with a smile. When she was done, she cleaned my lenses before putting them back on my face. “So, are we okay?” I sniffled before fixing my glasses and smiled in return. “Yeah, we’re okay.” We then wrapped each other up in a tight hug. “Well, I’m certainly glad you two got that settled,” Toffee commented with a smile before we pulled off and turned to her. “Going back to what I was talking about before, sometimes it couldn’t hurt to give something a try before deciding if it works for you. From what I can see, Oz is a sweet guy, and from what I heard, he cares about your friendship with each other very much, probably enough that he doesn’t want you two to fight and break up over him. You two don’t have to form a herd, but keep in mind that it’s an available option to consider, and don’t let those snooty ponies back in Canterlot derail your thinking. Does that make sense?” “Yeah,” I said with a nod. “Thank you for telling us this Toffee, and… could you...?” “Lips are tightly sealed, baby,” Toffee responded before zipping her mouth shut to demonstrate. “Now, where are those boys? It shouldn’t take them this long to—there you guys are.” Bubbles and Oz came back from… whatever they were doing, and took their respective seats in the table. “I was starting to get worried. Things didn’t go too badly out there did it?” “Nah, Oz and I are cool now. Ain’t that right?” Bubbles asked Oz. “Yeah. We got everything cleared up,” he answered. With an internal sigh of relief from Fleur and me, we got to chowing down our lunches. [Ozzy’s POV, 8:30 p.m.] Bubbles and Toffee were generous enough to pay for our lunch before we all said our goodbyes and went back to the hotel. We double-checked everything in the room to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything before we checked out of the hotel and went to the station. Once we got on board at 3:00, I explained to the girls about the trial four weeks from then, the folder of information I needed to give to Fancy, and the phone numbers Bubbles gave me. The girls were glad to hear me making an appointment with Doctor Mindset once we get back into full swing, as I’ll need to make those visits for those nightmares and my incident with Mascara. We decided to stop by Fancy’s place to drop off the information tomorrow as we’ll be very tired from the trip once we get back. The next four hours after that went from idle chit chat to watching a movie from Netflix on my laptop. I was honestly surprised the girls didn’t have much else to ask about my experiences from Earth, but I guess they learned all they needed to know back from breakfast. We arrived in Canterlot at 7:30, and Silver was out front waiting for us. We packed our things in the carriage after our greetings and went to a small restaurant to grab a late dinner before heading home. Fleur called her brother to let him know we arrived safely and made an appointment to meet with him tomorrow, which he gladly accepted. When we arrived and thanked Silver for the ride, we all bid good night before heading back to our respective homes for the evening. Fleur unlocked the door before the two of us walked inside and took a moment to savor the feeling of being back in our house. “Ahh~, home sweet home,” Fleur sighed. “Yeah. It’s good to be back,” I added in. “Well, I think I’m going to freshen up and call it an evening. Could we possibly have Prench toast for breakfast tomorrow Ozzy?” “Sure. I’m starting to miss home cooked meals anyway. So I’ll see you tomorrow?” “Yes, you will.” We then had a warm hug while I saw Fleur’s tail wagging cutely, probably excited for tomorrow’s breakfast. “Have a good night, Ozzy.” “You too, Fleur,” I replied before we broke off, and she went up to her room first before I went to my own. I decided to unpack everything tomorrow before I cleaned myself in the bathroom, got into a change of clothes, and took a moment to savor the familiar feeling of being in my own bed again before I drifted to sleep. [Shining’s POV, 9:15 p.m.] I took a nice, long shower after I set my things to the side in my room, too tired to deal with unpacking tonight. Once I was finished and dried myself off, I examined my figure in the mirror, the scar on my lower abdominals drawing attention away from everything else. I was always afraid that scar would be the biggest flaw, the biggest turn-off of my appearance to everypony else in a room, whether they be stallions or mares, and I’ve made sure to pick the clothes I need to hide it in public. I haven’t even worn a bikini in a public beach ever since that incident. I felt a little down about it before I thought back to what Oz and Fleur told me over our stay in Manehattan. I’m not sure if this will lighten the mood, but I’m just going to put it out there and say that you looked really amazing Shining. What Fleur said to me during lunch today definitely stood out to me. I was surprised by what went on behind my back, but not very much considering how I was back then. It’s because of that I’m still getting a nagging feeling in my head that said otherwise. “You heard Fleur and Oz said, right? They think you’re beautiful, amazing even,” my reflection said. “I guess…” “Come on Shiny, accept the compliments for once. Heck, tell yourself how beautiful you are. In fact, tell yourself that right now.” “R-Right now?” “Right now. Just say it with me. ‘Shining Star, you’re a beautiful mare.’” “I feel silly doing that.” “Come on, you’re by yourself in your own home. Nopony’s around to point and laugh at you, and nopony will ever have to know. It’s just you and me. Now come on. Say it.” I looked to the side with my cheeks warmed up. “Say iiiit,” my reflection persisted playfully. I hesitated a little before I glanced back at my reflection who had a small smile. “Sh-Shining Star… you’re a… beautiful mare.” “There. Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” “I… guess not,” I replied as I put my nightwear on. “Just keep telling yourself that once a day, and soon enough you’ll know you’re beautiful no matter what anypony else says.” “If you say so.” “And Oz will rut you silly as well.” “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I deadpanned. “Eh, suit yourself. Now finish everything else here and get off to bed, ya big worrywart.” I did my business before I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom, too tired to worry about having that conversation with myself again. I set my glasses on the nightstand before settling myself under the covers, feeling strange that I was going to sleep by myself again. I couldn’t stop thinking about how good it felt when I slept with Oz over the past few nights. Though I was partially curious how it would be if it was just Oz and me in the same bed, having Fleur in it as well kind of made it better in a way. Then I thought back to what Toffee told Fleur and me back at the restaurant today. You two don’t have to form a herd, but keep in mind that it’s an available option to consider, and don’t let those snooty ponies back in Canterlot derail your thinking. I think Fleur and I cleared up some of our misunderstandings with each other and the concept of herds, if not all. Maybe I’ll talk to her about it at some point to see what she thinks of it now. In the meantime, though, our first priority is making sure Oz is in a healthy condition, both in body and mind. Perhaps during that time I’ll try to have us get to know each other more so I can see if he’s really somepony I’d want to date… and vice versa. To start it off, I think I might have an idea on what I should do for him to make up for that kick two days ago. Until then though, I should get some sleep… anytime now… fuck, this lonely feeling’s not letting me sleep. What should I do to tire myself out? I sat up from the bed and frowned in thought. I really don’t feel like unpacking my things right now to pass the time. What if I used one of my toys to help me relax a little? Though I’m not sure how long that would be, and changing the sheets would be another chore I’d need to do tomorrow. Ugh! Should I just walk over to Fleur’s place and sleep with Oz? But how weird would that get in the morning? Sharing the room at the hotel was one thing, and we were all pretty emotional the previous night to the point where he didn’t mind it at all, but we’re back home now, and I’m not even sure if he’s up for it. Is he having trouble sleeping like I am? Does he need some personal space? What about… you know what? Fuck it. I’m frustrated enough about this, and I need to vent. Time for another round with Dummy Puffy. I got out of bed and looked down at what I was wearing, which was a tank top and panties. Not minding the lack of clothing, I walked out of the room to my personal gym to hopefully tire myself out. [Fleur’s POV, 10:00 p.m.] … I don’t like this, not one bit. I’m finally back in my own bed, which consists of the finest quality of mattresses made in Equestria that would make an Ursa Minor doze off to sleep the moment it lays down on it, and yet I can’t even do the same after being under the covers for an hour. The beds back in the hotel were nice, but they couldn’t compete with mine in terms of comfort… yet somehow being in those beds with Ozzy and Shiny gave me the best sleep I had for quite some time. That talk with Shiny and Toffee certainly opened my eyes today, though. I didn’t realize how much Shiny struggled with her self-image when I’m always in the spotlight, and she calls herself a bad friend? I’m not sure if I could fare any better. Not only that, I didn’t realize how much just living in Canterlot, especially with Mother and Father when they were around, would affect my perspective on unique relationships like same-sex couples and herds. I don’t hate my parents for that—I’ll always love them whether or not they’re still here with us—but… their views on those subjects has certainly made me awkward about them, especially with the same-sex thing since I haven’t even told them about my experience with Shiny. In fact, how did Fancy handle it? I mean, I’ve seen him with a few marefriends before, but it wasn’t until after he broke up with his third that he stopped seeing anypony else. Does he feel lonely right now?  He’s getting close to thirty already, and I think it’s about time he settles down with somepony so those charities he goes to wouldn’t be as tiresome as he makes them out to be. I’ll have to have a chat with him on that soon. Going back to my case, though, after hearing how well being in a herd went for Toffee for a time, I suppose there are successful, happy relationships like that in other places in Equestria, perhaps in foreign countries across Equius as well. She did have one point though; I can’t really be sure I don’t like the concepts of herds unless I get a better idea of how they work, and getting involved in one would be a part of it. I’ll need to talk to Shiny about this later on, but there’s no need to rush into it right now. As much as I’d like to give dating Ozzy a try, and I suspect Shiny might think the same thing, I know he’s not ready to get into it himself yet. The best he can do right now is take on this dilemma at his own pace, and we need to do what we can to help when he asks us. With that thought cleared up, now there’s just the issue of falling asleep like I should… I wonder if Ozzy wouldn’t mind me snuggling with him again? He was okay with Shiny and me doing it last night, and we actually asked to do it that time instead of just sleeping into it. I’m not exactly in very pretty nightwear attire right now… well, I wouldn’t call it nightwear when it’s really a white tank top with pink panties (I didn’t really think too much on what I should wear from how tired I was), but Ozzy has seen me in more risqué outfits, so I don’t think it should be that big of a deal, right? I’ll just go ask if he’s okay of me sleeping with him tonight. I sat up before I got out of bed and walked down the dark hallway before reaching Ozzy’s door. I quietly opened the door and gently shut it behind me before I tip hooved to a sleeping Ozzy on his bed. Once I got close enough, I gave Ozzy some gentle prods on his shoulder. “Ozzy… Ozzy, are you awake?” I whispered, with no response from him to answer. “I can’t sleep… do you mind if I stay in bed with you tonight?” Still no answer. “Thanks, Ozzy. I’ll just step inside then.” I carefully pulled the sheets up before I went under them. Minding my horn, I aligned myself to where my head rested on his moving chest, my legs crossed with his while my tail coiled around one of them, and my arms resting comfortably around his body. Unexpectedly, he moved slightly in his sleep enough to where he pulled me into a closer embrace, and I couldn’t help but sigh in happiness from that. “Thanks for putting up with me tonight. I’ll be sure to pay you back somehow,” I whispered before I closed my eyes and hummed in content. “Goodnight Ozzy… Welcome home.” > Chapter 24: "Some morning this turned out to be." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24: “Some morning this turned out to be.” [Ozzy’s POV, 6:45 a.m.] The loud phone ring made me groan from tiredness and annoyance. I lazily tried to reach for the phone in my half-asleep state, but something was in my way. “I’ll get it,” Fleur groaned before she reached for my phone and answered. “Hello?” “Oz! We got a situation!” Shining’s voice yelled, loud enough for me to hear from my side on the bed. “Fleur isn’t answering her phone and… wait, Fleur, is that you?” “Yes,” she answered still half asleep. “Why are you on Oz’s phone?” “Because I’m in his bed.” “SAY WHAT?! PASS THE FUCKING PHONE OVER TO OZ RIGHT NOW!” “Kay.” Fleur held the phone up to me. “It’s for you.” Still tired and trying to wake up, I grabbed the phone and held it against my head. “Ozzy, speaking.” “WHAT THE FUCK IS FLEUR DOING IN YOUR BED?!” Shining screamed. “Wha? Fleur isn’t in… my… bed…” With my senses coming back to me, I saw Fleur’s head resting on top of my chest, eyes closed as she tried to go back to sleep. “FLEUR IS IN MY BED?!” I quickly pulled myself away until I fell off the side of the bed, landing face first on the floor. Too freaked out to acknowledge the pain, I sat back up to see Fleur trying to wake up as she used her magic to flick the lights on. “WHY IS FLEUR IN MY BED?!” “THAT’S WHAT I’M ASKING YA DOLT!” Shining screamed. “Now tell me why she’s in your bed!” “I don’t know!” I replied. “I was by myself last night!” “You didn’t seem to mind when you answered the phone!” Shining argued. “I was still waking up!” I defended. “I don’t even remotely remember Fleur getting in bed with me last night!” “Ozzy, put Shiny on speaker,” Fleur requested. “I can explain what happened.” “Hold on. I’m putting you on speaker so Fleur can join.” I pushed a button on my phone to set it to speaker mode. “You’re on.” “Why were you in Oz’s bed, Fleur?!” Shining asked. “Calm down, Shiny,” Fleur said. “I couldn’t sleep last night, so I tried waking Ozzy to ask him if I could sleep with him. He didn’t wake up, and since he didn’t mind us sleeping with him before, I just kind of… climbed into bed with him.” You know, thinking back, I remember Fleur telling me she would sleepwalk to Shining’s bed sometimes when she had that recurring nightmare. It was the reason she slept with me the first time back in Manehattan. I would probably buy that reason if that were the case, but I didn’t think it would turn out like this… I’m not sure what to say about it. “Please tell me that’s all you did,” Shining said. “That’s all I did,” Fleur answered. “I went in Ozzy’s room, got in bed with him, and slept. I didn’t do anything weird with him if that’s what you’re implying, Shiny.” “Okay, we’re going to have a talk about this later,” Shining said. “But right now we gotta move. News broke out about Mascara’s scandal with Oz, and if you know the paparazzi well enough, they’re going to be storming in our neighborhood to get any kind of dirt on this at any time now. I already called Silver Wheel to come pick us up and take us over to Fancy’s to regroup until things die down. We need to get dressed and get a move on.” “Awww. Can’t we have breakfast first?” Fleur asked. “Ozzy was going to make Prench toast today.” “We’ll get breakfast at Fancy’s,” Shining answered. “I already called him about the situation, and he’s expecting us to arrive at any time. I’m sure he’ll have breakfast ready by then.” “Fiiine,” Fleur whined. “Oz, be sure to bring that folder Bubbles gave you to pass along to Fancy,” Shining added in. “Uh, sure, Shining,” I answered. “Get ready to go in fifteen. I’ll be coming by soon. See ya then,” Shining said before the phone beeped, ending the phone call. Fleur and I stared at each other blankly. I wasn’t sure what to say at first, but she used magic to levitate my glasses over. “Um… here, you may need these,” she said. “Thanks…” I took the glasses out of the air, and slipped them on. Once I was able to see clearly, I started things off with the first question that came to mind. “So… you couldn’t sleep by yourself last night?” “That’s right,” she answered. “Is there something bothering you that’s keeping you awake?” I asked. “Do you want to talk about it?” Fleur blinked a few times, taking a moment to come up with a response. “Um… not at the moment. Were you not okay with me sleeping with you last night?” “I was surprised, but…” I looked to the side while scratching the back of my head with heated cheeks. “I... didn’t mind it really.” I turned back to her. “But for the future, Fleur, if there’s something on your mind that you need to talk about, don’t hesitate to wake me up. No matter how asleep I am, I’ll lend an ear to anything you need to discuss, alright?” “Of course,” Fleur said with a small smile following. “So you don’t mind me sleeping with you if I need to?” I shrugged. “I don’t mind. Again, just wake me up to let me know so I won’t be like… well, you saw it yourself.” Fleur giggled. “Okay, I’ll keep it in mind.” She got off the bed and stretched herself out. “Well, we should get ready to go if we don’t want the presses getting here.” “Right. I’ll see you soon.” As Fleur made her way out, my gaze suddenly fell upon her heart-shaped butt that only had a pair of pink panties covering her privates. They were riding up a little until she fixed them on her way out, and shut the door behind her. My mind played back the scene to how her tail swerved back and forth, how the small, but firm cheeks shifted as she walked, and how sculpted her legs were. The image was stuck in my head before I realized what I was thinking about and slapped myself out of it. What the fuck are you doing, Ozzy? Fleur’s one of your best friends for crying out loud. You shouldn’t be sexualizing her like that no matter how attractive she is altogether. Wait… I thought of Fleur as attractive right? I mean I know that’s a total ‘duh’ statement since looking attractive is part of her career as a famous model, but somehow… I was thinking of her attractiveness in more ways than one. Have I always thought about her like that, or am I just now realizing it? Would Shining be on the same boat? Ugh, I don’t have time to dwell on this. I need to get ready to go. Where did I put that folder? Once I found the information Bubbles gave me, I cleaned myself quickly before changing into some jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a gray zip-up jacket. When I got downstairs with the folder, I tied my shoes as the front door opened, revealing Shining behind it with bags under her squinting eyes, even with her white-framed glasses in front of them. She also had a pair of jeans, but they looked a little loose around the waist. She was also wearing a gray hoodie. Her mane was slightly frizzled, like she tried to brush it in a hurry before getting here. “Are you alright?” I asked. “You don’t look too good.” “Gee, thanks for the compliment,” Shining gibed while crossing her arms. “If you must know, I couldn’t sleep last night.” “Wait, you too?” I asked. “What did you do throughout the night?” “I tried exhausting myself to sleep by beating up the punching bag I was telling you about yesterday,” she explained. “Somehow I just turned last night into a long workout session that lasted until around two in the morning before I took a shower and head to bed. It wasn’t until four hours later that the news from my alarm woke me up.” “Wait, but we don’t have work today,” I pointed out. “You could have slept in if you wanted to.” “When you work in this business long enough, you’d need to keep in touch with the news for anything that could happen,” she said. Boy, she really tries to stay on top of things, huh? I’m sure that little freakout earlier didn’t make her morning all that better either. “Sorry to keep you waiting!” Fleur exclaimed as she came downstairs. She had a pair of white jeans, a matching top, and a black belt around her waist. It looked like she didn’t have time to do her makeup, as her mane and tail were the only things I saw fixed from when I last saw her. It wasn’t a bad thing, but I sometimes forget how different Fleur can look without prettying herself up for the day, not that she wasn’t beautiful already. “Alright, we’re all here,” Shining said before looking out the window to see Silver Wheel’s carriage parked out front. “And our ride’s here, so let’s… oh no.” “What’s wrong?” I asked. “We gotta go. NOW!” Shining said before she opened the door, and Fleur and I quickly followed her out with my folder in hand. As we got to the carriage, we saw a large mob of ponies in the distance coming our way. “Oh shit,” I swore as we picked up the pace. When we got to the carriage, I opened the door to let the girls in first before I went last. “Come on, Silver, let’s go!” Shining exclaimed. “Right away, Ms. Star!” Silver said before he got the carriage to quickly dash out of the area, leaving the reporter ponies in the dust. We slacked on our seats after we saw the mob disappearing out of sight with a sigh of relief. “We made it,” Shining said before yawning. “Now to just… get to Fancy’s place and… relax…” She slumped over to my side as she fell asleep, wiped out from the chaos earlier. “Poor Shiny,” Fleur said. “I figured she sounded crankier than usual on the phone earlier.” “She said she had trouble sleeping last night, like you did,” I said. “Could she have something going on like you do?” Fleur paused as she looked out the window. “… Maybe.” [7:45 a.m.] The rest of the trip was quiet before we finally arrived at Fancy’s mansion. Shining was too far gone into dreamland to wake up. After Fleur helped get Shining out of the carriage with magic, I piggybacked the sleeping the mare rest of the way while Silver followed with my folder in hand. It seemed like I wasn’t the only one in the group who drools in their sleep since I felt something damp on my shoulder as we walked, but I paid no mind. When we arrived at the front door, Fleur rang the doorbell that chimed like an old church’s. A few moments later, the door opened to reveal Buttermilk, the maid from the party a while back. “Ah, Ms. De Lis! Your brother’s expecting you in the dining room,” she said as she opened the door wider. “Please, do come in and I’ll direct you inside. Breakfast has just been served.” “Thank you, Buttermilk,” Fleur said before we went inside with Shining still on my back. When Buttermilk got us into the dining room, my jaw fell open at the large banquet of food that spread out along a quarter of the long table. “Good morning, you four!” a familiar voice said cheerfully. Fleur, Silver, and I looked over to see Fancy Pants sitting at the end of the table with a royal blue bathrobe that matched his mane and mustache. He got up from his chair before walking towards us. “It’s good to see you arrived safely. Allow me to welcome you back to Canterlot.” “It’s good to be back, Fancy,” Fleur said before they shared exaggerated kisses on each other’s cheeks and hugged like last time. “Sorry for coming here like this. I didn’t have time to do my makeup.” “Please, you’re always beautiful in my eyes whether you’re in makeup or not,” Fancy said. He turned to Silver to shake his hand. “Silver Wheel, my good stallion, it’s good to see you again.” “It’s been quite a while, Mr. Pants,” Silver said. Huh, I guess Silver has more history with this family than I thought. Some sniffing sounds drew my attention away as I glanced back, and saw Shining finally waking up from the food’s powerful aroma. “Mmm… is it breakfast time?” she asked before wiping her eyes. “Good to see somepony’s finally awake,” I said with a smirk. Shining glanced around her with tired, half-lidded eyes as she tried to wake up. Her gaze suddenly widened when she realized our position, and blushed a little in the cheeks. “Um… could you put me down now, please?” “Sure thing.” I squatted myself down to where Shining’s hooves touched the ground. She then gently got off of me and cleared her throat as I stood back up. “Th-thanks for the ride, Oz,” Shining said while looking to the side. “Sorry for the drool.” “Don’t worry about it,” I replied. “And it’s a pleasure to have you finally join us, Shining,” Fancy added in as he came up and gave her a handshake. He then turned to me with his genuine smile before he shook my own hand. “Oz, good to have you with us again too.” “Please, the pleasure’s all mine,” I said. “Well, let’s get breakfast on the way shall we? I’m sure you all must be quite famished from your excitement this morning,” Fancy said. We all nodded, grabbed our plates, and took our portions of food before we sat down and ate. Fleur sat between Silver and Fancy while Shining and I sat across from the first two. “First off, Bubbles has told me everything about what happened at Manehattan, Oz,” Fancy said as he turned to me with ears folded. “I am terribly sorry for what occurred. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you.” “I’m trying to manage,” I replied with a shrug. “Bubbles gave me contact info to a psychiatrist I could see for this, and I’m going to make an appointment to see him next week.” “Ah yes, Bubbles can be quite helpful in situations like these,” Fancy said. “And you can be sure I will get the best attorney to support your case for the upcoming trial.” “Speaking of which, I have the info Bubbles gave them right here,” Silver said before he passed the folder over. “Brilliant! Thank you, Silver. I’ll be sure to put this into good use,” Fancy said as he took the folder and gave it to one of the butlers on standby to put aside for later. “In the meantime, you four are more than welcome to stay here until the press has calmed down.” “Thank you, Fancy,” Shining said. “I think it will only take a few hours, and we’ll be out of your hair as soon as possible.” “Nonsense!” Fancy said while waving his hand. “Stay as long as you need to. I haven’t had good company like this for quite some time, and I feel it’s been ages since we last caught up, excluding the party two weeks ago, of course.” Has it really been two weeks since then? Shit, I’m already in my second week being here and I didn’t even notice. Boy, did a lot happen in that short amount of time. “Actually… there’s something I’d like to talk to you about in private, Fancy, if that is alright,” Fleur said. “For you dear sister, you can talk to me about anything,” Fancy said with a smile. “In the meantime: Shining, Silver, Oz, you’re welcome to explore the premises as you please after breakfast.” Wonder what Fleur wants to talk to Fancy about? Could it have to do with last night? “Thank you, Fancy. Let us know if anything comes up,” Shining said. [8:30 a.m.] Once we finished breakfast, the service staff cleared the table as the five of us went our separate ways. Fleur and Fancy went upstairs to where I could only guess would be the latter’s private office the last time I was here, while Silver decided to take a stroll around the gardens. That only left Shining and me walking through the hallways while she gave me a bit of a tour around places of the mansion I haven’t explored. We went through the kitchen, where the service staff was cleaning the dishes from breakfast; a personal library with a few comfy chairs and a wide selection of books to read; and one of the bathrooms that might as well be a bath house from how big the tub was. “And here is my favorite room that Fleur and I come in frequently when we visit,” Shining said as she opened the door. When we walked inside the dimly lit room, there was a small bar with a good selection of alcohol along the wall, a pool table with the balls already set to break, a round table with chairs around it while there was a metal suitcase sitting in the middle of it, and a large, flat screen T.V. that looked like it was installed in the wall recently with couches facing towards it, while there was a popcorn machine on the side. “We like to call it, ‘The Lounge,’” Shining said. “Christ, is there anything Fancy doesn’t have?” I asked. “Well, there’s no bowling alley, but Fancy isn’t into bowling anyway,” Shining joked as she turned to me with a small smile. “Wanna play a round or two of pool?” “Sure, but be warned, I’m not very good at it,” I said. We walked over to the rack of pool cues and grabbed one for each of us before chalking the tips. Shining decided to break for the first round, and the game was on. The balls clacked and spread out on the table after the cue ball made contact, managing to get one of the striped balls into a pocket. “Guess that makes me stripes,” Shining said before she walked around to plan her next move. This actually may be a good time to ask Shining about any problems concerning her lack of sleep last night. Hopefully I can get more out of her than I could with Fleur. “So was there something occupying your mind that didn’t let you sleep last night?” I asked as she aimed at her target. Shining made the shot, getting one of her striped balls into the designated pocket. “There’s something, but it’s nothing to get too concerned about right now,” she said as she planned her next shot. Well, so much for that. “How’d things go with Fleur after the phone call this morning?” Shining asked before making the next shot, but missing. I couldn’t help but heat up a little as the image of Fleur’s behind still plagued my mind. I shook the thought off before I planned my first shot of the game as I came up with a reasonable response. “Well, I asked Fleur the same question I asked you, seeing if there was something she wanted to talk about, but she didn’t have anything to say at the time.” I paused to make my first shot at one of the solid balls, but to no avail. “I did tell her that if there was something that bugged her late at night, she could come and really wake me up to talk if she needs to in the future.” “I see,” Shining said as she walked around the table to make her next move. “Does that apply to me as well, if you don’t mind me asking?” “Of course,” I said. “Heck, if you want to come over and talk in person, I don’t mind that either.” “About that,” she said as she prepared her next shot. “While I do appreciate you respecting my privacy and not coming into my home, I feel we’ve gotten to know each other enough that I can trust you.” She made her shot at one of the striped balls with a clack, getting it into the pocket. “That being said, I grant you permission to come into my home at any time, so long as you knock first or I invite you to come over.” My eyes widened as she made her next shot, but ended up getting the cue ball in a pocket by accident. “Uh… wow, Shining, thanks,” I said as I picked up the ball, and got it to a good spot to make my next shot. “I’m grateful we’ve gotten close enough that you entrust me with this.” “It’s the least I could do,” Shining said as I prepared my shot. “With that, I have two things I want to ask of you, Oz.” “What are they?” I asked before I made the shot. I finally got my first solid ball in a pocket, but I still had much to catch up on. “First, going with the talk late in the evening thing, would you be able to come by my place so we could chat there?” Shining asked. “I can let you spend the night there if you’re too tired to walk back to Fleur’s.” “Of course,” I said as I made my next shot. Luckily, one of the solids was close enough to a pocket to just tap into it. “I understand if you want to talk in the comfort of your own home.” “Excellent,” she said with a smile. “The second thing I want to say is that I think I know something I could do to make up for that kick in your stomach.” “What would that be?” I asked as I prepared my next shot. “If you’re not too busy tonight,” Shining said. “I’d like to invite you to have dinner with me at my place.” I suddenly jerked the pool cue enough to where I scratched the cue ball and some of the table’s carpeting. “D-dinner?” I asked. “That’s right,” Shining said as she walked over to the cue ball to prepare her next shot. “Just you and me, having dinner. I’ll be doing the cooking myself. What do you say?” Shit… besides the occasional eat outs back on Earth, I can’t even remember the last time someone else cooked for me. The only thing Dad would ever make for dinner was chili, and boy, does that get tiring to have every night, especially when he makes a large enough pot that could last almost a week if I ate it myself. I was able to cook more balanced meals thanks to some neighbors that helped me learn how to do it, but Dad stopped cooking for me since then. Most importantly though, I never had a girl, a mare no less, to cook for me either. Shining did say she can cook some meals, and I have been rather curious about how it tastes. “Alright, I think I can take you up on that,” I said before Shining scored two striped balls with one shot in one of the pockets. “But how come it’s just you and me? What about Fleur?” “I’d like to give you a personal tour around my place while we get to know each other  more one-on-one,” Shining explained as she planned how to get the last striped ball. “While I’m good with the three of us talking daily, I want to open myself up a bit more to you. Something personal that I feel is best shared in private.” She made a bank shot to the last stripe ball, successfully getting it into the pocket. Shit, Shining’s crazy good at this. I’ve barely had any chances to get my own shots. “If it’s alright with you, I could give Fleur a chance to have the same thing on another night, doing whatever she sees fit,” Shining continued as she prepared to make her last shot on the eight ball. “I’ll ask her and Fancy if she could spend the night here while we have our dinner tonight so she won’t be alone in the house. We only have one more day off tomorrow before we get back to work for the next couple of weeks and prepare for your trial with Mascara. So Fleur could possibly do her thing with you tomorrow while we have mine tonight. Sound reasonable?” She put some more chalk on her pool cue before putting weight on it, patiently waiting for my answer with a smile. It sounds fair, I have to admit that, but this certainly came out of nowhere, for sure. Then again, it’s also something different that could be enjoyable too. Besides that one dinner with Fleur when we first met, like Shining said, this is a chance for me to get to know the two of them more on a personal level than I have so far, and I want to know everything I can about the both of them. “Yeah, I think that works just fine,” I said with a smile. “I’m interested to see what you’ll come up with for dinner tonight.” “Oh don’t worry. I think I’ve planned something that will knock your taste buds right off,” Shining said with a smirk before preparing her last shot. “Eight ball on corner pocket.” She took a moment to focus, made her shot, and the eight ball went into the designated pocket with a thunk. “And that’s game.” “Shit, I hardly stood a chance,” I said. “Aw, don’t worry,” she cooed while patting my shoulder. “You didn’t do too bad yourself. Wanna try cards?” “Now that I can play,” I said before we put the pool cues back on the rack, and set up the deck inside the metal suitcase for some rounds of five-card hold ‘em. [Meanwhile, Fleur’s POV, 8:30 a.m.] Alright Fleur, this is it. You’re alone with your dear older brother in his private office where nopony could hear or interrupt us thanks to a sound-proof spell. It’s time you bring out your concerns on Fancy’s love life as he deserves to be happy for being the wonderful pony he truly is. “I must say, Fleur, it’s been quite some time since we last sat down and had a chat,” Fancy said with a smile as he used magic to pour himself a glass of water from a pitcher one of his maids brought over. “Would you like some water?” “Please,” I answered before he poured into another empty glass, and levitated it over to me. I set my glass down on a coaster after a sip. “So how have things been going with you, Fleur? Besides the incidents with Vogue and Solar, of course,” Fancy said. “It’s been going great,” I said with a smile. “Shining’s still having trouble with stallions, but she’s trying to get better with that over the past few weeks. It’s been hard for her, I can tell, especially when there are so many rude stallions in Manehattan, but she’s putting effort into it with Ozzy’s help.” “How wonderful to hear,” Fancy said. “Speaking of Manehattan, have you ever visited the spa I mentioned?” “Oh yes! It was quite heavenly, and thank you for paying my visit,” I said. “I took Ozzy along because he definitely needed the treatment more than I did. It went well, but…” “Yes?” “There were some mares that came on to him too strong for his comfort,” I continued while looking down. “It was mostly because of seeing him topless in the baths that had them so intrigued. He had a towel on since it was his first time in a mixed bath, but, uh… they were more focused on his… nipples.” “I say, human males have those?” Fancy asked with a raised eyebrow. “Indeed, and they don’t even do anything,” I answered. “They may be a little sensitive, but they don’t lactate like us mares. They’re just… there for no reason.” “Very intriguing.” Fancy rubbed his chin. “So I take it Oz didn’t enjoy his visit at the spa as much as you did?” “He liked it, despite what happened at the baths,” I said. “But I think the next time we go to a spa, he’d prefer to go to one that don’t have baths, or at least not coed ones.” “That’s understandable.” Fancy nodded. “Anyway, this isn’t what I want to come in here for,” I said with folded ears. “Fancy… have you seen any ponies recently? Like… on a date or something?” Fancy shrugged. “Nothing like that in particular, no. Why?” “I’m starting to get concerned for you, Fancy,” I said. “I didn’t think about this until a chat with Toffee yesterday, but I haven’t seen you with anypony since your third relationship in high school. You just turned twenty-seven two weeks ago, three years away until you start your thirties. I try to come here as often as possible, but I’m concerned how lonely you get in this mansion Mother and Father gave you in their will. “You’re a wonderful pony, Fancy, and I couldn’t be more proud and happy to have you as my older brother, but I want to see you happy with somepony you love to settle down with like everypony else deserves, no matter how rich or poor. I just want to know if there’s anything that’s holding you back from finding that special somepony, and if there’s anything I can do to help you with it.” Fancy sat there with patience, waiting for anything else I had to say. After a moment, he chuckled a little before taking a sip of his water, and swirled the glass. “Oh, Fleur… you’d be surprised how many times Princess Celestia has asked me the same thing.” “See?! Even one of our fair Princesses says the same thing because she knows how much of a good noble you are, Fancy,” I said. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I sniffled. “Please, if there’s anything you need to talk about that shouldn’t be said with others, confide yourself to me so I could help you. You’ve done so much for me, and I want to be as much of a good sister to you as you have as my brother.” “Oh Fleur…” Fancy stood up and opened his arms. I practically leapt from the chair to his him, trying to hold my tensions in until I broke into sobs on his shoulder. He rubbed my back as I wet his robe while gripping it from behind. “I’m sorry this concerns you so much, Fleur. I had no idea.” He pulled us back, and took a handkerchief from his robe’s front pocket to dab my tears dry once I calmed down some. “I appreciate you want to help me with this problem, but…” he sighed as he put the cloth back into his pocket. “It’s not easy for me to explain, especially when there’s so many ponies in Canterlot that value just being near my presence that I admit can get rather bothersome sometimes.” “Fancy, I swear to you that if this is something so personal, whatever you have to say will stay in this room the moment I walk out of here,” I said. “Nopony else but me will ever know until you gather enough courage to tell them yourself. Please, let me be here to listen to your problems like you have for me so many times.” Fancy took a moment to think about it while cleaning his monocle with a clean handkerchief. “You promise not to say a word to this to anypony?” he asked as he set his monocle back on. “Absolutely. Even with Shiny and Ozzy.” “This will take a lot for me to explain. It would be best if we took a seat.” I nodded before the two of us got back into the chair we sat. “Do you remember when I broke up my last marefriend?” I looked up to recall the sequence of events that occurred. “Um… I do believe it was sometime after Mother and Father passed on, right? Didn’t you break up with her because of how busy you’d get in your noble things?” “That’s part of it, yes,” he answered before taking a few swigs of his water. “You remember how they urged me to find a mare to court before they passed on, right?” “How could I not?” I asked with ears folded. “They pressed you into doing well in school more than they did me, along with learning everything Mother and Father taught you about what they did in their business.” “I have to admit that I wasn’t at my best during that time,” he said as he looked up to a portrait of Mother and Father on the wall. “They had set up a list of numerous mares for me to see, with only three that seemed best fit, at least by their standards.” He looked down on his glass with hands resting on his muzzle. “They were all beautiful, nice mares, any stallion would go head over hooves for them; however… as we got closer to where we uh…” “I think I know where you’re heading. I don’t need to hear the smaller details,” I said. As nice as Fancy is, I think it’s safe to say I don’t want to hear about my brother’s sex life as much as any other pony would in the same situation. “Anyway, when we got there,” Fancy continued. “I just didn’t feel… good as anypony else would have. I’ve tried numerous times, especially with my first marefriend, but I just couldn’t get anywhere emotionally. I had to let her go because she just didn’t seem like the kind of pony I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. That didn’t go very smoothly, for both her and Mother and Father, I’ll say that much. “After much heated discussion, Mother and Father went back to the list to try and set me up with the next best mare. I saw her for a bit, tried my luck with her, but just like the first one, there was no luck. So then they tried again with the third mare, and, surprise, I wasn’t satisfied with her either. After Mother and Father’s passing, I used their passing down of the mansion and business as an excuse to break up with her at first, but things got messy when I came out of it.” “Wow… I didn’t realize how occupied you were with those mares until now,” I commented with ears folded. “Sorry I wasn’t much help back then.” “It’s quite alright Fleur, it was a hectic time for all of us,” Fancy forgave. “Anyway, with Mother and Father not breathing down on my neck anymore, I took some time to think about why I wasn’t satisfied with those mares I courted. What was it that made me so… frustrated with them? What was it about them that I wasn’t satisfied with? I tried to come up with numerous reasons, but there wasn’t so much luck until I looked at how other ponies’ relationships were, and… to be honest, Fleur, I think you’ve helped me with that problem more than you’ve even noticed.” I blinked a few times before tilting my head to the side. “Wait, what? You mean my relationship with Solar Flare helped with your insight?” “Not with Solar, Fleur,” Fancy said. “I mean your very first relationship with somepony before you even met him.” Somepony before Solar? But I didn’t really see anypony except… My stomach suddenly dropped, and everything went cold as I recalled the one ‘relationship’ I had that confirmed a curiosity of mine. Something I didn’t want anypony else to know about before now. “Y-you mean… you…” “Yes, Fleur,” Fancy said with a nod. “I’ve known about you and Shining for quite some time now.” “H-how did you know?” I asked with a shaken voice. “Sh-Shiny and I haven’t spoken a word about that to anypony since we stopped.” Well, except Ozzy, but he seemed an open and intelligent guy enough to tell it to, even Shiny was kind of subtle with the confession as far as what he told me. “Remember when Mother and Father were in the Everglade Meadows for a business trip for a couple days, you had Shining over for a sleepover, and I was on a date with my first marefriend?” Fancy asked. “I had to come back in the middle of it because I forgot the tickets to a concert. As I passed by your room… well, with how much of a screamer you were, it was lucky that the service staff left for the evening.” He chuckled My whole face heated up as I remembered that night. I squirmed in my seat when I realized I was caught. “How come you didn’t tell Mother and Father about it?” “Why would I do something that could risk you losing your best friend?” Fancy asked. “I know we had our sibling scuffles during that time, but I would never go that far since I knew how much Shining Star meant to you, whether she was your best friend, or your marefriend, or even both. Plus, I want to find the right time to embarrass you with it when we’re alone and older, and boy, did I make the right choice.” “You’re just plain awful,” I said with crossed arms and a pout while my cheeks were still warm. Fancy took a moment to chuckle at my expense before he cleared his throat and looked down. “Going back to my epiphany, when I recalled your brief relationship with Shining, I saw everything in my past with a new perspective. All of my interactions with other ponies, what I was feeling during those times when I was around them, especially with my own closest friends before they had to move out of Canterlot, and what it was about those times that differed to my relationships with those three mares…” My heart raced in that moment of silence as I had somewhat of an idea where this was heading. “I’ve thought long and hard about it, Fleur, until I came to one conclusion that might explain everything.” “F-Fancy,” I stuttered. “Y-you mean…” Fancy looked up to me with folded ears. His mouth open and closed before he took a quick scan around the room. After a brief pause, he opened his mouth once more. “Fleur… I think I might be gay,” Fancy announced. The room fell into dead silence, letting my brother’s statement ring and echo into my head to try and make sense out of it as many times as possible. “I… don’t understand,” I finally said. “What exactly brought you to that theory?” “Being frustrated from having my marefriends in bed was one thing,” Fancy replied as he closed his eyes, and took a moment to think. “Thinking back to those times, I felt… unhappy with those mares. It wasn’t like I didn’t like them. Despite the outbursts from the break ups, they were pretty good mares and we did have good time, but I just felt… uncomfortable with the idea of spending the rest of my life with a mare who I not only cannot love in a romantic sense, but it was somepony that Mother and Father had set me up with. In fact, I was more stressed with that concept than the responsibilities of being a noble I was given. “I didn’t know why I felt that way back then, and I’ve tried to ignore it as I kept seeing the mares, but it just got worse over time. When I finally broke up with my first marefriend, despite the drama that followed, I couldn’t believe how much more relaxed I was before Mother and Father had set me up with the second one.” He looked down on his water glass. “I honestly don’t know what might have happened if Mother and Father were still with us today. Would they keep throwing more mares at me until I’m satisfied with one of them? Would I have to stick with one so they can be satisfied? How would they have felt if I opened up to them about this? How would they see me with their distaste in same-sex relationships?” He looked back up to me with folded ears. “Fleur… you have to understand that I couldn’t see anypony else after my last break up because of how conflicted I was with the possibility of the princesses and all of the nobles in Canterlot would judge me if I opened up about my possible interest in stallions. Most importantly though, is how afraid I was to open up to our very own family, our parents especially. I was uncertain of telling even you the truth, Fleur, even after I knew you were experimenting with Shining, because of how much you mean to me now since our parents left. I’m afraid to go out there because of all the weight that’s on my shoulders, and how ponies may despise me for my interest…” He looked back down on the floor. “Just like our parents might have.” “Fancy…” I stood up and walked over to a chair next to my brother’s. I sat down and held his hand in mine. “While it’s true that we may never know how our parents would react, you can’t let that hold you back to pursue your own happiness.” Fancy jolted up before turning to me with widened eyes. “I’ll admit, this news is surprising to me, but your preferences in whom you want to be with will never change how much I love you, Fancy. I’m still sticking to my ground that you deserve to be happy with a special somepony just like everypony else. Be it a mare or a stallion, I want you to be happy. “And if this helps ease your tensions… besides my experiment with Shiny, there’s one other thing I may be trying out that Mother and Father may not approve if they were here, and I would feel more comfortable with making this choice if you support it, Fancy.” “You mean about forming a herd?” Fancy asked. I nodded. “Turns out it was our parents’ influence and my tug-of-war with Shiny for that colt back in Junior High that got me to rethink my views on herds. I’m going to talk to Shiny about this too, but there’s somepony both of us have our eyes on that I’d rather not let escalate to repeating past mistakes.” “Let me guess. It’s Oz, isn’t it?” Fancy asked, making me blush. “Was it really that obvious?” “I suspected something like this would happen since I first met him,” he replied. “You and Shining have changed significantly since Oz came into your lives. He seemed like a very promising fellow from when we first chatted. Why, I would be willing to give my first date with a stallion a try with somepony like him.” Fancy and Ozzy seeing each other? Sweet Celestia, I thought it was bad enough with him barely talking about sleeping with other mares, but now there’s-OH CRAP I IMAGINED IT ON ACCIDENT! Bad brain! Bad! Dear Luna, I’m going to need some mind bleach to get this image out of my head. “Anyway, going back to your interest with forming a herd,” Fancy continued. “I’m assuming Shining will be joining you if she’s interested, correct?” “That’s what I’m planning, but we won’t get into something like that for quite some time.” I looked down with ears folded. “Because of his incident with Mascara, he’s uncertain about dating mares right now, and it may take a while before he gets comfortable with the idea.” “I don’t blame him,” Fancy commented. “In the meantime though, I have no problem with you being in a herd with Oz, or anypony else for that matter. Just be sure you know for certain that he’s worth it, and that you’re happy being with him. That’s all I’m worried about.” “Same goes to you for seeing other stallions,” I added in with a smile. “And you can be absolutely certain I won’t tell anypony about this until you’re comfortable. Heck, I’ll see if I can help find some good stallions for you to meet sometime.” “I think I’d like that very much, Fleur,” he replied with a smile before we sat up and hugged. “Just don’t even think about dating Ozzy, or I’ll shave off that mustache of yours,” I threatened during the embrace. Fancy chuckled a little. “Don’t worry Fleur, that handsome fellow’s all yours.” > Chapter 25: "Nice place you got here." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25: “Nice place you got here.” [Shining’s POV, 10:00 a.m.] “With Vogue President and CEO Mascara’s scandal with the human secretary Ozzy Shore, this adds yet another case in the recent chain of sexual assaults that’s been reported by some of the humans that have moved and settled in Equestria,” News Flash reported in the broadcast Oz and I were watching on the Lounge’s T.V. “It seems that the reality of humans being more vulnerable in our Equestrian Society with no enhanced strength, flight, or magic to defend themselves has led to a number of incidents in which both mares and stallions have taken advantage of this to have their way with the human males and females. We go live to the streets of Canterlot with reporter Notepad to explain more on this sudden outbreak. Notepad?” “Thank you, News Flash,” the light-green unicorn mare with a straight blonde mane answered. “Yes, this series of sexual assaults started approximately one month after the very first group of human settlers and tourists had arrived. While some successful relationships have formed, many other humans have not only gotten uncomfortable with ponies’ forward invitations, but they’ve also been taken away against their will, leaving the humans to report cases of sexual assault the morning after the incident. Princesses Celestia and Luna have not only ensured the ponies who’ve acted this way have been punished to the full extent of the law, but they’ve also extended their personal and deepest apologies to the human victims. “I’ve walked around Canterlot to meet up with some of the ponies and humans in the area to get their opinions on this problem, and they had this to say.” “I can’t believe somepony would ever go so far,” a mare said with tears welling up in her eyes. “My only human friend was one of the victims, and she said she was going to go back to Earth after the lawsuit’s been settled. She was so kind, and we’ve gotten so close… I feel so terrible that it happened because somepony from my city drove her away. She would get so anxious, and cry out of nowhere from time to time. She even backed away from me when I tried to help her. She said it was best that we move on once she leaves, and I just…” The mare broke down sobbing while covering her face from the camera. “I’m not sure if I made the right choice in coming here,” a burly human male admitted. “Have you seen how strong an earth pony can be? I mean I stay in shape, sure, but I’m not one to get physical with a girl, human or pony, even if it was to defend myself. In fact, who’s to say they’ll believe I’m the victim? *BEEP* I think I might have just made myself a moving target with that comment.” “A buddy of mine said I should break up with my marefriend for how awful her kind has been acting to humans due to recent events,” another human male said. His pony lover’s ears were folded as she looked down while being held by her human lover. “I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon, but I’m worried this kind of xenophobia will escalate if these cases keep happening without something being done about it.” “We haven’t gotten any cases in which a mare assaulter in heat was reported pregnant sometime afterward yet, and the human female victims have been treated to prevent pregnancies in case reproduction between different species is possible,” Notepad said with ears folded while looking down. “I honestly hope that never happens if the circumstances are like this. Who knows what may happen if that’s possible? I… I’m sorry, I can’t talk about this anymore. We’ll be keeping you up to date with this problem to see how it progresses and if there are any other developments. Now if you’ll excuse me… I have a very special somebody of my own I need to go and comfort... Back to you, News Flash.” I turned off the T.V. as I couldn’t watch anymore of the news. I looked over to Oz, who’s been sighing and sifting his fingers through his hair for the past several minutes. “O-Oz?” I asked as I placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine…” Oz placed his hand over mine while still looking down. “I just can’t believe how bad this is getting. I figured there’d be problems here that are similar to Earth’s, especially after hearing what you and Fleur have gone through, but I’m relieved that the locals here are taking these cases seriously enough to reveal them in the news. You’d be surprised how much something like this would be swept under the rug back home.” “Why would they do that?” I asked. “I honestly don’t know.” He shrugged. “I’m not really up for thinking about the reasons right now.” I leaned on Oz’s side while closing my eyes. “Oz… even though I don’t want it to happen, if you’re uncomfortable-“ “I’m not going back to Earth, Shining.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. “I’ve dealt with worse, and I’m trying to make a better life here. I’m not going to let some horny mares get in the way of that. Besides, I sold everything before I moved out, and I thought I was screwed when I came here to begin with.” I laughed a little from that. “Yeah, I remember that. It was that same night I first met you too.” “And you couldn’t give me the time of day when you weren’t melting me down with your heated glares,” he joked. “Shut up.” I punched his shoulder a little. “I’ve gotten better since then, haven’t I?” “Yes, you have,” he answered while rubbing the spot I hit. “I guess that weird method you suggested actually works, huh?” “Oh… yeah, sure.” I looked out in front of me, recalling all the times he’s tugged my tail. How do I break it to him that tugging a pony’s tail actually turns them on? Same goes for rubbing their inner hooves and ears (though that last one can at times be more relaxing and heartwarming than arousing if the setting’s just right). As much as I’m afraid of how he’ll react, I have to tell him the truth at some point. It doesn’t help that I’m going back against being honest with him either; it’s something Oz and I promised to do with each other weeks ago, and he’s been holding his end of the bargain well so far. “Anyway, if there’s a bright side to what’s happening right now, at least there are some human and pony couples forming,” Oz continued as he looked at the blank T.V. screen while my eyes widened. “I mean that last guy was certainly devoted to his marefriend, despite what his buddy said. Even that reporter had a boyfriend she’s going back to cherish. At least that’s what I’m seeing.” That’s true… There are human and pony couples forming. If that’s the case, then the idea of me being with Oz is possible—at least I hope that’s what he has in mind. Speaking of which, Fleur and I haven’t discussed what happened back at Manehattan privately yet. We’ll need to get to that soon. If things work out and Oz is okay with having both of us, there’d certainly be a lot of changes. I may have to move in with them, find some place to store all of my things, figure out sleeping arrangements (‘cause I’m going to say right now that I’m not going to sleep anyplace as pink as Fleur’s room for the rest of my days), planning time for the more intimate moments of our relationship when we get there. Dear Luna, I can see it now: the three of us would have so many things to try and spice things up in the bedroom, getting kinky like Fleur taking me from behind with a— “Shining?” “H-huh? What?” I asked with a few blinks. “I was asking if I should come by your place at a certain time once we get back,” Oz clarified. “You know, for dinner?” “O-oh yes! Right!” I replied. “Yes, I would definitely need some time to get the ingredients for dinner and tidy up the place a little. I’ll let you know what time sounds good when we get there. You don’t mind waiting back at Fleur’s, do you?” “Nah, I can do that.” He shrugged. “There you two are,” a voice said, making Oz and me turn back from the couch and seeing Fleur and Fancy walk inside. “I see you’ve showed Oz the lounge, Shining,” Fancy said. “Did you enjoy yourselves?” “Oh yes! I beat Oz at pool while he won a few rounds of five-card hold ‘em,” I explained. “Very nice,” Fancy said with a smile. “Lunch is currently being prepared. It will be some time before it’s ready. While we wait, Oz, would you care for a walk around the garden?” “Sure, Fancy,” he said as he got up. Fleur, for some reason, gave her brother a stare with a raised eyebrow. “Oh don’t fret, Fleury,” Fancy said with a wave of his hand. “We’re just going to have a little chat is all.” “If you say so,” Fleur said. “So I’ll see you at lunch then?” Oz asked. “Sure thing. Enjoy the stroll,” I said before the boys walked off, leaving Fleur and me alone. Alright, since we’re now alone in the room, let’s get the elephant in the room taken care of, shall we? “So… you slept with Oz, huh?” I asked. She sighed while rubbing her eyes. “Yes, and I mean that literally. We didn’t do anything else.” “And you somehow couldn’t sleep without holding onto him?” “You wouldn’t believe how frustrated I was getting not being able to sleep  in one of the most comfortable beds in Equestria. If you were in my position, you’d do the same thing.” “Yes, but here’s the thing: I was in your position. Last night, at my own home, with a regular mattress, and I couldn’t walk all the way over to your place in his room like you did so I could get a good night’s sleep myself because of the awkwardness that would ensue.” “Yeaaah, I figured that outburst earlier was from the lack of sleep.” Fleur looked to the side while scratching her head. “But, Oz has told me that he’s okay with you coming to him late at night, and I was given those same privileges should I be in the same situation in the future.” “That’s good.” “However, there’s something I need to ask of you just for tonight, and you’ll be given this same opportunity tomorrow if you have the time for it.” Fleur raised an eyebrow. “Okay?” I took a moment to take a breath while trying to loosen myself up a little. “I need you to spend the night here with Fancy while I treat Oz to a home cooked dinner in my house tonight in order to pay him back for the kick to his stomach the other day.” Fleur’s eyes widened while her jaw dropped. “Uhhh… wow, Shiny, I would say I’m proud that you’re finally taking a stallion out on a date after five years if I wasn’t concerned that Ozzy’s that same stallion.” “He doesn’t think it’s a date,” I defended. “Or I certainly hope he doesn’t think so. I wanted to do something for Oz after that kick, and since he couldn’t come up with anything, he let me think about it. So I thought showing him around my house for the first time while making dinner for him would do the trick, and he said it was okay.” “I see…” “He wasn’t sure about it at first, that was for certain, and I already had another idea in mind,” I continued. “If it made him comfortable, and I know you’d be into this as well, I told him he could spend an evening with you tomorrow, or the next time we have a day off doing whatever you’d like to do to make things fair.” Fleur’s eyes widened again as her body trembled. “M-m-me and Ozzy? Alone?” “Yes.” “T-together by ourselves?” “Yes.” “Doing whatever I want?” “So long as it’s not something outside of Oz’s comfort zone, then yes.” Knowing what happened next from the grin on Fleur’s face, I took the initiative to plug my ears. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” she screamed before squeezing and spinning me around. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” “Alright alright, take it easy,” I said before she set me down and I straightened my clothes out. “So are you good with my plan for tonight?” “Definitely! Oh my gosh, I wonder what I should do with him tomorrow? A shopping spree? No, it’s too soon to do that again. I’m not sure another night at the jazz club would be a good idea if we run into that stallion or the like again. Wonder if he’s into dance clubs? Oh! Maybe he’d be into—” “Whoooa, settle down there, Fleur,” I said while holding her shoulders. “There’s still something we need to discuss that we learned from Manehattan yesterday.” Fleur paused for a moment before her cheery expression turned into a thoughtful one. “Oh… yes, actually, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about that too.” “Let’s just mark off what we already know about this situation, alright?” I asked, and she nodded in response. “One, both of us like Oz probably more than just a friend, and we’d like to give dating him a try. Two, both of us haven’t had a date with anypony ever since we broke up with our horrid coltfriends who I pray to Celestia we’ll never see again.” “Amen to that,” Fleur commented. “Adding into it, Oz has never been on a date in his whole life, and is still a virgin,” I continued. “Three, both of us may have some misunderstandings about how herds work thanks to that time in Junior High and how they were seen by the majority of ponies in Canterlot, including your parents. We’ve got everything cleared up with the former, correct?” “I believe so.” She nodded. “If it hasn’t been said yet, I apologize for making you feel inferior because of my popularity and appearance.” “And I’m sorry for almost pushing you out of my life because of some crush for a colt,” I returned. “Finally there’s number four, where Oz was uncertain about giving dating a mare a chance because of Mascara.” “Wait, ‘was’?” Fleur asked. “I’m not sure if it was that big of an influence, but we watched some… very morbid news about reported cases of sexual assault like Oz’s.” I looked down with ears folded. “It’s gotten very bad to the point that some of the humans who’ve arrived may be considering moving back to Earth because of how unsafe they feel.” “How awful… is Ozzy?” I shook my head. “He’s a tough one, not wanting to go back even with what happened to him, and I certainly hope that he won’t come to that decision at any time. Anyway, along with what the news mentioned about those cases, there’ve also been reports of human and pony couples sighted around the city.” “Really?” “Yes. One of the couples was interviewed to discuss about the assault cases, and the human male wouldn’t break up with his marefriend despite what his friend said. It looked like the pony who was reporting the news even had a human coltfriend herself.” “And you think Ozzy might have changed his mind about dating mares?” “I say only a little. He may be trying to be careful with who he talks to now, but I think seeing other humans with ponies has given him some hope. Right now though, we shouldn’t push on the idea of dating him yet. Not until he’s ready himself.” “I agree,” Fleur said with a nod. “And as for the herd thing, once Ozzy is comfortable enough, I was thinking we could… give it a try.” It was my turn to have my eyes widened after hearing what Fleur said. “Y-you mean you’re willing to give it a shot?” “It’s like you said before, Shiny, we may have misunderstood the concept because of outside influences,” Fleur answered. “I’m not sure what Ozzy would think, but if we ask once he’s ready, I mean, who else would he be comfortable doing this with besides his two best friends? So what do you think? Are you willing to give it a try?” I must admit, there may be some complications along the way, but as long as Fleur and I know what we’re doing, maybe look into getting some help to see how it works... “We’ll have to discuss it in further detail when we get there, but I’m willing to try something at least once,” I answered with a smile. “Excellent! And just to make this official, let’s perform the pact ritual,” Fleur suggested. “… Seriously, Fleur?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “You do realize we’re kind of too old to do something we made up when we were fillies, right?” “But that’s what makes our friendship so unique!” Fleur exclaimed. “This is also very serious business, Shiny, and this calls for a very serious pact to set it in stone.” “With the words we came up with? Pft. Please, like there’s anything serious about… no,” I said as Fleur was starting to make… the face. “Fleur, stop, you’re too old for this. You’re much better than that! Stop it!” With Fleur pulling off the saddest looking puppy dog eyes ever seen with quivering lips, my will was slowly deteriorating until it was completely demolished by the next phrase: “Pweeeeeease Shiny with sprinkles and a cherry on top?” DEAR LUNA NOT THE SPRINKLES AND CHERRY ON TOP! “Alright alright I’ll do it! Just please make it stop!” I pleaded while covering my eyes. “Yes!” Fleur said with a fist pump. Why she was given this horrid power from the pits of Tartarus, I don’t know, but I pray to Celestia that it will stop working with age, and nopony else will ever succumb to the almighty cuteness. “Okay, let’s get into position,” Fleur said before we moved to a more open space in the lounge. “Let’s just get this over with before anypony else see us,” I groaned. “Oh lighten up Shiny. We need to do this to show how serious this is. You remember the words and movements?” “Unfortunately,” I said before the two of us got in a stance, and started the pact with the following movements. “One, two, three, I pinky sweary, Music, theater, art, With all my heart, Puddle, pond, lake To never ever break, Blue, pink, blonde, My best friend’s bond, Coats, tails, manes, For my own gains, Clap, stomp, bump, Or I’ll smack my rump.” [Meanwhile, Ozzy’s POV, 10:00 a.m.] “I have to say, Fancy, you’ve got quite the place here,” I said as we walked through the mansion’s gardens. “It looks like it has a lot of history too. I’m surprised you were able to afford this.” Fancy chuckled. “Thank you, Oz, but I didn’t own everything here by buying it.” “Really?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “How did you get this then?” “Has my sister told you about our parents yet?” he asked. Suddenly a sense of dread and coldness went through my body as I recalled what Fleur had told me about them back in Manehattan. With Fancy referring to their parents like that, it wasn’t hard to figure out how he got the mansion. “Oh… she hadn’t told me the details, but… yeah. I’m really sorry about that.” “It’s quite alright, dear boy,” he said while he patted my back. “It was very sudden for all of us when Mother and Father went out like that, but they’re in a better place. Fleur and I visit their graves in the Everglade Meadows every year to pay our respects.” “That’s nice,” I said. I wonder if Dad ever paid a visit to Mom’s grave? Come to think of it, Robert probably knew her more than I did. How hard did he take it when she died? “But don’t you get lonely being in the mansion by yourself?” I asked. “I’m sure Fleur puts in the time to visit, but what about close friends, or even a… what do you call it? Special somepony?” “I have my moments, I’ll admit that,” he replied as we looked at a pond. “I wouldn’t exactly call the ponies who are around me friends really, and I’ve just been too occupied with other matters to worry about romance. However… I think I’ll probably get myself back out there soon enough. I just need to find a good place to look. Fleur’s even helping me out too.” “Nice, I wish you luck on that—“ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” a high pitched scream came from inside the mansion, loud enough to even get the birds that were on the roof flock away in fright. “What the heck was that?” I asked. “Ah, from the tone, I could only guess it was Fleur squealing with great joy about something. I’m sure she’s fine,” Fancy answered. With Fleur’s name brought up, a sudden thought came to me about what I promised Fancy a while back. “Hey, Fancy?” I asked. “Yes?” “About what we discussed when we first met… I’m not sure if I’m holding up that promise very well.” “Whatever do you mean?” “Well, it seems like the girls are protecting me instead of the other way around,” I explained. “You already know about the Mascara thing, but there were a couple other troubles the girls pulled me out of. From what I heard, they seem to be capable of protecting themselves, what with Shining’s strength and self-defense, and Fleur’s knowledge around magic. What do I have to bring on the table? Not much to be impressed about, I’m sure. If I can’t even pull my weight to protect them, then what good am I?” A light gust of wind filled the silence in the air while a few fish in the pond were leaping out of the water before splashing back in. “I assume you know Fleur’s ex-coltfriend, correct?” Fancy asked. “How could I forget?” I scowled while remembering what the girls have told me. “I haven’t met him in person yet, but knowing what he did to Shining, I swear, even if I may break my hands, I’d give anything to give that bastard a piece of my mind.” “Ah, so you know about Shining Star’s condition.” “Yeah, and her time of being a model before she became Fleur’s manager, and how Puff Tie dumped her. Seriously, from what that poor girl’s been through, I don’t blame her for not seeing any stallions after that.” “And that’s where you come in with your promise.” I looked back to Fancy with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean?” “You may not know of it yourself, but you have an ability that got Shining to finally come out of her shell,” he explained. “When I last saw her at my party, I could have sworn I saw some of the old Shining I knew back in the day. Now? I can’t remember the last time I saw her so happy and open with herself. When I had my chat with Fleur earlier, I could tell she was happier the last time we met too. “I felt I had to look after Fleur ever since our parents left. She had a terrible time trying to move on. What got me suspicious with Solar Flare before the break up was that he wasn’t there to support her when she needed it most.” Welp, that’s one more thing to add on my ‘Why I should beat the crap out of Solar Flare’ list. “That’s where you come in, Oz, because you have the patience, compassion, and sympathy that Solar doesn’t,” he continued. “I know I can’t hold my sister’s hand forever, and Shining can only do so much to help her best friend. I may have not been clear with what I want from you when we talked last, and I apologize if I gave you the wrong idea.” “So… what is it that you want me to do?” “I want you, no, I need you to be strong not to protect the girls from danger, but for them to lean on when times get tough. They can only do so much taking everything that’s shared between the two of them, but with you there to share some of their burden, they’re on their way to becoming happier ponies like I’ve always wished them to be. From what I’ve seen out of the two of them today, you’ve far exceeded my expectations from what you promised me two weeks ago, Ozzy Shore. I thank you for what you’ve done, and I do hope you continue doing what you do that helps them.” Whoa… I didn’t really think about it like that. I want to be stronger to protect them, sure, but if what I’m doing right now is making them happy, then I don’t think I want anything to change that. Plus, they’ve shared my burden from seeing my nightmares. Maybe it’s time I start holding onto theirs. “I’ll do my best, Fancy, I promise. For real this time,” I said with a nod. “That’s what I like to hear.” He smiled as he patted my shoulder. “And please, if there’s anything you need to discuss, give me a call, and we’ll set something up.” “Thanks, Fancy,” I replied with a smile. “Now let’s head on inside and have some lunch, shall we? I do believe it should be almost ready.” “Sure, that sounds good right now.” As we made our way back inside, one last thought came to mind. I wasn’t sure how off it would sound, but I needed to ask. “Can I ask one last thing?” “But of course.” “I may sound stupid for asking this, but… does this make us friends?” His eyebrows were raised for a moment before he gave a light chuckle. “Don’t worry, you’re not stupid for asking. But yes, I do believe we are friends if you are alright with that.” “I wouldn’t settle for anything less,” I replied as I held up a hand and firmly grasped his before we pulled into a brief guy hug. Huh, I guess the stallions here are more open to things like this than guys back home, or this could just be Fancy’s thing. That works too, I don’t mind. [5:30 p.m.] During lunch, Fleur asked Fancy about spending the night, and he didn’t hesitate to say yes. After we finished, Shining and I bid the two good-bye before Silver took us home. Once we got back, Shining asked if I could come by around 5:30 so she’ll have everything ready. She also mentioned to bring a change of clothes if I wanted to spend the night. I figured “eh, why not?” and went back to home to relax. I have to admit, it was odd having the whole place to myself. It’s a wonder how Fleur was when she was living like this before I came around, especially when she got really bored like I was getting. I unpacked everything from the trip and set my dirty clothes in the laundry basket to clean later. After that, I fiddled around on my laptop and watched some T.V. I wondered if the girls would be interested in video games. I played a couple times with the neighbors and my old roommate back on Earth, but I couldn’t remember the last time I did it. I’d have to ask them at some point to see what they’d think. If we’d start off with anything, I thought the Wii U would be a good start as any, especially with that new Mario Kart game. That looked like loads of fun. As the appointed time came closer, I decided to take a shower before I packed a change of clothes and bathroom essentials in a sack. Once I turned out all the lights and locked the place up, I walked over to Shining’s house until I approached the door. As I was about to knock, I stopped myself because of a sudden thought. I’m about to step into someplace that nobody else but a select few have ever entered. What could Shining have in there that she didn’t want anybody else to see? She mentioned she had a personal gym, but that’s the only clue I ever got out of what’s inside. Does she have something big in there, or is she just not into letting somebody she doesn’t know in her home? It may sound a bit like a cranky old man yelling at little kids to get out of his property, but Shining isn’t even remotely close to that description, even if she gets a little uptight at times. Weird, it’s like if I step through this entryway, I’ll be going into some kind of portal that leads to another world like Narnia. Wonder where this may take me? Is there a world made entirely out of pepperoni? I may actually die happy if that were to exist. Or a world out of pastrami, that sounds good too—wait, what the fuck am I even thinking about? I must be hungrier than I thought if I’m already having these kinds of daydreams. I mentally shook myself out of it before I finally knocked on the door and waited. A couple seconds later, the door opened to reveal a cleaned up, smiling Shining inside. “Oz, I’m glad you made it.” “Glad to be here,” I replied with a smile of my own. “Dinner will be another couple of minutes, which gives us enough time for me to show you around.” She stepped off to the side. “Please, come on in and put your things anywhere.” “Thanks,” I said before I stepped inside and took a look around one of Shining’s first rooms at long last. Despite how big it looked outside, the living room was actually homier compared to Fleur’s, something you see and feel in almost any kind of home. One thing that jumped out to me was the stereo playing music in the living room. There was a comfortable looking couch and a few chairs facing the flat screen, which wasn’t as big as Fleur’s, but still looked pretty hi-def. There were stairs leading up to the second floor, a bathroom below them, another door that was further down, and I could see the kitchen and the dining room behind it. Further in the back was a sliding door to the back yard. Besides the kitchen area, everything on the floor had pale light-blue carpeting. Besides the smell of food being cooked, there was also a very subtle scent of cinnamon in the air. “Wow, this place looks really nice,” I said as I took off my shoes. “Do you usually have music like this playing?” “Thank you,” she said. “I don’t always have this music playing, but when you have a job like mine, having something like this playing in the background helps me relax after a long day.” I can agree with her there. The music gives off a nice atmosphere that makes me practically melt just standing here. The scent of cinnamon adds into it too. “Come on, let me show you around while we wait for dinner to get ready,” she said before she walked me through the rooms. “This is the living room, you see the kitchen and dining room over there.” We went out to the backyard, which has a nice open space with a flower bed on the side. “Here’s the backyard. I have landscapers help keep this maintained every other week, but I take care of the flower garden myself.” “They look really nice,” I said as I squatted down to the flowers’ height. “You must have done this for a while. They look really healthy.” “It’s one of those hobbies that I like to do in my spare time.” We went back inside and she led me through the door that was a couple feet away from the bathroom. There were a flight of stairs across the small hallway that led down to a basement. After Shining turned on the lights, we went down, leading me to a personal gym that had more equipment than what Fleur has. There was a punching bag hanging with a crumpled up picture of Puff Tie’s face taped to it, a yoga mat, a small T.V. with a DVD player and a collection of workout videos below it, a bar hanging on the wall for pull ups, one of those stepping platforms with adjustable height features, an exercise ball, a smaller stereo that’s ipod-attachable like my own, and even a couple posters of mares doing various exercises with numbers hanging along the walls. “As you can probably guess by now, this is my personal gym,” Shining said. “Sheesh, do you even need to go to the real gym? You have so much equipment here already, why even bother going to the one we were at?” I asked. “I could only get so many machines for various exercises, plus they take up too much space.” “I guess that’s understandable.” I shrugged. “We’re still going into those training sessions after our last day off, right?” “Of course. I’ll make up a program for what we’ll focus on tomorrow while you spend some time with Fleur. Anyway, I should get things ready for dinner. I’ll show you upstairs when we’re done afterwards, alright?” “Sounds good.” I turned the lights off as we went back upstairs. “What are we having by the way?” “Not yet Oz. It’s a surprise,” she answered with a wink. “Have a seat and I’ll bring the food in a bit.” “Alright then,” I said before I went to the dining room and sat in the table where one set of silverware and wine glasses were already on it. There was also wine being chilled in a bucket of ice. After a couple minutes, Shining came back with two plates. One had a nice looking pasta dish with marinara and cheese sauce, while the other plate strangely had a cover on top, not allowing me to see. She set the latter dish in front of me before she sat down with her pasta dish. “Huh, so I’m having a metal lid for dinner? Well, that is certainly a surprise,” I joked. She tried to stifle some giggles. “Very funny Oz, but it’s under the lid that’s the surprise.” I pulled up the lid by the handle, and my eyes widened. What was in front of me was something I haven’t seen back on Earth for quite some time. It was an easy dish to make, and probably one of my favorites to make with little ingredients to work with. The dish itself was small enough for one person to feel satisfied when they’re finished. “Is this… meatloaf?” I asked as I looked up to Shining. “That’s right.” “How…” “I found the recipe on the internet. I figured since you made our vegetarian meals for some time, I thought I might return the favor.” “Weren’t you… uncomfortable cooking something like this?” “A little bit, but not very much. Go on and have a taste before it gets cold.” She took the wine bottle and with a pop from the cork, she poured white wine into our glasses. I can’t imagine what she was feeling when she made this, or whatever strange stares she got just for buying the meat. Did she have to taste test this? Do ponies have taste for something like this? Guess I’ll have to find out then. After I cut myself a loaf, I used my fork to tear a piece of the glazed meat from it. I glanced up to see Shining was waiting patiently for me to take the bite. With no hesitation, I put the piece in my mouth and evaluated the taste. I tried not to cringe from the taste I didn’t expect out of a meatloaf, which was saltier and spicier from the amount of onions it was cooked with, but Shining might have saw my reaction already as her ears folded. “It’s not good, is it?” she asked. “It’s a little salty,” I said after I swallowed, trying not to lay it on too thick. “I’m sorry,” she said as she looked down, her eyes wavering. “I thought I could do something to help repay all that you’ve done and what you’ve been through, but—“ “Whoa, please don’t get too emotional over this,” I interrupted while waving my hands out front. “Shining, just being here in your house, and trying something you made that’s out of your comfort zone? I haven’t met anyone back on Earth that would go this far. I couldn’t feel any luckier right now having somebody, or somepony, like you as a friend for doing this. I’m happy for just being here having dinner with you like I always have when the three of us ate together.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes before looking back up to me. “You really mean it?” “Of course,” I answered with a smile. “The meatloaf isn’t bad really, so I could eat some more—“ “Don’t torture yourself for my sake!” she exclaimed as she took my plate before she slid hers towards me. “Here, try this while I go grab myself another plate. I have extra helpings prepared in case something like this happened. I’ll be right back.” She left the dining room with the meatloaf plate, and I silently sighed once she was gone. Not that I think it was really gross, but I’m kind of glad she stopped me from eating any more. At least the pasta looks good though. I took a clump of noodles covered with a good amount of cheesy sauce before I took a bite, and felt much more satisfied from the taste compared to earlier. “How is it?” Shining asked as she came back from the kitchen with her own plate. “Now this is delicious enough to knock my taste buds off. Definitely a Shining Star specialty,” I complimented. Her face was covered in red as she looked down with a small smile. “Th-thanks, Oz.” Over time we chatted while we ate and drank, the strong alcohol content from the wine was making the both of us tipsy and in a giggle fit. She even told me funny stories about her mother and siblings that I hadn’t known until then. Simply put, I was having a great time with Shining. I’m sure any guy back on Earth would call me crazy for having this much fun with my boss, but during that time she wasn’t Shining Star the manager. I was talking and getting to know Shining Star, one of my best friends since I came to Equestria. Despite the bumps we had along the way, I couldn’t be happier and more relaxed having her around. Suddenly, Shining’s ears perked up as the stereo from the living room played a certain song. “Oh my gosh, I love this song!” she gasped. “We should go and dance to this.” “Pfft, what?” I asked, my head a little foggy from the alcohol. “The living room looks too small to do the waltz though.” “That’s for fancier parties. Slow dancing doesn’t require as much space to use, and it’s easier to do.” She then tries to pull me out of my chair. “Come ooooon, I’ll even show you how to do it.” “Are you gonna drink yourself out cold like last time?” I asked as I stood up. “Shut up, that was a one-time thing.” She pulled me to the living room between the couch and the T.V., which really didn’t have enough space for us to do the waltz like back at Fancy’s birthday party. “Alright, now you just bring your arms around me like so,” she instructed as she brought both of my hands to the small of her back. “I bring my own around you like this.” She wrapped her arms over my shoulders, bringing us to a close enough proximity that her chest was pressing against my own. “And all we do is sway and move to the beat like this.” We then slowly moved in a small circle with each rocking side-step we made while I stared into her big, pale green eyes. “See? Not so hard, is it?” “Uh… no, not really,” I replied. What is this? Is the alcohol playing tricks on me, or is my heart beating really fast? Or is that Shining’s I’m feeling? “Hey, Shining?” I asked. “Hmm?” “Are you feeling alright?” “I feel fine. Why?” “You just seem… different now than when we last danced.” “Is that bad?” “N-no no! It’s fine! I’m just not used to seeing you like this.” “Probably because I’m having a good time right now.” She pulled herself closer to me where her head was beside mine, and she pressed her chest into me more. “What about you, Oz? Are you having a good time?” I couldn’t help but melt into the warmth and comfort Shining was giving me, despite whatever logic my head was trying to tell me. I laid my head in the crook of her neck, getting a good smell out of her mane. “Yeah, this is nice.” She and I stayed silent as we danced through the rest of the song with my eyes closed, savoring the strange, but good feeling that was welling up inside of me. Once the song ended and played something else, the two of us stopped and pulled back, with Shining sighing after the release. “Well, that was fun,” she said. “How about we have some dessert? I got the works to make some sundaes like we said we would.” “Yeah, sure, sounds good,” I replied before we went to the kitchen, feeling a little down and cold for stopping the dance. We ended up making some awesome sundaes, like the real deal with hot fudge, bananas, whipped cream, and a cherry, all on a few scoops of vanilla. Shining continued the tour in her home by taking us upstairs as we ate out of our bowls. “So here we have the guest room, just in case I have somepony like Fancy or Bubbles over,” Shining explained as we looked into one of the four doors in the hallway. The room was pretty plain with nothing but a regular sized bed and a night stand. “Over here, we have the other bathroom with the shower.” The room in question was at the other side of the stairs from the guest room, having a considerable size with a sliding glass door to walk inside the shower. “And then we have my room.” She opened the door across from us, showing a comfortable, pale purple room with a queen sized bed, a walk in closet that’s smaller than Fleur’s, and a nightstand with an alarm clock. “Looks really comfy,” I commented. “Alright, now there’s just one last room for me to show you… and it’s the very reason why I haven’t let anypony else inside my home,” Shining said, making me widen my eyes as she led me to the last door in the hallway just a few feet away from her bedroom, across from the guest room. She looked nervous as she stood there with her trembling hand just centimeters away from the doorknob. “You know, if you’re not comfortable, you don’t have to show me,” I said. “Just bringing me into your home was great enough, and I can just—“ “No, Oz,” Shining interrupted before she turned to me with a small smile. “I appreciate your concern for my comfort, but this is something I need to show that you have the right to see.” She took a deep breath to calm herself down before she finally grasped the knob, turned, and pushed the door open. I followed her inside, and my eyes widened at what I saw. The biggest thing in the room that stood out to me was the glass display case across the door. Inside that case were many photos, magazines, and awards. In chronological order from the top left to the bottom right, there was Shining looking much different in the photos and magazines with Fleur. Shining wasn’t as muscular in the photos as she is currently, maybe a few centimeters thinner, but her figure still maintained that cello-shaped form while her curves were accentuated at the right places. Her mane was also longer, more professionally styled, and she wasn’t even wearing her white-framed glasses. Shining and Fleur were either by themselves, or with each other in the photos and magazines, doing poses for various advertisements, holding up the same awards that were displayed in the case, and were looking happy and proud. As time progressed, the magazine advertisements with Shining inside suddenly disappeared. There were only photos of her and Fleur holding up more awards, with the latter being shown in more magazines displayed. From that point to the end, Shining was wearing her business attire and glasses I usually see today, and her smile had softened compared to her time as a model. The rest of the room had a large bookshelf on one side of the room while a lone couch sat on the other. “Besides the landscapers I’ve told not to come anywhere near upstairs, I didn’t want anypony else to stumble across this room and come remind me of my past,” Shining said as I turned to her. She took a moment to eat a scoop of her sundae before continuing. “I’m happy with the life and career I have now, but having somepony ask me questions about my previous life that was ripped away because of that night five and a half years ago… I still feel pain inside just thinking about it sometimes.” “Shining…” “It hasn’t been as bad as it was before, thankfully,” she continued as she set her sundae bowl on a small table at the side of the couch, and walked over to the bookshelf across from it. She looked up at a framed photo on the shelf, showing the most recent picture that was taken back at Fancy’s party. “I make new memories to display here, to show how far I’ve come since I’ve moved on, and how much Fleur and I have grown.” I set my sundae bowl down next to Shining’s as I heard a few sniffles. “Mom would tell me how proud she was for what I’ve accomplished, and how Dad would be too if he was still here, telling me I was one of the most beautiful, brightest stars that fell from the night sky like he always did…” Her voice broke as her shoulders shook, and tears fell to the floor. I took the initiative to embrace her, and she sobbed into my shoulder as she gripped the back of my shirt. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears myself as she and I just stood in the room, with only Shining’s muffled cries to fill the dead silence in the air. It felt like minutes had passed before we finally stopped crying. We pulled back from the embrace, and wiped our faces with our arms and sleeves. “Sorry about that,” Shining said. “Don’t be,” I replied as I handed her the sundae bowl. “Thank you for showing me this, Shining. I feel I’ve gotten to know a lot more about you now.” “You’re welcome,” she replied with a small smile before we finished the rest of our sundaes. “I’d like to show you some of the photo albums I have here, but maybe for another time. I’m getting a little tired after a long day like today.” “I know what you mean. Should I just bring my things to the guest room then?” Her eyes widened before she looked to the side with a slight blush to her face. “Um… actually, Oz.” “Yes?” “Do you mind if you could… sleep in bed with me for tonight? I could use some snuggling after that little break down.” I couldn’t help but chuckle a little from how embarrassed she looked. “Sure thing, Shining. I’m alright with that on any kind of night. I’m starting to like them myself.” “R-really?” “Really.” “A-alright… uh, I still need to take a shower. Could you put the bowls in the sink? I’ll take care of cleaning them in the morning.” “Sure thing. I already took my shower before I got here, so I’ll change and wait in your room when I’m done, alright?” I asked, and she nodded in response with a smile. I took our bowls and spoons in the kitchen sink. I then took my bathroom essentials out of my sack, and brushed my teeth in the first floor’s bathroom before I changed into some comfy nightwear. I put my used clothes and essentials back in the sack, and carried it upstairs to Shining’s room after I made sure all the lights were off, and the doors were locked. Once I set my sack on the side of the room, I sat in Shining’s bed with the covers over my lap and waited. The bed was comfortable, probably softer than my own back in my room, and the blankets were nice and warm too. Moments later, a few knocks from outside the room grabbed my attention as I turned, and my eyes widened. Shining wasn’t wearing her usual tank top and night shorts she wore during our stay in Manehattan. Instead, she was wearing a silk white chemise that stretched down just to her upper thighs. I could barely make out her cutie marks that were on the sides of her hips, and if she were to lift her arms, the ensemble may just rise enough for me to see her panties (at least I had hoped she was wearing them). The straps that were holding it up was thick enough to not dig into her fur, and her bust was fitted snugly enough that her breasts had enough room to move, jiggling slightly as she walked, but was still kept inside her nightwear from falling out. “I… hope you don’t mind me wearing this, Oz,” she said as she looked to the side with a blush. “I uh… didn’t have much else to wear on short notice, with laundry that still needs to be taken care of and all.” “N-no, Shining, you’re fine… you look good—great! You look, great, was what I meant,” I stammered. “Thanks,” she replied with a smile. She flicked the lights to her room off, the lamp on her nightstand the only thing keeping the room lit before she closed the door behind her and she walked over to the bed. “You want me to set those glasses on the side for you?” “Y-yeah, sure.” Feeling a little dumb for forgetting, I took my glasses off before handing them to her, and she set them on the nightstand next to her own. Once she turned the lamp off, she got under the covers and snuggled close to me. My head was under her chin, her breasts pressed against me, and her arms wrapped around me, as well as one of her legs. I silently prayed that she wouldn’t stumble over the tent that was pitched under my night pants. “Are you comfy, Oz?” Shining asked. “Y-yeah, I am,” I replied. “I had a really good time tonight. Thanks for coming over.” “Thanks for having me. So are we good with that accident from Manehattan the other day?” “Absolutely...” She yawned. “You know, despite how things started off between us, I’m glad you came here. I don’t know where I’d be right now if you hadn’t come around.” “You really mean it?” “Every word.” “I’m glad I’m here with you and Fleur too. You two mean so much to me, more than anything I’ve ever come across.” I turned to face my body towards hers, wrapping my arms around her waist while I couldn’t help but rest my head on her bosom, glad my boner calmed down at least a little. “I hope I won’t have to lose either one of you for anything.” “Thank you.” She pulled me closer, getting us as snug as she could make it. “Good night, Oz.” “Night, Shining.” I let my eyelids grow heavy until they closed, easing myself into my friend’s bed. My mind wandered to what Shining’s father told her back in her personal room, and I mouthed silently: “You still are a beautiful, bright star, and you always will be.” > Chapter 26: "Wait, you were what now?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 26: “Wait, you were what now?” [Shining’s POV, 6:45 a.m.] Ugh… Damn you brain for waking me up when the alarm’s not even on. I know you’re used to it, but can’t you learn when I want to sleep in? Still, something seems off about this . Not like it’s a bad thing. Heck, it’s better than yesterday. Let me just try and get a feel for what’s going on... Okay, I think I’m holding onto something, but what? Once my eyes adjusted to the dark enough, I looked down to see… Oz… That’s right, I had him come over for dinner last night, and he spent the night here. Wow, I can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed and warm while holding onto somepony other than Fleur. It feels good, I don’t even mind him resting his head on my boobs while he gropes my ass… wait, what? Without waking Oz up, I reached to one of my cheeks behind me and felt a hand having a firm grip on me. Yep, Oz is definitely groping my ass, under my chemise too. Did this happen overnight? Somehow I’m okay with this. Though… I do wonder what it would feel like having my boobs felt up like he did with Fleur the other night. Sure, that may have been an accident due to her sleepwalking, but that still doesn’t change the fact that actually happened. I know it would be awkward for him to feel me up the way we are now, but what does he think of my chest? I mean I’m at least a cup size larger than Fleur, I figured most stallions would prefer big breasts. Although, he was pretty descriptive of how my butt was when I asked the other morning. He may have rambled on, sure, but I didn’t think there was that much to say about my own posterior. I always worried my butt wasn’t very attractive no matter how much I work on it, but how can I be sure that Oz’s into— I gasped from the sudden squeezing feeling in my ass as my body tensed up and pulled Oz in tighter, my breasts pressing against him more. Dear Luna that felt so good. Okay, whether or not Oz’s subconscious intended that gesture, I think it’s safe to assume he’s an ass stallion. Wonder how he’d react if I swayed my tail and hips just right—wait, maybe that’s the key! We can’t approach him right now, but he can approach us if we show him how willing we are to date him! Shining, give yourself a pat on the back, because you just struck gold! I have to tell Fleur about this too, but we can’t be too forward with him. We just need to resort to subtler methods of flirting so he can get the idea slowly and comfortably. Bending over to pick up something we dropped on the floor, physical contact in more sensual areas while we snuggle, more attractive clothing, things like that. If we do this, then it might not take as much time for Oz to warm up to the idea of having a relationship with a mare as what I had anticipated. It’s foolproof! Alright, so we’ll go with that plan. What time is it? I glanced back to my alarm clock to see it was 7:05. Okay, as much I’d rather stay like this for a few more hours, if Oz is an early riser like I am, then he may wake up soon and get concerned about groping my ass again (not that I mind of it now). I should start making breakfast for the day and see where it goes from there… It may also be a good time to tell Oz the truth about my “punishments” too. I may not know how to say it, but getting it out there now would probably be better than letting it explode in my face later. I’ll even keep my chemise on to hopefully lighten the mood a little. He did say he liked it, so why not keep it on longer throughout the morning? And if that doesn’t work, then there’s my secret weapon I prepared for today. I heard humans just love this stuff, and it looked easier to cook than the meatloaf. Surprising how similar it looked from our own rendition. I carefully lifted Oz’s arm off of my butt before I got off the bed without waking him up. Once I put my glasses on, I gazed back to the sleeping Oz and smiled from how peaceful he looked. I bent over and gave him a peck on the cheek to show my appreciation for the wonderful evening last night (even if he wasn’t aware of it) before I left the room to get breakfast started. [Ozzy’s POV, 7:40 a.m.] A sudden familiar smell and sound made me open my eyes from my peaceful slumber. I sat up and stretched before rubbing my eyes and checked my surroundings. Shining’s room was only lit by the sunlight from the window and the lights from outside of the room. I noticed Shining wasn’t in bed with me, and with the sounds coming from downstairs, I could only conclude that she was preparing breakfast for the morning. I got out of bed, put on my glasses, and went downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Shining cooking with a neutral, maybe thoughtful-looking expression. She was still wearing her chemise, making her look just as stunning as she was last night. I still can’t believe Shining can get so… beautiful, depending on what she wears, and that nightwear takes the cake. Wonder what she’s cooking? It smells… wait, no, it couldn’t be… “Morning, Shining,” I greeted, somehow causing Shining to jump with a yelp before she jolted towards my direction. She sighed with a hand on her chest. “Good morning, Oz. You kind of surprised me there,” she said. “Sorry about that. How’d you sleep last night?” “Wonderfully. Much better than the night before. How about you?” “I slept great. I have to say, snuggling just makes sleeping so much more soothing.” “Right? Anyway, I hope you’ll like what I have going here for breakfast today.” I stood next to Shining to see what she was cooking, and my eyes widened as I found the source of the familiar smell that woke me up. “Is that really bacon?” I asked. “It certainly is,” she answered with a smile. “How come the bacon in one pan is a different color than the other?” “The browner set is hay bacon for me. It’s interesting how cooking your pork bacon is similar to ours.” Hay bacon? Somehow I don’t think I could live with eating that. “I see you have pancakes and eggs cooking as well,” I said as I watched the pancake dough in one pan started to bubble while the eggs had a fluffy look to them as they cooked. “Definitely a breakfast for champions.” “Well, go on and have a seat. I’ll have the food out in a bit. Did you want some juice?” Shining asked as she opened the fridge. “Do you have orange?” “Let me see...” With the fridge’s door hiding Shining’s upper half of her body as she sifted through items to find the juice, I couldn’t help but stare at her butt that was out in the open. Just as I had hoped from last night, she was indeed wearing panties; silk white bottoms with frills peeked out while her tail swayed from side to side. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly turned away before I was caught and something would pitch in my night pants. Goddammit Ozzy, get a grip! You know how rude that is, and Shining’s one of your best friends for Pete’s sake! “Oh, here it is. I certainly do have orange juice,” Shining said before she pulled the carton out of the fridge and two glasses from a cupboard. She poured the yellow-orange liquid in them and handed me one of them with a smile. “Th-thanks,” I said before I went to the dining table with the tableware already set. A few minutes later, Shining came back out with a stack of pancakes, two plates of bacon (setting the pork-based kind beside me), and a pan of scrambled eggs. She also brought the salt, pepper, ketchup, tabasco sauce, butter, and syrup. I wanted to help her bring some of that stuff in, but she said she was fine. “Alright, Oz, let’s see if I did better with bacon this time than with the meatloaf last night,” Shining said as we took the appropriate helpings of the food. I’m kind of curious myself. With how golden brown the bacon is, it certainly looks delicious. I took a bite out of the first strip, and a sudden shock coursed throughout my entire body. The bacon was crispy and somewhat sweet as I let the warm, fattening grease dance around my taste buds. Alongside pepperoni pizza, I’ve missed this taste for so long, tears were starting to well up in my eyes like last time. “That good, huh?” Shining asked. I could only nod before I used my napkin to dab the tears away. She sighed with a hand resting on her chest. “I’m so glad I did something right this time.” “I’ll say,” I said after I swallowed while she started eating her own food. “This was really considerate of you, Shining. I couldn’t ask for better from such a good friend.” Shining stopped mid-chew before swallowing and looked down at the table with her ears folded. “Shining?” I asked. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?” “Oz…” She sighed before she took off her glasses to clean the lenses. “I don’t think I’m as much of a good friend as you made me out to be.” “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Yes, we might have had some bumps here and there, but you’re still a great friend to have. It’s no wonder why Fleur thought so highly of you.” That last comment somehow made Shining flinch before she put the glasses back on and looked up to me. “Do you remember what we promised to each other a few weeks ago?” “That we should be honest with each other while you try to get along with stallions better?” I asked for clarification. “That’s right. While I’m grateful for how you’ve been holding up your end of the bargain… I haven’t done as much to balance things out.” “Is it about something important?” “Yes, at least to me it is. While I do admit what I said in the past was true, I kept some other things out of your knowledge as I was afraid of how you might react if I told you.” She looked down at her plate. “I should have been straight with you from the get-go, especially before what you went through with Mascara.” “How does that have to do with what you held out from me?” I asked before I took another bite out of my bacon. “It’s… well…” She looked to the side while biting her lower lip. There were a few beads of sweat forming on her fur before she turned back to me. “Remember the sensitive places I told you about after that kick?” “You mean the horn, wings, ears, tail, and inner hooves? I can understand the cultural significance with the ears, but I figured everything else was sensitive enough that could cause more pain than usual.” “You’re partially right, Oz,” she replied. “But… there’s more to that than what I’ve told you. You see… while it’s true if you enact a lot of force on those areas, it can be very painful, especially for pegasi with their wings, and unicorns if their horns have magic focused inside them… However...” “However?” “If the touch is careful, or the force on the tail isn’t very hard,” Shining said before she looked down. “It can be very… erogenous.” The two of us sat there in silence while I try to drink in what I had just heard. “Erogenous,” I said. “Yes.” “As in… arousing.” “Yes.” “So… from all the times I tugged your tail, I’ve somehow made you sexually aroused?” “Pretty much.” “So I’ve basically been a walking sex toy for you to relieve some of your cravings you can’t get from stallions?” I asked with the volume of my voice raised slightly. “No! Ozzy, please, just let me explain myself, and you can do whatever you see fit afterwards, okay?” Shining looked at me with folded ears and watering eyes before a tear rolled down her cheek. There were feelings of confusion, betrayal, and for some reason a little arousal as I looked back to the times I’ve tugged Shining’s tail. I took in a deep breath through my nose and out my mouth before I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes to think. She looks pretty serious about this, and very sorry about it. Thinking back, if Shining were anything like Mascara, I don’t think I would even be here in her home right now, especially after what she showed me last night. Plus, with what went on during dinner and that dance we had, I think it would be pretty difficult to actually fake everything I’ve seen from her. With another sigh, I put my glasses back on and looked at Shining with my arms on the table. “I can’t help but feel a little betrayed by this, Shining, but I’m willing to listen to what you have to say,” I said. “That’s all I ask, then you can head straight home afterwards or whatever else you see fit.” She took her napkin to dab her tears away as I ate, waiting for her explanation. “It may be best that I start from the beginning so things would start to come clear as we get closer to the present.” “Alright.” She took a deep breath and drank some of her juice. “I’m not proud of myself for saying this, but when I first met you that night, I wanted nothing more than to get rid of you from my life and move on with the way things were before.” Gee, this is starting off so well for her. “Though your resume looked impressive,” she said. “I wanted to disregard it and get the interview done so I could kick you out… But then you mentioned how you not only want to be friends with Fleur while on the job, but with me as well, despite how I’ve treated you up to that point. I could tell from the look in Fleur’s eyes that night that she wouldn’t let me hear the end of it until I gave you a chance, so that’s when I came up with the probation period for you to go through the next day. “All that I had planned was to make the job intolerable enough for you to drop it and leave on your own. I didn’t expect the breakfast you made, and though it was delicious despite the mushrooms, my original goal was still set.” “But then you changed your mind when your friendship with Fleur was at risk, right?” I asked. “Actually… I started to feel conflicted when we had lunch,” she answered, making me raise an eyebrow. “That laugh after hearing you were a virgin was pretty cruel thinking back on it now, but when I heard your struggle to even get here… I was at a standstill for what I would do. There I was, trying to get rid of you through unfair means when I thought you weren’t any different than the majority of stallions I’ve met, whether you were a pony or not, and… I felt like a complete ass. “The reason why I didn’t talk to you about it right afterwards was because I didn’t know how I’d come up and apologize after everything I’ve done. Then Fleur came in to emphasize how serious my problem with stallions was, and to comfort you after that… After all of those years, I didn’t think she ever felt that way towards me, and I was more at a loss for what I was going to do from there except how I would apologize to you. It was when you helped me try to mend things with Fleur that my view of you changed completely. I thought you only wanted to talk to me to expect an apology, which I was willing to give, but offering advice on how to fix things with Fleur, even after everything I’ve done to you at that point, it was completely out of left field for me. It was at that point I saw that you were an okay guy.” “An okay guy?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t want to rush things too quickly and get badly hurt sometime afterwards,” she replied. “It was why I had to get myself drunk enough to ignore whatever what was going on with me after that dance we had the first time, and how I jumped the gun when you gave me that awful hangover cure the next morning. The bout afterwards aside, you were starting to grow on me from there. “Fast-forward to the night out at the jazz club later, more specifically when that stallion knocked you out… I just snapped and gave him a beating like no tomorrow. I didn’t know what came over me back then, or the crying after we took you to the hospital.” Wait, Shining was crying for me back then? That’s definitely a shocker. “From then on as I got to know you, you became more comfortable for me to talk to, the first time for a guy since a long time ago,” she continued. “I really did want to treat stallions better, and from how badly I treated you when we first met… I wanted to find a solution that could not only help me improve myself with stallions, but to make up for what I’d done to you as well.” “That was when you came up with the tail tug thing, right?” I asked. “How was that supposed to help fulfill all of those things?” She sighed as she rubbed her eyes. “I didn’t know what I was thinking back then either. It was the first thing that came to mind when I talked to you about it on the train, and I probably had the tugs in public coming when I wasn’t clear about how I wanted the punishments to go. I had a weird mixture of emotions during those first few times, I’ll say that much. “At first, I thought it might be better if I changed it to something else, but then I thought, ‘getting aroused so much, but stopping just near the climax, and going through humiliation, exhaustion, and frustration afterwards?’ Somehow that random idea turned out to have more uses than I thought.” “Wait, hold on,” I said. “So you’re basically torturing yourself by not climaxing at that point, just to make up for not only your mistreatment toward the stallions you’ve come across, but to me when we first met too?” “That’s the gist of it,” she answered. “But then there was the agreement we had a while back, about being honest with each other as we get along, and though what I was doing with myself repented for what I’ve done to you, that still doesn’t make up for the fact that I was basically lying to you, even if I was telling part of the truth.” She closed her eyes and took one more deep breath. “So that’s basically the story. I’m sorry for going back from our agreement, I’m sorry I made you feel like a source of sexual pleasure for me, and I’m sorry for every other negative thing I’ve done to you since day one. I would ask for your forgiveness, but I’m not even sure if that’s worth it at this point. I understand if you probably don’t want to see me for a while after hearing this, maybe take some time to think things through, but if there’s one thing that I truly wish right now, it’s that you allow me to still be your friend, Ozzy. That’s all that really matters to me now.” The two of us sat there in complete silence. I watched her intently to see if she would open one of her eyes to peek, but it felt like minutes had passed by as she didn’t even budge a single muscle. The atmosphere was just driving me nuts, and I only had one thing to say to summarize my feelings for her explanation: “Shining Star, I honestly think you’re pretty dumb to think you deserved to be punished for everything.” Shining jolted her eyes open wide before she blinked a few times. “W-what?” “I think it’s stupid that you’re torturing yourself like this,” I said. “It’s… cruel and unusual, and I actually feel insulted that you thought I wanted to get even for you mistreating me. It… just reminds me of how I felt for my brother Robert. “Every time we had those fights, or he’d insult me, I wanted nothing more than to make him pay for what he did to me. However it may have happened, I didn’t care. I thought I’d feel good that he’d get his just desserts when karma finally got to him… but then there was that very last fight we had. I definitely got what I wished for, but I didn’t feel as good about it as I had hoped; I actually felt worse. I didn’t think it would get that out of hand when I called the cops on him. I just wanted him sent to prison; I didn’t want to go so far as almost killing him to do it. “From that point, whenever someone gives me a hard time, I just try to brush it off and move on. It’s not worth holding onto such grudges; I just want the problem to be over and done with. When I couldn’t handle someone’s treatment anymore, like with one or two of my managers from my previous jobs, I went to a new place to work. If I still had the mindset from before my fight with Robert, I’d probably have left here a long time ago, not caring that I’d lose my potential friendship with Fleur, and you’d have gotten what you wanted from the very beginning.” “I… never really thought of that before,” Shining said as she looked to the side. “So Shining, please don’t think you should make up for every little mistake you made by torturing yourself,” I said. “You don’t deserve that, especially with everything you’ve been through. Alright?” “So… you’re not mad about me lying to you?” Shining asked. “I was honestly more frustrated about you thinking you deserve to torture yourself like that,” I answered. “You’re still trying to get along with stallions, right?” “Yes.” “Alright, so we’ll definitely need to find a better method for what happens when you mistreat a stallion, something that uh… isn’t so cruel and unusual. As for the lying part, while I do appreciate that you came straight with me today rather than having me figure it out on my own, I really do hope that we can actually start being more honest with each other from this point on.” “Of course.” Shining nodded. “Ask me anything, and I’ll tell you everything I know about it.” “Can I ask a few things now?” “Absolutely.” “Alright. First, is there anything else about the tail tugs or other… sensitive areas you haven’t told me?” “While it can be arousing, I’ve been told putting great force on those areas can leave ponies not only in pain, but also immobile for a little bit. Some ponies who’ve been cornered by assailants in the past have used this tactic to run away when they aren’t strong enough to defend themselves.” Really? That’s actually really good to know, especially for us humans to defend ourselves. I’ll have to keep that in mind. “Okay, second question,” I continued. “Are the inner hooves the most sensitive part of a pony’s body? You reacted quite strongly when I just touched it by accident back in Manehattan.” Shining blushed a little as she looked to the side. “Um… It is for me, personally. I was afraid of how a stallion might take advantage of me if they knew that, and so I had to train myself to react accordingly when that happens before it escalates. That time you did it came out of nowhere, and I just reacted out of instinct. Sorry again about that by the way.” “It’s no problem, I understand,” I replied. “Last question for now… when I tugged your tail during those times, and explain it to me the best you can, but… do you really feel humiliated, or is there other stuff going on?” Shining reddened even more after I asked, and looked down at her finished plate. “Uh… Oh gosh, how do I describe it? Speaking as somepony who doesn’t have a lot of time to uh… relieve tensions, there’s a rising warmth surging inside with each tug, and the more I feel like I was melting inside, the harder it was for me to stand until it all… comes out, I guess. The last time you tugged my tail in Manehattan, I’ll admit, it felt kind of good for a moment, I was on the edge of losing it, and I thought I'd break by accident after you put me in bed. I didn’t know what I’d do if you saw me climax right there. I felt ashamed that I was somewhat enjoying it, scared for how you’d react if you saw me in such a state, and very embarrassed I got myself into that mess. It was why I had to hold it in until you were done. I was going to tell you the truth before you spent time with Fleur afterwards, but I was just mixed up from all of the emotions to really come out with it. That’s all I really have to say for that, and all of it is the truth.” I didn’t think Shining was scared during that time. I mean the way she had put it, it certainly made sense, especially from how her face looked when we were done now that I think about it. Then again, with an expression like that, who knows what was going on in her head? What’s most important though, is that no matter how much Shining wanted to let it go during that time, she had to bear with it for our friendship’s sake. Thinking back, I wasn’t sure if she valued our friendship that much, but after hearing the whole story from her... “So… is everything okay between us, Ozzy?” Shining asked as she looked back up to me with folded ears. “Are we still friends?” I took a moment to really think about it. I looked back at the brief moments between us that developed our friendship up to now. Seeing how far Shining had come up to now, it was almost obvious what my answer was. “Yeah, we’re okay. I forgive you for that partial truth thing, and we’re still friends. Just promise me that you’ll be more honest after this.” “Of course… can we hug it out?” Normally I wouldn’t mind, but for some reason I couldn’t help but felt a little awkward. I tried not to let it show as I brushed off those tensions. “S-sure, Shining.” We stood up from the table, and embraced each other. The warm, comforting feeling returned, melting my tensions and frustrations from earlier away. I cursed myself for seeing how cute she looked when she wagged her tail like a happy puppy, especially when she had such a nice butt. With gestures like that, there was just no way I could stay mad at her forever. Suddenly a ringtone rang in the room, making the both of us release the embrace to see where it came from. Turned out it was Shining’s phone as she picked it up and checked her message. “Says here Fleur’s going to come here around noon later,” she said. “She wants to spend the day with you today like what we just did last night. Is that alright with you?” “Sure. What time is it now?” I asked. “Twenty ‘til nine.” “Alright, so you don’t mind if I just hang around until she gets here?” “Of course. You’re welcome here at any time. Also, I know you said I shouldn’t take it too hard, but I do feel bad that I lied to you. Is there something I could do for you to make up for it?” I was about to say no before a thought came to mind. I knew she said this was usually done under special circumstances, but I thought as long as the both of us know it won’t go anywhere, it would be okay if I asked, especially since I was from another culture. “You mentioned touching the ears was kind of significant for ponies in their relationships right?” I asked. “Are they arousing from the touch too?” “Sometimes, but in general, yes, that’s usually the sign in our society,” she answered. “I don’t want it to lead to any misinterpretations, but could I touch your ear just out of curiosity?” Shining’s eyes widened before she glanced side to side and looked down with a thoughtful frown. After a moment, she looked back up to me. “Just out of curiosity, right?” “Yes.” “Nothing too deep behind it, just to see what it feels like, right?” “Yes.” “I suppose I owe you that much. Alright, just one touch though.” “That’s all I ask. You okay with me doing it now?” “Whenever you’re ready.” She closed her eyes as she stood there, waiting patiently for me to make the move. I walked over and reached my right hand over to her left ear that flicked a little before I gently grabbed it. She tensed up for a moment before sighing as I rubbed my thumb and forefinger on it. Both the inside and outside of the ear had a nice, velvet-like texture to it, very different compared to how I thought they’d feel. Unexpectedly, Shining moved her head to nuzzle against my arm, confirming my suspicion that ponies have some pet-like instincts that makes their signs of affection all the more adorable. “Hey, Shining?” I asked. “Hmm?” she hummed with a smile. “You can stop nuzzling my arm now.” Shining jolted her eyes open, and changed glances between me and my arm before she pulled herself away with flushed cheeks. “Um… Sorry about that.” “It’s no problem. You wanna just hang out until Fleur gets here?” “Sure. Let me just clean things up here and change.” “I can clean things up here if you want.” “Oh, Ozzy, no, I wouldn’t—“ “I insist,” I said as I gently pushed Shining out of the dining room towards the stairs. “You just get comfortable and I’ll change when I get done down here, alright?” “Very well then. I’ll be right back.” She made her way upstairs as I walked back to the dining room. I sighed as I sifted through my hair before I got to clearing the table. “What the hell’s wrong with you, Ozzy?” I asked myself. “How are you getting like this? Next thing you know you’ll start to have something for Fleur too if you don’t snap yourself out of it.” [Shining’s POV, 9:00 a.m.] I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror for what felt like hours, still in my chemise with my change of clothes laying on the counter. I recalled everything that happened over breakfast, up until Ozzy rubbed my ear. I moved my hand to the one he touched, and I saw my reflection smiling with a blush. “It may not have meant anything to him, but I don’t think I could be any happier right now,” I said to myself. “I really am a beautiful mare, aren’t I?” “Duh! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you the whole time ya big worrywart!” my reflection said. “We’re just one step closer to winning his heart!” “Too bad we’ll be stopping those tail tugs,” I said as I held up my tail. “I was growing accustomed to like them.” “They may not be gone for too long though,” my other self said as I stripped down. “Just remember that you gotta let him come to you, and the best way to do that is to flaunt that sexy butt of yours.” I moved my arms down my form until they reached my hips. I turned to the side while moving my hands to my butt and grasped my firm cheeks. I then turned my back towards the mirror while looking over my shoulder with hands at my sides. I rocked my hips from side to side as I watched my reflection before I gave a little shimmy and faced forward once more. “I’m not sure how well I did with the orange juice thing earlier,” I said to myself. “It’s been a while since I actually flirted with a stallion. You think Fleur might teach me how to do that?” “Couldn’t hurt to ask,” my reflection said as I dressed myself. “You’ll have to let Fleur in on the plan too when she gets here.” “Right, I’ll be sure to do that. I still can’t believe this is happening.” “That you’re wanting to date a stallion again after five years?” “Well that, and I’m still talking to myself. I thought I’d be going crazy by now when this is actually helping me in the long run.” “Eh, as long as it works, why change it?” “Good point.” After brushing my teeth, mane and tail, I gave myself one more once over in the mirror, and I pointed to my reflection. “Shining Star, you’re a beautiful mare.” “You bet your damn sweet ass you are. Now get out there and take on the world,” my reflection said before I nodded and left the bathroom. [11:55 a.m.] For the rest of the morning Ozzy and I just relaxed and watched some shows while I leaned my head on his shoulders. It’s been a while since I last had a do-nothing day, or at least a do-nothing morning as I’d need to do the laundry while Ozzy and Fleur are out on their date (that he doesn’t know about of course). Besides that, I savored and enjoyed every minute I had with Ozzy at my side. It might have been an intense breakfast when I confessed about the tail tugs, but I was very glad he forgave me. I made a mental note that he loved the bacon I cooked for him on my mental list of meat-based food he likes, which so far was only bacon and pepperoni pizza, but I was sure I could cook more things he may like if I looked around hard enough (especially finding cheaper meats. That ground beef for the meat loaf wasn’t cheap). My phone suddenly rang before I took it out and opened another text from Fleur. On my way ovr now. Will take Ozzy out 2 lunch aftr u giv me dets 2 d8 last nite. C u soon. I rolled my eyes from the lingo before texting back. Copy that, and please use proper spelling in your texts. You’ll grow illiterate if you keep it up. My phone rang again with her response. Shut ^. I do wat I want. XP Real mature, Fleur. “Was that Fleur?” Ozzy asked. “Yep. She’s on her way over, and she’s going to take you out for lunch first,” I answered. “Sweet.” Ozzy and I sat up from the couch after I turned off the T.V. “Well, it was nice being here with you, Shining. We’ll have to do this again soon.” “Of course. I’ll show you some of my photo albums the next time you’re over.” Without warning I gave Ozzy one more good hug with a smile. “And thank you, Ozzy, for everything.” “It’s no problem, Shining,” he replied as he rubbed my back. “I had a good time.” “Me too.” “Awww~ now isn’t this a precious sight?” Ozzy and I jolted in the direction of the voice where Fleur was walking inside with a smirk on her face. The two of us pulled away quickly before things got too awkward. “H-hey, Fleur. How was your stay at Fancy’s?” Ozzy asked. “It was lovely, thank you,” Fleur said. “Silver Wheel’s waiting up front. You go on ahead Ozzy, I’ll be right there in a couple minutes.” “Alright, see ya, Shining,” Ozzy bid before he grabbed his sack. “See ya, Ozzy,” I returned with a smile before he left. Fleur and I were the only ones in the room then while she kept smirking at me with half-lidded eyes. “So you started calling him Ozzy now, huh?” Fleur asked. “It just kind of slipped in at some point, but it looked like he didn’t mind,” I replied while I looked to the side with heated cheeks. “Soooo? Give me the dets, Shiny! How did it go?” “Some bumpy roads aside? It was amazing. I showed him the room, he liked my cooking, both dinner and breakfast this morning, he liked the white chemise I wore to bed—“ “Wait, you mean the one your mom gave you?!” “The very same.” “See? I told you that would come in handy one day!” “Yes you did, yes you did. There are a few things I need to tell you, however.” “What’s that?” I took a deep breath to prepare myself. “Since the first day we got to Manehattan, I asked Ozzy to help me treat stallions better by tugging my tail if I did the opposite. The idea just came out of nowhere, and I regretted coming up with it at first until they were getting kind of hot. Ozzy didn’t know that that was a turn on for ponies, and so I had to tell him the truth over breakfast. Tensions aside, he was able to forgive me, and we’re going to try and find another way for me to treat stallions better that isn’t ‘cruel and unusual’ in his perspective.” I took another breath to get some air back after I finished my explanation. Fleur stood there with widened, blinking eyes. “Well… I have to say, Shiny, it must have been one heck of a time, and kind of kinky at that.” “Are you mad?” I asked with folded ears. “Jealous, actually,” she responded. “Out of the both of us, you’re the one who’s been intimate with him the most, and it’s been less than a month that you started getting along with stallions since Ozzy came around. You’ve come a long way in a short time, and I’m proud of you.” Fleur gave me a hug as I drank in what she told me. I didn’t really think about it like that. If it’s that noticeable, then I may actually be doing something right for once. “Thanks, Fleur,” I said before we pulled back. “While I had spent time with him, I may have come up with a way for him to get into the idea of dating us earlier than expected.” “Do tell.” “If we want to be serious in dating him, then we’ll have to get him come to us. How we do that, while we spend some time with him, whether it’s one or both of us, we’ll give him subtle hints to not only show that we’re interested, but also show what he’s in for from dating us.” “So basically more physical contact in his range of comfort than usual and show off our goods in a non-forward manner?” “Exactly.” “I like the sound of that. Alright, I’ll give it a try and let you know how things turn out. If you somehow can’t sleep tonight without Ozzy, I’m okay with you coming over to sleep with us, but just make sure you call him ahead of time first.” “I’ll keep it in mind. And uh… you think you could teach me how to flirt? It’s been a while since I’ve done it.” “But of course! I’ll help you in any way I can. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to get to.” Fleur gives me one last hug. “Wish me luck.” “Break a leg out there, and I’ll see you later,” I replied before Fleur pulled back, and left the house. I was by myself in my house then. The room was quiet before grumbling from my stomach filled the air. “Guess it’s about time for me to have my own lunch,” I said to myself. “I’ll worry about doing laundry afterwards.” I thought back to when I woke up earlier with Ozzy at my side, and how good it felt when he groped my ass. Suddenly, my fantasy escalated to what else he might have done to me, and the possibilities already had me feeling something warm and damp between my legs. “I think this may also be a good time to wash the sheets as well. I’m pretty sure they’ll need it soon enough.” > Chapter 27: "What do I see in them now?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 27: “What do I see in them now?” [Fleur’s POV, 12:15 p.m.] I thought about what Shiny had told me as we made our way to a restaurant in town for lunch. I was honestly surprised how close she got with Ozzy in her own special way. She even showed him the room and the chemise her mom got for her birthday. It wasn’t like I was competing with her since we agreed to try being in a herd with Ozzy, but I was at a standstill when it came to how I would show as much intimacy with him as Shiny did. One of the downsides of being a model is having an image so grand that the majority of others think they aren’t worthy to be in my presence. And the ones who do have the guts to make the first move always turn out to be total jerks. Sadly, I remember Ozzy telling me one time that he falls in the former category when it comes to dating me. I found it quite incredible that the first time we met, he may have treated me the same way he treated everypony else when he didn’t know I was a model. As soon as I told him, snap, I was put on the high pedestal in his eyes. Sure, we may be close friends now, but he wouldn’t even dream of being in a relationship with me because he doesn’t think I fit well with him. Is he worried about my image among my peers? My career as a model? Is my beauty intimidating enough for him to not be comfortable with me somehow? How does he act around other humans back on Earth? I should worry about having Ozzy see me as any other pony than a famous model right now. It’s what I’ve wanted since he moved in with me, and I’m not sure if he ever knew that. “Fleur?” Ozzy asked, making me almost jolt up in attention. “Y-yes, Ozzy?” I asked. “Are you alright? You’ve been kind of quiet since the carriage started moving.” “Oh I couldn’t be better! I was just thinking of how much fun we were going to have today… buddy!” I awkwardly gave a bad punch to Ozzy’s shoulder while grinning, only to be given a raised eyebrow in response. “I’m… looking forward to today as well,” he said before looking out the window. Smooth, Fleur. Not only was that painful, but now you just made yourself even more uncomfortable to be with. Celestia give me the strength to make it through this day. We finally arrived at the restaurant, thanked Silver for the ride, and checked ourselves in up front. We were seated at one of the more secluded tables in the back while the front of the place was a little busy during the lunch rush. It wasn’t as high class and extravagant as other places like The Golden Crown, but I figured Ozzy may be more into a more laid-back establishment. We ordered some good wine to start off before our waitress left, leaving Ozzy and me to look through our menus for what to eat. Alright, Fleur, here’s your chance. We’re at a casual restaurant, you’re going simple with a sky blue tank with jeans, and you’ve got your makeup, mane, and tail styled as usual. Just perfect enough for Ozzy to feel relaxed, have a good time, and not have any hints that this is a date of any kind. Time to work your magic. “So your stay with Shiny went well last night, Ozzy?” I asked with a smile. “Yeah, it was pretty good,” he answered before putting his menu down. “I feel like I know her much more now than I did since we first met.” “She mentioned you saw her special room. What did you think?” The waitress came back with the wine and two glasses before she poured our drinks. We gave her our orders for lunch before she walked off. “Honestly? I can see why she doesn’t usually have other ponies over.” He looked down on the table as he took a sip of his wine. “Putting something together so personal that she’d go in to put new awards and photos of your successes and experiences... she may have gotten over it after a little while, but I can’t imagine what she was going through every time she sees what she once had, especially if someone reminded her of it. Knowing how much that incident years ago changed so much for her… we may have had something tense during breakfast, but I just couldn’t stay mad at her for long after seeing her room.” “Shiny told me a bit about that incident this morning,” I said. “Could you explain what happened?” “Well long story short, Shining got me into this method she came up with that could help her get along with stallions better when it turns out I was just… arousing her, I guess,” he explained while looking to the side. “I wasn’t too thrilled about it at first, but I gave her a chance to explain herself, which included how she perceived me since the first night we met. Though it was blunt, I sort of appreciated her honesty. “As she spoke, she mentioned how she wanted to even out her treatment with me since my first day by punishing herself with said method, which I still found pretty dumb.” “How?” I asked. “She thought she should punish herself by not… releasing her tensions and just leave herself unsatisfied,” he answered before taking another swig of his wine. “I may not know how lady parts work in a physical level, but if it’s anything like blue balls, I know I wouldn’t want to put myself through that. I swear, she takes things so seriously! She’s too hard on herself. I know she meant well, but I’m fine with just an apology. Nothing more, and nothing less. I’d rather get apologies out in the open and move on rather than just hold onto the grudge.” Well, I can certainly see Ozzy’s much better at moving on than Solar. Just makes him all the more interesting to be with. “I’m sorry, I got carried away there,” Ozzy continued before looking back up to me. “After we cleared the air, we hugged it out, all things forgiven, finished breakfast, and just hung out until you arrived. I just had a good time with her altogether. What about you and Fancy? What did you two do?” “Oh we just caught up on old times, played a few games, and tried to help Fancy start searching for his special somepony,” I answered. I have to admit though, the last one got really awkward. I had to make sure Fancy was legitimately gay before we started to look into what his interests in stallions were. It included finding some information on sexuality on the internet and… very revealing photos of stallions. I’m personally more into the fit and lean stallions than the muscular and buff kind, and somehow Fancy had the same idea judging by how he saved some of those photos in a file. I have a feeling he’s going to be busy today, and it’s not his job that will occupy his mind. Not that I don’t accept his interests, but I still shudder just thinking about what he’ll do once he finds that special somepony. Getting used to this might be harder than I thought.. “Nice,” Ozzy said. “So what’s the plan for today after lunch? We go back to the modeling business tomorrow, so we might as well make the most out of our time today until our next day off.” “I couldn’t agree more,” I said before I took a sip of my wine. “There’s a karaoke night in one of the local clubs that we can go to end off our evening if that suits your fancy.” “Huh, alright, I could go for some of that. Been a while since I sang in public, though. Wonder if I’m still any good?” “It’s all in the name of fun, Ozzy. No experience is required. I’m not much of a singer myself.” “So what are we going to do before tonight then?” “Fancy gave me two passes to a Wonderbolts show in a couple hours that I thought would be nice to go to. We’ll head home to change and grab dinner after that, and then we’ll head to the club to end the evening. What do you think?” “Sounds great.” Our food arrived not too long afterwards, and we began eating. I tried to think of what to talk about next and came up with something that was on my mind for a while. “Could I ask you something, Ozzy?” I asked. “What is it?” “Do you miss not being on Earth? Or at least interacting with another human?” Ozzy looked up for a moment before taking a sip of his wine. “There are some things I miss, but they aren’t too important to dwell on.” “Do you think you might want to go back for a visit?” “Probably for a good reason, but I don’t see myself going back anytime soon. I’d rather not revisit what I had going before I moved here. Plus, if I ever do go, I’d rather have you and Shining along.” My eyes widened. “Y-you want me and Shiny to come with you to Earth?” “Sure, why not? I mean, there must be ponies settling on Earth like we’re settling here, and you really just need a passport to jump back and forth if it’s only for a short visit like a vacation. I’d also like to show you two around a little while you’re along. Just having you two nearby makes my visit back not as anxious, and I feel a little safer too.” He feels safer with us, that means he’s comfortable with me, right? I think my heart’s doing backflips from how happy I am to hear that. “Well you can definitely be sure we’ll be with you if you decide to go,” I said as I rested my hand on top of his. “If you’re more comfortable like that, then we’d be more than happy to come along, and we’ll be here for anything else you need from us.” “Thank you, Fleur. That really means a lot.” Ozzy then gave a small smile. I returned the gesture as we sat there in silence while looking into each other’s eyes. It seemed like everything around us was gone for a moment and we were the only ones in the restaurant, savoring the time we had together like nothing else mattered— “And how’s everything so far?” the waitress’ voice asked, making us jolt back into reality as we turned to her. “Oh everything’s fine!” I replied. “May I interest you in some dessert today?” she asked. “We have our special chocolate shake today that’s twenty-five percent off for cute looking couples.” “Couples? But we’re not…” Ozzy trailed off before we turned in the other direction and noticed we were still holding each other’s hand. We quickly pulled back and our faces warmed up instantly. “Um… I think we’ll just take the check, please,” I said with a sheepish grin. [Ozzy’s POV, 1:45 p.m.] We finished off lunch with Fleur paying for our meals before we headed out. With only a few hours to spare before the Wonderbolts’ show, we decided to walk off our lunch while window shopping. I couldn’t help but think back to how nice it felt holding Fleur’s hand like that, but I tried not to dwell on it too much as we talked along the way. At one point during our walk, we stumbled across a pet store that ranged from plain to exotic animals. I could tell from the sparkle in Fleur’s eyes when she saw the puppies in the window display that she wanted to go in and at least hold one of them. So we went inside and she did just that after asking one of the employees for permission. “Aren’t you just the cutest widdle thing? Yes you are! Yes you are!” Fleur said as she held one of the golden retriever puppies. Though the puppy was adorable, the way she baby talked to it was more so in ridiculous levels. “You know, now that I think about it, if you like pets so much, how come you—“ “ACHOO!” Fleur interrupted. “Okay, I think I had enough, thank you,” she said in a congested tone as she gave the puppy back to the employee. “Are you allergic to pets?” I asked. “Unfortunately, yes.” Fleur sniffled as she pulled a few tissues out of her purse before blowing into them. “Mostly cats and dogs, which just bugs me because I’ve wanted at least one of those for so long.” “Have you considered an alternative pet?” I asked as I scanned around the store. I saw one particular animal that gave me a wicked, awful idea before I consulted with the employee to help me take it out while Fleur wasn’t looking. “I mean there’s fish, birds, or maybe you’re more into...” I held out the animal in front of Fleur’s muzzle while I was out of her peripheral vision. “SNAKES!” “AAAAAGH!” Fleur screamed as she jumped back, making me laugh like a madman. “That’s not funny, Ozzy!” Her face reddened while trying to keep a straight face. “Aw come on, it wasn’t that bad. The snake’s not even that big, see?” I held the albino snake out from a more comfortable distance while it coiled around my arm, sticking its tongue out from time to time. “Look, it’s even white as your fur and has big ruby-like eyes. How can you not be entranced by this little gem?” “I… suppose it looks at least a little interesting,” Fleur said as she hesitantly held her arm out to the snake. The reptile responded by moving itself to Fleur’s exposed arm and blending itself in her white fur, making her shiver. “Aww, see? It likes you.” “If you say so.” Fleur moved the snake close to her enough where she looked into its eyes. “Goodness, the eyes are red as rubies. It’s… incredible.” “See? What did I tell ya?” “Kind of ticklish too, wait, what’s it doing?” The snake slithered up to her shoulder, and unexpectedly moved into Fleur’s cleavage. She then started laughing once the snake slithered further into the valley. “Oh crap,” I said before I reached in and pulled the snake out. Fleur calmed down as she took deep breaths while I gave the snake back to the flustered employee. “Well, that was… unexpected.” “It was certainly affectionate,” she commented. “Let’s just move onto someplace else. I think we had dealt enough with animals for one day.” “Agreed.” [3:00 p.m.] We continued our window shopping by just walking along the streets. As we browsed through the shops, I thought about how things were going between me and the girls. We’ve been friends for two weeks since I came to Equestria, and so much has already happened that I had never expected to get into. I knew when I moved to Equius that there would be chaotic moments like there was on Earth, no matter how different this world was, but during my time here, I’m sure I’ve probably been exposed to more things in my life than most others, be they pony or human. Most importantly, I’m not even sure how often friendships back on Earth would come close to the same degree as I had with Fleur and Shining. Fleur de Lis, one of the more popular models in Equestria, is not only stunningly attractive and confident, but also outgoing, generous, considerate, and just all-around fun to be with. She brightens me up with her child-like demeanor no matter how tired or down I am, and she makes sure I have as much of a good time in something as she does. Though I have to admit she can get a little pushy while trying to get everyone involved. Shining Star, now Fleur’s manager after her own time as a model, has her own perks of attractive qualities, all while being loyal, intelligent, expressive, empathetic, and strong despite the hardships she had experienced. She may be a bit too self-conscientious and gets too hard on herself from some the mistakes she made, but it just shows how much she cares for those close to her, and how much she’s willing to do something for them. Then there’s the qualities they both share, like being supportive, kind, and how personal they get with me through physical interactions like sitting close together, hugging, and snuggling. I’m not sure if I was ever that comfortable going past that physical boundary back on Earth, but being in this environment with the two of them was starting to grow on me, filling something inside that I didn’t know I needed after being without it for so long. Just knowing how comfortable I am with these two mares takes the cake while some of their more alluring features are the icing on top of it. Their big, colorful eyes; their well-maintained figures; the scent and warmth that radiates from their fur and mane when I’m close enough; their well-endowed breasts despite their differing sizes; and finally the seemingly sculpted and firm posteriors while their tails swayed side to side as they walked, making them all the more hypnotizing to see. Even now, the images of both the girls’ behinds in panties riding up is still burning vividly into my mind. I’m constantly debating whether I should try to ignore and forget about it, or just relish in it and even go so far as imagine what they look like without the garments while bending down— “Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “Ozzy, are you alright?” I blinked as Fleur’s voice pulled me back into reality, not even noticing we were in a bookstore until then. “H-huh? Oh, sorry, I’m fine. Just a little lost in thought.” A very vivid, lewd thought… Shit, I think I went a little too far with that one. Hope Fleur doesn’t look down. “Well I found a few interesting books I’d like to buy while I’m here,” she said. “I’d like to pay for these before we get to the Wonderbolts show. Is that alright with you?” “Y-yeah, sure. I’ll meet you up front. I gotta use the bathroom.” “Alright, don’t take too long then.” She walked up front with a few paperback books in her hand while I tried to assess where I was. I noticed one of the covers on the shelf before I pulled it out and read the title. The Modern Poni Sutra… Why do I feel I should buy this? Even if I want to, I can’t let Fleur or Shining see it. I can’t imagine what they’d think if they did… Maybe I’ll see if I can order a digital copy, or at least have it delivered through amazon or something. I mean, I may not be into dating right now, but if I ever get to that point, it would be nice if I had some knowledge of this stuff to prepare myself, right? With the plan in mind, I put the book back on the shelf before I went to the bathroom to do my business after my erection went down (that I pray no one else noticed), and met back with Fleur up front who already had the bag of purchased books in her hand. We then left the store and headed to the stadium. [5:00 p.m.] “That performance was just incredible,” I said as we walked through the stadium lobby. “We have similar air shows with jet planes back on Earth, but they aren’t nearly as nimble and agile as the Wonderbolts’ maneuvers.” “I’m glad you liked it,” Fleur said with a smile. “Fancy helps fund their group, so he gets passes for the season. We like to come here from time to time when we aren’t too busy.” “Huh, so does the team know you two then?” “Very much so. Shiny, too. Would you like to meet them?” “Can we?” “Of course! Fancy even gave me these so we’re allowed in the back.” Fleur pulled out two Wonderbolt lanyard straps from her purse that had a card reading ‘backstage pass’ clipped on it. “Nice! Let’s get going then,” I said, giving a small fist pump. Fleur gave me one of the passes before we wore them around our necks. She led me to the back of the stadium where we had to show our passes to security as we passed by. We then got to a door where a lightning bolt with wings was displayed where another security pony stood guard. Fleur walked up to the stallion first before he turned and widened his eyes. “Fleur de Lis? Is that you?” the stallion asked. “That would be me,” she answered with a smile. “My friend and I would like to come and say hi to the Wonderbolts if they aren’t too busy.” Fleur and I held up our passes to show proof of our entry. “Hold on a moment.” The stallion knocked on the door a few times before he peeked inside. “Excuse me, but Fleur de Lis and a human are outside and wondering if they could see you.” “Fleury?” a gruff, but feminine sounding voice asked. “Send them on in!” “You’re good to go,” the stallions said with a smile before he opened the door further and I followed Fleur inside. The moment she stepped inside, my ears were bombarded by a loud shout as I made my way into the room. “FLEUR!” the Wonderbolts in the room cheered. They were all still in their blue jumpsuits with the yellow lightning bolt stretching down their front, but their masks were removed. “Hey guys! Great show out there!” Fleur said. “Fleury! Good to see ya!” a yellow mare with a fiery mane and tail said while she hugged Fleur. “It’s been ages since you came here. How’s your brother?” “He’s doing great, thanks. He says hi too.” “And who’s the human behind you?” “This is my trusty friend and secretary, Ozzy. Ozzy, this is—“ “WHOA! HOLD UP!” the light blue stallion with a darker shaded mane interrupted before he walked up to me. From close proximity, he was about a head taller than me. “Ozzy, as in Ozzy Shore? Aren’t you the same human from the news yesterday? The one that crazy bitch almost raped?” “Uh…” I tensed up while my eyes wavered around the area, getting more anxious as I was the center of attention from the rest of the ponies in the room. “I thought he looked familiar,” one of the mares said. “I heard he also saved Fleur from a crazy carriage a few weeks back too.” “Seriously? He doesn’t look all that well-built.” “He’s kind of cute though.” Everyone in the room turned to the white mare with the messy curly blonde mane in question. “What? Am I not the only one who thinks this?” “ENOUGH!” the yellow mare yelled, silencing everyone the room as Fleur rested a hand on my tense shoulder. “Look, you made the poor guy a wreck, especially you, Soarin.” She furrowed her brow to the blue stallion while practically stabbing his chest with her finger. Though she was half a head shorter, the guy practically shrank from the mare’s loud, drill sergeant-like volume and glare looking down on him. “You don’t just bring up a question like that to anypony out of the blue. You apologize to our guest right now, and I expect ten laps around the stadium tomorrow. You got that?” “Y-yes, Cap,” Soarin said before turning to me while scratching the back of his head. “Sorry about that, that was uncalled for.” “It’s fine,” I replied, a little more at ease with the help of Fleur’s touch. “And I apologize for the team’s outburst,” the yellow mare said. She approached me and held out her hand with a smile. “Name’s Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts.” “Soarin, Assistant Captain,” the blue stallion added in while following the same gesture. “Pleased to meet you,” I answered as I shook both hands respectively. “Just want to say that I enjoyed the show. It’s my first time here.” “Glad you liked it. I make sure the team does their very best in every performance,” Spitfire said. “You know, it’s funny that you’re Fleury’s secretary. We actually have a human secretary of our own who joined in about a month and a half ago.” “Really? What happened to your last one?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow. “What was her name again?” “Pepper,” Spitfire deadpanned. “She… almost sold a picture of Misty in one of her less than proud moments before Fleetfoot stopped her.” “I swear, that’s the last time I’ll ever get drunk with a pineapple in the room again,” a creamy yellow pegasus mare with a mane of two streak teal shades said, who I assumed to be Misty, while rubbing her eyes What the heck could someone do with a pineapple while drunk? I’ve heard some crazy drunk stories, but this is definitely something I haven’t come across that I’m not sure I want to hear. “Anyway,” Spitfire continued. “We fired Pepper soon afterward, and we got a response from our new human secretary after we sent the word out.” “She’s totally awesome too!” the white mare said. “Fast-paced, on the dot, super organized, and is just sweet as pie!” “Pie sounds really good right now, specifically apple,” Soarin said. “Oh, like the one that orange mare from the triple G sold ya?” a light blue, white maned mare asked him. “If you ask me, I’m pretty sure that’s not the only kind of pie you’d like to have in your maw.” “Shut up, Fleetfoot. If you had a taste of her pie, you wouldn’t want any other for the rest of your life.” The other Wonderbolts chuckled. “Your human secretary sounds nice though,” Fleur said. “Could we meet her?” “She should be back any moment with refreshments,” Spitfire said before a few knocks were on the door. “That must be her. Come on in!” The door opened, and a girl with straight, light brown hair that stretched just past her shoulders was seen as she walked backwards with a tray of water bottles. Something about the hair sparked something in my head, as if something long forgotten finally clicked. “Sorry for the wait, guys,” the girl said. “I had trouble getting the water here and…” The two of us froze in place once she turned to my direction. When I saw her milk chocolate brown eyes, a memory that I thought I had forgotten smacked me in the face like a ton of bricks, making my whole body tense up while the hairs from the back of my neck stood on end. It looked like she felt the same way as her arms gave out, dropping all the water bottles on the tray to the floor, silencing the room. The very first human that I saw since I moved to Equestria was someone I thought I’d never see again: the little girl from elementary school was standing before me. “O-Ozzy?” “C-C-Claire?” > Chapter 28: "What's going on with Ozzy?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 28: “What’s going on with Ozzy?” [Fleur’s POV, 5:30 p.m.] The sound of many water bottles falling to the floor silenced the room, leaving Ozzy staring blankly at the girl named Claire. Seeing how Ozzy reacted to the girl’s entrance  created an uneasy feeling inside me. “Uh, do you two… know each other?” Spitfire finally asked. “Oh oh oh!” Surprise, the white pegasus with the messy curly blonde mane called while waving her hand in the air. “Maybe they’re siblings! No wait! Long lost siblings! Cousins! In-laws?! Wait, I got it! Ozzy’s the good twin of Claire’s late husband!” “Surprise? I think we should let one of them explain instead of jumping to any answers,” Misty said. “Claire and I… were classmates in elementary school back on Earth,” Ozzy answered. “That’s… right. We were classmates,” Claire said, filling the room with “Oooh’s” from the ponies besides me and the humans in response. Wait, classmates in elementary school… Don’t tell me this girl is the same as— “Um, Fleur? This is my old classmate back on Earth, Claire Hackings,” Ozzy introduced. “Claire? This is Fleur de Lis, a supermodel I’m working for as her secretary, and a close friend of mine.” “It’s… a pleasure to meet you,” I greeted as I held my hand up towards Claire. “Likewise.” She took my hand and gave a small shake. “Well, I guess both of our worlds are smaller than I thought,” Spitfire said with a smile as she stood between Ozzy and Claire with one hand on each of their shoulders. “I got an idea. We’re going to a restaurant later tonight once we get cleaned up. Why don’t you two come and join us? I’m sure we’ve got a lot to catch up on, and I’m sure our human friends here would like to do the same.” “Oh oh! Bring Shining too!” Surprise exclaimed. The stallions in the room got shaken up once Shiny’s name was mentioned. “We haven’t seen her in a while either!” “I… suppose I’m alright with it if Fleur’s okay,” Ozzy said as he looked towards me. “Um. Sure, we can do that. We were actually going back to clean ourselves up for dinner too.” “Then it’s settled!” Spitfire said. “We’re holding dinner at the usual place at 8:00. Claire, you mind giving Ozzy here our numbers?” “H-huh? Oh, not at all.” Claire walked over to a black purse to pull out her wallet and took out a few business cards before giving them to Ozzy. “Well, we should get going then,” Spitfire said. “We’ll see you three there. Come on, guys!” The other Wonderbolts started leaving the room while Ozzy, Claire and I waited until the last pony left. “I… guess I’ll see you later then, Ozzy,” Claire said. “Y-yeah, sure. See you there,” Ozzy said before he and I left the room and went to the opposite direction of the Wonderbolts’ path. The walk was quiet since the noise from the crowd earlier died down, but that just left me more tense about what had just transpired in that room. “Uh, I’ve gotta use the bathroom. Should I just meet you out front?” Ozzy asked. “S-sure, I’ve gotta make a call to Shiny anyways.” The two of us went to the respective bathrooms and I closed the doors in one of the stalls before I sat down. I quickly took out my cell phone and called Shiny. “Hello?” “Shiny? It’s Fleur.” “Oh hey, I was wondering how your date was going. What’s up?” “I think we might have an emergency.” “Huh? What’s wrong? Is it not going well?” “Oh no, it’s been going just great until we somehow ran into a very close friend of Ozzy’s from Earth.” “Wait, how’s that a problem? Isn’t it better for Ozzy to finally talk with someone from his home planet? Especially someone he knew?” “It probably would be if it wasn’t the same person who gave him his first kiss back in elementary school!” There was a pause from Shiny’s end for a moment. “What,” she deadpanned. “I haven’t confirmed it with Ozzy yet, but from how those two behaved with each other in the room, I think it’s safe to assume that’s the case.” “Wait, how come I don’t know about Ozzy’s first kiss, and you do?” “Oh, uh, he and I talked a little about it in the early morning of my interview with Vogue when I couldn’t sleep from the nervousness.” “SON OF A BITCH!” I could hear a loud thump from her end of the line. I assumed she might have punched something really hard. “How did this happen?!” “I offered Ozzy to meet with the Wonderbolts after watching their show, and it turns out his friend, Claire Hackings, was their new secretary for the past month and a half.” “Wait, they have a human secretary too? What happened to Pepper?” “They fired her for almost exploiting Misty’s drunk exploits during a party.” “Dear Luna, please tell me it’s not because of the pineapple and yo-yo trick?” “I only heard about the pineapple, but if she likes to carry around a yo-yo, I can only assume that would be the case.” “Dammit. How the heck could anypony even pull something like that off?” “I’ll never know, Shiny, I’ll never know.” I shook my head. “But that’s not the point. Spitfire invited the three of us to join them for dinner tonight so we can catch up on current events.” “Count me in. I don’t know about you, but I’m not planning to let Ozzy out of my sight for some human girl I’ve never met. What’s she even like?” “She’s pretty attractive. Long brown hair, brown eyes, skin that’s slightly more pale than Ozzy’s, but still has some color, and I couldn’t make out her figure because she was wearing business attire like yours, but she seemed pretty thin.” “Alright, so we just need to wear something that will catch Ozzy’s attention more than Claire’s, right?” “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet. Those two haven’t seen each other for a long time, and from what I’ve heard of their relationship, I’m sure Ozzy has a lot of questions to ask of her from their time apart. I’ll give you the details later, but I think right now we should give him our support as his dear friends since this seems to be as much of a shock to him as it is to us. We can’t make this into a competition and get Ozzy suspicious.” A pause was in the air before I heard her sigh. “I really wish he’d see us as more than friends, but I’ll have to agree with you there. So are we meeting them at the usual place?” “Yes, at 8:00. We’ll be back momentarily to freshen ourselves up before we get there.” “Copy that. I’ll see you when you get back.” “Will do.” I hung up the phone before I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Oh Ozzy… What is on your mind right now? [6:00 p.m.] I met up with Ozzy out front after I did my business in the bathroom and called Silver Wheel to pick us up. The ride was quiet as Ozzy only gazed out the window, which only got me more worried than back at the stadium. I decided to start the conversation off to break the silence. “So… Claire’s someone you know from elementary school on Earth?” “Yeah.” He still looked out the window. “Is she…” “Yeah.” “Are you feeling okay?” “Sort of. This is just a lot to take in. I thought I had forgotten her enough to not remember any of her features or name. I… wanted to forget about her, but when I saw those eyes of hers, everything just… clicked.” He sighed, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. “There’s just a lot of things going on in my head that I can’t explain.” I gently held his hand, and shivered from how cold it was. “I just have so many questions I want to ask her,” he continued. “Maybe that’s part of why I haven’t forgotten about her completely. It looks like she hasn’t forgotten about me either, but I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.” We came to a stop at our house, and Silver Wheel opened the door. Ozzy stood up first and stepped out. Once I followed suit, he spoke without turning to me. “You mind if I have some time to myself for a bit? I got a lot of stuff to think about.” “No, of course not,” I said before he walked over to the house while I watched, concerned for how much was going on with him as he rubbed his arm. “Is everything alright, Ms. De Lis?” Silver Wheel asked. “I don’t know, and that’s what I’m worried about the most,” I answered. “You have grown very fond of Mr. Shore, haven’t you?” “You have no idea. Shiny too.” “Do you mind if I give you a word of advice?” “Please.” “My late brother and I have served your family for quite some time. Along the way, both of us have seen some less than fortunate bouts between your parents. They’ve mostly been about the lack of trust between the two of them, and I’m not entirely sure if that has ever been resolved when my brother and they got into that accident.” It’s true. Thinking back, it’s quite perplexing to see they were as strict with each other as they were with Fancy and me. “If there’s one thing my brother and I learned from watching them bicker, it’s that a relationship of any kind must have trust between both parties,” Silver continued. “I’ve seen how you and Ms. Star have grown since Mr. Shore joined us, and I can say for certain he puts quite a lot of trust into you girls. Would your friendship with him be as strong if you don’t return that trust?” I looked down with deep thought, taking in every word Silver spoke to me. “… No, I don’t think it would.” “Mr. Shore… Oz, seems to be an intelligent young fellow, so I’m sure he’ll resolve his dilemma to the best of his abilities,” he said. “The best we can do is remind him that we’re available for assistance whenever possible, and have faith that he will do the right thing while we stand by at the ready to help. It’s the best we can do as his friends, and I’m sure he appreciates you to put that much trust in him. Does that make sense?” “I suppose,” I turned to Silver while forcing a small smile. “Thank you, Silver. I think I needed that.” “Anytime, Ms. De Lis,” he responded with a smile. “Now you best get ready for the evening. I’ll be back at 7:30 to pick you up.” “Thank you, Silver. I’ll see you later.” I walked back to my house while I heard the carriage roll away. Silver may be right, but I just hope I’m doing the right thing in putting that much faith in him. [Shining’s POV, 6:30 p.m.] I went to Fleur’s house almost right after the phone call with my change of clothes and essentials I needed for the evening. When I saw Ozzy walk inside, his mood hard to read, like he was drawing as many blanks in his head as there were on his face. We only exchanged a few words before he went upstairs to his room with a slower, more sluggish pace than I’ve usually seen. When Fleur came by, we sat down and she gave me the details on Ozzy’s relationship with this Claire person. It sounded like they became good friends before they got to that kiss, and I thought I was going to lose it when she pretty much ditched him after the kids laughed at them. I was both frustrated and sad since I was in a similar situation with him. Sure, I may not have gotten my first kiss until later, but I knew what it was like to be made fun of. It sounded like Ozzy did pretty well just shrugging it off until after the kiss. It’s no wonder why he wasn’t so confident in seeing other girls after that. “If that bitch thinks she can take him back after seeing how handsome he’s become since elementary school, she’s got another thing coming,” I said before I let out a small chuckle. “Listen to me. It wasn’t too long ago that I wanted to get rid of Ozzy, and now I don’t want to let him go while calling him handsome on top of it.” “I understand how you feel, Shiny, but we can’t interfere with Ozzy’s personal business,” Fleur said. “We wouldn’t be good friends if we don’t trust in his decisions.” “That’s just it though, Fleur, we’re friends of his, not marefriends. What if he starts to have feelings for her again while he never see us anymore than good friends?” Fleur gazed down to the floor with folded ears. “I don’t know, Shiny, but I just want to trust in him. It doesn’t matter if I’m his marefriend or not. I just… want to trust him.” I sighed while scratching my head. “Good grief, I don’t think I heard reasoning that vague before, but I guess I can see what you’re trying to tell me. Alright, I’ll play along, but I think we should have a personal talk with this Claire at some point too, and see what we’re dealing with ourselves.” “Might as well. I mean if this is an old friend of Ozzy’s, then we should at least give her a chance to hear her side of the story.” “Agreed.” With the plan in mind, we went up to Fleur’s room to prepare ourselves for the evening ahead. [8:00 p.m.] I ended up wearing a long-sleeved, cyan colored cotton top with jeans while Fleur went with a purple short-sleeved top, designer jeans, and a light coat. I think the both of us can agree that we shouldn’t look intimidatingly sexy as it could get Ozzy less comfortable than he already is, and we don’t want to have Claire get any wrong ideas (no matter how much I want to slap that bitch). Plus, the restaurant wasn’t all that fancy either, so there isn’t much worry to dress casually. Ozzy went with a gray polo shirt, zip-up cotton jacket, and jeans as well. We were right on time as Silver dropped us off at the Wonderbolts’ choice of the restaurant that we all usually like to go: El Burrito Gordo. “Mexican food, huh?” Ozzy asked before correcting himself. “Or is it Maneican in this world? Reignican?” “That’s the one,” I answered. “This place is pretty good with large groups visiting, and their enchiladas are to die for.” “Guess I’ll have to see what they’ve got I suppose.” The three of us went into the restaurant and checked in with the hostess up front. We followed her to the back where there was a large room made specifically for large gatherings. Tables were lined up while small baskets of tortilla chips and bowls of salsa and guacamole were spread out. The ponies that were sitting around the arrangement turned to us and cheered at our arrival. “Good to see you three made it!” Spitfire said. “Shining, glad you came along as well.” “Thanks Spitfire,” I said. “Well go on and have a seat! Claire should be with us soon.” We did as Spitfire said and sat in three empty chairs that were on her left. I sat on Ozzy’s left side while Fleur took the other. With Spitfire and Fleetfoot on each end of the table arrangement, the three of us on one side were with Misty Fly and Surprise (the mare I was sitting next to) while Rapidfire, Wave Chill, Soarin, High Winds, and an empty chair next to Spitfire were across from us. I noticed the stallions in the table looked down on the table as soon as I glanced toward them. I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at their strange behavior. What’s up with them? It’s not like I… Oh wait, right. I scared off those three like I did with the other stallions before Ozzy came along. “So what have you been up to, Shining?” Fleetfoot asked. “I can’t help but think there’s something different about you.” “I’ve been through some interesting things, I’ll say that much,” I replied. “Let’s just say it’s because of them that I decided to start treating stallions better. So long as they don’t do anything stupid or rub me the wrong way.” Everypony besides Fleur and Ozzy had their eyes and jaws open wide, the stallions more so than the mares. “Wow… what the heck did I miss?” High Winds asked while scratching her head. “Are you even the real Shining Star?” Fleetfoot asked. “Psst, you think what Soarin did to Ozzy earlier counts as being stupid?” Surprise whispered to Misty that I easily heard. I turned my attention to Soarin with a furrowed brow, making him shrink down in his seat. “Don’t worry, Shining, we already got it taken care of,” Spitfire said with a wave. “He already apologized to Ozzy, and will do ten laps tomorrow as penalty. Isn’t that right, Soarin?” “Y-Yes, Cap,” Soarin stammered. For his sake, it better be worth it. “Sorry I’m late, everyone,” an unfamiliar, female voice said. We turned to the source, and my eyes widened. Standing at the entrance to the back room was a human girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, and white skin that had a slight rosy tint to it. She had a light blue, short-sleeved top with a scoop neckline that hugged what models called the “lollipop” figure, where she had slightly wider shoulders than her hips, and a pretty good bust. Even with her small hips though, her black straight-legged pants, matching coat, shoes (I think the humans called them flats) and purse added a certain finesse to her seemingly casual look. Dear Luna, if this is who I think it is, then the situation is worse than I thought. “No problem, Claire, our guests came not too long before you did,” Spitfire said. “Let me introduce you to Fleur and Ozzy’s manager, Shining Star. Shining? This is our new secretary, Claire Hackings.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Shining,” Claire greeted while holding out her hand. “Same goes to you.” I stood up and took her handshake while sporting my business smile as much as I could while I hid my annoyance. Claire then made her way to the last open seat that was between Spitfire and High Winds. “You look nice tonight, Ozzy,” she said. Ozzy blinked a few times before he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Uh, thanks. You look nice too.” I had to resist the urge to twitch from that small exchange of words, and from how Fleur’s tail flicked, she was having as much of a hard time keeping herself together as I was. Two servers came in the room and took our orders of drinks before we started a conversation. “So Claire, tell us a little about yourself,” Fleur said while forcing small smile. “It’s not often we personally meet other humans around here, especially if one of them is an acquaintance of Ozzy’s.” “Well, like Ozzy and I mentioned earlier, we were classmates in elementary school back on Earth,” Claire said. Ozzy paid close attention while he ate guacamole dipped tortilla chips. “He and I hung out from time to time, but I went to a different junior high than he did.” “I see, and have you still made contact with Ozzy since then?” Fleur asked. “We… kind of drifted apart before then. I haven’t talked or seen him ever since.” Okay, so she’s partially honest, but she’s not telling why they drifted apart. Probably doesn’t want to make a scene in the restaurant. “So what got you to move into Equestria?” I asked. “I was honestly at a standstill for what I was going to do with my life after I graduated college with a major in Liberal Studies. There weren’t many available jobs besides the one I had as an office cleric, and I just didn’t see myself doing something so sedentary for a living. When news broke out about a new world discovered, I was open to the thought of seeing what it was like myself. So when I found a job posting to be a certain flight team’s secretary, I had to get in as soon as I could. I promised some of my friends and family that I’d come back to visit, and when I arrived, I was overwhelmed by how different this culture was.” “All of us can relate to that when we started out in this group,” Spitfire said. “When we went to different cities and countries for shows, we definitely had to adapt pretty quickly. Claire here adjusted very well, and it wasn’t long before she was like part of the team.” “And oh my gosh can she bake,” Surprise added in with a large smile and licked her lips. “These brownies she makes not only taste fantastilicious, but they’re better for you than regular ones!” “I lived with some health freaks back on Earth,” Claire said. “I learned to cook a lot of healthier meals of any kind, and it certainly helped getting through college with it.” Well that certainly explains her figure, though I can’t help but think some more fat in her body will make her look healthier. Fleur’s doing that quite well thanks to Ozzy’s own cooking. “It’s been quite an adventure working for the Wonderbolts as their secretary,” Claire continued. “But I’m sure being a supermodel’s secretary has its own benefits. Right, Ozzy?” Ozzy paused with a salsa dipped chip close to his mouth. I looked to the nearest basket, and saw it was empty like the bowl of guacamole. Shit, did he even know how much he ate? “Uh, yeah. It certainly has its crazy moments,” he answered before eating the last chip. The drinks finally came along before we gave the servers our orders. “You know, now that you mention it,” Misty said while looking up. “I notice how Claire was paying more attention to the news lately.” “Huh? What brought that up?” Surprise asked. “She wasn’t really into the news until a few weeks ago,” Misty explained as she rubbed her chin. “I think it was after that one ‘What is up?’ time in Canterlot News. What was it?” “You mean the carriage incident, right?” High Winds asked. Soarin snapped his fingers. “That’s right! Fleur and Ozzy were on the news, and Claire was practically glued to the screen ever since!” My eyes widened as I glanced in Fleur’s direction. She took a large sip of her piña colada while Ozzy just stared at Claire. This is definitely not going so well. “Excuse me. I gotta use the restroom,” Ozzy said before he got up and left the room. The table suddenly went quiet with only the noise of activity outside filling the air. “Was it something I said?” Soarin asked. “I’m sure Ozzy’s just not used to getting a lot of attention like we do,” Fleetfoot said before she turned to Fleur. “How about it, Fleur?” “Oh, uh, yes. Ozzy was really nervous before he got on T.V. that day,” Fleur answered. “With that plus how he was featured in the latest news yesterday, I’m sure he’s trying to handle it the best he can.” Soon, the servers were in and out of the room passing around everypony’s dinner for the evening while Soarin stepped out of the room during that time. It wasn’t until a couple minutes later that Soarin came back and started eating his own meal before Ozzy followed sometime after. He was quiet as he ate while everypony else was chatting amongst themselves. Fleur would sometimes glance between Ozzy and Claire, who also looked up from her food from time to time, but more subtly. When Spitfire asked one of us a question, Ozzy gave short answers while Fleur and I responded as happily as we could despite the concern that was on our minds. The alcohol helped numbing it a little, but it was still there regardless. After we had our desserts, we paid our bills up front before we stepped out of the restaurant. “Ahh~, there’s nothing like a good cheese-filled dish that leaves me all warm and full inside,” Surprise said as she rubbed her stomach. “What time is it, anyway?” “Fifteen ‘til ten,” I answered as I checked my phone. “Alright guys, besides Soarin’s run, we’ve got a few days off starting tomorrow,” Spitfire said to the team. “After that, we practice and get ready for our next show in Fillydelphia that’s a month from now. So rest easy while you can, ‘cause we’ll be having a lot of work to do after that. Everypony here understand?” “Yes, Captain!” the team answered. “Alright. Soarin, I’ll see you at the usual time tomorrow. We’ll be getting back to training on Thursday. You’re dismissed,” Spitfire finished before she turned to the three of us with a smile. “It was good to see you two again, girls.” “Same here. We’ll have to get together again sometime,” Fleur said while she gave a small smile. “It was nice getting to know you guys too,” Ozzy added in. “It’s a pleasure. You take it easy, alright? And if you wanna chat, you got our numbers.” “Will do. We’ll see you later Spitfire,” I said before she nodded, unfurled her wings, and took off. Soarin, for some reason, took his bid with Ozzy more personal by patting him on the back before he and the other Wonderbolts said their goodnights as well, and followed their Captain’s lead. There was only Ozzy, Fleur, Claire, and me left once the pegasi were in the sky. “Well, I guess we should prepare for tomorrow too,” I said while Fleur called Silver to pick us up. “Silver said he’ll be around in fifteen,” Fleur said before turning to Claire. “Do you need a ride?”  “My place is actually a ten minute walk from here. I should be fine.” Good. I know we’re trying to act all nice with Claire, but I’d rather not spend another minute with her in the same room for the rest of the evening. “Ozzy, it was good seeing you again,” Claire said with a smile. Ozzy stood and looked down silently for what seemed like minutes. “Ozzy?” Fleur asked with her ears folded. “Is there something wrong?” He looked up and exchanged glances between Fleur and me. What he said next was something neither Fleur and I expected. “Do you two mind if you went ahead without me?” > Chapter 29: "There's something I need to tell you." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 29: “There’s something I need to tell you.” [Fleur’s POV, 9:50 p.m.] “Ozzy… W-what do you mean by that?” I asked while trying to keep myself from shaking. “I was wondering if I could walk Claire home,” Ozzy said. “It may be a short walk from here, but I’m concerned for her going alone at this time of night. I… also have something I need to talk to her about along the way.” He looked over to Claire whose brow was raised slightly. “Is that alright with you?” “Um… I suppose that’s fine,” Claire responded. “How about we come with you?” Shiny asked, almost too quickly after Claire’s answer. “It’s pretty personal, Shining,” Ozzy said. “I want, no, I need to handle this alone.” “What about work tomorrow?” Shiny asked. “A-and we were going to start our workout program tomorrow like we promised, right?” I could tell Shiny wasn’t taking Ozzy’s suggestion well from how her voice was starting to crack. “I’ll still be there for both of those things,” he answered. “Things will go back to the way they were, starting tomorrow. I just… I really need to do this. I feel if I don’t do this now, then I may not get another chance, or won’t have the guts to come up front when I do.” There were only crickets chirping that filled the silent night air. I felt like my heart was twisting up inside me, screaming for Ozzy not to go. If what he needed to do was what I thought, even though I didn’t want it to happen, I was afraid anything I might say or do to stop him would crack something between the three of us to the point that it may never be repaired. No matter how much my heart said otherwise, I knew what I had to do. “I understand, Ozzy,” I said. Everyone’s gazes were turned towards me. Shiny’s stood out the most out of all with her widened eyes and crooked glasses. “Can you just promise me one thing though?” “What is it?” Ozzy asked with a raised eyebrow. “No matter what happens… try to keep yourself safe, okay?” I forced a small smile while biting the inside of my mouth. He nodded. “I will. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Night Fleur, Shining.” He turned over to Claire. “Ready to go?” “Sure. I’ll see you two later,” Claire bid us before they walked away. “Good night…” We stood there for what felt like an hour before a carriage pulled up in front of the restaurant with Silver driving it. “Excuse me for being late,” he said before he scanned around him. “Where’s Oz?” “He’ll be with us tomorrow,” I said as I opened the door with my magic. “Just take us home, please.” I stepped inside slowly and turned to a wide-eyed Shiny staring at me as I sat down. “You coming, Shiny?” “Y-yeah, sure.” She stepped in before shutting the door behind her. After a moment’s pause, the carriage moved as I looked out the window. The ride back home was silent. [Ozzy’s POV, 10:15 p.m.]         The walk over to Claire’s place was quiet as we were the only ones in the area with few words to exchange to each other along the way. I mentioned how nice the night sky was as we walked, but it wasn’t long before things went silent again. Most of the time, I was trying to come up with what I should say to her, but there was just a lot going on in my mind to keep me from starting a proper conversation. We arrived at her apartment complex within a few minutes. It was a large three story building that took up a good amount of space in the neighborhood. The double doors led to a small space where the residents could pick up their mail in the numbered boxes before we went further inside. We went into her room on the first floor of the building, and I scanned the place. It wasn’t a brilliant, big space, but it still looked pretty good for a one person apartment. A small kitchen was the first thing I saw as I turned to my left, while a small dining table was sitting between that and the living room where a sixteen-inch flat screen sat across from a couch and a chair. There was a separate section to the right where her bedroom was seen. “May I use your bathroom?” I asked. “Sure. It’s to the right once you go in my room,” Claire directed. “You want something to drink?” “Water would be nice, please.” I went to the bathroom like she directed, and did my business as I thought of what I should do. What do I say? How uncomfortable is Claire feeling right now with this sudden invite? How would she even react? Fuck, I’m clamming up so much, I can barely even think straight. I guess I’ll start off with what I should have done a long time ago, and hopefully she’ll get the message once it’s out in the open. I went back to the room after I washed my hands and took a seat across from Claire with a glass of ice water in my hand. I took a few sips to quench the dryness in my throat and swallow the nervousness I had welling up inside me before I set the glass to the side. We sat at the table in silence for a moment, but the tense atmosphere from the time slowly passing was enough for me to finally make my move. “I’m sorry, Claire.” A moment of silence filled the room once more, but the air was much heavier on my shoulders than before as I waited for Claire’s response. “W-wait… what?” she asked. “Back in elementary school, when we had, well, ‘that,’ and all of those kids laughed, I’m sorry.” I looked down to my glass on the table. “I was confused about what went on between us after that, and I wanted to talk to you and ask if everything was alright, but you never let me say a word before you turned away. I thought back on it from time to time as I got older, and the only solution I came with as to why you were that way towards me was because of how I made you a magnet for teasing since that day. I was good with ignoring the other kids’ teasing, but I didn’t think of how you might have been if you were around me. “It may have been something I could have just moved on from since we were just kids, but I couldn’t forget something like that, forget you, from my memories until something was done about it. I may still not know why you wanted to be with someone like me in the first place, but I honestly enjoyed the time we had together before that moment. I know this doesn’t mean anything now after all this time, but I just want you to know how sorry I am for what I unintentionally made you go through.” The room was quiet once more as I took another sip of the glass. What came next was something I didn’t expect at all. “Ozzy… if anyone’s going to apologize, it should be me.” I looked up to her with a raised brow before I rubbed my eyes. “Excuse me?” “To be honest, I thought you were mad at me for getting laughed at from our kiss,” Claire said. “You were much kinder and more reserved compared to the other boys in the class, and I wondered why no one else would want to play with you and just got picked on instead. So I thought I’d be your friend to get to know you more, and though we didn’t do much, I enjoyed what we had together. Later on, I developed a bit of a crush on you as we hung out more.” She took a drink for a moment before continuing. “Let me ask you something, Ozzy. Do you remember why I wanted us to have that kiss in the first place?” “Uh… wasn’t it because of how much of a fad it was with the other kids and you didn’t want to feel left out from your own friends?” I asked. “That’s what I told you, yes, but… that was actually a lie.” My eyes widened at the statement. “Kissing back then was more infamous about how gross it was and how it could spread cooties. I found it pretty stupid because I’d seen my parents kiss all the time at home before I heard about it, and they didn’t have any over-the-top infections the kids made up. When I talked to Mom and Dad about it, they told me kissing was something two people who really like each other would do. The moment I heard that, I wanted to share my first kissing experience with you. “I was worried that you might view kissing the same way the other kids did despite how distant you were from them, so I made it up as a fad so I could have an excuse to do it.” She took another sip of her water before she looked down on it. “I wanted everything perfect because I liked you that much. The kiss we shared was my very first, and it felt like a dream come true until those kids came along. Being embarrassed was part of the reason why I ran off crying, but I mostly felt everything between us crumbled because of that lie I made up. “I felt so ashamed of myself I couldn’t even look in your direction anymore because of how much you surely hated me then, at least that was what I thought.” She looked up to me once more. “I wanted to apologize to you for everything, but I was afraid of how you would react if I told the truth. Even when I saw you in that news broadcast, the guilt from the flashback I saw made me hesitant to find and talk to you. I may have looked like I was doing fine when we finally met again today, but I was nervous just being in the same room with you.” “You were nervous?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Did you not see how nervous I was in that restaurant? If all of those chips I ate didn’t make it obvious enough, you’re a master in hiding your emotions compared to me.” Claire’s eyes widened before she started giggling. It steadily grew into laughter as I joined in, realizing how stupid both of us were back then. “All this time, we could have settled things out if we just talked like we used to,” Claire said. “I really am sorry for that though, Ozzy. If I could go back and change it, I would do it in a heartbeat.” “I’m just relieved I didn’t do anything that hurt you,” I said as I cleaned my glasses. “So… What should we do now? We got everything sorted out after all these years, where do we go from here?” “I’ve gotta be honest with you, Ozzy. Though you turned out quite handsome after seeing you again in person, I don’t think I could go out with you if you’re still as sweet and kind since we were kids. I was scared to come up front with you back then, and that hadn’t changed until you broke the ice first tonight. If I can’t be honest with you, then what kind of girlfriend would I be? Plus, I’ve tried to move on by seeing other guys sometime after I left town, and that guilt still bugged me. In the end, I just don’t feel good enough to be with someone like you. What about you?” “Looking back at it now… I may have grown to like you up to that point, but I don’t know what might have happened if the outcome was different,” I said. “I was more worried about how much I fucked up with us, and… I guess over time, that still haunted me every time the thought of dating another girl came to mind.” Claire’s eyes widened. “W-wait, we’re about the same age, right? And… you’re still?” “Yeah.” I looked to the side while scratching my head. “Crap, now I really feel bad, and I thought you were already with Shining or Fleur.” “Wait, huh? Me with one of… n-no, there’s nothing like that between us at all. They’re just good friends of mine since I came to Equestria. I wouldn’t even think about being in a relationship with one of them.” She raised an eyebrow while crossing her arms. “Really now? Are you trying to convince me, or yourself here? Let me ask you this, do you know what they see in you?” “I’m just as much of a good friend and coworker to them as they are to me. That’s why I wouldn’t even ask them out.” “So you don’t deny that you had dating one of them come to mind?” I opened my mouth to answer until I recalled what I had just said and found that I’d dug myself into a hole. “Son of a bitch.” “Ha! I knew it,” she boasted. “Now answer me this: what would you say if they had dating you in mind too?” “I… don’t know. I didn’t think about it because I thought Fleur wouldn’t want me dating her to affect her image as a supermodel, and Shining’s got a stallion problem that’s too big for her to see anyone.” “That wasn’t what I saw,” she argued. “Fleur certainly seemed concerned for you walking me home before we got here, Shining was acting much differently towards you than what the guys in the Wonderbolts told me about her, and I felt I was interrogated from all the questions they asked about me.” “What do you mean, you were interrogated? I only saw you and the girls just talking to each other. What made you see it as anything other than that?” “Call it a girl’s intuition. I’ve also seen it a few times from a few girlfriends back home sometimes when their boyfriends were around.” You know, I’ve always thought that “girl’s intuition” thing was just a bunch of bull crap, and I still think that today. “I still find it hard to believe that they somehow like me that much,” I said. “Alright, then let’s confirm this: how do you feel about them, Ozzy? And I expect to get an honest answer about it.” I looked down and thought of all the times I spent with the girls while I tried to find the right words to describe it. “I may have been hesitant about the idea at first when I got here, and I’m trying not to let what happened with Mascara affect me, but… though it has only been a few weeks, those girls have changed my life in ways I wouldn’t even dream about. They’ve become an important part of my life now, giving me something I thought I didn’t need, and now I just want to do everything I can to return the favor and then some. I can’t choose between them if someone asks, but when it comes down to it… I really do like them, Claire. I like them a lot, and I want to know how things might work out with us if one of them is into the idea too.” “I see,” Claire said with a nod. “If that’s the case, then there are a few things I want to ask of you, Ozzy.” I looked up with a raised eyebrow. “First of all, I’d really like to start over between us and just stick to being friends if that’s alright with you.” “Sure. I’d like to get things back to the way they were before too,” I answered with a small smile. “Excellent. My second question is would you be willing to let me help you hook up with them?” My smile instantly disappeared while eyes widened at the request. “W-wait, what? But aren’t you—“ “I feel responsible for you not having much luck with other girls since that day between us,” Claire explained. “I was selfish for tricking you into it, and not being honest with you about it after that just adds fuel into the fire. You deserve better than that, Ozzy, and all I really want to do right now is make sure you’re happy with your new life here in Equestria, especially after what I saw in the recent news. This is the least I could do to make up for what I did, if you’ll let me.” “Um… Wow, Claire, I honestly didn’t expect that. I don’t think you need to justify yourself like this, but if this is what you really want, then I really appreciate you doing this for me.” I gave a small smile. “Then it’s settled.” She got up from the table and went to the front door as I followed her. “You’ve got work tomorrow, right? I’ll figure out what we’ll do to get your dream girl, or mare in this case, and you let me know what’s up when an opportunity arises. Sound good to you?” “Definitely, and thanks again for all of this. I really do hope we can become good friends again.” “I’d like that as well.” Claire then held out her hand with a small smile. I looked down to the hand that was held in front of me before I turned my gaze back up to her. “I should probably tell you, but we don’t shake hands for that around here.” Without giving her a chance to a respond, I came in and wrapped my arms around her waist. “We settle things with hugs. Is that alright with you?” Claire took a moment before I felt her arms wrap around me in response. “I’m more than alright with that, Ozzy… Thank you.” We then pulled away from our hug before she opened the door for me. “Have a good night, Ozzy. Let me know what’s going on with you three soon, alright?” “Will do. You have a good night too.” I walked out of Claire’s apartment and left the complex. When I looked back at the building, I compared how I felt from when I was inside to where I currently stood. I felt much lighter in the shoulders than when I went in, and the clear night sky added to how content I was with how everything worked out. From that point, I went ahead and walked my way back home, enjoying the scenery and the cool air. When I entered the neighborhood where the girls and I lived, there was something about the setting that threw me off. Shining’s house was dark as I passed by, but once I got to Fleur’s and mine, the lights were still on. I checked the time on my phone. “11:45?” I asked myself. It must have taken me longer than I thought to get here. Then again, I was at Claire’s place for a while. Still, shouldn’t Fleur be in bed by now? We’ve got a lot of stuff to catch up on starting tomorrow, so I would think she’d get plenty of rest to start it off right. I approached the door and tested the knob. Sure enough, it was unlocked as I stepped inside— “OZZY!” Before I had a chance to react, I was suddenly sandwiched by Fleur and Shining after they practically sprinted over to me. I felt I was losing air while my head was about to pop as the girls squeezed me in a vice-like hold. The fuck? Where’s this coming from? Oh god, I can’t breathe!  “Do you have any idea what time it is?!” “Where have you been?!” “We were worried sick!” “What happened with you?!” “If you could let go while… giving me some air I’ll explain,” I said before the girls immediately released me. I shut the door behind me as I took the sweet oxygen back into my lungs. “Seriously though, why are you two…?” I looked up and saw the girls before me with widened eyes. Shining was wearing the same nightwear from the night before while Fleur was in one with a similar style, but with frills at the end of her skirt part and the color matching her eyes. Both of their eyes looked slightly pink and swelled while their ears were folded. “Whoa, what happened to you two? You don’t look too good.” “H-huh?” Fleur asked as she sniffled. “Oh, uh, allergies. There were stray cats in front of the house and the number got my eyes watery.” “There was a gust of wind that blew pollen right into my face and I had the same reaction,” Shining said. “It’s because of our allergies that has also kept us awake if you’re wondering.” “Oookay, but why are you here, Shining?” I asked. “I had a large spider in my room and I couldn’t go to sleep knowing it was there,” she replied almost too quickly. “That’s not important right now. What is though is what happened between you and Claire. What took you so long in getting back here?” “Uh, we just kind of talked and caught up on some personal things is all,” I said. “I had some questions to ask her that were answered over drinks, I walked back home when we finished, and that was really it. Wait, what did you think was gonna happen?” “Uh, nothing,” Fleur said while looking to the side. “I wasn’t worried over anything. Were you, Shiny?” “Nope,” she answered while following Fleur’s gesture in the opposite direction. Something tells me that’s not entirely the truth. Was it because of how I acted throughout the day? I guess that would make sense, especially with what happened over dinner. I sighed before I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. “I’m sorry about how I behaved today. Knowing that Claire lives here caught me off guard, and I just had a lot on my mind. I’m also sorry we didn’t do everything you planned today, Fleur. Maybe we can do it another day, and I’ll balance things out with spending one with you too, Shining.” I put my glasses back on before I looked back to the girls. “How about after my jog tomorrow I’ll make it up to you two by making Prench toast for breakfast?” “Well, with how late it is right now and my, um, allergies, I’ll let the jog for tomorrow slide by due to the circumstances,” Shining said before she sniffled. “But you’ll have to make a lot of Prench toast for leaving us like that, got it?” “I don’t care how much weight I might gain tomorrow, I expect four slices on my plate before we’re out,” Fleur said as she raised her nose with her eyes closed and a hand to her chest. “As an experienced supermodel and with Shiny’s training program, I can work off the calories easily, so don’t hold back on the cinnamon. We also expect good cuddling from you while we sleep in your bed tonight. Understood?” With how they were dressed, I couldn’t help but chuckle at their demands as they tried to act serious with me before I smiled. “I’ll be sure to do that. Just let me freshen up first and I’ll join you two inside, alright?” “Don’t dilly-dally too long,” Shining said. “We’ve got some big appointments starting tomorrow, and we’ll need all the rest we can get.” “Sure. I’ll see you in a bit.” I went upstairs to grab my change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. I had already taken a shower before we left for dinner, so I only had to brush my teeth before I slipped into my nightwear and got back to my room where the girls were waiting. Shining and I set our glasses on the nightstand next to the alarm clock before I got under the covers with the girls on each side of me. I felt more trapped than the other nights we all slept together as the girls were holding onto me securely before Fleur flicked off the lights with her magic. “You know you don’t have to worry about me leaving, right?” I asked. “It’s not like I was going anywhere anytime soon.” “I already told you we weren’t worried,” Fleur said while I rolled my eyes. “Let’s just get some sleep. We all had a hectic day and we could use some good shut-eye,” Shining said before she yawned. “Besides what happened tonight, I’m glad we got to spend our last days of our vacation like this before we get back to work.” “I’m honestly glad I’ll be going back soon,” Fleur said. “Felt like it’s been forever since I did anything worthwhile, and I’m itching to get back to what I do best.” “Same here,” I said. “Though the vacation was nice while it lasted.” We bid our goodnights before I closed my eyes and thought about my conversation with Claire. Do these two really like me that way? Have the past couple nights sleeping together like this proved that, or is it something close friends in this world do? Ugh, I just can’t tell what’s what from all of that experience with girls back home I missed out on, and who knows what other bizarre signs of affection or friendship are at play here? Oh well, I’m not complaining. The feeling right now’s nice, and I don’t want that to change anytime soon. Though… do I really feel that way towards these two like I told Claire? Even if it’s so, how would I even choose one over the other? I guess I’ll have to really think about this as time goes on, but I’m glad I got that misunderstanding with Claire cleared up though. I feel with that weight off my shoulders, I can do a lot more now than I did before. All I want to do right now is be the best friend and secretary the girls have ever had, and that’s just what I’m going to do. > Chapter 30: "Strange how bikinis can be designed just as revealing as lingerie." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 30: “Strange how bikinis can be designed just as revealing as lingerie.” [Ozzy’s POV, 10:00 a.m.] It’s been two weeks since my meeting with Claire. When the three of us got back into our daily work routine, it felt like things were going back to normal, yet slightly different than what I was used to. Shining and I started our workout routines the second day back into work, and I gotta say, she does not fool around when it comes to exercises. She wakes me up around five in the morning to start off and warm up with a jog around the neighborhood, and it was tough keeping up with her pace. After that, we go to the gym two to three times a week where she doesn’t hold back on the training like she did the first time we did it together. Afterwards, we take quick shower to clean off all the sweat and make breakfast (and I mean an actual one since Shining and I only got through our routines with two slices of toast and juice in our system). Meanwhile, Fleur does her yoga routines while we are gone, and some mornings she joins us on the morning jog as well. Once we eat and clean ourselves, we finally start off the work day. I’d like to say those went back to their usual busy days, but something was off about them from what I was used to seeing. For starters, at every place we visited, some of the ponies who saw me on the news broadcast came up and gave their condolences, which was mostly mares, plus one or two stallions. I thanked them, said I was fine, and it died down after a while, but I noticed when I start getting into more of a conversation with the mares specifically, Shining or Fleur at one point would come into the conversation as well before they would remind me it was time to move on to our next appointment or something else. Speaking of the girls, they’ve acted kind of strangely since we got back into our work routines. For example, though it was still embarrassing to see Fleur pose in the nude in some photo shoots (that I try not to pay too much mind to), I couldn’t help but think that the way she did some of them was more arousing than usual. It was like even though she knows she’s being watched by who knows how many ponies in the room, she took it no mind and did her all like she wanted to be ogled at. I knew it was part of her job as a supermodel, but I still respected her too much that I would try to turn away and work on my usual secretary stuff. Shining, on the other hand, was practically glued to my side almost all the time. She minds the space, sure, but except for going to the bathroom and grabbing a snack or two, she would be next to me almost anywhere I went. On the bright side, she’s doing better being with stallions than when we started. We also came up with a new system that wasn’t as awkward as the tail tugs for when she does get snippy with them. Every time she lashed out at a stallion, she’d have to do three push-ups when we were done with work for the day, plus two for every time she talked back at me. Over the past two weeks, she had only done eleven in total, which was pretty good progress. Finally, there was the frequent sleeping together in bed. I didn’t mind it, but at one point it went from asking me to sleep with them for some reason, to just let them come to bed without asking questions. All three of us weren’t always in the same bed of course. Some nights it was just one of the two that shared a bed with me, while on rare occasions I’d have the bed to myself for once, which, quite strangely, I didn’t really like all that much. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention my appointments with Dr. Mindset and a checkup from Princess Luna in my dreams from time to time. Some nights I had a nightmare that was either about Mascara being even more aggressive towards me than what I experienced before, or my brother Robert, which dwindled down from physical attacks towards me to just verbal abuse. From what Luna told me after she broke through my nightmare the first time, it made her trips in my dreams much easier. We talked through my experiences with Robert and Mascara before she gave me advice and left. When I woke up the morning after, I sometimes found myself in a cold sweat. The girls, unfortunately, were also awakened by not only the dampness, but also my mumbling and moving around in my sleep. I explained to them later that I was fine after Luna came around to help me, but they were still concerned. When I told Dr. Mindset about this along with my emotional state, he prescribed me antidepressants to see if it would help me find some path to my recovery. I’ll admit, it wasn’t the first time I took this type of medication, as I did the same thing back on Earth before the nightmares died down; it was only then did I decided to stop using them. It’s been a couple days since I’ve started taking the meds again, and they’ve helped me while not making me feel as sluggish as the meds from earth did. After the breakfast the three of us had together, I downed a pill with water, whose effects would last throughout the day. “How are those meds treating you so far, Ozzy?” Shining asked. “Pretty good so far,” I answered. “I haven’t gotten any nightmares since then, but we’ll have to see how often they’ll come up now.” “At least we have a few days off for some rest,” Fleur said as she stretched. “Honestly, I feel like I’m working myself to the bone here. I wonder what—“ Suddenly a ringtone interrupted Fleur before she picked up her phone. “Oh! It’s Toffee! Hold on a moment. Hello? Good morning to you too! How’s your vacation going? Uh huh? You’ve got special news for us?” I think I know what that is. “Alright, when?” Fleur continued. “Okay! We’ll meet you at the station by then. Have a safe trip back, bye!” She then ended the call before she turned to us with a big grin on her face. “Bubbles and Toffee are coming back from their vacation with big news today!” “Didn’t they say they were going to be gone for a week?” Shining asked. “I mean it’s been well over past that by now.” “She said they had to extend their stay for something important,” Fleur said. “Maybe that will be explained once they come around?” “When will they get here?” I asked. “They’ll be back at 4:15 today,” she answered. “We’ll have to make time to meet them later today. Other than that, what should we—” Another ringtone interrupted Fleur before I realized it was my phone making the noise. I picked up the phone, and saw from the caller I.D. that it was Claire. “Excuse me for a sec. Hello?” “Morning, Ozzy,” Claire said. “Sorry I hadn’t called in a while. I’ve been packed with work to get ready for the Wonderbolts next show in Fillydelphia.” “It’s fine. Things have been pretty busy on my end too, and it’s probably why we take so long to answer texts,” I said. “Definitely. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any plans for today?” she asked. “I’d like to have lunch with you and the girls to see how things are going. Spitfire and Soarin want to come along too, if you accept.” “Give me a sec.” I covered the mic end of the phone before turning to the girls. “It’s Claire. She wants to know if we could join her, Spitfire, and Soarin for lunch today. How about it?” The girls raised an eyebrow before they looked at each other for a moment. They nodded and turned back to me. “Yes, I think that sounds just fine,” Shining answered. “Alright, looks like we’re in,” I answered to Claire. “Great! How about we meet up at Figaro’s Pizza around 1:00?” Claire asked. “Sounds good. We’ll see you later then. Bye.” “Bye Ozzy.” I hung up the phone and turned to the girls. “We’re meeting them in Figaro’s Pizza at 1:00.” “That should leave us plenty of time to meet up with Bubbles and Toffee after that. That means we have the morning to ourselves today, so…” Fleur held up one finger and glanced around the room for a moment before sighing a breath. “So what do you think we should—” Once again, Fleur was interrupted by a ringtone, which was Shining’s this time. “OH COME ON!” “Huh, it’s from Fancy this time,” Shining said before putting it up to her ear. “Hello? I’m doing well, how about you? Yes, Fleur and Ozzy are with me at her house right now. Okay, I’ll put you on speaker.” She pushed a button on her phone and held it out. “You’re on.” “Good morning, Fleury and Oz,” Fancy greeted. “Morning Fancy,” Fleur and I said in synch. “I apologize for interrupting your morning, but I am calling to report some good news and bad news.” Oh boy, that’s never a good sign. “What’s the good news?” Fleur asked. “The good news is that the surveillance I assigned to protect you from you-know-who have reported that there have been no signs of him doing suspicious activity around the area since they have started watching,” Fancy explained. “Huh, I forgot that we were actually being watched,” I said. “They must be really good if I didn’t notice them in the past few weeks.” “They are our finest thanks to Bubbles’ leadership,” Fancy said. “The bad news, however, is that I need to attend a charity event in Baltimare that will be in a few days, and I will need some of my best security to escort me there. I will still leave one of them to look after you until I am done, but this means the area of surveillance will be much smaller for a few days. I figured I should let you know so you are aware of the situation.” “Hmm… Well, I guess it can’t be helped,” Fleur said. “I think we should be fine though if there haven’t been any sightings of him so far, and the decreased surveillance will be temporary, correct?” “Indeed. I will be out of town for about a week before I return, if my trip goes accordingly and without interruption,” he said. “I appreciate your understanding, Fleury, but I must ask, how long do you think you will need the protection? If he is not spotted later on, then I would like to think he has finally moved on and we can get through our lives with greater ease.” “What do you think, you two?” Fleur asked as she looked up at us. “Extra security is fine, but if he comes up unexpected with something bad, he’s gonna get more of a beating than I gave him the last time we met,” Shining said as she popped her knuckles. “I think I’ve gotten better in holding myself up in a fight with Shining’s help,” I said. “If she isn’t around when something bad happens, I’ll be sure to protect you the best I can.” “And though I think I’ve learned enough magic to fend for myself, I could always look up some new spells to learn to gain an advantage,” Fleur said before she looked back down to Shining’s phone. “Let’s keep the security up until after the trial with Mascara, and I think we should do fine on our own. Would that work for you, Fancy?” “That will do just fine,” Fancy answered. “You be sure to let me know if there are any emergencies at hand, and I will respond as fast as possible.” “Of course. Thanks for letting us know, Fancy,” Shining said. “My pleasure. I should prepare myself for the trip, but I will let you know when I return. Oh! And I heard Bubbles and Toffee are coming back from Manehattan today, correct?” “Yes, we’re going to meet them at the station later today,” Fleur answered. “Marvelous! Let them know I said hello, and I again pass along my sincerest congratulations, will you? That goes for you too, Shining. Ta-ta for now,” Fancy said before a beep from Shining’s phone came after. Shining and Fleur looked at each other with a raised eyebrow. “Congratulations? What did he mean by that?” the former asked. I know what he meant by the first one, but I’m drawing a blank for the second one. Guess we’ll have to see what that is later on. “Well if there’s nothing else that comes to mind,” Fleur said in a louder volume, paused, and glanced around the room once more. “What should we do for the rest of the morning? YES!” She fist pumped in the air after finally getting her question around without interruption. I checked my time and found that it was 10:30. “We’ve only got a few hours before we meet up with Claire and the others for lunch.” I looked up for a moment to think about what we could do. I suddenly realized how hot and stuffy the room was even though we were still in the first week of June. I looked outside to the back yard and saw the swimming pool that seemed clean enough to go for a dip. The girls noticed where I was looking before they followed my gaze to the pool’s direction. They then looked at each other where Fleur had half-lidded eyes with a wide grin while I saw a few beads of sweat forming on Shining’s brow. “Nope. Nu uh. None of that. Zip. Nada. I don’t even have a swimsuit back home!” Shining said. “I do~,” Fleur sang. “I’ve been saving it for a special occasion such as this, and it’s in your size as well.” “Please tell me it’s just a one-piece,” Shining said. “Nope, it’s two.” “Then I’m not going. You know how I am with… well,” she pointed at her stomach with folded ears. I gotta admit, that has to be hard for Shining with that in mind. Getting uncomfortable from being stared at for that would be normal for anyone. “Oh relax, it would only be the three of us,” Fleur said. “Ozzy and I have already seen it at least once, and it doesn’t affect your appearance in the slightest. Right, Ozzy?” The first image that came to mind after hearing that was the time Shining walked in on me naked back in Manehattan while I was shaving. Seeing her body revealed like that for the first time was something I didn’t think would happen at all, and I was definitely telling the truth about her appearance while we cleared the air afterwards. My face couldn’t help but warm up from the thought before I looked to the side while scratching my head. “R-right. You still looked pretty amazing.” “And if that doesn’t convince you, think about it like this,” Fleur said before she came up to Shining’s ear to whisper something. From how flushed Shining’s cheeks were, I could only guess she was hearing something vulgar before she shuffled in place before looking down. “W-well… when you put it that way, I guess it couldn’t hurt to see what you got for me,” Shining said. “Splendid! Then let’s rinse down and change before we head on in, shall we? We’ll see you in a bit, Ozzy,” Fleur said. She then pulled Shining upstairs to her room while I followed to get to mine. I went to the bathroom after I grabbed my swim trunks and took a quick shower. I then went to the swimming pool with my phone and a clean towel in hand once I was ready to go. I set my towel and phone to the side before I sat on one of the available chairs to wait for the girls. I was curious to see what the girls had to wear, so I was still wearing my glasses to get a clear view before I jumped in the water. “Sorry to keep you waiting!” Fleur’s voice called. When she strode out of her house with her own towel, her fur, mane, and tail were slightly damp from the shower she took earlier, but what was eye-catching was the pale, light-pink bikini set. That was what I thought before upon closer inspection there were two shades of pink that matched her mane and tail in a stripe design. If that wasn’t surprising enough, the wow scale just exploded as she turned around like she usually did in her photo shoots. Instead of a triangle shaped cloth of fabric, I was met with strings that disappeared as they went down between her cheeks. They were also in a shade of white that matched Fleur’s fur, making it blend so well it looked like she wasn’t wearing anything at all. I could only guess whoever she modeled for in the past probably made that swimsuit custom for her as a thanks for her service. The only two words I could come up with to describe her look were the following: Good. Lord. “Come on, Shiny! It’s a nice day out!” Fleur said. “Do I have to?” Shining whined. “I’m not so sure about this.” “Oh hush, dearie, you look wonderful, and I’m sure Ozzy will say the same thing.” Shining slowly stepped outside with a flushed face while glancing around her. Her expression at that moment, plus the colors from her damp mane, tail, and fur, contrasted with her black two-piece bikini set. Her top covered her chest well; however, with how big her breasts were, plus how she was holding onto her folded towel under them made them press together, there was a lot of cleavage to behold, making them appear slightly bigger. The little droplets from the shower she took also glimmered on her bosom, as if they were shown proudly in the sun’s rays even if Shining didn’t intend them to do it. When I looked down at her bottoms, I saw they were being held up by the strings tied to her sides. From the bottom of her belly button to her pelvis, a scar that was in a lighter shade of purple than her fur was also seen, but that didn’t change how stunning Shining looked in the slightest. In fact, I don’t think she, as well as any other ponies who turned her down to model for them in the past, has any idea how beautiful she truly is. “I feel so… exposed,” Shining said as she looked to the side with ears folded while squeezing her arms and breasts tighter together. “I can’t believe there was a time I didn’t mind showing this much of myself to other ponies, and having it published to the media. Heh, my body must have been much better back then than it is now, huh?” “No… You look much better now than you did back then.” Shining and Fleur flicked their heads towards me with widened eyes and perked ears. Realizing what I just said out of the blue and what was forming in my trunks from the sight, I did the most logical thing that came to mind to drastically change the subject… SPLASH! “Sweet mother of god this water’s cold!” I yelled after I poked my head out of the water’s surface. It wasn’t extremely cold really, but it was the drastic change from the hot summer air to the cool pool water that made me think so. That aside, my erection was quickly dying down while my nipples unfortunately hardened, making me try to cover them with my arm because of how perky and sensitive they looked. At least I took off my glasses before I jumped in though. Shining looked down in the pool’s waters before she dipped one of her hooves in, causing her to shiver. “Sheesh, it is kind of cold. Has this pool been cleaned recently?” “I have the maids check its pH levels while cleaning it once a week,” Fleur answered. “I remember they came by recently while we were gone, so it should be clean enough. In the meantime though…” Fleur made a wide smile before her horn glowed, an aura of the same color covered Shining before her glasses were lifted off of her muzzle. “H-hey! What are you—AAAAH!” SPLASH! “Cannonball~!” SPLASH! The consecutive splashes hit me when the girls got in the water. Shining was the first to come up to spit out the water that got in her mouth while Fleur came after. “Dammit, Fleur!” Shining said. “Oh relax, you needed the dip to cool your pretty hot head down anyway,” Fleur said. She glanced towards me with half-lidded eyes and a smirk. “I’m sure Ozzy here needed to cool down from how sizzling we looked too.” “Sh-shut up. You can’t prove that,” I defended. “Oh don’t be embarrassed, Ozzy. It’s normal for stallions to be enamored so by a mare’s appearance, especially when it comes to me and my job. It’s also normal to get a rise from such a spectacle too, if you catch my drift.” Fleur winked before she submerged into the waters and just swam around on her own while Shining and I watched. The two of us glanced at each other. “We’re gonna get back at her, right?” I asked. “Oh we will, Ozzy. We most certainly will.” We snickered with wide grins on our faces as we watched Fleur swam without a care in the world, numerous plots of revenge swirled in our thoughts. [12:00 p.m.] We spent most of the time either swimming, bouncing a beach ball around, or sun bathing. Shining and I plotted our scheme against Fleur while she wasn’t around, and we came up with something truly delicious that will go into action later in the night. “So we’re all good on the plan then?” Shining asked. “Definitely. If what you said about her is true, then I’m definitely going to enjoy it,” I said. We lied back on some lounge chairs that were sitting around the pool as we soaked in the sun’s warm, energizing rays, hitting our damp bodies. “Hey, Ozzy?” “Hm?” “When you said I looked much better now than I did back then, what did you mean by that?” I opened my eyes and glanced to where Shining sat. Her head was turned towards my direction while her expression looked patient, except in her pale-green eyes that were almost glowing. “Um…” I looked up in the sky while I tried to visualize what Shining looked like when she first stepped out, keeping the blood from going anywhere near my pelvis at the same time. “Well, thinking back to how you looked in the magazines, it wasn’t just your appearance that was different compared to now.” “How so?” “How do I describe it? Though you looked attractive back then, I felt like I didn’t see you at the same time. It was like you were only worrying about showing the public what they want to see, and not care about who you really are. Seeing you now though? How we know each other aside, I feel like I’m seeing and talking to the actual Shining Star in person; the real one, and not the one the public and media sees. When I finally saw the real you, I realized how lucky I am to be friends with somepony so cool, smart, and beautiful as you are. Does that make sense?” I moved my head back to Shining and saw how red she was before she quickly turned her back towards me. “Um… Yes, it does very much. It’s not that big of a deal, but thanks anyways.” Shining’s tail seemed to say otherwise from how frantically it wagged back and forth. In between her wagging, I saw how her black bikini bottoms were wedged up in her big, firm rear before she tentatively fixed them. I smiled at Shining’s moment of shy cuteness before I looked back up to the sky. Man, I must have it bad for her, huh? How crazy would a guy have to be to have a thing for his own manager? Fleur might as well be in the same boat too since she recommended me the job in the first place, and owns the house I’m staying in right now. Despite how things are right now with me and the Mascara thing, I still wonder how things would be if I was more than a friend with one of them; then again, I can’t choose which of them I want to go out with while hurting the other at the same time. Forming a herd’s out of the question since they’d rather have a stallion to themselves, and I don’t blame them based on all that they’ve been through. I’m not even sure how that would work out between the three of us either. Do they really feel the way Claire described towards me? Telling her most of what we’ve done together through text was the only convenient way for us to communicate without the girls getting suspicious. How she explained it towards me somehow made sense, but I can’t really use that to prove the girls actually liked me that way, right? Ugh, if they just tell me straight up what’s going on with them, this wouldn’t be so frustrating to think over. “Hey guys?” Fleur asked as she peeked out from the house. “We’ll need to get ready to go for lunch soon. It’s 12:15 already.” “Alright, we’re coming,” I said as I got off the lounge chair before helping Shining up. The three of us then went inside to wash off the chlorine and prepare for lunch with Claire, Spitfire, and Soarin. If Claire felt she was pressured by the girls the first time they met, I certainly hope things will turn out better this time than they did before. > Chapter 31: "Seriously, girls can be so hard to read sometimes." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 31: “Seriously, girls can be so hard to read sometimes.” [Shining’s POV, 12:45 p.m.] When we washed off the chlorine and changed into some casual clothes, we went inside Silver Wheel’s carriage and made our way to Figaro’s Pizza. During the ride, I thought about our time at the pool while Ozzy and Fleur chatted. I didn’t think I’d ever wear a swimsuit like that again ever since my time in modeling was over. Sure, it wasn’t as extreme or out of the ordinary like some I’ve seen, but it was still revealing all the same, especially for my scar. At least I wasn’t growing a muffin top. From what Ozzy told me at the pool though… When I finally saw the real you, I realized how lucky I am to be friends with somepony as cool, smart, and beautiful as you are. My face warmed up and I tried not to squirm in my seat, but my tail still wagged against the back. Dammit, has Ozzy always been so charming with words? Smart was one thing, but beautiful and cool too? I don’t know how things went between him and Claire, but I can see why she would have a crush on him back then. Oh, if only there were pictures of him showing how cute he looked as a tyke. Seeing him now though, getting lean and fit with my training program, especially today when his torso was dripping wet, if I could just get one touch to see how smooth and hard he is, both his upper and lower body— “Shiny?” “H-huh? What?” I blinked and shook my head from lewd thoughts. “Aren’t you coming?” Fleur asked while she and Ozzy were standing outside of the carriage. I peeked out, and saw that we were already at the restaurant. “O-oh yeah. Sorry, I spaced out.” I stepped out of the carriage, trying to keep my face from warming up again. “What time is it?” “12:55,” Ozzy answered. “Shall I come back here at 3:45 to take you to the station later?” Silver asked. “That will do nicely, Silver,” Fleur answered. “We’ll call you if there’s any change of plans. See you then.” Silver nodded and drove off. We went inside and to the front where some ponies were running the registers. The place was packed with patrons during the lunch rush, bustling with many conversations going at the same time while the employees were going back and forth with pizzas and drinks to serve. We noticed a couple ponies crowding around an entrance to a separate room, probably used for parties and the like, while three burly stallions in suits were blocking the way inside. Suddenly, three more stallions in suits who were standing off to the side walked in front of us. “Fleur de Lis, Shining Star, and Ozzy Shore?” one of the stallions asked. “Um, yes, that’s us,” I answered. “We were requested to escort you—” “OH MY GOSH IT’S FLEUR DE LIS!” “Get behind us! Quick!” We followed the stallion’s order without hesitation before the ponies in the building started to crowd around us. With Ozzy and I on both of Fleur’s sides, the security made a path for us to the party room while we were bombarded by questions and statements from the crowd. “Hey! That Ozzy guy’s with her too!” “It is that guy! Hey Ozzy! How do you think your trial with Mascara will go?!” “Fleur! Are you going to cut any ties with Vogue after what happened to your secretary?!” “CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE MOVE SO I CAN GET THE FUCKING PARMESAN?!” We finally made it to the room without a scratch, but panting as if we came out from a marathon. “Hey you three, glad you could make it,” Spitfire said. “Sorry about the crowd. We tried getting in without being noticed, but they saw right through it.” She pointed over to one of the empty tables where trench coats, fedoras, and sunglasses were hanging on the chairs. Okay, I probably should have thought of having Fleur out in disguise, but I think the get-up they picked stood out way too much to not look suspicious. “Sheesh, from the questions the paparazzi was asking, you guys thought I was insensitive?” Soarin asked. “Oh no, Soarin, we don’t think you’re insensitive,” Claire said. “I think it’s more like you’re not good at reading situations in a room. You probably wouldn’t even notice two elephants in one.” “Oooooh, she got ya there, dude,” Spitfire said before chuckling. As much as I didn’t want to be on Claire’s side and join in the laughter, she did have a point. Fleur looked like she had the same idea as she covered her muzzle while Ozzy looked away and cleared his throat. “Anyway, it’s good to see you guys again. Are we still waiting on the pizza?” “Yeah, we got here earlier ourselves. We reserved the place ahead of time to keep it private, but it looks like the place won’t die down anytime soon,” Claire said as we took our seats across from them. “So how are things going?” “Just the usual stuff,” I answered. “We went through crowds like that a few times over the past few weeks, but other than that, it’s been alright.” “How’s preparation for the show in Fillydelphia coming along?” Fleur asked. “We’re doing okay so far,” Spitfire answered. “At this point we just need to polish a few of our stunts, and we’re set to go. We’ll be moving out next week to go over the routines in the city’s coliseum before the show.” We chatted for the next couple of minutes until the pizza finally arrived, which looked about eighteen inches in diameter. “Crap, I gotta use the bathroom,” Ozzy said. “Am I going to have to go through the crowd again to get there?” “Our guys will help clear the way for ya. I gotta take a leak too,” Soarin said before he and Ozzy hopped out of their chairs and left the room. Several mares started screaming for the former as three stallions from security escorted them. “Those poor boys,” Spitfire said. “It looks like Ozzy’s doing better than last time we got together though,” Claire commented. “Is he recovering well?” “He’s doing fine,” I answered before taking a sip from my soda. “I’ve also been helping him get in good shape, which his doctor said was also good for his health.” “I thought there was something different about him this time,” Spitfire said. “Looks like you know what you’re doing with him and Fleur as far as I can see. Think you can do something to get my guys in shape too?” “Sorry Spitfire, but Shiny’s ours,” Fleur answered. “The three of us are a working team, and it will stay that way.” Her gaze was focused on Claire as she made that statement. “I see,” Claire stated. “How valuable is Ozzy to you two?” “More than you can imagine,” I answered. “He may not know it, but he has done more for us than he thinks. Even after all the hardships he’s been through, he still wants to continue to work with us, and we’re going to make sure he gets the best from us not just as his coworkers, but as his friends too. He deserves at least that much, and we aren’t giving him up to anypony for anything.” The room was only filled by the bustling crowd outside as Fleur and I stared at Claire. Spitfire’s eyes were wide while Claire’s seemed unwavering. Finally, the latter smiled and closed her eyes. “I see. That’s all I need to hear then,” Claire said. “Ozzy’s really lucky to have you two here for him. Finally, I can let go of my worries.” It was our turn to widen our eyes as we glanced at each other, making sure what we heard was right before we turned back to Claire. “W-wait, what do you mean…” I trailed off until the screaming mares outside interrupted once more. Ozzy and Soarin came back in the room while gasping for air. “Are they...Like that...Everywhere you go?” Ozzy asked in between breaths. “If you thought...That was bad...Just wait until...I’m in my jumpsuit,” Soarin answered. They are pretty form fitting, I’ll admit that. I wonder… Nah, even for Ozzy, I don’t think it would look all that great. Almost ridiculous, really. “Well don’t just stand there, grab a slice before it gets cold,” Spitfire said. The guys nodded and took their seat before grabbing their slices. “Did we miss anything while we were gone?” Ozzy asked. “Actually, they—” “Not very much, just some girl talk is all,” Claire interrupted Spitfire. She then turned to us with a smile. “Isn’t that right?” “Uh… yes, that’s right,” I answered. Fleur and Spitfire were left with blank faces while Ozzy and Soarin raised a brow at each other. The boys shrugged and went to eating their pizzas while we followed along, doing it in silence while the lunch hour outside the room was still going strong. [Ozzy’s POV, 1:55 p.m.] When we were done with lunch, we still had time to spare before meeting Bubbles and Toffee at the station. We told Spitfire our plans when she asked, and offered to hang at her place for a bit until that time came around. There wasn’t much else the girls and I could do, so we agreed. We got there with a special carriage Spitfire called up, which was different compared to other ones I’ve seen. Think of it like a limousine, but Equestrian style. The six of us arrived a couple of minutes later. Spitfire’s house didn’t look as fancy and big as Fleur’s, but still rather expensive like Shining’s. “How long has it been since you two last came here?” Spitfire asked Fleur and Shining as we took a seat in the living room. “Quite a while, I bet,” Shining answered. “It’s a nice place you got here,” I said. “Isn’t it? I was surprised myself when I first came here,” Claire commented. “Speaking of Claire, she’s told me quite a bit about you, Ozzy,” Spitfire said. I raised a brow at her and Claire. “Really?” “She hadn’t told me anything about your relationship with her until after our night out a few weeks ago,” Spitfire answered. “I have to say, it may be kind of mushy to me, but I still think it’s kind of cute.” “Spitfire, stop,” Claire whined as her face turned red. “That was back then. The two of us are just good friends now, nothing more.” “That’s right,” I added in. “I think I can speak for both of us that we’ve matured enough to move on.” Especially after what we discussed that night. “Anyway, there’s something I’d like to know that’s been bugging me,” Soarin said. “Shining, you mentioned during dinner the other night that you’re trying to treat stallions better now, right?” “That’s right,” Shining answered. “What made you do it?” Soarin asked. “Knowing how you were before then, you would give us guys from the team a hard time just by talking to you and Fleur here. Like our ex-teammate, Jetstream. The same day we kicked him out, you came up to our practice stadium and kicked his balls from out of nowhere. What was that all about?” I looked over to Shining with a raised eyebrow. “Is that true?” She sighed and took off her glasses to clean the lenses. “Yes, I admit that actually happened, but I did it for a good reason.” She put the glasses back on and turned to me. “Jetstream sent me what may be the raunchiest, most disturbing letter I’ve ever read, probably thinking his fame as a Wonderbolt would be enough for me to go along with it just from getting his attention. His handwriting, how he wrote it, even the letter itself, as if he got that crumpled up, coffee stained paper to write on was just demeaning, disgusting, and downright insulting. I mean, ‘I wanna go balls deep in yo sweet ass an fuck you silly’?” “I don’t blame her for reacting like that,” Spitfire said while pinching the top of her muzzle. “I’ve had multiple complaints from the mares in our team about Jetstream’s behavior. He even tried to make a move on me. I wouldn’t allow such unacceptable behavior in my team, so I had him blacklisted from ever coming near any of us again.” Somehow, I want to do more than let him off with some sore balls and a restraining order. If anybody ever talked to Shining or Fleur like that, I’m not going to let that slide. “Ozzy? Are you alright?” Fleur asked with a hand on my shoulder. I looked down and noticed I was giving my jeans a death grip. I relaxed my hands and the rest of my body while sighing. “I’m alright, don’t worry,” I said. “So anyway, yes, I gave a hard time to those kinds of stallions for good reasons,” Shining continued. “But at the same time, I scared away the good ones that didn’t have any ill intentions because of my skepticism. That was until Ozzy here barged in. Not only did he put up with my harsh treatment, but he even helped me in my time of need despite that.” “Shiny may still be working on it, but I can tell she’s slowly going back to being the friend I used to know and love,” Fleur added in with a smile. “I couldn’t be more grateful for what Ozzy’s done for us, and I’m glad that out of all the stallions that exist, I ended up with one that isn’t even from this world to save me from that runaway carriage a month ago.” “Please, you’re giving me too much credit,” I said with my cheeks heating up. “I’m just glad I even came here and met all of you.” “Well, any friend of Fleur’s is a friend of ours,” Spitfire said as she put a fist to her chest with a smile. “If you ever need anything, we got your back.” “That goes double for me,” Soarin said with a nod. “And you’ve got me too, of course,” Claire added in with a smile. “Thanks guys. I appreciate that,” I said with a small smile of my own. “Oh look at the time. We should be heading out soon,” Shining said. “I’ll let Silver know we’re here.” She got up and went to another room as she called Silver. “So when will you guys be coming back from Fillydelphia?” I asked. “We’re going to hang around after the show, so probably about two and a half weeks?” Spitfire said. “We’ll let you know when we get back,” Claire said. “Silver should be up front in a couple minutes,” Shining said as she came back in the room. “Guess we should get going then,” Fleur said. “It was nice talking to you guys,” I said as we exchanged fist bumps. Claire gave me a hug instead along with Fleur and Shining, who looked a little surprised from the gesture. “Don’t be a stranger and give us a call sometime when we get back,” Claire said to Fleur and Shining. “I’d like to make good friends with you two if that’s possible, maybe have a girl’s night out or something sometime?” “Uh… We’ll think about that,” Shining answered while Fleur blinked. Wonder why they seem so caught off guard about Claire’s invite? Do they really see her as stranger and more alien than they think I am? I then heard the sound of a carriage parking from outside of the front door. “That’s our ride,” I said. “Have a safe trip to Fillydelphia, and good luck.” “Thanks. We’ll see you later,” Spitfire said. Fleur, Shining and I went out of her house and into Silver’s carriage. We then made our way to the station to get ready for Bubbles’ and Toffee’s coming back from vacation and the “special news” they have in store for us. [Fleur’s POV, 4:05 p.m.] We arrived at the train station moments later and walked inside. While we waited for Bubbles and Toffee to return, I thought about today’s events, specifically our discussion with Claire. That friendly gesture she showed us… It seemed so genuine, like she really did want to get to know Shiny and me a little more without using that knowledge against us. What did she mean when she said she can finally let go of her worries? Did she not have any intentions to get Ozzy back at all? What did he and Claire even talk about that night? Suddenly, noises of a steam engine and brakes were heard from a distance as the train slowed to a stop. The doors opened and ponies started to move in and out of the train. The four of us stood up and tried to look for any sign of Bubbles or Toffee until I saw a burly, dark brown stallion coming out with a mare that had a lighter shade following him. “I see them!” I exclaimed as I waved my hand in the air. “Bubbles! Toffee! We’re over here!” The other three mimicked the gesture until we got their attention. They walked up to us with smiles on their faces and luggage in their hands (well, Bubbles’ hands anyway). “Fleur! So good to see you!” Toffee greeted as she hugged me. Many exchanges of hugs and handshakes were going around after that. “So how was your vacation in Manehattan?” I asked. “It was wonderful. We had enough time to do a lot of things,” Toffee answered. “You can say that again,” Bubbles said. “So what’s the special news you mentioned you have for us?” Shiny asked. “Before we get to that, I need to let you guys in on something,” Bubbles said as he furrowed his brow. “During our stay, I had one of my agents go around the city for any signs of you-know-who. There haven’t been any reports of him since you three left.” “So he did follow us back to Canterlot,” Ozzy said as he looked down and frowned. “Son of a bitch,” Shiny muttered. “There haven’t been any sightings of him on this end either,” I said. “Fancy said this morning he’ll need a few of the agents to come with him to Baltimare for a charity event, so we’ll only have one of them be on the lookout for him for a while.” “We also agreed that if there isn’t any suspicious activity after the trial with Mascara, we’ll call off the lookout and move on,” Shiny added in. “If he really did forget about getting back together with Fleur, then we can get back to our normal lives.” “Alright alright, enough with the serious talk,” Toffee said. “It’s time we get to more important matters.” “So what’s the special news you have for us?” I asked. “Well… you could say that Bubbles and I will be getting a new addition to the family soon,” Toffee answered with a smile. Shiny and I gasped. “Oh my gosh… you don’t mean?” Shiny asked. “That’s right… I’m pregnant,” Toffee announced. The boys plugged their ears before Shiny and I screamed. “I can’t believe this! You’re having a baby!” I exclaimed. “Was that part of why you had to extend the vacation? To get the pregnancy results?” Shiny asked. “That’s part of it, but uh…” Toffee chuckled while blushing a little. “Bubbles here was such a trooper, the poor thing needed to recover until he was able to walk normally again after my heat ended.” Ozzy shivered from head to toe while he gulped. Poor Ozzy. The three of us will have to talk about what we’ll have to do when our heat comes around so he doesn’t get caught in the crossfire. “Age must be catching up to me if I was… occupied, from something like that,” Bubbles said while looking to the side and scratched his head. “So that’s what Fancy meant when he said to pass along his congratulations,” Shiny commented. “Wait, he congratulated me too. What did he mean by that?” “I guess you could say that’s the second part of our special news,” Toffee said as she looked up to Bubbles, grabbed his hand, and smiled as they turned back to Shiny. “Bubbles and I have talked it over, and if you’re interested, Shining, we’d like you to be our foal’s godmother.” Shiny widened her eyes and covered her mouth while the rest of us turned to her in shock. “Y-you want me… to be her godmother?” she asked with a crack in her voice. “We wouldn’t have asked you if we didn’t think you were up for it,” Bubbles said. “You, Fleur, and Fancy are pretty much family to us, and we’d like our foal to be surrounded by good ponies as yourselves to look after him or her. We knew how much you wanted a foal of your own before… well, that, and we thought you might like to be the next big thing with this opportunity.” “Well, Shining? What do you think?” Toffee asked. “I… I don’t know what to say,” Shiny answered before tears started to stream down her cheeks. Silver passed a handkerchief to her, and she cleared herself up while I held her glasses with a smile and a few tears breaking out of my eyes as well. When she calmed down, she passed the handkerchief back to Silver, and I gave back her glasses. With a few sniffles, she slipped them back on and looked to the spouses with a smile. “Just call me Aunty Shiny.” [6:00 p.m.] We had dinner to celebrate Bubbles’ and Toffee’s foal. There was a lot of talk about what to name him/her, when we would hold a baby shower, and even finding a new home that’s large enough for a nursery. Ozzy, though he was smiling and nodding during the conversation, was unusually quiet. His eyes looked… sad, for some reason, as if he was trying to fight so hard to not let it show while something was hurting him inside. After we made our goodbyes, we were on our way back home. Ozzy still had that same look as he gazed out the window. “Ozzy?” I asked. He turned to my direction; his expression didn’t change. “Are you alright? You were pretty quiet this evening.” “I’m okay,” he answered. Shiny furrowed her brow. “That didn’t sound all that convincing. Is there something bothering you?” He sighed and looked down on the floor. “I was just thinking… how lucky you two are.” “What do you mean?” I asked. “You two have so many ponies who loved and cared for you throughout your lifetime,” he said. “Even at the lowest of times, you had those ponies to come help you get through them all.” He looked back out the window. “I wondered… how things would have been for me if I had at least a little of that back on Earth.” Then it hit me: Ozzy’s cold, harsh reality that he went through back from his world. Not only from how his brother treated him, but how little Shiny and I knew about his father and mother when they should have been there for him. She and I looked at each other with folded ears before we looked down on the floor, and the carriage went silent throughout the rest of the trip. “Excuse me, Ms. De Lis?” Silver asked from the driver’s seat. “Yes, Silver?” “Were you expecting any company today?” I raised a brow. “No, I wasn’t. Why?” “There’s a carriage parked in front of your home.” The three of us exchanged confused glances as the carriage came to a stop. When we stepped out, there indeed was a carriage parked up front. Its door opened before we attempted to approach it. My eyes widened as a white human male was stepping out of the carriage, wearing a navy blue and white suit attire with shined black shoes, gelled hair, and a metal suitcase. He walked up to us and turned to Ozzy while he squinted at him. “Hello, Ozzy Shore,” the man stated. “Wait… Have we met before?” Ozzy asked. “We have,” he answered. “Charles Gullivan. It’s been a while, but you may remember me from our time in court.” Ozzy’s eyes then widened. “Now I remember… You were my attorney in that trial concerning Robert.” His attorney? Wait, is this the one who defended Ozzy for… that incident a few years ago? “That is correct,” Charles answered. “How have you been? You look like you’re doing well.” “I’m… doing okay,” Ozzy answered. “What are you doing here, and how do you know where I live?” “I stopped by your old apartment, and your roommate told me you moved here. Gathering legal information from another world was certainly tedious, I’ll say that much,” he said. “I think you understand as well as I do what measures we go through in order to gain permission to travel between them. As for why I’m here…” He paused to sigh while closing his eyes. His eyes opened and looked into Ozzy’s. “Ozzy Shore… It is with great displeasure to inform you that your father, Richard Shore, has passed on. I’m here to represent him with his will.” > Chapter 32: "Has Ozzy always felt that way to his father?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 32: “Has Ozzy always felt that way to his father?” [Shining’s POV, 6:30 p.m.] Fleur and I gasped from the news Charles, Ozzy’s old lawyer, brought into light. Richard Shore… So that’s his father’s name. On top of that, he’s passed away. I can’t imagine what Ozzy’s thinking right— “What a shame,” Ozzy deadpanned out of the blue. Fleur and I turned to him with widened eyes. His expression was hard to read, impassive, like he’s taking the news of his father’s passing as some kind of common occurrence. “How did he die? Liver finally gave out from all that alcohol? Drank too much one night to induce alcohol poisoning? Or did he just suffocated from his own vomit?” “Erm…” Charles was at a loss for words on how to react to Ozzy’s words judging by how he cleared his throat and took the time fixing his tie. “It was because of a heart attack, but that’s not really the point to why I’m here—” “Right... Right, the will. Well whatever he has in there that he’s planning to give me, he can take it with him to the grave for all I care, there’s nothing I want from that man.” “Ozzy!” Fleur intervened. “No, I’m serious, Fleur,” he continued with a furrowed brow. “I had to look out for myself for most of my lifetime while he constantly drank himself into oblivion. He didn’t even step in to stop what happened between me and Robert, even when my life was at risk, you saw it yourself, Fleur. If he thinks what he has to give me in his will will make things up between us, he can shove it up his dead ass!” “OZZY!” Fleur exclaimed with a glare. “I’m surprised at you. You can’t talk about him like that, he was your own father!” “HE NEVER ACTED LIKE A FATHER TO BEGIN WITH!” Silence filled the air as Ozzy clenched his fist and looked to the side. “I needed him, Fleur. My life was on the line that night, and what did he do? He fucking stood there like any idiot bystander while being drunk, oblivious to what was going on. If I hadn’t thought of him as a stranger before that night, he became one after it. I hardly said anything to him after that damn trial, and as soon as my probation was over, I moved out the next morning leaving only a note to let him know that I left. I didn’t want to see or hear from him ever again since then, and now he brought this onto me.” He looked back up to Charles with a glare. “Whatever Richard mentioned in the will with my name on it, he can take it all back. I don’t want his support now when he could have provided it to me for the past twenty fucking years of my life.” “Ozzy,” I said with folded ears. “I understand your feelings towards this, Ozzy. Your father did as well,” Charles said. “He knew what he was getting into when he put you in his will, but he gave me strict instructions to have you watch the video no matter the circumstances. As his attorney, it’s my job to respect and follow through with his wishes to the very end.” “Ozzy… Why don’t we watch the video?” I asked him as I put a hand on his shoulder. “If this is his last chance to be a father, I think you should at least listen to what he has to say.” “And we’ll be there for you too so you won’t have to take all of it upon yourself,” Fleur added as she put a hand on his other shoulder. “Please, let us carry some of the pain that’s inside you and help you through this.” He exchanged glances between the both of us, tensed up, and sighed. “Alright, I’ll watch the video, but I still have the choice to whether or not I keep whatever he has to give me.” “That’s all I ask,” Charles said. “Shall we take this inside?” “I’ll prepare us some tea and snacks,” I volunteered as we made our way inside Fleur’s home. [6:50 p.m.] I carried a tray with a tea set and snacks to the living room where the rest of us were gathered. I set the tray down, poured the tea in the cups, and passed them out to everyone in the room. The air in the room was unsettling, as Ozzy looked uninterested in the whole ordeal (or at least tried to) while the rest of us didn’t look all that happy. “Alright, are we all settled?” Charles asked. Fleur and I nodded while Ozzy shrugged. The attorney took out a DVD from his suitcase and put it in the player. The T.V. was already set on the correct channel to play movies, so when the video started, the first thing we saw on screen was a familiar human man sitting in a chair, but different from when we last saw him in Ozzy’s dreams. He looked cleaner compared to back then. The beard he had before was shaved, his hair was trimmed and styled, and he was even in a sharp looking suit. “Is it recording?” the man said. “Yep. You can start whenever you’re ready, Richard,” another voice said, which I recognized to be Charles’. “Whoa… he looks... different,” I commented. “A better kind of different,” Fleur added. Ozzy stayed silent. Richard took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes before he looked directly into the camera. “Hey, Ozzy. If you’re watching this, it must mean I’ve passed on. I want to start off by saying thank you for listening to what I want to talk about in this video. You probably don’t want to see me after all this time, and I don’t blame you. Honestly, I’m pretty nervous just sitting here, as if you’re in this room with me right now. All that I ask is you hear me out, and you won’t have to deal with me ever again. I guess I should start off with after you moved out. “I have to tell you, when I saw that note that morning, I was hit harder than the hangover in my head at the time. I was told by my own son in writing to drop dead and don’t come and find him. How often do dads get told something like this?” I couldn’t help but glare at Ozzy for writing such an awful thing to him, but he didn’t seem fazed. “I had to stop and think how all of that happened in an instant. I think that might have been the first time I truly felt sober after getting slapped in the face with that. I rushed over to Robert in the hospital to let him know what happened, and he didn’t want to see me again either. He asked the nurses to keep me away from visiting him in the hospital room. It was then that for the first time in my life, I truly felt alone, more than when your mother, Wendy, passed on. “I was at a loss for what to do then. If Wendy was here right now, I would get such a scolding that would beat all others. I… felt so miserable, I had no idea how much you two meant to me until you left. Ozzy, you probably resembled your mother the most since you had her eyes. If you saw her that time, you would see why I loved her so much. It’s funny how she used to be my boss in a public office at one point, and everyone else at work would call me crazy for even making a move on her from how much of a hardass she was.” “Wait… Dad worked for Mom before?” Ozzy asked. “I was never told any of this.” “But when I finally convinced her to date me, all of that work I put in was worth it, because I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known when I got to know her,” Richard continued. “Even she thought I was crazy for taking my own boss out on a date, but I didn’t see her as one when I saw her the first night we went out. What got me so interested in her in the first place was how strong a presence she had, but at the same time, a little sad. I wanted to know why that was, and that was when I was curious enough to get to know her outside of the office. Things were a little shaky between us at first. She didn’t want to open up very much about herself with almost any kind of topic. But then I told her all the stupid things I’d done in high school and college, and I tell ya, the way she laughed was definitely one of my favorite quirks about her. “The rest of our dates from there got better as time went on. She got a lot better around the office that the other guys wouldn’t believe, and I learned things about her that I didn’t think was possible for someone of her personality, like how she was really into stories of fantasy and mythology. It wasn’t until half a year later I proposed to her. Not too long after, it was when she was pregnant with your brother that we discussed how we should make our family. We thought two of you was just plenty, and I got to name our first kid while she named the second. When I asked her what she was going to name you, she got the idea from her favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. She liked the sound of the name when it came up. Every Halloween, she dressed you up with this cute little robe and hat, and even outside of the holiday, she’d sometimes call you her little wizard.” Boy, if she were still around, she’d probably love Equestria more than anything else. “When I lost her… I went so blind to what I was doing from then. I knew I needed to take care of you two, but every time I saw you, Ozzy, I felt pain as you reminded me so much of her. That time might have been the stupidest I’ve ever become, because I didn’t want to remember her for her death. I focused so much on forgetting Wendy, I barely remembered that I still needed to take care of you and Robert. I should have known that you two weren’t some kind of poison that pained me every time I thought of her, but a reminder for why I loved her in the first place, and how I should cherish that like I should have with the both of you… When you two didn’t want anything to do with me anymore, I felt like how I lost Wendy tenfold. “I fell into such a depression, I didn’t think alcohol would help me get out of that one like it did with her. I had to go to a doctor along with my buddies to help me figure out what I was going to do with myself. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t come up to either one of you with how I currently was. I’m ashamed to call myself a father even now. That was when I decided a goal before I would come to find you two: don’t drink for one thousand days.” “A thousand days?” Fleur asked. “That’s about three years. If I was able to not drink another single drop of alcohol for that long, that would be when I finally come up front and tell you… I’m sorry.” Richard’s voice broke as tears started to run down. Charles at one point came on screen to pass him a tissue box as he tried to regain himself. A couple tissues and deep breaths later, he looked back into the camera. “I talked about this with my doctor, and with my drinking history, he said my withdrawal alone would probably be enough to kill me. I was willing to take my chances though, because I should have risked and devoted twenty years of my life into taking care of you two. I thought the pain I was about to get into would be nothing compared to how much you and Robert went through. The first week was probably the worst time I’ve ever experienced, but I think that part is as bad as it will get. I’m on my twentieth day right now, and all the money I saved from quitting alcohol so far was put into this suit I’m wearing right now so that I could come to you two as a new man when I reach my goal. Even so, I asked Charles to set this up for me in case something worse happens. If you’re getting this right now, that means I must have come up short in my time to spare. “Ozzy, I just want you to know that no matter where you are at the time of this recording, or when you get this message, I am so proud of how far you’ve gone in life, and I always will be. You’re probably doing a lot better right now than I’ve ever been. I know you’ve done better in school than I did; I looked into your transcript when you graduated high school. Why didn’t you tell me you were in a choir? I would have loved to hear you sing, and so would your mother since she had a thing with jazz for a while.” “I thought you wouldn’t be interested,” Ozzy mumbled with a crack in his voice, like he was talking to Richard on screen. “I’m sure you’ve grown into a fine young man, made some amazing friends, and probably seeing a beautiful girl right now. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all of this, it’s that you shouldn’t take these kinds of things for granted. I don’t know if this will mean anything from me, but I want you to live your life to the fullest with your friends, cherish your girl, and tell her how much you love her every day. That goes the same for your kids too if you decide to start a family. “There’s three parting gifts I’ll be leaving to you as your father if my time has come, so you can use them however you wish. The first is a few photo albums of the four of us together before your mother left. There’s also things in there before you and Robert came along that should speak for itself what kind of person Wendy was. I feel partially to blame for how little you two know of her, so this is probably the best I can do to show for it. I’ve made copies to give to your brother as well. “The second gift is all the money I’ll be saving from quitting alcohol. I asked Charles to forward part of that money to Robert once he’s released from prison. He still needs to pay for his crimes, but I’m mostly to blame for not raising him properly. He deserves at least that much, and I know this might be a lot to ask from you, but please don’t wish any ill will toward your brother. I know he has done some terrible things to you in the past, but just remember that he might have been suffering from something he’d rather not show. It may not look it, but I don’t think he was hurting you in a way you might have thought he intended. “My last parting gift is the engagement ring I proposed to your mother with. It was Wendy’s wish that she’d pass that ring down to one of you two should you come across someone you love like I have. Since it will be sometime until Robert may see another girl again, I’m entrusting that ring over to you. You may propose to that special girl with that ring when that time comes, but other than that, what you do with it is entirely your decision.” Richard looked down as he fidgeted his fingers for a moment, then looked back up. “Ozzy, I want you to know how sorry I am for not being there like I should have. I know when I meet your mother up there, she’s going to rip me a new one for all the shit I’ve made you two go through, and I deserve it. Just know that neither of you did anything wrong that made me practically alienate you two, my only sons. I’m the stupid bastard that brought this on myself, and unfortunately pulled you along with me. I don’t mind that you’ll always hate my guts, but just know that I’ve never stopped loving you and Robert—not even once—and I always will, from this life to the next. “Take care of yourself, Ozzy… Even though I wasn’t the best, I couldn’t be more proud to be your father…” The screen went black, and the DVD player stopped running. I turned to Ozzy, and he was shaking in his seat as he kept staring at the T.V. He gripped the knees of his jeans, and tears were streaming down his cheeks. Charles took the disk out of the player, put it back in his suitcase, and took out a small black box. “I have the engagement ring here so you can have a look.” He put the black box in Ozzy’s hands who didn’t look up for a second. “I also have the check sent by your father, and the photo albums are still in storage back on Earth. Like we agreed, you still have the decision to whether or not you want to keep all of them.” With shaky hands, Ozzy slowly opened the black box, revealing a pea sized sapphire gem with smaller diamonds circling around it, all on a silver band. “That looks incredible,” Fleur commented as she and I stared at the ring. Ozzy closed the box while still looking down, the tears from his face dried up, but his eyes looked like they wanted to shed more. “How long ago… did he die?” he asked. “About three weeks ago,” Charles answered. “From what his friends told me, he was about a hundred days away before he reached his goal of a thousand without drinking. It took me this long to come to you now because of the funeral I had to help arrange, and finding where you live while I spread the message to your brother, Robert… He accepted the money to use after he’s released, and his copies of the photo albums are currently stored for him to pick up at any time, but he didn’t respond much to what happened after that.” “Could I… have some time to think about this?” Ozzy asked. “Of course. I’ll be staying here for a week before I come back for your answer. If you’ve already decided before then, here’s my information to contact me.” Charles handed me his business card while he took the ring back from Ozzy. “I apologize for bringing the news to you so suddenly, and you have my sincerest condolences.” “We’ll take care of things from here. Thank you, Charles,” Fleur said. Charles nodded, packed up his things, and walked out the door. Fleur and I turned back to Ozzy who was still looking down, shaking in his seat once more. “That’s… That’s not fair,” he said. “Twenty years, and he picked now to tell me all of this? How the fuck do I respond?” He took his glasses off and broke down with loud sobs. I put his glasses on the counter before Fleur and I embraced him without another word. I shed a few tears of my own as I tried to comfort Ozzy for what felt like hours, sitting there and letting him cry on my shoulder. The sobs quieted down as I rubbed his back. “Are you feeling okay?” I asked. “I feel like shit,” he mumbled in my shoulder. “I’m also tired.” “Today has been pretty busy for all of us,” Fleur agreed as she sniffled. “Why don’t we clean up and call it a day early, huh? I think we’ll feel a little better to talk about this in the morning if we get enough rest.” “We’ll meet you inside when we’re ready, okay?” I asked. He nodded and wiped his face before he put on his glasses and went upstairs. We waited until Ozzy got the shower started so Fleur and I would talk. “What should we do?” Fleur asked. “I don’t know, I didn’t think Ozzy had that much hate towards Richard before we watched the video. I know how it feels to grow up without a father, but when he’s right there and hardly does anything with you while your mother’s gone… I can’t imagine how he was able to come this far by himself.” “Mother and Father may not have been the gentlest of parents from how they raised Fancy and me, but at least they cared about our future enough to get us up to where we are today. At least, that’s what I tell myself.” “And I’m just lucky Mom’s still alive and kicking, always looking out and providing support for me, Sparkling, and Shooting. Taking care of that many kids by yourself must have taken a lot to accomplish.” We sat there in silence with our ears folded. “How lonely do you think he feels right now? Before he met us, or even came to Equestria?” “He may have been alone for some time, but not anymore.” Fleur looked at me with hardened eyes. “He has us, Fancy, Bubbles, Toffee, Silver, Spitfire, Soarin, and even Claire. Even with my parents gone, I see you and the rest as an extension of my new family. Now, I want Ozzy to be a part of it as well, and whether we’re friends, lovers, or both, all I want him to know is that he’s not alone anymore, and I’m going to do my best to not let him fall into that again.” “I don’t think I could have said it any better myself,” I said as I closed my eyes with a smile. “If that’s settled, then let’s start things off tomorrow by giving Ozzy the best day he’ll ever have. Agreed?” “Agreed.” With a nod, we went upstairs to shower and ready for bed. [Fleur’s POV, 1:00 a.m.] Shiny and I were sleeping on both of Ozzy’s sides and holding him comfortably. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep, but if I wasn’t in his bed, I don’t know how terrible I might have felt from all that happened in the evening. The bed suddenly felt lighter in the middle after a few movements. Startled by it, I opened my eyes halfway, and only to see Shiny facing away from me in bed, still sleeping like a rock. I turned over and saw a shadow walking away from the room. Curious enough to investigate (and not fall back to sleep), I slowly sat up and levitated my robe hanging from the closet door over to me. I slipped it over my night camisole, tie the straps around my waist, and quietly walked out of the room. The house was dark from all the lights off, so I used a small illumination spell to find my way around. I went downstairs and looked around, no sign of the figure until I walked over to the sliding glass door leading to the back. Outside on one of the poolside lounge chairs was Ozzy looking up in the night sky, with only the moonlight illuminating the area. “Couldn’t sleep?” I asked him as I walked out, closing the door behind me. “Yeah. I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Ozzy asked. “Nah, I couldn’t sleep either,” I lied. “Mind if I join you?” He gestured to the empty chair beside him. I walked over to the chair and pulled it close to his side with my magic before I sat on it, looking up at the night sky with him. “It’s a beautiful night out,” I said. “Yeah… You don’t see this many stars with all the electric lights back on Earth.” A moment of silence passed between us, and the next thing he said had myself surprised. “I’m sorry.” “What for?” “For yelling at you earlier before we got to that video.” “Oh… It’s okay, Ozzy, all’s forgiven.” “No, it’s not okay.” I turned my head to him with a raised brow, he still looked up in the sky. “I tried to forget about him for so long since I moved out, saying a few words about him here and there if asked didn’t rile me up very much, but then he comes out of nowhere with that will of his, and those feelings I tried to ignore just bubbled right back up to the point where I took it out on you. You didn’t deserve that, and now I’m not only pissed at him, but I’m pissed at myself too.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes under his glasses. “I don’t know, Fleur, he’s right on some accounts he addressed in that video, especially being a complete bastard, yet I feel more like one myself, and I don’t know why. Is it wrong for me to hate my dad? My brother? Myself even?” I looked up in the sky as I thought deeply about the issue, and how I might have related to him on those terms. After a moment of thinking, I turned back to Ozzy. “Do you want to know what I think, Ozzy?” He nodded. “When I think of hatred, I sometimes wonder if that’s mostly mistaken for anger, which I think makes sense as there’s no right or wrong in how your emotions come into the open.” I looked back up into the sky. “If I said it’s wrong to be angry at anypony, then that would mean I was wrong for being angry at Solar for cheating me and what he did to Shiny, or how Shiny would be wrong for being angry at him for it, or Puff Tie when they broke up. “What may be important here though, especially for me and Shiny since we’re still in it, is whether we should hold onto that anger. I’m still angry at Solar for cheating on me and hurting Shiny, and I definitely don’t want to get back together with him, that’s my choice; however, the fact that I’m still angry at him to this day means I haven’t gone over what went on between us, and if I try to forget about it, it will just sit there until I somehow run into him again and those feelings will come right back up. I want to move on from it and not worry about him sneaking up on me, but I think in order for me to go that far, I may have to consider the idea of forgiving him.” “Forgiving him?” Ozzy asked as he sat up. “You do know we’re talking about Solar here, right?” “Yes, I know that. Looking back on it now, I know for a fact that he hurt me greatly for cheating on me, and more so when he hurt Shiny when it was intended for me. I mean, I can’t deny that I loved him at one point, or at least I thought I did, and his actions were acts of betrayal towards me, but I didn’t really think about what he thought about all of that. Maybe he really didn’t know what he was doing, and didn’t know how good he had being with me until he lost it; thus, spiraling him down to that depressive state I saw him in later after the break up, and did something even stupider when I declined his offer in getting back together. “Maybe he really did mean what he said when he apologized to me back in Manehattan, and I only saw him as the Solar I once knew than the one who’s changed. The only pony who knows whether that’s the truth or not is him, and no matter how we look at it, what happened to us in the past happened, and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Call me crazy, but a part of me wants him to move on and find somepony to make him happy as much as I do with myself. I think the only way that could happen is if I forgive him up front, and the best thing we can do from there is not forget our mishaps from the past, but remember how it made us into who we are today, learn from it, and improve ourselves from there. It’s like what my aunt from Prance would sometimes say: ‘pour comprendre tout est de pardonner à tous,’ or ‘to understand all is to forgive all.’ “Going back to your frustrations with yourself, maybe you’re not struggling with whether or not you should hate your father, brother, and yourself, but whether you should forgive. It seems your father understands fully well what you two have gone through, and I think it’s assuring to know that he didn’t hate you or your brother even once in his life. How Robert feels is another story, but I think it’s important that we step back after we let off some steam, and look at things in a different perspective. Does that make sense?” Ozzy looked down on the ground in silence for what seemed like a minute, moved his gaze back up to me, and nodded. “A little bit. Thank you for your input, Fleur.” “That’s what friends are for.” I smiled as I stepped off the chair. “Shall we get back to bed then?” Ozzy glanced down to the ground for a moment while his lips thinned. He then looked back up to me with hardened eyes. “Actually, there’s just this one thing.” “Oh? And what might that be?” “Dad was right on a few things: I shouldn’t take some things for granted, and if I don’t take risks in my life, I may never live my life to the fullest. So if I don’t say this now, I may never know what will come later.” My heart rate suddenly went up when he said that statement with such conviction. Wait… Could he be? He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, loosening up his shoulders and posture as he did so. He opened his eyes up to me once more. “Fleur, you and Shining are beautiful and amazing mares. I couldn’t be any luckier of a man to be friends with you two, and… I want to take it further if possible. But, I can’t choose which of you two I should go out with and risk hurting something between us.” He looked to the side. “I’ve honestly dodged around these feelings for a bit, thinking if I ignore them long enough, I’d be happy still being friends with you two, but after watching that video today, it’s been running around in my head like the forgiveness thing you were talking about, and I just can’t brush it off anymore. I know I’m making a fool of myself right now for opening up to you like this, and—” I put a finger on his lips, looking into his dumbfounded eyes for being stopped so abruptly. “You are not a fool for expressing your feelings, Ozzy. We’ll talk about this with Shiny in the morning, but right now, there’s something I want to desperately get off of my chest too…” My heart raced even more while everything else inside me heated up as I wrapped my arms behind Ozzy’s head. I closed my eyes, moved in, and we connected lips. Time just seemed to stop as I had finally kissed Ozzy. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer, my chest touching his, and it seemed our heart rates were in sync. His lips were soft, a little different compared to a pony’s, yet still familiar in a way. It seemed everything inside of me just melted under the intense heat, and if the rest of my body did the same, I probably wouldn’t mind it in the slightest. I didn’t even mind what was poking on my front either. Finally with a light smack from our lips as we separated, we panted our hot breaths onto each other while gazing into our half-lidded eyes. “Wow,” he breathed. “Wow indeed,” I agreed. “What did you think?” “This beats my first with Mascara by a landslide if that’s what you’re asking. That was just incredible.” “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that. If only this happened when I don’t look like such a mess right now.” “Fleur, you’re beautiful enough just being under the moonlight.” “Well aren’t you just a smooth-talker?” Even though I said that, my face couldn’t help but heat up from the way he complimented me before I gave him another brief kiss. “Now why don’t we head back to bed and discuss more of what transpired tonight in the morning, hmm?” “Sounds good.” I opened the back door with my magic as we made our way inside, and closed it behind me. “Did I mention you sounded really hot when you spoke Prench earlier?” I giggled. “Attendez de voir ce que je peux faire avec ma bouche.” “What does that mean?” “‘Wait until you see what else I can do with my mouth,’” I translated with half-lidded eyes and a smile. His whole face turned red while he shivered from my gentle trace up his chin. With a light brush up his leg from my tail, I sauntered back upstairs to his room as I giggled to myself. Oh the fun we’re going to have starting tomorrow. I think he’s going to be just fine. > Chapter 33: "Where do we go from here?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 33: “Where do we go from here?” [Shining’s POV, 7:45 a.m.] The sun’s rays were glaring onto my closed eyes. Though they were dim, I was sensitive enough to get startled and wake up slowly. There was just a crack of light bleeding through the partially closed curtains. I silently damned them for not doing their jobs properly and made note to be absolutely sure they were closed in future nights so I wouldn’t have this problem again. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, blinking a few times to get my vision somewhat in focus despite my lack of glasses. I looked to my right and saw Fleur cuddling up to Ozzy’s side while one of his arms were wrapped around her shoulder. Huh, when did that happen last night? I shrugged, stepped off the bed, and closed the curtains more so no more light would break through. I slipped on my glasses that were next to Ozzy’s on the nightstand and quietly stepped out of the room to give the other two more rest. I got downstairs and pondered deeply. Last night was certainly rough. Poor Ozzy must have a lot on his mind right now. Perhaps a good breakfast will help him start the day off right. Think I’ll cook him up some bacon today, along with a big spread of other things. With the plan in mind, I picked up my keys and jacket and walked to my home to pick up the ingredients. I was wearing my night pants from last night along with a tank top, so there wasn’t much for me to worry about in terms of decency. The morning was a little chilly however; gusts of wind blew through the morning sky while I made my trip to the house and back. When I made it inside with a plastic bag of food, I set it on the kitchen counter while I sighed a breath of relief. I looked down and noticed my nipples were poking out from under the fabric. My face heated up as I zipped up the jacket to cover them up. Having Ozzy seeing me like this may sound tempting in other circumstances, but I don’t think he’ll be in the mood for something like that when he wakes up. Shaking the lewd thoughts out of my head, I got to cooking while I recalled the events from last night and planned what we could do today. That was probably the first time I’d ever seen him so angry before. The only other time I may have seen a glimpse of it was when I told him the truth about the tail tugs. I’m glad things worked out, but I’m afraid of how out of hand things might have become if he ever got that way from last night. I may not know as much about Richard as Ozzy does, but his apology from the video seems genuine enough, and he understood how much he fucked up with himself and his sons… I suddenly recalled Fleur mentioning how she ran into Solar back in Manehattan, about how he apologized to her from what he did to us. I gritted my teeth from the thought, but took a deep breath to calm myself down before I went back to cooking breakfast. I guess when it comes to hating somepony, I’m not much different from Ozzy. Was I ever that angry? That scary even? I think I might have gotten a glimpse of how all those stallions felt when they saw me… If Solar or Puff ever came up to me and apologized, how would I react? How would I know if their apology is just as genuine as Richard’s? I know I want to start treating stallions better, and I think I’ve made pretty good progress so far, but I can’t help but think back to what those two bastards did to me. If I want to treat stallions better, I’ll have to really move on from those two incidents and not lump everypony into one general category. I should talk to Fleur about this and see what she thinks. In the meantime, what should we do today? Business has gotten pretty slow, so we got the next four days off, and now that I think about it… Our heat cycles are coming again soon, aren’t they? We’ll have to talk about that sometime soon. Plus, we’ll need to discuss what we saw in the video last night. Ugh! There’s so much shit going on right now, and I can’t keep my head together— “Shining?” “GAH!” I jumped back with tongs in hand while I was preparing the bacon. When I saw the person calling for me was Ozzy, I sighed a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Sorry to scare you, but you seemed deep in thought. Is everything alright?” “Yes, I’m fine. Just trying to figure out what we should do today.” I went back to flipping the bacon over on the pan, and let them sit for a few minutes. “Last night was pretty rough for ya, so I figured a big breakfast would help start things off right.” “Right… Listen, I’m sorry about how much of a dick I was last night. I had my reasons for ha—being angry at my dad, and I shouldn’t have acted like that in front of you two.” “It’s alright, Ozzy. Don’t forget you’re not the only one in the room right now who’s acted like a jerk because of somepony we’re angry at. Seeing how everything played out last night got me thinking about my own experiences too, and how you and I aren’t much different when it comes to holding a grudge against somepony who wronged us.” I took the tableware out of the cupboards and drawers and set the table with them before I got to removing all the prepared food from the oven and fridge. “We have much to discuss this morning, but after breakfast, we can do whatever you’d like to do today.” “That sounds nice… Would taking you out on a date be an option?” “Of course it…” My eyes popped open as I took in what Ozzy had just asked me to do. I had to smack my face to make sure I wasn’t still half-asleep. “I-I’m sorry. For a second there, I thought you said you wanted to take me out on a date, but I must be hearing—” “I did say that,” he interrupted as he looked to the side and scratched his head. “Hearing what Dad told me had me thinking, and he was right on a few things. You’re very important to me, and I was wondering if we could be something more than just friends, but—” “YES!” Without hesitation, I held Ozzy’s face and practically slammed my lips onto his. I moaned as I savored the soft lips I was kissing, welcoming the warmth that was spreading all over my body as I made smacking noises with our mouths. After I pulled away from the kiss, I tightly squeezed his middle as I tried to stifle my giggles like a little filly. “This is so wonderful! You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that, my heart feels like it’s going to explode from my chest!” “That’s… very nice but you’re… crushing me,” Ozzy wheezed before I heard a few sudden pops out of his spine. “Ooooh that sounded like it hurt,” a familiar voice said. I opened my eyes and see Fleur giggling from the living room in a bathrobe. Her mane and tail were still a little damp. “Fleur!” I exclaimed as I dropped a limp Ozzy and rushed over to give her a gentler hug. “Fleur! Did you hear?! Ozzy wants to take me out on a date!” “H-Hold on,” Ozzy said before he straightened out his back. “Fleur, how much of that did you see?” “I came in when you said ‘something more than friends’ before she started to suck your face off and squeezed you until you popped.” “Fleur, I swear I was going to tell her what I told you last night, but—” “Wait, last night?” I asked as I pulled away and glanced between Fleur and Ozzy. “What happened last night?” “Ozzy got up in the middle of the night, I followed him out to the pool, we talked about his thoughts from the video and the concept of forgiveness, and before we went back to bed, he expressed his feelings for you and I, and we kissed under the moonlight.” Fleur sighed as she looked up with a smile. “It was just truly magical.” Suddenly, I heard sounds of pots and pans tumbling on the floor before I turned back to Ozzy, who was wearing a pot like a helmet while the others were scattered on the floor. “Shining, I was going to tell you that Fleur’s also important to me enough to consider her too, and I can’t choose which of you I should date and not risk our friendship breaking apart. I understand if you’re mad from hearing this now, but all that I ask is that you please don’t crush my nuts.” He squatted and pulled the pot down on his head, as if preparing for an oncoming attack from above. I took in what Ozzy and Fleur said as I glanced between the two of them. After putting the pieces together, I sighed. “So you got to him first, huh? And in such a beautiful sounding setting too. Damn, and I thought I was going to get the kiss first.” “Oh don’t beat yourself up, Shiny,” Fleur said as she patted my back. “Your kiss with him was just as beautiful as mine, I can tell.” “Wait… Huh?” Ozzy stood up and peeked under the pot. “Okay, I’m totally lost right now. Shouldn’t you two be in a fight, or one of you beating me to a pulp at least? Am I in the Twilight Zone?” “I suppose an explanation is in order,” Fleur stated as she used her magic to lift all the pots and pans (including the one on Ozzy’s head) and put them back in the cupboard in an orderly stacked manner. “Let’s start with breakfast for a little bit before it gets cold. We wouldn’t want to let Shiny’s cooking go to waste.” Ozzy slowly nodded before the three of us took our seats on the table. We started eating once we got our helpings, and everything in the kitchen went quiet besides the munching and cutting of our food on the plate. I looked over to Fleur, and she had a calm demeanor like nothing has changed for the three of us, as if this was just another day. I glanced to Ozzy next, and he was nibbling on his bacon like a hamster as he was sweating bullets. He didn’t even look up once to check how we were doing. “Is the bacon alright, Ozzy?” I asked with a raised brow. “… That’s it?” Ozzy asked. “We kissed with Fleur in the room, you found out I kissed her first last night while I have feelings for the both of you, prepared myself for the biggest scolding/beat up with only a pot for a helmet, and you ask me if my bacon’s alright?” “Um… Yes?” “It’s fantastic, but that’s not the issue here!” He smacked his hand on the table, startling the both of us. “Could somepony please tell me what’s going on with the three of us before I lose my mind?!” “My, somebody’s a little impatient this morning,” Fleur said before dabbing her lips with a napkin. “Alright, how about we start off with where all of this might have begun. All the way back in Manehattan.” “Uh… When, exactly?” Ozzy asked. “Sometime before the incident with Mascara might be a good start. Up until that point, we’ve gotten a good handle with you being in our group while you were getting to know us better. You’ve also gotten to know some of our personal things in the past while we learned something from yours, bringing us closer as friends, while at the same time, Shiny and I started to question our feelings toward you.” “It wasn’t until after the incident that the both of us found out we shared the same feelings towards you,” I followed. “Because of how uncomfortable you might have become with other mares, especially the idea of dating them, we decided to hold off our feelings so we could focus on you getting better and provide our support as your closest friends.” “But—” “Before you say anything otherwise, Ozzy,” Fleur interrupted. “Understand that it was a very sensitive time for all of us, and though you’re well acquainted with us, we were afraid any wrong moves could possibly damage something between us, and we’d rather not get into that.” “Fleur and I didn’t talk about our future relationship with you until we were alone at Fancy’s house, soon after we got back from Manehattan. You might have already known how we weren’t into polygamy because of a colt we both had a crush on back in middle school, which almost broke our own friendship before he started seeing somepony else.” “However, Toffee helped open our eyes on what really transpired between us that time while we talked at the Neightalian restaurant,” Fleur said. “Not only that, but how outside influences like my parents and our city’s culture got us into not liking the concept of polygamy without considering to try it. Because of that, Shiny and I agreed to give forming a herd a try after you were comfortable enough to date mares.” “We thought spending a day with you, like you having your first dinner at my place, would be a good start for us to see if not only our feelings for you were true, but start getting more intimate with our time together,” I added in. “You may not have known it, but we kind of saw our days with you as a bit of a date ourselves… But then Claire came around.” “I honestly thought we were going to lose you for your school crush because you behaved so oddly ever since you found out she’d been here the whole time.” Fleur looked down on her plate with folded ears. “Especially after you said you wanted to walk her to her apartment.” “I think it was then that we truly realized our feelings for you, as we didn’t know what we would do if you left,” I said while I mimicked Fleur’s gesture. “We couldn’t sleep with all the crying we were doing until you came home.” Silence passed over us for what seemed like an eternity, with Ozzy looking like a lot was going through his mind. He sighed and scratched his scalp. “I guess I should explain what was going on between us. The reason why I insisted in walking Claire home that night was to apologize to her for what happened after we had our first kiss all those years ago, which ended up with her getting made fun of by everyone else in the class.” Fleur and I perked up with raised brows. “I thought she was mad at me because I made her a laughing stock in front of the whole class, which was why she didn’t talk to me again since then. Turns out, she wanted to say sorry for deceiving me into thinking kissing was a thing back then, and couldn’t talk to me because she thought I was mad at her. We laughed at how dumb our thinking was when we were kids, and made a point that it would be better for us to be friends again and stick with that. Surprisingly enough, she thought you two had a thing for me and actually wanted to help bring us together.” “Are you serious?” I asked. “Yeah. From there, I texted her almost everything we’ve done since then, including the odd behaviors you two were acting around me. She kept insisting that you two had a thing for me, but I denied it not only because I thought it wasn’t true, but if it was, I was afraid of how things between the three of us would change from there, especially when I’d have to choose between one of you to date when I thought you’d only settle with a monogamous relationship.” I guess Claire wasn’t a threat to us since the very beginning… Fuck, I feel stupid for being so paranoid now. “I was sort of aware of my feelings for you two for a while,” Ozzy continued. “At first, I thought I was going crazy for seeing someone of a different species as attractive, but after a while, that small detail didn’t become as much of a big deal for me as it did from the beginning. Once I looked past that, then there was the issue with choosing between one of you two to date.” “I know you were skeptical with the idea of polygamy from what you told me a while back,” Fleur said. “Especially since it’s something that’s looked down upon by the majority of your human population, but if Shiny and I are alright with you dating the both of us and possibly form a herd… Would you be willing to give it a try?” Ozzy closed his eyes and crossed his arms as he hummed. Fleur and I stared at him at the edge of our seats, my hands clenching onto the fabric of my night pants. After a bit, Ozzy opened his eyes and looked up at us. “Well, if you two are up for the idea, I guess I’m willing to see where it will go,” he said with a smile. YES! HE’S UP FOR IT! I can’t believe this is actually happening, my insides are practically boiling from the possibilities we could do together! “Thank you, Ozzy. That’s all we ask,” I said with a smile. “So… How does this herd stuff work?” Ozzy asked. “I’ve never dated before, and I’m not sure our days together a few weeks back would count since I wasn’t aware of it.” “Well in that case, why don’t we make them official starting today?” Fleur asked. “We’ll each have a date with you one-on-one for today and tomorrow, and we’ll look into how herds work after that. How does that sound?” “It sounds good, but now I feel like we’re back to square one for who I should date first,” Ozzy said as he scratched his scalp. “I mean, you’re both wonderful mares with your own qualities, and I don’t want either of you to feel like I’m favoring one over the other.” “Shiny, why don’t you take him out first?” Fleur asked, I whipped my head towards her with widened eyes. “W-what? Why me?” I asked. “Shiny, this is the first guy you’ve ever gone out with since Puff Tie. I made a bit of a promise to myself that if you ever found a stallion again, I’d help you make that relationship strong while I give my full support. If taking Ozzy out first counts, then I wouldn’t mind waiting just a bit longer for my turn.” “Fleur…” I looked down at my half-finished plate of food that I was sure has gotten cold by now and thought hard about what I would do. I then turned back to her with a smile. “That’s very sweet of you, Fleur, but I honestly think you should take him out first.” “Why’s that?” “Well you were the one who brought him into our lives since the very beginning. Around that time, I was very skeptical to all stallions in general, save for our closest friends, and I gave Ozzy a hard time dealing with me for the first few weeks he worked with us. Not to mention some of the accidents I made that caused trouble for him, like what happened during that massage.” “Shining, we already went over this,” Ozzy said. “I forgave you for that a long time ago, and we agreed things are even for us after you treated me to dinner at your house for the first time. You should look past something like that at this point.” “I know, Ozzy.” I nodded. “But I’ll still remember that happened, and nothing will ever change that fact.” I looked back to Fleur. “Fleur, you were the most determined to give Ozzy the time of his life while staying here in Equestria, letting him know how much you’ll always be there to support him, which has been going on much longer before I started taking an interest in him. It would make sense from that alone that you should be the first to go out with Ozzy.” Silence filled the kitchen once more while we all looked down at our plates. “Sheesh, I didn’t think we’d reach an impasse from something like this,” Fleur stated. “I can’t choose between you two, and you both have a valid reason for why the other pony should go first,” Ozzy said. “Well for situations like this, I think we can only rely on one thing to help make the final decision.” He reached down into his pocket and pulled out a bit coin. “What do you think?” “Seems reasonable enough.” “Sounds good to me.” We all nodded to each other in agreement before Ozzy set up the bit on his thumb. The coin made a metallic ring in the air as it flipped. “Call it.” > Chapter 34: "I can't believe this is happening." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 34: “I can’t believe this is happening.” [Fleur’s POV, 9:45 a.m.] “Heads,” I called as the bit was still in the air. Ozzy caught the coin and slapped it on the back of his hand. He peeked under and his eyes widened. “… It’s tails,” he declared, getting the both of us to stare at Shiny who was blushing. “I… I get to go out first?” she asked. “Congratulations, Shiny!” I exclaimed as I hugged her. “I’m happy for you.” “I guess that’s settled then,” Ozzy said as he put the bit back in his pocket. “So uh… Do you want to start things off with lunch later today?” “Sure, that sounds good.” “I won’t mind if you two end up sleeping together in her house later tonight, you know,” I said. “Are you sure, Fleur?” Ozzy asked. “Of course. I think it’d be the perfect way to end both of our dates.” “Alright. Well, I guess I should plan out what to do for today while I get ready. Shining, thanks for breakfast.” “Oh no problem, it’s my pleasure. So I’ll see you at my place?” “Yep. I’ll see you later then.” Ozzy rinsed off his plate and silverware and put them in the dishwasher. He then walked upstairs to his room. “Um… Fleur?” Shiny asked. “Yes, Shiny?” “I’m kind of nervous.” “Why’s that? You were alright with him on the first date, despite what happened the morning after from what you told me.” “Yeah, but we weren’t serious then, and he didn’t know it was a date. Now that it’s real… Oh my gosh, it’s been so long since I last had a date.” “Hey, take it easy,” I said as I rubbed her back. “You just have to be yourself and things should go fine.” “And what if we end up doing… well, that, at the end of the day?” “Honestly, I think you’d be better off  giving him his first time than me. You have a better handle of keeping yourself in control to show him the ropes, and he seems more like the guy who’d take things slow for a bit. Not that I wouldn’t do the same, but I think you and I both know how strong I can be when it comes to the teasing, and I’m not sure how he’ll handle that without some experience under his belt.” “Wait, so you don’t mind if I did that—” “Oh come on, just say it. We’re all adults in this house, and we’re putting everything out in the open. You might as well be blunt with it.” Shiny’s face reddened as she cleared her throat. “So you don’t mind if I… have sex with him first?” “There you go, now that wasn’t so hard, was it? And no, I don’t mind. In fact I encourage it as I think this will help you boost your confidence up a bit, especially with your self-image.” I smiled in assurance. She responded with a smaller one of her own. “Alright, if you say so.” She got up and cleaned her tableware, then fixed her glasses while clearing her throat. “I guess I should get ready for the day, huh?” “You sure do,” I said as I walked her to the front door. “You still have that set for this occasion?” “Yep, and I think it still fits. Wish me luck.” “Hey Shiny.” “What?” “You’re going on a date!” I whispered with excitement and a big grin. “I know!” she responded in kind before we squealed at a low enough volume that Ozzy couldn’t hear us. [Ozzy’s POV, 12:30 p.m.] “Okay, I’m showered, shaved (thoroughly I might add), groomed, I think I’m ready to go,” I said to my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I had a navy blue blazer over a sky blue dress shirt with white stripes, denim blue jeans, and new sneakers with black socks. Strange that this would be acceptable on a casual date according to Fleur’s advice, since this is my third set of clothes I chose after the first two were total duds from what she called a ‘Last-Minute Shopping Emergency,’ which took an hour after Shining immediately left the house and we made a trip to the nearest retail store with Silver’s help on the ride. “You’re going on a date, not to a business meeting,” she said about the first one. “Oh ew, no, sweetie, never wear khakis to a date. Ever. Also, polo shirts aren’t really something you should wear unless you’re going to some kind of job,” she criticized on the second one. “Perfect! It shows that you like to keep things easy, but you’re still paying good attention in your looks,” she addressed in the third set. We even got something similar for her date tomorrow when I’m done with Shining’s. It was pretty clear I had little to no idea what to do on a date if I couldn’t even dress right. I explained my concerns to her while we made our way home, and she said, “Shiny hasn’t been on a date for a while too, you know. I even helped her find something to wear a while back should she start seeing stallions again. I think you’re in for quite a surprise when you see her today.” She smirked. “Just treat her well, make sure you two have fun, and things will turn out okay.” Back to the present, I took a deep breath as I steeled my nerves for the day and went downstairs where Fleur was waiting on the couch. “Okay, how do I look?” “Hmm…” Fleur walked around me as she inspected my appearance. She nodded a few times, used her magic to tuck the dress shirt in my jeans more, and did a few touch ups with my hair with her saliva covered fingers. “There’s just one last finishing touch to set the mood.” A glass bottle in Fleur’s purple aura floated from the kitchen to her hand. “You showered immediately when we got home, correct?” “Like you told me.” “Open your shirt to your collarbone please.” I did as she requested. “Hold your breath.” She sprayed a strong smelling cologne on my collar bone twice, right to left. Then she took the lid off the bottle to poured a little liquid in her hand, and lightly rubbed them together. “Arms front.” I obliged and she rubbed the liquid on the palm side of my wrists, then some behind my ears. She put the lid back on the bottle and did a few whiffs. “Not too strong, yet still noticeable. Now you’re ready to go.” “Thanks for all of your help, Fleur,” I said while giving her a hug. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” “Everypony should look their best on their first date,” Fleur answered as she pulled back. “Just remember what to do when you prepare for ours tomorrow, alright?” “Definitely.” She gave me a brief kiss on the corner of my lip, followed by a spank that made me jolt up. “Now get out there and show her a good time.” “Yes ma’am,” I said before I walked out of the house and she waved good-bye as I made my way to Shining’s place. Boy, I didn’t think preparing for a date would be this complicated. I was lucky Fleur was there to provide the fashion tips. Strange how she fixed me up during that last bit. It was almost… motherly, of her to pay that much attention to me. It’d probably be nice for Mom and Dad to see me like this right now, even if they were never there to give the kind of help the girls did. I shook my head from any more depressing thoughts as I made it to the door. I gave it a few knocks and waited. The door opened, and my eyes widened. The first word that came to mind with Shining’s outfit was… Damn. She had a leather jacket with a white top underneath, along with gray trousers and black slippers. There was a bag that matched her jacket over her shoulder, and her mane and tail looked well brushed. I could also smell something nice from her, familiar, but the look just accented the scent. I recognized it as cinnamon. The two of us stared while we scanned each other, she was probably as much in disbelief with my looks as I was with hers. After what seemed like hours of awkward silence, I took the initiative. “Hey.” “Hey…” “You look great.” “Thank you, so do you.” Another moment of silence passed. “So uh… Ready to get lunch?” “Sure.” She closed the door and locked it up before we started walking. “You don’t mind if we walk there? It looks like a nice day for one.” “A walk sounds nice.” [1:00 p.m.]         It took us about twenty minutes to walk into town while we talked with each other. The city seemed bustling with ponies in their usual spiffy outfits, some of which took a quick glance at us from how we stood out. I suddenly felt self-conscious about my appearance, paying no mind about me being one of the handful of humans in Equestria. “So, where should we have lunch?” Shining asked. “Huh? Oh, right.” I took a quick look around and saw a café a few blocks away. “How about over there?” I pointed to the place in question. “Oo, I heard they have good tea and food over there. Sure, let’s go.” We walked over to the restaurant which was packed with patrons. We checked in at the front desk where a hostess was greeting the customers. “Welcome! Would you like a table inside or outside today?” “Outside sounds nice. Shining?” “It is a nice day. Sure.” “Excellent! Our waitress will show you to the table then.” One of the service staff took some menus from the side and greeted us with a smile. “If you two may follow me please?” We obliged and she led us outside to one of the vacant tables. Parasols were open and standing over the tables, providing some nice shade from the sun’s rays. The table the waitress directed us to had one side shaded while the other in the light. I suddenly remembered my manners when it came to dates, and pulled up a chair in the shaded side. “Why don’t you have a seat here?” “Oh! Uh… Thank you, I’ll do that.” With a hint of red in her cheeks she took the seat and I pushed her in. I then sat across from her in the sunlight. “Aw, how sweet,” the waitress cooed as she set the menus in front of us. “Anyway, I’ll be right back with some water. My name is Spearmint, and I’ll be waiting your table today.” “Thank you Spearmint,” Shining responded to the light green earth pony. Spearmint nodded and walked off to bring the water while we took a look at our menus. “Any drinks in here that sound good?” I asked. “Hmm… An iced tea latte sounds good, but I can’t think of what kind to pick.” “Oh yeah, I was thinking of getting that too. I usually like chai, so maybe I’ll go for that.” Spearmint came back moments later with our water on a tray. “Here you go. Have you decided what to drink for today?” “Yeah, I’ll have the iced chai latte please?” I asked. “Excellent choice. And for you?” Spearmint asked Shining. “Mm… I’ll just have what he’s having.” “Two iced chais coming right up…” Spearmint tilted her head to the side as she looked at Shining, then squinted her eyes. “Have I seen you somewhere before?” “I don’t think so, we haven’t met as far as I know.” Spearmint shrugged and walked back inside. “You do meet a lot of ponies in your job,” I pointed out. “Do you forget some of those you’ve worked with sometimes?” “I try not to, but a pony can only remember so many names.” Shining took a sip from her water. “I do keep their business cards, though, so that helps. You’d probably have to forget everything about yourself, including your own birthday, to make something like that possible.” “Heh, yeah, I bet.” “Speaking of which, yours is in a few months, right? In August?” “Right, on the seventeenth. I’ll be turning twenty-four this year.” “Have you thought of what you might like to do?” “Not really. So much stuff has happened it didn’t really come to mind. Probably still won’t until a few weeks away or something.” “I guess that makes sense.” We looked into our menus to find what to eat for lunch today. “Toasted tomato and sunflower panini… That sounds good. I think I’ll have that,” Shining said. “What do flowers taste like?” I asked. “I mean, I know some can be found in tea like rose petals in chamomile, and of course there’s herbs to give foods a hint of spice or a smell, but I’ve never thought of actually eating a flower by itself.” “That depends on the kind of flower,” she said. “As goes for how it’s grown, its freshness, how it can be added with other foods, and of course whether it’s safe to eat or not. Most usually taste either sweet or minty, some even taste like licorice.” “Huh. Do you eat the flowers you grow in your garden?” “Sometimes, but they’re mostly there for show. Seeing their vibrant colors while smelling their scent is kind of relaxing for me.” “I see.” Spearmint came back with two large glasses of iced chai lattes and straws on a tray with a smile. “Here we go. Our teas are freshly mixed straight from our garden so our customers can taste their full flavors and tastes. I’ve liked this kind for a while myself,” she said as she set the glasses in front of us. “Have we decided what to order for today?” “The tomato and sunflower panini please,” Shining said. “I’ll have the mozzarella and pesto panini, please,” I ordered. Spearmint wrote down our selections on a notepad and picked up the menus. She then looked at Shining once more with a squint. “You know, I’m positive I’ve seen you somewhere before. May I ask you to take off your glasses please? That might help jog my memory a little.” “Um, sure, I don’t mind.” Shining took off her white-framed glasses and rubbed her eyes before looking back up to Spearmint, eliciting a gasp from her. “Oh my gosh! You’re Shining Star the supermodel!” Spearmint exclaimed. “Oh… yeah, that’s me,” she said as she put her glasses back on with a small smile, but her eyes were sort of sad looking. “I just want to say I’ve been a huge fan of yours since day one. I was so worried when I didn’t see you in the magazines anymore. What made you stop modeling?” “It’s… kind of personal. I’d rather not go into detail.” “Oh, I’m sorry, did I step into something I shouldn’t have?” “It’s fine, you didn’t know. I work as a manager now, and I’m happy with it.” “I’m glad. Anyway, you were a big inspiration for me when I started high school. I’ve been looking into becoming one myself while I earn some extra bits from this job.” “Really now?” she asked with a raised brow. “Definitely! There’s only so many ponies that are both beautiful and intelligent, and you just stood out the most to me. Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing to ask, but could I have your autograph?” Shining’s eyes widened while she turned to me. I shrugged in response and she turned back to Spearmint. “Um… Sure, I can do that. What should I write?” “Here, write on this and just put down anything you can think of,” Spearmint said as she gave Shining a slip of blank paper from her notepad and a pen. Shining took a moment to think of the message and wrote it down with a small smile. Spearmint read aloud the message on the slip when Shining gave the items back to her. “Always remember that the only pony who really knows how beautiful you are is yourself, Shining Star… What’s this number on the bottom?” “That’s to the agency I first went to when I started out,” Shining answered with a smile. “Find the mare that number belongs to, mention I sent you to them, and I’m sure they’ll get your career on a roll.” Spearmint gasped while covering her mouth. “Do you really think I have what it takes?” Shining nodded. “I’ve seen a lot of models in my job, and I think you may go places I haven’t been able to reach. Just remember to always be confident in your appearance, and they’ll know you got the right stuff.” “Oh my gosh, this is so wonderful! Thank you so much!” Spearmint suddenly gave Shining a hug, catching her off guard, but brushed it off as she smiled and patted her back. After a few moments Spearmint pulled back with a smile. “I’ll give her a call right away after my shift. Oh, I should get back to work. I’ll bring your food out in a jiffy!” She quickly walked back inside with the tray in her arm and a slight skip in her step. “Well that was certainly nice of you,” I said to Shining. “I thought being reminded of my previous job would pain me in some way,” she said. “It’s one of the reasons why I changed my appearance when my modeling came to an end so I’d only be remembered as another pretty face advertising a product. I didn’t think it’d be an inspiration for another mare to pursue that career or something similar.” “Well, that’s kind of your special talent, right?” I asked. “You give ponies a light bright enough for them to see their paths to follow, even from something so small like giving Spearmint that phone number and autograph. Didn’t you do something similar with that filly in high school you mentioned a while back?” “Heh, I suppose you’re right about that.” She lifted her glasses to wipe off some stray tears with her napkin and looked out to the busy streets. “I guess I should be glad I got to experience such a life for a while, and remember how they helped me become who I am today.” I suddenly remembered something similar Dad mentioned in the recording last night, about how Robert and I were a reminder to why he loved Mom. Maybe he also realized he should cherish the good memories he shared with her and not focus on the fact that she’s gone. As long as she’s still remembered for those times, maybe she’ll never truly be gone… And I should make as many good memories with Shining and Fleur as I can. I looked down on the table to see Shining’s hand resting across it. I took it in my hands, eliciting a gasp from her as she whipped her head to me with widened eyes. “And you’ve become a wonderful, beautiful mare,” I said before I gave her hand a kiss. “Ozzy, other ponies will stare,” she whined. “Isn’t this what couples normally do?” I asked as I looked up, seeing her face bright red. “Well yes, but, I mean it’s not like I—” “Did I ever mention how cute you look when you blush like that?” I kissed her hand again. Her blush intensified. “D-Don’t try to butter me up like that, it’s embarrassing!” She glanced to the side and I could have sworn I heard her mutter, “But, thank you though.” [4:30 p.m.] We went for a stroll after we had our lunch. Shining tried to stop me from paying for the both of us, but I insisted enough for her to give in. Spearmint gave another hug and thanked Shining for the job opportunity, we wished her the best of luck with her modeling while she hoped for our date to go well (which made Shining blush a little of course). As we walked through the streets, we saw other couples passing by—a few with at least one human in the pairing—holding hands and even intertwining their tails. Shining mentioned how the tail thing was pretty common for a lot of ponies, and even how mothers do the same thing with their foals to make doubly sure they don’t separate from them. A part of me strangely wished I had a tail of my own just to see what it feels like, but the curiosity was short-lived. It wasn’t until later Shining gathered enough courage to hold my hand as we walked, and I admit, that made both of us blush a little from how new it was. We mostly did a lot of window shopping as we walked the streets. There was one place that sold glasses, and just for fun, we walked inside to see how ridiculous we looked with some of the frames displayed and laughed hysterically. At one point in our walk we came across a mare pushing a baby carriage (or foal carriage in this case), and Shining was just all over the tiny filly. I knew she wanted to have foals and be a mother, but I didn’t think she’d be so crazy over them (or perhaps just that one because it was so cute) that she’d make foal talk that made the small filly laugh. That was probably the most adorable display I’ve ever seen from Shining, probably about seventy percent of Fleur’s puppy-dog face in comparison. We made a stop at the park on one of the benches when Shining leaned on my side and I had my arm around her shoulder. “You know you act a lot differently when foals are involved,” I pointed out. “Foals are cute, sue me,” she playfully rebutted. “I still can’t believe I get to be a godmother for Bubbles and Toffee’s foal though.” “You think you can do it?” “Well, duh, of course I can. You should have seen how I took care of Sparkling and Shooting when Mom wasn’t around. If I could handle those two, then I’m sure I could help take care of Bubbles and Toffee’s foal when needed.” A slight pause passed between us. “You know, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you coming over to help too if I’m there.” “You think so?” “Oh yeah. It may not look it with Bubbles sometimes, but they’re very welcoming with ponies close to them. They may already see you as part of their family like Fleur and I.” “A family, huh? That does sound nice.” “Oh! I need to introduce you to mine sometime too. I haven’t told them yet, but Mom’s been worried about my romantic life ever since Puff Tie.” “Is she going to be harsh with me since Puff didn’t turn out well?” “If by harsh, you mean in terms of embarrassment, probably. She may get into some… explicit conversations that will probably burn images in our minds, but once you get past that, she’s usually fun to be around.” “What does your Mom do for a living?” “She’s an Equine Sexuality teacher in Canterlot University.” Okay, that might be bothering me a little. If her conversations are what I think they are, I think I’ll be in for an extensive lecture on the more intimate details of pony anatomy. “That won’t be until later though, so we shouldn’t worry about it for now,” Shining assured. “I just want to enjoy today with you. I’m having a lot of fun.” “So am I.” We sighed as we enjoyed each other’s company, relishing the park’s green environment. “You smell nice,” Shining said. “So do you. Is it that Mare de Fur’s brand of cinnamon scented soap I’m smelling?” “You know me too well.” “Well I did say a while back that it’s strong like your personality sometimes, and you have been a fun pony to be around with even before today.” “You forgot spicy too.” “You do get a little sassy sometimes.” “Ah! I am not sassy!” Shining sat up and gave me a quick jab on the arm. “Ow! That’s not the kind of sassy I meant!” I rubbed the spot she hit. “I meant in a wise, bold kind of way!” “Why didn’t you say one of those instead of sassy?” “It was the first word that came to mind!” She snorted and flicked one of her ears. “Alright, I’ll let that slide if you treat me to crepes after dinner. You owe me that much for getting me riled up.” “If it will spare me from any more punches, consider it done.” She immediately gave me another jab on the arm. “Ow! What was that for?!” “That was a playful jab! I didn’t even hit you that hard, you big foal.” “The proper term for me would be baby.” “Whatever! Besides, I wasn’t even referring to that kind of spicy you were saying earlier.” “Then what were you referring to?” Suddenly she gave me a half-lidded gaze with a smirk. “If all goes well, you might see for yourself later tonight,” Shining answered with a sultry voice. My heart rate spiked as my mind wandered to what she may have been implying. Feelings of excitement and nervousness overwhelmed me from the sexiness of Shining coming onto me just then. “Come on, let’s go have dinner and spend the rest of the evening at my place,” she said as she stood up. “There’s a shop in town we can take crepes home with us after that, and let’s pick up some wine while we’re at it.” “S-Sure, sounds good,” I answered as I stood up and we made our way to whatever restaurant was available with interlocked arms. My mind raced with numerous scenarios to how the rest of the night could take a turn for the better, or for the worse. [7:00 p.m.] We ended up going to a Chineighse restaurant in town for dinner, which was quite packed when we got there. We had to wait at least a couple minutes before we got a table. While I tried to make a pleasant conversation with Shining, I tried to recall everything I read from the Poni Sutra I downloaded to my tablet a few weeks ago. I had the general idea of how important foreplay was, and how the sex is not only an activity for love, but for fun as well as partners would try new things to make things more adventurous. When I got to the positions part though… all I could say was, “Holy shit, some of these are wild.” The e-book went into detail with visual aid about where the partners’ positions are, what parts of the bodies are involved and adjusted, how they move, they all seemed so professional and I was just a virgin who recently came to terms that mares in this world are attractive, especially Shining and Fleur. Our waitress came back with a bill and fortune cookies once our meal was nearly finished. I reached out to grab the bill, but Shining stopped me. “Why don’t you let me take care of this one?” she asked with a smile. “What? No, guys usually pay for everything on their dates,” I argued. “Maybe on your world, but stallions don’t always call the shots here. Besides, you’re paying for the crepes and wine. I think this will even things out between us with the lunch you bought earlier.” It was my turn to sigh and back down in defeat. “Alright, we’ll go your way.” “Good. Now let’s see what our fortunes tell us tonight.” She picked up her cookie along with the bill, and broke open the former. She pulled out the slip of paper from inside and read aloud her fortune. “You will have good fortune in your work soon… Maybe a chance to work with a popular company for Fleur?” “I guess that makes sense.” I broke open my own fortune and read the message in the slip. You’ll need all the luck you can get in what lies ahead. … The fuck is this?! A misfortune cookie?! There’s so many ominous points with this statement I don’t know where to begin! “What does your fortune say, Ozzy?” Shining asked. “Uh… I’m not exactly sure I can call this a fortune.” She raised a brow and I passed her my slip. I couldn’t lie to her after what we promised, and I just didn’t have the galls to read what it said. She read my slip and her brow raised even higher. “Huh, that’s weird. This is probably the vaguest fortune I’ve ever read. Then again, there’s no fortune that’s ever so specific. It could mean something you’ve already experienced in the past too since it might be outdated. I mean you have been through a lot since you came here.” “Yeah, no kidding,” I deadpanned. “When I look at fortunes like that sometimes, I just think it means things will only get better from there, and I’m sure it will go like that with you. So I wouldn’t really worry too much about it.” I tried to force a smile. “Alright, I’ll take your word for it. Thanks Shining.” “Don’t mention it.” [8:00 p.m.] After Shining paid for our meal, we made a stop to a winery to pick up a bottle. We ended up with a chilled Pinot Gris before we got to the crepe place Shining directed me to. It took a couple of minutes for our desserts to be prepared, but we got to watch them cook from the side, which was a little interesting to see how it was arranged. The cook put the fruit packed crepes in small individual boxes before he drizzled some sauces on top for the finishing touch. He packed the boxes in a bag Shining carried while I paid for the dessert, and we made our way to her house. She unlocked the door for us to come inside and she flicked on the lights. We set our things on the table and I grabbed the wine glasses from the cupboard while Shining got the forks and whipped cream. I popped the cork from the bottle open and poured the wine into our glasses. We took our first sip and I was surprised from how slightly sparkly it tasted. “It’s got some kick, but it’s still pretty good,” I said. “It’s aged pretty well, too, according to the date,” Shining added in. We then sprayed some whipped cream on our crepes before we took our first bite. The chewy strawberries wrapped in a still warm crepe dough, mixed with the cool whipped cream, all with a hint of chocolate drizzle... The flavors exploded in my mouth as I chewed, and I savored it as much as I could before swallowing. “My god, this is delicious,” I said. “Right? Their crepes are pretty much my comfort food when I have a rainy day,” Shining commented. She cut another piece of her dessert and held it on her fork in front of me. “Here, you have to try this banana berry one. This is the first I’ve had this, and it’s like heaven in your mouth.” I was a little surprised she was offering me a bite with the fork she used, and will use again after feeding it to me. I tried not to dwell on it too much as I opened my mouth and she moved the piece inside. She pulled the fork back once I took it in, and she was certainly right about it. There were raspberries and blackberries bursting with juices while it mixed with the soft banana piece. “Yeah. This tastes great,” I said with my mouth full. She giggled before taking another bite of her crepe, not even wiping the fork on her napkin after it was in my mouth. I was tempted to try the same thing, so I took another piece from my own and held it up. “You want a piece of mine?” “Don’t mind if I do.” Shining opened her mouth and I moved the fork inside. She moaned as she chewed the piece with her eyes closed once I pulled the fork back. She licked her lips of any leftover whipped cream and chocolate sauce that was on her and swallowed. “Delicious,” she sighed. Is it weird to think that was hot? Goddamn it, she was all shy during lunch, and now she’s like a sexy seductress. If she decides to do it… Will I even be able to satisfy her? We continued eating our dessert while drinking some wine. We were halfway done with our second glass once we finished our crepes. My head was a little fuzzy from the alcohol, and I saw a slight tint of red in Shining’s cheeks. “We should… probably have some water in our systems before we drink anymore,” I suggested. “It would definitely suck to wake up with a hangover tomorrow.” “You said it. I’d rather not drink that crappy antidote thing you make for it, either,” Shining said as she stood up, a little unbalanced from the buzz. “I’ll clean things up here a bit. Could you get the glasses for water please?” “Sure. You want ice in yours?” She nodded as I stood up. We went to the kitchen while Shining had the empty boxes and bags to dispose. I took the glasses out of the cupboard and dropped some ice from the freezer inside. I filled them with water from the tap of the sink and handed one of them to Shining when she came back. We took some large gulps from the glasses, and I felt a little refreshed from being hydrated while the cold helped wake me up a little. “You know, I think I’ll stop with the wine for tonight,” Shining said. “There’s something… I’d like to do tonight, and I’d rather be sober enough to know what’s going on if you catch my drift.” She snickered while her face flushed a little. I couldn’t help but feel a little shaken up from what I thought she was implying, but I tried not to let it show. “Right, and it might be a good idea to… shower before that,” I suggested on the fly. “You know, so we won’t feel icky in the morning?” “Ooh! Good idea! Maybe we could… No no, wait, scratch that. I want it to be special tonight. Maybe another time. You want to take yours first? I gotta pee down here anyways.” “Uh sure. I’ll let you know when I’m done.” She nodded and went to the bathroom on the first floor while I walked upstairs to the second one with the shower. I turned the water on and let it warm up while I stripped down. I stepped inside and tried to have the shower help me ease some of my nerves as I washed myself. Okay. I think it’s pretty obvious by now she wants to do it tonight. She practically looked eager for it when she implied it back at the park. Crap, why am I so nervous? I mean I’m into the idea as much as she is, but I’m so new at this I don’t want to let her down, and putting what I learned from books without practice can be so different when the situation calls for it. I want to show her a good time, but I honestly don’t know where to begin even when I know what aspects like foreplay are important. Dammit! Giving up, I turned off the water and dried myself off. I put on the undershirt and boxers I had inside my other clothes throughout the day, as I thought ahead with how much I didn’t want to walk all the way back home for a change of clothes. It was a good thing I had a spare toothbrush in the bathroom for such cases though, which I used to thoroughly clean my mouth well enough to not have anything but the scent of mint inside. I left the bathroom with my other clothes and found Shining sitting on her bed in her room across the hall. The lamp from the nightstand was the only thing giving the room some light, and she had a nightgown at her side with a glass of ice water in her hand, probably trying to clean out any alcohol in her system as fast as possible. “Bathroom’s yours,” I said. She set the glass down, stood up with the nightgown in hand, and smiled. “I’ll be back in a little bit.” Shining gave me a kiss on the cheek as she passed by and went into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, I set my clothes on the side of the room, and went downstairs to take my last drinks of water. It looked like Shining took care of the wine bottle and glasses since I only saw the latter in the sink. My water glass was still half-full with the cool liquid and ice inside on the counter, and I downed the rest before drinking two more helpings, one after another to quench my suddenly dry throat. I left the empty glass in the sink when I was done, and went into the bathroom on the first floor to try and pee all my tensions away. I made sure all the lights downstairs were off before I went back inside Shining’s room. I sat on the bed and waited for the moment of truth. I suddenly felt cold as I rubbed my arms, and a shiver ran down my spine. I took a shaky breath and rubbed my eyes before running my fingers through my hair, almost wanting to tear them out of my scalp to distract me. “Ozzy? Are you alright?” I looked up to the concerned voice, and saw Shining in the same white silk nightgown and panties from the first time we spent the night together here. A small frown was on her face, and her ears were folded slightly as she hugged herself in the middle. I couldn’t hold the truth from her. I had to break the ice. “No, I’m not alright,” I said. “I know how much you want to have it tonight since you brought it up back at the park, and I don’t want to let you down, but some things I learned from material I read earlier just suddenly vanished from my mind, and… I just want to make you happy, but I’m so nervous about failing I can’t think straight.” I looked down and ran my fingers through my hair once more. “Ozzy…” Shining walked over and sat to the side of me on her bed. I felt her hand rubbing circles on my back. “I want you to be happy about this as you do with me. I know this is your first time, and I was willing to show you the way so we could have fun with it together in this beautiful night. I’m actually nervous about this too.” “You are?” I asked as I looked up to her. “Yes. I mean I haven’t bedded a stallion since my break up with Puff, and the only things that went, well, in there, since then were my fingers.” Shining’s face flushed as she explained. “Even though the doctor said I was safe for it just a couple weeks after my surgery, which was a long time ago, I’ve been afraid of how much it might hurt me if I ever put anything big in there again.” Well that’s definitely reassuring. Now I’m even more nervous. “I was nervous about this even before our date began today,” she continued. “But then I realized something when I really thought about it. My very first time I had sex with Puff while we were still dating, it hurt me back then as well, but then it turned out to be enjoyable later as we kept doing it with practice. If it’s like that back then, then I’m pretty sure it will be the same here too. It will be like I’m having my first time all over again, but only this time, I’m having it with a stallion I know I can trust, to be honest with… The special somepony I know I truly love.” Tears streamed down her face while she smiled, her hand was on top of mine. “Shining…” I turned my hand over to grasp hers while I placed my other hand on top of it. “Do you really feel this way?” “Yes, Ozzy. I love you, and I can’t think of any other place I’d rather be right now than right here with you, after what may be the most fun day I ever had for a long time.” I used my thumbs to wipe her tears as I held her smiling face, looking into her glassy, pale green eyes that nearly made me die happy from how beautiful they were. “I love you too, Shining,” I said. “I’m happy to be here with you as well, as my dear friend, my beloved, and everything in between.” “Ozzy…” We slowly closed in as our eyes shut, our lips connected in a soft, warm embrace. The few minutes we spent just doing that felt like hours as I savored the amazing, breathtaking moment we shared. We ended our kiss with a smack and touched foreheads, sighing out all the stress and worries we had before we came in. “I think I know a good way we can start this off on a good note,” Shining said softly. “Would you wait up here for a bit?” “I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon,” I responded. We shared a brief kiss before Shining left her room. Lights from downstairs were flicked on for a bit before they shut off. When she came back inside, there was her stereo under her arm with the remote in her other hand. “Aw, I could have helped you with that,” I said. “I know, but it’s okay. This wasn’t hard to carry,” she said with a smile as she set the stereo down. She plugged it to the nearest outlet and flipped through the tracks with the disc inside while I had a nice view of her butt. I was sure she intended to be in that position, especially when she wiggled it a bit while her tail swayed side to side. Finally a song started to play, and it was one I was all too familiar with. Shining set the remote on the nightstand and I stood up from the bed. I held a hand up that she took, and we stepped into a wide open space in the room while we held each other’s gaze. By instinct, I put my arms around her middle while hers were around my head, and we danced to the steady beat as we smiled. CLOP STARTS HERE “I know I may have asked this before, but do you like my nightgown?” Shining asked. “I do. You look very beautiful. Why do you ask?” “Funny thing is that I got this as a birthday present from my mom this year. She wanted me to wear this when I finally meet another stallion, even though she knew how much I wasn’t into them back then. She still wanted to get me this anyway just in case, and make sure the stallion I’m with knows how beautiful I really am.” “Well she’s certainly right about that. You don’t give yourself enough credit when it comes to your appearance.” “I know. Still, it’s kind of sad when you think about it.” “Why’s that?” “I simply do love this gown, but I’m afraid it will have to come off soon.” “Gee, you’re right, but that just means I get to see more of how beautiful you really are.” We both chuckled a little and went into another kiss while we danced. We lost track of when that song ended, but we simply flowed with what tempo we were given from then on. Feeling a little gutsy, I reached my hand under her gown to grope her ass, making Shining moan while we still kissed. Something soft and moist suddenly brushed against my lip, and I immediately knew what I needed to do. I opened my mouth, and invited her tongue inside with my own. Her hands moved to my chest where she gripped my shirt tightly. I didn’t notice this when Mascara scoured me, but a pony’s tongue was somewhat flatter and longer compared to a human’s. While Shining’s danced with mine, she had enough length in her tongue to reach the roof of my mouth and lick around my teeth. I felt her shiver a little when she reached my canines while I inspected her mouth, and we broke the kiss with a small trail of saliva between us, panting hot breath onto each other. “Your canines… are so pointy,” she commented between breaths. “Is that bad?” “No… I’m somehow excited to see what they can do. Look.” She held one of my hands, and guide them down inside her panties. I suddenly felt something hot and wet inside as I rubbed on her slit, making Shining bit her lower lip. “See how aroused I am? I’m getting hot just thinking about it.” “You wanna toss these?” Shining nodded and reached under my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, my arms were up to help make the removal easier. She tossed my shirt aside and lifted her arms up, letting me gain entry. I reached under her gown, and slowly lifted it up over her head until I saw her luscious breasts. I tossed the gown to the side and fell victim to her mounds that had violet areolas. “I still can’t believe the males of your species have nipples,” she commented. “I can’t believe your tits come in a variety of colors,” I said. She giggled. “Well? Are you going to stand there and watch them all night? You can touch them too, you know.” I didn’t hesitate to accept her invitation and cupped a feel, eliciting a shallow gasp from her as I tried to savor the firm, yet soft feeling of her breasts. I gave Shining another kiss that was more passionate than before, making her sigh through her nose as I gently push her down to her bed, one of my hands holding her lower back for support while the other still groped one of her mounds. We groaned as we kissed and my thumb ran circles around her hardened nipple. I moved my kisses down her jawline, then at her neck where I gently bit into her flesh, my canines giving her enough of a scratch to cause a tingle down her spine. She groaned louder as she pulled me down on top of her, I gently bit and sucked on her neck, feeling the fast rate of her pulse of blood running through her veins. Finally, I kissed my way further down her body until I got to her breasts. Both of her nipples were hard from arousal, rousing a need to suck her dry inside me. I planted my mouth over one of  her precious tits, gently biting and licking it while one of my hands gave the one on her other breast a little pinch, making Shining scream as she ran her fingers through my hair. I felt her chest rising and falling as she took shallow breaths while I continued to give her tits careful ministrations. I used to my teeth to give her erect nipple a gentle bite, receiving another scream. “Ozzy! Ozzy stop!” she yelled, pushing my head away from her as she took a moment to breathe. “W-What’s wrong? Did I go a little too far?” “Goodness, no! You’re doing wonderfully so far,” she breathed. “I feel like I was about to cum right there.” “Isn’t that what you want?” “Yes, but I think it’s about my turn to return the favor.” There was a sudden change to her eyes that was almost hungry, and, with a growl, she flipped us over on her bed so she was on top. Shining loomed over me almost like Mascara did, a predator that was about to feast on her prey, but this time I didn’t mind the change since it was somepony I loved. There was a big grin on her face while her breasts were dangling over me, occasionally brushing past my chest. She reached down between my legs, and grabbed my rock-hard member through my boxers that was getting soaked from my pre-cum, making me hiss from the sudden alien touch. “Tell me, Ozzy. When was the last time you relieved yourself?” “I… honestly don’t remember,” I groaned. “Last I checked was in Manehattan while you relieved yourself in the shower. I had to jack off in one of the hotel’s bathrooms from how hot you sounded from the shower.” “Aww, you poor thing,” she cooed as she gently stroked me through my boxers. “You probably couldn’t find the time with Fleur and me sleeping with you all the time, huh?” “It… would be rude if I did.” “Well, you won’t have to worry about that tonight,” she purred, then moved closer to my ear. “Because I’m going to make sure you won’t waste one. Single. Drop,” she whispered with hot breath before she gave my ear a long, gentle lick, making me shiver throughout my body. She moved herself down to the floor at the foot of the bed and pulled me towards her by my feet. “Now, let’s finally see what your little friend looks like,” Shining said as she gripped the waistband on my boxers. She slowly slipped them down, pulling my erect member along with it until it flopped straight up at attention. Shining stared at it as she tossed my boxers to the side, and held it steady with her thumb and index finger. “Huh, so this is a human’s penis. It’s bigger than I imagined.” She slowly moved her hand down my shaft, making me hiss from the caressing touch, and rubbed her hand around my pelvis. “It’s so smooth, but there are some small pricks here and there, it’s like…” Her eyes slowly widened and looked up to me. “That time I saw you in the bathroom back in Manehattan.” “Yeah.” “You shave down here too? Why’s that?” “I just like the smooth feeling afterwards,” I answered. “Like you, I accidentally caught my roommate back on Earth doing the same thing one time. He… was pretty open to explaining why he does it, and from how he had put it, I couldn’t help but give it a try myself. It’s been an occasional routine for me since then.” “Hmm…” She pressed her nose on my crotch, and took a few sniffs. “Your musk is still somewhat there though. I like this.” I grunted as she gave my throbbing member a couple gentle strokes, and groaned louder when she gave my flared head a loving kiss. “I have an idea,” Shining said before reaching down under her bed. I heard something slid out, and she pulled up a bottle of lube. “Puff wasn’t long enough for me to give this a try, but I think yours just might be.” “What are you going to do?” “Something you’re going to love a lot,” Shining answered with a grin. She squeezed out a dollop of lube and spread it over my member in a nice coating, I grunted from how she was pretty much giving me a thorough handjob as I gripped the bed sheets, wincing occasionally when she passed over my sensitive head. When she finally finished, she squeezed another glop of lube on her palm and… Wait, if she’s spreading it on there, then that means… She dropped the bottle back down and slid her stash under the bed. With a smirk, Shining enveloped my hardened, slick member inside her lubed up cleavage, with only my head poking out of the top. “Aha~, so you are long enough. I’m going to have some fun with this,” she said. She pressed her mounds together, the pressure squishing my member from all sides, and started to work her breasts into rubbing my erection. There wasn’t as much pressure acting on me like she did with her hands, but getting stroked by her breasts, whether it was being squeezed from the bottom up, or grinded on its sides, all while feeling her subtle thumps of her heartbeat and an occasional kiss or lick on my head, was driving me to the edge enough to thrust my hips up in sync with her movements. Hearing how Shining would moan every few slaps on my pelvis, as if she was getting a kick out of this too, was also a nice touch. “Oh god,” I groaned. “That feels so fucking good.” “You like this?” she breathed. “I fucking love it. I’m already close.” “Don’t hold anything back! Make a mess out of me!” I lost it from what she wanted me to do, and with a thrust of my hips and a grunt, my member erupted with my spunk. Shining had her mouth over my head, moaning while trying to catch every load inside her, but some of it ended up leaking down to her cleavage. She pulled her breasts back and tried to milk my erection for every drop it spurted, my pelvis thrusted upwards to shoot the last of its load. She pulled her mouth off of my head with a pop, and she opened it to show all of my white cum pooled on her tongue and jaw. She closed her mouth, and swallowed loud enough for me to hear, watching a small lump go down her throat as it dropped to her stomach. “Mmm~… Such a big and warm helping, I think my stomach got filled a little,” she said before licking her lips. She wiped whatever mess was left on her breasts and licked it off from her fingers. “What did you think?” I dropped my head back on the bed and panted, making sure what I had just watched was burned into my memory to always remember by. “Dear God, that looked so hot,” I said. Giggles were heard before I heard the bed creak. Shining came into my view once more as she crawled over me, a small smile plastered on her face while her mane fell over. She crouched down and gave me a soft kiss. I didn’t care about the slightly salty taste of my cum from earlier as she swirled her tongue around mine, moans filling the room from the both of us until we pulled back. “You know you’re gonna have to return the favor, don’t you?” she asked with a grin. Her tail slowly swished over my bare legs, getting me aroused enough for my half-limp member to already start hardening again. “After all of that? You didn’t even have to ask.” “Good, because my panties are soaked, and I could use some help releasing my own hatches.” Like she said, I felt drips of liquid on my middle. I wasn’t sure if her boobjob got her more aroused, but I was sure as heck eager to see what she tasted like. “Then lie down and let’s see what I can do to help,” I said. After a brief kiss, Shining laid down next to me and smiled. I got off the bed and sat on the floor between her legs at the foot of the bed. I noticed a damp spot on the floor where Shining was before, I assumed she must have been holding in her own load for me to relieve, which resulted in her making a mess where she sat. I took in the sight of her panties, which was so drenched in her arousal I could see through a little of what was beneath them. I also realized there was heat and a scent radiating from it. Sweet, almost grape juice flavored, and familiar, too, as I tried to recall where I smelt it before. Her tail twitched below her legs, and then the memory struck me. “Hey Shining?” “Yes Ozzy?” “Were you this aroused when I tugged your tail a while back?” I saw her face flush as I peeked above her pelvis, her ears folded and looked to the side while a frown was present. “Yes… I’m still ashamed I lied to you like that, and I’m sorry.” “It’s fine, all’s forgiven, but… Why do you suddenly smell like grape juice?” “Do human females smell differently down there?” “You’re asking a virgin about a human girl’s sex I haven’t seen in person, but I don’t think they usually smell like grape juice.” “The mares here have different smells that are usually similar to familiar foods. Unfortunately, we don’t taste the same way we smell. Why that is, I still don’t know, but it’s still edible regardless.” “Huh… So does Fleur have a different smell too?” “Yes she does, and what that is, I’ll let that be a surprise for you to find out yourself.” Damn, well I guess it’s more fun to see for myself than getting told anyways. For some reason, I’m thinking she’ll smell like bubblegum. This position right now is awkward, though. I wonder if… Oh, wait, I remember something useful from the book. “Could you pass me a pillow please?” I asked. “Sure.” She picked up a pillow from the side of the bed and passed it to me. “Lift your hips up please.” “Ooh, I see where you’re getting at. Nice thinking.” She complied and arched her lower back. I slipped the pillow below her, and pulled it towards me to where her pelvis was at a higher level. With better access, I slipped Shining’s panties down and off her legs, and I was greeted with a new sight once I tossed the soaked piece of clothing to the side. Her sex was gleaming with her liquids from the arousal, and I could practically feel the warmth coming off from it. “Wow… This looks incredible, beautiful even,” I said as I gently traced a line down her slit, eliciting a moan from her. “I f-found that a human female’s sex anatomy is identical to a mare’s. Do you know some parts of it?” “Some. Like what I touched earlier was the labia, I think this thing here…” I opened up her lips and circled my thumb over her button, receiving a shallow gasp from Shining. “Is the clitoris.” “V-Very good, what else?” “Below that is the urethra, then the hole below that one,” I said as I slowly inserted my index finger to said hole, her liquids helped lubing the entrance while Shining grunted. I felt her insides squeezing my finger, almost sucking it further inward as I moved it around to get a feel to this new sensation. “Would be the vagina itself.” “F-Fuck yes,” she breathed. “And if you feel your way around, you’ll find—AAH! The g-spot!” I familiarized myself to the sudden change of texture inside her, and made a mental note of where the g-spot was. I moved my finger in a slow, steady pace, making sure I gave her sensitive area a scratch in a “come here” motion. Shining kept saying “Yes” over and over, with shallow gasps and moans filling between the spaces. Soon, I felt warm liquids leaking down and slowly making a mess on my hand. “Ozzy, go a little faster please,” she moaned. I gladly obliged and upped the pace a bit, making sure I jammed my finger deep inside and feel up her g-spot. Her gasps shortened into pants, and as I peeked up, I saw her groping her breasts to add into the sensation. From there, I took a shot and moved my head down between her legs. With my free hand spreading her lips, I licked around her clit, making Shining scream. I felt her hand taking a chunk of my hair and pulled me in closer. “Fuck! Whatever you do, don’t stop!” I moaned in response, the vibration made her scream once more. Her liquid was leaking out faster as I thrust my finger inside her, licking, sucking, and humming on her button at the same time, urging her to cum. “Ozzy! I’m going to—!” With one last high pitched scream, Shining pulled me against her crotch, arched her back, and came spurts of liquid against my face. She whined as she rode her climax, I pulled my finger out and took in as much of her liquids as I could, swallowing and savoring her somewhat sweet, tangy flavor while some leaked and dripped down my chin. The juices stopped coming, and Shining wheezed as she loosened the grip on my hair, plopping herself back down on the bed. “Fuck… that was… heavenly,” she moaned between breaths. “Sorry I… pulled you in like that.” “It’s fine,” I said as I wiped off whatever juices was left on my face. “I’m just glad I was able to make you feel good.” I pulled the now messy pillow out from under Shining and tossed it to the side. I crouched over and gave her another kiss while she hugged me down. “Ozzy?” “Yes?” “I want to keep going, just a little more. I think I’m ready to have that inside me.” “Are you sure?” “I’m sure. I know it may hurt, but I want to feel you inside me, to fill me with enough of  your warm cum to linger overnight.” “I’ll try to keep it easy for a bit so you can adjust, alright?” “Yes. I understand.” Shining’s eyes glimmered and a stray tear fell down to the side of her face as she smiled and held my cheek. “I love you, Ozzy.” “I love you too, Shining.” We kissed softly once more, and pulled back with a smack. I stood back up on the floor, and Shining spread her legs wide, leaving her wet sex vulnerable and open for penetration. My member got hard while I pleased her a little while ago, but I used some of her fluids to help lube it up once more by rubbing myself on her, getting the both of us riled up for one last round. When my erection was coated enough, I set my flared head on her slit and looked up to her. She gave a nod and took a deep breath to relax herself. I looked back down, and pressed myself inside. Slowly, my head disappeared inside her while she made a shallow gasp. “You feeling okay?” I asked. “Yes. Keep going, but slow.” “Alright, we got the head in, so we still got a ways to go.” She nodded in understanding and I pushed myself in further slowly, the smooth, moist warmth of her insides starting to envelop me. “Fuck, you’re really tight,” I grunted as I was halfway inside. “Sweet Celestia, it’s like you’re splitting me open,” she breathed. “We’re almost there.” I pushed myself in more as I watched my erection disappearing. I could feel her holding me tight. It was like Shining’s handjob from earlier, but with heat, more moisture, and more alive with the pulses if I had to describe it. Finally, I reached to where my pelvis hit hers, my penetration complete, and my virginity officially broken. I looked up to where Shining was shutting her eyes tightly and gritting her teeth. After a moment she peeked one eye to see my smile, and opened the other. “Is… is it over?” she asked. “Yep. I’m bottomed out.” “… Huh.” “How do you feel?” “It hurts a little, but it’s not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.” “That’s good to hear.” Shining rubbed her stomach down to where her scar was and smiled. “I feel so full, and I could feel you pulsing inside me. I’ve missed this feeling for so long.” She looked back up to me. “So, as of right now, you’re no longer a virgin. How do you feel?” “Fantastic, actually. This is really incredible.” “Well, we aren’t done yet.” She grinned. “Ready to fuck me silly?” “You bet. I just need to be slow to start off, right?” She nodded in response, and I held both sides of her waist for leverage. I pulled myself back, pushed it in easily, and repeated. I moved in a fluid motion, bouncing myself back as soon as our pelvises hit, trying to breathe at a steady pace. Shining panted and groaned with each contact while she pressed her breasts together. “Mm~, fuck yes, just like that,” she breathed while wrapping her legs behind my back. “Fuck, where have you been all my life?” “I could ask you the same thing,” I grunted as I kept going. “Shit, you’re milking me real good in there.” “I want you to fill me with your love. Your warm, gooey, delicious love. I want you to give it all to me, pick it up!” Her dirty talk got me riled up, and I obliged to her request. I upped the pace while hitting her harder, enough where slaps of our contact could be heard in the room. I suddenly started to feel her insides warming up and getting wet as they milked and squeezed me harder, driving me insane. Her breaths became shorter, and her body moved enough to where her breasts were bouncing. I felt something start to build up inside me, and from the looks of things, Shining didn’t look ready to finish yet. “Shining! I’m starting to feel something!” Her eyes widened and her irises shrank to pinpricks. “NO! Not yet!” “WHOA!” Shining quickly sat up, reached behind me, pulled me down to the bed, and turned us over. Shining was on top now where she sat on my pelvis, and started to grind her hips against me. “I may want you to fill me up, but I’m not going to end this with only one orgasm on my end! I’ll get us to climax in sync myself if I have to!” She crouched down and gave me another passionate kiss as she continued to grind me, her juices making a mess on my pelvis while she wrestled my tongue. Quite frankly, I was starting to like being on the bottom, so I didn’t mind this change of positions in the slightest. She stopped her movements, ended the kiss, and held my face in her hands so I was looking directly at her. “Now I want you to listen closely,” she said. “When you come to a point where you’re close to climax, there are two methods to delay it a little longer. There’s choking your balls up, which isn’t possible in this position, so you’ll have to do the other option, which is sucking in your stomach like you’re about to take a punch to the gut.” “Oh, like how you want me to tighten my core in some workouts back in the gym.” “Just like that. Think you can hold out for another minute or two?” “Anything for you, Shining.” She pecked my lips and went back to bouncing on my member at a steady pace. Her hands were on my chest for balance while she rocked her hips on my pelvis, wet smacks were sounding across the room along with her panting breath. Not wanting her to do all the work, I took my hands to grasp her ass cheeks, eliciting a slight gasp from Shining, but continued her thing while I helped with lifting and pulling down her hips. The build-up was starting again, so I went right to tightening my core to keep myself delayed until she caught up, causing me to grit my teeth. “Please tell me… that you’re almost there,” I grunted in between breaths. “I’m almost there! Let’s give it all we got!” We upped the pace with the thrusts, focusing entirely on speed instead of the force as wet smacks were going everywhere, not to mention the creaking from the bed, and our short breaths. I tightened everything in my body while feeling the incredible heat and grip from Shining’s sex, and with it squeezing me faster than usual, she was getting close. “Ozzy! I’m… COOOMIIIIIIING!” Shining suddenly stopped and her whole body shivered while a flush of hot liquid splashed on me, a vice-like grip acting on my hard, throbbing member. The sudden sensation made me lose all control as I practically exploded inside her with a groan, shooting load after load of my spunk that mixed in with her fluids, taking too much space that made the mixture leak out from her. With the last few thrusts up inside her to squeeze out the last of my seed, Shining flopped down on top of me, wheezing to catch her breath. I did the same thing as I wrapped my arms around her, letting the afterglow from the euphoric climax flow through us. CLOP ENDS HERE “Ozzy?” “Yeah?” “I can barely move.” “Yeah, me too.” “You mind if we stayed like this?” “I’m game.” Shining shakily pushed herself up to grab her glasses, but fell down with a yelp on top of me from the lack of balance. “Here, allow me,” I said before I pulled her glasses off her muzzle and set them on the nightstand next to the bed. I then put my own glasses next to hers, reached to turn the stereo off with the remote along with the lamp. The room suddenly went dark with only the moonlight from the window to light it. “Thank you, Ozzy,” she breathed. I felt her arms wrap around my head and we shared a soft kiss, eliciting a moan from the both of us before pulling back. “Goodness that was just amazing. Sorry I got carried away at the end there.” “No worries. I kind of liked how you took control of the situation back there. It certainly showed your spicier side like you mentioned.” She giggled as we rolled to our sides, our messy sexes still connected as we pulled the covers over us. “Just remember I like to go slower on some nights too. Tonight was just in the heat of the moment.” “Yeah, I hear ya. It’s also nice to cuddle up like this too.” I tried to feel my way to Shining’s head, brushing past her mane until I stumbled to one of her ears to give a gentle rub. “Ooh yeah, that’s nice,” she cooed and pulled me closer to her, her breasts pressing against me. “This day has just truly been…” “Magical?” “Couldn’t find a better word to describe it than that.” When my eyes adjusted to the dark enough, I could see her silhouette standing out from the moonlight, her pale green eyes glimmering in the shadows as she gazed into mine. “You really are a beautiful mare, you know that?” I asked. “Don’t let anypony else say otherwise, they don’t know what they’re seeing like I am right now.” “Ozzy…” We shared one last soft, endearing kiss with our eyes closed. I felt myself melting under her warm, fuzzy embrace as we held each other, our steady heart beats in perfect harmony while our exhaustion and tiredness was taking us over. “Good night, Ozzy.” “Good night, Shining.” > Chapter 35: "I like you just the way you are." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 35: “I like you just the way you are.” [Ozzy’s POV, 8:45 a.m.] The sunlight from the window was brightening the room to dimmer, enough for me to slowly open my eyes. Warm air was passing over my face, something warm and soft  was holding me, and I could feel something damp in my lower area. When my vision adjusted, even without my glasses, I saw a sleeping and smiling Shining. She looked to be in a peaceful slumber with her soft breathing through her nose, and the small rise and fall of her form. I couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful sight, the morning sun’s rays just complementing it even more. I carefully lifted the covers to look under, we were still connected from last night, which explained the dampness I was currently feeling. I lowered the covers and looked back to Shining. This is probably the happiest I’ve ever seen of her sleeping. I wouldn’t mind waking up to something like this every morning. I traced my hand down Shining’s form, taking a moment to love every bit of her being, both inside and outside, until I got to her hips where her cutie mark was, eliciting a low moan from the touch. She yawned and opened her eyes halfway, her pale green eyes shined with vigor like she had just been reborn into the world. There was a small smile on her lips while one of her ears flicked. “Good morning, Ozzy,” she greeted, still half asleep. “Good morning. Sorry for waking you up like that.” “It’s alright. It was a pleasant way to wake up.” “Did you sleep well?” She moved herself on top of me, her hands under her chin while our sexes were still connected. Her chest pressed against my own while a half-lidded smile still plastered on her face. “Mmm~, I slept heavenly. Can’t remember the last time it was this good.” “Me neither. With how warm you are, I probably wouldn’t even need a blanket.” Shining giggled. “I bet your blanket can’t do this either.” She wrapped her arms around my head and we kissed. I sighed through my nose from how amazing her lips felt. How her tail swept across my bare legs was also a nice touch, and then there was the firm, but squeezable feeling of her ass conforming around my fingers. That elicited another moan from her before she pulled back from the kiss. “Oo, somepony’s getting a little excited this morning.” I was sure she was referring to the hardness that was rising inside her, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Would you blame me? I have an incredible mare naked on top of me, I’m pretty sure any guy would react the same way.” “Maybe, but I’d rather have you under me than any other stallion.” She gave me another brief kiss. “Now, as much as I’d love to have some fun this morning, I’m feeling all icky from the mess we made last night, and I’m sure Fleur would like to have a fair share after your date with her today.” “How are you so sure it will come to that between us?” I asked. “And you’re sure that you’re okay with me seeing Fleur too?” “Trust me. Fleur and I have talked this over quite a bit, and we agreed to give this a try and see where it goes. If we have any problems, we’ll be sure to let you know.” She put her hands at my sides and pushed herself up. With a sexy grunt, Shining pulled herself out of my slight erection with a pop. The aftermath from last night dripped down from her sex. “We’ll get started with breakfast at Fleur’s place after a shower. That okay with you?” “Sounds good to me.” I pulled the covers away from us, and Shining stepped out of bed before I sat up and stretched. We grabbed our glasses and I rubbed my eyes before I put them on. I looked over to her who just stood there still in the nude. “Uh, you going to take the shower first?” “I was hoping I could have some help washing some hard to reach places.” She tilted her head to the side with a smirk. It took me a couple seconds for my half-tired mind to register what she said before I facepalmed. “Wow, I am so dense.” She chuckled under my expense and held out her hand. “Come on, knucklehead. You got a big day ahead of you, and I’m pretty sure Fleur wouldn’t want your face to get any redder than it already is.” I grasped her hand and she pulled me off the bed. She looked for a change of clothes while I grabbed the clothes I wore from yesterday, deciding to change to something cleaner when I get home. We then got to the bathroom, set our glasses on the counter, and she turned on the hot water in the shower. Shining stepped in first and I followed after while pulling the curtains closed. She looked quite intoxicating with her mane and fur all wet, especially with streams and beads of shower water dribbling down her breasts. I was already getting hard from the sight alone. “Could you start with my mane and tail, please?” Shining asked while holding up a bottle of shampoo. “Of course.” I took the bottle and squirted a glop on my hand. Shining turned around and I got started with her mane. She sighed as I tried to be thorough with cleaning her, making sure I got through her locks and around her ears. The way she cooed when I fiddled around her ears while washing was also pretty cute. When I got her mane covered in suds, I squirted another glop of shampoo on my hand. “Alright, I’ll be getting to your tail now.” “Whenever you’re ready.” When I applied soap to her tail, I didn’t realize how… I wanna say how stiff it was because the strands were bunched together near her ass, but then I remembered how much she came from the oral treatment I gave her last night. It must have got like this because those juices dried up overnight. I heard Shining grunt midway through washing before I noticed how much I was pulling her tail. “Sorry, did that hurt?” I asked. “No, you’re fine. I’m just… keeping myself in control here.” From the way her legs were slightly trembling and how leaned on the shower wall for support, it must have been difficult. I continued washing while trying not to tug on her tail so much. “H-Hey, Ozzy. Could I ask you a favor?” Shining asked. “What is it?” “The next time we do something like last night… you think you could give my tail those tugs like you did before?” “You really liked those, huh?” “I’m ashamed to admit it, but even though they were meant to be punishment before, it uh… kind of grew on me, and I missed them.” “I don’t think it’s shameful to like something that’s out of the ordinary,” I said as I finished washing her tail. “Living with my roommate for a while back on Earth opened my eyes a little bit. Everyone—or everypony—has their likes and dislikes to certain things, and I think it’s important to acknowledge and respect them even though some may not be into it themselves. But uh, yeah, I’ll keep it in mind. Maybe even surprise you with it when you least expect it if you’re into it.” “That would be fun. Thank you.” I felt her tail wag a bit, probably out of joy after hearing me say that. “Alright, your mane and tail are done. You wanna rinse and I’ll get to your back next?” “Sure.” She stepped into the running water and let it clear all of the suds from her mane and tail, giving a nice, lustrous shine of cleanliness. She picked up the cinnamon scented soap for her fur, and I squirted a glop onto my hand before I got to scrub her back. “Your roommate sounds like a nice guy though. Were you friends with him?” “I’m not exactly sure, to be honest.” “Why’s that?” “I mean he’s a nice guy and all, pretty much a social butterfly, and has a good job that helps pay the rent, but uh… you know how Fleur would sometimes tease the two of us?” “Yeah?” “Try multiplying that by two, add terrible jokes, a sprinkle of TMI from time to time, and you’ve got Jude Wesley, my roommate. Then again, I tried to distance myself from people after I moved out from my dad’s place, so I guess there’s that too.” “I guess I can see why you don’t talk about him very much. Could you go lower please?” I smirked from what she was implying, and squeezed the soap into Shining’s ass cheeks. “Ooh yeah, right there. Anyway, he may have been quite a handful, but you did say he was a nice guy altogether. Have you thought of seeing how he might be doing?” “A little, but if Charles stopped by the apartment to find me for Dad’s will, unless Jude moved out while I was gone, he must have some idea of what’s going on at the very least. Maybe I’ll send him a letter or postcard to let him know what’s up.” I then squatted and lathered each of her legs. When she was full of suds, I stood back up. “Alright, you’re all set.” “Hold on, you’ve missed a spot.” Shining turned around and let the water rinse her backside. She smirked and fondled her breasts. “You wouldn’t want to forget about this side, would you?” “Oh how silly of me. How could I possibly forget?” I acted. I squirted another glop of soap, lathered her shoulders, and worked my way down while our eyes kept in contact. I paid special attention to her breasts once I got there, squeezing, pressing, and rubbing them together, making Shining take shallow breaths. I then continued to lather my way down her stomach, taking delicate care of her scar that made her gasp. Finally, I reached down between her legs… until her hand suddenly stopped me. “Shining? What’s wrong? Did I go too far?” I asked. She shook her head with a smile. “I’m just worried that I might go too far and take you again right here and now, and I want to make sure you have plenty of energy to give to Fleur for later tonight. Besides, it’s my turn to wash you now.” Shining gave me a brief kiss, her soapy breasts lightly rubbing against my chest. She pulled back and squirted some shampoo in her hand. “Could you turn around, please?” “Sure.” I did as she said, and I started to feel the shampoo being rubbed into my hair. I sighed from how relaxing it felt, realizing why Shining liked it earlier. It felt was short-lived though when the scrubbing suddenly stopped. “Alright, now rinse and I’ll take care of your back and front,” Shining said. “Sure thing.” I walked under the hot water and scrubbed out all of the suds in my hair. I rubbed my eyes out of any soap left once I knew there was none left on my head, and stepped away from the water. As soon as I did though, I was being pressed on my back while my middle was wrapped. “I’m not sure how effective this will be, but I thought I’d try a different method of washing your back,” Shining said as I felt something soft and slippery rub against my back. From the feeling of it and how she moaned lightly, just the thought of what was going on was getting me hard again. “You wouldn’t mind, would you?” she whispered seductively. “N-Not at all.” I may not be completely clean after this, but who cares about that right now? The light scrubbing and moaning behind my back went on for a bit until it stopped. I was suddenly hugged behind while one of Shining’s hands opened up. “Could you put some soap on this please? I’ll be working on your front now,” she said. “S-Sure.” I took a different bottle of soap from what Shining used earlier and squirted some in her hand. I set the bottle back and she rubbed her hands together into suds before she started lathering on my front. “Hey, Ozzy?” “Yeah?” “I want to say thanks.” “For the date yesterday? It’s no problem, I had a fun time with you.” “That’s good to hear, but that’s not what I meant.” “What is it, then?” “It’s for giving me a chance.” I raised an eyebrow. “I know I didn’t give you a good start living in Equestria since you got here. Even after we had everything settled before Fancy’s birthday party, I still gave you Tartarus from time to time as your manager. Then there were my mood swings, that kick to the stomach during the massage, the workout sessions sometime after that, the coming out with the tail tugs... You may have gotten a bit annoyed by them, but you didn’t hold them against me. Even then, you still wanted to go out with me.” The lathering stopped and I felt myself being squeezed tighter while I Shining’s head rested on my shoulder. “I’m having a difficult time just trying to find the words to express how happy I am with us being like this, so I thought I should start off by saying thanks. Thank you for accepting me for who I am, and giving me a chance to something I’m not sure any other stallion would ever do.” “Shining…” I turned around and looked into her eyes while wrapping my arms around her middle. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned since coming here, it’s that no friendship is perfect. The same goes for an intimate relationship, marriage, and family. We may step into something by accident, and have a bout here and there, but if we really care and love each other enough, we can put in the time and energy needed to work those problems out. I wanted to go on a date with you because you have amazing qualities that you either don’t give yourself enough credit for, or may not even notice. Those pros overpower the cons about you, and even if something happens with us, including Fleur, I know we can work things out because I love the both of you that much.” “Ozzy…” She wrapped her hands around my head and we pulled ourselves in for a soft kiss. Despite the erection that was sandwiched between us, I was lost by the warmness and happiness shared between our lips’ embrace while the running shower water was hitting us, rinsing off the soap that was on our bodies, and the worries that were weighing on our shoulders. [Fleur’s POV, 9:30 a.m.] I was lying on the couch in the living room with only my bathrobe to cover me. I had a lot of things on my mind, and I just stared up at the ceiling thinking about them while I waited for Ozzy and Shiny to return. Let’s see… I need to tell Shiny about the thing I arranged for us after our dates are done, so there’s that. What’s my relationship with Ozzy like right now? What does he see in me? I know both of our feelings are out in the open now as of last night, but he thought admitting them to me was foolish at first. Why would he think that? Does he put me on a high pedestal like most others even though we’re close enough friends to be casual with each other? Will he be different with me when he knows this is a real date compared to before? It’s been a while since we hired him as our secretary, and he’s seen me in the nude—if not in other revealing attires—plenty of times. He should be used to it by now, but he still shies away sometimes. Am I intimidating in that way? Though I tried to be subtle, I suppose flashing some bits in his direction could be a little daunting in public, but he sees and talks to me just fine once I have my clothes on. He also seemed comfortable sitting and talking with Shiny during those times while they worked, too. I’m sure they had an amazing date yesterday as well. Not like I want this to be competitive in any way, but… will my date today be just as good as Shiny’s was? I placed my hands at the center of my chest while still looking up. My heart beat was in a steady pace, but thumping hard. I know I’ve teased Ozzy in sexual ways from time to time, but I do want our sex to mean something other than just fun and games. I still stand on my point that it’s a beautiful thing to do with somepony you love, like I told him a while back. Most importantly, I want to be seen as a mare who isn’t as goddess-like and high standard like most ponies do. I may have to change a few things about the way I act today so we won’t attract unwanted attention, but I need to show him that I have wants and needs like any other mare. But how? My ears perked when I heard the door knob turning. I sat up and saw Ozzy and Shiny walking inside with damp hair. Ozzy was wearing the same clothes he had yesterday—understandable since he spent the night without a change of clothes—and Shiny was wearing a tank top with yoga pants. “I’m back!” Ozzy exclaimed. “Welcome home!” I greeted with a smile while hugging him and Shiny. “How was the date?” “It was lovely,” Shiny said with a smile. “We haven’t had breakfast yet, so we’ll discuss it some more when I get it ready.” “Can I help?” Ozzy asked. “You need to change into some new clothes and get ready for Fleur’s date today,” Shiny said while poking his chest. “I’ll take care of it today. You just change so that the smell doesn’t cling onto you throughout the day.” “Right. I’ll make up for it later. Be right back.” Ozzy walked upstairs while I followed Shiny into the kitchen with a grin. “Smell? Why, Shining Star, did you do something naughty with Ozzy last night? And are those bite marks I see on your neck?” I asked. Shiny’s face tinted red and covered her mark while she got the pans and ingredients needed for breakfast. “Um…” I squealed. “Something did happen last night! Okay, I need to know everything. Explain, and don’t hold back on the details.” I took a seat on the kitchen counter and kicked my hooves, eager to hear the story like a filly before bedtime. “Well,” Shining started while turning on the stove and prepared the food. “Ozzy was kind of adorable before we started. Even though he knew I knew he was a virgin, he was worried that he wouldn’t do well to satisfy me.” “Aww.” “I let him know I was nervous too, and I truly was because of my worries for tearing something inside me even after the doctors said it was okay. So we danced to some music to help lighten things up a little, kissed, went topless, I gave him a boobjob—” “He was big enough for that?!” “Oh yeah, and he almost fainted from how hot it was.” Shiny giggled. I looked down and grabbed my breasts, then glanced at Shiny’s. Dammit, why couldn’t I grow any bigger? “So Ozzy then tried to show what he knew about the female’s sex parts while sitting between my legs,” Shiny continued. “His technique needed some work, but he did pretty well on his first try. Then… we got to that point.” “How was he?” “I’ll say this: not only did he not tear the scar inside me—and dear Luna did it felt good to have a stallion inside me again—but he filled me up more than Puff did when we still dated.” My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I put up my hands in a certain space apart to ask how big he was. It wasn’t by much, but Shiny moved one of my hands about a quarter of an inch further away from the other. She then reached into the fridge to pull out a zucchini and a package of mushrooms. Shiny wrapped a finger and thumb around the zucchini to show the girth, then pointed to the top of one of the mushrooms in the package before pointing her head next. Wait… his head is shaped like a mushroom? “I may have went a little overboard at the end, and he needs some more practice, but you won’t be disappointed should you go that far with him tonight. That’s all I can say.” Shiny put the zucchini and mushrooms back in the fridge and got back to cooking breakfast. I looked down on the floor with a fist to my mouth. I recalled what I thought about before they came in and looked back up to Shiny. “Hey Shiny? Can I ask you something personal?” “I thought opening up about what happened last night was, but sure. Go ahead.” “When you stopped modeling and became my manager… would you say you became middle-class as well?” “Uh, I suppose?” “And you were like that when you were younger too, right? Along with the rest of your family?” “Yes?” “Do you know what normal ponies around that class do on dates?” “Wait, hold on, where is this even coming from?” “I’ve just been thinking. What if Ozzy sees and treats me differently because of my job? My social standing? My appearance even? He knows how beautiful you are, but… what if my own intimidates him in such a way?” Shiny hummed and continued cooking with a furrowed brow. “Well, I don’t believe one’s social standing makes the pony for one thing, and I’m sure Ozzy knows that much too with how much time he spent with us. With how many ponies know you for your job and how annoying the paparazzi can be for making a story on every little thing a noble or celebrity does, it would make sense to act differently in public to not draw any attention.” And would they have a field day if they ever know about Fancy’s “interests” for that matter. “As for him being intimidated by your beauty,” she continued. “ Did you get the idea from how he acted during some of the photo shoots?” I nodded. “You may have to ask him about that yourself. I have my own guesses, but I can’t stand in for him to explain why he behaves that way. I will say it’s not out of intimidation of your appearance, I know that much.” “Sorry for the wait!” Ozzy walked into the room with a change of clothes. He had a dark gray blazer with metal buttons over a dark green dress shirt, indigo jeans, and black socks. His hair was also styled like yesterday, and I could smell a hint of the cologne I gave him yesterday. I picked the right choice of clothes for him to wear for our date today. He looks quite handsome. “Don’t worry about it, breakfast is just about ready,” Shiny said. With tableware and food set on the table, we got to eating with some casual chatting on the side while I was still in thought. There may be some setbacks today, but I definitely want him to know how okay it is for him to be open around me. I will make sure of it. [Ozzy’s POV, 11:45 a.m.] “So what are we going to do first, Ozzy?” “Uh… before we get there, can I just ask something first?” “Sure.” “Are you sure you’re comfortable going out like that?” Fleur—or “Flora” as she asked me to call her for today—was going in a different appearance than her usual look. She tied her mane in a ponytail; her own tail was straighter with no slight curls off the sides like usual; and she wore a greenish-blue sundress that reached down to her knees, had fake cutie mark patches of violet flowers over the original on her shoulders, and finally had special contacts that changed her purple eyes into blue. She even skipped on the eye shadow too. To put it simply, she looked like a completely different mare. “Yes, Ozzy, I’m comfortable,” Fleur said. “If there’s one thing I learned from dating Solar, it’s learning how to blend in with the public. When he was still acting, we got some tips and tools from his make-up artist so we could see each other without getting hounded by the press.” “Wait, if Solar knows how to disguise himself like you do—” “Solar’s a bit clumsy when it came to putting on make-up,” she interrupted. “With all his alcoholism, bad reputation, and time in prison, I’m sure he doesn’t even have a hint of how to do it on his own without my help. Seeing him the way he was back in Manehattan supports it.” “Alright, if you say so.” “Anyway, I’d rather not have any inconveniences on our date just because of my own reputation, so even if this gets uncomfortable after a while, I can manage just fine.” Fleur stepped in front of me with hands behind her back and a smile. “So back to my previous question; what are we going to do first?” “I was thinking we could start off with going to the museum,” I answered. “I’ve been curious to visit there for a while myself, so I hope that’s okay.” “How lovely! Okay, let’s go there then.” We made it to the Canterlot Museum a couple minutes later and I paid for our entry fee. The structure was made of marble, took up quite a bit of space, was symmetrically designed like the Greeks’ works, and had a fountain running at the front. The inside, however, seemed even bigger than it did from out front. Numerous paintings, photos, and drawings were hung along the walls while sculptures were lined through the center. It looked like there was a tour going on as there was a small group of ponies gathered around a speaker explaining one of the paintings in the museum while more were scattered around the building. “This is very impressive,” I praised. “Isn’t it? Whenever I’m down or in a funk for my own “works,” I like to come here to mellow my mind out and gain some inspiration from the sculptures.” So some of her poses were adapted by a few sculptures here? That’s pretty incredible. “I wonder… Oh! Ozzy, come here real quick.” Fleur grabbed my wrist and pulled me to an oil painting hung on the wall. It was a colorful and detailed depiction of a posh-looking town from a high point of view. There were flowers blooming along the ground down the hill where the painter supposedly sat, and the buildings in the town looked old enough to be hundreds of years old, but also refined to give them a new, extravagant appearance. The sunset with the blending colors of the sky was also a nice touch. “This is my favorite piece out of all the paintings in the museum,” Fleur said. “It shows the town of Everglade Meadows, where our family’s summer cottage resides.” She looked down with a small smile. “Mother and Father would take me and my brother there every summer for a few weeks to spend time with us. It was one of the few times when they didn’t worry about work or our studies and we could just enjoy ourselves. They loved it so much, they wanted to be buried in the cottage’s backyard when their time came.” Fleur… “Ever since then, my brother and I still kept that tradition. We would take Shiny and her family, Bubbles, Toffee, and Silver along to get away from our busy lives for a week, and pay our respects to them.” Fleur turned to me with glassy eyes while trying to hold that smile. “We’re planning to go again in a few months. It would be wonderful if you could come along and visit my parents. I’m sure they’d love to meet you.” I stepped in and gave her a hug. “I’d love to,” I whispered. I felt her arms wrap around me and gripped the back of my blazer. She took a deep breath while I rubbed her back, trying my best to comfort her. “Thank you,” she whispered. [1:00 P.M.] We spent the next hour browsing through the art in the museum. We told our thoughts about some of the works while listening to the tour guide’s explanations to the other patrons. When we finished, my stomach started growling as soon as we stepped out of the building. “Guess it’s about that time, huh?” I asked. I saw a restaurant a few blocks down that looked like it had a sophisticated taste to it. It seemed like some place Fleur would be interested in going. “You want to eat over there, Flora?” Fleur looked in the direction I pointed and hummed with a furrow brow. She took an unusual amount of time thinking about it until she turned to me. “Actually, would you mind if I picked somewhere we could eat?” I raised a brow at her suggestion. I thought the restaurant I pointed out seemed more to her liking (even if it looked expensive), but I didn’t think too much before I shrugged. “Sure. We can do that. Do you have an idea for where we should go?” “Perhaps, but we may need to do some walking so I could find the right place. You mind holding out a bit longer?” “Nah. Lead the way.” Fleur nodded and grabbed my hand before pulling me to her direction. The walk ended up taking longer than expected, but I didn’t complain as we held hands and chatted along the way. Fleur didn’t seem so shy with this kind of gesture compared to Shining, but there was a slight tint of red in her cheeks while she smiled. I didn’t notice until later that the scenery changed slightly. It wasn’t as high class as where we previously were, and the ponies weren’t as spiffy in clothing. In fact, it was more casual than what I was wearing, as the ponies here were wearing t-shirts, tanks, shorts, and jeans. I remembered passing through here a few times by carriage, but I hadn’t really taken a good look at the place until now. “Uh, Flora?” “Yes, Ozzy?” “You sure you know where we’re going?” “Why do you ask?” “This part of Canterlot doesn’t seem as… posh, as where we were before. What kind of restaurant are we looking for out here?” “Hmm… Something like that.” Fleur pointed to the building in question and I couldn’t help but raise a brow. “A diner?” “Yes.” “And you’ve never been here before?” “Nope.” “You do know that these restaurants don’t have a wide selection of healthy foods?” “Are we going inside to eat, or would you prefer we dine someplace else?” My stomach growled like I shouldn’t stall any longer and should stop asking questions. We had certainly walked for a while, and I was getting hungry. “Alright, your choice. Maybe they’ll have something I could try. It’s been a while since I had this kind of food back on Earth.” Fleur smiled and pulled me to the diner. It looked like we were just in time for the lunch rush to start slowing down, as there were a couple tables and a few seats at the booth open. A curvy mare with a pitcher of water, a pink and yellow striped uniform, and a green apron walked up to us with a smile. Fleur’s eye twitched when she saw the uniform, and if I knew her enough, she’s probably putting everything she can into not screaming from the clashing colors. “Have a seat anywhere you like, and I’ll be with you in a bit,” the waitress said in a nasally kind of tone before going back to her routes, pouring water in the patrons’ glasses. “Any preference to where you want to sit?” I asked. Fleur heaved a sigh and glanced around the restaurant until she saw the empty stools at the booth. “Could we sit there?” I nodded and we took our seats. The waitress came along a little later and passed us the menus with a few glasses of water. “Can I start you off with something to drink?” she asked. “I think I’m fine for now, thanks.” “Same here.” “Alright, well let me know when you two sweethearts are ready to order, and I’ll be there in a bit.” The waitress left and we took a look at our menus. Let’s see... Hayburger, soy burger, veggie burger, hay fries, potato fries, salad, fruit salad… Besides the list of drinks, there’s only different variations of burgers, sandwiches, the combos to go with them, the breakfast options, and desserts, all with a lot of calories that will take some time to burn off. Did Fleur really want to come here of all places? I glanced at Fleur from the corner of my eye, and she had a determined look on her face like she’s trying to burn the menu with her stare. The waitress walked back to us at the other side of the booth a few moments later. “Are we ready to order?” she asked. “Yes, I’ll have the veggie burger with pepperjack cheese and onions, hold the tomato and pickle, a side of potato fries, and a chocolate shake,” I ordered while the waitress wrote everything down. It had been a while since I went all out like this back on Earth. I may not get beef in my burger this time, but it’s a small loss. “And for you, young lady?” “Um… I’ll have what he’s having, but with white cheese, and no onions.” Whoa, seriously? That’s a bit much, even for her. “I’ll be right back with your shakes,” the waitress said as she finished writing down the order and clipped it to a spinning rack that goes inside the kitchen. She then carried the food for the next few customers to one of the tables. “Hey Ozzy?” Fleur whispered. “Yeah?” “What does the food we ordered taste like?” If she were a human asking the same thing with a hamburger instead, I might have thought I was going crazy from hearing that. “You mean to tell me you never had a burger, fries, and a shake before?” I asked. “What? No, of course I had those things before. I was… referring to the ones from your world! Yes, because I’m sure they must taste very different than what we’re having and I was curious. That’s it.” Fleur’s smile seemed a bit forced with that little laugh. I couldn’t help but raise a brow from that. “Right. Actually, I gotta use the bathroom first. I’ll be right back.” I stood up from the stool and walked over to the bathrooms. I took a seat in one of the stalls and dialed Shining’s phone number. The tone rang a few times before she answered. “Hello?” “Hey Shining, this is Ozzy.” “What’s up? Need some tips with your date? How’s it going so far?” “It’s going okay, but I do have a question about ‘Flora.’” Shining was aware of Fleur’s change of appearance when we left, so if something happens, she’d know who I was really talking about. “What is it?” “Has she ever had any junk food besides pizza while growing up?” “Oh boy, where are you?” “I’m at a diner right now. She was the one to suggest it, and she ordered a veggie burger with fries and a chocolate shake.” I heard Shining sigh over the phone. “I was afraid of this. Her parents made sure she and Fancy Pants had kept up with their nutrition with a variety of healthy foods. Having ‘commoners’ food as they called them was almost forbidden in their home. You wouldn’t believe how much coaxing it took just to convince Fleur to try one slice of pizza during a sleepover we had as fillies. And when she tried my mom’s special beaver tail bites, they became like a drug to her. Once her parents found out, she got reluctant to try anything else. Of course, there’s also her career to still keep up with her nutrition and exercise in order to maintain her figure.” “So why’s she going to such extremes now? At least in her case?” “You didn’t hear this from me, but Fleur was worried that her reputation as a supermodel might have intimidated you in a way. She’s probably going this far to show how much she wants to be treated like a regular mare.” “What made her think I was intimidated by her? I already told her how I felt a few nights ago. I would think she would get the idea it was for herself and not her job or something.” “Let me ask you this: when you found out Fleur was a supermodel, did you see her differently after that?” Did I see her differently? I did think she was rather beautiful the first time we met, even though I had little idea how I was attracted to mares. She was pretty generous treating me to dinner for saving her life… My eyes slowly widened as I played back what happened that night, especially when it came to that one phrase, the very reason why Fleur took me in the team and her home in the first place. While I do need a new secretary, I also need… a friend. Sure, Shining has gotten better since I came along from what I heard, and she has Fancy, Bubbles, and Toffee to watch her back, but she wanted a friend who would treat her as an equal the whole time, no matter the occupation or class. I’ve been so swept up with being a good secretary I forgot what I really need to do for her, especially after all the times she’s been there for me. “Ugh, I’m such an idiot,” I scolded myself. “You’re not an idiot, Ozzy. We all have our moments sometimes,” Shining said. “Just try and play along with what Fleur wants to do for now. When you have the chance, talk to her. I’m sure that will loosen things up between you two.” “I’ll give it a try. Thanks, Shining.” “No problem. I’ll be sure her meal plan gets back on track while putting in more exercise after today. Good luck out there and treat her well.” I went back to the booth after I peed and washed my hands. When I came back, the waitress had just served the chocolate shakes. “Your orders will be out in a little bit,” she said before going back to her routes. “Well, the milkshakes look good,” I said as I took my seat. I took a few sips through the straw while Fleur watched, and I savored the sweet, chocolaty, chilly flavor of the thick, but creamy beverage. “Tastes great too,” I added in. Fleur turned back and took a few sips of her own shake. Her eyes shot open wide and started trying to suck through the straw like her life depended on it. “Uh, Flora, you should probably—” “AGH! My head!” “Push your tongue to the roof of your mouth.” Fleur had her eyes shut tightly while her hands held her head. After a few moments, she slowly opened her eyes and sighed a deep breath. “How could I ever forget something as simple as a brain freeze?” she asked. “It happens. Must have been delicious though, huh?” “Very delicious, actually.” Fleur looked down at her glass and muttered, “Wonder what else I’ve missed?” My mood fell a little when I heard that. I went back to drinking my shake while occupied with my thoughts. Poor Fleur. She may have grown up in a home that politicians back on Earth would kill to have, but she was sheltered from some of the fun, simpler things in life. Then there’s also living to the expectations of everypony around her to add on top of it. Well, even though I didn’t have very much to work with while growing up, I still tried to make the most out of it, and I’m going to make sure Fleur will have a taste of that today. “Order up!” Speaking of taste. The platter Fleur and I received looked delicious. The burgers were just a tad bigger than my fist, and the golden-yellow fries were scattered around them. We also received knives to cut our burgers and a bottle of ketchup. It looked like a typical diner lunch meal to me, but to Fleur, she must have been surprised from how big it was if her raised brows were any indication. “You two lovebirds enjoy now,” the waitress said and walked off. “Nice, I’m starved.” I took the top bun off the burger and poured some ketchup on the underside, then an empty spot on the plate for the fries. When I set the bun back on its rightful place, I took the knife and cut the sandwich in half. I didn’t have enough veggie burgers to know how well done they were cooked like beef, but it looked like it was on the stove long enough to be edible. I picked up the first half and opened my mouth wide to get a good first bite out of it. It was a nice mix of crunchy and chewy, both from the patty and the lettuce, plus the subtle spice from the red onions. There wasn’t a lot of grease, but there was just enough to taste the flavor and get the oily feeling in my fingers. I swallowed the bite and sighed, relishing the feeling of eating a burger like back on Earth. “This tastes good,” I said. I sprinkled some salt on the fries before dipping one in the ketchup and ate it. Like the burger, there was enough grease to taste the flavor as well while complementing the hot, crispy fluffiness from the fried potato. “These are nice too,” I added. I felt Fleur’s stare onto me as she watched how I ate. At the corner of my eye, I watched her doing the same thing I did, but with the help of her magic instead of her hands. I figured she didn’t want to get her hands dirty. Fleur looked astounded as she hovered half of the burger in front of her, probably because of how big it looked up close. I was at the edge of my seat as I watched her opening her mouth and taking a chunk out of the burger. She looked up as she chewed, and her eyes widened slowly before swallowing. “This is amazing,” she said. Fleur tried a ketchup dipped fry next, and hummed in a high pitch. “This is really good.” “Hey, you wanna try something really really good?” “What more is there than right in front of me?” “Observe.” I took a fry and pulled the shake toward me with a smirk, Fleur’s irises shrunk. “No, there’s no way. That’s just… we drank from that.” I dipped the fry in the shake without a second thought, making sure I took a good chunk of the thick cold treat, and ate it. Fleur’s jaw lowered as I shrugged, chewed, and swallowed. “Try it. You’d be surprised how well it mixes,” I said. Fleur lifted a fry with her magic and dipped it in her shake. She looked toward me with uncertainty, and I urged her to go for it with a nod. She took the dipped part of the fry in her mouth and chewed. Her eyes shot open, ears perked up, and she practically jumped out of her stool. “Sweet Celestia, what sorcery is this?!” she exclaimed. Everypony in the restaurant turned their attention to Fleur, and the place went silent. Her cheeks tinted red as she glanced around the room and slowly took her seat with a grin. The restaurant went back to its lively business and Fleur sighed. “So Flora? Was it a masterpiece or what?” I asked. “Masterpiece doesn’t even begin to describe how delicious that was,” she answered. “The salty, crispy, fluffy warmth combined with the chilly, but sweet and creamy treat? Ozzy, I must know; who is responsible for this astonishing creation back on your world?” “Some guy or girl who was high enough to try it while at a party or something.” I shrugged. “We don’t know where and when the trend started, but it became a hit for a lot of people when the word spread. Some good things come from the strangest of places sometimes.” “Indeed.” [3:30 p.m.] “Ugh, how could something so bad taste so good?” Fleur groaned as we walked along the sidewalk. One of her hands was holding onto a small lump of her belly like she was carrying a food baby. “I don’t know if I can eat anymore for the rest of the day after all of that.” “You may not have eaten it all, but I’m impressed you got most of it down,” I complimented. “I thought you’d only leave with half of everything leftover on your plate.” “Well excuse me for not having your metabolism to clean your own plate and glass. How can you stallions even eat all of that and still look fine?” “There’s a thing we like to call ‘loosening your belt.’ Plus, the veggie burger wasn’t as filling as the ones made from beef back home, so that might be something.” “I feel like I gained five pounds from all of that. It’s going to take me forever to burn it all down.” “But you liked it, right? Come on, you gotta admit that much.” We stepped into the park Shining and I were in yesterday and took a seat in one of the benches. There were almost no ponies around the area, the birds chirping nearby were the only things that filled the silent air. “Yes, I did like it. I’m glad we went there. I might have fibbed a bit earlier, but… I’ve never had a burger, fries, and a shake before.” Fleur’s cheeks reddened a little. “I figured as much.” “Mother and Father never let my brother and me try this kind of food before. Said it was not only unhealthy, but we shouldn’t lower ourselves to such things fit for commoners apparently.” “Were they highly respected nobles?” “Yes. Father worked alongside Princess Celestia doing the same kind of work Fancy’s in right now, and though he was working to better Equestria, he… wasn’t as much of a conversationalist with the locals as Fancy is today. In fact, he opposed the idea of me working as a model for a while. From what you’ve seen in the job, I think you already know why.” “So what changed his mind?” “Mother. She was a bit of an art enthusiast back in Prance before Father met her, she even dabbled in a few creative works herself, whether it be in painting or writing. She was thrilled to hear how I wanted to express myself in such a fashion while donating my earnings to good causes, and she made sure Father was in the same boat. Quite forcibly I might add.” From the way she put it, I wouldn’t want to be her father during that time. A moment of silence passed before Fleur widened her eyes and turned to me. “Oh, you have to pardon me. Here I am talking about my parents, and…” “No, it’s okay. It’s nice to see you opening up like this.” I looked up to the partially cloudy sky. “Plus, it’s nice to learn what to do or not from other people’s—or ponies’—experiences in the subject, especially in something as this. If I ever have kids one day… I don’t want to become the kind of dad mine was before it was too late.” “Ozzy…” “I’ve learned through the hard way that the only person who could help you in your time of need is yourself,” I continued. “I had to look out for myself in order to get through the day, only seeking help provided by professionals for more practical priorities and not bothering anyone’s time to talk about my more personal struggles. My own dad didn’t really take much to heart, and my brother would just use it as ammo to show how weak I was, so what was the point? I may have made a few acquaintances after I moved out, but I didn’t make the effort to connect with them on a deeper level because I didn’t want to get hurt like my family did to me. I was… scared to connect with anyone, fearing that there might be some kind of catch in making friends that could only backfire on me in the long term. And then I ran into you.” I turned to Fleur who had her ears folded before perking up. “You’re probably the first person—or pony—I’ve ever felt safe around that isn’t a counselor or other similar profession. Like I could open up to you about almost anything that comes to mind, both negative and positive. If that isn’t friendship, then I have no idea what is.” I held her face in my hand and smiled. “That’s why I don’t care whether you’re a model, a noble, or a regular pony. I’m the luckiest man in both worlds to know, befriend, and love such a wonderful mare like yourself. I want to know many things about you, and there’s nothing I already know that will ever push me away.” I softly planted my lips on hers with my eyes closed, the hand that held her face moved behind her middle to pull her in while her own arms wrapped around my shoulders. We ended the kiss and pulled each other into a hug. I was able to smell the soap that wafted from her fur. With the mixture of strawberry from her mane was my favorite scent I sampled back from the very first photo shoot I saw Fleur in as her secretary: Lilies. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that,” Fleur said before we pulled back. “I honestly thought you were intimidated by me from what you’ve seen of me from the photo shoots. At least, that’s what I assumed when you look away sometimes.” “I thought I was being rude for staring.” I scratched the back of my head while glancing to the side. “I mean, I respected you too much as a friend and model to view you like that, and I didn’t want to come off as some kind of pervert or something, even if everypony else in the studio was watching.” Fleur’s gaze turned half-lidded while her smile changed from happy to something else. “Do you want to know something, Ozzy?” She moved her finger in a “come here” motion, and I moved my ear close to her muzzle. She cupped her hand over our faces and whispered, “Out of everypony in the room, I wanted you to stare at me most of all. Every pose I do for the cameras, whether I be in bikinis, lingerie, or nothing at all, is me giving you a show only the two of us know about, and tonight… I’ll be giving you a personal one that tops all others.” As if her hot breath with her words wasn’t enough of a turn on, a lick that slowly trailed up my ear sent a shiver throughout my body. My face was probably as red as a tomato, making Fleur giggle at my expense once she pulled back. “You think we could spend the rest of the day back at our place? Maybe rent a movie or two to watch along the way?” “S-Sure, we can do that, but… could we sit here for a bit until I calm down?” [7:00 p.m.] It took a minute or so for my rise to finally come down before we walked to the video store on our way home, Fleur’s arms were wrapped around one of my own. We ended up getting one bad scary movie and a dirty romantic comedy. When we got home, I changed into some comfortable clothes and washed off the pomade in my hair while Fleur took off her disguise and went into a purple crop top and jeans. The former was pretty skimpy, clinging onto her bosom enough where I could practically see her nipples poking out from underneath. We laughed at some cheesy parts of the horror movie first, pointing out dumb moments the teenage ponies were making that gave the monster an easier time to catch them. Walking into a shack by himself to grab weapons to defend against the monster, a jock and a tramp making out by their lonesome (thinking they had the place locked up so nopony could get inside of course), basically anything that violates the rules of what not to do in a scary movie kind of thing. We only had water to drink throughout the film, and Fleur was leaning on my side while my arm was around her shoulder. When the movie ended, Fleur sat up and stretched. “I’m a little hungry, but not so much from how big our lunch was.” “Maybe I could make us something for us to have while we watch the second movie?” I asked. “Sounds nice. Let’s do it.” We got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the ingredients and tools needed to help me cook while Fleur stood idly by. “Hey Ozzy?” “Yeah?” “You think you could teach me how to cook?” “I don’t know, did Fancy really have to get his stomach pumped after you fed him a grilled cheese?” “I was young and had no idea what I was doing back then. I’m sure if you showed me how to do it I could improve.” Then the worst thing came to happen: She made the face. “Pweeeeeease, Ozzy?” “Gah! Alright alright I’ll teach you. Let’s just wash our hands first and we’ll go from there.” Fleur fist pumped with a “yes,” another victory was hers thanks to her dreaded puppy dog face. When we had our hands washed, I told her about the precautions of cooking, safety while doing it, and what to look out for when a dish was ready. Fleur looked intent about taking in every bit of information I gave as she nodded along. We decided to make tofu stir fry and some rice as our meal for the night. We rinsed the vegetables needed, and I showed her how to cut them the way we needed for the dish while avoiding to cut our fingers off. She was careful in cutting them just right, I wasn’t sure if she knew she could also use her magic to make the task less strenuous, but I couldn’t stop her focused streak. When we got them and the tofu cut, we prepared the sauce while waiting for the skillet with canola oil to heat up. I then had Fleur put the cut up tofu in the skillet, and I told her when would be the best time to turn and stir them until they got to a good brown color. The same went for the vegetables when we got there and poured the sauce inside. Finally, we got the rice cooker to prepare the rice while we waited for the meal to finish. “And we’re all set,” I said. “Wait, are we really done? Is it time to eat?” “Yep. Now we just see how you did.” “Don’t you mean ‘we’?” “Nope, I just showed and explained what to do. This was all on you.” “Really?” I nodded and smiled. I served the helpings on the plates and we took out our forks. “Bon appetit,” I said, and we took our first bites. Fleur’s eyes widened as she chewed. “My word, did I really make something like this?” she asked. “You sure did, and it came out pretty good. We’ll have to save some for Shining to try. I’m sure she’ll freak when she finds out you made this.” Fleur smiled while a hint of red rose in her cheeks. “Thank you, Ozzy.” “You wanna get to that second movie now?” She nodded in response. “I’ll put the rest in tupperware. Could you set the movie up please?” “Sure thing.” Fleur took our dishes to the living room and prepared the next movie while I put the leftovers in the tupperware, placed it in the fridge, and cleaned the kitchen tools. I washed my hands, went back to the living room, and took my seat. Fleur passed me my food and started the romantic comedy movie with the remote. A couple minutes in the movie, we cleaned our plates and set them on the coffee table. Fleur suddenly stretched and lie down across my lap, a pillow on the other side supported her head while her bare stomach faced the ceiling, and she rested her legs on one of the couch’s arms. She looked up at me with a smile and half-lidded eyes, her hands resting on her middle. I couldn’t help but notice how her stomach and bosom rose and fell with each breath she took, the latter grabbing most of my attention from not only how her nipples poked through her chest, but from how much of her cleavage I could see. How her arms were placed in front of her even lightly pressed her breasts together, accentuating their perkiness and the cleavage. “Are you uh… comfortable?” I asked. “Very, and I’m sure your little friend can agree.” My cheeks warmed when I realized my erection was poking her back through my jeans. Fleur giggled at my expense while I glanced to the side. “It’s alright, Ozzy. I’m glad this is to your liking.” She grabbed one of my hands and placed it on her middle, feeling her warmth and softness while subtle thumps of her heartbeat spread through her body. It was nice to feel connected like this, and we shared that expression with our smiles before turning back to the movie playing. Every now and then we shared a laugh in some funny moments, Fleur hummed when I gave her belly a little rub, and we just enjoyed each other’s company. At one point in the movie, one of the main male protagonist’s buddies went into a strip club to watch the dancers. He was the biggest pervert in the group, and he practically tossed away a week’s worth of his paycheck not only to the performers for the show, but also to get a lap dance as well. He seemed a little too ecstatic when the stripper he asked for started the session. “Pft, if she was acting there, she’s doing a good job playing as an amateur,” Fleur commented midway through. “You sound like you could do better than her.” “I most certainly can. I’ve learned a few moves while in the modeling business that would make stallions regular customers of mine just to have me dance in the room, and that’s only how much that poor guy’s throwing at her for the lap dance.” “That’s kind of exaggerating it a little. Don’t you think that’s a bit much?” “Ah, are you saying I don’t have it?” “No! No, that’s not what I was implying at all. I was referring to the price.” “You think my sessions are worth the same as hers?” “Not exactly the same, per se.” “How about I show you myself, and you’ll see then that my price would be worth as I proclaimed, hm?” Right when she said that, that’s when I realized: that was the ‘show’ she was referring to earlier. I wasn’t sure if she planned this when we got our movies, but from the way she was speaking, it was more like an invitation to finish the night on a good note than a challenge to prove me wrong. There was only one way I could answer from something like this. “Alright, I’m down with that,” I answered. Fleur grinned with half-lidded eyes. “Excellent. I just need to shower and change, and we can get started.” She sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder. “You might want to change into something more comfortable yourself, Ozzy, ‘cause this is going to take a while tonight.” “I’ll be looking forward to it.” We pulled each other into a kiss, her arms around my shoulders while mine to her lower back. A moan from her was starting to get me excited for what’s to come, and from how her tail curled around one of my hands as I reached lower, she was feeling the same way. We broke out of our kiss, and Fleur giggled while tracing circles around my chest. “Meet me in my room once you’re ready,” she whispered. She stood up from the couch, and with her hand slowly sliding across me, I watched Fleur saunter up the stairs to her room, getting a good look of her hips and ass shifting side to side before disappearing in her room. I stopped and turned off the movie, took the dishes in the sink to clean in the morning, and made sure all the lights were off and the doors were locked before I headed upstairs to my room. I changed into to a loose t-shirt and boxers after a quick shower, my usual nightwear, and went inside Fleur’s room. I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I was in Fleur’s room when I sat on her bed. She would usually sleep with me and Shining on my bed, which really said something because her bed was unbelievably soft, topping my own by a landslide. Was sleeping with me that much better than by herself on her own god-like bed? “Ozzy? Are you in here?” Fleur asked from her bathroom, only a crack of the door was open enough for me to hear her. “I’m here.” The door slowly opened, and my eyes widened. From the top, Fleur was wearing a black laced bra with some mesh designed so I could see her nipples underneath. Then there were her fingerless fishnet gloves that reached to her elbows. Further down I thought she was wearing a pair of panties, but as she sauntered past me, I couldn’t have been happier to be wrong as her thong let me took a good look at her well-toned, but bouncy ass. Finally, there was her thigh high mesh stockings that complemented how sculpted her legs were. She wasn’t even wearing her usual make up either, she didn’t even need to, since her violet eyes stood out on their own with her glimmer alone. I may have seen Fleur in different outfits during photo shoots before, sometimes even nothing at all, but no matter how many times I’ve seen it, it still felt like the first I’ve ever witnessed it. The only difference that made this moment stand out from all the others was that we were the only ones in the room, and this was the most personal we’ve ever gotten with each other since the first day we met. “What do you think?” Fleur asked as she leaned forward with a smile, a small tint of red in her cheeks. “You look very beautiful, Fleur. Absolutely stunning.” Fleur giggled. “Thank you. Now before we start, I think we need some music to fit the mood.” She sat behind me on the bed, used her magic to work the computer, and opened up Youtube. She leaned over enough where her chest was pressing against my back, but her face was close to mine. “Remember to keep your hands to yourself until the show’s over.” And with a click, a song started to play, and I was glad she had a good taste in music based on what I was hearing. I personally wasn’t into any rap or hip-hop artist like Chris Brown or Rihanna. The instrumentals were somewhat decent, but their lyrics to a lot of songs kind of kill the mood. Fleur started off by sliding her hands slowly down my front from behind me, pulled them back up, and tousled my hair a bit before stepping off the bed. A stocking covered leg suddenly placed itself on one of my own, and Fleur leaned down while moving her hands over it, accentuating its tone and curves while her eyes locked onto me. She whipped her mane back, rolled herself up, and lifted her leg out of my lap. She sauntered to the front with her back facing me, glanced over her shoulder, and smiled with a wink. She pushed her gloves out of her arm, revealing her delicate, yet firm white hands. Said hands then moved down her figure, making sure I eyed each curve of her body while her hips swayed as she slowly squatted herself down. She rose her ass up, shimmied herself off her stockings to reveal her sculpted legs in all their glory, stepped out, and tossed them to the side while her tail moved in the opposite direction, allowing me to get a good glimpse of her vulva just barely covered by the thong. With her magic, she pulled the office chair toward her after she arched her back on the way up, using the back for support while she circled her hips enticingly at me. Fleur spun to face now, eyes half-lidded and a smirk formed from her lips. She took a few steps toward me and placed her hands on my knees, leaning down to where our faces were in close proximity and gave the tip of my nose a little lick as she rocked her hips side to side. She moved her hands up my thighs and rolled up just before they got to my pelvis, her bra covered breasts almost brushing on my face along the way. To show off her flexibility, she lifted one leg almost to a standing splits and rested it on one of my shoulders. With her opposite hand taking my other side, she rolled up her body towards me twice, keeping it in the flow with the music and possibly getting aroused if her subtle moans were any indication. Fleur then set her leg on my shoulder down next to my own by the knee, and with her other on the opposite side, she was sitting on top of my lap, hands on each side of my shoulders. It took every bit of will I had to stop myself from touching her, my hands giving her poor sheets a death grip to help alleviate the urge. Fleur must have known how turned on I was just from sitting on my erection, and from how shallow her breaths were as she grinded herself on top of it, she must have been feeling the same way. Her breasts lightly brushing against my face as she rolled her body along with the grinds was driving me crazy. The smile she was sporting while biting her lower lip told me how much she was enjoying the teases towards me, which was just like her to have some fun from that. With one last roll upwards, she whipped her head back and pushed herself off of my lap, almost sad that she stopped, but her hands were still on my shoulders. While leaning forward, she whipped her hips in one hard circle, slid her hands down my front, thighs, stopped at my knees, and opened them wide. She stood up, turned her back to me, and with her hands on my knees for support, she did her sexy squat like she did earlier, raised her almost bare ass high, and whipped her tail swiftly, yet soft enough to give a light brush across my face. Fleur stood up, closed my legs, and took her seat back on my lap with her back still facing me. She wrapped her tail around my middle, opened up her own legs, leaned back towards me, and did a few grinds on top of my aching erection once more. The scent of her strawberry flavored mane was enticing, and hearing her shallow breaths again was driving me to the brink. When she stopped, she closed her legs and whipped her mane to one side, her half-lidded gaze turned back to me from the other side of her shoulder. With her eyes still on me, she stood back on the floor with her legs spread. She then faced forward, slid her hands down to her knees while leaning forward, and gave her hips one small circle. With her mane whipping back behind her, Fleur moved her torso up and over in a clockwise motion until she went back to where she started. She slowly rolled up through the middle, and when she stood up fully, she reached behind and gave one of her bare ass cheeks a hard spank, the loud smack overpowering the music’s volume for just a moment. I didn’t know how long ago it was since the first song she played ended and transitioned to the others, but with her show finally finished, Fleur stopped the music from her computer and turned it off. She panted a little like she came out from one of her yoga sessions while she turned back towards me and took a seat in my lap again, arms wrapped around me and her mane moved back behind her. “Sweet Celestia was that a rush,” Fleur said with a smile. “So Ozzy? How did I do?” For a moment, I could have sworn I lost my voice after that performance as my mouth just opened and closed. Finally with a few slight smacks to my face, I was able to speak clearly. “That was just incredible, Fleur. I’d probably cut my usual pay in half just to see you perform like that and then some every week.” She giggled. “Well lucky for you, my services are only free to my special somepony.” “I love you, Fleur de Lis.” “I love you too, Ozzy Shore.” CLOP STARTS HERE Finally allowed to touch her, I wrapped my arms around her middle as we pulled each other in for a kiss. Unlike her lap dance that was sexy, almost wild, and alluring, her kiss was soft, gentle, and meaningful. Even with her tongue brushing over my lower lip and I allowed her entry, our moist, tender appendages were mingling with each other in a slow dance rather than a wrestle for dominance, our moans signifying our enjoyment in such occasion. When we broke out of the kiss, a string of saliva connected our tongues for a moment before it snapped. We panted warm breaths onto each other while our gazes were half-lidded and in bliss. I reached down to the hem of my shirt to pull over me while Fleur reached behind to unclasp her bra, tossing it to the same side. The tint of red when I first saw her coming out of the bathroom earlier came back with more color on her cheeks, as well as a little on her ears. “Can I ask you something, Ozzy?” “What is it?” “Remember when you first held onto me that morning in Manehattan, when I first slept with you in that poor excuse of a fold-over bed in the hotel from my sleepwalking?” I couldn’t help but chuckle from how she referred to the couch I slept on the first night. “I remember. Why do you ask?” “How did I feel?” she asked while cupping her breasts. My cheeks heated up from what she was implying. “They, you… felt incredible, Fleur. I could still remember a little of your steady heartbeat in my hands, showing how much at peace you were while sleeping that morning.” The redness in her complexion became brighter while she smiled. “Could you do that again then? I want to know how it feels while I’m wide awake, only being touched by your hands.” “I would be delighted.” With another brief kiss exchanged, Fleur spun herself around on my lap, eliciting a slight grunt from me due to the grind acting on my hardness. Her back was pressed against me, her legs were on the outside edges of my own as she was on her knees, and I smelled her sweet scent of strawberries and lilies. She reached behind and grabbed my hands, guiding them by sliding up her stomach, to the bottom of her ribs, and finally her soft, perky mounds. She took a shallow gasp when we made contact, and I felt her heart beat radiating off her chest at a fast pace. I squeezed, pressed, and circled her breasts as I kissed and sucked her neck. “Ozzy,” she moaned. I felt her fingers reaching back to my hair and running them through it, her bottom half grinding on top of my erection, and her breaths were deep and steady. She hissed when I gave her nipples a little pinch, her hand moved down to my chin, guiding me up to her muzzle, and shared another kiss. I ran one of my hands down her stomach again and reached under her thong. Heat radiated from her wet, damp sex, possibly having gotten soaked long before we started connecting. I felt my way around to find her core of pleasure, and when my finger passed over her bump, her high pitched moan during our kiss told me I hit my mark. I moved her clit around in a circle with my finger while my other hand kneaded her breast, her breaths quickened as she pulled out of the kiss for air, and I went back to kissing her neck. With one scream and arch of her back, warm liquids splashed onto my hand that was near her sex. I could feel Fleur soaking my boxers as her body contracted and released her fluids on top of me. She dropped back down and panted for breath as she used me for support. I pulled my soaked hand up and saw her fluids dribbling down my arm. She suddenly took a hold of it and started eating the mess off, licking my palm, and sucking my fingers. Shivers went up my arm and through the body when my digits were enveloped by her warm mouth, vibrated from the blissful moans, and caressed by her warmer, moist tongue swirling around them. Thoroughly cleaned, she let go of my hand with a pop and licked her lips. I sat there wide-eyed as she turned to me. “Sorry, did you want a taste?” she breathed. “Yes actually, but I think I’d like it straight from the tap if you don’t mind?” Fleur shook her head and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I gently laid her down on the bed and started warming her up by playing with her breasts again, lightly flicking her erect, perky nipples with my thumbs, then circling my tongue around one of her areolas. It sounded like she tried to stifle her moan by biting her lower lip, but it held little success when her arched back was added into it. She hugged and pulled my head down her chest further, running her fingers through my hair again and taking light pants. The small scream she made when I gave her nipple a gentle bite was pretty cute, too. I kissed my way down her stomach, then to her thong when I got to my knees on the floor, my head between her legs. I slipped the soaked material down and tossed them aside, revealing her wet, gleaming, winking sex. I didn’t take notice until now how much her musk was filling the room, and when I took a whiff out of the source where the concentration was strongest, I finally got what her arousal smelled like. “Huh, you smell like vanilla,” I said. “Is that bad?” “No, it smells great, but I honestly thought it smelled like bubblegum at first.” She giggled a little as she sat up on her elbows. “Did my mane and tail color gave you that assumption?” “A little, yes.” “I thought it smelled like bubblegum because of that too at first. Shiny confirmed that it wasn’t though.” “Ah. Well I still think it’s nice, and your lips here are quite pretty too.” I spread open said part of her vulva that was winking before, taking in the sight of her soft pink insides and her swollen clit. “Ozzy, you’re embarrassing me,” she whined. From the looks of her lightly reddened cheeks while pouting, she wasn’t kidding. Huh, I’ll have to use that as ammo for certain occasions. Without warning, my face dove in and sucked Fleur’s clit. She yelped from the sudden surprise and groaned once she pulled my face closer to her sex. I licked, flicked, and nibbled her small but swollen bump, making her writhe and grip my strands of hair tighter. I could tell she really wanted more once her tail wrapped behind and pulled me down ever further. With this, it was time for me to do my own teasing. I paused my ministrations in her sex and pulled my head back slightly. “Ozzy, no, I was so close,” she moaned. I sat at my place and with my fingers still keeping her open, I caressed her core with a gentle, cool blow of air, making her tremble, dribble, and whine as it was continuous. With one hand keeping her lips open, the other ran up one of her legs and gave her inner thigh a massage. She tried to pull me back in with her hands and tail, but I willed myself to stay put. Come on, Fleur, you know what I want. You teased me similarly for a while, even before all of this, and I pushed through. Now the tables have turned. Let me hear you say it. “Ozzy… please,” she begged. “Give it to me, please! I need your tongue inside me to cum!” That’s all I need to hear. With Fleur’s lips still open, I moved in and inserted my tongue inside while a thumb from my free hand pushed into her bump, causing her to moan loudly. Her breath quickened as I swirled my tongue inside her sex, and my thumb ran circles around her clit. Her soaked pelvis was dribbling more fluids, and I was able to get a taste before they dripped down my chin. It was different than Shining’s in terms of taste, almost a little bitter, but her vanilla scented arousal was enough to overcome it. I started to feel her quivering, and her muscles squeezing my tongue in a faster pace, it was about time for it to come. “OZZEEAAAAAH!” she screamed as her sex made a vice on my tongue and squirted juices on my face. I must have not felt it since my hand was so close the first time she climaxed, but Fleur was quite a squirter. As she arched her back, short, but forceful streams were shot from inside her. Soon, the streams turned into short spurts until she dropped down on the bed gasping for air, her tongue lolled out slightly. With the grip on my hair and her tail loosened, I pulled back and used my t-shirt from the side to wipe the mess off my face and glasses. When I finished, I hovered over Fleur to see her panting, her eyes half-lidded in a daze. “You’re… such a tease,” she panted between breaths. “Look who’s talking,” I chuckled. “Shut up and just kiss me already.” I obliged and locked lips with her. She moaned as she pushed her tongue in my mouth and made sure to get some of her taste out of me. Our kiss broke apart with a smack, and she caught her breath. “I’m not going out until I get you inside me, you know,” she said. “Good, because I’ve been building up like crazy today and saved this for last.” I finally took my soaked boxers off and set my hardness free into the air, standing at attention. I lubed it up with her wetness from her last climax, eliciting grunts from Fleur as it passed over her bump. Once it was well coated, I set the head to her entrance. “You ready?” She nodded and wrapped her hands around the back of my head. I pushed myself inside, my sensitive head making me grunt as it disappeared inside her, Fleur mimicked the gesture while tightly closing her eyes. “Fuck yes, keep going,” she moaned when I was halfway through. With one last shove from my hips, I broke the rest of my way inside, making her yelp while her eyes shot wide open. “Holy fuck!” Her core had a tight grip on me like the rest of her body, her nails even dug into my skin a little. She let out a breath she was holding and loosened her hold. “My word, I can’t believe you’re this far inside of me.” “It’s not over yet.” I gave her another brief kiss and started my motions, going slow, but accelerating once I pushed in, our pelvises slapping on contact, and repeated. Fleur wrapped her legs behind me and grunted with each thrust. Her sex was eagerly milking me with its moist, warm, soft wetness from the muscles, urging me closer to my climax. “Yes, just like this,” she moaned. “It’s been so long since I felt like this. You fill me up so well.” “I’m glad you’re enjoying this. I feel the same way.” We went just like this for a bit, no change was needed at the moment because we were exactly where we wanted to be, receiving what we’ve wanted from each other for who knows how long. The feeling that we weren’t making sex, but making— “AAAH!” Fleur’s body suddenly tensed up, squeezed my member, my torso with her arms and legs tightly, and a burst of liquid came gushing inside her. Her body quivered as she rode her third climax. I felt her warmness dripping out from inside her and dribbling down my legs, and when she finished, she loosened her grip and dropped on the bed, gasping for air. “Fuck me… we didn’t cum at the same time,” she breathed. “I didn’t think it would go that fast after your first two tonight,” I pointed out. “Let’s just say I’ve been pent up for a while myself. I’ve gotten pretty sensitive over time.” “So… Are we done?” “I may be spent, but I’m not going to leave you hanging. Just finish up your end and we’ll cuddle ourselves to sleep.” “Are you sure?” She nodded, and though her core’s grip on me wasn’t as strong as earlier, just the squeeze alone was confirmation enough. I held both sides of her waist for leverage and continued my thrusts inside her. Despite the minor setback, my member was still hard and throbbing inside from all the attention it received tonight. Fleur’s third climax provided more lubrication for me to move with ease, the sound of wet smacks when our pelvises connect and seeing her breasts bounce with each hit I made was arousing for the both of us. Even when she had little energy to move, she seemed to still get a kick from the penetrations if her subtle moans and shallow gasps said anything about it. If it was possible to control them, she seemed to be putting effort into milking my hardness with what little strength she had left, which was still an amazing sensation nonetheless. Pressure was starting to build in my own core, ready to unleash its load. “Fleur, I’m getting close,” I grunted. “Give it all to me, Ozzy. I want your warmth mixing with my own inside,” she moaned. I upped the pace a little, but tried to retain the same momentum of force—maybe even more—into her core as I tried to push myself to my big finish. With one final hard thrust with a groan, I emptied my load, making Fleur gasp from the sudden new substance that was coating her insides. My white liquid spurted with each small jerk I pushed further up her sex, filling it to where some of it dribbled out on the bed along with her own fluids, but she was doing her best to milk what she could get out of me. When I was spent, I gently laid myself on top of Fleur while catching some air, and she wrapped her arms around my back. CLOP ENDS HERE “So… despite not getting the expected outcome, was it still okay?” I asked between breaths. “Ce était incroyable, Ozzy,” Fleur answered. God, she sounds so sexy speaking Prench. “Does ‘incroyable’ mean incredible?” “Incredible, amazing, something along those lines. I haven’t got anything that good from a stallion for quite some time. Though that tease before my second orgasm was uncalled for.” “You mean like how you flustered me with that bikini thong you wore at the pool earlier, the dirty talks, including that thing you mentioned with your mouth two nights before?” “… Touché.” We chuckled at our banter of tease battles before we locked lips once more, back to the soft and warm feeling shared in that embrace while we embraced the afterglow. When we parted lips, I pulled myself out of her vulva, our sex concoction leaking and pooling on Fleur’s bed sheet to make a large stain. In the meantime, Fleur used her magic to take off my glasses, set them on the nightstand, and turned out all the lights. We pulled the blanket over us and snuggled ourselves into a comfortable position, her head resting on my collar (minding the horn of course), her breasts and nipples pressing against me, and one arm on my chest as the other was at her empty side while my own arm wrapped around her shoulder to pull towards me. Our legs interlocked together while I felt her tail swishing over them. Fleur hummed as I reached for one of her ears to rub. “This feels so nice. I’ve always wanted us to sleep like this,” she commented. “How long?” “Mm… I can’t remember when it first came to mind, but I was aware of the idea for a few weeks now. That and walking around the house naked with you still around. Or at least in my underwear.” “You just love being the center of attention, don’t you?” “Aren’t I always?” I chuckled. “I suppose, and you and Shining will always have my attention.” “Will you be watching me in my photo shoots without shying away from now on?” “Of course. I love watching you work.” “Good. I honestly feel more confident doing my job when my special somepony watches me… Strange how I get shy a little when it’s just the two of us.” “Were you really shy tonight?” “Mhm.” I felt her finger tracing circles on my chest. “I um… was honestly practicing that routine a little yesterday during your date with Shiny. I wanted the first of our own to be as special as possible.” “Did you have fun doing that yesterday?” “I did, but when tonight came up, I was honestly a little nervous, and I didn’t think how arousing it would be until I did it with you.” “So would you say our first date went well?” “Very well.” Fleur nuzzled on my collar and sighed. “I love you, Ozzy.” I gave the top of her head a kiss, petted her mane, and fell back with a sigh as I closed my eyes. “I love you too, Fleur.” > Chapter 36: "I've got a lot to think about." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 36: “I’ve got a lot to think about.” [Ozzy’s POV, 1:45 a.m.] I was sleeping in what may be the best bed I could ever lay my body on with one of the two most amazing mares I’ve come to know until I felt some movement under the covers. Still tired, I slowly opened my eyes to the darkened room with only the moon to provide a little light through the window, my vision adjusted enough to barely see it. With my senses coming back, not only did I feel movement, but I heard rapid breathing. I turned to the source and found a Fleur in a state that made my stomach drop. Her white fur was breaking into cold sweat, eyes were tightly shut with tears streaming down her cheeks, and she was hyperventilating as she rocked side to side. I concluded that Fleur was having a seriously bad nightmare, and I had to wake her up. “Fleur! Fleur, wake up!” I exclaimed while rocking her shoulder. With a gasp, Fleur jolted upright with widened eyes, her irises shrunk to pinpricks. Her body shuddered as she tightly gripped the bed sheets to her chest and caught her breath. She turned to me with watering eyes and immediately pulled me into a tight embrace while sobbing into my shoulder. I didn’t know what was going on, but all I could do was return the hug and rub her back, letting her cry all her tears out as she tried to calm down. Once she got quiet, she pulled back and sniffled while wiping her eyes as I turned on the lamp from the nightstand. “Are you feeling okay, Fleur?” I asked while putting on my glasses. “A little. I’m just so glad you’re still here and it was all a nightmare.” “Have you ever been this out of shape from it before?” “No… My usual nightmares just had me sleepwalk over to Shiny’s and get in her bed. It hasn’t been long since the last time it happened was in Manehattan, but I never had a nightmare so extreme before.” “Do you want to talk about it? I’ve never seen you so scared before, I want to help in any way I can.” Fleur took a deep breath and held my hand. “Yes, I think that may be for the best.” “What happened in the nightmare?” “Before I get to that, I should probably tell you something that could be related to this.” I nodded while I rubbed the top of her hand with my thumb. “It’s true that during this time I sleepwalked over to Shiny’s because the nightmare was about that incident with Solar attacking us,” she explained. “That went on for quite some time before you moved in with me. I’ve grown to like you as a dear friend, and I just wanted to have as much fun with you as possible. I think… it was because of that closeness that my last nightmare before this was different, and I sleepwalked to the couch you slept in that night.” I never really did get to know what went on in that dream. Wait, is it maybe…? “That night, I dreamt that Solar was coming after you,” Fleur said. My eyes widened at the statement as hers looked down between us. “The two of us were stargazing at Canterlot Park, leaning onto each other’s shoulders while enjoying the warmth we shared, about the same thing as Shiny and I did that night while I tried to get over my breakup. Then Solar came up, and instead of looking drunk and messy like the incident, he was furious when he saw the two of us so close together. I could still remember the words and actions that followed to this night.” [Three to four weeks ago, Fleur’s POV] “You ruined my life, and now you’re with this piece of shit?!” Solar yelled at me. “Solar! What are you doing here?!” I asked. “I’ve come to take back what you stole from me!” he replied. “My career, my fame, my dignity—” “You brought those on yourself!” I interrupted as I stood up. “You cheated on me and hurt Shiny! How am I supposed be the one to blame?!” “Because you’re a fucking whore! That’s why!” “HEY!” Ozzy interrupted as he confronted Solar. “Don’t blame someone else for your own fuck-ups. If you can’t take responsibility, you’re just a rotten brat who doesn’t get everything he wants. Get the fuck out of here before I call the guards!” “Oh I’ll get out of here, but not without this!” He then raised that same knife he used on Shiny, and pointed it to Ozzy before I screamed to stop. As he was about to strike, everything froze and Princess Luna came in and made Solar disappear like she did time and time again. With magic emitting through her horn, the setting faded and we were in the Dreamscape. Luna turned to me with a concerned expression. “Are you feeling alright, Fleur?” Luna asked. “I’m okay. Thank you. It’s nice to see you again,” I said. “Indeed, and somehow sooner than last time with something different than your usual nightmares.” She must be talking about Ozzy. Though I have to admit, this is new to me too. “Was that human who was with you a friend of yours?” Luna asked. “Yes. Ozzy’s my new secretary and friend who moved into Equestria recently.” “Hmm…” Luna paced around the dreamscape with a hand to her muzzle. At one point she stopped and glanced over to me. “Tell me, are you attracted to this Ozzy?” Heat flooded my cheeks. “A-Attracted? Like, I have a crush on him?” I fidgeted in place. I didn’t really know what I was feeling for Ozzy during this time, so I was caught off guard with this question. “Th-This seems really sudden to ask, don’t you think?” “The fact that he appeared in your dream instead of Shining Star tells me you care deeply for your new friend,” Luna explained. “It is why I brought the question up, but whether you have affections for him or not is for you to decide. At any rate, I’d be careful around him if I were you, Fleur de Lis.” “Careful? What do you mean by that?” I asked with a raised brow. “Your dear human friend is carrying something dreadful that’s locked within his heart, my little pony. It has been troubling him in the form of nightmares over the past week that I haven’t been able to see into yet, which shows just how bad his circumstances are. It perhaps may be wise to keep a safe distance from him until I know for sure what’s going on.” Ozzy’s been having certain nightmares too? Why hasn’t he told me anything about them yet, and why would they somehow pose a threat? “Should I ask him about them?” I asked. “You could, but I am afraid it may be useless,” Luna answered. “Humans apparently value their privacies greatly for countless reasons. He will only get defensive if you pressure him into answering.” Suddenly, the Dreamscape started to fade in and out around us. “It appears that our time is up for now. I apologize that we did not discuss what went on with your condition.” “It’s okay, this is as new to me as it is for you. I’ll talk to you about it next time.” Luna nodded and lifted herself up in the air with her wings. “One last thing: you may not want to bring up anything related to sundaes to Shining Star for a while. It appears she has strange occurrences with her dreams as well as you do right now.” “Wait, what? What do sundaes have to do with—” Everything went black before I said anything else. [Present, Ozzy’s POV] “So you knew about my nightmares before that one the three of us were in, huh?” I asked. Fleur nodded with folded ears. “I really did want to see what was going on. I was more worried about that than the interview with Mascara. Not once have I ever thought of you as some kind of threat to Shiny or me despite what Luna said, not even after what we saw of your past. Still, I apologize for not telling you about this until now, considering how it was invading your privacy.” “It’s fine. You already know everything about that now, so we can’t really do anything about it.” Still, I’m curious what Shining was dreaming about when sundaes were involved. Now that I think about it, she was acting strangely when I brought it up, too. “So what did that dream back then have to do with tonight’s?” I asked. Fleur shivered the moment the question came up, and I tried to calm her by rubbing her shoulder. “This one was more extreme compared to all the others. I couldn’t see where I was going, and I heard you and Shiny screaming from out of nowhere. There were also sounds of whip lashes, rattling chains, and… Solar’s psychotic laughter. I couldn’t do anything because I had no idea where you two were, it was all dark, and I just...” Fleur’s voice cracked as tears came down and I pulled her into another hug. “I was so scared, I wanted it all to stop, and I was afraid I would lose both of you.” I have to say, this is the most fucked up dream I’ve heard of yet. Hearing this just make everything that happened between me and Robert seem like playful roughhousing of sorts. I’m getting goose bumps just imagining it. “I’m not going away,” I said as I rubbed her back. “Not now, not ever, and even if I see Solar, I won’t let anything from that dream happen to me. I won’t let him do anything to you two either.” Fleur sniffled and pulled back. She levitated a box of tissues from her bathroom to clean herself up. “Just promise me you won’t do anything reckless.” “I promise.” [9:30 a.m.] It didn’t take too long for us to fall back to sleep, and I was awakened by the sunlight pouring into the room. A faint scent of strawberry wafted in my nose as I was met with the two shades of Fleur’s pink mane. My left arm was asleep from being under her head while my right was over her middle, feeling the soft, warm, moving fur of her stomach. She needed to be held snugly and securely through the rest of the night after what she went through in the nightmare, so we decided to spoon while I bared the seemingly dead arm that was under her. Despite that, it was nice holding her like this. Suddenly, I felt her hand holding the back of mine, moving me upwards to where I could cup one of her breasts. I heard her sigh while I felt the relaxing tempo of her heartbeat. “You really like me touching there, don’t you?” I asked her, eliciting a giggle. “What can I say? It warms me when you feel my heart like this,” she said. “Your little friend seems to like it too from how he’s poking my butt.” “Can you blame me? How do you feel after earlier?” “Much better.” Fleur turned herself over to where I could see her half-lidded violet eyes over her smile, slightly covered by her mane. “Still a little shaken up, but I’m okay for the most part. Sorry that I woke you up like that though.” “Don’t be. I’m just glad you’re feeling better.” I moved her mane back to see more of her face. “Still, this is the first you’ve had a nightmare like this, right? What are you going to do?” She glanced downwards and sighed as I fondled one of her ears. “I don’t know. I just want to move on from this so I can get some decent sleep, but I know I need to do something.” “You mentioned you’re thinking about forgiving Solar when you come across him again, right? Do you think that might help?” “Maybe. If we sat down and talk, we might get somewhere. I think it won’t be until I really know he’ll be moving on with his life that I’ll be more at ease.” “I still don’t approve what he did to you and Shining, but I’ll support whatever you decide to do.” “I appreciate that. I think having Shiny forgive him as well might help too, but… I don’t blame her for not wanting to see him after what he took away from her. Convincing her to go that far will be difficult.” She sat up and stretched before I followed, marveling at how her breasts shifted along with her movements. “I’ll need to think about how to approach this, but for now, a shower sounds wonderful right now.” “Need some help scrubbing your back?” I asked. “Not now. I have plans I need to do today that I shouldn’t dilly-dally over. Another time, absolutely.” She held my face and we shared a brief kiss. We then moved into a hug and she nuzzled the side of my head. “Thank you for the wonderful date yesterday, by the way.” “I’m the one who should be thanking you. We’ll have to do something like that again sometime.” We pulled back from our hug. “I’ll go start on breakfast once I clean myself up.” “Sounds good. Can we…?” “Yes, I’ll make us Prench toast. I figured you might like some after last night.” “You know me so well.” Fleur then gave me another kiss at the corner of my lip and stepped off the bed. “Someday I’ll have to try making you guys Prench toast myself.” “I’ll help teach you how to make it, but I’ll be looking forward to it.” With a nod, Fleur walked over to her bathroom with a sway in her hips and tail as I watched her cute and perky ass shift. She looked over her shoulder, smiled, and made one flick of her tail before closing the door behind her. Yep, she knows as well as I do that I’m quite an ass man. I stepped out of bed and gathered my clothes on the floor before heading to my room. After getting a change of clothes, I took a quick shower in the other bathroom and walked to the kitchen with a purple t-shirt and dark jeans. When I got there, I saw Shining at the dining table reading a book in her hands. She looked up from it and smiled when she saw me. “Good morning, Ozzy.” “Morning, Shining.” I grabbed the kitchen tools and ingredients needed for Prench toast before I started cooking. “How did everything go yesterday?” “It turned out fantastic. Fleur loved the burger, fries, and milkshake even though she couldn’t finish it all, the rest of the evening was relaxing with a few movies in the living room, and like you said, we did some fun stuff before we fell asleep.” “I’m glad to hear that.” “What did you do yesterday while we were out?” “I went and picked up this book for one thing.” Shining held up the book she was reading, the title, Two’s Company, Three’s Not a Crowd: A Guide to Maintaining Polyamorous Relationships was read on the cover. “Toffee recommended the book to me, and I’ve been reading it through most of the afternoon yesterday. There’s certainly some interesting stuff written in here.” “Like what?” I asked, suddenly intrigued as I started soaking the bread with the egg batter. “For starters, as it’s termed in the book, the three of us aren’t officially a herd—a form of polygamy—unless we’re married,” she explained. “Since we’re just dating right now, it’s correctly termed as polyamorous, and polygamy is said to be a form of polyamory. There’s also things listed about the basics, the myths, the dos and don’ts, and even making them public. Though, the last one might be difficult considering both you and Fleur are hot topics in the media.” “That’s understandable. It may not be a taboo of sorts, but it can certainly be frowned upon depending on the demographic.” “Exactly. So it might be best to open it up to those close to us first before getting it out in public, but that may take some time. Other than that, it would be best to refer to this book should we have any questions on what to do when sudden bumps appear in our relationship.” She marked her place in the book and set it aside. “Other than the reading, I didn’t really do much else. We only got a couple appointments after today before we get to the trial next week.” Oh right, I almost forgot about that. “So what should we do today?” Shining asked. “We certainly went through a lot of stuff over the past few days, should we take some down time?” “You and I actually have an appointment to go today, Shiny.” We turned to find Fleur in a camisole with jeans, wearing her usual eye shadow as she came in. “Wait, we do?” Shining asked with a raised brow. “I don’t remember making an appointment in the planner for today.” “That’s because I made it while you and Ozzy were on your date,” Fleur clarified. “I also got a call from Fancy that day. He said Ozzy needs to stop by the mansion to meet the attorney for the trial before he heads to Baltimare with his security. He’s on a tight schedule today, so you’ll need to be there at 12:30.” I suppose this means he’ll be leaving today, and with his need for security, our area of surveillance will be down for about a week. “I guess that’s understandable,” I said. “What time is your appointment?” “We’ll be meeting in a restaurant at 1:30,” Fleur answered. “I’m not entirely sure when we’ll be done, but don’t worry about joining up with us when you’re done with your business, Ozzy.” “Wait, what kind of appointment is it that only the two of us are going to?” Shining asked. “It’s kind of a personal one. I’ll explain it on the way,” Fleur said. “Alright. Well, I guess we have our plans for the day.” I put the last of the prepared Prench toast on a serving plate next to the butter and jam. “I’ve got a lot to think about today too, so I probably won’t be home until later.” “That’s fine,” Fleur answered. “You can call one of us if you need anything.” “Sounds like a plan.” I set the tableware and food on the table. “Anypony need a drink?” [12:15 p.m.] After we had breakfast, we hung out until Silver Wheel took me to Fancy’s mansion. I was looking out the window as I thought about my dad’s will, what Fleur told me that same night we watched it, Mascara’s trial, and even my relationship with Robert. All of them had one thing in common that can be very difficult to achieve, and though it might be a little painful, I may need to look back at those big events in my life to really think things through. It could be something I’d talk to Dr. Mindset about as a second opinion. “We are here, Oz,” Silver said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Thanks, Silver.” I stepped out of the carriage and paused. “Is something the matter?” “Well… I just had a lot on my mind,” I answered before turning back to him. “We’ve been working together for a while, right? Does that make us friends?” “But of course, Oz. I know we haven’t had much time to chat with our busy lives and all, but seeing how you work well with Ms. De Lis and Ms. Star, it is how they say, ‘a friend of theirs is a friend of mine.’” “If you have time tonight, do you think we could talk? Maybe over those drinks that we still need to do?” Silver’s mustache curled upwards along with his smile. “I suppose I can squeeze in time for that. Any particular place you prefer to have it?” “Nah, I’ll leave that up to you. Would around 7:30 be a good time?” “That will do nicely. I’ll call and ask where you are and I’ll drive us there.” “Sounds good. Have a good one,” I bid. Silver nodded and drove off of Fancy’s property while I walked to the mansion. When I made it to the front door, I gave it a few knocks before one of the maids opened it not too long after. “Ah, are you the human that Fancy’s expecting?” the maid asked. “That would be me.” “Come right this way, please,” she requested as she guided me inside and to the room Fancy’s residing. [Shining’s POV, 1:15 p.m.] “My goodness, that really happened last night?” I asked as Fleur and I walked along the path in the city. Fleur nodded. “Yes, it was quite vivid. I’m still getting shivers just thinking about that nightmare.” Ugh. I don’t know why something like that happened to Fleur, but damn that Solar Flare for traumatizing her enough to create such a nightmare. If only I… No, I can’t blame myself for this. Neither of us knew something like that would happen that night, and no matter how many times I think about how things could have turned out differently, there’s nothing I can do about it now. “Let’s worry more about that later,” Fleur suggested. “Right now, I’d like to focus on our appointment.” “You haven’t told me who we’re meeting yet,” I pointed out. “We aren’t exactly in proper attire for our usual appointments, either. I’m assuming this is an informal, casual matter?” “Yes, but it’s something I figured we needed to clear up for some time. Which is why the meeting we’re having today is so important.” Fleur looked forward and smiled. “It looks like we’re here.” I turned to Fleur’s direction and widened my eyes. On one of the outside tables of the café was a familiar, pretty face. Knowing how important the meeting was (at least to Fleur), everything seemed to click together on what she wanted to do. “Fleur, Shining, good to see you two made it,” Claire said with a smile. “Nice to see you too, Claire,” Fleur returned. “Um… Likewise,” I added in. “I just got here, so I haven’t ordered anything yet. The waitress should be coming back soon though. Please, have a seat,” Claire said. We nodded and sat on chairs across from her, picking up menus that were already laid on the table. “Thank you for making time today to meet us, Claire, I know you’re busy preparing for the show in Fillydelphia,” Fleur said. “It’s no problem at all. I was pretty caught up with the preparations and Spitfire pretty much urged me to come here,” Claire answered. “Though I am surprised you asked me specifically to come alone. Is it something serious?” “It is for us,” Fleur said as she set the menu down, her smile lowered to a small frown with folded ears. “Claire… We owe you an apology.” Claire’s eyes widened slightly. “An apology? What for?” “I believe she’s referring to our behavior towards you when we first met,” I clarified while scratching my head. “We may not have been fair being so interrogative to you, being a close friend to Ozzy in the past and all.” “Ah, so that’s what this is about,” Claire said. “Ozzy told us about what happened between you two at your apartment,” Fleur said. “To be honest, I, we thought something completely different might have happened, and we couldn’t sleep that night until he came home.” “So you two really do care about him, huh?” Claire asked. “We do,” I answered. “But what I want to know is why did you want to help him get a marefriend?” “You two already know how things went with us back in elementary school, right?” Claire asked. She looked down with a sigh. “Up until then, I kind of knew what he was going through at his home from what he told me about his brother and dad. I feel like I just added fuel into the fire of how much shittier his life could get, and I just didn’t want to cause him any more trouble no matter how much I had a crush on him. I thought that was for the best at the time, but you know how dumb a kid’s way of thinking can be. I didn’t think it’d turn out worse than what I had hoped for.” She looked back up to us. “When I talked to him one-on-one that night, I felt like I owed him that much. He deserved much better than that.” “Do you still like Ozzy?” Fleur asked. “I’ll always like him, but that’s as far as it goes.” Claire shrugged. “I’ve moved on from my feelings, and I have no plans to hook up with him anytime soon. I actually broke up with someone a few months ago before I moved here, so I’m taking a break from seeing anyone right now. I’m sorry if I looked like I had other motives, but I really do want to make good friends with you two.” “It’s us who should apologize for treating you like a villain of some sort,” I said. “We shouldn’t have jumped to any conclusions until we heard the whole story.” “How about we let bygones be bygones and start over with a clean slate? If you’re still up for it, of course, Claire,” Fleur suggested. “I’d like that very much.” Claire held out her hand with a smile. “Friends?” “Oh don’t be so formal.” Fleur pulled Claire and me off the table with the help of her magic, and got us into a group hug. Claire and I were surprised at first, but we laughed it off as we joined in. We sat back down after a few brief seconds. When our waitress stopped by, we gave her our orders before she went back inside to get them filled. “Now that you know what I was up to with Ozzy, I’m assuming you already know how he feels for you two,” Claire said with a smirk. “So? Which of you did he end up picking?” Fleur and I glanced at each other before laughing nervously. “Um… It’s kind of complicated,” I said. “What do you mean?” Claire asked with a raised brow. The two of us leaned in and whispered to Claire the status of our unique relationship. When we finished, Claire looked at us with widened eyes. “Shit. Are you serious?” [Fleur’s POV, 5:30 p.m.] We spent the next few hours personally getting to know Claire, our appointment turning out a lot better than I could have imagined. Claire was certainly surprised by how Ozzy’s relationship with Shiny and me developed so quickly, especially how he’s dating the both of us. I could understand her concerns considering how different the humans’ culture is compared to ours, but she seemed glad things worked out between the three of us and she gave us her moral support. After our lunch, we did a little shopping around town while we had the time. It wasn’t as good as our usual shopping spree, but it still turned out pretty well nonetheless. I helped Claire pick out some cute tops and jeans for when she wasn’t working while Shiny and I got a few things for ourselves. Personally, I wanted to get something that would leave Ozzy jaw-dropping silly for hours, but that was for another day when it will be just Shiny and me shopping. At one point, I got a text from Ozzy that he’ll be having drinks with Silver Wheel later tonight. I was glad to know things went okay with his appointment and what he was up to. At least Shiny and I wouldn’t be sitting around wondering what he’s doing while waiting for him to come home, but it looked like we were on our own for dinner tonight. Sure, we could meet Ozzy and Silver wherever they’re mingling, but I figured he might want some time to himself for today, and maybe connect with another stallion he knew in town. Come to think of it, Ozzy doesn’t have many guy friends to mingle with, at least around his age. Fancy’s a nice guy, but he’ll be gone by the end of today, and he’s usually busy most of the week; Silver Wheel and Bubbles are quite older, the latter I’m not sure Ozzy’s comfortable bonding with yet; Soarin… He’s okay, but he does say the wrong thing at the wrong time on some occasions. I’m sure Ozzy’s plenty happy spending time with us, but I do think he should have at least a few stallion friends to hang out with sometimes. I’ll have to see if I can find some of them that could give him some company. After we bid Claire farewell, Shiny and I decided to walk back home with our shopping bags while we thought about what to have for dinner. “We still have some leftovers from last night’s dinner in the fridge,” I suggested. “I do feel a little lazy making something tonight,” Shiny admitted. “Ozzy’s cooking is pretty good most nights too. Can’t wait to see what you guys had last night.” Oh, when I tell you what happened, I’ll leave you speechless, you can count on that. “I guess we could also cook up some of those biscuits Ozzy gets from the store sometimes too,” I added in. “We had a pretty small dinner, so… wait, who’s that in front of my house?” Shiny turned to where I looked, and though we were still a few blocks away, I was shocked to see what it was when I made out the figure. It was another new human we’ve never seen before, and if he was in the upper-class part of Canterlot right now, he’d seriously stand out not just with how casual his clothes were—a yellow shirt with a black smiley face outlined in the front, a white jacket over it, ripped, straight-legged denim jeans, and what I think are called sandals on his feet—but his hair was a bright blonde, almost bleached with his bangs just going past his eyebrows while the rest slightly covered his ears and nape of his neck. His skin was between Ozzy and Claire’s shades of color, but he looked pretty healthy as far as I knew in human standards. He looked… laid back, if I had to describe him, and from the look on his face while staring at whatever’s on that piece of paper, he seemed to be very conflicted. “Boy, we’re just meeting one new human after another lately, aren’t we?” I asked. “I didn’t expect any visitors stopping by, did you?” “Nope. Certainly not somepony—excuse me, someone I’d see very often around here, except maybe my brother when he visits,” Shiny commented. “You think he’s looking for something?” “It looks like it. Should we ask him what’s going on?” “Might as well. If someone like him is in front of my home, there must be some reason.” We walked towards the strange human who still had that perplexed look on his face. When we got close enough, I could make out some words he was saying. “—that guy must be pulling my leg here. There’s no way this could be the place.” “Excuse me, but can we help you with something?” I asked. He turned toward us, and his dark brown eyes widened. He then closed his eyes, crossed his arms, and hummed. “Hmm. I think I need to go to a hospital… because I just fell from the sky after seeing some beautiful angels.” He clutched his chest while he leaned back with the back of his hand on his head. “Oh my heart! I think it’s going to burst! Somebody! Please! I need CPR!” Shiny and I turned to each other with raised brows, probably with the same thought in mind. Is… Is he hitting on us? “It must be destiny that brought us together,” the man continued as he put the paper over his brow, looking out the distance. “Yes, I can just see it now. My future is guided by the sun, and it shines the brightest when I come face to face with my one true love, and that person…” He turned and pointed a finger between us. “Is one of you two incredible mares! Can you feel it? The aching, twisting feeling in your heart from your love at first sight? If one of you can feel it, step forward now, and let the red string of fate forever tie our fates together!” He opened his arms, closed his eyes, and smiled, waiting for the next move. Shiny and I just stood there at a loss for words, nothing but the whistling winds filling the awkward silence between the three of us. The man peeked one eye open for a moment, then slumped with a sigh. “Well, can’t say I didn’t try.” “Sir, do you have business here or not?” Shiny asked with crossed arms and a furrowed brow. “I don’t know what the fuck that was, but you got five minutes to explain yourself before I call the guard.” “Now now, Shiny, let’s not get brash,” I said before turning back to the man. “But I would like to know what exactly you’re doing in front of my house if you don’t mind.” “This is your house?!” the man answered before looking back at the paper he was holding. “That damn lawyer, he gave me the wrong freaking address!” Wait, lawyer? “What are you talking about?” Shiny asked. “I was told someone I know lives here, but that’s just plain impossible,” he commented as he gestured to my home. “I mean this place is fit for a celebrity! I know the guy sold pretty much all of his stuff before moving into this world, but there’s no way all of that money could afford something like this! There must be another house around here that he really lives in, maybe you can help me out. You know a guy about my height, short black hair, wears glasses, has a serious expression twenty-four-seven, works in an office? A guy named Ozzy?” “Um… Yes, you mean Ozzy Shore, correct?” I asked. “He’s my roommate, and works for me as my secretary.” I didn’t want word getting around about me and him dating, so I had to give him what I could for a description. I was still perplexed that this strange human knows Ozzy though. “Technically, he works for both of us. I’m his manager,” Shiny added in. His eyes widened once more and checked the paper again, then glanced between it, me, Shiny, and my house for numerous times. “Wait, so if you’re his roommate, and he works for you, then… OH CRAP!” He facepalmed, got on his knees, and bowed. “Ladies, I am so sorry for hitting on you like that! I swear, I didn’t know who you two were and Ozzy doesn’t even know I’m here! Whatever you do, please don’t lay him off and send him to the streets!” So he was hitting on us. Though I have to admit, his attempt was pretty laughable. “It’s quite alright. Ozzy’s actually a good friend of ours,” I said with a smile. “You can stand up now, by the way. No need to be formal with us.” He obliged, grinned and scratched the back of his head while chuckling. “Sorry about that. I just got to Equestria today, and as soon as I checked in at a hotel, I had to find out where he lives.” “Are you an acquaintance of his from Earth?” I asked. “Pft. ‘Acquaintance?’ And you said no need to be formal.” He opened up the collar of his jacket and grinned. “He may not think so, but aside being my previous roommate, he’s one of my bestest buddies! The name’s Wesley. Jude, Wesley.” [Ozzy’s POV, 5:50 p.m.] As I sat in one of Canterlot Park’s benches, my spine tingled even with no cold winds blowing past me. “Whoa… What was that ominous chill I felt just now?” > Chapter 37: "Guess you learn something new everyday." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 37: “Guess you learn something new every day.” [Ozzy’s POV, 5:50 p.m.] I shook off the strange, ominous shiver down my spine and relaxed back down on the bench, looking up and enjoying the blending colors of yellow, orange, red, violet, and a little blue along with the pink clouds in the sky. It was quite a sight, perfect for me to relax and think about what happened over the day, and other things. I first thought back to the time I was at Fancy’s mansion, specifically near the end of my meeting with the attorney who’s prosecuting against Mascara next week. [About 4 hours earlier] “After I calmed down with Fleur’s and Shining’s help, and talked with Miss Autumn Winds, we left the building to grab dinner and head back to the hotel. We packed our things the next morning, met with Bubbles and his wife for lunch, and took the train back to Canterlot,” I finished my story. A light gray pegasus stallion with a white mane and tail, wearing a suit and glasses, was writing down all the information I told him from the time I first met Mascara to after she was arrested. His name was Swift Justice, and he was the pony Fancy called in to help with the prosecution. He, Fancy, and I were in Fancy’s office with some tea and snacks on the coffee table between us. After a few more notes, Swift fixed his glasses and looked up to me. “And that’s everything that’s happened in this trip?” he asked. “Yep. From the call, to the trip, preparation, the interview itself, the break in between, the next call, me going in, and… well, that,” I answered. I didn’t give him the exact details as I was pretty sure he wouldn’t want to hear the awkward moments between the girls and me, especially considering one of them is Fancy’s sister. Swift nodded and put everything in a suitcase that was leaning against the chair he was sitting in. “Well, thank you for coming in today and explaining everything to me, Ozzy. I know revisiting such an event can be uncomfortable for you, but any information you can provide will give us more leverage to put Mascara to justice. However, I am afraid that you’ll still need to come to the Day Court next week as a witness in case Princess Celestia has any further questions to ask you. Mascara, of course, will be in the same room, but she will be restrained by the Royal Guards that will escort her. Are you alright with this?” I nodded. “I’ll do whatever it is that needs to be done. Is there anyone else that will be there besides Fleur and Shining?” “I got word from Miss Winds that she’ll be attending the court as well. Since she’s the vice president of Vogue, I’m sure she’ll want to see how everything turns out for the soon-to-be ex-president.” “Thank you very much for doing this, Swift,” Fancy said. “No problem at all, Fancy. It’s part of the job.” Swift stood up with his suitcase in hand. “I best be going now. The court is scheduled for 3:00 a week from this coming Friday, but I suggest arriving at the Royal Castle a half-hour earlier, as it will take some time to get into the throne room and get approval from the guards.” “I understand.” I nodded. “I guess I’ll see you that Friday?” “Yep. I’ll see you then, Ozzy.” Swift walked over to the door of the office and left, leaving Fancy and me by ourselves in the room. “Fancy, I can’t thank you enough for calling him to prosecute for this case. I just wish there was something I could do to return the favor,” I said. “It’s no problem at all, dear boy,” he answered. “As long as you’re keeping my sister Fleury safe and happy, that’s all the security I need.” Oh right, does he know about me dating her and Shining yet? I should probably get this out in the open. “Um… About Fleur, Fancy,” I said. “There’s something I need to tell you about us. Shining too. It’s… How should I put it?” “You’re dating the both of them, correct?” Fancy asked. My body turned cold while my stomach dropped. “H-How did—” “Fleury told me what she was going to do with you and Shining a few weeks ago,” Fancy interrupted. “Frankly, I had my suspicions about something like this happening since the three of you came to my birthday party. I just didn’t think she’d thought of forming a herd. Speaking of birthdays, may I ask when yours is?” “Uh… August 17th.” “Splendid! That’s around the time our trip to the Everglade Meadows is scheduled. Has Fleury told you some of the details to it?” “Some of it, but hold on, please,” I said with my hands up. “Are you saying you’re alright with me dating Fleur and Shining at the same time? I know how polygamy is a negative discussion among the nobles around here, and from what I heard, you’re like the cream of the crop. Aren’t you against this?” He shook his head. “Our parents have pounded the idea on us for quite some time now, but… with what I’ve learned from my experience, everything isn’t always black and white. My sister is the only family I have, and as long as she’s happy with the life she’s living right now, that’s all that matters to me. I’ll be keeping your relationship under ropes, of course, and as long as I know you’re taking good care of the girls, I won’t hold anything against you. Basically, you have my blessing, Ozzy Shore.” “Whoa whoa whoa, you’re saying that like I’m getting hitched with them! We haven’t even known each other for that long yet!” Fancy chuckled. “You know what I mean. Anyway, Fleur had already told me how the three of you made it official, so I have a little gift for you as my congratulations.” He pulled out a card from his pocket and passed it over to me. I looked at the card and read aloud. “Mistress Silk’s Magical Pleasure Store and Services?” “One of the nobles I used to talk to during my charities gave it to me,” Fancy explained. “He probably gave this to me because of how I was still single and may not be ‘taking a load off,’ as you’d say. From what I heard, they have… ‘special’ services and items that one needs on certain occasions. You won’t find the store in the higher class part of the city, I assure you of that.” “And you’re giving this to me because…?” “One of the services he mentioned is a spell that allows a stallion to be temporarily infertile for a certain time,” Fancy clarified, making my eyes widen. “From what I could remember, I believe the girls’ heat will be coming around soon, and from how agonizing that could be for a mare for only a week, I don’t think you’d stand by if you could do something about it, would you?” “Well, if I don’t risk them getting pregnant unless further studies on human and pony reproduction says otherwise, then yes. How effective is this spell, though?” “Let’s just say from what he had told me about his experiences, he’d practically be swimming in foals if he didn’t get their services. I think you understand why I haven’t talked to him very much since then.” Yeesh, that sounds like a certain someone I know, scratch that, make that two if I counted Jude’s dating history. At least he’s more considerate to a person’s feelings than Robert, though he does still get tired after a bit and officially calls them off before moving on. Then again, that’s probably better than Robert just seeing multiple girls without any of them knowing. Ugh, I’m feeling conflicted about this subject just thinking about it. “So you’re giving this to me to have an edge to help the girls in their most unpleasant of times?” I asked to clarify. “Indeed. They also concoct potions that will keep you going for a time as well from what I heard, so I say take advantage of the services as you can. Within reason, of course.” “Wow, well, thanks for this, Fancy. I’ll have to let the girls know about it. If you don’t mind me asking, though, how come you’re not seeing anyone?” “… I’m rather busy lately, and I just don’t feel ready to settle down quite yet, but enough of that. Now, about the trip to the Meadows.” [Present, 6:15 p.m.] We then discussed the plans for the trip they’ll all be taking to the summer cottage. I told him what Fleur had told me, so there wasn’t much to add on into it except that since my birthday’s in that same week, we might as well celebrate it while we’re there. I questioned if it was okay, considering this was a family outing thing to visit their late parents, but he pretty much insisted. All that mattered then was for me to see Shining’s family since they’ll be coming along as well, and I did have to admit going on a trip with a couple people I don’t even know would be kind of awkward. So I put visiting Shining’s family down under my list of priorities. I pulled out the business card Fancy gave me from my wallet and took in the design of the card that had passionate, lustful colors. Not only was there the name of the business and the building’s times of opening, but there was a phone number next to the name “Silk,” along with a list of dates and times she’s available at the store. Appointments in which she could visit the client’s home were available as well. I could only assume she wasn’t the only pony who works in the shop, and if one of their services included that, I can only imagine how much they actually charge somepony for even an hour of their time. I’m rather surprised this kind of business is even allowed in Equestria, as I remembered a vague memory of how such a thing was illegal in most of the states. I’ll have to bring this up to the girls at some point soon. I’m not exactly sure how they’d perform the infertility spell on me, but they should at least know about it. I put the card back in my wallet and looked back up in the sky. I had lunch after I left Fancy’s mansion, and I mostly walked around while I thought of what’s going to happen at the week of the trial until I came to the park. I had to wonder, how often does someone forgive another for something so cruel? Rape? Murder? Abuse? It’s usually the extremes like these that would usually be considered ‘unforgivable,’ but is it really impossible to forgive? Difficult, yes, but not impossible. If it was possible, that means I could forgive Mascara for her attempt at raping me, my dad for neglecting me during my growth, and Robert for nearly killing me because I called the cops on his drug dealings. There’s so much to think about. Maybe it’s best if I take this one case at a time. Let’s start off with Mascara. In summary, she called Fleur in for a meeting in hopes of seducing me, and if what she said was true, make me her new secretary while at the same time giving Fleur a spot in the Fall design line commercial. Now, it’s true that I wasn’t the first person she handled in such a manner. Clearly, she could seduce any stallion she saw fit to fill her cravings. Even if I turned down the offer, she could always seek someone else, maybe give one of her past clients a call to come to her office later. Heck, there’s a chance she could run into another human male she could have her way with. She seemed like an intelligent enough mare to think that far ahead, or she wouldn’t even be the CEO of a company in the first place. So why was she so desperate in getting me to the point of attempted rape? Did I gain that much attention from her compared to other stallions working with other models? Was me being human really the only reason why she wanted me so much? Had she even looked into my resume somewhere to consider hiring me as her secretary? The more I’m asking myself these questions, the more I think this case doesn’t have anything to do with me. Strange. If that were the case, then why did she do it? What was it about me that’s different compared to the stallions she saw before me (besides being a different species)? How long had she been doing this? How many stallions had she been with? Have any of them ever… My eyes slowly widened as I thought that last question over repeatedly. That question, might just be the key that locked everything together. I needed this confirmed, and I can only go to one pony in particular to answer for me. A ring suddenly made me jump, interrupting my thoughts. I reached for my phone that was making the noise and answered. “Hello?” “Good evening, Oz.” “Oh hey Silver. What’s up?” “It’s almost time for our drinks. I just want to call and see where you are so I can pick you up.” Whoa, that much time has passed already? “I’m at Canterlot Park,” I answered. “Splendid! That’s actually a few blocks away from the pub we’re going to.” “Oh, then should I just meet you there?” “If it’s not too much trouble. The place is called The Empty Barrel, and it should be right next to a few other themed restaurants.” “Alright, I’ll look for it and see you there then.” “Perfect.” “Just one question, though.” “Yes?” “Do you know if the place has a phone book I could use?” [Meanwhile, Shining’s POV, 6:15 p.m.] “I see, so you’ve found this place because Charles sent you the address,” Fleur said. Jude, Fleur, and I were having leftovers from last night’s dinner in the living room, warmed up thanks to what the humans call a ‘microwave’. I couldn’t help but think that such technology affected the taste of the food in some way before it was stuck in, but I could always ask Ozzy about it later. When the three of us got inside, I’d forgotten I left the book I was reading on the dining table, and from how this Jude was behaving, I’d rather not have him get any funny ideas. So I hid it in one of the kitchen cupboards as a last-minute resort before he even noticed. “That’s right,” Jude said before taking another bite. “He came to my place first since he found it was the last home Ozzy lived in before moving out, and as soon as I had gotten word of his old man kicking the bucket, I had to ask him if he could give me his new address once he found it. As soon as I got it, I scheduled some vacation time back at my work for two weeks, got verified to go into Equestria, and here I am.” “Wait, Ozzy had told us it took him two months to get everything settled before he moved into Equestria,” I pointed out. “How did you get in with half of that time?” “It doesn’t take as long if you’re just visiting as a tourist,” he answered. “You just needed a passport stamped for approving interdimensional travel, and as long as you aren’t staying in Equestria for too long, you’re good to go. You still need a clean to decent criminal record to get it, though, so I’m just glad the only thing I was charged for in my life was speeding.” “Speeding?” Fleur asked. “Driving a car way over the speed limit? Has Ozzy told you about cars?” “Uh, no, he hasn’t,” I answered. But from the looks of this guy, I wouldn’t be surprised he ran into the police for at least once in his life. “I’ll tell you about them later,” Jude continued. “So anyway, after I vomited from the trip, I checked in at the nearest, most decent hotel I could afford to stay for two weeks, unpacked my things in my room, and went to look for Ozzy’s place soon afterward. Then I ran into you two beauties.” He grinned and gave a wink at us. “Okay, we could make do without the vomit part,” I commented, “but why did you want to see Ozzy so badly? He didn’t really tell us much about you until just recently.” “I told you before, didn’t I? He’s one of my bestest buddies, even if he doesn’t feel the same way.” Jude shrugged. “I know I have pushed his buttons sometimes, and he can be a little distant, but from the three years he lived with me, he turned out to be one of the nicest guys I’ve known who’s been in a similar situation as I experienced.” He looked to the side with his smile disappearing. “I knew a little about what happened with his dad and older brother. I had some rough times with my own family, but I definitely didn’t have it as bad as he did. It’s sort of a miracle he’s still here today.” “I know what you mean,” Fleur mumbled. “I wasn’t sure how soon Ozzy would have gotten the news, but I needed to see if he was doing okay,” he continued. “Being a stick in the mud on the side, he’s an all-around good guy. He also needed to learn how to lighten up sometimes from how serious he was, too. So I decided to do it in the best way I knew how.” “Which I’m assuming is that ‘charm’ you used on us earlier?” I asked. “You got it, sweet cheeks,” he answered before taking a few more bites from his food. I can certainly see why Ozzy would be so conflicted in talking about someone like Jude, especially to me. It’s a wonder how he was able to put up with all of it for three years. “Man, this is delicious,” Jude said. “Did you two get this from a take-out somewhere?” “Nope. I made it myself,” Fleur said with a smile. I whipped my head to her with widened eyes. “No way, that’s impossible. You’re a terrible cook, and this is…” “Scrumptious, I know,” she finished with a grin. “Don’t believe me? Talk to Ozzy. He guided me through the whole way and we ate it while watching movies last night.” “That’s one thing I missed about Ozzy not being around,” Jude commented. “He may have shown me a few things, but his cooking tops even my own mom.” “So what kind of place did you and Ozzy live?” Fleur asked. “He mentioned he grew up in… Ill-a-noy before moving out. Was your home far away from there?” “It’s a bit of a distance, but not too far,” Jude answered. “A six-hour drive from there was our apartment in Lincoln, Nebraska. He had an office job while I worked as a bartender, and it was just the two of us living there most of the time.” “Most of the time?” I repeated. “Well I’ve seen a quite a few people back home,” he clarified. “Sometimes I bring someone over to our place and we finish the night off there, on a good note of course.” Oh dear Luna. “So we aren’t the first you’ve tried that ‘red string of fate’ thing on earlier?” Fleur asked with a raised brow. “I’m surprised you actually took that seriously. Maybe that’s why those other mares earlier reacted a similar way. I was trying to get you girls to laugh.” “With all due respect, Jude, if that was your idea of a joke, if I hadn’t met Ozzy before you came along—” “Shiny,” Fleur interrupted with a furrowed brow. “I didn’t use the exact same thing before you two, but trust me as I say that shit worked plenty enough back home,” he said. “I think the mares around this side of Canterlot just don’t have a sense of humor, mostly the spiffy dressed ones, though. I got a number from one casually dressed mare at the hotel. Maybe it’s just that the classes around here differ in sense of humor. Still, I guess I could see why Ozzy would fit into a place like this, and even if you’re his manager, Shiny, I could also see that you might be his type.” I blinked a few times as I tried to process what Jude just told me before answering. “Okay, first, only Fleur here can call me Shiny. You will refer to me as Shining, thank you very much. Second, what was that about me being his type?” Although, it would be nice to hear Ozzy call me ‘Shiny’ once in a while, too. Maybe I should bring it up to him at some point. “What do I mean by you being his type, let’s see…” Jude set the plate down, crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and hummed. “Based on what I’ve seen from your first impression so far, you have that way of doing things seriously like he does, and may take your job just as so. That’s a few things you two have in common. Aside from being brash, you do have that attraction from being intelligent, but that could just be from you wearing glasses. Finally, along with being cute, from what I can see about your body, you definitely fit into what I call the ‘boobielicious’ category of girls. Wait, but Ozzy’s more of an ass man, isn’t he? Yeah, I can see how he could be into yours, but probably more in size while Fleur here has an edge with her perkiness. The way she walks especially adds into the allure, too. “Actually, Fleur might be good for Ozzy as well. She was chiller with how we met earlier, and I kind of liked that. Open, definitely attractive in looks, and like her rack and trunk, quite perky. Ozzy needs some positive energy in his life, and I can practically feel hers all the way over here. I can also see her urging him to have a good time while trying to relax a little, and if they get that far together, he’s definitely in for a night of fun, and possible romance. And that is Jude Wesley’s Sexy Girl Report, Equestrian Edition. You can pick up my phone number on your way out.” Jude stood up and gave a bow with a smile, leaving me and Fleur speechless and red in the faces. He then sat back down with a sigh. “But that’s just hypothetical, though. I don’t know if Ozzy sees ponies here as attractive as human women and is basically a Furry in a closet. Oh man, the outbreak I heard from them when a world of anthro ponies was found. That was a conversation starter.” “Uhh…” Fleur said. I leaned in close to her and whispered. “Seriously, can I smack him just this once? I’m not even sure if he’s here for Ozzy alone. And come on, ‘boobielicious’? Who the fuck would even say that to a mare up front like that?!” “While I do agree it’s a crude term, he does have a point with them,” Fleur commented in a whisper. “I mean you even used them to give him a boobjob, remember?” “Well yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’d like my breasts to be addressed in such a fashion from a total stranger. Also, did he just told me my butt looks big earlier?” Fleur shrugged and turned back to Jude who was finishing eating his food. “You seem so sure about your ‘evaluations,’ Jude. How could you know that when you’ve just met us?” “When you bartend and talk to a lot of people, you pick up on a few things, but they don’t always stick once I really get to know them. I actually didn’t like Ozzy for a while because I thought he was a cranky asshole for the first month and a half. Even when he was decent enough to pay his half of the bills, we hardly ever talked and he basically did his own thing like I didn’t exist.” That’s interesting. He wasn’t nearly as cold when he talked to us for the first few days he worked with us. Does he just treat boys differently than girls like I did before? “So what made you change your idea on him?” Fleur asked with a raised brow. “He got beaten up by even bigger assholes when they were about to go at it with me one night.” Our eyes widened as we processed what he just said. “Yeah, I was a little buzzed that time, but I was as shocked as you two are when he came up like that, especially when it was three against one. He put up a good fight, surprisingly, but he didn’t walk away without a scratch, I can tell you that much. We were just lucky the police weren’t around to get involved.” “Why did he protect you like that?” I asked. “I asked him the same thing after I took him home and treated his wounds,” Jude said. “All he said was ‘I wasn’t going to stand by when someone’s about to get hurt right in front of me. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did for so long, and I don’t ever want to end up like someone I knew who could’ve stopped it.’ Then, he went to bed without another word. The next morning he called in sick for a few days to heal, and went on like nothing happened. After that, I had to rethink my thoughts about him.” I suddenly remembered what I’ve known about Ozzy’s past. When he mentioned ‘someone I knew who could’ve stopped it’, I knew immediately he was referring to his dad, at least before he saw the will a few days ago. I guess for someone who’d been in fights a lot, it makes sense to have that way of thinking. “So after a bit, I figured I’d treat him to a drink or two as a thanks for helping me out,” Jude continued. “I introduced him to some of my buddies at the bar I worked, and they welcomed him with open arms. I could tell he wasn’t comfortable at first, but tried to go along to with it to not make himself look rude. I guess that’s when I knew he wasn’t an asshole, but just someone who didn’t know how to connect to other people, maybe even anxious to do it. So I tried to get closer to him from there to help out, and that’s when we became best buds, or at least in my point of view. He still got wound up at times, but he was slowly opening himself up to others. If that isn’t a good sign of improvement, then I don’t know what is.” “I just have one question, Jude,” Fleur asked. “About those guys who were going to attack you, why would they do that? Did you somehow hook up with one of their girlfriends by accident?” He chuckled a little. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. Some just can’t get enough of me. But no, it wasn’t anything like that…” Suddenly, for the first time since we saw him, he grimaced and looked to the side while holding his arms tightly. “No, it was completely different. I’d rather not talk about it, if you don’t mind.” “Oh… Of course we don’t. I apologize for bringing it up,” Fleur said. I didn’t think whatever it was could be so personal to not bring up from this guy. I guess even someone like him still has some insecurities. “It’s fine, you didn’t know.” He waved, took a sigh, and looked back up to us. “Anyway, you’ve heard enough about my side of things. What about you two? What exactly do you do with Ozzy?” “Well as I’ve mentioned before, I’m Ozzy’s and Fleur’s manager,” I said. “I get Fleur appointments with other companies while Ozzy keeps track of them all in an agenda with other activities and events, plus notes of what they’re looking for from her.” “Huh, and what kind of business are you three even doing? It sounds like it all depends on Fleur’s success.” “We’re in the modeling business,” Fleur answered with a smile. “WHAT?!” Jude exclaimed. “Are you telling me I’m sitting in the same room as a model?!” “A supermodel, to be specific,” Fleur answered with a smug. “Very well-known, I might add,” I said while matching Fleur’s expression. “Been in almost every fashion magazine that exists in Equestria at least once, and even won awards for it.” “So that means… he sees you and others around doing this while in that and… That slimy bastard! He’s seeing more girls in their underwear at once than me! Maybe even nothing at all, and they aren’t even human! Has he even hooked up with one of them?!” “Mm, none that I know of,” Fleur said. “He actually respects the other models quite well and one of the most professional males I’ve ever worked with. And before you ask, yes, he has seen me in many outfits, including nothing at all.” Her voice suddenly turned husky from there. “The first photo shoot he ever saw all of me in was for a soap advertisement, and he got to watch me wash myself very slowly, all while under hot, steamy water running down my body.” Uh, Fleur? I think you’re pushing it a little too far. Jude’s practically shaking in his seat. Though I do have to admit seeing him riled up like this is more fulfilling than a slap to the face. “That lucky son of a bitch,” Jude muttered. “He’s gonna have a word with me once I see him.” “He won’t be coming back for a while tonight,” I commented. “He actually got a hold of his dad’s will just recently, and he’s taking today to think things over.” “I see.” Jude sighed and scratched his head. “Still a little peeved about the score he hit, but that isn’t the main issue going on right now. What else happened while he was here?” We then gave him a concise description of what went on since Ozzy came to Equestria. From saving Fleur’s life, all the way up to the point he got the will, including the upcoming trial with Mascara. We left out his nightmares, his meeting with Claire, the content of the will, our personal things we shared with Ozzy, and our relationship. One reason we did so was because they seemed like something Ozzy himself should talk to him about when he was ready, and the other was about how much shit our poor boyfriend might deal with if Jude found out that he’s dating the both of us. “Dude… That totally blows,” Jude said. “For a place that’s so colorful, I didn’t think something that dark could happen here, especially with magic being used that way.” “I think Ozzy might have thought the same thing for a bit,” Fleur said before taking a sip of her water. “Shiny had her suspicions, but it was a surprise for all of us what transpired that day.” She looked down with ears folded. “I’ve never seen him that afraid before. He was so vulnerable with what was on the line, and with Mascara having magic, I can’t even begin to fathom what might have happened if we got there later than we did.” “He’s getting help from a therapist, though,” I added in. “He’s also taking anti-depressants to help with his recovery as well. What I’m worried about though is how he will act when he’s in the same room as Mascara again during the trial. There will be guards to watch over, sure, but…” “I hear ya,” Jude said. “I saw him taking those meds back on Earth for a while, too. I didn’t think he’d take them again for something like this. Hmm… I’m not sure how he’s taking this with his dad’s death right now, and I think he wants a break from these surprises for a while. Would it be best if I left him alone for a couple more days and get back to him later?” If Ozzy’s meeting with Jude is anything like that time with Claire, I wouldn’t blame him wanting to settle down from the surprises. “I’m sure he’d be glad to see you, Jude, but I think some space is just what he needs right now,” Fleur said. “In that case, could you not let him know I was here?” Jude asked. “I think he’d rather not have something else occupying his mind knowing I’m around. I’ll be staying in Canterlot for two weeks, so I’m going to make my vacation time useful and see what this place has to offer. If for some reason I bump into Ozzy by accident, I’ll just go with the flow from there.” “Sounds good to us. Could you give us your phone number in case we need to call you for anything?” Fleur asked. “Of course.” With a pink aura surrounding Fleur’s horn and hand, she levitated a notepad and pen from the kitchen and placed it on Jude’s hand, whose eyes were widened from seeing her display of magic. “So that’s unicorn magic, huh? Neat,” he commented. Jude then quickly wrote down the number on the notepad and passed it with the pen back to me. “If nothing comes up, I’ll check back in a week. That okay with you two?” “Sure,” I said. Jude then stood up and stretched. “Well thanks for the awesome food. It was nice meeting you two, despite starting off on the wrong foot… Or hoof, in this case. Hope we’ll be able to get along later. I’ll even treat you to some drinks with my amazing bartending skills.” “That would be nice,” Fleur said with a smile. “And a bit of advice as a local; if you’re looking for new ponies to talk to, you may be better off starting with the West side of Canterlot. They’re more casual over there compared to over here; otherwise, you should probably think about wearing something sharper.” Jude looked himself over and grabbed the hems of his jacket before chuckling. “Yeah, I get ya. Thanks.” He walked over to the front door, turned back to us, and grinned. “Until next time, I bid you lovely ladies adieu,” he said with a bow before opening the door and left. The two of us groaned and rubbed our temples once the coast was clear. “So what do you think, Shiny?” Fleur asked. “I can’t make heads or tails out of him,” I said. “Clearly, he’s objective and quite annoying, but it also seems like he cares for Ozzy’s well-being. I was this close to smacking him once, maybe twice for those crude remarks towards me.” I pinched a piece of air the size of a pea, making my point. “Well if Ozzy’s okay with him around once he knows about it, we may just have to tolerate it.” Fleur shrugged. “I was actually wondering about him having any guy friends close to his age to spend time with, and as of right now, Jude’s the only likely candidate to play the part, at least for a bit. We’ll just have to hope that Ozzy asks him to take his so-called ‘jokes’ to a minimum once they meet.” “I hear that.” I stretched and yawned before rubbing my eyes under my glasses. “Anyway, we get back to work tomorrow, so if Ozzy doesn’t end up coming home before ten, we’ll have to text him and see how he’s doing. You mind if I spend the night here?” “Of course not. There’s a change of clothes for you in the closet to wear to work for tomorrow, so we’ll just relax for the rest of the evening until he gets home.” “I’m down with that.” We washed and put away the dirty plates before we settled on the couch to watch some T.V. As we browsed the channels to see what good shows were on, a scene of a cartoon that had bipedal animals in a secret agent facility brought something Jude mentioned in my mind. “Hey, what do you think the word ‘Furry’ means back on Earth?” [Ozzy’s POV, 8:45 p.m.] “Wow, I didn’t know about that. I’m sorry for your loss,” I said. Silver and I were on the booth in The Empty Barrel, having our second mug of hard cider with some food we just finished. I told him about how I was dealing with the news of my dad’s death along with my relationship with him and Robert. He was very attentive throughout my explanation, only taking a moment to either ask a question or take a sip of his cider as I talked. When I got to the end of it and asked him for his opinion on the matter, he told me something of a similar experience he had that Fleur and Shining hadn’t told me about, and actually answered a few questions that had been lingering on my mind for a while. Turns out he had an older brother who also drove for Fleur’s family named Sturdy Wheel. Sturdy would be in charge of driving Fleur’s parents to places they needed to go while Silver would do the same with her and Fancy. They had worked together long before they were hired to be personal drivers, but even with their partnership, there were times when they get into an argument or squabble like most siblings would (but not to an extreme like me and Robert of course). One day, they both fell in love with a mare, and when they found out each other’s feelings for her, their usual squabbles escalated to the point they feud at one another. The mare left after a while, but their rivalry still continued for quite some time to the point they stopped talking to each other, avoiding any contact whatsoever while doing their jobs. Everything changed for Silver after that dreadful day. Sturdy was driving Fleur’s parents to a town over the mountains for another business meeting. The railroads were still in development during that time, and they didn’t reach their destination until much later. As Sturdy drove Fleur’s parents along the mountainside, there was an unfortunate rockslide during a storm. The three were reported missing in less than a week, and their bodies along with what was left of the carriage were found not too long after. “Fancy, Fleur, and Shining attended their funeral with their own friends and families two weeks after their bodies were found,” Silver continued. “I was also there, of course. When I walked up to what used to be my brother in that coffin, I thought back to why we were so spiteful of each other. I found it so ridiculous to fuss over by then, and all that had done was made me regret that we had never mended our broken ties. Our fights aside, we really did have our good moments, and I loved my brother. I think he may have felt the same way.” He took a few big sips of his cider and turned to me. “When you watched the video your father gave you, how did you feel when you found out he had his own regrets for raising you and Robert the way he did?” How did I feel? I was so overwhelmed during that time, I didn’t really think about it. “I guess I’m still trying to wrap my head around it,” I answered. “I mean, it looked like his feelings were genuine, but I just wished he realized it so much sooner.” “I’m sure he must have felt the same way,” Silver commented. “We all wished things would be different in the past at one point or another. What if I had done this? What if he did that? What could she have done during that time? We can keep asking ourselves these questions, but no matter what, we can’t change what has already been done.” He swirled his mug as he gazed at the amber liquid. “I think what matters now is what we already have in the present, and what we could do in the future. What happens from there is each person’s responsibility—pony, human, and other species alike—and the possibilities for what happens next is infinite. Even the smallest things could change the outcome for not only you, but for everyone else around you.” He glanced back towards me. “Tell me, Oz, even with all that’s happened to you, are you glad to be where you are right now? That you’re here in Equestria, meeting me, Fleur, Shining, Fancy, Bubbles, and everybody else?” “I don’t know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t,” I answered. “When I think about it, if things did change in the past, would I still meet the girls? Would Fleur still even be here if I hadn’t saved her from that runaway carriage? Would Shining still despise stallions the way she did before? Maybe even more than ever? It’s true that my life sucked ass in the past, but if someone asked me if I could go back to change it…” I looked up to Silver with a small smile. “If it meant I’ll meet Fleur, Shining, you, and everyone else all over again, I wouldn’t even change a thing.” “I understand.” He held up his half-empty mug with a small smile. “A toast to the future. Whatever may come, let’s cherish what we have today, and hope they’ll stay with us for the times later on.” “Amen to that,” I agreed before we clinked our mugs and downed the rest of our cider. We sighed once we finished, almost refreshed from our drinks. “Well, I think I had enough for one night,” Silver said as he stood up. “I’m still sober and awake enough. Shall I drive you back home?” “I’d like to stay here a bit longer and think,” I answered. “I’ll walk back home when I’m ready.” “Very well then.” “Thanks a lot for the talk, and for treating me to the drinks.” “It was a pleasure, Oz. We’ll have to do it again sometime.” Silver took out the required bits to pay for his food and the drinks, and shook my hand with a smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Try not to stay out too late, now.” “I won’t. See you then,” I replied with a small smile of my own before he walked out of the pub. I asked the bartender for a glass of ice water and took a few big gulps. I sighed and spun my glass on the booth table as I thought about everything Silver and I talked about. Looks like there’s a lot of stuff to think over after the trial, I thought. I guess the big question right now is what I’ll do when that time comes. I could take action on it soon afterwards, but a lot of stuff has happened already, and it’s only been about a month since I moved here, at least. Maybe I should— “Is this seat taken?” a voice asked. “Nah. Go ahead,” I answered without looking up. Maybe I should just focus on settling down in Equestria for a while until I’m adjusted enough. Not to mention I’m dating two girls now, and I’d like to— “Aren’t you that Ozzy guy who’s been on the news lately?” the same voice asked again. “Runaway carriage, morning after broadcast, Mascara, those things?” “Yeah, that’s me,” I answered while still staring at my glass. “Gotta admit, I didn’t think I’d be on the news that many times in my life, to be honest. It’s calm right now, but I’m still not used to having such facts be made public.” The guy next to me sighed. “I guess that settles it, then. Not sure why it’s you, but I’ve never seen Fleur so happy before I fucked up…” What the? What’s he… I slowly turned to finally see the man—or stallion in this case—that’s been talking to me the last few moments. Memories started to flash back in my head as I looked at him. Well he’s a pegasus for one thing. He has yellow fur, white spiked mane and tail, amber eyes… Each characteristic I remembered matched the guy’s description, and with him only wearing a tank top (his brown jacket sitting on a vacant stool next to him), I could see the last piece that put everything together. And if he’s in little enough clothing, he has a pair of sunglasses with light reflecting on its lenses as his cutie mark. “You…” The pegasus turned to me and gave a small, but forced tight-lipped smile. “The name’s Solar Flare. A pleasure to finally meet you in person, Ozzy Shore.” > Chapter 38: "Uhhh..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 38: “Uhhh…” [Ozzy’s POV, 9:05 p.m.] My mind was swimming. Confusion and anger were keeping me on edge as my fists tightened, but I tried to keep myself in control. I recalled back to the conversation I had with Fleur the other night, the same one after I learned of my dad’s death. She mentioned about having a talk with her ex in the future, maybe as a way to finally clear the air and move on with her life. It could very well be a process to forgiving him after what he’s done to her and Shining, but I couldn’t bet on whether or not it was safe to lower my guard yet. I took a moment to sigh internally and release the tension in my body, all while still keeping my eyes on him. “So you’re Solar Flare, huh?” I asked. “That I am,” he answered. As the bartender passed by, Solar called to him. “Could I get some tomato juice, please?” He nodded and went to prepare Solar’s order while I was caught off guard by his choice of beverage. “Tomato juice?” I asked with a raised brow. “I realized how much alcohol has caused me problems in the past,” he answered. “Some time away from it helped me think straight and gave me a start on quitting the stuff. Figured I might as well find an alternative whenever I visit a bar in the future.” He thanked the bartender and paid for the drink when it came around. He took a few sips and sighed before putting the glass down. “You must have a lot of questions to ask me after being with the girls for some time, right?” “I have one: How long have you stalked Fleur after seeing her again for the first time?” I asked. “Last I checked, she slapped you at the Canterlot Theatre before the two of you met again at Manehattan.” Solar sighed. “Do you really have to put it that way? It sounds really harsh.” “So you have been following her.” “I guess you could say I have, while at the same time have not. Maybe it would be better if I explained what happened at the beginning?” “… It’s a start.” But that doesn’t mean I’ll believe it right away. Solar took another drink of his tomato juice before beginning to explain. “As you know, I was charged with assault and sent for eight years in prison. I was let out five and a half years partly because of my good behavior.” “Partly? What was the other reason then?” “My older brother… well, older half-brother, said he’d help bail me out if I called him once a week to talk about my time in the cellar. There wasn’t a specific time, just until he thought I was good enough to be let out.” “Fleur didn’t tell me anything about your family history,” I admitted. “Ah, I should have figured. She probably tried to move on by not talking about me. My half-brother, Lens Frame, and I share the same dad. Wasn’t the best, but he took care of us decently, and Lens was pretty supportive since he’s lived with him longer than me. It was partly because of his job as a movie producer that I found my calling and became an actor, while Lens became an eye doctor. When news broke out about my arrest, our parents didn’t really show much support. Lens was probably the closest I had to family, and with his successful job, it wasn’t hard to provide the money needed to set me free…” He looked to the side and scratched his chin. “I’ll really need to pay him back at some point. It’s no wonder how Fleur had a crush on him before going out with me.” I didn’t know about that part, either. Wonder what got her to change her mind? “Anyway, after the bail, he let me stay with him until I find out what I’m going to do next, and move out once I get a new job and place,” he continued. “The first week was to settle in, and I helped around the house so I have something to do. One day, he was going to introduce me to his marefriend while taking us out to the theatre.” “And that was when you ran into Fleur,” I pointed out. Solar nodded. “I almost forgot how beautiful she was until I saw her there, and I guess I just let the emotions get the better of me while I tried to talk to her. That slap still stings every time I think about it.” He rubbed the side of his face, where I assumed Fleur slapped him. “Lens caught me after that, and we went home to talk as I tried to think things through. I didn’t hear about the carriage thing until the next morning while I was watching the news, and that was when I saw you. I’ll be honest, I thought I was seeing an orangutan in a suit next to Fleur that day. No offense.” Ah, the monkey business. How I missed thee.  “Just keep going, please,” I urged. “Right. So I tried to come up with a way to see Fleur again in a better setting after that and thought it was time for me to make a comeback in show business. I figured if I came back as a new stallion, I’d have a better chance of getting back with Fleur and apologizing to Shining about… well, that. So I made a few calls which led to an appointment in Manehattan, and remembered how Puffy was making his own name in fashion design.” “Puffy? You mean Puff Tie?” “Yeah. We actually became good friends while we dated the girls, and he even helped design the costumes back when we were all starting our careers. I hadn’t talked to him since the arrest, so I thought it would be best to see him and catch up.” “… Please tell me you didn’t go the same day the three of us went there, right?” “Actually from the looks of it, I arrived the day before you three came. I was just passing by the station before I saw you three, and flew off before you noticed. I swear, I didn’t follow you on the train ride there, I even still have the ticket getting there that day back home if you want proof.” “Why would you still have something like that?” “I’m on a budget and trying to keep track of how much I spend. Lens is helping me out with the money right now, and I don’t want to waste it all.” This is just getting too fishy for all of this to be coincidental. Knowing him being a former actor, he could very well be faking it all. But, being with Fleur for so long, I could be becoming biased. “… Alright, continue,” I said. “So after I flew off, I tried to look around for where Puffy lived,” Solar said. “While I was at the studios auditioning for some roles, I asked around for him until I finally got his phone number. Took me a bit to get it, too. When I finally got a hold of him… he sounded off.” “Off?” “Like really weird off. His voice was shaky and his breathing was really heavy. I decided to go see him once I got his address, and when I got there… I swear, it was like I saw a reflection of my old self from five and a half years ago. Frayed mane and tail, clothes were drenched in sweat and pencil lead smudges, probably worn them for more than a day, and there were crumpled up, ripped, and crossed out sketches of his designs all over the place.” Whoa… If this was because of what Shining said to Puff about Palette Brushstroke’s critique, then he must have taken it harder than I thought. Sounds like he had a mental breakdown. “I had to calm him down enough to explain to me what had happened,” Solar continued. “He told me about how he tried to apply for Vogue’s studio design department and how Shining brought up the results to him. That was the first I heard that the two broke up since Fleur and I separated, and why he even did that…” He took a big drink of his juice and looked down with a contorted face. “I… I had no idea I took away Shining’s ability to bear foals, nor how cruel Puffy became to leave her like that and how she became afterwards. I realized then not only how much Puffy and I had changed because of our fame, but how I destroyed everything between the four of us. I was mad at Puffy for leaving Shining the way he did, but I was angrier at myself for being the root of all of this. “I left Puffy’s place and regrouped back at Lens’ after that. I probably felt more like shit then than after the break up. I didn’t think that wound was so severe. It’s no wonder Fleur didn’t want to see me ever again. I wanted to make it up to Shining so bad then, but how could I even come up front with her after what I did? How could she even forgive me for something like that? I just…” He planted his face to the booth with his hands behind his head, his fingers running through his white mane. His shoulders were shaking as I heard deep, muffled breaths. All I did was sit and be surprised at how torn up Solar was with this. At least it looked like he was torn. The air was quickly turning awkward between the two of us. I took a clean napkin and slid it over to touch Solar’s arm, wondering if he needed something to clean himself up. Turned out, he did as he sat back up, wiped his eyes, and blew his nose, leaving a small, clear puddle in front of him. “I wanted to talk to Fleur about what happened,” Solar continued. “I noticed how there was a pegasus in a suit around her place yesterday. I didn’t know why she needed the extra security, but I figured he may not have let me through if he was aware of my relationship with her. I was able to sneak past him and—” “Wait, did you say yesterday?” I interrupted. “Like, when? Fleur was out most of the day until—” “Later in the night,” Solar finished. He cleared his throat and scratched his chin. “Yeah, to be honest, I’m still feeling awkward sitting with the same guy whose name she screamed right now. She definitely hasn’t lost her powerful lungs from the sound of it.” “Oh my god.” My cheeks heated up and I faced down while I ran my own fingers through my hair. It was then I also questioned how far Fleur’s screaming could be heard from outside if her ex was able to hear it from who knows where. Wonder if I could cut the awkwardness enough to spread on toast right now? That’s pretty much how thick the air is at the moment. “Don’t worry about it, Ozzy,” Solar said. “I figured something was up when she mentioned your name back at Manehattan. I’m not sure how many stallions she has met since the two of us ended, but if her screams were any indication, she must be happy being with you. It also means there’s no chance of us getting back together anytime soon, not that I care about that anymore.” “So… What do you want?” I asked as I looked back up to him, his face more reserved than when he came in. “Do you still love her?” “I still have some feelings, but they aren’t the same as when we were still going out. I realize that now, and even though things didn’t work between us, I don’t regret dating that wonderful mare. As for what I want, right now it’s just getting my full apologies out there, to both of the girls. It would be great if I could at least be friends with them again, but I understand if they don’t want to go that far. When I make my comeback, though it may not make up for Shining’s infertility, I want to at least do something that will benefit her and Fleur for some time.” “Not to be rude, but how do I know all of this is true?” I asked. “How are you planning to approach it?” “Well my plans have certainly changed considering what I heard last night, and I took the day today to think it over before I ran into you… Actually, this might be good timing.” Solar went to his jacket and searched through his pocket while my body tensed up and I inhaled sharply. What’s he trying to reach for? Could it be a weapon? After a few moments, he took out a necklace hung by a small chain, leaving me relaxed once more, but still confused. It was a silver lily like Fleur’s cutie mark, sculpted and shined to a bright glimmer under the bar room’s lights. “What’s that?” “I ordered a customized pair of necklaces while we were still dating,” he answered. “The one I gave Fleur has the sunglasses from my cutie mark, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she threw it away. I held onto this to show how much she meant to me even after all this time, but that pretty much means squat at this point.” He took my hand and placed the necklace on my open palm. “I want you to hold onto this as proof that I will come up to the girls and apologize to them properly. Don’t tell them that we talked or let them see this necklace. When the time comes, whether Fleur and Shining are willing to listen to me or kick me out of their lives forever is for you to decide.” “What do you mean by that?” “There’s a definite chance the girls won’t let me see them even if I try to explain myself. If Fleur has that much trust in you, then Shining would be about the same. Basically, I need you to vouch for me if they get skeptical.” “… Why are you putting this much trust in me?” I asked. “I’m dating your ex, and I could possibly toss this in the trash before you fill your promise. Aren’t you the least bit resentful towards me, or the girls?” Solar shook his head. “I know I was involved with how they got to where they are today. Them’s the facts. I don’t even mind if you do throw that necklace away. As long I get my apology to the girls in person, I’ll move on whether they accept it or not, and hope you’ll take better care of Fleur than I ever did.” He finished his tomato juice and slipped his jacket on. “Thanks for taking the time to talk. It was nice to finally meet you.” “Sure…” As he made his way to the door, I stood up from my stool and turned to him. “Solar,” I called. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. “If this is all some kind of trick, I’m not going to hold back like Shining did. You’ll only wish I stopped at the face like the last time you got hit.” His eyes widened, then did something unexpected: He chuckled. “I’ll hold you to that,” he said after finishing with a small smile. “Til we meet again.” Solar then stepped out of the pub, and I heard his wings flapping his take off. I looked back at the necklace Solar gave to me, astonished at what had just happened. It was all completely different compared to what I had expected. I was in a daze before I snapped back from my phone ringing. I took it out and answered the call. “Hello?” “Ozzy? Are you doing okay over there?” Fleur’s voice asked. “It’s past ten, and we’re getting worried. Do you need a ride?” “Oh! I’m sorry, I was just about to head out. I’ll take a taxi and be there in twenty.” “Are you drunk?” “Nah, but I am tired though. I’ll definitely need some sleep before we get back to work tomorrow.” “Well I don’t mean to rush you, but you have two beautiful mares in nothing but their underwear waiting for you to snuggle with them. So I suggest you hop to it.” Heat rushed to my face at the blunt statement while I might have heard Shining’s laughter from the other line. “Y-Yes ma’am! I’ll be right there!” I hung up the phone and quickly dialed the number for the taxi. “Hello? Yes, I’d like a taxi to pick me up from The Empty Barrel, please. I’ll throw in an extra twenty bits if you can get here in ten minutes. Thanks, bye.” [10:20 p.m.] The taxi service was surprisingly fast. It only took them about five minutes after the call that they arrived, and like they promised, got me back home in ten. I paid the extra twenty bits along with the required bill, and dashed my way inside the household. Checking both bedrooms with knocks, I found the girls were in Fleur’s room from their answer. I let them know I’d shower quickly before settling, and they didn’t mind. I was sure they’d prefer a clean Ozzy than a dirty one to snuggle with. One quick shower and change of clothes later, I opened the door to find the girls. “… You girls are the worst.” Instead of them being in their bra and panties, Fleur and Shining were in their usual chemise pajamas. Though they still looked attractive in them, I was still miffed about not seeing them in what Fleur described earlier. “That’s what you get for making us worry,” Fleur answered with a pout and puffed cheeks. “I have to say, you arrived faster than what you told on the phone,” Shining pointed out, fixing her glasses with a grin. “You must have really wanted to see us in our underwear, didn’t you? You must have a more perverted mind than I thought.” “Shut up. Any guy would come rushing in when you give false hopes like that,” I argued while I walked over and flopped on the bed between the girls. “If anything, I’m the victim here for getting my dreams crushed.” “Oh please, you know you love us no matter what we’re in.” Fleur then leaned down and gave a kiss on the corner of my lip. “So how did everything go with today?” “It was alright. Met the prosecutor, explained the situation, arranged to meet him again next Friday before the trial begins, talked with Fancy a bit, walked around, and had a drink with Silver.” I pointed out each event while counting them on my fingers. “I had quite a day, and I learned a lot of stuff. Some I’ll have to tell you later. How about you two? What was your appointment about?” “We actually settled things with Claire today,” Shining answered, making me raise my brows a bit. “Finally got the misunderstandings out of the way, started things over between us, and we did a bit of shopping for her before we came home. Two things by the way. One, do you mind if we told her about our relationship?” I looked up in thought. “I guess I don’t mind. How did she take it?” “She was surprised at first, maybe a little uncertain, but was supportive nonetheless,” Fleur answered. “She also agreed to keep it a secret from the public, including the Wonderbolts until we bring the news to them at some point.” “That’s good to hear,” I said. “Now the second thing, please tell me you made that dish you had with Fleur last night,” Shining begged. “You just can’t handle the fact that I can cook too. As long as I have our Ozzy here teaching me, of course,” Fleur said with a snide grin. “She’s right,” I agreed. “I pretty much told her the basics, and guided her through the process while she did all the work. Didn’t even use magic to do it either.” “Dammit, and cooking with Ozzy sounds so nice, too.” “Aww, don’t feel down. Maybe we can all cook together some time,” Fleur comforted while patting Shining’s head. “Sure, there’s nothing wrong with that,” I agreed. “Why not? It could even be fun.” “I suppose.” Shining shrugged. “Shoot, got to use the bathroom. Be right back,” Fleur said before standing up and went to her bathroom. Shining and I took the liberty to take off our glasses, set the alarm, and got under the covers. “Hey Ozzy?” “Hm?” “May I ask you something?” “Sure.” “What part of me do you like the best?” “What do you mean?” “Well… You know.” Shining’s cheeks suddenly turned red and looked down while fidgeting. I couldn’t figure out what she was getting by until I made a wild guess. “You mean like your body?” Shining nodded. “I like every part of you. Everything about them is fantastic,” I said. “If you had to pick though, what would it be?” Where is this even coming from? I wondered. “Are you not confident in something?” I asked. “Well… Do you think my butt looks big?” “Didn’t we have this discussion before? Like back in Manehattan?” “Maybe, but I still want to hear it. It might have changed, you know?” “It looks fine, Shining. You’re worrying too much.” Just as I said that, Fleur comes out of the bathroom while the toilet flushed. “What’s Shiny worried about?” Fleur asked. “She’s worried about how big her butt looks.” “Shiny’s got a cute butt. I don’t see any problem with it,” Fleur stated as she slid under the covers with us. “See? There ya go, Fleur agrees with me.” “But—” “No buts, and I don’t mean that literally,” I interrupted. “Your ass is sexy and fantastic, end of story. Accept the praise or I’ll spank ya.” Shining paused with her cheeks still red. “Um, alright… A spank sounds hot right now, though,” she muttered. “Alright, let’s not get kinky,” Fleur interjected. “As much as I’d love to oblige, we’ve got busy plans starting tomorrow. We can go crazy another time.” “Right. Good point. And before I forget…” I pulled Fleur and Shining close to each side of me. “Fleur, Shining, thank you for sticking by me the last couple of days. I had fun going out with you two, and I’m grateful to have you both here with me. I love you both.” “Aww, we love you too, Ozzy,” Fleur cooed before giving me a peck on the cheek. “I still can’t believe this is happening to us, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Shining added in before giving me a peck on my other cheek. “Also, since we’re so close now, you can call me Shiny, if you want.” “Really? I know that’s sort of a thing only you and Fleur share.” “I insist.” “Alright, if that’s what you want, Shiny, so be it.” Shiny pulled herself closer and tighter to me, nuzzling against my chest in response. “I guess that settles it, then. We’ll discuss more on what you need to talk about tomorrow, Ozzy,” Fleur said as she turned out the lights with her magic. “Right. Thanks, Fleur,” I said. Fleur then does the same thing Shiny did earlier while minding her horn. “You’re not too confined in this right now, are you?” Fleur asked. “Nope. This feels just fine.” “Good, and I see your little friend agrees as well,” she said before something brushed over my crotch, making me shiver. “If you keep riling him up like that, he’ll never get any sleep,” Shiny pointed out. “Alright alright, I’ll save the teases another time.” Fleur got comfortable and sighed. “Goodnight, everybody.” “Goodnight.” “Night.” Silence enveloped the dark room while I felt the girls’ breaths against me. My eyes were still open as I looked up in the ceiling, thinking what I talked with Solar about earlier. In my hurry getting here, I put the necklace he gave me in a compartment of my laptop case at the last minute. I hoped the girls won’t stumble across it by accident anytime soon. I’m not sure if I should tell the girls what happened earlier. Everything just came up for me all at once without knowing it. I’m still not sure if I should believe everything he said, as I know next to nothing about him. Only Fleur and Shiny would know whether his words were genuine or not. Guess I’ll have to see what happens. There’s also Puff Tie that has me concerned. If he’s in such a bad shape like Solar described, it sounds awfully familiar to what happened after Fleur’s break up. If something like that happens again down the line… Well, I’m not willing to let any of the girls get hurt. Same goes for if what Solar said was false. I’ll just have to do what I can for them as they have for me. I owe them that much, and I hope we’ll still be like this for a long time. With that, I closed my eyes and let the drowsiness win me over. The girls’ heart beats that synced with mine helped me be more at ease, knowing they were in my arms, and hopefully will still be there in the times to come. > Chapter 39: "How should I put this..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 39: “How should I put this…” [Ozzy’s POV, 11:45 a.m.] The three of us had a late start the next morning, so we didn’t have much time to clean ourselves up and chat idly during breakfast. When we left for our first appointment, I remembered I had the necklace Solar gave me in one of the pockets of my laptop case. I was hesitant to tell the girls what happened last night, mainly because of what Solar asked me to do; however, though it could be seen as a selfish act on my part, I do care about Fleur and Shiny enough that I believe they should know what has been going on behind the scenes. I’d rather not get chewed out, possibly complicating our newly found relationship, for keeping something from them either, so this was for my sake as much as theirs. We were in an extended photo shoot as our first appointment for the day where Fleur worked with other models in showcasing designs that would be on sale later in the fall season. It was going to take a while, so we had a chance to take a forty-five minute lunch before we got back into it. We went to a nearby sandwich shop where we had a light lunch of our choice before getting back to work. I wasn’t sure if it was the best time for me to bring it up when there were other things going on afterwards, but it’s like what some people say: It’s better to rip off a bandage fast than to drag it out. “I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while, but you looked like you have a lot on your mind today, Ozzy,” Fleur pointed out. Shiny perked up at the perception mid-bite of her sandwich and raised a brow. “Is something the matter?” “It may matter quite a bit,” I answered. “I didn’t bring it up last night because I was uncertain of it myself, but after much thought, I felt you two should have every right to know about it.” The girls looked at each other with raised brows as I got my laptop case and reached inside one of its pockets. “First, do either of you recognize this?” I pulled out the necklace in plain sight, the silver fleur glimmered in the sunlight. Despite the color of her fur, Fleur suddenly grew pale and dropped her sandwich. “C-Can I… see that?” I held the necklace out to her before she took it with a shaky hand. Once Shiny inspected the jewelry with Fleur, she turned to me with a glare. “Ozzy… Where did you get this?” “Last night, after Silver and I had a talk over drinks,” I explained. “I stayed behind sometime after he left, and… Solar took his seat at the booth later on.” “You talked with Solar Flare?!” Shiny yelled while slapping her hands to the table and standing over me. I was pushed to the back of my chair, stiffened by Shiny’s outburst as her irises shrunk to pinpricks. She gritted her teeth and panted through her nose as her body trembled. “Shiny! Calm down!” Fleur exclaimed while resting a hand on her shoulder. “This is as much of a surprise for me as it is for you, but let’s hear him out before we vent, alright? We can’t get anywhere understanding the situation until we settle down. Please, Shiny?” From Fleur’s plea, Shiny took a few deep breaths and slumped back to her chair. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. “Just try and get to the main points from last night, please,” Shiny said. Fleur and I sighed while we relaxed ourselves. Once I got my act together, I tried to explain the bigger points from what Solar and I talked about last night, from beginning to end, while Shiny ate her sandwich and Fleur was examining the necklace in her magical aura before she got back to her lunch. Despite how Fleur flushed once I got to him sneaking to our home during our sex, she was concentrating as she took in the words I said, sort of like how she did the evening we first met. Shiny, on the other hand, looked like she was going to flip the table over when I got to that part, but amazingly restrained herself by crunching the ice from her drink instead. “So Solar seeks to apologize to both of us properly before he gets back into show business, the times he had seen us were coincidental, and we don’t know what Puff is up to after his last meeting with him, which was most likely the result of me bringing up Brushstroke’s ‘critique’,” Shiny listed while counting her fingers. “Does that sum things up?” “More or less,” I answered. “Tch. I’m honestly not surprised he didn’t take me into so much account after leaving me with that lovely gift, much less not knowing what happened afterwards,” Shiny scoffed. “I’m honestly surprised he kept this all this time,” Fleur said as she held up the necklace. “I figured I didn’t matter as much to him anymore and just tossed this away after seeing all of those mares while we dated. I tossed my necklace with his cutie mark almost immediately after things were over between us.” “So is that necklace legit?” I asked. “Surprisingly. It’s the same necklace he gave me on our first anniversary since dating, and it looks like he took pretty good care of this. I didn’t see anything suspicious that would make me think otherwise, even after giving it a magical scan.” “Magical scan?” “It’s like a spell that detects any magical activity that was placed on an object, scanning whether such items are enchanted or the like. It can also be used to see what the objects are made of, too.” “So it can differentiate whether a ring for example is made of gold or just painted such a color?” “Exactly. It’s a kind of spell some upper-class unicorns in Canterlot would learn so they don’t risk getting scammed. Mother and Father couldn’t possibly stress the importance of it enough when they taught me and Fancy this.” That’s odd. I can see why they taught Fancy, but why Fleur, too? I’ll have to ask her about that later. “We’re going off topic,” Shiny interrupted. “What’s important right now is what we should do about this. I know I said I was going to try and give stallions the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t forgive what Solar did to me and Fleur. Of course, I can’t forgive Puff Tie for abandoning me the way he did, either. He can fail to find a job and go homeless for all I care.” “That’s kind of harsh of you to say, isn’t it?” Fleur asked with a raised brow. “I agree what he did was downright disgusting, but neither Ozzy nor I were there when you, how you say, ‘ripped Puff a new one,’ that drove him to such a state Solar described last night. Did you say or do something else besides reading aloud what Brushstroke wrote to him?” “… No.” Shiny was strangely reluctant to answer for a moment there, enough for Fleur and me to raise a brow at her response. “I mean, I did mention how priceless the look on his face was, and how he slammed the door on me and cried like a foal afterward. Those are they only things that happened after reading the critique to him.” “Are they really?” Fleur asked. I haven’t known the girls long enough to read the signs, but I could tell they were close enough to where they could communicate through their gazes alone. Fleur was practically interrogating Shiny with her piercing glare, while the latter could possibly shrink in her seat from how she was being stared down. Finally, Shiny sighed, took off her glasses, and rubbed her eyes. “Okay, I might have told a fib about him crying and left something else out. I didn’t bring it up because I thought I wouldn’t hear of him again, and the truth was kind of uncomfortable to bring up. Still is, now. I didn’t think Puff would react this way, if what Solar said was the truth.” “This could be important since it concerns the four of us. Five, now that Ozzy knows what went on in our relationships and has met both of our exes,” Fleur pointed out. “I think this might be the best time to explain what happened while we still have the time left in lunch.” “Right. I suppose I should start off with what happened after I got the critique printed out.” Shiny put her glasses back on, took a few sips of her drink, and cleared her throat. “So I arrived at Puff’s place, admittedly smug about rubbing the news in his face. He was annoyed about my presence when he saw me, and after some skepticism, he allowed me to read the critique aloud. After that…” [Shining’s POV, a few weeks ago] Puff stood there with his mouth agape and eyes wide open, his body almost shivering. “No… That can’t be right, there’s no way.” “It is what it is,” I broke in with a shrug, failing to keep my grin hidden. “Brushstroke basically—” “Shut up!” he exclaimed, making me jump back a little. “My designs were perfect! I put everything I had into them! Always from the very beginning! I’ve finally gained recognition for my creations to fit the most beautiful of ponies! There’s no way my designs could be this flawed!” The more he yelled, the more I wanted to just beat him senseless, but then I remembered my promise to Oz and Fleur. … No. This pony isn’t even worth the effort. If he can’t even see it, then I need to hit him where it hurts most, and I have no problem with getting it all out there and not holding back. I took a deep breath and loosened the grip in my fists. I fixed my glasses and pierced him with my gaze while crossing my arms. “You know, I’d have to agree with Brushstroke. I looked through them myself out of curiosity, and I realized how much not only you’ve changed, but your works as well.” “… What?” he spat with poison in his tone. “I’ve tried to remember why I loved you in the first place while we dated, and after taking a closer look at your recent works, I think I have some idea. You always had a unique perspective of the world around you, seeing the beauty of some things that other ponies probably couldn’t. You even confessed how I was one of them, and the way you expressed it through your art and design left me amazed. Even when I had doubts with my appearance, you would say otherwise, and your assurance made me feel better about myself every time.” I thought back to the good times we had together as I explained, a slight pain in my chest reminding me how different things were back then. “Even after high school, your works were incredible, and helped kick start Solar’s, Fleur’s, and my own careers while we did our best to showcase your creations wherever possible. We were almost like a team, using our respective skills and talents to help each other rise to the masses. “But… when we got high enough, you and Solar drifted from us. He was busy with his acting and seeing other mares, while you drew designs that only met the companies’ expectations without even putting your own spin into your creations. Your works at that point weren’t the same as they used to be. It’s like I didn’t see you in your designs anymore, and you hardly ever looked at me anymore while we still dated. “And then there was that incident after Fleur’s and Solar’s breakup.” I glanced down and held my hand over my scar before looking back up to him, who had an unreadable expression. “Even when it was just one scar, I felt like you saw me as something broken and not usable anymore. When we broke up, I realized I was right. Out of all the injuries, that was probably the worst I’ve ever experienced. It hurt more than Solar’s stab to my stomach. You really hurt me, Puff. Your idea of what beauty was before meant everything to me, and I got self-conscious about my appearance after you rejected me. “It has taken me some time, but I’m finally starting to get back on my hooves, and my secretary has taken a big part in helping me out with it. And now, here you are, your designs rejected the same way I was before. The only difference is that I know how to pull myself back together, while you… your ideas of beauty are as broken as you thought I was before, and you don’t have a clue how to fix it.” I passed the portfolio back to him, his hand was shaky as he grabbed it, and I turned my back to him. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said with my eyes closed. “I’m going to stuff my muzzle with pizza and soda with Fleur and Oz, and be beautiful in my own way. Good-bye, Puff Tie.” I open my eyes and walked off his doorstep with a small smile on my face and a stray tear running down my cheek. [Ozzy’s POV, present, 12:15 p.m.] “And that’s how it all went,” Shiny finished. She took a few swigs of her drink while Fleur and I sat there with jaws agape, and widened eyes. “… Damn,” I said as she finished with a sigh. “I’m very impressed. It sounded like you finally made closure with him, despite how harsh that might have been.” “How come you didn’t tell us this back then instead?” Fleur asked. “I was awkward and embarrassed just thinking about it, still am now,” Shiny answered. “And I didn’t want our pizza night to be spoiled on my account. Plus, I thought if I really finished my business with Puff, there wasn’t much of a reason to bring up the subject again. Now, hearing about how he handled it from what Solar told you, I can only guess he’s dealing with what may be the artist’s block that tops all others. Since designing is as much of his life as his special talent, it must seem like all his work up to now was for naught and is taking this much worse than I did after our break up.” “Certainly sounds like it,” I said. “So what should we do now?” “Hmm…” The girls hummed with fists on their chins. “If we end up seeing Solar again at some point, we should probably prepare for anything that could happen,” Fleur said. “Frankly, I’m rather curious to how exactly he’ll want to apologize to us. Shiny?” Shiny sighed and rubbed her temples. “If this means we can have him off of our backs for the rest of our lives, I’ll give him the benefit of a doubt. Puff, though… I don’t know what he’ll do from how Solar explained it. He isn’t very strong for an earth pony, so if he somehow gets frantic, it shouldn’t be too hard to pin him down.” As tense as this situation is right now, I was sort of glad the girls are still able to think this through logically. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but it could be possible this won’t turn out as bad as we’re making it out to be. “Anyway, is there anything else that happened yesterday that should be discussed?” Shiny asked. “There is something, but we’re out of time right now,” I said. “I’ll tell you about it when we get home.” The girls nodded and we quickly finished our lunch before cleaning up and heading back to finish the rest of the photo shoot. [Fleur’s POV, 6:00 p.m.] As the day went on, I kept what Ozzy talked to us about in mind. Though I was still able to get through my modeling without a hitch, it was a bit of a challenge not to think about it while working. In between appointments, I looked back at the necklace Solar had held on to for so long. I even double-checked my magic scan on it in case I overlooked something, but nothing was found. I was conflicted with myself up until we came back home with dinner we picked up along the way. It was such a long day, we thought eating take-out would be better than having Ozzy fret over cooking for us. I know I told Ozzy I wanted to talk with Solar about what happened, but I didn’t think the opportunity would jump onto my lap like this. I’m having second thoughts on whether or not I should forgive him for what he did, too. Cheating on me was one thing, but stabbing Shiny is a completely different matter, especially since he was intending to get me in the first place. I’m not exactly sure just getting him to move on and out of my life is a good reason to forgive him as well. He did say he didn’t mind not being forgiven if what Ozzy told me was true. If all he wanted to do was apologize so he could move on, I can’t deny that I’m partly okay with that. That brother of his, though… Even after all of what Solar did, he didn’t give up on him for even a moment. Sounds like he hasn’t changed a bit, just the same way I… Oh, shit, does Ozzy know about my past crush on him, now? Shameful as it was, there were times I wanted to get closer to Lens than I did with Solar while we dated, but Mother and Father were strict about staying faithful to a pony. After everything that had happened, I felt really awkward approaching Lens, and I just stopped talking to him altogether later on. I still love Ozzy, but I wonder if he’s worried about my past feelings for Lens? Maybe I should— “Fleur?” “Huh?” I blinked while I snapped back in reality. The three of us were at the table having dinner. Ozzy and Shiny were staring at my stiff posture with a fork in my hand, barely a few bites taken out of my plate. “Are you feeling okay?” Ozzy asked. “You’ve been sitting like that for a while.” “Excuse me. I guess I was just spacing out for a bit.” I brushed off with my free hand in front of me. “What were we talking about again?” “I was going to explain the other thing that happened yesterday,” Ozzy answered. “If you don’t mind me asking first, but, uh… When does your heat come around?” Oh dear. A bit of warmth filled my cheeks while Shiny’s were a deep red. She cleared her throat. “For the record, it’s awfully rude to ask something so personal to a mare. Don’t the females of your species get embarrassed talking about their own cycles, too?” “You’re right, I know it was insensitive, but with how we don’t know whether or not humans can reproduce with ponies, I’d rather not take any chances, you know? I’m also worried about how things would turn out if what I heard about a mare’s heat is true and how I should prepare myself for it.” “Oh please, it’s not like you’re going to die having sex. We aren’t that rough.” I raised a brow at her while I tried to get the message, ‘should you be saying that after what I’ve seen you do during your time?’ across to her. “At any rate,” Shiny continued while fixing her glasses, “we would let you know enough ahead of time when our time comes around. Fortunately, I was actually going to bring that up anyway. Right now, it would be best that we make the arrangements after Mascara’s trial, as it may come up some time a week later from there. But what exactly are you bringing up if it has something to do with this?” “Fancy and I had a talk after our meeting with my lawyer,” Ozzy explained. “He had the same idea on how your heat is coming soon, and he came up with a suggestion.” He reached for his wallet and pulled out a business card he passed over to Shiny. I looked over her shoulder to read the card. “Mistress Silk’s Magical Pleasure Store and Services?” I read aloud. “How did Fancy even get his hands on something like this?” Considering how he swings that way, this is certainly not like him at all. “He said he got it from one of his acquaintances from a past charity,” Ozzy answered. “He wasn’t interested because of how busy he is right now, and he mentioned one of this place’s services is casting a temporary infertility spell.” Shiny and I looked up to him with widened eyes. “There’s a spell for that?” I asked. “Apparently, and from what his associate said, it’s never failed for him yet. I don’t know how it’s cast, but if it works for a human as well, that would mean I can help you two through your heat when it comes around. What do you think?” Shiny and I exchanged glances between us, the card, and Ozzy before I held up a finger. “Excuse us for a moment.” We stood up from the table and briskly walked up to my room. I shut the door behind us and cast the sound proof spell in the room. “Okay, what are your thoughts, Shiny?” “I’ve never heard of this company before, it seems like their business is on the west side of Canterlot, and their services are rather questionable and vague.” “But?” “Fleur, after all of what we’ve been through today, this is like Hearth’s Warming coming early for us this year.” “Isn’t it?! I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard how much better the sex is when somepony’s in heat. I’m shivering just thinking about it!” “And this time we’d finally have a guy to help satisfy our urges, and we won’t risk getting pregnant too early! Well, getting you pregnant early, but you know what I mean.” “I am worried about how this spell is cast, though. I’ve never heard of such a spell myself, and I can’t help but wonder why Mother and Father didn’t bring this up to me and Fancy in the first place.” “Probably an upper-class pride thing or something.” Shiny shrugged. “I do agree with you about the spell, however. I wonder if you can get the ponies from this to teach you so we don’t have to worry about paying for the occasion every time.” “Good question.” I leaned against the wall and hummed. “Perhaps we should give them a call and see what we’re dealing with here. They do come to a customer’s home for an appointment, and if they’re this kind of company, I’m sure they’re open enough to answer any questions and concerns we have for them.” “That sounds reasonable. Shit, is it bad that I want this to go well?” “Don’t worry, Shiny, I feel the same way. I mean, we’re doing this with a stallion we both love after being single for so long, and we might end up doing a threesome if our heats come up at the same time.” “I’m pretty sure Ozzy would love that.” “Yes, indeed.” “You too?” “I actually find it quite arousing, and I’ve been wanting to try it with you and Ozzy for a bit.” “Oh, thank Celestia I’m not the only one thinking that.” The both of us chuckled our tensions out in the air before we hugged. “Boy, what happened that got us like this?” “I think it’s safe to assume Ozzy plays a part in this. I don’t think we’d get this close if he never came into our lives.” “Yeah, and I don’t think I’d tolerate stallions without scaring them off if he wasn’t here, or be so comfortable with my body.” “I kept telling you you’re a beautiful mare, Shiny.” “I know. I guess what happened between Puff and me affected me more than I thought, but I’m okay now. I don’t know what Puff will do, but I think I can finally get to moving on, starting with taking down his pictures from my gym.” “I’m glad to hear that. Now how about we get back to dinner and relax for the rest of the evening?” “I’d like that very much.” With the conversation finished, we stepped out of the room and went back to dinner. Though neither of us knew what lay ahead of us, I think we can both agree that we have something to look forward to once we clear our two hurdles: One is the question of that infertility spell, and the other… Mascara’s trial. I honestly don’t know how Ozzy will behave when that time comes around, but I’ll definitely be there for him to get through it. I just hope things don’t get too uncomfortable in court. > Chapter 40: "Well that escalated quickly." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 40: “Well that escalated quickly.” [Ozzy’s POV] The next few days after our talk over dinner, the three of us were sitting in the living room. We were finished with Fleur’s few photo shoots for the day, which was strange considering we didn’t have as many appointments as we usually did, but from what the girls told me, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. On the contrary, it was a good thing we had so much free time after work was done for the day, because we were able to schedule an appointment with somepony from the business for this time. What I had to admit though was when we made the call the day after our discussion, I was a bit nervous, especially with where the conversation went. “Thank you for calling Mistress Silk’s Magical Pleasure Store and Services, this is Mistress Silk. How can I be of service?” she asked over my phone that was set on speaker. “Hello, I’d like to know a little more about your ‘personal appointments?’” I asked. “What would you like to know?” “Well…” I looked over to Fleur and Shiny, who were sitting across from me at the table as they gestured me to keep going. “What exactly do you do during your time?” “Depending on which mare we have on staff for you to choose and what they’re limited to do based on their own preferences, we’ll do whatever you wish to do for the next thirty to sixty minutes, and they can take place either in one of our special rooms at our facility or at your very own home.” “And I heard you use an infertility spell to help reduce chances of pregnancy during this time?” “Indeed. Some customers would like to have one of our ladies when they’re in heat, and believe me when I say that we can get very physical during that time. Since this concerns the use of magic and taking such high risks for the sake of our customers’ needs, we have to add extra to their bill for our services.” “Yeesh. The nerve of some stallions,” Shiny whispered. “And this spell works on all species?” I asked. “Ponies, gryphons, buffalos, changelings, zebras, minotaurs, and then some,” Silk said. “Has it worked on humans as well?” “Ooo~, we actually haven’t tried it on them yet. I’m assuming you’re one of them?” Though her tone was enthusiastic, I couldn’t help but feel nervous that such a spell hadn’t been tested on my species yet. I still answered her question without letting it show. “Hmm… may I ask what purpose you’re calling us for?” Silk asked. I looked up to the girls and they nodded to my silent request. “My marefriends will be going into their heat soon, and we want to take as much precaution as possible with how we don’t know whether humans can reproduce with ponies or not. We were hoping you may help us out with this since we haven’t heard of this spell until now.” “I see. Can I assume your marefriends are in the room with you?” “Yes.” “Are they willing to speak with me too?” I looked up to them once more, and they nodded. “They are.” “Put me on the line, please.” I set the phone at the center of the table. “You’re on.” “Hello~. How are you ladies doing today?” “We’re doing fine,” Fleur answered. “Before we continue, I’d like to assure you that our services are business only. All the mares here are professionals and will not try any funny business that interferes with the relationships of ponies, gryphons, and humans alike. If anything were to happen, I will deal with the problem personally, otherwise, we only serve to please our clients.” Shiny gave a little smile. “Thank you, Silk.” “My pleasure. I assume the three of you have already talked this over before giving us a call?” “Yes.” “Excellent! Now, I understand your concerns of becoming a mother too soon. Not many of our ladies would still be here if they were ready to take that next step. Since this is your first time requesting our services, I suggest we set up an appointment to discuss more on the infertility spell and its practice in person.” “You mean you’re willing to teach how to cast it?” Fleur asked “But of course! There are books on how the spell works, but nothing beats hands on experience to learn, if I do say so myself. I’ll even charge the half-hour appointment at half-price for the occasion, especially since this will be the first time I’ll be working with a human.” … I’m not sure how I feel about the way she’s saying that. “So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” “Strange that the last time I was this nervous was before having my first time with Shiny,” I said before I took a few drinks of water. Shiny rubbed my lap with a smile. “It’s okay, Ozzy. We’re nervous too. None of us have ever gotten involved with something like this before, or even heard that such a business even existed in Canterlot.” “I’m also kind of excited myself,” Fleur added in. “It’s sort of exhilarating, and Silk sounds like a nice lady. Although, there’s something that’s been itching my mind since that phone call.” “Like we might have heard of this mare before?” Shiny asked. “Exactly! Did you get that feeling too?” “Yeah. There was something about that mare, but I can’t put my finger on what it is.” I just hope whatever this feeling they’re having is doesn’t end up being a bad one. My further thoughts were interrupted when a few knocks were heard from the door. “Coming!” Fleur called out before she and I went to the door. Once we opened it, we were met with a dark purple unicorn mare with a yellow and white mane that just reached to her shoulders. Her figure reminded me of Toffee’s, but only slightly thinner by a centimeter or two while still maintaining a good, healthy weight. The teal tube top helped emphasize her curves, hugging her waistline snuggly while keeping her melon-sized breasts relaxed and bouncy. Her cleavage was also pretty well exposed. Her cutie mark of what looked like a needle going through a sparkling piece of pink cloth was shown on her bare shoulders. The white skirt that reached to her knees also showed off her hips that I could only assume were quite fit and healthy with her line of work. What I also noticed was a basket in one of her hands where whatever items inside were wrapped in a red and white checkered cloth. It looked like she might be going to a picnic date after our business was done, and whoever she was seeing would be a lucky stallion with how great she looked with that relaxed smile on her face. “Hello there! How are you…?” As Silk opened her teal eyes, she trailed off once she took a good look at us. A moment of silence passed between us. “Fleur de Lis? Is that you?” “Shimmy?” Fleur asked, who looked as surprised as the mare in front of us. “Oh my goodness, it is you! I knew something was familiar in that phone call!” “Shiny! Get over here! Shimmy’s at the door!” “Shining Star’s here too?!” Shiny practically sprinted to the door before looking over ‘Shimmy’ (or Silk?). “Holy crap, it’s you!” The three suddenly hugged and screamed their heads off, making me flinch and plug my ears before they exploded. “My gosh, it’s been ages! How are you two?!” “We’re doing splendidly! We have so much to talk about! Come in, come in!” What the fuck is going on here? Shimmy (or Silk, still not sure) walked inside while the girls led her to the couch, and I felt completely out of the loop as I followed them. “You look amazing, Shimmy. I almost didn’t recognize you for a moment there,” Fleur praised. “Thank you, Fleur, but I don’t think I would be like this without you two, especially Shining.” “Oh stop, I don’t think I did that much back then.” “But you did! Even if things didn’t turn out well later, I still learned a lot from you, and that kept me moving forward.” “Uh, I don’t mean to interrupt this reunion,” I said while raising my hand. “But I’m completely out of the loop right now. Could somepony tell me what’s going on?” “Oh yes! I do believe introductions are in order,” Fleur said before gesturing to our guest sitting next to her. “Ozzy, this is Shimmer Dress. The three of us go way back in high school. Shimmy, this is Ozzy Shore, our secretary and coltfriend.” “‘Our coltfriend?’” Shimmer repeated. “You mean you two are the mares in his herd?” She took a glance between the three of us, then back to me with a smirk. “While I do say I’m surprised by this development, I hope you realize just how lucky you are to have Fleur and Shining around.” “Believe me, there are times I’m still wrapping my head around it. We’re still new to the herd thing, though. How did you meet with them?” “Remember the filly I told you about who helped me earn my cutie mark?” Shiny asked. “This is the filly in question.” “And what an improvement it was,” Fleur added in, “especially during her first dance with her coltfriend back then. She impressed everypony in class with her dance moves. I started calling her ‘Shimmy’ after that night.” “That really takes me back,” Shimmer said. “And they certainly didn’t disappear after that, if the feedback from my past customers are any indication.” She then gave me a wink, which made my cheeks warm up. “Now that you bring it up,” Shiny intervened. “Is it really true you’re running a business like this? I thought you wanted to go into tailoring like your Mom did.” “Oh believe me, I am, and it’s going pretty well. This here is more like a second job for me that Mom also introduced me to.” “So the name ‘Mistress Silk’ is like a pen name passed down through your generations?” I asked. “That it is. It was a secret business back when Canterlot was just dividing between the nobles and the common ponies. It’s still somewhat discreet today, but ponies have started to become more open with this concept lately.” “I had no idea your family had such a history,” Fleur added in. “Why didn’t you tell us this before?” “You know how high school was. Come across info like that, and anypony can twist it to something not many ponies would like.” Shimmer looked down with what looked like a sad smile. “I’ll admit, it wasn’t exactly a good conversation starter for me to bring up, even when I became more confident with myself once you two helped me out. I feared if anypony knew that about me, they’d shame me like there’s no tomorrow.” “Hmm…” Shiny had her arms crossed and her eyes tightly shut before she looked at Shimmer with a furrowed brow. “Shimmer, does that have something to do with what happened late in our senior year?” “Sharp as always, Shining, and I don’t think I need to remind you of the pony that was involved.” “Of course it had to be her of all ponies. As if I didn’t loathe her bad enough,” Fleur seethed, making a face I haven’t seen since that broadcasted interview on my first day. “Uh, who are we talking about?” I asked. “Let’s just say it’s a long-time bully that we’ll unfortunately have to run across at a later time, as she’s in the same business as Fleur for greedier reasons,” Shiny explained before snorting. “Apparently she had a hand in not only forcing Shimmer into breaking up with her first coltfriend, but even went so far as to getting her dropped out of high school.” Shit. I guess with high class society like Canterlot, reputations in its high school would be a bigger deal than any other. “I was so worried why you disappeared like that,” Fleur said as she looked to Shimmer with folded ears. “You didn’t even leave a message or anything to hint on why. Where did you go all this time?” “I moved in with one of my relatives residing in Manehattan while transferring to a new school there,” Shimmer explained. “I had a lot to think about before and after my graduation, and some of the new friends I made over there helped me learn more about myself and what I wanted to do with my life, and through unique means, I might add,” she giggled. “I was actually really interested in Mom’s other business while she was still running it at the time, long before I even met you two. I wanted to pursue my own interests, and I realized I shouldn’t let what other ponies think of me influence my decisions. “So once I learned enough tailoring in Manehattan, I moved back to Canterlot to not only start saving up for my own business, but also work my way up in Mom’s second business while producing my own projects on the side. I’ve been wanting to talk to you two again once I came back, but you’ve been really busy with your own lives during that time.” “So what do you think about where you are right now?” Fleur asked. Shimmer smiled. “I may not be seeing anypony at the moment, but I’m quite happy with where I am and how far I’ve gone. It’s what I’ve been wanting to tell you two for some time now.” Fleur smiled and hugged Shimmer. “It’s good to have you back.” “Great to be back. Oh! I almost forgot the main reason why I’m here.” Shimmer pulled back from the hug, fixed her mane, and turned to me with a half-lidded gaze. “I believe we still have some business to take care of, do we?” I laughed nervously. “Right, that. I just want to know what exactly it is you do to make the infertility spell work. The girls’ heats will be coming around about… was it a week and a half from now?” I looked to the girls for confirmation, and they nodded. “I see~. Well, I think you’re just in luck, Ozzy. Seeing how you’re working with two of the bestest friends I could ask for that I desperately need to repay for their kindness, I’ll be giving you a special session to teach Fleur here how to perform the spell for a good price. I also have something a little extra that we’ll get to later.” Shimmer gestured toward the basket she brought along. “All I ask is your marefriends’ okays and their full cooperation to make this work. As I mentioned before, I won’t make any attempts to steal your stallion,” she said to Fleur and Shiny. “This is all business.” “What do you think?” I asked the two of them. “I know I wouldn’t go so far as betraying you girls, but I wanted to be sure.” “As if you need to ask,” Fleur said as she placed a hand on her chest. “This is Shimmy we’re talking about here, I just know I can trust her. You have my support.” “Ditto.” “Excellent! Then let’s get this underway posthaste!” Shimmer stood up and had a light green aura around her horn and hands. With a few gestures, the coffee table between us was moved to another spot in the room, leaving a wide open space. She then levitated a music disc from her purse, inserted it in the music player, and played a saucy tune. CLOP CONTENT AHEAD. SCROLL DOWN IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED. Shimmer clapped her hands with a smile. “Now let’s start off by getting ourselves comfortable, shall we?” She made a few appealing dance moves, and with a snap of her fingers, a flash of light from her horn temporarily blinded us. “AAAH!” A sudden scream jumped me out of my seat, and once my vision was back, my body froze while I felt a sudden draft. Shiny was suddenly sitting on the couch with no article of clothing whatsoever, leaving her fully exposed to the rest of us in the room. Her body was flushed as she quickly covered as much of herself as she could with her arms and hands. “Oh my. This suddenly escalated rather quickly.” I turned to the source of the other voice to find a bare naked Fleur sitting on the couch. Her eyes were widened, but she didn’t attempt to cover herself like Shiny was doing (and not so well at that). “Relax~. We might as well make this session fun while we have the chance.” I then turned to the last mare in the room, and my eyes were scanning the new figure before me. Shimmer (or perhaps Silk as she’s clearly in ‘business’ mode) had quite a figure to show. As I thought before, she was thinner than Toffee, but not by much. I could only guess that how much she does her business and dancing was why she had a tight waist that curved beautifully as you scroll down to her hips, where I saw her enlarged cutie mark on both sides. Her breasts, smaller than Shiny’s, but bigger than Fleur’s, looked to have a good balance of perkiness and firmness. It was tempting to see how they feel for myself, but I took in mind that my two marefriends were in the same room. It was then that I realized I was standing in a room with three beautifully nude mares, and even though I was going out with two of them, I couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious about it. “My my, and it looks like you girls found a fine stallion to be with. Mm! Fit and well endowed,” Shimmer praised. “Interesting how human guys have nipples, too.” My self-consciousness then skyrocketed when I realized I was sitting in the nude as well, and I quickly covered my crotch and nipples the best I could. “What happened to our clothes?!” Shiny exclaimed. “Don’t worry. They’re all folded nice and neatly on the kitchen table.” The three of us turned to that direction, and sure enough, our clothes were folded in four respective stacks. “Now, the first business in order to get the infertility spell going is to have our main stallion here warmed up and aroused. Shining, if you would be so kind?” Shimmer asked her. “W-What?! I-I mean, I don’t know. I suddenly feel very nervous about this. It would be one thing if it was just me and him by ourselves…” “Mmm, that’s a bit of an issue. Since you three are in a herd, there will be times you’ll all go at it together sooner or later.” I gotta admit, that idea sounds quite promising, but I don’t know very much on what to do in a threesome. I’ll have to look into it after this. “Hold on, I have just the thing.” Shimmer took a small bottle out of her purse with her magic, opened the cap, and floated it right under Shiny’s nose. There was purple haze wafting out of the bottle going into her nasals as she took a few strong whiffs. “This here’s a special aphrodisiac that will get you more relaxed before the session. It’s quite potent, and it will win you over in a matter of seconds.” She then pulled the bottle away, put the cap back on, and set it aside. “I don’t know. I’ve heard of similar stuff back on Earth, and I’m skeptical on whether that actually works,” I said. “And Shiny’s a pretty strong-minded mare. I think it will take more than that small bottle to really get her mood—” GLOMP! I was suddenly interrupted by two soft mounds trapping my arm while the rest of my torso was wrapped tightly by something warm. “Ozzy~” a husky voice whispered. I glanced in that direction to see a flushed Shiny with a hazy, half-lidded gaze and a wide smile across her muzzle. “Sh-Shiny? Are you okay?” “Hmm? I think I’m okay, but I do feel a little… hot.” She moved her arms to wrap around my neck while her breasts rubbed up my own appendage, still trapped in her soft confines. “You have such cute little ears. Wonder if they’re as sensitive to the touch as a pony’s is?” I felt a hot breath on her side before something moist took its place, swirling around my lobe before it went inside, running shivers down my spine. “Holy fuck,” I breathed. “Still think that stuff doesn’t work?” Shimmer asked with a smirk. “I’d love to have what she’s having,” Fleur commented. “That will have to wait for another time. I need you sober enough to pay attention to how the spell is cast. If you’ll follow me please.” With a wave of a hand, Shimmer led Fleur to the floor in front of me on their knees. Shiny moved her tongue down to my neck, where she licked and sucked a piece of flesh hard enough for certain to leave a hickey. Her moans on top of it were quickly making me harder and harder as I tried to stifle my moans. “Come to think of it, this is probably the first I’ve seen your penis up close and personal, Ozzy,” Fleur pointed out as she poked my head with a giggle. “I can see why Shiny would refer to this with a mushroom, but I like to think of it as more of a cute pink helmet myself. Ooh~, it’s getting darker with more blood rushing into it.” “This is a pretty good size, too,” Shimmer added in before clearing her throat. “Now, when you’re performing the infertility spell, Fleur, you need to imagine blanketing the entirety of Ozzy’s cock and balls with your magic. Imagine letting it soak into the skin and creating many walls in the tubes where the sperm passes through, but not just any walls though; these walls will coat around them as Ozzy gets closer to ejaculation, building up to the tip while the exit leaks its precum.” Shimmer lightly tapped the tip of my head that had a bead of precum growing out of it and stretched the viscous fluid between her finger and thumb. “Would you care for a demonstration?” “I believe it will give me a better idea if I saw it in action, yes,” Fleur answered. “Very well then. Watch carefully now.” My focus and reasoning were starting to get hazy as Shiny continued with her attentive foreplay. Before I got to see how Shimmer uses the spell, Shiny directed my head to her face and pulled me into a kiss. Her tongue pushed its way into my mouth and took control of the situation, making sure she didn’t leave one spot of my mouth untouched. My body was quickly melting into mush, and as if the ecstasy I was feeling wasn’t enough, a sudden mixture of a moist and caressing touch acting on my lower body sent jolts of pleasure throughout my being, making me grunt in response. [Fleur’s POV] “Oh my,” I said with a hand over my muzzle as I watched one of my dear friends doing her work. Shimmy started off by rubbing her hands together with her green-colored magical aura around them before giving some attention to her own lips. Once that was done, she pulled her mane back and engulfed Ozzy’s erection with smooth and expert ease without even gagging. Ozzy’s body shivered from the feet up as Shimmy started bobbing over his member, leaving traces of her magic behind in the process. One of her hands was stroking his length while she bobbed her head up as the other was jiggling and squeezing his balls. Throughout the process, her magic was appearing and disappearing once Ozzy’s flesh was out in the open, which must have been how her magic seeps into skin like she mentioned earlier. I gulped and licked my lips from the sudden dryness I was feeling as I watched the spectacle. Heat was growing from my stomach to my sex, my heart raced, and I found myself slightly out of breath. I was having a hard time restraining myself from jumping into the action from looking at this sight, but I knew I would take part in it soon enough, and from the looks of Shimmy taking a breath, it was just about my turn to shine. “Would you like to give this a try, Fleur?” Shimmy asked. “I’ve only applied some magic into it, but I want you to gain some experience so you’ll know what to do in the future. Plus, I’ll have to explain what happens after the orgasm when we get there.” “Most certainly,” I agreed before I sidled myself in front of Ozzy. I looked down at his throbbing member while he and Shiny were still sucking faces, Ozzy even reaching down and fingering Shiny’s labia, which was leaking copious amounts on the couch. This will actually be my first blowjob I’m giving to Ozzy. I’m not sure how skilled Shimmy was with hers, but I’ll have to show him how good I can be. With my resolution set, I focused my light purple-colored magic on my hands like Shimmy did earlier before applying some it to my own lips. It was surprisingly tingly when I took into the concept Shimmy explained to me, especially on my lips, as if they suddenly got just a tad more sensitive than they were before. Once that was set, I took Ozzy’s head to my maw and went down with no hesitation. Knowing how this was the first time I tasted him this way (despite some of Shimmy’s saliva lingering on it), I tried to take in his flavor as I started to slowly bob my head over his erection. It was a bit salty, and even though it has been a while since I last had something like this in my mouth, I could tell there was some difference in how a human male tastes compared to a stallion’s, and that wasn’t a bad thing in the slightest. Adding into Ozzy’s musk wafting into my nasals, I’d already come to love and enjoy this moment. The rising heat from my core helped emphasize that feeling, and hearing him groan while his lips were still locked with Shiny’s made me glad to see how much he was enjoying this. Warmed up, I increased my efforts by sucking his hardness on my way up to his head, making sure I dragged my tongue along with the motions and kept the spell intact. With the help of my hands stroking his length and fondling his balls, I watched my light-purple magic soaking into his skin through a half-lidded gaze. Seeing how the results were similar to Shimmy’s, I could only guess I was doing the procedure correctly. “Very good, Fleur, you’re doing well,” Shimmy praised. “Now let’s make this a little bit more fun and challenging, shall we?” “Mmph?!” Before I could respond, I was suddenly penetrated by Shimmy’s fingers. I didn’t realize how wet I was getting, but judging by the subtle noises I was hearing, it sounded like I was really getting into it. My body shivered and contracted as she rubbed against my insides, her dexterous fingers doing a thorough job of exploring me while making me writhe and practically melt under their touch. It hindered my efforts in pleasuring Ozzy and kept my magic in check for a moment, but I regained my senses and went back to work while enjoying Shimmy’s wondrous treatment on me. I could already feel Ozzy’s hardness throbbing and leaking more precum inside my maw, sure signals that he was getting rather close, if his groans increasing in volume wasn’t any indication. I put everything I had in the next couple of seconds, squeezing and milking his length with my hand and mouth while swirling my tongue around his head, occasionally giving a light flick of his urethra when I had the chance. My other hand was urging his balls to give me his cum sooner rather than later, lightly squeezing and stroking the skin while it swelled. Ozzy suddenly started to rock his hips up into my muzzle while his free hand was placed on my head, and with a grunt, ejaculated inside me not too long after. It must have been a while since he last relieved himself, because I could taste his hot, salty loads were rather thick as it quickly filled my mouth. I tried to take in all I could, but I could feel his cum escaping out of the corners of my lips. This sensation was enough for my own body to contract once more as I orgasmed with a muffled squeal, hearing my liquids splattering and dripping against the floor while Shimmy’s fingers urged me to squeeze out every last drop. I opened my eyes a little bit to look at the mess Ozzy and I made, but they quickly widened when I noticed something very off about the mess. Uh… I may not know very much of human biology and anatomy, but I don’t think their semen’s supposed to be this color. “You noticed it, didn’t you?” Shimmy asked as she pulled her fingers out of my labia, taking a moment to lick and suck her fingers clean of my juices before continuing. “When you see his semen ejaculating with your own color, it’s a sure sign the spell was a success. The spell will last for as long as two weeks, if you’re not reapplying it afterwards, of course, but I suggest not doing it too often as it does have some side-effects.” I paid attention as I cleaned up Ozzy’s member and swallowed what was left before asking. “What happens if it’s done too much?” “Unless you’re not planning to have any foals of your own anytime soon, Ozzy here will stay sterile… permanently, even after you stopped casting the spell anymore.” “Whoa whoa, wait, what?” Ozzy asked after jolting back up from his afterglow. I didn’t notice until later that Shiny had orgasmed as well, judging by the size of the puddle between her legs as she sat there with her tongue lolled out. “I might not be able to make kids anymore?” “Only if you used the spell too much,” Shimmy corrected with a finger in the air. “How much is too much?” I asked. “Like casting the spell every two to three days after the first time. I’ve had a couple customers who thought they’d play it safe if they kept doing it before each session even though we’ve told them it’d last for two weeks, or even put more magic than necessary, thinking it’d last even longer that way. They can still live healthy, happy lives, just with the gift of getting mares pregnant taken away from them. If you’re wanting to make the spell last longer, I’d suggest recasting it a day or two before it wears off. His semen will go back to its original color once it’s done, but give his dick some time to recover before casting it again, like the same amount of time as the spell’s duration, but twice as much if you decide to extend his time of temporary sterility.” “So two weeks after the first cast, and a month after the following one?” “Yep, and I suggest you just stop it there. Even if the spell’s cast again after the first one’s close to expiration, a stallion’s dick being subdued by the effects for so long can also risk his permanent sterility.” “That’s understandable, but what about mixing our magic like we just did?” “I didn’t put very much effort into my magic, and I set it up in a way that yours would override mine. In case you’re wondering, the amount of magic you just put into it should be plenty enough for the spell to take effect. I wouldn’t try mixing yours with somepony else’s, however. I haven’t seen it done before, but from what my Mom told me, this would go pretty bad for the stallion if that happened, something even worse than permanent sterility.” I could hear Ozzy gulping his nervousness from where I was sitting, and I wouldn’t blame him for it. I’d probably be just as anxious if I had no idea what would happen if something like that occurred. “Does this spell work with mares as well?” I asked. “It does, and you pretty much apply the magic the same way you would to a stallion, but you won’t get results on whether the spell is active or not until the semen is dripping from your snatch. If it failed and the semen hasn’t changed color, your chances of avoiding pregnancy during your heat is almost zero. That’s why it’s better to have it applied directly on the stallion’s dick first.” “That makes sense,” Ozzy commented. “Well, I’ve still got time since we officially started our appointment. You wanna go for one more round before I explain what’s in the basket?” Shimmy asked with a smirk. “I’m game,” Shiny replied with a dopey smile and a hand raised slightly. Hmm. The aphrodisiac may still have a hold on her, but she looks more relaxed than she did when we started. “I’m down with it,” Ozzy seconded. “Eh, why not?” I said last. “I call his face, though. I’m in the mood for some of his tongue action.” I shot Ozzy with my most seductive gaze with a smile plastered on my face. “You heard the mare. Get down on the floor,” Shimmy playfully ordered Ozzy. I moved over before Ozzy slid off the couch and spread himself out on the open space between our furniture, his member already half erect for the next round. “Me first~,” I cooed before I stood up and strode to Ozzy until both my hooves were on each side of his head. Minding my tail getting on his face, I slowly lowered myself on top of him with my knees on the ground. As soon as my labia made contact, I gasped as I felt something soft, hot, and moist slide up against my slit. I shivered from the core upwards and had to use Ozzy’s bare chest for support to keep myself from falling limp. “Fuck me, that feels so good,” I moaned while slightly grinding my slit over his moving tongue. “Ngh.” I looked up and saw Shiny just starting to lower herself on Ozzy’s erection. He must have been pretty excited from how hard his member looked, throbbing and swelling as Shiny’s sex swallowed it bit by bit until their groins met. Some juices leaked out of her entrance not too long after, which meant that after her first orgasm from earlier not only made her more sensitive for the penetration, but she was still quite hot and bothered to crave more, probably due to the mix of the aphrodisiac still lingering and the scents of our sweat and sex filling the room. This will take quite a bit to clean up later, but I don’t think I’ve been this turned on for a while now, at least when we aren’t in heat. In fact… With fast yet gentle tact, I pulled Shiny’s face towards me and we locked lips. Her cute squeak was muffled while I moaned into giving our lips a good time, stealthily slipping my tongue inside to coax hers into joining in the fun. She moaned in affirmation, and our tongues met halfway, our drool slipping and dripping onto our coltfriend’s stomach. “Now this is something I want to get into, but how am I going to fit in this?” Shimmy asked. Two sudden snaps of the fingers were heard in the room, and when I checked the corner of my eye while kissing Shiny, I saw Ozzy’s right hand twiddling two of his fingers in the air. It seemed he heard Shimmy and is providing a spot for her to join as he continued his cunnilingus underneath me. “Ohh~, so you want me to be there, Ozzy?” Shimmy asked. Ozzy patted on the floor and curved his finger in a “come here” motion. Leave it to Ozzy to make sure everyone doesn’t feel left out. Just another part of him that I love so much. “Alright, since you asked nicely~,” she sang before getting on her knees with her sex over Ozzy’s hand. He felt his way to find her puffy lips and began his ministrations by rubbing his palm over her at first. By that point, it was hard to tell what happened next while my other senses were acting on me at once. Ozzy inserting his tongue inside me, Shiny wrestling hers with my own during our kiss, and just recently Shimmy fondling and mouthing over our breasts as she got fingered. I think the best way for me to summarize this was that we were in quite a clusterfuck (if such a word ever existed), and the four of us were enjoying it in our own ways. Occasionally we’d change places in terms of who’s kissing whom, who’s fondling another’s breasts, and even changing spots on who got Ozzy’s tongue, fingers, and painfully erect member. We all orgasmed at least once, and at some point we lost track of time from how much fun we were having. CLOP ENDS HERE. [Ozzy’s POV] After we finally finished our session, we quickly cleaned up what we could and slipped our clothes back on before Shimmer got to explaining some of the products she brought in that basket of hers. Some of the things she brought would certainly help me get started in sating Fleur’s and Shiny’s heats when they come around, especially if they’re as effective as the aphrodisiac Shiny was under over the last hour and a half. We decided to pay for the whole package, and even though Shimmer said she was giving us a deal, we ended up giving her extra for the overtime she put in for us, not to mention the awesome time she showed us. “Whew, I don’t think I’ll ever have another orgy that fun for a while,” Shimmer said as she stretched. “You girls got yourselves a fine stallion with his finger and tongue work.” “Heh, thanks,” I said while scratching the back of my head. “Are you heading out now?” Fleur asked. “Yeah, I’m sure the others are wondering where I am after being out for so long. I’m also getting rather hungry.” “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Shimmer,” Shiny added while fixing her glasses. “We’ll have to catch up again over some lunch or something soon.” “Definitely! And if you’re up for another romp in the sack, hit me up. You three are on Mistress Silk’s VIP list of clients after today.” Shimmer winked. “See ya around, guys!” We all said our goodbyes as Shimmer walked out with her purse on her shoulder. When the door was closed, the three of us slouched back on the couch. “Fuck, that really was something else,” I said. “She said the spell lasts for two weeks, right? You think this will last until your heats come and go?” “It should be able to make it,” Shiny answered. “Though the designated time is only approximate. There can be some circumstances where it will come sooner or later than predicted. Thankfully it doesn’t come full blast all at once, so even if it does come unexpectedly, we can hold our own until we get home before it builds up further.” “We’ll deal with it when we cross that bridge,” Fleur said. “Right now… Anypony else here forgetting what’s coming soon?” None of us spoke, but from the serious expressions on their faces (maybe even my own), even though we had put it off to the side up until now, we all knew it was coming eventually, which was now only a couple days away. “Are you going to be okay?” Shiny asked with a hand on my shoulder. I placed my hand on top of hers. “I’d have to get through this even if I wasn’t, but I think I’ll manage. I just want to get past this and move on.” “That’s the best we can really do,” Fleur agreed before standing from the couch. “What do you say we take it easy with dinner for tonight and grab some pizza? I’m sure we can find a place that serves pepperoni with other toppings.” “Sounds good. Can we walk there?” “Sure, and we can call Silver to pick us up afterwards. Let’s get going then.” We picked up our necessities and Fleur put on a quick disguise before we headed out the door. The two almost immediately locked arms with mine when we started walking. I wasn’t used to walking this way yet, but the warmth from how close they were, as well as their soft breasts pressing against my arms, was a pleasant feeling. As we walked, my mind was wandering to what might happen at the trial later in the week, as well as recalling what kind of person Mascara was from when we met and what I’ve been told thanks to a few phone calls I made a while back. This will be the first time since that day I’ll be seeing her, I thought. I’m not sure what she’s like now, but if what I heard about her from this point is true, then I hope what I have planned after much time and thought will lead this trial to at least a decent conclusion for all of us. > Chapter 41: "Trials are Exhausting. Enough Said." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 41: “Trials are Exhausting. Enough Said.” [Ozzy’s POV] “Let’s see … hair, check; shirt, check; suit jacket, check; tie, check; underwear—” “Um, Ozzy? Don’t you think you’re being a bit too meticulous for this?” “Can you blame him? If I remember correctly, not only will this be the second time he’s ever been in a trial, but it’s in a foreign country—a foreign world, technically—with one of the diarchy in this land as the judge, covering a recurring case in Equestria that could damage our relations with the human race. Add into the prosecuted being the CEO of one of the most renowned companies in the fashion industries, and this will be all over the media in both worlds the moment we step out of the castle doors.” “Shiny? I know you mean well, but you’re kind of not making this any easier for me.” “Sorry … My bad.” I rubbed my arm while averting my gaze from the mirror in front of me. “I didn’t think I’d be returning to court again after the last time I was in a trial. Even though I’m not the one being prosecuted, I actually feel more nervous about this trial than the one before.” “Weren’t you tried because of what happened with your brother?” Fleur asked. “I know if I was charged with something, I’d be more of a nervous wreck than I was during my modeling debut.” “I … had a lot going on in my mind between the event and the trial. I’m not proud of it now, but let’s just say if I hadn’t taken antidepressants after I was done with court, I’m not sure where I’d be right now. I probably wouldn’t even be here with you two, or in this world in general.” I sighed and fixed my glasses before turning to the girls. Both of them were wearing formal attire, and Fleur looked like Shiny when she’s doing her business, wearing the same kind of suit and skirt, but in different colors. I forced a small smile, as I tried to keep a ‘chin up’ attitude despite how nervous I was about this trial. “That’s precisely why I wouldn’t want to change anything in the past even if I was given the choice. I don’t think I could be any happier right now as I am with you two here beside me.” I wrapped each arm around their waists and pulled them close to me. “I love you two. Very much.” The two mares smiled and pulled us into a group hug, putting our heads together. “We love you too, Ozzy. We’ll be with you every step of the way.” “Don’t think you’re doing this alone. At this point, whether it be as lovers or members of the team, your problems become ours. Even if we weren’t lovers, you’re still our friend and friends look out for each other. You’re sharing your burden with us whether you like it or not.” “Thanks, you two. That means a lot.” Shiny pulled out her phone that was ringing and checked the message. “Silver’s already out front. We got everything we need?” “Pretty much. Let’s just get going before we’re late.” They nodded and we left the house. Once we stepped inside the carriage, we were off to the Canterlot Castle. The ride didn’t take very long, but it was quiet throughout the trip. At least, up until we were close enough to the castle. There was a large crowd formed around the gates, filled with reporters, locals, and activists holding up various picket signs. It looked like a handful of humans were mixed in with the ponies while two other groups were clearly separated from one another as species. There were a couple humans holding signs of derogatory comments to ponies about their deeds, while the opposing side were holding up signs of how we shouldn’t even be in this world and Mascara’s arrest was some part of a plan we plotted against them. No matter the contents, they were all radicals in the spectrum of good and bad protesting. The Royal Guard had to intervene and clear a path for us while trying to stop the people from breaking through. Until we were up at the gates, there were exclamations from both sides of the carriage. Whether they were supportive or harmful, it was all just noise to my ears. The gates opened, and Silver drove the carriage inside as the noises died down behind us. Silver parked at the drop-off site and opened the door for the three of us before we stepped out. “I’ll just wait in the lobby until the trial’s finished. With how the crowd is, it’s probably best if I stay near the carriage so that we can make a fast getaway,” Silver explained. “Thank you, Silver,” I said before we made our way inside. In the lobby we saw Swift Justice standing to the side with a briefcase in hand. He smiled when he spotted us and walked over. “Good to see you guys made it,” he said. “I anticipated an audience from what we were dealing with, but I didn’t think it would be chaotic to this degree. I’m just glad I got here early enough.” “Honestly, we’ve had to deal with this kind of thing in our job for a while,” Shiny explained. “It may be more people than usual, but it’s not much different than what we’re used to.” Fleur and I nodded to that statement. Even though dealing with crowds was starting to be a regular routine to me, the atmosphere from this one was still discomforting. “Right then. Shall we go over the material once more before we start?” “Where’s Mascara?” I asked. “She’s in another room supervised by the guards,” an additional and familiar voice informed us. We turned to the source and found it was Miss Autumn Winds as she was just coming out from another door. She cleaned herself up well, but the subtle bags under her eyes told me how exhausted she was. “It’s good to see you again, Autumn,” Fleur greeted. “How’s everything at Vogue?” “It’s been quite hectic. With Mascara out of commission, I’ve had to deal with some of her duties on top of my own. Excuse me.” She took a moment to yawn and rub her eyes. “We’re still trying to work out who’ll be taking the spot of Vice President since I’ll most likely be taking Mascara’s. Since there’s so much media involved, I’ve had a tough time just trying to squeeze today into my schedule.” “Sounds like you have it rough,” I commented. “Indeed. By the way, Oz, have those last few calls a while back helped you in any way?” “I think I might have some grasp on the situation. Thanks for doing that for me in a crucial time.” “It’s the least I could do.” “Hold on, what’s this about calls?” Shiny asked. “I wasn’t notified of anything like that.” “Neither was I,” Swift commented. “This was pretty recent. I’m not sure if it helps anything with the trial, and it was more out of my personal curiosity, but I’ll explain while we go over the case.” Swift nodded. “Any new information helps no matter the value.” [Fleur’s POV] Once we had gone over the details, the guards escorted us to the throne room where the trial would take place. Frankly, like Ozzy, this was also my second time being in a trial, with my first involving Solar stabbing Shiny after our break up. I’ve met Princess Celestia a couple of times during some special gatherings, but if a chance comes, it would be the first time in a while since I’ve talked to Princess Luna in person. I briefly thought about how her talks with Ozzy have been going since that nightmare the three of us were in. What was keeping my mind busy, however, was the new info Ozzy explained to the three of us. Turns out, it was a list of stallions Mascara have made ‘connections’ with that were similar to Ozzy’s case. Autumn was even kind enough to lend Swift a copy of it when she jumped into the conversation. It looked like Mascara had been doing that kind of thing for longer than any of us had expected, but not immediately since she started being Vogue’s CEO. What mostly troubled me wasn’t how many stallions Mascara had met, since Autumn is still trying to get a hold of several of the stallions on the list for any confirmation on their rendezvous, but why Ozzy wanted to know something like this in the first place. Would we find out later during the trial? I thought. We approached the double doors and one of the guards peeked inside to let the Princess know we were there. “They may come in,” a calm, but authoritative voice answered. The two guards opened the doors and we all walked inside. The room was quite vast with our steps echoing off the walls as we approached the end, but then to our surprise we saw not one but two of the princesses there. Princess Celestia, as usual, was as regal and radiant as the sun she raises and lowers. She had a form-fitting, white, sleeveless silk gown that reached to her hooves, her sun cutie mark displayed proudly on her exposed alabaster arms. She wore her golden slippers, bracelets, signature crown, and necklace with a purple gem resting comfortably on her large bosom that would dwarf Shiny’s any day of the week, with a fair but decent amount of cleavage shown that fueled some stallions and perhaps some mares’ imaginations for what her breasts might look like underneath. Her aurora colored mane was gently blown from the nonexistent wind indoors, probably due to some magic or something similar, while her tail was hung over her seat. Princess Luna was pretty much the same as she looked in the dreams, but seeing her in person would still leave me, as well as others, in awe. Her dress looked to be the same kind and quality as Celestia’s, but only black, contrasting her night blue fur and just barely the black splotches on her arms with her cutie mark of a white crescent moon on top of them. She also wore her black slippers, bracelets, a crown, and a necklace with her cutie mark also resting on her chest, which was a little smaller than her sister’s, but her bust was still bigger than Shiny’s. Her mane and tail were in the same state and position as Celestia’s, but hers resembled the night sky with stars speckled around them, leaving those who stared at it thinking they might get sucked right in. Both of them were sitting on their thrones. Though they may be the most beautiful mares in Equestria, they still displayed great majesty in accordance with their authority that ponies would come to respect. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Ozzy himself was smitten by their appearance, especially Celestia’s, since this was his first time seeing her in person, but looking at my coltfriend then, it was a bit of a mixture of that and perhaps anxiety with how tense his shoulders looked as we approached them. “Good afternoon, Princesses,” Swift greeted as he kneeled. Ozzy was slightly taken aback and quickly, yet clumsily, kneeled next to him. I couldn’t stifle my giggles from the sight, and it seemed Shiny as well as the princesses had the same idea. “No need to be so tense, Ozzy,” Celestia said as she waved a hand with a smile. “Both of you, please rise.” “A pleasure to meet you in person, Ozzy Shore,” Luna greeted. “N-No, the pleasure and honor is all mine,” Ozzy stuttered as he and Swift stood back up. “How are you feeling?” “Like a nervous wreck. Even though this isn’t the first time I’ve been in a trial.” “So I’ve heard from Luna. While the set up is different compared to the system from Earth, I assure you the procedure’s more or less the same. With your two beautiful marefriends at your side, you won’t have very much to worry about.” “Y-You’re too kind, Princess Celestia,” Shiny stuttered with a hint of red on her cheeks. “May I ask a question before we start?” I asked. “What is it?” “I’m curious as to why Princess Luna is with us in the Day Court. Not that I have a problem with it, but I assumed we’d have the trial with you alone.” “It is normal you would question my appearance here,” Luna answered. “Considering the type of case we are dealing with, the charges being levied against a prominent pony leading an industry, the amount of media attention this trial is bringing, my frequent meetings in Ozzy’s dreams, and how the ruling may impact our relationship with the humans along with how we handle our pony subjects who violate them, it seemed necessary for the both of us to be present to discuss what we’ll be hearing today in order to come to a valid conclusion. We’d also like to personally speak with Ozzy afterwards.” “I have no problems with that,” Ozzy answered. “Very well. Shall we begin then?” Celestia asked before we all nodded. “Bring in the defendant!” Within moments, the doors behind us opened and we all turned back. I think all of us had the same thought and expressions from what we saw. In between two of the guards was Mascara herself, but it took us a moment to take in her appearance compared to the last time we saw her. She may have been well dressed, but her condition looked worse than what we saw from Autumn, who was following from behind along with what looked like a female defense attorney. Mascara’s mane and tail were frayed, bags were hanging under her eyes that not even her glasses could hide. She was slightly slouching while her hands were cuffed as well as her magic blocked with the inhibitor ring around her horn. The whole time she was escorted to our right side, her gaze was down with her ears folded back. I wasn’t sure if I was seeing things, but her eyes looked … empty, devoid of life. It was something I didn’t expect to see from the former confident president of Vogue. “Let’s not waste any more time, shall we?” Celestia asked. “The Sun Court is now in session for the trial of Mascara.” “Swift Justice of the prosecution is ready, your Highness.” “Bright Side of the defense is also ready, your Highness.” Ah, so that’s her name. “Swift Justice, your opening statement, please.” The trial went on pretty much the same as my first one. Prosecutor summarizes the incident and what the defendant was charged for, presents evidence—in this case, the recording caught by Shiny’s bug on Ozzy a while back; the list of confirmed secretaries and associates Mascara ‘negotiated’ with; and the testimonies from Ozzy, Shiny, and Autumn being as detailed with the case as possible—defense points out some flaws in the prosecution’s statements that the two constructively argue over, as well as some questions asked by both of the princesses answered with validity. It may sound pretty routine by summary, but it would get exhausting pretty quickly, especially if it dragged on for an extended period. When I occasionally glanced at Mascara, she looked to be rapidly aging as the time passed, with not once even looking up or speaking out of objection. I would assume she’d be in a catatonic state if it weren’t for her ears and tail twitching every now and then. Whatever was going on in her head, I couldn’t even imagine. Meanwhile, I saw the princesses listening to both sides of the case pretty intently. They’d occasionally whisper something to each other between pauses, but it wasn’t until the last exchange that Celestia adjusted her posture. “I think we’ve heard enough to come to a verdict. Mascara, if you have any final comments or objections, speak now.” Mascara stood there in silence for a moment before she let out a sigh. “I have no objections, your Highness,” she responded quietly while still looking down. Bright Side gave a few pats to Mascara’s back, probably doing what she could to show some sympathy. “Very well. We’ll still wait for further confirmations from the other stallions involved in the scandals, but for now, by the power vested in me, the Sun Court finds the defendant, Mascara—” “Excuse me, your Highness, but I’d like to say something.” Almost everypony in the room turned to the source of interruption with widened eyes. “What is it that you need to say, Ozzy?” “I just thought I should get something off of my chest to Mascara while I still have the chance. If you’d allow it.” Celestia looked up and rubbed her chin for a moment before turning back to him. “Permission granted.” Ozzy turned to Mascara who looked up for the first time throughout the trial, but still had the emptiness in her eyes. Ozzy cleared his throat. “Mascara, I thought you should know that I looked into some of your background with Autumn’s help ahead of time. I understand at one point that you were married before you became the CEO.” Mascara’s eyes widened at the statement. Really? She was married? Why didn’t he or Autumn bring that up before the trial? “From what Autumn told me regarding the time you broke up and started your … negotiations, I thought pretty hard about what you might have gone through. I can’t really let it slide as an excuse for what you did to me, I’m not sure if I’m ready to forgive you or if I ever will, but from the way you are now, I can tell you have had some time to think about your actions up to this point, just like I did. With that, I thought I should let you know that despite everything that’s happened, I hope things will get better for you in the future and that you get a second chance, somehow. That is all.” Ozzy then closed his eyes and bowed his head to her. The room went silent as Mascara stood there blinking. Suddenly, tears began to stream down her face as her body shook and she tried to speak around great choking sobs. Bright Side’s lips were pulled taut and her ears were folded back as she quickly exchanged glances between the princesses, looking distinctly uncomfortable at her client’s emotional display, a hand rubbing along the distraught mare’s back, providing what comfort and solidarity she could. “I’m … I’m so sorry!” she bawled as tears ran down her cheek. “I didn’t, I didn’t know how bad the humans had it with the sex crimes until after th-that! I didn’t realize how much I was hurting others, I didn’t think about how the stallions must have felt after I used my position to threaten them and coerce them into my bed! I was hurting after my husband’s betrayal, I know it’s no excuse, but I didn’t want to be hurt any more! I just wanted to feel good, to be loved, to be my stallion’s only mare. That I would be the only one he would give his love to! That he wouldn’t want any other mare than me! I still don’t know how it all went wrong between me and my former husband! You or any of the other stallions shouldn’t have gotten pulled into my problems like that, and yet—!” Mascara sniffled and took shaky breaths to calm herself down. Ozzy just stood there staring calmly while the rest of us—including the princesses—were surprised at this sudden development. After a few moments, Mascara took off her glasses and wiped away what she could from her face with her sleeves, despite being in cuffs. With her glasses back on she looked up to Ozzy with a small smile, her eyes still glassy from the crying, but much different from when she came in. “Thank you, Ozzy Shore, for those words. I hope you have a bright future ahead of you, too. You, as well as your two beautiful friends.” She looked towards Shiny and me and gave us the same smile before getting back to her hooves, still sniffling some. “Sorry for that, your Highnesses. You may continue.” The smile seemed to contagious as a small one appeared on Celestia’s and Luna’s faces as well. “Very well, then by the power vested in me, the Sun Court finds the defendant, Mascara, guilty of sexual assault and illegal negotiations. She will serve seven years in prison, and with that, court is now adjourned.” [Ozzy’s POV] With Celestia’s verdict done, the guards as well as Bright Side escorted Mascara out of the throne room. When the double doors shut, I sighed with exasperation. There. I finally got it out there. “I gotta say, Mr. Shore. What you did at the end there really came out of left field,” Swift Justice said before he furrowed his brow. “Though I’m a bit irked that you held that information up until then. It could have provided some motive for her actions.” “Honestly, I didn’t even think something like that was possible,” Autumn said as she approached us. “The idea only came to mind when Oz brought up her past relationships before the negotiations. From what I’ve heard, her former husband chose to become unfaithful and she had to let him go because of that.” “I can relate,” Fleur commented. “Holding that info aside, why did you feel the need to say that, Ozzy?” Shiny asked. “Well, like Mascara, there are two other people back on Earth who’ve made some big mistakes involving me that changed the rest of our lives, and one of them I’ll never be able to talk to in person anymore.” I shrugged. “Even though I’m still not sure if I should forgive that one yet, it sucks that he isn’t around to hear any of my thoughts. I just don’t want to make that same mistake after learning about Mascara’s past.” Shiny nodded. “I think we can all relate how difficult it is to forgive somepony, especially if the victim feels particularly violated or traumatized. Even despite the offender expressing genuine remorse. I think I understand where you’re coming from now.” “It also must have took a lot of courage just to say all of that back there as well, didn’t it?” Celestia asked as Luna and her approached us. It was kind of intimidating how big she was in comparison after standing close enough to me. “Would you three mind staying a little longer to talk?” “Guess that’s my cue to take my leave,” Swift Justice said as he closed his suitcase. “The fees and paperwork have already been taken care of, so my work here is done. If you need any help with another lawsuit, you know my number.” “Thank you for all you’ve done, Swift Justice. We’ll definitely keep you in mind,” Fleur said. “It’s about time I try to get back to Manehattan as well. I still have a lot of work ahead of me,” Autumn said. “I’ll give you a call later for our next meeting once things settle down.” “Duly noted. Good luck out there,” Shiny bid. The two ponies took their leave, and when the double doors shut, we turned back to the princesses. “So, Ozzy … Luna has told me some things about you from your chats in the dream realm. It seems you went through a lot to get this far.” “My uh … incident back there hasn’t changed anything to my staying here, has it?” “Oh no, you’re fine,” she answered with a wave. “From what Luna had told me in detail and what we’ve experienced ourselves, we know how complicated incidents like that can escalate pretty quickly. We just want to give our utmost sympathies for what one of our own subjects nearly did to you.” “Well to be frank, I figured stuff like that and others could happen anywhere—other world or not—before I even arrived here, but I couldn’t let something like that stop me from making a fresh start. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met these two.” Fleur and Shiny locked their arms with my own in response, the three of us looking up to the princesses with small smiles. “This may not be the last obstacle we’ll get around, but I’m sure the others won’t be as bad if we have each other to support.” The princesses smiled as well. “With you three friends standing together like this, it gives us hope that ponies and humans can live together in harmony,” Celestia said. “We hope you three will keep your friendship strong in the times to come,” Luna added. “Sometimes small groups like yours can be a big influence to others around you. We’ll be sure to do our part as well to keep our subjects’ connections with the humans stable. I believe the both of us have come up with some ideas to help the humans residing here protect themselves from the ponies’ intolerable advances. If you ever need any assistance, you know where to find us.” “Right,” we all said in unison. Getting out of the castle grounds was about as much of a hassle as it was getting in. It was a long day for us, so we decided to go to the west side of Canterlot to have a few drinks to loosen us up before we head to bed. Luckily, we had stashed a change of clothes in the carriage so we wouldn’t have to make a stop at the house before that. It might have been for the best, since there could be some reporters sneaking onto the property after the trial. Because of the girls’ upcoming heat cycles, we’d start our vacation from work tomorrow, so we could have more than a drink or two if we wanted. We asked Silver Wheel if he wanted to join us, but said he’d rather keep himself sober to drive us back home. It made sense, but we gotta treat him to something at some point. We soon ended up in what was called the Sapphire Club, which was quite a large establishment that Fleur mentioned had a large dance floor, but there was also a more calming atmosphere on the second floor we could relax in as we’re pretty sure dancing was the last thing on our minds to unwind. At least until we had a few drinks in our systems. “We’ll call you when we’re ready to go,” Fleur said. “You three enjoy yourselves now. You’ve earned it.” Silver then rode off before we walked inside. Once we paid the entrance fee, we made our way upstairs. “I’m still so glad we’re finally done with that trial.” I sighed. “This was the same club we went to after our trial with Solar,” Fleur commented. “I figured it’d be a good spot for us to take a breather for a little while.” “Well, the music’s decent, so I think I can relax without … any … surprises.” At the bar, there was a large crowd gathered around making a lot of noise that rivals with the music. Behind the counter, there were bottles tossing and spinning in the air. The voice that shouted across the room made me drop my stomach once I realized how familiar it was. “Vodka! Triple Sec! Watermelon Pucker! Sweet & Sour! And Lemon-Lime Soda! Put them together, and we got … The Pink Pussy!” The crowd went wild with cheers and laughter from the announcement. “Thank you! Thank you! I’ll be here all week! Who’s up next for their—Ozzy! Hey! Over here! It’s me! Jude!” Oh god, I think I’m gonna need something hard. I can already tell this is going to be a loooooong night. > Chapter 42: "I'm gonna get you laid one day." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 42: “I’m gonna get you laid one day.” [Shining’s POV] Oh dear Luna, how’d we even run into him now of all times?! I cursed in my head as the three of us stood there surprised while Ozzy’s human friend Jude squeezed through the crowd at the bar to see us. “Jude! What a surprise!” Ozzy exclaimed while acting as happy as possible—or at least that’s what it sounded like from his tone. “What are you even doing here?” “I came to see you, man!” Jude exclaimed as he grabbed Ozzy’s hand and pulled him into some masculine hug that I’ve seen guys do sometimes. “Your lawyer came by a while back and told me what happened before he mentioned where you moved. You wouldn’t believe how worried I was after hearing the news! As soon as he let me know where you moved, I had to update my passport, put in my vacation time, and then came here!” He looked over his shoulder to see us before a big grin spread across his face. “And who are these lovely ladies with you?” he asked before he winked at us. Oh crap, I forgot we’re supposed to act like this is our first meeting! Fleur! Help me out here! I glanced over to Fleur hoping that my internal message was sent, but she seemed to be already on it. “I’m a coworker of Ozzy’s, Fleur de Lis, and this is our manager, Shining Star. And you are …?” she trailed off. “Jude Wesley, my dear ladies.” He then took Fleur’s hand before giving a bow. “A pleasure to meet you.” Oh geez, it’s so weird to be introduced like this again. “Now I believe this calls for a celebration! Why don’t you guys grab a table and I’ll get us a round of drinks? My treat!” “Sure thing, Jude. Could you make mine liquor? Strongest they got?” Ozzy asked. Yep, he’s definitely a little uncomfortable about this, too. “Going hardcore at the start, I like it! And for you two ladies?” “I’ll just have a Cosmo.” “Make that two, please,” I added in. “You got it! I’ll be right back! Hey, Shots! I need me some drinks!” he yelled over the loud music and crowd as he headed to the bar while the three of us took the nearest open table. “Oh my god! This is the worst time for him to show up,” Ozzy groaned as he rubbed his temples. “What’s the matter? He seemed awfully nice enough,” Fleur said. “Yeah, but if Shiny hasn’t told you, he tends to share TMI along with being too flirty when it’s not called for. Please, I ask that you just bear with it tonight and I promise I’ll make it up to you two somehow.” Oh trust me, we’ve already known for a while now. You have nothing to be ashamed of. “We’ll try to hold our ground. You just focus on taking it easy tonight,” I said while reaching over to pat his shoulder. Moments later, Jude came back to the table holding a tray of our drinks with an additional glass of ice water and another with a pink liquid. “Here you all are, and I got you a glass of water like you usually would, Ozzy,” he said as he set the drinks in front of us. Well, at least he’s considerate to Ozzy’s drinking habits. “To get this night started, I want to propose a toast,” Jude said as he raised his glass, the rest of us following along. “First, a big congrats to Ozzy making the good life here in Equestria and the success that’s yet to come.” “I haven’t even told you anything about what I’ve done yet. How would you know that?” Ozzy asked. “Well you’ve made some attractive friends right here in front of ya. I say that’s a sign of something.” He winked at the two of us while I just rolled my eyes. “As for the second thing for the toast, Ozzy’s pops.” He rested his free hand to his chest while closing his eyes. “I may not have known much about him besides what my friend told me, but what I do know is that without him, our guest of honor wouldn’t be here today. Even though it’s not my place to say this, but may God bless his soul to the heavens above while he watches over our dear friend even outside of our home world. A moment of silence for the dearly departed, please.” Fleur and I looked at each other with raised brows before we turned to Ozzy. He rolled his hand in front of him, probably signaling us to just go along with it for the time being. “Thank you all,” Jude said before he looked back up and opened his eyes, his smile spread from ear to ear. “Now enough formal talk. Let’s toss these babies back and get motherfucking wasted tonight!” We then clinked our glasses with three of us cheering with a slight strain in our voices before we took our first drink. Ozzy downed his shot of liquor and practically slammed the glass on the table before his face twisted from the strong alcohol taste. “Woo! Go Ozzy!” Jude exclaimed as our coltfriend chugged his ice water. “How about another one?” “I think … I’m good for now. That might have been a little too strong,” he gasped as his face flushed red and glistened with sweat that he tried to wipe off. “So how long have you been in Equestria, Jude?” Fleur asked. “I’ve actually been here for about a week now. I wasn’t sure how soon Ozzy got the news, so I thought I’d give him some space before I showed up. So I’ve been checking the sights while I was here, and I’m already loving this place. The attractions are great, the locals are nice, I even scored a couple phone numbers from some of the mares here.” “Hey, Jude! Awesome show!” one of the passing mares in a group of three exclaimed, who were all holding the same kind of drink Jude had on the table. “We’re going downstairs and have some fun if you want to join us!” “Maybe later, girls! Just don’t let those Pussies drip when you’re shaking those tails!” The mares were in hysterics as they walked off, even Fleur had a hard time holding in her laughter when she was still drinking. I sighed and rubbed my eyes under my glasses. “Oh yes, you were behind the counter when you shouted that … inappropriately named beverage. Is there actually a drink with a name like that?” “Scout’s honor. I’ve been bartending for a while now, and I know my ways around the drinks. You should’ve seen how red Ozzy got the first time I let him try it and told him what the drink was called,” he said as he held up his glass. “Is it any good?” Fleur asked. “Try it for yourself! It’s one of my favorites!” Jude passed the drink over to Fleur before she took a sip. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at the drink. “It’s pretty sweet.” Now curious, I gave the drink a sip as well when she passed it over to me. Huh, well at least it doesn’t taste anything like the name implies. I had enough experiences with Fleur to know that much at least. “It’s not bad.” “So, Ozzy, remind me again of what kind of job you applied for when you came here. And tell me how you managed to snag these two lovely ladies while you’re at it,” he asked as I passed back his drink before he took a sip out of it. “It was an office job, but that’s not the kind I ended up with, or the place where I ran into Fleur and Shining …” Ozzy went on with how he met Fleur and me, along with getting the job in the fashion industry and what he did during his time. I was honestly a little irked and hurt that he kept calling me ‘Shining’ instead of ‘Shiny’ like Fleur would, but knowing how Jude could be a handful from our earlier meeting, I could see how he didn’t want him to get too suspicious of our special relationship. He looked surprised when Ozzy mentioned how Fleur was a supermodel, but since he knew that already, I could tell he was attempting to look the part. “So let me get this straight,” Jude interrupted as he went into a thoughtful gesture. His cheeks were tinted red as he was halfway through his third drink. “Instead of working in another boring old box office job like your previous one, you not only work with one of the most renowned supermodels in the industry, you go around from photo shoot to photo shoot seeing mares in anything less than their underwear seven days a week, more than any other male would even see even during Mardi Gras?” “That’s … the gist of it, I guess?” Ozzy said before he took a sip of his White Rushan that he ordered a little earlier (with a stronger brand of vodka as he requested). “And you haven’t even asked any of them out why?!” I bet that question was weighing on his mind the moment we told him that. And what the heck is this ‘Marty Graw?’ “It’s a professional setting! You know I respect women enough to give them a sense of decency and space!” “Let me tell you something, Ozzy. And girls? Don’t judge,” Jude said with a finger toward us before it pointed back to Ozzy. “Now I’ve seen plenty of people in something beyond their underwear, whether they be inside or outside of ‘Venus and Mars,’ and if there’s one thing I try to live by when I’m chilling with my peers, it’s YOLO. Whether I get some ass or make a complete ass of myself is something I don’t think about because that’s what holds me back, and in the end, I’m making a fool of myself in some form either way. Plus, if I let that girl get away, then I’d never know how things would go if I didn’t make the move. So when I see a girl I want to have some fun with, I’d rather go all out and make a fool out of myself anyways and act right then and there while I think later. “Now I’m not saying what you’re doing is wrong. You’re a lot more respectable, considerate, and trustworthy than most bastards I ran into, and I like that about you, but dude? Unless there’s something you haven’t told me already, you’ve seen more girls—whether they be humans or ponies, I don’t give a damn—at their best more than I have at once, and yet you still haven’t popped your own cherries while I’m getting those sweet melons and buns from the local market three to four times a week.” Fleur suddenly did a spit take on her third drink before she went into hysterics. Ozzy’s face burned red while I facepalmed and groaned. I’m not sure if Fleur’s laughing at the joke or the fact that we’ve already ‘popped his cherry’ a while ago. Either way, I don’t think this is a good time to get into that topic. “Seriously, Ozzy,” Jude continued despite the laugh from the peanut gallery. Ozzy dropped his face to the table with hands on his head. “One of these days I’m gonna get you laid, and I promise you that you’ll get more of a confidence boost than most virgins ever realize. Maybe you’ll be more into these mares here than human girls, I don’t blame you! I’m learning something new with each mare I’ve been with since I got here! Like if you stroke a unicorn’s horn like your own junk, or fuck, give it a good blow, they’ll never let you out of their sight again,” he said as he made lewd gestures with his hand and mouth. “And massaging a pegasus’ wings, or even help them with their preening? Don’t even get me started.” “Jude? Can we go outside for a second? I need some air,” Ozzy muffled on the table. “Sure. I could actually use a smoke right now. What about you two?” “I’m going to settle Fleur down. I think she’s had enough,” I answered. “All right then. Let’s go.” Jude and Ozzy then picked up their drinks, went downstairs, and to the back of the club where the resting area outside was. It was a good time for the two of us to talk as well. “Oh poor Ozzy,” Fleur said while wiping a few stray tears as she calmed down. “I don’t know what Jude would do if we told him the truth, and it could be worse than this.” “No kidding. I know he said he’ll try to make it up to us, but I just want to cuddle the poor guy.” “We could do that, but I think there’s something else we could do that would put our heats to good use~.” Fleur wiggled her eyebrows while smirking with half-lidded eyes. “We’re going to do it whether or not I say anything about it, aren’t we?” “You know me so well.” [Ozzy’s POV] “Remind me again why I made friends with you when you’re embarrassing me like this?” I asked as we stepped outside with the loud music from the dance floor behind us, allowing us to speak at a normal level of volume. I downed the rest of my drink, hoping the alcohol would wipe the embarrassment away. “Aw, come on. You gotta admit your life wouldn’t have been the least bit interesting without me around, and you haven’t shaken me off since your move yet.” Jude smirked as he pulled out a unique, black metal cylinder, lighting up as it turned on before he took a few puffs from it. “When did you start using e-cigs?” “A little after you moved out. I’m trying to quit smoking and a buddy of mine suggested this to me. Said I should try to limit myself with how many puffs I take out of this before I stop doing it in full.” “Does it work?” “It’s working out pretty well for me so far. I think I’ve smoked less than a pack per day if I had to compare. Now about you getting some booty, I noticed that earth pony at two o’ clock behind you who was checking you out every few minutes back inside. I think you might have a good shot with her.” I raised a brow before I looked behind me to where he directed. Indeed, there was a light green earth pony who was looking our way before she averted her gaze. The hairs from her darker green mane and tail with a hot pink streak swiveled quickly when she turned her posture. There was a tint of red on her cheeks while a few of her friends were poorly covering their snickers. I turned back to Jude who had a shit eating grin on his face while his e-cigarette was between his fingers. “What’d I tell ya? Hey, if we walked up there and introduced ourselves, I think I could snag us at least a double date in my hotel room for the rest of the evening~.” “Uh, I should let you know about this, but I just got out of a trial in a sexual assault case earlier today. It was a pretty hard time for me, so I’d rather not be seeing anybody right now.” Jude widened his eyes when I brought the news, turned around, and cursed himself while mumbling something else I couldn’t hear. He hit his head pretty hard a couple times and took a big puff off his e-cig before he turned back with a frown. “Ozzy, I’m really sorry, I didn’t know. I’m aware of the rising rape cases in this world, but I didn’t think you were involved.” He averted his gaze and took another long puff. “It’s okay, this is the first you’ve heard of it.” “This whole thing really sucks, though. I’ve been with a few virgins who changed their minds when we got there. I usually offer a cuddle or something instead and wait until they’re more comfortable next time. Other guys or girls who’ve done the opposite, whether the victims were virgins or not, really killed the point of what sex is all about. I want your first time to be enjoyable with someone—or somepony in this world’s terms—who I know I can trust as well as you do. I won’t push it anymore, but when you’re ready to start seeing ponies, just hit me up. You’ve got my wings all the way.” I smiled a little. “Thanks, Jude. I’ll keep that in mind.” “If anything, Fleur and Shining would be good candidates for having your first lay, but I doubt you’re planning on dating your own coworkers anytime soon, right?” “… Yeah, sure.” “You wanted us out here so you could tell me that, right?” Jude asked. “I’ll try to keep it on the down low for the rest of the night.” “That would be much appreciated.” “Still though, that mare looks pretty cute. You sure you don’t want to get friendly with her at least?” “I’m good. I just want to take it easy after the day I had.” “I get ya. In that case, I think I’ve tortured you enough for one night.” Jude then turned off his e-cig and put it back in his pocket. “Oh you don’t have to go. I’m sure Fleur and Shining won’t mind you sticking around some more.” “Well, I came here to have some fun in my own way, if you know what I mean.” He smirked and gave a wink. “I’ll probably look for those mares I gave those Pussies to earlier so I could finish my night off right. But hey, we’ll definitely get together and catch up on what’s going on at some point before I head back to Earth. You still got my number, right?” “Yep. Oh! Before you go, I do have one thing I want to ask.” “What’s that?” “Have you thought of getting to know a stallion or two while you’re here?” He looked up in thought. “Hmm… I’ll look into it, but it didn’t cross my mind. You made any new guy friends while you’re here?” “A few, but I don’t think they have that vibe you’re looking for.” “Still, if you get the chance, hit them up and we’ll see if we can make a guy’s night at some point. The mares are great, but I need some dude time now and then, you know?” “I get ya. Have fun with those mares.” “I’m planning on it.” He smirked and made his way to the door back inside before stopping and turning. “I almost forgot, but I got some good news, too!” “What’s that?” I asked in a louder volume. “I might move into Canterlot at some point!” My stomach suddenly dropped and the night air wasn’t what gave me the chills. “Y-You are?” “Yeah! Equestria’s great, and the last few clubs I helped drinks with like earlier even offered me a job! I’ll let you know more on the details when you’re not busy! Tell those beauties I’ll see them around! Smell ya later!” He turned back and held up a peace sign before walking inside, leaving me by myself in the cold. “Fucking hell—” “Uh, excuse me,” a voice interrupted before I turned to see the mare Jude pointed out earlier looking to the side with a hint of red on her cheeks. “Hey, I noticed you weren’t really doing anything and I’m starting to get bored of this place, too. So I was wondering if you might want to ditch and grab a coffee somewhere else. If you don’t have any other plans tonight, of course.” Dammit! How does he even know this?! “Listen, while that sounds like a nice idea, Miss …” “Grapevine.” “Ozzy, nice to meet you. Anyway, I’d like to do that, but I’m actually with somepony tonight and I need to get back to her before she worries over where I am or gets any wrong ideas, so…” “Oh, yeah, I get you. Don’t worry about it.” “And hey, you seem like a nice mare, I’m sure you’ll have better luck with somepony else than me.” “Thanks. You have a good night.” “You too.” I gave a little wave before I went back inside, a little awkward in turning down a mare’s offer for a last-minute date. “Jude might plan on moving into Equestria?” Shiny asked as we were on our way back to our home in Silver’s carriage. Fleur was drowsy and a bit inebriated after one too many drinks, so she was leaning on my shoulder while Shiny sat across from us. I was quite buzzed from the last drink I had earlier, too, even after chugging what water I had leftover before we left the club. Something told me I’d need to make up the special hangover cure in the morning for two or three. “Yeah, said he even got job offers from the last few clubs he visited over the past week. I’m already feeling exhausted just thinking about what may come ahead of us.” “He’s not that bad, Ozzy~,” Fleur slurred. “Crude, yes, but at least he seems nice enough. What was that Venus and Mars thing he said, anyways?” “Yeah, we never asked what that was before he left.” “It’s a strip club he’s currently bartending back on Earth.” “Aaah,” the girls said in unison. “Anyway, if he’s moving here, then I need to tell him the truth of what’s going on between us,” I said as I circled a finger between the three of us. “I don’t think he’ll ever let it down once I bring it up, but at least he won’t get any funny ideas once he sees us. He’s decent enough to give us some privacy when it’s called for.” “That’s a relief …” Even though it was dark, I could see Shiny averting her gaze and shifting in her seat. “Shiny? Are you okay?” “Oh, I’m okay. Just something on my mind.” “You want to talk about it?” “Probably better if we wait until tomorrow morning. I’m rather tired after today.” “Aww, but it still feels so early though, and I’m hungry,” Fleur whined. “It’s actually been a while since we ate, right? Did we skip lunch?” Shiny asked. “May I suggest we make a quick stop for some fast food before we head back?” Silver asked. “There’s a small restaurant a few blocks down.” “I’m down with that. And tomorrow I’ll make us some Prench Toast for breakfast once we get over our hangovers.” “Yay~.” Fleur sat up and clumsily gave me a hug while nuzzling my cheek. I tried to ignore the alcohol on her breath. “Though frankly, I wouldn’t mind having some of you for a nice meal~,” she whispered before I felt her tongue running up my ear, making me shiver. “Fleur, not in the carriage with Silver around,” I tried to whisper back despite her nibbling my ear. “Fleur? You’re not going into heat now, are you?” Shiny asked. “No~. I just want to make my Ozzy Shmozzy feel good after the long, hard day he had, maybe blow his own horn like Jude said.” She giggled while stroking my thigh. I gripped Fleur’s wrist to stop her and set her hand aside. I locked my eyes with hers. “I appreciate the thought, Fleur, but I’m okay. Honestly, I prefer to have that and more with you and Shiny here when we’re all sober. We’ll have plenty of time in the next few weeks to have some fun, so we’ll do something soon.” I paused to give her a brief kiss, tasting a little of the last drink she had before we left. “I promise.” “Okay~.” Fleur then laid her head on my lap, right on top of my member that was partially hard from the thigh rubs earlier. “At least you have a cute penis.” I sighed and stroked my fingers through her soft pink locks, letting Fleur relax while she made herself comfortable on my crotch. “Love you, Fleur.” I looked up to Shiny. “Love you, Shiny.” A small smile formed before Shiny nodded her head. “Love you too, Ozzy.” The next hour was spent eating some fries and sodas before we made it home. Silver left while taking care of the garbage and clothes we had for the trial earlier (despite our protests as he insisted he’d do it for us). I carried Fleur inside princess-style while Shiny helped open the door and led us to the bedroom we all shared. We stripped down to our underwear—with only me having my top half covered with the t-shirt I came in with—and got to our usual spots under the covers. It didn’t take us long before we fell asleep in each other’s embraces. Our pounding headaches and the bright light from the sun woke us the next morning to the first day of our vacation for the girls’ upcoming heat cycles. > Chapter 43: "Please don't embarrass me." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 43: “Please don’t embarrass me.” [Ozzy’s POV] “Dear Luna, do I really have to drink this?” Fleur groaned as she held up her glass of my special hangover cure that I made for Shiny before pouring a couple glasses for Fleur and myself. Only this time it was Fleur and I who needed the concoction, while Shiny sat at the table with a smug look upon her face. “Unless you want to deal with it for the next couple hours, then I’d drink it,” Shiny answered. “Come on, mare up. It wasn’t that bad when I took it.” “Didn’t you almost kill Ozzy when you thought he poisoned you at first?” “Boy those were the days,” I said, after which I quickly drank my hangover cure and washed it down with water. “I almost forgot how cute you looked when you were about to rip my face off.” “Ha, ha, ha. Very funny,” Shiny deadpanned before turning back to Fleur. “The sooner you get that drink down, the sooner your hangover will be gone.” “I’ll make your favorite for breakfast~” I sang, before Fleur whined with her mouth closed and muzzle wrinkled in a sneer of disgust. With her eyes and nostrils tightly closed, Fleur tipped the concoction and took large gulps as the viscous drink slid down. Her brow was furrowed when she finished her glass before gasping for breath and chugging down the water next. “There ya go. It’s all over now,” I comforted as I rubbed Fleur’s back. She panted for a few breaths while slouching over the table before turning to me. “I want my toast … with extra cinnamon.” “Coming right up.” I took out the necessary utensils and ingredients for breakfast before I got to work. Preparing two separate bowls, I cracked and whipped eggs with milk and vanilla. I then poured some of those contents in the other bowl and added the extra cinnamon for Fleur before pouring them in trays to coat the bread in. “I gotta say, even though I wasn’t expecting Jude to show up and tease me nonstop, I kind of had fun last night,” I said while cooking. “Did you now?” Shiny asked. “I guess it’s more with the thought of seeing someone I’m familiar with again even though at least a month had passed since I moved out. Still, I feel I should apologize on his behalf for his first impression on you two. I’d have introduced you two to him under better circumstances.” I was getting tea prepared while letting the pan warm up when I saw Shiny showing some kind of guilt while looking towards Fleur. After a brief exchange, the two averted their gazes a bit. “Girls? Is something the matter?” “There’s something you should know, Ozzy,” Shiny said while looking down. “Last night … wasn’t our first time meeting Jude.” “Huh? What do you mean?” “Remember the other night you had drinks with Silver and ran into Solar later on?” Fleur asked. “Well, we ran into Jude who was standing in front of our house while you were out.” I blinked a few times and set the tongs I was using for the bread aside. “But, how did—” “Most of what Jude said last night was true,” Shiny interrupted. “He just left out how your lawyer gave him your new address.” “And, you didn’t tell me this because …” “We knew how much you were going through lately and we didn’t want to add any more stress on you,” Fleur explained. “Jude thought so too, and even suggested that he’d come back a week later once things had settled down. We were going to bring it up, but we just weren't sure of how or when was the best time to inform you of this.” I sighed and rubbed my eyes under my glasses. “Well, I was also debating whether or not I’d tell you two about Solar with all that was going on, so I think that makes us even. Was he just as bad back then as last night?” “Frankly, I think he was worse the first time.” Shiny’s brow furrowed as she hugged herself and averted her gaze with a hint of red on her cheeks. “He called me ‘boobielicious’ and said my butt was big. It was tempting to smack him right then and there.” “… I think I might have joined you on that.” “I don’t think he meant it in a bad way, Ozzy,” Fleur defended. “I know, and that’s what irks me. I don’t know how much he tried to flirt with you two, whether he knows you’re my friends or not, but he should show some propriety considering where he is right now. God, I can imagine him being thrown in the dungeon if he tried that with the princesses, but knowing him he might even joke about how kinky it is to jump right to the sex dungeons on the first date.” Both of their eyes widened. “You think he’d actually go that far?” Fleur asked. “It’s quite likely. He can take that ‘YOLO’ motto pretty seriously in the dumbest of ways.” “What does that even mean? He never explained that last night.” “You Only Live Once. He may regret some decisions he’s made, but somehow that doesn’t stop him from going above and beyond what he can do. Either of you know what a ‘mating ball’ is?” The girls looked at each other with raised brows before turning back to me while shaking their heads. “Good. If you want to keep your sanity in check, don’t bring that up when Jude’s in the room. He may have regretted doing it, but he isn’t afraid or ashamed to tell the tale. His antics are that bad. Don’t even look it up on Google and try to make sense of it either.” “Huh, I guess we’ll take your word for it, then,” Shiny said as I got back to cooking breakfast. “Still, I think Jude moving into Canterlot might be good for you, Ozzy,” Fleur said. “You’ll have one more guy friend around town to talk to if something’s bothering you. Not that you can’t come to us for help, but I’ve come to learn that there are some things you’re better off talking to somepony who can relate to you more than another could.” “So it’s like mares talking about mare stuff while stallions would do the same about stallion things?” “Exactly.” The phone suddenly rang as I was finishing the first two slices of Prench toast. I put one on each plate and passed them to the girls before I picked up the phone. “Hello?” “Halloo~” Speak of the devil. “Jude, morning,” I greeted him with as much enthusiasm as I could fake while the girls began eating. I was a little curious as to why there was some kind of echo from the other line, though. “What’s up?” “Just seeing how my buddy ol’ pal was doing this morning. Did you have to drink that poison you call a hangover cure?” “Yeah, Fleur and I drank a glass this morning. We’re having breakfast right now to get rid of the taste. What about you?” “Nah, I kept myself hydrated the rest of the night, but some new friends of mine are taking it right now. I gotta say though, dude, in all my years of bartending, I’m still amazed how that shit even works. Your uncle or whatever must have been some kind of genius.” “Well he was a friend of Dad’s, but he’s the closest to an uncle I can get I guess. How’d last night go for you?” “Eh, kind of a mix. Did I mention how energetic pegasi can be  last night?” “Uh, no?” Jude’s volume suddenly went down to a whisper. “Jude the wise says: try not to take on all three of them at once, especially if they play rough. I’m being nice to them now, but I don’t think I’ll be wanting to see them again. It was like being put through the wringer with them.” If I didn’t get into a similar situation like he did last night, I wasn’t sure if I’d be annoyed or a little glad his latest romp didn’t go well. Still, I felt thankful I wasn’t in his shoes this time. “One of those nights, huh? Isn’t this the first one you had since coming to Equestria?” “There was one other, but I’d rather not go into that right now. I’m a little tired and I’m already getting blueballed just remembering—” “Oh Jude~,” a new female voice in a husk interrupted. “We’re all better now.” “Aren’t you coming for another round? I think your shower can wait for a few more hours.” Somehow I could hear Jude gulping over the phone. “L-Ladies, let’s be reasonable here. I’m in the middle of a phone call—umph!” “ … You’re naked in the bathroom right now, aren’t you?” I asked. “Yep.” “One of them giving you a BJ? I think I can hear the slurping from over here.” “S-Say, I gotta go for now. Are you open to have lunch later?” he asked in a strained voice. I covered the mic before I turned to the girls. “You mind if I have lunch with Jude later today?” “We’ve got plenty of time, so why not?” Fleur asked while Shiny nodded in agreement. I turned back to the phone. “Yeah, I can make time.” “G-Great! Hey, and see if you can introduce me to some of your new guy friends if they’re around. I’ll call you la—AAAAUGH!” Jude’s scream of agony was cut off when the phone hung up. “ … Eh, he’ll be all right,” I said to myself as I put the phone down, savoring what might have been the highlight of my day, and turned to the girls. “Believe it or not, this kind of exchange between us was pretty common at times.” “I can only imagine,” Shiny said as I set up the next slices of egg-covered bread to be cooked on the pans. “So about our vacation, what do you usually do around this time before … well, that comes?” I asked. “Not much, really,” Shiny said. “Usually we just relax here or at my place while waiting for our heat to leave us. We even try to limit our outings in case it comes unexpectedly at an inconvenient place and time.” “We also give the housekeeping team time off,” Fleur added in. “With how much of a mess we usually make, there’s almost no point of them coming over and over again until our time passes. We pay them double the usual wages the first week they come back, though.” “I may not know what will come of this, but I’m feeling pretty good right now.” I rolled my arm and made a few stretches. “After what we went through yesterday and beyond, as well as my little hangover gone, I feel like I can take on the world.” “Actually, I think mine’s gone, too,” Fleur said as she rested a hand on her head. “Wow, that stuff really does work.” “Now that I think about it, this is the first time we’ll have a stallion around during our cycle,” Shiny said as she looked down and furrowed her brow. “We didn’t know about the infertility spell when we first dated our exes, so we had to keep our distance and take care of it ourselves. I’m having mixed feelings about this.” “From what I heard, it’s supposed to feel amazing doing it during the cycle, as far as what Toffee told me.” “And with the gift basket Shimmer gave us, I’ll make sure I won’t let this cycle be a bore,” I finished. “And you two will go easy on me on my first time, right? I mean, I may have heard of what some stallions went through after their experience, but it couldn’t be that bad, right?” Fleur and Shiny looked at each other for a moment before failing to hide their snickering. They then turned back to me with half-lidded gazes and smirks. “We’ll try to hold back, but don’t expect us to control ourselves. We can get pretty horny during this time,” Fleur said. “And we might get a little … rough, enough to leave the both of us sore and chaffed for a while when it passes,” Shiny added in. “I’d probably brace myself if I were you, Ozzy. Might add a prayer or two to Luna and Celestia to help you survive your first heat experience ” My stomach dropped when I recalled how Jude was just about to get pulled into another rough romp in the sack before the phone cut off. If three pegasi can leave Jude of all people sore and practically running for his life even when they weren’t in heat, I’m suddenly having second thoughts on how well I can hold my ground. Jude, give me your strength. After we finished breakfast and cleaned ourselves up, we got another few phone calls. The first turned out to be Charles Gullivan, who I forgot was still in the city with all the activity going on. He wanted to check up on me to see how I was doing and whether I wanted to receive Dad’s gifts from his will or not. I gave it some thought after my first few dates with the girls a while back and figured I might as well accept them. I hardly remembered what my mom looked like, so it’d be nice to at least see a glimpse of who she was in the photo albums. The money Dad left me will be converted into Equestrian currency, of course, and I decided to donate a decent percentage to the usual charities that we donate from our regular paychecks. The rest I’d keep aside for a special occasion. Finally, for the engagement ring Dad proposed to Mom with, I have some special plans that I’ll put into action much later in the future. Charles said he’ll have my photo albums sent to my home within a few weeks along with my check before we said our good-byes. The second phone call was actually from Fancy Pants. He read the news on how things went in my trial and congratulated us on our victory. He also said he had returned from a business meeting late last night and got some time today to relax. Remembering Jude’s request, I asked him if he wanted to join us for lunch later along with Silver and Bubbles so I could introduce them to my friend. Fancy seemed ecstatic and agreed almost immediately. I had to pull him back when he offered to host lunch at his mansion to celebrate my win in the trial. The celebration was fine, but I wasn’t sure how Jude would behave while inside such a luxurious home. I suggested just heading out to a restaurant for the occasion and turned down the offer of going to The Golden Crown where I first had dinner with Fleur. Gotta say, when this guy wants to celebrate, he wants to go all out no matter how trivial the reason is. We came to an agreement to have a meal at the pub where I ate with Silver the other day, and after confirming the time with Jude later on—who sounded either like a very old man who could collapse at any given time or like he came out of a desert desperate for water, exaggerating his exhaustion from his active morning with his latest girls—we were all set with Silver and Bubbles agreeing to come along. Fleur and Shiny also decided to invite Shimmer and Toffee over for lunch to catch up on old times while I was setting up my own, and it looked like our days were set up quite nicely. The girls and I were just chilling and watching some shows before it was near that time for me to head out when I heard a few knocks at the door. “I think that’s me,” I said as I got up from the couch and went to the door. When I answered it, I was met with something I didn’t think I’d ever see. Fancy Pants and Silver Wheel, both in casual clothing, which for them were apparently polos and khakis. “Hey guys, you cleaned up … well,” I said while still in awe. “Ugh, see? I told you Oz would be thrown off,” Silver said to Fancy. “I still don’t get why I shouldn’t be in uniform.” “Now now, Silver, you’re off the clock today,” Fancy argued. “We’re meeting a friend of Ozzy’s from his own world and we need to make sure he feels welcomed. Besides, this is the only thing I could find that would fit the occasion at the last minute.” “Ugh, remind me to come along the next time you’re out clothes shopping so I’d steer you away from any more khakis,” Fleur intervened as she and Shiny approached the front door. “I’d have to agree with her on that one, hun.” Toffee was walking past Fancy’s side in a sleeveless top and skirt and gave me a hug. I tried to be gentle returning it while minding the foal in her womb. “Hello, Oz. Congrats on the trial.” “Thanks, Toffee. How’s the baby doing?” “We don’t know if it’s a colt or filly yet, but it’s coming along nicely. I’m already craving some odd foods.” “Don’t worry, we’ll prepare something if you need it,” Shining said while Toffee exchanged hugs with her and Fleur. “So when are you guys thinking of coming back?” “Probably around four. Basically in time to start making dinner,” I answered. “Well you guys have fun. We’ll be here when you get back.” “Of course.” I gave the girls a peck on the cheek before we were off. At the front of our home was a taxi carriage with Bubbles’ head just touching the roof. “Hey, Bubbles. How’ve you been?” “Doing well, thanks, all things considered. Congratulations on the trial.” The three of us then took our seats in the taxi with me sitting next to Fancy and Silver on Bubbles’ side before the vehicle started moving. We agreed to meet Jude there while he reserved a table for us. “So Oz, you’ll have to tell us what kind of friend this Jude is. I believe this is the first time any of us have heard of him,” Fancy said. “He’s … unique, if I had to describe him in one word. Very social and friendly, almost always ready to have a good time, but sometimes doesn’t know when he goes overboard. He was my roommate in an apartment back on Earth before I moved here …” I explained as time passed, making sure I didn’t speak of his more extreme antics so that I wouldn’t give him a bad first impression. I planned to let Jude know not to overdo it with his joking around considering the kind of crowd he’d be dealing with. After a couple of minutes, we arrived at the pub and Fancy paid for the ride before we went inside. I entered first and scanned the restaurant as I looked around for Jude. I saw Jude eagerly waving his hand at me, sitting in a corner of the restaurant at a semicircle table with five menus spread around. The rest of the pub wasn’t very busy with other patrons. I led the other guys to the table that Jude was sitting and greeted him with a firm handshake and a pat on the back. “Ozzy! Glad you could make it, man.” “Thanks. How did the rest of your morning go?” “I was able to sneak out. I had to clean up at another friend’s place before I got here.” “That’s good. Here, let me introduce you. Guys, this is Jude Wesley, my old roommate. Jude, this is Fleur’s older brother, Fancy Pants, and his friends Bubbles and Silver Wheel.” “A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Fancy started “How’s it going?” “Good afternoon.” “Gentlecolts, the pleasure’s all mine,” Jude greeted as he shook hands with each stallion respectively. “Well don’t just stand there, have a seat. I asked for water to start us off, but she’ll be back in a moment.” As the three got themselves seated, I murmured into Jude’s ear. “These guys are more from the upper-class, so if you could tone it down a little …” “Say no more. I got ya covered.” I then scooched in the other entryway of the table, sitting next to Fancy while Jude joined us afterwards. “So guys, what do you all do? If Ozzy hasn’t told ya yet, I’m a bartender.” “I’m basically a bureaucrat, but I spend more time organizing charities.” “I’m the head of security for his home and events, though I have done some social work on the side.” “And I’m Fancy and Fleur’s personal driver. You’ll see me serving Fleur more, though.” Jude whistled. “Those seem heavy, but I respect that. I hope lil’ Ozzy here hasn’t caused too much trouble for you all.” “Hey!” “On the contrary. He has been a tremendous help for my sister, so it didn’t take long for any of us to get along with him, and from what I could see, he’s been a fine coltfriend for the girls as well,” Fancy said while the other two nodded. “Heh, yeah, he can be pretty … whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait, what? What was that last part?” “That he’s been a fine coltfriend for the girls? Has Oz not told you yet?” “Coltfriend? Girl-sss? Like as in more than one?” “Yes?” Silver answered. “As in Ozzy Shore here is dating both of them … at the same time? Being a ‘herd’ as this world calls it?” “Yep,” Bubbles answered before he took a sip of his water. Jude was exchanging glances with everyone blankly before turning to me last. He reached out and suddenly pulled my cheeks. “Ow! What was that for?” “I had to make sure I was awake and not speaking to some weird psychotic twin.” “Erm, aren’t you supposed to do that to yourself?” Fancy asked. “This isn’t some kind of joke, right? Ozzy Shore is really dating Fleur de Lis and Shining Star?” “I was going to mention it to you later, but they beat me to it,” I answered. Jude blinked a few times, picked up his napkin and dabbed at invisible tears out of his eyes as he sniffled. “My little Ozzy’s all grown up. I was so worried he’d grow old and stay a virgin longer than Steve Carell in that movie—” “Hey!” “But I never thought I’d see the day that Ozzy would date not one, but two mares at once, and total hotties at that. *sniffle* I haven’t even gotten the chance to be a part of such a relationship yet. The student has truly surpassed the master. I could never be any prouder than I am right now.” The three stallions exchanged confused glances with one another. Even I had no idea Jude of all people would react to the news like this, even if it was in a sort of joking manner. Jude then cleared himself up and slammed a fist on the table. “All right, I know I already treated him for one last night, but fuck it! A free round of drinks for everybody here, in celebration to Ozzy’s new relationship and his ascension to manhood! Who’s with me?!” The stallions gave loud, but confused responses, while I just had my head faced down on the table. Didn’t I just say to keep it down?! Did that message not go through?! And how would he even know I’m not a virgin?! “And Ozzy was like, ‘Jude! For god’s sake, at least put on some pants under that apron!’” Jude exclaimed as the stallions guffawed while my face was down on the table. Seriously, how does this guy even do it? Did he put something in that beer? “You’re fucking crazy, man. That’s golden,” Bubbles said in between laughs while wiping a stray tear. “Thanks, dude. I’ll be right back, I gotta take a smoke.” “I’ll come with you. I need some air,” I said, before the two of us scooted out of the table and went outside. We walked to the side of the building and Jude pulled out his e-cig and took a puff once we took a spot. “Okay, I gotta know. Why did you do the complete opposite of what I asked you to do, and how were you still able to pull that off?” “Years of practice. I would have done what you said if we were in one of those fancy-shmancy parties and I was dressed for the occasion, but take a look around. We’re in a pub with a small group of well-rounded, mature adults, and they looked nervous when they saw me. I’m just letting them know in my own way, ‘Yo, we’re all cool here. Take a chill pill and relax~’” “I feel like you ignored me and just went all in without concern for consequences, like usual.” “Hey, we all deal with things differently. But dude, what’s this about you dating two mares? When did you suddenly grow a pair and why did you hold that out on me?” “Okay, one, this is new for all of us. We’re kind of testing waters right now. I’m still trying to figure out how I got this far after taking what Dad told me in his video will into consideration. And I kept it a secret because we didn’t want to bring any attention to ourselves. I was still trying to figure out how to bring it up to you before they did.” “Oh yeah, Fleur’s pretty much a celebrity, huh? Yeah, I can get that. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.” “Second, how would you know I … gave my virginity to them right after you learned we were seeing each other?” “I’ll be honest. When I saw you with the girls last night, I could tell there was something different about you last we talked. You all had a certain something going on I usually see in couples, but it was rare to see that among three people instead of two. It had been itching me for a while after that until Fancy brought it up, and that’s when it hit me, ‘Ohhh, someone finally got his cherry popped!’ I gotta know, man. What was it like? Did you do it one after another, or did you take ‘em on both?” “Jude, you know I wouldn’t tell anybody something like that,” I deadpanned. “Come on~. Every guy has bragging rights after doing it their first time, I know you’re itching to tell it to somebody.” I rolled my eyes and sighed internally, looking away from Jude’s excited gaze. “… It … was good.” “Aaah, there it is! That’s my man!” he exclaimed before giving a few punches to my shoulder. “All right, all right! Can you stop? You’ve had your fun.” Jude took a moment to take another puff before turning back to me. “But seriously though, I’m proud of ya. You came a long way, and you’re finally living in the kind of home you’ve been working towards your whole life. Hell, you’re getting even more than what you bargained for, I mean look at where you are! You’re living in a huge-ass mansion in another world while dating two mares! One of them is a supermodel, and both of them are drop dead gorgeous! The only thing that could top that right now would be living in the castle while dating both of the royal sisters, and that’s something that may not happen unless you’re in some fanfiction or something.” I smiled a little. “Yeah, I did come a long way, didn’t I?” “I’m not gonna lie, things may get bumpy for you later, but I know you’re smart enough to figure out how to get over them, and you won’t be tackling them alone. Fleur, Shining, and I will have your back every step of the way when you need it. Just don’t be afraid to ask us.” “Thanks, I appreciate that.” “No problem.” Jude takes one last puff of smoke before putting his e-cig in his pocket. “Ready to head back inside?” “Before that, there’s something that needs to be cleared up. I heard you called Shining ‘boobielicious’ when you two first met?” Jude’s face went pale before laughing nervously. “Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.” “I don’t think I need to remind you what may happen if I see you try anything with either of them, do I? I learned a few new things from Shining since that last fight you saw me in.” “Say no more, you know I don’t get involved in that kind of stuff, or at least I try not to … But could I—?” “No, you’re not going to get in an orgy with any of us three anytime soon.” “Anytime soon? So there’s hope?” “Jude, you know what I mean.” “Aw, you’re no fun.”