Twilight's Misadventures, and Apologies to the Readers.

by Fusion Fool the 3rd

First published

Twilight Sparkle. Faust's gift to mares?

Twilight Sparkle: One of six saviors of Equestria several times, student of Princess Celestia, Librarian and local problem solver of Ponyville... Born with something between her hind legs that makes her a target for mares and the odd stallion. This collection of Twilight pleasure/misery unfolds here, while buried balls deep in a random mare...I'm sorry in advance.

Warning: contains sex, and futa... and Twilight Sparkle.

Going to put who does Twi here since I am having problems trying to add more then 5 characters in the fancy list, so here they are in order of chapters: (Updates when I can) (Underlined names are ponies that are sticking with Twilight)
Chapter 1: Lyra Heartstrings (Done, Thanks Tast)
Chapter 2: Pinkie Pie (Done, Thanks Princess_Cellestia)
Chapter 3: Daring Do (dafuq?) (Done, Thank You ShadowWyvern214)
Chapter 4: Rainbow Dash AND Spitfire (Done, Thank you AnonponyDASHIE)
Chapter 5: Trixie (Done, Thank you MrJoshy and hwrogers)
Chapter 6: Princess Luna (Done, Thank you MrJoshy)
Chapter 7: Rarity (Done, Thank you MrJoshy)
Chapter 7.5 I guess: Clover the Clever and Smart Cookie (Done, Thank you paxtofettel)
Chapter 8: Cloudchaser AND Thunderlane (Done, Thank you hwrogers)
Chapter 9: Octavia AND Vinyl Scratch (Done, Thank you Barnabi)
Chapter 10: Gilda (Done, Thank you Barnabi)
Chapter 11: Zecora (Done, Thank you hwrogers)
Chapter 12: Queen Chrysalis (Done, Thank You James Rye and unknownwisdom)
Chapter 13: Applejack (Done, Thank You Barnabi)
Chapter 14: Fleur de Lis (Done, Thank You Barnabi)
Chapter 15: Fluttershy (Done, Thank You Barnabi)
Chapter 16: Lyra and Bon-bon (Done, Thank You Wrabbit)
Chapter 17: Minuette(Colgate)/Berry Punch (Done, Thank you Ameribrony)
Chapter 18: Princess Luna... again (Done, Proofread by me, dood)
Chapter 19: Roseluck (Done, Thank you Wrabbit, refferee, TheRustyBucket, unknownwisdom, and BronyPonyMan
Chapter 20: Derpy Hooves (Done, Thank you Wrabbit)
Chapter 21: Cherry Jubilee (Done Thank you refferee and Shigiya)
Chapter 22: Twilight Velvet (Done, Thank you refferee and Shigiya)
Chapter 23: Marezons (Done, thank you Shigiya and Wrabbit)
Chapter 24: Princess Cadance (Done, thank you Shigiya)
Chapter 25: Elements (Done, thank you Wrabbit and refferee)
Chapter 26: Juliet vs. Mayor Mare (Done, thank you Shigiya)
Chapter 27: Juliet vs. Bon-Bon (Done, Thank You refferee)
Chapter 28: Juliet vs. Cherry Jubilee (Done, thank you Shigiya)
Chapter 29: Juliet vs. Twilight Velvet (Done, thank you Thanks Wolf Pack, Roaring Thunder, and Vicennialabyss9 for making comments.)
Chapter 30: Juliet vs. Princess Celestia (Done, thank you Shigiya)
Chapter 31: Twilight vs. Juliet
Chapter 32: 4Princesses and Sex Spells
Mini-Series Chapters: (Possible Projects are here, dood)
- Mother's Day Special: Twilight Velvet (Done, Thank You OkemosBrony)
- Sober Rainbow Dash (Done, Thank You MrJoshy)
- Cutie Mark Crusaders (Done, Thank You Tast)
- Mrs. Cake (Done, Thank You IRpony)
- Spa Ponies, Aloe and Lotus (Done, Thank You MrMinimii)
- Iron Pony: Applejack and Rainbow Dash (Done, Thank You paxtofettel)
- Alpha Twilight (Too long so I 'tried' to proof-read it myself, dood.)
- Sunset Shimmer (Done, Thank You Knifelock)
- Filly Twilight and Teen Cadance (Done, Thank You OkemosBrony)
- Amira (Tall Pink Mare from Magic Duel)(Done, Thank You Wrabbit)
- Sunset Shimmer and Trixie (Done, Thank You refferee and OkemosBrony)
- Non-Canon, Roseluck Fudge-up I did (Done, Thank You refferee)
- Twilight? beats Nightmare Moon (Done, Thank You refferee)
- Celestia teaches Twilight a lesson (Done, Thank You Wrabbit)
- Twilight's Most Unfortunate Foalcon Adventure (Done, Thank you OkemosBrony and Wrabbit)
- The Ponyville Heat (Done, thanks EVERYONE, dood!)
- Trixie turns Twilight into an animal or Two (Done thank you Wrabbit)
- Mane6 x Twilight x Human6 a plenty (Done, Thank you Shigiya)
- Twilight has a horse dick in EQG land (Done, Thank You refferee)

EDOODIT: Because my mouse is acting weird and I'm lazy, I'm posting referee's new idea here instead of changing it all up above. Sorry.The Other Sans

(Mega thanks to hwrogers for cleaning it all up for me, I didn't even ask him to do it...he is that awesome)
I'm going to put 5 characters at the end of the chapter (starting at chapter 10 cause I'm weird like that) and a voting will take place to decide which character is going to be the next chapter.

The only 'dood' used is the chapter breaks, try and not let that hurt your reading experience if you can, dood.

Thanks Wrabbit for the cover pic. And Thanks to James Rye's comments on how to write a story like a guy who knows what he's doing.

Chapter One: That One Time at Celestia's School...

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[Tags: {Twilight/Lyra}Futa/f, mutual-masturbation, oral, vaginal]

Celestia’s sun shone through the window of the library; causing the sleeping unicorn to groan. Twilight’s eyes slowly opened. Waking up, she got off her bed to begin her morning routine.

After a shower and brushing her mane, Twilight made her way to the kitchen with a sigh before Spike woke up. She opened the pantry to reveal a familiar sight: an orange jar with a green lid and her name written on it. Within the jar was several tea bags. Twilight levitated a tea bag out of the jar as she set a kettle of water to heat. After steeping the bag for a good while, she sipped her tea -- the feeling of the weight between her legs disappearing the most notable effect -- letting out a small sigh. “Just another day,” she sighed, finishing her tea as she wrote up her to-do list for the day.

Spike joined her in the kitchen as she made breakfast. “Morning Twilight,” yawned her assistant as she turned and smiled at him.

“Good morning Spike, breakfast will be ready in a moment.” Twilight said, returning to cooking eggs and preparing some dragon fruit.

“So, what’s for breakfast, Twi?” Spike asked, seating himself at the table.

“Just some eggs and fruit, Spike, and a ruby for my number one assistant,” Twilight replied. Serving up breakfast for herself and Spike.

Post-breakfast events occurred as Twilight predicted, Spike left to visit Rarity; leaving her to her studies. A day of reading was always a welcomed activity for the scholar. She would often think back to her time learning under the Princess and her time in the School for Gifted Unicorns. Of course, some memories are prominent than others.


Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns was a difficult place for Twilight Sparkle. It wasn’t the studies or the tests, those were easy to complete. It was the student body that made the experience tough for Twilight.

Celestia thought it would be an excellent way for Twilight to mingle with other ponies her age, and it was a nice gesture. Twilight knew that it wasn’t going to work well the moment she took a step into her first class.

She heard all the jabs ponies said behind her back: Princess’ Pet, Egghead, Nerd, Dork, Teacher’s Pet, and so on. They all thought the purple filly would be an arrogant blowhard just because she was smarter than them and the Princess liked her.

They were half right; Twilight was indeed smarter than her class, but she was modest about it. She never threatened to have the Princess come down to smite somepony, and she tried to be nice to others. None of that helped her, though. She was still outcast and alienated by her peers, not that she did her own brand of alienating others.

She did manage to befriend in a musical pony named Lyra Heartstrings, one of the very few ponies that didn’t call her names with the intent of hurting her feelings.

It was a symbiotic relationship really: Lyra helped Twilight with bullies, and Twilight tutored Lyra on the lessons she struggled in.

There was one catch that haunted Twilight since she hit puberty: she wasn’t born a normal filly. She was born with a ‘added attachment’, a penis that hung beneath her barrel. Even at a young age if you were to only look at Twilight’s dick, you could have sworn you were staring at an earth pony, judging by her size.

Her parents helped keep the secret from everypony. Only a single doctor and a very affectionate nurse knew Twilight’s curse and swore to keep it to themselves. Not even Spike, Princess Celestia, Cadance, or Shining Armor knew what Twilight hid between her legs. The only reason she was able to keep it hidden was thanks to a remedy that the doctors managed to create: a special blend of tea that forced her penis to take the form of a clitoris.

Twilight had been drinking the tea for years since she hit puberty; every day for 4 years and counting, her parents received a shipment of the special tea from the doctor each month so that Twilight could keep herself hidden.

However, mistakes happen to everypony. One morning Twilight forgot her morning tea because she overslept, a day that she would never forget.

Twilight quickly learned that she wasn’t ‘incognito’ as she felt her member slapping between her legs. Since she was running late, she had no time to resolve this problem normally. Thinking quickly, she cast a invisibility spell on the offending member in hopes that nopony would notice. Unfortunately, Twilight was soon reminded that ‘invisible’ doesn’t mean ‘gone’.

The entire day was brutal for the purple filly. Ponies that didn’t tease her horribly were concerned, but nopony was more concerned for Twilight than her friend Lyra. They met during lunch break to chat as usual. Lyra, being Twilight’s friend, quickly noticed that something was bothering Twilight.

“Are you alright, Twilight?” Lyra asked, reading through a textbook Twilight brought with her.

“I’m fine, nothing wrong here,” Twilight replied, with what could be only described as the worst poker face imaginable.

“Come on Twi, I like to think I know you well enough to know when you are lying,” Lyra retorted, crossing her hooves.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it Lyra,” Twilight urged.

“But…” Lyra was interrupted by the sound of the school bell. “I’ll talk to you later, alright?”

Twilight nodded as her friend walked away. She put her books away, quickly rushing to her next class.


The day dragged on and Twilight was forced to maintain her invisibility spell throughout the entire school day. It didn’t help when Lyra dragged Twilight to a music store.

Twilight sat down on a chair as Lyra gauged each lyre with a critical eye. Twilight was amazed by how precise the mint unicorn’s taste in instruments were. The last time the duo were there, Lyra yelled at the shop owner for using cheap strings. In the end Twilight had to levitate her friend out of there before she hurt the poor clerk.

This time Lyra was clearly enjoying the soft tune of a particular bronze lyre. With a smile and a nod, she bought the instrument and placed it carefully in her bags.

“That one sounded good, I may need to replace a few strings in a few weeks though, they’re still cutting back on it,” Lyra commented.

“Well, the strings aren’t that bad, are they?” Twilight asked.

“Not usually, no. It’s the resonator that’s the hard part, and this one sounds great. The string feels weak, but not as weak as last time,” Lyra uttered, glancing back to her new lyre before turning back to her friend. “So what was up with today, Twi?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Twilight replied.

“You’ve been maintaining a spell all day, but no one knows what it is. Come on, you can tell me, aren’t I your friend?” Lyra asked in a hurt tone.

“I…uhh…” Twilight struggled to find the words that would get her friend off her case. “I’m sorry Lyra, but this is something that could mean the end of everything if I told anyone.”

“I bet Spike or the Princess knows,” Lyra remarked.

“No... not even my brother or foalsitter know.,” Twilight added, causing Lyra to gasp.

“Wow, it must be a serious deal if those two don’t even know.” If she wasn’t curious before, she is now.

“Anyways, I’ve got my lessons with the Princess soon. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Waving goodbye to her friend, Twilight trotted off towards the castle.

Lyra stood there with a determined look on her face, ’Sorry Twi, but I want to know that secret, whatever it may be,’ she thought before walking home.


Twilight was levitating five orbs in the air while maintaining her cloaking spell. Despite her concentration she could tell that the Princess was giving her a concerned look. “Twilight, is something troubling you?” Celestia asked.

“Everything is fine, Princess. Nothing is wrong, I’m sorry to worry you,” Twilight replied, struggling to maintain her focus.

“Twilight, these fives orbs are usually no problem for you. And don’t think I don’t know that you are maintaining something else. I can sense your cloaking spell,” Celestia stated. Twilight flinched at that, dropping the orbs.

“I’m sorry Princess, but-,” Twilight was interrupted by a small group of nobles.

“Princess, we need your assistance!” An elderly black stallion said.

Celestia’ furrowed her brow at the interruption. “I’m sorry Twilight, I’ll be back soon. We’ll continue our discussion later,” She said, following the group of ponies out the room.

A maid walked in through the door opposite the one Celestia exited. “Miss Twilight, the Princess said you can use the royal baths if you needed.” Twilight smiled and nodded to the mare and followed her to the baths.

As expected of the royal palace, the baths were large. Several statues depicting ponies with vases stood from several large, thick pillars around the pool. Each vase was flowing with a seemingly infinite amount of water. Twilight sat down on the edge of the tub and released her invisibility spell, allowing her some time to breathe a sigh of relief.

She glared at the offending appendage for all the frustration it caused her. “I wish I didn’t have you, stupid penis,” Twilight muttered coldly. She levitated the shampoo and soap to clean herself, scrubbing her body.

She faintly heard the door opening behind her. She spun around in shock to find the Princess walking in, smiling brightly, with a large bucket and a washcloth in her magic. “Ah, Twilight. Do you need some help, my student?” Celestia said in a motherly tone.

Her answer was a deafening “NO, DON’T COME IN!” followed by being ejected from the bathroom by a shockwave of magic. Celestia lay on her back, bucket and washcloth hanging from her horn, utterly confused just happened.

Twilight ran out with a guilty look on her face. “I’m sorry Princess, I didn’t mean to-” She was interrupted as the Princess let out a gentle chuckle.

“It’s alright Twilight. I guess all ponies need their private time to think and what not. But if you need your privacy, you can simply ask,” Celestia chuckled, the fact that a filly sent her flying out of her own bathroom long forgotten.

Twilight still felt bad about the whole thing, a light blush appeared as the Princess pulled her into a hug. “I take it you're finished then. I feel a bit unclean from dealing with the nobles. I still wish to talk to you tomorrow about what happened earlier, Twilight, but for now, enjoy your night,” Celestia stated, giving Twilight one last smile before disappearing into the baths.

Twilight was going to head for bed, but she felt conscious of her penis in a manner she had never encountered before. Her rational mind was overcome by desire as she ran into the storage closet next to the bathroom.

She cast an ‘Open Window’ spell on the wall, giving her full view of Celestia’s wet body. The princess' mane ran down her form like a river, giggling to herself as the wash cloth swept over her body.

The purple filly felt her member betray her as she absorbed the statuesque curves of her mentor through a magic window. She gave her hardening member an annoyed glare.

Twilight has never been in a situation like this before, her penis growing erect from simply watching the princess bathing. Her hoof cautiously touched her purple phallus while her eyes glued themselves to Celestia. She let out a quiet gasp when her hoof touched the shaft, surprised by its sensitivity.

She swung her view from the princess’ bathing to her hoof rubbing the edge of her dick to ensure she wasn’t going to hurt herself. She slowly placed the other hoof on her cock and stroked in time with the first hoof. When she found an enjoyable pace that left her giving off quiet grunts, she fixated on Celestia once again.

Her eyes went wide when she found the princess washing her nethers, letting out soft murmurs as the cloth caressed her private place. Twilight began to breathe heavily, her hooves working her shaft faster. She sucked in a breath to keep herself quiet.

Celestia stood with her rear pointed towards Twilight’s hiding spot. She levitated the bucket of water into the air to rinse the suds off her form. Twilight took in the view of the pastel mane clinging to Celestia’s body, making the princess look far more ‘enticing’ than usual. Another bucket rinsed off her backside, giving Twilight a full view of Celestia’s pussy.

The poor filly couldn’t take it anymore and let herself go. She sprayed the wall with her seed. Twilight panted as her cock painted the small storage closet. After she regained her senses, she realized that she not only masturbated to Princess Celestia but also made a mess. She tried to scrub some of it off with the scrubs and towel in the closet, but there was just too much. A few of the mops and brooms feel down, the noise freezing Twilight in place.

She knew that the commotion might alert the guards or worse, the princess, so she teleported to her room as quickly as she could.

Celestia walked out feeling refreshed. She popped out to check the storage closet, knowing there was an ‘Open Window’ spell put there very recently. Despite knowing it was there, she couldn’t tell who casted it. She peeked inside to find several ruined towels and scrubs with various strings of semen along the lower walls of the room.

A patrolling guard noticed this odd scene and let out a cough. “Well, whoever your admirer was Princess, he’s certainly a healthy colt,” he sputtered awkwardly.

“Indeed, did you happen to see anypony run by you on your patrol?” Celestia asked.

“No ma’am.”

Celestia shook her head in annoyance. “Search for any male unicorns in the area, and if you could, get somepony to spell-ward the bath walls. Evidently I was wrong when I thought I wouldn’t need it for bathing.”

Ashamed of herself, Twilight walked to the bathroom that was connected to her room. Her erection had begun to weaken but Twilight felt that it was far too slow a process. She quickly cleaned herself -- with cold water, of course -- before making her way to bed.

She found the infantile Spike still sleeping in the basket by her bed, sucking on his tail. Twilight gave him a soft smile before climbing into bed for a nice deserved rest.


The next morning was not going to be a repeat of what happened yesterday, Twilight could feel it. Rather, she couldn’t feel it as her morning tea took care of business. She strolled to school with a spring in her step, coming across Lyra as she walked down the street.

“Hey Twilight, good morning,” Lyra shouted, waving to the purple unicorn.

“Good morning Lyra, I take it your practice went well?” Twilight asked, now walking beside the mint unicorn.

“It’s pretty good, but the strings were weaker than I thought. The second string snapped midway through a song; it was so depressing,” Lyra sighed.

“Oh, that bad?” Twilight added.

“Yea, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I see you’re cheerful this morning,” Lyra said, noticing that Twilight’s horn wasn’t giving off a continuous glow.

“Yup, I think today is going to be better,” Twilight stated, pumped to begin school.

“So that thing that affected you yesterday is gone?” Lyra asked.

“Oh that? It was just a magical flux that caused my magic to leak, no big deal, nothing to look into,” Twilight answered, chuckling awkwardly.

“I see,” Lyra uttered, silently vowing that the purple mare wasn’t going to leave her sight.

Throughout the course of the day, Lyra was true to her vow. Each class the two shared she didn’t notice anything out of place. It was just a normal day, as if yesterday hadn’t happened. The musician couldn’t accept that; she didn’t believe in coincidence. During lunch break, she followed the purple unicorn into the bathroom, hiding in one of the stalls. Obsessive? Maybe, but her heart was in the right place. Straining her ears she could hear Twilight muttering.

“Okay Twilight, think. Night Sky was being flirty with Flash Sentry, which caused her intentions towards me have the opposite reaction. I should have gone straight to bed after my bath, this whole thing is stupid,” Twilight uttered, sitting in a stall next to Lyra’s.

Lyra’s brow furrowed in confusion as Twilight quietly dictated how she would get Night Sky back by making her eat grass while Twilight rutted and belittled her. The musician knew that Twilight would never go through with such a claim but the purple mare was allowed to fantasize.

The bathroom door opened as two mares walked in. Lyra and Twilight went quiet as the new arrivals started chatting.

“Can you believe that Sparkle kid? I bet just because she’s the Princess’ Student she thinks she can have any colt she wants,” one of the fillies stated. Lyra recognized the voice as Night Sky.

“Oh I know, I bet she’d kiss any colt on the first date… too bad the nerd is too much of a coward to do anything. She needs that dyke, Lyra, to save her,” The other filly said. Lyra got annoyed as she identified the second voice to be Diamond Mint, a pony that was Tartarus-bent on insulting Lyra for ‘liking mares’.

“You know, I bet Lyra and Twilight make out all the time, you think they’re doing that now?” Night laughed.

“Right, the teacher’s pet probably doesn’t like fillyfoolers. I bet she doesn’t know that Lyra is one of them. I would love to see Twilight run away in fear, scared that Lyra might pounce on her and turn her into one,” Diamond said. As the girls walked out of the bathroom laughing. That left a very angry mint unicorn and a half frustrated, half confused purple unicorn in the stalls.

Lyra stepped out of the bathroom and pretended that Night and Diamond’s chat never happened. She washed her hooves as Twilight tentatively walked out, shocked to see her friend there. “I know you’re there, Twi.”

“Lyra, when did you come in? After they left?” Twilight asked, her invisibility spell functioning once again.

“I walked in here before you did. I heard what they said, and I’m sure you did too,” Lyra uttered, slouching her shoulders. “So, I guess you know, huh?”

“Yeah… I guess I should have known, but why?” Twilight asked.

“Colts always seemed boring to me, I guess. Not too much to say. What about you?” Lyra asked, hopeful that Twilight wasn’t prejudiced.

“To be honest Lyra, who you like is your choice,” Twilight said softly. Lyra smiled as the two of them hugged.

Lyra’s smile faded to confusion as she felt something press against her chest. “Twilight, what’s touching me?” She asked.

Twilight broke the hug drastically and fell back into the stall she was in. Not a second later the bathroom door opened to reveal more fillies. Lyra panicked and dashed into the stall Twilight was in.

There was a very awkward silence between the two as they waited for the fillies to leave. Twilight sat on the seat while Lyra leaned into her, both mares trying to balance themselves on the one toilet seat.

They both let out a sigh of relief as the newcomers left. Lyra turned to Twilight. The thing poking her was now pressing into her lower back. “Okay, what is poking me? Is that your hoof or your horn?” Lyra turned all the way around. She noticed that Twilight’s hooves were nowhere near her and her horn was self-explanatory.

Twilight grinned sheepishly; her face burning bright red from embarrassment. “Um, it’s not what you think,” Twilight replied.

“Is that an invisibility spell?” Lyra asked, poking at air yet definitely touching something. “It feels like it’s connected to your…” It was Lyra’s turn to blush heavily as she staggered back, realizing what Twilight was hiding.

“I can explain, honestly,” Twilight stammered, scared to lose her only friend at school.

“I guess…the whole fantasy of you rutting NIght wasn’t all too weird now, huh?” Lyra spoke, gazing at the empty space where Twilight’s cock should be.

“You heard that?” Twilight asked, receiving a nod in reply. “Well, Flash Sentry asked me to help him with astronomy homework, and I accepted. Night saw this as him wanting to date me, so she… tried to seduce him, but in actuality, got me all bothered and broke my medicine’s effects.”


“A special tea I drink that hides this,” Twilight sighed.

“Can I see it?” Lyra asked, now curious about Twilight’s hidden appendage.

“What? I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. I mean… won’t we be late for class?” Twilight whispered. She checked her time and gasped. “We have two minutes before we’re late!”

“Alright, but meet me after school. Please?” Lyra asked, Twilight thought about it, hesitantly nodding as they left the stall and ran out the bathroom.


Twilight didn’t much care for how the day was going. Lyra knew about her; a secret she tried so hard to keep, only to be discovered by her own hubris and Night being a flirt. Now she was on her way to Lyra’s place.

Lyra was a few paces ahead of her purple friend, her thoughts in utter turmoil over the new information she had.

Lyra opened the door for Twilight, letting the purple mare in first. The scholar was escorted to mint mare’s bedroom, something Twilight was not expecting. “Alright, so let’s figure this out. You are apparently a colt,” Lyra said, still trying to process what she’d learned earlier.

“Actually, I have both. It’s weird I know but…” Twilight muttered.

“Both? Can I see? I need to know if this is true,” Lyra stated, her curiosity had been peaked hours ago.

“I’m not sure, we are friends but… isn’t this just strange?” Twilight asked, unsure what to make of the situation.

“How bout we sit down and show each other what we’ve got?” Lyra suggested. The idea piqued Twilight’s interest, much to her chagrin.

“I… guess that could work,” Twilight said. They both sat on the ground, hind legs apart, as they viewed each other’s body. Twilight stared at Lyra’s crotch for a moment, amazed by how small and frail the mint mare’s vagina appeared underneath her tits. She also noted the small bead of liquid that trailed out of it and onto the carpet.

Lyra however, only saw Twilight’s own pussy, mirroring what she had. “Forgetting something?” she asked. Twilight came back to reality and revealed herself. For a stallion, Twilight wasn’t the biggest, but for a filly, she was big. There was nearly seven inches lying on the floor between Twilight’s legs, semi-erect.

The mint mare stared in awe at the purple cock, looking back up to Twilight to find that she was trying to hide her embarrassment with her hooves. “Wow… just wow,” Lyra said, leaning over to touch it with a hoof.

The contact made Twilight jump a little, startled by her friend’s hoof. “What are you doing,” Twilight whined, shocked by Lyra’s actions.

“Sorry, I just… really wanted to touch it for some reason,” Lyra said. She noticed that Twilight was getting harder as time went on, and Twilight noticed it too, becoming more annoyed by the second.

The purple unicorn got up and quickly turned to the door, letting out a small gasp as her hard cock slapping between her hind legs. “Oh no, not again… Can I use your washroom for a moment?” Twilight asked.

“I… got a different idea. It is sorta my fault you’re hard now, so maybe I can help you take care of it?” Lyra asked, her face going beet red.

“I-I dunno, this seems sudden,” Twilight stuttered, very much out of her comfort zone.

“Look, we’ll… please each other with our hooves, so it’s fair. We both get some relief and you don’t have to walk home with a boner,” Lyra suggested. Twilight, against her better judgement, was considering the idea.

“I guess, but how will we do this?”

“Well… I guess we could sit next to each other… no, I wouldn’t get a grip on you and it would be just plain weird. How about we lie on our sides, our heads near the other’s crotch, It gives us a better view of the other and we’d still have access to our hooves.”

“I guess it could work, but won’t this just be awkward later down the road?” Twilight asked, worried about damaging her friendship with Lyra.

“It’ll be awkward for a while, but we’ll get back to the old days of me yelling at music stores for having shoddy instruments and you tutoring me about this and that,”

Twilight nodded and walked closer to Lyra. As the mint unicorn instructed, the two laid on their sides. Lyra got a face full of purple maremeat, while Twilight gazed at Lyra’s slightly moist marehood.

Lyra ran a hoof along the cock’s side, watching Twilight shudder from the touch, while the purple filly tentatively touched her friend’s entrance with her hooves. The purple mare spread the mint lips, watching in awe at the tiny opening, wondering how anything could fit in there.

Lyra was a tad confused, as her hooves touched and rubbed Twilight’s shaft. Being a fillyfooler, she’d never given any thought to handling a penis. Suddenly she remembered the thing colt’s liked to talk about getting from a mare: oral sex. The thought turned her face a darker shade of red than it already was. “Sorry Twi,” she uttered.

“Sorry for wh--AHH!” Twilight shrieked as she felt Lyra’s lips capture her cockhead.

Lyra nudged her head forward to take a bit more of the girth into her mouth, letting the salty taste linger on her tongue. From the sound of Twilight’s moaning, the musician guessed she was doing something right.

Twilight bit her lip as her friend fellated her, writhing from the new experience. Feeling that she should exchange the favor, Twilight lunged forward and attacked Lyra’s outer lips with her tongue.

Lyra moaned around Twilight’s dick when she felt the purple mare’s slippery muscle teasing her. She gripped her hoof around Twilight’s cutie mark, forcing more of Twilight’s cock into her maw.

Twilight’s tongue caressed the musician’s pussy lips; her tongue sliding across Lyra’s clitoris. The tongue on her clit made Lyra moan, the vibrations of which only served to excite Twilight further. Finding the results favorable, Twilight continued to play with the pink nub.

Lyra felt her orgasm rush through her, her fluids leaking onto Twilight’s tongue. The purple mare tasted her friend’s pussy juices before lapping it up in a lust addled frenzy.

Twilight was forced to stop as she felt her cock shoot her load into Lyra’s unsuspecting mouth, the mint mare took her head off the throbbing member, the next few loads spraying onto her face.

“Sorry…Lyra… it felt really good,” Twilight panted. She staggered onto her hooves, while the mint mare levitated a random cloth to wipe the cum off her face.

Lyra turned to her friend to find that Twilight’s cock was still hard, “Uhh, Twi?”

Twilight turned her attention to Lyra, then found what she was directing to, “Oh come on,” Twilight groaned.

Lyra rubbed her chin, thinking of a solution. Her next idea made her blush more so than earlier. “Uh, maybe you need
more stimulation?” she squeaked.

Twilight stared at Lyra, her face a cross between hesitation and anticipation. As she stared Lyra spun around and presented her rear. “When…Whenever you’re ready, Twi,” Lyra said, nervous but very needy.

Twilight swallowed a ball in her throat as she approached the mint unicorn, rearing up onto her. She positioned herself accordingly, her cock rubbing against Lyra’s pussy.

Lyra winced as she felt the purple mare’s cock slide against her lips, trying to enter her. She gasped as Twilight’s cockhead slid in, slowly spreading her. Her moans drowned out Twilight’s grunts.

“Sweet Celestia,” Twilight groaned. She thrust her cock deeper, fighting the grip of Lyra’s pussy every inch.

She pushed forward until she reached a wall, realizing that she’d reached the mint unicorn’s hymen. She looked down to the musician with a worried expression. “Go for it, Twi,” Lyra cooed. The purple mare nodded before breaking past it, causing Lyra to groan in the slight pain.

“Are you alright? Should I-“

“No, just keep going.” Lyra gasped. Twilight was hesitant, but she pushed onward nonetheless, hilting herself in her school friend. She let herself and Lyra get used to the new pleasures that visited their senses before she began to piston her hips hard.

Lyra bit down on her hoof, feeling Twilight pound deep into her. She ground her rump into the purple mare’s hips. Her body shuddered as Twilight reached down to caress her cutie mark.

Twilight winced as the tight walls of Lyra’s vagina suddenly tightened and started to milk her dick. She moved her hips faster, forcing a gasp out of the mare below her.

Arched forward, Twilight placing her hooves on each side of Lyra’s barrel, rutting Lyra’s pussy faster and harder as she felt her orgasm coming closer.

Lyra gritted her teeth as she felt Twilight’s cock throb inside her, growing bigger inside her pussy. Her eyes widened as she realized what Twilight was about to do. “Twilight, pull out!” Lyra cried.

Twilight snapped back to reality as she tried to pull herself out. Her penis’ swelling and Lyra’s pussy clamping down made it a chore to get out. With a grunt of effort, Twilight’s meat popped free.

With her cock free from the tight prison, Twilight fell on her rump and began to rub her cock with her hooves. Lyra turned quickly to help the purple mare. She licked the throbbing mass until Twilight’s orgasm came, the spunk flying into the air and glazing both mares.

They both collapsed on the ground, panting for breath. After a few minutes they met each other’s gaze, smiling awkwardly. “Does this make us…” Twilight asked, unsure.

“Maybe, we’ll see how it works alright?” Lyra replied, smiling at her friend. “Can you help me clean up here? My parents would kill me if they thought I had a colt over and let him ‘do’ me.” Twilight nodded as they started mopping up the mess.


Twilight sighed at the memory. They had agreed to be ‘friends-with-benefits’ after several chats. The whole thing still felt awkward to the purple unicorn.

The two mares continued their ‘escapades’ for a few years until Twilight’s studies were relocated to the castle indefinitely when they graduated.

Lyra eventually found love with an Earth Pony named Sweetie Drops, although most ponies called her Bon Bon. Twilight had found that out when she ran into Lyra again during the first few months in Ponyville. It had been an interesting meeting; neither knew the other was in Ponyville until then.

Twilight was happy for the mint mare, but a part of her would miss her... even if it was a weird relationship.

“Hey Spike, is Twilight around?” Twilight heard a familiar voice from below.

“Yeah, she should be upstairs,” Spike replied.

Twilight turned to her old friend with a soft smile. “Hey Lyra, what’s up?

“Nothing much ‘Egghead’, just decided to stop by and catch up,” Lyra replied, walking over to one of the tables for her and Twilight to speak.

Little did they know that in about an hour, they’d be sweaty, horny, and very nostalgic.

Chapter Two: Why Was Lyra So Happy?

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[Tags: {Twilight/Pinkie}Futa/F, Oral, Anal, Vaginal]

Pinkie Pie walked down Ponyville’s main street; looking for Lyra Heartstrings. Bon-Bon had asked her to find Lyra, saying that she needed her help back home. Always happy to help a fellow pony, Pinkie set off to locate the missing Aquamarine unicorn.

Pinkie began by asking various ponies the same question: “Hey there, have you seen Lyra?”

“Sorry Pinkie, I haven’t seen her all day.”

“I don’t recall seeing Lyra today, have you tried the park?”

“I have no clue; please stop flashing that light in my eyes.”


This wasn’t going as well as Pinkie first though, until she saw Lyra limping away from the library, with a smirk on her face. “Hey Lyra, Bon-Bon asked me to find you, why are you limping? Did Twilight hurt you? Twilight doesn’t hurt ponies, and why were you smiling? I don’t think getting hurt makes ponies smile; maybe I’ll try that later.” Pinkie said rapidly, taking the musician by surprise.

“Wait, Bon-Bon is looking for me? Uh-don’t worry about the limping, and thanks.” Lyra said, now looking worried as she headed home. Pinkie was now curious about what could have happened in the library, she turned to enter the building to have a chat with her smarty-pants friend.

“Hey Pinkie, what’s up?” Spike said, reading a comic book. “If you want to speak to Twilight, she should be in her room; she and Lyra had a really long talk, which is weird because all I heard was Lyra and sometimes Twilight.” He continued,

“It’s all right, Spikey-Wikey. I’m here to check up on Twilight, so leave this to Auntie Pinkie.” The party pony claimed, patting Spike on the head before ascending the stairs. She entered the door to see Twilight patting herself down with a towel, with an satisfied look on her face.

“Hey Twilight!”

“Pinkie? What are you doing here?” Twilight said, she turned to her energetic friend still toweling herself off. “Can I help you with something?”

“I saw Lyra walking out of the library with a weird limp and a smile on her face, and I thought something weird happened, she told me not to worry about it, so I decided to ask you, since Bon-Bon wanted to talk to her. So what happened between you two? Was it something super that you're keeping form me?” Pinkie questioned, looking at Twilight with a big grin.

“Nothing happened between us, it was just chatting between two mares.” Twilight exclaimed, taking a single step back away from the party pony. Pinkie look confused then stared at Twilight, trying to get her to talk. “I swear, we just talked; thanks for visiting.” Twilight continued, giving an awkward smile.

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie said, hopping out of the library, not before hearing a sigh of relief from Twilight. Once down the stairs and Spike was in the kitchen, Pinkie's smile faded slightly. “You can’t hide whatever it is your hiding from me forever, Twilight.” Pinkie muttered with a sinister grin, as she left the library, planning and prepping for Project: Twilight’s Super-Secret That Involves Lyra!


The next day, Pinkie was now camping out in the foliage of Twilight’s library. She spotted the pony reading a very boring book, so boring that Pinkie fell asleep watching Twilight read such a boring book; she snapped herself awake, looking around to see that Twilight wasn't at the spot she was at a while ago. Now desperate, Pinkie jumped out of the tree, and started to search for the librarian.

Minutes passed as Pinkie searched around for Twilight, spotting her talking to Fluttershy and Rarity. "Well, it has been nice chatting with you girls," Twilight said, waving good bye before disappearing into the market.

Pinkie quickly snuck up on the confused mares, "What did Twilight say?" She said, startling Rarity and scaring Fluttershy.

"Don't do that Pinkie, you nearly gave me a heart attack," Rarity scolded. "We asked Twilight about her day, and she told us that Lyra wanted her help finding a gift for Bon Bon. Why, may I ask?"

"Because I think there's something that Twilight isn't telling us, this morning I saw Lyra walking out of the library with a limp and a smile. Did they have a argument? Did they... Is Lyra cheating on Bon Bon with Twilight?" Pinkie asked in a whisper.

Fluttershy, now back on her hooves, blushed at Pinkie's conclusion. Rarity, on the other hoof, scoffed at the accusation. "I highly doubt it, have you seen the looks those two mares give each other? Lyra and Bon Bon were almost made for each other. However, it would be rather odd for Lyra to walk out with a limp and... a smile you say?"

"I don't think it's nice to try and spy on Twilight, Pinkie. It could hurt her feelings," Fluttershy uttered.


"Oh come now Fluttershy, it's just a little gossip. I'm sure Twilight can manage," Rarity said. "I know I shouldn't be curious about a dear friend's secret but the gossip feels too juicy to pass up. I will promise not to spread it however. Now what have you learned?" Rarity asked, now holding Pinkie's face in her hooves.

"I learned that Twilight is a very boring pony to spy on, and she has a secret involving Lyra," Pinkie replied.

Rarity sighed when she heard this information, "Well be sure to tell me when you know, okay dear?" She turned to Fluttershy who was giving her a disappointing look, "It's just some harmless gossip, what's the worst that can happen, we find out that Lyra and Twilight are 'friends-with-benefits'?"

The party mare frowned, Rarity and Fluttershy didn't help and she was wasting time, Twilight must be found, and her secret must be laid bare!

Pinkie, now on full alert, found Twilight in her library; now she would need to figure out her bookish friend's secret, even if she had to break into Twilight’s house and search the whole tree, and based on what was happening at this moment, she probably would.


Later that night, just as she promised herself, Pinkie snuck into Twilight’s room, searching for anything Lyra involved. Opening books, checking closests, and even looking within the cracks between the wall and bookshelves. She went to check underneath Twilight’s bed, finding a few dirty magazines, Pinkie went through them. “So Twilight is a fillyfooler, but that doesn’t mean she and Lyra are doing things.” She whispered to herself. She went over to a checklist that was laid out for the next day, it seemed rather normal except for the first thing seemed suspicious. “Odd, why is there two separate times to prepare tea? And they are back to back, like they could have been done at the same time.” Pinkie reasoned, heading to the kitchen. She looked into the cupboard to see several tea canisters; she looked into the back to see that there was one with Twilight’s name written on it. She took it and looked inside, it smelled like medicine, definitely not normal tea.

Pinkie rushed back up to Twilight’s room to find her bathroom; after searching it for clues, she came up with nothing nothing. There was nothing that Twilight has that would prove that she and Lyra were friends with benefits. She walked up to Twilight’s sleeping form to mutter an apology for breaking into her home, when something caught her attention. There was a lump in Twilight’s bed sheets, Pinkie took her hoof to pat it down, to see that it wasn’t going away. Each time her hoof taps the lump, Twilight let out a groan. Pinkie thought this was weird and decided to see what this problem is first hand, by lifting the covers over the lump.

“Twilight!” Pinkie yelled to wake her friend up, Twilight was half conscious, looking at her friend with disdain, this even shook Spike awake. “Twilight, somepony cursed you to have the biggest pimple in Equestria’s history between your legs, we have to send a letter to the Princess, she might know what to do.” Pinkie cried, shaking Twilight back and forth, Twilight woke up at the sound of ‘between your legs’ and used her magic to cover herself.

“Pinkie, what are you doing here?” Twilight demanded, glaring at her party friend. Spike walked over to Pinkie to see this ‘biggest pimple’ to see Twilight’s bed sheets.

“Pinkie, what are you talking about biggest pimple?” Spike said, now sitting on Twilight’s bed, with a huff, Pinkie grabbed the covers and removed it from the bed with a mighty yank, to show the world Twilight’s ‘pimple’. “Um, Pinkie, that’s no pimple.” Spike said, eyes, wide at what his closest friend was packing.

“Well it can’t be a penis, only stallions have that, silly. What else could it be?” she asked, now poking at the rod, Twilight went to slap Pinkie’s hoof away, she sighed.

“It is a penis, I was born with this.” Twilight said, looking to the ground for comfort. “It's a weird mutation, I just... didn't want anyone to know.”

“So that’s why you were late to the Princess’ lessons sometimes.” Spike said, realization coming to him. “But how did you hide this from me, your parents, and the princess?” he asked, now curious.

“My parents already knew, and so do a few doctors. I always drink a special tea in the mornings to make it hide, so I can keep it a secret.” Twilight explained, Pinkie and Spike both realize what tea she meant. “Yeah, the tea that has my name on it in the cupboard, I assume you went thought there before bothering me.” She said, still steamed that she has to explain this.

“Wait a minute, you are a mare with a dick. You know what this means Twilight? We mares have an extra stallion to go after when we’re in heat. This will be so great, especially when the girls find out." Pinkie’s talking was stopped by a purple hoof in the mouth.

“What part of secret do you not understand? I never wanted any pony to know I had this, not even Spike, but now he knows.” Twilight grumbled, looking to Spike who was still surprised.

“Wait; would that make you my brother? And for that matter, so what that you have male parts, you are still you, Twilight.” He said, going over to hug Twilight’s side, trying not to touch the purple cock.

“If you don’t care so much, why did you try to avoid it?” Twilight questioned, Pinkie was trying to stifle a laugh.

“Back in Canterlot, I heard a bunch of guards were going off on ‘don’t cross swords’ after that gay wedding two of the guards had. So, I guess it’s a guy thing.” Spike tried to explain, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

“Very well then, so you two promise to keep this a secret?” Twilight said, glaring at the two individuals. Spike gave her a thumb up.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie said, with gusto.

“Good, now I’m going to bed. Good night.” Twilight said, levitating her sheets to finally get some sleep.

“Hey Spike, can you go downstairs for tonight? I want to send some time with Twilight.” Pinkie asked, giving him pleading eyes. He simply looked at the pink mare with a deadpan look.

“Why?” he asked, expecting a really good reason why he should move his bed, just so Pinkie can have her way with Twilight.

“Cause this is the first time I have ever heard of a mare with a dick, and it sounds pretty hot, and now that I know that one of my best friends has a penis, think of it as ‘advancing our friendship’.” She said, with a blush and a smile, Spike sighed and picked up his basket, as Pinkie jumped into Twilight’s bed.

“Pinkie, what are you doing.” Twilight asked, as she felt her friend’s hooves stroking her sides. Pinkie nibbled on the purple pony’s ears, as her forelimbs hugged Twilight; one hoof was moving down to Twilight’s cutie mark, rubbing it to get the librarian to moan.

“Just let Auntie Pinkie take care of you.” The party mare said, now kissing the back of Twilight’s neck; Twilight wanted to get out of there, but her body was giving in to her pink friend. “Now let’s see what I get to play with.” Pinkie whispered, sliding away from Twilight to roll the purple mare onto her back. Pinkie’s smile grew as she saw Twilight at her full length of twelve inches. “Just the right size, I think.” Pinkie’s voice was dripping with seduction, as she started to suck on the purple member before her.

“Pinkie…” was all Twilight could muster, as the element of laughter was sucking her cock, though Twilight didn’t want to admit, it felt better than when Lyra did it for her. Pinkie’s tongue danced all around her length, touching all the best places; Twilight had to hold fast or she'd embarrass herself even further by cumming early. Pinkie’s hoof slipped underneath the cock, and started to prod Twilight’s cunt, giving her a dual sensation. It was too much and the unicorn couldn't hold on anymore.

“Pi-Pinkie!” Twilight cried, Pinkie’s eyes went wide for a moment, surprised by the sudden amount of Twilight’s seed entering her mouth, but they closed again as she started to slurp what she could of the purple mare's spunk, some of the fluids escaping her, only to land on her face. Several more loads came up to fill Pinkie, as Twilight lied back, dazed. “Where did you –gasp- learn to do that? Why did you?” Twilight asked, her breath escaping her, as she saw Pinkie’s mane and face nearly coated in her seed, feeling proud in a weird way.

“I figured an egghead like you would know about the Ponyville heat. Plus the fact I’m the party mare of Ponyville, I picked up a few things; Mr. Cake’s collection helped too.” Pinkie replied, licking the seed off her face and depositing it into her mouth. She reached over to kiss Twilight on the lips; her tongue was attacking Twilight’s own while forcing the purple mare’s own spunk into her mouth. “I think you taste pretty good, what do you think?” Pinkie asked, now standing above Twilight.

“Salty, but with a hint of ambrosia? I guess it was okay.” Twilight answered, still dazed from the blowjob Pinkie gave her. Pinkie grinned as she stepped off the bed.

“Twilight, do you plan on riding this pony? Or were you going to sit there with me unsatisfied.” Pinkie asked, Twilight wanted to lecture Pinkie about the creepy pun she used, but her mind was a million miles away at the moment. Twilight got off the bed, watching Pinkie put her front hooves on the bed, while shaking her rump seductively. The librarian slowly made her way to her friend's rump, placing both hooves above the balloon cutie marks. Twilight's mouth gaped as she felt her length rub between Pinkie’s cheeks, as she arched forward to awkwardly kiss Pinkie on the back of her neck. Twilight used her magic to position her length to enter her pink friend, and thrust forward gently, slipping only the head into the baker’s snatch.

“Bigger than I thought, -oh- keep going.” Pinkie moaned, feeling Twilight pushing more of her length into the party mare’s pussy. She soon felt Twilight pressing into her flanks, pulling out a few inches to hammer it back in. Pinkie was unaware the bookworm could have this sort of strength.

“I’m sorry if I’m hurting you Pinkie, this just feels so good.” Twilight said, the sound of the purple flesh slapping pink flesh echoed throughout the library, louder than the door being bashed by Spike’s claw, trying to tell them to keep it down. Pinkie turned her head and kissed Twilight.

“Don’t worry…oh….Twilight, I have had…Sweet Celestia…bigger, I got one cider season…damn…and had sex with Big Mac, he’s bigger then you…right there…by a few inches, but you make more cum than he does.” Pinkie said, the purple mare picked up the pace as she started to thrust harder into the party pony, Pinkie’s forelegs couldn’t sustain her weight as she fell, letting Twilight have her way with Pinkie’s flank. “OH CELESTIA, YES!” Pinkie cried, her mare juices covering Twilight’s length, and the two mare’s thighs, her twat clamped down on Twilight’s length, trying to milk it for all it’s worth.

“I’m about to cum, Pinkie.” Twilight said, waiting for some sort of direction for the party mare.

“Outside, I don’t think I can take care of children yet.” Pinkie said; Twilight tried to take her length out only to find that Pinkie’s pussy had been trying to keep her in.

“Pinkie, let me go; or, I’m going to cum inside.” Twilight said, now frantically trying to leave the party mare’s orifice. Just as Twilight pulled out, she came, coating Pinkie in her spunk, Twilight was feeling rather proud to make Pinkie take a breather, even in something like this. Twilight also wanted more; she leaned over to Pinkie’s ear. “Ready for the third round?” she asked the pink mare. Pinkie didn’t have the energy to speak, she merely nodded. With a smirk, Twilight repositioned to enter Pinkie’s backdoor. “This might hurt so, tell me when to stop.” Pinkie picked her head up to see what Twilight was getting at, feeling the librarian’s cock probing her rear exit.

“Be gentle, I’ve never had anything up there.” Pinkie muttered, bracing herself for the worst, Twilight ran a hoof around to gather her seed to lube Pinkie’s butt, to get her ready. Now satisfied with herself, she prodded the small hole with her large dick, and slowly pushed her way in, Pinkie clenched her teeth at the intrusion, but happy that Twilight hasn’t hurt her upon entry. Twilight slowly pushed her cock into Pinkie’s anus till she hilted herself, letting Pinkie get use to her size.

“I’m going to start moving now.” Twilight whispered, and slowly started her pace; it was a lot tighter than Pinkie’s pussy, and hotter. Twilight’s pace increased till the sound of her hitting Pinkie with her body was mixed in with the pink mare’s moaning. Pinkie was on cloud nine, the combination of Twilight’s caring and the force of her’s thrusts were overpowering her senses. The lucid baker came again on the bed, although Twilight barely taking notice of the fact, as she tried to show the party mare a good time. Twilight leaned forward to nibble Pinkie’s ears or rub her while she thrust into the baker’s hole, both of them loving the feeling.

The orgasm took Twilight by surprise this time, painting Pinkie’s bowels with her seed. “I’m sorry Pinkie, I didn’t warn you.” Twilight with a worried look.

Pinkie tried to turn around and gave Twilight a kiss on the unicorn’s lips. “I really liked this feeling, I kinda wanna stay this way for a while,” Pinkie said, her tone was rather somber, Twilight nodded, as she lifted herself and her new lover into bed, the two still connected, as they feel asleep, with Pinkie in Twilight’s hooves.


“Wakey, Wakey, Twiley” shouted Pinkie, causing Twilight to yelp in surprise.

“Pinkie? How are you today?” Twilight asked, rather unsure of what to make of this situation. Pinkie smiled and kissed Twilight on the lips.

“I made breakfast and made you some of that tea-medicine, come on down.” Pinkie said with glee, as she hopped away, Twilight noticed that there was still some of her sperm oozing out of her friends’s bottom. With a sighed, Twilight got out of bed to be ready for a new day.

“Last night was so fun, Twilight; I wanna do it again, maybe this weekend?” Pinkie said with enthusiasm, Twilight made an awkward grin while Spike facepalmed.

“Let me know ahead of time, so I can find a place to stay while you two do it. It must be Pinkie because Lyra was never that loud,” Spike complained, dark rings around his eyes.

“Thanks for breakfast, Pinkie. I’ll see you later, I guess?” Twilight uttered nervously, still unsure about what happened between the two mares.

As her answer, Pinkie hugged Twilight from behind and whispered “I really did like last night, and don’t worry; I won’t tell anypony.” Before hopping off out the door, Twilight was feeling hot, and ran upstairs. Spike heard the shower going off, shaking his head.

“Twilight, I know I promised you to keep your thing a secret, but if the town does find out; you have to play as my wingmare for Rarity.” Spike yelled, hearing a groan past the sound of running water.

Chapter Three: Royal Ball of Nerds and Fictional Seception!

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[Tags: {Twilight/Daring}Futa/F, vaginal]

Saying that Twilight was excited would be a gross understatement and the word ecstatic was two levels short of the high she was feeling. Twilight Sparkle had been personally requested by Princess Celestia, her own mentor, to attend an important gathering of experts in the field of magic and magical artifacts. This convention was attended by a very select few Very Important Ponies, and thus was given the most royal of all parties; a ball. The Royal Ball of Magic was originally intended only for Unicorns, but as pegasi and earth ponies started to learn more of artifacts and their uses, the ball had extended to welcome the additional tribes with open hooves. Twilight Sparkle was finally in the one place where she could be appreciated for her vast knowledge and could engage in conversation with similar ponies without having to dumb down her vocabulary or explain the entire concept from the beginning.

Being the Element of Magic, she was naturally swarmed by various scholars, professors, and experts that wished to study the Elements. She was bombarded with questions regarding how the elements worked, how friendship could beat the monstrous might of both Nightmare Moon and Discord, and whether the elements were akin to the might and power of Princess’ Celestia and Luna.

Twilight did her best to keep the knowledge greedy ponies at bay all night with her theories or, in several cases, flat out denial. She caught herself using the phrase ‘we're unsure of the nature of the Elements of Harmony at this time’ more than she had ever imagined herself doing. Most ponies ended up being disappointed with her responses and almost all gave her invites to their university or private lab for testing these theories.

One expert in particular was anxious to meet the Element of Magic. Her deep blue ball gown accentuated her tan coat and the several shades of grey donning her mane and tail with a grace normally reserved for nobleponies. This explorer had embarked on many dangerous adventures and was as experienced in magical items as most unicorns are with their horns, despite being a Pegasus. Her signature pith helmet was missing for this extravagant ball, but make no mistake, Daring Do was on a quest at the very moment; meet the Element of Magic and discover its secrets.

Daring was having an incredibly hard time accomplishing this supposedly easy task at the moment. It seemed the entire room wanted a word with the purple unicorn that she could only get glimpses of every now and again when the herd of ponies in front of her shifted the right ways. Her patience was beginning to run dangerously thin. She contemplated shoving her way through on several occasions, but did not want to be kicked out and fail her mission.

The crowd finally began to clear as the scientists, professors, and other experts apparently got what they wanted from the Element and began to circulate around the large ball room. Finally, Daring saw her opening and rushed for the purple unicorn mare that was almost completely alone.

“Miss Element of Magic, Miss Element of Magic, may I have a moment of your time?”

Twilight Sparkle turned and was greeted by a tan Pegasus in a blue ball gown that looked strikingly similar to the fictional character Daring Do.

“Um,” Twilight stuttered in shock for a moment, “I guess that would be okay.”

“Great,” Daring said as she took a deep breath, “I currently understand that the Elements of Harmony are a gathering of magical items including a tiara and five necklaces. Are these magical items tied to their bearers or can they be used by anypony? What is a ‘Bearer of Harmony’? Is it true that Princess Celestia relies on the Elements when faced with foes she would rather not face as a sort of ‘panic button’? Are you, I realize I don’t know your name, as powerful as an alicorn with the Element of Magic?”

Twilight stood with her mouth open for a moment before composing herself again and answering the talkative and long winded Pegasus.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, personal student to Princess Celestia, among other things. And who are you if I might ask?”

“I am Daring Do, conquerer of the Shifting Temple, discover of the Crimson Ruby, and expert on magical items.”

Twilight Sparkle lost her composure for a moment, “Daring Do? You're real- I mean, it’s a real honour to meet you.”

Daring smirked at the response. “Thank you Ms. Twilight Sparkle, happens more than you think, as for my questions…”

“Oh right, your questions,” Twilight took a deep breath, “I am pretty sure that the elements are tied to my friends and I. Each of the fragments of the Elements of Harmony mimic its bearing pony’s cutie mark as well as their most unique and treasured value. Take my hard working friend Applejack for instance. As the bearer of the Element of Honesty it's nearly impossible for her to tell a direct lie and must twist her words to even attempt to be truthful and secretive at the same time. As for being the ‘panic button’ for the Princess, I admit that it does seem like that at times from some pony’s point of view. I view it as fulfilling my duty to protect Equestria and the ponies that live here and am always willing to help when the Princess calls.”

A crowd had gathered as Twilight had begun her explanation and a round of stomping from the gathered ponies showed their appreciation as Twilight tried to catch her breath and Daring simply stared at the panting purple unicorn.

Daring took this time to examine the physique of the Element of Magic. She was surprisingly fit for all the studying and reading that she was rumored to do. Her curves appealed to Daring, rather adorable facial features, very intelligent, and a beautiful voice. Definitely the rare pearl within a sea of unkempt theorists, overpaid scholars, and the creepy admirers that populated the ball, a true shame that most of the mares in the room seemed to be lacking in some way or another. Hot or not, she still hadn’t answered all of Daring’s questions.

“You avoided the question of how powerful you are and doesn’t that mean that the Princess is using you instead of fighting for Equestria herself?” Daring said; the ponies surrounding the two watched Twilight, waiting for her answer.

“I’ve studied with the princess for a majority of my life, I know she wouldn’t use my friends and I unless she felt it was the best thing for Equestria. She works hard to protect the entire country on a daily basis and even raises the sun every day. I’m sorry Miss Do, but you’re not giving the princess enough credit, she does her duty to defend her nation against all threats and lead us.”

Daring was in disbelief of how high a pedestal Twilight had placed Celestia on. Does she really think that highly of her even after all the impossible tasks she has done for her?

“Then what did she do exactly when Discord attacked Equestria?” Daring asked. Many of the gathered scholars gasped when they heard this.

“She was preventing panic and organizing a defense. She even helped me regain my thoughts when I was abandoned by my friends after Discord turned us against one other. After that, I managed to help my friends regain their senses with a spell and confronted Discord once again. Without her guidance, Discord would still be terrorizing Equestria today.” Twilight answered, her academic smile had long become a frown of determination that Daring found distractingly cute.

“Why didn’t you use the spell that helped your friends sooner? Did it really take the Princess telling you what to do to save the day? And, you still haven’t answered me how powerful your magic is in the first place.” Daring pressed, turning Twilight’s frown turned more of a sad look.

“You’re right, I should have used it sooner, but Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, wasn’t with us, and my only plan at the time was searching for the Elements that Discord stole. I was sure that if we found the physical elements, we would beat Discord no matter how bad things were going. I went as far as making my assistant, Spike, wield the Element of Loyalty, but it didn’t work and I lost hope, which is partly how I formed my hypothesis on how the physical manifestation of the Elements are tied to the bearers.” Twilight’s face was becoming more downcast with each word and her voice dropped steadily in volume.

“And why was the princess organizing a defense at all if she was so confident that five mares lead by her protégé could defeat an ancient god of chaos? That fact tells me she had something at the back of her brain saying that you and your friends would lose to Discord. I can understand trying to prevent a panic, but why organize a defense when a god like Discord can bend reality and wipe out any defence the royal guard could muster?” Daring continued, well aware of the perverbal corner she had backed Twilight into.

The poor unicorn was confused and scared, she couldn't believe what she was hearing but in a way, she knew Daring was correct and she had no way to rebuttal it. “I don’t know, maybe she was worried; maybe she knew I would underestimate him. I’m sorry, I-I... I just don’t know,” she cried, running away from the party.

Daring felt a little ashamed to put Twilight on the spot like that, even more to send the poor mare crying; but she just had to know what the Elements were and how they affected both their bearing ponies and all of Equestria. Against her better judgement, and the glares she received from the other academics, she followed the purple mare.

Daring Do wandered the halls of Canterlot Castle that ran off from the ballroom until she found an open door to a guest bedroom where Twilight was weeping. She felt horrible for making this potentially attractive mare cry.

“Hey, I’m sorry I put you on the spot like that. It wasn’t very professional of me to do and I’m sorry.” The weeping had seemed to have stopped, although sniffles were heard, and it seemed as though Twilight Sparkle was at least listening to her.

“This was a bit personal because, before the return of Nightmare Moon, I went on an journey to find the Elements of Harmony. I found them deep in the Everfree Forest in the ruined Castle of the Pony Sisters, but they were just simple, worthless stones. The worst part is that they weren’t even all there. I couldn’t find the Element of Magic among the ones present and I got so furious that I put myself through so much danger for nothing. Several years later, I heard that six random mares found the Elements and it gave them power to defeat Nightmare Moon. I guess you can say my pride was wounded, that I, an experienced explorer and discoverer, was beaten by a group of average ponies. I wanted to know more about the Elements that had evaded me when I learned that you, bearer of the Element of Magic, might give me answers beyond ‘the Power of Friendship.”

Twilight didn’t budge from her spot and Daring took that as a sign to continue her explanation for her behavior.

“As for the princess, I have never completely agreed with how Celestia runs Equestria. True, Princess Luna has made it a little better, but some of the things Princess Celestia does still confound and infuriate me. Throwing six young mares into a pitched battle with a god, not once, but twice, with no prior knowledge of their foe, asking them to do the things she should be doing. As you said earlier, 'it’s her duty to protect Equestria’, thus it shouldn’t be something you or your friends have to do for the Princess. Again, I’m sorry.”

Daring finished apologizing and started heading out the door before a hoof tapped her on the wing. She turned and met the look of the tear stained unicorn. It took the unicorn several more minutes to speak to the apologetic Daring.

“I can understand taking pride in what you do Miss Do, I am proud of my studies, but taking it out on others won’t help you. That coupled with the fact that I do not do well with on the spot questions, especially about Princess Celestia, made me react badly. I guess I understand your position on Princess Celestia, but I cherish the time and experience she has given me. Without her guidance, I wouldn’t be half the caster I am today. I would appreciate it if we didn’t talk about her again.” Twilight finished by floating a kerchief to her face and drying her tear tracks off her muzzle.

“I understand Miss Sparkle; I think we can try discussing the Elements again without making you uncomfortable.” Daring said.

“Thank you and I’m sorry for running out on you like that.” Twilight’s adorable smile returned to her face.

The mares returned to the ballroom in good spirits and the ball continued rather well. Twilight discussed her magical studies the rest of the evening with several of her old professors and left the mystery of the Elements of Harmony to be discussed at next year’s ball. Daring Do, after a scolding from her fellow colleagues, talked to the fans of her novels and discussed her various travels across the world until the hour was late.


Early the next morning, after the Royal Ball of Magic, found Daring Do on the Canterlot train platform. She found that she needed to see Twilight Sparkle again before the recluse could escape from her questions. Daring Do had still not gotten enough answers about the Elements of Harmony and their function. Another part of her admitted that she might just have wanted to ogle the pretty mare’s flank again.

She was not disappointed either way as Twilight Sparkle waved and trotted over to her on the platform. “Good Morning Miss Daring Do, how are you?” Twilight said, smiling that innocent, sexy smile.

“Pretty good, Miss Twilight Sparkle, how are you? I hope that you're feeling better about the misunderstanding yesterday?” Daring asked; still worried about Twilight’s feelings.

“I’m doing well; I can’t let something like that get to me, think nothing of it."Twilight paused for a moment before asking, “Where are you headed?”

“I thought I would take a trip to this crazy town I’ve heard about called Ponyville. I hear they have the expert on the Elements of harmony living there.”

Twilight giggled into her hoof, “Then we better get a move on, the Friendship Express leaves in a couple minutes.”

Daring nodded and stepped aside so that Twilight could enter the train before her.

“So you’re saying the each element bearer has a personality congruent to the element they represent?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes, the bearer resonates with the attribute assigned to them.”

“Well, you mentioned Applejack earlier, what about the others? Lady Sparkle.” Daring Do insisted.

Blushing slightly, Twilight continued. “Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, speaks with animals and takes care of them no matter the problem. She loves all living things and yet, she is extremely shy. Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty, when not being the element of disaster, and would never leave any friend behind. Rarity, the Element of Generosity, is a fabulous dress maker and gives from the pureness of her heart to those in need. The last Element of Harmony is Pinkie Pie, also known in the science circle as ‘Imposibile Pinkus Pious’, she will do anything to bring joy to ponies because her calling is laughter."

“You forgot to tell me about the Element of Magic.” Daring boldly pointed out, “Tell me a little about yourself.”

Twilight’s blush returned with full force. “All right, my name is Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, faithful student of Princess Celestia, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, prime minister to-"

Daring Do stopped Twilight before she could continue her rote. “Not your titles, what makes you the Element of Magic?”

Twilight paused for a moment. “I can master any spell just by looking at the written description, I've been said to have one of greatest magical reserve of any unicorn, and I am one of the few unicorns to master teleportation."

“What exactly is magic though? How does it come together with the other Elements? Honesty, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, and Kindness all are positive attributes of a pony. Magic is not an attribute at all and sounds ridiculous and poorly planned to combine the Elements into a weapon.” Daring pondered aloud.

“Maybe the word Magic is meant to disguise what really makes the Elements complete. Magic could be the codeword for the love between friends that binds them together." Twilight said, blushing with the memory of her ‘friend’ Pinkie Pie. “On second thought, it could really be magic.”

Daring shot a skeptical look at Twilight. “Right, the bond between friends beat two super villains.”

Daring Do took a good look at the quaint village of Ponyville as she stepped off the train and onto the gigantic train station. “So what warrants a small community to have a train station of this magnitude?”

Twilight giggled somewhere behind her, a sound that made the khaki Pegasus internally sigh at her cuteness level. “The Friendship Express was built after we beat Discord, partly because he destroyed it and also to commemorate our victory. It was extremely kind, but it was also embarrassing to be the center of that much attention.” Twilight said, a blush evident on her muzzle.

“So at least you have a train to symbolize you and your friends’ hard work, right?” Daring quipped, earning a small chuckle from Twilight.

“I guess so; let’s continue our chat at the library.” Daring Do and Twilight Sparkle made their way down the dirt street lined with cheerful houses. Ponies waved at Twilight and she responded with her own wave and smile.

They finally reached the library on the other side of town. Twilight opened the door with her magic and was greeted with a dumbfounding sight. “Uh, Pinkie?” Twilight asked, still trying to comprehend what she hoped was only a hallucination. Daring peered around Twilight, who was standing in the doorway, to bear witness to the strange view.

Pinkie was lying on the table in the center of the room, wearing lingerie. Her face turned from one of seduction to one of shock when she saw the khaki colored Pegasus behind her lover. “Oh, um hi, I didn’t know you'd bring company home from that nerdy party the princess asked you to go to. This is slightly embarrassing and I’m going to get going before the weird questions start. By the way, can I keep the neat outfit?" Pinkie asked, her embarrassment visible on her muzzle.

“I don’t really have a say on the lingerie since I’ve never seen it before, and I’d ask why you are here, but I think the intent is obvious” Twilight said with a blush that made her face completely red. Pinkie got off the table, undressing before making her exit. Daring Do looked to Twilight for clarification on a situation that made her surprisingly jealous. “Daring and I are talking about the Elements if you would like to give your input on Laughter.” Twilight said, trying desperately not to make the situation any more awkward than it already was.

“Thanks Twilight, sorry about the craziness of this weird, whatever you would call it.” Pinkie said, now trying to pick up the lingerie and place it in her saddlebags nearby. “But I think the Cakes need me, I’ll go tell Spike that you and the Suspicious Khaki Pegasus you brought home are hanging out,” Voice dripping with annoyance as she left with her saddlebags in tow.

“Care to explain what that was about?” Daring asked, curious about the event and the sudden feeling of animosity towards the pink mare’s sexual advances on a mare she hardly knew.

“Pinkie Pie has a curious streak, and well, one thing led to another and I may have let her curiousness get the better of me. She exploited a weakness, but I can’t stay mad at a friend for long.” Twilight said, her blush never fading.

“What weakness could you have? You're pretty down to earth and one of the smartest mares I have ever met.” Daring Do stated rather confusedly.

“Other than being a poor host? Give me a moment to get us some tea, and I may answer that,” Twilight said. She made her way to the kitchen to fetch some tea for the two.

Daring took this time to look around the library, there were three other doors, one on the second level and two on the main floor, every wall had a book shelf filled with books."I can see she is clearly well read; so what weakness would that pink mare exploit to warrant that scene earlier?" As Daring pondered this question; she noticed a book was open on the table. She made her way over to it and grabbed it while turning the book over to see its cover. Archeology and Artifacts by Arthur Equus, "I never thought I’d see one of his books again." She smiled as she started reading, only to hear a tray being placed on table near her.

“Oh, I was brushing up on my reading of archeology,” Twilight said, sitting next to Daring. “I figured it would be a good idea in case I had to go back to the ruins in the Everfree Forest. Last time was a bit of a shock as I found myself unprepared.”

The archeologist shook her head. “You seem to have a habit of being thrown into things you know very little about. Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Royal Ball of pompous jerks and dorks.” The two mares shared a small laugh at the expense of Twilight’s hectic life.

“The Ball, I’m still sorry about running off like that, it was unprofessional.” Twilight sighed, breaking the cheery mood.

Daring placed a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s my fault; I shouldn’t have put you on the spot while insulting your teacher in front of all those other ponies.” Twilight raised her head a little to look the pegasus, guilt evident in her eyes. “You are too hard on yourself; I guess that’s one of your weaknesses.” Daring continued as she moved her hooves to pick up her teacup and sip some of its contents. Twilight seemed to be feeling better after that.

“Speaking of my weaknesses, everypony I spend time with tells me I have a bad habit of over thinking things. Some ponies have told me that my subpar physical strength is another.” Twilight offered as she drank some of her tea as well.

“So you don’t work out, big deal, you have a nice, trim body. I bet that there are plenty of ponies that think your body is really nice and not weak at all. Some might even call you sexy.” Daring’s hooves flew to her mouth as the realization of what she had just said hit home and Twilight’s blush returned to plague the purple mare’s face.

“Um, well, I…I spend most of my time reading and learning magic, I...I think I get out, several times a week just to say hi to friends or help them with something. I...It’s nothing big or exercise-worthy.” Twilight stammered.

“Well, whatever you're doing. Keep at it cause it's doing pretty good for you,” Daring responded, quickly swallowing the ‘your body’ that wanted to follow. Twilight continued blushing, but appeared to let the flattery get past her this time.

“I’m going to grab something for us to eat,” Twilight said, attempting to alleviate some the awkwardness in the room. Daring couldn’t resist the opportunity and caught herself staring at Twilight’s flank as she sauntered away.

"Smooth moves Daring, way to not look like a creep," Daring berated herself as she tried to continue reading the book, but found it hard to concentrate on it with Twilight invading her thoughts. "I found her cute on sight and what did I do? I badgered her with questions until she cried. Then I invite myself over so that I can keep getting an eyeful of her attractive body. I must be some kind of monster to think that I am worthy of a shot with her. Yet I want that shot despite my actions. What a world we live in." Daring Do shook her head, trying harder to concentrate on the book. She didn’t notice Twilight coming back with a tray of cookies.

“Um, so why don’t we get back to what we were talking about on the train.” Twilight said as she set the tray down on the small table.

The Khaki coloured pony snapped back to attention and nodded. “So yea, about magic; how it might be love between friends or just magic itself. I still refuse to believe that they just went and said, the sixth element is magic, because everything happens because of it. Like a spark igniting a fireplace.” Daring said; staring deep into Twilight’s lovely purple eyes.

“The spark, of course!” Twilight exclaimed, Daring could have sworn she saw something glimmer in her eyes. “A spark is needed to combine all five elements together; this spark is the magic of friendship, the magic of unity, so that the bearers can overcome all obstacles as long as they have friends.” Twilight recited, proud of herself.

“So you are saying that the Element of Magic, you in other words, represents love; since it is the love of a friend that sparks a friendship and thus sparks the elements itself.” Daring concluded.

Twilight turned and gave an awkward smile. “I guess that’s one way to phrase it, but I think I liked it better when it was called magic.”

“Then why not say that you’re the Element of Love? That would be more accurate according to this new insight.” Daring said just before the memory of her encounter with Pinkie earlier in the day suddenly resurfaced. “On the other hoof, we probably shouldn’t be changing terms as old as Princess Celestia.” This brought both mares to giggle into their hooves at the quip about the Princess’ age.

“I wonder where Spike could be.” Twilight pondered as she regained her poise.

“Spike? Is he another one of your friends?” Daring asked as she started to feel a little bit of jealousy again.

“Spike is my number one assistant; he helps me practice my magic, keep the library clean, and assists in running the place. He’s always been there to help me, despite the fact that other ponies find it weird that I have a baby dragon as an assistant.”, Daring nearly choked on her tea upon hearing the last part.

“You have a dragon as an assistant? Isn’t that dangerous?”

Twilight shook her head this time. “He’s only a baby and I did hatch him myself. He has lived with me his whole life and wouldn’t harm a fly, unless it warranted it. I thought Pinkie had said she would get him before she left.” Twilight said, now looking out the window.

“Perhaps he is staying at a friend’s house at the moment. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Daring reassured Twilight, taking a cookie.

“I hope so; how long are you planning to stay?” Twilight asked. Daring looked to Twilight, swallowing the remains of her latest cookie.

“I don’t have any pressing engagements at the moment.” Daring offered, taking another cookie. “I can take a late train to get back to Canterlot if you don’t mind my company.”

“It’s no problem for me, but I’m certain you have lots of things to do regarding your archeological work.” Twilight smiled sincerely.

'Most of my plans involve you and this table,' Daring quickly tried to banish the thought, “It’s no problem; that stuff isn’t going anywhere.”

“That reminds me; I wanted to ask if the adventures that take place in your novels really happen.” Twilight asked, scooting closer to Daring.

“Well, yes, I began writing down my encounters in a journal and eventually began sending them into a publisher as they became grander. When my first book released, I was worried that no pony would like it, and when they did, I went forward with writing another until it became a series. I still have scars from most of the adventures that are in those books.” Daring said, noticing how close the purple unicorn was.

The two continued to chat about Daring’s various ventures. The two mares traded snippets of their adventures and laughs at their death defying luck. The conversation carried on for hours without any end in sight. Twilight looked to a window during their conversation and her eyes went wide. ” Are you okay?” Daring questioned.

“Pinkie what are you doing in that lingerie!” Twilight yelled suddenly. Daring’s head whipped to look straight at the window that Twilight had turned to, but was unable to see anything. Confused, she turned her head to meet Twilight and her awkward smile.

“Twilight, is something wrong?” Daring queried, concerned about her new friend.

Twilight nodded her head fervently. “I’m fine, shall we continue?” Twilight asked, Daring kept a close eye on Twilight’s behavior.

“Yeah, but is it just me or is it dark outside?" Daring ventured.

“Oh my gosh! The last train left at seven pm, what time is it?" Twilight temporarily panicked.

“The clock on the wall there reads seven fifty.” Daring smiled at her luck, “Guess I need a place to stay then.”

“I’m sorry, I was just so interested in your adventures, I guess we lost track of time.” Twilight apologized.

“Can I stay with you then?” Daring innocently asked.

“Of course, please stay as an apology from me.” Twilight responded.

“No need for an apology, now where were we? Oh yes, so I had the crystal...” The night continued as Daring spoke of her adventures that she hadn’t, and wouldn’t, be releasing in a book. As time went on, Twilight seemed to become tenser in both body language and speech. Twilight said a few things on occasion which were met with Daring’s rebuttal. It became apparent to Daring that Twilight was attempting to hide something. It was obvious to any observer that Twilight was intent on keeping her lower body hidden from Daring’s view by using the table. Her constant squirming testified to her growing restlessness.

“Hey Twilight, are you okay? You seem to be really restless, is there something you need to tell me?” Daring said, placing a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and felt the poor unicorn tense up.

“It’s alright, thanks though.” Twilight said, with a shaky grin, Daring fought off an urge to facehoof.

“You are not alright; you say your friend Applejack can’t lie, but you seem to fall short in that area as well. Now tell me what’s wrong, it’s rather rude for the host to be uncomfortable. It makes the guest feel unwelcome“. Daring reasoned, Twilight was taken aback by this, looked down.

“I’m sorry that I’m worrying you, it’s not you, it’s a private matter and I don’t want to bring it up.” Twilight said, a blush spreading across her face.

Daring looked Twilight straight in the eyes and said, “I promise not to hurt you.”

Daring then proceeded to make the boldest move of her life and leaned closer to the purple mare. First she could hear the sharp intake of breath as they shared air and personal space. Daring paused for a moment to relish the sensation before she leaned closer and kissed Twilight Sparkle on the lips. It felt one-sided as Twilight tensed up a little in surprise.

Twilight certainly was surprised by Daring’s forwardness; they only met yesterday and now this? She had only done this with a close friend. Was she betraying Pinkie right now? Were Pinkie and her even in a relationship? Slowly those thoughts began to drift away as Twilight’s primal instincts took over and allowed her to become lost in the sensation of the kiss.

Feeling that Twilight had loosened up, Daring’s tongue entered the unicorn’s mouth, and mingled with her hostess’. She managed to push Twilight onto her back, forcing her lower body from her hiding place. There was no fight for dominance in the kiss; Daring was in complete control, Twilight’s hooves were tentative but eventually wove themselves around Daring’s neck, while the khaki pony’s own were planted on either side on her lover’s face to keep her from crushing the mare beneath her. Daring’s tongue continued exploring Twilight’s mouth, while the unicorn’s own caressed the invader with loving support.

Daring eventually broke the kiss as an odd pressure had begun to build on her belly. Daring lifted herself further off the purple mare and looked below her undercarriage to see what was poking her. When she found nothing visibly poking her nether regions, she looked at Twilight with a bewildered look upon her face. Twilight’s blush was increased and gave a small smile to the dumbfounded pegasus. Twilight closed her eyes as her horn shined for a moment and then whispered, “Go ahead and look now.” Daring looked back down between the two bodies to see something much unexpected.

“I’m sorry, I wanted to keep this a secret.” Twilight said, hiding her head with her hooves. Daring smiled, and then moved Twilight’s hooves to embrace her in another quick kiss.

“It doesn’t matter Twilight, you are still just as lovely.” Daring soothed, kissing Twilight again. She then forced Twilight to roll on top of her. Twilight’s blush nearly took over her entire face, her member now completely hard as it lay on top of Daring’s belly.

“Are you sure that you want to?” Twilight said, with some hesitance in her voice. Daring nodded, closing her eyes as her hooves found Twilight’s on either side of her body and held them there. The purple unicorn slowly drew back her body until her member sat merely centimeters from the adventurer's entrance. Twilight paused for a moment, indecision clouding her instincts for a moment before disappearing.

Then she entered the pegasus quickly and harshly. “Geez, that wasn’t… expected.” Daring grunted, feeling the purple shaft begin to fill her. Twilight stopped when she put half her cock inside the archeologist, giving her sometime to get use to her size. Daring’s eyes opened to Twilight smiling, the two shared a deep kiss as the unicorn started to remove her length until only the tip remained inside. Then she roughly thrust back into the tight snatch, earning a groan from Daring.

Twilight kept smiling as she broke the kiss to watch Daring squirm and moan as she slid her dick out of her moist snatch again and rammed in it all the way. “Ah, Twilight!”

Twilight began to set a steady rhythm of deep quick trusts followed by a slower withdrawal, bringing the mare below her to spasms and cries.

“So… good.” Daring moaned as her back hooves reached up and clung to Twilight’s sides as the purple mare pounded her new lover. Twilight’s teeth gritted as her thrusts increased, the adventurer released a gasp, holding Twilight tighter.

“Daring…I’m going to… cum soon” Twilight said, her thrusts now intensifying.

“Me too,” Daring kissed Twilight hard as the unicorn made one last deep thrust all the way to Daring’s womb, and let herself explode inside the pegasus, flooding the mare’s vaginal canals. As Twilight came, Daring felt her own release occur as the white spunk filled her up and their combined juices began pooling on the surface beneath them.

As the mares’ orgasm ended they two broke their kiss, Daring looked to the unicorn with a smile, as she made a thrust of her own, to get Twilight back in the mood. Catching the hint, Twilight went back to thrusting her marecock into the pegasus. The Adventurer didn’t want the feeling of Twilight filling her to leave, and the scholar cherished the feeling of Daring’s cunt massaging her dick as she thrust back into her. The two were in a state of bliss as they made love to each other repeatedly; Twilight licked and caressed Daring’s body, while the pegasus held her unicorn lover in a passionate hug, kissing Twilight’s neck.

Twilight’s next orgasm came and spilled out of Daring and adding more of the unicorn’s seed onto the wooden floor, this forced Daring’s second orgasm to come as well, the two locked eyes and gave each other a small kiss. “I think it’s time for bed.” Twilight panted and used her magic to teleport the couple to the unicorn’s bed, leaving the pool of fluids on the floor where they had made love.


When Spike walked into the library the next morning; the first thing that hit him was a rather musky scent. He tried to not pay any mind to it until he saw a pool of white goo by the table. With a sigh, he went upstairs to prove his suspicions. He looked on the sole bed in the room to see Twilight and Daring sleeping peacefully in each other’s hooves. “Aww, how cute. Pinkie owes me a ruby-encrusted cupcake.” He whispered, leaving the two to their rest while he went to make Twilight her special tea.

Pinkie walked in to see Spike brewing Twilight’s tea, “hey Spikey-wikey, is Twilight upstairs?” Pinkie asked.

“Yea, but she and that pegasus are sleeping at the moment. Oh, and that puddle over there says you owe me a cupcake.” Spike smiled as Pinkie turned to the white goo pool and grunted in annoyance.

“Don’t you worry Spike, I’ll win Twilight back. Daring has to go and be adventurous sometime.” Pinkie exclaimed, making Spike look at the party mare with confusion.

“Daring Do is a fictional character, why would she suddenly decide to have sex with Twilight?” Spike asked, clearly not getting an answer at this time, he turned his attention to the goo pool. “Twilight is cleaning that up, by the way.”

Mini-Series: Fusion Fool's Late-Ass Mother's Day Clop... I dunno why I did this, dood.

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[Tags: {Sparkle/Velvet} Futa/f, vaginal, anal, double penetration, incest]

Twilight Sparkle trotted to her childhood home, excited to visit her mother for Mother’s Day. She knocked on the door, and waited patiently, a smile etched on her face.

The door opened to reveal an older mare, a white unicorn with light purple and white striped mane, with a flank adorned with three purple stars. “Twilight, oh I missed you! Please come in,” Twilight Velvet said, moving to the side to let her daughter inside the home.

“I missed you too, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!” Twilight said, giving her author of a mother a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Have a seat, dear. I’ll go make some tea,” Velvet said, but she was stopped by her daughter.

“No mom let me. It’s your special day,” Twilight Sparkle ordered, lightly pushing the white unicorn onto the sofa while she went to get snacks.

“Where’s Dad and Shiny?” the younger Twilight asked, placing a plate of cookies on a tray, while heating the tea with her magic.

“The boys went off to find me a gift for Mother’s Day. It’s just me and you, my dear,” Velvet said happily. She smiled warmly at her daughter as the younger mare carefully placed the tray of tea and cookies on the table.

“Well, I hope you don’t mind, I couldn’t think of anything so… I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything worthwhile,” Twilight muttered in embarrassment. She meekly levitated a large bouquet of lilies and white carnations to her mother.

“Oh sweetie, they are absolutely lovely. But I can think of something else that I would rather have,” the white mare said, her tone turning sultry.

“Oh? What would that be, Mom?” she asked, eager to make her mother happy, especially on Mother’s Day.

“I love your father, but he isn’t the same colt as he was before. A real tiger that helped bring you and Shining into the world. But I fear he can’t light my fires anymore,” Velvet muttered sadly, wrapping her hooves around her daughter’s neck. “I know you have your marefriend, and with your brother with your father right now, so I have nowhere else to turn.”

“Mom?” the purple mare asked, rather worried about the situation.

“I know you love to help ponies, now mommy needs you to help her,” Velvet cooed, pressing her lips to her daughter’s mouth.

Twilight’s mind restarted itself, in shock of her own mother coming onto her. She didn’t want this, but she didn’t want to hurt her mom on Mother’s Day. Her mother was right; Twilight did like to help ponies, to save the day if it meant everypony was smiling at the end. She weighed her options, then pressed back into the kiss, holding her own mother as she returned the passionate display of affection.

The two mares broke the kiss, “Oh Twilight, thank you so much,” the older Twilight whispered. She lead her daughter to the master bedroom and sat her down on the bed, her hind legs wide open.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen ‘you’, dear. Don’t be afraid to show momma,” Velvet said while her hoof pressed into the purple mound of her daughter.

“I don’t know Mom, this seems weird to me,” Twilight whined, her face turning red from her mother’s touch.

“Let me help you then, dear,” the older Twilight cooed, leaning her head in and licked at her daughter’s mound. The purple unicorn moaned as she felt her mother’s tongue tease her, only gliding across the opening but never entering.

Twilight Velvet stopped her oral assault, much to her daughter’s dismay, as she saw the towering purple flesh stand proud. “My little filly isn’t so little anymore, is she?” the white unicorn asked playfully; her face was beaming with happiness as a tendril of saliva slowly slid from the corner of her mouth. “Much bigger than your father.”

“Please don’t compare me to Dad, it isn’t right,” the purple mare whined, hiding her embarrassment with her forelegs.

“I’m sorry Sweetie,” Velvet gave the purple mare a kiss on her horn. “Now, let’s help you help me.”

Velvet slid her tongue from Twilight’s torso down to her cock. “You taste divine, honey,” the older mare muttered, making the purple mare try to hide herself more within her limbs. “If I could, I would move to Ponyville just so I can have this all day.”

Velvet took in a deep breath, letting her daughter’s aroma flow into her nostrils, before opening her mouth to let the purple mare’s cock head in.

Sparkle gasped, one of her hooves now clenching onto the bedspread while the other remained to be her shield from embarrassment. Only one of her violet eyes was open to witness her mother give her the best blowjob of her life. Daring Do could only dream of matching her mother’s skills, and that would be if Princess Luna decided to help her. The older mare’s lips felt divine against the sensitive purple flesh, and the way her tongue would know where Sparkle’s most tender areas of her cock was incomprehensible.

Velvet’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she tasted her daughter, a tiny taste of heaven that only Princess Celestia could know. Her moist marehood dripped onto the floor, wanting to feel her daughter’s cock, needing her daughter to make her feel like a mare again.

“Mom, I’m so close… please,” Sparkle whimpered. Her hind legs wrapped themselves around her mother’s head, determined to fertilize the mare’s mouth and stomach.

Velvet accepted her daughter’s sperm graciously, letting it spill down her throat. The actual cum was better than her pre-cum and she savored its flavor, letting it flow around her tongue and down her throat.

Sparkle attempted to regain her breath after her orgasm, and she snapped to attention as her mother crawled onto her, her eyes filled with desire.

“Don’t worry honey, Mother knows what’s best,” Velvet whispered, locking her daughter’s lips with her own in fiery passion. Her horn gave off a light purple shine as she maneuvered the purple member to enter her needy pussy.

The two Twilights broke the kiss as they both felt amazing pressure; Sparkle felt her mother’s walls clenching her dick in a vice grip, only allowing her to push deeper. Velvet, on the other hoof, felt a sudden fullness her husband failed to accomplish in the past for too long. The older mare came nearly instantly when she felt the purple intruder reach her core, teasing the womb itself.

“Oh my sweet little girl, you are doing mommy so proud,” Velvet cried, bucking her hips onto her daughter’s, riding the purple unicorn’s length for all she could offer.

Sparkle could only gasp and grunt; her hooves held onto her mother’s body as she pounded upward, giving the older mare great amounts of pleasure.

“Oh my sweet filly, my special little girl. Keep going, fill your mommy,” Velvet moaned, pressing the purple mare’s head into her torso, nuzzling her powerful horn.

The moist flesh that surrounded the purple member tightened for the impending orgasm, rubbing and massaging Sparkle’s girth so that it can feed the womb its delicious seed that came from within.

“Sweetie!” Velvet cried, reaching orgasm again, with her daughter close behind. The purple mare let out a grunt followed by a sigh as she came, flooding her mother’s womb with her spunk. The two mares stood that way for a moment, relishing in the afterglow of their combined orgasms.

Velvet slowly lifted herself off her daughter’s member, watching the cock stand erect once again like a foal on Hearth’s Warming Day first who sees the presents underneath the tree.

Sparkle slid off the bed and onto her hooves, still panting from the recent round. She turned her head to see her mother lying over the bed, her hind legs still touching the floor, giving her a sultry gaze. “Come dear, give your mommy more,” Velvet cooed, shaking her rump.

Once again, Twilight’s mind had to restart itself, but during this lapse her body moved on its own, preparing to claim her mare. The purple mare reared herself up to prop herself on her mother’s back, her hooves kneading the soft white fur of the older Twilight’s rump.

Taking a deep breath, she laid her cock on the crack of the butt, her magic flowing from her horn as it intertwined with the flesh of her own dick, her eyes closing as she felt the familiar sensation.

She felt an unruly pleasure while she was casting but as she finished, she opened her eyes and smiled in satisfaction, as there were now two dicks lying on the white unicorn’s backside. She backed up and positioned herself differently, and then slowly entered both her mother’s holes, causing the older mare to squeal in delight.

Velvet’s eyes rolled back into her skull as she felt both members slide into her abused pussy and tight ass, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she soon felt very full and loving each and every second of this feeling.

The purple unicorn soon reached her end, her crotch rubbed warmly against her mother’s bottom. She slowly drew herself back before pushing forward, shuddering as her mother praised her with her moans and cries of delight.

“Harder, please fuck me harder,” Velvet cried. Nodding, she picked up her pace. Her hooves dug deeper into the older mare’s cutie marks, as she rut her own mother, forcing her to moan her name or praise one of the princesses for giving birth to the purple unicorn.

“Oh my sweet filly, give it to me. Oh you’ve made your mommy so proud, give me everything you got, just give it to me,” Velvet begged, her head turned to watch her daughter mount her from behind. She felt very pleased to see this, for very few mothers are blessed with a daughter that can fulfill all her needs.

“Mommy, I’m going to cum. I’m going to fill you again,” Sparkle cried. Her thrusts came faster and harder, turning the white flesh bright red after each slap.

“Let it go, Twilight. Breed me,” Velvet gasped. She was not disappointed as she felt both members unload their combined contents into her. She soon felt her daughter lying on her back, in a daze.

“Happy… Mother’s Day, mommy,” Twilight muttered, before falling asleep.

“Thank you for the best gift a mother could ask for, my special little filly,” Velvet said, using her magic to gently remove her daughter’s softening members from her depths and place her on the bed. She soon got in and snuggled her daughter, emotionally content and happily filled.


“AAAHHHH!” Night Light, a blue stallion with a dark blue mane, screamed. He heard a yawn come from his left side.

“A nightmare again, dear?” Velvet asked, attempting to sleep soundly despite her husband’s scream.

“Yea,” he answered, still shaking.

“Spiders, dear?”


“The dream where you predict a meteor will land and destroy Equestria but nopony believes you?” she muttered.

“Not that one either,” he stuttered, though he still didn’t like that one.

“The dream where one of our children shows me a better time in bed than you could ever hope to?” Velvet asked, rather unnerved due to the recurring theme.

“Uhh…Ye..Yes,” he muttered, ashamed of his nightmares.

“You are the only one for me,” Velvet reassured him, turning over to face her husband. “Shining is married and Twilight has a marefriend.” She placed a loving hoof on his and gave him a reassuring smile.

“I guess you’re right. I’m still worried though,” Night Light groaned.

“Then tomorrow night, we can see if you are still the tiger you were before Twilight’s birth. Just get to bed, it’s Mother’s day tomorrow,” Velvet said, falling quickly to sleep.

Night Light laid back down and shut his eyes tight, hoping that he wouldn’t disturb his wife again with a silly nightmare.

Chapter Four: Wonderbolt's Aftershow.

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[Tags: {Twilight/Spitfire/Rainbow Dash}Futa/F/F, Alcohol, Oral, Vaginal]

Spike awoke from his nap to find his unicorn friend reading a book as usual, what was unusual was that the book itself was evidently making the scholar blush heavily. “Whatcha reading, Twi?” Spike asked, taking Twilight’s attention away from the book.

“Just a book, nothing important about it,” Twilight replied, still blushing.

Spike wasn’t buying it and walked over to read the title, "One Million Ways to Please Any Girl for Awkward Individuals by M. Hawke; isn’t that the griffin actress of those weird Coltwall films?” Spike asked, giving the book a weird look.

“I never saw those, but she is incredibly well versed in this kind of thing; she even has a guide on how to give a female diamond dog or a changeling princess an orgasm really quickly and how to make them hold it for the reader’s own enjoyment. It has information on every other race in Equestria as well,” Twilight explained. Spike, now intrigued, glanced over to the table of contents, only to watch the book slam in his face with an angry unicorn looming over him.

“What? This book will help me so much when I finally win Rarity,” Spike reasoned. Twilight shook her head.

“I don’t care; you are too young to be reading this book,” Twilight scolded. Spike grumbled under his breath as he left to do his chores. Twilight turned back to the chapter she was reading in the book.

There was a quick knock at the door, soon followed by the blur of a blue pegasus entering the library. “Hey Twilight, wanna go to the Wonderbolts show with me? I got two tickets,” Rainbow asked, barely able to contain her excitement as she hopped from hoof to hoof. Twilight looked at her daredevil friend with great confusion.

“Why me, you of all ponies should know that I'm not into those kinds of things,” Twilight said.

Rainbow sighed, slowing down enough to explain. “I know that, I asked Fluttershy but she was too scared to go; Pinkie said she was planning something, I dunno; Applejack said she was up to her hat in work at the farm; and Rarity said she had an order to finish for some fancypants in Canterlot,” Rainbow Dash said, giving Twilight a hopeful look.

Twilight sighed as she went to hide her book from Spike. “Very well, so when do we leave?” She sighed.

Rainbow pumped her hoof in the air, “Thank you Twilight, it's happening in Cloudsdale so we need to leave now to make it on time.” Rainbow Dash explained. Twilight face hoofed at the short-sightedness of her friend.

After Twilight rushed to get ready, the two took Twilight’s balloon to Cloudsdale, but due to Rainbow Dash's eagerness to see the Wonderbolts perform and lack of patience, she pulled Twilight and her balloon to Cloudsdale. After a quick cast of the cloud walking spell, the two ponies ran to the Cloudiseum.


Spitfire was in her dressing room, stretching her wings for the show. Once she had fully stretched, she trotted up to meet her teammate Soarin. “Hey Soarin, let’s give them a show,” Spitfire said, as she led the way down to the field.

“You seem to be on a mission tonight Captain,” Soarin said, eliciting a chuckle from the fire-maned pegasus.

“You know we always get a fan that wants to meet the Wonderbolts behind the scenes. I just always take advantage of it, what pony wouldn’t brag about getting to sleep with me,” Spitfire reasoned, giving a sly wink to Soarin. The two Wonderbolts met up with several other members as they prepared for the show.

The show was fantastic, marvelous, and stupendous. The fans were ecstatic, inflamed, clopping their hooves so hard that it sounded like thunder. As the cheering slowly died, Soarin flew next to Spitfire, “Hey, remember that mare from the young flier’s competition and the Gala?” he asked.

Spitfire nodded, remembering how she saved her and her team at the Young Flier's Competition and her 'brave' rescue of Soarin's pie. “She's our biggest Fan, so it’s kinda obvious she’d be here to watch us perform,” Spitfire said, confused by why Soarin brought her up.

“It’s sorta that, but she had a unicorn friend with her. I don’t get how she can walk on clouds,” Soarin claimed, his eyes losing focus as he tried to comprehend the possibility.

Spitfire facehoofed. “I take it you didn’t see that some earth ponies and a unicorn were sitting on clouds during that same competition?” Spitfire asked.

Soarin’s jaw dropped. “Guess I missed that, some young pegasi were kinda doing acrobatics in front of us so I didn’t take a chance to look at the stands; was weird to see a unicorn with those wings though,” Soarin claimed. a grumble came from his stomach. “Whoa, I’ll catch you later Captain, I need to refuel.” With that, Soarin flew away, leaving Spitfire to walk alone to her dressing room.

As she walked, she saw Rainbow Dash and her unicorn friend walking up to her, "two in one night? I guess I can do that." She thought, turning to face her admirers. “Hey girls, what can I do for you?” Spitfire said while removing the head of her suit, her mane waving about as the hood came off. Her eyes giving the two before her a sultry look.

“This is so cool, right Twilight? Um, can I get an Autograph?” Rainbow Dash said, holding a picture to the Wonderbolt. Twilight blushed slightly, and shuffled her hooves; the thought of casting an invisibility spell on herself came across her mind.

“How about we do something even better, you girls wanna join me for a drink?” Spitfire offered, the blue pegasus was grinning from ear to ear at the proposition, but the unicorn looked uneasy at the sound of it.

“I don’t know Rainbow Dash; I don’t want to bother Ms. Spitfire too much,” Twilight said, looking uncomfortable as Dash gazed in disbelief.

Spitfire merely shrugged thinking, "just means I get one tonight." Spitfire's thoughts were stopped as the cyan mare stuck her hoof in the muzzle of her friend.

“Twilight, Spitfire is offering to let us hang out with her in her dressing room, you don’t say no to that.” Rainbow Dash scolded, staring daggers at her purple friend. Spitfire smiled at this gesture and opened the door for her new friends.

Spitfire motioned for the two to relax on the couch as she went to a small fridge in the corner of the room, Rainbow Dash quickly flew over to the couch landing on it with a heavy 'whumph' as she sank into the cushions with Twilight hesitantly following behind her. “Twilight was it? Relax hon, I don’t bite,” She soothed before grabbing a few bottled ciders and putting them in front of the mares.

“Yea Twilight, it’s just a few drinks, relax will ya,” Rainbow Dash said, patting Twilight affectionately on the back. Twilight nodded as she used her magic to open the bottle and took a sip. Rainbow bit the cap off and took a sip holding it with both hooves. Spitfire smiled as she took a bottle for herself, watching the mares before her.

“So, how long have you been a Wonderbolt?” Twilight asked, observing the fact that Rainbow had downed over half her cider already.

“I became a Wonderbolt about 6 years ago, the trainers seriously drilled me on acrobatics, since I focused on speed and position more than anything else; I became the captain two years ago. It was really tough, but with the support of my friends, my family, and of course my fans, it’s a pretty sweet gig,” Spitfire said. Twilight nodded and took another sip of her cider while Rainbow finished her drink.

“I bet the parties you go to are pretty awesome,” Rainbow Dash said, seeing that Spitfire had given her another bottle, she quickly opened it.

“The parties have always been cool, except for the royal balls; the Gala has always been pretty boring. The other parties that happen, however, have always been pretty fun. Like the awesome music, the fun ponies, the good atmosphere.” Spitfire finished in a throaty conspiratorial whisper. Rainbow’s smile grew, and Twilight had a small smile, finally getting comfortable, and started taking larger sips from her cider.

The three chatted for an hour, and even though Twilight took small sips, she was much less tolerant of alcohol than Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, so her words began to slur after her second bottle. Rainbow Dash had more experience with alcoholic drinks but still started to get tipsy after her fourth bottle. Spitfire however, took Twilight’s strategy and was completely sober after only her second bottle; she had removed her flight suit long ago and was stretched out between the two friends, giving light caresses to the inebriated mares.

“Hey Twilight, I've been wondering. Who was that cool looking pegasus leaving your house two days ago? I feel like I know her from somewhere,” Rainbow asked.

Twilight was trying to keep herself from falling over with a hoof when she turned to Rainbow Dash, and slurring her words as she gushed, “That was my marefriend, Daring Do. We met at the Royal Ball of Magic, she made me cry by asking me questions about how incompetent the princess is, and why the sixth element of harmony is called magic and not friendship or love, then we talked about that some more on the train ride and back at the library. We also talked about her adventures and books, but then we made out and had terrific sex.” Twilight finished with a big happy grin across her muzzle.

Both pegasi dropped their bottles in shock. “Daring Do is fictional, isn’t she?” Spitfire asked, looking confused.

Rainbow Dash was scrambling to get her cider back but her hooves didn't seem to want to cooperate. “That was Daring Do? I thought she looked familiar. Wow, I gotta rewrite those stories I tried to write.” Rainbow Dash said, the cider preventing her from acknowledging that she had just admitted to writing Daring Do fanfiction in front of her idol.

“I’m sorry Dash, but she has a nice flank.” Twilight giggled, nearly falling off the couch. Spitfire thought it was pretty cute to see the two talking about the unicorn’s love life.

“Well maybe I’ll run into her one day,” Spitfire said, taking another sip from her cider. At least now she knew that the unicorn had had some action in her life, still not too sure about her 'number-one' fan.

“So, I feel bad for Pinkie Pie and –hic- and Lyra now, but not so much Lyra because she has Bon-Bon-Bon? But who does Pinkie has? –hic- I just hope me and Pinkie stay friends even though I’m seeing Daring now,” Twilight said, finishing her fourth drink, while Rainbow finished off her sixth. Spitfire was impressed with the unicorn now, three mares was a pretty good tally for a pony that was so obviously introverted.

“I thought Pinkie was acting weird, she always got that dreamy –hic- look in her eye when somepony mentions you or your library. How did you do to her, and what can I learn to do it?” Rainbow mumbled, finding Twilight’s horn and the picture of Wonderbolts behind Twilight more fascinating than the unicorn herself. “And how did an egghead like you get luckier –hic- than me? I’m cooler than you and more athletic; you are just adorable and –hic- smart. Stupid Sexy Twilight.” Dash was now staring daggers at the picture behind Twilight, despite directing her rage at the unicorn herself.

Spitfire liked the direction of the conversation, “How many ponies have you had, Dashie?” Spitfire said, putting emphasis on the nickname.

“There was this one time with my friend –hic- Applejack, we got drunk on apple cider a lot…a lot like this, and we kind of hit it off in the barn, a time with my friend from flight camp, and an other time I did it was with –hic- Pinkie at one of her parties, I think it was the ‘Welcome to Ponyville, Rarity’ party –hic- several years ago. She knows how to use her tongue, must have been all the icing she licks off cupcakes.” Rainbow Dash explained, now leaning on Spitfire.

“Thanks Dash, I don’t think I’ll ever look at Pinkie eating cupcakes the same way again.” Twilight exclaimed, now blushing a bit.

“Especially after you and her did stuff? You're –hic- welcome.” Rainbow Dash said, now lying down on top of Spitfire's and Twilight's legs.

“So you both have had some experience? That’s cool; it’s never too late to have some fun, right?” Spitfire said, one of her wings was moving along Twilight's spine as her hoof rubbed Rainbow Dash's belly.

“I guess so, kind of wish my first –hic- time was more meaningful and not out of desperation,” Twilight said, her expression turning somber.

“Don’t worry hon, you are still a pretty cool egghead. It's kinda funny that you got more tail than Ms. Jock here,” Spitfire joked. Rainbow Dash just blew raspberries, at her hero, in response.

“Yea, amazing what being a mare born with a cock could do for your love life, huh? –hic-“ Twilight mumbled.

Rainbow Dash jumped up and stared wide-eyed at Twilight’s crotch. “I don’t see a cock, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash muttered. Spitfire was just as confused.

“Oh, I drink special medicine that makes it go away since I can’t seem to hide it like every stallion in Equestria can; it wears off when I get really horny or late at night,” Twilight answered, finishing her latest bottle of cider. Twilight hopped off the couch only to be pushed back on by Spitfire.

“I am actually curious, hon. Can I see it?” Spitfire soothed, now licking Twilight’s cheek. Rainbow Dash watched in confusion but the scene was arousing her, and her wings were now spread high in excitement. Spitfire rolled the unicorn to lie on her back, holding the mare down, as she started to invade Twilight’s mouth with her tongue, gently grazing her teeth across the egghead’s lips.

Rainbow Dash scooted closer and saw Twilight’s secret make its appearance, the cyan mare’s mouth fell agape. Looking up to see that the Wonderbolt and the librarian were too preoccupied with each other’s mouths. Rainbow Dash moved over to lick the purple meat as it grew, electing a squeak from the lavender pony. Feeling bolder from Twilight's response, she started to lick and kiss the mare cock before her.

“Well, what do ya know,” Spitfire said, getting off of Twilight to watch Rainbow fellate her. Spitfire watched Twilight’s hooves try to bury themselves into the rainbow mane that was bobbing below her. Feeling adventurous, she went behind the blue mare and started to lick her petals, while Dash pleased her purple friend.

Rainbow Dash jumped a bit when the feeling of a wet tongue played with her pussy, she leaned back to try and fit what she could of Twilight’s dick into her mouth.

Twilight’s mind was clearly somewhere else as she smiled at the sight of her athletic friend sucking her off and the feeling of Rainbow’s tight mouth surrounding her dick while her tongue dances along the head as she withdraws. Twilight could feel every moan and squeak that vibrated from Dash as Spitfire worked on her friend's honeypot.

Rainbow came first, coating Spitfire’s face in her juices. The Wonderbolt licked her muzzle clean and wiped off what she couldn’t reach as she moved back to lie next to Twilight, admiring the sight of one friend pleasing another.

Twilight’s orgasm came hard and without warning, filling Rainbow’s mouth with each load she shot off forcing Dash to swallow quickly. Rainbow released the member from its oral prison and started to cough. “Hey, warn me –ack- next time you go off like that,” Rainbow scolded, trying to spit out the remnants of Twilight’s seed.

“Your turn, hon.” Spitfire whispered to the purple mare, now lying back on the couch as she positioned Twilight’s face to her vagina. “I pleased your friend, she pleased you, it's only fair that now you please me.” Twilight looked up and nodded before getting to work.

Memories of the book Twilight read before this whole mess started came to mind, she had wanted to use these techniques for Daring but she figured it would be best to test them out before using them on her lover. Twilight’s tongue flicked out to split the orange mare’s pussy, before she slid up to nibble on the clitoris, taking tentative nips at Spitfire’s love button; the Wonderbolt was gasping and moaning from Twilight's ministrations.

“Sweet Celestia hon, I guess you're –oh- better than I thought. I might try and take you away –right there- from your hero.” Spitfire moaned, her hooves trying to press Twilight deeper into her snatch. Twilight continued her assault, her tongue now probing Spitfire’s depths as her teeth continued to tease the celebrity’s clit. Finding Spitfire’s sweet spot, Twilight’s tongue pressed her attack, trying to get Spitfire off.

“OH YES!” Spitfire cried, her orgasm rocking her entire body. Twilight eagerly licked up the fluids and drank them down. “That was –gasp- something, but we are far from done yet,” Spitfire said, flipping Twilight on her back, Spitfire took her position over the purple cock, while Rainbow Dash pressed her pussy on to Twilight’s face.

“I don’t want –hic- be left out, so lick me like you licked her and Pinkie and whoever you screwed,” Rainbow said, rubbing her crotch in Twilight’s face. Twilight didn’t complain as she started to lick Dash's dripping pussy. Spitfire loomed over the purple mare’s penis and started to descend, letting the pulsing meat fill her. Twilight felt Spitfire’s flanks touch her own as she started to ride the unicorn’s length. Rainbow Dash was now trying to facefuck Twilight as the purple mare continued her tongue play; the scholar’s tongue attacking the daredevil’s G-spot while her teeth teased her clit. With how Rainbow arched over Twilight, the purple mare’s horn rubbed up against the pegasus’ tits, bringing the cyan mare closer to release.

Rainbow Dash came quickly, coating Twilight’s face in her pussy juices which Twilight eagerly drank in. Rainbow turned to face Spitfire and lowered her head to lick at the throbbing marecock buried in Spitfire.

“I’m cumming!” Twilight cried. Spitfire’s eyes went wide as she struggled to get off Twilight’s dick but soon felt the twitching cock inside her fill her womb, some of Twilight’s seed seeped out and stained the couch below.

“Crap, I can’t have a kid yet, this can’t be happening,” Spitfire panicked, Twilight got up as Rainbow sat on staring at Spitfire in confusion.

“I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sterile,” Twilight said.

Spitfire calmed down near instantly. “Oh thank Celestia, I was worried there for a moment; I don't think I'd make a good mother.” The orange mare rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. Twilight and Rainbow Dash giggled, “Anyways I’m sure your friend wants a turn,” Spitfire said, nudging the cyan pegasus towards Twilight. Rainbow’s grin grew as she moved above Twilight, who was lying on the couch, and positioned herself above the librarian's cock. She lowered herself and gave a small 'eep' as Twilight's cock threatened her entrance, and finally gave way to the intruder.

“So… tight.” Twilight gasped, starting to feel Rainbow Dash's entrance clamp around her cock. Rainbow Dash wanted to get this over with but the feeling was rather painful, she glanced over and saw Twilight giving her a worried look.

“You said you've had sex before, but here I am, watching your friend busting your cherry right now,” Spitfire commented. Watching a trail of blood rolling down Twilight’s length as Rainbow attempted to force more of the purple meat inside her.

“It was usually just us rubbing –oh- each other’s marehoods or eating each other out. We never used –Dear Luna, that’s big- toys, so this is –gasp- really new to me,” Rainbow whimpered. Finally resting on Twilight’s flanks, she used her wings, to move along Twilight’s length, before letting gravity take over and repeating the process.

Spitfire noticed Twilight’s vagina wasn't receiving any attention in all this, and went to change that. She licked and probed the pussy, her tongue dancing along the scholar's petals, earning a yelp from Twilight. The new sensations Spitfire was doing to her made Twilight thrust particularly hard into her cyan friend. One of Rainbow Dash's hooves was trying to hold on to the back of the couch while the other held onto Twilight, praising one or both the princesses as she bounced on top of the unicorn's secondary horn. “Please be careful –so hot- Ms. Spitfire,” Twilight squeaked. Spitfire smiled at the sound of that as she continued to play with Twilight's marehood, her tongue probing Twilight's depths and occasionally licking her cock, as Rainbow Dash rode Twilight for every thrust the purple mare could give.

Twilight struggled to keep her composure despite the cider numbing her mind, Rainbow Dash’s pussy was flexing and trying to milk her while Spitfire was eating her out. Seeing Twilight struggle, Rainbow Dash went to give Twilight’s horn a lick; sending Twilight overboard as she tried to send every inch of her cock into Rainbow Dash, threatening to invade the daredevil’s very womb. Twilight came hard inside Rainbow Dash, similar to Spitfire; her womb was filled to the brim with Twilight’s seed, as Spitfire’s face was covered in the unicorn's vaginal juices.

The purple mare slumped back on the couch, trying to catch her breath. Rainbow continued to work herself on Twilight. Even though she just came, Twilight’s dick was still hard, and looked very fuckable to the pegasi of the room.

Shortly after Rainbow Dash reached her climax, she hovered off the purple rod. Twilight herself couldn’t take any more, but her cock still wanted more. Both pegasi were smiling at each other as they got Twilight ready for a night of fun.


Rainbow Dash woke up on the floor of the room, her head felt like she was run over by a herd of buffalo, the feeling in her legs felt like she screwed each of them too; she walked around until she found a bathroom and went to splash water on her face. Trying to remember what happened, she heard a groan from behind her. Looking back, she saw her friend Twilight laying on top of her hero Spitfire and everything that happened last night rushed back to her like a tidal wave.

“Oh crap.” Rainbow Dash muttered, remembering that she and the wonderbolt rode Twilight through at least thirteen orgasms that night, 'she's not gonna be able to walk today, and the hangover she'll have will be murder for her' Rainbow thought. Still trying to keep herself stable, Rainbow Dash went over and noticed that Twilight’s penis was soft but still buried in Spitfire’s honey pot.

“Twilight, wake up,” Rainbow Dash said, hearing her friend groan in response.

“Ow, my head, someone turn the sun off,” Twilight mumbled, trying to bury her face in the couch. Spitfire mumbled something as well, but Rainbow couldn’t hear it.

“Come on Twilight, we have to get back to Ponyville, everypony will be worried,” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight’s eyes opened wide and she fled into the bathroom. Rainbow Dash chuckled at the sight of this, muttering “light-weight” as she turned her attention to the Wonderbolt who was now awake.

“I gotta admit, I have had a few better romps, but that was definitely the most unique thing I have ever done,” Spitfire said, reclining on the sticky couch. Rainbow Dash sat down below it, trying to think straight despite the drums pounding in her head.

“Hey Twilight, did those friends of yours teach you how to eat a pussy out like that?” Spitfire asked, still glowing from the night before.

“Owwie, stupid sun, stupid cider. I was reading a book on mare pleasing to impress Daring, I guess I used it here instead,” Twilight said, getting even more peeved when she heard Rainbow Dash laughing.

“There is seriously a book on how to have sex with a mare? That’s rich.” The cyan pegasus laughed, but the orange mare above her was curious instead.

“What’s the title, hon?” Spitfire asked.

One Million Ways to Please Any Girl for Awkward Individuals by M. Hawke; now please stop shouting,” Twilight said, still trying to find some aspirin.

“Hawke? I remember that griffin; she has some pretty magical talons. I might drop by your library to read it, and to get another feel of you if your adventurer is okay with me playing with her things,” Spitfire said, chuckling. All laughter was cut short when they heard Twilight vomit into the porcelain bowl, “Boy, she is a lightweight,” Spitfire commented.

Mini-Series: Pinkie Pie... Recruiter of the Twi-Harem

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[Tags: {Twilight/Rainbow Dash} Futa/F, Vaginal, Oral]

It was a dark evening in Ponyville, approximately two hours since nightfall. Rainbow “Danger” Dash is lurking in the darkness. Her goal was simple; recreate the experience she had with Twilight and Spitfire at Cloudsdale that doesn’t involve drinking…and Spitfire, much to the blue pegasus’s dismay.

For the past two weeks Rainbow Dash has been plagued by perverted thoughts about her brainy friend, they were around since the day she and Spitfire took turns riding Twilight, but they became much more powerful when Pinkie wanted to talk to her about Twilight.

The problem with this was that Pinkie didn’t just talk about the egghead, but also how nice it is to be filled by her cock or to taste the purple monster’s seed. Rainbow Dash wouldn’t mind it too much if Pinkie didn’t explain it all in great detail, down to the actual flavour of Twilight’s cum…which is a combination of raspberries and grapes with a slight drizzle of salt.

Ever since that day, Rainbow Dash can’t look at raspberries or grapes the same way if there’s a salt shaker near them. But that wasn’t the problem; the REAL problem with Pinkie’s chats was that Rainbow Dash hung on every word that Pinkie described. The cyan mare would be six feet underground before she admitted that she loved listening to how Twilight took Pinkie to town.

The downside that was made apparent quickly was that Rainbow Dash had to postpone her training or her napping just to clop to the images Pinkie instilled into her skull. After a week since she and Pinkie started having their “Twi-Fuck-Buddy” chats, the blue pegasus’s mind began to alter the scenes that would play in her head. Instead of Pinkie getting mounted, it would be Rainbow Dash.

She would be positioned with her front hooves on the bed, back hooves on the floor, shaking her rump to entice the purple shaft. She would be bouncing on the purple unicorn’s crotch, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of the librarian’s cock filling her. The straw that broke the pony’s back was while she was napping, the blue pegasus was lying in Twilight’s bed wearing dark blue lingerie; panties, socks, a collar, and a saddle.

The very moment of the dream when Twilight pounced on her, cock erect, was the moment Rainbow Dash awoke in a sweat. And that was it, Rainbow Dash thought out a quick plan to get Twilight to screw her, her biggest problem being Pinkie. Daring was in Canterlot doing museum stuff, Lyra hasn’t left the Candy store all day, and anypony else Twilight had fucked before aren’t currently in Ponyville at the moment.

So she had to incapacitate Pinkie Pie first.

She found her target strolling to the Library, and she leaped into action. “Hey, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh hi Dashie, whatcha doing?” Pinkie asked, rather curious about why the blue mare isn’t napping in a cloud or at home.

“I actually wanna ask you something,” Rainbow Dash muttered, nervous as to how she was going to word this to her best friend.

“Oh you wanna have fun with Twilight, right? Okie Dokie Lokie, I’ll leave Twilight alone tonight for my bestest friend,” Pinkie exclaimed happily.

“Uh, thanks Pinkie, how did you know?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Duh, I can smell you AND I’ve been talking to you about Twilight because I think you needed another night with her. Anyways, see ya later,” Pinkie answered in a sing-song voice, bouncing back to the Bakery.

‘Step one complete… I guess’ Rainbow thought as she went to the library. She made sure nopony saw her enter the treehouse. But her cover was blown the moment she saw the purple dragon staring at her, drawing on a piece of paper.

“Rainbow Dash, whatcha doing out so late… in the library?” Spike asked, baffled by the cool pegasus who was supposed to be napping or doing tricks away from a lame place like this.

“Well, I heard Twilight had all the Daring Do books so I’d thought I’d ask her to let me borrow them,” Rainbow Dash lied.

“You read them all, twice,” Spike replied. While it took a minute he added it all up in his head and groaned. “I’ll go get my basket, stupid ponies that want me to move so Twilight can do them, I hope Rarity doesn’t end up like you and Pinkie, crazy mares.

She sighed in relief as Spike climbed the stairs; she closely followed the dragon to see if Twilight was up. She may be an overall awesome pony, but it’s lame to make a move on a sleeping mare. She glanced up to see Twilight reading some book that made the speedster’s head spin just looking at it.

“Rainbow Dash, what a surprise. What brings you here?” Twilight asked, her expression changed from happily surprised to suspicion as she saw Spike take his basket down stairs. “Please tell this isn’t about…”

“I’m sorry Twi, I’ve been chatting with Pinkie lately-“

“Stop, I think I can piece it together from there,” Twilight interrupted. “But why exactly? Other than Pinkie talking to you…about me.”

“Well, I figured since we did it once; maybe we can do it again? Help a friend out, so to speak,” Rainbow Dash muttered, giving the unicorn a cheesy smile.

Twilight was not amused. “Look I’m flattered, but I am far behind my studies thanks to Pinkie, okay?”

The plan wasn’t looking too good, so she had no other alternative. “One moment, I’ll be right back,” Rainbow Dash said, flying out through the window.

“She could have used the door like a normal pony,” Twilight grumbled, returning to her reading.

A few moments later, Rainbow Dash returned through the window, wearing Pinkie’s lingerie, a red collar with a heart dangling around the throat, four red socks that had a heart pattern on it, a slim red saddle, and red panties. She was blushing madly on the fact that she was wearing it at all. “Here, does this help?” Rainbow muttered, trying to not look Twilight in the eyes.

It was Twilight’s turn to blush, turning her head away from the blue mare. “Look… you don’t need outfits…like that, to seduce me. I’m just not in the mood, okay?” she stuttered, slowly turning her head back to catch glimpses of the garment clad pegasus.

“So I put all this on for nothing?” she groaned, she began to take the ridiculous get up off, starting with the socks.

Twilight’s mind seemed to slow down as out form the corner of her eye, saw Rainbow Dash slowly take the sock off her fore-limb with her teeth. Her heart pumped rapidly as the blue mare began to take the socks off her hind-legs, noticing that her speedy friend was annoyed by the how to take them off, she could have sworn that there was sweat glistening on her blue fur.

Rainbow sat on the ground and lifted her hind leg up high, and tilted it so she can get her teeth around the hem of the sock, unknowingly shown Twilight her moist pussy. “Stupid socks, who thought socks were sexy, anyways?”

“A trend that came up a few hundred years ago, I think a painter started it by painting brothel mares in socks,” Twilight answered, her hoof failed to cover her right eye, allowing her to see Rainbow Dash take the final sock off.

Rainbow Dash fumbled with the saddle straps with her hooves and found she couldn’t quite reach with her teeth and groaned in annoyance. “Hey Twi, could you get this thing off me, Pinkie put it on me and I can’t reach the straps,” Rainbow asked.

“Oh uh…sure,” Twilight uttered, her horn glowed as the saddle was undone and was lifted off the pegasus.

Twilight’s eyes went wide when Dash went for the panties, the pegasus was clearly too annoyed to care but she fell on her belly as she did so, her flank raised towards the unicorn as her fore-hooves pushed the fabric down. Once again, Twilight’s brain slowed time for her, letting her watch the thin piece of cloth slide across her cutie marks, and ultimately revealing Rainbow Dash’s marehood, still moist from the earlier embarrassment.

Rainbow kicked the dumb fabric away as she got back up, no longer giving the unicorn a show. She struggled with the collar, “Hey Rainbow, come up here. Collars can be pretty tricky, I’ll help you get it off,” Twilight spouted, surprising both ponies.

“Uhh, sure. Pinkie did say I can’t take this thing off without help, but can’t you just magic it off like you did the saddle?” Rainbow asked.

“A collar is smaller and requires precision otherwise I may strangle you by accident,” Twilight quipped. The speedster shrugged and flew up to meet the unicorn, who was sitting flat on the bed.

Rainbow Dash sat down next to the bed while Twilight studied the collar. The unicorn didn’t really pay any mind to the collar itself, she just stared at how the collar itself fit on Rainbow’s neck. “You know…the collar… suits you, I think,” Twilight muttered, her magic barely touching the leather strap itself.

“No way, I hate this thing, it itches and it’s uncomfortable. Just take it off,” Rainbow whined.

“Well, this is Pinkie’s after all. Maybe we can find you a collar that would be more ‘you’? Twilight said, quickly clamping her mouth shut with her hooves.

“Again, Twi. I don’t like…Hold on,” Rainbow Dash muttered, adding all the pieces together, turning slowly, preparing her teasing face. “You like me wearing this collar, don’t ya?”

“Of course not, it’s just a bit of fabric and fake leather. I was thinking more about what you would like, you never know until you try, right?” Twilight explained, talking herself into a corner.

“I know you couldn’t resist Rainbow Dash for long,” the blue pegasus gloated, crawling onto the bed.

“Well, you got me alone in bed. I guess you would want to lead?” Twilight asked, sitting on her rump, her purple dick standing at attention.

“Well, actually,” Rainbow Dash muttered, “I heard about how you started to dominate Pinkie and was wondering…”

“You want me to lead then?” Twilight said, rather shocked that the speedster would rather be on the bottom. Rainbow nodded and smiled sheepishly as Twilight shuffled herself back, sitting against the headboards. “Alright then, let me think. I know, get me ready for you.”

“Uhh, okay,” Rainbow replied, moving forward, her face getting closer to Twilight’s shaft. She was confused with where to start on this monster, as her memories of that night in Cloudsdale were fuzzy.

“You can start by stroking the rod with your hooves while you lick the head, or you can lick along the length, “ Twilight tipped.

Rainbow nodded, deciding to take the first option. Her hooves pressed against the sides of the dick while she opened her mouth near the head. Tentatively, she slowly placed her tongue on the edge of the flared tip, letting herself get use to the taste. ‘A little salty, but I kinda taste the raspberries. But in all seriousness, how did I do this before? she asked herself; her tongue moving slowly around Twilight’s penis.

Twilight let out a soft moan, letting the blue pegasus feel it out for herself. She ran her hoof through the rainbow mane, petting the pegasus, the action made Rainbow Dash’s face turn red completely while also causing her hooves to work the shaft faster, making Twilight feel rather good. “If you want, you can try and take me into your mouth. Just don’t take too much, let your hooves massage what you can’t get in,” Twilight added, still petting the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath before opening her mouth to take what she could, slowly feeding the cock towards the back of her throat. She felt a jolt of pleasure when Twilight moaned; making her feel very good that she is doing a good job at least.

She tried to run her tongue around the sides of it as she backed out of it, she thought that maybe she could just bob her head rapidly around the purple cock. Testing her theory, she did just that, her head attempting to be a blur in the unicorn’s crotch.

Twilight watched in confusion as Rainbow bounced her head on her prick, “Rainbow, stop.”

“What? I thought you’d like it,” she answered, saddened that the unicorn disapproved.

“You gotta lick it more, the way you just bobbed your head like that had no emotion, it looked like you were bored with me,” Twilight stated.

“No I’m not bored, I just thought it would be better, I’ll try again,” the blue mare muttered, returning to her old position. Gently licking the underside while massaging the shaft with her hooves, as she had plenty to work with.

Rainbow tried to take as much of the cock as she could, taking half of it into her mouth. She took it out quickly letting her tongue tease it as she left, she began to pump the length with her mouth, letting her tongue lap at the member, her saliva trailed down Twilight’s cock until reaching the base, caught in the purple fur.

One of Rainbow’s hooves began to tease the unicorn’s marehood while also working her mouth around the needy prick, prodding the lips, slipping a bit of her hoof between the folds, causing Twilight to squeak.

Having difficulties controlling herself, Twilight placed her other hoof on Rainbow’s head and slowly forced more of her cock into the pegasus’s mouth. The action surprised Rainbow, she attempted to lift her head off but was forced down by the enraptured unicorn. Soon the two found a rhythm that Twilight enjoyed, and Rainbow Dash slowly accepted, as pre-cum graced her tongue.

“I’m close, Dash,” Twilight moaned, still using the pegasus’s head.

Upon hearing this, Rainbow recalled that Twilight lets out lots when she cums and struggled to get off, surprised by the strength the unicorn suddenly had.

Twilight let out a sigh she came, forcing the spunk to hit the back of Rainbow’s throat. Rather fortunate for the speedster that Twilight’s didn’t try to fully impale her on her cock, but the amount of spunk became too much for her to swallow at once, forcing it up through her nose. She released the cock and began coughing, saliva and cum dripping from her mouth and some of Twilight’s jism trailing from her nostrils.

Twilight shook herself out of her stupor when Dash began coughing. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. It felt really good, and I felt impatient. Are you okay?” she apologized.

“Just... peachy.” Rainbow muttered, wiping some stray strand of cum from her mouth before licking it up. “Pinkie’s right, it does sorta taste like raspberries, grapes with a salty texture.”

Twilight sat there confused by Rainbow Dash’s statement. “So what’s next? You are leading after all,” Rainbow asked, waiting eagerly for the next event.

“Well, you lie back. And I’ll do all the work for a little bit, then you can just do what feels natural at the time, I guess,” Twilight explained. Rainbow nodded, and got comfy on her back as the unicorn strode over between the pegasus’ hind legs, letting her mare-meat rest on the blue mare’s belly.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, nervous that Twilight’s cock was going to enter her. “Just take your time; we want this to last right?” she uttered.

“Of course Dashie, I don’t want to hurt you,” she cooed, pressing her lips to the pegasus’. She began prodding Dash’s entrance with her cock, Rainbow’s spittle helping her get the tip inside.

The sudden intrusion caused Rainbow to gasp in pain, making the unicorn stop to let her blue friend get used to her size. The cyan mare opened her eyes and gave Twilight a smile and nodding, letting the purple mare continue.

Twilight sighed in relief that her friend was okay, but she had to continue. She slowly pushed her needy member deeper into the pegasus, causing her forelimbs to tighten around Twilight’s neck.

Rainbow felt Twilight’s dick fill her, making her gasp and writhe. She looked down to their connection to find that Twilight was nearly hilted inside her, satisfied that she could take all of the purple mare’s meat.

“Are you ready, Dash?” Twilight asked, the pegasus nodded her head. Taking that as her cue, the unicorn took much of her girth out only to shove it back in, forcing a moan from Rainbow Dash. The pegasus’s years of practicing for the Wonderbolts showed well in Twilight’s opinion. The athletic muscles gripped her tightly, flexing and massaging the purple member.

Rainbow buried her head in Twilight’s neck as the purple mare continued to move into her, moaning into the purple fur, she soon felt Twilight’s own fore-legs wrap around her, holding her as she thrust her hips into the pegasus. At that moment the only thing that mattered was Twilight, she felt that if the world could have end at that moment, Twilight would save the day (with Rainbow’s help of course). She nuzzled Twilight deeply, smiling contently, feeling far more pleased then she has ever been in the past.

Twilight noticed the change in Rainbow’ behavior and smiled, stroking her hoof through the rainbow mane as she continued thrusting. The two thoroughly enjoyed their love-making, as if nothing could ruin this moment.

All good things must come to an end as both ponies felt their climaxes coming, Rainbow laid her head back and the two ponies gazed into each other’s eyes, before kissing each other. Their tongues dancing and mingling with each other, as Rainbow’s pussy convulsed around Twilight’s cock, forcing the unicorn to fill the pegasus’ womb.

They broke the kiss and nuzzled each other, lying on the bed as they let sleep take them, Twilight’s cock still pumping sperm into Dash’s slit. The cyan mare had never felt more relaxed or safe in her life.


Rainbow woke up first to the unforgiving sun; she groaned in annoyance as the sunlight nearly blinded her when she had a pleasant reminder, Twilight’s soft member was still lodged in her pussy, a large puddle of fluids can be seen beneath the connection. Rainbow smiled as she recalled last night’s event, brushing Twilight’s mane out of her cute face.

Rainbow got out of bed, grunting in dismay of Twilight’s dick leaving her as she flew downstairs to have breakfast, letting the unicorn rest.

She was greeted by Pinkie, wearing an apron and flipping pancakes. “Hiya Dashie, how was last night, did the underwear work?” she asked.

Rainbow sat down and let out a happy sigh, “it did work, thanks Pinkie,” she uttered, she reached back to find that she was still wearing the collar from last night, blushing madly.

“I take it you enjoyed being Twilight’s pet?” Pinkie giggled, causing the blue mare’s face to heat up.

“No way, I just forgot to take it off. Besides, I rocked Twilight’s world, she was begging me to stop saying ‘oh Rainbow, your pussy is so good, please let me cum inside’, only natural when you’re with me,” she chuckled.

“Funny, I don’t remember us talking too much during that.” Rainbow turned to see Twilight walk in, her member still in sight.

“Well, you were pretty good yourself,” Rainbow uttered, blushing.

“Thanks. Oh, Smells great Pinkie,” Twilight commented with a blush, preparing her morning tea.

“Thanks Twily, I’ll be done super quick,” Pinkie replied.

Rainbow Dash smiled as Twilight sipped her tea and Pinkie placed some pancakes in front of her, happy that everything turned out great, all things considering.

“That collar looks so cute on you Dashie! Maybe we can ask Rarity to make you a nice dark blue one with your cutie mark on it, OH, or maybe Twilight’s cutie mark! That would be so adorable,” Pinkie gushed.

“Twilight, get this stupid thing off me!”

Chapter Five: The Great and Powerful Rival!

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[{Twilight/Pinkie}Futa/F, vaginal, oral][{Twilight/Trixie}Futa/F, anal(rape), vaginal(consented)]

A cart wheeled its way through the forest, pulled by the magic conjured by its passenger. The passenger muttered a curse as she saw a town in the distance. “Ponyville, the home of that despicable purple mare... Trixie will leave victorious this time,” She said, as her transportation pulled her towards the small village.


The sun shone through the window and upon two mares sleeping in a star-patterned bed. The light brown pony’s eye opened, her purple lover was still holding her midsection. Smiling, Daring arched to kiss her unicorn lover’s horn as she got up and went to get ready for her day.

Twilight woke up as soon as the khaki pegasus left the room, annoyed by the lack of warmth she felt earlier. The librarian got out of bed with a yawn.

Seeing her lover’s clothes a little dirty, she used her magic to remove the marks and wrinkles to make them ready for the adventurer when she comes out of the restroom.

Daring Do trotted over to the violet mare to give her a small peck on the cheek. “Good morning Twi.” she said.

Twilight returned the affection by kissing the adventurer on the cheek. “Good Morning, Daring. Your clothes are ready when you need them.” Twilight said as she saw the her marefriend’s eyes brighten.

“Excellent. Thank you, Twi. After yesterday, I didn’t want to spend an hour trying to clean that out,” She said, as a blush appeared on both mares’ faces.

“You insisted on blowing me under the table. I wanted you to be ready for today since you are heading to Maru for that excavation,” Twilight explained, the pegasus put her shirt on and found her pith helmet.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this ‘Diamond Wig’ business; if it turns out to be aliens, I want you to admit me to an asylum, or get some brain bleach ready,” She grumbled, as the two mares shared a kiss. The two had breakfast consisting of a muffin and tea. Twilight sighed in satisfaction to see her member now hiding, with Daring merely shaking her head in confusion.

“Isn’t drinking that stuff to hide your penis lying to yourself? It’s just a dick, after all,” The khaki pegasus asked.

“Let’s put it this way; if I reveal myself to anypony, I’ll either become a freak, or you’ll have more than just Pinkie trying to get me in bed,” Twilight answered. Her marefriend rolled her eyes, recalling the start of the weekend - finding Twilight backed into a wall, with Pinkie looming over her.

“If it weren’t for the fact that I was like that back in school, I would have probably yelled at the both of you, and possibly used violence to get my point across,” Daring said. The scholar’s head hung low in shame. “Don’t worry Twilight, I know all about Pinkie’s thing with you; and I forgive you. I’ll probably have to yell at her for a few days to get my point across that this,” Daring poked her lover’s nose, “Is my territory.” She kissed Twilight on the nose, and a giggle escaped Twilight because of the action.

The two waved to each other, saying goodbye, only for librarian to watch her marefriend get intercepted by Rainbow Dash. “I finally caught you, Daring. Oh, this is so cool; what’s it like to do all that awesome stuff and foil bad guys all the time for priceless treasures?” The blue mare asked, hovering in Daring’s space.

Twilight’s horn glowed and held the future Wonderbolt in place. “Fly, Daring!” She called out, the two pegasi turning to the purple unicorn while she held Rainbow in place to give Daring time to fly.

“Thanks for the save, Twi. Sorry kid, but if this venture is better than I thought it will be; you’ll be able to read about it, and I’ll even answer your questions the next time I’m here,” Daring said, turning and flying south.

Rainbow turned to her friend and glared at her. “Hey, I was talking to THE Daring Do, and you do that? I don’t care what you’re packing; I wanted to talk to her,” Rainbow Dash scolded, still angry at the unicorn.

“She just woke up, and it’s rather rude to bombard someone with questions when they woke up about an hour ago.” Twilight replied as she walked back into her home. She stopped when the two mares heard a familiar fanfare coming from the town square.

“No way, is she really that stupid to come back here after what you did to her big talk and ego?” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight gave a quizzical look to her blue friend. “I just lulled an Ursa Minor to sleep and levitated it to its cave, what did I do to her?” Twilight asked, Rainbow brought a hoof to her chin then smiled, making Twilight dread asking that question.

“What you did to her ego, is pretty much what you do to Pinkie and sometime Lyra,” Rainbow Dash mocked. Twilight used her magic to shut the pegasus up.

“First off, how did you know about Lyra?” Twilight whispered.

“Pinkie told me," Rainbow Dash replied. Twilight facehoofed that she forgot such a crucial detail to keeping secrets. "Does Bon-Bon know you're stuffing her marefriend?"

"I... don't know actually, I'm going to assume that Lyra didn't tell her though, wouldn't that be awkward? Telling your marefriend that she has sex sometimes with a unicorn from magic school just because she has a dick, that would not only hurt Bon Bon, but it may ruin their relationship and spread my secret," Twilight uttered, trying to speak in a hushed tone.

"Well, Bon Bon will find out eventually, so probably prepare for the worst," Rainbow Dash said.

The two walked, or flew in Rainbow Dash’s case, until they reached a familiar stage and props. Various ponies gathered around it; most of the ponies in the audience appeared skeptical, while others looked to be in awe. “Maybe she’s here to perform another magic show, and try to be friends instead of making fun of somepony,” Twilight said hopefully, trying to convince herself more than her rainbow maned friend. They heard the sound of fireworks from the stage as a blue unicorn appeared.

“Welcome, one and all, to the magic show of the century performed by the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!” The magician cried, waving her silver mane out of her face as she posed for her audience.

“See, I am sure she is here for good reasons,” Twilight exclaimed over the noise, now looking relieved. Her eyes met Trixie’s, causing worry to take over as Trixie’s pompous smile turned to an angry glare.

“What is this? Low and behold, my sworn rival! Our destinies have crossed yet again, Twilight Sparkle. You may have made me look like a filly that just entered Magic Kindergarten, but now I, Trixie, will leave Ponyville victorious as she leaves you in tears,” Trixie bellowed.

Rainbow turned to her friend to see her facehoof. “So, you were saying?” she chuckled. Her fellow Element looked back to her, then to the stage where her ‘rival’ stood.

“This will be a long day.” Twilight sighed, turning to head back to her library, only to see Trixie standing in front of her, surprising the purple mare. Trixie took comfort in the shocked look her rival gave her.

“I see that you are in awe of Trixie’s teleportation skills, a skill that took her many months to master,” Trixie proclaimed, puffing her chest in pride. Trixie’s attention was taken when she heard somepony giggling; she looked past Twilight to see a green unicorn slouching on a bench awkwardly with a pale earth pony lying next to her. “And what are you laughing about?” she ordered, teleporting towards the musician.

“I went to school with Twilight, and she would make it a habit to teleport directly to class if she thought she was going to be late. As well as this one time some of the kids tried to prank her, she teleported a dozen times to avoid getting hit by a water balloon, ” Lyra laughed until Bon-Bon hit her marefriend upside the head with her hoof.

“I see, then it appears that Twilight is indeed my rival if she knows spells that Trixie has mastered.” Trixie said, glaring at the musical unicorn; she then turned back to confront her rival once more. “I, Trixie, will have a magical duel against Twilight today at sundown; it is then that we shall see who the most magical pony in Equestria truly is,” Trixie cried out then teleported to her cabin at the end. Many ponies stared at Twilight, wondering what she would do.

“I’m not sure if a magical duel would be the right thing to do now,” Twilight muttered, her airborne friend merely shook her head.

“This is the perfect time to get her; you can totally beat her in magic, which is your specialty after all,” Rainbow Dash claimed, she turned her head to meet her pink friend standing next to her. “Whoa, where did you come from?”

“Totally, Trixie cannot beat Twilight, she is a Meanie McBraggypants, while Twilight is a Smarty McSexypants, speaking of which, let’s go back to the library,” Pinkie asked, now pushing Twilight towards the library, turning to her blue friend “You coming Dashie?”

“Nah, maybe during cider season or something; Twilight seems to have enough on her plate with you, Lyra, and Daring,” Rainbow Dash replied, Twilight muttered a small thanks to the daredevil as the baker pushed her towards her home.


“When is Daring back?” Pinkie asked, now heading to the bedroom.

“She’ll be back in a week, and no,” Twilight replied, now seated at the table to read. Her pink friend stopped in her tracks and tackled her to the ground.

“Not your choice, Twilight,” Pinkie said; licking along the purple mare’s face, and rubbing the pinned pony’s cutie mark.

The librarian moaned as she tried to resist Pinkie’s advance, she could not get up or focus her magic with party mare tangled around her and wearing her down.

“Fine, but once; I need to get ready for Trixie’s dumb duel.” Twilight groaned, her pink friend loosened her grip when she was pushed off.

Pinkie was on her back as the purple unicorn straddled her, the violet member now in its full glory. She gave the party mare a kiss on the forehead before she thrust herself to the hilt within Pinkie, catching the pink mare by surprise.

“Going in dry, Twi?” Pinkie gasped, she kissed Twilight’s neck and gave the purple mare a hicky. For Daring later, she thought, as Twilight picked up the pace, both of the unicorn’s forelimbs stood on each side of Pinkie while she held on to the unicorn’s midsection.

“I couldn't… tell. You are really –sweet Celestia- wet down there,” Twilight said as she stood up and brought Pinkie’s bottom high above the party mare’s head as the unicorn pounded into her; Pinkie was completely under Twilight’s mercy, as she pounded the baker’s pink rump, with quick and powerful thrusts into her core.

Pinkie’s tongue was lolling out of her mouth as her forelegs spread out useless to her, as her hind legs were attempting to meet them, the awkwardness of this was quickly dealt with thanks to the pleasure of the librarian filling her with maremeat.

“OH YES!” Pinkie screamed, her purple friend flinched from the sudden scream as the party mare came, her juices coming out to splash herself in the face.

The sudden feeling of the earth pony’s passage constricting around Twilight’s penis also pushed her over the edge, she lets out a cute squeal as her seed entered Pinkie’s womb. It was so much it gushed out of the pink pony´s pussy, searching for an escape.

Twilight´s dick left her friend´s hot and wet milking passage as spurts of her seed joined Pinkie’s juices on the party pony’s face and the area around her head as she used her magic to jerk the rest out of her.

Pinkie lazily stood up and licked her friend clean as the purple mare perched herself on the main table.

Now capable of some clear thoughts; Twilight used her magic to make her special tea while the element of laughter fellates her, mostly licking the penis clean, but sometimes popping the head inside her mouth and drink some of the pre-cum that leaves the tip. The scholar rested a hoof on the baker’s head and forced a small bit of her dick into earth pony’s mouth.

The gesture was not lost to Pinkie Pie as she doubled her efforts, her hoof teased Twilight’s honey pot as she tried probed the length with her tongue, eliciting a gasp from her studious friend.

The unicorn snapped back to attention before her tea hit the ground, levitating it to her, she set the tea down beside her as she reached orgasm, letting each load into the pink mare’s mouth.

Pinkie happily swallowed it all, not allowing a single drop to escape her, she held the limp dick and licked the top to coax more of the purple mare’s spunk out, Pinkie sighed in defeat as her friend levitated her tea to her lips, bumping her in the back of the head with a bottle of sarsaparilla.

“You may have persuaded me to have sex with you, but you are still my friend, and I still have to be a good host,” Twilight explained, her pink friend gave her a sincere smile as she accepted the bottle, and watched Twilight’s cock shrink until it is nothing more than a second clitoris to the purple mare.

“So, that’s where it goes when you drink your tea,” Pinkie said, drinking her soda.

“Yeah, but anyway, I need to prepare for Trixie’s duel later. If you want, you can keep me company, as long as it doesn’t end in more sex,” Twilight said, her pink friend nodded in agreement, as she sat down with a book on magic, while the pink mare rested her head on Twilight’s withers.

Pinkie’s last thought before falling asleep was Ha, this was more romantic than Daring Do’s chapter time with Twilight.


Twilight opened the door to her library to find the blue magician and a lot of ponies surrounding her home. “Are you prepared for our duel, Sparkle?” The blue mare asked, her arrogant tone thick enough to cut.

“I’m ready.” Twilight told her so-called rival, the blue unicorn stuck her nose in the air and lead her rival to the town square, with her audience following in tow.

As they approached the circle on the ground, Twilight noticed her friends standing a good several feet away from the circle. She walked to her friends for support, “Hey girls.”

“Hey sugarcube, how ya doing?” Applejack asked, giving her purple friend a worried look.

“Show that show-off who the better unicorn is,” Rainbow Dash yelled, glaring daggers at the blue unicorn, who scoffed in reply.

“Just be careful, dear. Who knows what tricks she learned,” Rarity said, as she gave a concerned look to the studious mare.

“We know that she learned how to teleport recently, but it has been a year, she must have learned some new spells since then, I’ll keep an eye out for any sneaky business,” Twilight replied. Both Fluttershy and Rarity sighed in relief but still looked concerned.

“When you beat her, I’ll throw a party and invite everyone, even Trixie. And she’ll be so happy that she’ll forget about the duel and the rivalry and leave Ponyville without trying to promote Twixie and ruining my chances,” Pinkie exclaimed, Rainbow Dash and Twilight facehoofed while the remainder of their group gave her a confused stare. “What? Between most pairings, Twipie makes the most sense,” She explained, now dumbfounding Rainbow and Twilight.

“Gotta go girls, wish me luck,” Twilight called to her friend, walking into the circle, her self-proclaimed rival waited for her, with a cocky smile.

“Took you long enough to say your final words to your friends,” Trixie said.

“What do you mean? Are you seriously thinking of killing me over some colts trying to get you to defeat an Ursa?” Twilight responded, shifting to a defensive stance.

“What? No, murder in Equestria? That’s unheard of. I mean I’m going to chase you out of town and you’ll never see your friends again, because you’ll be too embarrassed to return.” Trixie uttered, appearing rather shocked. “Enough, we shall settle this tonight, Sparkle.”

Trixie’s horn shined a pale purple, as she shot a bolt at purple mare’s hooves only to watch her jump out of the way. The ground turned into ropes, attempting to grab the purple unicorn. Despite being made of stone, the magic bindings couldn't snare the studious mare's limbs, only managing to snag her right hindleg in an attempt to make her trip.

“Hah, you can’t escape my stone snakes, as they capture you and make you cry out that I am your better,” Trixie declared, beaming in the belief that she has won.

Twilight shot some magic at the stone to revert it back to normal. She then shot a bolt at Trixie and made the blue mare’s hat attempt to eat her head, which was relatively harmless as the hat merely was pulled over the magician’s head and refusing to let go of her, despite all the spells she cast to remove her own hat.

“Why are you casting an anti-magic spell on the tip of the hat, when the spell is on the rim?” Twilight asked, causing the showmare to stop for a moment.

“Trixie knew that, she was testing you and the audience,” Trixie responded, now removing the spell from her hat, she glared at her rival as the circle itself started to glow. She smirked as the circle now surrounded the purple unicorn, and she made the ring rise until it was around Twilight’s head.

“Got you,” Trixie smiled, as the circle now shrunk and held Twilight’s horn, “now your magic is useless, you should give up, as now the binding spell is preventing you from casting.” Trixie proclaimed as her horn glowed, sending prop ropes to bind her rival’s limbs.

Twilight sighed as she unbound herself from the circle and burned the various ropes that were inches away from her. “Trixie, please listen to reason. You can’t match me in magic since it’s my talent while your talent is entertaining ponies. If you want, I can tutor you or see if one of my old teachers can help you learn a few more tricks, that would be fine. Just stop this nonsense.” Twilight stated, as she turned and walked away.

Trixie conjured a small thundercloud that zapped the purple mare in the butt, “Don’t do that,” Twilight responded, with a annoyed look on her face.

“Don’t do what, Sparkle?” Trixie said innocently, she sent another weak lightning bolt to singe the scholar’s tail.

“Stop with the thundercloud.” Twilight sneered, as she destroyed the cloud with her magic, the crowd around the purple mare tried to keep themselves from laughing.

“I seem to be keeping with my talents, as there are various entertained ponies here,” Trixie stated, as another thundercloud appeared above her rival and shocked her flank.

“Stop pelting me with electricity.” Twilight yelled, now getting more frustrated with the blue unicorn.

“Make me.” Trixie challenged, as numerous lightning clouds appeared to shock Twilight simultaneously.

“THAT’S IT!” Twilight yelled, making all the ponies take a step back, even Trixie as her own cape now wove around her and encasing her in a large starry cocoon, then disappeared. Twilight teleported as well, leaving the audience confused.


Twilight was beyond angry, she paced around in the main room of the library as Trixie lied on the floor; bound by her own cape, her hat used as a gag, and a magic inhibitor on her horn. Trixie watched the angry mare march back in forth. Trixie even feared getting raped, but her thoughts were interrupted when Twilight stopped.

“I have never been more disappointed with a pony’s attitude in my life. If you wanted, I would have gladly helped you with a few of your spells or taught you some new spells, but no. You wanted to throw your weight around and proclaim that I am your rival. We are not even on the same level of skill. I was hopeful that you were just here to do a show, but you wanted challenge me in a futile attempt to stroke your ego and prove that you are the best thing in Equestria since the written word,” Twilight scolded, the blue mare below her quivered in fear as the glare pierced her skin.

Twilight let a sigh escape her as she sat on her haunches, next to Trixie, using her magic to free the blue unicorn. “I’m sorry for lashing out at you; I know I shouldn’t have but this whole thing was just the breaking point for me.” She said.

“Why did you teleport Trixie here to tell her that? wouldn’t that be more effective than yelling at her here?” Trixie asked, giving the lavender mare a curious glance.

“Because I thought your ego had taken enough of a hit as it was, so I teleported you here to save you from that embarrassment,” Twilight declared.

The magician smiled. “Thank you, Sparkle. I don’t know what I would've done if I was humiliated again in Ponyville, if I lost in front of so many ponies,” She said, Twilight turned to the mare and gave her a sincere smile.

“It’s Twilight by the way. I don’t like being an antagonist, makes me feel rotten inside. Sorry but all this excitement has made me tired, maybe we can talk tomorrow about learning a few spells and just hang out. So, friends?” Twilight asked, offering a hoof to her former-rival. Trixie looked at it for a moment before smiling and shaking her hoof with the other mare’s. “Excellent, I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better host but I am really tired from everything that happened, so I’m going to hit the hay early. Good night Trixie,” The scholar said, walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

Trixie sat on the ground, drying her hat off from being covered in her own saliva, and fixing her cape that was used to tie her up like a mule. She recalled how the purple unicorn fled when she was challenged on her first visit here, only to watch in awe as she single-hoofedly quelled an Ursa Minor, true not an Ursa Major, but an incredible feat is still an incredible feat. Recent tantrum aside, Twilight still wanted to be friends with a mare that tried to humiliate her in front of her peers. ’Maybe I should go apologize before I head back to my cart’ she thought, as she made her way to Twilight’s bed room.

Trixie opened the door and searched for her new friend, finding Twilight sleeping in her bed on the landing in her room. She teleported to Twilight’s side to wake the sleeping mare.

“Pinkie, come back tomorrow.” Twilight grumbled, causing the blue mare to give her a confused look. Trixie watched Twilight sleep for a moment, then poked her again, to wake her.

“Please Pinkie, I’ll fuck you tomorrow.” This caused a blush to appear across the magician’s face. She almost didn’t want to bother the librarian anymore after that outburst, but she had to apologize for today.

“PINKIE! STOP IT!” Twilight roared, causing Trixie to fall on her rump, completely flabbergasted by the volume of Twilight’s voice. The blue mare looked up and saw that the sleeping pony was still sleeping. Her gut was telling her to retreat and apologize tomorrow, her brain was trying to force the blue mare to backpedal out the door, but her pride forced her to nudge the scholar some more to properly apologize for everything.

“Fine, you want it so bad, you’ll have it,” Twilight shouted, again catching Trixie by surprise as she fell, only to be caught by Twilight’s magic. The blue mare looked at the angry mare to find that she was still struggling to fall back asleep and to stay awake. Soon she was pressed into the bed spread, a purple aura surrounding Trixie’s hooves, preventing her escape, her cheek forced against the mattress as she felt the purple mare’s hooves force her bottom up, and a bottle of lube passing her field of vision. “Twilight, what are you doing? What’s with the lube? Please stop.” Tears starting to fill the blue mare’s eyes as she felt the cold liquid surround her backdoor.

Twilight let out an annoyed huff, “You always bother me for sex, Pinkie. And the last time I took your ass without lube, we had to rush you to the hospital. Why should I stop when a horny little mare like you bothers me almost every day for sex? You know I’m with Daring, but that still doesn’t stop you. You know that saying Pinkie? Be careful what you wish for? Or else you are going to,” Twilight positioned herself at the dark blue star. “GET IT.” as she thrust nearly to the hilt inside Trixie’s rectum.

“Toobigplease… take it out,” Trixie begged; the purple mare answered her with a swift smack across her butt cheeks. Trixie was at the mercy of her only friend, she could feel every inch of whatever toy Twilight was using as it left and re-entered her, it felt like an absolute monster of a strap-on. Trixie almost couldn’t believe herself as the words “Twilight...please move slower, it hurts so much,” left her mouth.

Twilight arched over Trixie, her hooves on each side of the blue mare’s head as she continued to pound into the blue butt. “Since you asked nicely.” She whispered into the ear of her victim as her thrusts slowed a bit. Trixie’s pained screams quickly became moans, Twilight began nibbling on the mare’s ear, to help her relax as she felt her friend thrust back into her, trying to take the whole length.

Despite being half asleep, Twilight still felt Trixie’s pussy spraying it’s juices on her thighs. “I always thought you would rather take command and just ride me till morning, but I guess you’d rather have me using you, pump you full of my cum, give you that feeling of being a submissive broodmare,” She stated, her thrusting returning to its original speed as she felt the mare beneath her relax. “Tell me, do you want me to pleasure you? Make you want me more? Say that you want me, Pinkie.”

“More, Twilight. I want more, make me your mare, your little pony. Just make me cum again.” Trixie moaned, now drooling onto the bed, feeling only the pleasure of Twilight’s toy moving in and out of her anus and her fluids leaking out of her honeypot.

“Time for what you wanted, Pinkie,” Twilight whispered into the ear she was nibbling on, “I’m going to pump your ass so full, you’ll be lucky to even leave bed tomorrow.” The blue mare underneath her didn’t quite register what Twilight said, the feeling of Twilight’s toy hitting all the right places in her rectum made her mind blurry, but the feeling of Twilight thrusting into her and keeping her pinned to the bed jolted her from her revelry and the realization of that same toy filling her with a very warm liquid. Trixie finally collapsed on the bed when the purple mare withdrew her member from her bowels.

The sleep-deprived, sex-crazed librarian, looked down to the writhing mess that should be Pinkie Pie, only to notice that her party planning friend is a lot more blue then she remembered, and with a silver mane and tail, with a copious amounts of the purple mare’s own seed flowing of the strange blue Pinkie’s rectum. The gears in Twilight’s head finally started to move at a normal pace as she recalled another mare with a blue coat and silver mane, forcing the unicorn to wake up.

“Oh no, oh no no no no no. I’m so sorry Trixie, I thought you were Pinkie. I-I...let me help get you washed, I'm so sorry, oh sweet Celestia,” Twilight uttered, she backed herself into a nearby bookshelf as all the possible punishments the princess could rain down upon her for forcing herself on a innocent mare.

“Twilight...” Trixie groaned still lying uselessly on the bed, the purple mare turned her head to face Trixie, who was smiling at her. “I want... more, Trixie’s pussy wants you.” Trixie’s forelimbs gathered enough strength to crawl towards Twilight, her eyes drifted down and never left the large dark purple member that violated her moments ago. “Let Trixie clean you, like the good little pony that she should be.”

Twilight couldn’t believe the sight before her. Not only did she just rape Trixie, but now that same mare wanted more. Her spine tingled as she felt the blue mare’s tongue licking the seed off of her dick. All the scholar could do for now was watch the showmare lick her cock clean.

“Please don’t tell me Twilight is too tired to help me?” Trixie asked, the purple mare actually expected some sarcasm but the way it sounded was more begging than anything else, like Trixie’s whole life for the next hour was centered around the librarian’s cock.

“Give me a moment Trixie.” Twilight said; her magical aura coating her penis, only to release it later perfectly clean and ready for action.

"Now where were we?" Twilight cooed, kissing the blue mare on the lips, letting some of her own seed enter her mouth. Her horn shined as all the fatigue in Twilight’s body disappeared in an instant, leaving Twilight with an overly sensitive horn. As the lavender mare stood up, Trixie’s face shined as she positioned herself on her back, gleefully waiting for Twilight to fill her again.

The violet mare didn’t disappoint as she lined herself up and slowly entered the azure mare beneath, Twilight let out a quiet chuckle as she felt her newest bed partner cum from merely entering her. ”she really is submissive, isn’t she” she thought as she began her thrusting, each entry forced more of her length deep into Trixie until finally the two unicorn’s hips connected.

The lungs on the showpony were ear shattering, Twilight did what she could to soundproof the bedroom while she rutted the blue mare into a stupor. Blue hindlegs locked around the purple waist as the mating ritual continued.

“Harder, Faster, take me Twilight Sparkle, DOMINATE TRIXIE!” The magician screamed holding onto her lover for dear life. Twilight did, just that, nearly forcing her way into the blue mare’s womb.

Truth be told, Trixie scolded herself for letting anypony use her, but after Twilight bested and overpowered her three times in a day, she felt a strange form of security from Twilight, as she felt the purple mare dick pounding into her needy pussy.

“Oh Twilight, Yes,” Trixie screamed, as she came. Her pussy holding Twilight’s cock in a vice grip, making it hard to thrust out. Twilight buried all she had inside the blue mare and rode out the magician’s orgasm, feeling her walls massage and tighten around the purple dick.

“I’m cumming, Trixie.” Twilight moaned, feeling the azure unicorn’s walls constrict and milk the purple member, her seed filled the blue mare, the white spunk exiting from Trixie’s entrance as Twilight pulled her dick out.

The two mares laid next to each other, falling to a blissful rest.


“Trixie must be off, she has more ponies to entertain.” Trixie scoffed, With the exception of Twilight and Fluttershy, the rest of the rest of the girls glared daggers at the showmare. “I do hope you accepted my apology on behalf of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle.” causing several sighs and making Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity blush.

“Yea, we heard it.” Pinkie muttered, her stare intensifying. Rainbow Dash nodded, but she was angry for different reasons.

“Why didn’t you embarrass her in front of Ponyville like she did us, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked; Twilight shook her head.

“Because that’s not the kind of pony that I am, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight answered, earning an annoyed groan from her prismatic friend.

“Anyways, I must be off. Good Bye Twilight Sparkle, Good Bye Twilight Sparkle’s friends, may we meet again,” Trixie said, moving her cart with her magic.

Applejack simply muttered something about the mare being crazy and a blowhard, Rarity walked away with her nose in the air, and Fluttershy gave Trixie a polite wave before following the ivory mare.

“Holy Moley, she is loud. What did you do to her to make her scream like that?” Pinkie asked, invading Twilight’s personal space.

“You know how you sneak into my house and try to wake me up for sex sometimes?” Twilight said; Pinkie smiled and nodded. “She was poking me to apologize for everything that she did to me and to you guys, I thought she was you and accidentally... raped her,” Pinkie and Rainbow Dash both were shocked to hear this.

“You mean; you would have forced me down if I did that to you? Good news for me,” Pinkie said with a smile, Rainbow Dash was still shocked.

“I woke up to find that I attacked her. I was disgusted with myself, but then she started to ask me to do that again to her pussy; what kind of message is that teaching?” Twilight asked.

“She is teaching you that she likes to be on the bottom and you should take advantage of that.” Rainbow Dash said with a deadpan expression.

“This wasn’t supposed to be Twixie, I still got action this chapter at least,” Pinkie muttered, barely audible to the other ponies.

“So, you bug Twilight for sex at night? Don’t you get some random pony in bed like almost every party?” Rainbow asks, the three now walking back to Ponyville.

“Duh, Mare with a cock is pretty hot. The sleek curves and soft touch of a mare combined with the warmth and filling contentment that a strap-on can’t compete with? I am still mad at Twilight for not telling me about this sooner, we would have had a lot of fun and my psychotic episode might never have happened,” Pinkie answered; Twilight and Rainbow glanced to each other quickly before now walking slightly faster away from the party mare, who was now hopping at their speed.

“Hey Twilight, when are you going to learn how to multiply your dick like in the old version of the Spitfire chapter?” Pinkie asked, Twilight looked at her and sighed, trying to forget the question completely.

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks. “You mean like me and Spitfire making out while Twilight nails us both at the same time? Why didn’t that happen?” she muttered to herself, running back to Twilight who is attempting to evade the pink pony.

Chapter Six: Private Investigator Luna, Ho!

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[{Palace Maid/Lunar Guards/Dumbcolt}Implied F/M/M/M with a strap-on][{Twilight/Nightmare Moon, Twilight/Luna}F/Futa, Size Increase, Mind Control]

Four mares gathered around an elegant silver table in the Carousel Boutique, they were concerned about something related to their studious friend. “So, anypony else find this a little strange?” Applejack asked.

Rarity took a sip from her tea. “Indeed, dear, Twilight is hiding something juicy and it might be in our best interests to know what this is,” Rarity said, glaring at Rainbow Dash who is giggling at the unicorn’s choice of words.

“Maybe we shouldn’t find out about it, it could hurt her faith in us,” Fluttershy said, giving her friends passing glances before staring at her tea cup.

“It’s Twilight being Twilight; I don’t see the problem,” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack and Rarity both gave her a confused stare.

“So it’s normal for our friend, who is so socially inept that she has to read a book on friendship, to be having sex with mares on a regular basis?” Applejack asked. Rainbow Dash gave an awkward smile in response.

“So we know that Twilight has slept with Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Lyra, and that pegasus with the pith helmet,” Rarity explained.

“That pegasus with the pith helmet is Daring Do, from the stories,” Rainbow Dash said, all the ponies turned to the blue pegasus in confusion.

“Daring Do is fictional, isn’t she?” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“Daring and Twilight met at the Princess’ Ball for Eggheads, ever since then they have been dating in-between Daring’s adventures,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I see, but what about Pinkie? She has been hanging around the library more often,” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“Pinkie might be trying to steal Twilight from Daring Do, but maybe Pinkie sees something in Twilight we don’t?” Rainbow Dash answers.

Applejack slammed her hooves on the table. “How do you know so much about this? Maybe you know why this nonsense is happening to Twilight, and why the number of parties Pinkie throws a week has dropped, apparently to go have sex with Twi,” She yelled. Rainbow Dash stood up to meet the farmer’s gaze, while Fluttershy hid from the sudden outburst.

“I don’t need to tell you,” Rainbow Dash retorted, the two mares glared at each other.

“You invited Twilight to Cloudsdale for the Wonderbolt’s show, correct? Maybe something happened there, involving a certain Wonderbolt,” Rarity said, her eyes sparkled at the sound of gossip about a celebrity.

“Nothing happened up there, we just watched the show, talked to some of the Wonderbolts, and left,” Rainbow Dash forcibly replied, worry etched on her face.

“Something did happen, I can see it now. Our poor Twilight was taken by one of the Wonderbolts and became their pet, possibly Soarin’s, maybe Spitfire’s since Twilight has been doing these things with mares,” Rarity said, her friends simply stared at her.

“That didn’t happen, Rarity, me and Twilight had a few ciders with Spitfire,” Rainbow Dash said; soon regretting that as Rarity now met her face to face.

“So, you are saying that you, Twilight, and Spitfire got drunk; you began to talk about each other’s sex lives, and then it went off into sex,” Rarity said, with an understanding smile on her face. Applejack and Fluttershy looked in awe at Rarity’s deduction skills.

“Yea, but I don’t like Twilight like that. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing,” Rainbow tried to explain, rubbing her neck.

“That would still mean you know why Pinkie, Daring, and apparently Trixie are all clamoring for a piece of Twilight,” Applejack replied, staring the blue pegasus down.

“Yea, but Twilight’s very self-conscious about it; not even the Princess or Spike knows,” Rainbow Dash said, making the three other mares gasps.

“What in tarnation is Twilight trying to hide so dear that not even the her mentor, Princess Celestia, is aware of? I thought the Princess knows everything about that mare,” Applejack asked, watching Rainbow Dash with a critical eye.

“Dear me, Twilight's first time was while she was in school, has multiple mares going after her, this has those delightful Neighpon novels written all over it,” Rarity squeed as she clapped her hooves together.

“It does seem weird for Twilight to be doing these things. Maybe we should ask her,” Fluttershy suggested.

“Ah don’t think that will work, Twilight will probably try and keep this a secret till it makes her go crazy, then say something about it,” Applejack explained; her friends nodded in agreement.

“So all we know is that Twilight is good with mares and starting to grow a harem for reasons she probably isn’t aware of,” Rarity said. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“I don’t think Twilight is even aware of the harem part, she is just annoyed by Pinkie coming in randomly. I don’t even think this was all planned out and just a ‘kind of happens’ sort of thing,” Rainbow Dash said, the girls mumbled in acceptance of the daredevil’s answer.

“So we should try and figure out Twilight’s secret, shall we? I don’t think Pinkie will be of any help so we may have to try the source of all this; despite her protests,” Rarity said, Applejack and Fluttershy nodded. Rainbow Dash just gave Rarity an empty stare.

“Ah need to head back to the farm, catch ya girls later,” Applejack said, leaving the store.

“I’m going to head off too, can’t be a Wonderbolt if I’m talking about secrets!” Rainbow
Dash yelled behind her, as she flew out the door behind Applejack.

As Rainbow Dash flew by she spotted Thunderlane talking to Cloudchaser; the mare was definitely laughing about something, while the colt looked as if he dodged a bullet. With a shrug, Rainbow Dash flew off.


Canterlot Palace, home to the Sister Rulers of Equestria. the marble halls of the mountain side castle were often vacant with the exception of the patrolling guard or a servant keeping the castle clean for their benevolent monarchs. A maid was levitating a tray of cookies, trying to not let a single crumb fall; her destination was the princesses’ study, where they conversed and relaxed. The blue unicorn mare steadily walked to the doors, the large golden door itself wasn’t exactly intimidating, but the two white pegasi stallions in golden armor were. Steeling herself, she walked up to the door. The guards were staring at the poor mare, seeing the tray of pastries, they nodded and opened the door for her. She walked in to see the Princesses talking. Princess Celestia gave the maid a pleasant glance before resuming her conversation with her sister.

“We fail to understand what goes through the minds of these ponies, do we not have servants that screen for these sorts of laws?” The Night Princess asked, reading a scroll. The Solar Princess say opposite to her reading a different scroll; between the two was a large pile of scrolls that the maid assumed is the scrolls they need to look at eventually.

“I have led these ponies for many years, and I still struggle to understand them completely. What happened to the innocence that they once had?” Celestia exclaimed, sighing as she levitates a stamp with denied on it. The maid continued her trek over to see that both stamps with accepted on them are starting to gather dust next to the frequently used denied stamps.

“Sister, what is a ‘clop’? Isn’t that the sound of hooves walking on stone?” Luna asked, slowly levitating the denied stamp.

“In these days, clop is often used to describe masturbation,” Celestia explained, Luna gasped and start to colour the scroll she was holding with the denied stamp. The white Alicorn continued to stamp each scroll with denied, giving each a glance before looking sadly at the large pile of scrolls, each with the princess’ seal of failure. “I would kill for one of Twilight’s lessons on friendship, just to break the tedium,” Celestia said, she heard a gasp from the maid, who slowly levitated the tray of cookies next to them as she bolted out the door.

“Was that mare alright? We do not think thou protege's letters are that good, they are good but not something to kill for,” Luna asked, she gave the door a passing glance before fixing her gaze upon her sister.

“The recent media is probably the culprit, the paper and some of the graphic books that came out recently as well,” Celestia muttered, levitating a scroll for her to read. Her eyes went wide upon reading those words and burned the scroll. “I think we need to re-evaluate the ponies that view these ‘laws-to-be’ and see if they really are doing their jobs,” Celestia said.

Luna gave her a worried look, “What is the matter, sister?” Luna asked.

Celestia shook her head and gave a weak smile. “I think it’s time to retire, these scrolls would give even Discord a migraine,” Celestia answered, rubbing her head with a hoof.

“Very well, but we would still like to know why these laws keep getting past the councilors,” Luna said, Celestia gave a quiet laugh as the two left the study and walked out the door.

“So how is your faithful student?” Luna asked, as the two made their way to Celestia’s bedroom.

“I’d like to say that she is fine, but I feel like she is hiding something from me, far more than usual. I recall a time when she was a filly, I was going to help her bathe in the royal baths as a simple gesture of kindness. I thought her use of magic when I first met her was surprising, the moment I walked to the baths she levitated me and yelled ‘Don’t come in’ and threw me out of the baths. Of course that’s when all these ‘Molestia’ rumors started to spread, all because of an innocent gesture,” The white alicorn sighed, “But now, I’m lucky to see a sentence from her. Her last letter was ‘Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that as much as I desire to help another pony, I can’t do every-‘and then a lot of scribbles, Twilight would have a heart attack before sending anything like that to anypony, much less me,” Celestia exclaimed.

Luna gave a quizzical look, “That’s rather odd. We have read the other reports of thy student, and she is extremely neat and proper when it comes to such things.”

“Speaks paragraphs about myself when the best parts of my day include sleep, spending time with you, and reading my faithful student’s homework,” Celestia giggled.

Luna joined her in the merriment, until they reached the doors to Celestia’s chambers. “We shall see you later, sister. Have a good night,” Luna said, Celestia bid her a good night as well as she shut the door behind her softly, Luna began her journey to the throne room to begin Night Court.


"We wish to end this foal for attempting to talk us into allowing him to build a pony farm." Luna thought, as she looked upon the blue unicorn stallion with a milk bottle for a cutie mark, her two night guards were also confused by the stallion’s proposal as their black bat wings couldn’t decide whether to be fully erect or fall flat by their sides.

“As you can see from this chart, there are literally thousands of mares in comparison to the mere hundred or hundreds of stallions in Equestria. If we make a ranch made to house some of the more obedient mares, we can safely keep them from going on a stampede during the summer heat, and if a family needs a child or a stallion is looking for a good time, they can go there,” The stallion said with a big smile on his face.

The Princess of the Stars and the Moon gave him a dead stare that even intimidated her own guards, “We do not think we understand thee, but allow us just to simplify it for ourselves. Thou wish to capture and train mares against their will simply because there are more mares than there are colts. Then thou wish to use them to sell to stallions in a way that is meant to be an act done by two ponies that love each other, an act that was once sacred to the night. Or for a means to allow the would-be mother to watch her spouse fornicate a common whore so that the couple could have a child; is this the ‘gist’ of what thou is telling us?” Luna asked. The stallion smiled and nodded. Luna whistled to her guards and gave them a wink. The two guards were now smiling.

“Our sister would never approve of this on any basis, and we would agree. but for a stallion such as thou spout such nonsense to us, we are willing to give thou a chance,” Luna said. The stallion perked his ears up to listen to the princess’ words, “As you may know, the palace gates are a 20 minute walk, but 5 minute run from thy current position. We shall give thou ten seconds head start. If thou reach the gates before my guards catch you, we shall grant you the land and mares required to make your dream possible. But if our guards catch thou before thou reach the gate, they have our full permission to do to thou what thou had planned to have done to the mares of your dream farm.” The colour started to fade from the stallion’s face, he turned to see the guards grinning from ear to ear. The princess cleared her throat to continue, “A fair warning; my guards do not care for the gender barrier, and since they are guardians of my night, they are easily faster than your average pegasus. You may start fleeing for your virginity, now,” Luna stated as the door opened. The stallion didn’t think twice as he bolted through the door.

The guards looked up to their mistress expectantly, she looked to them both. “When thou catch whatever that was, take him to either your quarters, or the maid’s bunkhouse. We hear that the maid’s would like something to cheer about and that they adore those same sex romance books, specifically the kind with two or more colts,” She said. The two black winged pegasi nodded and flew after the stallion. After 3 minutes of waiting, Luna heard a startled shriek coming from the castle gardens. She turned her head to witness her guards now holding the struggling unicorn and flying him off to put on a show for the maids.

“Excellent, we hope the maids like the show those three will perform for them,” She said with a smile, as a scribe walked in to the throne room.

“Your highness, that was your last petitioner for the night, would you like to retire early?” the small orange mare asked, her blue mane covering her eyes. Luna nodded as she stood from the throne and stepped down to meet the castle scribe.

The two mares walked past a door connected to where the bunkhouse was, the scribe blushed as she heard male grunts and the happy laughter of the maids themselves. “I think the night guard should stop having their fun with the maids, it’s bad enough with all the romance novels that Princess Celestia lets them keep, but the fact that those bat ponies go in there and have a good time with whatever mare they want is absurd,” The scribe stated.

Luna merely smiled, as they reach the Night Princess’ chambers. “Good night, loyal Quill Pen. We shall speak with thee tomorrow.”

Luna felt restless however, the thought that her guards were being active made her think of herself. 'We have been on the moon for a thousand years and yet we haven’t thought about what we desire. We are sure Celestia has had a few ponies she has cared for,' she thought as she fell on her bed.

An idea came to her as she tried to get comfortable, 'We’re sure our sister wouldn’t mind if we merely viewed the dreams of our subjects,' she thought. She got comfortable as her horn began to glow, allowing her to astral-project herself, feeling the weight of her body leave her, she floated above her body, sleeping soundly as she traveled. She wanted to check on the progress of her guards, and made way to the Maid’s Bunkhouse.

She saw her guards curled up around the poor colt they captured, one guard was clutching the unicorn from behind, evidently with his member still in use within the rectum of the fool. The other was holding the same unicorn from the other side. Luna couldn’t help but chuckle at the one stray maid that was wearing a false penis, firmly hilted into the backside of one of her guards, mumbling in her sleep as she held onto the guard. all except the perverted unicorn were smiling contentedly.

With that bit of fun had, she felt her presence flow towards Ponyville. Merely two miles out of Canterlot was a wagon, with various blue ornaments around it. Luna sensed a unicorn within the wagon and decided to view the dream itself.

The dream itself was of the blue unicorn performing on stage for many ponies. Her tales of feats were remarkable and the tricks themselves were rather interesting. As the show closed, Luna floated behind curtain to see the same blue mare being petted by Celestia’s protege, the only primary difference was that Twilight was now wearing Trixie’s hat. “You did well, Trixie. Mistress is proud of you,” Twilight said, letting the mare now called Trixie kiss her.

“I don’t think I could have done it without you, Mistress,” Trixie proclaimed, still nuzzling Twilight’s neck. The magician gave the purple mare a pleading look before Twilight nodded in acceptance. With a gleeful smile, Trixie lowered her head to Twilight’s haunches to lick at her essence, hearing quiet moans from the purple mare. Luna looked on with a confused expression as she saw the blue mare ‘eat Twilight out’ as they say. Luna had enough of this weird fantasy and left Trixie’s dreams, unaware of the bulge growing from Twilight’s crotch.

“That was a peculiar dream, perhapes there are dreams that do not include fornication,” Luna told herself as she flew to Ponyville.

As she landed in Ponyville, she decided to check on her saviors from Nightmare Moon, starting with the fashionista. She flew to the decorated building and searched for the ivory mare. The Mare seemed to be in a pleasant dream; Luna dove in to view her fantasies.

The sight was a fashion show in Canterlot, Rarity and her friends, the other bearers, were dressed in the clothes they wore at the grand galloping gala.

“Thank you all, thank you so much for loving my designs!” Rarity cried, she opened her eyes to see that the cameras were not on her, but were on whatever was happening behind her. Rarity turned to see her friends making out with each other. Rainbow Dash had Pinkie pinned to the ground as the two kissed aggressively, while Twilight and Fluttershy were kissing each other as Applejack licked and kissed either of the mares, with Twilight’s attention shifting to the farmer, and Fluttershy giving Twilight love bites on her open neck, Rarity looked on in confusion as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash started to walking over to her seductively to kiss her.

Rarity woke up with a scream. The shock itself sent Luna flying out the walls of the fabulous home. Luna looked back in confusion as to what had happened. “Why did her fantasy randomly include her friends kissing and frolicking on the stage of her finest hour? Is it in the town’s water supply? We must speak to Celestia about this when we return,” Luna murmured as she re-evaluated her location, she was by an apple orchard. “The one known as Applejack lives here, what is her fantasy?” She told herself as she floated into the farmhouse. When she finally found Applejack, she noticed that she was tossing and turning. Without a second thought, Luna dove into Applejack’s dreamscape.

She found Applejack kicking apple trees, when she saw Applebloom and her friends walking towards her. “Hey Applejack, me and the girls wanna be Cutie Mark Crusader Librarians, but when we walked in, We saw Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight doing these weird things with their tongues, hooves, and some toys. Is that normal?” Applebloom asked. Applejack was speechless, and scared that she would have to explain the birds and the bees so soon.

“Maybe we can get a cutie mark that way, if Rainbow Dash is doing it, it must be awesome,” Scootaloo said with a spring in her step.

“We can ask them for pointers, maybe they’ll let us join them!” Sweetie Bell exclaimed, rather happy about the notion. Applejack’s eyes went wide as her friends talked about this subject like it was another adventure, while her own mouth refused to let her speak.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SEX SYMBOLS! YAY!” the three shouted in happiness as they dashed off, Applejack finally muttered a quiet “no” as she chased after the three fillies heading towards the library. Try as she might, the path stretched before her, preventing her from advancing, as her sister and friends were eagerly scooped up into the library by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, leading forward towards Twilight, who had several dildos levitating around her.

“NO!” Applejack yelled, waking up from her nightmare, again throwing Luna out of the dreamscape and across Ponyville. She looked to the bed next to her to find Applebloom sound asleep.

“You okay, Applejack?” Big Mac asked from the bed one across from her own.

“I’m fine, just a bad dream,” Applejack claimed, trying to get back to sleep.

Luna shook her head in anger, “Is everypony here thinking about intercourse?” she shouted, knowing full well that no one could hear her.

She stormed to a Cloud house that was nearby to find Rainbow Dash sleeping in her bed, and simply jumped into her dreams.

Luna saw a racetrack that covered the land, with several members of the Wonderbolts racing along its track. One of these Wonderbolts had a rainbow streak coming from her instead of the usual cloud trail.

“The winner for the 20th time this year is RAINBOW DASH!” the announcer called as the crown roared and cheered for the rainbow-maned pony, the daredevil made a few victory laps that ended with a Sonic Rainboom, the only thing that could overpower the sound of her fans cheering and screaming for her. Luna followed Dash to a dressing room to meet Captain Spitfire, there and give each other a long kiss. Luna thought this was odd as Spitfire wasn’t wearing her uniform.

“Nice race, we’re going to give you an extra special treat for breaking the track record for the 7th time in a row,” She said with a wink as she opened the door.

Luna had to rub her eyes with her hooves as she saw the display in the dressing room, the room itself was just Rainbow Dash merchandise with autographed pictures of herself, (Can YOU guess who autographed them?) but the strangest sight was that of Daring Do and Twilight having sex on the couch.

“Sorry, we started a little early. Twilight –yes- can hardly contain herself –oh- being in your dressing room, Dash. Hope youuuu don’t mind,” Daring said as Twilight thrust her hips into the mustard-coated mare. Twilight seemed to be holding Daring's legs to her sides with her forelimbs while she thrust what Luna assumed to be a toy similar to what the maid used on one of her guards.

“If you want Dash, there is plenty of me to go around,” Twilight said with a seductive tone as her horn glowed, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire was ushered in by two more Twilights, standing on their hind legs extremely well, both equipped with two penises each. Rainbow Dash gave Spitfire a kiss on the lips while a free hoof attempted to rub the dual equipment of one of the copies.

Luna ran and didn’t look back, “Why is Twilight becoming a reoccurring theme here? True, all she did in Rarity’s dream was make out with Fluttershy and Applejack, but why does she have a bigger presence in other mare’s dreams?” she told herself. She flew to Twilight’s library to find out what was going on.

Luna found Twilight in the embrace of the same mustard coloured pony from Rainbow Dash’s dream. “Odd” she muttered as Twilight snuggled deeper in the adventurer’s embrace. She dove into Twilight's mind to see what she was dreaming about.

Luna appeared in what she assumed to be a study, a quick glance around the room and she noticed that there were countless shelves with books lining them. She found Twilight with the same pony holding her in reality lying in front of a fireplace, reading a book, and drinking some hot cocoa. The two read in quiet peace as Daring kissed Twilight’s cheek, who returned the affection as they snuggled close together with a book between them.

The Night Princess smiled at the sight of the couple and left Twilight’s dream. “Maybe we were imagining things. Twilight can’t be the reason why her friends and a random showmare are having dirty dreams,” She said, as she floated away. She stopped when she saw a rather suspicious bump in Twilight’s sheets; she then remembered the dream with Rainbow Dash and blushed intensely.

“It can’t possibly be true, there hasn’t been a mare like that since our time, or that we know of,” Luna told herself. She glanced back at the bed bump, she couldn’t go to confirm her suspicions since she was astral-projecting. It was decided that she should fly back to the castle and confirm this with her sister.


“I have known my student since she was a filly; she doesn’t have a penis, Luna,” Celestia deadpanned.

Luna shifted in her seat as she recalled the events of the dreams she was in. “Possibly coincidence, remember that Twilight and her friends have grown close, and saved Equestria twice while assisting in Equestria’s third saving. I'm sure they all have suitors of both genders coming to them. And I must say I didn’t need to hear the showmare’s fantasy about my student,” Celestia explained.

“Then how about we go obtain proof of this? That your student is a trap among mares. Your admiral has a few words for that subject we do believe,” Luna claimed, earning a royal facehoof from her sister.

“If you can prove that my student is like the mare from over a thousand years ago, then sure. I’ll admit that my pupil is a stallion or a hermaphrodite as you claim her to be,” Celestia stated, levitating her glass to her lips as she drank, some of the maids blushing from the conversation the princesses had.

“Then we shall visit her tonight to prove this to you,” Luna stated, Celestia merely shrugged, as they returned to the royal duties. Luna planning on how she will expose Twilight, not to the public, but to show Celestia what her student has been hiding.


Twilight yawned as she got ready to go to bed, Daring was sent to a meeting in a museum, thus Twilight would be alone tonight, well not exactly alone if Pinkie tries anything. As she walked to the bed, the window shot open. Twilight jumped back, hitting the bed with her butt as she saw the Night Princess walking in through the window.

“Princess Luna? What a surprise! But why are you here? Would you like a drink? I am such a bad host right now,” Twilight stammered, running down the stairs to the kitchen, only to trip and fall on her face at the bottom. Luna rushed to see if Twilight was okay. “I’m fine,” Twilight got up and limped as fast as she could to the kitchen, with a worried princess following her.

“Are you sure you are alright?” Luna asked, Twilight nodded as she levitated some tea and boiled water, while trying to find something for the two to eat.

“I’m sorry, but all that I have is hay fries. I didn’t know you were going to visit,” Twilight said, putting on an awkward smile.

Luna gave the mare a passive scowl. “We shall be blunt with you Twilight Sparkle,” Luna stated as Twilight poured them each a cup of tea. “Based on what we have found. We believe that you are a stallion,” As soon as Luna was finished, Twilight quickly turned her head to the right and spat her tea out onto the wall.

Twilight gave herself a few breaths before continuing. “I’m sorry? I-I am not stallion,” she stated as Luna leaned in closer over the table.

“We found you with an odd bed bulge when you slept with your marefriend,” Luna said.

Twilight gave the princess an awkward look before taking another sip of her tea. “That actually speaks more about you being a pervert or a stalker than me being a colt. No offense, your highness,” Twilight said.

Luna realized her words, with eyes wide, and tried to pick her next sentence carefully. “We are the princess of the night, thus dreams are our domain, and after viewing your friend’s dreams, we-“Luna was interrupted by Twilight trying to hide under the table.

"I’m sorry about that but that still speaks more about you being nosy and a stalker by doing that,” Twilight said, her words didn’t mean any ill will but held fear; despite this statement, her actions spoke louder.

“Prove that I am wrong, Twilight Sparkle,” The Princess demanded, crossing her hooves over the table.

Twilight cowered under the stare Luna is giving her, as she tried to stand on her hind legs. “See nothing,” She said triumphantly.

“We could have sworn, maybe it was just a really weird fantasy of your friend Rainbow Dash to enjoy a mare with a penis, but then why didn’t Spitfire or Daring have one each as well?” Luna asked rather loudly as Twilight’s blush darkened.

“I wouldn’t know, maybe she prefers some mares as mares and some as colts, we’ll never know,” Twilight said, as Luna drank her tea in a single sip, shaking off the heat it contained.

“We are sorry for bothering you, Celestia was right all along,” Luna said as another jet of searing liquid shot from Twilight’s lips and hit the kitchen wall.

“That was peculiar; may we inquire about that sudden outburst?” Luna asked as Twilight used her magic to grab a cloth to clean the mess.

“Nope, it burned my tongue that’s all,” Twilight lied, but she noticed Luna wasn’t fooled.

Twilight made her way to help Luna out the door, she felt a familiar sensation, and it felt like a burden was released from her body. She immediately paused in her tracks, as Luna turned to her “Twilight Sparkle, is there something the matter?” Luna asked, as Twilight muttered an apology and shook her head.

As Twilight moved to the door, she heard a gasp from her side, she turned to see Luna looking at her hooves. “We knew it,” she said. Twilight dropped onto her belly to hide her member.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I can explain this, please don’t tell anyone, especially not Princess Celestia,” Twilight begged, as Luna looked down upon the pony before her.

“This is simply like the last time; there was a mare like you, except she was far more accepting of this, she would go for any mare she wanted, and if a stallion annoyed her, she’d steal their spouses or marefriends, or unfortunately rape the poor colt if he was single,” Luna explained, Twilight gave a grimaced look after hearing that. “Who else knows about this?” the dark blue alicorn asked, as Twilight raised her head to meet Luna’s eyes.

“Two doctors from a hospital in Canterlot, a doctor and a nurse in Ponyville, my parents, Lyra, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, Trixie, and Spitfire. The some mares that did find out came on to me, that includes the nurse that saw this last year for my usual check-up, not my mother of course,” Twilight stated.

Luna nodded her head in confirmation. “I see, this will work out much better than the time with the mare, Great Canopy. Where she loved sex and always tried to get into somepony’s bed, you actually try to hide this, thus making it less of a headache when the mares you have laid with give birth,” Luna said with a smile, as she paced in the library.

“I’m sterile” Twilight said, causing Luna to turn her head to the purple mare. “I can’t impregnate ponies.”

“Odd, then you would be mating with them for no reason other than pleasure, that doesn’t make sense, the previous mare did, and she alone populated 10% of Equestria back in our time,” Luna stated, as Twilight sucked in a breath.

“I doubt that will happen to you Twilight Sparkle, as long as you don’t go around Ponyville ruining couple’s lives,” Luna stated.

“Okay,” Twilight relaxed herself and used her magic to open the door for Luna “Have a safe flight, Princess.”

“Farewell Twilight Spark-Urk” Luna jerked, as she fell to the ground, a hoof holding her head.

Twilight walked over to help the Princess. “Speak to me, are you alright?” Twilight asked as the alicorn turned her gaze to the purple mare, instead of blue open eyes like any normal pony would have, she had cat-like irises, her coat turning a slightly darker sheen of blue.

“Missed me?” Nightmare Moon laughed, as she stood in the library. Twilight backed up to a corner as Luna loomed over her, the Princess appeared normal but with sinister presence and cruel voice.

“But we saved Luna, you were defeated, how did this happen?” Twilight asked while trying to find an escape.

“Luna and I are one and the same, little mare,” The Nightmare stated as she walked towards Twilight, her mane became alive and grabbed Twilight before she could make a break for it.

Nightmare Moon twitched as Luna fought back for control, while holding Twilight within her warped mane. She winced as she held Twilight triumphantly, “You mare, will become my servant. You disobey, and you will suff- what on the moon is that?” The Nightmare asked, as she glanced down between Twilight’s hind legs, which Twilight struggled to cover to no avail.

The dark alicorn smirked, “So, the weakling found herself a toy to play with,” She claimed, poking the purple member with her hoof.

“No, we are not like that, let me go!” Twilight shouted with her face flushed by Nightmare’s accusation.

“Celestia’s toy then, I’m sure she loves the cute mares, especially one that is equipped to hold her large rump as you fill her whorish cunt,” The Alicorn laughed, as she began to rub Twilight’s dick along the length with her hoof.

“Stop making these accusations, I’m not doing anything with the princesses. Princess Luna just found out!” Twilight yelled, but this only sparked an idea within her mind as she continued to play with the member.

Nightmare Moon’s features sported a smirk. “Then we shall have to introduce ourselves a bit better.”

Twilight hesitated as she saw Nightmare Moon’s mouth open and threaten to consume her member. “Are you sure you wanna do that, how about we cuddle, you turn back into Luna and Equestria lives happily ever after?”

“You do not wish to mate with royalty, young one? Many would jump at the chance, and you will soon find out why.” Anti-Luna smirked.

The black alicorn opened her mouth to allow the purple cock into her maw. Twilight began to writhe in the Moon goddess’ grip as she felt her tongue play with her urethra, her senses were taken over by the warmth of Nightmare Moon’s mouth.

The purple mare began to buck her hips, in order to get the Dark Alicorn to take more of her inside. The gesture hadn’t gone unnoticed, but Nightmare Moon wouldn’t allow this weakling the chance to try to dominate her. The magical aura surrounding Twilight’s limbs faded away as she floated back down to the ground. With her limbs now free, Twilight tried to hold the moon goddess below her and thrust as much of her cock down Nightmare’s throat as she could, while she began to lick and suckle the dark empress’ horn.

Nightmare Moon’s annoyance that this unicorn had the audacity to use her mouth in such a way was surpassed by the pleasure of Twilight’s oral ministrations and her own libido yelling at her to mount this mare. She took great joy in the taste of Twilight’s cock, as Twilight forced her superior to deep throat her dick.

“I’m cumming,” Twilight cried, giving Nightmare one last thrust, forcing all her spunk to travel into the alicorn’s stomach. The purple mare held her position for a few moments, with the moon goddess’ nose pressed against her fur as she deposited the last of her seed, then released the larger pony and falling on her rump.

“You foal, did you think that would satisfy me?” Nightmare Moon scowled, Twilight flinched and tried to move away from the alicorn only to be grabbed again by her magic. “You seem ready to perform again. I am pleased with your output, but did you think that such a small size would be enough?” She flicked the unicorn’s hard member as her horn began to shine an eerie blue colour.

Twilight felt a strange pain in her crotch, as if she was being pulled by an unknown force, she opened her eyes and saw Nightmare Moon salivating. She looked down to see her member had grown even larger than before, it was now nearly nineteen inches long and five inches thick. “There we go, fit for royalty,” the dark alicorn panted, as her magic carried Twilight into the bedroom.

She released her grip on Twilight and sat down with her back end facing the purple mare, her tail moved out of the way to give Twilight a better look at her winking sex. “Do you need an invitation? Please me like the good little mare that you are!” Nightmare shouted.

Twilight was hesitant, but as her hooves began to rub the larger pony’s lunar cutie mark, Twilight rubbed her prick along alicorn’s slit. “You dare tease your better? I will flay your flesh if you are not inside-” Twilight panicked and had thrust herself hilt deep. “MEEEEE!” She screamed as the sudden intrusion took Nightmare by surprise. She could already feel the member threatening her womb.

“Oh my, bigger than I expected,” Nightmare muttered, as Twilight thrust deeper into her with reckless abandon.

Twilight was speechless, all she could do was thrust wildly into the evil goddess. She felt the walls of the alicorn constrict her painfully, desperate for the same treatment the goddess’s mouth had received earlier.

Nightmare Moon had another thought, she grinned as her horn shined again. Twilight felt a new pain, her muscles began to work harder like she was in the ‘Running of the Leaves’ again but was forced to sprint the entire way while she carried Princess Celestia on her back. She nearly blacked out, but she continued her pace of entering and leaving Nightmare’s warmth, as a sticky liquid splattered her lower regions.

Twilight eyes came back to focus as she saw Nightmare Moon, an evil she defeated with the help of her friends, now drooling onto the floor, thrusting back to meet her own movements. Twilight also noticed that she was moving faster, each time her groin met the fallen princess’s hind quarters, there was a sting of pain that was drowned out by the pleasure of the Alicorn’s vagina massaging and sucking her cock.

There was no warning this time, even as Twilight continued to hilt herself with the evil goddess, she came hard, flooding the Mare of the Moon’s orifice with whatever she had left to give. Nightmare’s second orgasm hit her just as hard as when she had ‘enhanced’ Twilight’s body, her juices mixed with the purple mare’s cum as it dripped onto the floor.

’Now for the weakling to have some fun,’ Nightmare thought, as she breathed a shaky sigh. Her fur began to return to its dark blue colouration, and her eyes lost its draconic features. Luna snapped back into reality as she felt Twilight battering her backside like a wild animal.

“Twilight!” Luna cried as she backed up and rode Twilight to her next orgasm, the purple mare lost her control as she felt the large blue backside crash into her over and over, she tried to thrust back only to lose out to the moon princess’s feverish bouncing.

Twilight was trapped underneath the blue alicorn. The pain her crotch was receiving from Luna’s hectic riding, and how desperately the Moon Princess was trying to milk more of Twilight’s cock with her silt was almost too much.

“Luna?” Twilight muttered as her vision faded into blackness. Before falling unconscious, she could feel that Luna had cum particularly hard, which caused Twilight’s small lower body to support the much larger alicorn’s entire weight.


Twilight awoke in a hospital bed, with Doctor Stable and Princess Luna talking to each other, she heard her friends on the other side of the door, talking to each other. The two noticed as Twilight woke up and opened the door for her friends to enter.

“So Miss. Sparkle, I have good news, great news, and bad news,” Doctor Stable said, as Twilight’s friends gathered. “Which would you like to hear first?”

Luna levitated Twilight into a wheelchair with her entire lower body in a cast. She looked to her friends and the Princess who was there and sighed, “Great news I guess, then work our way from there?” The Doctor nodded, and levitated a clipboard to his view.

“The great news, is that your upper body is in fantastic shape, it’s better than some earth ponies, and once your legs recover, they should be able to match their physical attributes as well, more or less though,” as he explained that much, Twilight turned to see Pinkie Pie was nearly beaming, with Rainbow Dash trying to keep herself from laughing, “It seems whatever Nightmare Moon did to you, it’s rather permanent.” Her friends gave Twilight and Luna odd stares as Luna tried to avoid the gazes of nearby ponies.

“The good news is that there was minor damage to the groin, so whatever toy you were using at the time, please take care before using them again.” Dr. Stable said, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t mention her secret.

“The bad news is that nearly every bone in the lower half of your body is either broken or cracked so I don’t recommend any actions requiring the use of your hind legs for at least a month.” This news earned a groan from Pinkie, and a more subtle groan from Rainbow Dash. Twilight was actually glad about this news due to the fact that Pinkie won’t harass her for a month or a little longer.

“Very well, thank you doctor,” Twilight said, as Applejack wheeled the purple mare out.

“We must apologize for that, Twilight Sparkle. It has been indeed a thousand years since we laid with a pony. We hope you can forgive me.” Luna said, as she walked with the group. Twilight smiled at the princess and nodded in acceptance.

“So Princess, how was Twilight?” Rarity asked the alicorn, one ear of each pony within a mile radius perked up to listen to the answer.

“She was very good; but Nightmare Moon influenced her body and shut her mind down, so it was like doing it with a frenzied beast, it had no true emotion in it. If we choose to lay with anypony again, we will have some passion involved.”

“I see,” Rarity muttered, looking to her handicapped friend. Luna bid them farewell as they headed to Twilight’s house for a 'Get-better-FAST-Twilight Party'.


Luna went to bed with a happy smile, only for her dreams to be invaded by a sinister presence.

“I am sure Twilight gave you a good romp, and after all she pumped into us, I am rather certain you are with foal,” Nightmare Moon gloated “With her magic within the foal, I’ll take it over and rule Equestria, without your weakness holding me back,” Nightmare laughed victoriously as Luna started to giggle, breaking the evil goddess from her revelry. “What is so amusing, you pathetic whelp?” the Dark mare asked.

“Twilight can’t impregnate mares, her seed lacks that capability,” Luna scoffed, only to watch Nightmare Moon throw a world class tantrum, she was having a rather good dream that night.

Chapter Seven: CUTIE MARK SECRET BREAKERS! YAY! No-lolicon though.

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Tags: [{Rarity}F, masturbation, toy][{Twilight/Daring}Futa/F, vaginal, oral, slight anal][{Twilight/Rarity}Futa/F, vaginal, oral, hornjob]

A month has passed since Twilight’s hospital visit, and Rarity is on the verge of pulling her beautiful mane out trying to figure out Twilight’s secret.

For the last few months Twilight has shared her bed intimately with several ponies, and her most recent conquest was the Princess of the Night herself. The ivory unicorn regrettably juggled her work with her pursuit of gossip on one of her friends.

“Hey sis, are you still working?” Sweetie Belle asked, the filly trotted up to Rarity’s workstation as the elder unicorn nodded. Sweetie frowned as she saw her sister work then stop repeatedly as something keeps taking her attention. “HEY!” The cry startled Rarity, causing her to drop her magic and gaze down to the little filly.

“Sweetie, you know you shouldn’t surprise me like that, goodness knows what could have happened,” Rarity scolded.

The filly looked down with her ears pinning to her head. “I’m sorry Rarity, but you always seem lost every once in awhile so I wanted to know if I could help,” Sweetie Belle said, she noticed that Rarity’s features shifted from annoyance to thoughtful.

“You shouldn’t worry about such things, so go and play with your friends. Just be sure to return for dinner at six,” Rarity said, the filly sighed in annoyance as she left her sister alone to her thoughts.


Sweetie Belle walked the streets of Ponyville looking for her friends. The search wasn’t difficult as she found them in the park. Her friends Applebloom and Scootaloo were sitting, appearing both bored and confused about something.

“Hey girls, what’s going on?” Sweetie asked, as she sat down by the two.

“I don’t know, Applejack has been acting weird lately, she makes an occasional glance towards the Library and makes a weird face like she doesn’t know if she should be disgusted or jealous or something,” Applebloom said.

The orange pegasus nodded, “Yesterday I found Rainbow Dash napping on a cloud muttering Spitfire and Twilight’s names like it was so awesome.”

Sweetie Belle eyes went wide as if she felt a sudden bolt of realization. “That’s funny, because Rarity has been pacing in her room talking loudly about what is going on with Twilight,” The three ponder this as they reach a conclusion, which is met with a group nod.

“This means we gotta go talk to Miss Twilight, right? And figure out what is up with her so that Applejack will stop being confused every time she so much as glances at the library, Rainbow Dash will stop having weird dreams, and Rarity will stop getting her saddle in a pinch about whatever is happening with Twilight,” Applebloom suggested as the two other fillies nod.

They stood up and let out a deafening “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER, TWILIGHT DETECTIVES! YAY!” As they dashed to the tree home of the purple unicorn.


Twilight levitated her wheelchair down the stairs into the basement, still stretching her hind legs after so long of no movement.

“Finally, my view is back,” Daring said, as her wing brushed gently on Twilight’s rump, surprising the unicorn with the sudden contact.

“Very funny, just remind me to never let myself get raped by an evil alicorn that hasn’t had sex in a thousand years, okay? I’m just glad I got that spell reversed, or I’d be splitting you in two,” Twilight said.

Daring merely chuckled, as she kissed her marefriend on the cheek. “Sorry Twi, but it’s still sorta funny in hindsight, still pissed at the princess for trying to take my mare. But it's silent anger or spending the remainder of my life on the moon for yelling at a princess.” Twilight made a small lap around the library to fully get her legs functional again.

“So, why are you doing laps in here and not outside? It’s a beautiful day,” Daring asked.

The purple unicorn stopped in her tracks and smiled, “For two reasons, the first reason is so that some specific ponies don’t know that I have regained access to my lower body, and the second reason was I needed to work my legs a bit and there is a lot of room here,” Twilight punctuated that point by panning her right hoof across the room to illustrate how large the main room was.

“I swear, this building is so much smaller on the outside then it is on the inside,” Daring commented as she glided towards her lover, draping her two forelimbs over the purple unicorn.

Twilight’s face shifted to that of seduction as she used her magic to massage the adventurer’s wings, earning a moan from the mare. “I think we both know what will happen in the next few moments,” Twilight said as Daring shifted to kiss her.

As the two shared a kiss, the door burst open. The couple stopped and straightened themselves out as three fillies walked in.

“Hey Twilight, how are ya?” Applebloom asked, as her friends split up looking around the library.

“Hi girls, what are you three doing? Need a book?” Twilight asked as the young crusaders wandered around looking for something.

“Nah, we’re just browsing,” Scootlaoo exclaimed, sliding a book out of its space before putting it back, evidently hoping it would reveal a secret staircase or something.

Sweetie Belle walked up to the elder unicorn, wearing a fedora, she dropped a notepad in front of her with a pencil shaking in her magical grip. “So Twilight, if that’s your real name, What are you doing here?” she asked.

Twilight arched a brow as the fillies went about trying to find a passage or something. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I live here,” She said, Sweetie Belle wrote a few notes on her notepad as she nodded. “I didn’t know you’ve been using magic. That’s so great Sweetie,” Twilight said with glee, Sweetie Belle simply shrugged it off in an attempt to remain in the ‘mean-flanked’ cop persona she had been developing for 10 minutes.

“Likely story, what did you think you were doing before we walked in. I bet you were going to wreck something and cause mischief with your advanced unicorn magic,” Sweetie Belle said.

“She was going to wreck something and we both were going to get into some mischief, whether Twilight uses advanced magic is up to her though,” Daring muttered with a slight chuckle as she dodged a book. She turned her head to see the filly detective giving her a confused stare while the older unicorn gave her an angry glare..

“Can you repeat that?” Sweetie said, now walking towards the older pegasus.

“Sorry kid, some words shouldn’t be uttered within earshot of youngsters,” Daring said, making the filly grumble.

“We are not little kids, we deserve to know what Twilight’s secret is so we can get our detective cutie marks,” The two other fillies nodded as Twilight’s eyes went as wide as they could.

“Why do you girls need to know that?” Twilight asked.

“So that Rarity would go back to normal instead of that weird ‘stare off into space’ thing she has been doing,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Applejack has been acting weird lately too, she has been giving weird looks at the library while she worked,” Applebloom piped up.

“And Rainbow Dash has been having dreams about you and Spitfire,” Scootaloo added. Daring looked concerned as she looked to her marefriend, watching all the sparks fly out of the mare’s head.

“I think you girls need to go, Twilight might go into Crazy-Overdrive mode soon,” Daring said, ushering the crusaders out the door and closing it behind them. “Twilight, you okay?” she asked poking the purple mare.

“I know why Rainbow Dash is sort of like that, but Applejack and Rarity? Rarity is probably just curious, but why would Applejack make weird faces towards me? Does she disapprove of something? Does this mean I have to tell them my secret?” Twilight asked, her body shaking at the thought of one of her friends not liking her because of what she was born with or, for not telling her friends what she was born with.

“Maybe telling them isn’t such a bad idea, just need to be careful about it. Don’t want them to turn out like Pinkie, right?” Daring said, the words were an unintentional dagger in Twilight's back as she recalled how Pinkie acted when she first found out.

“Well, Pinkie is getting better. She is only coming by once a week now to check on you,” Daring said. Twilight nodded, as she recalled her time in the wheelchair, Pinkie visited a few times to help her around the library, a turn for the better from when she was overly affectionate about Twilight’s extra parts.

“I’ll tell them when I’m ready, but it’ll be on my terms. I’m going to need to prepare though,” Twilight said, she stood up as Daring slowly kissed her, Daring’s hooves rubbing along Twilight’s back as a pair of purple hooves stroked her own.

The two broke the kiss as a trail of saliva still connected the two before breaking. “Take your time, Twilight. I’m here for you, if you need me for something, you know I’ll be there for you,” Daring said, she sat down behind Twilight, and held her from behind, resting her head on Twilight’s shoulder.

A sly smile found its way across Twilight’s face, “Like when you saved me from Nightmare Moon and her thousand years of no sex and bone crushing back-side, right?” Twilight chuckled.

Daring gave a soft laugh as she held the purple unicorn. “Sorry, but even I can’t stop an Evil Demi-goddess without back up. Knowing it was happening would help too,” Daring said, nuzzling Twilight’s neck before kissing it, Twilight’s head rested on her lover’s head, rubbing her cheek through the multiple shades of gray that made up Daring’s mane.

Twilight lifted her head from Daring’s mane, and looked into the Pegasus’ pink eyes. “Want to continue this upstairs? In case more ponies decide to walk in on us?” She suggested, Daring gave a small smile before kissing Twilight. The two made their way to the bedroom to let out some pent up frustrations.


The three fillies grumbled after Daring pushed them out. True they remembered the time Twilight made them want her crummy doll, but if discovering the purple mare’s secret means a cutie mark, then by Celestia, they’ll make sure the world knows about Twilight and her secrets!

The fillies began to climb the library to the upstairs balcony. As they neared it they started to hear moaning.

“Isn’t that Miss Do’s voice?” Applebloom asked, her friends nodded slowly as they continued their climb. The moans became louder as they ascended. Soon they reached the balcony and found the drapes covering the window. They won’t take this lying down, not these crusaders. They shifted around the tree and found an unblocked window hiding in the foliage of the tree. With a grin, the fillies gazed inside.

“Why is Twilight’s head in between Miss Do’s back legs?” Sweetie Belle asked, as they watched Twilight’s head pivot in Daring’s crotch while her fore limbs held Daring’s hind legs, Daring was stretched out on the bed, trying to grip the covers as she felt each lick of her lover’s tongue. The girls saw Daring arch her back as Twilight’s head stopped moving, instead Twilight got up from her position at the side of the bed and climbed on top of Daring, who is now resting after her orgasm.

“Wait a minute, what is THAT?” Scootaloo exclaimed, trying to point at Twilight’s appendage. The girls looked at the purple mare curiously as she positioned herself above the Khaki-coated pegasus. They all gasped as Twilight sunk her maremeat into Daring’s honeypot, slowly feeding inch after inch into the adventurer.

“I love you, Daring.” Twilight said when she had her entire cock inside her marefriend.

“I love you too, Twi-LIGHT!” Daring gasped when Twilight started to thrust harder than normal, her held on to her loverfor dear life, feeling the unicorn’s secondary horn plow through her depths.

“I think you got tighter, love. And by the way, I’d have to be a moron to have the fitness spell Nightmare cast on me reversed,” Twilight said, as she rutted Daring Do, softly biting her on the neck. Twilight smirked as she saw her lover, nearly in a stupor, thrusting her hips back to meet Twilight’s own hips as they continued, the unicorn managed to suppress her orgasm upon feeling the adventurer’s pussy trying desperately to milk her dry.

Their audience was more than confused with the display they were witnessing from behind the window. Watching Twilight flip Daring onto her belly, who merely laid across the bed, Twilight laid down on top of Daring and began thrusting her penis into Daring’s vagina from behind.

“I think we should go and tell our sisters what we just saw; they’ll know what to do,” Applebloom said, the girls nodded in dumbfounded confusion as they inched themselves away from the window.

The purple mare started to feel her seed churn as she used her magic to lift Daring onto her back hooves, and rutted the mare downward doggy-style. Twilight nearly fell onto her lover as her thrusts became faster, harder, and more determined. Daring’s tongue fell out of her mouth, as the only thing that she could process at the moment was the marecock penetrating her.

Twilight’s eyes shut hard as she humped forward a few more times before halting. “I’m cumming!” she cried, feeling her essence rapidly leaving through her dick.

Daring’s eyes went wide as she felt her lover’s seed enter her, her tongue finding its way back into her mouth before her teeth clenched hard, she felt so full from the sudden invasion of Twilight’s baby gravy, and then the sudden saddening emptiness of Twilight withdrawing her cock from her depths.

“Ready for round two?” Twilight whispered, Daring smiled as she shifted a little, to give her purple lover easier access to her bottom, her smile growing wider as she felt the mare meat trying to break into her backdoor. With a sudden ‘pop’ Twilight was nearly hilted once again within Daring Do.


“You saw what?” Rarity asked, looking at Sweetie Belle with a questioning expression.

“Twilight’s a stallion, me and the girls saw her and Miss Do doing that Adult pony thing, Twilight put something purple and connected to her inside Miss Do,” Sweetie pouted.

Rarity gave it a thought for a moment, than realization. “So that’s what she was hiding, but I have seen Twilight at the spa, and she most certainly did not have that,” She said to herself, forgetting that her sister was a few feet away. Rarity looked back to her sister with eyes wide.

“Sweetie Belle, you shouldn’t be nosy around other ponies business, do you recall the events of Gabby Gums?” Rarity scolded, Sweetie hung her head low as she did in fact recall the events of Gabby Gums.

“Tomorrow, you will apologize to Twilight, and promise me that you won’t speak of Twilight’s secret,” Rarity exclaimed; Sweetie Belle merely nodded in agreement. “Now then, I think it’s time for dinner, come along now,” Rarity said.

For something like this, Rarity knew she should have been harder on Sweetie Belle, if it weren’t for the fact that she has been guilty of these same thing towards the same pony. The true terror to Rarity was the fact that now, she can’t picture her purple friend without some large purple cock attached to her.


“Applebloom! Didn’t your stunt as Gabby Gums teach you anything? For spying on Twilight, you are grounded missy, and you’ll be apologizing to Twilight for spying on her,” Applejack shouted, the poor filly was muttering various curses that quickly had her being dragged into the bathroom to have her mouth scrubbed by the annoyed orange mare.

“Twilight with colt parts. That’s a load of manure,” Applejack exclaimed, setting Applebloom down, who is now coughing bubbles form her mouth.

“It’s true –hack- me and the girls saw it, Twilight was sticking her colt parts into Daring, why would I lie about that?” Applebloom asked.

Applejack stopped for a moment, She does make a point, 'but we have seen Twilight at the spa, she doesn’t dangle.' She looked back to her sister, with a stern look.

“Promise me that you won’t spread that around town, Twilight is a bit too high strung to have ponies asking her if it’s true. Okay?” Applejack said, Applebloom simply nodded, as she walked to the kitchen to find some food. “And don’t pig out on snacks, supper is in a few minutes,” Applejack yelled to her sister, which was met with a light “Oh come on!”


“Knew it, squirt,” Rainbow Dash said, walking with Scootaloo around Whitetail Woods.

Scootaloo looked to her hero with a questioning gaze. “You did?”

The cyan mare nodded. “Yea, but Twilight wants it kept on the down low, you understand?”

The orange filly nodded quickly but then a new question came up. “How did you find out?” Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow Dash stopped and rubbed the back of her neck. “Me and Twilight got drunk after a Wonderbolts show, and sorta had sex with Spitfire, but don’t tell anyone,”

Scootaloo nodded. “Got it, Rainbow Dash!” She cheered, as the two pegasi left the woods and made way for Ponyville.

“By the way, you’ll be telling Twilight you’re sorry for sneaking a peek at her goods,” Rainbow said, as the orange filly stopped dead in her tracks.


Rarity was tossing and turning in her bed, a large queen sized bed with red covers and pink curtains on the sides draping across the upper frames of the bed. The wood was adorned with various diamond designs. The nightstand on the left side of the bed held the same design choice with a lamp resting on its top. Mannequins stood in her room a fair distance away by a workstation.

Rarity was far more confused than she was before Sweetie told her the news, still unsure whether to believe the filly, but she plans on confronting her unicorn friend tomorrow after Sweetie Belle apologizes.

Even with that thought, Rarity had difficulties sleeping, especially with an overly seductive Twilight in her mind with a hard cock between her hind legs.

“Curse my curiosity and love of gossip, I’m not going to sleep like this,” Rarity said, taking her covers off. The ivory mare’s hooves started to caress her body, pretending it was her purple friend doing it instead. She tried to replicate how Twilight would touch her, very gentle yet curious touches around her belly before a tentative plunge to her flower. The sensations forced her eyes closed.

Rarity’s hoof would lightly slide over the sensitive petals while stimulating her nipples, sending shock waves throughout Rarity’s body. The librarian in her mind’s eye would often tease the fashionista with her round bottom, seductive eyes, and generous girth; and yet, Twilight wouldn’t touch the tortured unicorn, making her pleasure herself. Rarity cursed the fact that Twilight wasn’t here while she rubbed herself, her magic opened her night stand to reveal a small pink vibrator, Pinkie’s gift to her on her second week of staying in Ponyville.

She levitated the pink phallus to her lips, giving it a light lick before taking a few inches into her mouth. Her hooves worked harder while she fellated the object, one hoof attempted to penetrate past Rarity’s barrier while the other rubbed at her breasts.

Satisfied with the slickness of her toy, she carefully levitated it to her marehood, pressing only a few inches inside her and switching it on.

The ivory mare’s eye shot open, the hoof that was working on her nethers now rubbing her belly affectionately, as her toy thrust and withdrew from her depths. Her eyes closed again, with Twilight looming over her, teasing her with her cock, only slipping a few inches within before taking it out.

Even though Twilight was the physically weakest of her friends (after her night with Luna however, that could be up for debate), but merely imagining the purple mare holding her, made her feel safe. Twilight has done plenty to help her friends, being the unofficial leader of their little group, the thought of this mare with a stallion dick was quite overwhelming.

'I guess I figured out what Pinkie sees in Twilight.' Rarity thought as she dared to place more of her vibrator within her. While she worked her magic, her hooves were stroking every inch of her underside with careful precision.

“TWILIGHT!” Rarity cried, as she came, realizing what she just screamed out, her hooves shot to her mouth. Slowly feeling her orgasm coming to an end, she slowly walked over to her window to see if she woke anypony. She sighed in relief that no pony was trying to break down her door to tell her to be quiet.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders found themselves standing in front of the Library doors as if it was the very portal to Tartarus. The three fillies gave a tentative look to their guardians, Applejack looked rather annoyed, Rarity was looking oddly scared of being within 10 feet of the tree, and Rainbow Dash appeared as if she woke up 5 minutes ago, which she in fact did.

They knocked on the doors a few times, and waited.

They saw manifestation of their current grief standing in front of them with a simple smile. “Good morning girls, you know you don’t need to knock to enter a public library.” Twilight exclaimed with a chuckle. She turned her attention to the three mares behind them, and lost her smile. “Is there something wrong?”

“We’re sorry,” The fillies said, their eyes refusing to leave the safety of the dirt below them.

“Sorry for ‘what’ exactly?” Twilight asked, she gave them an awkward smile as she started to worry.

“We saw you and Miss Do doing Adult Pony stuff, and hoped that it would get us a detective cutie mark,” The three said in unison.

Twilight’s face drained of colour as those words repeated themselves within her head, “I see, so I take it you only told your sisters and Rainbow Dash?” she asked, watching the girls nod, as well as noting the two awkward nods from Applejack and Rarity. “How exactly did you three see us? Daring ushered you out of the library yesterday when I was about to go ‘Crazy-Overdrive Mode’ as she called it.”

“There is a window hidden in the tree branches on the left side of the tree,” Scootaloo said.

Twilight turned her head to where she thought the young pegasus referred to. “There was a window there?” Twilight asked, her mouth agape. She snapped out of it, to turn back to the crusaders. “Thank you for telling me about that, I’ll make sure to block it off from now on,”

“Thanks Sugarcube, please tell them what you were really using, they thought you were a colt,” Applejack said with a chuckle. Rarity, however, gave an inquisitive look to the purple unicorn, while Rainbow Dash looked bored.

Twilight gave it a second of thought before saying “It was an Adult toy, for adult mares who don’t have adult colt parts; so, it’s an adult thing, for adults,” Twilight said, giving the worst ‘please believe me’ smile imaginable. Applejack’s smile turned to a look of confusion while Rarity’s turned to match but with more blush on her face; Rainbow Dash was on the verge of falling over in laughter.

“I… I see,” Applebloom said, she and her friends having trouble processing Twilight’s words in their heads. They bid the librarian goodbye before leaving to do their crusading, while the three older mares still stood before their friend.

“So, was it really just a strap-on you and Daring used, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, unsure of the situation.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be? Mare with penises? This isn’t Manehatten or Las Pegasus where freaks like that are found at every street corner,” Twilight chuckled nervously, slowly making her way back into her library, but just enough so that no pony notices.

“Is there something you’re not telling us, dear?” Rarity asked, feeling oddly hopeful that Twilight lied to the fillies to protect them.

“Yes, I’ll tell you… and Fluttershy, but I just need time to figure things out before I say things I may regret. Later girls,” Twilight said, returning to her library, leaving the three mares befuddled.

“Rainbow Dash, can you shed some light on things? You are one of the mares that spent ‘time’ with her after all.” Rarity asked.

“I could say something, but I don’t think Twilight would want me to say,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Ya know, for Twilight’s secret and her trying to keep it a secret, and you helping her…you both are bad at it,” Applejack said, “But this all means that the girls were right, Twilight might be a colt, she must use magic to turn herself into a mare when we all gather at the spa every once in awhile.”

“Twilight may not be the most ‘socially’ inept pony, but I don’t like to think that she, -or rather- he, would hide himself like this without a real reason,” Rarity exclaimed. Both ponies turned to Rainbow Dash in confusion.

“Twi’s going to kill me for this… Follow me,” Rainbow Dash said, leading the two ponies away from the library.


Rainbow Dash led Applejack and Rarity to a clearing and looked around for eavesdroppers. With a sigh, she turned to face her friends, “Twilight has both, she has mare and colt parts. She just hides the colt parts with some medicine tea stuff,” This shocked the two ponies, but Rainbow merely grumbled, “Don’t be so surprised, it all adds up if you think really carefully,” She said, the cowpony and designer looked to each other in confusion.

Rarity started to fidget in place while AJ rubbed her chin, trying to make sense of it all.

“So Twilight clutches and dangles, so what… why is Pinkie tripping over herself to get that mare in bed?” Applejack asked.

“Because the idea of a mare with a dick is pretty hot. While Twilight’s goo can’t knock a pony up, but she can still give till it hurts. Spitfire and I found that out the hard way, we didn’t have a hole that wasn’t sore after that night,” Rainbow Dash explained, rubbing her flank at the memory of the painful morning after.

“So basically, Pinkie has her fun with Twilight because she is a fun romp with no consequences?” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment before shaking her head, “I’m pretty sure Pinkie likes Twilight a lot more than just as a ‘friend with benefits’ probably as much as Daring loves Twilight. I don’t know about Lyra or Trixie, and I’m pretty sure Spitfire and Princess Luna will be a one-time thing.”

Applejack thought for a moment until Rarity gave a questioning look to her rainbow-maned friend, “What about yourself, dear?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash started to sweat a bit, “Me and Twilight only did things twice, once with Spitfire when we got drunk, and another time like a few days before Luna decided to crush Twilight under her butt,” She said, her friends gave a slow nod.

“What was it like?” the ivory unicorn asked.

“It’s hard to describe. It’s like… I can’t describe the first time since I was drunk but the second time… I felt completely safe when she held me, like Nightmare Moon, Discord, or even the Changelings can’t touch me as long as Twilight holds me close to her heart. Twilight was my first ‘stallion’ so I can’t compare her to anything, but I figured that a stallion would just somewhat similar? Twilight starts out gentle before getting rough, and the rough part isn’t painful as I thought it would be, I’m just kinda on cloud nine while Twilight plows me, and it just feels…awesome,” Rainbow Dash said dreamily, she looked down to see that Rarity had left her and Applejack alone, with the cowpony blushing rather hard.

“RD, remember when we got drunk during cider season once?” Applejack asked; Rainbow Dash merely nodded. “Wanna reenact it?” she asked, Rainbow’s face beamed with a large smile before racing her orange friend to the Apple Family barn.


Rarity charged to the Library, the heat between her legs controlling her brain as she slammed the door open, revealing Spike cleaning the library’s main room. “Spikey… Where is Twily?” She asked.

Spike pointed downstairs as Rarity rushed to meet the purple unicorn. Spike’s eyes went wide as he recalled Pinkie doing that once before. “Oh, no. Twilight! Don’t do that with Rarity!” He yelled to save his love from the scholar’s oblivious aura of seduction, and ran after her.

Twilight was testing some of her equipment to see if they still functioned when she was grabbed from behind. “PINKIE! No means NO!” she hollered as she turned to see Rarity snuggling her neck. “RARITY!”

“Hooves off Rarity,” Spike said, battering purple unicorn’s nose with a newspaper, “You won’t take her like you took Pinkie, Dash, Lyra, Princess Luna, and Daring,” He said, still hitting Twilight on the nose, causing her to flinch at each hit.

“Everypony STOP!” Twilight yelled, with the sound of thunder in the air. Spike dropped the newspaper while Rarity let go of Twilight and sat beside the dragon. “Now, what’s going on here?” Twilight demanded, giving both the dragon and the older unicorn a glare.

“I couldn’t take it, you and your stupid mare-penis kept me awake last night, and Rainbow Dash’s description of how you two had your second encounter caused me to lose control of myself,” Rarity whined, muttering that she feels pathetic.

“I didn’t want Rarity to fall victim to you like Pinkie did, and start trying to sneak into the library; just so that you can bend her over your bed and mount her… And ultimately STEAL Rarity away from me,” Spike said, his right claw moving to grab the rolled up newspaper to swat Twilight with some more.

“Rainbow Dash told you? That means Applejack knows as well, then all that’s left to find out is Fluttershy. Spike, I can understand. But I didn’t expect you to do this.” Twilight said; Rarity kept her face buried in her hooves while Spike’s left claw rubbed the white mare’s shoulder in comfort.

Twilight thought about the situation:

~ Rarity wanted to mate with Twilight.

~ Rarity is now crying because she gave in to a weakness because Rainbow Dash described how she was in bed.

~ Spike is angry over the idea that if Rarity mates with Twilight, Rarity will start doing what Pinkie does and get Twilight to bend her over the bed and ravage her, all while forgetting that the dragon even exists.

~ Rainbow Dash is still breathing somewhere.

One solution is that Twilight invites Spike to join her and Rarity in bed, and the two step-siblings both show the ivory unicorn a night she’ll be of dreaming for weeks. Spike won’t feel like Twilight is cheating him out of Rarity’s affections, Rarity’s curiosity and libido will be sated, and Twilight will strangle Rainbow Dash in the Afternoon when she wakes up. The problems to this is that Rarity might end up just like Pinkie Pie in the sense but with less stealth, and Spike is too young for such acts, if he was Twilight’s age, this solution would be much better, but the fact of the matter is that Spike is still a baby and Celestia will eventually find out and Twilight will be forced back to Magic Kindergarten with Nightmare Moon acting as her supervising guardian throughout the school year, without the aid of wheelchairs in case of events repeating themselves. Rainbow Dash being strangled can be added to any plan.

The secondary solution is that Twilight offers Rarity a cold bath, and gives her time to cool down. This way, Spike won’t be angry at Twilight and Rarity will have better control over herself, but this will happen again, Rainbow Dash being alive or not. And after this mess, sleeping with Rarity regardless of Spike knowing or not, will still make the purple mare feel like she cheated her number one assistant.

The final solution, rutting Rarity while Spike watches, is out of the question. Rarity might be happy but it will infuriate Spike, and thus infuriating Princess Celestia.

Solution Number Two it is.

“Spike, I need you to run a cold bath for Rarity; to help her control herself,” Twilight ordered, the dragon refused to move. “To help Rarity not want to hump me,” That seemed to get the dragon’s attention as he ran upstairs. Twilight helped the ivory unicorn off the floor and help her up the stairs to the bathroom. Rarity seemed to control herself rather well in comparison to her recent assault, but was shaking, tears still in her eyes as her makeup appeared to be ruined by the crying.

They entered the simple bathroom. Like all rooms of the library, it had its share of books lining one side of the room, as far away from the bathtub and sink as possible, with a few shampoo bottles at the sides of the tub.

“It’s all ready,” Spike said, Twilight nodded her head as she levitated her friend into the water. Rarity tensed up at the chilling touch of the bath water, but finally cooling down and relaxing in the tub.

“Feeling better?” Twilight asked.

“Much better, dear.” Rarity stated, she turned to her purple friends, “I’m sorry that I tried to ravage you, Twilight. And Spikey, I’m so sorry for making you angry at Twilight,” Spike softened at the apology, and nearly fell over when Rarity kissed his forehead.

“I’m going to go back to cleaning the basement, just call if you need anything,” Twilight said, before departing.

“Well… I’ll be just downstairs in the main room, so I’ll be closer if you need me Rarity,” Spike said, now seeing Twilight as a rival for Rarity.

“Thank you both,” Rarity said, before returning to the bath. She let the chilling bathwater take over her senses, letting her mind sail away from her body.

Her mind drifted to the recent events, all the paranoia of learning Twilight’s secret, Sweetie Belle spying on Twilight and Daring having sex. The cold water helped her dismiss the images of the purple unicorn she had the previous night. Her thoughts wandered to what Rainbow said about herself and Twilight, conjuring images of Twilight holding Rainbow Dash in her hooves while they cuddled, the cyan mare’s head underneath the unicorn’s head, the scholar’s penis nestled deep with the athlete’s- water is starting to get warmer, as Rarity tried to dismiss the thought.

Her new thought was a similar position, but with Rarity in Rainbow Dash’s position. She could almost hear Twilight whisper “I would never hurt you” as the imaginary Twilight plunged her cock into the imaginary Rarity’s flower. The water became lukewarm as Rarity’s eyes shot wide open, she climbed out of the tub and made her way to the door.

Rarity poked her head out of the bathroom to find Spike sleeping on the large table in the Library. She heard metal hitting metal coming from the basement, leading her to believe that Twilight was still in the basement.

“Twilight dear, I’m finished,” She called out playfully, her eyes shot back to Spike, who was still fast asleep. She heard hooves coming closer from the door below her.

“Alright, I think it would be best if you went home, Rarity. No offense but I don’t want Spike to think the worst if he finds that you spent the night here.” Twilight said, still using a cloth to wipe some grime from her face. Twilight looked up to see Rarity, still soaking wet from the bath. "Not fair," she thought as she stared at her friend.

“But who knows what ruffians will attack me in my current state,” Rarity said, maintaining a clear dramatic pose with the back of her hoof resting next to her horn. “Can you escort me home?” She asked.

Twilight’s gut had a bad feeling, but she couldn’t leave a friend in need of some assistance, 'it is just a quick walk to the boutique anyways, not like anything will happen along the way' she thought, as Rarity made her way down to meet Twilight at the door.

The two unicorns left the library, with Rarity inching closer to Twilight as they walked. The scholar didn’t notice this however as she was too busy watching out for Pinkie or Lyra to ensure that they didn’t learn that she has free access to her lower body once again.

They reached the boutique with minimal problems, Twilight let out a breath of relief as Rarity walked into her shop. “Won’t you come in for some tea, dear?” Rarity asked.

Twilight’s gut started its alarm once again, and Twilight was getting ready to teleport away, knowing full well what this would lead to. “I’d love to, but I gotta get home and finish cleaning the basement, it’s really hard stuff and I don’t want Spike to get hurt,” Twilight reasoned, only for the colour to fade from her face as she noticed a sinister sparkle in Rarity’s eyes.

“Oh, you silly filly. I wasn’t asking,” Rarity said, locking Twilight in a telekinetic grip before she finished her casting. Twilight was being carried by her friend’s magic into the boutique, seating her at a table, Rarity took position opposite to Twilight.

“So Twilight, how many mares have you ‘mated’ with exactly?” Rarity asked.

Twilight started to sweat; she wanted to get out of there but the bonds surprisingly proved too great for the purple mare’s strength, even with Nightmare Moon’s fitness gift. “Kind of personal, and how are you overpowering me?”

“When a lady needs something, she gets it, Twilight,” Rarity said as she heard the teapot whistled. “Ah the tea is ready, I’ll be right back,” She exclaimed in a sing-song voice.

Twilight struggled with her bonds, but made no progress. She tried to use magic, but even that didn’t want to work.

Rarity walked back in, levitating two teacups and a teapot to the table. “You liked Earl Grey, correct?” Twilight nodded, as her friend poured her cup.

Rarity had a dreamy look about her, with her mane still damp, Twilight was feeling her member rebelling from below.

“Now, how is Daring? I still can’t believe that a character from a book is actually real,” Rarity asked, stirring her tea with a spoon.

“Daring is doing well, considering all that’s happened; she is annoyed with all the mares that try to drag me off to mate with me. She is actually trying to get me to join her on her expeditions so that Pinkie would stop touching me while she is away. I think I agree with her, all things considered,” Twilight said, still working on a escape plan, if not to save herself but to save what respect Spike had left for her.

“That would be unfortunate, dear,” Rarity stated, levitating Twilight’s teacup to let her guest take a sip. “Now, you and I both know how this will end, right dear? As much as I adore romance, I’d rather skip it all and get to what most ponies call the ‘good part’ as it were,” Rarity said, walking over to Twilight and laying on the purple mare’s back, her white hooves reaching down to Twilight’s crotch. “And it appears that you want to get to the good part as well,” She whispered into Twilight ear, stroking the rising mare cock.

“Please stop this,” Twilight begged, while the designer continued to stroke her penis and nibble on her ear.

“I propose we try this once, just an act of curiosity, darling. After all, I refuse to believe that any stallion hasn’t dreamed of me before. Admit it, my dear. I bet you have dreamed of me before,” Rarity said, tilting Twilight’s chin to meet her gaze.

“Once, before Pinkie found out, but it was a threesome with you and Fluttershy sucking me off,” Twilight claimed, her purple fur turning red.

“Isn’t it nice to let the truth out? I bet you have dreamed about all our friends at one point or another,” Rarity cooed, continuing to play and massage Twilight’s back and aching member.

“Well, Applejack’s backside is probably the nicest I have ever seen, all that muscle, yet it still looks so soft. I always felt guilty when I thought about Fluttershy like that, like it’s some unwritten sin to do things like that to her. Rainbow Dash was half wanting to get back at her for all the jokes she played on me and half because of how lithe her body is. Pinkie was on my mind a lot considering all the ponies she was with, silently hoping that I would be the next pony that she sleeps with, but be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. And well, you were always sexy, and very much a tease; a beauty that stallions can only have in their dreams. So yes, I have thought about our friends,” Twilight explained, now resting her head on the table, while Rarity continued her massage.

“What of the Princess?” Rarity asked, her hooves rubbing hard enough to cause some discomfort.

“One time, I.. was watching her bath once, the night before Lyra and I mated. But most of the time during school it was the random mare or Cadance,” The Purple mare muttered.

“Your babysitter?” Rarity asked, rather surprised at this.

“Well, yea… I always knew I couldn’t have Princess Celestia because she is like a mother to me, and she is like 80 generations older than me. Cadance is a lot closer to my age, and was always nice to me. some of the colts at school threw around a rumor that being the princess of love meant that she was far beyond great in bed, and I thought too hard about that stupid rumor. I’m happy that she and my brother are together and I was never upset that I could never see Celestia as more than what she is to me now, because I will always see her as my teacher first, princess second, and mother third,” Twilight said, now sporting a rather calm smile.

“I see, thank you for all that. Must have been a problem before all this happened,” Rarity said, both hooves working on Twilight’s back now.

“My parents told me when I hit puberty that my libido would skyrocket, and my dad would make a joke about how I should get a harem to help with that, then my mom would hit him and tell me to find some pony to love. Really awkward at Hearth's Warming Day when I got lube in my stocking every year since I was 15, while my brother got condoms, then my mother would laugh, while my dad and brother give her a strange look and I cast an invisibility spell to hide from the embarrassment,” Twilight giggled, noting that Rarity has taken her hooves off her back. "Shining once asked me about the lube and I lied that I used it for toys, I had to buy a dildo just to throw him off my trail. It still hasn't seen use."

“Shall we commence this one time affair?” Rarity whispered. Twilight smiled and nodded. The two mares made their way to the ivory unicorn’s bedroom.

Rarity crawled onto the bed, with her tail swaying from left to right in order to further tease the purple mare. Twilight sucked in a breathed as as her beautiful friend laid herself on her back and spread her legs. “Come now, Twilight, don’t keep a lady waiting,” she said. The scholar slowly crawled onto the bed and began kissing Rarity’s tits, electing a whimper from the ivory unicorn.

Continuing to please one of her best friends, Twilight pressed a hoof at Rarity’s sex and rubbed it as she suckled the designer’s nipples. One of Rarity’s hooves tried to grip the bed spread while the other pushed her purple friend’s head deeper into her crotch, which was met with playful nips and bites on her sensitive breasts.

Feeling satisfied with Rarity’s mammaries, Twilight moved herself further down and gave the white mare’s honey pot a lick, electing a moan from her. “More Twilight, please,” Rarity whimpered. Twilight complied by probing the fashionista’s folds with her tongue.

The feeling was indescribable for Rarity, her back legs wrapped themselves around Twilight’s head, keeping the purple mare from leaving until her friend was more than pleased. The scholar wasn’t hindered by this, as her tongue continued on, to find the white unicorn’s G-spot. “Oh yes, right there. Twily, right there!” She heard from above her, Twilight happily attacked that spot.

“I’m cumming!” Rarity cried, Twilight mouth was filled with the designer’s juices. As she savoured it, she noted that it tasted sweeter than Daring’s, but slightly more bitter than Pinkie Pie’s; then again, who could possibly taste sweeter than a pony that eats sweets all day and brings laughter to everypony?

Twilight pried herself from Rarity’s limbs as she positioned her rump above the fashionista’s head, the white unicorn stared in awe of the purple maremeat that hovered an inch away from her nose.

“Let’s get each other ready, okay,” Twilight said, Rarity looked back at her purple friend and smiled. She opened her mouth and let her tongue play with the head, causing Twilight to squeak as she continued to lick the white mare’s pussy.

Feeling bold, Rarity grasped Twilight’s rump with her hooves, and tried to pull more of the purple meat into her mouth, surprising its owner. Twilight, not wanting to end this too early, relocated to her friend’s G-spot and pushed her friend over the edge again.

Rarity’s eyes crossed as more of Twilight’s cock entered her mouth; the taste, the musk, and the size were even better than she had imagined before, on the night Sweetie Bell told her about the purple mare’s extra leg. Her hoof snaked past Twilight’s member and played with her forgotten slit, electing another gasp from the studious pony.

The two were almost racing to see who can get the other off the fastest, Twilight’s tongue caressing and teasing the white unicorn’s folds and Rarity’s oral ministrations and her hoof playing with the purple mare’s pussy.

They both came at the same time, Twilight’s silt drenched Rarity’s hoof while she filled the ladylike unicorn’s mouth with spunk, forcing it down into her belly and up through her nose. The scholar’s mouth was splashed, once again, with the designer’s fluids.

Twilight got up and released her member from Rarity’s mouth, the white mare was coughing from the rough treatment she had brought upon herself. She opened her eyes to see Twilight was still hard and ready.

Slowly, Twilight stood above her newest mate. The two came together and gave each other a deep kiss, as the purple mare’s magic helped position herself to enter the white mare.

“Let me know if I hurt you, okay?” Twilight whispered, Rarity answered by holding onto Twilight’s neck as she felt the shaft ease itself into her folds. She bit her lip hard as she tried to get used to the size. Soon, she felt completely full as she felt Twilight’s body press against hers.

“Nod when you’re ready, then I’ll start to move.” Twilight said. Rarity looked up to see the gentle features of one of her best friends. Taking a few deep breaths, Rarity nodded and gasped as she begun to feel empty.

Twilight started out slowly, watching the mare below her writhe, squeak, and shudder at every movement she made. She pressed Rarity to her chest, and began to stroke the fashionista’s mane as she controlled her movements to prevent hurting the white mare.

Rarity snuggled deeper into Twilight’s embrace, understanding what Rainbow Dash had meant earlier. Even if the Changeling Queen broke down the door to witness this act, Rarity knew that the Element of Magic would do whatever she could to protect her and she loved that feeling.

Twilight felt that Rarity had calmed down, and started to pick up the pace, causing the sound of their bodies connecting to rival the sounds of the white unicorn’s moans. The designer let out a squeak as her vagina clenched around Twilight’s member. The scholar stopped to let Rarity catch her breath from her orgasm, and continued again when the white mare nodded.

Learning her lesson from Trixie, Twilight placed a sound-proof bubble around the bed as she sped up, the force of her thrusts causing the fashionista to scream out Twilight’s name multiple times.

“More, please Twilight. Sweet Celestia, more!” Rarity cried, as her purple friend thrust herself as deep as she could into the fashionista, flooding the white mare’s womb with her inactive seed.

The two stopped and rested, with the purple mare still spending her sperm. Twilight kissed Rarity on the head as she watched white unicorn drift to sleep.


Twilight returned to the library, to see a annoyed dragon sitting in the room. “Where were you tonight?” Spike asked.

“I was walking Rarity home, we had a cup of tea, and we talked for a bit before I left.” Twilight answered, noticing Spike sniffing the air. “Pinkie grabbed me and dragged me into Sugarcube Corner for sex again while I was walking back,” She continued, Spike wiped the sweat from his forehead as he went to bed.

“What a relief, I thought you and Rarity had sex, and ruining my chances of being her special some dragon,” Spike said, feeling rather elated to hear that the cold bath worked and Twilight didn’t backstab him.

“Don’t worry about that, Spike. It’s all taken care of, you’ll see,” Twilight assured him, as she followed him to the loft.

“Good night, Twilight,” Spike said, snuggling into his basket.

“Good night, Spike,” Twilight said, getting underneath her covers before feeling a sudden weight on her back. “Not tonight Pinkie.”

“Not here for sex, just want to cuddle for the night,” Pinkie said, in a somber tone, holding the Unicorn’s midsection. Twilight smiled and held the party pony in her hooves, with the same protective care that she held Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

Chapter Seven and a Half/Intermission: The Meeting that Should Have Happened Sooner

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Tags: [{Smart Cookie/Clover}F/F, fanfic, vaginal, oral, transformation from F to Futa]

Twilight’s eyes scanned the room with worry as her friends piled into the library. They all sat around the main table; Twilight sat on the end, and from her left sat Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and finally Daring to her right.

“Alright, I’ve gathered you all here to tell you something I’ve been hiding since I was born,” Twilight said, worried about the reactions she may receive.

“You got a dick. Seriously, we all know,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, flinching from the death glare she received from the purple unicorn.

“Well if somepony didn’t tell a third of our current group, despite promising that she’d stay quiet about it,” Twilight scolded. “You and me will be talking in private, later.”

“She’s right dear, we all knew,” Rarity said, her face beet red as the memories of her night with Twilight came to surface. “Well, maybe not Fluttershy.”

“Uhm, I didn’t know actually,” Fluttershy said, shuffling nervously in her seat. “But Pinkie made it difficult to not be a teeny bit curious about what was going on, if that’s okay with you Twilight.”

Daring shot a glare at several of Twilight’s friends. Her glare focused intently on Pinkie Pie. “Maybe we won’t have to worry about that any more than we have to, right Pinkie?”

“Sorry Daring, as long as Twilight dangles, you’ll have competition with mares that haven’t even met Twilight yet,” Pinkie chuckled, as a big smile stretched across her face.

Twilight let out an annoyed huff. “Well, considering no one thought it was interesting, I’ll move on to something that will,” Twilight rumbled. Daring gave the purple unicorn an apologetic look, while Pinkie giggled, oblivious to the tension in the air. “For the mares that have had sex with me before, I’m sure you all had some worry when I first ejaculated inside of you, mostly because I claim to be sterile, correct?”

Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, and Pinkie nodded. Rarity hesitates at first before slowly nodding, her blush darkening as she tried to hide her face in her hooves. “Really Rarity?” Applejack asked in utter disbelief while Fluttershy’s face turned bright red muttering a near inaudible “oh my”.

“That’s half true,” Twilight claimed; which confused everypony. “Let me start from the beginning. Based on what I learned from my parents, my specific mutation is a mystery that many researchers would love to look at and my parents didn’t like the sound of that, so they managed to make sure that only a single doctor and the nurse he employed knew about me so that I can still go to the hospital without ponies going crazy over it.”

“What about the doc you mentioned, Twi? And a nurse?” Applejack asked, tearing her glare away from the ivory unicorn, who was avoiding eye contact.

“He wanted to conduct research on me in private, with my parent’s consent of course, so I had to drop by every year so he can find out more about my penis. He would measure it, document it, the standard things. I’d rather not talk about the nurse, if you don’t mind,” Twilight continued.

Applejack scrunched her face in annoyance but nodded in compliance. “I take it something happened eventually, correct?” Rarity asked, sighing in relief that the cowpony’s glare wasn’t directed at her anymore.

“Well, we found out something odd was happening within me when I was 13. My testicles are inside me, but back when I was younger they didn’t do much, but we found out that they started to smother my ovaries,” Twilight said. Fluttershy and Rarity gasped, Daring cringed, but the rest of the room were confused. “The ovaries is the part of the female body that makes the eggs and produces estrogen into the body, they are the opposite to the male’s testicles.” Twilight received a knowing ‘ahh’ from the remaining three ponies.

“Anyways, Since my ‘balls’ are smothering them, it handicaps the creation of estrogen in my body by roughly 65%, and it slowly became more difficult for them to create eggs. In other words,” Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat before continuing, “my testicles have effectively made it impossible for me to mother a foal,” Twilight said. When the doctor had told her that she wasn't sure how to react to those news. Only later when she had been alone in her bed at night she would have sniffled herself to sleep at the thought of never having a child, a family of her own.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy gasped, her eyes began to water as she slowly made her way to Twilight’s side, hugging the purple mare from behind muttering “I’m sorry, Twilight.”

Daring, however, shot a glare at the yellow pegasus, her gut telling her that the pegasus might try to make a move on Twilight like the others have. “What about the ‘boys’ Twi, you said that it was half true that you’re sterile there so what makes it half false?” she added, still giving the animal lover a annoyed stare.

“My testicles are actually extremely potent, meaning I could instantly get a mare pregnant, regardless if they are in heat or not. The reason why I’m sterile now is because the doctor’s fear that my possible libido spike, my parents thought he was insulting me until he told them about a mare called Grand Canopy,” Twilight continued, various ponies were completely confused by this. “She had the same mutation as I do, except she embraced it fully; by courting, seducing, and raping ponies just to satisfy her lust. She alone was the biological father of over seven hundred foals over a thousand years ago.”

“Why would such a pony use others in such a way, how barbaric,” Rarity exclaimed, shocked that somepony would be so brutish.

“Yup, a pony that makes another pony sleep with ‘em is really a darned creep, isn’t she girls?” Applejack remarked. Rarity turned her head away from the cowpony, her face bright red once again. Pinkie was giggling uncomfortably while playing with her mane. Daring wanted to defend herself but couldn’t, only making herself look foolish. Rainbow Dash actually found something rather amusing on the ceiling, far more amusing to her than Applejack’s painfully true remark.

“Well Rarity, I have learned I have a higher libido than your average pony, and since things back then were different. Some historians say Great Canopy did what she did because she wanted her herd to survive, others believe that she raped because she loved the feeling of being able to overpower something, it’s all a psychological thing,” Twilight explained, clearing her throat.

"Not to mention super stamina to go with it," Rainbow Dash mumbled, barely recalling the events that happened at Cloudsdale.

“Back to the subject at hoof here, as many of you may know, I ejaculate a lot of sperm, enough that there is a good possibility that I can break a condom and still get a mare pregnant. Because of this, the doctor that examined me used a spell that made my seminiferous tubule dormant.” Another long silence, “The part of the testicles that are responsible for the conversion of germ cells into sperm cells, other words, it’s what makes sperm.” Another enlightened chorus of ‘ahhs’.

“If he used a spell, can’t you just wake your boys up with the counterspell?” Pinkie asked.

“Two reasons Pinkie. First, the spell itself is accessible only to andrologists, doctors that specialize in the study of male reproductive systems, so the spell itself is barred from me, and asking the princess to let me learn this spell would bring up some awkward questions. Second, I’m actually worried if I would be a good ‘dad’; if you didn’t know, I didn’t raise Spike, I’m more of a step-sister to him than anything else, Princess Celestia raised him and I sometimes babysat him when I was in my early teens,” Twilight concluded.

“You said you have a higher libido, and yet you seem rather calm for a mare with a dick, sitting in a room full of mares your age,” Daring implied.

“It wasn’t that much of a problem when I was young, I had my tea and studies to distract me, also I barely noticed any pony’s curves and usually ignored the mares and stallions that would try to get laid just to say they did it,” Twilight answered.

“I'll be honest, things appeared to be better when I lost my virginity to Lyra when I was in school. Lyra was my only friend in school at that time before we graduated, but we also... 'met' on occasions to help sate a desire or two. Being the one with the dick, I realized that I have been initiating most of my encounters with Lyra roughly once every 2 weeks possibly more, but after I moved to Ponyville, I basically had to resort to my hooves and magazines if I felt in need,” Twilight said.

“You are a mare with a cock, where one mare is dating you, and one mare wants you badly, how did you not just decide to look around for somepony to help you 'blow off some steam'?” Rainbow Dash quipped, still trying to understand what Twilight just said.

"What if somepony thought I was a freak and have me banished to the moon for having a dick? What if Princess Celestia found out and thought I'd become another Great Canopy? Various different outcomes with a bad end for me, Dash. But at any rate; I still have a firm grasp over my libido, but some ponies have ways of catching me off guard,” Twilight mumbled. Her eyes glared at the guilty ponies, Pinkie gave her a big smile, Rarity avoided eye contact, and Rainbow Dash looked like she was ready to do a presentation of whatever it was on the ceiling.

“I got a question for ya, Twilight,” Applejack said, causing the somber mare to look up to her friend. “I find it hard to understand that some mares just decide to want to jump your bones the moment they hear you are packing like a stallion, there has to be more to it.”

“I actually don’t know Applejack, I never thought about it before. Every time it’s literally been the moment they find out I have a penis, they want to have sex with me.” Twilight said.

“As long as it doesn’t escalate to experiments,” Daring muttered.

“You said the moment that a mare finds out that you’re packing, they wanna fuck you?” Rainbow Dash asked, earning a nod from the purple unicorn. Realization kicked in as all eyes turned to the shy pegasus and the cowpony.

“Look, I’ll admit that Twilight’s a pretty mare, but I’m not about to go have a romp with her just because I heard she has one,” Applejack defended, annoyed that some ponies thought that.

“I-I don’t know, I’m not sure if I want to.” Fluttershy mumbled, her fur turning red each second, “I guess if she wasn’t too big?”

The entire room stared at the yellow pegasus, with mouths agape. There was a long silence as everypony just tried to pick their jaws off from the ground.

“Uhh, well... I’m eleven inches long, two point five inches wide,” Twilight answered, still recovering from the shy mare’s question.

”Oh wow,I... wow,” Fluttershy mumbled, her blush intensified as they now looked at her in confusion.

“Could you speak up, dear?” Rarity asked.

“I mean, that... is way too big, that would split me in half. I-I’m sorry Twilight,” Fluttershy said, trying to hide her reddened face behind her pink mane.

“It’s... fine Fluttershy, I don’t mind at all really,” Twilight replied, breathing a sigh of relief. “Well that pretty much covers it all I think, any other questions?”

“I am now very curious darling, have you ever had anything inside you?” Rarity asked, everypony immediately turned to Twilight.

“Yes, I have. Lyra used a ‘unicorn’s horn’ strap-on and broke my hymen about a month after we started having sex, it was..." Twilight let out an awkward cough. "not 'ideal', so I always preferred using my penis when it came to intercourse, and tried to make sure to only use that part when things happen, to the point where I’m usually very nervous around strap-ons, maybe even worse if a stallion was around,” Twilight answered.

“So, you can give it, but you don’t like taking it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Pretty much, it just felt wrong to me and uncomfortable, so I try to avoid it if I can help it.” Twilight finished. “Any other questions?”

The group shook their heads, unable to think of anything. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “That was a load off my chest, sorry I tried to hide it,” She said, the group came together for a big group hug, regardless of what the purple mare in the center of this hug was equipped with.


Through the secret passage they went, trying to remain undetected by the guards. The unicorn scribe and the earth pony assistant quickly made their way through the desolate halls of Castle Platinum.

The couple breathed a sigh of relief when they reached a familiar meeting place, a large bed of hay with moonlight shining through the ceiling, giving the room a mystical feel. “We made it! Now your Princess can’t try to break us apart,” Smart Cookie cheered, turning to hug the scholar.

“I’m glad. Her Highness seemed highly intent on ensuring that we don’t meet anymore, I never thought I’d see so many guards,” Clover the Clever replied.

The two mares walked along side each other as they walked to the pile of hay; Smart Cookie pushed it aside and revealed a trap door. “Come on Clover, if we can get to Cloudsdale or Trottingham, Platinum won’t be able to keep us from being together anymore,” she said, leaning in to get the door with her teeth only flinch back at the sight of her lover using her magic to open it for her.

“I’ll get that. Don’t worry, my love,” Clover said, giving the orange mare a calming smile.

Smart Cookie smiled back and jumped in, quickly followed by the purple unicorn. They ran as fast as they could, a few times the mage tripped but was quickly brought back to her hooves by the earth pony.

They heard faint sounds of metal and ponies yelling, the guards were getting close. They found the door out of the caves and closed it, Clover sealed it with a boulder to block her captors. The two ponies turned and gazed upon what they saw, a beautiful, starry night blanketed the sky. Despite the overwhelming beauty, they still had to find a place to hide for the remainder of the night.

They ran through the forest as quick as their hooves could carry them, not daring look back to see Princess Platinum’s guards. Soon the two ponies became weary and sat under the moon, deciding to make camp there.

“The moon is beautiful this night, isn’t it?” Clover said, gazing into the night sky.

“Not as beautiful as you Clover,” Smart Cookie said, kissing the unicorn on the cheek.

They began to give light kisses on each other’s cheeks but soon they began to kiss passionately. They felt each other’s love through that heated kiss, not wanting to break away, but all things cannot last.

Clover broke it and slowly pushed the earth pony onto her back, planting a kiss on her neck as she laid the orange mare down. She used her magic to remove the clothing from her lover’s body, placing it neatly beside them.

Smart Cookie wrapped her hooves around her unicorn lover, kissing the purple mare’s forehead as she felt Clover nip at her fur.

“I wish to try a spell Smart Cookie. Will you allow me to?” the Clever mare asked, a look of worry etched on her face.

“I know you’d never hurt me intentionally my love, you may,” Smart Cookie complied, giving the unicorn a warm smile.

Clover’s horn shined a brilliant pink, feeling her lower regions stretch and reshape themselves. Smart Cookie watched in amazement as a very healthy-looking purple member seemed to have taken the place of her lover’s marehood. “I learned this spell, for you, I wanted to cast this upon myself in case something might have happened, I would rather risk myself than to lose you,” Clover said, tears forming in her eyes.

“You know I love you with all my heart, and it would sting me terribly to lose you. You were trained by Starswirl the Bearded, if there is a spell out there, you can’t fail at it, my clever unicorn,” Smart Cookie said, pulling the unicorn into a kiss.

Clover leaned into her lover, positioning herself to enter the warm depths of the earth pony. She hissed in an unfamiliar sensation as she felt the head brush against Smart Cookie’s marehood. Slowly, she pushed inward; her length consumed by the ravenous lips of Smart Cookie’s pussy.

“Keep going, my love, I want to feel all of you,” Smart Cookie said. She has never felt so good before, she felt warm inside, she felt herself connect to Clover in ways either of them couldn’t have imagine. Her grasp tightened as the unicorn bucked her hips.

“You’re so tight, Smart Cookie,” Clover cooed, kissing the orange mare on the lips. She felt the heartbeat of her lover, the loving embrace of her vaginal walls; she never wanted to leave, but she still had to please her lover. she wanted to make Smart Cookie the happiest mare in Equestria.

Clover’s pace quickened, her inexperience with such an organ took a toll on her, but she knew Smart Cookie was close; soon they will become one.

“I’m cumming,” Clover whimpered, panting hard as she thrusted wildly into the orange mare.

“I am too, let’s come together,” Smart Cookie said. As they felt their climax closing in they embraced each other in one last kiss, as Clover filled her lover-

“Luna! It is time to raise the moon,” Celestia called out, interrupting the Lunar Princess from her story.

“Just a moment,” Luna called out to her sister, carefully hiding her work under her silver desk.

Celestia smiled and returned to her room.

Luna grumbled as she left her room to do her nightly duties. As soon as she was finished raising the moon, she raced back to her room to resume her story.

-filled her lover with her magical essence. The hot sperm made the orange mare quiver with passion as another orgasm ran through her body. Her inner walls were milking the purple shaft for all she could as Clover gave out a cute moan, gazing into the night sky as she felt the most glorious and happiest she has even been.

After her final spurt, Clover gazed upon her lover. The beautiful earth pony’s coat was bathed in the shine of the stars and the moon, making it glisten and sparkle with the sweat that had worked up from their heated passion. Her heart bloomed upon the magnificent view before her. Nothing will tear her away from this mare.

Smart Cookie breathed hard as she watched her lover, the strong but caring mare, looking at her with so much love in her eyes that she suddenly felt insignificant. To receive so much adoration didn't felt right. Did she of all ponies really deserved all this attention of such a mare like Clover the Clever?

Clover noticed a change in her lover´s attitude; a change she didn't liked. Not at all.

"Smart Cookie, look at me,” she said, worry filling those words. Worry which made Smart Cookie scared.

"I-I’m looking at you, Clover. You're beau-.” The earth pony tried to save this wonderful evening from her own fear getting the better of her..

"No!" The Unicorn interrupted her lover's excuse in a harsh and commanding tone. Then she moved one of her hooves up slowly, caressing the orange´s pony´s body on its way to her face. It found its destination on her cheek, petting her mare in small circles.

"Look me in the eyes, Smart Cookie," said Clover softly in a sweet voice as she moved herself closer to her lover´s face, to make her see what thousand books could never describe to her.

"I love you." A whisper so quiet like a breath in the wind, honest like the sun removing all shadowy doubts and so deeply seated with affection as stars and moon guiding the lost even in the darkest of night.

Clover's other hoof moved all the way up, brushing against Smart Cookie's fur and resting on her free cheek. But both mares never looked away from each other eyes, purple and green, staring into each other.

Smart Cookie saw love in the eyes of the unicorn. A love of the purest, deepest and most caring kind. She moved her head up a bit and kissed her mare, her love of her life. How stupid could she be to doubt herself, to doubt Clover, at this point of their relationship?

"You do. As much as I love you, my dearest,” replied the orange pony to the purple one. A tear of emotion was leaving her eye but Clover kissed it away before it fell to the ground. She continued to deliver kiss upon kiss on her mare and each kiss was responded in kind by a kiss of her lover, both inflicting need and desire on each other with every kiss.

"Ready for round two?" asked Clover breathless.

"You're asking?" joked Smart Cookie nonetheless at a loss of breath.

Clover smiled as she moved out of Smart Cookie's flower, looking at the seed pouring out of it and pride swelled in her at the thought of this mare being hers. The earth pony sat up, her mouth eager to taste her lover's lovemeat.

Smart Cookie rubbed along the length with her hoof as she allowed Clover to push the purple member into her mouth.

The earth pony’s tongue danced on the head, removing the member from her mouth to lick the remnants of their earlier passion off her lover’s towering member. Her heart grew warming as she heard Clover hiss and coo at the pleasure the earth pony was showing her.

Clover’s hooves found their place on Smart Cookie’s head, gently urging the representative to take more of her length. She felt every loving caress of Smart Cookie’s tongue on her magical cock.

The court wizard’s urgency wasn’t lost to the orange mare. She took what she could of the mare meat, leaving a small portion of it outside. Her own hoof playfully prodded and rubbed the purple mare’s slit, causing the unicorn to moan hard.

Clover the Clever’s mind was reeling from the pleasure, her hooves still firmly placed on the blonde mare’s head. “Please Smart Cookie,” Clover pleaded, Smart Cookie released the member and smiled at her lover.

The orange pony began to suckle the purple cock for all she could, a warm feeling of satisfaction raced along her spine as she felt her love fill her mouth with her seed.

Clover attempted to stand back up, motioning the earth pony to turn around. Smart Cookie smile and nodded as she presented her rear to her lover.

The unicorn’s hooves rubbed the well-toned flanks of the earth pony, marveling at the strong yet soft texture of the mare’s muscles. She leaned her head in to lap at the glistening sex, feeling proud as she watched her cum still dripping from the orange mare’s pussy.

“Don’t tease me, my love. Take me, make me your mare, I’m yours now and forever,” Smart Cookie whined, shuddering at the feeling of her lover’s tongue on her snatch.

Clover didn’t wish to play with her lover. She placed both hooves on the mare’s backside and positioned herself to re-enter her. Instead of earlier, the unicorn didn’t waste time, but gave her mare exactly what she desired, everything she had as she thrust herself as deep as she could inside Smart Cookie.

Smart Cookie moaned hard, the sudden feeling of being so full nearly brought her to her climax once again. She loved the feeling of Clover taking her, she loved it when the unicorn took charge, she loved the inquisitive purple mare.

Clover felt lost in bliss as she pounded the mare deep. as she continued to rut Smart Cookie, she clenched her teeth as she felt the inner walls of the orange mare clench her in orgasmic bliss, trying to bring the unicorn to orgasm with the representative.

“Please my love, harder. Do me harder” Smart Cookie cried. The purple mare quickened her pace, nearly causing her cock to enter the orange mare’s womb.

“Say my name,” The scholar grunted, biting softly into the shoulder of the orange mare. “I want the moon to know the name of the mare that holds you so.”

“Ah, Twilight! Twilight! Twil-”

"ARGGGGGH!" Luna threw her hooves up and her smoking feather she had almost burned with her fast writing. Frustrated, she looked at the latest passage of her text. That must have been the tenth or more time she had written Celestia’ student’s name instead of Clover the Clever. The tenth or more time she had stopped writing and wondered what was wrong with her.

"Ah, great. This again too,” mumbled the princess of the night as she felt her wetness between her legs. Her royal pussy was screaming for attention; so indecorous of a princess. Luna sighed as she erased the latest words of her story and put it away in her desk, using a spell to ensure nopony but her could open it. There´s no way she could let her dear sister look at this part of her mind. Of her thoughts she believed nonexistent after that night.

But solving those thoughts will have to wait as the alicorn felt again a daring itching in her loins. With a sigh she moved to her bed and pulled under it some of her "royal toys". It was time again to satisfy her desire and to do her best to not think about a certain, purple Unicorn with a well-toned body made of magic and a shining coat of sparkling beauty and a sweet voice like honey to her ears and eyes. So deep, so purple, so lovely - ah, she was doing it again.

She took out her biggest dildo and looked at the purple lust toy before her. Maybe not her smartest choice of color but after a couple seconds thinking about whenever or not using it, she shrugged and hopped onto the bed, eager to work her lustful desire off.

A couple rooms away Princess Celestia had fallen in a deep sleep, not knowing of her little sisters muffling the screams of her student's name.

Chapter Eight: Cloudchaser's Desire (Protip: It involves Thunderlane)

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[{Cloudchaser/Thunderlane}F/M oral][{Twilight/Thunderlane/Cloudchaser}Futa/M/F, pegging, vaginal, anal, double penetration, oral]

It is true, that many pegasi are prideful and confident in their abilities, but there is also a time where lying in bed with your mate is just what anypony could ever ask for. This day came to Cloudchaser shortly after a night of love with her coltfriend, Thunderlane. Most male pegasi were so full of themselves, it’s a wonder that they all don’t have brown eye colours. But Thunderlane was different, he is still daring, but he is also considerate. She shifted her weight a bit to snuggle closer to her mate only to feel his length nestled between her butt cheeks, half-erect.

With a grin, she slipped under the covers to give her lover a pleasant awakening. The black stallion twitched in pleasure as his marefriend’s tongue slid along his hardening nine inches. She continued to tease the colt with careful nips and loving licks on the head of his cock.

Eying her prize, she took the head into her mouth and began to suck out any life-giving fluids it had, causing Thunderlane to groan in his sleep. She worked the stallionhood with vigor, taking nearly half of its length into her mouth, relishing in the taste of the colt’s pre-seed.

The sudden feeling of the head flaring nearly caught the Pale blue mare unaware, she gave a weak smile as she slid the cock out of her mouth keeping only the head in, letting Thunderlane’s sperm fill her mouth as the black pony before her groaned and shuddered.

Thunderlane awoke with a dumb grin on his face, feeling extremely happy for no reason. He noticed his marefriend wasn’t beside him; his eyes went wide in search of his mare. His lifted his covers to find Cloudchaser swallowing the last of his cum. “Probably the best way to wake up, right babe?” Thunderlane asked, flashing a goofy grin.

Cloudchaser moved up to give Thunderlane a kiss. “Maybe you can repay the favor later?” she asked with a sultry tone. She jumped out of the bed and went to make Breakfast for the two.


“Hey sis, what’s up?” Flitter said, landing next to her twin in Ponyville’s town square.

“Not much, but my horoscope tells me that ‘today, I’ll come to an exciting revelation’ so I am pretty hyped,” Cloudchaser giggled as Flitter soon joined in her sister’s mirth.

“How’s Thunderlane been? Is he still treating you well? Do I have to geld him?”

Cloudchaser gave her twin a confused look, “what was that last question?” she asked.

“Is he treating you well?” Flitter responded nearly automatic. Cloudchaser simply nodded with a smile on her face. Flitter let out a breath and re-adjusted her red bow.

“He is so great, he treats me like a lady should be treated,” She answered, puffing her chest in pride. Flitter rolled her eyes. “He almost looks adorable when he’s below me while I ride his-" Flitter interrupted her twin by shoving her hoof into the other’s mouth before she could finish that thought.

“I don’t want to know what you two do in bed,” Flitter said, removing her hoof from the other mare’s mouth.

“What I am trying to say, is he is SO cute when submissive. Almost makes me wish I was a colt and he was the filly,” Cloudchaser giggled, her twin gave a rather awkward giggle of her own.

“Anyways, wanna hang out? Cloud Kicker and the girls are going to be at the café,” Flitter asked. Cloudchaser gave her sister a nod as they made their way to the small restaurant.


“Hey girls," Cloud Kicker said, giving Flitter a hug. Cloudchaser took a seat at the table, with Lyra to her left. Flitter broke the hug with Cloud Kicker and sat to Cloudchaser’s right. Bon-bon sat between her marefriend and Blossomforth while Cloud Kicker sat next to Pink pegasus.

“Hey Cloudchaser, how’s the straight life?” Lyra asked, sitting in her awkward position as usual.

“It’s great, Thunderlane is a great coltfriend. What about you and Bon-bon?” Cloudchaser asked, giving the mint mare a devious smile.

Lyra smiled and rubbed the back of her head. “I can’t say anything bad, Bon-bon’s tongue is pretty magic-ACK,” Lyra shouted. Cloudchaser looked behind Lyra to see Bon-bon sitting back down, with an annoyed grunt.

“I don’t understand you ‘single pony’ types. I’ll hoof it to Bon-bon and Lyra that mares are so much better with their tongues. But at least with Cloudchaser, she and I both know what it’s like to feel ‘full’, am I right honey?” Cloud Kicker asked. Cloudchaser meekly nodded in agreement. “Besides, it’s not like you can combine the two genders to make the greatest and the sexiest pony ever,” She finished. She heard Lyra coughing harshly.

“Sorry, went down the wrong pipe,” Lyra choked, giving the other mares an awkward smile.

“Both genders, Like a colt with a pussy? That would be just plain weird,” Flitter said, and then she started to giggle. “That made me think of Thunderlane for a moment, he apparently likes my sister being on top.” The five mares giggled while Blossomforth tried to make herself transparent.

“How about a mare with a cock, I’m sure that would be just as weird,” Blossomforth added, still blushing furiously.

Cloud Kicker’s eyes went wide, some drool slipping form the corners of her mouth. “That actually sounds really sexy, think about it…The soft features, adorable or beautiful to look at, but still has that stallion mentality to rut you like a bitch in heat. Why don’t these mares exist?” Cloud Kicker cried, holding Blossomforth’s cheeks.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind finding out if Applejack was packing, she’d probably give it as well as her brother,” Flitter chimed in, “probably not Rainbow Dash, she’s probably just as fast in bed as she is in the air,” She giggled. The other mares started to giggle with her.

“Cheerilee would be in prison somewhere if she was hiding that. A he-mare in a school full of curious fillies and colts,” Bon-bon added. “Oh, Mayor Mare would probably have more assistants working for her…and under her.” She failed to suppress a laugh.

“I bet that zebra that lives in Everfree is like that, she is so secretive… After Nightmare Night, I have tried on three separate occasions to bang her, and she refused each time. I bet she is beyond wild,” Cloud Kicker pouted, Cloudchaser snickered at this. “Speaking of banging, as much I love to do that, I don’t think I wanna be in the same town as Pinkie Pie if she happened to sport one.” All of them cringed in fear at the idea of the party mare being ‘equipped’.

“Fluttershy is far too ‘motherly’ to be a He-she, she just gives off a vibe that tells me ‘I’m too adorable to be a colt’ and no matter what that Minotaur taught her while she was being assertive, she's just a filly,” Flitter added. “Same goes for Twilight, but that magic of hers could be something.”

It was Lyra’s turn to drool, but she quickly caught it before anypony noticed. Cloudchaser recalled an event of the mint unicorn visiting the Library often. “Didn't you and Twilight go to school together, Lyra?” she asked, Lyra hesitated, but nodded. “And haven't you been going to the library often?” Lyra looked to her left to see Bon-bon glaring at her.

“Yea, Lyra… I am curious too,” She muttered, raising her right hoof to meet the unicorn’s jaw should she hear the wrong answer.

“Well, I had some problems with my magic and since Twilight was taught by Celestia herself, she’d tutor me. I’m better now,” Lyra smiled awkwardly, as she saw Bon-Bon’s hoof return to its place on the ground.

“So, you and Twilight weren’t doing anything? Looks like a lot of ponies are these days. Pinkie Pie goes there a lot, THE Daring Do is her marefriend, all of us heard Trixie a while ago, I did hear of a purple unicorn and a blue Pegasus walking out of Spitfire’s dressing room a while after a Wonderbolt show. And didn’t the Princess of the Night herself put Twilight’s entire lower body in a cast?” Cloud Kicker added, Bon-bon’s right hoof at attention and aimed.

“Relax, Bon-bon. If this is true, then imagine the hot threesome in your near future. Being sandwiched between two unicorns, putting those horns to good use, you just have to live and forget if Lyra is seeing Twilight on the side,” Cloudchaser said.

Bon-Bon gave the Unique-maned pegasus a sympathetic look before letting her hoof return to the ground. “Alright, I guess I can forgive Twilight if she and Lyra have been doing things…and I’ll forgive Lyra, as long she isn’t lying to me about it,” Bon-bon said, looking deep into the unicorn’s eyes. “All you need to do is to be open with me, Lyra.”

Lyra’s eyes were tearing up, and kissed Bon-Bon full on the lips before saying “As much as I love you with all my heart. Twilight and I have been messing around since half-way though Magic High School,” Lyra’s head soon felt the pavement after a direct confrontation with Bon-Bon’s hoof.

“I said I’d forgive her, I never said I wouldn’t punch her,” Bon-Bon replied, quietly sipping her tea as Lyra slowly staggered back into her seat.

“Now I have to know, what is that shut-in like?” Cloud Kicker asked, big smile on her face, stretching over the table to meet with Lyra.

“The first few weeks, it took a bit to get her to respond but afterwards, it was pretty good, nowhere near as good as Bon-Bon is with her tongue, but that- magic of hers sure can help,” Lyra chuckled awkwardly, the rest of the ponies at the table were confused by the sudden change in unicorn’s words.

“Have you ever used each other’s horns?” Flitter asked, now curious.

“We’ve only given each other hornjobs, still something Bon-Bon beats Twilight at since Twilight was always so awkward about it. We never used our horns down there,” Lyra blushed intensely.

“Then how come the first night we decided on using the Princess’ Consort, I didn’t feel a hymen?” Bon-Bon asked her mate, sweat started to run down Lyra’s coat at speeds that would make Rainbow Dash jealous.

“We… We had a 'unicorn's horn' strap-on, we used it plenty of times,” Lyra stuttered. Bon-Bon’s glare was trying to burn holes into Lyra’s head.

“Was there any awkward moments other than the first time?” Cloudchaser asked, moving closer to Lyra.

“Well, there was this time where Twi and I were making out at my place. I made the mistake of teasing her for the whole day and when she came, I felt like a water balloon for a while,” Lyra laughed, her eyes shot wide as she registered her own words. The other mares’ mouths were agape and eyes were wide.

“How is that even possible?” Blossomforth asked.

“Remember when you said that Twilight is not likely to be packing?” Was all Lyra muttered under the pressure of her peers.

“So I guess this means it isn’t completely impossible that Fluttershy could be one if Twilight is one?” Blossomforth muttered.

Lyra’s eyes shifted to Bon-Bon who was fuming. “You knew that Twilight had a cock for years,” The mint pony prepared to run from the scene as her marefriend moved closer to her. “and you didn’t tell me?” Lyra stopped for a moment with a look of hope in her eyes until she remembered something.

“Twilight wants this to stay a secret, so could you girls not say anything?” She looked around the table to see Cloud Kicker still drooling, the twins were still in shock, and Blossomforth was trying to get the blond pegasus to snap out of it.

“Oh yeah, of course,” Cloudchaser finally answered, “I’ll keep it a secret.” The others nodded in agreement. “I need to go talk to Thunderlane about something, see you girls later,” She muttered, before flying off.

Blossomforth somehow managed to get Cloud Kicker on her back and carried her home, “See you later.” Flitter shook her head, trying to snap herself out of her state of shock, before waving good bye to the couple and flew off.

“When we get home, you better prepare yourself. I will be using the Princess’ Consort. In your butt…no lube,” Bon-Bon sneered. Lyra could only whimper as Bon-bon dragged her off back home.


Cloudchaser found Thunderlane moving clouds around in the southern part of Ponyville. “Hey Thunderlane, I got something I wanna tell you.”

Thunderlane stopped for a moment, flew over to greet his marefriend. “What’s up, C.C?” Thunderlane asked, kissing her cheek.

“I was wondering if I can bring a friend over tonight, so the three of us can hang out,” Cloudchaser asked.

Thunderlane gave it a thought, before giving his marefriend a big smile. “Sure, go for it.” Cloudchaser wrapped her front hooves around Thunderlane’s neck and gave him a deep kiss, before flying away. “Tonight is going to be awesome, I hope Cloud Kicker is ready for me, maybe it’ll be Flitter; doesn’t matter, cause this will be the best night ever.”


Cloudchaser landed before the library, “Easy part is over, now for the hard part,” She muttered to herself, before knocking on the door.

It opened to reveal a semi-annoyed dragon. “Hi, is Twilight home,” Cloudchaser asked. Her answer was Spike throwing a book at the upstairs door, only to watch it rebound off of an invisible force. “I’ll take that as a yes?”

Spike sighed and moved aside, as Cloudchaser flew up to find there was a barrier around the upstairs room. She turned around to buck it only to hear a pained scream. Cloudchaser shot back down to the ground as the door above opened.

“Ow, who did that?” Twilight asked, walking out of her room. She looked down to see the guilt on the pegasus’ face.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t know I was interrupting something,” Cloudchaser tried to get a better look into the room to find it stacked high with books on the floor. “Was I interrupting something?” She asked.

“I was just studying. The barrier was for Pinkie Pie. What can I do for you?” Twilight asked, before Cloudchaser could answer, Spike grumbled and stomped into the kitchen. “Hey, I said I was sorry about Rarity, and gave you Tom to eat,” Twilight yelled.

Cloudchaser’s hooves went to her mouth to stifle a gasp. “You did ‘it’ with Rarity?” Cloudchaser asked.

Twilight blushed hard. “No, sort of…but it was the one time. Rarity is still single and I still have Daring Do, Spike still has a chance to get Rarity,” Twilight stuttered.

“Too bad, you wrecked her like you wrecked Pinkie.” Spike called out.

Twilight’s hair started to part at areas. “We have a guest over, you promised not to speak of that. Besides, Dragons are regal and honorable creatures, things that Rarity likes in a stallion. Just because she got curious about…hornplay, doesn’t mean she won’t give you a chance,” Twilight yelled back to her assistant, Cloudchaser gave a few steps back to avoid ear damage. “I’m really sorry about that, Spike had a crush on Rarity for a few years and when me and Rarity experimented recently, Sweetie Belle found out and told him, and now he doesn’t trust me anymore. Even Rarity has been trying to get me on his good side. I just feel bad that I betrayed Spike,” Twilight sighed, she conjured a shield that disintegrated a tomato flying at her head, Cloudchaser looked back towards the kitchen to see Spike glaring at his Elder Step-sibling before retreating back into the Kitchen.

“Well, I’d like you to come hang out with me and Thunderlane, Lyra told me how much you helped her out with her magic, and I thought, maybe the Egghead of Ponyville could help me out with understanding clouds,” Cloudchaser asked, with a big smile.

“Better be careful, or Twilight will steal you from Thunderlane,” Spike said, he hid before Twilight could spot him.

“Don’t worry, He’ll be there too, so nothing will happen,” The pegasus said, reassuring Twilight.

“I guess I could help, But wouldn’t Rainbow Dash be better at helping you if the problem happens to be understanding clouds?” Twilight asked. Cloudchaser rolled her eyes and began pushing Twilight out the door.

“Rainbow Dash doesn’t like Thunderlane that much. Let’s just go,” She whined, lifting Twilight off the ground and flew to her cloud home.


Before Cloudchaser landed, Twilight applied her Cloud walking spell, letting the purple mare land before the light grey pegasus landed next to her. The cloud home itself wasn’t as extravagant as Rainbow Dash’s but it had a charm to it that Twilight admired, reminding her of Fluttershy’s cottage. Cloudchaser opened the door to reveal a rather spacious living room; A single blue sofa in the center of the room with a large rug in the middle of the room, with Thunderlane lying on it, reading. A pathway leading to the stairs was present but was hidden from Twilight’s vision by the basement entrance that bulged inward. A door opposite to the entrance lead to the kitchen, while a single bookshelf rested opposite to the stairs and several end tables lined the walls with various knickknacks.

“Hey C.C, Hi... Miss Sparkle?” Thunderlane asked curiously, rather confused that the unicorn is here, but he merely shrugged and went back to his book.

“Hi, Thunder, Twilight is here to help us with Cloud stuff and just plain hang out,” Cloudchaser said, winking to her coltfriend, he gave a understanding smile, as the pegasus mare lead Twilight to the couch, and leaving for the kitchen, her flanks giving a noticeable sway.

“So, Thunderlane. Do you happen to know what Cloudchaser is having problems with understanding clouds? It’s rather ridiculous for a pegasus to ask a unicorn about clouds,” Twilight asked the colt, Thunderlane gave a shrug and went back to his book, The unicorn let out an annoyed sigh and levitated a book to read while Cloudchaser was in the kitchen.

Eight minutes later, Cloudchaser was trying to balance a few snacks and beers in her hooves as she hovered out to meet the two ponies. “Sorry about the wait” she said, laying the try down on a table by the couch. “Enjoy,” She said, with a sing song voice as Twilight levitated a sandwich to herself while Thunderlane got up to take a beer.

“So where do you want to start?” Twilight asked, giving the hostess a curious look.

“I think we should relax and enjoy ourselves before we get to studying,” Cloudchaser explained, taking one bottle in her mouth and placing it next to Twilight, the unicorn mare recalled the events with Spitfire and Rainbow Dash; causing the mare to politely turn down the drink. “Come on, it’s not that bad.”

“I don’t know, the last time I had beer, bad things happened,” Twilight said, still trying to avoid the alcoholic beverage.

“Like what?” Thunderlane asked. He and Cloudchaser were honestly curious, and rather surprised Twilight has had beer before.

“I can’t really go into details of what happened, but I woke up with a bad headache, and enough poison in my stomach to make Pinkie sick,” Twilight explained to the two pegasi. They glanced at each other before giving the unicorn a stern look.

“Come on, you can tell us. My sister is the gossip, not me.” Cloudchaser tried to reason with Twilight. But the scholar still refused, her blush now becoming noticeable.

“I’d rather not say.” Twilight muttered as she tried to blend in with the couch she is sitting on, taking a small bite from the sandwich.

“Come on, we’re not going to tease,” Cloudchaser reassured, now sitting next to Thunderlane. The unicorn still refused to say. “How about this then, I’ll tell you about an embarrassing part of my life and then you tell me about what happened the last time you had a beer.”

Twilight was now looking at Cloudchaser with curiosity in her eyes before shaking her head. “No, I’d rather not intrude on something like that.”

“It’s fine. So Flitter and I were…”


“…and there you have it,” Cloudchaser finished, both her guests were wide eyed and simply flabbergasted by the information. Midway through the story, all three ponies have had some alcohol during the story. “So, how about that experience you had?”

“So that’s why you didn’t want to go to Trottingham five months ago,” Thunderlane replied, still confused by the story his marefriend regaled him and the purple unicorn.

“Well, compared to that. Getting drunk in a dressing room and ending up in a threesome with Spitfire and Rainbow Dash seems so…trivial.” Twilight said, her host nearly doing a spit-take, Thunderlane was still shocked by the story Cloudchaser told, he barely registered Twilight’s brief experience.

“For a nerdy mare, you definitely get around,” Cloudchaser joked. The purple mare gave a questioning look to her host, while taking a careful sip from her bottle.

“Wow, I feel like the most boring pony on the planet all of a sudden,” Thunderlane added, with a meek smile.

“Don’t worry babe, I can spice things up for you if you want,” The lady pegasus cooed, leaning towards her coltfriend.

Twilight’s gaze shifted to the bookshelf to save herself from blushing. “I-I can leave you two alone, if you want. I don’t want to intrude on anything,” She stuttered, still trying to force her mind to find the bookshelf more appealing than the couple before her.

“If you want Twilight, you can join us,” Cloudchaser said, seduction dripping from her lips as she sauntered up to Twilight. She pressed the purple mare into the couch she was sitting on, kissing the librarian on the lips.

With the two mares making out in front of him, Thunderlane couldn’t help but grin at his luck. His marefriend is seducing the prize student of Princess Celestia into a threesome, it’s almost like a dream come true for the colt. His cock began to reveal itself from its hiding place, already his hoof was tending to its growing needs.

Cloudchaser broke the kiss and turned her head to see her lover pleasuring himself. “One moment Twi, I need to get both of us ready.” She cooed, releasing Twilight from her grip before meeting Thunderlane on the rug. She placed her right hoof on the black colt’s shoulder and the other on his stallionhood, stroking him as the couple kissed.

Twilight sat on the couch dumbfounded and aroused as it became her turn to watch two ponies make out, her own length dispelling the effects of her morning tea. Twilight awkwardly tried to rub her own member with her hoof, unaware of winged mare watching her from the corner of her eye.

’Well then, it’s time for us to find out who’s the better fit, shall we’ Cloudchaser thought as she kissed Thunderlane. She pushed on his shoulders until he laid on his back. “Let me handle everything, babe,” She whispered into his ear, as she positioned herself to take his member.

The pale-blue mare’s pussy took his cock happily as they sighed in unison, it wasn’t long until Cloudchaser began to ride her coltfriend, arching over him as her hips raised and lowered, all to entice Twilight to join them.

Twilight got off the couch and watched the two ponies mate, she wanted to join but she didn’t want to hurt Cloudchaser. She looked up at the pegasus mare to see her beckoning Twilight towards her. As the scholar wandered up next to the couple, Cloudchaser fell back, causing Thunderlane to reposition above her while the pale-blue mare went to work on Twilight`s dick.

Thunderlane continued to pound into his mare but felt slightly submissive when he saw what Twilight packing, almost embarrassed to having sex in the same room with her. “What the buck…” was all he muttered, as she slowed down slightly, he picked up his pace when he heard an annoyed grunt coming from his girl. ’Where in Tartarus did she hide that?’ he thought, worried that a mare would steal his marefriend away.

“I need you two to stuff me, at the same time,” Cloudchaser ordered, pushing Thunderlane onto his back again. She then felt Twilight’s head threaten her anus. She was not a stranger to anal sex, thanks to Thunderlane and a drunken fling with Snowflake, but she nearly drew blood as she bit her lip; Twilight was a lot bigger than she expected.

Twilight slowly pushed her member deeper into pale-blue pegasus’ bowels, the warmth of Cloudchaser’s back tunnel made Twilight feel as if she would melt, but soon enough the studious mare began to buck her hips, each thrust feeding more of her length inside of the pegasus mare.

Cloudchaser mouth was agape as she felt both lengths invade her openings, she nearly screamed each time the two thrust into her at the same time, especially when Twilight finally hilted herself into the pale-blue pony’s rump.

Her voice caused the glass to crack as she came, with Thunderlane soon following her. Despite the fact that the black pegasus couldn’t keep going, Twilight was still trying to earn her orgasm. She gave him a brief glance when she used her magic to lift Cloudchaser off of his spent member, allowing him to get out from underneath the two mares.

As he watched his marefriend get pounded by the shy librarian of Ponyville from behind, he felt himself getting stiff again. He saw his mare wanting more as she opened her mouth. He complied by sticking his cock into it.

Cloudchaser tried to keep her plan in motion and tried a new gambit. Letting a bit of Thunderlane’s cum flow out of her mouth, she let it drip on her hoof as she tried to massage it into her coltfriend’s virgin hole.

Twilight finally reached her climax as she buried herself as deep as she could inside the pale-blue mare, filling her intestines with her spunk. She pulled out slowly, hearing an audible whimper coming from the mare below her.

Cloudchaser removed Thunderlane’s prick from her mouth. “Hey babe, I want to try something, can you humour me?” She asked. Thunderlane nodded. “Good, I’m going to lie back, keep your dick by my face, ‘kay?” she whispered, The black pegasus nodded as he repositioned himself so he was nearly sitting on his marefriend’s torso. She resumed sucking him off, but she also spread his butt cheeks, to tempt Twilight to take the bait.

Twilight was cleaning her member with her magic when she turned to see Cloudchaser coax her into taking her coltfriend's anus.

Smiling as she took it, hook, line, and sinker. Twilight pressed her hooves alongside Cloudchaser’s to reveal Thunderlane’s pucker. The colt was confused by the sudden grip of hooves on his butt, until he was reminded of what Twilight was packing, every inch of it.

He screamed, as Twilight took his black cherry with force. The pain was lessened by the pleasure of Cloudchaser’s mouth. He was one of many stallions who believed that the anus was only an exit, and never the entrance, but it was clear that both Cloudchaser and Twilight wanted him to think differently on that theory. He wasn’t sure if he should love the feeling of this purple mare filling him, or be degraded that somepony is plowing through his backdoor.

The slickness of Twilight’s earlier orgasm and all the spittle Cloudchaser applied to his rectum made it far easier for Twilight to thrust in and out of him, soon he began to enjoy this new feeling. He had a thought that maybe Cloudchaser wanted him to feel what she felt, and through this make him a better coltfriend. Taking that thought to heart, he humped back onto Twilight’s rod, determined to make Twilight paint his insides like he had done to Cloudchaser plenty of times.

Cloudchaser slid from underneath the two to let Thunderlane fall face first onto the floor, with Twilight still nailing his butt. She gave the moaning colt a kiss on his forehead and a hug. She then sat back and watched her coltfriend take the mare’ s cock, with her hoof sliding below to pleasure herself.

Twilight would have objected to this if she knew this was Cloudchaser’s plan from the start, but now she didn’t care. Thunderlane wanted more, and she was ready to give it to him. She pounded deep inside of Thunderlane. Eventually, she turned the colt onto his side, while she sat over his right leg and held his left leg, giving pale-blue mare a better view of the entry, and began to thrust faster into him.

The two ponies came at the same time, with Thunderlane’s spunk flying out in front of him, while he felt Twilight deposit herself inside of him. The purple mare pulled out, and a few strands of her spunk shot out landed on his belly and face.

’How cute, she painted my colt,’ Cloudchaser thought, as she walked over to the exhausted duo, Thunderlane’s cock retreated back to its sheath, completely satisfied, while Twilight was still hard. “Come on, babe. Let’s thank Twilight for such a good time.” She whispered into his ear, and he didn’t care anymore.

Until Twilight’s last orgasm of the night, she was treated to watching both pegasi suck her off, with Thunderlane taking the shaft down his throat and Cloudchaser licking her cunt, every so often, they would switch until purple mare had painted both ponies with her cum.


Cloudchaser and Flitter were back at the café, chatting with Bon-bon over a plate of hay fries. A fancy paper bag can be seen lying against Cloudchaser’s seat. The current conversation was interrupted by a distraught Cloud Kicker.

“Is something the matter, Kicker?” Flitter asked, based on the blond mare’s expressions and her reaction to Lyra’s news yesterday, Cloudchaser could almost guess what could be bothering her fellow pegasus.

“I couldn’t find Twilight yesterday, I thought I could get her for the night, only to find out she was out breaking relationships or something.” Cloud Kicker mumbled as she sat down next to Bon-bon as she nearly shoveled hay fries into her mouth. “What’s with the bag Chaser?”

“Just a little something for Thunderlane the next time we get together.” Cloudchaser answered, patting the bag next to her.

“Are you really those kinds of marefriends that buy their colts edible panties and socks?” Bon-bon inquired, half disgusted that Cloudchaser would buy something like that, and half annoyed that she didn’t buy it from candy shop owner herself.

“Of course not, I just found out something new about my Thunderlane.” Cloudchaser added, stifling a giggle. Her twin rolled her eyes and she grabbed the package and revealed it to the world. It was a Princess’ Consort strap-on sex toy, with grooves along the sides of it, and a realistic flare at the end. The mares at the table who stared at this in confusion looked back to the pony that purchased the toy. “Thunderlane likes to take it sometimes too.”

Like a bolt of realization, Cloud Kicker got up from her seat. “You had her last night?” She accused, Pinkie Pie was poking out of a flower pot, just as aggravated by this revelation as Cloud Kicker. There was an awkward silence between the five mares until Bon-bon broke the silence.

“Did you take pictures?”

Mini-Series: Cutie Mark Crusaders vs. Evil Colt-Filly, Twilight Sparkle

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This chapter contains foalcon, as in… three fillies having sex with an unconscious futanari mare, if this isn’t your cup of tea, then please back out and save what is left of your sanity. I certainly won’t judge because I’m the sick prick that wrote this chapter, dood.

I don’t want people walking into something they don’t want to be a part of, dood. So this is my disclaimer and warning for the chapter, dood.

[Tags:{Applebloom/Sweetie Belle/Scootaloo/Twilight Sparkle} F/F/F/Futa, Sleep Sex, Oral, Vaginal, Foalcon]

“Alright girls; on to the next item of the aj-aji-aju…” Applebloom sat in confusion trying to pronounce the word.

“Agenda,” Sweetie Belle said.

“What she said, agenda. The evil colt-filly called ‘Twilight Sparkle’.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in agreement. Something must be done about Twilight. Rainbow Dash openly admitted to having sex with the purple unicorn, and Sweetie Belle had seen Twilight have sex with Rarity.

Applebloom believed that Applejack was the next on Twilight’s list of ponies she was going to do ‘adult things’ with; a situation that the crusaders would have to prevent.

“So anyone got a plan to stop Twilight?” Applebloom asked.

“I say we cut his colt parts off, so he’ll never need to use it again,” Scootaloo muttered.

“I don’t think we can do that, Daring would be mad at us, and wouldn’t that hurt?” Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo was about to retort but Sweetie was right…if Twilight really was a colt, it might hurt a lot to lose something that was connected to you, like a wing or a horn.

“Maybe we can threaten to tell everyone in Ponyville that Twilight is a colt,” Sweetie Belle added.

“We promised our sisters and Twilight not to tell, remember?” Applebloom said, causing her unicorn friend to groan.

Scootaloo’s eyes flashed as a brilliant idea came to mind. “How about we try and make sure Twilight will never do it? Maybe we can get her before she gets Applejack.”

“How would we do that?” Applebloom asked.

“Well first--” Scootaloo stopped short. She had no idea how to ‘get’ Twilight.

Sweetie Belle rubbed her chin, humming over the idea. It was a good plan, prevention always was, but they needed to know how they would go about it. “I’m sorry girls, but I think we’ll need to *gulp* study.” She was met with two groans from her friends.

“We can’t study, we got crusading to do later today,” Applebloom whined.

“What’s more important? Keeping Ponyville safe from a ego-maniacal unicorn that looks like a mare but is actually a colt and keep him from doing adult stuff to Applejack? Or doing whatever comes to mind in hopes that we get a Cutie Mark out of it?” Sweetie exclaimed. Her three friends turned to each other and let out a combined sigh.

“Where do we start?” Scootaloo uttered.

“First, we’ll need to ask Ms. Cheerilee about how colts work. Maybe she’ll tell us a way that will keep colts, and Twilight, away. Then we get as much material on that and study… then we use that information against Twilight. And that’s it, we save Ponyville,” Sweetie Belle explained.

“Alright, we’ll do it your way,” Scootaloo sighed.

“Tomorrow we’ll ask Ms. Cheerilee, but we better hunker down for a while… I don’t think studying is going to be quick,” Applebloom grimaced. The three fillies called the meeting and left the clubhouse.


Ms. Cheerilee was flabbergasted. Applebloom and her friends came up to her and asked her about the birds and the bees. While, as a teacher, it was her job to provide knowledge, this was more of a parental matter.

“Uh… well… When a Mommy and… a Daddy love each other very much…” Cheerilee said, still shocked that she’s answering at all.

“We know all that stuff, we wanna know how colt parts work,” Applebloom uttered.

Then and there Cheerilee decided that she would love to go on vacation. “Why would you need to know this?”

“It’s for the sake of Ponyville, ma’am,” Sweetie Belle replied.

Knowing how a penis works will save Ponyville. Cheerilee never thought she’d hear that excuse outside of mating season. “I still don’t understand, girls; this all seems… outlandish.”

Scootaloo groaned in frustration. “Look, we need to learn how colt parts work because there’s a colt in Ponyville that’s trying to put his colt parts in everypony in Ponyville. He already got my hero, Rainbow Dash, and Sweetie Belle’s sister. You have to help us stop him!”

It was at this point Cheerilee wanted to know what colt in Ponyville managed to have sex with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Maybe it was actually… “What colt?”

“We can’t tell you, that’s top secret, ma’am.” Applebloom said, trying to imitate a royal guard as much as possible, along with her friends.

“If you tell me who… I’ll tell you what you want to know,” Ms. Cheerilee bartered, suppressing a giggle when she heard her students groan.

“Okay… it’s Twilight Sparkle, the librarian… but keep it a secret, we found out that as soon as anypony finds out that Twilight is actually a colt, they go chase him down and get him to put his colt parts inside them,” Scootaloo whispered.

Cheerilee was sorta shocked to her it was Twilight and not another of her friends, small world evidently. “Thank you; what do you actually need to know about colt parts that could save Ponyville from Twilight?”

“You ain’t going to run off and get Twilight to put his colt parts in you?”

“Why? Just because Twilight was born the way she was, doesn’t mean I have to chase her down and have intercourse with her, that’s silly,” Cheerilee chuckled. She noted that the girls gave a collective sigh of relief.

“Well, we need to know why colts put their colt parts into fillies; and what we could do to make that thing stop from ever wanting to put it in another filly…” Sweetie Belle said, causing Cheerilee’s smile to vanish.

The girls just told her that in order to save Ponyville, these girls will have to make Twilight cum and they wanna know how to do that. “Girls, you… can’t do that. How exactly will… I can’t think!” Cheerilee cried, she felt like smoke was coming from her malfunctioning brain could fume out her ears right now.

The girls turned and left the teacher to her inner turmoil. They learned that Cheerilee is safe from Twilight at least, but they didn’t really learn anything, other than other big words to look up. They decided to go to the library, not to confront Twilight, just use her books against her.


The girls sat in their clubhouse going through all the books Spike gave them, when he heard that the Cutie Mark Crusaders wanted to stop Twilight from taking over Ponyville with his colt parts, he was more than willing to help them with whatever they needed.

“What does ‘stimulate’ mean?” Applebloom asked.

“Touching a sensitive part of the somepony’s special place, like when you touch it you really feel it,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“What does ‘ejaculate’ mean?” Scootaloo asked.

“Uhh… I think it’s when a colt shoots that white stuff, remember when that thick white stuff started to come out of Daring while we were watching them?” Scootaloo nodded. “That white stuff actually came out of Twilight.”


“How do you know so much about this, Sweetie?” Applebloom asked.

“I… accidentally watched Twilight and Rarity do adult stuff in her room… and Rarity has a lot of adult books in her room,” Sweetie blushed.

“Oh, then we’ll need you to lead us through this then, okay?” Applebloom stated.

“Okay then…” Sweetie Belle said, unsure if that was a wise choice.

After a few moments of reading, they believe that have the jist of what they must do, they must make Twilight shoot her white stuff so hard, that she’ll never want to do adult stuff, or sex as the books called it, again. They now needed a plan to get Twilight alone… a sleepover!


“No, girls,” Twilight said.

“Aww, why not?” Applebloom asked.

“Because Cheerilee came running at me and told me what you girls were planning. Girls; your sisters, Rainbow Dash, and even myself, don’t want you to throw away your virginities just for some pointless adventure. I am happy with what I have now, I don’t need to have sex with every mare in Ponyville, and I’d like to keep it that way, okay?”

“Aww,” the girls said in unison. “Do our sisters know?”

“What? No, how badly that could end? ‘Hey Applejack, Hi Rarity; your sisters wanted to have sex with me so that they can keep me from having sex with you and the rest of Ponyville. Isn’t that a laugh?’ It would be beyond awkward, not to mention your sisters would probably kill me and lock my remains in a dungeon deep in Everfree Forest,” Twilight uttered, rubbing the back of her neck.

The girls walked away defeated, Twilight knew their plan and they refused to let them have a sleepover at the library, they needed a new plan. They went back to the Clubhouse to think up a new strategy, they aren’t going to let this setback stop them.

“Maybe we can ask Zecora if she has anything that could help us subdue Twilight, like knock her out?”

“Yea, let’s go!”

The girls left their clubhouse and made way for Zecora’s cottage, the walk was uneventful fortunately, but they had to choose their words carefully… or it’ll end up the same way it did with Cheerilee and Twilight.

They reached the cottage to see Zecora returning from her herb hunting. “Greetings my little ponies; come in and warm your bodies.”

The girls smiled and followed the zebra into her hut. “Now, Applebloom, you need something, I assume?”

“Yea, we need something that can knock a pony out for a while,” Applebloom asked.

Zecora quirked an eyebrow, rather confused by the order. “You wish to subdue? But why and who?”

Applebloom froze for a moment, fortunately Scootaloo came to the rescue. “We wanna prank Twilight for making us read the dictionary.”

Zecora smiled and let out a calming chuckle. “Very well, my friends; I’ll be back with your blends.” With that, she turned and went to looking for a potion.

“The potion is ready, simply stay steady. When the brew enters the mare, another trick for you to share,” Zecora said, smiling.

The girls looked at the blue potion in awe, they gave Zecora a polite nod and thanks before leaving with their new bounty. Now to isolate Twilight, and make sure no one interrupts them, or it could spell disaster for them.


After convincing Spike to beat it in the nicest way possible, the girls now stood in the bedroom of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was still reading at her desk with a cup of tea next to her, occasionally taking sips from it yet never turning her attention away from the book.

Scootaloo took the potion and stealthily made her way to Twilight’s desk, trying not to alert the purple unicorn of her presence. She carefully uncorked the potion and dumped its contents into the tea. She backed away quickly, but sighing in relief that Twilight hadn’t acknowledged them yet.

After a moment of waiting, Twilight took a sip from the tea and started to shake her head. “No…I must finish this chapter by tonight, I can’t *yawn* let my studies… go to waste,” the librarian mumbled. She was constantly dipping her head, fighting to stay awake.

But as the girls smiled, Twilight finally collapsed next to her desk, drifting off to sleep. The crusaders quickly dragged the lilac unicorn to the center of the room, her penis on display for the world to enjoy, should the world be in Twilight’s bedroom at that time.

“So what now?” Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle thought to herself. "According to Rarity’s books, the mare would try to please the stallion by using her hooves and mouth on his penis. I think we should try and put our hooves on Twilight’s colt…ness.”

“What? Eww,” was her response.

“Remember, we have to ‘stimulate’ it, and if wanna make Twilight ‘ejaculate’ so hard that she’ll never need to have ‘sex’ again, then we have to,” Sweetie Belle claimed, the girls looked to each other and nodded as one, as they started to circle the flaccid purple member.

“So who’s first?” Applebloom asked.

“I say Sweetie Belle, it was her plan to do this after all,” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle looked down at unconscious mare’s penis; it looked like a small filly’s leg attached to the groin of an adult pony, but with a darker color than the rest of Twilight. She swallowed a breath and closed her eyes and extended a hoof, placing it carefully on one side of the member.

The girls jumped when they saw it, except Sweetie who felt it, flinch. Sweetie felt the member warm up a little; finding that it won’t hurt her, she began to move her hoof along the member, stroking it with care. The purple member began to grow, Sweetie noted that the length was also harder and refused to bend like it used to be.

“That’s… is it supposed to grow?” Scootaloo uttered, slightly intimidated by the size of it.

“I guess so, or it wouldn’t have happened, right?” Applebloom replied.

“This is Twilight, everything magic and weird happens around her,” Scootaloo retorted, she turned to see Sweetie Belle staring at the member. “I think we gotta do more to it.”

“What’s this ‘we’ stuff? I’m the one touching this thing,” Sweetie said. “How about you touch it?”

“What? No, I don’t wanna touch it.”

“Why not? You chicken?”

“I’m not a chicken…” Scootaloo cried, she stopped to find that the potion still had its grip over Twilight. “I just don’t wanna.”

“I bet if Rainbow Dash was here, she’d touch it all over the place… she would touch it so good,” Applebloom smirked. “And if Rainbow Dash liked touching this, and Sweetie Belle is touching it…does that mean Sweetie Belle is cooler than you?”

“Sweetie isn’t cooler than me,” Scootaloo snarled, pushing the white filly out of her way as she began to rub both hooves along the purple dick. “I’ll show you who’s cooler.”

“Didn’t Rainbow use her mouth too?” Applebloom goaded, knowing it would work.

Scootaloo shot a death glare to her earth pony friend before giving the tip a lick. She was surprised to find that it… didn’t taste all that bad, not great, like tasting a very salty raspberry. She slowly began to run her tongue along the cock.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom sat on the side lines, watching Scootaloo lick Twilight’s colt parts like it was Ice Cream, determined to be just as cool as Rainbow Dash… since Dash probably did this herself. Applebloom felt useless though, Sweetie got Twilight warmed up and Scootaloo was now trying to finish the job; she had to find something to do.

“Sweetie, is there any other way to help finish this faster?” Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle thought about it for a bit. “You could help Scootaloo lick it; it looks like she isn’t getting the other side.”

Applebloom’s face soured, she didn’t exactly want to have her face anywhere near the enemy’s weapon, especially if it tasted bad. “Scootaloo, what does it taste like?”

Scootaloo withdrew and licked her lips curiously, “It’s like a fruit that somepony put a lot of salt on, like a raspberry or a strawberry.”

Applebloom nodded her thanks as she thought about it more, she liked raspberries and strawberries, but she never really had salt, maybe a few times. She sucked in a breath and walked over. She climbed onto Twilight’s belly, with her flank near the older mare’s face. Applebloom gave the member a few rubs before giving it an experimental lick, then another, then a few more.

Sweetie Belle felt a heat in her crotch, and began to rub it as she watched her friends use their mouths on Twilight’s dick, the older unicorn sometimes flinched but she remained deep in her slumber.

Feeling bolder, Applebloom tried to stand on Twilight’s barrel and took the head into her mouth, sucking on the head while Scootaloo remained focused on the shaft.

Sweetie noticed that Twilight was groaning in her sleep, she wasn’t sure what was going on but she better warn her friend at least. “Girls, Twilight’s acting weird; I think she’s waking up!”

But it was too late, as a loud groan from the lavender mare took them by surprise. Applebloom’s eyes went wide as a strange goo entered her mouth, she released the head as it launched several more salvos into the air, landing in the manes and fur of her and Scootaloo.

Applebloom tried to spit out the goo, while Scootaloo tried to get it out of her mane to no avail. “What is this stuff? Why is it so sticky?”

“Uhh… I’m not sure, but I think it’s cum,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Well, it was gross, but we did it!” Scootaloo said, but she saw Sweetie Belle staring at Twilight’s groin. She turned to see that the purple dick didn’t falter. “What?”

“Maybe we have to do more to it?” Applebloom uttered, she turned around to spit more of the seed out.

“Well, doesn’t Twilight put this inside ponies?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I don’t know, Sweetie… I just had that in me and it wasn’t enough,” Applebloom muttered.

“Not in your mouth, in your rump. Remember when we saw Twilight put it in Daring?” Sweetie Belle said.

Applebloom and Scootaloo ‘Ohhhh’ed in response, understanding what Sweetie meant; but then they turned to their backsides in confusion. “Which hole though?” Scootaloo asked.

“We may have to try each one,” Sweetie muttered. “So who’s first?”

“Not me, my mouth hurts from it shooting all that gunk into it,” Applebloom muttered, flexing her jaw.

“Fine, I’ll do it… I show you girls I’m not chicken,” Scootaloo challenged, moving onto Twilight’s belly.

Applebloom moved behind Scootaloo to help position the dick to enter her orange friend. “Which hole, Scoots?”

“Uhh… let’s try the butt, that’s where the adult stuff happens, doesn’t it?” Scootaloo swallowed her breath, as she kneeled down, flinching when she felt the large member prodding a hole that is far too small for it.

“Hold on,” Sweetie Belle said, causing Applebloom to stop moving the dick. “Doesn’t the first time always hurt? If we put that inside Scootaloo, she’ll scream and Twilight will wake up, we need to find a way to gag Scootaloo so she doesn’t wake her.” Sweetie began her search for something to put in her friends mouth.

Scootaloo didn’t like the whole waiting thing; now that she knows that it will hurt when it enters her, she isn’t so sure she wants to be first anymore. Sweetie Belle returned with a clean cloth, and shoved it into Scootaloo’s mouth. “If it hurts, bite down as hard as you can into the cloth, got it?” Sweetie Belle ordered. Scootaloo nodded.

Applebloom began to position Twilight’s dick for Scootaloo’s backdoor, “okay Scootaloo, you need to push it in.”

Scootaloo, lowered her backside, she felt the resistance her butt had against the large invader. Ultimately it slid along her crack. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gave a long confused look at their new dilemma.

“Wait a minute…this thing is way too big to fit in there,” Sweetie said, comparing the sizes of Twilight’s dick with Scootaloo’s anus. Should that thing somehow manage to enter, Scootaloo’s butt would break and she’d probably never be able to sit down for the rest of her life. “What about the special place?”

Scootaloo grumbled through the cloth, not liking all this waiting. Applebloom repositioned the purple member for Scootaloo’s virgin pussy. This time, Sweetie Belle walked over and sat down on Twilight’s face, her body quivered when the librarian’s breathing tickled her slit.

Sweetie pushed Scootaloo onto the member while Applebloom held it steady, before long… it entered.

Scootaloo screeched through the cloth, and bit down as hard as she could; it felt like Twilight could literally split her in two. She glared at Sweetie Belle, they both knew she wanted the dick out of her, but Sweetie Belle, the traitor, kept her on it.

“Scootaloo, you alright?” Applebloom asked. She became scared as the blood began to trail down Twilight’s member; the sad part was that only the head was inside, poor Scootaloo was only a fifth of the way on the purple penis. “I’ll be right back, just keep going.”

Sweetie Belle felt bad for Scootaloo, she wouldn’t know what kind of pain Scootaloo was in right now, but she had to find a way to make it feel a bit better. Sweetie Belle’s hooves traced Scootaloo’s wings, attempting to negate the pain.

Scootaloo felt the pain slowly drain away as Sweetie Belle fondled her wings, nuzzle her neck, trying to calm her down. She returned the affection hoping that the pain would go away for good.

While they held each other, Sweetie Belle began to grind herself on Twilight’s mouth, shuddering as the lips traced across her pussy. “Come on, we still got a way to go,” Sweetie Belle whispered, slowly pushing Scootaloo down on the purple member.

The orange pegasus felt slightly uncomfortable as she felt Twilight fill her, soon she felt the member reach the end, she felt that there was more of Twilight to take but she couldn’t take anymore, like a wall inside her prevented any more from entering.

“Alright, let’s bring it out then push it back in, okay?” Sweetie Belle cooed, trying to make this ordeal better for her pegasus friend. Scootaloo nodded, and began to move up, feeling the invader leave her.

“Back,” Applebloom returned with a wash cloth, she placed the wet cloth on Twilight’s member, to clean the blood. The girls jumped, Scootaloo's gag flying out of her mouth form the shock, when Twilight gasped and twitched from the cold cloth touching her penis. They stood still, scared of the purple mare, should she wake up; Twilight laid back down, and continued her potion-induced nap, causing the girls to release a sigh.

Scootaloo felt the member feel vastly better, compared to when it first entered her. She began to moan into Sweetie Belle’s fur as she rode the purple mare. Sweetie Belle held the pegasus tightly, continuing to rub herself on Twilight’s mouth.

Applebloom felt uneasy, but she had to do something. She began to lick the part of Twilight that couldn’t get in Scootaloo, thankful that she washed the blood off or this would have been more disturbing than what it actually was to her.

The pegsus’ tiny wings began to beat faster, trying to propel her faster on the length. Her grip on Sweetie tightened as her moans grew in volume. She felt the white unicorn petting her mane as she rode, whispering calming words and the occasional whimpers into her ear.

Scootaloo let out a moan into Sweetie's neck, as her first orgasm ripped through her body, her tiny pussy clenching Twilight's dick even more so. The sudden pleasure felt like that one time she flew on Rainbow Dash's back but better in a strange way. Her fore-limbs tightened around Sweetie Belle while her vagina attempted to milk the purple member.

While she licked, she nudged her legs forward, jumping at the feeling of something wet touching her. She looked down to see a set of purple lips with some liquids leaking from it. “Hey, Twilight has filly parts too.” She abandoned the length to lean down to lick the winking marehood beneath it.

Scootaloo gasped when she felt the tip grow inside her, her fore-legs held Sweetie tighter as she moved faster along Twilight’s cock. She let out a loud moan when she felt the first blast of cum enter her, with such a tight entrance and no exit for the white goo, it forced itself into the filly’s womb, causing her stomach to expand slightly.

Sweetie saw the distress Twilight’s orgasm was causing and pulled Scootaloo off the throbbing member, letting it shoot it’s final few loads into the air and one to the unicorn and pegasus fillies. “Are you alright, Scoots?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I… I feel fine,” Scootaloo mumbled, beginning to drift off to sleep.

"Alright, mission accomplish-” Applebloom tried to say, but she interrupted herself when she saw the still erect penis, “What the hay?”

“But, Scootaloo… she took that thing inside her and it still wants more?” Do we really have to use our butts?” Sweetie Belle whimpered, not wanting to go down that route. They heard hoofsteps coming from below; panicking, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle took Scootaloo and hide, hoping the new pony didn’t see them. “Oh no, we forgot Twilight!”

They watched in horror as Twilight remained motionless as the door sprang open, revealing Pinkie Pie. The party mare found Twilight lying on the ground, dick erect; already her mouth was watering. “Wowie, I actually thought I’d have to beg this time. Ready for some fun, Twily?”

The girls watched Pinkie walk over seductively, they couldn’t do much but watch Pinkie give the purple hard-on a long lick of her tongue. “I wonder who got you ready for me, my Twi-Pie… I gotta ‘thank’ them later, and tell them they taste delicious with your cum.”

The girls’s eyes widened when Pinkie’s mouth opened wide to take Twilight’s cum-slicked member in. They couldn’t believe that Pinkie managed to get the whole thing in her mouth, where Applebloom could barely take the head. “I think we should get outta here,” Applebloom whispered, Sweetie Belle nodded as she carried Scootaloo on her back, oblivious to the seed dripping from the pegasus’ slit and onto the white filly’s tail.

As they snuck back, they weren’t aware of Pinkie’s eye following them as she blew Twilight, “Boy, I bet you had some fun with those fillies, too bad you weren’t awake for it, Twily,” Pinkie cooed; she got up and got ready to ride on Twilight’s dick for a few hours.


{The Next Morning}

The girls met Scootaloo at the tree house; due to last night’s activities, Scootaloo couldn’t walk for a while, and Twilight’s cum was still leaking from her body. “So how did it go after I fell asleep?” the orange filly asked.

“We were going to have one of us take Twilight into our butt when Pinkie arrived and started having sex with her, so I hope Pinkie made sure Twilight never does any more adult stuff to anypony else.” Applebloom answered.

“So mission succeeded? Why am I still a mess?” Scootaloo asked, neither girl noticed that Scootaloo was still covered in sperm when they dropped her off at the clubhouse.

“I’ll help clean you up, Scoots.” Sweetie Belle chimed, Applebloom helped Scootaloo onto Sweetie Belle’s back and the two head off to the stream.

“Come back when you’re done, I’ll see if I can figure something out for our Cutie Marks,” Applebloom called out. The two fillies nodded and continued their way.

“So… other than the pain, did it feel good?” Sweetie asked.

“I think after you hugged me and started touching my wings, did Twilight’s thingie start to feel good, still hurt, but it was a good hurt… if that made any sense,” Scootaloo mumbled, not wanting to mention the weird sensation that overtook her body before Twilight came.

“Okay.” When they reached the stream, Sweetie slowly put Scootaloo in the water, the pegasus moaned when the cold water touched her fur. “So… I was wondering…”

“Wondering what?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, you were pretty brave to do that for us, just to save Applejack and everything…” Sweetie murmured, rubbing her legs together awkwardly… “Wanna go get some milkshakes later?”

A strong blush filled Scootaloo’s face when, “I… guess so…sure.”

“Ok cool, I just thought it would be nice to… treat you since… we asked you to do that for us,” Sweetie said.

“As long as Applebloom pays, she still owes me…” Scootaloo grumbled, she felt Sweetie Belle’s hooves running across her fur as she washed the pegasus.

“I meant just the two of us… no Applebloom this time,” Sweetie Belle uttered, blushing harder.

“Like a date?” Scootaloo said…unsure of how to answer but she didn’t want to her hurt friend. “Well, okay sure.”

Sweetie Belle smiled and hugged the pegasus, starting their new relationship.

Chapter Nine: What happens in Manehatten...

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[{Twilight/Vinyl Scratch/Octavia}Futa/F/F, oral, anal, vaginal, Double Vaginal]

“Lyra is a dead mare,” Twilight thought, sitting behind a bookshelf, hiding from Cloud Kicker. The blonde pegasus had proven to be worse than Pinkie when it came to advances and Daring wasn’t due to return for a week, so she was alone to deal with the pony Rainbow Dash had called ‘The Town Scooter’ for reasons the purple mare didn’t understand.

“Twilight, I know you’re here, you can’t hide from me forever!” Cloud Kicker yelled, turning Twilight’s room upside down to find her. Twilight’s right eye twitched each time she heard a book hit the floor.

Cloud Kicker was losing her patience and was just about to leave and ambush the unicorn later when she saw something that would help in her search. “The Studies of Starswirl the Bearded and a lit candle just an inch away? If they are so close, that must mean they are meant to be combined, right Twily?” She called out, hoping that her trick would work.

Twilight appeared in a purple flash above Cloud Kicker, extinguished the flame, and rescued her book, only for Cloud Kicker to wrap her hooves around the unicorn’s barrel. “Finally! Now to see what I have been missing,” Cloud Kicker said, her voice slipped into sultry tone.

The two were interrupted by knock on the bedroom door. They turned to see a bemused pink mare standing there. “Hi girls, what’s going on here?” Pinkie asked, walking over to her future mate and soon-to-be-Ex-pony.

“Look Pinkie, I’ve heard so much about Twilight and I thought I’d have a try at her, especially if she’s got a colt to think about catching every once in awhile,” Cloud Kicker reasoned, she slowly let go of the purple mare while sweat began to from on her brow. Pinkie’s smile didn’t falter as she stopped a foot away from the blonde pegasus, who was still sitting on Twilight’s belly.

Pinkie’s grin soon turned sour as she leaned, her face being the only thing Cloud Kicker could see, preventing the unicorn from seeing anything. “That’s MY alpha you were going to ride. Either know your place beneath her, or leave her alone,” Pinkie whispered. The pegasus gulped and flew out the window in fear of what the party mare would have done to her.

“Thank you Pinkie,” Twilight said, getting back on to her hooves. Pinkie’s smile returned almost the second Cloud Kicker went out the window, too fast for her friend to notice her ire.

With a giggle, Pinkie began hopping alongside Twilight as they retired to the kitchen. “Don’t worry about it Twilight, always happy to help my alpha.”

“Your what?” Twilight asked, in complete confusion.

“My friend,” Pinkie answered, remembering Twilight’s current status was unknown to the unicorn herself. The librarian shrugged and took out some tea and a bottle of sarsaparilla for Pinkie. “So Twilight, what were you doing before Cloud Kicker started to snoop around?”

“I was thinking of taking the weekend off from just being in Ponyville. I’m very proud of you for calming down lately, and everypony else has been more normal about it, but Cloud Kicker and the idea of me running into a situation where I… mate with Applejack and Fluttershy is actually kind of scary. I think I got lucky with Rarity not immediately thinking I’m a freak, but I‘ve already slept with 3 of my best friends. What if the doctors make me fertile again, Applejack gets pregnant, and I’m forced into a shotgun wedding? What if I hurt Fluttershy?” Twilight said.

“So, where do you wanna go, Twi?” Pinkie asked. She was still smiling, but giving Twilight a rare thoughtful look.

“I’ve heard Rarity rave about how nice Manehatten is, so I may go there for the weekend. It’ll be nice to not worry about making Spike hate me more than usual or hurting my friends; mentally, emotionally, or physically. Speaking of which, how’s your flank?” Twilight asked, levitating her tea.

“It’s all better now, just had to walk it off.” Pinkie smiled. A few days after the Cloudchaser and Thunderlane event, Pinkie managed to recreate the events that she, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash began calling ‘The Trixie Rape’. It ended with an awkward explanation to the doctor of how the party pony had sprained her muscles and had cracked several bones after trying to get an angry, well-endowed mare, with 3 equally endowed duplicates, to dominate her roughly. “As good as it felt, I actually don’t wanna do that again for a bit.” The two chuckled, well Pinkie chuckled, Twilight gave a weak awkward version of one.

“Pinkie, can you do me a favour?” Twilight asked, looking up from her cup.

“Do you seriously need to ask? I’m your friend and future lover, what do ya need?”

“I’m going to pack and leave tomorrow morning, and probably be back late Sunday night. Could you tell Spike to stay at Rarity’s place for the weekend, I don’t want him to stay in the library alone,” Twilight said.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” Pinkie said, cuddling up to Twilight. Normally Twilight would try to get away, but this time, she decided to let Pinkie do this, as long as it didn’t end like it usually did.


Twilight sat in train car with several other ponies, some appeared to have the same mindset as Twilight, and others seem to be on business. It didn’t matter to the purple mare, she was just content with the peace and quiet, the idea that she was going to a location where no pony knew what a decent sized portion of Ponyville knew made her feel at ease.

“Yo, this seat taken?” Twilight turned to find the source of the voice, a white unicorn mare with an electric blue mane; she had a pair of purple sunglasses that covered her eyes.

“Not at all, go right ahead.” Twilight answered, giving the mare a friendly smile.

“Do I know you from somewhere, miss?” The mare asked. Twilight looked back to the white unicorn, and scratched her chin.

Twilight searched her memories, like the mare before her; she had met her before. “You were the DJ that played at my brother’s wedding right? The royal wedding?” Twilight asked, feeling rather embarrassed that she didn’t figure it out earlier.

“Oh yeah, you were the purple mare singing during the after party, awesome voice by the way,” the mare said. Twilight couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. “I’m Vinyl Scratch.”

“Twilight Sparkle, nice to meet you… again,” Twilight said..

“So what is bringing you to Manehatten?” Vinyl asked.

“I just felt like leaving Ponyville for a bit, there’s something I just need to get away from.” Twilight answered. She felt a little bad about suddenly leaving Ponyville to avoid some ponies, but it was the truth after all.

“I totally feel that, I used to live in Ponyville, but it was so dull and plain. I still go back for Pinkie Pie’s parties when she needs me. Something must have happened while I was gone; a lot of the mares seem to want to know something, a secret that could mean the best thing ever for them. I didn’t really pay attention since I was mostly there to catch up with Pinkie and Lyra,” Vinyl said. Twilight cringed when she heard this, thinking that Pinkie or Lyra might have told her new friend.

“I see, I can understand Pinkie, but I wasn’t aware that Lyra knew you.” Twilight inquired, worried about how this would turn out.

“Me and Lyra go back a few years, we were fellow musicians that lived in Ponyville for a while before she started dating Bon-bon. It’s nothing big,” Vinyl answered. Twilight mentally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. “Back then, I didn’t understand why a unicorn would fall for an earth pony. Earth Ponies seemed so plain. I learned how wrong I was, when I met my marefriend.” Twilight mentally cheered when she heard this, decreasing her chances of ‘things’ happening even more. “Earth ponies know how to use their tongues; I still don’t know how they do it. What about you, any special somepony back in Ponyville?” The musician asked, putting the purple mare on the spot.

“I am seeing a…uhh…pegasus at the moment, but she isn’t around because of work, but we still manage to make it happen.” Twilight stuttered, she looked up to see that the white unicorn is trying to keep herself from laughing.

“Filly, that's hilarious. You sound like a virgin,” Vinyl said, still laughing. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the remark. “You know what, you’re alright. We should hang out some more.”

“I’d like that, Vinyl.” Twilight said, giving the musician a smile. “Since you know the place, where would be the best place to start in Manehatten? I’ve only heard about Manehatten from a friend.”

“The nightclub near my place is a pretty cool place to chill at. There’s also that theater that’s next to the Princess Palace Casino,” Vinyl said, rubbing her chin in thought. “If you want, I can show ya around. Maybe bring my marefriend with me so you two can meet, you two are quite alike.”

Twilight’s mental alarm was blaring again, but this time she went for it. “It’s okay, I can explore the city. I don’t want to take you away from your marefriend or your valuable time,” She reasoned.

“Don’t worry about it. Tavi and I may not look it, but we loving meeting new ponies, especially a pony that can sing,” Vinyl added. The train stopped and before Twilight could get off, she was already being magically dragged to meet the musician’s marefriend.


A black maned pony was fiddling with a record player while she prepared herself for the return of Vinyl Scratch. As much as she adored her fellow musician, the constant noise the white unicorn called ‘Wubs’ got old and annoying rather quickly. She took this time to tidy up her portion of the living room she and Vinyl shared, and listen to her own collection of music.

Octavia sat in a large bean bag chair that Vinyl bought her as a joke, her grey body sank into the large blue form and smiled, hearing the woodwinds sing. The sounds of the string instruments nearly made her giddy to hear their song. The elegant balance of the two combined with the rare appearances of the percussion gave her mind peace. Even as the brass made its long awaited debut into the symphony, she welcomed it full-heartedly. Nothing could break the grey mare out of her meditative state.

She barely heard the door open. She heard her name but paid no mind to it, thinking that Vinyl was just messing with her as usual. “Hey Tavi, we got a guest,” The white unicorn yelled, scaring the grey earth pony out of her bean bag chair.

With a sigh, Octavia stood up with as much poise as she could recover. “That mare…,” she muttered under her breath, “Welcome back, Vinyl. How was Lyra?”

The living room was partially clean, a single couch sat in the middle of the room with a bean bag resting in the corner. An island kitchen was situated opposite to the bean bag chair. The room was cluttered with papers, vinyl records, and other recyclable garbage.

“She’s doing pretty good, still getting into trouble, which pisses Bon-Bon off,” Vinyl said, she turned her head to see Twilight carefully entering the room. “Sorry about that, Twi. Hey Tavi, this is Twilight Sparkle, a new friend from Ponyville.” She continued, as Twilight raised a hoof and gave an awkward wave.

Octavia gave the purple unicorn a single glance, and recalled that she has seen this pony twice. ’Perfect, another headache’ “Very well, I’ll keep my eye on her as well, knowing you.” She commented, causing Twilight shrink back and Vinyl look back confused.

“I don’t think you need to worry about that Tavi,” Vinyl said.

Octavia was puzzled by this remark. “How so, last time I saw this mare, she and her friends ruined the Grand Galloping Gala as well as ‘trashed’ an important social function hosted by Fancy Pants with her…dancing,” She explained, Twilight thought this would turn into an argument only to find the white unicorn on the verge of laughing.

“I remember you telling me that, hahaha, I didn’t know she was there, I can’t believe a bookworm crashed one of your fancy parties,” Vinyl laughed as she fell on the floor.

“I’m sorry I ruined those events, I didn’t know that it would impact you like that,” Twilight said, bowing her head.

She gave Twilight a critical glare, but then let out a sigh. “You do seem sincere, so I’ll accept. My name is Octavia, as she has forgotten to say,” She said. The two mares shook each other’s hooves and then Octavia lightly hit Vinyl in the side with her hind hoof. “Manners, Vinyl.”

“Sorry, sorry. Give me a moment,” Vinyl replied. She got up and attempted to snap herself back to reality. “Alright, back to the game plan. We’re going to go sightseeing since Twi has never been to Manehatten before, wanna join Tavi?”

“I suppose, it’ll be good to get out of this stuffy apartment. On top of which, I don’t think merely taking her to the places you like would classify as sightseeing, so it would benefit her greatly if I at least showed her some sights that weren’t as… seedy as you like them to be,” Octavia answered, walking past the two unicorns.

“That means she’ll take you to the boring spots like the opera house down the street,” Vinyl whispered, instantly making Twilight glad that the grey mare was joining them.


The first stop they went to was the Clover Park, named for Clover the Clever. Twilight was ecstatic to be there when she found out, much to the couple’s amusement. They strolled through and came across a few ponies playing instruments on a hill, surrounded by several beds of colourful flowers. “Gotta admit, they’re not bad,” Vinyl quipped.

“I think they’re pretty good, a few mistakes here and there, but still very good,” Twilight added, Octavia nodded and listened to the musicians play.

“Come on, I got an awesome place we can go to next,” The white mare cried, as she snatched her marefriend with her magic and trotted out of the park, with a confused purple unicorn following them.


“This is your idea of fun?” Octavia asked. The three were seated in a booth. Twilight was just as confused as Octavia, she scanned the room to find that there were various mares wandering around taking orders while wearing socks and panties. The rest of the room was populated by stallions and a few mares that were hitting on the waitresses.

“I’m hungry, and this place has the best pasta in town. Even you agreed that the pasta here was awesome,” Vinyl said. Octavia didn’t want to admit, but her fellow musician was correct, the food here was rather good and generous, she looked over to Twilight, to find that she was less than thrilled to be here.

“Couldn’t we have gone to a café?” Twilight asked trying her best to avoid eye contact with any of the sultry mares in the area.

“What’s wrong with a decent show to go with our meal? The food is great; the people who work here are pretty friendly; and the bouncer is probably the nicest ‘colt who could snap you in half three times’ in Equestria. True it’s not as fancy as the ‘Royal Chateau’ down the road from our place, but this place is cheaper considering you’re paying 10 bits for a strand of lettuce,” Vinyl said, browsing the menu.

“I don’t agree with the ‘show’ aspect of this place, but Vinyl is right about the other things,” Octavia added. Twilight sighed in defeat and began looking for something to eat.

Their waitress arrived, she was a pink pegasus with a curly blue mane wearing what appeared to be white underwear and matching socks. “Hi cuties, what can I start you with?” She said in a sultry tone.

“Get me an Edweiser and a plate of Mozza Sticks,” Vinyl said.

“A Caesar if would, please,” Octavia said.

Twilight was a bit more hesitant. “I’ll take a Caesar as well… please.” Twilight added. She was still trying to make the roof more enticing than a mare wearing panties in public.

“Oh you are adorable, I’ll be right back with your orders.” The waitress said, leave the table.

“Too bad your marefriend isn’t here, cause I think that one likes you,” Vinyl joked, earning a groan from Twilight as her head met with the table.

“Please stop tormenting her, we may be here but we don’t need to harass her further,” The cellist reasoned. Vinyl reclined in her seat with a chuckle, finding Twilight’s predicament hilarious.


The group left the establishment. Thankfully, for Twilight, the waitress was just very friendly. The food was just as Vinyl said, great and in generous portions, a few stallions hit on them but were told to return to their seats by the bouncer working there. With the purple unicorn finally free from the distractions in the restaurant, the group left to the next stop.

“The Platinum Theater, seriously?” Vinyl asked, the grey mare merely nodded as Twilight stared in awe of the theater’s golden lights upon the silver-tinted building. ‘I wonder,’ She thought, moving closer to Twilight to whisper in the purple mare’s ear “Clover the Clever is Princess Platinum’s mistress”

A strand of Twilight’s mane shot out of place. “You will rue the day you said that. There is historical proof that Platinum didn’t even like Clover. She only needed her to solve problems that her other servants couldn’t, and Clover was a traveler after Equestria was founded. Clover had no time to pleasure a mare didn’t like her. Even before Equestria was founded, Platinum accused Clover of being an Earth Pony spy, because she and Smart Cookie were colleagues due to Smart Cookie being one of the few ponies that could understand her theories, which says a lot about unicorns of that age when an earth pony finds unicorn magic theories interesting. The charges were dropped because Chancellor Puddinghead said that all Smart Cookie and Clover the Clever talked about where magic stuff and crop stuff and it was all hurting his head, so HAH!” She ranted, which only made the DJ fall on the ground laughing.

“Must you whisper that to every unicorn you meet?” Octavia asked, the laughing continued until Twilight straightened her mane out again and gave a weak chuckle.

“Wow, that is the second time somepony ripped on me for that. All the of other times it was ‘WHAT?’, ‘of course they are’, and ‘that is awesome’. My favorite is still ‘no, Commander Hurricane and Clover the Clever were together, it’s Smart Cookie that was Platinum’s Mistress.’ No pegasus or earth pony acts that way about Puddinghead, Smart Cookie, Hurricane, or Pansy. It’s Clover and Platinum that everyone is focused on, it’s hilarious,” Vinyl said, still laughing. “I can’t believe I almost forgot to ask you that earlier.”

“Let’s just go in already,” Twilight ordered, blushing heavily out of embarrassment as the three mares walked into the theater.


“I dunno who Shakesmare is, but I wanna kick her in the teeth for whatever that was,” Vinyl grumbled, as the three left the theater.

“I thought the play was pretty good,” Twilight said, rather confused by Vinyl’s remark.

“Don’t pay Vinyl any mind right now, she is… uncultured,” Octavia claimed.

“No, the story doesn’t make sense. What couple glances at each other for a few seconds and think ‘that is my special somepony’, have sex once, then commit suicide in the name of a love that’s so weird?” Vinyl asked.

“A couple from Shakesmare’s time evidently. Remember the show we went to about the mare that had both genders?” Octavia continued.

“When I heard ‘a pony with both genders that bangs everyone in Equestria’, I expected to see sex,” Vinyl fumed.

“Isn’t that enough to tell you that it was just a story? Now stop this at once, you know that if we begin to argue, I will win, and you will be thinking for hours of how you could beat me in that argument,” Octavia reasoned, Vinyl was about to say something, but she shut her mouth and grumbled. Twilight followed behind the two, still trying to wrap her head around a play starring a pony from a thousand years ago. “Noticing the time and the fact that it’s Vinyl’s turn, I think I already deduced our next stop.”

“You’re darn right, nightclub away!” Vinyl shouted, as the group headed for a dark building with blue neon lights, called ‘The Velvet Room.’

The bouncer gave the three a nod as they passed him and entered the club. Twilight looked around to see the place filled with ponies that were either talking or dancing. The music was deafening and drowned out nearly every word Octavia and Vinyl said, as the purple unicorn tried her best to stick with her guides.

“What do ya think, Twi? Pretty cool place, right?” Vinyl shouted. Twilight only nodded as she continued to look around. Everypony there appeared to be some shade of blue, as various ponies continued to dance, talk or order drinks from the bartender.

Twilight thought this place was nice, despite the sound.

“What are you doing here, Mistress?”

The purple mare’s train of thought stopped instantly when she heard this and turned to see a familiar face, a unicorn mare with a magic wand cutie mark. “Trixie?” Twilight asked.

The magician gave the scholar a hug. “Good to see you again, Mis-” Twilight gestured her head to the other two ponies who were watching them intently, and gave Trixie a nervous look. “Twilight, how are you and why are you in Manehatten?”

“Care to introduce us, Twi?” Vinyl asked, trying to keep herself from chuckling.

“Sorry, this is Trixie. I met her while she was doing her show in Ponyville,” Twilight explained. She then turned to Trixie “It might be tough to see in here, but the unicorn is Vinyl Scratch, a DJ I met on the train here, and the earth pony is Octavia, Vinyl’s marefriend. They were showing me around town.”

“But… Trixie could have shown you around Manehatten,” Trixie whimpered. Her ears fell flat to her head.

“I didn’t know you were here and Vinyl insisted that she and Octavia show me around,” Twilight said.

As Trixie sat at their table, Vinyl had a question for her, “I have to ask, why did you call Twilight ‘Mistress’? I didn’t think this bookworm was into that sort of thing.”

Trixie turned to Twilight to see a pleading look etched on her face. “Trixie called Twilight mistress by accident because she taught me some spells when I was in Ponyville last.” Trixie noticed the waitress nearby, and beckoned her over. “Can Trixie get some hard cider, please?”

“Surely Twilight would have told you not to call her that while you studied with her,” Octavia commented. Both Trixie and Twilight were sweating.

“Maybe Trixie worked under Twilight, if you catch my meaning,” Vinyl laughed, only for Octavia’s hoof to unleash justice on the back of the white unicorn’s head.

“What are your thoughts on this, Twilight?” Octavia asked.

“Yes, I tutored Trixie on a few spells for her act. She didn’t challenge me to a duel that may have ended badly for both parties,” Twilight said, giving an awkward smile. Trixie was nodding her head quickly, hoping it would convince the two musicians.

“A duel?” Vinyl asked as Trixie’s drink came by. “Do tell.”

“No duel happened, Trixie assures you,” Trixie said, consuming the enter beverage in a single gulp. “More please,” she cried to another waitress.


After three hard ciders and a shot of tequila. Trixie was more than willing to tell the tale of how she and Twilight met, and how the duel of their previous meeting went.

“So the Great and Powerful Trixie was shocking Twilight in her cute bottom with her fake lightning spell, when she goes beast mode on Trixie. She wrapped Trixie up in her own cape and hat as she teleported both of us to her library,” Trixie said. Twilight’s invisibility spell was in full effect as Vinyl and Octavia hung on every word.

“She tied Trixie up, using her own cape as a crude rope, and gagged Trixie with her hat; Trixie thought she was going to rape Trixie’s helpless form then and there. Midway through her lecture, Trixie actually wanted her to do it, if it would mean shutting her up, she apologized to Trixie for getting mad and released Trixie. And when it was Trixie’s turn to apologies, Twilight found that my apologies are the best.” Trixie puffed her chest in drunken pride as Vinyl was laughing. Octavia was hiding her embarrassment with some wine the waitress brought over. Twilight, however looked at Trixie as if to say ‘really?’ this nearly made Trixie shut up. “Trixie is sorry for telling them lies, Mistress. Trixie tried to apologize to you properly but you demanded it with such power and such dominance. I’ve been a bad mare, I need punishment,” Trixie mumbled while holding onto the purple mare’s neck.

“What was that last part?” Octavia asked, her blush tempting to overpower the dominating blue lights.

“She just felt awful about it all, don’t worry about it,” Twilight stammered, her own blush was more impressive than the grey mare’s .

“Oh man, all this time I thought you were a virgin, Twi. I would have never pegged you for the ‘Dominating Mistress’ type,” Vinyl laughed, nearly in tears. Her glasses were placed above her horn to prevent damage.

“Wait, no I’m… you got it all… I…” Twilight couldn’t think of anything to say, Trixie was too drunk to reason with and had started to dry hump her side. Octavia was just as uncomfortable with this situation as Twilight, but Vinyl appeared to be more in her element here, watching Twilight squirm after Trixie had just told both of them how she was put in her place by the purple mare.

“So Trixie, how was Twilight? I mean this virgin couldn’t have been that good, right?” Vinyl asked, staring into Trixie’s eye with a Pinkie Pie-esque smile on her face.

“Now Vinyl, we don’t need to hear tha-” Octavia was interrupted by Trixie who began.

“Twilight was powerful, she was great. Trixie still dreams of her control and the might she displayed before her that night. Twilight is perfect for Trixie, and no pegasus from a story book, hyperactive pink pony, or any other mares that were blessed by Twilight’s dominance will stop Trixie from winning Twilight from them all,” Trixie shouted, the deafening music preventing anyone not at their table from hearing.

“You had other mares? Wow, I’ve got an all-new opinion of you now,” Vinyl responded. Octavia couldn’t find words anymore as she just stared at the blue unicorn. “I gotta say, as much as you dig this mare. I don’t think you should start cults over her, she looks like she…isn’t here.” The group turned to find that Twilight wasn’t there.

Trixie’s eyes went wide. “You know how to become invisible? Teach Trixie!” She shouted, attempting to grab onto Twilight again. She succeeded when she felt Twilight’s forelimb, making the purple pony visible again.


The four ponies made it back to Octavia and Vinyl’s apartment. Trixie had fallen asleep on the way there, and was placed on the couch. “I must confess, this evening turned out odd, even for Vinyl,” Octavia said. Vinyl was still chuckling over how Trixie had held on to Twilight like her life depended on it, at least until she fell asleep, spouting nonsense about how Twilight was going to rule the world with Trixie as her prized and favorite pet.

“I’m sorry about Trixie, I didn’t think she would do those things…even when drunk,” Twilight said. She levitated a blanket over the sleeping unicorn, “I’ll see you girls later.”

“Nu uh, after all what Trixie said, I wanna piece of that,” Vinyl said, as Octavia’s hoof struck her skull.

“I think not, it is late, and need I remind you that your marefriend is just a few inches away from you?” Octavia said, as her left eye twitched.

“Come on Tavi, Twilight made a braggart her bitch with an ‘apology’, and when has you and me being connected at the hip ever stopped me from banging another pony?” Vinyl said. The grey mare stood there with a passive and calm demeanor, but even Twilight could tell that Octavia was about to snap.

“It’s the principle of the matter, and the problem with the ‘other’ times was that you never told me about it until I saw them walking out the door, and each time I must degrade myself by hitting you over the head with the first thing I can get my hooves on,” Octavia retorted. Vinyl’s smile faded to worry.

“I could go and find a hotel, so you wouldn’t have to worry about that,” Twilight added.

“I’m not letting a friend go to the ‘Princess Stables’, those guys leech bits off ya forever. You are staying here for the night,” Vinyl said. Twilight gave the mare a confused look.

“If she stays and I find you have smuggled her into bed… I shall schedule an appointment for your equipment to meet with the pavement in the morning. Are we clear?” Octavia threatened. Vinyl swallowed hard and nodded. “Very well, I’m sure we have a spare futon for when Vinyl has one her crazy parties.”

After Twilight got settled in on the futon in the living room, Vinyl and Octavia bid the mare good night and went to their room. The purple mare snuggled into the blankets as she drifted off to sleep.

Twilight felt something touch her, she opened her eyes and glanced to the couch, Trixie was still sound asleep. Confused, Twilight looked underneath the covers to find nothing. She shrugged and tried to go back to sleep. She was awoken again by somepony touching her, Trixie was still sleeping. “Vinyl?” She whispered. No response, Twilight carefully covered herself with the blanket. The next time she felt something, she threw the covers off herself. “Aha!” she said, as her horn’s glow gave her enough light to see the culprit.

Twilight found the grey mare, who was lacking her usual bowtie, with her tongue inches away from her dick. “Octavia? What are you doing?” She asked.

“Shush, if Vinyl finds out, she’ll never let me hear the end of it. I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting this.” Octavia answered, poking the purple flesh-pillar, causing Twilight to flinch.

“But, you were tired... and the threats to Vinyl,” Twilight whined, which was answered with the earth pony rolling her eyes.

“I lied, my curiosity was piqued when that idiot mare,” Octavia pointed at Trixie, “got drunk and began to hint and tease about how you ‘made her apologize’, both myself and Vinyl were curious about that, Vinyl is simply more open than I. Now stay quiet and take your blowjob like a good little filly. I never thought that I’d say that, ever.” She explained, rubbing her head with a hoof before snapping her attention back to Twilight’s cock.

Before Twilight could say anything, Octavia attempted to get what she could into her mouth. Each time the maremeat left, she would lick the head and nibble along the sides, forcing Twilight to stuff her own hoof in her mouth to keep herself from waking Trixie or Vinyl.

The cellist licked along the side of Twilight’s member before spotting her slit. ‘Curious’ she thought as she ran a hoof along the meat while her mouth went to work on the scholar’s pussy. Her tongue felt magical to the purple mare. Each time Octavia’s tongue probed and licked it was with purpose, always striking true and causing Twilight’s jaw to clamp down harder on her own hoof.

Twilight felt a familiar sensation, and knew this would end badly if she didn’t notify the mare pleasuring her. “Octavia, I’m close,” She whispered. The earth mare nodded and returned her full attention to the lavender rod. The scholar’s hoof returned to muzzle her, as she watched her own length disappear into the mouth of the earth pony, Octavia continued this until Twilight’s free hoof bolted to the back of the earth pony’s head and held it there while she was force-fed the unicorn’s sperm.

“Sorry about that,” Twilight whispered, the cellist was coughing up Twilight's seed, but was still amused by the outcome.

“I believe we are not finished yet,” Octavia retorted, as she pushed Twilight onto her back, her dick standing ready for whatever the grey mare had planned. She smiled and positioned her moist entrance over top of the rod and lowered herself onto it, taking Twilight slowly.

The purple unicorn involuntarily bucked her hips up, causing the cellist to gasp as she took more of what she intended to take. She took a deep breath and let herself slide down Twilight’s length until the entire thing was inside her pussy. The two stood still for a moment before Octavia began to rock her hips, not daring to let more than an inch leave her.

“Ahem, what’s going on here?” The two mares turned to see Vinyl standing smug, without her trademark glasses.

Octavia cursed under her breath while Twilight shivered in fear of what Vinyl would do. “What was that you were saying about not having sex with Twilight earlier? I can’t remember it very well but it did involve a threat,” Vinyl asked. She had a smug look on her that made Octavia angry and her face red.

“Shut up and let me finish,” Octavia scowled, still rocking her hips as her inner walls squeezed and milked Twilight.

“Hold up, what are you two doing? Are you using the strap-on?” Vinyl asked, trying to get a better look of what Twilight was using on her marefriend.

Octavia smirked a little and gave the white unicorn a glimpse of what had entered her, then she began to ride the poor purple mare. Vinyl began staring at two ponies’ groin in disbelief, she turned towards their back ends to watch Twilight’s member leave and enter the grey mare, as copious amounts of the cellist’s own juices flowed down Twilight’s length.

Vinyl shook her head and inched herself closer, licking the member as her marefriend rode their guest. This action had caused Twilight to squeak rather adorably. She then continued to do so, which caused Twilight to let out various amusing moans, grunts, and squeaks. The DJ couldn’t help but put a hoof to her nethers, as she tried to fellate Twilight while she fucked Octavia.

The dual sensations proved too much for Twilight as she came. Octavia’s eyes went wide as she felt every load of sperm enter her, pushing the grey mare to her second orgasm. Even Vinyl was flabbergasted when she saw white goops of Twilight’s cum escape Octavia’s pussy as the grey mare got off.

“Mmmm, Trixie is sorry that she spilled your tea, please don’t bring out the toys, (yawn) I beg you,” Trixie snored, still asleep.

The three mares looked at each other. “Let’s take this into my room,” Vinyl whispered, Twilight and Octavia nodded as they followed the DJ into her bedroom.

“Alright, let’s see what we got here,” Vinyl said, turning her attention to Twilight’s cock. “That’s a lot of meat on a mare.”

“It feels bigger, trust me,” Octavia muttered, stretching her legs as Twilight sat on the bed.

“My turn,” the DJ exclaimed. She put her hooves on a wall opposite of her bed, “Show me what you got, Twi.”

Twilight nodded, and walked up to the DJ, she placed her hooves on the white unicorn’s back as she penetrated Vinyl’s optional hole. The sudden entry into her back door caused the white mare to jump back, causing the member to sink deeper into her rectum.

Octavia circled the two unicorns as Twilight continued to explore Vinyl’s backside with her dick. She slid herself underneath Vinyl and began to eat her marefriend out, while Twilight abused her backside.

“No fair, I’ll cum in seconds,” Vinyl whined, feeling Octavia’s tongue probe her depths and her hooves rub the DJ’s cutie marks. Twilight started to pick up the pace, nearly forcing the white mare’s crotch into the grey pony’s face. Octavia welcomed it as she buried her face deeper into Vinyl’s groin.

True to her word, Vinyl came hard, her passage tried to grip the grey mare’s tongue as her butt clenched the purple intruder that was probing its depths. With the combination of fluids, Twilight continued to plow into Vinyl’s anus, nearly unhindered by the white mare’s muscles.

Twilight hooked a forelimb around Vinyl’s back leg and began to thrust harder, giving Octavia a show. She smiled as the DJ tried to keep her mouth shut, only to fail in the end. “Sweet Celestia, yes. Fuck me Twi, I want everything you got, just give it to me!”

Twilight complied as she made one last thrust into the white mare, injecting her bowels with seed. The purple mare release Vinyl’s leg as she remained hilted in white mare. As she felt the last of her load leave her, she pulled out. And let the DJ slump to the floor, cum dripping out of the abused hole.

“Wow, what a ride,” was all Vinyl said, as she tried to pick herself up, Octavia grabbed the wobbling mare and directed her to the bed, and lying her down on the bed. She then began to kiss the white unicorn passionately as she ground her marehood against Vinyl’s.

Twilight watched in awe as the two ponies continued to make out and felt her dick harden and get ready for more. She seemed to recall something Rainbow Dash had said before, and a wicked grin spread on her face. But first, she almost instantaneously cleaned her cock of whatever might have exited Vinyl prior.

She trotted up to the couple on the bed and prepared to mount one of them. Vinyl opened one eye to see Twilight’s horn shine, the purple mare glanced down and cheered for a moment before getting ready.

Both mares felt something poking them, they gave each other a glance before looking between them to see two purple shafts preparing to enter them, they both gritted their teeth as they felt Twilight invade their pussies.

Both ponies accepted the penetration easily, and resumed to kiss each other passionately, then switched to Octavia sucking on Vinyl’s horn while the white unicorn nuzzled and licked the earth pony’s neck, all while Twilight had her way with both of them.

Twilight was shocked that she hadn't done this before, she could feel everything the second shaft was feeling. She gripped the grey mare’s plots as she picked up the pace, forcing moans out of both of them.

Both mares could feel Twilight tapping their wombs, her lengths growing even more within them. Vinyl held on to Octavia’s neck as the earth pony suckled and nibbled on the white horn before her.

Vinyl came first, soaking the bed beneath her, with Octavia following shortly after. Twilight felt the both ponies’ silts grip her tightly as she pushed in as deep as she could, flooding both wombs with her dual spunk. She felt the member lodged in Octavia’s snatch disappear as she withdrew from Vinyl.

Twilight staggered up to find both mares sleeping soundly, she levitated both of them under the covers and went back to bed.


Trixie awoke to the smell of french toast, in a near trance she slowly made her way over to see her mistress cooking, at that moment her eyes went wide. “Mis-I mean-Twilight, you shouldn’t be wasting your time and effort cooking breakfast for me, as wonderful as it all smells.”

Twilight turned her head and smiled, “I thought I’d give something back to the mares that helped me around the city, and what sort of friend would I be if I didn’t include you?” She asked, Trixie blushed at the sound of her being called a friend of her mistress.

“I smell food,” Vinyl remarked, as she entered, wearing her shades but walking rather shaky. Octavia soon followed, but without her bow tie.

“Good morning, I hope you don’t mind that I cooked breakfast, you girls helped me a lot yesterday, and well, I wanted to thank you,” Twilight said, scratching her forelimb.

“Didn’t you thank us enough last-” The DJ was interrupted by a hoof flying into her face.

“We were merely being friendly. After all, it would be cruel to let a mare wander Manehatten without proper guides,” Octavia answered, removing her hoof from her lover’s mouth.

“Last what?” Trixie asked, her eyes narrowed, she carefully wandered to the bedroom Vinyl and Octavia came from. After a few moments the three mares were treated to: “How dare you two try to steal Twilight from the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Trixie settle down,” Twilight said, levitating several pieces of french toast to several plates.

Trixie came back, glaring daggers at the musicians. “Trixie will be watching you two,” she warned, trying to appear menacing as she took a bite of the breakfast Twilight had made, only to stop her glaring and devour what remained of her breakfast, much to Octavia’s dismay.

“I gotta admit, you slept like a rock,” Vinyl quipped. This caused Trixie to look at the white mare questionly. “Seriously, Twilight was moaning like a few inches away from you, I’m pretty sure I yelled when we moved to my room, and I think we all screamed when Twilight came in both of us.”

“Both of you, as in the same time?” Trixie asked, the DJ nodded as the magician turned to Twilight. “Why wasn’t Trixie apart of this last night? Trixie would have loved to be impaled by her dual rods...” Trixie mumbled, giving Twilight the saddest look she could muster.

“What a wonderful morning. I can barely walk, Vinyl is bragging about sex, and the braggart is jealous. At least the toast is divine,” Octavia commented.

“Don’t rub it in, if you two didn’t meet her at the train station, it would have been Trixie who would have had difficulties walking in the morning,” Trixie whined. The group continued to eat, or try to seduce Twilight in Trixie’s case, as the purple mare prepared for the remainder of her stay in Manehatten.


As Twilight approached her home, she noticed all the lights out. Curiously, Twilight opened the door and was greeted with a “SURPRISE!” as all her friends emerged from their hiding spots.

“Welcome back home, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted as Twilight’s friends surrounded her.

“Thanks Pinkie,” Twilight said, as her friends surrounded her.

“So how was Manehatten, dear?” Rarity asked.

“It was pretty good, I met Vinyl Scratch and Octavia there, and they let me stay at their place for the weekend, I also ran into Trixie,” Twilight said, immediately noticing hints of ire in Rarity’s and Pinkie’s eyes.

“Did Trixie do anything to you?” Pinkie asked, chewing a cupcake slowly.

“No actually, she seemed rather controlled this time,” Twilight replied, holding her hooves up in an attempt to defend herself.

“So anything else cool happen?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes actually,” Twilight answered, she levitated a bag and ruffled through it, levitating out a baseball cap with several Wonderbolt autographs (excluding Spitfire’s) written on the peak. She also brought out several other items: a vest similar to what Applejack’s cousin Braeburn wore, a picture book with several cute bunnies on the cover, a sketchbook with a beautiful design of birds, and a large board game featuring snakes and ladders.

The mares gave their thanks to Twilight, both verbally and by hugging the purple mare, as she walked up to her faithful assistant. She levitated a large diamond out of the bag and presented it to him, he gave the rock a thoughtful look before looking back up to Twilight. “I’m sorry I hurt your trust in me, I just don’t want you to be mad anymore. Can you forgive me?” Twilight asked.

Spike eyes drifted between the diamond and Twilight, before snatching the large gem away. “I won’t forgive you, but I guess I can’t stay mad at you forever, right?” he said, as Twilight gave him a hug, which he returned.

Truly, everything would be just fine.

Chapter Ten: A Matter of Pride, and something else.

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[{Gilda/Rainbow Dash}F/F, oral, fingering/taloning?, tribadism][{Twilight/Gilda and Twilight/Rainbow Dash}Futa/F, Futa/F, oral, vaginal, handjob]

“That was awesome, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo called out as she watched her idol perform stunts in preparation to join the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow gave the orange filly a glance, and flapped her wings harder, doing several aileron rolls, and a few loops, before attempting her famous ‘Sonic Rainboom’, she kept building speed until she hit the sound barrier. Try as she might, the sound barrier refused to break for her and threw her away, sending her into several clouds and ultimately the library.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled, as she and Spike ran upstairs to find the multi-coloured daredevil was set against a bookshelf, now devoid of books, with her rear end high above her head.

“Heh, hey Twi, Spike. Sorry about that,” Rainbow apologized.

Twilight glared at the blue pegasus for a few seconds. “You shouldn’t be so reckless, you might have seriously hurt yourself, again,” She said, as she noticed Spike let out a sigh and start walking over to clean the mess Rainbow had made. “Don’t worry about that Spike, you can go back to your chores, I’ll clean this up.”

Spike gave a small cheer before leaving to the main room. Meanwhile Twilight walked over to the upside down pegasus. “A little help?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight levitated Rainbow Dash back on her hooves while also putting the books back into place. Before Rainbow Dash had the chance to fly back to resume training, Twilight held her tight with her magic. “Hold on, I need to make sure your injuries aren’t serious.”

“Come on, Twilight. I’m fine, I’m not hurt at all,” Rainbow whined, blushing a tad from the attention Twilight was giving her. The librarian poked a single spot on the cyan mare’s wing, which resulted in a loud painful ‘yelp’ from her.

“Right,” Twilight said, sarcastically. “The damage isn’t too bad, just a sprain. You could probably still hover, but no stunts, got it?” She ordered, as she levitated the first aid kit over, to dress the wing.

Rainbow Dash nodded, flexing her wing when Twilight finished. “Cool, thanks Twi,” She said. “So what were you doing anyways?” The purple unicorn’s grin crept up as the two walked into the main lobby.

Spike was still hard at work gathering books for Twilight, still searching around for whatever Twilight might need. “That should be good enough Spike, take the rest of the day off,” Twilight called out.

“Awesome, thanks Twilight.” Spike said, running out of the Library.

"Just catching up on my studies, the chat we had a month and a half ago was a load off my mind," Twilight commented.

With a sigh, because Twilight was doing something boring, Rainbow Dash turned and began to read one of Daring's new books, a new question came to mind as she opened it. “Daring isn’t doing much these days, is she?” She asked.

“Daring is a busy mare. She has excavations that take weeks to complete, seminars to speak at, and museums to assist with. Despite all of that, she has practically moved in here,” Twilight quipped; she stopped for a moment. “Daring will be returning tomorrow in the evening.”

“But how are you so sure that Daring isn’t cheating on you?” Rainbow asked, flying down to meet Twilight’s eyes.

“I don’t think she’s cheating on me. When she gets home we have sex, we chat about her excavation during the afterglow, we have dinner, and then we cuddle. In the morning, I wake up to give her cunnilingus or her giving me a blow job or riding me, it depends if I have morning wood at that time, then we go on a date, which usually ends with sex… I may need to re-prioritize my relationship with her, it’s very similar to what Pinkie keeps trying to do when Daring isn’t around,” Twilight thought aloud.

Rainbow Dash stared blankly at Twilight, “I’m honestly curious as to how you keep up with your studies with the Princess, with all the sex that gets thrown at ya.”

“I don’t really know, Rainbow. I keep being told it’s a gift, but I can’t help but think it’s a curse,” Twilight said.

Rainbow stayed for a little while longer, bored out of her mind from Twilight talking about the various things that came to her mind. Eventually she had to leave, for fear of completing her transformation to Egghead-dom. As she left, she ran into Scootaloo who was running out of breath.

“What’s up squirt?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Are you okay, Rainbow Dash? I saw you get launched to the library,” the orange filly replied, still trying to catch her breath.

“I’m fine, just a sprain. Give me a few hours and I’ll be fine,” Rainbow Dash retorted, puffing her chest in pride.

“Awesome,” Scootaloo said, as she turned to look at the clock tower. “Oh no, I’m going to be late for the Crusader meeting, later Rainbow Dash.” She called out, running to the treehouse the three fillies called ‘The CMC HQ’. Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle and flew off. Due to her injury, she couldn’t push herself, so she resolved to go meet with her friend Pinkie Pie.


She found the pink mare in the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, making cupcakes. “Hey Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash greeted.

“Oh hi, Rainbow Dash. How are you today?” Pinkie said, as she pulled a tray out of the oven and placed it on the counter beside three frosting bowls. The largest bowl contained purple frosting, another contained pink frosting, and the last had a dark blue frosting.

“I’m… fine, you do know Twilight is going to be creeped out if she finds out about these cupcakes, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I have no idea what you are talking about, these three specific colours were chosen at random. It’s just a big coinkydink, Dashie.” Pinkie said, layering the purple frosting first.

“If you say so, Pinkie.” Rainbow said, flexing her injured wing, annoyed by how she couldn’t just do her thing and fly. “I’m surprised you aren’t out trying to win Twilight again, with Daring out of town.”

“There will be plenty of time for that, my dear Dashie,” The party mare said, slowly covering a portion of each cupcake in blue icing. “In the meantime, I gotta help the Cakes with their order.” Using the pink icing, she lightly placed a large star-like shape in the purple portion, and then putting a single pink stripe on the blue frosting. She gave the cupcakes a quick look before adding a purple stripe next to the pink stripe on the blue frosting.

“Ok, now that’s creepy,” Rainbow Dash commented, as she looked at Pinkie’s creation. She knew Twilight was going to try her best to avoid Pinkie if she saw this.

“Hey, Judgy Jason. I’m sure lots of ponies will love to have these cupcakes, watch,” Pinkie retorted, as she took the batch of decorated cupcakes into the dining area. Rainbow Dash poked her head out to see various ponies lining up for the cupcakes that Pinkie just made. “RAINBOW DASH, I need you to take over selling these, so I can make lots more Twi-Cakes. They are selling faster than the cakes that Mr. Hot Cakes sold when he was here visiting.”


After helping Pinkie sell the ‘Twi-cakes’, Rainbow Dash took off and headed for Sweet Apple Acres, with a few of the same Twi-cakes on hoof.

Rainbow Dash landed near a tree where Applejack was working, “Sup AJ” She called out to her orange friend.

“Rainbow Dash, what brings ya to the farm?” Applejack said, wiping her forehead with a hoof.

“Just wanted to hang out, cupcake?” Rainbow offered, the farmpony looked at the pastries with awkward curiosity, while the daredevil just gave her an awkward smile. “Pinkie made them, that’s why.”

“This is a little weird, even for her,” Applejack said, accepting a purple cupcake and taking a bite out of it.

Rainbow Dash landed and sat down next to the orange pony. “I know, I’ve had sex with Twilight, but I don’t try to get her attention or try to get her to mount me again,” She said, taking another bite out of her pastry.

“I still don’t know what to make of this whole ‘Twilight has colt parts’ thing, still seems like a bad story, ya know?” Applejack commented, the cyan mare nodded in agreement. “But it makes ya think, is Twilight really the only mare out there that… well… has stuff down there? Sorta weird that there’s only one pony out of thousands of other ponies, no matter how rare that may be.”

“Who knows? Gotta admit, I’m on the fence for all this too,” Rainbow said, she reached for another cupcake.

“Better question for ya RD. Why aren’t you flying around doing your tricks?” Applejack asked.

“I screwed up a Sonic Rainboom and crashed into Twilight’s library. I messed up my wing a little, I can still fly but Twilight says that I can’t do stunts until it heals,” She said, frowning at her lightly bandaged wing.

“I see, but when did that ever stop you before?” the Apple farmer asked, Rainbow Dash tried to answer, but couldn’t find the words. “I think you might have taken a shine to Twilight too, you just refuse to believe it.”

“Twilight has dozens of mares to choose from, despite being so blind and scared to actually go after any of them. She doesn’t need me to add to that list, and I’d rather be flying than sleeping with the egghead,” Rainbow Dash said.

“What was that you said a few weeks ago? When Twilight held ya, you felt like nothing could hurt ya? That you felt awesome?” Applejack chuckled, aggravating the cyan mare.

“Shut up,” Rainbow Dash said, glaring daggers at her chuckling friend. “What about you, huh?”

“I’ve never had sex with the mare, and based on what I've seen so far from the ponies who have, I think I’ll pass,” Applejack said, smiling.

“I bet you 10 bits that by the end of next month, you and her do it,” Rainbow challenged, holding a hoof out.

“You’re on, Dash. With how Twilight’s been acting lately, I think this is already in the bag,” AJ laughed, shaking hooves with the pegasus.

“It’s not Twilight you gotta worry about, it’s yourself,” Rainbow Dash muttered, leaving the confused apple farmer alone as she headed for home.


“What a day” Rainbow Dash thought as she landed on her doorstep. Crashing into Twilight’s house again, watching Pinkie make creepy tributes to the purple mare, talking about stuff she wouldn’t normally talk about with AJ, and finally making a bet; heck of a day for this junior speedster.

She opened the door and found something odd, a brown feather on the floor. “What the?” she muttered, she began to look around room, only to find the owner of this feather sitting on her bed reading one of her books.

“What’s up, dweeb?” the Griffon greeted, still reading from the book. “Really surprised you own a book that wasn’t a swimsuit edition of Sky Ace Magazine.”

“Gilda, what are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked, cautious of the griffon’s motives.

“Came by to bury the hatchet, so to speak,” Gilda said, closing the book and tossing it onto the makeshift bookshelf near the bed.

“Wait, you’re here to apologize? That isn’t like you,” Rainbow commented.

Gilda shrugged, “I know, griffon pride and all that lame stuff. “ She utter, walking towards the speedster, “Let’s go flying, for old time’s sake.”

“Can’t, I hurt my wing trying a Sonic Rainboom again,” Rainbow commented, showing her guest the bandaged wing.

“I thought you had that trick down, didn’t you do it several times already?” Gilda asked.

“Well yea, just sometimes things don’t work out like I want them to,” Rainbow answered. “Whatever, why should I be friends with you again, after the way you treated Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?”

“Alright, I’ll admit it was kinda my bad for the Flutter-whatever thing, but that Pink pony was trying to get on my nerves during that party she threw,” Gilda defended.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you were a jerk and probably still are,” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“What do I gotta do to show you that I changed?” Gilda asked, getting rather annoyed.

“First off, apologize to my friends for being such a jerk,” Rainbow Dash said, glaring at the larger creature.

“Fine, I’ll do it later,” Gilda remarked, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem pleased by this. “Junior Speedster’s Honor.”

“Prove it,” Rainbow Dash challenged.

Gilda sighed, still keeping her smile, then took to the air.

“Junior Speedster are our lives,”

Rainbow Dash began to smile as she heard the familiar chant and joined her friend, rather surprised that Gilda was putting more effort into performing the moves than she was before.

“Sky-bound soars and daring dives,

“Junior Speedsters it’s our quest,

“To someday be the very best!

The two landed and fell to the ground laughing, “Man, that chant was so cool back when I was a cub, but it’s so lame now,” Gilda commented.

“I gotta admit, it’s more awesome when more ponies are doing it, so you don’t feel like a dork doing it by yourself,” Rainbow laughed, getting back on her hooves.

The two girls were still chuckling over past memories, “Okay, I think we can work this out, but I still want you to apologize to Fluttershy and Pinkie, if not for the party you messed up, at least for the other stuff you did to get her out of your feathers,” Rainbow Dash said. Gilda nodded and the two fist/hoof bumped.

“Like I said, I’ll apologize to them tomorrow. For today, I wanna hang out with my old friend,” Gilda said, earning a smile from Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I can’t race, cause my wing got messed up earlier,” Rainbow muttered, flexing the bandaged wing.

“Maybe I can help, lie down on the bed,” Gilda said, Rainbow Dash nodded and went over to the bed, lying belly down.

Gilda hovered on top of the pony and straddled her hind legs and began to work her talons into Dash’s muscles. “I forgot how awesome your talons were, G,” the Cyan mare sighed, letting the griffon do her thing.

Gilda chuckled, and continued to knead the blue flesh. She carefully removed the bandage with her claw, “Give me a moment to find some ointment or something,” Gilda said, flying off Dash, smiling when she heard the blue mare moan in disappointment.

She searched the medicine cabinet for some rubbing ointment, finding something else that made her laugh. “MareLes, seriously Dash?” Gilda called out.

“Shut up, it’s a good ointment. Applejack recommended it for me when I was helping her out with apple bucking,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“Whatever you say, Dash,” Gilda chuckled, flying back with the tube. She squirted a small amount onto her claw and began rubbing it onto Dash’s wing. While her other claw resumed it’s massage.

Rainbow Dash just laid there, letting her old friend rub her wings and back. A surreal event in itself since Gilda was normally too proud to do things like this.

“How does it feel now?” Gilda asked.

“Awesome,” Rainbow answered, nearly comatose form the griffon’s treatment. Gilda smiled and turned her focus onto both of the pegasus’ wings.

“The other wing doesn’t need work, G,” Rainbow stated, opening an eye.

“I’m just being thorough, chill,” Gilda said, working the blue wings, being careful not to damage them further.

Rainbow’s mind drifted as the griffon continued, while she went to the Wonderbolts many times before when napping, this time her mind went to the memory of when she was with Twilight, sober.

She sighed deeply, as she recalled how the purple mare held her tightly, the fullness she felt, she began to drool onto her bed. Unbeknownst to the griffon or pony, Dash’s sex was beginning to leak.

Gilda stopped when an odd scent filled her nostrils. She turned around to see a small portion of Rainbow’s bed spread was moist. “Are you getting off on this, Dash?” Gilda asked with a hint of mirth in her tone.

“What? No way, of course not. Why would I be?” Rainbow defended, blushing hard. She heard Gilda chuckle above her.

“Cause you’re leaking back here, and you and I both know that I’d be in the air the second I thought it might be piss, ya bedwetter,” Gilda teased. Rainbow blushed harder as she tried to use her wings to slap Gilda for the bedwetting comment.

“Jeez, relax. If you want, I can help ya out. Just like how we did back in the Junior Speedsters,” Gilda offered.

Rainbow thought back to those days. Whenever she or Gilda needed to blow off some steam, the other would help out, whether it was Rainbow tongue, because Gilda thought hooves were useless for that kind of thing; or the griffon’s talons, because Rainbow didn’t like the idea of a razor sharp beak near her marehood.

“Just like old times right?” Rainbow quipped. Gilda just smirked as she moved the pegasus onto her lap. One claw was rubbing the blue mare’s belly while the other drifted down to meet her slit.

“Wow, you are soaking down here, Dash,” Gilda said, her claws lightly touching the edges of Rainbow Dash’s labia.

“Quit teasin’ and do me,” Rainbow ordered, Gilda’s beak went to nibble on the blue mare’s ear, as she slowly forced two digits into the mare.

Truth be told, Gilda loved being in control. The idea of having someone squirming under her claws gave her pleasure; ever since her first time with that dead beat of a ex she had, Gilda was always in control.

Gilda felt the pony squirm under her touch, she smiled as she went to kiss Rainbow Dash on the neck, working her claws faster in the pegasus’ slit

“Remember when we first did this, Dash? I had my claws in you for ten seconds and you came so hard, you had to rest in bed for a whole day,” Gilda whispered into Dash’s ear, giving it a lick when she finished.

“I remember when…oh… I first ate you out feather brain. (Pant) You came begging for a week, asking me to do it to you again, ” Rainbow Dash moaned, as she arched a forelimb to hold the griffon’s neck.

“Don’t worry, Dash. We’re not stopping till we’ve both had our fun,” The griffon chuckled. Dash laughed with her, but her laughter was quickly drowned out by moans and grunts.

The thumb of Gilda’s claw kept Dash’s clitoris company, as her digits probed the blue pony’s depths, causing her to moan. It was music to the griffon’s ears.

“Oh fuck” Dash cried, as her juices covered Gilda’s talon and the bed below her. Gilda took the talon to her mouth and licked the fluids off.

“Have fun?” Gilda asked, Dash nodded, breathing hard. “Don’t tell me you’re all out of steam, after I did all the work, grass-biter.”

Dash snarled as she freed herself from the griffon’s clutches. “I’ll show you who’s out of steam!” She shouted, pushing Gilda onto her back and lowering her head to meet the griffon’s glistening sex.

Rainbow Dash hooked her hooves underneath the griffon’s legs and had them rest on her back as she licked her friend’s folds, teasing Gilda by barely scraping the entrance. She felt one of the griffon’s talons resting on her head, tempting her to probe her depths, but this pegasus had other plans.

“Whoa, you got better at this,” Gilda moaned, her scaled hand petting the pegasus’ head. Rainbow smirked before probing the griffon deeply then retracting her tongue out, making her friend let out a disapproving grunt.

Rainbow Dash continued to lick and tease the large bird. “Weren’t you asking me not to tease you earlier? Just get to it, dweeb,” Gilda commanded, but arched her back as she screamed when Rainbow made a peculiar motion with her tongue.

Rainbow released her oral hold over the soaking pussy. “Think of it as payback, ‘dweeb’,” Rainbow mocked playfully. She went back and sucked on the Gilda’s clit.

Gilda’s legs clamped around Rainbow’s head, Tartarus-bent to ensure the pegasus could never leave. She placed her free talon in her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

Rainbow Dash’s patience wore thin, as she now began attacking Gilda’s G-spot, with wild and reckless aggression. The griffon cried out as she came, most of her fluids entered the pegasus’ mouth, which was swallowed, the rest was splattered on Rainbow muzzle and the bedspread below the two fliers.

“Alright, who taught you to eat someone out like that?” Gilda asked, staggering back up.

“Pinkie Pie, maybe you should thank her when you go apologize to her,” Rainbow laughed. Gilda released her hold on Rainbow Dash, allowing her to steady herself on her hooves.

“Don’t tell me you’re out of steam from me doing all the work, feather-head,” Rainbow taunted, the comment made Gilda laugh for a moment.

“We still got the main event, Rainbow Crash,” Gilda replied.

“I think I know what ya mean, chickadee,” the pegasus said.

“Oh, you are going to get it,” Gilda scowled playfully, tackling Rainbow onto her back on a rug near the bed. Gilda held one leg and had it rest against her shoulder, and started to rub her sex against the speedster’s.

“I don’t think we’ve ever done this before, G,” Rainbow said. She felt felt an intense heat where she and Gilda were rubbing against each other.

Gilda smiled as she humped into Rainbow Dash. She placed a talon next to Rainbow’s head for stability, then she arched over for a kiss, which was accepted eagerly by the pegasus.

The two rode out their orgasms, with Rainbow Dash unexpectedly shouting “Twilight!" As she came, taking Gilda by surprise. "Who's Twilight?" the griffon commanded.

Rainbow Dash let out a yawn. "She's a friend," She mumbled, drifting to sleep. Grumbling, she laid down next to Rainbow Dash, folding a wing for the pegasus. “Whoever you are Twilight, I’m coming for you,” She thought to herself, before drifting to sleep.


Gilda and Rainbow Dash soared through the skies heading for Fluttershy’s cottage, their first step to repairing Gilda’s reputation in Ponyville. “Alright G, Fluttershy should be finishing up feeding her animals. You go over there and apologize for yelling at her, got it?” Rainbow commanded.

“Yeah, yeah. I got it, let’s get this over with,” Gilda muttered, walking over to the cottage, she looked back to her pegasus friend who waved. “Just relax Gilda, you’re the best griffon there is. What’s the worst a wimpy crybaby could do to me?”

As she approached the dwelling, she saw the yellow pegasus that she had yelled at walking out of the cottage. “Hey Shudderfly, no wait..that’s not it…Posey? No…Fluttershy, that’s it! Hey Fluttershy!” Gilda called out, causing the mare in question to turn to the griffon in confusion.

The moment Fluttershy saw the mean griffon, she bolted and hid in the nearby shed. Gilda looked back to Rainbow Dash who kept motioning for her to continue.

“Look uhh… Fluttershy, I came by to say I’m sorry about the yelling I did when I was last here,” Gilda muttered, scratching the back of her head. The yellow mare cautiously watched the griffon. “I was a complete jerk and wasn’t looking where I was going, I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you. So, we…friends?”

Fluttershy slowly made her way out of her shed, walking slowly towards Gilda, scared she may do something. She jumped back when Gilda stuck out her claw. She looked at it and then back to Gilda, who gave an awkward smile. “I guess we could be friends, I mean it was rather rude of me to walk into you,” Fluttershy said.

“You were walking backwards, guiding a flock of ducks,” Gilda deadpanned.

“Oh, well I should have still watched where I was going,” Fluttershy tried to reason, her excuses made Gilda place her head onto her palm.

“No, Flutter-whatever. I should have walked around you, and while you were being a doormat, I shouldn’t have yelled at you… or roared at you, so I’m sorry,” Gilda said, hoping this pony grew a spine soon.

“Um, okay. I guess,” Fluttershy muttered.

“Yes, that’s one down, G!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, surprising Fluttershy.

“Rainbow Dash? You startled me,” Fluttershy said. “Uh, what are you two doing?”

“Sorry shy, I’m helping Gilda apologize to the girls for being a jerk the last time she was here,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Oh, that’s nice of you Rainbow. I wish you the best of luck Miss Gilda,” Fluttershy said happily, the gesture made Gilda smile as well.

“Let’s go G, next stop is Sugarcube Corner,” Rainbow Dash said, flying into town, Gilda soon followed her, leaving Fluttershy to her duties.


The two arrived at the candy-decorated building in Ponyville. Gilda was hesitant, feeling like the building was owned by a whack-job but if Rainbow could walk casually into this crazy place, she could too.

Gilda found the pink spawn of the underworld chatting with a purple unicorn, over what looked like strudels, “There’s Pinkie, looks like she is chatting with Twilight. You know what to do, G.”

'Twilight?' Gilda thought, a sly smile formed on her face as she made her way towards the two ponies.

Pinkie was the first to notice the griffon, and Twilight soon turned her head to see her as well. “Hiya Gilda, what brings you back to Ponyville? Come for revenge or here to make amends?” Pinkie asked.

“Uh, the second one,” Gilda muttered. “Look, I’m sorry for trying to get you to avoid Rainbow Dash. It was selfish of me, so… friends?”

Pinkie thought for a long moment, “Of course, silly. Oh, I can throw a REAL welcoming Party for Gilda this time, instead of a party that I did to make her look like the jerk that she was!” Pinkie cheered. Twilight gave the griffon a confused look, which was met with a shrug and an awkward smile.

“Awesome, we’ll do the public apology thing at the party. In the meantime, let’s grab a bite, since we’re here,” Rainbow said, flying next to Gilda.

“Cool, I’ll take whatever you get me, Dash,” Gilda said. Dash sped to the cashier to give her order while Gilda sat down at the table.

“So, I didn’t catch your name, I think I may have met you somewhere though,” Gilda asked.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I was one of the ponies present at that party Pinkie threw for you. Sorry for laughing at your expense,” Twilight said, smiling sheepishly.

“It’s alright. I would have done the same if I was in your… horseshoes,” Gilda said, still puzzled. 'This dweeb is the pony Rainbow Dash called out? Where’s the punch line?' she thought, scanning Twilight with a critical eye.

Rainbow Dash returned with a few pastries and gave half to Gilda. “Thanks, Dash,” she said.

“What were the two of you doing before we got here?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well… I was curious about Twilight’s library but Twilight said that Daring is due back sometime early evening so I thought ‘there’s plenty of time’ and then Twilight was like ‘Bad Pinkie, no happy endings for you today’ but I know I’ll wear her down eventually, right Dashie?” Pinkie explained. Gilda and Rainbow Dash were confused by this conversation.

“I’m sorry Pinkie, but the answer is no. I don’t care what you say or do to try to change my mind,” Twilight stated, she was clearly annoyed.

“Don’t you still owe Pinkie for saving you from Cloud Kicker that one time?” Rainbow Dash asked. Gilda had no idea what was going on.

“I paid her back for that, 4 days ago,” Twilight answered, sipping a cup of tea.

“But I want more, I gotta have more purple in my life, Twilie,” Pinkie whined.

“What the heck is going on here?” Gilda asked, ridiculously confused by everything happening at her table.

“Absolutely nothing, just Pinkie being Pinkie and so on and so forth,” Twilight explained, hiding her discomfort with her cup.

“All I can figure out is that the pink mare wants to have sex with you, really badly,” Gilda said. She was curious what Twilight was hiding.

“Uh, don’t worry about it G. Pinkie is just really into Twilight and a lot of Ponyville knows it, just that Twilight is dating somepony else, and Pinkie… is being… Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash tried to explain, but wasn’t sure what words she could have used.

“I think I hear my organizer calling me, bye girls, nice to meet you Gilda,” Twilight quickly uttered, as she teleported out of the building.

“I don’t think that was normal,” Gilda muttered, Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement.

“Nah, Twilight’s been busy lately, like that one time Rainbow went over to visit her at- ACK” Pinkie choked on Rainbow Dash’s hoof.

“So the nerd has been ‘busy’, huh?” Gilda said; she couldn’t decide whether to be laughing or annoyed

Rainbow Dash removed her hoof from the Pink mare’s mouth. “Twilight does a lot of magic stuff, it’s nothing to be worried about, G,” She replied, beginning to sweat.

“So, why did you call out Twilight’s name yesterday?” Gilda asked. Pinkie’s eyes were wide as she shifted to look at Rainbow Dash, the blue pegasus herself was speechless and scared.

“Random occurrence? I…uh…called out Applejack’s name when me and Twilight got together,” Rainbow Dash said, as she tried to salvage whatever dignity she had left.

“No, you didn’t I heard you cry out Twilight’s name when she be-” Pinkie’s mouth was again stuffed with Rainbow’s hoof.

This settled it for Gilda, “I see, what does this egghead got that I don’t?” she asked. Rainbow took her hoof out of Pinkie’s mouth again.

“Magic!” Pinkie called out, happily. Rainbow was ready to shove her hoof back into Pinkie Pie’s face if she said anything about Twilight’s secret, but was relieved when she didn’t.

“Don’t worry, Dashie. I won’t tell Gilda about Twilight’s secret,” Pinkie whispered.

“I may not look like it, but I have pretty great hearing,” Gilda stated, causing both mares to stare at her in shock. “What’s this about a secret?”

“Twilight’s secret book of secrets, written by a griffon named Hawke,” Pinkie answered, slowly.

This caught Gilda’s attention. “Wow, I’ve actually been looking for that book; I should ask her if I can borrow it one day.”

“Twilight’s secret book of secrets?” Pinkie asked.

“Yea, Hawke’s How-to Guide to Sex, you’d be the luckiest thing ever if you could find a copy in the griffon kingdom, sold out everywhere and pages kept getting ripped apart or are stuck together when you look for it in libraries,” Gilda leaned in more, “But I doubt that’s Twilight’s secret since it’s a rather well known book.”

“That’s the only thing Twilight has, I swear Gilda, It’s the best kept secret ever,” Pinkie reasoned.

Gilda sighed as she got up form her seat. “How many in here have read Hawke’s One Million Ways to Please Any Girl for Awkward Individuals?” She called out. Various ponies looked at each other. Soon enough, plenty of hooves went up, even Mr. Cake’s hoof. He turned to see his wife giving him a confused look.

“I rest my case,” Gilda said.

“Twilight’s magic is super powerful, and it makes mares want her and need her, like I do,” Pinkie said.

“Why learn how to have sex, if you don’t plan on telling anypony?” Gilda asked.

“She learned it specifically for Daring?” Pinkie replied, hoping it would stop this exchange.

“I think I’ll go find out myself,” Gilda said, flying out the door.

“Rainbow Dash, you need to go warn Twilight NOW,” Pinkie cried. Rainbow gave her a salute and quickly followed Gilda out the door.


Rainbow Dash managed to beat Gilda to the library, mostly because Gilda didn’t know where Twilight lived, and ran inside. “Twilight, we’ve got a problem”

“What is it, Rainbow?” Twilight asked climbing down the stairs.

“Pinkie and I screwed up so bad, Gilda is looking for you and she suspects something,” The blue pegasus said. This caused Twilight to give her a confused look.

“You didn’t tell her anything, did you? You do remember the last time, right?” Twilight asked. Rainbow did remember; spending a day as an Earth Pony was not a great time for the future-Wonderbolt.

“Pinkie hinted it a few times by accident, but I think Gilda might try something on you,” Rainbow Dash said. She was clearly worried about what might happen.

“I should have known when I saw you and her walk in, I’ll handle it,” Twilight reassured her.

“You will, how?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“By giving her what she wants, it’s either that or find out that she snuck into my home at night and forced herself on me,” Twilight said, walking back upstairs to plan her encounter.

“Gilda is kinda possessive, and I… sorta… shouted… your name… last night… when we had sex,” Rainbow Dash said, blushing and embarrassed.

“Her pride has been damaged, great. I can still figure this out before she gets here,” Twilight muttered.

“What do ya mean her pride is damaged? She knows you and I had sex, and she is mad about that,” Rainbow retorted.

“No, she probably doesn’t care who you have sex with Dash, as long as you call out her name. The fact you called out mine tells her that I’m better than her at something, even though it’s something trivial like sex. Just let me handle this, Dash,” Twilight ordered. Rainbow Dash gave the purple unicorn a worried look before flying off, but she still stayed nearby to ensure that nothing too bad would happen.


Rainbow Dash watched, as Gilda arrived and barged right into the library. She peeked inside to see the griffon looking around in the main room. She looked displeased and went upstairs.

Rainbow Dash moved to find a bedroom window not blocked by curtains. Unable to find one, she growled and flew into the library, being careful not to alert Twilight or Gilda.

She opened the door a crack to see the griffon and the pony standing their ground.

“I hope you’re ready, egghead, ‘cause I’m not letting a bookish pony get the best of me,” Gilda challenged. Twilight refused to flinch or cower to the larger beast.

Twilight just let out a sigh as Gilda stepped forward, her claw going to grab Twilight by her head. The purple mare dodged the griffon’s attempt the grab her by teleporting. She reappeared behind Gilda and tackled her to the ground.

“Look, I don’t wish to damage your pride further, nor do I want you to take advantage of me just because I’m an ‘egghead’ as you and Rainbow Dash like to call me, so how about we settle this like adults? I get off you, and we go our separate ways. If you are still horny, you can go find Rainbow Dash and you two can have fun while I go do whatever I need or wish to do,” Twilight reasoned.

“How about you go buck yourself, ya stupid nerd,” Gilda shouted.

“An Oxymoron, cute,” Twilight muttered, she used her magic to lock Gilda’s claws to the ground, while she got off and lifted Gilda’s back end.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” Gilda roared, struggling against her bonds.

“If we plan on doing this, I should get you ready for me. The last time I took a pony dry, it was very uncomfortable for both of us, and I had to rush the other pony to the hospital,” Twilight said, spreading Gilda’s folds, analyzing what she gets to work with this time.

“You had to rush Rainbow Dash to the hospital just because you forgot to tell her to suck on one of your stupid toys, dweeb?” Gilda asked, refusing to give in.

“Actually it was Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and I only had sex twice. Once while we are drunk in Cloudsdale, and another time when she was curious about how it would be like while she was sober. I’ll be honest here, I’m actually embarrassed that she called my name out while you two had sex,” Twilight explained. She gave the griffon’s honey pot a careful lick, before beginning to eat her out.

“Who told you that?” Gilda said, rather surprised and nervous.

Twilight stopped licking and rubbed the slit before her as she spoke. “Rainbow Dash was here earlier to warn me that you were coming to prove that you were the better lover, by forcing yourself on me, like a lot of ponies have done already. But this time, I think I’ll start things. It’ll be good for the both of us, we’ll both feel sexually satisfied, I’ll learn to be more assertive when telling ponies to stop trying to get me in bed, and you’ll learn a lesson in humility,” She explained, she went back to licking the griffon, focusing primarily on the clitoris.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t see very much, with Twilight blocking Gilda’s goods but she could hear the griffon trying to keep herself from panting. She turned around quickly to make sure there was no pony or Spike around to find her snooping, and then returned to watch one of her best friends dominate her oldest friend.

Twilight continued to lick Gilda’s folds, using her magic to amplify the pleasure she was issuing, causing the griffon to let out a moan. Twilight paid it no mind and worked on the glistening pussy in front of her, probing it’s depths with her tongue. While this was happening, Twilight could feel the effects of her morning tea wearing off, letting her cock reveal itself, not that Gilda could see it anyways.

Gilda didn't like this at all, she was in charge. She should have this mare begging for her talons, but instead she's locked by the mare's magic and being eaten out, probably to prepare for this stupid mare's toys.

Twilight savored the taste of the griffon’s juices, trying to coax more out of her sex with her tongue and magic. Gilda couldn’t hold back any longer. She came, coating Twilight’s face with her liquids.

“I do believe you’re ready now,” Twilight said calmly, she used her magic to lower Gilda’s rump a tad to give her easier access.

“What do ya think you’re doing, dweeb. You better not,” Gilda warned, the unicorn paid her no mind as her cock rubbed against the griffon’s entrance. “Wait, what the heck kind of magic is that?”

“It’s not magic, Gilda, it’s as real as your wings,” Twilight exclaimed, sinking her dick slowly into the eagle-lion hybrid.

Gilda felt a bit of discomfort and pain from the entry, but she expected Twilight to at least gloat about being able to knock a griffon down like this. Whenever a griffon tried to have a pony as a mate or encounter a pony with sex on the mind, it was always, ALWAYS, the griffon that was in control. The thought that a weak unicorn had her whimpering was strange, but it was even stranger to not hear her gloating about it.

She felt Twilight lie on her back, as she forced more of her mare meat inside. She felt the unicorn use her magic to touch sensitive points in her wings, while she kissed along her neck from behind. True that Gilda was a little bigger than Twilight, but this was absurd to the griffon.

Gilda's mind flashed back to her first time with a griffon she liked, he was cool, fast, strong. But she felt like her insides would have been torn out of her body with how he 'made love'. One day he got drunk and it was just him and Gilda at his place, he didn't care, he just shoved his barbed dick inside her and pounded her. Gilda recalled that the pain was unbearable, and the dweeb only lasted a few seconds, she made sure never to see the jerk, again.

Twilight was something else, she made sure that Gilda enjoyed herself while also showing that she was in charge. Gilda felt like Twilight cared about her, her body became more lax, and more eager for the purple rod within her. Maybe Rainbow Dash's cry yesterday was not all uncalled for, the gentle touches the mare was doing on her back, the loving care the mare was showing with her dick, which was a blessing for the griffon; this one was bigger than the needle dick that was her ex-boyfriend.

Twilight didn’t bother to speak, knowing she’d be wasting the breath, she instead hilted herself in the griffon. She gave Gilda a few moments to get use to her size before she began thrusting. Believing that Gilda wouldn’t try anything, Twilight released her spell and sure enough, Gilda didn’t move. She remained underneath the unicorn, willing to be filled by her dick.

Rainbow watched as Twilight mounted Gilda, her hoof trying it’s best to please the blue pegasus, as she watched with perverted curiosity. She saw the bonds on Gilda’s claws go away. 'Why didn’t Gilda just pin Twilight down?' Rainbow Dash was very confused, but too horny to figure it out.

Gilda felt the magic disappear from her claws, her mind wanted her to take that pony down, but her body refused to move. She almost felt natural underneath the purple unicorn. Instead she began to thrust back into Twilight, was too lost in her own pleasure to notice if she caught the unicorn off guard, but as long as her mate made her feel happy, she'd be fine.

Twilight let loose her first load inside the griffon, feeling the vaginal walls clamp down and drink in her seed. Griffon felt each shot inside her as she came with the unicorn. She felt almost sad to feel the dick leave her empty. “You tired dweeb?" Gilda said, trying to salvage her pride.

“Not by a long shot, Gilda. Could you lie on your back for me?” Twilight asked, Gilda shook her rump to stretch but complied with Twilight’s command. She lied on her back, legs spread, she finally got a good look at the rod that penetrated her just moments ago and was left speechless.

“I took all that?” She muttered, shocked by the size of Twilight’s cock.

“Well, yeah. I have been told that this is big for a pony, but I’m sure there are griffon’s out there that are bigger than me. Pinkie told me that Big Mac is one of the few ponies in Ponyville that are bigger, the only real advantages I’ve got over him is…” Twilight explained, as she loomed over the griffon. “I could keep going for hours if I wanted to and I ejaculate quite a bit per orgasm,” Twilight finished, she leaned in to kiss the griffon.

Gilda expected the kiss to be forced, but it was soft and gave her some control back. Her arms went to hug Twilight, pressing the mare’s body to her own.

Gilda released Twilight when they broke the kiss, her claws resting on the unicorn’s shoulders. Twilight repositioned herself quickly and penetrated the abused sex once again.

“Do me harder, sweet Celestia, harder,” Gilda shouted. She held Twilight’s head to her chest as the unicorn pounded away at her. Feeling generous, Twilight complied with Gilda’s demand and sped up her pace, causing the griffon to cum quickly.

Twilight smiled as her horn glowed, once again playing with Gilda’s wings, but also causing Twilight’s kisses to please every nerve in the area she kissed, sending an electric-like energy to flow through the griffon’s body.

The combination of magic and Twilight’s shaft made Gilda come once again, but Twilight didn’t stop nor did she slow down, hastening the griffon’s next orgasm.

Rainbow watched in awe as Twilight continued to bring Gilda to orgasm after orgasm. The floor underneath the two was soaked in Gilda’s secretions. Her own sex has made a sizable puddle beneath the blue mare as well. She continued to rub herself with her hoof. She almost tempted herself just to jump in and join the two, weighing her options of what to do.

She sucked in a breath and walked into the bedroom. “Took you long enough, Dash,” Twilight said, barely turning her head, to see the blue mare.

“Wait, you knew I was over there?” Rainbow Dash asked, now more nervous than she was a few seconds ago.

“I could hear you clopping behind my door, and you are predictable,” Twilight said, still humping Gilda.

“Well, I…uh,” Rainbow Dash had no words to save her.

“One moment, Dash,” Twilight said, her horn glowed brighter than before. She nearly stopped bucking Gilda, to catch her breath from the spell. “Have fun, Rainbow.” Twilight turned back to continue to rut the griffon to her next orgasm.

Rainbow was confused by her friend’s statement. She was about to ask, when she saw a purple butterfly soar past her vision. She followed it to see another Twilight walking towards her. Before Rainbow could say anything, the Twi-clone pulled her into a deep kiss.

The real Twilight smiled as she heard Rainbow moan from her duplicate’s dick entering her as she watched Gilda’s features, her tongue was sticking out, nearly dazed from being brought to multiple orgasms.

Twilight thought it was time to end this round and sped up till she came hard inside Gilda. When she withdrew, she brought an impressive amount of her own seed out with her. She sat next to Gilda as the two watched the Twi-clone rut Rainbow Dash to an early orgasm.

“You know Gilda, there are actually some differences between me and my copies. First off, they don’t cum as much as I do, and they only really last two or three orgasms before they fade away; what they do better than me however, is that they don’t get tired or randomly stop. If you tell them to fuck you harder, they will make sure there is a bruise mark in the shape of their pelvis where they mounted you. Pinkie found that out the hard way once,” Twilight chuckled. Her hoof was rubbing Gilda’s belly as the griffon rested. “The worst part is, I can’t fully control them. They are like those puppets with really weird strings. If you pull the string too softly, it won’t do anything, but if you pull too hard, even just slightly too hard, the limb might break or fly wildly around. It takes a lot of precision to wield the clones, not to mention they are a huge drain on my magic. I nearly passed out before I could test three of them on Pinkie when she tried her antics,” Twilight continued to laugh a little. Gilda shared in the unicorn’s laughter, as they relaxed.

Rainbow Dash was praising herself for walking in to join them, even though she had to settle for a magical copy, it was still a good magic trick. She barely heard a word that Twilight said as the only thing on her mind right now was the purple illusion rutting her from behind. “Harder Twi, give it to me,” she cried out, she could barely hear Twilight say ‘oh no’ as she felt the clone’s hips pound her into the floorboards. She came again, and this time her entire body hit the floor while the copy continued to pulverize her slit.

Twilight cringed when Rainbow Dash slipped, and laid across the floor in spread eagle position while her clone does as she was told. The real unicorn turned to see Gilda flapping her wings for a moment before turning to meet her. “Ready for the next round?” Twilight asked, Gilda nodded and laid back, waiting for the purple mare to mount her again, but Twilight had a different idea.

"I have something else we can do, one moment," Twilight said, walking to the bathroom, Gilda waited patiently for her mate, eager to please as Twilight did earlier; growing hornier as her blue friend was getting reamed a few feet away from her.

Twilight returned with some hoof lotion, smiling as she put a drop on her hooves and then began to rub the stuff into Gilda's claws, the griffon was speechless and blushing madly, surprised by how tender and caring the hooves felt on her scaly fingers.

Twilight levitated a chair to her and sat down, "I'm curious as to what a clawjob is like, if you could please," Twilight asked, her length stood proud before the griffon. Gilda slowly moved closer to the member and wrapped a claw around it, her thumb and middle digit were a half inch short of touching. She recalled the times where she would do this for her old boyfriend, it was awkward with the spines but he loved it. She glanced up to see Twilight shared the same sentiments. Feeling happy to return the favor, she leaned in to lick the blunt tip, a wave of satisfaction glided along her spine when she heard the purple mare moan.

Twilight smiled at the devotion Gilda was showing and began to pet her lovingly. Anypony would be frightened of her claws and beak, but Twilight was sure the griffon wouldn’t do anything to harm her. Twilight began hissing in pleasure from the licking, and the motion of the griffon’s jerking.

The thought that wanted Gilda to take control was becoming quieter. even while Twilight was at her mercy, she could have thrown her to the ground and showed her who was the boss, but why would she do that to the egghead? Why should she dare to ever call this kind, yet powerful mare an egghead? As she continued to stroke the mare's cock and lick the sides, to call this unicorn 'mate' felt right, it felt perfect to the griffon, if made her feel happy. Maybe she can be submissive, especially if her dom is as loving as this.

Rainbow Dash began to feel pain as the clone thrust deep into her, letting loose her liquid magic into Rainbow Dash’s womb. The poor pegasus didn’t get a chance to rest as the copy flipped her over onto her back and continued, causing the floorboards to begin to crack under the pressure.

The real Twilight thoroughly was enjoying the feeling of the griffon’s claws. Gilda was currently using both claws, in an attempt to make Twilight cum. She had her mouth wide open, ready to receive it eagerly. Twilight was forced to comply as she hit her peak, coating Gilda’s feathered face and beak in her cum, some of it managed to enter the griffon’s mouth, which she savoured.

“Thanks Gilda, your turn,” Twilight said, she motioned the griffon to sit on her lap, Gilda was confused and doubted that Twilight could manage her weight but did as she was told.

She was shocked when she felt Twilight lift her with her magic and lower her onto the purple mare meat. The purple mare could already feel Gilda’s inner walls trying desperately to milk her member for whatever fluids were still left in it. Twilight placed her hooves on Gilda’s waist to allow her to thrust into the griffon even as she floated above the purple mare.

Twilight glanced back at Rainbow Dash, who was now riding the Twi-clone. The worst part was that the purple unicorn could feel that her copy still had enough power to go for at least two more orgasms. She’d have to apologize to Rainbow later for any injuries she may have caused, maybe tomorrow.

Gilda's mind was clouded in pleasure, the only thing that mattered was the loving care of her mate, she called her name out as loud as she could, as if to let the world know that Twilight has claimed her. Feeling a sense of satisfaction upon feeling more of her mate's spunk enter her shortly after. Both the pony and the griffon were too tired to keep going, even if the purple mare's member wanted more.

Twilight could barely keep herself awake, even the constant noises that Rainbow was making did little to help. Knowing that Daring will be home soon, Twilight went downstairs to grab a ‘pick-me-up’.

Rainbow however, was still riding the Twi-clone. She gritted her teeth as another orgasm washed over her senses, and another magic load entered her and dripped onto the floor. She thought she was done, but she was turned over to see that the malicious creation was about resume humping her. Dash looked around for Twilight to stop this thing, she was too tired to escape. She needed Twilight to help her out.

“Finish.” Rainbow heard as she felt a heavy load enter her, and the copy disappeared in a shower of millions of purple butterflies that slowly faded away. The pegasus tried to catch her breath, and saw her nerdy friend looming over her with a cup of tea floating next to her.

“Are you alright Rainbow?” Twilight asked, rather worried.

“Hey Twilight, why did you make a clone that wanted to grind my bones into dust with it’s hips?” Rainbow asked, unable to move her body.

“Because you told her to do you harder, and my copies are very literal,” Twilight answered, as she placed a glass of water next to Rainbow Dash, with a straw in it.

“I don’t think I can move my legs, but wow… it was worth it,” Rainbow commented, trying to grab the straw with her mouth. She saw a purple glow surround the straw as it bent to reach the pegasus’ lips.

“Just remember it for the next time I create an illusion of myself, don’t ever ask it to fuck you harder, or it may cause damage,” Twilight said, sipping her tea. She surveyed the room. “This is going to be a problem to explain to Daring.”

“You just showed a griffon, Gilda of all beasts, who was boss. I think you should show Daring who’s the big mare in your sex life,” Rainbow retorted, finally regaining some feeling in her torso, allowing her to bend her head over to grasp the straw with her mouth.

“True, but we are pretty even when it comes to ‘who is on top’. We’ll see when we cross that bridge, right?” Twilight chuckled. She heard the door open from downstairs, “which is now, I guess.”

“Twilight, I’m back.” Daring shouted from the lobby. “I don’t like the smell of that,” Twilight barely heard Daring say.

Daring Do opened the door to see Twilight sitting on a chair sipping a cup of tea, while Rainbow Dash was sprawled on the floor sipping water through a straw, and a unconscious griffon lying in the middle of the room, the entire area smelled of sex. “Please tell me that Rainbow Dash and the griffon were having sex and you were just supervising,” the Khaki-Pegasus asked.

Twilight gave a sheepish grin. “Well that’s fantastic, let’s move these two out, the recent excavation was a waste of time and I need ‘encouragement.’” Daring said, walking over to the purple mare.

“No... you don’t” Gilda said, slowly getting up. “I don’t know who you are, but you are not touching my mate, shrimp.” Gilda scowled, slowly moving towards the adventurer.

“You’re challenging me for Twilight, and you can barely stand? Did Twilight literally fuck your brains out, hatchling?” Daring said.

“Both of you stop,” Twilight ordered, but it fell on deaf ears.

“I ain’t leaving this place unless it’s with my mate, dweeb,” Gilda heaved, still barely recovered from earlier.

“That’s a shame, cause I can definitely make you leave, doesn’t matter if you’re tired or all ready to go,” Daring retorted, Daring pushed Gilda away, easily causing the griffon to fall onto her side. “Yeah… real challenging.”

“Daring, Gilda stop,” Twilight shouted, finally catching their attention. “No fighting, understand?”

Daring scowled and nodded her head, while Gilda just nodded once and drifted back to sleep.

“Now that’s settled, Daring could you help me grab some blankets for these two?” I used up a lot of my magic tonight,” Twilight asked, blushing. Daring sighed and went to help her marefriend, but not before kicking the griffon in the side as she passed by. “If you want, I’ll do that thing you love so much tomorrow when Dash and Gilda leave.”

That was all the motivation Daring needed to get to work.


It was a glorious morning in Ponyville, the birds were singing, the flowers were beautiful, and Twilight, Daring, and Spike were invited to Breakfast at the cafe with Fluttershy and Rarity. There was only one minor problem with this picture however.

Daring was not in a happy mood. She had fallen asleep last night cuddling Twilight, but when she awoke the next morning, she found that the griffon had stolen her and the blanket they were using. “I’m sorry Daring, I didn’t expect this to happen at all, I knew Gilda was possessive but I didn’t think she was THIS possessive.” The purple unicorn said, feeling guilty.

“I’m walking right behind you, Twi.” Gilda said, she had added herself to Twilight’s company this morning, much to Daring’s annoyance. Ever since the griffon woke up, she had refused to let Twilight leave her sights. This sparked a fight between the adventurer and the flier before they left, with Twilight trying to break them apart, and Spike and Rainbow Dash watching it all unfold. Rainbow Dash bid them goodbye when she flew to the hospital, it was clear to everypony that she could not fly straight to save herself.

“Don’t you have a Bird Feeder to ransack?” Daring asked, venom dripping from every word.

“You know griffons are omnivores, right? I wouldn’t mind trying a little pegasus with breakfast if you don’t shut it,” Gilda retorted.

“Oh ponyfeathers, what to do,” Twilight asked herself, trying to drown out the name calling happening around her.

Spike saw Twilight in distress and tried something. “Hey Gilda, the main reason that you’re in Ponyville is because of Rainbow Dash, right? Why don’t you hang out with her after breakfast?” Spike asked, his sister/employer turned to him and smiled.

“The best thing me and Dash have going for us is flying around, racing, doing tricks, and the odd sex. Thanks to whatever Twilight’s double did to her, she can’t do any of those things. Nice try shorty,” Gilda answered.

“How about helping out around Applejack’s farm?” Spike added, both ponies in the group turned to Spike in confusion.

“Why would I do that?” Gilda asked.

“Well, it would help you build muscle, gives you a better reputation with myself and Rainbow Dash for helping our friend, and Applejack usually feeds whoever helps her out,” Twilight answered, she saw that Gilda was interested but wasn’t fully sold, she needed to sweeten the deal. “And if you build enough muscle, I may try that copycat spell again. Only this time, you would find yourself in between myself and the copy,”

“If you put it that way,” Gilda said, “I guess I could go for some hard work, but I’m warning you, dweeb. No touching my stuff when I leave to help Applejack, got it?”

“I’m not above making a griffon eat dirt, punk,” Daring retorted, the two were back at each other’s throats.

“Hi everypony, what’s going on here?” Pinkie asked, finding that Daring and Gilda were one mental snap away from hitting each other, and Twilight trying to stop the two.

“Gilda and Twilight had sex last night, now Gilda is trying to keep Twilight for herself and Daring isn’t going to let it happen,” Spike explained.

“I see, where were you though?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I was sleeping, ever since you started to get Twilight alone, I started to wear ear plugs and an eye mask... and I moved my basket into the basement,” Spike answered.

“Oh really? I was wondering why your basket wasn’t by Twilight’s bed for the longest time,” Pinkie said. She turned back to the fight. “Those silly fillies, hasn’t anyone ever heard of a herd or a harem?”

Chapter Eleven: Quest for the Ernydom!

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[{Twilight/Zecora}Futa/F, Cunnilingus, vaginal, slight oral, aphrodisiac]

“No, no, NO!” Twilight cried, searching around her cupboards for any trace of her beloved tea. Locating a canister near the back of one of the cabinets, Twilight pries it open with her magic, nearly destroying the thin compartment, to find a single tea pack.

“I don’t see why you need it anymore, doesn’t a lot of Ponyville know of your package?” Daring Do asked. Gilda and Spike were just as confused.

“It’s not just that, I can’t hide it like all stallions can. I don’t want my dick just tapping on my belly as I walk to get groceries, what would children say when they see me? What would the parents say?” Twilight stammered, beginning to panic.

“Calm down, Twilight. We just need to get some more, right” Spike said, calming Twilight down.

“Mini-Dweeb is right, you just need to get more tea-things, so we’ll go get some,” Gilda said, nodding. “So, where do you get your fix?”

“I get it via mail from Canterlot, and I haven’t received anything yet,” Twilight answered. She began to pace, worried about her medical tea.

“Hey Twilight, could you panic after you’ve had your tea? I’m getting weirded out by you ‘hanging out’,” Spike asked, cringing as Twilight’s maleness hung limp from between the purple mare’s hind legs.

“I’m alright with the show, how about you shitlord?” Gilda asked, turning to Daring.

“Shitlord? Are you seriously going to call me that, you walking waste of an omelet?” Daring retorted, her temper rising.

“Yea, cause you piss me off and look like a big pile of shit” Gilda barked back, looming over the khaki-coloured pegasus.

“Girls, it is far too early for that nonsense, Gilda I want you to apologize for calling Daring that… name,” Twilight ordered. Gilda opened her beak, but any sound to leave her was vanquished from the purple mare’s ‘disappointment’ glare.

“I’m sorry I called you a shitlord,” The griffon said, sitting back down.

Twilight sighed and began to brew her tea. “Why must you two keep fighting? It hurts me to see two of my friends fight each other for something so… foolish,” she said.

“Foolish?” both the griffon and the pegasus cried out.

“I dunno about chicken legs here, but you’re MY mare. Even with all the stupid crap I had to deal with like Pinkie, you honestly think I’m going to let this stupid griffon take what’s mine?” Daring yelled.

“You think I care about your stupid history? Rainbow Dash told me all about how you made Twilight cry when you first met her, and now you are going to try and convince me that she’s yours just because you missed a train on purpose to fuck her? Twilight is my mate, and I’m not letting some dweeb take her from me,” Gilda roared. The two stared daggers at each other.

“GIRLS!” Twilight yelled, catching the attention of both enraged fliers. “You both need to stop this stupid rivalry over me, it’s slightly flattering but I don’t need this every day,” Twilight said. In her anger, the purple mare’s mane was set aflame, startling both Daring and Gilda.

“Truce?” Daring asked, backing away slowly to avoid the unicorn’s wrath.

“Truce,” Gilda confirmed, doing the same.

Twilight calmed down and drank her tea, “Now if you both will excuse me, I need to go get more of my tea,” she said, walking towards the door. “You two can use this time to bond, or hang out with Rainbow Dash, or something, just as long as you two behave yourselves.”

When the door shut, the pegasus and griffon immediately shot a glare at each other before leaving to prepare for their day, Spike sat there finishing his cereal thinking “they’re not going to last long.”


“Sorry ma’am, we haven’t received any packages that are addressed to you,” said the mailpony.

“What? There has to be some kind of mistake, they’ve always shipped me a package every month. Can you check the back, please?” Twilight asked, unsuccessfully trying to hide her panic.

The mailpony gave her a deadpan look. “Miss, all packages that we get are on that bulletin board there,” he pointed towards one of the two large brown boards behind him, while both have various notes pinned to them, one he pointed at has ‘to be delivered’ above it and the other had ‘delivered successfully’ above the other. “And none of them mention a package for you, I am sorry.”

“Maybe you didn’t know about it, maybe they were late,” Twilight tried to reason.

“Doubtful, the bulletin boards has all packages for the last 4 months on it and we have 3 notes on the ‘Delivered Successfully’ side that you acquired. No fourth note, ma’am, I am sorry,” The mailpony said.


“I’m sorry ma’am but we have other ponies that need to pick things up or mail things out,” The mailpony said. Twilight deflated, and walked out of the post office feeling defeated.

Twilight walked down the road until her friend Applejack stopped her, “Why so glum, sugarcube?” she asked.

“Just a bad day Applejack. The post office didn’t have my monthly package from my parents, and without it, I’m…defenseless,” Twilight whimpered, blushing hard.

It took a moment, but Applejack figured out what that meant. “Oh, maybe you can find a way to hide it yourself until the package gets here,” Applejack said, she was blushing a little.

“I could try using my invisibility spell again, but that would mean I’d have to keep it channeled for thirteen to sixteen hours a day. That could be pushing it, even for me” Twilight thought aloud.

“Or you can just hide it when you go out, why hide it at home?” Applejack asked.

“Spike isn’t perfectly comfortable with it, and I live in the public library, ponies are legally allowed to walk in at their leisure,” Twilight answered.

“Oh, I forgot about that last part. Zecora made you some tea for guests, right?” Applejack inquired, Twilight nodded in response. “Why not ask if she can make you a substitute?”

“Of course, thank you Applejack… but that would mean that I would have to…” Twilight stammered.

Applejack put her hoof on her face. “A lot of Ponyville knows about you and remember when we all thought she was an evil witch? Maybe you’re over thinking it all and she won’t try to bed ya like some of the ponies around here. Shoot, I know about you and I haven’t tried to jump your bones,” Applejack explained, both ponies heard two voices from a distances, both of them saying ‘yet’, one had a high pitch, happy sound to it and the other had a cocky, tomboyish tone; regardless, it still confused Applejack and Twilight a bit.

“Anyways...” Twilight continued, still cringing from the random shouting. “I think you’re right. I should give Zecora a chance. She never let us down before, right?” Before leaving she turned around and hugged Applejack. She wrapped her hooves around her friend's neck, giving her a squeeze. Applejack's coat felt soft and so warm the Unicorn let out a quiet but content hum. 'A hug really can do wonders to somepony's mood,' she thought, as she felt her friend´s warmth flow through her, making her heart beat a bit faster.

“Thanks AJ,” She said. The Apple farmer returned the hug, feeling funny in the pit of her stomach.


Twilight followed the path into the Everfree Forest to meet with her Zebra friend, still wary of the beasts that could wander into her path, like the cockatrice that turned her to stone that one time. The old dead tree that Zecora used as her home came into view, the sight made Twilight cheer internally as she doubled her pace.

Knocking on the door, Twilight waited for the shaman to greet her. The door opened to reveal the zebra within the rotting tree. “Why hello my dear, Twilight; visits from the townsfolk is always a delight,” Zecora greeted.

“Hi Zecora, I’m sorry that this won’t be a casual visit, but I need your help,” Twilight said, if this confused Zecora, she didn’t show it as she gestured the unicorn to come in.

“Very well, my friend of magic; what seems to have you sick?” Zecora asked.

Twilight squirmed a bit, trying to delay the inevitable. “I am in need of some medicine for a problem I have, think I can get some?” She asked, grinning awkwardly.

“If you cannot explain the problem, then I cannot share my wisdom,” Zecora said.

“Now or never, Twilight,” She muttered to herself.“I was born with a penis and I usually drink a special tea that makes it go away but I’m out now and the shipment is late so I need your help to keep this hidden until the shipment finally reaches me.”

Zecora thought for a moment and searched among her ingredients, she stopped for a moment, “Did you say penis? A very odd illness,” she inquired, the purple mare nodded.

The Zebra shamaness returned to her ingredients searching for what she thinks would help, “To help me with this task, I will need you to unmask,” Zecora said, causing Twilight to blush.

“Are you sure?” Twilight whimpered, Zecora nodded, causing the purple unicorn to let out the sigh. “Okay give me a moment, it’s very picky with when it wants to appear.” She closed her eyes and imagined all the sexual encounters she that has had recently, hoping that it would wake her sleeping giant, as Pinkie has called it before.

Feeling her tea’s effect wearing off she stopped and opened her eyes. She saw Zecora carefully analyzing her dick; it wasn’t a perverse look, but a look her doctors would give her. “There is no need to be so meek; for now, I know of what I seek."

Zecora turned to look through her ingredients again. She began to frown and said something in her native language. “I ask for forgiveness; for I lack an ingredient for your… maleness,” she said, pausing she thought for a moment. “I will need to locate a special plant; otherwise they will see you with lust or askant.”

“I don’t want ponies to look at me askant, the lust part I get enough of already however,” Twilight whined.

“I understand but patience is key here,” Zecora said, she wraps herself in her travel cloak. “So try to take cover and steer clear.”

Pleased by this reply, Twilight thanked the alchemist and waited for her return. She began glancing at the various things the zebra has collected, her thoughts began to drift to the zebra herself, curious as to how she fairs. Zecora lived in the forest for a long time, but something about the shaman wandering the forests felt wrong to Twilight, like she should be there to help her, maybe to protect her. Twilight dismissed the idea and found an old book the zebra had on a shelf and glanced through it.

As she read, she heard a howl in the distance, shocking Twilight. Her thought quickly returned Zecora, and the possibility that she may have encountered the source of that cry. She quickly ran out the hut in search of her friend. She found her a mile into the forest, picking some flowers. "Hey Zecora (pant) can I come (wheeze) with you? I don't feel (cough) right if I let you do this for me (pant) without me helping you out atleast," Twilight panted, out of breath.

Zecora let out a chuckle at the unicorn's displeasure. “Of course I welcome the company, for this can be a long journey,” She said, continuing on her journey. Twilight shook her head for a moment and followed the zebra.


Gilda flew across the sky towards the library, holding a small box in her claws. She landed near its entrance and nudged the door open with her hind leg. “Yo Twi, you here?” She shouted, hearing nothing in return. “I came across the post office earlier. They had your tea stuff, turns out the tack used to keep the posts on their ‘To Do’ board fell off,” She still didn’t hear anything. She placed the box on the kitchen table and began to search for her purple mate.

Becoming annoyed, she walked out of the library to see a happy blond pegasus. “Hey, you Cloud Kicker?” Gilda called out, startling the pony. “I was told about what happened a few weeks ago, so I wanna ask if you know why Twilight isn’t nerding it up in her library?” She asked, her forelimb draped around the back of blond’s neck.

“I didn’t touch her I swear, I don’t want Pinkie coming after me again,” Cloud Kicker said, confusing the griffon.

“What’s Pinkie got to do with that?” Gilda asked.

“Before Twilight went to Manehatten, I almost had her, but Pinkie showed up and scared the crap out of me and I ran. Don’t get me wrong, I still wanna see why some ponies adore the purple egghead, but I don’t wanna piss off Pinkie after that,” Cloud Kicker answered, shaking. Gilda sighed and let her go, muttering her thanks before searching for Pinkie.


The duo walked through Everfree Forest, Twilight however was nervous and paranoid about the trip. She kept looking around, preparing herself for anything that may leap out. Her penis swinging in the breeze as she walked didn’t help her either.

Zecora noticed this and smiled. “It’s interesting to see you so active, but is there a reason to be so protective?” She said, causing the purple mare to snap to attention.

“I guess so, I just feel on edge. Maybe I’m just worried something might happen,” Twilight explained, unsure if this was the case or if she wasn't more worried about something happening especially to Zecora. They heard a bush move near them and immediately the unicorn teleported to intercept anything, horn glowing in preparation to polymorph whatever the attacker could be.

A scared squirrel ran as fast as it could away from the two, fearing for its life. Twilight felt sorry for scaring it like that, but somehow also disappointed for a reason which eluded her mind.

“The day is when the critters play, the night is when the stalkers slay,” Zecora said with a smirk, putting a hoof on the purple mare’s shoulder. Twilight felt electricity run through her veins upon Zecora's touch. She jumped quickly aside. Zecora's smirk dropped into a concerned frown at the purple mare. Shame waved over the Unicorn and her face turned beet red.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Twilight mumbled ashamed, facing the ground. She shook her head hoping to stop this paranoia. And this awful hope of actual something, anything, happening so that she could prove her usefulness to Zecora. It didn't make any sense. Why should she even want that something dangerous crossed their ways just to fight it? To impress her companion? For what reason? Twilight took a deep breath and made the hoof movement her babysitter had taught her a long time ago. Feeling calmer and less embarrassed about her failed savior moment she asked Zecora if they could continue their journey.

Zecora nodded with an serious expression, but Twilight felt that she hasn't really listened to her. They continued their walk deeper into the Everfree forest. The zebra glanced to the purple unicorn every so often to find that she has resumed her protective stance though she was less obvious and on the edge than before as the squirrel incident seemed to have calm down her paranoia.

"Is something the matter, Zecora?", asked Twilight curiously as she caught the shame looking at her. Zecora blinked in surprise as she remembered who this little pony resembled so much, her first alpha back at home.

"No, don´t worry Twilight, I'm fine, I just thought of an old memory of mine.", Zecora looked ahead on their way, lost in memories she believed to be buried long ago. Twilight knew better than to press into Zecora in this matter, though her curiosity had spiked.

Zecora nodded, and they continued their walk. The zebra glanced to the purple unicorn every so often to find that she has resumed her protective stance.

A thought came to Twilight, she flushed in embarrassment for not asking it earlier, but better late than never. “What exactly are we looking for?” She asked.

“Beyond the castle and behind the falling water, rests a fungi that’s quite the charmer. With a head of purple and spots of blue, the base is pink and is of value. The spores it makes are sought after by males, all so they can see their mates raise their tails,” Zecora answered.

“Why are we searching for a mushroom that makes females hornier around the males who use their spores when I want to hide myself?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Though it’s true that mares will love you more, it isn’t just needed for its spores. Scale of the trickster chicken and leaf of the prankster plant, These three combined, cease all extant,” Zecora said. The prospect that a single potion could solve all her current worries made the purple unicorn more eager to find this fungus.

As night approached, Zecora motioned to make camp, Twilight nodded in agreement. They set up a small fire and some bedding made out of leaves. The zebra was rather worried about her friend; the purple mare said she’d take the first watch to make sure that nothing attacks them. But so was Twilight Sparkle who had noticed her friend's quietness and absent looks, she wondered what the zebra had been lost in thoughts with. Zecora bedded down, rather curious about the mare’s thoughts as she fell slowly asleep to the forest nightly sounds.

She dreamed of her home, the wide savanna with the high grass wafting in the wind under the blazing sun. Her tribe wandering with Gnus to better pastures to settle for new houses to bear their offspring. Her coming-of-age fest with the golden torques. The first time a young male courted her. In a cute way as he never left her side when they went out to eat, always on edge if any danger appears. Jumping into a bush to fight off a potential predator which turned out to be just a mouse. His adorable reaction as he stared down on the ground embarrassed about his inexperience and failure to impress her. And his taste as she pulled his head up with her hoof to give him her first kiss. How many wonderful things he called her. How happy she felt in his presence and under his touch as he took her for the first time, to be his beta in his new herd.

Somepony shook her awaken. Zecora looked around to see that it was late at night, the fire still glowing and Twilight Sparkle leaning over her with a worried look in her eyes.

"Zecora, are you okay? I heard you crying. Did you had a bad dream?"

Only now the zebra noticed the wetness on her fur as tears had streamed down her face. Quickly she wiped them off before looking at the pony who had made her remember a time she had tried to forget. A once so blissful time.

"Not a bad, but a good dream, was what made my eyes scream. Forgive me, for I am a bit churn, but I guess it's my turn," said Zecora with a quiver in her usually so collected voice as she sat up and moved closer towards the fire to take her turn of being watch.

Twilight looked at the mare as the fire´s light throw shadows dancing on Zecora´s coat. She's gulped as she took all her courage and sat besides her mysterious friend. Now wasn't the time to fall asleep, but to be there for somepony who needed her, who needed somepony to listen to her.

Twilight didn't say a word as she only looked into the flames eating the wood away. After some time, she felt like she should say something but didn't know how she should start such a conversation about something she didn´t knew anything about. But before she could say a word, Zecora started to speak.

"I want to tell you a story of my life, Twilight Sparkle. No rhymes of mine shall guide it as you're used from me. It's a story I haven't told anypony as I wanted it to die inside me, quietly and with no regrets. But I forgot that for sadness and regret happiness and chances had to exist first and you made me remember that. It's only fair that I tell you as thanks what made me so thoughtful this day.

You see, I used to have a mate in my homeland. He was my first kiss, my first time and my first alpha. We were very young and foolish but so happy. I wanted to be his beta, to have his children and to be with him till I grew old and gave my body back to earth and my soul to the winds. But he got hurt when he went with warriors to find a safe path for the tribe. Anything we tried on his wounds couldn't stop the fever eating his life away. He died and I couldn't do anything. After that, I was devastated. I refused to leave my mate's side no matter what my parents and my friends said or threaten me to come with them before the drought was coming. I stayed and so did they, a whole night and day they waited to come to my senses. Yet I didn't. On the second night, a shaman showed up at our camp.

You see, Twilight Sparkle, the Zebra shamans don't live with the tribes, they live on their own, listening to the spirits of nature to understand the secrets hidden by mortal eyes. They come to tribes only when told by the spirits to deliver a message from the spirits, to treat the sick and injured or to take a new apprentice. She came cause of the latter. I was furious at her, crying that she let my alpha die, but she wouldn't have any of that and just told me to come with her. I asked why I should ever follow someone that didn't do anything to stop this pain of mine. She answered cause I could become such a shaman, to heal the pain of others and stop it before it begins to form and asked me if I wished anyone else the same experience I had. I said nothing and followed her into the night. For many years I learned from her and the spirits and became a famed shaman showing the Mohawk on my head with pride. I saved many zebras from death and prevented many to live without a loved one. And yet each time I saw the happiness of the families I only felt my own loneliness digging deeper and deeper into my heart. So I buried my memories of my old life for good or so I thought. The spirits told me to go north, to Equestria, that I would be needed there. And then I met you, Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends, the Elements of harmony. And now, now you reminded me so much of my old mate that the memories bubbled up all at once. Those tears of mine were not due sadness, but of happiness, I was so focused on my loss, pain and regret that I had forgotten the happiness I had, the feelings he stirred in me and a future we could have had if it weren't for fate´s hoof to take him from me."

Zecora blinked away some tears again, smiling into the fire as she felt a fire in her chest starting to glow. Even in his death, those feelings had never left her hart, she just had thrown so much earth over it in believe to protect herself when in the end all she did was burying a part of herself. So even now she still had lessons to learn herself, thought Zecora.

She felt a hoof touching her cheek softly, carefully, as if her pulling away would leave a scar on it. She looked at the purple Unicorn at her side, only a grass stalk distance between their sides. She felt the hoof to dry her tears, one by one, leaving instead of wetness a lingering warmth which seemed to spread all over her face. She didn't wanted to let that feel to stop.

"I'm with you Zecora.", was all Twilight said as she herself was fighting with her tears of emotion. Her little smile was like new wood on a dying fire to the Zebra as she felt the glow in her chest to grow into a burning fire. "Just like all our friends are."

Chocked up by her emotions, Zecora nodded, grateful to have talked all that from her soul, to have confided into Twilight Sparkle. She nuzzled the purple mare's neck as a sign of her being fine and thankful, Twilight felt the heat from the touch move up all over her face.

Yet it didn't stopped a yawn rolling out of her mouth, being on guard the whole day and night was tiring. She moved closer to Zecora till their bodies were warming each other. She felt the older mare drape a leg around her neck, pulling her closer till the Unicorn could hear the Zebra's heartbeat, matching it with hers, a lullaby for the tired mare.

As Twilight fell into a deep and dreamless sleep, Zecora looked at the little pony in her embrace with a happy smile not leaving her face for once till the morning sun kissed Twilight awake and they packed up to finish their task to find the needed ingredient.


The morning came and they continued onward, Twilight remained her protective self, while also annoyed by the swinging of her flaccid member between her legs. “Twilight Sparkle, is home a struggle?” Zecora asked.

“Everything is going well, no problems there,” Twilight answered, with an awkward grin.

“You seem uncertain, I am here to listen” Zecora stated, causing the purple mare to become more worried.

“I’m perfectly fine. Zecora. Honest,” Twilight said, hoping to end the conversation.

“One day I came to Ponyville, to visit and chat at will. I heard tales of yourself and Pinkie, perhaps you miss her badly,” Zecora inquired.

“Pinkie? I love her like a friend, but it’s platonic love,” Twilight said, feeling guilty to label her friend like that, especially after all they've done together.

“Month’s past there was a showmare’s voice, was there something that made her rejoice?” Zecora continued.

Twilight struggled to find the right words, “I don’t recall a showmare in my library, but I did hear the scream though. By the way, where did you hear all of this?”

“The shy ones tend to hear all, even if they stay by the wall,” The zebra chuckled.

"Oh, what exactly did Fluttershy tell you, if I may ask," Twilight said, worried that Fluttershy may have seen her do 'things' by accident. 'Or maybe she was curious as to how I work, I could always...stop it Sparkle, I refuse to defile Fluttershy," she scolded herself mentally.

“She spoke none of your escapades, but your list of mares brought her to red shades. A griffon, several friends, few colleagues too; even two celebrities and a princess you get to screw. A fine herd that you have made, or a rather curious charade,” She said, smiling.

“Herd? I don’t think that could work out, a lot of those times were a one or two time things. And two of those ponies are nuts,” Twilight said, her heart feeling heavy for unknown reasons.

"The plains of my old home, thrive with the herds that roam. In this age our Alpha's grown, if all the better to protect his own. The savannah is a place of danger, we found that groups are safer. For under our Alpha's gaze, our foes would be outplayed," Zecora said, giving Twilight a moment to think.

"But Equestria isn't like that, we may not be strict on gender stuff, but we don't need herds because Equestria itself is safe already. There hasn't been a true herd in at least 600 hundred years because it lost its initial purpose. Sure there are those harems but they never last, besides what of the other males that were born into the herd?" Twilight asked.

"They live by a code, the strongest commands their road," Zecora said.

"So they compete with each other and the winner becomes or stays Alpha but the other?" Twilight continued, curious yet worried of the supposed outcome.

"They would be ejected, for they have been defeated."

"That seems cruel to the loser, he lost and he gets thrown out like he was old news," Twilight grumbled.

“I think you need some time to reflect; making this forest walk perfect,” Zecora stated, the purple mare merely nodded. They continued their trek through the forest in silence.


Daring and Gilda sat in an uncomfortable silence, mostly worried about Twilight who has yet to return. Pinkie suddenly barged in through the main door. “Girls, I found something!” She shouted.

The pegasus and the griffon were immediately scrambling to meet with the pink pony. “Whatcha got, Pinkie?” Daring asked.

“The last pony to have spoken with Twilight before she disappeared was Applejack and she said that Twilight was going to talk to Zecora but the strange thing is it’s a few hours walk to her hut and back,” Pinkie explained, “So it shouldn’t take Twilight over a day to do what she needs to do at Zecora’s.”

“Who is Zecora?” Gilda asked.

“Zecora is a nice zebra who lives in Everfree Forest we all thought that she was an evil enchantress but we then found out that she was actually nice and she comes by sometimes to visit,” Pinkie answered.

Daring’s eyes narrowed, “Where does she live?”


Twilight and Zecora continued through the forest until they came across a waterfall. “The Eryndom lies behind the falls, behind it lies the cavern’s halls,” Zecora motioned.

Twilight nodded, glazing over the pool. She jumped in to find that the water was up to her barrel in depth, making the situation easier for the two ponies. She used her magic to make an opening in the waterfall, allowing her and Zecora to enter.

The two began their search. The cave itself had a fair amount of light from the cracks in the ceiling, but it still had that smell of mold and decay that Twilight was forced to stomach. The purple mare glanced to her friend to find that she doesn’t seem bothered by the smell. With a sigh, her horn let out a bright light as she searched for the Eryndom.


Daring, Gilda, and Pinkie arrived at Zecora’s hut to find it was empty. Daring’s frustration was boosted to find no trace of Twilight. “What in the hay are those two doing?” Daring muttered. Gilda flew up and did an aerial sweep of the forest while Pinkie hopped around trying on the zebra’s masks.

Daring walked out of the hut, hoping that the purple mare is okay; she turned to see a terrifying visage consume her vision. “OOGA BOOGA” the thing yelled, causing the khaki-pegasus jump. “Oh that was so funny,” Pinkie laughed. “Hey Gilda did ya see that?”

“Yeah, that was sweet,” Gilda shouted back chuckling. She gave the pink mare thumbs up before returning to her scouting.

“Oh, bad flash backs from the Marezons,” Daring muttered, shaking her head.

“What’s the Marezons?” Pinkie asked, removing the mask.

“Tribe of Earth Ponies built like Applejack's brother but as tall as Princess Celestia; they like to kidnap males for slave labour or for reproduction, if the male satisfies, they are either kept as a slave or a sex toy. If they don’t live up to their standards, they are sacrificed to the princesses, but they run outside of Equestria’s borders so the Princesses themselves don’t know much about them,” Daring explained. Her encounter with them was less than fun as she was forced to save 4 stallions, 2 male griffins, and a diamond dog from giant mares.

“What about mares?” Pinkie asked, confused.

“Depends, Island Marezons treat all females of any race equally. Forest Marezons don’t like females that aren’t Earth Ponies, and usually sacrifice them instead of potential mates,” Daring continued. Pinkie looked a tad astonished by this information. “This all happens far outside of Equestria’s borders. Most of them live in the Zebra Kingdom, so they usually bother nomadic ponies or Zebras.”

Gilda landed next to them, “I don’t see Twilight anywhere, so she and the zebra might have gone deeper into the forest searching for something,” She said.

“Maybe Zecora didn’t have the right ingredients so she and Twilight went to get more?” Pinkie asked.

“That would seem the most likely,” Daring muttered, “Did you happen to see a cave nearby, or anything out of place?”

“There is a cliff west of here, complete with waterfall if that’s what you’re asking,” Gilda said, crossing her forelimbs.

“I think I know where they went,” Daring said, a smile creeping onto her face.


This shroom had proven rather annoying for Twilight to locate, while Zecora put whatever herb she glanced by into her saddlebags, the purple mare ignores them all if they don’t have a pink base, purple head, and blue spots on the head of it.

She continued to glance over various other molds and fungi until something caught her eye. In the corner behind some rocks, she found it! Excited she trotted over to pick it, carefully taking it with her magic. “Zecora I found it!” Twilight called out, holding the Eryndom aloft in her magic, some spores fell onto the unicorn’s face causing her to sneeze.

“Excellent my friend, let’s return home to make your mend,” Zecora praised. As she walked over to collect the mushroom, they heard a howl coming from deeper in the cave. Twilight rushed over to protect the zebra from whatever howled, levitating her quarry into her friend’s bags.

The cave shook slightly with every step the beast took; as the light shined onto it, it showed a rough bark-like texture. “What’s a timberwolf doing alone inside a cave?” Twilight asked.

“An angry male full of desire, the Eryndom will light it’s fire,” Zecora muttered.

The beast stopped as it watched its prey, the purple unicorn returned his glare with horn blazing in a purple light. The Timberwolf didn’t falter, still in the darkness of the cave, he jumped to one cave wall to flank the ponies.

Twilight reacted quickly and created a wall, which collided with the wooden animal’s form. The beast fell to pieces, and soon reformed to become an angrier timberwolf.

Twilight shot a bolt of magic at it, which it dodged and leaped again. Twilight teleported above its landing and used her weight to bring it back to the pile of sticks it was moments ago. Reformed once again, the beast’s rage intensified, hell-bent to take the unicorn down.

Twilight kept dodging and weaving around the Timberwolf’s fangs and claws. She tried her shield again only to watch the wolf jump over it and attack her from behind. The unicorn bucked her legs, removing the Timberwolf’s head from its body. The body searched around for the head as the head continued its assault on the pony.

Twilight ran to the head and smashed it with her hooves only for the body to leap over her as she charged her spell. The beast’s head returned to its place only for the entire wolf to fall apart when the shot connected to its side.

Twilight quickly moved to the pile of sticks as it reformed a fifth time. As the body reformed, Twilight jumped onto its back and forced a hoof to pin its head to the dirt. The wooden beast began to whimper and struggle as much as he was allowed when he felt something that a mare shouldn’t have on his rear end. “NO, I beat you several times already. I win, you lose. Beat it,” Twilight snarled, forcing the beast onto its belly as she glared at it, she eventually got off to let the Timberwolf run away with its tail between its legs, whimpering all the way.

Twilight watched the wooden beast leave, she turned to see Zecora, mouth agape and eyes wide. Part of her felt happy that she surprised her but another claims that she did too much.

Zecora stood their awestruck by what she just saw as Twilight walked to her. “Are you alright, Zecora?”

“My safety is secured, but something else is my concern. You are confused and don’t wish for a herd, but after that show of power it is most absurd,” Zecora asked.

“No, I… I didn’t know what I was doing, I just felt like I had to confront that thing,” Twilight muttered, still trying to reorganizing her thoughts.

“Do not fret, my friend. You protected both of us; we must leave before more cause a ruckus,” Zecora said as they left the cave.

The two left through waterfall, finding it had became night. Twilight found it rather odd how close Zecora was walking with her, but she paid it no mind as she kept her eyes open for more Timberwolves.

The strange aroma that Twilight was projecting combined with the show of the unicorn defeating and humiliating a Timberwolf was causing turmoil in Zecora’s mind, but she kept a calm face despite this; only taking very brief glances to the purple rump, watching it sway with each step the unicorn took.

Just like before, Twilight used her magic to make a fire for them, but Zecora took this time to soak in the water for a moment to recollect her thoughts. Twilight kept watch over everything, though seeing Zecora with a flowing wet mane instead of her usual Mohawk was distracting the purple mare, flowing like a river along the zebra's neck.

Twilight entered the pool shortly after feeling really hot all over, hoping to cool down. An uncomfortable silence rolled past them as they sat in the water.

Twilight noticed some ripples in the water coming from Zecora’s direction and swallowed hard. “You said before that the Enrydom’s spores is an aphrodisiac for mares, right?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed it has the power, to moisten a mare’s flower,” Zecora answered. Still feeling the effects of the spore’s scent, she shook her head in hopes to regain her mind.

Twilight shot a concerned look to her zebra friend. To watch Zecora struggle hurt Twilight, but she didn’t want to risk her friendship with the shaman just to sate her body’s lust.

Twilight glanced down to find her member hard; she let out an annoyed sigh, and glanced back to where Zecora has managed to keep herself sane by whispering to herself in her native tongue.

Twilight stood up and waded through the water to reach the zebra, Twilight sat next to her and placed a hoof on the striped mare’s shoulder. “Zecora, are you alright? If you want, I… I can help you if you need it,” She said, giving the zebra a concerned look.

“If you would please-No, Apologies. My body and mind can not find peace,” Zecora muttered struggling to maintain her balance with the ache between her loins and the Twilight's musk in the air.

"Zecora... I know it's really odd, but. I'm your friend, normally I wouldn't do this but I don't want to see you struggle and hurt yourself," Twilight added, noticing how Zecora slowly drifted next to her.

The shamaness turned to Twilight with a awkward grin. "Are you certain?"

"Yes, I want to do what I can for my friends," Twilight announced, hugging Zecora tightly.

"Then please me with your action," Zecora cooed, a heavy blush on her face as the two kissed. It started innocent with a few pecks but became more fierce quickly as their tongues began to fight.

Zecora’s hooves wrapped themselves around Twilight’s neck as they made out. The zebra giving herself to her new mate, the unicorn used her magic to lift the striped mare, careful not to break the kiss, she sat the shaman on the shore as she leaned over her, leaving a good portion of her hindlegs to stay submerged in water.

Twilight broke the kiss, staring deep into the flushed zebra’s eyes. Twilight leaned down to kiss the zebra along her body, first her neck; next few went along her underbelly, then her breasts, and finally her marehood.

Zecora gasped as she felt the purple mare’s lips touch her clitoris, her hooves drifted downward to urge the unicorn to please her pussy. Twilight complied by driving her tongue into the zebra’s snatch, making the striped mare moan hard.

Zecora came as her inner walls attempted to keep the unicorn’s tongue inside her, while Twilight lapped up the zebra’s juices.

Licking off what juices remained on her muzzle, Twilight crawled upward to meet Zecora face to face, kissing the zebra deeply and sharing her fluids. During the kiss, Twilight attempted to position herself, smiling calmly while making out with the shaman when she felt her blunt head push against the striped mare’s petals.

Surprised by the force of Twilight’s dick, Zecora pulled the purple mare’s upper body closer to her, nearly screaming when she felt the head enter her. Her grip tightening as the purple cock dug deeper into her depths, filling the zebra with pleasure as each inch disappeared into her pussy.

Bottoming out in the shaman’s tunnels, Twilight gazed into Zecora’s eyes, waiting for the zebra to get used to her size. As soon as her grip loosened, the purple unicorn slowly pumped her shaft out of Zecora’s nethers.

Zecora started to whimper in her native language again, as Twilight plowed into her, some words became loud as the purple cock brushed against her sweet spot. The unicorn herself was nibbling and kissing the striped mare’s neck, helping her achieve climax, finding success when she felt her tunnels tighten around her member.

Enduring her own pleasure, Twilight tried her best to make this feel good for her striped friend. Her horn lit up in a dark pink glow, her magic danced upon the zebra’s coat and entered her vagina, effectively bringing her to another orgasm as the magic worked into the muscles of her walls.

She couldn’t hold on as Twilight spent her load recklessly into Zecora’s womb. Twilight balanced herself on her fore hooves as she and Zecora gazed into each other’s eyes and began to giggle.

“Twilight, I give you my thanks, for ridding me of the spore’s pranks,” Zecora said, still calming down from the sex and the sudden bought of laughter.

“Anytime, I guess,” Twilight said, she pulled out of the zebra to find that she was still hard. Twilight frowned, but heard Zecora chuckle.

“It appears I’m not the only one in need, come and fill me again with your seed,” Zecora cooed, turning around to present her rear to the unicorn.

Twilight gave the mare a smile before placing her hooves on the zebra’s butt; as she massaged it, she felt a bit of pride of watching her own seed drip out of the mare’s abused slit, feeling slightly guilty that she was about to abuse it some more.

She lined up, and sunk her meat inside the zebra instantly; taking Zecora by surprise. Twilight’s thrusts into the striped mare were much harder than earlier, but both ponies found it pleasing. Soon enough, Zecora’s front end became too weak and collapsed as her rear stayed up to receive Twilight’s pounding.

Zecora drifted between saying things in her native tongue to moaning uncontrollably, Twilight however only grunted and let out a moan when the zebra’s wall clench her cock tightly. The seed Twilight spilled earlier dripped into the water to mix with it and Zecora’s juices, making room for Twilight’s next load.

While Zecora was brought to her next climax, Twilight’s motions came quicker and harder, causing the water around the two ponies to ripple with each movement made.

At long last, Twilight came once again, flooding the zebra’s womb and vagina with her seed; despite this Twilight still continued her movements, either pushing more of her mare-cream into Zecora’s core or forcing it to fall into the pool.

With a sigh, Twilight pulled out. By looking at it, it would be difficult to tell if it was purple at one time, as various sexual fluids dripped from its every inch. The shaman’s rear finally fell to relax in the water, taking note of Twilight’s semi-hard arousal coming closer to her face. “Would you kindly finish me off? Still a little bit left for you,” Twilight said, her hoof running across Zecora’s wet mane.

The shaman smiled as she tried to consume the mare-cock, pleased to hear Twilight hiss in pleasure. She licked and swallowed whatever fluids were dripping from the purple dick, savoring in the combined taste of herself and her alpha.

Twilight closed her eyes, just relaxing to the touch of Zecora’s tongue and mouth working together to please her, as she groomed the zebra’s mane with her hoof.

Feeling satisfied with her work, Zecora was rewarded with a wayward shot of cum to her face. “Guess not all of it got out,” Twilight chuckled. Feeling spent, Twilight cuddled with Zecora, wrapping her hooves around the zebra, as they both drifted to sleep.


The next morning, after a brief time foraging for food and eating it, considering the energy used last night. Twilight and Zecora continued their walk back home. “Have you given our talk any thought? I wouldn’t want my alpha to be distraught” Zecora asked.

“I have, and with how things are going; it wouldn’t just be inevitable, but it would be lying to myself and everypony. Yes, I care immensely about Daring, but I also care deeply about my friends, and Gilda, and Princess Luna, heck I even care a lot about Trixie despite her desire to have me punish her if she so much as looks at me funny. I do care about Lyra, she helped me through school after all. I guess this whole trip has taught me that I care a lot about you as well Zecora,” Twilight explained, kissing the shaman on the cheek.

“Truly I am glad, it would hurt to see you sad,” Zecora said, smiling.

“I just don’t know how some of the others will take it, I know Daring will hate it but… what the heck?” Twilight muttered, glancing upward to find Gilda and Daring soaring above them.

The pair stopped in their tracks in confusion as a pink mare hopped past them, humming. She soon stopped and turned to see the unicorn and the zebra. Pinkie quickly looked around the trees and pulled out a megaphone and yelled “I FOUND THEM!” in to it.

The dust picked up as Gilda and Daring immediately landed in front of Twilight. “There you are, I’ve been worried sick, are you alright? Did she do anything?” Daring asked, completely worried about the purple mare. She turned to the griffon angrily, “Why did you lead us to a dead end water fall?” She yelled.

“You were the one with the idea, and I didn’t think this bloody forest had so many cliffs with water falls going north, west AND south, how does that work?” Gilda retorted.

The pair’s argument was halted when Twilight began to laugh, in which Zecora and Pinkie soon joined. Daring and Gilda were still angry at each other but soon found the laughter contagious. “Oh I missed you girls,” Twilight said, hugging both the pegasus and griffon. “Come on let’s head home.”

They all nodded in agreement as Twilight lead them back to Zecora’s hut, with Pinkie and Zecora directly behind her, and Daring and Gilda picking up the rear.

“Soooo Zecora, what’s your favorite fruit?” Pinkie said, trying to hold her own giggles.

“Do you mean the orange? Do try to give me a challenge,” Zecora answered, causing the others to chuckle at Pinkie’s attempt to mess with Zecora’s rhyming. Pinkie herself however pouted as she began to think of a new way to mess up the zebra’s tongue.


As Daring walked up to bed, she found her marefriend reading in bed. Smiling seductively, she crawled onto bed and licked the unicorn's cheek.

"Not tonight Daring," Twilight grumbled, waving off the Khaki-coloured pegasus.

"But I'm horny, just a quick lay before bed sexy." Daring Cooed, her hoof rubbing Twilight's dick.

"I said no," The unicorn demanded, glaring at the adventurer.

"You never refused before," Daring retorted, now getting annoyed.

"Today was a long day, alright. Let's just go to bed," Twilight mumbled, putting her book away and snuggling into bed.

Daring didn't take this lying down and hugged Twilight from behind, her hoof sliding across Twilight's length. A large flash blinded the pegasus temporarily, when her sight cleared she found herself on the couch below the bed.

Trying to fly back, only to run face first into a barrier that took up a majority of the landing.

"Maybe tomorrow, but not tonight," Twilight commanded, getting back under her covers.

Daring grumbled and laid on the couch. As she tried to fall asleep, she felt a blanket cover her and a pillow slide between her head and the armrest. She still wasn't pleased but at least she won't be freezing tonight.

Chapter Twelve: Spare Some Love?

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Tags: [{Chrysalis/Unknown Colt}F/M, oral][{Chrysalis/Vinyl Scratch}F/F, oral][Rainbow Dash(Chrysalis)/Twilight, F/Futa, Vaginal][{Twilight/Chrysalis}Futa/F, rape, Stockholm syndrome?, oral, cunnilingus, magic-assisted womb-penetration, ovipositor, vaginal, anal, double penetration]

“Damn, babe… your mouth is so good,” a drunken pegasus moaned, leaning against a building for support, watching the red mare blowing him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his hooves scraped against the bricks. It wasn’t long before he let out a loud groan, shooting his load into the mouth of the mare servicing him.

The red mare flicked her black mane out of her face as she finished swallowing his seed. “You tasted good, doll. Do… cum again…” she whispered; the stallion could only slide down the wall and pass out. The mystery mare reached for the discarded coat and took the stallion’s bits and walked out of the alley way and joined society once again, wandering the streets for her next meal.

Despite the friendly and seductive smile the red mare had; deep within her psyche, was a changeling that wanted to kill every single pony in her line of sight. This particular mare, was the Former Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis.

If it weren’t for Shining Armor and Cadance, or that damned purple unicorn: Twilight Sparkle; she would be feasting upon the love of Canterlot’s elite by now, but the blast the newlyweds made was disastrous to her race. When she awoke from the fall, she found so many of her vassals and servants lying dead, she found a few survivors but they refused to listen to her. She tried to force them to listen to her, but they fought back, denouncing her as their queen in the process.

It took her weeks to recover from losing her hive, and every waking moment was spent cursing the ponies she was forced to live with. Travelling from town to town, feeding off the love of others until she reached Manehatten. She had no other choice but to live as a common whore, offering sex in exchange for money and the pitiful amount of love they offered.

Chrysalis kept her physical composure; she was a queen after all. She continued her path through the streets of the large city, searching for her next meal. She came to the one location in the entire city that has served as her main source of food, a nightclub called “The Velvet Room.”

She walked up to the burly earth pony that stood at the entrance; he notices Chrysalis and gives her a smile. “Welcome back, Black Cherry,” he said, letting her pass.

“Thanks Butch,” Chrysalis, or her alias, Black Cherry, said. The bouncer was nice, but he didn’t have too much love to give her when they “met.” She surveyed the room, searching for prey, when she felt a pony bump into her.

She turned around to see what she believes to be a white unicorn wearing purple glasses. “Sorry, didn’t see ya there,” she said. “Name’s Vinyl, let’s go find a seat so you can tell me about yourself, sexy.” Vinyl led Chrysalis over to a nearby table, a waitress came by and Vinyl made the orders, slapping the waitress on her rear as she walked away. “So, what’s your name, sweet cheeks?”

Chrysalis smiled, rather happy that her prey came to her. “My name is Black Cherry, I recently moved here,” she replied.

“Cool, what brings you to Manehatten?”

“I came for schooling originally, but I found Manehatten to be…such a fun place to live in… I almost never want to leave,” Chrysalis lied, but Vinyl didn’t catch on. The waitress returned with their drinks, two hard ciders; the mere thought that this mare could intoxicate a changeling queen was laughable… but as long as the love was good, she’ll humour her.

“So what do you do?” Chrysalis asked, her hoof fell to the seat and began to slowly move towards the white mare.

“I’m a DJ; I make the beats that get all the fillies wet, and the colts rock hard, babe. I actually own this club too, but that isn’t as impressive,” Vinyl exclaimed. Her smile grew when she felt the red mare rubbing her hind legs under the table.

She wants me, can’t blame her though, She smiled at the thought, “If you want, I can show you ‘how’ it works… and ‘how’ I lay it down.”

Vinyl leans forward to steal a kiss, when she was suddenly grabbed and forced into one herself, it surprised her but then she went on the offensive, their tongues struggling for dominance in each other’s mouths. Chrysalis broke the kiss and stared into Vinyl’s eyes, “your place, now.”


The door shot open, with Vinyl trying to balance on her hind-legs, her forelimbs were occupied with trying to hold Black Cherry on her, the two mares were furiously making out, soon Vinyl began to struggle with her footing and ran backwards into a sofa, falling onto the cushions while Black sat on her barrel.

The fake-earth pony leaned down and continued the furious kissing she and Vinyl started earlier. Releasing the kiss, she slid down the DJ’s body, trailing her tongue along the fur until she reached the breasts. Chrysalis hungrily licked and sucked the nipples, causing the white mare to moan in pleasure.

As the sex continued, she felt Vinyl’s love pour into her, while it was more than what the other ponies of Manehatten gave her before, it still wasn’t enough. Let’s see how much love I can milk out of this mare, Chrysalis thought, she gave the breasts a few more kisses before repositioning her flank over Vinyl’s face. “All I heard was bragging at the club, time to back it up, ‘babe’.”

Vinyl smiled in delight as her front hooves grabbed the red mare’s rump and pulled it into her face, already letting her tongue run wild along the lips of her newest conquest.

Chrysalis had to admit, the mare was rather good, but it will take much more than that to get her off, she lowered her head and teased the DJ’s petals with her tongue, making it revert back to its original serpent-like form. She let her thin flexible organ constrict the mare’s love button before sliding along the lips and ultimately probing deep, causing the mare underneath her to gasp.

“Damn… your tongue…” Vinyl panted lightly, trying to get back into her rhythm of pleasing the black maned mare, but the strange sensations Chrysalis’ tongue was doing made it hard to concentrate.

Each moan that left Vinyl’s lips made Chrysalis stronger, her love energy flowing into the changeling as she tongue fucked the unicorn. And she loved every minute of it.

The two mares didn’t notice the door open nor did that see the calm and collected grey mare staring daggers into them. “Ahem,” she coughed, rather loudly.

Chrysalis looked up to see a rather annoyed grey earth pony, black mane, and a bowtie. She had an instrument case hanging on her side and a saddlebag on the other. “Wanna join us, doll?”

“No, I would rather speak to my marefriend,” She stated. Chrysalis shrugged and moved off of Vinyl, revealing that she had become rather angry from being denied an orgasm.

“What gives ‘Tavi? I was so close,” Vinyl groaned, she barely ducked a left hook coming from the earth pony.

“You promised to go see my orchestra, and yet here you are… fucking some whore!” Tavi yelled, her calm demeanor broken in seconds.

“That was today? I thought it was tomorrow…” Vinyl said, her face turned to that of utter fear.

“No it was today, I told you that three times and I put a sticky-note about it on your equipment and the fridge… how did you ‘not’ realize it was today?” The earth pony shouted.

“Look I’m sorry, you don’t need to bite my head off just because I missed one of your dumb performances,” Vinyl retorted, trying to regain verbal ground.

“Dumb performances? Is that what my form of art is to you? While I put up with your racket you call ‘music’ you think you have the right to call MY ‘art’ dumb?”

Chrysalis tuned the couple out after a while, it wasn’t the first couple the changeling had watched fight over something trivial, and by her count, it wouldn’t be the last. She let out an annoyed sigh as she tried to busy herself while her meal argued with her mate.

“If you feel justified in sleeping with sluts, maybe I should give Twilight a call; at least SHE appreciates my music.”

Hello, what was that about Twilight? Chrysalis turned her head at the sound of the one pony that ruined all her plans and forced her to into prostitution for love and bits.

“Yea right, why would she want such a high strung mare like you? Did you forget that she already has a marefriend? Or did you also forget that pony that yelled at us for having her fuck us?” Chrysalis’ eyes widened, Twilight’s been here, and evidently she has had intercourse with both these mares. The mere thought of the purple pony having sex with one of these ponies made her lose her appetite, but what did she say about a marefriend and another pony?

“Evidently Twilight is doing something right if she can manage to keep a marefriend happy as well as have a sex slave moaning her name when she’s drunk. “ Chrysalis tuned them out again so that she can plan a way to get back at Twilight and get fed… two birds with one stone. Then again, why attack Twilight when she could attack Celestia as well? She smiled devilishly as she silently escaped the apartment, leaving the two mares to argue.

When she reached the main street, she now had to think of a way to reach Twilight’s home. Rubbing her chin, she gave a look around. She let out a sigh as she was forced to ask random ponies to assist her. She walked up to a blue unicorn mare prepping a carriage. “Excuse me, Miss?”

“What do you want from the Great and Powerful Trixie?” The unicorn bellowed, using her magic to make her cape billow in the wind.

“I was wondering if you happened to know of a Twilight Sparkle?” Chrysalis asked, she knew this would become a long day if she had to ask so many ponies.

“Twilight Sparkle? Who wants to know?” Nevermind, she seems to know. The changeling figured that she’ll need to persuade the showmare into telling her what she knew.

“Why I do, silly. Why don’t you tell me what you know of her, and I’ll give you something good,” Chrysalis cooed, running her hoof along Trixie’s fur.

The blue unicorn’s face became red form the contact. “I..uh... No, Trixie’s heart and body belongs to another, succubus. Leave Trixie be or she shall force you to leave.”

“Well, do you at least know where I can find her?” Chrysalis asked, rolling her eyes at the “heart and body” part, she almost laughed at the “succubus” part though.

“You think I’d tell you that? You could be another pony trying to steal what belongs to Trixie’s!” The showmare snarled, turning around to finish preparation for departure.

“I take it you’re heading that way anyways?” Chrysalis asked, almost positive that Trixie will hint to it embarrassingly.

“Ye- no, you do not need to know what Trixie is doing, leave Trixie be NOW!” Trixie amplified her voice enough to knock Chrysalis away a few feet. She then hopped onto her carriage and used her magic to make the cart’s wheels go.

“Don’t worry Mistress, Trixie is on her way,” Trixie uttered to herself, blushing slightly at the mention of her nickname for what Chrysalis assumed to be Twilight. The changeling smiled and went stowed away on Trixie’s stage coach.

She found herself in what would be Trixie’s sleeping area, it felt cramped to the changeling, not just due to her size but because of how small the coach itself is. What made her blood boil was the sight of a familiar purple unicorn sitting on the bed, with a smug smile. She ripped the head off the doll, almost feeling guilty that it wasn’t the real Twilight.

Maybe after I’ve drained Twilight of all her love, I’ll get rid of her, she thought, smirking as she rode the carriage all the way to Twilight Sparkle.


The purple unicorn took a sip from her tea, relishing in the peace before she goes off to help Applejack with her harvest. This calm was disrupted by an angry blue pegasus, “Twilight! What is this I’m hearing about Trixie coming back?” Rainbow Dash yelled, slamming a sheet of paper onto the table.

“Why were you in my mail?” Twilight asked, arching an eyebrow curiously.

“Because Pinkie was going through your mail; but we're talking about Trixie coming to Ponyville. Answer me!” Rainbow Dash glared at the unicorn expecting answers.

“To be honest, Dash… I didn’t know Trixie was coming back, so your guess is as good as mine, maybe she’s coming back to right the wrongs she has done or let me help her with her spells?” Twilight shrugged.

Rainbow turned to see her friend, Gilda, join them. “Sup Dash, Twi,” The griffon greeted with a wave of her talon.

Rainbow saw this is a new ally this endeavor. “Hey G’, some mare that Twilight slept with is coming back.”

“Kay,” Gilda muttered, walking to join Twilight at the table. “Why does this matter to me?”

“She never mentioned Twilight by name except in the mailing address, all other mentions are ‘Mistress,’ doesn’t THAT bother you?” Dash argued.

Gilda’s claw nearly destroyed the cup in her claw, but she stayed her anger for a moment. “Just get Pinkie or Zecora to chat with her; she’ll be a good little pony after that.”

Dash was utterly confused by how Gilda was taking this news. “Aren’t you the least bit annoyed that Trixie is going to try and steal Twilight away?”

“By the sound of things, Trixie will do whatever the heck Twilight says; I don’t think we need to worry.”

“Gilda has a point, Dash. When I last met with her, she asked me several times to punish her for speaking out of turn,” Twilight muttered, sipping her tea.

Rainbow became infuriated; she couldn’t believe how casual Gilda and Twilight was taking this. “Fine, I’m going to find someone else that’ll help me stop her.” With that said, she turned and flew out the door, leaving the griffon and the unicorn alone.

“Never occurred to her that I got Trixie wrapped around my hoof so well that I can ask her to do anything I want her to, right?” Twilight muttered.

“You going to abuse the crap outta that, right?” Gilda asked.

“Goodness no, Trixie is still a pony and my friend,” Twilight said, shocked that anypony or griffon would imply that she would take advantage of another pony.

“And that’s why we love you, Twi,” Gilda replied, smiling, and then kissing Twilight on the cheek.


Trixie finally reached Ponyville, she stopped the carriage and felt wonderful to be in the same town as Mistress again. The showmare was cautious however; she never really left a good impression the last few times she was there. The only pony she was sure to be at least a little bit happy to see her was Mistress, but the others…they’d sooner leave her to die in Everfree Forest than let her stay in Mistress’s library…that’s why she brought her stage coach, so she can park it outside the library and be as close to Mistress without anypony sending her into Everfree Forest with nothing, it was perfect.

“Prepare yourselves, Ponyvillians! The Great and Powerful Trixie has come, and she is here to settle down with her Mistress!” Trixie shouted, pride flowed through her body. Little did the showmare know; an unknown passenger hopped off her cart and snuck into town.

Chrysalis walked away from the loud mare, shaking her head at her stupidity. She had a mission: to ruin Twilight and steal her love. According to the blue unicorn, Twilight lived in this town, but where? And for that matter… would she still be at home at this time? Many ‘What Ifs’ went through Chrysalis’ mind. Steeling herself, the former queen darted forward; her search for the pony that ruined everything is on.


Applejack was happily humming a tune to herself while she pushed a cart with a few snacks and drinks on it. Pinkie and Twilight were helping her with the harvest, and today must be brutal on the unicorn. Pinkie should be fine because of the obvious, but Twilight wasn’t always “athletic”, and she was worried that Twilight might hurt herself.

“Hey AJ, snack time already?” Pinkie said, appearing randomly beside Applejack.

The cowpony jumped from the party mare’s sudden appearance. “Geez, Pinkie. You gone and spooked me, don’t do it again.”

“Okie, Dokie, Lokie!” Pinkie cheered, hopping alongside Applejack.

The two began entering the part where Twilight was working. “Wowie, Twilight must be working super hard!” Pinkie commented, the trees around them were void of apples.

Applejack grimaced, “I can’t argue with the results but I still don’t like using magic unless it’s an emergency.” Applejack was always stubborn to traditions and applebucking should be done with a pony’s hooves; magic and flight are for cheaters, but Applejack learned the hard way to swallow her own pride and ask for it if she truly needs it… like a late harvest.

The two stopped dead in their tracks watching the purple unicorn applebuck like an Earth Pony. While still not as strong as Applejack, it took Twilight three bucks to get all the apples, but the two mares were entranced with how Twilight did it for some reason.

Twilight wiped the sweat off her brow and noticed her friends. “Hey girls!”

Pinkie recovered first. “Hey Twilight!” Applejack soon followed but she just waved awkwardly.

“Boy, I’m beat… I still can’t figure out how you and Big Mac do it every year,” Twilight chuckled.

“Uh, heh… yeah, we sure are…” Applejack’s eyes traced the purple mare’s sudden show of muscle, “…something.”

“I figured you’d use magic, why aren’t you using magic, Twily? Are you chicken?” Pinkie rambled, giggling as she did.

“Well, I learned that the spell Nightmare Moon used on me was starting to degrade, so I thought I’d try and keep myself fit,” Twilight said, stomping a hoof down as if to make a point.

“Well, it seems to work,” Pinkie uttered, trying her best not to drool. “What do you think, AJ? Does Twilight look pretty fit?”

Applejack snapped to attention in surprise and looked back at Twilight. “Uhh… yeah. Twilight’s definitely fit, uh… but it doesn’t hurt to try and build some muscle… I guess?”

“I don’t think I wanna get ‘built’ like that Snowflake pony, but I do wish to remain in good shape,” Twilight chuckled.

Applejack let the girls at the snacks and they seated themselves in the orchard. “So, how’s your side coming along, Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Super duper great, Twily! I almost figured I might have to come over here…and ‘help’ you,” Pinkie giggled, making Twilight blush.

“Not on my farm, please,” Applejack uttered.

“Why not, no pony will notice an-” Applejack shut her up with an Apple Fritter.

“Sorry about that, Applejack,” Twilight murmured, giving the cowpony her best apologetic smile.

“It’s alright, Twi. I think you need to get away from Pinkie for a while, is all.”

Pinkie big smile soon turned rather sultry, with teasing on the brain. “Away from me and closer to you, Jackie?”

Applejack’s turn to blush. “I don’t know what you’re talking about… Twilight is a good help on the farm, but she needs to tend to her library… and her marefriend…s.”

“Oh come on, AJ. You know I can share! Twilight for everypony!” Pinkie cheered; purple, blue, and pink confetti exploding in the air all around the mares.

“Is it time to get back to work? I think it is. Bye now,” Twilight said, finishing her Apple Juice and running back to a random tree.

Pinkie fell backwards and started laughing. “Oh boy, that’s adorable.”

“Pinkie, get back to work.” Applejack grumbled, red tinting her cheeks.

“Oh come on, I’m just playing… besides, I’m doing this voluntarily and can leave whenever I want.”

Twilight turned around, a light blush on her face to match Applejack’s. “Pinkie, get back to work.”

“Got it, boss!” With that, Pinkie vanished, leaving a dumbfounded Applejack sitting on her rump.

“I never thought I’d see the day where Pinkie is under control,” Applejack muttered, shakily raising to her legs and wheeling the cart away.

Twilight however, now had a new mission: Finish her section of the orchard before Pinkie; in the event that the party mare wasn’t kidding about the “help” she wanted to provide. With new found determination, Twilight began knocking apples down with two bucks.

As she worked, a familiar scent entered her nose. She immediately identified it as the scent of a needy mare and began looking for the source. It can’t be Pinkie, there’s no way. Twilight shuddered at the idea of Pinkie finishing the remainder of her side in minutes.

“Hello, Twily…” Twilight turned to see Pinkie standing a few yards away.

“Pinkie? You’re done already?” Twilight asked, she knows that Pinkie logic can’t be thought out thoroughly but even Pinkie can’t finish an orchard THAT quickly… then again, Pinkie never did say how much of her side was left, which worried Twilight more.

“Of course I am, and I’m here to ‘help’ you…” Pinkie cooed, walking closer to Twilight.

“Pinkie, I know you love me, but can’t we wait until we get back home? Applejack would kill us if we did it here,” Twilight reasoned, not wanting to break the cowpony’s trust.

“I know, that’s why I got another place in mind,” Pinkie said, she closed the distance and her lips connected with Twilight’s. The unicorn struggled for a moment, but found that Pinkie was a lot stronger than her, combined with the odd feeling of her strength leaving her.

Pinkie released Twilight and watched the purple pony collapse, snoring peacefully on the ground. The pink mare smiled, “Way too easy.”


Trixie couldn’t believe her luck, she knew that the blue pegasus despised her, but now there was a griffon living in the tree? It appears Trixie had more “meddlers” to wade through with she and Mistress are to be together. “I don’t care what you say, little filly, but the Great and Powerful Trixie belonged at Mis-Twilight’s side.” Trixie bit her tongue on that word; those two weren’t worthy to even hear Trixie’s nickname for Twilight.

“Everytime you come here, you cause trouble for us. Why don’t you beat it?” Rainbow Dash snarled; her face filled Trixie’s view.

“Trixie will be where she chooses to be, and she chooses to be here,” the showpony retorted, returning the glare.

“You just love making a scene, don’t ya?” Gilda muttered, her wings flared for attack.

“I assure you, featherbrain. Trixie isn’t here to humiliate anypony, she is here to learn from Twilight and be by her side.”

“I can take having to share Twilight with my closest friends, but I’m not about to share her with you,” Rainbow said.

“Who said anything about sharing? Trixie aims to win Twilight fair and square.” Trixie tilted her nose high in the air, scoffing the pegasus and griffon.

“Why I oughta...” Rainbow Dash was ready to give the arrogant unicorn a hoof in the mouth, but she was stopped by her friend.

“Hold up, we can settle this another way…” Gilda said; Rainbow was annoyed that her friend stopped her but reluctantly lowered her hoof and landed. “See, now let’s just get Zecora and…” Gilda’s fist collided with Trixie’s jaw far too quickly for either mare to notice. “Hah, eat it!”

Trixie slowly got back on her hooves while Rainbow was laughing her flank off. Her horn began to glow as various books hovered around Trixie, with the intent of throwing them at the griffon and pegasus.

The door opened and a loud ‘ahem’ caused the three to stop in their tracks. They turned to see Zecora, not amused by the antics before her.

Trixie doesn’t know the zebra, nor did she care, she caused all the book to fly anyway. She was startled by Zecora touching the underside of the showmare’s horn with her nose, causing all the books to fall where they were, leaving Gilda and Rainbow Dash unscathed.

“Must you girls bicker and fight? Do you all lack true sight?” Zecora scolded. “While our Alpha is Twilight, her rules are our right.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault Trixie didn’t get the memo,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Zecora turned to the blue mare and studied her, “So we have a new sister to welcome? Shame her attitude is rather irksome.”

“What do you mean ‘sister?’ Trixie isn’t going to join whatever cult you three are a part of, she is only here for Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie argued.

“Then our lives are intertwined; for Twilight Sparkle, we all confined,” Zecora said.

“Do you speak like a pony?” Trixie shouted.

“I think she only speaks normally for Twilight, bitch,” Gilda uttered, scratching her chest.

“We are Twilight’s herd, all the mares she had conquered. Why fight what is right? Twilight tries her best for us, the sex, however, is a hefty bonus,” Zecora chuckled at her last rhyme.

“Are you sure this isn’t some cult?” Trixie said, backing away from the zebra. “Yes, Twilight is a good lover, and nice mare… but that’s kinda creepy.”

“My last words, I’ll let you dwell; I must ask something that you must quell.”

Rainbow and Gilda exchanged confused glances, “Okay, what?”

“On my travels to Ponyville, I saw something strangely ill. Pinkie Pie, the lovable bouncing mare, taking Twilight deeper into the forest with utmost care.”

“Uhh…” Rainbow Dash stuttered, trying to mentally translate Zecora’s rhyming.

“She means she saw Pinkie taking Twilight into Everfree,” Gilda answered.

“Ahh… WHAT?” Rainbow Dash started to panic, Gilda did show concern but she figured Twilight could handle it… and that Pinkie wouldn’t do anything stupid either, thought taking Twilight into the forest was dumb.

“I knew that crazy mare can’t be trusted, we must go and save Twilight!” Trixie shouted.

“The first smart thing you’ve said since I met you,” Rainbow Dash commented, flying out the door. “Me and G’ will do a few fly by’s and report to you two when we can, try and find them on the land.”

Zecora nodded and motioned Trixie to follow her, as the fliers took off.


Rainbow Dash and Gilda were sitting in a tree, exhausted from flying for so long. “Jeez, where can she be?”

“I hope Zecora and the bitch are having better luck,” Gilda mumbled, stretching her wings. “I think I can stay up for another hour, you?”

“As awesome as I am… thirty minutes tops,” Rainbow Dash said, deflating at the tone.

“Sorry Dash, you got speed, I have endurance,” Gilda chuckled before taking off again.

“Yea, yea, yea… stupid griffon strength,” Rainbow muttered. The Pegasus flew around the mountain side, checking it for the ninth time. She saw Trixie and Zecora down below waving her over.

“Well, pegasus? Have you seen Twilight?” Trixie asked.

“No I haven’t… Pinkie must have stashed her somewhere good,” Rainbow Dash replied, landing once again for the sake of her wings.

“This is most concerning, what is it she is doing?” Zecora said.

“Hey, I found something!” The mares and zebra looked up to see Gilda pointing towards a mountain side, and ran in that direction.

The group run towards a cave that had a significant source of light within it. “How did we miss that hours ago?” Rainbow Dash asked for no reason.

Zecora pointed to the slightly elongated ceiling of the cave, making Rainbow scratch her head in annoyance.

They rushed into to see what the source of the light was, they found Twilight but Pinkie wasn’t around. Instead they saw Rainbow Dash riding Twilight’s cock with reckless abandon. “You love me, don’t you?”

“I… love you,” Twilight said, her voice lacked emotion, and her eyes were a pale green.

The Rainbow Dash not riding the unicorn got angry, “Hey, what the heck do you think you are?”

The copy stopped and turned to see two angry mares, and pissed off griffon, and an annoyed zebra. “So, the rest of the herd comes in, huh?” She chuckled. “I was sure surprised that this pest had her own herd, but… I have my ways to get her back for ruining my plans.” The Evil Rainbow Dash walked alongside Twilight licked along the unicorn’s face. “She’s gonna help me start a new hive, a stronger hive.”

Everyone was confused when the other Dash mentioned ‘hive’ but didn’t inquire about it. “How about you drop the act, copycat!” Rainbow yelled.

“If you insist…” The blue fur began to change into black chitin, the evil speedster’s size grew as her rainbow mane turned a sickly turquoise. The only feature that Rainbow Dash saw that did change on her foe was the missing crown on the large creature. “And now, you will never leave this place!”

“Bring it on, you overgrown cockroach,” Gilda challenged, dashing forward to attack the former-queen. The changeling grasped the griffon with her magic and tossed her aside.

Rainbow Dash was next; she darted towards the black creature and delivered a buck to her side. The blow caused the shape shifter to stagger and let out a hiss of pain.

Zecora then charged the mare in an attempt to knock the warped pony onto the ground. The beast took to the air and used her magic to send the zebra into the pegasus.

Trixie tried to levitate several rocks into the air and sent them flying towards the changeling, letting out a disappointed grunt as the creature flew around the rocks and shot towards her, knocking the showmare to the dirt.

Gilda took the changeling by surprise and forced her to the cavern floor. Pinning the black creature under her weight, she began to pummel the changeling into the stone. Unfortunately, the shape shifter is stronger than the griffon and pushed Gilda off her and stomping her fore hoof into the griffon’s belly.

“Enough! Twilight, be a dear and get them?” The changeling ordered, narrowing dodging the pegasus’s dash.

Twilight slowly stood on her hooves, shaking as her eyes struggled to stay open. Her magic grasped the cyan mare and the griffon, and threw them to the wall.

Zecora charged the changeling again, this time she was successful in taking the larger creature down. As she got back onto her hooves, she was sent into the air by the brainwashed unicorn.

Trixie ran towards Twilight and tried to slap her out of whatever trance the changeling had her in. The purple mare slowly recoiled from the strikes and slowly got back on to her hooves. “Come on, Twilight… you bested Trixie before, how can you be this weak now?” Trixie cried, now shaking the other unicorn.

The changeling was about to slam her hoof into the zebra but Gilda grabbed her and threw her away from Zecora. Rainbow dashed forward towards the black creature but was knocked away by Twilight’s magic.

The purple mare held each of her herdmates in her magical grasp, much to the changeling’s delight. “Excellent, now… finish them.”

Each girl felt Twilight’s grip tighten around their necks, “How delightful… slain by your alpha, but after I’m done with her, she’ll be joining you soon,” the shapeshifter cackled.

The purple aura surrounding each mare began to dim and lose power, the girls turned to the purple mare holding them, watching her struggle. “N-no… I don’t…”

“You don’t have a choice, impudent mare. Kill them!” the changeling barked, annoyed by how long Twilight was taking.

“Leave…them…” Twilight fell to the ground, her horn began to shine brightly, nearly blindingly so. “ALONE!”

A large wave of magic knocked everything in the cave away. Sending the changeling against the wall, her impact caused several rocks to fall onto her head, knocking the shape shifter out.

The other waves sent her mares against the wall, enough to cause them to yelp in pain, but they managed to stay awake. As the light died down, Twilight collapsed in the center of the cavern, unmoving.

Gilda and Dash were the first at Twilight’s side. “She’s still breathing, let’s get her home.” As Gilda and Rainbow hoisted Twilight onto the griffon, there was still another detail to take into account.

“Hey, what should we do about the bug?” Rainbow asked.

“I say we leave her here, she wanted us gone, so we should do the same,” Trixie muttered, kicking the changeling in the abdomen.

“Our Alpha’s Judgement, she should meet. Despite the damage, it was Twilight, did she cheat,” Zecora said. The other three gave her an annoyed look.

“Let Twilight deal with this thing? You do realize that Twilight will just slap her on the hoof and tell her not to do it again, right?” Gilda chided.

“You may be surprised…how far friendship can go; even changelings such as her, can be taught to know,” Zecora said, limping out the cave. The others followed, with Twilight on Rainbow Dash’s back, and the shape-shifter on Gilda’s.

The four made their journey out of the forest, and since it was a long journey. They at least had a punching bag to hit while they walked.


Twilight’s slowly opened, a migraine caused some discomfort. She noticed that she was moving, yet her hooves weren’t moving. “W-what?”

“Hey, Twi… feeling better?” That sounded like Rainbow Dash. Twilight’s eyes opened slightly wider and noticed the blue below her.

Despite the pain in her head, she surveyed her surroundings. Gilda was behind her with the changeling queen on her back. Ahead of her and Dash was Trixie and Zecora, with the library a few yards away. “I’m… fine, I think,” Twilight uttered, she slid off the speedster, blushing as she felt her member slid off the blue fur.

“Was that your?” Dash asked, blushing as well.

“Yea… sorry,” Twilight muttered. “So what happened while I was out? I remember Pinkie Pie walking up to me and kissing me, then something about me getting really angry in my sleep.”

Rainbow turned to Zecora and Trixie who were unsure if they wanted to tell her. Gilda merely glared back at the unconscious changeling on her back. Trixie cleared her throat. “Trixie and these individuals saved you from this changeling. The battle was glorious but in the end, the witch was no match for the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“Pfft, what are you talking about? We did all the work, you just tried to wake Twilight up by slapping her,” Gilda muttered.

“I see,” Twilight uttered. “But what made me mad?”

There was a long silence, until Zecora began to speak. “The Changeling’s spell took your mind; she made you fight against your kind.” She opened the door but continued speaking. “She demanded our life be snuffed, your mind rebuked and your rage engulfed.”

Twilight’s widened, and her legs felt weak. “I…I tried to kill you?” The purple mare slumped down onto the floor, still trying to process the information.

“But you stopped yourself, right? You managed to get a grip before it did happen,” Gilda tried to calm, simply dropping the changeling onto the hardwood floor.

“I’m so sorry!” Twilight cried. She fell to her belly, and wept into her forelimbs.

“Actually, the ‘queen’ made you try that, you weren’t all there at the time,” Gilda said, shrugging.

“That doesn’t excuse the fact that I hurt you, I… I’d never want to hurt you girls,” Twilight mumbled.

Trixie was about to speak, but Rainbow Dash stopped her, “Mentioning the fact that she raped you will just make it worse,” she whispered, Trixie nodded in acceptance.

“Your mind and body were not your own, the deeds you’ve done you could not have known,” Zecora cooed. “Speaking of the crone, where shall we have her thrown?”

Twilight lifted her head a bit, “So…you girls forgive me?”

“Well duh.”

“Sure, if you make up for it later.”

“Trixie can always forgive Mis-… Twilight,”

Zecora merely smiled and nodded her acceptance of her alpha’s apology.

“Thank you girls,” Twilight said, pulling everyone together with her magic for a big hug. Once the hug was broke she turned to the changeling queen. “I’ll deal with her tomorrow morning, just be sure to blindfold her and tie her up… oh and get a magic dampener on her horn, can’t be too careful.”

Gilda and Dash nodded, and simply kicked the changeling down the stairs, each sound of hard chitin hitting wood made Twilight cringe, she almost felt sorry for the changeling. She then turned to Trixie, “Well, sorry that your first day back was… eventful.”

“It’s alright, Twilight. Trixie is just happy to be here with you,” Trixie said, kissing Twilight on the lips.

Zecora smiled, feeling pride as the herd grew. She turned to see that Gilda and Rainbow Dash had returned, immediately angered by the kiss. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Trixie and Twilight separated immediately; the purple mare was blushing while the blue unicorn was angered from the interruption. “Trixie and Twilight were having a moment, and you imbeciles ruined it.”

“Oh yeah? We think you’ll try to take Twilight for yourself, even after Zecora’s stupid lecture on ‘herding,’” Gilda muttered.

“You still think Twilight is an alpha? While she does have the… right qualities, Twilight is a grown pony, and Trixie believes she will make the right choice,” Trixie boasts.

“And Twilight is ‘dating’ Daring Do,” Rainbow Dash added.

Trixie began to fume and turned to Twilight, “WHO IS DARING?”

“She’s my…” Ever since Gilda, Twilight always had troubles calling Daring ‘her marefriend’ to others, it felt dishonest to her. “I wanna say she’s my marefriend…but at this point, it’s obvious as to what she really is… A pony I love very much… like you girls. Daring doesn’t like to admit to it, but I’m sure she’s seen it. How you girls act around me, how I act around you… I think it’s a matter of time before she does something about it, and I don’t think it’ll be pretty.”

“Just remember that I’ll be there to trash her stuff and pick you back up,” Gilda gloats, chuckling after Rainbow gives her a playful shove in the gut.

“So… Twilight accepts being an Alpha, as long as no one fights over her or feuds?” Trixie asked.

“I’m not a hundred percent with being an ‘Alpha’ but… I don’t like watching ponies fight over me, and I’m aware that I’m only one pony and making some many others happy in the process is going to be hard and problematic down the road, but… as long as they are happy, I’m happy,” Twilight exclaimed.

“I see…” Trixie muttered; she stays silent for a moment to think over what Twilight said. “Very well, Trixie accepts your choices, and will happily take her rightful place as beta of the herd; so long as Twilight helps Trixie with her magic.”

Zecora began to giggle, “The actress is rather humorous, with a mind so adventurous. While that position is currently mine, I believe that Pinkie is worthy of that line.”

“Wait… so Pinkie is Beta, or are you? And what the heck is a Beta?” Gilda asked.

“According to what I know: The beta is viewed to be the ‘second-in-command’ to the Alpha, and often helps the other herdmates along, they’re also generally the mare that has sex with the Alpha more than the others… which makes your call odd, while you do help the others out with the whole ‘understanding’ of how to be in a herd… Pinkie and Daring are the ones I am usually in bed with… so,” Twilight uttered, trying to think things through.

Zecora walked closer to the confused scholar and licked her snout. “While they have had you more, my body, you’ll have to thoroughly explore.” The sentence caused Twilight to blush heavily, and the other’s mouths agape. “While I would love to share myself to you, you’ll have things to do. The fate of the changeling is in your hooves, send her to the princess, end her, or show her your ‘moves.’”

“I say princess,” Rainbow shouted, with Gilda and Trixie agreeing.

“I’ll figure something out, but it’ll have to wait till tomorrow. I still feel rather tired for some reason,” Twilight commented.

As they watched Twilight go to her room, Gilda, Rainbow, and Trixie struggled to get in there with her, but were stopped by Zecora. “Let Twilight sleep this night, the morning is when she makes what is right.”

The three groaned but ultimately accepted. Trixie was left to be in her trailer, while the other two when to Rainbow’s cloud home. Zecora however didn’t leave for her cottage; she went back to the couch, almost aware of what will transpire later.


Twilight was staring at the one thing that has caused her so much grief in the past, the changeling queen that not only tried to ruin her brother and foalsitter’s wedding with her attempted invasion of Canterlot, but also brainwashed her and made her try to kill her girls, bound by rope with her fore limbs held high in the air, a blindfold and a magic suppressor. If Twilight wasn’t taught to make peace with others, and try to talk things through, she would have beaten the bitch to a bloody pulp with her hooves, or had Rainbow Dash and Gilda do that for her, but if she did that, she would prove to be just as evil as the changeling herself… well maybe not THAT bad, but still pretty bad.

Her horn glowed as it shielded her eyes, preparing herself for whatever the changeling has to throw at her. She levitated the blindfold off the black creature, who was very awake at the time. The changeling lunged forward trying to sink her fangs into the purple mare, the action caused Twilight jump back a bit.

“Whoa… I take it, you’re not happy?” Twilight weakly chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

“I haven’t been pleased in a long time, thanks to you and your species,” The changeling muttered, gaining as much composure as she could while bound by rope.

“In fairness, we only did so in self-defence.”

“So is it fair that so much of my kind were killed by the fall? Was it fair that the survivors abandoned their queen?”

Twilight shuffled in place awkwardly. “I guess not, but that’s something no one could have predicted so… sorry?”

“Sorry?” The shape shifter muttered. “Will ‘sorry’ bring them back? You ponies are all the same, ignorant of others because your precious Princess will always keep you and your kind safe.” A cruel grin slowly spread on her features. “… Of course there was that time I defeated her, knocked her away and scorched her horn easily.”

Twilight cringed at the memory of her mentor being beaten by the changeling queen. “An apology can never erase the past, I know that much. But maybe we can let it be a start to a nice friendship? You don’t have anywhere else to go, and while I’m sure there are those that are against it, but I could help you.”

The changeling gave her a “seriously?” expression. “Did you leave your brain in the cave I fucked it out of? A friendship will never happen between us; you are prey and I am the predator, you are only food to me.”

“Well, then how about I let you have some of my love? I read that changelings can get love from friendly gestures and the like, so it’ll be easy to keep you fed,” Twilight said.

“You forgot the part where I HATE you,” The insectoid pony snarled.

The unicorn let out an annoyed sigh, “Look, I’m giving you a chance. What more do you want from me?”

“Your head on a silver platter,” The larger creature hissed.

Twilight cringed at the suggestion, quite content of where her head is now. She had to rethink her strategy; if Fluttershy can reform Discord, then she can reform the Changeling Queen. “Maybe we can find a common ground that we both like?”

“Just shut up, I don’t need your nonsense.”

“Well, do you like board games?” No response. “How about drawing?” The changeling lifted her head a moment to give the purple mare a death glare. “I know; I bet you like to act.”

“I want you to hang yourself with your own mane.” That wasn’t a good response.

“Do you like baking?”

“Does baking allow me to put you in a oven and watch your flesh melt off the bone?”

“Guess not, pulling pranks?”

The changeling began to chuckle. “I got a good one, but I need to you come close so I can whisper it to you.”

“Let’s move that aside for now…” Twilight was stumped, Chrysalis would rather do things that would cause pain and suffering to the purple mare, reforming her would be tougher than she originally thought.

Twilight let out a sigh and decided to read to clear her thoughts; pulling a random book off the shelves, she opened it and let its story calm her down.

“Is that ‘Love among the Stars’ by Gale Leap?” The changeling asked, the question took Twilight by surprise.

“Huh, well…” Twilight checked the cover. “Yes…yes it is, why?”

“Good book, I liked the trilogy, but there are some things that didn’t make sense,” The changeling muttered. “Like in the third chapter, Silver Lining would run right up to a random pony and kiss him, just to make Star Chaser jealous, they had no prior conflict with each other.”

“I think it was advice that Silver Lining’s best friend gave her that made her do that, but yea, that was dumb… or in the second book, it actually stated that Star Chaser was pregnant for three paragraphs when Silver Lining was the one with the foal,” Twilight giggled.

“Hah, or later on they decide to name the kid “Shadow Chain”, I know ponies have odd names, but come on ‘Shadow Chain’?”

“What made it worse is that the colt was a black alicorn with a red mane. A pegasus and a unicorn doesn’t equal alicorn, if that was the case, we’d have a lot of them running around.” The two chuckled over the various mistakes they encountered in the books. “I didn’t think you were a reader as well.”

“Between ruling, posing as your foalsitter, and whoring myself in Manehatten; reading tends to help me stay sane in the midst of all the idiocy,” the shape shifter remarked.

“I know that feeling; with all the disasters that hit Ponyville, ancient evils that need to eat rainbows, or mares that want to fuck me… sometimes all I need is a good book,” Twilight replied.

“Eat rainbows? Seriously?”

“That’s apparently what the Elements of Harmony does: causes me and my friends to shoot a rainbow-esque laser at the evildoer and it’ll either turn them to stone or purge evil from the vessel of a possible friend.”

“I’m now glad that I was sent out of a window from a shockwave made of love, getting hit by a ‘rainbow friendship laser’ sounds pathetic.”

“Don’t tell Discord or Princess Luna that though; it would… how does Rainbow say it? ‘Rustle their jimmies’?”

The two began to chat for a bit, their discussion quickly changed back to various books. “I must admit; you are not as annoying as I thought you’d be.”

“Well friendship can happen anywhere, even between enemies, right? We just needed to look in the right place,” Twilight smiled.

“Indeed,” the Ex-Queen said, watching Twilight come closer to release her bindings.

As Twilight released the queen’s limbs, she was immediately pinned to the ground by the larger creature. “I thought we were…”

“Friends? Don’t make me laugh, we share a single interest and that isn’t enough to make me forgive you for ruining everything for me,” The changeling chuckled. She darted forward and sank her fangs into Twilight’s neck, she held the unicorn in her jaw to allow the venom to travel through her system; once confident, she released the mare and cackled in delight of the situation.“Go crawl upstairs, I want your herd to watch you die.”

“You…shouldn’t have done… that,” Twilight uttered coldly, trying to stand back onto her hooves after the changeling released her.

“Oh, what do I have to fear? I don’t have anything to live for, and your princess will only be doing me a favor by executing me for killing you,” the changeling laughed.

“No, it’s not that…” Twilight said, shaking her head. “My friend, Zecora… had a feeling that… you might poison me, so… she had me drink a special antidote…”

The changeling was furious once again, and lunged forward to finish the job. She quickly found herself floating in the air, unable to move, the magic pinned her to the ground, butt above the head, face down, and unable to escape. “How is this possible?”

“The antidote has… side effects… like heightened libido, and for me…” The shape-shifter looked into the unicorns eyes as she slowly walked over to her immobile form; the look of lust and mania made the black creature fear for her safety. “Even a weak aphrodisiac will keep me demanding more for hours.”

Twilight’s forelimbs wrapped around the changeling’s lower body lovingly; caressing the soft underbelly. “So... I don’t think I ever got a name out of you.”

The changeling remained quiet, but let out a gasp of pain when Twilight struck her rump with a hoof, yet she remained silent. This annoyed Twilight greatly and began to swat at the changeling’s rear until the black chitin slowly became red. “It’s Chrysalis, now stop hitting my ass, you damned unicorn.”

“Well, ‘Chrysalis.’ I like smacking your rump, it makes such a nice sound when I hit it,” Twilight said, emphasizing her point by smacking the black butt again, making Chrysalis gasp in pain once again.

“How is your hoof not hurting? You’re slapping what is practically body armor,” Chrysalis spouted, confused by how red her butt was.

“My hoof is getting a little numb, but… a small price to pay for the fun we’ll have,” Twilight cooed, slapping the changeling’s rump again. “You REALLY shouldn’t have poisoned me, by the way.”

Chrysalis was struggling in her binds; a very faint blush appeared when she felt the unicorn’s hard-on brush against her back legs. “Get off me, I will not lose AGAIN,” she roared, making one last attempt to break her bindings, only to fail, much to Twilight’s delight.

“How adorable, you actually thought that you, a love-starved changeling, can overpower my magic, in which is the magic of one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria. Good effort though, I think I’ll reward you,” Twilight giggled, attempting to locate the changeling’s pussy.

Chrysalis sucked in a whimper when she felt the unicorn’s hooves press against her sex, her face red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger that she was a little wet. Even as the purple mare teased her pussy with her hooves and tongue, the Former Queen of the Changelings refused to lose face, especially in the face of her mortal enemy.

Twilight slowly lapped up the juices that leaked from the black pussy, savoring the oddly sweet taste of the changeling. She noticed that the changeling lacked teats, which made her disheartened that she couldn’t play with them. With a sigh, she began rubbing her hooves into the softer portion of Chrysalis’ rump, in an attempt to coerce the queen into moaning.

The unicorn’s tongue trailed along the changeling’s pussy until she felt something pointy pressed against her tongue. She stopped her oral teasing to inspect it, only to find that Chrysalis had a needle-like clitoris; becoming curious, Twilight teased the jagged nub, which caused the larger creature to let out a weak moan, before shutting herself up quickly.

“This is a rather interesting clitoris, Chryssy. Why is it so pointy?” Twilight teased, giving it light licks from time to time.

At that moment, Chrysalis had an idea. She grinned as she hoped that the unicorn would fall for it. “Keep playing with it and find out,” she said; suppressing another squeak of pleasure.

Taking the invitation, Twilight continued to play with the odd clitoris with her tongue, until she felt it grow. She watched the nub grow until it was roughly the same size as her own dick, a clear, pointed dick hung between Chrysalis’ legs. “Like it? you should acquaint yourself with it better,” Chrysalis cooed.

“I guess I should, especially since you won’t be using it on me. I’ve been ‘stuffed’ before…and I didn’t really like it… I’m more of a ‘pitcher’ than a ‘catcher’ if I got that analogy correct,” Twilight replied, beginning to rub the clear appendage with her hooves while she licked the changeling’s pussy.

Chrysalis bit her lip as she felt her ovipositor being pleasured by the unicorn’s hooves, it did feel nice despite the awkwardness of the Twilight fumbling around her member. She became concerned that her last resort would fail, all because Twilight didn’t like to be entered. She needed to convince the mare to let her penetrate her… and without magic unfortunately.

Twilight trailed her tongue down to the clear dick, licking the clear member. “This is an ovipositor, right? Made to send eggs directly into the womb or bowels until ready to be released from the body to create more changelings, requires sperm to make the eggs active but you can hold them in for a few months before you will need to release them. I’m sorry to say, even if I did let you stick this in me, the twins on the inside would probably crush them before they were ready,” she exclaimed, continuing to stimulate the changeling’s clit-dick.

“Maybe I can release them into your bowels, you’ll like them back there,” Chrysalis tempted.

“No thank you, I get a bit jumpy and scared when I have somepony’s tongue near it, I’m not about to let this inside me. Maybe I’ll let you stick your eggs in one of my mares, I think Pinkie wouldn’t mind; maybe Trixie, she’ll practically do anything I ask her to do after all,” Twilight muttered, continuing to rub the clear organ with both hooves. “Would you like that? Use my sperm to put your eggs in my ponies? Make them give birth to MY changelings?”

Chrysalis scowled, remaining silent as the unicorn tried to coax her into submitting.

“Wouldn’t matter anyways, I’m shooting blanks until I decide to talk to my doctor about that,” Twilight casually said, giving a long lick to Chrysalis’ wet pussy, adding to the moisture. “Otherwise, who knows how many changelings I would have fertilized, with one load.”

“Scared? Am I too big for the great Twilight Sparkle?” Perhaps goading her will work.

Twilight chuckled a little; one hoof rubbed the changeling’s shaft while her own hoof went down to please her own throbbing member. “Probably, but I don’t think I wanna test that, but I do have a spell we can use to make myself big enough for you.”

Twilight’s horn shined a dull pink light, as the glow captured her member. She used her hooves lower the changeling’s backside, causing the ovipositor to rub against the carpet she was on. The glow faded away as Twilight positioned her now larger member to Chrysalis’ entrance, rubbing the black lips to let her captive know what she just did.

“How did you? Don’t you dare put that thing inside me, or I will end you and your family,” Chrysalis threatened, she felt threatened by the enlarged member poking at her backside. The unicorn’s dick felt as if it would be a flat headed cock of a dragon, a dragon that’s slightly larger than herself, but still a dragon.

“I gotta admit, I’m surprised by how long I’ve lasted before this moment. Last time I was slipped an aphrodisiac, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were lucky they could walk the next day… but I did have to replace my bed though,” Twilight cooed, licking her lips as her cock head brushed against the changeling’s pussy.

“I warn you, I will hunt down everyone you’ve ever met… I will destroy them,” Chrysalis snarled, her eyes glanced down to her rump and back to Twilight every so often.

“Chrysalis,” Twilight muttered, becoming more annoyed at the changeling’s remarks. “You really need to relax and…” She lined herself up and pushed her dick against the resisting folds. “TAKE IT!” She rammed every inch of her enlarged prick into the changeling, making the insectoid mare scream in pain.

The purple mare became much more aggressive as she hammered Chrysalis’ pussy with as much power as she could muster. The former queen couldn’t find any words to taunt, mock, or threat the mare anymore as she felt the unicorn fill her depths completely. All she could do is let the smaller pony use her as she saw fit, the bindings around her black limbs held tightly, even as she was ravaged by the unicorn.

Twilight watched the creature that bested her mentor and tried to ruin her brother and Foal-sitter’s marriage with almost sickening delight, almost certain that the Queen of the Changelings was now bound to her basement, letting her black rump be used by the scholar. It might have been the aphrodisiac taking hold of her mind, but Twilight began to drool as she sent her entire member as deep in Chrysalis as she could, causing the changeling discomfort sometimes when her cock reached the cervix.

The unicorn smiled gleefully, as she withdrew half her length from the changeling. Her horn began to glow, causing Chrysalis to feel an odd sensation within herself. “Wha… what are you doing… to me?”

“Just making the next part easier for both of us,” Twilight answered, before thrusting forward as hard as she can, the spell she cast made it easier for her to not only reach the cervix but also penetrate it. The sudden feeling caused Chrysalis to wail in a mixture of pleasure and pain, which made Twilight frown in confusion. “You weren’t supposed to feel pain; it was supposed to feel like getting your pussy penetrated again… I’ll have to work on the spell later.”

If it weren’t for the binding around her hooves, she would have spun around and ripped the unicorn’s throat out. But the unicorn was right, the feeling of unicorn invading her womb did feel oddly nice, despite the brutal thrusts. She tried to keep herself quiet regardless of the new sensations Twilight was making her feel.

The lavender scholar was surprised she didn’t do this earlier; she felt the extra tightness of the cervix itself while the rest of Chrysalis’ depths massaged and attempted to milk her cock for its seed. She began to rut the changeling harder, purple hips colliding with the black rump aggressively and the unicorn’s fore-limbs gripping her back side. She slapped that black flank a few times, just to let the changeling’s whimpers echo in her ears like a nice catchy tune.

With one particularly hard thrust, Twilight kept herself hilted in the changeling, moaning as her seed was fed directly into the other’s womb. Chrysalis’s hooves flared out in their bindings, as she rode her own orgasm, her fangs drew blood as she bit hard to suppress a loud moan, feeling her clear dick spray her body and the rug below her in a gooey substance. After a minute of filling Chrysalis, Twilight withdrew her cock from her newest conquest, causing much of her seed to join Chrysalis’ cum on the floor, but she was far from done, as her horn was glowing once again.

Chrysalis began recovering from her orgasm, unaware that Twilight’s bindings have been lifted. Her rump slumped down; exhausted from the brutal assault the unicorn dealt her. A shame that she wasn’t given a lot of time to rest; she felt the unicorn on her back once again. She lazily turned her head to see the eager mare grinding herself against her backside.

When she regained feeling in her backside, her eyes widened when she felt something trying to enter her butt; she turned her head quickly to see a large purple dick poking up from her rump, which confused her when she still felt something trying to re-enter her pussy. Twilight leaned forward and said, “Don’t worry, this one is smaller than the one that’s going back inside your pussy. Despite all the wrongs you’ve done to me, my friends, and my family’ I would still rather this to be a good experience for you.”

Chrysalis watched as the member disappeared back in the valley of her butt cheeks, and felt its head pushing at her back door. She turned down and covered her mouth with a hoof, attempting to keep herself from screaming. The act failed, as Twilight brought everything back inside her.

The act of penetrating both of Chrysalis’ rear orifices made Twilight thankful that she put up a soundproof barrier before doing anything with the former-queen, because the scream that came from Chrysalis’ mouth caused the mare to flinch for a second before returning to her thrusting, feeding her dicks into the changeling’s pussy and ass.

Chrysalis soon felt the furred groin of the unicorn pressed against her backside, her hooves ground against the floor, trying to find something to grip. She failed to stay silent, treating her captive to her moaning and screams of pleasure.

Twilight moved over the larger form until her rump was over the changeling’s own, and continued her movements onto the holes she was invading. The changeling’s insides hugged her cocks tighter than before, almost embracing her twin dicks lovingly; whenever Twilight tried to leave, both the pussy’s walls and the sphincter would clench her tightly, attempting to deny the unicorn to exit the warm orifices.

Chrysalis’ eyes went wide when she realized that she was no longer being held down by magic, it was her time to strike. The unicorn was too enraptured by her humping that taking her down would be easy. She turned her head wickedly fast, her hooves joining her to grab the unicorn.

Unfortunately, Twilight was prepared, and slammed her hooves down on Chrysalis’s face, pinning her. The unicorn scoffed at the changeling’s attack, “I win,” was all she said, emphasizing her point by thrusting harder and faster, until she felt the changeling’s holes tighten in orgasm, forcing Twilight to fill both holes with her cum.

The former Queen was now scared, her last attempt was thwarted easily. She was still love-starved from earlier, and the unicorn, a little pony that was barely half her size, had easily conquered her. She felt the disappointed stares of her hive’s survivors, the memory of them leaving her; she began to weep silently as her luck went from bad to worse.

The tears were not lost to Twilight, who slowly stopped her movements. She looked down on the changeling with pity, despite all that this specific creature has done to her, she didn’t want her to be sad, especially during intercourse.

The unicorn lifted her hooves from the changeling’s face, and used her magic to bring it to her own. Chrysalis kept her eyes closed while her woes returned to her, only to be interrupted by the feeling of Twilight’s lips against hers.

The sudden action surprised Chrysalis, she suddenly felt the unicorn’s love flow into her, Twilight’s love for Chrysalis. Despite being weaker than what she was used to having, it felt delicious and addictive, like a rare treat the changeling would go to any lengths to experience again. She embraced the unicorn with a warped limb, trying her best to make the kiss last.

Much to Chrysalis’ dismay, the kiss broke, with Twilight giving her a small smile. “Feel better?”

“A little… but why?”

“I know we have our differences, but I feel bad that you lost everything that made you what you were before, the Queen of the Changelings, while it is your fault for the… shaky start to this activity, I would like you to enjoy it as well. When you started to cry, I felt heart-broken, that I hurt you this badly… I couldn’t do much, but I hope it helped,” Twilight said, smiling, and hoping that it would keep the Changeling’s ire at bay.

Chrysalis glared at her for a moment, “Consider yourself lucky, that your dick feels great and that your love is delicious,” she cooed, making Twilight smile in response.

“At least with that settled, we can do this properly,” Twilight said. She pulled herself out of the changeling and flipped her onto her back. The unicorn crawled back into position, thrusting her cocks back into Chrysalis’ hot hole.

Chrysalis held the unicorn to her belly, her ovipositor rubbing against the purple mare’s fur as she let Twilight rut her senselessly, she pulled Twilight back into another kiss, the next dose of love felt stronger than before, and was tastier by comparison, causing the changeling to yearn for more.

Twilight’s hooves held the changeling’s rump as she pounded deeper, smiling during the kiss when she realized that the rubbery spell she casted earlier was still active. She broke the kiss and began to nuzzle the changeling’s underbelly.

Despite the mild frustration of absorbing Twilight’s love from her lips, she still felt stronger than before, much better than when she was in Manehattan. She bit her lower lip and arched her back, her hooves gripped the unicorn tightly, holding her to her body, wedging her clear egg chute in between the black flesh and purple fur.

While she kept hammering the changeling’s pussy, Twilight’s nuzzling would cause her nose to poke against Chrysalis’ ovipositor. Wanting to make this a better experience for her newest mare, she trailed her tongue along the pointed tip and sucked the head into her mouth. The member had an odd taste, much more different than the taste of Chrysalis’ pussy. While the black slit had a mild sweet taste to it, combined with what Twilight thought to be black liquorish; the egg laying organ had a bitter taste, not quite displeasing to the purple mare, but if it wasn’t for how heated the two had become, it may cause Twilight to question doing it again for Chrysalis if randomly asked to fellate her ovipositor again.

Chrysalis let out a cute gasp when she felt the unicorn lips surround her shaft, almost trying to buck her hips into Twilight’s mouth. Combined with the dual penetration Twilight was giving proved too much for the changeling, her pillaged orifices began to constrict around their respective invaders as she came, her transparent phallus began to shoot a light green liquid into the unicorn’s mouth.

Twilight released Chrysalis’ egg-chute from her mouth, watching the liquid cover the changeling as the member stopped firing its load. She swallowed what was in her mouth at the time and went faster, letting the strangely pleasurable liquid make her feel happy to be rutting the changeling queen, so much so that she felt her members throb painfully, filling Chrysalis once again with her dual members.

The two laid on the floor resting, Twilight’s fur became matted from her sweat and the fluid that splattered the changeling’s ovipositor shot at herself. Even Chrysalis was tired, rubbing Twilight’s back with a limb as they rested through the afterglow.

Soon Twilight became curious about the liquid she swallowed, “So what was that stuff your… ovipositor shot out?”

“A special lubricant that makes it more… pleasurable so that the eggs can… THE EGGS!” Chrysalis cried. Watching as several eggs began to move through her member and towards the exit. Despite the worry on Chrysalis’ face, she failed to notice the almost empty look in each egg. “Quickly, let me put these eggs in you, or they won’t make it.”

Twilight hesitated in confusion, and studied the eggs quickly, “Uh…these don’t look like they have anything in them.”

“What are you talking about they’re… empty?” Chrysalis uttered, the first egg left her member and fell harmlessly on her belly, and rolled onto the floor. “Why are they empty, you’ve came inside me several times, they should have children in them.”

“I did say I'm firing blanks,” Twilight replied, curiously looking at the eggs that left Chrysalis’ body.

Chrysalis’ worry died down but was replaced with mild amounts of sorrow; her hive couldn’t be brought back with a dickmare that shoots blanks. Her wallowing was interrupted by the purple mare resting a hoof on her side. Twilight began to rub her hoof along the ovipositor, in an attempt help the eggs leave the clear member safely, and to bring more pleasure to her newest lover. “Just because I’m sterile now, doesn’t mean I’ll be sterile forever. It’s a spell that the doctors put on me when I was younger…so that if I do become sexually active, that I don’t randomly have a bunch of foals that are fatherless because of my actions.”

“So, there is a chance that we can bring my hive back?” Chrysalis said, a weak smile forming on her face, she felt the final egg leave her member, as the two watched the member retreat back into her body and resumed it appearance as a clitoris.

“There is, but until then… I’m sorry to say that I don’t think I’m much of a father-ish pony,” Twilight chuckled weakly.

“Then be thankful that changeling’s don’t need fathers, they are born into their roles,” Chrysalis said, “But then I will still need a warm place to put them when you do.”

Twilight managed to suppress a cringe, at the mere thought of having eggs inside her, but she had an idea. “Well, I’m sure If I ask, I can get someone to carry your eggs for a while… as long as nothing bad happens to them.”

“The eggs will kill them; the changelings have to leave their body somehow.” This statement caused Twilight to scoot away from the changeling, new fears brought up by the changeling. “I jest, it’ll be like a pregnancy but less bloody and painful for the host, the egg will release a sort of ‘wave’ that makes the host believe that they need to birth a foal, then the egg comes out and hatches. The host however, will probably have one of their best orgasms at that point.”

The unicorn breathed a sigh of relief from hearing that, “Thank goodness.” Twilight slowly stood on her hooves, still weak from the sex. “I think it’s about lunch time, care to join me?”

Chrysalis dwelled on Twilight’s invitation and smiled. “Very well, lead on.”


Daring returned to the library, with a smile on her face, and yet another adventure to tell her marefriend about. She opened the door and her smile vanish, what she saw was Zecora reading in the library; Daring checked to see if Gilda, or Pinkie was around, her knowledge of Zecora usually meant that if Zecora is nearby and not at her hut in Everfree, it has something to do with “Twilight” or “Herding”. “Hello my friend, come and rest your head. Twilight should be finishing her duties and will be up soon, so no need for hostilities.”

“Uh huh, what duties?” Daring asked, she turned her head to see Twilight leaving the basement, sweaty with a strange lime green ooze coating the fur around her barrel.

Twilight smiled to Zecora, then turned to see Daring, “Oh, h-hi Daring, how are you?”

“Fine at the moment, but what were you doing? Or should I ask ‘who’ were you doing?” The khaki pegasus asked, she turned to see the outline of a large black figure leave the basement. She had an air of nobility, and sex, around her, if it weren’t for the fact that she was practically a very large pony-like bug, she could have been an alicorn.

“And a new sister joins us this day, come with me, and I’ll show you the way,” Zecora smiled, leading the large bug creature into the kitchen.

“Shouldn’t you be pissed that I tried to kill you with your alpha? And I do hope you know that that line was rather unsettling,” Chrysalis muttered, following the zebra.

Daring glared at her “marefriend”, who was pawing at the ground awkwardly, knowing what is going to happen very soon. “Seriously, Twi?”

Mini-Series: How to Bake a Cup Cake

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[Tags: {Twilight Sparkle/Mrs. Cake} Futa/F, Chubby, Vaginal, Oral, Anal]

A sigh escaped Mrs. Cake’s lips. Last night her husband, Carrot Cake and their happy tenant/babysitter/assistant baker, Pinkie Pie, left for the annual baking convention in Las Pegasus. Normally Cup Cake would go with her husband, but Pinkie claimed she had never been to Las Pegasus and wanted to go really badly, especially after hearing how great it was from her friend Rarity. So Mrs. Cake gave up her spot to let Pinkie go. There was a small argument but eventually Pinkie accepted, despite feeling a tad guilty for the chance to enjoy herself while Mrs. Cake stayed in Ponyville.

In order to rectify her conscience, she knew she couldn’t leave Mrs. Cake without any help for the weekend. So Pinkie ran to the library and asked her friend Twilight Sparkle for assistance. Naturally, the magical mare’s first instinct was to help her fellow pony. Twilight accepted happily.

However, Pinkie neglected to mention this to Mrs. Cake, who was rather surprised when she found somepony at the shop an hour before opening. She opened to door to reveal Twilight standing there with a cheerful smile on her face. “Hello Mrs. Cake, I hope I’m not intruding.”

“Not at all, dear. But the store doesn’t open for another hour,” Mrs. Cake said. Confused one of Ponyville’s smartest ponies, and a friend of Pinkie Pie’s, didn’t know when Sugarcube Corner opened.

“Pinkie asked me to come help you while she is in Las Pegasus. I hope you don’t mind,” Twilight replied. She wasn’t sure if forcing her help upon the Cakes was a good idea, especially when Pinkie failed to notify Mrs. Cake about it.

“No it’s fine dear, come on in,” Mrs. Cake said, letting the unicorn inside.The blue mare led Twilight to a table and went to get some danishes she made earlier for breakfast, which Twilight thanked her for.

“I have to ask Twilight, can you bake?” Mrs. Cake asked trying to be cordial. She wanted to know if the unicorn could do other than the register.

“I don’t really know too much. I read a few books on the subject, but I think I could at least help out in the kitchen,” Twilight said.

“I see, then for the next few days, I’d like you to take care of the front while I’m in the back,” The blue earth pony stated. Twilight scrunched her face a little but nodded. “Thank you by the way, dear. I wasn’t expecting help to come by so this is a delightful surprise.”

“Well then I’ll try not to disappoint you, Mrs. Cake,” Twilight remarked as the two mares begun to prepare for the rest of the day.


The day went on just as Mrs. Cake predicted: breakfast and lunch were hectic affairs but it was nearly dead the rest of the day. Twilight was indeed a great help, managing orders while levitating various boxes of pastries and plates of baked goods around to hungry customers.

Upon hearing the telltale signs that her children were cranky, Mrs. Cake ran upstairs to take care of the twins while her unicorn helper kept an eye on things downstairs. When she returned, she found Twilight chatting with a black unicorn mare, her red mane fell before her eyes as they chatted, only to watch her nudge it away. It was obvious to Mrs. Cake that she was flirting with Twilight. The pudgy baker didn’t pay too much attention to it until she gazed back into the room to find Twilight taking orders from a new customer again, but the librarian seemed distracted.

Mrs. Cake took a quick glance out to find the mare Twilight had been talking to underneath the counter, her mouth stuffed with a cock connected to Twilight’s crotch. The baker was going to confront the two when something didn’t add up. ’Twilight is a mare, why does she have a…’ She took another glance to find the purple unicorn ejaculating seed directly into the black unicorn’s mouth; the red-mane pony swallowed Twilight’s spunk with glee.

Mrs. Cake watched in a mixture of shock, confusion, and awe that something like this could happen. And, in the lobby of all places: where ponies come and go. She watched as the member withdrew from the black unicorn’s mouth. Even though it was limp, it maintained a rather impressive size: thicker than Carrot, but not quite as long.

The mystery unicorn wiped her face and licked the cum from her fur. Then she walked out the door waving to Twilight, thanking her for the ‘meal’. Twilight merely resumed working, muttering angrily as she stood behind the counter, trying to find the best way to hide her cock from everypony.

Mrs. Cake’s mind stopped for a moment to let her absorb the fact that Twilight had a dick, and some random unicorn mare just walked in and sucked her off in the store. ’What is going on today? Why does Twilight have a dick? Who was that mare and why did she suck Twilight off?’, she thought as she slowly brought herself back to reality.

Next, a female griffon walked in. She also flirted with the magical mare, but much to Mrs. Cake’s dismay, Twilight took the order, whispering something into the griffon’s ear. The customer nodded in confirmation, walking out the door with a box full of cupcakes. Mrs. Cake anticipated seeing her assistant get fellatiated all over again. Hopefully it was only a matter of time.

Mrs. Cake attempted to work as normal the rest of the day, trying to forget the fact that Twilight had a penis, yet her thoughts lingered on the blowjob Twilight received earlier. The way the black mare teased the purple member. How Twilight would slowly thrust her haunches forward, forcing the guest unicorn to take more of her dick. She subconsciously licked her lips when she called how the black mare would attempt to swallow Twilight’ seed as it entered her mouth. The constant distractions nearly burned a few batches of cupcakes and muffins.

At long last, it was closing time. Mrs. Cake brought out a small tray of cupcakes to celebrate a job well done which Twilight accepted graciously, her horn glowing faintly.

“Thank you, Mrs. Cake. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Twilight said hastily. She placed the small box on her back and trotted out the door, leaving the blue mare alone to her thoughts.

After tucking in Pound and Pumpkin into bed, she went to bed as well. She missed Carrot Cake, and maybe she should have gone with him, but it was a little too late for regrets now.. Her thoughts drifted back to earlier. The black unicorn with the red mane and green eyes. The way she took a mare’s penis during store hours. That brought her back to the perpetrator of the act, Twilight; supposedly, a mare that was hung like some of the more well endowed earth ponies she had ever met.

Her hoof trailed down her body to sate a growing urge; one she was intimately familiar with, but had not felt since the twins were born. Her forehoof ran circles around her nipple, quivering from the touch. She pretended it was her loving husband, he always knew how to please her. Her other hoof also descended between her thighs, nudging her folds open and sliding across tender flesh.

She gasped from the contact, eyes closed tightly as her imagination ran wild, creating her husband between her legs. Lovingly attending to her stiffening nipples and licking her soaking snatch. Letting out a squeal of pleasure, she opened her eyes and looked down. A pony was there, just not her husband. Rather, it was Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn planted a sloppy kiss on Cup Cake’s clit before taking up where Mr. Cake had left off, somehow doing an even better job. Mrs. Cake coiled in ecstasy, she could feel herself coming to climax. What a good assistant that Ms. Sparkle was. Excellent at paying attention to details, like gently nibbling the earth pony’s labia as she pulled her snout in and out of the baker’s “oven.” Weird, after all these years Mrs. Cake never had any fantasies like that about Pinkie. She moaned hard as her faithful assistant‘s tongue brought her to a well earned orgasm. Her eyes shot wide open when she realized what she had done. She just replaced her husband with Twilight in her own imagination, she curled up in her bed, slightly relieved but rather disappointed in herself for betraying Carrot.


The next morning, Mrs. Cake walked down the stairs, pink mane put back in order despite the ‘mis-adventure’ last night. A knock at the door made her aware Twilight had returned to help again today.

Opening the door, she found Twilight in a sour mood. She wasn’t as thrilled to be there, as she had been yesterday, attempting to avoid eye contact with the blue earth pony. “G-g-good morning, Mrs. Cake,” Twilight said, making a beeline towards the register.

“Is everything alright, dear?” Mrs. Cake asked.

“Everything is fine. Why wouldn’t be?” Twilight uttered, giving the blue mare an awkward smile.

“Well if you’re not feeling all right, I can handle the store by myself for the day. You’ve been a great help so far, dear.“

“No, I promised Pinkie, and intend to live up to that promise. Besides, you’ll be in the kitchen while I’m going to be by the register,” Twilight retorted, still avoiding her temporary employer’s gaze

Mrs. Cake gave Twilight a confused look before strolling into the kitchen, unaware that the unicorn’s eyes found her rump during her short journey.

The morning proceeded, relations strained between Twilight and Mrs. Cake, which caused more than a few customers to stare at the pair before leaving with their order.

While the blue baker was finishing up a batch of muffins, she dropped a wooden spoon underneath the table. With a annoyed huff she went down to get it. Twilight, confused as to why it was taking Mrs. Cake so long to bring the latest order out, went to investigate. She walked into a kitchen only to see a large blue rump staring back at her, taunting her with its plush exterior and possible hidden muscles.

Mrs. Cake managed to nudge the spoon back into her grasp with a hoof placing it on the table. Returning from under the counter she could see Twilight staring at her, mouth agape, face completely red. She was confused until the blue mare realized that she probably flashed the unicorn while fetching the spoon.

“I-I’ll just grab the order, sorry to bother you Mrs. Cake,” Twilight said, levitating a tray of cupcakes and packaging them quickly.

A deep blush filled Mrs. Cake’s face. Fixing her apron she went back to work, her thoughts fixated on the lusty expression Twilight had given her a moment ago.

The lunch crowd died down as Mrs. Cake brought out two chocolate-chip muffins. “I… thought you might like this… as a thank you, of course.”

“Oh… uh, thank you,” Twilight stammered, accepting the muffin. The two gazed around the deserted store. Hopefully due to the time and not because they had been made uncomfortable by Twilight’s unusual behavior.

“So, who was that black mare yesterday?” Mrs. Cake asked. The question itself startled Twilight, her piece of muffin getting into an uncomfortable position in her throat.

She managed to dislodge it after a few forceful coughs. “She is... a friend, why?” Twilight replied, worried that the baker may have saw something.

“Just a friend?” Mrs. Cake said curiously.

“Yup, just a friend.” Twilight retorted, quickly drinking a glass of water.

“Well then… do you have a marefriend? I think you and Pinkie look adorable,” Mrs. Cake said to break the silence.

“Actually I’m dating a pegasus named Daring, but I always try to make room for my friends between her and my studies,” Twilight replied. “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious,” Mrs. Cake remarked, biting into her confection.

“Um… How’s Mr. Cake?” Twilight asked.

“He’s wonderful, dear,” Mrs. Cake answered, automatically.

The two sat silently in the empty room, until Twilight let out a forced cough. “Well, I’ll be heading home now, seeing as you probably won’t be getting any more customers for a while,” She said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

“Hold on, maybe I can teach you a few things about baking?” Mrs. Cake called out, nearly pleading.

Twilight stopped in her tracks and thought about it. “You’re right, and I promised Pinkie. What could happen anyways?” Twilight chuckled awkwardly.

Mrs. Cake felt a strange wave of relief course through her being as Twilight turned around. “Now what to make, how about we settle with a simple cherry pie?” Mrs. Cake suggested, forcing herself to be cordial.

“Sure, sounds good,” Twilight replied, following Mrs. Cake into the kitchen.

After the two washed their hooves, they went straight to adding ingredients, a relatively easy part considering Twilight loved to read but never really had much success baking before. Spells and incantations were one thing, but if she could make something edible come out of the oven; well, that was true magic. Next came the spreading, Mrs. Cake noticed Twilight wasn’t putting enough pressure on the dough with her hooves. “You need to put a bit more strength into it, dear.” She said, from beside the librarian.

“Like this?” Twilight asked, trying a bit harder.

Mrs. Cake frowned, “Close, but let me help you.” Placing her hooves on top of Twilight’s, she forced the dough to spread gently massaging both it and the tops of Twilight’s hooves. The purple mare blushed the entire time, while Mrs. Cake was mostly oblivious to the exchange.

“There we go, just like that,” She said confidently. She glanced upwards realizing by Twilight’s facial expression that not only was she fornicating with the unicorn’s hooves but also that her hips were caressing her student’s, causing a mutual heat to rise between them. “Well, I think that’s enough kneading, let’s get to the next step shall we?” She recommended. Twilight agreed completely.

After that misconception, Twilight departed to deal with a few straggling customers, leaving Mrs. Cake alone in the kitchen. ’Keep it together Cup, you are acting like a shy school filly. You can get some action the moment Carrot comes home from Las Pegasus. Just show him how much you miss him,’

Mrs. Cake was interrupted by the oven timer. She took the pie out to let it cool on the counter. ’So what if you feel a little frisky watching the town librarian get her rocks off at the register yesterday.' She tried to lie to herself, but she knew she could only bury the truth so far: the first orgasm in nine months and she had been thinking about Twilight, not Carrot Cake. Even now she squeezed her hindquarters together hearing Twilight’s voice coming from the storefront.

She checked the pie, cooled to the perfect temperature and releasing its sweet scent throughout the room.

“Wow that smells great, Mrs. Cake,” Twilight commented, entering the kitchen,

The unicorn startled the baker, causing the pie to falter and land on Twilight’s head, coating her with pie crumbs and cherry juice.

“Oh my, I’m sorry Twilight. Let me help you clean up,” Mrs. Cake gasped, looking for a cloth. Twilight shook her head lightly, causing the tin to fall and used her magic to rid herself of the desert.

By the time Mrs. Cake came by with a cloth, the unicorn was already clean. “No need Mrs. Cake, I got it all,” Twilight said admonishing her for the effort.

The baker looked up finding a lone cherry skewered on Twilight’s horn. Delicious. Licking her lips she strutted across the room. “You… missed a spot, dear,” Mrs. Cake uttered, mesmerized by the fruit.

“I did? Where?” Twilight asked, checking her front, her hooves, and her mane.

“Right…” Mrs. Cake leaned forward and slurped the cherry from Twilight’s horn. The action caused Twilight to shake from the sudden contact. “There,” Mrs. Cake finished, savouring the delectable.

Twilight stared dumbfounded. She felt her last wall of resistance fall, lust overcoming her. Tackling the blue mare to the ground, she forced a deep kiss upon her. A kiss Mrs. Cake was more than willing to accept at this point.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Cake, you’re just…” Twilight finished her sentence by lunging forward to capture the older mare’s lips.

Mrs. Cake’s inhibitions were thrown away letting a primal lust take hold. She’d make it up to Mr. Cake later, but right now, she wanted a piece of Twilight. She noticed that Twilight’s horn glowed once more, realizing that the unicorn must have put the closed sign up at the front, so no customers would walk in on them.

Twilight began to trail her nibbles and licks down toward Mrs. Cake’s crotch, never lingering on a single spot for long. The unicorn lapped at the baker’s teats, rubbing one of the perky nipples gently with her hoof while tongue and teeth played with the other, forcing Mrs. Cake to emit a series of moans.

Cup’s hooves held onto Twilight’s head as she felt jolts of pleasure course through her spine. The feeling nearly made the baker jealous of Twilight’s marefriend had she not already been enjoying the benefits of the magical mare’s prowess. She let out a scream as the unicorn’s tongue teased her clitoris, gliding along the lips of her opening.

The unicorn lapped up the juices that leaked from Cup’s pussy, savouring the taste. Eager for more, she parted the blue mare’s labia with her tongue, diving deep into the mare. The librarian darted her tongue in and out leaving only to tickle the baker’s swollen nub before going back in.

Twilight felt Mrs. Cake’s vagina clamp down around her tongue, but after all the practice the unicorn had been receiving lately she deftly maneuvered around the tight inner walls, finding the one spot that would make the blue pony melt at her touch.

Cup withdrew a hoof and muzzled herself with it, trying hard to keep from screaming aloud as her orgasm came, coating her partner’s face in her fluids. Twilight stood up, panting hard as her hard dick was ready to stuff the mare.

Twilight crawled over the mare and looked her deep in the eyes, before forcing her onto her belly, sandwiching her dick between Mrs. Cake’s buttcheeks.

The librarian was right, hiding within the plush texture were strong muscles that flexed around her needy shaft, her rod sliding through blue cheeks.

Mrs. Cake turned her head just to see Twilight thrust into the blue flesh, not penetrating any holes, just enjoying the sensation of the strong, soft flesh that nearly encompassed the purple girth. “Please, I need that in me,” Cup whimpered. Twilight nodded, accepting the invitation by scooting back and letting her length poke the blue mare’s needy slit.

Mrs. Cake put her hoof back in as she felt her folds separated by Twilight’s cock, filling her as nicely as her husband had in the past. Twilight clenched her teeth as the tightness that was Mrs. Cake proceeded to milk her cock. The mare had twins but still felt tighter than Rainbow Dash or Trixie, slowly feeding her cock into the hot tunnels of the baker, thighs humping against the blue butt.

Twilight’s hooves massaged the rump of her temporary employer while she bucked her hips, biting her bottom lip as the tight inner walls tightened and constricted around her dick while the baker moaned into the floorboards.

Cup’s moans soon became praises to Celestia or Luna as Twilight picked up speed, the sound of purple flesh slapping against a blue hide echoes throughout the bakery.

The librarian resisted the urge to cum inside the mare as the blue mare’s pussy had her in a death grip of bountiful flesh. Her pace didn’t slow but only served to escalate the baker’s own pleasure.

“Uhf, Uhf, harder. Pound me,” Cup pleaded, looking up to Twilight from the corner of her eye. Mrs. Cake’s plea did not fall on deaf ears as Twilight arched over the mare and rutted her like a wild animal, stringing the blue mare into her orgasm.

This time Twilight couldn’t hold back, she hilted herself in the blue mare and began flooding womb with her spunk, some of it slipping through the sides and onto the floor to mix with Cup Cake’s juices.

Twilight stood back onto her hooves to gaze longingly at the panting blue mare. She fell back onto her rump and began to work her hooves into the blue mare’s flanks, similar to how she had done before with the pie dough.

Mrs. Cake gasped and moaned at the change, feeling the purple unicorn’s hooves split her butt cheeks apart every so often. Soon enough however, Twilight slid her cock back into the comfortable warmth of Mrs. Cake’s rump, kneading the flesh as she worked her shaft between the blue flesh.

Twilight pulled her cock out from between Mrs. Cake’s buttcheeks and positioned her head near it, her tongue poked the dark blue star hiding between Cup’s flanks.

Mrs. Cake turned her head in concern. She had never attempted anal before. The blue mare took a deep breath as Twilight took some of the fluids from her pussy and worked it into her tight backdoor.

Twilight returned to hot dogging her cock in Mrs. Cake’s rear, at first met with resistance, it began to give away, but kept herself from full insertion. “I’m going back in again,” She warned, her cock head poking at the optional hole she wants to use.

Cup turned back and nodded slowly, “Just… be gentle,” she said preparing herself as Twilight slowly began to press at the puckered hole.

It took some time, but soon Twilight broke through, causing the baker to let out a sharp gasp, biting her lip as more of the maremeat entered her colon.

Twilight slowly began to thrust once again, each thrust forcing a bit more of her cock into the very tight hole, it felt constricting, almost uncomfortable if it weren’t for the fact that Mrs. Cake was enjoying it, and that’s what really mattered to Twilight now.

Bucking her hips, she continued to ride the blue mare, remaining deep in her butt. “Sweet Celestia, you’re so tight here,” Twilight moaned, trying to speed up despite the protests made by Cup’s anus.

“Please, just pound, me. Stuff me with you cream,” Cup screamed, Twilight smiled, as it became easier to move. She soon jack-hammered into Mrs. Cake at a brisk pace, making the blue mare praise the princesses once again.

“Carrot!” Mrs. Cake cried as the two came together, as Twilight’s filled Cup Cake with her seed. The unicorn pulled out, letting the last few tethers of semen land on Cup’s backside. She stood up and admired her work, Mrs. Cake fading in and out of consciousness.Twilight walked over and levitated the blue mare to the Cake’s Bedroom.

After removing the now soaking apron that Mrs. Cake wore, Twilight placed it in a laundry hamper and put the earth pony under her covers. Twilight caressed the exhausted mare’s head with her hoof and planted a kiss on her cheek before returning to her post downstairs.


“… And that’s why you shouldn’t worry about other stallions trying to take Mrs. Cake,” Pinkie exclaimed happily, bouncing on one of the two beds in the room.

Mr. Cake stared at her in confusion unsure what to say to the hyperactive pony.

“Besides it’s not like Twilight could get Mrs. Cake pregnant, she shoots blanks. And I’m sure Mrs. Cake would love to have you back in bed the moment you come back,” Pinkie smiled.

“Uhh, Pinkie? Why did you tell me any of this? And why does your friend Twilight have a dick in your story?” Carrot asked.

“She had a spell for it,” Pinkie stated automatically, quickly regretting trying to calm Carrot down after him being worried about his sweet Cup Cake being taken by some of the stallions that he caught staring at her flanks.

Chapter Thirteen: Give or Take... and self-control, too.

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[Tags: {Twilight/Applejack}Futa/F, vaginal, Sixty-Nine]

“There we are, I hope that braggart appreciates what I have done for her,” Rarity muttered, placing a pristine replica of the purple unicorn that lived in the library. Several days ago, Trixie, of all ponies, asked her to repair the current doll she had.

Rarity accepted with no second thoughts, admiring the work that was put into the creation of the doll. A true shame that the doll Rarity held belonged to the “Great and Powerful” Trixie. Sighing as she stood up from her workbench, she walked over to her closet and opened it, to reveal a much larger Twilight Doll, nearly as big as Princess Luna.

Twilight had her plate full as it was: Daring, Gilda, Trixie, and Pinkie, perhaps even Rainbow Dash; that would mean that with all those mares and griffoness fighting over Twilight; there would be no room for the fashionista to view a chance at the purple mare. She embraced the stuffed pony with the loving affection she would show the librarian if she could. The ivory mare then dragged it out and placed it on the bed. “I’ll be a moment dear, I just need to get ready for bed,” She said, sauntering towards the bathroom.

Rarity walked out in her frilly pink nightgown, smiling as the large doll stood in its place. She levitated the covers over herself and the doll as she hugged it tightly; her eyes became heavy as sleep began to take her.

“Rarity, are you awake?”

The ivory unicorn’s eyes shot open as she turned to find a rather cautious Sweetie Belle at the doorway. “I can assure you Sweetie, this isn’t what you think.”

“Why do you have a giant Twilight doll?” Sweetie Belle asked, questioning the sanity of her elder sister.

’Because the real Twilight isn’t here for me to cuddle,’ sprung to Rarity’s mind, but she ignored it for a different answer. “Well Sweetie, I sometimes get nightmares from some of my adventures, and when they come I sometimes need somepony to help me through them; who better to help me with this problem than my friend Twilight? She has proven time and time again to be reasonably trustworthy and a true friend, just like the rest of my friends.”

“So you have giant plush versions of the other girls?”

“Not yet, maybe later when I get enough fabric for the others,” Rarity uttered, hoping Sweetie would buy it.

“Um, okay. Does Twilight really work?” Sweetie Belle asked, now curious.

“Why, I don’t know, I only made her this afternoon. Did you have a nightmare too?
Was it the ‘cutie-mark’ dream?”

“Yea, can I sleep with you?” Sweetie Belle cautiously glanced at the giant plush librarian. “And Ms. Twilight… I guess?”

“Why of course dear,” Rarity smiled, watching as the filly hopped onto the bed and laid down in-between Rarity and the Twi-Doll. “Good night Sweetie.”

“Night Rarity,” Sweetie mumbled, falling asleep quickly, cuddling into her sister.

Rarity smiled warmly at her sister’s affection. She lay back down and rested her head on the purple fabric, “Good night Twilight,” Rarity uttered before falling asleep.


Applejack found herself sitting on a large blanket, with a picnic basket nearby. She sat in confusion as to why she was here in the first place. She turned her head to see Twilight walking towards her, a picnic basket floated in the air around her. ’not one of these dreams again.’

“Hey Applejack!” The purple mare greeted happily. Applejack tried to look around her studious friend to try and find her other friends, in some attempt to help soothe the strange tension she had with Twilight. The librarian noticed this and gave an apologetic smile. “Sorry, the others were busy so it’ll be just us.”

Applejack gave a weak smile as Twilight sat herself down, oblivious to the cowpony’s discomfort. The purple mare levitated a cupcake to her friend, and smiled before eating her own baked treat.

Applejack slowly chewed on the pastry as she watched Twilight with a wary eye. “Something wrong AJ?”

“I’m fine, just a bit tired, that’s all,” Applejack lied. Twilight shrugged and went back to her cupcake. Applejack realized that Twilight wasn’t making any moves towards her; she was just being her friend. It wasn’t the sweaty, strong mare that was packing something extra, it was her dear friend from the library. The little fact made Applejack feel more at ease with this dream.

Suddenly, the ground quaked; causing the two mares to topple off the hill, little did the mares know; the hill itself was perched next to a cliff. The cliff itself was the same cliff Applejack recused Twilight from when their little circle of friends had their first adventure.

Applejack slid off the edge of the cliff, her hooves trying in vain to keep her from falling off. She looked around for Twilight to find the purple unicorn recovering from the strange tremor.

Twilight found Applejack hanging off the cliff and ran over to help, her magic levitating the cowpony from the cliff face and into the open hooves of the magician.

Even though this was a dream, Applejack was still startled by the sudden near-death experience. When she recovered, she felt her head was pressed against a strong yet soft surface. ’ oh no.’

Applejack was gentle placed down onto the grass, Twilight looming over her. “It’s alright AJ, I’m here, I’ll always be here,” she cooed, beginning her descent to capture the cowpony’s lips.

While Applejack struggled she noticed the cliff was gone, she was back on the hill where the picnic was. The orange mare’s eyes closed as the unicorn’s face drifted closer, only to feel the unicorn licking along her face seductively. She felt the unicorn’s hard-on pressing into her thigh while Twilight licked her face and neck.

The licking stopped long enough for Twilight to utter “I’ll be gentle, my little filly.” Right before her cock surged forward towards Applejack’s depths.

The shock woke Applejack from her slumber. She looked around to find that she had fallen off the bed, and Winona was nearby, worried about her master. Her face was still wet from Winona’s licking, and realised that the ‘mare dick’ was actually Winona putting her weight into Applejack’s leg.

“It’s alright, girl. Just a weird dream, go downstairs now. I’ll be there soon,” Applejack ordered, watching the dog bark and run down stairs. As the cowpony got up, her right hind leg slipped on something, causing her to fall on her rump. She located the liquid and grumbled upon identifying it as her own arousal.

“Stupid dream, Twilight is my friend, not my stallion,” she grumbled. She still felt hot from the awkward licking Dream-Twilight (Winona) gave her and went to take a cold bath.

Big Mac walked by to gather his sister for breakfast, when he heard the water running. “What’re you doing, Applejack? Don’t you usually clean yourself after work?” He asked in confusion.

“Winona was lickin me and I got a bit hot in my room, don’t worry about it. I’ll be down in a moment,” She called out, letting the water cool her unwanted lust down.

Big Mac was often seen as a rather… ‘dense’ pony but he could be a rather knowledgeable stallion if he needed to be. And with the rumors of Twilight and her friends floating around, it wasn’t hard to put one and one together. “Wanna talk about it?”

“No, I can take care of myself, Mac.”

“Lately a rumor has been going around about Ms. Twilight, and I can’t help wondering if this happens to be connected to her,” Big Mac said, he heard a grumble behind the doors with lots of water splashing about. “You know that if you need help, I can always help you.”

“I’m telling you that I’m fine, I can figure this out myself. I don’t need you or Twilight solving my problems for me; I’m not a weak pony.”

Big Mac scrunched his face in utter confusion. “Did Ms. Twilight help you with the orchard again with her magic? I know how much you don’t like that.”

“I said, I’ll figure it out myself, Mac.”

“Alright, AJ, but if you ever need some help, I’ll try do what I can,” He stated, before walking downstairs, knowing how stubborn his sister could get.

The door opened to reveal a cleaner yet more frustrated Applejack leaving the bath. She trotted downstairs to eat and get to work.


Sunlight shined through the window and onto the bed where the mares slept. The light roused Twilight from her slumber, staggering onto her hooves. She turned to Daring and gave her a kiss on the check, her mood damped slightly when the pegasus turned away from the unicorn. The gesture hurt Twilight a little, and stayed in her mind as she prepared for her day.

After using the bathroom, Twilight went downstairs to prepare breakfast. As she cooked, she thought about the aftermath of the mayhem Chrysalis created. Daring had become territorial around Twilight, while also lecturing the unicorn for ‘teasing’ anypony that would stare at her for too long. The scholar tried her best to make it up to the pegasus: expensive dates, help with her work, and lots of sex. Twilight had even denied going to visit her friends, just to stay home and be with Daring if it meant repairing her relationship with the adventurer.

Twilight glanced at her medicine jar as she cooked; Zecora told her that the medicine wouldn’t last a full day but just enough through her waking hours. She took a look at the time and smiled, ’midnight, huh? I should be in bed by eleven anyways. She drank her tea and finished cooking.

Daring walked in and sat down at the table. “Morning Twi,” she greeted lazily.

“Morning Daring, I made eggs,” Twilight stated, levitating a plate towards her marefriend.

Daring smiled and dug in. “These are pretty good, where did ya learn how to makes these, a cookbook?”

“Actually Gilda taught me, I asked her to tutor me on cooking a little bit.”

Daring’s eyes became pinpricks when she heard that name. But it wasn’t just that bloody bird though: it was that weird zebra, the arrogant show-off, and the mares that claimed to be Twilight’s ‘friends’. She knew that two of them hadn’t done anything, but how long could that last? And what of the other ponies Twilight had fucked? Seeing as no other pony hasn’t tried to pry Twilight away from her, it was probably safe to say that Spitfire still had her line-up of fans to screw. Luna probably had the lunar guard fucking her when she got horny, and all Twilight did was introduce Thunderlane to the aspect of getting buttfucked by his marefriend. She recalled something about Trixie yelling at some musicians that ‘looked’ at Twilight funny, and there was the infamous rumor about Twilight and Mrs. Cake when Mr. Cake and Pinkie went to that baking convention.

Then there was the Changeling thing, where the Queen of the Changeling decided to set up shop in the Library basement, even after she heard everything, she refused to believe it. She had all this competition, a competition for something she had already won, but even now, she found herself losing to so many ponies, a zebra and a griffon.

Whenever the griffon wasn’t trying to be cool with Rainbow Dash; she was off with Twilight, letting the unicorn learn more about her race and culture, while flirting with the mare. She recalled how she and Gilda broke out into a fight because the damn griffon was scratching Twilight’s belly.

Pinkie had been trying to drag the purple mare into the nearest bed to have sex before Daring and Twilight were an item. What irked Daring the most is how accepting Pinkie had been about Twilight being with other mares, going so far as to help them get in bed with the librarian, a detail that helped the Mrs. Cake rumor become more fact than fiction.

At first she wasn’t worried about Rainbow Dash. Ponies got drunk and did stupid things all the time. But now, the blue speedster had been hanging around Twilight a bit too much for Daring’s liking. She even dragged the unicorn out to have her watch as the blue mare did stupid tricks, all to impress her.

The showmare had been a very recent pain in the rump. She was like Rainbow Dash in a way, showing off her magic tricks to get Twilight’s approval. What irked Daring the most about Trixie is how she would nuzzle Twilight while the purple mare taught her magic, and Twilight just accepted it.

The zebra hadn’t been too bad though, but the adventurer had a feeling that the zebra and Pinkie were trying to set Twilight up with as many mares as possible. The zebra didn’t visit often, but when she did, she usually referred to Twilight as ‘alpha’, kneeled before her (a little something that Pinkie has started to do), and advised Twilight about herding.

There haven’t been any herds in a very long time since the princess decided to abolish it due to overpopulation. Only nobles have harems, and the idea of sharing Twilight wasn’t very appealing to her. Daring shook her head, finding that Twilight was giving her a worried look. “I’m fine just something bothering me, it’ll pass.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Yea, but I do have a question.”

Twilight’s ears perked, curious as to what Daring would ask of her. “Oh?”

“I really want to know where the others stand with you,” Daring asked.

“Well, they are my best friends. They helped me save the world each time and-”

Daring shook her head, “Not them. I’m talking about the others: like Gilda and Trixie.”

Twilight swallowed her breath, unsure of how to answer. “Trixie is a friend in magic; I can’t really talk to a lot of ponies when it comes to magic. And Gilda is… well…”

“And what is with Zecora talking to you about being an alpha?”

“She thought… that because of the girls, as well as you, Gilda, and Trixie… I was an Alpha mare, and… you were all a part of my herd” Twilight muttered, hoping that it convinced the pegasus.

“And you didn’t tell her otherwise?” Daring questioned. “And I still haven’t heard your excuse for Gilda.”


“It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened that night; I giant love-sucking bug is living in the basement and you're fine with that, not to mention the smell that doesn't seem to be leaving the basement door. So what are they to you? What am I to you, Twilight?” Daring asked, becoming more furious as they spoke.

“I… I don’t…”

“You don’t know, huh?” Daring muttered. “For one of the smartest ponies around, you are also the dumbest one. You can’t be serious.” Daring stood up, glaring at the purple unicorn. “It’s a very simple question: am I really your marefriend or just a friend like Pinkie or Trixie?”

Twilight wasn’t sure how to answer, she felt scared. She would be lying if she said the former, but she could hurt Daring by saying the latter. She was forced to weigh her options, this will not end well.

“When we met… until I went to Manehatten, I had always thought of you as my marefriend, and the closest pony to my heart. But ever since then I felt like I was lying to everypony when I said that. I became more aware of it after Zecora and I went to fix my problem awhile back,” Twilight’s eyes began to form tears. “I’m sorry Daring.”

Daring’s features softened a little as she sighed. “No…I’m sorry. I should have known that everything would go to Tartarus eventually.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked; confused by what Daring meant. Twilight was wrong to betray Daring so many times, not her… Twilight’s eyes widened upon realization. “I’m sure we can work this out, just another bump in the road, right?”

“No Twilight, I can’t just keep going with this stupid routine: somepony has sex with you, I get mad at the pony responsible, you defend said pony, forgive and forget. The way I see it, is that I’ve been giving you so much leeway with the whole ‘walking mare magnet’ despite the ‘unable to protect yourself even though you have been taught magic by the princess’. You basically got away with everything so far: you can’t get mares pregnant, you have something that gets mares hot around you, and you are easy to manipulate because you are so socially awkward,” Daring ranted. “This was inevitable, Twilight. You don’t go around fucking half of Equestria and not piss somepony off with it.”

Twilight was speechless; she couldn’t think of anything to say, or anything that could stop Daring from leaving her. Daring however, pushed her plate away and stood up. “Goodbye, Twilight,” was all she said before taking off. Twilight recovered from her shock and raced out, maybe to catch Daring once more. But it was too late, she was long gone. The purple mare felt sick, and slowly made her way back to her room, to think about what Daring said, to mourn a friendship that she ruined.

Little did she know, a small scaly dragon saw the last act of the fight, and ran out the door to find help.


Applejack didn’t want to admit it, but Big Mac was right… she did need help, but her older brother wasn’t the one to help her. Out of all her friends the one to help her was probably Rarity, the one pony she knew that was a hopeless romantic.

She found the ivory unicorn walking towards the spa with her yellow friend, Fluttershy. Thinking it was a bad time, Applejack began to turn around and head home when Fluttershy spotted her and said something to Rarity, which caused the Fashionista to notice the cowpony. “Applejack, how are you darling?”

Applejack stopped in her tracks as the two ponies closed the distance between each other. “I’m doing…okay, I guess.”

“I see…I think somepony needs to ‘hit the spa’ as they say,” Rarity said, ushering Applejack along.

“I don’t know about that, I was just heading home and-”

“Nonsense dear, you look positively stressed. You need this, I insist,” Rarity interrupted. Her magic levitated the orange mare and headed towards the spa, with Fluttershy following behind the two, giving the restrained cowpony a worried look.

The trio reached the spa with little problems other than Applejack’s struggling Rarity released the cowpony and walked up to a blue earth pony. “Good day Lotus, we'll have the usual please.” The blue mare nodded and led the three mares to the mud baths.

“So Applejack, what has you so wound up?” Rarity asked.

“Well I… never mind, it’s just a foolish thing” Applejack muttered, reconsidering her decision to seek aid.

“I doubt it can be foolish if it bothers you this much, dear. Tell us, we’re your friends.”

Applejack gave the two a worried look, her problem should be something these two would deal with normally, not her; but she needed the help. “Lately I’ve been getting… dreams and I want them to stop.”

“What are these dreams about?” Fluttershy asked, curiously.

“Weird dreams… about Twilight.” The admission made Fluttershy squeak in surprise, but Rarity gave her a knowing look.

“It’s alright dear, I get those too,” Rarity said; this made Applejack glance to her unicorn friend quizzically. “When did you start getting these dreams?”

“I think it was a few weeks ago, what about yourself?”

“The very night Rainbow Dash told us about Twilight,” Rarity replied. “And even after we ‘helped’ each other, I still get them from time to time.”

“And you Fluttershy?” Applejack asked.

“I’m sorry, I don’t… really get those kinds of dreams…“ Fluttershy whimpered her face beet red.

“At least one of us is normal enough to think that way about a friend,” Applejack uttered, unaware that Fluttershy had begun to sink into her bath out of embarrassment.

“At any rate Applejack, I would like to know what about it bothers you. The only thing that annoys me about my dreams is that I can’t have Twilight; if Daring wasn’t trying to fend off Gilda and Pinkie, not to mention Trixie and Rainbow Dash trying to impress our librarian friend. That is all far too many ponies to wade through just to be with a single mare.”

Applejack grimaced, “I’m actually happy Twilight has somepony special, but my problem is that I don’t wanna see my friend as my special somepony. On top of all that, I guess I don’t like the idea of somepony that isn’t as strong as me being my stallion. Yea, Twilight became strong thanks to an evil goddess wanted to have fun with her, but I guess I’m stuck seeing her as my bookworm of a friend, and I wanna keep it that way.”

Rarity thought about what her orange friend said. “I see, that is quite the conundrum.”

“Well, Twilight is technically a mare. I… I think you’re focusing too much on what Twilight has, rather than who Twilight is… that’s what I think anyways…I’ll be quiet now.” Fluttershy muttered, bracing for the inevitable ‘how rude of you Fluttershy’.

“I think Fluttershy has a point. You shouldn’t focus on what Twilight has between her legs, but more on Twilight herself. Even with her… traits, she is still the Twilight Sparkle we all know and love,” Rarity exclaimed.

“It gets hard to do that when Twilight tries to work on the farm like an earth pony,” Applejack retorted.

“Well I suppose…wait, Twilight applebucking on the farm?” Rarity uttered, she stopped for a moment to process this information.

Fluttershy noticed this and went to help her friend. “Maybe have Twilight help around the farm in other ways? That doesn’t…involve her…getting sweaty.”

“Times like this I wish Nightmare Moon didn’t make Twilight fitter, it made her more worried about losing it now,” Applejack said.

The doors swung open as Spike ran in out of breath. “Help… Twilight… Daring… crying…” The three girls jumped out of the bath and went to help the baby dragon.

“Slow down, sugarcube. What about Twilight and Daring?” Applejack asked.

Spike regained his breath and began to speak. “Twilight and Daring were having breakfast and then Daring asked about the girls… then they argued and Daring just left. Twilight ran to her room and cried. I’ve been trying to find somepony all day, Pinkie isn’t at Sugarcube Corner, Trixie is still asleep, I can’t get to Rainbow Dash’s house, and none of you were home. I just remembered that it was your spa day, so I ran here,” Spike said, falling onto his back in exhaustion.

“Come on girls, we need to help Twilight,” Rarity called out. Applejack ran out the door, while Rarity rid herself of the mud before levitating Spike onto her back and joining the cowpony.

Fluttershy dried herself of the mud and ran off to get Rainbow Dash, but was stopped by the spa twins. “Sorry for eavesdropping but… what was all that about Miss Twilight and her being both a mare and a stallion?”

“Well…uh…” Fluttershy uttered, backing away from the overly enthusiastic mares. “Oh dear.”


The two mares and dragon busted through the door. Rarity placed the fatigued Spike onto a nearby couch and ran up to the bedroom with Applejack. The door was locked and behind a barrier. “Twilight, it’s us. Please open up,” Applejack called out.

“No, go away.”

Rarity and Applejack traded concern looks. “Dear, let us help you.”

“I said: go away.”

“So Daring left you; don’t you have other ponies that would love to be in her place?”

“At the risk of hurting them? Fat chance.”

Applejack and Rarity arched a brow in confusion. “What do you mean by that dear?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore; she left… and it’s all my fault.”

The cowpony became more frustrated with the librarian’s behavior. “Twilight, get out here right now!”

“No, leave me alone.”

“Twilight, so help me, I will bust this door down and drag you out here to face us,” Applejack warned.

The door opened to reveal a red-eyed purple unicorn, despite the crying she was clearly angered by the interruption. “Applejack, I just had the worst morning of my life. I lost my marefriend because I was stupid enough to let mares trick me into situations I should have known better than to get involved with,” Twilight shouted out.

“You lost one mare… last I checked that, Daring was the only one of them that didn’t like the idea of sharing,” Applejack shouted back.

“I think Trixie might be against the idea of sharing Twilight, but will allow herself to do so because she’s… she’ll do anything Twilight says after all,” Rarity muttered.

“Shut it! I still lost somepony close to me because I was careless with her feelings.” Twilight’s voice caused Rarity to jump back a bit.

“And that doesn’t excuse how you are acting now to your friends, Twilight. So what if you lost Daring, how long did you expect to keep her with a bunch of other girls gunning for ya?”

Twilight tried to retort but Applejack continued. “Spike ran out to find us, and we came running to help you. And what happens when we try to help? You try to barricade yourself in your room and yell at us for trying to be your friends.”

Twilight slumped down in despair. “I’m sorry Applejack, it’s just… Daring and I managed to stay together for so long, everything that I did to wrong her just finally caught up. When Daring asked about how I thought of everyone compared to her… I didn’t want to lie to her, but I didn’t want to hurt her either.”

Rarity wrapped a fore-limb around the tearful mare. “There, there Twilight. It’ll be okay… we’ll help you through this, don’t you worry,” Rarity said, pulling Twilight’s head into an embrace.

“Of course, we’ve been through worse… we’ve dealt with Discord, Nightmare Moon, and all sorta of mean critters… Daring deciding to leave ya because she is scared of a little competition is barely any fur off your back.”

“Physically, this is nothing. Emotionally, we need to help Twilight through this carefully, we’ll need ice cream…and to get Twilight back out there find a new Special Somepony,” Rarity exclaimed.

Applejack gave her a deadpanned look. “Twilight almost has a stable of girls to pick from; we don’t need to think about the last one.”

“Thanks girls…I appreciate it,” Twilight muttered, standing back up and wiping her tears away.

The three were shook out of there joviality by a sudden crash in the bedroom. They turned and walked in to see Rainbow Dash getting up from her crash landing, while Gilda landed on the balcony and walked in. “Are you okay, Dash?” Twilight asked.

“Am I okay? Are you okay? Fluttershy told us something was wrong,” Dash exclaimed, shrugging off her injury.

“Where is that Mustard coloured prick? I’m going to beat her till she can’t think,” Gilda uttered, punching the palm of her claw.

“Daring is gone, we had a fight… and then she left. She might be back to get her things however,” Twilight said.

“Sweet, I’m breaking it.” Gilda smiled, turning to find what in the library belonged to the adventurer.

“Wait… please don’t break it,” Twilight called out. “She was right to leave me, all this time, I’ve been thinking she was my marefriend, but then I turn to have sex with somepony else… and it isn’t fair to her… I think she deserves to keep her stuff intact, Gilda.”

“Uggh, fine…” Gilda mumbled, abandoning her search.

“But she dumped you, why are you being so nice to her? Just because you think she was right to dump you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Wasn’t she? Every encounter I’ve had so far could have been avoided. I’m the Princess’ Student for crying out loud, and I didn’t think to teleport myself out of those situations? I’m just going to face the facts that I’m not marefriend material,” Twilight uttered, she fell backwards onto her rump.

“I doubt you could have avoided Pinkie for long, you were drunk with me and Spitfire, and wasn’t Gilda going to chase you down so that she can prove that she was the better lover?” Rainbow Dash asked. Applejack and Rarity turned their heads questioningly towards the griffon.

“I got jealous that Twilight showed Rainbow a better time and I wanted to prove that I was better. Twilight just one-upped me when we faced-off,” Gilda replied.

“But I’m fine now, I just need some time to think for now,” Twilight said.

“If you want Twi, I can let you come up to the orchard for a while,” Applejack offered.

“I wouldn’t want to be a burden.”

Rarity saw this as her chance, it would be rather rude to get Twilight off the rebound but then she would allow Rainbow or Gilda that opportunity. “Or you can come to the boutique and you can sit and relax your troubles away.”

Gilda noticed this and fought back. “Or I can stay here with her; maybe give her a back rub or something to calm her down after the mustard jerk bolted.” Rarity shot a dirty glance at the griffon.

“Wouldn’t it be better if Twilight sticks with AJ?” Rainbow Dash muttered. Everyone in the room looked at the cyan mare in confusion. “Hear me out, Applejack is the only one of us that hasn’t had sex with Twilight; with the rest of us, we might try to pick Twi up on the rebound.”

“But Rarity hasn’t really tried anything since that… night,” Twilight replied.

“She has a giant stuffed you in her bedroom.”

“How did you… I mean, how dare you insinuate that I would own such a thing,” Rarity accused.

"Scootaloo heard from Sweetie Belle and wondered if I could pose for a Giant plush me later when she asks you for one.”

“Well then… Come along Twi, dinner should be ready soon if you’re interested,” Applejack said.

“Thanks AJ. Sorry girls, but I think I’ll go with AJ for now,” Twilight said apologetically. The two walked out of the library, leaving an angry unicorn and a peeved griffon alone with Rainbow Dash.

“Why the heck did you do that?” Gilda snarled.

“How dare you use ‘that’ to your advantage, and to think that I finished your dolls this morning,” Rarity muttered.

“Sorry if I wanna win a bet,” Dash shrugged.

“What bet?” Gilda asked, glaring into the pegasus’ eyes.

“I made this bet like moments before I figured out you were here, G’. AJ wanted to prove that she can keep herself in check around Twilight for a month, today is the last day, and I’m not losing.”

“And AJ has been having some… thoughts about Twilight recently and you wish to take advantage of that?” Rarity yelled.

“She has been? Sweet, I am so going to win this bet.”

Rarity let out an angry huff as she trotted out the door. Gilda stepped next to the cyan mare. “How much are you trying to win anyways?”


Applejack and Twilight entered the farmhouse, much to the surprise of Big Mac and Applebloom; Granny Smith merely greeted the unicorn. “Howdy, Ms. Magicorn, how have you been?”

“I’ve been doing well, Granny Smith,” Twilight replied. Granny Smith knew who Applejack’s friends are but the names tend to escape her at times, forcing the girls to simply smile and nod when called ‘Magicorn’, ‘Beauti-corn’, ‘Bluejay’, and ‘Ms. Shush’; it is more common for Granny Smith to get Pinkie’s name right but when she doesn’t it’s ‘Poofy’.

“Twilight will be joining us for dinner, Granny, hope you don’t mind,” Applejack said; the poor cowpony became nervous as to what her family would think of Twilight, despite knowing her for a few years now, but with the rumors around Twilight and Applebloom suspicious that Twilight has colt parts, her sibling may not be as receptive of the lilac unicorn as her grandmother.

“Of course I don’t mind. An Apple never turns away a hungry mouth,” Granny exclaimed proudly, beginning her march into the kitchen to make dinner.

“I’m going to help Granny with Dinner, you go and make yourself at home, su-Twi,” Applejack offered, she then entered the kitchen.

Twilight slowly sat down to meet an angry filly and a large stallion who wasn’t sure if he should be accepting of Applejack’s choices or mad at Twilight due to the rumors he has heard.

Before Twilight could react Applebloom shot up and ran up to the unicorn’s face. “What do you think you’re trying to pull? My sister ain’t going down like Rarity or Rainbow Dash, ya’ hear?”

“What?” Twilight muttered, confused as to what the filly was implying.

“I know that you are here to make my sister go ‘bananas’ over you so you can keep doing adult stuff to her.”

“Adult stuff?” Twilight muttered, knowing immediately what Applebloom meant. “Look Applebloom, I’m not going to do ‘adult stuff’ to Applejack, she’s my friend and I’m sure she only sees me as a friend as well.”

“But Rarity and Rainbow are your friends too… and Pinkie and you do Adult stuff with them don’t ya?” Applebloom asked.

“Well, I… Rarity wanted to help me relax and things got out of hoof. Rainbow… does stuff with Gilda and Pinkie too, and I’m sure your brother is aware of Pinkie’s habits.” Twilight explained. Applebloom turned to her brother whose coat became a darker shade of red.

Big Mac cleared his throat after recovering from Twilight’s peek into Pinkie’s psychology. “We just wanna make sure that, you’ll make our sister happy, Ms. Twilight…and if it’s all the same to you; clear up all the rumors that have been said about you.”

“But Applejack and I aren’t together, we’re just friends. And the only rumor I am aware of is the Cake rumor…which is not true; I did not sleep with Mrs. Cake!”

The red stallion arched a brow. “You and AJ aren’t marefriends?” He was tapped in the gut by Applebloom who was evidently mad at him.

“We can’t let Twilight have Applejack too, Big Mac. We have to protect her from her colt parts!”

Big Mac appeared confused at first then looked back up to Twilight. “There was that rumor I’d like to clear the air about too.”

“Not true, I’m completely 100% mare.” Twilight replied automatically.

“But I saw it,” Applebloom whined.

“We were using a toy, Applebloom, just a harmless toy that we had.” Twilight began to shift in her seat a bit.

The little filly was nearly positive that Twilight had colt parts after her two investigations with her fellow crusaders; it took her a whole twenty minutes to wash the scholar’s boy milk out of her mane and fur that night.

Big Mac, however, had practiced eyes, and based on how adamant Applebloom was in justifying her case that Twilight was a colt, and how Twilight reacted… made it clear that the rumor was true, but who was he to judge if Applejack liked her? Twilight hadn’t wronged the Apple Family… yet.

“Come and get it!” Applejack cried out, interrupting Twilight’s careful mutterings and Applebloom’s angry rant. The three reconvened to the dining room where Granny Smith sat at the end of the table. The table itself had every known Apple-related product on the table, even a few things that shouldn’t be apple-related but they did it anyways… Like Jerked Apples.

Twilight sat down on Granny’s left while Big Mac and Applebloom sat opposite to her. Applejack sat down next to Twilight, something that Applebloom didn’t like. She ducked under the table and moved Applejack’s chair a far distance away from Twilight before returning to her seat.

“Why on Earth did you do that Applebloom?” Applejack asked.

“You’ll see, big sis,” Applebloom muttered, glaring at Twilight.

Applejack was about to ask Twilight why her own sister wanted Twilight gone when Big Mac caught her attention. “Applebloom is just protective of you AJ, don’t worry about it.”

As they ate, Applejack slowly scooted her chair closer to Twilight, while this didn’t alert Twilight, it alerted her siblings. Big Mac waved it off, but the Crusader’s ire increased.

Applebloom dived back under the table to push the orange farmer back into place, and away from the lilac librarian; this time Applejack wasn’t going to just let her do this.

“Sit back down, Applebloom. I just wanna sit next to my friend.”

“But if you sit next to Twilight, she’ll put her colt parts in you like she did Rainbow Dash and Rarity!” Applebloom cried, causing all eating to cease.

“What was that? Magi-corn has colt parts?” Granny Smith called out. “Yeehaw!”

The entire family and Twilight turned to Granny Smith in confusion. “With how Big Mac refuses to settle down with a nice filly and Applejack giving the googly to Magicorn, I was worried that I wouldn’t see any great grandkids; thank goodness that Magicorn is a colt.”

Granny Smith leaned in towards Twilight, “You take care of my Grand Daughter, ya hear? And I want lots of great Grandchildren.”

“Granny!” Applejack called out in embarrassment, her face now matched the colour of
her brother’s coat.

“But Granny… Twilight’s been foolin’ around with Sweetie Belle’s sister and Rainbow,” Applebloom uttered.

“My granddaughter is a part of a herd, ya say? Well, that’s fantastic; I was worried that Applejack would be too much mare for any old colt, but… to be in a herd…brings a tear to this old nag’s eye.”

There was an awkward silence in the room until Twilight cleared her throat. “There hasn’t been a herd in over six hundred years.”

“Six hundred years? That can’t be right, my Great Grandpappy was an Alpha and the last Apple Alpha, and that was twitch over two hundred years ago.”

Twilight’s eyes twitched; if what Granny Smith was true, then her books were wrong. First Daring dumped her, then Applebloom accused her of wanting to fuck Applejack later, and now several books in the library were wrong? This day couldn’t get any worse.

“Could you excuse me?” Twilight muttered, leaving the table.

Applejack felt a tad guilty with how the night went; she brought Twilight over to help her relax, but now Applebloom was trying to keep them apart and Granny Smith wanted the unicorn to knock the cowpony up with foals; at least Big Mac was passive and didn’t stir up too much trouble for either mare.

“You go talk to her, AJ; I’ll settle things here with Granny and Applebloom.” Big Mac said. Applejack gave her brother a thankful smile before following the unicorn out the door.

The orange mare ran through the orchard until she found the downtrodden unicorn on staring into the sky on a hill. The cowpony wrapped a forelimb around Twilight’s neck, which caused her to jump. “Oh… Applejack, hey.”

“Hey Twi, I’m sorry about Applebloom and Granny Smith, the whole thing with Rarity and Rainbow Dash had her and her friends riled up and in fear that you’d get to me. And Granny Smith has been bugging me and Big Mac about finding a special somepony for a year or two,” Applejack uttered, rubbing Twilight’s back as she said that.

“It’s alright, AJ. I’m fine… just thinking about everything that has happened today.” Twilight uttered.

“It’s alright sugarcube, let it out.”

“I’m rather upset with everything right now, but I feel it’s not justified. I wanna be angry at Daring for leaving me, for putting me on the spot and ruining a nice breakfast, and for being away at work upon hours on end, and for not leaving me sooner… any rational pony would have left me after they found out I have been sleeping with multiple mares, but it takes Daring almost a year to decide to give me up. I wanna hate Gilda for coaxing Daring into fights and Pinkie from trying to hook me up with ponies that need to be cheered up. I wanna hate Rainbow Dash for talking me into drinking with her and Spitfire, and I wanna hate Rarity for making me hurt Spike. I have noticed how Zecora would try to talk the others into accepting me as their Alpha, when I just want a normal life with my friends.”

Applejack nodded, and continued listening. “The Crusaders, Lyra, Cloudchaser, Cloud Kicker, Princess Luna, and I hate myself for letting myself get caught up in the situations. And the only thing I could hate and feel justified to do so…is myself…that and the fact that a public library book was wrong.”

Applejack saw an opportunity and took it. “Well, maybe that author got lazy? He should have done his research better when it came to things he studied half his life over.”

“You’re right! He should be ashamed to have published a book that would give the wrong information to ponies. He should be put back through school for being such an imbecile.” Twilight fumed, a smile slowly formed on her face. “And furthermore, he should be the laughing stock of every researcher in Equestria for even thinking that he could be a valuable source of information to help mold the minds of young ponies that are curious about our history. “

“Yea, screw that guy and his lack of knowledge about herds,” Applejack muttered, pulling the unicorn into a hug. “Glad to have ya back Twilight.”

“Thanks AJ, I needed that,” Twilight uttered, looking into her friend’s eyes.

Applejack looked back, losing herself in Twilight’s lilac irises, as their heads closed in for a kiss; both mares caught themselves and separated themselves immediately. “Sorry about that AJ, I guess I lost control over myself.”

“M-me too, sugarcube, heh.” Applejack rubbed the back of her head awkwardly before looking back to Twilight. The unicorn appeared fragile now; normally she would have the look of a leader, a pony that can take control of the situation and make things right, but right now Twilight needed somepony to help her.

Applejack walked forward and embraced Twilight once again, feeling the unicorn tense up in her hooves. “Don’t worry Twi, I’m here. We’re friends and friends stick together, right?”

Twilight smiled and gave the orange mare a nod and returned the embrace. The two mares held each other for a few moments before releasing each other. They jumped at the sound of lightning and the sudden rain that took them by surprise.

“What the hay? Come on Twi,” Applejack called out, as she led the purple mare to the barn to wait while the storm died down.

The two ponies shut the barn door behind them as they had to wait for the random storm to end. “What is with that storm? There wasn’t a cloud in the sky three minutes ago,” Twilight muttered, shaking herself dry.

“It’s the weirdest thing, I don’t think it’ll stop any time soon so we better get comfy,” Applejack said. She noticed that Twilight was shivering and went over to share her body heat.

“Um, thanks… AJ,” Twilight uttered, blushing from the contact. “Even though I’m a bit stronger, I guess I’m still soft when it comes to the cold, huh?”

“Guess so,” Applejack said, and the mares shared a laugh. Applejack got up to search for a lantern and, based on her cursing and anger, Twilight theorized that somepony kept moving its location all over the barn when they were done with it.

“There we go,” Applejack said triumphantly, placing it in the middle of the barn. She noticed that Twilight was lying on her belly, and she appeared tense once again. “Is it… showing?”

“Y-yea, my morning tea wore off… kinda exposed here,” Twilight chuckled awkwardly.

Applejack joined in the awkwardness with her own laugh, sitting slightly away from Twilight. The two sat in silence until Applejack coughed and said “what’s it like? You know, to have both parts?”

“It’s not bad, though when ponies come on to you, your libido tends to steal the reins from your brain and drives it into sex.” Twilight let out a sigh. “Each and every time.”

“Guessing that when ponies want to mate, you have troubles trying to tell them to leave you alone?”

“Most of the time, a few times Pinkie walked up to me and just asked ‘wanna have sex?’ I would automatically reply ‘yes’ loudly; no conflict or struggle whatsoever,” Twilight said, laying her head onto her hooves.

“So if I were in heat, right now, you’d buck me hard and good?” Applejack asked.

“Depends, if I had sex within four hours ago, I’d be able to teleport myself away from you, or tell you ‘no’. If I hadn’t had sex in a day or so, I’d probably be spending the next hour or so watching you ride me or looking at the back of your head after bending you over a crate or something.” Twilight muttered.

“So your body wants sex a lot but still knows when to give you a breather when a mare wants some? That’s good to hear actually, that tells me that you at least try to resist temptation when you can,” Applejack said.

Twilight nodded in agreement, but wasn’t prepared for the random “Can I see it?” that came from Applejack’s mouth. The unicorn’s features changed from joviality to surprise.

“If you don’t wanna, that’s fine; I’m just curious, is all.”

Twilight was once again forced to either keep herself hidden or deny a friend knowledge, a very difficult decision for the lilac unicorn. “I’m sorry Applejack, the last few times somepony asked to see it, that one thing usually leads to another thing.”

Applejack felt crestfallen upon hearing it but could understand why Twilight would refuse; she slumped down and tried to get some sleep. Another bolt of light struck close outside the barn, causing both mares to jump. Applejack turned to check if her studious friend was okay. “Twi, you alr-wha…” Applejack stared in confused awe upon seeing Twilight’s cock, lying limp on the ground while its owner sat on her haunches.

Twilight quickly turned to check Applejack, only to catch her staring at her lower half. The unicorn quickly shot down to cover herself. “I’m sorry, the storm…”

“Um-I...uhh… Don’t, don’t worry about it Twi, it… was an accident, after all,” Applejack replied, the sight now burned in her memory. “I’ll go get us some blankets.”

Applejack turned around to search for anything that could be used as a blanket for the two, unintentionally giving Twilight full view of her rump, the tail swayed left to right, giving the unicorn slight glimpses at the cowpony’s sex.

Twilight could feel her member betray her as she laid on top of it, Applejack came back with a large orange blanket that she draped over Twilight and found her way in. Twilight flinched when she felt her friend’s fur rub against her, only succeeding in making her dick harder.

“You alright, Twi?” Applejack asked, noticing the unicorn’s hesitation.

“I’m fine, don’t worry,” Twilight responded, knowing that she’ll have to sit here with a hard-on the whole night. “Actually I’m kinda tired so I’m going to sleep, night!” Twilight laid her head down and slept, complete with fake snoring which caused the cowpony to become suspicious.

A bolt of lightning struck the side of the barn; the two mares jumped again and tumbled in the blanket, until Applejack was on top of Twilight. As soon as she recovered, Applejack felt the hard member underneath her and the colour of Twilight’s coat nearly changed to match Big Mac’s.

“I…it got a lot bigger, didn’t it? Do I wanna know how that happened?” Applejack uttered, still lying on top of the lilac scholar.

Twilight was speechless, she couldn’t answer her friend. She simply laid underneath her friend in surprise, not sure if she liked the prospect of fucking Applejack or not.

Applejack soon realized that Twilight was experiencing discomfort; as she slid off the length, Twilight’s discomfort increased, hearing the dickmare hiss. Applejack crawled back onto Twilight slowly, ’I’m just helping Twilight; this doesn’t mean that me and Twilight are lovers or anything like that.’

“Twi, I’m going to help ya, just this one time, alright?” Applejack said. Twilight merely nodded as the cowpony switched around with her pussy in her field of vision, and AJ’s head next to the purple maremeat.

The cowpony took a deep breath and gave the shaft a lick, she found that the purple penis was oddly tasty; she gave it several more licks and nibbles along the length.

Twilight moaned, her hooves rising to grope the well-toned flanks of her cowpony friend, the light drips of her friend’s marehood made Twilight think: ’she’s helping me, I should return the favor. It wouldn’t be right that I’d sit satisfied while my friend would be sexually charged for the night.’ She leaned forward and gave Applejack’s pussy a long lick, along the orange puffy lips of the cowpony, which caused the recipient to gasp aloud.

“Wait, you don’t have to do that Twi,” Applejack groaned.

“Sorry, I just figured that you’d be pent up after you did this for me, so I wanted to return the favour.”

Applejack didn’t think about that; she was sure that she wouldn’t get turned on after sucking on Twilight’s oversized popsicle, but her control over her libido seemed to have left her this night. “Alright Twi… keep going, but only this time.”

Twilight stared back at the winking vaginal opening, and gave it another lick, causing the apple farmer to shudder. Not wanting to be outdone, Applejack ran her tongue along the purple shaft, moving her head up; she captured the flare in her mouth and let it enter her mouth, bit by bit.

Becoming slightly more comfortable with having her friend’s dick in her mouth, Applejack started to bob her head, her tongue tracing along the sides and head while she does so. She felt a twinge of happiness when Twilight gasped and hissed in pleasure, gripping her flanks harder, trying to keep up with her own oral activities. Twilight began to focus on the farmer’s clitoris and attacked it savagely with her tongue; the sensations nearly caused Applejack to collapse on the unicorn.

The orange mare began to see Twilight’s performance on her rear as a challenge and went to ensure that she made Twilight cum first. She tried to do what she could to the unicorn’s dick, licking it, sucking on the head, rubbing it with her hooves while she dipped in to lick Twilight’s marehood.

The librarian’s tongue began its descent into Applejack’s folds, entering to tease the inner folds before exiting to return to the clit, and then diving as deep as her tongue could manage, searching for the sweet spot.

Applejack continued to work the needy shaft with her mouth, trying her best to coax its seed out while rubbing the unicorn’s pussy with one of her hooves.

Applejack’s orgasm rocked throughout her body, causing her to gag slightly on Twilight’s cock, her juices fell upon the unicorn’s tongue, who lapped it up greedily. “Applejack… I’m so close,” Twilight moaned, in between her licking.

Taking this hint, Applejack stood on her hooves and forced every inch of Twilight’s member into her mouth, forcing it down her throat. The sudden intrusion into her esophagus caused her to gag and cough around the member, steeling her resolve; she did it again, despite the obvious discomfort it was causing to herself.

“Applejack!” Twilight cried when her seed shot down Applejack’s throat, filling her belly with her essence. Applejack quickly released it to watch several more volleys land on her face, mane, and hat.

Applejack got off Twilight, still recovering from trying to deepthroat the mare, when she was tapped in the head by a disgruntled unicorn. “Don’t try things that could hurt you,” Twilight said, angry that Applejack would hurt herself just to make the librarian cum. “And… sorry about your hat.”

Applejack removed her hat to see a few long strands of cum on it, she went in to lick it all off. Twilight watched Applejack in disbelief, witnessing her orange friend licking the unicorn’s cum off her favorite hat. Applejack finished by licking her lips and chuckled, “there, good as new.”

At least now, Twilight should be sated. Applejack turned her head to see Twilight’s throbbing member, begging for more. Applejack became agitated by this news. “How in the hay are you still going strong?”

“Strong libido, remember?” Twilight muttered innocently, “Don’t worry… it’ll go away, I’ll just-”

“No, I started this, and I’m going to finish this,” Applejack said, pushing Twilight onto her back once more. “After this, you better be soft.”

Twilight watched her annoyed friend position her pussy over her hard member, and slowly move her flanks down. While Twilight cooed at the tight walls that clamped around her dick, Applejack grimaced and gritted her teeth as the large invader entered her.

Twilight was amazed by how tight Applejack was, she felt powerful around the unicorn’s cock, it constricted tightly around her, ready to prevent an inch from leaving her hot depths. “Sweet Celestia, AJ… your pussy… so tight.”

Applejack smirked that she literally had Twilight by her dick, making the cowpony feel stronger in the presence of her pseudo-leader. She felt her rump rest on Twilight’s body, letting herself get use to the unicorn’s size. “I might be tight, sugarcube. But you feel massive in me,” Applejack panted softly. She began to slowly move on the length, biting her lip as her unyielding pussy fought herself over Twilight’s cock, despite the moisture that coated the purple penis.

She slowly began to speed up, riding Twilight’s member with hard pumps, her hooves rested on Twilight’s barrel as she moved. Twilight slowly began to move her thighs, causing Applejack to move faster on her dick. The experience of feeling Twilight go deeper into her made the cowpony gasp in surprise.

Applejack leaned back and properly rode the unicorn, one hoof on Twilight’s barrel while the other would either join the other on the unicorn or attempting to keep her hat in place, moaning as ground herself against the purple fur and pumping the shaft out of herself.

“Apple…jack,” Twilight moaned, trying to lean forward to hold her friend, but the cowpony’s strong hooves kept her pinned underneath. The unicorn gritted her teeth as Applejack’s passage released its death grip but now massaged it with its powerful muscles.

“Shh, just let me do the work, Twi,” Applejack cooed, leaning over the lust-addled unicorn. She began to rock her hips harder on the librarian’s cock, making both ponies to let out a moan. “Jeez, are you…growing inside me?”

Twilight couldn’t answer, she was too occupied with trying to bury as much of her cock inside of the orange mare from the current situation, which proved somewhat fruitless. Applejack had the reins and she had full control of their act.

The two mares felt their orgasms coming as Applejack bounced faster on the unicorn’s groin. “Twi…” Applejack moaned as her pussy clenched Twilight’s member like a vice as the two came. The purple member twitched madly inside Applejack’s tight passage, filling her womb completely.

Applejack fell onto Twilight, relaxing her body on the unicorn’s. “Wow, that was something.”

“Yea…” Twilight muttered, her hooves rubbing Applejack affectionately.

Applejack slowly got off the lilac mare’s body, letting the purple member slip out of her. “Goodness that was a workout.”

“Yea, it was really something,” Twilight uttered, standing up and stretching her body from lying on the ground for a while. Twilight began to levitate a stack of hay over to give the two mares a bed to rest on. Applejack laid down and Twilight soon followed but jumped as the hay poked at her semi-hard member.

“You alright, Twi?” Applejack asked, she then noticed the lavender member pointed at her. “How is that still hard?”

Twilight smiled sheepishly as she took a few steps back, something AJ found adorable. “Come on over, Twi. I’ll get that thing to settle down one way or another.”

Twilight approached tentatively as Applejack shifted onto her belly, moving her tail away for her friend’s dick. The unicorn positioned herself above the cowpony and entered the snug entrance of the orange mare.

Applejack felt Twilight wrap her hooves around her, holding her gentle as she pounded her backside. ’I feel completely safe when she held me, like Nightmare Moon, Discord, or even the Changelings can’t touch me as long as Twilight holds me close to her heart’ Rainbow’s words echoed through Applejack’s head, she understood what the blue speedster meant by that. ‘To heck with Rainbow’s bet, I just wanna let this new feeling last,’ She thought to herself, as Twilight slowly sped up.

Even as Twilight mounted her hard, the unicorn would still nibble on Applejack’s ears and nuzzle her, sending sparks of ecstasy down her spine. She felt the scholar lick her neck, and sucked on the flesh, claiming the cowpony as her own. But Applejack would show some faux-defiance by thrusting her rump into Twilight’s crotch playfully.

Twilight nuzzled the cowpony’s neck as she kept her rhythm, letting Applejack’s moans and mutterings echo in her head. “Come on, Twi…I-I ain’t dainty like *pant* Rarity. Really give it to me.”

Twilight smiled gleefully as she shifted her position, grabbed onto AJ’s flanks, and began fucking the orange mare as hard as she could. This forced the cowpony to squeal and moan as she tried to find something to hold on to. Twilight’s eyes shut as pleasure took over her senses completely, the only thing that mattered was Applejack and her rear, hearing her moan and shout her name as her pussy was pounded by the purple dick savagely.

Applejack let out a scream as she came, her legs twitching madly under Twilight as unicorn’s entire body went rigid. Twilight ultimately collapsed on top of Applejack, stroking the fur of the orange pony while her dick filled the cowpony’s womb once again. Applejack nestled deeper into Twilight’s embrace, and Twilight held her tighter.

The two mares fell asleep in the barn, as cum seemed out of Applejack’s stuffed pussy and onto the hay beneath them.


Big Mac was worried. His sister didn’t return home after she went to find Miss Twilight. He walked out of the farmhouse and began to search around the orchard, soon finding a strange wet patch of grass, as if it had been raining there recently.

Confused, he looked up to see the barn in the distance and a few yards away was Zecora happily walking over to the barn. Believing that the hermit might know where his sister was, Big Mac went to confront the zebra.

“Howdy, Zecora. What brings you out here?” Big Mac asked.

“A fine hello to you Big Mac; I merely came to keep track.”

Big Mac didn’t understand a single word of this; normally he could understand the Zebra’s unique method of speaking, but the message was what confused him. “What do ya mean?”

“I have come to greet a new sister, and help her through this new chapter.”

Big Mac only understood that something happened to Applejack that would cause Zecora to come and say hi and help her through something ‘magical’ or whatever. The argument that happened yesterday flashed to mind and suddenly…he understood.

“Ms. Twilight…and AJ? In there?” The red stallion muttered, trying to figure out how this could have happened.

Soon the two were joined by Rainbow Dash who was sporting a large grin. “What’s going on here?”

“I’ll be but a moment; to help the cowpony with her predicament.” With a nod, Zecora left them alone.

“Why are you here Ms. Dash?”

“I’m here to collect my winnings from Applejack,” Dash replied, smugly.

“And that would be?” Big Mac became curious.

“I bet AJ ten bits that she couldn’t fuck Twilight for a month,” Rainbow chuckled, causing the red stallion to grimace. “It was so lucky that I had those storm clouds handy, or I’d never win.”

“WHAT?” Big Mac yelled, spooking the blue pegasus. “You strung my sister along into having sex with Ms. Sparkle?” He was pissed that one of Applejack’s friends would have the audacity to lure both Twilight and his sister into the barn and wait until they bucked like rabbits, and all this for ten bits.

Zecora returned with a smile and muttered. “Rather interesting plan, Rainbow; a shame your purse will take a blow.” Unlike Big Mac, Rainbow had a hard time figuring out how to decipher Zecora’s rhyming.

“I think she means you lost your bet.” Big Mac muttered, mood lifting that not only his sister had, what he hoped was, great sex (Applejack probably deserved it after everything she had done for everypony), and she took bits out of the cocky pegasus. All that was left to do was threaten Twilight to take good care of Applejack and the morning would be set.

Chapter Fourteen: Stars and Stars... and bugs, shields, love... and stars...

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Tags: [{Twilight/Chrysalis}Futa/F, oral, vaginal][{Twilight/Rarity/Fleur}Futa/F/F, oral, vaginal, cunnilingus]

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were taking a nap in the clubhouse, snuggling closely to each other. They were both happy to be in the other's presence, and decided to try and make it last until Sweetie Belle had to leave for Canterlot with her sister.

The peace was disturbed by the opening of the door, as a sad Applebloom walked into the clubhouse. The two gave their friend a worried look, and went to comfort her. “What’s wrong Applebloom?”

“We failed, girls…” Applebloom muttered. This made her friends look to each other for answers before turning back to the downtrodden friend. “Twilight got to Applejack in the barn, she stuck her colt parts in my sister.”

The fillies’ eyes went wide with surprise, they were sure they managed to stop Twilight at their sleepover a while ago. “So everything we did, the pain of taking that thing in me… was all for nothing?” Scootaloo fumed.

Sweetie Belle put her hoof on her friend’s side and rubbed it gently. “Well, some good did come out of it, like you and me… and it did feel sorta good, right?”

“It did feel a little good, but that’s because you helped me through it,” Scootaloo said, giving her fillyfriend a small smile before hugging her.

Applebloom watched the scene in confusion, but shook her head, thinking her friends are being weird again. “So what do we do now? She still got to my sister after all.”

The three fillies sat in silence as they tried to plan a way to save Ponyville from Twilight, but nothing came to mind. The library had become somewhat of a scary place for the fillies with the mean magician, the big griffon, and the evil changeling now living within close proximity of the book-filled tree. There was no way they could sneak in to stop Twilight now, and even if they did try something, one of those three would catch them and they’d be in trouble for sure.

And getting Twilight alone was even more difficult, there wasn’t a moment where Twilight had been seen alone. One hour, she’d be with the Trixie mare in the park, practicing magic. Another hour she could be reading in the library with the changeling, griffon, or Rainbow Dash… or getting a belly rub from the griffon, an activity that actually got the fillies curious. Needless to say, if Twilight was ever alone, the girls had never seen it happen. Much to the girls’ dismay, Zecora had also been taken by Twilight as well, so they couldn’t ask for her help anymore.

Twilight Sparkle, the most devilish and devious of villains, she truly was a smart mare to be able to handicap the Cutie Mark Crusaders and still get away with popping Scootaloo’s cherry… even if it was their idea.

“Well, we’ll find a way to stop her. She can’t win all the time, right?” Scootaloo reassured.

“Yea, and doesn’t Applejack seem happier?” Sweetie Belle added.

“Well, she has stopped getting the weird dreams, and she isn’t fussing about the library or Twilight anymore,” Applebloom uttered. As matter of fact, Applejack seemed more like her normal self, she’d been working on the farm with a spring in her step, she wouldn’t stop to look at the library with worry, and overall, Applejack was Applejack again. What in the world did Twilight do to her? Other than put her colt parts inside of her.

Sweetie Belle looked at the clock on the shelf and jumped. “Oh no, I’m going to be late. Later girls” And with that, she was gone.

Applebloom stared at the door in confusion for a moment before turning to her pegasus friend. “What was that about?”

“Sweetie Belle is going to stay with her parents in Canterlot for a few days, and she’s leaving today,” Scootaloo answered.

“Oh, so can you tell me what’s going on between you and Sweetie Belle?”


Sweetie Belle and Rarity walked onto the train, exhausted from running and hauling their bags onto the train. Fortunately, the porters were there to help them with their luggage, after a few winks from the ivory unicorn. They walked down the aisle to look for a seat until Rarity saw someponies she wasn’t expecting, Twilight and Daring sitting together. The nerve of Daring being next to Twilight after they broke up. Rarity stormed up to them with Sweetie Belle trying to catch up.

“Twilight… and Daring, how are you two this afternoon?” Rarity asked.

“I’m doing quite well, Rarity. Thank you for asking,” Twilight smiled. Daring gave her a small smile too.

“Daring… I must admit, I didn’t expect you to crawl back to Twilight so quickly, did you forget something? Or did you realize that you were wrong?” Rarity asked, venom dripping off her questions.

“It appears my disguise is working, if it can trick the friend that specializes in detail… then again, I did fool her with my Cadance disguise,” Daring said, her ruby eyes shifted to green long enough for Rarity to realize who it really was.

“Chrysalis, what are you doing here? On a train, with Twilight,” Rarity questioned. Sweetie Belle shifted in her seat, surprised to learn that the changeling that lived in the library was here.

“I’m joining Twilight for her brother’s birthday; they don’t know that Daring has broken up with her, so I became Daring,” Chrysalis answered, resting her head on Twilight.

Rarity’s left eye twitched from the gesture. “I see, but why?”

Twilight let out an awkward chuckle. “Well…"

(Five Days ago)

“Why is it that this… bug is allowed to live in Twilight’ basement, and yet the Great and Powerful Trixie has to stay in her stage coach OUTSIDE?” Trixie yelled, angry at the sudden turn of events.

“Because Twilight has agreed to help me bring my hive back to its former glory, while I must assume that you are a rather loud pony yourself,” Chrysalis commented. “Besides, why aren’t you mad at the griffon? She has managed to sneak herself into your mistress’s bed ever since Daring left.”

“Hey, don’t drag me into this. I tend to migrate between Rainbow’s place and here anyways,” Gilda muttered, “And didn’t you try to take over Canterlot once and ruin Twi’s brother’s wedding?”

“Exactly! You have done more harm than good for Twilight, while Trixie has only contributed to very minor problems to Ponyville,” Trixie smirked, getting the better of the changeling.

“Didn’t you try to destroy the town with an Ursa before? And enslaved her friends?” I may have done the same but where I failed, you succeeded, only to fall to Twilight with a cheap parlor trick,” Chrysalis laughed. “And what of you, griffon?”

“Uhh… I got jealous of Rainbow Dash hanging out with her friends, and yelled at Fluttershy,” Gilda muttered, rubbing the back of her neck.

“So you barely did anything to offend, interesting,” Chrysalis said. “As for you, I think it just shows that I am seen to be more of Twilight’s equal in this herd, while your only purpose is to lick her hooves. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

Trixie blushed a bit. “You annoying bug, you see yourself as an equal to Twilight? Trixie believes that you are still in shock of losing your hive and think you are still a queen to Twilight. The only one that deserves Twilight’s adoration is Trixie, she does the most around the library, and she gives Twilight the best back rubs.”

“Hold up, I think I got that title of best back rubs… and belly rubs, and all you do is screw up cooking, and have Twilight help you with your spells. Spike and me are usually the ones re-shelving and Spike is usually the one that cleans the main floor while I clean the bedroom with Twilight. Hell, at least the bug cleans the basement from time to time,” Gilda explains. Chrysalis shot the showmare a cocky grin.

“Trixie doesn’t ‘screw up’ cooking, she just hasn’t remembered how to cook.”

“Then may I ask you why you tried to make cereal in a frying pan?”

Trixie tried to answer but Chrysalis interrupted her. “Don’t you cook your cereal in a frying pan? Why use a bowl and a bottle of milk when you can make it better with a frying pan and some oil?”

“You see? Even the bug agrees with me,” Trixie muttered, earning a facepalm from the griffon. At that moment Trixie realized what Chrysalis actually meant. “How dare you make a fool out of Trixie!”

“Then I must ask you to make it a bit more challenging,” Chrysalis mocked, acting surprised when Trixie charged at her and flailed her blue limbs around the former-queen.

Twilight walked into the library, too engrossed in her letter to acknowledge the ‘fight’ happening mere feet away from her. Gilda noticed this and smiled. “Hey Twi, whatcha got there?” The greeting immediately caused Trixie to stop attacking the changeling and sit back down.

“Hi girls, just got a letter from my parents, asking how I am and that they had to reschedule my brother’s party until next weekend because of royal duties,” Twilight answered.

“Your parents? I… where is this taking place?” Trixie asked, worried about her current appearance.

“At my parent’s house in Canterlot, it’ll be nice to see them and my B.B.B.F.F and my B.S.I.L/F.S.B.F.F again,” Twilight smiled. She turned to see blank stares from the three former-antagonists. “Big Brother Best Friend Forever, and Big Sister In Law/Foal Sitter Best Friend Forever.”

“Seriously? You need acronyms just to say ‘What’s up big bro?’ or ‘hey big sis?’ doesn’t it get annoying to say that over and over again?” Gilda asked.

“Me and Shiny got it down pat, but I’m not sure if Cadance has gotten the hang of saying L.S/F.S.B.F.F, which is Little Sister/Foal Sitter Best Friend Forever, so she just calls me Twily and I call her Cadance.”

Chrysalis was having trouble not laughing at Twilight’s acronyms, Trixie found the whole acronym thing adorable if not super confusing, and Gilda was trying to keep herself from facepalming and laughing. “Is there anything else? Like who is going to go or are we all going?” Gilda asked.

“Well they are expecting Daring to…” Twilight’s train of thought derailed at the mention of Daring Do. Her parents don’t know that Daring and her split up, and she didn’t want to ruin her brother’s birthday with news that she was dumped by a celebrity because she slept with a lot of ponies. “Oh no, they’re expecting Daring, but I never told them about the break-up… whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido?”

Chrysalis smirked she had a plan. “Why don’t I go as Daring?”

Twilight stopped fretting and seriously thought about Chrysalis’ suggestion, but Trixie wasn’t amused. “No, Trixie will not stand for this. Allow Trixie to take Daring’s place, BEHOLD!” The showmare cried, her magic engulfed her body and changed her mane and coat colours to appear like Daring’s…the only things that didn’t change were the cutie mark and the mane style. She opened her eyes to reveal a deep red color. “See? Trixie is the best at illusion magic.”

Chrysalis smirked, and used her own magic to appear like Daring, unlike Trixie’s disguise, Chrysalis’ was perfect: she had the right colours of golden coat and her mane was the simple black and grey shades, her cutie mark was correct, and she even had the adventurer’s outfit and pith helmet. “I’m sorry, did I just one up the ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie?”

“You wish, Twilight will tell us which is the better disguise,” Trixie boasted, turning to the purple mare. “So, who is the better Daring?”

Twilight gave Trixie a rather awkward smile. “I know you did your best Trixie, but… I’m sorry; you can’t beat a species that specializes at taking the form of other ponies.”

“But… Trixie’s disguise is perfect…” Trixie muttered, all her superiority left her when Twilight chose the better mare at disguises.

“The cutie mark is still your own, and the mane style is different,” Twilight critiqued.

“You can’t change a pony’s cutie mark, and I can change my mane style with a brush and some mane spray,” Trixie protested, only to get frustrated at Chrysalis. “I will learn to beat you, no one trumps Trixie!”

“Except Twilight,” Gilda muttered.

“Twilight has earned the right to trump Trixie, but no one else!” Trixie cried out, slamming the door behind her as she left. She poked her head back into the library and apologized to Twilight for slamming the door before leaving once again.

“With THAT out of the way, it’ll be fun. You and I will get the chance to socialize with each other, and no one will be the wiser that Daring left you,” Chrysalis claimed, still in her disguise.

“While she is right about the disguise and the whole ‘spending time with you’ thing, as much as I hate to admit that… if her cover is blown, won’t shit hit the fan pretty badly?” Gilda asked.

“No it will work, Changelings are masters of disguise, and the Queen of the masters of disguise wants to go with me to show that nothing bad happened. What could go wrong?” Twilight retorted.

“I know I learned of this whole ‘wedding’ thing second hand from Rainbow Dash, but didn’t you see past the disguise? And for that matter, this is the same bug that tried to ruin the wedding of your brother and foalsitter; so she’s going to be walking into a home where four ponies would love to beat the crap outta her for the what she did in the past,” Gilda explained.

“Ahh, here is my counter to that: I know Cadance very well, she was my foalsitter after all, the fact that Chrysalis didn’t know everything about Cadance’s mannerisms was her weakness AND I didn’t know at the time that the fake Cadance was a changeling, I just knew that it wasn’t Cadance. And while it is true that my family are not big fans of Chrysalis herself, all they know about Daring is from the books, so Chrysalis has even less chance of her disguise failing because no one there has met Daring in person,” Twilight rebuked.

Gilda shrugged and nodded. “Alright, you win that one.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her,” Chrysalis grinned, teasing the griffon.

“Based on Twilight’s track record with ponies that wronged her on the first meeting, I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around.”


“I-I see,” Rarity muttered, rather intrigued by Twilight’s story, even the parts where Twilight wasn’t actually present.

“So, why are you heading to Canterlot?” Twilight asked.

“Photo Finish has asked me to design some clothing for one of her models for a magazine. And Sweetie Belle here, is going to spend time with our parents for a few days,” Rarity said.

Twilight smiled, and turned to the smaller unicorn. “Are you excited to see your parents again?”

Sweetie shuffled in her seat, she appeared rather cautious of both the purple mare and the fake Daring. “Yes, Miss Twilight.”

“Are you alright, Sweetie?” Twilight asked, worried about the little filly.

Sweetie nodded and scooted closer to her sister, confusing the fashionista. “I’m sorry about Sweetie Belle, she is usually not like this, especially around you or the others,” she said.

Chrysalis quirked an eyebrow at the filly’s behavior, curious as to what may have her uncomfortable. She felt very weak hints of fear coming from the young unicorn. The changeling smiled, happy that the little filly knew her place when in the presence of a superior being.

Sweetie however, kept a careful eye on Twilight, worried that if she looked away, she might try something. While the changeling next to the purple mare was frightening, it was the mere thought that Twilight had brainwashed her sister, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and so many others with her colt parts… she almost got Scootaloo too. Sweetie kept her eye on the oblivious scholar, in hopes that she didn’t fall victim to the mare-colt.

“Twilight have you met with Fluttershy recently?” Rarity asked.

Twilight became concerned, “Not recently, is something wrong? Is she okay?”

“She’s alright, dear. But she’s been acting a bit… different lately,” Rarity said, rubbing her forelimb.

“How different?”

“Well, she’s seems more… cautious around stallions, and that’s if she leaves her home. She also seems to be caring for her animals more so, treating them like children. We were at the café a week ago and I’d catch Fluttershy staring off into the distance, I later learned that she had been staring at the schoolhouse, or fillies & colts playing in the streets.”

Twilight scrunched her face in confusion, wondering what could be wrong with her yellow friend, but her thoughts were interrupted by the changeling queen beside her. “So she yearns, does she? Well, I can’t say I don’t know the feeling.”

“What, may I ask, are you talking about?” Rarity asked.

Chrysalis resisted the urge to facehoof and chalked it up to pony naiveté, “It’s obvious that she wan-“

“Now arriving at Canterlot, all passengers prepare to disembark, please,” One of the conductors called out, as ponies began to leave their seats and head for the exits.

“Sorry but, what was it you were saying?” Rarity asked.

“Your friend wants to get knocked up, and if she’s going out of her way to avoid stallions, she already has a… mate in mind,” Chrysalis said, a playful leer focused on Twilight.

“I don’t think its Twilight, Fluttershy already stated that Twilight would ravage her painfully if the two had intercourse,” Rarity remarked.

“With all due respect, a foal is supposed to leave through your pussy, so Twilight is in no danger of ‘splitting’ your friend in two, and think about it this way… Twilight has claimed four of you, why not complete the set?” Chrysalis hinted.

Twilight felt uncomfortable with the current conversation and used her magic to lift the khaki-colored doppelganger out of her seat. “Bye, Rarity. I’ll see you later, Daring and I have to get to my parents place before they get worried.” She gave her friend a bow and left, with the hovering Pegasus still in her magical grasp.

Rarity stared blankly at the retreating unicorn for a moment, Chrysalis' words ringing heavily on her thoughts. Sweetie Belle nudged her sister, bringing her back to reality. “Sorry dear, let's go visit mother and father, shall we?”


Twilight and Chrysalis(who was still in her disguise) stood outside the home of her parents, and the childhood home of Twilight and Shining Armor before Shining was sent to live and train in the barracks and Twilight was sent to live in the castle during her tutelage. “Okay, remember... please do not be disrespectful, and no mind control,” Twilight warned, “If you do good, I'll reward you.”

“I do hope your reward is as grand as the situation entails,” Chrysalis teased, making the unicorn blush slightly.

Twilight knocked on the door, and were met with a white mare with her white mane with purple stripes done up in a bun. “Twilight, it's so good to see you!”

“Mom, I'm happy to see you too,” Twilight cheered, kissing her mother on the cheek. A older blue stallion walked over, “Dad!” The purple mare quickly turned to hug her father.

“Hey there, kiddo. Boy it's been a long time since we seen you,” Night Light, Twilight's father, said, ruffling Twilight mane with a hoof.

“I'm sorry I couldn't see you guys soon, lots of things have happened since I started to live in Ponyville,” Twilight said, some hints of regret could be found in her tone as she said that.

“It's okay dear; you're here, and that's what matters,” Twilight Velvet, Twilight's mother, comforted.

Night Light turned to the khaki-coloured pegasus standing in the doorway. “Hello, who might you be?”

Chrysalis couldn't explain it, but she felt... compelled to not make a fool out of herself, not because of some promise of sex later, but because the parents of her alpha were standing in front of her, possibly judging her. “Good evening sir, I'm Daring Do, your daughter's marefriend.”

“No need to be so formal around us, if my daughter trusts you, I trust you,” Night Light chuckled, letting the changeling enter.

“Why hello, Daring,” Velvet greeted, smiling as she walked up to the pegasus.

“Hello, ma'am. You have a very lovely home.” Chrysalis could practically feel the facehoof Sparkle just did, but what caused her some worry was the odd look the mother gave her, a look of confusion and uncertainty, a look she recalled receiving once before.

“Well, let me go get everypony some snacks,” Velvet said, walking into the kitchen.

Night Light happily walked into the living room with Twilight Sparkle and Chrysalis behind him, the shape-changing Pegasus gave an awkward smile to combat the annoyed glare her “marefriend” was giving her.

Night Light sat down on a large chair while Twilight and Chrysalis took the love seat. “I gotta admit, I'm not sure if I should be surprised or not that my daughter would date a storybook character, a little bit more surprised that the character in question is a mare,” Night Light said, rubbing the back of his head.

“You don't approve of my relationship with Daring just because she's the same gender as me?” Twilight asked, rather hurt by her father's words.

“It's not like that honey, as long as you're happy, I wouldn't care if you were dating a griffon, a changeling, or even a diamond dog. I just... shoulda kept my mouth shut there,” Night Light sighed, lying back in his chair, defeated.

“Oh, uh; thanks dad, I was worried you wouldn't approve of this at all,” Twilight uttered, her face had a light blush on it.

“No, not at all. You can love whoever you want to love, I just... actually I never really tried to picture what I wanted in your special somepony so nearly everything was sorta in the left field for me, but your mother seemed to know darn well what your preference was,” Night Light said, shuffling in his seat. Chrysalis chuckled to herself, realizing where Twilight inherited her OCD and cautious attitude from.

“Really?” Twilight asked.

Night Light nodded. “Of course, when it came to you or your brother, she always seemed to know what would happen. I remember when Nightmare Moon came back a few years ago; a guard told us that you were sent to Ponyville by the princess for some task. When Nightmare Moon actually attacked, I was worried that it was the end of Equestria as we know it, but your mother just sat calmly, staring in the direction of Ponyville saying “If she stays safe, Twilight will fix this,” the next day we read in the paper that you and your new friends had defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Princess Luna and Equestria, took me hours trying to figure out how your mother knew.”

Twilight was flabbergasted by this news, and so was Chrysalis, but this revelation caused both mares to be more worried about the quality of the changeling's disguise. “I-I see, wow... I'd would like to know how mom predicted that too.”

“A mother always knows,” Velvet stated, walking into the room with cookies and coffee in her magic. “And your father still hasn't accepted that fact.”

“It's not a real fact, it's 'intuition.' I'm sure even Twilight would agree with me on this,” Night Light retorted, pouting as he said it.

“He's right, I refuse to believe that you can predict something like that, just because I'm your daughter, there has to be a more realistic and scientific way,” Twilight commented.

Chrysalis, however, sort of knew where the older Twilight was coming from when it came to such things, but nothing so “psychic”, she could sometimes feel her children when she was close, but with so many changelings, it could become difficult to track them or determine their actions. Perhaps it was because Velvet only had two children, it made it easier to keep track in comparison to three thousand.

The door opened to reveal a white stallion and a pink alicorn entering the home, “Hey everyone.”

“Shining, how's my baby boy?” Velvet greeted, hugging her son.

“I'm fine mom,” Shining Armor said, hugging his mother back.

Velvet broke the hug and turned to her son's wife. “Cadance, how are you, dear?”

“I'm doing fine, mom,” Cadance replied, it felt awkward for the alicorn of love to call Velvet “mom” but it was starting to grow on her.

“Hey son, how are ya, come and join me, your sister and her marefriend,” Night Light called out.

Shining Armor was already in the living room, judgmental eyes stared at the khaki-pegasus next to his sister. Twilight and Cadance gave each other a big smile before rushing off to do their special greeting.

“Sunshine, Sunshine,”

“Ladybugs awake,”

“Clap your hooves, and do a little shake,”

The two began to giggle at the antics before embracing each other. “It's good to see you, Twily.”

“It's nice to see you too, Cady.”

Shining Armor was too busy looking for weakness in the mare that claimed to be his sister's marefriend. The mare in questioned faltered slightly, but didn't quiver in fear like Shining would expect his sister's date should act. “So, you're dating my sister, right?”

Chrysalis grinned internally, Twilight's parents she had difficulties dealing with, but Shining Armor... she had him by his short hairs before her date ruined everything for her, which lead to her getting dominated by said date in the library's basement. “Why, yes I am. Don't worry... I've been taking good care of her.”

“Have you now?” Shining muttered, glaring at the pegasus.

“Oh come now, Shiny. I'm sure she got this enough from your parents, you don't need to try and frighten her too,” Cadance said, rubbing her husband's back with her hoof.

The family began to chat about various things: What Daring did for a living, what Twilight's been doing, the parents teased Cadance and Shining into raising a foal, and sometimes Velvet would hint this towards Twilight by muttering the name of Doctor Life Bar, the doctor that magically sealed the futa-mare's sperm. This would cause Twilight to blush heavily, however, it would also cause Daring to become very interested in the doctor while Cadance would blush, Shining Armor would stare blankly at his mother and then his sister, wondering what she meant by those words.

A hour has passed when Velvet gasped, “I forgot to get the cake!”

This confused Twilight and Shining greatly, since their mother was greatly organized and prepared for anything. Night Light merely nodded his head and smiled. “Don't worry, honey. I'll go get it.”

He got up and made way for the door, but Velvet didn't like the idea of her husband going alone. “Cadance, could you and Twilight accompany dad to the bakery?”

Cadance and Twilight gave each other a confused look, “Uh, sure... mom,” Twilight said. She got up to join her father at the door, with Cadance following closely.

“See ya in a bit,” Night Light shouted, waving goodbye to his wife and son.

The three ponies that remained waved back as the stallion and his daughters left. Velvet turned to face Chrysalis smiling until she heard the gates close behind her husband's group. “So... who are you, dear?”

The question surprised both Chrysalis and Shining Armor, but Chrysalis recovered quickly and answered the mare. “I'm Daring Do, archeologist, globe-trotter, and writer... also Twilight's marefriend.”

“That's pretty good, but you forgot something... Daring was never great at grammar, so she needs an editor so that her stories aren't filled with bad spelling and awkward tenses, so it would be very odd of Daring to completely forgot the name and face of her editor,” Twilight Velvet explained. This caused Chrysalis to get flash backs of the Canterlot Wedding, but she didn't have Shining, or in this case Twilight, to protect her from the accusing party. “So... who are you, really?”

“I'm Twilight's marefriend, and a really good cosplayer?” Chrysalis struggled, she couldn't believe how quickly her disguise roused suspicion and was on the verge of losing it.

“I see... but why would you cosplay as Daring Do... when you are coming over to meet your marefriend's parents?” Velvet asked. Shining became rather curious as to what the false Pegasus had to say now.

“It's a fetish?”

“Twilight would have mentioned something like that in her letter or told us when you got here.”

“What now, changeling?” Shining growled, the fires of hatred burning bright in his eyes as the memories of his wedding came flooding back.

“I'm... I'm not a changeling, just a really strange cosplayer, that's all,” Chrysalis couldn't find a easy way out of this situation, not without disappointing Twilight.

“Shining, let her explain herself, changeling or not... she is still our guest and Twilight's marefriend... unless yo-”

“I don't have Twilight under any sort of spell, I promise you.”

“Good, but I'd rather ask Twilight first... unless you can tell me why you are impersonating... and of course, who you are,” Velvet said, keeping her calm demeanor throughout the conversation.

Chrysalis thought about it for a moment, weighing all her options at the moment. If she came clean to Twilight's mother, she was sure that the older mare would try to protect her from her alpha's disappointment, if she didn't then it'd be a losing battle no matter what Twilight does to help her.

“I'm impersonating Daring because the real Daring broke up with Twilight a few weeks ago,” Chrysalis said.

Velvet let out a gasp while Shining immediately stood up. “What? Why didn't Twilight tell us THAT?”

“She didn't want to distract anyone from today's purpose, so I offered to be Daring for the day so that no one would be the wiser,” Chrysalis muttered. “Whether or not she'd tell you eventually, I'm not sure.”

Shining grumbled, crossing his forelegs in frustration, Velvet took a deep breathe and regained her calm. “Thank you, at least we know Twilight is doing fine... in some way, but who might you be?”

“You wouldn't like it, trust me.”

“I've raised the Captain of the guard and co-ruler of the Crystal Kingdom, as well as the four time savior of Equestria, I shrugged off the sight of my daughter summoning Cthulhu in her sleep, and fought off the oddest penguin that tried to abduct her when she was ten months old. Try me.”

Chrysalis closed her eyes as she shed her disguise, she felt her size increase to match her true form, and her horn growing back into place and green fire. When she next opened her eyes, she saw what was a white hoof collide with her face at speeds that would make the rainbow maned pegasus want to idolize.

“You. Tried. To. Ruin. My. Son's. Wedding. And. Almost. Got. My. Daughter. Killed. And. Nearly. Ruined. Their. Friendship. You. Bitch,” Velvet screamed, her word was punctuated by her hoof bashing into the changeling queen's face.

Chrysalis finally blocked several blows and levitated the angry mare off of her. “If you would let me explai-”

“Why should we let YOU explain anything to us? How do we know you didn't brainwash Twily?” Shining accused, getting ready to join his mother in attacking the insectoid pony.

“Have you ever seen the look that purple cretin gives when she's disappointed in you? It's soul breaking. Look, I'm doing this as a favor to my mate, and if you'd let me explai-” Shining charged her at the mere hint of the word “mate.”

Velvet recovered from her blind rage, and turned to see Shining struggling to hit Chrysalis. “Shining, get off her.” Shining turned and nodded, letting the changeling get back in her seat. “The bakery is a long while away, so you are going to be telling us the story of how you and Twilight met after the Wedding, then when Twilight returns... pray to the princesses that she even tries to protect you, got it?”

Chrysalis had been fed enough love to handle the whole Sparkle clan, and then some. But if attacking Twilight's kin would earn her that disappointing glare of her alpha, she'd stay her hoof and magic, even if it meant death... the thought made Chrysalis hope that Twilight would save her from the unicorn's brother and mother.


“Thank you for allowing me to design the dresses for your next project,” Rarity said, walking next to Photo Finish.

“Miss Rarity, your designs are desired, neigh, needed to create the greatest show Equestria has ever seen! So we will need the perfect clothing and the perfect model. Behold!” Photo Finish exclaimed dramatically, as a set of curtains parted to allow the two mares to gaze upon the earth pony's chosen model, Fleur de Lis.

“Salutations, Photo Finish and...” Fleur studied Rarity for a moment before realization came to her. “Ah, you're the mare that Fancy and I came across some time ago, how are you dear?”

“I'm quite fine, Miss... I'm just overjoyed to be working with such a beautiful pony such as yourself,” Rarity stuttered, her eyes trailed along the other unicorn's graceful and lithe form.

“Good, you have met before, makes things easier,” Photo said. “We don't have anytime to lose, Rarity, I will need you to make designs that are alluring, sexy,-”

“She practically wants you to make clothes that would make her wet, excuse my crude humor,” Fleur giggled.

Photo Finish shot the model an angry glare, “Indeed, if you are more comfortable with such... symbolism, then I desire these clothes to be my wet dreams for months to come, understand?”

“Of course, I'll get them ready... how many exactly?” Rarity asked.

“We only need three designs for now, I'll send you a letter when we are in need of your designs once again,” The photographer explained. “Now, go... make your magics, I will need to set up our photo shoot.”

Rarity nodded and left for her temporary workshop, with Fleur following her. “So, any special ponies in your life?” Fleur asked.

“I- ye-yes... I have my friends,” Rarity answered.

“That's not what I meant, my dear.”

“Oh, well...” Rarity felt trapped, she wasn't sure if she could say Twilight was her special somepony, especially with all the competition, and Rarity didn't feel comfortable with the “herd” situation Zecora tried to explain to her once before, it didn't feel romantic to the ivory unicorn.

Her thoughts were cut off by the melodic giggle of the taller unicorn behind her. “If you don't wish to tell me, then you don't have to, I was merely teasing.”

“I see, thanks...”

“I do have one suggestion for the designs, however.”

“Yes?” Rarity was now curious as to what Fleur was about to request.

“Since we'll, err you'll, be making rather... suggestive clothing, may I ask that you don't use so many gems? They have been known to chaff rather badly at times.”

That could be a sin to Rarity, the idea of using very few gems was painful to her, but... she had to make it safe for the beautiful pony that would be wearing it after all. “Of course, dear... now onto the pedestal please.”

Fleur nodded and stood still on the raised platform while Rarity levitated some measuring tape over.

Rarity kept a close eye on the tape as she took the model’s measurements, but even then the white fur would change purple at times, confusing the fashionista.

At one point she heard her friend Twilight. “Is something wrong, Rarity?” Rarity's head turned to meet the model's, but quickly became baffled as to why Fleur suddenly became Twilight. Her mane was styled and coloured just like the loveable librarian, and her coat was purple instead of the pristine white, even her voice sounded more like Twilight's. “Rarity?”

“Uhh, sorry about that, got lost in thought,” Rarity said apologetically, quickly jotting down the model's measurements.

Fleur nodded but still gave the mare a worried look as she watched the younger mare work on her clothes.


“Happy birthday dear Shining,”

“Happy birthday to you!”

Shining blew out the candles of the large chocolate cake, with everyone cheering, Chrysalis resumed her Daring disguise before Twilight returned, as if to “act natural.” As they cut the cake, Shining was tentative to give the changeling a slice for numerous reasons, but was forced to because of the angry stares coming from her sister and his wife.

The birthday boy would glare angrily at the changeling when Twilight offered her a piece of her slice of cake, which she happily accepted it, licking the icing off Twilight's fork. Twilight Velvet stayed cautious about Chrysalis' story, but she’d ask Twilight about her soon.

Night Light, Cadance, and even Twilight remained oblivious to the discomfort of their significant other.

“That cake is so good, what do you think Daring?” Twilight asked.

Before Chrysalis answered, Shining coughed. “Twilight, that's not Daring.”

The purple mare was worried, she turned to her brother in faux anger, “Of course it's Daring, why wouldn't it be?”

“Dear, she told us all about what happened between you and Daring, dear,” Velvet said.

Twilight tried to say a rebuttal but a hoof on her shoulder, coming from the false pegasus who had an awkward smile on her face told her everything. “Oh.”

“Wait, what now?” Night Light asked, both him and Cadance were completely confused by the sudden events.

Twilight sat up straight, coughing awkwardly. “Well, I'm sorry I tried to deceive you, I just...” Her mother walked over and hugged her, comforting her.

“It's okay, Twilight. These things happen, you just wanted your brother to be happy on his birthday. You could have chosen a better pony to try and pretend to be Daring though, no matter how perfect the disguise was.” The older Twilight said, rubbing her daughter's head.

“Am I missing something here?” Cadance asked.

“How did you find out?” Twilight inquired.

“I thought it was odd that Daring wouldn't recognize her own editor,” Velvet chuckled.

“Oh... I didn't know you were her editor, I knew Daring wasn't great at grammar but-”

“Can someone help the rest of us catch up with the plot of this drama?” Night Light asked, both him and Cadance felt hopelessly lost in the conversation.

“Long story short: Daring dumped Twilight, Twilight didn't want to upset me at my birthday with the news so she asked somepony to take her place for tonight, so she can tell us the news later,” Shining explained.

Night Light nodded in acceptance while Cadance looked curiously at Daring, “I see, but who did Twilight get to impersonate Daring though?”

“You wouldn't like the answer,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Don't worry, I'm here. If something bad happens, I'll protect you,” Twilight soothed, the khaki pegasus smiled at the reassurance and shed her disguise.

“YOU!” Cadance screeched, she leaped at the changeling queen only to be caught by Twilight's magic. “Twilight, let me go. You will know that no one bucks with a mare's wedding day, especially the way SHE did it.”

“If it makes you feel any better, your husband and mother-in-law already tried to redecorate the floor with my face,” Chrysalis stated matter-of-factly.

“Not good enough,” Cadance scolded, trying to flail her hooves in front of the changeling's face.

“Promise not to attack Chrysalis when I release you?” Twilight asked, cautious as to what her old foalsitter would do.

Cadance glared at the Changeling but ultimately sighed. “I promise, Twilight. I'm sorry I tried to attack your date.”

Twilight smiled and placed Cadance back in her seat, unable to catch Chrysalis' slice of cake flying into the shape-shifter's face. “Admirable effort Twilight, but she is entitled to some revenge.”

“Twilight, explain please?” Night Light asked, the rest of the family became very interested in what the daughter had to say.

“Well...” Twilight started, trying to think up a story. “I found Chrysalis in Everfree Forest, seriously wounded from the blast that Cadance and Shiny sent out. I was about to leave her there, but... I realized that would be cruel so I brought her back home.”

“Shoulda left her there,” Cadance muttered, her glare never leaving Chrysalis.

“Anyways, Chrysalis was a bit troubling to help, since she didn't like me very much, but eventually, me and her became friends,” Twilight finished, giving her family the biggest smile possible.

The family turned to Chrysalis who tried to replicate the same smile. “Bull, what happened?” Shining demanded.

Twilight sighed as she began retelling the events that re-introduced Chrysalis into Twilight's life, she made sure to leave out all parts that involved sex, and any details that had the possibility of anyone making links to the idea that the purple mare might have a herd/harem in Ponyville, it was embarrassing enough to tell your parents that your current date tried to kill you while also trying to not tell them that you fucked her brains out in retaliation.

Needless to say, the family was glad that Twilight isn't under some sort of mind-control, but they were less than pleased that the changeling tried to kill Twilight. “All I ask is that you give Chrysalis a chance, she Discord.”

“Discord was reformed?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yea, but Fluttershy did a lot of the work though.”

“Well, if you want us to give her a chance... I haven't seen a reason to distrust you, Twilight,” Velvet said, smiling at her daughter.

“Well, okay. For you Twily, but if anything happens, I'm going to drag her to Celestia personally,” Shining stated, the threat alone made Chrysalis cringe.

“I don't like it, but how could I say no to my little girl,” Night Light said, patting Twilight on the back.

“I don't know,” Cadance muttered, she turned to Chrysalis, and sighed. “Okay, but just this once.”

“Thanks everyone,” Twilight cheered, going around and hugging each pony at the table. “I promise that Chrysalis will behave herself.”

The group finished their meal and chatted into the night, eventually it was time for bed, not wanting their kids to go home this late, they coaxed them into spending the night. Twilight and Chrysalis arrived at her old bedroom, the sight of her bed made Twilight frown, due to it being far too small for both Chrysalis and herself.

“I'll take the floor, you can take bed,” Chrysalis stated, making herself comfortable on the rug.

Twilight grimaced and walked into the other room, she came back with a large blanket and draped it over the changeling. “I don't want you getting cold.”

Chrysalis fought off a blush as she watched Twilight got comfortable in her old bed. As she rested her eyes, she heard the telltale sounds of mating, coming from next door. “hmph, newlyweds.”

Soon the mating grew louder, Chrysalis rose to check on Twilight, who was still sound asleep. “How are you not awake? You brother is rutting your foalsitter in the next room, right next to your skull.” Chrysalis whispered, getting no response from the sleeping mare.

The sounds of the bed creaking and the occasional moan coming from Cadance started to get Chrysalis a little hot under her covers, she turned to Twilight. Despite Twilight being asleep, she seems to be quite aware of the coitus, if her hard on was any indication.

Smiling, Chrysalis squirmed out from the blanket and sat at the foot of the bed. She used her magic to remove the blanket from Twilight's lower body to grace her vision with the mare's dick. “My, you are a dirty filly, getting hard at the sounds of your brother mounting your foalsitter? I bet you wish you were in your brother's place right now.” She traced the member with a stray hole in her hoof, gingerly stroking Twilight's cock.

Twilight flinched a little but remained asleep, giving the changeling full reign to do what she wished to the unicorn's dick. The sounds of sex from the other room spurred Chrysalis on, she became impatient and took a portion of the lilac mare's dick into her maw, lightly tracing the side of her fangs along the length while taking care not to cut the pony.

Twilight struggled to remain asleep, but it was futile as she woke up to Chrysalis giving her an amazing blow job, “Chrysalis? A... Are Shining and Cadance actually?”

Chrysalis removed the member from her mouth and began to spread her saliva around the purple shaft. “Yes they are, and you were getting hard from it,” She teased, licking the tip of the penis.

Twilight blushed from the changeling's accusations, but she couldn't deny it without looking like a moron. She remained silent as Chrysalis took her back into her mouth, biting her hoof to suppress a moan.

The changeling's thin tongue trailed along the member and teased the cock's hole, probing it every so often. She felt Twilight's other hoof push her head down, forcing her to take more of the purple member.

Despite that Twilight was a tad small for the changeling, she was still rather big for a pony of her size. Coupled with the fact that she felt boundless amounts of Twilight's love enter her, love that she earned, not stolen from somepony else, caused her needy pussy to drip onto the floor and her clear shaft to grow, scraping against the hoofboards.

“Chryssy, I want this inside you so bad... but what if someone catches us?” Twilight asked, worried about someone in her family catching her as she fucked the changeling queen.

“Then they caught us doing something intimate, they don't seem to mind your brother getting his rocks off.” Chrysalis assured. Her tongue started to fuck Twilight's dickhole as she sucked on the meaty shaft, taking it down to the hilt. Her black pussy became more eager as the lilac mare began thrusting her hips into the changeling's face.

She levitated the pillow onto her face as she muffled her screams, her hooves forced Chrysalis to take every volley of cum the mare had for her, directly into her belly. Twilight slowly released but she continued to cum, the last load catching the roof of Chrysalis' mouth, as it dripped down onto the bed and Twilight's legs, the shape-shifter licked herself clean then leaned down to lick Twilight and the bed sheets clean of any visible cum, Twilight sat up during this and began petting the changeling and caressing her green mane. “You know, you do look pretty loveable licking my ejaculate,” Twilight cooed.

“And you are rather adorable when you cum. Nothing gets me hotter than watching your face contort in pleasure, even if you are mating someone else,” Chrysalis retorted, licking the scholar's face.

“Are you saying you love to watch me rut somepony else, as long as you get to see my face as I fill their womb with sterilized seed?” Twilight asked, teasingly.

“In a way, yes. But it's much more hotter when you make that face as you fill me, preferably with working sperm, but I can't change that right now.”

Twilight kissed Chrysalis' nose and motioned her to get on the bed. However, the unicorn slipped off the bed, and waited for Chrysalis to get on. She turned to the wall were the happy couple were still fucking, “Wow, those two have some stamina,” She commented.

“He's the captain of the guard, and she represents love and sex. You are a bookworm and your excuse is?”

“Having sex with Pinkie nearly three times a week before me and Daring started to date, then it became twice a week, that's my excuse,” Twilight scoffed, she got behind Chrysalis, whose rump was dangling off the bed, waiting for the unicorn to rut her. She spread the black legs as she surveyed what she had to work with, grimacing that she needed to increase her size if she wanted to pleasure Chrysalis.

As her horn glowed purple, her member grew to a size that would make Nightmare Moon swoon, and positioned it for the changeling's sopping sex. “Take me, filly. I'm not one of your dainty friends,” Chrysalis whined, shaking her rump with Twilight's dick wedged her her butt cheeks.

“Gladly,” Twilight grinned maliciously, as she repositioned. She hilted herself in the changeling in a single stroke, forcing the changeling to nearly shred the pillow with her fangs. The unicorn leaned over and played with the queen's translucent wings, watching them twitch from the pleasure.

Chrysalis felt her ovipositor rub itself against the bedspread, adding to the pleasure while Twilight pounded as deep as possible into her black pussy. She felt herself clench the unicorn tightly, she felt much larger than before as well, feeling the purple member command the changeling's inner walls to hug it tightly.

Twilight grit her teeth as the changeling's pussy collapsed around her cock, trying to milk her for every drop of spunk she had; but she resisted and attempted to keep rutting the former queen as hard as possible.

The changeling forgot to mask her voice when her orgasm hit, but she was too into the coitus to notice the thump in the other room and the rushing of hooves coming to break the door down.

Shining, wearing a robe to cover himself, kicked the door open but saw something he never would have expected. He was watching his sister mount the bug that had tried to take over Canterlot, and the bug was enjoying it. Twilight soon noticed and stopped, like a rabbit caught in a set of carriage lights. She hid her cock inside Chrysalis' pussy. “Uh, hey... big brother, Chrysalis couldn't sleep, so she and I... and this,”

“What's going o- Whoa,” Cadance said. She was wearing her own bathrobe, but she was completely fascinated by the scene.

Night Light and Velvet soon walked towards the open room, and peered inside to see their daughter, blushing red and balls deep in the changeling. “Huh, I was wondering what that noise was, I thought it was Shining and Cadance.”

“Dad!” Both siblings shouted. Twilight quickly levitated the discarded blanket over to cover her backside.

“Now, you two. You are both entitled to love whoever you want, and this is natural. You two don't need to be ashamed of it,” the elder Twilight giggled, winking to her daughter.

“But... Twilight... and Chrysalis... Is that a spell? Please don't teach Cady,” Shining muttered, oblivious to the casual glare his wife gave him.

“While it is nice that everypony is accepting of the daughter fucking and dominating the changeling that tried to ruin her brother's wedding but can you please let Twilight finish? I can feel her growing soft inside me,” Chrysalis whined, trying to thrust herself on to Twilight's groin since the lilac mare was paralyzed in fear.

“I'm sorry dear, it's just that Shining doesn't know, so this is rather odd to him,” Velvet stated.

“Wait, that implies that Cadance knows,” Twilight uttered, blushing harder.

“I found out while foalsitting for you, Twily. I just randomly saw it while tucking you into bed one night,” Cadance admitted.

Shining Armor was flabbergasted, “ that isn't a spell, my sister really has a dick, and she's using it on... her?”

“I have seventeen inches of purple meat inside me, I want to put it to good use, PLEASE!” Chrysalis yelled, angry that their intimacy was interrupted.

“Wait, seven-” Cadance muttered, but Night Light and Velvet ushered the young couple out of Twilight's room to allow Chrysalis and Twilight their privacy.

“Finally, fuck me.” Chrysalis dared, Twilight nodded quickly, returning to rut the changeling's brains out.

Back down stairs, the four ponies sat in the living room, there was an awkward silence, Chrysalis' moaning and her attempted to goad Twilight to fuck her harder notwithstanding. Shining broke the silence by coughing. “So, what's this about Twilight having a dick?”

“When Twilight was born, the doctors thought she was a colt, but later found out that she also had a vagina. We were told of the implications of having a dual-gender foal and accepted it. When Twilight hit puberty for the first time, the doctors said her womb is infertile, because of her testicles crushing her ovaries,” Velvet said, Cadance subconsciously gripped her husband, saddened by the fact that Twilight can't have a foal.

“And what about know...” Shining asked.

“Evidently, Twilight's male parts works well enough to make up for the lack of female functionality, according to the nurse that helped her get the sample, Twilight's magic isn't the only thing unstable,” Night Light said. “They had to make Twilight's testicles dormant so that if she wouldn't go down the same path as the... mares of legends.”

Cadance nodded. “I heard about them, far before Equestria was founded there were mares that were distorted by Discord to have both genitalia. They had rampant libido's and it wasn't uncommon for them to only think about impregnating other mares. There really wasn't any order so, if one of these mares saw another mare that didn't have a child, she would have one soon enough. Some unicorns and earth ponies made a special plant that would reduce the number of hermaphrodites born in that era since almost every mare gave birth to a hermaphrodit-”

“Ohh yes, fuck me more.” A scream from above apparently meant that Twilight was doing a good job with Chrysalis.

“Anyways, a group of these mares reappeared around the time Celestia and Luna were coronated, they attacked small settlements and raped anypony that could bear foals. Then there was Great Canopy, the mare that proved to most stallions that taking it can feel good, whether they wanted to find out or not.”

Shining remembered when Cadance mentioned Great Canopy once before, while trying to talk him into taking a strap-on... it didn't work out well for the alicorn of love. “Is everyone saying that Twilight is going to be some sexually charged mare that wants to knock everypony up with foals?”

“I don't think so, Shiny. Especially if she only has one mare friend,” Velvet uttered.

“Fuck me like that griffon bitch of yours.”

“A griffon? What else has Twilight not told us?” Shining complained.

“When she is ready to tell us, it's her life, Shiny, we can't force her or make her decisions for her,” Night Light said.

The group heard the telltale moans of the two having an orgasm above them. What made Cadance curious and Shining worried was that it sounded like they spilled a lot of liquid onto the floor, as heavy thumps hit the wooden ground. “See, I told you. You are so adorable when you come inside someone.”

“Well, that's going to be my night terrors for the next few weeks, night everypony,” Shining said, going back to his room to sleep.

Cadance watched her husband leave, and gave her parents-in-law a smile before following him up.

“To be young again, right Twi?” Night Light asked.

“That's right, my Nightlight. Are you going to have those nightmares again?”

“Probably, I did just listen to my daughter have sex with someone.”

“Well... we do know how to solve that problem, don't we?” Velvet cooed, climbing onto the dark blue stallion's lap.

Twilight and Shining soon realized that it was harder to sleep to the sounds of your parents having sex in the living room, when you knew exactly what they were doing.


Rarity was rushing back to Photo Finish's studio; while she was done with her designs, she didn't want to be late to the photo shoot and miss watching her designs shine under the metaphorical spotlight. The fitting that transpired the night before got Rarity rather “frustrated” from watching the cloth and lace that hugged Fleur's form quite well.

The ivory unicorn was trotting briskly across Canterlot, when she saw Twilight and a red maned mare with a black coat. Curious, she turned and ran up to the scholar. “Twilight, darling. How are you today?”

“Hey Rarity, I'm doing rather fine, all things considering. Are you in a rush?” Twilight asked, noticing that Rarity was currently trotting in place.

“There is a photo shoot in a hour, but I'd like to catch up with friends. So how was your brother's birthday?”

“It was okay, it got a bit rocky when they found out about Chrysalis, and when Shining found out...”

“When he found out about Chrysalis, dear?”

“N-no, I mean when he 'Found out',”

“Oh, OH. You mean he didn't know before? How did he find out?”

“He thought Chrysalis was attacking me, only to walk in on me and Chryssy... being intimate.”

Chrysalis began to grumble. “You try having seventeen inches of hard pony cock inside you, when the pony you're fucking is trying to cover herself up, while everyone else in the house is trying to explain why said mare has a dick in the first place to the brother that never found out. It was funny to find out that Cadance found out before Shining though.

Twilight turned, her face nearly drained of blood. “I am still in shock that Cadance knew at all.”

Rarity coughed to regain her purple friend's attention. “Well, that sounds interesting, dear. How about we do something about that? Do you need to be back at the library today?”

Twilight thought about it for a moment. “I'm not sure, it would be nice to get home bu-” The disguised unicorn poked the librarian and whispered something into her ear. “I guess I can delay my return for a bit, Spike and Gilda should be fine.”

“Excellent, I might need some moral support with some dresses. Fleur has been teasing me and Photo has been very... picky with what I have designed,” Rarity said.

“Sure, we can be your moral support; right Chrys?” Twilight asked, turning to the black unicorn.

“Chrys? Very well, as long as the designs are sexy,” Chrysalis uttered.

“Let's just say; I would have killed to have Twilight in the same room as me in my time of need,” Rarity said, blushing.

“Oh really?” Chrysalis' smile widened.

“Well, let's not dawdle; we need to get there quickly.” Rarity turned and began trotting towards Photo's Studio, with Twilight and Chrysalis attempting to follow her closely.

After a brisk run, they arrived at the studio. Rarity opened the door with her magic and the three mares walked in. They were immediately greeted by a white maned earth pony with large red glasses. “Rarity! Fleur is almost ready for the shoot, and... who are these ponies?”

“This is my friend Twilight Sparkle and her marefriend, uhh...” Rarity was lost as to what to call Chrysalis in her current disguise.

“Black Cherry, we weren’t truly introduced yet,” Chrysalis answered for her.

“Thank you dear, I brought them along for moral support.”

Photo Finish studied Twilight and Chrysalis carefully, occasionally lifting her glasses to reveal her indigo eyes. “Hmm, the Princess’ Student and the whore of Manehatten? Very well, as long as they stay quiet and don't get in the way of perfection.” Photo Finish turned and walked away, leaving Twilight and Rarity to turn to Chrysalis, confusion etched on their face.

“Back when I hated Twilight's guts, and needed love and money... I used this form to... do stuff to survive, let's move on.”

“Right,” Twilight and Rarity said in unison, as the three followed Photo Finish.

They entered a dark room with several lights centered on a green screen, a green carpet, and Photo Finish's personal camera set-up. The back wall had some fruit snacks and a pitcher of water. The photographer in question was fiddling with her camera a bit while a tall, yet slender unicorn walked over to the group, smiling. “Rarity dear, how are we this afternoon?”

“Quite well, darling. Let me introduce you to Twilight and... Black Cherry,” Rarity greeted.

“Charmed. Are they here to watch me or to support you?” Fleur asked in a teasing tone.

“I.. I'm here to support my friend,” Twilight stuttered, trying not to trail her eye sight along the sexy unicorn.

“Came for her, but I might stay for you,” Chrysalis teased back, making the slender unicorn giggle.

“Oh, you are awful. You and I are going to get along well, Miss Cherry,” Fleur chuckled. She gave the group a brief nod and turned to get ready for the shoot itself.

The three ponies sat down and waited for the photo shoot to happen. Already Twilight was nervous, she remembered when Pinkie showed up one day in lingerie, all to get Twilight too hot and bothered to say “No” to sex that night. Rainbow Dash made it worse when she unintentionally peeled that tight clothing off her blue fur. Twilight had a bad feeling what this photo shoot would end in the scholar having to leave early, and possibly drag Chrysalis into the closest bathroom. She tried to keep her mind clear of any dirty thoughts, hoping that Fleur would enter the room wearing dresses Rarity was known for.

Fleur strolled in with long black socks that came up to the flanks, a short skirt that only covered the cutie marks, but left her rump bare, a blouse that tightly hugged her skin, her mane done into a ponytail, and a small pair of reading glasses placed delicately on her nose. Twilight forced herself to stare at the floor.

“Let us begin,” Photo Finish called out, getting behind her camera. Fleur levitated a desk over and sat on the edge of it, crossing her hind-legs, and leaning back a bit as if to flaunt something that was supposed to be in snug in her blouse.

A bright flash indicated that the picture had been taken. “Good, another!” Fleur nodded and got off the desk. She placed her forehooves on the wooden surface, and shook her rump. “Excellent, give me passion.” The photo shoot continued with Fleur doing various luscious poses that made Twilight's dick rebellious. She tried her best to hide it or restrain it with magic and hooves.

Later, Fleur changed her clothing to something more concealing but somehow more erotic; Fleur was wearing a large nun's habit that could possibly be a dress. She also wore skin tight spandex that covered only a portion of her cutie mark, a small stuffed bear rode on her back, a large hoof-cuff was worn around her midsection, and each hoof had small boots that were cuffed.

Chrysalis turned to Twilight and while she did notice the purple mare's discomfort, she was more annoyed by how she tried to hide her natural reactions and the mare who was causing them. Jealousy, was an emotion Chrysalis had difficulties trying to identify, mostly because it was an absurd emotion, especially for a changeling queen.

Despite the herd back home, this was Chrysalis' time with Twilight. How dare this mare get Twilight hard? She smiled as she thought it was time to fight fire with fire. She stood up and strolled onto the set, her horn glowed as clothes materialized onto her form. She went from being stark naked, to wearing red latex socks, panties, and devil horns on her head. A tight red suit also covered her midsection, but forced her tail to be raised, allowing the world (and Twilight) to view her glistening sex. Her eyes turned red as fangs appeared in her smile. The final change was her mane, which took on a fiery appearance, waving in the wind similar to Celestia's or Luna's manes.

After the most recent picture, Chrysalis pushed Fleur out of the way, to show off her form for the camera. While Photo Finish was greatly annoyed that this 'whore' just pushed her model away, she was indeed taken by the display of seduction and power the black mare showed off.

Fleur grumbled and tried to get back on set, but Photo Finish called out “I'm sorry, Miss Fleur, but take five for now.” This admission made Fleur feel... horrible, like she was thrown away for something better, she ran out the door and into her dressing room. Twilight and Rarity felt bad for the mare and followed her. Due to the spotlights, Chrysalis didn't see Twilight leave, and was unaware that she just lost all reason to pose like this, yet kept doing it.

Rarity and Twilight found Fleur crying at her vanity table. They felt bad about the situation and were compelled to help the mare in need. “Fleur, I'm sorry about Chry- Black Cherry, I can't exactly speak for why she did it, but I hope it was for a good reason,” Twilight said, hoping it wasn't the worst thing to say now.

Out the corner of her eye, Rarity noticed the hard purple cock tapping Twilight's belly. “Maybe she was jealous that Fleur was getting you more excited then she was?”

Twilight shot a confused look to her friend when she realized that she wasn't “hidden”. “Oh, well... I didn't even know she could get jealous,” she uttered.

Fleur lifted her head slightly to see the two mares. “I'm sorry, I'm not usually this emotional. I just, that has never happened to me, to be... replaced so easily.”

“I'm actually scared of that myself, if I was just cast out from my friends, or if the Princess replaced me as her student because I did something wrong... I wouldn't know what to do with myself if it happened,” Twilight confessed. She walked over to Fleur and began to rub her back warmly. “I'm not going to pretend to understand what you must be going through, but me and Rarity are here for you.”

Fleur sat up and hugged Twilight tightly, weeping softly into her mane. Rarity walked over and joined the hug, nuzzling the back of the habit the model was wearing. “If you need anything, we will be there to help, darling.”

“Thank you both, that helped a bit,” Fleur uttered, she kissed Rarity on the cheek and as she went to kiss Twilight, the purple mare turned to smile at Rarity for a job well done for cheering Fleur up, only to lock lips with the model herself. It surprised both mares a bit, causing them both to jump back.

“Sorry, I... sorry,” Twilight stuttered, blushing madly.

Fleur's hooves covered her mouth, blushing just as hard as the scholar. “That was certainly unexpected.”

Rarity soon felt what Chrysalis might have felt during the photoshoot, but disregarded as she knew there were better reasons to be jealous of others that had received Twilight's affections. She also knew that there was one outfit that could be easily re-sized for later activities that Fleur had yet to show off, and based on Twilight's track record with mares, she knew it'd be put to work very soon. The fashionista went to Fleur's dressing room to put that final costume to work, even if Fleur didn't want any, it didn't mean she couldn't have a night with purple mare.

Twilight stood back on her hooves. Her face was rather red from the photo shoot and from Fleur's kiss. The tight spandex that hugged the slender mare was also troubling, especially after the kiss. “Well, yes... Rarity and I can help you, if you ever need it,” She said.

“But you've already done so much, cheering me up, and showing that you care... reminds me of my ex-coltfriend, Fancy Pants.”


“Yes, Fancy Pants and I were once an item, but things got complicated, his duties to the monarchy and his businesses made things hard for us to really spend some time with each other. We had a long talk one day and decided to split up. I miss him sometimes and he misses me, but we are both sure it was for the best.”

“I broke up with somepony recently too, but it was my fault though,” Twilight muttered. Fleur was confused as to why the unicorn would admit such a thing and listened patiently. “I was dating a mare named Daring Do, we were pretty close for a while, but then I started doing some of the stupidest things and she still put up with it, but eventually, she stopped trying to make me blameless and she dumped me.”

“Poor dear, what is it exactly that caused her to leave you?”

“I... really don't want to say it, if that's okay with you,” Twilight muttered, fidgeting in place.

“Talking about might help you feel better, we’ve already proved that we have some similarities: such as our fear of failing others and ourselves, we both had a recent relationship that didn't work out, and if Rarity is any indication, we are both fun to be around. Maybe if we spent more time together, we'd find more things that we can enjoy?”

Twilight's eyes went wide as she processed what Fleur just said. “Are you asking me out?”

Fleur began to giggle softly at the question. “Not exactly, I'm saying we can become friends, I'm sure Rarity won't mind if she were here. Speaking of which, where is she?”

As if summoned from her lamp, Rarity walked through the door, wearing large purple baggy pants around her hind legs, a purple vest, and various necklaces that hung around her horn and head. Her mane was done into a long ponytail. When she walked into dressing room, she had a seductive look on her, but as she noticed that the target of her desires wasn't alone, seduction became embarrassment. “Oh... hello girls, did I interrupt something?”

Twilight just took in the sight of her friend's new wardrobe, while Fleur questioned why Rarity had put on one of the outfits she was to wear later, despite the lack of use it would have. “Not really, Twilight and I have decided to be friends, then you came in,” Fleur answered.

“Oh well, that's wonderful darling,” Rarity said. She felt rather foolish now for putting this outfit on. “I guess, we should get back to the shoot, yes?”

Twilight began to blush heavily. “You girls go on ahead, I'll catch up... later.”

Fleur became curious, “May I ask why? Are you feeling alright, Twilight?”

“Just fine, go on without me,” The scholar said, trying put on her best smile.

“I'll stay back and help Twilight, you go on,” Rarity said, standing next to the purple unicorn.

“Very well, see you girls in a bit,” Fleur uttered, walking out the dressing room.

Rarity and Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, let's help you deal with that 'problem' of yours,” The fashionista exclaimed, too excited to be normal.

“You don't have to, I can easily take care of this myself... really, you go with Fleur,” Twilight tried to persuade.

“Trust me, darling,” Rarity cooed, sliding up alongside her studious' lover's side. “You'd be doing me a favor.” And with that she locked lips with Twilight, pushing the purple mare onto her back while grinding her puffy pants along the stiffening rod.

“Wait, I thought that one other time would be the only-” Twilight tried to say but a hoof shut her up.

“Don't you know, Twily? If you give someone something delicious, they are bound to want more,” Rarity stated. Twilight could practically feel the lust coming off each word. Rarity continued to grind on top of Twilight, the purple member barely poking out from underneath the genie pants. “So... what is your first wish?”

“M-my first wish?” Twilight asked, rather worried. “I guess... you could help me... with my 'problem', if you don't mind.”

“That wasn't a wish, dear. You need to make a 'wish', dear.”

Twilight flinched when she felt Rarity's magic massaging her dick. “I... wish...foryoutopleasureme.

“What was that, dear?” Rarity said, turning her head, as if to hear Twilight better.

“I wish for you to pleasure me,” Twilight whispered, wincing from Rarity's magic and constant grinding.

“You will need to speak louder, dear,” Rarity cooed, smiling as a flustered Twilight was, truly, an adorable Twilight.

“Rarity, you are trying to act like a Genie, hence I'm the master. My first wish was for you to pleasure me, so get to it,” Twilight scolded, unable to believe the audacity of Rarity trying to be a master when she was CLEARLY roleplaying as a genie, an all-powerful spirit that would either mess with their master's wishes or please them. If she wanted to call the shots, she should have made Twilight wear the Genie outfit. The reality of the scholar yelling at her friend dawned on her and she immediately shrank. “I'm so sorry, Rarity.”

Rarity was still stunned by the purple mare's outburst, but she eventually recovered and answered. “It's... okay, dear. I guess I was rather presumptuous in thinking that I could make you all mine, and with so many others that around you, I didn't think you'd notice me... so I thought this would work.” Rarity slumped down, unaware that Twilight was more annoyed by her acting then her actions.

The ivory unicorn felt a hoof on her side, rubbing her forelimb tenderly. “Of course I'd notice you, you're one of my best friends. I just figured that the night we... did it, I was sure we'd both would have thought of it as a one time thing. If you wanted to talk about it, I would have listened; I will always be there for you.”

Rarity smiled, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. “Oh, Twilight.” She quickly closed the gap between herself and Twilight, holding her in a passionate kiss. The librarian was passive, giving careful movements with her tongue, while the fashionista was far more aggressive, the only thing that drove her was her newly rekindled love for the bookworm.

During this, Fleur watched the two make out. She was happy that the two had each other, but what did Rarity say about 'others'? What also confused the model was how Rarity grinding against Twilight while wearing those large floaty pants? She must have missed something while she was pondering the relationship between the two ponies.

“Poor dear, you still need my assistance, don't you?” Rarity cooed, rubbing her forelimb across Twilight's torso. “Well, you still made that wish, so as your servant, I must do what I can to please my master.” She moved herself off Twilight and lowered her head close to the semi-hard member. Giving the shaft a few generous licks.

Fleur was floored, her eyes went wide as she watched Rarity suck on a mare's penis, the mere mention of that in her head felt strange. The shorts she was wearing were beginning to bother her as she witnessed her designer give another mare a blowjob.

Rarity licked along the head, taking every little bit of pre-cum that formed at the tip, she savored this taste, knowing that the moment the two returned to Ponyville, the ruffians would take her away. Her tongue traced itself along the sensitive flesh, the sound of her stallion's adorable moans caused a wet spot to form at the crotch of her leggings.

“Goodness, Rarity... where did you-” Twilight hissed, amazed by how the ivory unicorn was taking her length.

“I assure you, you are the only stallion I have ever pleasured... but when a lady desires more and has been barred, she finds other ways to amuse herself,” Rarity said, taking half of Twilight's girth.

The lavender mare bit her lower lip as both her forelimbs held Rarity tightly, keeping the fashionista on her dick but not forcing any more down her friend's throat.

Finding that she couldn't leave until Twilight blew, she closed her eyes and began to breathe through her nose. Taking everything the purple mare had into her mouth, she suppressed her gag reflex as the dark lavender dick entered her throat. Her tongue continued its assault along the sides of Twilight's penis while Rarity held her position, with her nose pressed firmly against the purple fur.

Twilight's hooves brought the mare back up for air, but soon forced her back down, using Rarity's mouth as if it were an eager pussy. Aware that her friend required air to breathe, the scholar forced her up for air for a few seconds in between the face-fucking she was forced to take form the lilac unicorn. Despite the lack of air and how Twilight was now thrusting her hips into the ivory mare's face, Rarity was in her own form of rough bliss.

Feeling close to cumming, Twilight brought her friend up for air. “Take a deep breath,” she warned. Her mare quickly complied, Twilight forced every inch of her dick back into Rarity's throat, letting loose a torrent of her cum, directly into her stomach. The purple mare didn't let a single drop leave the beautiful mare below her. She unsheathed herself out of Rarity, watching the ivory mare gasp and cough for air, sperm dribbling out the corners of her mouth. “Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away.”

“It's...*cough* fine, dear,” Rarity gasped, recovering from the brutal blowjob she was forced to give. “Now, what was your second wish?”

Twilight smiled, taking notice of the large balloon pants she has been wearing. “My second wish... is for you to remove everything that is covering your rump and back legs; they are obscene and have very little use to us.” The lavender mare began to feel that if Rarity was going to take an active role as a genie, she might as well take her role as master seriously as well.

“As you wish, Master,” Rarity cooed, her magic covered her large pants in a bright blue glow. She turned with her rump facing Twilight, and leaned her front down as her pants slowly removed themselves from the unicorn's rear.

Twilight felt her body get hotter as she watched the large pants slid down, revealing the “virgin” white coat underneath, swaying back and forth as to entice her stallion to mount her. But her stallion had other plans.

Rarity's entire form rose in a bright violet glow; she panicked for a second, even as the glow forced her legs to spread further as she floated over to Twilight and her needy member. Twilight lowered her lover down, running her penis along Rarity' dripping slit. “Please Master, don't tease me,” Rarity whined, biting her lower lip.

Believing that she had teased her enough, Twilight slowly pulled Rarity down onto her member, making her friend feel every inch enter her body and make it as nice and painless as possible. “Don't worry, I'll make this one heck of a ride, just for my little filly.”

The red tinge grew darker on Rarity's face, yet her heart swelled with happiness when Twilight called her “her little filly”. She gasped when she felt the purple member hilt itself, seating herself completely on Twilight's crotch. The librarian held the ivory mare and used her own magic and forelimbs to help move the mare along her shaft.

Fleur began to lean closer to get a better look at the two mares making love, but she lost her balance, causing her to fall into the room, surprising both mares. Fleur slowly recovered, looking up to see Twilight and Rarity staring at her, deeply embarrassed and very scared. “Oh... I'm sorry, I tripped... and fell... into the room.”

Twilight and Rarity stood still, frightened by the outburst. The slender mare looked at the ponies and noticed Rarity's distress, “Are you alright, Rarity?”

“I'm fine, just... when you leave, could you close the door?” Rarity said sheepishly, she wanted Fleur gone immediately but didn't want to verbally assault the mare, especially with the feeling of Twilight softening within her.

Fleur wanted to leave, but her legs refused to let her. She felt like she wanted answers so she had to ask, “Isn't Black Cherry your marefriend? Wouldn't she-” Then it dawned on her, the reason why Twilight was dumped, but as she thought about it, it was clear that Rarity was the one that came onto her.

“Black... knows already,” Twilight uttered, she tried to hide behind Rarity.

"Well, I...” Fleur's body didn't want her to leave, was it her recent friendship with Twilight? The smell of the purple mare's musk? The fact that she hasn't had sex in a few months? She wasn't sure, as she used her magic to close the door, and slowly walked towards the couple, her magic removed the habit she was wearing. “I should help you two out, I suppose... it was rude of me to interrupt.”

Twilight and Rarity was surprised by the slender mare's intentions, but the fashionista was more than pleased as she felt the once softening member began to return to it's rigid glory within her needy pussy.

Fleur slowly laid down in front of the two mares. She leaned her head in and began to lick Twilight's dick as well as giving some attention to Rarity's clitoris. The lavender mare felt the model's hooves rubbing her cutie marks, urging her to rut her friend, possibly so that Fleur can have her own turn with the purple cock.

Rarity felt as if she was in heaven. With the feeling of Twilight thrusting in her core and and kissing her neck while Fleur licking her clitoris, she began to writhe as her first orgasm hit her. Her walls closing around the purple mare's dick. Her juices leaked around Twilight's girth, trying to milk the purple penis for it's seed.

“Please, Twilight... cum, I want it so badly,” Rarity moaned. Twilight, not wanting to disappoint, let out a low hiss as she filled her mare with impotent seed. She continued her thrusting as she recklessly spent her cum inside Rarity. Fleur only watched in awe as large globs of white substance left the fashionista's pussy while the thick shaft surged and pulsed beneath the pink opening. She licked a single glob off of the scholar's exposed sections of her penis and then went in for another and then another until Twilight and Rarity's crotches were cleaned of any love-juices.

Twilight lifted Rarity off her mare-meat with her magic, lying her down next to her. The crown and the upper portion of the shaft were slick with mare juices and spunk. The mere sight and scent made Fleur use her own magic to rip her shorts off her backside violently as her tail raised instinctively.

The purple mare noticed this action and didn't have time to stop Fleur before she was pinned down, her hardening cock was pressed against the model's dripping entrance. “Well... this wasn't what I was... expecting when we became friends,” Fleur growled. Her magic helped adjust the member slightly to allow her to ride Twilight properly, drooling from the feeling of being filled, especially by one that felt bigger than Fancy's impressive length.

“I'll... try and be gentle,” Twilight moaned. Fleur was larger but her pussy felt small and tight, it baffled her how the bigger mare felt smaller than most ponies she's been with.

The view of such a sexy unicorn riding her length with such lust, encouraged Twilight to try and thrust into the model at times to add to her pleasure, even as her view was blocked off by a white rump. “Please, dear. Make this your final wish, I need it so bad,” Rarity whimpered.

Twilight smiled a bit, “This isn't my third wish, but I'll do it for you.” This made Rarity so happy, she laid her rump down carefully and begin to ride Twilight's face. While Twilight be normally against such a thing, she eagerly lapped at Rarity's vagina, letting her own seed and Rarity's juices flow into her waiting mouth, and swallowing it eagerly.

Fleur was in a world of her own pleasure. She rode the purple cock vigorously, as she watched the mare she was riding eat out her dress designer, happily drinking in the creampie she made earlier. It got Fleur even hungrier for the lilac mare's dick. She leaned forward and pressed Rarity to her chest, and began licking along Rarity's horn. “Ahh!” Rarity gasped, as her cheek brushed against the silk blouse the model was wearing. The feeling of Twilight's tongue in her pussy and Fleur's on her horn was very effective in making her hornier than before.

“Twilight!” Rarity screamed, as her vaginal secretions flowed like a river out onto Twilight's face. The magic in her horn became unstable as liquid magic entered Fleur's mouth and was eagerly swallowed. Fleur came shortly after as she cried, holding Rarity tighter to her body. Her inner muscles worked nonstop to help milk the lavender scholar of her seed.

It was a feeling that proved too much for Twilight, as her cock twitched and grew within Fleur, sending salvo after salvo of sterile mare seed into her womb, and causing the mare's belly to grow slightly. A part of her was scared of the idea of being pregnant as it would mean she couldn't model, but she felt like she wanted this to happen, to be inseminated by this mare, hoping that the belly was just the first of many to come.

Fleur slowly got off Twilight, her legs shaking as she rose. When she felt Twilight's softening mass leave her entirely, she nearly collapsed. All the air in her body had been taken out of her from the recent exercise. Rarity slowly removed herself from Twilight's face and fell onto Fleur, kissing the taller mare's chest.

Fleur lifted Rarity's chin to allow them to kiss passionately, the model could taste Twilight on the mare's lips and tongue, sucking the flavor off of the fashionista's wild muscle. They collapsed onto the ground, with Rarity lying on top of Fleur with their legs spread out and entangled. The sight made the lilac mare want more.

Little did they know, there was a pony taking pictures of their lovemaking. Photo Finish stood on the other side of the slightly opened door and took pictures of the activities, doing her best to make Twilight's dick the primary focus of most of them. After finally leaving Black Cherry to find her model to apologize, she walked into to a bizarre sight of her designer, the princess' student, and her model all having sex in the dressing room. What boggled her mind more was the discovery of the purple mare's cock as it pistoned into Rarity or Fleur, it... mystified her.

“Enjoying the view?” Photo jumped in surprise as a large black creature appeared behind her, with sickly green mane and insect-like hide. “Don't worry, your secret is safe, but I think you'll enjoy something else more if you'd... give me the camera.”

Photo Finish wasn't about to give the creature her camera, even as... an impressive clear dick emerge from the bug-pony's crotch, the photographer was pulled closer to it by the changeling, forced to take in the pheromones, making her submissive to the changeling.

Despite that fact that the eggs aren't fertilized, it'd be good for Chrysalis to have somepony that was used to the feeling of having eggs forced into her womb when Twilight finally became fertile, she'd have to train the earth pony very well to take it...and Twilight later.

Twilight loomed over to the two mares who were making out. She pressed her cock against Rarity's rump, making her jump. She smiled as she wedged her dick in between the two mares and began thrusting into them, her member rubbing their teats and grinding against their clits. Rarity and Fleur moaned into each other's mouths. The lilac unicorn pushed the two white mares down tighter, cooing when she felt their silky fur against her sensitive cock.

Fleur and Rarity became more aggressive as their tongues fought harder between their mouths. Shuddering as Twilight's cock was squeezed between them. Twilight's magic flared, causing her girls' insides to feel full once again, with a foreign but not unwanted pleasure that came upon them. It felt as if somepony was licking their pussies from the inside with a strong, dexterous appendage that flexed and teased their respective g-spots.

Twilight's own dual-genitalia was encased in a blue and pink glow; she noticed that Fleur and Rarity wanted to give back in their own way, with the model's magic focused on the cock that tried to separate the two mares and the fashionista working on the forgotten vagina. Twilight gasped and clung to Rarity's rump for dear life, thrusting harder into the mares. While she was usually against using her marehood, she couldn't deny the pleasure Rarity's magic was doing for her. She was replicating what Twilight was doing to them now, and Fleur's magic was rubbing her in ways that made the scholar's legs weak.

They kept their individual magics going while Twilight was now growing desperate to unleash whatever was left in her cock. Rarity and Fleur's passion grew during the thrusts, nipping, kissing, and biting to give the other sexual bliss. It all came to a crescendo when Twilight let out a howl, her cock throbbed between the two white mares as their bodies and faces were covered in unicorn jism.

Rarity felt pride in being covered by Twilight, as dirty as it may seem. Fleur, however, was confused by the act. She just met Twilight, and yet here she is painted in her jism... it felt right to her somehow. Fatigue settled into their bodies, as Fleur wrapped her hooves around Rarity and held her tight as she slept, the fashionista returned the favor.

Twilight smiled as the display and kissed each of her mares on the cheek. While she would love to stay and nap with them, she had to get back to Ponyville and do damage control, knowing Trixie anyways.

She cleaned herself with magic and walked out the dressing room, closing it tightly for the sleeping girls. She turned to find Chrysalis leaving an office in the same manner. “I hope you had fun, Twilight.”

“It was... unexpected, but it was really fun,” Twilight muttered, smiling sheepishly. “I'm sorry we didn't get to do much for you, maybe tomorrow and after I talk to the others. We can actually have a day, just for you and me.”

Chrysalis wasn't expecting this, she did expect Twilight to feel bad for not spending a lot of time with the changeling, but... it was still unexpected that the purple mare would assert her authority to set an actual date between the two. Perhaps being this mare's...mare wouldn't be the worst thing ever for her. “I'll hold you to it, Sparkle.”

(A few days later)

Twilight was drinking her tea in peace with Zecora and Gilda when Trixie kicked the door down. “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, MISTRESS!”

“While I try to understand your rage, I assume another mare has been freed from her cage,” Zecora answered. Trixie just stopped, staring blankly at the striped mare.

“She's saying that you're mad about Twilight banging another pony,” Gilda uttered. She didn't really approve of this, but she was fine with it as long as Twilight was happy and disregarded it as 'a thing', the mere fact that she isn't up in arms like Trixie, got her an approving smile from Twilight and a tingle up her spine that made her legs weak. “What was that?”

“That might have been me being proud that you got over your 'hatred' for sharing me, all things considering of course,” Twilight explained, blushing slightly at the end.

This served to infuriate Trixie more, “don't reward the griffon, reward me when I tell that skinny hussy to leave.”

“Wait, Fleur is here?” Twilight asked, curiously.

As if summoned, Fleur and Rarity entered the library, with both mares making a beeline straight for the purple librarian. “TWILIGHT!” They said, happily.

“It's nice to see you girls, too.”

“Don't worry Twilight, Rarity had told me everything about your herd on the train... I've heard so much about herds when I was a senior in school, I almost never thought that one could actually exist. Ohh, this will be so much fun, you must introduce me to all your mares and stallions please,” Fleur said excitedly.

“Wait... you LIKE the idea of being in a herd?” Twilight asked, baffled. "Wait... How are school ponies talking about herds if they've been banned for two hundred or so years?"

“A mare of my own heart, truly fate gave us a good start,” Zecora exclaimed, smiling.

“When I first heard of herding in school, I became curious, I'll admit. But as I learned, I thought of it more as a... big club, where girls hang out like friends, helping each other and being protected by a big strong stallion,” Fleur sighed. “You may not be a big strong stallion, but from what I’ve heard about your magic, and that time in my dressing room, you more than make up for it.” She began snuggling Twilight tighter.

“And you?” Gilda asked, giving a confused look to Rarity.

“Well I must confess, I disliked the idea of having to share Twilight, especially when I thought I never had a chance with her, but the way Fleur described it made it more appealing. We become more than friends in a way, we still do our own thing with each other or by ourselves, but at least we know that if something goes wrong, we have somepony special to protect us,” Rarity explained, rubbing Twilight's side affectionately.

“Well, I'm glad you girls are happy, when you’re happy, I'm happy.” Twilight's admission made the two mares squeal like school fillies.

“Trixie isn't happy...” Trixie muttered, slumping down into depression.

Twilight's smile quickly left as she went to comfort the magician. “I'm sorry Trixie, I know you don't like this whole 'herd' thing at all. But... we can't exactly stop it now, too many ponies, as well as Gilda and Zecora would get hurt, and I don't want to hurt them. All I can do now, is try and help you accept this, but only if you let me, Trixie.”

“And there is only one way to do it,” Fleur trotted up next to Twilight and Trixie. “We hang out and have a fun day as a herd, then we help Trixie get better 'acquainted' into the herd, as we should be.”

Zecora nodded, she felt a tear go down her face as the newest member of the herd had fully embraced this path.

“I dunno,” Gilda muttered, not liking the idea to help Trixie.

“You don't have to come if you don't want to, Gilda. I wouldn't want to force you into something you don't want to be a part of,” Twilight said.

“I'm a part of your stupid fuck-buddy club, I might as well do something then. Besides, I still need to prove to Trixie that my belly rubs are the best.”

Trixie was stunned as she was whisked away by Twilight and Fleur to do various activities that a herd of this age would possibly do, and this all made her feel... wanted, not just by Twilight, but by her fellow herd mates.


Fluttershy was watering her flowers when a shadow loomed over head. The moment she noticed it, she hid in a nearby bush. “I hear you wish to be a mother.” The question made the yellow pegasus curious and she poked her head out of the foliage.

She saw Queen Chrysalis in her yard, the mere fact alone made her scared. “Ye-ye-ye... no, I don't wanna be a mommy...yet,” Fluttershy stuttered, she didn't know how to answer the changeling.

“Don't be shy, I know what it feels like, to be a mother... and I can help you with that.” Fluttershy hide back in her bush, blushing and still greatly frightened. “Not as an incubator, but as a mother of a healthy little foal.” This made Fluttershy walk out of her bush, still cautious but also very curious.

“Wha-what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

Chrysalis smiled. “I have a plan to make Twilight fertile again.”

The statement caused the animal lover's wings to grow erect... and they stayed that way for several hours.

Chapter Fourteen and One Third: The Ride back Home.

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[Tags: No Sex/Safe]

The train let out a loud whistle, signalling it’s departure from Canterlot. Rarity and her sister, Sweetie Belle, seated themselves as the train began to move to Ponyville. Rarity recalled getting an earful when Sweetie Belle told her parents about how the younger unicorn was forced to sit and listen while her sister spoke of mating and sex with her friend and date as if she didn’t exist.

“Now shall we head home, Sweetie?” Rarity asked.

“I guess; are you going to talk about Miss Twilight again?”

“No I won’t… and I apologized for that countless times already,” Rarity huffed, annoyed that her sister brought it up once again.

“I just wanna know why everyone ignored me when you three were talking about herds and Fluttershy wanting to be a mommy?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“We got caught up in the moment, Sweetie. The art of Gossip is a very demanding and very distracting mistress, one which causes many trivial things to become more important than what is actually important, something you will learn when you are older, dear,” Rarity replied.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting to run into you this soon…”

Rarity turned to see the familiar model, Fleur de Lis, walking over to her. “Fleur?”

“Who else? And who’s the adorable little filly?”

“Why this is my little sister, Sweetie Belle, say hello dear.”

Sweetie Belle gave the slender unicorn a cautious look before sucking in a breath. “Hello, ma’am.”

Fleur happily petted the filly, much to Sweetie belle’s annoyance. “Oh my, your sister is just the sweetest.”

Rarity noticed her sister’s discomfort and let out a cough to acquire the model’s attention. “Fleur, may I ask what’s brings you to Ponyville?”

“Oh, how rude of me. After our… talk, I thought I’d go meet with my newest lover at her home in Ponyville.”

“Your… newest lover?” Rarity asked slowly, but then it dawned on her. “You mean Twilight?” The announcement made Sweetie cringe, as the filly knew what will happen next.

“Yes, the night…” Fleur remembered that she was in the presence of a filly. “I grew to like Twilight, and seeing as she was obviously in an open relationship with Black Cherry, I decided to go talk to her about us.” She let out a sigh as she turned out to the window, staring off towards Canterlot mountain.

“Well, dear… you see…” Rarity needed to try and talk Fleur out of it as she just managed to catch Twilight’s eye once again. And if Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, can grow jealous of the model, she’ll have no hope of turning the librarian’s head once Fleur walks into the library. “Twilight has many suitors, and they are all very protective of her affection. It’s the reason why I hid my affections before.”

“Many suitors?” Fleur asked, confused as to what Rarity meant by that. “So Black Cherry isn’t the only pony that desires Twilight?”

Sweetie gave an odd look to her older sister. Based on how the rumors around Ponyville and how the Crusaders saw them act, Pinkie and Zecora were perfectly okay with other mares being around Twilight unless they make her uncomfortable. Mostly everyone else gets mean when another mare is near Twilight, like when Daring stormed out of Ponyville one day. “But Scootaloo said that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were trading ideas on how to do adult stuff to Miss Twilight a week ago… I think.”

“What?” Rarity said, shocked that Sweetie Belle, her sister, would say such things. “Dear, I think you need to spend less time around Scootaloo, especially if she is listening to those two talk about things like that.” The mere idea of spending less time away from Scootaloo frightened the unicorn filly to no end. Rarity turned to her new friend to find that her face was beaming, a smile that stretched from ear to ear. “Is something the matter?”

“How many… are after Twilight, if I may be so bold?”

Rarity began to blush while Sweetie Belle started to count the mares in her head. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had to keep tabs on the vile colt-mare in the event of a crisis. “I’m not sure how to answer that… she’s my best friend… with whom I experimented once then had a moment yesterday, but it’s nothing to-”

“I count eight, right Rarity?” Sweetie Belle answered innocently. Rarity’s mouth shut tightly, her rage battled her embarrassment.

Fleur attention turned to Sweetie Belle, who oddly knew more about Twilight’s love life then Rarity. “And how would you know this? And do you happen to know how they act around Twilight and each other? I need to know what exactly is going on with my new love, Sweetie.”

“Wait... she’s just a filly, she can’t possibly…”

“Me and my friends got scared that Twilight would try and steal our sisters away so we wanted to stop her, so we tried to gather as much information as possible on Twilight, one of attempts didn’t work but we still continued… I don’t think we will now that Twilight took my friend’s sister, Applejack,” Sweetie uttered, slumping down in defeat.

“Sweetie… just because we had… a night with Twilight doesn’t mean she had stolen us away, dear. No matter what Twilight does to me, I’ll always be your sister.” With that, Rarity hugged her younger sibling and kissed her on the head. “What would make you feel such a thing?”

“Well, you would fantasize about Twilight sometimes, and forget everything else existed. Rainbow Dash would mutter her name while she napped, and Applejack use to give a confused look towards the library. We thought that maybe Twilight was hypnotizing you all and you wouldn’t be our sisters anymore,” Sweetie sniffled.

“Oh Sweetie; I would never do that to you, and I know Twilight would be devastated to hear that she was breaking us apart. I promise you this, you will always come before Twilight, and I’m sure she’ll agree completely,” Rarity cooed, hugging her sister tighter.

“Thanks Rarity.”

Fleur watched the adorable scene play out, she felt her eyes water from the sibling affection. “How… sweet. Makes me wish I had a sibling.”

“They can be a hoofful, but I wouldn’t trade her away for anything, not for most fabulous gems, not for a kingdom, not even for Twilight Sparkle.”

Sweetie smiled, nuzzling her sister’s fur. She did a slight jump in her sister’s embrace when she remembered Fleur's other questions. “Oh sorry, I forgot the other things you asked about: Some of them can get really mean with each other, especially a mare named Trixie who hates anypony that gets close to Miss Twilight. Miss Gilda was like that for a bit but now she’s pretty okay with it all. Miss Pinkie and Zecora are kind to anyone that did adult things with Twilight, but they keep saying ‘herd’ like it’s what’s going on, Rarity… what’s a herd?”

Rarity chuckled awkwardly… unsure if she could say such things to her sister. “It’s… well, a herd… is when a single pony has many ponies that like them… and they all lived happily ever after.”

“NO!” Fleur bellowed, catching both by surprise. “A herd is much more than a harem. A harem is a collection of playthings for their master. A herd is a bond more powerful than marriage where the leader, the Alpha, protects and nurtures their mares, making them feel safe, loved… complete.” Fleur turned to the surprised unicorns before her and giggled awkwardly. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s… okay, dear.”

“So… is being in a herd better than having a fillyfriend.. o-or a coltfriend?” Sweetie uttered, saving herself from letting on that she could be with Scootaloo.

“It’s like a club… where the club leader is the most important pony to the club members, the club leader protects her members, guides them, loves them, provides a shoulder to cry on or an ear to talk to… a club where everyone loves the club leader and the club leader loves all her members equally,” Fleur said; her eyes sparkled, and her voice took a dreamy approach to her words.

“Wow… do you think I can join Twilight’s club then?” Sweetie said, amazed by how great, according to Fleur, a herd is.

“No, no, no… a thousand times, no,” Rarity stated, scared out of her mind.

“The fact that your sister might be a part of that club might be a problem, and based on how Rarity spoke of her… I doubt Twilight would want to hurt you, so… maybe when you’re older,” Fleur said, jokingly.

“Never… Sweetie is not joining Twilight, she is far too young.”

“I jest. But… a herd, a herd in this day and age, and I’m about to join one,” Fleur bounced in her seat like a foal on Hearth’s Warming day. “Twilight is the Alpha of such a herd, yes?”

“Well… a lot of mares do like her, and Zecora and Pinkie do speak of herds like it is the ultimate truth in Ponyville,” Rarity uttered. “May I ask why this is important?”

“Well, when I was in school… many stallions would try to be my coltfriend, mares only became a problem in university. I realized that they were only interested in my body rather than… me. But I did hear about herds, and how colts would love to be an alpha… despite the fact that most of them were little bitches with their balls trapped in their mother’s purses. I began researching them because… I got curious… curiosity became something I truly wanted to be a part of- that was until I met Fancy Pants…” Fleur uttered, making sure she whispered the 'little bitches' part so that Sweetie Belle doesn't hear it.

“Oh the charming gentlecolt you were with. He’s such a nice stallion, shame that most ponies of his class aren’t like him,” Rarity said.

“Indeed, he was more than nice; he was generous, brilliant, honorable, and great in other aspects… We were a couple for a few years but our occupations kept us apart for too long. One day, he came to me delirious. He told me he gave into weakness and cheated on me with someone in Baltimare. A part of me wanted to yell at him for being unfaithful, but another part of me desired that he start a herd. He was so torn, so ashamed of his infidelity, that he claimed he didn’t deserve me. I thought nothing of it, until I was in Las Pegasus… where I succumbed to weakness in a similar manner,” Fleur uttered, seldomly staring at the carriage’s floor.

“I’m truly sorry, dear.” Rarity said.

“So when Twilight does adult things with other ponies, it’s called a herd, but when some colt named Fancy Pants does adult things with other ponies, it’s called something else?” Sweetie asked.

“What Twilight does is still technically infidelity, dear. But many ponies go out of their way to ensure that Twilight doesn’t think of it that way, especially after Daring,” Rarity answered.

“Twilight mentioned that she broke up with somepony because of it all… I assume her herd is the reason?”

“Yes… it is,” Rarity said.

Fleur merely smiled. “Then it’s a good thing so many wish to help her, and soon I’ll be there to soothe her wounds. But back to my story: I told Fancy that I… did adult things in Las Pegasus, and he gave me a sincere smile. We had a long conversation that led to us breaking up, but Fancy insists that we remain friends. Just because we no longer see ourselves romantically, shouldn’t mean we can’t have coffee every so often.”

“Then you met Twilight.”

“Yes, I didn’t think too much about her other than being rather smart… yet cute in her own way. After our… adventure, I thought more about her and how special she was to have you and Black Cherry, and felt jealous… not of her but of you two. That you two can share the pony you love, I wanted that and that’s why I’m on this train now, to talk to Twilight about her current relationship, and perhaps gain her as a lover or at the very least, a friend with benefits. Something about a mare with a cock that just makes your legs weak,” the model said, her eyes lit up as she focused intently on the mare in front of her.

“Now that I know she’s an alpha… I’m her mare now, I have to be with her, and I won’t back out.” Fleur began to smile brightly once again, Rarity and Sweetie quickly took notice of how a small puddle began to form beneath Fleur seat. “I’m sorry… I… I’ve never been in a herd before, I... got a little excited. So what’s it like, Rarity?

“I wouldn’t truly know, before yesterday… I only was with Twilight once. True, there was the errant thoughts of her holding me, but… let’s just say I was never approached by Zecora or Pinkie Pie about how I’m Twilight’s mare or anything like it.”

Fleur let out a gasp. “But then last night… did that cement anything for you?”

“I felt alive that night… but before that, I was scared by how I’d never garner Twilight’s attention, she had so many mares, and who am I to some of them? I’m just a fabulous fashion designer… a nobody competing against Equestria’s premier Party Mare, a Shamaness from Zebrica, the fastest pegasus alive, a griffon, a member of one of the largest families on the planet, a loudmouthed magician, and the queen of the changelings. There was the famous author and adventurer but she’s out of the picture now. At any rate, I had no hope to rekindle that spark I had for Twilight since that night… until yesterday. Now, I feel like I’m due for one of Zecora’s talks.”

“Then allow me,” Fleur said, taking Rarity’s hooves. “What you are now a part of is something beautiful. An Alpha’s duty is to her mares; she is there to help us, to protect us, to give us what we need. It’s like… a wedding combined with a extravagant club, where the members are VIPs and we are all married to the single most wonderful pony in our lives. Would Twilight do anything to help you?” Fleur asked.

“Yes, she would. She’d go out of her way to help us with whatever we need… even before we found out about her… secret,” Rarity chuckled.

“You see? I may only have known her for a few hours, but I know in my heart… that she will treat us both, as well as the others, with the same kindness, loyalty, and love that we deserve, and we only need to show her that we love her in the same manner,” Fleur finished, staring deep into Rarity’s eyes.

Rarity said nothing but stared back, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Sweetie Belle sat in hopeful confusion, with how Fleur said how great it would be to join Twilight’s club, Sweetie almost wants to get her friends to join… Scootaloo already got initiated so it should be a cinch.

“Now arriving at Ponyville, please get ready to disembark.”

“Sweetie… you are free to see your friends when we get home, Fleur and I need to see the love of our lives,” Rarity stated. The way Rarity stated it rubbed Sweetie the wrong way… but at least she’ll be spending more time with Scootaloo.

Mini-Series: Sleep Tight, Twilight

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{WARNING: This also contains FOALCON, but as in FIlly Twilight sleep fucking Cadance. IF you don't want that, please back away slowly, dood.}

[Tags: {Cadance/Twilight} F/Futa, Oral, Anal]

“Twily? Where are you?” Cadance asked, searching for her young charge. They’d been playing Hide and Seek for an hour now, and this time it was Cadance’s turn to be it. Fortunately, Twilight lacked subtlety, as the pink alicorn could hear the filly giggling with her doll, Ms. Smartypants, behind the couch. “Come out, come out wherever you are,” the older mare sang, only serving to make Twilight giggle harder.

Twilight saw this as an opportunity to change her hiding spot; surely Cadance won’t be any of the wiser. Levitating Ms. Smartypants on her back, she made a mad dash for her bedroom, but her plan was for naught as she appeared to be levitating in the air. She turned her head to the giggling foalsitter and pouted. “No fair, I coulda had you if I went to my super secret spot.”

“You mean the spot under your bed, behind the books?” Cadance asked, watching Twilight gasp in shock.

“But… Only Ms. Smartypants and I are the only ones who know that spot, and I didn’t tell you…” Twilight’s mouth gaped as she turned her head to her traitorous doll. “Ms. Smartypants, how could you!”

“She fought valiantly to keep it a secret but, after I threatened to tell your parents to give her no cookies for a week, she crumbled and told me everything.”

“You MONSTER! Nopony should go more than two days without cookies. Ms. Smartypants would perish without them!” Twilight cried, fear in her eyes. Truly a life without cookies was not a life worth living.

Cadance couldn’t hold it in any longer and collapsed, chuckling at how serious Twilight took her sweets. Her magic faltered and gently placed Twilight onto the ground. Taking this chance, she ran to her room for safety. She knew that her parents told Cadance to never enter Twilight’s bedroom while she’s asleep or enter the bathroom while the she’s in there (the latter sounded like common courtesy, but Twilight went with it.)

“Twilight, it’s almost time for bed!” Cadance called out, managing to acquire some breath after her giggle fit.

Twilight let out a groan as she crawled from her secret hiding place and went to the bathroom. “Come downstairs for your bedtime snack!” Twilight turned a complete one eighty degrees towards the stairs and skipped her way to the kitchen.

Cadance had levitated a few chocolate chip cookies onto a plate with a glass of milk on the side, her own snacks sat next to them. Twilight cheerfully jumped onto her seat and saw only two sets of cookies and milk. “Where’s Ms. Smartypants’ cookies?” she asked, her tone faltering into sadness.

Cadance smiled and levitated a third plate down with a glass of milk while Twilight put Smartypants on her chair. The pink alicorn smiled as she watched Twilight munch on her cookies and asked her doll if she liked them, off-hoofly dipping her cookies in her milk.

Cadance had to admit, she simply enjoyed being around Twilight or her brother. Made her wish her aunt hadn’t outlawed polygamy… and that Twilight was older and she might try to marry them both. Twilight had this sort of ‘adorkable’ innocence that made her endearing; the way her eyes shone when she learned something new or when she earned somepony’s approval or praise, and the way she does her best to help somepony in need, regardless of how she makes the matters worse or actually proved to be a great asset. Her brother was very similar, but he wasn’t as adorable; he liked to help others but was overzealous in his assistance, ensuring that he does as much work as possible, even if he doesn’t know how to do it.

“Thank you, Cady,” Twilight exclaimed. “And Ms. Smartypants appreciates it too.” The little filly let out a yawn as she hopped onto the floor. Cadance accepted with a nod and cleaned up after herself, the filly and her doll while Twilight went to brush her teeth.

Finishing up the dishes, she walked up the stairs to check on Twilight. She found the filly picking out a book from her bookshelf. “Want me to read you a bedtime story?” Cadance offered.

“Would you?” Twilight said with glee. She hopped over to her bed snuggled in her bed next to Smartypants while Cadance levitated a book out of the bookshelf and put a chair next to the bed. “This is the story of the Four Giants.”


(One half of a story due to lack of All-Night Mask later)

“And then the forest spirit said…” She stopped when she found her charge sleeping peacefully. “Maybe another time.” She kissed Twilight on her horn, which caused the filly to grumble in her sleep.

Cadance left Twilight’s bedroom, giving the filly one last glance before shutting the doors behind her. She let out a pleasant sigh, as she walked to the living room. Reminiscing about the game the two played earlier in the day and the laughs they shared. “Sucks being an only child.”

After a while of waiting for Twilight’s parents to come home, she realized nature was calling and hurried up to the upstairs bathroom. It was at that point she heard something she wasn’t expecting to hear from the bathroom at this time; Precision Urination, a stallion-only form of urination, It was true some mares could do it, but it was just odd to hear it at all at this time of night. “That can’t be Twilight, can it?” She backed up a bit to hear the pony inside finishing up and washing her hooves and sure enough, it was Twilight walking out, she was too out of it to notice her foalsitter.

Cadance watched the little filly walk back into her room, watching a small penis dangle between her hind legs. “What the buck?” Cadance whispered to herself. Nature was more important to her than curiosity at the moment, so she ran into the bathroom and thought carefully while she was on the the throne.

After cleaning herself up, she walked back into Twilight’s room. She found the filly sleeping soundly in her bed, cuddling up to her doll. She slowly removed the covers to find the little filly’s cock. “No… way,” Though it was flaccid, it was as long as Cadance’s hoof was wide, which in itself impressed the pink alicorn.

“Yes way.” Cadance jumped and turned to see Twilight’s parents standing at the doorway. A heavy blush fought to consume the foalsitter’s face when she saw the couple catch her looking at their daughter’s dick. “Come with us, dear.”

They reconvened to the living room, so many questions sped through Cadance’s mind as she tried to contemplate the mere fact that a filly has a penis. “What was that? Why does Twilight have a dick? Is that why I’m never allowed in Twilight’s room when she’s asleep? Why did you raise your youngest son to be a mare?” She asked furiously.

Night Light breathed a sigh as he looked at Cadance with the utmost seriousness. “What you saw… was Twilight’s secret, a secret we didn’t want to go out until she felt it was ready to tell those she cares about. To answer your second question, she was born with it. To answer the third; yes, that’s why. And finally, she’s both mare and stallion, mare in body… mostly, and stallion in behavior… mostly.”

“What do you mean by ‘mostly’?” Cadance asked.

“‘Mostly’ is because of the fact that despite Twilight being a mare, she still has that small piece of her body that’s a stallion,” Velvet explained. “Just like in behavior, she feels more connected to mares; but we noticed the stallion-like behavior when she started mentioning how much she liked how soft her kindergarten teacher’s fur was or how much detail she put into describing the cutie mark of a classmate, who was incidentally a filly.”

“But… why make her lie like that? It isn’t her fault that she’s born like that.”

Night Light and Velvet grimaced that Cadance’s newest question. “It isn’t… but Twilight’s… gender isn’t very well received in Equestria. First there was Discord, who did something during his reign that turned a small village of mares into rapists that eventually reached all corners of Equestria, and then there was the mare Great Canopy… For all we know, Twilight’s been the only mare born with this since that… mare,” Night Light stated.

Velvet nodded seldomly. “It’s also the reason why we raised Twilight to be more… mare-like. Great Canopy was evidently raised as a stallion, so we think raising Twilight like as a mare would prevent another one of her from happening.”

“But… Okay, why doesn’t she have balls?” Cadance asked, now realizing how awkward it is to ask it.

Night Light blushed, showing that he didn’t want to answer that question. Velvet only chuckled. “Twilight’s testicles are inside her, dear. We know they can function very well but that’s about it.”

The words ‘function very well’ echoed in Cadance’s head. “So… I take it Twilight won’t be after colts, huh?”

The couple smirked. “Whatever gender Twilight chooses to spend her time with is alright with us, as long as she’s happy. We’d be fine with her courting a nice griffoness or a diamond dog. If they make our Twily happy, then we’re happy,” Night Light said.

“I don’t think Shiny would like that part about griffons or diamond dogs. Remember what they teach in military school,” Velvet commented.

“Right… they love to hate anything that isn’t a pony,” Night Light muttered. “Oh look at the time, we shouldn’t be keeping you, your aunt will get worried. Just do us a favour and not tell anypony about this, please?”

Cadance could only blink as she was ushered out the door. “But I-” the door shut softly behind her, “had more questions.”

The walk home and her dreams were filled with the thought of Twilight’s little penis, and eventually size of the filly once she grows up. Her wet dreams for the night included getting double teamed by Shining and an adult Twilight.


Cadance sat once again in the living room of the Sparkle household while Twilight was asleep upstairs. She couldn’t explain why, but she felt like she needed to see the filly’s penis again. “NO, I don’t need to see it again, she’s still a filly for crying out loud… but it would be neat to see her hard; she did reach puberty last month, so…” Cadance slapped herself out of the thought, blushing madly.

It was one matter to experiment with Shining Armor on their anniversary, but it’s another to be curious about your coltfriend’s sister’s additions. The only problem with this mindset was… she loved them both dearly.

“One peek, that’s it,” Cadance thought, marching up to Twilight’s bedroom. She slowly nudged the door open to reveal the sleeping filly cuddle up to her doll. Quietly, she moved towards the bed and slowly levitated the covers off of her charge. Once again, Cadance was head to… head with Twilight’s dick. Only one thought crossed Cadance’s mind this time. “I wonder what it tastes like.” Cadance shook her head, trying to remove the unpleasant thought. She looked over the sleeping filly snoring peacefully with her doll in her hooves. She shifted onto her side, causing her hind legs to hide her penis from sight.

Cadance mentally grumbled as she levitated Twilight onto her back and leaned forward. Her nose poked the soft member and flinched slightly. Opening her mouth, her tongue gave the purple penis a small lick to test the filly’s taste. “Raspberries… not as salty as Shining though,” she thought as she gave the head another lick.

Each new lick slowly caused the purple member to grow hard, its size increasing with it. Even though Twilight can’t compete with her brother at such a young age, she was still rather big for a colt who recently hit puberty. Cadance licked her lips once again and leaned forward, capturing the tip of the penis between her lips.

Taking care not to wake the filly, Cadance began to suckle the purple member. Her tongue rolled along the blunt tip of Twilight’s penis. The oral actions caused the little unicorn to twist and turn in bed, but she remained asleep.

Cadance released Twilight’s petite cock and gave it a long lick along the side before returning it to its place in her mouth. She felt the purple dick flinch against her tongue. The silence in the room was broken by the light whimpers of the unicorn, unfamiliar with the sensations Cadance was providing her.

“Uhhh… Ms. Smartypants…” Twilight mumbled in her sleep. Cadance was both relieved and disappointed that the filly believed that her doll is doing this for her. Cadance took the entire dick into her mouth and sucked on it hard, causing the filly to moan. “What are … you doing… Ms. Smartypaaants?”

Cadance didn’t answer, but kept bobbing her head on her charge’s penis. It didn’t take long for Twilight to feed her foalsitter her cum, causing the pink alicorn to flinch from the sudden short bursts of sperm. “Oh… Ms. Smartypants… that was… fun,” Twilight muttered in her sleep, with a big goofy smile on her face.

Cadance regained her composure as she swallowed the filly’s cum, licking her lips to taste the oddly fruitiness. She noticed that the filly was still hard, something Cadance found rather peculiar, but a new idea came to mind. “Our game doesn’t have to end yet,” Cadance said, trying to impersonate Twilight’s doll. “Let me help you with that.”

Cadance got herself comfortable on the floor, her butt and tail lifted held high. She levitated the filly onto her raised rump and she felt the hardened filly cock pressed against her, Cadance’s saliva and Twilight’s earlier ejaculation rubbing against her fur. The filly snuggled up tighter to her foalsitter’s rump, her dick began poking the puckered star.

Cadance bit her lower lip as her virgin rear was about to be penetrated, the little filly penis lubing her back door. “Just like that, Twilight. Just push forward.”

Twilight mumbled something and thrusted her small hips forward, pushing her cock into Cadance’s rear. Despite the filly’s size, the alicorn of love felt her charge enter her, letting out a slight gasp.

“So… warm,” the filly muttered; her penis felt amazing in the tight confines of Ms. Smartypants. Her hips moved on their own to keep this great feeling going; whatever Ms. Smartypants had her doing, Twilight wasn’t complaining.

With the filly now thrusting with all her might, Cadance felt her anus stretch slightly from the purple member. “That’s right, Twilight… just like that,” she cooed. Cadance felt an odd amount of satisfaction from getting mounted by the adorable little filly. All she could do was flex her anal ring and let the purple unicorn fuck her as hard as the filly could.

Cadance’s horn began to glow as her magic rubbed against her pussy, adding to her own pleasure with the filly trying to pound her rump. She wanted to cum with the filly and make this more meaningful, despite the pleasure she got from the filly’s movements and her cute whimpers.

“Ms… Smartypants… I feel funny… sorta like earlier…” Twilight cried. Cadance took this as her hint that her charge was close, and forced her magic to work harder in her pussy. She heard a loud squeal from behind her then she felt a small flood enter her bowels.

Twilight continued to pound into Cadance’s rump to make the pleasure last longer while she came, causing her cum to coat their fur. Her foalsitter bit her hoof as her own orgasm ripped through her, dripping pussy juices onto the floor.

Cadance felt the filly stop moving on her rump and levitated her off. She placed the filly on the bed, belly up, and found the cum soaked penis, spent and done for the night. “My, what a heavy sleeper,” she thought before cleaning Twilight with her tongue, licking every inch of the deflated member and the surrounding fur.

Satisfied with her work, Cadance put Twilight back in bed and tucked her in, kissing her on the head before running out to the bathroom to clean herself up. “Jeez Twily, I can’t imagine how much you’ll cum when you're older… you filled your foalsitter’s butt,” Cadance muttered to herself, chuckling while trying to scrub the filly’s cum off her rump.

“Can’t wait till you’re older…” Cadance cooed. She knew very well that her wet dreams for the week will include getting her pussy and ass stretched by Shining Armor and a older Twilight.

Chapter Fifteen: The Quest for a Potent Twilight

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Tags: [{Twilight/Fluttershy} Cunnilingus, Vaginal, Impregnantion]

Princess Luna was in a rut. She was rolling on her bed, unable to sleep. Her sister's student dancing through her own dreams. But surely Celestia had staked her claim on the unicorn already? Regardless if she knew about Twilight's stallionhood or not.

The Lunar Princess sighed, not only did Twilight remind her of her mentor, albeit a lot nicer, but she was also the only pony she had intercourse with since she returned. She still continued her mental scolding of the Nightmare within her mind from time to time for raping the purple mare... and only giving control back when the mare was nearly done. Another shame was that Twilight could only last two rounds before her bones began to crack and the floorboards gave away.

She slowly sat upright, staring at her various pages of smut that she’d wrote. She now had great difficulty not giving Clover the Clever a penis, whether it was a magical one or a real one. This factor made her want to chew Celestia out for making Twilight star in that role for Hearth's Warming Day, but... it was such a good role for the purple unicorn, especially for all she had done.

Thinking about Twilight made her yearn for the days before she and Tia became rulers, when they were being taught by Clover the Clever after the founding of Equestria. They were lost fillies, their home was abandoned when the windigos came. They wandered for for a few months before they came across the stern unicorn. It was rather odd how Twilight resembled Clover very closely, except Clover had a pink coat and a purple and lighter shade of pink striped mane; but they looked identical in body size and mane style.

Her personality... was forceful. She always pushed the sisters to do their best, even under threat of no meals. She was as studious as Twilight, but unlike the purple mare, Clover didn't like to spare time for petty things. If Luna or Celestia wanted their teacher's attention, it was either to show her complete mastery of a spell, hostile creatures, or that they found something important. They were scolded heavily for wasting her time, but even then, she was a rather fair teacher.

A few years after Clover took them under her cape, she started to have feelings for the mare, especially after Clover saved them from a Hydra. The mere look of the former-court magician made Luna feel safe. Tia would tease her for her crush relentlessly, and when Clover heard of this crush... Luna was surprised by how the older mare didn't tell her off. She scolded Tia for making fun of Luna's feelings, then gave Luna a look, a look that told the moon princess that she didn't love her back, but she could still try, it gave Luna hope that one day, she and Clover could be together one day.

When the two got their cutie marks, Clover was floored by their control over the Sun and the Moon, and gave them the first smile either filly had ever seen Clover give. Luna cherished that image even to this day. Clover even said that they were destined for great things, and that she'd try and guide them the best she could.

Until Smart Cookie came. In her time, Smart Cookie looked more like Fluttershy than Applejack, same mane style, mane and fur colours, and shy personality too. She found Clover and the princesses by the Earth Pony town of Trottingham doing some overseeing for Puddinghead. She remembered the way she would try to catch the stern unicorn's attention, with painfully obvious flirting and then shrinking back when she messed up a pick-up line.

At first, Clover disregarded it and ignored Smart Cookie, but then it all went to Tartarus in a saddlebag for Luna's hopes and dreams. She found Smart Cookie and Clover talking about magic, apparently the earth pony tried to learn more about magic to impress the traveling mentor. The worst part was that Clover was... impressed, she was actually giving Smart Cookie a smile, a smile that belonged only to Luna, and a lesser extent Celestia; it made her heart heavy, and heavier when Clover decided to continue their tutelage in the city.

A few years later, Clover the Clever and Smart Cookie were a couple, and it crushed poor Luna. She ran away from them, as she couldn't take the pain in her heart any longer. After a day of running, she stopped and cried, and spat on Clover's name for hurting her so, and the succubus known as Smart Cookie.

She traveled on her own for a week until Unicorn guards captured her. Evidently, Princess Platinum had sent her guards to track Clover for years. Despite the fact that the two hated each other, Platinum had yet to replace her as her Court Mage and Adviser, mostly due to Clover's magical skills and knowledge. The guards threw her into a cell, and she sat there for two days until she was soon joined by Smart Cookie, who was thrown in there as well.

Smart Cookie told Luna that they had spent days searching for the blue alicorn and that they continue that search, because Clover was worried about her. It lifted Luna's heart to know that Clover still cared for her, and hugged Smart Cookie. Another day and Princess Platinum herself came, she looked like the spitting image of Rarity, if she were to have Blueblood's ego. She admired Luna for her horn and wings, but laughed at Smart Cookie for being a fool, a fool that fell in love with a traitor. Smart Cookie was punished by Platinum later, and asked for any form of punishment that may fall on Luna as well; the unicorn princess grinned upon hearing that sentence.

Every time Smart Cookie returned from being beaten by guards, she would hold onto Luna tightly, happy that the blue alicorn was safe, and told her that Clover would come soon, very soon. After five days, she still had hope, that Clover would come. It was also that day when Celestia was captured, and Platinum grew bored of the earth pony, ordering her public execution the next day.

She didn't get very far when Puddinghead (who looked very much like Applejack) and Clover appeared in a blinding flash of magenta. Any guard that was foolish enough to attack was either kicked so hard their bones cracked through the armor, or was put into a deep sleep by Clover's spells.

This was also the first time Luna saw Platinum scared, cowering in a corner. Clover loomed over her, with the darkest expression on her face. “Touch my mare or my fillies again, and I will end you and your kingdom, whore.”

Puddinghead let the prisoners go with Luna and Smart Cookie hugging Clover tightly, happy beyond belief that she came, at long last.

She still remember how Celestia would brag about how she 'let' herself get caught as a diversion, to which Clover merely smiled. Clover told Luna that she still remembered her impromptu confession and that just because she had Smart Cookie, it didn't mean she should give up, one day she may find the pony of her dreams, and gave the blue alicorn a small kiss on her forehead.

When ponies found out about the alicorns that had immense control over the Sun and the Moon, Celestia and Luna were immediately transported to Canterlot where they were to learn how to be nobility... from Princess Platinum, and under Clover's watchful eye. Platinum looked as if she was walking on eggshells around the magician as she taught the alicorns how to behave in court.

When the alicorns turned 18, they were crowned princesses, with Platinum forced to resign. Despite her past with the two, Celestia asked that she stay with them as an adviser. Clover also stayed to help the girls along the way. She didn't have any children as far as Luna knew, but the day Clover died was the saddest day of Luna's life.

With her dying breath, she told her how she couldn't have been more proud to have taught the alicorns and how she regrets not giving them more attention. Despite how important Clover was to the Lunar Princess, she reminisced about her crush and wrote smut about her teacher and her teacher's lover. But perhaps what Clover said to her when she became Princess rung true.

“While I know of your attraction for me, I can not return the favour. But remember this, there will always be another that will capture your heart in ways that I can not. Promise me that when you find the love you have been searching for, you will give it the same attention as you did for me. I love you, Luna... you and your sister are my pride and joy in this world.”

Clover was right, Luna shouldn't mope in her room and writing dirty stories about her and Smart Cookie, she should be out and trying to win Twilight's affections. To Tartarus if Celestia staked claim on her, the lavender mare belongs to the night.

With that thought held close to her heart, Luna spread her wings and flew out the window... to learn more and win the mare of her life.


Chrysalis sat in Fluttershy's cottage, sipping some tea the yellow mare had prepared for her. “So... Do you wish to assist me in this?” Chrysalis asked.

Fluttershy had to think, was it worth having a foal at the expense of possibly damaging her friendship with Twilight? She was sure Twilight would understand, but what about everyone else? While Rarity said she would like to be a mother one day, she and Rainbow had both claimed that it's nice that Twilight can't impregnate them. Would they start to hate her for making their nerdy friend fertile again? And what about everyone else in Twilight's herd? Pinkie... can't be explained and might even embrace motherhood, Zecora might be okay with it all, Gilda might be with Rainbow Dash on the subject however... Applejack might like the idea of expanding the Apple Family Tree, and Trixie... Trixie would probably love to bear Twilight's foals.

“Would there be a way for Twilight to go back and forth between it? Like a switch?” Fluttershy had to ask that question, she didn't want Rainbow or Rarity to hate her because Twilight WILL knock them up if they mate with her.

“Why would that be a problem? Who cares about the others, this is about you becoming a mother and me reviving my hive, something I can't do as long as Twilight is shooting gallons of blanks into me,” Chrysalis scoffed.

“Then I don't know, maybe you should ask the others, we could do a vote, if you want,” Fluttershy suggested, but somehow she knew the changeling wouldn't go for it.

“Look, you want to be a mommy or do you wish to live alone, with animals that will have their own families, while you sit and mope about the chance you let slip from your hooves?” Fluttershy flinched at that; she did want her own family, but she didn't want to trouble anyone with her problems. Then again, Chrysalis had offered to help her, but in doing so might make everypony that liked Twilight hate her. “Listen, you want a family? You can either whore yourself out to a stallion or you can help me get the mare we both want to father our children, fertile. Now, show some backbone and help me get you bearing a foal or two.”

Fluttershy shut her eyes tightly, channeling everything that Iron Will taught her a long time ago, “If she won't knock you up, knock her out!” Iron Will might say in her thoughts. As bad as that line would be in any context... it did work to give Fluttershy the courage to take on this challenge. “Okay, let's... do this, as long as it doesn't hurt anypony.”

Chrysalis smiled, “Very well... this is the plan: We go to Canterlot and find Doctor Life Bar, he is our ticket to nice round bellies, filled with happy children. We have him teach me the spell to make Twilight potent, we get back home and rut the mare until we are sure there are at least triplets inside of you and a hundred in me.”

“Wow... but, I'm not so sure about that last part though, and why would you need me?” Fluttershy asked... this plan seemed like Chrysalis could do it all on her own.

“While I could do this by myself, I may like to have someone keep watch in case something occurs, like Celestia deciding to walk around town. All you need to do, is follow me and do exactly what I say when we are in Canterlot.”

“Okay, when do we leave?”

“Immediately, Twilight will be busy...with one of her whores, meet me at the station in a hour.”

With that, Chrysalis left, leaving Fluttershy to ask “who is with Twilight at the moment?”


Applejack had a strange feeling recently and decided to see Twilight, it felt as if something either good or bad had occurred in town and she had to investigate it.

She entered the library to see Gilda and Pinkie drinking some juice in the kitchen while Rainbow Dash was reading a book next to them. “Uhh, hey girls, where's Twilight?”

“Upstairs.” At least Applejack got an answer, she turned to go up to talk to Twilight.

“I wouldn't if I were you,” Gilda muttered, scratching Rainbow's back as she sipped her drink. “Trixie is with her, if you catch my meaning.”

Applejack stopped and turned right around to join the others in the kitchen. “So... I take it Trixie got tired of having to share and dragged Twilight in?

“Nope, some mare called Fleur walked in, super happy to be a part of a herd which is weird to everyone by the way, decided to try and make Trixie feel more a part of the “herd” instead of spending her time bitching about who's sleeping with Twi,” Gilda responded.

“I dunno, Fleur is fun. She is super excited to be in a herd and went around greeting everypony, except you and Chrysalis who ran off to do stuff,” Pinkie exclaimed.

“When was I a part of Twilight's harem?” Applejack asked, rather confused by Pinkie's claim.

“You have twenty bits that say you are,” Rainbow muttered, grumbling angrily.

“Because Twilight boinked you silly, silly, and that Zecora gave you the talk she gives every pony that Twilight's been boinking... except Fleur since Fleur was super excited to be in the herd,” Pinkie giggled.

While Applejack did remember Zecora's talk about being in the herd, she still didn't like the idea of being 'owned' by somepony, even if it was Twilight. The door opened to reveal Twilight, who was struggling to stay on her hooves. Without a single second thought, Applejack ran to Twilight's aid and helped her down the stairs. “I got ya, sugarcube.”

“Thanks, AJ... Trixie's fantasies... were a bit extreme.”

“What were they about?”

“Don't tell her that I told you... but apparently the night of our duel, where I accidentally raped her, was her biggest turn on,” Twilight explained limping over to the bathroom to wash herself.

“You spent a hour raping Trixie then?” Gilda asked, confused how it could be rape if Trixie WANTED it.

“Yeah...” Twilight muttered. “All I could do was 'rape' her physically, I don't think I can do everything else like calling her weak or a whore... and stuff like that, that might be pushing it too far.”

Everypony gave the purple unicorn an uncomfortable look as she entered the bathroom. There was a long silence until Rainbow Dash coughed. “I... didn't think Trixie would be into getting dominated like that.”

“Yeah... but Twilight wearing faux-leather and holding a riding crop in her magic does sound pretty good,” Pinkie retorted. While Pinkie and Gilda let that image soak in their minds, Rainbow and AJ tried to banish it, blushing hard as they did it. “Think Rarity will agree to make Twilight that?”

“I dunno, maybe... if we tell her the reason behind it,” Gilda stated.

“Why not just have Twilight wearing that crap Pinkie made me wear a long time ago?” Rainbow called out, even more annoyed that her face wouldn't stop being red and her wings wouldn't return to her sides.

“YES! But she doesn't need a collar, she needs a-” Pinkie wasn’t able to finish as a large fountain of blood spewed from her nose.

Rainbow immediately grabbed Pinkie something to stop the blood and helped the mare up. “You okay?”

“I'm fine, just... too much sexy right now,” Pinkie muttered, her eyes hazy as new sexual fantasies came to mind.

Twilight soon walked back into the lobby, clean, refreshed, and not smelling like sex. She noticed Pinkie on the floor and started to worry. “Pinkie, are you okay?”

“Twilight, would you... wear lingerie for me? Just once?” Pinkie asked, in her best sickly voice.

“Well, I'm fine with it... but I doubt the panites would fit me with the-” Twilight felt a pink hoof against her muzzle.

“They don't need to fit to make it magical.” Pinkie uttered wearily... she pretended to drift off, looking as if she fell into a coma. Twilight's worry diminished entirely and let the party mare lie there. “So AJ, how are you?”

“I'm fine,” Applejack said, her voice cracked a bit. “Just wondering if there was anything happening... other than Trixie wanted to be molested.”

“Other than Fluer joining my herd, and Rarity now openly in love with me; nothing really,” Twilight answered.

“What's that about Rarity?”

“Rarity... was a little like Trixie, and didn't like the idea of sharing me but she didn't do anything because she thought she wasn't worth my time. 'Things' happened, and now I'm the 'prince' she always wanted.”

“Huh,” was all AJ said. She turned to see what everyone else’s view of this was and... Rainbow was reading, Gilda was making lunch for everypony, and Pinkie was pretending to be Sleeping Beauty, complete with lips in 'smooch' position. She turned back to Gilda who was preparing sandwiches.“Hey Gilda, let me help ya with that... Twilight is a big mare and she'll probably want more than that.”

“I... Big mare?” Twilight stuttered, checking her weight.

“I guess you could help, but what do ya mean by this isn't enough?” Gilda asked, a little peeved but genuinely curious.

“Trust me, if there's anything we Apples know about the body, it's stamina and strength. Twilight is supposed to be an alpha mare, so she should be eating more than that so she can have the strength and endurance to handle all her mares,” Applejack explained. She went to one of the cupboards and took out various foods: apples, bananas, lettuce, spinach, bread, tomatoes, some tofu stuff.

“I don't think I could eat all that,” Twilight said, eye-balling the amount of food the cowpony found.

“I’ve been 'told' that I'm a part of your herd, so I'm going to make sure you eat enough to keep up with the best of us. After a few months of eating right and exercise, you'll be as strong as Big Mac, you almost got his girth right,” AJ chuckled, which led to a question Rainbow was waiting to ask her orange friend.

“How do you know what Big Mac was packing?”

“We live in the same house,we get sweaty after a hard days of work, so we take a shower, and he catches me sometimes and vise versa, and it really isn't that big of a deal, it was awkward the first time, but then we just didn't really care. The only time I got a REAL good look at it was when he was with Golden Harvest in Barn Three. Granny Smith was raring to make the poor mare marry into the family so that she could have some grandfoals,” Applejack explained, then a new thought came to mind. “With that said, Granny Smith wants to know when you plan on putting a foal in me, cause I thought about it, and I do like the idea of having a kid, but I wouldn't mind waiting until Applebloom grew a little more.”

Twilight had no words, only awkward stuttering and a mild spasm attack.


Luna stood before the doors of her affection's childhood home, it was tradition to gain the blessing of said affection's parents before continuing to courtship and proper love-making. Truly Dame Twilight Velvet and Sir Night Light could give her some insight on Twilight, and hopefully help her win the mare over. She knocked on the door and awaited answer.

A dark blue stallion opened the door and nearly jumped out of his skin at the sight of the lunar princess. “Princess Luna! It-it's an honour to have you on our doorstep, Your hi-highness,” Night Light muttered bowing.

“Rise, for we come seeking yours and Dame Velvet's blessing,” Luna said.

Night Light stood there, dumbstruck by the words that came from the Princess. “Blessing? Why would you need our blessing?”

“We come to court your daughter, would that be a problem?” Luna asked, beginning to doubt her own approach.

“Who's at the door, dear?” Twilight Velvet asked, as she came in to see what could possibly hold her husband up at the door. She fell to the same awestruck fate as her spouse. “Oh... uh Your Highness, would you like to come in?”

“If it will please you,” Luna stated. The two ponies led her to the living room, shifting uncomfortably in the presence of royalty.

“So... may I ask why you desire to court Twilight?” Night Light asked, getting a surprised gasp from his wife.

“We met twice before our affection for her grew, the second encounter sparked it all. We didn't think much of it until recently, but she reminded us of... a great pony we once knew, we believe that we must gain the blessing of her house before we attempt to court her,” Luna explained.

“But Twilight is already in a relationship, isn't she?” Velvet asked, she became scared of the Princess should she be made aware of this fact.

“Do not fear, we will add the rest of Twilight's herd into our harem, as they are her responsibility and will become our responsibility as well.”

“Herd?” Twilight's parents cried out. Night Light leaned back in his seat trying to absorb this information while Velvet slowly became happier and happier. “Who's in her herd? Any of them her friends?” The white mare asked.

“We believe that only four are in Twilight's herd: two of her friends, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, the explorer Daring Do, and a magician Trixie.”

The two ponies gave each other an odd look, before looking back to the Princess. “Your Majesty, Daring broke up with Twilight. And are you sure there aren't more? Like a cha-griffon?” Night Light asked.

Luna was puzzled, had Twilight's herd grown and changed since their encounter? Perhaps she should have visited more often. “I was unaware of any changes, as our most recent encounter was many moons ago.”

“We don't know much ourselves, we just know she was dating a pony named Daring Do,” Velvet exclaimed.

Luna rubbed her chin, thinking carefully as to how she was to approach this. “A herd, My daughter is an Alpha mare, think of the grandfoals, Nighty,” The white mare squealed like a filly on Hearth's Warming day, while her husband was still trying to comprehend the idea of his daughter mating with multiple mares... or even stallions, the horror of it all.

“You desire grandfoals from Twilight? She told us that her stallionhood is sterile,” Luna thought aloud.

The parents bolted up right upon hearing this. “You know about Twilight!” Night Light began to worry once again, muttering to himself about all the implications that it may lead to. Velvet, however, kept her cool and looked calmly in the eyes of the princess. “Yes, I love to see the smiling faces of my kids, but with them grown up and out of the house, it makes me miss being a mother. But Doctor Life Bar had to seal Twilight or 'feces will hit the rotating blade' as they say, as much as I don't like the idea of magically neutering my daughter, it was for the best... but I knew one day she'll get that back... and since she's a Alpha... I can't wait for Twilight to come back and we can hear the pitter-patter of little hooves once again.”

Luna smiled, a plan formulating in her head. “So, if we grant her use of her virility once again, you will give us your blessing?”

Night Light came back to reality and gave the princess a short smile .”As long as you make our daughter happy, I'm sure we can spare you our blessing, as meaningless as it is to a pony of your stature.”

“Do not belittle yourself, a parent's blessing to allow their children to marry is a great boon to anypony that ask for it, to receive such a thing is proof that their parents trust them with the care of their child.” Luna said, she bid them goodbye as she got up and left.

“Next Week,” Velvet said. Night turned to his wife in confusion. “We're going to Ponyville, we need to see this 'herd' for ourselves. Send a letter to Shining so that he knows as well.”

“We have to go to your brother's place next week, remember? You promised him too.”

Velvet scrunched her face in annoyance. “Fine, we’ll go see Twilight AFTER next week, just let our son know that he needs to get to Ponyville so we know what is going on.”


Chrysalis (in her Black Cherry disguise) and Fluttershy stepped off the train platform in Canterlot. Their first order of business was to find Canterlot General Hospital and find a stallion named Life Bar. During the two times she’d visited Canterlot, she never thought to look for Canterlot General, while Fluttershy mostly tried to keep up with her friends when in Canterlot. So finding the hospital might prove difficult.

They had to rely on an old fall back: Chrysalis' seduction. She found a stallion that was loitering nearby and walked up to him. “Excuse me,” she said in a seductive tone, “Could you tell me where the Canterlot Hospital is? I wanna get a job there cause the outfits look so hot on my tight body.”

The stallion simply looked at her, bored. “Ma'am, I'm gay. But if you want the General Hospital, it's the big building in the Golden District with a large red plus sign on the top, good luck with your interview.”

Chrysalis gave him an awkward smile before walking back to Fluttershy. “The one stallion I attempt to seduce and he's gay, figures.”

“Well at least he gave us directions, I think I know where the Golden District is as well,” Fluttershy said, leading the way. Chrysalis followed behind, still reeling that her flirting didn't work.

After a brief walk, the two found the hospital. Grinning widely, they walked in and spoke to the receptionist. “Excuse me, where can we find Doctor Life Bar?”

“Doctor Life Bar? He doesn't work here anymore,” the nurse said with a solemn expression.

“Where is he now? Chrysalis demanded.

“He passed away a few months ago, it was pretty sad.” That was it, Chrysalis' plan had failed, because she didn't know about Life Bar's current condition. “He did have someone take over his patients here.” Plan still good.


Nurse went through her papers and then through her desk. “Doctor Sweetheart, would you like me to get her for you?”

Fluttershy and Chrysalis smiled to each other. “Please.”


Luna landed before the Hospital, in need of Doctor Life Bar. A she walked in, she went straight for the nurse at the desk. “Citizen, we request an audience with Doctor Life Bar.”

The nurse looked as if she’d shit a brick or two. “D-d-d-doctor Life Bar passed away, and his replacement, Doctor Sweetheart, is coming to meet with those two ponies in a moment, if you would like to wait, P-p-princess.”

Luna became confused and turned to see Twilight's friend, Fluttershy, and a black mare she'd never seen before. “Fluttershy, it's a pleasure to see you again. May we ask who your friend is?”

Fluttershy and Chrysalis jumped when Luna greeted them. “Oh, he-hello Princess. This is... um,” Fluttershy slowly trailed off as Chrysalis hadn't told her the name of her disguise.

“Black Cherry, it's an honour to meet the Princess of the Night,” Chrysalis answered, hiding her disgust.

Luna was rather skeptical but she brushed it off. “Good day to you, Miss. May I ask why you two are here and seeking Doctor Sweetheart?”

While Fluttershy panicked and shifted in her seat, Chrysalis had a plan to get Luna off their case. “We wished to ask Doctor Sweetheart if she could help us with our... maternity problems.”

“Such a coincidence, we too seek the good Doctor for similar reasons,” Luna exclaimed.

“What reasons?” Chrysalis asked, becoming curious.

“That is personal business, Miss Black Cherry,” Luna stated, taking a seat next to the quivering Fluttershy. “What would be the matter, Fluttershy?”

“I-well-um-I'm sorry,” Fluttershy whimpered, hiding in her mane.

“Don't mind her, she's... shy,” Chrysalis comforted, petting the yellow pegasus' head.

“We have been aware of her fear of large crowds and is very timid, but we only wish to know what ails her now. We are friends after all,” Luna asked.

“She's... just excited about being a mother, that is all,” Chrysalis uttered, she turned to find that Fluttershy hadn't moved since Luna sat down next to her.

“You wish to be a mother? We too are considering it, but there are some complications that would make matters difficult. One of such complications requires Doctor Sweetheart, another complication is a problem we must deal with ourselves.”

Chrysalis quirked a brow, curious as to what the Princess might mean by that. Her thoughts were interrupted by a pink maned unicorn mare in a doctor's jacket. “Hello, do you three wish to speak to me?”

“Doctor Sweetheart, I presume?” Luna asked, receiving a nod from the white mare. “We wish to ask you about something... in private preferably.”

“Hey, we were here first!” Chrysalis called out, annoyed.

“We are your Princess, you shall wait until our Royal Trial has been dealt with!” Luna said in her royal voice. She turned and left with Sweetheart down the hall.

While Chrysalis was caught off guard by the sudden use of the royal canterlot voice, she recovered quickly, but Fluttershy had not. “You rest here, I need to check on our 'Princess', be back,” The changeling muttered, she followed the two, changing her shape to be one of the nurses.

Doctor Sweetheart led the lunar Princess into her office, she gestured to the comfy, if not a tad small chair and she went to sit at her desk. “So, what can I do for you, your Majesty?”

“We wish to discuss the virility of one of your past patients from when Doctor Life Bar was alive,” Luna said.

Sweetheart was intrigued. “May I ask which one?”

“A Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle.”

Sweetheart's eyes went wide as memories of the scholar came back. “Okay... and you wish to know about her virility, why? We'll need more information that this, your highness.”

“After some moons of thinking, I have decided to court her... but realize that I cannot receive her parent's blessing until she regains her lost potency. I desire you teach me the spell to awake her seed and allow her to father children once again.”

The doctor had a sour look on her face, she was only recently taught the spell, but never shown how it was done. She wasn’t even a nurse at the time of when Twilight first hit puberty and had her testicles sealed. She was later told it was a 'precaution' due to the scare of hermaphrodites in the past. “I see. I must assume you also desire to mother her foals as well?”

“We still have some things to deal with before we decide to become a mother, but maybe one day...” Luna cooed, with thoughts of little fillies playing around Luna and a alicorn variation of Twilight.

“Very well, but... if you wish for her to be virile again... why isn't she here?”

Luna frowned, curious as to why that would matter. “You mean she has to be here? You can't teach us or point us in the direction of the book that has the spell in it?”

Sweetheart shook her head. “I'm sorry, Princess but only Doctors can know that spell, for various safety reasons, I hope you can understand.”

“I understand completely, but surely you are not denying your Princess what she needs to be happy? By my right as Co-regent of Equestria, I ORDER you to allow me access to this spell.”

“I still can't do that, we aren't even allowed to give this spell to Princess Celestia should she ask for it... it was on her orders,” Sweetheart stated calmly. Despite her calm voice, she could be seen shaking slightly in her seat.

“Why would our sister... very well, but know this... we will learn this spell and earn the blessing of Twilight's kin, and we shall be victorious!” Luna cried out. She turned and left Sweetheart alone, nearly bumping into one of the nurses as she walked away.

The nurse however smiled sinisterly, her plans were becoming better as each step was taken. She walked into Sweetheart's office to start her next step. “Doctor, there is a injured mare in the lobby.”

Sweetheart looked up and bolted to help the poor filly. The nurse smiled as the doctor ran, and began her search in the doctor's office, looking for whatever could help her advance her plan.


Fluttershy slowly drifted back into reality, her head hurt a little but it's not to bad. A white mare stood over her, checking her over in a small room. “Hello dear, are you okay?”

“I'm fine, I think... I don't feel like I'm hurt anywhere,” Fluttershy replied, sitting up on the small examination table.

“That's good, you were with the Princess and the red maned mare, yes?” Sweetheart asked.

“Huh? Oh Chry- I mean, Black Cherry! We came here looking for Doctor Life Bar, but since he passed away, we were directed to you,” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“As was the Princess,” Sweetheart murmured, she almost knew why Fluttershy was here. “Is this about the virility of somepony, Miss?”

“Yes... yes it is, and it's Fluttershy; sorry I didn't say so earlier.”

“It's okay dear,” Sweetheart said, smiling. “Now is this somepony a previous patient of the late Life Bar?” Fluttershy nodded. “Is this somepony once a resident of Canterlot?” Fluttershy gave another nod. “Is this somepony purple?”

“Oh... yes she is,” Fluttershy muttered, blushing slightly.

“Is this pony Twilight Sparkle?”

Fluttershy let out a surprised squeak in response, confirming it for Sweetheart. “You don't need to be scared around me, Fluttershy, I'm here to help you. May I ask, why Twilight?”

Fluttershy looked at the caring face of the good doctor and gave a weak smile. “Well, I might have had a... tiny crush on Twilight a little while ago. It didn't help when some of my friends who have... um, 'been' with her say she can be really gentle and caring, and... I believe it was a few weeks ago... I felt lost, I would stare off at the school, watching the fillies play, feel jealous of my animal friends who have families... my friend, Chry-Black Cherry, offered to help me, but I was too scared to approach any other stallion, they seemed too big... and burly... and scary, so it... only left Twilight, I'm sorry if this seems pointless, I'll just be leaving.” As Fluttershy went to hop off the examination table, she was levitated back on and a warming hoof was placed on her hind leg.

“I see, thank you for being honest. To tell you the truth, I had a few... impure thoughts about Twilight, but they didn't last. It started when Twilight ran in here, scared that she got one of her friends pregnant, of course she didn't yell this out. Doctor Life Bar was away and I was rather new to the field, so I wasn’t aware that Twilight was sperm-sealed. I asked her to give me a sample of her ejaculate and she blushed, not sure how to do so herself. Allow me to state that I was... affectionate for a few years as a nurse. I offered to help Twilight with getting a sample.” Fluttershy's face went red when the Doctor's admission and hint dawned on her. “Thinking back... I believe I felt... regret for not being the one to take her virginity, but it passed as I found someone else to play with. She was a good lay for a little filly.”

“You... had sex... with Twilight when...”

“Yes, but that's all in the past. I stopped doing all that a year after Twilight, getting tired of ponies getting themselves hurt just to have intercourse with me, but I will admit, Twilight was such an adorable filly... especially when she cums,” Sweetheart giggled. Fluttershy stared at the doctor with a mixture of shock and awe. “I doubt I can go back to those days now, especially now that I got much more duties to perform and more ponies that rely on me.”

“Um... would it be possible... to learn how to get my friend... potent?” Fluttershy asked, her blush now began to go down her neck.

“Yes, our Andrologists and Gynaecologists have been taught spells that can make sperm and ovaries impotent, either for safety reasons or when ponies desire to have just... have sex for the fun of it. But we can't teach these spells to those not properly trained in those fields,” Sweetheart explained.

This made Fluttershy's hopes falter, this would mean that Twilight and Chrysalis won't be able to learn how unless one of them becomes a doctor... in those fields. “Could you please? Twilight would never do anything to hurt anypony, she wants to make other ponies happy... if you don't mind that is.”

“I'm sorry Miss Fluttershy, but I can not allow it, I won't deny that Twilight is a special mare but I still have my rules to follow. If you want, bring Twilight here and I'll give her back her virility,” Sweetheart tried to reason.

“But... what about the others? Some would be fine with it, but the others don't like the idea of being a mommy. I can't do that to them, that's why Twilight needs to learn this spell, so that everypony could be happy,” Fluttershy exclaimed. When she realized she spoke out of turn, she quickly readjusted and shifted away from the mare.

“Others?” Sweetheart uttered. “Wait... does Twilight even know you and... Black Cherry are here?”

“N-n-no, she doesn't.” Fluttershy whimpered.

Sweetheart frowned, then it dawned on her. “Where is your friend, Black Cherry?”

“She was with me when I was knocked out,” Fluttershy said, confused.

Sweetheart scrunched her face a bit when realization dawned on her. “Sweet Celestia...”


Chrysalis’ grin grew as she found a page with the spell she needed, she laughed internally at the carelessness of ponies as she turned to leave. At that moment she heard the intercom buzz. “To all staff: Code: Blue. Patient is R-B: H class.”

They were on to her, but being a changeling had its perks. She couldn’t walk out the door as Black Cherry, though. Her mane absorbed back into her skull and turned yellow, while her hide became purple underneath the nurse’s uniform. She casually trotted out the office and made her way to the door, spotting Fluttershy on the way. She let out a whistle to catch the pegasus’ attention and gestured to the door. Nodding, Fluttershy slowly got up and walked with the purple mare.

“I don’t mean to impose… but did you do it?” Fluttershy asked, her voice jittered with anticipation and panic.

“Of course I got it, but we’ll need to lie low for a bit. Let’s go to our in-law's house,” Chrysalis suggested, confusing Fluttershy a bit.

“Twilight’s childhood home? I don’t think that’s a good idea… after all, what if they don’t accept you? You did try to ruin her brother’s wedding after all,” the yellow mare protested.

“We’ve all made up, it’s fine now… I’m part of the family now, so to speak,” Chrysalis mused, leading her accomplice to safety.

They quickly trotted through the streets of Canterlot, a few guardponies were in the area, clearly looking for Black Cherry. They even caught a glimpse of a panicking Sweetheart leading some orderlies around to find her.

A short time passed and they reached their destination. Fluttershy felt a strange weight fall on her as she approached the home of one of her best friends as Chrysalis casually walked up to the door and knocked.

The door opened to reveal a confused Night Light at the door. “May I help you?”

“It’s Chrysalis, me and one of your daughter’s best friends need to hide for the night,” Chrysalis explained.

“Well… I am rather surprised to see you back here… and you’re rather brave to come back without Twilight,” Night Light uttered bitterly. His attention turned to the yellow pegasus behind the changeling. “Hello there, Fluttershy was it? Sorry if I got it wrong.”

“N-no, you got it right, sir,” Fluttershy mumbled, her heart thumped hard in her chest in the presence of the stallion.

“Who’s at the door, dear?” Twilight Velvet asked, walking up to the door. “Umm…” Velvet remained silent until she saw Fluttershy. “Oh, you’re one of Twilight’s friends, come in.”

As Night Light led Chrysalis and Fluttershy into the living room, he began to speak. “Why do you need a place to hide till tomorrow?”

“I stole a page that has the spell to make Twilight virile again,” Chrysalis spoke bluntly.

Velvet’s eyes widened, but only in mixture of shock and joy. Her husband was more shocked and angry however. “WHAT? Why would you do something like that?”

“Because your daughter agreed to help rebuild my hive, that’s why… I can’t rebuild my colony if the seed can’t produce results,” Chrysalis retorted.

“But… why couldn’t you just take Twilight over there and have them give back her virility?” Night Light asked.

“Be-because it wouldn’t be fair for everypony…” Fluttershy replied, surprising everyone. “Some ponies that love Twilight don’t think they are ready for foals, so it would be rude of us that want foals to possibly ruin Twilight for them, at least… that’s what I think anyways.”

“So you both?” Night Light slowly pieced it together when another knock on the door was heard. Velvet checked and saw a haggard Sweetheart and two guardsponies at their door.

“I’ll be a moment,” Velvet said, Fluttershy immediately hid while Chrysalis’ disguise began to change, making her appear to be invisible. “Hello, how can I help you?”

“Hi Velvet, I’m sorry this isn’t a leisure visit but, have you seen two mares? A black unicorn, red mane, as well as a yellow pegasus with a light pink mane?” Sweetheart asked.

“The pegasus sounds like one of my daughter’s friends, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of any unicorn with a black and red colouration… sounds like a horrible combination,” Velvet replied. “I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen your pegasus since my son’s wedding.”

Sweetheart groaned. “Okay, thank you… sorry to bother you.” She turned and left with her entourage. Velvet closed the door behind her and went upstairs.

“Honey?” Night Light asked. “Where are you going?”

“Getting Twilight’s room ready for the girls, they have a big day tomorrow after all,” Velvet called out from above.

Fluttershy poked her head from behind the couch, looking up at the ceiling as if she is looking at the white unicorn with amazement. Chrysalis smiled widely, glad that the Sparkle Matriarch was willing to help.

Velvet soon returned and walked straight up to the pegasus and changeling. “Before we all get settled, I have a few questions about my daughter I’d like to ask…”

Fluttershy’s cheeks burned red while Chrysalis shifted uncomfortably in her seat. It will prove to be a long night.


Luna slumped on her throne; she had spent several hours to find a loophole to help her with her quest but the only method to acquire the spell was to become an andrologist, such a task would take far too long to suit her current goals.

“Nox, Tenebrosi,” Luna called out, her lunar guard turning to meet her gaze. The bat-winged ponies turned to face their mistress. “What trials did you two meet to be with each other?”

“We didn’t encounter many problems, my lady. When I introduced Tenebrosi to my parents, they were supportive of our relationship,” Nox replied.

“My folks were alright with it as long as they get some grandchildren one day,” Tenebrosi uttered.

Luna’s raised her eyebrow in confusion. “But you two are in a relationship of two stallions, how can you produce foals?”

“We’re Bi-Sexual and in an open relationship, my lady. If we desire a child, then we shall ask a mare to bear our foal… or at the very least, adopt a foal,” Nox answered. “May I ask the reason behind these questions about our relationship?”

“We seek advice, there is a pony we desire but we lack her parent’s blessing. To acquire it, we must learn a spell that makes her virile once again. We cannot learn this spell because of our sister’s law that only specific unicorns can learn the spell. We sought out a way for me to learn without having to become this ‘andrologist’ but we couldn’t find one such method.”

Nox and Tenebrosi gave their princess a blank look, completely baffled. “You like a mare, but you have to restore her… virility? As in… the ability to impregnate other mares?”

“Yes, when she was-” Luna was interrupted by a few guard ponies led by the doctor from earlier, Sweetheart.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Your Highness, but I have a problem that requires your assistance,” Sweetheart said.

Luna raised a brow. “What ails you?”

“Two mares came to the hospital around the same time as you arrived. They asked us to give them the spell so that their mate can breed with them, and as we’ve discussed before… I refused, so one of them stole it while I was talking to the other. One is a black unicorn with a red mane, and the other is a yellow pegasus with a pink mane. I ask you to help find these ponies for us and retrieve what they stole,” Sweetheart pleaded.

Luna thought about the doctor’s request while Tenebrosi scrunched his face. “Why wasn’t this important spell in a safe or hidden?” He asked.

“It was in a safe that was hidden, I checked it when I realized that the mare Black Cherry was gone and the spell was missing from the safe. I don’t know how she could get it… it only recognizes specific magical signatures,” Sweetheart retorted.

Luna smiled internally; all she needed to do was find Fluttershy and her friend, memorize the spell, and give it back, and there would be little that Sweetheart or any doctor could do. All that she needed to do was find Fluttershy. “Very well, we will seek out these mares and return the spell to you, but know that it will take some time to locate these mares, even with my power.”

Sweetheart grimaced but nodded in acceptance. “Of course, Your Highness. Thank you,”

Luna gave the mare a smile before taking flight. “Tenebrosi, Nox. We have a quest to undertake! Lunar court is adjourned until further notice.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With that, Luna flew out the open window and into the night with her guards. She stopped until she was high above the city and channeled her magic, scanning the city bathed in her moon’s glow. While she never attuned herself to Black Cherry’s aura, she did manage to sense Fluttershy’s. She stayed airborne for a moment, unaware that her guards had caught up to her.

She didn’t like to lie to her subjects, since locating ponies, specifically ponies she’s friends with, could be done with relative ease. She felt the aura belonging to the Bearer of Kindness within the city, Concentrating harder, she pinpointed her location to be at the home of Twilight’s parents. Luna was slightly confused as to why Fluttershy would be there and not on a train to Ponyville, but it did make matters easier than anticipated. “Return to the castle, this is a matter we must deal with ourselves.”

“But my lady,” Nox uttered in confusion.

“Do not fear, nothing will happen to us. And this gives you two time to… desire each other and whatever else you wish to do,” Luna replied, unsure of what exactly her guards do in their free time… except for giving the maids a show.

“Under...stood, mi’lady,” Tenebrosi said. As he flew back to the castle, Nox gave his princess one last glance back, unsure if this was the right thing to do.

“We know you and your lover worry about us, but this is a task that must be done alone. Return to him, you deserve this reprieve,” Luna soothed. Nox sighed and followed Tenebrosi down. Now alone, Luna descended through the sky towards Twilight’s childhood home.

As the distance between her and the home became shorter, her horn was coated in a blue haze. The magic released teleported the princess into the room where Fluttershy and Black Cherry were. The sudden arrival of the princess took the yellow pegasus by surprised while the black mare jumped from her nap. “Fluttershy, we know you have the spell!”

Fluttershy didn’t respond, she was currently hiding under a blanket Velvet gave her. Luna’s eyes trailed to the other pony that was also hiding under her covers. The aura around Black Cherry felt twisted, even as the covers fell off to reveal the red maned unicorn.

“Is there something you need, Princess?” Black asked.

“There has been a robbery recently, you two are the prime suspects, relinquish the spell and I will bring it back to its owner,” Luna said.

“We have no idea what spell you speak of, Princess,” Black replied, appearing scared of the Lunar Regent.

Luna’s horn glowed once more, levitating a parchment from Cherry’s grasp. Cherry’s horn gave a sickly green glow as she fought the Princess for the spell page. “Let go of the spell, civilian.”

“No, I have far too much at stake here!”

What surprised Luna was the amount of magic the unicorn had, far more than what any normal unicorn had. Regardless of Black Cherry’s impressive magical ability, Luna refused to lose. “Release the page.”

“Never!” Black Cherry fought furiously, her magic growing stronger over the parchment while she fought Luna.

“Wait, please stop,” Fluttershy protested, failing to catch the attention of either mare. “We can sort this out… in a nice, quiet, and civil manner. Like grown ponies… right?” The two mares continued to ignore her. Feeling more frustrated she sucked in a breath and screamed. “STOP FIGHTING.” But only to little effect.

The door slammed open revealing a annoyed Twilight Velvet, staring daggers at the two fighting mares. “Stop fighting, ponies are trying to sleep.” This caught both Luna and Black Cherry off guard and ripped the spell page in half. The shock broke Black Cherry’s disguise, causing her to revert back to her changeling form.

Fluttershy watched the scene in shock while Velvet continued to glare at the two royal members. Luna recovered first and saw the half she had, while furiously searching for the other half, which laid next to Chrysalis. “YOU, you dare step foot back in Canterlot after the damage you have wrought? You will be punished for your bravado.”

Chrysalis immediately snapped back to stance, holding her half of the page. “It’s your fault the page was ripped, you’ve doomed my hive, you stupid underdog bitch. I almost had the spell mastered too if you didn’t come here.”


Two hours earlier

Chrysalis had been staring at the page for an hour, reading it and it’s instructions over and over again. Fluttershy had gone to sleep in a sleeping bag in the middle of Twilight’s old room. “What form of magic is this? This thing… is melting my brain…” The disguised unicorn slowly curled up in a ball in defeat. “Twilight… save me from this spell.”


“I’m going add some red to your pretty blue face,” Chrysalis snarled, leaping into combat against the lunar princess.

Foregoing magic, Luna retaliated, matching the former queen blow for blow with her hooves and horn. “What of our goals for that spell? We would have gained the blessings of the parents of the mare we loved-”

Velvet sighed. “We told you, we’re happy that you like Twilight.”

“And you ruined our chance to impress Lady Velvet and Lord Light, we shall smite your abdomen so damned hard, you will BEG us to submit you to our sister.” Luna punctuated that point by slugging Chrysalis across the face, only to be hit hard in the gut by one of the changeling’s own attacks.

While Chrysalis and Luna fought, Velvet levitated the torn pages to herself, taking care not to lose her magic to the furious royals. Fluttershy glanced at the separate pages and felt her brain hurt from the first line. Even Velvet had troubles making heads or tails of the spell.

“Ahem!” Velvet coughed, acquiring the attention of the lunar princess and the changeling. “You both want Twilight to be able to impregnate mares, right? Why not let Twilight read this? It isn’t too damaged for her to learn the spell.”

Chrysalis and Luna shared a glance before blushing profusely, disentangling themselves from each other. “Why didn’t I think of that?” the changeling uttered, shaking her head in frustration.

No one in the room heard Fluttershy answer Chrysalis’ question. “You didn’t care about the others at the time and wanted Twilight to help build your hive.”

“Look, let’s all get some sleep. And tomorrow, you can take it to Twilight, then Luna can return it to the hospital, if the Doctor has an issue with why it took so long to get it back… then she can deal with it, what pony is going to argue with a princess? Now go to bed, I have to wake up early to make lunch for Night Light.”

“Thank you, Miss Velvet,” Fluttershy said.

Velvet gave the meek pegasus a short smile before turning to see Luna and Chrysalis fighting over the bed. “Both of you on the floor, Fluttershy gets the bed.”

“I wouldn’t want to impose… I’m fine with the floor,” Fluttershy whimpered.

Velvet simply gave the pegasus a calm look before turning to the Lunar Regent and the Changeling Queen. “I’ll get some covers for you, your highness, but you two will still sleep on the floor tonight.” Her response was a few mutterings while Chrysalis and Luna settled down on the wooden floor. Velvet smirked and left the three to get settle in chuckling to herself once she was out of the room. “Guess it pays to be the mother of an Alpha.”


Fluttershy shook in her place as the three stood before the suddenly daunting tree of Golden Oaks Library. Luna felt the butterflies in her stomach move far more quickly, doing their own sonic rainbooms in the process. Chrysalis wasn’t intimidated; she was in fact warmed by the sight, as each step she took from the train was another step closer to reforming her hive.

Chrysalis was the first to move, nearly entering a trot as she headed for the door, Luna soon followed, not wishing to lose to the changeling while Fluttershy slowly walked, all sorts of emotions flooded through her mind.

Chrysalis nearly knocked the door off its hinges, and searched for the purple mare. “Twilight?” The former-Queen called out, searching for her consort.

“Twilight isn’t here right now, would you like to leave a message?” Pinkie asked, appearing out of the kitchen. She was sporting a apron and a chef’s hat while she mixed batter in a white bowl.

“Tell Twilight that Princess Luna would like an audience with her, if you would please,” Luna replied.

“If it isn’t too much to ask, could you tell Twilight that if she wants… she can come visit me,” Fluttershy said, the interior of the library threatened the butterscotch mare, her courage waned as she struggled to enter the library.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” Pinkie cheered. She walked over to Fluttershy and ushered her through the library’s foyer and into the kitchen with the princess and the queen before returning to her baking.

“What are you even doing here if Twilight isn’t? What is she even doing?” Chrysalis snarled.

“She’s helping Trixie do her magic tricks in the park, but that isn’t important right now… I need you to try these cupcakes out,” Pinkie said. She presented the three mares with three cupcakes, all three of them were coloured purple with a pink star on the top.

Fluttershy looked at the small confection with awe, amazed by Pinkie’s detail. Luna saw them as a treat, wanting to be consumed by the princess. Chrysalis was only angered by the taunting pastry, but a snack before the hours of mating she and Twilight will be doing might help. Chrysalis and Luna levitated the pastries to their mouths while Fluttershy leaned forward to take the cupcake.

They all took a bite of the confection, rather pleased by how it tasted. The pastry was light and fluffy, and raspberries and blackberries that was used complimented it all greatly, leaving the three wanting more. Despite the small joy of tasty treat, Chrysalis soon glared back at the baker. “There, now lead me to Twilight.”

“After your nap, silly,” Pinkie sang. Her words confused the three ladies, until Princess Luna and Chrysalis fell to the ground, snoring happily. Fluttershy stared at Pinkie in fear that maybe she was drugged but she remained awake. “Sooo… Zecora and Rarity figured that you and Chryssy went to Canterlot to get the daddy spell for Twilight, so the others and I did some planning. Fleur and Gilda are at your place setting everything up for your date with Twilight, enjoy!”

“Wha.. does Twilight know?”

“Nope, and Trixie will be leading her back to your cottage… just as we planned, remember to show her that spell, and you’ll be a mommy in no time. Now scoot, I gotta get these two to bed, because if I know Chryssy, she’ll be super-duper mad that she isn’t full of changeling babies,” Pinkie giggled, nudging Luna onto her back. “Oh… and enjoy the mild sex-thing I put in your cupcake.”

Just as those words registered in Fluttershy’s head, her rump felt rather hot, and now that she was promised a method to relieve this heat, she quickly made her way home, bumping past ponies that were foolish enough to get in the way.

Just as her home got into view, she saw a rather slender mare and Gilda at the doorway. “Fluttershy, yes? Twilight isn’t here, but I hope you enjoy your night,” Fleur teased, walking away.

“This makes us even, got it?” Gilda said, following the model down the road. Speeding past them, Fluttershy entered her home and her jaw dropped. There was a single table in the middle of her living room that was draped with a pink cloth. The room was littered with candles that caused the area to stink of roses and tulips, while there was also a record player playing a soothing violin piece that she couldn’t identify. Fluttershy slowly walked into the unfamiliar setting, and took a seat at the table. Her plate had a very elegant salad that contained croutons, baby tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini, and orange slices, all curled around romaine lettuce. If it weren’t for the need that burned between her hind-legs, she would be salivating over the delicious food before her.

Soon her prayers were answered as Twilight walked in, surprised to see the room set up in such a manner, behind her was Trixie who shot the yellow pegasus a dirty look before changing to a calm smile, bumping the purple unicorn into the room and shutting the door behind her. “Fluttershy? What is all this?”

“I don’t rightly know myself… oh I brought a spell for you, if you don’t mind,” the caretaker said, reaching into her pack to pull out a taped up scroll.

“What happened to it?” Twilight asked, staring at the scroll’s damage.

“Umm, Chrysalis got into a fight with somepony,” Fluttershy answered.

“Chrysalis is involved? But… oh is this spell what I think it is?” Twilight uttered, she uncurled it with her magic and began reading. “Oh, clever ponies, they coded it.” The librarian continued to read it, and wanting to test it out to see if it works, her horn began to glow pink. “Got it!” She exclaimed happily as her horn’s glow began to dim down, but soon Twilight felt a mild discomfort coming from where she believed her testicles were. She felt them churn as life returned to her testicles; it was a strange feeling, unsure if it was pleasurable or slightly annoying.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked, worried as she ran to her friend’s side.

“Ye-yeah… just wasn’t expecting to feel them wake up… guess I can control them myself now, huh?" Twilight joked, levitating the scroll in the air. She returned her gaze to the table and chuckled awkwardly. “So… may I ask why this is… like this?”

“I guess someponies... wanted to help,” Fluttershy squeaked, blushing heavily. The two mares kept their eyes away from each other, the red on their faces began to rival Applejack’s brother.

“Why do you want to be a mother?” Twilight asked, finally turning to face her timid friend.

Fluttershy sucked in a breath trying to formulate her words. She slowly looked into Twilight’s violet eyes with a needy look. “I… whenever I go into town, it makes me happy to see the fillies and colts playing. I felt jealous of Cheerilee a few times for getting to see all those beaming faces everyday and I wanted that, I wanted that of my very own. But… everytime I go to… talk to a stallion, I lose my voice and usually run away. I was so pathetic then.”

“You’re not pathetic, Fluttershy. YOU are a fantastic mare. So you’re a little shy, many ponies think that it’s endearing,” Twilight exclaimed. she sat next to Fluttershy and began rubbing her back soothingly.

“Thanks, Twilight. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a friend like you,” the butterscotch pegasus uttered, nuzzling her magical friend’s neck. Her eyes shot open upon realization of what she did and backed off and scooted away from the purple mare. “As I was saying, if you don’t mind. My want to be a momma died off a little while, but it came back with force when you held that meeting about your… p-p-p.”

“Penis, my penis,” Twilight finished for her friend. “Sorry, go on.”

“My heart sunk when I heard you weren’t virile, and was a teensy bit mad when I heard you… mated with the others. I don’t even know why I was mad at them, they weren’t going to be mommies. Then Chrysalis told me about her plan to make you virile, I thought it was too good to be true, but it worked and… now I’m scared that I’m not ready to be a mommy, what if I hurt the poor dear? What if they don’t make it through the birth, what if they got lost? What if-” Fluttershy’s rambling was interrupted by a pair of purple lips pressed against her own, causing her blush to deepen and consume her entire face.

Twilight pulled back and smile. “Fluttershy, you take care of animals everyday. You’d be the perfect mother, and even if you need help, you know all of us will lend a helping hoof. Not just our friends but… the others. Gilda, Fleur, Zecora, not sure about Trixie or Chrysalis, but we’ll be there to help you,” she concluded, nuzzling Fluttershy’s neck.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Fluttershy hugged Twilight tightly, rubbing her cheek affectionately against the purple mare’s.

“If you still like you are not ready, I can go and give you time to think, okay?” Twilight said, giving the caretaker a concerned smile.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “No!” she cried out, clinging to Twilight tighter. “I feel as if… we don’t do this now, I’ll never get the chance again. Please Twilight, could you… make me a mommy?”

Twilight kept her soft smile and nodded, leaning down to kiss Fluttershy delicately on her lips, but soon becoming hungry for more of the pegasus’ lips.

The canary coloured pegasus didn’t resist in any way. Allowing Twilight’s tongue free passage into her mouth, her own slippery appendage rushing to greet her mate’s within the warm confines of her mouth.

As they kissed, and hugged each other, Twilight slowly laid Fluttershy onto the floor and placed small kisses along the timid pony’s neck and cheeks. Fluttershy let out a soft moan, nearly inaudible to anypony but herself and the purple mare.

Slowly trailing her kisses along the yellow body, Twilight soon met Fluttershy’s winking marehood, beads of lust escaping through the yellow lips opening slight as if anticipating a stallion. Twilight leaned forward and gave Fluttershy a lick along her pussy, causing the caretaker to gasp.

Fluttershy’s hooves shot forward to Twilight’s head, her lips quivered as the librarian continued to lick her moist sex, she felt embarrassed that one of her best friends was doing this but it felt so good to feel Twilight’s tongue part her lips and… “Oh my.” Fluttershy squeaked, her eyes shut tightly when she felt the purple mare enter her with her oddly flexible tongue.

Twilight felt Fluttershy’s pussy tighten around her tongue but she continued to work the inner flesh regardless, seeking to make this memorable for her friend. She was rather surprised to hear Fluttershy let out a quiet scream as her fluids leaked on to her tongue, tasting the yellow pegasus’ nectar and eagerly swallowing her sweet tasting juices.

“I’m so sorry Twilight! I… should have warn you, I-” She was interrupted again by Twilight, but this time her hoof was gently placed against her mouth and a loving look on Twilight’s face loomed over her.

“Fluttershy, I don’t mind at all. This is your night, I just want you to feel good before I enter you… makes the… popping feel less painful,” Twilight exclaimed, grimacing that she’ll be taking Fluttershy’s sacred virginity.

“You-you don’t need to worry about that. I… broke it myself because I heard having a stallion enter you hurts the first time and I… didn’t want to embarrass myself, so I… bought a-a... toy and... broke it myself,” Fluttershy uttered, tears beginning to form out of the corners of her eyes. “I’m sorry Twilight.”

“Don’t be, it’s natural to get a little scared of your hymen breaking. In all honesty, I was scared I’d hurt you. The fact that you broke your own hymen could mean that you really do want to be a mother and you don’t want anything to stop you,” Twilight said, cupping Fluttershy’s cheeks with her hoof, Fluttershy slowly smiled back at Twilight before giving the unicorn a quick kiss on the chin.

The purple member was rubbing against the yellow folds, the librarian attempting to position her dick to enter her friend. Twilight sat on her rump and spread Fluttershy’s legs further apart, her rigid member’s head poised to pass through the caretaker’s petals.

Fluttershy felt Twilight’s cock stretch her lips, wincing from connection. It wasn’t long until she felt her purple friend slowly enter her. It was at that moment, Fluttershy fully understood just how small she was and how much bigger Twilight was compared to the toy she used. Her teeth digging into her lower lip while the scholar entered her inch by inch.

While it wasn’t shocking to find that Fluttershy was rather tight, Twilight still winced as her cock traveled deeper into the canary mare. The pegasus’ folds felt like a furnace around her shaft. Upon reaching the fleshy ring of her dick, Twilight gave a quick little thrust that made Fluttershy cry out. “Sorry,” Twilight soothed, nuzzling her friend’s cheek to comfort her.

“Sweet Celestia… so much inside,” Fluttershy gasped, her limbs latched onto Twilight with her hips slowly moving, trying to get more of the purple length inside her pussy.

Fluttershy’s tiny movements didn’t go unnoticed by Twilight, she made one last thrust that buried herself as deep as she could inside the caretaker’s hot marehood, lightly pressed against the cervix. They remained still for several movements, Fluttershy twitched and shuddered, having difficulties becoming accustomed to the purple girth inside her, while Twilight did her best to help her new lover with her predicament, all the while biting her lips from the tightness of Fluttershy’s sex.

“Are… you okay?” Twilight groaned, her dick felt like it was inside a vice. She could feel Fluttershy’s walls close in, trying to crush her and drink in whatever white cream that was squeezed out.

“Y-yes, you can move now… slowly please,” Fluttershy whimpered, her limbs grip over the unicorn growing tighter as Twilight began pulling out with the utmost caution. “Maybe a little… faster.”

Twilight only smiled, her rump rising as high as Fluttershy’s hind legs would allow her before pushing each inch back into the hot depths. “Fluttershy… could you loosen up? Please?” She asked, wincing from the overbearing tightness.

“I’m sorry… I’m so bad at this,” Fluttershy moped. Twilight grimaced when the guilt hit her heart, but she soon felt Fluttershy’s pussy loosening her grip very slightly, making her still rather tight but not painfully so.

It wasn’t long until Twilight found a rhythm to her mating, pounding herself deep into the yellow pegasus softly. She winced when Fluttershy screamed in her ears, this time she was loud and signaled her most recent orgasm. Her slit becoming extremely tight again as it tries to milk Twilight for all her sperm, making the purple mare gasp from the constriction.

“F-Fluttershy…” Twilight choked, she felt the caretaker’s limbs cling almost as tight as her pussy around the librarian's body, unable to do anything while the pegasus rode out her orgasm. Fluttershy’s eyes were shut tightly as ecstasy filled her mind, oblivious to the fact she was nearly strangling her friend.

Fluttershy’s grip soon relaxed, causing Twilight to breathe a health dose of air. ”Oh… my,” Fluttershy said wistfully, a strand of drool leaking form the corner of her mouth. “That was wonderful, Twilight.”

Twilight gave a weak smile, unable to tell her friend that she barely did anything other and stick her dick in and move at a painfully slow pace while the ex-virgin pegasus tried to crush her body and penis. “I’m going to move again, is that alright?”

Fluttershy was confused, didn’t Twilight cum already? “You can still go? Didn’t you-”

“I actually haven’t cum yet,” Twilight smiled weakly. “Let’s try a new position, okay?”

Fluttershy looked saddened that Twilight didn’t join her orgasm but reluctantly nodded, feeling Twilight move her onto her hooves, groaning in sadness when the unicorn’s penis left her.

Twilight go on top of Fluttershy’s rump and angled herself to enter her friend again, grabbing hold of the yellow furred belly, the unicorn thrusted forward slowly, feeding each inch back into the would-be mother.

Fluttershy moaned loudly as her fore-limbs immediately gave out, all strength left in her body was now focused on her back legs and vagina while Twilight rutted her from behind, she felt the scholar’s hooves rubbing her belly while the unicorn nibbled her ears.

“Twilight! More! Oh please, more!” Fluttershy cried, and Twilight was never a mare to disappoint. Her hips moved much faster, her breathing became hoarse as she pushed herself to seed the mare beneath her.

“I’m close…” Twilight muttered, gritting her teeth as her dick throbbed and twitching inside her friend.

“Me too, please give it to me."

With a happy groan, Twilight’s dick began to fill Fluttershy. To encourage safe passage for her potential children, the unicorn kept her penis pressed against Fluttershy’s cervix, trying to prevent any cum from leaving her pegasus friend.

Fluttershy’s eyes went blank as she felt her body be filled by a warm liquid. She sighed happily as sleep threatened to take her.

Twilight soon noticed her newest mare friend collapsing beneath her, and smiled. She shifted Fluttershy onto her side and the scholar cuddled up behind her, stroking her fur while the purple member plugged up her pussy.

“Thank… you… Twi-” Fluttershy’s voice soon faded to quiet snores. Twilight kissed the yellow pegasus’ cheek, but felt her dick still rather hard. She levitated a bowl of salad to her and began to eat, a evil grin appearing on her face as a punishment soon formed in her mind, a punishment for a certain changeling.


Chrysalis woke up, her head rang with pain… and now it was filled with rage towards the party mare. She jumped out of Twilight’s bed and found Luna talking to the devil herself, along with the griffon, the magician, and the harlot. “WHERE IS SHE?”

“Probably making Fluttershy a mommy,” Pinkie said happily.

“This means I gotta start buying rubbers for Twilight, huh?” Gilda grimaced, beginning to miss the feeling of her alpha’s cum moving inside her after a night of fun.

“If we’re to understand it… Twilight should be able to switch between virility and sterility, so you may continue to feel Twilight’s seed deep inside you still without fear of offspring,” Luna confessed.

“Well, Trixie would be honoured to carry Twilight’s foal, it would only be natural for Trixie after all,” Trixie gloated.

“I do like the idea of being a mommy… but I still don’t feel ready yet,” Pinkie uttered, thinking deeply about the idea of her having children hopping around her.

“As much as I adore children… I’m rather glad that Twilight can switch back and forth, I might turn out to be a horrible mother, I still have my career after all,” Fleur said, chuckling awkwardly.

“Where. Is. Twilight?” Chrysalis ordered. As if summoned the door flew open, revealing a manic looking Twilight Sparkle. “There you are and now-urk” Chrysalis was propelled into the bedroom, with Twilight following close by, her erection wagged from side to side, dripping with cum.

Everyone else was speechless, simply staring as Twilight climbed the stairs, with her dick in full glory. “Anyone else wants to be a mom?” She called out.

Trixie slowly raised her hoof, but she immediately brought it back down out of fear. Everyone else simply gawked, their focused turned from Twilight back to her aching cock, feeling envious of Chrysalis and Fluttershy but also scared of what a lust-filled Twilight might do. Smirking, Twilight entered the room and silence took precedence in the entire library.

The next few hours were filled with Chrysalis screaming in pleasure, which eventually lead to the four mares and Gilda to walk out the room quickly. They may love Twilight but if Pinkie’s story of the “aphrodisiac in the tea” had a lesson to teach, never get in the way of a dickmare who wants to breed.

Chapter Sixteen: Keep your SWAG and your Bitches in check please.

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Tags:[{Twilight Velvet/Bon-Bon/Lyra/Twilight Sparkle} rough, toys, vaginal, horn job, cunnilingus, anal, double penetration, am I missing a tag?]

“And that is the ninth reason why you shouldn’t have done that,” Twilight scolded, completely disappointed by how Chrysalis acted at Canterlot. Each reason was a lecture and a half long, which could put university professors to sleep.

“It’s fine. My mission is complete,” Chrysalis mused, rubbing her belly affectionately. The night that Twilight regained her ability to reproduce hurt a bit at first, but the changeling now had her new drones in her belly. It would have been better to have them inside somepony else but the purple mare teleported the eggs back into Chrysalis’ womb so the queen will have to shoulder this unusual (for her) burden.

Twilight became frustrated with her changeling’s pride, happy that she stole from a hospital, fought with Princess Luna, and made her parents and Fluttershy accomplices in the crime. “Then, you won’t mind a punishment, would you?”

“You? Punish Me?” Chrysalis laughed. She stood on shaky limbs, despite being a mother once before, it was unfamiliar to her to have multiple eggs in her body. “What are you going to do, scold me?”

That was the last straw and Twilight’s glare became that her herd began to fear; Twilight’s ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ look. Chrysalis got this once before and it cracked her heart. This time Chrysalis felt its full weight, and quietly laid down, keeping herself from whimpering. “As of today, I’m going to volunteer YOUR services around Ponyville. If anyone sees you slacking off during your during this penance, then I’ll have to think of something more drastic.”

The Changeling Queen’s face fell into despair. “But… I’m pregnant.”

“I just watched you do an hour of dancing for joy because you can finally go about rebuilding your hive. You did FIVE flips without your wings then bucked my bed onto the balcony, and you weren’t even winded or sweating after that. You’ll be fine,” Twilight argued, crossing her forelimbs in annoyance.

“But… I’m pregnant.”

Twilight let out a groan as she buried her face in her hooves. She felt a claw poke her side, causing her to turn her attention to her number one assistant. “Twilight, Mom and Dad sent us a letter.”

The colour faded from the scholar. “What?”

“Yeah. Them, Shining Armor and Cadance are coming over, wanting to visit you and your herd, Mom underlined herd though… a lot,” Spike answered.

No one heard the snapping that was Twilight’s mind at that moment as dread filled her being. “Oh no… nononononono. Spike, get everything ready for them. I want this place cleaned top to bottom, I can’t have this place smelling like…”

“Sex?” Spike replied, with a blank stare.

Twilight gave a weak smile. “Yes, that. And Chrysalis, if you desire to have more changelings, you WILL help.”

Chrysalis nodded and ran to grab cleaning supplies, while Spike went to put some of the books that were laying around away before racing behind the changeling. Twilight took this time to go shopping for food. She had to feed six to ten extra mouths within the last few months, and now she’ll need more.


Despite her sunny disposition, Bon-Bon had long been tormented by the mere fact that Twilight could come and steal her marefriend at any time, they used to have sex during school so it made sense that if Lyra gets bored of the candy-maker, she’d just run to the hooves of the librarian.

She laid on the couch in her home, turning her head to the right to watch the musician making lunch. Behind her sat a side table that had various pictures of the couple hanging out. There was a set of tables in the corner of the room next to the opening into the kitchen; one held candy ideas of Bon-Bon’s shop and the other had songs and music sheets for Lyra’s music. She had a sad expression as she watched the unicorn make sandwiches. “Lyra? Do you love me?”

Lyra turned to the earth pony in confusion. “Of course I love you. Why do you ask? Twilight still bothering you?”

“Yeah… I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you two did things. I’m more shocked about that than Twilight having a dick. That part is pointless when you find out the love of your life has been having sex for months with another mare,” Bon-Bon said, frowning slightly as her own words.

“Look Bon-Bon, that happened years ago. There wasn’t really a ‘Twilight and I’ thing; we only did it because it felt good and Twilight had problems managing her sexuality. It was always me and you, Bonnie,” Lyra soothed, smiling gently at her marefriend.

“Really? Then why are there so many mares flocking to Twilight? She has a griffon for crying out loud, what if she takes you?”

“Because I know Twilight, and she isn’t the type to destroy another pony’s relationship. Look at Thunderlane and Cloudchaser, they’re even more in love with each other after CC tricked Twilight into giving Thunderlane a feel for the other side of the fence. Trust me, I’m sure there is a better reason why Twilight has a small group wanting her, other than her dual gender,” Lyra explained, putting the finishing touches on the sandwiches she was preparing.

“What’s the big difference between me and Twilight? Having her mount you can’t feel better than me mount you… does it?”

Lyra grimaced at the question but she had to answer her marefriend. “To tell you the truth, plastic is no substitute for the real thing, and Twilight was a sort of way to have the real thing without the threat of pregnancy. But the times we shared in our room felt more magical to me than with her. Sure she felt good inside me… but it wasn’t the same as cuddling next to you.”

“So… Twilight’s dick is better… but you’d still pick me over her?” Bon-Bon asked, a small smile gracing her features.

“Of course, Bonnie. Twilight and I might be friends, but you are my mate, my BETTER half. I’m not going to go to bed with a dickmare just because I wanted a real dick that night.” Lyra leaned down and hugged her marefriend on the couch while placing the plate of sandwiches on the table next to them.

“Thanks, Lyra. I feel a bit better, but I still feel like this isn’t right,” Bon-Bon sighed, she continued to mope on the couch while Lyra ate one of the sandwiches.

Then an idea came to Bon-Bon’s head, and idea that could spell trouble, but it was a gamble she was willing to take to save her relationship with her green unicorn. “Lyra, how would you feel if I go out and have a one-night stand with somepony?”

Lyra began to choke on her lunch out of shock of what she just heard. When she recovered she gave her marefriend a wide-eyed stare. “Depends on who…”

“Anypony really, as long as they’re cute,” Bon-Bon replied. She sat up and walked upstairs to her room.

Lyra didn’t like this idea, but she was willing to roll with it as long as something bad didn’t happen. “What about lunch?”

Bon-Bon ran down as her plans for tonight went through her head, gobbling down a sandwich in seconds in the process. “Don’t worry Lyra, I’ll make everything right tonight.”


Zecora walked down to the road towards the home of her alpha, bemused by the thought of meeting her parents. She was soon joined by Gilda, as they walked to the tree-library. the proud griffon appeared rather distressed as she walked beside the zebra.

“You seem upset more than just a peck. Perhaps you are dreading a sort of train wreck?” Zecora joked, giving her friend a calm smile.

“Probably, I hear that Canterlot doesn’t take kindly to griffons so… I’m worried that Twilight’s folks might not like me just because of my race. And these are Twi’s folks after all. Why aren’t you nervous?” Gilda retorted, finding it odd how Zecora’s rhymes were off.

“I seem rather calm, but I fear I may bomb. Do you know if everyone will be there; however cramped it will be in her lair?”

“Fleur and Rarity dragged Fluttershy to Manehatten to get baby stuff, and the moment Rainbow Dash found out Twi’s folks are coming, so she took off with them. Applejack is at Appleloosa so she doesn’t even know what's going on here. That just leaves you, me, the bug, Trixie, and Pinkie… to deal with Twilight’s parents,” Gilda answered, she wanted to say something about Zecora’s odd rhymes with her question but chose to let it go for now as they approached Twilight’s house.

As they entered they found Spike running around with books in his arms and Chrysalis dusting with a mask covering her snout, Twilight was no where to be seen. Spike was the first to notice the two. “Thank goodness you’re here. Twilight’s been freaking out over our folks coming over, you gotta calm her down.”

“We have our own reasons to be worried kid, where is she?” Gilda asked, trying to keep a serious tone, despite the situation.

As if summoned, Twilight ran down the stairs, looking through cookbooks. She noticed the two standing there baffled. “Good, you’re here. Can you two cook dinner for tonight? And where are the others? Mom and Dad will be here any minute, and not all of us are here.”

Gilda told Twilight what she told Zecora earlier, and it didn’t help the purple mare’s anxiety. “Well then, where’s Trixie and Pinkie? I need everyone here now before they get here, and they give a bad impression. What if they don’t approve of me having a herd? It is illegal after all. What if they disown me for breaking a ancient law? What if-” Twilight’s endless questions were stopped by a claw going across her face, leaving a red imprint on her cheek and very shallow scratch marks.

“Calm down, Twi. I’m sure it’ll be alright… we’re the ones that should be worried after all,” Gilda said, putting her talons on Twilight’s shoulder and began rubbing.

Twilight immediately calmed down from her griffon’s massage, during which, Gilda motioned Zecora to head into the kitchen while she worked the unicorn’s muscles. “Thanks Gilda, everything has been happening so quickly recently. Princess Luna wants to court me, I got Fluttershy and Chrysalis pregnant, and my parents, my brother, and my old foal-sitter are coming to see how I’ve been doing and to meet everyone.”

“I know, it’ll be fun for us, at least the bug will take most of the heat, right?” Gilda joked.

“Did you forget that I’ve been to her parent’s home? I have already faced their wrath with Twilight at my side and survived with only scratches. They will be more focused on the griffon, the zebra, the mare who tried to banish their daughter from the town she attempted to enslave, and the former town bicycle,” Chrysalis quipped, annoyed at the feathered lion as she returned to her dusting.

“We… might be screwed here,” Gilda whimpered, her claws slowing down on Twilight’s neck.

The door flew open to reveal Pinkie and Trixie. The party mare remained her usual self while the showmare was skittish and jumpy, obviously nervous. “Are they here yet?” Trixie asked.

“Not yet, the great shitstorm of our century should be here soon though,” Gilda muttered.

Twilight turned to the new arrivals and smiled. “Pinkie, go help Zecora in the kitchen. Trixie, help Chrysalis with the cleaning.” Pinkie gave a salute and ran into the kitchen, while Trixie ran to find a cloth.

“I just finished, go find something else to do,” Chrysalis said. Trixie nodded and proceeded to the kitchen to help the zebra and party pony.

Chrysalis merely lounged on the couch, relaxing after slaving over a duster and a broom. “Finally, it’s hard work to wander around with eggs in your belly.”

“Despite the dance you did after I put them in you?” Twilight asked.

“That dance was a mistake in hindsight,” Chrysalis replied. She flexed her hind legs on the couch.

Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance. Trixie soon returned with several platters of food and placed them on the large table near the corner of the room. They heard a knock at the door which caused Twilight to begin stressing once again. “They’re here, is everything prepared? Sweet Celestia, they’re here.”

“Dinner is cooking, how am I looking?” Zecora asked, running her hoof through her mohawk.

“You look good and not stressed for time, regardless of how far you reached for that rhyme,” Pinkie replied, smiling as she passed the zebra. Zecora only frowned for a moment before chuckling.

Twilight got up from her seat and opened the door with her magic. She straightened herself out in seconds as her parents walked in. “Twilight!” Velvet greeted, going over to hug her daughter.

“H-hey Mom, hi Dad,” Twilight stuttered hugging her parents. Night Light soon entered and embraced his daughter as his wife had just done. Behind him was Shining Armor, who scanned the room and took immediate notice of the five individuals that were with Twilight. Fortunately, Cadance put a hoof on his shoulder, giving him a smile, and hoping it would keep him from interrogating the girls.

Spike ran down the stairs and went to hug his adopted mother’s leg. “Hi Mom.”

“Oh Spike, look how you’ve grown, dear,” Velvet quipped, hugging the dragon tightly.

Twilight noticed that her brother kept a death glare on her girls and went to intercept. “Hey BBBFF.”

“Hey Twilie; is this them?” Shining asked, his voice was devoid of emotions.

“Stop it Shiny,” his wife scolded.

“So… I thought there would be more,” Night Light commented. He received awkward smiles from those present.

“Applejack is visiting her family in Appleloosa, and the others went to Manehatten to…” Twilight tried to answer but she couldn’t think of anything.

“Clothes shopping for Fluttershy’s foal,” Trixie answered, she then realized her mistake and covered her mouth with her hooves.

“Clothes shopping for a foal?” Velvet exclaimed, she took her daughter back into a big hug. “I’m going to be a grandmother!”

“G-glad you approve, Mom,” Twilight gasped, struggling to get out of the elder Twilight’s grip.

Night Light noticed how uncomfortable the other mares are feeling, mostly under the glare from his son. “Well, care to introduce us, Twilight?”

“Oh right, sorry Dad.” Twilight apologized, she walked over to the closest one, which happened to be Trixie. “This is Trixie, she’s a traveling magician, and my rival in magic.”

A smile on Trixie’s features grew as she let the words “rival in magic” sink into her head, causing her pride to inflate. “Trixie… is Twilight’s rival… thus her equal.”

“If she’s your mate, why is she also your rival?” Shining asked.

“In our last contest, I beat her pretty bad… she wasn’t all that prepared at the time, but she’s doing better,” Twilight explained. Trixie’s smile never faltered, forcing Twilight’s words to repeat in her head over and over.

Next Twilight walked over to Zecora. “This is the shamaness, Zecora. She lives in Everfree Forest but she’s pretty wise and gives some of the best advice.”

“Well, my daughter can get rather exotic. A griffon, a changeling, and a zebra. Any dragons or buffalo we need to know about?” Velvet joked. It was evident that Spike didn’t find it funny when he elbowed her.

Twilight began to sweat slightly at the implications of her mother’s words. “Celestia willing, it won’t happen,” she whispered to herself.

“Greetings, sires to Twilight, how are you this fine night?” Zecora asked, retaining her calm tone and features.

“It’s still day.” Shining said, judging the zebra with his eyes.

“Zecora has a habit to speak in rhymes, they might a bit off since… are you nervous?” Twilight asked, Zecora stiffly turned her head, and briefly nodded before turning back to her alpha’s parents.

“My word, that’s impressive. But with us here, it must prove difficult to concentrate on it, habit or not,” Velvet reasoned.

Cadance turned to Chrysalis, who was lounging on the couch. “You seem pleased.”

“I am very pleased. I get to watch these imbeciles trip over themselves to please your in-laws while I sit here and be… pregnant,” Chrysalis laughed, stretching her limbs out in the process.

“Pregnant?” Velvet asked, running over to the changeling. “As in… more grandfoals?”

“Oh my, yes… mother,” Chrysalis said with a small sly grin. “While they do share your daughter’s genes, you will be sad to hear that changelings mature quickly, meaning far less time to coddle them as you would a foal.”

“I hope Twilight broke you when she was stuffing you,” Shining muttered.

“She almost did,” Chrysalis replied, turning over to show her rump to everyone, there was a moderate size crack in the hardened plating of the Queen’s backside.. “See the chitin here? She cracked it with her pelvis a week ago and it’s still healing. When she wants it, she WANTS it.”

“Thanks… thanks for making me regret asking that,” Shining said, placing his face in his hoof. Little did he know, his wife had wiped her mouth of a small amount of drool.

“Oh, poor dear,” Velvet said, her hoof prodding the damaged carapace. “Twilight, next time: do her harder. Make sure she feels you, no matter how much she screams.”

Chrysalis began to blush and couldn’t find a retort while everyone else, save for Trixie and Twilight, began to laugh. Chrysalis merely frowned in annoyance. “Still mad at me for trying to ruin your son’s wedding?”

“I’m forgiving you little by little, but I’ll never fully forgive you, dear,” Velvet replied, walking over to Gilda in the process. “And you might be?”

“Gilda, ma’am,” Gilda answered, noticing that her mate’s brother was staring daggers at her. “Uhh, sorry?”

Shining marched over, Cadance trying to pull him back in the process. He loomed over the griffon, making her very nervous. “Don’t hurt my sister.”

“Never… planned on it, uhh bro?” Gilda smiled weakly.

“I’m not your ‘bro’,” Shining retorted.

“Shining Armor!” His parents yelled, causing the white stallion to flinch. “Leave her alone. She hasn’t done anything yet.” Velvet scolded.


“Shining, I know that the higher ups in the Royal Guard beat griffon racism into your skulls during training. Back off the poor girl,” Night Light said coldly, causing his son to back away from Gilda. He then turned to the griffon in question. “I’m sorry about Shining, he’s usually a good colt, I guess he’s worried about the whole herd thing and Twilight and…”

“It’s fine, my Uncle was in the Aerie Elite; they’re taught to hate ponies with a passion, so… yeah,” Gilda uttered, smiling awkwardly.

The next one up was Pinkie, whom they have met before. “Hi Velvie, hi NIghty.”

‘Velvie’ and ‘Nighty’ merely stood in confusion, trying to comprehend their new nicknames. “Hello Pinkie, how did you… get to know Twilight better?”

“OH… I was actually looking for Lyra, because Bon-Bon wanted her to come home. I looked and look and looked, then I found Lyra walking out of the library with a limp. I got curious as to why she had that limp so I began spying on her. Then I found out that she had a HUGE pimple on her crotch, but it just turned out to be a penis. I never had a mare that had a penis before so I seduced Twilight into giving it to me and she gave it… and then we became friends with benefits until her circle of friends with benefits grew bigger,” Pinkie exclaimed.

Velvet and Night Light were befuddled by what Pinkie just said. “So… you had sex with my daughter only because she was born with a penis, but then it grew from there?” the elder Twilight asked. Pinkie nodded gleefully.

“Yeah… grew,” Gilda chuckled nervously.

“Twily, isn’t Lyra that unicorn friend of yours back in school?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yes?” Twilight squeaked, blushing hard.

“Why isn’t she here?”

“She’s in a relationship with an earth pony named Bon-Bon,” Twilight replied. Shining merely nodded and resumed giving death glares to the girls that are after his sister’s affections.

“And you said the others weren’t here?” Cadance asked, waving a hoof in front of Trixie’s eyes, trying to get a reaction out of her.

“Yeah, most of them went baby clothes shopping and the only one you haven’t met was Fleur and you’ll meet her eventually though,” Twilight answered, smiling nervously. “She was actually excited to meet you all, but Rarity and Fluttershy asked her to help them with shopping.”


(Meanwhile in Manehatten)

“Doesn’t this look adorable?” Fleur giggled, levitating a blue one-piece pajamas up to let her friends see.

“Look at those little hooves,” Fluttershy cooed, playfully tapping the hoofsies of the pajamas. “But is it the right colour? We still don’t know what gender the baby is.”

“That is why you should let me design your child’s clothes. I promise I won’t use any gems in the designs, and it won’t cost you a bit. Oh, but these little things are too precious,” Rarity squealed, levitating another pair of pajamas, this one was red with a large pink ribbon just above the tail hole.

“Oh this is fun, if only Twil-LOOK,” Fluer exclaimed, both mares immediately stopped and turned to where the model was pointing, their jaws dropped at the magnificent sight of a foal sized pajamas that appeared to be a bunny suit. They couldn’t run any faster to acquire that particular set of jammies.

From a bench a few meters away, sat Rainbow Dash. She watched the three mares would giggle, squealed, and swooned over how ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’ a particular dress was. Another series of happy cries caused the speedster to roll her eyes in annoyance as she sat on the bench, bored out of her mind.

She began to want to be judged by Twilight’s folks right now, just so she wouldn’t have to put up with two of her best friends and some nutty model go crazy over foal clothing. She turned to her left to see a stallion who was suffering the same fate, his wife appeared to be several months deeper into her pregnancy than Fluttershy, as her belly came close to passing her knees when she walked on all fours.

She turned to the stallion and said. “I feel your pain, buddy.” The Stallion gave her a confused look, then noticed the three mares giggling over clothing; he nodded in agreement.


The large group had sat down for dinner after the first portion of their interrogation, Shining Armor kept his glare pinned on the girls, despite how much it annoyed Twilight and Cadance.

After their meal, Twilight levitated a tray of drinks into the main foyer. Spike found it all boring and left to play outside, possibly with the Crusaders or Snips and Snails.

“Thank you, dear.” Velvet replied, accepting the tea from her daughter.

Night Light accepted the mug of coffee with a nod and took a sip. “Heh, kinda embarrassed that this question wasn’t raised and no disrespect to Twily but… what brought the rest of you to her? She is a special mare, but I am curious.”

Gilda and Trixie nearly choked on their drinks, Zecora smiled while Pinkie merely hummed and sipped her juice. “You daughter came to me in distress; her tea reserves were in a mess. We journeyed through the forest grove, to find a fungus in the mountain trove. She saved me from a wooden beast and my affection for her increased. It had been many years since my first mate, and I embrace my new fate.”

“You’ve been in a herd before? Guess you’re showing Twilight the ropes then?” Night Light chuckled.

“Indeed I was, it ended with bitter cause. While I may guide your daughter, I am more than a mere spotter,” Zecora answered, smiling.

“But I’m the beta!” Pinkie sang, causing Cadance to do a spit-take.

“That is still up for debate, my little lightweight,” Zecora said, causing the party mare to frown adorably.

“Are you alright, Cady?” Shining asked, worried about his wife’s sudden foray into physical comedy.

“I’m fine, just… a bit hot for me,” Cadance replied, trying to hide her blush.

“Interesting, what about you two?”

“I met Twilight through Rainbow Dash, we hit it off from there,” Gilda answered quickly.

Trixie smirked, the feeling of her showmareship fueling her to stand and be proud. “After the Great and Powerful Trixie’s very first defeat at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle, I went and trained in secret. Trixie returned and defeated Twilight but it took Trixie’s rival a mere day to come back and defeat me. Our third encounter, I challenged her once again, but even as I was winning, Twilight defeated Trixie, and showed her the true meaning of power. After a month of training, Trixie returned to train alongside Twilight. Our rivalry soon sparked into love as it often does, and that is how The Great and Powerful Trixie wooed your Twilight, mares and gentlecolts.” With her story coming to a close, Trixie gave her audience a bow.

Night Light and Velvet merely smiled a knowing smile, glancing back to Trixie’s herdmates. Confused, Trixie turned to see Gilda and Chrysalis holding their faces in their forelimbs, Pinkie was clapping excitedly, Zecora was rather calm about it, giving the showmare a smile, and Twilight was blushing and trying to sink into her seat. “Well… as embarrassing as it was for Twilight, it is all true.”

“But you always-” Gilda was interrupted by Twilight holding her beak shut with her magic.

“Gilda and Trixie have a sort of rivalry of their own going,” Twilight said, laughing awkwardly and slowly releasing the griffon’s beak.

Shining Armor, wasn’t amused however. “Would you two like to tell us more and not lie?”

“Shiny!” Cadance scolded. “Sorry about him, he’s just protective.”

“It’s fine… but yeah… Rainbow introduced me and we just hit it off like that… I wasn’t too pleased about the herd thing, but Pinkie helped warm me up to it,” Gilda answered.

“So hearing Rainbow scream Twilight’s name while you were screwing her was the introduction? Then your way of saying ‘hello’ must be getting overpowered by magic and getting dominated by the pony you’re saying ‘hi’ too,” Chrysalis mocked. Twilight shot a death glare at the changeling, who didn’t take notice of it as she watched the reaction of the other ponies.

Velvet and Cadance were speechless and all that left Night Light’s mouth was “what?”

“Uhh… Way to go, Twily?” Shining uttered. He was now trying to figure out whether he should be judging his sister or her mares.

“You… raped this poor dear?’ Velvet asked, unable to comprehend the idea of her daughter doing anything like that.

“I-well… it isn’t what you think, we were both consenting and…” Twilight didn’t know how to make the situation better than what it looks.

“Fine, just as the bug said. I visited Rainbow Dash and we had sex, she yelled out Twilight’s name, I got jealous, hunted Twilight down in her library. I wanted to show her who’s better at sex but her bloody magic kept me from moving. She gave me one chance to just leave and I spat on her offer, which led to me becoming one of Twilight’s girls while Rainbow watched,” Gilda grumbled, glaring at Chrysalis. “You know you’re in deep shit, by the way.” Chrysalis’ smile faded when she noticed the enraged purple mare sitting by her.

“Oh… that’s slightly better, but I’m still disappointed in you Twilight, doing that to the poor dear,” Velvet scolded.

“That actually turned out a lot better than expected, considering griffon mating habits, and there is also the damaged pride to take into account,” Shining said, his father nodded but the two stallions were hit upside the head by their wives.

“But seriously, you could have talked it over with Gilda, and not.. rape her. What were you thinking?” Cadance muttered, her gaze caused Twilight to shrink in her seat.

“At the time, it was going to end with both of us getting laid and one of us being raped. I don’t blame Twilight for it… I blame Rainbow Dash for not yelling my name that time, and sorta me for being jealous,” Gilda said, scratching the back of her neck.

“That is still no way for Twilight to act,” Velvet retorted. “Did you apologize to her?”

“Yes, mom. I apologized the day after,” Twilight whimpered.

“Good, and is Trixie the same?” Velvet asked, receiving several shaking heads from Twilight’s herd. “Glad to hear it… I’ll let you off easy because of the situation at the time, but you don’t do that… EVER, Twilight.”

“Yes, mom,” Twilight whimpered.

“Now then, with that settled… any changes to your story Trixie?” Night Light asked.

“Nope, Trixie has Twilight’s eternal rival in magic and study-buddy… and lover,” Trixie replied, with a faux-smile.

“Okay then, as long as there’s nothing more than that,” Night Light said, breathing a sigh of relief.

They all began to chat amongst each other. Shining and Cadance were talking to Zecora, mostly about Twilight. Gilda and Night Light were joking about the Royal guard and Aerie Elite. Twilight had begun scolding Chrysalis over the incident with Gilda. Velvet smiled and walked over to Pinkie and Trixie who began to chat… more Pinkie talking and Trixie frowning than anything. “How are you girls?”

“I’m fine, Velvie. Trixie and I were just talking about how we could have improved that story she told you guys… I think it needed more pizzazz,” Pinkie replied.

“Trixie is… okay, for the most part.”

“That’s good to hear,” Velvet said smiling before leaning her head forward slowly. “Is there a place to let go in Ponyville?”

Trixie’s eyes went wide, but Pinkie began to think about it. “Berry Punch has a bar a few blocks away from the library. But why would you wanna go? Wouldn’t it make everyone worry if you just went ‘poof’?”

“You’ll know what I mean when your children start saving the world while you have to edit grammar that would send my daughter into fits of apoplexy,” Velvet explained.

“Well, I’d like to know why… still,” Pinkie asked, slightly worried about the older mare.

“Yes, Trixie is curious too,” Trixie said.

“Okay… I haven’t had a drink in two months but in those two months I heard that my daughter has mated with her best friends, a griffon, the changeling that NEEDS Twilight to protect herself from me, her rival, a zebra, a famous model, and quite possibly the Princess of the Moon. On top of ALL that, I got nine grandfoals on the way, one is a pony of unknown race and eight are changelings that won’t have a childhood because changelings are weird. It doesn’t help that I learned that my Twilight has RAPED somepony in ‘self-defense’ so I think I need something to help me ease me into this part of my life and I know Twilight doesn't carry any liqour,” Velvet concluded.

“I can go with you…. you know, to make sure you don’t go overboard and then Twilight will ground me from sex for a month,” Pinkie whispered, giving the mare a weak smile.

Trixie merely sat between the two mares in confusion. “I’ll let Mis-Twilight know you two are leaving.”

Velvet just rolled her eyes. “You are definitely a pony Twilight would love.” she muttered, nearly giggling when Trixie returned to her dream-like state from earlier.

Twilight however did notice her mother heading for the door. “Mom, whatcha doing?”

“I’m going for some fresh air. And Pinkie has been kind enough to show me around town,” Velvet replied.

“Oh… okay, don’t be long,” Twilight said, giving a nervous smile.

“Why? Ponyville seems like a nice enough town; Unless there is something dangerous about it at night.”

“No it’s safe… and boring. Dash and I found that out a month ago trying to find some bad ponies to rough up and bring them to the guards,” Gilda answered, taking a sip from her soda.

“You and Dash went out to find trouble? Why would you do such a thing?” Twilight asked, suddenly worried about the two fliers.

“Well… Dash was telling me about Mare-do-Well and we started reading the comics…” Gilda said, scratching her neck.

“You got that brilliant idea from a comic? You could have been hurt!” Twilight exclaimed. With her daughter preoccupied, Velvet slipped out the library with the pink mare following close behind.


The night had not gone as well as Bon-Bon wanted. She had been at Berry’s Punch Bowl for hours and not a single mare that perked her interest for a quick night of lust. Most of the mares she had approached gave a weak smile and managed to escape through her hooves. It was at this point Bon-Bon had considered going after stallions, she may not like it but Lyra did say the real thing is better than plastic.

“Bon-Bon, you’ve been here for hours. Let’s go home,” Lyra said, walking up to her marefriend.

“Not yet, Lyra. I’m not leaving until I get laid,” Bon-Bon said, taking a swig of her hard cider.

“We can go have sex at home, let’s just go,” Lyra whined. “Do you really have to have sex with somepony else?”

“Yes I do, it’s not fair that you had sex with someone that’s not me,” Bon-Bon protested.

“I was with Twilight during school, I didn’t even know you at that time,” Lyra said, frowning at the candy-maker’s stubborness.

“Doesn’t matter, it’s the fact that you can compare ME to somepony else. You’re the only pony I’ve been with, and…” Bon-Bon’s ear twitched when two new ponies entered the bar. One was Pinkie Pie and the other was a mare who she had never seen before, a white unicorn with a purple and white striped mane. While Lyra thought the mare looked familiar, Bon-Bon saw her as a possible lay. “There we go.”

While her marefriend was more interested the new mare, Lyra thought it was odd that Pinkie was in a less than upbeat mood, she was still hopping, but not as much than was normal for her. As Lyra approached, the Pink mare took notice of her. “Hi Lyra, what’s up?”

“Nothing much, who's your friend?” Lyra asked, trying to figure out where she’s seen this mare from.

“Lyra? Little Lyra? How are you, dear?”

Lyra’s mind did a flip as her memories of this mare came flooding back. “Mrs. Velvet? I, uh, I’m doing great.” The Musician gave a weak smile and a glance to Bon-Bon, who still had her predatory grin.

“Something wrong?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes-NO… I mean… yeah, keep Mrs. Velvet away from Bon-Bon, Pinkie!” Lyra pleaded.

“Why?” Pinkie asked, Twilight Velvet was now curious about why she should avoid her as well.

“Bon-Bon… somehow got it in her head that the only way to save our relationship is to have sex… with another mare, because I…”

“Slept with my daughter,” Velvet stated, a frown grew on her face.

“Heh, how did you know that?” Lyra chuckled awkwardly as she began to sweat bullets.

“She told me… and Twilight’s father,” Velvet said, gesturing to the embarrassed party mare.

Pinkie rubbed her foreleg and looked away form the musician. “Sorry Lyra.”

Lyra had a look of fear in her eyes when she turned back to the elder Twilight. “I’m so sorry… it was just something that happened in school… and I had to help-”

“Wait… what was this about school?” Velvet pulled Lyra towards a booth and kept her voice in a whisper. “You and Twilight were having intercourse during school!?”

“We were… experimenting?” Lyra said, shrugging with an awkward smile.

Velvet was seeing red as she glared at Lyra. Pinkie saw this moment to change the conversation. “So what brings you here?”

Still cringing from Velvet’s glare, Lyra turned to the party mare. “Just keep Mrs. Velvet away from Bon-Bon, alright?”

“Oh really? Why shouldn’t I? You and my daughter were doing it in school, DURING CLASS, no less. So I can’t go over and have a drink with your marefriend?” Velvet retorted.

“I’m really sorry about that, but I just don’t want Bon-Bon to feel like she NEEDS to do this,” Lyra pleaded. “And for the record, you and I both know Twilight would have a heart attack if she missed a class. We only did it after school, and sometimes during lunch.”

“Maybe she does, maybe I’ll go over there and have a drink with her,” Velvet grumbled. She got up from her seat and walked over to Bon-Bon, Lyra tried stop her with her magic but the older unicorn stopped it with her own magic, barely shrugging off Lyra’s spell. “When you bring up a daughter with a large amount of magic in her, you learn to spell cancel everything, dear,” she said over her shoulder.

“Pinkie, please help,” Lyra begged.

“I-I can’t. Twilight doesn’t even know her mom’s here, and if she finds out; she’ll give me the stare of disappointment and she’ll lecture me and it’ll be forever until I get laid again,” Pinkie whimpered. Lyra gritted her teeth and turned to see Velvet seating herself next to Bon-Bon, her marefriend’s smile grew in response.

“Why hello, how are you?” Velvet greeted.

“I’m doing great now, what’s your name?”

“You can call me Velvet, I take it you’re Bon-Bon?”

“Sweetie Drops, but everyone calls me Bon-Bon. Can I buy you a drink?”

“Sure why not, it’s what I came here for,” Velvet chuckled, the plum earth pony behind the counter get two mugs of Hard Cider ready for her customers in no time. Sliding them across the wood and perfectly in front of Bon-Bon and Velvet, and the drinks kept coming once the mugs were emptied.

(An hour later)

“That-That was pretty cool, Velvy,” Bon-Bon complemented. She had just witnessed the older unicorn chug a pint of Hard Cider without breathing.

Velvet let out a well deserved sigh as she put the mug down. “That… was nothing, you shoulda-shoulda seen me when I was younger,” she boasted, reaching for another mug.

“Mare… yo-you are a BETTER drinking buddy than my marefriend… you see. She dis-hates? No, she doesn’t like to drink, so I gotta come here… all by myself, and drink by myself.”

“That sounds like my Nighty, he gets a panic attack just by seeing ME drink. I gave birth to TWO of Equestria’s heroes, and raised them, and hear about how they saved everypony from something; I think I deserve a drink.”

“Hear, hear. So… I take it you're experienced?” Bon-Bon asked with a wide grin.

“Honey... I was considered expiri-expiri- good at sex when you were in diapers. I’m a veteran of the bed,” Velvet giggled, finding it hard to stay on her seat.

“But didn’t you settle down?” Bon-Bon asked, she stopped drinking altogether to listen to the fascinating mare.

“Because I found that one pony that made me feel… complete. It’s weird to say that,” Velvet laughed.

“Complete? How so?”

“Like… it’s hard to say, when I met my Night Light. I just… felt right to be with him. He wasn’t a good lay when we started but I taught him well. After he proposed to me… I felt like saying ‘no’ would destroy both our lives, I… couldn’t say yes any louder that night… the wedding was fantastic and the honeymoon sex was the best sex I’ve had in my whole life.”

Bon-Bon blushed slightly as she thought about her own situation. “Does he know about what you did… before you two got together?”

“Yes… he does. Even while we dated, he had faith that he’d win me over. I never did manage to talk him into a threesome, he’s too…. traditional. He has a constant fear that our own children will steal me from him for Celestia’s sake,” Velvet chuckled, lying her head on the counter. Bon-Bon merely watched the older unicorn, thinking about Lyra in the process. “Oh Nighty...he was always so awkward, it was adorable.”

“Has he… ever cheated on you?” Bon-Bon asked curiously.

“No, and if he did… I’d be cross for a second, then be proud of him for it. He’s too awkward to go for any mare that isn’t me,” Velvet let out a sigh. “Wish he was more honest with himself though, I’ve never seen him masturbate, I’ve never seen him look at other mares lecherously… it’s weird how devoted to me he is.”

“Really? Isn’t that like… the dream stallion most mares would look for?”

“He is… but I’d like for him to experiment once in a while. Did you know he’s never fucked my ass? He’s fine with eating me out, but he gets jittery when I offer him a blowjob… the most backwards stallion I have ever known… and I love him for it.”

“Wow… just wow,” Bon-Bon said, she remembered her plan and had to go for it. “What about you?”

“I am a firm believer that sex is a natural thing. I don’t wanna give my Night Light a heart attack but… I have thought about getting filled by my children, they do say: Incest is wincest.”

“So… you wouldn’t mind if we… retire to a room?” The candy maker asked, her grin turning rather perverted.

“You think you can handle me?” Velvet teased.

From across the bar, Lyra watched as Twilight’s mom and her marefriend walk up stairs, leaning on each other for support. “Oh crap…. Pinkie?” She realized that the party mare had disappeared. She had to think of something quick or… something could happen.

Upon reaching the room, Bon-Bon soon found herself fighting for dominance against the older unicorn, feeling the bright pink magic probing her pussy. “Thought I’d just let you have me? You gotta fight for the top, little girl,” Velvet teased, overpowering the earth pony with a powerful kiss.

“My marefriend’s a unicorn, think I don’t know how to ‘deal’ with them?” Bon-Bon said, fighting back against the white mare. Her right hoof slid up to rub Velvet’s horn, causing a gasp to leave the unicorn.

With that slight distraction, Bon-Bon managed to push Velvet against the bed, and seating the mare. She continued to kiss and nip at the unicorn’s fur while her hoof trailed down to rub Velvet’s moist pussy.

“Clever… girl,” Velvet moaned, her hooves rubbing the earth pony’s back as Bon-Bon moved down to lick the mare’s moist pussy.

Bon-Bon began to tease Velvet’s entrance with her tongue, savouring the sounds the older mare made. She began to taste Velvet’s lubricant, finding the sweet taste rather enjoyable. “Not as tasty as Lyra though.”

“You’re not bad, but I’m not your filly yet,” Velvet cooed. Her horn began to glow again and began teasing Bon-Bon’s pussy and anus, testing how strong the earth pony’s muscles are against the older unicorn’s magic.

“Ch-cheater,” Bon-Bon whimpered, trying to keep her movements up to Velvet’s magic. It was difficult for the candy-maker to concentrate her oral actions with the magic pulsing and manipulating her muscles in her pussy and ass, but she pressed forward, determined to come out on top and with the older unicorn begging for more.

Velvet was slightly impressed, the earth pony had a strong, flexible tongue. She held back a moan as she pressed Bon-Bon’s mouth deeper into her crotch, feeling the delightful tongue probing her depths and causing electricity to shoot up her back.

An idea came to Bon-Bon, one that caused her to grin maliciously. She fought against the unicorn’s weaker strength and placed a hoof on the older mare’s vagina, before going lower, her tongue began to tease Velvet’s rosebud.

Velvet let out a squeal when she felt Bon-Bon’s tongue against her anus, her legs began to shake slightly. “It’s… been too long since, oh dear, anyone touched that.” Smiling from the unicorn’s confession, Bon-Bon continued her effort, with her hoof on Velvet’s button and her tongue against the white unicorn’s back gate.

Having planned this in advance, Bon-Bon’s free hoof went under the bed to grab a blue box, sliding it closer to her. Removing the lid revealed a large blue strap-on that Bon-Bon immediately tried to strap to herself while she orally appeased the older mare on the bed. While it would be incredibly difficult for an earth pony to attach a strap-on to herself, Bon-Bon had it down pat, almost easily putting the device on her hips and ready for claiming the hot unicorn before her.

With a sudden shove, Velvet was forced onto her back. Bon-Bon towered over her, with her plastic toy aimed for the unicorn’s slick pussy. “You are mine.” With those words said, Bon-Bon hilted to toy deep into the older mare’s pussy.

“Still think that, filly?” Velvet teased. She emphasized this by putting more magic into her earlier spells, making Bon-Bon thrust deeper out of surprise. She remained in control, her magic took over Bon-Bon’s lower legs and took over her muscles, forcing the earth pony to relinquish control to the more experienced mare.

Bon-Bon fought against Velvet’s magic, she couldn’t reach the unicorn’s horn but she tried to upset her concentration by spanking the mare’s rump during her motions and nipping the white mare’s neck.

Velvet bit her lower lip as the other mare speared her, spreading her folds and rutting her deep. Her magic continued to test the inner muscles of the earth pony. “Is.. that all you got?”

Bon-Bon’s grin grew as she continued to plow the unicorn beneath her. Relishing in the scrunched up face of Twilight Velvet, failing to keep herself from showing pleasure to the candy-maker.

“Bon-Bon!” Lyra called out, knocking the door open. Her serious expression faded upon seeing her marefriend fucking Twilight’s mother on the bed.

“Ly-Lyra… could you get her horn? Her magic is distracting me,” Bon-Bon asked. Only to gasp loudly upon feeling the magic tweak something sensitive inside her. Lyra hesitated but Bon-Bon shot her a glare. “NOW Lyra.”

Scrambling over to the bed, Lyra laid down behind Velvet and began to lick the older unicorn’s horn, causing her to gasp. Bon-Bon sighed in relief as she began to hammer the white mare harder.

Velvet was now trapped between the two mares, unable to do anything except succumb to the pleasure. Lyra’s tongue danced around the spiral of her horn, preventing her from trying to fight back against Bon-Bon.

“Finally, you… were tough, but I win,” Bon-Bon gloated putting all her power into rutting the MILF while Lyra focuses on her horn.

Velvet screamed as her orgasm ripped through her body, her limbs wrapped around the earth pony tightly, as she rode the plastic prick. Bon-Bon let out a victorious laugh and kept her movements going, relishing in the loser’s moans and whimpers.

“M-Mom?” Bon-Bon turned to see Twilight Sparkle at the doorway, eyes widened in shock.

Lyra stopped licking Velvet’s horn, surprised and worried considering that the musician is helping Bon-Bon dominate the scholar’s mother. “I- Twilight!”

The candy-maker was still in her sexual high so… only one response came to mind. “You fucked my marefriend, I fucked your mom. We’re even now.”

With Lyra no longer touching her horn, Velvet’s magic began undoing the straps to Bon-Bon’s toy and gave a slight nudge to push the earth pony off her. Bon-Bon fell on all fours as she attempted to figure out what just happened, looking in surprise as Velvet began fastening the strap-on to herself. “I think it’s time my daughter completed the set,” she stated.

Bon-Bon was still startled by the surprise, unable to keep Velvet from pressing the slick toy to her muzzle, and using her magic to pull the blue and pink tail out of the way. “Go ahead Twilight.”

It was an odd situation for Twilight. she just walked in on her childhood friend and said friend’s marefriend rutting her mother, and now Twilight’s mother wanted her to fuck said childhood friend’s marefriend? Twilight turned to Lyra for answers. “Heh…well, I.”

“You’ll get your turn soon enough, Lyra,” Velvet said, thrusting her hips against Bon-Bon’s muzzle. “Twilight, if you would please.”

Bon-Bon couldn’t speak with the plastic toy in her mouth, trying her best to glare back at the purple unicorn that just joined them.

“I dunno… it’s…”

“I think it’s hot, just… Bon-Bon doesn’t like anal, a lot like how you don’t like having things in you,” Lyra commented, rubbing her pussy while watching Velvet mouthfuck Bon-Bon.

Twilight gave a weak grin as her cock soon made it’s appearance and getting harder by the second. She got onto Bon-Bon’s back and used her magic to guide herself into Bon-Bon’s wanton lips.

With a short thrust, Twilight entered Lyra’s marefriend, utterly surprised by how the passage fought to keep her inside. “Oh jeez… this is something else.”

“You’re doing good sweetie, just keep rutting this sweetie,” Velvet giggled. She pulled the toy out of Bon-Bon’s maw and wiped the saliva on the earth pony’s cheeks. She then led Bon-Bon and Twilight onto the bed with her magic, seating Twilight first with Bon-Bon bouncing on her dick. She then positioned the toy to enter Bon-Bon along side her daughter’s cock and speared the earth pony.

Bon-Bon let out a loud scream upon feeling two dicks inside her pussy, the mother of the two unicorns kept thrusting in time with the needy humping of her daughter. Her pussy felt so full and hot, she turned to see her marefriend blushing furiously and rubbing her crotch at intense speeds.

“How does it feel? Getting your pussy filled by your own toy and my Twilight’s cock? Do you love this feeling?” Bon-Bon responded with a moan. “Do you want my daughter to fill you with her cum? Give me another grandfoal?”

“But… Twilight isn’t fertile,” Lyra uttered in confusion.

“Twilight dear, did you use that spell?” Velvet asked, pounding away at Bon-Bon’s pussy.

Twilight was barely capable of answering, her words slowly came together in her head. “Yeah… I used it last… last night, Gilda didn’t want… kids yet.”

Velvet had a seductive grin, as she stopped thrusting, she began to grind on spot, with Bon-Bon’s toy hilted inside its owner. “I bet you wanna be a mommy, I do love the idea of having my bitch bear my daughter’s foals.”

Sparkle’s eye opened slightly, surprised to hear her mother swear like that. “M-Mom?”

“That can be changed… So, do you wanna be my daughter’s broodmare? Tell me you want it.” Velvet ordered, she began to thrust hard once again, causing both Bon-Bon and Twilight Sparkle to gasp from the sudden movement.

Bon-Bon shook her head, glaring angrily at the older unicorn. Velvet kept her seductive smile as she pounded the earth pony with her daughter. “What about your marefriend? She seems lonely… in need of some loving. Maybe my daughter should start filling her tight pussy?”

Lyra’s ears twitched in response, noticing the lust-filled gaze of the elder Twilight. “Well… we were talking about having a kid, Bonnie. But we never figured out who was going to bear it,” she said, grinning awkwardly.

“Maybe we should grant your wish, Bonnie?” Velvet cooed, continuing to pump her toy into the candy maker.

“Hold on.” Velvet turned to her daughter who was teetering on the edge of her orgasm. “Maybe.. let’s let them decide that, Mom. I wouldn’t want to force that onto them,” Sparkle said.

“Thanks, Twilight,” Lyra replied.

“Okay then, I’m sorry to do that to you, missy. I got a little ahead of myself.” Velvet said. Bon-Bon gave a meek smile as the older unicorn gave her a kiss on her forehead. “So… where were we?”

Velvet slid out of Bon-Bon’s pussy, wiping her plastic cock on the mare’s hind-legs. “Lyra, get on your marefriend,” she ordered, Lyra scrambled onto Bon-Bon and began kissing her roughly, which was met with the same force.

Positioning herself behind the musician, Velvet moved her hips forward, shoving the plastic cock into Lyra. Lyra let out a howl of pleasure, only to have her lips consumed by Bon-Bon’s in a furious kiss.

Twilight felt Bon-Bon’s needy pussy fight to keep her in more so now that her mother’s toy left, sucking her cock hungrily for her sperm. It took everything the purple mare had to keep herself from cumming when Lyra’s pussy started to grind against Bon-Bon’s crotch and to a lesser extent, her penis.

Bon-Bon felt the familiar intoxicating feeling the moment she and Lyra began to make out, Velvet ceased to exist and the only thing that kept Twilight from doing the same was her cock sawing itself in and out of the earth pony; all that existed was her and Lyra Heartstrings.

This moment was interrupted by Bon-Bon’s own orgasm, forcing her to break the kiss and moan loudly. This took Twilight by surprise as she began filling Bon-Bon with her inactive cum, groaning as the vice like pussy wrung out her cock of all it’s fluids.

It was at this moment, Velvet began to giggle. “You know… Chrysalis was right. You do look adorable when you cum inside somepony.”

“MOM!” Twilight cried, blushing furiously as she laid on the bed.

“S-sorry, Twilight. She’s- oh- right about that,” Lyra chuckled, she felt that white unicorn pound harder into her snatch trying to bring her to the same bliss that visited Bon-Bon and Twilight Sparkle.

It wasn’t long before Lyra came, her pussy clenching the plastic rod tightly. Velvet slowed down and licked along Lyra’s ears seductively to add to the orgasm. The green unicorn collapsed on her marefriend as they caught their breath.

Twilight finally managed to wedge herself free from the combined weight of the couple and felt her mother nuzzle her. “I gotta admit, I felt more alive now than I did in a while.”

“Mom… what about Dad, won’t he freak out if we come back like this?” Twilight asked, panicking at what her father might think.

“Dear… your father is JUST like your friend Lyra. He’ll do anything to make his mate happy to the point where he can be called a wimp. He’ll try to raise his voice to me, but he and I both know that the moment I raise my voice, he becomes a whimpering colt,” Velvet explained, removing the strap-on from her haunches.

“Wh-where do you think you two are going?” Twilight and her mother turned to see a lust stricken Bon-Bon slowly limping towards them. “Hasn’t anyone taught either of you not to leave a mare wanting?”

Twilight gave her a confused stare, while Velvet walked closer, taking the candy-maker’s mouth with her own. “On the bed, slut.”

“Make me, bitch,” Bon-Bon replied, a defiant grin etched on her face and lust in her eyes.

Velvet merely chuckled as tackled the earth pony to the floor. “Twilight, pay close attention. I’m going to show you how to make a pony your slut, I expect you to do this to Chrysalis later.”

Twilight blushed hard as she watched her mother force herself on a very willing Bon-Bon.


Night Light had been pacing in the library, worried about his wife. “Why would she just leave? Is she bored of me? Is it something I’ve done? Oh Twilight, please come back.”

Shining Armor and the girls simply watched as the dark blue stallion panicked and worried about his spouse. Ever since Pinkie returned, asking for Twilight Sparkle to go and save her mother from Lyra’s marefriend, Night Light had been constantly worried about Twilight Velvet.

Shining Armor and NIght Light were about to leave to rescue Velvet but Pinkie told them that Twilight got it under control then whispered something to the others. Gilda and Chrysalis rolled their eyes in annoyance while Zecora giggled. Trixie still appeared worried though. “I still don’t understand why I can’t just go and get Mom, crazy mare.”

“Because it’s super important that Twilight saves her alone. Helps build Vel- it helps make stuff happen,” Pinkie exclaimed.

“That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard to not save somepony-” Shining stopped as the door opened to reveal the Twilights enter the library.

“Honey! I’m so glad you’re alright. Why did you leave, and why did you trust Pinkie. We both know how crazy she is,” Night Light said, clearly stuck between being angry at his wife for going out in the middle of a visit and glad that she’s okay.

Velvet merely marched up to her husband and forced him into a deep passionate kiss, the likes of which made everyone gawk in amazement. She broke the kiss and said, “Nighty, don’t be a worrywart.”


“No buts, I’m back now and I feel great,” Velvet said smiling cheerfully.

“Why do I smell alcohol and sex… what did you do… and why did it take so long for Twilight to get you back?” Night Light asked, panic in his voice.

“And why couldn’t I go and help Twily get Mom? It’s my special talent to protect others for crying out loud.” Shining pouted.

“Maybe next time, Shiny,” Cadance soothed.

“Oh, it’s sweet that you were worried and you know I can never lie to you,” Velvet said, holding her husband’s head in her fore legs. “I’ll just tell you that I had a few drinks, had rough sex with two mares and showed Twilight how to make a pony beg for her to really give it to her.”

Despite the heavy blush on Twilight’s face and the concerned look on Night Light; everyone else was completely stunned by this revelation. “I know what you’re thinking and no… I didn’t touch our daughter, we each had a mare to please and they both wanted it very badly. You and I both know that you’ll pout about this until we get home because when we get there… you are MINE.” Velvet concluded forcing her husband back into their kiss, giving him a clear taste of another mare on her lips.

“Aww, true love,” Cadance said, wiping a tear from her eye. The sudden comment made Shining worried for some reason.

“Is what she said true, Twilight?” Trixie asked as her Alpha walked over to join her herdmates.

“More or less… yeah,” Twilight said, blushing hard with a bad poker face.

“What’s to worry about, then? I think it’ll be fine,” Chrysalis commented.

“Actually, Mom wants me to make certain that you are a submissive… pony, by the time they plan on coming back to visit their grandchildren,” Twilight said nervously, causing her girls to question that statement.

“I want the mere mention of my daughter’s name to get you all wet and begging,” Velvet called out before returning to her kiss.

“MOM!” Shining cried, getting a migraine from hearing that statement come from his own mother.

“Mom is still a little tipsy, sorry Shiny,” Twilight apologized.

“Twilight’s job is sorta done then, Trixie is already reached that point, “ Gilda said, smirking at the showmare.

Trixie glared angrily at the griffon while blushing, noticing that her fellow herdmates know it was true. “Me too, though not NEARLY as much as these silly fillies,” Pinkie added, giggling when that thought came to mind.


Lyra returned home with her marefriend on her back, the musician’s legs fought off exhaustion as she carried Bon-Bon up the stairs and into bed. The Candy-mare’s body couldn’t move after what Velvet put her through but she was wide awake mentally, letting the events of tonight repeat in her mind.

“Are you alright, Bonnie?” Lyra asked, as she slowly lifted Bon-Bon off her back with magic and onto the bed.

“You know what Lyra? I am. That old nag taught me that sex is sex, it can be fun but making love is completely different and it’s the best feeling in the world when you do it with the one pony you love most. That said; I completely forgive you for your escapades with Twilight during school,” Bon-Bon replied, receiving a nuzzle from her marefriend. “Don’t worry, I don’t think I’ll go out drinking again for awhile. But tomorrow we need to start training.”

“Training?” Lyra asked.

“That Velvet bitch thinks she can one-up Sweetie ‘Bon-Bon’ Drops and use her as a test mare for her daughter… she’s got another thing coming. Next time I see her, I’ll have her begging for it and she won’t have her daughter to come in and save her.”

“I have to admit, it was pretty hot how you begged for Twilight to fuck your ass after Mrs. Velvet used the-”

“Shut up Lyra.”

Mini-Series: A Day at the Spa

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[Tags: {Aloe/Lotus/Twilight} Futa/F/F, anal, vaginal, hornjob, horn insertions, dual cocks]

Aloe was furious; she was marching towards the private room Lotus had set up for today’s appointment. She kicked the door in and searched for her sister. The room itself had an intense smell of lavender, roses, bath salts, and a hint of vanilla; there was a hot tub in the center of the room while a massage table sat near a wall, a small trolley was placed near it with various shampoos, incenses, and lotions. The lights were dimmed and a record player sang a calming tune with heavy emphasis on the violin and several flutes, the combinations of all such pleasantries calmed the annoyed mare down as she sought out her sister.

“Is there a problem, Aloe?” Lotus asked, organizing some candles in a corner of the room.

“Why wasn’t I told that Twilight had an appointment for today? What kind of bullshit is that?” Aloe growled, glaring daggers at her twin.

“Aloe, language, and if you checked the schedule more often, you would have known that Twilight will be coming here today for a simple massage,” Lotus replied. She turned back to her arrangements then walked to the trolley, recovering a silver bucket that held a bottle of champagne and placing it near the tub.

“Do you really need to… go all out for the town librarian?” Aloe asked, her rage lessened as her sister prepared what would be a very romantic night.

“I would like to remember my first time with what could be the only dickmare in Equestria ever, sister. Now let me prepare for my client.” Lotus soon acquired two champagne glasses and placed them next to the bucket.

“What if she’s bad in bed? Do you want to remember a purple mare being a poor lover?”

“She had Miss Rarity raving about her sexual prowess, did she not?”

“With all due respect, Rarity is, or rather was a virgin. She could have fucked the bedpost and it would be a great lover to her.”

“Language, Aloe. We need to maintain a certain level of professionalism,” Lotus scolded.

Aloe rolled her eyes and left. It was going to be a night where they’d have some fun with the dickmare, yet Lotus was taking it to another level. “What was her game,” Aloe thought, walking towards the receptionist’s desk. She opened the reservations book to find that Twilight was due in ten minutes… far too little time to prepare her own room for her.

She had to improvise. An idea popped into her head, spreading a wicked grin across her mouth as she waited for Twilight, a plan rolling itself out to take her for herself.

After some time passed the main doors opened to reveal the familiar purple unicorn, clearly nervous and slightly embarrassed to be in the spa by herself. “Um, hello… Aloe right? I was told I had an appointment today,” Twilight uttered, failing to give her best smile.

Aloe merely smiled back. “Yes, you are right on time, Miss Sparkle. Please come this way so we may get your prepared for your treatment,” she said, leading the purple mare down the hallway opposite to where Lotus was preparing.

They came to a changing room where Aloe gave Twilight a bathrobe, which the librarian accepted. “Now what kind of treatment were you thinking of getting today?”

“I guess… the standard: massage, mud bath, and hot tub, that kind of stuff,” Twilight answered. Aloe nodded and lead Twilight to the massage table. Twilight was tentative at first, but she shed her bathrobe and laid down on the cushioned surface.

Aloe took a small amount of a vanilla lotion into her hoof and began rubbing it into Twilight’s back, making the unicorn squeak in pleasure. It wasn’t long before Twilight was putty in the masseuse’s hooves, and Aloe enjoyed the control. She kept kneading the unicorn’s body, rather curious as to how Twilight’s muscles were so tense; her body seemed stronger as well… not as tough as an Earth Pony, but it seemed a lot stronger than any muscles a unicorn would have.

Merely chalking that bit up to 'being a three time savior of Equestria,' she kept working her hooves along the scholar’s body, running them down her sides and back up to her neck.

Twilight couldn’t remember the last time she was this relaxed. She couldn’t remember which sister massaged her last time, but it seemed that Aloe is much better than before. The purple mare fought to stay awake to extend the immense pleasure as long as possible.

Aloe smiled devilishly as she drifted her hooves down to Twilight’s flanks, rubbing her cutie marks teasingly. Upon hearing a quiet moan from her client, the spa mare continued her work: playing with Twilight’s rump and hind legs and reapplying her oils to keep the unicorn busy before the real fun could begin.

Becoming more paranoid by how her sister has yet to interrupt her fun, Aloe kept an eye on the door. Despite the paranoia, she got a bit excited about the prospect of her sister catching her “making love” to the adorable mare, as evident by the feeling of her pussy getting moist.

“Please turn around,” Aloe ordered. Twilight did just that, with a lax expression on her face. Little did the unicorn know, her dick was in full view for the spa pony. The pink mare took in the sight and the smell of the dickmare that lay before her, her marehood’s juices slowly flowed down her legs in anticipation of what’s to come.

As she climbed on to the unicorn’s belly, grinding her clit on the purple fur and stroking the needy member with her tail. Aloe began massaging Twilight’s barrel. She became more turned on as the massage continued, letting the hardening cock brush against her rump.

Despite the arousal, Twilight still remained oblivious to Aloe’s intent. She slowly slid backwards, letting the purple mass press against her rear. She felt the tip began to push into her pussy, letting out a soft moan as the invader attempted to breach her.

“ALOE!” Lotus screamed. She burst through the locked door in complete rage.

The shock caused Aloe to jump and startled Twilight out of her reverie. When the pink mare came back, the member entered the alternate hole. Aloe screamed from the sudden intrusion, but soon began to ride the member in her rear. It only took Twilight a few seconds realize what was going on. “Aloe?”

“A new kind… oh yea… of massage,” Aloe moaned, working the meat within her butt with as much skill as she can muster. The purple mare’s size and the cute moans alone had made this entire experience more pleasurable for Aloe, despite Twilight weakly thrusting into her.

Lotus was far more than annoyed; she marched up to her sister and yanked her off Twilight, surprising both ponies. “I’m truly sorry for my sister’s behavior. Allow me to guide you to your room, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight’s current mindset fought over lust and rationality, but nodded and followed Lotus to continue the normal treatment. Aloe, however, was now rather pissed that her sister would just stop her from having sex just so she can fuck the unicorn in her “fancy” room. She followed them silently, waiting for the best moment to strike.

When Twilight entered the room, she was nearly knocked onto her rump from the various scents that flooded her nostrils. Lotus gestured the unicorn towards the hot tub, and she merely walked in that direction. She sunk into the waters, which served to both relax Twilight and make her erection harder. It took everything Lotus had to peel herself away from the bobbing dick in the water as she walked away to restart her record player. As the calming melody filled the room, Lotus returned to the bath and slowly slid in, making a short stride towards the scholar.

Twilight jumped a bit when she felt a hoof on her prick. “Please relax, Twilight,” Lotus said, her voice felt as calming as the music and the scents. Letting out a sigh, Twilight felt her body slump deeper into the water, letting Lotus do whatever she desired to her.

Lotus’ first step was to clean the member of her sister-- this was up her butt after all. She dipped the shaft into the water and massaged it, her hooves felt every throb and twitch it made, daring her to take it into her mouth, a dare that Lotus didn’t back down from. She began licking around the head, causing the unicorn to grunt in approval.

Aloe slowly tapped the door to allow her to see, watching the librarian relax in the bath while her sister blew her. She huffed in disdain for her sister and left for a moment. Returning only when she had a plan to not only punish Lotus, but also fuck Twilight.

Lotus took the tip into her mouth, letting her tongue coat as much of the shaft in her saliva as she bobbed. She savoured the taste of raspberries on the member, allowing it to dance on her tongue as the drops of pre-cum slowly flowed down her throat. “Twilight, how do you like your massage?” Lotus asked before returning to engulf her mouth with the delicious purple cock.

“It’s soo good,” Twilight mumbled, her eyes were hazed as only her head remained above the water, while the blue spa mare kept her member occupied.

Lotus sat Twilight upright and kissed her on the lips. “Now for the next step. I hope you’re ready.” The unicorn merely nodded as her masseuse rose above the water, her blue fur glistening in the candlelight, before dropping back down slowly, attempting to skewer herself on the purple rod beneath her.

Aloe slowly crept into the room; both ponies were unaware of the pink pony’s movements. Just as Lotus felt the blunt tip spread her petals wide, she felt herself push down furiously, she screamed as she felt herself impaled to the hilt. Lotus opened her eyes to see her sister grinning above her holding her down on Twilight’s dick. “I’m just helping, sister.”

Lotus couldn’t yell at her sister as her mouth was quickly taken by the lust-driven unicorn’s lips. She felt the librarian’s hooves on her rump and began moving her along the length slowly, but steadily picking up speed.

Aloe simply smirked and laid next to the tub, leaning over to lick the unicorn’s horn from above while Twilight made out with her twin. Despite their constant arguments, she had to admit it was rather hot watching her lock tongues with another mare, making soft soothing waves with her hips as she rode Twilight’s member.

Between the tight grip of Lotus’ vagina and Aloe’s magical tongue, Twilight’s mind blanked out from the Spa ponies' actions. She felt the spa pony above her slowly move her around the tub until Aloe led the two on top of a water jet, causing Twilight to jump and ram her dick deep into Lotus.

Aloe could only chuckle as Lotus held on to the purple mare for dear life while Twilight was forced to experience both the rapid current of the tub’s water jet against her pussy and the snug warmth that was Lotus Blossom.

“How is she, sister? Was she worth the extravagant display?” Aloe asked cheekily.

Through her moaning and whimpers, Lotus could only manage to say, “I should have brought in some dinner as well… it’s soo good.”

The answer made Aloe scrunch her face in annoyance. “Well, fuck her faster. I want a turn, don’t hog that mare meat all day,” she muttered. She turned around to get herself ready as she felt something pull her towards the tub. She turned her head around to see that her pussy was on a collision course for Twilight’s horn, and spread her legs wider in response.

Twilight simply sat in the tub with the goofiest grin on her face while thrusting herself between the water jet and Lotus, cooing in delight when her horn entered Aloe. Her horn might not be very big, but the magic that pulsed and throbbed throughout the pink mare’s being, forced Aloe to close her legs around the unicorn’s head, refusing to let the little horn leave her warmth.

While Twilight and Lotus were close to their release, the scholar made it her mission to ensure that Aloe would cum with them, forcing her magic to tickle, caress, and probe every inch of the pink mare’s pussy.

Feeling herself reaching the brink, Twilight’s thrusts became faster and harder, causing the water to ripple and create waves that battered the edges of the pool. Lotus held on to the unicorn tighter, her tongue hanging out as her mind begged for release. Even Aloe was drooling onto the floor, the horn inside her kept going, and began to force the magic that coated her insides to vibrate, forcing a loud moan out of the pink mare.

Despite Twilight’s efforts, Aloe came first, her pussy clenched the purple horn as it attempted to bring in the pink aura into her womb with no avail. Her juices began to leak from her muff and drip onto the purple mare’s mane and slid along her horn.

Twilight was next, holding the blue earth pony down on her cock to ensure that every drop of her cum entered the womb, even as it slowly leaked out from the volume of each shot. Noticing some of Aloe’s fluids on her cheek, Twilight licked it off, and enjoyed the subtle flavour of violets on her tongue.

Finally, Lotus let out a cry, her juices mingled with Twilight’s cum as it entered the tub’s water. She still felt the mare hard within her despite the stuffing she just did, and slowly rose out of the water, catching the sight of her sister laying on her belly in a daze.

Aloe didn’t react when she felt her sister pin her to the floor, she struggled a bit as it registered, but didn’t pay it too much mind. “Somepony needs to be punished for making me take that beast instantly, and for trying to steal my client,” Lotus cooed, rubbing her sperm filled pussy along her sister’s back. She turned back to see Twilight struggling to leave the tub. “Did you start something with my sister in the massage room, Miss Sparkle? It would be rude of us to allow such a thing to go unfinished. Highly unprofessional...”

Aloe gave a meek smile, silently thanking her sister until she felt the hard length prod her backdoor. “Hold on, that’s-” the pink mare couldn’t finish when Lotus returned the favour from earlier, pulling Twilight for a kiss, forcing half her dick into Aloe’s rectum. The sudden entry startled her, but was soon changed to pleasure as Twilight pounded her rump.

“Come on sister, you had her up your butt earlier, even if it was for a moment,” Lotus teased. She shifted herself back a bit to start massaging Aloe’s back while grinding herself against the base of the pink mare’s tail.

Twilight kept pounding the pink mare’s rump, relishing in the exquisite tightness of her anal passage. But she found her sight taken by Lotus’ shaking rump, still oozing her seed from her marehood. The show made Twilight eager to please both mares; she took Lotus’ tail in her teeth and pulled her forward, her magic recreating a second penis to enter the blue mare again. Lotus was startled out of her massage when she felt the tell-tale prod of an eager cock trying to enter her pussy once again.

Refusing to be denied, Twilight took Lotus’ rump with both hooves, hilting herself deep in the mare, and began to thrust into both mares. Aloe let out a moan when she felt her sister nibbling her ear, her hooves scraped across floor as her body rocked from the pounding her rear was taking.

The feeling of both mares snug around her cocks caused Twilight to clench her teeth around Lotus’ tail, thrusting harder than before. She made both mares feel every inch of her dicks as she sawed through their holes, hearing an audible gasp from Aloe (and sometimes Lotus) when purple fur met blue and pink with a loud slap.

“Isn’t this-ah- what you wanted, Aloe?” Lotus teased, trying to keep herself from gasping from each thrust Twilight made. “You come in-oh- here, force me to take everythiiiiing our client had-mmmm, then ride her horn while I took her dick… Ah- you were asking for it, sister.”

“I just wanted sex, putting YOUUUU in your place was just a bonus,” Aloe whimpered, she could feel the cock throbbing inside her ass, it was maddening to her.

“A fine job you did,” Lotus moaned. “You did put me in my place: above you,” Lotus emphasized this point by continuing to bite and nibble Aloe’s ears or planting love bites on her sister’s neck.

From the dual stimulation, Twilight couldn’t take it and her second orgasm came, coating the insides of Aloe’s rectum in white cream while continuing to pack even more of her sperm into Lotus.

The sudden feeling of being filled by unicorn jizz made the twins come at once, Lotus nearly drew blood when she bit down on Aloe’s ear. They felt the dual rods leave their abused holes, and were left wanting more. An idea came to Aloe’s head when her eyes gazed upon the now single member, coated in various juices. “How about we help ‘clean’ our client, sister?”

Lotus would normally be reluctant, but she was too horny to refuse and got off her twin. Together, the spa ponies seated Twilight at the edge of the tub while each mare took a side. “Now relax Twilight, allow us to please you,” Lotus cooed, licking her lips. Aloe had begun nibbling along the side of the purple shaft, kissing the crown at random intervals.

Twilight kept herself supported with her fore-limbs. She slowly began having problems seeing straight, while she never had this problem before from sex itself, she began believing it was from the heat of the tub or the aroma of the candles. Whatever the cause… it was clear that Twilight was at the mercy of the Spa Twins.

The twins licked their sides of Twilight’s dick, mimicking each other’s movements, pleasing the unicorn as she ran her hooves through the girl’s manes. They licked off every strand of cum they found coating the purple member, savouring it’s sweet taste. Lotus motioned Aloe to take the head while she went below to find that Twilight lacked any testicles, but had a clear view of her moist marehood. They both shivered in delight upon hearing an adorable squeak from their client when the blue mare’s tongue traced the unicorn’s pussy and her cock entered the pink mare’s mouth. “My goodness, Miss Sparkle. Not very experienced with your vagina, are you?” Lotus teased.

“I-ah, tend to use my penis for a lot of sex. I genera-oh-generally don’t like things going near it,” Twilight whimpered, laying back on the floor while the twins serviced her.

“That’s a shame, you could do so much with both parts, but there is nothing wrong with having a stallion mentality, after all,” Aloe soothed, returning to savor the taste of Twilight’s cum on her tongue.

Lotus slowly traced her tongue up to the dick’s base to join her sister. The spa mares began kissing and licking the flat tip and soon turned to the two mares making out over the throbbing member before returning to pleasure their client.

They began rubbing their wet fur against the member while gently nipping the head, causing Twilight to writhe on the floor next to them. It proved too much for the purple mare to take as her cum shot into the air, landing on the twins. The mares opened their mouths wide in hopes to catch some of it while licking the remainder off of each other.

Twilight’s limbs felt weak, but her cock remained hard. She soon found the twins over her. Lotus was straddling her hips while she was given a good view of Aloe’s pussy and cream-star from earlier. “The massage isn’t quite finished yet, Miss, and we would deeply appreciate it if you returned the favour just this once,” Aloe cooed, lowering her rump onto Twilight’s face. She felt the horn prod her back entrance while Twilight’s tongue began working her pussy. Lotus let out a moan of delight upon being filled by the unicorn’s dick again, and rode it, softly grinding against the purple fur to feel the purple mass flex inside of her.

The scholar’s forelimbs regained some strength and held Aloe’s rump, massaging her cutie marks while the blue spa pony rubbed her crotch in the unicorn’s mouth. Aloe pulled her sister deeper into the kiss, riding the unicorn’s face harder, moaning into Lotus’ mouth upon feeling Twilight’s tongue exploring her depths. It wasn’t as mind-blowing as the magic trick she did earlier, but it still felt great to the highly-stimulated mare.

Lotus’ hooves kept her balance on Twilight while locked in a kiss with Aloe, moaning as the dick inside her continued to throb and twitch. She was amazed by how much endurance the purple mare had, some of her past lovers had difficulties trying to stay awake after cumming once or twice, yet Twilight’s dick felt harder than ever. She chuckled to herself and quickly sped up, loving the feeling of the flared tip sliding along her sensitive walls.

Aloe moaned into her sister’s mouth as she came, coating Twilight’s face in her juices. The purple unicorn lazily licked off what she could while Aloe got off and leaned over her to lick the rest off. Lotus laid herself on top of Twilight as her inner walls clenched the purple prick tightly, trying to milk even more of the rod’s cream out, riding her orgasm for all it’s worth. This action caused Twilight to release yet another load into the blue mare, causing her stomach to bloat slightly from the amount that had already entered her, and she rubbed her belly happily when she finally got off the scholar, but keeping the member snug in her pussy. “Oh… Miss Twilight… this was rather pleasing,” Lotus murmured, feeling rather content sitting on her client’s cock.

“You know sister, the schedule says we still have Twilight for another half hour,” Aloe said, a cheshire grin appearing on her face as she turned to the semi-conscious unicorn.

Twilight fought to stay awake even as the twins made good use of those remaining thirty minutes. Now that she thought carefully… she hadn’t felt this exhausted from sex since her drunken fling with Rainbow Dash and Spitfire.


A few weeks, later… the spa ponies overheard Rarity congratulating Fluttershy on becoming pregnant. What scared Aloe was that the father was Twilight; evidently, the purple mare impregnated the yellow pegasus a day before her appointment, which caused the spa pony to shudder in her seat in one of the spa’s bathroom, staring intently at the pregnancy test. The glowing section of the white stick became red and Aloe breathed a sigh of relief. She tossed it into the trash but saw something odd, another pregnancy test that had a blue glow on it. “Sister…” she muttered, running out to find Lotus.

She found her sister smiling contently in their living quarters above the spa itself, lovingly rubbing her belly. “Sister?”

Lotus turned to her sister and smiled. “Aloe, when your niece or nephew comes into the world, we will have to train you to watch your language, understand?” The pink twin merely nodded, fully understanding why Lotus went all out in the private room, despite how little use it all found during the activities.

Chapter Seventeen: Acceptance of Others and Face-Flippering.

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Tags: [{Twilight/Chrysalis} Futa/F, Oral {Lyra/Twilight} F/Futa, Toy, defloration {Berry Punch/Minuette} Futa/F, Cunnilingus, Vaginal {Twilight/Minuette/Berry Punch} Futa/Futa/F, vaginal, oral, double anal]

“So everything is alright between all four of us, Lyra?” Twilight asked, in a worried tone.

Lyra nodded her head. “Bon-Bon might have a bone to pick with your mom, but my marefriend is happy again, our afterschool specials are buried in the past once more, all is right in Equestria.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. The two mares had joined for tea at the library to discuss what had happened a few nights ago. Twilight, of course, had been worried that her mother might have taken it too far, especially with how Bon-Bon fought back. “That’s good, I was worried for a moment.”

“So, is it true?” Lyra asked, with a burning question on her mind.

“What’s true?”

“That you can make ponies pregnant.”

“Ye-yeah, I can now. May I ask why?” Twilight asked, feeling the urge to retreat.

“Well, remember how I said that we were thinking of having kids one day after your mom threatened Bon-Bon to have you knock her up?” Twilight’s gut twisted but nodded regardless. “Well, that is true. Before Bon-Bon found out about us, we have been talking about having a kid, we just didn’t know where to get it from. We would have asked to find a donor, but…” Lyra let out a sigh. “Bon-Bon hates stallions, and well, the hospital donors are just doctors that have sex with you in the clinic until you are walking out with a womb filled with cum so… that didn’t sit right with her, regardless of who’s going to be the carrier.”

“But now that you know a mare that can do what a stallion can do…” Twilight uttered in realization.

“Yeah, and since Bon-Bon doesn’t hate you anymore… maybe you could help us out later? We still need to talk about it though, like which of us is going to birth the foal, and figuring out how to deal with Bon-Bon’s business. Kind of a mess, so if you could help, that’d be awesome, and we’ll let you know if we’re ready,” Lyra explained, smiling hopefully.

Twilight gave a soft smile. “Of course I’d help you two out. Just tell me in advance so I can cast the spell and get everything ready for you both, as well as anything else you may need to get comfortable for the actual thing.”

Lyra jumped and hugged Twilight tightly. “Thank you, you’re the best!” Lyra released Twilight and noticed the time, gasping. “Bon-Bon is expecting me home soon, I’ll catch ya later, and I’ll talk to her about it. Thanks again, Twi!”

“It’s not a problem, Lyra. See ya!” Twilight called out, waving good bye to her childhood friend.

“Volunteering your cum for lesbian couples?” Twilight turned to see Gilda land in front of her, scaring the figurative snot out of the poor unicorn. “Sorry, Twi.” The griffon chuckled.

“It’s… not a problem, shouldn’t you be with Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

“She got called in to work, which is lame,” Gilda groaned, “Can’t you get Chrysalis to do another changeling invasion? Or get Discord to do some evil? I bet you have a spell that will resurrect that king guy from the north.”

“I haven’t seen Discord in months, I don’t know how to resurrect King Sombra nor do I wish to, and Chrysalis has ten changelings, all of which are still eggs… which reminds me,” Twilight trailed off, as she stood and walked to the basement.

“What now?” Gilda asked in confusion.

Twilight let out a annoyed sigh as she walked down the stairs into Chrysalis’ lair. “Evidently it’s my duty to feed the eggs.”

“Feed the eggs?”

“You’ll see,” Twilight said as she reached their destination. The two found the changeling queen lounging in the center, slowly awakening from her slumber.

“Mmm, Twilight. Is it that time of the week already?” Chrysalis moaned, stretching her legs and licking her lips.

“Yup, get yourself comfortable while I get ready.” Twilight said, Chrysalis rolled onto her back with her mouth open, willing and happily accepting any meals it may receive.

“What the heck is going on?”

“Changeling eggs somehow absorb sperm through the membrane and grow through that. Normally, in order to feed the eggs of a incubator, I’d just have sex with them the normal way. For a queen incubator, they have to give that sperm orally, otherwise the sperm I shoot into her pussy will just turn into more eggs,” Twilight muttered, revealing her semi-hard cock.

“How would she know that if she hasn’t had eggs put into her before?” Gilda asked, watching as Twilight positioned herself at Chrysalis’ mouth.

Twilight stopped and thought for a moment before turning to Chrysalis. “How do you know?”

“Changelings are a very ‘dog eat dog’ society. I’ve made a few of my own sisters my brood bitches until the day they died,” Chrysalis said, giving the purple member a lick.

“That’s horrible,” Twilight gasped, inching away from the shape-shifter. The action caused Chrysalis to whimper.

“That’s how changeling’s worked; our mother taught us that our worst enemies were our royal sisters. They would have done the same to me if they had the chance,” Chrysalis remarked, her eyes trying to will the purple member closer to her mouth.

“And I thought sibling rivalries in The Aerie were bad, I almost wanna say sorry to my sister for breaking her left wing just because she out-flew me in a race,” Gilda commented, scratching her head.

“Are ponies the only nice species on this planet?” Twilight screamed, her shocked gaze going back and forth between the changeling and griffon.

Chrysalis chuckled as she leered at the unicorn, licking her lips from her upside down perspective. “I’m sure there are things about your kind that are worse than us, you just don’t know it yet. Now my children are getting hungry…”

“Right, let’s get this over with,” Twilight muttered. Positioning herself again, she hilted herself deep in Chrysalis’ throat and soon began fucking the changeling’s throat. Chrysalis began purring from the familiar presence in her mouth and body and rubbed the unicorn’s sides with her hooves.

Gilda just watched as her mate used the queen’s mouth as her own personal pussy, purple fur brushing against the black jaw, while the scholar nuzzled the bloated belly of the queen. “How long does this go on?”

Twilight gasped, from the sudden intrusion of somepony’s tongue inside her urethra. “J-Just unTILL I cum, and pump Chrysaaaalis'... belly full of CUM” she screeched as her dick began to spasm inside the tight orifice.

Gilda kept herself from laughing as white goo escaped through the corners of Chrysalis’s overstuffed mouth and nose, yet the changeling’s breathing remained normal. As Twilight slowly pulled herself out, the tongue snaked around it and attempted to pull her back in. “I thought Dash was fast. Feeling quick today, Twi?” Gilda joked.

“She put her tongue in my… OOoooohh,” Twilight moaned, eyes going inward when the changeling’s tongue returned to it’s home inside the unicorn’s cumslit.

“Yeah… how many sluts can stick their tongues down your dickhole?” Gilda joked.

Twilight couldn’t even give Gilda a retort, her attention was being held by the changeling orally milking her dick while she mustered the strength to keep from falling.. The only thing that mattered was the tongue probing her penis and the warm mouth that wrapped around it. The gaping maw vibrated as the queen purred in the pleasure of tasting her alpha’s dick.

One jolt of pleasure instantly caused Twilight's body to move again, viciously pounding her body into Chrysalis’s mouth. The queen’s eyes went wide from the sudden action but quickly adjusted and relaxed while the purple mare slid her cock deep down the throat of her changeling.

“You know…” Gilda said aloud, resting a claw on Twilight’s back and looming over her. “This is kinda hot, why don’t I come play and help push more cum into this bitch?” Her other claw loomed closer to Twilight’s marehood and shoved a few talons in. “I’m sure we got something for ya, Twi.”

Twilight jumped in surprise, causing the changeling she was connected with to flinch when she felt the scaly digits enter her rarely used pussy. A moment later they left, and Gilda flew out of the basement, leaving Twilight and Chrysalis to their devices.

Gilda returned quickly with a large strapon and a tube of lube. She connected it to herself and poured some of the oily substance on her claws, rubbing it into the plastic toy. She then walked to Twilight’s backside and reached for her tail.

Twilight's eyes widened when she saw the strap-on and felt Gilda’s claw on her tail. Out of fear, she immediately teleported out of the way, taking Chrysalis with her. They reappeared with Twilight’s back to the wall, and Chrysalis looming over her upside down, her mouth still holding the unicorn’s dick.

After recovering from her unexpected travel, Chrysalis managed to dislodge Twilight from her mouth. “What in my royal name, Twilight!?”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t like anyone going near there,” Twilight said sheepishly.

Gilda and Chrysalis gave each other a confused look. “Why?”

“I had… a bad experience with a strap-on once, when I was younger,” Twilight answered, cowering in the corner of the room.

“OH, uhh… my bad,” Gilda uttered, trying to get rid of the toy.

“What exactly went wrong?” Chrysalis asked, staring at Twilight.

Twilight swallowed her breath and began. “Well…”


“Hey Twilight!” Young Lyra called out, a package obviously protruding from her saddlebag. The two were lounging in Twilight’s room at her parent’s place while she was at school.

“Hi, Lyra… what’s that?” Young Twilight asked, looking over her book.

“Well, I got this from my mom's room and was wondering if we can give it a try,” Lyra stated, taking the package from her bags.

She used her magic to open it and pull out a strange device with straps and a long blue plastic toy that looked much like a penis. Twilight gave the contraption a worried glance. “What are we going to do with that?”

“Well, we’ve been using your dick so much. We forgot that you have both, so I grabbed this to show you how good it can feel with something inside you rather than you going inside somepony else,” Lyra explained, she started putting the device on and giggled as she waved her front around with her blue dick wagging like a dog’s tail. “So… wanna get it ready?”

Twilight gave the it a cautious gaze, still unsure of Lyra’s new method to their new-found fun. She put her book to the side and swallowed a breath as she moved closer to Lyra and her plastic cock.

Lyra sat down on the bed, with her legs spread wide. “Come and get it!” She sang, waiting in eager anticipation.

Twilight stood a mere inch away from the blue member. It was roughly the same size as her own penis, but it looked weird attached to Lyra with those straps around her pelvis. She gave the blue penis a lick, finding it had a weak flavour. It wasn’t a terrible flavour, but it was her desire to make Lyra happy that kept her licking the plastic toy.

Lyra vibrated in glee as she watched her dickfilly friend lick her plastic cock, just as she did for her friend many times before. Her eyes widened as Twilight’s mouth opened to take the blue head in, and began nursing it.

Twilight couldn’t believe she was doing this, it didn’t feel that great and the plastic didn’t have a great taste. But if her first encounter with Lyra was any indicator, she should get this toy really slippery for when it goes inside her.

“Hurry up! I wanna know how this will feel when it goes in you, Twi,” Lyra whined, putting her hooves on Twilight’s head and forcing the purple filly to nearly choke the on fake penis.

Twilight fought to breathe when Lyra forced her to fellate the plastic member. Her hoof began hitting Lyra’s legs, trying to get her to stop. It took a few seconds but Lyra noticed and stopped, letting Twilight’s head go in the process. “Don’t do that!” Twilight screamed.

“Sorry, you did that to me a few times. Thought it would be fun to see it from your point of view,” Lyra uttered, rubbing the back of her neck.

Twilight soon recovered from her lack of oxygen when she nodded. “Remind me never to do that to you again if that’s the case.”

Lyra nodded in agreement as she looked down at her blue dick, slick and moist with Twilight’s saliva. “It’s ready, bend over.”

With one last hesitant glance, Twilight turned around and presented her backside to her musical friend, moving her tail out of the way of her virgin pussy.

Lyra walked over to the purple unicorn and placed a hoof on on Twilight’s backside, while the other helped with aiming. The green unicorn felt a surge of glee as she slowly pressed forward.

Twilight braced herself for her deflowering, tensing her muscles for the inevitable. Lyra found that it was hard to push forward and frowned, grabbing hold of the studious unicorn’s flanks, she pushed with all her might.

“AHHHH!” Twilight screamed as she was forced to feel every inch of plastic cock enter her, destroying her hymen and tapping her cervix within the second it entered her.

“Wow, this isn’t even a part of me and you feel tight, Twi,” Lyra moaned, thrusting mercilessly into Twilight, oblivious to her pleads.

“Lyra, get it out. Stop, it hurts,” Twilight cried, her hooves weakly tried to pulled herself off the blue member, but Lyra’s hooves kept it in.

“It always hurts on your first time, it’ll feel good soon,” Lyra cooed, enjoying the actual turnabout.

“This isn’t fun, Lyra. Pull out… it’s hurting me,” Twilight whined. Lyra kept nailing Twilight’s rear for a few minutes before realizing that her friend not only went flaccid but she was crying and bleeding out her vagina, immediately taking the toy out and trying to help her friend recover from the brutal fucking.


“And that’s why I don’t like things going in my vagina,” Twilight finished.

“Your first time was a really shitty use of a toy? Damn,” Gilda uttered, frowning.

“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Chrysalis waved off.

“After that night, my parents had to take me to the doctor. They are still wondering how a blunt plastic toy could pierce the muscles in the vagina to cause enough bleeding to make it look like the worst case of menstruation in medical history… which was awkward when the doctors and my parents remembered that I can’t normally menstrate,” Twilight muttered.

“Do you remember what toy she used?” GIlda asked, curiously.

“Ultra-Safe Sex Friend: Unicorn’s Horn… I sometimes mutter it to myself to remove my hard-on when I’m at a party or something,” Twilight answered.

“And I don’t care… your pussy doesn’t interest me, now I still need foo-” Chrysalis stopped when she noticed that Twilight was completely limp. “Get yourself hard, now.”

“Memories of my painful cherry popping is going to keep me out of service for a while, Chrysalis, I’m sorry,” Twilight said, before turning to leave.

“So she has one bad lay and it ends a meal for me, typical,” Chrysalis groaned, licking up some stray cum on her cheeks.

Gilda left the room as well, leaving the changeling to herself. As great as it is to get fucked by that cock, it’s a complete shame, not to mention a waste, that Twilight refuses to use her pussy in sex.

It has come down to Gilda to show Twilight how much fun using everything you got can be fun in the bedroom. “What to do…” the griffon muttered to herself. She took off in need of assistance.


“Why would Twilight want to use her pussy in sex with us? Doesn’t she have all these spells that makes it easy for all of us to get sexual gratification without needed to shove a toy into our Alpha?” Fleur asked. Gilda found her at the cafe, drinking some juice before heading to Rarity’s for some girl time

“Twilight isn’t a guy, she has both for crying out loud. It’s it kinda sad that she refuses to let anyone put anything in her pussy?” Gilda asked, reclining forward.

“It isn’t our place to make Twilight try to enjoy something she wants no part of. And she has let some of us lick her pussy or rub it with a hoof, so it isn’t completely left out. I don’t quite understand the problem here,” Fleur stated, staring at her fellow herdmate.

“The problem is that Twilight should be able to take it like a mare just as she can give it like a stallion,” Gilda protested.

“Or perhaps the problem is still that you don’t like how Twilight can still fuck Rainbow Dash with her dick better than you can with a strap-on,” Fleur reasoned, narrowing her eyes to the griffon.

Gilda huffed and loomed over the model. “Look you skinny bitch,” she said in a whisper. “I know that the real thing is better than a toy, thus I know that Rainbow will feel better getting Twilight’s dick than my plastic shaft. What I want is for Twilight to explore being a mare rather than being the cock of our fucked up ‘herd’, so shut your face before I shut it for ya.”

“You do not need to be so confrontational. While I agree it is a slight shame that Twilight ignores her marehood, she does it for a reason right?” Fleur asked.

“The mare who popped her cherry didn’t know how to use a strap-on right and somehow managed to shred something inside Twilight during sex… according to her, there was too much blood loss to be shrugged off as ‘that time of the month’, and that apparently kept Twilight from even using her pussy again,” Gilda said, shrugging.

“Think of it from Twilight’s view: If you had both sets of genitalia and using one was far more superior to the other, which would you use? Or better yet, which sex didn’t cause an injury that forced you into the hospital and into a possibly embarrassing situation?”

Gilda stopped to think, but ultimately groaned. “Yeah, yeah. I just think Twilight should give it a try again. We can ask Lyra how it really went down cause… Twilight could be over exaggerating.”

Fleur’s eyes went wide in horror as her hooves went to cover her mouth. “Are you speaking ill of our alpha? She wouldn’t lie to us.”

“I’m not saying she’s lying. I’m saying she could be stretching the truth,” Gilda defended.

“There is a reason why she is our Alpha, she wouldn’t do such thing,” Fleur uttered coldly.

“She’s ‘our alpha’ because she fucked us so good, we’re willing to follow her to Tartarus, regardless if she promised sex there or not,” Gilda stated. “Let’s just go see Lyra.”

After a brief walk, to which Gilda was shocked that the model could keep up, the two found themselves at Bon Bon and Lyra’s home. The griffon knocked on the door and the two waited until a mint-green unicorn opened the door. “Uh, hi? Whatcha doing?”

“Can I ask you a question?” Gilda asked, Fleur rolled her eyes in protest but didn’t speak.

“Sure, shoot.”

“Twilight told me how you and her decided to pop her cherry, did she really have to go to the hospital over you breaking her cherry?” Gilda asked.

Lyra began to shake in place, giggling awkwardly and looked for an escape. There was a long silence before Lyra retreated back into her home. Leaving both the griffon and slender unicorn both speechless and shocked.

“What was that?” Fleur asked, unsure of what happened.

After a moment, Bon Bon appeared. She looked over both girls and bowed slightly. “Sorry about Lyra, what can I do for you?”

“Is there a reason why Lyra flipped her shit when we mentioned her busting Twilight Sparkle’s cherry with a strap-on?” Gilda asked, her curiosity becoming stronger.

“I haven’t heard of that, but I have felt it. Because of a court order a year ago, Lyra isn’t allowed to wear a strap-on dildo ever. She… can’t seem to use them at all,” Bon Bon explained, lowering her voice near the end.

“I may not use strap-ons very well, but… all you do is put it in and move your hips, correct?” Fleur asked, now curious.

“Well, every time Lyra uses a strapon, something bad happens. The first time I let her use a toy on me, she some how managed to break my left back leg. The next time after that, she managed to break down the wall and it fell on Blossomforth. Or the last time I let her wear a strapon, she managed to rupture my liver with my spine… or that’s how the doctor said what happened,” Bon Bon finished, now mulling over her bizarre injuries.

“Ahah, you hear that Fleur? It wasn’t just a bad experience, Lyra just can’t use strapons to save her life,” Gilda said in glee. “We can totally do better than that, or at least convince her to use her pussy more.”

“No, Twilight doesn’t want to use her pussy, so we won’t force her to use her pussy,” Fleur remarked, turning to leave.

“Oh come on,” Gilda screeched. “So just because Twilight doesn’t want something in her means she won’t experiment with her pussy every so often?”

“You’ve had that cock in you, and with that magic? Why does she need anything else?” Bon Bon asked, looking confused.

“It’s the principle of the matter,” Gilda retorted, flying off to catch up to the slender mare.


Minuette sat at her friend’s bar, sighing in despair of her night. She lost another coltfriend to them finding out about her penis. “Hey there, Colgate, another stallion scared off by your maremeat?” Berry Punch asked, patting Minuette’s head lovingly.

“You’d think that after all the oral sex I give them, they’d see past it. I’m not even that big and they still think I’m a colt, scared that they’re ‘gay’ for some reason,” Minuette whined, her hoof touching a drink and looked at it before sipping it. “Thanks Berry.”

“Not a problem, why don’t you try a mare?” Berry asked, cleaning a glass with extreme precision with her hooves.

“I dunno. Remember when I was dating that guard that didn’t mind I had a cock? I loved having him in me, and his dick tasted amazing,” Minuette said, drooling at the memory.

“Didn’t he dump you for another guard when he found out you didn’t want to fuck him up the ass?” Berry questioned.

“Well… you’ve seen my dick, isn’t it… small?” Minuette asked back, her small sips quickly began mouthful gulps.

“Colgate, your dick is adorable. I’m sure some mares don’t want some hulking beast of a dick wrecking their insides-” Berry was interrupted by the laughing of a blonde pegasus in the back of the room.

“Did she hear about my...?”

“No, she always laughs when ponies say that there are mares that don’t need big dicks,” Berry said, only to hear more laughing from the blonde pegasus in the bar. “See?”

“Oh, but… I guess it’s a waste for me to even have this if I don’t like using it, right?” Minuette groaned, grabbing another drink from her friend with her magic.

“Well, what about Twilight?” Berry asked, making the blue unicorn curious.

“The librarian? What about her?”

“She has one and a bunch of mares that wants her dick,” Berry said, trying to cheer her friend up.

“It must be big then,” Minuette groaned. It recently became common knowledge for most Ponyvillians that the town librarian, Twilight Sparkle, had a penis. With that information, most mares that wished to bed Twilight for a fun one night stand or more were commonly scared off by the changeling that lurked in the library basement, the griffon that hung out with Rainbow Dash, and the few cases where Pinkie would scare them away. All in all, most ponies simply shrugged off the idea of Twilight having a penis and continued on with their day to day lives.

“It’s either that or her magic, right? Look, you can’t let yourself be bummed out that colts think it’s gay for their dicks to touch another dick. You are still a mare, and you are beautiful,” Berry Punch cooed, rubbing Minuette’s cheeks.

“You’re just saying that,” Minuette uttered, slouching on her stool.

Berry rolled her eyes and put another drink down for her friend. “Would it make you feel better if I let you eat me out?”

Minuette’s ears perked up and gave a curious look to Berry. “Probably, but I wouldn’t want to impose.”

Berry let out a sigh. “It’s the same old routine we have each time you get dumped, Colgate. You come here to be sad and drink, I try to cheer you up, you keep being hard to deal with, I’ve mentioned Twilight before but you keep being surprised to find out she has a dick every time, then I invite you to lick my pussy and you do it because you love oral sex. You need to do something more than just… eating me out. We’re friends right? You can trust me to help you, right?” she said, with a hopeful smile. At that moment she had an idea. “What if I let you fuck me?”

“I dunno, what if I don’t… fill you?” Minuette asked, blushing as she shifted her legs to hide herself.

“Getting your dick wet is more important right now, come on to the back,” Berry replied with a smile on her face. She turned to see her daughter Ruby Pinch walking down the stairs for a glass of water. “Ruby, dear. Watch the bar for mommy.”

“Okay. Are you going to let Ms. Colgate lick your special place again, mommy?” Ruby asked.

“Something better than that, dear,” Berry giggled. Minuette watched the little filly drag a stool out and hop on it. She gave a small smirk as the filly used her magic to mix drinks for thirsty patrons. Berry flipped a sign on the bar from ‘come on by’ with a small heart next to the letter Y to ‘The Bartender is too young for sex, touch her and die!’ with a skull next to the exclamation mark. “Let’s go make you a stallion.”

The light blue unicorn gave a weak smile as the magenta mare dragged her into the back room. Minuette kept her eyes locked on Berry’s rump as she walked to a nearby barrel. Placing her front hooves on the barrel top and spreading her hind legs, giving her self-conscious friend a glimpse of her sex behind her purple tail.

“Well, get yourself ready,” Berry cooed, shaking her rump with her tail high in the air. Minuette strode forward, hypnotized by the winking pussy. She pressed her snout against the exposed flesh, giving the light purple opening a long lick before digging in.

Berry flinched from her friend’s oral prowess. The clocksmith’s tongue teased her hood and clitoris, poking the tip inside the folds of her pussy, all the while rubbing Berry’s cheeks and spreading them apart. Her hooves were having difficulty trying to stay on the barrel they were resting on.

Minuette felt more at her sexual element when her mouth was in play. She couldn’t say why, but she enjoyed how the pleasure of other ponies taste. While she had tasted the salty essence of a few stallions, she always enjoyed the sweet tang that comes with a mare’s pussy, specifically Berry’s pussy. Her tongue explored the familiar hole, easily finding Berry’s G-Spot and attacking it before returning to her clitoris.

“Colgate… fuck me, just stick your dick in,” Berry moaned, her hips twitching in need.

Minuette grimaced as her dick hardened underneath her, she looked to see her measly five inches wagging between her legs. “Are you sure?”

“Celestia Damn it, Minuette. If you don’t fuck me, I’m going to ride your little prick until you can’t cum anymore,” Berry snarled. Minuette scrambled onto Berry’s backside and positioned herself to enter, groaning in surprise pleasure when she felt Berry’s lips close in around her cockhead.

“There you go, stick it all the way in,” Berry cooed, feeling her friend enter her at long last.

“Uhh, I’m already as deep as I can go,” Minuette said, frowning slightly with her crotch pressed firmly to Berry’s rump.

“At that point, you RUT me, Colgate,” Berry ordered. Minuette nodded quickly and started to move her body, trying to slam her penis back into her friend as hard as possible. Her cock slipped out several times, forcing Berry to place a hoof under her pussy to catch it and push it back in when it happened again. Much to her dismay, Berry definitely felt her blue unicorn friend, but it didn’t have the same feeling as with some of her other customers, or Ruby’s father.

Minuette on the other hoof, felt the pussy milk her dick for any cum it could give; the feeling was rather unreal but it felt empty, as she knew the difference between a bored Berry and a lusty well-fucked Berry. Despite her need to get off, she pulled out and resumed licking Berry’s slit, tasting both her own pre-cum and the magenta bartender’s pussy juices. “Wait… what are you doing?”

“It felt like you got bored with my cock, so I went back to what I knew,” Minuette answered, returning to her task.

“Well, hold up. Lay on your back,” Berry said, Minuette gave her friend a curious look before complying. As she laid down, Berry walked over her with her glistening pussy over her cock, and sat down, riding her friend.

Minuette flinched as her cock was reintroduced to Berry’s hot pussy. Her hooves gripping the bartender’s sides as the pink mare bounced on her crotch. She could feel her friend’s pussy clamp down on her dick and milk it for it’s seed.

Berry felt Minuette’s cock sliding within her depths, watching the clocksmith’s face contort in pleasure, blushing madly.

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” Minuette cried, cumming inside Berry. Her dick shooting it’s contents into the dark pink mare’s tunnel.

Berry smiled as she stood back up, the limp penis sliding out with a small drizzle of cum leaving her slit. “Feel better?”

“Yeah, but… it still bugs me that I couldn’t-” Minuette’s mouth was stopped by a magenta hoof.

“Listen, this was for you, not me. Maybe we need to do something else or find you a tighter pussy… a fresh one. You and I both know how much sex I get so… maybe I was overzealous in helping you,” Berry said, removing her hoof form Minuette’s mouth. The two got up and cleaned the room quickly before returning to the bar. “But as I was saying, much earlier. Twilight might have a decent sized dick, I haven’t seen it yet so I can’t judge, but… I’m sure you clearly have her beat in the oral department.”

Minuette smiled from her friend’s attempt to cheer her up. “Thanks Berry, besides… maybe I’ve one upped her by being attractive to coltcuddlers?”

“There is that, I’ve heard she’s only been with one stallion and he started to love getting buttfucked after that,” Berry chuckled. “It’s adorable to see Cloudchaser stalking the place for a pony and Thunderlane being nervous next to her. They pick a target, seduce them… then take them home for sex.”

“Wait… would that mean…” Minuette muttered, eyes going wide.

“Yeah, Twilight taught Thunderlane how to take it up the butt, and both him and Cloudchaser love it. Why?”

“I’m so doomed…” Minuette groaned, leaving Berry to ponder what exactly she said wrong.


“Now I want to agree with you, but I can’t because my brainy says that Twilight is mare-maker, which means that Twilight makes ponies into her mares, understand?” Pinkie explained to her griffon friend who has been finding no luck getting others to agree with her. The three of them currently sat in Pinkie’s room in Sugarcube Corner. While Pinkie and Gilda sat discussing the griffon’s plan, Trixie remained on Gilda’s back, her teeth clenching the brown wing tightly, getting the griffon back for saying such a thing in her presence.

It was almost unanimous that everypony that Twilight had sex with would much rather have her sticking it in ponies than taking it, to which greatly annoyed the griffon. “So Twilight is just a mare-like stallion to you girls?” Gilda asked, flinching from the hard bite on her wing. “Get off my wing!” Her wings flapping to throw Trixie off, maybe it was a mistake to propose this to the magician.

“Trixie, down!” Pinkie commanded, spraying the blue unicorn with a spray bottle, managing to detach her from Gilda’s wing.

“She started it with her… BLASPHEMY!” Trixie cried out, growling at the griffon.

“What is so wrong with me wanting my mate to take it sometimes?” Gilda asked.

“That’s ‘our’ mate, and I can see where you’re coming from. But… I think it’s Twilight’s choice if she doesn’t use her pussy. Like when I play this text game with my pal Fenny, I always try to run a futa-catmare that only uses her penis, but there are some instances where I HAVE to use my pussy and it makes me sigh. Or that darn Herm Griffons in that Flexible Challenge that doesn't let me choose which part of me I get to rape them with. What I’m saying is… if Twilight doesn’t want her pussy to be used, it should be fine and you should let it go instead of pushing the subject,” Pinkie explained.

“Is this a dominance thing? Twi can be dominate with her pussy, I’ve done it before,” Gilda retorted.

“No, it’s a comfort zone thing. And you shouldn’t try to force ponies to do things they don’t wanna do.”

“Face it, griffon. We are all Twilight’s cum dumpsters, live with that knowledge!” Trixie called out, causing both Pinkie and Gilda to give her confused looks.

“You and Chrysalis are cum dumpsters. Dash and I are friends with her for benefits, Pinkie is a sex-maniac,” Gilda explained.

Pinkie gave a weak smile. “It’s true, but I am working on being less sexually active, so I’ll claim my title as either friend-with-benefit or herd mare, which ever I feel like using.”

“If Twilight Sparkle came in here with her dick hard and asked for sex, would you not bend over for her?” Trixie asked, trying to intimidate the griffon.

“No, I’d probably wrap my talons around her dick and stroke it while we made out,” Gilda answered.

“That’s a toughie, depends if Twilight is being super aggressive and all serious with a smile thing, THEN I’d grab a pillow, bend over and bite down hard,” Pinkie said.

“Yeah… Super Dominant Twi might be able to get me to bend over for her,” Gilda uttered, scratching her chin.

“It’s better if you get her to wear glasses and put her mane in a bun while she’s like that,” Pinkie added; Gilda sucked in a breath as the sexy thought went through her mind. “I know right?”

“Needless to say, Twilight is on top always!” Trixie bellowed.

“I agree that best Twilight is a Twilight that’s on top, but that doesn’t mean she can’t use her pussy,” Gilda retorted.

“Twilight is always on top- with her penis FIRMLY wedged between the cheeks of her lover… ravaging her from behind, telling her that she has been a naughty mare, slapping her ass while her hole is abused by that magnificent girth, forcing her to take every drop of Twilight’s seed, then painting her body, painting Twilight’s mare…” Trixie slowly trailed off, drool trailing down from her lips and causing both Pinkie and Gilda to scoot away from the magician.

“Anyways, don’t do it or it’ll be bad news bears,” Pinkie said, trying to give Gilda a stern look, while glancing back to Trixie, worried about her friend.

“This… uh, isn’t over… She’s so creepy when she’s like this,” Gilda said, taking several steps away from the disillusioned mare.

“Trixie is sorry she spilled coffee on your limited editions, please don’t punish Trixie… hard,” Trixie uttered in her stupor. “Why do you have two dicks the size of Trixie’s limbs, Mistress?”

“I’ll take care of her, you… do something that has no relation to Twilight taking things in her cooch,” Pinkie said, walking over to Trixie to take her home.

“Gotcha, but no promises on that other part,” Gilda answered, flying out the window. With the nonsense of today of Twilight not wanting to take it like a mare, Trixie being creepy, and everyone wanting the librarian to be a stallion, the griffon needed a drink. She slowed down at the only bar in Ponyville and entered.

She ignored the stares she got as she walked up to the bar. “Hard Cider please.”

At least the bartender was nice. “Coming right up, Gilda,” Berry Punch said, sliding a mug of Gilda’s chosen beverage down to meet the griffon’s claws. “Why so glum, chum?”

“I’m being bothered by something, not important,” Gilda groaned, sipping her alcoholic apple juice.

“Come on, you can tell me,” Berry Punch cooed.

“Give me three reasons why I should trust you,” Gilda challenged, glaring at the bartender.

“Well, I’m the only pony in the room that isn’t either giving you the stink eye or scared of you, I’ve helped Rainbow Dash a few times so that tells you she trusts me, and… you’d be surprised what problems come up to me,” the bartender replied with a smirk.

“I only heard one reason, Dash has proved me wrong before and I doubt the problems you’ve encountered are like mine,” Gilda uttered, swallowing the remainder of her drink.

“How about this, if I can’t help you with your problem, that drink and the next two after are on the house, okay?”

Gilda eyes widened, and began to think carefully about the bartender’s offer. Glancing back between the bartender and her empty glass, the griffon shrugged. “How much do you know about Twilight?”

“You mean Sparkle, right? The Librarian, princess’ student, and local dickmare?” Berry asked with a smile. “All I know is that she has a following of ponies, and a few… exotic females, and with how all of them pin after her, she must be pretty good with her dick.”

“So you know; take it the town knows?” Gilda asked.

“The town has known for a month now; there are some of us that still want a shot at Twilight for a night, everypony else just shrugged it off like it’s another day,” Berry chuckled. “So what problem involves Twilight?”

Gilda sneered, hating herself for confiding in a bartender. “Apparently, Twilight had a traumatic experience that killed her mood for vaginal sex forever. I think it’s a shame that Twilight doesn’t do anything with her pussy, so I’ve been trying to get our friends to see things my way… it didn’t fly, the reasoning is either 'it’s Twilight’s choice' or 'with what she can do, why would we need to take a strap-on to her?' or that crap about 'Twilight is our alpha, it’s her duty to fuck us raw with her dick', did everypony forget that Twilight has both? I think she needs to… enjoy having sex with both sexes, that’s all.”

Berry’s smile grew as she listened, knowing exactly how to solve Gilda’s problem. “So… would you say Twilight is… tight?”

“I guess so, based on her reaction to my strap-on, I don’t think anything has entered her since school.”

Berry clapped her hooves together as a plan formulated. “I know what to do, but first. Ask Twilight to come to the town clock store, I need to prepare some things.”

“Seriously? What are you gonna do?” Gilda asked, rather curious of Berry’s plan.

“I have a friend who is… like Twilight but her dick isn’t very big and dislikes using it, she prefers to give oral than give her dick a workout, don’t tell Twilight that though,” Berry whispered.

Gilda soon smiled along with the bartender. “Well, this sounds like a awesome plan,” she exclaimed, soon darting out the bar.

“I’ll add that to Rainbow’s tab then,” Berry uttered, but drinks could wait, she had a friend to help. “Ruby! Mommy needs to save her friend from herself, take care of the bar for mommy!”

“Okay momma!” Ruby Pinch exclaimed, running down the stairs.

Berry used her tail to open a small cupboard behind the counter to reveal a bat. “If any bad ponies try to do anything to you, what do you do?”

“I take Home-Run and bust some skulls in!” Ruby said happily.

“That’s my girl,” Berry cheered, rubbing her filly’s head affectionately. “Just remember, you’re only allowed to hit behind the belt if they are getting REALLY annoying.” Berry trotted out the door to get to her friend and set everything up for Minuette and Twilight to experience something new.


Minuette felt incredibly uncomfortable, watching Berry drinking from a bottle of cider she found in the fridge. “Is this necessary?” They sat in Minuette’s living room of the clock shop, her couch and chairs were pushed to the sides of the room with the bookshelves and tables, which held lit candles. The middle of the room had a large grey blanket, carefully laid out for things to come, with some drinks on the side in case Twilight and Minuette need to loosen up. The two mares sat in the middle of this blanket, awaiting their guest.

“Completely, relax and let me do all the work, okay?” Berry soothed, patting her friend’s leg. They heard a knock at the door. “She’s here!”

Minuette swallowed a breath, watching her friend leave the room to answer the door. ‘I hope Berry is right… But, what if Twilight really is big? What if she laughs at my dick for being small?... Now that is ridiculous, with her friendship thing, she’d sooner commit suicide than make herself and Princess Celestia look bad in front of anypony… maybe this night will be okay… unless she’s three times my size.’

“Don’t be shy, we just wanna talk.” Minuette heard Berry say.

“Look, I’m flattered, but…I wouldn’t want to impose. I’m only here because Gilda asked me to come here and meet you, but I’m starting to have second thoughts” That was Twilight talking. Minuette turned to the door and saw her Dark Pink friend drag Twilight into the room, her ears lowering and face turning red at the sight of the large blanket and the alcohol that was placed nearby, confirming what she knew. “Was that Trixie calling? I think it was, excuse me girls.”

Twilight turned to leave but her tail was snatched by Berry’s teeth. “Okay, so you know how this is going to play out. My friend Colgate, needs some help and with your experience, I feel you are the only one that can help. Please… could you?” Berry said with her mouth gripping her guest’s tail, trying to put on her best puppy dog eyes.

Steeling her resolve, Twilight swallows her breath. “I… don’t feel… comfortable with all… this, Berry. I’m sorry,” she said, her tail flailing in Berry’s grip.

“Minuette gives great head,” Berry quickly added, smirking when it made Twilight stop.

Cursing her instincts and curiosity, Twilight let out a sigh. This was to help somepony out after all. “Fine… but please, no funny business.”

Berry spat out the purple mare’s tail and jumped for joy. “YES, you won’t regret this Twilight, thank you! And Colgate thanks you too.”

Minuette shifted in in her place, blushing madly. “Please don’t answer for me, Berry.”

Twilight sat down on the blanket, across from Minuette, while Berry went to get more drinks. “So… why does Berry call you ‘Colgate’?”

“Because my mane looks like some sort of toothpaste… Pinkie noticed this and started to call me ‘Colgate’ but Berry kept it going,” Minuette replied, the air becoming rather uncomfortable between the two unicorns.

“Okay, what problem does Berry mean… exactly? You are a very attractive mare yourself, and she claims that you’re… good at oral, so what seems to be your problem with sex?” Twilight asked.

Minuette’s blush reddened. “Well, I-”

“Alright girls! Let’s get this started,” Berry exclaimed, drinking an entire bottle of hard cider in one go while holding five more in her hooves. “Shall we start with the booze or do this sober? We all know what’s going to happen, so I’ll leave it all up to you two.”

With no hesitation, Minuette and Twilight both grabbed a bottle with their magic and emptied the contents down their throats. Berry, for her part, shrugged and placed the remaining bottles on the table as she sat down between the unicorns. “Now, how will we begin?” Berry asked, looking to the other mares. Neither unicorn answered, Minuette was too embarrassed to be associated with Berry at this time and Twilight simply wanted to leave but unknown obligations kept her there. “Well if no pony wants to start, I will.”

Minuette’s eye widened when Berry pounced on Twilight, their lips connecting as the bartender pushed the scholar onto her back, her back hooves rubbing against the growing member between Twilight’s hind legs. Just witnessing her long-time friend furiously making out with the town librarian soon got the clock-maker’s dick hard.

Berry broke the kiss and turned around, facing Twilight’s dick. “Not the biggest cock, but not something anypony would expect a mare to carry,” she cooed, giving the purple member a long lick. Twilight flinched from the contact; her hooves resting on each side of Berry’s rump, pulling her closer to the librarian’s face, and began her own tasting of Berry’s pussy.

The mere act of watching Berry licking Twilight’s dick took Minuette’s attention, she slowly made her way to the copulating mares and joined Berry by placing her lips over the purple head, forcing a gasp out of Twilight. Her tongue slithered and flicked the flat tip, coating it in saliva.

With a hum, Berry slid her hoof along Twilight’s shaft, collecting it and moved it down to the slit underneath the large member, massaging the liquid into the closed lips. She let out a squeak when she felt Twilight’s tongue penetrate her, diving deep inside the bartender’s pussy. “Eager, aren’t you?” Twilight didn’t answer, instead she continued to orally please the dark pink mare. “So, you’re the expert, Colgate… Does she taste good?”

Minuette blushed and released the purple cock from her mouth. “It’s… very enjoyable, it’s rather… sweet for a dick but still has that salty tang that makes it appealing, definitely a nice surprise,” she critiqued, returning to sucking Twilight’s maremeat.

“That’s a good sign, Minuette loves oral and knows when a dick tastes good or when a dick tastes good,” Berry cooed, continuing to rub Twilight’s pussy. She grasped one of Minuette’s hooves and pulled her forward, giving the tip of the blue member a lick. “Sorry Colgate, Twilight is bigger than you, but it doesn’t matter.”

Minuette blushed with the purple member in her mouth, but Twilight’s eyes snapped open, confused as to what Berry Punch meant. She was about to speak but Berry forced her pussy over the scholar’s mouth.

“Let’s get started,” Berry announced, she got up and positioned her entrance for Twilight’s cock. The purple mare quickly looked down, but failed to see what Berry spoke of earlier, her legs and Minuette’s hooves blocking her view from the unicorn’s crotch. Her thoughts were dashed away when Berry took Twilight to the hilt, riding the scholar’s crotch.

With some manipulation, Berry managed to get Minuette to rub her petite dick against her pink breasts, licking Berry’s neck as her pre-cum is rubbed into the bartender’s fur. “Ready, Colgate?”

Minuette blushed and slowly nodded as she positioned her dick for Twilight’s entrance. Berry kept riding the purple mare to keep her occupied, moaning as she tried to keep watch over her friend.

Twilight’s body jolted as it felt something poke her pussy, she began to struggle but Berry managed to turn around on her dick and lean forward, giving Twilight’s horn a lick before taking it into her mouth, all the while grinding herself on the purple length.

Minuette took a deep breath and pushed forward, penetrating her fellow unicorn. Just as Berry predicted; Twilight was so very tight, it was hard to push forward.

Twilight clenched her teeth as she felt the intruder enter her, tensing her body. Berry noticed this and did what she could to make the purple mare relax, rubbing her shoulders while bouncing on her shaft, even taking Twilight’s horn to the base, her nose tickled by the straight-cut mane.

Letting out a sigh, Minuette felt the walls relax and began massaging her cock, shoving the remainder into the purple mare. She quickly began to thrust wildly into Twilight, her hooves holding onto Berry from behind. She couldn’t believe how warm and snug Twilight’s passage was, the pleasure kept her frantic for her orgasm.

As each inch of Minuette’s dick sawed inside and out of Twilight’s pussy, Twilight’s quivered as the new sensation pulsed throughout her body. Her pussy gripping the blue member tightly, attempting to milk it for her body’s first taste of seed.

Berry Punch released the purple horn and arched her back, riding Twilight with her friend pumping herself into the scholar’s pussy. She saw Twilight panting in pleasure, her eyes shut tightly as she could only feel Minuette thrusting her cock deep and Berry riding the purple mare’s dick.

The pressure built up too quickly for the blue unicorn as she moaned, filling Twilight’s tunnel with cum. She kept on thrusting herself deep as she could while her cock kept firing her load.

While her body welcomed Minuette’s seed, Twilight’s mind couldn’t accept it. She couldn’t deny that it felt good, much better than the incident with Lyra, but she felt… weakened from the experience. She felt the clock-maker pull herself out, she heard Berry giggle. “So how was your first pussy, Colgate?”

“A-amazing, thanks Twilight,” Minuette gasped, her dick hardening at the sight of her cum oozing from Twilight’s slit. “I… hope you didn’t mind.”

“I’m sure she doesn’t, keep at it until she cums though, I want to know what this girl is REALLY packing,” Berry chuckled, riding Twilight harder. Minuette nodded, and thrusted herself back inside Twilight’s pussy, causing the scholar to gasp.

Twilight felt her dick throb inside Berry, biting her lips as she continued to feel a new form of dual pleasure. Due to it’s inactivity, she can feel every inch of the clock-maker enter her again and she felt big to the purple mare, her pussy fought to keep the intruder in, much to her mental chargin.

It wasn’t long till Berry felt the purple shaft swell inside her, her walls clamping down tightly around the purple cock as the two mares came, she felt Twilight fill her womb to the brim, beginning to leak out from her overstuffed pussy. Twilight’s own vagina clenched Minuette’s dick tightly as her juices mingled with the blue unicorn’s earlier orgasm.

Berry slowly dismounted the scholar, letting Twilight’s cum fall from her lower lips as she got off, chuckling as Minuette continued to fuck the purple mare. The purple member tapped Minuette on the nose, she looked up and saw it, the various fluids that coated it begged to be licked. Without hesitation, she greedily accepted the wagging member into her mouth, licking up Berry’s juices and Twilight’s cum from the shaft.

“How does THAT taste, Colgate?” Berry asks.

“It’s soo good,” Minuette replies, licking along the shaft to taste every inch of the purple dick, all the while thrusting into Twilight’s pussy, the taste of both Berry and Twilight caused electricity to course through her spine as she came again, shooting more cum into the town librarian.

Twilight cringed as she felt every salvo enter her, each shot painting her inner walls. She slowly pulled herself away as Minuette’s penis slipped out of her. “I… don’t know what to say…”

“Did you like it?” Minuette asked with hopeful eyes.

“I think I liked it, but… it didn’t feel right, maybe it’s because I used my penis for so long,” Twilight commented, glancing down to her cum oozing slit.

“Oh,” Minuette uttered, disheartened that she couldn’t please the purple mare.

Twilight reached over and pulled Minuette to her side. “Don’t get me wrong, it did feel good to have something in me… like that, it’s just that… I didn’t feel right, ya know?”

“Like… you don’t feel like you’re in your element?” Minuette asked.

“Yeah… Again, it’s probably because I’ve always been the one doing the… penetrating,” Twilight said, blushing.

Berry giggled as she picked up another bottle of cider. “See? I told you it was good, Colgate.”

“Yeah, but…” Minuette trailed off as she walked forward, she levitated Berry’s crotch to her face, flipping the dark pink mare onto her back. Twilight caught the cider before any spilled.

“C-Colgate!? What the hey?” Berry cried out, Minuette ignored her and began to lick her friend’s used sex, enjoying the taste of the bartender and Twilight.

Twilight let out a weak chuckle while Minuette ate her friend out. “Well, I’ll just be going, seeing as your problem was solved.”

“No wait!” Minuette called out to stop Twilight. Her tail lifting to show her winking marehood and hard cock. “Turnabout is fair play, right?”

“I-if that were true… I would have been penetrated a lot… a long time ago, Minuette,” Twilight stammered. She turned back around and approached the other herm-mare.

Minuette blushed, rubbing her hoof into Berry’s honeypot. “Well, I… never really used my penis before, I would either suck my special someponies off or let them fuck my vagina, and my mouth is kinda occupied at the moment,” she grinned before returning to pleasure her friend.

Twilight let out a weak chuckle as she positioned herself before Minuette. grappling with her back side, the purple member slid along side the smaller blue cock, causing the clock-maker to shudder in pleasure. “Here I go.”

“Don’t worry, unlike yours… I’ve taken some big ones, Twi,” Minuette moaned. She gave Berry’s slit a long lick, savouring the fluids that coated her tongue, she shuddered upon feeling Twilight’s dick slid along her own length and back to her rump, feeling the head push at her winking sex.

Twilight grunted as she popped the head inside of Minuette, slowly rocked her body into the blue unicorn. The clock-maker felt so tight and warm as she fed inch after inch into the blue mare’s snatch.

The clockmaker groaned into Berry’s pussy, her legs tensing as she felt the purple member enter her. Twilight’s hooves pulling her rump back into her hips while Berry’s hoof pulled Minuette into her crotch.

"Sweet Celestia, you’re tight…” Twilight groaned, slowly moving her body into Minuette’s. She felt the other unicorn’s muscles flex and caress her dick within it’s hot confines, gripping her cock when she tried to pull out.

Berry let out a moan as her climax hit, treating Minuette to a buffet of pleasureable juices. The clockmaker’s tongue was going wild with the taste of her friend, causing her body to quiver. Her cock began to erupt and shoot out several loads onto the blanket while her pussy clenched the purple invader, coating it in her own juices.

Twilight’s eyes went wide, her teeth nearly bit through her lip from Minuette’s pussy’s orgasm, it was nothing she’s ever felt before. It became tighter, but it felt as if it was sucking Twilight’s deeper, more so than most mares she’s been with. She felt the blue unicorn’s slit force her dick to release it’s seed, causing the librarian to shudder as she deposited her load into Minuette, who let out cry of pleasure.

The three mares rode out their individual orgasms in bliss, Twilight slowly pulling herself out of Minuette, surprised that her cock was almost completely clean, save for Minuette’s liquids coating the purple girth. “What… was up with your pussy?”

Minuette gave a weak smile and blushed as she sat on her rump. Berry slowly regained her posture and sat up as well. “Wow, that was an adventure. Hope you girls loved the otherside of your sex.”

The two unicorns looked at each other and gave a weak smile. “That did feel great, but… oral is still my best preference,” Minuette said.

“Being the mare was a interesting experience… but I think I’d prefer the stallion side of sex,” Twilight uttered, blushing.

“Work in progress, I guess. We’ll have to schedule more of these, and get you to love both your parts,” Berry sighed, as she sat up, she felt magic pulling her back to the unicorns. “Uhh, girls?”

“Well, I know for a fact that you’ve never had anal, despite all the sex you like to have,” Minuette grinned. Twilight quickly caught her fellow spellcaster’s remark and shared her interest.

“THAT is an exit only, Colgate. You know that how I feel about it,” Berry scolded, blushing hard.

“Well, you taught me to like using my pussy and Minuette to use her dick, why don’t we return the favor and help you enjoy your ass?” Twilight cooed, licking along Berry’s ear. Minuette began to plant kisses along the bartender’s shoulder.

“Ho-how about… n-n-no?” Berry retorted, struggling in the unicorns’ grips. She quickly found herself being bent over, her face planted in Minuette’s most recent penile orgasm. She immediately squeaked when she felt magic teasing her backdoor.

“What are you doing?” Minuette asked.

“While saliva is a more pleasurable lubricant for all parties, this spell is just to sanitize it, better to be safe than sorry,” Twilight explained.

“I’ll have you know that I scrub every inch of MYYYY-” Berry squealed as she felt a pair of tongues at her rosebud, teasing it as it flexed open slightly.

Minuette took this chance and dove in, her tongue exploring Berry’s backdoor thoroughly while Twilight was forced to watched with a bemused smile. She slowly walked over to Berry and presented her cock. “I think you’ll need to get this ready.”

Berry, knowing what Twilight meant, took the head into her mouth, sucking and slobbering over the purple girth.

Minuette pulled back and rubbed the puckered star with her hoof, massaging her saliva into the small opening. She looked up to see Berry giving Twilight a blow job and raised a brow. “Uhh, Twi. She barely looks like she’ll take me, no less you.”

“I think I’ve opened a few holes in my time to know what can fit where, you’d be surprised how durable and elastic a pony can be,” Twilight cooed, thrusting her hips into Berry’s mouth. Minuette shrugged and returned to licking the dark pink mare’s back door.

Berry's mind was clouded in lust, with the scholar's dick sliding along her tongue and Minuette licking her ass. She felt herself getting far more moist than earlier. Her legs shifting in place, as her need to mate grew.

Twilight turned her gaze to the blue unicorn licking Berry's rump, saliva coating the dark pink coat. She hummed in thought. “Since we don't want to hurt her, I'll need you to test it, use your horn and if you slide in easily, she’s ready for it,” Twilight suggested, petting the bartender as she made shallow thrusts into the earth pony’s mouth.

Minuette nodded and lowered Berry’s rump to test her out. Tilting her head for the right angle, she stepped forward, pressing her horn against Berry Punch’s rosebud. Much to her surprise, she slid in effortlessly and caused Berry to moan loudly around Twilight’s dick, causing both hermaphrodites to grin. “She’s ready.”

“Okay,” Twilight said happily. She pulls her dick out of Berry’s mouth and sat down next to Minuette. The two unicorns channel their magic and levitated her, positioning her butt for the intertwined dicks below. “I’ll have to enter her first, it’ll be easier for her for when you go in.”

“Got it,” Minuette said, using her hooves to snake the two penises together while her magic helped Twilight keep her friend airbourne.

“Wait, I’m taking BOTH of you?” Berry cried out, eyes wide.

“Well yeah, wasn’t that clear?” Twilight asked, lowering the dark pink mare onto the dicks.

“But- SWEET CELESTIA!” Berry cried out, feeling Twilight push herself into the bartender’s virgin rump, pain and pleasure mixing together as it reached the brain.

“And I thought Rainbow was tight, you’re going to rip my dick off if I try to get out,” Twilight groaned, slowly moving Berry down her girth. Soon they reached Minuette’s cock, and with Berry keeping herself tight, it would be impossible for Minuette to enter. “Berry, I need you to relax now.”

Berry ignored Twilight and thrashed in air as much as the magic could allow her, gasping when she felt Minuette rubbing her hooves over the dark pink fur, the clockmaker began kissing Berry’s sides to help relax her, the bartender gasped again when the scholar joined in, the pain in her rump slowly disappearing.

With her magic, Twilight stretched Berry’s rear hole wide enough for Minuette to enter and slid Berry further down both lengths until she sat down between the two of them, her spine still tingling from the sensation.

Minuette’s lusts peaked as she pushed forward, knocking Twilight onto her back with berry wedged between them, the blue unicorn frantically thrusting herself into Berry’s ass, rubbing it against Twilight’s shaft. The purple unicorn slowly moved herself to and fro within the bowels of the bartender, the two cocks sliding against each other, the larger purple member moved at a sluggish pace while the smaller blue dick speared the poor earth pony with little mercy.

Berry kept moaning, her hooves trying to find purchase on the blanket, slowly moving back down onto the two dicks inside her. She felt three hooves urge her rump to swallow more of the shafts already within her rear, two of which gripped her hard as she felt Minuette slam against her back side powerfully and Twilight moving into her at a slow pace.

Twilight weakly smiled, to feel another pony thrusting along side her dick into a cute mare felt unreal to the her. She felt Berry’s pussy leaking cum onto her fur and the erratic thrusts Minuette made, running her free hoof along the dark pink mare’s coat, finding it adorable as she drooled onto her fur.

Minuette felt herself cumming soon; her dick flexed within her friend with every thrust she made. Her hooves held the bartender’s butt tighter as she made one last thrust, burying her entire dick inside of Berry and letting loose her seed.

Upon feeling Minuette’s cum splashing against her cum inside the hot orifice, Twilight lost her composure and came as well, filling Berry’s ass with her own white cream. She bit her lip when Berry clenched her ass in her own orgasm, causing her crotch to become damp with the bartender’s arousal.

“Wow, that was great,” Minuette panted, resting on top of the heap of two mares. “If you and Berry together tasted good together, how would all three of us together taste?”

“Won’t know until you try,” Twilight cooed, resting on her back.

Minuette pulled herself out, the act made Berry moan disappointedly as her anus slowly reformed around Twilight’s penis. With her dick coated in both her own seed and Twilight’s, Minuette thrusted herself into Berry’s pussy and pounded her pussy until the clockmaker was sure there was a adequate amount of Berry’s mare juices on her rod.

Having collected some of the liquid on her hoof, Minuette licked it up. Sparks flew in her eyes and let out a loud moan as her dick let out another series of cum shot, painting Berry’s backside and getitng Twilight in the face. “That… tastes really good.”

Twilight was baffled by what she just saw. “Did you just cum from-”

“That’s Minuette for ya, loves the taste of dick and pussy so much that she’ll cum from it alone. It’s another reason why I call her Colgate,” Berry sighed, unable to move from her spot on Twilight’s belly.

The purple unicorn turned back up to Minuette who was licking her hooves clean, smiling as the clockmaker felt shivers roll down her back from the unique taste combination.


Twilight entered the library, and marched to the bedroom. Her suspicions confirmed when she found Gilda sleeping with Rainbow Dash in her bed. Without making a sound, Twilight quickly teleported to her bed and removed the covers, finding that Gilda was wearing a strap-on and putting it to use on Rainbow Dash.

Tapping on Gilda’s wing, she went to wake the griffon up. Gilda groaned and slowly sat up, turning to see a bemused Twilight behind her. “Hey Twi, how was *yawn* your night?”

“While I am curious as to why you and Rainbow decided to have sex in my bed, though I’ll leave it alone for now. I just wanted to thank you for tricking me into it,” Twilight said with the greatest amount of sincerity as possible.

“So… you won’t mind if we start using all of you? Your spells are fine but, it’s a shame you don’t use all of you, ya know?” Gilda replied, almost guilty of what she did.

“It’s fine, I’ve actually enjoyed it in a way. But…” That ‘but’ worried Gilda. “Me taking it in any conventional way seemed… weird to me, it’ll take a while for me to actually enjoy it so… baby steps, so to speak.”

“Progress is progress, I guess,” Gilda muttered, cuddling into Rainbow Dash as she went back to sleep. Her eyes went wide as fatigue left her when she felt a hard familiar presence pressing against her pussy. “Uh… Twilight?”

“I did say I was going to reward you, right?” Twilight said, penetrating the griffon, causing her to yelp. “Keep quiet or Rainbow will be using your strap-on to fuck your butt.”

It was a long night for Gilda, especially when Rainbow revealed that she was fake sleeping about the time when the two started their conversation.

Mini-Series: Iron Pony, Who's the Best Beta?

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[Tags:{Rainbow Dash/Applejack/Twilight Sparkle} F/F/Futa, Bondage, Oral, Vaginal, Anal, Rough]

The Running of the Leaves was a major event in Ponyville; a fun race to help the leaves fall from the trees in time for the winter months. But someponies don’t see it this way and believe it’s a competition, and where there’s competition… rivalries are nurtured.

The rivalry between Applejack and Rainbow Dash has been mostly friendly at best but each time, they found themselves locked in a power struggle to be the best pony… though when Twilight became their alpha. They were forced to fight for the purple mare's best pony and Beta of the herd, a position that no pony truly knows who holds it, it was either Zecora or Pinkie. But Applejack and Rainbow Dash refuse to let details such as that keep them from attaining their goals.

The Iron Pony competition that was held earlier had the same results as last year… a tie. This year, the race became more competitive as Zecora, Pinkie, and Gilda joined the race. Twilight was forced to compete again to keep her body strong for obvious reasons. Once again, the rules were simple: No magic, no flying, and no tricks.

“There is no way we’ll tie this time, I’m so going to beat you,” Rainbow Dash taunted, shooting a cocky glare at her rival.

“Yer are right about the first part, sugarcube. The second part… Ah think Twilight shoved it too deep in ya, scrambled your brain something fierce,” Applejack retorted, returning her friend’s look. “How’re you doing, Twi?”

Beside the two was their friend and alpha, stretching before the race. “I’m doing pretty good. I still remember my strategy from last year, so I should be set for this year. I may need it with Gilda racing with us.”

Next to Twilight was the griffoness, Gilda. She appeared just as cocky as Rainbow Dash, standing tall and awaiting the starting whistle. “At least Twilight knows that I’ll win this race.”

“Oh yeah, feather-brain? I could beat you blindfolded,” Rainbow sneered, smirking at the griffon.

“Is that so? Well then, let’s make this interesting…” Gilda started, walking over to the blue pegasus.

“I know! Whoever wins, gets Twilight right after the race. But what if Twilight wins? She did place fifth last year and she was buffed by Nightmare Moon for more pushin’ so she might actually win this. Maybe Twilight can make a clone of herself to have sex with if she wins? That would be pretty sexy to watch,” Pinkie exclaimed, popping out of nowhere between Gilda and Rainbow Dash.

“An interesting proposition and the best motivation,” Zecora said, joining the group.

“Twilight might as well get herself ready for me, I got this in the bag,” Gilda commented, shrugging with a big smile on her face.

“I’m right here, and I could still win,” Twilight remarked, poking Gilda in the side with her hoof, causing her feathered lover to chuckle. "What if I want my prize to be a quiet day of everyone just reading?"

“Yeah, and who says I’ll lose to YOU!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, trying to get as close to Gilda’s face as possible without her wings, as they were tied around her midsection.

“Cause I’m better than you, and I’m going to prove it today,” Gilda said, smirking. Her own wings were tied around her body as well to keep her from flying, but it didn’t bother the griffon too much.

“This is going to be so much FUN, I can’t wait to leave you all in the dust then bring Twilight back to the library for victory sex! Then I’ll throw a ‘Nice-try-but Pinkie-gets-Twily’ party after my butt stops being sore,” Pinkie said, grinning obliviously.

“Your courage is admirable, but your victory is debatable. With me in this race, I suggest running in place. Speed was my game in my younger years, I’ll be sure to leave you in tears. With the exception to Twilight, as she’ll be busy with me all night,” Zecora said, sharing everypony’s competitive glare.

Twilight grumbled in her spot. “Don’t I get a say in this? I am competing against you all in the race as well,” she muttered.

“Everyone get to your marks,” said a race official from the side lines.

“DESTROY THEM ALL, MISTRESS!” Trixie yelled from the side lines. Next to her was Rarity, Fleur, Fluttershy and Chrysalis.

“It’s rude to yell, Trixie,” Rarity scolded, pulling the blue unicorn back with her magic.

“But Trixie was merely giving words of encouragement to Twilight,” Trixie said, pouting.

“Yes, but your voice can get grating when you yell like an idiot,” Chrysalis commented, rolling her eyes. “Besides, it’s easy to see who’ll win.”

“It’s Twilight of course,” Trixie interjected.

“Is it? Twilight can be powerful physically, but… unicorns were never known to be athletes,” Fleur said, concerned about her Alpha.

“It’s not Twilight,” Chrysalis grumbled.

“It doesn’t really matter who wins, right? As long as everypony has fun… right?” Fluttershy stammered, feeling snug in a large sweater Rarity made for her as her pregnancy began to show.

“Knowing those idiots, they’ll probably make ‘have sex with Twilight’ a prize,” Chrysalis said, levitating a large cup of soda to her mouth.

Trixie soon regretted not signing up for the race, especially if Chrysalis was right about the prize.

The racers prepared, with Twilight’s herd scattered among the front of the pack. A race official oversaw it, and with a whistle in his mouth, he blew as hard as he could, signalling the start of the Running of the Leaves.

The race began, with Twilight’s herd (minus Twilight herself) leading the pack at a breakneck pace.


The race had ended as quickly as it began, with Rainbow Dash and Applejack grumbling together as they both accepted the bronze medal. Gilda looked equally peeved as she was given the silver medal.

What surprised most ponies was who truly won the race. It was rather close and many believed she cheated with some odd magic, but after some tests, it was confirmed.

Zecora won the race.

Mayor Mare walked up to the zebra with a big smile and placed the gold medal around her neck. Despite Nightmare Moon’s perks, Twilight reacquired fifth place, and Pinkie ended up in tenth because she thought she saw a candy cane on the track and tried to eat it.

Zecora strode confidently towards her true prize, her Alpha. “Though I am the victor, you are still my owner. The choice I must implore, my place or yours?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, chuckling internally. “Well… I guess-”

“NOT so fast!” Rainbow Dash cried, flying to get between Zecora and Twilight. “We still haven’t decided who’s the best.”

“The game was played, my skills displayed. The best pony has been known, you fillies have yet grown,” Zecora scolded, annoyed that the speedster had gotten between her and Twilight.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about me and AJ,” Rainbow Dash retorted. “We have a tie that needs to be broken, and you are going to help us, Twi.”

“What?” Twilight cried, glaring at the blue pegasus. “It’s bad enough that you girls turned me into a prize, but now I have to judge your stupid contest?”

“Sounds like fun, what’s Twilight doing with who?” Pinkie asked, hopping over the group, with Applejack and Gilda close by.

“Do you really need to show the world your red ass, Rainbow? We already know you’re butt-hurt,” Gilda muttered.

Rainbow gave her griffon friend a confused look before checking her rump. She scowled when Gilda began chuckling. “Ha ha, Gilda. Look, this is serious!”

Applejack shook her head, annoyed by her rainbow-maned friend’s attitude. “We can settle this later, Dash. I’m sure we’re-”

“What are ya, Chicken?” Rainbow Dash taunted, causing the apple farmer to shoot the pegasus a death glare.

“Are you calling ME a chicken?” Applejack asked, going head to head with the cyan pegasus.

“That depends, are you going to walk away without knowing who’s the best?” Rainbow Dash said, flashing a cocky smile.

The others, minus Pinkie, groaned in annoyance while Rainbow and Applejack’s rivalry began to burn once more.

“Look, we all know that Zecora beat us all far and square and I wiped the floor with the rest of you. You are both equally lame compared to me, Zecora… and Twilight,” Gilda said, crossing her arms in frustration.

“Uh, thanks?” Twilight added, unsure if Gilda was just being nice or genuine.

Zecora calmed herself down and turned to her mate. “Shall we go, Twilight? Their rivalry is not our plight. Let us retire to your place, I’ll cook and you’ll reach third base.”

“Wow, you know Baseball analogies, Zecora?” Pinkie asked, giving the zebra a big smile.

"How about this, we take this to one of your barns and we settle this, once and for all,” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“Why my barns?” Applejack complained.

“Because it’s easiest to get there without anypony knowing, Twilight will judge who is the best between us. No crying when the obvious happens. Deal?” Rainbow Dash offered, raising her fore-hoof up to the apple farmer.

Zecora can be called to be a patient zebra, but with the thought of mating with her alpha becoming more and more delayed became more taxing on her mind. “This task is beneath you, let us bid them-”

“You’re on!” Applejack said, shaking hooves with the cyan mare.

Zecora began muttering curses in her language while Gilda shook her head. “Whatever, you three go ahead and be morons, I’m going to go find food then take a nap, later dweebs. See ya Twilight, Zecora.” With that, Gilda took flight and went back to the library.

“I’d love to see how this ends, but I promised the Cakes that I’d be home to help with the twins, bye bye!” Pinkie exclaimed, hopping away.

“My my, what has gotten the zebra aggravated?” Chrysalis asked. walking over to the group.

Zecora didn’t answer, instead Twilight spoke for her. “Evidently, I became a prize for the race and Zecora won. But Rainbow and Applejack still want to prove who’s the best. Where are the others?”

“Rarity wanted to catch up on her beauty sleep, Trixie fainted when you got fifth so Spike started dragging her home, and Fleur took Fluttershy home. And the griffon and the freak took off?” Chrysalis asked.

“Gilda and Pinkie, and yes,” Twilight scolded, giving the changeling a annoyed glare from the corner of her eye.

“So what are you going to do?” Chrysalis asked.

“I’m going to let them deal with it, I’m going home,” Twilight stated, turning to leave.

“No you don’t, we need a judge,” Rainbow said, stopping the unicorn from leaving.

A sinister grin spread on Chrysalis’ lips. “If Twilight is judging, why not have her judge how good you two are at sex?”

Both Zecora and Twilight were fuming at the suggestion, Applejack was blushing, but Rainbow began to smile. “Yeah, that’s the perfect competition. It’ll test our strength, our endurance, our skill. But now we need to figure out what events…”

“Simple: Skill, Strength, Endurance; Oral, Vaginal, Anal. How fast you can make Twilight cum with your mouth, how long can you prolong Twilight’s orgasm with your cunts, and how long YOU can last with Twilight ravaging your rectums,” Chrysalis explained. “Of course, our zebra friend will have a potion to make the third round more entertaining.” She gave the zebra a wink, causing her to look confused before a smile graced the shaman’s face.

“There is something I must get, a potion that will make you all sweat. I’ll find you soon enough, my vengeance will be rough,” Zecora said, grinning maliciously as she left.

“I don’t like the sounds of that,” Twilight muttered.

“I do, good luck girls. You’ll both need it for that final round,” Chrysalis laughed, leaving the three mares alone.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, lifting Twilight off the ground as she carried her to the first barn she saw, with Applejack running behind her.


Twilight was not amused, it was bad enough she was ushered to judge Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s contest, it’s another to be bound to a wooden board with her legs spread, her penis on display for anypony that were to walk into the barn. “Are the ropes necessary?”

“Sorry sugarcube, we can’t have you cheating with your hooves or magic. Speaking of which,” Applejack said, as Rainbow secured the dampener to Twilight’s horn. Twilight flinched as she felt herself cut off from her magic, becoming more annoyed with her situation.

“Why are you worried about me cheating?” Twilight asked.

“Because you could be picking favorites,” Rainbow retorted. “Alright, first event: Oral Test, who goes first?”

“I’ll go first, my barn after all,” Applejack quipped.

“My idea though,” Dash shot back.

“It was Chrysalis’ idea.”

“It was MY idea to do this competition, Chrysalis just gave us something to work with, and I don’t want to suck something that’s been in YOUR mouth.”

“You’re okay with sucking Twilight’s cock after it’s been inside who knows what hole belonging to what pony and the thing that turns you off is my spit?”

“GIRLS!” Both Applejack and Rainbow turned to the aggravated unicorn. “Look, let’s just get this over with. And seeing as I’m soft at the moment; why don’t you both warm me up, then you can choose who goes first, that way it’s more fair. Besides, whoever is first already has the disadvantage because after an orgasm, the penis is more sensitive so the win would practically to go whoever goes second,” Twilight explained, clearly angered by her current situation. It didn’t help that her hooves were starting to fall asleep in their bindings.

“Oh, really?” Rainbow Dash uttered.

“You heard her. You take right, I’ll take left,” Applejack ordered. The two mares walked up to the bound mare and began licking and nuzzling along their respective side, causing Twilight to flinch from the sudden contact. The purple member growing form the oral stimulation the mares were providing.

Rainbow captured the flared tip in her mouth while AJ took the long girth, sucking parts of it’s flesh while her blue friend suckled the cumslit of the penis. Twilight watched this from her vantage point, gasping slightly from the attention.

“H-hold on,” Twilight said, causing both mares to stop. “I think that’s enough for your contest, who’s first?”

“I am,” Rainbow Dash cried out, she emphasized this by trying to take Twilight’s entire member down her throat. Applejack backed away in awe, watching her rival take Twilight’s growing member down her throat.

“C-careful R-rainbow,” Twilight stuttered, trying to keep her squeaking to a minimum.

Rainbow barely heard the purple mare and kept bobbing her head at a frantic pace, determined to get Twilight off quickly. Her hoof slid up behind the unicorn’s shaft and rubbed her pussy, causing her to gasp loudly. The pegasus smiled to herself, “I got this in the bag,” she thought.

Applejack watched as her friend released the purple cock from her mouth and gave the tip a few long licks before driving it back into her throat, a noticeable bulge appearing in Dash’s neck. The farmer’s hoof drifted down to her own wetness and began rubbing, eagerly awaiting her turn.

Frustrated by how the unicorn is holding back, Rainbow began moving faster, doing her best to ignore her gag reflex as she bobbed her head deeper on Twilight’s dick. She felt her alpha twitching like crazy in her mouth and pulled the member out, only to be showered in unicorn cum. Her hoof became soaked from Twilight’s rare female orgasm, licking the juices off the fur. The scene itself made the scholar hard once again.

“Beat that,” Rainbow taunted, scrapping Twilight’s cum off her fur to lick it.

“Oh I will,” Applejack muttered angrily. She stepped forward towards the bound unicorn. She took the purple cock into her mouth aggressively, her tongue rubbing against Twilight’s dick as much as possible.

Whatever oral skill Applejack had during their first encounter seemed to have vanished as the cowpony took to Twilight’s dick. While the purple mare did like having her cock in the warm confines of somepony else, it felt awkward with the way Applejack did it. All she could tell is that Applejack was riled up and is taking things too fast and too sloppily for the judge to enjoy her pleasure.

The only thing that may save Applejack from losing this challenge was the increased sensitivity Twilight felt, forcing her to feel every centimeter of Applejack’s tongue and each tooth that scraped gently across her flesh.

Rainbow watched Twilight squirm in her bindings, fearing that Applejack might beat her in this event. She now cursed under her breath, blushing as her best friend blew her mate.

The cowpony was relentless, taking the purple member as deep as it can go in her mouth, her tongue trying to stroke it as it left before being pinned underneath it’s girth when it enters her throat. She gave Twilight quick glances to see her struggling to contain herself from the pleasure, smiling mentally as she had this round in the bag.

A minute of clumsy oral skills and Twilight came in Applejack’s mouth. Only a few spurts entered Applejack’s mouth, causing her to question the weakened output. “What the hey?” she asked, only to be hit in the forehead by a single white blob from the purple mare’s dick.

“Sorry, AJ,” Twilight uttered with an apologetic smile.

Rainbow Dash however was laughing her rump off. “Guess I’m the one who gives the best head, right AJ? Hahaha, You were all ‘blrblrglrg’ and Twilight was going in and out of ‘AJ, what are you doing… this isn’t sexy at all’ and ‘ohh, uhh, errmmm’. It took you forever to get her off and for THAT,” she mused, continuing her laughing.

“Shut your pie-hole, we still got two events. And I KNOW I’ll get the next one,” Applejack declared.

“And why, heh, is that?”

A few moments later of rearranging and Twilight was now placed on the floor, still tied to the board but with her dick pointing higher than her horn. Applejack and Rainbow Dash towered above the unicorn as they smirked to each other, Rainbow was smirking because of Applejack's sudden loss of oral skills. “If it makes you feel better AJ, the last time you gave me oral… it was really good.”

“Thanks Twi, but I ain’t worried about that now,” Applejack said, giving her friend a soft smile before turning back to Rainbow Dash. “You wanna go first?”

“I’ll go first, and show you how it’s done,” Rainbow taunted. She flapped her wings to hover above Twilight, her pussy just a mere inch away from the wet cock. “Vag event, right… whoever get’s Twilight off the quickest with their pussy wins, right?”

“No, it’s how long we can make Twilight squirm before she blows inside us,” Applejack corrected.

“Whatever, I’ll still win,” Rainbow mocked, forcing her wings to her sides before dropping hard onto Twilight’s pelvis. A jolt of pain and pleasure ran up her spine as she came immediately, her marehood working hard to get their purple friend to cum. “Ow,” Rainbow whimpered quietly.

“You could say that again,” Twilight muttered, wincing from the sudden weight on her body. She could feel the pegasus’ muscles tighten around her dick, attempting to get any life-giving fluid she would unleash.

“Did ya beat that ten-second record of yours already, RD?” Applejack jeered, snickering to herself.

“You are so lucky I got Twilight’s dick in me and that she’s tied to the floor or I would beat you down so good you’ll forget what an apple is,” Rainbow threatened. She inhaled a breath before moving and grinding on Twilight’s crotch, causing the unicorn below her to groan pleasurably.

Twilight felt Rainbow’s muscles relax, giving her relief after the painful entry. But as Rainbow began to ride her dick, it wouldn’t be long until she fill the pegasus’ womb with dormant seed.

Rainbow felt her own orgasm coming and began pumping her body along the lavender length more, desperate for her own release. She nearly forgot about the competition as her pussy constricted Twilight once again, screaming as her orgasm rocked her body.

The lilac mare flinched as Rainbow’s muscles tightened again, once again trying to milk the her for her seed. Unfortunately for the speedster, Twilight wasn’t able to hold back. Her cock began unleashing volley after volley of cum directly into Rainbow’s womb. Rainbow’s eyes went wide when she felt being filled by the unicorn spunk. “Twilight, why did you cum?”

“Too… much… stimuli…” Twilight gasped, attempting to catch her breath.

Applejack walked over to Rainbow Dash and put a hoof on the pegasus’ back. “My turn, sugarcube. Let me show ya how it’s done.”

“Twilight came like three times now, what makes you think you can beat me now?” Rainbow yelled, weakly rising off the purple member. Despite the constant work out, the purple member remained hard.

“If there is anything we apples are good at, other than farming, it’s riding. Watch and learn.” With that said, Applejack moved over the hard purple dick and slowly lowered herself down. She may not be as experienced at sex as Rainbow Dash, but she knows how to work her muscles, and after she accidentally snapped a plastic dildo in half with her pussy, she REALLY learned how to not do that in the case she found a stallion.

Applejack cooed in delight as the unicorn’s other horn entered her, slowly lowering her rump down and quickly getting herself attuned with the magic staff inside her. The moment she had sat down completely on Twilight, she smiled and flexed her vaginal muscles, instantly turning Twilight into jelly with a hard on in her hooves.

Twilight couldn’t believe how welcoming or pleasurable Applejack’s pussy was, it squeezed her gently but also firmly. She felt her dick get harder inside the mare’s folds as she bucked her hips forward, trying to get as much of the cowpony’s pussy as she could.

Applejack smirked as she rode Twilight, lightly bouncing on her rod, letting those purple hips move her while her pussy kept the purple mare coming for more. She felt Twilight tense up to unleash her seed once again and saw her opportunity. Her pussy clamped down on the invading member, forcing Twilight to whimper. “Applejack… too tight.”

“That’s the point, sugarcube… I’m going to ride your bad boy until I think you’re ready to cum,” Applejack cooed evilly. Twilight tried to protest but was forced into a kiss by the orange pony, thrusting her hips into her earth pony friend harder, trying desperately to cum.

Rainbow watched in awe, feeling uneasy as Applejack continued to show ‘how it’s done’ by denying Twilight every ejaculation that was meant to enter the cowpony. The scene kept her from noticing Zecora entering the barn. “Having fun with my prize, I see. I wouldn’t have found you if you didn’t sound like a banshee.”

“It’s… it’s still one point for me, and none for Applejack, I can recover from this… did you get it?” Rainbow asked, trying to peel her eyes away from Applejack’s rough ride.

“Yes, the potion is ready for your contest, Rainbow Dash. After one sip, it’ll be your ass she’ll smash,” Zecora said, giving the mating mares her full attention now. “That mare’s strengths are clearly shown. Shame the potion will make her moan.”

“Apple...jack…” Twilight grimaced, denied another orgasm as Applejack experienced her third.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost done sugarcube, just a little more,” Applejack moaned, grinding her hips against the mattered purple crotch.

“I suggest you watch yourself, Applejack. This may lead to some draw back,” Zecora warned, her hoof inched closer to her leaking honeypot, attempting to contain her own lust.

“I… know what I’m… doING!,” Applejack cried, as another orgasm raged through her body. Her pussy muscles loosened just a bit, but it was enough for Twilight to finally cum. With all her seed pent up from the cowpony’s teasing, she quickly found her belly bloating slightly from the amount the unicorn let out.

Twilight let out a happy sigh as her entire body relaxed in her bindings, happy that she had finally came. Applejack was trying to catch her breath from her womb being filled by so much of her friend’s seed. As she stood up on shaky limbs, Twilight’s limp penis slid out and with it came a large mixture of the farmer’s pussy juice and the scholar’s spunk, visibly causing Applejack's belly to shrink a little bit. “Whoa, nelly… was that the draw back you were talking about?”

Zecora only chuckled. “No, my good farm-mare. The potion is your scare,” she said, walking over to the bound unicorn and uncorking the bottle with her lips. As she force fed the liquid into the fallen mare she gave a sadistic glare to the two other mares. “You sought to steal my prize, now you see anal demise. ‘The final challenge is to endure Twilight’s lust,’ as Chrysalis proclaimed. This is the strongest I’ve made, all to ensure you are both tamed.”

Zecora took a few steps back as Twilight's eyes became pinpricks. Her dick became hard in seconds, the bindings around her limbs were destroyed, and a burst of magic disintegrated the dampener.

Applejack and Rainbow both took in a deep breath as they watched Twilight get up slowly. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…”

“Yeah… maybe we can figure out who the winner is… in another way,” Rainbow uttered, backing away. Twilight was now on all fours, a look that reminded the girls of Twilight’s ‘doll’ incident was now plastered on her face.

Rainbow made the mistake of trying to fly away only to be forced to the ground by the scholar’s magic. Twilight didn’t let the pegasus recover from the sudden fall, as she forced her entire girth into the fallen speedster’s rectum.

Rainbow Dash let out a eardrum killing scream as the purple invader began to pump itself in and out of her in a feverish pace. She felt her anus on fire from the ravaging mare’s thrusts.

Applejack only watched in horror as Twilight mounted Rainbow Dash with unbelievable power, each thrust caused the pegasus to gasp in both pain and lust. “Come on, Rainbow… if you didn’t want this, you shouldn’t have asked for it,” the purple mare cackled, the crashing of her hips against Rainbow’s rear caused it to turn red rather quickly. “Don’t worry AJ… I’ll get to you when I’m finished with her.” Applejack could only swallow a breath and shake in fear as she sat, paralyzed at the sight.

“Having trouble Rainbow? Maybe this can help,” Twilight teased, as her horn gave off a dark shade of pink.

Rainbow wasn’t sure what the lust-driven unicorn meant until she felt the member inside her grow in girth and length. “Wait a minute, what are you doing?” Rainbow asked, her anus felt more full than she ever dared possible.

“Just making things better for you, Dashie,” Twilight cooed, hammering her hips once again, ensuring that Rainbow felt every new inch of the cock as it slammed all the way in her, each thrust was punctuated with a scream from the speedster.

Both Applejack and Zecora watched with jaws slacked when they saw what looked to be a meaty pole that was bigger than Big Mac’s legs in girth leave Rainbow’s rear and get slammed back in. “How is… that’s too big,” Applejack muttered.

“I fear I have been mistaken, and my sensibility reawakened. That beast of a pony’s dick would break us, we may need to flee before we’re in true distress,” Zecora said. She and AJ slowly moved away from Twilight and Rainbow and towards to the barn doors. But it shut on them and refused to open for them.

“Oh no, you girls just sit while I finish with her,” Twilight chuckled, continuing to ravage the poor pegasus’ rectum. All around the two, there was a large clear puddle that surrounded them, Rainbow Dash had stopped screaming and laid in the puddle. The purple mare grunted a bit and pulled herself out, a pool of cum flooded out of Rainbow’s ass as Twilight let her cock shoot a few more ropes of semen onto the pegasus’ back, rump, wings, and mane. “Oh, Applejack.”

Applejack backed into the wall as Twilight approached her. “N-now Twilight, think about what you’re doing. You know I was only playing earlier, and this was Chrysalis’ idea,” she uttered.

“I know all that already, but you’re still a part of your stupid competition,” Twilight said seductively. she lunged at Applejack but she managed to dodge until her back was backed up to a crate. “Why are you struggling? You did agree to this.”

“Starting to have second thoughts,” AJ said, she tried to escape the next lunge but Twilight not only caught her with a dark pink aura, but had flipped the cowpony onto her belly, lying on the crate she was just leaning on.

“I’m sorry AJ, I can’t promise I’ll be gentle… considering the discomfort you caused me earlier,” Twilight teased, as she rammed her dick hard into Applejack’s ass.

Applejack’s reaction mirrored Rainbow’s from a few moments ago, her voice resonated out of the barn and through the orchard. All of which was music to the lust-driven unicorn.

The massive dick mercilessly plowed through the cowpony’s rectum, her muscles clenched but were unable to stop the invading member. She can feel it rearrange her insides to Twilight’s will, as the unicorn above her kept her movements.

Thanks to the farmer’s well-toned rump and strong muscles, Twilight thoroughly enjoyed claiming Applejack again. Her hips slapped hard against the orange butt, her hooves gripped her mate’s midsection harder as she fucked the mare below.

Zecora watched the scene in both horror and intrigue as Applejack slowly began to lose her voice while Twilight kept nailing her from behind. The crate beneath the cowpony began to dampen from her pussy leaking it’s fluids and Twilight’s cum from earlier. While her mind wanted her to escape and wait for Twilight’s lust to fade and come back for her prize later, but her body felt jealous of Rainbow and Applejack as her tailed pinned itself onto the shaman’s back.

“Oh Applejack, Rainbow Dash might be tighter, but your ass feels so much better. I should fuck your cute ass more, maybe I should make it daily, don’t ya think?” Twilight mused, continuing to slam her meat deep into her mare. “Maybe I should fuck your pussy with my enlarged dick? Make myself fertile again and PUMP you with so much cum, that you’ll be birthing foals for weeks. I’m sure Granny Smith would love that, and so would you, my little broodmare.”

Applejack barely responded to her alpha, but mumbled with her tongue lolling out of her mouth, unable to register Twilight’s words in her mind due to the mare fucking her ass with little remorse. Applejack flinched and let out a voiceless moan when she came again.

Twilight felt her dick tense up and her thrusts became faster, feeling her next orgasm coming. She made one last thrust into Applejack and unleashed another load into the bowels of the cowpony. The unicorn made a happy sigh as she pulled herself out of the semi-conscious earth pony and turned to the zebra. “Clean me, now.”

Heeding her alpha’s call, Zecora ran over and immediately wrapped her lips around Twilight’s cock, tasting the unicorn’s cum and the juices of the other mares on it’s flesh. Zecora dutifully licked and suckled the rod until only her saliva remained on the dick.

“Good, now bend over.”


Twilight awoke, her body felt incredibly sore, the air touching her groin caused pin to race up her spine. She slowly got up and flinched from the sudden migraine that suddenly struck her hard. “Uhh, what happened-” She was interrupted by a series of low groans that surrounded her.

It took Twilight a second but she finally noticed Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Zecora lying in a pool of sperm and mare juices, their rumps were bright red and both their pussies and anuses were still leaking cum, their fur was matted with sweat and possibly Twilight’s seed. “Oh... oh no,” Twilight also noticed that she was wearing Applejack’s cum-stained hat.

Zecora was the first to attempt to get up from last night’s activities, her mane wasn’t in a mohawk, but more in the style it was in during her last Nightmare Night. “Last night… was my biggest fault. Forgive me, for encouraging your assault.”

“As long as no one was badly hurt, Zecora,” Twilight said, stroking Zecora’s mane delicately, causing the zebra to relax. “Sorry I… got carried away.”

“The potion was meant to make me feel stronger, it’s purpose was to help you conquer. Your three mares will not forget, that this was our greatest ordeal yet,” Zecora murmured, lying her head on Twilight’s lap.

“Hey Applejack?” Rainbow Dash muttered, lying on her side.

“Yeah, Dash?” Applejack replied.

“I think we should get Chrysalis back.”

Zecora let out a weak chuckle while Twilight rolled her eyes playfully as her other hoof went to rub Rainbow’s belly and her magic went to massage Applejack’s back. “That is the smartest thing you’ve said in the past month, Dash,” the cowpony replied.

Chapter Eighteen: Until we meet again Spike... I'mma bang Luna now.

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Tags: [Twilight/Rainbow Dash/Trixie; Futa/F/F, vaginal, cunnilingus, womb penetration][Twilight/Applejack/Vinyl Scratch; Futa/F/F, Vaginal, Cunnilingus, Anal][Twilight/Luna; Futa/F Vaginal, Cunnilingus, Anal, breast play, oral]

Luna laid in bed, awake as she stared at the ceiling, looking for answers. While she had won her love’s parents, she had yet dealt with her own sister. How does one profess to the alicorn of the sun, sister, and ruler of Equestria for a thousand years that she wishes to date and fornicate with said sister’s most faithful student? Especially after the fiasco of Luna being suspicious of Twilight’s penis, of which Celestia is still unaware of.

With a sigh she turned her body to her desk, staring at two large, yet neat piles of paper, one pile of Clover the Clever mating with Smart Cookie, the other was of Twilight and her herd...some included Luna herself in the acts or merely watching, many of which were taken from the very dreams of said mares.

She knew she loved Twilight but how to approach such an interest without causing hurt to afflict somepony’s bottom? There would be anarchy among the nobility should they learn that the younger princess wishes to be herdmate to common mare… though with all Twilight is and has done, can she still considered such a ‘commoner’? Helped saved Equestria three times with her friends, student to Princess Celestia, and a close sibling and friend to the Crystal Kingdom’s Cadance and Shining Armor. By all that logic, the nobles should bite their lips before they lose them to a tragic fate involving Nightmare Moon.

“What is the use? This age is troubling, far too many things have changed and… should we ask Twilight out for an evening? Should we demand her to enter us with her penis? Do we wait until wedding bells? No, that last one would be silly, we have already mated with her, waiting till marriage would be pointless… then again, that was more Nightmare Moon’s doing then our own,” Luna muttered to herself, staring back at the ceiling.

“I may have started it, but you certainly finished it.”

Luna sprang up on her bed, searching the room for the voice. “Show yourself, cur!”

“We would need a mirror for that, whelp,”

Luna’s eyes widened upon realization. “Nightmare.”

“Indeed, and I recall you helping the purple mare restore her virility. All you need to do now is spread you whorish legs and be filled with that mare’s sperm. I may keep you two around when I’m reborn into the world, a mare like her with various sluts at her command might be good in bed for the first year or so.”

“Ahah! Twilight can manipulate it so that she DOESN’T have to impregnate her lovers, so you are still stuck in our mind!”

“Then only you are the factor, don’t you wish to be a mother one day?”

“Neigh! Not while you corrupt our thoughts!” Luna cried out.

“And what of our dear sister? Would she not object to you spreading your legs for her student?”

Luna couldn’t answer the dark presence, she was still unsure of how to break the news to Celestia. She slumped down on the ground, unsure of what to do.

“Maybe… Celestia has already felt the touch of your Twilight. After all, why should Twilight mate with you more than once when she has a more ‘cozier’ pussy to occupy? Luna turned to a mirror and instead of her reflection she saw Nightmare Moon and behind her was Twilight mounting Celestia, the latter moaning like a bitch in heat while her student shoved her dick as far into the solar princess as she could.

“Harder Twilight, please! The Mirror Celestia moaned, her tail wrapped around Twilight’s body.

“You’re so hot and tight, Princess! I don’t know how much longer I can last! Mirror Twilight grunted, her eyes clenched tightly as she rammed her smaller form against her teacher’s inviting backside.

“ENOUGH! That is an impossibility because Celestia doesn’t know that Twilight is a direct descendant of Great Canopy! Step-daughter, six times removed, of Discord!” Luna screamed. She stood in silence, await for her darkness to talkback.

“Well? I’ve been here for a minute, are you going to tell me what you needed?” Luna jumped to see Discord having a shower in a tub above her. “Hello little Lulu! How fares the fanfics?”

Luna blushed at the question. “Those are private!”

“When have I ever invited privacy for tea? Or asked if he would like to play catch? He’d rather tell me how nosy I am then do any such thing,” Discord chuckled, looking through a book. “He doesn't even return my letters.”

“Discord, enough of your games!” Luna cried, glaring at the draconequus.

“But I grow bored of doing nothing, Luna! And when I hear that Twilight is my great-great-great-great-great-great-great step-daughter? I was just… I need a moment,” Discord weeped, blowing into a polka-dot hanky.

“Why should you care?”

“Because, that means I have Great-Times-Eight step-daughter on the way, and while we are only related through magic, I welcome Twilight and her herd and brood into my family!” Discord cheered, taking out a picture of himself, Twilight, her family, and her herd at a nice Hearth’s Warming Day Dinner… in his classic chaotic scene.

“But she was removed six times from your kin?” Luna asked. “That doesn’t mean she is apart of your clan.”

“Irrelevant, so… how do you wish to join our family?” Discord asked with a grin.

“Mate with your guards, I can be reborn that way, it doesn’t need to be Twilight.”

“While we are disgusted that you try to make yourself an ancestor of Twilight Sparkle, we do not require your assistance,” Luna stated, turning to face the door.

“What if told you a way to woo dear Twilight and instantly have her fall in love with you?” Discord said with a smirk as Luna stopped.

Luna turned back with a curious glint in her eyes but immediately denied herself the knowledge.

“Nothing is required of me by the way, and it’ll definitely make Twilight fall for you,” Discord added.

“Silence, we will win her heart OUR way!” Luna screamed, she opened the door to see her sister seconds away from knocking. “Tia!”

“Luna, you didn’t meet me for dinner. Is something wrong?” Celestia asked, looking down upon her sibling with worry.

“Everything is fine, sister. Discord was just bothering us,” Luna replied, glaring at the spirit of chaos.

“Me? Bothering? I was merely floating by when I heard Luna say I had a long lost relative in this day of age,” Discord stated crossing his arms.

“The fact that you have family is rather troubling, Discord,” Celestia said.

“Oh, that wounds me so, Tia,” Discord weeped.

“Though I must ask how you learned of this, Luna,” Celestia asked, turning to her sister.

“Well, dreams and… maths and statistics… and we went through so many family trees out of curiosity,” Luna replied, grinning nervously.

Celestia clearly wasn’t buying it. “Tell me the truth, sister.”

Luna swallowed her breath. “Do you recall Great Canopy?”

Celestia grimaced as she nodded. “Truly one of Discord’s… more distasteful of creations.”

“I heard that and it’s not nice to talk about you-” Discords lips were sealed shut by the Lunar Princess.

“But at any rate Luna, with how she acted before her hanging, there is a good chance that most of Equestria has her blood,” Celestia added.

“Maybe family is too strong of a word, Hearth’s Warming Eve would be a disaster and all the presents I’d have to get for birthdays? I think I’ll stick to remembering Fluttershy and her foal’s birthday,” Discord uttered, merely floating around the room.

“Fluttershy and her foal?” Celestia asked. “How have I missed such news?”

“All work and no play makes Tia a dull filly,” Discord chuckled.

“Hmm, perhaps I will need to visit my student someday and catch up,” Celestia thought aloud, turning back to leave.

“Funny you should mention Twilight, sister…” Luna uttered, scratching the floor with her hoof.

Celestia raised a brow, giving her young sibling a confused look. “How so?”

“We-Well… that is to say that we- STOP THAT DISCORD” Luna roared, catching Discord rubbing two dolls together, one being Twilight and the other being Luna.

“Sister, do you love Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“What would you give you that idea?” Luna chuckled nervously.

“Discord may be a nuisance but it is clear when he lies or speaks the truth, you just need to look hard enough. The dolls he was playing with was more than proof,” Celestia replied.

“You trust the word of Discord over your own sister?” Luna gasped, even Discord was surprised by this.

“Discord would only speak the truth if it were to be funny and make others uncomfortable. You look so tense, sister, and how you yelled at him only confirms it,” Celestia explained.

Luna grimaced. “Your thoughts on that?”

“Highly curious I must admit. Now before I pass any judgement… How did this happen and does she know?” Celestia asked.

“She might know, and it first started because she looked so much like Clover… you know?” Luna answered.

“I see, you know I don’t like it when you think about Clover,” Celestia scolded. “It’ll only hurt you, and I don’t like seeing you hurt.”

“Twilight is different! Clover was more intimidating, correct?” Luna asked, Celestia nodded in response. “Twilight is much more kinder, and she is more attentive to her friends, and-”

“While *chew* Clover had one mare. Twilight has ten,” Discord added, eating popcorn.

“Discord is playing with your head, sister. You played your hoof when it came to calling Discord’s bluffs so now he is trying to fool you once again!” Luna cried. Discord only shrugged and continued eating.

Celestia let out a sign. “Until I get all the facts, Luna. Please don’t do anything reckless, I wish to see what has become of my student myself. Discord, don’t bother my sister.”

“Party Pooper,” Discord groaned.

“We see, but we desire to join you in your visit to Ponyville!” Luna added.

“Very well, but I still would like to know what this situation and any other reasons why you may have fallen for Twilight. Now Night Court is about to begin in ten minutes but I've had your guards send a small dinner to the throne for you,” Celestia chimed, walking back to her room. “Perhaps this weekend, we will need to collect Spike anyways, it’ll be a good time to have a chat with my student before her number one assistant must leave for a time.”

Luna grumbled and left her bedroom, leaving Discord alone. A mistake that she will regret.


Twilight laid on her back, perspiration slowly dripping from her body. Her body unable to withhold her emotions while her body rocked to and fro on the floor.

Unable to cope with the idea that Spike is leaving her side.

When they received the letter from Celestia a week ago, it claimed that Spike will be leaving to help hone his draconic instincts for a few years before returning. The mere idea that Spike will be gone was too much to bear for the scholar. “Yo, Twi? How are ya doing?” Gilda asked, entering the bedroom.

“Still a bit sad from the news, I can’t believe I won’t get to see Spike for five years. It seems too long,” Twilight uttered, shifting onto her belly while she moped.

“I don’t know much about dragons but… maybe it won’t be so bad. I’m sure you two can write to each other somehow, right?”

“How would I send them? I get my letters through Spike.”

Gilda frowned. “Magic? How does Celestia receive Spike’s letters?”

“She’s an alicorn, I’m sure she has a spell for it,” Twilight replied.

“Twilight, you went back in time to tell yourself not to panic. I’m sure a dragonfire mailing spell isn’t that hard to do,” Gilda stated blankly.

“Maybe... but, it’s going to be weird not having Spike around, he’s my little brother after all and my number one assistant, I don’t want him to go, especially if he’ll get hurt on whatever the Princess has him doing.”

“Easily solved. A bunch of us already do his chores out of boredom; I can pen your letters; Pinkie, Applejack, and Zecora already cook for you when they are here; and Trixie is already dependent on you, so there you have it! You got new assistants, and you can fuck them, can’t do that with Spike,” Gilda joked.

“I’m certain that it’s bad enough that I broke his heart when Rarity and I did it, I doubt he'd be open to taking my dick up his ass… I definitely wouldn’t want to do that to my little brother, or even my big brother, that’s just weird.”

“What about letting them take you?” Gilda quipped, a hopeful smile on her face.

“No Gilda, just no,” Twilight uttered, her face held no expression as she stared at the griffon.

“Whatever, can’t have you moping about Spike leaving your side for a few years. I’m sure he’ll be fine, he’s more mature than most kids his age… and some adults, he’ll ace this and do ya proud,” Gilda said, taking the unicorn down the stairs to join the girls below.

Twilight noticed Rarity and Fleur gushing over Fluttershy, who sat in a plush chair with a visible pregnant body. “Another few months to go, I do hope little Gale will be okay.”

“What a darling name for your filly,” Fleur exclaimed, her hoof rubbing Fluttershy’s belly. She recoiled back when she felt something tap her hoof, only to start giggling. “She kicked! Such a lively soul.”

Fluttershy soon joined Fleur and Rarity in their merriment, her eyes turned to Twilight who walked down the stairs. “Hello Twilight, are you still worried about Spike?”

“Yeah, but I’ll get over it eventually. I’ll just have to ask Celestia about a way for us to write letters to each other,” Twilight said, smiling weakly.

“At least you two can still talk to each other, maybe he’ll grow up and find himself a nice dragoness?” Rarity added. “I think Spike would look adorable with a little dragon girl by his side.”

“Twilight, we all know you don’t wish to see your assistant go, but perhaps this is the best. He isn’t going to learn to control his greed among ponies after all. And after hearing his episode, I strongly believe this is the best for everyone, especially for him,” Fleur said, nuzzling Twilight.

“I suppose you're right, but I’m still going to worry about him,” Twilight added, hugging the taller unicorn.

“Pretty sure Pinkie will throw a farewell party for the little guy, so we can all let it rest until then,” Gilda murmured, collapsing on the couch.

“You’re right! I’m going to spend the remainder of the week with my assistant! To make the best of the time he has left before he leaves, thanks Gilda!” Twilight exclaimed. “It’ll be a bit late for that tonight so…. we’ll start tomorrow, I’ll have to make up a list of what we’ll do tomorrow, like hiking or comic books. I’ll get started right away!” Twilight quickly vanished, retreating back into her room to plan out her schedule with Spike.

The rest of the mares and griffon watched the door in confusion. “That was a thing,” Gilda said, breaking the silence.

“Um, won’t Twilight being distracted by Spike mean she won’t be able to do anything with everypony else until he leaves? If I believe that's what Twilight meant that is,” Fluttershy uttered, causing Gilda, Fleur, and Rarity to cease all movement, eyes widening in horror.

“When does Spike leave?” Gilda asked.

“In three days, dear,” Rarity answered.

“Unacceptable, an Alpha must tend to her garden at all times,” Fleur uttered. The three mares running up the stairs while Fluttershy weakly stepped out of her seat. Rarity and Fleur quickly returned and helped their pregnant friend up the stairs.

“Twilight, how about you forget the list for tonight? Let Spike choose how he wants to spend tomorrow,” Gilda cooed, turning Twilight’s head to her.

“I can’t, I need to make sure Spike has the best three days of his life before he leaves,” Twilight retorted.

“But darling, won’t you be taking away from others that might crave your attention?” Rarity said, rubbing up next to her alpha.

“I give you girls plenty of attention everyday. I actually think I’ve been neglecting Spike,” Twilight answered, writing down another idea for her few days with her assistant.

“Spike is male, he can deal with isolation for a little bit, we mares crave attention! Surely you can’t neglect our needs,” Fleur said, resting her body on Twilight’s back.

“But I’m his guardian, I shouldn’t be neglecting him at all. Just that point makes me worried about the one child that isn’t immediately being forced into labor a month after their birth,” Twilight stated, frowning.

“Well, maybe we should give Twilight some time with Spike. She tries her best to give us all some attention after all, maybe we should just let her do what she needs to do, if you girls could,” Fluttershy suggested, giving Twilight a soft smile as she laid on the rug, minding her large belly.

“Thank you Fluttershy, I know you girls want some time with me, but I think Spike needs this,” Twilight added, returning the yellow pegasus’ smile.

“You are ruining the mood, Shy,” Gilda uttered, turning to the soon-to-be mother.

“Sorry Gilda, but the way I see it… it means Twilight won’t be having sex for three days herself, correct?” Twilight frowned while the other three nodded slowly. “Well, we know that Twilight does get a little antsy after a single day, and after a week she starts to get a little needy. So three days would have to mean that she'll be more than able to... um, provide for us, correct? Food for thought, don't you girls think?” Twilight turned fully to Fluttershy, fear in her eyes while the other three mares had big smiles.

“You know what? You are correct Twilight, Spikey Wikey should have a nice few days here before he leaves,” Rarity said, walking over to help Fluttershy onto her hooves. “Unfortunately, I need to return home. But I will help our sweet Fluttershy home, the poor dear needs her sleep.”

“Why doesn’t she sleep here then?” Twilight asked.

“I'm sorry Twilight, but I don’t want to be too far from my animal friends, what if they need me while I’m gone?” Fluttershy replied, giving the scholar a nervous smile.

“Yes, I have a few contracts I need to settle tomorrow, it was a pleasure, Twilight,” Fleur added, kissing Twilight on the cheek before walking out the room with Rarity and Fluttershy.

“I’m gonna go remind Rainbow who’s on top. Good luck with your Spike thing,” Gilda said, smiling as she flew out the window.

Twilight sat alone in her bedroom, in complete shock that a pregnant mare just convinced three horny mares to let the scholar be for a few days, unsure if she should be impressed or scared of the yellow pegasus.


“Where are we going, Twi?” Spike asked, curious as he rode on his step-sister’s back.

“Well, we’re going to spend some long overdue time together. With the herd always fighting for my attention, I fear that we don’t spend any time together beyond my studies,” Twilight said, walking down the road.

“So… our friends and your mates won’t be bothering us?” Spike asked curiously.

“Trixie might bother us, but I’m sure they’ll give us some space,” Twilight replied. “I have a list of what we can do together, like hiking or looking at comics at the comic shop? What would you prefer?”

“As long as this doesn’t end with you invading my backside, I’ll be cool with anything,” Spike uttered, causing Twilight to stop in her tracks.

“Spike… I don’t want to hear about anything involving you, me, and sex. It’s far too disturbing to contemplate,” Twilight stated before continuing on her way.

“Got it… how about the comic shop? I wanna see if they have the latest issue of Power Ponies or Mare Do Well,” Spike said. Twilight gave a nod and trotted to their destination. Behind the two, hiding in the bushes was a suspicious blue unicorn, doing her best to keep up with her mistress and the annoying assistant.

Twilight and Spike entered the comic shop, which the dragon jumped off his pseudo-sister’s back to find what he wanted. Twilight merely followed him with a soft smile, oblivious to the unicorn following the two.

“Yes… a new Mare-Do-Well! She’s taking on her arch-rival, Spectrum Blitz. Blitz beat her a few times before. But this time, Mare’s gotta beat that show off,” Spike said, looking at the cover of a purple and dark blue mare wearing a large hat facing off against a familiar pegasus with a modified Wonderbolt’s costume, the likes of which had no connecting headgear and was replaced by a golden mask with lightning bolts on the side, allowing her longer than expected rainbow mane to flow behind her, enhancing the rainbow trail she made.

“Well, that’s hitting a bit too close to home,” Twilight uttered, giving the cover a disapproving look.

“Have you or the girls considered putting the costume on again?” Spike asked.

“No, I actually forgot that all of us, except Rainbow and Rarity, have them. It’d be a tad strange to pull them out now for no reason,” Twilight replied.

“What about for Nightmare Night?” Spike suggested.

Twilight thought about it before smiling. “That’s actually not a bad idea, so long as the others don’t have the same plan, it would be weird to have four Mare Do Wells going trick or treating.”

“What about last Nightmare Night? There were at least eight Filly Do Wells and two Mare Do Wells come to our door for candy,” Spike retorted, placing his fists on his sides.

“You do have a point but I still think it would be weird for all my friends have the same plan,” Twilight added, smiling weakly.

“Whatever,” Spike uttered. He turned to find the Power Ponies among the aisle when he saw a peculiar comic, the cover clearly had Twilight and Applejack wearing their Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant costumes but they look ready to kiss. Twilight noticed this comic and levitated it away before Spike to grab it. “Hey!”

“What in the hay?” Twilight asked in shock. She proceeded to open and look through it, blushing hard when she had found a explicit scene, being extremely graphic and showing off a X-ray view of the events. What disturbed Twilight more was that Clover was depicted as her down to the mare cock, the only difference was the cutie marks, Clover had a three-leaf clover and a open book while Smart Cookie’s Cutie Mark was an apple shaped cookie. Disturbed by the comic, Twilight went to the shopkeeper, a yellow mare her age reading some Neighponese Manga, nonchalantly moving her blue mane out of her eyes every so often. “Miss? We found an adult comic mixed with the hero comics.”

“Adult comics? We don’t sell porn here, Miss. What are you talking about?” The shopkeeper asked, she took the comic with her hooves and flipped through it, blushing as she found the adult portion. “You are a sick filly to throw this in my store, ya know?”

“I didn’t do anything, me and my brother found it next to the Power Ponies. I’m just as surprised and possibly more disturbed than you that one of the mares on the front looks exactly like-”

“There’s another one here, Twilight! It’s you holding a leash with Nightmare Moon wearing a collar,” Spike called out, causing Twilight’s face to burn red.

“Spike, if you see any more of those, bring them up here. We’ll need to remove and-”

“Miss Twilight, if you’re going to draw and write comics about yourself, keep it private please,” the shopkeeper ordered, glaring at the scholar.

“I-I didn’t do these, I swear!” Twilight cried, looking for the name of the author in the comic. See? It’s… Princess Luna?” Twilight dropped the comic on the table, unable to process words.

“Twilight? I found six comics that had you in them, having sex with one of our friends or with the Princesses,” Spike said. His words caused Twilight’s eyes to narrow to pinpricks.

“This is a family store, miss. Take your trash and get out!” The shopkeep yelled, glaring at the librarian.

“Let me just buy this issue of Mare-Do-Well, and I’ll be on my way,” Twilight said, smiling nervously as she paid for the comic and left the store, with Spike and several dirty comic books.

“So what now?” Spike asked.

“We get rid of these… things and go on with our day,” Twilight answered, heading back home to dispose of the offending items.

“Hey Twi, whacha got?” Rainbow asked, scaring Twilight into the air momentarily. Rainbow caught one of the comics and flipped through out, giggling as she did. “Why would you wanna read about rutting us if you already do that for real?”

“We found these in the comic store and Twilight wanted to get rid of them,” Spike answered in place of Twilight.

“Let me have them! They’ll be too high for any pony to get to and it’ll strictly be between us three… and Gilda when she finds them. Don’t worry, we’ll put them to good use,” Rainbow suggested with a wide grin.

Twilight glanced at the pile of comics and sighed. “Very well, but if I hear of anypony finding these…”

“Yeah, yeah… I’ll go on sex-probation for a few days, not like we are all on that as it is,” Rainbow stated, collecting all the clop she could carry.

Twilight double checked to see if still had the Mare Do Well comic and gave it to Spike before letting Rainbow fly off with her treasure. “Alright, that problem is settled, where to next?”

Flying away from the mare and dragon, Rainbow’s curiosity got the better of her and searched for the comic with her in it, landing in the park. Her smile grew as her cheeks went red. She was beset by an unknown pony. “Give those to Trixie!”

“No, back off. Twilight gave them to me for safekeeping,” Rainbow growled, trying to push Trixie off her.

“Trixie must know if there is one of her and Mistress! Give it, Crashie!” Trixie demanded, trying to grasp the comics with her hooves.

“What’s going on here?” The blue mares turned to see Pinkie staring at them with confusion. “What kind of comics are those?”

“Nothing, Pinkie. Just something I need to hide from unwanted eyes, Twi’s orders,” Rainbow stated, knocking Trixie off her and holding her stash close.

“She is holding pornography involving our Mistress and refuses to let her fellow herdmates view them!” Trixie accused, taking one of the comics with her magic.

“Hey! Share the wealth, Dashie!” Pinkie yelled, tackling Rainbow Dash to the ground, she managed to snag one comic before getting off her friend to read it. “Wow… this is pretty hot, who wrote it?”

All three mares turned to each other and searched for the author in whatever comic they held at the time, all of which finding the same answer. “Princess Luna?” they all uttered.

“What’s up, fillies?” Gilda greeted, landing next to her fellow herdmates. “Whacha got?”

“Check it out, G,” Rainbow said, giving Gilda a comic.

“Figured you would share it with your barbaric friend, feather-brain,” Trixie growled, looking through her comic.

“WHOA, Twilight doing the one mare Gang-Bang thing on Princess Celestia!” Pinkie exclaimed, immediately summoning Trixie, Rainbow, and Gilda to see it. Three Twilight clones were at Celestia’s back side, two of which were using the alicorn’s pussy and the other in her ass, one Twilight busied herself with the Princess’ teats, and one more Twi-Clone was forcing her dick down Celestia’s throat while the Real Twilight sat on the throne, watching it all happen while Luna and Cadance serviced her cock dutifully.

“Jeez, who knew Luna can be so kinky?” Rainbow asked.

Gilda grunted in annoyance and she sifted through the six comics. “All of these are just Twilight fucking the Princesses and her pony friends. Wait… there’s one of her fucking her brother in his ass while Cadance watches with a stupid smile on her face. None of them have me, Fleur, or Zecora in them.”

“Not even Trixie is in here… The Bug has a scene in here where she is raped by Mistress, Cadance, AND Luna! Where is Trixie’s rape-sex scene and why does Cadance and Luna have dicks as well here?”

Rainbow turned to see Pinkie frowning at the comic. “Everything alright?”

“This comic smells used,” Pinkie stated.

“I just got them and the only others that got them were Twilight and Spike,” Rainbow said. “I think they were the only ones.”

Pinkie looked at the comic carefully and gave the cover a light lick. “Tastes like Earth Pony, so it’s not Spike or Twilight… this taste is familiar but I can’t remember where I last tasted it, must be WAY before I found out about Twilight’s mare-pleaser.”

“You can detect a pony by their taste?” Trixie asked.

“Before I got a semi-daily dose of Twilight, I was the most ‘active’ pony in Ponyville, there were very few ponies I didn’t sleep with… unless they were colts or fillies, they’re not old enough for consent. This tastes like an earth pony mare but I can’t remember who!” Pinkie cried out in annoyance.

“Do ponies taste anything like their cutie marks?” Gilda asked.

“Sometimes, but this… there are a whole bunch of ponies in Ponyville that tastes like roses and flowers,” Pinkie stated, her smile soon returning as she began reading through the comic. “Mystery for another time.”

“Why not now?” Rainbow asked. Gilda and Trixie shared Rainbow’s confusion on the matter.

“Shh, I’m reading about Twilight having sex with Luna in the butt, this takes more brain power to jumble around than a silly mystery mare that masturbates to cloppy comics about Twilight,” Pinkie giggled, her hoof gliding down to her moist treasure before she stopped it. “We need privacy for these. PARTY IN MY ROOM!”


Three days went by in the blink of an eye. Bowling, flying kites, the comics, and stargazing with Twilight’s telescope, Spike had a great deal amount of fun, but with Pinkie’s Party but a few moments away, it wasn’t likely going to stop soon. “This really was great week, Twilight. Thanks,” Spike said, hugging the scholar’s neck as he bounced on her back.

“It’s the least I could do before you leave, I just forgot how little time I spend with you with the herd nonsense going on,” Twilight said, nuzzling her assistant.

Twilight stopped steps away from Sugarcube Corner, staring at the door nervously. Spike noticed this and began to worry. “What’s up?”

“Those girls haven’t gotten me alone for three days. I don’t know what will happen if I enter now.”

“What’s the worse that could happen?” Spike asked, shrugging.

“Dragged into Pinkie’s room with ten needy mares… but this isn’t about me having sex, this is night is for you, Spike,” Twilight replied, smiling at the baby dragon. The two shared a short hug before Twilight entered the bakery.

“Surprise!” Twilight and Spike were almost thrown out of the building by the volume and power of the combined voices that were directed at them. Twilight saw her herd, the crusaders, Snips and Snails arguing with who was Spike’s best friend, The Cakes were seen in the kitchen catering to the party, and a familiar DJ getting ready to perform.

“Wow, guys! This is awesome!” Spike exclaimed, jumping off Twilight’s back to join the party. His mistake cost Twilight dearly as she was beset by Trixie, Gilda, Rainbow Dash, and Fleur with Chrysalis looming over her from behind.

With a surprised squeal, Twilight was soon ushered up the stairs to Pinkie’s bedroom while Spike was talking with everypony else. “Girls, down! After Spike’s party.”

“You spent your time with the whelp, now it’s our turn,” Chrysalis cackled, opening the door with her magic.

“Relax and enjoy the ride, we all know you need this too. It’s the reason why you haven’t teleported away yet,” Rainbow said.

Twilight grumbled in annoyance, then smirked, teleporting out of their grasp. Before anyone could yell at Rainbow for her mistake, Twilight used her magic to push everyone except Trixie and Rainbow out of the room and locked the door with a powerful ward. “Fine, but this will go my way.”

“We would love it no other way, Mistress,” Trixie squeaked, her smile growing by each second.

Twilight gestured to the bed and watched as Rainbow and Trixie both laid down, with their hind legs on the floor and tails high. The scholar stood behind them, giving her right hoof a lick before rubbing it into Trixie’s pussy. She then tilted her head down to lick Rainbow’s winking sex, causing the speedster to whimper.

Trixie was already writhing under her Mistress’ touch, her hooves gripping the comforter beneath them. Rainbow was trying to rub her backside into Twilight's face to get more out of her alpha’s tongue.

Twilight raised herself back into a sitting position and began rubbing Rainbow's pussy in time with pleasing Trixie. “Sorry girls in advance. Looks like I may have to go through all of you tonight so I’m gonna need to do this quickly, but I’ll try and make it as great as you wanted it to be.”

Rainbow was about to protest when she felt Twilight’s body pressing it’s weight onto her backside, the familiar girth poking at her needy passage. “So… I'm going to cloud nine on a quickie?”

“I’ll try to make it worth the third day hiatus,” Twilight cooed. She wasted no time and sunk as much of her rod into Rainbow, making her scream with delight.

Trixie watched with awe and mild jealousy as her Mistress took the blue pegasus with reckless abandon. Her hoof rubbing herself in place of the hoof that was once there.

“Don’t worry Trixie, none of my mares are leaving without a little something to remember me by,” Twilight said, her magic shining brightly. Trixie watched the scholar’s horn glow before she began to writhe, moaning and screaming Twilight’s name. Despite her Mistress not entering her pussy, she felt as if that purple unicorn was ravaging her powerfully, her pussy juices coating Pinkie’s bed from the sudden climax-inducing sensation.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide, feeling Twilight’s shaft touch much more than her most delicate parts of her insides, her teeth sinking into the bedspread. She shut her eyes tightly, but she can still feel Twilight’s eyes on her, and can feel the unicorn thrusting herself deep into the pegasus.

Twilight’s hooves began to rub Rainbow’s wings delicately, nibbling on the sensitive flesh, forcing Rainbow to see stars as her juices leaked past her Alpha’s dick and onto the bed at an alarming rate. She turned to see Trixie in a similar state, her back arching from the sensation visiting phantom appendages.

As Rainbow’s snatch began to tighten, Twilight sped herself up. Her hips slamming into the blue backside harder than before until she slammed herself in one last time and let her cum fire in powerful bursts into her pegasus’ womb.

Trixie groaned loudly as the pleasure of being filled by her Mistress was duplicated from Rainbow’s current experience. She winced when she felt Twilight’s dick leave Rainbow Dash, the link between the two mares’ senses only getting stronger. “Pretty… good, Egghead,” Rainbow cooed, snuggling into the blankets.

Twilight wiped her soaked cock on Rainbow’s backside before turning to Trixie, with a sly grin on her face. “I do believe it’s your turn, Trixie,” Twilight said, shuffling over to the blue unicorn.

“Trixie is ready for all of you, Mistress,” Trixie begged, using her magic to open her pussy lips wide.

Twilight smiled, pressing her length into Trixie’s marehood. She glanced to Rainbow Dash to see her writhe against the invisible force. Both mares moaned in unison when Twilight’s flare sunk into Trixie’s sex. Knowing her current mare’s limits, Twilight immediately went to test them, refusing to start off slow for Trixie and ramming her backside at full strength.

“Trixie is sorry for spilling tea on the floor -ah- Mistress, please don’t punish me too haAAArd,” Trixie begged, thrusting her rump against Twilight’s crotch.

Twilight slowed her pace down, only to her an annoyed groan coming from Rainbow. “What are you doing? Fuck her hard!”

Twilight pouted. “But she-”

“She is only saying that because she wants the opposite, FUCK HER,” Rainbow shouted. Twilight nodded, and leaned over the blue unicorn, spearing her mare with short, powerful thrusts. Rainbow forced to feel every thrust through Twilight’s spell.

Trixie began to drool into the bed sheets, her hooves trying to find grip to keep her still while her Mistress abused her flower amazingly. A thought crossed and her horn began to glow, biting her lower lip and hoping this will work to her Mistress’ favor and her next climax.

Twilight gasped as her hearing was taken by the scream of three ponies and a changeling as well as a roar of a griffon, her cock sinking deeper in a unknown way, she tried to pull back to find that she’s stuck inside Trixie’s pussy. “Trixie, I can’t pull my dick out of you. What did you do?”

Rainbow shuddered as she felt some force deeper than she would have liked. She turned to see a bulge disappearing and reappearing just above Trixie’s crotch. “I-I think you’re in-IN her, Twi.”

“All of Trixie’s holes belong to Twilight. even the ones no pony can see,” Trixie gasped, shuddering from meat expanding her cervix entrance.

Twilight gave a meek smile and tried to return to her mating. Meeting her unicorn mare with short, shallow thrusts. Slapping her flank that caused both her current mares to gasp from the stinging sensation. Her meek smile turned to a cruel grin. "Mistress never did say you can do that, did she?"

Trixie shuddered, her ears treating Twilight's scolding like a fine opera. "Trixie begs for your forgiveness, she just wanted to please you." Both mares were biting down on the blanket hard as they both felt Trixie's womb getting fucked by it's owner's magic and mistress.

"Bad little filly," Twilight cooed, slapping Trixie's ass hard. The pain caused a surge of pleasure forced Trixie to moan loudly, as her tunnel constricted around her Alpha’s length in the throes of her orgasm. It took a few seconds before Rainbow joined her.

Twilight shuddered as she felt her member tense within Trixie, the head struggling to escape the womb’s opening. She let out a low groan as she came, filling Trixie with plenty of white cream to make her belly bulge. During which, Twilight took this time to spank Trixie as hard as she can, making the masochistic mare cum again.

Even though her own batch of Twi-gravy leaked from her pussy, Rainbow still felt each salvo of cum crashing against the walls of her core, filling it with pleasure and happiness. Unlike Trixie, Rainbow resisted her upcoming orgasm, her body tensing after such an ordeal. Unfortunately, Twilight noticed this and leaned over to her feather mate, giving the pegasus’ wings a lick that causes electricity to race through every nerve in the bodies of those connected by Twilight’s spell, coaxing another orgasm out of the Speedster.

With some effort, Twilight managed to pop herself out of Trixie, the head of her cock was visibly coated in cum and juices. She cleared her throat to gain her mare’s attentions. “I’m going to get get Gilda and Fleur, you two rest up while I mate with them, once you feel better. Rejoin the party, it is more for Spike than me, after all.”

“G-got it, Twi,” Rainbow moaned, trying to catch her breath.

Trixie answered with mumbling and incoherent noises as she laid on the bed.

Twilight smiled and opened the door to see Gilda, Fleur, and Chrysalis staring at her with lust in their eyes, and a small pond of their juices in the hallway. “Chrysalis, I’m going to need some energy drinks. Could you get some please? Gilda, Fleur, get in.”

Chrysalis grumbled but weakly nodded as her fellow herdmates quickly scrambled to get into the bedroom. She walked down the stairs to get some drinks when she was approached by Rarity and Pinkie. “I thought you were gonna have fun with Twilight?” Pinkie asked.

“Twilight is taking us in pairs, just as she ushered the stick figure and the bird into your room. She asked me to go get energy drinks, may I ask where they are?” Chrysalis asked.

“They should be in the fridge, top drawer labeled ‘Pinkie’s’,” Pinkie answered.

Chrysalis gave her a smirk before leaving to the kitchen. “Know that I am next!”

“Okie Dokie Lokie! I need to keep the party going anyways so I’m last,” Pinkie stated, smiling. “How about you, Rarity?”

“I believe I can wait a little longer, this is Spikey Wikey’s last day for a long time after all,” Rarity said, chuckling.

Pinkie nodded and left to find Fluttershy, who was hiding in the corner talking with Zecora. “Hey girls, Twilight is boppin mares if you wants some.”

“Oh, it’s kind of her to offer but… I think I’ll wait until after our filly is born, if that’s okay with you… you can have fun though,” Fluttershy whispered, blushing slightly.

“While the mares go to play, I shall stay to tend this day. As per my duties to Twilight, I must tend to our Alpha’s new light,” Zecora answered.

Pinkie simply stared at Zecora for a moment. “New light?”

“I think she means child, like a new child is like a new light in the sky… I suppose,” Fluttershy answered.

Zecora giving a nod. "Despite my chore; my pussy, later she will gore."

“Oh! Okay then!” Pinkie then hopped over Applejack who was chatting with Cheerilee. “Hey Applejack, Twi is in my room, you want in?”

“I-I… well,” Applejack stuttered, chuckling nervously next to Cheerilee who heard the Party Mare’s question.

“Don’t worry about AJ, Twilight’s herd and her fifth leg is no secret around here anymore,” Cheerilee stated, giggling lightly.

“Well… Twilight is still a bit sensitive about that, so try and keep it a secret if you could,” Applejack added. “If you’ll excuse me…. it’s kinda been a while.” Her blush deepened as she slowly made her way to the stairs.

“Twilight must be doing something right to get Applejack to act like that,” Cheerilee joked.

“Seven mares, a zebra, a griffon, and a changeling queen can’t be wrong,” Pinkie exclaimed with a goofy grin.

A hop, skip, and a jump away; Pinkie bounded for her musical friend, Vinyl Scratch. The DJ bobbing her head to the beats that echoed throughout the bakery. “Hey Vinny!”

“Sup, Pinks?”

“If you want, Twilight’s banging girls upstairs, and she more than willing to share,” Pinkie offered, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

Vinyl’s grin grew wide. “Seriously? Sweet. Keep the beats going, I got a mare to ride,” Vinyl cheered. She put her headphones on Pinkie and bound for the stairs.

“Alright fillies and colties! This is DJ Pinks spinning these beats, and eating cabbage!” Pinkie said into the mike, munching a head of cabbage she pulled from underneath the table. “Come on everypony! Let’s make these the best few hours for Spike before he leaves for a few years!”

The audience cheered, chanting Spike’s name. During the chant, Rainbow joined the crowd, carrying Trixie on her back and seating herself next to Fluttershy. “Enjoy yourselves?” the would-be mother asked.

“Trixie is more than content…” Trixie cooed, rubbing her belly warmly. “Is Mistress still sealed?”

“I hope so,” Rainbow uttered, reclining against the wall. “Not my best time with Twilight but it’ll have to do until tomorrow or the day after.”

“That’s not like Twilight, she usually tries to make sure you girls are satisfied,” Fluttershy said, confused.

“Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome. But Twilight said she had other ponies to do tonight so she only had time to fire once into each of us,” Rainbow said. “Trixie… isn’t walking for a bit though.”

“Trixie thanks you for carrying her,” Trixie mumbled, resting her head on Fluttershy’s shoulder.

The front doors opened as a bright light filled the room, blinding all the party-goers. As the lights dimmed, it showed the silhouette of large pony. Her white fur shining like the celestial body she controls, her mane flowing seamlessly in pastel colours. Her presence made everypony in the room (except Pinkie who was still playing music) to bow. “Rise my little ponies, I only wish to visit before we leave with Spike.”

The dark alicorn stepped in behind her sister, her mane flowed with a collection of stars shining within, she glanced around the room, seeking a specific pony. The Lunar Princess became increasingly more nervous as she surveyed the room, looking for the familiar purple unicorn that helped save her from Nightmare Moon.

“Hey Princess! How are you?” Spike greeted, hugging Celestia’s leg.

Celestia made a melodious giggle. “I’m doing well. Are you all prepared for your journey?”

“I live with Twilight, of course I’m ready,” Spike joked, any pony that heard that jab at the town librarian chuckled.

“That’s good to hear. And how is Twilight? I fear we haven’t spoken in quite some time,” Celestia said.

Zecora stopped half way up the stairs when she heard this, immediately turning to divert the Princess’ attention from her Alpha.

“I don’t know, she was grabbed and taken up-” Spike was interrupted by cupcake flying into his mouth. Celestia and Luna turned to find Pinkie harmlessly playing music with an innocent Slingshot next to her.

“It’s an honor to meet the her Highness. I am Zecora, a humble Shamaness,” Zecora greeted, bowing her head.

“I’ve heard of you from Twilight’s letters. It is a pleasure to meet you as well,” Celestia said back. Her soft smile twisted into a smirk then she said something that nopony else in the room could understand except Zecora, whose eyes widened. “What say you, Miss Zecora.”

With a soft grin, Zecora retorted with her own native tongue and then a conversation between zebra and alicorn started, making it highly difficult for anypony to eavesdrop when you cannot understand what the two are saying.

Using this to her advantage, Luna snuck past her sister and Zecora to the kitchen, seeing a enraged, yet frightened, Chrysalis. “What is the matter, does thou fear our sister?”

“I wouldn’t need too if Twilight didn’t have to share her love with many different mares,” Chrysalis snarled quietly.

“I see, where’s Twilight?”

“Where else could she be in this little bakery?” Chrysalis chuckled to herself, trying to not alert Celestia to her position.

“Being vague only serves to your disadvantage,” Luna spat.

“Twilight’s in Pinkie’s room, your majesty,” Mr. Cake said, grinning nervously.

“Traitor!” Chrysalis growled at the lanky baker, making him cower.

“You have served your country well, loyal baker-pony,” Luna stated, turning and advancing up the stairs.

If it weren’t for the sound of a bed rocking hard against the wall, Luna would never have found Pinkie’s bedroom. Opening the door slowly, her nose was bombarded with the scent of ponies mating constantly, causing her to recoil back for a moment before poking her head through the entry.

Twilight’s friend, Applejack, seemed to have sat down on the purple mare’s face while a white unicorn bounced on the purple member, seeing as Twilight was in no position to kiss either mare, Applejack and the white unicorn had taken the liberty to make out in Twilight’s place. What was odd to Luna was that Twilight’s hooves held Applejack in place on her face yet gave the farmer the freedom to grind herself against the scholar’s lips.

None of the mating ponies noticed the Princess of the Night slowly enter the room, her eyes darting from the trio to where she was going. Her expression of shock and awe, watching the thick purple dick disappear inside the Electric blue-maned unicorn.

Applejack’s eyes opened slightly and noticed the nervous Princess on the other side of the room, stopping her movements. She felt the unicorn beneath her shift herself to allow her mouth freedom. “Something wrong, AJ?”

“P-Princess Luna!” Applejack called out, paralyzed by Luna’s appearance in the room.

Twilight was unable to see but Vinyl turned and immediately fell off the bed, Twilight’s dick slipping out of her and slapping the purple mare’s belly. “Oh buck!”

Luna’s blush deepened, watching the cowpony slowly get off Twilight and straightened her hat as Twilight sat up, grabbing a pillow to hide her erection. “Princess Luna! H-how are you tonight?”

“We and our sister have come to collect Spike but we decided to stay a while to enjoy ourselves. We-I didn’t know… this was common at parties,” Luna explained, trying not to make eye contact. “Don’t mind us, please continue. We are sorry for disrupting your ritual mating.”

The trio looked at each other cautiously, until Vinyl uttered. “I can still go, don’t mind an audience.”

“I’m gonna pass, sorry Twi,” Applejack said with sadness in her voice. “Think you could come on by tomorrow around noon?”

“Don’t worry about it, AJ. And sure, I’ll meet you at Barn Two?” Twilight asked.

“Barn Five this time, thanks Twi,” Applejack said, she gave her Alpha a soft smile before leaving the room.

“If you two don’t mind, we need to speak to Twilight. But we’ll talk while you two mate, if that is agreeable,” Luna stated.

“Whatever gets my rocks off, Princess,” Vinyl said, her magic removing the pillow from Twilight’s crotch, the action caused the purple mare to squeak in surprise. In moments, Vinyl was on Twilight’s lap once again, riding her dick as she did moments ago, this time with purple mare’s hooves helping her along.

Luna’s blushed deepened, and cleared her throat. “Tw-Twilight; before we became a Princess of Equestria, We-I fell in love with a wonderful mare. But she had eyes on somepony else and saw myself as her student, des-”

“AW fuck YES! Octy will be so jealous, fuck I missed this,” Vinyl cooed, panting from her recent orgasm.

“Did you… get tighter?” Twilight groaned. Vinyl merely smiled bigger as she shifted herself and had the heavy purple dick pointed at her sphincter, and pushing the head in hard before sliding herself gently down the shaft. “So-Sorry Luna, you were saying about a mare you loved?”

"She was our everything when we were fillies, and she was much like yourself, intelligent, beautiful, a born leader. While she was cold and distant with her emotions, you are more open and cheerful, and- Oh,” Luna’s thought trailed off as she watched Twilight’s rod rapidly move in and out of Vinyl’s anal passage, both mares panting heavily. “A-As I was saying, we often thought you were but a replacement for her, but now… we see that you are much more than that, and we- I… I would be honoured to join your herd. To have you join my harem would be bizarre as I feel you would be better suited to lead me than vise versa.”

Twilight held Vinyl in place and gave a Luna a curious look, the DJ writhing as the dick flexed within her. “Ke-Keep going, Sparkie!” Vinyl whined, trying to resume her pace.

“We need to talk seriously, one moment please,” Twilight stated, her magic glowing brightly as Vinyl began to see stars blinding her as she orgasmed, feeling every salvo of cum filling her intestines. The scholar grunted as she tried to push as much of her cream into the DJ, thrusting a few more times to milk herself of her white spunk.

Finding that Vinyl had passed out, Twilight laid her on the bed and got off, walking up to Luna with a curious look. “I’m sorry, but I need to hear that last part again… for clarification.”

Luna nodded. “You saved us from Nightmare Moon, defeated Discord, helped thwart the Changeling invasion and had their very queen join your herd, and a valued player in Sombra’s defeat. With the following you have gathered this day, it would not be right to have you and your herd join me in the castle to become my harem. Despite what the nobles say, I feel my place is as your mare.”

Twilight smiled softly and placed a hoof on Luna’s cheek. “Okay...but while you say your place is with me, I’d hate for Equestria to lose their Princess again. So, as your Alpha, your priority is to be the best Princess you can be for your country and your ponies, and if you ever need help… come to me and I’ll be happy to be of service, whether you need somepony to listen to you or…” Twilight swallowed her breath, blushing. “In need of a mate, I’ll be in my library for you… and all my mares.”

“Thank you Twilight,” Luna cooed, wrapping the smaller pony in a hug. “But we must complete this union.”

“Wait-here? Now?” Twilight gasped, eyes widened in shock.

“No, our sister would be suspicious if we lingered here any longer,” Luna started, heading for the door.

“Princess Celestia is HERE? I’ll be right down, just give me a moment to clean myself up,” Twilight blurted out, running to the bathroom.

Luna raised a brow and left to rejoin the party, finding that Celestia is still talking to Zecora in the latter’s native tongue. “Sister, may we inquire as to what you were talking about?”

“Oh we were discussing the Thousand Mile March Festival, the last time I celebrated it with the Zebras, my new friend here was an infant. I was taken back by how such an adorable little foal had grown to be a well regarded member of Equestria,” Celestia said, giggling along side Zecora.

“The Thousand Mile March?” Luna asked.

“It’s a festival where zebras migrate to each major village to celebrate their country… the distance taken to visit all the villages is roughly a thousand miles, this started while you were gone, Luna,” Celestia explained.

“Indeed, a tradition that we hold dear. To support unity among our peer,” Zecora added.

“And it has succeeded as many races come to enjoy the festival along side them,” Celestia added, she soon turned to Luna with a serene grin. “Where did you go off to?”

"I needed to speak to Twilight about her herd and my place in it, sister," Luna said, blushing.

Zecora was surprised by this while Celestia gave her sister a soft smile. "It's alright, Luna. I thank you for telling me the truth, but I will need to speak to Twilight about this as well."

As if summoned, Twilight tentatively walked down the stairs, nervously glancing up to Princess Celestia and her herdmates.

“How are you, my faithful student? It’s been too long since your last letter,” Celestia greeted, pulling Twilight into a hug.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been REALLY busy recently, I couldn’t find time to write you letters. I’ll understand if you no longer wish to keep me as your student,” Twilight uttered, feeling her own disappointment well up inside her being.

“While I would appreciate a few more letters to come, I can understand if you’re busy. I too have troubles finding time for myself, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Celestia soothed, rubbing Twilight’s back gently.

“I guess, but I should have written more,” Twilight muttered, grimacing at her own short-sightedness.

“Enough of that, this is a party after all, let us enjoy it for Spike,” Celestia said, laughing as she moved past the ponies surrounding her easily, with Twilight following suit.

Luna watched as her future Alpha and her sister found a table and began to talk, frowning that Celestia has taken precedence with the purple unicorn.

“So… I’m a bit curious, but why did you walk in?” Applejack asked, walking to Luna’s side.

“We, that is to say, I… recently came to the conclusion to join Twilight’s herd, yet… Twilight seems to value our sister over us,” Luna uttered.

“Now, I’d like to think I know Twilight and from where I’m looking, I see a mare trying to stay in her teacher’s good graces, always scared that she might get hit by a punishment that will destroy her world. Amazing what you can get from a few late Friendship lesson’s right?” Applejack chuckled.

“So… Twilight does not lust for my sister?”

“Only if Celly turns around and starts rubbing her cooch in Twilight’s face, then Twilight might like having two princesses in bed,” Pinkie appeared behind the Lunar Princess.

“So, would you say Twilight loves me more than Celestia?” Luna asked, hopeful that she’s correct.

“I’d say it’s a tough call. Twilight has known the- err, Princess Celestia all her life. I wager Twilight’s love for her might be a ALOT more platonic than what she has for us and now you,” Applejack said. “Twilight’s only doing this out of respect and love, still platonic, for her mentor. Give her time and she'll come back to you, apologizing for being a bad Alpha and asking how she can make it up to you.”

“Does that occur often?” Luna asked.

“One time, Twilight was about to go on a date with Rarity, but Mayor Mare BEGGED Twilight to be a substitute teacher while Cheerilee was sick. If there’s one thing Twilight loves doing, it’s teaching what she knows to fresh minds, and she forgot ALL about her date. After that, she remembered and went to Rarity and asked for her forgiveness for being a bad Alpha for forgetting her date. Rarity was super mad, but Twilight promised the entire night to her after that blunder and Rarity made use of it… then Twilight made use of a Sound-proofing spell, maybe among other spells,” Pinkie explained. “Oh, and Twilight spent A SUPER amount of time on Spike before the party and told everypony that she wanted to spend time with him since she spends a lot of time with us, we didn’t like that until we found some dirty comics you wrote and we were set until today...maybe tomorrow since Celestia is here, and Twilight still needs to bop you in the love-maker with her mare-stick.”

Luna and Applejack stared at Pinkie for the longest time until a certain word registered into the blue alicorn’s mind. “What is a comic and why do you claim we wrote it?”

Applejack blushed, glancing back to Twilight and Celestia nervously. “Maybe now isn’t the time-”

“Sure! Follow me!” Pinkie exclaimed, bounding up the stairs, with Luna following closely.

They entered Pinkie’s room, the air was still reeked of sex and sweat. While it caused Luna to recoil slightly, Pinkie ignored it and went straight to a box under her bed, she opened it and dug until pulling out a smaller box and placed it on the floor.

Luna opened it with her magic and levitated several slim books out. Her eyes widening when she read the titles. The Magic within Harmony, Nightmare Moans, Chrysalis’ Punishment, The Royal Lover, and “By our sister, no…” Platinum’s Jealousy. All these titles made Luna blush heavily as she knew them well. “But… how?”

“I dunno, Twilight found them in a comic book store and took them away before any fillies and colts saw them,” Pinkie said, taking a comic from under her bed with the title of The Lunar Dance and showing Luna.

Luna looked over each story and grimaced. “Is this all of them?”

“Yup, she only found six,” Pinkie replied with a goofy smile.

Luna’s eyes grew wide with nervous fear, she wrote much more than six stories. Over six thousand pages of Clover the Clever or Twilight having sex with some mare Luna knew, the fact that Between the Times of Love wasn’t among these made Luna’s mind reel in fear, until a single creature came to her thoughts. “DISCORD, that troublesome brood of a Timberwolf’s vomit. We will make him rue the day he ever crossed the Mistress of the Night!”

Pinkie watched as Luna began floating in the air in her rage and looked out the window to see stormclouds covering as much of the sky as possible. “You are kinda making it harder for the Weather Team to do their job, Princess.”

Luna snapped out of her rage, and took a deep breath. “Forgive us, these are indeed my stories, though I never made pictures of anything. I recall Discord being in my room and like the foal we were, left him in there while we took up Night Court, this is greatly troublesome.”

“I bet,” Pinkie said, as she and Luna began reading through the small collecting of comics.


Celestia and Twilight shared a laugh at their table after the latter shared a story of one of her more recent adventures. “Well, I hope you learned something from such an event, Twilight.”

“Yeah, never prank Gilda. I still got scratches on my back from her revenge prank,” Twilight giggled, taking a sip of her punch.

Celestia gave her student a soft smile, and catching a glimpse of Fluttershy chatting with Rarity and some mares that seemed rather tired. “So, what is this I hear that Fluttershy is pregnant? Who is the lucky stallion?”

Twilight spat the contents of her drink on the table and her lap, startled by the question presented to her. “We-well, yes… Fluttershy is pregnant but-”

“And I have also heard something odd that… you had ten mares that love you dearly?”

Twilight shrunk, in complete fear of what her mentor had to say next, regardless of how she answered it. “Yes?”

There was a long silence between the two mares, until Celestia let out a melodious chuckle. “Oh Twilight, there is nothing to be worried about. It’s clear to see you’d do anything for your ponies. I must confess, I had my suspicions that the elements of Harmony might bring you and your friends must closer than anypony else could ever imagine, but you went the extra mile to share that same hoof of friendship, or love in this case, to five others. Not only am I proud that you have guided not just yourself, but your herd, to a brighter future. And I’m positive that Cadance would be proud as well.”

“I’m glad to hear you say- wait five?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Yes, is my sister not part of your herd?” Celestia grinned.

“Well, she wanted to join and- Oh My gosh, I need to go see her, excuse me,” Twilight said, she turned to find Luna but Celestia stopped her with a gentle hoof.

"Twilight, I trust your judgement but please. Be a good mate to my sister, that is all I ask of you. I won't say I wasn't shocked by the discovery, but Luna has had troubles with love in the past," Celestia added.

"Yes, she briefly told me about Clover the Clever upstairs," Twilight added, rubbing her fore legs nervously.

"Just know that if Luna is ever hurt, you will be sent to Magic Kindergarten," Celestia teased, watching the purple mare give a startled gasp, running off to find the Lunar Princess. She turned to see a odd light blue pegasus with a golden mane holding energy drinks in her teeth. “Excuse me dear, I feel a tad faint. Could you assist me outside?” the alicorn asked. The pegasus glanced nervously at her destination, which were herdmates that recently mated with Twilight, and slowly shook her head. “Come now, I just need someone to help me with my wings, they’ve been so cramped recently, lack of use if I were to deduce.”

It was too late for the pegasus to shake her head again as she was ushered out of the bakery by the larger mare. Once outside, she felt a golden glow surround her body, and was slammed against the pavement. Her disguise falling from the impact, along with the energy drinks. Chrysalis looked up to see a angry Solar Princess above her. “Hehe, hi?”

“You thought you can hide from me? What are you planning in Ponyville? Answer or the consequences will be dire,” Celestia snapped, glaring daggers at the pinned changeling.

“Could you please let me go? I’m one of Twilight’s herd, and she asked for those drinks.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “Why would my student associate herself with the very creature that tried to ruin the marriage of her brother and my niece, who happened to be my student’s very first friend outside her family.”

“She agreed to help me in exchange I don’t attack Equestria,” Chrysalis replied, struggling to free herself. Because of how Twilight spreads her love out to so many mares, Chrysalis was still strong, but not as strong as the White Alicorn.

“What deal did you force her to agree to?”

“I didn’t force her, but I’m…. not at liberty to tell you,” Chrysalis squeaked, feeling a hoof slam against her barrel, forcing air out of her lungs.

“And who exactly thinks they can keep that reason from me?” Celestia asked, curiosity sparking beneath the fires of her angry eyes.

“Twilight! She wants it to stay within the herd as to not cause panic among the town,” Chrysalis gasped.

Celestia’s grip slowly weakened as questions filled her mind. “Why would Twilight want to keep it a secret? Why would she hide this from me?”

“Maybe there are other reasons?”

“Silence,” Celestia growled, slamming her hoof down on Chrysalis’ body again. “Hear me, Chrysalis… If you dare harm my ponies, I will hunt you. Not even the powers that created myself and my sister will save you if you harm my student, understood?”

“Crystal,” Chrysalis coughed. She struggled onto her hooves when Celestia released her. “Just so you know, I already was threatened with a nightmarish demise by Twilight’s parents, as well as the happily married couple, so… you’ll need to pick a number for a shot at me." She struggled between chuckling and breathing, aware of the confusion that hide behind Celestia's features.

“Twilight’s parents? Shining Armor and Cadance knows of this agreement?” Celestia gasped, only for more questions to surge into existence. “Twilight… what are you doing?”


“I’m so sorry, Luna. You just asked to join but instead of joining you in the party, I allowed myself to be distracted by Princess Celestia. I know I haven’t seen or heard from her in so long, but that was no excuse for abandoning you. Could you please forgive me?”

Luna blinked a few times before turning to Pinkie. “Told ya," Pinkie said, poking Luna's side with her elbow.

“Well, while we still feel ire towards your actions. we-I believe we can come to an agreement, under the circumstance that we go on a date to let our new positions as lovers cement,” Luna suggested.

"Anything for you to forgive me for that blunder,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Pinkie! Twilight and I will be gone for the night, alert our allies!” Luna ordered, Pinkie gave the Princess a salute and ran out the door. “Come Twilight, we shall have you prove your status!”

“I should at least say good bye to Spike before we go, it would be rude not to,” Twilight said.

“Here’s your chance.” Twilight turned to see Spike on Pinkie Pie’s back, his hands were behind his back.

Twilight gave the dragon a sad look. “I’m sorry Spike, everything just happened all at once tonight and-”

Spike raised his hand to stop her. “This is a Pinkie Pie party, it was obvious something involving you and sex would happen. And we got to do so much fun stuff before now, and I wanted to give that back a little.” He hopped down and handed Twilight a candle that was lit with a green flame. “Princess Celestia enchanted the flame so you can send letters to myself, her, or Luna. Whisper their name and wait for the flame to change to their colour. Green for me, white for Celestia, and blue for Luna. If you want to add more contacts, you’ll have to ask the Princess about that later.”

Twilight smiled and pulled her assistant into a big hug. “Thank you Spike, I’ll write every week. You were the best assistant and little brother a pony could ask for.”

“You’re the best big sister and pseudo-mom a baby dragon could have asked for,” Spike added. The two broke apart and Twilight planted a kiss on Spike’s forehead. “Was Rarity the most recent mare you kissed?” He asked, hopeful.

“It was Applejack, sorry,” Twilight chuckled, blushing as the part of AJ she kissed came to mind.

“Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers.” Spike said, shrugging.

Twilight gave her assistant a teasing look. “Maybe you’ll find a nice dragoness? The kind that would much rather be with a nice strong dragon than some magic mare with a dick between her legs? It would definitely keep your mind off Rarity after all.”

“Stop it,” Spike snapped, blushing hard as Twilight gave a light giggle. They hugged once more and Twilight waved good bye, walking over to Princess Luna.

Pinkie and Spike watched as Twilight and Luna disappeared in a bright light. “A few years ago; if somepony were to tell me that the last time I’d see Twilight for a long time, it would be watching her get teleported away to have sex with Princess Luna, I’d probably think they were completely nuts.”

Pinkie giggled. “To be fair, I’d think the exact same thing, Spikey.”


The light dimmed and Twilight’s vision returned to a peculiar site. There was a single large entity above her that was almost completely blue if it weren’t for the random plots of green around it, the rest of the sky was filled with stars. The unicorn sat on the grey rock that covered the expanse of the land. “Where am I?”

“You are on the moon, dear Twilight,” Luna stated. Landing next to her alpha.

“The Moon? Isn’t it supposed to be extremely cold in space, and how can I breathe?” Twilight panicked, searching her surroundings for answers.

“That would be our doing, we used magic to grant you the power to breath her and to keep you warm, so long as we stand in my domain,” Luna replied. “Come, there is something I must show you.”

Twilight turned to Luna with awe and quickly ran to keep up with the alicorn. “Panic aside, this is… I don’t think excellent would be the ideal word for this, maybe astounding? To see all the stars, to see the world from such a view. I’m truly honoured that you shared this with me.”

Luna blushed and smiled, but kept walking. Twilight tried to keep up with the larger mare, but remained fascinated by the sights. The filly-like wonder that Twilight expressed only served to make Luna's heart beat faster. Soon they came across a house building made of moon rock with a glass dome, perking Twilight’s curiosity. “What’s a house doing here?”

“We built it. For when the trials of the modern era proves too much and we need a place to relax, away from everything,” Luna explained.

“I see,” Twilight trailed off, unsure if she should ask.

Luna saw that question in her mate’s eyes and smirked. “We didn’t use this during our banishment, we were actually fused with the moon itself, placed in a deep slumber until recently.”

“Oh, thanks… I wasn’t sure,” Twilight said, embarrassed.

The pair walked into the Luna’s safehouse and noticed that it was styled in a similar way to her bedroom in Canterlot, the bed was smaller but still large enough to hold both princesses, there was a spiral staircase that lead to a landing with a telescope pointed towards the world. Along with the few bookshelves, it had a rather cozy feel to the place. Luna walked forward to the bed, her vestments falling off her body, and laid down on the dark blue covers, giving Twilight a sly smile. “Let the initiation begin.”

Twilight blushed and walked forward, joining the Lunar Princess with a kiss. Luna draped a hoof along the unicorn’s back while one of the purple unicorn’s hooves began to stroke her mare’s ethereal mane.

Despite being larger, Luna allowed Twilight to lay her down, her hooves pulling the purple mare deeper into their kiss while Twilight laid on top of her Princess, causing her stiffening penis to grind against the dark blue fur.

“L-let me get you ready,” Twilight cooed. She slid down Luna’s body, planting kisses along the majestic coat until reaching the princess’ treasure.

A weak gasp escaped Luna’s lips when she felt the unicorn’s tongue teasing her teats, suckling on the nipples like a newborn, feeling a hoof rubbing against her moistening lips. “Wh-Why must you tease us?” Luna whimpered.

“Sorry, I’m just getting you ready and make this feel good for both of us,” Twilight said, continuing to plant kisses on the Princess’s teats. She removed her hoof and gave the dark blue labia a long lick before slowly pushing it past the first barrier.

Luna gave a weak squeak, Twilight’s tongue probing her insides and exploring her marehood diligently. Her hoof arched downward and gripped Twilight’s head, pushing her deeper into her wet sex.

Taking Luna’s actions as encouragement, Twilight rubbed her muzzle against the winking opening, attempting to get as much of her tongue into the alicorn.

While the pleasure felt great, Luna had no desire to be teased like this. “Mount US!” Luna demanded, eye squeezed shut in ecstasy.

Twilight stopped, staring at her lover before clambering onto Luna’s body to penetrate her. Rubbing her purple member along the larger mare’s quim before sinking in as deep as she could.

Luna wailed as the smaller mare thrashed between her legs, thrusting the purple cock hard into her pussy.

Despite the size difference, Luna felt tight around Twilight’s cock, squeezing her hard. She felt the alicorn's hooves latch around her tightly, making escape impossible if Twilight wanted to leave. Her back hooves struggling to touch the ground while she pumped herself into her newest mare.

Luna bit her lower lip, her back arching as she pressed her lover into her fur. Her horn began to glow and surround Twilight’s rump.

“Wha-AH” Twilight could only hold onto Luna’s as the dark blue magic forced her rump to slam hard into the larger pony. She looked up to see Luna with a silly grin, drooling very slightly while her horn shined.

“Oh Yes! Twilight, fill me!” Luna moaned, forcing the purple mare to rut her harder, unaware of how helpless her lover had become.

Twilight held onto Luna’s body, unable to take back control. Her crotch began to burn with pain during the ordeal. “L-Luna, please… let me go.”

The unicorn’s words fell on deaf ears while Luna felt her orgasm approaching. Her body tensed up, her limbs tightening around Twilight, and her magic forcing the smaller mare to thrash harder into her.

The moment Luna reached her climax was the moment Twilight lost her hearing, blasted with the full force of a orgasm-induced royal voice. At that same time, the blue snatch tightened intensely around her purple cock, trying to wring her of her white spunk.

“Oh oh my, that was superb,” Luna panted, her starry mane is complete disarray. She glanced down with hazy eyes. “How do you fare?”

Twilight could only groan, lying still on Luna’s body.

“Are you well?” Luna asked, leaning forward to inspect the mare.

“Wha? My ears are still ringing… and my crotch hurts,” Twilight muttered, lying still on Luna’s body.

“Strange, you fared better when Nightmare Moon assaulted you,” Luna said. A thought came to her like a flash of brilliance. “Of course, she made you stronger! That must be what made you fare better.”

Like a worn ragdoll, Twilight was levitated off Luna’s rump and felt her body grow stronger, her fatigue and the pain from earlier had faded. Her penis felt harder than before, making her more eager to fill the Lunar Mare’s backside.

Luna squealed like a School Filly as she turned onto her belly, her tail high as she placed Twilight back on her hooves. “We await thee!” Luna sang with glee. Her happy smile was replaced by a startled yelp as the smaller mare lunged at her rump, sending her prick deep into her quivering pussy.

Her back hooves firmly placed on the bed, Twilight slammed herself powerfully against the Princess, forcing her mare to grip the headboards hard enough to break the wood.

A slight gasp escaped Luna’s lips as she felt Twilight’s member twitch and throb, emptying her sperm into her womb. What startled the Princess was that Twilight didn’t slow down, she kept at her hard pace. The white cum spilling out like a river out of Luna with each thrust.

“Twi-light! By- AH - our sister, -ouf- don’t stop!” Luna moaned aloud, she turned her head back to see Twilight mindlessly humping her backside, her eyes clouded with lust, worried as a smirk slowly formed on the unicorn’s lips.

Twilight pulled her dick out, and wiped her cum on Luna’s cheeks before climbing onto Luna’s back, positioning herself to enter the puckered exit.

“Wait, what are you planning? Not th-ERE!” Luna screamed, Twilight’s dick sinking into her backside slowly. The scholar’s back legs were fighting to stay on top of her back, while feeding her slick cock enter the unexplored orifice.

Twilight stopped, her dick buried in Luna’s ass. “If you want me to claim you, then I am to use you as I see fit,” she said, despite the dark tone of the statement, Twilight's face was flushed with nervous arousal.

Luna squeaked with a weak blush. “But-I”

Twilight placed a hoof on her mare’s lips. “I know this seems strange but, I’ll try and make this feel good for the both of us.”

“But why our buttocks?” Luna asked.

“It’s hard to be the alpha when your mare uses her magic to force you to fuck her,” Twilight quipped with a smile.

Luna blushed, chuckling weakly. "Carry on, my love."

Twilight pet her mare. “Don’t worry, it’s not the worse thing that’s happened to me sexually.” Feeling Luna relax, Twilight slowly pulled out and pushed it back in carefully, giving her mare time to adjust to the new feeling.

Luna clenched her teeth as the invading member entered her in a way she’d never thought would happen to her. Anal was something she only thought happened among gay stallions, why penetrate a mare’s anus when they have a vagina. But Twilight continued to prove how either hole can be pleasurable, her mind reeling from the sensations the smaller mare caused.

“I’m going to go faster,” Twilight warned, her hips moving faster until she began slamming herself into Luna’s anus, causing the Princess to cry out in bliss.

Once again, Twilight lost her hearing when Luna came, her voice echoing throughout the surface of the moon, the sudden clenching of the alicorn’s butt milked the scholar hard, forcing her to unleash her next load, letting out her own cry. Her penis was twitching deep inside the alicorn, spending Twilight’s cum and painting Luna’s intestines.

The spell remained intact; and with renewed vigor, Twilight made her princess feel every inch of ponycock leave her battered asshole, forcing a squeak from the blue mare once the flared head left her. “Now on to Round Three,” Twilight whispered into Luna’s ear, using her magic to clean her cock before forcing it into her mare’s pussy. Luna felt the stallion-mare nip at her ear, causing a unreal shockwave of pleasure to course through her body.

“Is… this common among your mares?” Luna asked, her body twitching from the stimulation.

“Three rounds is usually when we both think it was enough, by staying awake that is. But if you need, I’ll go as long as you need me,” Twilight replied, thrusting hard into Luna’s quivering snatch.

A goofy smile graced the Princess’ features and moved her rump back into Twilight, finding a good rhythm. Luna’s eyes widened when she felt her Alpha’s cock stir within her magically, vibrating against her walls. She let out a hoarse moan upon feeling a hoof tease her clitoris.

The bed couldn’t take much more and collapsed under the weight of the two mares, the sudden shift and fall made Twilight slip and pound hard into Luna, forcing out her latest orgasm.

The suction on Luna’s quim baffled Twilight, while the walls constricted her rather well before, now it’s nearly impossible for her member to escape it’s sheath. Twilight slipped and Luna’s muscles went into override and pulled the purple penis in, forcing Twilight’s hips to slam against the princess’.

“AS YOUR PRINCESS, WE COMMAND THEE TO FILL ME!” Luna cried out, her walls now flexing and gripping Twilight.

With a squeak, Twilight let go. Her cock spewing its loads deep into the princess, the suction gradually became weaker, the unicorn slowly trying to pull her purple volcano out of Luna. The hard rod, slapped between Luna’s cheeks, firing it’s contents on Luna’s body. “That… was a really strong pussy,” Twilight weezed, trying to catch her breath.

Luna smiled back to her alpha, and rubbed her ass into Twilight’s body. “We are not yet done, we desire more. Our most majestic mate, our alpha!” The unicorn smiled grimly, knowing that the alicorn was going to run her ragged.


“What are you doing Pinkie?” Applejack asked.

“Watching Twilight mount a Princess,” Pinkie exclaimed, looking through Twilight’s telescope at the moon. They heard a distant cry that surprised them both. “Wow, she’s loud.”


The room was in disarray, books littered the floor, most furniture that was designed for taking weight was tested and found wanting, and Twilight laid against the wall while Luna’s head bobbed along her cock. “That was something.”

Luna let the cock slip from her lips, stroking it with her hoof. “Indeed, I didn’t expect such adventurous ponies in these times,” she cooed, returning the purple member to her mouth.

“Anal is adventurous? That isn’t even close to what the girls make me do,” Twilight chuckled, stroking Luna’s mane.

Luna gave her alpha a curious look while sucking on the purple head, trying to force more of Twilight’s cum to escape into her mouth.

“Gilda usually likes to wrestle before sex, whoever wins is on top, I think she holds back sometimes. Trixie almost wants me to dominate her completely, going as far wanting me to rape her, she usually falls asleep with the biggest smile so I think I’m doing that well. Rarity has been talking to Applejack about bondage and have us tie her up and let Applejack and I do whatever we want to her, which is weird because I always figured Rarity would want to be the mistress,” Twilight thought aloud.

“We see, are there any other fetishes that you would wish to attempt one day?” Luna asked, licking the purple member.

“Not really, I already enjoy what I have. A bunch of girls that love me and think I’m great in bed- AH,” Twilight winced, looking down to see Luna’s magic captured her penis, with an annoyed Princess.

“We do not ‘think’ you are great in bed, we know this. The ruins of this bed and room is proof of this. Repeat after me: I am the best lover!”

“I’mthebestlover” Twilight squeaked, flinching from the vice that surrounded her dick.

“Louder!” Luna commanded, her grip tightening and making her Alpha squirm.

“I’M THE BEST LOVER!” Twilight cried out. Luna gave a triumphant smile and released the purple member before going in to give it a light lick.

That was all it took to make it rain Twilight’s cum onto the purple mare’s body and Luna’s head. Twilight sighing in relief as she felt the Princess of the Moon licking her coat clean.


“Twilight wake up!” Twilight jumped in her bed, Pinkie looming over her.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked, her nostrils slowly being filled with a burning smell.

“We need to save the Library!” Pinkie cried out, they both ran out the room to the kitchen to see Luna stressing about the kitchen, trying to cook breakfast while wearing a pink apron.

“Fear not! We have this! Gah!” Luna screamed, as the stove burst in a tower of flame, using her magic to disperse the fire.

Twilight merely chuckled, helping her newest mate with breakfast.

Mini-Series: Call of the Wild

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This chapter contains animal on animal sex, with light bestiality if you view wolf on pony action to be bestiality, dood.

You have been warned, dood.

“That’s very good, Trixie,” Twilight said, watching Trixie turn an apple into an orange.

“It’s only natural for Trixie to be adept at this kind of magic, Mistress,” Trixie stated smugly.

“True, but it’s still impressive,” Twilight exclaimed, nuzzling Trixie. The showmare blushed from the attention but kept her posture.

The two mares had begun practicing magic in the park, the light breeze feeling much better than the stuffy air of the library, and Twilight would rather not have a spell accidently hit her books and ruin them.

While Twilight went to get a few bottles of water, Trixie placed a book of highly advanced magic in front of her and studied it. She scoffed at many of the spells, feeling them beneath her great power. She flipped through it until she saw the spell that made her smile widely, seeing this spell as a true test to her magical might.

“Trixie, did you find a spell to practice?” Twilight asked, seating herself next to the show mare and levitating the bottle before her.

“Indeed, Trixie has found it. But… she needs something to test it on,” Trixie said, leering at the page before her.

Twilight arched a brow and looked at the spell in question. “Body Shaper Deluxe? That’s really going the limit, turning somepony into something else can be tough.”

“Somepony else? Like… this only works on ponies?” Trixie asked, nervously.

“Yes, see?” Twilight pointed out, her hoof pressed next to the sentence that claimed that the spell could only work on creatures that had strong inner magic power, such as ponies. Trixie gulped nervously, knowing that if she ever wanted to use this spell, she’ll have to test it on somepony. Twilight sensed this uneasiness and nuzzled her mare. “If you want, I’ll be your test subject.”

“What? What if Trixie messes up and you become a monster? What if Trixie erases you from existence?” Trixie yelped.

Twilight calmly smiled and stood up, walking to the center of their practice field. “Don’t worry, I have complete faith in you.”

“And if Trixie’s faith in herself is starting to waver?”

Twilight chuckled, rolling her eyes. “If you really need to, I’ll enchant this sheet of paper to be sent to Princess Luna after you sign it,” she said. She levitated a white parchment out of her bag, but she turned it silver in colour the moment it reached Trixie. “Maybe… why don’t you have some faith in me, who has all her faith in you?”

Trixie gave a small smile. “Very well.” She turned down to the spell and studied it carefully, glancing up to the patient Twilight every so often. She took a deep breath as her horn began to glow, enveloping the purple unicorn in a light purple glow.

Twilight felt a pinch in her muscles, turning to see her hooves becoming paws. She looked around to find that she was also shrinking. Her ears moving north and her mane being absorbed into her body as the light blinded her.

All that was left of Twilight was a larger pink orb that started as large as Big Mac, only to shrink down to the size of a house pet. Trixie continued her concentration, sweat dripping from her body and her horn shone fiercely.

Feeling that the spell was complete, Trixie’s horn dimmed and the blue unicorn collapsed, her head weakly looking up to see the fruits of her labors.

The dust around the orb settled and the pink glow faded. revealing a small critter in the center of it all. The fur was purple with a small tinge of blue around it’s long ears and furry head, looking almost like a mane. The small rabbit darted up to Trixie and cheered. “Trixie did it?” the showmare asked, the rabbit nodded. “Yes… Trixie… is the best…” Trixie slowly fell asleep on the grass.

Twilight’s enthusiasm slowly faltered as she tried to awaken her friend, beginning to dislike the idea of staying as a bunny. She made light squeaks and noises, trying to awaken the blue unicorn, but to no avail. She gave the showmare a kick in frustration, failing to even disturb Trixie. She let out a sigh and fell back onto the grass, forced to wait until Trixie awakened.

It was at that time, she caught a peculiar scent. The scent caused Twilight to feel aroused, despite being unsure of where it’s coming from, finding it rather similar to that of a mare in heat, but vastly stronger in some ways. She hopped up and began to sprint to her destination to find whatever left this scent.

Twilight felt fast in her new form, her body adapting very quickly it the strange biology. Her body demanded that she find the source of this scent and to greet it in kind.

After a minute of running, she found a brown female rabbit, a doe, nibbling some grass outside a cottage. Twilight’s eyes focused on the girl bunny, her now lapine member appearing from beneath her fur. The doe appeared to have caught Twilight’s scent and turned to her, and then the purple buck pounced.


Fluttershy was calmly watering her garden. Humming a familiar tune to herself while she did her daily chores. She had put Angel bunny down for a nap and the rest of her animal friends have gone off to do their own natural thing.

As Fluttershy filled her watering can, she heard repetitive squeaking in a nearby bush. She blushed when she realized what it was but a sour face took hold as she had rules about that sort of behavior. ‘No naughty time outside, little ponies could be watching.’

She pushed the leaves out of the way only to give what was happening a confused look. She saw a purple bunny humping a brown bunny, the purple male looked faintly familiar. “Umm… hello?”

Fluttershy was ignored, the purple bunny pinning the brown bunny to the dirt and thrusting harder, their squeaks becoming a bit louder. “Could you two… stop? You’re not allowed to do that.”

Once again, she was ignored as the purple bunny let out a squealing noise, signalling the release of his first load into his chosen mate. He fell to the side and quickly got back onto his paws. “Oh good, you’ll stop now, right?” Fluttershy asked, hoping that her bunny friends have finally regained their senses.

The brown bunny looked up with half-lidded eyes but the purple bunny mounted her once again and resumed it’s frantic thrusting. Fluttershy jumped back a bit, startled by the purple bunny’s actions.

“Mister Purple Bunny, you can not do that outside!” Fluttershy ordered, her eyes focusing onto the purple bunny. Unfortunately, the bunny’s eyes were closed, it’s small purple paws clenching the brown fur tightly as it thrusted it’s penis as deep as possible into it’s willing mate.

The brown bunny let out a squeal of her own as it felt itself and her male climax, shuddering from the feeling of another load of cum entering her womb. She couldn’t believe how powerful and virile this male was, it was unlike any she’d ever experienced, and what confused the poor critter more was how this dominating male smelt and felt like a female.

Fluttershy’s face went red and she pushed the purple rabbit away, her scowl intensified when the strange bunny resisted. “Mister Purple Bunny, this is against the rules.”

The purple buck looked up to Fluttershy and stopped, his face turning red. He slowly looked down to see the bunny he was mating and jumped back in shock. Squeaking and squealing in a panic manner. “Okay, sir. Calm down, just explain everything to me and I won’t ground you for breaking the rules.”

The bunny gave Fluttershy it’s most hopeful eyes and began squeaking again. Fluttershy was confused by what the bunny told her. “You do look a bit like Twilight, but… Twilight’s a unicorn.”

The bunny shook her head in annoyance, she flinched back when she saw the doe from earlier rubbing her penis affectionately with her brown body. Twilight began to squeak some more, pleading his case.

“Trixie turned you into a bunny to test a spell? How awful!” Fluttershy uttered.

Twilight shook her head, using a paw to push the doe away from her.

“Oh, you… offered to be her test subject? Why?” Fluttershy questioned, watching Twilight bunny carefully.

Twilight squeaked and waved her forelimbs, only to be pushed onto her tail and the doe began to ride her. For her part, the building desire to breed the doe was combating the former unicorn’s ability to reason, the two sides locked in a endless struggle.

Fluttershy pulled the doe off Twilight and placed her inside the cottage. “Alright… Twilight.” After a moment of silence, Fluttershy began to giggle and picked Twilight up. “Oh you look sooooo cute, Twilight.”

Twilight pouted angrily, very similar to a certain white rabbit Fluttershy knew.

As Fluttershy giggled, Angel slowly hopped out of his home in annoyance. He turned to berate his caretaker when he saw a lovely purple doe before Fluttershy, her fur looked as soft as clouds, her eyes were as mesmerizing as a dream, and her adorable squeaks as she spoke to Fluttershy were music to his long ears. Licking his paw and sliding the fur on his head back, he approached the enticing doe for action.

Fluttershy and Twilight both turned to Angel giving the purple bunny affectionate looks, quickly becoming uncomfortably close to Twilight herself, his paw tracing her fur delicately and preparing her to be bred. Feeling outright scared, Twilight pushed Angel away and latched onto Fluttershy’s hooves.

Angel saw this as hard to get, and quickly closed the distance between himself and the sexy purple bunny. Fluttershy took the white bunny and separated him from his new doe. “No, Angel. She doesn’t want to be bred, so you shouldn’t make her.”

Angel rolled his eyes and escaped, once again by Twilight’s side. He reached a paw down along her lower fur and stopped, feeling a rather male part of the doe’s body. He looked down to see a penis, still wet with the fluids of recent matings.

Twilight almost saw this as poetic justice as Angel began to stare at his paw in a horrified manner and ran as fast as he could. She tried to fight off a giggle when Angel bounded for his makeshift house.

“Oh… I guess Angel didn’t know you were dual gendered,” Fluttershy said, gazing at her pet’s house with concern before turning to Twilight. “So long as you are here Twilight, I really can’t have you… mate with my animals outside. It may be nature… but I don’t want any fillies or colts seeing it happen, so I hope you can understand.”

Twilight gave her a salute and hopped to the door, keeping an eye open for Trixie to fix this problem. It wasn’t long before she caught the smell of more needy does close by, she turned her head to see five does looking at her with curiosity and a sixth that happened to be the doe she mated with earlier.

The strength of the scent and her biological desire to spread her seed overpowered her reason and lead the does to a secluded part of Fluttershy’s home, which happened to be underneath a table. The does followed and waited, the first one letting out a squeak when the purple doe-buck mounted her, the others eagerly awaiting their turn.


Trixie yawned as she searched for Twilight, the books she had were placed in her purple saddle bag. She found it odd that she couldn’t find the purple bunny anywhere, searching every bush in her path. “Twilight!” She called out.

Trixie frowned, annoyed that her alpha would just leave unexpectedly, leaving the showmare to nap in the park. She left and headed to Fluttershy’s place, curious if Twilight had ended up there. Knowing Fluttershy, Twilight would be pampered like a small filly with her love of animals.

After some time, she approached the cottage and found that there was an a lot of bunnies surrounding Fluttershy’s home. “Um, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy poked her head out her door and noticed Trixie, waving her over. As quick as she could, Trixie ran up to the timid pegasus. “Trixie… I need you to fix Twilight.”

“So she is here. Where is she and Trixie will reverse the spell,” Trixie stated, looking around the cottage’s interior.

“She under the table,” Fluttershy said, pointing under the dining room table.

Trixie gave a confused look to Fluttershy before looking under the table, blushing when she saw her lapine alpha mating furiously with a doe, several other does resting peacefully and reeking of sex. “What… in Equestria?”

“It’s mating season for bunnies and… since I had Angel inside, the does didn’t really have a buck to mate with… until Twilight came by in her new form,” Fluttershy explained, trying to hold the angry Angel back from attacking Twilight. Trixie noted that the male bunny was sporting a black eye. “Can you change her back please?”

“Of course! Trixie placed her under this spell and Trixie alone will bring her back!” Trixie declared. She took position and aimed her horn at Twilight, who just finished with another bunny. Twilight turned to Trixie weakly and her eyes widened, smiling and darted out from the pile of satisfied does.

With Twilight ready to get changed back, Trixie bit her lip lightly and let her spell fly. Twilight could feel her body grow as the pink glow took over her entire body.

Fluttershy and Angel watched, mystified by Trixie’s transformation magic. The light dimmed and they looked to see if the purple unicorn had returned, only to see a purple wolf in the middle of the room. Angel began to quiver and hid in his house, hoping that the bunny-turned-wolf wouldn’t remember him trying to attack her earlier.

Twilight growled, unamused by her new form. She stood half the height of a pony, her purple fur still appeared well kept, fierce canines faintly showing behind her lips. Her purple eyes stared at the blue unicorn. Her back and tail was covered with blue fur that had a pink and a purple line streak down to her tail.

“Um, Trixie? It didn’t work,” Fluttershy said, she turned to see the showmare sleeping peacefully on her floor. Twilight walked over and dragged Trixie over to the couch by the scruff of her neck, carefully trying not to clamp down on her mare friend. “Well, I suppose the good thing is that you’re still you, Twilight.”

Twilight howled in agreement, both pegasus and wolf smiling to each other. The other bunnies noticed the purple wolf and fled as quickly as they could.

They heard a knock on the door and Fluttershy went to open it. Racing past her was Winona who immediately went to sniff and inspect the strange purple wolf in the room. Twilight smiled and played with the smaller dog, finding Winona’s scent rather enticing.

Applejack and Rarity soon entered, Opalescence curled on Rarity’s back. “Howdy, Shy. Hope you don’t min- What the hey?” Applejack uttered, staring at the strange creature her pet was sniffing. Rarity’s mouth was agape and her cat cowered, trying to hide herself behind the ivory mare’s mane. The wolf weakly waved a paw with a nervous, toothy grin.

“Um… Trixie had cast a spell on Twilight and it turned her into a bu- a wolf,” Fluttershy said, not wanting to tell her friends about Twilight’s time as a rabbit.

“Is it permanent?” Rarity asked, tentatively walking closer to the wolf.

“I’m not sure, but once Trixie wakes up, she’ll turn her back,” Fluttershy replied, twiddling her hooves nervously.

“Why doesn’t Twilight magic herself out?” Applejack asked, her face inches away from her supposed ‘friend’.

Twilight sat nervously under the cautious stares of her best friends and the strange displays of affection Winona was giving her, rubbing her body against her purple fur. She tried to speak as a wolf, letting out a series of weak howls and barks.

“Twilight says that she lost connection to her magic in this form, we either have to wait until Trixie awakes or we use a sheet of silver paper in Trixie’s bag and call for Luna to help,” Fluttershy explained in Twilight’s place. The wolf yipped happily and brushed her muzzle against Fluttershy’s side who in turn smiled and began to pet the purple wolf.

Applejack looked down to see Winona rubbing her backside against Twilight’s crotch. “I take it Twilight is still all her-ma-pho-dite, right?”

“Yes, she is. Why?” Fluttershy asked, she turned to see Winona panting lightly while cuddling into Twilight. “Oh… oh my.”

Twilight tried to push the needy dog away with a paw, whimpering lightly, the scent of Winona’s need filling her lungs and trying to get her to make the farm dog her bitch.

“This is a pickle,” Applejack groaned, watching her dog try and mate with her alpha. “Do you have any other dogs or wolves nearby for Winona? She’s entering her heat and I’d like to get her bred so we can get back.”

“Opal has been restless during her heat and I’d like to rectify it as well, though… I’d much rather not have her mate with Twilight… for obvious reasons of course,” Rarity said, frowning.

“I do have some male cats in the backyard, but… I don’t think I have any dogs for Winona,” Fluttershy answered.

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief while Applejack studied Twilight intensely. “Well, not only did you get to fuck me, but it seems like you get to fuck my dog too. Nothing is ever normal around you, is it?”

Twilight shrugged nervously, her tail and hind leg twitching, fighting off her animalistic desires for as long as she can.

Applejack smiled softly, scratching Twilight’s fur and relaxing the purple wolf. “At least it’s good to know that our Twilight still there.”

Twilight felt her tongue hang out of her head, finding just how nice Applejack’s hooves felt. The fault in weakness allowed Winona to find Twilight’s growing canine shaft and began to lick it, getting it harder.

A whimper escaped Twilight’s muzzle, shaking from Applejack’s platonic affection and Winona’s lustful advances. Rarity and Fluttershy soon returned and gasped at the sight. “Applejack, what are you doing?”

“I’m scratching Twilight cause she’s been a good wolf!” Applejack shouted. “Not my fault my dog wants Twilight to bred her.”

“There has to be other ways,” Rarity muttered, staring at Twilight’s back.

“Actually… there isn’t. I’m not taking care of any canines right now and… Timberwolves are… very viscous when mating,” Fluttershy stated, she walked over to Twilight and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry Twilight, but you’ll… have to do it. We’ll look away if you really don’t want anyone see you mate with Winona.”

Twilight let out another whimper and saw Winona licking her red rocket eagerly. With a frustrated bark, Winona yipped happily and bent over before Twilight, tail raised.

“I say we skedaddle, I really don’t want the sight of one of my best friends… and lover, fuck my dog after I gave her the go ahead, leaves a bad image, ya know?” Applejack said, walking to the door.

“I agree, just knowing that I’ve shared my Alpha with a dog because of Trixie makes me want to have several baths… In fact, can I use your bathroom, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, cringing.

“Of course, Rarity,” Fluttershy replied. Rarity bounced joyously and ran up stairs to the pegasus’ bathroom.

“You coming, Shy?” Applejack asked from the door.

“No, I have to make sure Twilight doesn’t hurt Winona, she is twice your puppy’s size after all,” Fluttershy answered, standing next to Twilight. Applejack gave the caretaker a nervous look before nodding, walking out the door. Once Applejack left, Fluttershy gave Twilight an encouraging smile. “Sorry but it has to be done.”

Twilight groaned the best she could as a wolf, staring down at Winona’s needy slit. With a sigh, she stepped over the brown dog, and tried her best to position herself to enter the farm dog. Winona being smaller than her made things a bit tough for Twilight.

Noticing this, Fluttershy helped Twilight position her member for Winona’s pussy. Applejack’s dog let out a happy yip when the red shaft entered her. While Winona happily stood beneath Twilight, Twilight was slowly thrusting herself into the tight orifice, flinching from the knot forming at the base.

Fluttershy blushed at the scene, watching the larger wolf rut the smaller dog eagerly yet still in a caring manner, far different from the vicious rituals most wolves when they mate. The scent of the two canines starting to make Fluttershy feel a bit light headed.

Twilight’s pace grew faster and harder, trying to force her sensitive knot into Winona’s warmth. Despite her partner's desire for sex, Winona didn’t feel like she was into it, sort of like the bunnies she ended up mating with earlier. They’re only concern is to be bred and have children, but it annoyed Twilight a bit to find that they barely responded to pleasure they should be feeling, a very different feeling from mating with mares.

Fluttershy had seen her animals mate constantly; her own bunny Angel has sired half of the bunny population by himself after all. But to see one of her friends, albeit in a different form, mating with Winona made Fluttershy feel annoyed, she knew that animals don’t feel pleasure the same way most sapient creatures do, and with how Twilight was trying her best to mate while Winona stayed happily still as she was being humped from behind.

Twilight howled while Winona let out a happy yip, her knot forced into the smaller dog roughly, forcing the two together. Twilight tried to pull herself out but only succeeded in pulling Winona up with her. The wolf turned to Fluttershy with a confused whimper. “Twilight, you know what happens when you knot another. Turn around and wait until the knot deflates.”

With annoyed growl, Twilight did as instructed. She twisted around until the two canines were facing away from each other, Twilight laid on the floor while WInona barked happily with her mate's knot inside her.

A few minutes later, Twilight let out a satisfied yet weak howl, her cock slipping out of Winona. The smaller dog barked happily and ran around the room happily.

Fluttershy sat down next to Twilight and nuzzled the purple wolf. “You did good, Twilight.”

Twilight let out a bored growl, glancing back to the sleeping unicorn. Now that Winona was busy being happy elsewhere, Twilight caught a new scent, turning to Fluttershy with a confused look. “What is it Twilight?”

Twilight yipped and growled, each noise sounding a bit like a question.

“Oh! Umm…” Fluttershy uttered, blushing hard. Her tailed raised on instinct. “Well… you see, we are mates right? So… it’s only natural to find your… mate having intercourse to be… somewhat erotic. And you… well I suppose you do know that… I find nature fascinating; all nature.”

Twilight stared at the timid pegasus, raising a brow in confusion. She let out few more yips and growls.

Fluttershy gasped, her face turning bright red. “I’d never- I wouldn’t think of it. But… you are… my alpha… but you’re still a wolf. But you… umm…”

Twilight put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, and yipped a bit. She smiled and was about to turn away when she Fluttershy pushed her lips against Twilight’s muzzle, Fluttershy’s tongue carefully tracing the purple wolf’s jagged teeth. They broke the kiss and Twilight stared at Fluttershy with a dumbstruck look. “I… I guess we can do this, you are still you after all. I hope I’d be better than Winona…”

Twilight turned to see Winona still running around barking happily, with not a care in the world. Twilight chuckled and leaned in for another kiss, the caretaker accepting her alpha’s embrace completely, with Twilight pushing Fluttershy to the floor.

The warm embrace of the purple wolf’s body made Fluttershy feel safe and welcomed. She could feel Twilight’s now long and thick tongue enter her mouth, easily overpowering her. She squirmed when she felt Twilight’s red penis pressed against her coat. They separated, panting heavily. “Could you… use that tongue? Get me ready… please.”

Twilight nodded, licking along Fluttershy’s coat and trailing down to the pegasus’ moist marehood.

Trixie slowly came to, the sounds of faint moaning filling the air. She slowly got up and saw Fluttershy being serviced orally by the purple wolf that was once Twilight Sparkle. “What in the world!”

Twilight and Fluttershy shot up, a frightened expression on their faces as they stared at Trixie. “We can… well, I can explain,” Fluttershy answered, blushing hard.

The door flew open and soon Applejack was met with the scene of Fluttershy and wolf Twilight in the midst of mating. “‘Shy?” Applejack asked. Rarity stormed down the stairs, dripping wet and held a hoof to her mouth.

Twilight’s lupine face went red with embarrassment. She turned to Trixie and whined a bit. Fluttershy nodding in understanding. “Could you change Twilight back? She doesn’t like being a wolf.”

Trixie nodded and walked up to Twilight, preparing her spell once again. “Okay, now… change back!”

A bright purple flash blinded everyone, Twilight feeling her body grow some more. Magic coursing through her lovingly, feeling her own magic slowly return to her.

The light dimmed and Trixie collapsed again, snoozing peacefully. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity all watched in horror as a less-than-amused purple Manticore laid on the floor in the middle of the cottage, too large to move without injuring herself, her friends or damaging Fluttershy’s home.

Twilight let out a disgruntled roar, and Fluttershy nodded respectfully. “Could someone find an empty silver page form Trixie’s bag? We’re going to get Luna to fix this.”


Twilight walked up to Fluttershy’s cottage, a large bag on her back as she approached. She knocked on the door lightly and nervously checked around her. She was still trying to get use to her old body after spending most of the day as a bunny, a wolf, and a little bit as a manticore.

She blushed hard as she remembered placing a rushed order to Rarity while Trixie was stuffing her face, trying to reclaim the energy lost. It was embarrassing to say the least but the purple mare was sure that Fluttershy would enjoy this surprise.

The door opened to reveal Fluttershy, shocked by the arrival of her alpha. “Twilight, what… what brings you out so late?”

“I came by because I felt… guilty for not finishing what I started. True that… I was running more on animal instinct the whole day, with the whole mating thing but I still felt like you didn’t get anything for putting up with it, so… what do you say?” Twilight asked, her response was a deep kiss and getting pulled into the cottage by the normally-timid mare.

Twilight pulled away and licked Fluttershy’s nose playfully. “Let’s take this to your bedroom, okay. I have a present for you.”

“A present? You really shouldn’t have,” Fluttershy giggled, both nervous and excited.

Twilight levitated the bag off her back and opened it, taking out a bunny costume and giving it to Fluttershy. The costume was yellow and looked to be a one-piece pajamas with holes for her wings, as well as a hole where her pussy was. The long adorable ears bounced above the head and a bushy white tail at the opposite end. “Oh my.”

Twilight giggled and pulled out a purple costume that looked more akin to a wolf. With shaggy fur and fake paws that had small claws on the end that were just stuffed cones of fabric that were gentle to the touch, a long tail hung limply with a hole for Twilight’s penis to get through. With her magic, the unicorn put her costume on, letting her own tail guide her fake lupine tail, her horn poking out from between the wolf ears atop her head.

Fluttershy blushed heavily, hiding her face behind her own costume before looking at it longingly. “Give me a moment.”

“Okay.” Twilight said, turning around. Giggling to herself as Fluttershy struggled into her costume.

“Is this okay?” Fluttershy asked, Twilight turned and her eyes widened. The yellow pegasus stood there, her wings clung tightly to her side, her mane stuffed into the costume to prevent it from covering her face. Her tail stayed within the costume but wiggled regardless, causing the puffy tail to wiggle instead. “I hope I didn’t ruin it.”

“No… you didn’t,” Twilight said, pouncing the yellow bunny. “You look… delicious.”

Fluttershy’s face went red, tensing up when Twilight ran her tongue along the pegasus’ cheek. “I’m… glad.”

Twilight licked her lips and leaned forward, capturing Fluttershy’s lips. The timid bunny-mare felt weak under the wolf-mare’s power, giving herself completely to her mate. A bright glow took hold and her eyes widened when she felt Twilight’s tongue become thick and wide, similar to the same tongue that she made out with earlier. Twilight broke the kiss and showed Fluttershy her new wolf-like tongue. “Like it?” the purple wolf-mare asked.

Fluttershy meekly nodded, her face bright red. Twilight giggled and nuzzled the pegasus’s covered body, tracing down it with her cheek and planting kisses until she reached the bunny mare’s exposed pussy. “Are you ready?”

“Well… I need to get ready too,” Twilight added, turning over to show her mare the erect cock poking out from her suit. “Don’t worry… I washed myself several times before coming here.”

Fluttershy sniffed the purple penis a bit, smiling softly at the lavender musk that covered it. “I don’t fully think I’d mind… I was ready to get mounted by you after you just finished with Winona.”

“I’d rather not remember that fiasco,” Twilight muttered, thrusting her hips down to tap Fluttershy’s nose with her dick, before turning to lick the pegasus’ slick entrance.

Fluttershy gave the purple member a few kisses and ran her tongue along its underside, letting the taste linger on her tongue before giving Twilight another kiss. Her concentration found itself split upon feeling Twilight’s elongated tongue probe slide across her lower lips, causing the bunny mare to flinch and moan.

Twilight smiled slyly while licking Fluttershy’s moist pussy, spreading the pegasus’ lips wide with her hooves before forcing her tongue deep inside the bunny-mare.

Fluttershy let out a loud gasp, arching her back in surprise of Twilight’s recent actions. Her reaction gave Twilight’s penis the leverage it needed to find purchase in the timid pegasus’ mouth, causing Fluttershy to gag slightly before sucking the purple member with earnest.

Twilight hissed with pleasure, feeling her mare sucking her cock like a popsicle, she gave a teasing thrust into Fluttershy’s mouth before returning to her original activity of playing with the bunny-mare’s slit.

Fluttershy’s hooves held Twilight’s rump still, trying to wet every inch of her alpha’s shaft for the eventual penetration, the taste causing her wings to spread out across the floor. She wanted nothing more than to be bred by her alpha, like the cute little bunny-mare she was, to sate the sexual appetite of her powerful mate.

Twilight smirked as she pulled away, her cock making an audible pop as it left Fluttershy’s mouth. The yellow pegasus watched the unicorn with need, keeping her legs spread for her alpha. “Nope, on all fours, we’re dressed like animals, we’re going to mate like animals.”

Blushing even harder than before, Fluttershy wasted no time getting back on her hooves, raising her rear high, her tail shaking a bit to entice her lupine lover.

Twilight examined her prey carefully, pressing her hoof against the moist snatch before licking the moisture off her costume. “Tasty, but we all know what you want.”

Fluttershy nodded and braced herself, feeling Twilight’s weight on her back and the pressure of the unicorn’s cock entering her moist passage. “Oooooohhhhh.”

“Gah, so darn tight,” Twilight groaned, pushing herself to the hilt inside Fluttershy. “You’re like the softest vice I’ve ever fucked back here, and we all know about Pinkie.”

Fluttershy tried to giggle but the powerful yet tender thrusts from her Alpha startled her, causing her to moan softly as her front hit the ground. Moaning from Twilight’s assault.

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully, giggling as her marefriend began to writhe in the throes of pleasure within seconds of actual mating. “You really like this, don’t you?”

“Yes, I love it,” Fluttershy moaned. The weight on her back became heavy as she felt Twilight’s breath on her neck and cheek.

“You really needed this, didn’t you?” Twilight questioned, picking up the pace.

“Yes, I needed this so much,” Fluttershy gasped, her rump shaking from Twilight’s poundings. She let out a cry as her orgasm flooded her senses, surprising Twilight with her tightening pussy and reverse thrusts onto the unicorn’s groin.

“Already? You like being mounted by a big strong wolf, don’t you?” Twilight asked, with an almost giddy face.

“Oh yes, Twilight. I need your knot in me,” Fluttershy moaned.

“My what?” Twilight asked, giddiness became confusion.

“Your knot, I want your knot to fill me,” Fluttershy begged, she felt Twilight stop and did what she could to make up for her alpha’s inactivity.

“I dunno, it was REALLY uncomfortable when I had it earlier,” Twilight uttered, cringing from the velvet grip of her mate’s tunnel.

“Well… you are a wolf-mare, and wolf-mares knot their mates… especially if that mate is a… bunny mare like me,” Fluttershy whimpered, looking up to Twilight with soft eyes filled with need and desire.

“Okay, just for you,” Twilight giggled, kissing Fluttershy’s cheek, she used her magic to shift her medial ring closer to her base and slowly made it expand, shuddering as it became more sensitive the more it grew.

“Oh yes, Oh Twilight more!” Fluttershy moaned loudly, the knot having trouble entering her once again as it continued to grow.

It wasn’t long until Twilight could no long push her entire shaft into her beautiful mare, trying fruitlessly to force every last inch into her bunny-filly, shivering as the purple bulge made contact with Fluttershy’s moist hole with every thrust.

“Just a little more, you can do it!” Fluttershy said encouragingly, trying to force herself against the knot, a little bit of drool escaping her mouth.

Twilight pressed Fluttershy’s front against the floor and bit Fluttershy’s shoulders, hearing Fluttershy’s moan of approval made her clench a bit harder as she pressed her knot into the unyielding entrance.

Fluttershy’s pussy began to widen and eventually, the large purple bulge was in, knotting the two mares together. Twilight let out a loud groan while Fluttershy screamed in pleasure. “Oh… yes, thank you!” Fluttershy exclaimed, her pussy clamping down around Twilight’s engorged cock.

“Your pussy feels like it's going to rip my dick off, I can’t pull out,” Twilight groaned, gritting her teeth as the foreign pleasure raced through her system.

Fluttershy gave Twilight a lopsided smile. “Just… do small humping. Do it… until you fill me... with your cubs… Twi-wolf.”

Twilight smiled and licked Fluttershy’s face. “Very well, Bunnyshy.”

Shifting to a more comfortable position, Twilight pumped her hips with small, but powerful strokes, causing her knot to swell and her flared head to widen. Fluttershy was drooling onto the floor, flinching and shivering too much to mind what the purple wolf had planned for her.

“Were you really turned on by the idea of getting knotted by me, ‘Shy?” Twilight asked, holding her mare tightly while she worked the mare into a deeper stupor.

“Ye- es- ss,” Fluttershy hissed, smiling widely. “But only you… I just want your knot, you’re the only tough alpha for me.”

“That’s right,” Twilight grinned, thrusting harder and harder each time.

Twilight soon let out a wolf like howl, while Fluttershy screamed in orgasm. the thick cock began to fire the unicorn’s seed at a much higher rate, savagely dousing Fluttershy’s womb, bathing the gestating embryo with cum.

Twilight felt an unimaginable relief as her knot shrank inside Fluttershy, humping mindlessly into the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy herself was too zoned out to notice how much of a mess the two made.

With a wet shlinck, Twilight pulled her penis out. She walked over and levitated her mare onto the bed and joined her, both ponies still wearing their costumes, as they joined together in sleep.

Little did either mare know, a small brown rabbit pushed her way into the room and hopped over onto the bed. She nestled herself next to her mate and kissed her buck’s cock good night.

Chapter Nineteen: Problems with Love and Idiot Authors

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Tags: [Twilight? x Roseluck(FutaxF); anal, vaginal, cunnilingus, implied blowjob][Twiclones x Herd(10+ Futa x 4 F); Gangbang, spitroasting, anal, vaginal, oral, double penetration, multiple insertions)

Roseluck’s heart was beating fast, too nervous to move or look away. She told herself today would be the day she’d confess, but… she could barely let out a whimper. Her red mane shook as she stood in the middle of the street, her cream-coloured body unable to force it to move forward or backwards, paralyzed…

By her.

Talking to Applejack ,was the mare that stole her heart the day she appeared in Ponyville all those years ago. The studious mare that lived in the library, with her perfectly cut mane, her fine purple coat, those deep violet eyes, and melodious voice.

In the distance, a pink earth mare with curled lime green mane and a greyish raspberry coloured mare shaking her blonde head at the nervous wreck their friend had become. “One of us has to save her,” the pink mare, Daisy, said.

The light red mare, Lily Valley, nodded. “This is totally not healthy.”

The two mares approached their lovestruck friend shaking in her fur. Daisy leaned forward and poked the tan mare. “Rosie?”

Lily frowned and nudged her fellow earth pony with both fore-hooves. “Rose, you okay?”

“FINE!” Roseluck cried out, she quickly tried to hide under her hooves as all eyes turned to her. Lily and Daisy looked to Applejack’s stand to see Twilight had disappeared. “Did she see me?” the poor mare asked.

“No, I think she left before your outburst, Rosie,” Daisy said, nudging her friend back onto her hooves.

“She probably thinks I’m a freak,” Roseluck whimpered, on the verge of tears. “Why can’t I just say something to her?”

“She has to deal with that changeling and the griffon… and Trixie. I’m sure it would take a lot for her to call you a freak,” Lily soothed, patting her friend on the back.

Roseluck looked up to her blonde friend with a nervous smile, she quickly felt Daisy nudge her lightly. “Don’t worry, we’ll help you. After a few weeks, Twilight will be begging you to join her herd.”

Roseluck frowned slightly, she didn’t quite like the idea of sharing Twilight; but then again, the Changeling Queen, Trixie, Gilda, and possibly Rarity all appear to not like that idea either but they go with it for the purple unicorn. “What do you think I have that they don’t?"

Lily and Daisy looked at each other for a moment before smiling. The red maned flower pony brushing Roseluck’s mane with her hoof. “Well, you’re good with flowers. You are the cutest mare around-”

“I think Fluttershy or maybe Pinkie might be the cutest though,” Roseluck interjected.

“Pfft, they wish,” Daisy chuckled. “Have you seen Fluttershy lately? She’s been eating too many cakes.”

Roseluck and Lily simply stared at their friend, confused by her lack of public knowledge. “Fluttershy is pregnant,” they said in unison.

Daisy raised an eyebrow. “She can’t be pregnant, I’ve never seen a stallion near her place… unless she’s been sneaking onto the farm and making love to Big Mac… getting smashed by that stallion’s Little Mac would be great.”

Lily’s hoof connected to her face, unable to comprehend her friend’s thought process. “Like, how are we not losing intelligence around you?”

“Twilight made Fluttershy pregnant, Daisy,” Roseluck uttered nervously.

Daisy’s eyes widening in shock. “They… they’re both mares… how? Is this unicorn magic thing?”

“Oh for the love of Celestia, everypony in town has known that Twilight has a dick for months. We even talked about this a week ago! After you had a dream about getting spitroasted by Prince Shining Armor and Big Mac and bragged about it to us!” Lily fumed, glaring at her oblivious friend.

“You shouldn’t believe rumors, Lily. It’s not healthy,” Daisy berated, narrowly dodging a hoof.

“Lily is right, Daisy. Remember the bar incident?” Roseluck asked.

“There were a lot of bar incidents, Rosie,” Daisy replied.

Lily shook her head. “She’s talking about the bar incident where Cloudchaser made Thunderlane present his rear to a room full of drunk mares and threw a strap-on and a bottle of lube in the center of it all on Mare’s night. Like… a third of the town’s mares had a chance to bang his ass that night, and Cloudchaser bragged about how Thunderlane loved it when he lost his butt virginity to Twilight, Cloudchaser even showed us a picture of her coltfriend sucking on her dick… which kinda makes me ask why Twilight would allow a picture when she wants this under lock and key. There was no way you’d forget that when you had him twice that night.”

“I still believe that she dressed up like Twilight and had a really good looking strap-on for Thunder to suck on in that picture,” Daisy stated.

“And the cum on his face?” Lily retorted?

Daisy had a smug smile on her face. “His own cum.”

“It was LEAKING from the purple cock he was licking, like… seriously!” Lily groaned, her head hurting from her friend’s inept thought process.

“We don’t know if it was leaking for the toy or not, Lily. Stop jumping to conclusions,” Daisy scolded, pouting at her friend’s childish behaviour.

Roseluck poked at her lips for a moment. “About... a month ago, before the Iron pony competition, didn’t Twilight accidently walk around Ponyville… uhh ‘hanging out’ for a good hour or so before Applejack told her what she was revealing to everypony?”

“Twilight is a unicorn, Rosie. I’m sure she has all sorts of spells to keep her mares happy,” Daisy said, petting her friend’s red mane.

“You are like… the dumbest mare ever,” Lily uttered, glaring at Daisy. “If you weren’t friends with Cheerilee back in the day, you’d never graduate elementary school.”

“Whether or not Twilight has a penis isn’t the point, Lily, stop thinking with your pussy. We are here to help Rosie get together with Twilight,” Daisy added, patting Roseluck on the back.

Lily grumbled while she glared at Daisy. Roseluck gave her friends a nervous look. “I’m happy you girls want to help but you really don’t have to… I’m sure Twilight has enough on her plate with the constant attention she needs to give. She wouldn’t have time for a nopony like me.”

Roseluck was quickly hit on the head by Lily’s hoof, rubbing the injury tenderly. “You seriously need to give yourself some more credit. If we need to, we’ll make Twilight to give you some time!”

“Yeah, it can’t be that hard, she only has like… eleven mares now?” Daisy added, they heard a male scream coming from nearby and ran to check it out. They found Twilight hitting the changeling queen on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. By the looks of a rather scared post stallion nearby, he was startled by the large black bugmare’s appearance. Chrysalis swatted the newspaper out of her face and hooked a limb around Twilight, pulling her into the library quickly. “What’s with the changeling?”

“She’s been a part of Twilight’s herd for like six months now?” We’ve both seen her around town,” Lily replied.

“Huh, I never noticed,” Daisy uttered, shrugging. “So, Rosie. What do ya say? We’ll help you get together with Twilight and have you join her herd!”

Roseluck grimaced. “I’m not sure…”

“We’re helping you whether you like it or not,” Lily stated.

“How hard can it be, anyways?” Daisy asked, pulling Roseluck to her as they all went home.

Roseluck grinned nervously. “I’m sure we’ll find out.”


After a long day of Daisy and Lily fighting each other again, Roseluck finally found some reprieve in sleep. Her subconscious quickly returning to the same location every night since she first met the mare of her dreams.

She would be dressed in a tight red gown that emphasized her rump, and a rose in her mane. Twilight would be dressed in a prince’s outfit. She used to wear the gown Rarity made for her during the first few months of her stay in Ponyville but after she learned of the unicorn’s secondary horn, the outfit changed into something more fitting a prince.

The two would have a wonderful night that included a candlelight dinner and dancing at the ball, but then it would get rather heated as Twilight led her to the bedroom. She would blush heavily as the unicorn laid her on the sheets, levitating the red dress off her body as she slowly removed her outfit.

She would watch as Twilight laid down on top of her, and pull her into a kiss that always felt real to the earth pony. “Oh Roseluck, you smell divine this evening.”

“Oh, Twilight… I want to be yours,” Roseluck moaned, her hooves gripping the purple mare tightly. Twilight stroked her face and positioned herself to penetrate the virgin pussy, Roseluck swallowed her breath, unable to comprehend that it’s finally happening.

But just as Twilight thrusted forward with the intent of burying her cock inside the willing earth pony; Roseluck would wake up, her body drenched with sweat and shame.

Roseluck slowly stepped out of her bed to clean up, and change her bedspread before returning to sleep. All she thought of during this was how she cowardly she was. She missed her chance many times to tell Twilight but even now… the unicorn’s herd made it impossible to approach her.

The earth pony let out a sigh, now clean and ready for bed again, she cuddled back under her covers and hoped that she wouldn’t be visited by another dream about Twilight. Unbeknownst to her, a dark figure watched her and her dream.

Luna felt this mare’s distress but was confused as to how to act. On one hoof, it was her duty to assist all of Equestria’s ponies, but the other hoof claimed that this form of assistance would only add another mare to her Alpha’s herd. After a week of being in said herd gave her a quick lesson that many of Twilight’s mares, while forgiving, are rather high maintenance and demand the unicorn’s love for at least a few hours to a day. The contest for earning Twilight’s attention for the day would become rather cutthroat among those that desire the alpha’s company.

Being in a new position, Luna felt… compelled to ask Twilight what she should do to help this mare, but dismissed it as it would only trouble Twilight even more. She then thought it would be wiser to bring this up to those that are more experienced in this field.

She flew back to the library with great haste, entering from the balcony. She quickly laid by Twilight’s side, holding the mare tightly despite the silver-maned magician who held their Alpha in a powerful grip, she quickly fell asleep while her magic was sent out to the mares she knew would help her greatly.

Within Luna’s dreamscape, she waited patiently in a large moonlit field, the stars above them patterned to represent things Luna likes or ponies that Luna cares for, such as Celestia, Twilight, Clover the Clever, even her fellow herdmates have found a place among her dream’s sky, the land she sat upon was field of dark blue grass with white lilies that let out a glow similar to her moon, giving the field a mystic feel.

She smiled as four orbs of light floated throughout her dream before landing before her. The lights grew then disappeared, revealing four familiar figures. A surprised zebra, a pink pony that scanned the view with glee, a startled fashionista who stared at the Lunar Princess with confusion, and a large female griffon who shared in the ivory mare’s surprise. “What the heck is going on here?” Gilda uttered, taking in the new view.

“My word, this looks… beautiful,” Rarity commented, admiring the flowers and the sky.

“This place looks super cool, why can’t Equestria have a place like this? It would be SOO awesome! This would be a fun place for a picnic or a party, don’t ya think?” Pinkie exclaimed, hopping around the field.

Zecora only gave Luna a concerned look. “The change of scene is quite sudden, I must ask the purpose of this summon.”

“While this might be rude to say in the presence of our fellow herdmates, our present knowledge of its dynamics tells us that you four are the more… stable and most interested in any happening that involve Twilight,” Luna explained. The girls stopped for a moment, taking Luna’s words carefully.

“Why is Gilda here and not Applejack then?” Pinkie asked curiously.

“I… can’t get mad at that since I’m not sure of that myself,” Gilda uttered, scratching her head.

“You are around Twilight far more than Applejack in recent time, that is why… and we are aware of your futile crusade to have Twilight utilize her whole body in sexual acts,” Luna replied.

Gilda huffed in annoyance. “I managed to get Twilight to use her pussy once at least.”

“Yes, and Twilight’s dreams for the next week were all ways to get revenge on you and a… pink earth mare with various fruits for a cutie mark in sexual ways,” Luna added. “But this isn’t the case now. As Mistress of the Night and Protector of Dreams, we have come up to a predicament that… is foreign to us…”

The ponies, zebra, and griffon gave the lunar princess a concerned look. “What dream based predicament would require out aid, Princess?” Rarity asked.

“There is a mare that dreams to be held in Twilight’s hooves, but is too scared to approach her in any way… she fears, feels jealousy, and dislikes us greatly for our close relationship with our Alpha. She yearns to be with our mate, but doesn’t wish to involve herself with the rest of us, seeing us all as those that have stolen her away,” Luna explained, she turned to her new allies. “What do you propose we do?”

“While I believe the solution is clear, though we are her fear. Our herd and friendship is too great, she can only join or accept this fate,” Zecora answered.

Luna frowned. “But.. we must help her through these nightmares, Lady Zecora. It is our duty to-”

“What’s with all this ‘we’ and ‘our’ crap? This is your job,” Gilda snapped, crossing her arms.

“Silence cur, it is tradition that we use the royal we! For we speak for many at all times, we are the voice of the nation, so still thy tongue!” Luna rebuttled, the sky turning dark with the Princess’ rage.

Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought. “If you are the voice of the nation and Twilight has sex with you… would that mean Twilight is fucking every single pony in Equestria at the same time? And when you orgasm… does that mean everypony is calling out her name?”

Everyone stared at the pink mare with a blank expression, unable to reply to such a thought. “Who might this mare be, Princess?” Rarity asked, breaking the awkward silence.

“Oh… the mare’s name appears to be Roseluck. She lives in Ponyville with her best friends, Lily Valley and Daisy,” Luna answered.

Rarity nodded and began to think, but Pinkie stopped in the midst of her dancing. “Wait, Roseluck liked Twilight? Atleast she’s pretty cute!”

“Although she is meek, it is Twilight we all seek. We can not disband because of a mare’s demand. The choice remains, join us or solitude reigns,” Zecora explained, grimacing from the unfortunate choices.

“But then how will we aid her? She seems to be having these dreams for a long time now, and if we try to make her mate in her dream, she awakens from the shock. How?” Luna questioned.

“How about giving her incentive to join us?” Gilda replied, all eyes (except Pinkie’s) turned to her. “Hear me out, she’s clearly hoof fucking herself over Twilight, right? How about we try to hang out with her to show that we are not that bad. She might be more open to us, then she might be more cool with us and she’d be okay with sharing Twilight.”

“Everypony gets what they wants! A pony can never have too many friends, my granny always said!” Pinkie exclaimed, appearing at Gilda’s side.

“Do you think this would work?” Luna asked, curious.

“We did something similar for Fluttershy… the only difference is that Shy is more open to us than Roseluck,” Gilda added.

“So… we’ll try and spend a few hours with her, prove that we won’t be rude to her should she pursue her interest in our mutual lover, and just another mare added to this harem,” Rarity stated.

“Herd…” Pinkie and Luna said at once, even Zecora looked disappointed in Rarity.

“Are they not the same thing?” Rarity asked.

“A herd is a group that is founded on the fundamentals of marriage, unity, and protection. A harem is a collection of ponies that’s only purpose in their life is to be used for mating,” Luna said, staring at the unicorn in annoyance.

“My mistake,” Rarity said, flinching from the stares. “But regardless, I fear I couldn’t help, I have too many orders… and then my date with Twilight on Thursday, my schedule is full, dear.”

“No worries! Leave it to Gilda and me, we’ll help her out!” Pinkie exclaimed, pulling Gilda closer to her. Zecora nodded her thanks.

“Excellent, I would assist but we have our royal duties to that we must tend to. We shall see you next weekend,” Luna stated as the dreamscape began to brighten until everyone’s vision was filled with a white light.


Roseluck walked through Ponyville. Earlier she had prepared a letter to Twilight after much coercion from Lily. She stared at the library from a rather far distance, her mind trying to force her body forward, but it wouldn’t budge. The letter in her mouth was struggling to stay in place.

In a moment, she suddenly screamed “I can’t do it!” The letter falling to the ground as she turned and ran head first into a large brown, furry wall of muscle. She slowly tilted her head up to see the griffon that hangs out with Twilight. The poor earth mare was scared out of her mind.

“Sup. Roseluck, right?” Gilda asked. Roseluck slowly nodded, slowly backing away from the griffon.

“Hiya Rosie!” PInkie said, popping up from behind Roseluck, scaring her even more. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Gilda, and me, and Dashie?”

“I… I’m…” Roseluck stuttered, before Pinkie pulled her away from Gilda. She panicked when Gilda picked up her letter. “Don’t TOUCH that!”

“To Twilight? If you want, I can take this over to her,” Gilda offered.

Roseluck’s eyes widened. “OH nonono, she can’t have that. It’s too-”

“Embarrassing?” Pinkie finished for her. “We both know you like Twilight, and we both don’t mind adding another to the herd. It’s apparently a special talent of Twilight’s now.”

“Wha?” Roseluck uttered.

“Look, we know you’re not cool with us being around Twilight and you’re less cool with all of us sharing her. So… we thought we’d try and make things easier for you and try to see if we can be friends and junk, that way… if you really want to be with Twilight, we can help ya out,” Gilda explained, giving the letter back to Roseluck.

Roseluck blushed, unable to speak. However her fellow flower ponies were close by. “What are you doing? Bullying Rosie like this, feather brain.” Daisy remarked, pushing Gilda away.

Pinkie and Gilda were taken back by the sudden protectiveness of Roseluck’s friends. “What, we’re just trying to help her be friends with us.”

“Oh no, Roseluck doesn’t want to be in your stupid herd, then she doesn’t have to be!” Lily spat, glaring at the two.

“Yeah, we’re going to help her win Twilight away from all eleven of you!” Daisy challenged. The two mares then dragged Roseluck away in a huff.

“Well, that backfired,” Pinkie uttered.

“Yeah, we may need a new plan,” Gilda said, the two turned and walked back to their friends at the park to re-think their strategy.

After running a far distance, Lily and Daisy looked back to see if the ‘herd’ followed them, then turned to the frightened Roseluck. “Did they try to hurt you, Rosie? I can’t believe they’d bully an innocent thing like you, as if Twilight doesn’t have enough pussies to mate with,” Daisy uttered, glaring behind her.

“No, they were really nice… they wanted me to spend time with them,” Roseluck answered.

“Probably to brainwash you into being Twilight’s personal toy, just like what she did to Trixie,” Lily accused, holding Roseluck tight and petting her.

“I think Trixie becoming obsessive was an accident, she stills acts somewhat like herself,” Roseluck said, trying to reason.

“Doesn’t matter, Trixie is a slave, and they were going to do the same to you,” Lily finished, dragging Roseluck away. “Besides, we have a plan!”

Roseluck began to worry. “A plan?”

Daisy chuckled. “Yup, and this is how we do it: First, we convince Twilight to come over for dinner, and then you put on your moves… but not too sexy, we don’t want the first date to be a sex thing, that’s date number five… maybe date four you can rub her pussy, cunnilingus if she’s been a good girl.”

“Hoof job and blow job respectively,” Lily stated, causing Rose to blush.

“No, rub her or lick her pussy… why do you think she has a cock?” Daisy asked.

Lily rolled her eyes, ignoring her friend. “Look, it’s pretty obvious that what Twilight has with her mares is just lust. So it’ll be easy to win Twilight over with love, just gotta show her that you are her special somepony and not those pretenders.”

“How are we sure that Twilight and her herd don’t love each other like I love her?” Roseluck asked.

“Twilight learned about friendship literally a year ago, you expect her to know what it’s like to be in love? With her best friends, a zebra shaman from the Everfree Forest, a jerk griffon, a evil changeling, a show-off, a super model, and the Princess of the Night? Why don’t they all live with her then?” Daisy questioned.

“The town library isn't that big, Daisy. Sure it has two mares, a bug queen, and a baby dragon, but I doubt it can hold thirteen living creatures,” Lily answered. “But she is right that Twilight should by all technicalities be still new to friendship since… her only friend in school was Lyra right?” Lily uttered, trying to remember the latest facts about the librarian.

“It was either her or Colgate,” Daisy replied.

“Minuette. But whatever, it was a unicorn. I doubt she can actually love all of them equally, that's just silly,” Lily remarked. “That is where Rosie comes in.”

“Me?” Roseluck asked.

“Yes, you’ll win her over and you two will live happily ever after, it’s easy… go find her and ask her out on a date, we’ll do what we can to keep her herd out of the way,” Lily explained, grinning. “Now go and find Twilight, ask her and we’ll get this show on the road.”

“O-okay,” Roseluck said, begrudgingly. Her friends quickly ushered her to the library. “Wait… right now?”

Lily and Daisy chuckled while they pulled their shy friend to the tree library. “Of course, Rosie. Another moment wasted could be a moment you lose Twilight to her ‘mares’.”

“I’m not ready for this, give me time!” Roseluck whined, trying to keep herself away from the library.

“It’s now or never! You only live once, Rosie!” Daisy shouted, they reached the library and threw Roseluck into the library.

Roseluck slowly skidded to a halt, and slowly turned her head to see Twilight at a table, reading with Gilda and Pinkie. “Hello Roseluck, what brings you here?” Twilight asked, her smile caused Rose’s face to redden.

“I-uh-I… well, I- um…” Roseluck stammered. She couldn’t do it; her body wouldn’t let her.

“Oh, I think she wants to go on a date with you Twily!” Pinkie exclaimed. Roseluck’s blush only burned harder, hiding her face with her hooves.

“A… date? Are you sure? She looks like she’s going to pass out,” Twilight asked, blushing herself.

“I’m pretty sure, she’s only been staring at your cutie mark for however long you’ve been in Ponyville,” Gilda remarked.

“How would you know that?” Twilight asked, staring at her griffon lover.

“Pinkie told me, and Luna said she had dreams about you,” Gilda answered, smirking.

“Yuppers! AND she doesn’t think any less of you now that your pee-pee is common knowledge around town; in fact, she likes it even more!” Pinkie cheered, giggling.

Roseluck felt like she would die from embarrassment right now. Twilight knows about her dream fantasies, Twilight will think she’s creepy and reject her completely.

“Girls, Luna told me about your fantasies… Even Trixie’s strangely bizarre one. The only problem I see here is… I’m not sure I want to expand the herd, I feel it’s pretty big as it is,” Twilight said. Pinkie, Gilda and Roseluck turned to the purple unicorn, speechless.

“Is your dick on straight? Don’t stallions love the idea of having all the females want to fuck them?” Gilda questioned, more confused than annoyed.

“Isn’t that what a herd is supposed to do? Grow big and strong and have lots of fun parties that may lead to orgies centered around your weiner?” Pinkie asked, curiously.

“I… kind of understand what a herd needs to be. But if we have more ponies join my herd, that could mean less time I spend with the mares I already have. We are already stretched thin as it is and the only saving grace is Rarity and Applejack being too busy to hang out more than once a week, or Gilda and Rainbow Dash deciding to hang out themselves and sometimes bringing me along, or Fleur and Zecora’s willingness to share our quality time with others, and even Luna makes things easier by visiting me in my dreams every night and coming by once a week, but even then… not only do I not have time to myself, but I barely have time with any of your girls before I have to go visit another one of my mares,” Twilight explained, giving a sad look to the three girls.

Silence reigned for a moment, before Gilda turned to Roseluck. “Come back next week, when we figure out how to add you to Twilight’s schedule.”

Pinkie’s eyes went wide with worry. She quickly took Twilight between her hooves and pulled the unicorn to her face. “Now hold on! I can share my time too! Back before I became addicted to Twilight, I used to party with lots of ponies! I don’t mind at all!”

“But… I don’t like your herd…” Roseluck uttered, Twilight turned her head curiously to Roseluck. “Well, I-I think they’re nice ponies, bu-but I don’t think I can share you… with them. I mean...uh.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Roseluck. But… I can’t just tell my herd to go away after all they’ve done for me and vise-versa. They are like family to me now, and… I just found out about your crush, and while I’m flattered that you like me, I can’t return the feelings because doing so will betray my mares. I hope you understand,” Twilight stated. She gave the cream earth pony an apologetic look.

“I-I know, I just…” Roseluck was interrupted by her friends smashing the door down. “Lily? Daisy?”

“Don’t worry Rosie, we’re here to help!” Lily shouted, stomping her hoof down, preparing to charge Twilight.

“I should have known she’d have her sluts close by,” Daisy spat, glaring at Pinkie and Gilda.

“There’s… a lot of us… Twilight isn’t alone very often,” Gilda said.

Twilight frowned at the invading mares stood up, marching right up to them. “Listen girls. I’m sorry that I can’t return Roseluck’s affections because doing so will betray my herd. If she would accept, I firmly believe we can be friends… but we can not be lovers due to her dislike of having to share me with others. Again, I’m sorry but I will have to decline the date Roseluck was about to ask me to.”

“How did you know about the date?” Daisy questioned. Lily’s face hit her hoof.

“You did see me pick it up and look at it, right?” Gilda asked.

“How could you hurt Roseluck like this?” Lily questioned, turning to hold Roseluck to her body.

“I can’t abandon my herd just because one mare is infatuated with me,” Twilight replied.

“Yes you can, Roseluck is the ONLY mare that loves you for… you! You only have this herd because you had a dick. if you didn’t have a dick, you’d be single!” Lily retorted.

Twilight grimaced, unable to find a rebuttal.

“Fat chance!” All eyes turned to Pinkie. “Twilight might have a penis, but there would be no way she’d be single forever or even by now. The only real difference would be that Twilight wouldn’t have Gilda, Chrysalis, Zecora, and Fleur. She’d still have us, the friends she made when she first came here! I almost tried to hop in bed with Twilight when we did the ‘Luna’s no longer evil’ party but Princess Celestia caught me and scolded me for it and Rainbow Dash is a lesbian, everyone has caught her staring at several mares’ cutie marks… even Twilight’s before she found out about the dick thing. And with my party planning power, I could have eventually convinced all my closest friends into an orgy that would have made us all the bestest of bestest friends with benefits, and then Twilight would have the five of us. There is a pretty good chance that Trixie would have turned out this way regardless of Twilight being a dickmare or not, maybe Gilda if Twilight without a cock is as good a lover as Twilight with a cock. I highly doubt Chrysalis, Zecora, and Fleur though… Luna might be a stretch. But Twilight would be FAR from single.”

Twilight felt warm after hearing Pinkie’s lecture, happy to know that regardless of how she was born, she’d never truly be alone. “Thanks Pinkie.”

“No problemo, Twi-Twi!” Pinkie cheered, giving her alpha a salute.

“That was pretty cool,” Gilda chuckled.

“But… um… they are all… aren’t they just using you for sex?” Daisy asked.

“As silly as it was, I kinda was at the beginning but now… It feels a lot more real… I stopped throwing private parties in my room with whatever pony I see,” Pinkie replied.

“Mine was more competition based, it went from proving to Twilight that I can fuck Rainbow better to proving that I can love Twilight the best. It’s a griffon thing,” Gilda stated.

“It’s okay, girls. I’m sorry I wasted everypony’s time,” Roseluck mumbled, walking out the library, shame and sorrow filling her heart as she walked away, after a few steps she broke into a gallop. Lily and Daisy shot a glare at Twilight before chasing after Roseluck.

“That… really hurt me, I wish I could accept her but… that would hurt all of you,” Twilight uttered, on the verge of tears.

“I’m sorry Twilight,” Pinkie said, nuzzling Twilight’s side.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it, I’m sure she’ll pull through. She still has Lily and Daisy after all, she’ll find somepony else,” Gilda said, frowning.

Twilight gave a warming smile to both her girls. “Was that how you and the girls really feel about me? I don’t want to doubt you or anything but I have sometimes thought-”

“Of course, Twi. I may be friends with everypony in town but… I don’t know how I’d keep smiling without my bestest friends,” Pinkie answered.

Gilda’s wing pulled both Twilight and Pinkie into a hug. “It was a bit rocky at first, but… it’s pretty obvious I love ya, egghead.”


Elsewhere, Roseluck was crying on her couch. her head on Lily’s lap while Daisy paced around the room. “I knew I’d never win her, I’m so stupid.”

“You’re not stupid, Twilight is just a jerk. She doesn’t deserve you,” Lily cooed, running her hoof along her friend’s red mane.

“We can help you forget about her, Berry’s should still be open… what about Colgate? She’s available, why not her?” Daisy asked.

“It wouldn’t be the same. It’s been so long and she just… rejected me because I didn’t like her herd. Why must life be so unfair,” Roseluck cried, her tears soaking Lily’s hindlegs,

“Well, you can’t keep going crying into my lap and crotch. We need to help you get back in there and find a real pony of your dreams, not some mare that’s been taken eleven times,” Lily declared.

Roseluck sniffled, and looked up at Lily. “But… how?”

“These things take time, Rosie. We’ll take this step by step and take it from there, okay?” Lily explained, smiling when the downtrodden Roseluck nodded. “Good, now get some rest. Tomorrow, we’re going to start helping you find that special somepony that isn’t a herd-leading jerk.”


Roseluck curled up in bed, her heart still hurt from the day’s events but… it did leave her mind clear; no Twilight-centric dream. She still wanted to be by the unicorn’s side but she knows now it’ll be a unachievable dream. She jumped when she heard a tapping on her window.

In a fit of paranoia, she searched the outside of her window and found nothing. She grimaced and turned back to her bed, her eyes widening at what was on her bed.

Twilight Sparkle lying on her side, her dick erect and ready, her red eyes staring deep into Roseluck’s. “Hello, Rosie.”

“Twi-Twilight? What are you doing here?” Roseluck asked, backing into the windowsill.

“I thought about what was said today and came to a realization. Mares tend to be... more accepting of their alpha’s choices after a good fucking. Come to bed and I’ll make all your fantasies come true,” Twilight cooed, patting the spot before her.

“I-No… you rejected me, why would you have sex with me now?” Roseluck stammered, visibly scared of the purple unicorn.

Twilight only chuckled, sliding forward and off the bed, looming over the frightened mare. “Because… I think you deserve a chance to pry me away from my mares.”

Roseluck’s mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Her desire to mate with Twilight was combating her thoughts from the unicorn’s rejection and her senses that told her this was Twilight Sparkle but the way this purple mare talked that felt wrong. “I… I don’t know, I really don’t think I could.”

Twilight only giggled, petting Roseluck. “I only seek to make my mates happy, it hurts me to see them sad. Let me cheer you up.”

“Could I have a moment to- eek!” Roseluck felt something spread her lower lips. She noticed Twilight’s horn letting off a purple glow.

“Just let me help you, Rosie,” Twilight whispered. She leaned forward and kissed the earth mare’s forehead, she tilted the surprised mare’s head and pressed her lips against the red-maned pony’s.

Roseluck was stunned, Twilight’s lips tasted just as she always dreamed they would taste, a combination of lavender and raspberries. Her mind continued to protest but her body forced her to deepen the kiss, clearly needing the unicorn’s body.

Twilight giggled, pushing Roseluck away for a moment. “My, somepony truly needs me to help them.” The unicorn slid her hoof along Roseluck’s face, causing the mare to shudder. “Don’t worry, I’m always there for my mares, especially my newest and cutest mare.”

Roseluck arched a brow in confusion. “But… I don’t want to be-”

Twilight pressed her hoof against the earth mare’s lips and shook her head slowly. “Oh Rosie, you’ll learn, and I’ll help you… every inch of the way.”

Roseluck’s mind was in complete chaos; she didn’t want to join Twilight’s herd, but she also wanted to be with Twilight and her body needed more of the unicorn’s touch.

The unicorn smiled as the earth mare fell into her hooves. She levitated the mare on the bed and circled around it, pulling Roseluck down to the end of the bed with legs spread. The red-maned mare looked down her body to see the mare of her dreams licking her lips, her head rather close to her most intimate place.

With ravenous hunger, Twilight dove in, but her tongue was more gentle with the virgin, taking care not to overwhelm her, the moans and the twitches notifying her that she wasn’t doing a good job.

Roseluck could barely take it all, she felt Twilight’s tongue against her marehood, pressing against the lips and parting them expertly, but her precision made the red-head squirm, whimpering that she needed far more.

“You taste so good, Rosie. Like the sweetest flower, much to your namesake. I could eat you out forever,” Twilight cooed, her fore hooves rubbing the rose cutie marks, when she returned to her newest mare’s dripping slit.

“Please… don’t s-stop!” Roseluck begged, her hooves shot down to hold Twilight to her vagina, her hooves brushing against the horn every so often.

Twilight’s horn began to glow and Roseluck’s eyes went wide. The unicorn’s tongue kept going deeper, breaking past the hymen and sliding back into the owner’s mouth, “Mmm, cherry juice… a great taste before the main course, don’t you agree?” Twilight chuckled licking her lips before returning to pleasure.

Roseluck merely stared at Twilight, she wasn’t sure if this was the same mare she always knew. It was the same looks, voice, scent, but her attitude… it was far more confident and abrasive and seductive. This Twilight seemed to ooze sexual dominance, just being in the same room with this mare made Roseluck feel she should simply submit, and she was too weak to defy that desire.

Twilight’s magic tongue slid deeper into the hot orifice, tickling every sensitive spot in Rose’s marehood, forcing her to buck the air and arch her back as she moaned. The unicorn loved every second of it, she could feel Roseluck’s pussy mistaking her tongue for a hard cock, trying to milk her saliva while she explored the mare’s caverns.

With a smirk, Twilight managed to press her tongue against the earth pony’s G-spot, while tickling the revealed pleasure buzzer with her remaining tongue length, forcing Roseluck over the edge. Twilight had planned ahead and had a sound proof barrier erect before this encounter and was thankful, as her newest lover had a set of lungs in her. “Enjoy that?” Twilight asked, her tongue fully retreated from Roseluck’s entrance and returned to normal.

“Please… I need you,” Roseluck gasped. She watched as Twilight stepped onto the bed, forcing her hind legs to meet the pillow her head was resting on and a sexy unicorn pinning her to the bed. She felt the tell-tale cock rubbing along her opening, teasing her with it’s poking.

“Are you sure? Once I start, I’m not going to stop until I fill you with my seed, and I mean… you’ll be leaking my essence for days to come, my little filly,” Twilight cooed, despite her serious tone, her seductive grin never faded away.

“Please… I want you… in me, it can- AHHH!” Roseluck was interrupted by a hard thrust into her pussy, Twilight had buried her maremeat half way into the earth mare and began to pump her cock deep into Roseluck.

“You did ask,” Twilight sang playfully. She knew Roseluck was a virgin, but she didn’t spare any precautions. Pounding Roseluck’s pussy with her thick cock, listening to the pleasurable screams that came from the mare beneath her, the tense hind legs that pushed against her shoulders, and most importantly… the loving embrace her cock felt in the fleshy prison it was in. “You should have came to me sooner, I would have loved to fuck you everyday, Rosie.”

Roseluck only replied in moans and screams. she could feel Twilight’s penis stirring her insides up, filling her with it. The power Twilight had over her was also intoxicating, she quickly leaned her head forward and began licking Twilight’s face and caught her lips, pressed into her own bed when Twilight returned the kiss.

Just as Roseluck could feel Twilight’s heartbeat through her cock, she could feel the quickened pace of Roseluck’s own heart. Twilight broke the kiss and began making small nips at Rosleuck’s neck, claiming the earth mare as hers. “You… are mine, now and forever, Rosie. Just as my herd is mine, you are mine,” Twilight cooed, her thrusts became harder, the bed rocking against the floor roughly.

“I’m yours…” Rose barely said. The only thing that existed to her was Twilight’s teeth against her body and the thick member that speared her.

“Just for my mares, I want them to be happy. So I want you to be happy, I want you to scream my name when you cum, I want you to proclaim your entire being to me,” Twilight ordered, her thrusts becoming more heated and powerful.

“Yes, yes…” Rosleuck uttered. Her rump shivered from the constant barrage and tension. Until her eyes went white for a split second. “TWILIGHT!”

Twilight giggled, she felt Roseluck orgasming around her cock but she didn’t slow down. The unicorn had planned to make full use of Roseluck before the night ends, and if that meant bringing her newest filly to climax after climax, over and over again… she would plow her with a smile. “Good girl, you made your Alpha proud.”

Roseluck began to smile, her tongue hanging out as she did, she could feel her next wave coming so very soon, and Twilight failed to show any signs of slowing down, recklessly abusing Roseluck’s pussy with her marecock.

“So soon? You must really love this then. I’m glad,” Twilight moaned. She could feel her cock throb inside of Roseluck, leaking pre-cum with every thrust. The first of many loads she would dump in Roseluck tonight.

Another gasp signaled Roseluck’s second orgasm, which was quickly followed by Twilight’s first. Mare juices and stallion spunk mixing together while forced deep into Roseluck’s womb. Twilight’s smile had faded while she bit her bottom lip, trying to force as much of her spunk into Roseluck’s womb, only visibly succeeding in pulling out thick white gobs of cum to coat Roseluck’s fur and bed. “Oh goodness… that was amazing…” Roseluck panted.

“That was only the beginning,” Twilight chuckled. Rosleuck’s eyes went wide when she noticed Twilight wasn’t stopping, the unicorn was still pounding her poor marehood with powerful strokes. “Like I said, I’m going to fill you with my cum… until you leak it for days.”

Roseluck was now terrified of Twilight but the pleasure was too great to deny her.

Twilight’s name was called out thrice more and another load filled Roseluck’s belly when the unicorn had her earth pony bent over and biting the pillow, her cock nearly past the medial ring into the ass of Roseluck. “Such a tight ass you have, Rosie,” Twilight sang, flinching from the sphincter’s grip.

Roseluck’s moans and cries were muffled by her pillow. The benefit was that Twilight was at least more gentle with her asshole then she was with her pussy, the slow yet still rather powerful strokes, entering and leaving her rear.

“I don’t like you being quiet, Rosie. Scream for me,” Twilight ordered, her teeth pulling Roseluck’s head up, the earth mare screamed from the strange pleasure in her backside, music to Twilight’s ears. “Thath’s bethther.”

“Oh Celestia, you’re too big, my butt can’t take it,” Roseluck moaned, slowly thrusting her rump back into Twilight’s crotch.

“You seem tho be thaking ith justh fine, Rosie,” Twilight giggled through the mane in her mouth. “You justh need tho relax.”

Roseluck sucked in a breath, and tried to do as she was told, her rear exit becoming more inviting for the purple cock that ravaged her.

Twilight couldn’t smile any wider when she felt her mare reach yet another orgasm, coaxing her to go faster and harder.

Roseluck felt her ass being flooded by the same thick cream that filled her pussy, feeling it overflow and meet the bed, which was soaked in sexual juices.

The night flew by and Twilight was finally satisfied, emptying her final load into Roseluck’s mouth, the mare was visibly painted with cum, and the bed was drenched. Mare seed leaked from her over stuffed anus and pussy, and her belly was visibly bloated, making her look as if she is expecting her foals any day now. She pulled her cock from Roseluck’s tired mouth and gave a small kiss on her mare’s forehead. “Good night, my little filly,” Twilight said, as she teleported home.

Twilight’s smirk continued on as she walked up to her bed. “It’s been too long, but at long last… some exercise. How about you girls?” She turned to see a small army of her clones, many of them were stuffing their cocks into her mares. Pinkie was lying on top of a Twi-clone with another spearing her from the rear, another stood above her, throat fucking the party mare.

Another set of Twilights had Gilda sitting in two of their laps, penetrating her lower holes while her beak was stuffed with another cock, her talons found themselves busy with two other clones.

Trixie was spitroasted by two Twilights, the one at her head was wearing the show mare’s hat, while the one in Trixie’s pussy wore her cape. Trixie appeared to be struggling to remain standing but did her best to provide for the clones.

Finally, Chrysalis was forced over one clone, while the other fucked her ass. Two clones had taken it upon themselves to fellate the changeling’s clear dick while another helped herself to Chrysalis’ mouth.

The clone fucking Pinkie’s mouth gave a nod. “We’re doing pretty good, we should be about another hour before we’re finished though.”

“Good, enjoy tonight to it’s fullest… It might be awhile before we all get to do this again,” The real Twilight said, turning back to her bed. The unicorn always did love falling sleep to the pleasurable screams of her mates.


Twilight awoke the next morning, feeling oddly refreshed. With a stretch she turned and found the air had an overpowering stench, like a orgy just happened in her bedroom. She looked down from her balcony to see cum-caked bodies of Pinkie Pie, GIlda, Chrysalis, and Trixie, all with a small smile, cum oozing from every orifice. Twilight panicked, unable to comprehend what had happened. She went to bed after dinner and a talk of how she felt sorry for Roseluck, but now she woke up to see her mares all passed out, and nearly blanketed in cum, the floors around them was also caked in the white goop. “What happened here?”

Pinkie was the only one to awake. With a yawn and a stretch, she gave her alpha a pleasant smile. “Morning Twilight, thanks for last night.”

Twilight was flabberghasted. “I did this? I-I- Uhhh.” she immediately fainted, unable to take the truth that she fucked the stuffing out of four of her mares in her sleep.

Chapter Embarrassment: The Curious Case of... Ros- The Twilight Stalker.

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Tags: [Roseluck x Twilight(FxFuta) non-consensual, oral, vaginal, groin shots][Twilight x Rarity(FutaxF) Oral, Vaginal][Twilight x Roseluck x Twiclone(FutaxFxFuta) Oral, Vaginal, Anal, Double Penetration]

Trixie was panicking, furiously searching her trailer for her doll. Despite having the real Twilight as a friend and lover, the fact she had to share her bothered the showmare immensely, so having her own personal Twilight made Trixie feel safe at nights that didn’t have her Mistress cuddled up next to her.

In her rage, she darted out, letting out an angry groan as the door flew open. She immediately saw Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walking into the library. “You two dumb-bells better tell me where it is!” Trixie warned, stomping her hoof down.

“Where what is?” Rainbow asked.

“I know you two snoop around my wagon, thinking I might have something to hurt Mistress, so hoof over my precious item now or I’ll have to get rough,” Trixie growled.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie looked back at each other before looking at the enraged magician. “Sounds important but… what is it and why do you think we have it?” Pinkie asked.

“Because you are jealous of Trixie! And taking her most prized possession would cause Trixie to crumple and lose her morale, but so long as the real thing is close by, TRIXIE WILL NEVER FALTER!” Trixie shouted. complete with fanfare and fireworks.

“Sweet Celestia, shut up and tell us what you are talking about,” Rainbow groaned.

“Trixie’s doll, you fools! You stole it!” Trixie accused.

“A doll?” Pinkie asked.

“Jealousy! The green-eyed beast has taken your hearts when you learned of Trixie’s own Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie declared.

“We already knew about that and had Rarity make our own dolls,” Rainbow stated.

Trixie’s resolve deflated upon hearing this. “What?”

“Yuppers, we saw you had one a few days after you came back and asked Rarity to make us one, they are super cuddly on those nights when Twilight isn’t close by,” Pinkie chuckled.

“That is true, and with so many mares vying for her attention, Tri-” Trixie stopped. She was baffled for a moment, but then another thought came to mind. “”You attacked Trixie’s doll like the last time! Trixie found it without it’s head, fiend!”

“No, that was Chrysalis. She admitted to it,” Rainbow sighing. “Is this gonna take too long? We got things to do and some of them involve Twilight.”

“This will never be through until Trixie regains her doll,” Trixie declared, storming off to find it.

“She getting more loco in the coco to you?” Pinkie asked.

“Who cares, it’s Trixie,” Rainbow muttered, walking into the library. Both mares were confused as to why Twilight sat at the table with a frown while Rarity used her magic to fix her alpha’s mane, which appeared shorter than yesterday. “What’s up, Twi?”

“Somepony cut my mane last night, I asked Rarity to fix it for me,” Twilight pouted.

“It was horrible, Twilight’s mane was so short, she might as well have been bald,” Rarity dramatized, her magic slowly trying to regrow Twilight’s mane, and comb it with a brush.

“Wow, that’s super weird. Probably not as weird as the fact your entire belly was shaved,” Pinkie stated.

Twilight flinched and glanced down, eyes widening. Her purple fur gone from her underbelly, revealing her pink skin. “How did I miss this?”

Rainbow and Pinkie shrugged. “Do you know who did it, Twi?” the blue pegasus asked.

“If I did, they’d be getting a lecture right now,” Twilight grumbled. A blue light covered her belly as the fur slowly regrew. “Thanks Rarity.”

“It’s my pleasure, Twilight. I can’t stand the idea of my mate being scandalized in such a way. If I ever find who did this, they will rue the day!” Rarity claimed, combing Twilight’s mane carefully.

“As much as I appreciate it, they attacked me directly. I think I should have a say with their punishment,” Twilight stated, she then felt a pink hoof press against her nose.

“Silly Twilight, somepony does anything to any of us, we all get involved! Detective Pinkie is on the case, come Rainbow Watson!” Pinkie said, pulling a deerstalker cap out of her mane and placing it on her head.

Her tail had acquired a derby hat and put it on Rainbow Dash. “Wait, why am I Watson? I wanna be Sherclop Holmes!” Rainbow called out, following Pinkie out of the library.

“Well, if they do find the one who did this, I hope they bring them to me first,” Twilight stated, levitating a book into her view. “What are you going to do?”

“While the execution is a bit… brutish, I feel Pinkie and Rainbow are right, an investigation is in order. And I feel I have more than enough tact to do it,” Rarity said. “I’ll shall return with your culprit soon, darling. Au revior!”

Twilight watched her unicorn mate leave, before taking a look in the mirror, disgruntled about something. “Did Rarity grow my mane longer than what it was before?” She muttered to herself, checking it thoroughly.


“I feel silly,” Applejack muttered, wearing a smaller black version of her stetson and a faux-leather vest. She and Rarity were in Twilight’s room, their alpha left to visit Zecora with Gilda.

“Dear, we need to look the part when we’re investigating crimes,” Rarity said, wearing a scarf that wrapped around her head with a pair of sunglasses and a red coat that covered her body.

Winona barked happily as she followed the cowpony around, wearing her own red stetson. “While I do wanna catch this varmint, I don’t think we need this get-up,” Applejack commented.

“Oh relax, it’ll be like those mystery novels. And I’m sure Twilight would be grateful for finding the one who ruined her mane and coat,” Rarity added. She levitated a magnifying glass and searched the bedroom for clues. Applejack merely huffed and had Winona sniff around the room.

“What are YOU two doing?” Pinkie cried out, surprising both mares. Rainbow merely walked behind her and waved to her friends, her derby hat was replaced by a pith helmet.

“We are investigating a crime scene, dear,” Rarity explained.

“But WE’RE investigating this crime! Rainbow Watson and I,” Pinkie declared.

“I thought we agreed that I’m Daring Dash,” Rainbow quipped, glaring at her friend.

“Yes well, Applejack and I are here to find the culprit and bring them to justice!” Rarity declared.

“We’ll show you! We have the speed and the party! We’ll find the culprit before you do and you’ll be so embarrassed you’ll say ‘Oh Sherclop Pie! You are such a super detective pony! Not a good as I, Rarity San Trotigo’ And Dashie and I will be getting the reward for helping Twilight.”

“Trotigo? That’s such a horrid last name, dear,” Rarity pointed out, frowning. “Wait, reward?”

“Of course, there’s always a reward for these kind of things, isn’t there? And since it’s Twilight, you and I both know it’s going to be a night of purple lovin’,” Pinkie explained, wiggling her eyebrows.

“While such a reward wouldn’t be… completely out of the question, Twilight isn’t the kind to reward us in such a way,” Rarity retorted.

“I have’ta agree with Rarity. At most, Twilight will do something more special than sex,” Applejack added.

“What if we told her that we wanted sex as a reward? She can’t exactly refuse at that point,” Pinkie cooed.

“We just have to ask her now and there’s a good chance we’ll get laid anyways, Pinks,” Rainbow muttered, staring blankly at her pink friend.

Pinkie frowned at all her friends. “Yeah well, we get a better chance of super sex this way. Where she doesn’t just mount us and fill us with cream a few times. I mean the kind of sex where she summons clones, and makes her dick bigger and make it vibrate and-”

“We get the picture!” Rarity interrupted, her face now red. “If that is the case then. I, Rarity the Unicorn, shall best you and your sidekick and win the prize.”

“Oh yeah? Dashie and I are totally going to find the culprit and then she’ll nail us both with dicks thicker than my leg! Who’ll be laughing then? It’ll be Pinkemena Diane Pie Sparkle!” With that Pinkie disappeared, leaving Rainbow behind.

“She knows that our names are not changing just because Twilight is our alpha, right?” Applejack asked.

“Oh good, Rainbow Dash Sparkle sounds kinda lame, no offence to Twilight,” Rainbow Dash chuckled before flying out to find Pinkie.

Applejack shook her head, trying to block out Pinkie’s brand of intellect and went to help Rarity with her quest. “Find anything?”

“Perhaps,” Rarity said, levitating a extremely small strand of fur closer to her eye. “Do you know anyone with a pale yellow coat?”

“Coat? All I can think of is Cherry Jubilee, that Torch Song pony that sings with you, Candy Mane? Roseluck, Fiddle Faddle, Junebug, Dr. Mane Goodall? Nah, her coat isn’t pale yellow. That’s all the ponies I can think of,” Applejack replied.

“We’ll need to search the town for a pony with a pale yellow coat. Alas, if only we had a mane sample, we could find out who it is easily,” Rarity groaned dramatically. “And I’ll have you know that Torch Song is happily married.”

“That didn’t stop Mrs. Cake from helping herself to Twilight,” Applejack commented.

“Yes well, Twilight still feels dreadful for being instrumental in an act of infidelity,” Rarity spat, glaring at Applejack. As they reached the door, Rarity tightened her scarf and they ventured forward.


For an entire hour, Rainbow watched Pinkie interrogate any pony with a red mane, having found a strand of it outside of Twilight’s balcony. “This is totally not how Sherclop Holmes does it, Pinkie. He does this like a cool egghead would do this.”

“But Dashie! We have to be quick, who knows how close Rarity and Applejack are to catching the criminal scum, we need to cut the middle mare and just point hooves at everything!” Pinkie retorted, her eyes shifted to someone nearby. “Where were you last night?” Pinkie shouted at somepony’s orange kitten, the angry mare took her pet and grumbled off.

“We can’t go accusing ponies with a single clue, we need more than a strand of somepony’s mane,” Rainbow claimed.

“What if YOU'RE the culprit, Dashie? You are talking like a smarty pants for some suspicious reason… the REAL Dashie doesn’t talk like a Smarty Pants; she’s an action mare, greatest hero of them all,” Pinkie added, glaring at her supposed best friend.

Rainbow shook her head. “I still think we need more clues,” she grumbled. She turned to see the earth pony, Roseluck, carrying a large bag on her back. “Whatcha got there, Rose?”

“Just some fertilizer for my garden, is that wrong?” Roseluck asked, nervous.

“Dashie, how could you accuse sweet Roseluck, she wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Pinkie declared. All three ponies were startled by the bag as it moved slightly.

“Well, I need to get this home before it gets moldy, bye!” Roseluck quickly said, running home.

“That was suspicious,” Rainbow uttered.

“Dashie, no. Bad Dashie!,” Pinkie scolded, bopping the blue pegasus on the nose with her hat.

“What? She has a moving bag of crap and you don’t find that suspicious at all?” Rainbow asked, with an annoyed tone.

“Roseluck is one of the nicest and most level-headed pony in Ponyville,” Pinkie stated. “In all the time I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her do anything silly or weird. She would never tie Twilight to a chair and have her attend a creepy dinner which would lead to Roseluck raping Twilight, that’s just crazy and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying all that.” Pinkie watched Rainbow with disappointed eyes before wandering off to find more clues. Rainbow shook her head and followed the pink mare.


“Oh this is so romantic, Twilight. Thank you so much for doing this for me,” Roseluck cooed, looking into her lover’s eyes, she sat at an elegant table with her special somepony, Twilight Sparkle, having a romantic dinner by candlelight. While her plate was bare, her lover’s plate still had a dandelion sandwich and a squash steak.

“Yo-you’re welcome, I always do my best after all,” Twilight uttered nervously. Her body was bound to the chair and her horn had a dampener around it, preventing all escape. All around her were pictures of Twilight smiling and having fun with her friends and mates, in the corner was a doll of Twilight with more explicit pictures of the purple mare surrounding it, attached to the doll was a purple strap-on. Twilight shuddered as she turned her head around, noticing several jars on a shelf. One jar contained samples of her fur, another her mane, and the final jar contained her sperm. “I like what you’ve done with the place.”

“I knew you’d like it, I just… ohh, I can’t believe this day has finally come!” Roseluck exclaimed, blushing hard.

“You know, you didn't have to hit me in the head with a branch just for a date, if you woulda asked, I might have said yes,” Twilight uttered, struggling in her bonds once again.

“And deal with all those mares? Twilight, I may love you, but I can’t stand the thought of sharing you,” Roseluck cooed, she slumped down in dismay. If it wasn't for the foalnapping, Twilight would have felt sorry for her. “They don't love you like I do, I’m the only one that wants you for who you are. Your brilliant mind, your sexy body, and your brave yet gentle soul. Those others… they see you as a means to an end, selfishly using you as a sex toy.”

“Well, that’s rather true for Chrysalis but the others-”

“Think about it, you are Princess Celestia’s student and a exceedingly rare hermaphrodite. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fleur, and Trixie all use that just to elevate themselves, they see you as a ladder to success. Gilda and Pinkie? A fuck buddy until they find something better. Chrysalis? A way to rebuild her hive. Zecora, Fluttershy, and Luna only need you to fill the gaping hole that was lost to them so long ago,” Roseluck explained, moving over to Twilight, she rested her head against the bound mare’s body, listening to the unicorn’s beating heart.

“I don’t think any of that is true, except Chrysalis, but-”

“Oh but, I have MORE,” Roseluck exclaimed, she ran over to her shrine and pulled out a book with her teeth. “Careful, some of the pages are a bit sticky.”

Twilight grimaced at that notion as her captor flipped the pages, showing the purple mare a picture of her having sex with Pinkie in Sugarcube Corner. Everything since she arrived to Ponyville appeared to be documented as the first picture was of Twilight and Lyra a day before Pinkie started asking questions. “How did you get all these?”

“Well… I’ve been watching you since you stopped Nightmare Moon. I thought we could never be together since you were a noble, I was scared that you had somepony else in Canterlot so I never confronted you about it. But you don’t and everything will be okay! You have me now, and I’ll never hurt you like Daring did or let anything like the wedding fiasco ever happen, I will always love you, Twilight,” Roseluck cooed, nuzzling Twilight’s neck.

Twilight felt extremely uncomfortable, she wanted to escape but the rope was too tight, and her magic was blocked, she needed a plan. “You know, I don't exactly feel the love, you know? To be bound like this is rather uncomfortable, and magic dampeners to unicorns is like removing a pegasus’ wings or removing your back legs, it’s just really bad for everypony.”

“But then you’ll escape and run to your friends and I’ll be alone,” Roseluck whimpered.

“Don’t you have friends? Tulip and Daisy?”

“They might be my friends, but they’re not you,” Roseluck ran off to grab another picture, this time of Roseluck and her fellow flower ponies, but their manes was changed to look like Twilight’s. “See?”

“Yup, I see alright,” Twilight stated, sweat dripping from her head.

“Oh Twilight, I knew you’d care,” Roseluck said with glee, snuggling her loveable captive. “Give me a moment, I’ll be right back.” With that sung, Roseluck skipped happily into another run, leaving the purple unicorn alone.

Twilight began to struggle intensely while Roseluck was gone, fighting her bonds and causing the chair to teeter back and forth on two legs. It didn’t take long for the purple mare to fall onto her side, crashing against the red carpet hard. “Ow,” she flinched. She glanced to the door Roseluck went through with fear in her eyes.

“Twilight, are you ok- Oh Twilight! Did you fall down and hurt yourself? You silly filly,” Roseluck giggled. Twilight audibly gulped when she saw the corset that graced Roseluck’s figure, as well as the purple socks that graced each hoof, each of them had a blue and pink streak running through them.

Roseluck quickly stood Twilight back up, and gave a flirty wave before leaving Twilight alone again. “Not this again,” Twilight uttered under her breath. She saw nothing that could free her from this, at least Rarity had a pair of scissors nearby after forgetting her alpha was tied to her bed.

“You know, I’ve been dreaming of this ever since I first saw you, before your dick became public knowledge around town,” Roseluck called out. “I hope you like this.”

“It’ll be an experience, that’s for sure,” Twilight replied. She glanced down to the fork and rocked her chair again, towards the table. Her teeth trying to grab the fork with each movement.

Her head smashed against the table, utensil firmly held between her teeth. She jerked herself back onto all four and accidentally tossed the fork to the door, cursing under her breath when it made a slight tapping noise against the wood.

The door opened, Twilight gazed at her captor with mixed emotions. Roseluck strutted out of the other room wearing the socks from earlier, a red collar with Twilight’s cutie mark on it, and a school-filly outfit. “Seems like the roles are reversed, teacher.” Twilight tore her view away from her captor, feeling her member struggle against her bindings. Her eyes went wide when she felt the earth mare’s body pressed against her side. “You seem uncomfortable, I can’t have that, Sensei.”

“Se-sensei, don’t you mean teacher or mentor?” Twilight asked, she felt the ropes loosen around her lower body. Her hardening cock poking out for air as some of her bindings fell to the floor.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Sparkle. I can’t let you go yet, All those times you’ve teased me with such a thing,” Roseluck cooed, her hoof rubbing the purple shaft. “I think it’s time for the teacher to get a detention.”

“Roseluck, stop thi-” Twilight felt a cloth material shoved in her mouth, trying to look down at it in confusion.

“Just suck on my panties for a bit while I get you ready,” Roseluck teased, bopping her captive on the nose. She sat on her haunches and admired the purple penis. “It’s so hard for me, I always wanted to taste it, Sensei.”

Twilight tried to retort through her impromptu gag, only succeeding in making the panties more wet than before. She flinched when she felt Roseluck’s tongue against her crown.

Roseluck drank in the sight of Twilight at her mercy, loving every little expression and twitch her pony made while she worked the unicorn’s cock. “You fuck your students all the time, Sensei. Why do you resist now?” Her response was muffled words and a groan. Rose only giggled, going in to kiss Twilight’s cock gently before trailing her tongue along the veiny shaft. “Your musk is so addictive, Sensei. No wonder all those girls stay after class to see you.”

Twilight’s face went beet red, her mind was quickly flooded with all her mares wearing schoolfilly outfits while Twilight stood at the head of the class as their teacher. She shook her head, trying to block out all thoughts of her mares and the lips that currently wrapped around her dick.

Roseluck’s savoured the taste of the mare’s cock, she never believed that something could be so delicious. She was always jealous of the mares that were with Twilight but now… she was on the stairway to heaven, moments away before she could truly feel her angel inside her. She forced herself to take as much of Twilight’s meat down her throat as possible, purring around the purple length and feeling it make the occasional twitch, slurping the pre-cum. “Oh this tastes so much better warm, I’m so happy.” Roseluck’s hoof rubbing her petals roughly while servicing her crush.

Twilight was disturbed by the confession, especially when her head turned back to the jar of her own cum on the shelf. As much as she wanted to leave, she couldn’t deny how great Roseluck’s tight throat felt around her cock, and gentle vibrations caused by the purring.

The flower mare felt the purple member throb and expand in her throat, Roseluck was taken off guard when she felt her captive unload warm, fresh sperm into her stomach. She pulled back quickly to let the taste dance on her tongue, her own hoof rubbing feverishly from the delightful sensations and satisfaction of feeling Twilight’s cum on her coat and tongue.”Oh! Oh yes, I need more, Sensei. I need you so badly.”

Twilight was not granted a breather as Roseluck leaped onto her lap, her cock still leaking cum onto the ropes and red-maned mare’s outfit. Rose lifted her rump high and angled herself for penetration, dropping herself down hard, letting out a loud scream from the sudden entry.

Twilight went deaf for a moment, a fear not thought possible after she mated with Luna, but the feeling of a tight pussy around her cock was very clear to her. She gave Roseluck a worried look, concerned for the mare’s physical and mental well-being while continually resisting the undeniable pleasures of the mare’s flower.

“Your dick fills me so much, I can feel you against my entire being. Trying to penetrate my very soul with your love! I want it, oh goodness I want it!” Roseluck moaned, riding the bound mare’s dick. Her fore-limbs held Twilight’s neck tightly, keeping the earth mare from falling from her perch.

Rosleuck’s walls clenched Twilight, trying not to let her dick leave the warm confines, causing the ride to feel rather rough for the unicorn, unfortunately she was unable to voice her concerns as her latest mare used her to varying degrees, her face constantly attacked by Roseluck’s tongue and bites.

Roseluck’s mind had ascended to a nirvana she never thought existed. Fucking a doll version of Twilight wearing a strap-on was one thing, but to feel her true lover’s hard cock inside her, ready to fertilize her field had her cumming quickly. She bounced on Twilight’s rod as hard and fast as she could muster, trying to get as much pleasure out of the purple mare as possible while trying to pleasure her lover in the same instance.

At this very moment; Twilight counted seven, seven times had Roseluck cum from simply riding the unicorn’s lower horn. Twilight’s face was covered in drool while her nose, lips, and cheeks had bite marks. The sudden death grip around her cock had signalled orgasm eight, as well as a new set of teeth marks on her neck.

“Oh Twilight, you’ve made me the happiest filly. I love you so much, we’ll leave Ponyville, we’ll start our new life and have so many foals. You’ll be the best dad ever to them. Goodness, just cum inside me, I want your baby batter, I want your magical cream, I want your children!” Roseluck cried, cumming a ninth time.

Twilight groaned through her gag, releasing her seed deep into Roseluck, painting her depths white with her rod. Roseluck could almost hear fanfare going off in her head as she felt warm and full, each twitch form her lover’s dick splattering against her cervix and possibly fertilizing her eggs. She held Twilight close, plugging her pussy with the unicorn’s cock. “Thank you, Twilight.”

Twilight could only grimace, she felt the other mare’s light breathing against the ropes, slowly regaining consciousness. She could only watch as Rosleuck wobbled to and fro on her lap, trying to keep herself from falling asleep.

“That was better than I thought it would be, Sensei. You hard dick in my small wet pussy, I don't ever want to leave your lap. It feels too good, too… perfect for me to get off you, promise me that wherever we go, I’m always on your cock, warming it with my body while you keep filling me with our beautiful foals,” Roseluck said, her beaming smiling nearly blinding Twilight.

The purple mare felt bad but she merely shook her head. The action confused her captor greatly. “Is that a no? And after what we just did, the ultimate act of love?”

Twilight gave her a serious yet pained face and nodded. Roseluck’s own expression changed to match before going straight. “Well, if that’s the case….”

Twilight watched as Roseluck got off her cock, and walked to the table. “Do your mares really mean more to you than me?” The scholar didn’t move for a moment but ultimately nodded her head, muttering an apology through her gag.

The next moment was a blur, Twilight felt her cheek sting from something slamming against it too hard and her body and chair falling to the floor. As the room spun, her vision was field of yellow and red. “You think you can toy with a maiden’s heart?” Roseluck questioned, punching Twilight again. “I go to ALL this trouble of foalnapping you and serving you dinner and you still don't love me? You selfish bitch!”

Twilight tried to look up to Roseluck only to get hit in the dick by her captor’s hind legs, causing tears to form in her eyes. Roseluck’s devilish smirk quickly faded to concern as she sat Twilight back up. “Twilight! Who did this to you? I’m such a bad hostess, not protecting my guest from danger.”

Roseluck held Twilight’s head to her chest, brushing the confused and scared unicorn’s mane in the process. “Shh, Rosie is here. I’ll take good care of you Twilight, for as long as we live.”

Twilight whimpered, all thought of struggling left her after her captor’s outburst, but all intents on escaping came to her mind, second only to the pain in her groin. She was dragged to the table where Roseluck removed her gag. “Please, I just wanna go home.”

“You are home, my love, and you’ll always be home for me,” Roseluck cooed. She retook her seat on Twilight’s lap, the purple member re-entering her pussy while taking a bite from the squash and motioning Twilight to open her mouth.

“That doesn’t hel-” Twilight’s mouth was soon filled by food, delivered from Roseluck’s own mouth. She blushed and grumbled at gesture.

“I know, I know. Alpha and all that but like I said, they don’t care about you like I do,” Roseluck said, kissing Twilight's nose.


Rarity and Applejack were baffled by the sudden change of scene. Gilda, Zecora, and Trixie were all turning Ponyville upside down looking for something. “Girls, is this about Trixie’s doll?” Rarity asked.

“Forget her doll, something grabbed Twilight while she was walking back from Zecora’s. Zecora and I would have saved her but… we had Twilight test out a potion for us,” Gilda said, blushing.

“Twilight has been foalnapped? Was it Chrysalis?” Rarity questioned.

“While we did confront the insect, she now searches for the true suspect,” Zecora uttered, A red mare with black mane angrily storming through Ponyville, searching for her mate.

“Does Pinkie and Rainbow Dash know?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, we told her where we thought she was grabbed, based on the scratches and the discarded branch that was nearby,” Gilda responded, flying back into the sky.

Rarity frowned. “Drat, she’s ahead of us. Did they mention any clues?”

“Pinkie traveled far and wide, holding a mane thread. We suspect it may belong to a mare or colt of red,” Zecora said, quickly trotting off to find more clues to Twilight’s whereabouts.

“Red mane… and a pale yellow coat?” Rarity uttered, thinking of who that might be.

“Roseluck!” Applejack stated. “I know where she lives, come on!” The two raced to Roseluck’s house, a two story building with a red roof and white walls, a small rose garden surrounded the building’s yard.

Applejack reared her back legs to smash the door down but Rarity held her back with magic. “Calm yourself, if she truly has Twilight then this has become a hostage situation. Let’s deal with this like detectives,” Rarity chided. She moved Applejack aside and used her magic to open the door quietly.

The pair walked in to the suspect’s home, a few end tables with potted flowers on them, mostly roses though. There sat a couch against the wall with a painting of a sunset horizon n the background, and across from that was a bookshelf. There was three openings that Rarity and Applejack could see, one that lead to the kitchen, one that lead upstairs, and a entryway to the basement.

They heard giggling coming from upstairs and silently walked there, slowly climbing the stairs. They found themselves in a hallway with four rooms, one of which had a light on inside. “Now, we’ll just go and see. We don’t want to jump to any conclusion now.” Rarity stated. Applejack nodded and the two continued forward. They tried to see into the room, only to find it was rather dim, telling them it was only lit by a small amount of candles.

Even that small amount of light allowed them to see the rather creepy array of trinkets that had a similar style to their Alpha. “Hehehe, what do you think of this page? I think the artist did a really good job on your features.” They heard a voice from the room, immediately recognizing it as Roseluck.

Rarity nudged the door open wider to allow their heads to poke through, giving them visibility of the Twilight shrine in the corner of the room, the dining table, and most importantly, the chair and purple unicorn bound by rope and a red-maned earth pony that appeared to be sitting on the former’s lap. “I may hate to admit this, but after what you’ve done; I think it’s totally possible for you and Luna to travel back in time and have a threesome with Clover the Clever.”

The statement dumbfounded both ponies until they saw a familiar-looking comic book in Roseluck’s hooves. Rarity and Applejack glanced to each other and nodded, springing into action.

The sound of hooves caused Roseluck and Twilight to turn, showing the newcomers that a pair of panties was shoved into the unicorn’s muzzle, and see Applejack and Rarity running at them. The sight caused Roseluck to lose balance but fought to stay put on Twilight’s lap, hiding the fact that she was still connected to her crush. “What are you doing in my house?”

“We recently heard Twilight was foalnapped and we came to investigate,” Applejack stated, glaring at her fellow earth pony.

“Release Twilight, and we will be merciful on you,” Rarity announced, standing tall.

“No! You all had your turn! She’s mine now, I don’t wanna give her back!” Roseluck whined, holding onto the bound unicorn tighter. “Besides, are you truly going to separate a mother and her unborn child from the father?”

Applejack and Rarity gasped and looked to Twilight, worried that their Alpha might have impregnated her captor. Twilight slowly shook her head, negating their fears. “Get off Twilight’s pecker, and we’ll settle this like adults, okay?” Applejack said, slowly walking towards the the two.

“If you make me get off this dick, I’m going to destroy you both!” Roseluck warned, glaring at both intruders.

“Dear, this isn’t looking good for you. Even if you manage to keep us quiet, you still have several others that will turn Equestria upside down for Twilight, that includes a Princess, a changeling queen, and a griffon,” Rarity said.

“And two mares that could find Twilight incredibly easy if they get their flanks in gear,” Applejack added. The three mares stared each other down while looking back and forth between her mares and her captor.

There was a long moment of silence, until the sound of paws running up the stairs towards them. Roseluck and Applejack immediately turned to see Winona jumping into the room and growling at Roseluck. Rarity took this chance and used her magic to fire a stunning bolt at Roseluck.

Roseluck managed to dodge it while on Twilight’s cock, twisting it painfully as evident from the purple mare’s anguished features, and launched herself at the unicorn. She knocked Rarity to the ground and pulled a hoof back to attack Rarity when she felt Twilight’s cum ooze out of her pussy. “No, stay in there!” She stopped her attack and turned to try and rescue her lost cum, she was soon tackled to the ground and hogtied by Applejack.

“Thank you, darling. I didn’t think she COULD dodge,” Rarity said, brushing herself off.

“No need to worry, I’ll take her to the guards. You go and free Twilight,” Applejack said, pulling the bound Roseluck onto her back and walking out of the room.

Rarity smiled and turned to the bound Twilight. A pair of panties still in her mouth, horn blocked by the inhibitor ring, everything above the waist was bound by rope while her hind hooves and cock were free, and said cock was slowly losing it’s hardness. The bound unicorn hopping happily in place at the idea of being free.

The rhythmic bouncing of the semi-hard pillar kept Rarity’s attention, and gave a sly grin. Her magic shutting the door. “You know Darling, it’s been quite some time since we’ve last mated, has it not?” Rarity asked.

Twilight’s glee quickly vanished, a look of horror on her face.

“And you know that Gilda, Pinkie, and Trixie get you most out of all us because they always catch you before the rest of us,” Rarity added, walking towards the bound mare. “After you are free, who knows when I’ll get another chance? Especially now that we have a Princess among us, I’m sorry dear,” Rarity cooed. Her hooves sliding along the ropes and up to Twilight’s face, stroking her fur gently. “You’ll have be stay there for a little while longer.”

The fashionista giggled when Twilight let out a groan through the makeshift gag. She slid off the chair, sliding her body down Twilight’s until resting between her alpha’s hind legs.

Rarity peppered the flared head with kisses, feeling Twilight get harder in her hooves. She kept her eyes on her alpha, watching her squirm in her bindings. The adorable squeaks that were muffled by Roseluck’s underwear and the cute faces she made caused Rarity to feel powerful.

Twilight shivered as she felt Rarity tease her cock, which was already sensitive after the hours of sex Roseluck made her endure. Her latest captor nibbling against the flesh delicately.

Rarity’s eyes traveled down the Twilight’s bound form and onto her engorged cock, noticing all the bite marks along her alpha’s thigh and member. “Oh you poor dear, that mean Roseluck won’t be biting you again,” she cooed, petting the member and frowning at the idea of another mare damaging something so beautiful. “Don’t you worry, darling. I’m here, and I won’t let that crazy mare hurt you again.”

Twilight frowned as she stared at this latest crazy mare, kissing each hickey Roseluck gave her earlier, shuddering when Rarity’s tongue traced along the marks during each kiss.

“My word!” Rarity gasped with enthusiasm, gazing upon the erect pillar that has touched her horn. She slid her horn along the length, causing pleasure to race through both their bodies. “I suppose I should thank Roseluck for getting you ready for me, as much as I enjoy our foreplay.”

Twilight was mumbling something as Rarity pulled onto her lap, just as Roseluck did many times during the last four hours. The seamstress glared at the offending fabric within the scholar’s mouth and pulled it out with her magic. “Rarity, untie me please.”

Those words made Rarity stop, unsure if she should continue with her act or comply with her Alpha's demands. “Beg your pardon?”

“Rarity, I’ve been in this chair for a really long time, my butt is sore, and my legs have been killing me since my fifth orgasm an hour ago. Untie me and I’ll give you want you clearly want, okay?” Twilight demanded, her face was serious despite the meat that begged for Rarity’s touch.

“Ye-yes Darling,” Rarity uttered, she hopped off Twilight and used her magic to undo the bindings.

Twilight let out a blissful sigh as she moved her forelimbs, now free from obstructions. “Thanks Rarity, it feels so good to move again.”

“I must say, You were rather brave despite the foalnapping and the crazy mare… and me,” Rarity said, blushing at that last part.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I was terrified, Roseluck had strange mood swings that go from happy to sad to anger in seconds, much faster than I’ve seen anyone else change their moods, and she had a habit of forgetting if she did anything wrong,” Twilight said, grimacing as she rubbed her cheek, some purple powder lingered on her hoof to show Rarity a much darker shade of purple on Twilight’s face.

“Why would she cover it up?” Rarity asked, examining Twilight’s bruise.

“She didn’t want to see my face ruined so she covered it with make-up… She has way too much purple blush, and dyes of my colours,” Twilight added, she turned to leave when she felt a weight on her back.

“Forgetting something?” Rarity teased, her hoof returning to stroke the arousal confused organ.

Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes. “Not here, Roseluck may be crazy but… it would add insult to injury to have sex in her home after all.”

Rarity smiled and leaned towards her Alpha’s head “Then let us be off to the library, as it is closer,” she cooed, blowing into Twilight’s ear.


A spark of magic filled Twilight’s bedrooms. In moments the room had a purple glow until it disappeared, revealing Twilight and Rarity kissing. Twilight and Rarity’s horns losing their shine.

“There! Now where were we?” Rarity giggled.

Twilight nodded and glanced to the balcony, shutting the heavy curtains and any other window she can see in the library. “Sorry, I kinda don’t want anypony seeing this.”

“Ponyville as a whole knows your situation, but I suppose a little privacy has it’s merits,” Rarity sighed, looking deep into her mate’s violet eyes.

The two locked gazes until Twilight pushed forward, locking them in a deep kiss again. The librarian’s hooves trying to raise her mare’s rump while bucking against the ivory fur.

Rarity felt the hard pillar of flesh grind against her fur and belly, quivering with anticipation. She felt Twilight break off, and laid her down gently. The fashionista glanced down to see the purple member wagging between the mares, Twilight taking a step back to aim herself for Rarity’s slit.

Satisfied, Twilight walked forward, clenching her teeth when the head of her cock began to part Rarity’s walls and enter her, letting out a groan as the heat and tightening flesh consumed her dick. She placed both hooves on each side of Rarity’s head, preventing her from falling onto the seamstress.

Rarity’s hooves shot up and wrapped around Twilight’s neck, pulling the purple mare to her neck. It’s been two weeks since she felt Twilight inside her, and the sudden fullness her stallion gave her nearly caused her to lose herself to the pleasure, even as the purple cock delved deeper into her canals.

Trying to be as gentle as she could, Twilight slowly pulled herself out of Rarity’s honeypot. It wasn’t long until she felt the weight of Rarity’s hind legs wrap around her back, keeping as much of the purple rod inside the white unicorn. With her initial plan ruined, Twilight went to plan B, slowly rocking the mare beneath her like a pendulum, bouncing the mare against her crotch.

Rarity moaned into her lover's neck, her alpha thrusting hard into her body. She squeaked in pleasure from the sawing of the purple mare’s cock entering and leaving her marehood.

Much to Twilight’s dismay, her cock was generally too sensitive after Roseluck, and the potion that caused her mate with Gilda and Zecora at the same time. She came hard into Rarity’s tight passage, filling her mare up to the brim with her seed. “That was rather sudden,” Rarity giggled.

Twilight frowned, her face beet red. “My dick is really sensitive right now. Again, I was held captive for six hours and before that, I had to please GIlda and Zecora after they used a potion on me.”

“And what did that potion do, darling?” Rarity cooed, grinding herself against Twilight’s crotch.

Twilight shrunk a bit and blushed harder. “An… stimulant, I’ve been hard all day basically.”

“Then you wouldn’t be against a little more, would you?” Rarity said, caressing Twilight’s cheek with a hoof. She was answered with a sharp thrust into her, the member pushing the sticky cum into her womb or out of her pussy, and soon she was given that same answer over and over again, Twilight pouting adorably above her.

The door slammed open as Applejack raced in. “Twi, Rares! Roseluck got away!”

“What!” Rarity and Twilight screamed.

“Ah’m sorry, she- We rescued her for fifteen minutes and already you got her mountin’ ya?” Applejack muttered, giving Rarity a disapproving look.

“Well… it’s been such a long time since I’ve had Twilight to myself,” Rarity chuckled to herself.

“Odds are, Roseluck will come after me again so we’ll need to get ready,” Twilight said, she looked down to Rarity and continued to hump her, causing her to gasp. “I’ll finish up here and we’ll figure out how to deal with Roseluck.”

“G-Got it, Twi,” Applejack grimaced, feeling rather jealous of Rarity. As she left, she caught Twilight turning Rarity onto her belly and mounting her from behind. “Think… Ah could join ya?”

“While it would be rude to refuse a fellow herdmate, I still want my fill of Twilight,” Rarity stated, letting out a moan from her first orgasm in a week.

Twilight flinched, Rarity’s walls clenching her tightly. “This might be a while, AJ.”

Applejack grumbled in response, awaiting her turn with the alpha mare.


With a spring in her step and her body cleaned from her recent activities, Rarity trotted through town in her red scarf and sunglasses, Applejack and Twilight followed behind her. The purple unicorn wore a top hat and a shawl, something Rarity put together while she and Applejack were busy. “Now, where would we find that mare?” Rarity asked.

“Well-” Twilight was knocked over by a blue blur.

“Mistress! Trixie was so worried!” Trixie cried, holding the purple unicorn tightly.

Gilda, Zecora, and Chrysalis in her disguise followed close behind. “What happened? Who grabbed you?”

“Roseluck took me to her house, and things happened. Now we need to find her, now did anyone contact the guards?” Twilight asked. There was a dead silence with a few coughs. “I was gone for SIX hours, another hour lost because Rarity couldn’t wait any longer and Applejack wanted to join. And NOPONY had the idea to get the guards on this?”

“I… was so wrapped up in my silly competition with Pinkie that it failed to cross my mind,” Rarity said, embarrassed.

“I didn’t feel like leaving this to the guards, griffon pride, ya know?” Gilda added.

The others remained silent, Trixie smiling nervously. Twilight facehoofed as she turned around. “Okay, Rarity… go to the guards. Seeing as Roseluck wants me and me alone, she may try to foalnap me again.”

Rarity nodded and ran off, yet Zecora was confused about Roseluck in general. “While we have welcomed many, even outside our race. What reason can she not join our mutual base?” she asked.

“She hates sharing me and firmly believes that all of you only sleep with me for your own gains, the only truth to that is Chrysalis,” Twilight added.

“I never hid my reasons for living in your basement,” Chrysalis scoffed.

Curious about those reasons, Trixie had to ask. “What reasons did she give for us?”

Twilight stopped to think. “Her reason for Gilda and Pinkie was me being the hot thing to have sex with before something else comes up. Applejack, Trixie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity was status. Chrysalis was her hive obviously, and Fluttershy, Luna and Zecora’s was just to fill the hole that was left there from previous loves.”

“As much as that is all hogwash, don’t Ah already have some status from helping save Equestria a few times already?” Applejack asked.

“Your Status? Trixie didn’t actually think about that, she was far more concerned with serving you, Mistress,” Trixie uttered.

“You got magic, a thick dick, and you’re adorable when you cum inside others, especially in me. The only thing that could rip me away from you is if it was so awesome I cum just by looking at it,” Gilda joked.

Zecora frowned. “Roseluck’s words hang above me truthfully, but my calling is to be led faithfully.” She perked up when Twilight nuzzled her.

“She’s right about Chrysalis too and I still love her. You’ve done a lot more for me and Ponyville to earn that much,” Twilight said, cheering her zebra up, the changeling however blushed.

"So, what's the plan, Twi?" Applejack asked.

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. “Roseluck knows everypony that I've slept with, including the ones that are not apart of the herd," She conjured a list and began writing on it, jotting down every name she could think of that she had mated with and is in Ponyville today. "Applejack, Trixie. Go to everypony on this list and check on them. Zecora, Find Pinkie and Rainbow Dash and notify them that I'm back. Gilda and Chrysalis will stick by me, in case Roseluck does in fact try for me again."

The girls nodded and took off, except for Gilda who stayed by Twilight’s side. Chrysalis simply vanished in thin air, but Twilight knew she was close by. “So… what’s Roseluck like?”

“She gives Trixie a run for her bits in the ‘devotion’ department, also Roseluck stole Trixie’s doll and attached a strap-on to it,” Twilight replied, causing Gilda to grimace.

“Glad she isn’t obsessed with me then. There are some griffon freaks out there, collecting feathers and all that,” Gilda commented.

“Heh, at least it would give me a reason to actually try and save one of my girls instead of it always being the other way around,” Twilight joked.

Gilda began chuckling as well. “Yeah, for an Alpha, you seem to be the target to everything for some reason. Have you actually saved one of us?”

“I know I saved Zecora once before she joined the herd, we came across a Timberwolf that attacked us. And I protected myself from you and Chrysalis… even though I only managed to beat her on the third encounter in my basement… while she was tied up,” Twilight sighed. “Could one of you one day go get yourself captured so I can look like a hero and save the day at last?”

“Maybe Rarity or Fleur… most definitely Trixie. Not me though, I’m too tough and cool to let myself be the damsel,” Gilda laughed. Twilight giggling along side her. “So… what should we do until the guards get here and finally do something?”

Before Twilight could answer, a small white orb fell between them, confusing them greatly. It began to release a strange smoky gas that spread all around the surrounding area, causing ponies to choke and cough.

Gilda stepped back and blew the smoke away with her wings, flapping them hard to remove the strange smokescreen. She turned to see Twilight was still standing next to her. “Are you Twi or Chrysalis?”

“It’s Twilight, strange how I wasn’t captured though. Though… should feel like I should be extremely annoyed and protective right now, like I’m missing something,” Twilight replied. She looked around and saw no trace of a red unicorn mare. “Chrysalis?”

“I don’t see the bug or her disguise thing,” Gilda added.

Twilight frowned, searching all around for Chrysalis. She felt a twist in her gut as a scent passed through her nose. Her legs began to move on their own, pointing her towards the road out of Ponyville. “I wonder…”

“Uhh, What are you doing?” Gilda asked.

“I dunno, my gut is telling me to go that way. And I can… sort of smell Chrysalis in the air…” Twilight replied.

Gilda gave the air a whiff, confused by Twilight’s words. “I don’t smell crap and death.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s more of a… liquorish tang with blackberries and mint.”

“That’s what she smells like to you? What do I smell like?” Gilda questioned, hoping it isn’t a bad scent.

“You and Rainbow Dash are rather similar since you both smell like rain, but she sort of has a mixed berry smell and you strangely smell like… is it weird that you sorta of smell like baked bread and the rain?” Twilight returned the question.

“Yes… it is weird that you think I smell like rain and baked bread. Figured it’d be cooler like… cooked meat or something,” Gilda replied.

Twilight shook her head in annoyance. “We have a changeling to save, Gilda. Come on!”


Roseluck was walking down the road, ready for her new life with Twilight. It was tricky with her smokebomb but she managed to get her away from the griffon. It was odd how she was running towards her though, but she chalked it up to fate.

On the outskirts of Ponyville, she heaved a large sack on her back, on her way to Trottingham with her mare. “So Twilight, I threw that book of homes in there with you right? Did you find a place for us to stay? I don’t mind sleeping under the stars with you but… we will need a home for all our kids. Maybe a farm as big as Sweet Apple Acres! Would Trottingham have that?”

“Release me you stupid nag!” Cried the voice in the bag.

Roseluck stopped and dropped the bag on the ground, confused by the strange voice and tone. “Twilight?”

She loosened the ties only to watch as the changeling queen burst from it, seething with anger. “You will pay DEARLY for this!”

Roseluck let out a shriek and began to run, Chrysalis following close behind her. “Why aren’t you Twilight?” She cried. She slammed, face first, into a tree and turned around to see changeling looming over her, fangs waiting to pierce pony flesh.

“You’d be surprised with what we would do for our so-called ‘advantage’, foal,” Chrysalis growled.

She went in for the attack only to hear somepony call out. “Chrysalis, stop!” Her fangs stopped inches away from Roseluck’s head. They both turned to see Twilight jumping of Gilda’s back. “Chrysalis! First, are you alright? Second, don’t hurt her!”

The Queen could feel her heart jumping for joy to hear that Twilight was worried about her, but mildly distressed by her alpha’s desire to let this insolent creature live. “I’m fine, but why should I not end her now?”

“I will admit, Roseluck is a bit crazy. But she didn’t hurt anypony, she just wanted to be with me… in her own way. That is not something I think she should be killed for,” Twilight responded, rushing over to help Roseluck up. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, especially now that you’re here!” Roseluck exclaimed, she brought her hooves up to hug Twilight and never let go, when she felt all her limbs connected. She glanced down to see purple bindings covering her limbs. “Uhh, Twilight?”

“You foalnapped me once, made me faint three times out of exhaustion, attacked me when I refused your advances, and tried to foalnap me again. I don’t feel safe around you… at all,” Twilight explained, with a sad look on her face.

“But… we were meant to be together, Twilight… we made that promise during dinner,” Roseluck uttered.

“You… made that promise, I was gagged and trying to say no. I didn’t promise anything,” Twilight added.

“But… it was a Pinkie Promise… you did the hoof gestures and everything,” Rosleuck said. Chrysalis and Gilda’s jaws dropping.

“You made me do those hoof gestures… with my dick. I did not enjoy you poking me in the eye with my penis by the way,” Twilight retorted.

“We still have that promise, Pinkie will believe me!” Roseluck shouted, her body shook as she began to breathe heavily.

“No she won’t, she will take the word of her Alpha over the word of somepony trying to steal said alpha away from her,” Twilight answered.

Gilda began scratching the back of her head nervously, while Chrysalis coughed. “I’ve… been forced to listen to Pinkie’s rules about her promise before and… you’re screwed Twilight. ‘You make a Pinkie Promise, you must keep it,’ you may not have made the Pinkie Promise, but she did, and Pinkie will support that more than you,” Gilda explained.

“Then can’t I Pinkie Promise to avoid Roseluck for the rest of my life?” Twilight asked, worried.

Roseluck gasped and appeared pained. Chrysalis shook her head. “The problem with that is… you don’t have the spine, which is why I suggested to murder her.”

Twilight grimaced, knowing Chrysalis was right. “Fine, but no killing or hurting anypony.”

“So… I can stay with you?” Roseluck asked, her smile slowly returning.

Twilight pressed a hoof to her chin and thought carefully. She had to plan this just right so that Pinkie doesn’t attack her for making Roseluck break her Pinkie Promise. Then it came to her. “Alright! But… you must agree to two conditions.”

Rosleuck’s ears perked up. “Anything! Oh Twilight, ANYTHING!”

“First, you must accept that I have my herd. While I may try to keep ties with you, but I also have others to manage as well,” Twilight stated, glad that Roseluck nodded happily. “Second, you WILL go consult a therapist about your obsession with me, it has proven to be a danger to others, okay?”

Roseluck still nodded happily. “Of course, of course! I’ll go see Mr. Wise Eyes, he’s been my therapist for the last three years!”

Concern was once again Twilight’s forethought, especially after the news of Wise Eyes being taken to an Asylum in Vanhoover. “Uhh, I think we’ll need another… therapist for you, Roseluck.”


Ms. Sweetheart sat in a recliner chair, notepad floating nearby. The room had green walls with yellow stripes. Other than the lay-down sofa and Sweetheart’s chair, there was a wooden desk, a large window that took up the majority of the wall that was opposite to the door, and a few bookshelves and plastic bins. “Next patient!” She called out.

Roseluck tentatively walked into the room, and quickly trotted to the chair and sat down. “Hello, m-my name is Roseluck.”

Sweetheart chuckled. “Hello Roseluck, I’m Doctor Sweetheart. So… your file says you have an obsession?”

“Ye-yes… with Twilight Sparkle,” Roseluck uttered, blushing hard.

“Twilight? My, that takes me back,” Sweetheart chuckled, writing on her notepad. “Now, let’s find out how this started shall we?”


Because I want this to end on clop, dood.


“Are we truly going to do this?” Roseluck asked, bouncing in please on Twilight’s bed.

Twilight let out a sigh, smiling regardless. “Think of it as a rite of passage, I guess. I have to prove to be the top mare after all,” she said, making sure no eyes can view in. Her herd didn’t take to Twilight accepting Roseluck into their ranks after what she did, until Twilight mentioned Roseluck’s promise, to which Pinkie immediately supported. Trixie still refused to trust the tan mare at all, but they were all glad that she agreed to see a therapist on the side.

“So… I’m to make this difficult for you?” Roseluck asked, getting ready to pounce on Twilight.

The librarian chuckled. “Those last few times were all tricks that caught me off guard, this time I’m ready for you.”

Roseluck smirked and dived at Twilight, only to watch the unicorn catch her in the air and pin her to the bed. She tensed when she noticed the predatory gleam in her lover’s eyes. “Oooookay… that’s kinda hot.”

“Glad you think so,” Twilight cooed. She laid down next to her latest mare and began petting her. “You know… this does present a way for me to get back at you for foalnapping me.”

Roseluck blushed hard but still had a big smile on her face, willing to take anything Twilight gave her. “Are you gonna tie me up?”

“No… but I am going to punish you,” Twilight stated, she closed her eyes and focused her magic on Roseluck. The spells she had in mind beginning to seep out from her horn and into the red-maned mare.

Roseluck shivered as she felt Twilight’s magic caress her entire body, coursing within her, but while it felt rather good, it didn’t feel right. “What did you do, Twilight?”

“Just a few spells, making you slightly more sensitive to the touch,” Twilight said, poking Roseluck's belly, that caused her body to shudder in pleasure and a moan to escape her lips. “A copycat spell: everything I feel, you feel.” Twilight rubbed her purple cock against Roseluck, causing her to whimper from the foreign feeling. “And most importantly… a locking spell: you can’t cum unless I give you permission.”

Roseluck’s eyes went wide with fear. “Are you serious?”

“Completely. Enjoy,” Twilight giggled, placing a firm kiss on Roseluck’s lips. The earth pony returned the kiss aggressively, feeling the pleasure arc all over her body.

While they made out, Twilight’s cock rubbed against Roseluck’s belly, causing the earth mare to moan into the unicorn’s mouth many times. Her body writhing, trying to angle herself to get Twilight to enter her.

Twilight broke the kiss and noticed Roseluck spreading her hind legs wide, only giggling when she caught the raised leg before it could wrap around Twilight’s midsection. “Somepony is rather flexible. You really want me, don’t you?”

Roseluck was nodding her head furiously, watching the purple cock staring at her with it’s single hole. She felt Twilight get up and the purple member getting closer to her muzzle. She could only watch as the throbbing erection poked her nose, wiggling in front of her mouth.

“It isn’t gonna suck itself, Rose,” Twilight ordered. Her hooves resting against the wall, thrusting her hips forward and shoving her dick into Roseluck’s face. The second thrust forward and Roseluck captured it, her legs twitched and dance as she somehow felt her own blowjob.

A grin spread on Twilight’s face, one that would make Discord proud to witness, as she thrusted forward once again, forcing the head of her cock down the tan pony’s throat. “You deep-throated me before, what makes now so different?” Twilight asked, humping Rosleuck’s face.

Roseluck’s crotch was on fire, the taste of her crush on her tongue, Twilight was fucking her of her own free will; her first time with Twilight was nothing compared to this time. Her right hoof drifted down to tend to her furnace while the other prodded Twilight’s urged the unicorn to use her.

Twilight shivered with delight, Rose’s throat accepted her and the mare’s flexible tongue was trying to coat the purple shaft in saliva. The librarian bucked her hips hard, stuffing her dick as deep as she could into Roseluck’s mouth. “So...goood.”

Her hoof was rubbing furiously into her crotch, Roseluck’s eyes rolled back as the musk of her mare filled her lungs. Everything about the bookish mare made Roseluck’s body shiver, she let out a moan that caused her mouth to vibrate around Twilight’s dick. Her mare juices leaking onto the bed.

“You’re pretty eager to please me for someone that foalnapped me,” Twilight giggled, feeling her cock throb inside Roseluck throat. “I love your throat by the way… can’t wait to test the rest of you.”

Roseluck moaned in response, her body shaking. She could taste Twilight’s cream entering her mouth from each thrust.

Twilight let out a groan, her cock twitched and pulsed. Her dick fired her cum down Roseluck’s throat. With the spell still affecting the poor tan mare, she squealed painfully as her orgasm was denied, she swallowed Twilight’s spunk eagerly, the taste was divine and the pleasure surged through the earth mare’s body.

Twilight pulled her cock out, watching it slap against Roseluck’s nose and leaving a trail of cum that linked the two. “I think you deserve an orgasm,” she said. Twilight hopped off the bed and gave Roseluck’s marehood a lick. Roseluck let out a wail that shook the library, her orgasm was the most intense thing she had ever experienced. “Now for the next round.”

Roseluck was breathing heavily, trying to catch whatever air she can get. She was clearly not expecting to feel anything poking her marehood. Fireworks exploded in her eyes went Twilight entered her, slowly filling her hot marehood. “You should relax, Rose. You're REALLY tight here,” Twilight groaned, trying to shove more of her girth into the earth pony’s quim.

“So fucking big,” Roseluck screamed, her hooves latching on to Twilight. Her mind was abuzz with so many pleasurable feelings, the feeling of Twilight filling her, the kissing and nips on her coat, and the actual replication of the purple cock entering her, the orgasm they tried to induce was halted by Twilight’s spell.

“I can get bigger if you want,” Twilight chuckled, her hips thrusting forward, the tip teasing the cervix entrance.

“Ohh… I’m so full!” Roseluck groaned, her body bucking against Twilight’s, trying to find that ecstasy once again.

“My, how the tables have turned,” Twilight giggled, giving Roseluck a kiss before nuzzling her.

Roseluck’s moans of pleasure were becoming far too much for the mare to handle, especially when she felt something poke her ass.

Twilight grinned, allowing a copy of her to probe the earth mare’s rear door with her dick. She turned herself and Roseluck on their sides while the second Twilight laid down behind the flower pony, slowly inching her thick member into Rose’s ass.

The poor earth pony, so many unfamiliar sensations, being sandwiched between TWO Twilights, and feeling everything both dicks felt inside her. She felt as if she’d black out soon, curious if Twilight would let that happen. She let out a screech as she felt the spell wearing off, allowing her to cum as hard as she could manage. Her juices caused the bed to become incredibly damp, but it did not slow either Twilights.

“Did that feel good? I didn’t want you to pass out during this and… maybe preventing your orgasm was a bit much,” Twilight cooed, stroking Roseluck’s mane.

Roseluck was far too busy reacting to the constant pleasure and drooling into Twilight’s pillow to answer.

“Good going, you broke her before I could enjoy her ass,” the Twi-Clone shot at the original.

“We are fulfilling her wettest dream from the moment she saw me when Nightmare Moon first attacked, shut up and fuck her,” Twilight snapped back, thrusting into Roseluck’s body. “Try and stay awake, Rose.”

Roseluck slowly nodded, lunging forward to kiss the real Twilight. She felt the clone behind her raise her leg and began thrusting harder into her butt, meeting Twilight’s with every movement. Her consciousness fighting to stay awake.

“For a mare you nearly broke, her ass feels great,” the Twi-Clone commented, licking Roseluck’s face. She grit her teeth, smiling widely as she pounded the earth pony’s ass. “Better than Rainbow’s.”

“I’m certain she was a virgin back there,” Twilight chuckled, she licked the other cheek while her clone nibbled Roseluck’s ear.

Roseluck’s entire body was in a permanent state of bliss, every minute was met by a mind tingling orgasm. The battle to stay awake was becoming more and more challenging, trying her best to withstand the feeling of two thick cocks plow her holes.

The Twi-clone looked over the earth mare to see her creator fighting off her own orgasm. “Boss, just let it go.”

“NO, we are all cumming at the same time, I have to hold back because I had her pussy longer than you had her ass,” Twilight declared. Roseluck grasping the original tighter. “With that said...” Twilight’s horn began to glow, causing the clone to let out a squeak. She found a strange tendril entering her pussy, filling it completely. “There… now be a good girl and let me know when you are close.”

“Y-yes, boss,” the clone moaned, the tendril inside her, urging her into Roseluck faster.

Roseluck’s vision slowly began turning white, she shook her head to see Twilight kissing her nose and neck, the Twilight behind her pulling her mane with the uni-clone’s teeth. All she could do was moan and groan to the movements of the twi-cocks entering and leaving her abused body, and love every second of it.

“I’m… getting there… soon, Boss,” The Twi-clone groaned, bucking her hips hard and rapidly against Roseluck.

“Excellent,” Twilight uttered, increasing her speed as well.

The fireworks in Rosleuck’s eyes returned with extreme force when she felt both unicorns pump their sperm into her body, she let out a scream that threatened to deafen both Twilights, only to slump down and let sleep take her.

The real Twilight let out a sigh, enjoying the feeling of filling her mate, brushing Rosleuck’s mane out of her cute sleepy face. The clone continued to pound into her back door, trying to milk all her cum using the earth mare’s anal muscles. “About done?” the real Twilight asked, slipping her penis out of the abused pussy and wiping it off on the tan fur.

“Just about,” the Twi-clone uttered, a smile appearing on her face as she popped out of the now leaky hole.

Twilight watched the clone with mild curiosity, confused by her mannerisms. “I know this isn’t the first time I’ve summoned you or others but… Why are all of you so different from me? For example, you act a little like Gilda, and the time when I summoned three of you for Trixie… One of you wanted Trixie to call you Mistress, another one of you wanted to love her gently, and the other was just happy to get her dick wet, so happy in fact that she fucked all three of you while I was busy with Rainbow Dash.”

“That is because I am not your clone, my alpha," the Twi-Clone said, soon turning into Luna and scaring Twilight back to the waking world.

The unicorn shot up in a fright, next to her was Rainbow Dash, still snoozing away happily with her wings and chest covered white form earlier festivities. Above Twilight was Princess Luna, she appeared concerned for her alpha. "Is foalnapping a loved one and raping them on a chair while they're bound by rope a new trend in this age, Twilight? If you desire, we can try that later."

Twilight let out a groan and fell backwards, mentally exhausted by the ordeal.

Mini-Series: Fall of the Nightmare

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Tags:[Twilight x Nightmare Moon (Vaginal, Anal, Oral, non-consensual, Spitroast, Gang-Bang)]

Nightmare Moon was furious, starring out through Twilight’s vanity mirror and watching the pitiful unicorn mount her weaker self. Pumping useless seed into the alicorn’s body. If only that disgusting white goop was useable, she could re-enter this world and bring about eternal night, but alas… all she could do is glare at the mating ponies.

Outside the world of dreams and mirrors, Twilight and Luna cuddled on the unicorn’s bed, resting after their recent mating session. “Our thanks, Twilight… The Night Court was filled with baffling ponies this night.”

“Anything for my mares, Luna.” Twilight cooed, nuzzling the alicorn’s neck.

Luna relaxed on the bed, barely large enough for her size, and turned to Twilight’s vanity mirror. She frowned when she saw the snarling face of Nightmare Moon starring back at her with displeasure. Twilight noticed her mare’s sudden shift in mood. “Something wrong?”

“No… Tis nothing to concern yourself about,” Luna said, unfortunately Twilight didn’t buy it.

“Luna, if something is wrong, you can tell me? Is this about Princess Celestia? Or the herd? Nightmare Moon?” Twilight asked, concerned for her mare’s well-being.

Luna turned to her lover. “Well, ever since our… first time together, we have been worried that Nightmare Moon might take over during our time together and attack you. She has been growing impatient and angry since then, we fear she might do far worse than merely rape.”

“Well, ever since then, I’ve been subjected to all sorts of rape attempts and what not, I’d like to think I can probably hold off Nightmare Moon for a little bit… and even then, the girls would come to help me,” Twilight stated, brushing Luna’s starry mane with her hoof. “It will be alright, you don’t have to face her by yourself, you have me, our herd, Princess Celestia, Spike when he returns; we’ll be there to catch you when you fall.”

“Thank you, Twilight. We do feel safer for that, but… we could always use… more assistance,” Luna said, kissing Twilight’s cheek.

“Of course, I’m ready for another,” Twilight giggled, pinning Luna underneath her.

Nightmare Moon scowled as the two began mating once again. “Weakling,” she uttered as she turned from the mirror. She stopped when a idea came to mind, her bonds to Luna grew weaker since she last appeared among ponies, perhaps she could enter Twilight and control the alpha, and use her to control Equestria, some modifications would have to be made but… it was essentially perfect.

She quickly noticed Twilight licking Luna’s horn and saw it as her only chance for escape. Nightmare’s wings flared and flew, but as she saw her escape, Luna’s mind reacted by erecting a hedge maze to block the dark entity from leaving.

Nightmare Moon laughed and blasted through every wall of moon lilies and nightshade, she will not be stopped by the weakling’s defences. Phantom bat-ponies appeared and attacked her, but she unleashed a shockwave that disintegrated them all. “I will not be denied!”

Nightmare felt that she could escape and enter Twilight through the growing star in the sky and flew for it. To her annoyance, the other stars began to attack her. She maneuvered around them, dodging each bright orb. “Luna was truly weak to think that could stop ME!” She cackled as her body met with the growing star.


Twilight’s head flew back from the power of Luna’s magic orgasm. “Whoa, that was much stronger than before.”

“We… we do feel a bit light headed, Twilight,” Luna uttered, her dreary eyes trying to stay on her lover, while her horn leaked a glowing blue substance. “But we can not deny that it felt amazing.”

Twilight chuckled and licked a bit of the alicorn cum from Luna’s horn. “I haven’t cum yet, ya know,” Twilight teased, thrusting her body harder against Luna, the larger mare giggling and moaning in the midst of it.


While Luna’s dream space was a calm field of night and the occasional book shelf rising from the ground. Twilight’s was more akin to a marble fortress, the corridors stretched long and winding. She found a window and was surprised by the bustling city that was beneath her, it looked much like the Manehatten she’d seen through Luna, but with primary emphasis on Twilight herself, in fact all the ponies that populated this city looked like Twilight, some had different colour schemes and some had different mane styles, but there was no denying how much every single foal, filly, mare, and old nag looked like the studious unicorn.

She walked back and bumped into somepony. “Oh, sorry. Let me excuse myself,” Nightmare Moon turned to see a blushing Twilight wearing a maid uniform, hurrying away with a broom and dustpan in her magic grip.

“What is going on here? Why was Luna’s mind so… blank yet Twilight’s is so full?” Nightmare asked no pony.

“You were trapped in her dreams, this is a mind.” Nightmare Moon turned to see Twilight wearing a black tuxedo that covered her entire body with a red bow tie, the stench of sex reeked around this mare. Her eyes a piercing, yet alluring red. “As you could have guessed, I’m Twilight Sparkle. You... look familiar.”

“I am your new master, peasant,” Nightmare snarled, failing to intimidate the sophisticated mare.

“I remember now… I suggest you follow me before Brave or her guards see you, you don’t want to know what they do to uninvited guests,” Twilight giggled. Nightmare almost felt happy to hear the melodic laughter of the smaller mare but shrugged it off, only blushing lightly.

“I will conquer this mare, just as I have conquered Luna, what is this mare to me?” Nightmare taunted, firing a black bolt of lightning at Twilight.

The purple mare let the strike hit her but only brushed off the dust it created on her jacket. “I take it you don’t remember my friend, do you?”

Nightmare backed up, angry that her attacked didn’t faze the smaller mare. “What friend?”

The chuckling Twilight turned herself around to see a small filly Twilight on her back, pouting adorably with the tiara of magic on her head. “Auntie Alpha said you’re here to hurt us all. That’s why I’m here!”

“What are you exactly?” Nightmare asked, resisting the urge to laugh.

“Well, ma’am,” The filly said, standing up tall on the older Twilight’s back. “I’m one of the six that beat you up! I’m Magic!” She shouted, the tiara began to glow to and a rainbow beam of light struck Nightmare Moon’s chest hard, knocking her unconscious.

The older Twilight giggled triumphantly. “Good job! Now go and play, Auntie Alpha has to teach the bad mare a lesson,” she said, letting the filly hop off her back.

“Are you sure, Auntie Alpha? Without me, she might hurt you,” Magic said, tearing up at the thought that a friend might get hurt.

“If I can evade Brave’s wrath or Smartypants’ punishments, I could probably handle a little filly like this one,” Alpha said, ruffling Magic’s mane, causing her to giggle. “Just… don’t tell the others what I’m doing, okay? I want it to be a surprise.”

Magic’s eyes shined. “Okay! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” She mirrored Pinkie’s Promise perfectly and ran off. “I’m gonna go play with Auntie Stargazer, maybe she’ll teach me a few more spells!”

Alpha merely shook her head with a playful smile on her face, she then turned to the unconscious Nightmare. “We best get going. We have a lot to do, my dear.”


After last night’s events of mating with Twilight, Luna had never felt better, the Nightmare hasn’t been bothering her lately, her dreams felt safer to wander. She can even look upon a mirror without Nightmare Moon starring back at her with a taunt or insult. Ever since she became Twilight’s mate, everything has somehow gotten better.

“My, somepony is in good spirits.” Princess Luna jumped at the sound of her older sister. “I take it you had a good night?”

“Oh it was wonderful sister, we were spending time with Twilight, and when we awoke this morning and flew back after… doing the ‘crashing’ at our friend’s house. we suddenly felt better than we had in years, perhaps doing this ‘hanging out’ with our friends was what we needed,” Luna cheered, smiling.

“Well, I’m glad you and your ‘friends’ helped you adapt to the times. I was getting worried you’d never leave the palace or socialize but lately… I’m so proud of you, Luna,” Celestia said, hugging her sister.

Luna returned the hug, taking comfort that her sister approved. “Thank you sister, how does your day fare?”

Celestia rolled her eyes playfully. “The usual, dear sister. Blueblood returned from the Zebrica the other day, you can imagine what he did there.”

Luna’s curiosity perked up. “Does he not state the benefits of being allied with us? Is that not what diplomacy is about?”

“Blueblood treats it as a way for him to… mate with members of other races. While I have told him to stop doing such things, I can not argue with the results. It appears that our entire world is run on the ideals of mating and sexual activities… I’m not quite sure I enjoy that thought,” Celestia uttered, looking out the window. “I know that Twilight has her herd but… perhaps I was too… pleased with my student’s progress in her studies to tell her why I dislike the ideas of herds.”

“And what was the problem with herds, sister?” Luna asked.

“Rivalries, feuds… maybe even regret. I can only show Twilight the ways she can lead her life, not force her down the roads I want her to go. But then…” Celestia trailed off, her brow furrowing in confusion. Luna caught on and became curious. “She always felt like she’s been hiding something from me, her family included… would that be the secret to how she became such a talented unicorn or something else? I’ve dwelled on that one thought after the first year she became my student.”

“Maybe she will tell you when she feels is right?” Luna cooed, placing a hoof on her sister’s back.

“Do you know this secret, Luna?” Celestia asked, her eyes hopeful and yearning of such knowledge.

“I… I do not know, I never felt Twilight was hiding anything from me or her mares,” Luna stated. Celestia grimaced and returned to her thoughts. “Perhaps she is an descendant of King Sombra? Or you? Or she was created in a laboratory, her father was a scientist before he retired.”

“Perhaps, but I guess one day… I will learn,” Celestia cooed, turning to leave. She had to start the Day court eventually.


Nightmare Moon’s head felt heavy, she tried to stand but felt a chain and manacle around her right hind hoof, pulling her down. She quickly noticed that her armor was gone and something was blocking her horn and wings were strapped to her sides. “What is this?” She bellowed, she turned to see she was alone in the room, laying on a rather comfy and strangely round bed.

The lights snapped on and Nightmare Moon found herself sick to her stomach. The room looked more like Celestia’s throne room with a much lower roof, and the throne replaced with the red circle bed she was on. One the left side of the room was a vanity table and a dresser that appeared rather plain despite the room’s motif. Nightmare became rather nervous when the motif came into question, there were eight mirrors on the walls, each of them reflected a intimate scene between Twilight and another female. “What is all this?”

“Good, you’re awake.” Nightmare turned to a familiar purple unicorn walking into the room, wearing the same tuxedo as before. “I hope none of my associates got to you before I did, they should I always get the first tap.”

“First tap? What nonsense do you speak of? I am Nightmare Moon, your ruler! How dare you treat me like this!” Nightmare Moon snarled, trying to attack the purple mare, only to be pulled back by the chains that bound her.

Twilight chuckled, as her magic slowly removed her clothing. “You know, I’ve always wanted it to come to this. You and me, I always wanted to make you mine after what you did.”

Nightmare Moons face went red with rage. “What stupidity do you speak of this time? The night is mine! If you and your friends didn’t stop me, I’d have the world!”

“I’m not talking about that Summer Sun thing, I’m talking about that time you took advantage of our body, Brave didn’t like that at all, and to be honest… neither did I,” Twilight cooed, kicking her pants off and strode towards Nightmare Moon, dick erect and swaying beneath her belly.

Nightmare’s rage quickly became worry. “Surely you jest, you think you can take me?”

“It’s my job, honey. After all, I’m the reason why Twilight gets all the mares,” Twilight chuckled. Nightmare Moon struggled backwards as she quickly noticed that the Twilight before her was just as tall as she was, her cock had grown with her as well, half as long as Nightmare’s forelegs and as thick a stallion’s hoof. “In here, only those that are directly linked to the our friend in reality… are in control of this world, Miss Moon.” Nightmare felt her bindings fall off, her horn and wings free and her leg no long shackled. She attacked Twilight but was found pinned under her strength. “When I see something I want, I GET it, bitch.”

“I will send you to Tartarus, Impudent foal!” Nightmare Moon roared, her horn glowed but simply died out. “My magic! It’s gone!”

Twilight grimaced, and checked between Nightmare’s legs, letting out a relieved sigh when she found nothing dripping from either hole. “Good, I sent some of my girls in here to suck out your magic, glad they remembered not to take that any further.”

“You… sucked out my magic? How?” The alicorn uttered, unable to believe that her magic was gone.

“Again, this is my world, and you gotta play by my rules,” Twilight chuckled, she sat down on the black alicorn’s body and tapped the dark deity’s nose with her cock. “It ain’t gonna suck itself.”

Nightmare grinned evilly and bite down hard on the purple member, her eyes flaring wide as pain engulfed her entire being. Twilight wasn’t fazed in the slightest. “I knew you would do that, so… I made it so that all the pain I’m supposed to feel, is yours instead, however… we get to share the pleasure, so… be a dear and suck it properly, or I may have to get rough by using your head as my personal pussy.”

Nightmare Moon swallowed a breath and glanced down to the hard cock in front of her. Her tongue slowly traced the flared head of Twilight’s cock, it tasted foul and repulsed the Mare of the Moon. “On… second thought.” She heard Twilight say. Nightmare’s eyes went wide when the evil purple mare forced her entire shaft down her throat. “I think it’ll be better for all of us if I just… took control, just like what you did before.” The alicorn struggled, feeling every inch of the mare’s cock invade her throat, purple fur smacking against her snout with every thrust, her hind legs stretching far from the unfamiliar tingle from her nethers.

Twilight, or Alpha as she was called, chuckled. Nightmare Moon’s throat wasn’t the tightest or most pleasurable but if she wanted a tighter throat or a more pleasurable fuck, she’d force out memories of Twilight’s herd. This meeting was just to show that she was stronger than the Nightmare, that Luna’s source of her jealousy was nothing more but a cum dumpster, begging to be filled by her cock.

Nightmare Moon felt air fill her lungs as the thick purple member left her mouth, only to feel Alpha’s girth slap her in the cheek, her head felt light from the lack of air and the pleasure she felt. “How adorable, you still think you can win,” the purple mare said, slapping Nightmare’s other cheek with her cock.

“When you least… expect it… I will-” Nightmare Moon was interrupted by Alpha’s member being shoved back down her throat.

“That will be hard to do when even after I’m done with you… you still got plenty of Twilights to fuck. Have you got any idea how many perverted thoughts Twilight had about you? And every single one of them want your ass,” Alpha giggled, roughly fucking the alicorn’s throat.

The purple dick was removed from Nightmare Moon’s mouth and turned to face the wall sliding down, revealing a window. Behind it was dozens of Twilights, masturbating to the scene. “See how happy they are to see you? A shame really, they have to wait until I make you my mare before they get their turn.” Alpha said, stroking Nightmare’s face.

“I… will never… kneel,” Nightmare snarled, breathing hard.

She soon felt Alpha’s breath against her ear. “My biggest turn on, are mares that think they can endure me.” Nightmare’s struggled renewed but Alpha’s magic pinned her hooves down, repositioning her cock to enter the dark mare’s mouth. “Open up for the freight train!”

Alpha’s magic forced the mare’s mouth open and quickly hilted her inside Nightmare’s mouth. ’This can’t be happening, I’m the Mistress of the Night, a God! How… how is this mare overpowering me?’

“Come on, tighten your throat up, you feel like you can take two dicks in your slutty mouth,” Alpha ordered, her hips pounding into Nightmare’s face. “Don’t make me test that theory, there are A LOT of us that would love to.”

Nightmare’s immediate reaction to the purple mare’s orders was to do as she asked, her mouth trying to please Alpha with her throat and tongue, the flavour had become tastier and more delectable.

“That’s good, such a good slut,” Alpha cooed, continuing to roughly pound the dark deity’s oral cavity.

Nightmare’s eyes turned back to the window, one of the Twilights pressed a note against the window that read: Your ass is gonna get wrecked, bitch. The note caused fear to spike in her heart. “Whoa, that’s a REALLY nice tight throat, keep it like that.”

A surge of defiance rose in Nightmare’s breast and struggled once again, only to feel a hoof against her cheek. “Bad Nightmare… Bad! Keep that up and you won’t get your treat.”

Nightmare kept struggling but she couldn’t knock the larger mare off her, she felt as weak as Luna at this moment. Her pussy spasming from the constant feeling of her unknown penis being pleasured by her own mouth.

“You came from sucking my cock? It happens to many of my lovers, don’t worry about it,” Alpha giggled. Nightmare’s ears were met with the laughter of the mares on the other side of the glass. “I’m pretty close myself, but… I don’t know if you’ve been a good girl, especially with you trying to buck me off.”

A small uproar happened behind the window, the Twilights yelling out “Force-feed her!” and “Paint the bitch!”

Alpha chuckled and pulled her cock out until only the head remained in Nightmare’s mouth. “What to do…” She giggled when she felt Nightmare’s lips trying to suck the purple member into her mouth. “You want my cum, don’t you slut?”

“Fill Her Gut! Fill Her Gut!” The Twilight choir began to chant, all stroking their cocks.

“Sorry girls, she’s been a bad pony,” Alpha said, shrugging. She yanked her cock out of Nightmare’s mouth and began to stroke her heavy member. She let out a sigh as the first load hit Nightmare in the face, forcing her eyes to shut before any of the white goop touch her eyeball.

There was a roar of applause, cheering Alpha on while she shot her mare cum all over Nightmare Moon, painting the dark deity as her bitch. “That’s a better look for you, Moony. You should be coated in my jizz more often… but first…”

Nightmare felt the still hard cock trail down her body and press against her marehood, feeling it’s head threaten to enter her. “No… DON’T!”

A loud knock came from the door, causing Alpha to groan in frustration. “I’ll be right back,” Alpha hopped off Nightmare Moon and levitated a robe to cover her body, her body shrinking back down to her original size. She opened the door and smiled. “Hello Brave, I’m kinda busy with my mares.”

Nightmare turned to see the scared faces of Alpha’s Twilight Minions, some of them huddled next to each other. She turned back to Alpha who was talking to whomever this ‘Brave’ was.

The voice that answered the seductive Twilight was more powerful and made Nightmare feel weak, the voice of a proud and strong leader, shame it sounds similar to Twilight’s voice. “Stargazer and Grace felt a intruder enter the mind. Do you know anything about it?”

“Oh that? Magic and I were walking down the halls and found said intruder, she blasted it and sent it back to where it came. Don’t need to worry about it, Brave.” Alpha said, trying to calm the other mare.

“So if I were to talk to Magic, she would have the same claims, Juliet?” Brave said, Nightmare was still unable to see the figure.

“The name’s Alpha, Brave… and yes, she would agree with my claims one hundred percent, go back to Grace… she misses you,” Alpha, or Juliet, said, annoyed by Brave’s misuse of her name.

“Listen, Juliet… I know what the term ‘Alpha’ means, and you only pervert it’s true meaning. Being an Alpha… means having honour and pride, you lack both. It will be the last day of our existence before I even think of you as ‘Alpha’, whore. And if your claims are not as ‘one hundred percent’ accurate, then I will return and you will not escape again,” Brave snarled. Nightmare Moon heard heavy boots against the floor as Brave and possibly other Twilights, possibly guards, left Juliet alone.

“Stupid bitch, one day you’ll be calling me Alpha, you and all the others… I’m going to love to see the look on your stupid face when I fuck your lover better than you’ve ever fucked her,” Juliet muttered, she glanced back up to Nightmare Moon and her audience, quickly calming herself down. “Where were we?”

“So… you do fear somepony, Juliet. My, how the tables have turned,” Nightmare Moon cackled, lounging on the bed.

Juliet only chuckled. “I suppose I’ll let you savor my true name for now… it’s only a matter of time before you will beg me to let you call me ‘Alpha’. As for Brave… I’ll get her later.” She disrobed and grew back to her large size.

“What is to stop me from screaming? Alerting her to my presence?” Nightmare asked, smirking as she firmly believed she has her captor by the figurative balls.

“I’m just going to get lectured and probably beaten lightly by Brave since I can’t die here. You… you’ll probably be thrown into the dungeons and tortured for everything you’ve ever done to Equestria and Luna. Stargazer doesn’t like you, Brave will do whatever she can to ensure that you pay for every crime she can think of, and Smarty would LOVE to dissect you. At least with me… you’ll grow to enjoy your captivity,” Alpha chuckled, her magic forcing Nightmare Moon to lie back and spread her hind legs apart.

Nightmare’s struggles came back, trying to knock the larger mare off her body. But the magic that held her limbs forced her to comply with Alpha’s desires. “No! Cease your actions!”

“Why? I just want you to feel that attention you’ve yearned for before your thousand year stay on the moon,” Alpha chuckled, sliding her cock along the alicorn’s pussy.

“You will never… contain me-GAHHHH!” Nightmare Moon let out a scream when she felt half of the massive cock forced itself into her entrance. A roar of laughter, whistles, and applause from the Twilights that watched them mate.

Alpha leaned forward, giving Nightmare’s coat a long lick while slowly pushing inch after inch inside her newest mare. “That’s what they ALL say.”

The pain of her vagina spreading to allow the large invader access overridden Nightmare’s senses, The monster inside her finally reached it’s end, her screams interrupting any attempt to curse purple unicorn above her. Her rage only heightened from the smile Alpha had on her face. “I will end you, demon,”, she thought trying to fight off the pain she was forced to endure.

“As tight as a virgin, that’s why I love fucking your kind,” Alpha cooed, slowly pistoning her hips against Nightmare Moon’s. “Ohh fuck yeah, I’ll never get tired of you, Moony. I’ll let that ‘Demon’ comment slide just because you feel soo good.”

Nightmare’s eyes widened, realizing her thoughts are no longer safe from her captor. Her hooves trying to grip the bedspread while one of her hind legs hooked around Alpha’s body. Cursing Twilight Sparkle while forced to fuck a copy of her while an audience of that same cruel mare watched.

“Aren’t you enjoying this? Being put in your place beneath me? It’s a popular place, in here and out there. I can feel you loving every minute of this,” Alpha laughed, her thrusting became rougher. She felt the hole around her cock tighten greatly and suddenly getting wetter, causing her to laugh. “Did you just cum? What a naughty filly.”

Nightmare blushed hard, glaring at Alpha while she was forced to take her girth constantly. “Die in tartarus…”

“That’s not the same tune you’ll be singing later… I think,” Alpha sang, pounding the Dark Deity’s rump hard.

Nightmare’s face flinched when she felt her orgasm spark through her body, causing Alpha to giggle. “My… you REALLY are enjoying this, aren’t you. Beneath all that demand to want to control, you’re just a slut, begging for some purple loving,” she chuckled. She slid her hard cock out of Nightmare’s pussy, causing the evil mare to mewl in disappointment. “If you want my cum, want that pleasure to never end? Ride me, show me that you want to be loved.”

Nightmare slowly rose up onto her legs, glaring at the antagonizing mare. She wanted nothing more but to kill the mare for her insolence. She charged the large purple mare and as her fore limbs went to lunge at Alpha Twilight with the intent of forcing her brain out the other side of her head, they slowly slid around the unicorn’s neck and caressed her fur, while her lower legs moved closer so she may sit down on Alpha’s cock. Tears of shame forming at the corners of her eyes. “I… hate you…”

“Your body and mind seem to be at an impasse,” Alpha chuckled, her audience cheering as Nightmare slid herself down the purple cock.

Nightmare let out a moan once her pussy consumed the entire length, glaring harshly at the purple mare, while forcing herself off the purple member only to drop herself down on Alpha’s girth.

The dominating Twilight smiled widely, watching her newest mare rise and fall along her thick cock. “That’s a good mare.”

A tingle of pleasure coursed through her body when Nightmare heard Alpha praise her for being a good mare, subconsciously moving herself faster and harder along the larger unicorn’s rod. Moaning as she felt her climax was met again.

Alpha bit her lip, feeling her own orgasm coming close. “Gotta do it harder, Moony. You really need to prove that you WANT my cream.”

A sudden desire to be filled with her mate’s cum plagued Nightmare’s thoughts, riding the mare as fast as she could, letting out a pleasurable scream when she felt the thick phallus twitch and throb inside her, filling her womb with thick cum. Alpha let out a coo of pleasure, rubbing Nightmare’s back as a reward for her good work. The action somehow made Nightmare be filled with pride for doing good.

“That’s a good mare, now… for the real test,” Alpha said. She turned to the door when she heard knocking. Nightmare clung to her mate in fear in the event it was Brave. Alpha chuckled and opened the door wide enough to let a timid Twilight Sparkle wearing a maid outfit slowly shuffle in. “Come over here, filly.”

“Yes ma’am,” The maid said, blushing hard. She quickly walked over to Alpha’s side.

“Sit down on the bed,” Alpha ordered. The maid nodded and sat down, blushing hard and her nerves wracking over what Alpha has planned for her.

Alpha pulled Nightmare’s head down, so that her mouth was inches away from the alicorn’s ear. “This is your first test, I want you to please that maid with your mouth, if you fail… I will make you watch me fuck all my mares, while ensuring you don’t get to even touch yourself for a month. Succeed, and you will be rewarded… greatly.”

Nightmare slowly nodded and slid herself off Alpha’s cock, tentatively walking towards the nervous maid. She dipped her head under the skirt and found the maid’s penis, giving it small, careful licks, causing the poor Twilight to flinch and moan, both hooves wrapped around Nightmare’s head and horn.

She could feel her alpha staring at her with judging eyes and took the maid’s cock into her mouth. drinking down the pre-cum that formed at the flat tip.

Alpha giggled, watching the maid moan and buck her hips into her newest toy’s face. “How is she, maid?”

The maid slowly opened her eyes. “I… I can’t describe it, it feels too good.”

Alpha rolled her eyes. “It seems the maid we have here is a virgin… not for long,” she uttered. “I want you to make this maid fill your mouth with ALL her seed, by the time you're done with her, her next orgasm should be nothing but air.”

Nightmare was unable to fire back the orders and complied, eagerly sucking the smaller cock in front of her. Letting the delicious taste roll along her tongue, moaning in happiness when the maid threatened to invade her esophagus.

“Oh goodness!” The maid cried out, filling Nightmare’s mouth and throat with cum, but the dark alicorn didn’t stop, and only renewed her oral assault on the poor Twilight’s erection.

Feeling a tad needy, Alpha stood back up and walked over to her new mare, sliding her cock along the black cheeks, giggling as the tail raised itself for her. “Now for your final hole.”

Nightmare gasped around the maid when she felt Alpha’s cock at her unsullied tailhole. Despite her mind’s protests, her rump wiggled and rubbed against the purple mare’s penis.

“Eager, I like that,” Alpha chuckled. She pushed herself forward, shoving just the tip into the black mare, causing her to groan around the member in her mouth.

Nightmare’s eyes shut tightly, feeling the heavy rod entering her ass while the smaller member throbbed in her mouth, her ears filled with the sounds of the maid’s moans and whimpers.

The maid let out another cute squeak, filling Nightmare Moon’s mouth with another salvo of cum. Her eyes lazily watching Alpha rut the black mare slowly, yet picking up speed with every few thrusts.

Despite her size, Nightmare was arguably the tightest ass she’s ever fucked. Alpha’s cock was hugged by Nightmare’s anal walls and sphincter, massaging Alpha as she slid in and out of the black back door. “You… were made for anal sex… oh, the girls will enjoy this ass for months! So hot and tight, I could fuck this hole forever, fill you with my cum every chance I get.”

Nightmare blushed heavily, while sucking the maid’s penis swallowing another load of sperm that the smaller Twilight fired out. Her lips let go of the softening member, which earned her a hard slap across her rump. “Did I say you can stop?” Alpha asked.

“But ma’am… I thank you but… I don’t think she’ll get anymore out,” the maid protested, caressing Nightmare’s face.

“Keeping sucking, slut,” Alpha ordered, smacking Nightmare Moon’s back side again. The dark alicorn howled in pain and pleasure, quickly resumed fellating the softening penis, using her tongue to get the maid hard once again.

Alpha’s smiled sadistically, punishing Nightmare’s backside with her dick, while forcing her to suck every ounce of cum from the maid’s member. She knew that Nightmare was nearly broken, and it was time for the final straw. “Alright girls, fuck this mare!”

The window disappeared and a horde of horny Twilights rushed Nightmare Moon, pushing the maid out of the way to shove three cocks into the alicorn’s mouth. A few unicorns slipped Nightmare to enter her pussy while the rest forced the black mare to pleasure them with her hooves and wings.

Alpha reveled in the scene, the sound of sex bringing her to a powerful climax, her cock firing streams of cum hard enough to cause her newest slut to flinch and groan from each load’s impact inside her large intestine. Alpha pulled out and used Nightmare’s ethereal tail to clean her dick before walking to her chair. “You will all be punished if her coat isn’t white, her holes leaking, and thoroughly bred.”

Nightmare Moon was in for a long night.


The moon hung high in the sky as Luna flew down to Twilight’s library, concern haunted her thoughts. “Twilight?”

She found her lover cuddling Gilda, slowly shifting in her seat and turning to the Princess. “Something wrong?”

“The Nightmare is completely gone from me, but the problem is she can’t be destroyed. We ask to scan your mind and dreams to see if We can locate her and force her back into my care. We will not allow anypony else to take such a burden,” Luna explained.

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock and nodded. “Of course, when you're ready.”

Luna smiled as her horn’s blue magic began to glow and reach for Twilight’s own horn. They stood in silence for a moment, Luna’s brow furrowed as she searched her alpha’s dreams and mind for the embodiment for her jealousy. A smile gracing her face as she found no trace of Nightmare Moon inside her lover. “Thank you, Twilight… but she is still out there and we will still need to vigilant for her return.”

“Of course, let me know when you find her, and I’ll get the girls ready,” Twilight stated.

The two shared a kiss before Luna flew out the library while Twilight returned to bed, snuggling herself into Gilda’s hold.

However… deep inside Twilight’s mind. Nightmare Moon was being held in a room, forced to please at least seven different Twilights at once, her black fur coated white, eagerly sucking one of the many purple cocks present around her, whenever one of the purple mares was finished, she was pulled out of the way so that another Twilight could take her place.

Watching the scene transpire, sitting on a large chair was Alpha, resting her head on her hoof while one of the Twilights rode her cock, two others licking her dick’s base and pussy, another licking her horn. She watched her newest slut suck, fuck, and obey every order she was given by the small army of Twilights that surrounded her. The maid from earlier sat next to Alpha and levitated a wine glass filled with a red liquid to her alpha’s lips, blushing hard from the scene. Swallowing her wine, Alpha Twilight grinned.

“It’s good to be the Alpha.”

Chapter Twenty: A Dink to the Past

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Tags: [Futa/F: Cunnilingus][Futa/F, Futa/F/Futa: Oral of both kinds, vaginal, impregnation, voyeurism, molestation][Futa/F/F: Oral, Vaginal]

Dinky Doo ran as fast as her body allowed her to, she could hear the Elite Guard closing in. Her light purple coat covered from hoof to neck in a black cloth that clung to her body, a heavy cloak trailing behind her as she ran, the black hood threatening to reveal her blond mane. She had to stop all this from happening, her father had become a monster that was far too powerful to deal with. Dinky had to find another method of stopping this evil, fortunately… she did have one plan.

Go back in time and assassinate her father before anything happens, it’s perfect. All she needed was to get into Starswirl’s library for the time spell.

Breaking the nose of one guard and blasting another in her path, Dinky made it to the library but what she saw filled her body with dread. A purple unicorn, clad in black steel, a cocky smile on her face with a scroll levitating in her magical grasp, her short blue mane with it’s pink and purple stripes fluttering under her own magical power. “F- father? How did you?” Dinky gasped, preparing her dagger for combat.

The armored unicorn noticed her guards coming close with their spears. “Guards, at ease. This is between myself and my… daughter.”

“Yes, Empress Twilight,” the guards said as one. Backing away.

Dinky stared down Twilight, ready to pounce and attack her father in rage. “You got me cornered, so why not kill me?”

Twilight shook her head, her smile never fading. “You know it took me sixty years to realize what Celestia’s final words meant? That my happiness was fleeting. I really never thought I’d see the day. This whole world is my plaything, my toy, that I can destroy and mold as I see fit… but, it gets so boring.”

“Boring? Killing innocent ponies lost it’s edge, has it?” Dinky snapped.

“Innocent is such a loose term, I doubt anypony is ‘innocent’ these days,” Twilight uttered. “But there is one thing I do miss.”

Dinky gave her father a confused look as a small picture was tossed at her, it showed a happier younger version of the purple mare with several other ponies, as well as a griffon, a large changeling, a zebra, and the Princesses. “Didn’t you execute most of the characters in this picture?”

“I did… and only two years ago do I regret doing that,” Twilight said, sighing.

“What took so long?” Dinky questioned, attempting to find an escape route.

“Power is a great thing, but it’s blinds ponies from the truth, or deludes them into thinking that power itself is the only truth, having everything and becoming bored by your power is a temporary cure… the permanent cure is death with one exception,” Twilight answered. “I have a proposition for you, Dinky.”

“I’m not making deals with a monster,” Dinky snapped.

“You’re going to listen anyways. We’ll both go back in time, for we now have the same goal… to stop the past me from becoming the me of today. All without killing the past me, I recall being rather… malleable back then so convincing me should be easy.”

“What?” Dinky shouted, furious with her father’s suggestion.

“Let. Me. Finish,” Twilight scolded, forcing Dinky’s face to slam against the floor with her magic. “I get ONE day of the happiness I once had, no attempts of recreating what I have now, no trying to talk the past me into world domination, no… asserting my dominance on anyone; just one day… of being with the ponies that once loved me as a friend. And what I want you to do… is tell the past me about your conception and ensure that she knows about… the guides.”

“Guides?” Dinky asked, rubbing her nose.

“The power of a ‘guide’ or conscience has over you depends on your innate magic, everypony has them, mine… just became stronger over time, strong enough to make my decisions for me,” Twilight said.

“I call bullshit, you knew what you were doing,” Dinky shouted.

“I did, and at the time… they were great ideas,” Twilight scoffed. “But… that was years ago, just tell the past Twilight about the guides, especially Juliet… she’ll ruin everything and make THIS.” The armored unicorn gestured to the outside, the burning buildings of rebelling and the various flags with Twilight’s cutie mark on them. “Happen again.”

“I still don’t trust you,” Dinky said.

“Well, when we go back, you’ll have plenty of time to kill the past me and stop this all from happening. Once we go back, I’m at your mercy, my daughter,” Twilight chuckled and bowed. She unrolled the scroll and opened the time portal. Beckoning Dinky to follow. “You have twenty-four hours to tell the happy, friendly Twilight Sparkle that you’re her spawn and to warn her of Juliet. I have that same time frame to… relax with the ponies I once called my friends.”

“Oh joy,” Dinky muttered, following her father. A blue wave of magic shot out as the portal closed, confusing the guards that stood watch the entire time, unable to find their empress or the rebel leader.


“Oh Twilight,” Fleur moaned, kissing the purple mare’s neck. “Its been too long.”

“Sorry I couldn’t make the time for you, a lot of other things… kinda happened,” Twilight said, her hooves exploring the white unicorn’s body. She could feel her hard cock rubbing against Fleur’s coat.

“It’s okay, there is many of us but one of you,” Fleur cooed, wrapping her fore legs around Twilight, pressing the smaller unicorn to her body.

Twilight began kissing along Fleur’s coat, it didn’t take long for her mouth to reach the moist white lips of her mate. The scholar dove in, her tongue diving into Fleur’s honeypot and exploring the warm tunnel.

“Oh Twilight! You tongue feels perfect, keep going,” Fleur begged. her hooves pressing Twilight’s head into her crotch.

A flash of white light occurred beneath the landing, but both mares were too lost in their own lust to notice. Twilight’s only concern at the moment was the growing heat that grew from her crotch and the needy mare before her.

“Ugh, disgusting.”

“Wow, this brings me back.”

Twilight and Fleur jumped away when they noticed a mare that looked a lot like Twilight but wearing armor and evidently had a larger build, and another unicorn that was about as tall as Twilight but with a dark look in her eyes. Twilight was flabbergasted. “What? Who? Why?”

“In ten years, you’ll become Equestria’s greatest Mo-” the light purple mare said, only to have her mouth covered by the older Twilight.

“She’s busy with somepony, it’s rude to interrupt,” The armored mare scolded, she gave Twilight and Fleur a nod before walking out of the room with the angry mare in her magical grasp.

The both watched the door with confusion, still panting out of fear. “What was that?” Twilight asked.

“Well… the grizzled ‘you’ wanted us to continue and gave us privacy. Should we… still?” Fleur asked, just as confused as her alpha.

Twilight gave an apologetic look to her mate. “Sorry Fleur… the moment is kind of gone, maybe tomorrow?” she replied, nuzzling the slender white unicorn.

“Very well, my love,” Fleur said, disappointed at the sudden turn of events. “What shall we do with the new guests?”

“If you want, I’ll deal with them. You can get some rest and I’ll join you after I’m done, perhaps we can continued where we left off?” Twilight said, climbing down and hiding her softening member with her magic. Fleur gave her alpha a worried look before nodding and laying back in the bed.

Twilight left her bedroom with a scowl, annoyed that the night she promised Fleur was interrupted by two ponies, one of which looks like a larger, scary version of herself and another mare that looks familiar but never seen before. She found her armored doppelganger reading while the cloaked mare was pacing. “Okay, who are you and what do you want?”

“Shouldn’t you be fucking Fleur de Lis?” The armored Twilight said, flipping through the book.

“Being interrupted by strange ponies that just appear out of no where has a way of killing the mood. Answer my question please,” Twilight said, almost demanding answers.

The light purple mare turned to Twilight and glared at her. “We hail from sixty years in the future. You, and her,” the mare pointed at the other purple mare in the room. “Are going to control the world and destroy thousands of lives in your sick quest to ‘unite’ all races through ruthless brute force and rape.”

“What? I’d never do such a thing, what gives you proof that I’m capable of any of that?” Twilight retorted, angry and a tad frightened by the new information. “And what makes you think I should believe you?”

“Because Dinky is right, I’m proof of your conquest of the entire world,” the armored Twilight stated, shutting the book. “Ten years from now, you’ll be in Manehatten I think. You just get a sudden ‘itch’. Just looking at anything’s backside gets you hard, you try to hide it and eventually… you snap in a bar and force yourself on every dancer in the room, as well as butt fuck most of the patrons using magic… and clones, LOTS of clones. I remember that it took me… a week until everyone, regardless of race, were my whores, ready to bend over with tail raised if they smelled my musk.”

“I still… this has to be some stupid prank, I’d never do any of that! Why didn’t the Princesses stop me?” Twilight asked, horrified that she’d do anything the armored version of herself would say.

“Because… when I decided to march onto Canterlot. Luna was unable to fight me or side with me, being her alpha and all that. She attacked me only after I made her watch as I turned her sister into another broodmare,” the armored Twilight said, shrugging. “Taking her down was a lot easier than I expected.”

“Nothing that either of you are saying is believable!” Twilight screamed, backing away from the pair.

“I know, that’s why I’m here to kill you,” Dinky stated, attempted to charge Twilight with a knife in her magic. She was pulled back by the older Sparkle.

“There is a way to prove this, Dinky,” the Armored Twilight said. She stood up and walked over to Twilight. “The first time you masturbated, you thought about fucking both Cadance and Celestia on Celestia’s throne while Miss Fairspell, the conjuring teacher from school, was giving you a horn job.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped, in complete fear. “Sweet Celestia… you really are me. But… how am I so sure that any of your ‘future’ actually happened.”

“The thing about being a tyrant, my dear self,” the older sparkle chuckled, bringing out an old photo. “You can make fantasies… a reality.” Twilight gawked with a faint blush, staring at a picture of herself, with Cadance and Celestia grinding against her crotch with Luna sucking her horn. “Fairspell died during the Trottingham riot so I had to substitute Luna with her.”

“O-okay, so maybe it all happened, but… what am I supposed to do about it? How do I avoid being a lust driven psychopath. And why would said psychopath want to change things so that she doesn't end up as one in the first place?” Twilight shouted, fear and confusion etched on her face.

“Well, that’s Dinky’s job,” Future Twilight said, removing her armor. Her body was covered in scars, her cutie mark had turned black with the white stars gone. “I came back to regain the ‘friendship’ I tarnished and threw out. You know it’s hard to make amends when all your closest friends were killed by your own hooves? I don’t recommend it.”

Twilight watched in horror as her future self opened the closet and levitated two sleeping bags out. “You killed the girls?”

“Yes, I thought it was a good idea when they charged at me during one of my orgies. Pinkie was the closest to killing me though, see for yourself.” Future Twilight lifted her foreleg and a large scar can be seen under her shoulder, visible through the coat. “Almost took my entire forelimb with her.”

“Oh goodness, I’m going to be a monster in ten years,” Twilight gasped beginning to hyperventilate.

Dinky was complete surprised by how the past Twilight was acting, she figured that the purple mare would be intrigued by it, not repulsed by her future. She glanced back to scarred mare. “I told you it would be easy,” the older Twilight said, chuckling as she cuddled up in her sleeping bag.

“Look… Fa- Twilight. I’m here to make sure it doesn’t happen,” Dinky said, unsure how to approach this. She levitated her dagger up and glanced at it nervously. “Maybe… I could make it quick and painless?”

“What? No! Nononono, is there a way we can save Equestria without killing me?” Twilight begged, trying back away from the blade wielding mare.

“I… don’t have any other plans. My plan was to kill you before you become the monster I know now… but said monster says you can be ‘redeemed’ because you were never corrupt in the first place? I don’t know,” Dinky uttered, dropping the blade onto the wooden floor.

“How does ‘she’ think I can be redeemed,” Twilight asked, giving a weary glance at her older self.

“She mentioned ‘Juliet’ and guides or consciences, and told me to warn you about them,” Dinky stated.

Twilight rubbed her temples, trying to make sense of anything happening right now. “I think I’m sleep deprived, this is all just some delusion caused by lack of sleep.” Twilight began to giggle. Dinky watched the younger unicorn carefully, slowly levitating the dagger towards the present purple mare. “I’m… going to go to bed, and if I wake up tomorrow and both of you are still here. I’ll… totally believe everything you two say about the future.”

“Okay, goodnight,” Future Twilight called out. Dinky turned back to the monster then to the librarian, only to watch her walk up the stairs to bed. Sighing in defeat, Dinky placed the dagger on the table and slipped into the other vacant sleeping bag, finding the entire ordeal rather tiring.


A faburiffic morning, as Pinkie probably had said as she bounced her way to the library to make breakfast for her Alpha and Fleur. With a smile from ear to ear, she entered Twilight’s home and was quickly surprised by a few things out of place. There was an empty sleeping bag on the floor, with a pile of scary looking black armor lying next to it, and another sleeping bag that had a mare in it that bore a striking resemblance to Ditzy’s filly, but much older. “Maybe she’s cousin of Ditzy’s? or Twilight’s? She does have a little bit of purple in her coat.”

The other thing that felt out of place was the sound of cooking in the kitchen. Gilda, herself, Zecora, and Applejack all have an understanding and a schedule on who gets to cook on which days for their lover, especially now that Spike has his dragon thing and had to leave for a few years. Twilight only wakes up early if she has important unicorn things to do, and Fleur has a habit of sleeping in, so the sound of cooking this early on a morning where Pinkie rules the library’s kitchen is strange to her.

Taking care not to wake the sleeping unicorn, Pinkie snuck her way into the kitchen to find a rather confused… and exotic sight. Grilling some peppers was a unicorn that looked exactly like Twilight, with the exception of the blackened cutie mark, a body covered in scars, being about as big as Big Mac but still managed to look feminine, and the fact that being near her made Pinkie feel strangely uncomfortable. “Hello Pinkie, sit down and stay awhile.”

Pinkie quickly complied but many questions still lingered. “I… don’t think you’re Twilight. Is our Twilight still around? Did you replace her? When was Twilight good at cooking? Sure she can grill some things but that smells a lot better than whatever she ever made ever. And… why do you look like you got hurt doing every dangerous thing imaginable?”

“I’ll explain when ‘your Twilight, wakes up and joins us,” the scary Twilight said, continuing to cook. “But I’ll have you know, I learned to cook as a hobby when my primary occupation got boring.”

“And that primary occupation was?” Pinkie asked.

“An occupation that caused me to do every dangerous thing imaginable, my dear,” the scarred unicorn chuckled, adding some hay bacon to the frying pan.

After a while, they heard some hoofsteps descending the stairs. “Mmm, Pinkie. that smells really good,” Twilight cooed, her eyes closed shut as she took a seat at the kitchen.

“Thanks! But I didn’t cook,” Pinkie said, filling several glasses with apple juice.

Twilight’s eyes shot open and glanced to her future self at the stove. “Oh, last night was real, wasn’t it?”

“Afraid so,” Future Twilight said, adding various spices to the pan.

Present Twilight’s head hit the table. “Great…”

“So, Twilight. Why are there two Twilights? I take it she’s not a clone,” Pinkie asked, concerned for her mate.

“Her and the Dinky in the main room are from the future, Dinky’s mission is to reform me while her mission is to experience the friendship she once had because I become a complete jerk in ten years,” Twilight explained.

Pinkie nodded knowingly and sipped her juice. They were soon joined by Dinky who glared at the future Twilight before glaring at the present. “Did you poison that?”

“I plan on eating it myself, and feeding it to Pinkie and my past would do far more than inconvenience me. While I do understand that trusting me is about as hard as wrestling an Ursa Major while wearing a blindfold, try to trust your former commander and the version of me before I went insane,” Future Twilight chided.

“I was a commander?” Pinkie asked, rather interested by that odd title that apparently was, or going to be, hers.

“Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you… Dinky,” Twilight said, giving the pale unicorn a nervous look. “You called the future me your father, would that mean I’m your father as well? And if that’s true, and you are the same filly I know today… how did you find out and does Ditzy know?”

Dinky growled in annoyance. “Yes, you are my father, I found out through blood tests that were conducted forty years ago when the rebels tried to find all of Twilight’s spawn that were unaware of their genealogy. When I was found, I was taken in by Fluttershy, and I learned magic from Rarity and all the other unicorns that tried to fight Twilight.”

“Why did everyone hate Twilight?” Pinkie asked, utterly confused why anypony would hate the purple unicorn, the same unicorn that would go out of her way to help others.

“I became one of the worst creatures to ever walk the world. Genocide, theft, abuse of power, among other things… and rape. Rape was pretty much a staple in the reasons why I ruled the world for fifty-five years,” Future Twilight said, a soft smile on her face.

“I apparently became the worst thing ever,” Present Twilight said, deadpanned and annoyed. “But… back to my questions, Dinky, if you don’t mind.”

Dinky stayed silent for a moment before sighing. “My mother never knew, she always thought that Time Turner was my father and that it was a similar occurrence to how the cake twins were racially different from their parents, minus the fact that mother never had sex with Time Turner. She believed she was still a virgin at the time of my birth, and I believed it too until I turned thirteen and learned about sex and where foals came from.”

“Then… maybe we should talk to Ditzy, or at least I should. I feel rather bad that I never knew I had a daughter for so long,” Twilight uttered, feeling guilty. She looked up to her future self, serving breakfast up for everypony. “Did you know… about this?”

“I learned of Dinky’s relation to me sixteen years ago, and I still don’t recall when I actually conceived her. Heck, if Dinky was born on time… then the time where Derpy was impregnated would be before we actually lost our virginity to Lyra, by at least a year and a half,” Future Twilight said, taking a seat next to Pinkie.

Seconds later, Fleur walked in. “Mmm, Pinkie that smells divine.”

“Thanks, but I didn’t cook,” Pinkie exclaimed, pointing at the older purple mare.

Fleur blushed heavily and muttered an apology before sitting next to her mate, between Present Twilight and Dinky. “If I may be so bold, why are there two Twilights?”

“I’m probably going to get that question a lot today,” Future Twilight said. “I’m from the future where your Alpha becomes the most evil creature in the world, murdering and raping everything with a usable, fuckable hole… I try not to do that in said order but accidents happen. I am here to regain the feeling of having friends while Dinky is here to prevent your Twilight from becoming me… hopefully without killing the present me.”

“No promises,” Dinky replied, munching on a hay bacon strip.

“I see,” Fleur uttered, looking fearful. “Then what do you two plan on doing then?”

Future Twilight chuckled. “I plan on spending the day with the first five mares that helped me through the worst hardships few ponies will ever experience themselves.”

“Okay, that’s it,” Twilight shouted, surprising everyone except her future self. “If you’re so evil, why do you want to be good again? You literally said over and over again that you are the worst pony who had ever lived, and you think FONDLY over all the atrocities you’ve done! Why?”

“Being evil and owning everything can get really boring, even with assassins from the rebel army and my own court trying to remove my head from the rest of me. A few years ago, I decided to look back on the past and began remembering everything before I became evil, and thought… I miss those days, but… it’s hard to invite your dearest friends to a picnic after you killed them with a honest to… me smile on your face. I found out about Dinky’s time travel plan and saw it as my chance to… experience what I had forgotten all those years ago,” Future Twilight explained. “if I did want to conquer everything here all over again, Ponyville would be a crater and all the ponies I wanted to live would be fighting each other to suck my dick an hour ago.”

“O- okay then, thank you for answering,” Twilight uttered sitting back down, face red with embarrassment.

“How old ARE you,” Pinkie asked.

“Old enough to be your great grand-mother,” Future Twilight stated quickly.

Pinkie’s eyes narrowed onto the evil mare. “There should be a rule where old ponies can’t stay that hot.”

“I take care of myself. Constant skirmishes and conflict can do that for a pony’s body… that and adapting an omnivorous diet,” Future Twilight said, shrugging. “If there is one thing I think that the me of this time should do that I do… it’s becoming an omnivore, it’ll please Gilda and make your body stronger, keep exercising otherwise that muscle will turn to fat very quickly.”

“Thanks?” Twilight replied, confused by the tip.

Pinkie gave both Twilights a visual survey, examining every nook and cranny of their forms, Future Twilight’s strong stallion-like build versus the feminine chubby form of Present Twilight. She then turned to the evil Twilight. “I want to agree, but… you kinda lose the adorkable factor.”

“Can’t win them all, I suppose,” Future Twilight sighed, sipping some juice.

Twilight frowned slightly. “I think we’re getting side tracked. Future Dinky and I will be… trying to reform me without violence and reveal to Ditzy that… I’m Dinky’s father and maybe learn of how Dinky came to be in the first place. I guess Future Twilight will be spending the day with the girls in my place… hopefully without murdering or raping them.”

“If I wanted sex or death, I wouldn’t be here,” Future Twilight defended.

“Who shall I accompany?” Fleur asked, feeling lost.

“You are with Dinky and I, I still technically owe you for last night’s interruption, and we can make this a kind of date… I guess?” Twilight said.

“Trying to keep my lover from becoming an evil overlord of hatred and destruction? Sounds romantic,” Fleur said, giggling.

“It’s gets stale after the seventh attempt,” Future Twilight comment, levitating the remainder of her food into her mouth.

“Pinkie, let the girls know about… Future me. Fleur, Dinky, and I will try to keep me from… becoming evil,” Twilight uttered, she looked up to her future self. “Any suggestions?”

“When I say ‘you are your worst enemy’, it’s rather literal for you,” Future Twilight said.

“And what does THAT mean?” Twilight asked, confused.

Future Twilight sighed. “You know consciences?”

“Oh boy, this crap again,” Dinky scoffed.

“Well, when a pony’s mind goes completely black and is unable to figure out what is happening or struggling to do something. The conscience will try to convince you of what you need to do. When a pony’s magic gets to our power, the conscience may be able to force control away from us and guide us themselves.” Future Twilight explained.

“So… possession?” Pinkie asked.

“Hard to call it ‘possession’ when a part of you is trying to steer you down the correct path, as they see it. Juliet, is our… lust, our libido, I’ve gone into my own mind a few times to whip myself into shape, but… let’s say that Juliet is a monster all on her own. She’s practically the reason why I spent nearly every day fucking some pony before going into battle, then fucking prisoners after. If you can… confront her early, and you may be able to stop me from happening,” Future Twilight concluded.

“That all sounds really stupid,” Present Twilight replied.

“Sometimes the stupidest things… are the greatest truths,” Future Twilight chuckled.

Present Twilight, Dinky, and Fleur excused themselves from the table to solve their current dilemma, leaving Pinkie alone with Future Twilight. “So… you wanna see everyone individually or all together?”

“Either or is fine. So long as I see them as friends, not mares that want my head on a pike,” Future Twilight said, a mild amount of mirth in her tone.


“So… first we tell Ditzy, right?” Twilight asked. The trio of mares were walking into town square, Dinky kept her hood one, making it hard to see her face.

“Unless you can enter your own mind, I believe it’s our only path,” Fleur said.

“I… would rather not. Who knows how mother will react, maybe we should deal with Twilight’s inner demons first,” Dinky added, a nervous frown on her visible face.

“I don’t know how to enter my own head, Dinky. Unless you can,” Twilight said.

Dinky surveyed her area and noticed the park. “Follow, we’ll need a quiet place to do this.”

Once at the park, Dinky motioned for the two next to the tree, gesturing for Twilight to lie against it. “Fleur, take watch… make sure no one interrupts us.”

“Understood,” Fleur said.

“Okay, father. Take a deep breath and close your eyes, empty your mind,” Dinky cooed softly. Twilight complied, her breathing becoming slow and her body motionless despite sitting up straight against the tree. Dinky sucked in a breath and pressed her horn against Twilight’s forehead and a faint raspberry coloured magic flowed from her horn, sparking with Twilight’s.

Fleur turned around to see what Dinky was doing, the light purple mare’s eyes were shut tightly, sweat trailing down her face as her magic began to grow and engulf Twilight’s head. Knowing that she should be keeping watch, Fleur kept silent and turned back around, still worried for her alpha’s safety.

Dinky grimaced, she wasn’t able to find a way into Twilight’s mind. She then tried a different approach to force her way in. Just as she attempted to force her magic into Twilight, she felt a powerful blast knock her backwards and into Fleur. Twilight’s eyes shot open to see what had happened. “Are you two okay?”

“I’m fine,” Fleur groaned, pushing Dinky to the side so she can get up. “Are you alright, Dinky?”

“What the hell? I was about to enter Twilight’s mind when I saw a brief flash of an angry filly, one that looked much like father, then I was knocked back. What did you do?” Dinky growled, glaring at Twilight.

“I- I didn’t do anything! I was doing what you told me to do,” Twilight uttered, tentatively walking towards Dinky.

“Explain why I was shot back by your mind?” Dinky questioned.

“I dunno, maybe Future Twilight knows?” Twilight replied, scared of what Dinky might do to her.

“I’d rather not speak to her,” Dinky snarled, she stood up and shook the dust off her cloak. “We’ll need to find another way to confront this ‘Juliet’ character.”

“No, we need to talk to Future Twilight. She’s found a way into her own mind, maybe she can get herself in my mind and help with Juliet,” Twilight said, herself and Fleur heading to meet with Future Twilight while Dinky grumbled, following the two.


Future Twilight was surprised to find how the air smelled, it was so fresh and clean. The scent of blood, fire, destruction was gone completely and replaced with this pleasant breeze. The town was filled with many happy ponies, and ponies that were scared and intrigued by the purple unicorn that walked among them. The sky was clear, the sun was warm. It was very different land to the purple unicorn.

“Wow, you’re face looks funny, Evilight!” Pinkie giggled, bouncing around the battle-scarred unicorn.

“Evilight? I suppose it’s better than being called Future Twilight or ‘other’ Twilight. I was just admiring how much… cleaner this time is compared to the time I lived in,” Evilight chuckled, ignoring the stares.

“Wow, that must have been a nasty place to live in,” Pinkie commented.

“It was, because I let it happen,” Evilight cooed, they were fast approaching the Carousel Boutique. “Rarity still making dresses?”

“Well duh, what else would she make?” Pinkie chuckled.

“Garrote wires, disguises, armor, explosive gems with the aid of Diamond Dogs, certainly not the dresses I once remembered.” Evilight smiled. “I could name a few things, but I wouldn’t want to hurt your innocence.”

The reached the door and Pinkie knocked, bouncing in place while Evilight stood calmly. “Coming!” They heard in a sing song tune.

“Be on your bestie behavior, Evily!” Pinkie sang.

“Evily? I thought it was Evilight?” Evilight chuckled.

The door opened to reveal a white unicorn with a carefully styled purple mane. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where- Twilight! What in Equestria HAPPENED to you!” Rarity screamed, dragging Twilight into the shop.

“I had a bad run in with everything dangerous in the future,” Evilight joked, getting a confused looked from the alabaster mare.

“This is Evilight, Rarity. Twilight’s evil self from the Future! She’s came by to be friends with us like she used to while Dinky and Fleur try to make Twilight not turn into Evilight,” Pinkie explained.

Rarity looked over the larger unicorn’s body, blushing faintly. “Well, the scars do seem to suit you rather well, and… you do appear rather handsome.”

“Glad you think so,” Evilight said with a smirk.

“I don’t think I understand though, you wish to be friends with us? Are we not friends already?” Rarity asked.

“There is a reason why Pinkie calls me Evilight, Rarity,” Evilight said, rolling her eyes with a smirk.

Rarity gasped but quickly regain her face. “Oh… and considering those… reasons, we should be friends with you because?”

“Because… I miss the days where somepony wasn’t try to kill me behind every potted plant or corner, the days where you girls didn’t lead a rebellion against me only to end up dead by my hooves. This old nag… finally found her morals after discarding them all those years ago,” Evilight said, her smirk fading into a sad frown.

“I see, and our Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“She’s off trying to stop me from happening, just as Pinkie said earlier,” Evilight stated.

“Very well, so how shall we approach this?” Rarity questioned, still unsure of the unicorn before her.

“We can have a big picnic in the field and laugh and tell Evilight all about why it’s better to keep your friends than to hurt them!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“A picnic wouldn’t hurt,” Evilight said, chuckling.

Rarity gave a nervous chuckle. “Yes, quiet. I suppose I’ll go get ready then?”

“Yuppers, I’ll go get Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy! And Rarity will get Applejack, and Evilight will get the picnic ready!” Pinkie cheered, hopping out of the room.

“I suppose we have a plan, and it will make things easier so that I don’t need to explain myself everytime,” Evilight chuckled. “I suppose I’ll collect the food and what not for us.” She left the boutique to give Rarity time to think.

“Oh, Twilight. What is going on this time?” Rarity uttered, heading for her room to get ready.

Outside Evilight turned to the library, off to get what she needed for her picnic, feeling pleased that her plan was coming together. Her ear twitched when she heard three pairs of hooves heading for her. “I said I don’t wanna talk to her!”

Evilight turned to see Twilight, Fleur, and Dinky running to her. “What seems to be the problem?”

“We need your help, Dinky tried to enter my mind using a spell but something repulsed her. I was thinking you could try it,” Twilight asked, with an uneasy smile.

“Twilight’s future self did claim to have gone into her own mind,” Fleur stated. “Could you give it a try?”

Evilight rolled her eyes playfully. “I suppose I could.” She used her magic to force Twilight onto her rump and took her head into battle scarred hooves. “Stay. Calm.”

Twilight closed her eyes, fear gripping her, as the raspberry glow focused around Evilight’s horn and flowed into her mind. She felt a large surge of power and something being forced out. She opened her eyes to see her future counterpart lying in the wreckage of two carts. The two ponies that owned those carts were about to scold Evilight but one glare shut them up and had them running away. “Are you okay?”

“That… was an odd amount of power, I don’t recall seeing a filly in my mind, why do you have her?” Evilight asked, she got up and quickly walked to Twilight, interest sparking in her eyes.

“I… I don’t know,” Twilight uttered, cowering beneath the analytic stare of the evil Twilight Sparkle.

“You don’t know about a filly in your head? Maybe she grew up?” Dinky said, shaking her head.

“Brave, Smartypants, Juliet, Grace, and Stargazer. Those are the names of Twilight’s consciences, or guides. When I saw all of them, they were all adults and they only grow with the body. There shouldn’t be a filly conscience at your age, Twilight,” Evilight explained, frowning. “So… this is rather interesting.”

“Those are my consciences?” Twilight asked, curious.

“Getting to this part, are we?” Evilight chuckled. “Brave is your leadership, courage, and sense of justice. Smartypants is your intelligence, wisdom, and sense of curiosity. Juliet, as I’ve said before, is your libido, romance, and sense of desire. Grace is the personification of your emotions and Stargazer is the source of your racial magic.”

“That’s it?” Twilight questioned, figuring there would be more to each ‘guide’.

“Do you need anything else? Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, later you’ll control the world with an iron hoof and rape everything that ever lived on this spit of earth. Sounds like we do pretty good for ourselves, minus the boredom AFTER the conquest and rape,” Evilight added, she frowned when she glanced to the sun. “I gotta get ready for a picnic so, I’ll leave this in your capable hooves, Dinky.”

“Burn in tartarus,” Dinky growled, watching the older Twilight leave.

“Been there twice, both times I came back with demon sluts, I recommend their pussies,” Evilight chuckled, walking away from the trio.

“Okay, so we can’t get into my head because an unknown filly is keeping us out with strangely powerful magic,” Twilight stated, giving a worried glance to Fleur and Dinky. “Any more ideas?”

“All we have now is to alert Miss Ditzy of her daughter’s father,” Fleur said, frowning.

Dinky scowled. “I’d much rather not.”

“We really don’t have anything else… and maybe this will make your future brighter?” Twilight said, giving Dinky a nervous smile.

“Fine,” Dinky growled, following her father and one of her father’s mates to her mother’s home.


Evilight was humming a tune to herself, a tune she thought forgotten a long time ago. She levitated the blanket out on the hill, placed a larger basket down and laid down. “Preparations are complete, now… to wait.”

After five minutes, she saw five colourful figures walked towards her. The pink mare was bouncing towards her but the other four were cautious to approach. “Come on, girls!” Pinkie cried out, trying to get her friends to join her and the grim purple mare.

Evilight smiled calmly as her former friends joined her and Pinkie at the picnic blanket. “Hello girls.” Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Applejack, the battle scarred unicorn noticed the bulge in the timid pegasus’ belly. “I’m further back than I thought. I certain Miracle Gale would have been born by now.”

“Sh- She still has… a month,” Fluttershy whispered, just loud enough for Evilight to hear it.

“Good, so long as she’s healthy. Come sit down, join us,” Evilight said, opening the basket and bringing out sandwiches.

The four mares slowly sat down, still nervous around the purple mare. “So… you’re the Evil Twilight from the future?” Applejack asked, unsure if she wants to even accept the sandwich in front of her.

“Indeed I am, but if it’s all the same to you. I’d rather not ruin the moment with my wrong doings,” Evilight stated, bowing her head lightly.

“What exactly made you… become evil?” Rainbow asked, taking a bite from the sandwich.

“One day, I felt an itch, and that itch caused me to rape everyone with a willing hole in Manehatten, and I liked it a lot. Must we dwell on my past or your possible future?” Evilight asked, chewing on her own sandwich.

“It’s still rather difficult to wrap our heads around the fact one of our best friends becomes a monster,” Rarity stated.

Evilight sighed. “It happened, and I want it to not happen.”

“Then why aren’t you dealing with this? Why aren’t WE dealing with this?” Rainbow shouted, floating in Evilight’s face.

“Because I am trusting the rebel leader that wants me dead to keep me from happening, It’s called delegation, Rainbow. Celestia does it all the time when the worst happens; she delegates you girls and my past self to deal with her problems,” Evilight chuckled, levitating a pot of hot tea.

“But… why are we here and not helping Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, slowly revealing her face from behind her mane.

“Because… I missed you girls. The future became dull without all of you, regardless of whether or not we were having adventures or you were trying to kill me. It just wasn’t the same when Dinky took over after your deaths, and it wasn’t just the constant battles that I missed, it was your companionship… I missed having friends,” Evilight said, her face softening considerably.

“She really wants to be friends with us again, girls! We should give her that chance,” Pinkie exclaimed, wrapping a limb around Evilight’s back. The four other mares glanced to each other nervously before giving their evil friend a smile and joining her. “Did you poison these sandwiches? They taste dangerously good,” Pinkie asked, biting more off the sandwich.

“The past me didn’t keep poison on hoof for another twenty years and I’d rather use my magic and might to defeat others, not cheap tactics,” Evilight stated, smiling innocently to Pinkie while taking another bite into her sandwich.


Fleur gave a sad look to Twilight and Dinky, who stood frozen before the gates into Ditzy’s yard. “Are you two not coming? Isn’t this rather important?” she asked.

“I’ve faced that demon and lived over a dozen times, but I’m still not sure I can face mother,” Dinky uttered, staring at the door.

“I’m actually scared of how Ditzy might react, what if she hates me forever? There is the possibility that I raped her in her sleep if she doesn’t know how Dinky came to be,” Twilight said, scared of taking a step towards the house.

Fleur sighed. “Maybe the future will be changed if Twilight does this? It would be worth the shot, won’t it?”

“I highly doubt the future would depend on my mother knowing the identity of my father,” Dinky stated, she raised a hoof only to put it back down in defeat.

“She still does have the right to know, Dinky,” Twilight uttered, she sucked in a breath and took a step forward, and then another, soon she reached the door and raised a hoof to knock. She stopped and reconsidered her actions. “But maybe later.”

“Twilight Sparkle! You knock on that door this instant or else I will find all the girls and have them join me as we force you to talk to Ditzy,” Fleur scolded, causing Twilight to shy away.

“Okay, okay… I’ll do it, come on Dinky,” Twilight called out to her future child. She knocked on the door as Dinky stepped forward, standing behind Twilight and Fleur.

The door opened to reveal a small unicorn filly with a light purple coat and a blond mane. “Oh hello! My name is Dinky, aren’t you Miss Twilight?” the filly said, with a bright smile.

Future Dinky swallowed her gut, trying to avoid eye contact with the filly. Twilight gave the younger Dinky a nervous look before smiling, “Hello Dinky, is your mother around?”

“Yuppers! We were putting a puzzle together in the living room; you can help!” Dinky said, hopping with glee. Twilight, Fleur, and Future Dinky followed the bouncing filly into the home to see a grey mare with blonde mane and a wall-eye sitting on her couch, looking over a large picture puzzle on the coffee table in the middle of the room. The rest of the room was smaller than most living rooms Twilight had been in and it had a few pictures of Ditzy, Dinky, even the strange brown stallion and a purple mare with short ‘Lyra’ like mane that Twilight identified as Amethyst Star can bee seen on few of the pictures. “Momma, some ponies wanted to say hi to you!”

Ditzy turned her head up and smiled. “Oh? Gosh, I don’t get too many visitors. Come, make yourselves at home, can I get you anything?”

“I… I could go for a glass of water,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Some juice would be nice,” Fleur said, smiling.

“I’m fine,” Future Dinky stated, staring at the puzzle on the table.

“Okay! Maybe my little muffin could show you all what she learned so far,” Ditzy giggled, walking into the kitchen.

“My… little muffin,” Future Dinky said under her breath. Twilight gave a worried look to the older unicorn.

“Okay, mommy!” The younger Dinky said, she puffed her cheeks and forced a dim purple aura from her horn, consuming all the loose puzzle pieces. She made the small cardboard pieces into the air when Twilight stopped her.

“Dinky, try not to force your magic out all at once. Guide it. Take a deep breath and focus,” Twilight said, with a smile. “Forcing it out will only hurt you and nopony would like that.”

Future Dinky stared in bewilderment at Twilight when Dinky nodded and took a deep breath. Her magic came out, this time not as violently as before, and one by one, most of the pieces slowly wobbled up into the air, hovering a few hooves off the ground. Dinky opened her eyes and cheered when she noticed the pieces orbiting her head. “I did it!”

Future Dinky stayed silent, with mouth slightly agape. “Something wrong?” Fleur asked.

“N- nothing,” Future Dinky uttered, watching her younger self cheer at her accomplishment.

Ditzy entered the room with a tray of drinks on her back. “Momma! Look what I can do!” Dinky cheered, smiling wide as the pieces hovered around her in her magic grip.

“Oh that’s so great Muffin! I’m so proud of you!” Ditzy said, she placed the tray on the table and hugged her daughter tightly.

Future Dinky watched as her younger self and her mother hugged, fighting off a tear that tried to form in her eye. Twilight glanced back to the older unicorn. “If you want, you can leave.”

“N- no, I’ll be fine,” Future Dinky said, shaking her head.

“Sorry about that,” Ditzy said, blushing. “My little muffin is always trying to work on her magic. How can I help you girls?”

Twilight turned to Fleur and Future Dinky and sighed. “Ditzy, I need to confess something.”

Ditzy gasped. “Oh… were you the one that tried to send the timberwolf through the mail? That was a awful mess in the sorting room.”

“What? Uhh, no. It’s something else,” Twilight said.

“Then… were you the one that put pop rocks in my muffin a few days ago?” Ditzy accused, pouting.

“No, that was PInkie. What I am here for is something more… personal and… cruel of me to do to you,” Twilight uttered. Fleur patted Twilight on the back while both Dinkys stared at the purple mare.

“Really? I know you didn’t make fun of my eyes before, because you don’t do that thing most ponies do when they see them. Wait, is it that?” Ditzy asked, tears forming in her eyes.

“No, Ditzy. I’m here to say… that I’m… Dinky’s father,” Twilight stated, bracing herself for the worst.

“Really? I don’t think I remember ever making a baby with you… or anyone for that matter,” Ditzy said, rubbing her chin.

“it’s true though, and we have… eh, it’s just true,” Future Dinky said, not wishing to say who she is.

Ditzy gave Future Dinky a confused look before her eyes widening in surprise. “Muffin? Why are there two muffins?”

Future Dinky gave a weak smile. “I’m… Dinky from the future, sent here to ensure that my parents know who was involved in my conception.”

Ditzy smiled back. “Wow, that must have been an adventure. But I’m sure you didn’t need to do all that to tell me who your daddy is.”

“It… was a side thing, I assure you… Mom,” Future Dinky said, blushing.

“Wow, you’re me? Am I a cool unicorn like Miss Twilight or Miss Rarity? Oh maybe like a Princess!” the younger Dinky said, running up to her older self.

“Uhh…” Future Dinky was unable to respond.

But thankfully Twilight helped her. “You actually become far more cooler than me or Rarity, so long as you keep to your studies and stay true to your friends.”

“Really? Is that true?” Dinky said to her future. The Older Dinky gave a nervous smile and nodded. “Wow! I’m gonna read so many books, I’ll know EVERYTHING!” Dinky cheered and bounced as she quickly ran to find a book to read.

“Maybe she’ll be just like you… minus the bad stuff of course,” Twilight said, giving her daughter a sincere smile before turning to Ditzy. “Despite all that… I still feel bad for doing this to Dinky, so… I ask for your forgiveness for taking away your decision to have Dinky or not and maybe I could… try to be the father Dinky never had? Maybe teach her magic when she comes to visit me, and we can hang out, and be friends?”

Ditzy gave Twilight a warm smile. “Well, I can’t say I remember how Muffin came to be, but it’s a little odd to hear a mare claiming to be a daddy, but… I know my muffin would never lie to me, no matter how old she gets. I accept Twi… can I call you Twi?”

Twilight giggled. “My friends have been known to call me Twi, so you may.”

“Yay!” Ditzy said, jumping for joy. “Okay Twi! Though this will be hard to tell Mr. Time Turner, he’s so good with Dinky and I don’t want to hurt him.”

“Ditzy, I just want to get to know my first born child and her mother. If you want to have a relationship with another, that’s fine. I’d actually think my… herd is getting a bit big for me to handle,” Twilight chuckled, ignoring Fleur’s confused stare.

“Super! I bet Dinky is gonna love this. I’ll be right back to tell her the news!” Ditzy exclaimed, flying out of the room and up the stairs.

Twilight felt a hoof tap her side, turning to see a Fleur with a pained expression. “Our family is getting too big for you, my Alpha?”

“I- I’m sorry, I love all you girls very much but… like you said before, there’s one of me and eleven of you. Sure I have clones but they are actually quite hard to control, and-” Twilight’s nervous rant ended when Fleur placed her hoof on the purple mare’s lips.

“I was only jesting, my love. I do agree with that sentiment, I don’t get enough time with you, especially when Chrysalis steals you from us, or someone else wants a piece of you,” Fleur cooed, nuzzling her mate.

“Hey Dad?” Twilight turned to see Future Dinky rubbing her arm. “Sorry I tried to kill you to save the future, I didn’t think the you I know was actually right about you actually being… nice and friendly in the past.”

“it’s alright, Dinky. You only did what you thought was right, which is more than I can say about future me. All things considered, I’m glad you didn’t side with me during that awful time,” Twilight said, pulling Future Dinky into a hug. The light purple mare was confused by this gesture for a moment, before her limbs finally wrapped around her father.

“Twilight is my DAD!” The two mares broke the hug to see Dinky jumping onto Twilight hugging her barrel. “This is so great! Can you teach me magic? OH, can you tell me stories? Mr. Time Turner’s stories are super neato but I bet your stories are better!”

Twilight chuckled. “I don’t know what kind of life Time Turner leads but I’m just a small town librarian. But I can teach you how to use your magic if you want.”

“YAY! I can’t wait to use magic like you can! So I can fix some of my toys, or help Twist with her candy, or- or do stuff for the school paper!” Dinky exclaimed thinking about all the uses her magic could provide.

“Wow, I never knew i was so… optimistic and happy,” Future Dinky said, watching her filly self bounce on her father’s lap.

“Are you sure you’re Dinky of the future?” Fleur asked, glancing to the older Dinky.

“Yup! I can recognize my muffin ANYWHERE! She’s my spe- oops!” Ditzy quickly found her face slamming into the carpet, everypony quickly got up to check on the fallen pegasus.



“Miss Do!”

Twilight and Future Dinky helped Ditzy onto her hooves, shaking her head as her eyes rolled. “Darn it, tripped again. I gotta fix that stool some day.” As Ditzy walked to her seat, Twilight and Future Dinky noticed that there was no stool where Ditzy tripped.

The four mares talked and chatted, until Future Dinky noticed the time. “We need to check on the Future you, and see what she’s been up to.”

“Oh right, thank you for this afternoon Ditzy,” Twilight said, hugging Ditzy.

“That’s quite alright, a friend is always welcomed in my home,” Ditzy chuckled, she then hugged Fleur who followed Twilight out.

“I’ll be a moment,” Future Dinky said.

“Oh okay, we’ll head to Future Twilight’s picnic and see if she’s behaved herself,” Twilight said, turning to leave with her mate.

Once alone, Future Dinky turned to Ditzy and threw herself at her, crying. “I missed you so much, Mom.”

“You missed me? But we were talking for an hour, Muffin,” Ditzy said, hugging her older daughter back.

“When everything happened, I was so alone. No friends, no Time Turner, not even you, for fifty-three years… I missed you, Mom, I missed being your muffin,” Future Dinky cried, staining Ditzy’s coat.

“Why was I gone for fifty-three years? Why would I go on vacation and not bring my favorite muffin? The future me is a dumb pony,” Ditzy said with a chuckle, nuzzling the unicorn closely.

Future Ditzy felt a pair of hooves around her leg, and saw her past self hugging her. “Mommy said that hugs make ponies feel better, do you feel better?”

For the first time since the war and the rebellion, Future Dinky felt loved. “Yeah, I feel better.”


“So there I was. In my throne, when some deer thing, he called himself a caribou I think, walks into my throne room and demands my servitude. I was in a good mood, so I started messing with him, and pulled the rug from under his hooves, his face hit the marble faster than a sonic rainboom, the impact was so loud and he pulls himself up and says ‘how dare you do this to ME’ and he trips AGAIN on his own blood, falling on his butt and causing the rest of his company to fall as well, it was like watching a circus run by ponies on stilts on an ice pond, and the horns! Oh me, they were getting tangled with each other, I did manage to knock one of them using a bust into another, shoving his horn up his fellow guard’s butt!” Evilight laughed, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow joining in her mirth. Rarity and Fluttershy were not as amused. “Trust me, that’s probably the only funny story I can think of right now that doesn’t involve somepony getting killed or raped. They ended up walking out embarrassed, after that I have no idea what happened to them, probably laughed out of Equestria for all I know.”

“Wow, those caribou guys must be a joke if they’d slip and fall so easily,” Rainbow said, chuckling in the air.

“They look like buffalo if they were on a diet, I felt so sorry for them, until I conquered their land and enslaved them, not a lot of fight in them, sadly,” Evilight chuckled.

“I’m not sure they deserved that, Tw- Evilight,” Fluttershy said, pouting.

“They wanted to conquer my world and turn every female anything into a sex slave, a practical joke using a rug and a bust is probably the nicest thing I could have done to them,” Evilight stated. “Who’s next? It’ll take me a moment to remember another story that won’t cause you girls to puke up my sandwiches… old age you know.”

“I got one, I was at Dodge Junction a while back and… is that Twi and Fleur?” Applejack said looking past Evilight and Pinkie.

Everypony except Pinkie turned to the newcomers. “What’s Twilight and Fleur doing in Dodge, AJ?” Pinkie asked, confused.

“Hi, just wanted to check on you girls,” Twilight said, with a weak smile.

“Evil you is pretty cool, Twi. She wrestled an Ursa Major with a blindfold after ordering her guards to take bets who would win,” Rainbow said, still laughing it up.

“I really doubt I can do that, no matter how powerful I can become,” Twilight stated, glaring at her evil counterpart.

“That’s actually true. She destroyed Las Pegasus by doing that, crushed everypony with that bear’s body,” Future Dinky said, catching up to the group.

“I see you reconciled with your mother,” Evilight said, smiling.

“I did, and… seeing as no pony is dead or getting fucked, I suppose I owe you an apology,” Dinky said, growling in annoyance.

“Save your apology. After everything I’ve done before now, I really don’t deserve it,” Evilight stated. “What of Juliet?”

Twilight, Fleur, and Dinky shook their heads. Evilight merely shrugged. “I suppose I shouldn’t have thought otherwise, considering we are rather limited at the moment.”

“What’s going on here?” Applejack asked.

“Dinky, that is Ditzy’s filly, is actually my daughter. I guess that would make her my first born foal,” Twilight stated, giving an apologetic look to Fluttershy.

“Whoa, that’s nuts. Is Ditzy gonna join us or is this gonna be like Roseluck?” Pinkie asked, surprised by the information.

“Ditzy is seeing somepony else, I just want to connect to Dinky and Ditzy, even if it’s just as friends. Kinda glad and curious why Ditzy didn’t blow up on me for possibly raping her a long time ago,” Twilight said, frowning.

“I suppose you can count your lucky stars for that, darling,” Rarity said, hugging Twilight. The other girls soon joined in.

Evilight pouted, feeling jealous for the first time since that day in Manehatten. “What about me?”

“Come on Silly, join in!” Pinkie exclaimed, giving the other Twilight a space to join.

Evilight smirked as she joined the group hug, only to be sent back flying and landing on the grass. Her body was smoking and very light burn marks that shined in rainbow colours slowly faded away from her coat. “Oh… that stung.”

The girls ran to check on their friend. “Are you alright?”

“I will be, but it doesn't help the death glare I got during that hug," Evilight groaned as she got up.

The girls were confused but Twilight gasped. “What? What makes you say that?”

“I saw six angry fillies giving me death glares before I was sent flying, it was not a good feeling,” Evilight uttered. “No group hugs for me then.”

“Didn’t I touch you earlier?” Pinkie asked, scratching her head. “What if we hug you without Twilight?”

The ponies shrugged and went to hug Evilight, who struggled against it for a moment before accepting it. No force wanted her to die, just the pleasant feeling of five warm bodies pressed against her. “Thanks, girls.”

“I must say, despite the… interesting reputation, this was rather pleasant, err… Evilight, I hope we can do this again,” Rarity said as the girls broke away from the hug.

“Maybe,” Evilight said, with a smile.

“Yeah, some of those stories were pretty awesome too,” Rainbow added, chuckling.

“I’ll admit, it was a bit rocky when Rarity asked us to have a picnic with an evil Twilight, but this was actually fun,” Applejack mentioned.

“Other than the… stories, I had fun too,” Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight smiled as her friends cheered for her evil self, but was confused by the sudden tear that was on Evilight’s face suddenly evaporate before it could appear. “She… can’t cry?”

“Doubt it, she’s probably just making sure no pony sees her cry,” Dinky uttered, glaring at the older Twilight.

“So… can I make breakfast tomorrow Twilight, Evilight took that from me this morning,” Pinkie asked.

“HEY, it’s my turn tomorrow. Wait till your next turn,” Applejack called out, grinning.

As the two mares argued and the other three were laughing. Evilight walked to Twilight, Fleur, and Dinky. “Seeing as I’m still here, we still have an issue.”

“What do you mean, I thought you said we have twenty four hours,” Dinky questioned.

“Twenty four hours until we are forced back to our Equestria, where we will probably go back to killing each other because why not.” Evilight shrugged.

The four began to think and were soon joined by the other girls. “Whatcha thinkin about?” Pinkie asked.

“Despite all this, Dinky and the future me believe that the future hasn’t changed, so we are trying to plan for a way to change it,” Twilight answered.

As the group thought, a paper airplane flew through the sky and landed in Pinkie’s mane. Who took it out and read it. “Get Twilight and Evilight to see how Dinky was conceived. Really?”

“The future won’t change just because both of these mares watch their teen self rape my mother, that’s just stupid,” Dinky uttered.

“But the note said we should, it might be super important!” Pinkie stated, waving the note in her hooves.

“How would we even do that? Time Travel or what?” Twilight asked, she took the note and looked over it. “Who threw this? It has a spell called ‘Time Seer’ and directions of how to pinpoint specific times in the past, this is WAY too convenient.”

“Should we really look a gift whore in the cunt?” Evilight question, getting horrified looks from the ponies around her. “It was a saying from my time, we’re much more cruder.”

“Indeed,” Rarity scoffed.

“Okay, but the note says that only three ponies can come and it’ll take awhile, faster when all the travelers are unicorns,” Twilight said, reading over the note several times.

“Well, only room for one more then,” Evilight said, turning to Dinky. “Wanna see your old mare and your mom make you?”

Dinky was mortified by the suggestion but her curiosity won through. “Only so I know the truth, you two might lie to me about this not being rape.”

“Wait… I’d-” Twilight was interrupted by Evilight’s hoof.

“Let her have her excuse,” Evilight chuckled. The three mares stood in the center of the group, Twilight gave the note to each of the Time Travelers, letting them look over the spell directions before they began to cast their spell.

The girls watched in awe as a white light began to consume all three unicorns then it vanished with them. “Do you think Twilight will be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“I certainly hope so,” Rarity replied, looking over the scorched earth where the three unicorns once stood.


Twilight opened her eyes, her body ached as she stood up. “Where are we?”

“I don’t recognize this place,” Dinky uttered. They appeared to be in an alleyway in a bright street in a rather large city.

“This is Canterlot, before I happened,” Evilight said, pressing her hoof against the walls. A couple of ponies walked by, giving her idea. “Hey, you there!” The ponies ignored her completely. “We can’t interact with anything, all we can do is watch.”

A moment later, the three mares find a small purple mare staggering herself down the street. Both Twilight’s eyes widened upon seeing their filly self. “I remember that, I was going through puberty at the time and… my eyes kept lingering on a bunch of filly classmates some times, I was so embarrassed.”

“So, we lose our virginity the day our metaphoric balls drop, eh? Not bad for a social retard,” Evilight chuckled.

The smaller unicorn slipped inside one of the homes, asking for her mother’s aid, presumably limping to her room. “Isn’t my mother older than Twilight, how did she get overpowered by such a small unicorn?” Dinky asked.

“You’re right, this all looks like it’s gonna lead to me raping Ditzy, but… Ditzy is stronger than me physically back then, she’s more than strong enough to push me away,” Evilight added, rubbing her chin in thought. “Not to mention the fact that we can’t control our magic, I doubt either of those involved would be unscathed if we used our magic in such a way.”

“So… maybe Ditzy raped us?” Twilight suggested, she pointed up to a faint golden dome over the entire city. “Celestia casts that every mating season to weaken a mare’s desire for intercourse drastically, to the point where they just want to cuddle or say hi more eagerly. Some mares do manage to trap the odd stallion but it’s no where near as bad as Ponyville’s heat.”

“No, my mother would never rape anyone, especially a filly that just hit puberty!" Dinky shouted, causing Twilight to shrink back.

“It does make more sense, Dinky. One year, I remember waking up hoofcuffed to a bed with Fluttershy holding a riding crop and wearing pleather. Gilda tried to rescue me after my sixth orgasm but Fluttershy managed to overpower her and made her ride me while the ‘timid’ pegasus took a strap-on to GIlda’s ass. Took Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Chrysalis, and Luna to save me and Gilda from Fluttershy and her animals,” Evilight said, chuckling to herself. “Applejack is still the meanest mare around mating season though. The next day after Fluttershy, I was held hostage in Applejack’s barn, where she rode me all day, my dick felt like it was gonna fall off once night fell, but she kept on riding.”

“I guess I should try and reinforce my Heat Bunker then, right?” Twilight asked, cringing at the thought of her friends attacking her like that.

“Replace everything with iron. All of them will break that wooden bookcase with no effort and you’ll be screwed, literally,” Evilight added.

They heard a door open and saw the same purple mare from before step out into the night, her scared look was replaced by a calm demeanor. “I don’t remember this,” Twilight said.

“I don’t, but I recognize that swagger,” Evilight spoke. They watched the adolescent walk down the street, acting as if she owned the world. “Juliet.”

“Really?” Dinky deadpanned.

“You’ll see,” Evilight stated. The three began to trail the teen closely.

“It feels so good to feel the air on my coat, and that air… I smell ponies in need of some... magic,” Teen Twilight cooed, causing her slightly older self to blush out of embarrassment.

“Yup, that’s Juliet,” Evilight commented, glaring at the teen.

“She does… seem different from the present Twilight, but I’m still not totally convinced,” Dinky added.

The youngest Twilight walked down until she turned her nose up, catching the scent of something. Finding the direction, she began to run. Not wanting to lose their target in Canterlot, the three mares followed her. “She might have found Ditzy!” Evilight called out, causing Dinky to run faster than the others.

Teen Twilight turned down an alley to see two ponies moaning and panting, the mare riding her stallion’s cock against the wall, making out furiously. The teen shook her head. “Not quite strong enough to take the mare for myself, need to find someone else.”

Twilight and Dinky turned to Evilight in confusion and annoyance respectively. “Even gods can be wrong sometimes.”

The smallest purple mare appeared to have caught a new scent and darted down the road, the observers noticed this and followed.

After a few blocks, the filly saw a grey pegasus with a blonde mane, her right eye was staring off in a different direction than her left. The pegasus herself was failing to hide her caution under happiness. “Hello, miss!” Teen Twilight introduced, walking up to Ditzy.

Ditzy noticed the younger mare and smiled. “Hi there! I know this might seem strange but… I got a weird burning feeling and it’s not going away, no matter how much water I splash at it, do you have anything that would get rid of it?”

“For fuck’s sakes, my mother can’t be this stupid back then,” Dinky uttered, her face in her hoof.

“Ditzy may not be the brightest but she did seem really smart when we met her earlier, maybe she’s just confused by the dome dampening the effects of the heat?” Twilight suggested.

“That is the look of a pony that has no idea what’s going on. You tend to see that a lot when you’re in battle,” Evilight stated.

Teen Twilight smirked. “Well, I might actually. I read that it’ll hurt for a second or two but after that… it’ll be the best feeling you’ll ever experience.”

Ditzy’s eyes sparkled. “Really, great! What do I need to do?”

Teen Twilight chuckled. “I need you to turn around and lie on your belly, so I can see what I’m dealing with.”

“Oh, okay,” Ditzy said happily, she did as the teenaged pony asked, with her tail raised. “Does it look really bad?”

Teen Twilight chuckled, watching how Ditzy’s pussy leaked juices, in need of a hard cock. “Not too bad, but we can never be sure. I’ll need to… dive in.”

The three observer’s eyes went wide when the teen pressed her snout into the older pegasus’ marehood, lapping up the moist nectar greedily. “Wh-whoa, that- that feels good, Miss. Ooooh, really good.”

“I need to get this ready for the… thing that will help you,” Teen Twilight cooed, rubbing the bubble cutie marks of her mare. The warmth of the grey mare’s body was addicting to the younger mare, she needed more of this heat.

“Is this gonna make it hurt less?” Ditzy asked, blushing hard.

“Of course, this was meant to be a good feeling not a painful feeling, ma’am. Just relax and let me work,” Teen Twilight ordered, Ditzy nodded, as her wings stood erect. She can feel the helpful pony lick her privates, and how the mare’s tongue made her insides feel funny and happy.

The purple unicorn tried to bury as much of her tiny tongue into the pegasus’ slit, feeling the lips attempt to capture her muzzle. “My, you really want my cure, don’t you?”

“I need something, miss. I just don’t know what,” Ditzy moaned, breathing heavily.

“Almost ready, just need to get myself prepared,” Teen Twilight cooed, she summoned a small orb and pressed it into Ditzy’s passage, causing the mare to moan loudly.

“I… didn’t learn that spell until a few weeks after Lyra and I were helping each other,” Twilight said, blushing hard.

“But we did see Cadance using this spell in the living room once, a few months before this time,” Evilight stated.

“How do you remember all this?” Dinky asked.

Evilight chuckled. “Memory spell before time traveling, I was obsessed with the past that I used a spell to help me remember things.”

Juliet forced the purple mare’s body over to Ditzy’s face, presenting a rather hard cock to the pegasus. “I need this all wet before it can help you.”

“This... will help me?” Ditzy asked, the adolescent mare nodded, smiling as the grey mare slowly wrapped her lips around the purple cock.

“That’s right, use your tongue more. Get it nice and hard for your ‘cure’,” Juliet moaned, petting Ditzy. The grey mare rolled the member around in her mouth, her tongue tracing along the medial ring and it’s sides, her head bobbing along it slowly.

Ditzy’s tail was twitching at it’s base, the purple orb in her pussy causing her body to shudder with pleasure. She felt like she needed the purple dick in her mouth to enter her vagina. She released the purple rod and gasped. “Please, just help me… it’s making my body tingle.”

Juliet chuckled. “Well, if you REALLY need it.” She walked over to Ditzy’s back end and blew on Ditzy’s winking opening, causing the pegasus to cringe with delight. She pressed herself at the entrance and slid forward, effortlessly entering Ditzy. Her cock pushing the magic orb into the virgin door.

“Oh! This feels… weird,” Ditzy cooed.

With a wicked smile, Juliet pushed forward hard, breaking past the hymen and sliding herself deeper into Ditzy. The grey mare let out a pained wail that quickly turned into a low moan of pleasure from the feeling of her new friend teasing her wings. “Oh… you’re right, it did hurt but now it feels so good.”

Juliet chuckled, hooking her hooves around Ditzy’s backside while her mouth teased the the grey wings, thrusting into the pegasus with all her present might. “Do you feel me inside you?”

“Ye- yes, it feels really nice,” Ditzy moaned, her hooves scraping against the ground. Despite the small size, her new friend’s girth filled her quite nicely, hitting all the spots that caused her legs to twitch and moans to flow from her mouth.

“Good,” Juliet cooed, grinning as she claimed her first mare.

Dinky watched the scene with disgust. “I… refuse to believe this happened.” She turned to see present Twilight, a large purple member jutting from her crotch. “Are you seriously getting hard from this?”

Twilight blushed and tried to hide her erection. “That’s just my body reacting to the visual stimulation, I don’t think this is hot at all!”

“I like it; almost makes me wanna join,” Evilight chuckled, stroking her dick, which was bigger than Twilight’s own shaft by three inches.

Dinky felt her nose assaulted by the musk of both dickmares. “Just get rid of those!”

“You smell like you like this yourself, Dinky,” Evilight chuckled.

“No, I hate this! I now know how this happened, I don’t need to see anymore of it,” Dinky shouted, turning her back to Juliet and Ditzy. Her blush worsening from the sounds of her mother moaning, the smell of both Twilight’s dicks didn’t make it easier on her.

Juliet was pumping her smaller form against Ditzy with surprising force, making Ditzy moan from each thrust. “Your pussy is getting tighter, ma’am. Do you feel it cumming?”

“Yeah, I feel something… happening to me. Please don’t stop,” Ditzy begged, drooling onto the pavement. She could feel something about to break inside her, and the mare helping her was trying to break it for her.

Juliet giggled and pulled on Ditzy’s tail with her teeth, causing the pegasus to gasp. The pegasus moaned cutely while her backside was pulled back onto Juliet’s purple cock.

Dinky glanced back towards the mating duo a few times before turning back. Twilight was trying to her best avoid watching it completely, while Evilight was just stroking her hard dick, giving a glance to her cohorts every so often. She noticed a small wet spot where Dinky was earlier. “Seems like we’re not the only ones getting off on this.”

“Eat shit and die,” Dinky snarled, trying to ignore the evil mare.

A loud moan caused all three mares to turn to Ditzy, relaxing back down from the aftermath of her orgasm. Juliet was panting hard herself as white goo began to drip from the once-virgin hole. “Feel… better?” Juliet asked, still hilted in Ditzy.

“Yeah, the… itchiness is gone now,” Ditzy moaned, her wings twitching. “It still feels hot for some reason.”

Juliet grinned. “That means you need more cooling white stuff inside you.” She began thrusting some more, catching Ditzy by surprise.

“Round two,” Evilight chuckled, jerking herself.

Juliet’s hooves clung to Ditzy tightly, her movements becoming harsh enough to turn Ditzy’s grey rear red, the puddle beneath the two growing from the leaking fluids that left Ditzy’s used snatch.

“Does… does it always feel this good?” Ditzy asked, lacking the strength to move her body anymore.

“I’m new to this myself, so it should feel better. But there are those morons that can’t do it at all and it’ll just hurt all the time, but don’t worry… I’m a quick learner,” Juliet cooed, licking Ditzy’s fur, causing her to gasp. Juliet loved the cute moans that echoed out from her mare’s mouth, driving her closer to her next climax, urging her to fill this mare until she was as round as a balloon.

Dinky had finally managed to successfully ignore the need growing between her hind legs when she felt somepony press themselves against her cloaked back. “Your scent is becoming a distraction.” Dinky turned to see Evilight holding her, her erect cock trapped between the purple scarred body and the cock.

“Get OFF!” Dinky roared, struggling out of Evilight’s embrace.

“Listen, if this works and we vanish… we might as well enjoy it,” Evilight giggled, stalking closer to Dinky. Twilight’s head was going back and forth from Juliet and Ditzy to Evilight and Dinky.

“I’d rather die than even think about you mating with me,” Dinky snapped.

“What about the good me? The me that isn’t as evil as I am? Would you care to mate with her?” Evilight suggested.

“Nope, I’m fine. You two can do what you want, don’t mind me,” Twilight stammered, blushing hard, trying to keep her eyes on Ditzy and Juliet. She watched the smaller mare completely dominate the pegasus with slight horror and intrigue. While Twilight might have dominated Chrysalis, her younger self was barely a mare and she’s making an older mare moan.

“How much do you love my cock?” Juliet questioned, thrusting her cock hard against Ditzy’s hole.

“I like it a lot, it feels really good,” Ditzy moaned, screaming from another orgasm.

Twilight jumped when she heard metal falling to the ground, she turned to see Dinky’s dagger on the ground and the owner trying to resist Evilight, gasping hoarsely while the larger mare kissed and nuzzled her neck, her hooves rubbing Dinky’s body gentle. “Stop, don’t you have any restraint? That’s incest, I don’t want that hanging over my head that I had sex with my own daughter!” Twilight screamed.

Evilight began to laugh hard. “Twilight, in like less than a year you fuck your own mother because your parents had a fight over your mom’s preferences for sex. And a year after that, Chrysalis gives birth to a heir that she forces to have sex with you a lot, not to mention the threesome you have with Shining and Cadance.” Twilight’s face turned white from hearing that. “We don’t penetrate each other, the only hole you and Shiny get to use is whatever hole Cadance has, it was her greatest fantasy after she found out about your dick.”

“That still doesn’t make any of this okay!” Twilight retorted.

“Then it’s a good thing I’m easing Dinky into it than forcing her,” Evilight cooed, rubbing and kissing Dinky’s body once again. The light purple unicorn tried to grip her dagger with her magic only to moan from the feeling of her magic being consumed by Evilight’s, the two energies mingling with each other and causing Dinky’s marehood to moisten.

“I’m… going to kill you,” Dinky groaned, unable to get herself out from Evilight’s grip, blushing hard as she felt the purple member rub against her back through her cloak.

Twilight tried to ignore those two, when she laid her eyes on the other two. Juliet had pulled herself out and stuck her dick back into Ditzy’s mouth, who eagerly lapped up the pussy drenched member. A thick deluge of white cream oozing from Ditzy’s pussy. “Clean me up, like a good filly. Your tongue feels really good,” Juliet cooed, thrusting small inches into Ditzy’s mouth.

Ditzy looked rather eager to taste herself and Juliet, her eyes glazed over and staring into Juliet’s eyes. Letting the purple member fall out to lick it’s sides before forcing it back into her mouth, all the while Juliet was petting her.

“I can feel more medicine coming, Miss, your mouth is the best,” Juliet moaned, forcing her penis into Ditzy’s mouth, forcing her cum down the pegasus’s throat. Juliet humped into Ditzy’s face to relieve herself of all her cum.

When she pulled out of Ditzy’s mouth, the pegasus’s body went lax and slowly drifted off to sleep. Juliet smiled and used her magic to clean herself, Ditzy, and the ground of all fluids, teleporting it all into a trash can. And pressed her horn against the sleeping mare’s head, her eyes glowing white in the process.

Evilight stopped molesting Dinky long enough to see this, with eyes widening. “Finally decided to stop?” Dinky gasped, still struggling.

“That’s a memory wiping spell,” Evilight uttered.

“I don’t know that now, how did I know that back then?” Twilight asked, concerned for Ditzy and herself.

“I learned it a few years after the Manehatten incident, I don’t even remember when I’ve seen anypony use it so i can copy it,” Evilight said, letting Dinky go to watch the scene play out.

The white light faded and Juliet levitated Ditzy into a large bush and walked away, feeling rather proud of herself.

“At least I cleaned her, but… to abandon her in a bush… that’s low,” Twilight uttered, watching her younger self walk away.

Both Twilight’s ignored their erections and followed Juliet home, Dinky trailed behind to avoid any more close encounters, scrunching her nose as it was filled by the Twilights’ thick musk.

They watched Juliet get under the covers. “This was fun, I shoul-AHH!” Juliet screamed, writing on the bed. “You are in deep trouble, Juliet…” the purple teen said before falling unconscious, scaring Twilight.

“Sweet Celestia, that last voice, who was it?” Twilight asked, looking to her evil counterpart.

“That must have been Brave,” Evilight stated, rubbing her chin.

“There, so we know that my mother let herself get rutted by a younger dickmare because she didn’t know what ‘heat’ was at the time, mystery solved, may we leave?” Dinky uttered, covering her body with her cloak.

“So eager to resume where we left off?” Evilight chuckled, walking towards her daughter, erection wagging beneath her.

Twilight noticed something off, lighting flowing out of both Evilight and Dinky. “Uhh girls?”

Evilight and Dinky turned to Twilight and noticed the white lights coming out of them. “Interesting…”

“No… did we really need to see my mother and an adolescent have sex in the street to change the fucking future?” Dinky shouted in rage.

“Maybe… I just needed to know that Brave might be the key to controlling Alpha,” Twilight suggested.

“Or we just needed to see the entire thing from start to finish,” Evilight groaned, leering at Dinky. “Maybe a quickie before we vanish from time?”

“You go burn in Tartarus, bitch!” Dinky screamed. She turned to Twilight and sighed. “I’m… glad that my father wasn’t always the monster I knew. I’ll be honest, I was expecting to see you ruling Ponyville in the same way you ruled the world, it’s nice to see that you were just as that bastard said… Kind and friendly.”

Twilight smiled back and hugged Dinky, taking care not to let her dick touch her future daughter. “I’m happy to know that you are my daughter, even if the conception itself wasn’t… the under the best circumstances. I’ll do my best to be the best dad for you as I can.”

“Thanks… dad,” Dinky said, her body fading away completely as the world began to turn white.

“One last bit of advice for you,” Evilight said, walking up to Twilight. “It’s your herd’s duty to ensure your needs are met while you protect them them from rivals and danger. If you fuck anymore mares, make sure they know it’s a one time thing and make them remember that night.”

“I’m not sure…” Twilight uttered, backing away from the larger mare.

“Just trust me… you’ve been fucking more than just your herd and it ain’t gonna stop there. Example: Applejack is gonna get a familiar visitor that isn’t who she appears to be. Make her kneel like a mare or let her take your apple pie like a stallion, your choice.” Evilight finished, vanishing as the light consumed Twilight.

The light faded and Twilight could see the dark sky once again. Her body felt rather heavy and her limbs refused to rise when she tried, Even her magic was too tired to move. “Twilight!” She looked down to see her friends come to help her.

“He-hey girls,” Twilight said weakly.

“Somepony is glad to see us,” Rainbow chortled, pointing down.

Twilight gave a confused look and found that she was still hard and covered herself with her magic. “Sorry about that, I was… kind of forced to watch a teenaged me mate with Ditzy while the Future me molested Dinky.”

“Speaking of which, what happened to them?” Fleur asked.

“They disappeared, the future was changed. I’m no longer going to be the monster that rapes and kills everyone,” Twilight cheered with poor enthusiasm.

“Yay, now we’ll have the nice Twilight FOREVER!” Pinkie cheered.

Twilight smiled happily as her friends surrounded her, but she did notice Rainbow and Fluttershy arguing about something. “Rainbow, Fluttershy? What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing Important, Twilight. Rainbow is just being silly,” Fluttershy replied, shooting a dirty look at her fellow pegasus.

“Hey, I agree with Evilight! Twi, we’re going to have a chat with Gilda to see about getting you some meat, starting with fish because… it’s the safest and probably less painful on the… morals and taboos,” Rainbow stated, crossing her hooves.

“Wait, you are seriously going to try and make me into a omnivore?” Twilight questioned, shocked by the confession.

“Yeah, we all saw what Evilight had and we didn’t do anything, we need to get you looking more like that,” Rainbow chuckled.

“I… could do without my alpha being a large wall of muscle, though I wouldn’t be against it,” Rarity commented.

Applejack shook her head in annoyance. “I’d much rather keep Twi the way she is now.”

“Yeah! She’ll lose the adorkable factor if she’s all Big Mac-like!” Pinkie protested.

“I wouldn’t mind having some more power under the sheets,” Fleur teased, making everypony blush hard.

“What kind of example would Twilight be if she’s eating meat? Not just to the animals but to our children? I don’t want the father of my filly to traumatize our daughter just so she can have a… charming body,” Fluttershy pouted angrily.

Twilight grinned nervously as her friends all bickered over their alpha’s future diet.


Fleur was resting in Twilight’s bed, the day have proved to be rather eventful. Though it must have been far worse for Twilight, who had to change the future so that she doesn’t go crazy.

She gasped when she felt her alpha behind her, nipping at her neck. “Oh, this is a surprise. Is it not usually I who seduces you?” Fleur asked, giggling.

“It’s been a weird day and I need some relief,” Twilight cooed, kissing Fleur’s neck and body.

“I noticed. I figured you’d be tired,” Fleur cooed with pleasure, her hooves trying to wrap around the smaller unicorn.

“Apparently I’m full of surprises,” Twilight giggled, pressing her lips against Fleur’s.

Fleur gasped when she felt her Alpha’s cock tap her belly. “Then I must assist my Alpha with her needs,” Fleur giggled, straddling Twilight with her rump over her mate’s face, the thick purple member brushing against her white cheek.

A knock on the door caused Twilight to grunt in annoyance. “Uggh, what now?”

She opened the door to see Ditzy, smiling like a fool. “Hiya Twilight, I came by to ask if you could watch Dinky this weekend. Timey Wimey heard about you being Dinky’s dad and after a long talk, he said that we can finally go on that date we always wanted since we could never find a babysitter for Dinky. What do ya say?”

Twilight grinned nervously as the memories of her younger self’s mating with Ditzy came back, causing her to hide her erection behind the door. Twilight’s expression became stern and blank when Ditzy’s eyes went wide, her nostrils filling with the scent of a stallion. “I’d love to, but I’m busy right now.” Twilight mentally face hoofed when she noticed an extremely small bead of drool coming from the corners of Ditzy’s mouth. “Is Time Turner at your house?”

“No, he left to in his Blue Box again, he says he’ll be back tomorrow evening,” Ditzy replied automatically.

With a sigh, Twilight looked Ditzy in the eyes. “Would you like to come inside? Please keep in mind that you might be spending the night here.”

“Sure, I’d like that,” Ditzy said, a faint blush on her cheeks when she walked in. She turned to Twilight to see the hard cock dangling between her legs. “Oh… that’s where that smell came from.”

“Twilight, who was at the door?” Fleur asked, poking her head from the bedroom door. “Oh, Miss Do? What do we owe this pleasure?” Fleur’s expression was trying to hide her anger towards the grey pegasus for interrupting her sessions with her alpha.

“Huh, Oh… hi,” Ditzy said, she glanced back at Twilight’s cock and then to FLeur, blushing harder. “Were you two having… sex?”

“It was just foreplay, don’t worry about it,” Twilight said, shaking her head.

“Does it feel good?” Ditzy asked, stepping closer to Twilight.

Fleur smiled and walked down the stairs towards Ditzy. “It feels very good, especially with the right lover, I find Twilight’s to be my exact qualifications.”

“She can make it fun?” Ditzy asked, shivering from Fleur’s tail caressing her chin as the slender unicorn walked to her Alpha’s side.

Twilight mentally facehoofed as her mare seduced Ditzy, but Fleur continued. “Yes, she makes it fun for myself and all the mares she loves.”

“There are others?” Ditzy asked, her eyes widening.

“Twilight has proven to be a mare with a large heart, she has love for many. Tonight, I fear that I may not be mare enough to satisfy her. Care to help me?” Fleur replied with her own question, her hoof was caressing Twilight’s coat.

Ditzy’s mouth opened but no sound left it, her eyes going from Twilight’s face to her erection. Her response was a goofy smile and a deep blush.

It took mere minutes for Twilight to be dragged back into the bedroom by Fleur’s magic, Ditzy was blushing hard as she followed close behind. Before they did anything, Twilight’s horn lit up and a clone appeared, yawning and giving both Fleur and Ditzy a sultry look. “Hello ladies.”

“I need you to go to Ditzy’s house and watch over Dinky, got it?” Twilight ordered, the clone looked at her creator and glared at her. “You and I both know that ‘they’ are watching, and if anything happens to Dinky, then uh… I believe Brave has some words for you, I think.”

The mere mention of that name caused the clone to cower as she walked out of the room, cursing Twilight’s name as she left. “Peculiar behavior for your clones, Twilight,” Fleur commented.

“I need to learn how to use them more for helping everyone out at once,” Twilight said, teleporting a few pillows down from her bed and placing them in a neat pile. The purple unicorn found herself pushed and turned over, lying on her back on the pillows while Fleur stood over her. “I thought I was seducing.”

“Yes, but you need this more, I can smell it,” Fleur said, taking a deep breath and letting her alpha’s musk enter her nose. “Come Miss Do, let us ‘tend’ to our mate.”

“How do I ‘tend’, Miss de Lis? or is it just Miss Lis?” Ditzy asked laying next to Fleur, her head flinching back from the erect cock in her face.

Fleur giggled lightly. “Call me Fleur. And we shall please Twilight with our mouths before we get to the real fun.” She gave the hard rod a long lick from base to tip, causing Twilight to moan.

Ditzy watched Twilight squirm under Fleur’s touch. “Is Twilight… having fun?”

“It… it feels really good,” Twilight squeaked, she grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it to drown out her moaning.

“Wow, if this is fun for you then… the real fun would be a blast?” Ditzy said with a smile, licking her lips as she leaned in closer to Twilight’s shaft.

“You could say that in many ways,” Fleur cooed, letting Ditzy give a small test lick to the throbbing pillar.

The taste was a bit salty to Ditzy’s liking but it was quite enjoyable, giving the purple member another longer lick. The strange grape flavor lingering on her tongue, quickly becoming rather tasty to the grey pegasus.

Fleur rubbed Ditzy’s back while she watched the eager mare lick and please Twilight. She gave her alpha a sultry look before joining Ditzy, licking the flared head and giving the sides small nibbles.

Between Fleur’s loving prowess and Ditzy’s eager inexperience, Twilight was panting lightly at the sight of two beautiful mares making love to her dick. “I need to find out how and why I came to be so lucky, this almost isn’t fair.” Twilight thought to herself, petting her mares.

Ditzy felt a strange itchy feeling between her hind legs, the heat there growing the longer she continued working Twilight’s penis with her tongue. She let out a mewling noise, moaning into the side of the purple length.

Fleur let the head pop out of her mouth and giggled. “Is this turning you on?” she asked, she got up to check Ditzy’s backside and let out a light laugh. “You are soaking back here, dear. Don’t you worry, I’ll make sure you are ready for our Alpha.”

“Ready for our… Alpha?” Ditzy asked, she squeaked when she felt a slippery appendage pressing against her secret place. She turned back to see Fleur’s face in her butt, her tongue doing things to her vagina that made Ditzy feel really good, better than how licking Twilight’s penis made her feel. Looked up to Twilight, breathing heavily, and began to rub the purple rod with her hooves, angling towards her mouth.

Fleur couldn’t help but find Ditzy adorable, her cute moans, the tiny squeals of pleasure, and to see her fumble with her Alpha’s cock her in mouth made Fleur more eager to gobble the grey pegasus up, pressing her snout deeper into Ditzy’s cooch, her tongue entering the hot warmth of the wall-eyed mare’s passage, and letting the mare juice slid along her tongue, letting the taste of blueberries and fresh pastries dance of her taste buds.

The sudden entry of Fleur’s tongue made Ditzy moan around Twilight’s dick, bobbing her head along the head while her hooves rubbed the shaft. She could fele the purple mare’s hoof on the back of her head, not forcing more of the thick phallus deeper but it’s presence felt more of a suggestion that Ditzy should take more of Twilight. Happy to please her new friends, Ditzy’s rump was grinding against Fleur’s face while she took the purple appendage until it touched the back of her mouth, threatening to enter her esophagus, before pulling out and repeating the action.

“That felt good, Ditzy,” Twilight cooed, her eyes locked with the grey pegasus, who let out a squeak. Fleur chuckled, licking some fluids from her hoof before placing it back at Ditzy’s needy quim. She leaned forward to nibble Ditzy’s ears while her hoof worked the grey mare’s pussy. Twilight noticed the glow of Fleur’s horn and smiled. “What do you think you’re doing, Fleur?”

“Whatever do you mean, my love?” Fleur asked innocently, kissing the back of Ditzy’s neck.

“I see your horn glowing, and I can sense your magic in Ditzy’s vagina, you’re going to wear her out before she gets a turn with me,” Twilight giggled.

“I just wish to please her, love. Her body aches for our touch,” Fleur cooed, nuzzling Ditzy’s wing.

Twilight was about to laugh but it was replaced by a moan. It felt as if Ditzy was becoming more and more comfortable sucking her cock. “She’s getting me close…”

Fleur’s eyes sparkled, her hoof leaving Ditzy’s pussy to rejoin her at pleasing the purple cock, feeling it throb against her tongue, it’s twitching signally the incoming approach of a white deluge of love. “Spray us, my Alpha. Shower us with your love, your desire.”

Ditzy was somewhat confused by Fleur’s words, she turned to see Fleur with her eyes closed and her mouth wide open. She stopped licking Twilight’s shaft to do the same, finding it odd to feel heavy wet drops fall of her face, it tasted saltier than Twilight’s dick but still rather nice. Her eyes opened slightly to see the thick purple member fire of more white globs of seed onto Fleur’s face and mane, a lot of the gunk landed in the slender mare’s mouth, swallowing it eagerly but opening her mouth for more.

Twilight admired her work, both her mares were coated in her seed, Ditzy was examining her cum like it seemed rather interesting before licking it off her hooves, while Fleur leaned towards the wall-eyed pegasus and licked some cum off Ditzy’s cheek. It didn’t take long before the two were kissing and licking each other’s face, trying to clean each other while also proving to be quite the show for Twilight.

“My butt feels really funny,” Ditzy moaned, licking Fleur’s cheek.

“Would you like to go first? Fleur asked, holding the smaller mare tight to her body.

“First for what?” Ditzy asked, panting.

Fleur gestured to Twilight and the hard pillar that stood proudly between her legs. “Would you like Twilight to enter you? To churn your insides with her magic staff?”

“To churn my insides? Won’t that hurt?” Ditzy said, she felt Fleur urge her closer to Twilight.

“No, infact… it’ll be a very good feeling, a feeling you will love,” Fleur cooed. She guided Ditzy to turn around, with her tail raised and pointing her wet pussy at Twilight. Fleur pressed her lips against the wall-eyed pegasus, kissing her deeply to relax her.

Wasting no time, Twilight placed her hooves on Ditzy’s rump, letting her cock rest between the grey mare’s butt cheeks and making her gasp in Fleur’s mouth. “You know… I was worried I might hurt her, considering I’m bigger than then I was when I knocked you up with Dinky. But you’re soaking wet back here! I think I could just slip in without any problems,” she chuckled. Lining herself up, she slowly pushed her way into Ditzy, finding the passage gripped her tightly. “Okay… not as easy as I thought.”

Ditzy moaned hard, causing Fleur to break the kiss to let the grey mare scream her pleasures, her front half falling in a quivering mess while her rump stayed high for Twilight to access. “It feels bigger… than it was in my mouth,” Ditzy moaned, unconsciously thrusting her hips back onto Twilight’s crotch.

“She’s gripping me than I thought, it feels like she might burn my dick,” twilight groaned, thrusting into Ditzy hard. The warm depths of the wall-eyed mare consumed her member and wrapped around her tightly, almost becoming hard to pull out.

“Do you like Twilight’s shaft? Do you like it entering you and leaving you?” Fleur asked, cupping Ditzy’s cheeks.

“I like it alot, Miss Fleur,” Ditzy moaned. her hooves digging into the floorbaords.

Fleur smiled, and kissed Ditzy’s cheek. Her own hoof rubbing her pussy roughly in preparation for her turn with Twilight. She licked her lips and watched as her alpha mounted another mare, enjoying the sounds of flesh against flesh and the moans and grunts of the two ponies. Despite her lack of action underneath her alpha’s sheets, she could watch Twilight mount and rut all her mares and still be satisfied, regardless if she was fucked or not. She shifted to watch the connection between the two mares, the purple shaft disappearing into the grey slit. “Twilight, slap her ass… please.”

Twilight gave a confused glance to Fleur but complied, slamming her hoof against Ditzy’s backside, making the pegasus scream in pleasure. Twilight gasped from the sudden clenching from Ditzy’s pussy, she could feel it try to milk Twilight preemptively. “Oh, that’s nice.”

“Oh… goodness,” Ditzy moaned, drooling onto the floor.

“Yes… like that, hit her again,” Fleur moaned, rubbing her clit more. Twilight gave Ditzy’s butt another slap, causing her to tighten up and push back against the purple unicorn harder, which in turn caused Twilight to pound Ditzy with as much force, locking them in an endless cycle of rough penetration that was driven by Twilight’s hoof contacting Ditzy’s butt. Fleur loved every second of it.

One last slap on Ditzy’s rump caused her to scream, her pussy clenching tightly over Twilight’s cock as her orgasm shot through her. Her orgasm didn’t halt Twilight’s progress who kept ramming her hard and her hoof colliding with her reddening flanks.

“Yes Twilight! Oh Celestia, yes. Fuck her hard, I want to see her walking odd for weeks, yesss,” Fleur moaned, her hoof was rapidly rubbing her pussy.

Ditzy’s buried her face in her forelegs, embarrassed by Fleur’s demands. She could feel Twilight’s heart rapidly beating through her pussy, she could feel it grow thicker inside her, the pain that quickly became pleasure seconds after Twilight’s hoof hit her backside.

“I can feel it,” Twilight groaned, biting her lip as her cock went ridge and throbbed with it’s incoming climax.

“Fill her, Twilight…” Fleur moaned.

With one last thrust, Twilight hilted herself in Ditzy, flooding the grey mare’s love canal with her seed, Ditzy’s body shot up right as she let out a wail of her own. Fleur joined the cries as her own climax overtook her senses. But due to her method of pleasure, Fleur recovered first to relish in the expression on Ditzy’s face, to get her hotter for when it’s her own turn.

Ditzy’s eyes were wide, both eyes staring forward with her wings ridged. Her right eye twitched from the sudden feeling before her body slowly went lax, falling forward and causing Twilight’s cock to slip from her backside. The purple shaft wasn’t quite done as it’s final few loads landed on Ditzy’s reddened butt cheeks.

“I am impressed, you fucked her eyes straight, my love,” Fleur cooed, nuzzling Twilight.

“Really? I guess my slapping her butt might be more aggressive than what I’m usually like but… it wasn’t any more rough than what Trixie or Rainbow demand of me,” Twilight panted, catching her breath and lying back onto her pile of pillows.

“Still, she must have liked it,” Fleur said, rubbing Twilight’s cock with her wet hoof. “I hope you are not finished after just two rounds.”

Twilight smiled, and kissed Fleur. “I’m always ready for my mares, what about you? You looked winded just watching Ditzy and I mate.”

“An appetizer for what comes after, I assure you,” Fleur giggled, straddling Twilight’s body and feeling the thick shaft against her lips. “And I hunger for me, my Alpha.”

Twilight gave her a nod, and Fleur lifted herself up, allowing her alpha to position herself to enter her. Fleur gasped when the thick member pierced her for the first time in such a long time. “Ride me,” Twilight cooed.

Fleur bit her lower lip and nodded, slowly raising and dropping herself onto her Alpha’s penis. Her eyes barely open to see Twilight smiling at her with purple hooves on her thighs. “It’s been too long, my love.”

“It.. has, I feel like I’m fucking a virgin again,” Twilight cooed, lavishly watching her cock enter Fleur's tight pussy.

“Oh? How often do you fuck virgins, Twilight?” Fleur teased, rubbing her hooves on her Alpha’s coat.

“I think the last virgin I had sex with was… Fluttershy, and that was a while ago,” Twilight chuckled. “Unless you count anal as well, then it was probably Berry Punch when Gilda tricked me into having a threesome with Berry and Minuette.”

“Did you like it?” Fleur asked, riding her stallion harder.

“Wasn’t too fond of having Minuette’s dick in me, but my favorite was when Minuette and I made Berry take us both into her butt, it was such a tight fit,” Twilight moaned, now guiding Fleur along her shaft she knew what question was coming up next. “Gilda knows full well now that I don’t like getting penetrated, I made sure to… nail that into her after that happened.”

Fleur giggled, feeling the purple shaft invade her being. She welcomed it completely and took all that her Alpha had to offer. “How was Dinky conceived, if you don’t mind,” Fleur asked, leaning towards Twilight to lick her nose.

With a groan, Twilight answered. “Ditzy was in heat, and apparently a part of me took advantage of that, fucked her in an alleyway. I don’t think my teen self cared if Ditzy would have my foal that day, she just wanted sex.”

“Did your babysitter not wish to play?” Fleur cooed, riding Twilight faster and harder, feeling her body wring the purple cock dry.

“Cadance was too occupied with my brother back then, which was all the same since he’d probably have a bigger dick than me. Mares seem to want big dicks,” Twilight chuckled, gripping Fleur tighter and guiding the mare on her lap.

“Oh, you trickster!” Fleur moaned in response to Twilight’s actions. “I… I wouldn’t mind if you had a tiny dick, just means I can gobble you up easier.”

“Something you and many of my mares won’t mind doing,” Twilight giggled, kissing Fleur. The slender unicorn gyrated her hips faster while Twilight pushed her down harder, causing pleasure to spike within both mares.

It wasn’t long until both Fleur and Twilight screamed in bliss, the purple mare filling her mare with liters of cum, some of which splattered out onto her coat.

Fleur relaxed and slid to the side, Twilight’s cock leaving her empty. “Oh… we should do this again, my love.” She breathed heavily as her body desired sleep.

“Whenever you want it,” Twilight cooed, levitated Ditzy to her side before falling sleep.

Fleur wrapped her hooves around Twilight, her eyes lingering on the softening member before getting an idea. She carefully levitated Ditzy onto Twilight’s sleeping form and made the grey mare’s pussy take the librarian’s limp cock, smiling at her hoofwork. She dozed off, knowing that her Alpha was pleased with her.

Mini-Series: Twilight's Ponyville Tour (Part 1)

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{This is a sex heavy chapter, you’ve been warned, dood.}
- TwiPie (Futa/F, Vaginal, Magic Oral)
- Chryslight (Futa/Futa/F, Vaginal, Incest, Ovipositor, Oral; F/F/F/F/M/M(Masturbation and mentioned sex that I don't go into detail)
- Rarilight (Futa/F, Oral, Vaginal, Double Vaginal Penetration)
- Twi de Lis (Futa/F, Oral, Vaginal, Impregnantion)

As Twilight’s scarlet eyes opened to greet the new day, she felt… powerful, like she could wrestle a Ursa Minor with her bare hooves. She walked into the bathroom and saw her smirking reflection. “Today… feels like it’s going to be a great day, don’t you think so?”

Grinning seductively, she stepped into her bath and noticed her morning wood. “Looks like somepony else thinks this will be a great day too,” Twilight giggled, wagging her cock back and forth as she turned the water on with her magic.

After finishing her morning rituals, she walked down the stairs and heard somepony humming in the kitchen. She peeked in to see Pinkie Pie making breakfast, cheerfully flipping pancakes with a spatula in her teeth.

She quietly snuck up on Pinkie and hugged her from behind, causing Pinkie to gasp. “Good morning Twilight, how did you sleep?”

“I slept like a foal,” Twilight cooed, nuzzling the back of Pinkie’s neck.

“Great! Nothing like a good night’s sleep to get you ready for a brand new day right?” Pinkie exclaimed, flipping a pancake with her prehensile hair.

“Not as great as you’ll be feeling in a minute,” Twilight said, grinning as she climbed further along Pinkie’s back.

“What do- OH, you naughty filly,” Pinkie giggled, feeling Twilight’s hard-on pressed against her rump. “Want me to take care of that for ya, Twi?”

“Just spread your legs and prepare,” Twilight said with a predatory grin, aligning herself for Pinkie’s slit. She thrusted forward, sinking her entire cock into Pinkie Pie.

The sudden penetration took Pinkie by surprise, her hooves shot forward to keep her head from meeting the stove. What Pinkie did notice is that Twilight was going at her with reckless abandon. Biting her lower lip as the purple cock filled her pussy and brushing past her G-Spot each thrust.

Twilight smiled widely and lifted Pinkie up, then setting her on the table, continuing her humping once the party mare was safe from third degree burns. Despite Pinkie’s vice-like pussy, it failed to stop Twilight from pounding her hard and fast. Her dick sunk in and remodeled Pinkie’s insides for her own pleasure while cooking breakfast in the baker’s absence using her magic

Twilight’s horn shined brighter, smiling as Pinkie felt something enter her mouth. She recognized the taste as the librarian’s cock, clenching her eyes as she was spit roasted by a single pony.

“Who’s my little pony?” Twilight asked, slapping Pinkie’s rear with her hoof, the other was wrapped around by the poofy tail, pulling it hard as she sunk her dick back into the party mare. “Who’s my little pony?”

Pinkie wanted to answer but her mouth still had a few inches of Twilight’s dick, her tongue trying to collect as much of the pre-cum as possible.

Now with a manic grin, Twilight slapped Pinkie’s rear again, leaving a red mark on her rump and coaxing the party mare to move with her. Pink hips met purple as Pinkie came, her pussy juices squeezed past Twilight’s cock and fell to the wooden floor.

“Good girl,” Twilight cooed, thrusting herself as deep as possible into Pinkie and letting her cum flow through the party mare’s pussy, only to be deposited into her mouth. Pinkie swallowed what she could, only letting a trail of cum escape through the corners of her mouth.

Twilight dismissed the spell and Pinkie no longer tasted the purple dick in her mouth but could still feel it in her pussy. Pinkie turned back to her alpha, cum dripping from her lips to see the purple mare grinning like a villain behind her. Without warning, Twilight began rutting again.

Twilight leaned forward and gave Pinkie’s left ear a small lick before nibbling it, causing the pink mare to moan. The purple aura around her horn intensified as it ran along Pinkie’s fur, teasing and pleasing her.

“Wha-what are you… doing, Twi?” Pinkie gasped, feeling the tendrils of purple magic caress her belly and teats.

“Giving you what you always wanted, Pinkie,” Twilight said, in a cool and collected manner. Chuckling when she felt the pink mare’s pussy clench again in orgasm, only for her fluids to drip into the growing puddle beneath them.

Pinkie’s hooves struggled to stay up under Twilight’s rampant love-making, she was breathing heavily as the purple mare knocked the air out of her with every thrust, she felt her eyes go cross-eyed for several seconds as another orgasm made her scream in pleasure.

“Come on, Pinks. You’re almost there, you can last a little longer can’t you?” Twilight asked, chuckling as she gave no quarter. Her dick slamming deep into Pinkie’s pussy hard on every thrust, only to feel the inner walls try and fail to keep the invader inside.

“Twi… light…” PInkie groaned, drooling saliva and Twilight’s seed onto the table. Her front hooves collapsed, causing the party mare to fall, her legs felt like wet noodles under Twilight’s rutting.

“Here you go, Pinkie!” Twilight cried, filling her mare with her seed. She held herself next to the womb, ensuring that Pinkie was filled properly with the scholar’s cum. She slowly pulled herself out, causing a small waterfall of cum to join Pinkie’s juices on the floor. “You did such a good job, let’s do it again later, okay?” Twilight exclaimed, rubbing Pinkie’s mane and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Twilight served herself breakfast and left Pinkie’s share next to the unconscious mare, before walking into the library’s lobby, her cock still hard despite her encounter with the party mare. She turned to the basement door and smiled evilly.

Chrysalis was in the basement with her ten newly hatched drones, ordering them to make the basement a more suitable hive. “What are you doing, dig down! Not through the bookshelf, you idiot,” she yelled at one of her children, she yelped when she felt somepony grab her from behind.

“Hi Chryssy!” Twilight said, her horn ceased glowing, a devilish smile graced her features.

Chrysalis was oddly put off by her alpha grinning like the cat who cornered the rat, and merely smiled back. “Twilight, how was your morning so far?”

“It was enjoyable so far. Pinkie was A LOT of help, but now…” Twilight crawled onto Chrysalis’ back and whispered into the queen’s ear. “I want YOUR help.”

Chrysalis quirked a brow when she turned her head, only for her entire front half to be shackled by purple magic, causing her rump to point in the air like a needy slut.

Twilight placed her hooves on Chrysalis’ rump and lowered it to her smaller height, positioning her cock for the always wet entrance. “I think it’s time we helped your hive grow a little more,” Twilight cooed, thrusting her dick into Chrysalis.

Chrysalis muffled her gasp but was still wide eyed by Twilight’s forwardness. She began grinning back at the purple mare. “Well, you should have said so, my dear.”

Twilight let out a sigh as her magic weaved once again, then her eyes stared deep into Chrysalis’. The mere act made the changeling slightly worried, then she felt it.

Twilight’s cock was expanding inside her, filling her like no other. The moment Chrysalis felt tighter than Pinke was earlier, Twilight began her rough mating, causing the queen to bit her lip from the hard sex.

The changelings stopped working to watch their queen being rutted by the purple mare, their eyes glued to expressions of the two lovers. The few changelings that were male began rubbing their dick at the sight while the changeling fillies started to rub themselves.

Twilight noticed this and giggled. “Hey, Chryssy. Our children are watching us, doesn’t that excite you?” she asked, pounding the taller mare harder.

Chrysalis’ eyes shot open as she glared at her spawn. “Get back to wo-” she was interrupted by a purple aura closing her mouth.

“Let them watch, let them watch their queen be MY mate. Sometimes, it’s good for their kids to know who the daddy of our relationship is, after all,” Twilight chuckled.

Chrysalis tried to shoot a glare at Twilight but the feeling of being full of pony dick was too much for her, as her ovipositor began to unsheathe, tapping the ground with it’s leaking tip.

“Does this mean…. you'll be taking the eggs?,” Chrysalis uttered when the magic faded from her lips, trying to laugh but kept getting interrupted by Twilight pounding her insides, forcing the queen to feel every inch and thick vein on the purple member as it reached her deepest depths.

Twilight smirked and turned to a random changeling, despite looking like every other changeling, she was a little smaller than the purple mare. “Suck your mommy off,” she commanded. The changeling stopped rubbing her pussy and scrambled over to the two. She crawled under Chrysalis’s belly and began lapping up her queen’s clear phallus.

Chrysalis sneered, feeling one of her children’s tongue on her tip while a mare with an impossibly large dick stretched her. She even felt her daughter’s limbs stroke what couldn’t enter her mouth. “You will pay for this, Sparkle…”

“You are loving every second of it, being filled with my love and my cock while one of your many children get you ready to receive their brothers and sisters. And you are going to enjoy it until I say you don’t like it,” Twilight growled, smiling like a demon possessed. Her thrusts became harder, her hips slamming against the hard chitin of Chrysalis’ back side, causing it to crack under the pressure. The cock sucking walls of Chrysalis’ pussy fought to keep Twilight inside, but the juices from Pinkie’s pussy kept the scholar nice and lubed for her latest mare.

The changeling noticed Chrysalis’ dick twitching and made a humming noise that distracted Twilight. The librarian smiled and shooed her away, turning her gaze to another female changeling, this one was as big as Big Mac. “You! Get under your mother,” Twilight ordered, the larger female nodded and took her place under Chrysalis, breathing deep as her mother’s ovipositor attempted to enter her.

Twilight guided the queen’s member into her subject with her magic and then slammed herself as hard as she could, effectively sending Chrysalis deep into her own daughter. The changeling whimpered while her Queen cooed from the sudden tightness of the pussy she was in. Once settled, Twilight began moving again, effectively using Chrysalis to fuck their rather large daughter.

With her member deep in her own brood and Twilight’s cock deep in her pussy. Chrysalis let out a symphony of moans and cries as she felt the changeling below her clench her pussy, the tight ex-virgin orifice of her daughter gripped her so powerfully. With Twilight’s cock hitting her G-spot repeatedly, she felt her orgasm approaching quickly.

Chrysalis howled in pleasure as her egg juices flooded her daughter’s vagina, making it easier for the clear appendage to enter the womb and get the drone ready for the queen’s eggs.

Twilight only smirked as she rubbed Chrysalis’ flank and continued to hump away. The changeling beneath the two let out a screech as her pussy tightened around her Queen’s clear dick, milking it for any life giving fluids. The purple mare grunted as her own orgasm flooded Chrysalis’ womb, fertilizing the eggs inside her.

Chrysalis let out a happy sigh as her alpha’s seed flooded her insides, her eggs rolling down her shaft and into the willing daughter's snatch, who let out a chirp of pleasure as each egg entered her.

Twilight pulled herself out of her exhausted mate, who was still hilted in her drone. She turned to two blushing changelings and smile. “Clean me.” The changelings fought over each other and licked Twilight’s oversized member, watching it shrink back it it’s original size while they orally pleased the purple mare.

One of the other changelings slowly walked up behind Chrysalis and began licking her pussy, cleaning his queen.

The changelings that served Twilight licked up every speck of cum and juice off the purple dick, whimpering in need as it twitched. Twilight cooed as the strange forked tongues worked her shaft with the utmost eagerness.

The changeling that’s now pregnant with her siblings slowly crawled out from underneath her mother, only to collapse onto the floor happily with a belly full of eggs. The remaining siblings took her and carried her to the corner of the room where the only other male began feeding the young inside with his penis.

The changeling licking Chrysalis’ pussy, managed to lay her down and let her relax while he cleaned her, licking up every last bit of cum Twilight left inside her.

The remaining changelings watched their sisters lick and suck Twilight off, almost wanting their own turn. One twitched in orgasmic glee as one of the fellating sister took her supposed father into her mouth, only capable of taking half of the purple member down her throat, before being forced to retreat for air.

The other changeling licking Twilight’s shaft took her turn trying to take the purple mare into her mouth, licking along the underside while trying to resist her gag reflex, the action made Twilight wince in pleasure.

“That’s enough,” Twilight ordered, the changelings serving her whimpered in disappointment as Twilight stood up and walked over to the fallen queen.

Twilight sat on her haunches and began stroking herself with her hoof until she let out several loads of cum onto Chrysalis’ face, decorating the queen’s mane and hide in white spooge. “Thanks Chryssy, I needed that.”

Chrysalis grumbled as a few of her daughters quickly ran up to start licking the cum off out of her mane and face, annoying the changeling queen more.

Twilight left the basement, but her dick was still hard. She turned to the kitchen where Pinkie was still lying there, cum leaking out her snatch but awake enough to start eating her breakfast. “Hi Twilight! Are you gonna… again?”

“I think you need a break before we do that again, Pinkie. I’m going to visit the others. Watch over the place for me okay?” Twilight asked, giving her pink friend a soft smile.

“Okie Dokie Lokie! Just as soon as I get feeling back in my butt,” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight turned to the door and used her magic to remove her virility again, Chrysalis is one thing, but becoming a father to a dozen foals wasn’t something the scholar wanted… yet. With a plan in mind, Twilight marched into the streets of Ponyville, her magic hiding her erection from anypony she doesn’t want seeing it.


Twilight knocked on the door of the Carousel Boutique, waiting for her mare to answer the door. Her smile grew when the door opened to reveal Rarity, wearing a rather surprised look on her face. “Twilight, darling? What a delight to see you here.”

“I thought I’d drop by and… see how you’re doing,” Twilight said, her eyes trailing along her friend’s body as she entered the shop and closed the door behind her.

Rarity noticed the lewd looks Twilight gave her and smiled weakly. “We-well, it’s very nice of you to do so, Twilight. May I- Oh my,” Rarity stuttered, her eyes noticing the purple cock that tapped her alpha’s belly every so often, then it hit her, the stench of sex that followed Twilight like perfume.

“Is Sweetie Belle around?” Twilight asked, stepping forward. The action caused Rarity to start backing up.

“She’s out with her friends, why?” Rarity asked, wasn’t sure if she should be scared or ecstatic. She was then surprised to see Twilight rise on her hindlegs and rest on Rarity’s head, giving her a closer look of the scholar’s penis.

“It isn’t going to get itself ready,” Twilight chuckled, pulling Rarity closer until her shaft poked the white mare on the nose.

“I-I-I…” Rarity was speechless, her mouth hung open in shock, something Twilight took advantage of and pushed forward. The Fashionista’s eyes went wide as the purple member entered her mouth, but soon she went all out to please her stallion.

Twilight was taken back by the sudden eagerness of her generous friend, but slowly pumped her hips, testing Rarity’s gag reflex.

Rarity took everything Twilight gave like a champ, her tongue feverishly stroked what it could as the cock slowly rocked in her throat, trying to take more of the librarian in to taste more of Twilight.

“Ugh, Rarity. You mouth feels so good,” Twilight grunted, holding her friend’s head in place while she moved her hips. Rarity’s mouth felt so tight around her, the teeth tickled her cock while she thrusted while the tongue somehow managed to find all of Twilight’s most sensitive places on her dick, making the purple mare shudder in pleasure.

Rarity’s rump was moving awkwardly, her legs trying to contain the heat that developed during the blow job. Waiting for Twilight to plunge deep inside and quench her pussy’s thirst.

Twilight groaned as she pressed her fur against Rarity’s nose, letting her cum shoot directly into the white mare’s belly. Rarity was shocked at first but then submitted, letting her stallion send her delectable sperm down her throat.

Feeling somewhat sated, Twilight pulled out of her friend. Rarity took in a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes, giving her purple friend a ‘come hither’ look.

Twilight grinned and pounced, pinning Rarity underneath her while, aiming herself for another round. Rarity giggled like a schoolfilly underneath the purple mare, their eyes locked together and immediately kissed, their tongues fighting for supremacy as Twilight’s dick found it’s mark and slowly entered Rarity’s flower.

Rarity gasped but then let out a drawn out moan while Twilight nipped her neck and kissed her cheeks. “Twilight…” she whimpered, her limbs held her stallion tightly as she was filled with purple dick.

Twilight felt she reached the end of Rarity’s tunnel and began to rut the mare, quickly and powerfully. The sudden movement made Rarity gasp but caused her legs to cling to the scholar tighter.

“You beautiful mare, fuck me… fuck me!” Rarity howled, and Twilight was only eager to comply. Her hips slamming hard against the mare beneath her.

Rarity stifled her moans by burying her face in Twilight’s neck, biting it hard. Twilight flinched slightly but shrugged off the pain as the pleasure was greater, the tight walls of the white unicorn constricted and massaged her cock, begging Twilight to fill it’s womb with cum.

Rarity released her mouth’s hold and screamed, her hind legs stretched forward as her orgasm came, her liquids flowing out of her pussy and down her rump, splashing against Twilight’s fur as the dickmare continued her assault.

“Don’t worry, Rarity. That's only the first of many you’ll be having tonight,” Twilight cooed, caressing Rarity’s face with her hoof. Her horn glowed and the fashionista yelped as she felt something prod her back door. “That isn’t going there, by the way.”

Rarity gave her lover a confused look, but her eyes nearly shot out of her skull when she felt the second member trying to fight its way into her pussy. “W-wait darling, that’s a little overstuffed, they both can’t-” She was proven wrong, and her scream killed the sound in the room.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as her second member entered Rarity, slowly meeting it’s twin inside the fashionista. “Don’t worry Rarity, I’ll be gentle,” Twilight cooed, her thrusting slowed to allow both members time to test the now vice-tight orifice of her dress making friend, wincing as both members were squeezed together in the hot depths.

Rarity’s mouth was open and tried to scream, but no sound left her. Her eyes rolled back and a thick line of drool left her mouth and trailed down to the floor. Her limbs still kept their tight grip around Twilight, while her orgasm rocked her mind.

Feeling bold, Twilight attempted to resume her earlier pace, her cocks stretched Rarity’s pussy while it fought to stay small, milking both cocks for their seed. Rarity barely made a sound when her honeypot squeezed tighter around Twilight’s dual shafts as she came again quickly. Her fluids creating a decent sized puddle underneath the mares.

“It’s coming, Rarity, how much do you want it?” Twilight asked her near comatose friend. Her dicks throbbed heavily as the purple mare managed to pull one dick out and hilted herself in Rarity. One member coated Rarity’s fur with spunk while the other filled her womb, what didn’t enter Rarity’s core easily escaped through the stretched flower, joining the juices on the floor.

Twilight sighed in relief as her second member disappeared, but her dick was still hard. She looked over Rarity and found she was unconscious. Chuckling, Twilight helped the fashionista clean up and placed her in bed, and left the room to search for her next herdmate.

She didn't need to search for long, as Twilight was immediately tackled by a white and pink blur. The purple mare recovered quickly to find Fleur sucking her cock greedily. “Why hello, Fleur,” Twilight greeted, her hoof resting in the model’s mane.

Fleur purred around her alpha’s cock, trying to clean the purple shaft while also trying to coax it into letting out it’s delicious nectar. She felt her alpha flinch from the vibrations of her purring, and let out a moan, causing Fleur to smile from the idea of pleasing her stallion.

“So… what brings you here?” Twilight asked, petting the slender unicorn.

Fleur released the member and began stroking it with her hoof. “I was looking for you, and when I saw Pinkie on the table, and your changelings licking your essence off Chrysalis’ face. I… had to find you, I caught your scent at Rarity’s as well as the scream and ran as fast as I can, telling everypony that was curious to go away politely. My stallion needed me… and I came to serve,” she explained, immediately sheathing Twilight’s dick in her mouth.

Twilight chuckled at Fleur’s desire to please her alpha, happy that the model would save her some time. “Good girl,” she cooed, stroking Fleur’s head.

Fleur wanted to answer but her mouth was filled with her alpha’s dick, tasting lingering traces of Chrysalis and Pinkie while a rather hearty taste of Rarity that clung to the cock. While the stench alone got her petals moist, the taste had her mentally begging her alpha to claim her now.

“Somepony seems to enjoy my cock a lot, doesn’t she?” Twilight asked, her hoof holding Fleur’s head close to her groin. “Do you like tasting your fellow herdmates on my dick?”

The model tried to look at Twilight pleading and attempted to nod with the thick purple meat in her mouth, she emphasized this point by sucker harder than before, her hoof prodding Twilight’s pussy. She felt her hoof freeze for an unknown reason. “Did I say you can touch that? You’re focus… is my dick,” Twilight ordered, her smile never fading.

Fleur tried to nod again and continued to please her stallion with her mouth, her tongue trying to knead the hardened flesh while her throat milked her cock fruitlessly.

Twilight smirked and pulled Fleur off her member, causing the slender unicorn to whimper, staring at the wagging pillar in need. “Ride me, Fleur. Show me how much you need me,” Twilight commanded, her words dripping with lust.

Not needed to be told twice, Fleur quickly climbed up the purple mare pressed her glistening sex against the hardened penis and slowly lowered herself, gasping when the flared head entered her. Twilight’s grin grew as Fleur’s pussy took more of her maremeat.

Fleur let out a pleasurable sigh as she took her alpha to the hilt, feeling the purple member flex and throb against her walls. She squeaked when she felt the purple mare thrust upward, causing her to bounce on Twilight’s lap.

“You did come to help me, my love. So help me,” Twilight teased, thrusting her hips to get Fleur to start moving. The model’s muscles held her tightly, but the lubrication kept Twilight’s penis from being held in the same position for more than a second. A slight giggle left the scholar when the slender mare began to move along her length, the delicate white hooves pressed against the purple fur beneath them.

Twilight’s own hooves grasped Fleur’s rump and massaged her cutie marks while the white mare rode the librarian. Grinning wickedly, Twilight’s horn began to shine, the magic engulfing her dick in a raspberry colour. Twilight looked up to see Fleur’s eyes roll back as her orgasm hit, her rump twitching madly on the lavender unicorn’s lap. “Enjoy the ride?"

“What was THAT?” Fleur asked, gasping from her recent high.

“You… are feeling what I’m feeling. So long as you ride me, you get to feel my pleasure of being in you. Almost as if you’re fucking yourself,” Twilight chuckled, forcing Fleur to move again with her hooves. Fleur began to cry out in ecstasy as she not only felt the huge dick spear her constantly, but she felt her walls coil around the lilac shaft itself. As Twilight said, she felt the pull of her own pussy against her alpha’s cock. She soon grasped Twilight’s body and held it close to her own, her forelimbs hugging the lavender mare in a death grip while her hind legs tried to help move her rump along her mare’s meat.

She buried her muzzle in Twilight’s neck as she came again, biting the flesh that hid underneath the purple fur. Twilight returned the affection by brushing her cheek along Fleur’s neck, her malicious grin faded in favour of a calm, loving smile.

“Please… give me your cum… I need it so much,” Fleur begged, letting out a another scream of joy when Twilight turned up the power of her spell, forcing the model back into her orgasmic high.

“I still don’t think you earned it yet,” Twilight joked, her hooves commanding Fleur’s flanks to slap against her groin. “Show me you need my cum.”

Fleur’s eyes went wide as she released Twilight, and pushed the smaller mare down, pinning her hooves with her own as she began to move quickly, rising her hips only to drop them back down on Twilight’s base. “Must. Please. My. Alpha.” Fleur said, repeating like a mantra as she rocked her hips on top of the librarian.

Twilight, for her part, did nothing and let Fleur do as she pleased. She felt her inner-testies churn and tighten as her climax was coming, “Almost there…” she cooed, her eyes closed as she leaned her head back.

The moment Fleur registered what Twilight said, she stopped bouncing her hips and began to grind hard against her alpha’s crotch, her pussy beginning to squeeze the cock for it’s colt-milk. Fleur gasped slightly when the action caused her juices to coat Twilight’s crotch in mare fluids.

At long last, Twilight groaned as her seed shot out through her dick, with the spell still active, Fleur screamed as she came with her stallion. She felt her walls tighten around the dick while also feeling the lilac member throb against her walls, she felt each rope of sperm travel through the shaft and enter her womb. Her eyes remained staring up as she collapsed on Twilight, seeing stars as her pussy continued to milk Twilight for everything she had.

Twilight rolled Fleur onto her back and slid her self out, causing a river of cum to leak out and making the slender mare twitch in lust. “Twi-Twilight? Are… you fertile?”

“No, I removed it after Chrysalis. Why? Did you want foals?” Twilight asked, pressing her shaft back at Fleur’s entrance.

Fleur gasped form the contact and grinned. “I’m… not against it,” she teased, scooting herself closer to Twilight lazily. The lilac unicorn’s horn glowed again as a new form of lust took hold, driving her shaft back into Fleur to the hilt, causing another scream to resonate from the model.

“You wanna be a broodmare like Chrysalis, huh? You don’t even care that you’ll have to stop modelling for a bit, because my foal will be inside you, a symbol of your love for me,” Twilight cackled, the back of her head didn’t approve of her words but her lust was in control, each of the scholar’s thrusts pounded deep within Fleur.

Fleur for her part was losing her mind, her entire form was dedicated to pleasing Twilight, to milking that purple cock for that sperm, and to become a mother of her Alpha’s child. She let out a low moan as another orgasm ripped through her body violently, coaxing Twilight to cum.

With the purpose in mind, Twilight let out a sigh as she suppressed her urge to dominate her ponies, but instead breed her willing mare, sending fertile seed to mix with the sterile that occupied Fleur’s womb. Twilight kept herself hilted for a little while, past her orgasm to ensure that the model was thoroughly bred before pulling out. Smiling as only a drizzle of cum leaked from Fleur’s abused flower.

Twilight quickly teleported Fleur upstairs to sleep with Rarity and cleaned up the mess she made with a quick pulse of magic, then she hid her penis again, which remained hard for more action. She found the Cutie Mark Crusaders entering the boutique with shocked expressions.

Twilight caught by surprise as a familiar scent, the scent of one of her mares filled her nostrils. She quickly identified the scent as one of the crusaders, she gave a small smile considering it but shook her head, despite her desperate urge to mate, she didn’t like the idea of rutting a pony half her size. “Have a good day, girls. And please keep your voices down, your sister and her friend Fleur are sleeping upstairs.”

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both noticed that Scootaloo looked mortified and confused, a slight bead of drool escaping her mouth, “Scootaloo?” Applebloom asked, poking her friend.

“S-sorry, just… why is Twilight walking around with her… coltness out, doesn’t she usually hide herself and get embarrassed?” Scootaloo asked, fear filling her face as she felt her drool run along her chin and quickly wiped it away, her nose fighting off Twilight’s scent.

“What ‘re you talking ‘bout? Ah didn’t see Twilight’s thingie, you must be seeing things,” Applebloom muttered, giving her pegasus friend a confused look.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes went wide as she instantly remembered her sister. “Oh no, we have to check on Rarity!” The crusaders ran up the stairs only to gasp in fear of what Twilight did to her. Rarity’s filly parts to stretch to make a ‘O’ and there was ‘milk’ all over her ivory coat. She also did stuff to Rarity’s friend but she wasn’t a concern at the moment because her smile was bigger than Rarity’s.

Mini-Series: Twilight's Ponyville Tour (Part 2)

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{Another Dose of sex, dood.}
Twixie: (Futax5/F, Gangbang, Oral, Anal, Vaginal, cloning, Public-Play?)
TwiDashda: (Futa/Futa/F, temporary flight sex, dick growth, Anal, Vaginal, Oral, Knotting)
Twira: (Futa/F, Human, Oral, Breast Play, Vaginal, Anal, Hornjob)

Removing her fertility once again, Twilight smiled as a scroll materialized out of thin air. She smiled as there were four check marks, leaving seven in need of one. “Now… who’s ne-”

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Twilight turned her head in mild shock and amusement to see a angry blue unicorn several feet behind her. “How DARE you!”

Rolling her eyes playfully, Twilight walked over to Trixie. Each step taken caused Trixie’s anger to diminish and shrink in the scholar’s presence. “Yes, Trixie?” The purple mare asked, now face to face with the magician, her red eyes piercing through the Magician.

“I-I-Trixie is VERY upset with you, T-Mistress. You… know how Trixie dislikes you mating w-with those that are unfit to… taste your… power,” Trixie scolded, or tried to as she was visibly shaking under Twilight’s calm smile and intimidating aura.

“Oh Trixie… you know I love you, as I love all my mares. Come, I’ll show you just how much I love you…” Twilight exclaimed, her horn glowed as a bubble formed around them.

Trixie was frightened, looking for an escape. “Trixie is at odds with what she desires, can she get a few seconds to think?”

Twilight’s smile grew as four copies of herself, with piercing blue eyes instead of the original’s normal red, slowly materialized out of the bubble's walls. “But Trixie, you’ll miss out on all the fun. And don’t worry, no pony can see in, but we can see out. To everypony else, we are talking about high level magic. But to us… you are about take to take all of me at once.”

Trixie swallowed a breath and slowly scooted away, only to bump into a Twi-clone. As she fell on her rump, she immediately tried to cover herself with her cape. Only to hear the five Twilights chuckle. “You really wanted this, don’t you Trixie?” The main Twilight asked, the other Twilight merely giggled between each other, saying how much the magician needs a dick in her.

Trixie blushed heavily but slowly nodded, slowly getting onto her hooves. She caught the real Twilight make a gesture out of the corner of her eye, only to be surprised by a purple veiny cock pressed against her mouth and a smiling Twi-clone above her.

Twilight watched in glee as Trixie opened her mouth to let her clone in, her blue hooves latching onto the starburst cutie marks as she sucked harder, visibly causing the clone to groan. She turned to see her other clones rubbing their erect cocks and smiled. “She has more than one hole, you know.”

With that invitation, two of the clones approached Trixie and levitated her without making her release the member in her mouth. One Twi-clone slipped underneath, dick poised to penetrate the azure petals, while the other Twilight rested her hooves on Trixie's rump, ready to spear the poor unicorn's rectum.

Tears formed in Trixie’s eyes as she felt the invading members enter her, being fucked by three Mistresses at once while two were still waiting for their turn. The fourth clone walked over next to Trixie and sat down, levitating the blue mare’s hoof onto her erect penis.

Taking the hint, she slowly began rubbing her hoof against the final clone’s penis, struggling to stay balanced while three other mares pounded her holes. Her soft fur rubbing against the turgid length having the desired effect of making the fourth clone coo cutely, despite the panting and moaning that happened around her.

Trixie felt a caring hoof on her cheek, looking up to see the real Twilight smiling down on her. “Take a look around, Trixie.”

Trixie did as she was commanded and let her eyes wander between the purple forms that surrounded her, watching ponies walk by her and ignore the fact that she is being fucked in the middle of Ponyville in broad daylight. The sudden scare caused her pussy and mouth to clench, causing three of the Twilights to hiss from the sudden tightness.

When she finally relax, she was met with another surprised when Twilight nodded her head. The Twilights that occupied a orifice began moving quicker, causing Trixie to gag around the purple cock. The Twilight at her front pulled her dick out and tapped Trixie’s cheeks, causing saliva and pre-cum to coat her face before ramming it back down the magician’s gullet. The Twilight in her vagina wrapped her hooves around the magician, causing her body to grind against the slut of a pony. The last Twilight had her eyes closed while she recklessly rutted the poor mare's backdoor, letting the pleasure of the tight orifice wash over her senses, her hoof coming down to slap Trixie's cutie mark only to cause her cry to vibrate around the member in her mouth.

The two mares at Trixie’s rump didn’t show any concern for her safety as they forced every inch of dick deep into the blue unicorn’s holes, feeling them throb and twitch inside her, taunting her with their seed as Trixie felt her body tense and twitch with her orgasm.

The Twilight that was getting a hoof job, groaned as she felt bored, jealous of her sisters getting to feel the warm orifices of the blue mare while she just got a single fuzzy hoof. She stood up and walked over to Trixie’s rear, trying to push one of her sisters out of the way. “Wait your turn,” the Twilight in Trixie’s ass snarled.

“I want more than just a hoof, you know. Move and let me fuck this whore,” the angered Twi-clone said, fighting against the rutting mares to a hole to fuck.

She soon found herself being levitated back by Trixie’s needy hoof, but this time her seat had something jutting out of it.

“I need some attention too… and just because you are a shadow of me, doesn’t mean you can call MY mares whores, whore,” Twilight retorted with sick smile, forcing her rebellious clone to take her meat to the hilt, Trixie’s right eye went wide upon seeing her Mistress fuck herself in an oddly literal way, making her hotter and more needy. Her hoof fighting to grasp the flailing Tw-clone cock next to her. Letting out a purring sound once her hoof began stroking the penis once again, watching in glee as the owner rode the real Twilight’s penis.

Twilight chuckled as her own clones proved to have tight and welcoming pussies themselves. The clone on her lap moaning as she received dual pleasure.

Trixie’s eyes lost focus as the members inside her felt bigger, growing inside her as they prepared to cum. Her pussy and ass clenching tight in a futile attempt to keep the clone’s cream inside her.

With a muffled scream, Trixie came again. Her body writhing between the five mares, her every orifice demanding to be seeded as the three mares around her groaned in unison, she let out a happy noise when she felt cum not only sliding down her throat like water jets, but to feel her rectum and pussy both be filled by clone seed.

The rebellious clone whinnied in pleasure as her cock shot out streams of cum onto Trixie’s head, as her pussy clamped down on the original’s in the midst of her own orgasm. The real Twilight let her clone ride out her orgasm before removing herself from the clone's pussy and lying her on the pavement, sliding her dick out to find it was slick with juices and ready for more pussy. “You three, make use of your sister, I got a mare to claim.”

The three clones grinned maliciously as they swarmed the clone that tried to interrupt their fun. The solitary clone was unable to react to two dicks pressing against her cheeks while the third entered her used pussy.

When Trixie’s eyes refocused, she found Twilight blowing two other Twilights while a fourth Twilight stretched her pussy. The middle Twilight’s dick flopped uselessly between the others, looking rather delicious to the magician. Her gaze soon found a fifth Twilight behind her, sliding her dick along her crack and coating the silver tail’s base in her previous mate's juices. The strange red irises of the fifth Twilight convinced the magician that this is the real one. “Enjoying the show?”

“Ye-yes, Mistress,” Trixie stuttered, swallowing her breath as her loins burned from the Twilight gang bang she just experienced and now witnessing. “Are you not joining them?”

“I can sorta see why you girls think I got a nice butt, but…” Twilight paused, her hooves tracing Trixie’s cutie marks. “I see a better piece of flank here.” She emphasized the point with a slap on Trixie’s rear, causing her to yelp.

She levitated Trixie to face the mating clones while positioning her dick to enter the magician’s absurd flower. “I hope the clone here kept you tight for me, I normally don’t like getting sloppy seconds.”

“Sorry about that, I sorta stretched her out,” the Twilight receiving a blow job laughed, thrusting her hips into her sister’s mouth.

Twilight merely chuckled as she forced her every inch deep into Trixie, feeling her clone’s seed cover her cock as she reached the very depths of the blue mare.

Despite the recent fucking, Trixie still screamed as she felt her true Mistress' cock enter her. Her eyes fighting to remain open as one of the Twilight’s laid back, repositioning her cock to enter the submissive clone’s rectum while the clone that answered Twilight earlier shoved her dick as deep as she could into her magical sister's used pussy. The final clone stood above the middle mare and forced her to suck more purple cock. The clone pounding purple pussy raised her tail to allow Trixie a clear view two dark purple cocks entering and extracting themselves from the panting Twilight clone.

The mere sight mesmerized Trixie, but didn’t keep her from feeling the real Twilight rutting her hard. Groaning as the lilac member inside her hit her g-spot over and over again.

Twilight could feel Trixie was getting worn out, and grimaced. “Trixie, you only came twice. Are you really out of steam already?”

“N-no!” Trixie announced, struggling to her hooves while failing to realize that Twilight has her pinned. “Trixie can do more, Trixie… can still please Mistress.”

"Interesting, that pleases me very much, Trixie," Twilight chuckled, her horn glowing brightly.

Trixie felt her body come alive while Twilight began pounding her pussy again, the muscles at her rear returning to normal to tighten around the invading appendage. Her rump thrusting back onto the purple member while the scene before her played out. “Screw Trixie closer, she has something she must do!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated Trixie closer to the mating Twilights, She nudged her head between the the masses of purple fur to wrap her lips around the clone that was getting railed by her sisters, bobbing her head feverishly while her free hoof rubbed what she couldn’t get into her mouth and making the Twi-clone she’s blowing squirm in pleasure.

The Twi-clone that rebelled earlier couldn’t take the new sensation and moaned around the purple cock in her mouth as she came, her juices leaking around her sister’s cock while shooting her spunk into Trixie’s mouth.

The Two Twilight’s fucking her magical sibling’s ass and pussy groaned as the two holes tightened around them, their cocks shooting thick ropes of cum into the Twilight they’ve been pounding, letting out shallow breaths as they unloaded all they had into the purple rump.

The Twi-Clone at her sister’s head bit her lip, blasting the back of the Twi-clone throat while she continued to ram her dick deep inside her sibling’s mouth, enjoying the feeling of her tight throat over her cockhead.

Trixie felt her own orgasm coming, drinking in the cum that shot and leaked out of the clone before her. The pressure in her rump telling her that the real Twilight wasn’t quite there, as she joyously sank herself deep and pulled out like a machine, letting out quiet moans and giggles.

Smirking, Twilight pulled Trixie onto her lap and let out a whistle. “Girls, front and center.” The Twi-clones looked at each other and sat obediently before Twilight and Trixie, while one of them slow limped over. “Now, Trixie. Show me your magic and make them cum all over you,” Twilight ordered.

Trixie’s pinkish magic glowed around the four erect penises before her, pulsing around them and making the four Twilights moan and grunt. Trixie had some difficulty keeping her magic going while the thick purple meat in her pussy but she did all she could to please her Mistress.

At that moment, a blue blur shot down next to them. “What the hay are you-” Rainbow Dash stopped to see four Twilight’s preparing to cum all over Trixie while a fifth pounded the blue mare’s cooch. “Whoa.”

“Rainbow, thanks for making things a little easy for me. Could -Mmmm- wait until I’m done with Trixie?” the fifth Twilight said, winking at the blue pegasus.

Rainbow sat down and watched the scene play out before her. “I… I thought you were just talking… what in the world?”

“Magic, Dash. It can cause and solve all sorts of problems,” Twilight joked, grunting as she felt her own climax coming close. The four unicorns in front of them were gasping as their dicks throbbed in pink light, the sole blue unicorn opened her mouth wide to receive the clones' gifts.

Rainbow’s hoof quickly began to rub herself, her eyes widening as the four Twilight’s let out a cry, painting Trixie in white cum while the Twilight screwing her muffled her groan as she filled the magician’s pussy. Trixie swallowed what entered her mouth and licked up what she could off her lips as she laid back in her Mistress' embrace, riding the aftershocks of her latest orgasm.

Letting out a pleasurable sigh, Twilight teleported Trixie into her bed in the library as her clones slowly disappeared in a field of purple butterflies, the clone that rebelled giving a weak glare before joining her sisters.

Twilight cleaned the street she was using with her magic and turned to Rainbow Dash, her dick still erect and ready for more mares. “How are you today, Rainbow?”

“I’m doing good,” Rainbow mouthed with very little sound leaving as she stared at Twilight’s cock. “So… was doing Trixie in the middle of town part of your schedule?”

“No schedule but with how things are going, I might as well. Breakfast with Pinkie, checking on Chrysalis’ brood, visited Rarity for a bit and met up with Fleur, then gave Trixie a show, I’m thinking that the next thing on my list is flying… with you,” Twilight claimed, with a seductive smile across her lips.

Rainbow smiled at the prospect of flying with a friend other than Gilda, as great of a flier the griffon was. “Awesome, let’s g-” She quickly remembered that Twilight had no wings. “How are you going to fly without wings, Twi? Magic?”

“You could carry me, I don’t exactly trust the butterfly wings I gave Rarity at the moment,” Twilight said.

“Oh, that would kinda mean we can’t do tricks, though,” Rainbow stated, frowning.

“Well, Gilda told me once before that you and her… joined a special club at Flight School and was wondering you could help me join,” Twilight smirked.

Rainbow was confused for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. “Wait… but, how? you’ll be on my ba-” She was startled by Twilight teleporting onto her back, her back legs hanging off her rump and her ridge dick pressed between her cheeks.

“Start flying,” Twilight whispered into Rainbow’s ear. The blue pegasus took off with her purple passenger. What confused her was that Twilight didn’t feel like she weighed anything, as matter of fact, she felt lighter than Scootaloo. She gasped when she felt the hard member press against her anus. “Just keep flying and let me do the rest.”

Not wanting to be seen, Rainbow ascended high above with her passenger, blushing as the purple unicorn pressed herself into her bottom while her hooves held on tight. She yelped as she fought off the urge of her wings tensing when the head of her alpha’s dick pushed in.

Twilight’s grip on Rainbow’s waist tightened when she continued to push her meat deep between the speedster’s cheeks, loving the attention the blue mare’s muscles gave her as she sunk in.

Rainbow Dash had troubles controlling her altitude as Twilight slowly moved her purple hips against blue fur. Her wings struggling to go rigid under the constant stimulation the pegasus was going through. She found a cloud and saw it as her blessing, she swerved to land only to feel something pull her away, forcing her wings to flap and bring her higher. “I wanna fly, Dashie. If I wanted to fuck you on a cloud I would have said so,” Twilight scolded, but never losing the cocky smile she had developed.

Rainbow bit her lip, not wanting to anger the spellcaster rutting her. She continued to lazily soar through the skies, while her marehood leaked and fell to the ground far beneath them.

Twilight attempted to go fast but found some difficulty doing so without the use of her legs. “This seems hard, must be easier when you two were just eating each other out, huh?”

“We actually… made out while flying, then we landed on a -jeez- cloud to have sex, so long as you’re -Mmm- in the air and fucking, it’s still the… Mile High Club,” Rainbow uttered, her wings losing power as her rump stole what strength it could to please the member nestled inside.

Twilight thought about it. “Very well, land us and I’ll continue,” she shrugged, slightly disappointed that she won’t cum inside her friend while in flight. Rainbow thanked the stars as she found a cloud and laid down, Twilight quickly cast a cloud walking spell before letting her hooves touch the cloud and slapped her friend across the flank to get her ready, all the while making good on her promise. She then continued her anal assault, causing Rainbow to moan and squeal as her face was pressed into the white fluffy expanse, leaking mare fluids as she slowly recovered from her first orgasm.

“Having fun without me?” Twilight turned her head, not stopping in the slightest just because somepony talked to her. She found Gilda landing next to them, she walked over and scratched behind Rainbow’s ears, causing her to moan in pleasure. “Shame on you both,” the griffon joked.

“Well, Rainbow does have one other hole…” Twilight said a wicked smile crossing her lips and her horn shining in a pale purple light.

Gilda looked at Twilight in confusion. “I actually wasn’t expecting to see you two fucking in the sky, so I forg- WHOA!” She was shocked to see a barbed cock with a bulb at the base hanging between her rear legs, hard and ready. She looked back up to see Twilight, now on her rump, using her fore-hooves to spread Rainbow’s hind legs and revealing her moist pussy. “That’s… so damn tempting.”

“Trust me, it’s better than a toy, Gilda. Just mount her,” Twilight cooed, making the speedster bounce on her lap.

Rainbow stared at the griffon penis before her, unsure what to make of it, but wanted it inside her regardless. Gilda slowly marched forward and gripped Dash’s legs, poking her pussy lips with the pointed tip.

Gilda took a deep breath and pushed forward, spearing Rainbow Dash and pressing her body between the two. She had used strap-ons before, but to have her own flesh stick to stick ponies with was new to her. She felt her long time friend’s walls close in around her, and how her barbs rubbed against the flexing walls, fighting to keep her nestled deep inside the blue pegasus. Her eyes clenched from not just how tight Rainbow truly felt but how hot her insides were, feeling like it was searing her new appendage.

Twilight smiled widely as Gilda now tried to thrust, forcing the barbs to scrape against the inner walls of Rainbow Dash while trying to push her knot into the writhing pegasus. Her own cock was snugly kept inside the blue pegasus’ rectum, held tightly by the orifice inner walls.

With Twilight’s thick cock stretching her ass and Gilda’s cock scraping her walls with her barbs and trying to push a baseball-like knot into her cooch, Rainbow’s senses were being overwhelmed. Her hooves tried to find a hold on one of her mates, flinching as Twilight’s crotch met her rump or whenever the bulbous knot slammed against her groin. Her juices leaking past the two cocks and landing through the cloud they were on.

“Is… this how you feel when you fuck us? This feels so awesome,” Gilda panted, thrusting harder, her need to shove herself to the base in her childhood friend increasing with each thrust.

“It feels better when you cum, and feel those walls suck you in deeper, milking you for your seed,” Twilight commented in a seductive voice, her hooves forcing Rainbow back down on her cock while licking behind Rainbow's ears.

With one hard thrust, Gilda managed to bury her bulb into the blue pegasus, her mind reeling from the sudden warmth that consumed the her inflated prick. Rainbow, on the other hoof, cried out as the large knot entered her body, stretching her pussy to it's limits. Forcing her to climax immediately.

Twilight only giggled as Gilda tried to rock herself again, only to find that she is firmly attached to the speedster’s groin. “Crap, I'm stuck."

“Make the most of it, it’ll only shrink when you cum,” Twilight said, continuing to use Rainbow like a cocksleeve.

Gilda smirked and did shallow thrusts, finding Rainbow Dash’s walls massaging her knot and cock much more eagerly. Licking her lips as she felt herself come close.

Twilight scrunched her face as she unleashed her load, deep inside Rainbow Dash’s intestines. She cuddled up to Rainbow while Gilda continued to grind and thrust into the blue mare, rubbing her belly while her dick jerked and throbbed inside her mare.

Gilda was next, growling as she felt her seed leaving her body. Her eyes going wide as the alien sensation of her cum being milked by the eager pussy's muscles, demanding more form her new appendage. Such new pleasure caused the large flier to pull the Rainbow-maned pegasus into her chest while her cock spurted it's contents.

Rainbow's eyes were glossed over, only seeing a large expance of brown fur and white feathers while she felt Twilight and Gilda fill her to the brim with cum, she could feel the thick liquid oozing out of her ass, but the griffon's knot made it impossible for Gilda's seed to leave the blue pegasus.

Gilda looked to see Rainbow drooling, her hooves swayed next to her, still impaled by both she-cocks. The griffon chuckled as she felt the knot shrink inside of Rainbow and pulled herself out. Gilda was jerked back to see her dick unable to leave the pegasus, the bulb was still a bit too large to exit the blue lips, wincing as Rainbow’s walls continued to milk the griffon dick for anything else that’s left. “Well, guess it’s time for round two,” the griffon smirked, more than ready to give her old friend another session.

Rainbow didn’t have time to realize Gilda pushing her back onto the cloud, her legs weakly trying to wrap around the griffon. A weak smile appeared on her face when Gilda began the round roughly.

Gilda squawked when she felt a hoof on her rear, she turned to see Twilight ready to fuck her from behind. “How did you get there?”

“Magic, it solves almost every problem,” Twilight quipped, aligning herself to enter the griffon.

“Are you seriously-” The thrust of Twilight’s hips answered Gilda’s question, causing her own cock to rock into Rainbow’s pussy.

“Gilda, you should know by now that your hole is mine, just because I gave you a dick doesn’t mean I won’t claim your pussy as much as I please,” Twilight chuckled, holding nothing back for the griffon as she began rutting the griffon relentlessly, her own movements controlling Gilda’s.

With Rainbow’s pussy still trying to milk her cock and Twilight fucking her like a maniac, Gilda quickly found herself panting like a bitch in heat, soon joining Rainbow Dash in sexual bliss. She felt the flat-tipped member push deep inside her, forcing her into Rainbow's stretched pussy, still stuffed with the griffon's knot.

Twilight smiled as today’s plan continued to go ‘swimmingly’. She was rather surprised to see Gilda struggling to stay in control within the first few minutes of penetration, her new cock wanted release again and her pussy wanted her purple shaft, sucking her in as she pulled out only to ram it back in.

Rainbow only saw Gilda drooling onto her fur and breathing hard, and a brief glimpse of Twilight behind her, but she felt the unicorn force the griffon to grind her crotch against the pegasus’ blue lips, forcing the knot to grow once again within the tight passage. Clenching her teeth as the bulb tested the limits of her vagina's elasticity.

Gilda’s mind went blank a few times with Twilight mounting her pussy and how Rainbow’s pussy squeezed her new appendage. The thick purple member pounding her insides like a powerful battering ram, forcing her to rut Rainbow Dash as much as she could with the knot still connecting the fliers together.

With one last thrust, Twilight grinned like how she would imagine a villain would grin when she felt Gilda’s wall become slick with the griffon’s orgasm, coating her cock in griffoness-cum. The scream of pleasure from Rainbow Dash notified the purple unicorn that the blue pegasus just came as well. Not wanting to be left out, Twilight gave her griffon companion a few quick thrusts and one final powerful one and began to fill another mate.

Gilda squawked is shock of feeling Twilight fill her womb with her cum while her own cock shot deep into Rainbow, her knot deflating quickly as the pent up loads were ejected from the barbed tip.

Letting her griffon’s pussy milk what it could from the purple shaft, Twilight pulled out and rewarded herself with a mental pat on the back. Before she laid Gilda and Rainbow Dash down, Gilda’s cock disappeared in a puff of magic and causing a small flood of her seed to exit the blue pegasus, joining the unicorn’s cum as it left the griffon’s slit and the speedster’s ass.

Conjuring her cloud-walking spell again in case it would wear out during the final step, Twilight sat down on the cloud and let out a whistle, watching as Rainbow and Gilda lazily shifted their gazes to their alpha and her erect penis, coated in cum and juices. “It got a bit dirty… clean it.”

They two slowly advanced to Twilight, Gilda on one side and Rainbow on the other, and began licking along each side, the griffon focused on the shaft while the pegasus suckled the head. The unicorn let out a happy sigh, lying back on the cloud and took a quick nap while her girls cleaned her cock, all the while planning on which of her mares she’ll visit next.


Her dick all clean and dripping with griffon and pegasus saliva, Twilight happily skipped through Ponyville after dropping her exhausted friends off at Rainbow’s cloud home. She conjured her checklist again and placed a check mark next to Gilda and Rainbow Dash’s faces. “Applejack, Zecora… Fluttershy is still pregnant, but would she mind if I ‘visited’ our child?” Twilight muttered to herself, then shook her head disapprovingly. “Nah, better to stay safe with anal. No Spike so I can’t send a letter to Luna, wonder if she would let the Nightmare consume her so I can get her back for that one time?” Twilight smiled as she thought about her dick sandwiched between the mouths of both Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon, panting in need and desperate for purple cock.

Twilight’s train of thought derailed when she walked into somepony, causing her to fall on her rump. She shook her head and saw Lyra recovering from her daze. ‘Not exactly one of my mares, but… I’m sure she won’t mind, and if Bon-Bon comes after me, I’ll give her another taste too’ the purple mare planned, as she helped her schoolfriend up. “Are you okay, Lyra?”

“Yeah, it’s cool,” Lyra uttered. She stood up and flashed Twilight a smile. “Came to read in the park?”

Twilight shot a confused look before noticing she was in the park. “I thought… I’d go for a walk, care to join me?”

“Sure, I’m not due back for-” Lyra’s eyes shot open when a familiar odour filled her nostrils and looked down to see Twilight’s erect member, throbbing in need. “What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to hide that?”

“Only ponies I WANT to see it, can see it. And I have a spell you might be interested in,” Twilight cooed, smiling seductively at the mint-green unicorn.

“I dunno, Bon-Bon never liked sharing me, and you remember how badly she took it, right?” Lyra chuckled weakly.

“All I remember is Bon-Bon begging to be fucked by my mom and I while you watched and clopped to us showing your marefriend who the boss is,” Twilight answered calmly, she glanced to secluded part of park that was thick with bushes and trees. “If it’ll make you feel better, we can go do it over there, and I’ll cloak us so that no one will see it.”

“You sure?” Lyra asked, still torn between having sex with Twilight and staying loyal to Bon-Bon.

“Think of it this way, you tell Bon-Bon we did it and she’ll come to me and be mad about it then I’ll… talk to her and get her back on your side. You are helping me with a magic experiment after all,” Twilight reasoned, losing her patience quickly.

“Well, okay… but only in the name of magic, right?” Lyra resolved, following Twilight to the hidden glade in the park. Once there, Lyra sat on her rump and waited patiently. “So what’s the spell exactly?”

“I remember in school you talked a lot about some mythical race called humans, what are your thoughts of them now?” Twilight asked.

“I think I was stupid for thinking they were so great, fingers are one thing but magic is a lot better,” Lyra chuckled.

“Let’s combine the two shall we?” Twilight cooed, her horn flaring to life and consume her and Lyra’s body, blinding the musician. When the light faded, Lyra looked and saw five small appendages on her oddly soft and fur-less hooves, managing to flex them as if she had that knowledge her whole life. She look up to Twilight, who simply sat on the grass with her own hands and feet attached to the gangly limbs, with her purple skin and a horn poking through her mane as it always did. What seemed odd was that the breasts moved more north on both their bodies, Lyra’s own pair were oddly large to her, enough to fill her new hands, giggling as how sensitive they were and how much smaller Twilight’s breasts were in comparison. “Har har, I’m still big where it counts.” the scholar joked, spreading her legs to show off her stallionhood, which remained unchanged.

“Uhh, aren’t we bigger? So would it make sense that it would grow too?” Lyra asked, scratching her head.

“We didn’t grow, we are the same height as if we were standing on our hindlegs. and Human vaginas are smaller than pony pussy so… I suggest you get me ready,” Twilight said, stroking her hard cock for the white haired former-pony.

Lyra glanced back to her rear and found that it wasn’t as big as it was when she was a pony, and that it lacked a tail. Each side of her butt still adorned her lyre cutie marks, which she sighed in relief. She then inspected her own pussy, her eyes going wide in fear as it did look smaller in this form, slowly trailing up to Twilight’s unchanged member. “Ye-yeah, I’ll get right on it.”

Twilight grinned as the white-haired girl crawled forward. Lyra took the shaft in her hands and slowly stroked in the same manner the purple-skinned unicorn did earlier. She felt the dick throb in her grasp while Twilight purred her approval, she slowly brought the flat head into her mouth and suckled the tip while continuing to stroke member’s flesh.

“That’s right, don’t be shy. Take as much as you can,” Twilight moaned, her hands running through Lyra’s hair, petting the other girl approvingly.

Lyra’s blush grew darker when she heard that, it sounded like what Bon-Bon would say in bed, but it also strangely felt like it as well. She didn’t know how Twilight suddenly became so forward, especially about sex, but it wasn’t a turn off in any way, just strange. It wasn’t long before she felt Twilight’s fingers gripped her head and pushed more of her cock down the musician’s throat. The difficulty of taking such a beast in her throat only proved that her throat was smaller than before as well.

The librarian released her friend and returning to her petting, keeping her dick in Lyra’s mouth while doing so. Lyra began coughing harshly as air re-entered her body but did her best to please the purple girl.

“That’s enough,” Twilight ordered, Lyra removed the purple member from her mouth, not before giving the tip a few more licks before sitting up. “Lie on your back and spread your legs.” As instructed, Lyra laid back on the grass with her legs wide open, getting ready to take her school friend.

Smiling like a pervert, Twilight walked over on her knees and placed her hands on Lyra’s legs, running them over her mint-coloured skin. She gave a weak thrust that caused her dick to slap against Lyra's belly, letting a few drips of pre-cum fall on the musician’s body. “Ready?”

Lyra gave a slow nod and shut her eyes tight, in case her theory of Twilight being too big now becomes true. The librarian hummed a tune and used a hand to position her cock for Lyra’s waiting entrance, and with no hesitation, she pushed in, spreading her lips and sinking half her dick inside.

Lyra let out a howl as her back arched, Twilight was too thick and she couldn’t hold back her screams. The purple stallionhood continued to push forward, spreading Lyra’s walls further apart. Twilight’s hands gripping her friend’s ass tightly as the vice-like warmth consumed her member in it’s embrace. Lyra's new hands scratching at the grass and soil, digging up dirt while the purple dick rammed her hard.

A few more thrusts later and Twilight’s crotch met Lyra’s. The two panted roughly after fighting the musician’s tightness. Reassuring her grip, Twilight slowly pulled herself out only to ram it back in powerfully, making Lyra let out another shriek.

In the midst of her frantic thrusting, Twilight leaned forward and began suckling Lyra’s tits, becoming more and more interested in the musician’s new mammaries. Her tongue licking around the hard nipple, while one hand massaged the other breast. The size and the distance from the valley to Lyra's lips was also something Twilight desired to test later, should Lyra remain awake long enough.

It wasn’t long until Twilight pulled Lyra onto her lap, making the white haired human ride on her dick, finding it easier to sample the musician’s teats. “You know… Lyra, these breasts of, mmmm, yours are really nice. Wish ponies had something similar to these creatures.”

Lyra only moaned, the feeling of the large dick inside her slit and Twilight’s hands and lips on her new breasts made electric tingles crawl along her spine. Her arm kept Twilight’s head pinned to her mouth while the other hand went to greet the purple hand on her butt, squeezing it to entice the scholar to fuck her harder, her eyes locking onto Twilight’s purple horn.

Twilight gasped around Lyra’s nipple when she felt the musician gave her horn a long lick. The surprise caused her to pull the white-haired female hard onto her dick, making Lyra yelp in surprise as she felt the flat head pressed firmly against her womb’s entrance, and each vein against her walls. Both ponies-turned-humans felt a tinge of pain from the sensation of Twilight ramming her dick against the cervix wall hard. “Ouch,” Twilight muttered, her lust fought the pain away as she slowly returned to her rhythm of rutting Lyra with some strength, but careful not to hurt her mare again.

Lyra’s pain slowly drained out for pleasure as she began bouncing on Twilight’s crotch once again, her mouth returned to the scholar’s horn regardless of the consequences from earlier and felt Twilight’s hand moving down to her rump and forced her to ride faster.

Now that the earlier annoyance has disappeared, Twilight’s grin reappeared as she sucked on Lyra’s breasts, tasting slight traces of milk on her lips and tongue.

Lyra felt her climax coming close and redoubled her efforts, riding Twilight’s cock faster and suck her horn harder, taking it to the base as the blue hair tickled her nostrils. One final thrust and Lyra’s head shot back as she let out a cry of bliss.

Twilight felt Lyra’s walls close in around her penis and bit hard on the pink nipple as her dick began spewing her seed deep into the mint-green skinned girl. The librarian breathed a sigh of relief as she pushed Lyra off her, her cock slipping out of the pink folds, watching it leak white cum onto the grass. Glancing back around to see if any pony is watching her, and smirking when she turned back to her old school friend.

Lyra felt her body roll onto her belly, her eyes went wide when she felt the slippery appendage sliding between her buttcheeks. She slowly turned around to see the dark-skinned dickgirl, with a sinister smile on her face and a hard dick laying on her cheeks. “Ready?”

“How do you have the- EEK” Lyra’s train of thought stopped when she felt Twilight’ pull her hair back. The librarian scooted back and pulled Lyra onto her hands and knees, her free hand pressing her cock against Lyra’s anus. “Hold on, wait!”

“You… don’t order me around, slut,” Twilight berated, slamming her dick deep into Lyra’s ass, forcing her to scream. “At least now I don’t have to worry about your cervix.”

The musician continued to scream for a moment while Twilight roughly abused her backdoor, slapping her rump and calling her a little filly. Her voice began to lose power as her throat became sore; her arms were losing strength, but the dominating girl kept her friend up by her hair.

“You already know that you and Bonnie have done much worse, so what is with the weakness now? You can do better than this, slut,” Twilight goaded, cackling as she slapped Lyra’s rump again.

While it was true that Bon-Bon has been worse on Lyra before, but it was weird for Twilight to be like this. All her time with the candy-making mare taught her that she loved to be used and abused, usually by Bon-Bon’s hooves and strap-ons but Twilight’s dick is a nice replacement. “N-no, I… can do better.”

Twilight became annoyed by her lack of respect for the better mare and spanked her again, this time hard enough to make the skin match Big Mac’s coat. “What do you say?”

Lyra knew this game very well, and knew the answer. “Please… let me do better, Mistress.”

“Mistress?” Twilight asked, still annoyed but liking the way it rolls off her tongue. Mistress Twilight, nice ring but not as nice as what she wanted, but it didn't sound right from anyone besides Trixie. “That isn’t what I’m looking for, what do you call your better?”

Lyra was beginning to feel scared, Mistress always worked with Bon-Bon but not Twilight? Trixie called Twilight Mistress all the time, but now? “Please fuck me, princess.”

“So you see a pair of wings on my back? No, What do you call your better?” Twilight snarled, she kept her dick lodged deep in Lyra’s ass, not moving an inch until Lyra said the right words.

Lyra sucked in a breath and yelled out. “Please fuck me, alpha!”

Twilight smiled. “That’s better.” With that said, she began rutting the musician hard, making her groan in pleasure as her juices and Twilight’s cum dripped from her ass and pussy, chanting “fuck me, Alpha” like a mantra while her arms finally gave out. Twilight released her grip from Lyra’s hair, allowing her to fall to the grass, her hand massaging the mint-green coloured cheeks.

A few more thrusts and Twilight grunted as her next orgasm shot deep into Lyra’s bowels, coating her insides with white spunk. Lyra wasn’t far behind as she cried into the grass, her own orgasm ripping the last of her rationality to pieces, loving how her ‘alpha’ used her as she pleased.

Twilight wiped her brow of sweat as she rolled Lyra onto her back and looming over her chest, rubbing her dick between the musician’s breasts and sighing as she let the last of her orgasm paint her breasts and face with cum.

After painting her mare white, Twilight found her fur returning. She stepped off of Lyra only to watch the unconscious girl return to her mint-green unicorn form. Twilight shook her head, as she quickly adjusted to having hooves again and looked over her latest accomplishment. Lyra was oozing cum from her pussy and ass, and cum coated her face and fur. A sight that made the scholar proud of herself.

The librarian used her magic to clean Lyra and herself up before departing, teleporting Lyra to her home to ensure somepony doesn’t find her so vulnerable. ‘Interesting distraction, but I still have to rut Applejack, Zecora, Fluttershy, and Luna,’ she thought to herself, she looked up to see the sun, finding it should be late afternoon. “Plenty of time.”

Mini-Series: Twilight's Ponyville Tour (Part 3)

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{The last bits of the Alpha Chapter, dood}
Twicorjack: (Futa/F/F, Voyeurism, Cunnilingus, Vaginal, Oral)
Twishy: (Futa/F, Pregnant Sex, Anal, Sleep Sex, Vaginal)
Twiluna: (Futa/Futa/F/F/F, Vaginal, Group Sex, Cunnilingus, Tentacle-crotch, Revenge Fucking)

Applejack had a long enough day, after clearing five acres of apple trees, she figured she deserved a break before getting back to it. She walked over to Barn Three and rested against the red wall, only to scrunch her face as she heard giggling and moaning. She slowly walked over to the barn’s entrance and peaked her head in, finding her friend and, to a lesser extent, mate bending Zecora over a crate, her hard dick trying to find purchase in the zebra's folds.

“There we… go,” Twilight cooed, sinking her cock into the shamaness’ moist cooch. Zecora moaned into her hooves, feeling the full force of her alpha claiming her.

Applejack remained hidden behind the door and watched the scene play out, her hoof drifting down to rub her pussy with a hoof.

The farmer flinched when Twilight asked. “Did you get tighter, Zecora? You feel a lot better than last time.” Her hips pounding into the zebra’s backside hard, causing the older mare to shudder and moan.

She knew this was a bad idea, but her body wouldn't respond. Applejack kept staring at the two’s backside, envious of the zebra’s current position. Her hoof tried to dig deeper into her folds, watching the scholar’s rump slam against the shamaness’, the purple cock sliding deep into the striped female’s slit before retracting.

It took a moment but Applejack finally noticed that Zecora’s face has white stains on it, possibly meaning that she had sucked Twilight off before getting mounted. What startled the farmer was that every so often, her eyes would play tricks on her, making Zecora's fur turn orange, her sun swirl mark turning into three apples.

Applejack had to shake her head out of it’s stupor before Zecora completely turned into another orange farmer, then noticed something odd about Twilight. The unicorn seems much more dominating, sure she could command ponies but not like this, her thrusting wasn’t just to please her special somepony (or at least one of them) but to make them kneel to her, and… when did Twilight get her hat? Applejack reached for her hat, finding it wasn’t there and glanced back to Twilight; the purple mare was staring at her, lust and power filled her irises as she rutted Zecora hard.

“Don’t be shy, Applejack. Come and take a closer look, I don’t mind and Zecora doesn’t either,” Twilight cooed, Applejack wanted to run but she did as she was told, walking deeper into the barn, to watch her alpha fuck the shaman. “That’s a good girl.” For some reason, being called a good girl made Applejack happy, a short smile appeared on her face, awaiting her reward for being such a good girl.

No such reward came… yet, “Lick me while I fuck Zecora, she already came twice and I feel her coming close to her third and I want to fill her like the others,” Twilight commanded. Applejack didn’t understand the ‘others’ maybe she had sex with some of the other mares in this herd, but she was told to taste her alpha’s cock and, sure as sugar, she was going to do it.

The Farmer ducked underneath the pony and zebra as Twilight pulled Zecora slightly off the crate, giving Applejack more room. She leaned forward and gave what wasn’t inside the zebra a long lick, teasing the shaman’s clitoris as well by accident. While Twilight let out a pleasurable sigh from the touch of her friend’s tongue, Zecora moaned loud as a third orgasm filled her senses.

The new feeling of Applejack's tongue sliding against her love button made the zebra buckle between the two ponies. Her Alpha's poundings came quicker, the girth grew within her as the blunt tip became pressed against her womb, eager to feed her womb the protein it desired. Another lick from the farmer brought Zecora to her next orgasm, her legs losing strength only to be kept up by Twilight who began to thrust harder into the shamaness.

Twilight clenched her teeth as her cock erupted in Zecora’s pussy, sending her seed deep into the zebra. Applejack’s tongue felt each powerful burst escape her Alpha’s rod from the purple underside, wanting to taste what now resides in Zecora’s marehood.

Twilight pulled out and stepped back, leaving Zecora panting hard and semi-conscious; Her dick dripping with sex and still hard and ready for more pussy. “Clean her,” the scholar said. Applejack nodded and began licking her Alpha’s cum out of the zebra, relishing the tangy, salty, and oddly sweet taste of Zecora’s juices and Twilight’s cum.

Applejack gasped when she felt the hard member pressing into her pussy, spreading her lips apart and entering her hot embrace. “Keep eating her out while I help you with your… problem.” She ended her sentence with a hard thrust, deep into Applejack’s pussy, forcing the farmer to moan into Zecora’s cooch.

Holding the farmer’s hips tight, Twilight began to rut her mare hard, pushing her member as deep as it could go, and forcing the orange mare’s snout deeper into the shaman’s pussy. With all the pussy she had today so far, Applejack was definitely one of the tightest she’s fucked so far; so tight that Twilight could have swore that her honest friend was cumming in midst of her lust, but the scholar knew it would take more to get Applejack off.

Like a voice whispering in her ear, Applejack had a sinking suspicion that Twilight is acting very strange, she’s normally more passionate and careful; just plain odd for the purple mare to jump to sex and make her mares moan. Not exactly something the farmer wanted gone forever, but it was just too bizarre for the librarian. This thought's power weakened each time Twilight’s rod sunk deep into Applejack’s pussy, bringing the farmer closer and closer to her climax.

Zecora slowly began to stir, groaning as the farmer licked her pussy clean. “Ugh-Ooh, what have I awoken to?”

“Welcome back to… the waking world, isn’t it nice of Applejack to clean you while you were napping? You should repay her,” Twilight grunting, feeling the farmer’s powerful muscles trying to milk her cock.

Zecora slowly nodded as she slipped away from the crate, causing Applejack to whimper when the zebra’s pussy moved away from her mouth. The Shaman staggered forward to the other mares and slowly brought Applejack’s mouth to her own, trading saliva and Twilight’s cum between their mouths.

Twilight felt Zecora trying to push her and Applejack onto their backs. Rolling her eyes, the scholar allowed it and laid down, with Applejack lying on top of her, Twilight’s rump still pumping the purple length into the orange mare. Zecora soon trailed her kisses down to the farmer’s teats and suckled each nipple, her hoof rubbing Applejack’s pleasure buzzer.

Applejack’s inner muscles tightened, causing Twilight to flinch and raise a brow. “Coming already?”

“N-no, I’m… still g-good to go,” Applejack whimpered. She turned her head to kiss Twilight, locking lips with the purple mare while Zecora teased her milk glands and clit. The unicorn kept the kiss going for as long as possible, the farmer’s tongue in a frenzy alongside her own.

Applejack couldn’t hold off any longer and moaned into Twilight’s mouth, her vagina clenching her alpha’s rod like a vice as her natural lubricant began slowly leaking past the purple rod and down the crack of her butt.

The sudden feeling of Applejack’s muscles closing in on her, milking her cock for everything, soon forced Twilight to comply, filling Applejack’s pussy and womb with white cream. Zecora’s tongue sliding along the portion of Twilight’s dick that isn’t inside Applejack, her legs growing weak in need as she felt each load move along the thick appendage and enter the orange farmer.

The kiss broke, with a string of saliva connecting the two mares together. Applejack was slowly fighting her need for rest, but soon found she didn’t have a choice in the matter. She found herself lying on top of Zecora, who was blushing madly and letting out a moan as something re-entered her pussy.

“Why don’t you two show me how much you like each other, while I make you both proper mares?” Twilight suggested, yet it sounded like a command to the mares. A command they not only wanted to obey but needed to.

The zebra and earth pony began to make out furiously as their alpha fucked both of them, a secondary cock jutting from Twilight’s crotch and entering Zecora’s pussy while the original stayed nestled deep inside Applejack’s core.

The Farmer’s body wasn’t given rest, still riding her orgasmic high while her alpha took her again. Her mouth fighting the zebra’s in oral domination, grinding herself against the striped mare beneath her.

Twilight continued to pound into her mares, savoring both Applejack’s powerful muscles that squeezed her cock, demanding more cum from the purple unicorn, while Zecora’s pussy massaged her other member in a loving embrace, that soothed and constricted the girth within the zebra. The only similarity between the two was that their pussies fought to keep Twilight deep inside, needing the unicorn's cum for their insatiable hunger.

“Don’t you -pant- two look… adorable, kissing and making out while -hnngh- while stuffed with your alpha’s cock. Makes you both want to experience this forever -ooh- doesn’t it?” Twilight asked, her body began to move faster, slamming her body harder against her mares’ rumps. Applejack and Zecora only answered with a gasp before returning to their kiss. “Thought as much.”

Zecora’s hooves held the farmer tightly to her body, her tail brushing along Twilight’s hind legs wildly. All she wanted was to be used by her alpha right now, the purple length continuing to enter her and throb within her marehood.

Applejack didn’t fare much better, her brain could only focus on Twilight and her maremeat, invading her vagina and hitting her g-spot on each pass, each and every time. She no longer cared if Twilight was acting out of character, she just wanted to get fucked, and this purple unicorn was more than happy to comply.

Twilight’s head slowly turned to see the sun going down and cursed her luck. “Sorry girls, gotta wrap this up, on a schedule here,” she said, her magic shooting through the minds of both mares. Their eyes went wide when they felt their orgasm suddenly shoot through the bodies unannounced and with no build up, writhing against each other as their juices sought escape from their stuffed slits.

Their alpha soon joined them, sending another deluge of cum into their wombs to join the previous loads. Twilight pulled herself out of her mares up to the tip and stroked herself, letting her cum accumulate at the lips before pulling out completely, large gobs of white cum slowly flowing out of Applejack’s pussy and joined Zecora’s own white river as it flowed down her rump and onto the hay covered floor.

Twilight quickly cleaned herself and ran to the door. “You two should be safe here, but just in case…” She several large crates against the door, effectively ensuring that no pony will be able to enter, but it will take some effort to leave. “Just so no pony tries to play with my things.” With that said, Twilight teleported away, in search of another mare to appease her lusts.


In a flash of light, Twilight appeared at a small cottage at the edge of town, littered with various animals getting ready to sleep. “Fluttershy huh? Can’t do my usual thing then,” Twilight uttered to herself as she walked up the the door. “Swag check, ready? Let’s fuck another pegasus… again,” she chuckled, as she knocked on the door.

The door opened slowly to reveal Fluttershy, hiding behind her pink mane-shield. She immediately shed her caution when she saw her friend and mate. “Twilight, it’s good to see you again, how are you?”

“I’m doing rather well, yourself?” Twilight answered, entering the home after Fluttershy moved to the side.

“I’m great actually,” Fluttershy cooed, rubbing her enlarged belly. “Our little filly is growing.”

“Only a few weeks away, so soon...” Twilight giggled, running her hooves along Fluttershy’s pregnant belly.

“Yes, I just hope she’ll come out okay,” Fluttershy said, slight fear in her voice.

“She’ll be fine, nothing will happen. I’ll make sure of it,” Twilight said, hugging Fluttershy from the side.

“I… didn’t expect you to be that happy to see me. Don't get me wrong, I’m flattered, really,” Fluttershy said, smiling awkwardly as the hard cock rubbed against her fur.

“Don’t worry, it’s been like this all day. Thinking about my mares and how I love each and every one of you,” Twilight cooed, her hoof caressing the yellow pegasus’ cheek.

“But… what if somepony saw it? What if a filly or colt saw it?” Fluttershy gasped, the idea of Twilight walking around town with her penis wagging under her belly, scaring all the foals and surprising ponies.

“Only ponies that I want to see it, can see it,” Twilight explained, kissing Fluttershy on the lips delicately.

“But… aren’t I fat? I heard many ponies don’t like others that are fat so-” She was interrupted by another kiss, this time it lasted longer, as Twilight’s tongue invaded her mouth and mingled with her own.

“Fluttershy, pregnancy and being chubby are different things and I’m not bothered by either of them. Personally, I think you look cuter with my foal growing in you, makes you look more… desirable to me,” Twilight cooed, giving Fluttershy’s cheek a long lick.

Fluttershy’s body went red almost immediately, snuggling her body deeper into Twilight’s embrace. She felt her left fore-hoof touch the purple dick and flinched away for a moment, only to slowly inch towards it. “Are you sure? I- I know I’m no Rarity or Appl-”

“Your form of beauty is different and isn’t any less effective to getting my attention. After all, you are the first to bear my foals,” Twilight whispered, stroking Fluttershy’s mane.

“What about Chrys-”

"Chrysalis is only there to rebuild her hive and act as a cum-receptacle for me when one of my friends is unavailable,” Twilight stated, spooking her friend with her direct answer and the way she referred the Changeling Queen as such.

“How could you say that about her?” Fluttershy asked in worry.

Twilight sighed, both admiring and admonishing Fluttershy’s naivety. “She only sees me as a stud, somepony to leak sperm for her hive. I pump her full of cum so she can get others pregnant so… why should I call her anything else? Look Fluttershy, what Chrysalis and I have is a ceasefire and a partnership. I help her rebuild her hive, she doesn’t attack ponies. What WE have is love.” She snuggled closer to Fluttershy, surprising the shy mare. “Chrysalis only wants me for my penis, you want me for me, and that’s why I’m here, to give you what you want.” In a flash, she took her pregnant lover to her bedroom, dazing the poor pegasus.

The moment the canary-colored pegasus regained her senses, she found Twilight standing triumphantly above her, smiling down upon the caretaker as she straddled her carefully and gently. “Maybe we can wait a bit? I… don’t want to hurt the foal,” Fluttershy whimpered, shrinking underneath the purple unicorn.

“Oh, Fluttershy. There are other ways to make love. Let me show you,” Twilight cooed, she laid next to Fluttershy, and forced the mare onto her side, making her back face the unicorn’s belly.

Fluttershy felt Twilight’s hooves rub her sides gently, the unicorn’s tongue running along the side of her neck, the unicorn’s rod slipping past her legs with the length rubbing her slit. Glancing down, she noticed that Twilight’s maremeat was moving back and forth between her stifle, the flared head leaking cum onto the bed. “Let me love you, Fluttershy. And I’ll do everything I can to make you happy.”

“O-okay,” Fluttershy responded as she shifted closer into Twilight’s embrace, her forehooves slowly made their way to the purple member jutting from her crotch and began to stroke it slowly, moaning from the delicate touches Twilight is giving her.

“That’s right, the last thing I’d ever want is to hurt you or my ponies. I just want to make you happy, my way,” Twilight soothed. She gave the yellow pegasus a love bite on her neck as her free fore-hoof raised Fluttershy’s leg. She heard the timid mare whimper slightly, knowing what’s to come next, continuing to stroke the purple girth with her hooves. “There is no need to be scared, I’d never hurt you or our child.”

Fluttershy calmed down slightly from hearing Twilight speak those words but she was still nervous. The scholar angled herself to enter her timid lover, feeling the blunt head slide across the yellow lips. “I’ll let you decide, should I met the baby or take your ‘other’ virginity?”

The question caused the would-be mother to tense, she never had anal before and what if Twilight thrusted too hard and hurt the foal? She weighed her options and sucked in a breath. “You can do me there, Twilight,” Fluttershy uttered, her hoof slowly went back to rump to spread her cheeks, presenting her virgin tail hole.

Numerous ways to tease the cute yellow filly came to mind, but Twilight opted to simply love her, she wasn’t dealing with Chrysalis; she was with Fluttershy and it would be rude to make such an innocent mare like that grovel for cock, it just didn’t feel right to the sex-crazed unicorn. “Okay, let me know if I’m being too rough.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly, feeling her lover shift behind her before feeling her warm body pressed against her back and wings, the hard member poised to enter her back door. With a gentle nudge and Twilight’s magic the thick head slowly spread her rosebud wide and entered the pegasus, who whimpered from the penetration. Twilight noticed this, but she knew Fluttershy would love it after a while and continued to press forward.

“Twi… light… it stings, it’s too biiiig. Take it out... please,” Fluttershy cried. her body shaking from the unknown feeling.

“It’ll be alright, that’s just your bum trying to adapt to my dick. Just relax and let me do all the work,” Twilight whispered, kissing along the pegasus’ neck slowly pulling her member out and pushing it back in. Each time the purple member entered, it gained new ground in Fluttershy’s bum, advancing a inch before retreating back to the entrance.

Fluttershy’s were shut tightly, trying to calm herself despite the invader that was nestled between her cheeks, growing more turgid within her. She still felt Twilight’s lips on her fur, and her hooves rubbing her belly and holding her hind leg up for easier access, the actions did help but the pain still remained, forcing her to gasp and flinch each time the unicorn thrusted into her.

Twilight frowned, quickly finding that her lover wasn’t going to relax her body. Her horn began to shine as a tendril of magic flowed down to the caretaker’s honey pot, the sudden touch made Fluttershy flinch but suddenly a sigh of pleasure left her lips, prompting a smile from the scholar. It didn’t take long for the anal ring to loosen it’s grip, and coaxing pleasurable cries from the yellow mare.

With the uncomfortable pain gone, Fluttershy felt her friend’s dick rub her insides lovingly, her body yearning to sink herself deeper on the meaty pole but couldn’t from her position. She tried to rock herself on top of Twilight, finding it difficult to do so while her lover took control.

Fluttershy’s desire to change position wasn’t lost to Twilight, only brought a grin to her face as she helped the mare shift. She released the leg, and pulled Fluttershy onto her lap; her hooves now resting on Fluttershy’s flanks, guiding her along her length. The pegasus’ wings flapping to propel her faster along the purple penis, feeling it’s size and strength within her rectal walls.

“Twi-eep-, I’m close, so very close,” Fluttershy moaned, bouncing on the scholar’s crotch. “Please… cumwithme!”

Not wanting to disappoint, she bounced Fluttershy harder along her length until she felt the yellow pegasus’ walls constrict around her, crying out as she came. Twilight grit her teeth as she filled the caretaker’s ass with thick white cum.

“Oooohh my, that was… something… right?” Fluttershy cooed, laying back on Twilight.

“Did you enjoy it?” Twilight asked, rubbing the distended belly of her mare.

“Most… certainly,” Fluttershy yawned, slowly drifting to sleep on top of her mate.

Twilight grunted in annoyance as her latest pony was falling asleep. “I’m ready to go again, Fluttershy. How about you?” she asked in a soothing voice.

“I’m sorry -yawn- Twilight, that was… that took a lot of energy out of me, I think I’ll go to bed early. Thank you so much,” Fluttershy murmured.

Twilight slightly shifted the yellow pony onto her side and got off the bed, watching the mare release gentle snores. “Gotta be kidding me,” she grumbled to herself. She left to clean herself up in Fluttershy’s bathroom, cursing her luck that Fluttershy had so little energy.

When she returned, her eyes immediately focused on the sleeping mare. The pink tail was wagging away from her rear, showing off her cum-oozing star and her glistening slit. Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof. “Wouldn’t be the first time I did this,” she said with a cruel grin, walking over to the sleeping mare.

She climbed onto the bed and cast a quick sleep spell to ensure her friend doesn’t wake up. Smiling, Twilight raised her friend’s leg over her shoulder and lined herself up for Fluttershy’s pussy and pressed the head against the yielding entrance.

Twilight stopped as the thought of Luna came to mind, this only made her smile wider. “If Luna does find me providing for my mare in her sleep, it’ll save me time looking for her later,” she chuckled. Slowly and cautiously, Twilight penetrated her friend’s vagina; despite the sleep spell, her usual methods of love-making would surely wake the pegasus up, so she must be gentle and careful.

Despite her slumber, Fluttershy’s vaginal walls embraced Twilight’s cock as she sunk deeper into the yellow mare, coaxing murmurs and mumbles from her.

Twilight felt her friend’s wall grow tighter as she sunk deeper, the purple member felt the heat of the caretaker as it reached the end of her tunnel. With a grin, Twilight pulled out slowly and inched it back in. The process becoming rather slowly and treacherous for the scholar.

Fluttershy twitched and shifted in her sleep, unaware of Twilight's activities. She merely nestled deeper into her pillow, while feeling something large spread her pussy lips, not unwelcomed but not expected either.

It didn’t take long for the purple mare to grow bored and sped up her thrusts, taking care not to awaken her mare. She smirked as Fluttershy let out a quiet moan in her sleep, biting her pillow.

Her body moved automatically, sliding her cock as deep as possible into the yellow pegasus before pulling it out till half the purple member remained. Twilight’s hooves began to massage the yellow leg in her grip, one hoof trailing down to her friend’s rump to rub the trio of butterflies that graced it.

Fluttershy’s sleepy moaning escalated, whimpering in her sleep. One of her hooves quickly found her clitoris and began rubbing, curling herself into a ball in the process.

The pegasus’ walls tightened as she let out a squeak, signalling her orgasm. Twilight bit her lower lip as she began shooting her seed deep into Fluttershy, pulling out as several stray volleys coated the insides of the caretaker’s legs and belly. Cleaning her dick with the would-be mother's tail, Twilight carefully stepped off the bed and gave her mare a kiss on the nose. “Sleep tight.” Before teleporting away, leaving Fluttershy to drool onto her bed with a silly smile.


With one more mare to fuck, Twilight hoped her gambit was successful. She reappeared in the empty park and kept her eyes to the sky, waiting for somepony to show up.

She heard the sound of powerful wings flapping, and landing a meter away. Twilight turned to see a rather angry lunar Princess, glaring at her. “Did you think we would not notice Fluttershy’s dreams becoming erotic? Did you not think we couldn’t find out that you did such a thing to her in her sleep? We safeguard the dreamworld and yet… why would you do such a thing to Fluttershy?”

Twilight chuckled, confusing Luna as she slowly turned to face her. “Because I wanted more from one of my mates and… it was to lure you here,” she snickered, the hard purple member swaying between her legs as she approached the blue alicorn. "Come, and embrace your stallion."

“Something feels wrong about you, Twilight. We don’t approve,” Luna stated, glaring at the approaching unicorn.

“Well, I figured. This is just me doing what I always needed to do; I’m the alpha of my herd of ponies and other species and yet it’s my mares that decide when we have sex? Sure I try to fight it, but… I know I’m getting laid, my mates and sluts just can’t get enough of me,” Twilight said; she reached the princess and walked around her, her tail caressing the taller mare’s legs and belly. “Sometimes, you gotta show them ‘who is in charge’.”

Luna flapped her wings, knocking Twilight to the ground with the gust. Hovering over her foe. “This isn’t our Twilight Sparkle. Reveal yourself cretin and I may grant mercy!”

Twilight recovered and began laughing. “How little you know. I am definitely Twilight, I just like to come out… and play every so often.”

“It can’t be the Nightmare, she is still trapped in my mind…” Luna gasped worried that her darkness creeped out into her lover.

“I’ve been in Twilight’s head since she hit puberty, I’m the reason why she couldn’t have foals until now, and… I’m the reason why you are going to waking up with a sore ass tomorrow morning, begging to suck my morning wood with Pinkie and Trixie,” Twilight claimed, her magic shining in the darkness of the park to lock Luna’s wings, forcing the princess to the ground.

“How?” Luna cried, fighting the magical restraints around her wings.

“Element. Of. Magic. Just because you are a princess doesn’t mean you can’t be beaten. A rapier can beat a greatsword after all, it simply requires… precision,” Twilight gloated, forcing the ground to rumble and force Luna onto her side. She stepped over her prize, licking her lips as she leaned in to kiss her princess.

Luna tried to kick Twilight off but her hooves felt heavy, locked against the ground by magic that shouldn’t be able to hold her. “Release U-” She was interrupted by Twilight’s lips against hers, struggling to push Twilight’s tongue out of her mouth.

Twilight broke the kiss and ran a hoof through Luna’s mane. “Just relax. I may be going around fucking all my mares, but I’m making sure you girls enjoy it as well. It’s not just about my pleasure and release, it’s about yours too.”

“Then give us back Twilight,” Luna ordered, fighting her bonds.

Twilight scrunched her face in annoyance. “Look, ‘your’ Twilight won’t be back until tomorrow morning if that makes you feel better about this. So smile and take your dicking like a good little princess, we’ll all be a lot happier for it. My dick goes soft for the first time all day, and you walk away smiling and full of cream after being fucked hard since our date.”

“You know of our date?” Luna gasped.

“Of course I do, think of it this way: There are two Twilights, the one that you all fell head over hooves with, and then there’s me, the one that personifies her lusts, I’m Twilight no matter how you look at it… just not the bookworm you all grew to like,” Twilight reasoned, rubbing her hard prick against Luna’s royal treasure, mesmerized by it’s wetness. “You’re like a river down here, Lunie. You really need this don’t you?” She teased the princess by slapping her cock head against the winking labia.

“S-silence! We are not some toy for you to play with!” Luna growled.

“You’re right. You are not some toy for me to get my dick wet in,” Twilight said. “You are MY mare.” With that declaration, Twilight rammed her dick as deep as she could into Luna, causing the dark blue alicorn to let out a cry as she was mercilessly pounded by her purple friend.

What was curious to the purple mare was how tightly Luna hugged and squeezed her cock, how Luna fought to keep her angry face. She even felt the alicorn thrust her hips, trying to capture as much of the purple girth as possible.

Twilight smiled as she went to test an hypothesis, releasing the alicorn’s bonds. Luna didn’t fight back, but wrapped her hind legs around Twilight’s rump, a hoof wrapped around Twilight’s neck and pressed her face into her belly, crying out in pleasure. Twilight smiled as the dark fur was pressed against her body, “You don’t have sex a lot do you?” she mumbled, tilting her head back to speak.

“C-ease your noise and fuck me, your princess demands it,” Luna snarled, glaring at the purple unicorn. She threw her head back as she felt the smaller mare move faster between her legs.

“As you command,” Twilight cooed, her horn glowing again.

Luna’s eyes went wide as she felt Twilight’s shaft swell inside her and wildly flex within her. “What are you doing?” she gasped as the appendage flailed against her walls.

“Just a little something I always wanted to try,” Twilight said, her eyes glowing black as several purple slippery appendages emerged from her crotch, wrapping themselves around Luna’s body as three appendages with a flat penis-like tips slithered over and rubbing themselves against Luna’s face. “Could you help them out, please?”

Luna was about to speak only for one of the slippery dicks shot into her mouth, trying to reach the back of her throat. The other members rubbed against Luna’s hooves affectionately, yearning for her attention. Reluctantly, the princess stroked the other members with her hooves.

Twilight shuddered as she felt each appendage being serviced by the Lunar alicorn, the feel of her walls surrounding her actual dick, the fur of her hooves caressing two of her tentacles and the loving embrace of Luna’s mouth and the gentle touches of her tongue. The new feelings made her thrust harder, rocking Luna’s body against the ground.

Luna’s eyes went wide when she felt another tentacle enter her rump, moving haphazardly within her backdoor. She felt guilty for liking the attention, but her ire for Twilight grew as the purple mare continued her pace, with pleasure etched on her face.

“Everything about you just feels so good, Luna. Do you like this? You’re holding me so tightly inside you,” Twilight moaned, slapping her body against her royal mare. She could feel her body aching for release, but her mare still hadn’t cum yet and she must hold off until then. “You love this, don’t you? Let it go, I can rail you all night if I have to.”

Luna fought as much as she could but it was for naught as her pussy and ass clenched tight in her climax, screaming through the purple member in her mouth. She then felt the tentacles explode inside her, filling her holes and coating her fur in white spunk. The purple snakes slowly shrank back to their place of origin. Twilight pulled out her own misshapen member as it reverted back to normal, leaving the alicorn to leak cum out of both holes.

“Wow, it looks weird but the results were amazing,” Twilight sighed happily. Luna was breathing through her cum dripping maw as she laid on her side. She turned her attention downward to find she was still hard and her princess still needed more. “Don’t worry Luna, I’m still here for you.”

Luna slowly got up, only to face Twilight’s cum-soaked member. “Could you clean me?” Luna lazily looked up to Twilight before wrapping her lips around the purple cock.

Petting her princess, Twilight cooed in pleasure. She looked down on Luna with a loving smile, her hoof running through the cosmos of the lunar mare’s mane. Her fun would be cut short however, when she failed to notice Luna’s horn, it’s glow faded into darkness as Luna slowly stood up on her hooves, releasing Twilight’s cock from her maw as she towered over Twilight. “You have lost.”

Intrigued, Twilight smirked and went to pounce on the princess only to be grabbed by something behind her. “You called, Mistress?” A pony with yellow eyes and narrow pupils, like a cat, dark grey fur, midnight blue mane that was styled similarly to Rainbow’s, with a cocky smile on her face. Another thing Twilight noted was that this ‘pony’ was wearing armor around her mid-section, bat wings, and claw-like hooves.

Twilight was confused by this new creature and turned to Luna for answers. “This mare is one of my blessed, a pony of the night. She and her sisters will never let you go until I say so.” Twilight’s eyes went wide as two more bat-ponies descended, looking almost exactly like the one that held Twilight, the only difference is mane style, one had a mane style similar to Bon-Bon’s while the other’s looked like Pinkie’s when she was really sad.

The pony that held Twilight immediately forced her to lay on her back. The bat-pony then straddled Twilight’s head with her hips, showing her captive her sex. The others walked over to Twilight’s crotch, trailing their clawed hooves over the purple member. “What kind of toy do we have here?” One of them asked.

“No idea, but she looks tasty,” Another replied, leaning forward to give the shaft’s base a lick.

Luna watched with judgmental eyes as her servants kissed and licked Twilight’s shaft while the first pony rode Twilight’s face, biting her lower lip to show that Twilight is doing a good job.

Twilight may not have had a choice but she lapped at her captor’s sex, teasing the clitoris and running her tongue along the dark lips, she felt the mare’s legs tighten around her head. If this was Luna’s idea of punishment, it would only serve to make Twilight be naughty more.

The sisters at Twilight’s crotch continued to lick at the violet member until the purple mare felt a pair of fangs sink into her dick. Twilight cried out in pain, only for it to be muffled by the chuckling bat-pony’s pussy. The fangs left and felt a tongue against the wound, but the scholar couldn’t move, her magic wouldn’t function for her, only her head and dick could move in anyway. “What… did… you… do?” Twilight asked, gasping as her speech was slowed by whatever the bat-ponies did.

“They secrete a special venom from their fangs that acts to paralyze your limbs and make you desire sex. As creatures of my night, lust is something they know much about and it’s been many years since they had a dickmare,” Luna answered, her horn shined again, the bat pony with Pinkie’s mane groaned in pleasure as a erect dick appeared between her legs. “Their appetite for sex is legendary, Twilight Sparkle. And the only one that can stop them is the one you forced yourself upon.”

The bat-pony with the dick walked over to the sister riding Twilight’s face, presenting her dick to the pleasured mare. Smiling, the short maned mare licked her lips and accepted the black cock into her mouth, lathering it in her saliva.

The Bon’maned mare at Twilight’s dick, managed to deepthroat the purple member, purring to spur Twilight’s orgasm closer while the head throbbed inside her esophagus.

Satisfied with her sister’s work, the dick-bat mare walked back to Twilight’s crotch. The mare sucking their captive off smiled with the cock in her mouth and released the meaty appendage. The Bon-maned pony hovered above Twilight, her purple dick positioned to penetrate the bat pony, and lowered herself, hissing in pleasure as she felt each inch enter her. “She’s so thick, mistress.”

The dick-bat set herself up at Twilight’s entrance and prodded the lips, instantly filling the librarian with worry. She instantly spread the purple lips wide with the cock head and sank half her cock into the captive mare. “She’s so tight, I can feel her sucking my dick deeper, Mistress.”

Luna strode forward, watching her servants do as they pleased to Twilight. “How does it feel to have the tables turned against you?” she asked, only to receive a muffled reply from the purple mare with her mouth on her servant’s slit.

The two at Twilight’s crotch slowly built up a rhythm, the Pinkie-maned pony thrusting her entire shaft deep into Twilight while the other rode the purple member, bouncing along it’s girth. The two began to making out while the Dash-maned pony ground her pussy into Twilight’s muzzle and licked along her cock-riding sister’s neck.

“Mistress? Can we keep this one, her dick feels so good,” The Bon-maned mare said, holding onto the sister in front of her. The thick length filling her pussy, cooing in pleasure from having a nice dick inside her.

“Please? Her pussy is so tight, and juicy,” said the one fucking the purple mare. Her dick pumping out of the scholar's hole quickly. Loving the feeling of Twilight's walls constricting her magically-made penis, her hooves gripping her captive's thighs tightly as she sent every inch deep.

“Her mouth is great, please say we can keep her,” said the one grinding against Twilight’s lips, she grumbled when she found out that Twilight's tongue wasn't re-entering play, but made the most of it rubbing her glistening slit against the purple mare's nose and mouth.

“We shall dwell on it, depends on what Twilight thinks,” Luna said, failing to notice a twitch from the purple mare’s hoof. She smirked as her pseudo-children made use of the possibly-corrupt mare's body, her boy wanted to join but the Princess resolved to merely watched the spectacle.

Twilight felt her body regain the ability to move as her orgasm approached, her rage building as the mare fucking her pussy did so with more passion. The mare above her head came onto the purple mare’s face, her juices coating the scholar’s face and mane. she got off and began licking Twilight’s horn, cleaning it of her own mare fluids, the act brought Twilight over the edge as her body arched.

Both mares felt Twilight’s reaction, the meaty cock throbbing and releasing it’s seed and her walls tightening and squeezing the black cock within. The dick riding mare came closely after, her juices coating the fur and joining the seed inside her pussy and womb, while the dick-mare trusted as deep as she could, releasing her cum deep inside Twilight.

The Pinkie-maned mare pulled herself out and cleaned her cock on Twilight’s fur, chuckling to herself as she did. Then she noticed a hole that needed a hard dick inside. “If her pussy was that tight, how tight would her ass be?” she snickered, positioning to penetrate Twilight’s virgin anus. That was the last straw.

Twilight disappeared in a flash of light, confusing all four mares. They heard a yelp as Twilight had the dick-mare pinned underneath her, rump above her head, wet dick deep inside the pussy of the bat pony. “No one fucks me without my say so, got it?” she seethed, she made a hard thrust, her expression was of pure rage, her eyes glowing in dark magic as she brutally fucked the mare who just came inside her.

The other two bat-ponies watched in fearful awe as their sister was forced to submit, her cock spewing cum all over the grass while the purple mare fucked her slit so hard the dark fur began to turn red. The Pinkie-maned pony's face was scrunched in discomfort, the sudden entry and the rough fucking filled her with both pain and pleasure, the purple mare's hooves forcing her to moan into the grass.

“Impossible, you should have been paralyzed longer,” Luna gasped, she turned to her servants. “Get her!”

The bat ponies nodded and sprang to bite Twilight only to be stopped, both of them writhing in pleasure. While invisible, Luna saw a faint purple line connecting all three of her servants together, Twilight smiled evilly at the lunar princess while she fucked her bat pony. “Mental link, everything one feels, they ALL feel,” she growled.

“This can not be,” Luna uttered, her bat ponies laid on the ground amidst their own lust, while Twilight rutted one of them, her dick slamming against her servant's insides.

“You wanted to try anal? Let’s!” Twilight growled, she slipped her dick out of the mare’s pussy and repositioned for the dickmare's puckered star. The concept of Mercy was long abandoned as Twilight forced every inch of her cock deep into Pinkie Bat-pony's ass, making all three mares scream form the link’s forced pleasure. “You feel so tight here, you know that? Bet it was as tight was I was,” Twilight uttered, continuing to lay claim on the mare that had the audacity to claim her, pulling the dark mane with her teeth and giving the mare reprieve from breathing in dirt.

Luna charged forward to save her servants when she felt paralyzed herself, immense pleasure surging across her every nerve. she saw that same faint purple line connected to her horn. “This isn’t Twilight,” she uttered to her self while the pleasure forced itself into her mind and body.

Twilight felt her bitch’s hole tighten around her, signaling another orgasm, she kept her dick wedged deep as she filled the mare’s backside with cock. She glanced to Luna who was having difficulties standing, and with a smirk, she pulled herself out of the bat pony and let her fall in the puddle of seed she created.

Looming over the fallen Princess; Twilight’s horn began to glow once more, making her dick grow to twice it’s size for the stretching it’ll be doing to the princess. She positioned for Luna’s used pussy and sank as deep as she could, the girth forced the princess’ pussy to widen around it. All four mares screaming in pleasure as they all felt their mistress’ pleasure. Just as she did for the pinkie-mare, Twilight was not gentle with Luna’s backside.

Twilight had the princess panting in need, her magic tickling Luna’s most sensitive spots and forcing her servants to feel everything, forcing them to orgasm many times. The royal walls around Twilight’s dick squeezed and gripped her frantically as Luna’s fluids dripped out from her pussy with each thrust.

Luna’s mind went blank several times, the only thing that she could process was Twilight spearing her over and over again with the ferocity of a manticore going for the kill. Her eyes could barely see the bat-ponies writhing in the small lake of their sex and cum. She did see the dick mare crawling over to one of her sisters, eyes widening upon realization of what she was going to do. "N-No, don't!" but Luna's words didn't work as the Dick-batpony immediately mounted the sister that rode Twilight's face moments ago, increasing the pleasure they all felt. The dash-maned mare gasped from too much pleasure and passed out, her eyes blank and vacant while her sister rutted her unconscious form and filled her pussy with seed.

Twilight bit her lower lip as she came, filling Luna once again with cum, making the remaining mares scream. She kept thrusting her hips to milk herself of as much cum as possible, until her eyes went back to the near-unconscious mare rutting her sister’s prone body. She pulled out of Luna and her dick returned to it’s normal size, walking over to the lust-filled dick mare with mild annoyance.

Taking a chunk of the mare’s mane in one hoof, Twilight pulled it back and forced the dickmare to swallow the remaining seed. “Consider that… a warning,” Twilight uttered coldly as her penis fell limp from force feeding her bitch cum, cock slapping the offending bat-mare as she turned to leave.

Twilight walked back home, leaving three bat-ponies to sleep in the moonlight, and Luna to recover from being mated so hard. Twilight's horn shined as magic removed the batpony’s sperm from her pussy. “No pony fucks me,” continued to whisper in Luna’s head as she struggled to fly back to Canterlot.


Twilight felt relief she hadn’t felt in years, her cock was finally limp after an entire day of sex. She let out a yawn as she stepped up the stairs and to the door of her bedroom. She would have to make a mental note to hunt down the batpony that made her rump slightly sore and continue to teach her who the top pony is but that's for another day.

She opened the door to find Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Trixie, Zecora, and Fleur eagerly awaiting her return, lust in their eyes. “Hello, girls. Happy to see me?”

“You have no clue,” Pinkie cooed, walking up and traced her hoof along Twilight’s coat. Rainbow soon joined her, licking Twilight’s cheek and moving to kiss Twilight’s cutie mark.

“Allow us to serve you, Mistress,” Trixie said, as she licked along Twilight’s dick. Fleur and Zecora soon joined the magician in serving their alpha.

Twilight chuckled as three mares were licking and sucking her shaft while, Pinkie suckled her horn and Rainbow Dash kissing her neck and chest. “I think I got some more in me for tonight.”


Twilight awoke the next morning, her body felt sore and she couldn’t move. Fleur was sleeping to her left and Rainbow was cuddling her from behind. She managed to shift her head down to see Trixie using her crotch as a pillow, giving weak licks to her flaccid member every so often, causing a bizarre sting of pain to shoot up her spine. Simply moving her limbs felt even worse.

“Good Morning, Twilight. I don’t know what you did last night but… WOW, just WOW, think we could do it again?” Pinkie said, jumping into Twilight’s field of vision.

“I just did what I usually did, Pinkie… why am I surrounded by girls this morning, I only recall being with you last night,” Twilight uttered, groaning from the pounding in her head.

“They were here with us last night, you were REALLY active too,” Pinkie claimed. “Like you were all ‘yeah, you like that?’ and I was all ‘fuck her harder so I can have a turn’ and Fleur and Rainbow were both ‘ah, ngh, oh yeah, give me more’ and Trixie was grumbling because she had to wait her turn but then you told Zecora to give her something to do so Trixie ate Zecora out while you fucked Fleur and Rainbow Dash. I found a strap-on and fucked Trixie until you started to screw me, it was a WHOLE LOT OF FUN!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“I see, but why am I so sore? My penis is… I can’t describe how much it stings to have Trixie licking me right now,” Twilight groaned. Pinkie nodded as she separated the magician from her ‘lollipop’. “Thanks.”

“So you don’t remember anything last night? Or yesterday?” Pinkie asked in a worried tone.

“No, why?” Twilight asked, they both heard a loud banging at the door.

“TWILIGHT, I AM GOING TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!” It sounded like Bon-Bon, but… Twilight can’t move at all, her body screamed for relief.

“Girls, one of you answer the door and another help me get bathed. I literally can’t move a muscle without feeling pain.” Twilight uttered. Trixie and Fleur woke up immediately and carried Twilight to the bathroom with their magic, leaving Pinkie to deal with Bon-Bon. “Just talk her down a bit, and once I’m not hurting, I’ll deal with Bon-Bon. Then we’ll talk about what I did yesterday.”

“You mean ‘who’ you did yesterday,” Rainbow cooed, stretching her body from the workout yesterday.

Twilight’s eyes went wide as the door shut, it was going to be one of those ‘freak-out’ days.

Chapter Twenty-One: Revenge of the Cherries

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Tags[F, F; Child Birth, orgasm through over exposure to love energy][Futa/F, Futa/Futa, Futa/Futa/Futa, transformation, attempted rape, vaginal, oral, anal, slight bondage, impregnation]

Never did anypony think that Fluttershy could raise her voice to a volume that would echo out of a soundproof room. But everyone that stood outside the emergency room listened to the yellow pegasus’ cries as her child entered the world. The girls stood outside the room, waiting for the news of their friend and her foal to come out happy and healthy. Only Twilight and Zecora were allowed in, as the unicorn was the father and Zecora talked her way to do the doctor’s job of seeing the foal into the world. Chrysalis had snuck her way in and regretted it, running out to vomit into a trash bin. “That’s how you ponies give birth? That’s horrifying.”

“You really didn’t know how ponies were born?” Rarity asked, in her grip was a bundled up magazine that was about to rip. The unicorn was nervous about her friend but couldn’t do anything but wait.

“I don’t care about how you were born, I only cared about your love and how my eggs enter or leave your orifices to continue my hive,” Chrysalis snarled, feeling another wave of bile erupt from her throat.

Gilda shook her head in annoyance then smiled. “Even I know how ponies are born, it’s kinda gross how the head just comes out first and is all liquidy and looks like a messy bubble when it leaves the-”

“SHUT UP!” Chrysalis roared, glaring at the griffon.

“Hey, foal birth is beautiful. It’s a new life being brought into the world, new possibilities for that child to live and grow, and it’ll be our duty to help Fluttershy and Twilight,” Fleur stated, she sat next to Rarity, though she did feel both envious and terrified of Fluttershy. “Birth may be beautiful, but it sounds… very painful.

“All I know is that I’m teaching her filly to fly when she’s ready,” Rainbow smirked, hovering in the air.

“How’s that orange filly coming along?” Chrysalis asked, flashing a cruel grin.

“HEY, Scootaloo flew for five minutes! It’s not my fault- or hers for that matter- that her wings are weak,” Rainbow shot back.

“Chrysalis, Rainbow, Shut it. One of our friends, and the mare that helped make your hive, is having a foal in that room, we don’t need you two having a shouting match,” Applejack called out, glaring at both mares, though her glare lingered more on Chrysalis.

Pinkie and Trixie had returned with snacks and water bottles. “Here you all go! Gotta keep our strength up for Fluttershy and help her with her filly!” Pinkie cheered.

“Would anyone know how she is doing?” Trixie asked, giving her herdmates a pack of peanut butter and crackers.

“Still screaming like a moron,” Chrysalis groaned, exhausted from expelling the contents of her stomach into the nearby trash can.

Pinkie and Trixie looked to the others in confusion. Fleur shook her head in annoyance. “Chryssy just found out how ponies are born and believes it’s disgusting, as well as Gilda.”

“I have no problem with it, I just wanted Chrysalis to throw up a lung,” Gilda chuckled, getting a high hoof from Rainbow.

The doors flew open and a group of nurses and doctors began to run down the hall at a breakneck pace. A second later; Twilight was in pursuit, her eyes blazing in fury.

The girls peaked into the room to see Fluttershy crying weakly into Zecora’s shoulder. The Zebra looked up, a few tears running down her face. “The foal did not… breathe. Twilight’s mood began to seethe. The staff raced to save her, but it didn’t sit well with the father.”

Rarity, Pinkie, and Fleur stayed to comfort Fluttershy, the rest raced down to find three nurses preventing Twilight from entering the other room. “That’s MY DAUGHTER! I can save her!”

“The doctors can too, they’re doing everything in their power to resuscitate her, please be patient,” Nurse Redheart said, trying to calm the purple mare down.

“I’ve helped save the world THREE TIMES and you’re saying I can’t save my daughter?” Twilight roared, she was pulled back by GIlda and Rainbow Dash. “Let me go!”

“Twi, chill. They’ll do whatever it takes to save her,” Rainbow said, struggling to keep the unicorn from attacking the poor nurse.

“What… exactly happened?” Trixie asked the nurse while Rainbow and Gilda held Twilight back.

“The foal has Neonatal Asphyxia, meaning the child was born but she wasn’t breathing. We’re trying to resuscitate her now, it won’t take too long, I assure you,” Nurse Redheart said, shaking a bit from being the target for Twilight’s frustrations.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes as she joined the group. She turned the corner and changed into another nurse, sneaking into the room to see several stallions and mares in lab coats and nurse’s caps. In the middle of it all was the still form of a baby blue filly with small tuft of yellow mane poking from the top of her head. The child looked more disgusting now than it did when it was being pulled and coaxed out of the yellow mare’s womb. The machine next to the white bed had various wires connected to the foal with a straight red line on the screen.

“All this trouble for this? It’s only one creature and it looks… so weak. Why do ponies fawn over such things? Chrysalis thought, approaching the still foal. The doctors placed small metal pads to it’s chest and shocked it, but to no avail. The changeling watched as the doctors failed to revive the foal, internally yawning from the sight.

She could hear that Twilight was renewing her assault. By the sounds of things, Applejack was forced to help stop the furious unicorn.

Chrysalis gave a drawn out sigh. “I suppose I do owe Fluttershy for assisting me with making Twilight fertile in the first place,” she muttered under her breath. She stepped forward and a green glow appeared from her horn, slowly filling the foal.

She was no stranger to children being close to death seconds after birth, and the spell she used was often only reserved for more special members of her hive or prospective heirs to her legacy. The spell worked similarly to the defibulators that the doctors used but it was more powerful, on the off chance that the spell wouldn’t work, she would unintentionally launch the child’s heart into the ceiling, but the chances of that were very unlikely. Chrysalis used this spell one hundred times exactly in the past and the spell only killed its target six times, three of them were Chrysalis’ heirs but she didn’t need weak daughters anyways.

She could feel the foal’s heart with her magic and snarled lightly as she forced a small blast directly into the foal.

The red line began to beep but flat lined shortly after. Annoyed, Chrysalis gave the child another shot.

Same results, but with a longer beat. Chrysalis tried once more, finding this to be a waste of her power, regardless of what Fluttershy had done for her.

She sent enough power into the child’s heart to make its body jump a few hooves into the air before falling back onto the bed. The machine began to beep normally and the child started to move.

Chrysalis giggled as the doctors and nurses was shocked by the sudden revival but quickly went to examine the child further, making sure she was healthy. She left the room as quickly as she entered and shed her disguise. “Where the heck were you?” Applejack asked, giving the changeling a dirty look.

“I was in the room saving the foal’s life,” Chrysalis said cheekily.

“Gale’s alright?” Twilight cried, she immediately bolted for the door only to be grabbed by Applejack and put into a sleeper hold. “Applejack, let me go…”

“Not until you stop being stupid for a second,” Applejack said, feeling her Alpha slow down.

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” Twilight blurted out, catching her breath the moment the cowpony released her. “What’s taking them now?”

“No idea, something about checking the thing’s vitals or whatever, I wasn’t paying attention,” Chrysalis shrugged, walking away.

Twilight frowned. “That thing is my daughter, Chrysalis,” she retorted. Her anger gave way to a soft smile of relief when she turned to Chrysalis. “But thank you for saving her… it means a lot to me.”

Chrysalis turned to see Twilight’s soft smile, and was hit by a wave of love. She crumpled onto the ground, writhing in pleasure from being stuffed full of love. Her pussy convulsed, trying to milk the air for sperm, her ovipositor unsheathing and leaking fluids onto herself and the floor. It was rather humorous to see the queen of the changelings drooling onto the floor after her most intense orgasm in months, just from being thanked by her Alpha.

Twilight blushed and dragged Chrysalis into Fluttershy’s room. The girls, minus Fluttershy, quickly noticed her arrival. “How’s Gale?” Rarity asked.

“She’s fine now, the doctors are checking her to see if she’s healthy now,” Twilight said, placing Chrysalis against the wall.

“Was it good for you?” Chrysalis asked in a drunk haze, instantly causing the mares turn to Twilight questionably.

“Chrysalis…. saved Gale, and I thanked her for it, she then collapsed and it looked like she had a really intense orgasm in the middle of the hallway, so I dragged her back here,” Twilight explained, grinning weakly.

“Chrysalis….saved somepony?” Fleur asked, unsure of how to react.

Fluttershy lifted her head from Zecora’s neck and smiled softly at the changeling. “Thank you… thank you so much for saving my filly. I was so sc-”

“AGGh Oh sweet merciful ME, stop with the love! I can’t eat anymore, thank me after I released this into my children at least,” Chrysalis cried out, panting from another harsh orgasm. “I feel so full and I-” Chrysalis flinched when her cock fired a thick green wad of slime into her face, becoming rather furious. “I feel like I need a cigarette.”

The doctor came in, holding the foal in his magic but stopped when he saw Chrysalis lying in the corner of the room, covered in green spunk. “What happened to her?”

“Changelings REALLY love… love, a sincere thank you from the heart was too much for the poor girl,” Twilight said, grinning awkwardly.

“I see…” The doctor uttered. “Anywho, here she is… perfectly healthy, congratulations Miss Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy held her hooves out as she watched the doctor lower her filly into her limbs and pulled the child closer, nuzzling her sleeping filly. “She’s… she’s so beautiful,” Fluttershy whimpered, crying tears of joy that her daughter had survived.

Rarity scooted away a bit for Twilight to see her filly. “I guess… that’s what Eviligth meant by ‘Miracle Gale’, but… did Chrysalis save her in that time line or was there something else?” Twilight contemplated.

“My… little Miracle,” Fluttershy cooed, smiling warmly at her bundle of joy.


The next week flew by, Fluttershy and Twilight had their hooves full with Miracle Gale, Applejack did what she could but she still had her farm to watch over and apples to sell. The cowpony would feel more guilty about being unable to help Fluttershy if it wasn’t for the others. Twilight and Zecora were at the cottage everyday, Twilight took care of Fluttershy as the new mother was too focused on her filly and Zecora took care of animals. The others took some time to help Fluttershy themselves, even if Applejack didn’t have as much time to spare with the harvest coming close by.

Miracle Gale, the adorable little pegasus that she was, had put Applejack in a flux of emotions. She was happy that Fluttershy was a mother, but she felt… jealous of her at the same time. Family was the most important thing to the Apple clan and the thought of expanding was always a cause for celebration among them, she remembered how the entire family went to Macintosh Heights to commemorate the birth of Apple Dumpling, her baby cousin-twice removed, the hoedown lasted for hours before the family had to disperse to take care of their crops.

If Applebloom wasn’t too young to handle the harder chores that she and Big Mac have to deal with, she’d push Twilight down and ride her dick until the apple mare was sure she’d be with triplets. Recent news of Fleur’s pregnancy took everyone by surprise, evidently when Twilight went ‘Alpha’ on everypony, Fleur was the only one that was gifted with a child. The news of this caused Twilight to faint twice, despite the fact that she intentionally impregnated Fleur. Funny as it is, Twilight can not remember the night when she strolled around town and basically made all her mares scream for her.

Applejack could still feel her Alpha’s hooves on her flanks from that night and the odd taste of both Twilight and Zecora. What she probably remembered the most was how controlling Twilight became. If the purple mare were to tell her to bark, she would have in a heartbeat, it managed to spook and excite Applejack at the same time.

Applejack grimaced as she felt something slide down her leg, knowing it was her own juices. “Dang nabbit, standing out in the middle of town and I just start getting all flustered like a mare in heat,” Applejack scolded herself.

“I’ll say… I could smell you from the train station.”

Applejack jumped and turned to see her old boss from Dodge Junction, Cherry Jubilee, standing next to her. The tan mare had her large red mane done up, just the way Applejack remembered it, and a pink kerchief around her neck and a set of pink saddle bags rested across her back. “Hello Applejack, how’ve been?”

“Fine, ma’am,” Applejack answered quickly. “Wh- what brings you to Ponyville?”

“I needed some time away from the ranch so I decided to come here, then I remembered that you lived here and thought we could catch up on old times,” Cherry answered, inspecting the apples with a soft smile.

“Really? You ain’t mad about back then?” Applejack questioned, she felt a considerable relief from hearing that her old boss wasn’t here to demand something for the shenanigans she and her friends did in Dodge Junction.

“A year is quite a long time to stay mad at somepony, Applejack. I’ve pushed past that and I’m still keeping the ranch strong. How have your friends been, I don’t recall seeing them anywhere,” Cherry asked, searching for any sign of blue, yellow, white, purple, or pink mares.

“Uhh, Rainbow is probably doing her job as a weatherpony. And Fluttershy recently had a filly so everyone else is helping her with that,” Applejack said, rubbing the back of her head.

“Oh my, I suppose a year is a long time and anything could happen during it but… congratulations to your friend. Fluttershy… is the yellow pegasus yes? The adorable mare that likes to hide behind her mane?” Cherry asked, visibly surprised by the news.

“That’s right, Fluttershy wanted to be a mom and our friend Twilight, the purple unicorn, helped her out with it,” Applejack explained, smiling nervously.

Cherry smirked, she could tell that Applejack was a bit envious, all she had to do was capitalize on it. “Sounds like you’d like a stallion, or your friend Twilight, to do the same for you.”

The cherry mare almost laughed when Applejack began to stutter like she was hiding a great secret. “I-I, well… Kinda? But I wanna wait until my sister, Applebloom, grows up a little more. Sweet Apple Acres is pretty big, and myself and Big Mac can just scrape by on maintaining it each day.”

“Really?” Cherry mused. “I would have thought you’d had help… considering you did try to leave Ponyville behind to work on my farm for a few months.”

The jab hurt Applejack a bit, not expecting to hear it. “Y-yeah, that was a fool thing of me to do, Miss Cherry. I’m terribly sorry to inconvenience you.”

“Not only do you not need to apologize but you can drop the ‘Miss’ part, I ain’t your boss and I’m here to visit,” Cherry sang, patting Applejack on the back. “You know, I wanna see your farm. I’ve heard quite a bit about Sweet Apple Acres, but I’ve never been there.”

Applejack smiled brightly and nodded. “Of course, Cherry,” Applejack said, eager to show off her family farm. She turned to the nearby clock tower and her smile brightened. “Good timing, the market is about to close too.”

“So… shall we?” Cherry asked.

Applejack nodded and hitched herself to her cart and the two began walking back to Sweet Apple Acres. The tan mare taking some interest in her orange friend’s rear and legs, licking her lips as if the view made her hungry.

The silence made Applejack nervous, regardless of how calm and quiet the cherry rancher was. She had a nagging feeling in her mind that screamed at her to run, to seek out Twilight until Cherry left, but she ignored this because Cherry was just visiting. She came a long way to see Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack wasn’t raised to be a poor hostess to a friend.

They reached the farm and Cherry’s smile grew in awe. “My word, this is a sight to behold, my dear.”

“It sure is,” Applejack said, puffing her chest with pride. “Pride of the Apple Family, the family may live in other parts of Equestria but sooner or later, they come back to their old stomping grounds to reminisce. Not to mention the biggest supplier of Apples in Equestria.”

“I don’t doubt it, Jackie. Look at all this green and red!” Cherry exclaimed, taking in the sight.

Applejack turned to her friend in confusion. “Jackie?”

“I do hope you don’t mind the nickname,” Cherry giggled, shooting Applejack a sly wink.

Applejack blushed and turned her gaze back to her farm. “Nope, not at all. I need to take these back into storage, if you’ll excuse me.”

Cherry nodded and watched Applejack leave. Smirking, she surveyed the area for a building, noticing the farmhouse in the distance. She shook her head and continued to look, smiling fondly upon seeing the barn close by.

She trotted over and opened it. Inside was a wall of crates on each side of the barn, several stacks of hay and some farming equipment. She tapped her chin knowingly, a plan forming in her mind.

She opened her saddlebag and pulled out a small grey pellet and a mask. She put the mask on and noticed Applejack walking over from the corner of her eye, taking care not to turn her head. “Hey Cherry! Whatcha doing by that barn?”

Cherry pulled the mask down for a moment. “I was just inspecting it, it looked rather out of place for a barn, I must admit.”

“Oh, I guess it could be weird to have it so far from the farmhouse. But sometimes we need more than just place to have some equipment without heading back to the house every time,” Applejack replied. She felt her hoof press down on a small, squishy pebble and felt it explode beneath her hoof, filling the area with a white mist. She gasped in surprise but the mist quickly caused the cowpony to feel sluggish, her head feeling rather heavy.

Cherry watched as her prey fell with a weak thud. She grabbed her by the limbs and dragged her into the barn. Unfortunately for her, an invisible creature was watching, with a chirp it took off and flew to the library to alert its queen.


Applejack awoke, her head still feeling a bit dizzy. She tried to stand up to find her legs were bound. Her mouth gagged by something that was round and made of rubber. “Ahh, there we go.” Applejack turned to see Cherry Jubilee standing over her, a big, thick tan cock waving between her legs, leaking precum onto the ground, behind that was a set of swollen balls of a darker shade of colour than the rest of Cherry.

Noticing the walls were wooden and the large quantity of hay told the cowpony that she was in one of the barns. She struggled against her bindings, panicking when she found that they only tightened.

“Oh, don’t be like that. It’ll only make things worse,” Cherry cooed, stroking Applejack’s face. “Besides… you deserved it for fucking my ranch over last year, it’s only fair I repay you for it.”

The gag left her mouth. “Weren’t we getting along? I thought you forgave me.”

“I forgave you enough to not make this all about me putting you into the dirt like the whore that I thought you were,” Cherry chuckled, rubbing her hooves along APplejack’s backside. “Now, I’m going to make love to you, while giving you a… ‘reminder’ that I’m not a pony to cross.”

Applejack watched as Cherry circled around her, shivering in fear when she saw the thick erect member once again. “HELP! Big Mac! Twilight! Somepon- mph” Applejack was stopped by the gag being forced back in her mouth.

“Shame, I wanted you to get me ready,” Cherry pouted, walking back around to Applejack’s rear. “I suppose I’ll have to get you ready then.” Cherry licked her lips and slid her tongue along the cowpony’s outer lips.

Applejack flinched, fighting off her desire to moan when Cherry’s tongue touched her. The Ranch Boss was far better at using her tongue than anyone else that touched her, including Pinkie and Twilight. She blushed hard when she realized that her juices began to leak onto Cherry’s tongue. “How delightful, tastes just like your namesake.”

Cherry licked her lips once again before diving back in, Applejack’s scent driving the tan mare crazy. She wanted nothing more than to stuff this cowpony full of cock and seed, but she did say she’d make this feel good for the apple farmer, and she was a mare of her word. Her tongue danced and glided along Applejack’s pussy, teasing her folds and clitoris.

Applejack’s body twitch from each motion Cherry made, letting out a weak moan through her gag, saliva dripping from her lips and onto the floor.

Cherry rubbed the swollen snatch with her hoof before diving back in, enjoying Applejack’s taste more than she thought she would. She giggled to herself when she teased Applejack’s teats with her tongue while rubbing her nose against the pink love button.

It was all that Applejack could take, letting out a muffled moan, her juices leaking onto Cherry’s muzzle and tongue, tears dripping from her eyes, mentally hating this whole ordeal. She shivered when she heard her captor giggle. “Superb, I’m very glad you like this, it’ll make me feel a bit less guilty to rut you.” Applejack begged for somepony to save her, her whimpers becoming more vocal when she felt Cherry’s cock nudge her pussy lips. “Just relax and let me do all the work, you’ll be a mother soon… enough.”

Applejack clenched her eyes tightly, causing more tears to streak down her face. She braced herself for Cherry’s battering ram entering her.

Cherry sunk deep into Applejack, letting her cock get the feel of a new mare. “So tight yet so inviting, what other stud have you let fuck you? I bet your brother has had a few shots at this ass.”

Applejack tried to glare at the cherry boss, but the mare behind her pumped her hips harder, giving Applejack an in depth feel for how big Cherry Jubilee was. The tan hooves on her backside pulling her onto the thick dick, it felt larger than Twilight in some ways, causing the Apple farmer to feel disgraced for thinking little of her Alpha.

“Oh sugar! I love your pussy, I should take you home and add you to my collection. I could breed you forever!” Cherry exclaimed, her pace becoming furious. “Those muscles, this ass, this scent… I’m surprised no one claimed you yet.”

Applejack’s mind quickly went back to Twilight… hoping that the purple unicorn would swoop in and stop Cherry before the tan mare fills her with cum. The rigid member dragged and pushed itself deep inside her tunnel, forcing the cowpony to writhe.

“Oh yeah, I can feel you loving this. Your muscles are addicting,” Cherry moaned, thrusting wildly. Her hips slamming against Applejack’s backside. Cherry stopped suddenly. Applejack groaned, feeling her captor’s mouth near her ear. “I’m gonna pump you full of cum, Jackie dear. I’m gonna make you carry our foal, a constant reminder to never fuck with me or my town, and your friends will get the same.”

Applejack’s eyes shot open when she felt the thick penis slowly move in and out of her, delaying the inevitable. She tried to struggle but her bindings were too strong, she could only lay and wait for Cherry to fill her womb with thick foal gravy.

“STOP!” Cherry and Applejack turned to see a purple unicorn standing at the barn doors, glaring daggers at the cherry farmer. Before Cherry could speak, she was immediately tackled by the unicorn, her cock being savagely pulled out of Applejack’s abused sex. Twilight stood triumphantly over Cherry’s pinned form. “She is mine!”

“Not for long,” Cherry said, tripping Twilight. Twilight rolled back onto her hooves and the two mares circled each other. Cherry quickly noticed Twilight’s length bobbing below. and chuckled. “With a little thing like that, I’m surprised you scored such a catch.”

Twilight dove for Cherry, only to grimace as the tan mare sidestepped and chuckled when the unicorn collided with a crate. Applejack watched Twilight try to attack but Cherry effortlessly dodged every strike and lunge.

Spell enhancements or not, Twilight was still a unicorn. She was not going to win a contest of strength against the older and more experienced Cherry Jubilee, this fact was blinded by Twilight’s rage and desire to protect her mare from a rival.

Cherry dodged another attack but this time, threw her weight into the purple mare, sending her flying into a stack of hay, successfully dazing the unicorn. Smirking to herself, Cherry walked towards the fallen unicorn. “Nice try, but it’ll take more than all that… childish flailing, to beat little ol me.”

Twilight hadn't recovered enough to notice Cherry push her onto her back and spread her legs. Just barely managing to realize the cherry boss’ intentions. “NO!”

“But yes…” Cherry said, pinning Twilight down, her wet cock sliding along Twilight’s own. “I was going to find you later but… I guess I’ll deal with you now than Jackie. Hope you don’t mind being a mommy.”

Time slowed for Twilight, her fear-stricken face watched as Cherry repositioned herself to lance the unicorn, to make Twilight into a mare. Flashbacks of Lyra’s use of a strap-on flooded her mind.

Applejack appeared just as frightened as Twilight, her eyes wide as she was about to witness her stallion getting mounted by the newcomer.

Twilight tensed when she felt the cockhead against her lips, and cringed when the maremeat threatened to enter her. A voice echoed in her mind.

“Take her like a mare, or let her take like a stallion.” Twilight realized that the voice belonged to Evil Twilight, but the second voice she heard was much more harsh, it had the same soothing tone as her filly self said when she was controlled by Juliet, but forceful enough to know that the voice did not approve of the situation. “Did you forget you have magic? Use it and rut her brains out, make this stallion YOUR mare.”

Cherry stopped, her cock half way deep into her new toy when Twilight’s horn let out a blast, sending her flying against several crates. Twilight quickly stood up and pounced, pinning Cherry down with her magic and weight. “Don’t you EVER touch my mares, got it?”

Cherry responded with a slur of groans, still dazed by the attack.

The voice from before cackled, inciting the bookworm even more. Scolding her will do nothing, this is an Alpha. She will take everything from you if you don’t strip her of her pride, give her a taste of her own medicine.”

“Yeah… you won’t stop, you’ll keep trying to take what’s mine,” Twilight uttered, as if in a trance. She positioned her cock, she felt Cherry’s puckered anus and slid down further, finding the cherry mare’s pussy. “I’ll have to teach you to never cross me.”

Applejack writhed in her spot, trying to free herself while Twilight was ready to take Cherry Jubilee immediately. She tried to speak but her gag made her words come out only as muffles.

Cherry only heard Twilight but the world spun too fast. But she knew what was going to happen the moment she felt Twilight nudge her tunnel open. “Oh no you don’t filly!” Cherry tried to struggle but the unicorn’s magic was stronger. She was powerless to stop Twilight.

One vicious thrust and Twilight had buried herself into Cherry Jubilee, the force of the sudden entry caused Cherry to let out a loud yelp, before turning her head slowly to the unicorn above her. “Am I… getting fucked by a mosquito?” She asked weakly, a devious smile on her lips.

Glaring at the earth pony, Twilight held onto her foe’s hips and pounded the tan mare as hard and fast as possible. Each thrust pushed Cherry into the ground harder, her own cock rubbing against the barn floor. The sound of flesh colliding with flesh echoing within in the wooden barn.

Applejack shifted over to Twilight and began hopping, trying to catch Twilight’s attention. With one last hop, she landed inches away from Twilight and brushed her head against her Alpha’s hind legs, causing the unicorn to spin to scowl at the cowpony.

The look of Applejack’s frightened face snapped Twilight out of her rage, she quickly noticed her cock hilt deep in Cherry. “What? I… I swear I didn’t mean to-”

Applejack gave Twilight a sad look, still struggling in her bindings. Cherry still felt rather uncomfortable, still pinned to the ground by magic and the purple member still sheathed inside her. “Are you gonna fuck me or not?”

Twilight blushed, she pulled out, using her magic to free Applejack and letting Cherry stand. “Sorry for… roughly abusing your personal space, something kinda just said it was a good idea.”

“Trust me. I would have done the same, but I wouldn’t have stopped until you were bred thoroughly, and I’m talking… five loads in your pussy and three in your ass to demoralize,” Cherry said, dusting her cock off.

“But… I should have been able to control myself, but seeing you… on Applejack, just made me so angry,” Twilight growled, holding Applejack close.

Cherry only smiled. “It’s called territorialism, you saw someone playing with your things roughly and sought to defend it.”

“Are you telling us it’s natural for Twilight to try and rape ya after you were halfway done doing the same to me?” Applejack questioned. Cherry shrugged and nodded. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

“It’s true though, I’ve filled many holes, mare and stallion alike to get to where I am, a successful business mare and Alpha in Dodge Junction,” Cherry chuckled, her mirth became nervous quickly. “So long as you… don’t tell anypony that you beat me and rutted me for a few minutes. Alpha’s usually don’t stay as one if ponies find out they lost.”

“Hold on, there are more alphas? I was told for most of my life that it’s ILLEGAL, and there are more?” Twilight shouted, shocked by the new information.

Cherry began to laugh. “Oh my, that’s funny. Unicorn-led herds are outlawed because of magic often seen as cheating: mind control, corruption, all sorts of nasty stuff. There are other problems but nopony is too sure about. And that ‘law’ is easily bent by calling your ‘herd’ a harem on paper regardless if you actually call them a herd. Our Princess must be crazy to not only outlaw it but to make the loophole so wide a dragon could fit through it.”

“I see,” Twilight said. She turned to Applejack who gave a stern look before turning to Cherry Jubilee. “Leave, we’re done here.”

“So you are going to let me go? I can name three reasons why we should continue,” Cherry said, walking alongside Twilight, her tail brushing against the purple coat.

“But we don’t want ya here, not after what just happened,” Applejack said, giving a strong buck towards Cherry, who met it with her own and overpowered the orange mare, making Applejack fall onto her side.

“First, I still would like some sort of closure for you and your friends nearly wrecking my farm, took a year to get it back to working order, and made cherry prices skyrocket to compensate. Second, it would be rude to rut a mare and then just leave her wanting… Unlike you, who clearly didn’t like me trying to fuck your cooch with a blast like that. I enjoy giving my pussy some use. Finally, you are still hard and in desperate need of stuffing somepony,” Cherry said, caressing Twilight’s cock with a hoof.

The purple mare flinched and backed away. Applejack walked over to Twilight with some worry. “Are you really considering this? She’s gonna just come back and try this again, maybe with Fluttershy.”

Twilight and Cherry stared at each other for a moment. The unicorn wanted to listen to Applejack, but she had bested Cherry and the tan earth pony was willing to accept defeat and get mounted… but what lesson would that teach? If you beat somepony, you have to fuck them? While it unfortunately worked for Gilda, Chrysalis and Trixie, it was still exceedingly bad. Twilight noticed that Cherry wasn’t going to leave until she walks out satisfied and a idea came to mind. “Very well, but on a few conditions.”

“What?” Applejack yelled, glaring at Twilight.

“I’m listening,” Cherry giggled.

“I cast one spell, you don’t leave until both Applejack and myself are satisfied, and we never bring this whole mess up again, including the mess at your ranch. The final condition is that you NEED a very good reason to return to Ponyville, and a even better reason to be within ten meters of any of my herd, or I will hunt you down and make sure that every wet dream you ever get will involve my dick in your plot, got it?” Twilight demanded, Cherry gave this an intrigued smirk. “In exchange, we won’t tell anypony that you lost to me, and I’ll pay for the damages we inflicted upon your ranch.”

“Oh really?” Cherry said excitedly.

“Are you serious? Not only is this all wrong but you don’t have that kind of money,” Applejack stated.

“You’d be surprised how much money I have saved up from stipends, working as the town librarian, and the grants I get for my research when combined with the fact that I don’t spend very many bits in the first place, I get over thousands of bits a month and I barely spend over one hundred in that same time period, I can do that much,” Twilight added, frowning. Applejack groaned and shook her head in anger.

“I must say, this whole deal of ours is rather… favorable for me, but what spell do you plan on using?” Cherry asked, melodically.

Twilight smirked. “Give Applejack and myself one moment to get ready,” she said, motioning for Applejack to follow her. Cherry piqued an eyebrow as the two mares disappeared behind a large tower of crates. A sudden flash of purple light and the sounds of Applejack crying out “Whoa nelly!” and the two returned. Twilight with a calm smile on her face and the cowpony looking as if she saw the most bizarre thing imaginable. Cherry examined both mares to find what the spell did and lo and behold, Applejack was sporting a thick orange cock beneath her belly. Like Twilight, she was ball-less and it seemed to rival the unicorn in size and girth.

Twilight caught on to Cherry’s confusion. “As the loser, I want you to please us both like a mare. Just as you said, this is an unspoken rule and I’m going to claim that ‘losing’ means you lose all right to use your penis, so Applejack and I… are going to use your holes, you can stroke yourself off if you get the chance but… I think your penis had enough action today.”

Cherry’s eye twitched, but her ire towards Twilight was overshadowed by the deal the two made. She internally chuckled when she heard Twilight grant her permission to stroke herself. She walked over to a unbroken crate that was taller than even Big Mac by a meter. “Very well, let’s see what you two got.”

Both mares stepped forward, Cherry laid herself back against the wooden wall and her vision was immediately filled by purple and orange cocks. Cherry placed a hoof on each member and studied them, feeling their weight and giving them a experimental sniff. “At least these are well managed.”

Applejack braced herself for whatever Cherry could do to her, but her resistance was utterly destroyed by the sensations of the tan hoof gliding across her sensitive rod. “Oh, oh gosh. That’s… that’s something.”

“Yeah… they are rather sensitive,” Twilight chuckled weakly, cooing form the feeling of Cherry kissing her cock’s tip.

Cherry looked up to both mares, stroking Applejack and licking Twilight. She swapped over and began to lick along the orange underside, causing the cowpony’s legs to buckle from the unfamiliar touch. “This will be easier than I thought. Blow you into a coma then ride Twilight until my ass can’t take anymore of her,” Cherry joked, giving Applejack’s cock a kiss.

“I- I need a moment,” Applejack stammered, pulling away from Cherry and Twilight. “Go on ahead, I just need to… figure this dang thing out.”

“Of course Applejack, take all the time you need,” Twilight said. She scooted over, her cock positioned directly for Cherry’s mouth. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Mind what? Your friends trying to control her new cock or that you are probably going to throatfuck me?” Cherry asked, with a sly smile.

Twilight returned the smirk. “Both actually.” Cherry chuckled and opened her mouth wide, placing her lips around the purple member. Twilight shifted closer to Cherry’s head and looked around her surroundings. A smile graced her lips when she found matted blanket and levitated it behind Cherry’s head. “Get ready.”

Cherry winked and flinched when Twilight sent her entire member down the tan mare’s throat. Cherry’s hooves hooked around the unicorn’s flanks and did what she could to breathe through her nose, listening to Twilight’s squeals and moans.

Applejack watched, with cock in hoof, as Twilight began mating with Cherry’s mouth. The entire purple length disappearing into the tan mouth. Her own thick cock was twitching at her own touch, Applejack understood why Twilight gave her this thing, but her mind reeled at the thought of actually using it. Simply watching Twilight rut Cherry’s face was getting her member harder, uncomfortable to the point where she could tell something was building up within herself.

Twilight was panting harshly, Cherry’s mouth felt as tight as any pussy she’s even mated with and the tongue that slid and somehow groped her cock from within sent electricity straight up her spine. Even Cherry’s throat was acting like a pussy, massaging her cock when it ever it pushed that deep.

Cherry could only smirk around the purple girth, one of her hooves were gently stroking her member, her nose was filled by Twilight’s scent as she continued to keep her breath through the semi-harsh deepthroating. The ordeal was helped greatly by Twilight’s taste, it wasn’t the worst thing she’s ever put in her mouth, but as far as dicks go, it was definitely among the tastiest. The flared tip pushing into her esophagus.

Applejack’s mating tool began leaking precum, she could feel something coming, and it felt more rough than any other orgasm she’s ever had prior. “Twi… I can feel it cumming.”

Twilight turned over to Applejack quickly. “Try and get over here,” Twilight ordered. With hesitant legs Applejack complied, trying to keep her member from touching the ground. “Now stand on your hind legs, and with your hoof, stroke yourself off and aim at Cherry.”

“Oh, you naughty bitch,” Cherry thought playfully, watching the cowpony rise up, her orange cannon aimed for her face. Applejack began to stroke herself violently, trying to push herself over the edge. Cherry could feel Twilight’s throbbing shaft getting exceedingly close to filling her stomach.

Both mares cried out loudly, Twilight firing her seed down Cherry’s throat while Applejack’s cock was spending its load all over Cherry’s face and coat. Applejack’s hoof went lax for a moment, causing the member to fire a single salvo onto Twilight’s leg while the rest shot out and leaked onto the barn floor, before falling onto her hooves.

Twilight released Cherry and stepped back, falling back on all four hooves. “How do you know how to suck cock like that?” the unicorn gasped.

“I don’t just play with mares, sugar. I mate with stallions too, sometimes I rut them, sometimes they rut me, so long as I’m in control, they can fuck me anywhere,” Cherry giggled, sliding some of Applejack’s cum off her face and into her mouth.

Twilight smiled weakly and turned to her mare. “Applejack, are you alright? Can you continue?”

Applejack looked up to Twilight exhausted but her cock was more alive than she was. “Ye- yeah, I can keep going.”

Twilight nodded, and used her magic to pull Cherry onto her hooves and positioned her into the middle of the barn. “What’s this now?” Cherry asked, bemused by the situation.

“Well, Pinkie calls this a ‘spitroast’ so I’m going to fuck your pussy while Applejack get’s your mouth,” Twilight explained, rubbing her hoof against Cherry’s moist lips, suppressing a giggle when the red tail instinctively raised out of Twilight’s way.

“You think your mare can handle that?” Cherry chuckled, noticed Applejack weakly standing up.

Applejack pouted and stomped her way to Cherry. “Oh, I’ll handle it, and make you want more.”

“Quiet the claim, you got there, Jackie. But all I see is a virgin with a new toy,” Cherry joked, her hindlegs flinching from Twilight’s hoof digging into her marehood.

Applejack was becoming furious and rose up above Cherry’s head, unintentionally slapping the tan mare with her cock. Her hooves slowly relaxed onto the back of Cherry’s scalp and pushed in, forcing the cherry worker to take her entire length.

Twilight quickly noticed this and smiled and quickly pressed forward with her own agenda. She rubbed her cock against Cherry’s backside before finding her pussy and slowly pushed herself in, spreading Cherry’s tight pussy apart.

It’s been a very long time since Cherry’s ever had two cocks enter her at the same time, she could feel her own member slapping against her belly from every thrust the either of the two mares made, Applejack’s crotch contacting her nose and filling her lungs with her country-apple scent while Twilight was drilling her pussy, to call it a ‘mosquito’ as she did before was not a fair association, Twilight felt more like a young zebra who has the know-how to fuck rather well based on how Twilight massaged her ass with her hooves and gave long, powerful thrusts.

Applejack quickly realized that her hooves were nothing compared to Cherry’s mouth, often asking herself if this is what Twilight feels whenever she has sex, the sensation was quickly overwhelming her. She looked to see Twilight in a better position, biting her lower lip in a adorable way, her eyes half lidded while her purple cock entered and exited Cherry’s pussy. Applejack felt like she had to show restraint, and she promised herself that she won’t cum until Twilight does.

Cherry’s pussy continued to suck Twilight in. The unicorn’s hips moving automatically to reap the full rewards of the tan mare’s pussy. Twilight noticed Applejack struggling to keep her composure and frowned. “Applejack, I understand that you are unfamiliar with your new dick, but don’t stress yourself out over lasting so long, if you need to cum, just cum.”

“No, I’m stronger than that, I’m gonna last,” Applejack whimpered, pushing her full weight into Cherry’s face.

Cherry felt the apple farmer become harsh with her thrusts but still giggled around the member, causing the orange mare to groan. She began to hum around Applejack’s new appendage and her tongue started to grope the orange length’s underside, instantly causing Applejack to squirm above her. Twilight noticed this and hugged Cherry from behind, her hooves fumbled around until they found Cherry’s cock and began to stroke it, the cherry farmer flinched from the action.

Unfortunately, Applejack couldn’t last. She let out a moan as her girth began firing her load down Cherry’s throat, adding to whatever remained of Twilight’s cum in her stomach. She gave Cherry’s face many short thrusts, trying to milk herself of her cum.

Twilight felt herself building up but she was still aways from her climax and decided to give Cherry a real ride. The moment Applejack pulled out, she lifted Cherry onto her lap, and made the tan mare ride her. Cherry gasped form the sudden change. “Gosh, you’re pretty good.”

“With my track record, I’d like to think so,” Twilight replied, guiding Cherry’s hips while thrusting into her, causing her cock to lightly touch the cervix. She could feel Cherry getting tighter around her cock. “Applejack, stroke Cherry!”

Applejack didn’t like it but she complied, she sat down in front of the two and her hooves began to move along Cherry’s penis. She was familiar with this from her time with Twilight and smirked when Cherry began to moan and squirm.

“Oh… oh fuck,” Cherry moaned. Applejack might have been a complete rookie with her cock, but the strong mare’s hooves felt magical against her member. Applejack’s hooves and Twilight’s barrage of pounding made Cherry feel weak. She wanted nothing more than to shove her cock down the orange mare’s throat just as Twilight and she did to Cherry earlier.

“Oh, she REALLY likes that,” Applejack teased, she began to grind her body against Cherry’s member, enjoying the sudden domination effect she had over her ex-captor.

“Oh yeah… she’s getting really tight here,” Twilight gasped, her face scrunching up from the pressure on her stallionhood.

“Oh fuck, suck my dick, Jackie. I need your mouth,” Cherry moaned, her hooves running along her body and Twilight’s head.

Applejack smirked and shook her head. She instead laid back with her cock and pussy on display for Cherry. “Nah, I’ll give ya something else though.”

Cherry was confused for a moment, but the moment she felt Applejack’s golden tail wrap itself around her dick, she knew what was going to happen, she immediately squeaked from the soft blonde hair rubbing her shaft.

Twilight opened her eyes slightly to find Applejack jerking Cherry off with her tail. “I… how do tails do that?”

“Lots of practice with a lasso, Twi,” Applejack said proudly, watching the tan member jerk and twitch within her tail’s grasp.

Cherry cried out, her cock unleashing it’s load all over Applejack’s tail and on herself, painting her tan body with more cum.

The sudden climax of Cherry pushed Twilight over the edge as her member began to fill the cherry farmer’s pussy with her foal gravy. The amount Twilight unleashed surprised Cherry, she thought her load from the blowjob was big, she could feel her belly growing form the volume of unicorn spunk entering her and the dribbles of thick seed leaking from her snatch and past the purple girth. “Goodness… with a cannon like that… how do you only got one foal?”

Twilight giggled with an embarrassed blush, knowing full well about the ten or so changelings she sired. “Spells to keep them from impregnating ponies? Not everyone wants to be a mom right away after all.”

With all her remaining might, Cherry shot Applejack a knowing look. “May I make a suggestion as to what we do next?”

“And that would be?” Twilight asked, cautiously. Applejack simply glared at the tan mare, taking her tail off the limp cock.

“I lay on that,” Cherry explained, pointing at a low crate. “Applejack fucks me and you fuck Jackie, we keep to our arrangement and… Applejack gets a filly.”

“But… Applejack doesn’t want a foal… do you?” Twilight asked, giving her cowpony friend a curious look.

“I’ve… been thinking more on it since Fluttershy was knocked up and, felt a little envious of Shy when she had Gale, I was gonna ask you later but… I might had said something along those lines to Cherry before this mess happened,” Applejack explained, glaring at Cherry.

Twilight slowly pushed Cherry off her cock, and smiled. “If you really want one, I’ll do my best for you, Applejack.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Applejack said, nuzzling her alpha. She turned to Cherry who was limping over to the crate. “So… Anal is like…”

“It’s like a tight pussy with only one part of it REALLY massaging you. Think of the ring as the back of Cherry’s throat, except it’ll be around every inch of your dick while you move,” Twilight explained with a chuckled.

“Nelly, this will be an experience. Could barely take a blowjob and now screwing some mare’s butt while my Alpha puts her seed in me,” Applejack uttered, bewildered by the string of events.

“If you want, you can screw Cherry now and then I’ll do you after,” Twilight offered,

“Nope, we’re gonna do this. I gotta pony up, for my future foal,” Applejack stated, marching over to Cherry’s relaxed form, draping over the crate.

“Done talking?” Cherry asked, wagging her tail.

“Darn tootin, now get ready!” Applejack ordered. Pressing her wet cock into Cherry’s puckered star. Twilight stood behind Applejack and helped her mare enter the cherry farmer. the moment her head popped in, she let out a loud groan while Cherry hissed in pleasure. “This… is nothing like Cherry’s throat.”

Twilight gave an apologetic smile and positioned herself for Applejack's pussy. Her horn let out a purple glow that coursed through her cock for a moment before penetration. She slowly pressed forward but found that Applejack was pulling her in. Applejack let out a startling gasp, causing her to force her member deep into Cherry’s bowels, who in turn let out a moan. “Goodness, going balls deep already?” Cherry asked, panting.

“Sorry about that, Applejack… she really needed me apparently,” Twilight cooed, thrusting against Applejack’s rear.

“Must… have been the dicking I gave her earlier when you interrupted us,” Cherry moaned, grinding herself against Applejack’s front.

Applejack’s body was stiff as a statue, Cherry’s ass and Twilight’s dick was causing the orange mare to turn red from the dual sensations. Her body flinched when she felt Twilight’s hooves wrap around her middle. She was not ready for either mares at all.

Cherry lurched forward from a sudden hard thrust from Applejack, the orange mare fucking the tan mare while fucking herself on the purple cock. Twilight lost her rhythm and fought to regain it. the cherry farmer’s eyes widened when she felt Applejack cum immediately, filling her ass with lots of apple family seed. “Already?”

“She’s had a cock for a half hour, cut her some slack,” Twilight scolded, continuing to thrust herself into her cowpony.

Applejack didn’t listen, her concentration was taken by the desire to fill Cherry’s gut. She could feel her seed dripping out of Cherry’s rectum and joining the fluids that leaked from the tan mare’s pussy and cock. She could still feel Cherry’s ass begging for more and Twilight’s cock refusing to stop moving until the apple farmer is bred.

Cherry felt Applejack resume humping her, her strong hooves holding her thighs tightly while her hips pushed into her well-toned ass, cooing from finally getting fucked properly.

Twilight nuzzled Applejack’s neck, her forelimbs holding the orange mare tight, her cock sawing in and out of the cowpony’s pussy, each thrust meeting the womb each time and guiding her mare into Cherry’s anus. Twilight could feel her mare’s pussy tightening and milking her, trying to get the unicorn’s stallionhood to ooze it’s cum so the cervix can gobble it up.

Applejack’s back was arched, constantly moaning from Twilight’s attention, the kissing, rubbing of hooves and thick dick spreading her pussy that was combined with the tight massage of Chery’s ass was quickly making Applejack’s next orgasm a reality. She could hear Cherry moaning from getting her ass stretched by the heavy orange phallus, being new to having a cock and getting a bun fucked into her oven was taking it’s toll on Applejack’s endurance.

Twilight felt herself nearing her end too, and based on Cherry’s voice, the other Alpha was getting close too. She pumped her hips against Applejack a bit more before letting out a loud cry, filling the cowpony with her seed.

The sudden feeling of her womb drowning in Twilight’s spunk knocked Applejack to her climax, groaning as her cock firing it’s load deep into Cherry’s ass. Cherry joined the three in climax, her cock unleash it’s contents onto the ground and the crate she laid on while her ass was forced to take all of Applejack’s jism.

The three mares slowly moved themselves against each other, trying to empty themselves into their partner or onto the floor in Cherry’s case. Twilight was the first to pull out, watching her spunk leave Applejack’s full marehood. The cowpony fell backwards into Twilight’s hooves, her cock firing a few stray shots ont Cherry’s back before the apple farmer passed out. Cherry felt too weak to get up, finding the crate more comfortable than anything else.

Twilight laid Applejack on a stack of hay, considering removing the spell in case Cherry needed more punishment. Once that was done the unicorn turned to Cherry Jubilee with a smirk. “We’re not done, you know.”

Cherry weakly turned to Twilight, astonished by the hard girth that swung beneath Twilight’s legs. “Who the heck do you fuck to keep it up? The Princesses?”

“One princess, a changeling queen, a griffon, a zebra, and lots of mares,” Twilight answered, climbing onto Cherry’s backside.

“That’s quite the… record,” Cherry said, mildly envious of Twilight’s herd.

Twilight smirked, and pressed her wet cock for Cherry’s used pussy and thrusted forward, burying herself to the hilt inside her adversary.

Cherry failed to brace herself in time and felt Twilight’s full force in her marehood. The worrisome part was Twilight lack of her usual sincerity, the unicorn took her time but she was not gentle. Cherry liked it rough every so often but Twilight was a whole new version of ‘rough’, it was almost like somepony else was fucking her.

“Where’s your confidence now? Your ‘swagger’? You are an Alpha and yet here you are… taking my dick like a slut,” Twilight laughed.

“Hold on, what- Ack, not so hard,” Cherry grimaced, biting her lower lip form Twilight’s own brand of aggressive sex.

“This is why you never challenge a unicorn Alpha, no less the student of the fucking sun. So now, I’m going to rut you… like the mare you REALLY are,” Twilight grinned, she leaned forward and began fucking Cherry faster and harder, her horn shot out a light aura that made Cherry quiver then shake with pleasure.

“So… you need magic to fuck?” Cherry questioned, jabbing Twilight with her words. Though the jab wasn’t nearly as hard as the unicorn’s poundings.

“I’m not stupid, filly. I know that unicorns are the weakest of the three races, we can’t hold a candle to pegasi or earth ponies in physical regards… but there is always magic, that’s why we study, that’s why we learn… to make sluts like you beg for more,” Twilight cackled. Her laugh was drowned out by Cherry’s screams of pleasure when the spell took hold, causing her pussy to become far more sensitive to stimulation, Twilight’s body rubbing against her back alone was driving Cherry crazy. “Magic… is what makes unicorns stand strong with the other races, but there is a problem. Magic… is essentially limitless, my talent is all magic, thus… I have no limit.”

Cherry’s eyes shot open when she felt something grow inside her pussy, gasping harshly when she realized she is getting fucked by two cocks. Twilight kept on nailing her from behind with no mercy, her cocks throbbing with need inside the tight velvet prison. Cherry let out a loud screech, her pussy collapsing over the two purple members while her cock fired it’s load all over the ground.

“Look at that worthless little thing, I can’t believe you almost fucked ME with it,” Twilight whispered into Cherry’s ear. “Rather weird that you have mares that love your cock… must be because they haven’t met me yet.”

“Oh fuck… fuck yo-Ohh, shit!” Cherry cried out, feeling another orgasm rip through her being.

Twilight kept her furious pace up, causing the tan hide to become red. Twilight soon became annoyed by the feeling of Applejack’s seed leaking onto her coat and pulled out. Cherry squeaked and let out a disappointed mewl only to turned over onto her back and speared roughly on Twilight’s twin dicks, her cock bouncing harmlessly on her belly. “Much better, I don’t want my mare’s cum on me,” Twilight grimaced, using Cherry’s tail to clean off the cowpony’s seed of the purple coat.

Cherry hooves grabbed hold of the crate she was on, moaning like Trixie always does when she was fucked hard. “Sweet Celestia, oh fuck me.”

Twilight stopped immediately and a wide smile formed on her lips. “Excuse me, could you repeat that?”

“Please… fuck me, I need your dicks,” Cherry whimpered, grinding herself against Twilight’s body.

“Well, you said the magic word,” Twilight said dismissively, her movement became even more rough and violent. Her cocks purposefully stretching Cherry wide.

Cherry felt her cock fire a weak load of cum onto her slightly bulging belly, the peeslit leaking her essence over her coat. Her pussy acted a bit stronger to her orgasm and pulled on the dual purple peckers inside.

With a grunt, Twilight let loose. Her mare meats filling Cherry’s womb up and forcing ounces of the stuff to leak from her over stretched pussy. Twilight gave a few thrusts forward with the intent of making her cum stay in the tan mare’s womb, making it bulge more, making her appear like she’s in her fifth month of pregnancy.

Twilight pulled out and made one of her cocks disappear as she walked over to Cherry’s head. “Clean me.”

Cherry weakly licked Twilight’s semen covered member, doing her best to comply while greatly fatigued by recent events.

Twilight wasn’t amused and forced her dick into Cherry’s mouth, wiggling it around and cooing from the tongue trying to finish the job. She pulled out ever so often to check if her new mare missed a spot. If she did, she’d shove herself back into Cherry and wait till the tongue bath conclude.

After a minute of Cherry cleaning Twilight; the unicorn began stroking herself to her final climax of the night, painting Cherry’s face and mane with her seed, some of it getting into her mouth. Satisfied Twilight leaned over Cherry, their faces inches apart. “I’m feeling merciful tonight. So long as you stay in Dodge, you can stay as an Alpha. Just know that if you ever return to Ponyville, you are MY mare, my pussy to fuck all day if I need it. Understood?”

“Yes… Alpha…” Cherry muttered weakly and nodded as sleep took hold. Twilight turned to see Aplejack stand up weakly, her cock erect and ready for more.

The unicorn smiled and conjured a rain cloud to douce Cherry's head, awakening her. "You're not done."

Cherry gave Twilight a confused look but felt Applejack in her ass once again, mating like a beats possessed while Twilight forced the earth mare to suck her off again. They two mares ravaged Cherry well into the night until Twilight left the cherry rancher covered in fluids, carrying her unconscious friend back to the farm house, leering at the tan mare as the door closed behind her.


Cherry Jubilee left Ponyville, a sizeable bit pouch in her saddlebags, and a clear conscience. It still sucked that she didn’t get to use her mare beater, but her night with Applejack and the strangely domineering Twilight was still rather fun, she almost wanted to return later to see what other trick Twilight had in her horn.

It was adorable how protective Twilight was of Applejack when she awoke and stumbled into the Apple Household, and the apple fritters were divine. Despite her reason for going to Ponyville was to make Applejack and her friends into a bunch of cock-loving sluts had failed spectacularly and became a cock loving slut to one of them (maybe two), she still felt that she accomplished her goal of at least getting some closure in the form of getting Applejack knocked up (though it was her purple friend that put that bun in her oven) and got plenty of bits to pay off the damages that were already dealt with, leaving her in good spirits.

Her smile turned sour as she recalled something, Twilight never re-did that spell that prevents her from impregnating ponies after she pumped what looked to be half a pond’s full of cum into Applejack. She discreetly checked under her balls and dabbed her pussy lightly. With how much Twilight pumped into her, she’d be leaking the unicorn’s seed for another day. She brought her hoof up to see a small dab of white cream, radiating the same scent as the unicorn and scowled. “Damn it, that unicorn knocked me up.”


Twilight strode into her library, the confrontation and the awkward morning made the unicorn on edge and left her mentally weakened, despite the sleep she had. She couldn’t recall how she awoke in Applejack’s bed after setting her orange friend down on a hay stack, and she was hoping it was all just a bad dream.

Seeing Cherry Jubilee at the kitchen table told her it wasn’t and Twilight spent the morning protecting Applejack from anything the tan mare had, only to find that her rival was more docile than she was the night before, she teased Big Mac a few times and complimented Granny Smith on the food but she made no passes at Twilight or Applejack.

She looked up to see Chrysalis reading. “How did it go?” the queen asked nonchalantly.

“I don’t think Cherry will be a problem anymore, and thank you for alerting me about her,” Twilight said, walking over to hug Chrysalis. “I don’t know what I would have done if Cherry actually succeeded.”

“Yeah huh,” Chrysalis replied, uninterested in Twilight at the moment. Her body stiffened the moment she felt her Alpha’s hooves wrap around her neck in a warm embrace. Pleasure raced across every fiber of her being as love filled her body with energy. It took mere seconds before her pussy began to leak its fluids onto the couch and her transparent ovipositor fired several thick strands of egg goo onto her face and mane. Twilight quickly managed to catch whatever would have landed on her book with her magic. The changeling slowly recovered and turned to the unicorn with half-lidded eyes. “You… are very… VERY welcome.”

Mini-Series: From Fillies to Mares, but still fillies.

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Tags: [Futa/Futa/F, anal, vaginal, oral, virginal blood, foalcon, light domination]


The following chapter contains Foalcon, Twilight as a filly, having sex with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, who are all still fillies, dood. If this ain't your cup of tea, then I'm sure there are chapters where Foalcon doesn't happen in my story... or in other stories, dood.

Silver Spoon found that it was tough to be a filly… and a lesbian… and an early bloomer. She walked to school with her best friend and secret crush, Diamond Tiara. The pink earth filly was talking about her dad again, or something she got on the weekend, Silver wasn’t sure; her attention was captured by the luscious sway of her best friend’s rump, causing her back end to feel rather uncomfortable. Yes, It was tough to be a lesbian.

She always knew she was a lesbian, too… or “fillyfooler” as Diamond called it to tease Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, she was given a constant reminder every time she woke up in the morning, a small bump in her sheets that signalled her lesbianism.

“Hey, are you paying attention?” Diamond asked, staring at the grey filly.

“Yes, of course,” Silver Spoon lied, continuing to walk next to Diamond.

“Well you better, we’re almost at school,” Diamond chided. They reached the school grounds, and Diamond didn’t waste any time locating the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their daily teasing.

Silver Spoon felt rather jealous of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, they appear to like- like each other a whole lot, something Silver Spoon could only dream of having with Diamond.

Diamond marched up to the crusaders with the biggest grin she had. “Well, well, well. What do you think the blank flanks are planning this time, Silver Spoon?”

“Probably another lame scheme to get their cutie marks,” Silver chimed, smirking at the three fillies. There was little glee to gain from picking on the crusaders; she failed to understand why Diamond liked it so much. All SIlver could do was follow her crush, too scared of her own fears of seclusion to disobey.

“None of your business, Diamond. Don’t you have other ponies to bug?” the farm filly, Applebloom, retorted. Silver would never admit it, but she kinda liked Applebloom. She wouldn’t mind a night in her sister’s barn with her.

“Aww, are you gonna cry? I would if I was friends with a bunch of fillyfoolers,” Diamond chuckled. Her words appeared to have stung Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo deep.

“Ye- yeah, a bunch… a bunch of d- dirty fillyfoolers,” Silver Spoon said, blushing out of embarrassment.

“Then again, just looking at you three, I’m not surprised. What colt would want to be YOUR special somepony?” Diamond laughed.

“Oh yeah? You think you’re soo great? Scootaloo here is more mature than you because Twilight made her into a bonafide mare!” Sweetie shouted, glaring at the pink filly.

Silver was actually shocked to hear this news, but her friend, Diamond, took this in another way, as her face went red with rage. “What! How? Tell me how, there is no way a flightless chicken like YOU, can become a mare before me!”

“Like she said, Twilight turned me into a mare… it hurt a lot, and my butt was sore for a few days, but it happened! I’m now more mature than BOTH of you!” Scootaloo said victoriously, high hoofing her friends.

“Oh yeah? Enjoy it while it lasts because we are going to talk to Twilight after school and she’s gonna make both of us into mares, so HAH!” Diamond shouted, stomping away. Silver Spoon reluctantly followed, still curious as to how Twilight could do that, but then again… how does a filly become a mare?


“This… is way too convenient,” Silver Spoon thought to herself. Twilight Sparkle herself had joined their class, she was evidently curious about Cheerilee’s techniques that she turned herself into a filly and asked to be apart of today’s lesson, Cheerilee was a bit confused and slightly miffed but she allowed it and asked her to sit next to Dinky. What made it even more confusing was the hug Dinky gave Twilight and she could have sworn Dinky called Twilight ‘Dad’.

Silver Spoon turned to Diamond Tiara to find that she had a plan, Silver could tell from the big grin she had on her face. “You know the poison joke in Twist’s saddlebags, the stuff she wants to use for some candy thing? Grab it, we’re going to need it here.”

“Poison joke? Why?” Silver asked quietly, trying not to alert Cheerilee in the middle of class.

“We need it to get Miss Twilight on our side and make us into mares,” Diamond snickered, rubbing her hooves greedily.

Her answer only confused Silver more, but she nodded and let Diamond make her plans. She worried that Diamond’s plot might backfire on them; poison joke couldn’t be used like tools, its effects were far too random for that.

Regardless, she tossed an eraser at one of Twist’s line of pencils, causing them to fall to the floor. “What? Darn it, not again,” Twist grumbled, slipping out of her chair to collect her pencils. Silver Spoon then used her tail to snatch a plastic bag containing a blue flower and placed it in her desk, relieved that Twist, or anypony else for that matter, didn’t catch her.

As the school day came to an end, Diamond and Silver waited as Twilight stayed behind to talk to Cheerilee.

“I’m really sorry to have doubted you, Cheerilee. I saw Dinky’s homework and thought it might have been too easy, so I wanted to make sure. Please don’t be mad,” Twilight cried, bracing herself for the teacher’s ire. But it never came.

“Oh Twilight, if I got angry at every parent that was concerned for their child’s education, I would have been fired a long time ago. Though… this is the first time a parent was concerned that the material was too easy,” Cheerilee chuckled.

“Thanks, I’m just so worried now that I know I have a filly… it’s kind of surreal, but I want to make sure her education is up to snuff, you know?” Twilight asked sheepishly.

“That’s understandable… except the part about you having a nine year old filly, how did that happen?” Cheerilee questioned. Twilight sighed and explained the circumstances of Dinky’s conception without making herself or Ditzy look bad.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon rolled their eyes, waiting for Twilight and Cheerilee to stop talking. They didn’t have all day after all, they had to tease the Cutie Mark Crusaders a little bit more before going home, Diamond Tiara would then play with her cat or question why her room wasn’t cleaned while Silver Spoon would go home and get ready for dinner, or play with her toys… or masturbate to Diamond Tiara’s flanks, whichever worked.

After a lengthy conversation, Twilight waved good bye to Cheerilee and began to make her way home. She quickly noticed that Dinky wasn’t around, causing her to believe that Ditzy must have came to pick her up. Shrugging, she started her journey to her library when she was stopped by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Oh, hello girls. What are you two doing at school this late?”

“Well Miss Sparkle, we have a question that only you could answer, and we didn’t want to interrupt your conversation with Miss Cheerilee,” Diamond said, motioning for Silver to give the poison joke to Twilight.

“Oh and what would that question be?” Twilight asked, rather curious and happy to mold young minds.

"Umm… what is this plant again?” Silver asked. She tripped herself and causing the blue flower to hit Twilight’s on the nose, forcing her to breath in it’s pollen. “Oh, sorry.”

Twilight quickly recovered and rubbed her nose, she then noticed the blue flower and her eyes went wide with fear. “P-Poison Joke?”

“Is that what’s it’s called? What does it do again?” Diamond asked innocently, trying to keep herself from grinning evilly.

“It… pranks anyone that touches their pollen, the effects… being more severe if one were to inhale or consume… oh no,” Twilight stammered, backing away and coughing harshly.

The evil scheme was discarded for worry when the two noticed Twilight’s coughing fit. “Are you alright, Miss Twilight?” Silver Spoon asked.

After a moment of coughing, Twilight slowly nodded and, looking at the fillies, her body began to heat up; both fillies let out a gasp when they saw a purple tube slowly grow underneath the purple filly. “Girls, st-stay away from me!” Twilight called out, trying to wobble away from the two schoolfillies.

“Wait why? We have another question though, like… how does a filly become a mare?” Diamond questioned, hoping Twilight could still answer.

Twilight’s eyes sparkled, but the unicorn grimaced. “You really shouldn’t ask that, at least not now.”

“But I wanna know!” Diamond pressed, walking up to Twilight defiantly. “You will tell me!”

Twilight could smell the filly’s scent, the strawberry scent filling her lungs, causing her to battle her own lusts. “If you don’t get away, a live demonstration will happen and both of us don’t want that.”

“A demonstration? You can do that for us?” Diamond asked with a big smile. Silver Spoon wasn’t as eager as her friend, especially with the overbearing scent of Twilight’s musk overpowering her senses. She was confused by how Diamond was immune to the dominant aroma that came from Twilight; just being near the purple filly caused Silver’s tail to rise and her dick to unsheath.

“No, I- I won’t demonstra-” Twilight stopped herself when she smelled a weaker male scent mixed with a needy mare. She turned to see Silver Spoon trying to hide her erection. “You have a penis too?”

SIlver Spoon blushed hard as Diamond turned to see her trying to hide herself. “What is that, Silver?”

“I… was born with this, okay? Please… don’t hate me,” SIlver uttered, scooting away.

Diamond’s eyes went from the grey cock to the slightly larger purple cock, becoming slightly worried but her curiosity won out. “Why are they… like that?”

“The… poison joke is making me aroused and Silver Spoon caught my scent, causing her to become erect as well,” Twilight explained, trying to keep herself from mounting one of the fillies immediately.

“Do those… turn fillies into mares?” Diamond asked, walking closer to Twilight’s shaft.

“Yes, but I’m not going to do that,” Twilight shouted. She turned to leave and relieve her pent up stress on Trixie when she was tackled down by Diamond.

“I wanna be a mare, and I’m not getting off you until you agree to make me a mare,” Diamond ordered. She shuffled on top of the purple filly, causing her coat to rub against the purple member. Silver Spoon’s eyes were wide as she stared at Diamond’s smooth pink lips, she could feel her cock begging to enter her while her juices dripped onto the ground.

That was the final straw, Twilight’s face was beet red, she could smell Silver Spoon’s arousal, and Diamond Tiara was rather cute for a filly, despite what the unicorn had heard about her and her friend. Diamond wanted to be a mare and Silver Spoon was aroused, it might be Juliet influencing her but… who was Twilight to deny these fillies? “Fine, just got off me.”

Diamond cheered and got off Twilight. She examined her Mare-making tools. She considered Twilight’s reputation among mares, and that the purple filly was still rather big for her size, but she was still skilled. As far as the pink filly knew, Silver had never used her colt parts before, and it was smaller… probably easier for her to make fillies into mares. “Hmm, would there be a way for both of you to make me twice the mare of anypony?” Diamond asked, grinning.

Both dick-fillies were blushing hard, but Twilight answered. “Yes, but we’ll need to get ready. Could you get Silver ready while I get you ready?”

Diamond nodded but… she didn’t know how to get anypony ready. “How exactly?”

“Turn around and face Silver, you will have to lick her penis and get it really wet. In the meantime, I’ll be licking your vagina to get it ready for us,” Twilight said, stroking her cock.

Silver Spoon’s face became beet red as Diamond complied, raising her tail and staring at the grey filly. “Silver, get your butt over here. I don’t wanna get hurt just because you don’t want to stick your thingie in my mouth.”

“R-right.” Silver uttered, her fantasies were coming true; her best friend was about to suck her dick. She sat down in front of Diamond, her penis pointed directly at the pink filly’s face.

Diamond found the smell of Silver’s penis to be weird, but she didn’t want to get hurt, so she gave it a quick lick, causing her best friend to squeak. Curious, she did it again but slower and longer, noticing how Silver Spoon squirmed from the delicate touches. “Do you actually like this? I’m just licking you.”

“The penis is full of sensitive nerve endings, Diamond. Touching it makes Silver more excited,” Twilight said, gazing at Diamond’s pink lips. She inhaled the scent and frowned, barely catching the filly’s arousal. Nonetheless she gave it the outer lips a long lick, causing Diamond to jump from the feeling. “Just like how touching you down there can excite you, though, it isn’t as powerful of a sensation for those that have dicks.”

“I- I see,” Diamond uttered, shaking from the licking Twilight was doing to her backside. She turned to Silver Spoon’s dick and swallowed her breath before capturing the head with her lips.

Silver Spoon still couldn’t believe that her crush and best friend was now licking her penis. While she was jealous of Twilight being the very first pony to taste Diamond’s folds, she was still happy to feel Diamond’s tongue and lips on her penis. She loved it so much that she needed more. “Diamond… I think… you should put more into your mouth… it’ll get it ALL ready, you know?”

“She’s right, you have to get all of it ready,” Twilight commented, returning to licking Diamond’s virgin silt.

“But… it’s leaking something! It keeps getting that stuff in my mouth and I have to swallow it, I can’t spit it out if I have Silver’s thingie in my mouth,” Diamond growled, watching as another bead of ‘stuff’ formed at the tip of Silver’s shaft.

“Please Diamond,” Silver panted, giving her friend the biggest puppy dog eyes she can manage.

Diamond shivered and sighed. Silver didn’t taste too bad, and Twilight’s tongue was making her feel funny. The smell was starting to get to her though; she didn’t notice until after this whole mess started but the scent was starting to smell good. It felt like it was coming from both Twilight and Silver. She knew that her ascension into marehood was close at hoof now.

Silver squirmed, doing her best to keep herself from blowing right then and there, but it was too much. She could feel her shaft twitch and fire her seed into Diamond’s mouth. Diamond wasn’t able to swallow very much, forcing the rest to spill out from her mouth and fall onto the ground and Silver’s crotch. “That was gross, Silver! What were you thinking?” Diamond growled, her anger was stopped by an invading tongue entering her pussy.

Twilight pulled her tongue out and snorted. “Don’t worry Silver, it happens to many stallions and mares like us. Just warn your partner the next time, regardless of which hole you are allowed to use.”

“Hole?” Silver and Diamond asked as one. Diamond was cut out as she felt something enter her butt. Silver saw Twilight’s horn glow and force a white orb of goo enter Diamond’s backdoor.

“Yes, vaginal, anal, and oral. Diamond gave oral… now for vaginal and anal. Silver, which hole would you like?” Twilight asked, massaging Silver’s cum into Diamond’s anus.

Silver felt like a filly in a candy store, but she knew what she wanted. She wanted to be Diamond’s first. “Vaginal… please.”

Twilight nodded and let Diamond go. The pink filly turning to Twilight with need and confusion. “What’s vaginal?”

“You know this?” Twilight asked, rubbing her hoof against Diamond’s petals, causing the younger filly to gasp and moan. “Silver is going to make you a mare by putting her penis in there.”

“Will it hurt?” Diamond asked, worried about her safety.

Twilight frowned, but she couldn’t lie to the filly. “The first time always hurts, Diamond. but It will feel better soon.”

Diamond nodded as Twilight helped her position for Silver Spoon. The pink filly could feel the grey member slid against her vagina, threatening to enter her. She was spun around to face Silver and slowly lowered, her lips opening to let the grey head peirce her.

Silver waited with bated breath; the pink lips she masturbated to daily were going to open for her; she was going to lose her virginity to her best friend. A light push and her cock head was inside Diamond Tiara, the warmth and the tightness felt like a nerve-shattering bomb on her cock, she did all she could to not cum immediately.

“Now… this is the hard part. Do your best, Diamond,” Twilight whispered, helping Diamond down Silver’s cock. A stray hump from the grey mare broke the pink filly’s hymen, causing her to cry out in pain, a pinkish fluid leaking from her vagina and trailing down Silver’s penis. “You’re doing good, just breathe and relax.”

“O- okay,” Diamond whimpered, sliding the rest of the way down her best friend’s dick. She could feel it throb inside her, filling her insides with a strange warmth. She could even feel Silver’s heartbeat through the strange appendage. “Oh… it feels really big though, Miss Twilight.”

“You just need to get used to it, that’s all,” Twilight cooed, helping Diamond ride Silver Spoon. Her own erection felt painful, needing attention but Twilight needed to teach these girls before she can have her own fun.

Diamond was starting to feel the pleasure that was supposed to come and it was clear from the drooling happy face of Silver Spoon that her best friend enjoyed this too. She pressed her hooves against the grey coat and slowly began to guide herself, feeling Twilight’s hooves leave her sides. She let out a gasp when the grey member filled her with every drop and grumbled in annoyance as it left her.

“D- Diamond… it’s happening!” Silver moaned. Diamond was confused, but Twilight nodded, stroking her cock as Diamond’s eyes went wide from the feeling of the same liquidy substance that was in her mouth enter her womb, filling her insides with that warm goop.

“Endurance will come eventually Silver, don’t worry,” Twilight cooed, brushing Silver’s mane to the side. Diamond felt something happen within herself as well, but it still needed to be coerced out more, the feeling of getting filled by Silver’s cum and the thrusts helped her in that regard greatly. Her motions became slightly fast, the light-pink liquid leaking from her snatch and down Silver’s cock. “Time for anal.”

“Anal?” Diamond asked. As she felt a familiar member poke her butt, she realized what anal meant. “You mean you are going to stick that where I poop from?”

“I know, it’s kinda gross… but it can be very pleasurable, Diamond. Just relax your body and let me do all the work,” Twilight cooed, pressing her member against Diamond’s backdoor. The hole was unyielding, even with the cum rubbed along the star and with Twilight’s cock being smaller now that she was in a filly’s body. “Diamond, relax or this will hurt.”

Diamond slowly nodded, her body already full of Silver Spoon’s cock but soon Twilight was going to join her, the thick head opening her tight exit, demanding entry. Her body tensed up when she felt a pair of lips on her neck; she turned to see SIlver kissing her neck and rubbing those grey hooves along her body.

Thanks to Silver’s actions, Twilight managed to push herself into Diamond’s tight rear, slowly going deeper into the pink filly. She was forced to stop as the anus clenched up and refused to accept her medial ring. She gripped the filly with both hooves and forced herself forward, causing Diamond to scream.

The pink filly’s entire body was starting to feel numb; SIlver Spoon’s penis felt meaty in her pussy, but Twilight felt like a monster in her back. She saw them both and they weren’t that great of a difference, Twilight only being a teeny bit bigger than Silver. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Twilight withdraw herself to her ring and force it all back in, making the pink filly cry out again.

Silver Spoon laid on her back feeling neglected, despite her cock being buried in Diamond's cooch. She placed her hooves on the pink filly’s sides and started to hammer her cock in and out of the pink pussy, shivering in delight as the vaginal walls tried to swallow her up and even then, she could feel Twilight’s cock through the thin walls that separated the two holes. More cries came from Diamond’s very vocal mouth when she felt the pink walls tighten painfully around her girth, trying to milk all of the white cum from Silver’s penis.

“Sweet Celestia, your ass feels really good,” Twilight moaned, her pace becoming harsh and fast. Her hips slammed against Diamond’s butt rapidly while Silver tried to do the same thing, but was not as quick and more wild than the unicorn’s motions. The pink butt clenched again around the purple shaft but failed to contain the invader as both fillies drove Diamond into another orgasmic fit. In the midst of her moans, a thin trail of drool left her mouth and dropped onto SIlver’s coat. The grey filly didn’t give it any mind, being more concerned about filling Diamond again with another load.

“I’m really close again, Diamond. Please let me fill you again!” Silver moaned, her body pushing herself into Diamond’s, causing the pink’s mare butt to either force Twilight’s cock deeper into her or bury Silver’s penis into her snatch.

“So am I, let’s try and fill her together,” Twilight growled, biting her lip as her cock began to feel thicker inside its’ fleshy prison. Both dick-fillies made one last thrust as one, hilting themselves into Diamond’s holes, groaning as their cum was fired out of their stallionhoods at an alarming rate, filling the pink filly with their jism.

Diamond’s eyes widened and her mouth was agape, but no sound left her. All she could do was feel her body bloat from the combined fillings of her best friend and the nerd from the library. She let out a disappointed mewl when she felt Twilight pull out of her ass and another when Silver’s cock slipped out. Diamond fell onto her side, next to Silver, shaking from the feeling of thick cum leaking out of her well-used vagina and ass.

“How was it, Silver?” Twilight asked, sitting next to Silver Spoon. She used her magic to clean her cock of any possible bacteria.

“It… I don’t know what to say, but… thank you,” Silver Spoon said, hugging Twilight, her limp cock brushing against Twilight’s semi-hard member. Silver felt the connection and backed away quickly. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, you still need to learn about vaginal yourself… Anal will come when you feel you’re ready,” Twilight said, standing up and walking towards Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon quickly noticed Twilight’s cock getting hard again, and shook as the purple filly walked up to her. She tried to ignore her own growing maremeat. “Have… you ever… done this?” Silver asked.

“A few times, the first time was traumatizing because it was… a very unorthodox mare using a toy, the other time… I sort of liked it, but I much rather be the stallion of any relationship than the mare,” Twilight answered, spinning her around

Silver swallowed her breath and did as she was told, her tail raised high as she waited to be mounted. She stared at Diamond’s partially conscious body, the two fillies’ eyes meeting. Diamond’s eyes went wide and Silver felt Twilight’s weight on her backside and the hard, wet organ pressing against her virginity. “Like I’ve been telling Diamond earlier, if you keep calm and relax… this will hurt far less and the pleasure will come quicker,” Twilight whispered into the grey filly’s ear.

Silver nodded and took a breath. She felt the purple cock slip past her folds and press against her maidenhood. She flinched as Twilight tore past it; it was indeed painful, but it subsided rather quickly when she felt something slither around her cock.

Diamond’s eyes widened when Silver’s front fell forward, Twilight towering over her as she slowly pumped her hips into Diamond’s best friend, a faint purple glow emanating from Silver’s crotch. While Diamond cried out loudly and acted like a blank flank, Silver took Twilight’s cock like an adult, and that made Diamond feel inferior. “How dare Silver make me look like a filly, I’ll show her,” Diamond mentally snarled. She slowly got up, her butt still extremely sore from the double pounding and inched her way over to the mating fillies. Sitting down in front of Silver’s face with her hind legs spread.

Silver slowly opened her eyes to see Diamond’s pussy, still filled with her own seed. “You are gonna pay me back for hurting me and making me look like a baby in front of another pony, so lick me like the good little pony,” Diamond ordered. Silver wasted no time and buried her snout in Diamond’s mound, tasting herself and her crush’s fluids together.

Silver’s sudden dive to Diamond’s honey pot forced Twilight to reposition. She also noticed that Silver got tighter and warmer, trying to milk the purple member as eagerly as she ate her best friend out.

Diamond smiled with glee, forcing Silver’s mouth deeper into her pussy, making the grey filly clean her insides. She loved how Silver greedily made out with her slit. The feeling of her friend’s tongue didn’t feel as good as Twilight’s, but Silver was new to this and Diamond was only happy to force her to reach those levels of skills.

Silver relished in the control that was over her; she knew in her heart that if she could ever be in a relationship with Diamond, she would be the bottom, Diamond’s pet cock. To be used as the pink filly saw fit. The feeling of being fucked by Twilight was overshadowed by the taste and desire of eating Diamond out, but both sensations didn’t combat each other; instead, they joined together to bring Silver closer to her orgasm, an orgasm that was rapidly approaching.

Twilight could feel herself and Silver getting close and had an idea. She used her magic to stabilize her standing position and lifted Silver to stand as well, humping the grey ass hard. With her remaining concentration, Twilight aimed Silver’s cock for Diamond, and forced Silver to cum, spraying the pink filly down with several thick shots of cum. The sudden tightness that surrounded her girth became too much for Twilight, causing her to fill Silver Spoon’s pussy with her own batter.

Diamond wiped some of the cum off her eyes to see white goo slowly seep around Twilight’s penis and Silver Spoon’s vagina, sliding along grey and purple coats and dripping to the ground. “Silver Spoon, how dare you cum on me!” Diamond cried out, she grabbed her best friend and pulled her into an embrace. “I want to be clean before we get home, so… you better get me clean.”

Silver’s eyes sparkled brightly and nodded as she began to lick Diamond’s body. Her cock became rigid once again and slowly returned to Diamond’s snug hole. Twilight shrugged and positioned her cock for Silver’s anus, finding it to be extremely welcoming.

The fillies were too caught up with their activities to noticed a mulberry mare watching them from the schoolhouse, a frown on her face and a hoof between her legs. She shook her head and sighed. “I… need a healthier hobby.” She scolded herself, annoyed by her fetish for young fillies, knowing that her wet dream for the night will involve a strangely dominate filly Twilight and a submissive Silver Spoon. At least it won’t be another dream of the Cutie Mark Crusaders trying to get their Cutie Marks in teacher pleasing… again.


After cleaning the two fillies up and helping them home, Twilight returned to her library, still in her filly form. She saw Trixie napping on the couch, wearing lingerie so tight that it somehow made Trixie look more naked and more appealing. Twilight tried to ignore the erotic display and headed for the bathroom.

She unfortunately tripped an invisible wire that caused a few pots and pans to hit the library floor, waking Trixie from her slumber. “Huh, What? Mistress?” Trixie uttered, looking to see Twilight heading to the stairs. “Where were you? What hussy forced herself on you this time? And can Trixie join you in whatever you plan on doing?”

“I’m… rather disgusted with myself right now, Trixie. I’m going to have a really cold shower. If you want, you can join but please note… it will take ALOT to get me in the mood after… what had happened, and I’d much rather just leave it as a mystery to you and anypony else that asks,” Twilight explained. “Also, I really need to be an adult again.”

Trixie just stared at Twilight, her mind blanked out most of what Twilight said in favor of the urge to rub Twilight’s cheeks and consider foalcon as she gazed upon Twilight’s smaller form. “I’m sorry?”

“Change me back, or I’ll reschedule your time with me until next month and give your days to the others,” Twilight pouted adorably.

Even with the pouting, Trixie still turned Twilight back into her normal adult self. And after the cold shower, Trixie still managed to get her night of harsh love making that will keep her from walking for most of the next day.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Mother knows best, she really does

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Night Light happily walk home from a rough day at the conservatory. He was ecstatic to come home to his wife, especially after hearing that his wonderful children will be there to visit.

He stopped at the steps of his door. He turned to his reflection in the mailbox and began brushing his mane back, trying to make himself presentable for his family. Once satisfied with his look, he opened the door with a happiest smile on his face. “I’m home!”

He didn’t expect to come home to seeing Shining Armor laying back on the sofa, his hoof helping Velvet swallow his cock. Twilight was rutting into the white mare’s ass hard, a large perverse smile on the faces of Night Light’s children. “He-Hey Dad, wanna join us? Mom still has one hole left,” Shining said, petting Velvet’s head.

“Yeah… Mom was just… so enticing, we couldn’t help it, we’ve been at it all day. Mom’s ass is so much better than any of my harem wives,” Twilight cooed, slamming her body into her mother, large globs of white cum can be seen dripping onto the floor. “Or better yet, I always wanted to fuck you up the ass, Dad.”

“Hey, you got Mom’s ass first, I want Dad’s” Shining chuckled, pushing Velvet’s mouth off his larger black cock.

Night Light let out a ear shattering scream as he woke up, waking his wife up from his terror. “Nighty? Dear? Was it the ‘I’m having sex with our children’ nightmare again?” Velvet asked with concern and a little bit of exasperation.

He slowly calmed down and turned to his wife with fear in his eyes. “Afraid so, except they wanted to… rut me after they... mated with you,” he gasped, slowly shrinking into the fetal position.

Velvet hugged her husband, trying to calm the upset stallion. “It’s okay, Twilight and Shining would never do that to us, especially not to you.”

“Ye-yeah, you’re right. Twilight has her mares, Shining has a Princess for a wife, but I still can’t get rid of this feeling…” Night Light uttered, still shaking.

“How about I make you feel like a stallion again?” Velvet said, with a seductive look in her eyes, enticing her stallion to bed her.

“Sorry, dear. I... don’t think I got it in me tonight. I’m going to be in the study for a while, I’ll try not to wake you when I come back,” Night Light said, excusing himself from the bed.

Velvet watched as her husband left the room, a worried look etched on her face as she left the bed to follow him. “Honey? Is this about… my past?”

Night stopped for a second and turned to his wife. “N- Actually, it kind of is. I… still don’t know why you’ve fallen for a colt like me when you could have had anyone el-” He felt Velvet’s hoof against his lips.

“I chose you, because I love you. Everyone else was a fling, a night that I barely gave a thought to. YOU are the only stallion for me,” Velvet cooed, stroking Night’s cheek.

“What about Ponyville? When you apparently dominated a local lesbian mare and her marefriend with our daughter?” Night asked, his face softening.

“That was stress from meeting seven out of eleven of Twilight’s herd, I needed to unwind and I did, Twilight just got herself involved,” Velvet answered, pulling the dark blue stallion into a hug. “I promise you though, no other stallion has touched me since we started dating, and that time was the first time I had sex with anyone other than you since we were married.”

“You had sex with somepony after I proposed?” Night Light questioned, beginning to feel nervous again.

“Strippers from the bachelorette, and Cadance’s bachelorette,” Velvet reassured. A fond memory lit in her mind. “Remember when I took you to the White Rabbit Theater?”

“Yes?” Night Light uttered, unsure of what his wife was getting at. “We saw a play about about three ponies; a soldier, a farmer, and a noble; fell in love with an aspiring mage that lived in a tower.”

“Remember when the sex happened? I offered to suck you off, in the middle of the theater, and you told me ‘no, thank you’ in the most adorably awkward tone. Oh my, your face was bright red,” Velvet giggled, gushing over the memory. “That was the first time anypony has ever denied sex of any kind with me on the first date. You wanted to wait until we knew each other better, I admired that and I loved how red you got when I teased you.”

“Even the show itself wasn’t… exactly my kind of thing, but… I’ll admit, I thought about your offer, but I didn’t want to rush things,” Night Light added, returning his wife’s hug and giving her a peck on the horn.

“Eight months later, we made love for the first time. It was the most magical thing I’ve ever felt… and no magic was involved, it was just… my first time with a pony that I loved, not someone I would fuck and forget in a few days,” Velvet sighed happily, recalling the events they did it. “I’ve had my ass fucked by Minotaurs, rutted senseless by griffons, eaten out more than my fair share of pussy… and a drunk fling that ended with me fucking a Manticore and a Chimera at the same time. All that was nothing, compared to our first time… as lovers.”

Night Light’s smile fell, unsettled by the different things his wife has done before they were dating. “Wait… a manticore AND a chimera? I… don’t even-”

“Shh… It’s fine dear, it’s all in the past,” Velvet cooed, nuzzling her husband’s chest.

“How many?” Night asked, his voice was stern but he still nervously shook.


“How many… anything have you… done it with? I just… need to know,” Night stated, a sad look on his face.

Velvet looked into her husband’s eyes and sighed. “Three hundred fifty-nine, including you.”

Night’s jaw dropped as he tried to process the number. “How?”

“Most of them were orgies,” Velvet uttered, blushing lightly.

Night broke the embrace and staggered back. “I-I need time to think, excuse me.” With that, he fled to his study.

Velvet stood alone in the hallway, a sad look on her face. She pressed a hoof to her chin and began to think. “I need to do something to get my Nighty back on this horse… but what?”

She walked back to their bedroom, and she opened the closet, levitating a small chest with a thick lock on it. Opening it, she took out a small, dusty, black book. This book contained the names of every pony Velvet had sex with, whether it was a quick hoof job or a full blown orgy. She flipped through the pages, a plan formulating in her head as she picked out a few of the names that she knew better than others.


Twilight Sparkle was happily reading to her daughter, Miracle Gale. The baby-blue foal huddling into her father’s embrace as she listened to Twilight’s story. Trixie was resting her head on Twilight’s withers, happily listening to her Mistress as she dozed off.

From the kitchen table, Fluttershy watched the scene with Fleur and Applejack. “I still can’t get over how close we were to losing Gale, it was so… frightening,” Fluttershy uttered, shaking slightly.

“Hopefully, we won’t get too many complications with me and Fleur's youngins’. I don’t think Ah need to tell you how much family means to us Apples,” Applejack stated, fiddling with her cup of tea.

“Indeed, I must say that… Twilight has been impregnating us rather frequently, two of us in such a short time period? I suppose it’s one of the many reasons why she’s alpha,” Fleur commented, sipping her drink. “Makes me wonder who will be next to carry her foal, being a unicorn may not exempt Gilda or Zecora from this, though our Zebra friend might not be able to.”

“Just throw magic, a potion, and a big heap of Twilight into it and Zecora will be carrying triplets by the end of the month,” Applejack remarked calmly.

“Triplets? Oh my,” Fluttershy gasped. “But isn’t that rare? I don’t think it works that way.”

“Let me tell ya a secret, ‘Shy. We all know Twilight fires like Pinkie’s party cannon if you attach a hose to it, we were all kinda surprised to find you only had one foal,” Applejack chuckled.

“I… still think that’s not how it works,” Fluttershy said, with a furrowed brow.

They heard a knock at the door, annoying the purple unicorn as she carefully levitated Gale into her crib and softly rested Trixie onto the couch. “Hello?” Twilight greeted as she opened the door, not expecting any guests, much less this specific guest.

“Twilight! How’s my baby?” Velvet greeted, pulling Twilight into a tight embrace.

“Mom?” Twilight gasped, surprised to see her mother, she gave a quick glance around to find her father. “Where’s Dad?”

“He’s still at home, he needs to sort some things out,” Velvet said, with a mischievous smile.


Night Light stared at the letter with a concerned frown, his wife having decided to give him some time to think on last night’s event before going off to Celestia knows where. He heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. “Hello?”

He was greeted with five mares, all of which were very attractive and wore lacy outfits and socks. “Wow, Velvie said you were a weird combination of handsome and cute. I almost didn’t believe her.” Said the golden unicorn with a purple spiky mane.

“Don’t worry, Velvet sent us, we owe her a few favors,” The white pegasus said, tossing her long pink mane out of her eyes.

The blue unicorn walked up and caressed Night Light’s flanks, causing him to jump. “By the looks of this guy, she’s still doing US favors.”

Night Light gasped as a brown earth mare walked up to him, she looked almost as tall as Princess Celestia, but her body was built much thicker, almost like a stallion if it weren’t for the feminine details. Her blonde mane tied back in a long pony tail “You know, I do like my colts cute, and she did say he had the most adorable orgasm face.”

“What are we waiting for?” A small blue pegasus giggled, who appeared to be a head shorter than the average mare. She grabbed Night Light by the hoof. Her short white mane vibrating as she moved. “Let’s give this guy a ride he’ll never forget!”

“Don’t I have a say in any of this?” Night Light pleaded, only to be dragged off to the bedroom by the five horny mares.


“He’ll be fine, I’ve asked a few friends of mine to keep an eye on him,” Velvet said happily, levitating her suitcase into the library.

“Your friends? Is something wrong at home?” Twilight asked, worried about her parents.

“Mid-life crisis you know, your father will be fine,” Velvet chuckled, she looked past Twilight to see a crib and her eyes immediately shined. “OH! Is this my granddaughter?” She squealed in delight running over to look in, finding her grandfoal sleeping peacefully, nestled under a pink blanket. “She is just precious!”

Twilight joined her mother in admiring her daughter. “Yeah… that’s Miracle Gale, I just put her to sleep though so-”

Velvet held the small blue filly in her hooves, marveling the sight of her newest addition to the family. “She is just… beautiful, Twilight. I’m proud of you, and of your herd.”

Fluttershy exited the kitchen, walking up alongside Velvet. “M-Miss Velvet?”

Velvet gave Fluttershy a calm smile and levitated her grandchild back into her crib. “Sorry dear, I… nature is truly wonderful, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is,” Fluttershy said happily, She gasped when Velvet nuzzled her, but soon hugged the older mare.

“So… you’ll be staying here until when, Mom?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Until I feel that your father has gotten over it,” Velvet replied, giving Twilight a kind smile. “So, where shall I be sleeping?”

Twilight gasped and began looking for a suitable bed for her mother. Chrysalis lived in the basement, Trixie slept in her trailer outside the library if she’s not in Twilight’s bed, Gilda and Fleur are the same except the former had Rainbow’s house and the latter had Rarity’s shop. That kept the guest room open for sometime. “The guest room! Boy, I thought that would be more of a headache,” she chuckled, leading her mother to the guest room.

Applejack and Fleur soon joined Fluttershy in the main lobby. “Was that Twi’s mom?” the cowpony asked.

“Yes, and I guess she’ll be here for a little bit,” Fluttershy squeaked, shrugging.

“Perhaps we can acquire some tips on being a good mother from her? It’s clear she did something right if she raised the Captain of the Equestrian Guard turned Co-regent of the Crystal Kingdom and Celestia’s Personal Student,” Fleur suggested, causing both mares to go wide eyed.

“Yes… that would be a good plan,” Fluttershy uttered, going over to keep an eye on her child.

Up in the bedroom, Twilight helped her mother unpack. “Oh this will be so fun, Sweetie! Spend sometime with my daughter, daughters-in-law, granddaughter. When do you plan on making that plural, Twilight?”

Twilight blushed lightly. “It’s sort of… already plural. Fleur and Applejack are both pregnant,” she answered. She turned to see the shining eyes of her mother inches away from her face.

“You don’t say?” Velvet stammered, giddy at the thought of her family growing. “Applejack is the cowpony and Fleur is the sexy model? Good choice with AJ, she has a great set of hips on her. Fleur might be a bit too skinny, nice face and body… not enough in the ass department… oh well, I’m still getting two more grandchildren. Maybe I should send a letter to Shiny to get on it, his little sister has sired three foals already. Makes me wonder if he’s actually trying or not.”

“Actually four, but I’ll tell you more later. And maybe Shiny and Cady think they’re not ready for kids yet,” Twilight added with a hopeful smile.

“They’ve been married for five years, you’ve had your herd for almost two years. I want a better excuse than that,” Velvet stated, scrunching her face as she pulled out a strangely large purple dildo from her suitcase. “I… don’t recall packing that.”

Twilight caught a glimpse of it and immediately made all attempts of avoiding eye contact with the phallic device. “How’s Dad? Besides the mid-life crisis thing.”

“He was a bit panicky but that’s his little crisis, I’m sure he’s fine now,” Velvet said calmly, she immediately turned to Twilight with a large smile. “We have things to do Twilight, show me around town! I don’t know my way around here and the only place I’ve been to was the bar.”


Night Light bolted around the kitchen. After being dragged into the bedroom for sex with five strange mares for three hours. They got hungry and wanted food. The gentlecolt and idiot that Night Light was, offered to cook, he was still tired from having to please all five of his wife’s friends but he didn’t want to look like a complete liar and a scoundrel.

This wasn’t lost to the giggling mares as they watched the panicked stallion run around the kitchen. “Look at him go,” Quick Silver, the white pegasus, giggled.

“We nearly wore him out completely in bed and now he’s making us lunch? Velvie definitely won it big with this one,” Blue Blaze, the blue unicorn, added, admiring the older stallion’s rump as he moved.

“So long as he makes lots; sex always makes me hungry,” The brown earth mare named Bronze Hoof uttered, snacking on some bread.

“If you want, we can help you,” Bright Light, the golden unicorn, offered.

“It’s quite alright. You girls are… guests, I’m the host. I should be doing what I can to make your stay here as pleasant as possible,” Night Light stammered, levitating salads and trays around the kitchen.

“The sex was pretty pleasant,” the blue pegasus called Squeaky Clean said, causing the other mares to laugh and Night Light to blush hard.

“What’s going on, Vel?” Night Light uttered under his breath before feeling the sharp sting of a hoof slapping his rump. His mareish squeak brought in a chorus of laughter from his feminine houseguests.


Twilight and Velvet strolled through town, the younger unicorn showing her mother to the local hot spots that Pinkie has showed her the first week of her staying in Ponyville. Their first stop was Sugarcube Corner.

“Uh, Miss Velvet?”

Velvet looked up to see Applejack and Fleur floating in her magic. “Yes, Applejack dear?”

“Could ya let me down? It’s getting a mite uncomfortable up here,” Applejack said, looking to the ground nervously.

“It is a bit odd to be levitated around town, is it not?” Fleur added, feeling a bit scared of falling.

“Nonsense, I’m not going to have future mothers overwork themselves just to help my daughter show me around town,” Velvet stated, turning back to the bakery. Twilight gave the two an apologetic look.

“Ah’m an earth pony, physical work is what we’re built for,” Applejack pouted.

“Your magic is beginning to chafe, Miss Velvet,” Fleur said, almost a weak whiny tone.

“Just… let them go, Mom. Exercise is good too,” Twilight added.

“Okay,” Velvet sighed, rolling her eyes as she gently placed the two ponies down. Once released both future mothers stretched their limbs and back while Velvet looked up at the bakery. “This is where Pinkie works and lives, correct?”

“That’s right. Sugarcube Corner, it’s run by Mr. and Mrs. Cake,” Twilight stated.

“Mr. Cake? Would his first name happen to be Carrot?” Velvet asked, a bemused smile crossing her features.

“Yes… why?” Twilight asked, a little confused by her mother’s words.

“I met him in Trottingham while I was in college, I traveled a lot before settling down with your father. I recall him being a good friend,” Velvet replied, stepping up to the bakery door.

The aroma of baked sweets filled their lungs as they entered Sugarcube Corner. While Twilight and Applejack had found Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, Velvet quickly noticed the orange stallion behind the counter. “Great, Rainbow’s here! Let’s go meet- Mom?” Twilight watched as her mother approached Mr. Cake.

Mr. Cake had his back turned to the register, placing an order in when he felt the presence of a customer. “Hello, how can I- Oh custard.” The moment he saw Twilight Velvet, his lips clamped up, his legs shaking, and looking completely submissive. “He-Hello Velvet.”

“Why are you shaking? You’re married, I’m married, nothing is going to happen,” Velvet reassured him, mentally giggling as the lanky stallion let out a relieved sigh. “I just wanted to catch up.”

“Oh! Well… I married my sweetheart, Cup, moved to Ponyville and started our very own Bakery! And my honey-muffin gave birth to two beautiful twins,” Mr. Cake listed off quickly, proud of his achievements.

“I’m so happy to hear that, Carrot. If anyone deserved this kind of happiness, it’s you,” Velvet said happily.

While they chatted, Mrs. Cake walked up the stairs to check on her foals. Velvet caught sight of the perfectly plump mare as she moved. “That’s Cup Cake?”

“Why, yes. Yes it is… is that a problem?” Carrot asked, a bit of concern and mild fear in his voice.

Velvet turned to him with a straight face. “Niccccce. While I am happy with my figure, your wife makes that look rather good, I’m actually a bit jealous,” she finished with a chuckled.

“So… you’re not mad?” Carrot asked, still worried.

“Why should I? Just because we had rough, kinky, sex one night over twenty-five years ago? Don’t worry too much about it, we did it as a fling. You two do it as an act of love, and never let that change, okay?” Velvet said, placing her hoof on Carrot’s. “Just because I made you scream my name for an hour, doesn’t mean that I’m in control of your lovelife.”

“Ye-yeah, of course. It was just… that night was pretty traumatic, I still can’t look at rope… or gingerbread, the same way again,” Mr. Cake whimpered.


Velvet turned to see her daughter calling for her, sitting with four members of her herd at a table a few steps away. “Oh my, that’s embarrassing. My daughter was showing me around town, and we stopped to eat and chat with Pinkie Pie.”

Mr. Cake looked to Twilight and back to Velvet, stupefied. “I suppose there is a physical similarity… but, I figured your daughter would be more… like you, based on what Cup and I have heard from Pinkie’s room.”

“She gets that from her father, talk to you later,” Velvet smiled, waving goodbye to Mr. Cake before rejoining her friends. “Sorry about that, just catching up with an old friend.”

“You know Mr. Cake?” Pinkie asked curiously.

“It was a long time ago, from my... wild years,” Velvet cooed, taking her seat next to Twilight. “So, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash; how are you?”

“I’m doing super, thanks for asking!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Been pretty good, Mrs. Velvet,” Rainbow smiled.

“Great, how has Twilight been treating you?” Velvet asked, leaning over the table.

Pinkie shrugged and said “Pretty good, we’ve hung out a bit. A little bit of sex here and there, but Twilight still has to make up the sex schedule for next month.”

“Sex schedule?” Velvet asked, turning to her blushing daughter.

“Yuppers, who dates and gets humped by Twilight that day. Today is Me, tomorrow is Zecora, then a full week of nothing because of Mating Season,” Pinkie explained.

“Mating Season? Oh, that must be terrible for you girls considering it’s a earth pony town, you all might as well stay in the library and get it out of your systems,” Velvet gasped, knowing what kind of chaos would befall Ponyville.

“We would… but Twilight spent the last few years hiding in there. Except last year where Gilda took Twilight to her homeland. Yeah, we were all kinda pissed at that for the entire week,” Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes.

“Twilight!” Velvet scolded, frowning at the purple mare. “You are an Alpha, you should do your duty and help your mares through such a difficult time. Do you know how Mating Season affected me and Cadance?”

“I remember you two cuddling me because Shining was stuck in training and Dad was at a convention in Manehatten,” Twilight uttered.

“Twilight, if it wasn’t for Celestia’s dampener. You would have lost your virginity to both myself and your foalsitter. Your body was mature enough for sex at the time, thus for an entire week, we would have used you as a living dildo,” Velvet stated, concerned for her daughter. Pinkie had left midway through Velvet’s explanation and came back with fruit punch.

“I… kinda figured,” Twilight winced, taking a sip from her punch.

“Is it weird that I wouldn’t mind watching that happen? A teenaged Twilight getting fucked by her mom and Cadance sounds pretty hot,” Rainbow Dash said, blushing lightly.

Fleur and Applejack frowned in mild disgust, Twilight attempted to hide herself with her hooves. Pinkie thought about Rainbow’s words with a mild grin. “Sounds pretty good to me.”

“The only thing that makes that a bit sour is the whole incest part, other than that… sounds like a fun night,” Velvet teased, nudging Twilight.

“Mom…” Twilight groaned, scooting a little away from her mother.

“Oh, I’m just teasing,” Velvet giggled, her eyes entranced by Twilight’s bright blush. “You’re so much like your father.”

“Yeeeah, I gotta go back to the farm. Granny found out that I’m carrying a foal and has me doing all sorts of things to get ready,” Applejack added, giving Rainbow a worrying look. She turned back to Velvet and tipped her hat. “Nice to see you again, Mrs. Velvet. Hope to see you again later.”

“Oh, you can call me Twi… Velvet… I suppose with two mares named ‘Twilight’, it may get a bit confusing,” Velvet giggled, Applejack gave a warm smile before leaving. Velvet turned to Rainbow and Pinkie. “So… out of curiosity: when do you two plan on being mothers?”

“Not for a while,” Rainbow stated. “I really don’t need the extra weight while I’m training to be a Wonderbolt, and what kind of mom would I be if I just joined the Wonderbolts and just… dropped the kid on Twilight? Maybe after I retire or something.”

“Won’t that be too late?” Velvet asked, curious yet her mood soured slightly.

“Nah, most Wonderbolts retire at age forty or something. And even then, I know Twilight can use her magic to make it possible for me to get knocked up, regardless of my age,” Rainbow added, leaning back in her chair.

“I see, sounds like you have a plan,” Velvet commented.

Twilight gave the blue pegasus a wide smile. “I’m very proud of you, Rainbow. That’s some pretty good planning actually.”

“It was nothing,” Rainbow chuckled, shining her hoof against her chest.

Rolling her eyes at the speedster, Velvet turned to Pinkie. “And you?”

“Weeellllll, I was thinking of putting it off but Fluttershy’s little filly was SO CUTE, I might ask Twilight to give me some soon. Not sure if I like the pain of having to push a baby pony out of my front door, but Fleur and Applejack got knocked up so I’ve been thinking… ‘Why not’? But not yet… maybe later,” Pinkie said with a wide smile.

“At least I’m guaranteed another grandfoal,” Velvet muttered under her breath. She gave Twilight a sly grin. “And the others in your herd, I suppose I can give Gilda and Zecora some leeway as they’re not ponies.”

“I’m pretty sure Twilight can still knock th-” Rainbow’s mouth became full of purple hoof, the owner glaring at her.

“I suppose my darling daughter can turn herself into a griffon or a zebra to knock them up too… so much for leeway,” Velvet laughed.

“Mom… can we stop talking about grandfoals for a moment?” Twilight asked, irritated by her mother’s verbal poking.

“Fine,” Velvet sighed playfully.

Pinkie had left and returned with some cupcakes. While everyone ate, Twilight gave her mother a worried look. “Is everything still alright at home? I’m still worried about Dad.”

Velvet smiled and petted her daughter. “I’ll admit, you father was… a tad shaken by our last visit but… I’m positive it’s fine.”


Night Light was in his study, carefully writing his report of constellations and Luna’s theory of Astro-Mapping when he heard the door behind him open. He turned to see Bright Light leering at him. “Oh, hello… Bright Light. Hungry again?”

“Not really, just checking the place out while the others check the place out,” Bright said with a calm smile. She walked over to the nervous stallion and look at his notes hugging him tightly as she did so. “Whatcha doing?”

Blushing from the contact, he fumbled his words for a moment. “I-I was just- I’m doing- Trying to figure out Princess Luna’s methodology of when, where, why, and how she, well, creates her constellations.”

“Why not ask her? She has night court,” Bright asked, her hoof tracing each line as she read them.

“Well- I have but the Princess says Celestia and her have no true rhythm or reason for the star maps, but they stay so consistent over the years, even after Luna returned, so… I’m just- writing my thoughts about it,” Night explained, feeling Bright’s breath against his cheek.

Bright studied the notes carefully when a thought occured. “I bet you’d love to bang Princess Luna, don’t you?”

“What? No, never. I’m married and… Princess Luna is royalty… not to mention she has chosen her mate and I-” Night’s jaw dropped as Bright’s body changed form to look like a smaller version of the lunar Princess.

“We hope our noble subject is pleased,” Bright said, mimicking Luna’s voice perfectly as she sat down in Night’s lap. Her body flinching when she felt Night’s arousal. “Most satisfactory… you truly do wish to bed your Princess, do you not, Sir Light?”

“A- A- Changeling?” Night Light gasped, surprised by the sudden change.

Bright Light became somewhat confused by Night Light’s emotions, she felt no fear in his aura, just surprise. “Even after the Ill-fated Wedding, you do not fear us?”

“I should be… but one of my daughter-in-laws happens to be your queen so…” Night Light said nervously, shrugging with an awkward grin.

Bright’s eyes widened before returning to her sultry smile. “Velvet always did know how to surprise her friends.” She cooed, hungrily pulling Night Light into a deep kiss.


Velvet, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash traveled down Ponyville’s road, the purple unicorn’s mind drifting back to how her father was doing.

“I must say… for how busy this town can get, there’s not much in tourism,” Velvet commented, frowning as she saw nothing too interesting other than Sugar Cube Corner, Carousel Boutique, or the Library. “I guess if you’re living here, it’s for a peaceful life with the occasional threat to your lives.”

“We could use more here but Mayor Mare is a stickler for keeping things traditional,” Rainbow replied, shrugging as she flew between the two mares.

“Mayor Mare, Mayor Mare… Pink mane, light brown coat, looks like she’s been a middle aged mare forever?” Velvet asked, a small smile forming on her lips.

“The mane is grey, but the rest sounds about right,” Rainbow answered, rubbing her chin. “Know her?”

“Maybe, shall we go see?” Velvet suggested with a toothy grin.

“Sure, why not? it’ll be fun to see Mayor Mare go all ‘oh geez, oh filly’ and panicky like Mr. Cake was,” Rainbow chuckled.

Twilight only frowned, as her mother and speedster turned to the direction of the Town Hall. Still worried about her father and her parent’s marriage.

Outside of the Town Hall was Mayor Mare, talking with a construction pony. She looked happy with the current arrangement she had just made, the construction pony smiled and walked away after tipping her hard hat. She turned to see the mare she never thought she’d see again. A mane striped with purple and white, her lightly greyed fur, a swagger that stole her senses the first time she saw her all those years ago. “Sweet merciful Celestia.”

“Gertrude! How are you dear?” Velvet greeted, hugging the bright red Mayor.

“Gertrude?” Rainbow asked, confused by the strange name.

“I… I was raised by griffons,” Mayor Mare stuttered, letting out the faintness of whimpers when Velvet released her.

“Really? I actually would never have guessed,” Twilight added, surprised by the admission.

“Wh-What brings you and… Twilight and Rainbow here… Velvet?” Mayor ‘Gertrude’ Mare questioned nervously, her legs feeling weak from being near the white unicorn.

“My daughter is showing me around town, though I must say… there’s not much here,” Velvet said, looking disappointed by the sparse town.

“W- We are… the town is trying to- to add to the T- Tourism and- and and and, most flock to Mane- Manehatten, Miss, I’m so sorry,” Mayor explained, her face bright red and her entire body shivering in nervous tension.

Twilight and Rainbow turned to each other in confusion while Velvet shook her head. The older unicorn walked up and kissed the Mayor’s forehead, making the earth mare collapse onto the ground. She slowly wrapped the nervous mare in a tight, comforting hug. “It’s okay, I think you’re doing well. I am surprised you haven’t been using the heroes of Equestria to get more tourists.”

“Princess Celestia forbid me from advertizing them,” Mayor Mare uttered, nuzzling into Velvet’s embrace.

“Um… should we leave you two alone?” Rainbow jested, chuckling a little bit. Twilight flushed slightly as the mayor of her home was coddled by her mother.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen between us,” Velvet stated, Smiling down to the cowering mare as she released her. “Will you be okay, Gertrude?”

“Yeah, I think I will be. Thank you,” Mayor Mare sighed, standing onto her hooves. “I must say, it is a surprise to see you… or hear that you're the mother of our very own Twilight Sparkle.”

“Really?” Rainbow said deadpan expression. “Both of them have like a bunch of ponies wanting to get rutted by them.”

“Yes but Velvet is more… outgoing than Twilight Sparkle. Where Velvet sees something she likes, she stops at nothing to get it. As for Twilight, mares see her and attempt take her. Same outcome, different method. Then again, I’m sure Velvet would have been far more popular if she were holding the same secret as her daughter,” Gertrude explained, feeling more calm and happy then prior.

“You know about Twilight? I guess that means the entire town knows?” Velvet asked in a worried tone.

“Yes…” Mayor Mare replied nervously. “We all heard about it after… Twilight evidently had relations with one Miss. Cloudchaser and one Mr. Thunderlane.”

“A stallion? Well, I thought you were going to stay with the mares, had your pussy stretched by some stallion cock, did ya?” Velvet added, nudging her daughter.

“Actually, Twilight fucked Thunderlane up the butt so hard that Cloudchaser now has a fetish for watching him taking it from other stallions or mares with strap-ons and he, in turn, loves it,” Rainbow explained, shrugging as she landed next to the mayor.

Twilight blushed heavily while her mother had a surprised look on her face. “Fucking stallions up the ass and teaching them to love it? You’re conquering stallions with your penis and only four mares are submissive to you,” Velvet uttered, shaking her head disappointingly.

“Thunderlane is the only stallion I’ve ever had sex with I swear!” Twilight yelped, raising her hooves defensively.

“The Twilight rumor mill that has been spreading agrees,” Mayor Mare added.

“Why is there a Rumor Mill about me?” Twilight demanded, becoming irritated.

“Some of the mares are taking bets on who you would mate with next,” Mayor said, she guided the three mares into Town hall and down into the basement where a good portion of the town populace was making bets of which mare would get fucked by Twilight next. The unicorn in question’s jaw dropped.

“I don’t see my name up there… or any of the herd,” Rainbow muttered, frowning.

“Herdmates are removed once they become herdmates, that would be cheating because Twilight is obligated to rut you into whatever she has you bent over at the time,” the Mayor explained.

Velvet’s curiosity piqued when she saw her name on the board, along with the Mayor’s, Bon-Bon with two tally marks next to it, and Mrs. Cake with two marks of her own. “I’m in the polls? I’m not sure I like the fact that everyone is making me… curious about my daughter,” she commented, her eyes focusing on the two tally marks next to Cup Cake. “You fucked Mrs. Cake?” She asked, frowning at her daughter.

Twilight began to shake nervously. “I swear, it was an accident! She offered to teach me how to bake, then a mess happened, then she licked my horn and-”

“Does Mr. Cake know?” Velvet asked, backing her daughter into a wall.

“I don’t know, maybe Mrs. Cake told him? We both wanted to try and forget it, and it was a one time thing, I swear, Mom,” Twilight whimpered under her mother’s glare.

“Okay, but Carrot will be the least of your concerns if he finds out,” Velvet warned, turning to the board. “How was she?”

Twilight got back up, confused by the question. “What?”

“How was Mrs. Cake?” Velvet asked again, her voice more stern than the last.

“Um… Really soft, and gentle? And… I won’t lie that I’m… jealous of Mr. Cake but I’m still happy for them both,” Twilight replied, ashamed of her past actions.

“Yup, her ass is definitely something I’d like to hug and fuck,” Velvet commented, turning to leave. Twilight hastily followed her mother while Rainbow continued to fly around the room, checking the various polls and boards.


The moon shone through the window into Velvet’s room, pacing in her room as she worried about her husband and how he’s accepting her special ‘aids’. She knew her old girlfriends can get rowdy and insatiable sometimes, making her decision to order the mares she sexually conquered to have sex with her Night Light possibly a bit extreme, but he needed it and she was certain of it.

Her stomach growled, causing the unicorn to grumble in annoyance. “After that feast Pinkie prepared? Something must be wrong with me.”

She left the guest room behind to find food, using her horn to light the darkened library. Her ears perked towards her daughter’s room upon hearing voices.

“Twilight… Harder please.”

Velvet turned to the door, curious as she could have sworn she heard one of Twilight’s best friends, Pinkie. She walked up to the door and used an ‘Open Window’ spell to gaze through the door. Her eyes widening in mild surprise to see Pinkie drooling onto Twilight’s desk while the purple mare ploughed her depths with her thick cock.

“Pinkie, your butt feels… softer,” Twilight moaned, her body draped over the party pony, hooves clocked around the pink barrel as her thrusts came hard, the pink rump rippling as the smaller purple flanks pushed forward.

Pinkie giggled, grinding her butt into Twilight’s thrusting body. “I thought… you’d like some more cushion for the pushin’. Like Mrs. Cake, maybe I can get just as delightfully plump… as her… for you.”

Twilight grunted in exertion, her body tensing above Pinkie. “I appreciate it. But- hng- I’d rather you be you, not trrrrying to be somepony else.”

“I KNOW, wowwie do that one again! I… wanna be the best lover for my special somepony!” Pinkie moaned, gasping as her body shuddered from her orgasm.

Velvet watched with pride in her heart as Twilight rutted one of her mares, Pinkie’s orgasmic cry was like music to her ears, reminding her of her earlier years before she was married.

“Pinkie… I’m close,” Twilight grunted, her thrusts more frantic and harsh.

“Fill me! I want you so much!” Pinkie begged, rubbing her head against Twilight’s neck. Her rump beginning to sting from her alpha’s rough mating.

Twilight cried out as her cock began to flex and spill its seed deep into Pinkie. Velvet’s jaw dropped as the pink mare’s belly slowly grew in size, her daughter’s sperm dripping from the party mare’s overstuffed cooch. “Oh… that’s.. a healthy filly,” Velvet uttered to herself, watching the white fluid drip to the floor.

Twilight pulled out, her hard member dabbing against Pinkie’s rump as the cold air brushed against the sensitive flesh. Pinkie turned with a happy smile. “Wanna go again?”

Velvet’s surprise turned to annoyance as she fought off her own curiosities, fighting back her urge to walk in and fuck both her daughter and her daughter’s herdmate. Twilight’s cock doesn’t look like it’s as big as her Nighty, but that output made Pinkie’s pussy look like a river of white. It didn’t help that Twilight acted much like Night Light during sex, her grunts and moans sounding so very adorable.

Twilight smiled and kissed Pinkie, levitating her to the bed to start the next round. The bed creaking with both mares moaning and squealing from the constant writhing from purple meat invading pink folds.

“Go get her Twilight,” Velvet cooed, turning back to her room. She suddenly felt glad that she packed Night Time, she pulled her purple friend out and dragged her tongue along its length. “I want to play, Nighty.”

She felt the plastic tip slide along her lips, suckling on the flat head as it passed. She fell back onto her temporary bed as she maneuvered the toy down her body, leaving a trail of her saliva down to her crotch. She giggled when the plastic head pressed against her moist lips, collecting some fluid before returning to her mouth, allowing her to lick her own juices from the purple toy. “I think I’ve gotten a bit sour as of late, losing that fruity punch I used to have.”

With a smirk, she willed the toy to vibrate with her magic before pressing it back to her vagina, cooing as her lips opened for the plastic cock. “There we go, Nighty. Fuck your mare.”

With a fierce glow, she forced the toy deep into her snatch, causing her to moan in delight. The toy humming with power against her sweet spot, making her moan with pleasure. “Oh yeah, Oh Nighty…”

Her magic then began to pull the purple rod out and slammed it back in, hard and fast, just as Velvet liked it. She would have preferred it to have some balls to slap against her rump as she forced it deep into herself, but those fell off after the first time she decided to use it on herself and some of her friends.

She bit her lower lip as she continued to plow herself with the plastic dick. She poured more magic into the toy and made it vibrate more, recklessly battering Velvet’s walls like a clumsy lover.

“Just like Night Light the first time we fucked,” Velvet cooed, feeling her toy spasm and shake inside her. She laid back and let her magic and toy do the rest. Her memories going back to the first time she mated with her husband.


“Yes, Nighty?”

“I was wondering- You know, with all the teasing and what not… I- I want to make tonight special between us.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Yes… Velvie, will you accompany me to… bed?”

“Why of course Nighty, Let’s see what I’ve been waiting for all my life, shall we?”

She giggled as Night Light lasted thirty seconds to Velvet’s hoof, any other mare would have dumped him but Velvet was more attracted to his expressions, the way he whimpered and moaned, his face in ecstasy as she looked like a colt experiencing his first orgasm of his life.

“That was fast, but you feel so hard… surely you can go again, right Honey?”

“-Uh? O- Of course, an-anything for you.”

She whimpered as she came, reliving the moments of her first time with Night Light, the dark blue stallion wasn’t at all a skilled lover, but he made up for it in enthusiasm, doing his best to invigorate himself to please her, the moment he heard that Velvet was ready for another round, he would do his best to satisfy. It was the best two orgasms of her life, and most definitely the best seven orgasms she forced him to experience before they finally collapsed. She remembered him staying asleep until noon before waking up in a panic over sleeping in.

After that night, Velvet made it her mission to train her stallion’s body to be a match for hers while also making sure he doesn’t lose the features she fell in love with. If she wanted a stallion that could impress her in bed, she would have been married six years before she ever heard the name ‘Night Light’. But she wanted a stallion that could be her best friend, the most cuddly pony she knows, and a stallion who can please his mare. Night Light had the first two down and it took Velvet years up to Shining Armor’s conception to make Night Light the bed beast she dreamed of.

The toy buzzed harder in her snatch, causing her lower body to vibrate with it as her thoughts continued. A goofy smile etched on Velvet’s face as she recalled every night she and Night Light had sex, all the times she rode him or made him mount her, the few times Velvet brought a friend or two over to have fuck Night Light or make him watch as his wife made out with another mare, only to end with said mare moaning Velvet’s name like she was the Princess.

“Oh gosh! Twilight!”

Velvet snapped out of her thoughts, as she heard Pinkie screech. “That girl has a set of lungs on her, good gravy.” She glanced down to see her toy weakly flopping between her legs, lying in a large puddle of her juices. “Oh… I guess I’m doing laundry tomorrow.”


The next day, after a quick wash of Velvet’s sheets, Twilight and Velvet were off to visit Ditzy, for Dinky’s magic lesson. Twilight knocked on the door. “I figured you would like a larger group of fillies to teach magic to, but I’m still proud of you to do this, Twilight.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Twilight said, nuzzling her mother.

The door opened to reveal a light brown stallion wearing a tie, his dark brown mane was spikey and appeared wet, possibly from a recent bath. “Oh, Twilight. This is a surprise, here for Dinky?” He noticed the older unicorn beside Twilight. “Who might this be?”

“That’s right, Time. And this is my mother, I invited her to meet Dinky,” Twilight explained, with a smile. Time Turner let the Twilights in and fixed his tie while looking back to the stairs.

Velvet noticed the stallion’s skittish behavior. “Something the matter?”

“Just waiting on Ditzy to be ready. Whenever Twilight comes to teach and foalsit Dinky for us, Ditzy and I go out,” Time explained, smiling as Ditzy and Dinky came down the stairs.

“Daddy!” Dinky cried out, running to hug Twilight tightly. Velvet’s jaw dropped at the sight, surprised by the sudden reveal.

Twilight turned back to her mother with a nervous smile. “Yeah… I’m Dinky’s father. You wouldn’t believe how I found out if I told you.”

“But… she’s so old, that would mean, you just hit puberty when she was conceived, just… what?” Velvet uttered, utterly speechless by what could have happened.

“See ya later, Muffin, Twilight, Twilight’s mom! We’ll be back in a few hours!” Ditzy called out, waving good bye as she and Time Turner left the house.

“Bye Momma!” Dinky cheered, waving both hooves in the air while Twilight gave her a meek wave. Dinky turned to Velvet with a confused look. “So, are you grandma?”

“Ye-uh… I guess so,” Velvet stuttered. She turned to Twilight and gave her a stern look. “I don’t care how far fetched it is, I want an explanation.”

Twilight gave her mother a stern, yet worried look before glancing down to her daughter. “Dinky, go get your books. Your Grandmother and I have some… things to discuss.”

“Okay Daddy,” Dinky smiled, squirming out of Twilight’s grasp and up the stairs.

Twilight looked into her mother’s eyes and calm said: “I went through puberty during Mating Season, my head felt funny the entire time during school and my attention was stolen by the backsides of my fellow classmates. After I got home, my mind changed and I went out looking for a mare. I found Ditzy behind a bush in an alleyway, confused and in heat. In my strange mental state, I mated with her and came twice in her vagina and once in her mouth. I know all this because the future versions of Dinky and I came to see me to ensure that Future Me doesn’t become a tyrant that rules the entire world through brute force and constant rape, we observed the moment where Dinky was conceived and even then, I was surprised. In short, myself, and the future versions of myself and Dinky, went back in time to watch the pre-teen me mate with Ditzy during Mating Season, two days before Doctor Life Bar sealed my virility.”

“That… has got to be the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” Velvet stated with an annoyed look.

“My friends and Fleur can all attest to meeting a battle scarred version of me, whom they called ‘Evilight’. And that Rainbow and Gilda are trying to get me to eat fish so I can attain Evilight’s rugged figure,” Twilight continued.

“How rugged are we talking?” Velvet asked curiously.

“Shining Armor with a mare’s body and more scars,” Twilight replied, Velvet beginning to nod in acknowledgement.

“Damn, that’s fit. I’m sorry to say but… it’s hard to imagine that as well,” Velvet commented.

“But it’s true, a beefy version of me came here and had a picnic with my friends, talking about the less graphic things she had done,” Twilight added, she let out a sigh as she held her mother’s hooves. “Everything I said, is true, Ditzy and Dinky have both met Future Dinky and they know of the relationship we all have. That is why Ditzy, Time Turner, and I have arranged a schedule that every week, I teach Dinky and be a father to her, while Time Turner and Ditzy go out, a thing that rarely happens for them because Dinky doesn’t want to be alone and isn’t a fan of most foalsitters,” Twilight concluded, hoping that her mother would believe her this time.

Dinky came rushing down with three large books on her back. “I’m back, Daddy!”

Velvet turned to Dinky with a curious glint in her eye. “Have you met… an older version of you?”

“Oh yeah, she was super cool, she had a big cape. She looked like a superhero with mean eyes. Momma said she was her muffin and she began to cry into Momma’s hug,” Dinky said excitedly.

Velvet’s eyes widened at the admission. “I… I guess you’re right, sorry to doubt you, sweetie.”

“I know I was trying to push you to know it’s true, but even then… it was really farfetched,” Twilight chuckled, walking over to Dinky.

Velvet watched with a warm heart as Twilight and Dinky looked over a book, the young unicorn struggling to levitate some fruit Twilight brought from the kitchen. The purple mare encouraging her daughter to calm herself and to keep trying to perfect her levitation.


After visiting Dinky, Twilight had to go to her scheduled date with Zecora, leaving Velvet alone. The older mare watched as Twilight ran to the forest, only to slip to the side to collect something from the ground, probably flowers. She had a few questions about what her daughter is to the town.

A secret basement where ponies bet on who will fuck Twilight, a story about future mares coming to town to warn Twilight. She turned back to Derpy’s house, knowing that Dinky would possibly be asleep while Ditzy and Time Turner fuck like animals. No pony knew that Dinky was Twilight’s daughter until mere days ago. With that thought, Velvet needed to know more, and she had several mares, a griffon, and a changeling that could give her those answers.

Her first stop was Carousel Boutique, giving the door a few knocks and waited patiently for the fashionista. “Just a second!” She heard Rarity sing.

The door opened to reveal the white unicorn and her perfectly coiffed mane, a pair of red glasses perched on her nose and measuring tape draped along her neck and shoulders. “Hello, Rarity. Mind if I ask you a few questions? Some things I don’t think Twilight would answer… or could answer.”

Rarity frowned slightly, trying to maintain a friendly face. “I- I suppose I could try, come inside and I’ll put on some tea.”

Velvet smiled as Rarity led her to a dressing room, where Fluttershy stood patiently in on a podium. a tight green dress with pink gems studded along the side and frills. “Rarity? Is that you? My… wings are starting to feel a teeny tiny cramped.”

“Rarity went to put on some tea, nice dress,” Velvet commented, levitating a cushion over to her while gazing upon her daughter’s mare.

“Oh, thank you… Miss Velvet,” Fluttershy said with a deep blush. “But… I would like some room… for my wings.” She emphasized this by trying to stretch her wings, causing the green cloth to grow strange bulges.

“Forgive me darling but as I’ve said… it is for a earth pony and I can’t use Applejack because she’s pregnant and Pinkie can never hold still for more than a minute, especially if Twilight is involved,” Rarity added, walking back into the room.

“Interesting…” Velvet uttered, rubbing her chin. “Girls… what do think of Twilight as a mate?”

Fluttershy and Rarity gave each other a cautious glance, the former’s face becoming bright red while the latter became embarrassed. “W-Why do you ask?” Fluttershy questioned meekly.

“I’m curious, I want to know if Twilight has been a good Alpha and lover to you girls,” Velvet answered, giving the two a calm look.

Another cautious glance between the caretaker and the design before turning back to their Alpha’s mother. “She always makes time for us if we need it,” Rarity said.

“She’s very caring, trying to keep us in a good mood,” Fluttershy added.

“A good conversationalist if you can avoid magic theory… even I have to say she can talk your ear off if she can get into it,” Rarity uttered uncomfortably.

“But her eyes do shine like stars when she talks about it,” Fluttershy refuted.

“I know darling, but… I can’t keep up with her in magic,” Rarity sighed, shaking her head woefully.

“Umm… Gilda and Rainbow usually just tune her out and gaze into her eyes, nodding for a bit and agreeing with her when she asks a question, it works more often than you think,” Fluttershy stated with a weak smile.

Velvet giggled at that thought, recalling how Night Light and Twilight would talk for hours about magic and Shining Armor screaming for them to stop. “Anything else? Even the negatives.”

Fluttershy and Rarity winced at the prospect of Twilight’s negative qualities. “Well… when she is presented with a problem, she’s as stubborn as Applejack. The more magic involved, the less likely she’ll ask for help.”

“She can get quite… insatiable, my last date with her… I may have came onto her too hard… then again, I want to please her… and she wants to please me… it was an unending circle of me trying to satisfy her and her trying to satisfy me… it took much longer than I expected,” Fluttershy groaned, looking sad at the thought.

“I suppose her plan to ‘share’ herself with us in the form of her schedule can be… given a better look at,” Rarity said, pulling out her schedule Twilight made. “I don’t believe it’s fair that Chrysalis and Rainbow Dash both get to see her more often JUST because I work. If anything, I should be getting far more days… especially with Chrysalis living in her basement with her hordes of changeling children.”

“I don’t mind it too much, Zecora visits me often to check on Gale, and Twilight comes by to visit almost every day and spend some time with Gale… if only she didn’t live so far from me and Applejack,” Fluttershy moaned.

Rarity let out a giggle. “Like a large crystal castle that can house all of us?”

“That would be nice, room for all our kids,” Fluttershy gushed.

Velvet’s ears perked at the word ‘kids’. “Speaking of which… how many tries?”

“Oh… um… Once,” Fluttershy blushed. “Yesterday, Applejack and Fleur said that…. I should have birthed triplets with- Um.”

“Twilight’s output? I briefly saw her mate with Pinkie last night, she has a cannon between her legs,” Velvet answered for her.

“Oh… yeah…” Fluttershy stuttered with a blush.

“I must admit, your daughter… has a fire in her that if you can… get it going, she won’t stop,” Rarity mused as she stared longingly in front of her. A whistle breaking her trance. “Tea’s ready!”

Rarity trotted out of the room, leaving Fluttershy alone with Velvet. “Anything else?” the older unicorn asked.

Fluttershy blushed harder than before, trying to find something to say about her Alpha. “I- I love her for… for the adorable nerdy mare with a big dick that she is, I love how she gets excited when she talks about magic, how commanding she gets when trouble comes to us, how awkward she gets when she does something embarrassing, and how loving she is when we make love…”

Velvet nodded with a satisfied grin. “So, you would bend over and raise your tail for her if she were to walk into the room right now?”

“If- If she was in the mood and wasn’t on a date with Zecora right now… yes, I’d- I’d gladly raise my butt for her,” Fluttershy stammered, falling onto the podium to hide her face.

“She does have a certain… flare to her that makes us weak in the knees,” Rarity giggled happily as she levitated a tray with three cups, a teapot, a small jug of cream, and a bowl of sugar. “Despite all the quirks, we love her all the same.”


“Her dick and her ‘adorkableness’, that’s her best qualities,” Gilda uttered, relaxing on the grass with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash.

Velvet scrunched her face in annoyance. “Anything else?”

“She does get pretty cute when she reads, her eyes kinda… sparkle when she’s reading a book she really likes,” Rainbow added, Gilda and Pinkie nodding in agreement. “Would wish she would go and exercise more.”

“We still need to add some fish to Twi’s diet, I kinda want to get bent over by Twilight with Evilight’s body,” Pinkie commented, Rainbow’s smile growing.

“I keep hearing about it, is this ‘Evilight’ really all that sexy?” Gilda asked with a groan.

“Yes, Twilight mentioned it and I’m still skeptical,” Velvet said with a curious look.

“You know those ‘Marezons’? Evilight was like that but with all these scars on her body, she was a few inches larger than Twilight, with some serious muscle,” Pinkie described, Rainbow nodded, but jumped back when Pinkie let out a gasp. “Good Gravy! I think Twilight still has Evilight’s armor! You think it’s weird that when a pony fades out of existence, their armor doesn’t go with them?”

“Yeah… but the moment you mentioned ‘scars’, I was onboard with Evilight,” Gilda cooed with a wide smile. “How sexy were they?”

“Fluttershy wanted to help ‘heal’ Evilight and learn the story of each scar while tracing them with her hooves before they make love,” Rainbow replied. “Most of them were along her barrel, a few on her hooves, and one on her neck, and one on her right cutie mark.”

Gilda let out a whistle. “She must have seen some shit.”

“She started a lot of stuff too!” Pinkie giggled.

Velvet frowned, wishing she knew what they were talking about but now she has more confirmation that Evilight and Future Dinky. “I see… anything else about Twilight?”

Gilda, Rainbow, and Pinkie scrunched up their faces in deep thought. “I’m here mostly for the dick… Wait a minute! I want Twilight to embrace her mare parts more!” Gilda cried out in annoyance.

“We know,” Rainbow and Pinkie groaned at the same time, rolling their eyes in annoyance.

Velvet raised a brow. “Not satisfied with just her penis, Gilda?”

“Of course I am, I just think that Twilight could do more if she would just let us… fuck her pussy with a toy or a fake dick. I know she’s used it and I’m happy she ‘kinda’ enjoyed it, but she still avoids using it,” Gilda grumbled.

Velvet scrunched her face in thought, taking a few steps forward. “Well… she IS your Alpha, her duty is to help you… and FUCK you,” she said, mere inches away from Gilda’s face. “How she chooses to fuck you is not your choice, if she wants to use her dick, you are expected to bend over and take her until you are full of cubs. Your reward is getting to lick her dick clean for being such a good griffon while she pets you and tells you how much of a good girl you are.”

“Umm… that’s… uhh,” Gilda uttered, shrinking away from the unicorn.

“You… really want grandfoals, Miss Velvet?” Pinkie asked. Rainbow and her were backing away from the white mare.

Velvet composed her when she noticed that the three girls were uncomfortable. “Sorry, I just got… excited, Twilight… just reminds me of my old glory days... and her father.”

“Did you have your own herd, Miss Velvet?” Pinkie asked cautiously.

Velvet let out a quiet giggle. “You could say that, I suppose.”


“Mistress is too nice!” Trixie declared, crossing her hooves. Fleur only shrugged. “The last time we had sex, she only slapped Trixie’s rump twice, and they barely stung! While Trixie did enjoy the warmth of Mistress’ seed in her gut, she didn’t spray my face! What mistress doesn’t remind her pet who her slut belongs to? I mean honestly?” Velvet immediately liked Trixie. They all sat in the library’s lobby, Velvet having returned shortly after her chat with Gilda, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash.

“I love how loving Twilight can be when we mate,” Fleur responded. lounging on her side. “Her focus is always on us because she knows she can’t always outlast us in pure passion. She cares for us… and we care for her in our own way.”

Trixie shook her head in anger. “You may like love, but Trixie demands her Mistress to be a Mistress! When Trixie awakens after a night of debauchery, she expects her pussy and anus to be flood with cum, her ass bright red, spend the next half hour washing Twilight’s seed out of her mane, and then masturbate to that night before breakfast.”

Velvet held back a giggle, Trixie continuing to make her day. “So… you want Twilight to be more dominate.” She then turned to Fleur. “You like Twilight as a caring lover? I still don’t see why you can’t get both, why isn’t Twilight dominating you?”

Trixie let out an exasperated sigh. “Evidently when we had our first time together, Twilight raped Trixie, thinking Trixie was Pinkie Pie. She nailed Trixie’s ass into her bed as hard as she ever could, and filled Trixie with so much cum that Trixie was leaking it for a few days.”

“So… you want Twilight to… rape you again? Not exactly rape if you want it,” Velvet uttered with a confused look.

“Trixie knows, but Twilight fears she may hurt Trixie when we mate. The moment she hears Trixie squeal in pain, she backs off and coddles Trixie… Trixie demands to be rutted by her mistress as if she was the changeling queen!” Trixie puffed, bouncing in place for her anger.

“Twilight doesn’t have the spine to dominate anypony, much less me,” Chrysalis chuckled, crawling from her basement.

“I’ve heard tales of Twilight overpowering you in the basement the day she took you in,” Fleur mused, looking to the ceiling in thought.

“I let her take me, I was love starved and needed to feed. Any other day, I would have forced her beneath me and filled her womb with my brood,” Chrysalis snarled at the model, causing the smaller unicorn to flinch back. “And if Zecora didn’t give her the antidote that made her horny, she…” Chrysalis trailed off as her eyes turned to Velvet, the mother of the mare she did attempt to kill with a venom. “She would have been my sex slave for the rest of her life.”

“But for now, you are her mare… a smile on your face when the prospect to increase the size of your hive comes into play,” Trixie scoffed, turning her nose away from the changeling.

Chrysalis smirked, walking up to Trixie and wrapping her hooves around her. “Thank you for reminding me of Twilight’s promise. A promise where she will fill my body with her fertile sperm and make her mares hold my eggs on my hatching day. Would you go against the wishes of your Alpha?”

Trixie scrunched her face in concern, sweating nervously as her desire to please Twilight conflicted with the idea of being Chrysalis’ broodmare. “Trixie… will consider it.”

“What are your thoughts on Twilight?” Velvet asked the insect queen.

Chrysalis shrugged. “For somepony that helped destroy my kind, she’s a sweet mare. Maybe a bit too trusting, too willing to help others. I’ve been around for a long time and I can only think of a hoofful of ponies as naive as her.”

“And what of her sexually?” Velvet cooed, leaning closer to the changeling.

“She’s okay, I’ve had better. The only reason why I stay and let her rut me is because her love for her herd tastes delicious and my changelings are much stronger than the hive I ruled before the wedding, they’re much more magical and more eager to please me, much like how Twilight is eager to please Celestia,” Chrysalis answered, grinning as she left for the kitchen.

Velvet pressed a hoof to her chin in thought. “And her magic? Does she adapt that to sex?”

Chrysalis stopped in her tracks, while Trixie and Fleur blushed hard. “Twilight’s… eagerness has been known to make her flex her magic muscles more in our favour from time to time,” Fleur uttered, avoiding Velvet’s eyes.

“She makes her dick big?” Velvet added, chuckling.

“She does that, creates clones, adds another dick to her crotch, penetration with her magic, an elasticity spell to make womb penetration possible, change the shape of her dick, make her dick or hooves vibrate, and a stamina spell,” Trixie replied, now picturing every spell in her head.

Velvet’s jaw dropped, her mind swimming in thought of what Twilight has done with her girls when the mood strikes them. “I… Wow, I think I’ve only done half of those spells.”

“You forgot the portal spell, she used it on Pinkie one morning and fucked her pussy and mouth at the same time,” Chrysalis stated, heading to the kitchen.

“P-Portal spell?” Velvet stammered, surprised by how much Twilight had done in a few years. “I see… nice to see Twilight coming so far from her shell.”

“Miss Velvet… why all the questions?” Fleur asked.

Velvet glanced up to Fleur before blushing lightly. “Just curious,” she answered immediately. “No disrespect to my daughter but… she spent over half her life reading a book and ignoring the outside world. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around her having so many lovers in the matter of… two years.”

“Twilight is a very special mare, a mare with a big heart,” Fleur cooed, smiling fondly.

“Twilight being special is an understatement,” Velvet giggled. “She and her friends saved Equestria a few times after all, she went from introvert to leader in such a short time.”

“Is it because she became a pony worth following or was born to lead others?” Fleur asked.

“Could be either… her brother led the Canterlot Royal guard and now rules beside Cadance as Prince-Consort of the Crystal Kingdom, and my years as the infamous ‘Velvet Mistress’.” Fleur gasped while Trixie performed a double take, examining Velvet closely. “I take it you’ve heard of me?”

“As I was once a socialite during my time with Fancy, I have heard many rumors and stories of a mare that… did practically anything when it came to intercourse,” Fleur answered.

“Trixie… used to masturbate to your stories, did you really fuck a dragon?” Trixie asked with wide eyes.

“I’ve only mated with the drakes, their teenagers. Dragons are way too big for any mare, I really don’t want to try and fit what is essentially a small pointy hut into my vagina,” Velvet waved off. “Not even that good of a lay, the rumor of them having hemi-penises are lies.”

“Darn… there goes that fantasy,” Trixie groaned, her head resting on the table as she pouted.

Twilight nearly fell into the library, visibly exhausted and reeking of sex. Her heavy purple cock hanging beneath her belly, slowly shrinking back into its hiding place. “Oh hey girls, I’m… I’m going to call it an early night.”

The three mares were unable to keep the scent of the healthy mare from entering their noses. Velvet managed to withstand it, only shuffling in her spot slightly, Fleur took a deep breath, rubbing her belly for comfort. Trixie wasn’t as well guarded. “Mistress? Can… Trixie sleep with you tonight?”

Twilight gave the showmare an apologetic grin. “Sorry, Trixie… Zecora put me through a lot, I… just need to rest.”

Noticing her daughter’s difficulty with walking, Velvet went over and helped her up. “Here Sweetie, let’s get you some sleep.”

“Thanks… Mom,” Twilight uttered. The look she gave Velvet made her immediately think of Night Light’s expressions, forcing her to fight off the urge to blush.

Trixie pouted as Velvet walked Twilight up the stairs. Fleur watched with irritable silence. “I think I lost this weeks betting. I was certain Twilight would mate with Mrs. Cake again.”

Before Trixie could state her outrage, Chrysalis poked her head from the kitchen. “Did Twilight walk upstairs with her mother?” Fleur nodded. “YES, I won!” Chrysalis cheered.

Trixie couldn’t be any more angrier at the two for betting on their Alpha’s love life.

Upstairs, Velvet felt her body’s resistance dwindling from the constant intake of her daughter’s scent. Twilight didn’t make it any easier, her tired legs barely limping along. “What did you two do?”

“Zecora and I were brewing potions to be used for our sex night, and we needed up testing various different things,” Twilight groaned, wincing when her leg moved the wrong way.

“I take it some of those effects are lingering?” Velvet asked, her tail twitching.

“Y-Yeah, I suggest- Oh,” Twilight stopped and tried to back away from Velvet. “I can take over from here… thanks Mom,” she added, chuckling nervously and trying to hide her crotch with her magic.

Velvet gave her daughter a confused look until she realized what was lingering. “One of those potions didn’t happen to make ponies more horny around you… does it?”

“That… was a mistake once, it was supposed to make my body more eager for sex, but it causes… anyone close by to want it,” Twilight stuttered, slowly crawling to her bed.

“Ahh, well then… I suppose this is good night, see you tomorrow honey,” Velvet sighed. “A real shame too, I thought I’d tuck you in and give you a good night kiss but it would be hard and… awkward to do so with your potion active.”

“Sorry, Mom,” Twilight said, blushing as she finally managed to get up the the landing where her bed was.

“Don’t be, anyways good night!” Velvet said, calmly walking out of the room. Once she shut the door behind, she quickly trotted to her temporary room as her libido began to overtake her. “For the love of Celestia, that was way more difficult than it should have been.”

Her magic ripped her bag open and pulled out her dildo, licking her lips as it floated into her vision. She could feel her pussy dripping in anticipation. She quickly sent the purple toy to her rear and traced the tip along her folds, getting the dildo wet before plunging it deep inside her.

Her magic beaming along the shaft as she forced it deeper into her pussy, panting with satisfaction. The faster her dildo fucked her, the brighter her horn shined, until she heard a snap.

Velvet’s eyes snapped open in confusion before pulling her toy out, only to see that her magic had snapped it in half, the other half sliding slowly out of her pussy. “Oh no… oh no no no.”

She paced in her room, looking for anything that could satisfy her. Her bed didn’t have the bulb bed posts, it was short rectangular blocks that held the bed up. After the years of sex, her hooves couldn’t even turn her on without outside stimulation. She brought books but no pony in her family would dare soil a book like that, especially under the roof of a fellow family member. She needed something to fill her thus the pillow was out of the question. She opened the lone chest in the room and grumbled when she just found various knickknacks, either too small, or too large to be used.

Velvet shot up when she remembered the bathroom. She just needed to sneak into the bathroom and use one of the many shampoo bottles and then she can go to sleep. The problem was that she’d have to pass Twilight’s room, and she doesn’t know if the potions effects are still active or if it can get past the doors.

Steeling herself, Velvet quickly ran for the bathroom. The closer to Twilight’s door she got, the more her pussy burned, the scent of a healthy stallion filling her lungs and slowing her down. “No, you are stronger than this,” Velvet scolded herself, pressing forward. She gave nervous glances to her daughter’s door but pressed forward. She let out a sigh of relief when she used her magic to open it, her relief became horror when it was locked.

“Occupied!” She heard Trixie scream.

Velvet’s right eye twitched, half tempted to break the door down and throw Trixie out when a door opened behind her. “Mom?”

Velvet turned and the scent got far stronger. Her eyes locked on her daughter’s, her libido trying to urge her towards Twilight. “Sweetie… C-Could you go back into your room, please?”

Twilight let out a yawn and gave the elder unicorn a blank look. “What are you talking about? Is something the matter?”

“Nope, nothing, just… go back into your room,” Velvet stammered, blushing fiercely as she was forced to breath in Twilight’s musk.

It was then Twilight made her worst mistake by walking towards Velvet with concern. “Mom, if there’s something the matter, I want to help.”

A snap within Velvet’s brain, any grievances against mating with her children gone. “Are you sure?” Velvet said with a lewd smile.

Twilight stopped when she saw her mother’s creepy smile. “Not… Not so sure anymore. I’ll be going into my room now.”

As quickly as she could, Twilight walked back into her room but she couldn’t close the door fast enough to stop Velvet’s hoof form blocking it. “My sweet little baby, momma needs you so much right now.”

“We both know you brought a dildo,” Twilight said, her magic fighting her mother’s over the supremacy of the door and the white hoof keeping it open.

“I broke it… thinking about how good you smelled, and how big your dick is, dear.”

Twilight continued to fight her mother, it wasn’t long until she felt Velvet back off, letting the door close completely. Once shut, the scholar let out a sigh of relief, only to knocked forward by the force of somepony kicking the door in, knocking it off of one of its hinges.

“Oops, sorry about that,” Velvet said, walking up to the dazed unicorn. Twilight laid on her side, her erect cock already hard. The combination of its visual appeal and its scent driving Velvet wild.

“M-Mom, I don’t want to mate with you,” Twilight uttered, letting out a weak gasp. She noticed that Velvet was only standing above her, admiring the sight of her flustered daughter.

“Oh Twily, you remind me so much like your father,” Velvet cooed, laying next to Twilight’s head and brushing her mane, her eyes never leaving the thick purple organ. “So shy, so adorable, he didn’t want sex for awhile either, he wanted to get to know me better.”

“But I already know you and this won’t be leading to sex,” Twilight stated, unable to leave her mother’s comforting hoof.

“For five months, I teased him and offered to give him oral or a quick hoofjob if he was up to it, but he turned it all down because… to him, that’s what being a gentlecolt was like, he squeaked adorably whenever I pinch his cutie mark.” She used her magic to pinch Twilight, causing the purple mare to squeak. “You squeak just like he does.”

“Please… stop comparing me to Dad,” Twilight said, blushing hard.

“The night we made love, he took me to bed. We held each other and kissed,” Velvet continued to stroke Twilight’s face, slowly nudging her lower. “He wanted to please me, worship me, love me.”

“He loves you, that’s why,” Twilight said, her body calming down. She jumped the moment her mother pressed her daughter’s snout against the white winking lips. “Mom… let’s not do this.”

“Oh honey, I really need this. Could you please help mommy?” Velvet asked, breathing hard.

“But…” Twilight groaned, weakly trying to push away. She felt her mother trying to push her closer but failing. She looked up to her mother’s needy eyes, the look of discomfort made Twilight feel terrible, feeling that she would hurt Velvet if she didn’t go through with this. “Mom… I want this to stay a secret…”

Velvet’s face brightened. “Of course dear, I’d never- AH!” She gasped when she felt Twilight’s tongue against her hot muff. “N-now, don’t be afraid… I’m made of sterner stuff, Twilight. Go to town.”

Twilight winced at the sound of her mother getting into their act. She pressed her snout against Velvet’s cooch, forcing the needy scent into Twilight’s nose. Her tongue spearing the white mare’s pussy and pressing its curious tip into Velvet’s birth canal. Twilight quivered in a mixture of lust and discomfort as she delved as deep as she could into the same passage she and her brother once left.

Velvet’s hooves were pressing into Twilight’s mane, biting her lower lip upon finding that the flat tongue felt divine. The purple mare tracing her walls and pressing against her pleasure buzzer. Much to the scholar’s dismay, she could feel her own cock throb in anticipation between the floor and her belly.

“Sweetie, you’re so good to mommy!” Velvet moaned with a silly grin with her hooves around Twilight’s head. “Keep working that tongue, fuck does it feel good.”

Despite her embarrassment of servicing her mother in such a way. Twilight lapped up Velvet’s fluids faithfully, her thick tongue tracing the passage walls spreading her wide. Her body shivered whenever she prodded the older mare’s G-spot or teased her clitoris.

Velvet watched with a loving gaze as her daughter licked her pussy, but she could clearly see the purple mare struggling with her own building lust. “Come dear. I want a closer look at your dick.”

Twilight looked up with her tongue poking out between her lips, retracting it slowly as a nervous blush settled on her features. Velvet laid back while Twilight shifted until her rump was above her mother’s head and her head at Velvet’s crotch. The thick purple organ lying against Velvet’s face. She moved her head forward and resumed licking the white folds and pleasuring the pink flesh hidden behind.

Velvet took in a deep breath of her daughter’s musk, relishing in the strangely sweet scent. She gave it the underside of it a kiss before licking along it’s sensitive skin, making Twilight squeak in surprise. “You taste lovely, dear. No wonder you have a herd.”

Twilight’s face only burned brighter, wrapping her hooves around Velvet’s hind legs for support and to spread them wider for easier access to the white muff.

A dull glow of Velvet’s horn forced the thick member to press against her lips before ultimately, half of the scholar’s shaft disappear into the white mare’s mouth, her tongue working furiously to please the purple shaft within. White hooves resting on the starburst cutie marks and pulling the rump down, coaxing her daughter into facefucking her.

Thanks to Trixie, Pinkie, and, to a lesser point, Rainbow Dash, Twilight is no stranger to rutting somepony’s mouth but the idea of rutting her mother’s mouth made kept her from moving. A muffled groan that sounded annoyed, followed by magic entering her anus taught Twilight otherwise, her crotch slamming into Velvet’s happy face.

Twilight continued to prove her connection to her father with her squeaks and reluctance to rut Velvet’s mouth. But the older mare thanked her herd for bringing Twilight so far out to attempt it, her body shuddering from feeling her throat becoming full for a split second before the thick member retreated, no gag reflex to spoil her moment.

Despite how both mares did what they could to please their partner, Twilight was not as experienced as her mother. She’s been licking and teasing her mother for twenty minutes and Velvet had brought her close to orgasm in a blink of an eye. The veteran tongue’s touch electrified Twilight’s shaft and her throat and mouth massaged it wonderfully, the vibrations of her mother’s silent tune, even the teeth applied the right amount of pleasure to make the scholar squirm.

“M-mom… I’m gonna cum soon…” Twilight moaned, using her magic to try and get her mother off with her.

‘Feed Mommy your cream, my big beautiful girl,” Twilight heard in her head, it sounded like her mother but with Celestia’s graceful tone. It definitely made Twilight throb inside her mother’s throat but it didn’t quite bring her there, but the sudden intense suction made the purple mare fill her mother’s belly with her cum. Velvet accepted every salvo eagerly, her magic keeping Twilight hilted to her face, a weak trickle of Twilight’s mare fluids leaking onto her face.

Once the last spurt was released, Twilight weakly stood up and went to resume her work on her mother’s snatch only to be pushed onto her back. “Mom?”

Between her legs was her mother, one hoof stroking her purple cock, the other licking her hooves clean while some traces of cum was found around her face, only to be licked up. “That was a good warm up… but I need you in me, honey.”

“A- a warm up?!” Twilight gasped, she knew it was foreplay but she just went through a rather intense orgasm, and her mother appeared to have wanted more… much more.

Velvet crawled onto her daughter, using her magic to position the big purple cock to her wet tunnel. The white mare’s eyes never leaving the embarrassed and nervous face of the scholar. “That’s… it’s the face your father had… when we made love the first time.”

“Please… don’t say that,” Twilight groaned, trying to hide her expression.

Velvet only chuckled as her quim began to swallow inch after inch of her daughter’s length. “Now… you’ll love this next part.”

Twilight slowly removed one hoof when her body tensed, it was as if her dick was being massaged by thousands of tiny, gentle, but stern hooves while being caressed and kissed by many loving mares. Her mother’s cooch was the most unique thing she’s ever entered, it felt like Twilight’s pleasure was only dependant by Velvet’s whims. If the older mare wanted, she could possibly make Twilight cum immediately, but the look on her face said she wanted to toy with her daughter.

Velvet may have taken herself out of the game of seducing ponies or what not and making them her bitches, but she kept herself sharp using her husband on many occasions, managing to even turn him rutting her from behind into a game of power play, a game Velvet always won. Despite her ability to thwart and bang Gilda and Chrysalis, Twilight was no different from her father, already moaning from Velvet’s expert muscles. The younger mare’s hooves made a single attempt to turn the tables but Velvet controlled her daughter’s dick like a marionette, a single twitch in the right place and Twilight’s hooves darted to her mother’s hips, helping the older unicorn ride harder and faster.

Twilight felt herself on the edge the moment she was hilted inside her mother. Every second was a constant battle between inexplicit bliss and pleasurable torture. “How does it feel to be inside me, Twilight? Do you like Mommy’s pussy?” Twilight didn’t want to answer but a sudden flex that made her cock funny made her nod quickly. “You are not the only one, but your father loves Mommy’s pussy the best. Just like how I love his cock the best.”

“W-why can I… barely move?” Twilight moaned, writhing beneath Velvet.

“Because I want to fuck you, I want to ride your cock until I’m fat with your cum, I want to do so many things to you and your delicious dick… because you are so adorable, so lovable, so much like your father… your herd practically threw me at you with how they talked so fondly of you,” Velvet chortled, bouncing faster on Twilight’s crotch.

Even after the incident with Bon-bon and Lyra, Twilight couldn’t believe how aggressive her mother became. Before the herd, Velvet was the generic loving mother. After she learned of it, she progressively became more forward in terms of Twilight getting her grandchildren or towards her herd. All this building up to the dominatrix that rode her cock, manipulating her pleasure and muscles using her pussy and her words.

The view of Twilight flinching, her face scrunching up adorably, a light embarrassed pout and a weak gasp. Velvet took it all in, loving every expression her daughter made, using her pussy to Twilight to make more embarrassed faces.

Twilight weakly opened her eyes to see her mother with a wide smile, a light trail of drool from the corner of her mouth. The sight was a strange mix of pride that she is pleasing her mother and shame that she is having sex with her mother. This sight was oddly exotic, she knew it was wrong. She didn’t want it to feel right though.

Velvet flinched, her calculating grip on her daughter’s cock slipping slightly and allowing a weak spurt of cum to enter her body before locking up again. “I’m getting pretty close dear...”

Twilight nodded her head vigorously, that one spurt felt heavenly, and the grip that kept her from cumming hurt her so much. “It… it's getting pretty... painful… Mom.”

Velvet smirked. “Then cum.”

Twilight’s eyes shot open the moment Velvet’s pussy eased its grip and felt as if it’s milking her. She screamed as her cum painted her mother's walls white, filling her passage and womb with thick cum. Velvet shuddered in bliss, Twilight’s needy look made her feel so happy and combining it with the feeling of being filled with hot jizz made her pussy convulsed as her orgasm shook her.

Twilight’s shaft finished spending its cum, lying back in post-coitus bliss. Her mother keeping herself up with her hooves, staring longingly into her daughter’s eyes. “A- As much fun… as I liked it. Could you get off? My body… feels a little numb,” Twilight asked, sleep becoming a spectacular idea.

“Oh Sweetie…” Velvet cooed, caressing Twilight’s face. “I just got a taste of the fun, if this is all you can do than I feel sorry for your herd. We’re going again… to see if you can truly please your herd.”

Twilight swallowed her breath, watching as Velvet got off her dick, her pussy dripping with cum. Twilight’s heart beating hard in her chest as her mother presented herself above her head, her cum lightly dripping onto her face. “I rode you, now you fuck me. Fuck me now… or I WILL punish you.”

A quick recall of how she punished Bon-bon quickly fueled Twilight, quickly staggering onto her hooves. Her blush deepening as she mounted her mother, she could feel the rest of her neck and body turning red from the feeling of Velvet’s magic positioning the purple rod to her back door. “Mom?”

“I want you to cum in both holes, Sweetie,” Velvet cooed, grunting in satisfaction when she felt the wet head pressing against her puckered rear. “Push in, dear. I’m no stranger to a little anal.”

Twilight grimaced and clamped her eyes tightly as she pushed forward, trying to pretend that her mother is somepony else. A moan and the sudden clenching hole wrapping around her dick signalling the penetration.

It didn’t take long before Twilight began hammering her shaft deep into Velvet’s rump, making the older mare squeal with delight. “That’s it honey… fuck Mommy’s ass!” She felt Twilight falter but soon sped up, Velvet knew what this meant. “Are you imagining me as one of your mates?”

Twilight’s eyes snapped open, looking nervous as her mother glanced up at her. “Well-I… Um…”

“Embarrassed that you’re fucking your dear mommy’s ass, dear?” Velvet teased, grinding her rear against Twilight’s base.

“Yes… I… I really don’t like the idea of me having sex with my own mother… you’re married, we’re related… it feels wrong,” Twilight said, she stopped moving completely as she explained her case.

“But it felt good, right?” Velvet asked.

“Well, of course. Sex naturally feels good when a sexual organ is being stimulated,” Twilight replied.

“Then fuck me, and keep your eye on the back of my head… or I won’t let you cum until I cum at least twice from you fucking my ass,” Velvet commanded, raising her body up, and using her magic to keep herself standing as she pressed herself against her daughter’s body, her tail wrapping around Twilight’s, and hooves caressing the rutting mare’s face. “If I have to accept that I’m fucking my daughter’s cock, then you will have to accept that you are fucking your mommy’s ass and pussy and filling them both with your cum. If your father finds out… then I will deal with it.”

Twilight nodded quickly as her hooves found their place on her mother’s flanks, thrusting hard into the tightening passage. She found herself pinning her mother to a wall, rutting her into it quickly, in all hopes of getting it all over with, nuzzling the older unicorn’s neck and taking in the scent of lilacs and lavender.

Velvet bit her lip, feeling her body get sandwiched between the wall and her daughter, getting her ass fucked hard by a rather impressive cock. Night Light never liked anal sex, today marking the first day in at least ten years since Velvet had anything in her butt. She missed the pleasure of it.

Twilight felt her mother’s rectum tightening up, quickly finding she’s in the same position as she was with her mother’s pussy. Velvet was once again in control of her pleasure, she won’t be able to cum unless her mother wanted her to. “How do you have this much control? This is ridiculous!”

“I’ve been called the Velvet Mistress for a reason, my dear,” Velvet teased, shaking her rump and making Twilight gasp. “Now fuck me.”

Twilight did all she could to rut her mother’s backside, pumping her hips with all her might. Outside, Trixie moved quickly as she heard Twilight’s moans and the sound of flesh smacking flesh. Velvet couldn’t help but giggle at the effort Twilight was putting into this. “How does it feel, dear?”

“It feels really good, Mom…” Twilight moaned, panting with need. “Your ass and pussy feels so good.”

“Trust me, dear. It’s the best piece of ass you’ll ever feel,” Velvet cooed, thrusting back into Twilight.

“Actually…” Twilight moaned. “Applejack has the best ass.”

Velvet stopped, her face bright red as she slowly turned to Twilight. “Best pussy?”


“Best blowjob?”


“Best hoofjob?”

“Rarity if you mean actual hooves, Gilda if I’m able to include claws or hands.”

Velvet should be pissed that Twilight mentioned another mare’s name but they are not lovers, they were fucking because they got heated up at a bad time. “Magic job?”

Twilight blushed hard. “M-Myself…”

“Best dick rider?”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Best submissive?”

“Tie between Fleur and Fluttershy.”

“Best cunnilingus?”

Twilight’s face burned even brighter. “P-Pinkie again.”

Velvet and Twilight stood in silence, neither of them moving despite Twilight’s shaft throbbing inside her mother’s hot rear. “What about Zecora, Chrysalis, and Luna?”

“Zecora… is probably the one that can get me hard the fastest, Chrysalis can do nearly anything with her transformations, and to be honest… I don’t actually mate with Luna very often because of our conflicting schedules,” Twilight explained.

Velvet smiled. “That honesty could get you a nasty bruise on your face and a sore dick, my dear.” She turned the best she could and caressed Twilight’s face. “At least with me, I’m more than happy to hear that your herd can please you so well.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Twilight said, nuzzling her mother’s neck. They stood together in a comfortable silence before Velvet reminded her daughter with a rather painful twitch of her rectum. “AH!”

“Honey, you’re still fucking my ass… could you please keep doing that?” Velvet asked as nicely as possible. Twilight blushed and began moving again as hard as she could, quickly bringing herself to an orgasm… and forced to work to her mother’s.


Night Light fell out of the bathroom door, Quick Silver and Bright Lights bathing in the afterglow of their recent escapades in the shower. The poor stallion had been worked ragged by his new guests. He was either cooking, massaging, or having sex. Almost everything he did that day led to fornicating his wife’s friends. The past two days were a non-stop onslaught of rutting and confusion. He woke up to Blue Blaze riding him anally, breakfast was interrupted by more teasing, then he went to relax with a book, only to get half a page in when Squeaky Clean decided to surprise him with oral sex. After that he went to do some work in his study, but Bronze Hoof had something else in mind when she grabbed him and rode his cock for a while. And just moments ago, he went to take a shower, only to be ambushed by Quick Silver and Bright Lights with offers of helping him wash.

“Need some help?” Night Light looked up to see Blue Blaze smiling down on him.

“I’m- I’m fine, thank you though. I’m not as… young as I once was,” Night Light chuckled nervously.

“I can dig it, we are kinda running you ragged, aren’t we?” Blue giggled, helping Night Light to the couch.

“Thank you,” Night Light smiled. “So… how do you girls know Velvet?”

“Velvet… she was our Mistress a long time ago,” Blue replied, leaning back. “Back at Starswirl Academy, Velvie, Bright, and myself were friends. Then we decided to experiment one day and found out that… Velvet was super good at making me and Bright beg for it, if she didn’t have her cutie mark, I’m sure she would have gotten it that night. Almost every day, either Bright or I ask Velvet permission for sex and half the time, Velvet gives us the go ahead. One time she caught me masturbating and beat my ass with a whip for hours, while Bright ate her out. Then we met Bronze Hoof, a Marezon that left her clan to see the world. She didn’t like Velvet at first and they fought a lot… until Velvet used her magic on her and made that big filly into another girl for Velvet to play with. Squeaky Clean still works in the castle as a bath maiden but she heard about Velvet and got addicted, and Quick used to be a Wonderbolt, retired thirty years ago,” Blue chuckled as Night Light gave her a curious look. “No, Quickie didn’t give it up for Velvet, she gave it up because she hurt her wing really bad during a show, it just gave her a good excuse to come to the Velvet Mistress for some loving.”

“I see, so you six were really close?” Night Light asked.

“We went everywhere together, it was definitely the best seven years of our lives. All the ponies we banged, all the things we watched Velvet just… control with her body,” Blue sighed, smiling faintly. “It was a good time to be alive. We were pretty angry when we found out that our Mistress was getting hitched. Bronze was actually ready to hunt you down and kill you. But Velvet stopped her and told us that no matter what… we belonged to her and no stallion will change that. After that we kept in contact with her with mail, until a few days ago when we all got a letter asking for our help,” Blue concluded, lounging on the couch with her head on Night Light’s lap.

“Thanks for telling me that, I knew my Velvet had a history, and I… kinda blanked out when I heard of her… doing a Manticore and a Chimera at the same time,” Night Light grimaced.

“That was Bronze’s idea, apparently it was a Marezon sport to wrestle monsters down. Velvet gave it a shot and took that huge red dick deep into her while she had all three heads of the chimera cleaning her out. The she made Bronze peg the Manticore with the biggest strap-on she could find while making him fuck the Chimera… that was a wild night,” Blue laughed. “So… I am a bit curious. Why did Velvet need our help to help you? You’re more submissive to her than we were all those years ago.”

Night Light grimaced, he turned to see the rest of the girls gathering, sharing Blue Blaze’s curiosity. “Well… I’ve been having nightmares for the past five years about losing Velvet to my children. My son, Shining Armor, married Princess Cadance two years ago.”

“I remember when they were still dating, they’d fuck constantly in the bathhouse,” Squeaky Clean commented. “Guess I know where your son got his package from.”

“An- anyways, my daughter, Twilight Sparkle… She recently started to form a herd, I think the count is nine mares, including Princess Luna, as well as a griffon and a zebra. I’m just… an astrologer, my son is married to the Princess of Love and the Captain of the Equestrian Guard, and my daughter is courting so many mares and saved the world several times. After the night when Velvet ‘tested’ our daughter-in-law, I’ve been… worried about the state of our relationship, especially around my own children,” Night Light sighed.

“Wow, just wow,” Quick babbled, impressed by her Mistress’ children.

“Wait… little Twilight? The filly that loves to read and learn? She has a herd? Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Squeaky added, a few other mares nodding in agreement.

“It was just… I still don’t fully understand how I managed to get a mare like Velvet. She says it’s because I’m adorable or ‘adorkable’ as she says, and that I’m a true gentlecolt. Just meeting you five and hearing Blue’s story just made me question it even further,” Night Light groaned, trying to make sense of his marriage.

“Maybe it was true love?” Bright suggested. “Maybe Velvet feels that you are ‘the one’. And that you give her something that nopony else has given her before. If she can give up orgies of mares and stallions just licking her hooves and sucking out some lucky colt’s seed out of her cunt just for you, it’s hard to say it’s anything else.”

“You think so?” Night Light asked with a meek smile.

“Yup, though I am pissed we didn’t get invited to the wedding,” Bright giggled, the rest chuckled with her.

“We didn’t actually have a real wedding, her parents didn’t like how… shy I was and my parents HATED how she acted, so we had a very… secluded wedding, It was just us… under the stars and speaking our vows,” Night Light added fondly.

“Aww,” all the mares went. “You know we’re still going to fuck you senseless until Velvet comes back right.”

Night Light sighed, and looked at each of the mares. “So long as it’s not as… frequent as it has been already, I‘m not as spry as I used to be… is it Blue’s turn?”

“Damn, right,” Blue Blaze giggled, quickly straddling the stallion, slipping his cock into her pussy as she rode him in front of her friends.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Day One

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- Twicest [F/Futa, incest, denial, vaginal]
- Twipie [F/Futa, oral, 69, vaginal]
- Twi de Lis [Futa/F, vaginal, eventual Futa/F/F, cunnilingus]
- Derplight [Futa/F, cunnilingus, vaginal, anal]
- Twicora [Futa/F, Massage, vaginal, anal]

~Day One~

Twilight awoke with a stretch of her limbs, surveying the cramped cube she slept in. It was a quarter of the size of the library foyer, with three bookshelves, a large cupboard, and a plain cot in the corner of the room. She may not be in the best of situations, but she was happy that she chose here instead of outside where… it was happening.

Mating Season was upon Equestria, Unicorn towns used an area dampener to calm the local mares down to just being very cuddly. Pegasi towns force it to rain for the entire week, making it hard for mares to notice. Most of the earth pony towns lie in the canyons and deserts, causing everypony to build up a resistance to warm climates, even the newest filly to mating season wouldn’t notice it until sundown, where it was practically a law to barricade all homes for the night, for the mares walk the streets.

Ponyville was the only earth pony settlement that sat in the grassy field in the center of Equestria. While a beautiful place to live, it becomes the most horrifying town to live in during Mating Season, the mares become different from their usual selves. Shining Armor heard from some of the guards telling ghost stories about how some of the most stalwart of stallions entered Ponyville during said week, and never came out.

The first few years of Mating Season, Twilight and Spike spent it in a fortified bunker that was under the foyer of her room. It protected them greatly from all attacks, mostly because no pony knew that Twilight had a penis, last year’s Mating Season was spent in the griffon lands with Gilda, while Spike was in Canterlot. This will be the first year of Ponyville’s Mating Season where Twilight’s dick is not only common knowledge, but she had the bright idea to stay in the mare infested town.

No pony knew about Twilight’s bunker, she hid it so well behind her bookcases, behind a mechanism that was designed to take a hundred of Equestria’s greatest minds to solve. All Twilight had to do was stay quiet and stay in her bunker, shame that it had just enough food for the week, with no showers, and only two hundred books. Twilight will have to halt her snacking habit; she knew she was going to smell bad regardless of how mating season turns out; and… she’ll be bored by day three.

Twilight jumped when she heard the door open, fear filling her as her private sanctuary from the horny mares was discovered and dismantled so easily. A white hoof took a step in and Twilight Velvet, her own mother, stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. “Good morning Twilight,” Velvet greeted, with a seductive look in her eyes, making her daughter feel rather uncomfortable.

“Mom… how did you get in here?” Twilight asked, huddled up in the corner of her bunker, next to her cot.

“You can’t hide from your mother, Twilight. I know your every hiding spot,” Velvet chimed, stalking closer to Twilight.

Twilight powered her horn to teleport, but Velvet was faster with her spells, disabling her daughter’s horn temporarily. The younger unicorn gasped as she found her magic was locked and backed into a corner. “M-mom, remember. We promised that the thing… we did a few days ago… was a one time thing.”

“It was, dear. Until I found out that every stallion in Ponyville ran to Manehatten or Canterlot to avoid us… needy and desperate mares. Ponyville heat is so… unbearable, how do the mares here live when this ‘itch’ claws at your nethers every year?” Velvet asked, looming over her daughter with a soft and calm smile. “Twilight, I NEED some hard cock in me, and you are the only cock within twenty miles of this town.”

“What about Minuette? The Clockmaker?” Twilight gasped; she felt a bit bad for selling out a friend but she really didn’t want to have sex with her mother again.

“I’ve seen what she was packing, and I need something bigger… and she’s in heat too, trying to eat out her bartender friend,” Velvet giggled, holding her daughter close. “I know you can’t enter heat because of your… large condition both inside and out, but… you’ll have to do your duty to Equestria, dear…. and fuck. Me.” Velvet chuckled when her hoof flicked Twilight’s hard cock. “At least that part is eager to do its duty.”

Feeling her mother touch her cock made Twilight become more aggressive with escaping, but the older unicorn had her pinned. Her soft white hooves holding Twilight against the wall. Velvet sat down on her daughter’s lap, causing the purple member to wedge between her mother’s flanks, grinding against her backside. Twilight could feel herself heating up, the desire to mate with her mother again building, her sense of reason still had control, but the fluids leaking onto her crotch remained as a constant distraction. “But-”

Twilight flinched when her mother’s hooves hit the wall next to her, causing it to crack under the force of it. “I’m gonna ride you, my precious little filly. I’m going to make you shoot all your cum, into my body, and we’re both gonna LOVE it,” Velvet stated, using her magic to position her daughter, she lifted herself and let out a cooing noise as the thick member slowly slid into her. “Oh… that’s my big filly.”

Twilight 's body writhed, feeling her mother’s tight pussy wrapped around her cock again still felt great but it always made the younger Twilight feel guilty for it. Regardless of whether or not this was Mating Season, the thought of having sex during this season always felt like Twilight was taking advantage of her partner, instead of how it was actually the reverse. Her mother began to move, Twilight hissing as she felt the white mare’s tight muscles massage her prick with each motion.Velvet could hardly help but giggle at the variety of embarrassed faces her daughter was making. She gave the purple horn in front of her a quick lick, forcing a gasp to leave Twilight’s mouth. Pleased with the reaction, Velvet quickly wrapped her lips around her daughter’s horn and began to suck it.

“MOM!” Twilight gasped; her brain was slowly turning to mush as she felt both her horns being pleasured. Her mother’s talented tongue traced every crease and spiral of her magic appendage while the lower folds began to grind painfully hard against the younger mare’s crotch.

Velvet released her daughter’s horn and chuckled. “Don’t you like this? You feel like you like this, I can feel you throbbing in me, Twilight,” she teased, bouncing on her daughter’s crotch harder.

Twilight tried to throw her head back, trying to resist her own building pleasure, but her mother’s hooves kept her head close, teasing Twilight by licking her horn seductively. “Oh gosh… this… can’t be happening.”

“Oh but it is, and it’s beautiful,” Velvet cooed, grinding her hips once against Sparkle’s crotch. “This is as beautiful as the nights when your father and I made Shining and later you. You were just as adorable as your father whenever we had sex the first few times.”

“MOM! Please stop comparing me to dad!” Twilight shouted, having severe difficulties trying to be angry at her mother.

“I can’t help it, you two were so similar. It’s clear that Shiny got his attitude from me, should have heard what kind of things he got into during his time in the academy,” Velvet giggled, she could feel her daughter’s flared head widen inside her, preparing to unload.

“I… I don’t want to hear about Shiny’s love life either,” Twilight uttered, blushing.

Velvet had a small smile on her face when her pussy clamped up, causing her daughter to let out a heavy groan. Velvet could feel Twilight’s cock begging for release but unable to fire. “According to Cadance… your brother was very active, since she was the Princess of Love, she enjoyed sharing others with your brother, stallions, mares. Did I ever tell you the time I fucked Cadance?”

Twilight’s face fell, and her eyes widened. “What?”

Velvet giggled, grinding her already tight pussy against the suffocating member inside. “At the end of the first month of… her relationship with Shiny, I wanted to test her, I wanted to see if she was good enough for him. So I took her to my room, and made her squeal… I fucked your foalsitter with some of my biggest toys… and I made your father watch.“

Twilight sat beneath her mother, speechless, her eyes as wide as saucers.

“I took her to the moon and back, for that one night… I used every hole on her body as if it was mine. And after I fucked Cadance, I fucked your father for dessert… it was the biggest turn on in my life… feeling your father’s cock inside me, just like now, watching him whimper as I rode him. I came the moment I made him cum in me and sprayed the remainder of his load all over his future daughter-in-law’s unconscious face. Did you get harder, dear?”

Twilight’s face went red. “N- no, what makes you say that?”

“Are you getting turned on by the thought of your mommy fucking your foalsitter?” Velvet questioned, her grin getting wider, her bouncing getting harsher.

“No, I’m not,” Twilight stuttered, flinching from the vice-like grip of her mother’s snatch.

“Oh Twilight…” Velvet said, kissing Twilight on the nose. “You wrote stories when you were thirteen about you and Cadance having sex, as well as a few of you mating with Celestia… you can’t hide anything from your mother.”

Twilight grimaced and gave a weak smile. “I hid the fact that I was experimenting with Lyra since I was fourteen.”

Velvet scowled and gave a particularly hard thrust down, making her daughter yelp in surprise. “That you did, and I’m both disappointed and proud of you.”

“It still stands,” Twilight weakly giggled.

“That it does, and I… suppose you’re allowed to cum now,” Velvet teased, her vaginal walls flexing around Twilight, becoming slightly looser than the death grip that was on it earlier.

A few more bounces and Twilight groaned harshly. Velvet’s eyes rolled back from the feeling of her daughter cumming inside her again. Her own orgasm causing her body to relax atop the younger Twilight’s crotch. She purred affectionately as she felt each volley of cum splatter the deepest parts of her womb, slowly dribbling out from her pussy and onto Sparkle’s coat. “Oh… yeah.”

“Could… could you please… get off?” Twilight asked, feeling all the air leave her. Velvet nodded weakly and slipped off, Twilight’s dick fell onto her belly and leaked onto her coat. The purple mare hissed in pain as the cool air touched her overly sensitive cock. “That… thing you did… that hurt actually.”

“It’s teaches you young kids how to control your dicks, dear. Get used to it,” Velvet said, walking out of the room with a clear head and a belly full of cum, leaking from her snatch.


After Twilight spent an hour scrubbing the smell of shame and incest off her coat, she stepped out and found her mother napping on the couch, still reeking of sex. “Mom, the bathroom is free.”

Her response was a soft snore, Twilight rolled her eyes as she walked to her bunker. Time appeared to slow down as Twilight saw a pink hoof slowly wrapping around her neck, her body moving too slowly to react. She soon found herself held in a headlock by a disgruntled looking party pony. “P-Pinkie? Could you let go?”

“Not until you take responsibility!” Pinkie ordered, glaring daggers at the purple unicorn.

“What did I do?” Twilight tried to asked, her hooves trying to get Pinkie to release her.

“I am in HEAT, I spent the last six hours trying to find you, and here you are… FUCKING YOUR MOTHER, what about, me, Pinkie? I’m in heat too, and it’s REALLY starting to get on my last nerves,” Pinkie seethed, dragging Twilight by the neck to the bedroom.

Pinkie threw Twilight into the middle of the floor and barricaded the balcony window and the bedroom door with bookshelves and the bed, while Twilight gasped for air. “Pinkie, I’m sorry. But you know how much ponies fear Ponyville during this time, I was lucky enough before that no one knew I had a dick, now… I’m scared that-”

“SHUT UP! It’s always about YOU isn’t it? 'Gilda, give me a talonjob.' 'Trixie, give me a blowjob.' 'Applejack, let me fuck your ass.' What about ME? Doesn’t Pinkie get to ride your cock? Don’t I deserve to get filled like that whore Fleur? It’s Pinkie’s turn to get what SHE wants!” Pinkie yelled out pouncing Twilight. She turned herself around and sat her flank down on her mate’s head. “Lick me good, and I might let you cum. Also, take your blowjob like a stallion.”

Twilight swallowed her breath and turned up to see Pinkie’s dripping marehood, flinching as drops of arousal hit her face. Her legs shot out when she felt the pink mare’s mouth engulf her member, Pinkie’s tongue running all along the glans.

Pinkie snarled around Twilight’s cock, and forced her crotch into the purple mare's face, rubbing her slit into Twilight. The unicorn flinched, her vision blocked by a field of pink, the scent of her mare incredibly strong from her position. Not wanting to anger the already irritated mare, Twilight gave Pinkie’s pussy careful and precise licks.

Pinkie moaned around her mate’s dick, Twilight’s tongue moved against her flesh with purpose and that diligence was awarded with the party mare writhing above the scholar. Pinkie released the thick member from her mouth and began stroking it with her hoof while licking its side. “You… better have more… than that, Twilight,” Pinkie warned.

Worried about what the now aggressive Pinkie would do. Twilight used her magic to probe the pink pussy in front of her while her tongue worked the entrance, her magic caressing Pinkie’s insides dutifully. Her hooves rubbed circles around the party balloon cutie mark on each side of Pinkie’s flank. Twilight’s eyes opened, feeling Pinkie vibrate above her, as if suppressing something.

Pinkie couldn’t take it anymore, she needed to mate and foreplay was doing nothing to sedate it. She quickly got up and turned around, positioning her rump above Twilight’s dick. “Celestia help you if I don’t cum or don’t enjoy this,” she uttered, spearing her pussy on the purple shaft.

Both mares cried out, Pinkie from the sudden fullness of Twilight’s cock, and Twilight from the tight warmth that engulfed her. “Pinkie…”

“I- I got it. Just… Don’t move,” Pinkie said, slowly riding Twilight, panting from the continual penetration.

Twilight grimaced, watching Pinkie sluggishly ride her. “This… really isn’t you, Pinkie.”

“So? You’re still getting your dick wet, why should you care?” Pinkie shouted, awkwardly thrusting her hips atop her marefriend’s crotch.

Twilight sat up and wrapped her hooves around Pinkie’s mid-section, holding her tightly to her own. “Heat or not. You don’t seem to like it very much, you look hurt,” Twilight said, nibbling Pinkie’s coat, guiding the party mare along her shaft.

“Sh- shut it! I just need to get fucked, better you than some of the wimps that skipped town last night,” Pinkie groaned, her hooves holding Twilight’s in place.

“As your alpha, I still want to try and do what’s best for you. I want to help you,” Twilight cooed, gently kissing Pinkie’s ear. She began bouncing Pinkie faster, thrusting into the downfall of the pink plot.

“Then… why hide in a bunker every year with Spike?” Pinkie asked, moaning with each movement.

“Ponyville heat is rather notorious, Pinkie. It was rude of me, but it was for my own safet- Wait, how did you know about my bunker?” Twilight asked, nuzzling her friend. Her forelimbs wrapping under Pinkie’s hind legs and lifting them up to gain control over the momentum.

“I… always knew about it, it was really easy to find, I just didn’t give two shits because I thought you were a mare the entire time,” Pinkie moaned, her back rubbing against Twilight’s front, her legs spread wide to give the unicorn better leverage to fuck her harder.

Twilight sighed, her breath brushing against the back of Pinkie’s neck. She could feel the party mare writhe in her hold. “I suppose I could never hide anything from you.”

Pinkie shifted a bit and twisted her way around, wrapping a forelimb around Twilight’s neck and placing her mouth on the unicorn’s horn, sucking the appendage hard.

“Ah! Pinkie!” Twilight gasped, biting her lip and thrusted into the pink rump harder, taken completely off guard by Pinkie’s sudden action. She could feel both her penis and horn getting sucked by the powerful force of Pinkie’s pussy and mouth respectively.

Velvet poked her head into the room, still drowsy from earlier. She watched Pinkie rise and fall on Twilight’s dick, the pink mare suckling her mate’s horn dutifully. Twilight, however, was kissing and licking Pinkie’s fur from behind, her tail slapping the ground as her pleasure built. The elder Twilight giggled and left, thinking of making the girls a snack for when they were done.

Pinkie released Twilight’s horn and groaned. “Oh fuck me, fuck me or I’ll… I’ll clean your clock! I’ll fix your red wagon good!”

Twilight suppressed a giggle, failing as her panting sounded a bit like laughter.

“Don’t you dare laugh,” Pinkie cried out, blushing hard. “I’m gonna wipe the floor with you if you keep laughing! Oh Celestia!”

Twilight held it together as much as she could, she began to giggle. Her hooves let go of Pinkie and the sudden weight forced the pink mare onto her belly, Twilight moved above her and began to rut her harder than before.

“Don’t… stop… fucking… me… and … stop… laughiiiiiinnnggg,” Pinkie moaned, unable to get up with Twilight pinning her down with her body, she could only stay and feel the purple mare thrust her meat deep into her needy pussy.

Twilight quickly recovered from her mild laughing fit and held her mare down, thrusting her body into Pinkie, the mare’s vagina constricting her, trying to milk whatever fluids it can take. “If you knew about my bunker… why did it take you so long to find me?” Twilight asked, nibbling Pinkie’s ear.

“Because… I ran around town seeing if you were with the others, aaaaaand then, I found you fucking your mom… the heat is making me into a jerk but I’m not stupid enough to try and wrestle you away from that mad mare, I’ve heard of what she did to Bon-Bon and Lyra,” Pinkie gasped, her orgasm coming close.

“Thank you,” Twilight whispered, pounding Pinkie from behind as hard as she could manage, by the fourth thrust she kept herself hilted in her mare, filling Pinkie with her cum.

“Oh fuuuuuuuuuudge,” Pinkie moaned, her own climax triggering. Her body vibrated from the force of her own orgasm before going limp underneath Twilight.

Twilight let out a groan, pulling herself out and letting a small stream of cum leave the party mare’s cooch. “Feeling better?”

“Ye- yuppers. Sorry I was such a jerk… mating season makes me… grouchy,” Pinkie panted, her aggression leaving her temporarily, she turned onto her back and looked up to Twilight with a smile. “Can you… Pinkie Promise to come find me at the end of the week? I think I’m gonna get grouchy again, I don’t like being a meanie pants.”

“I Pinkie promise to visit you later in the week, Pinkie,” Twilight said, leaning down to kiss Pinkie. Pinkie’s eyes closed, accepting her lover’s lips and wrapping her hooves around Twilight, trying to get as much out of the affection as possible.

They separated and Twilight got off Pinkie, making her way back to the bathroom. “Twilight?” At the mention of her name, Twilight turned around. “Be super careful out there, especially at night.”

“At night? Why?” Twilight asked.

“If you see any of Fluttershy’s animals… run, or you’ll be in for a rude awakening,” Pinkie uttered, weakly getting onto her hooves. Twilight thought about her friends words and went to take another shower.


Glad that her mother and Pinkie were now ‘normal’, they had a few sandwiches and eventually doomed Twilight by making her leave the library. Which was all the same, several mares snuck in and were quickly dealt with by Velvet and Pinkie. Now hiding in the alleyways of Ponyville, Twilight made it her mission to find her herd and help them with the heat. She wasn’t sure if Zecora wasn’t affected but Changelings don’t enter heat and Griffons have their mating season in the winter. The other mares will have to deal with their heats themselves, as much as Twilight didn’t like that option.

Her eyes twinkled as she caught a glance of Fleur running away from Golden Harvest, she had to save her mare from being attacked by the carrot farmer. With a deep breath, she ran forward.

Every mare within sight of Twilight turned to her and converged on the unicorn, the librarian knew this would happen and teleported out of the group and onto Golden Harvest’s back, forcing her into the dirt. Behind Twilight the large group of mares were pushing each other out of the way to pounce onto the dickmare, while Golden laid on the ground in a daze.

Fleur was shocked to see her alpha in the open and rescuing her. Her face turned red as Twilight held her close and teleported herself and the slender mare to the library.

The bright light vanished, and before Twilight and Fleur was the sight of Pinkie and Velvet mounting the invading mares with thick strap-ons. “We’ll keep them occupied down here, dear,” Velvet said, winking to Twilight. She turned back to Lotus Blossom and slapped her flank, causing one half of the spa twins to moan.

“We’re here to protect the Alpha!” Pinkie sang, thrusting her fake cock into Sparkler, who was begging Pinkie to go faster.

Twilight gave the two a weak smile and carried Fleur to her bedroom, which was surprisingly still intact, even Pinkie’s barricade’s held together.

Fleur was seated in front of Twilight, who took a deep breath. “Well… that was a close-” Twilight was interrupted by the force of Fleur kissing her roughly, her tongue having invaded the purple mare’s mouth and tasting every inch of her Alpha’s tongue.

The kiss broke with both mares panting hard. “Oh Twilight… I was so scared, My head’s been dizzy since I woke up, my crotch has been burning hotter than Celestia’s sun. You… never had a pony ever smelled so good, I need you my precious Alpha,” Fleur moaned, she got off of Twilight and laid on her back, her legs spread wide to show Twilight her wet pussy, winking in need of a certain purple cock.

“Wow, you… got it bad, I’ll try and help you out the best I can,” Twilight said, she straddled Fleur, sliding her hard purple cock along the white unicorn’s slit.

“Please don’t tease,” Fleur squeaked, her cheeks blushing red and trying to hide her face behind her hooves while her hind legs opened wider for Twilight.

“Sorry,” Twilight stammered, she couldn’t help but see how Fleur was suddenly acting like Fluttershy. Ridding herself of that thought, Twilight pressed herself against Fleur’s marehood and slowly entered her.

The slow entry caused Fleur to moan and writhe under Twilight, her back hooves locked around Twilight’s rump, keeping the unicorn from escaping while she buried her face in her Alpha’s neck.

Twilight nuzzled her troubled mare and pushed forward, hilting herself and causing Fleur to scream, Twilight shuddered as she felt Fleur’s pussy collapse around her shaft, trying to milk her in the midst of an early orgasm. “Does the heat… make you more sensitive?” Twilight asked. She felt Fleur nod her head into her neck. “Okay, I’ll be gentle then.”

“No,” Fleur uttered, her face becoming red from embarrassment. “I need you, please... make me yours, like you always do.”

Twilight frowned, worried about Fleur. She slowly started to move, feeling her mare’s cooch struggle to keep her inside but failing. The moment she felt her medial ring touch the outside air, Twilight thrusted forward, not quickly but enough to make Fleur cry out, audible through the safety of Twilight’s neck. The purple unicorn grunted from the impact, Fleur’s inner muscles working hard to keep her inside, making every pull back a challenge. “Fleur… try and relax.”

The slender unicorn slowly nodded, her head buried in Twilight’s shoulder. “I’m… sorry, my alpha… I- I just need it so bad… please fuck me…” She moaned; her body tingled from every twitch from the heavy cock inside her, cursing the heat. Her body reacting from every single touch, flinch, or movement Twilight made. It took everything that Fleur had to resist cumming again after Twilight pushed her dick back into her, every thrust making the battle difficult each time. She gasped, eyes and mouth open wide when her next orgasm shot through, but her body urged Twilight to keep going, internally berating herself and her heat inspired sensitivity.

Twilight’s thrusts came quicker, the sound of flesh slamming against flesh resonating in the room, only to be drowned out by Fleur’s moans and cries. The model’s pussy continued to leak like a faucet beneath the two mares. “Fleur… try and be quieter… others might hear us and try… to kidnap me for their own… sexual frustrations,” Twilight stated, beginning to rut her mare roughly.

“I… can’t… you feel too good, your cock feels so good, my alpha. Please, fuck me forever, I don’t want your cock to never leave,” Fleur moaned, her hooves hugging Twilight tighter to her body.

Twilight grimaced, she looked up to see a light blue pegasus mare ready to knock the balcony door down, and the bookshelf blocking most of it, open but saw a brown blur tackle her out of sight. Gilda poked her head up and gave Twilight a nod before flying away. ‘Thanks Gilda’.

“What.. was that?” Fleur asked, unable to look, confused as her pleasure was too great for her to focus on anything other than her alpha over her.

“Gilda saving us,” Twilight replied, she looked down at the disheveled model, her mane sprawled out beneath her in a elegant mess of pink mane. The scholar took Fleur into a kiss, causing the slender mare’s loin to erupt into another orgasm. “How do you feel so far?” Twilight asked, breaking the kiss.

“I feel… excellent… but the need is still burning,” Fleur answered, her voice slowly drifting, but it regained its power as another orgasm shot through her.

The door shot open to reveal Pinkie. “Miss Velvet sent me, what can I do to help?”

Twilight looked up out the window to see Gilda struggling with two pegasi. Fleur still moaning loudly. “Fleur! Listen to me.”

“Y-yes?” Fleur replied, still recovering from her latest orgasm.

“I need you to perform cunnilingus on Pinkie, your voice is drawing too much attention to us,” Twilight said, motioning for Pinkie to come over.

“Of… course, my Alpha,” Fleur said, she looked up to see Pinkie’s snatch hovering above her and lowering to her mouth.

Twilight smiled as Pinkie began to grind her hips into Fleur’s muzzle and began to buck her hips again. Feeling a bit more safe that the slender mare has been silence.

“Oh… she has a tongue, Twilight… It’s a tonguey tongue that feels really tonguey,” Pinkie moaned, biting her lip. She could feel Fleur invading her warmth, licking up the leftover cum Twilight fired off earlier.

“Good, so long as she uses that than screaming,” Twilight stated, flinching from how tight Fleur’s nethers managed to get even tighter, almost tight enough to strangle her cock, similar to what her mother did this morning.

Fleur’s hooves latched onto Pinkie’s sides, greedily tasting the pink mare’s pussy and the remnant’s of her last session with Twilight. She moaned hard into the velvet hole each time Twilight pushed into her, causing her body to writhe in pleasure. “WHOA, she’s super eager right now, Twilight!”

“I… can tell, she’s still really tight down here,” Twilight grunted; she could feel herself coming close, managing to hold fast against the constant string of orgasms the slender mare went through. She couldn’t last forever, her cock throbbing hard enough to make herself and Fleur shudder.

“I… I think Fleur wants you to cum inside,” Pinkie moaned, grinding against the white unicorns mouth and tongue.

Twilight let out a groan as she felt her seed spill into Fleur’s hungry pussy, greedily sucking the white liquid into her womb. The force of her climax caused Fleur to enter her strongest orgasm of the night, practically screaming into Pinkie’s marehood, the party mare flinching from the vibrations of Fleur’s voice.

Twilight struggled to pull out, the slender mare’s pussy fought to keep the purple dick sheathed within. The second Twilight’s entire cock met with the warm outside air, it fired a loose load onto Fleur’s belly. The scholar was panting hard from trying to keep herself from cumming over the course of multiple orgasms the model had herself. She looked up to see Pinkie still grinding her mound into Fleur, breathing heavily. “Twilight… find the others… I’ll finish up with Fleur and get her downstairs with Miss Velvet,” Pinkie panted, trying to regain her breath from Fleur’s oral prowess.

Twilight nodded and cleaned her cock with magic and ran downstairs. The Library’s foyer littered with the sleeping bodies of many ponyville mares and in the center of it was Zecora and Twilight Velvet wearing strap-ons, the zebra had Cloud Kicker riding her plastic shaft while Velvet had Lily pressed into the floorboards, the stench of sex caused the purple mare’s cock to emerge, “Zecora! Are you okay?”

Zecora turned to Twilight and nodded, pushing Cloud Kicker off her toy. “My season is not until Autumn. Go and save the others from whoredom.” Twilight nodded and ran past the unconscious mares, only to be jumped by the tomato vending pony, Roma. Zecora quickly caught her before she could grab Twilight.

“Twilight dear, please be safe… I may be a sexual deviant, but even I have my limits, try and do it discretely,” Velvet said, sliding her plastic member out of Lily’s rump.

“I will Mom,” Twilight said, running out into the street.


Twilight had a bad feeling about running through Ponyville’s alleys to find her mares, Rarity wasn’t in the boutique, and Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy’s cottage was too far away. The only saving grace she had was Gilda watching her from above. “Have you seen the others, lately?”

“I took care of Rainbow this morning, so she should be okay for a bit. Fluttershy has an army of critters by her cottage, Applejack’s been working the fields and nearly breaking trees in half. I haven’t seen the bug or the show-off lately,” Gilda answered from above.

“Anything I need to worry about other than Fluttershy?” Twilight questioned, trying to stay hidden. Gilda pointed forward and Twilight saw the familiar mailmare bumping into a house, shaking her head and trying to walk through it again. “Cover me, I’m going for Ditzy!”

“Doesn’t she have a stallion to fuck her stupid… er?” Gilda uttered, watching the skies for hostile mares.

Twilight quickly ran to the klutzy mare and slide under the grey pegasus before standing up and running to Ditzy’s house with the mailmare on her back. Gilda flying to keep up with the two. Twilight turned to see the mare from Rarity’s choir group rapidly gaining on her and a two-toned blue pegasus from the weather team approaching her from behind. Gilda managed to grab the blue pegasus and body check the alto singer, giving Twilight and Ditzy enough time to reach the grey mare’s home.

Twilight used her magic to open the door and threw herself and her passenger into the home and shut the down as quickly as possible. “That was close.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” Ditzy giggled, rolling off of Twilight. “Did you know your butt smells good?”

“What’s wrong Ditzy? Are you okay?” Twilight asked, turning to the grey pegasus.

“I dunno, When I woke up… everything felt… blank. There was a note on the fridge saying that the Doc took my muffin to Manehatten for the week, I don’t quite know why,” Ditzy said, scratching her head.

Twilight gave the mail mare a nervous look. “You know it’s Mating Season, right?”

“Mating Season? Is that why my no-no parts feels funny?” Ditzy asked with a shocked expression.

“Yes, Ditzy. Your… no-no parts want to be played with, preferably with another pony,” Twilight explained, mentally facehoofing.

“Could you play with them? You do smell really good, ya know,” Ditzy said, walking closer to Twilight and brushing up along side her affectionately.

Twilight let out a groan. “I guess so, turn around.”

With a smile, Ditzy did as she was told, her tail held high. Twilight walked to Ditzy’s rear and examined the grey mare’s rear. Ditzy’s marehood was dripping with need, similar to Fleur’s. Moving closer, Twilight gave the pink slit a lick, causing Ditzy to jump. “WHOA! What was that? It felt… weird… in a good way but still weird.”

“I know, Ditzy, it’ll feel that way for a bit. Just let me do what I can to make your vagina feel really good and then feel normal again,” Twilight soothed, blowing a gust of air against the winking opening. She leaned back in and pressed her tongue against the mailmare’s marehood, licking the moisture off it’ folds.

Ditzy’s front hooves were shuffling nervously, the pleasure beginning to build up at her rump. The funny feeling began to feel funnier but she didn’t want her friend to stop, she gasped when something slippery entered her private parts.

Twilight gingerly sunk her tongue into Ditzy’s pussy, feeling the walls try to suck her tongue in deeper. She retracted away and gave the bulging clitoris a kiss, sucking on it a little bit and making Ditzy whimper from the feeling. “Is all this… suppose to feel good, Twilight?”

“Yes Ditzy, and it’ll feel better in a bit,” Twilight said, rising up to mount Ditzy from behind.

The grey pegasus gasped when she felt somepony on her back, and some kind of fleshy pole poking at her no-no parts, wanting to enter her. Her face went red when she realized what Twilight was about to do. “Miss. Twilight, I have a coltfriend. I… dunno if I should.”

Twilight let out a sigh and nuzzled Ditzy’s neck. “I know, Ditzy. And I’m sure Time Turner will understand, I am Dinky’s father after all and I’m doing this to help you out of your heat.”

“Nu uh, I’d think I’d remember Dinky’s daddy being a mare,” Ditzy grumbled, her pout quickly faded when the first meaty inch of purple cock entered her, making her squeak.

Twilight remained silent, trying to adapt to the virginal feel of Ditzy’s marehood. The grey mare’s pussy tightening around her member, trying take more of the unicorn in.

“Twilight… why are my no-no parts screaming yes?” Ditzy asked, her front falling to the ground.

Twilight grimaced, finding her current ‘moral’ position unfavorable. “It means your body… really likes what I’m doing to it, but the more important question is… do you like this? I can stop if-”

“NO, I… yeah, please keep going, I’m really liking how my downstairs feels so good now,” Ditzy uttered, thrusting into Twilight’s hips. The unicorn gave a small smile and continued to meet Ditzy’s hips with her own.

Twilight leaned onto Ditzy’s back, her fore hooves gripping Ditzy’s plush backside, humping the mailmare faster, her hooves slowly tracing the sides of the grey mare and nuzzling the back of her neck.

“Why do I feel like I'm gonna pee, Twilight? I don’t wanna pee now,” Ditzy uttered, trying to bury her face into her hooves.

“That’s- hrm, an orgasm. It’s… natural,” Twilight panted, thrusting harder into Ditzy, both mares gasped, Ditzy from her orgasm and Twilight from the sudden pull of the grey mare’s vagina. Ditzy writhed underneath the purple mare, and moaned into her hooves.

Twilight stopped thrusting to make sure Ditzy was okay, too worried to push onward to her own orgasm. “Ditzy?”

“Twilight…” Ditzy moaned, her rump still shaking from her orgasm. “Thanks… and I’m sorry that I was a silly filly for it.”

“So… mating season makes you… more innocent?” Twilight asked, pulling her hard member out of Ditzy.

“I’m more of an idiot actually, I forget lots of things during mating season, and I break lots of things too,” Ditzy explained, sighing. “I’m so embarrassed that I called my vagina ‘no-no parts’ and ‘my downstairs’.” Ditzy began rubbing her hooves fiercely into her head. “I know the vulgar terms for pussy!”

Twilight nuzzled Ditzy affectionately. “It’s okay, Pinkie tried to hurt me a lot a little while ago when she came to me, and Fleur becomes really sensitive.”

Ditzy smiled, but she leaned down to see Twilight’s pussy-slick shaft hanging beneath her. “You didn’t cum, did you?”

Twilight began to sweat. “Umm… no, but this is more for you than-”

“No, it isn’t fair. You helped me, I should be helping you like a good friend!” Ditzy pouted, gripping Twilight’s shoulders. “Just… let me help you, are you in heat?”

“I can’t enter heat… my ovaries are too small and are being squashed by my testicles, not to mention the higher testosterone in me and my lack of menstruation,” Twilight explained.

Ditzy shook her head. “It still isn’t fair! You helped me, so I should help you,” Ditzy stated, she turned around and lifted her tail, standing proud with her rump facing Twilight.

Twilight frowned and steadily returned to her place behind Ditzy, who wore a more serious expression with a strong blush. “Are you sure?”

“I’ll admit, this is weird… even for me, but you did kinda introduce me to sex, and… Timey thanks you for that by the way, and… well, I like everything to be fair, to know that you helped me to cum while you still haven’t is rude of me,” Ditzy uttered, her ears, pinning to her head.

Twilight expression softened, feeling bad that she was about to leave and let Ditzy know she couldn’t make it up to her. “Alright, but… I’m going to go as fast as I can, I still have my other mates to rescue.”

“I can take it,” Ditzy said, shifting her stance to brace for Twilight’s worst.

Encouraged by Ditzy’s special brand of bravery, Twilight shifted herself for Ditzy’s marehood and pressed forward. A loud bang behind them made them both flinch and Twilight’s thrust aimed for the optional hole, causing the head to poke past it’s opening.

Ditzy’s shock to feel something enter her rump made her push back in surprise, forcing Twilight to bury her entire cock into her gut, instantly causing the mailmare to regret it. “That… isn’t the right hole.”

“It isn’t… but it feels like it wants to be,” Twilight groaned, feeling Ditzy’s anal walls constrict and milk her dick.

The two mares stayed still for a moment, before Twilight slowly began to move, adapting to the intense heat and tight muscles of Ditzy’s ass. Ditzy cringed from the twitching of the member inside her and movement Twilight made behind her. “Is it… weird that it’s starting to feel good?”

“I… wouldn’t know, I’ve never been anally penetrated and I’d much rather not experience it,” Twilight moaned, her pace picking up. “I do know… lots of ponies that like it.”

“Oh.. okay,” Ditzy winced, trying to withstand the barrage of thrusts from the mare behind her, her hooves tensing from every impact. The pulsing meat causing her body to shudder and pleasure to race along her spine.

Twilight became harder, her hips slamming against Ditzy’s hard enough for the sound to fill their ears, the unicorn holding her pegasus mate tightly from behind. Ditzy refused to let her front fall again, using every ounce of strength to keep herself standing as Twilight’s hooves held her middle and the strangely pleasurably sting of the unicorn’s thrusts made her gasp and squeal.

Even with the long conversation prior, Twilight felt her climax coming close, the walls of Ditzy’s rectum clenching her tightly, the light sprinkle of the pegasus’ juices flowing from her marehood and onto the wooden floor. The scholar clenched her teeth and buried herself to the hilt, groaning as her cum filled Ditzy’s backside.

Ditzy nearly screamed but tried to hide it behind her hooves. Her body spasming under the weight of another orgasm, inspired by Twilight’s milky essence entering her, she shuddered as a new wad of seed splattered against her large intestines. “Wow… that was just… wow.”

“I hope… Time Turner… doesn’t mind that,” Twilight gasped, struggling to not fall off Ditzy.

“He… might thank you later… for teaching me that butt sex is good too, after he finishes being… pouty that I had sex with you again,” Ditzy uttered, breathing heavily.

Twilight gave a weak giggle as she stood up, only for it to turn into a groan as Ditzy’s ass fought Twilight for domination over the purple cock. She gave a sigh of relief once the hefty maremeat was released with a pop, signalling Ditzy to fall to the ground, a small stream of cum flowing from her anus. “Your butt… is the tightest, by the way.”

“Thanks…” Ditzy giggled, feeling sleep take her.

Twilight lifted Ditzy with her magic and took the exhausted mailmare to the master bedroom, cleaned her up, and let the pegasus sleep while she darted out the door in search for her other mares.


Night had fallen onto Equestria, Twilight and Gilda sprinting for the library with mares surrounding them at all corners. The two ducked, weaved, and escaped every mare that tried to pounce or catch them. Twilight firing a weak stunning blast at the encroaching horde while Gilda tackled them and took to the air.

Due to the oncoming attacks, neither of them noticed Raindrops soaring in front of Twilight and tripping the unicorn with her body.

The scholar flew forward and landed on the cobblestone ground, an easy target for any sex-hungry mare. Just as the mare approached Twilight, Gilda slammed down, between her alpha and their attackers. “Twilight, RUN!”

Twilight got up and sprinted for the library, running as fast as she could. She turned back to see Gilda holding back the wave of mare’s, struggling to keep them contained with her body and wings. “Gilda!”

Gilda opened an eye to see Twilight running back to her. “I got this, just get back to the library!”

“No, I’ll save you!” Twilight said, teleporting Gilda to herself. With her griffon on her back, Twilight made a mad sprint to the library, watching as the first few branches entered view. “We’re almost there!”

Gilda looked back to see the mares rapidly approaching. “We won’t make it.”

“Yes we will, We’ll laugh about it once in there and have a nice dinner, It’ll be fine!” Twilight cried out, pushing her muscles to their extreme.

It was clear that Twilight didn’t know just how close behind their pursuers were. Gilda had an idea, but her mate wouldn’t like it at all. “Sorry Twi.”

Twilight felt herself get picked off the ground and then thrown towards the library, flying faster than any mare could catch up to her, watching as Gilda braced herself for the oncoming horde. “Gilda!” Twilight screamed, landing at the doorstep of the library, watching her mate get overrun.

“Tell Trixie… that her hat looks stupid!” Gilda yelled out, before the mares forced themselves onto her.

A few mares not occupied by Gilda turned to see Twilight and sprinted to her. The unicorn took a few steps forward before she was pulled into the library. The door locking and the sound of ponies trying to break the door down echoed through the hollow tree. “Twilight, I’m here now. You’re safe,” Velvet said, holding her daughter tightly.

“But… Gilda…” Twilight grimaced, looking to the door.

“Gilda will be fine, they’ll let her go by the end of the night… or the end of the week, don’t let her sacrifice be in vain,” Velvet cooed. She calmed her daughter down, running her hoof through the blue mane, Twilight quietly sobbing into her chest.

Once calm, Twilight looked over her mother’s shoulder to see Pinkie, Fleur, and Zecora absent. “Where’re the others?”

“Pinkie went to distract some of the townsfolk, Fleur is taking a nap in your bunker, and Zecora is taking a bath to wash the sex off. Something I recommend you doing too,” Velvet chuckled. “Once you’re done, Dinner should be ready.”

“Thanks Mom,” Twilight uttered, breaking away from Velvet. She went up stairs and knocked on the door. “Zecora let me know when you’re done, okay?”

Just as Twilight turned, Zecora opened the door. “You would not intrude, as you’ve seen me nude. Come join my bath, soothe yourself from the town’s sexpath.”

The unicorn smirked as she turned, her smile faded for a look of awe. Zecora’s mane was unable to stay it’s normal mohawk motif and hung from her head, parts of it covering her eye to give the zebra a rather ‘exotic’ look, her body shining from the moist clinging to her coat. The sight was so… enticing to the scholar that she needed her zebra mate to pick her jaw off the floor. “You’ve seen my wet look once before, the night I will adore. Does my look really excite you? Or is this your body being true?” Zecora giggled.

Twilight coughed awkwardly, blushing heavily as she fumbled her words. “I- well, you see- It’s just… You… kinda look sexy… with your mane down, not that your mohawk wasn’t any less sexy itself, but-” Twilight felt the shamaness’ hoof against her mouth.

“No need to explain, your body’s desires do not feign. Now, do you wish to come in? I’ll be happy to help ease your skin,” Zecora smiled. Twilight nodded quickly and walked into the bathroom.

The room felt stuffy from the heat of the zebra’s bath. Twilight gave a confused look as to how her tub got bigger than before, It looked to be able to hold at least eight ponies by the look of it’s width, Almost taking up half of the scholar’s bathroom. “How did this? I don’t remember renovating my bathroom.”

“Pinkie Pie, As I cannot Identify; While you were gone to save our herdmates from the Season, she turned to the bathroom and had a idea for our stallion. She toiled for many a hour then left to Ponyville to scour,” Zecora explained.

“Should have known Pinkie was involved in this, but only hours? And with what materials? Why am I trying to figure out Pinkie again?” Twilight grumbled, scratching her head.

Zecora walked over to her Alpha and pulled her towards the tub. “While Pinkie will be a mystery. We must wash you and prepare for day two. This week will be long and hard, but you must endure and be on guard! Relieve your tension, and let your mind drift to heaven.”

Twilight still scowled at the thought of Pinkie doing things to her home without her permission as she laid back in the tub. Feeling Zecora’s hooves rub into her shoulders, it was mildly painful at the start but it felt good regardless as the impromptu rub.

Zecora smiled, feeling her alpha relax, the purple forehooves latched around the edge to keep her from drifted into the water. The zebra continued to work the unicorn’s tired muscles, the tense muscles beginning to feel loose under the the powerful hooves of the shamaness.

Twilight sighed, letting Zecora do as she pleased, her body gradually relaxing as the shamaness worked her back and scalp. The zebra’s hooves proving strangely dexterous, massaging her head with strong but delicate motions.

Watching Twilight relax, with a slowly growing member peeking from the water’s edge, was beginning to make Zecora feel needy, her stallion’s scent wafting into her nostrils and enhancing her desire to mate. Her hooves drifted lower onto Twilight’s belly, pressing her muzzle to Twilight’s neck, kissing the wet coat softly, smiling as the unicorn mewled in response.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see Zecora rubbing her sides while her cock waved in front of her. “Zecora?”

Zecora hummed in acknowledgement, kissing Twilight’s cheek.

“I think I’m done, I can wash myself now,” Twilight said, blushing lightly.

“Are you referring to your tool? I didn’t think my alpha was a fool. It is but one of our duties to you, to relax your tensions and a mare to screw,” Zecora giggled, nuzzling her Alpha.

“I know but… what if this ‘Juliet’ takes over and hurts you?” Twilight asked, worried for her mate’s safety.

“If this Juliet is the one you fear, than allow me to make one thing clear. I met with her in the orchard, where she did me until I purred,” Zecora whispered, her hooves getting as close to Twilight’s cock as possible. “Her methods of control may be wrong, but her stature as Alpha is correctly strong. While I desire you to stay the same, it wouldn’t hurt to learn her game.”

“You… don’t mind if Juliet attacks you?” Twilight asked, surprised.

“From the rumors I have heard, she doesn’t rape. She lures us in and we beg no escape. You are kind, she is strong. The combination to me… makes a nice song,” Zecora concluded kissing Twilight’s cheek.

Twilight frowned and stared at her purple girth for a moment, before looking up at the wall. “Get in.”

“I’m sorry?” Zecora asked, amused by Twilight’s shift.

“In the tub,” the scholar commanded. Zecora chuckled, complying to her alpha’s demands.

“Has Juliet come free? Or do I sense jealousy?” Zecora teased, her tail raised to show Twilight her moist vagina.

Twilight blushed hard and looked away. “I… Okay, I’m a bit jealous that… an evil conscience could satisfy you more than I can, but-”

“Do not explain, show me,” Zecora said, staring deep into Twilight’s eyes with half lidded eyes.

Twilight nodded and clammered onto Zecora’s backside, pressing her cock into the zebra’s mound. Her face buried in Zecora’s mane, taking the shamaness’ scent of herbs, soap, and the forest.

Zecora bit her lower lip, feeling Twilight enter her hard. She kept her front up form the soft yet powerful slamming of her Alpha’s hips, the hard cock brushing past her sensitive spot and filling her.

The water began to thrash around them, splashing out while the unicorn fucked her zebra from behind. Her purple hooves gripped Zecora’s sides hard, giving her better leverage to thrust into her zebra harder, stuffing all eleven inches of unicorn meat into Zecora’s nethers.

“Twilight! Claim me! Make me plea, I am your hole to bury! Fuck me!” Zecora moaned, bumping into Twilight’s thrusts, forcing the mare’s cock press deeper.

Twilight flinched from the sudden tightness around her dick, responding by giving Zecora a experimental slap across her rump. The zebra let out a joyous moan, her cooch clenching it’s invader tightly. “You liked that?” the scholar asked, her confused tone was masked by lust.

“An Alpha dominates through power and respect; your mates will follow with great effect,” Zecora moaned, her legs resting off the side of the tub.

“Strength… this just sounds like you would rather me be me when we are not mating, and as rough as possible when I rut you… the aspect you like about Juliet,” Twilight muttered, dwelling on the thought.

Zecora felt the unicorn stop, and snapped her back to reality with her tail, whipping at Twilight’s cutie mark. Twilight squeaked in surprise and swatted Zecora’s rump again and resumed rutting her zebra.

Twilight continued to fuck Zecora as hard as she could, her hoof turning the shamaness’ rump red with each slap. A loud groan from Zecora signaled her orgasm, Twilight gritting her teeth from the tight warmth that began to strangle her prick, forcing her to fill the wanting hole with her mare seed.

Zecora whimpered in delight, her alpha’s seed flowing within her body and womb, making her belly bulge very slightly from it’s output. “Well… done.”

“I’m not done yet,” Twilight stated, pulling herself out of Zecora’s tight grip. A slosh of white cream flowing out of Zecora’s pussy and entering the water. The zebra gasped when she felt the familiar intruder poke at her rear. “The strong claim every hole of their mate… right?”

Zecora smiled widely and nodded, shuddering with bliss as Twilight forced herself deep in her rump. Her alpha’s motions were powerful, each deep thrust forcing the zebra to breathe a satisfying moan. Moans became cries as Twilight moved faster and harder, the water around them sloshing and falling off the tub’s edges.

Twilight gritted her teeth, feeling Zecora’s rear massage her cock as eagerly as her pussy did. The tight welcoming hole felt hotter, clenching her tightly whenever she tried to withdraw from the zebra’s rectum. Her hooves tensed around Zecora’s middle from the exertion of trying to be as rough and as pleasing as possible for her tribal mate.

Zecora’s butt tightened around her alpha’s rod, moaning from the fierce pounding Twilight was giving her. Her annoyance that her alpha’s earlier load was dripping into the water was quickly replaced by the effort Twilight put into railing her from behind.

“Zecora… your ass… it feels so good,” Twilight moaned, rutting her mate harder, her rough fucking had caused the zebra’s rump to turn bright red.

“I am… my alpha’s mate… to help you… and pleasing you… is my fate,” Zecora moaned, her body shuddering from every hard slap of their bodies colliding.

“Zecora…” Twilight grunted, frowning slightly by how Zecora labelled herself. She felt the zebra cum, her ass tightening greatly around her cock, it took everything she had to resist cumming on the spot and held strong, keeping her rough mating in check.

“My strong alpha, mate me, fill me, love me…” Zecora trailed off, mouthing off the last three remarks while taking Twilight’s cock in her ass.

Twilight fell forward, holding Zecora tightly and kissing her neck. “Zecora… you are more than all that, I want to help you… protect you… make you smile… to be the alpha you want me to be.”

Zecora blushed hard and smiled. “The alpha I want… is still going a bit slow to be strong.”

Twilight giggled and picked up her pace, her hips moving faster and harder than she could, causing the water to splash all over the bathroom. The two filled the room with the sounds of small thrashing waves of bath water, moaning, and the slapping of two bodies.

Soon enough, Twilight gasped and hilted herself, filling Zecora’s back passage with her seed. Zecora groaned as her climax coursed through her nerves, her legs feeling weak under her alpha’s weight.

With her strength gone, Twilight fell back, unintentionally pulling Zecora with her, the two landing on the opposite edge of the tub, the zebra sitting in the unicorn’s lap, and the now limp member resting on Zecora’s pelvis. “That… was something.”

“Indeed, though another bath will be needed to wash this seed,” Zecora chuckled, getting off Twilight’s form. The unicorn followed suit and the two began to bathe for real, unbeknownst to them, several animals were watching them through the window, staring at the purple unicorn while she washed Zecora’s mane, waiting for their time to strike.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Day Two

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- Twishy [F/Futa, bondage, oral, 69, vaginal]
- Twigate [Futa/Futa, vaginal, oral]
- Twixie [Futa/F, vaginal, rough, magical growth, womb penetration(through magic)]
- Twinyl [Futa/F, oral, throatfucking, vaginal, toys]
- Twijack [F/Futa, bondage, vaginal]

~Day Two~

Twilight awoke, the sunlight shining on her face. The room’s yellow and pink walls and the various furnitures and picture of animals tipping the unicorn off that she was no longer at the library. She looked to her hooves, finding them bound to the bed posts by pink hoofcuffs. She tried to move but the metal rings prevented her from leaving the bed, she then used magic only to groan from something blocking it’s flow. The idea of her magic failing caused Twilight to panic. The door creaked open, taking Twilight’s attention and the new pony made the unicorn gape in awe.

Standing there was a yellow mare with her pink mane tied up in a long pony tail, wearing shiny faux leather gear that clung to her body and hooves as if it were a second skin. What scared Twilight more was the look of unbridled lust in the mare’s eyes, licking her lips as the purple shaft slowly rose from her captive’s crotch. “Fluttershy?”

“Hello… Twilight,” Fluttershy sang, walking over to the bed. “I hope my critter friends weren’t too rough with you when they… snatched you.”

Twilight winced from the feeling of Fluttershy tracing her belly with a hoof. “I… don’t recall. The hoofcuffs do feel a bit tight.”

“That’s funny, I like them that tight. As tight as my sexy ‘milf’ pussy, right Twilight?” Fluttershy cooed, giving her mate’s nose a lick, possessively running her hooves down the purple body.

“What about Gale?” Twilight questioned, sweat forming at her forehead.

“My animal friends will take care of her while I take care… of you,” Fluttershy teased, turning around to show off her glistening pink slit to her mate. She giggled at the sight of the hard shaft before her.

Twilight looked down between herself and Fluttershy, gulping when she felt the yellow mare’s hot breath against her sensitive member. “You didn’t have to kidnap me you know, I was going around to help you all.”

“Really? Then why do you hide in that room behind the bookshelves in your bedroom?” Fluttershy asked, rubbing her hoof along Twilight’s cock.

“How many ponies know about that room,” Twilight groaned, shocked that anyone would know about it.

“I don’t think you need to know that. Your only concern… is this hot pony pussy in front of you,” Fluttershy cooed, shaking her rump above Twilight.

Twilight couldn’t react fast enough, Fluttershy dropped her rump into the unicorn’s face and started grinding herself against her snout. She pushed the yellow rump up for air. She had to deal with Fluttershy eventually and steeled herself as she lowered the caretaker’s rump down to her mouth to prepare her yellow mate.

Fluttershy giggled melodically, her body shaking from Twilight’s oral pleasure. “Oh Twilight! That feels so good,” she cooed. She nuzzle Twilight’s shaft and gave it long licks, coating the purple girth with her saliva. Her vulva flexing around the invading tongue, she giggled around her Alpha’s girth, her mouth vibrating around the think appendage.

Twilight broke away from Fluttershy’s winking marehood and gasped, her eyes wide open. The yellow pegasus proving to be full of surprises, even as her wings unfurled and hung low, the primaries tracing Twilights belly delicately, making the unicorn squirm.

“Twilight… you’re not doing a good job at earning your orgasm,” Fluttershy teased, giggling to herself while she stroked Twilight’s meat.

“F- Flutter...shy,” Twilight moaned, writhing underneath the caretaker. Her dick was throbbing painfully in the pegasus’ mouth and hooves, begging for a release that Fluttershy somehow managed to deny her.

The melodic laughter of the strangely dominating Fluttershy echoed throughout the room, reveling in the control she had over her ‘Alpha’. She almost didn’t need Twilight to use her tongue, the yellow mare has been riding on the pleasure of Twilight’s whimpering and cries for relief, each adorable squeak coaxing her pussy to become wetter and more heated.

“Fluttershy… I’m close…” Twilight groaned, her cock feeling ready to burst. With a smirk, Fluttershy jumped off Twilight and landed between her legs, her forehooves aiming the purple cock back at the unicorn and loosened a strange black collar that had appeared around Twilight’s penis. The cock spasmed and fired, painting Twilight with her own seed.

Fluttershy licked her lips, marveling at the sight of her best friend and father of her child, being coated in the same sperm that created her daughter, the view was more than enough to forgive the unicorn for making such a big mess on her bed. “Oh Twilight… you’ve never looked so hot, and the smell.” The pegasus took a deep breath, letting her stallion’s musk fill her lungs. “That… is the smell of a pony who can give me all that I need, and MORE.”

Recovering from her orgasm, Twilight slowly looked down to see Fluttershy licking her shaft, bring it back to it’s proud glory. The scholar didn’t speak, she instead gasped, feeling unclean from the jism coating her.

Fluttershy’s quim became too much to ignore, the yellow mare stood onto the bed and pressed her captive’s cock against her, letting her juices mingle with the leftover cum and saliva. “I hope you’re ready… for the ride of your life.”

Twilight grinned weakly, as Fluttershy slowly pushed down, penetrating herself on the unicorn’s cock. Her sweltering depths eagerly sucking Twilight deeper into the pegasus, wringing the member of it’s seed.

Twilight laid back and bit her lip, suppress a moan. She could feel Fluttershy’s pussy heat up and choke her dick, she gasped when she felt the pegasus’ lips against her coat, cleaning up after her recent orgasm.

“Your cum still tastes so sweet, Twilight. Even better with your sweat mixed with it, does that excite you?” Fluttershy teased, licking Twilight’s coat clean while bouncing on the unicorn’s crotch.

The hoofcuffs kept Twilight’s hooves from taking hold of the pegasus, and the ring only gave the unicorn headaches when she attempted to use any spells, she was completely at Fluttershy’s mercy. She could only lie back and feel Fluttershy’s strangely skilled tongue against her coat, and the powerful slit massaging her cock, the walls rippling around her and sucking her deeper with Fluttershy’s descents.

“Oh… why did I keep myself from jumping on this hard cock? I should have made you fuck me every day! This feels soo good, Twilight, why haven’t you been fucking me everyday?” Fluttershy asked, she abandoned her cleaning task to arch her back, feeling her orgasm coming close.

“You were pregnant, I didn’t want to hurt Gale while she was in your womb and… you… never really seemed to want it that much,” Twilight groaned.

“Just because I had a foal in me doesn’t mean I didn’t need sex. I figured you would have known after you fucked my pussy while I slept a few weeks ago… during your Alpha spree,” Fluttershy added, bouncing on Twilight harder, cackling as the unicorn looked astonished. “You don’t remember fucking me then cleaning you dick on my tail? How mean.”

“Fluttershy, I was being controlled by the ponification of my lust. I’m truly sorry she didn’t stop but I swear, I’d never do something to you that you would never agree to,” Twilight cried out, panting hard.

Fluttershy forced herself down hard, and stayed motionless, watching Twilight writhe under her. “I’m hearing a lot of this ‘Juliet’ thing and I think… you are just using that as an excuse to fuck ponies as if they were your sex toys.”

“No, I swear! You- gah!” Twilight gasped when Fluttershy flexed her inner muscles, strangling the purple rod inside.

“Sounds like somepony doesn’t want to take responsibility for her own actions, maybe I should punish you… yeah, I’m gonna punish you, by riding you until you got nothing left in your hearty cock,” Fluttershy grinned. She placed both hooves on Twilight’s body and lifted her rump enough that only the purple flare stayed in, before she crashed back down onto Twilight’s crotch, pain spiking around her base while pleasure consumed the shaft.

Twilight flinched and grimaced each time Fluttershy’s rump hammered her crotch. The sudden feeling of something tickling her marehood forced Twilight’s eyes wide, watching Fluttershy’s tail brushing against the purple slit beneath the hard rod.

“Give it to me, Twilight… Fill me with your cum, give me another filly to raise,” Fluttershy cooed, slamming Twilight harder and faster, causing the bed to creak and rock under her motions.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight groaned, her cock throbbed and pulsed inside the velvet prison, filling Fluttershy with her sex gravy. The rapid deluge of Twilight’s climax made Fluttershy wail in bliss, her womb greedily sucking in the infertile sperm while the rest slowly fought past the cracks between penis and vagina, trickling out of Fluttershy’s pussy and onto Twilight’s fur.

Fluttershy fell forward, looking Twilight deep in the eyes while giggling maniacally. Her laughter slowly died off as the caretaker looked around the room nervously before looking at her own attire of black pleather and the bound unicorn beneath her.

Realization came in and Fluttershy darted off of Twilight crotch and into a wall, the impact causing her to fall backwards onto the floor. The scholar tried to look up but could only see Fluttershy trying to hide from her. “Fluttershy?”

“I’m so sorry Twilight! I… I got really bothered because it was Mating Season and… I just wanted it all to go away for the week,” Fluttershy whimpered, trying to hide her face with her black stockings. “Please don’t hate me and stop being my friend!”

Twilight chuckled, giving her friend a reassuring smile. “Fluttershy, if I got mad at every mare who bound me to a bed and rode my penis for a while, I wouldn’t have many friends now. Look, just untie me and we’ll have a nice chat before I have to leave to help the other girls, and check on Gilda.”

Fluttershy nodded and quickly ran to her drawer, she fumbled with the keys for a good few minutes before freeing Twilight from her captivity. “So… you’re not mad that I… had my animal friends kidnap you for the purpose of making rough love to you?”

“Happens more often that you think Fluttershy,” Twilight replied, kissing the pegasus’s forehead.

Fluttershy’s head snapped up in fear after hearing a quiet cry. “GALE! My baby must be so scared!” She screamed and ran out the door to her foal’s room.


After a nice chat with Fluttershy, visiting Gale, and forgiving her few more times for kidnapping and pseudo-rape. Twilight left for Ponyville, keeping an eye out for any mares that could prove to be a problem.

“Tw- Twilight…”

Twilight’s ears perked at the sound of a injured pony nearby. Falling out of the bush was Minuette, gasping for air and looking far worse for wear. Her coat was matted with various juices from possible many mares that caught her. Her own cock hung limply beneath her, based on how Minuette walked, grimacing and gasping in pain from the movements of her hind legs, she’s been using it a lot more than Twilight has been. “Help me…” Minuette begged, falling to the ground.

“Minuette! Are you okay? What do you need?” Twilight asked, helping the fallen unicorn onto her hooves.

“The mares… they just used me to sate their own lusts… they didn’t even touch my vagina, they just used my dick… how are you… immune to the heat?” Minuette asked, noticing that Twilight wasn’t trying to jump her.

“Hormone imbalance. What do you need my help with?” Twilight asked again, walking Minuette over to a secluded patch of grass behind the bushes.

“I need you… to fuck my pussy, I want this heat to go away… it isn’t as strong as it is for mares… but I still feel it burning me on the inside,” Minuette gasped, leaning into Twilight. Her hoof weakly reached for Twilight’s shaft, whimpering as she was unable to touch it from her position.

Twilight grimaced and looked around their spot. “We’ll have to do this at the your place. Even if we are hidden, I doubt it’ll stay that way for long,” she said, levitating Minuette onto her back.

“Alright…” Minuette groaned. She shivered in pleasure as her cock rubbed against the side of purple unicorn.

Twilight did her absolute best to not be detected by any of the horny mares that lurked in Ponyville. Minuette made it an effort not to make any noise, but the constant rubbing of her sensitive member against Twilight’s coat was a constant distraction, biting her lip in hopes that she doesn’t even squeak.

They reached Minuette’s clock shop and snuck in through the back, once inside, Minuette fell off and let out a moan, her cock dripping precum off the side, leaving a trail from her flared tip to Twilight’s coat. “Oh goodness, that was torture.”

Twilight frowned, wiping Minuette’s cum off her with a rag. “Okay… we should be safe for now.” The purple mare turned to her fellow dickmare. “Are you su-” Her question was pre-emptively answered by Minuette lying on her back, pulling her hind legs back to meet her head, giving Twilight a good view of her moist marehood and throbbing cock.

“Twilight… please pound me, it’s really starting to hurt,” Minuette whimpered, blushing hard.

Twilight nodded and quickly walked to the clockmaker, her body looming over the blue unicorn’s. Minuette released her hind legs, letting them rest on each side of Twilight while the scholar used her magic to positioned her erection for the blue mare’s pussy.

“Oh fuck, YES!” Minuette moaned, feeling her depths get filled by the purple rod. Her hind legs wrapping around the back of Twilight’s neck while her fore hooves tried to grasp the floor.

Twilight slowly rocked her hips, Minuette’s pussy was gripping her too tightly for her to go faster. It felt like she was mating with a long and very squishy clamp, it was only a few degrees shy of being painful. “Minuette… could you…. relax your vagina? I can’t go… any faster.”

“Sorry… this just feels so good,” Minuette groaned, trying to relax herself by taking deep breathes. Twilight let out a sigh and pumped her hips faster, slamming her dick into the blue mare with gusto.

Minuette’s cock flailed between the two mares, leaking it’s pre-seed onto the blue coat beneath it and splattering the purple coat above it. The clockmaker’s hoof darting between the two and began to stroke her member, causing her legs to buck next to Twilight’s head. “Oh yes, yes, YES. Fuck me harder!”

The purple mare complied, grunting when her crotch slammed down onto Minuette’s rump, causing the mare to shake from the impact.

“Sweet Celestia, more. I need your dick, I need your cum,” minuette screamed, trying to weakly thrust her pinned body into her friend’s pelvis. Twilight gritted her teeth, trying her hardest to withstand the blue mare’s very impressive pussy. “Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckmeeeee!” The clock maker’s voice screeched, her pleasure building fast.

“Minuette… keep your voice down,” Twilight scolded, she levitated the rag she used earlier and stuffed it into Minuette’s mouth, muffling the blue unicorn’s moans and begging.

The clock maker’s eyes went wide, her wail of ecstasy dampened by the cloth in her mouth. Her pussy collapsed all around Twilight’s prick in the midst of her orgasm, her cock firing it’s load all over her own fur.

Twilight gasped form the sudden tightness and groaned, the blue mare’s pussy milking her of all her seed, it’s muscles preventing Twilight from leaving. She could feel Minuette’s vaginal walls twist and tighten, trying to wring her of her cum, forcing her to blast her essence into Minuette’s womb.

The two mares stayed still, riding on the afterglow of their respective climaxes, Minuette’s legs twitching while they rested on Twilight’s shoulders. She took the rag from her mouth and panted. “Wow… is there… room available in your herd, if the sex is going to be like that?”

Twilight weakly smiled, trying to regain her breath. “Probably not… I’m struggling to keep what I have now (pant) in line. Sorry.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be against this happened again… if you’re cool with it,” Minuette said blushing.

Twilight nuzzled the blue mare beneath her. “I doubt I could after this… but I’ll do my best to help you during Mating Season.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Minuette uttered. Both mares groaned as Twilight separated from Minuette, a thick line of cum tethering the purple cockhead to the oozing blue slit. “I keep forgetting how much you make.”

“Sorry about that, but… can I use your bathroom? I don’t want to smell like sex once outside,” Twilight asked, looking out the window for any trace of wandering mares.

“Actually… I still feel horny… wanna keep going?” Minuette asked sheepishly.

Twilight frowned, glancing back to the windows. “Uhh… I’m not sure, I still have to-”

“Please! I promise… no funny business! I’ve been using my dick for sex for the last thirty hours, it felt so amazing to get filled by your cock, just… fuck me again,” Minuette begged, giving Twilight her best puppy dog eyes.

Twilight grimaced and groaned. “Okay, but only once more.”

Minuette smiled widely as she turned around, lowering her front and sticking her rump up. Twilight climbed on and made a few weak thrusts against the blue butt before finding her target, sinking back into the blue unicorn’s muff. “Oh… fuck…”

“How.. do you stay so tight?” Twilight panted, roughly thrusting herself into Minuette.

Minuette moaned in response, rubbing her mane into Twilight’s neck. The purple rod inside her flexed and throbbed with Twilight’s heartbeat, filling Minuette with pleasure. Her tongue lolling out of her mouth in the midst of her mating.

Twilight clenched her teeth, the clockmaker’s walls sucking her in and massaging her cock thoroughly. Even with her cum sloshing all over the blue mare’s pussy, it was still hard to get into a good rhythm of movement, each time Twilight tried to pull out, the walls clenched her tightly, forcing her to inch back to freedom but not an ounce of resistance would be found when she pushed forward.

Both mares were panting hard, with Minuette moaning and writhing underneath the grunting Twilight. The erect blue cock beneath the two wagging to and fro, dripping with precum, with a small trickle of Twilight’s previous orgasm trailing down Colgate’s legs.

“Oh fuck, so good!” Minuette moaned, rocking in time with Twilight’s thrusts. “Can you go faster? Oh please go faster!”

“I can… barely pull out, your- (huff)- pussy is like a vice. Relax it please,” Twilight groaned, snorting her exertion through her nose, sweat matting her coat and mane.

“Sor- ohh… sorry,” Minuette chuckled weakly. She took a deep breath, grunting as her vaginal walls became a bit looser, giving the purple mare above her less of a constricting hold and began to move faster, the sound of the two mare’s humping soon filled the room.

“That’s… much better,” Twilight grunted, still working tirelessly to bring Minuette to another orgasm, feeling her slowly build up inside her loins.

“Oh… I’m close, oh Celestia I’m close,” Minuette cried, arching her back and burying her head in Twilight’s shoulder, her legs fidgeting under the pressure.

“I’m getting there too, Oh horsefeathers… your vagina,” Twilight moaned, thrusting into Minuette harder.

“Pull out when you’re close, I wanna taste it,” Minuette gasped. Feeling her cock dribble more pre-cum onto the floor.

Twilight didn’t respond, she continued to nail the clockmaker from behind, her dick felt like it was melting and being molded by her friend’s tight cooch.

Minuette gasped when she felt Twilight withdraw completely, the weight of the scholar off her back. Without a second to lose, the blue unicorn spun around grappled with Twilight’s crotch, taking the entire purple length into her mouth and sucking on it dutifully. She let the fruity and salty taste of the mare’s cock linger on her tongue, her eyes rolling back from the delectable flavor.

Twilight groaned hard, clenching Minuette’s head between her forehooves. The blue mare’s mouth felt better than her pussy in many ways that baffled the librarian. Minuette’s tongue tracing her surface, greedily stroking the bulging veins on the purple rod with the wet appendage. The purple mare gasped when she felt her cock enter her friend’s throat, hearing the sounds of Minuette’s lightly choking on her shaft before pulling back out to do it once more.

Minuette gasped around the throbbing appendage, feeling it’s essence fill her mouth and stomach with pony protein. The taste was just as divine as she remembered when Berry tricked her and Twilight into sex, causing her own cock to fire off, coating her belly fur and the underside of Twilight’s cock and pussy, moaning around the girth.

“I still don’t fully grasp how… you get pleasure from sucking somepony off,” Twilight bemused, petting Minuette.

Minuette swallowed the purple mare’s spunk and opened her mouth to show Twilight that it was all gone. “The flavor… the texture… I just love having the creamy stuff in my mouth, it just feels so good to feel it drip down feels way better to me than getting rutted by the same delicious cock. Thanks by the way.”

“No problem, are you okay now?” Twilight asked, watching her friend carefully.

“Yup, thanks Twilight!” Minuette cheered, helping Twilight onto her hooves. “I’m gonna go hide in my shop, you be careful out there.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Twilight stated, she walked to the sink to clean herself up and went to the door. “Take care!”

“I will!” Minuette returned, heading to her bathroom to freshen up. She opened the door and her smile faded, staring at the purple bartender lounging in the blue mare’s bathtube. A lust filled look in the earth pony’s eyes, staring back into Minuette’s.“Oh no.”


“Twilight!” Twilight spun around to see Gilda, looking like she just flew three marathons. “I… can’t feel my talons.”

“Gilda!” Twilight called out, hugging the griffoness. “Let’s get back to the library! Zecora and Mom can help you.”

“Will this help be sexual?” Gilda asked, wincing at the thought.

“No, Mom is fine and Zecora doesn’t enter heat until the fall. Come on,” Twilight said, leading Gilda to the library.

Twilight was thankful that the number of roaming mares had suddenly decreased today, only needing to dodge and push away five mares on their way to the library. She opened the door for her griffon mate and used her stunning spell on a few stragglers before entering the library. “Mom! Zecora!”

Twilight Velvet poked her head out from the bedroom, a black eye gracing the right of her face and gasped. “Twilight? Gilda? What happened to you two?”

“Nevermind what happened to me, what happened to you?” Twilight gasped, checking her mother’s eye.

“Trixie came back and demanded to know where you were and started attacking anyone that would try to help her with her heat, she has a pretty strong right hind leg,” Velvet grimaced. “And yourself?”

“I… was kidnapped and raped by Fluttershy, then we had breakfast, then I left to find the girls only to run into Minuette… we mated for a little bit before I had to leave and found Gilda, struggling to walk in the streets,” Twilight explained, using her magic to heal Velvet’s black eye.

“I was forced to talon fuck and wing fuck twenty mares yesterday while taking six mares with strap-ons,” Gilda groaned, her body sagged as it finally relaxed on the floor.

“Oh you poor thing,” Velvet said, levitating Gilda into the air. “We’ll run you a nice bath and see about getting some food in you.”

A second later and Pinkie flew out of the bedroom door, landing before Twilight with bruises all over her body. “Trixie… is being mean again.”

Twilight grit her teeth, as rage filled her and looked to her bedroom. “TRIXIE!”

“Twilight Sparkle! About time you showed your face! Trixie demands your presence,” Trixie said from the other room.

Twilight stomped up the stairs, angry at the showmare for hurting her mother and Pinkie. “Twilight dear,” Twilight turned to her mother, who had a worried look on her face. “Make her your bitch please, make her beg for your cock.”

“Oh… I will,” Twilight growled stalking back up to the bedroom.

Twilight entered the room and found Trixie standing triumphantly in the center. “Twilight, where have you been? Trixie needed you and your satisfactory dick yesterday! Trixie will ensure that this escapade will put you in your place! Second only to TRIX-oof!” Trixie was caught off guard by Twilight tackling her onto the floor.

“Trixie, you HIT my mother and threw Pinkie down the stairs. I should lock you in the bunker, unable to sate the heat for disrespecting me. Instead, I’m going to remind you who is your Alpha,” Twilight growled, pressing her hooves hard into Trixie’s shoulders.

Normally, Trixie would plead and beg for mercy, but now… she was defiant as ever. “You think you can conquer Trixie? I’d like to see that Sparkle!”

“I’ve conquered you well over twenty times now, I’ve made you beg for my cock just by walking into the room with an erection. But… I’m in the mood to show you why you call me ‘Mistress’ all the time,” Twilight snarled, backing away to let her cock find Trixie’s opening.

“Pah, why would the Great and Powerful Trixie need a Mistress? Trixie is great enough to be your Mistress, to make you YEARN for Trixie’s touch every second of the day, to beg for Trixie’s magic, you little upstart,” Trixie said, trying to push Twilight off her.

“For someone that’s ‘Great’ and ‘Powerful’, you seem to forget you have magic, too late NOW!” Twilight declared, forcing the showmare to take her dick to the hilt.

Trixie let out a loud screech, slamming her hooves into scholar while the purple mare roughly mated with her, biting her neck and leaving marks. “Is… that the best… you got, Sparkle?”

“I just barely started,” Twilight snapped, slamming herself into Trixie. The showmare’s pussy pulling her deeper and futilely attempting to keep her inside, trying to squeeze as tightly as possible.

“L- looks like… Twi- gah- Twilight is losing her- Ah- her edge. I- Trixie… will be victorious,” Trixie grinned, beads of sweat forming on her body.

“Says… you,” Twilight growled, her fore-hooves wrapping around Trixie’s flanks and pulling her tighter to her body, her head coming to rest beneath Trixie’s head with her horn sliding across the blue fur and pointed away.

Trixie smirked when her tail whipped Twilight’s rear. “F-fuck Trixie faster, it feels as if Trixie is... mating with a virgin with a ‘tiny’ cock.”

Twilight growled, and picked up her pace, forcing her mare to cover her mouth to suppress a squeal, the vaginal walls greedily pulling at the purple rod. “It feels like your pussy loves this cock, just as you always do.”

Trixie gritted her teeth, her hooves wrapping around the purple unicorn. “Why would the Great and Powerful Trixie love your disgusting purple dick? It’s veiny, and stinky, and… Ahhh, stupid… like your mane… and huge…”

“I thought it was tiny?” Twilight asked, her hips pounding Trixie’s so hard that they’re crotches began to turn red.

“If Trixie says it’s tiny… and she means tiny!” Trixie screamed, trying to urge the scholar to move faster by whipping the purple mare with her tail, and grinding herself against Twilight.

“Fine… I’ll make it bigger…” Twilight sneered, her horn glowing.

“Make it any size you want… Trixie will TAKE IT OH CRAPPITY CRAP!” Trixie screeched, she slowly looked down between herself and Twilight to see a large bulge slightly below her belly. “What?”

“That… is the biggest I can make it… without hurting you or causing serious damage, enjoy,” Twilight panted. She stood up straight above the showmare showing her the large bulge and the meaty portion of cock that was still outside. The shaft was thicker than a apple and by the looks of the bulge that formed, it was long enough to enter Trixie’s womb should Twilight attempt to breach the sensitive and unyielding opening. “I seem to recall you saying that… ALL yours holes belong to me, even the ones on the inside.”

“You wouldn’t DARE!” Trixie snarled, fear growing in the pit of her stomach. Twilight kept her smirk as her horn began to glow once more, Trixie writhed and shook as the purple aura caressed her fur and delved into her being. “What did you do to Trixie?”

“Made it impossible for you to feel pain in the back half of your body, made your cervix stretchy and far more possible for me to rut it, AND… made your body more sensitive to pleasure… oh the wonders of magic,” Twilight explained, placing both hooves on Trixie’s sides.

Trixie began to struggle, trying to push Twilight off her body. The scholar managed to hook her hooves back into place around Trixie’s hind legs and pushed forward. The showmare gasped and her body shivered and writhed when she felt the purple battering ram at her womb’s opening, Twilight’s magic making it slowly open and try to receive the purple mare’s cock. “You will pay for this… Trixie will get you back… she will make you RUE this day!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and made a hard thrust forward, feeling the head of her penis break past the cervix, the tight opening closing tightly around her while the remaining of Trixie’s overworked cooch tried to massage the now massive cock that pressed against her limits.

Trixie’s eyes looked down to see the large bulge that moved with Twilight’s humping, unable to leave the womb’s opening. “Is… that… All you… got?”

Twilight’s face contorted to anger, trying to rut Trixie as hard as she can, her cock head unable to leave the showmare’s womb. Fortunately, she knew half her work was done a long time ago, as Trixie flinched and twitched form every beat of Twilight’s heart through the massive purple rod. “Looks like you can’t take it at all, Trixie.”

“Trixie can take whatever you can offe- DAMN IT!” Trixie moaned, her body spasming under the throes of her climax, her walls wringing the intruder within her as her fluids struggled to leak past Twilight’s sausage.

Twilight wasn’t too far behind, groaning as her dick fed her seed directly into Trixie’s core. Twilight was trying to pull out, failing to get past the normally impenetrable wall due to her flared head.

Trixie’s mumbled incoherently, shuddering as her belly slowly expanded for the amount of cum entering her. Her hooves caressing Twilight’s coat lovingly in the midst of her daze.

With a mighty yank and severe pain on Twilight’s part, she ultimately pulled out, a large and hearty shot of jism painting a line from Trixie’s thigh to her horn. “Oh goodness… that was something. Trixie, are you still a jerk?”

Trixie blinked a few times, wiping some of the cum off her face and licking it. “Tastes like Mis- MISTRESS! YOU’VE RETURNED!” Trixie cheered, hugging Twilight and rubbing her alpha’s cum against the purple mare. “Trixie spent the last few nights running from mares, what is wrong with this town, Mistress?”

“Ponyville… becomes a battleground of sex during Mating Season, Trixie. Didn’t you know?” Twilight asked, with a piqued eyebrow.

“Trixie has heard stories… but she didn’t think they were true, Did Trixie hurt anyone?” Trixie asked, a look of fear on her face.

“That doesn’t matter Trixie, what matters is that you are okay now,” Twilight said, giving Trixie a pat on the back.

“It does matter! If Trixie has been naughty she needs to know and be punished for it,” Trixie stated. Twilight grimaced and poked Trixie’s gut, jiggling with the weight of several liters of impotent mare seed. “Oh… Trixie was.. already punished.”

Twilight grimaced as her blue unicorn mate slumped down. “Hey… it’ll be okay. Tell you what. I’ll try and find you later this week and… punish you again?” she suggested awkwardly, hoping to raise Trixie’s spirits. “Or reward you if you’ve been a good filly for everypony.”

“You mean that?” Trixie asked, looking up to the scholar.

“I mean it… now go get washed up. I have a… I still have things to do outside…” Twilight said dejectedly, staring out of the boarded up window.

“You can’t mean-” Trixie gasped.

“Yes… I still need to find Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and help them with their heat… by mating with them, have you seen any of those three?” Twilight asked. Trixie shook her head. Twilight sighed and stood up, wiping the cum Trixie smeared on her off with her magic and made her way to the door.


Twilight struggled to keep her invisibility spell, dodging and weaving confused mares that tried to hunt the purple mare by scent. The scholar felt confident that she had outsmarted the small horde of lust-driven mares.

“Sup, Twi.” Twilight froze, turning slowly to see a white unicorn with electric blue mane with dark purple sunglasses staring right at her. “Did you ever teach Trixie that spell?”

“Vinyl? How?” Twilight uttered quietly.

“I can smell you, and I specialize in music, so I can use sound magic… I can hear you,” Vinyl chuckled, wrapping a hoof around Twilight’s neck.

“What are you doing in Ponyville? Shouldn’t you be in Manehatten with Octavia?” Twilight asked, keeping a close eye on her surroundings.

“Octy and I actually came here to get away from Manehatten. What a day to pick for a vacation, right? Second day here, Octy was beating mares away with her cello case and I… got to know the locals,” Vinyl said, leaning closer to Twilight.

The scholar noticed this and tried to pull away. “You’re in heat, aren’t you?”

“Yup, but I’d like to think I’m good enough to not go all ‘sex crazy’ like the whole town,” Vinyl chuckled, rubbing her hoof against her torso then blowing on it.

“My mom wasn’t immune, and I’m pretty sure she’s been more active to you,” Twilight muttered blankly.

“Got to fuck your Mom? Who is she? Hope she was hot,” Vinyl laughed, pulling Twilight away from the crowd of nervous mares.

“Why would you care?” Twilight asked, arching a brow.

“Because if I wanna know who she is so I can see her later, sounds like her marriage to your dad is either open… or things happened and your mom is single and isn’t against having sex for fun,” Vinyl reasoned, pulling Twilight into a nearby house. “Don’t worry, this place belongs to a friend, he said he wouldn’t be using it this week… can’t imagine why.” The last line oozed sarcasm.

“I dunno, Twilight Velvet?” Twilight answered, unknowingly.

“OH shit, the Velvet Mistress? Fuck you’re a lucky bastard… student to the Princess, saved the world a bunch of times, got a cock with mares begging for it, your mom is a sex legend and you got to fuck her, I’d kill for your life,” Vinyl gasped, holding Twilights cheeks in her hooves.

Twilight arched a brow in confusion. “Velvet… Mistress? I’ve heard that somewhere before… no pony actually told me-”

“Like twenty five or so years ago, the Velvet Mistress was a mare who could get ANYONE to be her bitch: stallions, mares, griffons, diamond dogs, I heard rumor of a dragon once but no actual confirmation. By the end of them fucking, they’d be licking their cum off her hooves or out of her snatch. By Tartarus, my mom was roommates with her during school and like… every weekend would end with lots of sex, sometimes orgies. I dunno who your dad is… but he’s super lucky to have scored a mare like THAT,” Vinyl squeed, stars shining in her eyes.

Twilight stared at Vinyl in a scared, yet frustrated manner. “I don’t think I like the idea of my mother being a legend among sexual deviants.”

“Who’s your dad? Is he super awesome like Velvet?” Vinyl giggled like a school filly.

“Night Light,” Twilight gasped, trying to shrink away from the overly happy Disc Jockey.

“Who the heck is Night Light?” Vinyl asked in confusion, her eyes shot open as a memory returned and rolled her eyes. “She got shacked up with the nerdiest stallion my mom knew in school?”

“In my Mom’s defence… My Dad was, and still is, apparently very adorable looking when he cums inside her… something that he and I share… somehow,” Twilight chuckled weakly, mentally facehoofing from her own words.

Vinyl smirked. “Is that so? Well, wanna go see?” She suggested, motioning towards the couch. “I’m a mare in heat, and yes… it’s bothering me despite the ten mares I fucked yesterday and the four I did today. You are probably the only cock in all of Ponyville right now and Octy went out to join the horde of sex-crazed mares. Whaddya say?”

“I actually need to go find my herd, they are still out there and I need to help them,” Twilight tried to argue.

“So… you were going to go fuck your friends, but leave the rest of us hanging? Not cool, what would your mother say?” Vinyl berated, shaking her head disapprovingly.

“She’d… tell me to do what’s right… and make them scream my name while filling them with grandfoals,” Twilight replied, sagging her shoulders.

Vinyl’s lips snapped shut as she let Twilight’s words sink in. “After all this, can Octy and I meet your mom? I’m hearing nothing that is dissuading me from meeting the Velvet Mistress, especially if it means a fourway between my favorite cock, my favorite pussy, and one of my personal heroes.”

The two mares went to the couch, where Vinyl pushed Twilight onto it, a hoof wrapping around the growing purple shaft. “Damn… how many mares has this thing seen today… smells like you just finished with somepony before coming out,” Vinyl laughed, taking in a deep breath of the purple mare’s musk.

“That’s technically none of your business,” Twilight pouted, relaxing her body while Vinyl worked her rod.

“It’s mating season, I don’t care who you fucked before, so long I get a feel for it,” Vinyl joked, giving the turgid shaft a long lick, her rough tongue caused Twilight to shudder and squeak. “Whoever it was… she compliments your cock well.”

Twilight shot a glare at Vinyl, who wistfully ignores it in favor of licking the purple mare’s dick like a popsicle, giving the sides slow, lingering licks while giving the tip a small suck and nibble before repeating the process.

Twilight felt playfully for no true reason, and smiled. “Octavia gave me better head.” Immediately regretting it when Vinyl stopped.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Vinyl asked politely, tilting her sunglasses down to glare at the scholar with her cerise eyes. Her hoof continued to stroke the purple member off with a grip that caused Twilight some discomfort. “Did you just spout some sort of blasphemy? That stick up her butt… giving you better head… than ME?”

Twilight stayed quiet, shock by Vinyl’s reaction.

“You know what that means, right?” Vinyl questioned, stopping her hoof’s motions, and strangling Twilight’s rod. “I’m going to have to make you see stars for days, bitch.”

Twilight quietly muttered the words ‘crap’. She let out a gasp when Vinyl released her, only for her length to disappear into the DJ’s mouth. Her flared head penetrating the white mare`s throat each time Vinyl’s nose touched down on Twilight`s coat.

Vinyl’s eyes kept their stoic watch on Twilight, watching her expression turn from different forms of pleasure-wracked bliss, squirmin from Vinyl’s ‘Better than Octy’ blowjobs. She smirked around the rod in her mouth and began to hum, causing Twilight to moan and writhe.

The vibrations surrounding her cock clawed at Twilight’s senses as she was quickly and thoroughly taught that Vinyl is better at oral than her marefriend. The Dj’s tongue worked the underside of her while she playfully dragged the tips of her teeth along the sensitive shaft. Vinyl giggled around the purple meatstick, watching Twilight squirm. She released the scholar’s penis from it’s oral prison and began to stroke it. “Who’s better at blowing cocks?”

“You are,” Twilight squeaked, shuddering from the pleasure.

“Damn right, Octy only ever fucked one cock so far as I know.. well one REAL cock,” Vinyl chuckled, giving Twilight’s flare a long lick.

“I… was her first?” Twilight asked in amazement.

“Her first and only taste of real cock,” Vinyl admitted, rubbing the purple rod against her cheek, licking along the shaft while the throbbing glans slid along the DJ’s horn. “It’s cool though, she gets plenty from the strap-on I got a year ago.”

Twilight jumped, the feeling of Vinyl’s hoof prodding her vaginal entrance taking the purple mare by surprise. Vinyl grinned and slipped the scholar’s dick back into her mouth, carefully suckling the engorged head and rubbing the shaft with her other hoof. “This part of you doesn’t see too much action, does it?”

“I… prefer my penis to my vagina, okay?” Twilight jabbed, her face struggling to maintain a pout, the constant attention of hooves and tongue made it difficult for Twilight to remain serious.

“Kind of a waste, if you ask me. Two stallions can rail you from behind, a mare can fuck herself on your cock, and you can still give oral to one more pony. And that’s not even using your magic,” Vinyl said, nuzzling the thick purple meat.

“Doesn’t ma-matter, I still prefer using my penis, I don’t really enjoy using my marehood that much anyways,” Twilight muttered, shrinking into the couch.

“So you have used it lately, alright, fair enough,” Vinyl added, nodding her head in approval. She placed both her hooves on Twilight’s rod and began to stroke hard while licking the glans. It was the final straw for Twilight as her cock launched wad after wad of cum into the air, causing it to rain down onto both mares and the couch.

Vinyl flinched as a large white splat covered her glasses, and her mane while Twilight tried to shield her face from her own orgasm, painting her purple coat white. “Nice to see you still blow like a volcano, Sparky,” Vinyl commented, wiping Twilight’s cum off her glasses.

“Uggh… how do some mares enjoy being covered in cum? It feels… gross,” Twilight groaned, wiping away the white globs with her magic and depositing them into the sink and rinsing.

“Because it excites the stallion to see their mare covered with their mark of property,” Vinyl said, looming over Twilight, still covered with the scholar’s recent climax.

Twilight blushed hard as she looked over Vinyl’s form. “Point… taken, I guess.”

Vinyl took a firm grasp of Twilight’s cock, feeling it harden in her hooves. “I suppose with the foreplay out of the way, we should get to the reason why we’re here.”

Twilight blushed heavily as Vinyl leaped onto the couch and positioned herself above the purple mare’s crotch. “So long as this doesn’t take to long, I still need to find my mates.”

“That’s kinda mean, I’m here busting my flank to fuck you and you’re thinking about your herd? Pretty selfish, Sparky,” Vinyl teased, lowering herself down. She sighed as the thick rod entered her marehood, spreading her walls apart and squeezing Twilight’s dick.

Twilight squeaked an apology, slamming her hooves against the couch’s back, biting her lip to withstand the sudden pressure around her cock. The slow rocking of Vinyl’s hips keeping the purple unicorn tethered to her latest situation.

“Sweet Celestia, I fucked a lot of cocks… I actually miss feeling this in me, though I’d prefer Octy sharing it with me, just like last time,” Vinyl moaned, her hooves keeping her steady on Twilight’s body as she ground herself against the scholar.

Twilight was quickly flashed with a memory of her rutting both musicians with magically split dick, and blushed hard. Vinyl when she felt Twilight grow inside her, spreading her pussy further apart. “That’s the cock I know, yeah… let’s party, Twi,” Vinyl said excitedly, beginning to pump her hips wildly on Twilight’s shaft.

The sensation of the DJ’s tight pussy heating her cock up and massaging it as it traveled back and forth along the velvet tunnel and the constant teasing built Twilight up, causing her to squeal and moan adorably beneath the white mare, causing Vinyl to giggle. “Wh-what’s so... eep… funny?” Twilight asked, her cheeks in a pout, her face bright red with a furrowed brow.

“Just thinking if that’s the face your dad would make when your mom rides him ragged,” Vinyl teased, poking Twilight’s nose with a hoof.

“S-stop it,” Twilight groaned, blushing harder. Her hooves grabbing hold of Vinyl and assisting the DJ into going faster, causing her to drop and rise quickly on the purple shaft connecting the two.

“Wanna play rough, Sparky? You got it!” Vinyl said. She pinned Twilight’s hooves to her body and started to ride the scholar hard, their hips slamming against each other loudly. Behind Vinyl, a decent sized dildo floated from behind the couch, floating behind Vinyl and the cushions to prevent Twilight from seeing it.

Twilight’s eyes went wide in fear, feeling something poking at her muff. “V-Vinyl?”

“Shh, I’ll be gentle, baby,” Vinyl soothed. She kept bouncing while watching the green plastic toy slowly pushed into Twilight, causing her to gasp and squirm, trying fruitlessly to knock Vinyl off her. “See, it’s not so bad, you really need to get more cock back here, it’s so tight.”

“N-n-no thank you,” Twilight grimaced, her eyes clenched tightly, with her head trying to back away for the Dj and into the couch cushions, the toy spreading her vulva apart and gently filling her. Flashbacks of Lyra’s expertise with a strap-on flooded Twilight’s mind.

Vinyl slowed down, feeling something shrink inside her. She sat up and growled. “Seriously? You’re that turned off from using your pussy that you just go limp?”

“I swear, that’s never happened before… it’s just that Lyra… can be a monster with any plastic toy and I… accidently thought about it,” Twilight uttered blushing.

Vinyl shook her head and annoyance. She turned to the toy inside Twilight and smirked. “Fine, I’ll just have to get you hard again.”

“How are- OH!” Twilight cried, feeling the toy inside her begin to vibrate against her walls, causing her legs to shudder and kick. Vinyl licked her lips as the purple member slowly returned to it’s former glory. She took her rightful place and sunk back down on the hard rod, her magic continued to work the green dildo in and out of the scholar’s pussy. “Oh good- ness.”

“Feels better than some filly with a toy, right?” Vinyl said triumphantly, riding Twilight as hard as she could.

The DJ’s answer was a moan, Twilight’s hind legs instinctively spread wider for the plastic dong filling her pussy, while her fore hooves gripped Vinyl tightly, forcing the white unicorn down onto her crotch. Her body writhed from the dual sensations, Vinyl’s magic working the green toy into her cooch while her cock was being wrung and squeezed by the DJ’s body.

Vinyl felt Twilight’s cock twitch and pulse, smirking. She looked down to the pleasure-wracked mare beneath her. Twilight’s hooves held on to Vinyl’s hips tightly, controlling the DJ’s motions, her tongue lolled out, drooling onto her coat, her eyes were half lidded and attempted to roll into her skull, sweat causing her purple coat to glisten. “Somepony’s- ah! Enjoying this,” Vinyl chuckled, her glasses hanging loose off her head, showing one of her magenta eyes, sweating dripping from her body and onto Twilight and the couch.

“Gonna… gonna cum, need to cum,” Twilight mumbled, her tongue retreated back into her mouth before her teeth can clench her lower lip, picking up the pace, forcing Vinyl down into her up-thrusting crotch. Vinyl let out a series of moans in response, her sunglasses falling off her head and landing on the scholar’s belly.

Vinyl watched Twilight carefully, the purple mare’s expressions turning one to an adorable determination before ultimately scrunching up. Vinyl giggled and panted while her big dick friend filled her body with hot spunk, forcing her to her own climax.

Vinyl’s pussy clamped down on Twilight’s cock and sucked out every ounce of cum it could out of the purple mare. After the initial wave, Twilight relax, panting hard while she continued to weakly fill Vinyl, the DJ falling onto the purple mare to catch her breath. Her horn ceased to shine and the toy in Twilight’s marehood stopped moving completely. “You know Sparky?” Vinyl uttered, slowly regaining her breath. “I think I could imagine… fucking a stallion forever… if they made that face every time.”

“Thanks… I guess,” Twilight whimpered. she placed a hoof on Vinyl’s back and began to rub. “We… might have ruined… your friend’s couch.”

“Pfft, it’s fine,” Vinyl chuckled, and slowly got up and picked up her slightly twisted glasses. “That isn’t as fine, but I can live with it.”

Twilight flinched, pulling the green dildo out of her leaking vagina with her magic. “Could you… if we ever do this again… ask first…” Twilight groaned, feeling her marehood tighten up, trying to clench at nothing.

Vinyl chuckled lightly. “Not a fan? I guess I could dig it, still my favorite cock.”

Twilight slowly grinned, resting up before she had to push the DJ off her so she can go and help Applejack.


Twilight staggered into Sweet Apple Acres after sunset, still sore from her encounter with Vinyl. She heard the tell tale sound of trees getting kicked and smiled, knowing Applejack was still here.

What she didn’t expect to see was Applebloom playing with her friends in the orchard. “Girls! What are you two doing? Don’t you know what week it is?” Twilight cried, running up to protect the crusaders.

The girls turned to Twilight in confusion and immediately covered their nose when the stench of sex hit them. “Eww, Twilight! Did you forget to bathe?” Applebloom groaned.

Twilight stopped and blushed hard. “Sorry, it’s been a long day. But answer my question, okay?”

“The big ponies that are crazy don’t go after fillies or colts, I thought you knew that,” Sweetie uttered, backing away from the disgusting scent.

“I... actually didn’t,” Twilight slowly said, still rather confused.

“Yeah, Mating Season is awesome because it’s a week off from school! They only lame thing is that no pony can really help you with stuff and the town smells really bad for another week,” Scootaloo exclaimed, her nose uncovered.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, good. You girls won’t get attacked-” the purple mare was immediately tackled to the ground by an orange blur wearing a stetson. Twilight couldn’t fight off her new attacker, easily pinned under the immense strength of whom ever jumped her.

In the midst of the one-sided struggle, Applejack turned to the fillies. “Applebloom, did you finish your chores?”

“Yeah, I finished them up a half hour ago,” Applebloom answered, backing away from her sister, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo following suit. “Whatcha planning on doing to Miss Twilight?”

“Never you mind, Applebloom. Go back into the house for the night, Twilight and I have chores to do ourselves,” Applejack smirked, pressing her hoof down on Twilight’s body, the unicorn continued to weakly struggle under the earth pony’s might.

“Why does Twilight have chores now?” Sweetie asked, her eyes lit up with realization and cringed. “Special Mating Season chores?”

“Aren’t you the smart filly, now git! Me and Twi are gonna play a game,” Applejack stated, smirking at her friend.

“I… don’t have the energy for any games, AJ,” Twilight groaned, the air being pushed out of her by her country mate.

“Is this adult games that fillies can’t play? because we-” Scootaloo was stopped by Sweetie Belle’s hoof.

“We’ll just get going now,” Sweetie chuckled nervously before running with Scootaloo in tow, Applebloom shot Twilight a dirty look before following her friends.

“Now, sugarcube… Let’s play hide and seek,” Applejack said with lust in her voice.

“Okay… I guess, I doubt I have much of a choice right now,” Twilight uttered, smiling weakly up at the cowpony.

“Good thinkin’, now the rules are simple” No magic, you can run anywhere in the orchard except around the farm house. If I see ya, you can still run, but the moment my rope is wrapped around you like a hog in a rodeo, I win. If you can avoid me until sunrise, you win.”

“Got it, we both know what happens if you win, so… what happens if I win?” Twilight asked, curiously.

“I won’t bother ya for the rest of the Season,” Applejack smirked, her hoof tracing Twilight’s jaw.

“But… I’m trying to help all you girls with the heat,” Twilight added.

Applejack was shocked to hear that. “You? You voluntarily come to Sweet Apple Acres to rut me? There’s a reason why no mares are up in these parts, they all stay in town, mostly to avoid me and Fluttershy.”

“Well, I felt like it was my responsibility to help you girls out… instead of sitting in my bunker,” Twilight grimaced, her ears falling flat to her head.

“You had a what?” Applejack asked, she shook her head in annoyance. “Listen… I like to think I can manage my own libido during this stupid week, I just become… playful, so if you win… I’ll let you take me in any way you want. Down and dirty, all princessy and lovey dovey, or just a plain old rutting in one of the barns.”

“Fair enough… I guess,” Twilight said.

Applejack lifted her hoof off the unicorn and helped Twilight up. She grabbed a hold of Twilight’s hoof and looked the scholar in the eyes with a wide smile. “You got until the count of ten, start running.”

Not needed to be told twice, Twilight made a mad sprint into the orchard.

“One!” Bellowed the cowpony, sounding like she stay in the same position since Twilight started running.

Twilight energy began to dwindle, forcing her to slow down, breath harshly and leaning against a tree.


The thought of just letting Applejack catch her ran through Twilight’s mind a few times, but she knew the orange mare- “Three!”- would be disappointed if she didn’t try to make things interesting.


Huffing and Puffing, Twilight looked to a large sturdy tree, thinking of climbing it and hide in the leaves. “Five!” But she knew that she couldn’t climb up in time and she didn’t want to break Applejack’s rules, with a weak huff, Twilight turned and continued to run deeper into the orchard.


Twilight found a barrel of apples, immediately thinking she could hide in it, as it looked as if it could conceal Big Mac. “Seven!” As she approached it, she quickly realized that she would have to hide all the apples somewhere else and if she get’s caught, She’ll be cornered and unable to flee.


Twilight searched around the small grove and saw a shed attached to the nearby barn and smiled. She quickly ran over and tried to open it, no lock but a bit rusty, she managed to throw the door open- “Nine!”- and step inside, trying to shut the door behind her only managing a small crack, she was fortunate that the shed she had found was almost bare of equipment, only a few tools laid against one of the walls.

“Ten! Here I come Twi!”

Twilight took this moment to regain her breath, breathing carefully to not make any sounds. She knew Applejack would have no problem catching up, but she hoped the Cowpony wouldn’t be able to find her.

Sure enough, she heard the hooves of her friend nearby. Sniffing the air. Twilight’s face dropped in shock, recalling that the crusaders could smell her, Applejack would know where she is in seconds.

“That was too easy, Twilight,” Applejack grinned, staring straight at the shed. Her tail swinging a lasso. “Come on out, give me something to chase.”

As if summoned, Twilight bolted out of the shed, speeding past the cowpony. With a wide smirk, Applejack gave chase.

Despite Twilight’s best efforts, Applejack easily caught up to the scholar. She threw her lasso and pulled it, tying Twilight’s forehooves to her body. She then pulled Twilight to a nearby tree and began wrapping the rope around the unicorn, effectively tying the purple mare to the tree, with her rear body and head exposed to the world. “I thought you were better than that, Twi.”

“I’m… exhausted, Applejack. I… had a long day,” Twilight gasped, her head hanging low in exhaustion.

“You smell like you had a long day too,” Applejack joked, she walked up to Twilight and placed a hoof under the unicorn’s mouth. “And now, you’re mine.”

“Might as well get it over with?” Twilight uttered, with a weak smile.

Applejack giggled and gave Twilight a long kiss, of which the unicorn returned. She pressed her body against the bound unicorn, her hoof sliding down Twilight, rubbing against the slowly stiffening appendage. “Didn’t think you liked this.”

“N-no, I just… you look pretty, that’s all,” Twilight stammered, blushing hard.

Applejack fell back onto her hooves, leaning into Twilight’s erect cock. “Pretty sexy, right?” She teased, getting the unicorn to slowly nod. Her breath tickled the sensitive flesh and gave it a lick. “Dipping your stick in a whole bunch of mares, haven’t ya.”

“Again, I’m trying to help all you girls with the heat, but sometimes things happen that were out of control,” Twilight confessed, beginning to find the rope to be uncomfortable.

“And what made you think such a silly thing?” Applejack asked, her hooves stroking the purple erection.

“Pinkie Pie, she gave me an ear full while she was in heat and… I felt bad that was would hide while my mares had to deal with something that sounds so dreadful to experience,” Twilight explained, watching the cowpony’s press her nose against her shaft.

Applejack breathed her stallion’s musk deeply and sighed. “As much as I wanna gobble ya up, there’s something else that needs this more than my mouth.”

“Fair enough, I guess mares in heat are more interested in getting something inside them than actual foreplay?” Twilight asked, her eyes widening in anticipation as Applejack spun around, sliding her strong backside along the unicorn’s shaft.

“Oh yeah, I need something in me, and this here pecker of yours… is just what this filly needs,” Applejack cooed, rubbing her ass against Twilight, forcing the purple cock to slide between her cheeks. She took a few steps forward, the purple dick sliding down her crack and push against her marehood. She pushed herself back, spearing herself on Twilight’s stallionhood until her rump met with Twilight’s crotch. “Oh horse apples. That’s what the doctor ordered,” Applejack moaned in bliss, the thick member spreading her vulva apart.

“Sweet Celestia,” Twilight groaned, her cock enveloped in Applejack’s body heat. She was quickly reminded of Applejack being among the strongest mares in Equestria, her muscles clenching her tightly, jerking her hard and pulling her deeper into the cowpony.

“Like that, Twi? A lot more where that came from,” Applejack teased, grinding her ass against Twilight, constricting her tunnel around her Alpha’s girth. “Yeah… feels like you love that, sugarcube.”

Twilight could only whimper in response, her entire body fought against her bindings if only to get her hooves around her mare and rut her into the dirt. As Applejack began to pound her rump against the unicorn’s crotch, Twilight could only groan from getting slammed between the soft but powerful ass into the tree she was tied too, the pain growing in her back locked in combat against the pleasure building up in the front.

Applejack relished in the control she had over the bookish mare, her tail brushing against the ropes and Twilight’s chin. She could feel the unicorn growing harder and thicker inside her pussy. Her body urging her to slam harder onto Twilight, and wring the scholar’s cock for every ounce of foal batter she could. Her body heating up at the mere thought of having Twilight’s foals.

“Applejack?” Twilight asked, wincing from the harsh pounding her crotch is now enduring.

Applejack ignored her in favor of using her full might to spear herself on Twilight, her walls clenching and constricting the cock as it enter and pulling it hard as it left. The first bead of pre-cum she felt touch her walls were electrifying, coercing her to ride harder.

“Uggh, Applejack,” Twilight groaned, the pain and the pleasure of Applejack’s actions growing immensely. She gasped when Applejack spun around and jumped onto Twilight, one hoof on the ground as she began to rub her body against the rope, all without letting the purple member leave her muff.

Applejack kissed and licked Twilight’s face, her hooves held onto the tree as hard as she could, her hind legs guiding her motions as effectively as possible, despite leaning on a bound mare and standing one a single hoof.

A sharp gasp left Applejack’s lips, her orgasm tingling along her spine as her pussy convulsed and sucked in Twilight’s member, hungry for the unicorn’s seed.

Pleasure won through, causing Twilight to ejaculate into the cowpony, dousing the heat with her essence. Her mouth was captured by Applejack’s; the two mares kissing fiercely as they rode out their own orgasms, their tongues wrestling each other for supremacy.

They broke the kiss and looked deep into each other’s eyes. “Could you… untie me?” Twilight asked, out of breath.

Applejack felt exhausted, her pussy faintly leaking fluids despite still being impaled by the unicorn’s secondary horn. With a grin, she slowly began to move again, her vaginal muscles coaxing the member back to life. “That one little time… isn’t enough for this filly.”

“Applejack… it’s getting kinda painful,” Twilight whimpered, flinching form every movement the cowpony made.

“Come on now, an Alpha like you getting overwhelmed by little old me? Maybe we should have you doing all that training stuff with Gilda and Rainbow, toughen ya up for the next heat, make me feel like a mare,” Applejack teased, her entire body lifting itself onto the tree and slowly grind herself on the scholar’s prick.

Twilight swallowed her breath, much more concerned about her wellbeing than she was moments ago. She reasoned that the playful and powerful cowpony and the dominatrix that was Fluttershy were the worst of what the town offered, giving her the sense of belief that perhaps that Mating Season won’t be too bad. Regrettably, she still had five more days, and she felt defeated by day two. ‘I’m going to get fucked to death by my closest friends.‘

Applejack’s pussy tirelessly worked the unicorn’s horn, hoping to get a second helping of white spunk. Beneath the two mares, a small white puddle of cum began to form directly beneath Applejack, growing as Twilight’s seed dribbled out of her. She didn’t care though, she was more interested in getting a second filling, forcing her muscles to work harder to fuck the dickmare in her clutches.

“Applejack… my body feels… sore, please let me go,” Twilight begged, gasping for breath.

“Not until you give me what I want,” Applejack replied, thrusting her rump hard onto the unicorn’s shaft.

“Aren’t you… stable? You said it yourself… you can manage yourself during Mating Season,” Twilight uttered, gasping from the pain and intense pleasure.

“Oh I can, and I am… you’re helping me manage it, just a little more… and I’ll let you go,” Applejack giggled, forcing Twilight to kiss her. Unlike the last kiss, the scholar didn’t put up much of a fight as a one-sided battle of tongues waged once again.

Applejack moaned into Twilight’s mouth, her latest orgasm filling her body. She knew it wouldn’t be enough to drag the unicorn to the familiar bliss. So she forced herself to rut through it, determined to be filled with another helping of warm unicorn spunk. She pulled Twilight’s head down lower enough to lick the sensitive horn, causing the purple mare to gasp from the sudden spike of arousal.

Despite all the pain that visited her nerves, the beacon of lust began to grow stronger as the orange mare suckled her horn and rode her aching cock. Her member began to throb and flare, preparing to spray Applejack’s insides with sperm.

Applejack cried out in bliss, feeling her stallion feed her womb with more spunk. Her grip weakened enough to cause her to fall off Twilight and onto the ground. The two mares became detached, causing Twilight to hose the orange mare down with her remaining seed.

Slightly recovering, Twilight looked down at the orange and white pony before her, sleeping calmly despite the mess, the unicorn’s spunk pooling between the cowpony’s thighs.

Realizing she would not be untied until Applejack woke up tomorrow, Twilight sighed as her body begged for rest. She now knew that the next time she was forced to play Applejack’s game during mating season, she must make the absolute best effort to win, or she may end up tied to a tree again and ridden out to exhaustion.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Day Three

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- Chryslight [Futa/F/Futa/F, oral, vaginal, hornjob, ovipositor, hints to an orgy]
-Twifire [Futa/F, cunnilingus, vaginal, anal]
- Twirabon [F/Futa/F, oral, vaginal, strap-on]
- TwiDash [F/Futa, vaginal, hornjob, rough]

~Day Three~

Darkness was all Twilight could see when she awoke, but the smell of books and sex told her she was back in the library. She tried to move but found that she was bound to something else now.

“M-my queen… father has awakened…” She heard a changeling stutter, breathing hard for an unknown reason. It was too dark to see what was going on.

A light shot on and all around Twilight, changelings were mating. The few males were taken by several partners while some females took to other females. The cheeks of their black chitin glowing red from lust and embarrassment. Twilight turned to find the Queen stalking towards her. “Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis’ mane was more of a mess than usual, looking as if she just gotten out of bed without brushing her mane and repeated it for a week. Her eyes were pinpricks and her cheeks were redder than her changelings. “You and your kind did THIS!” Chrysalis roared, flinching from her own voice.

“Does this mean Changelings can go into heat?” Twilight asked, watching as her children fucked each other.

“Are you stupid? No, we are emotionally sensitive to others, you dolt. We can sense them in THEIR heat, and it’s effecting US. You have any idea how many of our children I had to fuck to calm down?” Chrysalis snarled, her left eye twitching. “Look around you!”

Twilight glanced around, trying to struggle as two of her changeling daughters walked up to her gooey prison and began to uncover Twilight’s crotch. “Girls… no.”

“No, keep going… get her ready for me,” Chrysalis ordered, glaring at the unicorn. “The pony’s heat is purged through rigorous sex, correct?” Twilight nodded. “Good, then you are going to have to help our sons with our daughters… than you’ll have to deal with me.”

Twilight swallowed her breath, two changelings began to lap and suck her cock, making her flinch from the slimy texture. “Don’t… you have a penis?”

“My ovipositor doesn’t spew sperm, moron. It secretes a mucus that makes egg insertion into the womb or anus feel better. it was not a substitute,” Chrysalis barked, glaring at her mate.

Even as the changelings continued to suckle and nibble the shaft, Twilight continued to resist. “It’s a hive mind, they all feel what you feel, right? What about you? What if just relieving your heat will make the others normal.”

Chrysalis was about to make a rebuke, but she found none. Her annoyance became a smirk. “Have you seen changeling penises?” She forced a changeling off of his current mate and showed her purple captive. It was black throbbing member of at least six inches and a pointed tip. “These… are not what I need right now. I need something more suitable for a queen. You… are close enough however; make your dick bigger or after you inseminate me, I’ll fill you with eggs.”

“If I do… do you promise not to do that?” Twilight asked, swallowed her breath. “And Pinkie Promise not to!”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Yes, I Pinkie Promise. Cross my black heart, I can already fly, may Pinkie shove a stupid cupcake in my eye. NOW MAKE YOUR DICK BIGGER!”

Twilight flinched back as her horn began to shine. The two changelings at her crotch backed away in surprise. Once the light was gone, every female changeling in the room stared hungrily at the forteen inch dick that hung between Twilight’s legs. “Okay, let’s get this over with quickly.”

Chrysalis smirked and cut Twilight down with her magic. The moment the scholar hit the ground, she was tackled to the ground by several needy nymphs, three of them already using their hooves and tongues to work the larger purple shaft. Chrysalis’ mirth was soon replaced by annoyance. “Get off her, she’s MINE!”

Swatting away her subjects, Chrysalis freed her purple lover and loomed over her. “How are we… going to do this?” Twilight asked, struggling onto her hooves despite the heavy penis trying to get in her way.

Chrysalis smirked, she pushed Twilight onto her rump and slid herself down the unicorn’s body until the thick head was pressed against her opening. Ignoring her pussy’s resistance, she impaled herself on Twilight’s rod. “It’s… satisfactory, now rut me,” Chrysalis demanded, wrapping her limbs around Twilight, forcing the smaller unicorn to hold her.

Twilight thought Chrysalis would be heavier, but she was no heavier than a pony like Applejack and Rainbow Dash. it confused the unicorn at first but a growl from the changeling queen brought Twilight back into reality, lifting the much larger mare off her lap and back down.

Chrysalis sneered down at her lover, controlling her while not even moving a muscle. The unicorn’s cock filling her insides with it’s girth and spreading her apart. She could feel her own clear member rising from it’s hiding place and poke Twilight’s neck, the sensitive tube brushing against her soft fur and softer underbelly.

Twilight moaned, feeling Chrysalis’ depths grip and tug her shaft, every inch of her member was being massaged and milked for her sperm. Her fore-hooves moving the queen down her shaft faster.

The needy females gazed longingly at the connection between their mother and father, the thick purple cock disappearing into the black pussy. They tried to get closer, their tongues attempting to stretch out to taste the stallionhood. Chrysalis got annoyed and swatted them away. “This one is mine.”

“Don’t be… mean,” Twilight grunted, holding Chrysalis’ rump tightly as she guided the larger creature. Her rod throbbing with her heartbeat while the queen’s walls constricted her.

“They are my subjects, they will be treated as I see fit,” Chrysalis snapped back. Her aggressive demeanour was less effect due to the building pleasure within her pussy and the constant grinding of her sensitive ovipositor against her mate’s coat, a small blob of lubricant leaked from the pointed tip and stained Twilight’s chin.

Twilight huffed, not willing to argue with the former villainess over her children. She leaned her head down and gave Chrysalis’ clear shaft a lick, causing the larger changeling to moan. She could feel it pulse and thicken against her tongue. The bitter taste almost made her shy away, but she had to drive the Changeling Queen to orgasm. Wrapping her lips around Chrysalis’ egg-chute, she lightly sucked the tip, her tongue teasing the tip. Twilight’s efforts were rewarded with Chrysalis squirming and gasping next to her.

“Harder, whelp…” Chrysalis whimpered, trying to command the unicorn beneath her. Her body heating up drastically while Twilight pleased both her sexes, her limbs wrapping tighter around her lover.

Twilight grunted, sweat dripping down her coat as she tried to urge Chrysalis onto her crotch harder, filling the changeling queen with her member.

The two changeling nymphs walked behind Twilight and began rubbing her back. Hearing Twilight mewl in pleasure made them feel happy, feeling their father’s love fill them as it fills Chrysalis now. Becoming addicted to Twilight’s emotions, they clamored up and started to lick Twilight’s horn, their tongues tracing the spirals. The squeals and moans coming from their father prompting them to do more.

With a single mighty pull, Twilight hilted herself in Chrysalis and groaned, a deluge of unicorn seed rushing out to fill the queen’s orifice and womb. With the purple mare’s face trying to bury itself into Chrysalis’ underbelly, the large changeling could only chuckle before letting out a satisfied moan.

Chrysalis stood up, Twilight’s rod popping out of her dripping snatch. She looked down on the panting unicorn, her cock shrunk back down to normal size but remained hard and dripping with various fluids. “Consider yourself lucky, I’d be stuffing you with eggs if I didn’t respect your wishes.” She turned to one of the needy females. “You, I need your hole.”

The changeling nodded and spun around, her tail raised high with her head down. The other changeling looked to Twilight with a nervous look. “My Queen?” she whimpered.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes., “Very well, ride your father.” she said, smirking as the nymph made a joyous chirp and ran to Twilight, quickly forcing the purple cock deep into her body. She turned back to chosen volunteer, crouching over her with a smile, one hoof holding the smaller black creature, forcing her onto her clear shaft.

Twilight recovered from her daze to see a smaller changeling riding her penis above her, chirping happily, her pussy squeezing the unicorn tightly. A squawking noise to her right caused to her to turn to see Chrysalis rutting one of the changeling daughters, forcing her ovipositor deep into the smaller changeling. Twilight winced as the changeling on her crotch brought herself down rough and awkwardly, mating with the purple mare only to sate her burning need.

Chrysalis began to chuckle, staring at the changeling taking her shaft. The nymph's expression was half-lidded, constantly gasping for air and moaning as her queen speared her hard and quickly. She turned her head to see her other daughter with a wild drooling smile, her body dropping and rising off Twilight’s body. “How is your daughter’s pussy, Twilight?”

Twilight shot a glare at the changeling queen, groaning while the changeling nymph squeezed her prick, trying to force her cum out.

“Don’t be like that, I am rather enjoying my spawn’s breeding hole myself. I only thought you would too, after all… sex does feel good, does it not?” Chrysalis teased, thrusting herself hard into her daughter’s quivering form. Few more thrusts and she began filling the nymph beneath her with her natural lubricant, feeling her eggs push through her penis and into her daughter’s backside. The nymph moaning with pleasure as each egg entered her.

“More…” The nymph on Twilight groaned, slamming her rump down on her father’s crotch with all her might. She let out a loud squeak as she came, her fluids leaking all around the throbbing purple meat inside her.

Twilight’s eyes slowly gazed upon the quivering form of the changeling riding her, wincing from the muscles that sought her cum. Soon Chrysalis came into view with a smug smile. “Enjoying yourself?”

Twilight didn’t say a word, her focus remained on her keeping herself from climax, much to the nymph’s dismay.

“Oh, but she wants your seed, why not give it to her?” Chrysalis cooed, lying down and cradling Twilight’s head in her hooves. She smirked as Twilight fought to control her body, her green magic caressing the unicorn’s coat and teasing her into orgasm. The nymph continued to weakly ride Twilight through her orgasm, tartarus-bent on getting her father’s cum.

Twilight couldn’t take it anymore, and shot her gunk deep inside the changeling nymph in her lap, filling the smaller creature with larger quantities of her cum.

The door slammed open, light shining down onto the Chrysalis, causing her to screech in annoyance. A pink blur hopped down and picked the dazed changeling off Twilight’s crotch and pulled Twilight onto her back and ran for the stairs.

The various changelings were read for pursuit but Chrysalis stopped them. “She’s done her part for today, our heat is gone after all,” Chrysalis added. She turned to see her children giving her confused looks. “Get back to work, all of you!” She turned back to the basement door and smirked, while her subjects resumed their duties they had before the heat took over.


Ever since Pinkie rescued Twilight from Chrysalis, the purple mare had spent a good amount of time drinking whatever glass of juice, milk, or water. That was pushed in front of her by Zecora or Pinkie. “Is this all really necessary?”

“When was the last time you had anything to drink? or eat for that matter? Oh you must be starving!” Pinkie gasped rushing to the pantry to find something for Twilight.

“I… I think after I dealt with Trixie… yesterday,” Twilight uttered, a plate of fresh muffins placed in front of her.

“While we each have our need, you still need to feed,” Zecora cooed, rubbing Twilight’s back. “Now consume or this food will be a temporary doom.”

Twilight quickly nodded and took a muffin to eat, prompting a smile from the zebra.

A knock at the door made everyone tense. Trixie tentatively approached it, giving a worried glance to the others in the room, Gilda was still sleeping on the couch, Velvet stopped at the top of the stairs with a bemused look on her face. The mares in the kitchen looked as if a manticore was storming the lobby. Another set of knocks drew Trixie back to the door and she slowly opened it with her magic.

In stepped a familiar orange pegasus with a fiery orange mane and a confident smirk on her face. “Is Twilight around?” Spitfire asked, looking around the lobby.

“No, Twilight is unavailable, please leave,” Trixie stated curtly, glaring at the wonderbolt.

“Spitfire?” Velvet asked, coming down the stairs.

Spitfire turned to the white unicorn and her jaw dropped. “Wow, didn’t expect to see you again,” she giggled, the two hugged and kissed, openingly combating each other for supremacy.

Trixie was awestruck as her Alpha’s mother slowly began to overpower the athletic mare, knocking the orange pony onto her back. “Still as soft as ever,” Velvet exclaimed, licking Spitfire nose.

“I… ain’t soft, but it’s nice to see you too. What brings you here of all places?” Spitfire asked, curiously.

“I’m staying here while Nighty gets over his latest mid-life crisis,” Velvet giggled, getting off the wonderbolt and helping her up. “And yourself?”

“How do you two know each other?” Trixie asked, flabberghasted. Twilight, Pinkie, and Zecora hid in the kitchen and watched the exchange in silence.

“One at a time, ladies,” Spitfire joked. “We were in Appleloosa for a show when all the guys decided to skip town for the week, forcing us to postpone the show until after mating season. Pegasi in heat in one of the driest places in Equestria, REALLY smart on our organizer’s part. I was on my way to Manehatten to get some relief when I came upon Ponyville and remembered that there were a few… nice looking stallions to help me. After some scouting, I learned that there’s only one cock left in town and I want a piece.”

“You seem rather calm to be in heat,” Velvet asked with a coy smile.

“I’m a professional, doesn’t help that I’m always hot,” Spitfire replied, rubbing her hoof against her chest smugly.

“I’m well acquainted with that second part, not so much the first,” Velvet teased, sticking her tongue out.

“Please answer Trixie’s question,” Trixie uttered, feeling lost in the mare’s conversation, as well as a bit annoyed for not answering her question.

“Ten years ago, I met Spitfire at the gym... I was trying to keep fit for the husband after Twilight. We chatted for a bit in the sauna before… things led to another, and led back there again in Spitfire’s hotel room,” Velvet explained. In the kitchen, Twilight was ready to faint, trying to wrap her head around the idea of her mother being with so many ponies.

“Yup, that bruise you gave me on my neck didn’t fade for a week, the mark you left on my cutie mark was like ten days,” Spitfire chuckled. “Anyways, where’s Twilight?”

Velvet turned to the kitchen. “Twilight, honey. Could you come out for a second?”

Taking a deep breath, Twilight walked out of the kitchen, nervously watching Spitfire. “H-hi, Spitfire.”

“Why so nervous? I’m not gonna tackle you into the ground and rape you like those schmucks outside,” Spitfire chuckled, pulling Twilight close.

“Twilight’s had a long last few days. Why just this morning, Pinkie had to rescue Twilight from the changelings that live in the basement, the poor dear was forced to mate with how many of them?” Velvet asked, her smile faded to concern.

“Only two, a random nymph and Chrysalis, hive minds you know?” Twilight chuckled weakly.

“Explains why you smell like sex,” Spitfire chuckled, releasing Twilight. “So… wanna take this upstairs?”

Twilight remained silent, her blush betraying her. The wonderbolt took her in her orange hooves and flew up to the bedroom. Velvet and Trixie watching the door shut. “How active are you, Miss Velvet?” Trixie asked.

“Let’s just say… I have a reputation,” Velvet giggled walking to the kitchen.

Upstairs in the bedroom, Spitfire circled her prey. Twilight was dropped onto the floor the moment the door closed, she got back onto her hooves and watched Spitfire carefully. “So… are you gonna keep walking around me or are we going to do this? I still have to deal with the remainder of my herd after all.”

“That’s pretty cold, Twilight. I just wanna… size you up before we get down to it, you look pretty fit for a unicorn by the way,” Spitfire complimented, her tail brushing past Twilight’s withers.

“Uh, thanks? Some of the girls have been forcing me to do a run every few days,” Twilight replied, nervously. She kept a close eye on the pegasus, from her tight looking flanks to her wild fiery mane, while normally wind swept back, was let down with a portion of it covering her right eye.

“Good to know that you’ve been keeping yourself in shape, it definitely shows,” Spitfire cooed, sauntering up to Twilight. She wrapped her hooves around the unicorn and pulled her into a kiss, Spitfire’s tongue taking command, though after a second Twilight’s began wrestling back.

They pushed against each, trying to push the other onto the floor, causing them to tumble. Twilight landing on top of Spitfire, they stayed quiet for a second before the pegasus spread her hind legs further apart. “Shall we?”

“Umm… do we want to do this with… foreplay?” Twilight asked, nervously.

“Duh, put that tongue to good use, filly,” Spitfire chuckled. “Why would you ask such a silly question?”

“You’d be surprised how little foreplay happens during mating season,” Twilight muttered, sliding down the wonderbolt’s body and pressing her snout against the orange muff, gingerly licking the outer lips.

“Yeah… just keep working it, Twi,” Spitfire cooed, trying to force the unicorn’s head deeper into her pussy. Twilight flinched but resumed to the best she could, her tongue forcing itself into the pegasus’ depths.

Spitfire’s muscles attempting the clench Twilight’s tongue, futilely pulling the unicorn deeper into her moist tunnel. She gasped when Twilight found her sweet spot, coaxing the dickmare to attack her relentlessly.

Twilight felt Spitfire’s legs tighten around her head, her hooves keeping her snout pinned to the pegasus’ pussy. Her lungs was filled with Spitfire scent as her tongue began lapping at the wonderbolt’s marehood.

“Jeez, been reading that book four more times?” Spitfire teased, moaning as Twilight continued to attack her g-spot. Twilight grunted in response, shooting the pegasus a dirty look. “Heh… just messin with ya.”

The lavender mare’s tongue retreated from Spitfire’s warmth, sliding along the edges of her entrance and suckling her clitoris. Twilight could feel Spitfire clench her head tighter between her legs, trying to get the unicorn to sink her slippery appendage back into her wet muff. Twilight slipped back and forth between teasing Spitfire’s pleasure buzzer and her needy depths with her tongue, unable to do much else.

“Oh Luna this feels good, but I need something bigger,” Spitfire moaned, smiling widely at Twilight. The scholar nodded and pulled away from the wonderbolt, moving up her body and positioning her hard cock for Spitfire’s pussy. “Yeah, that’s what I need.”

Twilight pressed the head to Spitfire’s entrance and grunted as her penis pushed in, slowly filling Spitfire with purple dick. “So hot,” Twilight uttered, enjoying Spitfire’s tight warm tunnel.

“Fuck yeah,” Spitfire gasped, looking down at where the two mares connected lustfully. She cooed as Twilight took her time, slowly shoving her prick deeper. “Feels good to fuck somepony that just doesn’t go all out immediately.”

“Your fans?” Twilight grunted, thrusting her hips in a timely manner, slowly picking up speed. It took a bit more effort to force her medial ring into Spitfire but not too much to cause her to ram into the wonderbolt’s depths too hard.

“Most of them, yeah…” Spitfire said, her limbs hooking around Twilight’s neck tighter. “Soarin’ especially… the lug would fuck ya hard for three minutes, cum, then pass out.”

“Is that… bad?” Twilight asked, her pace building up with the tightness of the pegasus’ pussy.

“It isn’t… until you pass out and leave your partner wanting. That part is annoying,” Spitfire chuckled, hissing from the impact of Twilight’s crotch slamming into her body hard, each thrust bringing a torrent of pleasure to her entire being.

“I could… imagine,” Twilight huffed, gritting her teeth and slowing her pace down slightly.

Spitfire noticed Twilight slowing down and frowned. “We both know you’re not a one shot pony. I want it as hard as you can possible do it.”

Twilight blushed lightly and nodded, her pace going up several gears. Her hips slamming in Spitfire hard, drawing out moans and squeals of delight from the captain.

Spitfire’s walls were constricting the purple member so tightly, trying to milk Twilight of her seed. Her body shuddering from the impact of Twilight’s rutting, she winced when she felt Twilight’s cock fill her body with spunk. The unicorn groaning as she pinned her hips to the pegasus. “Well… that was quite the shot,” Spitfire moaned, feeling her own climax following behind Twilight’s.

“Sorry if it was a bit… short, I… had been forced into sex for the last few days,” Twilight grunted, her ears pinning to her head as she slowly pulled out.

“It was longer than I thought it would be,” Spitfire joked, rubbing her cooch as a small stream of cum flowed out of her. “Damn, I forgot you were a hose in the sperm department.”

Twilight chuckled nervously as she stood up, her cock still hard. “Well, are you okay?”

“Yeah, but I still want some more,” Spitfire grinned. She shifted onto her belly and stood up, walking up to the unicorn seductively.

Twilight’s face fell slightly, taking a small step back. “Uhh, I still need to find Rarity and Rainbow Dash, I should-” Twilight was quickly tackled down by the wonderbolt. Spitfire had a triumphantly smirk while trying to sandwich the purple cock between her ass cheeks.

“Aww, but I want seconds,” Spitfire cooed, positioning her rump to analy take Twilight to the hilt, slowly riding the unicorn with rough movements.

Twilight hissed from the tightness and force of Spitfire’s rump, softly thrusting back to meet the pegasus’ hips. It didn’t take long for the two mares to find a rhythm, their bodies grinding into each other faster as time went on.

Spitfire’s grin grew, her ass was full of hot dick, looking down onto the adorable face of the mare she was riding. “Fuck yes, this… is what I need. Oh Twilight… fuck me…” Spitfire moaned, her wings trying to help her move along Twilight’s rod.

The wonderbolt’s tight ring clenched and flex around the unicorn’s cock, causing Twilight to grunt when she tried to push herself back. “So… tight,” she muttered, gritting her teeth. A gasp left her lips when she felt Spitfire teasing her neck with kisses and nibbles, orange hooves pinning Twilight’s down.

“Just worry about my ass, I got the rest covered, babe,” Spitfire giggled, continuing to lick and kiss Twilight’s neck and coat while her rump rises and falls onto the scholar’s dick. “Sweet Luna, I can fuck you all day.”

Worry returned to Twilight’s mind when Spitfire said those words, her mission to help her herd with the heat. “Spitfire… how close are you?”

“Not close enough… getting there. Oh fuck I needed this,” Spitfire moaned, rising back up and arching her back. Twilight flinched again from the sudden death grip Spitfire’s anus had before it relaxed.

Twilight’s horn began to glow, it’s aura capturing Spitfire’s wings and began rippling. Spitfire’s eyes went wide, her body shook, and her mouth let out a loud moan from Twilight’s magic. Her pleasure escalating quickly from the feeling of her wings being teased all over, all the way from the base to the tips of her feathers.

Twilight softly grinned as her plan continued to work, quickly bringing Spitfire to a powerful orgasm. Her pussy leaking her juices onto Twilight’s crotch while her ass began to milk the purple cock within. With a happy grunt, Twilight joined her friend in bliss, painting Spitfire’s colon in white goop.

The wonderbolt collapsed on the scholar’s body, breathing a sigh of relief. With a smile, Twilight levitated Spitfire off of her and set her down next to the unicorn before getting up, a small deluge of cum leaking from the yellow mare’s anus.

Twilight quietly sat up to clean herself off, but she felt a pull on her tail. Another strong yank caused the unicorn to fall into Spitfire’s hooves. “You think I’d let you leave after that stunt you pulled? Oh no, we’re putting your cock and horn into overtime, hot stuff.”

Twilight’s lower lip trembled as Spitfire’s hoof began stroking her back to life and licking her horn.


Twilight limped through the alleys of Ponyville, Spitfire had decided she keep the purple mare for more than just three sessions. Even now, Twilight wasn’t sure if her dick should be in pain or constant pleasure. She saw Rainbow Dash bucking a rain cloud and flying under it, trying to ease herself with the cold water. With a smile, Twilight ran to meet with Rainbow Dash, only to be grabbed and pulled into a house.

She quickly recovered to see Bon-Bon and Lyra grinning widely above her. “Hi Twilight, how are you, doing on this lovely day?”

“Been better,” Twilight answered, shaking nervously under the couple’s intense gaze.

“How so?” Lyra asked, her wide smile making the question sound a bit creepy to Twilight.

“Been forced to mate with a wonderbolt for an hour, and getting kidnapped again to sedate some pony’s natural urges during mating season,” Twilight quickly explained, shrinking away from the couple.

“Well, I’m really happy to hear that you know what’s going to happen in the next few minutes,” Bon-Bon said happily.

“It was really obvious,” Twilight groaned. She was caught off guard by Lyra tackling her to the ground, a hoof wrapped around the growing purple dick.

“Help me get this ready, Bonnie!” Lyra exclaimed, licking on side of Twilight’s cock and suckling the head. Bon-Bon smiled softly and laid down next to Twilight’s crotch and took the opposite side, her hoof going low to prod and rub Twilight’s vaginal hole.

Twilight let out a series of moans and whimpers while Lyra and Bon-Bon suckled on her dick, their lips and tongues touching every inch of her sensitive shaft. She could feel her rod reach it’s maximum size between the two mares, Lyra’s hoof stroking the bottom of her shaft while Bon-Bon’s hoof circled her pussy outer lips.

Bon-Bon smiled as she watched her lover greedily lap and suckle their captive’s cock, trying to siphon out the purple mare’s seed. The earth pony could only giggle at Lyra’s sloppy actions while she carefully licked the sides of Twilight’s dick, preparing the scholar for the real fun.

Twilight was taken back by how eager Lyra was, she was never like this in the past. The candy maker was far more reserved than her musical friend, her eyes drifting up to see Twilight’s expressions of lust and yearning. She could feel the electricity from the two mare’s tongues rocket up her shaft, directly to her brain. She weakly moaned her approval, unable to do much else but endure Lyra and Bon-Bon’s oral expertise.

“Seems like somepony is enjoying this,” Bon-Bon teased, giving Twilight a smug look. “Like having two fillies suck your big cock, Twily?”

“Y-yes…” Twilight moaned, feeling Lyra’s enthusiastic tongue trace her glans.

“I bet you also like having somepony ride your cock all the time, don’t ya?” Bon-Bon cooed, her hooves working both of the purple mare’s sexes.

“Y-y... yes,” Twilight squeaked.

“Then why hide it? Lots of ponies would love to ride this, ya know. And I don’t just mean during Mating Season,” Bon-Bon asked, one of her hooves slowly began to push into Twilight’s marehood, but she was unable to enter.

“It… I didn’t want… ponies to think…that I was a freak,” Twilight uttered, blushing hard.

“Lyra saw your cock and didn’t think you were a freak, in fact… you fucked her for years before she met me. And your friends? Didn’t three of them jump into bed with you within a day after finding out?” Bon-Bon questioned, her other hoof stroking the purple meat quickly and with force.

Twilight remained silent, her face turning red from embarrassment.

“The whole town knows about your dick, Sparkle. And almost ALL of the single mares think about it while rubbing themselves off at night,” Bon-Bon continued, reveling in Twilight’s submissiveness.

Twilight remained silent, only thing that mattered to her was the feeling of Lyra worshipping her cock while Bon-Bon made her shrink from their talk.

Bon-Bon could feel Twilight’s cock throb and lurch in her hoof, extremely close to orgasm. Her marefriend felt this as well, wrapping her lips around the cock head in preparations for the upcoming barrage.

With a weak yet drawn out moan, Twilight laid back and force fed Lyra her cum. The first load caught the musician off guard, but the rest she eagerly accepted everything else, streams of white escaping past her lips and sliding down the erect purple pillar.

Bon-Bon showed Twilight a smirk as she leaned over and pulled Lyra off the purple rod for a kiss, the scholar’s dick splattering their faces with the last of her climax while the two swapped saliva and seed between each other.

Twilight slowly sat upright, with a dizzy expression. What greeted her was the sight that made her mind go blank for a moment. Two mares that were lightly coated with her cum, their mouths open and filled with white cream, only to audibly swallow it and show Twilight that it had disappeared. The display had the purple mare ready for another round, which pleased the two mares greatly.

“Lyra, you first,” Bon-Bon ordered. Lyra smiling widely as she took position, standing on all fours with her rump out and tail flagged, ready to be mounted.

Carefully, Twilight reared up onto Lyra’s body, and positioned her cock to enter her fellow unicorn. They both moaned as the fat purple head part the mint-green folds slowly before entering the musician. Lyra writhed underneath Twilight as her body was filled with thick pony meat, feeling the scholar’s heartbeat through the purple appendage.

Bon-Bon calmly watched as Twilight slowly began to rut her marefriend, listening to Lyra moan and gasp upon feeling the thick staff invade her marehood. Normally, this would anger Bon-Bon but she had other plans as she slid a large blue strap-on from it’s hiding place behind the couch. The blue toy was nearly a foot long, slightly longer yet not as thick as Twilight, with a smaller blue dildo sticking into the wearer, appearing to be six inches in size.

Twilight was too occupied to notice Bon-Bon walk behind her, the plush tush of Lyra keeping her attention as the velvety walls gripped and caressed her sensitive shaft. She gasped when she felt a hoof on her rump, moving her tail to the side. “Bon-Bon?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Don’t mind me, just… adding to the fun,” Bon-Bon cooed, her toy strapped firmly to her body, ready to enter the dickmare. She climbed onto Twilight’s back and slid the plastic along the scholar’s folds, letting the weakly leaking orifice lube her up for entry.

Between the fear of being penetrated again and the pleasure she received from Lyra’s vagina, Twilight forgot that she could teleport. She could only hump the musician, each thrust caused her juices to drip and slide along the blue toy poking at her cooch.

With a wide smile, Bon-Bon made a slight adjustment to her position and pushed forward, slowly spearing Twilight on her plastic shaft. The sudden entry caused the purple mare to squeak and whimper as the candy maker slid deeper into her. Twilight’s thrusts slowed, prompting Bon-Bon to take control, pushing herself to the hilt inside Twilight and in turn, pushing the purple mare into Lyra.

Twilight was stuck between Lyra’s rump and Bon-Bon’s strap-on, both her sexes being attended to. Lyra’s tight pussy suckled and massaged her cock while Bon-Bon stretched her barely used muff with a rather large toy. Unlike Lyra (or Minuette), Bon-Bon was careful, soft, and strangely forceful with her motions.

“Oh fuck, do you ever use your kitty? It’s so Celestia damned tight, Twily,” Bon-Bon grunted, having some trouble thrusting herself in and out of the purple mare.

Twilight’s face managed to turn redder than before, panting as she was unwillingly thrusting herself back and forth into Bon-Bon’s plastic cock or Lyra’s vagina. “I… I prefer to use… my penis.”

“I suppose, if I had a thing like that…” Bon-Bon panted, her hooves gripping Twilight’s sides tighter. “I’d use it all the time.”

Twilight flinched as Bon-Bon began rutting her wildly, partially guiding the scholar in and out of the musician. A gasp left her lips when she felt a hard smack against her rump. “B-Bon-Bon?”

“Right now, Twilight. You are MY bitch, your dick and pussy…” Bon-Bon gave a quick emphasis and made another hard swipe at Twilight’s rump while pulling the purple mare’s tail, thrusting hard into the dickmare. “.. belong to me. Lyra needs your cock, I need your pussy. Might as well just take it.”

Lyra let out a moan beneath the two, her orgasm began to wring Twilight of her cum. With a smirk, Bon-Bon hilted herself in Twilight, biting the purple neck before her. All the sensations Twilight felt forced her to fill Lyra’s womb with thick cum. The force and amount slightly caused Lyra’s toned belly to protrude a bit.

Bon-Bon pulled herself out with a wet ‘shlick’, smiling as Twilight collapsed on top of Lyra, her cock still buried deep inside the mint-green pony and her pussy open wide and leaking fluids. She unfastened the strap-on and pulled the scholar off her marefriend. “We’re not done yet, Twily.”

“I thought… you only wanted my… marehood?” Twilight uttered, her cock slowly deflating.

Bon-Bon had a wide grin on her face, forcing her strap-on into Twilight’s mouth while she climbed onto the unicorn’s crotch. “Now I want your dick and for you to clean my toy.”

Twilight blushed hard, tasting her sweet fluids on the blue toy. Bon-Bon’s hooves and tongue quickly making her dick hard once again. She quickly climbed onto the scholar’s crotch and slid down the thick shaft. “Yeah… that’s what I need.”

Twilight bit down on the toy, her dick being forced back into another mare. She quickly found that Bon-Bon was soft yet tighter than Lyra, but she remained in control, guiding herself along Twilight’s shaft.

Twilight also learned that Bon-Bon didn’t waste time, she bounced on the scholar’s crotch like it was the last thing she’d ever do. Her hooves pinning Twilight down while stabilizing herself during the ride, her mouth drooling as she stared into the purple mare’s eyes.

“Oh fuck… fuck me bitch,” Bon-Bon moaned, her body pounding against Twilight’s crotch hard. Gritting her teeth, Twilight’s hooves found purchase on Bon-Bon’s rump and helped the mare ride her, her cock throbbing hard inside the earth pony’s slit.

Lyra lazily turned her head to see Bon-Bon pumping Twilight’s penis for more cream with her pussy and chuckled. Her laughter stopped when she noticed Twilight’s horn glowing. “What the...?”

Bon-Bon shot a look to her marefriend in confusion, only to be forced onto her back, her hind hooves meeting her head as Twilight turned the tables on her. “What? No!” Bon-Bon cried out, struggling to get back on top, but the scholar’s magic kept her pinned.

Twilight remained silent, save for a few whimpers and moans, as she resumed rutting the candy maker’s entrance. Bon-Bon felt tighter than before, her moist nethers trying to pull Twilight deeper into her.

“I. Am. Your. Mistress!” Bon-Bon announced, trying to break free from her magical bonds. She turned to Lyra, who was watching in awe. “Lyra, help me NOW!”

Lyra hesitated but charged Twilight, only to feel her pussy twitch as something entered her. “Sorry Lyra,” Twilight uttered, giving the mint unicorn a meek smile as she rutted the tan mare harder. Lyra collapsed as the magic inside her began to vibrate against her most sensitive spots.

Bon-Bon’s ire grew as she steadily lost control of the situation, her tan muff getting dominated by the bookish mare. Her pleasure growing more powerful with every thrust Twilight made.

Twilight could feel her cock twitching madly against Bon-Bon’s walls, her orgasm was iminent. With one powerful lunge, the scholar buried herself as deep as possible, filling the earth pony with thick cream.

The liquid sloshing within her body triggered Bon-Bon’s own climax, her juices mingling with the purple mare’s seed. “Celestia… damn it,” Bon-Bon gasped, berating herself for letting a weaker pony take control.

Twilight panting hard as she released Bon-Bon, letting the mare lie on the ground with the unicorn’s sperm flowing out from her hole. Twilight gave a nervous chuckle as she released her fault. “S-sorry, Bon-Bon. I… I guess I like to be in control… in some ways, and you did kinda brought it upon yourself for pulling that toy out and using it on me.”

Bon-Bon only shot a glare at the nervous unicorn before turning to her marefriend, who let out a whinny of distress as the magic left her marehood.

“Well, if you could excuse me,” Twilight added, quickly leaving the two mares alone. Her mission quickly returned to mind.

Lyra crawled over to Bon-Bon and began cuddling her chest. “Think you got another round in you Bonnie?”

Bon-Bon let out an angry growl as she quickly pinned Lyra down. “No, you are cut off for not getting Twilight off me.”

“What? But-but…” Lyra whined. Bon-Bon released her and walked up the stairs to clean herself. The lustful musician turned to see the toy Bon-Bon used on Twilight earlier and began rubbing her chin in interest.


Twilight teleported onto the roof of a nearby building, scanning the skies for her prismatic friend. She knew calling out for the speedy pegasus would only lead to her getting captured again, thus she only searched for Rainbow while also hiding from any of the roaming mares.

Snorting in annoyance, Twilight continued to teleport from rooftop to roof top. Each teleport was met with a close encounter with a needy pegasus or no Rainbow mane in sight.

After a hour of searching, Twilight’s mood dropped and she let out a sigh. “Rainbow… where are you?”

As if summoned, Twilight was tackled by a rainbow blur. The scholar didn’t have time to recover from the shock as she was taken into the skies of Ponyville.

She was dropped onto a grassy clearing, a fair distance out of town. Above her was a blue mare with a rainbow mane, a cocky smirk on her face. “Finally found ya,” Rainbow said.

Twilight shook her head as she looked up to her speedy friend. “Rainbow? Thank goodness you’re here,” she said happily.

Rainbow gave a surprised look before returning to a sultry smile. “Can’t get enough of me, Twi?”

Twilight partially ignored her as she continued to plan her next step. “After this, I need to find Rarity and I’ll never have to-” She was cut off by a fierce kiss from Rainbow, feeling her fore leg rubbing against the unicorn’s erection.

“You talk too much, Egghead,” Rainbow Dash commented, stroking her bookish friend’s cock. She looked down to the large purple equipment with curiosity and hunger. “Did you bang someone before running into me?”

“Uhh… yeah, Mating Season you know?” Twilight chuckled awkwardly, failing to suppress her embarrassment.

Rainbow scrunched her face in annoyance, batting the purple rod with a hoof. “Is that so?”

“Rainbow?” Twilight uttered, watching the mare became angry. She began backing away but Rainbow Dash’s other hoof shot forward to stop her.

“This… is mine, Twilight,” Rainbow stated, pulling on the scholar’s dick.

Twilight gave her speedy friend a confused look. “I… beg your pardon?”

Rainbow growled and pulled on Twilight’s cock, causing the unicorn to gasp. “You’re my mare, Twi. My personal fuck buddy.”

“But… you know that I’ve had sex with others… often, right?” Twilight asked, becoming more unsettled by Rainbow’s sudden aggressiveness.

“Yeah, and you should stop doing that,” Rainbow stated, pushing the scholar down.

A thought comes to Twilight’s mind. “Are you being territorial? I have read that-” She was interrupted by a blue hoof shoved in her mouth.

“No, none of that. No sciency crap, just two mares… fucking like crazy,” Rainbow stated, positioning her pussy over the throbbing member.

Twilight watched nervously as her blue friend, teasing her by lightly rubbing those blue lips glide across the purple cock head. Her eyes glanced up to see Rainbow grinning maliciously at her, enjoying the view of the unicorn struggling.

“Now… to remind you that you belong…” Rainbow said, spearing herself hard on Twilight’s dick. “To ME!”

Twilight let out a hard moan, only to feel Rainbow’s hooves held her tightly to the blue coat. Her eyes shot open when she felt Rainbow’s tongue on her horn, causing her to gasp as the pleasure raced to her brain and overloaded her senses.

Rainbow released Twilight’s horn and giggled, her hips dropping down hard onto the unicorn’s crotch. “Loving this action, Twi?”

“Rain… bow,” Twilight grunted, wincing from the constant pounding of the pegasus’ hips against hers. Her eyes clenched shut as she was forced to endure the speedster’s onslaught.

“Fuck, you feel so Celestia damned good inside me. Bet you love feeling my hot hole all over your thick cock,” Rainbow teased, stopping to grind against Twilight’s base. Her hooves digging into the unicorn’s coat.

Twilight weakly opened her eyes, watching Rainbow Dash grin sadistically at her. “Rainbow… you’re being… a bit rough.”

“Gotta be,” Rainbow said, arching over the scholar’s form while thrusting her hips onto Twilight’s cock. “Gotta teach you who you and your dick belongs to.”

“It’s… starting… to hurt,” Twilight cried, her crotch burning from the speedster’s rough mating.

“Get used to it, we’ll be at this for awhile,” Rainbow giggled, petting Twilight’s mane in the midst of her riding. She hissed in pleasure as she forced Twilight’s member to fill her, each thrust brushing against her sweet spot. Twilight’s light blush and adorable pout was more than enough to keep Rainbow going for some time.

Despite the growing discomfort in her rump, Twilight’s penis throbbed and twitched inside Rainbow’s slit. She needed to find a way to gain control over the situation before things got out of hoof.

Rainbow quickly saw the glow of Twilight’s horn and darted forward, capturing it with her lips. The sudden feeling caused Twilight to moan, cancelling her spell. With a smirk, Rainbow began sucking the unicorn’s horn as hard as possible, feeling the grooves on her lips and tongue.

Twilight couldn’t endure anymore. With a loud groan, her cock began to spew it’s load deep inside Rainbow, coating her tunnel and womb in white cream. The volume of Twilight’s blasts inflated the pegasus’ womb slightly, the output dwindling down to nothing after a few moments. Despite Twilight’s orgasm, Rainbow continued her harsh riding, ignoring the white streaks of cum leaving her muff and trailing down the scholar’s cock.

“Already Twilight? Thought for sure you were tougher than that,” Rainbow teased, bouncing harder than before; her walls constricting the purple rod tighter. Some number of thrusts later, she leaned down and hissed, “I’m just getting warmed up.”

“Gah! Rainbow… please,” Twilight pleaded, desperate as her body was suddenly too weak to push Rainbow Dash off. The pegasus has proven to move faster than her magic could focus after such a long list of exhaustive actions, all she could do was continue to endure the pegasus’ lust.

“Nope not yet… I wanna ride this all day, I want it all!” Rainbow rasped possessively, slamming her crotch down onto Twilight’s. Beads of sweat collected under her mane’s rakish style.

Twilight’s member’s newfound sensitivity after cumming didn’t spare her any favors. Rainbow’s pussy clenched her greedily, trying to wring out another orgasm from the unicorn. Twilight laid back, gasping from the speedster’s rough mating.

Rainbow repeatedly groaned, somewhere in the lust, the word “yes” surfaced as a common theme, all while she dropped herself down in a animalistic rhythm, her orgasm coming extremely close. She could feel herself leaking fluids onto Twilight’s coat, along with the remnants of the scholar’s spunk from earlier. Her rear legs spasmed from the rush of various endorphins, shifting her slit from side to side. The purple prodigy stifled a light gasp.

Twilight flinched when she felt Rainbow slam down hard and finally -finally- remained still, moaning in benevolent abandon as climax shook the pegasus. “Th-Thank goodness,” Twilight happily sighed, the pegasus on her lap, relaxing her muscles. She didn’t have long to rest before Rainbow began moving again, regaining her previous momentum. Twilight grit her teeth and began to place effort behind her attempts to escape. She pressed both hooves into whatever seemed to be closest, Dash’s barrel, shuddering weakly under the assault.

“Sit tight, Twi. I’m gonna ride you till morning, I’m going to drain you of all your mare cream. Everything about you… is mine, all mine,” Rainbow declared, her grin growing as she rode the unicorn harder.

Twilight winced from the constant pressure on her crotch, but the glorious tightness of the pegasus’ pussy kept her hard despite the pain in the rest of her crotch area. She gasped when she felt Rainbow’s tail whipped her rump.

“Yeah, fuck me. Fuck me stud!” Rainbow ordered, her eyes screwed shut. Hooves pressed into Twilight’s body to keep her steady, she giggled, sighed and generally made sounds that correlated with being pleased with herself. Body trembling from the purple dick filling her entrance completely, sliding across her walls quickly and powerfully, she pressed on evermore, faster and faster.

“Rainbow… I need rest,” Twilight groaned, her breath becoming more ragged as time passed, drowned out entirely by the rapid ‘shlick-shlick-shlick’ of the pegasus’ ministrations. She let out a squeak when Rainbow’ hooves held her head and began fellating her horn once again, this time the pegasus was intent on not letting go. Twilight’s back arched, twitching spasms running down the length of her body as she gasped.

Rainbow’s eyes rolled back as the sensitized unicorn beneath her came again, filling her snatch with yet more thick spunk. Her riding became more needy and more forceful, grinding, bouncing and thrusting in a needy beat that quickly turned the skin of Twilight’s crotch red from the relentless assault.

Twilight’s vision blurred hazily, as Rainbow attempted to force her into another orgasm. She looked past the mess of Rainbow’s mane to see the starry sky. Rainbow ceaselessly tongued against the unicorn’s horn keeping her awake and hard while Rainbow’s pussy gobbled up everything her dick could offer.

The prismatic proprietor again clenched up as her own climax was met, pausing for a moment and giving the unicorn some rest before the speedster began riding again. The soft caresses of Rainbow’s hooves in her mane... saliva sliding down her horn...

Twilight’s eyes became heavy, her body commiting to an emergency shutdown, unable to keep up with Rainbow’s sexual demands, she passed out.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Day Four

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- Berrylight/TwiGate Punch [Futa/F, eventual Futa/F/Futa, oral, vaginal, anal, double penetration, hints of voyerism]
- Cloudtwitter [Futa/F/F, drug, vaginal, cunnilingus, double dicking, masturbation, public display]
- Twida [Futa/F, oral, vaginal, magic anal]
- Octalight [Futa/F, eventual Futa/F/F, vaginal, rough, oral, magical toys, facial]

~Day Four~

Twilight awoke in a daze, the sun was nearly at its apex, indicating that it was still morning.

When she tried to move, she felt the unconscious Rainbow Dash on top of her, sleeping soundly. The scholar quickly noticed that her legs felt sore, merely moving them felt irritating. She used her fore-hooves to push Rainbow off of her, releasing her penis from the overstuffed prison.

Twilight’s face became red when she noticed the slight bulge in Rainbow’s belly, and a river of white cream leaving her pussy since their detachment. The speedster grunted in annoyance from the lack of plug in her slit but eventually calmed down, happily cuddling into the grass.

“Uggh… note to self, Rainbow Dash is first… and bring Gilda,” Twilight groaned. she tried to stand up but her hind legs were too weak, ultimately collapsing onto her side.


Twilight’s entire body froze upon hearing the voice of a mare, her body still recovering from Rainbow Dash. “I’m sorry, but… I’m a bit winded to do anything… also my crotch hurts so much.”

Despite Twilight’s protests, the mare heaved the scholar onto her back and began to walk away from the sleeping speedster. “Let’s get you somewhere safe before we do anything.”

Twilight winced as her overused cock rubbed against the dark purple body of the mare. She turned her head and gave a weak mewl. “Berry? Please tell me you’re not gonna-”

“I have Minuette, remember? Plus, you are in no condition for sex. We’ll go back to my place, get you something to eat, then we can… figure it out from there,” Berry said, trying to keep her eyes open for any other mares.

They made it to Berry’s tavern with little incident, the bartender seated Twilight next to Ruby Pinch, who was happily eating cereal. The older unicorn was using her hooves to press a bag of ice to her crotch, the cold numbing the pain inflicted to it from last night’s assault. “Why is Miss Twilight here, Mommy?” Ruby asked.

“If Mommy’s medicine works, then she’ll be helping mommy in her room,” Berry answered, giving Twilight a cup of unknown liquids.

“Like how Miss Colgate helped you everyday for this week?” Ruby asked again, with a quizzical look.

“Precisely, babe. Now Twilight, let me know if it works, I’ll be right back with some breakfast for you,” Berry said with a light smile.

Twilight returned it with a nervous grin, as Berry walked out of the room. She turned to the cup in confusion before looking to Ruby. “You seem… oddly knowledgeable about your mother’s… actions, what exactly is this stuff?”

“Well, Mommy says that it’s okay for me to know, so long as I don’t do anything until I know I’m perfectly ready. Except for Birds and Bees fun, she says I should wait until I’m eighteen and with a pony I really like. That stuff she gives to Miss Colgate all the time during crazy mare week; every time she drinks it, she gets happier and less dead-looking, a lot like how you look right now, Miss Twilight,” Ruby explained.

Twilight gave the filly a smile before putting the glass of unknown-yet-safe-according-to-Ruby liquid to her lips, letting the rather fruity texture slide down her throat and into her gut.

Just as Ruby said, Twilight felt fine again. Her crotch and legs no longer hurt, and as per the persistent miracle of the situation, she felt very suddenly awake and active. “Wow, how… this stuff is amazing,” she sputtered and licked her lips, feeling another nigh addictive jolt run through her muscles and skull.

“I sure hope it is, the mares of my family have been using it to bed their mates for years until they got too old to feel the heat” Berry said, placing a tray of muffins and fruits onto the table. Ruby quickly snatched a chocolate chip muffin and a bowl of various melons, strawberries, and cantaloupe while Twilight helped herself to a carrot muffin and a smaller portion of fruit.

“I’m just… baffled by how potent this is, there has to be more to it,” Twilight added, licking her lips.

“Well, it’s a old potion recipe my great-great-great-great-grandmother got from a old Zebra alchemist. It’s designed to revitalize ponies, greatly reduce pain and discomfort, and forces them into a rut if they happen to dangle,” Berry said happily.

Twilight’s face fell into annoyance upon hearing that last line. Ruby was more confused by it though. “Rut is like heat for colts, right Mommy?”

“That’s right, honey. The rut itself is super temporary though, one strong orgasm and you won’t feel the need to pound pussy anymore. But it works to get you back onto your hooves after something as rough as whatever Rainbow Dash put you through,” Berry continued.

“Wait… Ruby says you use this on Minuette all the time, but wasn’t the first time we… mated the first time she ever actually used her penis?” Twilight asked, rubbing her chin.

“Outside of mating season, Minuette would rather suck and catch than pitch, but trust me… her cock gets a real workout during this time… only by me though,” Berry replied, taking a watermelon cube into her mouth.

Twilight pouted as a audible thunk hit the table from below, as well as the sound of a bag hitting the ground. Berry giggled while Ruby gave Twilight a confused look and looked under. “Hey, Miss Colgate has that too! But yours is way bigger… and it’s purple! Why is Miss Twilight’s way bigger than Miss Colgate’s?”

“There are a lot of possible reasons why Twilight is bigger than Colgate, babe. Don’t worry too much about it,” Berry cooed, flashing her daughter a warm smile, then turned back to Twilight. “So… need help with that, or you planning on heading out to fight off mares that can smell your hard shaft from Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Is that a really appropriate thing to say in the presence of your child, Berry?” Twilight questioned, giving Ruby a nervous glance.

“Mommy talks like that to Miss Colgate and her stallion friends all the time, don’t worry. I know what they’re doing and it’s only fun if you're an adult… because if I try that a younger age, a stallion might split me in half and make me bleed all over if I try the same thing,” Ruby happily exclaimed, causing Twilight some discomfort on several levels, none of which she was entirely okay with.

“You get used to it,” Berry giggled, only adding to Twilight’s irritation. “Now, back to my question.”

Twilight sighed, glancing back and forth between her hard cock and the eager Berry Punch with a bitter-if-half-baked deadpan.

It didn’t take long until the two mares entered Berry’s bedroom, the bartender hopping onto Twilight’s body as the two kissed and sucked the other’s lips. The impromptu making out ended with Twilight landing on top of Berry, the earth mare giving her unicorn friend a sultry look. “Get me nice and ready.”

Twilight nodded and slipped past Berry’s navel, pressing her hoof to the moist opening, she arched a brow as a faint white liquid oozed from it. “I take it Minuette was here?”

“Before I found you actually, we fucked for awhile. Hope you don’t mind,” Berry cooed, rubbing her vulva.

Twilight found it mildly annoying but, it didn’t truly matter to the purple unicorn. She began licking the opening, collecting Minuette’s cum and Berry’s juices on her tongue as the hot tunnel opened, hoping that the unicorn would penetrate it.

Berry cooed, Twilight might not be as good as Minuette in oral skills, but she needed to be ready for a bigger cock. She felt the lavender mare’s tongue touch her insides, trying to find her sweet spot. She could already imagine Twilight’s cock spreading her walls, filling her completely while the scholar lapped at her marehood. “Fuck it, just stick it in me!”

Caught off guard, Twilight nodded and climbed onto the bed, straddling the bartender beneath her. Using her magic, Twilight positioned her cock at Berry’s welcoming hole and pushed forward, spearing the mare in one swift thrust.

Berry moaned loudly into Twilight’s ear, her legs locking around the purple mare’s body as the bookish mare began to move, slowly rocking her hips into the pink mare. “Oh fuck, harder!”

Twilight grunted in confirmation, thrusting harder into Berry’s snatch, building up a steady pace of moans, grunts, and flesh hitting flesh. Compared to the rough sex she had with Rainbow, Berry letting the scholar do as she pleased was utter bliss. She refrained from going too fast, keeping a steady, yet powerful pace that pleased the earth mare beneath her immensely.

“Oh yeah, fuck me. Give me your cock,” Berry moaned, biting onto Twilight’s shoulders. “Hope you don’t mind… heat makes me want to bite my mates.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, shuddering as she felt Berry’s teeth sink into her shoulder, she could feel her leave a mark before making a new one on same shoulder, being careful not to draw blood as she left hickies along the unicorn’s body.

She could taste Twilight’s sweat on her coat, she could feel the purple spear lance her insides over and over again. Each thrust tickled her g-spot, causing her to quiver in response.

“You’re… really clenching me, Berry,” Twilight groaned, thrusting harder into the bartender.

“It’s… been a while since I’ve had such a big cock,” Berry whimpered. “Minuette’s mouth is heavenly, but sometimes a mare needs something bigger.”

Twilight blushed lightly, feeling both pride and shame for being compared to Minuette. She gasped when she felt Berry’s teeth on her nose, giving the scholar a teasing bite on the muzzle. “If you plan on biting everything, I’m gonna have to feel sorry for Minuette.”

“Trust me, hun. Minuette actually likes getting bitten, especially...” Berry cooed, turning Twilight’s head so she may get at the unicorn’s ear. “When I nibble her ears, did you know these are pretty sensitive to the touch?”

Twilight let out a mewl when she felt Berry’s teeth, gently massaging the tip of her ear, causing one of her hind legs to kick in response to the delicate touch. She shivered as Berry’s pussy massaged her cock while her mouth toyed with her ear.

Hearing the scholar let out such adorable mewls and groans made Berry smile grow, her desire to tease the purple mare growing stronger like the thick unicorn cock inside her. Twilight rump pounding her harder the longer she teased the bookish mare’s body.

Minuette walked into the room, her eyes going wide as she witnessed the scene before her. “Twilight? Berry?”

“Colgate, come join us,” Berry cooed, beckoning the blue unicorn closer.

Not wanting another situation with Bon-Bon, Twilight swapped positions with Berry. The bartender now riding the scholar’s cock while the purple mare’s hooves spread the earth mare’s cheeks apart. “I hope you don’t mind, Berry,” Twilight uttered, blushing lightly.

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t like getting fucked, be thankful that I actually liked getting fucked up the ass by you girls,” Berry giggled, slapping her flank and shooting a seductive look to the clockmaker.

Minuette swallowed her breath and approached, climbing onto the bed and behind Berry. The bartender’s tail moved to the side for the blue unicorn to enter her. Minuette may not be as big as Twilight, but she knew that Berry’s ass will be a tight fit around her. Pressing her dark blue shaft to the puckered star and pushing forward.

Berry shivered in pleasure as Minuette penetrated her ass, the toothpaste-maned unicorn’s cock sliding in deep while she rode Twilight. “Oh fuck, this is what I’m talking about!” She cheered, grinding her flanks against the bookish mare’s crotch.

“Wow, Twilight. We’re not even in the same hole and I can feel you throbbing next to me,” Minuette gasped, slamming herself to the hilt inside her earth pony friend.

“Yeah, Berry’s heating up down there,” Twilight grunted, her hooves tightening their grip on Berry’s haunches. "Her grip is... so strong.”

Berry’s tongue lolled out of her mouth, Minuette’s enthusiasm at her rump combined with Twilight’s hard and powerful thrusts caused her body to shudder and shake from the constant pleasure. She quickly leaned down and began biting Twilight’s shoulder once again, causing multiple marks to appear. “Oh fuck, HARDER!” Berry scream before returning to sink her teeth into the scholar.

Twilight cried out, her cock firing its essence deep into Berry Punch. The moment she felt it happen, she could feel the earth pony’s walls began their work of sucking up as much of the white cream as possible. Berry’s teeth clenching harder into Twilight`s body from the scholar’s output forcing her to climax, her body only rising and falling down the purple shaft from Minuette’s frenzied rutting.

While her rump hopped along Twilight’s crotch, she dipped a hoof down between her legs, scooping up some of the purple mare’s cum as it dripped from her overstuffed pussy. “Minuette, could you… lick this?” Berry asked, still recovering from her orgasm. Minuette saw the white cream and eagerly lapped it up, the thick liquid sliding down her throat triggering her own ejaculation, filling Berry with several forceful blasts of cum.

Exhausted, Berry managed to escape the two mares and laid on the floor, her legs spread open as unicorn cum leaked from both her rear holes. “Damn, that was wild.”

Twilight let out a nervous chuckle while Minuette blushed hard. “I… I think I’ll go wash up… again,” she said, excusing herself.

“Here… I’ll join you, Colgate,” Berry exclaimed, weakling standing on her legs.

“Uhh, Berry. Can I ask you a favor?” Twilight asked, shifting back onto her hooves and walking closer to the bartender.

Berry was perplexed but after what just happened, she was more than okay to grant the bookish mare a favor. “Oh, what do ya need?”

Twilight’s blush reddened as she said “Do you have anymore of that sexual vitality brew? I’m gonna need it.”

They walked out of the room to find Berry’s stash of revitalization brews when Twilight felt a wet spot under her hoof by the bedroom door, she frowned slightly but ignored it. Little did they know, Ruby was in her room, working on her short film that showed her mother getting rutted by two dick mares. “Boy, I’m gonna be so ready for when I’m old enough to masturbate!” Ruby said, placing the recordings under her bed for safe keeping.


Twilight walked down Ponyville, in her saddlebags (which she quickly teleported home to grab) was several cases of Berry’s special mixture. She knew she’d need them to get through the rest of the week in relative ease.

She was immediately snatched by two light purple blurs, as she was taken into the air. She felt her body stop and simply dropped onto a roof, circling above her were two familiar twins of the weather team. The mere sight of Cloudchaser and Flitter groping the unicorn with their eyes made Twilight quickly uncork and drink a bottle to prepare for the inevitable.

“Hey Twilight? How's it hanging?” Cloudchaser giggled, landing directly behind the bookish mare as she got up.

“Upright and waiting for some hot pussy, I hope,” Flitter chuckled, landing in front of Twilight.

Twilight laughed nervously, keeping a careful eye on both mares, feeling the potion's effects keeping her alert and ready for anything, including the exact thing the weather twins had in mind.

“What’s with the potion, Twilight? Can’t keep it up for mares anymore?” Cloud chaser teased, taking a potion out of Twilight’s saddle bag.

“Well, you see… being one of the few stallion-eque ponies in Ponyville is really tough, ya know?” Twilight uttered, chuckling as she did.

Cloud popped the cork and her eyes went wide as the familiar scent entered her lungs. “This is Berry’s… and you took one already?”

“Yes… is that a problem?” Twilight asked, confused.

“One is enough, two is if you are preparing to walk into a orgy, but a third… will pretty much make this day so much better for me and Flitter,” Cloudchaser giggled, she tackled Twilight down and went to fill the unicorn with the elixir. She was surprised by how little the scholar struggled and easily forced her prey to consume the brew. Flitter had another bottle and spilled it down their captive's throat.

Twilight began hacking, trying to get air back into her lungs when she felt a pull in her loins and a strange shock in her skull. “W-what’s happening to me?”

“Taking a third bottle of Berry’s sex brew will pretty much make you want sex for a while, Flitter found that out the hard way,” Cloudchaser giggled.

“My butt was so sore after that, I should have never went drinking with Bon-Bon and Cloud Kicker,” Flitter said, laughing as her night of getting rutted by two mares with strap-ons came to her mind.

As the surge dwindled, the scent of two needy mares filled Twilight’s nostrils. She could feel her dick becoming erect from the smell alone, begging Twilight to pound both these mares. “I think I- uhh…” Twilight train of thought derailed when she turned to see Cloudchaser’s rump pointed at her, tail raised like a flag and her muff dripping in anticipation.

“Well what are-SHIT” Cloudchaser’s front collapsed the moment she felt the unicorn at her back, filling her hot passage with thick purple meat, the sheer force made the scholar feel bigger than she did the day she popped Thunderlane’s black cherry.

Flitter watched, a hoof on her pussy and rubbing furiously as Twilight rutted her sister into the roof, the dark purple rod spreading the light purple folds wide, the sounds of Cloudchaser’s screams, Twilight’s grunts, and flesh slapping against flesh being rather audible to the bow-wearing twin. “Oh my goodness, and I get a piece of this too?” Flitter said excitedly, her wings stood erect on her back, almost painfully so.

Twilight ignored everything that wasn’t Cloudchaser’s pussy wrapped around her dick, its velvety walls, gripping and massaging her cock, desperately trying to keep the unicorn sheathed in. She could barely hear the spiky-maned twin moan and beg for more. She wrapped Cloudchaser’s tail around her hoof and pulled, causing an excited squeal to leave her current mate.

She could feel the bookish mare wreck her backside, slamming home with every thrust. The powerful throbbing tool pressing against her insides, making her whimper like a schoolfilly. Her eyes opened slightly to see her sister hoof fucking herself, her lower lip strained by her front teeth. “F-Fli...tter, come and- ah! Join us.”

Flitter quickly ran over but was levitated off the ground, her pussy forced to grind against Twilight’s snout, she felt the unicorn’s tongue and magic tease and probe her entrance, feeling far better than her hoof. Electricity coursed through her spine as the scholar tongue fucked her.

Twilight pulled Cloud onto her lap and laid back, forcing both sisters to ride her, one grinding her wet pussy against Twilight’s mouth while the other bobbed her body on top of the purple prick.

“Oh fuck, her tongue… so good,” Flitter moaned, pressing her rump harder into Twilight’s face, the unicorn continued to lick and lap at the inside of the moist passage while her magic electrified the mare’s insides. “Cloudy, my pussy feels like it’s on fire.”

“Her cock is so big, she’s filling me up!” Cloudchaser moaned, arching her back and giving her sister a good view of the connected ponies. “I can just barely feel her tap deep inside me.”

“Cloudy… this, just all this… so fucking hot,” Flitter cried, she shot forward and pulled her twin into a deep kiss. It was all that took for Cloudchaser before she came on Twilight’s rod and crotch, her juices leaking onto the purple coat beneath her.

Twilight felt Cloudchaser climax on her pole but powered through it, using her magic to help the mare on her ride as her own hasty orgasm came closer. Her tongue wildly assaulting Flitter’s g-spot, the taste of morning dew and blackberries danced on her tastebuds. Flitter’s marehood began to quiver and twitch, Twilight braced herself for the other twin’s orgasm.

Like a bolt of lightning, Flitter’s juices splashed Twilight’s tongue. The ribbon-wearing twin moaning into her sister’s mouth at the time it happened. “Is… is it my turn?” Flitter asked weakly, her cooch still rubbing into Twilight’s mouth.

“Twilight… hasn’t cum yet, I want to get filled first,” Cloudchaser cooed, she gasped when she felt Twilight’s hooves holding her legs and forcing her down the purple shaft, the scholar’s hips thrusting in time with Cloudchaser’s decent. A few minutes later and Twilight groaned into Flitter’s crotch, filling the spiky-maned twin with so much spooge that her stomach inflated very slightly. “Oh… there it goes- fuck that was intense.”

Flitter nodded and looked up to see the time, her eyes going wide form the realization. “I think that went super fast, but it still felt amazing.”

“You still have your turn, sis,” Cloud cooed, staggering off of Twilight hard shaft, and falling onto her side. Flitter would have been ecstatic to hear that but she was bowled over onto her back. A straight-faced Twilight, dripping with sweat, held her legs while shifting into position to fuck Flitter. “Oh hoho, somepony really needs it.”

“That makes two of us, fuck me Sparkle!” Flitter said excitedly. She immediately felt the unicorn spear her folds to the hilt, making her scream in pleasure from the slick yet rough entry.

Twilight moved automatically, ignoring her mind’s protests. Her sole focus was on Flitter and her marehood, staring into the moaning pegasus’ eyes as if in a trance. The ribbon-wearing twin’s slit constricting the scholar’s rod with every motion. The constant action causing Twilight to pant, sweat forming on her coat.

Cloudchaser watched with a silly grin as her sister got rutted by the town egghead, the moaning twin shivering as Twilight slammed in deep with every thrust. Her own hoof was damp with the moisture from rubbing herself, leaking her juices and Twilight’s most recent orgasm onto the roof.

“Oh fuck, fuck me… fucking fuck,” Flitter stuttered, her legs latching around the purple mare, urging her to rut harder. “Come on, big girl. Give it to me, just fucking do me!”

Despite the absence of most self-control, Twilight let out a growl of approval and tried her best to pound Flitter into the building. Grunting with satisfaction upon feeling Flitter’s pussy clenching her rod, barely tickling the cervix with every thrust. She could feel ribbon-maned twin writhe underneath her, moaning Twilight’s name, her limbs tightening around the scholar’s body.

A sudden squeal of delight signaled Flitter’s climax, creaming herself over Twilight’s hard shaft, but the dickmare didn’t stop, she continued to ram her cock deep into Flitter, trying to obtain her own release.

“Sweet Celestia, look at her go,” Cloudchaser cooed, drooling slightly from watching Twilight relentlessly pound her sister.

Twilight halted, her shaft buried deep inside Flitter. She let out a grunt as her seed spilled into the pegasus’ womb, keeping her willing mate pinned under her weight as she filled the mare. She stared deep into Flitter’s half-slitted eyes, breathing heavily under the exertion as she watched the ribbon-maned pegasus quiver with pleasure.

With a wet pop, Twilight pulled herself out, dragging a fair amount of her own cum with her. She shook her head slightly, slowly regaining her senses, but not enough for her to not demand more pleasure. “Cloudchaser… lie on your sister.”

Cloudchaser gave a curious look to Twilight, but she did what she was asked, rubbing her wet pussy against her sisters once she took Twilight’s previous position. “How was she, sis?”

“Remind me again why I don’t have a coltfriend?” Flitter giggled lightly, still somewhat dazed from her release.

Cloudchaser only laughed but it was cut short as she felt the unicorn grip her sides from behind, the oddly strong hooves gripping her backside tightly while a familiar length poked her pussy. “Wanna fuck us both at the same time, should have said so,” Cloudchaser sang, wiggling her rump enticingly.

They didn’t hear Twilight answer, they were too busy giggling to themselves to notice the pale purple light from behind. Flitter felt Twilight press into her marehood, easily penetrating her again. “AH! S-save some for Cloudy,” she chuckled, cooing form the re-entry of the thick dick.

Cloudchaser gave a harsh moan as she was penetrated as well. “Fuck, Twilight. No wonder you got a herd.”

Flitter gave her sister a confused look, she tried to figure out what exactly Twilight planned on doing to the twins. Her jaw dropped and eyes lit up when she saw two equally hard, equally thick cocks fucking both mares, the unicorn slamming into them both hard and fast, filling each sister with a hard cock.

“What’s- ah- up, sis?” Cloudchaser asked, panting from Twilight’s hard rutting.

“She grew another dick! Oh fuck, she’s fucking us both! Fuck fuck fuck, fucking unicorns and their fucking sexy magic,” Flitter screamed, her body arching into her sibling’s.

Cloudchaser’s eyes went wide and turned to see a pair of thick purple girths attached to Twilight’s crotch and invading both pegasi’ depths. “Sweet Celestia…” she gasped, flinching when she felt the hard member press against a tender part of her insides.

In the midst of Twilight rutting both mares as hard as her body would allow, slamming her crotch into both mares though Cloudchaser would squeal then Flitter would gasp from the motion. Twilight deduced that the twins were exactly the same; they were just as tight, just as hot, just as slutty and in need of purple cock as their sibling, the only difference was that Flitter was a louder lover and Cloudchaser was more quiet. Each slap of her hips would make Cloudchaser whimper while Flitter would say the word ‘fuck’ at least once while demanding that Twilight fuck her harder.

Unbeknownst to them, a few pegasi mares noticed this and began to rub their marehoods, enjoying the scene of Twilight mating with both weather sisters at the same time. Some of them had noticed the others and began making out with them, all to the sight of Ponyville’s librarian dickmare fucking twins.

Twilight and the twins didn’t notice their audience, too wrapped up in their own lust to pay heed. The scholar watching Cloudchaser’s ass jiggle with every thrust, listening to both pegasi moan and scream her name, the feeling of their pussy’s greedily sucking her cocks into their warm depths, their walls trying to coax more of Twilight’s spunk out.

A moment later and Twilight let out a triumphant cry, filling the twins once again. Her cock blocking the only passage out and forcing the torrent of cum to inflate their wombs. The force of the scholar’s orgasm forced Cloudchaser and Flitter to moan in unison, their pussies twitching and throbbing around the mare meat inside them.

Feeling more like herself, Twilight pulled out and dismissed her second dick. “Okay, that was… something, my head still feels weird though.”

While Flitter cuddled into her sister’s chest, Cloudchaser giggled. “That must mean… that the potion is still effecting you… and we seemed to have brought… a crowd.”

Twilight stood still, glancing around her to see dozens of pegasi mares, rubbing themselves, making out with each other, or eyeing her still hard cock. “Oh, this won’t end well.”


Gilda flew around Ponyville, searching for her alpha. Twilight didn’t return to the library after her search, which probably meant Twilight was abducted again.

It didn’t take long to find a small purple unicorn running for dear life from a stampede of pegasi. With a glare, Gilda swooped down and snatched Twilight from the lust-driven mares, carrying her back to the library as fast as she could. “I got ya, Twi.”

“G-Gilda? Oh thank the Princesses,” Twilight sighed in relief, letting her savior fly her home.

“Who grabbed you this time?” Gilda asked, landing on the library’s balcony and letting her cargo touch the floor.

“Lyra and Bon-Bon, then Rainbow Dash rode me until we passed out, then Berry took me home and helped me out… not before asking me to help her out. Then I asked her to give me these drinks that revitalize me when I’m feeling weak. Cloudchaser and Flitter found me, I decided to use one of them, and when they found out, they forced two down my throat. Then we had sex, and because of the side-effects of the elixir make me… kinda horny, and… I’m... hehehe,” Twilight chuckled nervously.

“You… are still horny?” Gilda asked, keeping her face as straight as possible. Twilight gave a weak nod, prompting the griffon to smile. “I can help with that.”

“I hope you don’t mind, I know I could have just tried to get rid of it with the small army chasing me but… I’d rather do this with those that I love deeply,” Twilight uttered, letting out a sigh.

“Nah, it’s fine. About time I got some of your dick,” Gilda exclaimed, pulling Twilight onto her hindlegs, a claw finding its way around the hard purple shaft.

Twilight squeaked as Gilda whisked her off her hooves and carried her into the bedroom. “Far better than… those crazy mares outside.”

“If they even think about interrupting us, I’ll whoop them. You never want to mess with a griffon that is trying to get laid,” Gilda laughed, tossing her purple lover onto the bed. Licking her lips as Twilight laid back, her limbs failing to cover her penis. “Let’s take a good look at that piece of meat.”

Blushing hard, Twilight separated her hind legs, hiding her face with her fore-limbs. Gilda leaned down, pressing her beak against the side of the heavy rod, taking a deep breath of her alpha’s musk. Twilight let out a squeak when she felt the narrow tongue caress her sensitive member. “C-careful. I’m… still a bit weak there.”

“Feels strong to me,” Gilda commented, stroking Twilight’s cock. Giggling while she watched Twilight wince form the contact. “Man, you better have lots in ya after this because… you won’t last that long with me if you're turning to putty now.”

Twilight tried to pout but found it difficult as the griffon stroked her faster, her pre-cum lubing up the scaly talons.

“You're like a fountain up here,” Gilda remarked, admiring the steady creation of pre-cum forming at Twilight’s urethra, licking her fingers to admire the taste. “The new diet’s been doing you good. Can’t wait till we add some meat to it.”

“And- gah! Traumatize Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, whimpering from her strangely arousing talonjob.

“We’ll use fish, not any of those woodland critters that she takes care of, it’ll be fine,” Gilda reassured, waving the complaint off. She gave the purple head a lick before slowly stuffing Twilight’s cock into her beak.

Unable to determine how Gilda does it, but Twilight quickly learned that the beak was far from the danger that she originally feared, she felt it trace the veins of her cock delicately, while the pointed tongue rubbed the underside of the girthy shaft. Her hooves flailing to pull the bed covers while her sexy eagle-lion gave her one heck of a blowjob.

It didn’t take long for Gilda to start bobbing her head along the purple dick, feeling its head press against the back of her throat for a moment before retreating to her tongue for more teasing.

“Gilda…” Twilight moaned, writhing form the attention she received. Considering she was still riding off the high of her encounter with Cloudchaser and Flitter, Twilight fought tooth and hoof to not immediately surprise Gilda with a blast of protein.

The griffon released her prey’s cock and chuckled. “Twilight, I can feel you struggling not to cum. Your dick is twitching and throbbing in my hot mouth and strong talons.”

Twilight’s face managed to reach a new level of red, her eyes closed tightly as Gilda continued to fellate her. Her body begged for release, and was quickly overpowering the unicorn’s will.

“GILDA!” Twilight screamed, her hooves forcing the rest of her cock down Gilda’s throat, forcing every ounce of seed to flow directly down the throat. The sudden shift caused Gilda to struggle, trying to pull herself off her alpha’s dick.

Over time, Twilight eased her grip and Gilda broke free, gagging on air as she regained her breath, spitting up cum as she did. “Damn… that was strong.”

“I’m so sorry, Gilda. It was feeling really good, and I… it had to come out somehow and I need it so bad,” Twilight pleaded, tears starting to form in her eyes.

“It’s- ack- fine, give me a sec,” Gilda coughed, trying to clear her throat. “Your dick is a bit big for me to deep throat.”

Twilight chuckled awkwardly, she fell back on all fours, and circled Gilda as the larger female stood back up. Gilda smirked and pulled the unicorn into a kiss, their tongues struggling against each other. “So… how shall we make love?” Twilight asked.

“Just fuck me, pony,” Gilda cooed, lying back as Twilight positioned herself. The unicorn felt her cock press against the griffon’s warmth, slowly pushing into the brown furred entrance.

Twilight grunted as she sunk herself to the ring inside of her griffon mate. “As… hot as ever, Gilda.”

Gilda cooed softly as Twilight began to fuck her softly, pulling her shaft out before forcing it back, deeper than the previous thrust. “Definitely beats… talonbanging ponies for three days.”

“I… bet,” Twilight moaned, slamming her crotch into Gilda’s muff. The griffon's tightness trying to forbid her from leaving.

Gilda groaned, feeling the scholar’s cock spread her walls, filling her with the thick pony meat. She gasped as she felt something probe her back door. “Twilight?”

“It’s just magic, I didn’t grow a second dick. I don’t think I can mentally handle that again with this potion active,” Twilight reassured, kissing Gilda’s neck as she thrusted forward, her magic forcing deeper into the griffon's rear.

“Oh fuck… this feels so good,” Gilda moaned, writhing form the dual sensations. Her talons digging into Twilight’s back.

Twilight grunted as Gilda flexed her inner muscles, making her even tighter and constricting the purple love muscle within. The scholar grit her teeth and pushed forward, slamming herself into Gilda as hard as she could.

Gilda was moaning underneath her alpha, feeling Twilight’s snorts of air against her air as the mare exerted herself to please the griffon. “Oh fuck, Twilight. Don’t stop.”

Not intending to deny Gilda, Twilight does everything she could to push herself forward, feeling her orgasm coming up. The constant vibrations and coarse moans coming from Gilda telling Twilight that she wasn’t all that far herself.

The magic in Gilda’s ass pulsing more fiercely, forcing electricity to race up her spine, sending shock waves that tickled and shook every nerve in Gilda’s lower body. Her claws instinctively drawing blood from Twilight’s back, the unicorn letting out a pained groan, but she was too absorbed in pleasing Gilda to give it too much to care.

With a primal cry, Twilight’s cock began to throb and twitch as it sent her thick cum deep into her griffon, filling her walls and womb rapidly. The shock of being filled forced Gilda to her own orgasm, coating the shaft with her own juices and mixing with the torrent of seed inside her.

“Ah… oh shit,” Gilda moaned, softly drifting from her high, her talons easing their grip on her lover’s back. “Hot damn.”

Twilight let out a grunt as the last of her jism entered Gilda. She pulled out, causing a thick line of her foal batter to remain connecting herself to Gilda’s muff, a small deluge of cum dripping from the golden eagle-lion’s twat. She seethed as the pain on her back became rushing back. “Oh that’s starting to sting.”

Gilda shot up and checked Twilight’s back, seeing faint red lines of blood. Minor punctures at best but still in need of at least some attention. “Sorry Twi, guess I got too into it.”

“It’s okay… I think from now on, I’m going to mate with you from behind or you’re going to ride me, I kinda felt it just before our orgasms but now… it’s more prominent,” Twilight grimaced, using her magic to patch herself up.

“All that’s left is Rarity, right?” Gilda uttered, rubbing the unicorn’s back.

“Yes, have you seen her lately?” Twilight asked, feeling the potions effects weaken.

“Not at all, the windows of the Boutique are still closed. I guess she hasn’t moved at all,” Gilda added.

“Okay, thank you Gilda,” Twilight said, giving the griffon a kiss on the beak. She took up her discarded saddlebags and ventured out the door to the Carousel Boutique.


Twilight quietly and quickly made her way through the streets of Ponyville, trying to make her way to the boutique with little incident. With a happy sigh, Twilight pressed forward, only to ram head first into a solid wall of muscle. “Ouch, sorry!”

“Apology accepted.” Twilight quickly looked up to see that she bumped into Octavia, she wasn’t smiling, but merely looking down on the unicorn as if she was prey. “Heading somewhere?”

“Octavia? I thought you were in Manehatten,” Twilight said, confused by the cellist’s appearance.

“Vinyl dragged me here, whom I encountered an hour after you finished mating with her,” Octavia added. Twilight could have swore she saw the musician’s right eye twitch.

“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Vinyl talked me into it while I was looking for my herd,” Twilight explained, giving the cellist a nervous smile.

Octavia wasn’t fazed in the slightest. “Ah yes, your… herd. Nice and plump, full of your foals, I presume?”

Twilight quickly felt uncomfortable under the earth pony’s glare. “Uhh, Applejack and Fleur are. Wait a minute… how did they enter heat if they’re pregnant?”

“That isn’t your concern right now, Twilight,” Octavia stated, taking a large step towards Twilight, causing her to back up.

“I take it… you’re here for me, right?” Twilight asked, beginning to fear the cellist.

Octavia stayed silent, forcing Twilight deeper into a nearby house. “Hey, Octy. Brought Twi home?” Vinyl asked happily, making herself a sandwich.

“She is mine right now, Vinyl. You’ve had your turn, if you want sex, find your own cock,” Octavia shouted, her eyes never leaving Twilight’s.

“Sheesh, angry much?” Vinyl muttered, rolling her eyes behind her glasses. “Gotta learn to take your heat with style, babe.”

Octavia shot forward, capturing Twilight’s head with her hooves. The purple unicorn in her hold shook, scared of what the cellist might do next. “What does your herd mean to you, Twilight?”

“They… they’re my best friends, my lovers. I love them with all my heart, Octavia. Why do you ask?” Twilight uttered, a deep blush growing on her face.

“Are they everything to you?” Octavia questioned, holding Twilight’s head tighter.

“Yes, of course! I- I’d never trade anything for them. Could you please let go?” Twilight asked, trying to escape the earth mare’s hold.

Octavia stared into Twilight’s eyes longer, studying the scholar. “And your trysts, do they hate you for it.”

Twilight stopped struggling and slumped down. “No… but I feel they should be. Especially this week, I’ve been forced to mate with ponies outside my herd, and the only time that has ever… bitten me in the flank was when I lost my first marefriend. After that, I was duped into sexual acts with more ponies that weren’t in my herd, all of which I could have avoided, but I didn’t… yet, my girls. They always treat it as an everyday occurrence. It felt… weird to get a high hoof from the mares I love when they find out I’ve been cheating on them, though… Pinkie thinks I’m just looking for new ponies to join my herd, even tho-” She was cut off by Octavia forcing her tongue down her throat, her body laying on the ground with the grey mare grinding against her.

“Be careful Twi. Octy has a herd fetish when she’s in heat,” Vinyl called out, looking down to see her marefriend sucking the scholar’s face off. “Oh, you found that out, cool.”

“Twilight?” The door burst open, revealing a smiling unicorn with a white coat, and white and purple stripes in her mane. “Honey, momma needs you again.”

Vinyl’s jaw dropped while Octavia turned to growl at Velvet, holding Twilight tighter to her chest. “Holy shit… the Velvet Mistress,” the disc jockey moaned, her legs shaking nervously.

Velvet walked towards the pair, Octavia’s growling intensified with each step the elder mare took. “She’s mine for now, bitch.”

“Trying to get me in the mood for a threesome, dear? I suppose I could be in the mood to make another mare suck my daughter’s cum out of my rear,” Velvet taunted, smiling maliciously at the earth mare.

Vinyl slid in front of Velvet, trying to protect Octavia and Twilight. “Whoa! Hi, Vinyl Scratch, big fan. Octy has been… in need of a good dicking for like… months. How about… I help you with your heat?” She offered, smiling nervously.

Velvet examined the white musician and shrugged. “Best try to keep up, dear,” she stated, levitating the DJ upstairs. She stopped at the door and turned to Octavia. “If your marefriend doesn’t satisfy me, expect me back down here to take my daughter back.”

Octavia stared at the stairwell for a moment before turning back to her purple captive. “Velvet Mistress? is that what Vinyl called her? If she lives up to her legend then I don’t have long until Vinyl can no longer contain her.”

“Got it,” Twilight flinched. She quickly became confused when Octavia got off her body. Blushing when the musician presented herself over the chair.

“I need you… to take me like you would take your mares,” Octavia ordered, her tail raised to reveal a wet pussy, glistening with juices.

“R-right,” Twilight stammered, walking up to Octavia from behind. She stood up, placing her hooves on each side of the earth mare, and used her magic to position her dick, aiming at Octavia’s moist slit.

The cellist let out a satisfied groan as she felt Twilight split her folds apart, sinking her meat in an inch at a time. “Oh yes… I needed this.”

Octavia’s pussy clenched tighter around Twilight’s cock, causing the scholar to wince from the pressure around her lower horn. Her hooves tightening around Octavia’s rump. “Goodness, you’re like a vice back here.”

“Shut up and fuck me,” Octavia growled, pushing her rump into Twilight’s thrusts. “Harder! Make me your mare!”

Twilight squeaked and swallowed her breath. Forcing herself to rut the earth mare as hard as she could. Her crotch slamming into the grey flanks beneath her. She could feel the sweat forming as she tried to fuck Octavia with all her might.

Octavia bit her lower lip, letting the feeling of getting claimed flow through her. Vinyl was too playful for any real sex, at least with Twilight, she was an alpha and now she was proving it. She winced a few times that Twilight’s cock pressed against her cervix, but the rest was more than fantastic.

“Octavia? You’re really starting to tighten up. It’s kinda making it… ugh, hard to move,” Twilight groaned, her pacing slowly despite trying to constantly rut her mare.

“Fuck me through it, make me your mare, another hole for you to fill,” Octavia ordered, slamming back into Twilight.

Twilight was caught by surprise and shifted slightly to get a better position to rut the cellist. Her body arched over Octavia with both hooves trying to grip the earth mare’s shoulders.

“Pull my mane!” Octavia demanded, she let out a gasp of joy when she felt Twilight’s teeth clench her mane, pulling it back, all while the scholar continued to pummel her pussy with her thick cock. “Yes! Just- Ahh! Like that.”

Twilight groaned through the clump of black mane in her mouth, her cock being pulled and squeezed by the cellist’s welcoming, yet greedy, entrance.

“Oh damn, oh damn, oh DAMN!” Octavia screamed, her legs shivering as she came, her juices leaking past the scholar’s cock and dripping onto the floor.

Twilight arched her back, inadvertently pulling Octavia’s head back as she began filling the earth mare’s passage with her cum. She grunted and released Octavia’s mane, catching herself before she collapsed on the grey mare. “I… honestly didn’t expect you to… want to be claimed like this.”

“Yes… and you did quite well,” Octavia commented, relaxing after the rough mating. “Let me… clean my alpha.”

“C-clean?” Twilight asked, finding her backed up onto the couch. Octavia forcing her dickmare to sit down while she slowly sat down before the rigid cock before her. “Y-you don’t have to.”

“But I must, it’s my duty after all,” the cellist cooed, giving Twilight’s shaft a long lick.

“Y-your duty?” Twilight gasped, flinching as Octavia bathed her cock in saliva. “You- ah, don’t have to. I can- oh- clean it myself and you can gooo back to dating Vinyl.”

“Vinyl doesn’t have a cock… or the spine to handle me, but you… you are a worthy master,” Octavia praised, eyeing the the purple shaft. “Yes… a most worth and… virile master.” She began taking the head of Twilight’s dick into her mouth and sucking it.

Velvet walked down the stairs, slightly frazzled but still relatively fine and horny. “Oh good, you’re still here Twilight.”

“Mom?” Twilight winced, trying to keep herself from forcing more of her cock down Octavia’s throat, much to latter’s dismay.

“Your friend was fun, but she wasn’t enough. I need some real meat in my cheeks,” Velvet cooed, walking over to the two. Octavia released Twilight and turned, glaring at the elder unicorn as she stroked the scholar’s cock. “I’m going to ride my daughter’s cock again… and you will do nothing to stop me.”

Octavia continued to glare at the strangely intimidating unicorn but ultimately backed down. “F-fine.”

“Good girl, if you want… you can keep licking her while she fucks me,” Velvet chuckled, climbing onto Twilight and settling her pussy at her daughter’s dick. She let out a happy coo as the purple girth began to split her petals open, slowly enveloping Twilight in her warmth.

“Oh goodness. Mom, I-” Twilight stopped when her dick felt strangled, she could feel her hard meat molded and warped to whatever her mother desired. The only word to describe how it felt was ‘awesome’. “Whoa… what was that?”

“Just a little trick I learned… forgot about it until your friend, Vinyl, reminded me. It’s a fun trick to get my stallions going hard,” Velvet giggled, shifting her head slightly to kiss her daughter passionately.

Octavia scowled as the white unicorn took her master, but she drifted her gaze down to see Twilight spread her mother’s lips far apart, amazed that such a big thing can fit inside such a small space. She leaned in and gave the purple member a lick, before descending down to her master’s marehood.

Twilight flinched, pressing her cock deeper into Velvet when she felt Octavia’s tongue against her folds. Velvet giggled and placed a hoof on the cellist’s head, pushing her deeper into her daughter’s quim. “Twilight, your mother needs you to fuck her harder than this,” Velvet teased.

Swallowing her breath and pride, Twilight placed both her hooves on her mother’s hips and bucked upward, trying to find attain the same force she had with Octavia earlier.

“That’s it, honey. Fuck your momma!” Velvet moaned, pressing her back into Twilight and spreading her legs wider to give Octavia more room.

Octavia silently lapped at Twilight's folds, lightly dipping her tongue into the scholar’s pussy every so often and coaxing a squeak from her.

Between her mother’s clenching cooch and Octavia’s tongue, Twilight struggled to slow her building pleasure. Velvet’s tight, rippling warmth surging around her hard with every thrust, their hips slamming against each other powerfully.

Velvet felt her daughter’s cock punish her insides, glancing back to see the adorable ‘pre-orgasm’ face that both her and her father shared when trying to suppress their climax. She glanced back down to the cellist, who was dutifully licking and kissing Twilight’s marehood. “You have to do better than that, dear,” Velvet giggled, taking Octavia’s head in both hooves and forcing her face into the scholar’s quim, forcing her tongue into her daughter. The shock caused Twilight to jump a bit and forced her cock deeper into Velvet, electing a cute gasp in the process. Her horn began to glow and lifted Octavia’s tail with her magenta grasp, she conjured a phallic object, half of Twilight’s size, forced it deep into Octavia’s ass and willed it to vibrate.

The vibrations of Octavia’s moans rippled into Twilight’s honey pot, causing the younger unicorn to moan and writhe underneath her mother. “Ah- I’m!... I can’t- too hard to-” She felt a hoof cup her cheek, looking up she saw her mother’s sincere face.

Velvet smiled as her daughter struggled. “Let it go, Twilight. Fill mommy and give this bitch something to lick.”

It was all that Twilight could take, she let out a girly roar, her cock pulsed and twitched as it began to fire its spunk deep into Velvet’s hot quim, painting it and filling her womb with her own heat.

Octavia’s face was still forced into Twilight’s marehood, forced to taste her mare juices as it splashed against her snout, and soon the dribble of Twilight’s penile orgasm leaked onto her snout.

Velvet let out a silent coo, feeling her own climax wash over. Vinyl was good for getting her ready but having a thick dick inside her was far better. She released Octavia, who fell back and began to squirm from the magic pulsing in her ass. “Twilight dear? Could you give this filly a good fucking again? The poor mare is just in need of a hard cock.”

Twilight nodded. She approached Octavia and used her magic to spread her legs before descending upon her, thrusting her cum coated meat back into the cellist’s pussy.

Octavia’s limbs wrapped around Twilight, pressing her body tighter against the purple mare in the midst of coitus. Her orgasm nearing closer and closer as each second passed from the combined force of Twilight’s thick dick and Velvet’s magic.

Velvet walked next to the mating pair, running her hoof along her daughter’s mane with great pride. “That’s my big girl, rut this pussy. It’s the only thing you can use her for,” she cooed, giving the purple flank a sharp slap, spurring her daughter on.

It didn’t take long before Octavia screamed, her pussy convulsing on the purple member inside her as she came. She could feel herself trying to milk the unicorn of her remaining seed, in hopes to feel her sticky love inside her once again.

With a groan, Twilight pulled out of Octavia, beginning to feel mildly annoyed that she was distracted once again, but still satisfied that she helped a good friend. She then felt annoyed of the possibility of another herdmate joining her ranks, a fact she may need to discuss with the cellist later. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Velvet grabbed her from behind, a hoof stroking her hard cock. “Mom?”

“Just about done, Twilight. We just have one thing left to do,” Velvet cooed, forcing Twilight onto her hind legs. “Octavia dear, sit up and open your mouth.”

Octavia felt woozy from her orgasm but complied, knowing full well what the elder Twilight had in mind. “When… you are ready.”

“Good girl, see Twilight? You need more submissive bitches in your herd. Mares that don’t chase you for your cock, but will beg for it,” Velvet whispered into Twilight’s ear, stroking her daughter off with greater force.

“Are we… really having this- Oh- conversation again?” Twilight groaned, shuddered from her mother’s hoofjob.

“Oh, my dear…” Velvet cooed softly, brushing Twilight’s mane while forcing her daughter to cum all over Octavia’s face. “We’ll be having this conversation until you learn your station… or I make your mares learn theirs.” Velvet released her daughter’s cock, only for Octavia to catch it, letting the remainder rain down onto her face and mane. Once it had dwindled to leaking, the cellist captured the scholar’s head with her mouth and began sucking out the last if its contents.

Twilight began to feel tired, she noticed her mother releasing her to allow the purple mare to collapse on her side, all while Octavia blew her. Soon sleep took hold.

Velvet turned to Octavia who licked her lips and sat up. “So… are you gonna stay as another daughter-in-law? Or was that all your heat talking?”

“That… was my heat, while Twilight had proven to be a very good lay in the past, I have no interest in sharing a mate with anypony, no less several others,” Octavia reasoned, walking to the washroom to clean up.

“You shared my daughter with me and Vinyl fairly well,” Velvet giggled, she heard Octavia snort in annoyance before another thought quickly came to mind. “You know what just occurred to me? A really great way to learn more about a mare?”

“And that would be?” Octavia shouted from the washroom.

“Encountering them while their judgement is at their weakest, during mating season. That’s the best time for any husband or life partner to know how their mare ticks. Turns out I love the expressions of ponies cumming and relish in their pleasure,” Velvet chuckled, levitating Twilight onto her back. “Anyways, I need to get my daughter to Rarity’s shop, my poor baby needs helping getting to all her mares with everyone else stealing her.”

With the sound of the door shutting, Octavia scowled into the mirror. Glaring at her cum-coated visage.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Day Five

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- Rarilight [Futa/F, roleplay, clothed sex, vaginal, spanking]
- Spalight [Futa/F/F, massage, oral, vaginal]
- Mrs. Cakelight [Futa/F, bondage?, infidelity, oral, vaginal, hornjob]
- Cheerlight [Futa/F, Face fucking, 69, Magic fucking, slight dick growth]

~Day Five~

Twilight awoke in an unfamiliar surrounding, her vision filled with pink, purple, and white. The moment she noticed the sewing machine and the many shelves of fabrics, she realized she was in Rarity’s bed room. “How did I get here?”

“You look like you had a rough night with the cellist.” Twilight turned to see Rarity, wearing a tight white blouse, a purple skirt, and purple and pink striped socks on each hoof. “Wouldn’t you say, Ms. Sparkle?”

It took Twilight a few seconds to process Rarity’s newest outfit. “Are you… dressed like a schoolfilly?”

“Does it not amuse you, How about a different outfit?” Rarity teased, her magic pulling out a rack with various outfits; nurse outfits, vampire cloaks, wild pony loincloths, lab assistant, princess attire, wonderbolt uniform and many more. A good deal she could hardly even identify.

Th-that’s fine,” Twilight squeaked as Rarity walked closer to her dick rising in anticipation.

Oh, Ms. Sparkle? Is this for me? It’s so hard,” Rarity gasped in amazement, her hooves playfully fondling Twilight’s mare meat.

“I- well,” Twilight knew she had to help Rarity, and as awkward as this was… she’d have to play along. Quickly swallowing her pride she blushed hard and said “Ye-yes, Rarity. If… If you do a good job… you-you’ll pass my class.”

Rarity gasped with a faint blush to join it. “Truly, Miss Sparkle? How… scandalous,” she purred, “how would Principle Celestia react to a teacher asking for sexual favors from her students? Especially one so well equipped?”

“I didn’t think about that!” Twilight yelped, levitating a pillow to cover herself. Rarity hooked a forehoof around one of the offending limbs, jerking the pillow away roughly, resuming her previous action with a wicked smile. “Rarity?”

“Let the principle find out. If she wants, she can have a turn on your big hard cock later, Teacher,” Rarity cooed, staring deep into Twilight’s eyes while she stroked the unicorn off. “I want her to walk in on us, and watch as you paint my cute face with your delicious cum. And I want you to watch her lick it off me.”

Twilight’s face flushed with the visuals her mind provided of her mentor licking her cum off Rarity’s face, it became a struggle to stay conscious despite the extremely lewd visual. “R-Rarity! Please... uh...don’t talk like that!”

“Don’t you fear… we’ll hide all your cum inside my tight pussy. I’ll make sure she never finds out about us, unless I want her to know, Ms. Sparkle,” Rarity ‘assured’, straddling Twilight’s hips, rubbing her pussy against the hard shaft.

“What do you want?” Twilight begged, trying to contain herself.

“I want you… to fuck me,” Rarity whispered, petting Twilight’s mane. “I’ve been a very bad filly, in desperate need of punishment. And you are my teacher, in desperate need of a cum dumpster.”

Hearing the term ‘cum dumpster’ leave Rarity’s lips made the scholar double take, trying to process her friend’s words. “Cum dumpster?”

“Yes, whenever you feel the need to cum, I want to be there to catch it all. I don’t care which hole you use, so long as it’s inside me, warming my body, and pouring out of me after you rutted me like the stud that you are. Most importantly, I demand that you remind me who my stallion is. Understood, Ms. Sparkle?” Rarity asked with a girlish lilt, pressing her body tight against Twilight’s. The purple shaft remained comfortably wedged between the bookish mare’s coat and the soft fabric of the fashionista’s blouse.

“Y-yes, n-naughty… little... filly,” Twilight whimpered. Rarity giggled softly and hopped off Twilight’s crotch. She used her magic to produce a school desk and bent over it, her tail lifting to reveal a pair of panties embroidered with Twilight’s cutie mark.

“Come and get it, Ms. Sparkle,” Rarity cooed, shaking her hips. Twilight got off the bed and walked over to Rarity’s rump. Her magic wrapped around the hem of the cotton panties. “Leave them on, I want to be fully clothed when you take me.”

Slightly confused, Twilight nodded and mounted onto Rarity's back. Instead of removing the pair, Twilight moved the crotch to the side to enter Rarity’s marehood. The fabric brushing against one side of her dick as she penetrated the ivory mare. “Oh goodness, you’re tighter than usual, Rarity.”

“My teacher… took my… virginity… and I’m happy,” Rarity cooed, Twilight’s face fell and checked to see if she took Rarity’s virginity… again. She didn’t see any signs of pink juices or hymen blood on herself or Rarity. “Is there something the matter? Rut me or I will tell the Principle!”

“Oh, right,” Twilight mumbled absently, holding Rarity’s hips and began to force her cock deep into the pseudo-student, only moving out till the medial ring before slamming back in as hard as she could.

“Fuck yes, punish this naughty bitch, make her yours!” Rarity screamed, humping back to get more of her Alpha’s shaft deep inside her. “Spank me!”

“What?” Twilight called out, slowing her progress.

“Spank me, remind me of my bond to you,” Rarity commanded. Twilight gave the ivory unicorn a nervous look before hiking the skirt over the the rest of Rarity’s rump and gave the white tush a slap. “Ah! More! Harder!” Another smack across Rarity’s ass came while Twilight humped her harder. “I know you can hit harder than that, I’ve seen you fuck Gilda and Chrysalis.”

“Okay, okay!” Twilight grumbled, a rather annoyed tone edging into her voice as she put all her strength in her next slap. Rarity screamed loudly the moment she registered the pain in her rump, her pussy clenching and convulsing around Twilight shaft as she came. “Did you… just cum?”

“That… was a good spanking,” Rarity cooed, weakly riding back into Twilight’s crotch, trying to milk her friend of sperm.

Twilight flinched from the overactive muscles of Rarity’s pussy, humping into her mare more, hoping to fill the fashionista now that she came.

The fashionista moaned upon feeling her alpha’s orgasm, delighted to be filled with Twilight’s hot, sticky love. Rarity sighed, rubbing her belly affectionately from the satisfying output.

With a happy sigh, Twilight dismounted her mare, her cock popping out of Rarity’s vagina and letting out some of her seed. “I… admit, I didn’t expect you to be like THAT, Rarity.”

“Sometimes… a lady… just needs… to give somepony else… the reigns,” Rarity giggled between breaths. She stretched her legs and turned back to her alpha. “Surely you’re not done yet, dear?”

“Of course not, I’m done when you’re done,” Twilight chuckled nervously, her traitorous cock hardening beneath her.

“Good, because this lady… needs some more white cream from her purple cock,” Rarity cooed, pulling Twilight into a deep kiss.

Twilight let out a tiny moan into Rarity’s mouth from feeling her member brush against the fashionista’s coat and blouse.

“Let’s make my ass even redder,” Rarity giggled, pushing Twilight onto her haunches. She stood standing and lowered herself carefully, using her magic to point her stallion’s dick for her back door.

Twilight flinched when she felt Rarity’s ass resist her, eventually opening up for her flared head. The entry caused both ponies to gasp from the penetration but Rarity continued, trying to fill her ass with the scholar's cock.

“Rarity… your ass is really really taut,” Twilight grunted, her hooves on Rarity’s hips.

Rarity's rump met Twilight’s crotch, grinding against it to get comfortable before looking Twilight deep into her eyes. “Rut me into the dirt, darling.”

“B- But you’re in my lap,” Twilight added, confused by Rarity's desire.

Rarity rolled her eyes and grabbed Twilight, forcing the purple mare above her, her ivory hind legs nearly reaching her head. “Like this, now FUCK ME!”

Twilight quickly nodded and began to move, starting off slow due to the unrelenting grip of her friend’s anus. Despite Twilight’s slow pace, Rarity’s body twitched with pleasure, her forelimbs gripping her back legs and pulling back to give her alpha more space to use.

With the combined liquids coating Twilight’s cock, the scholar quickly picked up the pace, slamming her crotch into her friend. The orifice was still incredibly tight but it felt like a rough massage rather than constriction.

Rarity gasped when Twilight began to rut her recklessly, drool trailing down her cheek while watching her alpha’s cock stretch her opening. “Oh please… Harder! Faster!”

Twilight did what she could to comply with her current lover’s request, pounding Rarity until the white fur began to glow red. The burning warmth of the fashionista’s ass making her cock harder, throbbing against the tight walls surrounding it.

“Ah! It’s cumming! It’s cumming!” Rarity screamed, writhing on the floor.

Twilight felt her own climax coming close as well and darted forward, pressing Rarity into a deep kiss, sending both mares into a powerful orgasm. Her cock pulsing and firing her load deep into the ivory mare’s rectum.

Rarity’s body went limp, her mind clouded by her orgasm. She felt Twilight pull away, smiling down onto her and pull out, feeling disappointed that her stallion couldn’t stay inside her longer, more annoyance filled her when she felt Twilight’s cum leave her used holes. “Thank you… darling.”

“Shh, just rest. I’ll see you later,” Twilight cooed, levitating her friend and bringing her up to her bedroom.

Twilight tucked in her mate and kissed her forehead before giving a content smile. She had done it, she had mated with all her mares, and now she just had to meet them again at the end of the week and she won’t need to worry about it for a good long time.


Twilight happily walked down Ponyville, her head held high after a job well done.

A grave mistake as the mares quickly caught the scent of male genitalia and the sight of Twilight and her limp member swinging beneath her. “Oh… nuts,” she whispered before bolting down the street, evading horny mares.

She felt their hooves reaching for her, their teeth trying to clamp down on her tail to pull her back, her horn busy trying to break the spells the unicorns were casting on her. She needed to get back to the library.

Turning back, Twilight gasped when she saw the horde that was catching up to her. Her luck began piling up when she ran face first into a wall, not paying attention to her surroundings. She spun back around, ignoring the pain as she faced the mares.

“That’s a pretty sweet cock, you got there, Sparkle.”

“Where have you been all week, Twilight?”

“The real question is…” One mare chuckled, stepped forward, her hoof tracing the limp purple member. “Why isn’t this bad boy inside us?” Many mares behind her began to laugh as the others circled around Twilight.

“Because she’s ours,” said a voice behind Twilight. The mares looked around for the unknown voice. They all heard the sound of a door slam shut, quickly turning to see that Twilight had disappeared. Many of them becoming angry and attempting to kick the door down to take back the purple mare.

Twilight sat face to face with Lotus Blossom of the spa sisters, Aloe placing a large thick piece of wood over the door, barring it from opening. “Madams, please stop wasting your time and energy. The spa was built with Ponyville’s heat in mind, with walls and doors so strong, not even Applejack could even crack it with both her hind legs. A fortress of sensual relaxation and clairvoyance,” Aloe shouted, looking smug as she did.

Lotus rolled her eyes before looking back to Twilight. The unicorn glancing down to the noticeable bulge of her belly. “If I caused this, I apologize… I didn’t know I was virile at the time,” Twilight apologized.

Lotus chuckled, ruffling Twilight’s mane. “Oh Twilight. I wanted it, and I thank you for your gift. You should have seen Aloe though, panicking when she learned of Fluttershy’s pregnancy.”

Twilight frowned slightly, confused. “But… Fluttershy gave birth to Gale last week, and I kind of recall having sex with you a day after that. Should your child be… born by now? And for that matter, why are pregnant mares entering heat? You are already with child, thus defeating the purpose of being in estrus itself.”

“What if I told you… we ‘pregnant mares’ had our methods?” Lotus cooed, making the unicorn rest her head on her distended belly.

Aloe rolled her eyes. “Poison Joke when mixed with applesauce, can make a pregnant mare enter heat during mating season. Not all that complicated, almost common knowledge in Ponyville.”

“Why would anyone want to be in heat?” Twilight questioned, frowning slightly.

“Maybe there’s a sexy unicorn with a big hard dick for them to play with during the week?” Lotus teased, her hoof playing with Twilight’s ear.

“Uh… okay, could you let go of me, I need to rest up for the last day and find my friends… mate with them, and all this will be normal again,” Twilight asked with a weak smile.

“Are we not your friends?” Aloe asked, walking over to Twilight and Lotus.

“You are… but they are apart of my herd,” Twilight reasoned, gasping when she felt a hoof on her rump. Her face reddening more. “A-and I’m not looking to expand it… eleven is a bit much for me.”

“Twilight, my dear,” Lotus cooed, pulling Twilight’s head towards hers. “You will mate with us, I didn’t put myself into heat for nothing. The only way you are leaving is with a limp dick and two very satisfied mares behind you.”

Twilight tried to pull away but Aloe pinned her to the other sister. “Won’t you play with us?”

An idea came to mind and scolded herself for not thinking of it earlier. “I could just teleport.”

“You do that, and we’ll hunt you down and shove your horn up your ass before you rut us,” Lotus growled, trying to bend Twilight’s horn with her hoof. The scholar wincing in pain from her sensitive appendage being twisted by the stronger mare. “Got it?”

“Isn’t that a bit… harsh?” Twilight grimaced.

“Ponyville can be worse than Tartarus during Mating Season, Miss Sparkle. Best you learn that,” Lotus remarked, releasing the unicorn’s horn. Twilight could feel her horn burning atop her head, even as Aloe took her to a large massage table, laying her belly down.

“Just relax, Twilight. My sister needs it more, and I would much rather you be… loose before we mate,” Aloe cooed, rubbed Twilight’s back.

From the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Lotus flip a switch on the side of the table, gasping as her cock felt free, feeling the air. “What did you do?”

“Just making it easier to fuck your cock while Aloe works on you,” Lotus said, licking her lips as she eyed the veined purple prick.

Twilight winced when she felt Aloe’s hooves on a tense part of her back, it didn’t help that she could feel the pregnant mare’s tongue on her cockhead. “The past few days have been hard for you, wasn’t it?” Aloe commented, trying to ignore the blowjob her client was getting.

“I’m apparently the only ‘suitable male’ in Ponyville, I thi- oh- tension is the least of my concerns,” Twilight groaned. Aloe’s hooves working their magic on her spine, the pleasure only heightened as Lotus continued to suckle her cock.

Lotus grumbled around Twilight’s cock, annoyed by the position. “Aloe, reposition the table please?”

“Of course, sister,” Aloe said, holding Twilight to the table. “We are going to need to clamp your hooves in place so we can resume your massage and give Lotus a better vantage point to mate with you, Twilight.”

“Oh… okay. Thank you for letting me know?” Twilight uttered, unsure of what was happening. Aloe gave a nod and flipped another switch on the side of the board, causing fuzzy clamps to arch over Twilight’s hooves and held her tight to the table. She soon felt the table tilt backwards, feel gravity trying to push her down the table but the clamps doing an excellent job in keeping the scholar in position.

Are you comfortable?” Aloe asked. Twilight nodded and let out a sigh. “Good, we shall resume then.”

Lotus gave a happy smirk as she fondled the erect purple member, giving the heavy glans long licks before trailing it down the shaft to the table and returning back to the head. She then began filling her mouth with Twilight’s thick cock, sliding it to the back of her throat before pulling back, her tongue tracing every purple inch and her mouth hummed a tune around the scholar.

Twilight let out a weak moan, the pink spa mare giggling as she pressed her hooves into the unicorn’s back. “Enjoying your massage, Ms. Sparkle?”

“I… you could say that,” Twilight panted, grunting from the dual pleasure.

“It is but our life’s calling to ease the troubles of any and all ponies that seek help,” Aloe cooed, rubbing into Twilight’s shoulders. She could hear her sister getting into her duties on their captive’s member.

“It… shows,” Twilight winced, trying to keep herself from cumming.

Lotus’ tongue trailed each visible vein on the purple prick, giggling as she heard the mare moan and gasp from the combined efforts of both earth ponies. She lapped up the oozing white pre cum that formed at the tip of the turgid rod, savouring the sweet, yet salty taste. She licked her lips, satisfied with the layer of saliva that coated Twilight’s shaft. She stood up and turned around, pressing her entrance against the scholar’s cock.

Twilight let out a squeak when she felt Lotus’ lower lips against her penis, engulfing her in a tight warmth, feeling the velvet walls close in around her throbbing shaft.

Aloe heard her sister grunt and moan as she forced herself to take more of Twilight’s dick. She let out a chuckle as Twilight shivered under her hooves, moaning from the attention she was getting. She lowered her hooves to the purple mare’s rump and began to rub them, making Twilight squeal in surprise and feeling the muscles tense up form being touched. “Relax, Twilight. I haven’t done much yet.”

“S-sorry,” Twilight groaned, her senses writhing form the various touches, caresses, and squeezing done to her more sensitive parts of her. She felt Aloe press herself against her back, rubbing their coats together while Lotus began to spear herself against the unicorn as hard as she could, her butt slamming against the table’s bottom each time.

Lotus remembered her first time with Twilight, feeling the unicorn take charge and rutted her in the hot tub and again over her sister. It felt awkward to be fucking her through a table with a built-in glory hole, but a mare has needs, instigated by a mixture but needs nonetheless. The twitching shaft ready to fill her womb once again, her pussy trembling with heightened pleasure.

“So close, are you not?” Aloe teased, grinding her body against Twilight’s while her hooves worked the purple mare’s cutie marks. “I can feel you trembling, my dear.”

“Y-yes, I… need to cum- hmph- so badly,” Twilight panted, her hooves thrashing against their bindings, trying to thrust her hips into the hole in the table.

“Fill me! Bathe me!” Lotus called out, forcing every inch of Twilight deep inside her, holding her rump to the table.

The warmth and writhing walls around her kick started the deluge of Twilight’s sperm, flooding Lotus’ body with her thick cream. The purple mare panted, her cock spreading her essence wildly, even as Lotus slipped off her. The blue earth mare sighing happily as her back, rump, and mane was sprayed with her stallion’s jizz.

Aloe released the unicorn from the table’s bindings, letting Twilight wobble off. “Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, just… I think my hooves are asleep,” Twilight winced, falling to the floor on her back.

Aloe smiled and straddled the purple mare. “Then we’ll have to do something about that, won’t we?”

Twilight blushed heavily, feeling her penis grow behind Aloe with her tip brushing against the pink mare’s back.

Aloe shifted backwards, letting the thick length slide between her cheeks and dabbing the base of her tail with cum. She guided the scholar’s hooves to her sides, grinding against the purple coat beneath her.

The static that filled her hooves disappearing, Twilight looked up to see Aloe cooing from the attention. Her hooves gripping and rubbing the spa mare’s sides. “I guess… it’s your turn?”

“At last,” Aloe grinned. She lifted herself, tracing her pussy along the Twilight’s flesh before stopping at the flared head. With a grunt, the pink mare pushed herself down, causing Twilight’s thick cock head to enter her. “Oh! I- ah- don’t think my pussy ever- oh- had your penis, Miss Sparkle.”

“I forced you to take her hard cock anally, sister. it’s why you’re not pregnant,” Lotus cooed, smiling as she walked around both mares.

Aloe nodded, wincing as she felt Twilight buck her hips upwards, forcing the pink spa sister to take more than she was ready for. “Please… promise me you won’t cum inside. Tell me when you’re close.”

“I’m not… virile right now, but okay,” Twilight groaned, her hooves tightening around Aloe’s flanks.

“See, she is safe. Let her fill you with warmth, dear sister,” Lotus cooed, sitting behind Aloe and helping her sister take all of Twilight’s cock. The blue spa mare giggled when her twin let out a grunt and a drawn out moan from being forced to take Twilight to the hilt. “There you go, now you can ride her like you wanted to.”

With a weak nod, Aloe slowly began moving her hips, feeling Twilight and Lotus pull her back down. Her mouth open and panting heavily from the heavy air of sex and the thick appendage spearing her. “My stars, she’s splitting me!”

“I bet all the fillies say that. Don’t they, Miss Sparkle?” Lotus teased, pulling her sibling into a deep kiss.

“More- gah- or less,” Twilight grunted, gritting her teeth as she tried to rut Aloe from below. She made the mistake of opening her eyes, seeing the two twins kiss passionately, Lotus’ hooves rubbing her teats and cutie mark while Aloe kept her sibling close and maintains balance on the purple mare. The view of one beautiful mare making out with her lust-drunk sister was a sight to behold, only making Twilight twitch and throb inside Aloe.

Aloe squeaked inside of Lotus’ mouth, having felt Twilight’s girth flex inside her, putting pressure on her inner walls. For a rebuttal, her pussy clamped down on the unicorn’s thick prick, trying to preemptively milk Twilight for her cum.

Twilight’s brow furrowed, concentrating on thrusting into her mare each time she rose off her crotch. Taking Aloe’s moaning and expression of bliss as her cue that she’s doing well and spurring her to move faster.

“Look sister,” Lotus ordered, making Aloe look to Twilight. “She’s trying so hard to please you. She deserves something special after all this, don’t you think?”

“Y-yes Lotus, she deserves something very nice as our thanks,” Aloe giggled, cutting out into a moan from her g-spot getting bashed by the thick member inside her.

“Do you wish to wait until after she’s filled you?” Lotus asked, rubbing her sister’s coat sensually.

“Of- Of course,” Aloe whined, recoiling from the force of her orgasm brought on by both Twilight and Lotus.

The tightening walls and force drawing her penis in, caused Twilight to grunt and mewl as her cock began to fire deep into Aloe’s uterus, painting her insides with blank seed. Aloe moaned as she eagerly accepted Twilight’s offering into her body, writhing into Lotus’ torso.

Lotus giggled, seeing not only Twilight and Aloe panting and smiling like fools but also how dribbles of white seed oozed out around the thick purple meat plugging her sister’s entrance. “Do you have the energy to help me get one last load out of our friend?” Lotus asked her sibling.

“I… believe I do,” Aloe smiled, sliding herself off Twilight’s weakening penis.

Twilight let out a disappointed whine, feeling her member touch the cool air but soon replaced by two walls of fuzzy expanse. She looked down to see Aloe and Lotus rubbing their pussies against the base of her dick, the glans and shaft being worked by their writhing bodies as they began making out and fondling each other.

Both spa mares giggled upon feeling the unicorn’s member hardening between them. “Somepony is enjoying this a bit too much, don’t you agree sister?” Lotus giggled, holding herself tightly to Aloe while grinding herself against Twilight’s crotch.

“Yes, she may be a mare, but it’s clear her mind is of a stallion. Dick hard at the first sight of a mare raising her tail,” Aloe teased. Both mares kissed and nipped each other, their eyes never leaving Twilight’s for a moment and reveling in the expression of lust and embarrassment etched on the scholar’s face.

“Sweet… mother… of Celestia,” Twilight moaned, her eyes unable to look away from the sight of two highly attractive members of society grinding their recently filled snatches against her hard and willing cock. She could feel herself twitching and oozing precum already, dabbing the spa twins’ coats in white sperm.

The twins pulled each other closer, tightening their grip on Twilight’s erect member. They could feel the turgid purple staff twitching and throbbing, its musk filling their nostrils. Aloe and Lotus turned to each other and grinned. “I suppose she’s close, no?” Lotus giggled.

“I can feel her ready to paint us like she had painted many mares before us. Shall we, give her what she wants?” Aloe asked, a silly smirk on her face.

“It feels as if she’ll take it by force, sister. Her dick is ready to erupt,” Lotus cooed, watching the tip ooze a thick wad of seed.

Twilight couldn’t handle it any more and cried out, her cock unleashing her cum like a volcano and coating everything around it in white. Lotus and Aloe tilted their heads back, mouths open and eyes closed to let the dickmare’s jizz rain upon them. Twilight wasn’t even safe from her own climax, feeling her seed reach her face and mouth, wincing as the unfamiliar taste greeted her, only to be swallowed.

Her cock spent and becoming soft, Twilight glanced down to see the spa twins coated in her seed, licking each other clean while shooting looks to the unicorn. “Oh… dear.”

“You are a regular cannon of delight, aren’t you?” Aloe teased, pulling her sister’s head to her neck while taking a wad of cum in Lotus’ mane.

“Do not fret, we are done with you for now, there are many others that demand you and your lust after all,” Lotus cooed, kissing and collecting the cum off Aloe’s cheek.

“R-right,” Twilight replied, staggering onto her hooves. She had some difficulty staying on her hooves but nonetheless, walked to the door, leaving the siblings in their incestous cleaning.


“Are the ropes too tight?” Mrs. Cake asked, her tail high but the mare herself was worried, almost panicky.

“You only bound one hoof,” Twilight commented, pulling on the rope that connected her right hind leg to the counter. While limping out of the spa, Twilight was immediately knocked out by a wall of force. She awoke in Sugarcube Corner, with a worried Mrs. Cake above her. “There really shouldn’t be an excuse as to why I have to help you with your heat, you’re married.”

“I know, I know. I just… thought it would be exciting to change it up a bit, Mr. Cake is with the kids in Trottingham, staying at his parents house for the week. And well, at least once a week, I’d think back to that… time we… did it,” Mrs. Cake blushed, her hind legs squeezing together.

“Oh, again. I’d like to apologize for possibly tempting you into infidelity. I really don’t want to ruin your marriage, so… if you could let me go, we’ll figure this out without the need of sex,” Twilight explained.

“I’m really sorry, but… ever since the kids were born, he hasn’t been… stuffing my oven like he used to. A quick kiss, some oral, any real sex twice a month. We’re too busy and lately it’s not enough to keep me happy… in that way,” Mrs. Cake moaned, holding Twilight to her pudgy body.

“That’s a shame, maybe you should try and incite him into it? Though, you may need to buy condoms,” Twilight grimaced, feeling her cock harden and wedging itself into Mrs. Cake’s body.

“But… we could mate and there wouldn’t be any risk of pregnancy, Pinkie had mentioned your magic making you virile or not and on a week like this, why would you risk it?” Mrs. Cake reasoned, giving Twilight a worried smile.

“That… is true, but… all I had planned was my herd, I honestly expected the stallions to stay and help their mates,” Twilight added, pulling on her solitary binding.

“My Carrot… he has a fear of Mating Season, usually I go with him but I told him this year I’d stay,” Mrs. Cake said, appearing sad.

Twilight quickly became worried. “Please tell me it isn’t-”

“Yes, I stayed behind to… get with you. That day when you helped me and all the times you and Pinkie decided to rut like bunnies in her room made me… a bit interested,” Mrs. Cake stated, she walked over to Twilight and began petting the unicorn. “I hope you don’t mind, it’s… you’re an attractive mare, dear.”

Twilight tried to pull away, the cautious and panicky Mrs. Cake appeared to become something else, more attentive and needy. Grabbing her and stroking her mane, Twilight began to panic. “I think it’s rather… flattering that you think I’m as good as your… husband to be having these thoughts about me, but I should really get go-”

“NO!” Mrs. Cake ordered, scaring the unicorn. “I could really use the… intimate company. And with Carrot away, could you?”

“But didn’t you just say you stayed just to have sex with me?” Twilight asked.

Mrs. Cake giggled as she pulled Twilight into a hug. The unicorn soon struggled as the embrace became tighter over time, past the point of uncomfortable. “Twilight.” Mrs. Cake cooed, reminding Twilight that there was more muscle than fat on the blue earth pony’s body. “Why must you analyze this? It’s a very simple ‘I want to fuck you’, and I don’t much care for you trying to talk your way out of this.”

“Okay, Okay!” Twilight gasped, trying to get air. Mrs. Cake eased her grip, allowing her captive to breathe. “We’ll… just mate then never talk about it?”

“No,” Mrs. Cake said calmly, petting Twilight’s mane.

Twilight’s concern began to rise. “No?”

“No, as in… well, Mr. Cake and I barely have time to just rut each other like we used to. So, no… as we’ll be doing this again every Mating Season. You, me, your big dick, my plush ass, it WILL be good, dear,” Mrs. Cake explained. She released Twilight and lifted her onto the counter. Due to her bindings, the unicorn was forced to lie on her side. The Baker smiled like a schoolfilly when she saw Twilight’s thick, yet flaccid cock peek at her.

“Can’t you just… follow Mr. Cake and have him relieve you? Technically that’s his primary duty, to help you with Mating Season,” Twilight uttered, wincing when she felt Cup’s breath on her hardening cock.

“Nope, I have it all figured out dear,” Mrs. Cake cooed, giving Twilight a long lick. “Carrot and I will have happily married sex when we feel frisky after work.” She gave the purple member another lick. “You will fuck me like an animal, when Carrot isn’t around, or when I need to take some cupcakes or cakes to the library, or when I spot you alone, and Carrot isn’t around. I need you both to fuck me when I want it,” Mrs. Cake growled, forcing her mouth to take Twilight’s entire cock, feeling it grow and harden.

Twilight writhed from the sucking and the sudden deepthroating Mrs. Cake was giving her, the blue mare’s lips reaching the unicorn’s crotch every few attempts.

The baker’s eyes rolled back from the taste of Twilight’s cock, feeling it thicken inside her mouth and filling her up. The girth spreading and pressing against her tongue and roof of her mouth.

“Mrs. Cake… goodness this feels good; could you let me go? I really need to rest up for later when I need to help my friends again,” Twilight moaned, trying to deny herself the pleasure of the baker’s mouth.

Mrs. Cake released Twilight’s shaft and began stroking it quickly, rising above her head and dripping with saliva. “When we’re alone, call me Cup.” With that said, Cup returned to fellating the large organ.

“Cup then, coul- oh goodness,” Twilight cried out in annoyance, feeling her shaft flex and throb within Cup’s throat.

Cup kept her eyes on Twilight’s face, relishing in her moans and grunts. She gave a happy whinny around the purple shaft when the unicorn’s hooves grabbed ahold of her head. The pre-cum forming at the tip sliding along Cup’s tongue and eagerly swallowed, awaiting for the larger batch to be deposited.

Twilight felt Cup’s tongue sliding along the bottom of her shaft, the constant vibrations from the earth mare’s humming and moaning. What was most noticeable at the time was Cup’s moist pussy, the smell alone was driving Twilight to thrust her hips into the baker’s mouth, trying to face fuck the poor pony roughly, though the action was accepted and encouraged by Cup as she moaned and cooed around the purple mare meat.

Cup could taste Twilight’s cream sliding along her tongue, its sweet and salty flavour dancing on her taste buds. Her quivering snatch getting hotter and itchy, drawing her hooves down to try and sate despite knowing that only the purple mare cock in her mouth could help her scratch where she needs it.

Twilight was pistoning her crotch into Cup’s mouth, the earth mare’s nose brushing against her coat every time. She could feel her cock tense up inside the baker and the urge to flood her mare’s stomach with cum becoming unbearable. She forced out a satisfied grunt, She pulled the baker's head to her crotch as her shaft began blasting out salvo after salvo of her jizz, emptying it in Cup’s belly.

Cup’s heat worsened, the feeling of Twilight’s rod pulsing and cumming down her throat serving to make her need the scholar’s dick more. But her pleasure was overwhelmed by the necessity to breathe, making her gag around the violet girth. Twilight let out a squeak and released Mrs. Cake, pulling her shaft out of the blue mare’s mouth, and whinnied when the last of her orgasm fired a few shots onto Cup’s face. “You got quite the grip for a unicorn, Twilight,” Cup commented, gasping for air as she wiped the jizm off her face.

“S- sorry,” Twilight chuckled nervously.

Cup smiled and got onto her hooves, giving Twilight a seductive look. She approached the counter and leaned over it, her tail raised and her rump shaking to entice the dickmare. “I needs some more cream filling, dear.”

Twilight’s urge to face hoof was easily overcome by her desire to fuck Mrs. Cake over the counter. She removed her bindings and quickly sauntered behind the blue baker and used her magic to position herself to enter Cup’s hot pussy.

Cup felt Twilight pressing her weight onto her back, their coats rubbing as the thick cock entered her, spreading her apart and engulfing the scholar in hot sensitive flesh. “Fuck me deep, dear. I wanna feel all of you.”

Twilight grunted, it didn’t take long for her smaller body met with Cup’s plush rear. Her dick as deep as it can go despite the massive globes keeping her from completely hilting herself. Instead of letting her mares adapt, Twilight started quick and strong, hammering her dick into Mrs. Cake’s cooch.

Mrs. Cake moaned and panting, the only downside was that Twilight wasn’t as long as her husband but Twilight definitely made up for it. The smaller mare taking her marehood with force, the hot air of Twilight’s breath against her neck, and her fore limbs wrapped tightly around her barrel. “Oh yes, yes… harder, honey. Fuck me harder.”

Twilight complied, slamming herself as hard as possible into Mrs. Cake’s rear. Feeling Cup’s asscheeks wrap around the remainder of her dick, hearing her moan and beg for more, Twilight was almost hoping Pinkie would eventually turn out like the blue mare, nice and pudgy in the best areas.

“Car- Carrot…” Mrs. Cake moaned, drooling onto the cold surface. “Uhf, oh please… fuck me more… Carrot.”

Twilight felt mildly annoyed from hearing a mate calling out somepony else’s name but she let it slide as she was the one invading their marriage at the moment. With her teeth, she took hold of Cup’s mane and pulled back, making the older mare gasp in surprise, still moaning for more. Mrs. Cake’s body arched, making it hard for the scholar to remain on the ground, she turned slightly to see the island counter directly behind her and placed her hind hooves on the edge, using it to push herself into the baker.

Mrs. Cake let out a squeal of delight from the sudden change in Twilight’s methods. Her pussy clamping down on the purple mare invader as she coated it in her juices, riding on the high of her climax. But Twilight endured and now sought to bring the blue earth pony to another orgasm.

Mrs. Cake still felt Twilight pulling on her mane and plundering her depths, her fore hooves tightening around her. Each grunt the unicorn made brush hot air into her face. There wasn't a single thing happening that Cup Cake didn’t like, finding pleasure in Twilight asserting her dominance, and filling her pussy with hot mare meat. Her walls twitching and collapsing around the scholar’s length, trying desperately to milk Twilight of her cum and filling her womb as she did her belly moments ago, moaning her husband’s name and begging Twilight to fuck her more.

In need of a change, Twilight fell back to her hind hooves and pulled Mrs. Cake onto the floor, flipping the larger mare onto her back while the scholar slipped her cock back into Cup’s depths, grunting happily that her entire cock can now feel the baker’s hot quim.

Cup’s entire body latched around Twilight, moaning into the unicorn’s neck as she submitted to the hard fucking she received. Her body shaking from the force of Twilight’s hips slamming into her own.

Satisfied with the new position, Twilight started to kiss the Baker’s neck. She let out a surprised gasp when Cup began fellating her horn, slobbering all over the ridges and tracing every inch with her tongue. With pleasure focused on both her horns, Twilight’s mind reeled and her eyes rolled back in bliss.

Mrs. Cake never sucked on somepony’s horn before, and Twilight’s had a very different taste from her cock. The shaft was more fruity than the otherwise salty prick, The raspberry and grape flavours being absorbed into her tongue as she sucked on the sensitive bone. She felt Twilight’s magic flowing into her mouth, her cheeks glowing a dark purple from the sudden instability brought on by the stimulation.

Twilight bit down on Mrs. Cake’s neck, marking the earth mare as her dick began to spasm and throb inside Cup, filling her passage and womb with inactive seed. The Baker released a gasp as Twilight’s magic sputtered out of her horn, becoming physical and liquidy as it coated the cupboards and Mrs. Cake’s face with the unicorn’s glowing orgasm.

Fortunately, Cup was close as well, her pussy clenching Twilight and forcing as much of the white cream into the womb as it could, making the earth mare feel as if she was pregnant with the twins again, all the while screaming her husband’s name.

Twilight fell lifelessly onto Cup’s body, gasping for air. “A- are you okay?”

Cup’s hooves slowly brushed through Twilight’s mane, happily full and satisfied. “I am now, dear. I'm sorry to drag you back into this,” Cup said, feeling Twilight’s magic disappear from her face, she turned up slightly to see the purple stains fading out of existence. “At least orgasms from the horn and far easier to clean up than the other kind.”

Twilight chuckled lightly, feeling her softening cock leave Cup’s body. “Yeah…” Twilight stood up, her body aching from the constant sex. “As much fun as it was to… please you, think you could have Mr. Cake help you with your heat from now on? I... don’t like the feeling of… being in an affair with somepony behind somepony else’s back.”

Mrs. Cake stood up and nodded, saddened that she cheated on her husband again. “Of course, again I’m sorry to make this… whole thing happen again, but-” She was interrupted by Twilight’s hoof on her shoulder.

“Take a page from my mares; they always find a way to drag me into bed, usually literally. Have Pinkie look after the twins and just… take your stallion to town,” Twilight stated, giving Cup a small smile.

“That does seem to happen more, doesn’t it?” Mrs. Cake giggled. “Though, if you don’t mind me asking. Why and how do you get trapped, tricked, or fooled into sex so often?”

Twilight let out a sigh and shrugged. “I really don’t know, sometimes I think my brain just turns off when the promise of sex comes up, regardless of who or what started it.”

Mrs Cake nodded, standing up and wincing as her rump reminded her of the rump she had a moment ago, leaking cum onto the floor. “Thank you… for helping me, Twilight. Just know that I can help if you need it… not sexual anyways, you seem to have enough of that already,” she said, blushing.

“Of- of course, I need to get home… see you later,” Twilight added, blushing hard as she walked out of the bakery. Mrs. Cake let out a happy sigh as she went up to get cleaned up, thinking carefully about how she’ll take her husband after mating season.


Twilight returned home, giving a great sigh of relief. She noticed that only her mother and her non-pony mates were present and gave a curious look. “Where’s everypony else?”

“Trixie had secluded herself in Gilda’s room, Fleur is in the kitchen trying to keep busy, Pinkie returned to her home… oh and you have a visitor in your room,” Twilight Velvet replied happily. “I must say… she’s definitely a mare I wouldn’t mind seeing in your herd, dear.”

Twilight pouted slightly, annoyed by her mother’s teasing and somewhat confused by what she meant. “How do you mean?”

“An earth mare that teaches the children in town with a nice gropeable ass and a nice voice, dear,” Velvet giggled, returning to her previous task, which was reading.

“Cheerilee stomped in here and demanded to fuck you, your mom said ‘kay’ and told her to wait in your room,” Gilda added, preening her wings.

Twilight nodded and walked up the stairs to greet the school teacher. Giving cautious glances to her mother and Gilda, noticing Zecora leaving the kitchen for a moment before walking into the bedroom.

Twilight wasn’t prepared to see Cheerilee lying on her desk, which she moved to the middle of the room, her hind legs spread apart, wearing only a lewd smirk. “About time, Twilight. I’ve been waiting for an hour for you to get back,” Cheerilee commented.

“I… was ambushed… by mares… I take it Big Mac wasn’t available?” Twilight uttered, unsure she would want to intrude.

Cheerilee rolled her eyes in annoyance. “If it wasn’t for this heat and the… need to feel your dick inside me, Twilight. The mood would have been killed, I am not in a relationship with Big Mac, we’re just good friends. Everyone needs to stop asking me about me being with him.”

“Sorry, it’s just… I haven’t heard anything lately about that and… I’m sorry,” Twilight said, sinking away and ready to leave the bedroom.

“It’s okay… so long as you fuck me silly,” Cheerilee stated with a wide smile, patting her crotch as to entice Twilight to come over.

“I… I’m actually really tired, Cheerilee. I just had sex with Rarity and the Spa Twins and then Mrs. Cake, I want to rest for the final day, maybe tomorrow? I still need to meet with Trixie and Fleur-”

“Either we have safe consensual sex or I rape you until you have no feeling in your thick fat cock for the next month, and I’m perfectly fine with either,” Cheerilee interrupted, her smile fading into a scowl.

“And I will lock you in there with her if that’s the case,” Velvet called out from below, causing Twilight to grimace. “You need to learn how to conquer your mares sweetie, not them conquer you, I’ve heard about how bad you are with starting sex.”

“I take it we’ll be mating over my desk?” Twilight reiterated, smiling meekly as she approached Cheerilee.

Cheerilee smiled again, nodding seductively. “Oh yeah.”

Twilight frowned and used her magic to spin Cheerilee around, keeping her lying on her back but her head was on the lower edge while her rump was at the top. “Get me ready please,” Twilight ordered, presenting her flaccid cock to the teacher’s face, looking over the darker purple petals in front of her.

“With pleasure,” Cheerilee cooed. She gave the purple dick a long lick and stroking it with a free hoof.

Twilight winced from the slick appendage on her shaft, leaning forward to press her mouth to Cheerilee’s marehood, sliding her flexible muscle along the winking lips. She shifted her rump, finding Cheerilee’s mouth and slowly fed her member into the moist orifice.

Little by little, Cheerilee felt her mouth and throat being filled by Twilight’s purple girth, the salty and fruity taste dominating her taste buds. She gagged a little bit, but it was enough for Twilight to feel it and stop advancing, keeping her member stationary in her mouth while licking the teacher’s quim. With one hoof wrapped around Twilight’s rump, the other snuck over to Twilight’s pussy, trying to coax the unicorn into rutting her face, letting out a happy hum as the unicorn slowly began to rock into her, burying more of her cock into Cheerilee’s maw.

Twilight moaned into Cheerilee’s pussy, thrusting her hips into her purple friend’s mouth. “Cheerilee…” she whinnied, writhing from the earth pony flexing her throat and teasing the purple cock with her tongue.

Cheerilee smirked around the purple mare’s dick, vibrating her mouth with a light hum. Seeing Twilight’s rear legs shake with pleasure and moan into her wet pussy made the teacher feel hotter, wishing that the shaft in her mouth was fucking her winking snatch.

Twilight may not have read Cheerilee’s mind, but she wanted to rut this mare over the desk as well. She pulled herself out quickly, and switched the mare around. With little hesitation, Twilight approached and sunk her cock in, pressing her mouth against Cheerilee’s as her cock was encompassed by the teacher’s hot depths.

Once the kiss broke, Twilight began to breathe heavily, puffs of hot air grazing Cheerilee’s shoulder as the unicorn’s fore hooves held her mid section. Cheerilee’s eyes were in the process of rolling to the back of her head, all four limbs wrapped around Twilight’s body, trying to keep the bookish mare from leaving her. She could feel their sweat and juices sliding down her fur as she pulled Twilight onto the desk, forcing the unicorn’s hooves to the wooden surface for stability.

From the lobby, everyone could hear Twilight rutting Cheerilee. Gilda was beginning to feel uncomfortable, her hindlegs fidgeting as her pussy began to burn. Zecora and Twilight Velvet were smiling confidently, the older Twilight’s grin growing whenever she heard Cheerilee moan or beg. Fleur was trying hard to keep busy, failing to ignore Cheerilee’s cries of joy or the occasional loud grunt for her alpha, her nethers beginning to moisten.

Gilda turned slightly to see Zecora and Velvet eyeing her. “Can I… help you two?”

“We were wondering if we can help you? You seem to be having some trouble,” Velvet giggled, pointing to the wet spot on the couch.

“When the Alpha is busy, the beta must step up with the herd’s plea. Lady Velvet noticed you stiffen, it’s been awhile since she had griffon,” Zecora added, giving a knowing glance to Velvet.

“What makes you two think you can take me?” Gilda challenged, cracking her talons.

“If my daughter can make you scream, I can make you worship me as your new goddess,” Velvet said, approaching Gilda with stride with Zecora following suit.

Twilight stopped at the sound of Gilda screeching. “Gilda?”

Cheerilee hooked her hoof around Twilight’s neck and pulled her closer. “You can fuck her later, she’s probably having sex with the zebra or your mother.”

“Oh fuck yes!” They both heard Gilda scream.

“See? Now FUCK me,” Cheerilee demanded with a evil smile. Twilight nodded, and returned to her task, slowly building back to her old pace.

The entire library was a buzz with the sounds of pleasure, Gilda’s screams and Cheerilee’s cries echoed into the night sky. The sounds fueling Twilight with lust, easily coercing her into slamming herself to the hilt into Cheerilee, she could feel herself filling Cheerilee with cum but she kept moving, thrusting through the pleasure to satisfy her mare.

The teacher whinnied with delight, feeling her insides painted and filled with her stallion’s cum, feeling it drip out from her snatch. If she could hear past her own moans and the griffon screaming from below, she could possibly hear Twilight’s foal batter dripping off her rump and onto the desk. Her pussy clenching the throbbing dick with all her might as her own climax ran through her nerves.

Twilight clenched her teeth, continuing to push into the teacher. Her body moving automatically for the sake of pleasing both mares. “Come- Ah! Come on Big mare. Oh give it to me. I fucking want it all,” Cheerilee moaned, her hooves and pussy tightening around the scholar.

“Whoa… fuck yes!” Came from downstairs, notifying Twilight that Gilda is clearly enjoying herself. Twilight smirked as she believed she had to do something new to make Cheerilee scream. Her horn began to glow, her magic making her dick slightly larger. A tendril of magic gliding across the earth mare’s fur and and pressing against her pucker.

The teacher’s eyes went wide, screeching and writhing as her senses were buzzed by the raspberry aura. “Sweet Celestia, keep doing that! Keep doing that, please!”

Smiling with satisfaction, Twilight’s magic began to encroach along Cheerilee’s coat. Electricity arcing along the earth mare’s body and filling her with bliss. Twilight leaned forward and sunk her teeth into Cheerilee’s shoulder, her thrusts becoming even stronger than before. Her body relished in the feeling of the teacher spasming beneath her. Satisfied with her work, Twilight let herself go, ejaculating once again into Cheerilee’s muff.

Cheerilee’s entire body felt fuzzy, only to feel slightly less uncomfortable when Twilight pulled her cock out of her, a slight spray of jism hititng her belly before the unicorn turned to hit the hay. “All done?”

“I’ve… been at it all day, I need rest. Sorry,” Twilight apologized, walking up the steps to her landing.

Cheerilee gazed down to see the mess Twilight made, her pussy letting out a steady stream of white goo while her belly had a single line of the unicorn’s cum, her coat matted with sweat. “Well, I think my heat is gone, thanks Twilight… Sorry I got aggressive at the start.”

“It’s okay, it seems like a recurring theme apparently,” Twilight smiled, collapsing onto her bed.

Cheerilee struggled to get on her hooves, her hind legs felt jittery for being inactive for too long. She limped out of the room and carefully walked down the stairs. She gazed down to the foyer where she saw Velvet reading a book on Gilda’s back, thick black straps around the older Twilight’s body as she kept her toy hilted in the griffon. “Had fun?” Velvet exclaimed, looking up from her book.

“D-definitely… I take it you had some fun of your own?” Cheerilee asked, slowing her walk to chat.

“Gilda needed some relief and Zecora and I were feeling… frisky from hearing you scream upstairs. Zecora is in the back helping Fleur right now, but… even a fake cock is no substitute for the real deal, am I right?” Velvet giggled, thrusting her rear down into Gilda, the griffon let out a gasp of pleasure as she collapsed back onto the couch.

Cheerilee turned to the kitchen and could hear the faint sounds of somepony getting rutted, and the zebra’s rear coming into view every so often as well as Fleur’s tail flailing beneath it. “Well, I actually need to get home to plan for next week’s classes. Thank you for letting me use your daughter though.”

“Don’t be a stranger,” Velvet said with a warm smile. She watched Cheerilee leave and looked down to her griffon pillow. “Comfy?”

“Having your plastic dick in my ass… is starting to feel uncomfortable, can I go to sleep Miss Velvet?” Gilda groaned, her eyes failing to stay open.

“Only if you promise to wake your Alpha up with a blowjob tomorrow, Twilight needs to get ready for her mares after all,” Velvet cooed, standing up and letting her toy slip out of the griffon’s abused anus.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Day Six

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Twida [F/Futa, oral, extremely light)
TwiLuna [Futa/F, vaginal, dick transformation, light womb penetration]
TwiLuck [F/Futa, non-consensual, vaginal, anal, rough]
Twixie [Futa/F, Public sex, oral, vaginal, rough]
Redlight [Futa/F, oral, vaginal]
Fleur de Light [Futa/F, vaginal, rough]

~Day Six~

Twilight’s eyes slowly opened, feeling her body awaken at a crawling pace. Despite her daze, she could feel someone licking and sucking her penis and hear the sounds of slurping below her. She slowly looked down her body to see a blushing griffon tending to her penis. “G- Good morning, Gilda.”

Gilda popped the semi-erect member out of her mouth and began stroking. “Hey Twilight, this looks kinda weird, doesn’t it?” she uttered, blushing faintly.

“It does… did my mom…?” Twilight asked, curious.

“Yeah, she… made me do this or I would have spent the entire night and morning with her riding my ass… literally,” Gilda replied, her face darkening in embarrassment as she returned to her task, talons digging into Twilight’s folds to push the unicorn to orgasm faster.

“Y-You really don’t have to,” Twilight murmured, body arching from the touch of Gilda’s tongue on her member.

Gilda rolled her eyes, glaring up at Twilight. “Shut up and take your blowjob like a mare,” she grumbled, immediately sinking half of the thick rod into her mouth. Her eyes locked onto her Alpha’s lust-wracked face, the expanding rod in her mouth pressing against her beak and the roof of her mouth.

The balcony door burst open, snapping Twilight and Gilda to attention. They looked down to find Princess Luna, looking as if she had been drinking. “Ugh... my head. Is this what it feels like outside the dome?”

“Luna? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked, trotting down to greet the lunar princess.

“W-I… was told that Mating Season was particularly savage in Ponyville, thus we came to protect you… Why does everything smell like sex?” Luna inquired, rubbing her nose.

“Because I’ve been having a lot of sex, Luna. And you didn’t know this until now?” Twilight questioned, with a raised brow.

“We… thought that there was a barrier here to dampen the heat, but we got curious and noticed the overwhelming stench of lust as we flew by last night, as well as the loud screams coming from your library,” Luna replied, holding her nose. Her wings slowly becoming rigid, standing high from her back while her hindlegs shifted.

Gilda noticed how uncomfortable Luna looked and gave Twilight a cautious look. “Twi… I think she’s in heat.”

“Nonsense! Alicorns… don’t enter heat!” Luna declared. She tensed when she realized that she was brushing her body against Twilight’s. “I… don’t think we can.”

“I wouldn’t know actually, no one had ever documented Alicorn mating habits since… well, there are only three known alicorns right now,” Twilight commented. She turned to Luna to find that she had sent a letter to Celestia.

“As my sister is the elder sibling, I’m hoping she would know why-” A letter spawned before the two mares, the griffon excusing herself to get food. “Dear Lulu, you’re in heat because you love Twilight, have fun. Love Tia,” Luna recited, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Alicorns enter heat when they’re in love? That… sounds kind of odd but I guess it does explain Cadance being cuddly with my brother… and me when Shiny is away,” Twilight thought, rubbing her chin in thought.

“Our path is clear, we must make with the beast with two backs!” Luna declared, flying to the bed, her eyes widened in surprise by the strange cleanliness, minus the small mess Gilda made. “For a mare that’s been having constant lays with her herd, your bed is remarkably clean.”

“I’ve been, ah, mating on the rug down below… or in the main room… but it’s usually at the mare’s place,” Twilight answered, trotting back up the landing with Luna. “Do you wanna eat first or do we wanna get to it now?”

“We’ll get this heat out of this way immediately, then we shall feast!” Luna affirmed. Twilight found it a tad funny to see the serious Princess maintain the same look as a castle guard while she laid her front on the bed and raised her tail, bending her legs to allow the shorter mare easier access to her glistening slit. “Commence the mating!”

“R-right.” Twilight babbled, giving a quick salute before trotting to Luna’s backside, propping herself onto Luna’s back and forcing half her member deep into the princess’s glistening marehood.

Luna’s features immediately broke down from the initial penetration, her face flushed as the purple mare sunk her cock deeper into her, looking back to see Twilight push herself to the hilt. “It’s… been too long, we… we demand that we do this more often.”

“Maybe in my dreams? When you have some free time while you dream dive,” Twilight suggested, panting from the powerful grip of Luna’s cooch.

“We haven’t… seen Nightmare Moon in our min- Ohhh... in a few months, perhaps it is- Ah!- safe, for us to… mate in the safety… of your mind,” Luna moaned, thrusting her hips back into Twilight’s crotch.

“That’s- Mmm… good to hear, but… how would it work?” Twilight asked, pounding into Luna’s flanks at a steady pace.

“I… am physically… entering the dreams of others, it’ll be- Ah!- your metaphysical body MA- mating with my physical form. I’ll- I’ll make sure we both… remember it,” Luna explained, drooling onto the bed.

“Okay, thank you,” Twilight cooed, kissing the base of Luna’s wings. Her horn began to glow and caress the feathers of the princess’ wings, the aura spreading across Luna’s back.

Luna let out a moan as she felt her lover’s magic touching her body. Her own magic flowing out to caress Twilight. A triumphant smirk appeared when she heard the smaller mare gasp in pleasure and push into her harder.

The smaller scholar pounding her girth deep into the larger princess, their magics surrounding their lover’s bodies as they brought each other pleasure. Luna let out a blessed hiss when her younger lover began moving much faster, the purple phallus dragging along her insides before being pushed back into her with great force.

“Ohh, Twilight…” Luna moaned, thrusting her rump back into the unicorn’s crotch. She bit her lower lip as the flat cockhead tapped a delicate part deep inside her.

Twilight found Luna’s rump strangely comfortable, taking her cock with ease but massaging it as if it was made for the Princess’ marehood specifically. The magical sensation that targeted every inch of her body sending sparks of lust into her brain, urging her to spill her seed into the night alicorn.

Luna gasped when Twilight bucked and writhed against her rump, her cock firing her sperm deep inside her, triggering the alicorn’s own orgasm. She slumped down onto the bed while her mate held herself close to Luna, ensuring that every drop is kept deep inside the princess’ cooch.

Twilight looked to the satisfied look on Luna’s face and went to dismount her mare, only to find Luna’s pussy gripping her still, trying desperately to keep the unicorn in. “I take it… you’re not fully satisfied?”

Luna turned her head to the purple mare and smiled. “If you could please… continue? I… I still need one more thing done though.”

“What would that be?” Twilight asked, curious as to what Luna might mean.

The Princess grinned as her magic began to center on Twilight’s crotch, knocking the wind out of the unicorn as she molded the purple penis to her liking.

Twilight looked down and blushed heavily when she noticed that her penis was not only larger but barbs protruded slightly from the tip and shaft and a large bulb at the base. “You… you gave me a dragon penis?”

“A fantasy, if you will indulge us,” Luna cooed, shaking her rump as Twilight’s cum began to ooze from her lovingly abused snatch.

Twilight gave her current mate a nervous smile as she attempted to wield her unorthodox member, the knot making it feel awkward to even move. She managed to lift herself back onto the Alicorn’s back, Luna using her magic to position the unicorn’s transformed appendage to its target.

Pressing forward, Twilight slowly sunk her member into Luna’s wet muff, shuddering from the pleasure the unfamiliar barbs granted her as they brushed along the constricting walls.

“Oh, it… feels better than I thought it would,” Luna moaned, her pussy being filled by Twilight’s girth. The slick cock sliding into her effortlessly, and grazing her pleasure point.

With her dick inside her lover, minus the bulb, Twilight began to rock her hips, gasping as the barbs flexed outward, trying to keep the unicorn deep inside her princess. “What? The barbs… they’re-”

“We know, just keep thrusting!” Luna ordered. While unsure, Twilight continued, flinching as she tried to rut the lunar mare. Each thrust, Luna’s quim and Twilight’s cockspines worked together to try and wedge the large knot into the princess.

“I can… barely move,” Twilight groaned.

“Hard, Twilight. We need that big… thing in us,” Luna moaned, thrusting her hips into Twilight’s crotch.

“You’re too small, I dunno-”

“If you can rut Fluttershy like a wolf, you can fuck us like a dragon!” Luna roared. With a mighty heave, she knocked Twilight off her hooves, causing both mares to fall off the balcony. The landing forcing the last thick segment deep into Luna, making her let out a cry of approval as she came.

While Luna found pleasure, Twilight found pain, as the princess continued to ride her new member. “Ow.”

“You. Are. Fine!” Luna stated, using her magic to mend Twilight’s wounds as she bounced. “Oh, start rutting us!”

Twilight felt a bit better, but the pain in her groin remained, her cock being milked by the Luna’s quim, grinding against the barbs and bulb that were stuck within. Despite all that had just transpired, Twilight’s cock still raged on inside the princess, throbbing with the unicorn’s heartbeat and nearly ready to paint Luna’s insides once again.

Even with her most recent orgasm, Luna needed more. The prickly nubs that kept pulling her onto her Alpha’s shaft, the heavy cumbuldge that blocked all escape and expanded her marehood, the spear-like head that lightly pressed against her cervix with every bound. She wanted more, and she was going to take more.

Twilight’s hooves managed to find purchase around Luna’s flanks, trying to work her way to her own orgasm and feeling Luna getting close to her third. She could do very little but keep Luna on her crotch, letting the Princess do as she pleased to her warped dick.

Luna’s screech broke the veil of light moans and whimpers, her orgasm causing her to ground herself hard to Twilight and triggering the younger mare’s climax. The screech’s power increased as her womb was fed cum directly from the tap, the needle-like tip sinking past her inner barrier. Her hoof instinctively went to her belly, feeling it bulge from the stress of being filled. “Goodness! There’s… so much.”

Twilight could only whimper as her body gave out, exhausted from the rough mating and the fall. Unfortunately, Luna didn’t give her rest as she began to grind and move along the powerful purple dick once again.

“Thank you! Thank you for letting us do this! My Alpha and her big dragon dick! Splitting me so well!” Luna cried out happily.

Twilight’s head lazily hung back, catching a glimpse of Zecora looking confused. “Luna… turned my penis in a dragon penis.”

Zecora nodded and slowly sunk away, not without hearing “How’s the barbs?” coming from what Twilight assumed to be her mother.

“Delightful! They grip me like a lover and and fill me with warmth!” Luna replied, recklessly grinding herself against her mate’s groin.

Luna continued to ride Twilight for another three orgasms, forcing the scholar through two of her own before falling back and feeling the knot shrink inside her cooch. “Allow us… to do this again.. in our dreams.”

“Of… course,” Twilight wheezed, shifting slightly to free herself from the exhausted lunar mare. Her body feeling limp from the abusive ride, she changed her penis back into its original form and limped out of the room.

Twilight wobbled into the main lobby, collapsing onto the table as she found some rest. Her mother walked up to her and placed a salad next to her daughter. “That sounded like a really good dragon dick.”

“I don’t want to change the shape of my penis for a long... long time,” Twilight groaned, slowly levitating her breakfast or lunch to her mouth.

“I think I need to get out, or return to your father. Your friends are giving me way too many reasons to want to fuck my own daughter,” Velvet giggled, walking back to the kitchen.


Roseluck looked up to the library’s balcony, getting her grappling hook ready to climb up. The memories of the night Twilight took her reminding the earth mare of what her body desires, guiding her aim as she threw the hook up to her target’s bedroom.

She made her way up but stopped as she heard somepony talking within the room. “Look, dragon penises are good and all, but my favorite thus far is a Manticore cock.”

“What nonsense you speak of? A dragon penis is far superior to such a lowly creature. The barbs and the cumbulge! Lady Velvet!”

“Manticore cock has a knot, my dear. And the spines on the tip excrete a poison that is designed to make you need his dick, and it has barbs along the length too.”

Roseluck rolled her eyes, ignoring the debate between manticores and dragons, she jumped onto the balcony and spotted Twilight on her bed, sleeping calmly. “It’s now or never,” Roseluck uttered, slipping into the room and looming over her target.

Twilight grumbled as the shadow disturbed her light nap. “Uggh… not now, I need my rest.”

“No rest… for my stud,” Roseluck cooed. Twilight’s eyes shot up and turned to see the red-maned earth mare pounce on her, pinning the unicorn under her. “Stop… struggling.”

“Roseluck! Stop!” Twilight demanded, trying to fight off the naturally stronger mare.

“No, you brought this upon yourself!” Roseluck stated, trying to simultaneously keep Twilight pinned and force herself down the unicorn’s semi-hard shaft.

“How? We’ve never had sex!” Twilight questioned.

“You made me into a mare that night, I remember how you forced me to take your sperm into every hole several times, and then you left… I couldn’t walk right for days and my pussy was leaking your cum for two hours, even after I bathed,” Roseluck growled, she snapped forward and bit Twilight’s shoulder, hard enough to hurt the mare but not enough to break skin.

The attack made Twilight flinch, distracting her long enough for Roseluck to slam her hips down, filling herself with Twilight’s meat. “O-Oh…”

“Rose… stop,” Twilight groaned, trying desperately to resist Roseluck’s hot crevasse.

“No, it feels too good… I need this,” Roseluck moaned, crashing her body down against Twilight’s groin. “You have to take- gah- responsibility for making me feel like this!”

Twilight tried to charge her magic to send Roseluck off her, but the earth mare slammed her hoof against the unicorn’s head, dazing her target. Her head forced into her pillow by Roseluck’s hoof, unable to do anything against the stronger mare.

“You feel so big in me, Twilight. Just like when you fucked me... after you turned me down,” Roseluck snarled, letting out a hoarse breath. Her body writhing as she rode her stallion.

“Why… why would I mate with you AFTER I turned you down?” Twilight grimaced, her hooves trying to knock Roseluck off of her.

“You snuck- oh- into my room, and said I deserve a chance to, mmm, take you from your herd. Then you fucked me,” Roseluck punctuated with a hard thrust down onto Twilight’s crotch. “And you took me in every way you wanted.”

“I don’t know what your talking about,” Twilight snapped, angered by her traitorous erection and situation. Her horn still hurt from Luna’s desired spell and Roseluck’s hoof slamming into it.

“You feign ignorance but it doesn’t matter,” Roseluck stated, looming closer to Twilight’s face, licking the unicorn’s nose. “Because I’m about to do the same to you, and I’m not leaving without your cum in every hole we can find on me.”

Twilight shuddered with fear as Roseluck continued to ride her hard cock. The earth pony was clearly delirious and crazy, staring Twilight down as she rode. She pressed her foreleg against the scholar’s throat as she leaned forward to suckle Twilight’s horn, forcing a gagging moan from her captive.

The forced attention to Twilight’s horn, combined with the heavy rutting at her groin, forced Twilight over the brink. Her seed blasting deep into Roseluck’s pussy, who eagerly cooed and weakened her grip on the unicorn’s throat as she rode her own orgasm. “Oh fuck… yeah, that’s what I felt all those times when you made me your mare.”

“Roseluck… please,” Twilight gasped as air returned to her lungs.

“You still owe me six more loads, Twilight. That’s how many times you came inside and on me,” Roseluck cackled maniacally, who had clearly lost her mind to her lust. She shifted herself and repositioned Twilight’s penis for her anus, forcing the heavy purple member into the small tan star. “Oh! Oh… riding your hard cock feels so much better than getting fucked by you like an animal.”

Twilight grit her teeth, Roseluck’s rear squeezing down on her like a vice. Her hooves tightening around the flower vendor’s hips. She could faintly feel her own jizm dripping out of Roseluck’s pussy with every bounce made.

“I can… feel your dick getting harder in me,” Roseluck whimpered, arching her back in bliss. Her body shivering as she rode out her latest climax. “Why does it feel better than before?”

Twilight slowly fought her way up to a sitting position, feeling Roseluck’s hooves become weaker as they tried to push her down. She wrapped her hooves around the tan mare and pulled her into a kiss.

Roseluck stopped to feel her crush’s lips against her own, it wasn’t anywhere near as forced as it was when she kissed her before. It made her body calm down, as her fore-legs wrapped around Twilight’s neck, pulling the unicorn deeper into the kiss.

A moment passed and Roseluck broke the kiss, a trail of saliva keeping the two mares connected. “Twilight…”

Twilight smiled and nodded, her hooves trailing down the earth mare’s body to her flanks. “I know Roseluck.”

Roseluck’s smile quickly faded to rage, a sudden burst of power coursed through her as she pinned Twilight down. “You’ve HAD your chance to be my marefriend… now you’re just my pet cock.”

“Roseluck? I swear… I’d never mean to hurt you… or anyone…” Twilight winced, cringing as Roseluck resumed her harsh riding.

“Well, I don’t care!” Roseluck stated, shuddering when her butt slammed down onto Twilight’s crotch hard. “We fucked, and now I want to fuck again.”

The pressure became too much, forcing Twilight to hose Roseluck’s rear with cum. The flower vendor let out a whinny of delight from the feeling, pushing her to cum as well. The scholar felt her captor fall slack in her, and struggled to escape, but Roseluck was faster. “No you don’t!”

“Roseluck, please… I need rest,” Twilight moaned, trying futilely to escape the tan mare.

“You’ve cum twice, the last time… you came in me seven times! I’m not letting you go until I’ve forced seven loads of cum out of you!”

The door flew open, surprising both mares as Zecora stormed in, tackling Roseluck down. “This is not your hour, leave or the tension will turn sour.”

“NO! She’s mine, she owes me five orgasms!” Roseluck cried out, trying to fight off the stronger zebra.

Twilight weakly stood back up, her crotch in pain from the rough dismount. “Zecora? How and sorry to ask this but… what took so long?”

“The town is being tormented by our showmare, attacking all without care. Our mother stated it is your duty and Chrysalis was being a bit… unruly,” Zecora explained.

Twilight limped over to the mainroom to see Velvet and Gilda panting exhaustedly over the sleeping form of Chrysalis. “Are you two okay?”

Velvet was about to speak, but fell back as sleep took her. Gilda slowly stood up, her rump burning from her activities with Chrysalis. “Chrysalis wanted to find you, so us three had to hold her off while you rested. Her… thingie was bigger than we expected. At least she wasn’t fertilized so the eggs she filled Me and Velvet with aren’t gonna be changelings… right?”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, and Trixie is outside?” Zecora nodded, keeping the struggling flower pony pinned. “Alright, I’ll… rest up first then go deal with Trixie. Could you take Roseluck home?”

“This mare will not trouble us no longer, hopefully this forced exercise will sate her hunger,” Zecora said calmly, pulling Roseluck out of the room. Twilight noticed a strap-on next to her mother and levitated to her striped mate. With a smile, Zecora accepted it and took Roseluck out of the library.

Twilight then struggled into the lobby and collapsed onto Chrysalis, nestled between her mother and Gilda.


Twilight marched into Town Square where mares were being juggled and levitated through the sky, their panicked screams filled the air, however the mares that hovered close to Twilight stopped in an attempt to grab the purple unicorn. “Trixie!”

Like thunder, a booming voice nearly sent Twilight onto her rump. “So, the Great and Powerful Trixie’s rival has come at long last! Trixie was wondering when you’d show up.”

“Trixie stop… messing with the townsfolk, they’re already crazy to begin with and scaring them will do nopony any good,” Twilight ordered, scanning the area for Trixie.

The mares were soon levitated towards City Hall to create a staircase, as Trixie stared down with a wicked smile, her purple cape bellowing in the wind and her hat adding to her attempt to intimidate the futa-scholar. “I have long awaited to defeat you in a proper battle, to show you and everypony that Trixie is the greatest pony that had ever lived!” She cackled, walking down her stairs of mares.

Twilight scowled as Trixie got to the bottom, forcing the mares back into orbit around the two. “Trixie, this isn’t funny, nor does it look entertaining. Come home and rest. I’ll make your favorite pasta.”

“You mean the bowtie noodles with the white cream sauce and-” Trixie stopped and shook her head hard before shooting a glare back at Twilight. “You DARE bribe the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!”

“No, I’m trying to reason with Trixie. Do you really still hold a grudge after all the time we’ve spent together?” Twilight asked, her ears pinned back in sorrow.

“Of course, It’s not fair that you get EVERYTHING! You have friends, lovers, shelter, the princess, fame! I struggle to keep ANY of that, so… I will claim my spot as the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, and best you once and for all!” Trixie announced, a storm brewing above the cyclone of mares. The lightning bolts striking a few hooves away from Twilight.

Twilight stared in awe of the magical power Trixie had, she didn’t even think that the blue mare had such power. But at the corner of her eye, she saw a mare walking past hoping to stay out of the way of the two mares. At that moment, Twilight took a careful look at each mare, even as Trixie stepped into her field of vision. “Trixie…”

“Enjoying the view of your downfall? The moment I defeat you, I shall be the Mistress!” Trixie taunted, glaring down at the purple mare.

“This… isn’t real. This is all an illusion spell…” Twilight uttered, amazed by the spellwork. She didn’t even notice it was an illusion until she felt the faint traces of magic emanating around her, Trixie’s horn barely shone its pale purple light but the close proximity gave Twilight a clear view of the the showmare’s magic. “Trixie… this is amazing!”

Trixie blinked in confusion. “You are correct to be in awe but you should fear the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She scowled, her face now inches away from the impressed scholar.

“Trixie, I’ve never seen illusion magic done so well, I honestly thought you were throwing mares around and the storm! I- this is so well done, I don’t think I could ever hope to replicate is, I just… I’m so proud of you,” Twilight gushed, pulling Trixie into a hug.

Trixie was normally a mare of incredible will power, but to see her rival and lover praise her and hug her destroyed every mask she had available. “I- Trix- You’re not mad?”

“I kinda should be… but you’re not hurting anyone and this is just… an incredible feat of illusion magic!” Twilight said happily, still hugging the showmare.

Trixie’s lower lip began to tremble as the spell slowly dissipated, the storm walls cleared and the mares vanished one by one until the two unicorns sat in the middle of Ponyville with a few mares watching in confusion. “MISTRESS!” Trixie cried, hugging Twilight tighter.

Twilight wheezed when she recalled that Trixie was stronger than her physically, then began nuzzling the weeping showmare. “You did very good, I’ve never been prouder,” Twilight whispered into her mate’s ear.

Trixie cried into Twilight’s shoulder for a good minute before they were interrupted by a cough. They perked up and noticed that they were surrounded by mares, around them were runes that Twilight identified as magic negation, three of the unicorns holding chalk in their magical grips. “Oh crud,” Twilight uttered.

“Trixie and Twilight would like to go home now,” Trixie said, chuckling nervously.

“Not happening,” one mare said.

“Mating Season is almost over and we’re starting to think a little better,” another said from behind Twilight.

“How about this, give us a show… and we won’t be forced to ride Twilight until every mare in attendance is satisfied,” a pegasus said above them, a overwhelming ‘Yeah!’ made both unicorns scared.

“Trixie… isn’t sure she can do that spell again, but with Twilight’s help she could-” Trixie was interrupted by a flying tomato flying past her vision.

“We want you two to fuck in front of us!” A mare shouted from the back, all the mares began to chant ‘Rut her!’, demanding that the purple mare mate with her showmare.

“I really shouldn’t,” Twilight muttered, shrinking from the countless eyes staring at her.

“Either you fuck her, or we fuck you,” an earth mare said, some mares licking their lips and hoping that the unicorn would accept the latter option.

Twilight turned to Trixie with an apologetic look. The blue mare continued to look for a way out. “Trixie… would much rather mate in the safety of her own home.”

Twilight tried look above the gang of mares in hopes to see a familiar face. “Gilda? Zecora? Mom?” She called out, letting out a whimper of defeat when none of them shown up.

“Last we checked, the Velvet Mistress and the griffon are still sleeping off their session with the changeling and Zecora is fucking with Roseluck,” a unicorn confirmed, making Twilight worry.

“Do you all promise to not join?” Trixie asked, glaring at all the mares.

“Pfft, no,” a pegasus chuckled, earning a chorus of laughter all around. “And you are in no position to argue, so get to fucking like rabbits, you two.”

“Trixie tried…” Trixie uttered, separating from Twilight and presenting herself, shivering as the herd began to whistle and squeal.

“I’m… sorry Trixie,” Twilight uttered, going over to give Trixie’s quim a few licks to prepare her mate.

“That dick is looking really tasty, you should hide it in your mare before we try to take it,” one pony called out, causing Twilight to blush as she felt her member became hard underneath her belly.

“Trixie, let’s do oral first. Get me ready please,” Twilight ordered. Trixie turned around and went under her Alpha, giving the flat tip a kiss before accepting the head into her mouth. A grunt left Twilight’s throat as her cock was enveloped in the heat of Trixie’s compact maw, the blue mare’s horn rubbing against her belly lengthwise as she continued to swallow the larger purple meat.

Murmurs among the mares were heard, some were impressed that Trixie was taking Twilight’s cock well, some were unamused by the lack of actually ‘rutting’, but it was clear that more than half of them had started to masturbate to the show.

Trixie’s tail slowly inched upward, revealing her moistening pussy to the crowd. The showmare gagged slightly as her nose brushed against Twilight’s coat, the medial ring grinding against the roof of her mouth. Her body shuddered in pleasure as she began to taste her Alpha’s cream, feeling the pre-cum dribble down her throat.

Twilight could feel her cock reach its apex in length, pushing the blue unicorn off her member. Trixie let out a whimper as she licked her lips, trying to collect her Mistress’ flavour.

“Wow, how is that connected to that bookish mare?”

“Look at that slut lick her lips, she really needs that cock.”

“Fuck, this is getting me hot.”

“Trixie’s cunt is leaking like a fountain! She’s so cockwhipped.”

“Great and Powerful? More like Slutty and Cockhungry.”

Twilight looked up at the chuckling mares with her angriest glare and slammed her hoof down. “Enough, you might have forced us to mate for your amusement, but I will NOT have you belittle MY mate!”

A few jaws dropped and some mares just stared in surprise. “What are you gonna do about it?”

Twilight scanned the magic circle that surrounded her and berated herself at the amateurish sigils. “We could step out of the circle as they don’t have binding runes on them and I’ll punish ALL of you with my magic… and No, it won’t be the sexual punishment.”

The mares stayed silent and turned to the three unicorns that made the circle. “We don’t know any of the movement binding runes, we just know about the magic sealing ones.”

Twilight guided Trixie out of the circle, firing a death glare at any mare that stood in her way. Once out, Twilight levitated a large group of them and made a path to the library. “If ANY of you follow us, there will be DIRE consequences!”

A few mares pushed their way out of the crowd to stop Twilight, only to be put to sleep by the unicorn’s magic, disabling spells shot at unicorns, and gravity spells with a soft fall enchantment was fired at pegasi. This continued until the two reached the library, where Twilight let Trixie in before she did, firing a few more spells at the crowd. The scholar slammed the door and erected a barrier spell around the library, keeping all the mares out.

Velvet and Gilda were still asleep and Chrysalis was reading a book. “Fuck Trixie yet?” the changeling asked.

“Not in the mood for your games,” Twilight growled, ushering Trixie up the stairs.

Trixie was stunned by the sudden forwardness of the normally awkward unicorn, she felt that the time it took for her to leave the crowd of mares and find herself lying on her mistress’ bed with a heated Twilight looming over her passed by in mere seconds. When her mind caught up to the current event she gasped and shrunk under the purple mare. “Trixie… is confused.”

“You’re about to feel good in a moment,” Twilight muttered lunging forward to kiss Trixie. The blue mare quickly melting from the contact as her hooves slowly wrapped around the neck of her lover.

Feeling hot from the oral she received and the adrenaline from confronting the herd of mares, Twilight wasted no time to penetrate the blue mare, forcing Trixie to scream in delight of being instantly filled with her lover’s rod.

Trixie gasped as her violet lover began to pump into her hard, making her mind go numb from the pleasure. Twilight trailing kisses along her neck, her hooves holding her tightly, her mare tamer doing its job fantastically.

Twilight let out a grunt, biting down on Trixie’s shoulder as she forced her inches deep into her mare. Wet slicks filled the air every time the scholar pulled out to the medial ring before forcing herself back in.

Just as Twilight was in awe of Trixie’s show of magic, Trixie was in awe of Twilight’s rampant love-making, quivering and moaning from her fellow unicorn’s force and pleasure.

“Trixie…” Twilight whispered, kissing her mare’s neck. “I want you to cum, now!”

Following her mistress’ command, Trixie let out a wail of desire. Her body spasming as she came around her lover’s prick. Unfortunately, even as she rode on the aftershocks of her climax, Twilight continued to ram herself to the hilt, quickly escalating Trixie’s lust and pushing her to her next orgasm.

“Please… Mistress, fill me,” Trixie pleaded, her limbs tightening around her lover’s body. But Twilight ignored it, doing her best to resist her own arousal and temptation to fill the showmare with seed. Trixie’s begging only increased as they continued, moaning as her body shuddered from the wracking pleasure.

After forcing Trixie to her second climax, Twilight was unable to hold herself back and let out a low moan. She watched Trixie’s expression, her eyes and mouth going wider as her mistress filled her with spunk. Despite her shaft feeling a bit sensitive from the rough love making, Twilight pushed forward, continuing to rut the showmare’s pussy with reckless abandon.

“AH, Mistress?” Trixie gasped, amazed by the scholar’s energy. She winced from the harsh thrust, Twilight moving slower but thrusting as hard as she could. Each slam of Twilight’s hips forced a sharp gasp to leave Trixie’s lips, quivering as the purple mare’s hooves trailed down to hold her flanks. “Twilight!”

“Trixie…” Twilight cooed, watching Trixie’s face scrunch up adorably as pleasure overtook her nerves and mind. She leaned forward and captured Trixie’s lips with her own.

Trixie’s body convulsed with another orgasm as Twilight’s movements sped up, the sound of hips slapping together attempting to overcome Trixie’s orgasmic voice when their lips detached. “Mistress! Trixie needs more!”

“Almost there, just relax,” Twilight ordered, staring deep into Trixie’s eyes, wincing as Trixie’s quim convulsed and came once again.

On the other side of the door, Chrysalis listened to their mating carefully, annoyed that she could not join and jealous that of all the times that Twilight would show her dominate (though not the overly confident dominate side that many view as the ‘Alpha’), she would use it on Trixie, listening to the showmare moan and gasp in pleasure. The scent of sex and love filled the air and angered Chrysalis more so. “I demand a turn!”

Twilight opened the door with a stern look, behind her Trixie was recovering from the recent round of mating. The changeling was blasted by the waft of sex, before shrinking from her Alpha’s intimidating stare. “Chrysalis, I am really sorry but I am BUSY with Trixie. You already mated with Gilda AND my mother, I think you’re sated for now.” With that said, Twilight shut the door. Chrysalis stared at the closed door in shock, unsure if it was Twilight she tentatively loves or the Twilight that made her changelings know who the real queen was. Regardless, Chrysalis walked back to the lobby and patiently waited for her Alpha.

Twilight returned to Trixie, seeing that the showmare is now resting on her belly. “Ready for more, Trixie?”

Trixie jumped at the sound of her mistress, and nodded. Her tail moving to the side, showing off a cum filled snatch.

Twilight smiled approvingly. “Sorry, but I had to go deal with Chrysalis. Now… where were we?” Twilight cooed, kissing Trixie’s head as she mounted her mare. Slowly rutting into the blue mare, causing the white spooge to be forced out around the purple cock.

Moments passed and Twilight slide herself out of Trixie, the showmare’s drool trailing down her cheek and onto the bed, her pussy overstuffed with Twilight’s cum as it fled out of her at an alarming rate. Her mane was splayed all around her as sleep slowly took the blue mare. Sweat coated both their bodies as Twilight sat next to Trixie, letting herself rest for the first time that day. Her body finally calming down from the rush of standing up to a herd of lust crazed mares and mating Trixie, she recalled her brief moment with Chrysalis and resolved to apologize to the Changeling Queen after her nap.


Twilight’s eyes slowly opened, finding herself in a sterile white room, a few bandages covering her face and forelimbs. She remembered going to apologize to Chrysalis, then she felt hooves wrap around her back and dragging her into the street, then she was blasted by a bright green light.

It took her a second, but she realized that someone took her to the hospital. Another thing she had noticed that her groin felt very good. The large pony sized lump at her crotch, a small part of it bobbing up and down rhythmically. “Hello?”

The blanket was thrown off to reveal Nurse Redheart with a mouth full of Twilight’s cock, moaning around the solid flesh. She gave her patient a smile before resuming her mouth work.

Unfortunately, Twilight was a bit more confused to fully enjoy her blowjob. “Nurse Redheart? How did I get here?”

The white earth pony released the unicorn’s shaft with a loud ‘pop’. “Your changeling friend brought you here after trying to fight off a herd of angry mares. She claimed to have accidentally hit you with a magic bolt. And… I saw this,” the nurse stroked Twilight’s cock. “I couldn’t help myself, it smelled so good and tasted wonderful. I hope you don’t mind.”

Twilight let out an annoyed groan. “I would have liked to be asked first.”

Redheart giggled. “I suppose I’ll just continue.”

“Before you do, how long am I going to be here?” Twilight asked, her brow furrowed in worry.

“Until I’m pleasantly stuffed with your cum, and one of your herd comes to help you out. Chrysalis is outside the room waiting for you to recover,” Redheart cooed, giving Twilight’s shaft a long lingering lick.

The scholar’s back tingled from the nurse’s attention. Her hooves attempting to grip the hospital bed. She was shocked to find that Redheart’s tongue felt heavenly against her shaft, knowing which exact parts were the most sensitive and attacking it violently.

The white mare’s eyes rolled back from the strange fruity and addictive taste of the Alpha mare’s cock. Its rich musk filling her nose and exciting her more, making her pussy wink and in need for the member she’s slobbering on. Hearing the younger mare moan and squeal in delight coaxing her to swallow more of the unicorn’s girth.

Twilight could feel her cock flex within the tight confines of Redheart’s throat, her flare expanding within the nurse’s gullet in preparation. “Have you been… Oh goodness!”

Redheart’s eyes bulged as the milky cream surged down her throat rapidly, filling her belly with warm cum. They softly closed as she rhythmically flexed her neck muscles around Twilight to milk the unicorn of her sperm. Once the flow has finished, Redheart slowly released Twilight, letting the hard member flop out of her mouth.

“How long… have you been...” Twilight groaned, lying back in the afterglow.

“How long have I been sucking your delicious cock? About seventeen minutes. No wonder you got a herd, you taste amazing,” Redheart gushed, stroking the hard dick in her hooves.

Twilight’s face glowed bright red from the complement, trying to shrink herself into the bed. Her body shivered as Redheart gave her shaft a few errant licks. “I-I regret to- Oh- inform you… I’m not loOOking for any more members for my herd-AH!”

Redheart giggled around the purple rod, giving Twilight a teasing look. “I’m not looking for an Alpha… not yet anyway. I’m looking for somepony to help me with my heat seeing as the doctor is out of town. After healing you, I believe you owe me, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight swallowed her breath. “I figured as much.” Redheart squealed in delight as Twilight slowly slipped out of the bed. “I take it you want to be mounted?”

“Doesn’t every mare?” Redheart teased, presenting herself for the purple mare.

Twilight grimaced as she listed at least three mares who don’t like getting mounted in her mind, herself included, but said nothing as she reared onto Redheart’s back, using her magic to slip her cock into the nurse’s needy pussy.

Redheart let out a whinny as the unicorn sunk more of her lower horn deeper into her birth canal, the thick rod pushing against her sweet spot before softly reaching her innermost core. “Oh fuck… you’re bigger than the doctor.”

“Could you… not say that?” Twilight moaned, her hooves digging into Redheart’s sides. Her heavy member being pulled and squeezed by the velvet walls of the white mare beneath her, huffing as she thrusted herself as deep as she could.

Redheart had a mouth full of blanket, smiling widely as her marehood was split apart by the town librarian. Her eyes rolling back in pleasure, while her tail wrapped itself around Twilight’s midsection, caressing the unicorn’s fur.

Twilight examined her current mate’s features, the earth mare slightly turning her head so their eyes could meet. The sweat forming beneath the white coat and the glazed look on her eyes signalling that Redheart was having a pleasant time as she rocked her hips into Twilight to keep as full of purple cock as possible. The nurse’s grip becoming greater around the scholar, massaging it with greater force, much to Twilight’s own pleasure, Redheart clearly had the trademark earth pony strength as her dick was gripped and jerked by the strong muscles that lined the white mare’s quim.

“Harder…” Redheart moaned. Her tail coiling tighter around her pseudo stallion’s body. “Plow me harder!”

Twilight flinched from the nurse making her walls tighter and attempted to comply, laying on Redheart’s back to get into a better position for mating. Her crotch was now slamming into the nurse’s cooch as recklessly and forceful as Twilight could muster, making Redheart moan from each thrust.

With a loud shriek, Redheart felt her climax rage within herself, her body immediately halted in position as Twilight continued to work her way to her own orgasm. The shocks of her female ejaculation were only prolonged by the constant rutting of the unicorn above her, making her body shudder as she screamed.

Twilight was not all that far behind, grunting and biting her lower lip as her cock began to unleash a deluge of seed into Redheart’s welcoming twat. Her face rubbing against Redheart’s back while her cock filled her mare.

Redheart could feel her belly expanding slightly from the amount of cum Twilight gave her. Cooing softly as the unicorn’s penis lost some of it’s girth inside her among the sea of white. “Well, Miss Twilight… Would you be interested in being a sperm donor? Goodness, you made so much.”

“No thank you,” Twilight said curtly in between her breaths. She pulled out slowly, even as her spunk began to flood out of the nurse and splatter against the floor and bed frame. “So… am I free to go?”

Redheart purred as she rested, rubbing her belly with a silly grin. “I suppose so, just be sure to come back. Even the doctor can’t take care of all his nurses, after all.”

Twilight face fell when she heard that, and turned to leave. Once out of the room, Twilight found Chrysalis reading a magazine. “How was the nurse?”

“Let’s just go home,” Twilight groaned, turning to the door.

Chrysalis’ nose flared as it caught Twilight’s scent and the still meaty cock hanging beneath her. “You may want to wash up, unless you want them to attack you again.”

“Alright… but I want an apology for blasting me later,” Twilight demanded, turning to find a shower. “Also… I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

“I assure you, I’m far worse when I’m mating, Twilight. And I too am sorry for… blasting you in an effort to save you from angry mares,” Chrysalis added, resuming to read an article about Photo Finish’s pregnancy as Twilight left to clean herself.


Twilight and Chrysalis returned home, a small army of drones maintaining a protective circle around the two. Once inside, Twilight saw that her mother was awake and was currently reading. Chrysalis turned to see Gilda was still unconscious before returning her gaze to the white unicorn. “How are you up?”

“It’ll take a lot more than getting fucked full of eggs to keep me down for a while,” Velvet quipped. “Just be sure that I will get you back for that.”

“Maybe Twilight would like to see her mother get put in her place, sucking my rod,” Chrysalis teased, she was immediately jabbed in the side by Twilight who shot her a disapproving look.

“She’ll be too busy admiring how good you look with a mouth full of her cock,” Velvet added, giggling to herself. Then a thought occured. “Twilight, Fleur is upstairs… and she really needs you.”

“How bad?” Twilight asked nervously.

“I’ve… I’ve never seen a mare’s heat get this bad, try not to be surprised if she’s trying to rut something that can’t actually rut her… like a book or your pillow.”

“The books!” Twilight gasped, charging upstairs to her room.

The door flew open to reveal Fleur de Lis rubbing her crotch against a bust of Starswirl the Bearded. “My Alpha… ,” she cooed, “her scent is everywhere,” Fleur moaned, her tongue hanging out of what Twilight believed to be the goofiest smile that only Pinkie could replicate.

Twilight was then assailed by Fleur’s scent, shutting the door behind her to weaken its effects outside the bedroom. The smell of lust and need alone had the purple cock up to full mast.

She immediately saw Twilight and began breathing hard, her legs wobbling, trying desperately to keep the taller unicorn standing as she ran to Twilight. “Twilight! My dear Alpha!”

Twilight was then tackled by the slightly larger mare, feeling Fleur cuddle her side and kiss her fur. “Hello to you too, Fleur.”

“Oh Twilight, my nethers… they burn for you… please douse them with your seed. Your hot, delicious milky seed,” Fleur moaned, humping her Alpha’s body.

Twilight’s face went bright red, keeping her mouth closed to keep it from drooling. She swallowed her saliva before softly pushing the taller mare onto her back, positioning herself between her mare’s legs.

Fleur watched with eager anticipation, the hard purple cock resting on her crotch. The tip oozed it’s essence onto her coat as the scent of Twilight’s conquests mixed perfectly with her musk, Fleur’s body felt weakened from the prowess of her Alpha.

With her magic guiding her, Twilight pushed her meaty member into her willing mare. The feeling of her Alpha’s shaft filling her made Fleur shrieked in glee and shuddered from the heat growing in her body. “Ah! Oh Twilight! Ravage me, I need it, I need my Alpha!”

With a powerful grunt, Twilight took hold of Fleur’s legs and held them tightly, pounding her mare with as much might as she could offer. Her body grinding and slamming into Fleur’s rump with strong quick jabs.

Fleur arched her back as her bliss escalated, her body being fueled by her hunger for her mate. Her gazed down to her nether region, unable to see her Alpha penetrating her, but her body felt every inch of it.

“Fleur…” Twilight moaned, kissing and lathering Fleur’s legs lightly, nuzzling the white fur. Her cock throbbing inside her mare, the inviting marehood only clenching and tightening when Twilight tried to escape.

Twilight groaned in mild discomfort as Fleur came, her pussy becoming vice-like in the throes of her own bliss and strangling the purple length for its protein. Despite the sudden strength in Fleur’s quim, Twilight continued to thrust herself to the hilt, working to satisfy her lust-driven mare.

Fleur forced her legs to spread, forcing them to rest on her Alpha’s shoulders. The serious sex face of Twilight Sparkle brought the model to her climax once again, causing her stallion to mewl adorably from the increasingly tight orifice.

Twilight panted, her body shaking as she kept pounding into Fleur. The model was riding a series of continuous orgasms, her pussy wringing the purple member for any liquid it could leak as her body spasmed from her own wantonness and desire for her Alpha.

With Fleur’s pussy constantly squeezing Twilight’s dick with its powerful muscles; it didn’t take too much longer before a cute gasp left the librarian’s lips, her load firing deep into Fleur’s pussy, causing the model to enter another orgasmic fit.

The first spurt of cum immediately caused Fleur’s inner muscles to collapse and focus their efforts on milking the spasming prick, forcing every drop of sperm into the slender mare’s core. Twilight let out a squeaky grunt from the sudden pull, her body unable to pull away as her cock was squeezed dry.

“My… Alpha…” Fleur murmured, happiness filling her heart as her Alpha filled her quim.

Twilight glanced down at Fleur’s glazed over expression of glee and smiled. Her cock finished its climax and she attempted to pull out… only to find that Fleur’s marehood was still holding it captive. “Fleur? Could you let me go? It’s starting to hurt.”

“My Alpha…” Fleur moaned again, gyrating her hips against Twilight’s crotch. “My beautiful Alpha.”

Twilight’s eye twitched in fear, the taller unicorn appeared sated but her body still demanded more from Twilight. A bright pink glow around the model’s horn caught Twilight’s attention as its aura was centered at their nether regions, spurring both her marehood and the scholar’s stallionhood back to life. “What spell did you use? Fleur?” Twilight asked, cringing as pain from her recent fatigue was slowly washed away by pleasure.

“My beautiful… strong… virile… Alpha,” Fleur moaned in a stupor, staring into Twilight’s eyes and acknowledging nothing else, not even her Alpha’s words.

The grasping pussy made Twilight flinch, her cock unable to move within the confines of Fleur’s passage.

The pink aura now tickling and caressing Twilight’s coat, making the purple mare moan her desire. Her body cringed as Fleur’s own libido brought another orgasm to the model, causing her pussy to tighten for a moment.

Twilight saw this as her moment to escape, just as she felt the greedy walls flex, Twilight pushed herself away, her cock sliding out of Fleur effortlessly and making her mare groan in displeasure. “Alpha? Twilight?” Fleur moaned, looking down to see her stallion gasp for breath.

“That… Fleur… what was tha-” Twilight was tackled down by Fleur, the model’s lips capturing her mate’s horn as her own magic willed Twilight’s appendage upward for her pussy to drop down onto it.

Twilight screeched, but Fleur moaned around her lover’s magic focus when the purple meat was reintroduced to the model’s welcoming heat. Fleur’s hips slamming down hard and each rise pulled Twilight along with her on some thrusts.

Fleur quivered and shook as she felt what could be her biggest orgasm coming and with a final slam, she bit Twilight’s horn as she came. Twilight screamed in pain, Fleur’s teeth digging into her sensitive horn, but the pleasure from the model’s heat and magic coaxed her into climaxing, overloading Fleur with another salvo of seed.

Fleur’s senses overloaded from orgasm after orgasm in quick succession, her vision going white as she moaned into Twilight’s mane.

Twilight winced as she prepared for another round but noticed that Fleur stopped. Her eyes slowly opening to see that Fleur had passed out on top of her. Quickly escaping the model’s clutches, Twilight helped her mare into her bed and quickly collapsed, her body unable to continue with the night.

Mini-Series: Seven Days in Ponyville: Final

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TwiPieCora [Futa/Futa/F, magical dick, oral, vaginal, spitroast, double vaginal]
Twishy Velvet [Futa/Futa/F, temporary Futa/Futa/Futa, magical dicks, oral, wingplay, double penetration, anal, vaginal]
TwidaJack [Futa/Futa/F, magical dick, light bondage, oral, cunnilingus, vaginal, double penetration, anal, knotting]
ChrylightDash [Futa/Futa/F, temporary Futa/M/F, shapeshifting, oral, double penetration, anal, vaginal, cunnilingus]
RariTwiluna [Futa/Futa/F, magical dick, roleplay, rough, oral, anal, double penetration]
Twicest [Futa/Futa, vaginal, extremely light]

Final Day

Twilight marched before the line up of ladies: Zecora, Gilda, Velvet, Chrysalis and Luna. “Girls, I require your aid. Today is the final day of Mating Season and five of our own need relief. Because of yesterday… I will need help to sate their heat.”

“So we find them, then fuck them? What about you?” Chrysalis grumbled, shaking as the Ponyville’s mating season intertwined into her system.

“I am still responsible for them so myself and each of us will take a target. But while we are gone…” Twilight added, turning to Gilda and Chrysalis. “Scout the area! Keep me posted on where they are for when we need to get them.

“Got it,” Gilda saluted.

“Very well,” Chrysalis weakly giggled, lazily copying Gilda’s action.

“Mom, you and Zecora are in charge of the library. Keep everypony safe,” Twilight commanded.

“Of course, Sweetie,” Velvet smiled.

“We’ll safeguard our mates,” Zecora added, bowing slightly.

Twilight then turned to Luna, but her resolve faltered. “I’m sorry Luna, but could you take somepony’s spot when it’s their turn? Like Zecora is first so I’ll need you to help my mother with the Library and after that is Mom… then Gilda, then Chrysalis, then finally you.”

“Fear not, we don’t not mind so long as we are able to assist,” Luna chimed, nuzzling her mate.

“So what exactly is the plan?” Gilda asked, curious.

“Well, Rainbow said something to me a little while ago that made me curious. While we all know my stance on being on the receiving end of those actions, I have developed a spell a little bit before mating season in case someone was curious or to help couples like Lyra or Bon-Bon have a child, though the fertility of the spell isn’t actually there yet and it only lasts two orgasms,” Twilight explained, rubbing her chin.

“The dick spell?” Gilda asked, catching everyone by surprise.

“Yes… h-how did you know?” Twilight uttered in shock.

“You used it on me and we fucked Rainbow together on the clouds during those days when you were sex-hungry,” Gilda answered, crossing her forelimbs.

“Twilight? Our Twilight? Sex Hungry?” Velvet asked, confused but very curious at the same time.

“I recall that day... so you plan to give us penises to be used on our fellow herdmates?” Luna questioned.

“That is correct… except Chrysalis because she has her ovipositor,” Twilight added.

“You’ll allow me to fill someone with eggs, won’t that be interesting,” Chrysalis giggled, rubbing her hooves together.

“Here is the plan: Zecora and I will tackle Pinkie, Zecora’s light touch will be needed for Pinkie’s… less than pleasant attitude,” Twilight said.

“While I am eager to help, it’ll be interesting to make Pinkie yelp,” Zecora chuckled, thinking over the possibility.

“Due to Fluttershy’s dominate nature while in heat, I will need mom to overcome that,” Twilight continued.

“Fluttershy sees herself as a dominatrix, that’ll be a sight,” Velvet cooed.

Twilight nodded and turned to Gilda. “Applejack is rather reasonable but she is still a lot stronger than me, so I’ll need you to help me.”

“First Rainbow, now Applejack? I’m liking this deal we got here,” Gilda chuckled, nodding her approval.

“Chrysalis, you’ll be helping me with Rainbow Dash and Luna… you’ll be with me for Rarity,” Twilight finished, with a stern smile.

“Always wanted to shut that idiot up,” Chrysalis cooed.

“Lady Rarity? Do you think it might be a bit… much? To be bedded by her lover AND Royalty?” Luna asked.

“It’ll be fine but we must start immediately, everyone to your places! Zecora, we’re going to Sugarcube Corner!”


Twilight and Zecora approached Sugarcube Corner, Zecora wobbling awkwardly as her new appendage swayed underneath her belly. “How are you feeling, Zecora?” Twilight asked.

“Strange, I must admit. Though still honored that you’ll allow me to help Pinkie submit,” Zecora moaned, the scent of mares making her shiver.

“After yesterday… I don’t think I can go another day with these girls alone, I’m glad none of you think it’s weird that I… I’m giving you a new way of seeing how I feel with your girls. So long as you girls know that those things are for our friends… not me,” Twilight explained, shuddering at the idea of her herd turning on her like that.

“We will not challenge your domain, for we may mate like you, we will always belong to you,” Zecora said, nuzzling Twilight and taking in her Alpha’s musk. the scent making her new penis hard and her pussy moist. They then turned to Pinkie’s home and stepped forward.

The two entered the bakery and spotted Mrs. Cake in the kitchen, staying with lust filled eyes and wide open jaw as she watched the unicorn and zebra walk up the stairs with two impressive cocks.

Once outside Pinkie’s room, Twilight gave Zecora a nod and the zebra kicked the door open. Before them was Pinkie Pie, her mane flat to her face, glaring at them while sitting at a table. “Took you long enough. Knew you gave somepony a dick after how much Rainbow gushed about getting DPed by you and Gilda.”

“I... don’t know what you’re talking about,” Twilight stated, blushing lightly. “But this is for you Pinkie. Zecora and I are going to prove that we all love you and… I’m sorry I haven’t been giving you as much of my time as you wanted.”

Pinkie stared at them for a moment and grumbled. “Prove it. You both got dicks, prove it! Right here, right now!”

Twilight smiled and turned to Zecora. “Get Pinkie ready… for both of us.”

Zecora smiled and trotted over, the party mare moving from her chair to the table with her legs open. The shamaness began to lick the pink petals dutifully with her thick tongue. Pinkie began twitching as she watched Zecora eat her out before glancing up to Twilight. “Well? Get over here.”

Twilight walked over slowly, stepping onto the table and seating herself behind Pinkie, her cock rubbing against her friend’s back. At that point, Twilight began to kiss along Pinkie’s neck and tracing her tongue along the side of the party pony’s face.

Pinkie let out a quiet moan as her tail wrapped itself around Twilight’s cock, her hooves pushing Zecora deeper into her snatch. She could feel her lower lips open to accept Zecora’s tongue and the tip of her muzzle, greedily sucking the saliva off the slippery appendage. “I’ve… always wanted Zecora… to eat me out… over the Beta thing,” Pinkie giggled nervously.

“Enjoy it while you can, dear. For Twilight gave me something for your rear,” Zecora teased, her teeth rubbing against Pinkie’s pleasure button while her tongue traced the party mare’s walls.

“We’re both here to help you, and as I’ve promised… I’m here on the last day to help you and the girls,” Twilight whispered into Pinkie’s ear, her hooves tracing circles along the pink pelt.

“Oh… thank you,” Pinkie moaned, grinding her back against Twilight as her tail flexed around her Alpha’s shaft.

Zecora felt Pinkie quiver around her mouth and pushed away. “Her body begs and pleads, shall we sate her needs?”

Twilight nodded as she shifted off the table, lying Pinkie back. Pinkie was soon presented with Twilight’s thick rod resting on her face while Zecora’s impressive dick laid on her crotch. “Would you care for an old fashion spitroast? I would like to get myself ready before we both tackle you at once.”

While her mane remained straight and sprayed all around the table, Pinkie smiled. “For you, my Alpha.” She then licked the purple girth, making it twitch. Her body shivering as Zecora prepared to enter her.

The shamaness grunted with new feelings, her sensitive appendage slowly being engulfed with immense warmth as the head struggled to slip past the tight pink petals. A wet pop and Zecora let out a happy gasp, the sudden hug around her member welcoming her to Pinkie’s body. The penetration of the younger mare almost made the zebra cum immediately but she denied herself for the sake of her fellow herdmate, but the pressure forced her to stop to adjust to the foreign sensations.

“So… how is it?” Twilight asked, sliding her cock along Pinkie’s slobbering lips and mouth.

“It’s… amazing… I can almost see… why you prefer… your stallion to your mare,” Zecora moaned, slowly easing more of her shaft into Pinkie.

“Hey… Could you let me… return the favor to Zecora? I wanna know what it feels like too,” Pinkie groaned, the heat in her loins tending to the zebra cock inside her.

“Maybe later but for now… this is for you,” Twilight cooed, pressing her cock to Pinkie’s lips and slipping into the warm mouth. Pinkie’s maw accepting her alpha graciously as her tongue ran along the purple meat.

A happy sigh left Twilight’s lips, lightly thrusting her hips into Pinkie’s face with her hooves pressed on each side of her mare’s head. Zecora was struggling to not rut Pinkie immediately and paint the mare’s walls white. She’s used strap-ons before, but even they could not replicate the building pressure the zebra was experiencing, grunting with every push she made.

Pinkie moaned around Twilight’s shaft, Zecora pushing her into her alpha’s crotch. She could feel the zebra’s shaft throb inside her. The shamaness clearly struggling to hold back her orgasm with her red blush and hoarse breaths.

“Pinkie… your tongue is amazing, but if you keep it up, I’m gonna cum down your throat,” Twilight moaned, she glanced up to the frantic zebra and giggled. “Poor Zecora is already at her limit.”

Zecora gave Twilight a weak smile, confirming her Alpha’s deduction. A sharp gasp leaving her throat as she lost control. Twilight felt Pinkie flinch and moan around her cock, and looked to see her zebra mate bite her lower lip, her lower body twitching as she filled Pinkie’s passage. “A-Apologies, my Alpha. She was too much for this zebra.”

Twilight giggled a little. “It does take a bit of practice, being born with it and having an affectionate herd helps too.”

Annoyed by Twilight paying more attention to Zecora, Pinkie used her mouth and tongue to suck Twilight deeper, using her throat to throttle the thick member while her tongue teased the base. Her teeth lightly pressing into the sensitive flesh to make Twilight gasp from the pressure.

“Ah! Pinkie!” Twilight scolded, staring down to her pink friend, though the closest she could see was her chin, lips and the large bulge in her throat. She let out another pleasurable gasp when Pinkie continued to manipulate the purple mare’s cock with her mouth.

Zecora let out a grunt as she pulled her cock out of Pinkie’s snatch, letting a weak torrent of cum leave her as the wet cock lathered the pink fur. “What is next for us that she had flexed?”

Twilight couldn’t answer beyond moans and whines as Pinkie dominated her cock, her hooves slamming the table and floor with the pleasure building in her scrotum. She pushed herself deep, giving Pinkie a clear view of the unicorn’s purple lips as her gullet was filled with her Alpha’s sperm. “Oh… goodness, sorry Pinkie. Your mouth… I’ll never understand how you can use it so well.”

Pinkie waited patiently for Twilight to pull herself out of her mouth. “That’s right! Pinkie’s mouth is better than Gilda’s talons, or Applejack’s butt, or Chrysalis’ swiss cheese legs!”

“Her mouth moves in many ways, perhaps it is why she could suck for days,” Zecora jested, patting Pinkie’s belly with a hoof.

Twilight let out a light giggle and helped Pinkie onto her rear. “Pinkie…What would you say to getting... double stuffed?”

“Double stuffed? Like two dicks inside? I’d be… okay with that,” Pinkie muttered, unsure of the situation and why Twilight would ask. She agreed to be spit roasted so why would the unicorn ask to double penetrate her.

“Thank you,” Twilight chimed happily, kissing Pinkie’s cheek. She found a rather comfy chair and pulled it forward with her magic and sat down, patting her lap. “I want you to sit on my lap, facing me.”

“So you get sloppy seconds and Zecora fucks my hiney? That’s… weird,” Pinkie uttered in mild annoyance, she slipped off the table and did as Twilight asked, feeling her Alpha’s cock slid along her cheeks.

The scholar nodded approvingly, and turned to the shamaness. “Zecora, come here.” Zecora gave a nod and quickly walked over. “Okay, now slide your dick next to mine.”

“This seems confusing, but I will not question your meaning,” Zecora stated, letting out a quiet moan as her cock slide along Twilight’s and up to Pinkie’s open twat.

“Now… Pinkie, relax and let me and Zecora… help you,” Twilight cooed, pulling Pinkie into a deep kiss. Her magic raising Pinkie’s rump and pressing the two hard cocks together, making Zecora squirm from the unicorn’s heat.

Pinkie’s eyes shot open as she felt both rods trying to enter her pussy, Zecora letting out a moan as the tips simultaneously entered the warm tunnel. Pinkie’s body thrashed between the two mares, Zecora’s body pinning her to Twilight while the scholar made sure that their kiss would last. Despite Pinkie’s erratic flailing, it was possibly one of the best feelings she had ever felt, feeling Zecora and Twilight’s penises filling her snatch up with their warmth and feeling their heartbeats while they entered her. Zecora rocking her hips lightly, almost stopping when Twilight glanced at her, her eyes telling the shamaness to stop.

The kiss broke and Pinkie let out a drawn out cry, feeling Zecora and Twilight’s bases pressed against her rump, Zecora becoming more impatient as time went on. “Oh sweet sprinkles on a chocolate sundae … my cooter… feels so full.”

Twilight gave her pink mare a soft smile. “That’s the Pinkie I know and love.” She then stroked Pinkie’s face and looked to Zecora. “Go for it.”

“Oh Thank you!” Zecora exclaimed, her hooves holding Pinkie’s flanks in place for a rough mating. Twilight then guided the party mare along her shaft, causing the apprentice baker to feel Zecora hammering away while she rode Twilight with the same orifice.

Zecora had to make a slight adjustment, laying into Pinkie’s back and pressing her against Twilight in the chair, but soon she felt a better ecstasy than what she had experienced before. Her Alpha’s cock sharing Pinkie’s pussy with her own magical schlong, spearing the pudgy pony over and over again while Twilight used her hooves to help Pinkie bounce on the purple mare’s crotch, the unicorn kissing and licking Pinkie’s ear and neck while she did so.

The feeling of Pinkie’s passage bathing them in juices and heat along with her Alpha’s pole, flexing along side her was driving Zecora crazy, but she poured every ounce of her will into suppressing her desire to cum again, knowing that the next time she came, it’d mean the end of her new erection.

Zecora’s feverish thrusting and Twilight’s control had Pinkie moaning and drooling onto the scholar in minutes, her body burned in need for both mares as she came, wringing both rods for their cream.

Twilight was the first to notice Pinkie’s orgasm and used her magic to prevent Zecora’s imminent blast. “Not yet, I want us to come together, Zecora… Sorry, but it might feel uncomfortable in the next few minutes,” Twilight apologized.

Zecora felt the unicorn’s magic around her crotch base and gave her mate a weak nod, cringing from the various sensations she’s being subjected to. Her hooves wrapping tightly around Pinkie’s barrel as her teeth dug into the flat mane.

Twilight shuddered from the combination of Pinkie’s milking and Zecora’s penis twitching next to her. By the looks of Zecora and Pinkie, they were far too into their own rhythm, the only mare able to orchestrate their current display was Twilight, rocking Pinkie’s groin harder onto her shaft. Every so often, Twilight did have to help Zecora re-enter Pinkie’s pussy, despite the long tail wrapping itself around the zebra’s rump, Pinkie’s mane falling over the chair and Twilight as she moaned and squealed with delight, her drool coating the chair’s back and the librarian’s coat.

Twilight gasped as Pinkie came again, her juices now flowing onto the purple mare and splashing the zebra with every thrust. Though the least experienced at sex among the three (according to Twilight), Twilight was feeling her own climax coming relatively close while Pinkie cried out from the aftershocks of one orgasm and into another and Zecora forced at the peak and unable to spill without her Alpha’s say.

“Zecora… I’m close, I’m… I’m going to release my hold on you,” Twilight groaned, pulling Pinkie harder onto her crotch and bouncing her faster.

“This thing burns, it demands to flow!” Zecora moaned, biting her lip as her movements became faster. “If I don’t fill her, I might blow!”

Pinkie’s eyes becoming glazed over as both mares fucked her pussy at incredible speeds, her coat matted with a cocktail of her juices and sweat as well as the sweat of her two friends, sound barely leaving her throat as she dropped down and lifted off her Alpha’s crotch.

“Ze-Zecora… Pinkie!” Twilight cried out, her magic breaking the seal she placed on Zecora. The shamaness groaned raggedly as both mares began to fill Pinkie with their seed. Pinkie snapped back to reality the moment the first burst hit her cervix and her moans and cries echoing and escalating as more of the dual cream filled her twat and womb.

A whinny of disappointment left both Zecora and Pinkie’s lips as the zebra’s magic shaft vanished, leaving only Twilight to slowly soften inside her mare. “That… is an experience… I will remember… forever,” Zecora moaned, falling onto her rump and given a great view of Pinkie’s open pussy flowing with cum.

“Twi-Twi… Can I have a turn with that? I wanna be a stallion for two orgasms too,” Pinkie uttered, rubbing her bright red rear.

“Sure… later after all this… nonsense. I’ll… go find Fluttershy,” Twilight sighed, rubbing Pinkie’s back while she rested. “Zecora… go find my mother and have her… meet me at Fluttershy’s cottage.”

Zecora nodded but quickly fell to her side as she regained her breath.

Twilight nodded slowly and leaned back, staring at the ceiling as she relaxed. “Good plan, let’s rest first.”


Twilight waited patiently for her mother to arrive, pacing before Fluttershy’s cottage. She could feel the eyes of the pegasus’ animals on her, watching her every move. “Where are you, Mom?” Twilight muttered under her breath.

Her mood was lifted when she saw Velvet walking down the path. She smiled and beckoned her mother over with a hoof, she didn’t wish to yell as it may call Fluttershy out from hiding and attack, she had to be discrete.

“Sweetie, I suppose I’m ready for a new sensation. Zecora did say- or raved, rather- that having a penis was rather intense. This might be the first time in years I’ve been… nervous about sex,” Velvet chuckled, slightly hesitant but rather eager to continue.

“Okay, you might feel a… I guess I’d call it a mini-orgasm,” Twilight uttered, her horn charging with power.

A dark purple bolt flew towards Velvet but swerved around her and hit her in the clit, making the older unicorn moan hard. “Fuck ME! You call that a- OH!” Velvet collapsed, writhing in the dirt as her clitoris grew and shaped itself into a long white penis, pre-cum bubbling at the tip. Behind the shaft, Velvet’s slit was winking and dripping with juices, her legs keeping from the pleasure. “That… felt better than I thought.”

“Good to go?” Twilight asked, smiling when her mother nodded a bit. “Excellent, let’s go!”

Twilight opened the door carefully and scanned the room for her yellow friend, only to be pushed aside by her mother, sniffing the air and running up the stairs. Worried about Fluttershy, Twilight quickly followed her mother.

The bedroom door opened, Velvet’s eyes staring longingly at the leather-clad pegasus lying on the bed. “Found you,” she sang.

“Miss Velvet? Where’s Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, confused.

“Right here, Sorry. My mom rushed ahead,” Twilight chuckled awkwardly, slipping into the room.

“I smell that both of you want me, your musk is intoxicating, but can you handle me?” Fluttershy cooed, slapping her flanks enticingly.

Velvet began laughing, wiping tears away while Fluttershy huffed in annoyance. “All I see… is a slave pretending to be the master, I can just smell your submissiveness on you. You don’t want to be in control, you want to be ridden hard by my daughter, you get wet thinking about her cum on your lips after you sucked her off. That in itself… is just making me so HARD.”

“H-Hard?” Fluttershy uttered, gasping when she saw the white rod hanging beneath the elder Sparkle. “Oh… what?”

“I want the last day of heat to be something for you girls so… first I gave Zecora a penis and we mated with Pinkie, now… I gave my mother a penis because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to overcome your ‘Mistress’ persona,” Twilight explained, giving her mare a hopeful smile.

Fluttershy mouth was agape with fear but she sucked in her breath and glared at Velvet. “I will PROVE th-that I’m… I’m not shy!”

Velvet rolled her eyes and charged, easily pinning Fluttershy down with her weight. “Too. Easy.”

Fluttershy blinked and began to struggle, using her hooves and wings to try and push Velvet off her, but she quickly tired herself out. She tried to headbutt the older unicorn but Velvet pulled back and caught Fluttershy by the base of her mane with her teeth. “Wrong move, filly.”

Velvet smiled and released the pink mane, sitting on Fluttershy’s body and letting the white cock slap the pegasus on the nose. “Suck it, get me ready,” she ordered.

“I will beat y-” Fluttershy gasped around the white cock shoved into her mouth, her tongue immediately lathering it while her head failed to push away.

“Sweet Celestia!” Velvet gasped, the tongue and hot mouth around her new cock. The unfamiliar sensations taking her by surprise. “Goodness, and this is oral… vaginal will blow my mind, sweetie.”

“Zecora nearly blew her load just from putting it in Pinkie when we approached her.” Twilight said, stroking her cock with a hoof.

Velvet noticed that her daughter was masturbating and frowned. “Twilight! You have a needy mare in front of you and you’re masturbating? Get over here.”

Fluttershy saw Twilight approach with her own raging erection and immediately tried to detach from Velvet to wrap her lips around the purple rod. Velvet used her magic to keep the buttermilk pegasus on her shaft.

“Mom, could you get off Fluttershy? I… am rather curious about wingjobs,” Twilight uttered, blushing hard. She giggled lightly when Fluttershy’s wings spread wide against the bedspread, pushing some of the comforter off the bed and knocking a pillow over.

“Fine,” Velvet grumbled, annoyed that her cock would have to leave the confines of Fluttershy’s mouth.

Fluttershy stood up, and her wing gave a ‘come hither’ motion to Twilight. Her head bent over to eagerly accept Velvet’s penis back into her mouth while her wing wrapped around Twilight’s shaft, the feathers caressing the sensitive flesh gracefully. She popped the older mare’s penis out and began stroking it. “Are you both happy now?”

“Not as happy as I’ll be in a few moments, filly,” Velvet giggled, petting the pink mane beneath her.

“Your pinions… are tickling my penis, it’s really good,” Twilight moaned, thrusting her cock along the yellow wing, ignoring the question of how Fluttershy can hold her dick with her wing like Gilda’s Talon.

“I’m glad, because I want you both to paint me white with your cum,” Fluttershy giggled, giving Velvet’s white cock a long lick.

“Then… you better work it,” Velvet commented, wincing as she pushed the pegasus’ head down her cock.

Fluttershy grinned around Velvet’s member, humming to herself as she did. Her wing clenching tighter around Twilight’s shaft, each feather brushing against the dark purple flesh, causing it to flinch and jump from the soft tips. She felt the tip of Velvet’s dick release it’s first bead of pre-cum and eagerly drank it down, pulling her face away from the delicious rod. “You taste better than I expected, Miss Velvet. Can’t wait to feel it all over me.”

“Adorable, you think you can decide where my cum goes,” Velvet chuckled, forcing her cock back down Fluttershy's throat, she felt some resistance but the yellow mare soon began to work her mouth and a part of her throat around the thick white member.

Twilight pulled her dick away from Fluttershy’s delicate yet constrictive wing and began stroking herself in anticipation. “Mom? I think it’s time.”

“I believe you’re right, sweetie,” Velvet added, she pushed Fluttershy off her cock and used her magic to force the mare on her back, with hind legs spread. “Now to see what you, and this, can REALLY do.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped when Velvet lunged, forcing every inch of her magic dick into Fluttershy and began to rut hard and quickly. “Um… I guess I get her mouth then?”

“NO, you are fucking my pussy, dear, get behind me and mount up,” Velvet demanded, moaning from her first sensation of feeling a pussy around her new appendage. Fluttershy’s welcoming pussy felt far hotter than her mouth and it’s walls were binding her relentlessly, already desperate to suck every ounce of cum into the pegasus’ womb.

Fluttershy gasped and moaned as Velvet rutted her into the bed, the unicorn showing her experience despite only having a penis for a hour or two. She noticed Twilight walking behind Velvet and rear onto her mother’s backside, and soon felt the force of her Alpha through the white unicorn.

Velvet let out a happy moan, her body eagerly accepting Twilight’s shaft while her body was still screaming in delight from Fluttershy’s pussy around a new sensitive organ. The moment she heard of Twilight’s spell for today, she wanted to do this. She wanted a bust a nut inside Fluttershy while her daughter busted her own inside her mother. She began to rut Fluttershy harder, forcing Twilight to hilt herself inside Velvet’s pussy whenever the older unicorn pulled out of Fluttershy.

Twilight held her mother tighter, closing the distance between the two while thrusting in time with her mother. Her body shuddered from the manipulative walls of Velvet’s quim, sucking and squeezing the purple shaft. “Enjoying this, mom?” Twilight asked nervously.

“I fucking love this, you should try it some day!” Velvet moaned, nibbling Fluttershy’s ears.

Twilight kept silent as she recalled her first time with Minuette and Berry Punch. She instead held her mother’s flanks tighter and slam her body into the white mare.

Fluttershy’s face was bright red from the fact that she was moaning like a whore. Velvet was rather rough but she could also feel Twilight’s thrusts through the older unicorn as well, it almost felt like both mares were fucking her pussy at the same time. She glanced up to see Velvet giggling and moaning, her eyes misty and her coat was wet from sweat. She could feel the white mare’s drool on her body.

“Twilight… fuck me harder!” Velvet ordered, her body shuddering from continuous pleasure caused by Twilight’s cock and Fluttershy’s pussy.

Breathing hard, Twilight gave her mother everything she could, slamming her crotch into Velvet’s rump as hard and fast as possible. The white mare’s pussy becoming desperate to suck in as much of the purple mare as possible.

Too much for the surprise of her daughter, Velvet let out a loud scream. Her eyes sparkled as fireworks went off in her mind, her body was convulsing wildly and her spasming cock filling Fluttershy, making the pegasus reach her climax. Twilight was the only one to have held back enough, cringing from the demanding pussy around her dick.

Velvet looked back to her daughter, panting from one of her most impressive orgasms in her life. “Twilight… why didn’t you fill me?”

“I’m… almost there,” Twilight groaned, slowly thrusting into the white mare.

“Fill me, or I fill you,” Velvet threatened, a glint in her eyes telling Twilight that the threat was more of a promise. Her warning tempting the purple mare to rut the older unicorn harder.

Fluttershy let out a whimper as she continued to feel Velvet hump her lightly, seeing Twilight’s face scrunched up adorably while rutting her mother as hard as she could.

“There…” Velvet moaned. She felt Twilight hilt herself and began pouring spunk into her cooch. Twilight grunting behind her while her rod unleashed her reserves.

A moment passed and Twilight pulled out, whimpering from her sensitive cock leaving her mother’s warm hole. Velvet made a similar sound as she unsheathed herself from Fluttershy, admiring the white cream that flowed from the pegasus’ honeypot. “Oh… my,” Fluttershy cooed, rubbing her belly affectionately.

“Two orgasms, right?” Velvet asked, grinning as her cum-coated cock stood ready for more.

“Y-yes,” Twilight said, her vision was filled with the sight of both her mother and Fluttershy looming over each other with vaginas filled with sperm. The very image making her shaft harden.

Velvet let out a happy hum as she placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s belly, making the pegasus whimper and shrink. “Now where do I want to fuck you, my dear.”

Fluttershy watched with nervous anticipation, her eyes glued to Velvet’s rod.

Twilight noticed that her mother’s eyes would glance back to the purple cock with a lusty look. “Mom…?”

“I want to paint this mare… but my way!” Velvet said, sliding her along Fluttershy’s coat. “Twilight, give Fluttershy a dick. I want you both to fuck me.”

“WHAT?” Twilight screamed, her jaw dropped from Velvet’s demand.

“I… dunno,” Fluttershy uttered, her body shuddering form Velvet’s touch.

“Twilight, do it!” Velvet ordered, turning to her daughter with a stern look.

Twilight fumbled and shot the spell at Fluttershy making the pegasus moan and writhe uncontrollably as a dark yellow penis emerged from her clitoris. The caretaker’s pussy convulsing and releasing more of Velvet cum. The moment that Fluttershy’s appendage reached it’s maximum, Fluttershy felt her pussy spasm, her juices mixing with the white unicorn’s cream. “So… what do you want to do? That hopefully doesn’t involve me being… penetrated?”

“Since you’re job is to fuck you mares with your dick, I’ll let that slide,” Velvet added, giving Twilight a teasing look. She crawled onto Fluttershy and kissed her nose. “I want you both to fuck me until I paint your mare white with my cum. Twilight in my ass, and Fluttershy in my pussy.”

Fluttershy let out a weak ‘eep’ but the idea of it excited her. She felt Velvet crawl over her, the white cock sliding along her yellow shaft, making both mares moan in desire. The touch was addicting to Velvet, so much that she stayed above the pegasus and rubbed her dick next to Fluttershy’s for a moment before advancing further.

Twilight watched in awe as Velvet aligned the yellow rod for her cum-filled entrance and slowly sat down, grunting slightly when the flat tip was forced in. Fluttershy’s body spasmed under the white mare, squeaking as her cock slowly disappeared into Velvet’s body.

“Fuck yes… that’s a nice dick,” Velvet cooed, turning to Twilight. “Come and fuck mommy’s ass, dear.”

Twilight nearly tripped over her hooves as she hurried over and mounted her mother, using her own magic to position her dick for the older mare’s black star. The thick head beginning to spread Velvet’s back door open for entry.

Velvet let out a startled whine as her daughter entered her ass, it’s been decades since she had taken more than one dick inside her body and the heat radiating from both rods, attached to mares no less, made her feel hotter. She pressed her hooves on Fluttershy’s body and slowly ground her hips against the shy mare, now docile as the mare had lost all reason to try and dominate anypony.

To Velvet’s annoyance, Fluttershy came almost immediately after some minor movements, her cum mixing with Twilight’s inside her womb. Fluttershy realized her mistake and raised her hooves to her face defensively. “I- I’m sorry.”

Twilight flinched when her cock felt Fluttershy’s dick cum, causing her mother’s body to tighten and grow hotter. Velvet looked down at the pegasus disappointingly. “I do hope you can last longer for the second load. I want all three of us to come at once.”

Fluttershy sucked in air and nodded, bracing herself for another round of pleasure. She squeaked as Velvet began to move again, feeling the older unicorn’s cock tap her belly as her own yellow shaft was milked by Velvet’s inner walls.

The seal around Twilight’s cock was painfully tight, gripping her as she tried to pull out. Velvet looked back to see the purple mare struggling with her ass and grinned. She bit her lower lip and her horn began to glow.

Both Twilight and Fluttershy’s eyes widened; their bodies shaking as Velvet’s body began to ripple and vibrate around their cocks. They could feel their shafts becoming more sensitive from Velvet’s magic. Twilight nearly collapsed onto her mother’s back, humping her ass harder with each push.

Fluttershy squirmed underneath the white mare, her penis throbbing within it’s velvet prison. She failed to hold back and felt her penis surge, but nothing came out, she felt as if her penis was being strangled, and with how Twilight was whimpering into her mother’s mane, she was in similar predicament.

“Mom… why are you binding… us?” Twilight groaned, her cock struggling to cum but her mother’s magic kept it at bay.

“I think you both are a bit light and need to learn some restraint,” Velvet teased, flexing her rump and massaging the younger mare’s girths inside her. Smiling as she watched Fluttershy let out a whimper and writhed beneath her, a cute gasp behind her and purple hooves tightening around her midsection told her that Twilight was enjoying herself.

“Please… it’s hurting…” Fluttershy moaned, squirming underneath Velvet, who continued to grind her crotch harder against the pegasus’ base.

“Almost there,” Velvet said lustfully. Both the younger fillies’ cocks throbbing with need inside her, desperate to fill her holes with more cum. Her own impressive rod was leaking it’s pre-seed onto Fluttershy’s coat.

Twilight glared into the back of her mother’s head and began to deconstruct the older unicorn’s spell, carefully unravelling Velvet’s hold over the purple and yellow rods.

Velvet was enjoying herself too much to notice Twilight’s meddling, biting her lower lip as both shafts swelled and throbbed against her walls. “Oh fuck girls, I’ve missed this...“

The spell was weakening, Twilight could feel her cock ready to explode. She sunk her teeth into Velvet’s neck in anticipation of her ejaculation. Fluttershy squirmed harder beneath the white mare.

“Getting a little too into it, dear?” Velvet asked, wincing as her daughter’s teeth sunk into her flesh, just hard enough to feel it without drawing blood. It was at that moment she realized what Twilight had done, her spell was drastically weakened and it was too late to re-apply it. In unison, Twilight and Fluttershy let out what could be said to be the most adorable roars of pleasure possible as their cocks filled the Elder Twilight with their pearly essence. The dual force of the mares setting Velvet off as her cock began to fire onto Fluttershy’s face, mane, and coat, painting the yellow mare white.

The force of Fluttershy’s orgasm caused her to become dizzy, the room slowly spinning as her penis slowly faded from existence. Velvet’s stallionhood spat out a few more loads onto the pegasus before vanishing as well, Fluttershy let out a quiet giggle as her last sight for the next while was of Velvet’s pussy leaking her cum.

Twilight fell off her mother, letting out a sharp groan when her flaccid member slipped from Velvet’s rear, causing a trickle of cum to leak from the white mare’s star. “That… wasn’t what I expected…”

“Le-let that… be a lesson to you… sweetie,” Velvet moaned, whimpering disappointingly from the lack of meat inside her body. She looked down to the sleeping mares, kissing both of them on the forehead before walking out of the room. “First… a shower… than some quality time with my grandfoal.”


“What took so long?” Gilda grumbled, landing next to barn.

Twilight was breathing hard from her sprint from Fluttershy’s house. “Things didn’t go as planned and I ended up taking a nap.”

“Whatever, let’s get this over with. Hit me!” Gilda announced arms and wings spread to welcome Twilight’s spell.

Twilight nodded and charged her magic, firing a bolt at Gilda’s crotch. The spell made GIlda fall over, feeling her familiar barbed cock to emerge from her loins. The unicorn gasped and ran to Gilda’s side. “Are you okay?”

“I’m… I’m okay… Applejack is in the orchard, let’s go get her…” Gilda muttered, her body shaking from the sensitive organ emerging and becoming rock hard as the two made their way to Applejack.

They found the orange mare bucking trees, almost hard enough to snap them. They could smell her arousal from a yard away. But just as they caught her scent, she caught theirs, turning to see Twilight and GIlda approaching her. “Come back for another round, Twi? And you brought help, I see.”

“Applejack, we’re here to help. If you don’t mind, I’d rather it not end like last time,” Twilight said, blushing.

“Help? You’re still new to Mating Season, aren’t you?” Applejack chuckled, stepping towards to duo.

“Yes… you’re in heat and… and it’s my duty as your mate to sate that desire, as ludicrous as it is for you to force your body to enter heat. You’re pregnant, you don’t need to be in heat anyways,” Twilight pouted.

“Yeah, that’s weird. Why would you make yourself want to fuck all the time for a week?” Gilda asked, confused by the cowpony’s actions.

“I got my reasons… and I see one of them right now,” Applejack said, staring at Twilight.

“So you entered heat to have sex with me? That’s makes little sense, since I’d try to open my schedule for you, you’d know I would,” Twilight added, frowning at the absurdity of Applejack’s position.

“Oh?” Applejack cooed, sizing up her Alpha as she walked up to her, their faces mere inches apart. “Maybe I like the thrill? Like I said, there is a reason why none of the mares come up here, sugarcube.”

Gilda glanced around the orchard, on the look out for any mares. Twilight, however, she was becoming nervous. “You- You’d scare them off?”

“Nah…” Applejack smirked. “They know that I can be a bit… rowdy. I can control myself but when somepony gets on my property… they know they’re mine.”

“Oh… that still doesn’t-” Twilight was interrupted by Applejack kissing her harshly, hooves pulling her deeper and the cowpony’s tongue wrestling with the scholar’s, proving to be the stronger muscle.

Gilda snapped to attention and went to break the two up, but Applejack took notice. The orange mare broke her kiss with Twilight and wrapped her hooves around the griffon’s reaching talon and threw her onto Twilight, knocking both of them down.

“Ow…” Twilight groaned, struggling under Gilda’s weight. The griffon dizzly got on her paws, only to be bound by Applejack’s lasso. Twilight staggered up and found Applejack staring at her with proud eyes, Gilda lying beneath her hooves in a dazed state. “Oh… how?”

“Sweet Apple Acres… is mine, Twi. As is everything on it, including both of you… for now until my heat stops making me all possessive,” Applejack commented. She made a leap for Twilight, but was stopped by the unicorn’s magic.

Twilight let out a sigh as she held her orange friend in the air, she didn’t expect an apple to hit her horn, interrupting her spell. The next thing she knew, she was knocked to the grass with the triumphant earth pony above her, her tail casually tossing an apple. “Do all earth ponies have the ability to use their tails like that?”

Applejack just smirked as she went down to drag Twilight next to Gilda. She gave a satisfied huff as Twilight laid next to the bound griffon. “If you’re serious about helping me then I want to see you two get ready. I always wanted to see a griffon squeal.”

Gilda glared at the farmer and began to thrash against her bindings. “Screw you, we’re here to fuck you, not for me to get fucked.”

“But it’ll help me get in the mood, Gilda,” Applejack smirked, nudging the griffon onto her back, hard pointed dick directed to the sky.

“You’re in heat, you’ve been in the mood all week,” Gilda protested, her talons clawing at the rope around her.

Twilight slowly got back on her hooves and darted forward, thankful that the cowpony’s tail was raised as her tongue made contact with the winking flesh.

Applejack jumped at the contact and bucking a leg back, nicking Twilight’s ear and scaring the poor scholar. “Don’t be sneaking up on me, Twi!”

“Sorry but it’s for your own good,” Twilight retorted, steeling her resolve as she returned to her post behind her orange friend, gingerly licking the hot hole. Her magic glowing and beginning to encompass the farmer’s marehood.

Applejack shivered, her body weakening form Twilight’s oral and magic. She collapsed onto Gilda’s belly, her nose getting a light tap from Gilda’s rod. “Wow… a mighty fine- ah- tool ya got here.”

Gilda smirked as her talons sawed through the rope. “Give it a taste, I’ll be fucking you with it soon.”

Applejack chuckled and wrapped a hoof around it, taking it the strong musk. “I get fucked by bigger.”

“Yeah well… Griffons might not be as big as ponies, but I guarantee you’ll feel it,” Gilda grumbled, irritated by the cowpony’s teasing and how strong the ropes were.

“I bet, these barbs look tasty, and this balloon thingie… bet you want to shove that in me and get it stuck inside,” Applejack cooed, tracing the spiky nubs with her hooves and giving the bulb a lick.

Twilight smiled warmly when she heard a moan leave Gilda’s beak. She placed both hooves on Applejack’s flanks and began rubbing the farmer’s cutie marks, her tongue and magic working the needy entrance, tasting Applejack’s juices leaking onto her tongue.

If her arms weren’t bound, Gilda would be shoving her cock deep into Applejack’s teasing mouth, but she was forced to take the cowpony’s kisses, stroking, and licks while she struggled cutting the ropes, fumbling her claws as Applejack pleased her magically grown appendage.

The musk of Gilda’s arousal and Twilight’s pleasing her, Applejack’s mind was washed with various thoughts and feelings all meshed into a single desire to mate with both of them. Her tongue lathered the barbed prick in front of her while grinding her rump into the scholar’s face.

With Applejack pressing her butt into Twilight’s face, the unicorn had no choice but to dig into the needy quim with her tongue, exploring the familiar cavern and prodding the walls for Applejack’s G-spot. A gasp from the cowpony alerting Twilight she had found it.

As Applejack brought her mouth closer to Gilda’s tip, the wider the griffon’s grin grew. A delighted chirp leaving the eagle-lion hybrid when the earth mare wrapped her lips around the spiny member and slowly push more of the pink rod into her mouth. The warm, slippery confines making her harder each second it spends inside. Applejack’s tongue tickling her spines and giving extra attention to the slowly growing knot. It was at that moment, Gilda groaned. “Fuck… I want to knot you so bad.”

Applejack giggled as she released Gilda’s cock, pressing a kiss against Gilda’s bulb. “Maybe later, sugarcube. Right now, I want something sweet to taste while my Alpha ruts me,” she turned to Twilight with a teasing smile. “Hint, hint.”

Twilight stopped licking and swallowed, giving an awkward chuckle before slowly climbing onto Applejack’s backside. “Let me… let me know if I hurt you, okay?”

“Twi… I want you to wreck me, after you both fuck me into the dirt, I don’t want to even think about walking for a week,” Applejack brushed her teeth against Gilda’s spines. “I want to cum just from remembering you two did this to me. And I want to see both of you working on the farm, getting all sweaty before coming to bed… to see me rubbing myself to watching you two work hard… for little old me.”

Twilight and Gilda stared at the farmer, completely speechless and stupefied by what they heard. Gilda was the first to recover. “Okay… let’s get to it… I guess.”

Twilight nodded and thrusted her body forward, her hips colliding with Applejack’s ass swiftly. She used her magic to undo Gilda’s binding, allowing the griffon to grasp the cowpony’s mane and pulling her head down to the brown furred crotch.

Applejack’s eyes rolled back from the sheer pleasure she’s receiving. Gilda’s shaft was pressing against the back of her throat, the griffon’s taste was still salty and tasted more bitter than Twilight’s dick, but was no less delicious, the barbs tickling her tongue as she felt her lips slap against Gilda’s groin, the knot slowly growing and lightly brushing against her teeth. Twilight’s rod was filling her passage with so much warmth, the sting of their bodies colliding brought the orange mare closer to her climax.

“Such a greedy mare,” Gilda laughed, petting the cowpony as her other claw reached over to Applejack’s rear, poking a talon into the earth mare’s anus, causing Applejack to gasp around her shaft. “I can’t tell you enough how jealous I am that you get to feel this every time you fuck us.”

“I’m sure- hmph- you’ll get over it, when you want- oh- to mate with me,” Twilight grunted, doing all she can to keep up her brutal pace.

Gilda laughed, thrusting her hips into Applejack’s head. “Point taken, I did love it when you fucked me while I fucked Rainbow Dash. Been masturbating to that for days.”

Twilight gave one last thrust as she gave the griffon a confused look. “I would think to have remembered that part.”

“You seriously can’t remember? It was one of the best fucks of my life,” Gilda shouted in surprise.

Applejack struggled beneath both her lovers, annoyed that they stopped. Twilight noticed this and weakly chuckled. “Sorry.”

“Hold up, I kinda don’t wanna knot her mouth,” Gilda grunted, pulling Applejack up a bit as her knot grew to the size of a baseball, forcing the farmer to focus her efforts on the spines of her shaft.

Twilight felt her muscles burn from the rampant thrusting into Applejack’s body, her slapping against the orange rump and pushing Gilda’s talon deeper into Applejack’s ass. Her cock was swelling in anticipation of seeding her mare.

Applejack felt that Gilda was close, but Twilight was closer. Her body yearning for both girls to coat her in their cum, both on the inside and outside.

An adorable squeak escaped Twilight as her cock began to twitch and unload her sperm into Applejack’s core, continuing to thrust hard into the mare despite her body telling her to enjoy her climax. The sudden heat filling her body made Applejack moan around Gilda’s member, her body shuddering from her orgasm as she pushed her rump against Twilight’s crotch to keep building her heat.

Gilda groaned in approval, Applejack’s moan was enough to set the griffon off and start firing white streams of griffon batter down the cowpony’s throat, pressing as much of her cock into her friend’s freckled face.

After a few more thrusts, Twilight pulled herself out of Applejack’s quim and aimed high, pressing her shaft to Gilda’s talon and Applejack’s anus. The cowpony let out a moan from the sudden wet pressure against her rear door, far larger than the skinny talon from before.

With a strong push, Twilight had forced every inch of herself deep into her earth pony lover, a grunt of satisfaction leaving her lips form the tight warmth that encompassed her shaft.

Gilda watched as Twilight pulled the cowpony up onto her lap, forcing her pointed dick to leave Applejack’s mouth. She would have been annoyed by this if she didn’t see the cum dripping passage, winking in need for more cock. She pressed herself against the lusciously smiling earth pony and pushed herself in, feeling Twilight’s cum slosh around her prick and fill the cowpony’s depths. “Fuckin’ yes,” the griffon chuckled, pushing herself into the farmer until her knot prevented any further entry.

“Th-That all you got?” Applejack taunted, panting from the vigour fucking both girls were giving her. “Get that big old knot in me.”

“Careful what you wish for,” Gilda added with a wide grin, slamming herself into Applejack with gusto. Both the scholar’s thrusting and her own beginning to match in rhythm as they both slammed into Applejack at the same time, slowly trying to force the farmer’s pussy open to allow Gilda’s knot entry.

Twilight’s head was rubbing against Applejack’s shoulder, her horn soon finding a warm home inside the farmer’s mouth and inciting the unicorn to fuck her mate harder, quickly weakening the resistance her pussy had for the thick bulb battering her opening.

Applejack let out a ear-piercing shriek the moment Gilda’s knot slipped into her body, it felt as if a hoof was forced into her body, beating with the warmth of a white prize that the cowpony sought from both girls rutting her. Unfortunately, both girls fell onto their rumps from the power of the farmer’s voice.

Gilda and Twilight were dazed by Applejack’s scream, taking them a moment to recover. “Uggh… that was… not what anyone wanted,” Gilda groaned, unable to pull away from the apple mare.

“Next time I give you a penis, you’re knotting them first,” Twilight grumbled, shaking her head in an attempt to continue.

They recovered and began to rut the cowpony between them, forcing their shafts as deep into Applejack as possible. Gilda only being able to frantically hump and grind while Twilight pulling herself out and slamming back her shaft into the orange rump.

Applejack panted with lust from Twilight’s deep strokes and Gilda’s relentless grind, feeling the bulb rub inside her and her rump was in a painful nirvana from the unicorn’s desires. “C-come on… harder,” she winced, trying to goad her lovers.

“Applejack, are you sure?” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

“She said she wanted it harder, let’s give it to her,” Gilda grinned, pulling the two ponies towards her, Twilight given more space to thrust harder, while Applejack sat on Gilda’s crotch. “Yeah, I bet she’ll like this.”

Applejack liked it, quite a bit. Twilight was moving more of her shaft out and slamming in harder, and Gilda had more leverage to move her along the base of the griffon's shaft, teasing her insides with the pointed organ. She couldn’t resist any longer, she let out a wail of pleasure as she came again, her orifices clenching up around their invaders in an attempt to make them fill her with more seed.

She was successful as both the griffon and unicorn grunted in lust and began unleashing their hot thick liquid into the cowpony. Gilda could feel her knot slowly deflating, while Twilight held her rump close and painted the farmer’s rectum with unicorn jizz.

After a moment of enjoying their climaxes, Gilda pulled away, finding her cock had disappeared. She pouted slightly but turned to smile as Twilight laid on Applejack’s back in an exhausted heap, her cock still lodged deep in the earth pony’s ass. “That… was a pretty good fuck, won’t lie.”

Applejack began to giggle, a giggle that made Gilda and Twilight worry. “I said that you- you two were gonna… fuck me until I can’t walk.” She slowly stood up with Twilight on her back, leaking fluids from her rapidly emptying pussy. “I… can still walk.”

“Oh shit…” Gilda gasped under her breath, only to feel the sex-crazed farmer tackle her down.


Chrysalis looked down on the mess of sex before her, sneering in annoyance. Applejack was coated with more juices than a changeling that was punished and forced to be a sex toy for their siblings. Twilight was lying beneath the cowpony, her shaft still deep inside Applejack’s pussy, yet appeared flaccid. Gilda was sleeping soundly behind them, juices coating her crotch. “You still have two mares to fuck like an animal, Twilight.”

Twilight slowly stirred wake, looking up to the Changeling Queen with a nervous smile. “Sorry… Applejack wanted.. a lot more than what… we expected.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, and levitated Twilight onto her back and flew in the direction of where she last saw Rainbow Dash. “You better be fit enough to continue with your plan.”

“I… just give me a few seconds… I need to catch my breath, also my crotch hurts,” Twilight groaned, trying to get into a more comfortable position on Chrysalis’ back.

“Well, get ready. We’ll be at Rainbow’s training field soon,” Chrysalis stated, flying as quickly as possible. Beneath her were changelings patrolling the area, making sure that none of the mares interrupt their queen’s time with the speedster and scholar.

Rainbow was pacing in the field, her tail flagged high as she waited. She looked up and and let out a sigh of relief. “About time! Where was she? I’ve been burning up for like EVER!”

“She was fucking Applejack with Gilda,” Chrysalis spat, shrugging Twilight off her back. “The cowpony made good use of them both, it appears.”

Rainbow pouted as she stepped towards the semi-conscious mare, her purple fur damp with sweat and sex. “Uggh.. can’t you do anything that can… get her ready?”

A grin spread across Chrysalis’ face. She leaned down to Twilight’s neck and sank her fangs into the scholar, injecting her with the changeling's lust-enhancing venom.

Rainbow winced as she witnessed Chrysalis’ fangs enter Twilight’s neck but her grin smiled as the purple cock began to grow to full mast. “Aww, yeah… can’t wait.”

Chrysalis released Twilight and licked her lips. “You have us both to deal with, filly.”

“Yeah… can’t wait,” Rainbow teased, giving the changeling queen a lewd smile.

Twilight staggered onto her hooves, panting with mild lust. “Wait… I have an- an idea.”

Rainbow and Chrysalis turned to each other in confusion before looking to Twilight. “What you got in mind?”

“Chrysalis… shapeshift… into Spitfire… please,” Twilight asked, taking care not to fall onto her side.

Chrysalis shot Rainbow a sultry look as her form changed, shorting and turning yellow, the sickly green mane becoming a fiery orange. The erect clear tube changing into a thick dark orange horse cock under Chrysalis’ belly. “Like what you see, cadet?” Chrysalis asked in Spitfire’s voice.

“The only way this could be better if you were the real Spitfire,” Rainbow squeaked, her face bright red.

“Alright cadet, get us ready. We’ll be testing your… muscles later,” Chrysalis ordered, using her new feathered wings to keep herself on her hindlegs, Twilight using magic to follow suit next to the orange mare.

Rainbow crawled forward quickly, a hoof around both cocks as she lovingly lathered Spitfire’s dick with saliva before turning to Twilight’s. “Oh… she- she’s eager,” Twilight teased, flinching from her over sensitive penis being licked and kissed.

“She’d love to get double stuffed by her two favorite cocks, huh?” Chrysalis chuckled through her disguise. “Ohh… not too much, I’d rather paint your insides than your face.”

Rainbow slowly stopped sucking on her idol’s cock and turned to Twilight, swallowing her saliva as she got onto her hooves. “Don’t make me wait, alright? Or I’ll make you fuck me.”

“Oh such sass, shall I take the first dip?” Chrysalis asked, admiring Rainbow’s rump and glistening silt.

Twilight eyed Rainbow’s rump intrigue, tapping her lips in thought. “You take her anally, I’ll take her vaginally.”

Chrysalis nodded as the two took their positions, the orange pegasus rearing onto Rainbow’s back while the purple unicorn slipped under the speedster, using her hooves and magic to push her dick into the blue pussy.

Rainbow flinched a little, feeling something that appeared to be Spitfire and Twilight slowly sink their rods into her body, filling her with their thickness. “Fuck…” she moaned when Chrysalis sunk her entire shaft into her ass mercilessly.

“Nice and tight, just as I like my mares,” Chrysalis cooed, roughly pounding Rainbow’s rear, one hoof pulling the prismatic tail. “Really nice of Twi to share my biggest fan with me.”

Twilight gave her mare a worried look, noticing that the speedster was wincing in pain. “Chr- Spitfire… be gentle.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes as she slowed her pace. She gave Rainbow’s flanks a sharp slap, causing the pegasus to yelp in surprise. “Better?”

“M- much…” Rainbow moaned, her front had collapsed onto Twilight with her hooves wrapped around the unicorn’s neck. Her rear shuddered from the dual penetration, Chrysalis’ more direct thrusting and Twilight’s careful pushes.

It didn’t take long for both Chrysalis and Twilight to find Rainbow’s holes to be easier to enter, building up their respective paces. Chrysalis leaning forward and nibbling the athlete's wings while Twilight softly kissed the blue mare’s neck.

Chrysalis couldn’t help but giggle from the sound of Rainbow’s moaning and squeals of delight, arching her back into Twilight’s barrel. “Damn, cadet. You love being a hole for me and your alpha, don’t ya?”

“F- fuck off, Chrysa- AH!” A surprise moan slipped past Rainbow’s lips when Chrysalis swatted the blue rump.

“I’m not going to tolerate insubordination, rookie,” Chrysalis teased. Using her magic, she pulled Rainbow’s tail to her mouth, pulling the rump back into her crotch while her hooves began rubbing Rainbow’s cutie marks.

Twilight’s thrusts became quick and erratic, nuzzling Rainbow’s neck as her limbs latched around the blue mare’s body. Her cock was getting squeezed by the heated mare’s tunnel. The look on the fake Spitfire’s face scrunching up in determination possibly meant that Rainbow was clenching her rear.

Rainbow felt her body tense up, her grip around Twilight tightening as her climax was fast approaching. Her rump was feeling both pain of Chrysalis pulling her tail and the pleasure of her orifices being filled by hot cocks. She let out a cry as her body convulsed in ecstasy, her pussy clenching Twilight’s cock roughly, trying to milk the unicorn for her seed.

The moment she felt Rainbow cum, Twilight put all her efforts into getting her own orgasm, pumping her hips harder than earlier. Chrysalis grinned with the rainbow tail in her mouth as her own pace increased.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide, gasping as Twilight began to fill her passage with hot cum. A moment later, the fake-Spitfire began unloading her cream deep into the blue mare’s rectum. Chrysalis kept thrusting her hips hard into Rainbow’s butt while Twilight kept herself sheathed into the athlete’s marehood, feeling Chrysalis’ ooze, Rainbow’s mare cum, and her own seed leak onto her pelvis.

As her shaft finished dispensing her changeling spunk, Chrysalis slowly pulled herself from Rainbow’s tailhole and grinning as her green slime oozed from the open orifice. Rainbow struggled to stand but she fell onto Twilight’s body, trying to catch her breath. “That’s a nice look for you, cadet,” Chrysalis joked, rubbing her green ooze into Rainbow’s rear.

“Screw… you,” Rainbow groaned, rolling off Twilight and letting out a whimper when the purple cock left her body.

Twilight slowly got onto her hooves, her cock losing very little of it’s girth. A fact that both Rainbow and Chrysalis caught on. “Hey, Twilight… Chrysalis was- ugh- a bit hard on me, I want to keep this going but… I want to stay in the mood, ya know?”

“So you want us to mate in front of you?” Chrysalis teased in her Spitfire disguise. “It has been a day or so since I felt Twilight inside me.” She walked over to Twilight and laid a wing over the unicorn’s back.

“You could say that, let’s just say… Cloudchaser gave me an idea,” Rainbow cooed, rubbing her leaking pussy. “Shape change yourself into Soarin. Ever since I heard that Thunderlane loved getting fucked, I kinda wanted to see Soarin eat me out while someone fucked his ass, I really didn’t care too much who was plowing his ass.”

Chrysalis tapped her chin thoughtfully before her eyes began to glow green, her orange coat becoming pale blue. Her body gaining mass as her mare-like appearance turned into that of a stallion, complete with her cum-soaked orange shaft turning grey. “So.. you’re gonna make me eat your creampie while Twilight gives me my own?” Chrysalis said in Soarin’s voice.

Rainbow’s grin grew larger as she nodded her head vigorously. She sat up and spread her legs wide in anticipation for changeling-turned wonderbolt.

With a sultry smirk, Chrysalis made her way to the blue mare and lowered her- or rather his- head down to Rainbow’s seed leaking muff. He leaned down and began licking along the blue folds before her.

Twilight walked behind Chrysalis’ now muscular form. Her magic raising the dark blue tail up to find that Chrysalis was now completely male. “I’m… not so sure.”

“I’ve taken it up the ass before, just do it,” Chrysalis scolded, the fact she said it in Soarin’s voice made Rainbow chuckle.

Twilight blushed lightly and reared onto Chrysalis’ back. The sight of Soarin eating her out while Twilight gets ready to fuck his ass made Rainbow shudder in delight, her wings painfully erect. She flinched from Soarin gasping into her quim from Twilight entering him caused her smile to widen. “Oh this is so awesome.”

“Glad you think so,” Chrysalis groaned, glaring up at Rainbow. As much as he didn’t mind the feel of his Alpha’s cock inside him. Anal will always be in his grey area as it served no purpose and it didn’t feel as good as having a pussy full of cock. He felt his face getting pushed into Rainbow’s cum-filled honey pot by Twilight’s thrusts. “I’m not as dainty as Rainbow, pound me!”

“O- okay,” Twilight stammered, blushing as she grab ahold of Chrysalis’ rump and pushed herself into the pale blue rump as hard as she can, doing all she can to maintain her quick pace with the same power.

Chrysalis smirked as he began to use his anal muscles to tighten and constrict Twilight’s shaft as he lapped up his Alpha’s cum from Rainbow’s pussy. The unicorn slamming into his backside with enough for to make him yelp sometimes, it wasn’t vaginal but Chrysalis had to make it work some how. Feeling the love of her Alpha and the athlete flow into his kept his shaft hard and leaking pre onto the grass.

“Oh this is so hot,” Rainbow whimpered with delight, biting her lower lip as she watched Twilight rut Soarin’ rear hard, that same wonderbolt busy licking her marehood, drinking in Twilight’s deposit and teasing her clit with her tongue. “Yeah… you like having a big dick in your ass, Soarin? Betcha wish I had a dick… or even Spitfire.”

“Yeah… I’m such a cockslut,” Chrysalis groaned sarcastically, he let out a moan into Rainbow’s cooch upon feeling Twilight speed up. Not quite close to her climax but steadily getting there. He quivered as Twilight’s magic began fondling his wings.

Rainbow smiled in satisfaction, pulling Chrysalis’ head into her cooch and keeping him pinned there, feeling her body shudder and spasm in anticipation. She felt her body float on air from Soarin’s amazing tongue. Of course watching Twilight nail the wonderbolt in his ass gave her a seemingly endless supply of visual stimulation, but she wanted more.

Twilight felt her body tense up as her cock throbbed in need to fertilize Chrysalis’ rectum, her pelvis beginning to sting from her own constant thrashing. A male mewl from beneath her notified her that Chrysalis could feel her dick swell inside him, ready to hose the changeling’s ass with thick cum.

Chrysalis nearly choked on Rainbow’s juices and Twilight’s cum when the unicorn in his rear began firing her spunk deep inside him, painting his insides a murky white with impressive force. The scholar grinding her crotch against the Fake-Soarin’s ass as she forced the puckered star to wring her cock until it was empty.

Thanks to Chrysalis’ experienced mouth and her own fantasy coming to life before her, Rainbow came shortly after, lightly spraying the male stallion’s face with her juices. She fell back, panting and letting her self feel the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Chrysalis merely stood up and gave a smirk as Twilight gave him a few hard thrusts to completely empty herself inside before slowly sliding her shaft out from the abused rosebud. “What a waste of good cum,” he muttered.

“No… but you did good, Chrysalis. Thank you,” Twilight said, kissing the changeling queen on the cheek. The sudden surge of loving causing Soarin to revert back to Chrysalis as her now clear cock spasmed from the pleasure of being loved. It’s green essence and empty changeling eggs lying the grass as her legs trembled to stay up. Twilight blushed lightly after realizing she just made Chrysalis cum from a kiss. “Oh… sorry.”

“Maybe I should… look into that romantic crap… that love is powerful,” Chrysalis cooed with a silly grin on her face, rubbing the part Twilight had kissed.

Twilight giggled lightly as she turned her gaze back to town. “One left and I can finally just… rest.”

“I suppose…” Chrysalis uttered, levitating the semi-conscious Rainbow onto her back.

“Nah- nah… I’m okay, give me a bit and… I’ll be ready,” Rainbow groaned, failing to break free from Chrysalis’ magic.

“Sorry, Rainbow… I don’t know how much longer I can last and I still need to help Rarity before I can just go to bed and spend the next few days, hopefully a week, without anypony needing me to have sex,” Twilight explained, walking up to press a kiss to Rainbow’s lips. “I’ll be back in the library… hopefully before midnight.”

Chrysalis and Rainbow watched as Twilight made her way to the Carousel Boutique. “I’ll let you have my next turn if you shapeshift into Twilight and rut me now,” Rainbow offered.

“Very enticing,” Chrysalis teased, her black chitin turning into a soft lavender coat. “Agree to be an egg carrier and I’ll rut you as Twilight all you want.”

Rainbow pouted in annoyance. “My next turn and I’ll share a day with you. I don’t wanna get weighed down by your eggs, I got a reputation to uphold, ya know.”


Twilight nearly ran face first into the Carousel Boutique’s door, barely managing to stop herself inches from entrance. She shook her head and levitated a bottle of Berry’s draft to her lips and swallowed it’s contents, feeling her body and lust fight off her fatigue and energize her, her shaft wagging hard beneath her belly.

“Excellent!” Twilight turned up to see Luna landing beside her, a large dark blue cock flailing between her legs. “Rarity is inside, getting something ready for us, she’s been in her wardrobe since we last checked. Which would be when you were mating with Applejack.”

Twilight nodded and opened the door. “One left… I can’t believe it’s almost over.”

Luna placed a reassuring hoof on her mate’s shoulders. “We promise to ensure that your rest will not be bothered.”

Giving the dark princess a warm smile. “Thank you.” Their look turned determined as they walked up the stairs to Rarity’s bedroom. Twilight gave the door a hard knock.

“Just a second, I’m almost ready,” Rarity sang from the other side.

“Rarity, I’m sorry but we need to finish this,” Twilight announced, opening the door with her magic.

Luna and Twilight stopped to see Rarity wearing a cheerleader outfit, complete with hoof poms, in her magic was a Wonderbolt uniform. “This is precisely what it looks like, darling,” Rarity uttered, turning to Princess Luna. “Hello princess, wasn’t expecting you to grace me with your presence.”

“We-I… I am here to assist Twilight in vanquishing your heat,” Luna said with a deep blush, her cock feeling press it’s head against her stomach.

Rarity noticed that both Luna and Twilight were pointing at her with their thick dicks. “Oh… well…”

“I already did a Wonderbolt thing for Rainbow Dash and Chrysalis,” Twilight answered immediately.

“Damn it! Of course Rainbow would want that,” Rarity groaned removing her outfit and scouring for something else. “Did Pinkie do Guards and Robbers?”

Luna grunted in annoyance, her penis trying to make her rut the white unicorn before her. “We… lack the time necessary for this act, let us just carry on with the mating so that we can have this week behind us.”

“No!” Rarity snapped, catching both mares off guard. “Apologies, but I need this, your highness.”

“Umm… no, she just angry at both me and Zecora for a little bit,” Twilight uttered uncomfortably.

“Excellent!” Rarity cheered, her eyes sparkling in happiness. She tossed two sets of guard armor at Twilight and Luna.

The scholar found out that the armor wasn’t real, as it was made of dyed faux leather. “So… we’re… punishing you?”

“Of course, dear!” Rarity cooed, wearing a tight black jump suit, complete with a prison number on Rarity’s flanks where her cutie marks should be. Her mane was let down and resting against her neck and face. “So officers, what can I do to earn an… early parole?”

Luna and Twilight placed their armor on and glanced to each other, a deep blush across their faces. “We… have been told that community service is a excellent way for-”

“One moment,” Twilight said, pulling Luna to the side. “We are going to have to play along with Rarity’s roleplay. Act like a guard… she’ll thank you for it… and sorry if I say anything too… weird.” Twilight turned back to Rarity and cleared her throat. “Suck the private off, prisoner.”

Rarity gave a lewd smile as she walked up to Luna. “Oh? And what of yourself? Or do you like watching your underling’s cock get buried in a prisoner’s mouth?”

“You're getting her ready for later, um… bitch,” Twilight berated in her best impersonation of a guard.

“I see,” Rarity cooed, slipping under Luna’s body. “Are you certain, she’s a ‘private’, looks more like captain to me.”

Luna gave Twilight an apologetic smile while Twilight glared at the waving purple tail with annoyance. “Another word outta you and… you’ll be taking me dry.”

Rarity only smiled, giving Luna a long lick along her shaft. “She might be bigger, but you are tastier… captain,” she teased, her tail raising in anticipation.

Twilight approached Rarity’s rump and slapped it, causing the ivory mare to gasp. “What did I say about talking?” Both hooves spreading Rarity’s cheeks apart and admiring how both holes were winking for her to enter. “Now to nail that lesson into you.”

Eager to get fucked by her alpha-guard, she took a portion of Luna’s cock into her mouth, sucking the alicorn off with vigor. She gasped as the cloth around her rump was ripped, soon feeling the thick maremeat press against her backdoor, feeling it force its way into her.

Luna watched in awe of Twilight forcefully taking Rarity’s anus, the purple mare looked as if the ivory mare was begging for this. “Private. Make her choke, she’s here for our amusement.”

Luna gave Twilight a questioning look. “Are we not here to please her?”

“Private, after I’m done with her, I will make it my personal mission to BREAK you with my dick if I hear any more from you,” Twilight warned, blushing heavily as she slammed herself into Rarity’s flanks.

“Yes… ma’am!” Luna stammered, saluting Twilight. She sat down and pulled Rarity’s head down on her shaft, burying the dark blue rod down the prisoner’s throat.

Rarity gagged and moaned around Luna’s shaft. Feeling Twilight slam into her back passage with little disregard. She could feel her pussy leaking like a fountain onto the floor, her eyes rolling back in the pleasure of being punished by two well-equipped guards.

“Her- erm… The prisoner’s mouth… feels wonderful, Captain,” Luna panted, controlling Rarity’s bobbing head.

“Wait till you get her pussy, private. She’s tighter than Prince Blueblood’s lips when a mare shows up with one of his ‘heirs’,” Twilight joked, giving Rarity another slap across her ass.

“Is our nephew’s lips as tight as a mare’s vagina? We were not aware he had relations with many mares,” Luna asked, stopping to let Rarity breath.

“Luna… we’re playing a role… for Rarity, stay in character please- I mean, Private! I don’t hear the prisoner choking, you must really love taking my cock like this whore,” Twilight shouted, her entire face and neck were beet red in embarrassment.

“Uh- no. Apologies, Captain!” Luna stammered. “Take… my stallionhood, uh... wench!” Pulling Rarity back onto her cock.

Rarity couldn’t help but coo around Luna’s shaft from being called ‘wench’, her pussy felt jealous of her mouth and anus, winking in need of something inside her. Twilight’s crotch slamming into her at a breakneck pace, pounding her into Luna’s pelvis each time.

“Twi- Captain! Permission to cum!” Luna whimpered, quickly reach her peak.

Twilight felt her own climax coming, grunting in the pleasure of Rarity’s hugging warmth. “G-granted!”

Rarity braced herself as best she could, knowing that both mares would soon fill her body with cum. Luna let out a drawn out groan as she emptied herself into the fashionista’s belly, pulling the ivory mare’s head slowly closer to the base of her shaft. Rarity squirmed and writhed, her legs shaking in the afterglow of her own orgasm when Twilight fully hilted herself deep into her anal canal, unleashing a deluge of cum that filled her guts with their sticky and hot goodness.

“Oh, that felt-” Twilight stopped herself and adjusted her helmet. “That’s a good slut,” she mocked, wiping her cock clean on Rarity’s outfit.

“That… felt wonderful," Luna cooed, pulling Rarity off her shaft. "We thank you, Lady-” She looked up to Twilight, who tapped on her helmet and pointed to the ‘prisoner. “Oh- Apolog- ahem. Captain, this mare’s mouth is wonderful and most welcoming around our guardian dick. Shall we test her marehood?”

“Very well, make it a good show,” Twilight added, forcing Rarity back onto her hooves. “Stand up straight and take the private like a mare, whore.”

“Y-Yes Captain,” Rarity squealed, trying to hide her smile as the rear of her outfit was ripped more. her pussy continuing to drip onto the fabric.

Twilight let out an amused whistle. “She’s as wet as a love-starved changeling. Have fun, Private.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Luna saluted, sauntering up behind Rarity and pushing her head down, forcing her to eat the carpet as the alicorn positioned herself to mount the prisoner.

Twilight levitated a chair to her and sat down, watching her underling sliding her shaft along the needy mare’s moist pussy. “Fuck her already, we don’t have all day! We have other prisoners to… break in.”

Rarity felt brave, turning her head to the side to allow her to speak. “What other prisoners?”

A wide grin graced Twilight’s lips. “A pegasus that can’t keep herself from breaking air laws, a Changeling Queen, a conmare that cums just from being called my whore.” Twilight tapped her chin in thought. “And a naughty Princess that loves warming my bed.”

“We are going to mate again later?” Luna asked in surprise, sliding her shaft up Rarity’s crack and wetting her tail with cum.

“Role play, Luna, role play… and sure… next week for obvious reasons,” Twilight answered.

“Oh, of course,” Luna stammered with a light blush, before turning back down to her prisoner. She found Rarity’s pussy and pushed forward, spreading her lips and spearing the white mare. Luna felt Rarity’s pussy writhe around her, being spread apart wide and squeezing her. “She’s so tight, our shaft is melting in her velvety expanse.”

“Just keep fucking her, Private,” Twilight ordered, stroking her cock. She smiled while watching Luna fuck Rarity into the floor. “I want her begging for more.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Luna grunted, thrusting herself as deep as she could into Rarity’s quivering hole.

Rarity moaned from the constant battering of her sex, her drool coating the carpet as she was mercilessly shoved harder into it by the stronger mare above her. “I’m such… a bad filly… punish me,” she whimpered.

“She spoke, Captain! Orders?” Luna asked, continuing to shove her maremeat into the white snatch.

“Keep pounding her, I’m sure she loves it,” Twilight replied. She slid off the chair and walked up to Rarity, caressing her cheek. “She’s smiling after all. She loves having us strong guards put her in her proper place.”

“Yes… I love this,” Rarity moaned, trying to lather Twilight’s armored hoof with her tongue. “More.”

“She broke quicker than that crazy pink mare, Private,” Twilight giggled, letting Rarity suckle her fore-hoof. The ivory mare’s eyes glued to the hard purple shaft beneath the captain. “How close?”

“Near- nearly there, Captain,” Luna groaned, feeling Rarity tightening around her, wringing her cock as the prisoner’s body spasmed in pleasure.

“Looks like our toy beat you to it,” the captain laughed, wiping Rarity’s saliva off in her mane.

Luna let out a weak chuckle as she pummeled Rarity’s rump a few more times. “Permission to finish inside, Captain?”

Twilight looked down to her prisoner, the white mare looking up to her with pleading eyes. “Denied, paint her.”

Luna yanked herself out and let out a whine, her cock spewing it’s white cream all over Rarity’s body and onto the floor. The sight of the prisoner coating in her sperm, made Luna hard again. “C- Captain, orders?”

Twilight rubbed her chin and an idea came to mind. “Lie down, we’re gonna double stuff our mare.” Luna nodded and did as she was told, Twilight levitating the limp white unicorn onto Luna, her back lying on the Princess’ barrel, and Twilight straddling them both.

Rarity flinched when she felt Luna prod her cum-leaking rear while Twilight’s cock was rubbing her needy silt. “Please… I need it.”

“If you say so,” Twilight cooed, stroking Rarity’s mane. “Private, get her!”

Rarity screamed in delight as both mares sunk themselves to the hilt at the same time, another orgasm pulling at her senses. Her hooves immediately latching around Twilight’s body, her head buried in the armored shoulder of the purple mare, moaning as the two guards ravaged her.

Luna’s hooves reached to Rarity’s flanks, trying to pound her as hard as she could, watching her writhe against Twilight’s body, she grit her teeth when Rarity’s ass clenched her dick tightly.

“Just feel her squirm, Private…” Twilight moaned, thrusting herself into Rarity’s pussy. She glanced to her subordinate to find her writhing in her own ecstasy, her eyes shut tightly and her teeth clenched, she could feel Luna’s hooves trying to grip Rarity’s flanks and thrust feverishly into the prisoner.

“So full!” Rarity gasped into Twilight’s neck. Her limbs tightening around the purple unicorn. “Rut me harder like the beasts that you are!”

“You heard her, Private,” Twilight said, pouring her strength into fucking her ivory mare.

Luna sought to find any more power within her to mate with the prisoner, her hooves and magic forcing Rarity to slam against her crotch. Various juices splashing against the three bodies as they collided in separate times.

Both mares were pounding her rear so hard, her white fur was turning a bright red. Rarity couldn’t hold back her voice as she wailed in bliss. Her vision was becoming fuzzy after being forced through another orgasm, brought on by her guardians.

“Captain- Ah! She’s gripping me even tighter,” Luna grunted, gritting her teeth from the overwhelming grip on her shaft.

“K-Keep it together, she’s cumming so much…” Twilight groaned, Rarity’s pussy milking her shaft dutifully, the seal tightening around her with every heartbeat within the ivory mare. “We’re almost done slut.”

“I’m your slut! I want your seed all over me, inside and out! All I desire is to please the guards, I want to be moved to the barracks to be used daily by your officers! I want you all to rut me!” Rarity screamed, reaching her climax again.

Luna was struggling to hold back, the pleasure was too great. “C-Captain, permission to-”

“Granted!” Twilight moaned, her cock filling Rarity’s womb with cum. Luna joining her soon after and adding her own spunk to the purple mare’s earlier deposit. Twilight, her desire to rest returning with a vengeance, forcing her to roll off, and pull Rarity with her to Luna’s side, both mares still connected through the ivory prisoner. “Oh… that was… something.”

“Y-yes… we… never experienced such a trial before,” Luna panted, nuzzling Rarity’s mane, softly thrusting her hips to wring herself of all her cum.

“You both… were fantastic, excellent… acting,” Rarity sighed, stroking the faces of both mares.

“Sorry… if I was a bit” Twilight couldn’t help but let out a satisfied grunt as her cock slid out of Rarity, lying limp against the scholar’s leg. “Sorry… sorry if we were too hard on you.”

“Oh… I wanted it, I loved it. it’s the… essence of roleplaying, my love,” Rarity cooed, giving Twilight a kiss. “And Luna might have been rocky at the start but even she exceeded my expectations and made this wonderful.”

“Hu...zzah,” Luna sighed, her shaft vanishing in a sparkle of magic.

Twilight levitated her armor off, grimacing by how dirty they became, the insides dripping with sweat. “Hehe, I’ll go wash this when I-”

“Don’t you fret, I’ll clean it,” Rarity interjected. “When I can feel my back end again.”

“Yes, it is not often a mare mates with an alpha and a princess at the same time,” Luna added, standing up with more energy than Twilight or Rarity could muster at the time. “We will assist you to your bed.”

Rarity felt Luna’s magic gently carry her upward. “Thank you, your highness.”

Twilight smiled as Luna helped Rarity, as she limped her way to Rarity and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “I’m… going to go to bed and sleep for a long time, good night girls.”

“We have something we must ask of Rarity. If you could wait in the lobby, we can assist you home,” Luna added, turning to Twilight with a stern look. Twilight gave the princess a meek smile and nodded, leaving the room.

“What… is it do you need?” Rarity asked, now more curious than tired.

“We… had more fun than expected with this… ‘roleplay’, but is it truly that you desire to be… ‘dominated’?” Luna asked with a serious look.

“My desire lies with what role we perform, I could have been just as happy being the guard… forcing her prisoners to eat her out and fill her pussy with their disgusting cum to earn parole, I simply decided to be the prisoner,” Rarity explained, stroking Luna’s cheek.

Luna thought for a moment. “Interesting, is this roleplay just limited to guards and prisoners?”

“No, your highness. If you never joined our herd, I was ready to dress like you and let Twilight pretend I were you, a few Wonderbolt and Shadowbolt costumes,” Rarity said, giggling as another thought came to mind. “I’m sure the schoolfilly and the teacher is great turn on for Twilight herself.”

“And what of the Princess and her bodyguard?” Luna asked, appearing hopefully.

“That could work, I have the armor and I still have the costume of you…” Rarity uttered. “Why do you ask?”

Luna’s face burned red. “We… are fascinated by how commanding Twilight was as the Captain of the Guard, and… perhaps view a similar view of her as my bodyguard in an … [intimate setting.”

Rarity swallowed her breath. “Of course… I’ll have it done in a few days, first… rest. Tonight has left me… tired.”

“Of course! We must go assist Twilight home, have a good night,” Luna exclaimed, feeling a bit giddy despite her recent activities.

“Good… Night…” Rarity cooed, cuddling up into her bed to sleep, only to be interrupted by a knock on her window.


Twilight felt like she could collapse at any second, Luna did her best to help her continue the journey to her room.

The dark blue alicorn opened the door and the two were greeted with the sight of their herd, sleeping soundly in the middle of the room, underneath them was several blanket to keep them comfortable, while the wings of the pegasi and griffon covered them.

Pinkie and Fluttershy noticed the two and scooted over, giving Twilight and Luna a place among their pile, a small space in the center for Twilight and a wide space between Applejack and Zecora for Luna.

With a soft smile, Twilight slowly marched forward and fell into the mess of limbs and warm bodies, feeling a hoof or two hold her tightly while a yellow wing and a brown wing covered her like a blanket. Luna took her spot and rested her head on Twilight’s withers as sleep quickly became her body’s priority.

Now comfortable, felt Chrysalis’ hoof around her neck, laying her head on her barrel, and stroking her mane, soothing her to sleep. “Good night, girls.

“Good night, Twilight,” they all said in various stages of sleep or fatigue.

Twilight Velvet watched from the door and smiled warmly. “Good night, girls. Pleasant dreams.” And softly shut the door, ending what quite possibly be the longest week ever.


Three Twilight Sparkles walked down a long corridor, two of them wore golden armor and a crest of red star burst cutie mark on their chests and flank guards, their golden helmets adorned with purple crests. The center Twilight wore dark violet armor that covered her entire body, save for her head which had a circlet-visor, her magenta cape flowing behind her as she walked.

They strode forward until they came to a room that had eight guards, all of which were gold armored Twilights, as vigilant as their commander. “Report!” Brave, the violet armored Twilight, demanded.

The Twilight closest to Brave saluted and answered. “Commander, Alpha has stayed within her room for the duration of the outside world’s mating season, we did not encounter any resistance or attempts to escape.”

Brave sneered when her own guardponies called the wretch ‘Alpha’ as she turned to the door. “Very well, you are all relieved from duty for now.”

The eight Twilight Guards saluted and left, leaving Brave and her two guards alone. “What now, Commander?” Asked one of her guards.

“We see what Juliet is up to,” Brave answered. She opened Juliet’s door, cringing as the smell of sex filled her lungs. Her two guardsman covering their snouts and recoiled from the overpowering stench. “Juliet… Mating Season is over, your room arrest is over.”

They were soon greeted with a disheveled version of Twilight, her dress shirt undone and a tie hanging loosely from her neck. Her eyes trying to adjust from the sudden intake of sunlight, the smell of coitus emanating from her body. “Oh, hello Brave. Mating Season is over, huh? How did we do?”

Brave turned to see her guardsman fidgeting, and shook her head. “It was interesting… while you would have been proud to see it, it was done in a fashion that many of us approve.”

Juliet quirked an eyebrow, shaking her head to banish a oncoming headache. “A Mating Season where we were all happy with the results? How so?”

“Our Hostess had spent the week trying to protect her herd from themselves, she did what I firmly believe you would never do as an ‘Alpha’,” Brave stated, staring the smaller mare down.

“What? Actually have sex? She’s too awkward and sex dumb to fuck without me,” Juliet muttered, rubbing her temples.

“That… is what you’d be proud of. She mated with twenty six mares within the last week, eleven of which are herdmates,” Brave said, smirking from the sight of Juliet’s eyes going wide.

“Seriously? She had sex during Mating Season? And I didn’t get to see it?” Juliet uttered, growing furious.

Brave rolled her eyes in annoyance. and levitated a flat disc to Juliet. “Grace thought it was cruel to keep you locked up, though she knew the reason why very well. She asked Smartypants to record the events of last week for you.”

Juliet smiled widely as she accepted the disc. “Oh ho ho, this will be sweet, thank Grace for me, would you?” she giggled, turning around to enter her room. “Oh and… your guards need better discipline.”

Brave growled as Juliet faded back into her room, then turned to see one guard pressing her sister against the wall, rutting her furiously. Both their helmets discarded in the midst of their actions, the Twilight that was against the wall panting as her cock rubbed against the coat of the other, who was bucking her own erection hard into her twin’s needy pussy. “GIRLS!” Brave bellowed, unamused by her soldier’s antics. Both guard mares stopped and detached, struggling to get their helmets on while their purple cocks hung beneath their bodies, blushing hard. “Five hundred laps around the fortress, NOW.”

Chapter Twenty-Three: Daring Do and the Ikki-Shox

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TAGS [Boshlanish x Twilight: F/F/Futa, foalcon, oral, cock milking][Marezons: Fxmany, Cum drinking]

“So… why do you have to go again?” Gilda asked, lying next to Twilight as the unicorn petted her.

“I was ask to help on a expedition to the Giant’s Forest, it’ll be for a few days or so but I’m sure everything will be okay,” Twilight tried to reassure her griffon lover, glancing to the giant mare sitting next to her mother.

That day, Twilight received a letter to help with an expedition to the Giant’s Forest as a scholar, and that they will be all meeting at Golden Oak Library. To Twilight’s knowledge, the expedition had four members: The leader, the guide, the scholar, and a quartermaster. The giant mare, Bronze Hoof, was enlisted as the muscle/guide. The former Marezon was talking and giggling with her mother, eager to be petted and caressed by her.

Twilight was asked by her mentor to be the scholar, a chance to learn new things. She was excited to say the least, but she couldn’t help but feel that this could end badly. Her saddlebags were already packed and waiting next to the door.

No pony knew who the leader or the quartermaster for the trip were, and Twilight became anxious to meet them, hoping that they would kick off their friendship on a good hoof. “This kinda throws this week’s schedule into a black hole, Twi,” Gilda grumbled.

“Yes, while I admit that this is rather last minute, I’m sure it’ll be fine. And when I get back, I’ll tell you girls all about it,” Twilight smiled. The door opening caught Twilight off guard as a light blue earth mare wearing glasses walked in, her purple mane tied into a bun. She wore a brown vest with many pockets sewn into it, her cutie mark was of three peaches. “Hello, how may I help you?” Twilight asked.

“I’m with the expedition, I’m looking for our scholar and guide,” the earth mare asked.

Bronze smiled and turned to Velvet, blushing as the smaller unicorn kissed her snout. “I’m your guide, Missy. Bronze Hoof”

Twilight shared her enthusiasm, eagerly standing up and rushing to meet the mare. “And I’m your scholar, Twilight Sparkle.”

“H-Hello,” the earth mare said, taken back by the sudden forwardness of the two. “I’m Peaches, I’m the quartermaster. Ms. Do is at the cart.”

Fear began to fill Twilight’s heart. “Ms. Do?” she asked, hoping that it isn’t the mare she think it is.

Peaches smiled as she lead the two to the cart, where a tan pegasus wearing a pith helmet and jacket was tying things to the cart, her dark mane covering her right eye. She quickly noticed peaches and smiled. “Hey, babe!”

Peaches blushed as Daring stepped down and nuzzled her. “Daring… this is our team.”

Daring turned and her mood dropped upon seeing Twilight, who did her best to avoid eye contact. “Oh… well, this will be fun.”

“Something the matter?” Peaches asked.

“I’m sensing some… bad blood,” Bronze muttered, throwing her large pack onto the cart.

“HEY, I just organized that,” Daring spat at the giant, before turning back to Twilight. “So… how you been?”

“Pretty good… all things considered,” Twilight uttered, finding the ground more interesting to look at. “I’m happy you found a better marefriend though.”

“Um, Daring? What does she mean by that?” Peaches asked.

“Peaches, Uh…” Daring groaned, thinking about her next words carefully. “This is Twilight… my ex marefriend.”

Peaches’ face went bright red as she turned from Twilight to Daring multiple times. “Oh… what did she mean by ‘better’?”

“Bad things happened that were my fault,” Twilight said, trudging to the cart to placing a small bag into a vacant spot.

“It’s not important, babe. What’s important is that the team is together and we can start,” Daring concluded, turning to the cart and jumping onto it to help fasten Bronze Hoof to the harnesses.

Peaches gave Daring a confused look before turning to the library. The sight of a griffon, a unicorn that appeared to be in her forties, and the sudden appearance of a pink earth mare confused her greatly. The griffon glaring daggers into Daring, the older unicorn smiling calmly, and the pink mare giving them a worried look.

“Alright, are we all set?” Daring asked, Peaches giving her a bright smile, Bronze nodding, while Twilight let out a quiet ‘yes’. “Alright, let’s be off. I wanna get to the outskirts of the Giant’s Forest by the end of the day.”

The group nodded and they made their way, Twilight walking next to Bronze while Peachy rode next to Daring on the cart. The adventurer decided to kick back and relax while Peaches cuddled next to her. Twilight paid it no mind, more curious about the ‘Giant’s Forest’. “Bronze Hoof, why is it called the Giant’s Forest?”

“Everything in there is just bigger than anything outside of the forest,” Bronze replied calmly, giving Twilight a smirk. “While the bugs don’t get much bigger, like ants the size of a filly. The animals, like Sabercats and wolves, can get pretty big. Their pups can be as big as a pony, and the adults? I’d say a few inches smaller than yours truly.”

Knowing what awaited them filled Twilight with nervous fear, wishing that her friends were with her, to help her fend off any beasts that try to attack their group. For now, she’ll have to reply on Daring’s skill, Bronze’s strength, and her own magic for protection. Glancing to Peaches made Twilight curious as to what the earth mare had to offer in form of protection, knowing far too well to never judge a book on it’s cover.

“So, how did you become an Alpha, Miss Twilight?” Bronze asked, giving Twilight a teasing smirk.

“What? Oh… well, it just sort of.... happened,” Twilight replied, blushing hard and struggling to keep up.

“Becoming an Alpha doesn’t ‘just happen’, one doesn’t ‘just’ make a bunch of ponies their sluts, much less a griffon and a changeling queen. What’s your secret?” Bronze questioned. Peaches turning her attention to Twilight with curiosity in her eyes.

“My friends, Pinkie specifically, just started to refer to me as their leader and Alpha one day and… it just happened. Truth be told, I’m still trying to cope with the occasional fight they start over the right to make me breakfast,” Twilight chuckled nervously, swallowing her breath as she walked.

“Sounds like your friends want you to lead them badly, but it took a while for you to grasp it,” Bronze said. “Your mother was a little like that.”

Twilight and Peaches turned to Bronze with a confused look. “What?” the unicorn asked. Even Daring tilted her helmet upward curiously.

“I was in Trottingham when I met your Mother and her friends Bright Lights and Blue Blaze, I saw her as a challenge to surpass and an opponent. Blue and Bright followed her like lost puppies that yearned to be kept collared by a worthy master, yet she appeared to be oblivious to this, only knowing that she could make them whimper at her touch,” Bronze said, smiling fondly.

“It does sound like me, except I was oblivious to it all. Simply happy to make my friends happy,” Twilight added.

“While you were content to help your friends, your mother was happy to control her friends with their own lusts. When I faced her in combat, I bested her easily. But when I went to claim my prize… she left me moaning like a whore and begging for more, eagerly following her in hopes that it would lead to more sex,” Bronze explained, shuddering in pleasure. “It wasn’t until we fucked Quick Silver in her dressing room when the idea of her being an Alpha came to mind.”

“And it was the girls pushing me to Applejack in both our times of need that finally made me realize that I could be their Alpha,” Twilight murmured. “I was absolutely awful to Daring when we were dating.”

“It’s okay, really,” Peaches replied nervously. “You seemed to bounce back after Daring left. An Alpha… you have lots of friends, a national hero.”

“Yeah, and… I’m glad Daring has someone else to love,” Twilight said, smiling to the light blue mare.

“Touch my marefriend, and I break your horn off, Twi,” Daring warned, glaring at the unicorn.

Twilight jumped back in fear, cowering. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean-”

“Break her horn and I rip your wings off and shove them up your ass,” Bronze threatened. “Velvet doesn’t want anything bad happening to her daughter, so nothing personal.”

Daring frowned as her guide continued to walk forward, glancing back down to the cowering unicorn trying to hide from her view using Bronze’s large frame. She felt Peaches slap her body, pouting at her in fury. “Don’t threaten her, she’s clearly doing her best.”

“You don’t know her like I do, if either of you let your guard down, she’ll get to you,” Daring explained, staring Twilight down as they continued towards the forest.


They set up camp just outside the forest. Bronze had said that the forest was more dangerous at night than during the day, making travel more perilous for Peaches and Twilight.

Begrudgingly, Daring agreed. As they set up, Bronze left to gather firewood while Peches prepared a dinner of canned fruit and lettuce. Before Daring could even yell at her ex-marefriend, Twilight had set up her tent far opposite from the larger tent that Daring and Peaches are using.

Bronze came back and dropped a hearty load of sticks and logs into the middle of the camp while Twilight sorted them and ignited the fire with her magic. “There we go.”

“I’ll never understand unicorns,” Bronze chuckled, stepping over to her giant sleeping bag.

“Dinner’s ready!” Peaches exclaimed, holding a tray of fruit bowls in her mouth. She gave each pony present a bowl before sitting next to Daring. The tension getting a bit thick as Twilight nervously ate her dinner and Daring angrily feasted. “Daring? Something wrong?”

“No,” Daring answered, ignoring Peaches in favor of her fruit.

Twilight glanced to Peaches, a scared smile on her face as she got up. “I’ll just… go to bed early.”

Daring watched Twilight carefully, letting out a satisfied grunt when the unicorn disappeared into her modest purple tent. She felt another hoof slap her forelimb with an angry earth mare staring at her. “What?”

“Why are you so mean to Twilight? She’s afraid of you,” Peaches scolded.

“Because I know what she’s capable of, because she has no control over herself,” Daring spat, devouring the last of her fruit.

“Explain,” Bronze demanded, staring at the adventurer.

“She’s all smart and capable on the outside, but on the inside… she’s all about sex. When I dated her, she fucked her friends while I was away. I gave her so much room to improve but she still just kept having sex with her friends and townsfolks… and asshole griffons,” Daring explained.

Peaches gasped while Bronze quirked a brow. “Velvet told me about how Twilight’s herd has been working. It’s more of everyone else targeting her then her targeting them.”

“It takes two to tango, she only looks meek to lure you in with her stupid adorable face then she’ll get ya. You can fall for her, but me and Peaches will have none of it,” Daring declared, pulling Peaches into their tent.

“I’m actually not allowed to have sex with Twilight; Velvet’s orders,” Bronze added, glancing to Twilight’s tent. “Shame too, she smells pretty good for a mare.”

After how Daring treated Twilight that day, Peaches felt annoyed. She felt her marefriend trying to hug her and shrugged it off, confusing the adventurer. “What’s wrong, Peachy?”

“The way you’ve been treating Twilight. She’s here to help us and all you’ve been doing is being mean to her just because you two use to date. So what if she made a few mistakes, you shouldn’t be so hard on her,” Peaches scolded, moving away from Daring.

“It’s all an act, she just wants you to feel bad for her so you can go into her tent and you two will fuck,” Daring retorted. She noticed Peaches getting up and leaving the tent. “Where are you going?”

“Putting your hypothesis to the test,” Peaches said. “If I go to bed in Twilight’s tent and we end up having sex, then I will always believe you when you mention certain things about certain ponies. If I don’t end up having sex with Twilight, then you have to be nicer to her.”

As Peaches approached the unicorn’s tent, Daring shot out to grab the light blue mare. “NO! I won’t let you!”

“Keep your voice down, ponies are sleeping,” Peaches scolded, turning away from Daring. “If you want, we can all spend the night in Twilight’s tent. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

Daring snarled in frustration, watching Peaches slip into her ex-marefriend’s tent. Daring stood in horror as she tried to listen for any actions within the tent. She poked her head in to see Twilight in the middle of the tent, lying on her left side with Peaches to her right, her back facing the unicorn. The pegasus sighed as she stepped in, carefully nudging Twilight away from Peaches and lying next to her marefriend, wrapping a wing protectively around the light-blue mare.

Bronze rolled her eyes, eavesdropping on the lover’s spat as they walked into Twilight’s tent. But as she tried to go back to sleep, she heard the bushes rustle, poking her head up in alarm.

Her eyes shot open wide when she noticed a large pony-shaped shadow within the treeline. Unfortunately, she was too slow to react to the dart that pierced her neck, injecting her with the sleep drug her tribe would use to capture outsiders or males. Her last sight before her eyes shut was of several familiar mares wearing body paint and animal bones circling Twilight’s tent.


Daring woke up, she expected to see the tent or, worse yet, Peachy covered in Twilight’s cum while the unicorn dry humped her side. But instead she woke up in a wooden cage with a slightly ragged but fairly clean Peachy next to her. Bronze was seen just outside the cage, her limbs bound and two spears pointed at her neck, as if awaiting execution. She couldn’t see any shade of purple or the trademark striped mane anywhere. Just a field of tan, brown, white, or grey earth pony mares the size of Princess Celestia wearing the remains of animals or paint. Their houses, of which there was many, were all wooden or made from leaves, very few were decorated with animal carcasses. Near the head of the village was a giant shack with a wide opening, a fire was lit within but the giant mares surrounding them made it hard to see what was going on.

“Bronze, what’s going on?” Daring asked.

“My tribe took us in the night, odds are… you and Peaches will go free, my fate is up to the chieftess, and I haven’t see Twilight since I woke up,” Bronze replied, staring at the dirt in dismay.

“Did you and the Chieftess get along?” Peaches questioned, walking up the side of the cage where Bronze was.

“Not always, I don’t recall doing anything that would truly anger her other than leaving,” Bronze uttered.

The mares began to step aside as a brown mare who looked like Princess Celestia, if she were a head taller and lacked horn and wings, walked up to them with a smile. A necklace of bones around her neck and matted Ursa pelt draped on her brown back. “Bronza, you continue to surprise me over and over again.”

Daring and Peaches stared at the Chieftess, she sounded almost exactly like Celestia, but a little deeper in tone. Bronze sneered in annoyance. “You seem happy to see me, but why the spears at my neck, Ayblash.”

Ayblash chuckled, shaking her head. “We… needed to be sure. Yulduz is looking into your friend and while I am thrilled you led her to us, I am most offended that you kept her to yourself, did you not think of your tribe?”

Bronze and Peaches gave Ayblash a confused look while Daring placed her face in both hooves. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“What do you mean? I met the unicorn a day ago, how is she so special to you?” Bronze asked, staring up at the larger mare.

“You didn’t know?” Ayblash uttered in surprise. “You didn’t know that the Ikki-Shox Marek was with you when we captured you?”

Bronze’s eyes went wide upon hearing the news, yet Peaches was completely lost in the conversation. Daring didn’t know what the word meant but she had a good idea what it implied. “Celestia damn it, Twilight.”

“How do you know she’s the Ikki-Shox Marek? She’s just a unicorn for crying out loud,” Bronze shouted, feeling the spears tense around her neck.

A moment later, the entire tribe, minus Ayblash and the two guards that held Bronze down, bowed as four mares stepped forward holding a wooden throne. A top of it was a nervous purple unicorn wearing similar white body paint, her hooves bound to the throne while her dick rested upon a small block between her legs. “Behold Bronza, the Ikki-Shox Marek!” Ayblash announced before bowing.

Twilight gulped nervously as she sat atop the throne, unable to move too much while looking down upon her friends and the chieftess. “Um, hi… I have no idea what’s going on, but could you remove those spears from my friend’s neck?” she asked. The guardsmares nodded, cutting Bronze’s bindings and withdrawing their weapons before bowing with the rest of the tribe, Bronze shifted herself to bow better before the ‘Ikki-Shox Marek’. “All rise?”

“Twilight… why is it that you and your confused gender mean so much to the universe?” Daring grumbled, her view of Twilight being covered by the massive mares standing up.

“Is Twilight their long lost leader or goddess or something, Daring?” Peaches asked, unable to keep up with the strange tribe.

“Twilight is what we call ‘Ikki-Shox Marek’ or Two-horned Mare. Our seers and mystics believed that the tribe will be saved by such a mare by impregnating our greatest tribesmares, but first, she must prove herself to be capable,” Bronze explained, the guards next to her nodding in confirmation.

“Saved from what exactly?” Daring asked, almost sarcastically.

“The tribe has no males, we have to hunt outside the forest for males or some colt will get the bright idea of trying to explore this place, only to die because their bones can’t take our strength,” one guard answered.

"You kill ponies through sex?" Peaches asked in horror.

"Only the ones that try to make themselves our betters, the ones we catch on our raids, we mate and send them home," the guard answered, getting a sigh of relief from the light blue mare.

“The only question is… what now?” Daring uttered, as the tribe praised Twilight.

“Probably celebrate, unfortunately for the girls. Only the Chieftess, the head Priestess, and our strongest warrior is allowed to mate with the Ikki-Shox, or Twilight in this case. And Twilight has to overcome a few trials before she can do that, and a short test during the party,” Bronze continued.

Daring and Peaches watched as Twilight was cut free from the throne and was roughly handled and hugged by various tribesmares, the few mares that touched her penis with the intent of getting the unicorn hard got a cruel glare from Ayblash. “Speaking of which, Ikki-Shox Marek. I fear our Priestess needs you for a moment, everyone else… Celebrate her coming, we may be saved!”

A roar of cheers echoed in the forest as Ayblash guided Twilight back to the large hut, with Daring and Peaches forced to watch it all happen. The adventurer caught Twilight whispering to Ayblash and the chieftess nodded her head. “What was that about?” Daring asked suspiciously.

The cage opened, the tribesmare guarding them stepping out of the way. “The Ikki-Shox says you’re free to go, just don’t do anything… suspicious.”

“How do you know our language?” Peaches asked.

The tribesmare chuckled as she walked away. “We’ve been raping your stallions for decades, we picked up on your language.”

Daring and Peaches glanced to each other as they took in the sight of the giant mares dancing around the fire while others ate. Bronze appeared to have been welcomed back into the tribe. “Go join the party, I have some things to investigate,” Daring ordered, watching the large hut near the back of the village.

The blue earth pony gave her marefriend a puzzled look. “Are you sure? Remember what that guard said-”

“I know, but I want to see what exactly is up with this place. Escape routes in case we have to bolt, whether or not I have to save Twilight from something worse than being raped by mares that make our adults look like fillies,” Daring explained, darting towards the main tent.

Peaches watched in mild concern, the pegasus fading into the darkness. A small glimmer of satisfaction that despite all her bad talk about the unicorn, Daring was willing to save Twilight if she needed it. She jumped when she felt a hoof on her back, she looked up and “Bronze?”

“Daring doing her adventuring thing?” Bronze asked, letting out a sigh when Peaches nodded. “She could have asked me. Speaking of which… don’t drink any milk if they give you any.”

“Why? Is it poisoned?” Peaches asked.

“No, it’s part of Twilight’s preliminary. The tribe is going to drink a bowl of mare milk that has her sperm mixed in with it. Marezons have a weird way of telling if a pony is virile by tasting their seed,” Bronze added. Peaches face appeared ill and sick… following her guide back to the bonfire.

Daring snuck to a window and looked in, unable to get a good view of whatever is happening. She decided to fly up to the roof and sneak in through a window into the second floor. She saw Ayblash’s rather plain bedding with a few cat skulls on the walls and a chess board in the corner of the room, the floor having a patch of Ursa Major fur that almost covered the entire floor.

Moving out, she spied over the railing of the second floor to see Ayblash admiring Twilight as ponies that were the same size of a normal pony were busy stroking the unicorn’s dick towards a giant bowl of white cream. “W-why are we doing this again?” Twilight asked, flinching from the gentle, yet firm massage her penis was receiving.

“We need to be sure, Ikki-Shox. We’ve been waiting years for you to come here,” Ayblash said, nodding her head. “Boshlanish, quickly now! We can’t make our tribe wait any longer.”

“I have to admit… I didn’t expect to see ponies of my size,” Twilight said, watching as the two ponies licked and sucked the sides of her dick, looking up to her with a needy look.

“Oh them? They’re Yulduz’s apprentices. Fillies that were born into Yulduz’s care,” Ayblash answered, unfazed by Twilight’s expression changing to shock.

“F-Fillies? I’m getting serviced by… underaged fillies?” Twilight uttered in horror, looking to the two fillies watching her in confusion.

“Do you not like it, Ikki-Shox?” One of the fillies asked, the sound of the innocent voice causing Twilight’s heart to weaken.

“If I have to do this… can I get somepony that’s… older? I feel… uncomfortable being serviced by children,” Twilight uttered, her mood dropping when the children gave her sad looks.

“Apologies, Ikki-Shox, but the initiates were trained for this moment since birth because our mares cannot touch you until after the trials you will face against myself, Yulduz, and Kuch,” Ayblash explained.

Twilight was about to ask but sighed. She felt bad the moment she saw the fillies looked scared, worried that they couldn’t please the Ikki-Shox. “Okay… I- Sorry I hurt your feelings, um… Boshlanish, was it? I guess… you can continue?” The two fillies smiled and resumed suckling and licking Twilight’s cock eagerly, making the unicorn squirm in uncomfortable pleasure when their hooves roamed her sensitive flesh. “W-what are the trials?”

Ayblash smiled gleefully. “Eager? I like that in a mate.” Twilight shuddered as the giantess sat down behind her, cuddling into her back. “Your first trial will be against Yulduz, where she will test your emotions and look into your past. Kuch will test your power, to see if you can withstand her might. Lastly, I will test your cunning and intelligence. Best each one of us, and you must breed us. If you fail… then we will tie you to a pole in the middle of the village and let the tribe use you as they see fit until you die.”

Twilight swallowed her breath, forced to recline into Ayblash’s side while the Boshlanish sucked her dick, working their tongues along her medial ring and bulging veins. “I-I see, what about the others? Daring, Peaches, and Bronze Hoof?”

“They are free to leave when they see fit, we no longer hold them prisoner. And I’m willing to forgive Bronza for leaving and allow her to explore the world in case she finds another like you,” Ayblash cooed, breathing in Twilight’s scent. “You smell divine, by the way, I can not wait until we meet for my challenge.”

Daring gritted her teeth, more annoyed by how the tribe worshipped Twilight for having a penis than the possibility of death. She snuck around carefully, watching Ayblash whisper sweet nothings into Twilight’s ear while the unicorn quivered and shook as the two fillies sucked her off, taking care not to cover the urethra.

“Ayblash! It’s twitching a lot, what do we do?” One filly shouted, jumping in away in shock while the other held the purple member up with her face.

“Aim it for the bowl. We have a tribe to feed,” Ayblash giggled, licking along Twilight’s ear. The girls nodded and started to stroke the member off harder, aiming it’s saliva slick head to the bowl of white cream.

Twilight let out a moan, signaling her orgasm. Her output surprising Ayblash and the fillies as it filled the bowl and nearly overflowed. “G-goodness.”

“My word… you are definitely the mare of legend, such output. You’ll definitely give us powerful foals,” Ayblash said with a wide grin.

One filly ran out to get the tribe while the other began to stir the bowl, mixing Twilight’s seed with the other goo.

Daring shook her head in annoyance, sneaking out through the way she came, failing to notice the tribe leader watching her. “What do you make of your winged friend?”

“Daring? She’s a good mare, protective but that’s because she does this sort of thing a lot- well not watching an ex marefriend being asked to mate with three mares, I mean like adventures and what not,” Twilight said blushing. “What I mean to say is… she’s doing what she thinks is right.”

Ayblash nodded, nuzzling Twilight lightly. “Come, we must toast to your arrival!” She stood up, Twilight struggled onto her hooves and followed Ayblash to the doors, overlooking the bonfire the tribe danced and laughed around.

One stomp of Ayblash’s hoof knocked Twilight onto her rear, Quickly followed by a few more to catch the attention of the tribe. What shocked Twilight was how sturdy the wood was, not even denting under the powerful strikes. “Eight hundred years, that is how long we’ve waited for this mare to be among us. To give us the children we need to continue! Without needing to supply ourselves with the males beyond our forest or the fools that seek us for fun. Today, we have the Ikki-Shox!” Everypony, minus Peaches and Daring, cheered and stomped their hooves in joy. Ayblash waved her hoof to quiet them down. “But we know this could be too good to be true. That is why we have the test.”

The fillies that ‘helped’ Twilight earlier began pouring the white cream into bowls and passed them out to the tribesmares. Peaches and Daring give the bowl a pass while Bronze accepted it, Twilight caught in an odd mixture of anxiety and mild disgust at the scene before her, she didn’t know what she felt watching the Marezons getting ready to drink mare milk that was mixed with her own cum.

Ayblash looked over her people with a fondness, hoping that Twilight is in fact the mare to help them. “Now… Drink!”

At once, every Marezon took a hearty gulp of the bowls, even the fillies took a small sip from the large bowl. Twilight and Ayblash watched as they all licked their lips and and sighed, some trying to savour the flavour. “Well, ladies? Is the Ikki-Shox our savior?”

There was a long silence, The non-marezons in the village becoming nervous as they watched the larger ponies try to answer their chieftess, until one mare stood up. “I… don’t know.”

Ayblash raised a brow and quickly trotted to the bowl, taking a large gulp of the milk, swirling it in her mouth before swallowing. “How… odd, I can taste the power to breed, but no will.”

“I-I can explain,” Twilight said, watching Ayblash turn to her with confused ire in her eyes.

“Please do, are you virile or not?” Ayblash demanded, walking up to Twilight menacingly.

“The- the doctors put a spell on my seed that makes me impotent, in case I got too aggressive when I was younger,” Twilight said, shrinking back from the intimidating mare.

“Can you MAKE yourself virile?” Ayblash asked, half nicely and half angrily.

“Y-Yes, I can,” Twilight stammered, her horn glowing. She shuddered as she felt her cock twitch to life. Ayblash didn’t take any chances and immediately took Twilight’s cock into her mouth, easily taking the entire length into her mouth.

Twilight’s face went red, whimpering from the powerful tongue sliding across her length, Ayblash’s mouth sucking her deeper and trying to force the small unicorn to cum. Twilight’s eyes scanned the view of the entire tribe watching their chieftess fellate her roughly.

Twilight squirmed and bucked into Ayblash’s muzzle. The large tongue lathering her dick as the chieftess’ head bobbed along her shaft.

The intense suction of Ayblash’s mouth was driving Twilight wild, easily bring her close to orgasm, the tongue teasing her underside and poking at her pussy, making her shiver in pleasure.

Ayblash’s eyes widened when Twilight scream, filling her mouth with a powerful surge of cum. With a calm and strange dignified rise, letting Twilight’s still spasming cock spurt it’s load onto the ground, she sloshed the unicorn seed in her mouth and swallowed.

The tribe watched, curious as to whether or not Twilight could save them. Ayblash turned and licked her lips a smile forming on her face. “She is virile!”

Their cheers echoed through the forest and shook the earth, some of the marezons cried and other hugged each other in happiness. Bronze was smiling widely, happy that her tribe has found their Ikki-Shox. Peaches was lost in the sea of emotions, cheering along with them. Daring only groaned, still unable to mentally take how this tribe was so thrilled to know that Twilight could impregnate them.

“Celebrate today! For tomorrow, we start the trials!” Ayblash said, turning back into her home, Twilight giving a careful survey of the village before following the chieftess into the large hovel.

Daring rolled her eyes but caught site of two other mares following Twilight and Ayblash. One mare had some markings but many scratches and scars along her black body, her hooves were massive, she looked like a much larger Bronze Hoof. Hanging off her side was a shield, her eyes focused forward. The other mare reminded her of a model she had seen in Canterlot, her white mane tied back into a ponytail, a grass skirt hanging off her waist and covering her yellow rump, she had many red marking along her body, an owl skull resting on her head.

Daring watched the two walk into the Chieftess’ hut and decided to listen in, quickly dashing over and locating them surrounding Twilight in what appeared to be a meeting room. “So this is the Ikki-Shox?” the shield-bearing mare uttered, looking unimpressed by Twilight.

“She is… and I must say, she is delicious,” Ayblash added, still licking her lips.

“I concur, I felt jealous of my Boshlanish,” the red marked mare giggled. “Though it was rather strange moment when no one could identify your essence, Ikki-Shox.”

“Sorry about that, everything is kinda happening so fast,” Twilight uttered, shrinking under the looks she got.

The shield bearing mare nudged Twilight onto her back and examined her dick. “Not big enough, is this suppose to please and breed me?”

“Kuch, we have our ways to make this work,” the priestess said, helping Twilight to her hooves. “I am the first to test her, I will ensure she is MORE than ready to breed you with a strong Ikki-Shox.”

“Wait… you want me to impregnate you with mares like me?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Ayblash returned with a curious look.

Twilight gave them all a worried look. “I’m going to add that I have at least two foals right now and… neither of them are hermaphrodites like me. As matter of fact, my parents are not hermaphrodites. It’s pretty random, so-”

“You forget that I have my ways, my dear,” the yellow mare cooed, blowing into Twilight’s ear. “You will be giving us Ikki-Shox daughters regardless.”

“Not if I can help it, no weakling is going to sink her dick into me,” Kuch stated, glaring down at Twilight.

“Maybe she’ll surprise you?” Ayblash added with a smirk, “We are no strangers to unicorns after all.”

“True, but that’s why I have this,” Kuch stated, pointing to a brown leather collar around her neck, beneath it hung a broken unicorn’s horn that scared Twilight. “This will make sure the witch doesn’t do anything against me, it will be my force against hers when we meet.”

Twilight swallowed her breath, shaking in fear of the giant warrior mare. She felt a reassuring hoof nearly crush her shoulder. “Don’t fear Kuch, I am sure you can triumph over her and breed her like she should be,” Ayblash said with a smile. “After all, I will be your greatest challenge.”

“What?” Twilight jumped, turning to Ayblash with a nervous look. “What challenge?”

“You’ll see when we face each other on the field of conflict,” Ayblash cooed, walking up to her room. “Get some food and rest up, you’ll need it for tomorrow.”

The priestess walked up behind Twilight and nudged her with her nose. “Until tomorrow, I will send the Boshlanish to tend to your needs.”

A cold chill ran up Twilight’s spine at the thought of her sleeping with giant fillies that were trained to orally please her. Kuch snorted in annoyance and left the room.

Daring watched Twilight follow the giant tan mare to her room. She shook her head in irritation and flew back to see Peaches and Bronze walking towards a long hut. “What are you two doing?”

“Going to bed, Daring. Bronze says we can stay in the mating huts for the night,” Peaches replied.

“The mating huts?” Daring asked, cringing in disgust.

“Yeah, it’s the huts where we rape our catches and birth our young,” Bronze added nonchalantly. “I think there’s a room where we use as a holding cell. We can sleep in there.”

Daring rolled her eyes and followed, hovering off the ground to ensure she doesn’t walk in something, but the dirt floor was remarkably clean. A shame the stench of sex filled the air, making both the adventurer and her marefriend want to cover their noses. Bronze nudged a door open and it appeared rather clean, six cots inside and not a drop of sex-related juices anywhere.

Once they settled, Peaches looked up to Bronze with a question. “Hey Bronze, have you ever… given birth?”

Bronze stopped for a moment. “No actually, I never joined the erkak ovi, male hunt, and stayed home to perfect my skills. I’ve fucked a few of the stallions that we caught but they never impregnated me. I left the village because I became curious about the world we’ve been taking these stallions from.”

“And this hype for Twilight?” Daring asked, lying back in her cot.

“Over a thousand years ago, our tribe was led by a mare very similar to Twilight, a unicorn with a dick. She took a herd of mares and led them here to live with her, the food we ate, the battles we had with the wildlife, the magic of the altar tree that’s in Yulduz’ hut, all that contributed to our size increasing and becoming the giants you know today,” Bronze answered, letting out a yawn as she laid back in her makeshift bed. “The last male born into the tribe was… nine hundred years ago? And he was too sickly to mate with, ever since then… we only gave birth to fillies.”

“And so… your village needs Twilight in hopes that her children with give birth to more hermaphrodites?” Daring uttered, staring at the ceiling as if it had all the answers. “What then? What if it works?”

“Then I guess Twilight’s kids will become REALLY popular among the fillies when they grow up, one will probably become the new chieftess, one may become the new high priestess, and the last may just be a warrior like Kuch,” Bronze shrugged, snuggling into her bed.

“And if it doesn’t?” Daring asked.

Bronze let out a yawn, smacking her lips together in fatigue. “Then expect Twilight getting kidnapped for more loving, but I doubt that will be necessary.”

“How so?” Peaches asked.

“Because we’ve been preparing for the Ikki-Shox for centuries, and the priestess of every generation has been taught a special trick to ensure that every child that a Ikki-Shox fathers… is just like the Ikki-Shox. Well, they’ll have a horn between their legs, race will either be a unicorn or a earth pony… unless Twilight has some pegasus in her blood,” Bronze shrugged.

Daring stared up at the ceiling, a constant frown on her face, thinking of how crazy this village was, and how disturbing that Twilight quickly became the center of attention.

Elsewhere, Twilight was wide awake, staring up at the ceiling in a large bed fit for a tribal princess. The bed itself was covered in comfortable furs that kept her warm, several fillies under Yulduz’s, the priestess, care were cuddling her.

She wasn’t sure what exactly was keeping her awake. Being separated from her friends? Sleeping in a large bed with four oversized fillies, two of which had performed oral on her earlier? Her trials where she’ll be either forced to combat three giant mares or be raped by hundreds of mares so they can have children? Twilight was leaning towards the combination of all three.

One of the Boshlanish pulled Twilight into a tight embrace, proving her earth pony heritage. The unicorn winced from the affectionate filly’s grasp, feeling the marezon child nuzzle her neck. Twilight could only groan quietly as another latched onto her other side, nibbling her belly in her sleep.

In need of some fresh air, Twilight teleported out and walked to the open door, letting out a sigh of relief. She looked up to the moon, wondering if her princess had all the answers. “Oh Luna, times like this… maybe it would be better if I wasn’t born this way, maybe I should have just… became one gender or the other.”

“Mistress Oy hears your words, Ikki-Shox. But why would you disregard your gift?”

Twilight jumped and turned to see Ayblash walking up beside her. “It’s just that whenever the downsides of having a penis comes up, it definitely shows. I’m happy that the ponies that love me can see past my mutation and see me, sometimes. But…” Twilight slumped to the wooden floor of the giant hut. “Why me? Why is it so many of my problems can only be solved by ‘mating with them’?”

“Perhaps, it was fortunate coincidence? Lust and love can solve many disputes. Do you wish to hear a tale?” Ayblash asked. Twilight looked up the giant mare, her interest piqued. “Many moons ago, the village was attacked by a fierce chimera. My Great-Great Grandmother faced it in combat. The battle was long and neither side showed weakness, until she was pinned by the creature and felt it’s wetness of her hind legs.”

“The Chimera got horny during the fight?” Twilight questioned.

“Close, it was their mating season. My Ancestor knew this and dealt with it accordingly, battle became sex at the corner of the village, and the Chimera never returned,” Ayblash replied with pride in her tone.

Twilight squirmed a bit, finding the story rather discomforting. “That… doesn’t exactly help my case. At least I won’t have to worry about Chimeras wanting to have sex with me.”

“I hear Chimeras purr like kittens when you please them correctly,” Ayblash giggled. “Regardless, lust is just one of the things that makes all life… what they are, you merely have the fortune, or misfortune to be centered around it.”

Twilight grimaced. “Makes me wonder what my life would be like if I were just... one gender.”

“You ask of so many ‘what ifs’. Life isn’t about that, it’s about living it, not wondering if you can change its past,” Ayblash refuted. “Instead of asking ‘what if?’, ask ‘what can I do to make this better?’ or ‘how shall I use this to my advantage?’.”

“But… I don’t want to exploit my loved ones,” Twilight whined, letting her body sag in her sadness.

“Don’t exploit, love them. The entire tribe can tell that you are an Alpha, hence why we checked for your lower horn. We can smell the various mares on you. Love them as a Alpha should,” Ayblash shot back.

Twilight glanced up to the giantess with dejection. “How? I hear it from a few of them several times, but I’m not… comfortable doing it.”

“We have a saying that all our leaders must follow to be a good leader,” Ayblash stated, sitting down next to Twilight. “Wise and diligent in the sun. Powerful and insatiable under the moon. Also stop whining like a child about being the mare that every pony wants to mate with.”

Twilight blushed lightly but nodded. “I’ll try.”

“If you try, you will fail. Do it. Let your instincts guide you,” Ayblash said firmly. “If this is the attitude you have, how do you hope to best the challenges?”

“Firstly, the last time I let my instincts guide me. I raped a pony,” Twilight retorted.

“And what did this pony do to deserve it?”

Twilight shook her head. “No pony deserves rape, but she was trying to mate with one of my friends and attacked me.”

“So… if I were to attack that golden pegasus right now, would you stop me?”

Twilight paused for a moment. “Well, of course!”

“Would you prove that you would protect her by being stronger?”

“In a sense, I suppose,” Twilight uttered, shrugging.

“Then you were not in the wrong when you defeated your challenger and claimed them,” Ayblash stated, looking up to the stars.

Twilight let out an annoyed groan. “Can most of my fights just… not end in sex?”

“That is up to you,” Ayblash concluded, letting out a sigh. “For the Ikki-Shox, you worry too much about your relations.”

“But I lost a marefriend because of it,” Twilight whimpered.

“And gained several I imagine, better trade I believe,” Ayblash chuckled, holding Twilight tighter. “The golden pegasus, I assume? I noticed she speaks venom of you because of who you are.”

“It was my fault, I… failed to control myself around others,” Twilight groaned.

“And does speaking of it constantly make things right?” Ayblash questioned.

“No… it does. She believes I might try to steal her marefriend because of it,” Twilight added. “And yes, I have said that I won’t touch Peaches.”

“Then a firm hoof across the face and some strong words should remedy it, Bronza and the blue mare appear to find the pegasus’ words… cumbersome,” Ayblash added.

“Hearing that I’m worse than Nightmare Moon is getting annoying, isn’t it?” Twilight added, a faint giggle leaving her lips. She felt Ayblash kiss her horn lightly.

“Sleep now, you will need the rest for the trials tomorrow,” Ayblash said. Twilight smiled calmly at the brown giant. While the features helped with the imagination, Ayblash was truly just a brown giant Celestia if she were an Earth Pony. She snuggled into Ayblash’s side and calmly listened to the chieftess’ heartbeat lulling her to sleep.

The giantess looked down calmly at the small pony and laid down. A ray of hope flaring brightly in her mind that Twilight will pass all her challenges.

Chapter Twenty-Three and a half: Twilight Sparkle and the Ikki-Shox Trials

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Tags: [TwilightxYulduz: Futa/F, cunninlingus, vaginal, size growth, impregnation][TwilightxKuch: Futa/F, vaginal, Dick growth][Twilight?/Kuch: Temporary oral Foalcon with Boshalnish, Magic stimulation, Magic penetration, pleasure linking, vaginal, dominance, double penetration, impregnation, teasing, Double vaginal][TwilightxAyblash: Futa/F, vaginal, cunninlingus, impregnation, hornjob]

Daring and Peaches woke to the sounds of giggling and whispers among the crowd outside the mating huts, the pegasus noticing that Bronze wasn’t with them.

“What’s… going on, Daring?” Peaches yawned, stretching her body form a oddly comfortable night’s rest.

“I don’t know,” Daring muttered, flexing her legs and stretching her body as she walked out to see the tribe at Ayblash’s house. She soared up to see the source of the village’s mirth, Ayblash and Twilight nestled together at the doorway. “Oh.”

“What was it?” Peaches asked again, rubbing her eyes.

“Evidently Twilight and Ayblash got a bit too familiar before the trials,” Daring uttered coldly as she went to find Bronze.

At the Chieftess’ hut, Ayblash awoke first to see the tribe staring at her. She glanced down to Twilight and then back to her kin. “Morning, fetch me Kuch and Yulduz. We’ll prepare for the trials and start them when the sun reaches it’s highest point.”

Yulduz, the yellow priestess, appeared next to Ayblash. “It appears the tribe suspects you of mating with the Ikki-Shox, Chieftess.”

Ayblash let out a sigh and turned to her tribe. “Do we smell of sex? If not, stop gossiping like herdwives.”

Like a bunch of embarrassed fillies, the tribe dispersed, leaving only a few to guard their leader. With an annoyed grunt, Ayblash looked down at the sleeping unicorn lying on her side and smiled. “Get the Boshlanish to help Ikki-Shox back to her bed and prepare her for the trials, we have work to do, Yulduz.”

Yulduz nodded and left to get the fillies while Ayblash enjoyed the soft breathing and warmth next to her. The chieftess let out a sigh. “I truly hope you can defeat Kuch, she doesn’t seem… thrilled to bear your foals.”

The fillies quickly hurried out and lifted Twilight onto one of their backs and transported her to her bed. The chieftess let out an irritated sigh that the warmth left her but she had her duties to attend to. Kuch appearing next to her. “You seem to be interested in Ikki-Shox,” Kuch said.

“Despite any protests she make, she… feels like a filly struggling to adapt to maturity far after maturing. Trying to do the right thing to spite nature,” Ayblash replied, the two walking to meet Yulduz.


Twilight awoke to the Boshlanish waking her up. “Ikki-Shox! Ikki-Shox! It’s time!”

“It’s… time?” Twilight grumbled, still half drowsy.

“Yes, The High Priestess is ready for your first trial!” One of the excited fillies said, easily pulling Twilight out of bed. The unicorn was surprised that the fillies were possibly stronger than Big Mac, making her worried about her trial with Kuch, the warrior mare of the tribe.

Through the crowd of Marezons, the Boshlanish lead Twilight to a large hut with a tree growing out of it, appearing as if they built the hut around the specific tree. Unceremoniously, the scholar was pushed inside, her nose instantly assaulted with feminine perfumes, incenses, and wood. The building’s inside appeared to look like an altar, a few stones for sitting, hoof paintings on the walls, and talismans hanging off the tree. In the middle of Yulduz, the giant yellow mare with a eerie resemblance to Fleur, except this time, she didn’t wear the grass skirt or the owl skull, only painted with red drawings across her body. “Ikki-Shox… or should I call you Twilight?” She asked, petting a spot on the large red fur blanket in the middle of the room.

“Twilight… is okay,” Twilight squeaked, walking closer to the laying priestess. “What’s your challenge?”

Yulduz smiles calmly and gestures to a wooden bowl next to her. “Drink this.”

Twilight glances at the bowl’s contents, it was clear with a hint of gold colouring. “What is it?”

“Your trial, my dear,” Yulduz giggled. With a frown, Twilight levitated the bowl to her lips and drank its contents, letting the cold liquid flow down her throat. It tasted a little like honey with a medicine-like after-taste, causing the unicorn to regret her decision. “Sit down and relax.”

Nodding, Twilight sat down between Yulduz’s legs, her tail brushing against the giantess’ teats. She felt the larger mare embrace her, pulling the unicorn tighter to her belly. Twilight sat back and felt Yulduz’s heartbeat, listening to it calmly.

“Do you feel anything?” Yulduz asked.

“Sorta, but I think it might be indigestion,” Twilight grumbled, her stomach feeling just as bad as her tone of voice.

“An unfortunate side-effect,” Yulduz added, apologetically. She laid Twilight down and began massaging her back. “Now I will… ask you some questions.”

Twilight began to feel calmer, the belly ache going away. Yulduz’s hooves rubbing into her back felt rather magical despite being larger. “Okay.”

“How many times have you mated?” Yulduz asked, almost failing to hide her excitement.

‘A lot? Maybe over a few hundred times?’ was Twilight’s answer, but instead she said “six hundred sixty-eight.”

Yulduz nodded, continuing to knead Twilight’s back. “How many children have you sired?”

“Six foals, two born the other four are still in their mother’s wombs. and Forty-two changelings,” Twilight responded, surprised that she knew how many changelings Chrysalis gave birth to and confused as to the unknown mare she impregnated.

“You’ve mated so many times and so few births… may I ask why?”

“My testicles, which are inside me and crushing my ovaries, were sealed by doctors to ensure that I don’t go sex crazy and flood the population with my fatherless children. I only recently learned the spell to control whether or not I could impregnate or not,” Twilight said, losing herself to the massage, her eyes feeling heavy.

Yulduz shook her head, disappointed in ‘civilized’ society. “How many have you mated with, regardless of species?”

“Forty-Eight; Thirty-one ponies, three changelings, one griffon, two bat ponies, one zebra, a dog, and nine bunnies,” Twilight answered, blushing out of embarrassment. She squeaked when Yulduz pressed her body against her.

“You’ve mated with little animals yet uncomfortable with my Boshlanish?” Yulduz teased, pushing her large hooves into Twilight’s back, being careful not to hurt the unicorn.

“I was turned into a bunny during rabbit mating season by one of my herd mares. Then turned into a wolf and asked to help with my friend’s dog,” Twilight answered automatically, almost purring from the rather firm kneading.

Yulduz stood up and walked up to Twilight’s front. “One last question, Ikki-Shox.” Twilight looked up in confusion, her body still relaxed form the massage. “Can you smell me?”

Twilight staggered onto her hooves, the exotic herbs and incenses mixing with a familiar scent of mare. “Yes.”

“Good, then you are ready,” Yulduz cooed, turning around with her rear facing Twilight, her tail hiked up and away to reveal her glistening treasure. “Must be a treat for you, to take a virginity of a mystic leader of a mighty race of warriors.”

Twilight perked up at the mention of it. “But… I thought…”

“As the Priestess of the tribe, I can only give myself to the Ikki-Shox so long as she breeds me and gives the tribe an heiress,” Yulduz explained, shaking her rump suggestively.

With a weak smile, Twilight nodded, understanding that not doing so will hurt Yulduz’s feelings and possibly ruin the marezons. “Okay… I’ll help. But how are we sure that our child will be… like me?”

“The mixture I asked you to drink, there was a little… additive in it that should give me a filly that would help the tribe very well,” Yulduz giggled, letting out a coo of satisfaction when Twilight’s hooves touched her flanks.

“And by help you mean sex? Didn’t you just tell me that Priestesses can’t have sex?” Twilight asked, kneading the well toned rump.

“Our virginity must remain pure, but we are allowed other ways of pleasure. Who do you think taught the Boshlanish?” Yulduz giggled, her tone sounded very nice to Twilight all of a sudden, like the delicate tones of a wind chime and birds singing in the distance. “The only penis that should ever spill my maiden blood is the Ikki-Shox, other than that… I can still please myself in other ways.”

“Interesting…” Twilight uttered, thinking on her next move carefully. She didn’t want Yulduz to feel the pain of a hymen breaking and smiled as a plan came together. She pushed her nose into the soaking pussy before her, blushing as she breathed in Yulduz’s scent and making the unicorn’s cock grow in anticipation. With a deep breath, the air brushing against the quivering lips and making Yulduz shudder. The scholar pressed her tongue against the yellow lips, gently tracing along the opening without breaking into Yulduz’s marehood.

“S-Starting with this? How generous of you,” Yulduz cooed, giggling as Twilight tongue teased her and send tiny jolts of excitement up her spine. “Most Stallions that I’ve heard… would go straight to breeding if asked.”

Twilight felt a twinge of pride for preparing the virgin marezon with her tongue, dipping into Yulduz’s honeypot and sliding along the insides of her pussy lips, causing the larger mare to shudder slightly.

“G'ira-shira payt… oh goodness, almost as good as the Boshlanish,” Yulduz moaned.

Twilight resisted the urge to stop upon hearing the implications of Yulduz mating with her initiates, but pushed onward. Each second, Twilight grew bolder as she probed into Yulduz’s pussy with her tongue, causing her lips to open to accept the unicorn’s snout. Twilight blinked when she felt Yulduz’s clitoris brush against her chin, the pleasure buzzer appearing to be nearly the size of a filly’s hoof, begging to be teased. With one hoof, the unicorn rubbed it making Yulduz moan and shudder from the stimulation.

Yulduz squirmed from the constant pleasure Twilight gave her, the scent of Twilight’s musk flooding into her sinuses making her more wet. “Please, Ikki-Shox… breed me.”

Twilight pried herself away, noting how wet and damp the virgin muff became, her snout was soaked in the priestess’ juices, showing that she was more than ready to take Twilight’s rod.

Pushing Yulduz back onto her belly, Twilight reared onto the yellow giantess’ back, using her magic to position her cock for Yulduz’s open snatch.

The Priestess waited with bated breath, feeling the unicorn’s cock slide along her pussy lips. Twilight’s hooves gripping her flanks with as much force as the unicorn could provide as she sunk the first half inch into Yulduz, the feeling of having something larger than a tongue took the priestess by surprise in the form of a weak gasp and a whimper.

“I’m going to go forward now,” Twilight warned, she was barely in and Yulduz’s pussy was sucking her in like only Gilda could. Only another inch in and she reached Yulduz’ hymen, she knew this would be painful for the priestess so she used her magic to gently caress the larger mare’s body, forcing a light moan out of her, feeling her body quiver under her hooves. Once satisfied, Twilight gave Yulduz a quick thrust, shoving over half her length into the larger mare.

Yulduz gasped, a tear forming in the corner of her eye from the slight pain caused by her lost virginity. But it quickly faded as pleasure began to course through her being. Twilight may not be ‘equipped’ to handle the larger mare, but the virgin priestess could feel every inch of the unicorn’s rod entering her.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked, wincing from the powerful grip of the marezon’s tight mare vice.

“Yes… it was a little distracting, but please... breed me,” Yulduz moaned, lying completely flat on the ground, giving herself completely to Twilight.

Twilight blushed harder and nodded, sliding the rest of her length into the yellow giant’s cooch. What took the unicorn by surprise was how effective she was at pleasing the larger mare, Twilight was less than half Yulduz’s size yet her penis is current making the priestess moan and shiver in delight.

Little did Twilight know, Yulduz’s body craved the attention the unicorn gave her. Her vagina molding itself around the smaller mare’s dick and tightening in hopes that it’ll give her the seed she dreamt about since she became the Tribe Priestess. Every throb, every pulsing vein, every twitch, Yulduz felt it through her marehood, responding with a strong tug of her vaginal muscles.

“How… are you so tight?” Twilight moaned, thrusting into Yulduz with all her might. Sweat forming at her brow and dripping down her coat.

The priestess answered her with a giggle, moaning as she thrusted her rump back into Twilight’s pivoting hips, trying to ensure the purple cock stays inside her for as long as possible. The unicorn’s member flicking at her sweet spot with every motion.

Twilight pumped her hips harder, slamming her crotch into Yulduz’s rump hard. The rump rolling beneath her nearly vibrated under her hooves and around her cock, making every thrust a challenge not to cum too early.

“It’s so… good,” Yulduz moaned, drooling onto the ground. Despite being larger, she loved feeling the unicorn rut her. She wanted to nurture the unicorn’s size, the mere daydream of Twilight being a marezon made her squirm in delight. Her eyes lazily opened to the tree before her and a idea came to her. “Twilight, one moment!”

Twilight stopped, blushing hard as she pulled out her pulsing hard on. “Yes?”

Yulduz happily trotted to the tree and went behind it. Twilight watched curiously, stroking her cock while waiting for the priestess to finish what she was doing.

The yellow giantess skipped happily to Twilight with a bowl of honey-like substance in her mouth. Twilight levitated it and gave her a confused look. “Drink it please.”

“What will it do?” Twilight asked.

“Make you a bit more bigger, for… proper mating,” Yulduz smiled, giddy like a filly with a Hearth’s Warming day present.

Twilight nodded and swallowed as much of the slime as possible, she cringed in pain, toppling over from the intense sensation. Yulduz frowned when the transformation made Twilight cum weakly onto the ground, but quickly faded when the shaft didn’t lose it’s firmness.

Twilight stood up, her body shook from the unfamiliar sensation. Noticing that Yulduz was licking her lips and clapping her hooves together. “Now we can start.”

Twilight raised a brow and noticed she was almost equal to Yulduz’s height, the world still slightly spinning from the change of viewpoint. Just as her head stopped spinning, she saw the priestess bent over, and tail high, waiting for her.

Yulduz became nervous when she didn’t feel Twilight mount her, but just as she turned, Twilight loomed over her, her grown member probing her depths before being shoved deep inside her. Yulduz screamed in delight, the penetration itself making her cum hard as Twilight began fucking her with earnest.

Twilight shuddered, feeling more of Yulduz around her, her hooves rubbing and kneading the priestess’ backside firmly. She put most of her strength into her thrusts, causing her mare’s rump to jiggle from the force, her breath tingling the hairs on the back of Yulduz’s neck with every action.

Yulduz squirmed underneath Twilight, her body crying out in bliss from the unicorn’s thrusting. She could not help but moan and squeal while her rear wiggled and rubbed against Twilight’s crotch as she felt the growing member throb inside her, feeling it’s girth stretch her to her limits.

Twilight knew she couldn’t last any longer and did all she could to ram into Yulduz harder, pushing the yellow mare into the dirt with every thrust. She looked down at the contorted face of the village priestess, eyes shut tightly and gritting her teeth when not moaning, breathing hard and drooling beneath them. her hooves clawing at the ground, begging the unicorn to take her to nirvana.

A high-pitched screech echoed through the hut, deafening Twilight and any tribesmares outside it when Yulduz climaxed again, her body shuddering in delight from her first orgasm through proper intercourse, prompting her muscles to work harder, clamping down and tugging on Twilight’s dick.

Twilight could not last, succumbing to her needs and filling Yulduz with her seed. The priestess’ walls milking her hard, trying to ensure that the marezon was properly bred. Twilight could only hold onto her flanks, gasping and moaning into the swell of Yulduz’s back as she was sucked dry by the desperate pussy.

Twilight’s body lost the will to continue, making her fall backwards onto the floor. Her penis slipping out of Yulduz, limp and completely spent. Twilight did what she could to see how the larger mare faired, who was regaining her breath and trying to ensure that not a drop of the unicorn’s sperm leaves her gaping pussy. “Did… you enjoy it?”

Yulduz stood up proudly and walked up to Twilight triumphantly, kissing the smaller mare deeply. “This was everything I have dreamed of and more. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight gave a tired grin as she laid back. A small frown forming on her lips when she noticed the Boshlanish placing a large object into Yulduz’s vagina. “What’s… that for?”

Yulduz glanced to Twilight in confusion. “Oh this? This is to ensure that your seed remains inside me… where it belongs,” she explained, shaking her rump as she finished. “Rest up… after noon, you face Kuch in her trial.”

“Oh… joy,” Twilight groaned, covering her face with her hooves, still exhausted after mating with Yulduz. “How long does the… size thing last?”

Yulduz smiled and ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane. “It should end in a minute.”


A large battle pit laid behind the village, marezons and their visitors spectating from the sidelines. The pit itself was littered with damaged weapons and armor, all of which were made of bone or wood.

In the center, Twilight, who only retained a few inches permanently after she shrunk back down, stood facing against the bulky wall of muscle called Kuch, towering over her like a fortress. Her trial was to defeat the warrior in one on one combat, her only saving grace was her magic was allowed, however the unicorn horn dangling beneath Kuch’s neck might prove to be a problem.

Both mares were painted with red war paint, Twilight wasn’t able to lift any of the weapons with her hooves or body while Kuch wore her shield on her side.

Ayblash stood in the crowd, behind Twilight. “Our second trial is a test of strength, while our Ikki-Shox has proven her wisdom to Yulduz…” The mare in question shrugged, both marezons knowing full well that there was no real conflict between the priestess and the dickmare. “she will now prove her skills and power against our mightiest warrior, a conquerer of both beasts and males.”

“I see you grew an inch or two, probably Yulduz’s doing. Don’t drop dead too quickly,” Kuch warned, glaring Twilight down.

Twilight swallowed her breath, glancing to Ayblash in concern. The chieftess giving her an awkward grin. She turned over to her expedition, all three were worried about her, Daring keeping her eye on Kuch while Peaches kept her eyes covered. She turned back to Kuch and chuckled nervously. “Well.. this is… certainly one-sided.”

“You may begin!” Ayblash shouted.

Immediately Kuch charged Twilight, barely knocking the panicked unicorn away, but Twilight managed to scramble to the side. The Wrecking Ball in pony form quickly turned and charged again, surprising her foe and knocking her away.

Scraping across the rough ground, Twilight’s body screamed in agony. She slowly stood up, just in time to roll out of Kuch’s way as she stomped down, trying to crush the unicorn.

“Is this truly the might of the Ikki-Shox, filly?” Kuch asked, taunting Twilight with a fierce glare.

While Twilight continued to struggle, dodging Kuch’s attacks and getting hit hard by surprise shoulder tackles. Peaches couldn’t watch the fight at all while Daring shook her head in disapproval. “We’ve literally forced a rabbit to fight a wolf.”

“Didn’t Twilight defeat the Yomon Tush, Kelishmovchilik, and a changeling queen?” Bronze asked.

“Yeah… but she had her friends to help her and an anti-villain artifact. Here… it’s just her against a giant warrior mare wearing anti-magic jewelry,” Daring stated angrily.

“Good point,” Bronze said with a frown. “I am weirded out that Twilight… grew a few inches taller since I saw her… Yulduz might have fed her something by the sound of that orgasm scream.”

Twilight gasped as she narrowly avoided another charge. Her horn lit up and began throwing the battlefield debris at the warrior. Kuch shrugged off the attack, running straight for Twilight. Knocking the unicorn down again, the giant black mare growled. “Where is your power?”

“I’m… not a physical pony,” Twilight muttered, coughing as she teleported to the opposite side of the pit.

“Then use your magic."

Twilight stopped and looked around for the source of the voice. “Who was that?” She gasped when Kuch ran at her again, teleporting out of the way.

“Yeah, you know a cutting spell right? We know it, so you should too. Just cut the talisman off and ragdoll her."

“But she’s immune…” Twilight uttered, trying to distance herself from the hulking mare.

“I did some tests while you were scared for our collective well being. Strangely enough, the leather binding the horn is not enchanted. The collar is the weak point, a dart spell or the silent scissors spell should suffice in disabling that problematic trinket."

“Wait… how? And who am I talking to?” Twilight gasped, blushing hard when she noticed some confused looks directed to her.

“Are you done mumbling to yourself weakling?” Kuch asked, stomping over to the unicorn.

Twilight wanted to back away, but her hooves remained still. “Oh no…”

“Stand your ground, she won’t attack until she’s reached melee range."

“What makes you say that?"

“I do the same thing to you and Stargazer when we spar, she knows she won and she’s delaying the inevitable before knocking you out and tying you to a rape stick or something Juliet probably has countless mares tied to as we speak."

“I’ll have you know that they are only tied onto those sticks when under my supervision and untie them when I have to leave for business. I’m not the monster you think I am."

“The binding of the collar has been detected to be the right side of her neck, strike when your view is clear."

“Great, I’m going to die and my last thoughts will be arguing with each other,” Twilight groaned. Just as one of the voices claimed, she saw the strap that kept the collar around Kuch’s neck. “Now or never…”

Kuch arched a brow when Twilight’s horn began to glow. “Magic will not save you, filly.”

“Before you think ‘what if she dodges?’ keep in mind that she is fully reliant on her talisman, she won’t move. If I am wrong, then I will allow myself to be the whore’s slave for a month."

“Dodge you stupid fat nag!"

Twilight fired her spell and as the intimidating voice claimed, Kuch didn’t move and allowed the bolt of magic to skid past her neck and cutting the collar free. The tribe watching as the horn fell to the ground, useless to it’s previous owners.

“I- I did it!” Twilight exclaimed happily. Kuch stared in bewilderment from the sudden lost of her protection.

“What in Tartarus are you doing? Strike now!"

Snapping back to reality, Twilight immediately began to levitate the giant warrior and threw her to the opposite end of the pit. The unicorn letting out a grunt when Kuch proved to be heavier than she thought.

The black giant stood up, enraged that her trinket had failed. She charged after Twilight, but the unicorn charged another spell firing off a powerful blast. The warrior met the spell head on struggling to overwhelm Twilight’s magic.

Twilight released another blast just as Kuch managed to overpower the earlier spell, only to be staggered by the next shot. She teleported underneath the warrior and unleashed one last barrage of magic bolts at the warrior’s belly, quickly slipping by as she collapsed. “Did I do it?” Twilight asked, panting out of breath, her body running on the adrenaline of the sudden turn of the fight.

The tribe watched in awe, their greatest warrior toppled over, lying on her side in exhaustion. Ayblash and Yulduz appeared rather surprised by the feat. “Impressive, wouldn’t you say?” the yellow mare said.

Ayblash nodded, chuckling under her breath. “Correct, I was beginning to have my doubts but… she did it, she defeated Kuch.”

Kuch slowly stood up, glaring at the unicorn. “This is a trial… of strength. Show me your power.”

“Now that I’ve felt her form through your magic, I have calculated that she is most sensitive at three locations: right ear, left inner thigh, and cubital fossa of her right fore-limb. caress any part and she should topple over easily, especially if enough ‘desirable’ force is presented to either location."

“Nibble, lick, kiss, or cockslap those places then; you got a mare to breed, hostess."

Twilight nodded, sprinting towards the angry mass of muscle. Kuch reared up to crush the mare, but Twilight slid underneath her, a quick spell hitting Kuch’s elbow pit and her back of her mane brushing against Kuch’s inner thigh.

Kuch let out a girlish moan as she did exactly as the voices predict, she fell over, crumpled on the ground and shivered, her tail flailing behind her.

“D- Do you concede?” Twilight asked, nervous that she’ll have to continue the battle. Her magic felt drained and her limbs begged for rest.

“N- NEVER!” Kuch roared, slowly standing up.

Daring and Peaches watched in amazement, Twilight was actually winning. “Wow, Twilight’s doing some impressive stuff.”

“Yeah but I think she’s being guided, her attacks look too precise,” Bronze added, watching the fight with rapt attention.

“Twilight has fought before, maybe she knew those things? I wouldn’t count it against her… especially when sex is on the line,” Daring retorted.

Peaches rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Daring… please stop that.”

“Stop what? The truth?” Daring spat, ignoring Peaches’ pout.

Bronze shook her head. “Regardless, Kuch had the fight in control but something shifted and now Twilight is defeating a mare that had her stopped in nearly every way.”

Daring kept a close eye on the pit, watching as Twilight teleported behind Kuch again, firing a bolt of magic at her and making the giant warrior let out a whinny of surprise. “Is Twilight striking her pussy?”

“No, the inner thigh… and the elbow pit. She’s been focusing on those parts specifically,” Bronze added. “It’s pretty clear that Kuch is sensitive there.”

Kuch grew angrier and more frantic to defeat the unicorn. Charging Twilight with all her might.

“She’s in a blind rage, a warrior's weakness. Fire a stunner at her skull, that should end this contest."

“Correct, she is tiring herself greatly. The only thing that is keeping her standing is her pride."

“Whatcha waiting for, stud? Tag her and fuck her in front of her own people. Show them that you are the strongest by breeding their protector. Give them a REAL warrior."

"Please shut up, your talk of debauchery sickens and angers me."

Twilight felt giddy at the idea but did all she could to resist as she charged her horn for a powerful blast. Kuch was closing the distance quickly, the sound of her hooves against the dirt getting louder.

Just as Kuch went into to ram Twilight, the unicorn fired her spell. The blast knocking both combatants back, creating a dust storm. The tribe were forced to protect themselves from the rising dust, Daring and Peaches getting the worst of it due to their height.

As the dust settled, a small crater where Kuch and Twilight was caused some surprise, the audience furiously searching for the fighters. Twilight was flung into the crowd of tribesmares, dazed and in pain. Her entire body ached and the mere idea of standing on her own sounded impossible. Kuch was opposite of her on the edge of the pit, unconscious but breathing, her shield was broken in two on her side.

Ayblash looked to both contestants. “Intriguing. Regrettably, we never set any rules on ‘boundaries’ and seeing as Kuch has fallen, I declare the Ikki-Shox our winner!”

The tribe cheered, stomping their hooves in joy. Twilight weakly smiled and waved her hoof lazily as the mares that caught her helped the unicorn onto her hooves. She winced when her weight was pushed onto her injured legs.. “Great… so what now?”

Ayblash smiled calmly, nodding to some of her tribe. They quickly trotted over to Kuch and moved the unconscious mare onto her belly. “Now, you mate with her.”

Twilight’s mind stopped for a moment, her left eye twitching. “What? I- She’s unconscious! And she doesn’t even like me! I can’t mate with a mare that isn’t even awake!”

Ayblash nodded in acknowledgment, motioning her tribe to wake Kuch up, they ran to dump water on her head and slapped her. “Huh, what?” the black giantess asked, shaking her head as water dripped from her mane. “Did I win?”

“No, you were defeated,” Ayblash answered, standing above her warrior. Kuch growled in annoyance. “The Ikki-Shox refused to mate with you while you were unconscious, so we had to awaken you.”

“So she wants me to be ravaged in front of the tribe and bear witness to it all?” Kuch grumbled, glaring at Twilight.

“Actually, I’d prefer we do this in a private area,” Twilight remarked with an awkward grin.

“Unfortunately, you must mate with her here. It’s the rules, Ikki-Shox,” Ayblash explained. Kuch growled more, shifting herself and preparing for the victor.

Twilight looked around the pit, all eyes watching her, waiting for her to have sex with their strongest warrior in front of them. She looked to Daring and Peaches, almost asking for a way out of this. Peaches gave the unicorn an apologetic look while Daring glared. “O-okay…”

Ayblash walked back to her previous spot to watch as Twilight approached Kuch from behind. “Just… shove your pathetic dick in me and breed me, the quicker you cum, the better,” Kuch growled, blushing faintly.

“But… would it be better if you enjoyed it?” Twilight asked, gazing at the black rump in her face, rubbing them with her hooves.

“I don’t want to have to endure this… display any longer than I have too,” Kuch muttered.

“If I may… make a suggestion. Why not make your dick bigger? I’m sure she’s never taken anything larger than your hoof if this tribe is as slutty as I believe they are."

Twilight shook her head, recoiling slightly as she tried to vanquish the voice in her head. “Uggh… what the hey? Was that...”

“What’s taking so long?” Kuch demanded, her tail flicking in protest.

Twilight pouted as she began to cast a spell. The voice she believed to be the infamous ‘Juliet’ was correct that the warrior might get more pleasure from a larger member.

The tribe gasped, watching in awe as the purple shaft began to grow. Many of them wiping the drool from their lips. Yulduz pouted angrily, annoyed that the unicorn didn’t do the same for her when they mated while Ayblash felt anxious, smiling fondly for her time against the village savior. “She will give us fine children.”

“And yet… she couldn’t at least tell me she could do that. Savior or not, I feel cheated,” Yulduz uttered, watching as Twilight hesitantly reared onto Kuch’s backside.

Kuch blushed when the thick cock head slide along her teats, unaware of what hot piece of flesh touched her. “What the heck?”

Twilight squirmed nervously. “Oh, I… used my magic to make my penis bigger… you’re a lot bigger than me so I thought-”

“Less talking, more mating,” Ayblash ordered with a smile on her face.

Nodding, Twilight turned the giant mare onto her back, spreading her legs apart with her hooves. She glanced down to Kuch’s pussy, taking in the sight of the warrior’s moist pussy. “Alright, this should make this easier for the both of us.”

Kuch let out a gasp when she felt Twilight climb onto her, the feeling of the hard member sliding against her body and rubbing it’s head into her needy pussy. “Do you always have to make your dick bigger to impress mares?”

Twilight blushed, shying away slightly. “I… only do this for mares that are… much bigger than me,” she uttered weakly. She calmed herself down with her breathing exercise before pressing her cock into Kuch’s body.

All the marezons watched with wide eyes as the massive purple rod began to disappear into the warrior. Kuch shuddered with a face contorted in utter shock and awe while Twilight was tightened into determination. Twilight’s wasn’t the largest cock when she entered their village but she easily took that title with her magic.

Kuch grit her teeth, doing all she can to keep from showing weakness. Her hooves slamming against the ground as her pussy was filled with Twilight’s thick member. Her body stretching to accommodate the unicorn’s shaft and squeezing it hard. A gasp escaped her lips when the smaller mare’s crotch met her own, completely filling her with the purple rod. “I’m going to-”

“Just fuck me!” Kuch growled, glaring at the unicorn.

Twilight swallowed her breath and began to rock herself against the warrior’s body, struggling to keep moving with how powerful the black mare’s muscles were.

Kuch smirked as she forced herself to strangle Twilight’s dick with her pussy, Twilight’s entire body shaking from the powerful stimulation. “Ah, too much, too much!”

“Fuck through it,” Kuch ordered, her smirk growing as she locked her legs around the unicorn and continued to watch her prey struggle in her grasp. The pulsing member heating up within her furnace.

Twilight’s eyes rolled back, her back arched, her body writhing against Kuch’s. The unicorn couldn’t hold back from the warrior's prowess. Her dick began spending her seed deep into the black mare’s pussy, flooding her with white cream.

Kuch laughed, watching her prey shake and cum inside her. “I knew you were weak.”

Just as Twilight slumped forward, the last of her cum draining into Kuch’s womb. Her head began to sting horrible, like her brain was trying to break through her skull.

“Time for MY expertise, but unlike Brave… I’m more of a 'hooves-on' pony. I hope you don’t mind, hostess."

“Wha- AHH!” Twilight screamed, frightening the others around her. Kuch herself was staring at the unicorn with confused eyes, watching Twilight’s eyes glow.

Twilight fell onto Kuch’s body, passed out. Kuch pushed the mare off her and brushed herself off, glaring at the unicorn. “No weakling… will breed me.”

“But you already were,” Twilight said, rising up quickly. A jovial smile across her lips and her eyes dimmed to reveal red irises.

Daring and Peaches stared at their unicorn associate with surprise, the mare had been forced to fight and then had her dick wrung dry by a powerful mare... yet the mare now stands, looking relaxed and confident, as if nothing had happened. “What just happened?”

“No idea, Yulduz might know,” Bronze uttered, noticing that the yellow priestess had a hoof to her lips.

Twilight yawned, flashing Kuch a sultry look. “That was a mean thing to do… that pussy trick. And to call me a ‘weakling’? Well, I’ll let that one slide as you are… sorta right,” she snickered, circling the black warrior. “Now, shall we continue?”

Kuch growled, glaring at the unicorn. “You have a lot of nerve, runt.”

“Again with the names, Brave was right you know. You are totally weak to magic without your charm,” Twilight cooed, her horn glowing.

Kuch let out a brief moan, covering her mouth when her right ear felt something tickle it. Soon the stimulation reached her hind leg and inner thighs, causing her collapse to the ground. “What is this witchcraft?”

“I do apologize, it’s rude of me not to introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle, but after this… you will refer to me as ‘Alpha’,” Twilight added with a bow. Her eyes glinting with mischievous intent.

Kuch attempt to stand but was unable to, each time she moved the tickling got worse, making her wince and whimper. “You… are not the mare-”

“Yes, yes. But I must also apologize for not using my magic to properly subdue you. Seriously, I identified you to have a sensitive ear, thighs and elbow pit and I don’t take advantage of that? I’m such a silly little virgin,” Twilight laughed, shaking her head at the absurdity. “But at least now… you have somepony… that can take GOOD care of you.” Twilight tilted Kuch’s head up to kiss the warrior’s nose.

Daring prepared herself to stop Twilight when Bronze put a hoof in front of her. “This is still a trial, you can not interfere.”

“So we should just let your warrior get raped?” Daring questioned.

“Not rape when both parties want it,” Bronze replied. Daring shaking her head and glaring daggers at Twilight.

Ayblash glanced to Yulduz. “Do you know of this? This is not… Twilight Sparkle, our Ikki-Shox.”

Yulduz nodded. “A repressed conscience? Or a dark shadow that lives in her soul? I can not say until I examine her after the contest.”

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully, casually walking behind Kuch and rubbing her cum-slick pussy. “I must admit, only one pony had pussy muscles this strong. I’m gonna enjoy this, I do like my mares strong, makes it more… satisfying when they start begging.” Twilight looked along the crowd, at least half the tribe was rubbing themselves. “I suggest you find a friend to help you, this will get rather… intense for my little ‘Kuch’.”

Kuch tried to buck and spin around, but the act of moving caused her to writhe in pleasure. Twilight only chuckled at the attempt. “What is this… magic?”

“Magic that helps good little fillies know who they belong to,” Twilight answered happily. She licked her hoof and slid it up the crack of Kuch’s ass. “Now… we really see what you can do.”

Twilight began using her magic again, letting her aura flow through every single pony present, and connecting them all to Kuch. She then turned to a nearby boshlanish. “Get me ready, kid. I want me extra slick for when I show my mare a good time.”

With a heavy blush the chosen filly quickly ran up to Twilight and began rubbing her hooves around the heavy member, licking as much of the purple dick as possible.

Satisfied, she dismissed the girl and lined up for Kuch’ pussy. Giving the rest of the tribe a glance before sinking her cock to the hilt inside of the warrior.

“Holy fuck!” Daring gasped, her vagina felt like it was being stretched by a horny minotaur. A quick survey notified her that everyone in the audience was getting the same feeling. Bronze was twitching and shuddering to her left while Peaches was lying on the ground, moaning with her tail high. She looked to the village leaders, Ayblash had a stern look, but the discovery of sweat dripping from her head and the twitchy rump told the explorer that the chieftess was not immune, while the Priestess was in a similar state to Peaches, except Yulduz was drooling onto the ground, trying to hump back into whatever was fucking her. “Wha- AH, what’s goin-AH- on?”

“I-oh fuck- no idea,” Bronze moaned, breathing hard as she felt like she was getting the fucking of her life.

In the center of the ring, Twilight was calmly pounding Kuch’s pussy hard and fast, gripping the mare’s tail and pulling it, emphasizing her victory with a slap across the rump. She looked around at the lust-filled faces of the audience. “This is how a victory fuck should be. Everyone feeling the pleasure of the competitors, don’t you agree?”

Kuch bit her lip to suppress a moan and glared at the unicorn fucking her. “I will not… let you win.”

Twilight shook her head, her smile never fading. That was until Kuch began to flex her vaginal muscles, squeezing down on Twilight’s shaft. “Trying this again, are we? Fool me once, shame on you,” she grinned, her horn glowing once again.

Everyone, minus Twilight, felt something forcing it’s way into their rectums, working in unison with the already invisible shaft in their pussies to help them towards their orgasms, one of the guests being the more vocal of the audience. “D-Daring! Something just went into my ass!” Peaches screamed, she let out a harsh moan before she came, but the pleasure continued to keep her writhing on the ground.

Daring held onto Peaches, glaring at the unicorn she thought was Twilight. “Twilight, stop this, right NOW!”

“I’m just… spreading the love,” Twilight cooed, hammering both her pricks into Kuch’s body.

Daring flew forward, the intent to strike Twilight down only to be blindsided by two Twilights. “What? How?”

“I learned a lot since you left me,” Twilight grinned. She stammered and flinched for a moment from a sudden headache. “Uggh, fine.”

The clones disappeared and Daring found herself no longer under constant pleasure. Peaches too felt relieved, breathing hard now that the phantom double penetration had stopped. “Holy moley…” She gasped as a pair of lusty marezons were making out next to her. The tribe, minus Ayblash, were having sex all around the arena. Bronze was trying to satisfy two of her tribes mares while one mare was eating her out. Yulduz was being serviced by the horny fillies that crowded around her.

“Now, don’t bother me,” Twilight growled, her eyes glaring into Daring’s as she pushed the pegasus to the sidelines with her marefriend. Satisfied that Daring was out of the way, she turned back to Kuch. “Now where was I? Oh right, how silly of me, I was fucking your entire village at the same time.”

Kuch was losing herself to the onslaught of pleasure, her pussy couldn’t hold Twilight. The sudden forced entry of thick cock in her ass took her completely by surprise, feeling the unicorn’s heartbeat inside her, the constant throbbing and hard thrusts of the Ikki-Shox forcing her into the dirt. She sucked in a strand of drool threatening to leave her lips, refusing to show any more weakness.

It was at that moment, Twilight pulled out completely. “That’s enough I think.”

Kuch turned back to Twilight with anger in her eyes, the tribe continuing to please each other, though some looked up to question why the stimulation stopped. “Why did you stop?”

“You’ve been rather ungrateful. Why should I fuck you?” Twilight asked, teasing the warrior.

“You bested me, you’ve earned the right to breed me,” Kuch uttered with a blush.

“Yes… but did you earn the right to be with ME?” Twilight cooed, hotdogging her dicks between Kuch’s cheeks. “You girls need me after all.”

“I don’t have to prove anything to YOU,” Kuch growled. Her expression changed to fear when Twilight pulled her dicks away completely.

“I dunno, I’d rather fuck Bronze… or Yulduz again,” Twilight said, stroking her cocks lightly with her magic while checking her hooves for dirt.

“Fuck me!” Kuch demanded.

“Only if you do something for me,” Twilight said with a smile. She leaped onto Kuch’s back again, magic positioning herself to penetrate Kuch again. “Beg for it.”

“Never,” Kuch snapped.

Twilight turned to a random marezon in the crowd. “You, I need someone to be pregnant with my foals.” The tan mare grinning wildly as she quickly ran to present herself.

Kuch was forced to watch Twilight bend one of her tribe over, pressing her members to her holes. “Wait!”

Twilight turned to the warrior slowly while the tribe glared daggers at the black mare. “A change of heart?”

Kuch cleared her throat. “The rules… state-”

“Yeah and those rules are keeping your mares from getting fucked by me, something they’ve been wanting since they found out about me. I’m essentially a goddess of sex and virility to you fillies and you want me to follow your rules? No, an alpha only heeds their own rules, and my rules state… all single mares are free game,” Twilight glanced to Daring and Peaches. “Unless they don’t want me.”

Daring glared back at the unicorn while Peaches waved a hoof lazily. “I- I’m okay… thanks though.”

“Kuch, don’t ruin this for me,” the tribemare uttered, grinding her damp pussy against the twin rods.

“What will it be? Do you give yourself to me? Or do I fuck your tribe one pussy at a time?” Twilight asked, slapping her new mare’s rump hard enough to get a yelp from her.

“Pride is something we must uphold, fight it!” Cried one of the tribesmares.

“Don’t listen to her, she’s using her unicorn mind games, do not worry about us!” Shouted another.

“Kuch.” The warrior turned to the chieftess. “What does your heart and body tell you?”

Kuch growled and snarled before letting out a loud. “FINE! Fuck me like a weakling, you’ve proven you’re better now, please… fill me with your foals.”

Ayblash stared in confusion. “Huh, I was expecting her to hold on longer.”

“The Ikki-shox… has a very addicting penis,” Yulduz moaned, shuddering from the pleasure her initiates gave her.

Twilight grinned widely as she left the tribesmare alone. “I’ll get back to you in a moment, someone just became more attractive.” The mare in question pouted and slowly walked back to her spot.

Kuch’s face burned red as Twilight approached her from behind. She could feel the familiar penises pressing against her, a collective squeak from all around telling her that her tribe was still affected. “Just… breed me, quickly… I don’t think I can take much more.”

“Well, I do need to make sure you have my foal so…” Twilight cooed, she used her magic to clean the anal taking dick and pressed both heads for vaginal penetration. “Let’s get cracking.”

Kuch screamed when she was penetrated, Twilight forcing half of both lengths into her passage and slowly pushing more into the black mare. The forest echoed with the moans and screams of the Marezons. Ayblash struggling to keep her composure despite the intense sensations.

Twilight stopped to listen to the moaning tribe around her and the very vocal warrior beneath her. “Ahh, music to the ears. But let’s see if we can’t up the tempo a little.” Grabbing hold of Kuch’s rear, she began pumping herself harder.

The teasing and the strange double penetration had Kuch on edge for a while, but the sudden ferocity of her pussy being split in two by two huge dicks forced her to orgasm, screaming in delight and quickly joined by her sisters, a chorus of moans all around the tribe signaling either their next climax.

Twilight herself stared at the strong, tight backside with determination. The sound of her mares moaning urging her to fuck Kuch harder, slamming herself with all her might. Her shafts throbbing and twitching inside the cramped passage. She could feel herself coming close but she wanted to wait a bit longer.

Daring watched the display with anger, watching Twilight smiling as the larger black mare moaned and drooled onto the ground, a shadow of the proud warrior she saw an hour ago. “Twilight needs to be stopped.”

A stimulation spell on Kuch, and already she felt her mare’s pussy clench and drench her cocks in juices. With her own orgasm drawing near, Twilight pushed herself hard to hasten the inevitable, letting out a sigh of relief when her twin members began filling the warrior with cum. “Ahh, there you go… a nice full womb of foals.”

Kuch could only squeak as she felt her body bloat slightly from being filled with Twilight’s seed. Her third climax following very close behind and coaxing her to milk her mate’s cocks thoroughly of their essence.

Twilight smirked as she pulled out, cleaning her shafts on Kuch’s ass, smearing the black hide with white. “There, hopefully that attitude of yours won’t be- DAH!” Twilight screamed and collapsed, her face contorting into rage, surprise, and contentment.

“We leave you alone for thirty minutes, and this is what we get?"

Kuch lazily turned her head to see the Ikki-Shox lying on her back, unconscious. her dick returned to its original shape and size. Everyone felt that the enchantments placed on them had been lifted. The warrior prodded the unicorn for a bit, curious as to what had happened. “Ikki-Shox?”

Twilight shot open, revealing blue eyes, instead of red. “I apologize for what I have done, no warrior should have to their pride stolen from them in such a way,” Twilight said quickly before passing out again.

“Get her inside, I must figure out what had happened!” Yulduz commanded, Kuch nodded and weakly put Twilight onto her back and ran to the chieftess’ hut. Daring and Peaches gave each other a confused glance before following them.


Twilight awoke, her head and crotch stung badly for some reason. She found herself in bed in the chieftess’ house. To her side was Daring and Peaches. Outside the room was Yulduz, Kuch, and Ayblash. “Wha-what happened? Did I lose?”

“I was hoping you’d explain it,” Daring growled, the attitude causing Twilight to jump back.

Ayblash noticed that Twilight was awake and looked deep in her eyes. “Purple, interesting.”

“What happened out there? I recall being overwhelmed by Kuch’s… marehood,” Twilight uttered, blushing.

“I apologize, we didn’t take into account that… your magic being as strong as it is,” Yulduz answered.

“Okay… what did I do this time?” Twilight asked curiously, sitting upright.

“You don’t remember forcing me to beg you to rut me like a slut?” Kuch snarled, scaring the unicorn.

“I did what?” Twilight gasped, jaw agape and in shock of what Kuch just told her.

“Has this happened before?” Yulduz questioned with a reassuring smile.

“Umm… I believe so, though I wasn’t aware of it at the time,” Twilight replied. “A while ago, some of the girls told me I went on a mini-rampage, targeting my own herd and others I’ve mated with and… making them submit? There is also the weirdly farfetched story of me getting a visit from a version of myself if I were evil and my future daughter trying to kill the evil me.”

“Every little bit counts,” Ayblash said.

“Twilight was visited by her future-self, does anyone else think this might be crazy?” Daring groaned, shaking her head.

“After living in Ponyville for so long, seeing a tyrant version of myself from the future is actually rather tame,” Twilight waved off with a hoof. “Anyways, she mentioned that something in me, a conscience, was trying to turn me into her. She called her… ‘Juliet’ but she loves to be called ‘Alpha’.”

Kuch’s eyes widened while the others nodded. “Anything else?” Yulduz asked.

“I only heard of another that tried to keep Juliet in check, Brave?” Twilight added, rubbing her chin in thought. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get much else.”

“Our biggest clue to this thus far is eye colour,” Ayblash said, staring deep into Twilight’s eyes. “Red for the Alpha, Blue for the Protector, purple for the Ikki-shox we know and love.”

“I wouldn’t mind a night if my partner was the blue eyed mare, I liked her,” Kuch added, smiling fondly.

Yulduz quickly prepared a bowl filled with a black goo and put it in front of Twilight. “Use your magic on the bowl.”

Twilight arched a brow but did as instructed, causing the murky water to begin turning white. everyone huddled over the bowl and watched as they saw a vision.

“The mere thought that we are the same pony disgusts me."

“I did what they wanted me to do, I bred their warrior and gave their tribe something to think about."

The bowl showed a heavily armored Twilight with blue eyes, glaring down a smaller Twilight wearing a suit with deep red eyes.

“At what cost? You sullied the reputation and pride of the tribe’s best warrior. Do you know what that will do to her?"

“She’ll be too busy taking care of a foal to be a warrior anyways, I did the black bitch a favor."

Kuch growled when she heard this, only to have Ayblash calm her down.

“Regardless, you shouldn’t have done that. Taking a warrior’s pride like that, is just as bad as you getting rutted by somepony’s dick. Or did you like taking Minuette or that bat pony while parading around as the hostess?"

“Fuck you, Brave. I am THE ALPHA, I have my own rules, who ever is on top, rules. She wanted to play rough, I gave her rough. She wanted to pout, I gave her something to pout about."

They all were taken back by Brave slamming her armored head against Juliet’s, knocking her to the ground. “That escalated quickly,” Daring commented.

“Attacking Peaches and Daring was low as well. Daring doesn’t like the hostess as it is, molesting her and her marefriend will make things worse for us."

Juliet slowly stood up, glaring at the armored unicorn as she left. “Only a matter of time, Alpha. You’ll have her choking on your dick just like half her guards. Speaking of which, two of them are waiting for me." She began snickering. “I hope the girls enjoyed the show, because after all…” She turned to face the crowd looking into the bowl. “We see everything the Hostess sees.”

The bowl’s vision faded. Twilight shook underneath the bedsheets. Kuch glared at the bowl, wanting nothing more than to stomp the red-eyed Twilight into the dirt. “So… does this explain how they can make Twilight do things?”

“Not at all,” Yulduz answered. “I don’t have anything to tell us that, just a way to see the inner workings of her mind.”

“So… all those times, that was her making you do all that?” Daring asked, looking up to Twilight with new found hope.

Twilight slumped down, saddened by the answer. “No, everything that happened while we were dating was all my doing. Juliet only showed up to impregnate a mare when I hit puberty during mating season and after that, she didn’t show up until much later, I’d say a few months after we broke up.”

“Oh,” Daring uttered. “But still… I’m sorry I’ve been a dick to you. You just have a weird habit of making mares go crazy, you know?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, I can understand that. I’d be a bit miffed too if my ex-marefriend was attracting all sorts of unwanted attention and not doing anything to stop it. Friends?” She asked, holding out a hoof.

Daring reached her own hoof out to meet Twilight’s. “Friends… but I got a marefriend so keep your dick away, okay?”

“O-of course,” Twilight stammered, blushing brightly.

Peaches capped happily. “I’m so glad you two are friends again. It was getting old hearing Daring be paranoid about you.”

“Heh, sorry babe,” Daring said nervously, kissing Peaches’ forehead.

A cough took the three ponies from their bonding. Ayblash was smiling widely. “Well… I apologize for ruining your ‘friendship’, but…”

All three smaller mares knew what she was referring to. “Oh right, the final trial…” Daring uttered, scrunching her face. “I’ll be honest with you, Twi. I’m still gonna silently bitch about how the whole world is conspiring to warm your bed.”

“Any more ponies like that and we can form a club,” Twilight giggled, slipping out of bed She glanced to Yulduz with a nervous expression. “Will... ‘they’ come out?”

Yulduz gave the unicorn a grim look. “I don’t know, Ikki-Shox. I can only let us see them and hear them, you will need someone well versed in magic to predict them or control them.”

Twilight nodded and followed Ayblash to the chieftess’ bedroom.

Daring rubbed the back of her head. “So… what is the final challenge?”

Kuch and Yulduz turned to her with a pained face. “Four hundred years ago, Ayblash’s great-great-grandmother, and previous chieftess, acquired a strange boardgame with many small totems on it from one of the stallions we stole from civilization. He taught her how to play and now… it became tradition for the chieftess to learn how to play ‘The Conqueror's Game’,” Yulduz explained with a worried tone.

“The moment they start playing, I will bet my next stallion that Twilight will be begging to fight me again. No one has ever beaten Ayblash or her ancestors in that sun-damned game,” Kuch uttered, preparing to leave the hut. “I’ll go prepare the stallion stick and tell the tribe that the Ikki-Shox is playing ‘the game’.”

Daring and Peaches looked back to the room Twilight and Ayblash disappeared in. Peaches placed a hoof on Daring’s side. “A boardgame with many small totems? Do they mean…”

Daring cracked a smile. “Yeah… I think Twilight could win this.”

In the room, Ayblash excitedly set up the table while Twilight sat on a stool. “What is this trial?”

“This is a trial of strategy, of intelligence, and of leadership,” Ayblash explained. She placed the board down and carefully placed the totems down on the board. “It’s been so long since I had an opponent, most of the males were too dimwitted to play and the tribe fears my prowess.”

Twilight smiled as Ayblash put the pieces on the board, giddy like a filly. Once everything was in order. Twilight found the layout strangely familiar. “Is this what I think it is?”

“This is the Conqueror's Game. The goal is to capture the Chieftess by preventing her to from moving, for any movement will seal her fate,” Ayblash explained with a smirk.

“Oh, what does each piece do then?” Twilight asked, curious of the strangely familiar game.

Ayblash explained to Twilight that the many figures that stood before the elite were the laborers, and that they could only move two paces forward at first than can only move diagonally. The Fortress can only move in a straight line in any direction but can’t hop over other pieces. But learning that the Huntress can move in a L-shaped pattern caused Twilight to smile brightly.

The unicorn let out a squeal, clapping her hooves happily. “So it is chess! Eek, some of my friends don’t have the patience for this game, so mostly I’ve been playing with some of my mates. Wow, I really didn’t expect this.”

Ayblash’s smile grew wider. “You have played before? Excellent, then this will be a treat.”

Ayblash let Twilight go first, watching the unicorn move a laborer forward. “Checkmate in eight turns.”

The sudden declaration took the tan mare by surprise. “Ikki-Shox?”

“Oh, sorry. Force of habit, I just… predicted that I’ll have you in checkmate in eight turns, don’t mind me,” Twilight uttered with a awkward blush.

Ayblash simply stared for a moment before playing out her turn.

As the game progressed, each turn caused fear and worry to grow within Ayblash’ mind. Twilight moved quickly, forcing the chieftess to rethink her strategy. When turn eight came, Ayblash’s chieftess was cornered by two of Twilight’s laborers, her guardian, and her huntress.

“Checkmate, good game Ayblash,” Twilight said with a innocent smile.

Ayblash stared in disbelief, her first loss since she first began learning the conqueror’s game. “I- One more game!”

“Oh… so a best of three?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Yes, let us play again,” Ayblash cheered. Her desire to mate with the mare pushed to the back of her mind as her own pride in her favorite game was ravaged and demanded justice.


Three games became fifteen, fifteen losses. Ayblash stared in disbelief that she had been utterly defeated by Twilight. The unicorn’s Chieftess was never threatened and any time she was open, the Guardian or the Fortress stopped her, obliterating her. Ayblash fell for almost every trap Twilight set up.

“Ayblash? Are you okay?” Twilight asked with a concerned look.

Ayblash stared at her chieftess with scowl. Her thoughts trying to analyze how she had lost so many times, questioning how she could have changed it to her favor. “I… am at a loss, Ikki-Shox. I’ve never been beaten at this game since I was a filly, being trained to lead our people.”

“Oh,” Twilight uttered, a bit apologetic. “I guess I should have mentioned that I did place first at a few chess tournaments at school.”

“I see,” Ayblash uttered. Her frown quickly raised into a smile. “You have… passed the trial, Ikki-Shox.” She stood up and walked to her large bed. “I am… at your mercy.”

Considering she was more of less ‘okay’ having sex with Yulduz and Kuch before she blacked out, she was more hesitant to do anything sexual with Ayblash based on one single detail: her likeness to Princess Celestia was eerily similar.

The way she moved and led her people, how she spoke, their night talking to each other didn’t help her similarities with the solar princess. Before the herd, Twilight always saw her mentor as a unobtainable pony, a mare she’d fantasize about being with. Now that the next best thing was presented to her, ready and willing, Twilight could barely understand her rather simple situation.

“Something the matter? Cat got your tongue, Ikki-Shox?” Ayblash giggled, her tail wagging to the side and giving the unicorn full view of her large marehood.

Twilight snapped to attention, blushing nervously. “I-uh, Sorry. You just remind me of someone.”

This spurred Ayblash’s curiosity. “Oh, Do you know any other mares such as myself?”

Twilight’s blush deepened. “Well, I… you remind me of my teacher, except she’s a head shorter and she has a horn and wings, an alicorn. I guess she’d be the Mistress Sun, I suppose, like how you called Luna, Mistress Oy.”

“You desired to mate with Mistress Quyosh?” Ayblash teased. “That is quite the conquest to aspire to. Then again, perhaps I could prove to be a better lover of you than she.”

Twilight swallowed her breath, blushing hard as she forced herself towards the chieftess. Her eyes lingering on the larger mare’s moist pussy. “Should we start with Foreplay?”

“If you desire, but… you do not need to grow yourself. Breed me without your magic,” Ayblash cooed.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked nervously, keeping the comparison of the two body sizes in mind.

“Yulduz was a virgin before you came to her, and Kuch judges all her mates on their sizes. I however… like my lovers a little smaller than I am,” Ayblash replied, flexing her legs and teasing the unicorn more with her body.

Twilight could feel her dick already at it’s peak of size, her face as red as an apple. “Oh… um, I suppose- okay.”

Ayblash smiled as Twilight mounted her, positioning her hard dick for the chieftess’ pussy and began sinking in. She let out a happy hiss, feeling the unicorn enter her. “Oooh, I may love my lovers small, but that’s because they are usually more… ‘enthusiastic’.”

Taking the hint, Twilight gave a nervous smile and began moving her hips faster, her hooves gripping Ayblash’s rump tighter as she poured all her might into her thrusting.

A happy smile spread across Ayblash’s face, even after Yulduz and Kuch, Twilight proved to be just as enthusiastic as the stallions that shared her bed prior to this, though Twilight was a tad bigger than some of those same stallions. She let out a happy sigh, feeling the unicorn frantically shove the purple cock into her, trying to make the chieftess feel every inch of the throbbing rod.

Ayblash felt more than the throbbing meat inside her passage, she could feel it’s heat, it’s more subtle twitching, her mate’s heart beating at the same pace as her own. She turned back to see Twilight’s scrunched up face, biting her lower lip adorably as she continued to claim the chieftess’ marehood, sweat dripping from her brow. The sight of it excited Ayblash even more. “Such an -Ah- energetic filly.”

Twilight was not prepared for Ayblash’s amazingly tight pussy, almost expecting her to be similar to fucking Chrysalis with her normal pussy and the changeling queen was ‘in a mood’ but the chieftess’ snatch was gripping her like Rainbow or Applejack. The moist opening tightening only when Twilight withdrew, only to suck her back in.

“You look surprised, Ikki-Shox,” Ayblash teased, she shifted a bit and began grinding slowly into Twilight’s crotch. “I’m not the village chief for nothing, little one.”

Twilight winced as Ayblash tightened herself up more, squeezing her dick immensely. “Your… society’s leadership-hgn- is based on who can-oh- mate with males the best?” Twilight joked with a weak smile, her hooves scrambling to maintain a hold on the large brown rump.

Ayblash let out a hearty laugh. “If it did, I’d be a mother of countless daughters. But speaking out of turn won’t be tolerated,” she jeered playfully, flexing her rear muscles more.

Twilight let out a weak whine, struggling to keep her momentum. The chieftess was trying to wring her penis until there was nothing left to give, if it wasn’t for Ayblash’s pussy getting wetter as each minute passed, Twilight would have been completely immobile and trapped inside the brown giantess.

“How… are you doing, b- back there?” Ayblash cooed, thrusting her body back into Twilight, feeling the smaller pony cling to her backside and thrash wildly against her.

“P-Peachy,” Twilight winced, her pounding becoming more frantic.

“I must say, you are lasting a bit longer than I expected,” Ayblash teased, watching Twilight drool onto her rump. “You can cum anytime you want. I promise not to be mad.”

Like a dam breaking under intense pressure, Twilight screamed loudly, her body seizing as her dick began spewing her seed deep into Ayblash, coating her insides with unicorn foal batter.

Ayblash flinched when she felt the first salvo touch her insides, splashing against the cervix with power. She didn’t expect Twilight’s member to fire with such strength, and the output took her by surprise. She watched in awe as Twilight held them together, moaning as her pussy worked the scholar’s cock and forcing its contents to fill her passage and womb. “Strange… I thought it wouldn’t be so strong.”

Twilight fell back, her cock slipping out of snatch. She looked up to see her cum ooze out from between the brown lips. “Okay… I- I think I did it.”

Ayblash stayed silent, smiling from feeling the white goo settle inside her marehood. Her eyes slowly opened and turned to Twilight. “Of course you did, such a powerful tool wouldn’t leave me without a child.” She let out a light chuckle when she saw the purple member standing erect, while losing very little of it’s girth. “And it appears you are not sated… yet.”

Twilight glanced down to her crotch and blushed. When she looked up, she saw Ayblash’s face right in front of her, a large hoof gently touching the twitching lilac shaft. “I take it… you’re not sated either?”

“I wouldn’t mind cumming tonight,” Ayblash giggled, giving Twilight’s penis a lick.

Twilight swallowed her breath and used her magic to knock Ayblash down. She then pressed her face against the chieftess’ pussy and began licking the insides, shivering from the combined taste of her own seed with the marezon’s juices.

Ayblash gave Twilight a rather bemused look, watching the unicorn lick and kiss her marehood. She let out a quiet gasp when a small purple hoof began massaging her teats, giggling from the unexpected, but not unwelcomed, teasing.

Twilight kept licking and suckling the pink insides of the chieftess, drinking in the fluids that leaked out.

“If you take all your cum back, how will I be pregnant, Ikki-Shox?” Ayblash asked, ruffling Twilight’s mane and pushing her deeper into her pussy.

Twilight ignored her, doing all she could to pleasure the chieftess without her magic, a task that proved very difficult to the scholar. Her tongue probing deep into the pink opening and slobbering over the large bump that was Ayblash’s clitoris. Her hoof could feel the hardened nipple on the brown mare’s teats, grinding lightly against them as she attacked the marezon’s pleasure buzzer.

Ayblash’s silly grin was spreading across her face, her body feeling the effects of Twilight’s vaginal teasing. Her forelimbs pressing Twilight deeper into her crotch, trying to urge the unicorn to please her more. Her body shuddering as the scholar’s tongue and hooves teased her relentlessly.

A small wave of juices leaked onto Twilight’s chin. Believing the moment has come, the unicorn struggled out of Ayblash’s grip and crawled over the larger mare, using her magic to position her cock to re-enter the chieftess’ pussy. Both mares moaned the moment they felt their parts united once more.

Looking down at her lover, Ayblash watched as Twilight groaned and writhed, trying to rut her hard, exhaling air out her nose and on the brown coat beneath her. The chieftess let out quiet pants of air as her fore hooves held Twilight in place, only letting her rump thrust and pound her marehood and eventually fill her with another dose of seed.

Twilight grunted, her body beginning to feel worn out from the day’s events, but she pushed herself more to breed the brown mare. Gritting her teeth, sweat dripping down her coat, her body demanded her to rest but the scent of sex and Ayblash’s desire kept her dick hard and urged her to fill the marezon leader’s womb with her spunk.

If Twilight’s eagerness to fuck her into the bed didn’t excite Ayblash any more, the feeling of Twilight’s coat rubbing against her sensitive nippels and clit definitely helped the unicorn. The marezon squeaking, her face reddening, a single eye open to see her long awaited mate rut her hard, dripping saliva and sweat onto her coat while their juices mixed and mingled inside her passage. Her eye suddenly caught focus of the strangely tasty-looking horn that broke past Twilight’s bangs.

Twilight let out a loud squeak when Ayblash’s lips wrapped around her horn. Her body bucking wildly and frantically as electric bliss was injected directly into her brain. Her will to keep going until Ayblash came was quickly breaking under the new pleasure.

Ayblash let out a bemused hum around Twilight’s horn when Twilight began to cum again, filling her passage once again with fresh white goo. Feeling it slosh around inside her as purple rod pulsed and its contents splattered against her walls, making her feel warm and satisfied.

The feeling of Twilight’s cum filling her body, her teats and clitoris subjected to the constant rubbing of Twilight’s soft coat, and the constant battering of a certain purple rod against a particularly soft spot inside Ayblash’s passage eventually made Ayblash moan around Twilight’s horn, signalling the one thing Twilight strived to obtain their entire session together. The unicorn grunted as the walls collapsed and sucked her dick in deeper, Ayblash’s teeth beginning to touch the sensitive horn all felt like a victory for Twilight as she finally collapsed, giving in to sleep.

Riding on the waves of her orgasm, Ayblash noticed that her lover had fallen asleep. She smiled and rolled onto her side, causing Twilight to snuggle into her belly, their bodies still connected at the crotch as Ayblash did her best to hold Twilight tighter to her, relishing in the warmth of both the mare and her offering as she fell asleep.

While the two slept, the brown mare’s smile faded, appearing annoyed by her current dream.


Ayblash, Kuch, and Yulduz watched with a small smile as the three visitors occupied themselves with the tribe. Twilight and Peaches were interviewing the tribe while Bronze took Daring on a tour of the village. Now that the trials were over, the three had some time to actually do their work. “Is it wise to let them do this, Ayblash?” Kuch asked.

Ayblash’s eyes stayed locked on Twilight, watching her write every word their current interviewee said and blushing whenever somepony mentions her penis. “I see no harm in it, our tribe were once like them. Only hiding in the forest to avoid those that despised the original Ikki-Shox.”

“And we have a new one, one that is accepted in the world that once shunned her kind,” Yulduz added.

“I suppose I can allow her to bed me again after the child is born,” Kuch grunted, stretching herself from sitting for too long. “So long as the red eyed illusion isn’t involved.”

The chieftess and the Priestess exchanged concerned looks. “I doubt that inner demon will keep to herself. She is a schemer, and her status as the ‘Alpha’ in her own right makes her dangerous to many.”

“And we have no way to help the Ikki-Shox control her?” Kuch asked, grimacing when Yulduz shook her head.

“Regardless, we have what we needed, all we can do is wait until the children are born,” Ayblash stated. Yulduz nodding in agreement while Kuch groaned.

“So long as I get my fill of her, I’m fine with whatever,” Kuch spat, lying down on the wooden floor.

“She has her own herd,” Yulduz retorted, frowning slightly.

Kuch growled as she stood up, glaring at the priestess. “Then either they come to the village or they lose their Alpha.” With that said, she made her way over to Twilight.

“Kuch, stop!” Ayblash commanded, but the warrior ignored her.

Twilight and Peaches were busy talking to a another marezon when Kuch stopped in front of them, glaring down at the unicorn. The tribesman grinned weakly and left while Peaches and Twilight looked to each other for answers before turning back to the warrior. “Hello, Kuch. Can we help you?”

Kuch merely stared, the two smaller mares squirmed as the great warrior did nothing for a long time. A moment passed and Kuch grunted, she shot forward, taking a hold of Twilight’s neck in her mouth and taking her away. “Kuch, put me down.”

“Noh,” Kuch replied, taking Twilight to her hut. Ayblash was there in front of her. “Ahy nah ahaid da igh yu, Aybash.”

“Put the Ikki-Shox down,” Ayblash ordered.

Kuch dropped Twilight but put a hoof down on the unicorn, preventing her escape. “So… you’ll let her run away? Let her leave the village despite how long we’ve waited for her?”

“Because you weren’t visited by Mistress Oy last night,” Ayblash grunted.

“You talked with Luna?” Twilight asked, surprised by Ayblash’s reason.

“If she didn’t visit me in the dreamworld, I would have helped to ensure that the Ikki-Shox stayed here for the rest of her life, or until the children are born,” Ayblash continued.

“I don’t care about Mistress Oy, I’m not like you or Yulduz. She belongs here!” Kuch roared.

“She belongs with her herd!” A booming voice from above startled the village, everyone looked up to see a dark blue alicorn descending upon them.

Twilight smiled and gave the lunar princess welcoming wave. “Hi Luna, didn’t expect you to find us here.”

“And It’s good that we did, or the warrior would have stolen you away from us,” Luna said, nuzzling Twilight’s head. She then turned to the larger mare with a glare. “What makes you entitled, Warrior?”

Kuch stomped forward, failing to intimidate the Princess. “Our tribe has waited hundreds of years for her, and if you think you can just take her-”

“Didn’t you hate the idea of me being the Ikki-Shox because I was small?” Twilight asked, confused by the shift of Kuch’s tone.

“I too recall that,” Ayblash replied with a smirk.

“That was before she bested me in combat and put a foal in me, just as she did you two,” Kuch snapped at the chieftess. “And why do you not try to keep the Ikki-Shox here?”

Ayblash looked Kuch deep into her eyes. “Mistress Oy came to me in my dreams, we argued over the Ikki-Shox for some time but…” Ayblash went silent for a moment until she sighed. “Twilight has served her purpose well and if Yulduz did her duty to the tribe than we have our own Ikki-Shox within us, we no longer need to keep her here against her will.”

“But what of the tribe?” Kuch asked, glaring at her leader.

“In less than a year, they will be born. Five years after that, Yulduz will teach them their position among us,” Ayblash explained.

Twilight glanced to the Boshlanish playing next to a hut. “They’ll start as Boshlanish, won’t they?”

Ayblash grinned. “Something like that, seeing as they will be the only mares in the village with a penis and they’ll grow to be as big as us, they will be VERY popular in the tribe. When our child isn’t being trained to ‘help’ her mother… I will teach her our tribe’s ways until eventually she will take my place and lead our tribe, just as I had and my mother before me.”

“She is right, Kuch,” Yulduz cooed. “We've waited centuries, what is five or more years to us?”

Twilight and Peaches’s faces fell at the implications. “Are they considering what I think they’re considering?” the light blue mare asked as Twilight dropped her face into her hooves.

Luna smiled, looking up to the chieftess. “Then we are agreed? I’m sure Twilight would gladly host you if you decide to visit.”

Ayblash shook her head, her smile fading away for a saddened look. “We cannot, the tree gives us our power.” She gestured to the giant tree growing out of Yulduz’s home. “Abandoning the great tree, Yulduz must remain to keep it healthy, and I must remain to lead my people and protect it with Kuch.”

“And Bronze Hoof?” Twilight asked.

“She exiled herself when she left to see your world, while we have welcomed her back into our fold because of you, she is still another outsider to us after you leave,” Ayblash said grimly.

“I am aware,” Bronze said, walking up to the group. “I plan on leaving with them, I have my own mistress to heed.”

Daring softly floated by with a shrug. “I got what I came for.” She turned to Twilight and Peaches. “How did the interviews go?”

“We got plenty to work with, Daring!” Peaches said excitedly.

“Sweet,” Daring exclaimed, she bowed her head to Ayblash and smiled. “Thanks for your support, we’re all done here and get out of your mane now.”

Ayblash merely nodded. “Kuch, get some of your huntresses and help them out of the forest. And please remember, only Twilight and Mistress Oy is welcomed among us due to their importance to us.”

Peaches gasped shrinking form the sudden turn. “But… you’ve been such good hosts, why deny more visitors?”

“There are reasons why we live in a forest that outsiders fear, little one,” Ayblash answered. “If the Ikki-Shox didn’t order it so, all three of you would have spent your time in cages or worse.”

“It’s nothing personal, we don’t normally trust outsiders. The discovery of the Ikki-Shox just… opened us up more,” Yulduz continued with a weak grin.

“Is our cart still at the campsite you abducted us from?” Bronze asked.

“Yeah,” Kuch responded immediately.

Twilight’s features softened, turning concerned as Ayblash walked away. “Wait! So we make a happy festival over me than throw out us out, saying that only Luna and I can come back because of a trust issue?”

“That is correct, the pegasus didn’t help that at all when she droned on about how you were scum until after you bred Kuch,” Ayblash explained, turning back to Twilight. “As your people may say it, we are very ‘conservative’... I believe.”

Twilight wanted to argue her case but Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Our herd awaits, Twilight. I’ll ensure that you can speak to the chieftess later in her dreams.”

Twilight still gave Ayblash a concerned look. “Give us a chance, not just me… please,” Twilight said softly as she sadly walked with Luna with the others. The tribe bidding farewell with heavy hearts as Kuch escorted their Ikki-Shox and her friends out of the village.

Yulduz walked with Ayblash to her home. “Perhaps, we need to revise our beliefs. Our only necessity is the great tree and our young. Rather silly to distrust outsiders when we steal their males from their homes.”

“That may be,” Ayblash said with a forlorn expression. “But she had to leave someday and return to her herd. Standing here and interviewing our tribe while her friends investigates the village just made the pain of her leaving worsen the longer she stayed.”

Yulduz gave a surprised gasp before nuzzling her chief’s neck. “If you love someone, let them go? Is that the saying?”

“Something like that, some of the books we steal aren’t too clear,” Ayblash grumbled, looking up top the sunny sky. A smile forming on her face. “Mistress Oy is at least on our side, I’ll be able to converse with Twilight without needing us to leave the forest or her to leave her herd.”

The two mares sat together in silence looking over the village as life returned to normal. “A thought occured, I was going to name my foal ‘G'ira-shira payt’ something… but that sounds like a mouth full, don’t you think?”

“Had that same thought, did you? I was thinking of ‘Twilight Mag’lub’,” Ayblash said with a smirk.

“Yes, Twilight is an… easier name to say than G’ire-Shira payt? Maybe I can call my foal ‘Twilight Ko’z’, because why not?” Yulduz chuckled.

“This Kuch will continue with our theme?” Ayblahs asked.

“If she doesn’t, we’ll convince her,” Yulduz laughed happily, Ayblash soon joining her as they gazed upon the tribe bustling before them.

Chapter Twenty-Four: We're finally Ladybugs... I think?

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A long time ago, Cadance felt incredibly guilty. She poked at the fruit before her with a magical fork. Only four hours prior, she was as happy as could be, skipping back to the castle after foalsitting Twilight Sparkle and finally satisfying her curiosities and desires. But the weight of the actual deed of… having an unconscious filly rut her butt for several moments and fill her rear passage with cum finally fell on her mind.

In essence, she raped Twilight and betrayed Shining Armor, neither of which knew of her actions. Her smile fading as the sick deed leaked from her tail hole as a constant reminder.

Celestia gave her niece a concerned look. “Cadance? Is everything alright?”

“Huh? Oh… yeah, it’s fine,” Cadance uttered, sighing as she continued to poke at her food.

Celestia frowned, never liking the idea of Cadance hiding things from her. “Cadance, did something happen when you were foalsitting?” She asked, moving to sit next to the pink alicorn, wrapping the smaller mare with a ivory wing. “You can tell me, I will understand and help you with your problems.”

Cadance felt herself snuggle into Celestia’s grasp. “Is it weird to want to be with two ponies at once?”

Celestia chuckled, her melodic tone calming the pink mare. “Six hundred years ago, I outlawed herds because they lost their purpose and the stallions became a bit more aggressive. The ponies of this age, Polyamory can be a choice but I feel that making it ‘look’ illegal will keep nobles like Blueblood from trying such things. As much as I love my nephew, the idea of him having a herd makes me feel ill.”

“So, it’s okay for me to love two ponies?” Cadance asked curiously.

“Does your heart have enough room for two ponies?” Celestia returned with a smirk. “So… who is the other special pony? Would it be Twilight?”

Cadance jumped at the mention. “I-uh… what makes you say that?”

“You went to foalsit Twilight for a few hours for her parents, it is either her, or her parents. A bit early to rob the cradle?” Celestia teased, laughing as Cadance began hoofing her side.

“It’s not like that!” Cadance grumbled, glaring at the white alicorn. She was happy that her aunt approved of not just her new crush on her protege but also the idea of Cadance loving her and Shining Armor. But there lay the problem, how would Shining Armor react to learning that Cadance having feeling for his younger sister, a yearning born of a curious night and a short talk with her aunt about polyamory. Shining never knew about this until far after his wedding to the Alicorn of Love.


“Nope,” Shining Armor stated, his face blushing light red as he tried to walk away from his wife.

“Oh come on, I did your fantasy of pretending I was Princess Celestia, while you rut me on the throne. Why can’t you let me have this?” Cadance cried, chasing after the white stallion.

“I’d agree to anything else, but I am not going to have sex with you and Twily. Like, I mean… seriously?” Shining uttered, feeling ready to gallop down the hallway, away from the crazy mare he called his wife.

“You two don’t have to touch… I want both of you to myself, am I not allowed to be greedy with sex partners? Just because I want Twilight to be with us in the bedroom doesn’t mean you have to push your penis into her,” Cadance argued, flying up to Shining’s face, cutting him off.

“While that is a major factor to why I don’t like this,” Shining uttered, rubbing his hooves uncomfortably. “My problem is… well, Twilight recently became an Alpha, right? Would she try to claim you? And after hearing about what she did to some stallion, would she do that to me?” Shining’s teeth jittered at the thought of his sister bending him over pressing her dick against his virgin taint.

Cadance put a comforting hoof on her husband’s shoulder. “I’ll make sure that if anypony is getting a dick shoved in them, it’s going to be me. It’ll be okay,” she reassured, caressing Shining’s face.

“But… Why Twilight? I could understand anyone else: Granite Hoof, Sparkling Gem, Lieutenant Sentry. Heck, I’d be okay with any of Twily’s friends if they were interested, but why Twily?” Shining asked.

Cadance grimaced as the memory of her night with a sleeping Twilight taking her anal virginity returned to her. “Well, Twilight was always adorable and she helped us before, right? And I feel like I still owe her for helping us with King Sombra and the Wedding, the latter you still owe her for.”

“I’ve already apologized for that, I don’t want to apologize again with my tailhole,” Shining grunted in annoyance.

“Then apologize with your wife,” Cadance cooed, kissing Shining’s horn. “Besides, I still owe her and I’ve been wanting this since I- we saw her rutting Chrysalis at your parent’s house on your birthday. Even you had to admit, she was pretty impressive for a mare half our size.”

“I don’t want to think about my sister rutting the monster that tried to ruin our wedding, no less the size of my sister’s cock,” Shining grumbled.

“What would help you warm up to the idea of sharing me with Twilight?” Cadance asked, holding Shining’s hooves with her own.

“Nothing comes to mind, actually,” Shining uttered, rubbing his chin as if putting some thought to it.

Cadance lets out a frustrated huff and flew to her room, leaving a surprised Shining in her wake. He turned to see Flash Sentry behind them. “How much of that did you hear?”

“Just about the entire thing, sir,” Flash uttered with a shocked expression. “So… your sister is technically your brother?”

“Another word about this and you’ll be patrolling the border,” Shining grunted, intimidating the younger guard.

Cadance was in the royal bedroom at this time. After letting her rage out. She had devised a new plan. She was going to force the encounter and make the two siblings talk it over between themselves and then try to coax them into being okay with rutting her. Nothing would stop her, this encounter will be perfect, a sexual experience she’s been dreaming of since she was young.


Twilight Velvet calmly drank her tea, happily letting the flavor dance on her tongue. “You have excellent taste, Rarity.”

Across from her, Rarity did all she could to keep her composure, her hooves occasionally clawing her white table. The source of her distraction was her Alpha, Twilight Sparkle, licking her pussy, suckling the winking clitoris and sliding along the pink walls. “Th- Thank you, Miss Velvet. You a-ARE too kind.”

Ever since Twilight returned from her trip with the Marezons, she had become more friendly, especially to her herdmares. When Chrysalis demanded love, Twilight didn’t bat an eye and happily helped the Changeling Queen, surprising everypony when the unicorn happily greeted them while crotch deep in the insect pony.

Everypony could agree that Twilight no longer treating sex like a chore or a scary idea was a good Twilight. Rarity felt this new change first hoof as she conversed, or attempted to converse, with her Alpha’s mother. The elder unicorn in the room chuckling as Rarity choked on her own words while her daughter happily ate the fashionista out.

“I must say, something special must have happened with the Marezons to make Twilight be this forward,” Velvet giggled, watching Rarity moaning against the table, her tail’s base brushing against Twilight’s horn and mane.

Twilight could feel her mare shiver against her muzzle and under her hooves. Her feminine musk wafting into her nostrils. Her tongue savoring the sweet taste of the ivory mare’s folds.

The door opened, Pinkie Pie rushing in with a scroll in her mane. “Twilight, you got a letter from Cadance!”

Before Twilight peeked up curiously, glancing forward to the needy look on Rarity’s face and souring. “Pinkie, could you read it aloud? I’m… a bit busy,” the scholar asked, returning to Rarity’s snatch.

Pinkie giggled at the sound of the sudden squeal that escaped Rarity’s lips and looked over the parchment. “Dear Twilight, I hope this letter finds you well. Your brother and I have been doing well in the Crystal Kingdom, standard marriage and monarchy stuff, you know? But I should get to the point of this letter.”

Velvet let out a chuckle and took a sip of her tea.

“I am writing to you to ask you a rather conflicting question, feel free to write back to say ‘no’ but it is something I’d like to explore at least once,” Pinkie read the rest of the letter in silence, her jaw dropping from the sudden question. “Twilight, Cadance wants to buck you with your brother!”

Twilight slipped on a hoof and pushed her snout into Rarity’s pussy, catching the fashionista by surprise. Velvet did all she could to keep from spraying tea all over the table, swallowing the dark liquid with an audible gulp. “I beg your pardon?” Velvet asked, coughing weakly.

After prying herself away from her ivory lover, Twilight conjured a purple rod and slowly pushed it into Rarity, making it grind against her velvet walls with firm strokes. Rarity gasping and moan on the table while her Alpha walked over to read the letter. “This is… I don’t know what to say…”

“How come? I figured you would say no on the grounds that your foalsitter wants a threesome with you and your brother,” Pinkie added with a curious look.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had lewd thoughts about Cadance, but the idea of being intimate with Shining. If Cadance just wanted a one night stand with me, I’d be more inclined to say yes but… Shining will be there,” Twilight uttered, frowning at the idea of her being intimate with her brother. The thought nearly overpowered her will to keep herself from vomiting a little.

“Now why would Cadance just spring this on you right now?” Velvet uttered, rubbing her chin.

“I don’t know, a part of me wants to go… but I don’t want to do anything like this with my brother…” Twilight whine, shuddering as a cold chill ran up her spine.

“You don’t want your brother to poke you in the bum?” Pinkie asked with a straight face.

“Well, yes… but I honestly can’t see myself even mounting him like I did Thunderlane, the idea of me taking him anally… disturbs me, not as much as him taking me in any way but still,” Twilight added, putting the letter down as she began to think.

A harsh scream from the table tore the girls from the situation, watching Rarity’s arch her back in bliss from her orgasm, her pussy threatening to crush Twilight’s magic toy. As her climax petered out, she fell onto the table as an exhausted mess of a mare. “M-Maybe (pant), you should lay some ground rules between… you three?” Rarity suggested, her body a wash in the aftermath of her most recent sexual experience.

“Unless Shining is harbouring some fantasies involving Twilight,” Velvet added, the words made the younger Twilight feel sick. “I’m sorry Honey, it is a possibility after all, Cadance could have wrote that letter to hide a fantasy of your brother’s.”

“But… why?” Twilight groaned, her head falling into her hooves.

“I wouldn’t think of it in such a way but… after the last few weeks and your father’s fears coming to light. I’d say anything is possible,” Velvet added. “It’s up to you, dear.”

Twilight stayed silent for a moment, until a idea came to her. “Rarity, can I borrow some parchment?”


Cadance awaited for her sister-in-law’s response, pacing around the large study while Shining calmly read a book. The room itself was large and much like everything in the Crystal Kingdom, the walls were dark blue crystal with a fireplace, a large balcony opposite to it. The room made the two feel like it was a crystallized version of Princess Celestia’s study in Canterlot but brighter and less books.

“What could be taking her so long? I’m dying to know her answer,” Cadance thought aloud, ignoring the stares she got from her husband.

“Cadance… knowing Twilight, she’s probably panicking about this, trying to tell you 'no' in the most polite and bookish way possible, going through a tree’s worth of parchment,” Shining uttered, continuing to read his book.

A rolled up letter poofed into existence in front of Cadance, the pink alicorn quickly opening it and reading the letter to herself. “She said YES!”

Shining’s jaw dropped when he heard this, watching his wife skip and hop around the room in joy. “No… Twily, why?” The white stallion noticed that Cadance dropped the letter and began reading it himself, panic washing over him as he identified his sister’s writing and the the fact that she did agree to the threesome, but it continued on from there. “Cadance, there’s more.”

“What? what else did she say?” Cadance questioned, closing the distance between herself and her husband and looking over his shoulder.

“She’ll agree to this if me and her don’t ‘touch’ each other and focus our efforts on pleasing you specifically while you please us,” Shining finished, grunting in satisfaction. “Glad Twilight felt the same way.”

Cadance eyed the letter suspiciously. “Why would she include that?”

“Because it would be weird and creepy for two siblings to be fucking each other?” Shining answered in a flat tone.

“There has to be more to this,” Cadance uttered, now curious about ulterior motives. “We’ll ask her when she gets her for dinner this weekend.”

Shining watched his wife leave the room, dumbfounded that she now has it in her head that there might be something going on between himself and his sister. “This is what I get for marrying the Alicorn of Love,” he groaned, following the pink mare out.


The weekend arrived and Twilight found herself at the doorsteps of the Crystal palace, home to her brother and foalsitter. She would never have thought her reason for coming there alone was to have threesome with her sister in law and her brother.

Before her hoof could touch the glimmering door, it was thrown open and she found herself in the embrace of her foalsitter. “Twilight! Welcome! How are you! Oh I’m so happy that you agreed to this! Did you get taller?” Cadance said quickly. No sooner did she finish, she began dragging Twilight into the castle. “Come on, we’ll discuss this over dinner.”

If Twilight had any complaints, she had no time to voice them. She was dragged for several minutes until Cadance dropped her in the dining room, where her brother nervously ate. He turned and gave her a nervous smile. “Hey… Twily.”

“Hi… Shiny,” Twilight greeted nervously.

Cadance noticed that both ponies were a nervous wreck and then a thought occured. “Why are you two nervous? Have you two been hiding anything from each other?” she asked with a teasing grin.

Both unicorns turned to her slowly, the straightest look on their faces with a tinge of blush. “Are you still under the impression that I have a secret fantasy about my little sister?”

“Wait, what?” Twilight asked, a bit astonished that her fear would actually come to life.

“After your letter explaining the boundaries, Cadance now thinks that you secretly loved me, and with my protests about this whole thing made her think that I loved you,” Shining explained with a bitter sigh.

“Oh, so you were against this as well? I thought I was the only one,” Twilight chuckled, wiping her forehead.

“Twilight, what do you mean?” Cadance asked in a worried tone.

Twilight noticed the sad look she got from her old foalsitter and sighed. “I… almost didn’t agree to this because of Shining’s presence in this. Mostly because I didn’t want us to hurt what we have now, we’re siblings and friends. Not only that, he’s married to you. Also, I’m not a terribly huge fan of being penetrated, I’d rather be the one penetrating and I… also don’t want to sodomize Shining, it would be…”

“Weird?” Shining finished for her. “I felt the same way, heck… I didn’t want any part of this until you sent that letter explaining what your conditions were. Man, you are cute, but… the idea of us having sex just…. makes me uncomfortable.”

The two siblings smiled and instinctively hugged. “Glad you understand,” Twilight said, holding her brother tightly.

After a second both ponies broke away, chuckling awkwardly. Cadance had a strange frown on her face, her lips puckered and raised slightly as she stared at her two favorite ponies. “So why did you agree to this at all, Twilight?” she asked.

“Well, about a week ago, I probably would have sent you a letter saying ‘No’ and a list of reasons why I wouldn’t want to be intimate with you and Shining. But something happened a while ago and… let’s just say I’m a bit more ‘open’ than I once was and I won’t lie. I always did have a crush on you Cadance. The idea of having sex with you before finding out you two were dating or getting married was… a desire of mine,” Twilight explained, her face bright red, trying to use her mane to hide her eyes.

“Aww… did you fantasize about me” Cadance teased, nuzzling the nervous purple mare. The gesture making Twilight jump a bit.

Shining chuckled as Twilight squirmed away from the affectionate Princess. The scholar righting herself, fighting off her blush. “I-well, yes. But to be fair-”

“Yeah, yeah… you had fantasies about Celestia, everyone does,” Cadance added, shooting a teasing look to her husband.

“I-I suppose,” Twilight uttered, she shook her head, banishing lewd thoughts as a new question came to mind. “Why me? I’m sure you two made some friends here. Heck, Shiny brought his right hoof stallion with him, maybe he could be of better service than me.”

“Because I didn’t want Flash Sentry. As nice as he is, he won’t be able scratch the itch I had for a long time,” Cadance cooed, softly walking to Twilight, a swagger in her step as she smiled at the purple mare.

“And that itch requires me?” Twilight uttered, swallowing her breath as Cadance embraced her with fore hooves and wings.

“This itch… requires both you and your brother. My biggest sexual fantasy, Twily, is getting mounted by you and your brother at the same time,” Cadance said with a loving tone.

“Is this about the thing back at our parent’ house when everypony caught me having sex with Chrysalis? Because I can assure you… my penis isn’t that big normally, that was a spell,” Twilight explained with a blush.

Both mares ignored the sigh of relief from Shining as Cadance brushed Twilight’s mane with a hoof. “It doesn’t matter, Twilight. I’d still get the thrill of getting drilled by both of you, regardless of your penis size. I just want you and your brother to have fun with me.”

Twilight presented a straight face, absorbing all that Cadance had told her. “Is it strange that you are rather… aloof about Shining and I having sex with you.”

“Not as strange as your extra few inches of height,” Cadance teased, poking Twilight’s nose.

“I got enough of that back home, especially when Rainbow Dash said if I grew any more, she’d actively rename me ‘Magic Mac’ because I was one of the biggest and a desirable mate,” Twilight grimaced, hoping to rid herself of the teasing Rainbow, Pinkie, and Gilda gave her. “Though, it is neat to be the same size as Gilda.”

“I bet she appreciates it,” Cadance giggled, holding Twilight closer.

“Yeah, yeah, but me and Twilight still need a game plan for you,” Shining added with a chuckle.

Twilight nodded and gave the pink alicorn a meek smile and scooted away, just as the waitress began putting out more food.

After dinner, Cadance told the two that she was going to ‘freshen up’ and asked the siblings to meet her in the royal bedroom.

“Okay… what’s the plan?” Twilight asked curiously.

“I was thinking… You pretty did half of Equestria so, maybe you can eat Cadance out while she sucks me off, just to get things ready,” Shining suggested.

“And what about me? I don’t mind eating mares out but… you two are getting pleasure, not me,” Twilight grumbled.

“I know, I know. But after everything is ready, we switch Cady around and I take her pussy while you take her head.”

“Okay… and then I take her ass and we double penetrate her?”

“If I don’t cum, if I do… then we’ll switch her around, I get her to clean me while you do her butt. That way, we don’t have to touch and Cadance is getting it in two ways and since we’ll be using the same holes, no sloppy seconds or cross-dicking,” Shining said happily.

Twilight nodded with a smirk. “That could work, but what if Cadance doesn’t want that?”

“Cadance loses her mind during sex, she’ll be too busy drooling over both of us to care,” Shining laughed, leading Twilight to the bedroom. “I’m serious about the drool thing, Cadance has a bad case of sex face when she’s into it.”

Twilight nodded, soon finding herself in front of the bedroom. They both took a deep breath. “Remember, no crossing lances and we don’t mount anything that’s purple or white, only pink and has a heart cutie mark.

Shining nodded in agreement as he pushed the door open. Both ponies were assaulted by the thick aroma of lavender and jasmine, the smell so thick that everything else almost because non-existent. Scented candles and incense burned a fair distance away from the bed and a top it was Cadance, her eyes following Shining and Twilight as they entered, licking her lips as she did. Her coat was shinier than before, her mane tied back, her royal regalia was replaced by stockings, a slight hint of eye shadow with ruby red lipstick. “Took your sweet time, trying to figure out how you two were going to do me?”

“That’s right, Cady. It’ll be a night you’ll never forget,” Shining smirked, walking purposely towards his wife. Twilight cautiously approaching from another angle where Cadance’s hind legs were.

“Adorable, because you’re half right,” Cadance grinned, using her magic to pull two chairs from their spots at the side of the room and had them collect Twilight and Shining, forcing them to sit down. While this happened, Cadance slid off the bed with satisfaction in her eyes as her favorite ponies were now on each side of her head, their dick slowly growing from their crotches. She giggled as she noticed that Twilight didn’t have the sheath or testicles that Shining had and decided to taste her LSILBFF first. “Not bad, Twily. Not as big as your night with Chrysalis, but I can definitely work with this.”

Twilight shivered as Cadance’s firm hoof rubbed her growing purple member, the alicorn of love staring at her dick while the other free hoof stroked her brother.

“What about me, honey?” Shining winced, his wife’s grip was impressive for a hoof, quickly stroking it up to its peak size.

“Sorry, Shiny. I need to entertain my guest, you’ll get off, I promise,” Cadance cooed, bringing Twilight’s shaft to her lips and teasing it’s flat head with her tongue. She looked up and her heart fluttered to see Twilight squirm and whimper adorably.

There was little to describe the sensations of Cadance’s mouth as the pink princess began to take her shaft into her mouth. Cadance’s tongue was beyond amazing, the gentle yet firm glides of the slippery appendage across her bulging veins. Her foalsitter was definitely proving her status as ‘Princess of Love’ simply by oral, the purple rod was hard within the minute of Cadance stroking it.

Slipping away, admiring the saliva polished head of her sister-in-law’s cock, she turned to her husband, giving him the same treatment. She purred around her lover’s cock as a hoof began petting her, softly thrusting his shaft into her mouth.

“Cadance, shouldn’t… we be pleasing you, this is your fantasy after all,” Twilight whimpered, shivering in her seat from the pink mare’s hoof.

“Can’t blame a girl for giving you two a taste test,” Cadance cooed, blowing softly onto the grey shaft presented to her. She switched back to Twilight and did the same before capturing its head with her mouth, suckling it softly, teasing the scholar immensely with her tongue and vibrating mouth. With an audible ‘pop’, she licked her lips and looked up to the purple mare. “I want you both to be ready to take me hard, I want you both to fuck like you would fuck Chrysalis after a bad day,” she ordered, turning back to Shining to moan around his shaft.

Giving each other nervous looks, both siblings huffed and groaned form Cadance’s oral skills, switching between the two but keeping a hoof on both of them, gently stroking them and letting her saliva and pre-cum to rub against her soft coat.

She gave both dicks a glance, satisfied with how much saliva glistened off them and stood up, wagging her tail and teasing both ponies more as she walked to the bed. “Come on, rut me good.”

Twilight and Shining quickly shot out of their chairs and took a side. Twilight giving Cadance’s slit a long lick before pressing her tongue against the impressively clean taint before her. Shining pulled Cadance closer to him, their lips pressed against each other, their tongues dancing between their teeth, raising his mare onto his lap, all the while his sister prepared the Princess’ rear entrance.

Cadance shuddered, the feeling of Shining’s cock filling her, stretching her small pussy around his generous girth always made her squirm with delight. The glorious feeling was amplified by Twilight’s tongue at her ass, getting her tight star ready for something much bigger than a unicorn’s tongue. Simply bouncing on her husband’s lap, feeling his cock slide and pull on her insides made her purr like a kitten, she was almost worried about Twilight spearing her rectum, making her absolutely smashed on the sensations of pleasure.

“Goodness Cady,” Shining chuckled, holding his wife’s flanks as he pumped into her. “Did you just get a whole lot tighter? We barely started.”

Cady giggled when she felt Twilight position for her ass, her heavy purple cock threatening to enter her. “It’s about to get a lot tighter, Shiny,” she cooed, biting her bottom lip in anticipation.

It was a bit difficult, but Cadance wasn’t the tightest ass Twilight has ever mated with. She could feel the clenching sphincter resist her approach but it ultimately opened to allow the first bit of Twilight’s penis inside, making both mares moan from the union. Twilight continued to push, the tight ring clenching her dick hard, squeezing her with a vice-like grip.

Shining suppressed a yelp as he felt Cadance’s tunnel became much more compact. Between the narrow wall of flesh, he could feel his sister’s rod throbbing next to his, her heat adding to Cadance’s feminine oven causing his rod to grow. Sure enough, he could feel his wife drooling as she moaned and begged for more.

The moment Twilight’s shaft entered her, stirring up her insides with her brother, Cadance saw stars. The feeling of having the dicks of her two favorite ponies filling her, giving her warmth and pleasure, was indescribable. Shining’s hooves wrapped around her barrel, holding her still. Twilight kneading her flanks while pounding the Princess deep. Cadance’s head laid next to Shining’s, mindlessly drooling from the dual pleasure.

"H-How are you holding up, Twily?” Shining asked, gritting his teeth from the intense squeezing his lust-bound wife was doing.

“She’s… making it hard to move,” Twilight moaned, tightening her grip on her ex-foalsitter’s ass. “I think I might be too big for her.”

That sentence snapped Cadance out of her revelry. She swallowed the buildup of saliva and wiped her mouth of the remainder before glaring at Twilight. “Keep fucking me, by the end of the night… your dick will be molded to fit my ass, missy.”

Twilight swallowed her breath and continued to hammer away at the pink rump before her. The multi-hued tail brushing against her chin and front every so often. Her squeak-like grunts drowned out by Cadance’s moans.

Shining’s eyes shot open in a shocked expression, he knew when Cadance was close but she was far closer than he thought. The constant strings of ‘fuck me’ and ‘fuckin’ yes’ and the rare ‘fill me’ in a whimpering tone as she forced herself backwards into Twilight while he thrusted upward. “Cadance? Are you about to cum?” he asked, almost teasingly.

Cadance’s lips tightened as she nodded, her body shaking with every thrust made into her and the constant pleasure she received.

“Did- did we break the Princess of Love?” Twilight questioned in awe, tightening her grip and pounding the pink alicorn harder.

“Oh fuck, yes!” Cadance screamed, unintentionally answering the scholar’s question. A loud screech signaling her climax.

If the two ponies weren’t shook up and stunned by the sudden royal voice of the youngest princess, then the her pussy and ass becoming vice-like and attempting to milk them roughly did. Shining and Twilight stood no chance, letting out twin grunts and moans as they began filling Cadance’s holes.

Shining was bigger than Twilight by a somewhat noticeable margin. Twilight’s cum volume was much larger than his. While Cadance could feel the strong hearty blasts against her womb, she felt her rectum drown in her sister-in-law’s seed, only serving to reawaken her fire within her.

However, Shining could still feel his little sister filling his wife, a few minutes after he had finished spending his sperm, he glanced down to see a very slight gut in his wife’s belly before Twilight finally pulled out, accidentally getting a the last of her seed fire onto Cadance’s back and wings. “That’s a… how are all your marefriends not pregnant, constantly?”

“Magic,” Twilight panted with a blushing smile. She quickly located her chair and sat down, watching her cock deflate slightly.

Cadance pulled herself off of her husband’s dick and laid next to him, admiring the fatter belly the purple mare gave her. “Wow… I forgot that you explode like that.”

Lazily, both Shining and Twilight noticed the red flag that Cadance’s statement raised. “Forgot?”

Cadance froze, yelling at herself for letting that slip as both siblings sat up with confused looks on their faces. “What do you mean by ‘forgot’? This is the first time you and Twilight had sex… right?” Shining asked.

“It should be, I’d definitely remember mating with Cadance,” Twilight put a hoof on her chin. “Unless…”

“Unless?” Shining repeated, a bit worried.

“Uh… a ridiculous thing to note: I’ve been… prone to become a very aggressive lover and just, do EVERYTHING recently, starting to hope this actually didn’t happen,” Twilight added, swallowing her breath. “My herd can attest to me being aggressive and then not remembering what happened.”

Cadance couldn’t believe what she heard. While it was horrible to find out that Twilight has random bouts of rough mating and then forget it ever happened but this was so perfect for her to use as an excuse for her to play off the question. “T-That’s right. I was foalsitting you and you came down with a wide smile on your face. Before I knew it, you had your penis in my butt and your rutted me for… a few minutes before cumming inside me, then you passed out.”

Shining’s jaw dropped while Twilight grimaced, looking down to the floor. “That… certainly does sound like what could have happened. I- I’m so sorry, Cadance.”

Cadance smiled and pulled Twilight into a tight hug. “It’s okay, my ladybug. It happened a long time ago.”

“Wait, what? I- we’re just going to forgot that my little sister raped my wife years ago?”Shining questioned, trying to wrack his brain around the strange logic happening before him.

“Why? And punish your sister for something that happened when she was fourteen and kickstarted this fantasy?” Cadance asked, giving Shining a teasing look. “As your Princess and wife, I’m giving Twilight a pardon for doing something not within her control, she even has an alibi, her herd as mentioned that this has happened, so that should be proof enough.”

Shining frowned; while he didn’t want to punish his own sister, the idea of letting somepony that raped his wife years ago getting pardoned didn’t sit right with him. “This is ridiculous.”

“I… don’t agree with this as well, but considering what I’ve had to put up with, I’m already decided to just nod and smile,” Twilight commented, sharing her brother’s irritation to the situation.

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you, Twily,” Cadance cooed, petting the purple mare. “And the night is still young.”

Twilight blushed hard, smiling weakly. “Should I be worried that I’ve heard worst reasons to have sex?”

“Yes, yes you should,” Shining replied, arching a brow when Cadance blew raspberries at him. He blushed when his wife’s tail brushed against his penis, spurring its growth.

Twilight let a faint whimper slip from her lips when Cadance’s hooves touched her member, stroking it back to life.

With a quick spin, Cadance presented her rear for Shining while eyeing Twilight’s member, giving the purple rod a few licks. With Twilight wincing from her seat, watching Cadance’s tongue glide across her cock. Shining watched Cadance shake her rear in front of him, his own proud member filling with blood. With a groan, he slid forward and grasped his wife’s flanks, angling to re-enter her cum-packed snatch.

Cadance let a smirk cross her face as her lips pressed into Twilight’s penis, slowly making her way to the tip to take it into her mouth. The head of Shining’s cock rubbing against her labia before penetrating her. With her backside full of stallion meat, the alicorn of love tied her mane back with magic before forcing her head down onto Twilight’s crotch, softly fucking her head on the purple mating stick.

Twilight was gifted with the sight of Cadance bobbing her head over the scholar’s penis, her body shaking back and forth with Shining’s thrusts. The purring and moans that vibrated around the purple cock enraptured Twilight in their stimulating grasp, her eyes locked to her ex- foalsitter’s, the two mares finding it rather thrilling to watch the other give or receive pleasure, from Twilight’s quivers and moans to Cadance’s suckling noises and muffled groans.

Cadance eagerly stuffed her face full of her sister-in-law’s cock while her rump was getting pounded by her husband’s thick member. She soon felt Twilight’s hoof on her head, pushing her down to take more of the long purple shaft. While Twilight was no longer the small filly she could have deep throated easily, she was also smaller than Shining, making the act itself rather easy to do. Her joyful giggling reverberated onto Twilight’s member, making the purple unicorn squirm from the sensations.

Unbeknownst to the girls, Shining was beginning to take interest in the scene before him. The sight of Cadance lightly gagging around Twilight’s member was rather arousing, making his dick harder inside the alicorn’s depths. While he was still a bit uncomfortable with sharing his wife, he couldn’t deny that the view of exciting.

“I- I didn’t realize that Cady had such a mouth. I’m- ohhh- actually kinda jealousss of you, Shiny,’ Twilight moaned, holding Cadance’s head in place to start rutting the Alicorn’s throat.

Shining chuckled, slamming his body into his wife as hard and fast as possible. “Can’t go wrong with the Princess of Love, Twily. A great lover, my best friend, the most beautiful princess, and the best fuck ever.”

Cadance hummed proudly around Twilight, staying firm despite the rough treatment her mouth got from the lilac mare’s hips.

“I… can only think of- Sweet harmony, your throat is tight. The closest I can think of is… Pinkie and Chrysalis,” Twilight panted, her need to cum growing.

“Bet Cady blows both of them out of the water,” Shining chuckled. Feeling his wife spite him in thought, he slapped her flanks with a firm hoof.

“I-sure… yeah, Cadance has the best mouth,” Twilight replied, biting her lower lip in anticipation.

Cadance sensed Twilight’s hesitation to answer and push the mare off with her magic. “Which one of them is better than me?” she demanded, surprising both ponies.

“P-Pinkie, Chrysalis… is a bit sloppy and tends to scratch my penis with her teeth,” Twilight answered, defending herself with a magic shield.

“Are you saying that my mouth is better than the changeling that tried to ruin our wedding?” Cadance continued. The sudden outburst caused her and her husband to forget that the two were physically connected still.

“You… do have better oral and anal skills, yes?” Twilight answered again.

Cadance looked into her charge’s eyes for a moment and smiled. “Nailed it! I’m better than that buggy bitch!” Her celebration was cut short when Shining slammed his hips forward, bringing her back to reality.

Twilight let out a giggle and returned to her position, only this time she stood while making the Alicorn of Love perform fellatio on her. While her hard-on somewhat diminished in the short time it spent outside of Cadance’s luxurious mouth, she was quickly taken forward, close to the point of orgasm.

The panting and groans from Shining Armor alerting Cadance that her husband was close to finishing inside her. She used her magic to pull both members out just in time to stroke them off, forcing Twilight and Shining to coat Cadance in their sperm, Most of Twilight’s coating her front and face while Shining’s load coated her wings, mane and back.

Cadance licked her lips, tasting both the sperm from the siblings on her tongue and lips. “Now that… was fun, but I think I got one more round in me.”

Shining grimaced as felt tired. “I dunno, I think-” He was pushed back by his wife, her proud, cum drenched form towering over him.

“You won’t have to do anything, I’m going to ride you until that last of your creamy goodness is milked from your big hard cock,” Cadance growled seductively, forcing herself onto Shining’s shaft. She turned back to Twilight. “Come on and fuck me.”

With little hesitation, Twilight climbed onto Cadance’s back and repositioned for the pink mare’s used anus. But a shift of magic caused her cock to aim for the already occupied hole.

Believing that she’d slip right in, Twilight thrusted forward. A howl of delight escaping Cadance’s lips while both Twilight and Shining were shocked to feel the other’s dick sliding next to each other. “Cadance! We agreed that this won’t happen!” Twilight stammered, failing to pull out.

“Sweet fucking Celestia, I’m so full, so hot…” Cadance shrieked, softly rocking her hips along both cocks, causing them to rub each other inside her overstretched marehood.

“Cadance!” Shining shouted, wincing from the tight squeeze within his wife’s pussy. “I- I can’t… pull out. Darn it, Cadance!”

“Don’t pull out, just keep going… it feels so good,” Cadance moaned, a weak drop of drool dripping onto Shining’s coat.

Twilight’s cock slowly pulled away, grinding against pink walls and a thick white dick. Magic pushing her forward roughly, making Cadance’s studs groan from the pleasure while Cadance continued to be a drooling, screaming mess of a alicorn.

After some coercing, Twilight placed her hooves on her ex-foalsitter’s rump and slowly began moving, feeling her cock slide against her brother’s as he moved with her.

With Cadance’s pussy clamping down around them and the friction of them grinding against each other, the siblings couldn’t help but moan, their bodies wanting more of Cadance’s hole, regardless of the other occupant.

Twilight began rutting at a normal pace, slamming her hips into the alicorn’s rump while Shining thrusted upward. Her favorite ponies unintentionally working together to bring Cadance to another screaming orgasm.

The Princess’ vice-like snatch clamping down hard on the invading members, her lovers grunting their satisfaction and moaning from the constant grinding and fucking. Cadance’s eyes fogged over, unable to see past the haze of her own lust. She felt too good to care, only wanting her mates to fuck her harder and faster.

A moment slipped by them, all three ponies drenched in sweat, though Shining was drenched in saliva and feminine juices, thanks to Cadance’s drooling and constant string of orgasms. The alicorn could no longer scream her delight to the heavens, her voice was too weak to announce her joy.

Despite her prior experience, Twilight couldn’t keep herself going, her body was weakening drastically while her cock throbbed proudly next to her brother’s. She pushed herself in one last time, filling Cadance’s womb with thick spurts of seed, easily replacing what leaked out of her rear. Shining followed her example, helping his sister in expanding his wife’s womb with his cum.

Cadance’s eyes sparkled like stars, getting filled by both ponies triggered her strongest and most exciting orgasm yet, moaning her approval, her body milking both cocks of their hot and juicy cum.

Unable to keep herself standing, Twilight fell onto Cadance’s back, sleep taking her as she felt the last of her essence surge into the pink Princess. Cadance fell onto the side, forcing Twilight to lie behind her, gazing into her knight’s eyes s she relished in the warm feeling inside her. “That was amazing, honey.”

Shining weakly nodded, panting as he looked deep into his wife’s eyes. “Yeah… it was, it was strangely great.”

“Twilight, how was it?” Cadance asked, turning to see Twilight snoring softly, cuddling up to her back side, her cock slipping out of the alicorn’s cooch and leaking cum onto the bed. “I’ll ask her tomorrow, that was exhausting.”

“I won’t deny that,” Shining yawned, pulling Cadance into a hug. “Love you, Cady.”

“Love you too, Shiny,” Cadance cooed, snuggling into her stallion’s body. a faint smile gracing her lips when she felt Twilight hold onto her her back. “Love you, my little ladybug.”


The sun was at it’s highest when Cadance was the first to rise. Her body reminding her of what she went through the previous night, coated with the cum of her husband and sister-in-law, their fluids sloshing in her belly and womb, making her glad that she used a contraceptive spell before partaking in said actions.

She noticed that both her mates last night clung to her fore limbs, holding her tightly. She giggled at the sight and used her magic to squirm free, only to watch as Shining and Twilight clung together like magnets. She decided to take this time to get clean, not wanting to approach the day covered in sperm and love juices.

The moment the shower came to life, Shining began to stir. His smile brightened when he saw the silhouette of his wife with blurred eyes. “Morning Cady, he cooed, kissing his partner on her forehead.

“Morning Shiny!” Cadance called out sneaking out of the bathroom to watch the drama unfold.

Hearing Cadance behind him caused some panic, his eyes readjusting to see the sleeping form of his sister grasping his body. “Uhh…” the captain uttered, trying to wish his situation away.

“Morning BSILBFF,” Twilight moaned, kissing Shining on the chin. The act making him shiver in horror.

“Morning Twilight,” Cadance called out. She giggled when Twilight snapped awake, staring at the spot she just kissed. Her eyes scanned up to her brother’s shocked expression.

It took less than a second for both siblings to spring away, apologizing for making the other feel uncomfortable. All the while, Cadance was laughing in the bathroom.

Both siblings glanced at each other before glaring at the bathroom door. “Not. Funny.”

Cadance would disagree, giggling to herself as she cleansed her body.

After all three ponies cleaned themselves, Shining and Twilight shooting disapproving glances at the giggling Princess. “Are you still laughing about me and Twilight cuddling?” Shining questioned with a annoyed tone.

“Kind of,” Cadance chuckled. “Your expressions were just..., priceless.”

Twilight grumbled, irritated by her ex-foalsitter’s childishness. “Let’s just… go eat breakfast, visit for a little bit, then I can go home to my herd.”

“Aww, you don’t like me anymore, Twily?” Cadance cooed, giving the younger mare sad puppy eyes.

“No, no, it’s not like that-” Twilight grimaced, unable to find the words.

“She’s teasing, Twilight. Don’t let her win,” Shining commented, marching forward.

“Are you seriously that upset? You didn’t even kissed each other on the lips,” Cadance added, rolling her eyes.

They reached the dining room, Twilight and Shining sitting across from each other while Cadance sat next to Shining, a crystal waitress bringing out a large tray of fruit for the three ponies.

As they ate, Cadance was trying to win her favorite ponies back. Twilight, however recalled an event that she felt Shining should know, something that might hurt badly. “Shining?”

“Yeah?” Shining asked, glancing up to his sister. Cadance giving Twilight a curious look.

Twilight thought carefully about what she should say, but ultimately sighed. “So, Mom spent a few weeks at my place, to give Dad some time to himself after he had a meltdown about… Mom’s past.”

“Okay, can I ask what past is that?” Shining said, taking a sip of the coffee that was brought to him.

Another waitress placed a cup of coffee to Twilight, the purple mare giving the blue crystal mare a happy thanks. She turned back and took a gulp of the scalding nectar. “Remember when Mom went to the bar in Ponyville and worried Dad? Especially when everyone learned that she had sex with a lesbian couple and myself?” Shining nodded.

“Your Mom fucked everything before she married your Dad, Shining,” Cadance finished, causing Twilight to choke on her coffee, Shining performing a spit take to the floor.

“Cadance!” Shining shouted with a deep blush.

“It’s true, she actually had sex with me while we dated and made your dad watch,” Cadance explained, she noticed the look of fear on his face. “No, she didn’t make him rut me, she did… made him cum on me, but his penis didn’t touch me at all.”

“Eww…” Shining uttered, shuffling in his spot.

“And… during Mating Season, I had sex with Mom,” Twilight uttered, preparing for her brother’s outburst.

“Oh, if it was during Mating Season, in Ponyville of all places. I’m sure Mom just… had no choice? You were the closest penis probably,” Shining reasoned, shrugging.

Twilight and Cadance stared at the white stallion in disbelief, until the scholar cleared her throat. “Also, my herd made Mom curious and we had sex a few days before Mating Season.”

“Twilight!” Shining shouted, shrinking in his seat in disgust. “Uggh… why? Does Dad know?”

Twilight tapped the table with her hooves nervously. “I’m kinda hoping Mom would tell Dad when she goes back. Considering she sent a small herd of mares to sleep with him for the duration of her vacation from him.”

“Mom sent her friends to sleep with Dad?” Shining uttered, lying back in complete shock of what he had heard.

“If you want, I can go round up some of my old friends and have them mate with you for a week while I visit Twilight,” Cadance cooed, rubbing her husband’s side.

“Please don’t,” the siblings said in unison. “It was… awkward to be around Mom, especially after I mated with her, four times.”

“FOUR TIMES!?” Shining screamed, staring at Twilight.

“Three of those times were during Mating Season, and she just… made me mate with her all of those times,” Twilight stated, her hooves up to protect herself.

Shining let out a relieved sigh. “I suppose if it’s during Mating Season, without the barrier… I’m sure even Mom would be all ‘stallion crazy’ there. Glad I wasn’t there.”

“So it’s okay for your Mom to have sex with Twilight, so long as it’s during Mating Season?” Cadance asked, in disbelief.

“Cadance… have you ever been to Ponyville during Mating Season?” Shining asked, sighing when his wife shook her head. “I was stationed there once to help stallions escape the night before, a few years before Twilight moved there.”

Cadance and Twilight glanced to each other worriedly, as Shining continued. “We lost half our troop for a week. They came back to us changed, some announcing to be gay the moment they got back, their lower bodies put in a cast. I didn’t get to see any of that but everypony that was taken by the mares and didn’t claim to be gay… avoid all mares for a month, avoiding eye contact with everything that was female.”

“I… didn’t think it was that bad, sure I got cuddly with you and Twilight but, really?” Cadance uttered, she began thinking about the ramifications.

“You are not allowed to visit me when Mating Season is about to happen or while it’s happening,” Twilight stated with a stern tone, causing Cadance to whistle innocently.


Velvet let out a sigh, returning from her stay at Twilight’s library to her home in Canterlot. “It feels like it’s been forever.”

She walked up to the door and opened it, chuckling as the smell of sex filled the room. She didn’t take to account the sudden hugs she got from her mares. “Twilight!” Velvet flinched a bit when her mares, Quick Silver, Blue Blaze, Bright Light, and Squeaky Clean all tackled her, nuzzling her body. “We missed you!”

Behind them was Bronze Hoof and Night Light, chuckling at the scene. “Need some help, honey?” Night asked.

The mares helped Velvet up, who slipped past them and pulled Night Light into a deep kiss. “I missed you honey, sorry I wasn’t here for Mating Season… things happened.”

Night Light let out a sigh. “I know, and I appreciate you sending your friends to stay with me but there is a reason why I married you.”

“And did this make you remember why I married you, dear?” Velvet asked, looking deep into her husband’s eyes.

“It kinda did,” Night Light blushed. “You- All of you really didn’t have to do this.”

“But I did, because I didn’t want you to feel inadequate to what I’ve done before,” Velvet cooed, nuzzling the dark blue stallion.

“I’m sorry I got all… subconscious about your black book, I’ve always knew about your life before us but, I was still in denial about it,” Night uttered, pulling Velvet into a deep hug.

Velvet’s smile faded, pushing her husband away. “I’m sorry, Nighty. I- I need to add some more names to the book.”

Night Light only smiled and nodded. “Go ahead, Velvet. I won’t be mad.”

Velvet’s smile returned, she leaned up and kissed her stallion’s cheek and walked to their bedroom, where she kept her book.

Everypony crowded around Velvet as they watched her enter the names of every pony Velvet mated with at Ponyville: Octavia Melody, Fluttershy, Queen Chrysalis, Gilda, Zecora, Pinkie Pie, Cup Cake, Twilight Sparkle.

Night Light fainted on the spot, upon seeing the his wife write their daughter’s name.

The mares gasped at the sight of the name, until Bright Lights asked. “Was she any good.”

“No touching her,” Velvet scolded. “And yes, seven out of ten, would consider banging again.”

Mini-Series: Saddle Arabian Nights

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[Tags: {MULTIPLE} Futa/F/F/F, M/F/F, M/F, F/F; Oral, vaginal, anal, double penetration {Twilight/Amira(Hinted Haakim/Blueblood} Futa/F, vaginal, dick growth, hornjob, cunnilingus]

Being dispatched as a goodwill ambassador for Equestria was truly an honor for Twilight as the chariot descended upon Roughshod, the capital of Saddle Arabia. There are a few things that Twilight didn’t approve of however. First was that her friends couldn’t join her here as Celestia thought it would be troublesome for Twilight to choose one friend out of the dozen or so she has already had and she couldn’t take them all for one reason or another, not enough room on the chariot even with those that can fly, Fleur is pregnant and Fluttershy has a child, the heat wouldn’t agree with Gilda’s fur or whatever dress Rarity brought, and everyone agreed that Trixie would yell at the King and Queen for judging Twilight, even if they weren’t.

The second reason sat next to her on the chariot, looking over the land with a refined sneer. Due to his experience in diplomacy, the Princess believed that her nephew, Prince Blueblood, could mentor Twilight in this field while they solidified Equestria’s friendship with Saddle Arabia.

“We're setting down, Your Highness,” One of the guards said.

“Good, hopefully they will have a guide prepared for us,” Blueblood said, wearing a small smile. Twilight couldn’t help but be tense and annoyed by the stallion’s mere presence, despite the only wrong he has done was ruin Rarity’s time at the gala.

The chariot touched down. As it stopped completely, the purple mare and white stallion stepped off and were greeted by two tall ponies, a stallion with a brown coat that wore a intricate tabard that draped along his sides and a blue silk helmet that opened to let his blonde mane out from the back. Next to him was a pink mare with a long flowing dark blue mane and a brighter variant of her male counterpart’s saddle. What made Twilight truly curious was how both ponies were roughly as tall as Celestia herself. “Greetings, I am Prince Blueblood, Nephew of the Princess and Ambassador of Equestria, this is my associate, Twilight Sparkle. We’re honoured that you’d greet us personally to your fine country,” Prince Blueblood stated, giving a slight bow to taller ponies. Twilight quickly followed the prince's example.

“Yes, we too are honored to receive the Princess’ nephew and student.,” the brown stallion said. “You may call me Haakim, and this is the love of my life, Amira.” He gave a short nod, while the pink mare giggled.

“Forgive my outburst your Highness… but how do you know us?” Twilight asked, rather shocked.

“Why, your teacher has spoken very highly of both yourself and the prince. Your princess must trust us very much to allow ponies so close to her heart to travel far from home, out from under her protective gaze,” Queen Amira said, making Twilight feel uneasy from the pink mare’s chosen words.

“You’ll have to excuse my love’s manners; drama has always been a passion of hers,” Haakim added, smiling. Amira rolled her eyes and bumped the King’s rump with her own playfully.

“With that all said, we are truly happy that Saddle Arabia’s leaders could make time for us,” Blueblood said. The group turned and left for the castle. During the walk, Twilight looked along the streets to see that the city was more compact that Canterlot. The buildings were a tad smaller than the homes in Ponyville, but there were merchant stalls as far as the eye could see down every major street, showing silks that would make Rarity’s legs weak from the sight, and pastries that smelled so good, it made Twilight’s stomach grumble. What intrigued the studious unicorn more was that the entire population were earth ponies, most of which kept to a darker coat colour; still colourful but always to a darker shade, but not a single pony was yellow, maybe their mane but not coat.

“Enjoying the view, Ms. Twilight?” Amira teased, chuckling at the awe-struck unicorn.

Twilight broke from her trance and turned to the giggling pink mare. “Oh yes, I’ve read about Saddle Arabia before coming but… actually seeing it in the flesh is so very different than reading about it. I just wish my friends could share this view with me.”

“Maybe one day, you can bring them along. What is the point of exploring a new land if not with friends?” Haakim said, letting out a hearty laugh.

“Too true, your highness. Not to mention safety in numbers when trouble appears,” Blueblood remarked. “I have heard the dunes can be treacherous to unseasoned travellers.”

“The desert can be troublesome with the odd sandstorm, but we remain at peace here and that is all that matters,” Amira soothed.

Twilight and Blueblood heard some commotion to see a large group of guards dealing with a scorpion much larger than themselves, but bringing it down with little trouble at the town gates. “Excuse me but… what is going on there?” Blueblood asked.

“The scorpios were once a deadly foe but we learned how to approach them, now they’re a trivial pest that we tend to deal with from time to time,” Haakim explained, giving a slight nod to the guards, who bowed in response.

“I guess that makes sense, our guards… I don’t think I’ve ever seen the guards fight monsters, maybe each other on the sparring grounds but never a creature,” Twilight added.

“Which only proves why Equestria is known as ‘the Nation of Harmony’. But I’m sure with the Elements of Harmony and Princesses, there are very few foes that could actually threaten you,” Amira added.

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. “I guess so, Nightmare Moon was tough at first and Discord’s mind games weren’t fun at all. I’d like to not think back to the Changeling Invasion however,” she stated, grinning weakly.

“Seasoned in combat yourself? We may need to test our mettle later, young Miss,” Haakim laughed.

“Rather curious for a mare so young to face such things, but I must assume it’s your duty to assist the Princess in using the Elements of Harmony,” Amira said.

Blueblood grinned at this remark. “Actually, Twilight Sparkle here is an Element of Harmony, her friends are the other five elements.”

Haakim and Amira stopped and turned to Twilight. “An Element Bearer? Doesn’t Princess Celestia wield them?” He asked.

Twilight shrank back with a awkward smile. “Actually-”

“My aunt lost the power to use them when she banished her sister, the Elements chose six new bearers, Twilight being the mysterious element, ‘Magic’,” Blueblood interrupted, making Twilight frown at the white stallion.

“What are you doing?” Twilight whispered angrily.

“Winning their praise for you,” Blueblood snapped back quietly, before returning to face the King and Queen.

“Well, I hope you can share your stories of the foes you’ve bested. We only hear of who won and lost, never the details,” Haakim exclaimed, giving his guests a warm smile.

“Forgive my love, he was raised to defend this land and… he learned to love it, almost as much as he loves me,” Amira cooed, rubbing against Haakim’s body with her own.

“Very true, my light of lights. Yet even my duty as ruler doesn’t stop me from joining our defenders when the odd scorpio or sand worm appears to irritate us.” Haakim said, wrapping a fore leg around his mate then nuzzling her side.

They resumed the walk to the palace, the walls were high and made of sandstone with marble cladding. The doors were large enough to fit an Ursa Minor The main building itself wasn’t as tall as Canterlot Castle but it was much wider and the garden stretching along the path and beyond, guards stood vigilant as their rulers and guests strode to the main doors. Each tower roof had a minaret with a point at the top, and appeared almost gold in comparison to the sandstone used to make the rest of the palace, despite the silver and gold that was used to accent the walls and gates for decoration. The inside was no less intricate, the walls appeared to be shinier than the outside, with very little help from the many candles that hung on the walls. The main hall led down into what Twilight believed to be the throne room with several side entryways.

“Welcome, please consider this your home away from home, my friends,” Haakim announced with a cheerful laugh. “Now then-”

“My leige!” A brown stallion, closer to Twilight’s height, ran down the bronze corridors. He appeared nervous as he fixed his fez every few seconds. “There is a matter that requires your immediate attention, please come with me.”

Haakim gave the scribe a curious look. “Oh?” He began to grumble from the unwanted work. “Forgive me, but duty calls.”

“Perhaps we can continue this during dinner? I’ll lead you to the rooms where you two will be staying during your visit,” Amira stated. Blueblood frowned, annoyed by the distraction.

“Won’t he need you, Amira?” Twilight asked.

“My love might be… brash, but he is no fool. He will consult me after he has heard of the trouble before making a decision,” Amira explained.

“Interesting…” Twilight uttered, now curious as to how Shining and Cadance rule the Crystal Empire.


To say the room was nice would insult not just the room itself but Amira and Haakim as well. The floor was so clean Twilight could see herself in it, there were plenty of cushions that littered the floor near the bed, which felt heavenly to the touch. Twilight felt sleepy and wanted to rest her body on the soft blue round bed just after placing a hoof on the spread. What kept her from doing so was the Prince barging in. “Twilight, we must talk strategy.”

“Huh? We do? I don’t exactly see why, Haakim and Amira seem like really nice ponies,” Twilight retorted, rather confused.

“We’re getting there, but not quite,” Blueblood said, sitting down on a cushion. “We still need to use our ace.”

“Our ace?”

“Yes, we sleep with them both,” Blueblood said, his face was serious, in great contrast to Twilight’s wide eyed expression.

“Are you serious? why we do need to sleep with them? I’m sure the negotiations will be fine during dinner,” Twilight commented, annoyed by her new found love luck.

“If you wish to act like that, I will go for one and you shall take the other,” Blueblood commanded, he went back to thinking as a question came to mind. “Which do you prefer, Amira or Haakim? I can swing for either side myself, but since you’re new… It’s only fair you get to choose your partner.”

“How about neither, because this is all ludicrous.”

Blueblood shook his head disapprovingly. “Twilight, this is how politics works, knowing who you’re dealing with and exploiting their pleasures. Amira and Haakim have a very open relationship and a large harem that they share frequently, they are sexual deviants and if my royal instincts are correct… Amira would rather ‘talk’ in a different manner.”

Twilight gave the Prince a quizzical look. “And to them, sex 'talks'? Why should I help other than being a good guest and help Equestria without needing to mate with somepony?”

Blueblood let out a groan of his own. He reaffirmed his hold and stared deep into Twilight’s eyes. “We NEED to give our hosts something they’ve never seen or had before, and we are completely sure that neither Amira or Haakim have mated with a dick mare. And this will help Equestria immensely.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “How did you-”

“Let me finish. We need you, Twilight Sparkle, to use your dick, pussy, and/or ass for the good of Equestria… and mate with Amira or Haakim, I shall take the other… now CHOOSE!”

“If I choose… could you answer my question as to ‘HOW’ you found out about me?” Twilight asked, rather nervous and scared that Blueblood of all ponies knows her pseudo-secret.

“My cousin was rather vocal about her dreams of being sandwiched between you and your brother before she left to the Crystal Kingdom, and when a town that is fully aware of your ‘secret’ acts as the crossroads to everywhere in Equestria, it doesn’t take much for that to spread,” Blueblood replied; Twilight felt a sudden chill up her spine when she heard about Cadance masturbating to her and her brother at the same time.

“Amira, I think I’ll mate with Amira,” Twilight said, panicking from Blueblood’s answer.

“Very well, I shall seduce Haakim, we shall join dinner as normal. But after, we try and get our target alone and seduce them! And make them want to sign on to our negotiations that will make Saddle Arabia and Equestria allies,” Blueblood said triumphantly. Twilight weakly waved her hoof in the air awkwardly.


In another room, Haakim had just dealt with the issue that interrupted his time with his guests, while his love lounged on the bed, two mares were rubbing and massaging their hooves into Amira’s back and flanks. “What are your thoughts, my love?” the King asked.

“Just thinking about our guests, what do you think of them?” Amira asked.

“I’m okay with them, Blueblood seems a bit on a power trip and I feel Twilight is a bit too timid, which is a surprise when she bested some of Celestia’s greater foes,” Haakim replied.

“Well, I do like my mares timid… and you do enjoy breaking stallions in,” Amira cooed, shuddering when her maiden’s hooves pressed a sensitive spot on her back.

“I don’t think our mutual friend, Celestia, would like it if we rutted her nephew and student,” Haakim chuckled.

“Especially if our mutual friend had already staked claim on one of them, my dear,” Amira giggled.

Haakim raised his brow playfully. “You seem to have something on your mind, Amira.”

“Let’s just say, I am intrigued by this ‘Twilight Sparkle’, Celestia spoke a great deal about her on our last visit, but never met her. We finally have our first encounter and she’s but a filly, full of curiosity and potential.”

“Curiosity and potential? I’m sure this differs from what Celestia had in mind,” Haakim jested, leering at his love.

“What can I say? The little filly has piqued my interest… doesn’t help that she’s rather cute to boot,” Amira said, smiling seductively.

“And I assume I’m to take care of Blueblood?” Haakim asked, walking to his love to nuzzle her side.

“As I said, you like to play with colts like him, show them that… they are not in control. Doesn’t help that he smells of sex.”

“I caught that scent from Twilight as well, though not as prominent as the Prince’s. Perhaps they are lovers in a similar state as our own?” Haakim asked, kissing Amira on the cheek.

“Only one way to find out, Haakim.” Amira concluded, capturing her lover’s lips with her own.


As dinner approached, Haakim and Amira led their guests to the the dining room, which happened to be gigantic with a large chandelier hanging above the table, which itself was a semicircle with a large pit of sand in the middle of the room, which baffled Twilight greatly. “May I ask why there is a pit here?”

“As we eat, we like to treat our guests to some entertainment,” Haakim answered, he took a seat the center of the table’s long section, with Amira to his left. Blueblood took a seat to the brown stallion’s right and Twilight next to her associate. Sure enough, several other ponies dressed in tabards and turbans filed in, giving their rulers a swift bow before sitting down at the table. To the north of the room, was a small army of servants with food behind them, awaiting Haakim’s word to distribute the feast.

A firm hoof tapped against the wooden table, directing all attention to the King. “My friends and brethern, we are joined tonight by Equestria’s ambassadors and Celestia’s most favored ponies: her nephew, Prince Blueblood, and her student, Twilight Sparkle!” Blueblood smirked as the ponies stomped their hooves in applause while Twilight sunk in her seat. “They are our honoured guests, so treat them as if they were a member of the royal family for so long as myself or my Love firmly believe, they are.”

Blueblood stood up next. “We here fully appreciate the gesture and are honored to be here among Saddle Arabia’s finest. As is Princess Celestia’s wish, we hope to call you all brothers and sisters once the agreement is finalized. Thank you,” he exclaimed, taking a short bow before sitting back down, a roar of applause echoing throughout the hall.

“Let us feast to Saddle Arabia and to Equestria, my friends! To Harmony!” Haakim shouted, only to met by everyone shouting “To Harmony!” Making the desert monarch smile.

Distilled cactus juice, dried seaweed jerky, a variant of Apple that somehow grows on Cacti, Spiced Yucca, grilled Barrel Cactus, a Couscous platter, and some dip called hummus. Everything tasted great to the purple unicorn, even Blueblood was enjoying the food when he wasn’t speaking to Haakim or Amira.

The same brown stallion from earlier walked in, much more confident than earlier and clapped his hooves together, signalling the arrival of the entertainment. Twilight looked up only to look back down upon seeing dozens of dark coated mares wearing pastel coloured silk socks, panties, and a scarf that were all transparent, making Twilight nervous as the dancer’s tails curved and caressed their bodies, and showing off as much pussy to the guests as possible. Due to their status as ‘guests to the King and Queen’, the dancer’s took particular interest on Blueblood and Twilight.

Blueblood merely sat on his cushion with a smile as two of the many dancers, red and green, rubbed their bodies against his, their tails caressing his coat and a hoof each descending south. Another pair of dancers, these two were brown and blue, serviced Twilight, making the blushing unicorn shake from the attention of such beautiful mares, it might be different if it was one of her mares but these were strangers that were stroking her fur and licking her horn, many of the other nobles giggled and cheered during the event.

“Twilight, would you relax? This is more common than you think, look,” Blueblood stated, gesturing his head to the side. Twilight looked past the Prince to see a dark purple dancer mouth feeding Haakim while grinding against his pelvis and another dancer with a blonde mane whose head was nestled between Amira’s legs. “See? Nothing to worry about.”

“I suppose-” Twilight’s mouth shut immediately when she felt a hoof on her hardening member.

“Goodness, I’ve never seen a ‘duocorn’ before. Wonder what this new horn does?” the blue dancer joked as her brown sister sunk underneath the table for a closer look.

Twilight turned to Blueblood for help, only to see him mounting the red dancer, his magic spoon feeding both himself and the dancer he’s rutting, her green sister was kneeling behind the two, licking Blueblood’s backside.

“This is our King’s hospitality, would you refuse it?” The blue dancer behind Twilight whispered into her ear.

“N-no,” Twilight answered, blushing hard when she felt a tongue on her dick. The dancer behind her smile and nibbled Twilight’s ears and licked her horn, making the purple mare twitch from the attention.

Next to Twilight sat an orange noble mare that wore heavy black and gold vestments, calmly chatting with another noble mare. While she giggled, she turned to Twilight and saw the brown dancer servicing her, eyes widen upon seeing Twilight’s cock. “S-sorry,” the purple unicorn uttered, blushing harder when she noticed the orange mare’s gaze.

The noblepony stayed silent, watching the dancer begin to take the purple member into her mouth. She glanced to her empty cup and pushed it over onto the ground. “How clumsy of me, let me go get that.” Instead of obtaining her lost cup, she join the dancer in pleasing Twilight, causing the poor unicorn to jerk from the sudden additional lips on her penis, her friend took notice of it and began giggling and cheering the orange mare to keep going.

“See, you’re a natural,” Blueblood laughed, rubbing his cum-soaked cock across the butt of the dancer he recently mounted, only for the other to straddle him in his seat.

Twilight looked back down at her crotch, the orange mare became annoyed by how greedy the brown dancer gobbled her dick. Feeling bad for the newer mare, Twilight’s horn glowed and caused another dick to appear next to the original, surprising the noblemare. She looked up to a weakly smiling Twilight, before trying to take the new cock down to the hilt.

Upon hearing the King groan, Twilight instinctively turned to see Haakim fill the dancer’s pussy with his cum, the mare in question shuddered and moaned like a slut on his shaft. Amira however was biting her lower lip during her own orgasm,the dancer below her licking her lips and moving up to capture the Queen’s lips with her own, sharing Amira’s pussy juices with their original owner.

Twilight’s face scrunched when she felt her cocks throb, holding the table’s edge tightly as she sent her seed into the mouths of the mares beneath her. The orange noble pony had difficulties swallowing it all, as most of it covered her vestments while the brown dancer swallowed every ounce dutifully and lovingly.

The Orange mare retook her seat and placed her glass back on the table, only to start making out with the brown mare that began sharing Twilight’s seed with her. The blue mare behind Twilight snuck below the table, with her rump grinding against the unicorn’s crotch.

Despite what just happened, Twilight was awe-struck to find the blue dancer moving her panties aside, rubbing against the unicorn’s penis while a hoof rubbed the duplicate underneath her.

With everything going on around Twilight, she didn’t feel it was right but she still wanted more, swallowing her breath and glancing from side to side, rather self-conscious that Blueblood and the orange mare were watching her. Twilight used her magic to position her dicks for both the dancer’s entrances, becoming bolder, the junior-ambassador took a firm grip of the blue mare’s hips and pulled her down onto her lap. Causing the dancer to cry out in pleasure and making Twilight pause as everyone stopped to stare at her.

“I’ll… try to be quieter,” Twilight said, blushed, while the mare on her cocks writhed under the table.

“Good show, Miss Twilight. Keep up the good work,” Haakim laughed heartily, returning to his dinner and dancers. All the other nobles gave a cheer of approval and returned to their own devices. Blueblood kept himself from laughing at Twilight’s expense while the orange mare and brown dancer merely watched Twilight slowly move the blue mare along her dual pricks, drool forming at the corners of the noblepony’s lips.

Amira however, kept a close eye on Twilight, watching her thrust her meat into the dancer with great interest. “I wonder what other spells she has, don’t you agree my love?”

“Unicorns are such intriguing creatures and to add any anatomy to yourself is impressive, my dear. By the looks of things…” Haakim mused, watching Twilight feverishly mount the blue mare, who was now lying on the table panting, her tail wrapped tightly around the purple waist, the crowd cheering Twilight on. “She knows how to use it, and may not be as timid as we originally thought.”

“Doesn’t mean I won’t try, my love,” Amira stated, eying Twilight like a delicious meal.

A round of applause was made when Twilight grunted and came inside the dancer, causing her belly to bloat slightly from the excess cum. The mare weakly stood up and kissed Twilight deeply before leaving, with her pussy and ass leaking cum onto her tail. The purple unicorn turned back to the cheering nobles and blushed heavily, sinking back into her seat and using her magic to hide her cock once again and dismissing the duplicate. “Well done, Twilight. You see, you’ve impressed them,” Blueblood commented, smiling as the final dancer gave his softening dick a kiss before leaving.

“That was still nerve wracking but... it was fun. I'm not sure if I want all diplomatic missions to be like this. Sure it would be neat but... I have my herd, it would feel like betray, you know?” Twilight uttered, with a weak smile.

“It’s dependent on their rulers, Twilight. An orgy only happened because Haakim and Amira willed it, you may encounter a leader that is more conservative, it’ll be fine… again, know your hosts and please their vices,” Blueblood said, turning back to Haakim.

“He is right,” Twilight jumped to see the orange mare next to her talking. “Before he was King, Haakim was extremely sheltered, all he knew was battle and to be devoted to those he loved. Amira was the one that made him the King he is today. Before, if any stallion were to look at Amira sexually, he'd send them to the dungeons with a possible death sentence above their head. She resolved this by ordering every female servant in the castle to mate with him in his sleep, only to wake him up when there were four mares pleasing his royal member. Now, they share a harem and have sex frequently sometimes with other ponies, it’s nothing strange here, Miss Twilight.”

“Oh… I guess that makes sense… in a way, thank you… um,” Twilight stopped, embarrassed that this mare just blew her and she never learned this noblepony’s name.

“Gold Tablet, Minister of Agriculture, Granite District, the third house down the road, love to see you again,” Gold said, giving Twilight a lick across the cheek, leaving the poor unicorn to start blushing up a storm.

“I must say, Miss Sparkle,” Twilight was startled by Haakim and Amira behind her. “That was an impressive feat of magic you displayed there. We did not expect a find a mare that enjoyed to rut her own gender with a stallionhood, or create two for one dancer. Perhaps you were a great herd leader in a previous life?” Haakim laughed.

“Mmm, yes. I do hope you didn’t burn yourself out or hurt that poor dancer, I don’t think she’s ever taken two dicks at once before. Very fascinating, if I say so myself,” Amira cooed, brushing her hoof through Twilight’s mane. Haakim gave a chuckle as Amira and himself left.

“This will prove difficult,” Blueblood said, surprising Twilight

“Can everypony stop doing that?” Twilight cried.

“Stay on your hooves, then,” Blueblood berated. “Haakim and Amira seem… inseparable. I have a feeling that it will take much to catch one of them alone. Good job working that dancer and minister, that will earn us a lot of points down the road, to be sure.”

“Not like I wanted too, it was more of a spur of the moment thing… after they sucked me off,” Twilight said, embarrassed.

“Then it is a good thing they did, the King and Queen are sexual deviants so proving you can fuck their harem members like the best of them has earned Equestria a lot in this venture,” Blueblood smiled. “Nice use of the duplication spell, it made Amira much more interested in you.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, blushing. “So… what do you have in mind if they are ‘inseparable’?”

“I shall sneak into their bedroom and offer their services, you’ve done plenty for Equestria and I fear I still need to prove that I am a rather… powerful lover,” Blueblood said, with a smirk.

Despite Twilight’s sigh, a guard was listening intently. The moment Equestria’s Representatives left the dining hall, he ran to find his King and Queen to relay this information.

He found them stargazing on a balcony. “Your Highnesses. I have some news you may need to hear.”

“Oh?” Amira cooed under Haakim’s grasp. “What news?”

“The male delegate from Equestria plans on servicing you both tonight, he believes that the female has done enough,” the guard stated.

“Well, that doesn’t work with OUR plans,” Haakim muttered with a lopsided grin. “What do you propose, my love?”

“Now that I have witnessed that cute filly’s spellcraft, I desire her more. You shall test Blueblood’s resolve, while I test Twilight’s mettle. Guard!” Amira ordered, the guard stood at attention. “Ensure that Twilight stays in her quarters until morning, but allow Blueblood to enter our royal chambers and nowhere else. If he wishes to please us for the sake of his country… he must do it underneath you, my love.” Amira said, kissing Haakim’s neck.


Twilight tossed and turned in bed, the events during dinner replaying in her head and keeping her stallionhood hard. She let out a groan as she left for the bathroom. Using her magic, she turned the door knob only to find it was locked from the outside. “What the hay?”

“Sorry Ms. Sparkle, Queen’s orders,” Twilight heard from the guard outside.

“But… I need to pee,” she replied, annoyed that she couldn’t leave her guest room.

“Behind the blue curtain next to the bed should be a private bathroom for your use,” the guard answered back. Intrigued, Twilight quickly found that there was a bathroom behind the thick blue curtain; a tub large enough to fit both Haakim and Amira but nopony else, a sink connected to a wall that’s entirely a mirror and a simple toilet between the two.

Twilight got in the bathtub, she placed her front legs on the back wall while her magic began to aim her rigid dick to the drain and stroking it. Masturbating felt rather foreign to the purple mare, mostly due to the easy access to somepony that would be more than willing to help Twilight relieve herself, she chuckled to herself as the thought of Trixie waking up instantly, some mental radar in her head telling her that her ‘Mistress’ is trying to cum and would try to find Twilight immediately to help.



“Stop pacing, Trixie,” Gilda groaned, trying to sleep in Twilight’s bed.

“I can’t, Mistress needs Trixie… but she’s too far from Trixie to get that relief. Why, oh why did the Princess ask Mistress to go to Saddle Arabia and told her not to bring anyone else… except that dolt Blueblood.”

“We all hate that, but sleep is more important now than sex,” Gilda yawned.

Trixie continued her pacing until Chrysalis stormed into the room. “Enough of your infernal pacing, whore!” the changeling roared, she then knocked the magician out with a stun spell.

"About time, Slutbug,” Gilda commented, returning to sleep.

“Shut up, or I’ll hit you with it too!” Chrysalis growled, returning to her basement lair.


Twilight felt her climax come close, her magic pulsing around her member in a bright purple glow. The sound of a door opening snapped Twilight out of her trance and immediately turned to see who it was. Unfortunately the thick blue curtain kept that a secret, she figured it was Blueblood with some stupid plan to have sex with Saddle Arabia’s royalty to gain approval, she groaned and left the bathroom to put her hoof down on the matter. “It’s the middle of the night, Blueblood, we don’t need to…” Twilight quickly found out it wasn’t Blueblood that entered her room, but Queen Amira who was lounging on the bed. “Um… Hello, your majesty,” she stammered, weakly waving her hoof.

“Why… hello to you both,” the Queen teased, causing Twilight to levitate a pillow over to hide her erection. “I must admit, I thought it was magical, not a real part of you.”

“Surprise?” Twilight chuckled weakly. “M-may I ask what brings you here?”

“Well, I felt a tad… hungry and decided to see you,” Amira replied, slowly moving to Twilight gracefully.

“H-hungry? I’m sure… the King or Prince Blueblood could… sate that hunger, Your Majesty,” Twilight answered, backing away from the approaching mare.

“Unfortunately, my mate’s cock hungers for dominance at this time. It’s hard to ‘sate’ that hunger when you are ravaging a land you already own, don't you agree?” Amira cooed. Twilight backed into the wall while the Queen loomed over her.

Twilight swallowed her breath, thanking Princess Celestia that Blueblood agreed to deal with Haakim, but still unsure of her situation. “And I take it you hunger for me?”

“It’s been years since I’ve laid a hoof on a virgin, and your… performance at dinner tells a story of many lovers in your current life, thus the record remains unbroken,” Amira said, stroking the petrified mare’s mane and cheek. “But… I do tend to favor the shy and meek mares, and after the rutting you did to one of my dancers, I fear that Fresh Oasis will be out of commission for the next little while, her sisters licking your seed from her orifices. I wish to experience that, the pleasures of the youth.”

“Y-youth?” Twilight asked, her blush growing when Amira planted a faint kiss on the tip of her horn. “I'm flattered, really but-”

“I can smell you dear, you reek of many mares, yet you keep this ‘facade’ of being loyal to them. Haakim was once that, until I taught him what it was like to fully embrace your urges,” Amira exclaimed, pulling Twilight into a death grip of a hug, giggling at the feeling of Twilight’s penis trapped between the two mares. “Perhaps I should do the same for you?”

“I-uh" Twilight found herself at a loss for words as Amira held her, her face beet red. Her will to escape was possibly left inside the womb of the dancer from earlier.

“No need to be shy, especially after the show you put on for us earlier. It’s not healthy to bottle it in, my dear. Let it out,” Amira cooed, she released Twilight and walked to the bed, her tail held high to reveal her winking sex.

Twilight stared at Amira’s rump as it wiggled lusciously, the larger mare giving her a ‘come hither’ look. She knew she wasn't coming out of this and quickly made her way toward the sexy queen. “That’s right, don’t fight nature, my little filly.”

Swallowing a breath, Twilight crawled onto the bed and stuck her muzzle into Amira’s glistening muff, giving the bright pink flesh a lick. She found it slightly more bitter, but still sweet in comparison to her mares. Feeling bold, her tongue dug deeper into Amira’s pussy.

“Very good, Twilight,” Amira cooed, trembling in pleasure the unicorn was giving her. Haakim has always been a generous lover, but the Queen always loved being serviced by a younger pony. She had to admit, Twilight was almost as good as Haakim, but not quite.

While licking Amira’s cooch, Twilight’s hooves rubbed the pink flanks. Her tongue found the Queen’s hidden hood and clitoris and began sucking on it with earnest, smiling when she heard the older mare gasp.

“Full of surprises aren’t you?” Amira chuckled, rubbing herself on Twilight’s face.

Twilight paid her no mind and continued to please the Queen, her own erection throbbing hard against the bed’s silk sheets. The pressure between her legs becoming more unbearable with each lick and rub.

Amira felt Twilight become more aggressive with her tongue, pushing more of her muzzle deeper into the larger mare’s pussy. “Is somepony a little needy? Need a nice hole for you to stick your big mare dick in?”

Twilight ‘s ears twitched as she pulled away, her eyes widened as she crawled onto Amira’s backside, rubbing her cock against the pink mare’s quim. She stopped when she heard Amira giggle, giving her a confused look. “What?”

“Just admiring how much you want to fuck me, and intrigued by how you haven’t started yet,” Amira cooed. she let out a weak gasp when her comment was answered with a deep thrust of purple meat entering her snatch.

Riding on her earlier self-pleasure, Twilight kept herself on the verge of cumming, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of Amira. She kept pounding hard into the pink mare’s backside, trying to ignore the smiling Queen before her.

“You look so cute when you’re trying to hold it in, but you should just… let it go, my dear,” Amira teased, her grin grew a bit more sinister as Twilight felt the larger pony’s vaginal walls tighten, milking her dick for it’s seed unforgivably. It was far too much for the unicorn as she groaned loudly, her dick firing salvos of cum deep into Amira’s pussy.

“Oh my, you have such power in your penis, don’t you? And such volume as well,” the Queen sang as Twilight continued to fill her walls with sperm. Twilight pulled her cum-coated penis out from Amira’s entrance, uninterested in the seed that leaked from the used slit. “Are you tired already? I thought we were going all night.”

“N-no, I can keep going…” Twilight protested. She stood back up on the bed, and straddled Amira’s frontal body, locking the larger mare in a deep kiss. Despite the earlier workout, the unicorn was still hard.

Once the kiss was broken, Amira giggled. “Another reason why I love younger lovers… so eager and determined to prove themselves.” The remark made Twilight pout, sure she is in her early twenties, but she’s certain she had enough sex that she can’t be considered ‘inexperienced’ or in need to prove herself at least.

Twilight took a step back and sat down on the bed, her magic glowing as it consumed her member. Amira watched in interest as the unicorn worked her magic, only for the Queen’s eyes to widen at the sight of a much larger mare cock before her.

Mere moments ago, Twilight was barely close enough to compete with the guard, but now she managed to surpass the King’s size. Her purple cock was nearly twice as long as the unicorn’s own limbs and as thick as Haakim’s hind legs; the mere fact that this beast of a stallionhood was attached to such a petite unicorn was almost comical. Amira’s eyes were locked on the slab of meat between Twilight’s legs as the unicorn stood back behind the larger earth pony, rubbing her magically grown cock against the now tighter marehood.

“This… will be an experience, I’ve never made my dick this big before so… enjoy?” Twilight uttered, rubbing her bloated cockhead against the pink opening.

“You’ve made your penis grow before? That’s rather enlightening,” Amira giggled, rubbing herself against the purple meat.

“Well, I’ve had a few mares with your body type, and well… my dick wouldn’t be big enough for anypony twice my size, guess I channeled too much magic into my penis that made it bigger than before,” Twilight explained, pushing the head of her member into Amira’s passage.

The queen gasped, her hooves pulling at the bedspread as she felt the invader test her limits, spreading her inner walls as the thick monster pushed deeper into her body. Her eyes closed tightly, her body writhing as Twilight pushed her to the end of the tunnel.

“Goodness you’re tight, if I didn’t cum earlier, I doubt I’d be able to move at all,” Twilight groaned, pulling herself back, feeling Amira’s walls struggle to keep the unicorn inside. The grip was too much and forced the scholar to do short and shallow thrusts into the Queen, biting her lip while trying to withstand the tight warmth that consumed her member.

“So big... how can such a little filly have such a wonderful cock?” Amira moaned, thrusting her rump back into Twilight’s.

Twilight only giggled weakly, trying her hardest to pound the royal pussy of Saddle Arabia. Amira’s muff refused to give up any inch of unicorn’s purple cock, thirsty for the white cream that it releases. Her hooves gripped Amira’s backside tightly, roughly squeezing the plump rear while trying to resist the vice tight marehood.

During the coitus, Amira had turned onto her back while Twilight furiously thrusted into the pink mare, the purple fur rubbing into the Queen’s nipples. Amira leaned forward and licked Twilight’s horn, her breath teasing the nerves in the scholar’s focal point.

Amira’s tail wrapped itself around Twilight’s body, almost appearing as a scarf. She breathed in a large dose of the Queen’s scent, the unicorn relished in it. She felt her stallionhood swell within Amira’s depths, the blood rushing to her cock, she was close to cumming, but she wanted to at least get the larger mare to cum.

“Keep going, don’t ever stop,” Amira gasped, the massive mare meat within her continued to plough through her insides. She was close to her climax, she just needed a bit more. Her body tensed when Twilight laid back down on her body, the purple mare’s coat rubbing against her teats and clitoris. The sudden sensation made Amira howl in delight, spurring her climax forward into the now. Her pussy becoming slicker for the massive dick inside her.

With Amira’s signal and the sudden constriction around her member, Twilight released herself once again, flooding Amira’s pussy and womb with thick unicorn jizz. Twilight continued to send volley after volley of cum into the mare, but she felt dizzy for some reason, she tried to hold onto Amira’s body but she ultimately whited out, the last thing she saw was Amira’s concerned face when her sight faded.


Twilight awoke later in a daze, she felt tired and annoyed by how bright the room was. She leaned up to see Amira, Haakim, Blueblood, and a doctor talking near the door. “She’s awake!” Blueblood stated.

The doctor managed to keep the three royals at the door while he went to check on his patient. “Hello Twilight, how do you feel?”

“Okay, I guess? How did I get here?” Twilight asked, shaking her head.

“The Queen brought you here during the night, very worried for your health,” the doctor said, checking Twilight’s vision and heart rate.

“Wait… what happened?” Twilight asked in shock.

“It seemed you merely fainted from your brain not getting enough blood, not surprising considering what was attached to you when you came here,” he chuckled, Twilight blushed instantly and checked under her covers, finding her penis was back to normal. “I may need to ask you to never use that spell again… or at least ensure your penis never gets that big, Twilight.”

Twilight gave a weak smile and nodded. “Thanks doctor.”

The doctor completed his check and allowed Twilight’s guests to approach her. “Oh Twilight, you gave me such a scare. Are you certain you are fine?” Amira asked in a motherly tone.

“Yeah, I think so…” Twilight uttered, slumping in the hospital bed.

“I can’t say I expected it, but… while it’s not the first time a mare fainted while mating with Amira, but it was… rather amusing upon hindsight to find a mare unconscious hilt deep inside my mate with a minotaur-bull sized dick,” Haakim added, giving a weak laugh, Amira let out her own giggle while Twilight smiled at the gesture.

“Doctor, when can Twilight leave?” Blueblood asked.

“She can leave whenever, we just need her signature up at the front desk and she can do whatever she wants so long as it doesn’t involve growing her penis to a size her body can’t maintain,” the Doctor replied, looking over a clipboard on a table.

Twilight smiled and slipped out of the bed, but her thoughts were consumed by how she messed up her spell. “I’ve used that spell a lot, this is the first time I fainted from it.”

“You did say that it was the largest you’ve made it, perhaps keep it a bit smaller,” Amira suggested, giving Twilight a calm smile.

“Yes, I too would appreciate it if you could not make me look inferior to my love, nothing kills the mood more than a mare a third of my size wielding a penis larger than my own,” Haakim laughed.

“But then, why were you so stiff and leaking seed after you saw it? I could have sworn your cock was iron the way it swayed underneath you,” Amira teased, bumping her rump against her mate’s.

“That would be the Prince’s plan from earlier,” Haakim said, nudging Blueblood who blushed.

“I can’t say I didn’t anticipate it but… good show, Your Majesty,” Blueblood grumbled, pouting as his tail pinned itself against his rump.

Twilight chuckled, she signed her papers and left with Saddle Arabia’s leaders and Blueblood, to discuss the future of Saddle Arabia and Equestria as allies.


Saddle Arabia were officially allies and friends with Equestria and Celestia was greatly pleased, giving both Twilight and Blueblood a motherly hug to show her approval. While it felt great to make her mentor happy, the unicorn had another problem to resolve. She roamed the halls of Canterlot castle to find the one mare who could help her.

Twilight spotted Luna in the halls and gave a big smile as she ran towards her. “Luna, I need your help with something!”

Luna turned to see the purple mare and smile as she went to hug her mate. “Good to see you, Twilight. What do you need my help with?”

“I encountered a problem in Saddle Arabia and I need somepony to help me find a happy medium for a spell I used,” Twilight explained, leading Luna to the latter’s bedroom.

“Of course, I’d be glad to assist you,” Luna exclaimed. The two entered the Moon Princess’ bedroom and the next few hours were filled with surprised gasps and loud moans as Twilight tried to find the right size for a penis that wouldn’t end with her whiting out again and still please a mare that was much larger than the young unicorn… such as the happy Princess helping her perfect this spell.

Chapter Twenty-Five point One: Honesty... I think?

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Applejack scowled, watching Gilda and Rainbow Dash court Twilight from across the market. Today was one of two days this month she would get to spend with Twilight, and Big Mac just HAD to throw his back out carrying a ton of apples the day before, forcing her to take his place at the apple stall.

“Hey Applejack, can I buy some apples?” Applejack turned to see Cheerilee with smile.

“Yeah… sure, how many?” Applejack sighed, giving the dark pink mare a glance.

“T- twelve,” Cheerilee answered, giving the cowpony a concerned look. She looked towards the town librarian talking to the local speedster and resident griffon. “I take it today was your day?”

“Eeyup, but Mac hurt himself and now I have to watch the stall today,” Applejack groaned, watching as Twilight tried to talk her way around her two herd mates.

“Oh, well not much you can do about that, I suppose,” Cheerilee said, frowning a bit. “How much time do you get with her?”

“Oh, between the other girls and the farm, a few days a month,” Applejack grumbled, putting Cheerilee’s apples in a bag and giving it to her.

The school teacher gave the cowpony a befuddled look. “Why not more? I’m sure Twilight wants to try and share as much as possible.”

“She does, but Gilda and Chrysalis like to steal her from me and Rares just because we have a job and they don’t. Twilight tries to make it up to us but sometimes… it just ain’t enough,” Applejack sighs, watching her alpha teleport away from Gilda and Rainbow towards them.

“Sorry, Applejack. Gilda and Rainbow tried to convince me to go to Cloudsdale,” Twilight said with a weak grin.

“It’s alright, sugarcube. So long as you make it,” Applejack said, nuzzling her lover.

Twilight glanced at the cart. “Big Mac hurt himself again?”

Applejack let out a grumbling “Eeyup.”

“Well, we can try and salvage this day. I’ll help you here than we can do whatever you want afterwards,” Twilight suggested, cheering her orange friend up. “Oh, hi Cheerilee, sorry I didn’t notice you.”

“It’s no problem,” Cheerilee said, hoofing Applejack the bits she owed. “Have fun girls, I wish you two the best of luck.”

Twilight and Applejack waved to the departing teacher, though the scholar felt a tinge of pain from Applejack’s melancholy. “I’m really sorry about everything so far.”

“It’s all good, Twi. What matters is that you’re here,” Applejack sighed, she turned to see Twilight sleeping next to her. “What the hey?” She looked down to see a changeling looking at her, its mouth clamped around the unicorn’s left forehoof. “Darn it Chrysalis.”

Soon a small swarm of changelings burst from the library doors and snatched Twilight, all while the cowpony tried to fight them off, only to watch her lover get abducted by the queen, Gilda and Rainbow watched the entire scene happen and ran to save Twilight from Chrysalis.

Applejack couldn’t take it anymore. She angrily packed up the stall and began her journey back to Sweet Apple Acres, her face red with rage.


“So, sorry we couldn’t… save Twilight for ya, Chrysalis turned the entire bottom of the library into a maze and we couldn’t find her,” Rainbow Dash uttered, scratching the back of her head.

“And you tryin’ to take Twi to Cloudsdale today?” The cow pony questioned.

Rainbow simply stared before sheepishly smiling. “I… I thought today was one of Twilight’s free days,” Rainbow chuckled nervously, her ear twitching slightly. “Did I hear Fluttershy needing help, I gotta go, later!”

Applejack frowned as Rainbow flew off. She turned to get ready for bed, scowling as the memory of Chrysalis stealing Twilight again flashed through her eyes. “Gosh darn it! Why? I work harder than anyone else in this town, ain’t I allowed a day to myself?”

“Who are you talking to, Applejack?” Applebloom asked, yawning as she walked by.

Applejack didn’t answer, instead she washed up and returned her room. “Stupid Chrysalis and her stupid hive, stupid Gilda and Rainbow and their free time, stupid Pinkie and her pinkie sense of knowing when Twilight ain’t harassed. When’s my time?”

“Having problems, deary?” Applejack turned to see Granny Smith walking into her room.

“It’s nothin’, Granny. Just a bad day,” Applejack uttered, sitting on her bed.

“Well, back in my day, when we had stallion trouble, we just grabbed him; that’s how I met your grandpappy. I saw him talking to three other mares and I said ‘dog gone it, that there is a swell stud’, and I took him to the barn and spent a month making your papa,” Granny said with a happy coo. “My, but have things changed, thank goodness we got strange dickmares like Twilight to keep the traditions strong.”

“The tradition of rutting her until we swell up with foals?” Applejack asked.

“Well, kind of that, but I mean the tradition of herds!” Granny exclaimed. “I remember that we’d compete and try and steal our stud from each other, and start rutting until the cows came home… or until one of the mares finds ya and steals him back, nothing worse than finding your stallion getting dragged away from you just before reaching the best part, am I right?”

“I… I guess,” Applejack said, feeling uncomfortable talking to her granny about her herd life with Twilight.

“What I’m saying is, if the girls won’t play nice, why should you? All's fair in the war of love!” Granny announced, hopping off of her granddaughter’s bed and heading out the door. “Just don’t bring her to the farm house, Applebloom wants to bring her friends over for their crusadin’.”

It took Applejack a moment to register that Granny Smith had just tried to encourage her to take Twilight by force, but she was right. Very few of the herd played to Twilight’s rules and stole her time, keeping the cowpony from having her because Chrysalis either had her bound in that cement-like mucus or somepony locked Twilight in her bedroom and put a magic dampener on her to keep her from escaping.

But Applejack almost thought Twilight may have just given up. Sure, she punished them but they just brush it off like it was nothing and keep doing it. Maybe Granny was right, she might be in the herd, but she must still fight to get the mare regardless.

She walked to her closet and checked its contents, gazing upon the Mare-Do-Well costume Rarity made for her.


Despite Chrysalis foalnapping her again to nurture her young, Twilight felt guilty that she couldn’t meet up with Applejack. True, she turned every Chrysalis day into Applejack or Rarity days on her calender, but she felt it wasn’t enough and had decided to find the cowpony to apologize and spend the day with her. Pinkie was currently with Twilight, and she was a bit annoyed when Twilight wanted to visit Applejack, but her mood switched when she heard what happened the day before.

As they approached Sweet Apple Acres, Gilda and Rainbow landing in front of them. “Sup, Twi. Chrysalis didn’t mess you up too much, right?” Rainbow asked, giving Twilight a hopeful smile.

“I… survived, but yesterday was Applejack’s day to spend with me, and I feel guilty about it, so I wanna apologize and tell her that all of Chrysalis’ days are hers before Pinkie and I start our date,” Twilight explained. “That means no surprise trips to Cloudsdale.”

“Oh come on, Applejack is probably working,” Gilda scoffed, wrapping a limb around Twilight. “And Pinkie usually shares.”

“Actually, I wanna be selfish today and keep Twilight all to myself, maybe next time girls,” Pinkie said with a bright smile. Her smile faded when her tail began to twitch. “Uh oh, twitchy tail; TWITCHY TAIL!”

They searched the sky for any falling objects, only to see a small white ball to land before them and a large cloud of white smoke covered the area, causing the ponies and griffon to cough.

Once the cloud dispersed, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Gilda looked around to see that Twilight had disappeared. “What? Who? How?”

“I bet this was Trixie’s fault, she’s the only one that has smoke bombs,” Gilda grumbled, cracking her knuckles.

“Yeah, this isn’t HER day! Let’s go, G!” Rainbow announced, the two flyers speeding away to give Trixie a stern talking to.

Pinkie however, stayed behind to stare at the remains of the smoke bomb. Her curious look having faded in favor of a grim frown. “Applejack…” was all she said before stalking forward.


Twilight awoke in a dark room. In the midst of the confusion, she would have to guess that she was knocked out and carried somewhere, but to where… the scholar didn’t know. She tried to move but her limbs were tied to her body by thick rope. “Hello?” Twilight called out, looking for her captor.

A candle lit, causing Twilight to turn to see a mare dressed like the superhero, Mare-Do-Well. The purple mare could only groan in annoyance. “Really, Rarity? Can’t I go one week without getting foalnapped by somepony?”

The masked mare pulled up her mask and gazed into Twilight’s eyes. “Hey, Sugarcube.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Applejack? Wow, I… didn’t expect you to be my foalnapper? Is this about yesterday? I’m really sorry about that, also Friday became your day with me. I know Chrysalis just wants her hive to flourish, but it’s still no excuse to-” The unicorn was interrupted by the cowpony’s lips and invading tongue, quickly pinning her to the solid ground. After a minute, the kiss broke and they were both panting. “A-Applejack? Where are we?”

“Don’t you worry about that now, sugarcube…” Applejack chuckled, turning around with tailed raised and showed off opening between the legs, revealing her moist pussy. “I’ll take care of it all, but first.”

Twilight watched curiously as Applejack dug into what sounded like a crate as she pulled out an amber bottle, the mere sight made the purple mare feel thirsty.

“Care for a drink?” Applejack asked, placing the bottle in front of her mate.

Twilight let out a light chuckle. “Gotta admit, despite the dark room… still the most pleasant foalnapping I’ve experienced.” She levitated the bottle and opened it with her magic, placing tip to her lips.

Applejack’s smile grew as the juice flowed into Twilight’s mouth. “Don’t be shy, Twi. Drink it all down.”

Twilight stopped drinking when she heard that and looked down to the bottle. “This juice… you spiked it so it would keep me from casting spells, didn’t it?”

Hearing that Twilight figured it out, Applejack’s face went red with embarrassment. “I-uh… well, not exactly…”

“Applejack, this is not the first time somepony tried to keep me from my magic with drugged juice. Did Chrysalis really put you in that much of a bad mood yesterday?”

“THERE YOU ARE!” Twilight and Applejack turned to see Pinkie looking down from the cellar doors. “I knew I’d find you here, today is my day with Twily!”

“I didn’t get my day, so today is mine!” Applejack scowled, throwing Twilight onto her back and charging past the pink mare, causing Pinkie to fall on her butt and bounce down the rest of the stairs.

“Applejack…” Twilight scowled. Not getting a reaction from the cowpony prompted the unicorn to try and use magic to stop her, only to feel it fizzle out and do nothing. “How much did you use in that juice?”

“Enough to stop even Celestia from using magic for a day,” Applejack finally replied, continuing to run from Pinkie with her catch.

“How?” Twilight uttered, a little fearful of what her orange friend was capable.

They stopped at the schoolhouse, Applejack tossing Twilight inside and locking the door behind her. “Alright, finally…”

“Applejack?” Twilight uttered, her face glowing red as the cowpony slowly approached her.

“Don’t you fret none, Twi. I’ll be gentle,” Applejack cooed, straddling her marefriend and kissing her neck.

“A-Applejack, stop please,” Twilight gasped, feeling her traitorous member sliding along the cloth of Applejack’s inner thigh.

“I can feel you growing, Twi. You must really want a piece of this,” Applejack giggled, planting kisses along Twilight and sucking her horn lightly. “Just as much as I wanted a piece of you.”

“APPLEJACK!” Twilight moaned, trying to push the stronger mare off her. “Cheerilee is at her desk!”

Applejack immediately stopped and turned to see Cheerilee watching them from her desk. The cerise mare’s pen dangling from her mouth, her expression of shock and embarrassment making the situation worse for Applejack. “S-Sorry Cheerilee, I thought you weren’t here.”

“I-it’s okay… could you… take that somewhere else? I’m grading right now,” Cheerilee asked, trying to keep her mind from descending to the gutter.

“Y-yeah, of course,” Applejack uttered, pulling Twilight back onto her back, she unlocked the door and ran out, leaving Cheerilee to contemplate what she had just seen.

At the local cafe, Roseluck and Berry Punch were hanging out, simply chatting about their friends and the wackiness of Ponyville. “So Minuette is really like that? I had no idea.”

“Yeah, it’s so weird. She should really just take a chapter from Twilight’s book, but she is pretty magical with her mouth,” Berry joked, unintentionally making Roseluck blush.

“Well, I guess some ponies are just like that,” Roseluck muttered. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Applejack, dressed like Mare-Do-Well, race around the cafe with Twilight on her back. “What?”

“Speaking of weird Ponyville stuff, wonder what’s going on with that mess of a herd,” Berry said, sipping her tea.

Despite the few ponies that did see her, Applejack ran as fast as she could, trying to keep Twilight on her back as she approached Rarity’s boutique. She kicked the door open and stormed in. “Rarity! I need to borrow your basement for a few hours!”

They heard no answer and Applejack grinned, heading to the basement. “Do we really have to do this?” Twilight asked.

“Of course we do, now shut up and don’t ruin the mood,” the cowpony ordered, trotting down the stairs. The face of both mares fell when they saw Rarity in the middle of the room.

The fashionista looked to be in a very uncomfortable position, her rump directly above her head and her fore limbs holding her hind legs. She wore a purple leotard that covered her main body. “May I help you two?”

Applejack wasn’t sure what she was looking at but Twilight found it rather appealing. “Are you… practicing yoga?”

“Yes, darling. I felt that I should allow for some sort of difference compared to my current rivals and friends, don’t you agree?” Rarity asked, returning to normal and stretching her hind leg high.

Twilight could only blush as she gazed upon Rarity’s elastic figure, the form fitting spandex clinging to the fashionista’s form tightly, the faint sight of Rarity’s marehood visible through the tights.

Applejack felt Twilight’s dick push against her back. “This actually turns you on?”

“Uh-well, being flexible has its merits,” Twilight tried to explain. “New sexual positions without the need for magic, better control over one’s own magic... Maybe I should take up yoga?”

“I could help you, darling,” Rarity added, pulling her hind legs above her head and locking them.

“Thatwouldbelovely,” Twilight uttered, with a heavy blush on her face.

“Gosh darn it!” Applejack cried out, running out of the basement. Despite only started running, the cowpony was forced to skid to a halt when she saw an angry Pinkie Pie at the door with a pair of oversized balloon-print bandages on her flank.

“Today… is Pinkie’s day...” Pinkie uttered coldly before charging her.

“This is why I set up the schedules, to keep stuff like this from happening,” Twilight pouted as Applejack weaved around Pinkie’s attacks. All things considered, the scholar was rather calm as her foalnapper continued to evade today’s date. She tried to roll off Applejack’s back but the apple farmer shifted to keep her on.

“Drat, I need to lose Pinkie… but how?” Applejack muttered to herself.

“Pinkie is Pinkie, you’re not going to escape her, remember when Rainbow pranked her really bad that got her in trouble with myself AND the Cakes? She hunted Rainbow for a week, pranking her until Rainbow cried Uncle,” Twilight added, frowning from atop the Apple farmer, testing her magic again to find it was still sealed.

Applejack grit her teeth until she got an idea. “Lyra’s having a party today!” She cried out, hoping to catch her pink friend off guard.

Pinkie skidded to a halt and turned back around to find Lyra, leaving Applejack and Twilight alone. “Okay, that’s just mean.”

“No different from what everypony else is doing,” Applejack muttered, turning back find a new hiding spot for herself and Twilight.

A shadow flew past the two, causing Applejack to curse as several changelings landed before her. “No, you tell your Queen that today is mine!”

The changelings didn’t listen, instead they sprung forward, trying to snatch the purple mare for their queen. Fortunately, Applejack was quicker, leaping over the first two and bucking the third across the street before springing away. “Only one place that’s safe for us.”

“What now?” Twilight asked, twisting her head to see the Everfree Forest looming ahead. “Are you nuts?”

“Don’t you go in here all the time?” Applejack questioned in the midst of her run.

“Yes, but I follow the path. There is no path there!” Twilight cried out, screaming when the cowpony leaped into the forest, the changelings stopped before the treeline, skittering about in concern and fear.

Slowing down within a small clearing, Applejack turned to hear only the sounds of the forest. “I-I did it! I won!”

“You won? Is that why you girls always try to foalnap me on days that don’t belong to you? It’s all a game?” Twilight snapped angrily, finding that the orange mare wasn’t paying attention as she slid off her back and hitting the ground.

“I’m… not a hundred percent sure on that one, but I still did it!” Applejack cried out joyously. “Suck on them apples, Chrysalis, Gilda, and Rainbow!”

Twilight could only lie on the ground as she watched her mare celebrate her unknown victory. The unicorn rolled her eyes playfully, feeling a bit happy for the cowpony.

Victory was cut short when they heard a deafening roar close by. They slowly turned to see a dark beastly creature stalking towards them. Applejack didn’t waste anytime grabbing Twilight and running from the dark creature. A horrid growl and the shaking of the earth alerting them that they’re being chased.

Twilight was treated with the view of a Manticore chasing them, her legs bound and her horn was still sealed by Applejack’s drug, completely helpless. “Applejack?”

“A bit busy, Twi,” Applejack said, pushing her body to escape the beast behind her.

During their escape, the earth gave in, causing Applejack and Twilight to fall into a ravine. The two mares tumbling down until reaching the hoof deep pool below.

Applejack was the first to recover, groggily standing up to take in her surroundings, she and her mate were surrounded by walls of dirt and stone. She looked to where they fell from to find it was far too steep to climb. She then turned to Twilight, who was dazed from the fall. “Twi, you okay?”

“Yeah… I think so,” Twilight groaned, unable to hold her head to keep the cave from spinning. Ultimately, the unicorn was forced to fall back into the dirty water, eyes shut tightly. “My head is killing me though.”

“W-well, don’t you worry, Twi. I’ll get us out of this,” Applejack reassured, looking to where they entered and attempted to scale it, only to slide back down and fall on her rump. “Darn it.”

Once their surroundings had stopped spinning, Twilight glanced to Applejack futilely trying to run up the slope, only to fail. “Applejack…”

“Not now, Twi. I’m trying to save us,” Applejack grunted, falling back down from her ascent.

Annoyed, Twilight tried to cast a spell, only for it to induce a rather powerful headache. “Applejack… untie me, so we can figure this out.”

“I-I think I got it, we’ll be out real soon, Twi,” Applejack stated happily, only to fail once again.

“APPLEJACK!” Twilight screeched, glaring at the orange mare.

With a huff, Applejack turned to the unicorn. “What? Can’t you see I’m trying to save us?”

Twilight flinched slightly, seeing the bloodshot eyes of her orange mate but steeled herself for an impending lecture. “We are trapped in a damp hole in the Everfree Forest, only because you felt the need to steal me away like some of the others. I can understand where you are coming from, but to do this is not only unnecessary but the among the stupidest things anypony had done for my affection. I am bound and my magic is disabled because YOU didn’t want me to settle this.”

“But you would have-”

“Why would I use my magic to escape one of the ponies I love? That would damage our relationship and I don’t want that! Applejack, no matter what happens, I’ll always love you but this is most ridiculous thing I’ve ever encountered… and I’ve turned my cum into chocolate milk for Pinkie’s Birthday a few weeks ago.”

Applejack could only stare in shock of Twilight’s outburst, hesitantly returning to her task. “Just- don’t worry, I-I’ll fix this. Than we can go back to our day, okay?”

“And when you do, how do you think we’ll get out? You climbing out while dragging me up?” Twilight questioned, rather bitter about the situation.

“Yeah,” Applejack uttered, continuing to climb, only to fall back down.

Twilight grumbled in annoyance, testing her bindings once again, unable to loosen the ropes at all. She turned back to see the cowpony failing to make any progress, her previous attempts marked as wet hoof marks on the slope. “Applejack…”

“Not now, Twi.”

“Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It’s doing the same thing over and over again, expecting the outcome to be different. So stop being crazy and untie me so we can figure this out… together,” Twilight commanded.

Applejack stopped and slowly turned to Twilight. “I- I suppose…” She walked over and used her teeth to undo the ropes, helping Twilight onto her hooves, the unicorn nearly falling over after being unable to use her limbs for so long. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, as ridiculous as this situation is, it’s not the worst we’ve been through, right?” Twilight added, examining the slope in front of her and the pool below, grunting in annoyance when she saw no real way to escape. She looked up and sucked in air. “HELP!”

Applejack jumped at the sound and covered Twilight’s mouth with a hoof. “What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?”

“This is the most logical thing to do seeing as I can’t use magic and we can’t climb out. We need help,” Twilight stated before screaming out for aid again.

“What if you call the timberwolves or that manticore?” Applejack muttered.

“So we wait for my magic to come back? After you told me that the drug you used was enough to lock out the Princess’ magic for a full day,” Twilight said, causing Applejack to sheepishly look away. “This is our only option at this time.”

Applejack wanted to argue but her mate was right, but it didn’t mean she liked it at all, slowly walking to the pit wall as Twilight called for help.

After a few minutes of screaming, Twilight decided she should give her voice a rest and sat down in the pool beneath her. She looked to Applejack, who had curled up in the corner of the pit. “Are you okay, Applejack?”

“I’m- I’m fine, just… I’m so sorry,” the cowpony said, using the cape to blow her nose. “I didn’t want for this to happen.”

“If only I had a bit for every time I heard that one,” Twilight chuckled, sitting down next to the orange mare. “Look, don’t worry about it. If I held a grudge every time something like this happened, I wouldn’t be dating Chrysalis, Rainbow, Gilda, Pinkie, or Trixie. It’s okay… so long as it doesn't become routine.”

“But… I did this because I was so mad at them, they’re always stealing you from me,” Applejack uttered, sniffling a bit. “I know you try to stop it, but… why? Don’t you have the magic to teleport out of there.”

“Do you want to know how nearly all my interactions with Chrysalis are?” Twilight asked. “If I’m not moaning from the constant stimulation, then I’m berating Chrysalis and scolding her for stealing me from somepony. She has some special goo that keeps me from using magic so that’s all I CAN do; yell at her for being greedy. Chrysalis doesn’t care but… her-our children seem to be scared of it, giving me worried looks while Chrysalis milks me. At the end of every session, her hive helps me back up the stairs, wanting me to forgive Chrysalis for… trying to provide for her hive again.”

“And you forgive her?” Applejack asked.

“If I didn’t, I would’ve told her to leave a long time ago,” Twilight replied, wrapping a hoof around Applejack. “We all make mistakes; I know I have… plenty. We just need to learn from it… or try to.”

Applejack stared at her reflection in the water beneath her, before sniffling again. “I’m so sorry, Twi. I just wanted it to be my turn. Watching Gilda and Rainbow flirt with you and Chrysalis foalnapping you, it hurts to see. All those two featherheads do is fly around and race and Chrysalis does everything in her power to be constantly pregnant. I’m trying to run a farm with my family; ain’t I allowed to be selfish sometimes?”

“It’s okay, I understand,” Twilight said softly, holding Applejack and kissing her forehead.

“I just want a day… for me, a day where I don’t wanna have to worry about the farm, a day where I can just relax with the father of my foal, a day to… be me. I love Sweet Apples Acres with all my heart, but even I can get sick of bucking apples, selling apples, and even eating apples everyday, just because it’s my cutie mark, don’t mean it’s my entire life, it’s the thing I’m best at, my defining feature, it doesn’t make it my only thing. Look at Pinkie, her talent is making parties to cheer ponies up, if that’s the case then… why is she so good at baking? Or you, your special talent is magic, so why are you so good at reading and being a librarian? That ain’t magic, it’s just another thing that makes you you, so why can’t I have a thing that isn’t farm related?” Applejack asked, snuggling into Twilight’s embrace.

Twilight remained quiet, stroking Applejack's mane as she vented.

“Why do Gilda, and Rainbow always try to steal you from me? Can’t they just listen and leave you be for one day? And why can’t Chrysalis keep her hind legs together for one day to let you spend some time with your herd? This would’ve never happened if they didn’t try to steal you yesterday and just let us be together for a day. I’d be on the orchard thinking about yesterday and you’d be having a fun time with Pinkie, not stuck in some stupid pit in the middle of the Everfree Forest, waiting for rescue or some hungry beast to find us. Why can’t things just… go the way they were planned?”

Twilight looked up to the hole. “I don’t know, AJ. We should ask Discord about that later.”

They sat in silence, until Applejack finally said. “I didn’t mean for this to happen, I’m so sorry, Twilight.”

“It’s okay, Applejack. I’m sure we’ll be out soon,” Twilight soothed, nuzzling her mate. A growl took their attention and turned up to see the manticore looking down upon them.

The red beast let out a loud roar and slammed its paws into the earth, scaring both mares. Applejack and Twilight could only stare in horror as the scorp-lion searched around the hole before looking back down to them.

Then small pink and yellow forms appeared. “Oh there you two are! We’ve been looking everywhere for you two!” Pinkie called out.

“Pinkie! Fluttershy!” the trapped mares exclaimed, untangling each other and running to the slope.

“Gilda and Rainbow are almost here, just hold on tightly, Mr. Bugsy will make sure you’re safe!” Fluttershy called out, the two mares disappearing again.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, the manticore is friendly. That’s good to know.”

Applejack nodded but frowned slightly. “What made it chase us in the first place though?”

Soon Gilda and Rainbow swooped down to grab them, Gilda taking Twilight while Rainbow held Applejack, lifting them up to safety. Fluttershy and Pinkie had towels in their hooves, hastily drying their coats. “Thank you girls, I was expecting to be down there for a lot longer,” Twilight chuckled.

Gilda turned to glare at Applejack. “What were you thinking? You foalnapped Twilight, take her to what I’ve been told to be the most dangerous place in Equestria and get trapped in a hole? We could have been searching for HOURS if Fluttershy’s pet manticore didn’t have your scents!”

Applejack flinched from the griffon's harsh tone. “Look Gilda, I-”

“No, it was your bright idea to take OUR alpha to this stupid place in the first p-”

“Gilda!” Twilight shouted, staring the griffon down. “This wouldn’t have happened if SOMEponies, griffons, and changelings, didn’t try to deviate from the schedule and drove Applejack to resorting to drastic actions! And in that hole, listening to Applejack explaining herself and apologizing for getting us in there, I’ve had some time to think. I think the punishment isn’t all that dire so… I have something new to share. Pinkie, could you push Rainbow closer to Gilda?”

Pinkie nodded and pushed the blue pegasus right along side her golden friend. “Why me?”

“You are another reason why this happened, now…” Twilight uttered, clearing her throat. “You steal somepony’s day, they takes yours… minor offense, but you will also have to do a portion of whatever they feel needs done and know you can do. You take Applejack’s time, expect to be spending your next day on Sweet Apple Acres, bucking apples while Applejack gets some time with me. You take from Pinkie? Start baking or making parties. Steal from Fluttershy? I hope you’re good with animals. This goes for Chrysalis as well, and I will make that apparent to her when I get back to the library later. Are we clear?”

Rainbow and Gilda nodded feverishly. Pinkie then began rubbing her chin. “Would that mean that today… Applejack would have to go baking for the rest of the day?”

Twilight and Applejack looked up to see the sky had become orange, signalling the end of the day. “It might be a bit late but… I don’t actually see why not.”

Applejack’s eyes widened in shock. “But- yesterday-”

“And I told you, Friday is now your day with me… and since this is happening now, Chrysalis will be on the farm that day. She’s proved before she can move and act rather easily while pregnant so this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Sorry that today isn’t what you expected it to be but… I need to show that the rules must be followed,” Twilight said sheepishly.

Applejack was hurt by this but she smiled regardless. “I understand, Sugarcube. Especially after what had happened already today. I guess… but can I go take a quick shower before I head to Sugarcube Corner?”

The girls began laughing at this exchange, glad that the conflict was resolved as they went about the remainder of the day.


Chrysalis growled as she slammed her hind hooves into another Apple tree, gathering each apple with her magic before moving on to the next tree, crushing a few of the red fruits by accident as she moved to the next tree.

From a distance, Twilight and Applejack glanced back to giggle. “I’m so gonna get it when it’s her turn again,” Twilight said, nuzzling her orange mate.

“I bet, she looks about as angry as a bull in a red glass shop,” Applejack chuckled, pulling out a pear form their picnic basket.

“A pear? Really, Applejack? How… DARING.” Twilight joked, arching a brow at Applejack’s chosen snack.

“Apples may be a big thing to me, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing, sugarcube,” Applejack stated, taking a bite out of the bright green fruit.

The two laughed as a small glint appeared within Twilight’s eye, an orange apple appearing for a split second before vanishing.

Chapter Twenty-Five point Two: I think He's trying to be Nice...

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It was early afternoon when Fluttershy and her daughter, Miracle Gale, went into the marketplace to purchase groceries. The pegasus foal was riding in a small carrier on her mother’s side, taking in the sight of so many ponies around the two.

It wasn’t uncommon for Fluttershy to be stopped so that somepony could congratulate her and admire Gale, oblivious to the foal’s discomfort around so many ponies, causing Fluttershy to politely leave them to return to her task.

During Fluttershy’s effort to acquire food, she was approached by Nurse Redheart, who lacked her usual nurse’s cap. “Why hello, Fluttershy. How are you?”

Fluttershy slowly turned to Redheart with a nervous smile. “G-good afternoon Nurse Redheart. It’s nice to see you again.”

“You don’t have to be so shy around me, I did help deliver your child. Speaking of which, how is the little angel?” Redheart asked, turning to see the baby blue foal huddled under her mother’s wing. “Aww, how precious.”

Fluttershy smiled, watching Redheart admire her bundle of joy. “She really is Mommy’s little miracle.”

“I’ll say. How has motherhood been treating you? Must be tough with the father being dragged around to service others,” Redheart questioned, turning her attention to the yellow mare.

“Well, when I accepted Twilight and joined her, I knew what I was getting in to… kinda. It’s still a little crazy on the whole schedule thing,” Fluttershy replied, purchasing a small bag of baby carrots.

“Schedule? Like you girls have appointed days?” Redheart asked.

Fluttershy nodded. “Twilight is trying to make sure everyone gets the same amount of time.”

Redheart nodded her head knowingly. “And whose’ day is it today?”

“Well, originally it was mine but Fleur said she needed Twilight to help her find baby clothes for her own foal, so we traded days, now I’m with Twilight this upcoming Wednesday,” Fluttershy said happily, thanking the vendor before leaving with her purchase. Nurse Redheart following along. “I really don’t mind, I had to get groceries anyways and I didn’t want to burden Zecora or Pinkie with it, especially not Applejack since she’s expecting as well.”

It was then, Rainbow Dash swooped down with a pained look on her face. “H-Hey Fluttershy…”

“Oh, hello Rainbow, How are you?” The caretaker greeted happily.

“So… the Wonderbolts are coming to town this Wednesday and it’s the only day they perform before going to Manehatten, so I was wondering if I can trade you my Next Sunday Twi Day for your Wednesday,” Rainbow said, looking rather guilty.

“Oh…” Fluttershy uttered, she didn’t quite like the idea and both Redheart and Rainbow knew it. “It’s okay, it’s not everyday that the Wonderbolts come by Ponyville, I hope you and Twilight have a good time.”

Rainbow stood there with a surprised look. “Are you sure? Like a hundred percent positive?” Fluttershy merely nodded with a smile. She was soon swept up by a tight hug from her prismatic friend. “You’re the best, Shy, later!” And then Rainbow flew off.

Red Heart turned to Fluttershy with a confused expression. “When was the last time you had anytime with Twilight?”

“Um… a month? I know it was a Tuesday,” Fluttershy murmured, thinking carefully on the question. “I know it was before Applejack foalnapped Twilight for the first time, it’s… actually really hard to do that.”

Redheart just stared, not sure if she should be surprised by Fluttershy having gone a month without some quality time with her mate or that Twilight’s herd had turned foalnapping their Alpha into a sport. “Maybe you should take this up with Twilight? Or maybe her mother? I’ve had a small talk with her and she’s probably the one mare that could straighten them all out if Twilight couldn’t.”

“Oh I wouldn’t want to bother either of them, Twilight has so much to do already, with Chrysalis’ hive, her studies, Miracle Gale, Applejack and Fleur’s upcoming pregnancies, tutoring Dinky, worrying about how Spike is doing, trying to perfect a spell to turn herself into a griffon so that Gilda can become a mommy which she said was harder to do than the time she was turned into a wolf and a bunny. She also has to deal with a rapey alter-ego, the possibility of the future might remain the same for some reason, being a pseudo goddess of fertility, incest, pedophilia was mentioned I think, bestiality… which was actually my fault now that I think about it. Oh right, I almost forgot about her new relationship with Princess Luna,” Fluttershy answered with a calm smile.

Redheart was baffled by what she heard. “That is a lot for just one pony. Ever tried to… say, help her?”

“We do… but somethings are a bit hard to deal with, especially when we’re the cause of most of them,” Fluttershy said, heading back home.

“Like the possible pedophilia?” Redheart uttered, a tinge of disgust in her tone.

“Pinkie said she’ll help with that, I was asked to help Twilight deal and possibly negate the bestiality problem that I made,” Fluttershy said with a deep blush.

“How do you get somepony into that?” Redheart questioned, taken back by this new information.

Fluttershy froze, having no desire to answer such a personal question. “Umm… I think I left my laundry on… the stove, it was nice talking to you, Ms. Heart,” she said with a scarlet face as she moved quickly out of Ponyville and back home, leaving the Nurse behind while also taking care not to hurt Miracle.

During her speed walk back home, she saw Twilight and Fleur by her door. “Fluttershy, there you are,” Twilight greeted, nuzzling her yellow lover. “I just wanted to check up on you and Miracle before going to Manehatten for foal shopping.”

“Again, I must apologize profusely for stealing Twilight from you today but it is one of the few days where it is safe for me to mate with her and when Rarity is free to help us,” Fleur added, planting a kiss on Fluttershy’s forehead.

“I… didn’t know there were safe days for pregnant mares to make love with their mate,” Fluttershy uttered distantly, meekly looking at the taller ivory mare.

“I apologize again but… a loving mate to me is a passionate lover,” Fleur added, exposing her neck, with a few hickeys.

Twilight blushed a bit and frowned as she examined her own handy work, frowning slightly when she noticed something odd. “That one isn’t mine, the rest are but that one between those two…”

“That was Rarity, you do encourage us to be friendly with our herdmates,” Fleur said, she raised her fore limb and showed off a hidden scratch. “Gilda, two weeks ago.”

Twilight could only frown. “Very well then. So long as it doesn’t get too hectic and… painful.” She walked over to Fluttershy’s side and rubbed her cheek against her daughter. “Hello Gale, I missed you.”

From her seat, Miracle giggled, her forelegs hugging Twilight’s face as it was brought to nuzzle her.

Fleur walked along side, letting out a longing sigh as a hoof reached for her distended belly. “A few more months left…” She walked over to Twilight and tried to usher her away. “I apologize, Twilight. But we must be off, we’ve agreed to meet Rarity before we embark.”

“Oh right,” Twilight said, giving Miracle a kiss on her forehead and giving Fluttershy a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy watched as Twilight and Fleur left, her smile slowly fading as they left.

“Bab bab ba…” Miracle blubbered, taking her mother from her stupor.

“Oh, I’m sorry Miracle. Let’s go inside and get these put away,” Fluttershy said happily, walking into her home.


Time for dinner had arrived in Fluttershy’s cottage, while the yellow pegasus had to feed her foal personally, Angel was asked to feed the animals with the help of Harry the bear. “Thank you so much you two for helping me,” Fluttershy said, wincing as her nursing foal bit down a little too hard.

Harry gave a salute while Angel rolled his eyes, setting a bowl of nuts down for the squirrels. The poor white lapine was annoyed by how the small pony was hogging his owner, to the point where she spent almost all her time on the small, yet loud, cretin. It’s been months since he got his special salad.

His day got worse when he saw a familiar serpentine form casually step out of a nearby teapot. “Hello Fluttershy! How’s the foal?”

Fluttershy smiled as she saw Discord recline on her sofa, his eyes seemingly disappeared. “Good to see you again, Discord. Miracle’s doing well, how are you?”

“Wonderfully,” Discord exclaimed. “That little section of the world Celestia gave me is giving me some time to be… myself, but it’s always fun to tease your ponies every once in awhile. But enough about me, where’s Twilight? I thought you two would be in the bedroom, playing all manner of explicit games while I spent time with my favorite niece.”

“Oh, Fleur asked to trade my day with her so Twilight spent the day with her,” Fluttershy answered, quivering when Miracle released her nipple.

Discord’s eyes popped out of the empty space on his face in confusion. “You traded your day away… again?”

“Yes, Fleur said that today was the most optimal day for her to have… I guess it would be rough love with Twilight with all those bite marks and scratches after they went to buy foal clothes,” Fluttershy answered, burping Miracle.

“Oh Fluttershy…” Discord groaned, slipping along side his hostess. “You are far too nice for your own good.”

“But it’s okay, isn’t it? They did need the days, just like how Rainbow Dash needed this Wednesday for the Wonderbolts show,” Fluttershy explained, she turned to see Discord’s head being pressed against his neck hole by his paw. “Discord?”

“Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy… you must be assertive, otherwise… you may not get alone time with Twilight for a year, and the fact that Twilight would allow such a thing to happen,” Discord sneered, dropping his head to the floor and letting it roll over to Miracle. “Unless of course you’ve grown tired of Twilight or maybe... Twilight has grown tired of you...”

“Oh! Of course not, I could never be tired of Twilight, and you know she's visited me everyday,” Fluttershy tried to reason, taking Discord’s head between her hooves. Behind her, Miracle and Angel were riding around on the draconequus’ back. “It’s just… I’m usually busy and, sometimes they need it.”

“And what about you?” Discord asked.

“I’m fine, really… between Miracle, my animals, and spending time with you; I…” Fluttershy stopped to think of her next statement.

Unfortunately, Discord finished for her. “You are fumbling your words, my dear.” In an instant, Discord reappeared whole, standing next to her with a talon on her back. “Worry not, I’ll handle everything. But first we need to toughen you up so that your ‘herdmates’ don’t steal anymore days from you.”

Before Fluttershy could protest, Discord placed a finger on the caretaker’s head, causing her eyes to warp into multiple colours. “Please forgive me, but it’s for the best, you see. And who else is a better teacher than experience?” Discord said, removing his finger to see the yellow pegasus’ eyes return to normal, though her body colour went a shade darker. “Go take a nap and I’ll take care of little Gale and your animals while you deal with Twilight, understood?”

“And why should I listen to you?” Fluttershy snapped, turning to face the spirit of chaos.

“Because you want what Twilight is willing to give, she won’t be back from Manehatten until tomorrow afternoon, and it’s ten at night,” Discord replied with a smirk, hovering away from Fluttershy’s ire.

“Shut up!” I’ll do whatever I want to do… and I feel sleepy, go *yay* yourself,” Fluttershy growled, heading to her room.

Discord managed to censor the disharmonized pegasus’ language before Miracle could learn a new word. “The things I do for friends, right Miracle?” He asked the foal. His reply was a soft hoof to his nose and a goofy raspberry, making him chuckle.


Fluttershy was pissed. Her entire morning was filled with her mouth muttering ‘yay’ frequently and Discord being annoying. Her so-called ‘friend’ had ushered her out of her own home and told her that her pussy stuffer was heading back with the prissy bitch and the skinny cunt. She was about ready to kick some teeth out.

She needed her Alpha to do her damn job, her pussy had been dry since a few weeks after Miracle was born. She spotted her dick walking back to the library with her two cunts, greeting another cunt.

“Hey Fluttershy!” The yellow pegasus turned to see Berry Punch greeting her.

“Drink yourself dead, I’m busy,” Fluttershy muttered, leaving Berry’s company. She glanced behind her to see the stupefied look on the purple earth pony’s face, grinning at a job well done.

Twilight turned to see Fluttershy marching towards her. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here? Where’s Miracle Gale?”

Fluttershy took Twilight’s head and forced her into a deep kiss, pushing the unicorn into the tree home. All the while; Fleur, Rarity, and Applejack just stared, their jaws collectively dropping at the sight of Fluttershy being so uncharacteristically forward. The yellow mare broke the kiss, panting as she gathered air. “I need to be *yay*ed.”

Twilight was completely dumbfounded by Fluttershy’s new attitude, until she realized the problem. “Did Discord warp your harmony again?”

“I’m not looking for questions, Twilight! I’m looking for your *yay*! Or did you forget it in Manehatten or is it lost inside one of your *yay*s?” Fluttershy snarled, pinning her lover to the tree library.

“Girls, go get Discord,” Twilight ordered. “Fluttershy seems more… aggressive than last time.”

“Got it, Twilight,” Applejack said, running to the cottage.

“I’ll take Fleur home, while you… play host to Fluttershy, I’ll see you later,” Rarity added. Fleur giving Fluttershy a disapproving look before walking away with Rarity.

Twilight turned to Fluttershy, who hadn’t moved an inch since she asked Applejack to get Discord. “Now, let’s talk about this rationally.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one? This is completely straight forward, I want to be *yay*ed, for Celestia knows what reason… you possess my favorite*yay*. Now you gonna give it to me, or am I gonna have to take it?”

Twilight remained passive, looking almost bored. “Fluttershy, just because you yell and swear and get a little violent with rape threats, doesn’t mean I’ll go through with it. So, we are going to talk like adults, okay?”

Fluttershy let out an angry cry as she forced Twilight into the library, using her hooves to pin the unicorn down as she searched for the familiar cock.

Regrettably, Twilight had her magic and easily teleported, binding the enraged pegasus with some rope Gilda had left after their last bout of rough sex. “Wanna talk now?”

“Eat me,” Fluttershy shouted, glaring at her Alpha.

“Only when you’re the Fluttershy we all know and love,” Twilight answered, taking a seat in front of the flailing pegasus. “So, would Discord disharmonizing you have anything to do with the recent… rescheduling?”

“Oh gee, I wonder, Smart One. Maybe it does,” Fluttershy spat, struggling against the rope.

“You do know it’s okay to say ‘No’ when ponies ask you. I will admit that this is also my fault for not keeping a closer eye on schedule changes and changing things around for the girls that I don’t see very often. But, I could only do so much without actually picking favorites,” Twilight explained, hanging her head a little in shame.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Oh boo hoo. We already know that the bird brain and the bug are your fav-”

“NO, it only looks like that because those two foalnap me the most, especially lately. At least Gilda feels bad about it for a bit,” Twilight raised her voice, surprising her yellow guest. “I refuse to have a favorite because that would STRONGLY imply that I love one of you more than the others and I don’t want that, I don’t want my friends or lovers to feel inferior to one of their friends because I like them more; it isn’t fair. Between my schedule and everyone’s personal schedules… Gilda and Chrysalis just have the most free time out of all of you. You are all very special to me, but I don’t want to pressure you into spending time with me over your careers and your lives. Which is why the schedule was built specifically to appease those of you that work, that have responsibilities to those you care about. But that clearly didn’t work if the recent schedules swaps and foalnappings are any indication. The only reason why the girls who don’t work have more time scheduled is because a lot of you girls work most days, which is why I’m still trying to perfect the schedule for all of you, because I love you all so very much.”

The moment Twilight finished, they heard clapping from the door. There, they saw a teary-eyed Applejack and Discord, who was applauding Twilight. “Well said, I hope you don’t mind that I made all your herd hear that, grand daughter.”

“Oh, thanks?” Twilight uttered, blushing hard.

“Do- Do you really mean all that?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

Twilight gave the caretaker a small smile. “Of course, you girls have made me the happiest mare in Equestria, I’d do anything to keep you all happy.”

Fluttershy smiled as she was slowly placed on the floor, walking over to roughly nuzzle the unicorn.

“Oops, forgot to fix Fluttershy!” Discord gasped, tapping his best friend’s head, her colours returning to normal. “Feel better?”

“A bit.. oh, I should really apologize to Berry when I get the chance. I really didn’t mean to tell her to kill herself by drinking,” Fluttershy confessed, embarrassed that she would do such a thing.

“We’ll take care of it together, Fluttershy. We’ll explain the situation and I’m sure Berry will forgive you,” Twilight reassured, hugging her yellow mate. She glanced to her schedule and saw that it was Gilda’s day. “I’m sure Gilda won’t mind.”

“I won’t mind what?” Gilda asked, walking into the library.

“I’m making today a Fluttershy day because we haven’t spent some time together in weeks,” Twilight explained sternly, knowing exactly how the griffon would react.

Gilda’s beak gaped open. “Seriously? But I- What about the favorites talk?”

“Again, I haven’t spent time with the only ‘current’ mother of the herd, and your last day with me was six days ago when you tricked Zecora into giving her day up, another mare I need to spend more time with!” Twilight berated.

“Grrr, *yay* it Discord!” Gilda growled, her eyes widening when she heard Fluttershy’s voice leave her mouth.

“Unlike Twilight, I pick favorites all the time,” Discord teased, floating out the door. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’ll watch over Miracle in your stead.”

Before he left, Fluttershy sped forward and hugged him. “Thank you so much, Discord.”

Discord was surprised but ultimately smiled, patting the animal lover’s head before vanishing completely. “Ta ta, enjoy your day.”

As Twilight and Fluttershy walked out of the library. Gilda scrambled to cut them off. “What about me? I had the whole day planned.”

“It all involved sex right? Why not just ask Dash?” Twilight asked curiously.

“She doesn’t have a dick,” Gilda groaned, crossing her arms.

Twilight gave her griffon lover a passive look. “Rainbow!” she shouted, and almost immediately, the prismatic flier appeared.

“What’s up, Twi?” Rainbow asked, floating next to Gilda.

Twilight’s horn shined as she focused her magic on a particular spell. Once charged, she shot it at Rainbow and Applejack, causing both mares to grow two healthy looking horse penises. “Problem solved Gilda. Fluttershy and I will be back in a few hours, don’t make too much of a mess.”

Gilda pouted, watching Twilight and Fluttershy leave before pulling Rainbow into the library with Applejack. The purple and yellow duo could only giggle as they went upon their day.


Two ponies watched as Twilight and Fluttershy took to their date from a large grey conference room decorated with Twilight’s cutie mark and a large screen that showed them what Twilight saw, one nearly vibrating in joy and the other was incredibly bored. Both ponies looked like Twilight, though one was a filly wearing a tiara with a starburst gem in it and the other wore a black suit with a purple tie. “Two down, Auntie Alpha! it’s really happening!”

“Oh boy, it’s happening… would be nice to be in the loop about what is happening," Juliet yawned, finding that every second that wasn’t spent fucking something to be boring and tiring.

“Sorry Auntie, it’s a surprise! Don’t you like surprises?” Magic asked, her eyes glowing bright pink.

“I like to surprise others, not being surprised,” Juliet responded, trying to busy herself with her own thoughts of Fluttershy’s orgasm face. “Care to call me when we’re making love to Fluttershy?”

“Okie dokie!” Magic said, saluting Alpha as she left. The filly turned to the screen and sighed. “Almost there, just three more until destiny beckons.”

Chapter Twenty-Five point Three: Is this Loyalty?

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“Oh this is so awesome, it’s been forever since we’ve been to a Wonderbolt show!” Rainbow said excitedly, nearly vibrating with happiness.

Before her was the Wonderbolt Flying Stadium, a large cloud building made special for non-pegasus towns that weren’t large enough to have flashy places for Equestria’s Best Fliers like Canterlot and Manehatten. Rainbow and Twilight watched as the giant cloud structure was pulled into position by several pegasi.

“Wasn’t the last one where Spitfire and us had sex?” Twilight asked, sharing in Rainbow’s mirth.

“That was your last show, my last show was a few months ago with Gilda,” Rainbow stated with a smirk. “This time, we’re gonna watch awesome aerobatics! Then engage on a few of our own…” Rainbow cooed, pulling her Alpha closer to her body. “Minus the booze.”

“I figured that last part was a given,” Twilight added seductively, her tail brushing across Rainbow’s flank while the blue mare’s wing caressed her back. “I’m honestly surprised you didn’t invite Gilda to join us.”

“Gilda gets you enough as it is, and it’s her day tomorrow so whatever. Today is gonna be awesome,” Rainbow cheered. The stadium stopped, the pegasi in charge of the set up pulling out a large white wooden staircase for their non-airborne guests. Ponies of all races forming a line and walking up with their tickets in their mouths or magical grips.

Twilight gave the staircase a long look, impressed by it’s rather flashy yet simple look. “Amazing what a pony could do with Skylumber, but isn’t it brittle and weak?” she asked.

“There’s a reason why we make our homes out of clouds, Twilight. Skylumber is just… useless without any support. Which is they brought in some Oak to keep it from breaking under a pony’s hooves, or butt,” Rainbow replied, as the line moved them forward.

They presented their tickets and entered, finding their seat relatively close to the center of the stadium. “Wow, these are pretty good seats,” Twilight said excitedly.

“Of course, who could get any less?” Rainbow stated proudly, giggling when her unicorn friend poked her puffed up front.

“Goodness, I almost thought you were Trixie, despite the lack of desire to be controlled and punished,” Twilight joked, earning a pout form her blue friend.

“I wore a collar a few times, I’m too awesome to be controll- Eeep!” Rainbow choked on her words as something slippery slid across her pussy. She turned to Twilight to see her horn glowing.

Twilight merely grinned. “You were saying?”

“I’ll get you back for that,” Rainbow smirked, bumping the unicorn’s rump with her own as they got ready for the Wonderbolt show of their lives.


“That… was so indescribably AWESOME!” Rainbow shouted, nearly vibrating in excitement. “I- I gotta try some of those moves out, myself. They were too cool NOT to.”

“I’m not so sure, they looked pretty dangerous. Soarin looked like he hurt his wing stabilizing himself after that last free fall,” Twilight added. The two were leaving the stadium after two hours of the Wonderbolts showing Ponyville why they were among the top fliers of the world.

“Maybe he shouldn’t eat so many pies,” Rainbow chuckled, nudging the unicorn’s sides. “Get it?”

“No, I don’t,” Twilight said with a straight face, though not exactly caring regardless. “But it was definitely a good show.”

“Rainbow? Twilight?” The mares turned to see Spitfire walking up to them. “Nice seeing you two again.”

“S’up, Spitz. Awesome show,” Rainbow greeted, hovering in the air with her fore hooves crossed behind her head.

“We fuck once and now a nickname? You move quick, kid,” Spitfire joked. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh.

“She’s… started to pace herself a bit these days,” Twilight added, still giggling.

“Good, there are plenty of times where speed can be a bad thing,” Spitfire continued, watching Rainbow’s face burn red.

“Hey, take that back. I didn’t fire off immediately, I have some endurance,” the speedster pouted, crossing her hooves in irritation.

“I’m joking, it’s all cool,” Spitfire said, turning back to Twilight. “As as much as I want another turn on you. I wanna ask Rainbow something, and no… it’s not about sharing.”

Twilight’s eyes widened at the remark. “Wait, a proposal… that doesn’t involve me having sex with somepony? I- I need to mark my calendar. “

“I’m not a sex deviant, I just enjoy having a good time,” Spitfire said, turning back to the blue pegasus. “Speaking of which, I wanna know if you would wanna take to the skies with Fleetfoot, Soarin, and me on the weekend.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped, she struggled to find words. “I- uh- Of co-YES!” She screamed, dancing happily in the air. Though Twilight wasn’t as jovial.

“Awesome, we’ll meet up on Saturday at that little cafe near town square, have lunch, then head out to the stadium to fly. That cool with you?” Spitfire asked, noticing that Rainbow was too busy cheering and dancing to hear her.

“I’ll let her know when she’s done,” Twilight answered the Wonderbolt.

“Sweet, if you want…. you can come by later tonight if you’re free,” the orange mare said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“I’ll have to pass. Herd you know?” Twilight chuckled nervously, Spitfire gave her a knowing nod and flew back to the stadium. The scholar glanced up to Rainbow, still dancing, and used her magic to bring her down to earth. “Rainbow; Saturday, the cafe, before noon for lunch then flying at the stadium.”

“Got it,” Rainbow giggled like a filly, still cheering her good luck.

“So… what about Scootaloo, whom you offered to help tutor her in flying… on Saturday, at noon to have lunch?” Twilight questioned, watching her marefriend’s face go from happiness to fear.

“Scootaloo! I completely forgot! Why didn’t you remind me?” Rainbow shouted, shaking Twilight.

“You blocked everything out and still began cheering because of your free time with the Wonderbolts. So I ask you again, what about Scootaloo?”

Rainbow twiddled her hooves nervously. “Maybe… I let her down gently, than we’ll do it on Sunday?”

“She has a date with Sweetie Belle that day,” Twilight stated blankly.

“How do you know so much about other ponies schedules?” Rainbow asked with a confused expression.

“Scootaloo asked me a few days ago where she could go for a date. I just told her that a Moving Picture and a meal would be fine for their age.”

“Next Weekend?”

Twilight gave Rainbow a stern glare. “Are you really going to do that to your ‘Number One Fan’?”

“Stop guilting me!” Rainbow growled, speeding off to clear her head. Twilight merely stood there for a moment, waiting for Rainbow to fly back to her. A blue blur approaching her quickly. “Can we move dinner and sex to ten-ish? I got things to think about.”

“Of course, take your time,” Twilight said, nodding her approval as Rainbow flew away again.


The next day, Rainbow resolved to break the bad news to Scootaloo. She really didn’t want to hurt the little filly but she could tutor her any day, she had very limited chances to fly with her heroes as they traveled all over Equestria.

She flew across Ponyville to find the orange filly, trying the school first. Groaning in annoyance when she didn’t see her, only Cheerilee writing up a lesson plan. Her next stop was the clubhouse, which proved to be better luck there.

Appelbloom saw her first and directed Scootaloo, the orange filly’s face beaming when she saw her idol land near the clubhouse. “Rainbow Dash! What’s up! You practicing any new moves?”

Rainbow grinned nervously, rubbing her fore leg. “Yeah… you could say that.”

“I’m so excited about this weekend! Not only do we get to fly but after that I get to go on my first date! It’ll be so awesome, like twenty percent awesome,” Scootaloo beamed.

“Why do ponies keep saying that around me?” Rainbow asked, annoyed by the multiple ponies saying ‘twenty percent’. “Anyways, I got some… news.”

“What is it? Is it about the Wonderbolts? Were they awesome? I had to do my homework so I couldn’t get to see them but I bet it was soo cool!” Scootaloo said excitedly, bouncing in front of Rainbow Dash.

“Sorta yeah, they’re pretty cool. But that’s not the-” Rainbow stopped, she made a fatal flaw in looking Scootaloo in the eyes, the bright purple eyes shining in awe of her hero. “I-I have to- I have to go, later Scootaloo!”

Applebloom and Scootaloo could only watch as Rainbow flew away, faster than they’ve ever seen before. “Wow, she’s so fast,” Scootaloo gushed, watching the rainbow trail fade away.

“But why’d she run?” Applebloom questioned, confused by the older mare’s actions.

“I dunno, but she was still awesome,” Scootaloo cheered.

With Rainbow Dash, she was pacing on a cloud, cursing herself for chickening out. “Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why the heck did I chicken out? It’s just the squirt. I’m sure she’d understand, right? Not like she was looking forward to the best weekend of her young life.”

“What’s eatin’ you?” Gilda asked, landing on the cloud, catching Rainbow by surprise.

“Don’t you have a unicorn to do stuff with?” Rainbow spat, wanting to be alone.

“Yeah, but I saw you being broody and decided to try and help,” Gilda explained. “You know, friendship lessons and all that?”

“I’m not broody, I just have a lot on my mind,” Rainbow pouted, facing away from her feathered friend.

“So… If I ask Twilight, do you think she’ll know? You two did hang out yesterday,” Gilda smirked, catching the sight of Rainbow snapping to attention, glaring at her. “Spill it and I’ll leave you alone.”

“You're just doing this to get on Twi’s good side,” Rainbow snorted, turning away from Gilda again.

“So… I need Twilight’s ‘okay’ to help my friend from Flight Camp, is that what you’re saying? Even from you that’s a load of crap,” Gilda growled, annoyed by her friend’s stubbornness. “Do I look like Chrysalis or Trixie to you?”

“Didn’t you call me a flip-flop before you left?”

“Didn’t I come back to let bygones be bygones without the knowledge of your purple friend having a purple dick?”

Rainbow groaned, unable to retort. “Okay, I… agreed to go flying with the Wonderbolts on the weekend.”

“Don’t you have flying lessons with Scootaloo?”

“How do you know that?” Rainbow asked.

“I was there with Twilight when Scootaloo asked her about places to take Sweetie Belle for their date,” Gilda replied. “And… Fleur and Pinkie were there so they know as well.”

“Joy…” Rainbow groaned, falling onto her back.

Gilda scratched her beak in thought. “Why not just take Scootaloo with you? Aren’t they heroes to your pegasi foals?”

“Because they’re awesome flyers and Scootaloo can barely hover, she has gliding down I guess but she’d be holding us all back,” Rainbow sighed, looking up at the sky. “I don’t want to disappoint my heroes but… I don’t want to hurt Scootaloo.”

Gilda slowly nodded her head, understanding Rainbow’s plight. “Yeah, it’d be hard to fly with the best if you can’t fly at all. Well, I’m gonna go get plowed by our Alpha, enjoy your… brooding.”

“It’s not brooding,” Rainbow pouted again.

Gilda let out a chuckle as she left Rainbow alone, only to see Twilight directly under their cloud, the unicorn slightly miffed. “How much did you hear?” Gilda asked, not wanting Rainbow to find out.

“Enough that we have something to do before you get ‘plowed’,” Twilight added, motioning Gilda to follow her as the pair made their way to the Wonderbolt Stadium.


Rainbow knew what she had to do, she made her way to the Wonderbolt Stadium to apologize to her heroes. It took a while of thinking about what to do and she had decided that Scootaloo was a bit more important to her than flying with Spitfire. She only hoped that her idols would accept her apology and they could still be friends.

As she glided over to the cafe, she spotted Twilight and Scootaloo walking in that direction. ‘What… are they doing?’ Rainbow asked herself before realization kicked in. ‘Oh NO, she’s too young and isn’t she dating Sweetie Belle? I heard of ‘like them young’ but that’s way way way too far.’

A new mission in mind, Rainbow darted forward, cutting the two mares off from the small restaurant. “Seriously, Twilight?”

Twilight and Scootaloo exchanged glances. “Rainbow? I was-”

“You got ten herdwives, TEN, and one of them can shapeshift! What are you doing with Scootaloo? This is- like I know about that thing when you turned yourself into a filly for a day but THIS...” She points an accusing hoof at Scootaloo. “This is way too much.”

Scootaloo was utterly confused, she looked up to Twilight to see the unicorn with a calm expression. “Rainbow… I was taking Scootaloo to the cafe to meet with the Wonderbolts.”

“That’s what they all- what?” Rainbow asked, beginning to feel bad for jumping to conclusions.

“I talked to Spitfire yesterday, told her about Scootaloo being a late bloomer and still said yes to allowing her to fly with them and you,” Twilight explained, smiling down at Scootaloo. But seeing as you’re here now, you can take her to introduce yourselves. After all, I got a herd to deal with and you did promise this day to Scootaloo, I’ll just get in the way.”

Rainbow’s jaw sagged in shock, watching Twilight turn to leave. “I- uh.” Unfortunately, she was pressed for time and Twilight had already left, leaving her with a wide eyed filly. “Come on Squirt, let’s go chill with Spitz.”

Scootaloo was in awe of Rainbow’s familiarity with the Wonderbolt Captain. “She lets you call her ‘Spitz’? That’s soo cool!”

Giggling to herself, Rainbow nodded and led Scootaloo to the cafe where they found three of the Wonderbolts. An arctic blue mare with a blown back light grey mane that almost appeared white named Fleetfoot, a large cornflower blue stallion with moderately short greyish blue mane know as Soarin, and the Captain herself, a yellow mare with a fiery mane, Spitfire. Scootaloo nearly fainted when she saw the Captain of the Wonderbolts waving to THEM.

Each step got heavier for Scootaloo. While Rainbow was still the best flier in all of Equestria, the Wonderbolts are national heroes that even her own hero aspired to become. To see them wanting to meet her was insane.

Rainbow noticed this and used her wing to usher her number one fan along, giving her a reassuring smirk as they approached the table. “Sup guys, what’s shakin’?”

“Nothing much, good to see you show up,” Spitfire added, looking down to see the orange filly. “This must be Scootaloo.”

Try as she might, Scootaloo couldn’t say the words ‘hello’ or ‘hi’. “She’s a little shy,” Rainbow said nervously, prodding her forward.

“Don’t worry, she isn’t the first filly to be on the verge of fainting and I doubt she’ll be the last,” Fleetfoot chuckled, sipping from her lemonade.

“It’s all good, we ordered an appetizer so it’ll be a while,” Soarin added, gesturing to one of the three vacant chairs with them.

As Rainbow helped the shocked filly to her chair, Spitfire gave a confused glance around. “Huh, I almost figured Twilight would be with us. Her loss.”

“Yeah, I met her walking with Scoots. She’s probably heading back to get ready for whoever’s day this is,” Rainbow explained, rubbing Scootaloo’s back. “Come on Squirt, time to get some energy.”

Scootaloo snapped back to reality and look to Rainbow with a happy sigh. “H-Hey Rainbow, I think I… had the best dream ever.”

“Does it involve meeting Soarin, Fleetfloot, and myself?” Spitfire asked playfully, trying hard not to laugh when the younger pegasus froze and slowly turned to see her.

“Oh gosh, it’s really happening! And We’re going flying later! But I-” Scootaloo was interrupted by Rainbow’s hoof, pausing her anxiety.

“We know all about you being a late bloomer, Scootaloo. Just because you can’t fly now doesn’t mean you’ll never fly,” Fleetfoot reassured with a sincere smile.

“Yeah… look at Rapidfire and Fleetfoot, they were both late bloomers,” Spitfire chuckled, dodging a lemon that her co-worker tossed at her. “And Misty is blind. We don’t discriminate in the Wonderbolts.”

Scootaloo’s eyes shined as she looked at Fleetfoot. “When did you learn how to fly?”

“I think I was eleven when my wings were strong enough to actually keep me in the air, after that… it was easy as breathing and I wanted to keep it exciting,” Fleetfoot chuckled, reclining back in a ‘cool’ manner.

“Awesome…” Scootaloo moaned, in complete awe of the light blue mare. Rainbow and the other Wonderbolts couldn’t help but laugh as the food arrived.

An hour later on the other side of town, Twilight set up a picnic blanket on Rainbow’s practice hill, placing a large woven basket down and turned to see Trixie begrudgingly walking up the hill. “I thought this was Trixie’s day to woo Twilight, not Trixie and Twilight watch Rainbow and the Wonderbolts fly around then rut like it’s mating season.”

“I know and I’m sorry I just wanna make sure this worked out,” Twilight added, pulling out a bottle of soda water and filling two glasses with it. “Besides, some fresh air could do us both good.”

“I suppose, so long as the rope stays in for tonight’s use,” Trixie grumbled, laying down next to Twilight as they looked up to the sky towards the stadium.

They saw four pegasi flying about, doing various tricks. Upon closer inspection, they could see Scootaloo riding on Soarin’s back as they all flew together, a bright smile on the filly’s face as she hopped off him and glided down softly onto Rainbow’s back. “You can thank me and Gilda later, Rainbow,” Twilight said, a serene expression on her face as she watched the five pegasi fly. “Thanks for letting me do this, Trixie. Now… what do you want to do tonight.”

Twilight instantly regretted it when a devious grin formed on the magician’s face.


As her best day came to a close, Rainbow soared to Twilight’s library and nudged the balcony door open. “Twilight? You still up?”

“Mmmyeah?” A sleepy Twilight replied, slowly rising from bed and turning to the late night intruder.

Rainbow swooped up and gave her Alpha a big hug. “Thanks for getting Spitfire to let Scootaloo do this, this day was…” Rainbow’s words slowly sputtered out when she saw Trixie sleeping peacefully next to Twilight, both forehooves bound to the bedpost, her horn bound with a thick lead ring around it, her body drenched with sweat, sex, and Twilight’s cum. The words ‘Twilight’s hole’ printed on her butt with an arrow pointing to her sperm-oozing pussy and ‘cum-dumpster’ with an arrow pointing to her anus. On the floor was a whip, a butt plug, and a partially eaten apple. “What happened to her?”

“It was just one of those nights,” Twilight uttered, wanting to go to sleep.

Disturbed by Trixie’s current state, Rainbow went to untie her. “Stop… don’t release Trixie… she’s been a bad filly,” the light blue mare muttered happily in her sleep.

“Anyways…” Rainbow uttered, stepping away from the magician. “Thanks for helping Scoots and me out today, it meant a lot to both of us.”

“Anything for you girls, and to be honest. It was Gilda’s idea,” Twilight chuckled. “I’m a little ashamed that I didn’t think of it first.”

“Still, I’ve never seen her so happy before and…” Rainbow wrapped Twilight in another tight embrace. “Thanks.”

Twilight smiled and returned the hug. “If you want, you can spend the night here. Trixie is completely bound and won’t try to kick you out.”

“I- I’d like that… thanks,” Rainbow cooed, cuddling into Twilight’s body as they collapsed on the bed.


As Rainbow and Twilight drifted to sleep, Magic vibrated excitedly, next to a large armored Twilight and a meekly happy Twilight wearing a flower-like gown cuddling with her. “Can you feel it? Just two more!” The filly squealed excitedly.

"Indeed, this seems rather promising, But what is the goal of all this?" Brave asked, holding her wife, Grace, closer to her metal body.

“I told you all a million times! Twilight’s destiny!” Magic pouted, huffing in fury.

Grace giggled as she pulled the pouting filly to her. "Don’t you fret, Brave just wants to know what exactly is this destiny you keep saying, you can’t get mad that we’re a bit curious."

“But I don’t want you guys to know just yet,” Magic grumbled, scrambling out of Grace’s embrace and running out of the conference room.

Weaving around the many Twilights in her path, Magic found her room, a simple purple door with five gems, while the pink and blue balloons and and three blue diamonds didn’t glow, the three apples, the rainbow-shaped lightning bolt, and pink butterflies shined brilliantly in the well-lit hallway.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be all together soon,” Magic exclaimed, opening the door. Not noticing a certain red-eyed Twilight watching her from afar.

Chapter Twenty-Five point Four: Can anyone Call this Generosity?

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Another calm day had passed for Rarity, she completed the last of her orders, just in time for her day with Twilight tomorrow. After Fluttershy’s episode, those that were known to whisk Twilight away became much less inclined to do it again, even Chrysalis, now that she got to do what Applejack did for a day.

Thinking about the once-villain turned herdmate doing manual labour caused Rarity to chuckle. “One could only hope that it teaches that ungrateful royal pain some manners,” she thought aloud. Her train of thought derailed when she heard a knock at her door. Curious, she went to answer it. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique.”

Before her stood a golden mare with a silver mane tied and braided along her neck, her piercing blue eyes taking in every detail of the clothing store and it’s owner. She wore a thin white dress that both covered her completely and teased any who saw her. “Rarity, correct?”

“Oh Sweet Celestia’s living ghost,” Rarity gasped, staring in awe of the earth mare before her, a newcomer on the fashion scene that’s taken Equestria by storm, the illustrious Wicked Weave. “H-H-How may I help you, M-Miss Weave?”

“First way you can help me, is get some tea, Shimmering Crimsonleaf. Second, we can discuss business. There might be a third, providing you can satisfy the second,” Wicked said, her silky voice had a rather sharp edge as she walked into the Boutique, examining the dresses. “Fancy Pants did say you were… creative.”

“I’ll get tea going,” Rarity winced, running to the kitchen to find Shimmering Crimsonleaf. Fortunately, being associated with several ponies that enjoy tea and a alchemist trivialized the issue. A few minutes later, she returned with tea in her magic. She spotted Wicked looking over some of her older creations. “Miss Weave? Your tea is ready.”

“Good, we may now finally get to business,” Wicked stated, taking a seat on Rarity’s fainting couch. “So… the scent in the air tells me you have a lover, is that true?”

Rarity nearly spilt tea all over her glass table. “You could say that, yes,” she replied with her face bright red.

“I see, his scent is all over your store, it’s rather distracting,” Wicked sneered, as she took a sip of her tea. “Now, I am in need of… assistance.”

“Assistance?” Rarity repeated, curious as to what her guest meant.

“Yes, you see I have a show in Las Pegasus coming up and some idiots have left me in my time of need, thus I have traveled to this… charming town to seek your aid,” Wicked explained. “I simply request that you help provide some outfits for the show.”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “I-I’ be honoured, but is there a theme? Anything specific I need to make?”

“Make it mystical, magical,” Wicked exclaimed. “I want to be hypnotized by it, the audience hypnotized by it, I want the Princess to be in awe of it.”

“Mystical… understood,” Rarity chuckled.

Wicked Weave’s nose twitched. “I must leave… your stallion is distracting. This must be done in two weeks, I’ll send someone to acquire them. Farewell,” she growled, quickly leaving the boutique in a huff.

Rarity just sat there with a confused expression on her face before taking a few sniffs of the air. “I… don’t smell Twilight, or Fleur for that matter. Must be a sensitive nose.”


Twilight was feeling rather cheerful, nothing bad has been happening, no foalnappings, only peace and quiet as she walked to to Carousel Boutique to spend the day with the fashionista. She thought about letting herself in but considered that to be rude and knocked instead.

After a few minutes, no answer.

Confused, Twilight knocked again. “Rarity? It’s me, Twilight.”

She was met with silence and a closed door.

She found this rather odd, Rarity said she’d be home because of an order but usually leaves time for her friends, especially her Alpha and hard work orders tend to make Rarity in need of relief. Twilight opened the door slowly and stepped in, while the main floor appeared untouched, there was the sound of a sewing machine working on the upper level, the unicorn going to investigate.

The door opened slowly to reveal the store owner in front of a sewing machine, her rear hoof tapping the pedal beneath it while her hooves carefully slide the fabric under the moving needle. “Rarity?”

The sudden voice startled Rarity, her hoof leaving the pedal while her fore hooves flailed above for a second before turning to her Alpha. “Twilight! What brings you here?”

Twilight gave her a blank look. “It’s… your day today, did you forget?”

“Oh my, that must had fled my mind with my most recent order, I apologize, Darling,” Rarity gasped, leaving her sewing machine to kiss Twilight, her mate easing into the kiss.

When they broke apart after a minute, Twilight licked her lips and smiled. “Whatcha working on to distract you like this anyways? Must be big.”

“It’s just one of the biggest advancements to my career. The most premier designer, Wicked Weave, has asked moi to help her with her show in Las Pegasus and here I am making new designs in…” She turned to her calendar and her eyes widened. “Twelve days! Goodness gracious that isn’t nearly enough time to complete all this! I’m sorry Twilight, I must complete this order.”

Twilight was surprised to watch Rarity run back to the sewing machine and return to work. Concerned over her mate, she approached her again. “Would you like some help?”

“I wouldn’t want to impose,” Rarity said sheepishly, her eyes focused on her task.

“I’m scheduled to spend the day with you today, I’m going to make sure that happens,” Twilight added with pride in her voice.

Rarity sped away from the sewing machine. “Then could you finish those seams for me? Just make sure the needle stays on the dotted line, darling.”

“You got it!” Twilight exclaimed, getting straight to work. The machine itself was tricky for somepony that had never really touched it before it wasn’t long before Twilight knew how to use it, any mistakes she made were quickly corrected with her magic.

Rarity, on the other hoof, was on the opposite side of the room drawing up a design for another dress. Thankful for the extra pair of hooves, but there was still so much to do if she wanted to impress Wicked Weave.


Over the course of the week, Fluttershy and Chrysalis were roped into helping the resident fashionista. Twilight had to leave for ‘Alpha’ reasons, but Rarity was thankful for the caretaker and Queen, she was even surprised by Chrysalis’ knowledge of fashion, though fitting, if only due to her shapeshifting.

“Why am I doing this again?” Chrysalis muttered to herself, carefully stitching one of Rarity’s new dresses together for the show.

“Because Twilight thinks it would do you good to have to do these things after all the foalnappings and assaults you’ve done before,” Fluttershy answered meekly, avoiding eye contact with the insect matriarch.

“That was a hypothetical, my dear idiot. I know what I did, I just refuse to feel guilty over it,” Chrysalis snapped, causing Fluttershy to quiver in fear.

The door opened, Rarity walking in with a few designs in her magic. “Stop scaring poor Fluttershy, Darling. There are worse things you could be doing.”

“Don’t remind me,” Chrysalis grimaced, continuing Rarity’s work.

“I can’t thank you two enough for coming to help me prepare for the show in Manehatten. Despite your discomfort with this Chrysalis, your aid is greatly appreciated,” Rarity cooed, picking out fabrics for her new designs.

“I’m always happy to help a friend, Rarity. Thank goodness Zecora can look after the cottage while I’m here,” Fluttershy added with a soft smile.

“Indeed,” Rarity said, marking the fabric out and getting ready to cut into it. “As much as I love Twilight, I’m not so sure if our Alpha is qualified without her nose in a book and nopony else in our circle can sew. Oh, how I’m blessed with a dear friend, and an admirable queen, to come to my aid.”

Chrysalis only grunted, continuing her current duty with a frown. “How much of this do we have to do before we’re free?”

“Well, if this wasn’t a punishment in your case, you’d be free to go at any time,” Rarity pointed out. “But you are here until it’s all done.”

“This pampered buffoon better be worth the trouble,” Chrysalis grumbled.

“But of course!” Rarity squealed in delight, her mind racing with all the boons this opportunity would present. “Once Wicked Weave shows my designs off in her show, everypony will want to wear my work, in absolute awe of my dresses.”

Chrysalis stopped for a moment to think. “Wicked Weave?”

“Yes, that’s her name, why?”

“No… reason,” Chrysalis uttered, that strangely familiar name fighting to bring forth a memory. Her worked slowed while she thought, the name on the very tip of her tongue.

“Finished!” Rarity exclaimed, raising a beautiful crystal blue dress in the air, the long glittery white collar studded with three perfectly round rubies, no sleeves, and rest was ruffled very slightly with a single patch of silver fur as the dress’ crest. Triumphant, Rarity left to her main floor to go over it a few times before it could be deemed ready for her commissioner.

The fact that Rarity finished her newest creation in so little time told the Queen that she had been thinking on the name for a while. Even Fluttershy had finished stitching several dresses more than than her. “Is everything okay, Chrysalis?”

“I’m fine, just… deep in thought,” Chrysalis spoke, quickly finishing the remainder of her dresses before getting up to leave. She spent the entire walk back to the library in thought, Fluttershy and Rarity bidding their farewells, which reached deaf ears. Soon, she stopped in the middle of the empty street in sudden realization of what that name meant to her, her eyes widened before snarling in anger. “That bitch!”


The day had arrived, Rarity pacing around behind the stage, peeking out from the curtains to see half of her herd sitting together in the middle of the crowd, Fleur, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Luna in a disguise, Trixie, and of course, Twilight Sparkle. Gilda and Rainbow hadn’t joined them, believing it would be beyond boring. Zecora offered to watch Fluttershy’s cottage again, seemingly a bit nervous with the idea of going into a large city, and Chrysalis disappeared shortly after arriving to the show, with not even Twilight knew where she went.

She turned to see Wicked Weave directing some of the backstage staff and models to their positions and immediately went to her. “Miss Weave?”

“Busy,” Wicked muttered, keeping her eyes away from Rarity. “And didn’t I ask you to stand away? Your stallion clings to you like a perfume.”

Rarity was taken back by the remark and returned to the curtains, looking over the crowd, confused when she didn’t see Twilight in her seat. “Maybe she went to find-”

“Hey Rarity!” The fashionista jumped at the sound of her Alpha greeted, causing Twilight to wince from her mate’s scream. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s alright, darling,” Rarity said nervously, tapping her hooves together. “How did you get past the security?”

“Apparently the laws around ‘herds’ were never enforced, I mentioned I was dating you, then it led to them finding out that you were in my herd and let me in because I was your Alpha,” the scholar grumbled, the thought of a rule being disregarded befuddled her, even if it was to her advantage many times in the past. She turned her gaze back to Rarity and placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Are you feeling okay?”

Rarity turned to see Wicked still barking orders and sighed. “It feels like she’s been hiding something from me, she was actually shocked to see me here today.”

“I see…” Twilight said, glancing to the golden mare. “I’m sure she has her reasons.”

“I do hope so. Sapphire Shores was far easier to work with than her,” Rarity whispered, worried that the famous designer would hear her. “I’ve been just pacing and waiting for an hour, it’s destroying me slowly.”

Twilight went to nuzzle her mate and smiled, hoping to cheer her up. “Well, your dresses are beautiful and I don’t-”


Twilight slowly turned to see Wicked Weave sniffing around and staring at her. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to comfort my mate,” Twilight answered, pulling Rarity closer.

Wicked took in another deep whiff and coughed, holding her nose as her cheeks began to glow red. “Security!”

Twilight soon found herself being escorted out. Rarity’s jaw dropped at the sight and knowledge. “Why?”

“Her scent is VERY distracting, please control your fans and mates,” Wicked scolded, walking back to the models while holding her nose.

Rarity couldn’t help but frown at what her employer had done but kept herself from giving the other mare a piece of her mind, in hopes to save her possible rise to fame.

“Miss Weave, the show starts in less than a minute,” a stagehoof said nervously.

Wicked gave him a smug look before turning to the curtains, taking a deep breath before stepping out, a smile spreading on her face as she strut out with music blaring and spotlights shining upon her. “Stallions and Gentlemares, I bid you welcome to a feast for your eyes, and the future of fashion!”

Rarity was giddy at the sound of the last line but noticed that Twilight didn’t return to her seat and began searching the crowd for her.

“Tonight, I show you the ponies you wish you could be, all wearing clothing made by yours truly,” Wicked smirked.

While the audience clapped, Rarity and those who call her ‘friend’ had confused looks on their faces. The curtain opened wider and the models began walking down the catwalk, all wearing clothing of Rarity’s design. The audience snapped pictures and smiled as the looked over the dresses with a critical eye, marveling at their structure and creativity. Wicked herself took a seat next to the catwalk to admire Rarity’s work, smirking at the crowd as she sat along the sidelines.

Rarity fell on her rump in surprise, unable to get over what had just transpired. “She… stole my designs, but… why? I- there has to be some misunderstanding- some mistake, perhaps?”

“Not a mistake, my dear.”

Rarity jumped when she saw a mare who looked exactly like Wicked Weave stand next to her with Twilight by her side. “Wait… who? Twilight? Who is this?”

“I’m the real Wicked Weave, and that impostor had stolen my identity,” the golden mare growled, motioning for Twilight and Rarity to follow her.

Rarity glanced back and forth between the two, utterly baffled by what had occurred. “Twilight, how did you find her? What is going on?”

“I’ll explain in detail later, Chrysalis was bothered by her and I asked her to look around before the show,” Twilight said, nodding to Wicked as they stepped forward.

The audience gasped as the three mares stood on the catwalk naked, some fainting at the sight. The Impostor had the look of confusion and fear, rage building behind her mask. “What is the meaning of this!”

“Security! Capture that impostor! How dare she have the gall to steal my face and reputation!” Wicked ordered, using her sickly green magic to bind the other mare down. Rarity noticed this and gave the second golden mare a confused look.

“How dare you! If anyone is the impostor, it is you and that strange smelling mare is nothing but a nuisance!” the supposed impostor declared, glaring at the security ponies coming to detain her.

“Then explain THIS!” Twilight announced, blasting her with a bolt of magic and forcing her back into the form of a Changeling nymph.

This resulted in more gasps and more fainting ponies. The changeling in question snarled and hopped onto the stage, models fleeing from the creature. “Our worthless Queen should have executed you when she had the chance, you’ve been trouble ever since the wedding.”

Those that were at the wedding were caught unaware by this information, surprised to see a survivor of Chrysalis’ original hive. Rarity could have sworn she saw Twilight give Wicked Weave a reassuring look. The golden mare huffed and stepped towards the changeling. “Next time you try and take a face, insect…” Soon they were within a hoof distance apart. “Research the face you wear, I’m sure your ‘worthless queen’ taught you THAT much with your training and her mistake at said wedding.”

With a sickly green glow, Wicked forced the changeling on her belly and held her there until guards came bursting in to take the black creature away.

The herd soon gathered to help Rarity, checking to see if she was okay after such an ordeal. Luna looking more guilty than worried. “I must apologize, I couldn’t detect that the mare was a changeling I-” Her mouth was abruptly shut by Twilight with a gentle hoof.

“Thank you all for your concern, and I- I can’t believe she was a changeling. How did you know, Chrysalis?” Rarity asked Wicked Weave, the golden mare smirking before taking her true form.

Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Trixie all gasped and jumped into Applejack’s and Luna’s hooves, only for Trixie to leap out and jump into Twilight’s, while Chrysalis cackled at a job well done. “There could only be one Wicked Weave, my dear, and she was an alias of mine from when I was scouting your kind for the wedding. Though, finding out a traitor here was a rather interesting turn of events.”

Rarity nodded and turned to Twilight. “And you knew about this?”

“Not really. Chrysalis told me the day she found out and believed it was a changeling or some spotlight seeking pony and we decided to do this. I went along so I can help you,” Twilight explained. She let Trixie down and began rubbing her leg sheepishly. “I hope you’re not mad that we didn’t act sooner.”

“I should be, but it did make for quite the show, did it not?” Rarity chuckled.

“Definitely, Applejack and I were like half way to Snoresville, Fashion shows are not parties,” Pinkie remarked.

Applejack nodded. “Pretty much, this is clearly not a place for ponies like us country folk.”

“And how,” Pinkie cheered, wrapping a hoof around her fellow earth pony.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Plebeians…”

Luna scrunched her face in confusion. “These fashion shows… are they truly about ponies walking along a pathway to show a dress?” She asked, Rarity slowly nodded her head to confirm, causing Luna to smile nervously. “I fear that might not be the best for us-myself, maybe something more for Cadance or even my sister.”

“It is an acquired taste, Your Highness,” Fleur said, giving Rarity a helpful wink. Luna gave Fleur a thoughtful nod.

Rarity gave her friends a smile, glancing to the Changeling Queen. “Well, I suppose today wasn’t all for naught, after all,” she said, quickly wrapping Chrysalis in a hug. “I do know Wicked Weave as a friend.”

“Be thankful you’re a fellow herd mate or critics about your fashion would be the least of your concerns,” Chrysalis grumbled, blushing when Twilight wrapped her hooves around her and hugged alongside Rarity.

“I’m proud of both of you,” Twilight exclaimed. “Chrysalis, thank you for helping Rarity before something far worse could have happened to her. And Rarity, good job today.”

Some of the herd gasped when they saw a sincere smile cross the Changeling Queen’s face, but it was cut short when Pinkie shouted ‘Group hug!” Inspiring the herd to gather around and hug the three mares. Twilight’s eyes fluttering open to reveal a dim sparkle of diamonds within her pupils.


All around the sanctum, Magic darted around the many Twilights, excited that there was only one mark left before the unknown destiny occurred. However, within headquarters, the council decided that they needed to know what the little filly was planning.

"Ever since Applejack attempted to foalnap the Host, that filly has been giggling and jumping around. But she refuses to tell us why, referring to it as our ‘destiny’. I move that we find out through any means necessary!" Smartypants, a Twilight wearing a long white labcoat with a dark blue tie, black goggles with several gadgets attached to them that happened to hide her bright green, and a wildly ruffled mane, giving her a ‘mad scientist’ look.

"I say we let her have her fun, she’s only a filly after all," Grace assured, a variant of the purple mare wearing rather plain clothing with a wreath of flowers blooming on her head. "I’m sure she’ll be happy to tell us when the time is right. She hasn’t given us a reason to question her since she arrived so why now?"

"It’s… suspicious..." Star stuttered, a Twilight wearing magic robes, similar to her Starswirls costume, but without the hat and with chains wrapped around her body and a ring wrapped around her horn. She was tapping the table lightly with her hooves, flinching when she accidentally broke a piece off and her glowing white eyes glancing to her fellow councilmembers nervously. "Sorry..."

"While it is true that she’s been the happy bundle of joy that became our leader and link to the Elements. We are still running a mare with an enormous amount of magic surrounded by ponies that she loves. You can’t blame us for wanting to ensure we can wake up the next morning to greet them,” Juliet explained, lying back in her chair, wearing her black tuxedo with purple bowtie. "I for one, wouldn’t mind checking the insides of that little room of hers."

Brave, a large Twilight wearing heavy purple armor, stayed silent. Opening her fierce blue eyes as she spoke "I must agree with Grace, we never had a reason to doubt Magic. She had shown no ill intent, and sought only for the happiness of the other elements, even at the cost of our own happiness, even if we were strongly against such actions."

Juliet let out a chuckle. "Well, I suppose some aspect of Twilight had to be pussywhipped. Agreeing with your wife and all, would you like to try again with your own opinion, instead of Grace’s?"

"That WAS my opinion, slattern," Brave growled.

Smartpants sighed, annoyed by the possible fight brewing between Juliet and Brave. "Shut up, both of you. Every moment lost is a moment that could end with that door flying further from our collective grasp and losing the chance to know Magic’s plans."

"Shame she doesn’t want to tell us… it could ease us of this anguish of not knowing if this is bad… or good," Star said, motioning for a Twilight in a maid outfit to present her with a drink, happily accepting the straw that was in the glass of mana.

“But it’s good! I promise you all!” All Twilights turned to the filly that gave them a serious look. “It’s just a secret though, I don’t wanna spoil it just yet. I’ll tell you all when Pinkie is unlocked, I swear on the Elements of Harmony!”

The Twilights looked to each other and Smartypants sighed. "Very well, but I demand to inspect this before anything happens. For our continued survival, of course."

Star’s less than ecstatic expression soon grew, an aura of magic emanating stronger and scaring the maid into backing away slowly. "Sorry I doubted you… I was just worried, that’s all."

Grace smiled softly and clapped her hooves together. "You see, everypony? Nothing bad will happen, she just wants the Host to be happy and healthy, right dear?”" The filly nodded fervently with a beaming smile.

"Let us hope that this is for the best though, I don’t like unknowns but I still cannot deny your track record for being a boon to us and the Host." Brave replied, nodding her head to Magic, before turning to Juliet. "Well? What say you, harlot?"

Juliet glanced to Brave and shrugged. "Yeah, whatever. So long as we continue to get the mares, I’m happy with whatever we do." She said, but her eyes never truly left Magic’s form, her curiosity and instincts telling her that something VERY fortuitous will occur when the final lock is opened.

Chapter Twenty-Five point Five: Are you Laughing yet?

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For both Twilight and the Cakes, upsetting Pinkie Pie was something they liked to avoid. Whenever she was miserable, the whole town felt darker.

Getting a black envelope commonly meant that somepony special had passed away recently, and to find Pinkie’s name as the recipient filled Twilight and Mr. Cake with dread. “She has a right to know…” Mr. Cake said, breaking the long silence.

“I never said anything about her not seeing this letter, I just… it’s hard,” Twilight retorted weakly, wincing as she held the envelope in her magic.

They both looked up the stairs, wincing as Pinkie hopped down the stairs. “Goooood MORNING everypony!” Pinkie greeted with her usual jovial, energetic self. She noticed that Twilight and Mr. Cake looked a bit down and immediately went to rectify it. “Come on you gloomy gusses, turn those frown upside down!”

“Pinkie…” Twilight uttered. She lifted a hoof, only to have it hold a cupcake immediately.

“That’s nice, Pinkie but-” Mr. Cake was interrupted by a cookie in his mouth, the rich chocolate taste melting on his tongue.

Pinkie puffed her chest in pride, happy with a job well done… or so she thought, Mr. Cake and Twilight still looked sad. “Hmm, this looks like a job for a party, give me a half hour and the bestest party you’ll ever see will be here and you’ll be smiling in no time!”

Twilight and Mr. Cake glanced to each other as the black envelope hovered over to the pink mare. Pinkie saw it and gasped. “Oh no, who died? I’m so sorry Twilight. I was so insensitive about that- I’ll make it up to you, a double party, a party to make you remember the good times!”

“Pinkie… this is for you,” Mr. Cake said, as the letter floated into Pinkie’s hooves.

“For… me?” Pinkie asked, her good mood soured as she opened it and read the letter.

Twilight and Mr. Cake shared hurtful looks as Pinkie deflated as every second passed, her mane losing it’s bubbly form and falling to her side. “Pinkie?” they said in unison.

“G-Grammy?” Pinkie uttered, almost too quiet for either pony to hear.

Twilight stepped forward, a weak smile on her face. “So, how about we set up that party to help you remember the good times you had with your grandmother. Whaddya say?”

Pinkie finished the letter and dropped it. “Sorry, Twilight. I wanna be alone for a bit,” she said, turning and slowly walking back to her room.

Watching Pinkie walk away hurt Mr. Cake and Twilight. Even as Mrs. Cake left the back to see the aftermath. “Carrot, dear! I need some help- What did I miss? Why is Pinkie crying?”

Twilight flashed an apologetic smile to Mr. Cake. “Sorry, I need to get back to the library. I’ll do what I can to get Pinkie back to her cheerful self.”

Mr. Cake was about to protest but Twilight was already out the door, with his wife directly behind him. “What happened? Why is Pinkie sad?”

Mr. Cake could only chuckle nervously as he pointed the the letter. “Sorry, honey.”


Today, the impossible happened. Ruby Pie, the bestest grandma Pinkie ever had… passed away at the age of one hundred nineteen. While this does explain why she stopped writing a few months ago when she told her about her little Pinkie being a part of a herd, she often thought that her Grammy didn’t like it at all and just stopped writing immediately, which hurt the party maker’s feelings but she always thought something big came up.

Knowing why her Grammy never wrote back didn’t make it hurt any less, however. Pinkie huddled against her bed, lightly sobbing into her hooves. She could remember her grandma teaching her to laugh at ghosts in her closet if they try to spook her, teaching her to stand up to Limestone when she gets all mean with smiles, finding the good in bad times, helping her further understand her cutie mark being about more than just making parties, but to make ponies happy and always keep them smiling all over.

She felt her pet alligator, Gummy, licking her hind leg, his eyes blankly staring into the distance. “Oh Gummy, I know you’re trying to cheer me up, but… Grammy meant a lot to me, you know. She’s like… my Princess Celestia if I was Twilight or… Rainbow Dash to my Scootaloo. We used to write all the time, share stories, have great laughs, make funny balloon animals, and… now what is there, Gummy? I still don’t even know if she was okay with the herd thing.”

Gummy’s response was biting Pinkie, which did nothing but cover her hind leg in saliva, his tongue trying to wrap around the large limb. The party planner could only smile in response. “I know you’re trying to cheer me up, Gummy. I just… wanna be alone, right now. Sorry.”

As the pink pony sobbed into her pillow, she heard a soft knock on the door. “Could you please leave me alone right now? I’m party pooped,” Pinkie groaned, burying her head into a nearby pillow.

Mrs. Cake poked her head into the room and gave her an apologetic look. “I heard about what happened, dearie.” She got no answer. “I brought up your favorite; triple chocolate strawberry cupcakes.” The blue mare turned to pick up a plate of cupcakes in her teeth and placed it on Pinkie’s nightstand.

“Not hungry,” Pinkie mumbled, not rising from her bed.

Mrs. Cake frowned, hurt that the bubbly bundle of happiness was so downtrodden. “When you are ready to talk about it, come down and we’ll talk. It’ll help.”

Pinkie barely heard Mrs. Cake leave, too busy thinking about all the fun times she had that she’ll never have again with her Grammy.

While the party maker softly weep into her covers, Chrysalis watched Twilight prepare for something from the opening to the basement. The Queen was bored and was close to returning to her old habits of kidnapping the purple mare. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” Twilight asked, mildly annoyed by the changeling’s grumblings.

Chrysalis examined the mess her Alpha made, streamers all over the room. Balloons lying on the ground, most inflated but others simply laid there, slowly deflating. The banner, which appeared to be hanging by a weak thread, said 'Always remember the good times and learn from the bad times. We’re here for you, Pinkie Pie!'. Confetti lay in large piles at the corners of the library. “It looks like you have no idea what you are doing.”

“I am preparing a party for Pinkie, she’s feeling down so I’m gonna try and throw a party for her and invite everypony in Ponyville,” Twilight stated, trying to fix her banner with her magic. “How does Pinkie do this all the time?”

“She is an impossible mare, that’s how,” Chrysalis commented, stepping out from her domain and into the kitchen.

“Does Pinkie exhale helium? I don’t understand how she can blow these up and they stay afloat for hours,” Twilight groaned trying to fix her balloons. “Chrysalis!”

“Busy…” she responded, annoyed that her physical meal was interrupted.

“Come here and help!” Twilight ordered, glaring at the kitchen’s opening.

“I don’t care about your friends!”

Twilight grit her teeth in anger. “Fine, no pregnancies for a month!”

Chrysalis poked her head out, swallowing a sandwich she made. “You wouldn’t dare…” she growled, glaring at her supposed Alpha.

“Wanna try me?” Twilight taunted. Their eyes narrowing at each other, looking for any weakness to exploit.

Chrysalis let out an annoyed groan as she walked over. “Fine, what am I doing, oh, Slave Driver?”

“Could you fix the banner? It doesn’t want to stay up there. Now, I need to deal with catering and explain to the girls my plans for Pinkie,” Twilight said, turning to leave the library. Chrysalis looked at the mess her caretaker had made and bit her lip, trying not to rage and yell as she went back to order her sprites to do the work for her.

During her errands, Twilight noticed Pinkie heading to the train station. “Pinkie? Where are you going?”

Pinkie looked up at her mate with a weak smile. “I’m gonna go pay my respects to Grammy. I won’t be back until later tonight… maybe early tomorrow.”

Concerned for her friend and lover, Twilight glanced around and nodded. “If you give me a few minutes, I could come with you for moral support.”

“You don’t have to, Twilight. Besides, isn’t it Fleur’s day today?” Pinkie asked, trying to reassure her mate that she’s fine.

“Emergencies take priority over the schedule. I want to help you Pinkie, in any way that I can,” Twilight added. “I don’t like seeing my friends, especially my lovers, hurting.”

Pinkie gave the unicorn a small smile, nodding her approval. “Okie dokie, I haven’t bought my ticket to the rock farm yet, so meet me there when you’re ready, okay?”

Twilight nodded and teleported away, leaving Pinkie with a bittersweet feeling. She wanted to spend some time with the family, reminiscing about Grammy. But Twilight always tried her best to put a smile on Pinkie’s face, and nine times out of ten, she’d succeed. Her smile slowly reforming as she walked over to the train station.


‘She really didn't have to do all that, Pinkie thought, softly petting Twilight’s head as they rode the train. The silly unicorn had teleported all over Ponyville in the span of ten minutes for some reason, probably to tell them where she’ll be for the rest of the day, the overuse of magic draining the purple mare quickly as her head laid onto Pinkie’s side. “Hey Twi-Twi? Why did you teleport all over the place?”

Twilight mumbled, nuzzling Pinkie’s hooves and belly. “Mmm… it’s a secret…”

Pinkie giggled, knowing full well that Twilight had probably tried to throw a party for her to cheer her up, but this probably delayed her plans pretty badly, a feeling Pinkie knew too well. She’ll have to try her best to act twice as surprised for Twilight’s party when they returned, touched that Twilight would do this for her. Then again, she did have a heart to heart with Applejack at the bottom of a hole after the cowpony kidnapped her; somehow managed to explain and coerce Fluttershy out of being super mean, though Discord helped a bit; saved Rarity’s career from a changeling that wanted to steal her work; and while Rainbow did most of the loyalty work herself, Twilight still helped Rainbow Dash keep her promise to Scootaloo while she flew with the Wonderbolts for a day.

It was enough to make Pinkie wonder if there was something about this, the five cores elements of harmony in a polygamous relationship with the element that binds them together and that binding would go out and help them with situations that involves each element, however vague and forced it might be to jump to that conclusion. She just smiled and leaned into her lover, enjoying rare quiet time they have together.

“Next Stop! Limestone Rock Farm!” The conductor announced, causing Pinkie to rouse Twilight from her slumber.

“Wakey, wakey, sleepy… we’re here.”

With a yawn, Twilight slowly rose up and glanced out the window before looking to Pinkie. “Morning Pinkie,” she said, kissing the party mare.

Pinkie let the kiss linger a bit longer than necessary before breaking it. “Come on, Maud is waiting for us.”

This caused Twilight to flinch, eyes widening as she remembered her last encounter with Pinkie’s older sister. “Oh, not… Marble? Or at least Limestone?”

“Nope. Guess that last time with the choosing rock did a number on you,” Pinkie said, chuckling nervously as the memory of Maud’s expedition came to mind.

“Pinkie, just hearing Maud’s name caused my crotch to feel like somepony kicked it,” Twilight said, looking a bit hesitant to continue forward.

But the party pony wasn’t having any of that, and pulled Twilight off the train. Just as Pinkie said, Maud Pie was waiting for them on the platform. “Maud, oh you’re looking good! I’m so happy to see you! How’s everyone been?”

The grey mare only stared at Pinkie with unflinching eyes that made Twilight think of the portraits that just stared at passersby. “It’s good to see you Pinkie Pie. Everyone is as well as can be expected.” She glanced to Twilight, making the unicorn jump in shock. “You brought your Alpha. This is good. Mom and Dad want to meet her.”

“Hi… Maud,” Twilight greeted weakly, waving her hoof as she joined the Pie sisters.

“Did you learn the spell I asked you to learn?” Maud asked, just as they began their trek back to the rock farm.

Twilight swallowed her breath, knowing that as soon as she got home after that. She not only learned and tested the spell Maud was referring to, but she buried every book on the subject as soon as she remembered what Maud did to the boulders to save Pinkie when they first met. “Almost, it’s a really tricky spell.”

“Okay, hopefully you’ll complete it soon,” Maud replied, as monotone as ever. Pinkie turned and smiled to Twilight as they walked.

After a few minutes of Pinkie and Maud talking about rocks and Twilight trying to keep up, they reached the family rock farm. Out front, Twilight could see the quarry just outside the small picketed fence surrounded the small farm house, some crystals and rocks littering the yard. Two mares stood outside the farmhouse, a bluish grey mare with a short opal grey mane, talking to a mare quivering on the ground, who was a turquoise grey with dark cyan grey mane.

“Limestone! Marble!” Pinkie cried out, zipping over to her sisters and giving them a big hug. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle as Marble tried to vanish under her mane while Limestone appeared ready to scream at her sister for her temerity. She then noticed their cutie marks, the angrier Limestone’s cutie mark was of a lime with two rocks below it while Marble’s were three purple marbles.

Twilight felt her mirth fade when the door opened, revealing two older ponies; an amber stallion with two streaks of grey in his mane wearing a wide brim hat with a tie and collar, his cutie mark a pickaxe. The cobalt grey mare had her grayish opal mane up in a bun, with a shawl around her neck and a pair of glasses held on by a chain that kept them from falling off and hitting the ground; three rocks happened to be her cutie mark. They smiled fondly when they saw Pinkie but immediately grew serious when they noticed Twilight. “Pinkamena, is this she?” the stallion questioned.

Pinkie turned to her father, releasing her sisters before standing next to Twilight. “Yessirree-doodle! This is MY alpha!” the party maker exclaimed, wrapping a foreleg around her mate’s neck.

“Pinkamena, you know what this means, do you not?” Pinkie’s father said sternly. Pinkie wilted, weakly smiling as Twilight gave her a curious look. “Get the choosing stone.”

“Oh no,” Twilight uttered, watching Pinkie walk away. She noticed the Pie family all staring at her. “Uhh, Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I-I’m sorry about your loss.”

“I am Igneous Rock Pie, son of Feldspar Granite Pie. This is my wife, Cloudy Quartz,” the stallion said. His wife nodded, their expressions remained neutral. He then gestured to his daughters. “While you have met Maud Pie and Pinkamena Diane Pie. These are my two remaining daughters: Limestone Pie and Marble Pie. Fret not, for Mother Ruby is with the earth now.”

The lighter grey sister weakly waved, still shaking nervously while the other bolted up to Twilight. “So… you’re this ‘Alpha’ Pinkie wrote about in her letters, huh?”

“I-uh, yes? That’s what everyone keeps telling me and that I’ve begun accepting,” Twilight answered, unnerved by Limestone’s forwardness.

“Listen here you scrawny horn-head. Ma and Pa might own this farm but I run it, so you try anything to my sister while you’re here. I’m going to shove your horn right up your butt, got it?” Limestone growled, her face an inch away from Twilight’s.

“That’s usually Pinkie’s idea to-” Twilight flinched when Limestone intensified her glare. “Crystal clear, ma’am.”

Soon, Pinkie arrived with a large boulder sporting dents on one side, dropping it before her family. “I’m back! What I miss?”

“Limestone was bonding with Twilight,” Maud said. Though, Limestone had already walked back to her sister while Twilight stood completely still.

“Awesome!” Pinkie replied, darting to her Alpha and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Pinkamena,” Igneous walked to her pink daughter and gave her a small rock. “Let us see if this mare is your mate.”

Pinkie looked down at the small pebble and glanced to Twilight. She looked hesitant, nervous that the stone wouldn’t choose Twilight but she took aim, ready to throw it at the choosing stone and let fate decide who she should be with for her family.

She threw as hard as she can, the pebble rebounded off the choosing stone, and hit Twilight between the eyes, sending her to the dirt as quickly as it happened. Limestone was furious, Marble stared in awe, Maud remained impassive, or rather, looked passive. Pinkie was ready to jump for joy as Twilight slowly got up. “I did it! Twilight’s my mate! She’s my-” the pink mare’s mood dropped as her father and mother didn’t share her mirth. She chuckled nervously and grabbed the pebble she threw, and gave it to the recovering unicorn. “Your turn, hope you hit me.”

Twilight, still trying to sooth the pain of getting hit in the face by a rock, levitated the rock and got ready to fire it. However, Pinkie stopped her. “Twilight, gotta throw with your hoof, not with magic!”

“Oh, sorry,” the scholar said apologetically. She let the pebble land in her hoof and aimed at the boulder. She still wasn’t sure how this thing worked, but the Pie family appeared to be greatly engrossed in whether or not it would deem her and Pinkie a couple, but what of her herd?

“Go for it, Twily!” Pinkie cheered. Feeling invigorated, Twilight threw it as hard as she could.

The rock bounced off the boulder and was sent back at Twilight. Scared, the unicorn put up a shield, ricocheting the rock back at the boulder, which bounced off that and went low, popping off the ground and nailing the scholar between the legs. Twilight’s eyes began to water, mouth clamped tightly as she fell to the ground in pain.

Pinkie rushed to Twilight’s side, with Maud walking over with her. Marble winced, unable to watch the unicorn writhe. Limestone shook her head, looking to her father in confusion.

Igneous’ jaw dropped, staring at Twilight with awe. “I have never witnessed this before. Never had the choosing stone made such a choice,” he said, falling back on his rump. He moved his hat to his chest, feeling his wife’s hoof on his side. “She truly is an Alpha.”

“What do you mean?” Limestone asked, looking to the slowly rising unicorn.

“When the choosing stone picks you to be your own mate, it means you are going to lead a herd,” Igneous explained, looking to the choosing stone. “The last Alpha was chosen four hundred years ago.”

It was then Cloudy who began to smile. “This is wondrous news, Igneous. For if Our daughter’s mate is an Alpha, it must mean that the family will grow with countless offspring.”

“While they may not be of our blood, they will still be of our family,” Igneous said, standing back up with the aid of his wife. “But enough, we must go and see to our dearly departed, and help her rest within the earth.”

“Did- didn’t you say she was already in the earth?” Twilight asked, slowly recovering from her injury.

“We were waiting on Pinkie to arrive before we return her to the land and send her to the great plains of beyond,” Maud replied as the family began to walk into the house.

As the family entered the house, Pinkie helped Twilight walk in. “Wow, you must have thrown that super hard, Twily,” the party mare exclaimed.

“I thought that was what I was supposed to do,” Twilight whimpered, limping alongside her mate. Pinkie spun Twilight around and they left as quickly as they entered as Igneous carried an ornate gold vase with a handle in his teeth, the family following him out as they made their way to the cliff overseeing the quarry.

The lone stallion in the group placed the urn down and looked over the chasm below him, the many pink, purple, light blue, and the few orange crystals that jutted from the mining pit depths. “We, the Family Pie, have gathered here. To welcome Ruby-in-Fuchsite Pie to the land, so we may know she rests with our creator, for her welcoming hooves honours us by accepting one of our own unto her midst. So let us not mourn the deceased but be grateful to our great mother for giving Ruby a place in her eternal herd.”

Twilight heard Pinkie sniffling next to her, trying to smile. She nudged her and pulled the pink mare close to her, the party mare nuzzled into her Alpha’s embrace. Pinkie’s sisters took notice of this but didn’t say anything, Marble and Maud smiled at the display while Limestone grunted in annoyance.

“Mother Earth, please continue to bless our family, and watch over the new family, a new bountiful herd that my daughter had entered, just as the choosing stone decreed not moments ago,” Twilight couldn’t help but blush at the older stallion’s words. “Just as we reap the rewards of your bounty, you do the same, allowing our kin an eternal spot alongside you. In your name. Amen.”

“Amen,” everyone said, Twilight was a bit off sync with the rest but it wasn’t noticed or cared about. Igneous went to pick up the urn and began dumping ash out of it, letting the wind pick it up and scatter ole Granny Pie to the corners of Equestria.

Though her family went inside to prepare dinner, Pinkie stayed behind to watch her Granny go, still sniffling a bit as the ash became too small to see. “I miss her already.”

Twilight smiled softly, hugging her mare tighter to her body. Her brow perked when she realized something. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever… learned about Ruby, your grandmother. I’d like to know how great of a pony was to you.”

Pinkie looked up with eyes shining like stars. “Oh you BET! She’d come to the farm almost every week to play with me and my sisters, bringing rock candies and mud pies for us to snack on. Dad never really liked it but Granny always had a say on what was right and wrong thanks to the Responsibility Ruby!”

“The Responsibility Ruby?” Twilight asked, curious if the gem was the same as the choosing stone.

Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle, still leaning into her marefriend’s warmth. “Yup, it’s normally black but when a pony holds it, it turns red. The pony who makes it the brightest colour of red is the most responsible and gets to call the shots when it comes to kids. Where was I- Oh yeah. This one time, I got lost in the Quarry…”


“Surprise!” Everyone cheered within town hall just as Pinkie and Twilight entered. Pinkie’s jaw nearly hit the floor in awe of what she saw. There was confetti, streamers, balloons all over the room. Everyone pony in town was there, even Princess Luna, who had arrived moments before they had. A large banner that read ‘Keep Smiling, Pinkie Pie’ in bright pink was held high in the center of the room, and just below that was a six tier cake, in bright pink and blue frosting, each layer had a line of icing in the colour of one of Pinkie’s best friends around it.

“Oh my gosh! A surprise party? For me? You guys shouldn’t have!” Pinkie cheered, hopping over to greet her friends.

Twilight nearly crawled in, her body trying to kill her after the trial she had to endure for Pinkie Pie. Applejack had walked over to Twilight in concern, soon joined by Trixie, Luna, and Fluttershy. “You alright, sugarcube?”

“Please… tell me we have real food,” Twilight groaned, struggling to stand.

“Applejack and the Cakes provided the catering. Why?” Fluttershy asked, worried about her Alpha.

“Pinkie’s family eat rocks, I can’t. And they kept giving me more, my digestive system is punishing me,” Twilight groaned, Trixie having run off to get her Mistress some food.

Luna looked up and smiled as Pinkie’s smile seemed brighter than she remembered, jumping around, greeting ponies, hugging ponies, cracking jokes, doing the impossible and make Chrysalis crack a sincere smile from her shadowed corner. “It appears that Pinkie has recovered rather well, whatever you did must have been very effective.”

Twilight took a seat next to the wall and sighed, a smile gracing her lips. “That’s just it, Pinkie did most of it herself, I was just there to help her along,” she explained. She noticed Pinkie springing over to her to plant a big kiss on her cheek and placing a sizable piece of cake before her. “You really are the happiest pony alive.”

“Only when my best of friends are here with me,” Pinkie said, pulling Applejack and Twilight into a big hug.

As Pinkie’s party started to pick up, Magic shook in excitement deep within the scholar’s subconscious. Smartypants, Brave, Star, and Grace standing behind her as the host laughed with her herd. "The set is complete, Magic?"

“Yessirree!” Magic squealed with delight. “Now it can finally happen! Ohh I’ve been waiting for such a long time for this moment.”

"Care to explain what that is now that it had occurred?" Smartypants demanded, staring intently at the purple filly.

"If she’s this excited, it must be pretty extraordinary," Grace giggled, leaning into Brave’s larger frame.

“I’ll explain when we get to my special room,” Magic announced, hopping off the table and sprinting out the room. The others quickly chased after her, the giggling filly leading them to the room with the hostess’ cutie mark surrounded by the marks of her friends.

Despite her excitement, something made Magic feel uneasy. It didn’t help that the door was slightly open. “Wait, why is it open?”

While Magic slowed to a halt, Brave and Smartypants pushed past her while Star and Grace went to the filly’s side. They knew exactly what had happened and had to stop Juliet from doing something she’ll regret.

The circular room was rather sparse, save for a lone table with six indents and a large sphere floating in the center. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Juliet.

"I know that whore is here. FIND HER!" Brave ordered, immediately entering the room and giving it a once over.

Smartypants decided to let Brave do what she desired, being more interested in the sphere in the room. "Magic, what is this orb for?"

Magic slowly shuffled into the room, with Grace and Star following her. Magic looked up and gaped, her expression was one of shock, hurt that somepony she trusted that had betrayed her. “Auntie Alpha… why?”

"What happened? Do you know what Juliet is?" Brave demanded, marching up to the horrified filly. Grace shot her significant other a dark look, causing Brave to hesitate before taking her next step.

Magic did all she could to not cry as she lifted her hoof to the sphere. “That’s… Twilight’s destiny. If I enter it, she would become an alicorn, like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I don’t know what would happen if a thought or conscious enters it, but I don’t think it’ll be good. So much work… wasted.”

Smartypants walked forward, raising a hoof to the large sphere, only for it to repel her, red static electricity arcing all over the orb. "Whatever it is, it won’t accept another user."

“We-we still have a chance, the room is still grey…. we just need to get her out before it turns purple and we can still turn Twilight into an Alicorn!” Magic exclaimed, running up to the sphere and attempting to push it. Unlike its reaction to Smartypants, the sphere did not repel Magic but did nothing to allow her access.

Brave created a battle axe and a lance out of magic and sent them to the sphere. Grimacing when the weapons disintegrated instantly.

"May I try?" Magic asked weakly. She shed her manacles and motioned for Grace to remove her suppressor.

"Star, don’t you try it… you’ll damage the host with your power!" Twilight’s intelligence warned, as her source of magic began to glow a bright white light, aiming her horn for the sphere.

Brave instinctively took Grace away from Star and held her tightly, using her body to shield her wife from the possible repercussions of the mage’s attack.

At full power, Star let her magic go, sending a overcharged ball of magic at the sphere. Only to watch it rebound back at her. She wasn’t ready to be met with her own power and was knocked unconscious by the attack.

In the real world, Twilight’s head began to hurt, her magic failing her as her drink fell to the floor. “Oh… uhh, weird,” the scholar muttered, trying to use her magic to pick the cup up and clean the mess but her horn wouldn’t respond, not even sparks would fly from her horn when she tried to cast a spell. “What’s going on? Did someone slip me some anti-magic drugs again?”

Back inside the purple mare’s mind. They all shuddered when they felt the power weaken. Brave tried to conjure a weapon but to no avail. "Damn it all, without Star we can’t use magic. How are we supposed to deal with this now?"

Magic slumped down, defeated. She walked over to Star and nestled herself in the unconscious mare’s hooves and softly weep. “We have to wait… for Juliet’s desires to become reality. That is the will of the Elements.”

Chapter Twenty-Six: Twilight 'Juliet' Sparkle vs. Mayor 'Gertrude' Mare: Welcome to the Jungle

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Juliet opened her eyes, feeling drowsy and disorientated from being absorbed by the sphere in Magic’s room. Her nose twitched when she detected something strange, instead of the smell of sex and magic, she caught the scent of books, wood, and some much weaker sex smells. She couldn’t feel anypony in bed with her, which she found rather odd to start with. She also felt… hungry, like she haven’t had sex in weeks, which didn’t sound like her, she had sex nearly five times a day, so her feeling this way made no sense.

She rouse from her bed, feeling a mild headache as she turned and saw she was in the library. “I- where am I?”

She staggered around the library, searching for a mirror. Once one was found, she gave herself a careful inspection. Looking back at Juliet was Twilight, albeit with red irises. She ran to the window and instead of a book-based metal metropolis populated with Twilights, she saw a familiar town landscape with so many ponies of different races that weren't purple unicorns with a blue mane that had pink and purple streaks. “Sweet Twilight, who knew the filly had it in her to take over the host!” Juliet exclaimed, a wide smile plastered on her face as she left the window. “Finally! Now to show these mares who the true Alpha is around here.”

Walking up to the wardrobe, she opened it, planning her day. The Alpha had a lot of ponies to have writhe under her after all, with the Princess of her new world being the cherry on top. But she had a problem she must address. “Right… the Host always wore a dress for her outings, why does it always have to be dresses?” Juliet asked herself, looking over the large collection of dresses Rarity made for Twilight.


A blinding flash woke Twilight from what she assumed was the worst headache she has ever had. She remembered Pinkie’s surprise party after the small funeral where she ate rocks, then her body forced her over to bed where she passed out.

Now, she was lying in a street of a city that looked like a every single academy, university, and college in Equestria fused together and became a city on the scale of Manehatten. What immediately caught the scholar’s attention was that the entire city seemed to be populated by her. Twilight Sparkles as far as the eye can see, of various ages and hairstyles. “Where am I?” She asked herself, cautiously moving through the city.

Twilight’s eye caught a large castle in the distance, with various banners of her cutie mark everywhere. To her immediate right was a fruit stand, operated by a Twilight wearing a apron, selling her wares to another version of her with a baby carriage, containing a familiar purple foal. As soon as the mother left, Twilight immediately approach the counter. “Excuse, what is this place?”

The fruit vendor gave Twilight a confused look. “Uh… suffering amnesia? This is the sub-conscious, silly filly. Everytwilight knows that.”

“Oh… yes, sorry to bother you,” Twilight said, thanking the mare and quickly walking away, confusing the vendor. She turned around just in time to catch the vendor talking to what appeared to be a guard, a copy of herself wearing silver armor. The armored Twilight turned to the real one and glared, causing Twilight to sprint, running through the crowd, hearing the metal armor closing in on her.

Thanking Rainbow for making her do all that running, Twilight managed to evade her armored doppleganger and duck into a building, waiting until the clinking of armor faded away. Once she had calm down, she noticed she was in a bookstore and smiled. “Oh good, maybe I can get some answers.” Twilight immediately shut her mouth, turning slowly to the purple mare in charge of the store, who was too busy reading to even notice she had a customer.

Ignoring her, Twilight looked through the shelves, impressed by how organized it all was. But she didn’t recognize any of the titles. She selected one book with her magic and quickly read the contents, blushing hard and shutting it the moment she remembered where it came from. A wet dream that Twilight had a few nights after her brother got married to Cadance, where she captured and raped Chrysalis, punishing her for trying to ruin her for ruining her brothers wedding and taking over Canterlot. She put the book back and slowly walked away from it before searching for a less erotic book.

After thirty minutes of reviewing the literary form of some of her best wet dreams, Twilight left the store and look at the branding, groaning that she had walked into a bookstore that sells only pornography. Looking back at the mare on duty, through the window, she could vaguely see magazines with her herd mates posing erotically. “Of course, the one book store I find, it’s all about sex.”

Letting out a sigh, Twilight left to find answers. She was still unnerved by how every single pony looked and sounded like her, most of them were seen with a book nearby.

“This is the sub-conscious, Silly filly. Everytwilight knows that.”

Twilight immediately stopped, letting those words sink in. “I’m in my own mind.”

“Pardon?” Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin when a classy version of her spoke up, a purple moustache on her face, similar to what she had given Spike when the day she first met Trixie, and a bowlers cap to go with the gentlemare’s collar and bow-tie.

“Come on, dear. We’ll be late to our luncheon,” A different Twilight urged, wearing a white sun dress, pulling her moustached companion away.

Thankful for the sundress mare diverting attention, Twilight began to think of a plan. Judging by the guard that chased her down a block, she would be captured and then she’ll be stuck in a world without her friends and family, surrounded by herself, thus the castle was not the solution. Based on her recent jump in her sex life over the past few years, it’ll be safe to claim that a lot of the stores and buildings were dedicated to sex, making them invalid.

What she needed was somepony- no, someTWILIGHT to trust.


Juliet took a step out of the Carousel Boutique, feeling as good as she looked in her dark purple tuxedo and dress pants styled to make any mare weak in the knees, her white dress shirt felt better than when it did in the mind, making her more eager to stay in Equestria. Her magic fixing her magenta neck tie, her mane brushed back, showing off her horn. “Thank you so much for doing this for me, Rarity. Stay beautiful!” Juliet called out, leaving the clothing store. Deep inside was Rarity, exhausted with every square inch of her fur splattered with cum, oozing her alpha’s fluids from her every hole, too tired and stupefied to respond.

During her walk, she instantly recognized Town Hall, smiling as she planned to kill two birds with one stone: Make money and make the town mayor her slut. An objective in mind, Juliet used her magic to change her coat and mane, certain that there might be a rule where Twilight isn’t allowed to bet, but Juliet wasn't ‘exactly’ Twilight and years of watching the bookworm fumbled her words and her interactions with her herd, not to mention all the mares the incarnation of Twilight’s lust had at her beck and call, made Juliet far more capable to seduce any mare.

If she wanted, Juliet could probably have the sun princess herself worshipping her before the first date.

She entered Town Hall, a cocky grin ever present on her face as she tried to remember where the stairs to the rumor mill was. After a few minutes, she found it, using her magic to tease and caress every mare that crossed her path, causing them to gasp and moan only to leave with an embarrassed look on their faces, wondering what just happen.

She found the board with a crowd of ponies, regarding the bets as more of a ‘to-do’ list for herself. She teleported in Twilight’s life savings and moved to the unicorn stallion who was taking bets. “Five hundred on Mayor Mare,” she said, distorting her voice enough to fool the stallion.

“On the Mayor? You sure? Some of them herd mates are rather picky with who Twilight gets with,” the stallion added, unsure if he could take the money from the newest face.

“If that was the case, then why do you still have a job?” Juliet questioned, causing the stallion to chuckle.

“So long as the town librarian gets her dick wet, I’m set for life,” he laughed, levitating Juliet’s money and adding it to the pot. “We got five hundred on the Mayor!”

Juliet turned to leave, hearing multiple ponies repeat her wager as she went to find the real prize. Fortunately, finding the Mayor’s office was less annoying as finding the Rumor Mill, as Twilight had to talk to the Mayor at least every two weeks to help plan events. Juliet cringed as she recalled how Twilight didn’t just rut the tan mare over the desk or against the window, she could smell the official's lust from the inside of Twilight’s subconscious.

She shed her disguise, gave the wooden door a firm knock, and waited for a reply. “Come in!” Opening the door, she strolled into the office, several filing cabinets littering the sides of the room, a large map of Equestria covering the back wall, papers lying everywhere. With her first true victim glancing up from her work. “Twilight? What brings you here?”

“Hello Mayor, I just came by to ask how things are going,” Juliet said, taking commanding steps towards the grey-maned mare. Mayor Mare noticed the way she moved and became flustered, confused by the way the normally awkward mare acted.

“E-everything is well, swimmingly in fact! No disasters, no monsters, sunny skies throughout the week with light showers on Friday. And the Rumor Mill is keeping Ponyville’s economy well above the green,” Mayor said with glee,flinching when she realized that she mentioned her underground schemes. “Not that- I know you’ve asked me to disband it, but it’s been helping the town out so well.”

Juliet nodded thoughtfully, tapping her chin with a hoof. “You know… it’s funny that you’ve mentioned that Rumor Mill,” she uttered, now standing next to the Mayor.

“Oh?” Mayor Mare asked, her body heating up just by standing next to the purple mare. She won’t lie and say she hadn’t thought of Twilight in such a way but this ‘new’ tuxedo Twilight was far worse to deal with.

“I think… there might be a winner today,” Juliet stated, pinning Mayor Mare to the chair with her own body. She immediately kissed the amber mare, forcing her tongue to mingle with the offical, she almost laughed when Gertrude melted into the chair, all resistance gone the second she started. She broke the kiss and examined the panting mare beneath her. “Goodness, one kiss and you’re already needy. Must have been wanting my body for such a long time. Thinking back to the old times where you were a toy for my mother to play with? Expecting a similar service from me?”

The Mayor snapped out of her revelry and slowly nodded, her face as pink as her original mane colour.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll do better,” Juliet grinned, gentle planting kisses along the mayor’s neck, her magic teasing and toying with the amber mare’s pussy.

Mayor Mare couldn’t think anymore, Twilight’s kisses were like electricity, shocking the pleasure centers of her brain while her pussy flexed and twitched from an unknown source. Immediately she found it embarrassing that she was not only going to have a quick orgasm but it would have been before Twilight’s dick entered her.

“I swear, I feel like the sexiest slab of meat every time I walk through town. If I didn’t have a herd, I bet I’d get tackled into the ground by five of you whores, fighting to get at my dick,” Juliet cooed, taking in every detail of the mayor’s writhing face, mouth agape and eyes threatening to roll back, breathing hard as she pressed herself against her captor. Gertrude was close, Twilight’s Lust knew this and ensured that she didn’t get it yet. Her horn began to shine as she placed a magic lock on Mayor Mare’s libido, keeping the poor earth mare from orgasming, no matter what Juliet did to her.

The Mayor twitched and gasped, demanding released. “Please… it hurts, let me cum! For Celestia’s sake, LET ME CUM!”

“Is it not the best pain you’ve ever felt, though? Shame I don’t think you deserve such attention, when you have yet to help me,” Juliet said, using her magic to swap her position with the Mayor, the tan mare now straddling the cool and collected unicorn. “The moment I feel satisfied, is the moment you orgasm… get to work.”

Mayor hastily fought against Juliet’s new pants, her hooves too large to get at the zipper. “I-I can’t remove it! Twilight, get these off.”

“Get them off yourself, why don’t you think very carefully, what do you use to pick things up?” Juliet questioned, resting her head on a hoof while she waited for her new pet to find that answer, waiting patiently on the chair.

Mayor’s eyes widened as she dived forward, her teeth grabbing the zipper and pulling it down. Her tongue lapping at the naked purple flesh, trying to pull the appendage from it’s silk confines.

Juliet chuckled as her pet valiantly pulled her hard dick out of her pants, watching the grey-maned mare lick her maremeat like it was the most delicious popsicle she had ever tasted. She reached a hoof out to pet her newest conquest, enjoying the attention she’s getting. After watching the host have sex and only truly getting it from thoughts and feelings, to feel a real mare’s tongue on her cock, to worship her pride was exhilarating, almost making her wish she went back to have some more fun with Rarity but she had work to do.

“Mm, such a good cock slut. I bet my mother taught you how to take it,” Juliet giggled, caressing the mayor’s head with a hoof, watching Gertrude suck and wet her dick in rapid movements, her head bobbing faster and faster while the unicorn’s magic kept building on her already overflowing lust, her rear legs twitching while her tail was raised high, waving in the air to spread her aroma. “But how well did she teach you?”

The mayor barely struggled when she felt magic pushing her further down the purple rod in her throat, eyes bulging while her nose slowly met Twilight’s fur. The dickmare let out a sigh of relief as every inch of her shaft twitched and throbbed against Gertrude’s tight throat. The maddening heat between her hind legs coaxing her to try and lick the thick girth, in hopes that it would find a place inside her pussy.

“A very nice throat you have, Miss Mayor. But you’ll have to work harder to get me to cum,” Juliet teased, letting Mayor Mare go and letting her direct herself. She let out a happy sigh as she laid back in Gertrude’s chair, a nice comfy pleather office chair, while it’s owner sucked and licked her dick like it was a lifeline.

Tears were beginning to well up in the mayor’s eyes, her body was twitching from the desire to let loose, halted by the devilish mare’s magic. She needed to cum and her satisfaction was being stuffed into her mouth, it’s musk becoming more intoxicating by the second. She needed more of Twilight’s cock.

A light grunt escaped Juliet’s lips, running her hoof over the mayor’s mane. “I’m close, pet. You’re almost done.” These words incited Gertrude to swallow more, making the purple shaft slick with her spittle, she could feel it’s power pulse within its sensitive flesh, ready to shower her with it’s gift. A spark of magic forced Mayor Mare’s head down to the base just as Juliet unleashed her load. “Swallow it! If you dirty my new pants, you don’t get to cum.”

Her mistress’ warning made Gertrude scared, trying her best to swallow the sudden flow of thick liquid, hearing the purple mare groan in satisfaction. Her belly felt warm with her mistress’ offering, filling her gut with the delicious cream. Even when Twilight tried to pry her away from her member, the mayor fought to keep the girthy member in her mouth.

Once free from her pet’s mouth, Juliet gave her pants a quick examination. Smiling as it was relatively clean. Her pet was swallowing the remainder of her cum, panting with need, staring up at Juliet with lust-filled eyes. “Very good, Gertrude, how about you relax yourself on your nice desk, I’ll take care of the rest,” she offered, using her magic to clear the desk and patting it with a hoof.

Mayor Mare couldn’t scramble onto the desk fast enough, tail held high by her own lust. She waited with baited breath, a part of her worried if Twilight would just tease her, but all her concerns were met with a very think glan poking at her wet pussy, demanding entrance by any means.

“Jeez, even Twilight’s most modest thoughts put up a better fight than this,” Juliet internally chuckled, feeling the mayor’s wall suck her in deeper. A loud moan escaping Gertrude’s mouth from Juliet’s insertion, the thick cock forcing her pussy apart, dribbling pre-cum during its journey to her innermost wall. “Do you feel me? I hope you can endure for a bit longer, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a new mare to fuck.”

“Oh… Tw-Twilight...” Mayor uttered, gasping when Twilight began thrusting, feeling the throbbing erection grind against her insides.

Twilight arched over her, whispering into her ear. “Shh, not Twilight. Call me your Alpha, I’m your everything now, aren’t I?” she asked, grinding deeper into her mare’s slippery hole.

“Y-Yes, Alpha. I’m here for you,” Mayor moaned, wincing when she felt her mistress nibble her ear, the tongue tracing its edges, both hooves hugging her from behind as the hard prick began to retreat from her. Feeling it leave made her wish it would stay inside her longer, a sharp gasp signalling her wish coming true.

“You’ve been so patient, haven’t you?” Juliet asked, pounded deep into her newest mare before sliding free.

“Please… I need it so bad,” the mayor begged, her entire body shivering in anticipation for an orgasm that only her stallion allowed.

Juliet smiled as her magic unlocked the Mayor’s lust, causing her mare to cry out, all the teasing she was forced to endure, the sensations Twilight made her experience, all of her pent up pleasure bursting out. She let out a loud shriek in the throes of orgasmic bliss, but her mate didn’t stop there.

While Gertrude rode her orgasm to new heights, Juliet had decided to add to it, fucking the mayor harder and faster, a wide grin plastered on her face as her crotch met with the Mayor’s butt, her muscles gripping her as tightly as possible, demanding a hot injection of seed.

Juliet looked up to the open door just in time to see a young green intern checking on what was making such a racket, her eyes wide in shock at what she’s seeing. “Would you like to take a seat? Let the edge off?” She offered the young clerk while ravaging said clerk’s boss with renewed vigor.

Still startled by the discovery, the unnamed mare walked over to a nearby chair and sat down, watching the town librarian fuck her boss into the desk, making her scream and moan so loud that the intern heard it from the main floor. As much as she resisted, the sight, the smell, the sound of them mating was beginning to make her wet, her legs shuffling trying to suppress her desire,but Juliet knew.

“I think this is the one time our dear Mayor won’t blame you if you rubbed one off, don’t you think?” she asked, keeping up with her pace. Keeping herself from appearing that the mayor’s pussy was granting her pleasure, to say it wasn’t would be a complete lie as Juliet was having the most fun since she caught her little nightmare.

The intern swallowed her breath, her hoof roaming over her moist petals. She couldn’t understand why, but she felt almost compelled to just watch the Mayor of Ponyville get her pussy stuffed by the student of Princess Celestia. She could feel the purple unicorn’s eyes lingering on her, watching her masturbate to this scene. She jumped when Mayor Mare saw her, only to see her eyes roll back and shut tightly, trying to bite the desk in keep herself from screaming, only to fail and let out another series of wails and moans, echoing down the hall from her office.

“Does it feel good, filly?” Juliet asked, keeping up her pounding of the Mayor’s quim, forcing the mare beneath her struggle to milk her cock. “Just let yourself be at ease.”

The lime green mare bit her lip was she rubbed herself, her hoof poking her depths a bit, getting it wet with her arousal. Her eyes couldn’t pry themselves away from the writhing bodies on the desk, she had heard rumors that Twilight was a weird mix of dominating and submissive, depending on who had approached her, but seeing the unicorn now scared her. Her teeth nibbling the Mayor’s ear slowly while her eyes leered at the intern, almost showing off what their audience might get later. She did find it weird to see Twilight wearing a full suit, the pants hanging off her legs while she pushed her girth deep into the beige mare.

“Tell me, Gertrude,” Alpha whispered into the mayor’s ear; thrusting harder into her mare’s quivering entrance, feeling it tighten around her cock with powerful earth pony muscles, her moans echoing through the room and out the door, making Juliet’s smile wider. “Do you want my cum.”

“YES! Fuck Yes! I WANT IT ALL!” the mayor screamed, spittle raining onto the floor before her. Her hooves cracking the desk beneath her with their grip.

“Your wish… is my command,” Juliet grimmed, slamming herself fully, keeping herself sheathed inside her mare as she unloaded her sperm recklessly. The Mayor’s eyes widen, screaming in pleasure in the midst of her continued orgasm. The Alpha looked down with a smirk, relieving her pent up seed inside her newest conquest. “Oh such a eager filly, your muscles are milking me so much.”

Her voice weakening in the throes of pleasure, the Mayor only nodded weakly, her belly full of her Alpha's offerings. “Uhh… so much, how do they-?”

“Practice, my dear mayor” Juliet answered,cutting her off before dragging Gertrude off the desk with her magic, and taking a seat before it, levitating the exhausted mare back onto her dick, maneuvering the purple member so that it would enter the Mayor form the back door.

“Wait- not t- AHH!” A loud screech burst from Mayor Mare’s mouth as she was forced to sit down on Juliet’s lap, her Alpha’s cum leaking from her used pussy. A strong pair of hooves took hold of her hind legs and began moving her along the thick appendage. “It’s… too big…”

“As my newest mare, you need to remember that I own you now, that includes your holes,” Juliet chirped, a playful look on her face when she looke dup at the lust hungry intern. “Come over here and clean your boss, she made a mess all over her rug.”

The lime green mare shook when the purple unicorn addressed her, she soon noticed a some other ponies looking into the room, some masturbating to the scene, others unable to look away. The intern swallowed her breath and inched forward until magic grabbed her and pulled her towards the mating couple. “But-”

“I let you come in here and rub yourself and you have the audacity to not help a filly out? What a rude little filly, do I need to punish you?” Juliet asked, using her magic to open the mayor’s muff wider, letting the thick white liquid ooze out a bit more.

Tentatively, the intern leaned towards the Mayor's bouncing form, her tongue inches from the cream filled entrance. It appeared that the Alpha didn’t have the time to deal with shy girls, forcing the mare’s head against the Mayor’s body, getting her tongue to work on her employers snatch.

The sight of the intern’s bubble butt jiggling with her tail high was enticing to some of the stallions watching, almost eager to come and join in the fun. One stallion released his dick and stood up, walking past the crowd to join in, only to be stopped by another purple unicorn, this one wasn’t wearing a suit however. “Hey, you got co-workers all around you back there and you want to waste your cum on this virgin? Go back to your crowd and find somepony to fuck,” Twilight’s clone said, pushing the stallion away as she prepared herself to fuck a virgin, sliding her tongue along the intern’s rosebud.

The stallion huffed, ready to fight the second purple unicorn when the suit-wearing mare shot a sadistic glare at him. Her soft smile made him uneasy, her eyes causing him to cower away. “If I have to get my mare off my dick, I’ll make you my next mare, sir,” Juliet warned, scaring the stallion.

He quickly nodded and turned to leave, his dick hitting a mare, causing her to recoil in disgust. “Eww, don’t stick that thing near-”

“Suck IT!” Juliet called out, her magic enhancing the pleasure center of that mare’s brain. The stallion was taken back by the sudden one-eighty by the mare that yelled at him, now taking his healthy member to the base. “The rest of you, find a friend and get to the fun.”

The mayor’s eyes widened when she saw her staff start an orgy in the middle of her doorway, a mare that had yelled earlier now spitroasted between two very healthy looking stallions. Another mare suckling the teats of somepony that was getting fucked hard. Two mares making out while another mare ate them out. What actually surprised her was the show of a meek stallion eating a mare out while one of his friends were giving his tailhole a hard fucking. Between her legs was the intern, Buttercup,she could vaguely recall, licking up the seed Twilight had gifted her while another Twilight rubbing her hoof into Buttercup’s anus and giving it careful licks, knowing full well that the slightly smaller mare was about to get her first anal experience.

Juliet and her copy gave each other a knowing nod, pushing her dick as deep as possible into the mayor’s ass while the Twi-clone went to mount the intern.

The intern gasped, feeling a pony’s weight on her back, something thick and slippery sliding between her butt cheeks. A hoof forcing her head into the mayor’s quim, while the appendage on her ass shifted to poke her slippery anus.

Noticing he tears in the intern’s eyes. Juliet groaned and looked up to her clone. “One moment, and you’ll have your fun,” she ordered. Her clone groaned while Juliet’s horn glowed.

Buttercup’s eyes widened, her body began to feel really hot, grinding her rump against the crotch of the stallion behind her. Her body was screaming at her to get something inside her after Twilight’s spell hit her.

“There, now you can fuck her,” Juliet chuckled at her clone, thrusting back into the mayor. “Patience is key, after all.”

“Got it, Alpha,” the Twiclone exclaimed, sliding her cock into Buttercup’s tight rear. Whatever the Alpha did to her, she was far more eager to accept her rod, moaning like a whore into the Mayor’s sloppy pussy. “Shit, she’s tight.”

The intern’s entire body shuddered from the feeling of a thick member invading her anus, forcing her face into the mayor’s quim. The unicorn rutting her was really rough with her, feeling like she only cared for her own pleasure. She could feel that the suit-wearing mare was much gentler but still quite forceful with the Mayor’s rear. She let out a cry into Gertrude’s folds when she felt the clone fill her butt with cum, but her pace still came at her hard.

“Such a quick shot,” Juliet reprimanded, laughing at her clone’s ‘quickness’. The clone pouted, taking her frustration out on Buttercup, slapping her rear and fucking harder.

With Juliet’s hooves holding her form behind, Mayor felt her body gentle rise and fall, the purple mare’s crotch hammering away from below while Buttercup licked and slurped her juices from her leaking hole. She began to feel a bit concerned for her intern by the look of the clone’s face, a manic smile that enjoyed the look of seeing a mare lying before her. Her concern for the lime green mare was halted by the feeling of somepony’s tongue sliding along her neck.

“Don’t mind her, she’s been… played with so often, the fact she finally gets to sink her dick into something made her a bit crazy,” Juliet reassured, spreading electric kisses on Gertrude’s collarbone. “This little quick shot will disappear shortly, then it’ll be your turn.”

“M-my turn?” the Mayor stuttered, confused by what her Alpha meant by that. Her thoughts were interrupted by Juliet filling her bowels with thick cream, triggering her own orgasm and splashing Buttercup’s muzzle lightly with cum. Meanwhile the Twiclone moaned, giving Buttercup a second helping of cum, causing Buttercup to moan deeply into Gerturde’s spasming quim.

Juliet softly pushed Mayor Mare off her cock, lying her on the floor as she stood up and fixed her attire. She gave a dignified look to her clone, rolling her eyes when she continued to fuck the poor intern into the floor. “I think that’s enough for you.”

“WHAT?! One more, plea-” the clone vanished in a small explosion of butterflies.

Shaking her head, Juliet levitated the exhausted Buttercup up and examined her. Admiring her body. “I do hope my clone wasn’t too rough with you, you’ll need that strength to help your poor employer, missy.”

The intern looked up lazily, curious as to what the town librarian meant. She glanced over to Mayor Mare, who was moaning and writhing on the floor, slowly staggering onto her hooves.

Juliet hummed a tune to herself, while setting Buttercup back onto her hooves, raising her rump higher than her head and conjuring some water, laying the skin sacks next to her. “Have fun!” She sang, leaving Buttercup to her unknown predicament. She felt somepony clamouring onto her back, hooves wrapping tightly around her mid-section. She turned to see the lust-filled eyes of Mayor Mare and a familiar feeling that doesn’t belong prod her honeypot.

“Oh Buttercup, such a lovely… soft… beautiful filly,” the mayor moaned, slowly sinking her dick into the brand new sensations she never felt possible. Buttercup gasped and screamed when she felt her other virginity was stolen from her, but unlike the clone, the Mayor was much more gentler, giving her long caring strokes instead of harsh manic thrusts.

Juliet walked out of the room and past the small crowd of ponies having sex, fixing herself as best as she possibly could. She smiled, glancing back to see the mayor have her fun with the intern before going to collect her winnings, putting her disguise back on just before reaching the rumor mill.

The Basement was in a uproar, someponies were cheering while others cursed and grumbled in defeat. The stallion from before, handing out the winnings of the most recent bet and taking bets for the next pool. Approaching him, she coughed to get his attention. “Hello…”

“Oh hey,” the stallion said, he was searching his bags for Juliet’s winning. “Just in time too, Twilight came by and gave the Mayor something to talk about, we could hear her from down here!”

Juliet happily accepted her winnings and gave him a nod. “Just lucky, I suppose. Thank you sir.”

A thousand bits richer, Juliet left Town Hall and made her way to the Train Station, until she saw a familiar dominatrix laying on the bench with her marefriend, she tapped her lips as a plan formulated in her mind. With such mare dying to be put in her proper place, Juliet was sure Celestia can wait her turn. There was enough of the Alpha to go around after all.


Twilight had wandered through the city inside her own head for what felt like hours. So many copies of her going about their lives, transferring data, making dreams, presenting ideas based on what the unicorn had learned. It was surreal to see how the mind works.

Her belly began to grumble in protest, demanding food. “Perfect, this day can’t possibly get worse,” she uttered, the smell of a fresh baked apple pie wafting to her nose. She groaned and turned to see a Twilight dressed like Applejack, almost an exact purple replica excluding the cowpony’s freckles, selling pie to filly versions of Twilight.

Twilight gave the small crowd a smile, thinking it was adorable as they ran off levitating their pies. One filly stopped and turned, giving Twilight a curious look. The scholar panicked and dived into the alley, hoping that the other Twilight had left.

“Miss? Are you okay?”

Twilight opened her eyes to see herself giving her a concerned look. “I’m fine, just… lost,” she chuckled, grumbling when her stomach made a noise.

“Are you hungry, Miss? I’m sure Miss Twijack could help you. She’s really nice,” the copy exclaimed with a bright smile.

“I would if I could, but… I’m not exactly sure what even works here,” Twilight sighed, standing up to check around for guards.

“What are you looking for?” She asked, trying to see what Twilight was trying to find.

“I don’t think the guards like me,” Twilight answered, a bit more sad than she would have liked for it to sound. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t concern you. Go play with your friends.”

“Are you part of the Alpha’s herd?” the filly asked, levitating a piece of pie out and offering it to Twilight.

“The Alpha? Like Juliet?” Twilight asked, accepting the piece and slowly chewing on it.

The other Twilight craned her neck, confused by the older mare’s words. “Uhh… maybe? I don’t know a Juliet. Everyone knows about the Alpha though, she’s one of the main Twilights of the entire city! She’s the embodiment of Lust, our teacher said so.”

“I see,” Twilight said, swallowing her gift. “Thank you for sharing, you should get back to your friends, they might start to worried.”

Twilight's duplicate nodded and ran out of the alley. Twilight looked out and watched her run off, finding it was good to know that there was still some innocence in her mind.

"Juliet wasn’t always the embodiment of Lust, she only became that when your mares decided to talk about a possible herd, with you being the sole stallion."

Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin screaming when she heard the voice behind her, magic forcing her to stay in the alley as a chained up version of herself floated out of the floor. Her horn was bound with a iron suppressor, chains binding her limbs with a lock hanging off her neck. her eyes glowing bright white, flowing with overwhelming power. “Wh-Who are you?”

"You are the host, are you not? I feel my magic inside of you," the chained mare said, a tone that sounded like Twilight had beat up her new-born puppy.

“Isn’t everyone technically me with my magic?” Twilight asked, too scared to even attack the scary doppleganger.

"Most of their magic is like yours, while the rest is born from whatever created her," the mystery mare said. "The apple pie vendor around the corner. She was born from your first interaction with Applejack, most of her magic is yours, but the rest was a copy of what you believe is Applejack’s magic. In here, you and I are the only ones with pure magic."

Twilight swallowed her breath, feeling comfortable that the mare wasn’t going to hurt her. “What do you want?”

"I need to take you to the citadel, we need your help. The others may not know, or want it, but they will need it," the chained mare said, opening a portal in the all.

Twilight was befuddled by the strange mare, she acted scared but she felt an enormous amount of power inside her new friend. “Why won’t they want my help? Who are you? What is going on? Why are you chained and bound? Is it all for show?”

The chained mare slowly turned, a pained look on her face. "You know why I’m chained, Twilight. I need to be, to protect everyone. I am the embodiment of your magic, Stargazer" the mare said, appearing unsure of something. "Star for short… please. Now let’s go, Magic is waiting."

Twilight hesitated for a moment. “Magic? I thought-”

Star shook her head, thinning her lips. "The longer we stay here, the more Juliet binds herself to your body and effectively replace you. Please, let’s discuss this in the Citadel."

“How am I sure, this isn’t a trap?” Twilight questioned, unsure if she could believe the chained mare.

Star scrunched her face, irritated by the hostess’ paranoia. "I’m sorry for this..."

“What do you- AH!” Twilight was levitated off the ground and thrown into the portal, Star walking in behind her and dismissing her spells, now knowing where some of her colleagues got their paranoia.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Twilight 'Juliet' Sparkle vs. Sweetie 'Bon-Bon' Drops: What's going on here?

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It was a lovely day in Ponyville for Bon-Bon; sitting at the park with her marefriend, listening to her tirade about her day while thinking about new ways to combat Twilight Velvet, the infamous Velvet Mistress, with Lyra’s help.

Her ears perked when she heard a light scream from Town Hall, raising her brow in response. “Did you hear that Lyra?”

“Sounded like the mayor, think she finally got something inside her?” Lyra chuckled, lying back on the bench.

“In this town? It was probably Twilight that got around to fucking her stupid,” Bon-Bon groaned, turning to a newspaper she had open. “Shit, I had money on the spa ponies this week, damn it.”

“Well, I put some bits down on Mayor Mare,” Lyra said triumphantly, brushing her fore hoof against her chest.

Bon-Bon hugged her marefriend tightly, happy to hear that they still won. “Oh Lyra, you’re so wonderful! Tonight, I’ll make dinner and we’ll go back to gentle dom tonight!”

“Ge-gentle dom? Sweet!” Lyra squealed in delight, returning the hug. Thankful that Bon-Bon had decided to be gentler on her tonight, her butt still hurt from hard rutting she got the night before thanks to Bon-Bon’s new toy, the Princess’ Scepter. “I-I’ll go grab our winnings and go shopping for dinner.”

After sharing a quick kiss, Lyra got off the bench and made her way to the market. Bon-Bon let out a sigh, smiling fondly over what to do to her marefriend later.

Her mood faded when she saw a familiar purple unicorn approaching her. “Hello Bon-Bon, how are you this afternoon?”

“Twilight, done fucking the mayor?” Bon-Bon grunted, trying to ignore the suit-wearing scholar. “Nice suit, did you finally decide that you’re nothing more than a overly feminine stallion?”

“Nope, just a mare with a bit extra to help other ponies find their place,” Juliet answered, walking up to Bon-Bon. “Still sore about my mother making you her bitch?”

“Dunno, what about you being mine? Bet you liked feeling something between your legs other than your own dick or somepony’s head,” the candy-maker taunted. She found it odd to see Twilight chuckle, confused by the mare’s strange attitude.

“Oh Sweetie Drops, that’s such… like you to fight for dominance, even in an unwinnable fight,” Juliet giggled, watching Bon-Bon scowl.

“My name… is Bon-Bon, Twilight. You know full well I don’t like that name,” Bon-Bon growled, glaring daggers at the smug unicorn. “If I have to get off this bench, I will make you remember it.”

’That’s what I’m counting on,’ Juliet thought with a wide grin. “Why hold back? You may love Lyra but you have such a commanding marehood, the desire to control others, not just your one easily dominated marefriend. You want a challenge, correct?”

“Yeah I do, and what challenge are you?” Bon-Bon snapped, growing more impatient with Twilight’s pestering.

Juliet thought on it. “After you fucked me hard in the pussy, I recall turning the tables on you especially hard after you had the audacity to put that crude toy inside me. Moaning like a bitch in heat, and here I thought Lyra was the submissive in the relationship,” she taunted, smiling widely when Bon-Bon jumped off the bench.

“You want Bon-Bon? You got her! One hour, my place. Be there or know that the entire town will know you are nothing more than some bitch pony with a big dick. Alpha? Please… you get pity fucked because you got a stick,” Bon-Bon shouted, leaving Juliet in the park, many ponies watching the exchange with blushing faces.

Juliet only smiled devilishly, her plan was turning out better than expected. Maybe she’ll spend the next hour finding a nice snug collar for Bon-Bon to wear after she finds her place beneath her Alpha.


Following the chained mare around the castle, Twilight noticed it looked very similar to Canterlot Castle in some ways, if it were designed by her grandparents. Pictures of Twilight throughout the age, along with some pictures of Twilight having fun with her friends in the clean way were made into portraits all around the castle. Silver-armored Twilights standing post at each door and patrolling the halls, ignoring her while she traveled with Star.

“This place is… so strange and amazing, how can all this be my mind?” Twilight gushed, trying to keep up to her new friend.

"This place was made as you willed it to be. When you were six, every single building were made of books. There are still some of those buildings but most have been converted to these academic styled-structures, except the Citadel. While the outside was modeled after the great citadel of your favorite children’s book, Princess Story. The insides were shaped to appear like Canterlot as you walked those halls often," Star explained, a small smile on her face.

Twilight’s jaw dropped at the sound of that. “Of course! I can’t believe I forgot all about King Golden Plenty’s Fortress! I loved that design when I was a filly.”

"Grace prefers Canterlot Castle, Smartypants prefers a good old fashion college, and Brave likes the Crystal Empire’s castle… only Magic really agrees with Brave though," Star chuckled, causing Twilight to blush.

“It’s alright, just looks a bit… tacky,” Twilight muttered. She quickly regained composure as she thought of Star’s words. “Wait, who is Magic? You mentioned her before.”

"We’ll get to her in a moment, first we need to reach the conference room. A meeting should be taking place soon," Star added, stopping at a large door with Twilight’s cutie mark on it. The guards nodded and pushed the door open.

The scholar’s eyes widened when she walked into the conference room. A large circular room with magenta walls, stain glass pictures of Twilight’s loved ones hovered apart from the walls that reminded her of the windows in Canterlot. In the middle was a large black table with dividing walls between each seat and a large screen that showed the outside world.

Star noticed Twilight’s gazing and nudged her with a hoof. "Come, let us get introduced."

“Oh right, sorry,” Twilight blushed, walking into the room. “Uhh, where should I sit?”

"Juliet's seat, I suppose. She’s currently you right now and won’t need it until she returns… hopefully," Star uttered, quickly finding her seat.

Twilight sat down and felt something loosen, jumping when she felt her chair slowly drop a centimeter. She heard a gasp beneath her section of the desk and blushed when she saw a version of herself, wearing a set of blinders and a scary looking cock ring on her painfully erect penis, mouth wide open and waiting for somepony to stick her dick in. “Star? Is this normal?”

Star raised gave her a confused look before her eyes widened. "Oh! Right, Juliet’s pre-meeting oral relief," she said, blushing a bit when she forgot. "Just ask her to leave, Juliet usually does that for when she’s sated… for a few minutes."

“O-okay,” Twilight uttered, patting her copy’s head. “E-excuse me? You can come out now, I don’t want… oral… or sex.”

“B-but… I need your cum, please Alpha… I’m so thirsty,” the lusty Twilight moaned, diving her head forward to try and capture Twilight’s now-visible member.

“Ah! Star! She’s-” Twilight screamed, trying to push herself away from her dick.


Both Twilight and her sex-hungry doppleganger jumped at the sound of a booming voice from the door. She saw two figures, a large purple armored Twilight staring at her like she was Nightmare Moon or Discord, and a smaller Twilight with a nice smile on her face that reminded the scholar of her mother before she learned of older mare’s old days as a sexmonger, maybe a bit of Fluttershy in her with her crown of flowers and plain white dress. The sex-addled Twilight shook and immediately bolted for the door, blushing hard as she avoided the two new Twilights. The real purple mare gave them an uneasy smile. “Thanks?”

"Who are you?" the armored Twilight demanded.

"She’s the hostess, Brave. I brought her here to help us solve our dilemma with Juliet," Star replied, watching her fellow council member carefully.

"Oh, this is the hostess? Oh my, this was rather unexpected," Grace laughed, walking back to the door. "Be a dear and get a new chair for our guest, please."

Twilight heard armored hooves leave the door when the white dressed Twilight began walking over to her. “Uhh, hi? I’m sorry, I only know about Star, Juliet, and Brave from… things,” she said, embarrassed she couldn’t remember calm mare or the fifth member of this group.

"Oh it’s alright. I do hope you’ve been okay while in here. It can be such a shock to find yourself trapped inside your own mind," The friendly mare cooed, pulling Twilight’s head into a hug, making the only naked Twilight in the room to feel calm and happy. "My name is Grace, you could say that I’m your emotions."

Until Brave marched over and separated them with her magic. "Keep your distance," she warned the hostess.

Twilight nodded quickly, clearly fearful of her larger burlier copy. “Y-yes ma’am.”

"So, you’re the hostess?" Twilight jumped and turned to a version of herself, wearing a large labcoat, goggles, and a sweater vest, white shirt, and a green tie underneath. "Fascinating..." she uttered, examining Twilight thoroughly.

“How may I help you?” Twilight asked, her body being guided by the new scientific mare’s magic.

"Just like us, except… warmer? I need more research, would you be against being a impromptu cadaver for a few experiments?" the strange mare asked, her hoof pressed into Twilight’s chest and finding her heart beat fascinating.

“Yes, I’d rather not be experimented on,” Twilight uttered, backing away from the scientist. She couldn’t see the smaller mare behind her and fell over. Brave shook her head and took her seat while Grace walked over to help her and the filly up. “I wasn’t looking, sorry.”

“It’s you…” the filly uttered, fixing her tiara as she sat up in awe of Twilight.

Twilight glanced to the crown, eyes widening. “Wait, isn’t that-” She looked down to the filly with a shocked expression. “You- you’re Magic, I assume?”

“Yuppers, I’m the personification of the Element of Magic inside your mind. Magic!” the filly cheered, a beaming smile from ear to ear. Her smile suddenly faltered. “We need your help.”

Twilight raised a brow, only for her upcoming question be interrupted by a guard rolling in a chair for Twilight and kicked Juliet’s chair to the side. “Does this involve the fact that I’m here and the implications of a version of me with high libido and a superiority complex is using my body in Equestria?”

Magic nodded and teleported onto the table, while the others took their seats. “Yes, it does. All because Auntie Alpha snuck into my room and took over the Harmony Font, warping it to become a font of desires.”

“Wait, what’s a Harmony Font?” Twilight asked, baffled by the news.

“It was created when you became the Element of Magic, Twilight! keep up!” Magic pouted, stomping on the table.

“How was I supposed to know that?”

Magic let out an annoyed sigh. “You should have been feeling it happen when you used the Elements for the first time or when you unlocked it by helping your friends get over a difficult part of their life. Applejack dislike all the Twilight-nappings, Rainbow trying to uphold her promise to Scootaloo, Fluttershy learning to be nice while discorded, without the de-harmonizing thing fading from her. Helping Rarity win when someone was stealing from her, and helping Pinkie get over the loss of a family member. You didn’t feel something ‘click’ inside you?”

Twilight smiled nervously. “I’ve been told that my eyes kinda changed to reflect a cutie mark or two when those resolved but… I didn’t really feel anything.”

“OHH okay then,” Magic said, going back to her discussion.

"I think we’re glazing over an important part: You knew what would happen if Juliet entered that sphere in your room. but that also means that you also knew what would happen if one of us entered it instead of you or Juliet," Smartypants interjected, tapping her hooves together.

“You’re right, I did… sorta know. If Auntie Smarty entered the Harmony’s Font, you would have had free reign to learn as much about anything as possible. No Grace to tell you when you’ve gone too far and no Brave to hold you back. A scientist that would steal ponies in the night just to open them up to see how they work,” Magic uttered, fear in her voice.

Smartypants merely scoffed as Twilight slowly turned to her, petrified of her scientific side. “Am-Am I really capable of such a thing?”

"Without us, you could be," Brave remarked, watching Twilight carefully.

"I must assume that Brave would simply become a warmongering vigilante that wouldn’t hesitate to torture ponies if there was only a hint of them being ‘unjust’ and raising a banner of war against crime with her own personal army of blindly loyal peons that either just as reckless or idiotic as she is, all in the name of Celestia or her own code of Justice," Smartypants snapped back, narrowing her eyes at her armored counterpart. "After all, I am the source of her knowledge and her font to use such information while Grace holds your leash, keeping you from biting every single pony that gets too close to you."

Before Brave could retort angrily, Grace let out a thought that had bothered her since this conversation had begun. "What of a pony’s magic or their emotions? Something that isn’t a primary personality,"

“Well, Grace would probably become more sensitive to her own emotions. A variable walking mood-swing. The slightest breeze would make her angry or sad or even happy, and that in itself could be pretty dramatic forces. Like happy would probably answer the question: ‘What would Pinkie be like if she had magic?’” Magic explained, her expression turned grim quickly. “Star… Star is the source of all your magic, it would be disastrous if she were to released into the world without any way to keep her contained.”

Star nodded seldomly, looking a bit fearful of herself, but Twilight gave Magic a confused look. “So… I guess she would explode if she didn’t have her bindings? But why is she even binded? I contain my magic rather well, thank you.”

“Auntie Star had been stylized by YOU based on your fears of ‘what ifs’ involving you losing control of your spellcasting,” Magic argued, shaking her head at the hostess. “She also absorbs magic from the air, just as she absorbs and directs the magic inside your mind. All racial consciences do that! If she leaves, she’ll get more magic and possibly take even more from others… or use other pony’s magic by accident!”

"I predict that Star could accidentally kill herself and take a good portion of Equestria with her in a hurricane of magical power," Smartypants added, finishing the math on Stargazer’s figurative demise.

“Thanks for that,” Twilight mumbled, looking up from her seat. “What do we do though? How can I actually help if I’m here and Juliet as out there doing everything to everypony in my body?”

"We can try and find out what Juliet is up to right now, we can still she what she can do after all," Brave answered, tapping something before her and a screen opening to see the candy shop.

“Bon-Bon and Lyra’s house? Why are we looking at that?” Twilight questioned, looking to the others for answers.

Smartypants was the first to realize what Juliet was doing and facehoofed. "Of course, Juliet wants to secure her spot as Alpha, thus she will target those that had overpowered the hostess sexually."

"But Twilight overpowered Bon-Bon during mating season, right? Why is she back here?"

“Bon-Bon still pretty much had control over me,” Twilight muttered, eyes widening when she figured it out. “It was only at the end that I managed to get my second wind and make her submissive temporarily. But then… who else would Juliet target?”

Grace only shrugged. "Magic, be a dear and leave the room. this isn’t something for little fillies to see."

“But I’ve seen Twilight have sex lots of times,” Magic uttered, pouting a little bit.

"This isn’t Twilight this time, it’s Juliet. We’ll send for you after Juliet is done, hopefully we’ll learn more about her plans. She does like monologuing while fucking some whore," Brave added, reclining in her seat.

“If you want, Magic. I’ll join you, I don’t really want to see this. Maybe you can show me around the citadel,” Twilight suggested, hoping to lift the filly’s spirits.

Magic’s eyes sparkled and she immediately darted for the door. With Twilight behind her. The consciences gave each other an uneasy look before turning up to the screen, knowing exactly what will happen but curious as to what their associate had planned.


Juliet opened the door to Bon-Bon’s shop and home, striding in as if she owned the place. “Bonnie? Are you still here or did you flee to Trottingham?” Juliet got no answer for the seemingly empty home. “I wouldn’t blame you, many ponies often see me as a very intimidating figure.”

After a moment of silence, Juliet chuckled. “You know, I’m not against putting you and Lyra beneath me in this matter. I am kinda feeling up for having two sets of mouths on my dick.”

She reached the stairs and began to climb, the scent of a needy mare in the air. “Wow, Bonnie. If you needed somepony to stuff you like a Hearth’s Warming bouquet, you could just say so, we don’t have to do this silly game of who can dominate who.”

“Except you're my BITCH!” Juliet had little time to react to Bon-Bon jumping out from above and pulling her into a bedroom, using her superior strength to shove the well-dressed unicorn against the bed. “Well, hot shot? Anything else coming out that pie-hole before you eat pussy?”

Juliet’s head slowly raised, a big grin spread across her face. “Please miss; may I have some more?” she taunted, standing up as if nothing happened to her. Her smile diminished slightly when she noticed the same annoying toy dangling between Bon-Bon’s legs. “Still need that thing to make Lyra beg? A pity.”

Bon-Bon growled and leaped at Juliet, trying to pin the purple unicorn beneath her.

Unfortunately, Juliet underestimated Bon-Bon’s physical strength, the tan earth mare easily overpowering the Alpha. But Juliet still had her magic and effortlessly lifted the candy-maker off of her. “That was close, curse your earth pony strength,” Juliet joked, keeping Bon-Bon in the air.

“Let… me… go!” Bon-Bon growled, trying to twist herself out of Juliet’s magic.

The purple mare only laughed, using her magic to loosen and remove the strap-on from the earth mare’s body, sliding the inner rod slowly from Bon-Bon pussy. “I don’t quite understand why some mares use these toys if they are attracted to the female form. You’re dating a unicorn for crying out loud, why not dominate your mare into getting her to magic a dick on you? Or make her magic a dick on herself and powerbottom her hard.”

“Gender… manipulation… is a difficult… spell, jerk,” Bon-Bon cussed, watching Juliet throw the strap-on away. “Hey, that’s mine!”

“With me around, you and Lyra won’t need it,” Juliet said with a shrug, disintegrating the toy and placing Bon-Bon on the bed, legs spread far apart. “You only did see my awkward side, now you see the side that makes you moan for more.”

“Oh no, when I get out of this… your ass will be mine!” Bon-Bon spat, unable to turn her head to see Juliet poke her marehood with a hoof.

Juliet admired the way Bon-Bon’s pussy opened wide for her, expecting something thick and hard to enter, possibly still waiting for the toy to return. Bon-Bon felt softer than the others, more pudgy to her butt than the Mayor or the countless thoughts Juliet had ‘entertained’ over the years, she almost couldn’t wait to feel that plush rump against her body, but she was a gentlemare… she had to ‘prepare’ Bon-Bon after all. “Such a beautiful body, and you waste it on just Lyra? I’m not saying you should strictly be my cum slut but with your drive to command and this… you can have more than just Lyra at your beck and call.”

“L-Lyra is my marefriend, I’m not like you! I don’t just ask ponies to join my crazy harem after I fucked them,” Bon-Bon retorted, shivering when she felt Juliet’s tongue against her quim, the wet appendage sliding slowly across her entrance and a light nibble on her clitoris. “H-hate you… so much.”

“We really need to change that tune, Sweetie,” Juliet commented, her hooves rubbing the earth mare’s bottom, giving them firm slaps to watch them jiggle. “Indulging in your own trade, Bonnie?”

“Did- Did you just call me FAT?” Bon-Bon screamed, renewing her effort to break free from Juliet’s magic.

Juliet ignored her and continued to taste the sweet and tangy nectar of her latest mare, giggling as she detected a hint of peppermint and chocolate in her juices. “I called you… deliciously plump,” Juliet answered, forcing her mouth against Bon-Bon’s opening and licking and sucking any fluids she can get. “After all, we need you ready for when I get a real taste of you.”

Bon-Bon tried to shake her head in annoyance, still unable to break the magic hold around her. She felt Juliet’s hoof slid along her opening and giving her ass another hard slap. “You will regret this…”

“Maybe one day, but right now… I will reap what both of us have sown,” Juliet giggled, undoing her pants and climbing onto Bon-Bon’s back, her hard cock sliding across Bon-Bon’s tits, faintly touching her mare’s nipples while trying to position herself to enter.

All Bon-Bon could do was struggle, the purple mare’s cock getting closer to her slit. She didn’t want to lose to Twilight Sparkle of all ponies, she’s the one in contro- “O-oh shiiit!”

“Did you get tighter? I recall you being a bit looser the last time I was inside you,” Juliet chuckled, slowly sinking herself deeper into her earth mare, relishing in the tightness surrounding her member. Her hooves gripping Bon-Bon’s sides as their hips connected. “Yeah… I need to fuck more earth ponies.”

Glaring back at the purple unicorn, Bon-Bon tried to buck the invasive mare off of her, becoming more and more concerned when her opponent only giggled and moaned. “Get off, get off, GET OFF!”

“I’m trying but it’s hard to get two ponies off sometimes, especially when one doesn’t know what she wants,” Juliet reasoned, slowly rocking herself in and out of the candy-maker. “Remember, you started this. I merely intend to finish this with both of us happy.”

“You approached ME, you c- ah!” Bon-Bon squeaked, feeling Juliet slap her rump even harder than before.

“Language, Miss Drops. Also, I greeted you, you spat at me about having intercourse with our dear Mayor then taking a shot at my dresswear,” Juliet said calmly, rocking a bit harder, making Bon-Bon gasp slightly and grit her teeth in hatred. “It was a bit… immature of me to retort with how you measure to my mother, but you had to step it up with a attack at me being a bit too… hesitant to take charge sometimes.”

Before Bon-Bon could retort, Juliet’s hips started to slam into her butt hard, forcing every inch of the purple cock deep inside her before pulling out almost entirely, only to slam back to the hilt again. Every repeat thrust causing the pseudo-dominatrix to keep her mouth shut as to not let out any moans.

“No venom to spit at me? Such a curious action to take, Miss Drops,” Juliet taunted, grinning widely. Just by the errant shudders, the pouty red cheeks, the way her pussy tries to suck the unicorn deeper, Juliet knew that Bon-Bon loved this. She may deny it and seek revenge later, but that’s what this session was for, to ingrain the knowledge that Bon-Bon only needs her Alpha for sexual relief and join her herd. It would take a few more sessions but with a mare this tight, Juliet will enjoy ‘reminding’ the candy-maker later.

Everything about this angered Bon-bon so much, not only did she have no control but the bitch had to continue taunting her. Much to her dismay, the earth pony decided to bide her time and try endure the purple mare’s rutting, wait for the best time to turn the tables hard on the so-called ‘Alpha’. She’ll make Twilight regret everything she’s ever done in her life and then some, she just needed to tire Twilight out and then strike.

The moment she felt her new mare stop struggling, Juliet knew that something was up. Despite everything, she knew Bon-Bon had a strong will, thus making her suddenly stop struggling was suspicious. Juliet chuckled as she recognized it as a common tactic that some of Twilight’s more ‘dominant’ thoughts attempted to get the Alpha back: lie back and endure, then counterattack and fuck Juliet into the wall, floor, or bed.

A tactic that had never succeeded.

But she decided to humour her pet and kept quiet, keeping her pace steady as her hips slammed into Bon-Bon’s now-willing rump, simply enjoying the brief feeling of a submissive mare before ‘disciplining’ her. “Mmm, the feeling of a pony surrounding my dick. I don’t know how anyone, no less myself, can survive without it. I don’t even know why I kept trying to avoid such a pleasure, don’t you think?”

“I-ah… wouldn’t know,” Bon-Bon grumbled, almost failing to suppress her body’s desires.

“Well, when everything's said and done, I might just bless you with one of these for a night to use on your marefriend. I do recall Lyra wanting to… have a foal,” Juliet cooed, giggling when she saw Bon-Bon’s ears twitch upon hearing that.

“Fuck off…” the candymaker growled, biting her bottom lip when she felt Twilight’s meaty rod push against her g-spot.

“Just about there,” Juliet replied calmly, moving herself faster as her felt her body’s desire to breed become too great. her cock throbbing in anticipation to sow Juliet’s seed in Bon-Bon’s caverns. “How about we just cut the middle man and I breed you, give you a healthy foal to take care of.”

That caused Bon-Bon to start panicking, frantically trying to throw the purple mare off and out of her before the inevitable climax. Another jab at her G-spot and her walls began squeezing its invader, trying to milk it for any thick liquid it could get while Bon-Bon tried to hide the fact that she just came, but she knew that Twilight knew, she could feel it after all.

“Did you just cum? Excellent, I’m not that far behind actually,” Juliet exclaimed, rutting Bon-Bon harder.

The earth mare’s eyes widening when she felt the head flare and soon her most recent fear happened. The purple bitch’s cum flooding her pusy and entering her womb, and with Twilight’s output… it would be impossible to say she wasn’t pregnant afterwards.

Juliet smiled widely, feeling herself deposit her load inside her newest mare and letting herself feel Bon-Bon’s walls suck it all up eagerly. She glanced back down at the shocked mare and shook her head. “I’m not virile at the moment, you have about as good of a chance of being pregnant right now as Lyra does at making you her bitch.”

Those words shook Bon-Bon out of her delirium and let out a sigh of relief, the unfortunate reminder of her failure slowly dragging its thick weight out of her spasming cooch. She felt magic grip her body and spin her back around, seating her on the floor with a full view of Juliet’s cum-soaked cock. “Clean me.”

Juliet should have seen Bon-Bon’s answer coming as she spat onto the hard purple shaft in defiance. She rolled her eyes as her hooves took Bon-Bon’s head and tried to force her shaft into the earth mare’s mouth. A bit more magic to open Sweetie Drop’s muzzle and soon she felt the slippery cavern surround a portion of her meaty rod.

The magic around Bon-Bon’s mouth kept her from biting down on the fleshy appendage, all she could do is faintly try and push Twilight away while glaring up at the bemused unicorn.

“What an attractive look, must be why Lyra fell in love with you,” Juliet giggled, slowly rocking her hips into Bon-Bon’s gullet, simply enjoying the feel of a obedient mare’s mouth, eager to serve.

As much as she struggled, Bon-Bon could feel Twilight growing in her mouth, the tip entering her throat for a brief second. She glared up, angry by how high and mighty the unicorn behaved, smirking down upon her like she had won the war. She may have won this battle but Bon-Bon will strike back- though the feeling of Twilight’s dick throbbing and flaring up made her panic when she felt the first blast of cum hit the back of her throat and slide down to her stomach, making the earth mare suck everything she could from the purple mare’s cock.

With a satisfied moan, Juliet pulled her cock out and sprayed Bon-Bon with her cum, thick globs of white cream splattering the tan earth mare all over. “That’s… much better, love the new look.”

“Fuck… you,” Bon-Bon uttered before passing out. Juliet merely shrugged and walked out of the room, leaving her mare there to bask in her power.

As she walked down the stairs, she saw Lyra walk into the house with a confused look. “Twilight? Whatcha doing here?”

“Oh, Bon-Bon wanted to try and dominate me again. so I showed her a thing or two,” Juliet said, walking up to the mint-green unicorn and placing a gentle hoof on her cheek. “Be a good mare and clean her up and get her to bed, she isn’t in the best condition to do it herself.”

Lyra hesitantly nodded and shot up the stairs while Juliet walked out of the house and made a beeline for the train station. With Mayor Mare and Bon-Bon disciplined and shown who the Alpha is, it was time for Juliet to visit her mother.


“And over heeeereee… is Star’s room. Auntie Juliet says she has a bondage fetish but she is adamant that it’s all to keep your power in check,” Magic exclaimed, bouncing along the hallways with Twilight in tow.

“It would have to be for keeping her power in check, I’ve never really thought about bondage… except for Trixie but even then, I’m the one binding ponies, not the other way around,” Twilight replied, watching the filly version of herself try to show her the citadel. An odd scent wafted into her nose and she began to back up, reeling from the powerful odor. “What is that?”

Magic gave Twilight a confused look, searching for whatever could have startled the hostess then began sniffing the air, shivering from the stench. “Auntie Juliet’s room must be nearby… her room always smells like that.”

“It always smells like an orgy? That’s… unsettling,” Twilight groaned, holding her nose with a hoof while walking with her remaining hooves.

They reached Juliet’s room and Twilight began to think. “I think we should investigate her room,” the scholar suggested.

“We can’t!” Magic shouted, somewhat nervous of the idea.

“Why not?”

“It’s locked, that’s why. No Twilight has ever seen the inside of Auntie Juliet’s room,” Magic replied. This made Twilight to smirk as a simple lock opening spell came to mind and began to to try and open the door.

A second later and it failed, causing Twilight to give it a confused look. “Strange, it shouldn’t be this tough.”

“Remember, we all know the same spells as you do. Juliet probably used the highest grade of locking spells you know,” Magic explained.

Twilight gave the lock a curious look, letting out a sigh when she realized the answer to her problem. She leaned towards the heavy knocker and whispered something to it. Soon they heard something inside the door unlock and open slightly. “Of course it would be something about being an Alpha, it’s pretty much all I’ve ever heard about when it came to this ‘Juliet’ mare.”

“Huh, really? Makes me wonder why Auntie Smarty never figured it out,” Magic uttered, following Twilight into the room. The two purple ponies looked around the large magenta room, lined with portraits of the hostess having sex with her herd. A simple circular bed resting at the opposite end of the room with a dresser, a desk with a mirror, and a large chest next to it. As per the usual inside of Twilight’s head, a line of bookshelves took up one of the walls, though they contained nothing but smut and pornography.

As they ventured further, Twilight saw a sock caught between the books and went to remove it. Magic jumped back when a wall moved, revealing another door and the sound of moans and grunts echoing from within.

Magic and Twilight gave each other a knowing glance before going forward, the scent of lust becoming stronger as they went forward, causing both unicorns to use magic to filter the air and protect themselves.

“A light, Twilight! Let’s go!” Magic exclaimed, running forward while the hostess struggled to keep up.

What they found wasn't what either of them expected. Magic tilted her head in confusion while Twilight’s jaw unhinged, in both abject awe and fear of what she is witnessing.

In the middle of the room was Nightmare Moon, chained by both her hindlegs to a large Princess sized bed while four Twilights took turns with her body. She snapped at one of them, only to be slapped.

Twilight leaned down to Magic and uttered. “G-go get the others, w-we need to help her.”

Unfortunately, just as Magic left, they all saw Twilight standing there. Nightmare cursing that there was another to rape her while the others didn’t know who she was. “Who the Twilight are you? You don’t look like one of Juliet’s girls.”

Twilight watched as all four duplicates of herself removed themselves from the dark alicorn and approached her, clearly not liking the hostess’ presence in the room. She was beginning to hope that Magic remembered she could teleport.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Twilight 'Juliet' Sparkle vs. Cherry Jubilee: A Nightmare's Nightmare

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(Tags: Futa/Futa, cunnilingus, pregnant mare, vaginal, anal)

Twilight backed up to the tunnel entrance, Magic having fled to get the others while four angry, sex-hungry versions of herself stared her down after they forced themselves away from the wreck of a mare once known as Nightmare Moon. “Look, we can be reasonable… right?”

“Reasonable?” One Twilight uttered, glancing to the others before laughing. “Oh, poor little thought, wandering into Lion’s den. But you must be special to get past the Alpha's lock.”

“Why am I so rapey?” Twilight muttered, slowly backing away. Her rump made contact with someone and saw two more mares, smiling devilishly as her. “Oh no…”

“You know, we’ve been looking for somepony to be the ‘Trixie’ in our gang-bangs. Moony is getting too loose,” one of the newer Twilight said with a dark chuckle, the others joining her with their own snickers.

“Can I get a rain-check? I need to be elsewhere,” Twilight uttered, teleporting out from the circle. She performed the spell just fine, but she felt herself get hurled into the wall in the main room, upside down. She saw one of the Twilights lying on the ground. “Ohh… what happened?”

Moving past the unconscious Twilight, the other five mares walked over to her with sick grins. “Looks like we got one of Star’s girls! Wonder what spells we can get her to do,” the seemingly lead Twilight added, as they pulled the poor scholar onto her back with their magic.

“Think we can train her to put a tongue in her pussy?” One Twilight suggested, licking her lips.

“I say we bind her, I’m sure the Alpha has a bunch of ropes and chains to keep her from teleporting.”

“So long as I get my dick in her mouth, I really don’t care. Let’s just get her,” The Twilight in the back groaned, pushing past her fellow sex addicts and immediately positioned herself to fuck Twilight’s mouth. “Open wide.”

"Cease and Desist!" The door slammed open, all five Twilight turned to see the imposing armored figure of Brave entering Alpha’s room with small platoon of guards filing in behind her. "You will not defile her, filth."

The four Twilights immediately stepped away from the hostess but the one that had her penis inches away from the scholar’s mouth glared up at her. “Fuck that, I’m getting my dick wet!”

Twilight squeaked and closed her eyes and shut her mouth as tight as possible, expecting to feel her copy’s cock to smear her mouth, she opened one eye to see the cock head frozen in a pale orange glow. She turned her head to see Star walking in with her horn glowing. "Knights, take Juliet’s whores to the dungeons."

The guards marched forward, iron-looking rings in their magic grasp as they force them onto the rapey doppleganger’s horns and forced them out the door, while four guards dragged the magically paralyzed Twilight and the unconscious Twilight.

Magic darted past them as Twilight got back up. “Over here!”

Brave immediately followed Magic while Star went over to check on Twilight. ["Are you well, did they touch you?"

“Almost, my magic is a little wonky here,” Twilight uttered, shaking her head.

"You may need to use lesser amount of magic when you cast, you are standing inside your own mind after all," Star explained.

Twilight nodded but quickly remember what they had discovered. “We need to go help Nightmare!” She shouted and ran down the passageway.

"Nightmare?" Star uttered, quickly following Twilight, her chains and manacles jingling with her every step.

Twilight arrived just in time to see Brave glaring down at the dark alicorn. ” The infamous Nightmare Moon..."

Nightmare Moon weakly looked up at the armored unicorn, her urge to spit in the self-righteous mare’s eye growing but her body didn’t have the energy to do so. “Here to put me out of my misery?”

"If you so please..." Brave uttered, conjuring a large red battle axe. Nightmare partially didn’t expect her taunt to get this reaction, staring at the phantom blade as it aimed for her neck.

“STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!” Twilight screamed out, tackling Brave to try and save Nightmare Moon, only to be knocked onto her rump next to her. “What is wrong with my mind to be so rapey and homicidal?”

Brave placed her axe down and turned to face Twilight. "This monster tried to purge Equestria in a land of darkness! Smartypants did the math. Dead crops, starving and freezing ponies across the land, the tides doing weird-"

“And we forgave Luna for it. And looked what happened to Nightmare! How long have you been here?” Twilight asked the dark alicorn.

The alicorn growled but Magic stepped up. “A week before Evilight showed up with Future Dinky. I was with Auntie Juliet at the time.”

Twilight’s jaw slowly unhinged in shock of this news. “That would mean… we need to help her,” she uttered, running over to the chains. She tried to blast them but it reflected off them and hit the ceiling. She stared at the searing hole for a second before turning to the armored mare. “Brave, could you shatter these chain?”

"I refuse..." Brave growled, dispelling her axe and leaving the others alone.

Star shook her head and conjured a similar axe, but coloured tan and slashed the chains, effortlessly breaking them and freeing Nightmare Moon. Twilight and Star then went to help the alicorn stand. “Do you think Grace could help?”

"If she can’t then no one here will," Star uttered, using her magic to lift the Nightmare up as they trip left the room. Twilight giving worried glances to the exhausted pseudo-Queen every so often.


Grey Steel looked down the tracks, waiting for the Ponyville train to arrive. The grey stallion checked his pocket every so often to ensure that it was on time. He couldn’t wait to see some awe-struck foal from Ponyville look at the majesty of Canterlot, it always brightened his day to see new faces be amazed by their nation’s capital. Sure, Manehatten had bigger businesses, and Las Pegasus had a lot of the attractions, but Canterlot had an ‘inspiring’ presence ot it, and not just because the Princesses lived there.

He heard the train whistle and checked his watch again, smiling when he could confirm the train was right on time. Some ponies perking up to hear their train is almost here. He walked up to the slowing train and checked his co-workers, the other two nodding to him in confirmation. He unlocked the door and… no pony came out.

Confused he turned to see ponies leave the other passenger cars but his seemed empty, which was strange considering Canterlot does get a lot of traffic through the train, especially from Ponyville. He turned just in time to catch the scent of something highly lewd distracting him from noticing a purple mare wearing a suit leave the train car.

The stallion stared at the strangely familiar mare before entering the car to see that car had several unconscious ponies. Mares coated in cum, stallions leaking jizz from their buttholes, the only thing poor Grey could be thankful for was that he didn’t see any fillies or colts, but every single one of them had a dreamy look in their eyes and a silly grin. “I need help here! Anypony!”

Juliet smirked, shivering in delight after a good workout to get her ready for Velvet. She giggled as the memories of the stallions she sodomized and how they squealed while the mares eagerly sucked them off. If Equestria was this easy, her job was practically done, just Velvet and Celestia and she’ll have Equestria begging to carry her foals.

A flash of bright red caught Juliet’s attention, noticing a familiar red-headed earth mare with a very noticeable pregnant belly. She recalled how this ‘mare’ tried to steal Applejack and rut the hostess into the barn, Juliet didn’t like her but admired her spirit. The urge to remind Cherry Jubilee who was the Alpha quickly rose and decided to put her search for her mother on hold.

At the same time, Cherry was casually looking through the market, finding some clothes of her child and maybe even some ‘cherries’ to pick. She slowly came to a stop when she felt a domineering presence approach her, quickly turning to see the father of her child. “Well, if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle? How are ya, hun? Nice suit, makes you look like a real stud.”

“That’s why it was tailored,” Juliet chuckled, eyeing her prey. Cherry clearly became more plump since Juliet last saw her, not Mrs. Cake plump but more like Mayor Mare but with more muscle, the seductive grace she had still remained, though Juliet had to suppress a giggle when she noted a hint of submissiveness lied behind a veil of dominance deep within Cherry’s eyes. Despite the fact that she had no idea if her situation was permanent, Velvet can wait. “What brings you to Canterlot?”

“Business,” Cherry mused, rolling her eyes playfully. “Also came by to check on one of my girls. How about you?”

“I suppose I’m here for similar reasons. Business with the Princess and just checking on some of my girls,” Juliet smirked, her eyes doing a once-over on Cherry Jubilee, lingering on the bump in her stomach. “Well, I didn’t know I got you pregnant.”

“Just another danger of trying to oppose another Alpha, I suppose,” Cherry giggled, rubbing her belly. “I have to admit, for a mare with no balls. You got quite the gun.”

“Many would agree,” Juliet agreed, rubbing her chin in thought. wondering how she could get this mare in bed… or an alleyway for some fun. “Feeling up for another… taste?”

Cherry pursed her lips before smiling. “I wouldn’t mind a quick roll in the hay, especially with a fine mare like you. So long as you…” Cherry strutted up to Juliet and wrapped a limb around her. “Show my less feminine side some attention.”

Juliet’s smile faltered, disgusted with the idea of her pleasing a penis that isn’t her own. “We’ll see.”

“Don’t be like that, everyone should learn to know how to take it as well as they receive. Even a picky Alpha like yourself,” Cherry cooed, her tail lifting to caress Juliet’s jaw.

“Interesting thought,” Juliet sneered, her eyes taking in the view of her pregnant mare’s backside. “But… not how I work. Can you change my mind?”

Cherry giggled, covering her mouth with a hoof. “Missy, if I can get a stud of a stallion to scream in bliss from having something thick in his backdoor. I can get you to love it too.”

As Cherry walked away, her tail and butt coercing Juliet to follow. The purple mare smirked. "Adorable, but I don’t think about dick when I see some stallions work," she uttered to herself, walking up to Cherry as they head for the earth mare’s temporary place of residence. The building was a square three floor building, painted with a light beige color. It had double doors with two door stallions on each side. They passed the two ponies stepping into the lobby. They pasted the front desk, headed to the third floor. Cherry led to on of the doors that had the number 69. Juliet saw this and smirk.

“Cute” she said as she followed through the door as Cherry smiled.

“Believe it or not, this was the only room available when I got here” she said as she closed the door, she turned to Juliet, “Are ready to get started, Hun?”

Juliet smirked at her partner’s impatience as Cherry sauntered to the bed and laid back on it, spreading her legs to reveal her hardening member, a pair of heavy testicles, and a hint of a winking pussy beneath. “ How ‘bout you get me ready, babe?”

A smile crossed the purple mare’s face and approached, loosening her tie and removing her jacket, placing it neatly on a table. “Eager to get mounted? I like that in a mare.”

“I think we both know that we’re both more than just ‘mares’,” Cherry added with a chuckle, a hoof stroking her cock as Juliet kneeled between her legs.

Using magic, Juliet lifted Cherry’s balls to reveal the real prize. She leaned forward and began tracing her tongue along the outer lips. As much as she disliked it, the purple aura began to knead and rub the ranch manager’s sack with a feather-like touch.

“Mmm, that’s a good mare,” Cherry cooed, stroking her cock slowly, keeping her pace at the same speed of Juliet’s tongue.

As much as it annoyed Juliet, she’ll let it slide for now. She’ll show who the real mare was soon enough. She let her tongue slip past the earth mare’s folds, teasing her only a little bit, taking care not to touch her g-spot.

“Q-quite the tongue on you, bet your mares love that,” Cherry moaned, stroking her dick faster.

“More than you think,” Juliet grinned, a spark shot from her horn and her tongue began to lengthen, probing deep inside of Cherry and flexing all around the tight vice of a cooch. Pleasure shot up Cherry’s spine like freight train, her hoof moving faster along her cock while her back arched like a bow, feeling the unicorn’s slippery muscle trace and explore her moist caverns.

“Oh you- ah-, unicorns, I have to admit, I do like this kind of magic,” Cherry giggled, letting out a hiss of pleasure, her cock was throbbing harder, eager for release. “Better than the last bit of magic you used on me.”

“You should be proud to carry the foal of a stronger mare,” Juliet stated with a wicked smile, letting the funny taste of cherry dance on her taste buds.

Cherry rolled her eyes playfully. “Oh that magic, I was only upset about at first. I’m more referring to the thing that shot me into the broad side of a barn.”

“It did teach you a very important lesson after all,” Juliet gave Cherry’s lips one last lick before crawling on top of her, magic removing her clothing and placing it neatly on a table. “You don’t cross an Alpha.”

“Alphas fight all the time over mares and the like, it’s what we do,” Cherry smirked, looking up to the purple mare. “Why, wanna go for round two?”

“I won the moment you consented,” Juliet confessed, her horn glowed again and Cherry felt her hooves going down her body to lift her balls and cock out of the way for dominative unicorn. “A lot has changed since the first round, after all.”

“Oh I see that clearly,” Cherry added, amused by the situation. “But are you mare enough to take advantage?”

“If only you knew,” Juliet quipped, rolling Cherry onto her belly. The older mare only giggled and shook her rump invitingly, her tail brushing against Juliet’s shirt.

Standing above the hermaphrodite mare, Juliet gave Cherry Jubilee a firm slap across her ass while her magic undid her pants, letting them drop and placing her firm cock between the pale mare’s cheeks. “Such a eager mare.”

“Eager sure, but only very few get me as a mare, cherry pie,” Cherry Jubilee cooed, shivering from the feeling of Juliet’s dick sliding along her ass and prodding her open lips. “And who is eager?”

A sadistic grin spread across Juliet’s lips, arching over Cherry’s form. “Oh, I’m a busy mare. I got mares to claim today, you just so happened to catch my attention, otherwise… I’d be fucking the Velvet Mistress like she was a two bit whore before moving onto the our fair Princess of Equestria… unless I see that batpony that Luna had fuck me, another pony I desperately need to remind who is Alpha. So I hope you don’t mind that I send you to nirvana quickly, schedule and all that.”

Cherry Jubilee’s smile faded, brow arching as she digested Juliet’s words. “Wait, the Velvet Mistress? Our Princess?” She quickly felt her face get pushed into the bed, letting out a surprised yelp when the unicorn above forced over half of her length deep into the earth mare’s pussy. “H-Hold on now… You are going to try and fuck the Princess?”

“I’ve had two so far, why not complete the set?” Juliet said, pulling her dick out before slamming it in Cherry, making her mare scream. “And seeing as I had the pleasure of being taught by her. Strange how for the ten years I’ve been under her tutelage, living in the castle and all that, I’ve never seen the Princess take a single suitor or a lover. Maybe she gets her cock from her guards…” Juliet could only giggle as she continued to pound Cherry with subsequent harder thrusts. “Or she is just as virginal as we all made her to be, waiting for a certain… purple cock to remind her to love life and her Alpha.”

“A-Alrig-ah- Alright hun, I-I think you need settle down,” Cherry gasped, trying to crawl away from Juliet, only to be pulled back onto the unicorn’s cock.

“Oh, I’ll settle down… when I’m on the throne with the Solar Princess and the Lunar Princess taking turns licking my dick after I fucked some lucky mare,” Juliet cackled, picking up the pace and slamming her crotch hard into Cherry’s pussy, her smile growing when the salespony’s pussy convulsed around her and began leaking onto the bed.

“W-hy tell ME?” Cherry groaned, her senses overwhelmed by pleasure and mild irritation. She yelped when Juliet slammed in hilt deep and began unloading a heavy deluge of cum deep inside her pussy.

“Several reasons, speaking about my plans… makes me feel powerful, especially when I’m fucking a broodmare. Gives me that… ‘invincible feeling’. Secondly, you won’t be able to do anything about it after I’m through with you, I’ll make sure of that. And lastly, Why not? No one will want to stop me, if I can fuck the very Nightmare that corrupt our Princess into complete submission, what can a ‘Pure’ Princess do to stop me.”

Cherry felt Juliet get off of her, and struggled to flee only to be pulled back onto the bed, the familiar rod poking her anus. “W-wait Hold- AHH”

“I do love a nice tight ass,” Juliet sighed and began rocking her hips into Cherry’s back door. She continued to feel the farmer resist and shook her head, her horn glowing in a dull red colour. “Now dear. Relax.”

Cherry nearly bit her lips off when she felt a sudden surge of pleasure coarse through her entire body, only to feel it amplify the pressure in her rear. As much as she should hate this feeling, it was the best feeling she’s ever had. She could feel her own cock hosing the blankets and her belly with her spunk while Juliet continued to make use of her ass, slapping it to reaffirm their positions. “Oh f-fuck.”

“See? This isn’t so bad,” Juliet cooed, pounding her mare’s ass with vicious intent. Cherry was clenching her so tightly, she could tell that the earth pony’s body and mind were fighting over their true feelings. The bed started to make wet squishy sounds with every thrust, the spread and mattress moist with Cherry’s many orgasms, much to Juliet’s delight.

Cherry could only scowl slightly, her face pressed firmly against the bed as Juliet rode her ass hard. She was never against a good hard fuck, but this mare wasn’t even going to get her a gentlemare’s reach-around to help her rock hard rod. What made things worse was that she was getting mighty aroused by all this, her natural herd instincts giving in to an obviously stronger alpha.

Time was of the essence, Juliet didn’t know how long until she lost control of Twilight’s body so she had to make this quick, letting out a thick deluge of cum into Cherry’s rectum. “There… we go, get you nice and stuffed,” she sighed, giving Cherry a few thrusts before pulling herself free of her mare’s body.

Cherry barely looked up, watching Juliet leave. “W-wait, you just… fuck a mare and leave? I’m still hard,” she shouted, annoyed by the unicorn’s audacity.

“One moment,” Juliet replied, tapping the call button on the side of the door and speaking into the intercom. “Room service? May I have a maid sent here immediately, we require assistance.”

After a minute, a unicorn mare knocked at the door, a slightly smaller yellow unicorn mare with a short baby blue mane that covered her right eye walked in with a plain grey dress and white apron. “Hello, did you call for a maid?”

“Yes we did,” Juliet replied, slowly pulling the other unicorn into the room with her magic and closing the door. “You see, my friend has something I’d rather not touch, a phobia of sorts. I need you to… do something about it.”

Cherry snorted in annoyance while the maid turned in confusion. “I’m sorry, but I’m sure-” She wasn’t able to finish, as the purple mare pushed the smaller unicorn onto the bed, face first next to Cherry’s throbbing erection. The maid’s first reaction was to jump away and run out the door, but something urged her towards the earth mare’s cock, everything about it seemed perfect, the size, the look, the smell. It wouldn’t hurt to give this random pony a little taste would it?

Watching the maid salivate at the sight of her cock made the cherry farmer curious and looked up at Juliet who was heading to the bathroom. “Have fun, I’m going to freshen up and get ready to leave. I do have a schedule to keep,” the alpha grinned, leaving her mare to have her turn fucking somepony.


Twilight and Star watched over Nightmare Moon’s unconscious form in a hospital bed, her soft breathing indicating that she is okay but the body, covered with bandages, still required attention.

"This is all we can do for now, Twilight," Star assured, placing a hoof on the real Twilight’s shoulder. "She will be safe here."

“What about Brave?” Twilight asked, worried that the armored guardian might try to finish Nightmare Moon off.

“Grace and I can stay Brave’s justice," Star said, turning back to see a Twilight wearing a doctor’s coat, tie, shirt, and glasses waiting for them. "Come, let us rest. We can only hope that the Nightmare can speak to us when she awakens."

Twilight nods her head and gave Nightmare Moon a lingering glance before following Star out of the room, letting the doctor and a nurse in to inspect and help the dark alicorn.

The two made their way through the hospital, the temperature suddenly increasing as they neared the entrance, uncomfortably so. A few nurse Twilights running from the lobby, causing Star and Twilight to worry.

What had occurred could be the most funniest thing Twilight had seen since she arrived in her own mind. Grace, her mane blazing and her body a pale white, was pulling Brave by the ear with her teeth. The stronger armored mare’s face was red with embarrassment as she was held in place by her wife’s mouth.

Grace released Brave and growled. "APOLOGIZE!"

Brave grumbled a bit before Grace placed a hoof on her armor, superheating it with her rage and burning the larger mare. "Ap-I beg for forgiveness, Hostess. For my actions in… the whore’s domain."

Star nodded and turned to Twilight, who was trying to keep herself from giggling really hard. "It appears that she accepts your apology, Brave."

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Twilight 'Juliet' Sparkle vs. Twilight Velvet the Velvet Mistress: Nightmare Awakens a little bit.

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Considering whom they were dealing with, Brave and Star should have expected this but it was so difficult for them to fully understand why, though Star had a much easier time putting that puzzle together.

For the last hour, they watched Twilight, the hostess displaced from her own body, watch over the battered and molested body of what should be her mortal enemy, Nightmare Moon. Since Brave’s apology, Twilight had not left the dark queen’s side.

"Good evening, gentleTwilights. How was the daring raid on Juliet’s domain?" Smartypants asked as she approached them.

"It was a success. We detained five of Juliet’s accomplices for questioning but found no clues to any play she might have had," Brave replied, her eyes never leaving Twilight. Though Star did turn to greet their intellectual counterpart. "We did, however, find Nightmare Moon, chained to a bed and being held as a sex slave by Juliet and her whores."

Smartypants arched a brow, appearing genuinely surprised. "NIghtmare Moon? The thing that corrupted Princess Luna? How did she get in here, and why haven’t you killed her yet?"

"We hope to find that answer when she awakens and Twilight stopped Brave, she is finding our… attitudes and apparently loose morals to be much to her dislike," Star added, letting out a sigh before turning back to the room and the hostess. "Thinking on it now, this is probably the best rest the Nightmare has had in months."

"To hate our personalities would be to hate herself. It’s Grace, and to a lesser extent, Juliet that ensures that she doesn’t have a mass grave within the library after experimenting, using criminals as live cadavers after making a ‘civilian’s arrest’ and kidnapping them to be killed in some sort of process," Smartypants droned, cleaning her glasses.

"I suppose, but we’ll have to figure that out later. Right now..." Star turned to Twilight speaking to a nurse. "We still have to deal with Twilight’s appearance here and Juliet’s take over of the body."

"Oh, that. Juliet wants Equestria to become her own personal harem. She just spent around a half hour having rough intercourse with Cherry Jubilee, while explaining her plan like a moron," Smartypants explained. "It is exactly as we thought, she wants to breed with Twilight’s mother and Princess Celestia, with a possibility of raping one of the batponies that Luna sent after her when she had her fun with Twilight’s body."

Brave and Star quickly turned to the scientist, their attentions focused completely on Smartypants. "And how did Juliet do this the first time?"

"Apparently it was Magic that gave her access the first time using Twilight’s internal harmony. I asked her about it now and she says that while the orb in her room remains, she has no power and can’t help us, " Smartypants grumbled, adjusting her glasses.

"Our only hope then is the Hostess, and she’s deluded herself to be a criminal’s nanny," Brave spat, sparring Twilight a glance.

"And thus, we need to ensure that Nightmare Moon is healthy," Star concluded, giving her fellow consciences a nod before walking over to Twilight. She looked over to Nightmare through the glass, resting on the hospital bed with one of her own trained healers watching over her. "Are you doing alright, Hostess?"

Twilight turned to Star in surprise, turning back to Nightmare Moon when she knew her new friend didn’t mean any harm, unlike Brave. “Okay, I suppose. Just… worried about Nightmare.”

"I see," Star nodded, her eyes never leaving the unconscious alicorn. "You’ll be pleased to know that Juliet kept her somewhat healthy. Few bruises here and there I must assume that constant sex would be exhausting, thus… all she needs is rest and possibly a meal."

“A meal? Inside my mind? How does food work in here, anyway?” Twilight asked, curious about how thoughts and feelings eat.

Star chuckled and walked to a vending machine, placing a bit in the coin slot and using her magic to press some buttons to retrieve a candy bar and ate in front of her host. "Even we need food, even though it is simply mental data. But one thing is rather strange to us."

“And that would be?” Twilight asked.

"Because we are kept alive as mere thoughts and the only way for us to ‘die’ is if we become completely forgotten by you. We can eat and eat and never feel full as it only provides energy, not sustenance. The same can not be said about Nightmare Moon, who is her own entity so she will need to absorb some data. I don’t know if the same can be said about you though. As for my question, how can you tell if you need to poop? Some of us have been in your mind since your birth and still haven’t fully understood the desire or need to poop, vomit, or urinate, so how does it work."

Twilight found Star’s question very strange. “Um… well, you see. Ponies tend to feel like they need to… use the washroom when they feel ‘full’ or when they feel something nearing the end of the intestines- Wait, would that mean that Juliet has never pooped?”

Star shook her head slowly, almost intrigued by how the sexual aspect of Twilight would react to such an event.


Juliet scrubbed her hooves vigorously, her face as pale as a ghost as she tried to ensure her fur, hooves, and horn were clean after such a horrible ordeal. A wet spot forming at the seat of her pants, residual water after Juliet spent the last few minutes ensuring her butt was spotless after the most disgusting thing left that very hole that she had deemed unneeded. “How does the hostess do these things? And once a day even.” She stopped and slowly looked herself in the mirror in abrupt horror. “I stick my dick into those holes and THAT can come out? Ueghh” Juliet nearly fell over, almost vomiting onto the floor from the disgusting thought.

Trying to shake off the feeling of having something leave her anus, Juliet limped out the door and made her way to her mother’s home. “Once I ruled this entire world with my dick, I will make it mandatory that every anus must be cleaned after every time they need to do that, at least 15 inches deep of clean rectum or no sex for a week.”

Still cringing from such a disgusting, yet natural, act; Juliet made her way out of the hotel and surveyed her surroundings, trying to figure out the best route to Twilight Velvet’s home. She already wasted enough time with Cherry, and she didn’t really have the best layout of Canterlot in mind, such trivialities were more for Smartypants or Brave.

“Well, I remember what the house looks like and the general street it’s on. Maybe if I find that, we can make some real progress,” Juliet said, psyching herself up and striding forward through the market.

Juliet’s eyes traced along the many mares she came across, lingering a bit on the rumps of the more ‘beautiful’ mares and imagining them moaning. This train of thought was interrupted by the sight of the hostess’ father bartering with a shopkeeper with the Marezon whore and a blue unicorn she had never seen before. She quickly hid and watched Night Light carefully. “Dear daddy is here, thus mommy is all alone,” Juliet whispered to herself, a grin growing on her face. “Now to make sure that it stays that way for a few more hours.”

Weaving a bit of her favorite magic, she shot a bolt of pure lust at Night Light’s companions in hopes to keep her ‘father’ busy so that she can have some fun with his domineering wife. The Marezon was the quickest reaction, pulling Night Light away with the other mare following closely, Juliet smirked as she could smell their lust from her alley. And with that problem dealt with, she decided to continue her trek to find her childhood home.

A half-hour of walking in one direction and reading maps later, Juliet noticed something familiar about her surroundings. “My first release in this world, with that dope-eyed mare. What a fine memory, and now I know where dear mommy lives,” she said to herself, now aware of where she was and how to reach her destination.

Juliet found Twilight’s childhood home and grinned, knocking on the door and fixing her suit for her mother. “Be right there!”

“Take your time,” Juliet said out loud, waiting patiently while thinking of a strategy to overcome the Velvet Mistress.

“Twilight?” She heard from the other side of the door. It opened to reveal a baffled, but smiling Twilight Velvet. “My goodness, what brings you home? Come in, come in!”

Velvet ushered her daughter into her home. “My goodness, it’s been a while. Mating Season, right? I figured you would be scared of me after what I did,” she giggled, rushing into the kitchen to get some tea ready.

“Scared of my own mother? Perish the thought,” Juliet answered, looking around the room. She used her magic to find anyone else in the room and smirked when she quickly realized that she had the house to herself and her mother. “We all know what mating season does to the female population, I can’t blame you for your own biology. No more than you can blame me for having magic.”

“I see that your friendship lessons are working out, or are they lover lessons seeing as most of your friends love you?” Velvet snickered, levitating some tea and placing it on the coffee table. “So what brings you here, sweetie?”

“Can’t I have a reason to visit my mother?” Juliet answered, taking one of the tea cups and pouring herself some of the scalding liquid. “I’m surprised that dad is willing to leave you alone, all things considering.”

“Oh you know your father,” Velvet giggled, smiling fondly at the mention of Night Light. “He can’t say no to me, especially with our new housemates.”

Juliet quirked a brow at this. “Housemates? Like the blue unicorn and the marezon I saw with him in the market?”

“Oh yes, Bronze Hoof and Blue Blaze are with your father in the market, hopefully not doing anything to keep him away from home,” Velvet said, a silly grin on her face. “Squeaky Clean is working in the castle, Quick Silver is probably at the gym, and Bright Lights is teaching at the Academy. So it’s just little old me in the house.”

Juliet grinned. “I see, must be tough to have to compete for Dad’s affections again.”

Velvet let out a hearty laugh, as if being told the funniest joke in the world. “Oh Twilie. You’re not the only one with a harem. Those mares belong to me, they know what the pecking order is in this household.”

“Do they now?” Juliet questioned, rubbing her chin with a hoof.

“If I want my husband’s companionship, they will stop going after him for me. If I want a mare to squeal beneath me, Strong Hoof will bend over while Squeaky Clean and Blue Streak lube up a strap-on with their saliva. I want to get fucked hard, well. I’ll take your father in the backdoor while Quicksilver fucks my front,” Velvet said with a cocky smirk.

“Why not have Strong Hoof fuck your front if you want to get fucked silly?” Juliet asked, leaning forward.

“Strong Hoof is a puss in the sheets, she acts all tough but the only stallion she’s ever dominated was Nighty,” Velvet gushed. “Oh the sounds those two make is the epitome of adorable. A nerdy stallion with a big heart with a giant mare with a hard shell and soft insides.” Velvet continued to coo over the mental image while Juliet smiled, she was going to wing-it but the milf was making it too easy. “I must say, that is a very nice suit.”

“Thanks, I asked Rarity to make it for me before I left,” Juliet replied, brushing the coat lightly.

“I see,” Velvet smirked. There was a long silence before Velvet bursted out laughing. “Oh, Brighty. Why are you pretending to be my own daughter? If you wanted to roleplay, I would have said yes.”

“Brighty?” Juliet uttered, confused by her mother’s accusation.

“Please, I know my children and they would both rip their ears out before they would sit down to listen to how sexually active their parents are,” Velvet dismissed, pushing herself off the couch.

“I’m not Brighty,” Juliet said plainly, finishing her tea.

Velvet looked confused for a moment before eye eyes opened widely. “Chrysalis? Are you still sour about mating season? You made us do that to get to Twilight.”

“I’m not Chrysalis either,” Juliet scoffed, slowly walking towards her mother. “I’m not a changeling of any kind.”

“Then what are you?” Velvet asked, not in the least intimidated by the other mare.

It was Juliet’s turn to laugh. “They say in every rumor, there is a some merit to it. It had to come from something after all.”

“So you really are Twilight? But why are you acting like this?” Velvet uttered curiously, not even flinching from Juliet’s tail tracing her jawline.

Juliet smiled, her eyes closed and ready for the dramatic reveal. “I am the personification of your daughter’s desires. I am what you always wanted your daughter to be. I am the Alpha Equestria desires.”

Velvet’s eyes widened, recalling a moment when her daughter’s herd mentioned Twilight becoming extremely domineering over the course of three nights and smirked. “So… this is my daughter’s dominating side? The side that keeps her mares wet?”

“You think some do-gooder, naive, scholar can keep her friends happy? She needs me to keep them begging, mother,” Juliet cooed, almost looking down onto Velvet.

“And I take it you are here to try and dominate me?” Velvet said, almost sounding bored.

“Kind of, your reputation does precede you, but you are more of a appetizer before I go seduce and rut Celestia into her plush beddings,” Juliet scoffed, her horn shining a bright light.

“Even if I did put you in your place, my husband and my mares will return shortly,” Velvet stated, almost annoyed by whatever has taken over her daughter.

“I don’t know about the other three you mate with, but I can assure you. Your husband is a little preoccupied with the two mares he left with,” Juliet said, giving Velvet a smug look. “Besides, if they do come home while you’re busy drinking my cum. It’ll be my pleasure to send them to cloud nine.”

“I think you’ll find that I will be too much for you to handle,” Velvet taunted, glaring at the purple mare.

“A line that can be easily repeated by me,” Juliet smirked. “Do you want to be bred in the living room for the world to see, or somewhere private?”

“I think I’ll make you subservient in the bedroom, don’t want you to eat your own words now, do we?” Velvet spat, leading her challenger to her daughter’s old bedroom.

Once there, Juliet used her magic to remove her clothing and placed them neatly on the dresser, her cock hardening in anticipation of what will occur. “Ready to beg for more?”

“If you were so sure of yourself, why were you enhancing my hormones, dear?” Velvet asked, growling when she said ‘dear’.

“In this game, the rules are too elastic to break. Even when you teleported some aphrodisiac into my tea, I am assuming that was when you realized I wasn’t your Twilight,” Juliet grinned. “For future reference, never has a Aphrodisiac ever worked in favor of the pony that forces me to ingest it.”

The two mares stared each other down until Juliet made the first move, tackling Velvet onto the bed. Juliet’s lips felt like static along Velvet’s neck but the older unicorn endured as she tried to roll on top of her daughter’s possessor. She quickly found that the purple mare was stronger than her and resorted to her own magic, light pink tendrils trailing around Juliet’s body and gripping her hard dick. Juliet flinched and gave Velvet enough time to switch their positions.

Juliet began laughing with Velvet on top, her crotch rubbing very slightly along the thick purple member. “Did you forget that I’m the Element of Magic? You might be older but I have far more magic than you can handle.”

Velvet didn’t respond until she felt Juliet lift her off the ground with a raspberry glow, soon every part of her was being tickled and caressed while the mare who looked like Twilight watched on with a big grin. She tried to fight off Juliet’s magic but it was quickly cancelled out by her daughter’s superior power.

Juliet watched her mother float in the air, pleasured by thousands of invisible hoofs. She slowly stroked her cock as she took in the sight of the show. “I must say, you look soo good for your age. A real-live mother anyone would love to fuck.”

Velvet glared and finally cancelled the spell, trying to land on top of the purple mare below her, her rump hitting Juliet in the barrel as she forced her quim into the purple mare’s face, she forced Juliet’s back end up behind her, allowing her to taste her daughter once more, glaring down at Juliet while she did.

Juliet quickly felt tingling zaps along the side of her shaft, causing her to shudder. But she was not without her own tricks, she lengthened and thickened her tongue, smirking when Velvet felt every inch of her vagina get stretched by Juliet’s slippery muscle. The taste of her mother danced on her taste buds while she continued to test Velvet’s limits, putting pressure on the older mare’s love-spot.

Releasing her daughter’s cock, Velvet escaped Juliet's tongue, watching with awe as the long tongue licked the pre-fluids off her snout and mane. “Odd, most mares love this tongue.”

“Magic can only get you so far, dear,” Velvet said. The other mare’s spells making her a bit nervous. She had to assume that magical fingers and dick-long tongues are only the tip of this Alpha’s iceberg and it was still foreplay.

“I disagree, magic got two princesses howling in pleasure beneath me, it’ll get the last one to do the same,” Juliet smirked, giving a ‘come hither; gesture with her hoof.

Velvet felt somepony behind her, pushing her head towards Juliet’s cock, she glanced back to see another Twilight, holding her with her hooves. With quick reflexes, she ducked past the thick member and gave Juliet’s underused pussy a long lick, making the purple mare shriek in surprise. “It’s such a shame Twilight never used her pussy. Maybe you can learn for her.”

For the first time, Juliet gave her a dirty look. “A hole that was a mistake to have, I assure you,” she grumbled. Velvet ducked under the Twi-clone, forcing the copy to fly onto the bed next to Juliet.

Velvet’s magic shot to the clone’s dick and quickly made her orgasm. As her cockmilk sprayed over the bed and a little on Juliet, she let out an echoing cry as she faded. “Is that all you got?” Velvet said with a triumphant smirk.

Juliet wiped her clone’s cum off her face and forced it to float in the air, looking like a large water droplet. “Just the beginning.” She sent the cum wad forward but Velvet dodged it, but Juliet anticipated this and shot it up Velvet’s anus, making her jump in surprise. “Just getting you ready for the inevitable.”

With a huff, Velvet forced the blankets to wrap around Juliet, only allowing the purple cock to flag up between the covers. Smirking, Velvet walked over and started to stroke her daughter’s member off. “You definitely didn’t get my daughter’s intelligence, thinking with your dick and all that.”

She heard a muffled moan as the dick shot off, coating white mare’s hoof and face with cum only for it to disappear, making her watch at the empty bed with confusion. “My dick is pretty big, must mean it has a big brain.” Velvet had no time to react when Juliet landed on her back, dick pressing against her ass. “Oh Mommy, I might think with my dick but even my dick has back-up plans.”

Velvet fought to buck the purple mare off her back but Juliet held on, the struggle only making her harder and more eager to fuck the hostess’ mother. She slammed Juliet into the walls but the Alpha endured, each blow against the walls or the bed only making Juliet more giddy.

Velvet continued to fight until she felt something very narrow poke at her rear star, something far too narrow to be a normal cock. “So, I recall you liking Manticore dicks. Just for you mommy,” Juliet cackled, forcing half of her girth into Velvet’s rear. The older mare kept her mouth shut, refusing to let this mare hear her and continued to fight, even while Juliet slowly worked that barbed head into her anus. “For somepony that loves to fuck, your ass is so tight.”

Velvet stopped moving and took a deep breath, concentrating her muscles in her ass. Juliet shuddering when she felt Velvet’s butt getting tighter and flexing around her like a pussy trying to milk her shaft. “That just means I can use it better.”

Gritting her teeth, Juliet forced the rest of her cock into Velvet’s butt and increased the size by a few inches all around, stretching her anus. Velvet’s hoofs shivering form the sudden increase of size but persevered, the Velvet Mistress refusing to lose, even with her mind slowly drifting off to that big delicious cock.

Juliet noticed Velvet shaking her head, glaring with misty eyes. “Oh, the manticore venom must be taking effect. Great.” With that, Juliet pushed herself out of Velvet’s ass and cleaned her cock with her magic grumbling about poop. Velvet slowly turned to see Juliet sitting on the bed, waiting for something. “If you want more, beg.”

“I. Don’t. Beg,” Velvet cried out, tackling Juliet and trying to get that big cock into her pussy. But Juliet’s magic kept it out, sliding all over her cunt and rear and avoiding her holes completely. “You can’t fight forever.”

“Only until your need for sex starts to make you desperate,” Juliet said calmly. Reclining on the bed while Velvet struggled to impale herself on the purple beast dick. “You know what I want and I can keep denying you until you do what I want.”

“Never!” Velvet shouted, using her magic to keep Juliet’s member still and dropped down hard, growling when the purple mare shifted her dick away and slid between the white mare’s cheeks. “For fuck’s sakes. You will fuck me!”

Juliet giggled and lifted Velvet off of her, placing her in front of the purple cock. “Only if you kiss it.”

They both heard the door open. “Mistress, you here?” said a gruff but very feminine voice from the lobby.

“Silver dear, Up here!” Velvet called out.

They heard what Juliet assumed to be Quick Silver trot up and open the door to see Velvet kneeling between the purple mare’s legs. “What happened here?”

“Only to bear witness to the biggest mistake Velvet made in this battle of wills,” Juliet answered with a smirk.

Quick Silver gave the purple unicorn a odd look before she was pushed forward by another purple mare, one that looked exactly like the mare on the bed.

Velvet was picked up and seated on Juliet’s lap, the knot rubbing against her pussy lips. “I always did like home shows.”

Quick gasped when she felt the Twi-clone lick her folds, her elongated tongue tracing her walls and getting her ready. “M-Mistress.”

“Don’t worry dear, they’re a one-and-done. You can take it,” Velvet reassured, stroking Juliet’s cock.

Quick Silver nodded with a smile and managed to knock the clone onto her back and quickly mounted her, riding her cock hard. Velvet smiled with glee while Juliet rolled her eyes.

The clone was struggling to keep up, glancing to Juliet for help. “A-Alpha, she’s… holy shit she’s good.”

“I wonder if the question of my limit has ever occurred to anypony in this room,” Juliet smiled.

Velvet watched as butterflies and stars floated outside of the open door and soon four more fake Twilights entered the room and surrounded Quick Silver. Juliet giggled and held her mother tight, content to just watch the show.

Quick Silver didn’t bat an eye when presented with two big purple cocks, eagerly stroking and sucking on them while riding the clone beneath her. She shuddered when she felt one clone lick her ass, getting it ready for further penetration. Hooves trying to get her to suck on the three dicks in her face.

The sight was getting to Velvet, especially when she had a big cock in front of her. She knew that her daughter’s doppelganger could feel the older mare getting wet and soaking her fur but refused to show weakness. She glanced to see Juliet watching the scene before them like Twilight used to when they watched a play or reading a fictional novel, a serene smile and a calming look in her eyes. Velvet was baffled by how calm this mare can be in front of a clone-based gang-bang.

The first clone groaned, cumming deep into Quick Silver’s quim. Quick Silver grinned and went to sit up until she was pulled back down onto the first clone, a look of predatory lust in her eyes. “Wait, I thought-”

“I can make stronger clones, girls,” Juliet chuckled. Watching as one Twi-clone slowly pushed her dick into Quick’s ass and another forcing her shaft down the pegasus’ mouth, softly thrusting and groaning from the pleasure. The last Twi-clone looked for an opening and turned to Juliet, who smiled. She pushed Velvet’s head down for the fourth clone who smiled widely and forced half of her impressive girth into the milf’s mouth.

Velvet nearly choked form the sudden intrusion but growled around the clone’s cock, using her tongue and magic to pleasure the rod inside her mouth. It no time at all was the clone groaning and whimpering like a virgin, Juliet merely nodded in approval. “The old mare still has some moves.”

Quick could feel her belly and womb fill with more cum, the mare in her ass getting closer to cumming as well. She was still confused by she had to protect and help her Mistress in this, the details can come later. With all she could, her powerful muscles began massaging all three dicks, making the Twi-clones moan in pleasure.

The Twi-clone being serviced by Velvet moaned and sprayed her cum all over Velvet’s face before disappearing. “So… still fighting me?” Juliet asked.

Velvet remained silent, gobsmacked by how bad this turned. She never expected something like this to come from Twilight yet here it is, but she can’t lose… she just needed that big dick inside her and she’ll have this imposter begging. “Please…”

Juliet perked her ears, almost happy to hear that. “I’m sorry? I didn’t catch that.”

“I- I need your cock, it hurts to not have you inside me,” Velvet moaned, rubbing herself against the shaft harder.

Quick Silver and the clones look to see this happen, clones were clearly happy shouting their approval but Quick looked in shock of what had happened, in disbelief that her mistress can be controlled. She noticed a twinkle in Velvet’s eyes and smirked around the dick in her mouth, knowing that it was all a gambit.

“Took you long enough,” Juliet chortled, nudging Velvet off of her and lying back. “You have my permission.

With the grace of a cat, Velvet crawled onto Juliet and pushed the beastly cock into her pussy, groaning as she felt it grind against her walls. Slowly riding the purple mare carefully, savouring every inch.

Quick Silver tried to do the same with how fast and hard the three clones took her, feeling all three getting closer to another orgasm.

Velvet smiled down onto Juliet, who was calm as ever, the two watching each other as Velvet slowly fucked herself onto Juliet’s rod. “Your dick is so thick, it fills me up like no other.”

“With how tight you are, I wouldn’t doubt it. Like it's strangling me,” Juliet cooed, her same annoying smile plastered on her face.

“It’s just soo good,” Velvet moaned, moving herself faster, waiting for Juliet to throb inside her. She felt it twitch and throb, making her smile widely. “Quick, now!”

Quick nodded and clenched her muscles as tight as possible, making all three mares in her stop and groan in discomfort, her teeth and throat, along with the muscles in her pussy and the tight ring squeezing down so hard that all three clones failed to cum like they wanted.

“Ow, owowow!”

“Teeth, teeth!”


At this time, Velvet’s pussy clenched with the same force, clamping down on Juliet’s member like a vice. “Finally, got you where I wanted you.” Velvet said, venom dripping from her words as she looked down.

The clones ultimately exploded from being forced to hold their orgasms in for too long, turning into stars and butterflies as they disappeared around Quick Silver.

Juliet wasn’t amused in the slightest, and remained passive about the situation, watching Quick Silver run out of the room. “Don’t you worry, dear. You’ll get to cum soon.”

“So long as I cum, right? Shame this won’t go as planned,” Juliet said blankly.

“What do you mean?” Velvet questioned as Quick Silver ran in with a large strap-on attached to herself. “Quickie, could you rut this mare while I ride her?”

“You got it, Mistress!” Quick Silver exclaimed, climbing up behind Velvet and positioned her fake cock for Juliet’s entrance.

Juliet shrugged let out a sigh. "Element of Magic, mommy!" she declared with a crooked grin.

Velvet looked confused until she felt something hard and alive in her ass. “Jeez, she’s tight Mistress. Why does she feel soo good?” Juliet had used her magic to shift Quick’s aim up and turned that old strap-on into a real dick based on how real it felt in her ass. “Oh fuck, it’s so hot.”

“W-Wrong hole, Quick,” Velvet stuttered as Juliet sat up and held her mother closer. “Quick!”

“Doesn’t my pussy feel soo good, Quick Silver? Almost like you can fuck it all day after a long workout,” Juliet cooed form over Velvet’s shoulder.

Lost in the new sensations she felt, Quick nodded and hammered her new dick harder into Velvet’s ass, feeling something dribble out of her. Velvet was forced to bounce atop two dicks, gritting her teeth as she tried to outlast Juliet.

“Wanna hear a secret, Velvet?” Juliet whispered into her ear. “I’ve lived in your daughter’s mind since she was born. I created, nurtured, and LIVED every perverse thought in her head, I am her libido taking the reins of her body and I am here to stay. If I can turn a invading Nightmare Moon into my personal cum dump, I can make you beg for my cum like an obedient pony that you are.”

Velvet’s eyes widened just in time to feel Quick shoot her mare fluids into her mistress’ ass. “You-You mean…”

Juliet nodded. “I am what Twilight both fears and yearns to be, and there is nothing that can stop me.”

Velvet shuddered until she ultimately climaxed all over both cocks, Juliet’s cock still hard and ever enduring while milking another load from Quick. Velvet’s eyes widened as she realized she had lost.

Juliet smirked and pulled Velvet off her cock with her magic, taking care not to disconnect her from Quick and laid her on the bed. She released the self-made lock around her cock and coloured her mother’s face with a thick layer of white cream, letting out a sigh of relief as everything some of it entered Velvet’s mouth, weakly swallowing it. “Wow, that was fun. We should do it again sometime, Mom,” Juliet said, still stroking herself until her cock deflated. She glanced to Quick who was still feverishly rutted Velvet’s ass. “Don’t worry, it’ll turn back into a strap-on in about fifteen minutes. Plenty of time to get her back for betraying you.”

“I’m so sorry, Mistress. It feels too good,” Quick cried out, letting out another thick load of cum inside her mistress.

“Have fun,” Juliet sang, using her magic to put her clothes back on and leaving the two mares to their fun.

Just as Juliet reached the door, she nearly collapsed and began breathing hard. “Holy…. That was close, if it wasn’t for that cockblocker charm and Twilight’s experience with her, she would have had me eating her out like some obedient toy,” Juliet groaned, not liking how close she was to losing to Velvet. She left the house and made her way to Canterlot Castle. Not until she saw cafe, a close battle of domination did make her feel peckish and she needed to eat after all, but was it worth the later bowel movement?

If Twilight can endure having to clean her ass every time she had to use the washroom, Juliet can learn as well, no matter how much it disgusted her.


Nightmare Moon’s eye twitched, slowly stirring from her slumber. Expecting a red room and a purple dick pointing at her snout, she instead say a white ceiling with blinding light. Whatever she was on felt much drier than the collection of cushions she was on prior, and a little softer.

For the first time since arriving in Twilight’s mind, she felt comfortable. She lazily looked to see a copy of Twilight, naked, munching on a candy as she looked sad about something, not that Nightmare Moon cared. She needed to know where she was and why she was there, her throat felt far better than before and talking didn’t feel like it would hurt. “You… where am I?”

The Twilight with her jump in surprise, nearly dropping her candy bar in the process. “Oh my goodness, you’re awake! Oh thank Celestia!”

Nightmare frowned, while annoyed that the wench praised Celestia, she couldn’t help but notice that she used Celestia’s name instead of her own like the other denizens of the mind. “Answer my question, foal.”

“Oh right, you are in the medical ward after we freed you from Juliet’s room. They had to remove all the… cum from your stomach and feed you real food and mana through those tubes,” Twilight explained, pointing at the tube connected to her head and the other tube just outside her mouth. “Are you alright, do you need anything?”

“Who are you?” Nightmare demanded, glaring at the disgusting mare.

“It’s me, Twilight. The one you fought and… attacked at the castle, it’s a long story. Just know that Juliet is using my body to find and possibly force Princess Celestia to… be her broodmare,” Twilight explained, wincing at the thought. “I know you don’t like me but if everything works out, I’ll see what I can do about trying to get you back into Luna’s body, no more creepy sex dungeons.”

“Promise?” Nightmare Moon asked, after her ordeal, she didn’t want to take chances.

Twilight smiled. “Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

This earned a blank look from the Queen of Darkness. “A real promise you idiot!”

Twilight nodded quickly as Smartypants and a doctor entered the room. "Excellent, you’re awake. Let’s get the tests out of the way before Brave and the Hostess begin a rousing game of ‘Good guard, Bad guard’ with you." Smarty said, checking her instruments and Nightmare Moon’s health.

Chapter Thirty: Twilight 'Juliet' Sparkle vs. Princess Celestia: It all comes to a boil.

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[Tags: Futa/F, vaginal, short]

Nightmare was in no mood for these pests that surrounded her. After the doctor let her leave with a clean bill of (mental?) health, she was ushered by guards to a circular meeting room with Twilight’s consciences and with Twilight herself. She sat down and growled at those staring at her, annoyed that none of them feared her. Twilight and the flower-wearing Twilight had looks of welcoming the Queen of the Night. The armored Twilight and the scientist appeared to lack patience, glaring daggers at her, the one called Brave unnerving her with the strange size and battle armor. And finally, the one brimming with magical power, decorated with chains and robes, she gave the latter two a look of irritation. “So, you wish for me to retell how I came to be here and was forced to be a broodmare to the one you call ‘Juliet’?”

“If it’s too much for you, you don’t have to tell us,” Twilight reassured with a smile.

With a snort, Nightmare looked across the table and sat back. “My original plan was to wait for Twilight to breed and impregnant Luna so that I may take over the fetus and be reborn as a new pony. But I lacked the patience and decided try and take over Twilight while they were mating and their magic was linked. Instead of Twilight’s dreams, I ended up in her mind where I was almost immediately defeated by the filly and the slattern you call Juliet. The filly used her magic to knock me unconscious and I awoke in Juliet’s bedroom where she and her minions used my royal body as they saw fit, taunting me as they did their deeds within and on me. Does THAT please you?” she growled, incredibly annoyed by this. “The best part was is that every few days, Juliet would remind me that me becoming a mewling whore for her was the BEST possibility, after the first month I refused to believe that.”

Smartypants coughed, trying to acquire everyone's attention. "To be frank, in terms of ‘living’ and ‘continuing your existence’, Juliet is more of the middle ground. If I am correct, which I am: Brave would have executed you on the spot, no trial. I would have spent months experimenting on your body until I could get no more information out and incinerated your corpse because I have no need of a useless cadaver. Brave would have been quick, I would not be. Grace would have tried to redeem you and helped you down the road to being a ‘goody-two-shoes’ and Star would have sealed you within Twilight’s mind forever, think being banished to the moon but with less hope to escape as when Twilight dies, we all go with her… including all those that are ‘visiting’." She explained, adjusting her glasses.. "Needless to say, the best you would have encountered would have to be Grace, she would have treated you like a friend so long as hostess is happy, Juliet was merely saying that to keep you placated so you can enjoy more of her favorite pastime."

“I didn’t enjoy any of it,” Nightmare growled, glaring at the scientist.

"I said nothing about YOU enjoying the abuse, your body can do things independently of the mind due to multiple sources: Do you need to think to breath? Can you prevent yourself from getting needy during mating season? Do you sleep for recreational purposes? Just because you say you don’t like it won’t mean that your body will share the same sentiment forever. Twilight is a living example of this, she had shouted no to many suitors but her body continues to answer for her which ended with her having a herd." Smartypants continued. "But we are getting off subject, did you happen to listen to anything Juliet had said that wasn’t ‘do you like that, bitch?’ or ‘I’m going to cum in your whore hole’?"

Never had a mare infuriated the Mare of the Moon as much as the fragment of a mare’s intelligence and it took her uneasiness of facing three that can overpower her to keep herself from lashing out and striking the scientist down. “Smartypants, don’t be so mean to her,” Twilight scolded.

"I was being mean? I was merely stating facts based on what I know of Juliet and how the body works to a sentient nightmare," Smartypants defended, looking confused by the hostess’ retort.

"To be fair, Juliet does say those two things quite a bit according to Brave’s guards and the maids," Star added stockily.

“She’s been through a lot, okay. Just be… nicer,” Twilight pouted, she looked to Nightmare and nodded.

“No, I didn’t hear Juliet say anything. As matter of fact, she grew quieter and quieter over time to the point where the last week she violated me, she didn’t even speak, her own whores asking her if she had a problem and wanted to aid her but she scoffed and told them that she was just thinking about something. That last time I saw her was a few days ago, she was thinking deeply on her chair while her freaks used me, turning sexual offers away in favor to think on her life possibly,” Nightmare Moon replied, shaking her head.

"So Juliet was curious about Magic’s room as well. But to think it was enough to have her refuse sex is incredible really," Star uttered in disbelief. "Maybe she didn’t know about Magic’s room and this happened by accident?"

“Magic’s room?” Nightmare asked, looking to Twilight for confirmation.

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. “So I apparently did some stuff that helped my friends with some troubles that opened up something in my mind, or Magic’s room, and allowed Juliet to take over and knock me into my own mind. At this exact moment, Juliet is going to Princess Celestia and is going to do everything she can to mate with her and we need to stop her before she somehow manages to control Equestria through sex.”

At this time, Nightmare Moon began laughing, her front falling onto the table as her hoof slammed again again against the marble surface as she tried to calm down and fail. “A lowely mare- hah- wishes to breed Princess Celestia- haheh- and make Equestria bow to her and her dick, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, haha.”

While Nightmare Moon laughed, Smartypants opened a console on her side of the table and pressed a button, showing Evilight retelling her story to Twilight and Future Dinky. Nightmare slowly stopped laughing to look at the battle scarred unicorn on screen and raised a brow. “Is she your future, whelp?”

“Was, we changed it by Evilight telling me to be careful of Juliet and helping the others, more specifically Brave. In return she got to have a picnic with my friends while Dinky reveals to me, her past self, and Ditzy Doo that I’m her father,” Twilight answered, turning her head to see the dark alicorn staring. “Nightmare?”

“Where was this mare when I was in power? I’d rather you become this than your weak pathetic form,” Nightmare swooned, looking dreamily upon Evilight as she removed her armor to reveal the scars of countless battles.

“If I wasn’t with Brave, I’d consider that hunk of mare too,”Grace cooed, sighing as she ogled the purple mare on the screen.

"May we continue this conversation? And turn that blasted screen off," Brave growled, nudging her wife.

"Actually, this is important. Juliet looked very uncomfortable when Evilight spoke of her, so much that she left when the Hostess used the spell to see how Dinky was conceived," Star spoke up, using her magic to freeze the screen so that Evilight was flexing a little with a fanged grin.

"Oh my! Is it getting hot in this room or is that just me?" Grace stammered, blushing a bit as her magic tugged the collar of her dress.

“The moment I am free from your mind, that will be your future Twilight Sparkle, except you will serve me instead of being a ruthless conqueror,” Nightmare Moon said, licking her lips. “I might still let you conqueror but it will be in my name.”

Twilight huffed and crossed her forelimbs in annoyance. “More of a reason to keep you locked up in my mind or let Luna deal with you.”

“You’d push me back onto your mare? What kind of Alpha are you?” Nightmare cackled, taunting Twilight. The scholar pouted as she blushed out of embarrassment.

"We could always execute you and rid Equestria, Luna, and us, of your evil and taunts," Brave threatened, glaring at Nightmare Moon from the corner of her eye.

“You don’t have the gu-” Nightmare Moon soon noticed a large axe embedded in the table and a lance pointed at her heart, piercing the first millimeter of her flesh slowly. “Point taken.”

"Yes, let’s provoke the mare that had no qualms with executing you in Juliet’s bedroom. A brilliant idea, almost as good as your eternal night plan," Smartypants chuckled, earning a glare from the black alicorn.

Before Nightmare could retort, Magic slammed opened the doors and jumped onto the table. “Everyone! I figured it out! Everyone to my bedroom!”

Despite the filly’s enthusiasm, only Smartypants got up to leave for Magic’s room. Twilight and Nightmare didn’t budge due to their history of somepony telling others to go into their bedroom. Grace and Brave followed while Star lingered behind, watching if Twilight will eventually go with them. "I promise you both, this is a filly we are talking about, this won’t lead to sex."

“Didn’t the Marezons show me that I did mate with at least two fillies?” Twilight uttered nervously, unsure if she should follow. Nightmare merely gave Twilight a passive look.

Star smiled lightly as she pulled both Nightmare and Twilight over to the door with her magic. "Trust me, Brave and Smartypants are better sexual deterrents than you think, especially with Juliet gone."


The guards walked by, unperturbed by the growing sounds of moaning and wet slapping noises that seemed to come from the Batpony barracks. One of them rolled his eyes, unshocked by the oddly high libido Luna’s creatures possessed.

Within, a batpony that bore a strange resemblance to Cheerilee (though only in hairstyle) tore through another pillow with her teeth, bucking against her lover’s groin as she felt her body get filled with thick unicorn meat.

“Tell me, what feels better? Fucking my pussy or getting so full of my cock?” Juliet cooed, nibbling the batmare’s ear, pumping her hips harder into her mare, pinning the slightly stronger mare beneath her

“Oh fuck… it feels so hot inside me,” the batpony moaned, her body shuddered from another orgasm ripped out of her. “I love your cock!”

“Of course you do,” Juliet chuckled, feeling her cock twitch and throb inside of one of Luna’s girls. “I’m about to give you a very special gift. For being such a good filly.”

“Yes, I want it! Give it to me!” The batmare moaned, drooling onto the cot.

With a firm thrust, keeping herself buried deep inside the other mare, Juliet grunted, her nostrils flaring as she unloaded her thick cum inside of the very batmare that had fucked her when she managed to escape that one time, teaching her that the only thing she will ever need is Juliet’s cock. “How does that feel, my little filly?”

“I- I haven’t felt this good… since I was turned,” the batmare moaned, nuzzling Juliet’s neck. Her insides felt so warm and full thanks to Juliet’s meat injection, never wanting the feeling to leave her.

“Good.” The purple mare pulled herself out, making the batpony whimper in dismay from the loss of cock and heat. “Now, I have some important business with my mentor. I’m already late so you will have to forgive me for just rutting you and walking away.”

“Sex with no strings attached are my kind of romps, babe,” the batmare cooed, shaking her rump and feeling Juliet seep out of her overburdened snatch. “Just remember to come back and give me more of that thick medicine.”

“Oh, I shall…” Juliet grinned, leaving the Lunar barracks in search of Celestia.

Reaffirming her dominance over a previous lover always put a spring in Juliet’s step, especially if said lover had relations with parts of the purple unicorn she shouldn’t be touching.

With that said, Juliet made her way to Celestia’s study, recalling every sexual thought Twilight ever had about the Solar Princess and using them to fuel her own desire to bed the much larger mare. Considering her encounter with the brutish Marezon, Celestia would be much easier to tame.

The guards didn’t give her much of an issue, knowing who the Princess’ student was, and allowed Juliet to enter. The room was just as she remembered it, a dark blue room with stars littering the ceiling, a large silver and grey fireplace that commanded the room with the balcony that sat opposite of it and the door. Several large pillows for when Twilight and Celestia would lay upon during studies, bookcases lined a majority of the walls, with various pictures of Celestia and her previous students, she remember how jealous Twilight got that day when she found out but she quickly realized that the Princess had lived a very long time and obvious had more than one student.

She found the pillow Twilight commonly used and laid on it, levitating a book to her as she waited for Celestia to come. A smirk forming on Juliet’s face in anticipation of her greatest work. Making the seemingly invincible Princess moan like a whore.


Magic stood before her fellow Twilights and Nightmare Moon. “Alright team, behold the plan to stop Auntie Alpha!”

Star and Twilight exchanged glances, Nightmare and Brave appeared less than amused, Grace shuffled impatiently next to her husband/wife, and Smartypants stared at Magic with unblinking eyes. "And that plan would be? Don’t stop just to build suspense, we need to hear it now."

At this, Magic blushed and scratched her head. “Sorry.” She spun around and touched the large white orb in the center of her room. “This orb feels like it is weakening, but it strengthens at random intervals. Was anyone paying attention to what Juliet has been doing outside, because I have a super good theory.”

"She’s been rutting whores on her way to the Princess." Brave answered, grumbling under her breath.

Smartypants realigned her glasses. "Approximately twenty minutes ago, Juliet mated with the batpony that had pierced Twilight’s vagina months ago with a spell Luna enchanted her with."

“Wait, how did you know that?” Twilight asked. She didn’t recall them seeing Juliet’s actions since Bon-bon’s house.

Smartypants tapped her glasses. "To be able to know everything, I need to see everything… but I must do it through your eyes so I implanted a special device in my glasses that let me see what you see when I desire or need to."

Magic then smiled brightly. “Then I was right!” She then bounced around the room excitedly before pulling Twilight closer with her magic. “The orb weakens for a few minutes before Juliet initiates sex so right before she starts humping and regains power when the mare she’s having fun with gets really excited. We just need to wait for Juliet to seduce a pony!”

"Knowing Juliet, it can’t be long." Brave huffed.

“Faster we trounce that deviant, the faster I can return to Luna’s thoughts. At least there, I can corrupt her without getting raped by something,” Nightmare Moon grumbled.

“Rather nonchalant about rape, aren’t you?” Twilight asked, confused by how casually the dark alicorn mentioned it.

“This coming from the mare that subjugated various mares through forced sex,” Nightmare spat. Twilight shut her mouth tightly and turned away, not wanting to continue the conversation. “Where is that overgrown dildo?”

"She is currently in Princess Celestia’s study. Presumably waiting for the Princess to return," Smartypants answered.

Twilight gasped in shock and began to panic, forcing Star and Grace to try to calm her down while Brave stared at the large orb. "Then it’s only a matter of time."


Preparations were complete and Juliet was ready to make her move. And not a moment too soon when she heard the guards speaking with somepony, somepony that sounded like she had a motherly tone that was enhanced by gentle authority. Juliet smiled and levitated the book back in its space.

Princess Celestia walked in and turned to see Twilight waiting for her and gave her a nod. “Well, this certainly a surprise. What do I owe this visit, my faithful student?”

“I missed you, Princess. Doesn’t that warrant enough to visit you?” ‘Twilight’ grinned, keeping herself relaxed in the mass of cushions.

Celestia was taken back by the laid back nature of her student. The magic-loving unicorn usually greeted her with a hug or a nuzzel, excited to see her. Here, Twilight was so aloof it was almost as if she were a different mare. “I suppose not. Though, considering your new responsibilities, I’m surprised you can make the time to come out.”

‘Twilight’ shrugged. “The girls need to learn to share each other. I can’t be in two places at once- well I can, but that’s really draining.” She used her magic to place a tray of tea on a small table next to her. “Thirsty? I wanted to try a brew that Zecora made for me once before.”

“Using the Princess of Equestria as a guinea pig for your beverages? Soon, you’ll want to turn yourself into a stallion. Though from what I’ve heard from Luna, it’s been done plenty of times,” Celestia teased, taking a seat across from ‘Twilight’ and levitating the teapot to pour the hot liquid into a cup.

“I do have to ask, Princess,” ‘Twilight’ added, her smile faded slightly as the question sprung to mind. “Why did you let me have my herd if it was ‘supposedly’ outlawed? I am disinclined to believe that it was because the noble houses forgot it was a law in the first place.”

“A topic I felt that needed to come sooner or later,” Celestia said with a deep sigh. She took a small sip of her tea and got comfortable. “The reason why is because that you are an Alpha Mare among a group of mares, the law prohibits stallions from forming a herd of mares or vise-versa. While, you did use magic to impregnate Fluttershy, I’m not about to imprison you for creating life. After all, it takes so much magic to even replicate a working penis, so much that ponies that are interested in both the same gender and want to start a family could only dream of conjuring. You are still, after all, a mare. And while some herds have formed in secret, the Apple family continues past that because of their strong ties to each other, the only herd our council were forced to ‘omit’ when this law was passed due to its longevity and age. The smaller herds only formed because stallions desired sex and caused the problem in the first place. ”

“I see,” ‘Twilight answered, a thoughtful look appeared on her face as she took a sip of her own tea.

“And now, seeing as we are asking question. May I ask you something?” Celestia continued. ‘Twilight’ smiled and nodded. “Ever since this herd business happened, I felt that you’ve been hiding something from me. I want to know what it is.”

“What do you mean?”

Celestia knew when somepony was trying to lead her away and ‘Twilight’s attempt was as transparent as glass. “I have learned that many ponies have learned of this and when I have attempted to learn of it, it was deflected. Your parents refuse to speak of it, your brother and Cadance tend to change the subject quickly. Your very herd seeks to make this secret of yours a constant mystery.”

“Well, it sounds to me that you are dying to find out,” ‘Twilight’ mused, relishing in Celestia’s curiosity.

It was then that Celestia slowly placed her cup down and let out a huff. “That was until I tasted a rather peculiar set of herbs in the tea, made to heighten the libido of the imbiber. This either tells me that my student is one of Discord’s monsters, though tamed and subdued by the teachings of her family and friends. Or you are not her.”

“Interesting thought,” ‘Twilight giggled, taking a hearty gulp of her tea. “But then again, you didn’t happen to taste the other drug that I put in it, did you?”

“What other drug?” Celestia questioned, she tried to levitate her cup but it failed to move.

“Zecora knows how to disable magic. Fortunately for me, powder itself blends very well with the cup’s bottom and is completely tasteless. The tea itself was laced with a aphrodisiac, something we both ingested and has some flavour,” ‘Twilight said calmly, standing up and walking slowly to Princess Celestia with a confident swagger.

“I don’t know who you are and what you’ve done with my student. But you will not succeed,” Celestia stated, climbing onto her hooves to meet the deceptive purple mare.

“I’m hurt, Princess. It’s me, Twilight Sparkle. Or at least the NEW Twilight Sparkle. The NEW Alpha of Equestria” Twilight spoke, her eyes shining red as she approached Celestia. “You may have your strength, but I still have my magic. Let’s find out which is stronger.”

Inside Twilight’s head, the Twilights and Nightmare noticed that the orb was slowly weakening. “Try it, now!” Magic called out. Brave picked Twilight up and threw her at the orb, only for the poor unicorn to hit tt and slide down, her face red with pain. “Oh, she needs to be more into the thing then,” Magic pouted.

“Can we… do this before… Juliet raped Princess Celestia?” Twilight groaned, rubbing her nose.

Outside, Juliet and Celestia fought, destroying furniture as Juliet tried to make Celestia lie down, only to be sent flying into a wall. “Okay, I can see why Twilight avoids pain,” Juliet grumbled, wiping some blood of her lips. "Gonna need more than that to stop me, Celly."

“You have no right to call me that!” Celestia snapped, charging at Juliet again, only for the smaller mare to weave between the alicorn’s legs. Her magic tickling and rubbing the underside of Celestia’s belly to coerce her into the mood. A fierce blush was forced onto the princess’ face as she let out a gasp. “Stop touching me!”

"I’m just giving you a helping hoof. You really should relax," Juliet cackled, teleporting away to avoid Celestia’s hoof flying at her face. “Sex is a great way to unwind. Trust me, I know.”

This mare was trying Celestia’s patience. While the alicorn had a severe advantage in power, it felt like the imposter was playing with her. “You have a lot of nerve to come to my chambers, with my student’s face…”

“For all intensive purposes, I am your student. But’s it's time for the roles to be reversed, my dear,” Juliet grinned, teleporting out of the way of Celestia, and giving the royal mare’s cutie mark a long lick, causing the rump to shiver in pleasure. “Not very elegant, your highness.

Inside Twilight’s head, Magic kept a careful eye on the orb while Smartypants watched Juliet’s fight with Celestia. "How Juliet managed to trick Princess Celestia so easily will forever baffle us."

“What happened? Please tell me that she isn’t hurting the Princess,” Twilight gasped, complete fear in her eyes.

“I’d rather hear Celestia moan like the whore she is,” Nightmare groaned, more interested in relaxing than what was occurring outside, ignoring the spiteful looks she got from the other Twilight’s.

"I for one am glad that we revived and rescued such a useless asset. Almost like we thought she had a purpose," Brave grumbled, glaring daggers at the dark alicorn.

"Juliet is wearing Celestia down in faux combat and applying stimulation to sensitive parts of a mare’s anatomy. The Princess’ magic has been disabled via Zecora’s brew and is forced to rely on brute strength and agility to stop our colleague from intercourse," Smartypants said, she adjusted her glasses and turned to the other Twilight’s. "The Princess is getting more reckless the more Juliet taunts and pleasures her."

"So it’s only a matter of time," Grace uttered, looking rather scared, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "We need some kind of saving grace."

“Now!” Twilight turned to see the orb, fading, dimming, and making noises that sounded like it was in pain, with Magic trying to pull the hostess towards it. “Now! You have to do it, NOW!”

Nodding, Twilight stood up and leaped into the orb. This time, it gave away and felt like the unicorn was jumping into a pool of white mud as it slowly engulfed her being.

Outside, Juliet stood triumphantly over Celestia. Her magic was loosening her pants and getting ready to enjoy her reward. While the Princess was out of breath, very light bruising decorated her body, her face bright red and breathing hard. Between her legs, her vagina oozed her clear honey while her tail purposefully moved away from her rear and showing herself to her foe.

Juliet surprisingly, was worse off, she clearly wasn’t able to dodge every attack as her lip was split, a few bruises on her face, and her fore leg was limping, but she felt like a queen. “And, now... My prize. At long last.”

Celestia glared up at the imposter, but couldn’t speak as she laid back on the floor, shutting her eyes to prepare herself for the inevitable.

"Ever since Twilight masturbated to you in the bathhouse in the palace, I’ve been envisioning different ways to have you. So many thoughts and dreams I forced Twilight to have behind my associate's backs. All this planning, so well worth it. A shame she never actually took you, but… why would you need that virgin when you have a real stallion making you moan?" Juliet grinned sickly as she stepped out of her pants and over to Celestia, prepared to mount the regal white mare. "Don’t worry, I’ll be gen-AHH!"

A sudden pain thrashed in her mind, causing Juliet to fall backwards. Celestia slowly turned to see the purple unicorn thrash and writhe on the carpet, a thick piece of stallionhood slowly deflating. “What’s going on?”

"NO, I won! This was my victory lap! Why must you take this from me!" Juliet snarled as her eyes lit up, her red eyes faded into brilliant white pillars that bathed the room in a bright light.

Celestia forced herself to look away, her wing shielding her from the intense magic displayed. Once the light was gone, she turned to see her student comatose, her eyes closed and barely breathing. She turned to her door called for the guards to get her sister, hoping that she could shed some light on these recent events.


Twilight opened her eyes and found herself in a bright white landscape, there was nothing around her for miles, making her feel lonely. “Hello?” She called out, frowned when no one answered back. “What happened? I should be back in my body… not like this.”

"No, not like this at all." Twilight jumped and saw a familiar purple mare wearing a purple suit step towards her, her eyes burning a dull red and a scowl on her face. "Good to know that not everyone’s plans turned out the way they should have."

Chapter Thirty-One: Twilight Sparkle vs. Twilight 'Juliet' Sparkle: We're Finally Space Cowponies.

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[Futa/Futa, vaginal, anal, rape][Futa/Futa, roal, vaginal, powerbottom]

“Sister!” Luna busted through the door to see Celestia, exhausted on some cushions and her alpha knocked unconscious, lying with her literal pants down. “What had occurred here, Celesita? Why is Twilight here?”

“I- Luna, that’s not Twilight.” Celestia groaned. “Whatever she is, she attempted to defile me. She blocked my magic…”

Luna quickly ran to help her sister up, glancing to give Twilight a worried and confused look. Once the larger alicorn stood, stretching her sore muscles, feeling a bit ‘tense’ from Twilight’s teasing. Luna went to study her fallen alpha, using her magic to scan the prone unicorn. “She is Twilight but… wait one moment!”

“Do you know something, Luna?” Celestia asked, gently pushing a cushion to cover her student’s crotch.

“Was she obsessed with the idea of being an Alpha? A sort of swagger to how she acts and talks?” Luna asked, her tone was firm and dead serious.

“Yes, she was. Wait, does this have anything to do with Chrysalis?” Celestia said, scowling at the mention of the changeling queen using her student in such a way.

“Neigh, this is a dark side of our Twilight. Hiding deep within her that emerged during her slumber and for three days, she sated her desires on so many different mares, I tried to stop her myself but it only proved to enrage her and she overpowered myself and my nightguard,” Luna explained, leaning down to Twilight, smiling softly when she heard the slow breathing form the unconscious mare. “I only hope that when she awakens, it is not her darker side.”

“Twilight had a darker side? Our Twilight? Are you certain?” Celestia asked, confused and slightly miffed that she was brought down another peg, by her student no less. Her legs still fidgeted from all the magic and touches her attacker committed, she blushed and turned to Luna. “I’ll be a moment… the ‘dark side’ of Twilight used a lot of magic designed to fill the target with pleasure… I need to get rid myself of it so I may think clearly.”


Twilight stared in shock and fear of her lustful self standing a few hooves away from her. Juliet fixed her tie, her left eye twitching in anger. "You know, I could have made your life so much better. I could have had Equestria, as a whole, begging for some sweet purple dick in the most literal sense of the word. But you ruined it by doing whatever it was you did," Juliet said, glancing around their surroundings. Her horn glowed red a bit as she tested her magic. "Why would you do such a thing? Why would you ruin your chance to be happy?"

“But... I was already happy,” Twilight said softly, watching Juliet walk towards her. “I had my friends, my herd, my family.”

"WHO GAVE YOU ALL THAT?!" Juliet screamed, catching herself quickly and taking a few deep breaths. "Face it, Twilight. Without me, you wouldn’t have your ‘herd’. You wouldn’t have your new ‘family’. You’d just be some cunt sitting in a library while your friends lived unfulfilling lives with some jerk-off stallion or waste-of-space mare, depending on them and slowly draining their life away. You may have thought that it was you that helped make those friends but no, that was me. It was Grace and Star that twisted your desires to bang your friends in Everfree Forest into a sense of camaraderie. What I did was make you like them enough to be friends and future lovers, twisting your words to please them and make them more comfortable with you."

“What do you mean? We became friends then we knew that we were destined to be the best of friends through the Elements of Harmony, what else would that mean? Why would the personification of my lust want to be friends with somepony else without immediately raping them like you made me do with Gilda or Cherry Jubilee?”

"Because being an entity of lust doesn’t mean that I want to rape everything. Rape just comes with the territory. Gotta make friends before you send them to nirvana full of cum," Juliet smirked. "And don’t pretend that I’m the only rapist here: Chrysalis, the Iron Pony games, all those bunnies when you were a bunny yourself. Trixie’s entire personality is now dependant of you abusing her physically and mentally and that was ALL you. Don’t get me started on that dream you had about Roseluck."

Twilight began stepping back as Juliet continued forward. “I know, I’ve done a lot of bad things. But they were still assisted in some way by your meddling. The Ikki-shox challenges, Ditzy, the deplorable things you’ve done to Nightmare Moon, we found her. And you know what? I like to think that I could have gained my herd without you; Pinkie did say that she would have definitely been with me, with or without you or my penis.”

"But would she cared about you? No, you would have been a fling, a one time deal where Pinkie would be thinking about a hundred different ponies while pity-fucking you, " Juliet snapped, huffing in annoyance. She straightened herself out and gave Twilight a dark glare.

Twilight withered a bit from the other pony’s stare but quickly stood fast. “I don’t care. I love my herd with all my heart and I’m positive that they love me for me, not for what I have or what you can make me do to them.”

Juliet rolled her eyes as she made her way around Twilight, the naked purple mare keeping a careful eye on her duplicate. "You know, for a pony that’s arguing against herself. You sure seem to believe you have the moral high ground… against YOURSELF."

“But you’re not me- well, you are technically me, but you are small part of me. Grace, Brave, Smartypants, and Star make me who I am just as much as you make me who I am,” Twilight declared, narrowing her eyes at the clothed mare.

"Your point? You can’t put yourself on a pedestal before me when you are aware that Grace and Brave helped you obtain that self-righteousness, and a bit of myself for the very confident way you said that," Juliet pointed out. She stretched her neck and groaned as she surveyed the white nothingness all around her. "I wonder, what did you hope to accomplish by sealing us BOTH in here?"

Twilight arched her brow, confused by the question. “I-I didn’t, this just happened. We wanted you out of my body and I jumped into the orb in Magic’s room-”

Juliet started to laugh, her howls of mirth echoing in the blank space as she fell over on the ground. "Magic? More of Magic doing something? Oh, they grow up so fast."

“What do you mean?” Twilight questioned, worried about the possible answer.

"That kid is an enigma, so happy and full of wonder. Almost like we were when we were but a tiny filly. She had secrets though and a lot of magic. Did you know she was almost raped on her first day in your mind? A couple of my Twilights were bored and saw her in the hallway looking for the bathroom. Shame too, I kinda missed those thoughts of… whoever they were, all I know was that Magic eradicated them the second they tried anything," Juliet sighed. "That’s why I became her supposed guardian. Can’t let something like that stay with Brave or Smartypants after all."

“So… you girls used my head like a huge social battleground, trying to get the upper hoof on the others,” Twilight grimaced, she always did despise the courts but to have it occurring within her mind made her feel digusting.

"Mostly between myself, Brave, and Smartypants. Star kept to herself and Grace did her own thing when she wasn’t warming Brave’s bed," Juliet answered cooly. Her smile faded as she looked up with a dark glare. "This was the first time in yeasr that I ever beat them. I couldn’t beat Brave because of your desire to help others, I couldn’t beat Smartypants because your desire to learn. The herd was the only thing that gave me a fighting chance to even approach their levels, push the right buttons and you tend to do the rest on your own, especially when your desires get a hold of you."

“And how did Magic fit in all of this?” Twilight snapped.

Juliet shrugged. "She didn’t really, until you started helping your friends with their little crises. She was so excited but she kept all that a secret until I noticed that her door was glowing and she was in there more often. Magic had been planning something ever since she got inside you and I wanted to know what it was. She wanted control over you and who knows what they might have done, hell… maybe it was Magic that eventually caused the ‘Evilight’ event."

Twilight stopped and scratched her chin with a hoof as she thought about Juliet's words. “No, that’s you. You turn me into Evilight.”

Juliet chuckled. "Are you certain?"

“Yeah, Evilight herself says it was you that did it and I really don’t think Magic would go around raping everything. World domination maybe but doing so by raping her adversaries is more your thing… and that was your whole plan from the start, we all heard it while inside my head,” Twilight explained.

Juliet went neutral, looking to the floor, almost embarrassed before glancing back up to Twilight. "Maybe I corrupted her, she did get to see me work on Nightmare Moon a few times."

“What?” Twilight gasped. “She never mention that.”

Juliet smiled smugly. "Is that so?"


“Luna, call the other bearers,” Celestia ordered, still woozy from the drugged tea and the following combat. “I can barely move after that catastrophe.”

“O-Yes sister, right away,” Luna said flying out of Celestia’s balcony.

Celestia looked back down to the prone form of Twilight Sparkle and the pillow covering her dual genitals. “I need to talk to Discord.”

“You rang, Celly?” Discord sang behind her. “You look like a mess, you should lay off the Moonshin- maybe you shouldn't have seeing as your student is here wearing a suit and a pillow.”

“Nevermind that, how can we cure Twilight? This… I’m sure this is her but something is controlling her,” Celestia uttered, looking over her student with a worried tone.

Discord gave Celestia a confused glance before turning back to Twilight. “A cure? A cure to what exactly?”

“A cure to her- her possessed genitalia,” Celestia uttered, blushing lightly. “She tried to drug and assault me with the intent to breed me. What else would you think? She is being manipulated by YOUR warped magic!”

“Now, I assure you, Celestia. I only gave them the equipment when I first made them. They became sexually active on their own. The nerve of someponies blaming me for things I had no hoof in,” Discord scoffed, turning his back to the white alicorn. “A mare asked me to be a stallion, I gave her a chance. She liked it so much she made a whole new generation of them. I fail to see the problem.”

“Equestria was overpopulated because of you, and all those mares that you ‘blessed’ became serial rapists,” Celestia snapped. “And now my student is one of them, you made the first one, I demand you rectify this.”

“Well, I’m not about to neuter Twilight, even I’m not that cruel,” Discord retorted, his hands to the sides. “And besides, I can name several little ponies that would be very cross with me if I were to remove her portable battering ram. Your sister for example.”

“I’m certain Luna can grow to love Twilight without her penis as she already has. What I don’t want is Twilight causing another situation like Grand Canopy,” Celestia felt her spine shiver. “The thought of that mare still unsettles me.”

“I thought she was a nice mare, even after the penis,” Discord uttered, checking his reflection in a hand mirror. “Besid- hello?”

They both caught sight of Twilight twitching, her breathing turning harsh. Celestia swallowed her breath. “Discord, help Luna gather Twilight’s friends. We need them now.”


"Face it, Twilight. Magic played us all for fools. I would have helped you rule Equestria, while she would have destroyed it. I’m the better option in this really," Juliet grinned as Twilight sat on her rear, eyes wide in shock. "And to think, this is what Harmony wanted of us, wondering what friendship could be."

“I- I refuse to believe that. She was created from the Elements, right. She should be a force of good,” Twilight muttered, staring forward.

"It appears to be the theme of the day. That ‘Harmony’ is good in nature when too much harmony and you have mind control," Juliet said, looking over the empty space, she quirked her head as if remembering something. "A thought occurs, do you remember the Ikki-Shox challenge where we had to beat and fuck that giant mare that can make Big Mac look like an adorable foal?"

“Yes?” Twilight answered. Suddenly she fell forward, unable to move as her rump was forced above her head and tail forced away. “Let me go!”

"Maybe this is like that scenario. Where if we lose our will, we can no longer be stuck here. Winner takes your body and the loser is stuck in the mind," Juliet added thoughtfully as she teleported her pants away, letting her cock harden beneath her barrel.

Upon seeing this, Twilight tried to use her own magic to escape but to no avail. “No- don’t do this! How can we be even sure this is the correct solution.”

Juliet grinned madly, turning to face the distraught unicorn. "It’s worth a shot, isn’t it. Besides, you still have a chance, just gotta last longer than me."

Despite her struggles, Twilight gasped when she felt her doppleganger’s breath against her unused pussy and soon a tongue getting her wet. "Shame I didn’t do a better job keeping the others out of here. I love breaking in virgins."

“N-no,” Twilight cried, trying with all her might to free herself and kick Juliet in the nose but all she could do was shudder when Juliet mounted her, cock ready to enter her passage. “I- I won’t let you… win.”

"I beat Celestia, I can beat you," Juliet said rather blatantly as she shoved half her cock into her hostess. Her entire body shivered as she sank an inch deeper into Twilight’s folds. "Oh sweet me, the real deal is sooo much better."

Twilight could only scream as the embodiment of her own lust started to fuck her slowly, the worst part of it was that there was no pain, just pleasure in the initial penetration. Her vagina’s lack of activity made her very sensitive there and already felt herself grow hard from the constant movement. But she had to endure, regardless of what thought the evil Twilight entertained. She had to find a way out of this.

"Fuck, your pussy was… are you sure you weren’t letting the stallion fuck you while I was asleep in your head? This is so tight and welcoming." Juliet moaned, happily rutting Twilight into the white floor. "I bet this feels better than that time with Bon-Bon or Minuette."

The question was met with silence, though Twilight hated to admit that Juliet was right. Truth be told, there aren’t very many Twilight can compare getting her own dick shoved into her muff to. Gritting her teeth, she used her magic to test the bonds on her body and found… nothing? She wasn’t bound at all, she couldn’t understand it at all, she tried to fight it more, but it only served to make Juliet more eager to bury her shaft deeper.

"Keep-keep fighting, you get so much more tighter and hotter when you do," Juliet giggled, licking her lips as she pushed herself forward, her hooves holding Twilight down as her rump slammed herself into her hostess. The overwhelming tightness drove Juliet crazy, feeling addicted to what was essentially her own cunt, yet it wasn’t it felt far more different from the thoughts she had fucked over the years, it just felt… better in every way.

True, she lied just to kill time by fucking Twilight for fucking her over on the lay of a lifetime. But she was rather satisfied with consolation prize presented to her in the dreary room of nothing, nothing but this sweet pussy to dive into.

Twilight gasped when she felt something grasp her shaft. She tentatively looked down to see Juliet’s hoof around her cock, stroking it as fast as the Lusty mare could rut. "I may be a rapist, but I’m not a monster. Besides, if I am to win, I gotta deal with all your most sensitive zones, especially with how much you keep-oh, making my dick feel so good with your struggling."

Juliet smirked, feeling Twilight cock throb in her hoof. She sunk her teeth into the nape of Twilight’s neck, not enough to break skin but enough to remind the mare who was on top, who was Alpha, and kept rutting like it was her last.

"Getting closer, Twily. I’m- I’m gonna be the second pony to paint your walls white, and the first to paint your womb," Juliet shrieked in pleasure, redoubling her efforts. Twilight did her best but she too was failing to resist the pleasure and let out a sputter of a moan as her head was pressed firmly to the floor by unknown magic.

"Fuck YES!" Juliet cried out, her cock throbbing and firing heavy loads of jism directly into Twilight’s marehood, coating it and filling the small crushed space that was her womb up to the brim. Twilight let out a whimper when her own cock coated the floor with her seed.

Juliet continued to wring her cock out with Twilight’s vagina until she felt all her cum was milked out before sliding herself out. Smirking as she noticed both mares were still hard. "Still good to go? That’s the spirit."

Twilight squeaked and her second wind came forth when she felt Juliet reposition for her back door. “D-don’t you DARE!”

"A hole is a hole, Twilight. Even if it is disgusted. And fortunately for the both of us, I made sure to clean it after my first unfortunate experience with your leavings." She flipped Twilight onto her back with her magic and loomed over her. "Time to finally bust that black cherry."


Discord arrived with Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack in an elevator coming from the private bathroom of Celestia’s bedroom. “Rainbow Dash flew off before I can tell her to come in, she should be here eventually.”

Celestia grimaced, looming over the unconscious form of her student, who now rested in the Princess’ bed. “Where is Luna?”

Discord shrugged as the mares ran to their Alpha’s side. “She saw me leave with them and stayed behind to gather the rest. Maybe the whole herd is coming.”

Confused, Celestia nodded regardless and joined her little ponies at her students side. “What happened, Princess?” Applejack asked, a loom of fear on her face shared by her friends.

“Luna claimed that Twilight had an entity within her that made her a lust crazed monster. She attacked me and suddenly fainted. Do you girls know anything about this side of Twilight?” Celestia questioned.

The girls gave each other worrying glances. “Well… there was this one time Twilight woke up and was feeling really horny but we just thought Twilight was pent up. Which was weird because I drained her good that night,” Pinkie replied while Fluttershy hid behind her mane.

“She approached me earlier today to acquire a suit and… ravaged me after I made it, demanding that I refer to her as my Alpha,” Rarity admitted, blushing madly from the confession. “It was… much more beasital from the last time.”

Celestia rubbed the temples of her head, hoping that Twilight hadn’t brainwashed her own friends. “Anything else.”

“Afraid not, your highness,” Applejack replied. “We didn’t even know about it until Luna mentioned it earlier.”

Rainbow Dash nearly slammed into the wall at mach speeds and killed herself if Discord didn’t catch her with a baseball mitt. She quickly recovered and flew to Twilight’s side. “What happened, is she okay?”

“We don’t know, I’ve never encountered such a thing before,” Celestia uttered as her ponies hoped and prayed that Twilight would get better.


"What happened? I demand to know, Magic!" Brave snarled, holding Magic in her magic, nearly choking the filly.

“I-I dunno, but we need- to trust-” Magic wheezed, struggling to free herself from the bone crushing grip of the Knight’s magic had.

Grace flicked Brave’s ear and freed Magic before holding the filly tightly. "That’s enough from you," she said before turning to Magic. "Now, sweetie. Please tell us what has happened and what will happen."

Just as Magic was about to answer, she noticed a nervous twitch in the corner of Grace’s eye and felt scared, the motherly mare’s hooves slowly squeezing her the same way Brave had just did to her. “Ple-please, if you just give me a moment…”

Just then, Magic was teleported in front of Star, who gave her a look of disappointment. She turned to see Smartypants studying the orb, touching it every so often. “I-I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

Star shook her head like a scolding parent. "You should have trusted us."

“It doesn’t work like that, I’m not allowed,” Magic uttered.

"Are you allowed to speak of it now while we are comatose and in danger of dying?" Star asked, Brave and a fuming Grace, who now wore a red dress with a fire pattern, stepped next to the bound mare.

Magic looked up at the three angry mares and sniffled. “I just wanted to turn Twilight into an Alicorn.”

The Twilights and Nightmare Moon stared in confusion of what Magic had said. "What?"

“What I did was what is listed as ‘Harmony’s Ascension’. It’s when the Elements themselves crown a princess to represent them,” Magic explained.

"There are six mares that represent Harmony, why aren’t the others facing this problem?" Brave demanded, her eye twitching with rage.

“Twilight is what binds them all together, all of them are powerless when alone but together they can overcome any obstacle. Twilight was chosen because she led them through thick and thin and did her best for them. She was chosen because she is the sixth element magic!” Magic stated proudly, looking around the room to see several still rather unamused Twilights glaring at her.

“Great, just what we need. Another alicorn, please tell me that the others won’t become alicorns,” Nightmare Moon groaned, already dreading the idea of the insufferable purple mare as a future princess.

“Maybe, I don’t know. It’s up to the Elements, all I know is, their lives will be intertwined,” Magic said with a weak grin.

"Pseudo-immortality so long as Twilight’s closest friends and lovers live? And what of them?" Smartypants asked, still examining the orb.

Magic remained silent, giving the scientist a firm look. “I can’t say for certain about the others like Trixie, Gilda, or Zecora… But so long as the six elements are united, all six of them will live forever together as friends and/or lovers.”

"While immortality sounds wonderful but isn’t that much to force it upon others? You are essentially forcing them to watch their loved ones die around them as they continue to live on," Grace scolded, feeling uncomfortable by the idea.

“It’s not my idea, I’m just here to make sure it happens… then I disappear and you won’t have to deal with me again,” Magic said, trying to hold back tears.

While Grace felt hurt for verbally scolding the young filly, Star and Brave resisted it easily. "What of Juliet?"

Magic slowly raised her head and sighed. “I-I don’t know, I just know that Juliet and Twilight will be trapped in there until something happens, I don’t know what but I do know that Juliet has to return here, there is no way for her to take over Twilight’s body again with both of them in there, so she has to come out eventually.”

"And so, Twilight will have to find a way to subdue Juliet." Brave uttered. The room remained silent, save for Smartypant’s humming as she examined the orb. "If Twilight and Juliet are fucking in there, no one will want to save you."

Magic swallowed her breath, knowing that in order for Twilight to defeat Juliet, she would have to beat her at her greatest strength.

"Hello, how are you?" Smartypants said, tracing her hoof over a red apple on the side of the orb. "Applejack’s cutie mark is imprinted onto the sphere."

The others turned to check while Nightmare Moon found it all curious. “What’s going on?”

“Twilight’s getting help!” Magic exclaimed as the cutie marks of the other element bearers appeared on the orb.


Celestia’s bedroom was now packed with worried herdmates of Twilight Sparkle, preventing Celestia and Discord any path to even see the purple mare. “I-I didn’t expect this.”

“Luna definitely wanted to herd here,” Discord chuckled as the various females spoke their concerns to each other.

Fluttershy felt something was wrong and turned to Zecora. “Sorry if I’m being rude about this but… if you and Fleur are here, where’s Miracle Gale?”

Zecora placed a soothing hoof on Fluttershy’s side. “I assure you that Miracle Gale is in safe care, Mother Velvet agreed to watch her while we help our mare.”

At Twilight’s childhood home, Velvet cackled and squealed madly as she played with her first grandfoal. “Oh, my widdle Gale is growing up so fast. You are such a beautiful filly,” she giggled, hugging Miracle and kissing her all over. All while Night Light watched, wanting to play with his grandfoal too but unable to because of his wife.

Back in Celestia’s bedroom; Chrysalis and Luna used their magics to enter Twilight's mind but were confused. “I- don’t sense Twilight at all. She’s still alive, the lights are on, but it’s like no one is home,” the changeling muttered, confused by the sudden change. “Wake up, you still owe me countless thousand babies!”

“Nah, Twilight’s tougher than this. She’ll be fine,” Gilda said, her tone didn’t match her words. “Right, Dash?”

“Yeah… we’ve been through worse,” Rainbow uttered nervously. “Discord, Nightmare Moon, the changeling invasion; this will be a piece of cake for us.”

“Is that clique going to be common along you?” Chrysalis asked, taking a cushion as her own to sit on.

“Yeah because we’re awesome and you’re a jerk,” Rainbow spat, glaring at the changeling queen.

“I mean your flanks glowing when something is happening,” Chrysalis growled, pointing at Applejack’s flanks. The girls turned to see that the cutie marks of element bearers were glowing a bright raspberry red. “Is that going to happen often?”

“Probably?” Pinkie uttered, almost asking for a better answer as she watched her balloon cutie mark shine.

They noticed that Twilight’s cutie mark was also glowing. “What is going in here?” Fleur asked, feeling a bit useless.

“Perhaps, Twilight is battling Juliet now and the elements are trying to help her?” Luna stated, examining the sudden change.

“So those of us that are not bound to the Elements of Harmony wasted our times coming here, yes?” Chrysalis groaned, lying back and trying to ignore the death glare she received from Celestia and some of the other herdmates.

“In this dark time, our Alpha needs our support; This is no time for others to be spoilsports,” Zecora said, quickly walking to the door. “While we are not bearers, we still have our own favors. If you are not of the elements, we’ll venture forward to help in more than our presence.”

There was a long silence among the main herd. “What?” Gilda asked.

“She wants to do more than just stay by Twilight’s bedside and watch. So she asked the others that are not bearers of the elements to help her find something to do for Twilight in the meantime,” Celestia translated.

“You’d think that talking with her several times a week would teach you all how to actually know what she’s saying,” Chrysalis chuckled, lying back in the cushion.

“She means you too, Chrysalis,” Luna said, levitating the changeling up with her magic and rushing out of the room with Zecora. “Let us go and be useful for our Alpha!”

With a pained look, Fleur glanced back at Twilight and followed with Gilda and Trixie. All that was left was the element bearers, Celestia, and Discord. “Would it upset you all to know that Twilight might be losing her scuffle with whatever made her into a sex monster? The tide is turning at least,” Discord said.


"So… fucking tight..." Juliet groaned, thrusting hard into Twilight’s backdoor. The hostess was struggling to maintain control but it was hard when her entire body was constantly bombarded with pleasure and mild pain from losing her anal virginity. "Such a disgusting hole… feels so good."

Twilight clenched her eyes, futilely trying to resist Juliet. Her hind legs high above her body as the suit-wearing unicorn rutted her from the front. “N-no…” She used her front hooves to weakly try to push the menacing mare away but her strength dwindled, leaving her at the mercy of the stronger unicorn.

The act of seeing her hostess still struggle caused Juliet to roll her eyes. "Still struggling? Just let it go like all the other mares with our cock deep inside them."

“N-never,” Twilight stated, her eyes suddenly glowing. A new found strength filling her body, giving her the strength to push Juliet back.

Juliet noticed this quickly and tried to rut Twilight into the ground but whatever new power the scholar had was getting the best of her. "Uh oh."

Twilight found herself on top of Juliet, riding her cowpony style. New found determination causing her to ride her lustful side’s cock hard with her ass tightening it as much as she could and staring deep into a now panicking Juliet’s eyes.

The first thing to go through Juliet’s head was why Twilight didn’t just dismount and turn the tables properly, the second thought was how powerless she felt, her own hind legs were now dangling above her head while the hostess slammed herself down on Juliet’s dick with firm thrusts, forcing her closer to orgasm than she wanted.

On the other hoof, Twilight felt a foreign yet familiar power fill her with the strength to continue. A part of her wanted to get Juliet’s dick out of her but such a strange sensation… she had to admit that it felt rather good considering she was never a fan of the act of catching. With a hoof, Twilight started to stroke her own admirable organ, building up the pleasure that she had been trying to subdue while filled with a copy of her own mare meat.

For a pony that never used her pussy or ass for sex, Twilight was taking Juliet like a champ and demanding more with pure strength of will and all the suited mare could do was let her have it. She was tempted to let Twilight do as she pleased but Juliet was the Alpha, not even Twilight would dominate the Alpha. With her own determination renewed, Juliet began to put up a fight, trying to knock Twilight onto her back and give her hostess a rutting she’ll never forget.

Twilight quickly noticed Juliet’s movements and soon felt more power enter her, the faint echoes of her herd’s concerns in her head. Even with Juliet’s resolve, she couldn’t overpower the new strength Twilight somehow acquired and was found at the hostess’ mercy. "Look, I don’t mind you power bottoming, but I’m starting to get crapped in my back. Do we have a safeword or something?"

“How’s this?” Twilight sneered, quickly pulling herself off Juliet’s shaft and aiming both dicks at Juliet. The suited mare could only watch in horror and pleasure as she was forced to endure a dual blast of cum directly to the face, covering her entire top half with messy white goop.

"Considering how much you seemed to enjoy catching anal… I actually thought receiving a face full of cum would actually be fun for a second. It really wasn’t," Juliet groaned, lying back in a puddle of cum, the jacket and shirt of her suit damp and ruined by the twin barrage. With a huff, Twilight sat down next to Juliet, looking off into the distance of nothingness. Juliet glanced up at her with a confused look. "As much as I hate to admit it, this is the part where you pitch and I’m forced to catch. Just when you do… do it inside; far easier to clean up and I highly doubt you can get a figment of yourself pregnant."

“I’m not going to stoop to your level,” Twilight stated firmly, her gaze remained still.

Juliet gave her hostess a confused look. "Not to sound disappointed, but I’m sure you know how this works. It’s only happened a hundred times or so."

“Yes, but I won’t be you,” Twilight said bluntly. “I refuse to lower myself to your level for petty revenge. It’ll do neither of us good.”

Juliet shrugged and laid back, weakly trying to push the cum on her body off. "Thank goodness for Brave’s moral high ground and Grace’s kindness. So what now? You just gonna look on with the powers you just got for no reason while I try to clean myself with no water or magic? I-uh… kinda lost it while fucking you somehow."

“You have no magic?” Twilight asked, not sparing her copy a glance.

"If I did, why would I use my hooves to clean our cum off of me?" Juliet groaned, rolling her eyes as she continued to clean herself poorly. "I hope this suit is just a manifestation of where we are because dried cum is an absolute bitch to clean."

Despite this, Twilight remained silent, looking onward as Juliet grumbled about her current visual appeal. “Tell me about yourself.”

Juliet shrugged. "You already know all about me, don’t you? I’m your sexy side that wants all the fillies and colts to beg for your purple hot rod."

“What about before you were all about my sexual interests? I’ve been told that Brave, Grace, Smartypants, Star, and you are all as old as I am and if I lost my virginity almost immediately after reaching puberty, what were you before then?”

Juliet laid back and tried to think, as she had little else to do with no magic. "Hard to say, none of it was all that memorable. What I can remember was constantly arguing with Brave and Smartypants about stuff involving your friends in Canterlot."

“Arguing about what exactly? I’d like to know so we can help each other,” Twilight asked, turning to meet Juliet’s eyes.

Juliet frowned, wiping another blob of cum off her coat. "I think I was trying to get them to actually hang out with them. Socialize, ya know?"

Upon hearing that, Twilight smiled. “Not try and have sex with them at age eight?”

"I don’t think so, I don’t recall even thinking about sex at that age. We all knew about it from when you got the sex talk from your parents, the three books you read about it, and the erotica novel you read as a reference material," Juliet explained, letting out a tired sigh. "I just wanted you to..."

“Spend time with friends…” Twilight finished. “I guess this means that if you ignore a part of you long enough… it could corrupt itself on something and have you attempt something similar but an extreme of their original function.”

"What are you blabbering about?" Juliet questioned, almost groaning as she said it.

“You, my friend, are not my libido or lust or my sexy side. You are the part of me that values friendship and my ability to make and keep friends twisted into a sex-craving mare because I didn’t pay attention to my friends when I was younger, thus weakening you and making you probably feel insignificant compared to Brave, whom I probably helped flourish with my sense of duty to Princess Celestia and how much I kinda wanted to be like Shining. Smartypants is practically self-explanatory in this case as I’m often referred to as an Egg-head,” Twilight explained, smiling down onto the tired fragment. “That sense of friendship you wanted became a desire to become an Alpha so that everyone becomes your friend through what many have claimed to be good sex.”

"I am rather artistic and graceful with our dick," Juliet beamed, admiring her hoof and brushing it against her chest. "That also worked, by the way. You have lots of friends because of our-well, my, skills in bed."

Twilight rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that I now know what your true purpose is, and I want you to continue that role.”

Juliet blinked a few times and slowly pushed herself into a sitting position. "What? After all I’ve done? Did we forget how I made you eat the nothingness floor while I filled your cunt?"

“It’s hard not to forget that when it still feels fuzzy,” Twilight grumbled. “While you’ve done a lot of bad things, you are still necessary to what makes me… me. As cruel as you can be, I know the other sides can be just as cruel, Brave almost executed Nightmare Moon in front of my own eyes and Smartypants wanted to experiment on me when I’ve died, which doesn't make sense because then she’ll be gone as well. All of you balance each other out and help me be what I am today, and I am grateful for what you’ve done with various notable exceptions. So all I ask is… can you stop all this and be what you use to be? We’ve already become the Alpha you wanted me to be, now we need to be a friend, the best friend we can be instead of a walking penis for the girls to drool over.”

"A few things to point out, we’re already the best friend we can be to our herd and I’m not the Alpha I wanted to be," Juliet stated lying back down with tired limbs.

“Zecora begs to differ,” Twilight smirked.

"Smartypants and I can’t stand her rhyming, Grace and Star like it and if Grace likes it, Brave has to like it by default and I don’t like arguing with Brave because then it’ll end with a spear sticking a bit too close to my neck," Juliet groaned, rolling to her side. "I suppose I can make do with the herd we have now, so long as Cherry Jubilee and our mother remembers who is the top mare around here."

“I won’t promise that. Cherry was properly humbled by what you made me do in the barn and I hate the idea of having sex with my own mother, no matter how good it felt,” Twilight said, shaking her head at the copy of herself.

"Not even going to do that for me? It’s easy! We have more magic than both of them combined-"

“It’s not about magic, it’s the principle of the matter,” Twilight interrupted. “The only time when I may bend- well, break that rule, is during mating season and Dad isn’t anywhere for Mom like last year and Cherry was a special case.”

"You want me to stay but you also don’t. It’s rather bizarre, Hostess," Juliet uttered, scratching her head.

“I want to to be what you were before sex became your sole purpose, before you wanted me to be the Alpha that would ‘rut Equestria’ as you might have said once before,” Twilight continued, walking around Juliet’s relaxed form. “I doubt I can continue to be who I am now without you but I don’t want to endanger others because I wanted sex at the time. I feel like it would benefit us all that you returned to being my aspect of friendship rather than lust. After all, we need friends before we can have benefits, I just don’t want the benefits to be the only reason why we have friends.”

With a heavy sigh, Juliet slowly stood back on her hooves. "I suppose I’ll need the others to change your mind about this but then they’ll try and change it to erase me so… I think this might be the better solution for me. Besides, you’ll need me to keep your mares wanting you when they need you in bed."

Twilight smiled. “Thank you, hopefully they will believe you in my mind.”


Standing above Twilight, each bearer held their respective element with Celestia tentatively wearing Twilight’s crown, seeing as the proper bearer is unable too.

“Hey Discord,” Pinkie called out.

“Yes, Pinkie dear?” Discord said, watching reruns from his chaotic life.

“If Twilight is fighting Juliet… I really hope Twilight shoves it in deep for us,” Pinkie stated. Celestia suppressed the need to groan while Applejack and Rarity both audibly groaned, Fluttershy blushed, and Rainbow Dash chortled.

Discord changed the channel of his mirror and switched back to his rerun. “They stopped mating and are talking, Twilight is winning by the way.”

“Then this should be easy,” Celestia stated. “To purge the darkness from Twilight forever.”

“By darkness, do you also mean her penis?” Rainbow asked. “Cause I still need that for personal and recreational use.”

“We’ll see,” Celestia answered darkly, channeling her magic into the crown. Soon the other elements began to glow and focus into the white alicorn. With the power of harmony gathered, Celestia fired a shot directly at Twilight. Only to watch it fizzle out of existence, leaving no effect on Twilight. The princess frowned. “It must be because I’m no longer the element’s proper bearer. This will be a problem.”

“Can we put the crown on her and see what happens?” Fluttershy suggested, looking hopeful.

“Twilight has to focus the energy,” Celestia explained, causing the ponies to frown. “But perhaps she could feel the Element in there.” She levitated the tiara off her head and onto Twilight’s. “Let us hope she can feel its power.”

The fives ponies tried to do what they can, trying to focus their elements into Twilight, hoping to wake their Alpha and best friend from this endless sleep.


Juliet felt a chill down her spine. "I think your herd wants me to get fucked hard."

“Well, that won’t happen. We already figured everything out and everything is alright in the universe,” Twilight stated, looking around for a change now that the issue was resolved. Juliet won’t try to take control over her body, so everything should have worked.

"Was something supposed to happen now? I really don’t wanna believe that the universe wants me to bend over with my tail flagged. I may be as changed as Discord, but I like to think I’m a work in progress. Meaning I would still like to avoid things entering me," Juliet confessed, starting to look worried that nothing was happening.

“I- I don’t know. I don’t want to either because it would mean you- well, the you form several minutes ago, was right,” Twilight added. Just then, Twilight’s eyes began to glow and she began to float into the air, spraying the area with bolts of pure magic.

Juliet stepped back, watching the other unicorn hover, trying to avoid magic she was letting out. "Twilight, is this normal for magic comas when this happens? I really hope so."

With a shriek, Twilight’s body was sucked into itself, revealing a portal. Juliet stared at it and saw a glimpse of Smartypants on the other side. That was all the confirmation she needed and dashed for it, leaping into the vortex and slamming hard into scientist on the other side. "Sweet freedom!"

"Not as free as you’d like to be," Brave stated, looming over Juliet.

Juliet looked up at the armored mare and grinned weakly. "Would it do me any favors to say that Twilight reformed me while we were in there?"

"You might earn mine by getting off of me," Smartypants grumbled. Juliet scrambled off of her cohort and fixed her appearance with her returning magic. "How was what appeared to be nothingness?"

"It sucks," Juliet replied, letting out a groan as she walked over to a chair to relax. "If that ever happens again, it would be too soon."

"Interesting to hear, considering this was both your doing and Magic’s doing," Brave confronted, summoning an axe of mana.

"Brave, let us not jump to conclusions," Star said, walking over to Juliet who was hiding behind her chair. "You said the hostess reformed you. What do you mean by that?"

Juliet looked around the room and grinned weakly. "I tried to fuck her, she overpowered me at one point. We then started to talk as I stewed in our cum, reminding me of who I actually am."

"I knew it!" Brave growled, Grace pouted and slapped her wife’s armored shoulder.

"And what are you actually?" Star asked, looking Juliet in the eyes, looking for any trace of falsehood.

Juliet let out a sigh, matching Star’s gaze. "I’m Twilight’s source of… friendship, the thing she neglected and nearly threw away years ago, before Ponyville. Smartypants’s thirst for knowledge and Brave’s loyalty to Celestia starved me as I tried my best to stay in Twilight’s life, even with her five friends in Canterlot, those same friends she rarely talked too. Learning how sex was a good way to solidify friendships made me wanna… do that, but then it became more, leading to the Ditzy incident."

"And with that said, you felt that being an Alpha of the herd would get you as many friends as possible. But then you got greedy," Grace added, holding onto Brave’s forelimb.

Juliet nodded, slumping in the chair.

Star closed her eyes and walked away from Juliet. "I see no reason to think she’s lying,” she said, looking to her fellow consciences for approval. Grace smiled widely and nodded, Smartypants shrugged, and Brave was dumbfounded by Star’s words. "Keep in mind that if this occurs again, we will lock you in a room with Brave while you wear a magic inhibitor."

Nervously, Juliet leaped out of her chair and started to walk out of the room. "Thank you for reminding me. Brave, would you like to help me redecorate my room? Considering my new stance on life, having pictures of myself fucking ponies wouldn’t do much to help the decor."

"Let me pick something for the walls!" Grace said excitedly walking beside Juliet. Brave smirked and followed them.

"Has anyone seen Magic?" Smartypants asked, searching the room for the filly.

The other Twilights stopped to help search when Brave looked back at the portal. "The portal changed, it looks like the night sky."

The Twilights stopped and looked at the portal, faintly seeing the filly fly around and trying to welcome them in. "Probably a trick that I don’t want to be apart of."

Star rolled her eyes and levitated Juliet into the air and rolled her into the portal. "Destiny awaits us, apparently," Star said, the rest of the Twilights following her in.


Celestia and Discord were now panicking, after a flash of light, Twilight exploded, leaving the tiara of magic and a burn mark in the shape of her cutie mark while her friends laid on the ground with the same comatose look the purple unicorn had moments ago.

“Now look what you’ve done! How am I supposed to explain this to Fluttershy’s child and rabbit?” Discord accused, poking Celestia’s snout.

“What I’ve done? This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t give Twilight a penis!” Celestia shouted back.

“That had nothing to do with this. Why, I bet that this would have happened to Sunset Shimmer,” Discord continued. “Instead of a burning star on your bed, it could be a fireball sun, wouldn’t THAT be lovely?”

“DO NOT BRING SUNSET INTO THIS! I still feel guilty for pushing her as I did,” Celestia snapped, the pressure her previous failure weighing heavily on her mind. “I will fix this, with or without you.”

Luna slammed through the door with Gilda. “What happened, we heard a blast when we were assisting Lady Zecora!”

“What happened to them?” Gilda asked, shaking Rainbow Dash. “Where’s Twi?”

“Elements were glowing, Twilight exploded and her friends fell unconscious,” Discord explained, looking through his mirror for answers.

“I- I thought the elements would awaken her, but this… I don’t know Luna,” Celestia said, her voice nearly lifeless. She had lost another student and possibly more of her dear friends, and Discord was right, this was her fault. “Why did I let this happen?”

Luna stared at the scared bed and glanced to her sister, mourning her student’s end. She wrapped a tentative hoof around Celestia. “Sister, you- you did what you thought was right. The Elements of Harmony were often seen as a-”

“You are incredibly cross with me, aren’t you,” Celestia interrupted.

“The others would be more cross with you than I, as I can understand why you tried to use the Elements. We always thought they could do no harm yet, here it is,” Luna continued, letting out a sigh. “Mayhap… this is temporary, we can always hope.”

“For my sake, I hope so,” Celestia uttered, watching Gilda poke at the burn mark left by Twilight, watching the griffon’s expression drop as each second passed.

Gilda turned back just in time for Fleur and Trixie to arrive. “W-where’s Mistress? Why’s everyone knocked out?” Trixie asked.


Twilight’s head hurt, slowly standing up on her hooves to find herself in a new location. Instead of white nothingness, she was surrounded by thousands of stars, and waves of rainbow-like colours. “Where am I?”

“Goodness gravy, this took so darn long to happen.” Twilight jumped at the voice, turning to see Magic standing before her. “Hiya Twilight, feeling well? Did Juliet hurt you?”

“I-I’m fine, where am I? What is all this?” Twilight asked. Her time with Juliet had her believe that Magic wasn’t to be trusted, and didn’t approach the filly, despite her happy smile.

“We’re in the Elements of Harmony, or your tiara to be precise,” Magic explained, turning around, the glowing rainbow floor began to push forward down a seemingly endless corridor. “Come on! We got some stuff to do before we send you back out into the world, I’m sure everyone is worried.”

As Magic left, Twilight slowly followed, taking in the sight of this new place. Clouds soon appeared, showing her images of her past, where she and her friends connected. Thankfully none of them were explicit. “What is all this? That’s the first Iron pony race, and that’s when Fluttershy protected us from the dragon.”

“Every memory here shows of a time where the harmony you shared with your friends were at their strongest, whether it is a rivalry or love,” Magic said, she began laughing and skipping when several glowing lights descended upon them.

Each light was a different colour of white, blue, yellow, orange, and pink and soon morphed into fillies as they came closer. “The other elements I assume?”

“Darn tootin’,” the Applejack filly stated, hugging Magic and Filly Pinkie tightly as they all had a big group hug. “Ya sure do like taking your sweet time, Twilight.”

“Honestly, Twilight. We’ve been waiting several years for this moment, perhaps someone should be thinking less with their rump and more about what is important, hmm?” Filly Rarity teased, glancing at Magic.

Magic pouted as she shot the other unicorn a glare. “Do you wanna have to try and keep everything settled and moving while a big pervert tried to take you under her wing?”

Twilight let a soft smile form on her face, following these six fillies as they led her down this hallway, occasionally glancing to see a memory she was actually proud of instead of the long string of events that Juliet probably influenced.

They soon reached a dead end where each filly took to each corner of a circle platform. The filly versions of Rainbow Dash and Rarity ushering Twilight to the center of it. Magic looked to the other fillies with a big smile and walked forward. “Twilight, while this may not seem fair to your friends. Please know that this doesn’t mean what you think it means where you get something while your friends get nothing, this isn’t how this will work.”

“What do you mean? What am I getting? What’s going to happen to the girls?” Twilight asked, beginning to worry about the situation.

“You are going to ascend,” all six fillies said in unison when Magic began speaking again. “And while you may become an alicorn, a sort of Princess of Friendship- Your crown and power will remain meaningless without your friends by your side. So long as you stand by them and they by you, will your friendship and harmony be eternal.”

It took several moments for Twilight to process what was just said and her eyes widened as she soon realized what this all meant. “I’m going to be an alicorn? But my friends won’t?”

“It’s weird, we know, but it’s the benefit of being crowned the Element of Magic,” Filly Applejack said. “But just because you get a pair of wings means that you can’t forget who helped you get them.”

“But why would I forget my friends? Especially after everything we’ve done and more! Two of them bore my foals. I can’t just forget that!” Twilight snapped, breathing heavily and nervously trying to calm herself down.

Filly Fluttershy smiled widely upon hearing that, walking over to brush the large pony’s side with her hoof. “We know, and that’s why we’ve decided this must happen. Not just for you and your friends, but for Equestria as a whole.”

“But of course, we need witnesses to this shindig,” Filly Pinkie shouted, posing dramatically as six spotlights shone down all around them, behind each filly was five ponies that looked exactly like her friends. Behind Magic was Brave, Smartypants, Grace, Star, and Juliet. Each of them looking around and examining the area.

Behind Applejack, were five more Applejacks; the one up front was wearing the stetson but also blue coveralls and a flannel shirt, in her mouth was a stick of weed, similar to what Big Mac often chews on. To the right, Applejack was wearing a collar, like what Big Mac wears, and was even larger than Brave, as she looked around and kept a close eye on her lookalikes. The next was Applejack, wearing a grey suit and neck tie, her mane done in a bun. Twilight noted that she seemed skittish. After her was Applejack wearing nothing and looking proud doing so, not even the stetson was on her head. The last Applejack looked tired, laying on the ground with shrug, wearing what appeared to be leather armor that covered her entire body save for her head and hooves. Twilight was wondering why Applejack needed armor but then remembered Brave.

Many of the Rainbow Dashs wore flight gear that some of the most famous wonderbolts wore in their down time and showed almost complete professionalism, standing by and looking forward, except two of them. The front one wore the Wonderbolt flight suit, giving Twilight a proud look while the other wore a loose T-shirt, giving someone behind Twilight bedroom eyes.

Rarity's side wore some of the most extravagant dresses around, save for the front Rarity, who wore a jacket and skirt, almost looking like a high class secretary than nobility. Each of the Rarity’s were crying while one of them rolled her eyes and stared at Twilight, rolling her hoof as if to tell Twilight to speed up this process.

For Fluttershy, each version of her wore a costume similar to that of an animal. The front Fluttershy wore a falcon costume, standing at attention like the three Rainbow Dashs form before. The bear Fluttershy was holding mouse Fluttershy, who was shivering in the larger Fluttershy’s hooves, as she looked up and smiled at Twilight. The wolf Fluttershy was panting like a dog, clearly happy to see Twilight as her long pink tail wagged from side to side.

And finally, Pinkie’s side had the strangest crowd. The front Pinkie was the most normal with her ballerina tutu and the most solemn look on her face, the most calm Twilight had ever seen Pinkie. Behind her was a very large Pinkie dressed like a wingless dragon, trying to clap her claws but unable to due to them being made so short. Another Pinkie was dressed like a clown, trying to push her way out to get a closer look at Twilight and the others around her. The next Pinkie was dressed like a stage magician, blowing her nose into a endless supply of magic handkerchiefs while the final Pinkie was simply bouncing around like nothing serious was going on.

“Those, are all my friend’s consciences?” Twilight asked. All the fillies nodded and soon Star, and one mare from each of the groups stepped forward.

“Applejill! Applejill! What do you think of Twilight?” Filly Applejack asked.

The apparently ‘Applejill’ adjusted the weed in her mouth and smiled. “I have to admit. I didn’t think much of you. Skinny little so and so from the big city. Not worth my time, glad the others and this little filly showed me the errors of my way. The biggest one had to be your first Applebucking season, gosh darn were you the most annoying critter on the farm those days, but you pulled through and you pulled me out of a bad situation. I’d be a fool carrying your bastard to wanna deny you this.”

“Yo, Zephyr!” Filly Rainbow Dash called out, turning to the Wonderbolt mare behind her. “What do you think of Twilight?”

‘Zephyr’ rolled her neck, and gave Twilight a once over. Never have I ever met a more pushy nerd, that could be as dependable and as reliable as our hostess. Got us to read, helped show us some humility, made us notice that even the most timid ponies…” She then gestured to the memory of Fluttershy standing up to the dragon. Have something special deep down inside. Doesn’t matter if you rocked our hostess’ world, you got our vote.

“Your Royal Highness, Queen Diamond!” Filly Rarity announced, bowing to the Rarity wearing the secretary's uniform. “What do you decree?”

‘Queen Diamond’ adjusted the glasses she wore, wearing the fiercest pokerface Twilight had ever seen. “Acceptable. The hostess enjoys your company, and is glad that you and the others have done so much for us in the past. If it were anyone besides our circle of friends and herd, I wouldn’t be wasting my time here telling them why they are worthless to us and should leave our presence.

“Miss Falcon, care to take your turn?” Filly Fluttershy asked, turning to see the falcon-costumed Fluttershy step forward.

‘Falcon’ examined the ground, looking thoughtful before looking up at Twilight. ”Very few ponies have the patience to be around us. Whether it’s because they struggle to get past our shell or find us boring. Even Rainbow Dash forgot our hostess existed when she fell to the earth below. Falcon stops for a moment, letting out a sigh of relief. ”If it weren’t for you, we would still be sitting alone in our hovel, wondering when the next injured animal will come to us for care. Thank you for helping us find some friends, both new and old.

“And drum roll..” Filly Pinkie stomped the ground heavily before bouncing up to reveal the ballerina Pinkie behind her. “Ta da! Giggles!”

”Thanks Laughter! ‘Giggles’ said with a wide grin, looking up to Twilight. On a serious note, did you know Pinkie had a dark side to her? It was gonna show if it weren’t for the girls. Her birthday party was pretty touch and go but… when it was revealed, we threw five parties at once in the mind, all organized by different consciences. While we’ve learned so many different friendship lessons again and again and again, we’ll gladly learn that lesson again, so long as it’s you and our friends teaching it. Or when I teach it to you girls again, which ever works so long as we’re together.

Twilight spun around when she heard Magic clear her throat. “Star?”

Star looked to each figure representing Twilight’s friends, confused and in awe of what was said. "I… don’t know what to say."

“Do you?” Magic asked with a giggle.

Star smirked. "You’re right, I do have a few words. While it’s true that the girls here have helped you. It is also true that you’ve helped our hostess, showing her the true value of friendship, something that was long thought lost to us until recently..." Star then turned to glance at Juliet who blushed and fiddled with her hooves. "You’ve also opened our eyes to the many different things about Equestria that we could have never experienced through paper and telescopes, that there is more to life than just magic, studies, and Celestia’s approval. While we may have helped you, you too have helped us, even saved our lives. We wouldn’t have faced Nightmare Moon if it weren’t for you girls, we wouldn’t have defeated Discord without you, we..." Star stopped, words lost to her as she spoke, tears forming in her eyes.

Twilight smiled and walked up to Star, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Go on, we all know it’s true.”

Star wiped away the tears and nodded. "Without any of you, Twilight wouldn’t be the mare she is today. And without any of you helping us along the way, Equestria would have fallen. Twilight may have led you, but you all deserve just as much credit as she does, student of a princess or not. Goes to show you that an egghead from Canterlot is no better or worse than anyone else, and not just you girls… I also mean the others like Gilda, Fleur, Zecora, or even Lyra and Chrysalis. Twilight might be Alpha of this stupid herd Juliet created, but you are just as important to it as she is, perhaps even more so than previously thought."

Twilight pulled Star into a hug. “Thank you.” Once the hug broke, Twilight walked back to the center as the consciences returned to their circles.

“It’s unanimous. Twilight,” Magic announced. She began to float in the air, glowing a bright white light. Soon the other fillies started to do the same. “For everything you’ve done as the Element of Magic, the Catalyst of Friendship. We hope that you will lead Equestria to a brighter future with your friends by your side.”

“Through Honesty, we set the foundations,” Filly Applejack said, a beam of light shooting out of the filly and into Twilight.

“With Generosity, we build the supports,” Filly Rarity said, another beam slamming into Twilight.

“Kindness, granting succor to those in need,” Filly Fluttershy added, a beam firing out her and into the purple unicorn.

Filly Rainbow Dash struck a pose in the air. “Loyalty, protecting everyone within.”

Filly Pinkie giggled and exploded in light. “Laughter, A force to negate the hate.”

“And Magic,” Magic said, looking down upon Twilight, who was glowing white everywhere except her head. “We bind all those together for the utopia we will create, a utopia that Harmony resides, one we call…”

“Friendship!” The fillies said in unison as the final blast covered Twilight’s head and engulfed her entire being with light, nearly blinding all others that witnessed this before the world began to dissolve, the consciences, slowly faded back into their respective minds and then suddenly… nothing but white all around.


Zecora had finished placing a special stew from her cauldron, that the guards helped carry, next to each of the unconscious mares. Occasionally, some of the herd, save of Zecora and Luna, would shoot glares at Celestia as she sat next to Discord to watch his sitcoms, depressed that she had unintentionally ended the life of a dear friend, her royal regalia discarded, feeling she didn’t truly deserve it.

Suddenly, the girls shot up awake, searching the room for something. “Girls!” Luna exclaimed, surprised to see them up.

Celestia turned to the source of the surprise and immediately left to check on them. Seeing Gilda holding Rainbow in a headlock and giving her a noggie, to Fleur crying into Rarity’s coat, Zecora pulling Fluttershy into a close hug, Trixie inspecting Pinkie for any injuries, and Chrysalis placing Applejack’s hat on her head. “What happened? Are you all okay?”

“Never better, kinda hungry,” Applejack answered, fixing her hat. She then noticed a stew next to her and grinned. “Well, that’s some quick thinking.”

“What about Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, still looking around.

“She… she’s gone,” Luna uttered, gesturing to the burn mark on Celestia’s bed. “She disappeared when the Elements were used.

“What?!” The girls cried out.

Before Luna could explain, a guard rushed in. “Your Highnesses, come quickly. Something is going on in the courtyard!”

Everyone ran out as quickly as possible to the white ball of light in the garden. “Princess?” Rarity uttered, unsure what to make of the light.

Celestia tried to use her magic on the orb, her magic fusing with the light, it somehow felt… familiar. She soon smiled and let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness, she’s alright.”

Soon the light exploded, revealing a purple pony in the middle of it. She gentle floated down and laid on her belly, a horn pushing past a two streaked mane, and a pair of wings jutting out of her back. Once the light faded, they all got a better look of who it was. “TWILIGHT!”

Nothing could stop the herd from running up to the purple mare as she slowly stood up and opened her eyes for the first time. “Wh-where am I?”

“You’re home, Twilight,” Celestia said, walking among the herd. “We all missed you, and glad to see you with us again.”

Twilight gave Celestia a weak smile before looking to her sides, seeing her new wings. “So it wasn’t a dream.”

“Hey, whoa… what’s with the wings?” Rainbow asked as Gilda tested the flexibility of said wings.

“Ah! Sensitive, they’re new. Elements. Ascension!” Twilight stated, gritting her teeth from her new limb being handled in such a way.

“That must make you a princess now,” Rarity gasped, making Fleur faint on the spot.

“I-I’m not sure…” Twilight replied, looking to the ground.

“Well, whatever happens, know that we got your back,” Applejack assured, wrapping a hoof around her Alpha’s neck.

“Flight or Flightless, skilled or useless. You earned our respect, you’ll get nothing less than perfect,” Zecora claimed, taking to Twilight’s otherside. “It’s good to see you again.”

“That didn’t rhyme,” Twilight teased, leaning on Applejack and Zecora as they walked.

“Mistress!” Trixie cried aloud, nearly tackling Twilight if it weren’t for Applejack and Zecora. “Trixie missed you… and now you’ve ascended far beyond Trixie could ever hope to attain! Teach me your ways!”

“Let me get use to my ways, at least,” Twilight cooed, giving Trixie a peck on her horn. “I’ve been trapped in my own mind for a whole day, I think I deserve to at least relax after all this.”

“Twilight,” Luna uttered, blushing a bit as she gazed upon Twilight’s new form. “I think you grew a bit, in size. It looks good… on you-eh, you look good… as an Alicorn, well-”

Some of Twilight’s herd looked up, with eyes widening as they realized what this meant. Twilight giggled. “It’s alright, Luna. I guess I did grow for my new role.”

“Twilight! How’s my favorite great times twenty-ish grandneice?” Discord cheered, giving Twilight a toothy-grin.

“I feel sore… sore, tired… and happy,” Twilight answered. “Ascending takes a lot out of a pony.”

“Yeah, we’ll get ya somewhere where you can rest and tell us about what happened,” Applejack replied.

“I nearly forgot, did you do Juliet up the butt? Please tell me you did Juliet up the butt!” Pinkie Pie shouted, running over to Twilight.

“I’m surrounded by idiots,” Chrysalis groaned, following them all back into the castle. She let herself smile for a moment. “At least they are tolerable and don’t hold much of a grudge.”


When Twilight ascended, so did the consciences. Star was tightening the chains around her wings incase they leaked any mana, can’t be too careful when you are a walking nuclear reactor of magic, especially with the sudden surge of magic granted by the Elements. Brave went to get blades forged for her new wings and Smartypants is testing the capabilities of them. Only Juliet was unaccounted for, if she was set in her old ways, she’ll be trying to get wing jobs, but this new Juliet… she didn’t know what was going on in her head now.

Setting a brand new lock in place around her midsection, Star went to her blue cushion in the center of her room, filled with books and candles lit a pale violet color, floating endlessly in the air. Despite her status, Star’s room was rather small, barely large enough to fit a second pony within its confines, even with the books that littered the floor. She needed to meditate to see if she could sense any magic leaking from her form.

This was cut short by a knock at her door. Annoyed that a necessary safety precaution was interrupted, Star glared at the door. "What is it?"

"It’s me, your pal Juliet. Can I have a minute of your time?"

Star rolled her eyes, hesitant to open her door. "I’d rather meditate and not accidently kill us all when our hostess explodes in a nova of pure magic than speak to anyone right now. Come back in an hour,"

"How are we certain that the folks outside are doing that same thing? A new alicorn just showed up in the garden after an hour of being dead," Juliet asked form the other side of the door, tapping the door.

"Because I am more sensitive and more knowing of the magic held in here than anyone on the outside. If there is a leak, I’ll know about it so long as I focus on my meditation," Star growled, she could feel her left eye twitching as Juliet continued to annoy her with questions.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are possibly the most boring Twilight in the history of all Twilights? Our Hostess at least gets laid and Brave has killed some thoughts. But all you do is worry about our magic and find new bondage methods to manage it all because you’re always scared. Just… listen to my offer, alright?" Juliet said.

With a deep sigh, Star stood up and opened the door with magic. With her usual swagger, Juliet stepped in. "This better be good. Are you sure you’re not your old self?"

Juliet shook her head. "Trust me, this is something that’s rather out of character for me."

"And what exactly is more important that ensuring our survival?" Star asked, tapping her hoof impatiently.

Juliet gave her fellow conscience a weak grin. "Seeing as you had to spend your entire life with me, I’m certain you’ve heard of me talk on and on about herd and Alphas and the meaning of them."

"Yes, so much so that it nearly destroyed Twilight when she was in here, fortunately, Grace was kind enough to find a room for Nightmare Moon until we can put her back into Luna. What are you getting at?" Star muttered, growing more and more annoyed with the supposed embodiment of Twilight’s ‘Friendship’.

"What I mean is; what does one alpha do to another when they know they’re beat? Confirmation that they have lost and they won’t try anything ever again," Juliet explained, hoping Star caught her meaning.

Star knew what it meant and promptly facehoofed. "That means exposing your neck and that’s not what you mean by ‘exposing your neck to your leader’, but why not Brave?"

"Last I checked, it was you who gave that speech when Twilight ascended, not Brave and last I checked, I’m not Grace, she’ll do more than just dominate me. She’ll make me remember it and make me swear off sex. Which let’s be honest… is part of a healthy part of friendship, especially now that we are now forced to deal with a herd, that may impact negatively to Twilight later with her mares," Juliet continued, with a smile, she then sighed. "Look, we can do this here surrounded by books that I’m almost certain contains tentacles or we can go back to my room that was recently remodeled to not smell or look like a sex dungeon."

"I’d rather mediate and save our lives than have sex, no matter who it was," Star grumbled, taking a deep breath and using her magic to push Juliet out of her room.

"The first time I ask ANYONE to mount me like a mare and I get refused? What is with this society?" Juliet gasped, as the door was shut on her face.

"And what do you think you’re doing?" Brave asked, marching up to Juliet, new silver guards and blades covering her new wings.

"I asked Star to have sex with me," Julie said bluntly.

"I knew you couldn’t change, but at least you asked, so I’ll withhold my judgement until I get a reason," Brave said, looking down on Juliet.

"I wanted Star to mount me as my way to show that I was wrong and willing to stop trying to make things worse than what they already are," Juliet groaned, her face red with embarrassment from telling Brave of all Twilights.

"That didn’t occur when you were trapped in that dome with the hostess?" Brave asked, rather surprised by Juliet’s reasoning.

"It almost got there, another ten minutes and I would have bent over and let her do what she wanted," Juliet confessed, rubbing her temples. "But the point is… Star has to do it seeing as she’s the supposed team leader of us, a sort of… proof of loyalty."

Brave stared at Juliet for several minutes for turning to Star’s door, kicking it down with her hind legs. "What the Twilight?! Brave?!"

"Just go rut her, she’ll shut up about it. If Twilight really was leaking magic, we’d all notice, not just you. You’re just more sensitive about it than we are," Brave stated, turning to leave. "After all she had done, make her remember it."

Juliet stared in awe of Brave while Star grimaced as the large armored alicorn left them."What is with us these days, I’m asking someone else to rut me while Brave acts as a wingmare for ME? This seems to have gotten real crazy these days."

As irritating as this was, Smartypants still had Juliet beat for the title as the most infuriating Twilight at times. "Fine, we’ll do this in your room seeing as I need someTwilight to replace my door."

Juliet breathed in deep, still nervous despite what she had come to do. "Well, follow me if you will."

"You don’t want to go through with this, so why?" Star asked, easily detecting Juliet’s nervousness.

"I spent nearly my entire life trying to use my dick in all ways, so just letting others use my backside is a bit foreign to me. Hey, it’ll be like breaking in a virgin. Nice and… tight… fresh," Juliet trailed off, becoming more unsure of herself. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of that weakness. "It’ll be like a band-aid. It just has to happen eventually. Well, me having to accept not being the defacto Alpha anymore."

"And bending over for me will change that?" Star questioned, raising a brow in suspicion.

"Again, like a Band-aid. It’s there to help with the wound. Not heal it perfectly," Juliet chuckled as they reached the suited mare’s room. Inside, was a lighter shade of purple than what was there previously. Pictures of Twilight with her friends, regardless if Twilight had mated with them or not, were placed along the walls. A fire place sat to the right of the door with several cushions, chairs, and couches surrounding it. A door leading to what was once Juliet’s dungeon is now open to reveal a bright hallway. "I turned the ‘dungeon’ into a normal bedroom. No heartshaped beds with chains and racks of sex toys, promise.”

Star gave Juliet a glance before following her through the hallway. "I must admit, you did a good job remodelling."

"Most of it was Grace, I picked a few things and Brave destroyed everything that was even remotely perverted, even my favorite pillow that was shaped like a pill. Sure if you turn it in a way it ‘might’ look like a penis, but it was just a harmless pillow. I’ve beaten thoughts and made them suffer orgasm denial for even touching it," Juliet pouted. The room itself was much more appealing than Juliet’s original room. The mirror that once held her cronies when she had a ‘guest’ over was removed and used as a space for the bed with a night stand on each side. A bookshelf sat to the left of the bed and more pictures of Twilight’s friends were on the walls, with a dresser and a closet, presumably full of suits and what not. "Should we start with some foreplay or just get right to it?"

Star gave Juliet’s offer some thought. She was here, and will probably never hear the end of it from Brave or Smartypants. "Might as well start with foreplay, getting each other ready."

Juliet nodded and gestured for Star to lie down. Star took the offer and laid down on the bed, hoping she wasn’t make a horrible decision. Juliet removed her suit and pants, leaving her in only her dress shirt that was modified for her new wings, and climbed on top, using her magic to make sure that her guest didn’t get a face full of her mare meat. She gazed down onto what she had to work with and frowned. "A chastity belt? Seriously?"

"Some magic could have leaked out through any of those holes," Star retorted, using what magic she had access to, removing her metal underwear and revealing her dual sexes. "There, happy?"

"Ask me after we did this," Juliet uttered, giving Star’s member a tentative lick, slowly building a momentum.

Star shivered, not use to these touches. She leaned her head forward to start putting her tongue to work, tasting Juliet’s nectar for the first time. She was nearly spooked by Juliet’s gasp of surprise, but continued regardless, feeling the other Twilight’s tail shaking above her head, brushing against her horn with every pass.

Juliet kept licking Star’s shaft, letting the purple rod glisten with her saliva. As much as she felt this needed to happen, she wasn’t looking forward to having this rather large cock inside her, doing her best to make the entry as slick as possible. She took in a deep breath and wrap her lips around the fat head, letting her tongue slip along the glans and slowly pumped it in and out of her mouth.

The sudden warmth surrounding her penis took Star by surprise, burying her snout into Juliet’s slit, digging her tongue deeper into the other’s mare. The taste, while it started as a strange concoction of salty and tangy, not something she had ever tasted before, but it quickly became addictive, almost completely understanding why Juliet lost herself to this vice. She hungrily ate at Juliet’s entrance, hoping to get more of the curious nectar, her tongue digging deeper and deeper while her hooves pull that rump closer.

With her prior experience, Juliet kept herself from squeaking in surprise, confused by how enthusiastic Star became. She easily managed to replicate said enthusiasm, tracing her tongue along the veins and head as she tried to get a good amount of the shaft into her mouth, feeling it try to enter her throat with every bob.

It was baffling how good this felt and how good Juliet’s marehood tasted, savouring the juices coating her lips as she licked it up. She tried her best to not thrust into Juliet but the desire was becoming too great, causing her backside to jump and twitch into Juliet's face. She couldn’t help but feel embarrassed when she heard Juliet gag for a bit. "Are you okay?" she asked sheepishly, prying herself away from the other Twilight’s pussy.

Juliet freed herself from Star’s dick, took a deep breath and glanced back. "I’ve never given a blow job before so… deep throating isn’t a skill I have. It’s fine though, didn’t expect you to be a virgin considering what was available to us."

Star’s cheeks flushed bright red, Juliet figuring it out completely. "I’ve been too focused on our safety with magic. I never found the time."

Juliet just giggled, stroking Star’s cock with her hooves. "Another reason why this is good, with you being a virgin and careful. This will go much more pleasant than anticipated and not just there to get off."

With the warm and wet feeling returning to her cock, Star resumed licking Juliet’s cooch. She could feel a bizarre feeling in her lower half, like something wanted out. She was worried that it might be her magic and struggled to get away. "Juliet! My magic!"

Juliet released Star and groaned. "That’s you about to cum, the hostess has done it many times and why you never knew what it was like is ridiculous. Unless your think your magic is gonna splatter the inside of my mouth and dump itself into my throat. Now shut up and cum so I can use that to lube your dick up nicely."

Star shuddered and groaned, bucking her hips more as the feeling of eventual release kept building itself up. With a cry, she did exactly as Juliet said, shooting salvo after salvo of cum into the former-Alpha’s mouth. A moan escaped her lips as she relaxed and let her orgasm take over, her cock feeling really dirty. "What are you doing?"

Juliet used her tongue to guide Star’s cum and slathered it all over the purple shaft. "What does it look like? I’m lubing you up."

"Didn’t that just release that?" Star asked, confused.

"You didn’t watch Twilight have sex before, did you?" Juliet groaned, sliding off of Star and getting herself comfortable with her upper half on the bed and her other half standing. "When you’re ready to tap some ass, Star."

Star struggled to get off the bed and scrambled to get onto Juliet’s backside. She climbed up and inched over ex-Alpha’s body, feeling her erect member brush against Juliet’s fur. Using her magic, she guided herself to Juliet’s mound and slowly pushed in, feeling those lips wrap around her sensitive member.

Pulling at her sheets, Juliet bit her lip. She felt vaginal sex through Twilight but to actually feel it for herself was intense. Star was slowly pushing herself deeper, pulling out only to repeat the action, adding a few inches with every shove. "That’s it… nice and slow, Star."

Again, as Juliet said, the embodiment of friendship’s vagina was tight and trying to suck Star in deeper, causing her to shift her weight a bit on top of the other Twilight, but keeping with her soft pace.

It didn’t take long for their rumps to connect, the pace was slowly building up as it got easier to move for Star. Juliet, knowing a common complaint she had with mares was their lack of movement, tried to thrust back into Star, slapping their bodies together as she gained that fullness deep inside her.

"Darn, this is really intense," Star moaned, trying to keep a steady grip on the mare beneath her, she hooked her hooves over Juliet’s new wings and pulled back, causing the ex-Alpha to gasp.

"Sweet-, Thi-this is nothing. I’ve done some things that would blow this mind," Juliet chortled, gasping when her first stallion thrusted particularly hard into her. "It’s offical, I think we all gained some dickmass when we ascended, the wings are also… very sensitive."

Star kept pulling Juliet’s wings while rutting the her. Slamming her dick as deep as possible into Juliet’s pussy before pulling it out. "Can… could we get each other pregnant?"

"If we could, Grace and Brave would’ve had foals already," Juliet answered, groaning in pleasure, and pushing her rump back to feel more of Star’s dick.

Star then finally noticed Juliet’s rump moving into her own. "Are you sure you don’t like receiving this way?"

Juliet tried to answer but moaned when she felt Star’s cock reach deep inside her, hitting a few sensitives parts of her vagina. "It’s an acquired feeling. And seeing as I’ve commited to this, I might as well try to make it more enjoyable."

"Not because you might be what you always wanted to dominate?" Star teased, giving Juliet a rather hard thrust, causing her to gasp.

"That just means you’re doing a good job fucking me," Juliet said, giving Star a over the shoulder wink. Star’s face went red and started picking up the pace, trying to rut Juliet at a speed that would make a pegasus ask for tips. Juliet moaned and cried out, failing to keep up her own pace against Star’s cock.

"It’s happening again..." Star moaned, her thrusts becoming more erratic and awkwardly paced.

"S-spoken like a true virgin," Juliet moaned, bracing herself for Star’s cum.Star gave her one last thrust, letting out a cry of relief when her second orgasm was depositied into Juliet’s love tunnel, easily overfilling it and splattering against her own legs.

Juliet shivered from the pleasure and felt her own cock unleashing her own cum, trapped between her belly and sheets and making a mess of her shirt

They stayed connected for a moment before Star slowly pulled out, letting the feeling of the hot vaginal walls try helplessly to cling to her rod drag out until it was completely unsheathed. "Wow, I… that was something. I suppose I should thank you for this experience."

Juliet stretched herself out and turned around, a gleam in her eye. "We’re not done, yet."

Before she could realize what was happening, Star felt herself being pushed into the sole chair in the room, the surprise causing her to look at the ex-ALpha with confusion. "You said this was to prove that you weren’t the dominating beast that tried to bring ruin to Twilight! I should have known better."

Juliet strutted up to Star, grinning as she did. "Give me some credit, it’s hard to break old habits. But I will promise you this." She leaned forward, her mouth close to Star’s ear. "I’m not going to enter you."

Perplexed, Star tried to get out of the chair, only to be pinned by Juliet’s weight, coming face to face with Juliet’s hard cock. "Juliet?"

"I won’t make you suck me off, that’ll be your decision. I’m just going to ride your cock and probably suck your horn. Is that so bad?" Juliet chuckled, aligning Star’s shaft with her cum filled pussy and sinking down. Letting out a happy moan, Juliet began to buck her hips against Star’s. "Gotta admit, I’m starting to like having something inside me, I do recommend giving it a try one day down the road."

Star’s face was bright red, watching Juliet’s cock way up and down, slapping her chains and binding as the ex-alpha leaned forward to lick her horn, causing her to gasp and moan, her hooves finding a suitable place on Juliet’s sides and helping her along the shaft.

Feeling Star’s admittance to this, Juliet kept licking and kissing the magical reactor’s horn, being weary to irritate the jamming ring placed tightly at the base. Her rump kept its pace on Star’s dick, shivering with almost every descent.

The rush of their coupling urged Star to pull Juliet onto her shaft more, moaning as the Twilight above her was licking a very sensitive part of her while the other sensitive organ was nearly sheathed inside Juliet, feeling them both at the same time was incredibly intense for Star and she did everything she could to withstand it.

To the mare who wanted to rut all of Equestria and make them all bow to her cock, she was rather enjoyed toying with Star with her pussy and mouth, glancing down in between slurps of the embodiment of Twilight’s magic to see her embarrassed face trying to stem the tide of her own pleasure. She felt her loins tingle, signaling her own growing pleasure, she decided to let Star take the reigns, feeling the other mare’s hooves grip her sides and bounce her harder onto the thick purple shaft while she focused her attention on Star’s horn.

Star could feel her eyes getting hazy, the sea of purple and white consumed her vision as she tried to thrust and pump harder into the Twilight above her. After Juliet gave her the opportunity, Star wanted to feel that rush of pleasure again.

"If you cum before I do, I’m coating your face in splooge," Juliet warned with a smirk. Star wasn’t sure how to take that but the idea of getting dirty didn’t appeal to her so she had to restrain herself as much as possible, at least until Juliet orgasms.

Star was a quick learner, Juliet had to hoof it to her. The former-Alpha was struggling to not bust her nut all over her current lover but she knew she could last longer than Star and kept up with her meddling, feeling Star twitch and throb inside her, at the precipice of orgasm.

The two mares were fighting themselves, both getting closer and closer to release. So engrossed with their actions, they didn’t notice a maid peeking in, using her magic to stroke herself and probe her rear lips watching the once-feared and beloved Alpha ride Star’s dick.

The build became too much and Star released once again into Juliet’s quim, groaning and reeling back as she pumped her second orgasm as deep as she could into her fellow conscience. Juliet let out a sigh of pleasure, giggling when she aimed her cock and started stroking, already feeling her pussy trying to milk Star for everything she had, she then let loose her own male orgasm, hosing Star down in her seed. "AH, damn it, Juliet!"

"I warned you," Juliet giggled, getting off of Star, shivering form the lack of warmth inside her. She then noticed the maid. "Could you come in here and clean Star, dear? She got messy."

The maid scrambled into the bedroom, climbing to clean Star with her tongue.

Juliet facehoofed. "Not with your tongue, like a civilized Twilight. I’m not in that business anymore."

With a pout, the maid used her magic to collect Juliet’s cum from Star and put it in a bucket she had in the other room when she was cleaning Juliet’s study before going to clean Juliet.

Star stood up, still feeling sweaty but cum free. "Well, Juliet. That occurred. Shocking to say."

Juliet smiled, levitating her shirt off and throwing it into a laundry hamper. "I don’t know if it’ll be a habit, I still prefer my dick. But I did enjoy this as well. Might mean Twilight would be more keen on receiving than always giving."

Star wiped herself off, still feeling unclean but found herself less worried about the possible destruction of the hostess, but became a bit worried about another thing. "So… what does this make us?"

"What’s sex between friends, Star?" Juliet chuckled, placing the rest of her clothing in the hamper. "Just be careful, the next time you wanna do this with me. You might lose the other virginity as well."

With a deep blush, Star nodded and thanked Juliet for the experience, and quickly left with her limp.

Juliet smiled as Star left, glancing to the maid who seemed a bit distracted and annoyed, clear and easy view of her glistening sex and hard cock. "You know, my dear..."

The maid gasped, looking up to see Juliet on her back with a grin. “M-miss Alph-”

"I’m no longer the feared Alpha, madam. But I can’t help but notice that you seemed turned on by what had occurred and I wouldn’t be a good friend to everyone if I didn’t help with that, it was partially my fault, after all. You did come in here expecting more than just cleaning after all based on how eager you were to clean my guest with your tongue." Juliet said, feeling the maid tense up beneath her, visibly shaking under her weight. "And my cock hasn’t been touched at all today, if you don’t mind my dear. I’ll even give you that choice, you can walk away now or turn around and help me clean my shaft."

The maid squealed and spun in place, Juliet casually climbing off of her in time to see her nuzzling her cock. Juliet relaxed on her bed while the cute maid sucked her off. "It’s good to be me."

Star staggered out of Juliet’s room, with a confused but satisfied look on her face, walking back to her room. "By the looks of things, Juliet wasn’t lying. How did it go?" Brave asked, walking up to Star.

"I-I must admit, I wasn’t expecting anything like that. But why did you help her Brave?" Star asked, confused by the armored mare’s actions.

"When you fight with someTwilight for as long as I have, you tend to pick up on things about them. The mere idea of Juliet willing to bend over for somepony else is baffling. So I decided to humor her in case this was actually happening," Brave answered.

Star smiled and nodded, strangely happy with the answer. "As… nice as that was, I still need to meditate, it’s amazing that we haven’t all died because of it."

Brave watched Star leave, noticing the spring in her cohort’s step when she felt a hoof slap her rear hard, or what she thought was something like a mosquito. She turned to see Grace giving her bedroom eyes and a lopsided smirk. "You know what tonight is, right slut?"

"By your tone, tonight is your night to be in control, yes?" Brave answered, a bit playfully.

"Damn straight, I’ve been thinking about wrapping your muscles around my dick since I looked at our calendar," Grace cooed, slapping Brave’s rump again, biting her lip when she realized she hurt her hoof. "I’m gonna ride you ragged, bitch."

Brave rolled her eyes. "A shame, I was hoping that Juliet would stop her nonsense, but it appears it rubbed off onto you."

This time she was kicked by both legs, still barely budged from where she stood. "Oh now, I’m gonna cream your every hole for that," Grace pouted, before giving Brave’s cutie mark a kiss.

Chapter 32: The Chapter that was almost forgotten by time.

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When the futanari problem first arrived, Celestia often wondered what drove a mare to such lengths. Grand Canopy was once a quiet, timid mare before Discord ‘gifted’ her and she quickly turned into a lust-fueled stud, leading to many mares of various races being impregnated by the earth pony.

Nearly every child born was a filly with both genitalia, mostly inconsequential until they became of age where their hormones became far more active. Having male and female needs made them more curious about themselves and others, unfortunately this made them more aggressive in similar ways to most colts.

It was a sad day when teachers found an older filly receiving oral from a younger classmate in an elementary school bathroom. It was also a sad week when their principal walked in on several dual-sexed fillies having their way with that same teacher, only to find out it’s been a recurring event for the past month.

As for Grand Canopy, she travelled the world, fornicating and impregnating thousands of ladies before returning to Equestria at age seventy. She was surprised to learn that nearly every child she sired had the same equipment as her but she was happy to learn of it, knowing that at one moment, most of Equestria’s gender population was her kin and became the progenitor of all dickmares in the world.

Unfortunately, the unpredictable libidos of these females caused a severe spike in rapes and an incredible rise in birth rates because of it. Princess Celestia couldn’t look out from her balcony without seeing several of her subjects forcing themselves onto others in the very streets of her capital. She needed this to stop and sought a solution.

The dragons and griffins dealt with their problem by executing those that would harm others. The Zebras suppressed their own with herbs and potions, though they were forced to control their bursting population by enacting a law on restricting the amount of foals a family or tribe could have.

Changelings thrived off it, only to destroy each other to control the other hives. Among the pony empires, only King Sombra resorted to mass genocide to control his kingdom. Others merely exiled the offenders and let them fend for themselves in the wild. Celestia needed a better solution and turned to magic for a solution.

Her answer was to turn them all into full-bodied mares. Celestia entrusted this spell to her most powerful mages and gave them this task, travelling all across the world in hopes to completely dispel the curse once and for all.

Years of travelling and hardwork left Equestria and many other lands with an unexpectedly large influx of females but it was a necessary solution to ultimately eliminate the thousands of rapes that occur daily.

Many years later in her castle’s dining room, Twilight is living proof that she and her sages were unsuccessful in completely wiping out Discord’s cruel curse. Looking across her table, Twilight’s herd was laughing and talking to each other, another piece of proof that Twilight isn’t like the hermaphrodites that plagued the world before.

To her side, it was no surprise to Celestia that Twilight was a nervous wreck after the events of yesterday. Losing control to an entity known as ‘Juliet’, the attempt to have her way with the Solar Matriarch, and the sudden ascension to alicornhood must have put her student on edge. “Twilight…”

Twilight jolted from her worries and looked up to her mentor, shaking like a leaf in the wind. “P-Princess?”

“Nervous?” Celestia asked, giving her pupil a hopeful smile.

“W-what makes you think that?” Twilight uttered, shrinking under the Princess’ stare.

“After what happened yesterday, you must feel like you’re walking on eggshells around me,” the ivory alicorn chuckled softly. “It was confirmed after all that it was something else guiding your actions.”

“I-I know,” Twilight groaned, looking down at her bowl of fruit. “Doesn’t change what I nearly did.”

“Correct but it can be forgiven, Twilight,” Celestia cooed, wrapping a wing around her student. “Be at ease, news of our ‘encounter’ won’t be shared beyond that room and your herd has informed me of your situation. You’ve truly been blessed to have friends and herdmates that care for you so much.”

A small smile formed on Twilight’s face. “You’re right but it’s still going to bother me for a long time.”

“Live for the moment, Twilight. I thought I taught you to not linger in the past and let it teach you to improve,” Celestia teased, levitating a slice of peach to her mouth. “We've been assured that it won’t happen again, correct?”

“Yes, I have Juliet under control now, it won’t happen again,” Twilight assured, letting out a deep breath.

“Then all is well,” Celestia stated calmly.

Across the table, Cadance watched her aunt and sister-in-law converse, her romance senses tingling. Shining turned to see the focused look on his wife’s face, glancing towards Twilight and Celestia gave him enough clues to know what Cadance was thinking. “Cadance, no.”

Cadance merely shook her head, levitating a pineapple slice to her lips. “Cadance. Yes. There is a lot of tension between those two and they obviously like each other.”

“It’s professional, I’m sure,” Shining stated, trying to dissuade the Princess of Love.

“Nope, even after this generous herd, Twilight still wants to touch the sun,” Cadance said firmly. “Love is my domain, and if I smell love, I know it’s love.”

“You sure it’s not the dozen other mares here that love Twilight?” Shining whispered, gesturing to his sister’s herd.

Cadance looked up and glared at the disguised changeling queen. She quickly pulled a quill from a nearby saddle of a maid and began writing something before tossing the napkin note at Chrysalis’ head. The insect-like pony flinched, glaring at the pink alicorn as she unraveled it, her brow arched before looking up at the alabaster princess and her alpha. A snarl left her lips before taking Cadance’s quill and answering the note, tossing it as hard as she could at her foe.

Letting the napkin ball hit Cadance’s head harmlessly, she took it and opened it, smiling with glee at the reply. “Even the evil sister-in-law agrees that they want each other more than professionally.”

“She could be lying,” Shining uttered.

“Then I’ll have to make sure of it. Won’t I?” Cadance smiled wickedly, a plan forming in her head.


Gathering those necessary for this, Cadance marched before her accomplices for this dire mission. Twilight’s herd (save for Princess Luna) were there with a befuddled look on their faces. “Girls, we have come to a complicated crossroads.”

“Aren’t you married?” Rainbow asked, pointing a hoof at Shining Armor.

“I’m not asking to join the herd, there is something else that needs to be dealt with,” Cadance huffed, stomping her front hooves in the grass. “I need your help in getting Twilight in bed with Celestia.”

“No,” Chrysalis uttered, glaring at the pink princess. It wasn’t long before the rest of the herd voiced their concerns.

“We got enough problems getting Twilight to notice us for more than a few hours, adding ANOTHER princess to this mess will make it even harder than before,” Applejack stated, marching up to the stern Cadance.

“Forget that Twilight has fucked mares outside of the herd?” Cadance grinned, levitating a file over to the girls. “Everyone that Twilight has ever laid with, ladies.”

As the file was tossed towards the girls, they all scrambled to read its contents while Zecora walked around them towards Cadance. “This all seems like a grand request, what exactly is the purpose of this quest?”

“As the Princess of Love, I can practically TASTE the sexual tension between Twilight and Celestia. Cure Celestia of her issue with dickmares and Twilight’s nervousness around her teacher, because Twilight,” Cadance explained. “Not like Celestia will start getting thirsty for some of Twily’s dick, I got a list of mares who got a taste, liked it, but were good with what they got.”

“Why is Applebloom on this list?” Applejack shouted, glaring daggers at the Princess of Love.

“Oh oh OH! That was an spicy… yet uncomfortable night. Just know that your sister and her two friends did it to ‘try’ to save you from Twilight,” Cadance waved off, ignoring the glares she got from Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. “What’s important is that we deal with this problem by the end of the weekend!”

“Fuck that,” Gilda stated, turning away to leave.

“As uncouth as Gilda put it, I must agree,” Rarity nodded, brushing herself and preparing to depart.

“If you girls leave, I will use my magic to make Twilight asexual,” Cadance warned, glaring at the herd before her. Many turned their head in concern but some, like Chrysalis, Trixie, and Gilda, scoffed and continued to leave. “You have forced my hoof.”

A deep pink spark arced from Cadance’s horn, hitting Pinkie Pie’s forehead. For a moment, the baker checked to ensure that she wasn’t harmed but something felt wrong. “Uhh, girls? She isn’t bluffing. I was thinking about Twilight two seconds ago and I still am, but I’m not getting anything out of it. Oh sweet Celestia, I’m starting to think sex is just a means for procreation without the fun-creation!”

A smug smirk formed on Cadance’s face as the others slowly gathered to hear her plan, now fearful of the power she wielded. “Let’s get to work.”


“How are you feeling, Twilight? Adapting to your changes?” Celestia asked, taking a leisurely walk with her student through the gardens after completing her duties.

“Still… overwhelmed, frightened really,” Twilight replied with a somber tone, her vision directed more to the ground than forward. “Physical changes are a great benefit. I feel stronger, healthier, and the magic within me grew. Still getting used to wings though.” She turned to her wings, flexing and waving them.

“Do not fear, you’ll get used to them in time, Twilight,” the solar monarch reassured. “Has Rainbow gotten the chance to help you with your flight training?”

“Not yet, she was supposed to do it while you were in court but Cadance asked to see her… and my entire herd for some reason,” Twilight muttered, rolling her eyes at the antics of her many lovers and favorite babysitter. “But I know Rainbow Dash, I’m positive that she’ll come back to help me soon.”

“Very good,” Celestia smiled. She stole a quick glance to Twilight, her mood dampened by her pupil’s sullen expression. “The events of yesterday still linger on your thoughts?”

Shocked by her mentor’s deduction, Twilight shrank under Celestia’s worried gaze. “Y-yeah, I just… I’m so very sorry for my actions.”

“Don’t linger on the past, learn from the past to guide your future,” Celestia said, placing a hoof on her student’s back, stopping the two. “I have taught you this lesson and you have an awful habit of forgetting it.”

Blushing from the princess’ teasing, Twilight looked away with a pout. “I know, but it’s haunting to know I nearly… sullied you.”

“Twilight!” Celestia gasped, scaring her student. “Are you implying that I am a pure maiden, untouched by mortal hooves?”

“Well, there’s been no mention of any lovers in the history books, no children to identify. I… didn’t know, I’m sorry,” Twilight panicked, bracing for her mentor’s possible wrath.

“Oh Twilight, I am just like any other mare. I feel the burning desire to mate from time to time, I just know how to control myself and have the magic to calm my urges,” the Princess chuckled, her sincere tone calming Twilight’s nerves. “And I am not as ‘pure’ as many believed.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped, new found knowledge that someone had the honor to be the Princess’ mate. “I-I see, I’m sorry I assumed it.”

“It’s quite alright, Twilight. Just know that there was once a reason why all the guards are stallions,” Celestia teased, causing Twilight’s face to turn red.

“Oh… wow,” Twilight uttered slowly; watching her mentor walk away, only to trot up alongside her.

While the two chatted, Pinkie and Cadance poked out of their hiding spot. “What’s the plan?” the baker asked.

“It may not be obvious but Aunt Celestia has a ravenous sweet tooth; remember that cake I asked you to bake?” Cadance whispered, watching Pinkie salute her and run to pull a cart that held a two tier cake with white frosting and strawberries doting the sides. “Good, once she sees this, she won’t resist.”

“This is Princess Celestia we’re talking about, right? What makes you so sure she’ll take the bait? And why did you ask me to bake a cake without telling me the Princess loved cake?” Pinkie pouted, looking over to see Celestia let out a light chuckle as Twilight stammered an apology.

“Because you love to bake and it’s all according to my plan,” Cadance grinned, tapping her hooves together.

“We just had a meeting about your plan and you didn’t mention this part at all, you just told me to bake a cake,” Pinkie uttered, looking over her creation. “Does this have something to do with the fact that you asked Rainbow Dash to clear the skies and Rarity to furnish the Princess’ Study? And why Fleur and Trixie are distracting Princess Luna?”

“Pinkie, be a dear and be quiet,” Cadance grumbled, annoyed by the barrage of questions she received. “Make it roll forward, I’ll do everything else.”

With a gentle buck, Pinkie sent the cart forward. The cake slowly wheeled it’s way over to the two alicorns, Cadance’s horn shined, sending a bolt at the dessert and dropped behind her bush.

The two watched as Celestia immediately noticed the cake. When her mentor turned to approach the dessert, Twilight also saw the large pastry that had taken her. “A cake? Did Pinkie bake it?”

“Must have been a gift,” Celestia uttered, examining the cake thoroughly. “Masterfully crafted as well. Must be another gift from Pinkie in that case.”

“Well, Pinkie was never one to have a reason why she does things,” Twilight reasoned, poking the gift with her hoof and licking the icing. “Oh wow, it’s good.”

“Well, let’s not waste this gift then. Let us retire to the study, Twilight,” Celestia suggested, teleporting the cake away, leaving the cart there as the alicorns left. After a moment, Cadance left her hiding spot with a devious smile on her face. “Excellent. All is according to my plans.”

“Your plan to get Twilight to bang Celestia, right?” Pinkie piped up from behind.

“Oh yeah,” Cadance grinned, walking back into the castle with her accomplice.


“Odd…” Celestia muttered, quickly noticing the scented candles and the rose petals that littered the study. Twilight blushed slightly at the sight. “I recall the maids cleaning this room earlier, unless there was a joke I wasn’t informed of… or someone is plotting something.”

“Oh no… I think I know what it is,” Twilight uttered, her fear growing with every step Celestia took. “Wait! Don’t eat that cake, it’s probably drugged or enchanted!”

Without warning, Celestia took a piece from the cake with her magic and placed it in her mouth, tasting the fluffy dessert and swallowing the delightful gift. “Enchanted, not by Pinkie but someone else... heavily love based.”

Immediately, warning bells echoed within Twilight’s head. “Maybe we can talk about this… tomorrow, when we are not being targeted.”

“Perhaps you’re right,” Celestia said, feeling the magic heighten her libido, making her own student smell rather delightful. “While I am certain of my control over this. If you do not feel comfortable, then I will not push it.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight bowed and ran off, leaving the Princess with her cake in a rose and lavender filled study.

Celestia turned back to the cake and smiled. “Well, I’ve already been enchanted. Might as well dig in, I’ll just remove the spell after I’ve had my fill.”

Outside, Twilight was trying to ignore the fact that someone tried to trick her into mating with her mentor. “It must have been Cadance, Chrysalis hates sharing me and she’s the only other one that could have done it.”

She approached her room and tried to open it, finding it locked and heavily reinforced with magic. “What in the world?” She began banging on the door. “Who’s in there and why is my door locked?”

After a long moment of silence, Twilight groaned and looked for a guard, realizing she hadn't seen a single guardspony since noon. “What is going on today?”

She then had one option: find Cadance.

She searched high and low for the Princess of Love, with no sign of her or her herd. In fact, the castle felt empty, no maids, no janitors, no guards, it was like Twilight was completely alone in the castle. “Where is everypony?”

In a separate room, the servants were being thrown through portals by Gilda and Applejack while Trixie, Fleur, and Rarity tried to hold it open. “This plan is ridiculous, even by Trixie’s standards.”

“After all this, I say we each punch Cadance if she so much as winks at Twilight,” Gilda grumbled, throwing a shocked gardener through the portal.

“If I find out we didn’t need to do this at all, I’m gonna buck her through a wall,” Applejack spat, shoving three guards in.

“Let me know, I’ll build as many walls as possible for you to kick her through,” Rarity said, her eyes closed while trying to focus her power into Trixie’s spell.

“I must be the only one having fun. Not every day you can say your Alpha got with all the princesses,” Fleur giggled, oblivious to the glares she received from her fellow herdmares. “Besides, Celestia could use a real dicking; she always seemed so stiff at the cocktail parties.”

With Twilight, she wandered the empty halls, searching for anypony. “It’s only Seven in the evening, there should be somepony around.” It was at this time, Twilight began to think about her situation. “Unless this was all Cadance’s plan to make me go to the only pony that I KNOW is in the castle!”

Twilight ran to the throne room, surveying her surroundings before letting out a roar of defiance. “Cadance! Show yourself! Stop trying to make me have sex with my mentor!”

“Yes, this is quite troubling.” The sound of Celestia’s voice made Twilight jump in surprise. A tiny bit of frosting graced the elder monarch’s lips. “Do not fear, Twilight. I dispelled the lust effects of Pinkie’s enchanted cake. But I have yet to see my staff anywhere, nor my sister or your herdmates. Even Shining Armor is missing.”

“Cadance has to be behind this but why and how could she convince my herd to help her? Especially after Luna, there’s no way they’d like the idea of another mare in my herd, even if it was just a one time deal,” Twilight uttered, rubbing the side of her head in thought.

“Twilight, when it comes to love, Cadance can be as stubborn and unpredictable as Discord. We’ll need to be vigilant and resourceful to overcome her schemes,” Celestia said, using her magic to try and find her missing ponies.

“What’s so unpredictable about you two fucking?” The two alicorns turned to see Cadance leaning on the throne room door, sipping some apple juice from a juice box. “I’m not asking you to marry Celestia, just a good old fashion ‘Wham-Bam; thank you ma’am’ with the Princess that moves the Sun.”

“It’s not right!” Twilight shouted, furious that her babysitter would go to such lengths for such a ridiculous outcome.

“Why is it not right, Twilight?” Cadance asked, shooting a glance to Celestia, who was a little confused.

“Because she is the Princess and I can’t do something like that to her,” Twilight replied with fervor.

“You banged me and should I mention that Princess Luna and Queen Chrysalis serve under you as your mares. Try again,” Cadance said with a smug grin.

“Cadance, this is very serious. Where is everyone?” Celestia questioned.

Cadance shrugged. “Teleported into town with a pouch of bits and a message saying not to come back in about two hours. So about your reasons for not having sex with Aunt Celestia, Twily?”

With a huff, Twilight stamped her hoof down. “Don’t you ‘Twily’ me. Celestia helped raise me after she accepted me into school-”

“Not only did you have sex with your mom but you were involved in a fourway with her, your school friend, Lyra, AND her fillyfriend. Also I liked to think I helped a bit in your growth,” Cadance dismissed, crushing the empty juice box and teleporting it into a garbage bin somewhere, she didn’t really care so long as it was disposed of. “The fact of the matter is, Celestia is a mare but you only see some untouchable goddess. And Celestia HATES your kind.”

“I’ve warmed up to the idea of hermaphrodites in my kingdom, particularly when they no longer feel inclined to breed ponies in the streets,” Celestia interjected, quickly noticing the look of shock from her student and the hoof pump Cadance did. “Most of my disdain comes from their link to Discord, knowing that Twilight is one of them doesn’t change the fact that I still care for her as I did before I found out.”

“Speaking of disdain; I almost assaulted Celestia!” Twilight snapped, eyes wide and gesturing her hoof to her mentor.

“Are you still talking about that?” Cadance asked, arching a brow.

“Twilight, please. Even I grow weary from you bringing that up, regardless of how good of an argument it presents in this case,” Celestia confessed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

Cadance grumbled under her breath, turning to her auntie. “Don’t you get curious as to why Luna, your dear sister, was willing to become a lowly herd mare to your student?”

Celestia nodded. “Sometimes, but then I realize that she loves Twilight and enjoys her time with the herd.”

“Most of Twilight’s mares got in because of the sex and stayed for the relationship. Twilight brings something to the table that magic and plastic can’t, Auntie. Even withTwilight’s favorite phrase today, you can’t tell me to my face that you aren’t the least bit curious,” Cadance declared, approaching her fellow alicorns as if approaching the final battle.

With a sigh, the solar monarch looked into her niece's eyes. “I have; not nearly as much as Twilight has thought of me romantically, but I have had two instances where I considered taking my student to bed with me. After Luna joined Twilight’s herd and, ironically enough, the night before the attack.”

“What?” Twilight was beside herself in distress of what she heard. “Y-you can’t be serious? I’m just a-”

“Twilight!” Celestia and Cadance shouted at once, scaring the purple alicorn. Clearing her throat, the white princess continued. “The ‘I’m just a student, or a regular unicorn’ no longer works and it hasn’t worked since your herd started. You clearly have much to provide if you were to garner the attention of many mares, not to mention a changeling queen and my sister. But not only did you manage a dream herd that any stallion would commit crimes to obtain, but they are more than willing to be tolerant and form friendships with those that they should view as their romantic rival over you. Is this not a lesson you’ve already learned before?”

Under her mentor’s gaze, the bookish pony shrank under scrutiny. “I’m sorry. It’s just, You’re Princess Celestia! You’ve led us for a thousand years and kept peace for even longer! The idea of-”

“How many times have you heard that line, Auntie?” Cadance teased, smirking at her mentor.

“Enough to consider breaking her haunches with my own,” Celestia quickly cut in, she put a hoof on Twilight’s back and softly rubbed it to sooth the panicking mare. “You more than anypony else should know that I am viewed as one thing and one thing only: a princess. I… am hurt that my own pupil, my closest friend, and the reason for my smile these days views me in the same light is a painful revelation. To you and everyone else, I am ‘Celestia the Mentor’, or ‘Celestia the Princess’. No pony, besides my own family, has ever viewed me as ‘Celestia the Mare’ or ‘Celestia the Pony’ and I want you to view me as such, I want more ponies to see me as a pony or better yet, a friend they can turn to, even if it’s once.”

Moved by her highness’ words. Twilight felt a pit of shame in her gut and stared down at the floor while she formulated her thoughts. “I’m sorry, Celestia. You were just that important to me, you’ve been everything to me for so long that… thinking of you as any less, was like someone trying to convince me that two plus two is six. It’s too ridiculous to me, I just… don't understand-”

“Oh Twilight,” Cadance cooed, wrapping her wings and hooves around the younger alicorn. “You’re socially dumb but we love you for it.”

Soon, Celestia joined in, smothering both smaller mares in her warm embrace. “Sometimes, you don’t need to understand it. You just have to accept that it’s how things are, much like Pinkie’s near omnipotent predictions in the form of spastic twitches.”

“I suppose so,” Twilight murmured, snuggling into the overwhelming warmth around her.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Cadance opened her eyes and kissed Twilight’s cheek. “You two gonna fuck yet?”

That caused Twilight to snap to attention. “Cadance! That’s not-”

“If you insist,” Celestia chuckled, looking down to see her little ponies' mixed reactions. Cadance’s wide smile of victory and Twilight’s expression of utter shock. “Come Twilight, let us retire to my chambers. Have a night of fun and tomorrow we can all have a good laugh about it.”

“But-” Twilight was flabbergasted by it all, she saw Cadance sticking her tongue out at her as the purple mare willingly followed Celestia back to her room.

Thrown onto Celestia’s bed, Twilight watched Celestia levitate her regalia off her person. “It’s been a few years since my last lay. I trust your experience will satisfy me.”

Twilight squeaked in surprise, blushing heavily when Celestia gently placed herself beside the smaller mare. “I-I have yet to hear any complaints?”

“That’s good to hear, it’s pleasing to know I’m in good hooves this night,” Celestia said, her giggle was melodic and calming, putting Twilight at ease. “Now, top or bottom? I’m a top myself but if you are the stallion in this sense.”

“Y-you can be top!” Twilight exclaimed, her face beet red.

“Oh wonderful,” Celestia shifted, placing her large backside over her pupil’s face. “Get me ready.”

A daunting task to be sure, Celestia’s marehood was the largest the newly-made alicorn had ever encountered, it was big enough to engulf her whole face, save for her horn, and hot enough to make the poor mare sweat from being close. She gave the tender outer lips a soft lick, the heat nearly scalding her tongue as it made its way from clitoris to fourchette.

Celestia couldn’t help but continue to giggle, her student being so awkward would forever be adorable. “Is this really what Cadance was raving about? I fear I don’t see what drove my sister and so many other ladies to your hooves.”

“Princess! Forgive me but I’m french kissing a furnace!” Twilight screamed, using her magic to become heat resistant and elongating her tongue. “And… the size is a little scary.”

“Are you calling me fat?” Celestia gasped, feeling the poor mare squirm under her weight before laughing. “Only teasing.”

Twilight grumbled and coiled her tongue, slithering deep into Celestia and tickling the end. A surprised gasp followed by a cute chuckle confirmed that it was the right thing to do and kept doing it, no matter how hard the alabaster mare’s womanhood threatened to sear her wet muscle. It was hard to ignore her horn rubbing between the lush cheeks above her.

Celestia had to admit, her pupil had learned some cute spells, pushing her rump against Twilight’s face to feel more of her glorious tongue. She felt Twilight’s rod against her barrel for a minute and decided to repay the favor. A teasing smirk graced the Solar Monarch’s face, sex with unicorns can never not normal, especially for alicorns.

A sudden sharp hold wrapped around her growing member, she was unable to look to see what happened but a glow of Celestia’s horn was as clear of an answer she’ll get when magic caressed her shaft with a velvet-like grip. It seemed Celestia had more plans, a tendril of magic began to enter Twilight, starting needle thin until expanding to Twilight’s size, causing the younger mare to squeal into Celestia’s mound. “There we go, doesn’t that feel lovely?” Celestia teased.

Twilight’s limbs clenched onto her mentor’s barrel and rump, trying to keep herself from climaxing. Her tongue was thrashing inside the princess’ kiln, desperate to match Celestia’s spells. She thought fast and used her magic to even the odds.

A squeak of surprise escaped Celestia when she felt something on her wings, she turned back and smiled to see a purple glow surrounding the limbs, tickling and soothing them with her student’s spell craft. “Is that all you got, my student?”

Her instincts were triggered by Celestia’s taunt and added a few more enchantments to her tongue. Electricity and strength. The tiny jolts racing through the older pony’s nerves while her tongue’s new found power pushed and overpowered the squeezing walls.

“Oh! Goodness me, Twilight!” Celestia nuzzled her backside into her student’s face, her body shivering from the constant barrage of tingles and the powerful jabs against her a particularly sensitive spot. “Keep doing that.”

Twilight focused solely on battering her mentor’s G-spot with the tip of her tongue while her electrified muscle curved and caressed everything it could. Her lower lip gently caressed the exposed clitoris.

A soft moan left Celestia’s mouth, grinding her butt eagerly against Twilight’s face. “Always eager,” Celestia quipped, rubbing her barrel against her pupil. The thin white fur tickling the hard purple length. “Mmm, keep going Twilight.”

The combination of magic and Celestia’s furnace-like tunnel was making Twilight’s lips and tongue numb and struggled to escape from her position. “Face numb, skipping ahead!”

Celestia turned to see Twilight had left her underside and mounted up behind her, thrusting her hard cum-soaked length deep inside the princess. The results were immediate, the minutes of teasing and licking made the penetration all the better for the larger mare, instantly making her cum. Despite the size difference, Twilight’s dick filled the alabaster mare up nicely, the constant constriction making fast work of her already dwindling willpower. “Oh! Goodness! That’s a healthy girl…”

Her new wings provided the most movement for her at the moment, Twilight struggled to thrust into her mentor’s much larger frame, her hind legs pressed against the princess. Even so, Celestia’s tunnel was remarkable, being able to clench her member and massage it as if it was more suitable for Celestia. Ashamed to even think about it, it may not have been the best pussy Twilight had experienced but it was among the best.

Matching Twilight’s hips, Celestia licked her lips and looked back at the adorable alicorn, flapping her wings with a bright blush of anxious desire, reminding her of the old days where she would bring in recruits to manage her heat or to rid her of the day’s stress. She giggled as her body rocked back and forth at the silliness of Twilight’s earlier desire to be the bottom, what alpha would be the bottom to a new mare, after all?

Nonetheless, Twilight’s dick was more impressive than Celestia first thought, thick enough to fill her and long enough to provide a memorable experience. If it was not for her pupil’s overwhelming desire to avoid sex at most costs and her own herd, Celestia would gladly ask Twilight back into her bedchambers for a repeat performance. Her newfound alicorn strength helped out more than she was willing to admit.

Between thrusts, Twilight used her magic to seek out and tease any erogenous zone she could sense, starting from her backside and leading up to her horn while the newly ascended alicorn kissed the gap between Celestia’s wings.

It was easy for Celestia to feel what her student was attempting and cooed, the raspberry coloured spell vibrating focused all over her, specifically her breasts and horn. Her front dropping to her barrel, her backend raising a bit and startling the big dicked mare, who quickly resumed, thanks to her wings. “That’s a wonderful girl. Keep… going,” Celestia sighed happily, feeling her student’s cock grow within her.

The pressure was building between her legs, throbbing in her highness’ tunnel. Twilight struggled to endure but Celestia’s pussy felt like something beyond she had ever entered. To Twilight’s shame, she was unable to hold back and came inside her mentor, filling Celestia’s tunnel and womb with large bursts of cum, milking herself with the solar matriarch’s muscles.

The first shot surprised Celestia, Twilight’s expulsion was larger than expected and it kept unloading, her body feeling heavier from her student’s climax. By the fifth hard salvo of seed, Celestia relaxed and allowed herself to share in her student’s love, shivering all over and enjoying the full feeling Twilight had gifted her.

However, Twilight was still hard and Celestia was not finished. A look in each other’s direction told more than words could and immediately shifted. Celestia rested against the headboard and wall of her bed while Twilight took her place between Celestia’s freshly creampied marehood, her hoof rubbing the larger mare’s love button while her twitching shaft pushed in.

Celestia moaned from the reunion, her legs trying to hold her student closer to her body, shuddering from Twilight peppering her barrel with kisses. Now that the Alicorn of Friendship could use her legs, the thrusts were stronger, less erratic, forceful, a far greater showing than before.

Leverage was exactly what Twilight needed, now able to push herself to the hilt and thrust more adequately without flailing about off the back of Celestia’s expansive rear. Her breath tickled the fine hairs on Celestia’s body, using her newfound alicorn strength to give her mentor more than she asked for, her back end thrusting in and out with purpose.

“Just like that, Twilight,” Celestia moaned, keeping her pupil still, shuddering from the pleasure that raced through her body. Her eyes seemingly narrowed on Twilight’s horn and leaned forward, capturing it with her lips and sliding her tongue across it’s rigid surface.

Twilight nearly lost herself when her horn met Celestia’s lips, skipping a beat and losing her rhythm. A moan escaping her lips, her horn’s magic fluttering around a bemused Celestia’s tongue, the deep purple sparks did nothing to the monarch as she kept teasing her former student’s horn, her fore hooves embracing Twilight to pull her closer for a deeper penetration.

A coo of delight resonated in Twilight’s ears when she hilted herself in her highness’ tunnel, her cock pushing out her previous orgasm and making a mess of the bed. She laid her head on Celestia’s fur, the princess’ fur brushing against her neck and chin up, her hooves trying to keep hold of the larger mare while her back end kept thrusting, trying to please the princess.

Every move was electrifying to the Sun Princess, hooves linking around Twilight while her body shook from her student’s powerful pounding. A heavenly gasp was pushed out from her lips each time the newest Princess sheathed herself fully into her needy quim. Her tongue lazily slid across the delectable purple horn in her face, sparks of lavender magic tickling her tongue and snout.

Panting heavily, Twilight forced herself to keep going, pushing her hips hard against Celestia’s barrel. She felt her mentor’s clit against her barrel, grinding against it with her body and forcing the alabaster alicorn to moan loudly from the intense sensation. “Prin- Celestia! I’m-”

“I as well, sweet Twilight!” Celestia moaned, her large body was ill equipped to hold her protege close, needing to rely on her for the moment. “Give it to me! Let me feel all of you.”

To hear Celestia say such salacious things broke Twilight, her vision blanked out momentarily as her thick cock began spewing forth a flood of seed, equal in power to her previous orgasm.

The familiar warmth of her lover’s cum made Celestia cry out in bliss, her body shivering with joy and eagerly welcoming everything her little pony had to give. A beautiful smile formed on her lips, more than pleased with their arrangements. She lowered her gaze to the purple pony panting on her body, weakly shoving more of her cock and cum into the overfilled cavern. “Oh Twilight…”

“D-Did… I do good, Princess?” Twilight gasped, holding herself to the Solar Matriarch’s body tightly, fearing the thought of her pulling away.

“You did wonderful,” Celestia cooed, leaning over to kiss Twilight’s horn. The spark made her jolt to alertness, her massive cock returning to its full size within her teacher’s pussy. “But we have a long night ahead of us.”

Twilight could only squeak before leaning in to press her lips against the pony that inspired her. The taste of Celestia’s lips felt addicting; even among her herd, few were as succulent or as delicious as the Sun Princess. The Newly-turned Princess felt that she could melt into her embrace forev-.

The door flew open with an irate Luna marching in while Cadance trots in, pleased with herself. “How DARE you, Sister!”

“Luna?” Celestia uttered, confused by the lunar princess’ arrival only to roll her eyes in annoyance. Twilight was forced to roll onto her mentor’s side, shocked by what was occurring. “It's Cadance’s fault and this is, at best, a one time thing. She is still your Alpha, Luna.”

“We’ve already scolded her for her insolence!” Luna spat, shooting a glare at a fairly playful Cadance. “I warned you not to touch Twilight!”

“Would an old fashion Princess Orgy make you feel better?” Cadance teased, earning her aunt’s spite.

“Actually, that could work,” Celestia added, Twilight’s eyes going wide as she looked up at her mentor in shock. She noticed her student’s discomfort and chuckled. “Relax, think of it as a playful initiation, or whatever those fillies and colts do in my academy.”

“Wh-what kind of initiation?” Twilight asked, worried.

“Me first!” Cadence announced, taking Luna by surprise as she lunged for her sister-in-law. Twilight let out a sharp wheeze from the weight of the Princess of Love slamming into her, pinning her to the bed. It wasn’t long until her hot mouth was wrapping around parts of her shaft.

Luna fumed and approached to stop but Celestia stopped her with a leg. “Worry not, Sister. I think I have a way to get back at our dear niece for this duplicity.”

“And what would that be?” Luna spat bitterly, unable to watch as Cadance deepthroated her Alpha, her neck bulging from the mass she was swallowing effortlessly.

“Well…” Celestia mused over this, watching the dark purple shaft disappear into her hungry niece's muzzle. “I’ve had centuries to get over my dislike of dickmares. Maybe it is time I give it a whirl, wouldn’t you say?”

Luna gave her sister a curious look when she noticed the white horn shine a golden light. “What are you-” Before her sentence could finish. She felt her sister’s magic flowing through her, centralizing in her lower body. And then a hefty weight that made her look to her crotch in time to see a large dark blue cock laying across the ground. “My word.”

“I fear that I’m a little too large without proper lubrication, dear Sister,” Celestia sighed, stroking her formidable length, putting both Twilight and Luna to shame. As long and thick as a guard stallion's forelimb. So large only the most adventurous and courageous ponies would attempt to love the alabaster shaft. “Why don’t you assist our favorite niece?”

Luna turned to Cadance’s backside, her needy scent filling her lungs as she felt drawn to the sight of her wet muff on display, tail raised as if to welcome any stallions to enter her while she fellated Twilight, the hungry bob of her head consuming the turgid purple member. As infuriating as it was, Luna felt a stirring in her gut as she got onto her hooves and approached them.

Moaning from Cadance’s tongue sliding along the underside of her cock, cleaning it of Celestia’s juices. Twilight noticed Luna rearing onto, eyes grew wide with shock when she noticed the thick dark blue cock underneath her mare. Then Celestia sat behind her head, dropping a massive off white shaft onto her face. “Hope you don’t mind if I leave this here, my student,” Celestia teased, sliding her fat rod across her pupil’s snout, the small purple mare shuddering from the strange feeling of somepony’s cock rubbing against her face.

Humming around the length, feeling it throb in her throat, Cadence glanced up and saw Celestia’s fat member lying in front of her. She choked on Twilight in surprise, and pulled away. “What the heck? You can just do that?” She cried out, amazed and enthralled by her aunt’s massive cock. Then she felt a familiar hardness rest against her backside, turning to see an unamused Luna mounting her with her own blue weapon. “Can I have one?”

“Not tonight,” Celestia teased, grinding herself against Twilight’s face, enticing Cadance with her size. “Think of it as punishment for orchestrating this nonsense.”

The pitiable look on the Princess of Love’s face was seen as hilarious as she longingly stared at both Twilight and Celestia’s cocks in front of her. “But I want oOOONE!” She let out a harsh cry when she felt Luna invade her ass. “Sweet Merciful love, Auntie! Wrong hole!”

“Oops, mayhap we can play something more to your tastes?” Luna said grimly, a malicious smile on her face as she slowly pushed her heavy dick deeper into her niece's ass. She could feel the muscle struggle to adapt to her girth, stretching to accommodate her as it squeezed her tightly. “It seems like this agrees with us.”

“Of course it does,” Cadence winced, shuddering from Luna’s harsh entry. “Love comes in many styles. This is… sexual- fuck- sisterhood love.”

“Then you won’t mind if you make love to me while Twilight and Luna make use of you?” Celestia chuckled lightly, pressing the flat tip of her club of a cock against Cadance’s snout.

“Of course not,” Cadence cooed, pulling herself closer to Celestia’s cock, sliding her tongue along the throbbing length. The magnificent staff twitched against her slippery muscle as she climbed over Twilight. Her bright pink magic took hold over her sister-in-law’s shaft and angled it to enter. Luna creeped closer to ensure she remained within the alicorn of love.

A gasp of delight escaped her lips when she managed to get Twilight to press against her needy hole, having it rub against Luna as both her holes were filled by thick mare dick. She moved her snout down to engulf her senior aunt’s sweet’s tip, lips opening wide to begin taking Celestia.

“G-goodness!” Luna moaned, shuddering as she felt her Alpha’s fat cock grind against the manifestation her sister gifted her through a thin membrane. It made Cadance tighter and hotter, bringing with it brand new sensations the Lunar Alicorn had struggled to contend with. “Does it… usually feel like this, Twilight?”

“Usually,” Twilight grunted from below, wrapping her hooves around her former- foalsitter’s barrel. Her face was rubbing against the pink fur, her horn brushing the side of her neck. Her hips thrusting madly to fill Cadance’s passage. “Especially when another pony is doing the other hole.”

Celestia held the most control of her senses, a hoof lovingly pressed against the back of her niece’s head, urging her to take more of the gigantic member into her throat, the tense muscles squeezing her hard. “You really shouldn’t instigate matters such as this, Cadance. It might reach your dearest husband’s ears.”

The sultry alicorn gave her aunt a teasing look with her eyes as she worked the thick alabaster pole in her mouth, nearly taking Celestia to the medial ring. Her ass grinding against the thick mare logs invading her space, trying to get them both as deep as possible while Twilight and Luna took their sweet time to bottom out. Even as the smallest cock in the room, her adorable Ladybug grew in size, only barely losing out to the beast Luna possessed in mere inches. She was as big as Shining in her new form. It was strange though, all three mares lacked throbbing sacks, half the fun of getting gangbanged was the feeling of balls slapping into her at every angle.

“If our niece desires to be a broodmare, why not-” Luna grunted roughly, beginning to move her hips hard. Her body slamming into the far pink rump harder. “Gah! She wants to be a whore, then let us oblige her!”

Thankfully, her hooves and magic had a clear sightline to play with her studs. Her pink hoof rose to gently slide against Celestia’s plump lips, feeling it ooze Twily’s cream from earlier. It quivered from her touch but her Aunt remained unphased, seemingly more sated to enjoy the experience, her golden aura having taken hold of Cadance’s head to slowly move her along the behemoth of mare meat. Her magic glimmered off her horn, teasing and caressing the mares fucking her ass and pussy. A proud smile tried to form when she felt both of them jump shaking from the treatment.

Luna huffed with a newfound primal need, moving her hips faster to experience everything her niece’s tight hole can provide. It felt so welcoming, the heat, the squeezing pressure that moved along her new appendage, the utter control she had over Cadance’s backside, and the faint grinding of her Alpha’s own cock against her own. It was all taxing on the moon princess, her hooves gripping the pink hide harder while her hips moved to punish her niece for feeling so amazing.

Even an inch apart, Twilight could feel Cadance shuddering in bliss and Luna moments from release, the twitching anticipation against her shaft as it slammed its way into Cadance, rubbing alongside her own shaft in the Love Princess’ passage. “Cady, could you move your butt more? Hard to get in you.”

Try as she might with the ever loving Mare of the Moon ravishing her ass, Cadance could barely accommodate Twilight. Nearly every attempt was thwarted by the rapid thrusts of the large blue cock tenderizing her backside, forcing her to pull away from the purple shaft.

“Ladies,” Celestia admonished playfully, using her magic to make her niece gag on her dick, enjoying the shuddering and vibrations that coursed through her body. A strange tingly feeling began to surge within her, building up within her rear. “Let’s be civil while using Cadance. After all, she did start this mess. It is up to her to finish it.” A sinister grin formed on her lips. “And us.”

Luna was feeling a similar sensation, but whatever her sister said was ignored in favor of extending this excitement for as long as she could. Her hips slamming hard into Cadance’s ass hard enough to make her cutie mark juggle on impact. All the Alicorn of Love could do was moan around the ivory pillar invading her throat while weakly pushing herself back onto both dicks in her rear holes, her magic trying hard to keep up with Luna’s relentless pounding.

Even from her position, Twilight could feel Luna twitching. The hearty throb of flesh brushing against her foretelling her mate’s first penile orgasm. “Cadance, Luna is-”

“I think she knows, my student,” Celestia chuckled, her lips twitching a bit. “Shall we fill her up?”

“But I’m not-” Twilight felt Cadance’s hoof against her mouth, shushing her while rocking herself between the royal scepters. The Crystal Princess’ eyes rolling into her skull from the thick and heavy stimulation.

Luna let out a grunt, sounding nearly predatory as her body seized, slamming herself into Cadance with powerful strokes. Her quim flexed as if expecting her Alpha to please her. Something heavy shot out through her dick, a sensation that felt like it came from her horn as the gooey substance filled Cadance’s ass. Celestia pulled the love alicorn in, this time with her hooves, unleashing her magic directly into her niece’s stomach. The force so potent and unwieldy that a glowing gold ooze burst from round her cock and rocketed out of Cadance’s nostrils. Luna held the pink alicorn close, daring not to waste a drop despite a dark blue liquid dripping from her mare’s ass.

Celestia gazed down lovingly at the mess she made, only to chuckle awkwardly at the sight. “Oh dear, maybe my magic isn’t the best look for you, dear Cadance,” she uttered, pulling her cock out and letting it fall on her niece's delirious face, marred with sweat and her golden seed. “In the heat of the moment, I had forgotten what else my magic might look like.”

“Gave me my first golden shower, Auntie? Tastes like vanilla and sunflowers,” Cadence grinned seductively, raising a hoof to slowly excite the thick white mass. She let out a cry as Luna dismounted, pulling her dick free and letting loose a deluge of cum that looked like the night sky flowed from the abused ring.

Below, Twilight pouted. She felt like she was being blueballed by all this and decided it was her turn to get off. “Forgetting somepony?”

“Of course not, I’d ne-” Cadence felt her sister-in-law’s magic grab her, and began pumping her along the purple length. Twilight snuggled up on the ground, and watched as the pink alicorn was used as a cock sleeve.

“Impressive control, my student,” Celestia remarked, sitting up to admire the spell work as her niece bounced on Twilight’s stallionhood.

“We remember you did this to Trixie one day,” Luna commented, enthused by the sight. “Do you plan on tossing her aside like a used napkin as well?”

“To be fair, I only did that because Trixie likes that kind of thing,” Twilight blushed, embarrassed by Luna’s question. She shook her head and focused on the task at hand. “I’m only doing this because it’s Cadance’s job to please ALL of us right now.”

“Of course, do as you will!” Luna nodded, eyes darting down to the familiar length invading her niece.

Celestia, on the other hoof, gave a coy smile. “I see…”

Concentrating on her spell, Twilight was caught by surprise when she felt her mentor’s dick fall onto her face. “Consider this a test, Twilight. Get me off before Cadence does.”

“Sister! You can not expect an ALPHA to perform fellatio on a stallion, magic mare penis or otherwise!” Luna admonished, stomping over to Celestia with a disapproving look.

“And yet, she hasn’t pushed it away,” Celestia cooed, grinding herself against Twilight’s snout. The purple mare shaking from the sight of the white pillar on her face. “Alpha or not, Twilight is also a mare and- oh?”

A purple aura took hold over her backside, shifting her to present her wet opening to the new alicorn’s mouth, her front limbs wrapping around the bulky length and sliding across the throbbing mass.

Such a deceitful act made Cadance pout, forelimbs crossing in front of her barrel. “Pfft, cheater.”

“Still feels good,” Celestia giggled, rubbing her wet folds against her student’s mouth. Twilight’s soft fur rubbing her hard girth and magical tongue sliding into her depths once again quickly made her coo with delight. “Good to see Changeling magic being used for something to aid my ponies.”

“Of course she’d do that tongue th-ING!” Cadence sucked in a deep breath, she felt the purple shaft expand inside her, stretching her insides apart. “Such a cheater!”

The sight of her Alpha handling Cadance and Celestia was arousing Luna’s newest addition. She began to wonder where she could join in this when she looked down. Twilight’s legs were raised, exposing a wet purple slit in need of something filling.

The sight of her Alpha’s marehood on full display made her cock hard but could she truly mount her mate?

She felt her sister’s warm magic wash over her cock, cleaning it before aiming her towards her lover’s needy lips. Celestia gave her a nod, making her decision for her.

Luna nestled up, using her magic to align herself with Twilight’s hole and prod it’s moist lips.

“Oh!” Celestia let out a surprised squeal, clearly not expecting her pupil’s reaction.

Her heart beating fiercely, Luna swallowed her breath. Twilight made no effort to stop her, likely too busy with her sister and niece. Her dark blue magic spreading her Alpha’s lips wide, pushing herself against the open passage in hopes of entry.

“At least somepony is going to fuck Twily today,” Cadance chuckled. “About time, if you as-” Her voice was cut off by Twilight’s magic pulling her down hard, forcing every inch of that thick purple shaft into her body, causing her barrel to bulge from the girthy mass. “That hurts… in the best and worst ways…”

“You seem to make a habit of digging your grave, my dear niece,” Celestia mused, grinding herself against Twilight’s face, enjoying the explorative tongue and hooves to their fullest. The tickling of her sensitive shaft caused her mass to spit a glob of pure golden magic, leaving it to lie on Twilight’s belly.

With one hard push, Luna pushed herself in. Over three inches of cock had entered the dickmare with over seven more to follow. The most incredible thing was how tight her Alpha felt, nearly crushing her cock under intense pressure, far more fulfilling and wondrous than her niece's asshole. She couldn’t help but sink her new self deeper into the smaller pony’s small pussy.

Celestia could hardly hold back her delight. Twilight’s tongue had grown wild and wicked since Luna penetrated the Alpha, her hooves gripping her shaft harder. There wasn’t a part of her quim that wasn’t licked clean by the manic mare’s enthusiastic body.

For Cadance, she was forced to submit to something much different. Her body was forced harder down the shaft, the power of her descent causing her body to quake in various sensations that made spit fly from her mouth, eyes rolling back from the pure onslaught she had no choice but to submit to. Her wings twitching as they flared out, refusing to be reigned back in. Her limbs shaking profusely from the sensations of Twilight trying to enter her womb with an unsettling force, enough to make her teeth jitter to contain both her anguish and joy.

Cadence loved the feeling of being used but she was unprepared for how painful it was.

Luna took her niece into her embrace, pushing her forward a bit while pushing her hips deeper into her mate. A dopey smile appeared on her face, leaning on the paralyzed-by-sex Cadance’s shoulder, pumping herself through the heavenly folds that held her so warmly and powerfully that the moon princess dared not to leave.

Her mentor tasted wonderful if not scalding. Cadence’s pussy always felt good the few times she had it. Luna’s cock was an incredible shock to her. After Juliet, Twilight grew less opposed to the idea of being penetrated. Luna’s hectic pace was uncomfortable but it still felt nice, the warm feeling of being full was a sensation Twilight felt she could grow accustomed to. Each strike of Luna’s rod along her walls made her push deep into Cadance from below, her limbs twitching in delight.

So much so that it felt like Luna was forcing Twilight to cum into her foalsitter’s pussy, each thrust against the purple alicorn’s core had sent a heavy white glob of sterile seed to fertilize the Love Alicorn’s body. The small mare moaned into Celestia’s quim, trying desperately to keep her stride in pleasing her teacher.

Cadance herself couldn’t help but squeal from the sudden supply of baby batter filling her womb, her belly distending from Twilight’s abnormal output. It was far too much for her, making her cum again. Suffice to say, the Alicorn of Love had lost count how many times Twilight’s thick cok made her cum but this felt more like a tsunami compared to the ripples in her lustful pool.

The sight of Twilight and Cadance caught in the raptures of their sex drives nearly got Celestia going. She was far too inexperienced with this appendage but it was a fascinating experience. She worked herself up and let herself go immediately. Letting out a happy sigh as her golden essence sprayed across Cadance and Twilight’s bodies. Magical cum that shone like the sun’s rays mattered the two young mares’ fur.

The last to cum, Luna grew impatient and relentless. She struggled to stay in check, but she couldn’t deny herself the pleasure of her mate’s amazing pussy. Like rutting male with his mate, Luna shot herself deep into Twilight’s pussy, her dark magic filling the compact womb and feeling it wash out of her Alpha’s small tunnel.

Celestia got off her pupil’s face, reclining to her belly and cock as Cadance toppled onto her side, exhausted from being used as Twilight’s fleshlight. Luna fell onto her mate, using her hooves and magic to further bury her pulsing cock into the smaller mare, wings fluttering to alertness with every pump of her essence filling Twilight’s core. The Alpha’s wet cock caught between their bodies, matting their bellies with her rich, sticky cum. Twilight was shuddering, a look of utter surprise from feeling anypony cum inside her, much less so filling and warm. “That… felt better than the first time somepony did this to me…” Was all Twilight could say, amazed by how wonderful it felt to be stuffed with her mate’s magic. She let out a whimper of disappointment when Luna pulled herself free, causing a thick splash of dark blue cum to flow from Twilight’s pussy.

“For-forgive us, Twilight,” Luna gasped, still amazed by how good Twilight felt around her new pillar. “I shouldn’t have but it felt-”

Twilight rose onto her haunches and stopped her mate with a kiss. She felt the larger mare melt into it only to pull away before the lunar alicorn could hug her. “I get it, I was the same way at times. I liked it.”

“You did?” Luna gasped, surprised to hear such a bold declaration from her Alpha.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind taking it every once in a while,” Twilight smiled, her hooves holding Luna’s cheeks. “But… if you wanna make it up to me…”

“My turn to fuck Twilight!” Cadance shouted excitedly. She turned to her white aunt with a shining smile. “Dick me!”

Such words only made Celestia chuckle. “If you insist…”

Cadence felt her aunt’s magic course through her, wanting to feel it center around her crotch. Unfortunately, she felt her body spin onto her shaky hooves, legs spread and tail moved, ready to take a stallion. “Uh, Auntie?”

“You asked to be dicked, so I will dick you,” Celestia cooed, mounting Cadance from behind. “Like you, I have yet to feel a mare around my penis and I fear Twilight is too small for me and I dare not rut my own sister.”

Cadence’s face turned bright red, looking down under her to see the massive white rod pointed at her. Nearly twice Twilight’s size, easily the largest cock she had ever bore witness to. Her own pussy was still raw from her sister-in-law’s rough riding. “Be gentle?”

“Of course, my dear niece,” Celestia cooed.

Twilight and Luna looked to see Celestia’s cock rise and find purchase within Cadance’s slit, making the smaller pink mare scream in both shock and delight of such a massive insertion. Celestia was grunting above, trying to get as much of herself into her niece’s pussy but the mare was barely half her size.

Looking back to her mate, Twilight quickly gave Luna a peck on the cheek. “Wanna show these two how it’s done?”

“I-how?” Luna asked, confused by her Alpha’s insinuation.

“Well, I’m still hard and you’re the only princess I haven’t mounted today,” Twilight said sweetly, pulling herself onto her hooves.

“Of course!” Luna announced, quickly following suit. Her front set to the carpet with her rump raised to meet Twilight, she waited with a smile and a thick hardness swinging between her legs. “At your ready, Alpha.”

“Wonderful!” Twilight exclaimed, approaching her mate’s backside. She pressed her face to Luna’s wet muff, sliding her tongue along the wet opening. She felt her mare tremble against her slippery appendage, her supple lips eager for her stallion’s touch. “Hope this will be as rewarding as what you just did with me.”

“Always, my love,” Luna grinned, the familiar weight of her Alpha climbing. The satisfaction of her alpha’s coat on her back made her dark shaft spring into eagerness.

“Easy for you to say, you don’t have a log shoved up your cu---Oh goodness!” Cadence’s hooves rapt against the floor, feeling the solar princess find a groove to settle into. Her body moved to her Aunt’s motions, her pussy clamping down as hard as it could to the massive rod.

“Mmm, my word,” Celestia whined, struggling to pull her cock out from Cadance’s hot muff, it was a battle in itself to free more than an inch from the powerful embrace of her niece’s passage.Any attempt served to only pull Cadance back with her, her fat tip tapping against the love alicorn’s core with short pushes. “Feels wonderful, but… still too large for a certain pony.” Nearly half her cock remained outside to feel the chilly air, her juices dripping from her hungry lips while thrusting into the pink mare below.

“Some mares are real size queens,” Twilight commented, pumping her hips into Luna. Her cock sawing in and out of the lunar princess’ wet quim, constantly dripping with arousal. “Some of the girls I meet usually ask for me to make my dick bigger- speaking of which!”

At the mention, Luna bit her lower lip, squealing with glee as her Alpha’s cock grew within her tunnel, stretching her with it’s unnatural girth.

Celestia gave an impressed whistle when she beheld a portion of her student’s new mass. “And you didn’t share this with me? I’m hurt, Twilight.”

“It didn’t come to mind until just now!” Twilight blushed, her embarrassment nearly made her lose focus of fucking her princess.

“I jest Twilight,” Celestia giggled, her laughter sounding more majestic than ever. “Though as an Alicorn, I do hope you’d show me the same trick the next time.”

“Next time?” Twilight asked, struck by awe of her mentor’s words.

“Next time?!” Luna stood up straight, looking at her sister with ire. “Thou had said this was a one time event!”

“Oh come now, Luna,” Celestia chuckled, pushing herself hard into her shuddering niece. “I’m not asking to be part of the herd, simply requesting your Alpha’s services every so often. I am still a mare by the end of the day. A mare with needs and I can hardly go back to using the guardstallions after they started a union.”

“We will discuss this later, sister,” Luna grumbled, wincing from her mate’s firm thrusts against her core.

Learning her lesson from Celestia, Twilight levitated a stool to her side, resting her rear hooves on it to give her better stability to mate with Luna, her front hooves gripping the sleek blue backside with her new alicorn strength, her wings flapping hard to propel her further into her mate. Her hectic thrusts making the black moon on her lover’s flanks jiggle lightly like the ripples on a pond.

Such eagerness from her pupil had inspired Celestia to put her niece to the test, securing her foothold over Cadance and letting loose a grunt of passion as she moved her body faster.

The smaller mare beneath her began to panic. “A-auntie! Holy- S-slow down, you’re the biggest I’ve had!” She pleaded, feeling her tunnel filled and expanded around the massive girth invading her body more recklessly. A cute whine escaped her lips, her hooves scratching at the floor trying to withstand the solar princess’ great love. “I’m not supposed to leave with a limp…”

“Should have thought about that before trying to get your sister in law in my bed, dear niece,” Celestia giggled, punctuating her point with a hard thrust, slamming her flat head against Cadance’s core. She relished in the constant twitching and clenching of the small passage, clinging to her shaft as they were long lost lovers. “I can… almost see why these mares were so brutal, this feels rather amazing.”

“It’s…” Twilight kept rutting her mare, nuzzling her snout in between Luna’s wings. “It’s better with those you love.”

“That I will not deny,” Celestia nodded, giving her pupil a soft smile. As she admired how far Twilight had gone, the same build up within her cock grew more powerful, nearly taking her by surprise. “Oh my, that’s… the desire is a little more potent than with oral.”

“It always is!” Twilight cried out, pumping her body harder against Luna, feeling her mare shudder and shake beneath her body while her cock grew and throbbed within the tight passage. “Almost there, Luna.”

“In me, my love!” Luna cooed, trying to push herself against Twilight’s base, hoping to have her Alpha’s full rigidness inside her for when it releases.

“And where would you like me to cum, Cadance?” Celestia asked cutely, slamming herself hard against the smaller pink rear.

Her niece lazily looked up from her position, drool pooling on the floor. “U-duh?”

“Inside? How wondrous!” Celestia mused, giving the Alicorn of Love a few more thrusts before fighting to force every inch of herself into the tight pink body.

“Duuu--- OH MY GOODNESS!” Cadence shot up, her body shivering as the thickest, heaviest globs of mare batter filled her womb. In seconds she felt full and so much more continued to fill her. Her belly began to expand from the immense stuffing until she looked to be a few months pregnant before the golden fluid sprayed out onto the floor around Celestia’s thick cock.

Celestia never had anticipated how primal or how amazing the feeling of cumming inside a mare was. Her every nerve shook and coiled, her muscles pleading to fall back, making her encapsulate her niece underneath her, holding her partner tight as thick globs raced out of her shaft and into the pink mare. The same Pink mare who was rendered into a stupor by the sheer force of her Aunt’s massive deluge, eyes showed little sense of consciousness.

Twilight, on the other hoof, kept herself standing tall over Luna, who’s muff eagerly drank her Alpha’s seed. Her smaller purple body pressed firmly against the blue rump. Her cock throbbing within Luna’s passage to fill her womb. Luna cooed and moaned, her rear legs shaking from the utter delight of her Alpha claiming her, her long cock spilling dark blue magic all over the floor while her wings flared out.

“Whew… That was more exciting than I thought,” Celestia mused, sweat beading down her body. She pulled away from Cadance, causing her to let out a groan and a thick flood of golden magic splashing out from her gaping pussy. The Solar Princess gazed down at the mess she made and winced. “I hope that can be cleared up easily… I’d rather not torment my cleaning staff with magical residue that took the form of a stallion’s sperm.”

“If it’s magical residue. It should fade away soon, right?” Twilight let out a yawn. Dismounting Luna and using her magic to seal her cum inside her mare. One her four legs, Twilight took a step and fell over, exhausted from her recent ordeals. “I… think it’s time for bed.”

“I concur,” Luna mused, shakily standing up. Her horn began to glow blue to carry her mate to her sister’s bed to lie down. “When we awake, she should clean this up. Growing magical dicks is… more tiring than expected.”

“Indeed,” Celestia let out a happy sigh as she levitated Cadance to join Luna and Twilight. “At the crack of dawn, then.”

Luna cuddled into her Alpha’s back while Celestia did the same for Cadance, letting her growingly weary head on the bed as sleep slowly took them both. It was then, Luna had realized a new problem. “How long…”

“Pardon?” Celestia replied, opening an eye to see her sister a flustered mare.

“How long do these penises last? We do not wish to awaken to find that I’ve began rutting Twilight in my sleep,” Luna uttered sheepishly, she pulled her rump away from Twilight after her magical dick smeared blue magic across the new alicorn’s backside.

“If my calculations are correct,” Celestia let out a yawn, wrapping her wings over the sleeping pile of ponies. “Less than an hour. Besides, Twilight is no longer distrusting of having a dick in her now, much less yours, after tonight.”

“Yes, of course,” Luna pulled Twilight further up her body and resumed cuddling, ensuring that mate wasn’t touching her growing erection any longer. Soon, a smile graced the lunar princess’ lips as a familiar fullness in her body felt more rewarding.

Outside the doors Fleur giggled and pranced while the rest of the group simply sat in disgruntled silence. “We did it! Now we have all three princesses!” The model squealed with glee.

The ponies and griffon gave each other a long stare of bitter relief before meeting Fleur’s shining eyes. “This was not worth it,” Gilda spat, turning to leave.

“I have to agree,” Rarity huffed, following Gilda. “We are exhausted and… riled up from listening to them mate. Gilda’s talons are looking rather delectable right now.”

“Wanna party?” Gilda asked with a sneer.

Rarity’s cheeks filled with light anger before she let out a sigh. “Yes. I am in need of your expert services.”

“Well, I like the part where Twilight learned to take a dick!” Pinkie exclaimed with a bounce in her step.

“Please Pinkie dear,” Fleur shook her head, petting the party pony. “None of us would ever do that to our mate.”

“Speak for yourself,” Applejack continued, leaning on the wall. “I’d definitely do to Twilight what she’s done to me since I got drafted into this herd. But right now, I’d rather break Cadance’s backside like Gilda and Rainbow broke my barn door last week.”

“Figuratively or literally?” Rainbow asked, scratching her head, oblivious of the other ponies' surprise that she knew those words.

“Literally, you idjit!” Applejack grumbled, stomping down the hallway. “Now come on, I got a better use for that mouth of yours.”

“Like you can handle it,” Rainbow snickered, following her rival down the hall.

“Come on, Trixie!” Pinkie latched onto the magician who stood silently by Celestia’s door. “I got a purple dildo and some body paint. I can be your Twilight tonight!”

“I’ll go too!” Fleur said excitedly.

“Buh? What?” Trixie seemed flabbergasted by these new events. “I- Trixie was more curious about… do you think Celestia would teach us that spell?”

“The dick spell?” Pinkie asked, rubbing her chin. “For sure! Why?”

“Trixie is in love with being beneath our Twilight but after today, Trixie needs to be on top for once, preferably above that snake Cadance,” Trixie announced, turning to go back to the guest room. “Lead on, Pinkie. Trixie will dominate!”

“I do have a Cadance wig and a Twilight wig… you wanna be Twilight and me or Fleur be Cadance?” Pinkie questioned with unnatural glee, trotting away from the Princess’ room with Fleur and Trixie.


Taking in a few moments before one of her herd would appear. Twilight laid on her couch with a book. Nothing stimulating as a textbook, just a simple novel recommended to her by Rarity. The adventures of a starry-eyed colt trying to succeed in Manehattan. His trials were tame but the hijinks made her chuckle, reminding her of the antics that occurred ever since Pinkie started spying on her.

If somepony were to tell Twilight that she’d have a herd while also mate with over twenty individuals, she would’ve called them a liar. But here she sat, with a metaphorical egg on her face.

If she could, she would try to change so many things about how she got there. The unsettling things that both she and the Juliet persona had done. Right so many wrongs, maybe she could’ve been happy being monogamous with Daring?

But in the end, she was glad that most of it happened. From nurturing the next generation of changelings, meeting a tyrannical yet depressed future version of herself, watching Spike grow up and leaving her care, discovering the Marezones, fathering children with her best friends, becoming an alicorn.

And all the sex she didn’t think could happen. As if the universe itself warped itself around to ensure that her penis found a home inside many different women, regardless of race.

With a sigh, Twilight leaned into the sofa back. As much as she liked the sex, she wished the universe could’ve toned it down a few notches. Shoving her dick into married mares, fillies, and Princess Celestia was a bit too much after all.

But boy was she ever happy to have experienced that last part.

She heard a door open and saw Pinkie Pie walk into the library. The party pony wasn’t her overly jovial self, far more tame with a pregnant belly. “Mine? Or Chrysalis needed an incubator?”

“I volunteered to lay Chrysalis’ eggs,” Pinkie said with a tired smile, waddling over to Twilight’s side before laying next to her Alpha. She let her soft wing wrap around the party pony’s body as they enjoyed their time together in quiet respite. “Love you, Twilight…”

“Love you too, Pinkie,” Twilight cooed, feeling her mare nuzzle her neck as she read. It wasn’t long before she felt the steady breathing of her mate quietly napping next to her. “Chrysalis did a number on you, didn’t she?”

“Twilight, you bitch!”

With a jolt, Twilight and Pink shot up to see Sweetie Drops angrily kick the door in with a panicked Lyra behind her. “You got us pregnant, you slut!”

“We just found out, sorry!” Lyra cried out, earning a deadly glare from her marefriend.

“Wait- That’s impossible,” Twilight uttered, confused by the accusation. Pinkie merely shrugged. “I swore I reused the fertility spell after I impregnated Chrysalis.” Suddenly, a horrific realization came to the alicorn. “But that would mean....”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight Velvet bellowed, marching into the library and shoving Sweetie and Lyra out of her path. Beside her stood Night Light and Ditzy Doo. For a brief moment, Velvet seemed as furious as the candy maker until she turned to show off Dinky. “Why didn’t you tell me you had such a cute daughter already?!”

“Oh thank goodness…” Twilight sighed with relief. The fear of possibly impregnating her own mother faded away instantly.

Night Light was racking his brain over the logistics. “Did you get caught in Heat Season when you were younger?”

“Hi Twilight!” Ditzy waved with a friendly hoof. “I was at the market with Dinky when Bon-Bon was yelling at your Mother about you getting her pregnant. Then Dinky and I mentioned you being her dad and they ran over here!”

“It is settled!” Velvet stomped her hoof down, a firm expression on her face. “Where is your hive? I’m not leaving Ponyville until I play with ALL MY GRANDCHILDREN.”

Watching Velvet stop towards the basement, Twilight winced with displeasure. “Mom, I’ve sired over thousands changelings. Most of them are your grandchildren AND your great grandchildren. Heck, I’m sure a lot of them are adults now.”

“Don’t care, playing with my grandchildren,” Velvet stated, marching into the dark basement. Seeing the light consuming darkness of Twilight’s basement, Dinky leaped off her grandmother’s back and ran to Ditzy’s side. “Night Light, go get Fluttershy and Fleur. We are not leaving their kids out of this!”

With a happy groan, Night Light shook his head as he turned to leave. “Your mother can be so hardheaded.”

“Yup,” Twilight chuckled. She then felt a hoof hit her flank. “Ow!”

“Getting a pair of wings better got you money, cause I’m still pregnant with your brat!” Sweetie shouted, shoving Lyra off her.

Lyra tried to keep her marefriend from attacking Twilight out of sheer fear of the consequences, only to be pulled by her hooves as the enraged earth pony fought to give Twilight another punch. “Babe, please. Think about what you-”

“Is that meanie talking dirt about MY future Grandchildren?!” They heard Velvet call out from the basement. “All my grandchildren are treasures, even when they come from a self-absorbed rooster kisser!”

“Just another day in Ponyville, right Pinkie?” Twilight giggled, nuzzling Pinkie.

“And here I thought it'd be a lazy afternoon.” Pinkie added with a laugh.

Mini-Series: Class is in Session

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[Tags: Celestia/Twilight/Luna(F/Futa/F), spanking, cunnilingus, teasing, vaginal, rough][Twilight/Celestia/Luna, blowjob]

Twilight was often open to whatever her mares desired, roleplaying being rather popular. As it turned out, Rarity was only too happy to provide costumes to make their fantasies feel more real, and even went out of her way to ‘test’ the product herself with the purple mare, even before her ascension.

There was Mare-Do Well, The Knight saving the Princess(very popular with Fluttershy, Rarity, and Fleur), and even that one time Applejack asked Twilight to turn herself into a Minotaur so the cowpony could ‘ride the bull’; the oddest being the time Gilda wanted to hunt Twilight, they would chase each other through Everfree Forest until Gilda caught the purple mare and reaped the rewards for hours. The most popular that Twilight found was the Teacher-Student roleplay, where one would be the teacher that must discipline the student sexually as an unorthodox version of ‘detention’.

Twilight has done this with many of her mares, and she’s been both student and teacher, but what exactly would a dickmare do in Twilight’s scenario? She sat in a lone wooden desk in Celestia’s study, wearing a school uniform that her mentor commissioned from Rarity for this exact moment: A white blouse and red neck tie that was covered by a black suit, with her rump barely covered by a black skirt and black socks, she learned rather quickly that the jacket held her wings down, making it rather uncomfortable.

A bright light bathed the room, blinding Twilight temporarily, it dimmed and revealed Princess Celestia, wearing a red blazer with a white dress shirt underneath, a skirt that somehow managed to cover the larger alicorn’s cutie marks, her hind legs covered with long black stockings. “Well, Miss Sparkle. Do you know why you are here?”

Twilight swallowed her breath. “I… didn’t finish my homework,” she said nervously, shaking in her seat.

Celestia shook her head slowly. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. I expected better from you, Miss Sparkle. Perhaps that Luna or Rainbow Dash are bad influences on you.” She walked around Twilight’s desk, her tail caressing the purple mare that sat there.

Twilight’s blush worsened. “Well… I-um, that… that is to say-”

“No excuses, Miss Sparkle. You’ve been a naughty filly and it’s high time I dealt with it,” Celestia cooed. “Get out of your desk and assume the position.”

Twilight slowly complied, she got out and rested her front hooves on the desk, causing her rump to stick out. The purple mare was so embarrassed that she willed her tail to cover her backside, yet her wings struggled against their black bonds.

Celestia licked her lips, but still shook her head disapprovingly. “Good girls don’t cover themselves, Miss Sparkle. Raise that lovely tail of yours now.”

Swallowing her breath, Twilight shut her eyes tightly as her tail raised, revealing her taint, marehood, and her erection. “L-like this?”

Celestia ignored the question and stared longingly at the purple girth that dangled between her student’s hind legs. “Is this naughty filly enjoying her punishment? It rather defeats it’s own purpose, does it not?” The larger alicorn strode next to Twilight, one hoof was pulling the student’s skirt up while the other was rubbing the hard purple dick. “Truly, those two were a terrible influence on you, especially that griffon exchange student. I know what you two did after class a few days ago.”

“I… it got hard on it’s own. Gilda offered to help me,” Twilight whimpered, her body tensing from the light touches.

“And… how, may I ask, did you get hard in the first place?” Celestia asked, her hoof continued to rub Twilight's backside, while the other retreated away from the student’s cock.

“I… I was thinking about you. You… always tease me, Miss Celestia,” Twilight cooed, trying her hardest to not shake her rump. A hard smack against her purple backside caused Twilight to yelp in pain.

“Are you blaming ME, Miss Sparkle? Are you going to tell me that I’m the cause for your erection?” Celestia questioned, rubbing the area that she hit.

“Ye-yes, it… it didn’t help that you weren’t wearing panties that da-AHh!” Twilight squeaked, another hard slap against her butt.

“And how would you know that I wasn’t wearing panties?” Celestia cooed.

Twilight was rather nervous, the stinging sensation still present on her rump. “You… you lifted your tail in front of me, it… raised your skirt and- GAH!”

“I don’t much care for your accusations, young lady,” Celestia scolded, smacking Twilight’s rump again. “Nor does this make up for why you didn’t finish your magical disturbances homework, how did it feel to get your first B minus, Miss Sparkle?”

“It… hurt me,” Twilight whimpered, feeling another slap against her back cheeks.

“Will you ensure that you will never do it again?” Celestia asked, slapping her student’s ass once again.

“Yes… please stop,” Twilight moaned, her body shook from the tension.

Celestia chuckled to herself, her hoof returning to rub Twilight’s erection. “This part of you seems to like this, Miss Sparkle. Why are you lying?”

Twilight’s face was now as red as an apple. “I’m- I’m not lying.” She gasped when she felt another slap on her rump.

“It’s one thing to lie to me, but to lie to yourself? That calls for severe punishment,” Celestia bemused. She walked to her desk and pulled out a ribbon with her magic. “Yes… this will do nicely.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, she knew what that ribbon was going to do and shuddered preemptively at what will happen. “Please… don’t.”

“Too late for apologies, Miss Sparkle,” Celestia stated, wrapping the ribbon around the base of Twilight’s dick tightly. “If you remove that, I will make the punishment worse. Perhaps all your fellow classmates would love to watch you squirm.”

“NO, I-I’ll be good,” Twilight whimpered. She could feel the tight cloth strangling her cock, making it hard for her to walk.

“That’s a good filly,” Celestia cooed. She soon took a similar position to what Twilight took earlier on her own desk. “Look at what you’ve done, Miss Sparkle.” Twilight watched as the flowing tail lifted itself to reveal a pair of moistened lips between the teacher’s hind legs. “Unless you want to be punished further, you will take responsibility for this.”

The red in the student’s face threatened to invade her neck. She took slow steps towards her mentor’s rump, and placed her front hooves on Celestia’s cheeks. She stuck her tentative tongue against the moist marehood, giving the outer lips a long lingering lick.

Celestia let out a quiet moan from her student’s oddly experienced tongue, playing with her folds with loving care. “You’re quite good at this, Miss Sparkle. Must be those delinquent friends of yours, teaching you things that I should have taught you.”

It took all that Twilight could to not break her character and give Celestia a surprised look. She remained silent and slowly pushed past Celestia’s lips with her tongue, flexing the slippery organ and teasing the clitoris.

Celestia let out a whinny and her hind legs slammed down, causing it to crack under it’s force. “Oh… Miss Sparkle! They taught you well at least. Maybe those friends of yours are... redeemable.”

Twilight’s hooves began to rub circles around Celestia’s flanks while her tongue worked her teacher’s pussy. her nose rubbing against the wet slit, trying to get her tongue even deeper. The scent of her mentor’s pussy was driving Twilight wild, her cock throbbing with need beneath her. Twilight’s horn gave off a faint glow as her tongue began to stretch longer and prob the larger alicorn deeper.

“Gah!” Celestia moaned, feeling that long flat tongue touch places that would normally seem impossible. “Using magic to -ooh- please me? I don’t -yessss- accept bribes, young lady. But… I’ll humor it. Go as deeeep as you can, my little filly.”

Twilight complied and felt her tongue delicately trace the cervix, causing Celestia’s front to buckle and fall onto the desk. Finding the reaction positive, Twilight continued to slide her tongue against the womb opening, while another portion of the organ rubbed against the g-spot.

“AH! Don’t stop! I’ll…” Celestia moaned, the stimulation becoming overwhelming, rocking her body closer to her peak. “Twilight! If you dare stop, I’ll give you an F minus!”

It was a poor mistake on Celestia’s part. Twilight’s fear of failure and her desire to please her mentor worked in perfect harmony to bring Celestia to an orgasm so powerful, that the sound-proof spell Twilight had cast before this lesson was completely shattered, filling the castle halls with a loud wail. Just as her orgasm ended, Celestia turned to see her student’s face coated in her juices. “Sorry… Miss Celestia… I think I over did it.” Twilight whimpered.

Celestia surveyed her student, her jacket and shirt was soaked in the teacher’s juices, the tie had been loosened at some point. Twilight’s eyes were large and filled with many conflicting emotions, curiosity, caution, hope, fear, and most importantly: lust. Her cock was painfully erect, pushing past the skirt and becoming long enough that Twilight might be able to deepthroat herself, though that itself may need practice, even the spot beneath her cock was a very small puddle of fluids, most definitely leaked from Twilight’s own pussy.. “Yes… you did,” Celestia cooed with a sadistic grin.

Twilight was then picked off from the ground, watching her mentor seat herself on her chair, and lowering the seat to using the lever beneath it. Celestia had teleported the skirt away, leaving her back end unclothed while she rested in her chair with legs spread wide. “Your… lesson is far from over, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight was placed between Celestia’s legs, the white alicorn was seated low enough that all Twilight had to do was rear her front onto Celestia’s belly and she could easily penetrate the larger mare. “I’m really sorry Princess!” Twilight cried out. She undid the jacket and threw it to the side, letting her wings stand erect from her back, all before leaping onto Celestia and forcing her cock into the white alicorn.

“Ah! A-at least my pupil is… eager,” Celestia cooed, her front hooves holding Twilight tighter to her body.

The two alicorns were moaning behind the desk, the purple mare pounding her hips into the larger white mare, her thick purple cock pressing against one of the familiar spots that her tongue toyed with moments ago. “Celestia…” Twilight groaned, feeling her mentor’s walls tighten around her member.

“Keep going, Tw- Miss Sparkle, you feel wonderful inside me,” Celestia moaned, she could feel the cushion she was sitting on become damp with the various liquids leaking from her muff, her student’s damp crotch slapping against her own with every thrust.

Twilight could feel her release coming quickly, she wanted nothing more than to bathe her mentor’s insides, one of the reigning monarchs of Equestria, with her cum and fill her womb... but she forgot one important detail, the ribbon that was bound tightly around her cock earlier.

Celestia sensed her students frustrations, and fell back into character. “Do you want to cum, Miss Sparkle?” She whispered, trying to hide her own pleasure. Twilight nodded feverishly, thrusting her cock as quickly as possible into her teacher. “Earn it, my dear.”

Twilight gave Celestia a pained look and did what she could to redouble her efforts. Using magic to make her cock vibrate, increase it’s thickness, it’s length to reach the deepest parts of the larger alicorn, conjure a purple aura that tickled and massaged Celestia’s wings and horn. “Please… let me cum, Teacher!” Twilight cried out in a squeaky tone.

All the stimulation, coupled with Twilight’s adorkable plea, pushed Celestia into another orgasm, drenching the two mare’s fur and the chair Celestia was on. The solar diarch wasn’t given any rest however, not so long as Twilight needed to cum. With her magic, she loosened the ribbon and felt Twilight’s cock spasm inside her, spraying her insides down with its thick creamy essence.

Twilight let out a satisfying groan as she felt herself finally orgasm, her cock becoming extremely sensitive as she slowly slid herself out, the enchantments she placed on herself disappearing and her cock returning to it’s original size. “Whoa… that was more intense than I thought it would be.”

Celestia slowly sat back up and nodded. “It was… quite the experience to be sure.” She gazed down to the purple member, finding it was still hard. “But we are not done yet, my faithful student.”

Twilight gave her mentor an awkward grin. “I don’t know, it’s REALLY sensitive.”

Celestia giggled and blew onto Twilight’s shaft, causing Twilight to groan loudly and a small spurt of cum racing out of the opening. “My… that is sensitive… I wonder,” she said playfully. She gave the shaft a quick lick, causing another small jet of sperm to fly out and land on her snout. She levitated the white goop from her face and let it drip onto her tongue, savouring her student’s taste.

“Plea-please… stop,” Twilight whimpered, flinching from Celestia’s teasing tongue.

“We still have a few matters to attend to, Miss Sparkle. I am still not.. convinced you’ll be a good filly, especially with those delinquents,” Celestia giggled, her hoof rubbing against the oozing shaft.

“Why… why not deal with them? Why me if THEY are the problem?” Twilight whined, cringing as her cock shot another weak load onto Celestia’s hoof.

“Because… I have a feeling you can control them, so I need to teach you how to control meddlesome mares,” Celestia said, looming over her student.


Luna was soaring down the castle halls, wearing a black school uniform she had Rarity make her long ago. She knew about the roleplay session Celestia and Twilight had, and the scream from earlier more than got the Lunar Princess feeling a bit needy for her alpha.

She silently hoped that Twilight was playing the part of ‘teacher’ in the roleplay, it would make her current attire make far more sense, especially if she walked in to see Twilight punishing Tia with a paddle.

She bursted into the study triumphantly. “Sister, Alpha! Let the fun become doubled!”

The desks that stood in the room were caked with cum and fluids, she then turned to see Twilight and Celestia on the rug next to the fire. Twilight only wore a necktie as she fucked Celestia from behind. The regal solar princess still wore a red jacket but it appeared drenched and looked almost white, its wearer was moaning like a bitch in heat on the ground. “He-Hey Luna,” Twilight weakly chuckled, she slowly pulled her cock out, a few dribbles of cum leaving her cock and falling from Celestia’s used pussy.

“Sister, what has happened?” Luna asked, running to her tired sister’s side.

“I… I was teaching her… but she taught me…. that I belong to her,” Celestia said weakly.

“What was her previous lesson?” Luna asked, concerned for her sister.

“I… taught her… how to deal with delinquents,” Celestia’s weakened features turned into a smirk as her magic took Luna’s limbs and laid her sister on the rug in spread eagle, moving the skirt and panties to the side for Twilight. “This is one of the fillies that… corrupted you, my student. Now return the favor!”

Twilight nodded nervously and positioned herself to enter the lunar princess. “Sorry in advance, Luna. Tia had a ribbon around my dick for a bit and my cock is still really sensitive.”

“V-very well, Twilight,” Luna said, blushing, watching the flat tip push into her marehood.

“I may be new to being Twilight’s mate… I still don’t know how she can make so much cum so quickly. There’s at least two gallons worth of cum coating my study,” Celestia uttered, observing the state of her favorite room.

Deep inside her mind, Twilight sort of felt Brave and Smartypants lecturing Juliet again about her body’s sudden increase in cum production. All that mattered right now, she had a delinquent to dominate. “Miss Celestia taught me so much, Lulu. I’m going to show you all of it!”

Luna let out a groan as Twilight’s pace was unforgiving, filling her hole as tightly as hoof fitting a plastic glove. “If-if this is all our teacher can teach… then you should teach.”

“That’s next week, Luna,” Celestia cooed, digging her hoof deep into her mound while she watched her student and lover fuck her little sister.

Luna was surprised to feel cum filling her womb, but Twilight continued to batter her insides, working the lunar ‘student’ to her own orgasm. “Oh fff… I- I… had no part in Tw-Twilight’s cooooooruuupption. That was ALL… oh goodness, Gilda and Rainbow Dash!”

“We will punish them later, right my student?” Celestia cooed, she leaned forward and nipped Twilight’s ear, causing Twilight to cringe in pleasure.

“My… my dick feels like mush, but it doesn’t want to stop teacher! Luna feels too good,” Twilight moaned; she collapsed onto Luna’s belly but her hips continued to do the work, plunging deep into the dark blue slit.

“Better than me?” Celestia asked. Luna’s eyes shot open to find the answer in Twilight’s face.

Twilight was enjoying her princess’ pussy too much to answer or even to lift her head up from Luna’s coat. All she really did was drool onto the lunar student and ravage her love tunnel with a purple cock that was unable to turn off the flow of cum leaving it’s tip.

Celestia shrugged it off and rolled Luna and Twilight to have the purple alicorn beneath the dark blue mare. She then chuckled as she began to tease Luna’s horn and wings while her faithful student fucked the stuffing out of the delinquent. “I assure you, Lulu. You are a toy to myself and my pet cock here. Now and forever."

“N-Neigh! Y-You belong to Twilight!” Luna cried out, riding her alpha’s cock hard, the pleasure becoming too great for her.

“Shush, let me have my fun,” Celestia said, licking her sister’s feathered limb. Beneath both sisters, Twilight was panting harshly, futilely trying to keep up, but her penis kept firing off everything she could make. If she were still a unicorn, she would have died long ago, but her ascension made her far more durable. A fact that many of her mares wished to test often.

Luna let out a cry, as her first orgasm ripped through her body. Her juices trying to flush out the copious amounts of seed that still filled her body. She continued to ride her stallion for her next orgasm.


Luna loved the feeling of her body stuffed with so much cream, she couldn’t get enough of it.

“Luna, snap out of it!”

Luna was shook out of her revelry. “What is the matter, I was mating with our mate!”

“Twilight fainted!” Celestia said. Luna looked down to see the addled eyed purple mare, she wasn’t moving, and her breathing was hoarse.

Luna quickly got off the purple mare and levitated her. “What must we do!”

“She’s severely dehydrated, we need to get her water immediatly!” Celestia explained, she ran to the door and opened it. “Guards, get me water, LOTS of water!”

The guard ponies nodded and ran to meet their mistress’ desires. Celestia and Luna were now stuck with a unconscious alicorn with a dick that was still twitching with excitement, the very air keeping it hard. “Luna, while they get water and such. Go get an ice pack, Twilight will need it. I’ll stand guard to ensure no one sees this.”

“How so? The nobility are already aware of Twilight being our consort and having male genitles,” Luna uttered.

“The tabloids did months of articles about Twilight and her penis, we don’t need another one about both of Equestria’s rulers rutting the newest princess until she fainted from dehydration. It was bad enough when Griffons thought we were going to invade using the changelings Twilight sired,” Celestia stated. Luna nodded and flew out the door, leaving Celestia to watch over her fallen student. “I promise you, Twilight Sparkle. No more aphrodisiac ribbons around your penis until you feel ready for them.”


The door to the study flew open, an annoyed Twilight Sparkle strode into the makeshift class room with her mane in a bun, wearing a white blouse and a black skirt that covered her rump. A pair of glasses balanced on her nose delicately. Before Twilight were her two students, alicorn sisters that both looked nervous and scared, especially after what happened last week. Both mares wore a black jacket, red tie, and a short black skirt that barely covered their cutie marks.

“Girls!” Twilight announced, causing both her pupils to stand up straight in their seats. “Who can remind me of what happened last week?”

“We accidentally… went overboard with your younger twin sister from another dimension, and nearly killed her through dehydration and over sensitivity,” Celestia said, shaking in her seat, still feeling remorseful for what she put the smaller alicorn through last week. She did find it imaginative, if not strange, that Twilight wanted to pretend that last week happened to somepony else, making up this new “twin sister” of hers.

“And I was told Luna has been corrupting my LTSFADBFF, correct?” Twilight asked, a ruler levitating around her. Both of her students stayed silent, confused by the long acronym, “Little Twin Sister From Another Dimension Best Friend Forever.”

“Oh… um, yes… this is true, Miss Sparkle,” Luna replied, feeling guilty for her actions.

“I see,” Twilight cooed, looking over her most shameful students. “Not only did you impersonate a teacher, Tia. But you helped hurt my LTSFADBFF with your sister, and you’ve both failed your midterm!”

“I’m sorry, Miss Sparkle,” both alicorns muttered, hoping the punishment wouldn’t be that great.

Twilight smiled. “I will however, let you both off the hook… but only if you can EARN your A-plus-plus.” The purple alicorn sat up on her desk and spread her legs letting her cock show itself underneath her skirt. “This… is a timed quiz, girls. You may begin now!”

Celestia and Luna knocked the desks over and out of their way to wrap their lips around the purple mare’s dick, Luna was suckling the head while Celestia was placing kisses and nips along the shaft.

Twilight gave her students a soft smile, her hooves petting them as they worked together to make their teacher cum all over their pretty faces. Within Twilight’s magic, two rulers were floating behind the alicorns’ rumps, smacking them hard while they fellated their teacher. “You’re trying to get me off, girls, not bore me. The shy filly in Biology sucks dick better than both of you.”

Mini-Series: Hanging out with Fire-Trixie 2.0

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[Tags: Voyeurism, F/Futa, Vaginal, Masturbation][F/Futa, Oral, Vaginal, minor Anal, Breast-play, cunnilingus, fingering]

There were five things that Twilight missed most from the human world: the human versions of her best friends. It has been many months since Twilight left those friends behind to return to Equestria, and during that time, the purple alicorn did what she could to research the mirror that brought her to that world in the first place. She had built a machine that could allow her to go back and forth between Equestria and the human world at will. Though Shining didn't like all the noise Twilight made in the week she spent in the Crystal Kingdom. Her project finished, Twilight admired her hard work and decided to visit her friends again.

Just as she was about to embark, she realized that nopony would know where she was going. She began her search for a quill and parchment.

Dear friends, family, and mates.

I wrote this note to let you all know that I will be in the human world for a few days. Spike is in charge of the library while I am away. I would like Gilda to keep an eye on Pinkie and make sure she doesn’t enter my room while I am gone (I do not wish to walk into a room full of Jell-O again), and to keep her from enticing ponies into seeking me out to have sex with me (You are lucky that Caramel is gay, Pinkie!).

As well, if Zecora doesn’t see this at the time it was first found; I would like somepony to retrieve my medicine from her. It would be appreciated.


Twilight Sparkle.

Crisis Averted. Twilight placed her letter on the guest bed of her room; she stopped to ponder whether or not anyone would see her letter on the bed. She then placed the letter on the desk, clearly the better location for the letter. Smiling, she turned and walked out the door, heading down the hallway and towards the room with the mirror.

“Princess Sparkle, how are you this day?” Twilight turned to see Lieutenant Flash Sentry trotting up next to her.

“I’m doing rather well, Sir Sentry. How is the patrol?” The purple princess asked. Flash Sentry has proven to be a nice pony to chat with, though it appeared that the guard had a knack for going out of his way just to meet with Twilight when he isn’t doing his job; a trait that has annoyed many members of Twilight’s Harem, even Pinkie Pie.

“It’s rather boring this evening, Milady. May I ask what you are up to?” Flash replied.

“I’m planning on entering the human world to visit the friends I made there,” Twilight said with a skip in her step.

Flash Sentry stopped when he heard this. “Wait, you are going to that other world? Does Princess Cadance or Prince Shining Armor know this?”

“Nope, but I left a note in my room to notify them about what I’m doing. I’m just visiting and they have a kingdom to rule, I don’t want to trouble them while they work,” Twilight said.

“Would you need an escort? I know you have gone there once, but what if something happens? Sunset Shimmer is still in that world after all,” Flash uttered.

“I’ll be fine, the Crystal Kingdom needs you more than me,” Twilight assured, opening the door into the storage room.

“Very well, Milady. Do you wish for me to alert the Prince or Princess when they become free?” Flash Sentry inquired.

“That would be nice, also tell them about the letter in my room, okay?”

Flash Sentry bowed to the lavender princess. “But of course, Milady.” He turned and left the alicorn alone to relay the news to his superiors.

Twilight smiled and stepped forward towards the mirror, and entered the other world.


Twilight’s eyes fluttered open as she sat on the hard pavement, before the statue that stood outside the school. Hoping to remember how her new body worked, the purple ma-girl slowly stood on her hind legs, leaning on her new heels. She took a look at her new fore-limbs, flexing the digits that extended from the palm.

The lilac skin girl smiled as she turned to the large castle-like school before her and walked forward, joy filling her heart as she took each step closer to the front doors, stretching her foreign limb towards the door handle and began to pull.

The door refused to open for Twilight. Confused, the lilac girl took a step back and contemplated the situation. ’The school is closed? Is the time here different from Equestria’s?’ she thought. The schools in Equestria were still in session when she decided to visit, so the prospect of school being out now took her by surprise.

It was at this time that Twilight realized that she was lost; she never truly ventured beyond the school grounds, and the fact she would have to try and search for her friends in a world she had very little knowledge of became daunting.

The beginning of every adventure started with one step and Twilight has dealt with worse problems in her life, finding her way through a world foreign to her shouldn’t prove to be too great a problem for her to solve.


Sunset Shimmer was bored. She had been walking around town, looking for something to do. Her new friends all had things to do, and she was recently cut from her part-time job due to lack of things to do.

Going to an arcade was pointless without trying to prove that she was better than Rainbow Dash at Skullgirls (the score so far was three to four in Dash’s favor). Sunset gave a soft smile as her friends came to mind, all thanks to that Goodie Two-Shoes Princess that stopped her from taking over Equestria. She remembered how she and those idiots, Snips and Snails, went to rebuild the gym wall, brick by brick, then Twilight’s friends later came to help her out. Ever since then, they began to hang out more and soon the new six were inseparable friends.

The sound of a car horn screeching shook her from her thoughts; she turned her head to the disturbance to see a familiar figure running across the street, as cars just stop randomly and random people yelling at her. The purple girl kept muttering apologies as she continued to run and trip her way to the other side of the street.

Sunset’s jaw dropped as the girl slowly got up and dusted herself off, scared of the ordeal she just put herself through. The purple skirt, light blue blouse, the straight hair; it was definitely Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight was clearly confused by her recent ordeal as she staggered on her feet, the sudden feeling of someone’s hand on her shoulder caused her to jump and swing her backpack to the offender with her eyes closed. The scholar opened her eyes slowly to find that she just nailed Sunset Shimmer in the head with an empty backpack. The yellow gal in question was not amused by this reaction.

“Sunset! I’m sorry I didn’t know it was you,” Twilight stammered. She quickly removed her backpack from Sunset’s face and made an awkward giggle.

“Nice to see you again, but what’s with all the commotion?” Sunset questioned, quickly fixing her hair.

“I came back to see how the girls were doing, but the school was closed. So I thought I’d try to find one of them, but this whole place is completely nuts!” Twilight screamed. “The metal carriages that have that really annoying sound to them, I’ve been wandering for what I believe to be a few hours, but this whole place is crazy with its streets. Why does this place appear like a small community but happens to be larger than Canterlot?” She grasped Sunset’s arms and shook her former adversary.

“It’s how humans work, they like to control things, and have their students take two months off for the summer, have big cities and cars to help them move around them.” Sunset shrugged, trying to ignore what she assumed to be Twilight’s second culture shock.

“At least I finally found someone that can help me,” Twilight said, appearing hopeful. “That is if you’re not too busy.”

At first, Sunset was about to turn her down, but she realized that she finally had someone to hang out with since everyone else is out doing their own thing for Summer Vacation. The girls have said many nice things about the princess before, especially during the first month of their blooming friendship; so why not give her a chance? “I guess I can do that, but let’s go grab something to eat, I’m famished.”

“Alright, lead the way.” Twilight smiled, following the fire-haired girl down the street. “By the way, do you know where the girls are?”

Sunset smirked and rolled her eyes, she knew that question would come up sometime. “Applejack went to her family farm for the summer, Rainbow Dash went to some sports camp out of town, Rarity went to Paris and took Fluttershy with her, and Pinkie has a part time job at the mall as an waitress.”

“I see, it shouldn’t be too hard to get to them then, right?” Twilight asked.

“Neither of us can drive so it’ll be a good 8 hour run to Rainbow Dash’s camp and I heard it’s a 5 hour drive by car to Applejack’s farm; and Paris is way too far away.”

Twilight’s curious smile faded as she realized she won’t be able to see most of her friends, but at least she had Pinkie, and now Sunset Shimmer. “As soon as we find Pinkie, the three of us can hang out, if you want.”

“She is probably still working, but we can go visit her at the mall and grab a bite while we’re there.” Sunset said. The two girls smiled as they continued their walk.


Twilight stared in awe of what Sunset had called a ‘mall’, it looked like a castle… made out of shops and vendors. There were stairs that moved by themselves, taking people to upper or lower floors, various things that the stores had that Twilight had never seen before, a glass roof that let the sun shine down upon the smiling guests within this ‘mall’, it even had fountains that stretched through the middle of the hallways and in the lobby. This place could only exist with the help of magic.

“Earth to Twilight, you there?” Sunset asked, waving her hand in front of the violet girls’ face.

Twilight snapped out of it and turned to her new friend. “This place looks amazing, I’ve never seen anything like it,” she gushed.

Sunset rolled her eyes, and took Twilight’s hand. “Well, we still need to find Pinkie so let’s go.” She began to lead Twilight through the crowd of people that stood or walked between them and Pinkie’s place of employment. Twilight followed reluctantly but continued to look around the area, trying her best to also take notice of the various people that bumped into her and Sunset.

The sound of happy music, bells, and various other noises took Twilight’s attention when the two passed a place with various machines within it that had flashing screens and children cheering. Sunset noticed this and became a bit peeved by the princess’ curiosity. She turned her head to the magical place and smiled, “I should have known the Arcade would grab your attention. I guess Pinkie could wait, she’s still probably working.” Twilight’s smile grew as the two wandered into the venue.

The two travelled around the arcade, most of the time it was Sunset watching Twilight fiddle around with the controls of several cabinets, but they soon came across a machine that she and her friends had shed tears and sweat over: The Skullgirls Arcade Cabinet. “Let me show you something Twilight, and then we can have a game.”

Twilight stopped playing around with the game next to it and walked over to see what the yellow-skinned girl was doing.

Sunset slid a few silver-like coins into the machine and it suddenly changed to a screen with nine small blocks and two stands on each side. She flicked the knob over to select a strange cat-like girl to which the machine called ‘Ms. Fortune’, a moment later and Sunset was playing against a character that looked like a nurse of sorts, labelled ‘Valentine’. The battle raged between the cat burglar (as Twilight later learned) and the ninja nurse, until finally Valentine fell to the ground and Ms. Fortune rolling onto her back to playing with her head as if it were a ball of yarn.

“Wanna try?” Sunset offered. Twilight looked back to the screen and nodded. She took control of the secondary set of controls and selected a small girl with sharp teeth called ‘Peacock’ and the battle began.


The two laughed as they approached a confectionery store called Sugarcube Corner, the matches they had ended horribly for the inexperienced Twilight, losing 9 times in a row to Sunset and her deadly feline; nonetheless it was still a fun experience for the princess.

They entered the shop, ordered their food from the familiar blue woman with pink swirly hair and sat down to await their order. Sunset was bombarded with questions about the mall itself, the game she schooled Twilight at, and how she was doing since Twilight left.

While they waited, Twilight learned that Sunset and the others are on their final year of high school and decided to try to attend the same college together, they still try to stick together when they can but the plans they had for the summer conflicted with it. Rarity and Fluttershy claim to return from Paris by Mid-August, Rainbow Dash will be done with camp in a week, and Applejack will be returning for a few days when Rainbow is done with camp; all of which happens while the mirror is closed and Twilight would have to return to her duties as a Princess. This new information caused Twilight to let out a groan, unaware of the waitress that nearly dropped her food.

“Oh my gosh, Twilight! You’re back!” The waitress exclaimed, Twilight turned to only have her head wedged in between the mammaries of her waitress, and based on the voice… it was Pinkie’s breasts her head was forced into.

“Oh I missed you and so does everyone else. You should have told us you were coming; I woulda thrown a party for you,” Pinkie exclaimed, finally releasing Twilight, she turned to see Sunset giving the pink girl an awkward wave. “Oh hey Sunny, I thought you worked today?”

“They cut me for the day, I’m back tomorrow evening though.”

Before Twilight could greet the waitress, Pinkie checked her watch and her smile grew. “Oh boy, break! I’ll be back in a second.” With that said, Pinkie dashed off; leaving Sunset and Twilight there with their food.

“That’s convenient,” Twilight uttered, turning her attention to her soda and Danish. Sunset rolled her eyes, as she adapted to Pinkie’s shenanigans during Spring Break.

While the two girls ate, Sunset’s eyes slowly drifted to the left to see Pinkie with a straw. It almost looked like she was going to shoot someone with a spitball. The former-evil doer’s eyes went wide as time slowed down for her, watching the wad of paper fly forward and nicked Twilight’s nose; the action surprised the princess and spilled her drink on her blouse.

“What the hay? I’m sorry, Sunset, please excuse me,” Twilight said, shooting her friend an apologetic look before searching for a restroom.

Sunset turned back to where Pinkie was and she was gone. “Why did she?” She muttered to herself. She decided to wait for her friend.

Ten minutes have passed and with curiosity becoming heavy on her mind, Sunset got up and walked to the bathrooms, not only to check on Twilight but to find out why Pinkie shot a spitball at the purple girl in the first place.

Stepping into the sterile white room, she was puzzled as to why Twilight wasn’t here. She turned to the stalls and slowly dropped to her knees, and checked underneath the stall doors. She spotted Twilight’s purple boots in the last stall, but what was more concerning was that Pinkie was also in the stall.

Sunset slipped into the stall next to them quietly, and tried to peek underneath it. The girls were face to face, with Pinkie sitting on Twilight’s lap. While Pinkie’s top was gone, Twilight’s blouse was open enough to allow her smaller breasts to rub against Pinkie’s larger bust. The pink girl was smiling as she slowly moved atop Twilight’s lap.

“Come on Twi, you had any idea how much we missed you? I know me and Dashie missed you a whole bunch,” Pinkie whispered, leaning in to trace her tongue along Twilight’s cheek.

“What about Sunset...”

Pinkie interrupted the lilac girl with a finger. “Shhh, don’t worry, Twily. Let me do all the work, and relax.” Pinkie’s tone was dripping with lust as her hips began to move on top of Twilight’s lap.

From her current position, Sunset couldn’t see what Pinkie was doing exactly to Twilight; it only hinted that the pink girl was riding the otherworld princess.

“Do I feel good Twilight? My tight pussy milking your girlcock for all its special cream, don’t you just love it?” Pinkie cooed, placing one of Twilight’s hands on her breast. “I know you missed these, don’t you? I heard ponies have crotch breasts and are usually just shallow mounds, but humans have nice big breasts, made for fucking big dick princesses; don’t you agree, Twily?”

Sunset scrunched her face in confusion. ’Girlcock? Would that mean that Twilight has a…” the thought abruptly ended as Sunset quickly fell to the ground to see if she can find Twilight’s dick. Sadly it was hidden by the toilet bowl and the two girl’s skirts.

Sunset blushed harder, her right hand was tracing her pussy through her panties with her left went under the shirt to play with her breasts. She tried to keep a stable position to allow her to see Pinkie ride Twilight, while also masturbate to her two friends.

“Too bad Sunset isn’t here with us, we could do that thing that me and Fluttershy did for you before you left. Pressing our breasts together around your royal dick and teased it with our tongues while you titty-fucked us. You would love to have that happen again, wouldn’t you? I can feel you getting harder inside me,” Pinkie teased, slowing her pace enough that Twilight began to squirm.


“Now now, Twilight. It’s felt like forever since you left us to be a princess in your world, and I want my fill, I bet you give the pony me so much filling every night.”

Twilight’s face burned a deeper shade of red when Pinkie said that. The princess placed both hands on the pink girl’s butt and attempted to take control. “The pony you also likes it when I take control,” Twilight muttered; she smiled as she forced Pinkie to speed up, catching her by surprise.

Sunset’s fingers probed deeper into her core; watching Twilight turn the tables on the pink waitress. Pinkie hugged Twilight’s head tightly while she rode, biting her lip to keep herself from screaming from her orgasm.

Sunset felt her fingers become moist with her juices, rapidly trying to get herself off. Her fingers attacked her spot relentlessly while her thumb teased her clitoris, her other hand began to maul her breasts, listening to Pinkie try to assert herself, by goading Twilight into fucking her harder.

Sunset’s orgasm struck, nearly forcing her jaw to nearly pierce the skin of her lower lip as pleasure took over her senses. The former evil-doer slowly stepped out of the bathroom stall and left, only to feel an odd wave of envy when she heard Pinkie fail to surpass a scream and the sound of some thick liquid fitting the floor.


Sunset Shimmer sat at her table, readjusting her panties due to the awkward wetness that coated them. She turned to see a ragged Twilight walk over to her. “Sorry it took so long, the… stain was being stubborn,” She laughed awkwardly.

“Don’t… Don’t worry about it, Twilight. When we get to my place, I’ll let you borrow some of my clothes while those get washed.” Sunset said, standing up to leave.

Pinkie soon came back, fully clothed and skipping over. “Mr. Cake asked me to take my break later, sorry girls. Maybe I’ll see you girls later. Nice seeing you Twilight, hope you cum back soon. “

Both girls blushed hard as they turned to leave, but Sunset was pulled back for a moment. “Twilight LOVES to get sucked off while you titty-fuck her; good luck Sunny!” Pinkie whispered, pushing Sunset forward out the door. The yellow girl turned around to find that Pinkie was back to work, helping customers, and shrugged. Part of her wished that Pinkie’s tip wasn’t possible foreshadowing, the other part of her was still replaying the events of Pinkie riding Twilight in the bathroom.


Sunset opened the door into her apartment, leading Twilight to her small living room. “Give me a moment to find something for you,” She said. Twilight gave her a quiet nod and let her new friend leave. The princess looked around the room in confusion, the apartment was small, with a single bookshelf; two of the shelves had books while the other two shelves had small picture frames and other knick-knacks. A decent sized black screen in the corner, below it was a shelf that had very skinny books. Opposite to it was a similar screen on a desk, before it was a small board with various buttons with letters and numbers on it; Twilight frowned that the letters were not in alphabetical order, but it didn’t appear to be able to rearrange it back into their correct order.

She touched the small orb like thing on a pad near the lettered board and the screen came to life, showing her a picture of Sunset and her friends, and several icons on the side of the screen. She found that moving the strange orb, also moved the arrow that was on the screen.

Feeling curious, Twilight wheeled the arrow over to a picture of a folder that read ‘Sunset’s Stuff’. Twilight hesitated and wasn’t sure if pressing the left button on the orb would invade Sunset’s privacy; she just became friends with Sunset, she didn’t want to betray her trust, and possibly cause her to try and take this world and Equestria over again… but she was curious about her friend, maybe she can find an interest the two girls shared and they can bond over that.

The screen was filled with various girls with dicks attached, fucking other girls, not something Twilight expected. She heard Sunset’s footsteps and tried to figure out how to get rid of the pictures, “whatcha doing Twilight?” Twilight spun around to see Sunset giving her a questioning look, holding a few clothes in her arms.

“Nothing, I’m not doing a single thing that could make you hate me and become evil again,” Twilight gasped, trying to cover the screen. Sunset tossed the clothes to Twilight and pushed her out of the way to find that Twilight had seen her pictures. “I’m sorry, Sunset. I just thought I could find something we can chat about, I didn’t think it would be this… personal.”

Sunset calmly closed the pictures, and turned to face Twilight. “Yeah… Pinkie and Rainbow Dash did the same thing but instead of being all worried that they hurt my feelings, they just teased me and e-mailed me more pictures. It’s fine Twilight.”

Despite Sunset just shrugging off the fact that Twilight saw something she wasn’t meant to see, the lavender girl still felt guilty about it. “Are you sure? I did invade your privacy and saw… those things.”

“I heard you and Pinkie fucking in a bathroom, I think this makes us even.” Sunset said in monotone, walking into the kitchen to grab drinks.

Twilight stood there aghast, her face became beet red from hearing that. “You… what?”

“You were taking a while to clean up so I walked into the bathroom to find out what was keeping you, and I heard you and Pinkie having sex in the bathroom. From what she said, she isn’t the only one?”

Twilight rubbed her arm, “I might have done some stuff with Rainbow Dash, in a locker room when we were told to hit the showers.”

“Pinkie said you had sex with Fluttershy, someone who would probably freak out if she saw something naked,” Sunset pointed out.

“Oh right… we were experimenting?” Twilight shrugged, hoping her new friend would buy it.

A small smile appeared on Sunset’s face when she recalled Twilight’s reasons to invade her privacy. She calmly placed two glasses of cranberry juice on the counter and walked back to meet the Otherworldly-Princess. “Sit on the couch and pull your skirt up.”

Twilight blinked and stood still as she processed this information. “What?”

“I told you to sit down and pull your skirt up; you started this by wanting us to bond more by looking for stuff on my computer; you found that I like girls with dicks, and according to what I heard from Pinkie, you are a girl with a dick. So sit down and pull your skirt up,” Sunset ordered, smiling devilishly as Twilight did what she was told.

The purple girl slowly sat down, and moved her skirt, showing a simple pair of striped panties underneath and a bulge underneath. Sunset suppressed the desire to lick her lips when she saw the bulge and walked forward looming over her. “Remove your panties.”

Twilight slowly nodded as she slid the material off her legs, letting her phallus rest on her thighs. Sunset quirked an eye brow, she was expecting the dick to appear more… equine. “I take it your dick changed to match your species?” She inquired.

“Uh… well… yes, I was shocked when I found out too. But I think it’s more manageable… I could be wrong but my normal dick might be way too big for a human, and it would look way too weird on a human body… I think, Twilight explained, she looked up to find Sunset giving her a vacant look.

The yellow girl snapped out of her self-induced trance of imaginary girls with large horse-dicks to give her attention back to Twilight, who was now sitting on the couch with her lower half exposed to the living room. “Stroke it, I wanna see how big it can get.”

Twilight swallowed a breath and looked down to her dick; her hand slowly gripped the shaft and began to stroke it. Sunset wasn’t too amused with how long it took the princess so long to get herself hard, but her smile grew as the rod grew.

The lilac girl let out weak breaths as her hand moved faster; the only thing that mattered to Twilight right now was to get herself off; everything else, including Sunset Shimmer didn’t exist right now. However, Sunset eyed the dick greedily; the member grew nearly too big for Twilight’s fingers to circle it, and it’s length was nearly on par with some porn stars the yellow girl has seen. She almost wanted to drag Twilight back into Equestria just to see how big it really was if Twilight said this was more ‘manageable’.

Sunset knelt down between Twilight’s legs, unaware that Twilight was close to her release. She used her arms to straddle the other girl’s legs and she leaned her head in to lick the shaft.

Twilight groaned as her cock shot load after load onto Sunset’s head and clothes, catching the fire-haired woman by surprise. When the princess recovered; she saw that she had painted parts of her new friend white with her seed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were there,” She said, apologetically.

Sunset merely smirked and threw her jacket and shirt off, and removing her bra. She leaned forward, her head coming incredibly close to Twilight’s. “Lick me clean.”

Twilight’s mouth felt dry as she slowly leaned forward, licking some of her own seed off Sunset’s cheek. While it was rare for Twilight to taste her own cum, she quickly adapted to the taste, becoming very slightly more bolder each time she licked some off her new friend, swallowing it as she did.

Twilight soon finished with a small glob on Sunset’s lower lip, tentatively licking it off. The yellow girl’s hands shot to Twilight’s head and pulled her into a kiss. Sunset’s tongue invaded Twilight’s mouth, wrestling with the violet girl’s tongue.

Twilight soon relaxed and attempted to pull Sunset deeper into the kiss, Sunset’s skirt brushing against the hard lavender cock while they embraced.

The two separated, the violet girl was appeared exhausted but her dick motioned that she was more than willing to continue; the yellow girl still retained her devilish smile after the kiss. “You did a good job; I think you deserve a reward, ‘Twily’.”

“Why does everyone use that nickname?” Twilight uttered, watching the other girl kneel back down between her legs, her breasts level with the princess’ throbbing member. Twilight’s eyes widened upon realization of what Sunset was planning to do; if Twilight could, she’d do a backflip out of pure joy.

“Pinkie whispered something to me when we left, telling me you love to get titty-fucks. Don’t get that a lot in Equestria, do you?” Sunset asked. Twilight nodded her head, squirming in anticipation. “Flat crotch tits make it hard to get one, right?” Twilight swallowed a breath and nodded again, her eyes never leaving Sunset’s breasts.

“Earth must be a real treat for you, big breasts… and so close to our mouths,” Sunset teased, Twilight scooted herself lower to make it easier for Sunset, “Wow, someone’s eager.”

“Sorry, it’s just… when Pinkie did this for me, I…I enjoyed it very much,” Twilight said, smiling awkwardly.

Sunset gave the purple girl her best ‘seriously’ face. “You ‘enjoyed it’ very much? I’m not buying it, Twi.” She stood up, the distance between Sunset’s breasts and Twilight’s dick increased dramatically, nearly causing the princess to spring forward to stop her.

“Okay, I loved how Pinkie’s breasts hugged my cock, I loved how she stroked me with them, and the way she performed oral on my dick while her breasts put my shaft into such a soft yet tight prison of pleasure. I couldn’t do that with ponies because their breasts are near their crotch, and I had to use magic to make mare’s tits grow so I can do just that,” Twilight cried, she felt a hand tilt her head up to see Sunset smiling down on her, not the commonly used ‘devilish smile though, a more loving smile.

“That’s all I wanted to hear,” Sunset said, returning to her position and placing Twilight’s dick in-between her breasts, Twilight let out a joyous squeak as the soft fleshed wrapped around her sensitive member.

Sunset gauged Twilight face, watching her eyes roll back from the pleasure. She used her hands to squeeze tighter around the lilac member. The dick’s owner clawed against the cushions and bit her lip, her toes curled with her boots while Sunset serviced her.

Sunset looked back down to see a drop of pre-cum form at the tip, she smirked and lunged to collect it, causing Twilight to squeak again. She wanted to hear that adorable squeak once again, and took the head of the cock into her mouth as she moved her breasts along the length.

“Oh sweet Celestia...” Twilight moaned, her right hand went to fondle Sunset’s hair and push herself deeper into the moist entrance of the yellow girl’s mouth. Sunset didn’t mind the hand on her head, trying to make her take more of the purple member into her mouth, even if it is causing her face and tits to meet.

Twilight groaned harshly as she came, both hands forced Sunset to swallow nearly every load, depositing it into her stomach. When the princess finally released her grip, the yellow girl coughed a bit, and cum dripped onto her breasts. Twilight reclaimed her composure and sat up, feasting her eyes on Sunset’s exposed upper body, her hair was a bit of a mess, but her face and breasts had several white spots coating her skin.

Twilight felt daring now, as she stood up and brought Sunset in for another kiss. Twilight’s hands went to remove the yellow girl’s skirt and panties, while she felt Sunset’s hands remove her blouse. They broke the kiss as Sunset snickered something to herself. “What’s so funny?”

“Did you forget something at Sugarcube Corner?”

Confused Twilight looked down to find she wasn’t wearing that weird breast-restraining device Rarity called a ‘bra’. “Hehe, I guess I’ll have to pick those up later.”

“You say that like you’ll need them soon,” Sunset said, her hands cupping Twilight’s own exposed breasts. “Guess you’re not big everywhere, huh?”

Twilight blushed as Sunset played with her breasts. “If I could, I’d try to make them a bit bigger to match yours or Fluttershy’s… but they barely beat Rainbow Dash’s.”

“You know what they say, right?” Sunset cooed, confusing Twilight. “A great ass is God’s way of apologizing for lack of rack.” She cooed, groping Twilight’s butt, causing her to yelp in surprise.

“S-stop that,” Twilight whined.

“You were giddy as a school girl with a crush when I titty-fucked you and your embarrassed about me complimenting your butt?” Sunset laughed. She released Twilight and sat down on the couch. “Time to return the favour.”

Twilight took Sunset’s earlier spot and leaned in, lightly flicking the labia with her tongue. She lightly teased the entrance, giving most of the attention to the clitoris. Sunset had a Cheshire grin, her hand doing exactly what Twilight’s hand did to her earlier: force the girl deeper into her privates.

The sudden grasp and surge into Sunset’s crotch took Twilight by surprise, but it didn’t faze her current rhythm, letting the sounds of pleasure coming from the yellow girl to guide her.

Sunset was surprised by how skilled Twilight was at eating her out; her tongue teased her by poking the tip in before retracting to lick along the opening, and Twilight gave special attention to her pleasure buzzer that caused static to race along her spine.

Flash Sentry didn’t even know what a clitoris was, merely poking his tongue as deep as he could into her pussy and slobbered over it. So far Twilight proved to be the better lover, but the true test is coming up. Her leg lifted and latched around Twilight’s head while her hand reaches up to massage her cum-soaked tits.

“Oh fuck yes,” Sunset moaned; cumming hard on Twilight’s face. As the vaginal juice leaked out, the violet girl lapped it up, savouring the taste.

“Sunset?” Twilight whimpered, her features mirrored what she truly wanted right now as she stroked her thick cock.

“Come and get it,” Sunset dared, smiling as Twilight positioned herself for entry, rubbing her lavender dick in the yellow folds. Twilight took each leg in hand and thrust forward, forcing her entire dick inside of her former foe.

It could have been because she had a smaller dick to match a smaller pussy, but Sunset felt incredibly tight. After her ‘involuntary’ adventures with her human friends when she first came here, she learned that the human pussy is remarkably tighter than a pony’s, possibly because a human one is smaller. While Sunset wasn’t as tight as Rainbow Dash, she was a very close second.

Twilight lunged forward and began to suckle on Sunset’s breasts, adding to the yellow girl’s pleasure. Her arms wrapped around Sunset’s mid-section while she pumped herself into the yellow love canal.

Sunset hugged the purple girl tighter to her chest, moaning and quivering from her pussy being filled and Twilight’s tongue playing with her nipple. “You… *pant* like breasts a lot, dooooon’t ya?” Sunset said, trying to keep herself in control.

“I think it might be this world,” Twilight uttered, continuing to pound Sunset’s pussy. “In Equestria, I have a hard time not staring at Cutie Marks or tails; while I’m here, I have a tough time not staring at breasts, especially after what Pinkie showed me when we first… did this.” When she finished speaking Twilight hungrily went back to sucking on Sunset’s breasts.

Sunset was about to speak, but her words turned into moans when Twilight picked up her pace, thrusting harder into her. She felt the princess’ tongue trail along her breast and up to her collar bone, giving Sunset a love bite on her neck.

The two girls mated intensely; their breasts pressed tightly together, Sunset limbs held strong around Twilight’s body while she buried her face in the dickgirl’s neck. Twilight gritted her teeth as she felt herself climaxing soon, her hands held and kneaded the yellow ass while she roughly fucked the girl that stole her crown many months ago.

The two cried out in unison, Sunset held on even tighter around Twilight as she felt the princess fill her womb. The purple girl slowed her thrusts as she continued to unleash her seed into the other’s body, slowly pulling out at last to find one last shot land on Sunset’s toned stomach.

The girls held on to each other loosely while they caught their breath, Sunset’s eyes trailed down the sweat covered egghead, admiring how light shined off her skin until she found that Twilight’s hard-on hasn’t weakened in the slightest. The antagonist was confused, when she and Flash Sentry had sex, he came twice and he fell asleep soon after, but Twilight appeared to be still able to go.

“I wasn’t expecting that…” Sunset muttered.

Twilight looked back down to her new friend questioningly. “What weren’t you expecting?”

“You still being hard and ready for round three; the last boy I was with was asleep by now, is this some kind of dickgirl thing or a pony thing maybe?” Sunset asked, her eyes never leaving the hardened staff.

“I think it might be both, I can never hope to outlast Pinkie but after a hour or two I just have to rest for a bit before I go again,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Hours?!?” Sunset gasped, she wasn’t sure if she should love the idea of Twilight fucking her for hours or scared that Twilight could use her for hours.

“I usually stop when the mare, or girl in this case, is satisfied, so I don’t normally push myself or my partner to my limits,” Twilight said weakly.

Sunset was relieved to hear that, but she felt a desire within her as she stood up, pushing Twilight down onto the couch. “Good, because I want more.”

The antagonist straddled the princess’ thighs and slowly lowered herself on Twilight’s pole, her body welcomed the familiar intruder. Unlike Twilight’s earlier entry, Sunset took it slow, allowing herself to reacquaint herself with the purple cock.

She felt Twilight’s hands hold onto her hips, gripping her tightly as she forced the remainder into the yellow girl. Sunset sucked in a breath and began to ride the princess, her hips meeting with Twilight’s frequently, causing pleasure to course through their bodies.

Feeling adventurous, Twilight licked and suckled two of her fingers and placed them back on Sunset’s hips, slowly inching towards the girl’s puckered star. The antagonist gasped when she felt the fingers invade her backdoor, her hands gripped tightly onto Twilight’s shoulders as she rode her harder, the sound of flesh colliding echoing louder than Sunset’s moaning.

Sunset moved quickly on Twilight’s lap, smothering the girl’s head in her bosom as she rode. “Harder Twi, harder,” She moaned, feeling her climax approaching quickly. The lavender girl was also close to orgasm, trying to hold herself back from cumming too early; Sunset’s pussy gripped her like a vice, making every extraction difficult. Her purple fingers left her current lover’s anal ring in favour of gripping the yellow girl’s hips to pound into her harder, just as she asked.

They both cried out in unison, Twilight laid against the couch while Sunset arched her back away. The antagonist’s pussy milked and sucked everything it could take from the princess’ cock. Sunset felt her stomach bloat a bit as she got off Twilight’s, whimpering in disappointment when she felt the shaft leave and several ounces of cum dripping out her well-used vagina.

Twilight reclined on the couch; being used to this much ‘activity’ has made her stronger in this regard, as she watched Sunset try to find her balance. “Wanna go for one more round?” Twilight asked, her features turned seductive as she waited for her answer.

Sunset noticed that Twilight hasn’t lost her hard-on, while her lower body begged for rest, her libido wanted everything that member could give and approached the violet girl. Twilight gave her a happy smile as she stood up before the antagonist and guided her to an open spot on the floor, helping the slightly dazed girl down on all fours.

Twilight suppressed a giggle as she let the image of one of her former foes stand on her knees and hands sink in; waiting to be mounted by her. She got down on her knees to join Sunset and rubbed the yellow ass before her gingerly, putting extra care to massage the firm flesh.

Sunset stood on her limbs, lightly moaning to Twilight’s touch. She waited patiently for Twilight to abuse her pussy once again, to be hers. She felt the familiar fingers prob her anus once again; Sunset began to worry that Twilight stick her big dick into her tiny anus. She soon felt the princess lie on her back, “if this hurts, tell me and I’ll stop,” Twilight whispered, returning to her place at Sunset’s rear.

Sunset felt that purple cock probing her rectum, trying to push the head past her ring. She gasped when she felt the head enter, clenching her teeth at the intrusion. The sudden entry did feel somewhat uncomfortable to Sunset but it wasn’t painful, as Twilight slowly entered her.

Despite all the fluids that coated her cock, Twilight still had difficulty entering Sunset’s anus; The puckered star clenched tightly around her member, trying to deny her access. “Sunset… take a deep breath and relax,” Twilight ordered, sighing in relief that the rectum is no longer trying to impede her progress.

At long last, Twilight hilted herself in Sunset Shimmer once again; she let the anal virgin get used to having something thick and hard (by human standards) shoved deep into her butt before pulling out only to push it back in.

Sunset was surprised by how good it felt, she did see a few pictures of dickgirls fucking others in their ass, but never really expected be one of the few that enjoyed the occasional anal. She moaned as the purple dickgirl behind her sped up, forcing her upper body to impact the floor, her hands clawed at the carpet while Twilight plowed her insides.

Twilight pounded that yellow ass with a silly grin on her face, loving the feeling it had around her dick. She reached over and grabbed Sunset’s arms and the true pounded began, each thrust caused Sunset to scream from having the cock shoved deep into her ass, a tune that Twilight enjoyed thoroughly.

During the rough pounding, neither girl realized that Twilight had switched holes, pounding deep into Sunset, the head brushing against the cervix each time the princess slammed her hips into Sunset’s butt. Both girls were too consumed in pleasure to notice the fact that the rod and flower have connected once again during the hard fucking Twilight was giving, and neither truly cared. Sunset was brought to sex heights by having her pussy and ass fucked by the princess and how unnaturally dominating the mousy purple girl can be; after so long of learning to become more ‘aggressive’ during coitus, Twilight drank in the power and pleasure she had from sexually putting Sunset, a girl that Celestia might have considered Twilight’s equal in magic long ago and attempting to conquer Equestria with Teenagers, in her place.

With one last howl of pleasure, Twilight hilted herself deep, forcing Sunset to eat the carpet, while she came again. The antagonist’s cunt was filled so many times with princess cream that it nearly flooded out of her pussy. Twilight slowly pulled out and rubbed herself, letting the next few shots land on her former rival’s ass, back and hair. Feeling that she might have one last load left in this orgasm, Twilight turned Sunset onto her back and jerked herself feverishly, sighing in relief as she coated the yellow girl’s breasts in her cum.

Sunset merely laid there in a daze, unaware that the dickgirl picked her up and took her to her bed, where the two fell asleep. Twilight held her tightly and in response, she cuddled deeper into the princess’ embrace.


-One Month Later-

“Man, if she was still here, I’d ride her… she looks adorable when she’s all submissive,” Rainbow Dash pouted. She learned from Pinkie Pie that Twilight came to visit, it is hinted that she may have fucked Sunset but Pinkie did confirm that she had her fun with the Princess in the store bathroom.

“Then you’ve never experienced her being commanding, it feels weird for someone like that to dominate but when she does… oh dear,” Rarity uttered, recalling her first and only time with Twilight when she first arrived to the earth world; the memories of Twilight making her submissive made her panties wet, “excuse me girls.”

Applejack watch Rarity escape to the bathroom and giggled. “She was a fine lay but I think you girls are making her out to be great at sex just because she had a pecker.” She exclaimed.

“Well… it did feel really nice,” Fluttershy whispered, shrinking in her seat.

Rarity returned, and sat down calmly as if nothing happened. “Speaking of our dear princess, where is our enemy-turned-best friend?”

As if on cue, they all spotted Sunset walking towards them, a nervous look on her face. “Hey girls.”

"What's wrong?" Applejack asked, worried about her friend.

But then Pinkie gasped. "You're pregnant!"

Sunset stared at the pink girl in surprise. "Wait, how did you know?"

“When we came over yesterday, Pinkie saw a pregnancy test in the trash. So did you and Flash hook up again?” Rainbow Dash muttered, her shock turned to a small smile soon after words.

“Congrats, Sunny! I need to throw you a Baby Shower, later…how’s this weekend for ya?” Pinkie exclaimed, hugging Sunset. “I gotta admit, I figured Fluttershy would be the first of us to get knocked up, but this is still great news. I’m happy for ya, Sunset and your boyfriend.”

Sunset suppressed a giggle then cleared her throat to speak. “Thanks girls, I just-“

“Oh I can’t wait to make some baby-clothes for you, your little bundle of happiness will look so adorable, dear.” Rarity gushed.

“I would love to babysit for you,” Fluttershy cried in excitement, realizing that could have been rude she quickly shrank down. “If you don’t mind… really.”

“Thanks but Flash-“

“Where is that guy anyways? Shouldn’t he be with the girl he got pregnant?” Applejack asked.

“It’s not-“

“I thought he was cool, but he ditches a girl that he knocked up? What a jerk.” Rainbow Dash scowled.

“Flash isn’t the dad!” Sunset screeched, temporarily causing everyone to shoot confused looks at her.

“If he isn’t, then who is?”

“Twilight is the father,” Sunset cooed, rubbing her belly nervously. She had to keep herself from laughing when the girls’ jaws dropped.

“WHAT?” They cried; for unknown reasons, Fluttershy’s cry was the loudest.

Mini-Series: Welcome to Equestria, Girls.

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Rarilight (Futa/F/F, oral, magic tongue, vaginal, spanking)
TwiPie (Futa/F/Futa, magic dick, double penetration, vaginal, anal, selfcest)
TwiDash (Futa/F/F/Futa, underwear fetish?, oral, self fellatio, dick size increase, cloning, vaginal)
TwiShy (Futa/F/F, vaginal, oral, selfcest)
TwiJack (Futa/F/F, selfcest, toys, magic dick, double vaginal, double penetration, oral)
(Slight F/F/F/F/F/F/Futa, Wing penetration, anal, pregnant sex, oral, horn penetration)

Pinkie Pie kneeled before the statue at Canterlot High, inspecting it very carefully. Ever since Twilight admitted to being able to go in and out of the portal freely, it made the pink girl curious.

“Hey Pink!” Rainbow called out, walking over to Pinkie with a soccer ball under her arm. “Waiting for Twilight? I don’t think she’ll be coming out anytime soon.”

“You never know, especially after she got Sunny pregnant. Have you seen how jealous Fluttershy got?” Pinkie stated, staring at the blank marble surface.

“We are all aware, Pinkie,” Rarity said, walking towards them from the parking lot with a pouting Fluttershy nearby. “But staring at a statue base will not summon our dear friend any sooner.”

Applejack soon joined them with Sunset, helping the yellow girl stand despite holding a rather noticeable baby bump. “Are you girls still trying to snag Twilight if she jumps out? She’s a Princess after all, I doubt she’ll have the time to visit us whenever she wants.”

“You never know,” Pinkie repeated, scratching her chin.

“To be fair, only Pinkie is trying to catch Twilight. The rest of us kinda just wandered here,” Rainbow answered, kicking her soccer ball out of boredom.

“We only wish to pull Pinkie away so we can hang out, like friends… we can bond over Twilight later,” Rarity exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Pinkie’s and trying to pull her up, only to be pulled down to the pink girl.

“I have to admit… this human libido thing you guys have is weird,” Sunset chuckled, taking a seat on a nearby bench. “When I was a pony, I’d only get a little frisky if something turns me on, but when it was mating season… the need to fuck got really bad.”

“And yet Twilight was still able to knock you up,” Rainbow chuckled, ignoring the glare she got from Fluttershy.

“Better than the deal you humans have, the weird desire to masturbate or fuck all the time, I’m just glad I still kinda have my pony libido as a human, and since I’m pregnant… no heat,” Sunset cheered, reclining.

“That makes no sense,” Pinkie said, standing up and rushing over to Sunset. “You’ve been a human for how long and your hormones still work like a pony’s? Nu uh, I don’t believe that.”

“Beats masturbating to memories of Twilight every night,” Sunset smirked, making all but Pinkie shrink nervously.

“I’ll have you know I recorded me and Fluttershy having sex with Twilight and I diddle my fiddle to THAT, so HAH!” Pinkie said smugly, turning her nose up.

“Seriously? Can I see?” Rainbow asked, she gasped when she hit her soccer ball wrong and watched it bounce into the statue, fading into the marble. “Uhh, anyone else see that?”

“See what?” Pinkie asked, turning to Rainbow, Sunset gave the sports star a confused look. Applejack and Rarity both stared at the statue base in disbelief. “What’s going on?”

“The- The portal is open,” Rarity uttered, shocked by the news.

The six girls glanced at each other, a knowing look on each face. “Well… I do need to get my ball back…” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“I… like ponies, not in that way mind you… except maybe Twilight,” Fluttershy cooed with a deep blush.

“It would be interesting to see what sort of fashion I have come up with for ponies,” Rarity chuckled, tapping her lips thoughtfully.

Applejack and Sunset turned to each other with a shrug. “I’ll help Sunset.”

Pinkie dived in head first into the portal before anyone else could react. The rest of them following short.


Two white mares walked down the crystallized halls of the publically acclaimed ‘Friendship Castle’. While they served as Princess Twilight’s Banner mares during her coronation, they now serve as her guards. Their long blonde mane hidden beneath golden helmets.

“I miss guarding Canterlot, at least we get the odd pervert that wanted to sneak a peek at the Princesses while bathing,” One of the guards sighed, marching beside her sister.

“I’m fine with this local, actually. It’s not too bad, and the food is pretty good and hearty, not like that bit sized portions we get,” Harvest added, giving her sister a reassuring smile. “It’ll get better eventually, Golden.”

Golden Ray's face was soon graced with a hopeful smile. “Maybe you’re right. I’m just worried about Mating Season. I’ve heard of what happened last few years for the Princess.”

“Don’t worry, the herd has first dibs on her, and then we get a shot at her,” Harvest giggled, rubbing her twin sister’s head.

“Well… what about the changelings? They guard most of the castle and Ponyville anyways, there’s only four of us and Captain Tacita, what’s the point of us being here if Chrysalis can handle everything with her hive?” Golden asked with a worried tone.

“Because Celestia and Luna don’t fully trust Chrysalis to protect Twilight,” Harvest reassured. “And Luna wanted her most trusted bat pony to be here in her stead.”

“But what of- What was that?” Golden uttered, hearing the sound of gasps and something, or somepony, falling onto the smooth crystal floor. The commotion sounded as if it came from Twilight’s lab and the two ran in that direction as fast as they could.

Harvest kicked the door open and they saw the mirror Twilight had transported from the Crystal Kingdom rigged to a large collection of machines powering it. Before the Mirror was a pile of ponies, all except one bore a striking resemblance to the Bearers of Harmony, the mares appeared dazed and confused, staggering onto their hooves as they rolled off of each other, falling to their faces or rumps as they struggled to use their legs. The wings on the two pegasi fluttering randomly, causing them both to flinch. The white unicorn appeared to have a mild headache, struggling to hold the base of her horn with her hoof.

The pink mare glanced up and walked up to the guards. “Excuse me… have you seen a soccer ball around here? And also Twilight?”

Harvest and Golden gave each other a dumbfounded look. “Go find Tacita or one of the herd, preferably both,” Harvest ordered. Golden nodded and ran out the door, leaving her sister to watch as six ponies flail around on the floor, trying to learn how to walk with four legs.


Tacita was in a foul mood, her spiky black mane bobbing with each step towards the lab, her dark purple armor with a red star on the chest appeared dim, even in the bright hallway. Behind her was Zecora, whom she was having tea with at the time. They were discussing the element bearers when Golden burst in raving about doppelgangers in the lab.

“Here ma’am,” Golden said. Letting Tacita and Zecora in to see all six mares surrounded by Chrysalis’ changelings, spearheaded by Harvest Crest. They noticed that the changelings were taking extra care with the yellow mare with the large belly, who was obviously pregnant.

With a huff, Tacita stepped forward and stared the mares down. “Who are you?”

“What’s it to you?” the blue mare impersonating Rainbow Dash questioned, glaring at the bat pony.

“I never got an answer to my question. Can we have our soccer ball… and Twilight back? Please?” The Pinkie copy asked with a nervous grin.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t have you all in the dungeons,” Tacita growled, scaring three of the mares. She felt a hoof on her shoulder, seeing Zecora smile at her knowingly.

“Rest easy, fair copies. You are among good ponies,” Zecora said, stepping closer to the mares, she pointed to the lone soccer ball lying in the corner of the room. “The ball you seek is here as we speak, and Twilight is entertaining dragons, to help our Princesses’ burdens.”

“What is Twilight gonna do with Dragons? Fuck them?” The yellow mare uttered. The two white guardmares blushing wildly at the accusation while Zecora smiled.


“I trust this visit has been pleasant thus, Ambassador Firepit,” Celestia chimed. Princess Luna, herself, and a large blue dragon wearing red armor walked down the halls of Canterlot Castle. The large reptile standing as tall as Luna, one beefy arm behind his back while the other stroked his dark grey beard.

“Indeed it hasss been,” Fire Pit hissed, in deep thought. “I am very impresssed with how my daughter and I have been received.”

“Of course, I am certain that Miss Lashtongue is being shown the sights of Canterlot as we speak,” Luna said, beaming in pride.

They continued down the hall when they heard rather feminine moaning coming from a nearby room. “Lashtongue?” The Ambassador questioned, opening the door.

The Princesses and the dragon bearing witness to the Ambassador’s daughter riding the purple Princess’ cock, the smaller alicorn had her wings and hooves tied all around the bed. A ball gag stuffed in Twilight’s mouth.

“Yeah, fuck thisss pusssy you purple ssslut!” Lashtongue moaned, riding the alicorn hard, her talons scratching her stud’s belly. Twilight was the first to notice their audience with a awkward chuckle, unable to shy away or ask them to leave. Lashtongue glanced over with bedroom eyes and smiled. “Hello Daddy… care to join usss?”

Firepit scratched his beard in amusement. “I sssuppossse I could, my dear. It doesss appear that the young princccesss is allowing it.” Celestia and Luna could feel their anger rising as Fire Pit stepped forward with a smile, loosening his armor.


“You quickly learn that in this world… many problems can be solved with Princess Twilight’s Libido,” Tacita stated. Harvest, Golden, and half the changelings in the room nodding in agreement.

“Man… your problem solving sounds better than ours… we just have rainbow lasers and we turn into furries,” Rainbow groaned, crossing her hooves awkwardly.

“We’re horses now, Dash. We can’t get any more furrier,” Applejack jabbed, rolling her eyes.

“When will Twilight be returning?” Fluttershy asked with hopeful eyes.

“When her duties in Canterlot are fulfilled,” Tacita responded, turning away from the mares.

Zecora walked up to Sunset and helped her onto her hooves. “I will aid the new Mother. Changelings, go find the others.” Zecora announced, the changelings nodding and flying out the window to find the other Elements of Harmony.

“Why do you trust them, Zecora?” Tacita demanded, glaring at the Zebra.

“Twilight has spun tales of her days in the other world. A land where there all are bipedal and chaos unfurled. She has met her friend’s copies, ‘humans’ if you please,” Zecora replied, leading Sunset out of the room.

“Humans… huh?” Tacita uttered, turning to the remaining mares.

“Good gravy! Are pony noses better than human noses? I can smell Twilight and me, and everyone everywhere in here,” Pinkie uttered, sniffing the air. Fluttershy and Rainbow following suit. Applejack and Rarity shook their heads, but still sniffed the air out of curiosity.


Despite Sunset getting ushered away with the zebra called ‘Zecora’. The rest of the girls were being watched by the weird black mare that the white mares called Tacita, as well as a small army of black bug looking ponies.

After a while of getting used to their new bodies, they were ushered out rather roughly down the hall, Rarity forced forward whenever she stopped to admire the shining blue walls and gem like candles. “Do you mind? This place is exquisite, can you blame a lady for trying to admire the craftsmanship.”

“Firstly, you’re a prisoner awaiting trial before the Counsel of Harmony. Secondly, this castle was born from a seed that doubled as a treasure box filled with rainbow power-up magic,” one of the changelings stated, nudging Rarity forward. The ivory mare slowed down as her mind tried to process the new information, only to be nudged forward again by the changeling that answered her.

They were lead into a room with six thrones. Each throne, minus the throne with the red starburst mark on it, had a mare that looked exactly like the prisoners, all of them staring at their doubles in disbelief, the expression on the faces of the prisoners proved that the feeling is mutual.

“Wow, I thought Zecora was fibbing when she said our human selves from the other world came here,” Pinkie exclaimed, hoping off her throne and bouncing to her copy. “This will be so much FUN, imagine the parties, Pinkie!”

The smile on the Canterlot High Pinkie grew wide. “You’re so RIGHT, does this magic crystal palace have a big hall, Pinkie? I bet that place would look SO good with a disco ball.”

“I was thinking the SAME THING, Pinkie!” Pony Pinkie exclaimed, running to Rarity’s throne and pulling a disco ball out from behind it. “I always keep some around in case of emergencies, Pinkie.”

“Good plan Pinkie,” Human Pinkie said, nodding her approvingly.

The exchange made a certain blue pegasus annoyed. “Okay, we need to set up some ground rules here on names. Everyone from that other world with the school… Humanjack, Human Dash, Rariman, Human Pie, Humanshy, and… no human Twilight?” Rainbow grumbled, searching for a copy of Twilight Sparkle.

“Can we vote on better names? We mostly call you Dash anyways so Human Dash won’t work,” Applejack retorted, shaking her head.

“Can we pick our own Pony names?” The Human Rainbow Dash asked. “While I’m here, I wanna be called Awesome Blitz!”

“You think you are awesome? Right…” Rainbow snorted.

“I’m pretty awesome, I’m the track star of Canterlot High, only the best athlete in school, and possibly the world,” Human Dash stated, glaring daggers at her twin.

“May I offer…. Rainbow Sprint? Like Applejack said, we say Dash more than Rainbow’s real name anyways,” Fluttershy squeaked, giving the human dash a nervous smile.

“Rainbow Sprint? Yeah… Okay, I like it,” Sprint said rubbing her chin with a smile.

“I’ll just call myself Applejenny, parents were gonna name me that anyways before they decided on Applejack,” Applejenny added.

“My folks almost did the same thing,” Applejack exclaimed with a chuckle.

“Would it be okay if I’m Posey? It’s a nice friendly name after all,” Human Fluttershy asked nervously. A smile forming on her face when she got a few nods from the council.

“OH, OH… can I be Berry? Berry Pie, super spy…” Human Pinkie suggested, holding her pony counterpart.

“Oh that sounds so cool, you sure can!” Pony Pinkie exclaimed, hugging Berry.

Both Raritys gave each other a long hard look, trying to think up a name for the human version of the white unicorn. “Exotic!” The Raritys shout with a burst of inspiration. “Now, there is one thing we must do,” The unicorn that now calls herself ‘Exotic’ said.

“Why yes, dear. Something to help tell you girls apart from us,” Rarity squealed like filly in a candy store.

“Oh no,” Rainbow Sprint uttered, looking for an exit, but they were all blocked off by Tacita or changelings.

“Guards, take our guests to my parlor! We need them to wear something,” Rarity ordered, watching happily as the changelings and the two white guards began leading the human-turned-ponies away and began following them to spearhead the effort to make her new friends fabulous.

“Better her than me,” Rainbow uttered, flying out of her throne and out a window, Applejack rolled her eyes as the rest of theremaining girls followed Rarity to her parlor.


“You did what to the Dragon ambassador?” Sunset was laughing so hard that she nearly fell out of her seat in a section of the castle that looked exactly like Twilight’s library foyer. She was sitting in a large purple chair while Twilight and Zecora shared a love seat.

“I don’t know what I did, actually. I blacked out when I saw him walking up to me, stroking his dick. When I came too, both him and his daughter were… licking my penis clean. Luna said Juliet did her thing,” Twilight blushed, fiddling with her hooves.

“Though your lust you have conquered, Juliet refuses to be skewered. An order you gave your thoughts, to help ensure no one steals your plots,” Zecora said with a giggle.

“So that Juliet thing is real? That’s nuts, but why only you?” Sunset asked, leaning back in her seat.

“Actually, Magic had confirmed that the girls all had their own versions of consciences, so maybe my magic allows them to control me when they feel they need to?” Twilight uttered with a weak smile.

“Or when one of the little voices in your head decided against you getting porked by a dragon dick and turn the tables hard on him,” Sunset chuckled, her face red from laughing so hard.

“Can we please drop it? It’s bad enough to know that I was tricked by a sleep spell that was cast by a horny dragoness,” Twilight uttered with a deep blush.

“Fine,” Sunset shrugged, still giggling. “So what are you going to do about the clone saga we have here?”

“Oh right, they're all here. I should at the very least greet them. It'd be nice to catch up," Twilight said happily. "But... that does pose a few problems."

“Last I heard, they solved the naming problem at least,” Sunset added. “Didn’t hear what they were going to do though, so that might be a problem.”

“Well, I’m going to have to deal with it when it comes around,” Twilight said, jumping out of her seat. “So... do they all REALLY want to have sex with me?”

“All the years I’ve know you, the answer is clear. You will have to fuck them and make them cheer,” Zecora replied, making Twilight groan.

Twilight shook her head with a weak smile. "My job is never done, it seems. I'll see what I can do to help them."

“Sounds like it’s tough being Alpha,” Sunset teased.

“Sometimes, but I suppose the pros outweigh the cons,” Twilight said plainly. “But stuff like this… makes me wish my life was much more simplier.”

“And I wish I was an alicorn princess. Unfortunately, I’m a pregnant mare that lives in the human world, working off a debt caused by turning into a she-demon and spending my weekend currently sitting in the palace of my baby’s father and the mare that defeated me and helped me and our friends defeat the sirens,” Sunset explained, resting her head on the armrest of the couch.

“True enough,” Twilight chuckled lightly, heading out of the room.

Once alone, Sunset turned to Zecora. “Why does everything seem to revolve around Twilight’s dick?”

“It is a mystery that we all question each day, some seek the truth and others happy to play. Twilight is one of few that believes this wisdom is overdue,” Zecora answered, giving Sunset a moment to decode her rhyme and think on her words.


Twilight’s first stop was Rarity’s parlor. Her guards notifying her that the group was guided there by the ivory mare to get something to help them ‘stand-out’. Walking in, she swallowed her breath when she saw two Raritys, both drinking tea and giggling. The room appeared to be a perfect replica of the Boutique, but anything that was made of wood was replaced by brilliant purple crystals.

Fortunately, one Rarity was completely naked while the other was wearing a white blouse and a purple skirt, very similar to the attire she wore in the human world. Twilight was slightly baffled to see them, the clothed Rarity seemed to be sniffing the air, searching for something. Her eyes fell on Twilight and a smile graced her face. “Why… Hello, Twilight.”

“Hehe… hi,” Twilight greeted nervously, stepping into the room slowly. “How’s everyone?”

“A little worse for wear, your guards were rather rude,” the clothed Rarity stated, sliding out of her chair and walking up to Twilight. “How have you been, sexy?”

“G-Good,” Twilight uttered, feeling the human-turned pony tracing her hoof along the purple mare’s body.

“Great, you know we missed you,” Rarity cooed, taking in Twilight’s scent.

The Rarity of the pony world stood up and separated the two. “Now Exotic, that’s not proper. Why, you’re acting like a mare in heat.”

“Exotic? Your pony name I assume?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, Twilight. Fits don’t you agree?” Exotic giggled, twirling around on one hoof. “I dare say, Rarity here is an expert at fashion. Dare I say it? My equal? Of course she’s my equal, she is me after all.”

“But of course, Darling. We are one and the same, our skills MUST be equal in all ways,” Rarity exclaimed, wrapping a hoof around her twin’s neck, bringing her into a partial hug.

“Not equal in ALL ways, my dear,” Exotic said in a teasing tone. “When was the last time YOU had sex with Twilight?”

Rarity gave Exotic a confused look. “Three days ago, why do you ask?”

“I haven’t been laid in over two months, and even then… we only had sex once in the time she spent with us, And before that it was SIX months,” Exotic retorted, slightly bitter and jealous of her twin.

“You girls did like to remind me how the sleepover was supposed to be an orgy, until I decided to leave to work on the lyrics for the next songs for the battle of the bands,” Twilight replied blankly.

“Five girls wanted you to fuck them,” Exotic punctated with her hoof, poking Twilight’s chest. “Five girls wanted to ride your dick until the sun came up, and take turns sucking down your cum. If you were to ask ANY guy in the school, they would have gladly strip themselves and jumped at the chance.”

“I have sex almost everyday, Ra- Exotic. There have been times where I walked into rooms and a orgy just happens spontaneously,” Twilight said with a deadpanned expression.

“What about your human friends? We don’t work like ponies,” Exotic pouted, her eyes growing big with sadness. She wrapped her hooves around Twilight’s midsection and hugged her tightly. “We desire companionship as well, we all missed you.”

“Posey kept asking the guards when you’d come back,” Rarity commented with a smirk.

“You had no idea how angry she was when she learned you had impregnated Sunset. How jealous she became,” Exotic continued, dramatically pressing her hoof just below the base of her horn.

“So… both Fluttershys wanted to be moms?” Twilight questioned.

“She does, but right now she believes that she isn’t ready… yet. She is still in school after all and we’ll all have to work hard to help Sunset with the bundle of joy you put in her,” Exotic teased. “Maybe in a few years… don’t make her wait though.”

Twilight grunted in annoyance, pouting as she felt Exotic’s hoof tracing circles on her barrel. “You won’t stop bothering me until I rut you, correct?”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you looked far more adorable and sexy dominating than being submissive, I would have pinned you down already, Twily,” Exotic purred, kissing underneath the alicorn’s neck.

Twilight tensed up when she felt a hoof glide across her flank, trailing down to her shaft. “I too would like a taste as well, Twilight,” Rarity cooed.

“I suppose I can share Twilight with myself, so long as I get the first taste,” Exotic said, pulling Twilight into a deep kiss.

“But of course, you poor thing. You’ve been away for too long after all,” Rarity said, trailing kisses up Twilight’s neck.

“Don’t… I have a say in this?” Twilight asked, she felt as if the two mares were guiding her to the famous ‘fainting couch’, soon to become her ‘sex couch’.

“Twilight, we’ve been together for three years, you know that you can’t say no to us,” Rarity cooed, lying Twilight on her back. One hoof wrapping around the thick purple shaft.

“That is… sort of true, but-: Twilight stopped when she saw the hungry eyes of Exotic.

“This… is what your dick truly looks like?” Exotic asked, examining Twilight’s cock with her hooves and eyes. “If I were still human… this could split me in two! But as a pony…”

Rarity giggled as her twin licked her lips in anticipation. “I suppose we should get it prepared for you, dear. Sounds like you are use to smaller males.”

Exotic pouted as she shifted onto Twilight’s body, her pussy placed in front of the purple alicorn’s head. “I’ll have you know that Twilight is the only person… pony in this case, that I have ever let enter me.”

Rarity giggled, as she set up next to her, both of the twins heads hovering next to the purple pillar before them. “I’m merely teasing, dear. Shall we get started?”

“Let’s!” Exotic exclaimed, her lips immediately wrapping around Twilight’s tip.

Twilight let out a groan, her back arching from the feeling of Exotic suckling her cockhead, quickly followed by the teasing kisses and licks coming from Rarity. She slowly leaned into Exotic’s crotch and gave the exposed slit a lick, making the mare on top of her quiver.

“Just as tasty as I remember,” Exotic moaned, licking Twilight’s tip. “Keep eating me out, your tongue feels divine, Twiliy!”

Rarity continued to lick and kiss her Alpha’s shaft, her magic coursing through her pussy as she watched Twilight lap up the juices from her twin.

Twilight’s horn began to glow, lengthening her tongue as she delved deeper into the human world visitor. Exotic’s eyes bulged when she felt the slippery organ prodding deeper into her. “What in heaven’s name? Twilight!”

“Elongating your tongue, darling?” Rarity giggled, sensing Twilight’s magic. “Two can play that.” With that said, Rarity’s own tongue became longer, wrapping around the lower half of the purple shaft.

Exotic felt Twilight’s tongue twitch inside her, the alicorn gasping behind her. She moaned and watched in amazement as Rarity’s tongue clenched and moved along the scholar’s shaft. “Well… magic looks... powerful.”

Her answer was a concentrated assault on her sweet spot, her legs feeling weak from the constant barrage within her insides. She quickly captured Twilight’s dick within her mouth and began bobbing her head vigorously, her tongue doing what it could to match the magic-imbued organs that lathered the lower half of the alicorn’s shaft and deep inside her hot quim.

“I can’t take it anymore! Fuck me!” Exotic cried out, almost manic in tone. Twilight’s spell faded, her tongue returning to normal as Exotic spun around and tried to force the purple member deep inside, only to feel it slide along her ass, dabbing her tail and skirt with pre cum.

Her own spell dissipated, Rarity chuckled at the sight of herself whimpering from being unable to get her Alpha inside her. “Allow me to assist, darling,” she said, using her magic to position Twilight’s shaft for Exotic’s pussy.

Finding her mark, Exotic felt the wide head spread her petals far apart, each inch filling her felt massive, only reminding her that Twilight was far larger as a pony than as a human. She moaned and whimpered as she lowered herself down to the hilt, doing her best to take all of the alicorn’s girth inside her. “Good god… you’re filling me up.”

“You’re… tightening up,” Twilight groaned, her hooves holding Exotic’s sides, thrusting into her mare’s depths.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! it’s so good,” Exotic screamed, her hooves keeping her steady on Twilight’s barrel.

Rarity watched as her human counterpart rode Twilight recklessly, with a deep need to be rutted. She softly walked over to Twilight and presented her winking marehood to Twilight, shaking her booty above her mate’s head. “I hope you don’t mind, darling.”

“N-not at all,” Twilight said with a shaky smile. her tongue at ready to lap up her fashionista’s wet marehood.

“Fucking hell, fuck me Twilight!” Exotic shouted, pumping her hips harder. She could feel Twilight throb inside her, the flared head getting wider.

“I think… she’s close, Exotic,” Rarity moaned, grinding her slit against Twilight’s snout.

“I’m almost there, just fuck me harder. Oh fuck!” Exotic gasped, her body slamming against Twilight’s thrusting hips.

It was clear to both mares that Twilight came first, filling Exotic with thick foal batter. The human-turned-pony coming close behind, her pussy convulsing around the thick cock as their creams and juices mingled and mixed inside her.

Rarity whimpered as Twilight put more focus on her pussy, watching as Exotic weakly fell off the hard purple rod. “My turn, Twilight dear?” She asked, biting her lip.

Exotic weakly opened her eyes to see the tables turn on Rarity. The white mare being flipped onto her front and turned so that her hind legs were off the couch with Twilight behind her. Rarity let out a loud gasp followed by a drawn out squeal of delight as Twilight roughly fucked her, filling her passage with her maremeat. “Oh… god.”

“Oh Twilight, you feel so perfect in me, darling!” Rarity squeaked, pressing her rump back into Twilight’s crotch.

“It… wouldn’t be… fair… to deny you… right now,” Twilight grunted, ravaging her mare’s pussy. She jumped slightly, when she felt Exotic’s tongue against her unused slit, trying to work the alicorn into another orgasm.

“That’s a good girl, fuck that mare. Remind her who’s dick she craves,” Exotic teased, penetrating Twilight with her broad tongue.

“Oh… I crave… my Alpha’s!” Rarity squealed, writhing as Twilight leaned over her, her hooves placed on each side of her body on the couch as she thrusted harder.

“This… is getting…a bit too much,” Twilight gasped, slamming her body hard into Rarity’s ass.

Exotic reared onto Twilight, appearing as if she’s mounting the alicorn. “Slap her ass, Twilight,” Exotic whispered, nibbling Twilight’s ear.

A sharp ‘smack’ of Twilight’s hoof against Rarity’s cutie mark was followed by a moan from the bottom unicorn. “M-more, Twilight.”

“You heard her, her ass… is your ass, Darling,” Exotic teased, grinding her cum-filled pussy against Twilight’s tail.

Another clap forced Rarity over the edge, bringing Twilight with her as they both came. Exotic dismounting to lap up the fluids that leaked around the scholar’s shaft, letting the thick seed slosh in her mouth before swallowing.

Twilight pulled out, letting Rarity slump deeper into her couch, head first. Exotic already attempting to clean Twilight’s shaft with her tongue. “You… don’t have to R-Exotic.”

“There is a good chance that you’ll be visiting the rest of our friends and their… pony counterparts, Twilight. Have to get you ready to meet them,” Exotic cooed, enjoying the taste of the purple mare’s seed a bit too much. “Have I mentioned how good you taste?”

“Maybe once before… the last time we… mated,” Twilight said with a blush.

“Exotic… may I ask you a question?” Rarity sighed, rubbing her pussy as her Alpha’s cum dripped out of it. Exotic stopped her cleaning,looking at Rarity. “You… have been praising someone named ‘God’, similar to how we sometimes scream out the Princesses name… who is he?”

“He is a religious figure, but don’t worry about it,” Exotic chuckled, continuing to clean Twilight’s shaft. Twilight could only lay back in she seat with Rarity cuddling her side and Exotic lapping up the white globs of cum.


Twilight took two steps in to Pinkie’s room, while strangely simple, it had various decorations put up everywhere, balloons at each corners and at the door, streamers hung from the ceiling, and a large dining room table opposite to the bed. Twilight could barely take too much of the room before finding herself tied to a chair while the Human counterpart, Berry Pie, rubbed her ass into Twilight’s hard shaft while Pinkie watched. The human-turned-pony was wearing similar garments from when she was human.

“Wowwie…” Berry cooed, licking her lips. “Both ends of me are getting wetter from looking at that thing. You’ve been hiding an extra three inches from your pals, Twily?” Her pink skirt rising when it’s hem was caught on Twilights cock.

“N-Not on purpose!” Twilight stammered, watching the clothed pink pony, dance seductively while her ass remained glued to Twilight’s crotch. She turned to Pinkie for help.

“Sorry, Twilight. She’s been out of the game for a long time, and as Beta! I gotta help my fellow Twi-Lovers!” Pinkie exclaimed proudly, watching this all unfold from her bed.

“It was super nice of Pony me to let me have you ALL to myself!” Berry giggled, she stopped and turned to face Twilight, crawling onto her lap. “I wanna make you cream my pie, and unlike the last few times… no condom.”

Berry and Twilight turned to Pinkie, who was laughing. “You girls use condoms? Twilight is only making babies when she wants too.”

“Nu uh, she got Sunny pregnant, and Twilight didn’t even turn her spell thingie on before she left that day, the mirror apparently does that for her,” Berry said as-matter- of-factly.

“That is… true,” Twilight said with a blush. “Which is why I had to use a condom for all the times we… made love.”

“Unless you decide to pull out of Fluttershy and was confused by why you were cumming all over her back while still giftwrapped,” Berry added, poking Twilight’s nose. “Still… you finally get to cream me and the girls. No condoms, no pulling out at the last minute, just a big naked horse dick pumping it’s butter into our itty bitty unprotected bodies.”

“That… doesn’t sound as sexy as you think it does,” Twilight uttered.

“Doesn’t matter, I’m having SEX!” Berry exclaimed, raising her hips and dropping them hard onto Twilight’s shaft, impaling her cooch on the alicorn’s rod.

Pinkie’s jaw dropped from watching Twilight and Berry scream in delight, the latter not use to the larger size deep inside the more accommodating opening. “Maybe you should have slowed down there.”

“No! No, I’m cool, just keep fucking me,” Berry moaned, her limbs wrapping around Twilight.

“I… can’t do anything, I’m still tied to the chair,” Twilight muttered, flinching from the erratic bouncing of Berry’s body.

At that moment, Pinkie got an idea. “Oh, can you dick spell me, Twily?”

“You promise not to use it on me?” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

“Do I look like Gilda to you? This is more for Berry than for you OR me,” Pinkie added, moving behind Berry.

Twilight gave a reluctant nod and her horn began to glow. Pinkie quivered as the unfamiliar weight materialized between her legs. The party mare looked to see her equipment, her smiling beaming when she noticed it was hard. “Thanks Twi-Twi. Now to poke a Berry!”

“Magic… really works like that?” Berry asked, a shiver of delight shooting up her spine when a hot thick shaft pressed itself to her tight rosebud. “Oh doodles, it works!”

“Yuppers, and now to dig right…” Pinkie slowly pierced Berry’s back door, her hooves gripping her twin’s rear tightly as she gently sunk her dick deeper. “In.”

“Holy Fucking Cracker Jacks! So BIG!” Berry screamed, her body shuddering as Pinkie slowly moved faster, forcing the human Pinkie to bounce on both rods.

“She got a lot tighter,” Twilight winced, her wings and fore legs beginning to feel cramped, her rump trying to thrust into the sweltering heat of Berry’s marehood.

“Don’t you… get double stuff, my twin?” Pinkie teased, nibbling Berry’s neck.

“I-I, I’ve only let two dicks enter my pussy and ass and that’s… oh jeez, Cheese Sandwich when we dated and Twilight, and even then… these fucking dicks are fucking HUGE,” Berry moaned, her hooves gripping Twilight even tighter than before. “At parties, I’ve only done handjobs and blowjobs, and most of those were because I was dared!”

“Is this true?” Pinkie asked Twilight, still keeping to her rough pace.

“I have no idea, this Pinkie acted worse than you did when you first learned of my penis,” Twilight replied, flinching. “She monopolized my dick with the rest of the girls.”

“Maybe I should have done that, that time was fun,” Pinkie giggled, her hips slapping into Berry’s ass with every thrust.

A loud moan from Berry, and a sudden clench of her orifices signalled her impending orgasm, causing both Pinkie and Twilight to wince from the power of the clothed pony’s muscles.

“Oh fucking fuck jimmies! So god damn GOOD,” Berry shouted. her head shooting forward to bite Twilight’s shoulder to muffle her voice. She began screaming into the purple alicorn’s shoulder as she came, her eyes rolling back, her drool coating Twilight’s coat.

Pinkie did her best to force her way through the intense tightness of Berry’s backdoor, gritting her teeth from the overwhelming pleasure of a foreign attachment gave her. “Holy moley… forgot how well these work.”

“They… can be a bit… intense,” Twilight groaned, feeling Berry squeeze her body and cock tighter with her body. She soon felt the human world visitor beginning to move again, this time more rapidly. her head raised and staring deep into Twilight’s eyes as rode the alicorn with determination. “Berry?”

“Cum in me, I want it so bad, Twilight,” Berry growled with an almost primal tone.

“Almost… we’ll give you a special double helping… soon,” Pinkie moaned, thrusting harder as her cock began to throb harder, growing within the compact space.

Twilight’s own member was straining against Berry’s walls, wincing from the rough riding the clothed Pinkie was doing to her.

Pinkie let out a groan as she pulled Berry down onto her cock, the pink member introducing her thick white cream to Berry’s anal passage. Twilight wasn’t far behind, filling Berry’s womb with her impotent seed.

Berry grit her teeth as she felt both mares cum inside her, she could almost feel her belly grow from the stuffing they were doing. A disappointed moan left her lips when Pinkie’s cock disappeared, vanishing in a puff of purple smoke, releasing a small torrent of cum from the slightly open anus. “Oh fuck… that was something…”

“Boy howdy was that best thing ever… also you swear too much,” Pinkie added, falling onto her rump.

Twilight was struggling with her breath, but still had the magic to levitate Berry off her penis and place her on Pinkie’s bed and untie herself. “That went… rather well,” Twilight chuckled.

“Why didn’t you untie yourself earlier?” Pinkie asked, standing on shaky legs.

“A little bit of curiosity of what you two might do since it was inevitable, and it was also that one of you hit my horn and it recovered a few minutes before you asked for a penis,” Twilight answered, slightly limping out of the room.

A hoof stopped Twilight from continueing, seeing Pinkie with a worried expression. “We still on for tomorrow night?”

Confused by Pinkie’s concern, Twilight smiled and kissed her mate’s cheek. “Of course, Silly. And We’ll do that thing you love.”

“You mean it?” Pinkie asked, her smile returning.

“I’ll personally buy the whipped cream and the cherries,” Twilight cooed, before leaving Pinkie to visit the others.


“Jeez, I could hear Pinkie from here!” Rainbow Dash chuckled, laying on a cloud in her Twin’s room. She was wearing the same sports outfit the human Dash always wore. “How come no one told me clouds were so comfy?”

“Because only pegasi can use them as beds?” Twilight responded as she walked into the room. The room had several risings and flats, the cloud bed Rainbow was resting on could be seen on the second highest landing, and exercise equipment littered the main floor, the walls were decorated with Wonderbolt posters and a few pictures of friends and family. “What’s your temporary name?”

“Rainbow Sprint, because apparently it’s easier to say ‘Dash’ or ‘Sprint’ than ‘Rainbow’.” Sprint said, she flipped off the cloud and landing in front of Twilight. “So… ready to get down and dirty?”

Twilight’s face flushed white as the blue mare walked forward, backing the alicorn into a corner. “Where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Went to grab a bite,” Sprint answered quickly, placing a hoof against a wall, next to Twilight’s head. “You fuck her enough that she won’t be needed right now.”

Twilight forgot how aggressive the Human Rainbow Dash got, recalling the events of their first time in the showers after gym. “So… how’s the track team?”

“Sex first, chat later,” Sprint cooed. She leaned closer to whisper into Twilight’s ear. “Guess who’s not wearing panties.”

“Um… Everyone in this castle?” Twilight answered, dumbfounding Sprint. “Underwear is more of a… sexy thing than a ‘cover ones shame’ thing in Equestria.”

“So.. mares wear panties to be sexy?” Sprint asked curiously, to which she received a nod from the purple princess. “What about guys?”

“Briefs… Boxers are rather popular,” Twilight replied.

Sprint backed away from Twilight in thought before a smile graced her features. “Show me.”

“What?” Twilight asked, dumbfounded by Sprint’s request.

“Go put on some boxers,” Sprint ordered, stomping her hoof down violently.

Twilight quickly left and returned, wearing a pair of dark purple boxers that were somewhat baggy around the legs but tight around the crotch, sporting a rather large bulge beneath her. “So… yeah. What do you think?”

Sprint just stared. “I don’t find this sexy at all.”

At that moment, Rainbow Dash arrived with a bag of snacks in her mouth. She let it drop softly onto the floor before turning to Twilight and Sprint. “Hey Sprint, is Twi- Oh my gosh! What’s the occasion Twi?” Rainbow exclaimed, her wings sprang erect with a big silly grin on her face.

“Seriously?” Sprint uttered, confused by her twin’s interest of clothing that covers the good part.

“You don’t understand, Sprint. It’s like a present,” Rainbow chuckled, walking up to Twilight. “A present where the surprise is always an awesome treat.”

Twilight’s face scrunched up when Rainbow’s hoof made contact with her concealed penis, rubbing it through her undergarments. “Uh… Rai- Dash? Isn’t today more for Sprint than you?”

“Yeah, yeah, but can you blame me? You’re wearing some nice boxers there, Twi,” Rainbow Dash cooed, giggling like a schoolfilly. “It even has that little hole your dick can go through for some old fashion rutting.”

Sprint rolled her eyes. “At least there’s that, but it’s still not that special.”

“This coming from a mare who’s wearing those black boxers,” Dash laughed, nudging Twilight onto her rump to make good use of her boxers.

“These are bicycle shorts! Besides, guys and Twilight love it when I do this…” Sprint teased, bending over with her ass directed to Twilight. She began to slowly pull the black shorts off, revealing more of her bare ass as time went on.

Dash wasn’t all that impressed, but Twilight had to swallow her saliva as it built up in her mouth, feeling her dick get harder. Rainbow finally poked her Alpha’s penis through the boxer’s opening. “See? Isn’t that better?”

Sprint paused and turned, her jaw dropping to see Twilight’s maremeat. “Shit, Twi! You weren’t kidding when you mentioned that your human form wasn’t as well equipped. That thing is a bitch breaker!”

“Trust me, with Miss Little Magic here, she can make this bigger and better,” Dash cooed, rubbing Twilight’s cock with a hoof.

“Can that thing even fit inside a mare? It looks like it could be a fucking weapon,” Sprint uttered, walking closer to Twilight and her erection.

“I… mated with the Rarity and Pinkie of your world, and they… both took me to the hilt,” Twilight said with a weak smile.

Sprint stayed silent, staring at Twilight in surprise. Expression became determined, as if a challenge was issued. “Make yourself bigger.”


“Excuse me?”

Twilight and Dash were baffled by Sprint’s words. “Look even I know bigger isn’t always better. And I want to fuck Twilight too! How can I fly if my ass is sore from getting fucked by a huge purple dick?”

“Twilight did say that today was more about me than you, Dash. And I want her dick bigger,” Sprint stated, now on the other side of Twilight.

“She’s right, I did say this was more for her and my human world friends,” Twilight added with an apologetic smile.

“Fine, but shrink it down for my turn, okay?” Rainbow muttered, flying to a bean bag chair that was lying on the main floor.

“If you were me, this shouldn’t be a problem for you,” Sprint gloated, watching with smug satisfaction as Twilight’s magic made her dick grow an inch wider and two inches longer. “Bigger.”

Twilight looked up in shock but complied, making her dick a heavy forteen inches long and four inches thick. “I don’t think I can make it any bigger, at least for a mare of your size. Any bigger and not even Cadance could take it without feeling uncomfortable.”

“Really? I just want it big enough that I’ll feel it, it’s still too tiny for me,” Sprint guffawed, poking the large member teasingly.

“You can’t be serious,” Twilight grimaced, intimidating by the size of her own cock.

“I want it bigger…” Sprint ordered, slapping Twilight’s maremeat.

Rainbow Dash shook her head wildly, staring at the intense pillar, Twilight’s face having some problems staying red from the amount of blood her dick was syphoning. “I’ve done this before… and it wasn’t worth it, Sprint. I’m warning you right now, you try to take that thing, and you and Twilight will be spending a week in the hospital just to get her out of you, and the next month sitting on ice packs. The mere thought of sex will HURT like getting kicked in the crotch.”

“No pain, no gain, right Twilight?” Sprint said, straddling Twilight, her juices dripping onto the purple undergarments.

“I’m sorry Sprint, but even I have to put my hoof down on this. I’m not making my dick any bigger than this, right now I can only take you vaginally because it’ll be beyond painful for mouth penetration or anal,” Twilight said with a pout, crossing her hoofs.

“Fine… but you are helping me get this ready,” Sprint demanded, pushing Twilight onto her back and raising her rump so that her own dick began poking her mouth. “You suck the tip and I’ll play with the rest, got it?”

“I’m not- grk” Twilight mouth was filled with the head of her own cock, feeling Sprint’s tongue along her shaft. As much as she didn’t like it, she couldn’t deny how good it felt to do this, even the few times she’s done this behind closed doors. It doesn’t help that Sprint was rubbing and licking all over the underside of her dick, admiring her expression as her own dick was forced into her mouth.

“Wow Twi, it really looks like you’ve done that before,” Rainbow Dash laughed, getting a closer look of Twilight blowing herself.

“I bet she has, just out of curiosity and again just to blew off some steam when you girls were too busy,” Sprint giggled, sliding back to lick Twilight’s pussy through her boxers. Dash quickly took Sprint’s place at Twilight’s dick, contributing to the already saliva slick shaft.

Sprint started to make Twilight pump her hips, forcing her to take more of her own cock. The Alicorn’s eyes going wide as she felt her own dick glide past her teeth and poke at the entrance to her throat. Her back was getting sore, but she could feel her dick becoming hotter in her mouth, the tip beginning to flare. “Yeah… suck that dick!”

“Alright, you won me. This is really hot,” Rainbow exclaimed, trying to keep up with Sprint’s pace.

“Hey, Dash. Should we get our Princess to cum all over herself?” Sprint asked her twin with a sadistic look.

“Heck yes!” Dash cheered, doing her best to get Twilight primed.

Twilight tried to shake her head, but massive cock head kept her stationary. The tip flared so wide that it could almost lock the two together. The pressure building within her loins, begging for release.

“She’s almost there,” Sprint gloated, nuzzling Twilight’s boxers. “Cum for me, Babe.”

“Let it go, Twi. it’ll be over before you know it,” Dash chuckled, kissing the purple shaft.

In moments, Sprint pulled Twilight’s dick out of the owner’s mouth and the two pegasi began stroking the alicorn off with vigor, forcing Twilight to paint her own body white, much of the cum splattering inside her mouth.

Dash had a wicked idea of shutting Twilight’s mouth, forcing the alicorn to swallow her own seed. “Taste good, we sure think so.”

They released Twilight, watching the alicorn fight for air. “Don’t do that!”

“What? It was sexy,” Sprint defended with a shrug. Dash nodding in agreement.

“Should have seen the look on your face when you swallowed your own cum, that was priceless,” Dash chuckled.

Twilight sneered for a moment before chuckling… her horn glowing. “Two against one isn’t fair, let’s even the scales.”

Sprint looked at Twilight confused while Dash immediately turned to see a clone behind her, a wide grin on her face. “Hey Twi? Can you stop letting Juliet take over?”

“It’s still me, Dash. But I can feel… Juliet complimenting me on this decision. I get a lot of ‘I need to be more like Juliet in the sheets’ talks from you girls a lot,” Twilight said, walking up to Sprint. “maybe I should try it out.”

“Who the hell is Juliet?” Sprint asked in confusion.

“A voice in Twilight’s head that can make Twilight turn you into a whore with goodness knows what,” Dash uttered, feeling the clone kiss and nip her body, laying her down as a cock that was equal to Twilight’s current size rubbed against her fur.

“You can’t be ser-” Sprint’s mouth was overtaken by them real Twilight’s, being pushed down to the floor with Twilight holding her tightly, her dick rubbing against the fur of both mares.

“Gah!” Sprint and Twilight quickly turned to see Dash getting mounted by the Twi-clone, the false Twilight bucking her hips as hard as fast as possible and making the speedster love every second of their time together.

“I… won’t be quite like that,” Twilight winced, feeling a bit sorry for her blue friend. She turned back to the clothed Rainbow, taking notice that the High School girl was staring at her twin getting fucked hard by Twilight’s clone. “Like it?”

“Yeah… actually,” Sprint gulped, quickly moving her head to Twilight before grinning. “What are you waiting for? Fuck me bitch!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and positioned her cock with her magic, rubbing the pre cum along the black bicycle shorts. The scholar let out an annoyed huff when she forget Sprint was wearing them, and slid them down low enough for Twilight to enter Human Rainbow, pressing the wide head against the blue petals. “I might be too big,” she commented, looking down to see that her cock head was nearly twice the size of Sprint’s winking vagina.

“If a kid can pop out of that, you can sure as hell enter,” Sprint challenged, pulling Twilight’s front closer, hoping to tempt the alicorn into mounting her. Twilight’s dick almost slid away but her magic slowly tried to pry her way in, forcing Sprint’s walls to widen to accept the purple invader. “HOLY FUCK!” Sprint cried out when the head of Twilight’s enlarged cock entered her.

“You’re gripping me… to tightly, relax,” Twilight grimaced, feeling her member getting crushed by Sprint’s muscles.

Sprint’s breath was struggling to normalize, calming herself down from the insertion. She grit her teeth and raked her hooves across Twilight’s back as the purple mare pushed more into her. The alicorn’s member was splitting her pussy in two, pushing itself closer to her core. She bit her lip to stifle a moan, as she glared at Twilight. “I… I knew… you should… have made your dick…. bigger… can’t-fucking shit- barely feel it.”

Both Twilight and the Twi-clone just stared at her, unimpressed, Rainbow Dash tried to do the same but had some difficulty while in the midst of her orgasm. “I won’t make it bigger, you can barely take me as of now, Sprint. But if you want… I can go faster I think.”

“Suit yourself… ti- oh fucking hell,” Sprint gasped as Twilight continued to move, forcing inch after inch into Sprint’s body. The Twi-clone rolled her eyes rocking her hips against Dash’s as hard as she could, making her mate moan with every slap of their bodies.

Sprint proved to be even tighter than her pony world equivalent, making it a daunting task to pull herself out of the quivering mare. Her twin was clearly having an easier time with Dash, if her moans and pleads for more were any indication.

The Canterlot High Alumni was seeing stars the second Twilight entered her, her vision still slightly hazing form the continual filling of thick purple cock inside her. Her body stretching to accommodate the invader. With half-lidded eyes, she tried to glare at Twilight, annoyed that it was the first time the purple mare had ever dominated her, and she wanted to change that, but the pain and pleasure of Twilight’s heavy rod kept her distracted and weakened her resolve to go offensive.

Finding her mate’s passage a bit more slick, Twilight slowly began to rock her hips, pulling a few inches out before sliding them back, forcing a moan to leave Sprint’s mouth from time to time. “There we go… it should… start feeling good now… sorry about the discomfort.”

It always felt good, nerd, Sprint thought, her rear shuddering as her orgasm quickly approached. She was the captain of every sports team in Canterlot High, she refused to let some cute nerd with a big dick make her moan like a schoolgirl. She tried to maneuver her body to knock Twilight to her side, failing in every attempt.

Twilight noticed the fidgetin, becoming worried by how close the rear hoof was to her snout. “Sprint, what are you doing?”

“Doing what I do best to girls like you,” Sprint challenged. With a mighty heave, she spun around on Twilight’s dick, lying on her belly, causing some discomfort to Twilight, and push herself back, now riding in the unicorn’s lap. “Fuck yes! I did it!”

“What?” Twilight uttered, watching the blue mare bounce on her prick wildly.

“Just like in the locker room, eh? Twi?” Sprint gloated, riding Twilight harder, unable to get the entire member into her. “Fuck I can feel you touch everything, you’re a whole lot fucking bigger here than you were in the human world.”

Dash let out a cheer, wincing as she was forced through another orgasm. It was cut short when the Twi-Clone slapped her ass hard. “Ow, watch it.”

The clone didn’t respond, merely smirked as she began pumping her seed deep inside the Element of Loyalty. Rainbow Dash moaned hard, form the sudden warm feeling in her belly, but didn’t have time to enjoy it before she was forced onto her back, watching Twilight devilishly smiling down onto her.

“Oh fuck, you’re getting me there, Twi!” Sprint cried, pumping herself harder on the large purple dick. Twilight’s hooves pulling her down to add to their combined pleasure, the alicorn forced to nuzzle in between Sprint’s wings, nibbling their bases.

The second Twilight’s tongue touched the sensitive flight appendages, Sprint screamed aloud, her orgasm rocking her body and coating Twilight’s cock with her juices and wringing the alicorn dry.

The constant milking eroded Twilight’s defences, spilling forth her cum and filling Sprint’s womb. Each load causing the blue pegasus in her lap to flinch and squeak in pleasure. It quickly backwashed out and splashed against Twilight's boxers, drenching them in their combined fluids.

Sprint sagged into Twilight’s embrace, the alicorn’s cock slowing in its output and causing the student athlete's belly to bulge. Returning her dick to normal, Twilight slipped out of the dazed mare, letting her rest on the floor.

“Take it all, bitch!” Twilight turned her head quickly to see her clone cackle and paint Rainbow’s body white. “A very nice look for you Rainbow… and clean yourself up.”

“Hey! You better go and help Rainbow clean up, NOW!” Twilight demanded stepping up to her clone.

“I was summoned to fuck a bitch, I’m done with her now… later,” the clone muttered, fading away.

“Then I give Juliet permission to do whatever she wants to you when you return,” Twilight declared, a red glint in her serious eyes.

The clone stopped fading and gave a meek smile. “Where’s the washroom?”

“Every room has an attached bathroom,” Twilight explained, pointing to Rainbow Dash’s bathroom. “And no funny business, just clean her up, apologize, than you may go.”

“Fine,” the clone uttered. “Will… Juliet still be allowed?”

“Only if I check on Rainbow again to see if you messed around with her in the bathroom,” Twilight stated. “Rainbow… let me know if that happens.”

“G-got it… Twi,” Rainbow groaned, feeling lighter as the clone picked her up and pulled her into the washroom.

“Ex… plain… clone…” Sprint uttered, still physically stunned by the combination of her swollen belly and afterglow of having a large pole inside her.

“Long story,” Twilight chuckled nervously, she gave Sprint a kiss and left, teleporting her boxers to the laundry room. “Rest, I’ll be back to visit later.”

“Got it…” Sprint uttered, snuggling up on the floor as Twilight’s cum seeped out of her pussy.


Fluttershy’s room looked almost like a nature preserve with a modest and comfy treehouse that acted as a small bedroom for Fluttershy. A door on the tree leading to her daughter’s bedroom. Posey, who wore her white blouse and green skirt, watched Fluttershy help her daughter, Miracle Gale, with her homework. Her face was as serious as possible, a yearning to go and hold Miracle tightly tugged at her mind.

“Very good, Gale. I bet your father would be so proud of you,” Fluttershy cooed, nuzzling her blushing daughter.

“Mommy…” Miracle whimpered. “I’m sorry but… it’s stuff like this that give Rip and Tear a reason to tease me.”

“And doesn’t Aunt Gilda deal with them afterwards?” Fluttershy added. Gale giving a weak nod. “That’s right, I just want you to know that I love you and so does your father.”

“But… Daddy doesn’t spend all that much time with us,” Gale uttered, slouching a bit. The saddened pout almost made Posey run to comfort the distraught filly and give Twilight a piece of her mind.

“And I’m sorry about that.” All eyes turned to see Twilight walking in, she walked forward and enveloped both Fluttershy and Miracle Gale in a big hug. “So many things keep happening, I always try to make time for you and all my children… but with so many kids, so many aunts. I’m sorry I do this to you, Gale.”

“It’s…” Gale’s eyes began to tear up, snuggling into her father’s body. “It’s okay Daddy.”

“Don’t worry about me, Twilight. I’ve had more than enough time to understand, but if you don’t mind me asking… you could come and visit more,” Fluttershy squeaked with nervous smile.

“I’ll do my absolute best,” Twilight said, kissing Fluttershy on the lips.

Posey’s heart began to swell, a warm smile gracing her face. A part of her wished to be in Fluttershy’s place but she knew it would one day find her own ‘Twilight Sparkle’ in her own world, maybe not a girl with a penis that was born a unicorn, but something of a similar principle of someone nice to spend her life with.

Twilight finally took notice of Posey and blushed. “Sorry… um… Human Fluttershy? Sorry, I know that everyone got a new name here but…” She felt Posey’s hoof on her lips, the clothed pegasus closing the gap between herself and Twilight.

“I can understand, she’s your child… she needs you,” Posey cooed, giving Twilight a reassuring smile.

Fluttershy gave Posey a look look before nodding. “But right now... you need Twilight,” she said, taking Miracle Gale to the door. “I’m going to take Gale out for Ice cream for doing such a good job on her homework.”

“R-really, Mommy?” Gale asked in surprise.

“Of course, you worked really hard. I’m sure Daddy would agree,” Fluttershy smiled.

“That’s right, enjoy your treat,” Twilight said, rubbing Miracle’s head.

“Thanks Daddy,” Gale said with a weak smile, following her mother out and leaving Twilight with Posey.

“So… your Equestria name?” Twilight asked nervously.

“It’s Posey, but we’re alone so… Fluttershy, if you will,” Posey said, strangely seductively, pushing Twilight back.

“Okay… Fluttershy,” Twilight said with a smile. She immediately found how strange Posey became. “A little forward, Fluttershy?”

“Twilight… you’ve done a bad thing,” Posey cooed, tracing a hoof along Twilight’s chest. “Teasing me with Sunset’s child and now the child of my pony counterpart? That’s cruel.”

“No one knew I can get anyone pregnant in the human world, the counter was active at the time so… technically, I shouldn’t have impregnated Sunset at all,” Twilight uttered with a nervous smile.

“But you did. Even though…” Posey slouched on Twilight’s hips. “I still… even now that I have you… I still don’t know if I’m ready to be a mommy. When I first saw Sunset pregnant, I was so jealous. But thinking about it... I’m on my last year of school, and I do volunteer work… and what would my parents think of me having a child with a pony princess?”

“I… actually didn’t think about it like that. Sunset is more than welcome to stay in my castle if she needs to raise her child or to just live, as are you girls,” Twilight reassured with a reassuring smirk, brushing Posey’s mane out of her face.

“There is also the child herself, would she be born a pony or a human? or a satyr, or a centaur? That would be uncomfortable to push through my vagina, or to even carry,” Posey shuddered. Her thoughts were cut off with a kiss.

“I won’t let you get pregnant if you don’t want to be, I’m as sterile as they come right now and in this world… I don’t get any surprises within the next few weeks,” Twilight reassured, petting Posey.

“I’m glad… because if you’re up to it…” Posey began to blush hard, hiding behind her mane.

Twilight smiled softly as she pulled Posey closer. “You want us to make love?”

Posey’s expression became glee, nodding quickly as her face became red. “I… wouldn’t want to impose… but I really… REALLY missed you.”

“Well, I missed you and all the girls. I’m sorry I couldn’t visit more often,” Twilight cooed, pulling Posey tighter in their embrace.

“We’re here now, and if you kept visiting us… we wouldn’t be in such a state,”Posey teased, rubbing a hoof against Twilight’s barrel.

Twilight gave the yellow pegasus a confused look, weakening her grip. “What state exactly?”

“A state of neediness,” Posey cooed, licking along Twilight’s neck. “I’m sure you’ve felt their needs.”

“I have to admit, they were coming on to me a bit strong,” Twilight uttered nervously.

Posey slowly pushed Twilight onto her back. “After your first visit, I had some… troubles helping myself, as if you awoke something inside me. Pinkie tried to help me but it’s not the same after the night we made love.”

“S-sorry,” Twilight grinned nervously. She began to shudder when Posey began to grind her cooch against the growing purple shaft.

“You should be. Pinkie and I had it the worse, with how often we had to sate our needs together, you’d think we were a couple. But here we are now, to sate our urges. With the very cause of our… addiction,” Posey cooed, raising her hips to accept Twilight’s cock into her.

“A-Addiction?” Twilight asked nervously. Her cock splitting Posey’s pussy open, beginning to fill the human-turned-pony.

“Oh… you feel so big, Twilight,” Posey moaned, sinking herself down the alicorn’s cock.

Twilight grunted from Posey’s tight pussy slowly taking in her shaft, her hooves resting on the yellow mare’s hips. She lanced up to the drooling pegasus above her, but soon took notice of the other pegasus watching them, immediately recognizing the mare’ pink mane. “Fluttershy?”

They both her a quiet squeak from behind the door as it slowly opened and revealed the yellow pegasus watching with a deep blush. “Um, I’m sorry… I didn’t know you two were-”

“If you’d like… you can join us,” Posey offered, slowly rocking her hips against Twilight’s.

Twilight gave Fluttershy a worried look. “Where’s Gale?”

“She’s with Fleur, P-Pinkie told Fleur and she agreed to watch her and told me to come back. Not that I would want to impose on your time together,” Fluttershy uttered, backing away.

“Then I’ll have Twilight all to myself,” Posey cooed, pulling Twilight into a deep kiss.

“But… Twilight is… kind of my Alpha, it’s her choice… if I can join or not,” Fluttershy stammered, doing all she could to not look at the mating couple.

“It… feels like Twilight doesn’t mind if I share,” Posey moaned. “Come… join us…”

“If you insist,” Fluttershy squeaked, quickly entering the room and shutting the door behind her. She took her time in approaching Posey and Twilight, the former riding the latter harder. “Where…. should I go?”

“If you want… I can eat you out while… Posey finishes riding me,” Twilight suggested, thrusting into Posey’s descent. The clothed pegasus moaning adorably form being filled with Twilight’s thick cock.

Fluttershy blushed as she quickly made her way, softly placing her rump on Twilight’s head, she jumped a bit when she felt the alicorn’s horn poke her rear entrance before setting herself down against Twilight’s eager tongue. “OH, oh my…”

“Feels good?” Posey asked. Her Twin nodded slowly as she rubbed her moist sex against Twilight’s mouth, feeling the alicorn’s tongue enter her. “Let’s… make it feel better.”

Confused, Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, only to be caught making out with her copy, her body melting into the combined pleasure of kissing Posey and Twilight’s oral workout. She leaned forward to give Posey better access to her mouth, their tongues wrestling with each other.

Posey could feel her body tensing up, feeling Fluttershy’s hooves wrap around her neck and pulling her closer. She had to plant her own limbs onto Twilight’s barrel to keep herself stable and allow her to rut the alicorn faster, letting her Pony counterpart take control of their kissing.

Twilight’s tongue was searching for Fluttershy’s sweet spot. While Posey and herself were close to climax, Twilight did what she could to help get Fluttershy to her own orgasm, spreading the shy mare’s petals with her tongue and lightly teasing her clitoris.

Fluttershy moaned into Posey’s mouth, her pussy clamping down on Twilight’s wriggling muscle, grinding harder against the alicorn’s mouth. She could feel her mouth being invaded by Posey’s tongue, exploring her oral cavity while Twilight pressed against her sweet spot.

Posey let out a loud moan, her pussy constricting Twilight’s rod hard in the midst of her climax. Her eyes going wide when the alicorn began to fill her pussy with thick cum. She screamed aloud, separating from the half-lidded Fluttershy. “Holy shit… so much.”

Fluttershy winced from Twilight moaning into her wet pussy, watching in amazement as Posey’s belly slowly grew from the output. “Oh my…”

“Twilight… so full,” Posey moaned, rubbing her belly as she felt the last few spurts enter her womb. “So warm.”

Twilight continued to lick at Fluttershy’s pussy as Posey slipped off her hard shaft. The clothed pegasus cleaning her shaft, quivering as the taste rolled down her tongue. “Twilight… could you please… lick a little more… I’m almost there.”

Posey glanced up to her twin, suckling Twilight’s tip as the leftovers slowly entered her mouth. She noticed how flustered Fluttershy got, rubbing her folds against Twilight’s face, inching closer to her release. “Maybe… you should have your turn on Twilight.”

Fluttershy gasped at the suggestion, covering her mouth with her hooves. “I won’t want to impose.”

Posey pouted slightly. “Isn’t she your alpha?” she asked, stroking Twilight back to full hardness. “If you need her, she’s here to stuff you.”

“Well… if it’s okay with Twilight…” Fluttershy moaned, rising off of her Alpha.

“Is it… okay if you fuck Fluttershy now, Twilight?” Posey asked with nervous grin.

Twilight nodded weakly, watching Fluttershy slowly crawl over her to the purple shaft. Posey helped keeping it steady as her twin began to slowly seat herself on the imposing purple rod.

Twilight readjusted herself into a sitting position, helping Fluttershy onto her lap. Her hooves wrapped around the yellow pegasus’ middle and slowly thrusted herself deeper into her warmth.

Fluttershy squeaked when she felt Twilight’s dick reach her core, filling her passage and spreading her walls with it’s girth. She whimpered adorable when Posey began to lick her pussy while Twilight slowly began to bounce the caretaker on her shaft.

Posey watched in awe as Twilight’s cock spread Fluttershy’s lips apart, the medial ring slipping in and out of her pony counterpart. “I… can’t believe I had all that inside me.”

“Twilight… more…” Fluttershy moaned, her wings fluttering between herself and Twilight. The alicorn beginning to pick up the pace, rutting the buttermilk pegasus in her lap and making her jump slightly.

Posey kept licking at the base of Twilight’s cock, feeling it throb against her moist muscle. Simply watching Twilight pump herself into her pony twin got her ready to go again, her pussy gushing in lubricant and Twilight’s earlier load.

Fluttershy let out a surprised gasp, her orgasm catching her off guard as she cried out in sexual bliss. Twilight kept rutting the orgasming mare, the slippery walls doing little to halt the alicorn’s progress.

“So… Fluttershy… can I have another turn?” Posey asked, giving her twin a kiss along her neck.

“Guh… oh, sure…” Fluttershy uttered in a daze. Twilight let out a whimper as Fluttershy slipped off her cock, only for Posey to replace her. “Wait… did Twilight…”

“I-urk- didn’t cum i-in you, Fluttershy,” Twilight grunted, holding Posey tight as the mare bounced hard against her crotch.

“Oh…” Fluttershy whimpered, feeling a little disappointed. But she ignored it as Posey didn’t get a lot of time with Twilight to begin with, and let her human counterpart have her fun.

“Oh Twilight, fuck me more…” Posey begged, hugging Twilight harder as her body moved along the alicorn’s shaft.

Twilight grunted as her body and cock were crushed under the surprising strength Posey showed, her head forced into the white blouse she wore while her dick was wrung dry by the wildly throbbing pussy.

“It’s close… your dick is making me cum so soon, Twilight!” Posey moaned, her wings flapping wildly behind her.

Twilight couldn’t help but frown upon Posey’s words, unsure of what to make of it. Regardless, she was close too. She gave a glance the softly smiling Fluttershy, lying on her side comfortably. “Don’t worry about me, Twilight.”

With a nod, Twilight grit her teeth as she pushed herself and Posey over, the clothed pegasus now lying beneath the alicorn. Twilight humped like a stallion possessed, her dick spearing deep into Posey hard and quickly, making the yellow mare moan and clench her lover tightly. “Oh fuck Twilight… so good, it’s so fucking good.”

“You… girls… swear… too much…” Twilight grunted, steeling herself as she came. She groaned from the sudden release into Posey’s depths, further filling the human Fluttershy with cum.

Posey soon joined Twilight in orgasm, screaming in bliss as her hind legs shot forward, shaking as she rode out her climax.

A small puddle of cum began to spread beneath the two, wetting Posey’s skirt. Posey didn’t mind too much though, she felt her need sated, looking up to the adorable mare filling her snatch with sperm. “Oh… Twilight.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly, walking over to the two lovers and giving Twilight a kiss on the horn. “Fluttershy?” Twilight groaned, feeling the last of her orgasm spitting out.

“It’s okay, Twilight. She doesn’t have as many chances as I do to have you,” Fluttershy said, petting the alicorn’s head.

“I… I suppose,” Twilight muttered, pulling free of Posey’s clenching passage. She gave Fluttershy a lengthy kiss, unintentionally tapping Posey’s chin with her cock.

“Just remember to come by and visit Miracle Gale… and me if you’d like,” Fluttershy cooed, nuzzling her Alpha.

“I will, but for now… I need to see Applejack,” Twilight stated, flinching when she felt Posey sucking her dick again. “Posey, could you let go?”

Posey answered her by sucking her penis harder, causing Twilight to groan.


“Oh, am I interrupting anything?” Twilight stammered, blushing hard from what she just walked in on.

Applejack’s room was red with pictures of family and friends all over the room, a few apple trees growing in a corner of the room and a bed carved out of two apple trees, despite the obvious damage to them, the trees still grew and bore fruit. On the bed, however, was Applejack rutting Applejenny with a strap-on, forcing the clothed mare to grip the sheets and moan from the rough handling her twin was giving her. “Nah, just warming her up for ya, Twi.” Applejack reassured, pulling the toy out of Jenny’s rump. The former-human was wearing her green and white shirt, but her usual brown skirt was tossed aside.

“Why’d you stop?” Applejenny asked, turning her head to see Twilight at the door. “Oh, howdy.”

“H-hey…” Twilight greeted awkwardly. “You sure you need me?”

“Twilight, we both heard the ruckus you made with the others. It got a little hot in here and she needed help, I decided to help her until you came along,” Applejack explained, slapping her twin’s rear.

“R-right,” Twilight said, walking to the bed. She gave Applejenny’s rump a look over, rubbing her chin in thought. “Applejack, could you remove that and lay on top of her?”

“Can I ask why?” Applejack questioned, slowly removing the toy from her crotch.

“Because I want to mate with both of you at the same time,” Twilight stated, rubbing Applejenny’s pussy with a hoof. “Kill two birds with one stone.”

“What now?” Applejenny asked. She gasped when Twilight flipped her onto her back, Applejack lying on top of her, belly to belly.

Rubbing her pony friend’s flanks, Twilight shoved her cock between the two pussies, making both Applejacks moan slightly, their coats rubbing against the sensitive purple shaft.

“Oh fuck, she’s bigger than I remember,” Applejenny moaned, only to have her lips sealed by Applejack’s. The two forcing making out as Twilight slowly thrusted between them.

“Trust me… It took me a bit to get used to Twilight’s new size when she ascended, Twilight was already splitting mares before and now… she’s the perfect size for a rough pounding,” Applejack chuckled before resuming her make out session.

“To be fair… the human world shrunk my penis a bit while I’m human,” Twilight uttered, thrusting harder against the two earth ponies. “I think Pinkie measured me to be… seven inches in the human world?”

Applejack turned to Twilight in surprise. “You poor thing, at least now you’ll get some real meat in your cheeks.”

“Hold on… Twilight’s… bigger as a pony?” Applejenny said nervously.

“Yes… thirteen inches long, two and a half inches wide,” Twilight answered, pounding the orange masses faster.

“Thirteen inches in my world is almost my arm!” Applejenny choked out in surprise. “I can’t take that much!”

“Then good thing you’re here to enjoy all of it safely,” Applejack cooed, brushing her counterparts mane, kissing Applejenny. “When are you actually going to fuck us?”

Twilight pulled away, watching with mild glee as both marehoods were winking in anticipation. She smiled as her horn began to glow, her crotch became engulfed in a purple aura, only to dissipate when the alicorn’s spell finished, reveal two hard purple shafts. “Right now.”

Applejack licked her lips in anticipation. “Damn, your magic sure is handy.” She looked down to her twin with a wide smile. “Get ready for a wild one, missy.”

“Wha- WHOA NELLY!” Applejenny felt her walls split apart from the sudden invasion of her cooch. Applejack moaning from her own insertion. “Fucking hell, she’s so much bigger.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll feel better,” Applejack moaned, pushing against Twilight’s crotch to get her fill of the alicorn’s dick faster.

With her hooves holding Applejack’s hips, Twilight pumped herself as deep as she could into both mares. The sounds of Applejack moaning softly and Applejenny screaming hard into her twin’s neck was encouraging Twilight to rut the farm mares harder.

Applejack chuckled as her human counterpart moaned and cried into her neck, their teats rubbing against each other, their movements dictated by Twilight’s rough pounding. “Goodness-Ah- Sugarcube. You act like you’ve never been fucked before, I thought you had sex with Twilight already,” the cowpony teased, rushing her twin’s mane.

“Twilight was a lot more fuUUU-cking manageable than this bitch maker,” Applejenny screamed, her legs tightening around Applejack. “How the FUCK was I supposed to know that a fucking critter half my size would be packing a god damn Can-AH” Applejenny gasped, feeling Twilight’s shaft began to fill her some more.

“I’m beginning to get tired of you girls swearing so much,” Twilight grunted, using her magic to make the cock inside her mares grow slightly. “Besides… I was forced to abide by your rules in the human world. Here, I have magic, and you have to follow my rules.”

“That’s not what I heard from earlier,” Applejack joked, squealing in delight when Twilight swatted her flanks. “It’s true.”

With her face red, Twilight slapped Applejack’s ass again before resuming her pace, thrusting in and out of the two mares beneath her. “It’s not my fault that humans are more aggressive than Griffons.”

“What the fuck are you fucking me with, Twi? God damn!” Applejenny screeched, trying to look down at the invading member, past Applejack’s belly. “Did you fucking shove your whole hoof in me? Why is it growing?”

“It’s just her dick, sugarcube,” Applejack reassured, kissing her twin’s nose. “She’s just… making it grow inside us with her magic.”

Applejenny only panicked more as she felt her body force itself to adjust to the massive prick. It only started to feel a bit painful but the overall experience had the former human cumming the moment Twilight hilted herself inside, all the alicorn had to do was to twitch and she would be jelly in Twilight’s hooves and all over that purple dick.

“Hey Twi, how close are ya?” Applejack moaned, grinding herself on top of her human counterpart, thrusting her hips into Twilight. “Think you got enough for the both of us?”

“I’ll try,” Twilight grunted, slamming herself into both Applejacks. “And I’m getting pretty close.”

“Oh yeah… I can feel it now… there’s the flare,” Applejack moaned, feeling her invader’s tip widen and throb. Applejenny’s eyes widening as she recalled that Human Twilight blew like a rocket. “Just stick it in deep, give us something to remember.”

“H-Hold on now… how much does Twi cum as a pony?” Applejenny asked distressingly. But she was too late, she screamed aloud as the ponies on top of her moaned in chorus. Twilight’s cum splattering into the orange mare’s wombs and coating their passages, forcing a little bit of it to dribble out.

Twilight pulled out slowly, relishing in the tightness of both her mares. The cool air harsh on her cum-slicked member. Applejack rolled off of her twin and patted Applejenny’s belly. “How do ya like them apples, Sugarcube.”

Applejenny stared at her belly in mild shock, then looked up to Twilight’s shrinking shafts. “Fuck… I thought you were filling as a human. I’m gonna be walking with your cream seeping out of me for days.”

“You get used to it,” Applejack chuckled, nuzzling her twin in comfort.

Applejenny stared at Twilight’s dual dicks and licked her lips. “You better not be fucking done.”

“What?” Twilight asked in confusion. She felt nervous under the wilting stare of her human friend.

“Twi… you know me, and her… We both don’t go down after one rough fucking, we need more,” Applejenny explained, staggering onto her side.

“Darn straight, spoken like a true Apple!” Applejack cheered, leering at the Princess.

“And YOU!” Applejenny scolded her pony counterpart. “You got something that rightfully belongs to me.”

“And that would be?” Applejack questioned, almost challenging.

Applejenny pressed a hoof against Applejack’s cum-filled snatch. “This gunk in ya? That was supposed to be for me. You can have Twilight all you want but I have to wait twelve moons to get a piece? I think I’m entitled to every ounce of creamy that spews from our Princess’ mare fucker.”

“And what are you gonna do about it?” Applejack taunted with a grin. Applejenny tackled her down and quickly forced her legs open. The human AJ sticking her snout into her twin’s cooch and lapping up Twilight’s seed.

Twilight watched the scene in shock, feeling herself grow harder because of it. Applejenny glanced back and used a hoof to try and spread her cheeks. “Why don’t ya join us, give me more of that mare butter, Twi,” the former human chuckled, returning to her twin’s pussy. Twilight quickly scrambled to Applejenny’s rear, sliding her cocks along the clothed pony’s backside.

Despite all the struggling she did earlier with Twilight’s penis, she felt more confident to take the alicorn now, the fire in her belly ignited and demanding her big dicked friend to satisfy her.

One thick dick pressed against the cum-slicked opening, and the other teasing the virgin hole. Twilight swallowed her breath and pushed forward, Applejenny’s pussy opening wide to accept her maremeat while her anus was much more resistant.

Applejenny kept lapping up her twin’s vagina, eagerly sucking in Twilight’s cum out of the orange marehood. She let out an irritated groan as she felt the heavy cock failed to enter her rear. “Just slam it in!”

Twilight ignored her, and used her magic to pry the hole open slightly, making Applejenny gasp, slowly pushing the first inch of her dick into the clothed mare. The orifice clenching around her tightly, crushing her dick with Applejenny’s impressive muscles.

The human-turned-pony nearly screamed into her pony counterpart’s pussy, her fore-limbs buckling under the sudden entry. Her eyes bulging from the force of her holes being stretched by Twilight’s impressive girths. She did all she could to resume eating Applejack out but she couldn’t help but moan constantly from the sudden fullness of the mare pushing into her body.

Twilight’s hooves gripping Applejenny tighter, pushing deeper into her human mare. Her pussy felt welcoming and firm, the walls flexing around her length and sucking her deeper. Her butt was more of a challenge, resisting her advance and clenching around her like a vice.

Applejack cooed happily, watching Twilight work her way deeper into the other orange mare. Applejenny was trying to push her rear into the alicorn’s crotch, doing her best to lick at the cowpony’s folds and suck out her Alpha’s produce. “Not use to this much meat, little filly?” Applejack teased.

“Oh fuck… there’s so much in me,” Applejenny moaned, weakly licking at her twin’s cooch while Twilight tried to shove deeper into her.

“Could you-gah- relax? You’re too tight,” Twilight winced, struggling to get her full right into the unyielding anus. Applejenny gave her a weak nod. The alicorn let out a relieved sigh as the pressure around her cock weakened, allowing her to stab deeper, slowly pulling out only to shove even more of her dick deeper, beginning to enjoy the dual pleasure of the clenching warmth of the clothed mare’s ass and the amazing velvet walls of her pussy.

Between the sweet apple taste, which surprised upon her first taste, and the quickening pace of Twilight’s thrusts, Applejenny felt like she was deep in an ocean of pleasure. The weight of the pleasing alicorn on her back and filling her holes with her shafts and the scent of her twin’s sweet pussy in front of her driving her wild, bucking her hips into Twilight’s crotch, trying to get her fill of the dual purple dicks.

“Oh sugarcube, practice this with your friends?” Applejack teased, pulling her human counterpart’s had deeper between her crotch, urging the clothed mare use her tongue more. She glanced up to her Alpha, whose expression was a mix of concentration and sexual bliss, biting her lower lip while her hips thrash against Applejenny’s rear.

With Applejenny’s rear no longer crushing her, the motions of pulling and pushing herself into the human-turned-mare became less problematic and more enjoyable as time went on. Applejenny’s ass slowly became slick, thanks to Twilight’s pre-cum, and made it significantly easier to pump herself into the tight orifice. Twilight could feel the tight muscles working her shafts as she quickly thrusted into and out of Applejenny’s holes, gleefully accepting her while angrily denying her escape.

Applejenny shivered as her orgasm came close, she could feel both of Twilight’s cocks flare within her, throbbing against her restrictive walls. Her tongue diving as deep as it could into her pony counterpart’s quim and lapping up the sweet nectar, violently striking Applejack’s g-spot.

“J- Jenny… I’m gonna cum…. really soon,” Twilight moaned, her dicks felt as if they could explode at any given moment. Her flesh grinding against the walls of both passages with commanding heat and steadily leaking pre-cum into the clothed apple mare.

“I’m sure she don’t mind if you spread your seed all over her insides and outsides Twilight,” Applejack chuckled, petting Applejenny’s head as her own climax was nearing its peak, though it wasn’t as close as her friends.

Twilight groaned and cried out as she released her seed, filling Applejenny’s colon and pussy with her thick cream, thrusting a few more time before forcing their bodies to meet to ensure not a drop leaves the human Applejack’s holes.

Applejenny’s eyes widened, her voice calling out as she could feel her insides being pelted and filled by Twilight’s foal batter, her belly growing from the sudden offering. “Holy fuck! So much… inside me!”

“We both know that Twilight has a cannon between her legs, you really didn’t expect them both to not fill you and make you nice and plump?” Applejack giggled, hugging her twin as the human counterpart shook in the throes of her own orgasm.

Twilight eventually pulled herself out with a wet ‘pop’, her cum hastily leaving Applejenny’s holes while her cocks decided to not finish just yet, spreading a bit more of her seed onto the recently bred mare’s backside. “Goodness... that was… something,” she uttered, one of her dicks disappearing in a puff of purple vapour.

Applejenny rolled onto her side, her bloated belly showing a fairly significant growth, appearing as if she’s eaten too much. “Lordy, how do you ponies… do it?”

Applejack walked over to her twin and smiled. “One inch at a time, sugarcube.” She didn’t expect to feel Twilight mount her from behind. “What the heck?”

“Oh… I thought you needed more relief, sorry. I can… get off,” Twilight said blushing, her dick pressing against Applejack’s lips.

“Oh no, you finish what your friend started,” Applejack stated, grunting as Twilight sank herself as deep as possible into her pussy and began to quickly rut the cowpony.

Applejenny felt a drop on her cheek and looked up to see her pony counterpart getting fucked by Twilight, cum dripping off of the thick purple shaft as it hammered into Applejack hard. She smiled and enjoyed the view while she rested, knowing that she will get another turn with Twilight before the day is over.


Zecora and Sunset smiled as Twilight conversed with her Human World friends in the den, the alicorn’s face becoming beet red as the conversation continued. “How do you girls do it?” Sunset asked.

“What do you ask? Your question is vague and hard to unmask,” Zecora questioned, taking a soft sip of her tea.

“You have Twilight here all the time, and you girls aren’t crawling all over her. In the human world, Pinkie and Fluttershy would snap to attention whenever Twilight was mentioned. Heck, Rarity named a dildo after our princess. All of them, minus myself and Applejack, would kill to live here and just fuck Twilight all day,” Sunset added, giving Zecora a confused look.

Zecora chuckled, turning to see Berry Pie and Rainbow Sprint walking seductively towards Twilight, the other girls chuckling with glee. “Most of our herd see her as a leader, some see her as a lover. While we love Twilight with all our hearts, there is a time and place to indulge in her parts.”

Sunset quirked a brow. “So… my human friends are just horny for Twilight a lot more than the pony versions?”

“Even our Pinkie knows when to say ‘no’ to sex, although…” Zecora turned to see Twilight being straddled by Exotic and Posey while Sprint and Berry licked and sucked on the engorged purple shaft. Applejenny holding her face in her hooves. “It’s strange to see your Fluttershy more aggressive in this show.”

“Yeah… wait, MY Fluttershy is more sexually aggressive than YOUR Pinkie Pie? How is that even a thing?” Sunset questioned, in awe of that being a possibility.

“The differences in mind and body? or perhaps being forced to kept lust under lock and key?” Zecora answered, glancing back to see Sprint and Berry laughing at Applejenny, the orange mare’s face coated in cum. Twilight appeared to be apologizing to the poor cum-splattered mare, but was kept down by Exotic and Posey.

Sunset grumbled as her friends began to molest the purple alicorn. “When do you think I can get a turn?”

“Ask,” was all Zecora said, sipping her tea calmly.

“Of course you can have a turn!” Berry giggled, her and Sprint helping her over to Twilight. “Okay Twilight! Time to meet the baby!”

“What? No! I mean… no offence, but I’d rather not… meet the baby,” Twilight uttered. She flinched from the attention Posey and Exotic were giving her horn.

“None taken, but that’s why we have anal,” Sunset cooed, feeling Berry help her down Twilight’s shaft, Sprint angling the purple cock for the pregnant mare’s anus.

Berry slipping under to lick and lap at the underside of Twilight’s dick as it left and entered Sunset’s asshole. Sprint was licking and kissing Sunset’s pregnant belly, slapping the yellow ass and rubbing her pussy with a hoof.

Exotic and Posey were making out with each other above Twilight’s head, Posey’s pussy bouncing lightly on the alicorn’s horn while Exotic ground herself against Twilight’s mouth, moaning into her yellow friend when the alicorn lapped at her sex.

Applejenny could only frown as her friends not only took over Twilight’s body but left her with no where to play with. “Yo, AJ,” Sprint called out. Applejenny glared at the blue pegasus but then saw that Sprint was pointing at Twilight’s wings, wiggling her brows knowingly. The rancher rubbed her hoof as she quickly realized what her friend meant.

Twilight could do very little but to try and please all her human world friends, Sunset riding her dick, Sprint and Jenny pleasing themselves using her wings, feeling the tips of them enter their marehoods. The weight on her head becoming somewhat heavy as Posey fucked herself on Twilight’s horn whole Exotic made use of her mouth. Berry was simply happy to lick at Twilight’s penis and marehood, savouring her flavour.

“My hope is that we meet again, for I must return to my den,” Zecora chuckled, leaving Twilight to please all six of her friends once more.

Mini-Series: Dealing with Friends with Possible Benefits

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Ever since she first stepped foot close to Canterlot High, she had been accosted by five students constantly. All she wanted was to figure out the magic surrounding the school after it had two magic surges within the past year.

And after the Friendship Games and she had moved over to attend said school, it had only gotten worse:

Rainbow Dash has been giving her suggestive looks, fellating a banana as they kept eye contact on more than one occasion. Fluttershy would give her long hugs before and after school, something she noticed no one else got. More than once did Twilight catch Pinkie’s hand or foot up her skirt. Rarity had been actively trying to seduce the poor scientist and caressing her skin as she passed by. At least Applejack was normal, well normal-er, she would still go out of her way to give Twilight a big hug every so often and a slight grope of her crotch or butt.

Sunset was the only one that didn’t actively try to do anything to score a date with her. Thus Twilight decided to ask her about it in the school library.

“Hehe, you’re very much like this other Twilight we know from Equestria. They are probably wondering if you’re just as equipped as she was,” Sunset told Twilight, jotting down footnotes as she finished her homework.

“Eq-equipped?” Twilight stammered, flushed by the comment. “How do you mean? B-because I assure you, it’s not the case.”

Sunset Shimmer let out a sigh and forced her hand under Twilight’s skirt and felt around, smiling when she discovered it. “Yup, just as equipped. Not sure if smaller.”

Twilight was now burning red as her hands stayed at her skirt’s front to prevent anymore hands from exploring. “Was that really called for? You can’t just grope someone like that,” the purple girl whispered, not wanting to raise a commotion in the library.

“Yeah, yeah. I was just about to tell you why the girls want you,” Sunset chuckled. She closed her textbook, stuffing it in her bags, and slowly turned her body, taking care for her pregnant belly that she tried to keep hidden as she got up to leave. “The other Twilight rocked their worlds pretty hard and hope that you’re probably the same.”

“I-uh, I think they’ll be disappointed,” Twilight muttered, fixing her glasses. “I’ve never had sex before.”

Sunset gave her a blank look before waving it off. “They’ll still want to help with you that, regardless.”

The thought of one of her rather attractive friends wanting to have sex with her made Twilight feel really warm but she still had to ensure that her friendships aren’t ruined. “B-But what if I don’t want it? Isn’t it strange to-eep!”

Twilight was not expecting to have Sunset’s hand grasp her cock, and softly stroke it by the library’s only entrance. She was unbelievably hard the second Sunset’s hand wrapped around it and she didn’t want it to stop but she had to stop it so that it doesn’t make it awkward for either of them in the future. As quickly as it arrived, Sunset released Twilight’s cock and continued to leave. “What would you say to a blowjob in the bathroom, right now?”

Twilight was all hot and bothered, her penis was tenting her skirt and she used her books to hide it before looking back up at Sunset, trying her best to not give her a needy look. “Now? Like now-now? I- ye-n-maybe? I-”

“Then you’ll be fine with them, if you don’t want any of it, they’ll leave you alone. If you do want some, expect them visiting you every weekend for sex,” Sunset chuckled. Twilight trying to keep up with the fiery girl’s pace. “Regardless of what you choose, they’ll always stick by your side. That’s what the other Twilight taught them when they didn’t corner her for sex.”

“Even Applejack?” Twilight asked. She still wasn’t sure how far the cowgirl would go for sex but that was because of how she would be far less ‘obvious’ in whatever desires she had and actually made an attempt to keep herself in control.

“Applejack might be good at keeping her priorities in check, but when she really wants it. I suggest you get undress yourself before she reaches you or she’ll probably rip your skirt and panties to shreds,” Sunset giggled, causing Twilight to shield her crotch once again with her books.

“So it’s the other Twilight’s fault that they are trying to… have sex with me,” Twilight grumbled, annoyed that she now had to walk around school with a hard-on.

“Yeah, I like to think I have better control over myself. But then again, I only had sex with her once and she did this to me,” Sunset said, indicating to her belly.

“She can procreate?” Twilight gasped. She always thought it was Flash Sentry’s child but knowing it was her dimensional double’s child made her wonder if SHE can impregnate others.

Sunset and Twilight were heading home when they caught the sight of the statue’s wall rippling. “The portal is open… you think?” Sunset uttered, glancing to Twilight as they went to investigate.

A second later, a purple girl wearing a dark blue skirt, light blue blouse, and dark purple hair with two stripes rolled out. “Ow, that wasn't supposed to happen.”

“Twilight?” Sunset and the human world Twilight uttered, running over to check on the fallen girl.

“Hey… girls,” Twilight groaned, smiling as the two girls helped her to her feet. “How's it going?”

Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle. “It keeps going, your kid is doing good as well. Docs say it’ll be a girl.”

“What really?” Pony-Twilight asked, surprised by the news. “That answers that question.”

“And what question is that?” Human-Twilight asked, sneaking glances to her doppelganger's crotch.

“Well, I have a few kids already. With this information, I suppose that means that unless the mother can choose their gender, all I can make is girls,” Twilight explained, scratching her chin.

“How many kids are you up to now?” Sunset smirked.

“Including changelings? At least five thousand kids. Excluding them, just three: Miracle Gale, Fluttershy’s daughter. I got Applejack pregnant two months ago, and Fleur just gave birth to Star Pearl,” Twilight answered, following Sunset.

The human-variant could only stare in shock at what she just heard. The pony her has sired kids already while her only lover has been her left hand. “You coming, Twilight?” She glanced up to see Sunset and her pony copy wave at her and blushed, quickly catching up to them.

“So what about the girls? I take it they’ve been giving Human-me love problems?” Pony-Twilight giggled.

“Yeah, but she is too nervous and scared to try anything,” Sunset said, waving off her friend’s problems.

“Hey, they are perfectly rational. I just can’t go and have sex with just anyone. There is the romance procedure, make sure both participants are clean and free of diseases, emotional compatibility, a test to ensure that my partner is okay with me and my genetic mutation,” Human-Twilight listed off.

Sunset and Pony-Twilight glanced to each other for a moment, confused by other purple girl’s ramblings. As soon as Human Twilight was done, Pony-Twilight placed her hand on her doppelganger’s shoulder. “Listen, I know it's a bit weird but take it from me, somepony that has dealt with the same thoughts you had, overcome them, and an alpha of a rather large herd and the first herd that includes various races; Be firm with the girls, remember that if sex DOES happen, they will treat you right and will never try to hurt you on purpose. The fact that they are coming on to you so strong is enough to say that they like you and your penis.”

“But its not me they like, it's you and the penis. I’ll just be the back-up,” Human-Twilight grumbled, looking downcast and sullen.

“Twilight was essentially my back-up when Flash and I broke up and she surpassed him. Why don’t you try and surpass Twilight?” Sunset asked, a soft smile on her face.

“A virgin is going to be better at sex than someone who had sex with dozens of girls of various species. That’s going to be a laugh,” Human-Twilight scoffed, pushing past her friends and going home.

“Twilight!” Pony-Twilight called out, running up to the lab-coat wearing girl. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Sex isn’t the end all of everything, why not take each of your friends on dates? And if you like them, then you two can talk about a more physical friendship. Besides, they may see you as a ‘replacement’ but you can then prove that you are better than me in other ways. Like I’m not all that familiar with human breasts and a lot of my ‘experience’ was thanks to magic, something I don’t have here.”

“And yet you have six girls here that are at your beck and call,” Human-Twilight grumbled, trying to leave Sunset and her counterpart behind her. “All you need to do is flash your penis and I’m certain at least Pinkie will be there to cuddle with your thighs.”

“Then, how about I help you?”

Both Sunset and Human-Twilight gave the former alicorn a long shocked look.

“Hear me out, I was forced to know sex and this can help Twilight out for when the girls corner her again. Trust me, I know it can get pretty bad, especially when you find out that most of the town’s income comes from a gambling ring based on who you’ll have sex with next,” Pony-Twilight explained.

“But… you essentially said you want to have sex with me,” Human-Twilight gasped, blushing heavily. “Doesn't that contradict my scenario of avoiding sex?”

“How often do you masturbate?” the purple equestrian asked, crossing her arms.

“What does that even prove?”

“Just answer the question.”

“I don’t owe you any answers.”

Sunset groaned and gripped Human-Twilight’s shoulders. “Just answer it, she knows what she’s doing.”

The scientist blushed and eventually sighed. “Twice a day, once before school and again before bed.”

“I take it some days it's thrice or four times?” Pony-Twilight asked. Her human counterpart nodded, embarrassed beyond all belief. “I was the same before my misadventures began. What matters is that you don’t have to be alone in this. I want to help you in anyway I can but in order to do that, I need you to view sex more as a fun recreational activity and stress reliever than as a ritual of love, there is nothing that makes it exclusive after all.”

Human-Twilight clenched her book tighter to her chest, face as red as an apple. “I don’t know, Cadance would flip if she ever found out.”

“Twilight, the Cadance of my world had anal sex with me when I was twelve and asleep. Her biggest turn on was having a threesome with myself and my brother taking turns fucking all her holes. I’m pretty sure your Cadance isn’t that different,” Pony-Twilight said, deadpanned.

The poor scientist's eyes widened upon hearing that, to learn that Cadance could be a complete pervert. “N-No, she’s not like-”

“Is she dating Shining Armor?”

“Well yeah, of course.”

“Does she tease you about finding that ‘special someone’?”

“Kinda… yeah, more than I’d like.”

“Did she tease you about a possible relationship with your new friends?”

“... Yeah, she did.”

“Then she’ll be okay with it,” Pony-Twilight concluded, reaching her hand out to her human counterpart. “But are YOU okay with this?”

Human-Twilight hesitated to reach for the alicorn’s hand and looked up sheepishly. “Will my studies… tank because of this?”

“It’ll be rocky for the start; when I first lost my virginity, while awake, My friend and I would sneak out to have sex constantly, my grades dipped to B and B- on a report card and it horrified me. After that, I kept my focus on school, using… sex as a motivator and reward for completing my studies, it’s how you handle yourself and others, Twilight. A schedule helped me out plenty with my girls,” Pony-Twilight said with a soft smile.

Human-Twilight slowly smirked. “I do like making schedules.” Then she reached and slowly grasped her doppelganger’s hand.

“If you two are gonna do this, we’re doing this at my apartment,” Sunset stated, holding back a giggle from the bizarre scene.

Both Twilights blushed a bit and nodded, suddenly feeling less sure of themselves.


Both Twilights followed Sunset until they reached a rather large apartment, catching the Equestrian by surprise by the sudden change. The main room was much larger than Sunset’s old place, the roof was higher and slanted with a bigger patio and a kitchen built in next to the door. The walls were white with a large television set in the corner opposite to the door and two couches acting as barriers between the kitchen and living room. One bedroom was situated in a small hallway next to the living room that lead to a bathroom while the other two bedrooms were opposite to that besides the kitchen. “Wow, new place?”

“Yup, Rarity found a place and asked Rainbow and I if we wanna be roommates and we agreed. It was a rocky start but we found a happy medium between us,” Sunset replied. “Speaking of which, they are both at work and won’t be back until late so you two got time. Let me show you my room.”

Heading to the left room next to the kitchen, Sunset let her guests in. The room was a soft red with a simple bed, Sunset’s logo and cutie mark placed neatly in the center of the bed spread with the same logo embroidered onto the pillows, a computer desk and black office chair sat across the room next to the dresser. Above the bed were various pictures of the gang doing so many different things. While Human-Twilight slowly sat down, nervous of what will happen soon, Pony-Twilight couldn’t help but look at the photos on the wall. “H-How are we… should we take this slow?”

Sunset sat on her chair and watched, crossing her legs with a bemused look.

“Whatever you are comfortable with,” Pony-Twilight said, finishing her look at Sunset’s pictures and sitting down next to her nervous friend. “Do what you feel is right.”

“But I don’t know what I feel,” Human-Twilight uttered, blushing heavily.

“Then… do you want me to start?”

The scientist glanced towards her counterpart and nodded.

“Let me know if this gets overwhelming, okay?” Pony-Twilight said, slowly pulling her Human variant closer to herself, planting soft kisses on her brow and trailing down her face.

Human-Twilight shivered form each token of affection, her hands finding purchase on Pony-Twilight’s shoulder and hips. She couldn’t return it at all, feeling a bit weird from feeling someone kiss her body. Her eyes shot open when the princess locked lips with her, feeling the other’s tongue enter her mouth and court her while Pony-Twilight’s hands held her head in place, firm enough to keep her there but soft enough that she could break the kiss when she needed to.

“You look a little hot in that coat, why don’t you remove it,” Sunset cooed, a lecherous grin on her face.

“Sunset!” Pony-Twilight scolded, turning to face the pregnant girl. Human-Twilight was misty-eyed, a bit of drool slipping from her lips. “Don’t pressure her.”

“No- no, it’s fine. It’s pretty hot in here,” Human-Twilight moaned, throwing her lab coat and vest to the floor. Her hands gripped Pony-Twilight’s arms but couldn’t press forward, still embarrassed by the event.

Pony-Twilight saw that her Human counterpart was still into it but couldn’t continue without help. She leaned forward and resumed the kiss, accepting Human-Twilight’s tongue in her mouth.

Sunset was leaning back in her chair, watching the two Twilights make out. She held her breath when she saw Human-Twilight start undressing herself, undoing her blue blouse quickly as she pushed herself closer to Pony-Twilight. The equestrian girl kept herself rather grounded, letting her human-counterpart do what she felt was right.

When they broke the kiss, Pony-Twilight gazed upon Human-Twilight’s body, a purple bra that held two palm sized breasts and a her skirt tented, she held back a giggle when the earth native covered herself with her arms. “It’s okay, look.”

Human-Twilight watched as Pony-Twilight began removing clothing, leaving only her panties then failed to hide the princess’ erection. Feeling she should match, she removed her skirt and bra, blushing harder when she was softly pushed back into the bed, feeling Pony-Twilight’s lips on her left breast, a hand groping her right breast with a soft touch.

She teased her Human-counterpart’s nipples with her fingers and tongue, planting kissing all around the areola, tugging on other girl’s breasts with her teeth, glancing up to see Human-Twilight flinch and moan from the attention. “I-I thought you didn’t know human… anatomy very well,” Human-Twilight gasped, her hands digging into the Equestrian’s scalp.

“Sunset and the girls gave me practice,” Pony-Twilight cooed, continuing to kiss all along Human-Twilight’s boobs. She slowly began to venture south, planting kisses along the Human native’s belly and eventually reaching the naval, sticking her tongue in to tease the poor girl more. When she reached Human-Twilight’s panties, she glanced up with a concerned look. “Do you want me to continue?”

Both Sunset and Human-Twilight nodded, the former more enthusiastically than the latter. Sunset threw off her jacket and undid her skirt just as Pony-Twilight pulled Human-Twilight’s panties off, taking a good look at her new lover’s modest equipment, complete with testicles that surprised Pony-Twilight a bit, she planted a delicate kiss on Human-Twilight’s throbbing head. The poor girl gasped form the sudden wet feeling on her hard cock.

“You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not very well versed with pleasing the male anatomy. But, I’ll do my best, for you,” Pony-Twilight said apologetically. She placed her lips at the tip of Human-Twilight’s penis, and slowly hummed the way she recalled her own mares would do for her.

Fingers digging into the Princess’ scalp, Human-Twilight moaned and unconsciously thrust her hips upward, addicted to the warm feeling around her cock. Pony-Twilight let it happen, accepting each extra inch into her mouth, her tongue tracing along the crown and veins, blowing the virgin softly while her hands played with Human-Twilight’s balls.

Sunset was in disbelief, her fingers slipping into her pussy recklessly. She never thought she would ever see her Alpha suck a dick yet here she was, blowing Human-Twilight’s mind from her penis, the scientist was moaning and gasping from the new sensations that she let out a high pitched grunt, surprising the Princess with a hearty load of cum.

Despite how sudden it was, Pony-Twilight captured as much as she could, some of it spurting from the corners of her mouth when she released Human-Twilight’s dick and letting a drop ooze out and coat a side of the purple shaft. Looking deep into her Human-Counterpart’s eyes, she opened her mouth to show that she still had the girl’s seed in her mouth before swallowing it and showing that was gone, something that drove her wild when her girls did it for her.

Human-Twilight felt herself throb in need from the sight of the Princess swallowing her load, her nose flaring as she took quick breaths. “I-I-I…”

“Just… relax, now what do you want to do first?” Pony-Twilight asked, slowly removing her panties and revealing her own hard-on.

Human-Twilight stared at the thick piece of meat and compared it with her own, with the two so close together, it was obvious that Pony-Twilight was larger in all counts, only that she lacked testicles which made Human-Twilight question how the princess got Sunset pregnant in the first place.

Side by side, Sunset could see easily see that Pony-Twilight was bigger, Human’s six to Pony’s eight and a half in length and a inch of girth difference. She threw her top and bra off and continued to masturbate to the scene, silently hoping that Human-Twilight would return the favor.

“M-may I… penetrate you? Wait! Do we have condoms?” Human-Twilight gasped, searching the room in hopes for salvation. Sunset answered by pulling the top dresser open and throwing the two Twilights and box of condoms. “Th-thanks?”

“Don’t care, just fuck,” Sunset answered immediately, her fingers working themselves deep in her pussy.

Pony-Twilight smiled nervously as she laid back, spreading her legs for her new friend. “Just… be careful. I don’t use my vagina very often,” she said, blushing hard as Human-Twilight slowly eased the rubber balloon onto her shaft.

Once prepared, Human-Twilight crawled on top of Pony-Twilight and tried to insert herself, feeling her dick slide next to Pony-Twilight’s and shivering from the feeling. She dipped lower and found the Princess’ lips and slowly eased herself in.

Pony-Twilight wrapped her arms around her Human counterparts neck, shivering form the initial penetration, it had been so long since she was ever fucked that it felt like she was a virgin again, silently hoping that Human-Twilight was better with a dick than Lyra was.

Wet, tight, and hot were the words Human-Twilight thought of when she entered her Pony-variant’s pussy, feeling the walls try and suck her deeper in as she tried to control herself.

“That’s right- ohh- do what you need to do,” Pony-Twilight moaned, glancing between Human-Twilight’s face and between their legs. The scientist’s glasses nearly fell off her face but Pony-Twilight managed to push them back on with her tongue, giving the human native a teasing look.

With more fuel for the fire, Human-Twilight began to move faster, pounding her hips into Pony-Twilight's with each thrust harder than the last, the silk-like walls wrapped around her rod and squeezing her like a finger-trap was nearly mind-blowing for the former-virgin. She felt Pony-Twilight’s fingers in her bun and released it, making her hair fall all around her head and throwing the elastic away, breathing harder form the sexy look her clone gave her.

Pony-Twilight smiled, happy that Human-Twilight was far better than Lyra was with a cock, and pulled the student in for a kiss, feeling the girl moan inside her mouth, spasm atop her, and hilting herself deep. Pony-Twilight gave her a confused look before simply smiling.

Unfortunately, Human-Twilight was embarrassed, she came from a kiss. She pulled out, her condom filled with cum as she pulled it out of Pony-Twilight. “I’m sorry, I-”

“It’s okay, it happens to all of us, especially when you’re new to it,” Pony-Twilight reassured, she turned to see Sunset cumming on her fingers and lying back on her chair. “Sunset still thinks it's hot, so don’t worry about it. I’m sure the girls would love to help you with your stamina and endurance.”

Human-Twilight nodded, idly tying her cum balloon in a knot and placing it in the nearby trash hamper. Just as she turned she saw that the Princess was still hard, while she was still hard but softening a bit. “Uhh, th-the next lesson, I guess?”

“Ohh, you are in for a treat,” Sunset grinned, getting herself comfortable for the next round.

“Only if you want to,” Pony-Twilight urged, placing a ahdn on the other girl’s shoulder. “It will hurt for a moment but after that-”

“I know about the hymen. Just still scared,” Human-Twilight uttered, trying to look away. “I still want to experience it though, it’s also not fair that you never got to... cum.”

“This is for you, Twilight. Not me, but I am happy that you thought about me, it shows that you are a thoughtful lover, the girls will love that,” Pony-Twilight said happily.

Human-Twilight laid back, spreading her legs for Pony-Twilight to destroy her. “Please… be gentle.”

Pony-Twilight nodded and took Human-twilight’s hips and turned her onto her hands and knees. “Let’s try it pony-style.”

“Isn’t this dog-styyYYYYLE!” Human-Twilight gasped when she felt a finger and a tongue pressing against her still virgin pussy, moisting her up for the eventual penetration. Her arms felt weak from the attention lavished upon her womanhood and pushed her rear into Pony-Twilight’s face.

Satisfied with how wet it was, Pony-Twilight shuffled over to Human-Twilight’s ass, letting her larger cock slap between the scientist’s ass cheeks. The weight of it and the size already making Human-Twilight regret her decision, especially when she felt the Princess loom over her back, her cock effortlessly finding her cleft and nudged it.

She braced herself for the spearing but felt Pony-Twilight’s hands massaging her breasts and stroking her cock, her mouth kissing and lick the back of her neck. She couldn’t help but feel relaxed and loved from the attention, almost forgetting the slow descent of Pony-Twilight’s dick entering her.

They both felt the hymen and at first Pony Twilight inched away, making Human-Twilight whimper in disappointment, but the other girl’s hands were making her feel like putty in the Equestrian’s hands. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain get overwhelmed by pleasure, instead of a scream, she moaned and fell forward with her ass above her head.

Pony-Twilight leaned forward, her hand linking with her Human’ variants and the other holding onto her hips. Pony-Twilight started slowly, letting her lover feel every inch entering her, their hands gripping each other tighter while Human-Twilight moaned into the pillow. “Let it out, moan all you want, enjoy yourself,” Pony-Twilight cooed, pulling herself out before thrusting it back in slowly. “Let me know when you want me to go faster, you are in control.”

“Oh fuck,” Sunset moaned, eyes wide and enjoying the sights of Pony-Twilight softly fucking Human-Twilight like a pair of ponies. She could feel her heart skip in joy when Human-Twilight begged for a more faster approach, something Pony-Twilight happily did.

The room echoed with the sounds of flesh meeting flesh, both Twilights dripping their pussy juices onto Sunset’s bed, Pony-Twilight fucking and stroking Human-Twilight off faster, enjoying the feeling of a pussy tightening around her shaft. Unlike Pony-Twilight did her first time, Human-Twilight loved the feeling of being filled, her body rocked in the motions of Pony-Twilight’s thrusts, each time the head kissing her cervix before being pulled away. She could feel herself getting close to orgasm again from everything Pony-Twilight was doing to her but she wanted to deny it, urged herself to hold it in for later.

“Cum if you want, this is all for you,” Pony-Twilight moaned into Human-Twilight’s ear before gently catching it between her teeth and pulling slightly. The poor scientist felt like her body erupted, her cock throbbed and exploding in Pony-Twilight’s hand while her pussy coated the invading member in her juices, moaning louder into the pillow beneath her.

But the Princess didn’t stop, she kept hammering Human-Twilight’s pussy harder but kept to a reasonable pace, making the student twitch beneath her. “Go-goodness, please.”

“Please what?” Pony-Twilight asked, rubbing her cheek against the side of her doppelganger's head.

“C-c-cum…” Human-Twilight whimpered, her hand clenching Pony-Twilight’s harder while the other nearly ripped the blankets.

“If that is what you want,” Pony-Twilight whispered and picked up her pace. She stood up straight and held Human-Twilight’s hips before putting her all into it.

Human-Twilight’s eyes bulged at the sudden rutting she received, no longer was this the tender loving princess but a girl who has her own harem back home and knew exactly how to deal with the responsibility. The entire girth was sawing in and out of her womanhood rapidly, pushing against her walls and almost demanding her to squeeze down. She had immediately cum not thirty seconds into this new lesson on rough beastial fucking, she briefly felt sorry for Sunset who had to sleep in this later, only to glance to see Sunset drooling and fingering herself harder. A whimper left her lips, signalling another orgasm ripped from her thin body, courtesy of the Alpha above her.

Gritting her teeth, Pony-Twilight gave her lover a few firm thrusts before emptying herself into Human-Twilight, filling her womb with her inactive sperm.

Riding on the pleasure of getting her body’s fill of love, she immediately struggled to disconnect. Pony-Twilight complied and pulled away, letting a strand of cum fly onto Human-Twilight’s inner thigh. “N-N-No condom, where is your condom!”

“I didn’t put one on because I didn’t need it,” Pony-Twilight explained, she glanced to Sunset, who shrugged.

Human-Twilight tried to use her fingers to scoop out her pony-equivalents cum to no avail. “T-this can’t be happening! I’m going to be pregnant because of this!”

Pony-Twilight quickly wrapped her arms around Human-Twilight and hugged her. “Don’t worry, after finding out about Sunset. I made sure to come here with my virility blocked. If I didn’t, all the girls and Principal Celestia would be carrying my kids. But they’re not.”

“But-but diseases?”

Pony-Twilight smiled. “I’m a magical alicorn, the worst sexual disease I ever got was a cold when Pinkie wanted me to love her while she was sick. And even then, I get myself checked almost daily, regardless of my immunities.”

“So… it’s safe, I can’t have a child and no STDs?” Human-Twilight whimpered, looking up with expectant eyes.

“No foals, no STDs,” Pony-Twilight reassured. “I Pinkie Promise.”

Human-Twilight giggled as the Princess did Pinkie’s silly promise gesture and broke away softly. “Th-thanks for that.”

“It’s okay, I’m sorry for not telling you,” Pony Twilight said, smiling at her lover.

“If you can’t get me pregnant, can I get you pregnant?” Human-Twilight asked, a smile growing on her face.

“Nope, my anatomy won’t allow it because my testicles are smothering my ovaries into inactivity,” Pony-Twilight said, almost knowing exactly what will happen next.

Sunset knew what would happen but it felt like it was a blur. For the next hour, the two Twilights fucked in different positions. Pony-Twilight riding Human-Twilight’s dick while the scientist stroked her Princess off, only to feel cum rain upon her body as she filled the Princess. Human-Twilight picked up and pushed against a wall, folded up with her knees reaching her head as Pony-Twilight railed her hard, cum coating both their chests with Pony-Twilight shooting a load deep into her doppelganger. Ending off with the two sixty-nining, Human-Twilight on top, sucking the Princess off with purpose and fingering her cum-filled pussy. Pony-Twilight doing the same, only that the scientist was a bit too into it and tried to fuck the Alpha’s throat. Her fingers could only do so much and she needed release. “That’s it!” Both Twilight turned to see Sunset standing up, looming over them both with a needy look on her face. “Break it up, I want in.”

“Alright,” Pony-Twilight giggled.

Human-Twilight was far more confused. “What? But-” She was interrupted by a condom hitting her between the eyes when Pony-Twilight slipped away from underneath her. She didn’t need to be asked to put the condom on, and rolled onto her back for Sunset to crawl onto her, a hot needy pussy inches away from her throbbing condom-covered cock.

Sunset pulled Pony-Twilight closer and started making out with the Princess’ dick as she slide down Human-Twilight’s rod, fuckign herself with the scientist while licking all the excess cum off the other girl’s member. “Fuck you two taste good,” she moaned, forcing herself to swallow Pony-Twilight’s meat.

Human-Twilight was completely surprised by how much more powerful Sunset’s pussy was compared to Pony-Twilight’s. It was lush, tight, hotter, it drove her wilder than before and tried to thrust into the bouncing madwoman above her.

Sunset’s pussy-soaked hand reached behind the Princess and entered her ass, poking the prostate as she deep-throated Pony-Twilight. Human-Twilight watched in awe as the pregnant girl effortlessly swallowed the larger cock, gagging only a little bit before pulling off to do it again, spit covering Pony-Twilight’s shaft.

The pleasure was unbelievable to the still sensitive Human-Twilight, forcing her to cum deep into her condom. At the same time, Sunset's pressuring on Pony-Twilight’s prostate triggered the Princess’ payload, forcing Sunset to swallow all her cum. She let the hard member fall from her lips and cooed. “Fuck, it's been way too long.”

Pony-twilight stepped away to sit down and watch Human-Twilight ride out her orgasm while Sunset moans through her own. “Damn girl, gotta love that enthusiasm,” Sunset gasped, pulling herself off of Human-Twilight’s cock and taking the condom, only to fit another on it. “Again.”

“Again?” Human-Twilight protested, but she soon felt Sunset riding her again. She opened her eyes enough to see Pony-Twilight move behind Sunset. The fiery girl clearly saw this and leaned forward, using one hand to spread her ass cheeks and Pony-Twilight fastened a condom onto her cock.

Drool escaped Sunset’s mouth when she felt the bigger cock push itself into her ass, hearing both Twilights grunt around her to fuck her brains out. The experienced and lovable Twilight behind her and the shy and enthusiastic Twilight beneath her. She felt both rods slide in deep and let her Alpha take control, each thrust making her move along Human-Twilight’s shaft.

Human-Twilight did her best to keep the pace, thrusting into Sunset and feeling Pony-Twilight’s rod through the thin membrane wall inside, throbbing with need along side hers. She grit her teeth to try and stave off another orgasm.

Pony-Twilight didn't often fuck someone else with another pony, but couldn’t ignore the other cock sliding against hers in Sunset’s pussy. It excited her and made her rut her broodmare harder, her hands mauling Sunset’s large breasts while Human-Twilight gripped Sunset’s ass.

It became too much for Human-Twilight, forcing to empty herself into another condom. A soft smile spread across her lips when she felt Sunset spasm above her, riding out another orgasm.

Pony-Twilight was last and easily filled her condom, forcing herself to pull it and out and coat Sunset’s back with her jism. “Sorry, Sunset… might need bigger condoms for the future.”

“Good thing I got a whole box for us to use today, huh?” Sunset smiled sinisterly, making Human-Twilight worried about her entire schedule today.


Rainbow and Rarity got back to the apartment, happy to be home. “Sunset darling, are you here?” Rarity called out.

Rainbow Dash was about to speak when she caught a familiar scent of sex in the air. “Hey, Rares. You smell that?”

Rarity raised a brow and took a quick sniff of the air and her eyes nearly bugled out of her head. “Is Twilight here?”

With little hesitance, the two dropped their bags and raced to Sunset's room, Rainbow nearly knocked the door off its hinges when they saw the display before them.

They saw Sunset Shimmer sandwiched between both Twilights. Sunset was clearly riding one of them, her back facing her, while the glasses wearing Twilight thrusted into her pussy, closer inspection told them that they were both wearing condoms and fucking Sunset’s pussy at the same time.

“Seriously? The pregnant chick gets both Twilights?” Rainbow cried out in irritation and jealousy. The two newcomers start clawing at their clothing when the glasses-wearing Twilight fell over, exhausted and cum clinging her entire body and Sunset rested back and gave Twilight a chastised kiss and snuggling onto her, one of the condoms still inside her pussy was leaking onto the bed as the three napped. “And they’re tired!”

“At least this means our Twilight won’t try to ignore our advances anymore,” Rarity smiled. She fixed her clothing and returned to the main room to grab her bags. “I’m going for a bath, Rainbow, don’t be a hassle to our guests.”

Rainbow continued to remove her clothes and wandered over to Human-Twilight, fixing her glasses and giving cum-soaked penis a long lick, trying to make it hard again. “Rainbow, don’t… she’s had a long day,” Sunset scolded, wincing as she turned over, letting Pony-Twilight’s cock slip from her abused pussy, still somewhat hard.

“Hey… Twi-, uh, Princess?” Rainbow asked, looming over the tired purple girl.

Pony-Twilight opened her eyes and smiled. “I-I think I got one more in me, just be quiet for everyone else.”

Rainbow smiled and climbed onto Pony-Twilight’s and slowly rode the girl’s cock, the two making out in the midst of passion. “How was our Twilight?” Rainbow gasped.

“Be patient with her, even after today… this was a big step for her, but I know you girls won’t be left disappointed,” Pony-Twilight cooed, letting Rainbow do as she pleased with her body.

Mini-Series: Kids and Weird Fetishes

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Tags: [Twilight/Sunset/Trixie; breast growth/body modification, oral, anal, vaginal, womb penetration][Changeling/Twilight; Oral]

Stepping off the train platform, Sunset Shimmer proudly stood in Ponyville. Thankfully, Princess Cadance was more lenient to allow the former villain a free ride on the Friendship Express to see the father of her child.

Sunset turned her head to see her foal napping on her back, strapped to a small saddle that Cadance gave her. She was an adorable unicorn filly with an orange coat and a purple mane with a single red stripe through it. She levitated a blanket around the filly and tightened it so that the foal wouldn’t fall off as she walked and ventured forward to find the Princess that gave her this child.

The first mare she met was pink mare with a golden mane. “Excuse me, can you tell me where Twilight Sparkle lives?” Sunset asked.

“New to town? She lives in the giant tree castle in the northern part of town,” the mare answered, pointing in the direction of crystal like spires jutting from above the rooftops. Sunset smiled and headed in that direction.

The castle came into view and caused Sunset some distress. At the double doors was a tall white unicorn that almost looked like a smaller, wingless form of Celestia and at her hooves was a white unicorn filly with a long dark pink mane. The door opened to reveal Twilight herself, who embraced the filly, the three ponies laughing. Sunset wasn’t sure how to feel seeing Twilight holding another kid but shrugged it off and walked forward.

While Twilight embracing her daughter, she caught the familiar unicorn off the corner of her eye turning to face the new arrival with complete surprise. “Sunset? You’re here?”

“I figured you’d want to see your kid, but it looks like you got plenty of trouble on your hands,” Sunset scoffed.

“Twilight, who is this mare?” Fleur asked. Sunset was shocked to find little to no anger in the slender mare’s words, just curiosity.

“This is Sunset Shimmer; we had an issue a few years ago but we resolved it, and I got to know her better the next time I got to visit the human world,” Twilight explained. She gave Sunset a smile, which quickly faded upon seeing the orange passenger. “Is this... her?”

“Well, you knocked me up. You gonna take responsibility for it?” Sunset asked, her tone a mix of malice and teasing. "Also... why did you move the mirror back to the Crystal Kingdom, that train ride was a pain."

“First, of course I'll take responsibility, it's kinda sad that I wasn't there to see her birth. The mirror thing is complicated,” Twilight’s eyes went wide and quickly turned to Sunset is fear. “Did I get the others-”

“No actually, and Fluttershy is really mad at you for it,” Sunset chuckled, walking past Twilight and into the castle. She quickly stopped in place, her eyes going wide in shock as she watched the pony versions of Fluttershy and Applejack playing with their own fillies; the one that hid behind Fluttershy’s wing was a pegasus with a baby blue coat and yellow mane, styled in a similar fashion to the yellow mare. The earth filly by Applejack had a golden coat with a messy head of brown. “How many kids do you have, Sparkle?”

“Is that including Changelings or not?” Twilight asked, blushing as she watched Fleur’s daughter run to greet the other fillies.

“Just give me numbers, Sparkle!” Sunset groaned hesitantly.

“Five-err six foals now, two cubs, and fourteen thousand eighteen changelings… I think, I haven’t counted them recently, Chrysalis would have a better know how of that,” Twilight answered, scratching the back of her head.

“Wait, two cubs?” Sunset asked.

As if summoned, two griffon cubs fought each other out of the hallways with a larger and angrier griffon following them. Both cubs had a purple coat and their feathers were white, yet the only difference they had was that one had a blue stripe that lined her eagle half, and the other had pink. They immediately tackled Applejack’s filly and the three began to play fight. “Rip, Tear! No rough housing in the girly castle,” Twilight commanded, staring down her cubs.

“Sorry Dad!” The twins uttered. Applejack gave her filly a nod, and the three ran outside to play while Fluttershy and Fleur’s fillies slowly made her way out to watch.

“Cubs, I swear-” Gilda uttered. her eyes quickly noticed Sunset. “Hi, who are you?”

“Sunset… Just… adding another kid to the family tree… I suppose,” Sunset responded.

“Oh, she is just precious,” Fluttershy cooed, admiring the sleeping filly on Sunset’s back. “I’m sure we have another crib for the little dear.”

“I’ll go get it,” Twilight called out, looking for her storage room.

“So… what’s the little filly’s name?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes shining with wonderment.

“Jasmine, what about your kids?” Sunset returned.

“Rip is the one with the blue feather outline, Tear is the one with the pink,” Gilda answered.

“Why those names?”

“They came outta me, I’m not going let them have some lame pony name,” Gilda huffed.

“My little filly’s name is Miracle Gale because she’s my little miracle,” Fluttershy added, smiling warmly as her filly shied away from Fleur’s filly.

“Did she almost not make it or something?” Sunset asked.

Fluttershy grimaced. “Yes, it was so scary for everyone, especially for myself and Twilight. She’s the oldest of them all… excluding most of the changelings and Dinky, so it would have been horrible if my little girl was going to die before she could even live.”

“Sorry to hear that,” Sunset said, apologetically.

“For mah filly, Twilight dug through books of apples and said ‘Telstar Apple’ and I thought ‘the heck kind of name is that?’, she showed me a book and it was one of the rare Apples that wasn’t named after a family member, apparently it was specially bred by some smarty-pants unicorn that wanted to impress an ancestor of mine,” Applejack chuckled. “I went with it.”

“My darling is called Star Pearl, because she is just so cute and precious when she was born, I swooned and was in disbelief that something so… perfect could come from me. Then again, it was our alpha’s child,” Fleur said dramatically.

“Your ‘Trixie’ is showing,” Applejack commented, causing Gilda and Fluttershy to chuckle as Fleur blushed.

Sunset quickly began to count what she just met and frowned. "Is six including Jasmine?" The four mothers all nodded. "Aren't there still two left?" Sunset asked.

“Starbright is in Canterlot being taken care of by her mother, and Dinky is staying with her so she can attend Magic school,” Applejack explained.

Sunset was baffled by this new information, even as Twilight came down and assembled a crib with her magic. “There you go, Sunset.”

“Wow… somepony got REALLY busy in Equestria, Princess,” Sunset teased, levitating Jasmine into the crib.

“I guess I was,” Twilight uttered, blushing.

“Jeez, a bunch of ponies, a griffon, and changelings? I almost should have expected it after what you did to the girls back in the human world,” Sunset added, punching Twilight in the shoulder. “Where are the changelings? In a cave somewhere?”

“They live under the castle, they’ve dug until a good portion of Ponyville rests above them, took me days to make a map so the trip to see Chrysalis and Amaryllis doesn’t take an hour,” Twilight uttered, rolling her eyes.

“Under this town?” Sunset asked in surprise. “How big is is it underground?”

“Roughly half the size of Canterlot by now, and Chrysalis still wants it to grow,” Twilight chuckled weakly.

“We know, both her and her psychotic daughter made damn sure that she had a nursery of changelings with eggs in them every few weeks,” Gilda said, watching Tear wrestle with Telstar, frowning as her own blood was losing to a pony.

“Like mother like daughter, Gilda?” Applejack laughed, narrowly dodging a fist.

“Applejack, don’t taunt Gilda,” Twilight ordered. Applejack shut up immediately and nodded.

“Got your mares on a leash, eh?” Sunset teased.

“As it should be,” Trixie claimed, startling both Twilight and Sunset. “Mistress, who is this harlot?”

“Trixie, manners!” Twilight berated, making Trixie cower. “This is Sunset Shimmer, from-”

“Didn’t she try to steal your crown? And attempted a coup using teenagers? Hah! Even the bug did better than that when she invaded the wedding four years ago,” Trixie laughed, she muzzling herself the moment she felt Twilight’s glare on her.

“Thanks, thanks for reminding me,” Sunset said blankly.

“Sunset is a guest here, please be more hospitable, Trixie,” Twilight shot, causing the blue unicorn to feel the weight of her alpha’s disappointment.

“And her deal is?” Sunset asked.

“Trixie was a traveling magician. She still is but she sticks to Ponyville these days, not wanting to leave my side and wanting me to see her shows,” Twilight replied. “She’s actually really good, I recommend seeing a few since she changes it up every so often and tries new tricks.”

“You… are too good to Trixie, Mistress,” Trixie gushed, her face beet red.

Sunset heard an extremely faint drip, noticing it was from the showmare. “Seriously? she chuckled.

Trixie’s puffed her cheeks in anger and was about to let the fiery unicorn have a piece of her mind when Twilight stuck a hoof between them, instantly making Trixie back off. “Can the both of you please be nice?”

“I’m just teasing her, not my fault she is SOO protective of her ‘Mistress’,” Sunset teased, causing Trixie to shake in rage.

Hearing Rip cry out for help, Twilight painstakingly went to check on the situation, leaving Trixie and Sunset alone. “Trixie wants to know why a deadbeat villain, such as yourself, think she’s worth of Mistress?”

“We became friends, then fuckbuddies, bonded through a kid that she put in me… apparently by accident, seeing as she’s surprised by it,” Sunset muttered. “How about ‘Trixie’? Why are you kissing the ground Twilight walks on?”

“That is none of your concern, Trixie owes everything to Mistress, and she will not reveal anything to YOU,” Trixie snarled.

Chrysalis strolled out of her basement for physical nourishment and heard Sunset’s question, not bothering to acknowledge the question of why she’s here. “Twilight raped her badly one night after their second duel, and Trixie kept coming to be raped more.”

“Silence, Insect! Trixie commands it!” Trixie bellowed, her cape bellowing in the wind as she turned to yell at the changeling queen.

“Twilight… rape? I barely know her and even I think that’s impossible,” Sunset grimaced.

“Then you’ve never felt her power, forcing you to submit to her will,” Trixie uttered, her body shaking from her own words.

Before Sunset could answer, she began remembering the time she and Twilight had sex, how Twilight began to turn the tables on her simply by asking for another round of sex. “I had a kid with her, I know what Twilight is like when she’s on top.”

“Do you truly know that feeling?” Trixie asked, her eyes narrowing.

Sunset wasn’t sure how to answer that question since she only had sex with the alicorn once and that was while she was human. An idea struck her, and she smiled sadistically. “Maybe not as intimately as you, but I have had Twilight in a way you’ll never know.”

Trixie’s ears perked in curiosity; Twilight has used her in ways that the showmare still dreams about to this day. The other mares slightly turned their head to listen to Sunset’s amazing method of seduction, while Twilight was pulled into playing with the children. “How so?”

“Did you know that humans have their teats much closer to their mouths?” Sunset asked. Trixie and the others checked themselves, confused by the idea of having their mammaries on their chins. “Like about here?” Sunset demonstrated by cupping her the frontal part of her barrel with her hooves.

“Trixie doesn’t follow, why would anypony want their teats in between her fore-hooves? They’ll chaffee when you run,” Trixie uttered scratching her head.

“Well… have you ever rubbed your teats across Twilight’s dick?” Sunset asked.

“Yes, and it’s not that erotic,” Trixie snapped.

“Well, in the human world, my teats were much bigger, big enough to wrap Twilight’s penis between them… while I sucked her off,” Sunset cooed.

“Wrapping your teats around Twilight’s- what the hay are you blabbering about? You can not wrap teats around a penis, especially Twilight’s girth after her coronation. it’s impossible,” Trixie said.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “That’s because you don’t see breasts as the balloons of flesh and milk that they are in the human world, where they just hang off our chests-”

“That’s just disgusting imagery,” Trixie interrupted.

“Shut up, let me finish,” Sunset snapped. She then had a brilliant idea. She turned to see the other mothers listening in on their conversation and grinned. “Watch this!” With her magic, Sunset created the form of a human, with mamaries that caused all five mares to look on in confusion, she then had a purple figure with smaller breasts and a dick, Twilight’s human form, sit down and watch as the orange figure kneeled between the purple figure’s legs and placed the purple member between her breasts and moving it along the shaft, her tongue teasing the tip. The image vanished as Sunset smiled triumphantly. “Well?”

“That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, and I shall prove it to you!” Trixie declared, storming past the mothers and asking for Twilight’s attention in private. Sunset smiled as Trixie used her magic to recreate Sunset’s scene, her smile growing as Twilight blushed profusely.

Sunset watched Trixie stomp her way back, glaring at the yellow unicorn. “I heard Twilight loved it when Human Pinkie and Human Fluttershy pushed their breasts together around her cock. Pinkie said they made Twilight cum like a rocket, before they were both bent over for the ride of their lives.” Those words caused all four mothers to glance down to their flat teats(or Gilda’s two rows of nipples) and push them together, suddenly feeling ill-equipped to be Twilight’s mate.


It was snack time for the kids, and while the older fillies drank their orange juice and ate their sandwiches (Gilda ensuring that her cubs got some fish added to what they ate), Sunset sat away from the table while her filly nursed.

“Hey Sunset, sorry about Trixie. I didn’t expect her to be so… herself, I guess,” Twilight stammered, sitting next to the yellow unicorn with two sandwiches.

“Please, I’ve dealt with worse. I’ve tried to beat you after all,” Sunset laughed.

“But still, I’m glad to see you again though,” Twilight smiled, taking another bite from her sandwich.

Sunset noticed something particularly odd about what Twilight was eating. “Is that fish?”

Twilight stopped chewing and gave Sunset a confused look. “Yeah, why?” Fluttershy could not turn around fast enough to stare at her mate with a horrified look on her face. “I’m really sorry Fluttershy, I was told to be diplomatic for the Minotaurs and Griffons and they eat a lot of meat, and fish kinda grew on me. I didn’t want to disappoint them by not eating their food.”

“It could be worse, ‘Shy,” Gilda uttered. Fluttershy turned directly to her with a hurt expression. “Griffons eat cows, pigs, and chickens… Twilight went the safe route with fish.”

Fluttershy began to frown in disapproval. “Could you eat that when little Miracle Gale isn’t around? I don’t want her getting ideas,” she squeaked, trying to look as sorry as possible.

Twilight’s chewing slowed down and swallowed what she had and nodded. “Gilda, could you finish this for me?”

“Gladly!” Gilda exclaimed, taking Twilight’s sandwich and devouring it.

“Thank you Twilight,” Fluttershy cooed, getting out of her seat to nuzzle Twilight. The alicorn returned with a weak smile. “Is Jasmine doing alright? I can get her something if you need.”

“No, she’s just finishing up,” Sunset replied. Levitating her foal away from her teats and began patting the child on the back to force her burp. “I’ll be right back, someone needs a nap.”

The moment Sunset left and was out of earshot, Telstar and the cub twins zoomed straight into the face of their father. “Who was that, Dad? Is she another Step-mom?” The apple asked.

“She seems weird. Like, Auntie Lyra weird,” Tear added.

“Yeah, I bet you can beat her in a fight!” Rip said, all three girls agreeing on that point.

“Well, you see-” Twilight stuttered. She noticed her mates watching her curiously, in need of answers themselves. “Well, as I told your mothers before, Sunset Shimmer was once Princess Celestia’s student but she grew too hungry for power and disappeared into a strange land where everyone stands on two legs-” All three fillies stood on their hind legs, the griffon girls doing a far better job than Telstar. “They didn’t have a coat, they just had skin and a mess of hair on their heads.”

“That is super weird, Dad! Why don’t they have coats?” Pearl shouted, only to be shushed by Fleur.

“I don’t know, I just know that Step-Mom Rarity would make a fortune making clothes for them. EVERYONE wore some sort of clothing, some of it didn’t look too good but some made it work,” Twilight said. The filly’s eyes shined at the prospect of their generous Step-mom making lots of money, so that she could share the wealth and buy candy for them.

“What else, Dad?” Rip asked.

“Well, they had fingers. It’s like talons but slender and soft,” Twilight added.

“Slender and soft talons? How do they hunt? Or are they herbivores?” Tear questioned.

“Omnivores, Tear. They eat both meat and plants, and have actually made products that simulate the benefits of meat without harming any animals,” Twilight replied.

“Oh my, we should get you to try some, Gilda!” Fluttershy exclaimed with glee.

“There is a reason why I only eat fish these days, Fluttershy, out of respect for you. With that said, no fake meat is touching my beak or my kid’s beaks,” Gilda stated, causing Fluttershy to pout.

“Anyways, they live in a strange world with metallic carriages that are not pulled by ponies, and have a strange device called a ‘computer’ that is about the size of my head yet it held more information than every book in this castle,” Twilight exclaimed.

Every filly in the room stared at Twilight with mouths agape in awe. “How can something so small have more stuff in it than your castle, Dad?” Telstar asked.

“I don’t have a clue. Humans are crafty creatures,” Twilight chuckled, nuzzling the Apple filly.

While they talked about Twilight’s time in the human world, Sunset stayed outside of the kitchen, listening to it all. Despite how badly she treated Twilight the first time, the alicorn still tried to paint her in a much better light to the children and their mothers. But the truth remained, she attacked Twilight and even tried to destroy her only link back to Equestria.

“How long ya gunna stand there?” Applejack called out, staring at Sunset’s silhouette.

“I didn’t want to interrupt Twilight’s story about me being an evil jerk,” Sunset uttered, joining everyone.

“Sure… but the second time she visited sounded like you learned how to not be an evil jerk,” Gilda chuckled.

“I had my own friendship squad to help me there,” Sunset smiled, looking back to Twilight.

“Glad to hear that, Sunset,” Twilight smiled back.

Trixie was the only one that remained annoyed at the new mare. “I bet you have an ulterior motive for coming.”

“Trixie!” Twilight reprimanded, causing Trixie to flinch and cower in her seat.

“She is right, but there are kids around so I won’t say,” Sunset stated. All the grown ups in the room gave a knowing nod, with Gilda rolling her eyes.

“Dad, Aunt Trixie looks angry,” Miracle cried out, hiding behind Fluttershy’s mane.

“Trixie, do I need to punish you?” Twilight threatened.

A blush spread on Trixie’s face and attempted to protest, yet no words left her mouth. “It can wait till later. Right now you got kids to play with,” Sunset cooed, walking past Twilight and seating herself at the table.

Twilight shrugged but felt Rip and Tear pull her into the main room, with Telstar hopping around her. Star quickly slipped from her seat to join the fillies, and Miracle gave a nervous look to her mother. A quick nod from Fluttershy and Miracle Gale slowly made her way to play with Twilight and the others.

“So… how did you wind up getting knocked up?” Gilda asked, smirking at the yellow unicorn.

“I ran into Twilight on the street, almost getting herself killed by running through traffic, and we started to hang out. We went to grab a bite and found Pinkie working there, she shot something at Twilight’s drink and it spilled all over her and caught Twilight in the bathroom, which led to the two of them fucking in the bathroom. I walked in there, kinda worried about Twilight, only to hear her and Pinkie having sex on the throne,” Sunset explained.

“Ah gotta admit, as weird as it sounds, only Pinkie or Trixie that woulda done that,” Applejack commented, receiving a glare from the blue unicorn.

“I guess I should mention that soon after finding the internet or ‘the box that had more information than Twilight’s library’, I quickly became interested in dickgirls and often masturbated to pictures of them. When Pinkie started teasing Twi about how she and the girls missed having the princess fuck them, I was much more than curious to find out if she really did have one. Twilight found my pictures, then the rest led to me being knocked up with Jasmine,” Sunset concluded.

“My, that’s rather convenient,” Fleur added.

“Um… didn’t you jump at the chance to join Twilight’s herd when you found out she was an Alpha?” Fluttershy said, with a hint of a smirk on her face.

“Touché, dear Fluttershy,” Fleur chuckled.

“While my pregnancy is a surprise, I’m actually more shocked that a pony can get a griffon pregnant,” Sunset said, leering at Gilda.

“Twilight transformed into a griffon one day and fucked me silly, enough said,” Gilda answered, shrugging her shoulders.

“We all have our stories about how our little ones came to be or how we came to love Twilight as much as we do now. I was trapped in the barn with Twilight one night after her marefriend broke up with her, Fleur was comforted by Twi and Rarity until the obvious happened, Gilda went and was put in her place by our mutual love, and Fluttershy went with Chrysalis to Canterlot to steal a spell to make Twilight’s babymakers working again,” Applejack laughed. “Kinda weird how most problems can be solved by throwing Twilight and her erection at it and wait till the problem screams her name.”

“I almost wished that’s how I lost to Twilight, it’d be funny to see those five throw a naked purple dickgirl at me in the middle of the night, and pretty sexy during the actual event,” Sunset giggled. “But it had to be a rainbow laser.”

“Chrysalis was beaten by a shockwave of love,” Gilda claimed. The fives mares, except Trixie, laughed at the idea of a parasite being defeated by such lame means. “Jeez, Trixie. Lighten up.”

“Not until this mare leaves with her weird breast fetish,” Trixie growled.

“Twilight has the breast fetish, I have the dickgirl fetish,” Sunset corrected.

“Oh… but none of us are equipped the way Twilight likes it though,” Fluttershy whimpered. The others frowned slightly from this revelation.

“What about wingjobs?” Sunset asked.

Fluttershy blushed heavily, but Gilda smirked. “Wing Jobs are pretty good, pretty amazing to feel Twilight preen our feathers after we make her cum on them.”

“Yeah… humans don’t have wings,” Sunset uttered.

“How about feeling her magic caress your entire body, inside and out, while she ruts you senselessly?” Fleur added, causing everyone that has felt that to blush intensely.

“Wait… your entire body?” Sunset asked, curiously.

“Yeah… but it’s better if she grows the second dick and sinks it into ya,” Applejack chuckled. Gilda, Trixie, and Fleur all nodded in agreement while Fluttershy blushed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever done that with Twilight, she’s big enough as it is, I don’t think I can handle her having two,” Fluttershy whispered, blushing hard.

“T-two dicks?” Sunset gasped.

“That’s nothing, Rarity learned Twilight’s duplication trick. One night I walked in on Twilight getting serviced by four copies of Rarity while Rarity was stuck between four Twilights. I was swept off my hooves by two copies of each, gagging on Rarity’s horn while I felt her clone sucking my teats and had a purple pleasure rod up each hole,” Applejack chortled. Everyone else giggling with her.

“Wait, what?” Sunset couldn’t believe the words coming out of these mare’s mouths.

“Bah, that is nothing! Trixie has all of you beat!” Trixie declared, gathering curious looks to her. “Last year, Trixie managed to woo our Princess into a most famed event! Picture a beautiful blue unicorn, spit roasted between the most powerful purple cocks, while a Twi-clone rests underneath her. Her fore hooves and tail being used to pleasure Twi-Clones all around her. Sitting on the bed was the real Twilight, one of her clones riding her cock while two others were licking her shaft and pussy while Mistress watched the Great and Powerful Trixie performed to her best for seven clones at once!”

Sunset’s jaw could not drop any lower than what she heard. Fluttershy shrunk into her seat, Fleur had a bemused look on her face, while Applejack was merely surprised. Gilda merely clapped. “Good for you?”

“Trixie couldn’t move for a month and her throat was too sore for solid foods, even then anything Trixie consumed tasted like Mistress’ seed for two weeks,” Trixie stated triumphantly.

“So being a slut for Twilight is that much of an achievement for ya?” Gilda asked.

“Unlike those that would take shots and try to demean our Mistress with talks of ‘Vaginal pleasure’, Trixie is loyal to her and will do anything for Mistress,” Trixie exclaimed.

“We caught that much when you came back to live in Ponyville,” Applejack added.

“Wait one freakin minute,” Sunset demanded, slamming her hoove son the table. “You all have had sex that isn’t possible by normal means: getting ganbanged by a single pony, watching a pony grow TWO DICKS and having them shoved up your pussy and ass-”

“Actually they both plowed my field, Me and Twi both wanted to make sure Ah had enough cream in me to have triplets, that’s how Telstar was made,” Applejack said.

“Two dicks in your pussy?” Sunset gaped, in utter confusion. “You do all this and… none of you can comprehend a tittyfuck?”

“I have solid muscle with nipples poking out of my belly,” Gilda muttered.

“Well, our breasts are next to our vagina, and even when they’re swollen, they don’t get very big. Having large breasts would make walking difficult, regardless if they’re between our hindlegs or fore-legs,” Fluttershy explained.

“Twilight has told you that humans are bipedal?” There was silence in the room. “Walks on two legs?”

“And?” Gilda asked.

“And did Twilight mention how their bodies worked?” Sunset asked.

“I missed that part.”

“Trixie was servicing Mistress while she explained her trip to the Human World.”

“Miracle was crying and I couldn’t hear that part.”

“Rainbow Dash was distractin’ me at the time.”

Sunset groaned. “Give me a moment…” Sunset left the room, leaving the girls to ponder what was going on in the crazy unicorn’s brain.


“Huh, Twilight and the girls aren’t outside,” Gilda said.

“Oh dear, I hope they’re alright,” Fluttershy uttered, sitting at the window, scanning the streets for Twilight and her daughter.

“Nothing serious ever happens in Ponyville, I’m sure Twilight took the girls to Sugarcube Corner,” Fleur said. She glanced to a nearby clock, and glanced out the window with a nervous expression on her face.

“I’m sure Twilight will make sure the girls are safe, though… maybe we should look for them, just in case,” Applejack added.

“Mistress is an alicorn, what could possibly be a danger to her?” Trixie said with a smug smile.

“I wanna say an Ursa Minor, but you aren’t out there taunting them into town,” Gilda quipped, dodging a book.

“There!” All the girls looked up the stairs to see Sunset Shimmer. Her mammaries moved up between her front hooves and were almost as big as balloons. “This is what I was talking about!”

“That is the most weirdest thing Ah’ve ever seen!” Applejack said, staring at the creepy display.

“Wow, that is the stupidest,” Gilda laughed.

“How can Mistress be attracted to such an idiotic thing?” Trixie commented, trying to comprehend Sunset's breast placement and size.

“Won’t walking be hard for you now, Sunset?” Fluttershy asked.

Fleur merely shook her head, disapproving of the hideous thing Sunset did.

“Hey girls, I-dhuuuu” Twilight entered the library and stared at Sunset’s breasts. her wings sprang up, unhindered by the griffon cubs that slept on each wing, and undisturbed by the three fillies that rested on their father’s back. “Uuhhh.” Twilight’s eyes were glued on the yellow tits, with a small trail of drool leaving her mouth.

“You can’t be serious,” Gilda uttered, all the mares and griffon staring at their Alpha.

While everyone else had a baffled expression, Sunset’s was one of victory. “See, Twilight likes my new breasts.”

The Purple Princess broke out of her trance and blushed. “I’m sorry girls, it’s just… it’s a penis thing, I swear!”

Getting over the shock, Applejack chuckled. “It’s alright, Sugarcube. We all have our ticks, yours… is just something you got from the other world, is all,” she said, making Twilight cower under the stares, unaware that Trixie had teleported into the bedroom to find the spell Sunset used on herself.

“I don’t see the appeal, honestly,” Gilda commented, staring at Sunset’s knockers with confusion.

“How does it actually feel, Twilight?” Fleur asked.

“It’s like having a very sensitive part of you being smothered by warm, soft pillows. And because they are so close to the mouth, I’ve… enjoyed getting blowjobs that way as well,” Twilight replied, blushing hard.

Applejack frowned. As she turned to the window, her frown intensified. “As much as Ah wanna keep questioning what you love doing in the human world, I gotta get back to the farm. Pleasure meeting you Sunset,” Applejack said, giving Twilight a deep kiss while the alicorn levitated Telstar onto her back.

“I fear I must go as well, thank you Twilight for watching the kids. And it was a pleasure, Sunset,” Fleur stated she levitated Pearl Star onto her back and gave Twilight a long deep kiss. The moment it broke, Fleur licked her lips and left with a “ta-ta!”

“Now Trixie is better!” Trixie cried out, supporting a pair of strange breasts on her frontal barrel.

“Well, that’s enough of Trixie for one day, later Twi,” Gilda stated as she placed Rip and Tear onto her back and went to kiss Twilight only to give the alicorn a nuggie. “It’s been something, Sunset. See ya tomorrow ‘Shy.”

Fluttershy glanced between the blushing purple alicorn and the two mares supporting large milk jugs in an area that shouldn’t have them. “I’m sorry Twilight, I don’t think I spend enough time around Pinkie and Trixie to be immune to that.” Fluttershy said, pointing at Sunset and Trixie. “I’m going to head home, I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Y-yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow… if I survive the night,” Twilight responded.

Fluttershy gave her alpha a peck on the cheek before feeling her daughter rest on her back. “Bye Sunset and Trixie… try not to hurt yourself with those.”

After Fluttershy left, Twilight looked up to see Sunset and Trixie pressing their breasts together in a mock show of aggression. The showmare glared angrily at the ex-villain, while Sunset smirked. “Girls, please go back to normal. It’s kinda weird to see those on a pony’s body.”

“Not until Trixie defeats this wh-”

“Are you saying you don’t like these?” Sunset teased, her hooves pressing against the soft flesh.

“Well, n-no. It’s just strange to see them on a pony’s body,” Twilight said, blushing.

“You know what that says to me?” Sunset questioned, causing Twilight to shake her head. Trixie fell onto all four hooves, bothered by the flesh that pushed against her fore-limbs. “That says somepony doesn’t want to ‘play’ with these puppies.” Sunset suppressed a giggle when she heard a whine from the alicorn. She walked down the stairs with ease, and pressed Twilight’s face into her new breasts. “I thought you missed these.”

“These seem bigger than before,” Twilight commented, her view blocked by the expanse of yellow flesh.

“I wanted this night to be great, Twilight. It has been over two years since we last fucked, and every woman has needs. While you were busy filling up sluts here, I’ve been at home with our daughter, forced to wait until that stupid mirror opened up. I’m just glad our friends from the human world never found out that I knew how the mirror works, or they’d be asking me constantly when the door would open next.” Sunset explained.

“I’m gonna assume they really miss me,” Twilight added.

“Applejack and Rarity are the stronger ones, not getting all hot and bothered from hearing your name. Rainbow Dash is almost tough but… it doesn’t help that she draws porn of herself and you, you in a cheerleader’s outfit fucking her behind the bleachers in her own soccer uniform. Pinkie named one of her dildos after you and we sometimes catch her camping out in front of the statue, and you won’t believe how many times I’ve caught Fluttershy trying to breastfeed our daughter. You should thank me that they all didn’t follow me here,” Sunset concluded, giving Twilight’s horn a lick.

“That just tells me I need to visit them more often,” Twilight stated, unable to leave Sunset’s hold.

“Let me know when you do… I’ll be sure to treat you well,” Sunset cooed. She was thrown out of the way by blue magic, and in the split second that Twilight could see, it was blocked again by a wall of blue.

“Trixie will not allow you to corrupt Twilight with your strange body modifications!” Trixie declared, holding Twilight tight to her breasts,

“Trixie, you got them yourself,” Twilight commented.

“You like these, and Trixie would do anything for Mistress,” Trixie said, blushing.

Sunset stood back up, glaring at the showmare. “Hey, share the mare!”

“Trixie had shared her enough,” Trixie spat back, pushing Twilight’s head deeper into her expanded cleavage.

“I had to wait over two years for this, no fucking blue cum dumpster is going to stop me,” Sunset yelled, tackling Trixie away from Twilight.

Twilight stood and watched Sunset and Trixie attack each other with their hooves, pulling manes with magic, rubbing their filly-head sized breasts against each other. The purple princess’ wings were painfully erect, spread form from her body while her penis had grown erect when her head was smothered by Sunset’s breasts. Her face was beet red and was burning hotter as the buxom mares fought.

Both mares’ heads snapped towards the retreating alicorn, running for her room, only for the two unicorns to be dragged into the bedroom with her. The Princess glanced over to the newly formed crib and placed a bubble around it before turning to her mares.

"Okay, I’ve had enough!” Twilight yelled, her voice booming and scaring both mares. “You wanted me? You got me!” She finished by sitting on her rump, her thirteen inch cock throbbing with need.

While Trixie was more than eager to please her Mistress, Sunset was stunned by the size of Twilight. “That’s your REAL size? How does anypony take that?”

“Watch and learn, filly,” Trixie taunted, pressing her snout against the head of the purple pillar, giving the shaft a long lick.

Despite the immediate pleasure, Twilight grew impatient. “Trixie, put me between your breasts.”

Trixie stopped and gave her alpha a confused glance, Sunset took this as her chance. “Like this, filly,” she teased, her altered breasts covering a portion of Twilight’s cock. Trixie watched in amazement as Twilight cooed in pleasure. She pushed her tits together and pressed them against her Mistress’ cock.

Twilight sucked in a sharp breath before sighing in pleasure, her magic pulling Sunset and Trixie’s heads closer to her shaft while crushing her girth between the blue and yellow orbs. Trixie accepted the alicorn’s demands, lovingly kissing and licking the purple penis. Sunset was less than lenient, shocked by how forceful Twilight suddenly became, giving the intimidating shaft careful licks.

“Having second thoughts, Sunset?” Twilight asked, surprising the yellow unicorn.

“I don’t know yet. I want to, but this is BIG. You were pussy-filling when you were human, this will split me in two,” Sunset whimpered.

“Hah, Trixie has taken at least three of these into her Great and Powerful pussy. Might as well go home and wait for Mistress like a good little filly,” Trixie taunted, capturing the flat head between her lips and rubbing her teats against the shaft.

Sunset glared at the showmare. She pulled Twilight’s cock head out from Trixie’s mouth and accepted it into her own. Trixie then took it back before they both began suckling and nibbling on the flared head while glaring each other.

Twilight fell back from the pleasure, her hooves slamming against the wood while her mares tried to prove who can give her the most pleasure with their mouths and tits. She felt both mares poking their tongue into her urethra, the heat and the soft texture of both mare’s bodies pressing against her body.

The two mares fought over the purple prick, pressing their breasts against Twilight’s dick, their nipples grinding agianst each other and the shaft between them. Sunset angrily nibbled and licked Twilight, dragging her tongue hard against the sensitive flesh. Trixie twirled her tongue along the head and suckled the dick hole. The moment any pre-cum leaked out of the purple girth, it was immediately a prize to be won, the victor smirking at the loser as she licked her lips, savoring the taste of Twilight.

“Oh, for the love of me!” Twilight cried out, surprising both mares with a burst of white cream hitting them in the face. Sunset and Trixie felt the rain of sperm fall onto their manes, faces, and breasts.

While Trixie greedily licked up her mistress’ seed, Sunset laughed. “For the love of you?”

Twilight blushed, embarrassed by what she said. “Well.. it’s kind of hard to say ‘for the love of Celestia’ when Celestia herself moans my name when I’m in Canterlot.”

Sunset’s eyes went wide. “You’re nailing the Princess?”

“Both, they are both my mates. Luna is the only one I got pregnant though,” Twilight uttered.

“You are way too lucky,” Sunset commented. She felt Trixie’s tongue against her face. “What are you doing?”

“Taking what’s mine,” Trixie growled, licking Twilight’s cum off Sunset's face.

Sunset frowned, pushing Trixie aside to prevent her from losing more of the white body paint Twilight provided. Licking what landed in Trixie’s mane to combat the showmare.

Twilight could only watch the two for a moment before gripping Trixie’s hindlegs with her magic and pulling her rump close the hard purple prick. “Sorry Trixie, I just really need this,” she uttered, flipping Trixie’s silver tail and pressing her member against the blue entrance.

With no resistance against her Mistress, Trixie accepted Twilight into her body, gasping as the purple cock quickly filled her body with its mass. The blue oversized breasts pushed against the floor hard as Twilight pounded herself deep into her mare.

Sunset stared in awe of Trixie taking the entire thing and walked around to see Twilight pumping herself deep into the magician, with only a few inches shy of the mistress’ purple coat hitting the slave’s blue fur. The fact that Trixie was pushing back into Twilight made Sunset visibly worried. “Wait, are you seriously going-”

“Oh Yes!” Trixie cried out, feeling her Alpha hilt her, the purple mare’s body pressed against her rump. Trixie felt the thick shaft invade her womb, cooing in pleasure after months of training her cervix to act as another hole for her Mistress to penetrate.

“Is that in...” Sunset asked, cringing at the thought.

“Yes, it is… it really is painful to do that, but Trixie loved it when she used her magic to allow it to even happen,” Twilight cringed, feeling the womb opening grip her shaft, while the vaginal walls caressed and flexed around her.

Sunset was baffled by the mere thought. During one thrust, Trixie managed to twist onto her back, showing Sunset and Twilight a small bulge where the dick has explored, disappearing and reappearing with the alicorn’s every movement. “Not sure if I should be turned on or grossed out,” Sunset uttered, her pussy betraying her statement.

Twilight only grunted as she pummeled her mare’s insides, her mare trying to fondle her breasts with her hooves, crying out in orgasm.

Trixie’s walls clamped down, her juices coating her mistress's shaft. She was more than eager to comply with Twilight’s desire need to mate, trying to push herself back onto her mate’s crotch, despite the feeling of her own modifications slapping against her chin.

Sunset’s hooves were grinding themselves against her wet pussy, watching the newest princess fuck all conscious thought out of the showmare, sweat showing behind Twilight’s bangs. While the idea of having her cervix being penetrated by the bookworm was disturbing, yet she was counting the minutes, desperate for her own turn with the alicorn.

Twilight let out a groan as her seed began to fill Trixie’s womb, causing her belly to bloat slightly. Despite this, Twilight didn’t let up. She continued to use Trixie as she needed, the white seed flowing out with each retraction, creating a pool beneath the purple mare.

Another hoarse cry signaled another orgasm from Trixie, her legs kicking at the sides, ignored by both herself and her mate. She let out another orgasmic scream when Twilight leaned down to suckle her teat. Sunset backed away slightly to keep from getting hit by Trixie’s flailing limbs.

“Mistress, more! Drink Trixie deeply! She is yours to do as you please,” Trixie shouted, one hoof holding Twilight tightly to her breast. Audible gulps of liquid splashing down Twilight’s throat was instantly noticed by Sunset, but she swallowed her own breath and resumed to rub herself off, immensely jealous of the showmare.

The nipple popped out of Twilight’s mouth, a small strand of white fluid leaking from it and trailing down the flesh balloon and on to the floor. Trixie’s sex began to burn from the constant abuse, her most recent orgasm taking a fair amount of air as she screamed. Another load of her mistress’ spunk entering her body forced her mind to spin, unable to focus anymore.

Trixie’s mental exhaustion was not lost to Twilight, pulling herself out of the mare. With a careful hoof, Twilight slapped Trixie as hard as she could, forcing out a loud screech that nearly destroyed the soundproof barrier around Jasmine. Trixie’s marefluids splashing against Twilight’s fur and the floor from the stinging situation. The blue mare slowly collapsed in a pool of drool and cum, slowly drifting to sleep. “Sorry about the noise, I think you wanted something?” Twilight apologized, which quickly turned to teasing.

“That is not going into my pussy,” Sunset stated, her eyes trailing back to the ounces of white goo flowing from Trixie’s well-used hole.

“Well, how about anal?” Twilight asked. “No painful womb walls that will cause us both grief, and magic makes it easy to clean any bacteria off.” Sunset quickly presented herself before Twilight could finish, her tail raised and her hoof rubbing her crotch. Twilight shook her head and giggled. “Why don’t you sit on my lap?”

Sunset blushed, she backed up to Twilight and pressed her backdoor against the purple rod. Her teeth clenched as her anus resisted the thick appendage. The alicorn’s hooves gripping her rear tightly, pressing her downward onto her shaft.

“You’re too big!” Sunset whined, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

“You… need to relax, it’ll hurt less, Sunset!” Twilight groaned, the anal muscles preventing her from moving deeper without causing more pain.

Sunset tried to, but the tension of having something so thick in her rectum was too much to bear and tried to get off, with only Twilight keeping her in place. “Twilight, let me g-ooooh” Her struggles slowly died off when she felt the alicorn’s wings trace her sides and breasts, soothing her. Twilight’s lips on her nape, kissing gingerly and melting in her mate’s grasp.

As Sunset relaxed, her anus loosened to allow Twilight to probe deeper, filling the former antagonist’s backdoor with purple meat. The sound of the yellow unicorn purring echoed in Twilight’s ears, only to be interrupted by a weak gasp as she felt the hilt of Twilight’s flesh-stick.

“Feel better?” Twilight asked. Sunset nodded lazily, trying to nuzzle the alicorn’s head from her position. The librarian smiled and kissed the other-worldly unicorn’s neck.

They stayed like that for a moment before Twilight’s thighs went upward, causing Sunset to bounce on her lap. A coo of pleasure notified her that her mare was ready. Both hooves placed on Sunset’s sides, Twilight humped against the mare, slowly building up a rhythm that caused the unicorn to quiver.

She felt the turgid length stir up her insides, testing the capacity of her backdoor. She has never felt so full in her life, the fact that she thought Twilight was big in the human world was tossed aside for the mare-wrecker that was lodged in her ass, the mare it belonged to pumping her along its size.

It wasn’t long for Twilight to feel Sunset riding her properly, letting her hooves travel to where they need to be; with one hoof on Sunset’s unused pussy and another pressed against her nipple, the alicorn rubbed her mate slowly, only building up speed when Sunset does.

A startled cry signaled Sunset’s orgasm, coating Twilight’s hoof with her juices. The alicorn brought it to Sunset’s mouth, and smiled when the yellow mare sucked the moisture from the purple fur. She leaned her mare back, the fiery maned unicorn’s head resting on her shoulder.

Using her magic, Twilight brought Sunset’s breast to her mouth and as she did for Trixie, began suckling her mate. She felt Sunset moan into her hoof from the feeling of teeth on her nipple, and the suction trying to force her milk out.

The purple hoof retreated from the yellow mare’s mouth and descended back to its spot between Sunset’s hind legs. Twilight’s teeth tugged the nipple in her mouth as her penis spasmed within it’s confines. Her cock flooding Sunset's anal cavity while her mouth was filled with milk.

Sunset panted, but still felt her mate hard inside her, resuming its pumping in the sperm-filled orifice. Her eyes went wide when she noticed her breasts beginning to shrink, the nipple of her deflating mammaries fleeing Twilight’s mouth and resuming its position at her crotch. “Wait, let me-” She was interrupted by Twilight’s lips pressed against her own, sharing the milk she harvested from the yellow tits.

“As hot as it is to see full breasts again, and I don’t mind them here. I think it’s sexier if they stay on a human body… let them keep something when they lack in other areas,” Twilight cooed, kissing Sunset’s neck.

“Are you say-ah- Humans aren’t-oh fuck- as sexy as ponies?” Sunset asked, flinching from the battering at her rear.

“It’s all preference, ponies have their full asses and teasing tails. Humans have their breasts and soft skin. I really did enjoy the feeling of your breasts again, but it isn’t the same when they’re covered with fur,” Twilight whispered into Sunset’s ear, her pace increasing while Sunset’s tail flailed about form the pleasure. “Next time we mate, it’ll be as humans. Maybe this time, they’ll let me keep my dick the way it is for you and the girls there, show you all the real me.”

Twilight’s horn glowed and flooded Sunset’s mind with images of a human Twilight with a pony dick, roughly fucking her human friends from Canterlot High while being gentle with Fluttershy. Then a vision of herself taking Twilight’s enormous cock into her human pussy; while it looked impossible, it felt like it was greatest thing she’d ever experienced. Pinkie and Rarity sucking her breasts while Rainbow and Applejack wore strap-ons, pounding her ass raw. Fluttershy’s pussy soon took the view while she was fucked by these six girls.

A misty haze clouded Sunset’s view while Twilight’s magic did its work, causing the unicorn to feel everything she’s seeing, not only did she feel Twilight’s cock up her pony ass but she could feel everything her human self felt, the dual thrusting of the athlete in her ass, the impossibly large princess at her pussy, and the lips that tugged at her breasts. She was in such a delirious state that only Twilight could notice her climaxes.

The real Twilight clenched her teeth as she filled Sunset’s rectum with another surge of cum, holding the mare down on her crotch as she filled her mare to the brim with white goo.

Twilight laid Sunset down on her side, and pulled herself out slowly, letting a stream of cum exit the abused ass. After cleaning herself with magic, Twilight turned to her newest addition to her family and walked to check in on her, finding that she is slowly stirring. “Hello, I’m sorry I haven’t been in your life for so long, I’ll try to do what I can for you and Mommy.”

The filly only stared into Twilight’s eyes before giggling. With a light chuckle, Twilight took the filly down for food and changing before placing her back in her crib. The alicorn sat between her two mares and fell asleep, a fun filled day of playing with her kids and having sex had come and gone.


Sunset and Trixie woke up in each other’s hooves. This fact caused them both to scream and fall on the floor. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Trixie was sleeping with Mistress! Enough of your games, witch!” Trixie screamed.

“More like you passed out because of your weird fetish for womb-fucking!” Sunset screamed at her, glancing to see her child was still asleep.

“All of Trixie belongs to Mistress, all holes, even holes nopony can see,” Trixie snapped back. “And what of your silly interest in large misplaced breasts?”

“That was more for Twilight than me, and you know it,” Sunset retorted. She looked around the room in her ire and found something missing. “Where is Twilight?”

Trixie’s ears perked up and scanned the bedroom’s layout, finding no trace of a purple alicorn. “Mistress?” she called out. “Mistress, your faithful and submissive servant would like to know where you are!”

Sunset walked over to the crib and levitated her child onto her back and went down for breakfast, deciding to assist Trixie later in her search for Twilight.


“That’s great Starbright, you’re doing so well,” Twilight cheered, holding Luna with her wing. The two royal parents decided to have their daughter practice magic, much to Starbright’s chargin.

“Don’t condescend me! It’s your fault I’m this weak, you big-dicked freak!” Starbright yelled, glaring at her father.

“Starbright, all of us know why we sealed your magic. We can’t risk you bringing eternal night. Not only would it hurt the ponies but it would make me look bad,” Luna said.

“Oh boo hoo. If I was bigger, you two and Celestia and Discord would be kissing my hooves!” Starbright cried out, stomping around the dreamscape.

Twilight shook her head. “Isn’t this awkward? Teaching the embodiment of your jealousy how to use magic for when she’s older?”

Luna gave her a soft smile and a nuzzle. “Oh Twilight, it’s not as awkward as the fact that you were just kidnapped by your changeling daughter and are currently getting your penis fellated by her while Chrysalis watches.”

Twilight stared at the Lunar Princess with aghast. “Again? Well, I’d rather not ruin this moment, so I guess I’ll let Amaryllis do what she needs to do before I scold her and her mother.” Luna merely chuckled. The two cuddled and watched their daughter scream at them for ruining her world-dominating plans while trying to perfect levitation.

Outside the dream, Twilight’s sleeping form laid on her back in a circle surrounded by changelings. Between the alicorn’s legs was a pink-maned changeling as tall as Applejack’s brother, taking as much of Twilight’s purple cock as possible into her mouth, licking Twilight’s previous session off her dick and replacing it with her saliva.

Chrysalis stood along her drones, wiping away tears from her eyes with a tissue. “They grow up so fast.”

“Mom, when do I let daddy rut me?” Amaryllis asked, rubbing Twilight’s hard-on with her hoof.

“You must be patient, my dear. Your senses will overload and turn you into a vegetable if you try to mate with her now. Just drink in her seed so your body can adjust to Twilight’s essence,” Chrysalis responded, watching with glee as her daughter sucked her Alpha off.

Mini-Series: Hung like a Pony Princess

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Starlight struggled to run away from the annoying foal floating towards her. “Away bastard spawn! I will not play your idiotic game of ‘Peek-a-Boo’!”

Starlight was pulled away and hovered before her irritated mother. “How many times must I tell you not to use such filthy words, Starlight?”

“You do not control me, ‘Luna’. You merely gave birth to my physical form! I will not be ridiculed by you, especially in front of ‘daddy’s whores!” Starlight snarled, pointing at Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia merely chuckled as she took a sip of tea, while Sunset collected her own child, using her draping mane to play with the giggling foal. Luna shook her head disapprovingly at her daughter. She turned to a nearby guard. “Guardstallion! Fetch us soap.”

With a nod, the guard left to do his Princess’ bidding. Starlight knew what was going to happen, having to subject to its torment many times. “You think forcing me to taste soap will still my tongue, whelp? I will have this entire kingdom begging for mercy. Not you or that freak of nature can stop me!”

Luna merely stared at her daughter with a frown as the guard returned with a bucket of water with a wet bar of soap inside.

Celestia giggled, feeling a bit guilty for finding amusement in Starlight’s punishment. Luna used her magic to pull Starlight’s tongue out as far as it could and began scrubbing the black filly’s mouth. “You really should just listen to your parents, your time as a filly will be far more gentle. Enjoy your new found youth instead of biting the hoof that feeds you,” Celestia offered, ignoring the glare she got from her niece.

Sunset merely smiled as her foal was sucking on her mane. “Better than being spanked, I suppose.”

“I beg to differ, Lady Shimmer. My hoof has graced young Starlight’s rear many a time after her constant wrongdoings,” Luna muttered, pulling the soap out and watched her daughter spit out the foamy water. “Do you plan on being nicer?”

Starlight grumbled and nodded, prompting Luna to release her. Jasmine, having released Sunset’s mane, began squirming to play with the black alicorn filly.

Sunset let her daughter go and crawl towards the irritated filly, turning back to her hostesses. “I can’t thank you enough for letting me come visit, all things considering.”

“Sunset, you were merely impatient, a common trait for a curious filly. To hear that you began to turn your life around, and with such a beautiful daughter. I’m happy to see what you are making due with what you’ve been given,” Celestia chimed, smiling down upon her former protege.

“Yes, our current situations are not so different, wouldn’t you say?” Luna asked, a bit more proudly than she anticipated.

“All of us having sex fantasies about a purple alicorn mare with a dick?” Sunset added, chuckling as Celestia softly nodded while Luna blushed and agreed. “What made you two decided to join her? Like, you rule Equestria, you could have ANYPONY. Why join the herd of your pupil?”

“Twilight is a good leader, as intelligent as she is beautiful. She has some faults but those faults only make her endearing to us,” Luna answered. “It also helps that she… saved me from my curse.”

“I will admit, never in my life would I have thought I would join a herd, but after a long day of leading my ponies, it felt… good to be treated like a mare rather than a goddess, still does,” Celestia cooed, her smile growing. “It was off putting to learn that my student was… the progeny of Discord’s creations centuries ago. But after she saved me from herself and our first date, I grew to love her more than just as my student and my friend.”

“Sounds better than my story. I found her struggling around the other world and we decided to hang out. Pinkie managed to get Twilight to mate with her in a public washroom and then… things just happened, Twilight is pretty cute as a dick girl,” Sunset chuckled, reminiscing on her time with Twilight, her first time with the adorkable mare and her most recent escapades the day before. “I still can’t believe that the rest of Twilight’s herd doesn’t fully grasp her fetish for breasts.”

“Everypony has their kinks, it is clear that Twilight has grown… enamored by large teats that are placed on a different part of the body,” Celestia added, glancing over to her sister who was inspecting her own teats in curiosity.

“And I gotta say,” Sunset turned, looking around to see that the two young fillies were out of earshot. “Twilight’s really big in Equestria, like yeah… she’s a pretty good size in the human world but, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger dick in my life.”

“When you’ve lived as long as I have, you witness many and while Twilight does have a size that would make many insecure, she is far from the biggest I’ve experienced,” Celestia cooed, taking another calm sip of tea.

Luna, however, found this news confusing. “What do you mean that ‘Twilight is bigger in Equestria’? Does her size change that drastically in the human world?”

Sunset nodded before answering. “She’s four, maybe five inches smaller in the human world, but it works because-”

“Are there not there those that desire Twilight that live in the human world? The human versions of the Element bearers?” Luna questioned.

“Well, yes but-”

“Those poor mares! Forced to take less than our Alpha’s shaft because of devilish magic,” Luna lamented. “Sister, we must rectify this! We must find a way for Twilight to go through the portal without losing her size!”

Celestia stayed silent as her sister flew to her tower. “I hope your friends there are intrigued by large pony penises.”

“I don’t even think Twilight could fit in any of my friend’s vags with her size. I would have been terrified of it if I wasn’t trying to one-up that blue magician mare,” Sunset whimpered. Her mind picturing the human Twilight with a penis that reached her knees, the image both exciting and scaring her.


“So, why again?” Twilight asked, watching Luna run around her workshop in the depths of Canterlot Castle. Various mechanical parts, and books littered the floor and walls.

“Your friends from the other world have been subjecting themselves to merely a portion of your trueself! They must at least experience what it truly is to be with a Alpha Stallion-Mare-Princess,” Luna declared, examining the faint runes she put on her invention. She had inflated a condom and cut the tip off and began infusing runes into the shaft of the rubber surface and placed it onto her Alpha’s penis.

“You do know that the humans have smaller sexual organs, right?” Twilight questioned. Knowing that her shaft as a pony can be considered damaging to any human lover.

“If a foal can be pushed out of their pink, then your penis can enter,” Luna reasoned, she wheeled the mirror out of its hiding place.

The moment Twilight saw the mirror, she arched a brow. “That thing has gone everywhere, hasn’t it?”

“I assure you, I have legally purchased this mirror from Cadance and Shining Armor, the nobles will no longer try and take this from us,” Luna assured. She placed the mirror within Twilight’s portal machine and placing its power source, the book, in its place. “Go through and report your results.”

Rolling her eyes, Twilight stepped towards the portal and entered. Her body could never get the hang of the strange pulling and stretching of her body changing into the familiar bipedal creature.

When her eyes opened. she struggled to stand, her legs felt weak from the change. She lazily glanced down to her skirt to examine Luna’s test. Making sure no one was around, she lifted her skirt to find that her penis was still a pony dick, larger than her human penis with a daunting head that is designed to ensure that any girl Twilight came inside would be properly filled with cum. What was more strange was that her penis retained its darker skin colour, looking rather strange on her body. Intrigued by the results, she turned back into the portal and returned to Equestria to tell Luna.

Luna was pacing in anticipation when Twilight returned, watching the purple alicorn struggle to stand on four legs. “Well, did it work?”

Twilight looked down between her legs and smiled to see that her penis did not change appearance or size. “Your experiment worked, Luna!”

“Huzzah! Now the females of the human world can finally feel a true alpha!” Luna cheered, she happily trotted over to her lover holding her tightly with a foreleg. “And now! You will be there for a few days, enjoy!”

“Wait, what?” Twilight uttered, pushed into the portal by a smiling Luna. She fell onto the other side and ran to the statue, only to find that Luna had closed the portal. “Darn it, what do I do now?”


The lilac-skinned girl froze and slowly turned to see Applejack staring at her with Big Macintosh, both of them were holding heavy boxes. “Hi, Applejack. Big Mac,” Twilight said nervously.

Applejack smiled and gave her otherworldly friend a wink. “You wait there, when we get back. We’ll round up the girls and have a fun get together.”


After Applejack and Big Mac brought some equipment and supplies to the school. Big Mac drove the two girls to Pinkie’s house. Twilight glanced to see Applejack using the cell phone to send messages to their friends. “So, how have ya been, Twi?”

“Pretty good, Sunset says she’ll be back tomorrow. How about you girls?” Twilight said, happy to see her friends again.

“Can’t complain. Just got back from the farm, so I dunno about the girls, but judging by what they’ve been texting me, they’re doing pretty good. Pinkie is an assist manager at Sugar Cube Corner, Fluttershy is still working as a receptionist at the vet, Rainbow is still working at a sports store, Rarity just got back from the city, showing off her latest designs, and our Twilight went to Science camp or something,” Applejack said, checking her phone again only to chuckle. “Jeez Louise, the girls are making their way to Pinkie’s now. The moment they hear you’re in town, they just drop everything.”

“I dunno if I like that or not, wouldn’t it be bad to just… stop working to visit a friend?” Twilight asked, worried about her human friends.

“I don’t mean drop everything, I mean head straight to Pinkie’s once they are done with whatever they need to get done, sugarcube,” Applejack chuckled, Big Mac merely smiling in response.

In moments, they reached Pinkie's house, Applejack and Twilight leaving the truck. The pony-turned-human struggled to stand after sitting down for so long in a moving vehicle. “Alright, Mac. I’ll call to let you know if I’m spending the night, alright? Make sure Applebloom does her chores.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac answered, driving off.

Twilight picked herself up carefully and sighed. “I’ll… never get use to ‘cars’ or ‘trucks’.”

“It takes time, just don’t ride with Rainbow… she likes to speed around in her car,” Applejack giggled, leading Twilight to the front door. The orange girl knocked, the sound resonating within the house.

The door opened to reveal Maud, Pinkie’s sister, a bit taller than the pink mare with a bit larger chest despite having a smaller waist. The grey girl looked to her guests and nodded. “Here for Pinkie? She’s up in her room.”

“Thanks Maud,” Applejack said, tipping her hat. Twilight gave the taller girl an awkward grin and carefully followed Applejack up the stairs.

“Also, if you are going to have sex, please lock the door and keep quiet, Boulder is sleeping,” Maud said, making Twilight squeak in response.

They opened the door and Twilight was immediately pulled in by Pinkie, Applejack laughing and shaking her head as their pink friend tossed Twilight onto the bed. “Twilight! I missed you so MUCH!”

“I missed you too, Pinkie. Did you really need to grab me like that?” Twilight questioned, sitting up on the bed.

“Well, duh! You were taking too long!” Pinkie exclaimed, kneeling down between Twilight’s legs.

“Whoa there, a little early for that? She’s been in our world for twenty minutes and already you’re trying to fuck her,” Applejack interrupted with a disapproving look.

Pinkie pouted, she turned to face Applejack while one handed snuck under Twilight’s skirt. “I am a very active girl, Jackie. And when a girl needs someth-” She stopped when she felt something very different from the penis she’s normally acquainted. “Twilight?”

“He he… heh, I see you found the reason why I’m here,” Twilight chuckled nervously, watching as Pinkie flipped the skirt to see a large horsecock struggling against the white cotton panties. Applejack also stared in disbelief at the strange looking member. “I’ll explain when the others get here.”

As if summoned, Rainbow Dash burst into the room with Rarity and Fluttershy walking in casually. “Sup Twi, missed me?” Rainbow goaded, her smile fading when she saw what was in Pinkie’s hand. “What the fuck is that?”

“Oh… I’m sorry?” Fluttershy uttered, her eyes strangely fixated on the large fleshy cylinder jutting from Twilight’s crotch.

“Twilight? Why do you have that? How?” Rarity asked, running a hand through her hair.

“Well, from what I know… Sunset mentioned that whenever I come here, my penis changes and becomes smaller, more akin to human penises,” Twilight explained, waving Pinkie’s hand away from her dick. “So now, Luna made an enchanted condom that prevents the portal’s magic from changing my penis’s shape and size.”

A group of “oh” echoed in Pinkie’s bedroom. It was quickly followed by Rainbow clearing her throat. “Am I the only one that’s staring at this thing and going ‘how is this going in me?’ Cause… it’s a fucking club.”

Twilight fixed her skirt and crossed her legs awkwardly, blushing fiercely.

“Now, Rainbow. Maud asked us to keep it quiet, and do we really need to jump straight into sex?” Applejack questioned, looking disapprovingly at her rainbow haired friend.

“We’re all thinking it,” Rainbow added, expressing her outburst with her arms in the air. “It was fine back in Equestria when we visited and had sex with our pony selves. But here, Twilight’s so much bigger than she was normally.”

“Actually, this is my normal. I just shrink in this world,” Twilight commented.

“Normal to us,” Rainbow jabbed with a pout.

“I… must agree with Rainbow. We are delicate creatures and such a… beast, as pleasurable as it would be, would tear us asunder,” Rarity added with a sad look. “I hope you can understand, Twilight. I do love you, but… that is going to hurt any girl that wants to play with you.”

“I wouldn’t mind it,” Fluttershy said, the faint tone of seduction as everyone turned to her in surprise. “It’s still Twilight, so… she’ll try to be as gentle as possible, right? And children are wider than her penis so… she can still fit.”

“I dunno,” Pinkie cooed, a finger on her chin in thought. “Rainbow is the smallest of us. I’m pretty sure she’ll start screaming and trying to get off the moment the head pops in.”

Everyone turned to see Rainbow fuming, smoking coming from her ears. “You think I can’t take Twilight’s weird pony dick?”

“Yes, because you always clench up and squirm whenever I stick three fingers in you, I’ve never been able to fit my fist and Twilight looks like she’s just as thick, except there is no wrist, it’s all girth,” Pinkie said excitedly. “Woohoo, group sleepover minus Sunset! Remember the last time we did this?”

“Yeah, you were grumpy because Twilight snuck out to write songs for the Battle of the Bands,” Applejack smirked. Twilight raised brow only to catch Pinkie glaring daggers at her. “I don’t think you’ll be escaping this time.”

“Noppers!” Pinkie stated, hopping onto Twilight’s lap. “You ain’t leaving this room until my cooter is creamy and happy.”

“Oh! I-uh… m-me too, if you don’t mind,” Fluttershy uttered with a silly grin and a deep blush.

“Unfortunately, I must pass,” Rarity added dramatically, a hand covering her eyes elegantly. “I’d much rather not take any chances and have you ravage me with your ‘cudgel’.”

“I’m in. I gotta show Pinkie who can fit what,” Rainbow Dash challenged, puffing her chest proudly. “Heck, I bet I can fit Twilight in my ass, no problem!”

“Are you crazy?” Applejack gasped. “A weapon like that, you’ll be walking funny for the rest of your life, not to mention that you’ll be sitting on ice packs for months.”

“So?” Rainbow snapped, walking up to Applejack. ensuring that there was a inch of space between the two. “Just the fact that I can do it will make me the toughest chick around. Pinks can have whatever shoved up her pussy, only the badasses of the world can take an ass fucking from something like that.”

“Well, enjoy having to wear a diaper until your hole closes up because after Twi’s done with ya, your ass will be so gaping, you can fit a rolling pin and not feel it,” Applejack concluded, leaving the room. “Let me know when ya’ll are done, at least with me, Twilight won’t be hounded for sex all the time.”

“Twilight doesn’t get hounded for sex all the time!” Rainbow shouted, glaring at the closed door.

“Why are we yelling? I thought Maud said her pet rock was sleeping,” Twilight asked nervously, not wanting to anger the straight face woman.

“Because Rainbow and AJ have an adorable rivalry,” Pinkie giggled, sliding off of Twilight’s lap and turning to face the horse-dicked girl. “Fluttershy! Come help me with this!”

Fluttershy showed off a surprising amount of eagerness, throwing her tank top and bra off and discarding it as she sat next to Twilight’s lap, opposite to Pinkie. Her yellow tits, of which Twilight recalled being C cup, a strange metric for breast sizes to the equestrian girl.

Rainbow and Rarity watched in amazement as Pinkie and Fluttershy worked together, their hands stroking the hardening tube of purple flesh. While Fluttershy licked and suckled the sides of the thick shaft, Pinkie removed her own shirt and unhooked her bra, letting her generous D-cups bounce a bit.

Twilight swallowed her breath, her face going red when the topless girls pressed their large breasts against her dick, she could feel herself enter marshmallow heaven. A wide grin on Pinkie’s face while Fluttershy blushed while they made out with the dark purple pillar.

“I-I must be going, I’ll go keep Applejack company while you- before I start having second thoughts. A-after all, you have enough on your plate with Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and… for some reason, Fluttershy,” Rarity uttered blushing viscously. “I do hope after you are done with these three, you’ll come down for a chat and nothing else.”

“Y-yeah, of course, Rarity,” Twilight moaned, watching her dick get smothered by two sets of tits. She felt a very naked Rainbow sit behind her, pressing her budding breasts against her back while removing the light blue blouse that covered Twilight’s upper body.

“Hey Twilight, have you ever passed out from having a huge penis before?” Pinkie asked, tracing her tongue along one side of her friend’s cock.

“Y-yes… three times actually, I- Ah!” Twilight gasped, Rainbow pulled off her bra and began fondling the purple girl’s boobs, taking huge handfuls and teasing the nipples. Twilight’s body began jerking into Pinkie’s and Fluttershy’s mounds, causing them to jiggle with the moving rod.

Fluttershy’s eyes never left the purple spire sliding against her mammaries, planting kisses and suckling whatever she could get at, teasing the bulging veins on the side. Ever since her night in Equestria as a pony, she’s fantasized about feeling Twilight’s true penis inside her, granting her a fetish for animal penises. Her pictures and recalling the events while she was a pony coming back keeping her excited, almost making her try and sneak back into the land of magical ponies just for another night with Twilight, far easier and so much less embarrassing than just asking Applejack if she could have sex with her stallions.

“Hey… just a thought,” Rainbow thought aloud, her fingers twisting Twilight’s nipples a little.

“And what’s -slurp- that?” Pinkie asked, slobbering all over her side of Twilight’s shaft.

“Do we have any condoms for Twilight’s size?” Rainbow asked, kissing Twilight’s neck while playing with her boods.

Pinkie stopped. “No we don’t.”

“Would they even make any for her size? What is this thing anyways?” Rainbow questioned, wrapping a hand around the purple rod.

“Looks to be fifteen inches of hard meat, Dashie,” Pinkie answered, pressing a finger to her lips before her eyes lit up. “I’ll be right back.”

Pinkie ran out of the room, Twilight and Fluttershy stayed still while Rainbow continued to make the former alicorn moan and twitch from the teasing blue hands and lips.

Maud stepped forward and saw them, Twilight’s body froze as the grey woman examined her body with still eyes. After a moment, Maud walked away, leaving the three girls alone before Pinkie returned. “Okay, I just asked Applejack to see if she can find some condoms.”

“Doesn’t mean she can’t fuck my ass,” Rainbow chuckled, grabbing Twilight’s dick with both hands. “Get this bad boy ready, I’m soo gonna fuck this thing.”

Fluttershy frowned, shooting dirty looks at her blue friend. “You should wear a condom at the very least.”

“We didn’t when we fucked her in her world, we won’t need it now,” Rainbow chuckled, feeling Twilight tense and shudder against her bare skin. “And we don’t have any bugs for her to catch.”

“But she’s going to be using your butt, she’s going to be all… icky after you’re done,” Fluttershy pouted.

Rainbow stopped completely. “You’re right… Pinkie? ”

Twilight’s mouth closed tightly, annoyed that the pleasure had stopped. Pinkie however, groaned and went to the bathroom. “I’ll get like a bath ready for Twilight after she opened your butt up.”

Rainbow grinned widely, leaving her position to straddle Twilight, the large horse cock sliding between her blue ass cheeks. “You feelin lucky, Twi?” she cooed.

“I… dunno yet, are you sure I won’t hurt you?” Twilight asked, looking at the difference of size of Rainbow’s ass versus her dick.

“Only one way to find out, Twi,” Dash cooed, raising her ass high to meet the flared head of her purple friend.

Downstairs, Rarity was on her phone, playing bejeweled while she waited for her friends to finish ‘testing’ the pony princess’s pony penis. Maud was calmly reading a magazine.


“I asked you girls to keep quiet please,” Maud muttered, her eyes never leaving her magazine.

Rarity glanced up with a blush. “Well- I… I must assume it would be difficult to keep one’s mouth shut if you were Rainbow Dash… and you were having anal sex with a penis as thick as a… can of beer.”


Maud glanced to the stairs. “Boulder is going to be cranky when he wakes up from all this noise,” she said.

“I apologize on behalf of my friends, we were not expecting our friend from… out of town to be wielding such a weapon under her skirt,” Rarity said with a weak grin.


“I’ll be a moment,” Rarity said, putting her phone away to check on her friends. She walked up the stairs to Pinkie’s room and opened it, her eyes bulging when she saw Rainbow screaming atop Twilight. the rainbow athlete barely took Twilight into her, struggling to take another inch. Fluttershy was massaging whatever part of the purple rod was outside of Rainbow’s anus while Pinkie tried to help the blue girl take Twilight. “Rainbow, do you not know how to keep your mouth shut?”

“YOU TRY FUCKING A FLAG POLE!” Rainbow snarled, biting her lower lip as she struggled to get another inch inside her. Rarity scoffed and left, annoyed by the loud mouth of a girl.

“Rainbow… please relax your ass, it’s gripping me too tightly,” Twilight uttered, gritting her teeth as her hands held Rainbow’s thighs.

“I’M NOT CLENCHING MY ASS, YOU’RE TOO BIG!” Rainbow cried, fighting to get more of her purple lover inside her.

“And who’s the dumbo that wanted to take Twi-Twi anally?” Pinkie jabbed, her hands on her hips.

“I- I'm not letting you beat me, Pinks. I’m going to get her all inside me, whether it k-kills me or not,” Rainbow grumbled, tears sliding down her cheeks as she forced another inch of Twilight’s cock into her bowels.

“Who said anything about me beating you? I said you were too tight for her and you decided to challenge me with with this stupid thing,” Pinkie scolded, karate chopping Rainbow’s forehead softly.

“I’m- oh fuck- I’m going to take her, just give me a moment to rest, it’s super hard work trying to fuck something like this with your ass,” Rainbow gasped, taking deep breathes after sinking another inch down Twilight’s maremeat. “How much of it do I got left?”

Behind Rainbow, Twilight was biting her lip, the tight ring around her cock both hurting and pleasuring her, her hands gripping the blue girls’ thighs tighter, struggling with her desire to just force the rest of her cock deep into her friend’s ass. Pinkie and Fluttershy took a look, the large pillar of flesh protruding from Twilight’s crotch and entering Rainbow’s rectum, throbbing and pulsing with need. “You got eleven inches of Twilight left.”

“Fuck my life,” Rainbow groaned, forcing herself to take another inch, letting out a whimper of discomfort.

“Where is Applejack with those condoms? Is it really that hard to find some of Twilight’s size and shape?” Pinkie uttered, looking out the open door.

Another cry of agony from Rainbow Dash, signally another inch entering her as Fluttershy turned to Pinkie. “If you don’t mind me asking, why is the door open?”

“For when Rainbow jumps off Twilight and screams bloody murder as she sits on the toilet for a few hours,” Pinkie chuckled, a big goofy grin on her face.

“Sh- shut up,” I’m going to get my ass fucked by this thing… if it’s the last thing I’m gonna do,” Rainbow grunted, resting before taking another inch inside her.

“R-Rainbow, please… don’t hurt yourself over this, I really don’t want to hurt someone during sex,” Twilight mumbled, trying futilely to adapt to Rainbow’s tight anus.

“Everyone shut up!” Rainbow shouted, she turned to Twilight with a glare. “Let go of my legs, I need to try something.”

Twilight did as she was asked, her hands now gripping the bedspread tightly. Rainbow took a deep breath and pulled her legs off their spot, forcing her down the rest of the way and impaling herself on Twilight’s dick. A voiceless scream forced its way out of Rainbow’s mouth, feeling all of Twilight inside her back passage, a slight indent in her flat stomach showing the girls were Twilight's dick was.

Twilight was in a similar predicament, her face twisting form the feeling of her dick being gripped and crushed by Rainbow’s ass.

Fluttershy and Pinkie stood back, jaws wide open in awe of Rainbow actually taking Twilight to the hilt, the poor girl shuddering and quivering above the purple girl.

“Is it okay that I start moving?” Twilight asked, one arm wrapped around Rainbow’s stomach.

“NO,” Rainbow half-shouted, half muttered. She couldn’t believe that she managed to take all fifteen inches and two and half inches thick of purple meat in her ass. “Oh fuck… you are super big.”

Fluttershy’s face burned red, somewhat jealous of Rainbow and in awe of what her blue friend had accomplished. She turned to Pinkie, who wore a surprised expression and quickly shifted towards the two, kneeling between their legs. Her fingers tracing along Twilight’s folds while her tongue began teasing Rainbow’s pussy.

Twilight jumped upon feeling Fluttershy’s fingers, thrusting into Rainbow’s ass, making the athlete gasp. “Tw- Twilight!”

“I’m sorry! Fluttershy surprised me!” Twilight whined, finding the sudden shift to be a bit more pleasurable than painful, considering she was forced to stay still while Rainbow adjusted to the intrusion.

Feeling playful, Fluttershy coated her index finger with saliva and slowly pushed it into Twilight’s pussy, electing another shriek and a hard thrust into Rainbow’s bowels. “Fluttershy! Stop making Twilight fuck me! She’s really big… and I feel really full.”

“But I’d like a turn too,” Fluttershy uttered with a pout, fingerfucking the purple girl before tracing Rainbow’s quim with her tongue. The action made the blue girl yelp in surprise, rocking along Twilight’s crotch.

Pinkie smirked and went to join the normally ‘shy’ girl, kissing Rainbow’s thighs while playing with her clit. It didn’t take long for Rainbow to rise and fall on Twilight’s lap with excruciatingly slow strokes.

“Remind me…. never do this again,” Twilight groaned, Rainbow’s ass felt like it was going to rip her penis off.

“Isn’t my- oh fuck- ass the best, though?” Rainbow whined. She squirmed atop her purple friend’s lap, struggling to overcome the stinging sensation of her stretching around the deep lilac cock.

“Maybe horse dicks don’t mix with human butts,” Pinkie giggled, sliding behind Twilight and groping her breasts while licking and kissing the Equestrian’s neck.

Fluttershy only smirked, thrusting her fingers deeper into Twilight’s pussy while her tongue lunged deeper in Rainbow’s snatch.

Twilight gripped the athlete’s thighs tighter, humping into Rainbow’s ass as she felt the hole begin to loosen, her member sliding easier through the puckered exit, the thick ring near the base bumping against the dark blue star, trying to re-enter the blue girl.

Applejack wandered in to see Fluttershy eating Rainbow out while fingering Twilight. Pinkie urging Twilight to fuck Rainbow harder, and Rainbow riding Twilight’s cock nearly to the hilt. “I’ll be, you actually did it?”

“Fuck… yeah,” Rainbow grunted, her hands tightening around Twilight’s knees.

With a chuckle, Applejack threw to the bed, beside Twilight and Pinkie. “I had to call Big Mac to get these, you have any idea how embarrassing it is to ask your brother for horse condoms?”

“Why do you have horse condoms? Just don’t let them fuck,” Pinkie said with a confused expression.

“It’s for Mating Season, when we don’t want the studs to impregnate the mares but need to get them out of heat,” Applejack answered, glaring at Pinkie.

“Alright… let me finish,” Rainbow moaned, rocking her ass on Twilight’s dick, the pain beginning to ebb away for pleasure. She could feel the thick rod throb and twitch inside her, releasing globs of pre-cum inside her large intestine.

Applejack took a seat, watching the action from a nearby chair. Fluttershy and Pinkie were definitely making the act easier for them both. All the while, Twilight had a rhythm, most of her cock entering Rainbow’s ass while her hands held the athlete’s legs above her head. Rainbow was moaning and hissing in the random fit of discomfort, her petite breasts lightly jiggling behind her outstretched arms, her nails digging into Twilight’s knees, nearly drawing blood.

Twilight couldn’t take it anymore and a deluge of pearl white liquid surged through her dick. Rainbow’s eyes widened, the purple shaft flooding her bowels with thick cum, gasping in surprise from the volume entering her.

Fluttershy backed away, watching Rainbow’s belly swell from the amount of sperm entering her ass, giving her a distended gut.

Feeling the last of her cum milked out of her, Twilight leaned back onto Pinkie, her soft breasts pressed against her back. Rainbow falling back into her. “Holy shit… that was the weirdest combo of pain and awesome I’ve ever had.”

“Glad you enjoyed it… now it’s our turn!” Pinkie stated, slipping away to let Twilight fall onto the bed. The pink girl frowned and poked Twilight’s nose. “Come on, go clean your dick so we can have sex that won’t end with your dick being stuck in Rainbow’s ass forever.”

“I-I’m cool with that arrangement though… gives me time to- to adjust to her size,” Rainbow panted. She let out a gasp of surprise when she felt the thick purple rod twitch inside her.

“We have ways of making you move,” Pinkie growled, looking down onto Rainbow’s tired body. “Right Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything, she stood next to the bed, the same look in her eye as Pinkie as they grabbed Rainbow Dash.


After locking Rainbow in the toilet to let her ass heal from taking Twilight’s horsedick and let her ooze all of the cum ooze out of her. Pinkie and Fluttershy scrubbed Twilight’s dick clean before throwing her back into Pinkie’s room, the dark purple rod shining and hard from the teasing and cleaning that occurred earlier.

Pinkie and Fluttershy stood next to her, as naked as the day they were born. Twilight swallowed her breath, admiring the two girls. Pinkie being larger than the slender caretaker in both the ass and breast regions. Unfortunately, they both beat Twilight out, who was barely a B-cup and possessed less cushion in her rear than all six of her friends, but she supposed that being gifted with a penis made up for the lack of ass and rack. “So… who do you wanna fuck first?” Pinkie asked seductively, slapping her own ass.

Fluttershy had other ideas, she knew that Twilight would struggle to answer and decided to answer for her. She took one of the horse condoms, took it out of the packaging, and began sliding it down Twilight’s cock with both hands, placing gentle kisses along the covered head. “Hey, we have to let Twilight choose!” Pinkie scolded, kneeling down next to her yellow friend and started stroking Twilight through the latex skin.

Leagues more gentle than the earlier roughness she encountered with a certain speedster’s ass, Twilight couldn’t help but moan, her hands gripping the comforter beneath her tighter, even through the skin tight condom, Twilight could still feel her friends teasing her.

“So… who first?” Pinkie asked, her tongue running up the side of the now-yellow shaft. Fluttershy doing the same but with a hand holding the flesh the condom couldn’t cover.

“F-Fluttershy… I’m sorry Pinkie,” Twilight wheezed, hoping she didn’t hurt her friend’s feelings.

Pinkie only giggled as she stood up, sitting next to the cowgirl that recently returned to grab a drink. Fluttershy let out a squeak of joy as she pulled Twilight off the bed. “Do you… think you could… make me your mare?”

Twilight’s face went red, especially after the memory of a certain yellow pegasus and a wolf costume came to mind. “I- sure.”

Fluttershy laid her front on the bed, her butt high in the air, waiting for a stud to claim her. Something Twilight was very familiar with. One hand on a yellow cheek and the other positioning her dick for entry, brushing her shaft against the moist lips made Fluttershy whimper with need.

Keeping herself steady, Twilight slowly inched herself into her yellow lover. While much easier than Rainbow’s anus, it was still resistant, wrapping around her latex-clad member in a firm grip, causing her body to shudder in pleasure.

Fluttershy simply shook in bliss, moaning and screeching into the bedspread. Her eyes clenched shut as Twilight leaned down, their hands intertwining as the purple girl began thrusting, slowly sawing her dick in and out of Fluttershy’s pussy.

“So… snug, and hot… so much better than anal,” Twilight sighed, breathing in Fluttershy’s scent.

“I always figured you liked anal,” Pinkie said, sitting down next to them.

“I-I don’t object to it, but… seeing as my dick is a bit big for you girls, anal is out of the question,” Twilight explained, pumping her hips harder.

Pinkie quickly went down to eye level with her moaning friend, Fluttershy’s hands gripping Twilight’s hard as her rump continually shook form the constant thrusts. “How is it?”

“So full, she’s so big,” Fluttershy squealed, biting her lower lip when Twilight pushed herself deeper, her eyes sparkling. “So fucking good.”

“Wow, must be REALLY good to make Fluttershy swear,” Pinkie giggled, watching Fluttershy’s various expressions of bliss, ranging from whore-like moaning to adorable scrunched up pouts. Twilight’s remained constant, a stern look of concentration while her hands and crotch kept Fluttershy beneath her.

Applejack merely watched Twilight’s butt move back and forth, her tush jiggling as she rocked back and forth in Fluttershy’s womanhood. Her animal loving friend’s moans echoing in the room while Pinkie giggled with her. Her own body was already a bit hot from Rainbow riding Twilight earlier but this looked much better, no one was trying to figure out if they should be in pain, Fluttershy and Pinkie weren’t pouting about Rainbow stealing Twilight. It was just Twilight fucking Fluttershy from behind, clean and simple. Applejack’s core began to burn, in need of something to release the tension, one hand pulling her skirt up while the other undid the buttons of her shirt, admiring Fluttershy’s string of orgasms and Twilight’s eventual climax.

Out the corner of her eye, Twilight noticed that Pinkie saw something and went to deal with it, somewhat ignoring it as she began to move a bit faster, her medial ring threatening to enter the yellow human beneath her. She heard Applejack gasp and moan, turning to see Pinkie’s head between Applejack’s legs, the cowgirl was massaging her own tits while the other kept her pink friend pinned to her vagina. With a lazy smile, Twilight took in the sight, urging herself to move faster so she could get to the others quickly.

Beneath the princess, Fluttershy was moaning and squealing, sucking in a breath just as Twilight pulled out of her, only to feel the thick meat push back into place, forcing her to endure another orgasm. She couldn’t feel Twilight’s crotch against her rear, notifying her that there was still a good portion of the purple rod that hadn’t entered her. The idea of taking Twilight to the hilt frightened and excited her at the same time.

A quick grunt from above and Fluttershy could feel the balloon expand, pushing against her cervix as Twilight filled the condom with her spunk. Twilight’s hands tightened around her own when she felt a bit more of the horse cock get pushed into her.

Between the show of Twilight rutting Fluttershy like an animal and Pinkie servicing her pussy, Applejack suddenly feet a little curious if she could take the purple girl’s ‘normalized’ cock. Her fingers scraping Pinkie’s scalp as the party girl’s tongue dug deeper into her pussy.

It didn’t stop there however, Twilight’s hands fled from Fluttershy’s and repositioned on the yellow back, holding her down as she began to pump quickly, using her yellow friend to milk her cock of her remaining spunk. Once finished, Twilight began to pull out, letting the stuffed balloon and her ridges trace Fluttershy’s sensitive insides.

A wet pop released her cock head, the second wet pop released the bloated condom tip, much bigger than the size of her own fist. Twilight chuckled as she began to free herself from the latex prison. “Is that… really how much I can come at once? Seems a bit smaller than I’m used to,” Twilight joked tiredly, staring at the cum-filled balloon.

Fluttershy could only groan, still blinded by her own pleasure. She lazily turned to see the size of the condom in Twilight’s hands and whited out, unable to mentally take just how much exactly filled her.

Applejack gave a nervous chuckle as Twilight turned, the slightly disheveled purple know-it all with a raging boner in one hand and a used condom in the other, it almost looked comical to see such a large intimidating rod attached to such a skinny little girl. “Uhh… Pinkie’s north is a bit busy, care to take her south?”

In response, Pinkie shook her ass, enticing Twilight to mount up. A soft smile on her face, Twilight first put the condom somewhere and kneeled down to pick up another condom, struggling a bit to put it on. Once her task was complete, she went behind Pinkie and rubbed the blue-wrapped cock against Pinkie’s lower lips, slowly pushing into her.

A moan escaped the chubby pinkette, becoming a bit more eager to lap up Applejack’s pussy as her vaginal tunnel was filled with hot horse meat. Twilight’s fingers digging into her ass, similar to what Applejack is doing to her head.

Unlike Fluttershy, Twilight moved faster, quickly filling her pink friend with cock but leaving some of herself outside, not wanting to hurt her friend with the constant hammering of her dick against the sensitive door to Pinkie’s womb. She looked up to see Applejack really getting into it, her heavy C-cups peaking out from behind her shirt, the undeniable sight of muscle rippling beneath her skin.

Applejack hissed in pleasure, pushing Pinkie’s head deeper into her pussy. The baker’s hands took hold of the cowgirl’s hips as she was fucked from behind by their otherworldly guest.

For her part, Pinkie struggled to control her tongue, feeling to burrow and slide along Applejack’s inside, a majority of her senses were focused on the rough treatment her pussy experienced from Twilight’s cock battering her insides. every inch of Twilight’s girth sliding into her depths, rubbing against her sweet spot and giving her the warmth she had missed for a long time.

A time that made her wish she could just live in Equestria if she could get fucked like this daily.

Twilight’s eyes switched between Pinkie’s jiggling ass and Applejack’s glazed-over eyes, smiling to find that the orange girl was enjoying the party girls’ oral skills. Just like her pony counterpart, fucking Pinkie’s pussy was always a delight, the right amount of grip and cushiness that welcomed and challenged Twilight to keep going, preemptively milking her for the white cream that hid deep within the purple girl’s loins. Twilight’s hands massaging the round globs of ass flesh before her, kneading it with every thrust, feeling her lover quiver from every hard movement.

It took all of Twilight’s willpower to not try to hilt herself into Pinkie’s pussy, the temptation was great but the desire to not hurt her friend was greater, keeping a steady pace of entering up to the medial ring before pulling away and slamming back in quickly.

“Oh fuck Pinkie, your mouth is amazing,” Applejack mused, scratching Pinkie’s scalp as she moaned with desire, grunting in satisfaction when her body shivered in bliss.

Pinkie pulled away from Applejack, moaning and gasping from Twilight’s treatment. “You-ah- try Twilight’s dick, it feels so big and good,” she cooed, panting from the continual thrusts.

“I’m considering it, Pinks,” Applejack chuckled, pulling Pinkie back to her muff. Watching Twilight’s dick disappear behind the pink valley of jiggling butt the midst of their fucking. “Must be a joy for Twilight, feeling your cushy tush around her meat.”

Twilight bit her lip, Pinkie’s pussy tightening around her as the baker reached her orgasm. “She’s definitely- ugh- something else,” she uttered, doing all she can to move past the clenching orifice. Twilight was a mess of emotions and lust, nailing Pinkie from behind, gasping as she put all her effort into fucking her pink friend good.

It didn’t take long for Twilight to feel the familiar urge bubbling within her, her hands squeezing Pinkie’s ass tighter as her hips moved quicker. Applejack was in a similar state, both hands holding the pink head close to her crotch, feeling her second orgasm approaching.

Pinkie’s eyes widened, Applejack’s juices splashing against her tongue while the condom in her pussy began to expand with Twilight’s cum. She could feel the horse cock slowly withdraw as the latex balloon grew inside her, quivering as it was dragged out of her walls.

As she did with Fluttershy, the condom escaped Pinkie’s snatch with a wet popping sound, dangling from the still hard shaft. Twilight pulled the latex skin off her cock. “Wow, these things are pretty strong.”

“Liking the condoms, Twi?” Pinkie cooed, lying back between Applejack’s legs.

“They are interesting,” Twilight said, with a lopsided grin. “Shame, it sort of desensitizes my penis, they kind of... dulls you girls a little, it’s mostly all latex.”

“Sorry that our world doesn’t let you use magic,” Applejack chuckled, sitting up and walking over to Twilight. Her large, perky breasts bouncing with every step. “So, why don’t you lay back and let me ride ya?”

This only prompted Twilight to chuckle. “What’s with you Apples and riding me like a bronco?”

“Because you’re built like one,” Applejack smirked, pushing Twilight back onto the bed.

Twilight sat up a bit, resting on her forearms as Applejack slowly straddled her, her wet pussy grinding against the naked purple flesh.

Pinkie gathered up the two discarded condoms, but before she could dispose of them, she saw that Twilight’s dick didn’t have a condom. “Whoa there, partner. Put a glove on that!”

Applejack rolled her eyes in protest. “Yeah, yeah. Hand me one, will ya?”

A plain tan condom was tossed to them, landing on Twilight’s belly. Applejack wasted no time in slowly rubbing the latex balloon down the hard shaft, feeling it twitch and throb in her hand.

Raising her ass, Applejack aligned the latex-covered prick for her entrance. A subtle sting shook her when the head pressed against her opening, slowly opening her up to the thick organ.

Pinkie smirked as she went to collect the two discarded condoms and disposing them, watching Fluttershy inch to the back of the bed to keep Twilight`s arms away from Applejack by planting her pussy in the purple girls`mouth. She entered the bathroom to see Rainbow still sitting there. “How’s your bum-bum, Dashie?”

“That weird hurt that’s both good and bad,” Rainbow uttered, her ass still felt wide open as the occasional breeze was felt inside her parted orifice. “How’s the girls?”

“I can grow to like horse dick Twilight, nice and filling,” Pinkie giggled, dropping the tied balloons in the trash. “Fluttershy is kinda a mess right now and Applejack is riding her hard.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, pouting as she sat on the toilet. “Yeah well… tomorrow I want a turn, no more anal until her dick is normal, I guess.”

Pinkie chuckled at her friend’s annoyance and returned to her bedroom, glancing up to see Applejack roughly bouncing on Twilight’s lap while Fluttershy was roughly grinding herself against the princess’ face, her hands grasping Twilight’s breasts. Much like the others, the cow pony kept herself from taking the entire shaft, leaving a sizable portion outside of her snatch at all times. “Having fun?”

Applejack lazily looked to Pinkie, weakly giggling as she rode the purple girl beneath her. “It’s pretty good… fuck is she ever big.”

Fluttershy’s lips were sucked in, shivering from Twilight’s tongue inside her pussy. The questionably timid girl’s passage still a bit sensitive form the fucking she received earlier.

Beneath Applejack, Twilight was weakly thrusting her hips forward, stuffing a bit more of her heavy dick inside her orange friend, but Applejack remained in control, guiding their movements with a firm grip on both the purple girl’s writhing body and throbbing member.

The cowgirl gave Fluttershy a seductive smile, pulling her in for a deep kiss, one hand remained on Twilight’s belly while the other held the caretaker’s head close. Fluttershy melted into the kiss, taking a hand to hold her friend’s shoulder as she pressed deeper, their tongue aggressively danced between their mouths.

With Applejack’s muscles working harder around her girth, Twilight struggled to keep herself from cumming for the third time. Similar to the farmer of her world, the human Applejack had amazing control over her womanhood, the ever present firmness and comfort with the occasional squeezes, clearly the cowgirl teasing the poor princess.

Twilight gasped and ultimately let out a drawn out moan into Fluttershy’s pussy, making her quim vibrate a bit. The condom that was placed over her member began to swell inside Applejack, growing bigger with possibly her biggest load of the night.

Applejack felt the condom grow but didn’t expect it to press itself against her cervix, sending a jolt of pleasure up her spine. She was forced to break the kiss and let out a loud moan as she came, her juices coating and leaking along the latex prison inside her.

Fluttershy watched in amazement, watching Applejack shiver from the aftershocks of her orgasm, her tongue hanging out with her eyes sparkling in bliss. Her eyes drifted down to Twilight’s face, which was still buried under Fluttershy’s crotch and slowly pulled herself off of the purple girl, beginning to feel empty as the heavy girth left her.

The dark purple rod fell back, appearing a bit smaller than before with a large tan balloon filled with cum connected to the head. Twilight continued to try and get Fluttershy off, even as she felt the latex get pulled off her softening cock.

Applejack tied the condom and looked down to what was inside her earlier. A large horse penis that was still large when soft, but another thing did catch her attention. “Where’s your sheath?” Applejack asked, noticing that Twilight’s dick isn’t retreating back her pussy or scrotum like most horses do.

Fluttershy got off of Twilight, letting the princess answer her friend. “I was never born with one. I used potions and magic to hide it so that ponies don’t glance and see me flailing around beneath my barrel,” she explained.

“Interesting,” Fluttershy cooed, leaning down and quickly taking the flared tip into her mouth, one free hand, stroking the member back to life.

Twilight flinched, her arms reaching around Fluttershy’s thighs and pulling the girl’s crotch back to her face, her tongue probing as deep as possible.

Pinkie and Applejack watched a wicked grin, crawling onto the bed while Fluttershy and Twilight performed their sixty-nine. “So Applejack, I guess Twilight is still waiting on more.”

“Guess so, wonder how much she can give. Big Mac did bring a full box to us after all,” Applejack teased, running a hand along Twilight’s hips and to her breast while Pinkie loomed closer to the purple rod, licking both the base of Twilight’s dick and pussy.

Rainbow staggered out, wincing and moaning from the irritation in her rectum. “I… ain’t done yet, Twilight!”

This will prove to be a long night for the Equestrian Princess.


Two days passed and Luna opened the portal, and almost immediately, Twilight falls back into her own world. “Did you have fun?” Luna asked, giggling.

“Too tired, let me… sleep,” Twilight groaned, and soon snoring on the floor, her wings draped across the room.

“I… don’t think that’s wise,” Luna added, with a worried expression, levitating Twilight into the air.

“No… I’ve been… Fluttershy, Pinkie… Rainbow,” Twilight uttered, breathing hard as the sweat on her body began to shine in the light. “Too much sex… too much.”

“Oh…” Luna said, feeling incredibly guilty. “This is rather unfortunate as… Mating Season starts in three hours.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide in fear, her body shook as she failed to struggle out of Luna’s magic. “N-No, please… sleep, need sleep.”