> Middle ground > by DarkShadow95 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter.1 Deal with the devil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a very grim day today, well I say grim it was clear skies and 23 degrees outside but nether the less it was grim for me. I was sat in the bar of our barracks watching the TV, the news to be exact. Everyone else was either talking, laughing or exchanging banter while I was the only one watching the plasma behind the bar. The news guy was just starting to read out the headlines. I only really watched the news for one reason, to hear of the Bermuda project. "And our top stories tonight, Princess Twilight Sparkle from Equestria will be visiting earth for the first time. It has been 2 years since the royal sisters last visited earth," he spoke. Okay I think I should mention that we now know we are not alone in this universe. Around 3 years ago something happened that would change a lot for humanity. For years we had been the ones searching for life among the stars. Instead ET came to us on earth none the less. It was all over the news when the Portal that opened above the Atlantic just off Bermuda. Everyone in the world went ape shit over it on that day. Whole fleets were moved into the area to monitor it. Scientists running around trying to look at it. Even a few nutters saying 'it's a whole government conspiracy man!' I still remember watching it all on the news in the exact same spot I'm sitting now. The next few days had been quiet still the same portal lingering in the air above hundreds of naval ships, but people were still paranoid. Who knows what things lurked on the other side, the theories ranged from a barren wasteland to another star. Hell even a theory that said there was the sexy women who spoke French, that was the Sun newspaper so that was expected from them. Our question was answered on the 5th day when something came through. An alien, a grey creature seem to fly through and just stop. Looking around in fear at all new world it accidentally stumbled in. It tried to go back but was cut off by helicopters and ordered by one of the ships if it made another move they would open fire, so basically we managed to capture this thing. It did seem terrified but thanks to some talk and some good manners we had managed to calm it down, using muffins. They had manage to work out it was a she. She also reminded me of the Greek creatures pegasi. Curious still was her eyes they were huge and were gold, but the really strange was that her eyes seemed to be disorganised. No one was sure if this was natural to her kind or a defect, so no one dared asked in case we insulted her or her kind. She was grey with a yellow mane and by god did she look cute. She melted the hearts of many humans this way. If she came here with the idea to conquer our world with cuteness it was working. Later it turned out she was a creature that could talk, well talk in her language anyway. Whenever I saw her on the news she seemed upset. They then tried using drawing to communicate with her. It seemed to be a success she drew a picture of what seemed to be herself the portal and a crying child on the other side. This way the team where they able to tell that she had gotten lost and just wanted to return home to see her daughter. Which in turn sparked a massive debate among the world whether or not to send her home. On one hand this was a massive breakthrough and we still was not sure what was happening on the other we had a parent that was terrified and it would be unethical just to keep her here, it could also cause problems in the future. In the end though we decided to send her home, for we all felt sorry for that cute grey Pegasus that came to visit earth for a day. We sent her home with a gift from earth, a package to remind her and to let her people know the humans exist and we mean no harm. It was on the 6th day we sent her back and humanity all said farewell to her. To be perfectly honest it was a pretty sad thing to see her go. However on the 7th day the portal closed. That sparked the aftermath of the whole world debating 'what the hell just happened' but there was no denying it, we are not alone. Just a shame it was a short lived moment or so we thought. 6 months later it opened again and instead of 1 creature coming through a whole lot of them came through. Turns out two of the creatures came through where in fact royal sisters, and had came to visit thanks to our package! The news was all over it and so was the UN who had taken charge over all this. It was quite a spectacle to see more visitors from another world. Except these sisters were in fact the rulers of their world. After that we learnt of their world Equestria and the fact the creatures were actually called 'Ponies'. Which did in fact actually fit their description. The whole world was happy that they came back and where more than happy to exchange knowledge and become allies. Turns out it was a big enough event as it was for them. After all that a treaty was signed saying that the exchange of worlds would commence, alongside the research into the portal. No one knew how it happened even the Equestrian's had no clue to it either. Even today no one is sure  how the portal works, what we are sure about is they open every six months and only stay open for 3 or 7 days. So getting people through and supplies is hard to do. We had manage to set up a small research base in Equestria, as well as a Equestrian research base in Bermuda. Hence the news reader saying the Bermuda project. And so conclude the brief history of the Bermuda portal. Now back to more important issues, the bar. I was sat there on the stool in my civvies leaning towards the bar, returning my attention to my nearly empty pint of cider. Out of everyone in here I think I was the only guy who drank whisky and cider. The staff behind the bar knew who I was and what I did so I pretty much got first serve whenever I walked in. After all my platoons motto was 'first in' or in my case first in line. "Don't you look sorry for yourself hun?" I looked up from my drink, standing before me was the barmaid Beth. She was younger than me only 19 but her whole family ran the bar and the shop on base. If anyone could cheer me up from my bad day it was her, she was always smiling no matter and didn't take shit from no one. I smiled back at her, she was a good kid went to University studying biology, now her year was over and was back here on base working for her family. "C'mon mister Adam's smile like you mean it, tell auntie Beth what's on your mind huh?" "Hey I'm old enough to be your uncle so shush," I replied mockingly, she chuckled at the idea. "You know when I gave in my notice of me leaving the army after the next trip to Cyprus?" "Uh huh" "Well Cyprus just passed I got back 3 days ago" "Oh jesus!" she gasped and recoiled back a little "Seriously why are you doing this Adam? You loved the Pathfinders, you keep coming in here with a massive grin on your face every time you've come back from in the field." She was right about that I did love the Pathfinders but after a while it got boring just jump after jump training exercise after training exercise, it was all getting a bit boring. Hence why 2 months ago I gave in my notice I was leaving after the next trip to Cyprus. But I wasn't just leaving the Pathfinders I was in fact leaving the army altogether. "Beth, you know I told you, I got bored, I've hit my limit and achieved all I wanted except one thing, prove myself in combat," I could see her frown at the idea of me in combat. It was true I never been in a real firefight, all theatres of war had ended for the UK around 6 years ago when we left Afghanistan which was the time I roughly joined up. "Well do the selection for the SAS, I know I don't like the idea of you going to a warzone, but if you really want to do it join those guys. They are always up and about doing missions" "Ha! If I do that Beth I'll be looking behind me all the time, those guys do missions that end up with a revenge target on their back, plus god knows what kind of dark shit they get into" I took one last gulp on my cider finishing it off, might have the day off but I still have to pack my gear up to move out. "You always were stubborn weren't you?" She sighed. "Eyup" I then proceeded to get of the stool and walk away when she made a move to grab my arm. "Adam just... make sure you making the right decision, don't rush into anything you will regret, okay?" She then leaned over and gave me a light peck on the cheek which made me smile, she may not be family but she sure seemed like a little sister to me. I then started to walk out of the bar and climb the steps onto the road, when I saw a very lost looking runner above me. "Excuse me?" He grabbed my full attention now "Do you know where I can find corporal Jones do you?" "You're looking at him" I replied. The guy (well kid really) looks surprised at the fact he found me. It was clear that he was a FNG as he still has the 'kid' look about him from when you come out of training right down non scratched boots. He pauses for a second taking in how I looked not expecting me to be in civvies. "Well what is it private? I have things to do" "Ah yes um... The brigadier wishes to see you in his office his exact words where 'I need him 5 minutes ago' he said" "Oh shit" I exclaim "better get going then, cheers private!" I start break into a jog, making my way to the Officer HQ. I suppose this would be the appropriate time to tell what I am exactly. I'm a Pathfinder, UK special forces, the eyes and ears of the 16 air assault Brigade. We were tough trained to go behind enemy lines, gather intelligence or cause some sabotage. That's what we did, we were however only deployed to war zones, not special missions like the SAS or SBS. So essentially we were the one down from them. If you wanted to join the SAS from the pathfinders there was a good chance you would get in. Except I wanted to get out. Back in reality I was still jogging, this camp was big well it was one of the new camps built designed to house full battalions and carry out full blown war exercises. I had just ran past the cook house receiving some weird looks from some of the troops at the sight of a guy jogging in jeans, but hey needs must especially with the boss. I eventually got there and walked past the reception straight to the Brigadiers office avoiding his prized bulldog in the hall grunting past me. It wasn't the first time I caught that thing trying to rape the receptionist leg, which was weird. I marched up to the door with his rank and name on it and switched on, I may be in civvies but now was irrelevant this was the big boss. I knocked on the wood door and came to attention "Come in!" I heard in a deep posh accent. I opened the door with a creek and took one step in, slammed my right foot into the ground and began with the standard greeting.  "Sir I am Corporal Jones serial number 177638296, you requested my presence sir!" Whenever I said that I always put on the deep voice, to seem professional of course. From there I was now scanning the room, It looked quite old fashioned. In the middle was the wooden desk where the Brigadier sat, the walls where white with the occasional notice board and a giant UK fag directly behind the desk. Creepier still was the picture of the queen to the left, it was like she was staring at me which put me off. What I failed to notice in the first place was the 2 men beside me. I only just noticed them when one of them coughed. They were both sat down one in a black suit the other in the standard MTP parade uniform. The MTP guy I recognised as the captain of the pathfinders, my personal boss, as for the guy in the black suit I had no idea. However he did have a canny resemblance  to bobby out of law and order. The brigadier sat behind the desk kept typing on his laptop, it was as if he did not notice me but he knew he did so I stood there, waiting patiently for his response. The thing he said next was not what I was expecting. "Get off my leg you hump machine! I'm not a bitch you stupid mutt!" I heard from behind me. This made everyone in the room chuckle, except the guy in the suit, who still had his stern expression on. "Sir Shagalot! LEAVE!" the Brigadier shouted trying to command his dog to get off the receptionists leg. "Sorry about that, Corporal stand at ease and take a seat". I took a seat in front of the desk, The Brigadier proceeded to take out a file and open it reading it over briefly. "It says here that you wish to leave the army Corporal, my question to you is why?" "Well sir, I have been doing this for a while now and I think I have reached my limit," He then put the file down and leaned in to listen more. "I have been in the army now for 6 years and well... I've done all that I wanted to do, I have proved to myself I can be special forces, I've done all the courses weapons, signaller, intelligence even hand to hand. Done all the training exercises and even became a fully qualified parachute specialist. But there is one thing that makes a soldier, a firefight, a real one," at those words he slumped back down into his chair, knowing that I was right. "I know it sounds stupid, but to me it means the world, it proves to myself I am strong. Then I can say to myself that I am a soldier." "Well corporal I can also see that in your resignation letter, I know how you feel, you want to prove yourself. But if you leave what will you do then hmm?" I knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to convince me to stay. But if I did I would just be stuck in the same place again, craving a way to prove myself. I wanted to be the best pathfinder, but I could not do it here. "Sir I already thought this through," I tried to argue "I would leave and join a PMC that way I would get paid enough to actually retire," It was true PMC's get paid a wad full a 6 month deployment was 100K. "And also finally prove myself..." I was cut off at that point. "Mr Jones, where in the world does this 'need to prove yourself' come from? You're a pathfinder for Christ sake! One of the best we have. If you leave we will be one skilled man down and if you do join a PMC do you know what kind of work you will get into? Dark work that is what. Yes the pay is generous, but could you live with yourself once you have done it?" "Sir since I was a kid I wanted to be a soldier, soon as I left college I went to the recruitment centre. I went through training with flying colours, then I did every courses I wanted to do trying to build myself. I did the selection to see if I could do it and I did! Now its all just the same shh..." whoops almost swore then "S-stuff every day." "Mr Jones..." he sighed pinching his nose to compose himself "You are one of our best soldiers right now, and I would hate to see you leave. My opinion is that you are making a very bad decision, I also think you would benefit from joining the SAS. But there is no way of me stopping you then, so be it" Knowing he was not going to change my mind he got up out of his chair. "Mr Kodak, you're are up". Confused I turned around seeing the suited man get up and sit down right where the Brigadier was sitting. To say I was confused was now wrong, I was now scared, this guy is sat in the big boss chair. For him to be sat there means he is important. He pulls out a pair of glasses and places them on himself, then reaches towards the folder on the table. Reading it he then glances towards me, the silence in the room is eerie. "Mr Jones my name is Mr Kodak, I work for the UN security council," okay this is weird what does the UN want with me? "I understand that you wish to leave the army, now I am here to offer you a job," and now the penny drops "We are in need for a man of your skills base and background. Which believe me is very hard to find." "Okay but what does the UN want me for?" I asked. "Specifically a job has just opened with some very specific needs, you meet nearly all of those needs. You see this role is for the best, and we only take the best especially in this sort of work. I can see here from your file that you are indeed one of those people and you wish to become more. We need that," Returning his attention back to the file he proceeds to read it out loud to me "'Corporal Jones is a very fine soldier, a jack of all trades in a manor. He has done multiple courses that have given him a number of skills from combat to intelligence gathering. Although he has cut ties with his family he has adopted the army as his family, this has lead his whole life to revolve around a military lifestyle. However he has proven himself to get along with anyone, military or civilian. He is open minded and if tasked with an objective will complete it with the utmost efficiency. Although his stubbornness can get in the way at times especially when trying to prove himself, for which he has no need for. If he overcomes this personal need he could be one of the best soldiers I have ever commanded. I would highly recommend  him to join Sandhurst officer academy if it weren't for his stubbornness.' That Mr jones was your CO's statement about you." I turned around to look at my captain who just smiled and nodded, to which I returned the gesture. I always thought that guy hated me. Because I hated him that was for sure. "So Mr Jones the job that I am offering is a simple security job. We need a military liaison that can adapt. The role involves making sure personnel are safe and deal with and threats or risks. Also to work as a go between for us and the local military. The work is only contracted for a year for now, but the pay is 500 thousand pounds," he ended at that, smiling knowing everyone in the room was gobsmacked. Even the Brigadier had his mouth open, not even he gets that kind of pay! I was shocked for sure. That kind of pay I could happily retire, maybe buy a house, get a car, try to pick up women using that car but failing. "What's the catch though?" I asked. "Well you are wise in asking, but I am afraid that some of the details are on a need to know basis, details said that can only be disclosed once you have signed the contract." He then took out a bunch of papers out of the folder, placed them on the desk and slid them towards me smiling. It was if the devil was trying to make me sell my soul, which I can admit now was working. I picked up the contract and started to read through it, scanning for any odd clauses but there seemed to be none. That was until I noticed the last page, it was a secrecy form. One that you sign to stop people from saying things. Normally you do sign these things in the army but this was UN version. So my suspicion was raised at that. "What's this?" I held up the form. "Just a simple secrecy document saying you won't mention any of your work to anyone. Like the one you signed when you joined special forces." he said in a manor of fact. I then took placed the rest of the forms in my hands on top of the secrecy form. It then hit me that one major feature was missing from all of this. One that would determine the nature of the work. "Where will I be placed location wise?" asking bluntly. He paused, then leaned in placing his hands together leaned in and looked me directly in the eye's. "That Mr Jones is one of the pieces of information that is on a 'need to know basi-'" "Oh c'mon!" I reacted slamming my hand down on the desk. He then immediately and calmly lifted his hand in the air silencing my outburst. "That information will be given once you have signed these papers. Also If you do sign these there is a promotion in it for yourself AND Especially good benefits including a company car, so to speak," I was then hooked that was for sure, large pay, fixed term work, promotion and benefits. All of this on paper. That doubt voice in the back of my head was now silenced by the sound of all those perks. I was now sat there with a smile growing on my face, with a smile growing on Mr Kodak's as well. I picked up a pen from the desk and started to sign the papers with the tag 'sign here'. I set down the papers once all signed and asked "So where is it?" While still smiling. "Equestria Mr Jones" "FUCK!" > Chapter.2 Close encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THAT SON OF A MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! THAT WANKER GOD BASTARD SHIT TAKING PISSING WANKER! Sorry give me a moment here...Okay rant over. That SOB tricked me! 'It will be a paradise' they said 'It will be easy' they said, but nope. Here I am on a private jet heading to god damn mother fucking Bermuda. With smug bugger sitting across me, at least they let me drink whisky. Which was the only thing holding me back from leaping over the table and strangling the prick. I was sat I the most comfiest chair I have ever been on, being served whatever I want and surrounded by cream leather. Yet I could not take my eyes off the guy across me. They were wise in making all cutlery plastic on planes now or a fork would be placed 'where the sun don't shine' for this guy. The past 3 days had been interesting to say the least. Once the incident in the office was sorted I immediately went to the gym to take my anger out on the punch bag 2 days I was in there. It helped, a little because as soon as Mr Kodak was back and I was packed we were off to the airport. Not much was said all the way through the drive, customs and the plain. In fact I don't think a word was said at all, only the atmosphere of murder and smugness exchanged between us. "I know you are not happy with what I did Mr Jones," He said breaking the silence between us. "I am sorry for what I had to do for you see we were running out of time to find a suitable candidate." "Run out of time?" I asked "out of time for what?" "The portal to open. As you know the portal only opens once every 6 months and it only stays open for a minimum of 3 days. So I had to deceive you as I was unsure if you would take the offer or not. You do realise the portal is opening tomorrow don't you?" "No I didn't" I lied, taking another sip of my whisky "This is good you want some?" "No but thank you Mr Jones." "Good because its the only thing stopping me from killing you right now. So you better hope that decanter lasts until we land or I will kick your ass out of this plane" I warned him. He chuckled at my small joke "Well maybe I delay my sentence further by explaining your job in more detail". "Go on..." "Well the urgency of your role is high due to reports of scientists running into some trouble, hostile trouble that is. Researchers have came under attack by...wild creatures. The local military have aided us in protection. But the UN would feel a lot better if they sent at least some military personnel over there. However the local power AKA the royal sisters are unsure on sending human military to their world, as they understand our history with war and also the fact we have some very dangerous tools." "Okay that sounds a lot more reasonable," I butted in. Now my interest was peaked at Mr Kodak's honestly "But I still want to know why you kept the truth from me" "Mr Jones if you let me finish, all will be revealed. Now as I was saying the sisters are unsure of our military getting involved so a deal was made; between Earth and Equestria that we would send one of our own as security. But also to exchange military knowledge to learn from each other. Now this is where you come into all of this. We chose you because we needed the best, and at very specific requirements someone with no personal ties, trained in security, has numerous skills and open minded to anyone. Finding that kind of person was hard and most of the candidates that did qualify said no, even when we mentioned the income. So time was running out then your file comes across my desk and you seemed to fit the criteria perfectly. I was worried that you would refuse the offer, so I kept certain parts confidential with time running out I had no choice. If I hadn't I would loose my job and the researchers would still be at risk," He leaned back and relaxed in his chair, I think he was happy he got that off his chest "Does that answer your question Mr Jones?" I looked at him trying to look for any more signs of deception. I took a moment to process what he said. It all seemed to fit and was all logical. Protecting civilians and trying to show we are not all war tyrants. Hell, protecting citizens sounded like a good job actually and I can understand the desperation. So with my concourse much more clear, I could relax and really enjoy this whisky. "Well that clears up a lot. But Mr Kodak?" "Yes?" "From now on, A be honest with me from now on and B, I still owe you punch" I smirked to which he also laughed. I could now understand all of this and once you do get over all of the deception it seems like a pretty good job, especially the money. "Well I suppose I do agree with that statement Mr Jones. But let me give you the information on what will happen in the next few days from now. So I do suggest that you stop drinking the whole bar dry before we land," I had to agree with him on that, turning up drunk on a new job not so good, funny but not good. "Sadly due to time limits you have not received proper training like the scientists did for any of this. So you are going in blind on this, so it may be a bit of a culture shock to you, you will have to adapt on the go I believe that you can. But just in case we do give everyone a guide to Equestria here..." He got up from his chair and opened his briefcase on the side producing a very thick book. Handing it to me I realise what it is. "'A dummies guide to Equestria' are you trying to say something to me Mr Kodak?" I mocked. "No" He chuckles "Its standard issue to all personnel, I suggest you read it while you are there. As of tomorrow you will be leaving for the portal with all your equipment. I have already paid 100 thousand into your bank account, it is just the start up payment on the contract the rest will be paid quarterly," as he was saying this I took out my phone to check my account, low and behold 100K...nice. "As for your equipment most of it has already been taken care of, although you can add anymore to the list, within reason of course." I nodded in agreement, no point in taking a LASM to a CQB range. Especially if these 'princesses' were concerned with our weapon capabilities. "Anything else I need to know about?" I asked him, I was looking at him straight in the eye to make sure there was no more deception. But I found none so far. "Well most of the other things like the place you will be staying will be told to you by your new 'boss' a Dr Alexander Olof a German scientist. He is head of the Bermuda project on the Equestrian base, so you will answer to him although your power is similar to his. He will brief you once we land once you have been briefed and prepared you will be loaded onto a plane and well... rest is obvious. Oh and you will need these," He reaches into his suit and pulls out 2 rank slides and throws them to me. I catch them in my hand and look at them 3 chevrons.  "Welcome to the Bermuda project sergeant." Landing in Bermuda, Adam staggered out of the jet eager to stretch his legs, he never understood how he had got dead leg in a luxury jet. Once he was done working blood around his legs he looked around to take in his surroundings. He was in a hangar with the main door open. A cloudy day but it was still bright and warm. He was at an airport but he knew he was in a land he did not know. Mr Kodak on the other hand calmly walked off the plane briefcase in hand. Not a problem with him whatsoever, he walked up to Adam standing by his side while they watched a orange land rover start to drive towards them in the distance. "That will be Dr Olof coming to brief you sergeant, time is of the essence from now to prepare you for tomorrow. I wish you luck and I will be contacting you in the future" Kodak stated, he extended his hand to shake Adams hand, to which he returned it. "Ill try to do my best and thank you. We may of got off on the wrong foot but that's in the past, I'm glad you gave me this job I won't let you down" He replied getting Mr Kodak to smile. "I hope you won't sergeant" The suited man then made his way towards another orange land rover parked up behind the jet. being ushered in by another large suited guy in sunglasses, Adam gave him a small nod of appreciation as they drove off. At the same time the other orange land rover pulled up and a tall elderly man hopped out. "Sergeant Jones I assume?" He asked while he walked up to him. He had a heavy German accent. He may of looked old with his slightly grey hair and glasses, but the way he walked seemed as if he could run a marathon. Even his clothes in cargo pants and an orange t shirt gave him a youthful look. "Dr Olof?" Adam replied, offering his hand to shake. "Ja," The German scientist took hold of his hand a bone crushing grip and smiled "It is good that you are here sergeant, I am sorry for the rudeness but we must make our way. I shall brief you on the way, do you have any bags?" "Yes, I understand the circumstances, let me just grab my gear" Adam then went back into the jet to grab his Bergan and two holdalls, he was going to be there for a year anyway. With them in hand he threw them into the back of the Land rover and the 2 of them got in. Adam, now in the passenger seat could now get a better look a Dr Olof. He had wrinkle lines on his face and his expression was stern yet reassuring he did have a smile on him but the feeling he gave off was one of a  strong leader, to which Adam felt a lot more comfortable. Him being a leader himself, knew this man was suited to his job. "So Sergeant straight to business, you are the military security liaison for 12 months. Your roles include protecting the staff of the Bermuda project along with the ponies and to oversee the military exchange between local forces and earth. Do you understand?" He turned to look at Adam, expecting an answer. "Yes, I understand" "Good, let us be on our way," He started the car and started to drive out of the hangar. Adam could now see that he was just on a small section of the airfield with a lone compound. Now they were heading to the main body of the airfield, He could just about make out movement in the distance but no detail. "As you know I am Dr Olof head of the Bermuda project, also your boss. Your position is one below me so people will have to follow your orders. However you will not be working on site on the Equestrian base 'Amicus' you will be stationed in the Equestrian capital city of Canterlot." Adam was confused now, why would he be on a security role when he was being placed not near the thing he was protecting? "Why won't I be stationed with the researchers?" he questioned. "Well that is out of our hand sergeant, you see when the agreement was made to send military as security. The Royal sisters were concerned about soldiers wandering around Equestria so in the agreement it was said that you would be stationed in their capital city of Canterlot, where they royal sisters live." "Wait don't you mean Camelot?" "No, Canterlot most of the places there are some how stable related. We still are not sure why, and don't try to make any stable jokes we already went through that phase" The old man started rolling his eyes. "But what if I am required as first response?" Adam argued. "Well we do have the local Equestrian royal guard stationed at Amicus, so we have some protection, but having you around means that the guard can have a some human aid as well. Plus the Royal guard headquarters is based in Canterlot, so you need to go there in order to perform your other role as a liaison." Adam was silent after that. He did not like the idea of being away from what he was protecting, it was tactically flawed but he could not argue with what the agreement said. After all it was the only thing that was allowing a person like him to stay there. He would have to ask the royal sisters about that. Then the reality of what he considered hit him, Royal sisters, ROYAL sisters these 'ponies' are royalty and I am going to be working at where they live he realised. This reality check now made him nervous he never thought about meeting a monarchy. He knew sod all who they were, how to behave around them or even how to actually talk to them. Sure the UK had a monarchy of its own with Queen Elizabeth II but he had not been around them, now he was being placed right next to royalty. Dread and anxiety started to build in him, twisting his stomach he felt like he would throw up at any moment. He unwound the window instinctively just in case and looked out, what he saw outside took away his nausea and replaced it with shock and curiosity. Ponies, a few hundred of them at least. All running around preparing for tomorrow. Adam had never seen a pony in real life, only on the TV. He watched in amazement as the ponies worked just like humans. Securing crates, checking equipment even talking. It was a rare sight to see, if it where humans in this scene it would look normal. But this left Adam in awe, One Pony in particular caught his eye, a light blue green unicorn. It seemed to be 'holding' a clipboard in mid air. He then realised this was a unicorn that he had heard about, with their ability to telekinetically move objects using their horns. It was something that he would remember for the rest of his life. His first glimpse at the creatures he would be working with. Before Adam could get more looks at them, the land rover turned towards some other hangars obstructing his view to the hangar full of ponies. They drove inside a hangar with a large C17 Globe master inside. Adam could also see 3 more hangers with the same aircraft in them, all of them C17's but with orange and white paint jobs, he climbed out of the Land rover once it came to a stop admiring the scene he could see before him. He could see the giant aircraft being loaded with crates, to which the contents varied from scientific equipment to food. He could see ground crew running around with checklists trying to secure the loads for tomorrow. Followed by some of the scientists he presumed, he could tell as they were wearing the same orange t shirt as Dr Olof. "So how does the logistics work?" Adam called to the doctor. "Well sergeant Jones we have 5 C17 transport aircraft for the entire project. We load 2 of them with human personnel and equipment and another 2 with pony scientists and their scientific equipment. The fifth is just to take fuel over to Amicus. So all 5 aircraft leave here returning ponies and taking new fresh human personnel to Amicus. once they land there all the aircraft unload, then the ponies that want to go to earth load up as well as the human personnel who have been there for 6 months load up the 4 empty aircraft, while the fuel craft is filling the storage tanks. Once all done the exchange is done the aircraft head back to earth. All in 24 hours." The doctor ended his small speech in pride smiling to himself. Adam knew that was a small feat to do all that in under a day was a impressive logistics operation. "Now is there any other questions you wish to ask before you get your equipment?" The doctor asked staring right at Adam who still had his attention to what was going on. He then realised that he was being talked to by the doctor and responded. "Sorry what?" "I asked do you have any more questions before we move onto your personal equipment, Mr Jones" He said it in such a way that you would telling off a naughty child, which made Adam angry at being treated like a kid. It was at that moment he took a small dislike to the doctor for treating him in that way. He was completely new to all this he should of expected this. "Yes I do actually," Adam through back in a much more stern voice "Question A; Is there any personnel going to amicus that are not scientists, and B Why is everything Orange and white?" Adam folded his arms and gave the message 'go on try me'. They may of been talking logic but behind all the talk they were challenging each other. "For your information Mr Jones, yes there are other staff than scientists going to amicus. Engineers, explorers, medical doctors and others are going. Only about half of the entire amicus is scientists. As to your second question, It is the colour for the Bermuda project. It seems neutral enough to all nations and helps in search and rescue. Like in the Antarctic projects, they are mostly orange." The doctor now stepped closer to Adam also arms folded both of the eyeing each other up. It was at that point Adams conscious broke through his building urge to head butt the arrogant doctor in front of him. 'Calm Adam, calm' Adam's conscious spoke 'Hitting your boss on your first day of work is no good impression is it? You do this and you will end up at phase one all over. No plan and no way of proving yourself ' Adams arms slowly relaxed as he let his rage dissipate, unfolding his arms eventually. The atmosphere turned to normal. If there was one thing Adam absolutely hated, it was being treated like a idiot. Everyone is smart in some way he had learnt that in the army. Dr Olof noticed his ease and smiled as if he had won the standoff. He then proceeded to walk around the back of the C17, gesturing for Adam to follow which he did. He manage to dodge all the forklifts and the crates being transported onto the plane. When he emerged from the quick game of dodgems, he saw the doctor staring in front of him. Adam looked to see what he was looking at. What he saw with his eyes just made him laugh. Right in front of him was a Husky TSV, a patrol support vehicle. It was loaded already with gear and looked like the American hummers that the US used but these were smaller and more suited for support roles. Adam had used them in the past when he had to set up listening posts during training. Armoured compartment in the middle to protect troops, a turret on top to mount a gun and a compartment at the back to load equipment on. It was an ideal vehicle for any job really. But Adam was only laughing at the Husky. The German doctor was also laughing, but only because he did not know what was going on. Eventually the laughter died down and Adam had finally composed himself and began to speak. "Well then they weren't joking on the company car bit where they?" Adam said sarcastically. Both of them started to inspect the vehicle. Doctor Olof never saw the vehicle before and was just as Keen as Adam was to get a look at it, he was mainly concentrating on the car itself while Adam was inspecting the number of military gorilla crates on the back. The Doctor noticed what he was doing and turned his attention to the crates as well. Adam gestured to him for help in lifting the crates off. As they did so Adam asked "So who authorised this you or Mr Kodak?". "It was not me sergeant, it must of been Mr Kodak. I had no information that you would get all of this," he nodded towards the Husky. "And I have no idea what is in these crates". Once they had put the crate down, Adam opened it. Inside was various things ropes, harnesses ,grapples all climbing equipment. He dove deeper and brought out a parachute he went in again and took out another. Each were different one was a static line chute that opens for you as soon as you jump, whereas the other was a free fall type, one that you would have to pull the cord yourself. Adam smiled at all the adventure kit he was given it was both for tactical reasons and leisure. Nice to know Kodak is thinking of me he mused in his mind. Adam then put all of it back and went to grab another crate. It was then he noticed 2 crates that stood out. They both looked like huge black metal tool chests, but one had draws in front and the other had a lid. He then tried to take those out next himself. But to no avail, he tried to lift them but they were too big and heavy. Even pulling didn't work, he tried different methods till he heard numerous laughing behind him. He turned around to see the doctor had gathered the loading crew all of them laughing at the struggling special forces soldier. Adam help his rage come back, how dare the doctor humiliate him! He jumped off and grabbed a member of the ground crew by the jacket and threw him on the husky. "Maybe if you helped instead of laughing, you would all know how heavy this thing is!" He shouted at all the crowd including the terrified man on the husky. The man then got up and tried to move the crate in fear of what Adam may do to him next, he tried to lift the crate but even he could not move it. When the group saw this they all went silent. Adam smiled at his display and then tried to help the crewman. Eventually they had managed to get the crate with draws down with a little struggle. All of the other group now scared at Adams small outburst then where getting off the other crates and laying them in a orderly fashion, including the other black chest. Once all was unloaded the crew went into the same positions they once were, behind the German doctor. Adam knelt to the crate before him and looked around at the other crates, 7 in total. But only 2 of them had padlocks on them, and the one in front of him had a keypad. He thought to himself for a second, he would have to find the key and the number for the keypad to open the 2 larger heavier crates. He did have a rough idea what was inside but he needed to open them to confirm his theory. He then got up and walked towards the Husky, he paused for a second and drew his attention to his audience. "No one has touched this thing since it got here right?" He asked. A murmuring of "No" and shaking of heads followed from the still terrified ground crew, but only the doctor just stood there blank expression. Adam took this knowledge and attempted to open the door of the drivers side. It opened, with a hissing of the door hydraulics he hopped in, looked round and saw a white envelope on the passenger side. 'Called it' He thought, He then took it and opened it the first thing he saw was a letter, he began to read; Dear Mr Jones By the time you are reading this we have split ways. I hope that you like the company car. I know it was not what you were expecting, but I think that you will find it useful in your role. I did try to get your equipment you have been trained and used in the past. You have also probably noticed the 2 gun cases on the back of this vehicle. One of them does have a keypad and padlock on; this one houses the weapons that you may require. The other has the appropriate ammunition each weapon needs. Please take note: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LET THESE WEAPONS FALL INTO HOSTILE HANDS The weapons are in a case that is heavy to deter thieves and anyone interested. Also the keypad is linked to thermite housed in the inside lining. Enter the pin wrong 5 times the thermite will burn all the contents. We could not allow weapons like this end up missing in Equestria. Although you may need them in defending the scientists and the ponies. I also may add the weapons a have been radio tagged so they can be traced using a radio. Each weapon has a unique frequency you can track if any of them 'go missing'. Added note you are not aloud any explosives, however I did manage to convince the council to give you a grenade launcher with limited explosives and other ammunition types. I do think they would be a 'tactical advantage'. Aside from weapons, you have been given various equipment from body armour and tactical aids to climbing ropes and trauma kits. I hope these are useful to you. I also added the liberty of adding some parachutes to the list, I thought you may like some adventures and to show off from time to time. On a final note I must warn you. The Doctor who heads this project Dr Olof is a little bit of a control freak to say. To the point of obsessive. He has been known to try and create a barrier between the humans and ponies. My personal opinion is to keep and eye on him. He is suspicious, which is why I need you to keep track of what he does. Please log all that you can, in any form you wish be it video or written. Log it, it may be used in future reference. I wish you luck and hope you enjoy your time. Thank you Mr Kodak Adam smiled at the letter. It was hand computer written but he could tell Mr Kodak was looking out for him. He had gone out of his way to get him a new set of toys and to warn him of his new boss. Adam looked in the side mirror to see the reflection of the doctor himself, still standing there. In the exact same spot not even moved facially which creped Adam out. Adam then remembered what he was in here for. The pin to the weapons case. He scanned the letter again but no pin? He flipped it around and saw a 6 digit number on the back, with the words 'Burn once read' to which Adam agreed to, but he would do it later. He also looked in the envelope again, he found a manifest of what was in the cases which would save him looking but also found a set of keys. One to the Husky and the other 2 to the crates. Adam got out of the vehicle and walked back to the black crate. He enter the one of the corresponding keys, as soon as he turned it the keypad lit up. He then punched in the number from the letter and a pleasurable sound of parts moving inside pleased Adam. Adam felt Like he was kid at Christmas, he loved weapons but still paid them a lot of respect as he knew all too well, they were designed to kill. The first draw he opened made him smile. Laying there in the foam inserts was a C8 carbine, standard issue of the pathfinders. It was basically a clone of the M4 but was shorter, lighter and more accurate although it did sacrifice range. So primarily it was used for more mobile of troops. The one he held had a ACOG x4 on top and a underslung grenade launcher under the barrel. He picked it up gave it a function test before placing it back in. Next to the C8 was a Glock 17 sidearm, it was the standard of the British army. It was lighter more accurate and held more ammo per clip than its predecessor. He kept that out as he wanted to keep that on him at all times if he was going into unknown territory. He removed some of the magazines that were next to the weapons. When he did so he noticed something extra. A Taser pistol, why he needed that he would never know, although it might be fun to use. He closed the draw and moved one down, eager to find his next present. He slid the draw open and his already huge smile now was bearing full teeth. Laying there was a L129A1 sharpshooter rifle. This was deadly, but effective. Like the C8 it looked like a M4 but had a longer barrel and fired 7.62mm rounds enough to take down a target up to 800m. its AGOG was 8x magnification and on top was a small reflex sight for more close encounters. Adam could not wait to open the next draw down but as he did so in his giddy state. What he saw he considered overkill. A L7A2 General purpose machine gun, or 'gimpy' as its nickname was. It was a deadly MG paratroopers preferred it to the MINIMI because of its stopping power. 7.62mm rounds, a muzzle velocity of 830 meters per second and up to 800m just in its light role, it would easily rip any enemy to shreds. He wasn't happy with this weapon, instead he was confused. This weapon as overkill, he took a second to figure out when an idea hit him. He closed the draw and locked up the crate and hopped up onto the back of the Husky. He looked closer at the turret on top, specifically the mount for the Gimpy. Now he understood why, it was there to be mounted on the Husky for vehicle protection. With that doubt put to rest, he walked over to the ammo crate and unlocked it, finding the 9mm ammo box and started to fill up the magazines for the Glock. He filled up 3 of them and started to put the remaining ammunition all back, he would use his own pistol holster from his Bergan. Once closed and locked, he started to put away all of the crates as he already had the manifest to read through, instead of checking everything piece by piece. Although he did have a huge amount of struggle getting the weapon crates in so much that he was now drenched in sweat. By the time he had finished all of the cargo was loaded the only thing left was the husky to load. He drove it up and let the loading crew latch it down. He was still however able to get inside, there he sat there looking over the manifest. I started to read figure out what was in the envelope that was left here. Manifest, vehicle passport, frequencies for the weapons soon as I found that sheet I removed it from the others and pocketed it. I took the Glock and put it inside my jacket. Soon as I did so, I noticed my really bad stench. I had been in these clothes for past few hours and in a plane for a few hours. So with that bad note I think its time for a shower and to change into my uniform. I looked behind me, expecting to see my gear there, but nope I had left it in the Land rover. So I got out the husky documents still in hand, locked up the husky and went to get my gear. Soon as I walked out the C17 I looked around for that Doctor I had been warned about But he had disappeared, must of got bored or had better things to do. I was just glad that prick was gone. Looks like my enemy is not from the outside but within. I will have to keep and eye on him, he just seems... Off if you get what I mean. A few of the ground crew had also left, mind you they were now finished loading. I looked at my watch, only 9pm over there. so here it would be around 4pm taking into account the time zones. I think I have time to do some exploring once I'm changed. Maybe I will get to meet one of these ponies. I had never seen one in real life so it would be an experience and a lesson on what to expect. So with my mind set I set off to find a place to shower surely they must have some somewhere. I asked one of the crewman where I could get one. He directed me to the communal showers for the scientists. That ticked off I walked over to the Land rover still parked in the same position. I pulled out my gear, took out what I needed dumping the rest in the husky and headed over to where the crewman pointed me to. I walked through the buildings to find the one I was looking for. It looked like a block of flats, which in essence it was if it had to hold a few hundred scientists. Looking around I could see a people sitting on the grass enjoying the day, talking about how excited they were for tomorrow. A few noticed me but took no more interest, I was still in civvies after all. I went inside and found the signs easy to read to reach the male washrooms. I got undressed, showered and put on my MTP uniform. Tying the pistol holster to my leg I holstered the pistol. I also put on my paratrooper beret and the rank slides, It felt weird now being a sergeant. As I was doing so one of the guys I saw outside walked in with a wash bag. He noticed me and stared for a moment. I decided to explain what a soldier was doing at the Bermuda project. "Don't worry mate, I'm the security liaison" I smiled. He took a moment to think about what I just said, eventually the light bulb lit. "Oh! Sorry mate, completely forgot that we now had security. Names Jack," He held out a hand for me to shake, he had a Australian accent. He had blonde hair with ice blue eyes, he looked more like he belonged in a magazine than he was here. "I'm one of the engineers" he said with a smile. "Sergeant Adam Jones, Nice to meet ya. Only just got here, now I finally meet one of the guys I'm protecting" I said jokingly. "Hey I don't need no protection mate," He knelt down and lifted his trouser leg to reveal a knife, he took it out to show me spinning it in his hand "This is my protection. My father gave it to me, when you live near the outback, its good to have protection." I was stunned, yet in a sense I should of known he is Australian after all. "Are you even aloud that on site here?" I asked. "Are you aloud that?" He Gestured the knife to my pistol on my leg, he had a point. "I am security, so I do have rights to be armed. Plus I could take that off your hands if you like" I stated, pointing towards his knife. "Ha! Ide like to see ya try mate" He mocked still waving the knife in his hands. I was impressed at how he held it, he actions where fluid yet powerful. At that moment I tried to see if he could use it in reality, so I lunged at him. He instantly made a defensive stance. Then in one quick motion he took one of my hands, twisted it leaving me exposed and brought the knife right to my heart. He smiled knowing he had won, maybe he could handle it. "Okay maybe you can keep it, you did just pass my little test," I said still under the Australians control. He eased up and let go returning his knife to his leg. "Looks like you can keep it. I did hear that scientists can come under attack by wild animals time to time. But don't go waving it about, You're going to someone else's country, so respect their laws". The man gave a shrug "whatever you say sergeant" I knew he knew I was right. I just didn't want a stupid incident on my hands if we went over, then again from sounds of it, I may not be in amicus in the first place to protect the people. So I hope I can trust this guy. I glimpsed at my watch now around 5pm, I really wanted to get going to a shop to buy a few last minute things. Like a camera for the trip, I did have 100K now who cares? "Well I gotta go. Good to meet ya Jack, just don't go getting into trouble with that knife or I will be using it for your castration" I smiled at him, he just laughed. "Well I trust you will, just make sure you pick up one of these," he held up his writ showing me some sort of gold bracelet. I didn't really look as I was already walking out the door. "Cyas around sergeant pom!" I heard behind me, I just chuckled. Looks like this will be a good job after all. Now to hit the town. By the time I had got back from the local town it was getting dark, my hands were full. I went ballistic in the stores, if I was going away for 12 months I was going to be entertained. From a games console and TV to a camera. I even bought myself a tablet that doubles as a computer, nice. I did spend over 3 grand though, but hey still 97 thousand left in the account. Its at that point it suddenly dawned on me. Do I need to exchange my money? I may have human money but how would I spend it over there? I may need to buy some essentials over time like shower gel and clothes. I decided to look that up in the 'dummy guide' I was given by Mr Kodak. Before I knew it I was back at the C17 with the husky still standing, but something was out of place. The hangar was now empty, which was no surprise due to the time. But the Huskies passenger side door was open. At the sight of that, my training took over suspicions raised. I put down the boxes and bags slowly and pulled out the pistol, I now kept in my jacket pocket (Ya like I was going to walk around town with a visible weapon). I took off the safety and started to stealthily walk towards the open door, weapon raised ready. My first day here and I already have a security threat, great. As I made my way closer, I could hear movement in the vehicle. Just as I reached the back end of the husky, I took a quick glance at the crates none of them were touched, not even the weapons to my relief. I walked a little closer, now at the door I could hear someone searching for something. The sound of objects being flung around gives it away, but I could only make out one person in there. So with knowing that I went in with the shock and awe approach to things. I rested up my back to the rear door passenger side, ducking to avoid the window and went in. I reached out with my right hand, holding the Glock with my other. My hand went around into the passenger side, It made contact with something warm so I grabbed it. In a split second I pulled with all my might, as fast as I could. Next thing, a green blur fly's out of the door being dragged by my hand. I let go making the blur hit the side of the plane and finally come to rest. Now I could see my little spy. What I saw was not what I was expecting, it was a pony. Not only that it was the one I saw earlier, from when I was arriving. But now I could see her up close, she was indeed green but a sort of bluish type, viridian I think. She was had a mane that was mainly light blue with a white streak that followed. I could tell she was female as the scream from her sudden withdrawal from my Husky. She was slouched rubbing the back of her head, eyes closed, hissing at the pain. I just took the moment and took up a firing stance a safe distance from her, but not too far that I would miss. She maybe a pony, but she is still a possible threat. She started to open her eyes. She glanced round to see me, she froze, even stopped rubbing the back of her head. She took one look at me, it was then I noticed her big, golden eyes they were a shade of gold that I had never seen before. Then came the shouting, "What in Luna's moon was that for!" She screamed, pointing one of her han... I mean hooves at me. "That pony, was for breaking into a military vehicle and theft" I sternly stated, I wasn't going to budge here, even if she looked cute. "I wasn't stealing!" The green pony defended. " I was just exploring, not my fault you humans have non magically enforced locks" She was now looking up, waving her hooves, as if to mock me. I could feel my blood start to boil. "Sorry for not using 'magically enforced locks', but last time I checked humans could not use magic, plus you are on earth. So there is no magic. You should know that." "Hey, not my fault the plane was left open and this interesting thing was left here, I had to take a look. C'mon you must of been so curious about something new, right?" She was trying to appeal to me but it would take a lot more than that to turn me. "Did you take anything?" I asked. "No" "Is that the honest truth?" she paused for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to come clean. "Okay, I was just curious at first then I saw these," She levitated a pair of gloves from behind her. It was weird seeing this 'magic', but what my main concern was she just attempted to steal my pair of combat gloves. "They look so cool and different, I was going to put them back honest!" I walked up to her and grabbed the gloves from her magical grip, cheeky bugger. I lowered my handgun deciding she was no major threat, just a overly curious pony. I decided to check if she stole anything else though so I checked the back of the Husky. Inside was now a mess, all my bags had been opened all their contents flung everywhere, luckily no major mess. She didn't touch the radio in the back either thank god. I decided her punishment should be to tidy all of the mess she had caused, I tuned back to the little pony, to find her trying to sneak off. "Nice try," I stated, she froze in place muttering something "Now since you caused all this, you can clean it up". "And what if I don't and just run away?" She fired back at me, I was already prepared for this though. "Well if you run away Ill just shoot you," I raised the weapon back to her, I wouldn't really shoot her but a weapon aimed at you are you going to risk it? "And if you don't do as you are told I will lock you up, and I'm sure you don't want to miss your flight home tomorrow right?" She thought about it for a second before groaning and making her way back to the Husky. Then with her horn glowing, she levitated all the objects and one by one they all moved back to where they were. I was left mouth open. She did all that in under a minute. "Wait...what? How?" I was lost, I knew they had magic but this, this is something else. "What? Never seen magic before tough guy?" She said in a mock seductive way. "Now can I go?". "Erm... Ya sure I guess" I was still looking at what she did all of the things just seemed to go backward. With her cue she started to walk away, swinging her hips in victory. Also making sure I could see, including her weird tattoo, weird. I then went back to what I was originally doing. I went back out picked up all the boxes and now sat drivers side unboxing all the gadgets. I needed to set everything up before tomorrow, in fact there was so much to do before tomorrow. I had to download all the media I wanted because I doubt internet exists there. I also had to read that giant book I was given. Lastly I had to some how sort out funds before take off tomorrow. So all in all, I am not getting any sleep tonight. A few hours later, I was just in the middle of downloading half of ITunes to my laptop, when a large bang I heard from the hangar. I Peered round, sticking my head out the door. All I could see was the lights of the plane laminating the hangar, nothing. Must of been a animal or something. I turned back around, returning my gaze to the screen. I saw that all of my downloads had finished, finally I had all the movies, games and music I could want. Now I can start to read that book. I grabbed the book from behind my seat and opened it. I looked at the contents, seeing what seemed important. Finally I had found something important; The Royal guard. Tuning to the corresponding pages, I started to read. Now I'm not sure if it was tiredness, my eyes straining or the fact the text was crap. But this textbook was pretty much gibberish to me, and I had read the manual on weapons safety back home. So the guide was pretty much useless, now I had no knowledge of what or who I was going to be working with. I let out a sigh of defeat. "What's up big boy?" I Jumped in my seat, turning to the source of the voice. It was green pony, back again. Somehow in the passengers seat. She was smiling at me, quite happy with how I reacted to her little joke. I composed myself from my near heart attack, "How the hell did you get in here! Why are you in here for that matter!?" I demanded. "Simple I opened the door and saw you playing with this.. thing," She pointed her hoof at the tablet I was using. "Also I am aloud to talk to humans, can't I?" She started to bat her eyelashes at me, which was more creepy than seductive. I let out a moan of frustration, not only did I have no information from the book. I also had to deal with this Equestrian nuisance. In that moment a light bulb lit in my head. She was from Equestria, I could ask her what I wanted to know. I then decided to let her stay to help me in understanding this new world. "Look, you can stay but I'll make you a deal you answer my questions about your world, and you can ask me whatever you want. deal?" She took a moment to think about it, resting one of her hooves to her chin. "Okay, Ill do it," I was now pleased finally some information. "But, I want to ask you some questions in return. Whatever, I, Like" She leaned in as she said the last part, which was a little disturbing. I don't know what she is up to, but she seems sporadic and weird. Although I will have to play her game if I want her to play mine. "Okay sounds like a plan, you go first" I answered. I made myself comfortable because this could go all night, I also reached into one of the bags and pulled out a can of Coca-Cola, going to need the caffeine. "Okay, let me think," she said looking up thinking, while I was drinking the sweet beverage. "Okay I suppose I should know your name?" "My name is Adam Jones, Sergeant Jones is my title," I responded. "And what is your name?" "My name is Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings," she replied chirpily. "So why are you here?" "Well," I offered her one of the cans in my bag to her. She took it in her magical grip, need to ask on that. "Like said on our first encounter, I am the security for the Bermuda project. Also I act as a military liaison between earth and Equestria. Please don't ask any more questions on it, I've only started the job for Christ sake." I chuckled. "So how are you talking English Lyra? I thought your people had your own language." I had been wondering for a while now how she knew full English or it was something else. "Its all down to this," she held up a hoof to show me a gold bracelet. One that looked remarkably similar to the one the Australian had. "It allows me to talk English and also hear it. In my mind it seems all Equestrian, but I am speaking English through my mouth." "So its a translator for your mind?" "That counts as too questions to me, but yes it does. So where are you from and do you want my translator bracelet? I don't need it anymore you see, since we are going to Equestria tomorrow." "Erm, okay, thanks. As to your other answer I'm from England." As I said this she took off the jewellery which I suppose used magic. I took it out of her magic grip and slipped it on. I felt nothing though. "I don't feel anything." I exclaimed. "You do seem to be talking Equestrian to me you know." She said mouthing in English. "Well you do seem to be talking English, but you even look like you're speaking it with your mouth." "Oh that's just your mind, the humans said that your mind compensates for what your senses are taking in. Its weird huh?" "Ya it sure is," I mused "Not as weird as you though." "Hey! I'm not weird, I'm unique." She responded, folding her hooves in disgust. I just laughed at the reaction, eventually so did she. "So what about you where are you from?" "I'm from a place called Ponyville, just outside of Canterlot." "Canterlot, that's the capital right?" "Eyup"   I was now getting somewhere. For the next hour or so we kept asking and answering each others questions. For a Pony I had just caught stealing she seemed pretty nice. She explained to me the types of ponies Earth, Unicorn and Pegasus. Also their roles and abilities. Which to admit sounded pretty cool yet defied physics, which was still cool. She also answered all my concerns on their land, including the royal guard which I would need. She did touch on the Royal Princesses, but she admitted she didn't know much. In return I answered all her questions. Minus the one on my past,that was a little too personal. Although she did ask a lot on humans mainly. I mentioned what I used to do and what I did day to day, also what other non military people did. She was fascinated by it all. I asked her on why she was so clung to humans. She explained to me she always believed that humans were real. When she was a kid (or in her case filly) her mother always told her stories of humankind. As she grew up that fascination never died, and when the portal opened she was dying to come here and study us. Eventually she got on board with one of the pony discovery expeditions. Although her trip was interesting, people were still unsure on meeting ponies. It also did not help that they were still limited to visiting a few nations. So all she did learn was from books or a few people willing to talk to a pony. It made me slightly hurt and upset that some humans were still afraid or unsure of our new friends. They seemed perfectly harmless, no incidents were recorded earthbound. Lyra seems perfectly harmless, so why should she be a threat? I just hope this is not the case at Amicus. "I have to ask what's with that tattoo on your backside?" I asked finishing my fifth can that night, It was getting to midnight now. "What this?" She responded by lifting off her seat exposing the tattoo. "this is my cutie mark." "Cutie mark?" I asked tilting my head, weird name for a tattoo I admit. "Ya everypony has one. We get them once we have found our special talent. Mine for example is playing the lyre, so I got this when I started to play." "So you got yours put on?" "No they just appear through magic. Every pony has to find their special talent, it also links in with their name a bit too which is freaky. I don't know much on it your better asking my friend Twilight." "Ah right okay" I decided to end there. All this information was a lot to take in. What she is saying seems to be true, but I think experiencing myself is probably the best approach. This is surely going be a trip to remember. Plus it was all going to happen tomorrow. I have to admit I was pretty excited. Lyra then suddenly let out a huge yawn. I took a quick glance at my watch it was now past midnight, even doped up on caffeine and sugar even I could feel sleep creeping up. "I think its best we both get some sleep, lot to do tomorrow" I said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," she said in a slightly disappointed tone. She started to open the door with her magic "Goodnight Adam, if you're ever in Ponyville will you visit?" "I'll try" I said with a smile. In truth I would try, she seemed nice and my first alien friend for that matter. She looked sad as she got out, head down ears flat. "What's up?" I asked her. She let out a sigh before turning around "I don't really get on with ponies from my group or Humans for that matter. So a lot of ponies will be grumpy if I wake them up. Plus you're the only Human that has been nice to me, thank you." Okay now I know why she was bloody called heartstrings. She was pulling mine with that sad face, I had a urge to just hug her but I had to stay professional. "Lyra, I'm sorry you don't get along with people. Sometimes I don't either, but every now and then we have to suck it in a bare through it. If you're going through hell you have to keep going till you break through," she turned around to walk off again at that point my kindness gave in. "But since it is your last night you can sleep in here, with me." She stopped in her tracks and looked at me, a smile on her face. She climbed back in her seat and got comfortable, once she was she mouthed thank you to me. I just smiled and grabbed my combat jacket to put over her, she gladly accepted and pulled it over her. I returned to my seat to get comfortable as well, grabbing my fleece as a blanket. I sat there as she fell asleep quite quickly, she seemed peaceful. I just stayed awake a little longer, I was too excited to see this world tomorrow. If Lyra's words were true, Equestria did sound like a paradise. I sat there thinking about all the possibilities, all the wonders I would see. It was finally hitting me that I would be one of few of my kind to see this land. I was an explorer, like out of the stories and I would be protecting those of the land and my own. I felt a great deal of pride grow in me, maybe I can prove myself after all. I began to let sleep take over, letting my eyes grow heavy and shut now. I could feel my mind start to drift off to dream land. Today Earth, tomorrow Equestria. That was all disturbed by loud snoring, great, Lyra snores, just what I need. > Chapter. 3 Take me to your leader > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam woke suddenly from his peaceful slumber. He was now alert from the rude awakening, he sat up bolt upright to hear the sound of a siren going off all around him. The first thought that came into Adams head was to grab his gasmask and NBC gear thinking the siren was a nuclear siren, it was the same after all. Then his rational mind started to wake and take over and wonder how he could hear though all the armour on the Husky. He looked over to the passenger side to see it empty. He must of overslept due to all the caffeine he had last night. But his main concern was his friend was gone, and the door was left open. He looked down to the empty space and felt sad, his friend had gone and never said bye, then again he might see her again. Adam finally started to get to work as to why the Siren was going off. He took off the fleece that was still covering him and proceeded to get out of the Husky. Once out he felt tired still and did a few stretches as he walked out of the C17, he felt the morning cold hit him. He checked his watch to see it was around 9am, least he got a bit of a lye in. He looked up to see what all the commotion was about. Before him he saw ground crew running around like a disturbed ant hill. All of them doing final checks on the plane or checking the loads were secure. All of the crew running around was quite comical to him, little men in high visibility gear working like oompa loompas from Charlie and the chocolate factory. One of them ran by him, if not for Adam grabbing him on the arm. "What's going on?" Adam asked. "Portal is open now," The Crewman replied, trying to free himself from Adams grip but Adam was not finished. "We are leaving now!" He shouted, just as he shrugged off his grip. As he let go he saw 3 men in flightgear start to board the plane, Adam did not have time for more questions. So he simply hopped back on the craft and hoped for the best. He closed the doors of the Husky and made sure all was strapped down, also yanking on the straps holding the Husky. It would be a disaster if one of those cases came flying towards him mid take off. Once her was satisfied with safety, he decided strap himself in. He saw one of the foldaway chairs on the side of the holding area and started to strap himself in. He was thankful he had no breakfast or this would start to make him sick. Then again he did feel sick with excitement, nerves, and curiosity. It was like going on a first date with someone, that feeling though was new to Adam since the last date he went on was a few years ago. He saw 6 crewman also strap themselves in, the rest all bailed out of the pane and the exit began to shut slowly. It was probably the last time he would see Earth again, so he implanted that image in his head. As the grey door finally clamped shut he started to daydream. I wonder what it will be like? I hope they have good food at least with being vegetarians. What will the other ponies be like towards me? Kind like Lyra, or mean as Dr Olof? Then a reality though finally hit him. I haven't changed any of my currency. At that his followed reaction involved him putting his head in his hands and letting out a loud groan, muffled by his hands. One of the crewmembers sat next to him noticed his groan however. She saw him in his stressed state and decided to inquire. "Hey, what's up with you?" She asked. "Nothing" Adam quickly replied, trying to keep his thoughts to himself. How could he fuck up already? "So putting you head in your hands and making a noise that rivals a whale is nothing?" The crewman shot back. "I just forgot to change my currency that's all" "Hey, don't sweat it," She called placing a hand on his shoulder "I'm sure you can work something out there." "I hope so." They returned to what they were doing originally. Adam feeling sick and staring into space and her doing the same but smiling at Adams misfortune. A minute later they felt a small jolt that went through the aircraft, Adam recognised it, it was the aircraft now being taxied across the airfield. He knew in a short time the engines would heat up and they would be taking off. "Good morning everyone, and welcome to the fifth Bermuda logistics exchange," A voice was heard over the intercom. Must be the pilot Adam thought. "I hope we can break our record of 38 hours and 45 minutes to drop and load this time, so good luck." Adam felt his heart rate go up a few beats as he heard the four jets come to life. He could not see outside, but he could roughly guess what was going on. He started to breath deeply trying to control his anxiety. All of his training, all of his years of experience was now going to be real. He would have to protect those under him and also exchange those around him, if he screwed up it would be real no safety net. He could now feel the engines increase their thrust, moving them forward along the runway increasing speed. Just near the end the craft started to lift. there was definitely no turning back now, not unless you wanted to jump, which Adam figured. They were now levelling off, they had now climbed to the target altitude and where on course to the new portal that was hovering somewhere over the Atlantic. Adam did not know where it was but the pilots did set a bearing for it. All Adam could imagine was a squadron of huge planes all information and disappearing. He could now compare the moment to that of being of a huge rollercoaster. You waited in a queue for a while with your stomach churning, you know roughly what you got yourself into but still had no idea what it actually was going to be like. Adam was now sweating with nerves, he had no actual idea what he was getting himself into. He knew even with all the intelligence you are given its never like being there live. Just as he was considering throwing up the intercom bellowed out. "Okay ladies and gents we are 30 seconds form the portal, for those of you who are new to flying with us. You may feel a tingling sensation as we pass through, don't worry this is perfectly harmless and normal. As soon as we cross we will be landing in 15 minutes, thank you." Adam felt a little reassured from the pilots smooth voice. He always wondered how they could sooth anyone just by talking. As his mind drifted away with curiosity from the mild question, his anxiety started to fade with him being distracted from the main event. A few seconds later Adam felt what the pilot warned him about he could feel what felt like static electricity jumping all over his skin. The hairs on his skin stood on end, if he had longer hair it would be standing up like a mad scientist. Sadly The crew member he was talking to had long hair. Once through he brought himself back to reality, after feeling the side effects of travelling through the portal. It was a weird sensation, he felt no different however. He looked towards the crew members to check on them. Only he saw the girl he was just talking to had her hair all fluffed up. She noticed him staring at her, sniggering. She also heard the other crewman sniggering at her new hairstyle. "What?" She demanded. "Nothing" Adam tried to say without bursting into laughter. All the other crewmembers all nodded towards Adam I acknowledgment of their small prank. This made him completely relaxed now. All the fear was replaced with humour. He could imagine her reaction later once they have landed. So they all decided to leave it just to see that very reaction. "Ladies and gentleman we are now making our final approach, please ensure you are sat down and secure," The pilot said again through the intercom. "ETA till landing 5 minutes, so standby" Finally we were landing. All my nerves had gone now. If it weren't for the pilot and crazy hair next to me I would of probably threw up by now. I was now in Equestria, the feeling hadn't really sunk in yet. It probably will soon as I step out those doors. I was trying to picture what it was like outside from what Lyra told me last night. But I suppose I was going to find out soon. All of this flight was making me think a lot, now I was wondering what happened to Lyra. She must of got on the plane with her team, I hope she is okay. I might see her once we land, if not I will have to visit her in Ponyville when I have free time. I still had the issue of currency though. I just hope crazy hair, yes I now call her crazy hair it suits her, I just hope she is right. Maybe I could talk to someone really high up in the pony hierarchy, make some deal or an IOU. Don't see how it would work but it was better than being broke. I dare not talk to the Royal sisters about it, worst part was I would probably have to meet them at some point. I still had no idea how to behave around them. For that matter what they would be like, I had seen pictures of them on the news but you can't judge a book by its cover. If I was going to be working in the palace I am bound to run into them so might as well brace myself. I just hope they don't mind me carrying a small arsenal with me to their peaceful nation. I was still deep in thought when I felt the shift in force, we must be landing now. "We are now going in for approach, please prepare for landing" Called it. "Soon as we land, I need you to unclip the Husky for me," I said the the crewman, they all put their attention towards me. "Soon as you're done, I'll drive off and you can unload. I have to go on over watch for all this" all of them nodded in agreement. I still couldn't help but snigger at crazy hair. Soon after we felt the slight rumble of us coming down to land. I could hear the hydraulics of the wheels erect and lock into position. I just switched off my mind, only letting my mind concentrate on what to do next. Soon as that door opens I get in and drive out. I tried to block out my anticipation but I was failing, badly. My palms were sweating, hands shaking and butterfly's in my stomach, I was clenching my fists to try and let my nerves evaporate. Finally the wheels made contact with the runway. My heart jumped rhythm, increasing its speed. The plane started to slow down, eventually to its taxi speed. Soon as we stopped the crewman started to get up as did I, 2 went to open the door while the others began to unclip my armoured vehicle. I got in just as the ramp started to lower, I started up the Husky and let the engine warm up as the ramp lowered. I could not see out of the plane yet. I was still facing in the plane, but I could see through the side mirrors the blinding light that poured through. Lighting up the entire hold, It was bright, I wasn't sure if it was just bright or my eyes had been in the dark for a while. Once The ramp was lowered I shifted into reverse and began moving backwards towards the light. At least it was day here so I could get a good look of the land. The wheels were now all on the concrete, I could now see around me, only just due to my eyes still adjusting. To say it all in one word, lets say it was beautiful. The sky was blue, and I mean crystal blue, a few pure white clouds scattered the sky but not enough to put a dampener on it all. The land was covered mostly in green, I was expecting a city. But most of it was green, all natural. I could see other C17's already landed already unloading. Ponies and people running around working together to get tasks done. It was a sight to see, Some of the humans concentrated on getting the unloading done, while others just stood there gawking at the new land. Me on the other hand was trying to do both. My mind was overblown with senses, while I was trying to perform the menial task of driving from A to B. Wherever B was. I could see more in the distance the fuelling plane filling up the tanks well away from the Green forests and Amicus. For safety reasons of course, it was kept well away in case of a fire or an explosion. On the other Side was Amicus. It was like something out of the future. It looked like a whole team of architects built it, by themselves. It was concrete with metal, all clean and crisp. I could make out all of the Solar panels the lined all the roofs of each building. That would explain how we had electricity. It was also had huge windows that I could spot from where I was. I could already tell it was high tech just from sitting here. Each building had a orange stripe somewhere on it the colour of the Bermuda project. 2 towers stood out from the landscape one which had a few aerials sticking out, I presume that is either the communications tower or the control tower for the airfield. The other was just a lone very tall tower and at the top glass that was shining. It looked like a giant sceptre with a diamond dome on top. I don't know what is was but I am going to find out soon. Just to the left of it all was a mountain. Tall and standing proudly watching over Amicus, it was covered in forest all the way to the peaks. I could just make out and observatory on top of the mountain, placed to block out all the light below to get clearer pictures. All of it was just amazing. If I was a scientist I would think I had died and gone to heaven. All this unexplored land for us and all the toys you need to do so. It is a paradise of knowledge and exchange. I returned my wonder to ground level. Seeing Pickups and small trucks of orange, picking up the heavier cargo from the planes. Some Scientists watching as their precious cargo was being unloaded. Ponies all taking their stuff to Amicus, I tried to spot Lyra but I could not see her. I decided to make my destination the giant tower in the middle to get a better look at the land. All of this was just overwhelming to me. Her I was driving on a new world. I could feel the kid inside me wanting to climb the trees to see more and run around exploring. Plus I was sure I was not the only one with this feeling. I felt a huge grin spread across my face at that idea. I was still driving towards Amicus, the town had roads able for trucks to move around in. So I could easily just drive to the tower. I decided before I do that to get some air and stretch my legs from the flight, that and to also see if any help was needed. I would stop just outside Amicus. I pulled up just next to one of the roads leading in. Watching all the traffic make their way in and out. I hopped out and could smell the clean air through my nose. I felt the rush of clean air course through my blood It all felt new and magical. Here I was the one to protect all of this. Although the questions still remains; what from? Also why? I watched from a distance all the people and ponies go about unloading. Getting themselves acquainted with Equestria, so was I for that matter. I stood there leaning on my Husky, still taking in all the details of the land. I knew I would get a better view from that tower, but right now this was just fine. Here I could see the Bermuda project in action, ponies and humans working side by side in the pursuit of knowledge. I decided to get a can of coke from my Husky. Just as I was turning around, I could see a large group of ponies walking up towards me. All of them seemed to be wearing some sort of armour. A flashback from the book I tried to read, made me remember these must be the royal guards. All of them wore golden armour, which baffled me as gold is stupid to have as armour. They got closer and I could work out around 20 of them, all of them seemed to be armed with swords, spears even bows. The more concerning issue was the fact they had them all ready. They were not aiming at me as such, but just had them drawn and ready. I don't know why, but I was taking no chances so I let my right hand hover over my pistol on my leg. I did not want to cause an incident here, but If they tried anything I will defend myself. They all stopped a few feet away from me, we both stared at each other giving away no hint of emotion. Just waiting for the first person to make the first move. Which was a Pegasus, he walked out of his group and put down his sword from his mouth, I suppose for those who can't use magic they have to use their mouths. He placed the sword in it sheath just below his wing. He was white with the same golden armour as the others. The armour style was similar to ancient Greek armour and medieval display armour. I learnt all that from a trip to the Leeds royal armouries when I was young. He had a white coat with blue eyes and a blue tail to match. He did look impressive but I still doubted gold armour, I just hope its for display purposes like our royal guard back home. He took a few more steps forward and stopped in the middle ground between his team and me. I decided to take a step forward, still letting my hand linger over my Glock. We stood there looking at one another, from top to bottom. It was a weird encounter to say, but it seemed normal if you were there. When suddenly he decided to speak "You must be the soldier from earth?" He asked in a deep tone, I was not sure if he was putting it on so I tried to match it, to seem tough. "Yes, I am Sergeant Jones of the United Kingdom, Liaison and security for Amicus" I started trying to seem impressive. "I am sergeant metal hoof, of the Equestrian Royal Guard. We have been expecting you, and are here to escort you to the palace in Canterlot. These orders are from the Royal sisters so I do advise you follow them." "Whoa, hold up their, orders?" I was shocked and a little insulted, I'm not part of their army, I am a human soldier not a royal guard. "They don't own me for a start. I'm not blaming you, but this is a load of crap. They don't order me around." "But Sergeant, they have requested your presence in Canterlot." He protested. "Yes but it is still a little too soon, I still have not done a security assessment of Amicus yet. Which is my primary mission here, to protect Amicus personnel and the local population. So I am afraid they are going to have to wait" I said, he looked a little shocked now his ears placed backwards. "Sergeant Jones if you do not comply with these orders, I will have no choice but to arrest you." He now spoke up with a hint of anger in his voice. I did not want to cause a scene here, it would just be bad press. Although this was a bad idea. I still had not done an assessment of the area but I suppose I have no choice but to comply, the assessment can wait. I did not see any immediate threat yet so I think its okay for a while. "Okay Ill go," I sighed. He then eased up and so did the ponies behind him. "But the car has to come with us" I said tapping the bonnet of the Husky. He looked at it for a second, returned his face to me and smiled. "Don't worry Sergeant we have something that will take that to Canterlot" He smiled very suspiciously. I had a feeling I was going to find out soon and I was right. The whole group now put away all of their weapons, as I did relax my trigger finger. I was lead around the side of Amicus right to the edge of the runway. There I could see a hangar full of vehicles ranging from 4 by 4's to trucks, 2 of which caught my eye. Chinooks, I knew they used them in civilian use especially in barren landscapes like the arctic. But this made me smile, I now had another resource at my disposal. I did suspect This pony was leading me to them to load up the Husky, was I wrong. I looked outside the Hangar to see a pirate ship? Nope it was no pirate ship it was an airship, it had a huge balloon hanging above shaped like a blimp but with a wooden ship attached to the bottom by a network of ropes. It looked like something out of a movie, this world was full of surprises. The ship had a huge propeller protruding from the back. and 2 smaller propeller engines at the side, which I presume aid in steering. At the side of the hull was a large ramp leading inside. It looked big enough for the Husky to fit in. I think this is how we were going to get to Canterlot. The sergeant turned his head to look at me as we walked smiling in content at my shocked reaction. I had to give it to him, this was impressive. "I'm sure this can take your 'car' to Canterlot sergeant." He mused. "Well then, I'll go get the husky then" I turned around to jog back to where we were. When a small curiosity emerged "Where is Canterlot roughly?" I shouted back. The Pony guard then lifted a hoof in the air aid pointed it off in the distance behind me. I turned around to see the direction of what he was pointed at, in the distance I saw a mountain, what was on the side of the mountain was a different matter entirely. It was a city, I could tell even from a few miles away. It was freaking huge! It was hanging there on part platform and settled on part cliff.  The distance was vast but to see it, on a clear day like this it must be huge. Looks like these royals don't like to disappoint with flare. Now I see the need for the airship, thing. Driving up that mountain onto that cliff side would be hell. I let my jaw drop at the sight, the whole lot of pony guards behind me started laughing at my state of shock. I looked back to see all except the sergeant laughing, he was just smirking, looks like I will have to get them back, hopefully they haven't seen what a 5.56mm round can do. Or seen a human jump from 20,000ft for that matter. That will have to wait, for now drive, fly and land that was the bridge we had to cross. I eventually got the Husky and reversed it up the loading ramp of the flying machine. I was worried it would not take its weight, this thing must weigh around 8 tonnes, even with all my gear. Luckily though it did take it and now it was sat in the cargo hold facing out so I could easily drive off once we arrive. I still did not like the idea of leaving Amicus so soon, but if I was ever going to gain the trust of the ponies, I would have to play their game for now. I was now stood on the ramp after all of the guard ponies started to pack up and get themselves on board I must of counted around 50 on board. All varying in kind, but mainly there were a few more pegasi, seemed logical. I still got some weird looks from the ponies. They ranged from some level of fear to curiosity. None of them came up to me to talk though, I did feel alienated so I went off to find that pony sergeant that was willing to talk to me. I went up the wooden stairs as the side of the ship started to close. Little lanterns full of glow flies lit up the area like candles. It was a weird spectacle instead of seeing light bulbs they used biological light, clever. I emerged on the top deck of the ship, I looked around to see if I could see the guard pony. But I could not see him, walking along the deck I looked out for him, admitting it was hard because some of them seemed to have the exact came armour and colour scheme. However I did remember his 'cutie mark' of a grey hoof on impact. So staring at ponies behinds was a little, weird to say the least. I almost gave up on searching when I heard a loud voice come from the top deck. "All crew aboard, remove ground anchors!" I looked up to see the sergeant on what appeared to be a old style ship wheel. He was stood up on his hind legs with his front hooves gripping the wheel. I saw some stairs leading up to the top deck at the rear of the ship. I made my way up them when I heard the lines being dragged up and flames above me bursting into life to give the balloon ship lift to fly. It was a weird thing to be using a craft like this. I just hope the ropes holding the balloon to the actual ship are strong. I emerged on the top, looking around to see various ponies doing jobs. Although one stood out, he was wearing a very weird type of armour. One that was completely different armour to the others. I assumed that he was someone important, maybe an officer. His armour was basically lined purple and looked a lot bulkier than the others. He had his hooves trimmed and exposed showing blue that matched his tail. He was also quite well built, yes I know I haven't seen many ponies but compared to this crew he did seemed toned. He turned around from a table covered in charts. He looked at me and I did the same. Him smiling while I just looked at him still a little confused as to why purple armour. I mean seriously who chooses purple? Its not logical and looks crap. I also noticed he was a unicorn, with light blue eyes. He said something but I was still in though over purple armour. "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked coming out of my daydream. "I said, welcome to Equestria sergeant," He repeated. He walked up and extended his hoof up to my hand, I was not sure of the gesture so I took it in hand and shook it. I think I got that right as he smiled at me. "I'm sorry we had to leave on such short notice but I have been ordered by princess Celestia and Luna to bring you to Canterlot as soon as possible". "Its fine," I replied holding up my hand in dismissal. "We all have orders to follow, just I have no real choice in mine at this moment. You said Princess Celestia and Luna? Is that the royal family names?" "Yes there are four in total Luna and Celestia, My sister Twilight sparkle and my wife Princess Mi amore Cadenza" "Wait, Your wife and sister?" "So you're part of the royal family?" "Yes" My brain then it it all together. This guy was part of them! He was married and blood related to the royal family! My brain kicked in making my body jerk to attention and salute the pony. He winced at the action and stood staring at me. "Apologies sir, I did not know you where royal family." "Its cool, honestly," He returned the salute "You can stand at ease sergeant, you have no commitments to the royal guard." "Again I apologise if I have shown any lack of respect." "Sergeant... urm" "Jones, sir" "Sergeant Jones, I may be a prince but I do not enjoy being treated like one. I am a husband, brother and Captain of the guard before I am a prince. So please call me captain. Also relax, I hate people who look at us different to anypony" "Sorry captain, Its just we have our own royal family and well you sort of have to treat them with the most respect." I explained making myself stand at ease. My heart was still racing from the encounter, but I felt a lot more relaxed with this guy being well normal. I was expecting something else than this. "Really? Where do you come from, on your world I mean" He asked. He seemed curios at my mention of the Royal family back in the UK. "Well I come from a island call Great Britain, there we have a monarchy, head of which is Queen Elizabeth the second." "Oh right, so they rule?" "No we have a government, they make the laws and decisions" "Your world is weird" "Hey, your world is too. You have a pirate ship attached to a balloon. We have planes and helicopters," I protested. He laughed at my small outburst as did I. "So why are we heading to Canterlot so soon? I know I am meant to be posted there, but now was not the best of times. I still don't know what state Amicus is in." "Well Amicus will be safe for now, its not like that town has ever been attacked plus there are some guards there. So you can stop worrying over some security issues sergeant. As to why so soon, well the princesses wish to meet you, now." I froze at that last part. I was going to meet their leaders so soon. My hands started to sweat and I could feel my whole body start to react to the adrenalin starting to build in my blood. It must of been obvious to the captain because what he said next did help "You don't have to worry about meeting them, just act natural. Even they dislike being treated differently to everypony else. They are very nice once you know them. If you act all regal around them it will just irritate them, trust me. Eight years in the guard and you learn a lot about the royal sisters. Just be careful of Blueblood if you see him though, ignore him if he causes you bother." "Who is he?" I queried. "Lets just say you know when you meet him, even describing him makes my blood boil" He looked down as he said the last part, I also noted a fair amount of anger in his voice. "So I guess he is a bit of a pain in, oh what do you say? Flank?" I said sarcastically. This seemed to bring him back to a cheerful mood and he even let out a small laugh at my humour. I liked this guy, he seemed cool, as a pony anyway. I have no Idea how he is as an officer, that I will have to see once we are in Canterlot. If what he said was true, maybe meeting the royals won't be so bad, as long as I keep calm. Although I was wondering, why meet me? "Well judging by the weather we should be in Canterlot in the hour. The wind is on our side, so we should make it there in time for lunch" Yep he is definitely an officer, never misses lunch. It was weird how the ponies where similar to humans personality wise anyway. Me and the captain got on quite well, we carried on talking for a while. Mainly me asking about the royal sisters, I was probably annoying him after the fifth question. I then just shut up after that. I Looked back into the distance, we were a lot closer now and it had been around 40 minutes. I looked to the other side of the ships admiring the view, it was one thing to look out a plane and see the view but actually see it real and feel the air on your skin, is just magical really. I could see the captain also admiring the view, all was going well no orders had to be issued, all the crew knew what they were doing. I was impressed, their army was well trained like a well oiled weapon, efficient and get results. Seeing them in combat will be interesting to see though. Adam and shining kept their view on the landscape, although shining had seen all of it before he could still admire the beauty in Equestria. Adam was looking at the mountains, he wondered if he could try to climb them in his spare time. It was something he did in his army career, rock climbing. He loved it, he also loved parachuting he just loved the wind on his skin and the feeling of doing something so few do. Here he could show off those skills and maybe even teach a pony about skydiving. But it was not teaching he would be doing, it would be learning too. He was curious on how magic worked it seemed odd to him. The whole lot of Equestria seemed odd to him. The only thing to stop him from going insane with all this was his rule of 'logic be damned'. Which meant he would just have to learn everything as it came and just accept it, maybe he could apply it to earth logic. Some of it seemed similar to earth like the airship and some of the land, but magic, that is something he would have to delve into deeper to understand. Another thing keeping his mind in check was what he was taught in college, everything can be disproved. He learnt that in science 101 that even the most founded knowledge can be disproved over time. No one knows everything, there is always something to be discovered that could change all that we believe in. Here all that could be tested. It was all rather exciting really. He still had a job to do though. Right now he just had to make his way to Canterlot, meet the royal sisters and head back to Amicus to check on security. What could possibly go wrong? > Chapter.4 Tea with titans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, we were there! Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. By god how much did they spend on white paint!? It was that bright my eyes were squinting from the reflection of the buildings! Plus at the speed we were going I would end up blind by the time we land. Although it was beautiful and I was looking forward to being able to walk through its streets to see their wonders. Plus it will be a good insight into pony culture. I could of kept staring all day but now it was time to touch down. Captain Shining was already issuing the orders to land. There was a lot to do to land a giant wooden thing, this was a ship, not a airplane. Pegasi guards took some ropes in their hands and started to fly alongside the ship towing the mammoth machine in. It was quite impressive sight to see. Earth ponies rotating wheels that extended the landing gear and unicorns pulling levers with magic to lock things into place. We were edging closer, I could now see the castle up close. It reminded me of Disneyland for some reason, just on a much grander scale. If Queen Liz saw this she would eat her own hair for being out roiled. Towers sprouted out from the main part of the palace towering the skyline, each one golden and white, beaming purity everywhere. It was not all show and no go either. It had huge thick walls following the outside and I could make out guards on sentry duty. They all looked organised like the royal guards of Buckingham Palace, all of them armed and perfect drill movement. I could also see the large gardens beneath us, vast amounts of green and some colours mixed in just make it look a perfect paradise. In one garden there was a huge sun made out of orange flowers and in another blue flowers making up a crescent moon. Who ever is the landscape artist is, they better be getting a decent wage. We were now being pulled into land by the pegasi guards with ropes. We passed over the palace gardens and over the outer wall. As we went over I could now see some kind of port. Other Airships were all lined up around 10 of them all tied up. I could see guards all marching around and what I suppose are civilian ponies all doing day to day trades. It was quite a sight, like seeing a stock market with less shouting, and suits. Now being pulled down, everyone who wasn't helping in landing started to gather their stuff and prepare to dock. The pegasi landed and tied down the ropes. Then the Unicorns and earth ponies pulled and twisted more levers to lock the landing gear. Finally the flaps on the balloon opened to let some of the air out, making the ship lower gradually. With a slight thud the wooden craft touched down, now the ramp to the cargo hold was being lowered. "Hello Canterlot" I mused. Captain shining walked along side me down the steps leading to the Husky. He paused for a moment when he did see it up close. "Don't worry, she doesn't bite" I chuckled, he however did not laugh, merely frowned. "It was a joke, Jesus. C'mon I'll take you for a ride." "Erm, I'm not sure. I've never been in one of these 'cars' before" Shining admitted looking down in shame. "Hey, it's cool. First time for everything, anyway I need a navigator to find a way into the palace." I gave him a reassuring smile as he looked up to me. "That won't be needed, we have to escort you inside, it says in the orders." "Ah, right, okay. Well lets get going, lots to do!" I marched off towards the Husky prepping for the first human military appearance in all of Equestrian history. I got in started the engine and fixed my paratrooper beret in the reflection of the window, as I did so formations of guards formed around me. I saw the sergeant Metal hoof in formation as well as the captain next to him. I popped open the turret hatch to shout out "When you're ready Captain. He turned and nodded at me, I put up my hand in and 'ok' gesture. He returned to attention and pushed out his chest ready to shout "Royal guard! Quick, march!" Immediately we started moving forward. I put the Husky in first gear and started to crawl forward, keeping position in this large formation. All we needed now was a band playing. I wonder if they have one? We emerged from the cargo hold of the ship into the light of day. It was midday according to my watch, so the sun was still high in the sky. I then wondered if days last longer here, if so that will take weeks to get used to. I drove through the city, civilians splitting for us to fit through. I felt kind of a nuisance to the public, then again it was only once I would have to do this I hope anyway. All the buildings where a mix between solid brick and wooden thatched buildings. I kind of liked that reminded me of home a little, we still had buildings like that in Britain. There were a variety of shops from grocers to antiques, it was quite a diverse state in all cases. Although you did spot the odd posh guy wearing a suit of some sort. Putting a upper lip to everything, somehow navigating the streets with their eyes closed. Seriously, how can you do that? Was this another pony ability I need to know about? We took a few more turns, the guards kept in step which was a good sign of discipline in the army. We came to the outer wall of the castle or palace I might say now, looked too grand to be a castle. Royal guards stood either side of the gate and on top of the wall. Keeping watch for any fool who wishes' to take on the palace guard. We went through with ease once the sentries saw the captain, but their was a slight reaction from them when they saw me. I just leaned forward and waved at them with a  huge grin on me, trying to taunt them. They did not look happy about me, ah well deal with it. We emerged from the gate into a small garden which had a full pony squad marching around the perimeter. The garden was just a lush as the gardens I saw before, all perfected and vibrant with colour. At the other end was some stairs that lead up to some huge cathedral like doors into the palace. We came to a halt in the middle of a courtyard and I put on the brakes. I guess this was it, finally meeting the leaders of their world, queue the nerves. Adam felt the same rush as before through his body. He ran through his training to calm himself and also the words of Captain armour to ease his mind a little. He was still stiff, tired and hungry from his travel all the way to here. Yet his day would not be done, even with meeting the princesses. He would still have to get back to Amicus to do his job. So today would be a very long day indeed. He picked up a MTP daysack from behind his seat and quickly stuffed it with his tablet, camera and papers. He might need them through the day. He also put in his black water bottle if the sun was going to be like this he would need to stay hydrated. He switched off the engine and stepped out of the husky, he could leave it parked here for now, he was not going to be there long after all. He felt the cool crisp air around him but could feel the warmth of the sun rays hit his skin, it was a good balance in temperature. He walked up to the captain, while he was dismissing his troops. "So captain where to now?" Adam asked keen to get this over with. "Follow me sergeant" the royal officer trotted towards the huge doors top of the stairs. Adam started to climb with him, it was then he realised just how big this place was from where he was it must of took well over a full square mile the whole palace. That was including the gardens though as well, mind you. They approached the doors and the 2 earth pony guards either side saw the captain and opened the door for him. Adam gasped slightly when they entered. Like outside it was white, but it was not just stone as the material now it was pure white marble. On the floor was a pristine red carpet and marble pillars lining the side of the corridor. The room itself was tall and in the middle was a gold staircase that rose in the middle then split left and right to other parts of the castle. They walked normally towards the next set of stairs. Shining armour was used to all this, he did basically work here after all. He looked behind him to see Adam looking around, amazed at the sights. So this is what he looked like when he was first posted at the palace. He smiled at the sight of the stunned human, he knew he would see this face a lot, he hoped it would not get old. Adam and Shining climbed the stairs in the middle and took the set to the right. Adam noticed all the stain glass along the corridor. Each depicting some sort of story. Many included the same ponies 6 of them all doing something. He wondered if these where just stories or part of their history, he would have to ask later. Adam then decided to put up the courage to ask "So, what do you do when you greet the princesses?" Captain looked round to reply "Well, you either bow or salute" "So what do I do?" "Erm.. I don't know. Bow I guess? Maybe salute? I don't know." "Ah right, okay" Adam was now debating what to do. He hoped he would not send the wrong message if he did the wrong gesture. Maybe play it simple with a handshake? No he is military salute your officers, since the Princesses were also his boss in a way best to salute. They came to another set of doors, much grander than the ones from before. The 2 guards opened the doors revealing a gigantic throne room. Adam was about to walk in when he quickly took off his daysack and threw it at one of the door guards, pretty much knocking him out. Adam quickly mouthed sorry and began to march forward as normal. There was a pony just behind the door who stated their appearance "Presenting Captain Armour and the..." The clerk announcer pony then paused looking up from his schedule, realising he had no name for the soldier. "The...Human?" The clerk smiled at Adam as he marched past, the soldier just glared at him, disappointed. As the two got closer he spotted the golden throne in front of him. On top was a white pony, but it was not the usual type. Adam presumed this was one of the princesses. She was a lot bigger than the usual and had a pure white coat , she also had a horn and wings. But what he noticed most was her mane, it was moving? It was flowing as if it was alive, also it was not like all the other styles he had seen, it was a combination of blue and pink that some how just worked. Adam and his new friend came to a stop Adam though slammed in his right boot into the ground letting a loud bang echo through the hall. Both of them saluted in unison to the Princess and she nodded in gratitude. Adam kept his eyes forward with a stern expression on his face, waiting for her to talk first. The Princess paused for a moment, expecting him to talk but he didn't. She stood up from her throne and walked down to Adam's eye level. "Welcome to Equestria human guard, may I ask your name?" She asked in a kind tone. "Thank you mam, I am Sergeant Adam Jones UK special forces." He replied without a hint of expression, just straight information. "UK? that is one of the nations of earth is it?" "Yes it is mam. May I ask your name mam?" "Ah yes, I apologise for my rudeness, I am Princess Celestia raiser of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria. We have never seen a Human guard before. You do seem different to your scientists," Princess Celestia the proceeded to walk around him, looking at all his details. She then asked a question completely out of the blue "Can you promise me not to harm any of my little ponies?" It was a direct question that caught Adam off guard slightly, this was seen in the slight reaction of the eyes. The eyes were always a good indicator of reaction. Celestia picked up on his subtle gesture and paused right in front of him, looking right into his eyes. Adam took a moment to think of a response, clearly this was a make or break moment. He took in a long breath and opened his mouth to reply "Princess, my mission here is not just to act as a liaison for our militaries, but also to protect Amicus and your people. That was made clear from the start. I may not be part of your army so I do not follow your orders. But I will to the best of my ability protect your ponies and my people from any threat, to the end. I will work alongside your army to accomplish this and will take in your advice when needed. I have no intention to harm any creature, but if any of those creatures intend harm to any of my or your people, I will take the necessary action to defend the innocent." The princess smiled at his answer to the one question she itched to be answered from the start. Shining also relaxed a bit from the sudden rise in tension. The sun princess stepped back and smiled at Adam, the soldier just stood still exactly as before. Only for his stomach to ruin the moment. A loud grumble came from his torso drawing the attention of the ponies around him. Adam blushed at his autonomous action while the Princess just laughed lightly, Adam felt embarrassed but good the laugh from the royal pony was joyous and felt warming. "My apologies ma'am, it has been a while since I have eaten." Adam explained. "It seems so human guard. Well perhaps you would like to join me for lunch?" She asked kindly. "Mam I wou-" Adam was cut off from his response by the princess. "Sergeant, I insist, your stomach made it very clear you have not eaten for a while," she chuckled again at the memory "Please join me, I enjoy the company. Maybe I can learn more about you as you can of me. Captain you can join us too" Adam was forced into lunch with the ponies, although he was not complaining. He was starving and felt tired, so maybe some food will get his blood sugars back up to level. Then he can get back to Amicus and do a threat assessment. They walked through a door at the side of the throne, Adam kept looking round noting the increased presence of guards around the palace. This must be where the Princesses live, it was quite grand for him but what do you expect being royalty? He then realised mid walk he had left his bag behind. "Mam sorry to interrupt but I left my daysack back in the throne room. I'll just run back and get it, I will rejoin you in just a second" "No need Sergeant Jones, we shall have it delivered to us on the balcony dining area." "Thank you mam" "Please, Sergeant call me princess. Mam makes me sound older than I actually am." She smiled at Adam and he smiled back, unsure of what she meant. The Princess seemed nice to him. He was happy that nothing major happened, but he was dreading and both looking forward to lunch. At least he knew it was around midday here. So he had a fair amount of time before sunset to get work done. They walked through the halls climbing stairs each time. Adam didn't mind all the stairs he climbed mountains for a living so it did not phase him in anyway. Adam kept seeing stain glass depicting some kind of story, he decided to ask about them at lunch. It would be a good conversation starter. Eventually they came to a dining area, quite a regal one with red drapes hanging from the ceiling and round tables dotted in a formation. They walked past all of the tables to some glass doors which 2 unicorn servant out of no where opened them to reveal the white balcony. In the middle was a small but beautifully crafted garden table. It was white like the marble palace but had carvings of foliage and fruit carved within the metal. The four chairs where larger than usual to accompany a pony. As they all sat down Adam had loads of room to relax. Surprisingly it was quite comfortable considering it had little cushioning. Once they were all comfortable, the princess decided to start up the conversation "So Sergeant tell me about yourself, you said that you were 'special forces' you said?" "Yes princess," Adam was pleased she took the first words as he had no way of actually starting up talking. "I am part of the British army a branch of that is special forces. They are teams of elite soldiers that can carry out particular tasks. Mine, which was pathfinders, specialised in reconnaissance and sabotage. We were sent first in to recon and set up areas for assaults or just to gather information." "I see," She replied, Adam noticed the way she was sitting was like a dog, not like Lyra who sat like a human. "So there are more of these special forces?" "Yes, there is SAS and SBS. SAS or 'special air service' are elite paratroopers who specialise in multiple areas from counter terrorism to hostage rescue. SBS, Special boat service are marine troops they tend to stay on the water who also specialise in the same areas as the SAS but are also trained in naval tactics." The princess now had her hooves on her chin interested in what Adam was saying but also thinking. Adam was not sure what was going through her head but he would just play it more to see if he could work it out. "You have an impressive force princess, very good guards. You should be proud of Captain Armour with his men especially," Adam gestured a hand in the Captains direction, Shining smiled at Adam happy with his compliment. "I must ask though how your military is structured. If I am going to provide security we need to both know how each other works." "I am glad you asked that Sergeant," Celestia smiled, glad that Adam was concerned over protection of everybody. "I do believe if you wish to learn of our forces, the best method would be for you and the captain to work together. We will provide any resources you require, as long as you keep to your mission." Adam was content, lunch was going well. They had not even eaten and he already had more assets to play with. This should make his job easier. "Although," Adam came out of his daydream to see the princess talking still. "I am still unsure of having a human soldier in Equestria. Your capability to violence is quite disturbing, I know humans are a varied as my little ponies. But I am still worried, so in light of that I have devised some tests. You have already passed one, which was the question I asked earlier. But the next will test you may not like." Adam was shocked, all was going so well till now. He understood earlier was a test but now this could be a little trouble to him. He did get where she was coming from. Humans do have great capability in violence, we still have enough nukes to destroy the world more than 3 times over. But wars had died down since then, not everyone was a killer on earth. But these tests to prove that he is no threat to them, might get in the way. "May I ask what tests, princess?" Adam asked with a heavy amount of concern. The sun princess took in a deep breath trying to figure out what to say to the human soldier in a way that may not upset him. "Well the next test is to observe you and your actions in the castle for the next week," Adam's eyes opened wide at that point, a whole week!? "I understand that this may not please you but it is for me to put my trust in you. As I said earlier, I am not fully comfortable with having a soldier in Equestria. But your leaders where persistent, so I aloud one of them through to see how it would play out. Hence you being here" Adam stared on at her, not sure what to say. He needed to get back to Amicus, without a security plan it would be vulnerable from multiple threats. Most worrying of all was if wild animals caused a fatality with a science team which would end up on his head. "Princess, I am sorry but I must protest to this," the princess recoiled back into her chair listening to the human. "Princess, I still have to protect Amicus and right now I have not assessed the current situation there. Every day I stay here Amicus is still at risk. We have had reports of science teams being under attack from wildlife and have had accidents! It is only a matter of time before someone or somepony is dead. And Its my job to prevent that! So keeping me from my job is not the wisest of decisions." Princess Celestia sat still for a moment while she thought about Adams concerned mind. On one hoof she was not sure what Adam may do, on the other he was right someone could get hurt badly or even die. It may only be a week but a lot can happen in that time. She really wanted everyone to be safe, so she was faced with dilemma; let Adam roam free and keep Amicus safe unknown what he may do or, keep him here under observation but leave Amicus defenceless. It was then a light bulb idea hit her. "Sergeant, I understand your concerns. I know you wish to defend your people, I admire that. But you must understand my own concerns. So in response to your own concerns, I am willing to post a platoon of my own guards to Amicus while you are here for the week. I assure you they will be safe in your temporary absence." Adam thought about her offer for a second. He still did not like the idea of him not being there, but like he knew if he wanted her resources and trust. He would have to play along for now. Anyway if there was going to be a platoon on guard there like on the airship they would be safe, plus they knew the area better than him. "Fine," He sighed "Ill stay but as soon as 7 days is up I have to go." Celestia smiled "Good, I am glad we got all that out of the way so soon," she was then cut off by pony servants in formal dress coming through carrying food either in a magical aura or on their backs. "Ah good the food has arrived." Adam only heard the word food and his mouth started to water, finally his stomach could be silenced. As the food was set he looked around at all the food varying from odd looking salads to small savoury snacks. Sadly to Adam there was no meat, like he suspected. He would just have to live the rabbit lifestyle for now. He decided to go for the fruit salad to try and get some sugar in him, he was interrupted by Celestia "would you like some tea sergeant?" Holding up a pot of tea in her magic. He had considered it for a moment and decided the caffeine would help "Thank you princess." It was then he realised what he just said, he was basically having a weird tea party, saying 'princess' and with ponies. It was as if he was in a 5 year old girls doll party and he was the GI Joe that the kid had robbed off her brother. It was very surreal to him. As he was daydreaming, again. The air was shook by a sudden and loud powerful voice bellowing from the dining room inside "Sister! Thou asked to be informed of our guests arrival!” Adam reacted like a cat, jumping out of his seat and spitting out his food. He landed and rolled to the side drawing his weapon from his leg. Eventually he stopped and had his weapon raised at the doorway, expecting something to jump at him. He was now switched on from the rush. He eventually calmed down to see what it was, a blue pony stood still in the doorway looking back at him. She like Celestia was an Alicorn, but was slightly smaller, but bigger than a normal pony. She had a dark blue coat that shimmered along with the blue mane. It also was moving flowing freely, except hers seemed to sparkle like the night stars. The dark pony had light blue eyes that stood out and dark jewellery to compliment her appearance. Her mark was a crescent moon like he saw in the garden. Adam was crouched unsure what to do, he had just had a near heart attack but stood before him was a pony. He lowered his weapon and looked towards the white princess for guidance. She sat shocked at the incident while Shining just had his head buried deep in his hooves from embarrassment. "Sergeant, I would appreciate it if you did not attempt to kill my sister" Celestia moaned. Adam got up and holstered his Glock, while trying to think. He finally put one and one together and realised what he had just done. "Princess, I am so sorry! I got startled and I just reacted. I apologise for scaring you!" Adam tried to explain but to no avail. "Sergeant, this is Princess Luna my sister and the other ruler of Equestria," The sun princess moaned from behind a hoof, while using the other to gesture to each other. She was both embarrassed and also fed up, not of Adam but of Luna and her habit of using the royal voice. "Luna this is Sergeant Adam Jones of earth." Luna with no real idea of how close she got from being shot skipped happily to the table, while Adam also walked back to his seat. "Sister," Luna moaned "I am sorry, I am trying to get used to using modern language, but it just...slips out. Plus why did you not wake me when the human had arrived?" "You were practically hibernating on your bed!" Celestia shot back at her. "Do you realise how deeply you sleep?" "You could of at least tried to do it yourself then send a servant just to gently whisper to me in my 'hibernation'!" "Well I am sorry, but I do have to run the nation as much as you do and you know how busy that can be. Oh no, wait you don't do you? Because you are always up to doing things for yourself!" Princess Celestia let out a moan in frustration "Luna have some coffee" "Why?" "Because you turn into a right queen when your tired," Celestia then took another pot and poured some black coffee into a mug and levitated it to her sister. She took it in her own blue aura and took a sip. "Better?" "Better" Luna replied bit more cheery in her voice. The captain and sergeant both glanced at each other awkwardly. Both wondering what to do now in the middle of the sibling argument that just transpired in front of them. If Adam had a parachute right now, he would happily base jump off the balcony. Luckily to all the beings present, a 3rd party interrupted, in the form of Adam's daysack arriving. A guard walked onto the balcony holding the bag in his mouth. However his eyes were locked onto Adam, it was the exact pony that he had just KO'd in the throne room. Adam looked up from the argument hearing the hooves on the floor. His eyes shot open with shock recognising the pony, he knew exactly what was going to happen. In one fluid motion the guard pony swung the bag back gaining momentum and tossed it forward making it fly towards Adam at great speed. The impact hit him with so much force he was knocked off his chair backwards, disappearing behind the table. Everypony now looked towards his disappearing trick, noticing what just randomly happened. The guard pony now walking back into the tower, still angry and muttering curses under his breath. A hand finally appeared trying to grab the table to bring the soldiers body back up. Adams head the emerged from below the table "I deserved that" He instantly said. All the ponies around him just looked at him trying to figure out why that just happened. Until Luna decided to break the confused silence "Human guard, why did that guard just assault you with a bag?" she asked. Everypony was now interested in what his response would be, even the servants were intrigued. Adam righted himself and began to explain "Well when I was marching into the throne room I had to dump my bag. As you can't really march with bag on. So I threw it at the pony guards so he could keep hold of it, that guard was the one I threw it at. Except I may of thrown it so hard it basically... knocked him out." He let out a grin trying to act innocent. Celestia looked horrified, but Luna and Shining tried there best to hold back their laughter. Eventually they gave in and laughed whole heartedly. Celestia was just stunned not just by his story but her family's humour towards it all. "Look I am sorry," Adam said "Look I knocked him over and well he did the same. There was no intention to knock him out. Anyway he seems to have got me back." "Maybe so sergeant, but please don't do that again." "Wasn't planning on it princess" Eventually the humour died in the atmosphere and questions where being exchanged, each party trying to learn of each other. Luna in particular had a list of questions, literally a list in her magic hold. "So what does a human guard do?" she asked. "Well, for a start we are not guards we are called soldiers," he pointed out before answering, it was annoying him the term 'human guard'. "Basically we protect our nation, and its interests. We protect from threats to our nation and protect the public. Although we can also help in aid such as supply deliveries and medical care. Can I ask what your guards do?" Shining then decided to answer that, it was his area now anyway "Well we do the same roles as you. But we also help in rescue and also enforcing the law." "I see, sounds like a military police system you have" "Military police?" Luna asked in response. "Basically police are the ones who enforce the laws where I come from. Although they don't fight wars like soldiers do. Military police can do both." Adam quickly answered trying to keep things moving. He was learning a lot, there was just so much to take in it was almost overwhelming. All was going well, minus the part about staying here for a week and the bag incident. Also the shouting from Princess Luna and the sibling argument. Okay it was bad but now its all good. The food was not bad either, I had tried going vegetarian for a while on earth which was not so bad. Shame about no bacon. The Princesses were nice and generous to me. I could see how they work Celestia the reasonable kind type and Luna the wild experimental type. I could tell Luna was like this from the way she basically interrogated me. "So how many 'soldiers' does the UK have?" Was her next question. "Well, its around 150 thousand" "That is roughly how many guards we have" the captain interrupted. "That's just our tiny island, China has over 15 million" I stated. Everyone around the table now had their jaws open, that put a silence in the room. "15 million!?" Captain repeated. "Yes, and they are not even the best army in the world the US has the best, plenty of troops loads of tech and well funded. Ours is only the fifth best only because we have a reasonable fund and loads of technology. Although we do have the best training apparently" I shrugged at that last bit, I don't like talking about who is best, it has lead to a bar fight in the past. And I was in the middle of it all with a huge black eye. "Why do you need forces so big?" Celestia now asked taking me back to reality. "Honestly, I am not 100% sure on that answer. Not my area of expertise, I am a soldier not a high ranked officer or a member of parliament so I can't really say" I decided to not answer that. No one actually knows why we have such large forces ours is a reasonable size but others, that is their doing. I looked to Luna who seemed to be a little bit agitated, I don't know why but she seems to shuffle in her seat and play with her hooves. "Princess Luna, are you okay?" I ask. Everyone then stops eating and looks to the blue pony, who by the looks of it does not like the attention. Celestia looked worried at her sisters sate "Sister you do seem a little off, what is wrong Luna?" Luna looked at her sister and sighed, now even I felt worried. For a leader to be in state like this could cause problems. "I was going to do what the humans call a 'job interview' on the sergeant. But it seems you have already devised your own tests." "Is that it?" I ask, all this over some silly job interview? Celestia then decided to answer my question "I am sorry sergeant for my sister, she has been fascinated by humans ever since the portal incident. She has been looking forward to this moment for a long time" "Its okay, I was quite excited myself coming here, its surprising how much our worlds have in common. If the princess wishes' to interview me so be it. I have my job anyway" "Hussar!" Luna shouts clapping her hooves, clearly pleased with my response. If it makes her happy then so be it. She magically makes a load of papers appear out of no where. and becomes all serious with a slight look of Sir Alan Sugar about here, oh dear. "May we begin?" "Go ahead" I say sitting up to seem more presentable. This might be fun anyway. "First question, what makes you think you suit the job in hand?" Good question to start off on. "Well I understand that this is a defence position but also a liaison one too. I have been trained by the British army for a number of years, previous to my current position I was an intelligence operative. So security, combat and communication is vital in this role, I have all those skills." "Question 2; which would rather fight? A pony sized duck, or a flock of duck sized ponies?" "What kind of question is that!?" I reply, that was just weird. "Please answer the question" "Okay...erm, pony sized duck. I doubt Celestia would like me attacking ponies." Celestia looks at me pointing at me with her hoof then at her eyes saying 'I'm watching you' she can be a scary pony. "Interesting, anyway next question; How big are you?" She raises an eyebrow at me and gives me a look, as if to be suggestive. I think she's trying to imply something sexual, so I just come up with a great reply. "I am big enough for the task at hand" I wink at her, she blushes through her blue coat which is a victory for me. Shining is just smiling liking my response, while Celestia is just giving both me and Luna the evil look. "Impressive. Question 4; Who is the better princess me or Celestia?" Okay now time for awkward. "Erm..." "Luna!" Celestia shouts at Luna. "Well considering you are both co rulers-" I began before I was cut off. "You can only pick one." Luna tells me, both of them now look towards me with an eyebrow raised. I look around, I can feel beads of sweat coming from my face. I look to the captain for answers but he is trying to avoid my plea for help, trying to avoid getting involved. God dam you captain, thought we could be brothers in arms! "Well..." they both lean in closer to listen and I can hear Shining take a deep breath. "I think Luna may be the best-" I was cut off by that point "Yes! Ha! I told you I was the best princess!" Princess Luna jumped from her seat and started doing a victory dance in front of her sister, who for one looked unamused. She pulled out a small bag that jingled and threw it at Luna. I then realised exactly what had just happened, I was part of a bet. "Hey, was this a bet!?" I exclaim. Both ponies now stop what they are doing and look directly at me with a look of guilt. "We just wanted to see who you would pick," Luna tried to explain "Me and my sister pull pranks and place bets. When you are over 1000 years old, its the little things that help" Celestia carried on. "You are both over 1000 years old?" I respond gobsmacked, who are they time lords!? "What kind of anti aging cream are you using!? I want some!" They both laugh at my response, what is it with that white alicorn laugh that is addictive? "Being an alicorn has its benefits, but you can get bored  or lonely rather easily. It is both a gift and a blessing." Luna tried to explain. I got the point now that it was good and bad at the same time. From what I was seeing in front of me. They were just like any other person/pony, no different to me or you. "Well that aside, I feel cut out of this 'bet' so," I reach over and grab the bag out of her magic. " I think it is fair that since I was involved I get a cut". Luna opens her mouth to talk but I raise a hand to shush her, Celestia is now giggling away at her sister's demise. I take out 10 bits out of the 30, I think that is fair. Plus I really need the money. I throw the bag back over to her and she growls at me, which is quite funny. "Anyway, your royal highnesses. I need to ask is there anyway I can exchange money? I forgot before I arrived, it was short notice." Celestia begins to answer "Well, I am sure we can provide you some funds from our reserves. How much do you wish to exchange?" "I don't have the money on me but I do have 100 thousand in my bank back on earth," She goes wide eyed at the amount I just said, and looks worried. So I come up with a solution "But I only will need around 40 thousand exchanged until I can contact my superiors in 6 months. I will give you the earth money once it has been arranged, I'll even sign a contact. does that sound okay?" "That sounds... sufficient" I felt a large weight being lifted from my mind. "I shall draft a contract up for tomorrow," At that point one of the servants came up to her and whispered something in her ear. "Excuse me for being rude, but I am afraid I will have to cut this short. Me and my sister have been requested, I apologise" "Princess there is no need, you have a nation to run. Don't hold up on me" They both smiled and nodded when me and shining got up and saluted. "Captain would you please give the sergeant a tour of the palace, and show him to his room." Luna ordered the officer and he nodded in response. Then the two royal sisters left leaving me and the captain on the balcony. "Well that was weird" I admitted from the silence. "That wasn't even half of it," Shining explained "Well better give you a tour of the barracks, maybe I can teach you something" "Ha! I think it will be the other way around" And with that we set off into the giant palace. > Chapter. 5+6 Mush! + BNG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was all very surreal for Adam at this stage. All of this palace was huge and made of the finest material he had ever seen, it shown him that Equestria was a very wealthy state indeed. He saw marble, fine cotton and gold. So much so even the guards wore gold. But that just confused him. If you were using gold for armour would it not be easy to break, after all gold was one of the softest metals known, the more pure the softer. He decided to ask his tour guide Shining Armour. "Can I ask something about your guards?" Shining then pulled his thoughts back from walking "Go ahead sergeant." "Why do the guards all wear gold? I mean Its the softest metal on earth for us, it would useless against any impact. So why wear it?" "Easy. Gold is a good metal that can be enchanted to resist magical blows. You will see what I mean when we go to the training area. Also its not pure gold. If it was it would weigh a tonne! Its has a thin gold plate on top of some lightweight steel so it can protect against a physical attack and a magical one too." Shining lectured. Adam thought about if for a second and noticed all the guards they passed now looking at him by the fact he was asking about them. All of them looked at him with suspicion and weariness. He felt uncomfortable from their stares but tried to ignore all the eyes now watching him. He realised he would have to learn of magic, the basics at least. If magic had defensive elements to it, it would bean there would also be attacks. Another thing to add to the worry board. They walked through all the corridors taking turn and staircase to try to reach the guard area. The soldier wondered how on earth anyone could navigate all of this maze. He thought it would be funny if anyone tried to attack this place would get lost instead of actually taking over the palace. He tried to memorise all the route but because it all looked the same it would be hard to find any references to get back. Might have to keep the captain in his sight till he was confident enough to actually navigate on his own. The officer pny then decided to ask the human a question. One that had been bugging his mind also "Was that a gun you took out and aimed at Princess Luna, when she scared you I mean?" "What this?" Adam patted his thigh where his holster was, shining nodded in response. "Yes its my gun, one of them anyway. Only used in personal defence only. Never seen one?" "No I haven't there is little we know of your 'armies' the princess thought it to be wise to keep it quiet till we learn more from each other" Adam was quite shocked at his answer, they were holding back information to the public of their world? Adam tried to think of a good reason, but instead came to the reality his world did not know much of Equestria. So why all this secrecy? Was it to prevent the whole world going mad? Only way to find out was to ask Dr Olof, it was something he would have to find out later once he finally got to Amicus. He decided to stop thinking or else he would end up with a double sided A4 of 'to do list' and no one likes double sided. "So what does it do?" Shining continued. "Well basically it fires a small projectile, known as a bullet at very high speeds. Small enough to pierce skin and some armour. Causing a wound, internal and external bleeding." Shining winced at the soldiers blunt response "That sounds painful". "I wouldn't know, never been shot and don't intend to," He replied coyly giving the pony a huge creepy grin to add to the situation. "I would tell you in more detail how they work but I doubt that would be wise. Guns cause a few deaths on earth, luckily where I live guns have heavy restrictions, so less deaths from bullets. So people stab you instead." The walk suddenly turned quiet for a moment out of awkwardness. Adam was trying to see how a pony would react to how violent humans can be, see if he could learn something, so far it was going okay. "We do get a few ponies of our own trying to commit murder," The captain admitted "They do use knives magic and other means but it is rare. Are Humans more violent?" Adam laughed at the final question. "That question has been asked by many over hundreds of years. And still no one is sure, humans are capable of doing good and being bad. That we know for sure." He was trying to reassure his pony comrade. Giving him a hint at what humans do so that if any bad thing does happen (which he hoped it wont), he would have faith in him still. "We are the exact same. Some ponies do good some do bad. Its my job to prevent that bad." "I'm in on that" Adam replied, holding out a fist for him to bump it. Shining saw the gesture and stared at his fist for a second. He knew it was a gesture of some kind, but did not know what to do "Urm... what do I do?" He asked, trying examine around the fist. "You take your hand... I mean hoof and bump it against my fist." Adam tried to explained, never before had a human had to explain a simple fist bump. "Oh you mean a hoof bump!" The pony replied, the captain immediately raised his hoof and bumped it against the humans fist. Making Adam smile in the process, maybe they did have the concept of a fist bump here. "Now moving on from the whole philosophy crap. Where will I be staying? And do you have a large room I can park my car?" Adam asked. Admitting he did want to ask where the nearest bar was, but he would find that out for himself. "Well do you mind staying in the barracks?" The captain already thought keeping adam in a military base would make him more comfortable. When he took over the Crystal Empire getting settled into a normal room with his wife took a long while. It was alien to him, compared to living in the officers accommodation at the barracks. So He thought Adam would feel the same way. "Its just the officer accommodation. Its not much but you do get your own bathroom, so that's a plus." Adam was happy with all that he was saying, plus getting officer accommodation would be a plus. Saves sharing the communal showers and running out of hot water. "Sounds fine by me," He said cheerfully "And the car?" "Well I don't know, maybe the chariot storage will take it. But we will have to convince the storage master to let you have a spot." "storage master?" "Tough stallion, old and very stubborn. Even Luna has problems talking to him. But we will cross that when it comes. C'mon I'll show you your room. I'm staying in the same dorm anyway." Shining picked up the pace and the human soldier followed in suit. They came to a huge set of doors. That had a symbol of Luna and Celestia on the door. Engraved underneath was a phrase 'United Equestria'. At least this door would be easy to find being so obvious. Shining stepped up to the door and placed a hoof on it. This caused a reaction that Adam could only guess was magic. From around his hoof a light blue ripple went around the door and disappearing. Soon as it did so, the door came alive and started to make noises like gears moving. All went suddenly quiet for a second before the door suddenly cracked open. Light poured in through the slit made in the middle. Adam honestly felt like he was going to Hogwarts out of harry potter, but with ponies. In his head he came up with a weird parody of 'harry trotter and the order of the horseshoe'. But he decided against speaking it aloud, incase it was a little insulting. "If you want access to the barracks, you may want to place your hand on the door," Adam looked at shining who just looked back at him gesturing to the door. Adam looked at him funny for a second wondering his intentions "Its for you to get in when I'm not around" He said. Adam stepped up and place his hand on the door. He paused for a second wondering what would happen before taking a leap of faith and placing his finger tips on the door. Shining then put his hood on the door again and closed his eyes, his horn started to glow in a unicorns aura and the same ripple came back. Adam did not feel a thing throughout the whole process. Shining removed his hoof and opened his eyes. "Is that it?" Adam asked, inspecting his hand. "Yup, what did you expect?" "A light show, maybe something to feel? I don't know, just something." Shining just rolled his eyes and proceeded to walk through the door, letting out a huge sigh. "Honestly, you're as my sister when she started using magic." "Hey humans don't have magic, what did you expect me to say!?" Adam shouted back, taking a few quick steps through the door trying to catch up. As they went through the door started to close. Adam watched as they did so and turned back around to see the next part of the building they stepped into. But what he saw seemed strangely familiar. It was a scene of chaos, but one that he knew best. The chaos of a military base. Everywhere he looked he saw different groups training all the new guard being trained up while fully trained teams were patrolling around, making sure their patrol drills were still up to scratch. Adam looked on, even the buildings seemed similar, simple huts that had only the basics and seemed a little outdated. He started to study the groups around until one particular group caught his eye. From first glance he guessed that the group was a load of recruits. He could see all of them trying to practice basic drill movements and the guard pony leading them did not seem pleased with their effort. He was shouting at them, not screaming. But using the kind of voice that was stern and frightful. He was clearly pissed at the lack of discipline that team. Calling them a few names that Adam did not understand but could probably guess they were all swears and related to their mothers. He snorted at all the sights around all of it was just like on a training base, just with ponies. If it were just humans it would all seem like a normal day, like being back in the UK. The captain noticed his small outburst and questioned "What?" "Nothing," Adam replied instinctively taking a few more steps to get a better view. "It just seems funny." Shining felt insulted at human soldiers remark "You find all this funny?" "Yeah, its just well... exactly like my old base. Recruits running, soldiers doing daily duties even the sounds seem the same. You replace your troops with humans. You would think you stayed on earth." Adam went into his bag and pulled out his DSLR camera. "Do you mind if I take a photo?" "Just don't take a picture of anything sensitive." Adam took a few photos of the landscape, through the lens he could zoom in and see things closer. Behind the group he was watching he noticed some loops held in place in the air. He was curios and took a photo, looking at the screen to see what it was. It looked like and assault course but not one he had ever seen before. "What is that?" He asked showing the captain the screen, who seemed quite surprised at his camera showing him a picture. "That's the Pegasus assault course, they fly through it to train for aerial combat." The soldier looked at the photo more closely, realising what all the obstacles were all related to flight. He felt a bit of excitement grow in him, he really wanted to watch how they would go through the obstacles. Like a air display. "Mind if I watch them do it sometime?" "Sure I'm helping out tomorrow so you can come by and watch." Shining smiled at the sergeants eagerness to learn. For him it was like having a new lieutenant to train under his wing, which he liked. But this time the lieutenant could teach him something. Especially since he himself was curious about the sergeants 'gun'. "Sergeant, can I ask a favour?" I turned back from taking picture to see the captain looking a little sheepish. Rubbing a hoof behind his head, which seemed pretty funny. I gave him a smile indicating him to proceed. "Well, could you give a demonstration of your gun? I'm just curious from what I've heard from humans they are interesting." I could see he was hoping for me to say yes, and I did want to say yes but I doubt princess Celestia would be pleased with me showing off guns and making a noise in her backyard. "Captain I would love to," I could see him perk up and smile like a kid getting an ice cream "But I don't think Princess Celestia would be pleased with me doing so" I said sharply, shattering his hopes I could see his ears place down and his whole expression drop. I felt sorry for the guy, I would love to honestly. But I don't want getting fired from my nicely paid job. That and I was on another world, where the hell would I go if I was? "Look," I said "I'll try to talk to her tomorrow. See if I can convince her tomorrow while I sign the contract. But I can't promise miracles, okay?" "Thanks, I really wanted to see what they do. I know you can't do much, thanks anyway." He replied still a little sad. I think it was time to move the conversation. "So where is the officers accommodation?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. Shining pointed a hoof to what appeared to be a large set of flats. Like the rest of the place it was white, but growing along the walls where climbing plants that flowered. They climbed up to the second floor, just short of the wall which from my guess was 3 floors high. We went closer and from the flowers came quite a pleasant scent. I could see windows and in some pony officers taking their day off from training to relax and unwind. Here I was a non-commissioned officer, staying in officer accommodation, living the soldiers dream huh? We climbed the steps passing some guards in full dress going on duty for their shift. I guess being military police most of these ponies saw more action than me, the max I ever saw was a demolition of an abandoned village by air strike. That thought really got me down for a second, till shining stopped at one of the doors opening it. Gesturing me to walk in, so I did. We went into a reasonably sized room, not like the ones you normally get where just a bed and desk fit in. This was different to all that. To the immediate right was a desk and a wardrobe and on the opposite side to that was a double bed. I walked further in and saw another room that was the bathroom, quizzically, I walked in. It was freaking huge! The bathtub looked like a freaking Jacuzzi! To add to that it was a bathtub, now in military bases I don't think that has ever happened. I looked more to the detail of the room. The captain watching my reaction to all the furniture, he looked confused and asked "Is it okay? Did you expect more?" "No, no. I was just well... expecting less," I said laughing slightly. "Normally we just get a bed, a wardrobe and a toilet. This is a apartment" I looked more and then realised there was a large cushion instead of a chair for the desk. I will have to sort that out. "So is it okay? It is to human standards?" He continued to ask, worried he may of insulted me somehow. When in fact he did the complete opposite. "More than enough captain, thank you. This is a hotel room compared to what a human soldier would have, even our officers don't get this much, again thanks" I gave the captain a big smile to seal the compliment, he smiled in response. "So should I give you a tour of the place? I am meant to be watching you all day, this is my only duty till tomorrow." He said. "Love to but I think I'll get my gear and move some in if that's okay? By the way how secure is this place?" "What do you mean?" "Well I want to keep my weapons with me if that is okay. They are secure already in their chest but I would feel better if they were with me most the time, after all we were trained to sleep with our rifles" "Well the building is secure enough, after the changeling attacks all security is updated, like the door we went through. It only recognises who is enchanted into it. Plus the base is constantly in use, even at night. You will see that later. This dorm is off limits only officers can get in, with the acceptation with you of course." He was about to list a load of other things before I butt in to ask my main question. "How secure is that door?" I asked pointing to the door that lead into the room. He looked at it and decided to give me a lecture on that as well, great. "Well it is 1 inch thick, magic resistant against most magical spells and has a dual single spin hoof lock..." Jesus does this guy shut up!? "Captain!" That got his attention "Is it easy to break into, yes or no?" I looked at him sternly expecting a simple answer. "No" "Good" I let out a large sigh, anymore and I would of got a headache "I hope your sister is not the same" I ended at that. The captain the pawed at the ground with his hoof admitting "She is, I sort of get it from her". Wonder if they both drive each other insane, or his wife for that matter. I sighed and started to walk out the door before I heard behind me "Where you going?". "To get my stuff!" I heard footsteps behind me as captain Shining caught up, good now he can help. "C'mon, I need to find a place to keep my vehicle." The sergeant and captain walked back towards where the vehicle was parked. Adam trying his best to remember all the routes he had just took. He did this while talking to shining. Eventually they came to the door they first came in and two earth pony guards opened the doors for them. Adam walked out in a hurry, trying to get the gear away so he could get a look more around the castle. He was smiling as he did so, although all of this was just surreal to him he was taking it well. He now understood why he was picked from so few, he could accept all of this culture. All he had to do is remember its a whole new world, and one he was lucky enough to be exploring. He got in and looked back at the captain, who was still standing on the top of the stairs. Adam looked closer and noticed the worry and insecurity in his face. He had a feeling he might be unsure of his car, after all it was huge and looked quite intimidating. Adam opened the turret hatch and poked his body out. "C'mon!" He shouted "She wont bite promise. I've done this hundreds of times." "I'm okay walking alongside thanks!" The pony captain replied with a little stutter in his voice. Adam was a little concerned, but then again this was something completely alien to his pony friend. "Mate just get in! Honestly once you're inside you will forget its a car. Got to do it some time, plus think how badass you will look rolling in one of these!" The pony captain paused to think before placing a hoof forward, and gently started to walk. Adam smiled at his small steps. He left the engine off so he would feel a little comfortable. Once he was in the car he could just lock the doors if he panicked. Eventually the passenger door opened and he climbed in carefully. shutting the door behind him "See not so bad, is it? Now are you comfortable?" Adam asked his new passenger. Shining didn't reply  just just gave him a weary, still nervous look. "I'm going to turn on the engine now" with that he turned the key and let the engine roar to life, sending birds exploding from trees. Even though in an armoured vehicle you can't really hear the engine, shining still leapt up in shock hitting his head on the roof. Adam, even when fighting the urge to, let out a long laugh clutching his chest from his outburst, tears coming to his eyes. "Jesus mate!" He tried to say while still in a fit of laughter "Your face when it came on ha!" Shining rubbed his head and grumbled at the driver, who was still laughing slightly while he came back to his task. "If I had a camera, anyway you better get used to that. If we are going to work together you may need to use this thing," He said tapping the steering wheel. "So how to get in?" He asked trying to give some of the captains dignity back, best not to mention it to his own troops. Shining still in his grumbly mood pointed a hoof to the gate they had just came in. Adam guessed he would have to go all they way around to find another gate that lead into the barracks. Once again the drove through the outer gate and into the city. Once again ponies looked at the marvellous machine, while the nobles seemed to 'tut' and carry on walking as if was nothing. Adam though, for a laugh decided to get them back. With a slight press on the accelerator pedal he let out his revenge. The Husky let out a loud roar from its 6 litre engine. that made all the ponies jump and made the nobles run for cover, as if they had just heard a tiger right behind them. Adam smiled and waited for them to realise just who it actually was. Eventually, and slowly the nobles peeped over there choices of cover. Looking to the source of the noise. Seeing Adam at the wheel of the roaring machine, a few of the nobles stared at him in disbelief while others just scowled at him. He however was laughing and as soon as the normal ponies saw him laugh they too started to snigger at the nobles frightened outburst. Adam turned to see if Shining was okay, in case he had the same reaction as before. Instead he saw the captain look at him in a very stern manner. Like a teacher would to a disruptive pupil, Adam stopped laughing and felt the blue eyes of the unicorn reach right into his soul. They both stared for a moment Shining having his hooves crossed and Adam frozen in his stare. Shining knew that was no way to behave in Canterlot and now he was going to hear it all from his commander, all because of a human soldier. Adam meanwhile felt sorry and frightened from that stare, but he did not say anything he just returned to driving without any manner and followed Shining's  directions. They drove slowly in silence. Getting the same looks from ponies, although they could not hear them, the captain and sergeant knew they were the centre of attention in Canterlot. Through some careful and very quiet driving. The Husky reached the gate that lead straight into Canterlot training base. Ponies along the wall on duty, looked at the machine crawling up to the gate and took immediate action. Pegasus POnies took to the air surrounding the Husky, Unicorns charged their horns ready to fire. And Earth pony guards burst from doors surrounding them on the ground. Everywhere they looked, up, down, left, right, was crawling with very angry looking guards. They were all armed with a variety of weapons. Most of which were swords, spears and the odd bow, nothing compared to Adams arsenal. But Adam still felt very nervous. Shining looked around, now he knew how the local delivery guy feels when he is greeted in the same way when he drops off deliveries. He saw the tension in Adam and took action, firstly by saying "Can you do something rather than stay here?" Adam came back to her senses and heard the words of his still annoyed companion. "Hey, there your men. You call them off!" He proclaimed. "Well let me out, or something! Before they decide to drag us out!" "Hold on, I have an Idea," Adam looked at the dashboard and started flicking switches, grabbing a speaker microphone. He put it right in front of Shining's face and smiled. The captain was confused however what to do "Urm... what do I do?". "Talk" the soldier said getting a little angry at the whole situation. Shining wondered what the device does but tried to say "Hello?" He immediately heard his voice through the thick glass. So it must of been loud to do so. The guard ponies all put their hooves in their ears, trying to block out the massive sound wave. All went silent after that, all the ponies looked confused except the human. One of the guards quickly recovered and recognised the voice. "Captain, is that you?" Shining was impressed by the loudspeaker and continued to talk into the mike "Yes its me," He said in a more lower clearer tone "Sorry, had to keep an eye on our new guest. Don't worry, this is his... car. He has permission to access the gate." All of the guards looked at each other, wondering what was going on. there was a few mumbles and a long delay in the order. Before long the top hatch to the Husky opened and a very angry looking sergeant popped his head out "Are you going to open the fucking gate or what!?" He demanded. The guards saw his unamused look and decided to open the gate. Once surrounded the husky, all the guards headed back to their previous posts. Before long the large heavy gates began to slowly move. Adam slumped back into his chair, still a little peeved at the whole incident. "Jesus fucking Christ," He mumbled "Last time we didn't have this problem. Why all now?" Shining heard his question and proceeded to respond. "Last time you were under escort and we knew you were coming, these ponies didn't" He said so bluntly. Adam thought about it for a second, he could not deny the logic in his answer, but he was still pissed. For that he was going to play a prank to lighten his mood and revenge. "Hold on," The human rummaged around in his left pocket and pulled out a rectangular black device. Shining watch in curiosity. He had seen Humans use these devices before, but they were much bigger, more than a hoof. He remembered the humans call them 'tablets'. Adam started to make his fingers dance across the screen, looking for something eventually he found it "Aha! This will do just nicely" He grabbed the mike out of shining's hooves and pressed it against the device. "What is that, and what are you going to do now?" The Captain asked with a lot of suspicion. He did not trust the sergeant, not after his earlier mischief with the nobles. "Relax, just going to play some music that's all," Adam said while putting his phone next to the loud speaker mike. "After all first impressions count, anyway you may like it." He gave the pony a creepy grin to let him know he did indeed, intend to cause more mischief. But before Shining could react, Adam pressed play and began letting the Husky roll forwards, slowly. As they entered the gate the music started to play 'They see me rollin, they hatin...' Shining tried to shout but could not be heard by the human, who had just put the volume up. Shining tried to scream at Adam to shout but all he got in response was Adam continuously bobbing his head up and down to the beat. All the guard ponies who were on duty at the time, all looked towards the source of this weird melody. They looked at the gate and saw a great big piece of machinery crawling in, blasting some kind of music. Some, had the normal reaction of 'what in Tartarus is that?' expression while others caught the drift of the beat, and began to nod their heads like the human inside. Those doing so where mainly the recruits, the commanders however where not one bit impressed by this abomination. Meanwhile Shining now tried a different tactic , fighting. Inside the drivers seat Adam was trying desperately to hold onto his phone, while the pony was grabbing his arm trying to prize his hand open. This made driving a little difficult and Adam was worried he may crash. "Shining stop! You carry on and we are going to crash!" Shouted Adam, still stuck between fighting off hoof attacks and driving. "Well give me the phone! For Luna's sake!" What they did not realise that the mike next to the phone was also picking up the fight inside. Ponies around them heard the cursing and swearing of the battle going inside the machine. A few were scared, a few unsure of what to do and others were preparing to raid the machine. But behind all that along the walls of the towers, Luna was watching the scene unfold from a balcony. She had managed to get away from the meeting with the nobles. How she envied those moments of ponies trying to out class each other for no reason. If she had it her way, she would have them all thrown in the water fountain like she did before her banishment. She laughed at the idea of doing that again. Although watching all this commotion below her unfold was even more amusing to her. As she was about to get some popcorn and a cushion to sit and watch, her sister Celestia crept up behind her. Trying not to make a sound with her shoes. She did this carefully and slowly, rolling her hooves long the ground rather than direct impact. But soon as she saw her sister Luna turn around she had to launch her attack early. She leapt forwards to close the gap and shouted "Surprise Lulu!" "Celly!" Was all Luna could get out before her sister collided with her. They tumbled as the lost their balance, rolling backwards away from the door. They impacted the railings and came to a halt. Celestia was now laughing and so was Luna, for a while now they had been playing the prank game on each other. If by a while you mean since they were fillies, which was well over 1000 years. Their laughter died down and they began to take breath back into their lungs. "So the score now is 10789 to 10778 to you sister" Luna pointed out. "You cant beat the Trollestia Luna, give it up sister and admit I am the better prankster." "Never in a thousand years!" Luna threw back They laughed at that pun and began to talk what was the original Idea. "Lulu, why did you sneak off like that in the middle of the noble's argument?" Celestia asked her sister still slumped against the railings. Luna looked down, slightly ashamed of her disserting her sister like that. Normally she gets away with this sort of thing, but hates it when her sister catches her. "Sister I am sorry, but you know how I feel about the nobles of Canterlot. They are not like the days of old, when honour and kindness was a thing they valued more than their ego's. Just thinking about them makes me want to throw them out of Canterlot all the way to the Crystal empire!" "Lulu, I feel the same way. I've been doing this all in your absence. Even I feel like banishing them to the Griffon kingdom sometimes. But we have to maintain this image or else how are we to get the nobles to donate money to charities and keep them in check? We as sisters and princesses have to put up with all this for the good of Equestria. And that means no sneaking away from your duties Luna" Celestia wrapped a wing around her sister to reassure her that it does get better. More to Celestia's case get used to the sound of nobles harsh words. It was then Celestia noticed the shouting going on in the distance "Sister what is that noise? The guard are not normally this noisy." "Aha! Sister it is quite amusing," Luan got up to her hooves and pulled her sister u to look at the scene below. "I believe our new Human tried to make a grand entrance into the barracks, but The captain Shining was not amused by such an act. Oh and now they are fighting, its all good fun!" She sat down and clapped her hooves together as she explained the situation to her sister. Celestia groaned at it all, hoping that it would not end up like this "Stallions will be stallions" She muttered before unfolding her wings about to take off. She leapt off and glided down towards the ground. Soon as she made her landing she began to walk forward Behind her Luna also landed and ran forward to catch her sister. "Celestia, I must ask though, do you still think it was a wise choice to let the humans let one of their armies through the portal? You know if the griffons find out they will not take to this kindly." Luna tried to ask before they were about to go through the crowds of guards. Celestia stopped mid walk, now she felt shame from her sister. 'So this is what she feels when I catch her' she thought. "Luna, Since the Humans have been here we have learned that we are not alone on this tiny planet. And now we are learning from our new friends, as they from us. But their curiosity has put some of their own in danger. Hence the Humans have tried to send their own security for assistance. But from the start the Griffons have been jealous of our power over them, even from the beginning when they hated the fact ponies could use magic. And since the humans arrival I have seen that jealousy reappear and now fear since they themselves know the humans capability for war. I was under pressure from all sides." She tried to remember all those arguments between the Humans and the Griffons, she could hear the shouting as she was still there. Luna saw her distress but needed more answers, she was not in Canterlot when all of this took place, so she needed to know. "So you let one through but kept it from the Griffons?" Luna asked, but her sister did not answer, merely just stood frozen. "Celly if this gets out to the Griffons will want answers. That's if they are in a good mood." "You think I don't know that!?" Celestia shot back, she just let a slither of her anger out. For a few nights she had been restless over this whole deal and what could happen. "Sorry Luna... I just don't know what to do. I don't want to lose our friends or create an enemy. I just hope I made the right decision." Luna saw tears start to fill her sisters eyes and went over to embrace her in a hug. Now she felt bad for making her sister cry. "Sister I believe in you. You always try to do what is best for everypony, and I've seen you put your ponies before you in many ways. I am sorry I brought this up but I just needed to know. If this all goes to Tartarus, I'll be there beside you when it does." The two sisters held each other in a moment that they will remember, for once it was Luna reassuring her sister, not the other way around. "Thank you Luna," Celestia whispered from her small cry "I don't know what I would do without you." They pulled away from their hug and Luna looked towards her sister. "Now, who was the one who said we have to try be princesses for Equestria, now lets mare up and stop the captain killing our human." "How do you know its not the other way around?" Celestia threw back, wiping her tears away and putting her regal pose back on. "Want to place a bet on that?" "10 bits and you're on" "Deal" With the bet on they resumed walking towards the crowd. No pony saw them before, all of them were concentrated around the fight that could still be heard from the back. The regal sisters began to walk forward, their shoes making a slight tap noise as the edged closer. The Guards behind them noticed the sound and looked around, immediately he bowed in their presence. The whole crowd rippled in effect from the bowing. Then the middle was revealed. In the middle was Adam holding Shining in a headlock, while the pony captain was trying to knee him with his front hoof. Both paid no attention to what was going on around them, instead they were grunting trying to break each other. The fight had got well out of hand or hoof and had turned into a full blown fist fight. No pony helped instead just watched and place bets. Very rare you see an officer in a fight. Luna tried to suppress a giggle but instead snorted. The fight then paused as the two fighters realised the silence around them. They looked around at the bowing guards and followed their direction to the princesses. They both paused again and just stared for a minute. Luna smiling, Celestia giving her death stare. Adam Smiled at the two and laughed sheepishly, while Shining just went wide eyed and froze. The white alicorn lit up her horn and a magical aura appeared around the fighting pairs ears. And pulled them apart. "Ow!" Shouted Adam being pulled away by the ear like a naughty child. Shining just hissed in pain. Now Luna could not hold it in and started to laugh but Celestia shot her a glance that shut her up. She turned back to address the two grown stallions/men "I leave you for a few hours and I come back to find you two in a fight?" They tied to answer but all that came out in unison was "Urm" "Mr Jones I would appreciate it if you got settled in and didn't get into a fight with an officer, I hope you're not like this at home" The princess spoke calmly but firm. "Hey, pony boy here broke by phone," Adam managed to rummage in his pocket and lifted out the phone with a smashed screen "That pri-Argh!" He was about to swear but Celestia prevented him by yanking on his ear. "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't swear, now I understand you are upset about your phone. But that gives no excuse for assaulting a captain, let alone a prince. Now apologise please" "What!? No-ow!" Another yank "Okay! Okay I will, Captain I'm sorry for hitting you, repeatedly, in the face" Shining smiled thinking he had won, but The princess had other Ideas though. "As for you Captain, please do not injure our guest, or break him or his personal belongings. You are meant to be helping I don't think fighting is helping. Now say sorry" "Sorry" The captain grunted expecting the same treatment as Adam. "Good now shake hooves" The two were released from their painful grip and walked towards each other, slowly they shook hoof and hand but still giving death stares. "Now kiss" Put in Luna. which just made the moment turn awkward. The two men now shot her a death stare while Luna and Celestia now laughing at the whole thing. "Now go do what you need to do, me and my sister need to do our daily duty soon, "Spoke Luna who was about to walk away before looking towards Adam "Oh and I hope you get a good night sleep sergeant." She said before trotting off happily with her sister. Now they were confused, they both looked back at one another shrugging. But Adam now felt slightly scared. Okay that was weird. Never mind the fight, the way she said that was just creepy. Anyway I was still slightly pissed, but I did not want to get on Celestia's bad side again. I was damn near lucky this time, might be because pony boy here started it. Don't look at me like that! He honestly did! Anyway, I still had to move my stuff to move into my room. That meant moving the Thor's weapons chest, and I would need his help sadly. "Hey, Captain can you give me a hand with unloading?" I asked, trying to seem friendly at least. Obviously it didn't work because he just turned around and walked off, just ignoring me. Cheeky assed bastard! "Well then fuck you too" I cursed. So now with the crowds leaving I was on my own to unload. Maybe its for the best, so I can acclimatise to all this, it has been a very surreal day. After all I just fought a unicorn for Christ sake. Never thought I would do that in my entire life. I walked over to the Husky and got in. I rummaged in my pocket to look at the state of my broken phone, the whole screen was smashed. Luckily it still worked but I couldn't see a thing on it, might get someone to fix it when I return to Amicus. I drove towards the officers block and looked around, then I noticed something. I'm pretty sure it was sunset when I drove in here, its now night. Must of been some fight to last that long. I will have to make it up to him tomorrow though. Maybe if I convince the princess to set up a range it might cheer him up a bit, after all bribery is a very powerful thing. I walked to the back and checked the cases to see which ones I would have to take. I started to unload the few I was going to keep in my room. Especially the weapons and ammo, I need to keep them in my sight as much as possible. I took out the lighter cases to get to the heavy ones, that way I can slide them out. Luckily I did that with ease. I next went into the back of husky and took out all my personal stuff and set them next to the crates on the floor. I took my bergan and holdall and went up into my room. But it was not the sight I remember before. Instead of the normal ponies I saw before now stood ponies with bat wings? I rubbed my eyes to check my sight. Nope still bat wings. I looked a little closer, all of them were wearing dark blue armour. They also had darker coats than other ponies I just saw, most of all was their eyes, the eyes were slits like a cats not the usual iris like mine or ponies. I stood there confused, what the hell have I just walked into? I must of been staring at the two ponies chatting for a while because one of them noticed me. "Can I help you with something? Or are you just gonna gawp at us?" He asked rudely, my fault anyway for staring. "Sorry, just never seen your kind before." I responded. He looked at me up and down trying to size me up, please not another fight. "Yeah, well same here who are you?" "Sergeant Jones security liaison. I'm a human from Amicus." "Why you staring at us? Eavesdropping where we?" I was getting fed up with all this now, better end this. "For your information, what are you a private?" "Corporal" He stated clearly proud of his rank, and power for that matter. Boy was I going to have some fun. "For you information, private. I may be on attachment here but you still hold respect for others, especially those of higher rank. Secondly I apologise for staring but I've never seen your pony type before, since this is my first sodding day and was dropped in here with no intel. And thirdly I can tell you're thinking of taking me on, which I highly advise against since I literally just had a fight with Captain Shining. So trust me I am pissed right now and wouldn't mind a second round." I squared up to him trying to bluff, I didn't need another fight but I am not having some dick talk to me like that. His friend looked to him waiting for a response. Luckily for me the dick pony stepped back from my approach and yielded. " I thought so, I hope you don't treat all your guests like this, if I hear anything like this again. It won't just be me you will deal with but your boss too." I stated, I was happy I just put him in his place. But then again I was unhappy the fact this day was going so well till recently. "Thank you sergeant I will take it from here," I heard from behind me. I turned around to see another bat winged pony but seemed similar to a female. She was smaller and had a blue mane slightly scruffy. She also had yellow eyes like her comrades. "Corporal black night! What in Luna's sake are you doing!?" She shouted, now she looked as pissed as I was, even I felt scared. The corporal clearly was terrified and his friend as the tried to run. Sadly for them the female leapt over me with one powerful flap of her wings and landed, blocking the path of the other two. She took up a strike pose and let out a small growl that then showed her terrifying fangs. "I have had it up to my wings with you black night! From now on you are on temporary demotion and will be training with the recruits tomorrow. I suggest you get your bucking life in order! Now run to your post Privates!" Both of them ran like their lives depended on it. smashing through the door at the end of the corridor. I was slightly terrified that I would be next. She turned around slowly and looked quite angry, I am so dead. "Sorry about that sergeant," she said turning her frown into a smile "My platoon can be pretty rough at times all of them are new. I am sorry. Please don't send in a complaint." Here she was pleading me not to send in a complaint. I think right now I am too scared to. I stumbled for a bit before making something up to say, but all I said was what was running through my mind "Please don't hurt me" is all I whimpered. Now I must explain at this point that female soldiers can be just as effective as male ones, but most of all they make great officers because they have the ability to stare right into your soul. That is exactly what she was doing just then, giving that stare to her troops. She let out a small chuckle that made the whole tense atmosphere disappear. "I'm not going to hurt you, not unless you did something to provoke them, did you?" She walked up to me on the last part looking at me. I stepped back into the wall dropping my bags and shook my head. "No! I didn't, swear!" "Good," She said returning to normal and smiling "Who are you exactly? Never seen a human like you before." She looked at me intensely and my gear. "I'm sergeant Adam Jones, security liaison for Amicus also a soldier from earth." I picked up my bags again slowly keeping an eye on the bat wing pony. "A soldier huh? Seen many soldiers all my life but never had your type before," Okay not sure what she meant by that "I'm Lieutenant night strike, what bring you here?" "Well I am here on temporary holding, they needed a soldier to look over things so the soldier don't poke a wolf with a stick," I said starting to walk to my room. "Thanks for the help earlier by the way, really did not want to get into another grapple" "Wait that was you in that fight?" She asked stepping in front of me, blocking my path. "Erm yes weren't you there?" "Well yes, but I couldn't see from that far in the crowd, so you're the stallion who fought captain Shining? Pretty ballsy if you ask me." "Yes well it ended up in us getting in trouble and now I have to make it up to him tomorrow, even if he broke my phone." "Phone?" "Tell you later, when its working. Anyway, what are you exactly? You seem like a pegasi but with bat wings?" She unfolded her wings to presently proudly "Oh, I'm a theatrical or bat pony if you want to be simple," Well could of guessed that earlier. "We are part of the Luna guard, Princess Luna's own guard. We take on the night duties once the Solar guard are done for the day. After all bat ponies are nocturnal." Huh well that explains a lot. "Cool another thing to add to my list of wonders. Hang on if you're the lieutenant of your platoon why you not on duty with them?" I asked, immediately she stumbled for a bit must of found something. "Well its my night off and a mare needs to relax after a hard weeks work" She tried to smile but it wasn't working. "Right, okay then. Anyway better get back to unpacking before it gets dark. Nice meeting ya lieutenant." I tried to walk off before being cut off again. "What room you staying in?" she shouted. "B20 why?" "Oh, I'm next door to you? Need any help unpacking" Well looks like things just picked up again. "Ya sure, cheers. Just need these boxes moving up. Only six ill carry my gear." I walked up to my room to open the door dumped my personal gear and led her downstairs to help me take up these boxes. I would help her with the ammo and weapons. One by one we took them upstairs until we came to the weapons. I paused before lifting it to explain to her it was heavy "Be careful this is full of weapons and is extremely heavy." "Can't be that bad," She said before lifting it. she tried pulling it by its handle with her mouth like with the other crates. But then she realised maybe it was a little too much for her teeth. She then took to the air hovering over and tried to grab the sides with her hooves. She did manage to lift it, before dropping it on the ground again. "Okay stop, let me help before you break my weapons or give yourself an injury." I squatted down and she took up her position, then I counted "One, two, three" We both took most of our strength to lift it off the ground. Never mind handle it up the stairs. We managed to carry it to the stairs where we then just slid it up. then dragged it across the floor, at one point I was worried it may go through the floor never mind damage it. "phew well that was exhausting and I haven't even done anything yet." Said Night. "Yeah, thanks saves me taking all night to drag it here. Suppose I owe you one," I responded, I did now owe her after all. "If you need a favour ask, maybe I can help with training your new platoon?" "Really? That would help two sergeants are better than one." "Well just say and i'll be there. Anyway I better get my head down. Way too much to do tomorrow." It was true I had a few things to do and my head was starting to get fuzzy. "Well, I'll try to keep the noise down. Ill hold you to that favour." With that all done she went out the door and closed it behind her. Turns out the hard ass lieutenant wasn't bad at all. Some good news from a day like this. See if I can make tomorrow better than today. I started to unpack my gear and hang it up, but at the same time my mind was wondering. I was still worried about Amicus, I was still nervous about meeting the princess again and I was still concerned over me and Shining falling out. I would have to do a lot of explaining to do tomorrow. I was a soldier not a politician. But the worst thing was all the pony guards now seeing me and the FNG, or in their case the bucking new guy. I would have to make an impression tomorrow. Maybe some training might help, but honestly I was not sure. It was one thing to get the leaders on your side another to get the troops. Before I knew it I was done unpacking and sat on my bed, I took off my uniform and folded it on the desk. Now the bed finally I could rest my aching body. Soon as my head hit the pillow all the sleep came to me. It had been a while since I had a comfy bed. Adams eyes started to grow heavy and started to close. his mind was desperate for rest but his mind was still going at a hundred miles an hour. Adam started to drift off into a light sleep even though his training screamed at him to stay awake to acclimatise, to get used to the environment to spot odd things. Just as he was starting to dream his ears picked up on a sound. THUD He sat up from his bed alerted to the sudden noise "What the?" THUD "Now what?" He complained. He got up and started to listen to see if the noise came again. It wasn't in his room, that he figured out. THUD A third time, he then realised it was coming from the wall. the wall next to his bed. He climbed back onto the bed and put his ear to the wall and listened. Through the wall he could make out some voices then another sound. THUD Adam felt the whole wall shake this time so he pressed his ear closer. 'Stop making so much noise! You'll wake everyone!" He heard through the wall. He remembered the lieutenant was next door to him and realised it was her. He wondered what was going on, then another voice a deeper one 'Hey you love it'. Adam then pulled away from the wall, realised what was going on. He was next door to a pony fondue. No wonder she was so nervous when he wonder why she wasn't on duty. He slumped back on his bed and groaned into his pillow. "No sleep tonight then BNG" > Chapter.7 Morning errans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam stood in his shower, barely moving. He was tired, aching and grumpy. To most people this is how you feel in the morning, but to him he had to listen to 4 hours of that 'fondue' last night. He groaned like a zombie trying to reach for the temperature control of the shower. He hadn't noticed the shower he was standing in was bigger than normal or how lavish it was. That may be due to his eyes still stinging from lack of sleep, so he could barely open them. Eventually with a few misses his hand found the dial and he put it straight to cold, freezing in fact. In a few seconds the hot water cut off and the cold water thundered down the pipes, pouring out of the shower head and landing directly onto the soldiers bare skin. The effect was immediate, Adam screamed. It was thing he did every so often to wake himself up. Especially in these scenarios, the shower would shock him into being awake and then coffee would give him caffeine in his system to keep him awake as long as possible. Today though he would need a lot of coffee. He was used to sleep deprivation in his training but that was in the field, every soldier acts differently when they are in the field. Right now he was his normal self, Adam, not Sergeant Jones of the pathfinders. He gritted his teeth to take the pain of the cold away and stood there forcing himself to wash in the cold cascade. Now washed and cleansed of tiredness he climbed out and rushed to get ready in his nice warn clothes. For that day he would wear his assault order for training. If he was going to stay here, he might as well get some training in pony tactics and may be show them some of his moves. He put on his UBACS shirt and combats but left his webbing and training gear behind, for now he had one job, breakfast. One problem, he had no Idea where the cook house was. After his fight yesterday he had missed the full tour of the base so he had no Idea where things would be. Worst part was to him was he had a lot to do today. He looked in the mirror trying to think a way around. But to no avail, he leaned against the mirror pressing his head against to trying to think. He could wait till other guards got up and followed them, but he would rather get breakfast early to have more time. He guessed no other pony was awake since it was still silent. He dare not ask a guard after the incident in the corridor. But he would definitely not ask the lieutenant in case things got awkward. "Screw it," he said to himself "I'll walk around till I find it" Adam set off grabbed his beret and proceeded to walk through the building towards the exit. Once out he took in a deep breath of cold fresh air, even though he still felt warm from his skin still being in shock. The sun was slowly starting to rise visibly to his eyes, which in his mind made no sense. 'that's odd, you normally don't actually see the sun move' he said internally. He shrugged off the idea and based it on the world he was on. He started his long walk around the base, hopeful that he would not get lost. He looked at the time and was only 7:30am, he was expecting the whole base to be waking up by now, but no not a single pony. He looked along the walls, there was still guards at least in post. He walked around the building looking for any signs of movement but there was none. He felt kind of disgusted the fact a military was not up by now, if he were back on his base this would be a lie in. But then again this was not his army, if that is the way they run things fine. That's what they can do. He continued to walk taking note of where everything was. There was no signs just numbers on the buildings, so he could not tell which building was which. At the same time he was trying to figure out where the gym was, a good running route and the medical hut. They should have the medical building marked at least surely. He continued to walk along the paths, looking around until he noticed a strange smell. He stopped in his tracks for a second and sniffed the air, what was that smell? Could it be? Food? "Well thank fuck for that" He said to himself. He had found a way to the cook house, all thanks to his senses. He followed his nose, trying to figure out where the smell of food was strongest. But like any cook house it was isolated and hidden. Once he reached the doorway, he looked around and started to notice guards now waking up staggering towards where he was. He took another look at his watch that now read 8am. Lucky for him he seemed first in queue, He entered the doorway leading into the cookhouse. It seemed very normal to him, long tables for people to sit in, these being slightly larger of course to accommodate to ponies. He looked ahead to see into the open kitchen, seeing the cooks rush around to produce breakfast on an industrial scale. One of the earth pony cooks however noticed Adam looking around. He stared for a moment wondering what a human was doing here. He just shrugged the thought away, wasn't the first time the cook had strange visitors. The soldier walked closer to the cook and greeted him "Morning" The earth pony just looked at him and grunted. Adam just ignored him and looked at the food. Its all hay, all the freaking food is hay related. All the labelled food had hay in it, great. I looked behind me seeing the queue growing longer, so I couldn't just stay here with a bunch of angry guards behind me. I moved along the serving station hoping for something that was human friendly. Just by chance I saw the fruit at the end and some cereal. I moved along picked up a few bowls of cereal and fruit, 3 cups of coffee as well. The guard behind me just looked shocked at the amount of food I was now carrying, so I just stated "Mommy says I'm a growing boy" I laughed. I sat down at the first table at the end and started munching away. I looked at the line that was still growing. Some guards with half their armour on, some in what I think was recruit armour due to the lack of emblems and marks. I got a few staring back at me, I wasn't sure what they were thinking but I didn't care. As I carried on eating more and more guards passed me, sitting a distance away from me. Clearly my actions yesterday left a mark on what they thought of me. I was just about finished eating and now drinking as much caffeine as possible. I could tell a few of the guards were talking about me, a few even looked like they wanted to punch me. I don't blame them to be perfectly honest. I did just beat up one of their own. I was on my second cup (thank god they have huge mugs) when a pony sat in front of me. Who else could it be but my bat sex crazy lieutenant friend. "Hi!" She chirped as she sat down, no surprise to her happy mood. "Morning" I groaned in response, still a little tired. She sat across me with a small bowl of fruit. I guessed at that point they must be related to fruit bats not vampire bats like I was worried about. Seriously, I was worried she may one night need to feed and come into my room to have a quick bite or she already fed on that poor stallion last night. She looked at my small pile of bowls next to me in fascination, I decided to query her over it "What?". "Nothing, just that's a lot of food" She gestured towards the pile. "Yeah, well some soldiers need a lot of calories from time to time. I'll probably burn through that by lunch today," At that point an idea hit me to ask "You don't know where I might find Captain Shining do you?" She stopped eating to think and respond "Well he'll be at the officers mess eating after that he'll be in his office in the castle, or doing his inspections. He likes doing that." "Where exactly is his office?" "Fourth floor, north sector, corridor 5. It will have directions don't worry. Why do you need to find him anyway?" She asked as I took another sip of my beverage. "Need to apologise for last night, things did get out of hand. If me and him are going to be working together, best not to have any grudges," I was now wondering why she was not in the officers mess "Why aren't you with the officers?" Instead of actually answering me, she pointed to the table 3 rows away. There sat what I guessed her platoon, the two I ran into from last night where there as well. All of them goofing around annoying all the other guards around them. She stood up from her seat for a second and turned on her fierce face again "Hey moon platoon!" All the ponies on the third table looked around to see their commander staring right at them. "How about you eat your food instead of throwing it about, because trust me later you're going to need all the energy you can get. So buck up!" The table fell silent and all the bat ponies around it began eating, much quicker I might add. The feared mare now sat back down and returned to normal "Sorry about that, they are the worst platoon I've ever had. They have the morning off to rest for training later this evening but no they mess around and turn up to training exhausted." She added before returning to her meal. "Sounds like hell to train them" I added. "Oh you have no idea" "Well do you need help later? Need something to do once I've done my daily list. Some special forces training may knock them into gear." I said. I know I already had a lot to do but helping out, especially with that mob might help gain some rep with the rest of the guard. "Thanks, that might help. I must warn you they are a handful" "Oh don't you worry, I think they will find me to be the handful" I said coyly tapping my fingers on my mug like a villain. She picked up a spoon in her hooves and began to eat her fruit. Was weird they could use cutlery in their hooves. "So," I began to ask "Why you so happy this morning? You seem to be beaming with glee" I smiled at her, I was going to see if I can embarrass her as revenge for last night. I really do love my sleep. She stopped for a second to think of what to say "Well I got some good sleep last night, didn't you?" I could see her now trying to avoid my gaze. "No, I didn't actually. Some weird noises going on last night, couldn't tell what made them." I paused for dramatic effect, she carried on eating. Now for the final blow "I don't know what they were, I don't think mice make the noise 'rut me like your first'" She stopped just as she was going to put another spoon in her mouth, and went wide eyed. "You heard what happened last night didn't you?" she said bluntly. "Heard!?" I threw back "I even felt it all that... stuff going on! I barely got any sleep last night. You were at it for 4 Hours!" I was cut off at that point by her placing a hoof over my mouth. "Keep it down! I don't want anypony knowing about this." She whispered. She then removed her hoof from my mouth and I continued in a lower tone, for her sake. "Oh, you want it all quiet now don't you? You just made how much noise last night, I'm pretty sure they all know by now. this better not be a regular thing is it?" I asked looking straight at her so she can't escape my eyes. She looked down for a second to think of something before answering. "Look," she said lightly "I'm a mare who... how do I put this? Likes, well sex to put it bluntly. I love it, so much that I pretty much have it with some stallions once a week at least." "Right, okay," I began "I appreciate you being open on this. I do agree with you everyone loves sex but not the guy who is next door trying to sleep." "Yes well, I am sorry for that. But what am I meant to do? If any of the officers or my platoon find out, I will lose my reputation." "I don't know? Get some egg crates and tape them to the wall. Or soundproofing or something. That way no one can hear you." She paused for a bit and brought a hoof to her chin she must of had an idea. "Well I can get a unicorn to enchant the wall so its soundproof, it has been a while since I've had a unicorn. Very good with..." At that point I cut her off. "Nope. don't need that information sorry. But the enchanting sounds good, however that works. Just get it soundproof so I can sleep. After that you can 'rut' all you like. Just don't break through the wall with an orgy or something." At that point I realised I had finished my coffee and she her breakfast. "Well, I better go and prepare for later, need to polish my armour." She said before lifting off the table tray in hooves as she flew. I did the same, just not the flying part. "Same but, I need to put on my armour and see how things work around here." "I would give you a tour but you know." She said placing her tray on the washing. "It's cool. Anyway glad we cleared that up. I'll see you later lieutenant." I gave my farewell and started to head for the door. still getting eyes looking at me from around the room. "See you around sergeant." She replied behind me as I walked off. I noticed the sun had risen more now and the whole base was illuminated like it was midday. Already it was starting to get warmer, which was pleasant but may mean it being warmer when it actually was midday. May need to pack extra water for today. I set off back to my room passing the Husky making sure it was still locked. Do not need another Lyra incident happening. I then reached my room and began putting on my webbing and armour. I opted for the osprey armour they gave me than my more lightweight and more exposed chest plate armour. May be good for speed and lightness but not as good for protection, who knows what may happen. I filled my daypack with plenty of water, a spare shirt and my helmet. Then my eyes went towards the weapons. 'Will I need one?' I thought to myself. I debated in my head for a second whether I should or shouldn't. The hell with it I'll take the assault rifle, just without the UGL no need to go overboard. I did a quick skip to the weapons chest, opened it up and lifted out the C8 carbine. As a man who knows all too well what guns can do and emphasises on safety, I still love these things. I did a quick NSP drill and checked for any abnormalities, also to get a feel for the weapon. I unclipped the UGL and put it back in its foam insert, took out a 3 magazines and closed it. Next the ammunition chest I unlocked took out some 5.56 rounds and quickly bombed them into the magazines. Now I was ready, I placed the magazines into my webbing pouch as I set off through the door. If the sight of human weapons doesn't get shining in a good mood, I don't know what will. I set off towards the castle, but as I walked down the corridor all the bat pony guards were returning to sleep and the other ponies were all going on duty. Got a few grunts from the bat ponies and a few evil stares from all the others. I love being so welcome here. |A few steps later and I was in the castle, now what was it she said 'third floor north...' blank. Normally I remember that kind of information but not on a tired day. Again, I'll just bumble around till I find it. At least I know which sector it is in, hopefully it isn't too big. Adam wandered aimlessly through the corridors and hallways, looking for a set of stairs. Eventually he found some, he could of asked any number of guards he walked past. But he thought still that it would be a bad idea. Right now he was trying to play the hearts and minds game with the Royal guard. He climbed to the third floor and was not set on finding the north section of the palace. But he had a dilemma. Finding north is easy, its just north. But north on a building could mean one of two things, one the side of the building that is facing real north or two, the actual front of the building is north. So he had to guess where the north side was. He tried to look for a sign but he saw nothing, he just saw the same identical corridors like the ones he just past. So he looked at his watch and pressed the compass mode. He hoped that Equestria had a strong enough magnetic field to detect, if it had a magnetic field. Luckily for him it did, the compass pointed north on the digital display. Now he knew his bearing, if the device was reading it right. He walked until he found a corridor with doors lining the walls. Each door had a name on it, each name its own title and rank, Adam now knew he was in the right spot. He walked down whispering 'Captain shining', trying to make spotting is name easier. Eventually he came across the desired name. He looked at the door which read 'Cpt./Prince Shining Armour'. The door was wooden like the others but each door had a symbol on it. Shining's emblem was of his cutie mark. a purple star in a shield. Adam had noticed the unicorns symbol before, if he wasn't mistaken he swear he saw a similar star around the castle. Adam autonomously checked his uniform, until he realised he was pretty much in assault order but he still fixed his beret. He clipped his rifle to his daysack on his back, trying to reveal his surprise to Shining. If all diplomacy fails, bribe the sucker. He gently knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Come in!" he heard from behind the door. Adam stepped in keeping the door open behind him, he took a few steps forward saluted and stood perfectly still waiting for a response. It was something automatic to him so once he was still he began to analyse the room. The whole place was a mess. Papers scattered everywhere and bits of what Adam thought to be training equipment, he even saw a bow in the corner. In front of him was the desk, what could be a desk anyway. Like the whole room it was covered in papers and scrolls but a few bits of crafted wood peaked out trying to remind those that there was a desk there. But then he noticed something, stood in a clearing on the desk was a photo. It wasn't facing him so he couldn't see what it was, but he could tell it was something important to the captain as it had not a single paper around it. It was the only spot on his desk that was left tidy. Where the photo faced was a large scroll being levitated in a blue aura and behind that sat a captain trying to read carefully as possible what was written. He hadn't paid full attention to the human that just walked in, he just thought it was another one of his lieutenants come to ask something. He stopped what he was reading to address his visitor, only to look surprised at the sight of Adam the human soldier. He looked him dead in the eye remembering the last time they met. Even the bruises on his flank reminded him. "What do you want sergeant?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice. Adam took a deep breath trying to think of what to say next "I'm here to apologise," he said flatly. He was expecting something better to come out of his mouth. "Didn't you already do that yesterday?" was the response. "Well, yes but we both know we were forced to say that in front of the princess," he began to pace the room trying to state his case. He was now in full soldier mode just simple and straight to the point. "I am here to apologise fully from my own mouth." "What you did yesterday was reckless you know that?" "Yes, I do. I apologise, but I will explain my actions," Shining was about to carry on with his boiling of Adam until the sergeant put up a hand to shush him. "I'm sure you are aware that all soldiers/guards have their way of unwinding? Am I right?" Shining nodded slowly in response "Well I think the first thing that you should know is that human soldiers tend to unwind by pulling pranks. This is common in my profession as we do extreme work and need to do something extreme to counter the work they do. Some go camping, some see their girlfriend. For me I do camping as my job and I don't have a girlfriend. So I like to play pranks, In that case play a loud song out of a car to annoy everyone. And I know that you probably did the same when you were a recruit." Shining listened to every word he said, interested in what he was saying. He thought a moment about what he said. It was true that to unwind some of his men would pull pranks on each other. He even knew the princesses played pranks and he himself had been the victim of some. Maybe he was just a sore loser and hated being a joke. "Well, I am sorry too. Maybe I reacted too harsh and throwing the first punch was unprofessional. I am sorry too sergeant," the unicorn sighed, Adam relaxed slightly "But I am still not pleased with your behaviour, even if I accept your apology." "I thought you might say that," Adam said now back into his personal self "and for us to work together we have to have no more grudges so I swear to keep the pranks down to a minimum. None that will relate to you either, for the sake of your reputation. Plus I know I will have to make up for it so later today I am going to ask the Princess to give a weapons demonstration, maybe you could tag along. You never know might even let you have a go." Adam teased the captain, now leaning on his desk toward the pony. He could now see the photo on his desk out of the corner of his eye. It was a picture of another mare similar to the princesses with wings and horn. But a lot skinnier and had a pink coat that reminded him of bubble gum. He guessed it to be his wife who was a princess. Shining showed no expression to what Adam said, but inside the little filly of his soul was screaming of delight. "Well that would be interesting" He tried to say, but Adam could see the twinkle in his eyes. "Good," The soldier said hopping off the desk, trying not to disturb his papers "No offence, I think you have a serious admin problem." "Yeah," The captain sighed "I leave Canterlot for a few months and the paperwork just piles up. Next time I head to the crystal empire, I am taking my company with me." "Crystal empire?" Adam questioned. "The empire me and my wife Princess cadence rule it is part of Equestria," He swivelled the photo with his magic he could now see the picture fully. "That's Cadence my mare. She is currently the princess of love." From what Adam could work out it was a wedding photo of him next to his bride. The uniform Shining was wearing though shocked him as it was very similar to the one the Irish guards wear outside Buckingham Palace. "Princess of love? Like Celestia of the day?" "Yeah like that" The unicorn explained. Adam just thought it was a title thing, but something in the back of his mind told him it was something else. He looked at his watch to check the time, it was almost midday which meant the princess will be meeting him soon. "Captain, apologies but I am going to have to cut this short. I have a meeting in a short time and I need to be ready." I stepped back heading for the door. "Where are you going?" "I'm having lunch with princess Celestia, Think it is just an update that and my allowance for money. So I will see you around, I'll be with moon platoon helping them with training." "Wait," Shining shot up at his desk "You're helping moon platoon?" "Yeah why? He laughed a little before answering "May the princesses take pity on your soul" he laughed. I had a bad feeling of what he just said. Looks like this Platoon has a bit of a reputation with most of the guard. Then again if I can turn them I might just gain plenty of reputation. "Anyway see ya!" Adam was now stood just outside the Husky outside the dorms, waiting for the princess to turn up, or something to happen. She neglected to mention how they would meet for lunch, or where it would be for that matter. He looked at his watch that now read 11:30am, already he had checked his equipment, grabbed his laptop, checked the engine and stripped his Glock several times but nothing happened. He huffed leaning on the side of the door. He would normally listen to music but his phone was still broke. He watched in the distance all the recruits being ran around by their instructors. Some of the groups were split up into three subspecies, getting specialist training for their kind. But he could not see where they went after that. He did want to walk through the palace gardens, maybe find a good run route. But he dare not, not with his first meeting anyway. 'I should of really talked to the captain more' he thought to himself 'maybe learn more about moon platoon'. He sniggered at the silly name, then again if he was going to have some input on them, he would make their name the best name he could. Just as he was thinking of how to train the platoon an earth pony servant walked up to Adam. "The Princess requests your presence 'sergeant'" he spoke gracefully. "About bloody time" Adam said getting up and grabbing his daysack of the hood with his rifle still attached. Adam started to follow the servant in front that was still walking in a respected manner. They proceeded through the guards gate and into the palace itself. They took a few turns but did not climb any stairs, much to his relief. He did not want to climb a tower that was almost in the clouds. They went through a few more doors to reach a door that was open. The two went through the door and found themselves back outside in one of the gardens. They stood on a patio with a table in the middle. Sat there, drinking tea was the Princess of the sun. "As requested Sergeant jones, princess" The servant announced. Celestia turned putting down her tea in her magic to address the sergeant, but he got there first. He came to attention and saluted her like he did the day before "Princess". "Sergeant, it is good to see you again, please take a seat. We have much to discuss" She said politely. The human soldier stepped forward and took a seat across from the princess. "So how are you finding your time here so far?" She asked. "Well believe it or not it is not that different from home," He said leaning in trying to seem relaxed. He was expecting her to be still ticked off from last night but to his surprise she was being polite. "Replace the ponies with humans it is not much difference" "That is good, so you have settled in well I presume?" "Well," Adam paused for a second to think of an answer. He was going to mention the near fight yesterday, the guard already taking a dislike and not to mention his reason for little sleep. But instead he decided to miss that information out "Yes I have. I did not get much sleep last night though might be because of the new environment. But other than that all is good so far" he lied. "All is well then. Although the incident last night does not impress me" He face turned one of kindness to a mother giving stern words. "Yes, I understand. I would like to apologise for my behaviour last night. Things got a little out of hand, I have already talked to captain Shining about it and we have resolved our differences. I would also like to apologise to you princess for the incident, it was mainly my fault." "Thank you sergeant, I am glad you have been the gentlecolt and apologised. But please restrain from punching one of my best captains again" She giggled. Adam laughed slightly too, her laugh made him feel full and happy with the world it was weirdly contagious. "So how goes running the country?" Adam tried to ask, making some conversation and being polite. Celestia stopped her giggle and was quite shocked at the question. Here she was expecting to be asking these kind of questions not the other way around "Running the kingdom is quite fine sergeant, thank you for asking. It is rare a pony asks me how I am fairing" Adam smiled that he had just made some ground in the conversation. But he looked her straight in the eyes and saw something. Strain, he had seen it all before. When soldiers took on more than they can chew he could see it in them. It was a gift he had from when he was young. He could read people tell what they thought, he could even put himself in their shoes. This made him one of the best at communication with people and made him an effective soldier. Right now he could see the glare and tiredness in her eyes from whatever it was keeping her up at night. "Impressive, I was expecting to be some troubles. I thought it would be hard running a country. For a ruler like yourself to be where you are now. That is quite the feat." Adam tied to play her to see if he could make her open just a little. For some reason it was just out of curiosity but really he somehow felt sorry for her, with all her burden. "Well it can be tough at time like now, but I have had plenty of experience. I am over 1000 years old remember." 'She's good' He thought. "A time like now?" He now asked. "Well ever since we have found out we are not alone it has been a little, strenuous at times," She took another sip of her tea "Would you like some tea before the chef arrives?" She asked trying to avoid anymore of the human asking. She could tell what he was doing, but every time she tried to back off he kept pressing. And it was starting to show. "Yes please," He gladly took a cup and let the princess pour him the hot beverage. He took a sip and to admit, it was pretty good brew even from a  British standard. "So our presence has caused problems?" Now he took a  full shot at the princess, make or break moment. "Well..erm" The princess stuttered for a second, now she was trapped in this mind game. Normally she would of dodged such questions even with all the nobility but this human had broke her down in just a few sentences. "Princess, if you are holding back information that could harm Amicus, it could end up in a very bad situation for everyone. What is it you are not telling?" He looked her dead in the eye with no expression, he was glad he was taught how to interrogate before he was a pathfinder. Originally he worked in the intelligence corps of the British army, so he learnt all his intelligence gathering there. The princess stopped to think of a way back out but she could not think of any. If she just avoided the question it could just jeopardize the relationship they and between Equestria and earth. But if he told the soldier the truth how would he react? In the end though she yielded. She closed her eyes took one sip of her tea and began to explain. "Sergeant, what I am about to tell you is sensitive. You may not like it one word. But all is true and I must ask you to keep in mind from my position I had no choice." She took a deep breath to clear her mind and began to explain. "When our worlds met and after the agreement to exchange information and explore. there was a problem. You see Equestria is not the only nation of this world. There is Saddle Arabia, Dragon lands and The griffon kingdom. All the nations were thrilled as Equestria to find they were not alone, all except one. The griffons..." Adam leaned in and butted in a question. "Wait griffons? you mean eagle head winged lions? Mythical creatures from where I come from?" "Yes, now please I must continue," Adam sat back shocked at another truth of this world but he carried on listening. "The Equestrian kingdom and the Griffons have not had the best relationship since time began. The griffons grew jealous of our ability to use magic and use it to perform actions that could cause great devastation. Over the years that all died down, that was until now. Ever since humans came with your technology, the jealousy and paranoia once felt by griffons has came back. They were worried that you would bring us weapons to defeat the griffons and take over their land. They had already heard of your capacity for war and were scared. But when the humans wanted to send troops to protect their own. Of course the Griffons were not pleased. But then again the humans were not just for letting me use my own guards to protect them. They wanted human soldiers here to protect them. But the griffons did not. So I made a choice; I would let one human soldier through to help protect them and manage security of Amicus as a military exchange. However I did this behind the griffons back. They have no idea that you exist Adam" Adam sat his his seat completely shocked at what she had just said. from what he basically could lean was he was the tipping point for a possible war between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom. He could not move out of shock from the truth. One part of his mind wanted to scream at the princess for being so stupid to risk her people, but on the other side he could see she had no choice. It was either lose a friend or risk a possible enemy. If he was in her shoes he would probably make the same decision. "Princess, that is... not good to say the least," He spoke finally from his state of shock. Adam felt cold with the burden that was now on his shoulders. Never mind protecting his people, he now had  the whole of Equestria too. Celestia's expression dropped with the comment she looked at her tea on the table and her ears splayed back. "However from what you have told me, you had no choice but to comply. I am sorry you were put in that situation. Now your people are at risk because of me." "I have not slept well since that day," A tear fell from her eyes and into her tea making a dripping noise "I only want what is best for my little ponies. But now I have put them at risk." Adam thought for a moment making the whole table silent. No one spoke and no one moved. Until he broke the silence "Princess, I fully understand your actions. If I were you I would do the same. I also thank you for opening up to me. I understand being a leader is hard work, I have been there myself. You only want what is best for your men, or in your case subjects. For that I understand all the caution. But I promise you I will not endanger your people. I may not be able to leave now but I will help out in anyway by keeping myself away from being seen. And if it all goes to shit I will take the blame and will stand by you, the whole of earth will. I swear." Adam smiled at her but she was still silently crying, so he got up walked across to her and placed a hand beneath her chin raising her eyes to meet his. "I promise to protect not just my people but yours. That is a soldier's promise. I will keep a low profile for you and your peoples sake." Adam saw a little hope now ignite in her eyes. He smiled at her to give her some reassurance and she gave a smile back. He was glad though nobody was around or else that would of looked awkward. He walked back to his seat and sat down. "Princess, thank you for opening up, but remember you are not alone. I know it is hard being a leader, but remember there is your sister, me and your people all right behind you." "Thank you sergeant," "Please call me Adam, you have opened up to me and trusted me now I can trust you. So please off duty just call me Adam" "Thank you... Adam" She smiled at him trying to wipe away her tears before the chef arrives. "Now then onto more pressing issues do you have the contract?" He asked trying to change the atmosphere. "Yes I do" She magically teleported a parchment and quill mid air that made Adam jump. But he put it to 'new world, new rules' theory. He picked up the paper and quill and read it. Surprisingly for him it was short. Not like contacts on earth that covered every detail, this was broad and straight to the point. AN agreement stating that he would receive temporary funds until a time when he could pay them back within the year. He read it in under a minute and quickly signed the bottom, handing it back. "Thank you" She said "I shall have the funds delivered to your room" "Thank you, princess it helps a lot," He said. "So what's for lunch?" He asked, his stomach growling for its food. "Hay sandwiches." 'Bollocks' Adam thought. > Chapter.8 Moon Platoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turns out you can eat Hay burgers. Just with great difficulty. Honestly I had never tried to chew something more in my life. I sat there with an empty plate after carefully eating. Unlike the 'princess' across from me who literally devoured it. She gave out a huge belch before she realised I was still there. She looked at me sheepishly and smiled while I was just shocked (and ill) from her eating. "Sorry, It has been a while since I have tried these... succulent burgers. I have been on a diet and Luna wont let me off it." She spoke eyeing up the empty plate, she seemed disappointed. "So you binge eat when she is not here?" I said bluntly. Honestly it was like watching a dog eat when she ate that thing! She looked at me sternly about to say something, but I cut her off. "Before you shout at me or tell me off. I will tell Luna if you're not careful." She stopped and eyed me for a little, least I could blackmail her. "You are and evil human Adam" "That I am" I said proudly. "It's okay for Luna she can eat whatever she wants and never get a fat flank" She complained. Oh god here comes the whining. "Fat flank?" "Yes how did one of your humans say it? 'Junk in tha trunk'" "Oh... fat arse now I get it." "Yes, Luna teased me about it since we were fillies. Then again I got her back by enchanting her mane to get messy after sleeping." She giggled at that point, probably reliving a memory. I just sat there and wondered how they can have free flowing manes. If Gucci saw this princess he would die of a heart attack. "So anyway, princess," I began changing the subject to more serious matters. "I have been offered to help out in the guard. I will be helping train moon platoon. I hope you don't mind?" She looked at me with her face scrunched up "Do you mean the one from the Luna guard, the Platoon that has been causing havoc with my solar guard?" she asked, her eye twitching slightly. "Yes that one, is there a problem? Because the Captain said they are a handful." "They have caused, the most disruption out of any guards over my lifetime! They trot around like they own the place but get scared when me or Luna turn up." She groaned in frustration and slammed her head on the table. Clearly this platoon is worse than I thought if the Princesses are affected. "Well that's is why I am helping their commander Lieutenant Night Strike to train them. Maybe some of my training will help keep them in line. Also allow me to see how you train your guards. Seems a win, win to all parties." I said taking another gulp on this delightful tea. "She lifted her head up and looked at me like I had just saved her ass. "You would do that? Train The most difficult Platoon in the Guard?" "Yup" "Sergeant either you are a fool or a hero. If you can help in anyway with that thorn in the wing group. I and the guard would be in your debt!" "Yes well, I was hoping it would make some reputation in the guard. If I am going to need your forces princess, I will need to make friends and show humanity can be a great ally. Which brings me onto the other matter." "Which is?" She leaned in keen to hear what else I might ask. "Well, I may of mentioned to the captain that I would give a weapons demonstration," I said carefully gesturing to the rifle on my bag. She looked at it for a second and then back to me. He expression was of stone and I could not tell what she might say. "I just need to give one and I won't use the grenade launcher. It's just to show the guard what I can do and also to get the captain on the good side. He seems pretty interested in weapons." "Sergeant Jones," She began, oh dear "I am a little worried that showing off these 'guns' will taint the minds of my little ponies. Then again if you show how dangerous they are you may put them off completely. I will authorise this, but only in the presence of me, princess Luna and all the officers of the guard." "Thank you, princess. I completely agree." Thank god that was sorted but I would have to scare the living crap out of the guard at how devastation a weapon is. Luckily I am pretty good at scaring people. A few real war videos later and they will be weary of me for days. But if I scare them too much they may be weary of me entirely. So I would have to keep it light, I'll plan something tomorrow, right now Moon Platoon. I looked at my watch that now read 2pm, plenty of time. "Is there anything you wish to ask princess?" "Well I am sure it would help if I knew the human soldier better. Where on your world do you come from?" "Well, originally I come from outside Manchester, but as soon as I joined the army I get moved everywhere. What I enjoy most is the travel." "Does your family not miss you?" "Nope" "How...how do you know?" She looked shocked at my answer. "Simple I haven't talked to them, seen them or heard from them since I joined the army." I said bluntly. "Do you miss them?" she continued. "No, Look I got out of my hell of a family and I would rather keep it that way. I am not going to say why, but that was my past. The army is my family now. They have taken more care of me than any 'family' I had." I shut up after that, I really did not like talking about before the army. The army was my big break and made me who I was today. I would never forget my experience in it, nor this one. "Sergeant, did..." At that point I raised a hand to shut her up. "Just shut it, okay? My personal past is one I would rather forget, sadly I can't forget it. So lets just forget this happened okay?" I took a big gulp of the tea to finish it off. I could feel the pressure building inside me, all the memories flooding back. Every time I thought of the past just brought back a lot of emotions. I got up from my chair, making the princess look very shocked. She tried to say something but the look I was giving he shut her up. She knew saying something to me right now would be a bad idea. I was inches from punching the table, I guessed she knew that too. I grabbed my bag and made my way back through the doors "I am sorry princess, as much as I'd love to stay, I have a job to do." I stormed back into the castle, not even looking behind me heading back to my dorm. Where is a punch bag when you need one? Adam was now sat on his bed, in his room. He had taken off his armour and left his gear all over the floor. He held his head in his hands trying to regain control. He breathed deeply trying to get as much oxygen in him to relax. He kept repeating the word 'calm' in his head and out loud, just to stop him kicking off. It had been a while since this last happened, a whole year ago from what he remembered. Him having a sort of panic attack, except in this one all he wanted to do was break something just to release all his anger. In the end something snapped in his head and he punched the pillow at the end of his bed. He took a few more deep breaths before regaining control. "Why the fuck do you have to haunt me?" He said to himself. At that point he heard knocking on his door "Come in!" He said trying to return to a normal state. The door slowly crept open to reveal Night Strike standing in the doorway, with a very confused expression on her. "Is everything okay sergeant?" She asked seeing him still in a mess. She had been cleaning her armour, when she heard him stomping when he came in and when he slammed his door. She could see the distress in him clearly but also see that he was doing his best to clear it up. "Yeah, yeah all is fine cheers. What's up?" He asked looking up at his guest. "Well, I just heard you got it, sounded like you slammed the door. Are you sure you're okay? If you like you don't have to help with the training later." She started to walk into the room slowly, still trying to give the soldier some room. "No, I can, I want to in fact. Just been a rough day that's all. Maybe a good night might help ha! I'll get over it don't worry." He lifted his help to give his bat pony friend a reassuring smile. She smiled back and sat down on the bed beside him. "You do understand that my platoon is tough to control right? How do you think you are going to keep control?" She asked curious at what Adam had in store for them. He looked at her switching to his soldier mode and began to explain. "Well basically all soldiers have to go through phase one training. This was to basically make you a basic infantry soldier, phase two was your specialty. But to do special forces training meant you had to at least have basic phase 1 and 2. Special forces training was tough as well, so I doubt that would actually keep any of them in the guard. It may even kill some of them. So I'm going to use the Royal Marine Commandos model of training. Mixed in with your guard training of course. It should break them down and build them not just into better guards but better me... I mean ponies. Trust me by the time we are done with them they will be the best god damn team in Equestria." He said with emphasis. He grabbed a notebook from his day sack and started to make notes on some of the training involved. Obviously he would have to replace Skill at arms training with melee weapons rather than guns. He was glad his mind was being distracted with talking about this, also it meant he could actually plan all of it rather than go off the top of his head. In his time as a paratrooper he had competitions against the royal marines since both regiments were considers one of the toughest. Both their training was different but the troops the same, supposedly royal marine commandos have the toughest training in the world (supposedly). So if that training did not get them into shape, they may as well quit. That hour they talked on how training would be carried out, the lieutenant seemed fine with most of the tactics, maybe a little excited. He explained how the first few weeks would be just to break them down and the rest to build them up and test them. He also asked if he could devote all of them down to a recruit level. Just so they realise what it means to go from zero to hero. "You want to do what!?" She asked with a reaction from her wings. "Look, putting them down will put them all at the same level. It will teach them respect and give those who have skills to start to shine. Rather than be put down by some other guard. Just trust me after 2 months they will be a force to be reckoned with. You keep your rank obviously." Adam explained. "I should hope so, or I will bite you." She said holding her arms in a huff. "The skill at arms training you will have to do. I'll tag along see if I can learn something too, might come in handy. I am also giving a weapons demonstration in a few days I want them there to witness what I can do," He got up from the bed and looked over the notes he had just made. Over the next two months he would help in training the platoon. Stripping away all they know now and building them from scratch, into a well oiled machine. A war machine if you like. He had to admit in his mind though it was pretty exciting. "But for now we have to break the bad news to these guys, Also I must warn you some will want to leave, if they do just let them walk away. Reassign them to another platoon or let them walk, just don't stand in their way." "Won't we lose ponies easily then?" She asked taking to the air, hovering. "Well yes," Adam started putting his armour back on "But it was the policy of the army in the first few weeks of training you could leave, up to a point where you take the oath. After that you couldn't leave, I'll give these guys 3 weeks before they are locked in." The mere thought about it for a second. She was placing her team in his hands, but she could do with all the help she could get. She did like the sound of having one of the best and maybe learning a few things herself. She liked the sergeant, but if he didn't deliver, she would personally buck him straight to tartarus. "Okay sergeant do what you must, but you better deliver." He chuckled an evil laugh and looked straight at her "Oh don't you worry, I will." We were now outside prepping for the first day of training. It was going to be fun telling these dicks they were now recruits again. Then again it was going to be hell getting used to the routine of getting up midday and sleeping at 4am. We walked to the Form Up Point, where Night strike had told them to go. We got there expecting to see a full body of men all formed up but what I saw just made me want to flip. All of them where just sat around doing fuck all. Each in their own little group talking, NOT formed up like they are meant to be. I was shocked but when I saw lieutenant Strike not phased by this behaviour I was worried. Lack of discipline can get people killed especially in the field. We stood in front of all the group and the bat commander issued her orders "Three ranks now! Form up!" All of them got up and began to run around finding a spot to form up in. They didn't even try to form up in the right order so the whole thing just looked a mess. I must mention at this point when it comes to drill and movement, I have OCD, pretty much like any other soldier. I gave the Lieutenant a look and she just shrugged we just walked up and she began her talk. "Alright you not listen in!" They all braced for her speech. I notice they pay attention when she is around but become a problem when she isn't. "As you all know, we have a guest, some of you may of met him or seen his little fight yesterday. This," She pointed a hoof at me "Is Sergeant Jones of Earth. Where he comes from he is one of the elite, where he comes from is dangerous and most certainly where he comes from is tough! Now we have the pleasure of him helping us being the best damn platoon in the guard! You will treat him as one of our own! You will follow his orders! Anyone got a problem with that?" The whole platoon was silent but if you looked closely, you could see the expression's twitch. "Good, if you would like to start off Sergeant, please" She walked back towards me and gave me a wink. Cheers bat mare, drop me in it. I stepped forward placing my hands behind my back and started to pace up and down. I didn't say a word just watched all the eyes looking back at me. I could feel the vibe off all of them and it was not welcoming. But either way I was stuck with them as they were of me. "Good evening Moon platoon!" I shouted getting no response. "I said good evening Platoon!" The whole platoon just looked at me with eyes that could not be arsed. "Well then, I thank you for the welcome," I began "It is my pleasure to be working alongside the guard. Sadly I am out with you lot, you bunch of fucking, arse, holes!" A few went wide eyed at my small outburst, now to start the grilling. "I am sergeant Adam Jones of the British army. Where I come from I am special forces, that means I am part of the elite of my army. I am trained to kill without hesitation like any other soldier in the army, but I do it effectively. Unlike you of the guard who are told to use it only as an absolute last resort. So if any of you try to come up to me and try me on. I will not hesitate to kill you in self defence," I could tell that a few where looking at me trying to size me up, but I say bring it on, then they will see what a paratrooper can do to them. "Now introductions aside, I am here not just to learn something or to provide security but to teach. That means you lot! From what I hear you are the WORST fucking platoon in the whole guard! That bad in fact the princesses find you a bother as well. You are all ill trained, have lack of discipline and are generally a waste of fucking space. If I had it my way I would kick you out of the fucking guard!" A few at this point started to scrunch up in their faces in anger, until one broke the silence. "Buck off you ape!" I heard from some where that let loose the whole load of them hurtling abuse at me. Just the reaction I wanted, I reached under my arm attached to my armour and pulled my combat knife from its sheath. I had this made when I joined the army, and it was a true blade. It did the job I wanted and more and now it was going to show itself off again. In one fluid motion I threw the knife forward. It flew through the air heading straight for its intended target, a night guard unicorn. It hit the target on the ear just as I intended, Like I was going to kill a perfectly shit guard? It cut his ear making him howl in pain. It didn't cut off the ear but left a nasty gash. All of the night guards ceased shouting to look at their wounded friend now looking quite terrified. I looked at him still in my throwing stance smiling at him, and said "Well what do you know I missed. It's your lucky day mate." He looked at me in pure fear, as did the other guards. " Well I did warn you," I turned to look at Night strike who was also pretty shocked by the whole ordeal. All was silent around me which is what I needed "Let that be an end to any more lack of discipline. Guard go fall out and seek medical, might need stitches, think of it as a war wound for the mares," The unicorn fell out correctly and ran for the medical building. "As for the rest of you, you are all shit. End of. But have no fear you are not getting thrown out. Instead I, Alongside the lieutenant here, will be training you. But you will not be a simple platoon of the guard, Oh no you will be the best platoon of the guard maybe even ever! I will train you, guide you and push you to things you never thought possible. It will be hard mentally and physically, but by the end of it you will be so hard you may not even need armour!" A few of them laughed at the comment so did I. "But I need to trust you as well as you to trust me. Cross me... and you have seen what happens. But if we work as a machine nothing like that will happen ever again. If you don't want to take part you can leave in the first 2 weeks after that your fate is sealed. If you wish to leave do not be scared, it is better to admit you can take no more than break completely. So before I carry on who wishes' to leave?" The whole field was silent for a second. I would give them five minutes to consider. I was looking out for the slightest of movements, both me and night strike where. But no one moved. That was until a face I knew stepped forward. Corporal black night. He stepped forward without even a flinch, the bat pony walked towards me. The others looked at him even I did, I was expecting a response from him but what would it be. A swing at me? Maybe some shouting? No he halted in front of me and stared at me, but I didn't flinch. "Sergeant," He spoke accordingly "You want to train this platoon using your tactics alongside traditional Equestrian training, that has been here for hundreds of years? All to make this team into the best?" "That is the plan yes." "Well then," He took off his helmet, looks like he wanted to quit. "I want in." "Wait...what?" Adam asked. "I want in, if you say you are the elite show me, I bet that I will fly rings around you." He looked at him trying to challenge the soldier. Who was pretty shocked but by his second statement was now smiling. He was going to break this pony till he cried for his mother. "Well then, I was honestly expecting you to leave. But I will break you. That is part of becoming a soldier, I say you will last 4 weeks before you cry. After that is up to you will you buck up and become a stallion, or will you run with your tail between your legs?" Adam stepped forward with every word, squaring up to the pony that was just short of him. He did want him to leave, but this, this was so much better. Here he was serving himself on a plate of revenge, and boy was Adam going to eat him up. "Try me... sergeant" "Fall back in then then we shall see," The pony saluted for some reason and went to fall back in. Adam watched with a evil grin on his face. "Now then anyone else got anything for show and fucking tell?" silence followed, looks like every guard was committed. "Good," Adam turned to his partner Night Strike. "Do you have what I asked for lieutenant?" The bat mare then walked over with a brown sack in her mouth and handed it over to Adam. He went into the sack and pulled at a black beanie hat. Adam help up the hat in the air so that all the Luna guards could see and spoke "This is what you will be wearing for the next 3 weeks. You do not deserve to wear the helmet of a guard or the Luna symbolYET, but if you do pass the first 3 weeks you will be allowed to wear the helmet again. Let this be a punishment for all your past sins. Pass through the whole training and you will receive your badge back something extra. Anyone wish to reconsider leaving?" A few looked around but all of them understood what he had proposed. In all of their heads they were admitting they were that bad and maybe this hairless ape could help them. Some doubted whether he could train them, others just wanted to be the best. But all of them accepted that either way, they would go through with this training. No one wanted to end up like the wounded unicorn. Every guard took off their helmets and took a hat from their new sergeant. The lieutenant collected the helmets and badges from their armour. The guards now accepted their fate, everyone of them sealed by the mad sergeant walking around. "Now then, care to do the honours lieutenant?" Adam asked once they were back at the front. "With pleasure," The bat mare smiled at him and then turned her gaze to her troops. "FULL SADDLE BAGS MARCHING GEAR, 2 MINUTES BACK HERE GO!" The whole platoon erupted into a explosion of ponies. All of them scrambling for their bunks to get their saddle bags and return. It was bad enough for them to be scared of the lieutenant, now they had a mad human that was not afraid to kill as well. A few seconds later and the dust had settled and still stood there was the human soldier and pony officer. "Do you think it worked?" Night Strike asked Adam. "Hope so, we will find out after 2 weeks, but so far it's okay. Was surprised that black night didn't walk off." "That stallion can be stubborn. He is afraid of me, but he seems bent on tartarus with you." "Yeah, seems that way. Lets just hope he turns out better by the end of this," Adam sighed as he looked at his watch, 30 seconds gone. "How much does a saddle bag weigh?" "Around 25kg, is that enough?" "For now yes, by the end of the training they will be able to run with 40 kg" "How long is the run?" "For now its 2 miles after it will be 5, might injure a few along the way but they will heal. Seen it happen loads of times." "Is that what you had to do? Back on earth with your army I mean?" Adam looked at her now with raised eyebrows "Oh no, it was worse it was 30kg at the start running 4 miles by the end it was 55 kg over 8 miles. I'm taking it easy on you since you are not a full on army, nor are you special forces." "Wow, you must really be strong..." Adam knew what she was trying to do with her eyes batting them at him. "Nice try, ain't going to work on me, you horny pony." "Sorry I can get carried away," She blushed trying to regain control "Is it not harsh that they still do guard duties straight after all these training sessions?" "Part of the job, "He explained "It what they did before is it not? This is no different, except the training is harder and they will be working some weekends. But they better be ready or they will end up like the unicorn... sorry about that by the way." "No problem you did warn me that something like that might happen. You weren't actually aiming for him where you?" "Nope, although it was tempting" he mused. The bat pony jumped in front of him and snarled "Okay, okay. I wasn't, I was just joking Jesus," Adam looked past her and saw the first lot of guards running back with full gear on minus the helmets, of course. "Ah good their back." He looked at his watch 1 minute 43 seconds, not bad. All of them formed back up, all of them in the exact places as before, panting all out of breath. Saves doing the warm up Adam thought. By 2 minutes they where all formed up and ready to go, but for them they had no idea they would be doing. "Alright troops!" Night Strike started "You are all going to do a run from here around the perimeter of the inner wall and back. WITH, full gear on, me and the sergeant will be watching so if anyone slacks or cheats I will let loose the sergeant on you!" A few looked shocked but before any of them could protest, Adam cut them off. "In 3...2...1 GO!" All the ponies ran for their lives dragging the ones about to protest with them. Left in the dust was a sniggering pair of commanders. Laughing at the shocked and terrified faces of the ponies. "Ha! Did you see that bat ponies face haha! 'Sergeant do... gah!'," Adam made an impression of one of the guards being caught up. "If only we had a camera ha!" The mare laughed at his mock impression, she saw the guard too "Haha! He's probably still trying to protest, even with being dragged along by black night! haha!" The laughter died down and they began their own light run of the inner wall but in the opposite direction. That way they could catch any out. Adam ran in full gear with ease, he was loving this. He was starting to love this whole training thing, new world new challenges. More glory. > Chapter.9 Screw gravity! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam was in total calm right now. Sun kissed sky, green soft grass and the gentle chirp of birds in the distance. He was sat watching the world pass by him on top of a hill. He looked around trying to take in the features. Not a human in sight, not even a pony just him and this strange world. He could feel the sun radiating heat on his skin and his clothes being softer than they normally are. It was a bizarre feeling like his whole body was cocooned in cotton. Some of you are thinking Adam is still in Equestria or dead, but he isn't, he is in fact still on his bed, asleep. Adam could tell it was a dream from his mind, from what he could put together it all seemed fake in his head. But to Adam it was a very real dream, a lucid dream he knew. Right now though, he was enjoying his time alone in his world that his subconscious conjured up. Away from all the work and the confusing land of ponies. He was in his own world where the laws of physics seemed normal, the simplicity of what was around him and the fact there was not another creature in sight. All of it was peaceful. He slumped backwards from sitting now laying on top of the hill and let out a content sigh. Facing skywards he could see the clouds slowly move, but there was no wind on his level just the warmth of the sun and the crisp air. He laid there for a few minutes till he heard something. He sat back up quickly and tried to look around, nothing. Suddenly he heard it again. He looked to his left to see something scuttling towards him. In the distance in the treeline he could see... something. It was small and appeared to be red and black. As it edged closer he sat up to get a better look. Was it what he thought it was? A crab? The crab scuttled sideways and was big for a crab, about the size of a dinner plate, but what was most confusing was it was also wearing a dinner jacket. It scuttled sideways like a crab but resting on its back was a pint of cider. It came to him wearing a moustache and a distinguished sort of face and what surprised Adam was it spoke. "Your drink sir" It said gracefully reaching behind him to hand the human the cold beverage. Adam knew he was dreaming and understood that anything can happen if he was control although he could not remember making a crab butler at any point. Adam reached for the cold beverage and took a sip, the cold refreshing taste filled him. "Thank you Mr..urm" "Crabbington sir, Mr Crabbington" said the crab. "Thank you... Mr Crabbington" "My pleasure sir. Do you desire anything else?" The crab said as he took a step back. "Erm...No Mr Crabbington, you are relieved for the day." Adam said cautiously. "Thank you kind sir. Enjoy your evening." The crab took one step back, bowed, then scuttled back towards the trees. It hopped back into the trees disappearing. Adam looked on in awe, he couldn't remember when he made a crab butler. Then again it was pretty awesome to have one. He took another gulp on the cider in his hand and resumed his relaxation. With that the crab disappeared from once it came, and all back to what it was. Adam laid watching the clouds, still slightly confused and ecstatic that he now had a crab butler. He considered anything else he could conjure up. In his mind he closed his eyes and opened them again, he was in the same place but this time in his other hand was his phone perfectly repaired. But what he most desired was his speakers and with a working phone that he could play music on just to make a moment like this more memorable. After all it might be a long time before something like this happens again. He looked on the screen and pressed play, instantly a melody started to play. And upbeat melody that was a little jazzy just the way he wanted. 'Very superstitious, writings on the wall...' Adam was now swaying to the beat, even miming the chorus. He knew he could not sing but it didn't stop him from enjoying his little act. He was in his dream, he could do what he want. So right now he was enjoying Stevie Wonder on a sunny hill, with a pint of cider in hand. What could be better to him? He took the time to enjoy all of this, but what he didn't realise was that he was being watched. Behind him sat the Princess of the night, Princess Luna. She had been waiting right behind him invisible in his dream, simply watching him closely. More close than Adam would find comfortable. She had even seen the human sing for which she had difficulty in trying not to laugh. All she wanted to do was to meet this human herself. So she allowed him to have a lucid dream and maybe meet him there. But then she thought 'I wonder what he would do?'. After all, why should her sister get all the fun? Humans had fascinated her ever since they came to Equestria. All their wonderful technology and tales of their world just seemed to intrigue her. She did beg her sister, Celestia to go to earth instead of Twilight but could only go in the next cycle. So all she could do was visit the Humans at Amicus from time to time (If she was aloud). That was until recently for some reason. Now here she had another human to look at, this one quite different. "DOES THOU ENJOY THE MELODY OF HIS PEOPLE!?" She shouted making herself present in the dream. Adam nearly had a heart attack on the spot. Throwing the pint in the direction of Luna. The glass just stopped as she tried to catch it in her magical field. She stopped the glass, just not the liquid inside it. Now she was covered in cider, slightly stunned at the action. Adam tried to regain his breath, clutching his chest from a few skipped beats. "Jesus! Don't fucking do that again!" He shouted at the princess, trying to breath. "WE DO NOT ENJOY MEAD BEING LATHERED ON OUR FACES!" she tried to protest, throwing the glass back at him. "Well I'm sorry. But, WE do not enjoy having a near death experience! How long have you been there?" "Long enough Sergeant... Long enough" She smiled, remembering his little show. Adam did not like that smile "Wait you've been watching me?" "YES! WE...I mean, yes I was watching you!" "Watching me? I don't even remember conjuring you! Oh great this is now a bad dream isn't it?" "No, It is me the real princess of the night!" As she wiped her face with a towel she manage to make appear. "I wanted to meet you in person, but you sleep in the night when I am awake. So I decided to peer into your dreams, see if I can talk to you. Pony to person" She laughed at the irony of it all. Adam on the other hand was just completely confused. "Wait... You can enter my dreams? And your real?" "Yes, ask me something if you have your doubts." Adam took a moment to think, something that could prove that she was real, not just something in his head. "Okay then, Your sister broke her diet and ate hay burgers for lunch." "HA! Sun butt living up to her name!" She laughed. "Okay its you. You can really enter a person mind can't you?" Adam questioned, he was now more scared at the fact now he had a possible crazy pony in his head. If she can enter his mind, what else can she do? "Yes, but only in their dreams. You see Human guard..." "Soldier" "Soldier, every being enters their dream world, but connect through a series of corridors, the dreamscape. I as Princess of the night can enter their world by walking through those corridors, this is a world you created in your mind. When a pony sleeps their mind open up enough for me to appear." "Why though?" "Simple, my role is to protect our little ponies, even from their nightmares. Nightmares can affect any pony and make their lives miserable and in fear. Childhood fears, bad memories and worry can make a pony unstable and suffer due to it. So I help them to conquer these nightmares." Adam thought about it for a second, it seemed to fit. Question was; is it believable? She was a ruler and had to protect her own, but here now was a bit odd. "So do you invade peoples minds and can take control?" "Not quite," She began to walk around him beginning to explain how her dream walker spell works. "Only I have perfected the dream walker spell. It allows me into your dreams and to sense bad ones. I can only enter a ponies mind when they are asleep. Every pony is connected to the dream scape, even you. This spell also gives me to alter some of the aspects in your dream. It does allow me some control, but not all. You can still control everything after all we are in your mind." Adam then put his hands behind his back and thought of something. He just did not like her being in his head, it was too risky. "Last question then. If you die here, do you die in real life?" Luna just laughed at the absurdity, still walking up and down. "ha! you watch too many films. No you do not. Like with any dream if you die you just wake up." "Hmm I thought so..." In less than a second Adam swung his arms from his back, revealing his Glock pistol. Aiming directly at the Princess. BANG Immediately, I woke from my little dream. I had a feeling that theory was right, so I took action. I am not having Freddy Krueger  pony rummaging through my head. Who knows what that could of caused. My eyes started to open, sticky from the sleep in my eyes. Then my vision began to focus, shooting yourself in your dream to wake yourself up is not wise. But just as my vision was coming back to me I felt something. My body was now awake and I could feel like I was trapped, like I was pinned down or something. It was only when my eyes fully adjusted did I see the giant teal eyes in front of me. Now I was slightly scared, I was pinned and now Princess Luna (AKA Freddy Krueger pony) who was standing on top of me, over my covers. Although she did look a little angry. "WHY DID YOU CREATURE, HARM US IN THE DREAMSCAPE!?" Okay, maybe make that pissed. I covered my ears from the blast of her voice, I could even feel the sound waves impacting my face. Which is not how you want to wake up. So naturally, I shouted back. "Why the fuck are you shouting!? Plus... Who the fuck gave you permission to enter my head!?" "WE AS THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER OUR SUBJECTS DREAMS. WE WERE INTRIGUED AT HOW THE HUMAN GUARD THINKS AND DREAMS. BUT YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED OUR QUESTION, WHY DID YOU HARM US!?" At that point the shouting stopped, which gave me time to try and get some of my hearing back. Honestly her voice is like a stun grenade, probably worse. "Well I did not want you in my sodding head! Plus you have no right to do so, since I am not one of your subjects. Also there are things in my head I would rather keep in there! So I kicked you out the simplest and most effective way I thought of." I replied She looked to her left to think about my answer for a bit until she looked back down at me, now she looked a little less angry and a bit more guilty. She let out a rather large sigh before responding "I am sorry Sergeant," Her ears went back and sat down with a loud thud "Sometimes my curiosity can get over me and make me do things that are 'un-princess like' as my sister puts," "Princess" I tried to squeal, but she continued. "Ever since your kind came here, with your wonders and discoveries, I have been hooked. Flying machines, computers, medicine all of it is just amazing how you have advanced so far without magic," "Princess please" I tried to squeal again. "I mean all of you are simply amazing. Walking on two legs like a minotaur and being able to survive all the conditions of your own world. Reaching a population of over 7 billion!" "Princess, for the love of god! GET OFF MY BALLS!" I shouted slightly high pitch than normal. Yes, when she sat down on top of me she managed to crush my balls, also cutting off blood supply. For a pony she was pretty heavy. She looked down at where she was sat and leaped off, with a slight blush on her. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" She kept repeating after she had realised what she had done. I was now clutching my crotch area in pain, I didn't say anything because it hurt that bad. I just kept hissing in pain. "Sergeant I'm really sorry... Maybe a healing spell might help?" My eyes shot open in horror. No way is she doing anything else to me. In a rush of adrenalin (which also took most of the pain). I leapt out of my bed just wearing my boxers and my t-shirt, just to stop anything else going wrong. "No! No! No! Nooooooo! Pain is gone look! On my feet again, just please nothing else!" I pleaded, waving my arms around expecting something else to go wrong. "Are you..." "Yes! Fine! Just don't do anything else!" It was at that point when I felt my blood circulation come back to normal, a very distinguishable sound came from the corridor to the room. KNOCK, KNOCK "Adam, are you okay in there? This soundproofing spell only works one way you know, and I can hear shouting. Is everything okay?" It was Night Strike, must of woke her or something. Most likely due to the shouting match earlier. Luna immediately started to panic, looking around for a place to hide. Maybe she wasn't meant to be in here after all, then again her and me alone in my room does not look very good at all. For both of us. "Yeah everything is fine, just a bad dream that's all." I replied back trying to convince her to go away so I can get this pony out of my room. I think all my respect for this ruler went out the window when we both woke up, so screw it. "You sure? It sounded like Luna herself was shouting in there... You sure you're not alone? I thought you weren't into anypony?" She said the last bit in a sultry manner. "What!? No I'm not for the last time, I'm human I'm into humans. Stop trying to sleep with me!" Luna dived under the covers, still trying to hide. Didn't help really because she was messing up my room. A pause lingered in the air for a while till the princess popped her head from the covers. "Is she gone yet?" She whispered. "No of course she's not!" I hissed, "She's your guard can't you just order her away and to keep her mouth shut!? "Maybe, but she could still blab! If my sister..." Luna was cut off before she could finish. "I Knew it!" A shout came from the door. Next thing the door was kicked wide open with a loud battle cry "YAAAA!" All I remember seeing  of that incident was; door open, then flying bat pony straight to the face. I was knocked to the floor, yet again being pinned by a pony. She may be small but she had the muscle to compensate because I could not move. I looked up at her who was looking down at me smiling coyly. "I know some one else in here Adam now why don't you tell me?" She whispered to me. I just looked at the bed, might as well admit to everything because either way this will be awkward for all of us. I just sure hope we didn't wake anyone else or else this will be ten times worse. She fixed her bat eyes on the bed, looking for signs of movement before she leapt off me and landed on the bed. All done in complete silence, the bed seemed to make out small whimper before the bat pony took the covers off with her teeth. "Princess Luna!?" Night strike gasped. "Lieutenant!?" She responded back. Luna seemed pretty shocked at Night strike. Both of them just gawping at each other, mouths open in shock. I just rolled my eyes and got up from the ground, quite amused by the whole situation, but still cautious that we were all in a 'compromising' situation. "Well, now you know Night Strike. I have been having a secret love affair with princess Luna." I tried to seem romantic, I was all doing it in good fun. Just to get back at Luna. "What!?" Exclaimed Night and Luna. "We do not have relations with such a human! We would never partake in such acts. How dare you..." She was cut off at that point by me now laughing in stitches. She could now see I was being sarcastic about it all just a spot of revenge and she stopped and turned her nose up at me. Before she realised we were not alone now. "And what pray tell, is one of our personal guards doing here?" "Urm.." Was all that came out of Nights mouth, so I decided to step in. "She was just concerned that's all. She heard shouting and came to see if I was okay." I stepped up to her to ruffle her mane which she seemed to enjoy. "Mam can I ask though, why are you in Sergeant Jones room?" Night asked Luna now. Now the tables had been turned. "Well... I was just seeing if he was settling in okay..." Seemed a good answer, too bad I was there. "Lies," I Answered "She was in my dreams. Trying to 'learn' about me, as she put it. Sadly I don't like people in my head. So I kicked her out and then the whole shouting match started. What you thought your heard was the Princess, was indeed the princess. How did you get in anyway?" Luna just pointed a hoof to the open window in my room. May of left that open since it was a warm night. "Soooo, you and the princess weren't actually together, or doing anything?" "NO!" We both shouted in unison. "Aww, thought you were into mares then." Luna just laughed at the cuteness and awkwardness at the moment till I heard something odd coming from the now broken door. They heard doors open and hooves start to move about. Clearly all the commotion that took place woke most of the sleeping officers. We all looked around at each other, trying to find a place to hide or someone to come up with some plan. But sadly there was not enough space for all of us to hide. Plus the broken door just made things seem more suspicious. If Luna got caught here it would not help with her sister, if the lieutenant got caught here she would probably be demoted and I got caught I think i'll be locked away for being half naked in a room with the princess. All of this did not look good, so there was only one option. Get the hell out of there. "Luna you need to leave now, the same way you came. Using the corridor is not an option, Night strike follow her out of the window." I ordered them. "But what about you?" night strike began to protest. "I need to stay behind to explain all this," In reality I would be joining them. Being there with a broken door and a roughed up room with just me in it still seemed bad I just needed a cover. Both of them stood there frozen unsure of what to do right now "Go!" I shouted. They began to scramble for the window Princess Luna first leaping into the air shortly followed by the bat pony. I took out by tablet computer and started it up, putting the volume on max and pressed play rock music. As for the door I quickly grabbed the fragments and put them in the bin leaving the room looking a bit more tidy. I then grabbed my clothes and went for the window, throwing on my boots without tying them. I threw out the gear and clothes first, I'll grab them on the way down. I was now laughing at this point, I felt like a guy trying to run from his girlfriend's father coming up the stairs trying to escape through the window. The scenario seemed similar. I clambered up onto the window sill and took in a deep breath. What I was going to do would hurt, hopefully I would jump feet together and roll to expel all the energy of the fall. If not maybe a broken leg, or neck. I closed my eyes and leapt, expecting to feel the ground make contact with my feet. But nothing happened, instead when I opened my eyes all the world around me was slightly blue, I was covered in blue stuff in fact. "Are you okay sergeant?" I heard a whisper to my right. Luna stood there with her horn glowing, she must of used her magic to catch me. Setting me down slowly on the floor. I picked up some of my stuff, but I found Strike hugging my pants which I wasn't really surprised at. I quickly ran over to them. The air was cold but I could see due to the moonlight. I would have to get into my clothes soon as if I don't want to catch hypothermia. "What are you still doing here?" I whispered while trying to prize the trousers from Night Strikes grip. She held them in her teeth growling at me like a dog. "Well, we couldn't just leave you here. I had a feeling you may require my assistance." Luna tried to explain. "Yes well when I say go, just go okay? But thanks anyway, now c'mon we have to leave before they start looking around. I'm not sure if we made the situation worse but we will find out in the morning. Do you have a place where I can get into my kit?" I asked Luna. "Yes follow me." The three fugitives now ran for the castle. They may of left the scene but were still in danger of being caught. Luna lead the way lightly jogging and checking every corner for guard patrols. There had been a few close calls, but they had managed to reach their final destination without being seen. "Welcome Human, fellow officer. To my Royal chambers." They casually walked towards the double doors down the corridor. They where a dark shade of blue with, unsurprisingly Luna's cutie mark on the door. But what Adam found  little worrying where the two guards watching the door. "Urm...Princess," Adam began to ask "You do realise there are guards right there looking at me... while I'm half naked... with you and another mare?" The Princess just laughed out of the question "haha! Don't you worry Human guard, these are my personal bodyguards, what they see or hear cannot be repeated by themselves. Otherwise they end up with severe punishment." Adam walked up the guards looking at them, directly in the face, these guards seemed a lot more tougher than what he had already seen. Broader, stern and intimidating they seemed to suit their role as bodyguard. A voice in the back of his head wondered what would happen if he just bopped one on the nose. But he just shrugged it off and made his way through the door. He gasped at what he saw next. His eyes could only marvel at the sheer size of the room. It had dark shades of blue furniture that seemed beautiful hand carved (or hooved carved in this case). The bed must of been a queen sized bed with the full curtains and drapes. The floor was marble but as you walked along seemed to sparkle from the dark. But then he noticed something, the floor wasn't actually sparkling, it was a reflection. He turned his head upwards to the ceiling. Adams lungs could not take in any more air from the previous gasp, but boy did he try. The ceiling was just the Pièce de résistance of all. It was alive with stars and nebula travelling slowly through the depths of space. Each star being seen and in the corner the moon exactly how it was outside. Clouds seemed to appear see though revealing the stars on the other side. He swear he even saw a shooting star in this piece of art that was truly alive. Next to Adam was the lieutenant who was also admiring the art of the heavens. She had never seen in here before since she was not high enough on the chain to even be in here. She dropped the trousers out of her mouth, letting her mouth wide open to marvel above. They were both brought back when a camera flash went off beside them. The looked round to see the princess with a polaroid camera who had just took a picture of them. "You facessnort, so worth the photo" She laughed as she took the photo from the camera letting it self develop. Adam switched on and took his pants off the ground before the pony could take them again. "What you did Princess, with no offence intended, was seriously fucking stupid." He proclaimed. "Well it was not I who kicked in the door and allowed a night guard to overwhelm themselves... hmm?" She cooed. Adam put on his pants and his t shirt and looked at the lieutenant who tried to be innocent and let out a toothy squeak. "Anyway you did seem to enjoy it. I did see you smiling when you jumped out the window." She had him there Adam did enjoy the rush of dangerous scenarios. Back there he felt like a phase 1 recruit all over again. Trying to pull pranks on other teams in the dead of night. "It may of been fun, but I doubt getting caught would of," He said as he put of his shirt and beret. "How would it of looked for all of us being caught, even just me alone with a broken door." Night Strike decided to butt in now "Why did you stay behind anyway?" "Simple, We would of needed a cover story. A load of shouting and a broken door does not look good. So I turned on the rock music on loud to explain any shouting that was heard. As for the door I cleaned it up a bit so it looked like I had broken it earlier. So all it has looked like was I left my music on while I ran for the door in a rush. That's the story anyway." "What about the reason for rushing?" Luna quickly asked, putting a hole in his whole story. "That... I haven't made up yet," Adam admitted, his story was good, but not that good. "Ill have to think of something before I meet up with Princess Celestia tomorrow." "Just, say I required you urgently" Night strike offered. Adam thought about it for a bit did seem to fit a lot better. Adam was listening to rock music, got word that his friend needed help. Then got ready in a rush breaking the door somehow during the process. "Seems good I'll take it." "Excuse me," The night Princess whined "but I think it s an offence to conspire in front of the princess." Adam and Strike looked at each other in horror as they may of realised they could now be arrested, speechless from the fact. All of a sudden another flash of the camera came out of no where and Luna just laughed. "haha! That one was even better! The hilarity has been doubled!" She laughed. Adam just grumbled and said nothing. "Great idea, lets take pictures of fugitives in your bedroom. With one of the pictures of me half naked, with an officer of the night guard on your bed. Great Idea, let hope no one finds them." Adam sarcastically said as he went for some glass doors that he thought led to a balcony. He stepped outside to the crisp night air and looked up. He could see the light from the sun just over the horizon. It was almost morning now and he was still awake, just to see it rise on a whole different world. A small part of him screamed in delight, he was like an astronaut on a newly discovered world, a childhood dream if you wish. 'If only I had my camera' he thought. All of his frustration just vanished from looking at the new horizon, but the moment was short lived by arrival of the night Princess. "Oh buck! I forgot to lower the moon!" Adam turned to see her looking a little worried and rushed. But he was confused by her saying 'lower the moon'. "Wait lower the moon? Is this some sort of ceremony, like a religious ritual or something? Because I've heard a lot of guards mention this." Both the ponies just looked at Adam for a second, like he had just grown a second head, then burst out into a laughing fit, while Adam just stood there hoping he didn't just either insult them or something. He had no Idea if they had religion here, if so he may of just insulted them. "What? What's so funny? Did I just do something wrong?" He asked worryingly. "Haha, no stupid," Said Night Strike between breaths "The Princess, actually lowers the moon. She uses magic to do so, and it has been done for thousand's of years." "Thank you lieutenant, but I think our guest will have to see it for himself to believe it." Luna simply closed her eye as her horn lit up. Adam meanwhile just watched on in curiosity and confusion at what they just said. Night Strike ran back and grabbed the camera from inside and aimed it at Adam, waiting for his reaction. She knew in her head that this would be worth it. Luna's horn glowed even brighter as her mind reached the moon, and with one single thought the moon began to move. The human soldier watched in shock as the moon moved visibly like the sun did before. Never before had he seen such a wonder, a pony that could defy the laws of physics. In his rational mind, the voice screamed that this was all wrong. On the other side where his open mind was just watching and accepting what his eyes were seeing, trying to come up with some possible explanation. Sadly though it never came, and his mind simply snapped. "What. The. Fuck." The camera flashed as Adam's mouth opened, his heart started to race and mind almost went into shut down. Once her task was done Luna simply went back to her normal state and stood there smiling in victory. "Did you enjoy the show?" She asked with a smug smile. "What... how? Eh...? How the fuck...!?" Was all that tumbled from the humans mouth, Luna just giggled at Adams shocked state. "Sergeant, magic is a very powerful force that can be wielded by ponies, such as myself. You Humans may not be able to but even your world has some magic in it. You are not the first to have similar reactions. From what I can remember I nearly gave a human professor a heart attack the first time." She smiled putting a hoof to her chin remembering all the other physicists reactions to magic. No human so far had got a real grasp of what magic was. "I'm not freaking surprised! What you just did was throw away all my knowledge of physics A level into a black hole! In fact You probably threw it into the black hole then started to control the black hole! WHAT THE FUCK!?" The human threw up his arms in defeat, letting out a very weird groan, a mix of confusion, anger and acceptation all in a very strange sound. He collapsed to the floor, resting against the banister. There was no doubt, he saw it with his own eyes. Freddy Krueger pony could control the freaking moon. But then another thought just appeared to him. "Hang on," He asked raising a finger. "If you control the moon, and you're the princess of the night. Your sister is the princess of the day, does that mean she controls the sun?" Luna just smiled and nodded as did Night. "Well fuck me." Was all he could whisper. Night Strike ears perked up and she shot up ready to pounce "Really? Can I?" with a massive grin. "For the last time no!" Adam shouted, slamming his fist against the floor. "Well looks like some pony is interested in you" The Princess sang. "Urgh this mare has been after me for a while now. Seems hell bent on it. No idea why though." "Because your different!," The bat pony tried to shout, but instead mumbled it due to her holding the shirt Adam slept in, in her mouth. "Well it seems odd that one of my lieutenants seems this attached to you. If you like I can get..." "No, no its fine," Adam protested "I need her anyway" "What for?" She asked. "Training 'Moon' Platoon" "You are training my worst platoon. The one where the last commander ran away because of it." Adam just nodded at the Princess. He was quite used to the response from other ponies when they heard about him and that platoon. "Eyup, Me and Lieutenant Strike are going to turn them from the worst of the guard to the best, as commandos." Adam stated. He didn't care if she protested to the whole Idea. He did in fact predict that even Luna would agree to the whole idea, even if it was her guards. In Luna's mind however she was having doubts that the platoon would just end up eating the human soldier up. There was not much said after that, Adam was left in his mind still letting it sink in that his job could get a little more interesting. His mind wandered back to the original show. If these two could control celestial bodies, a normal unicorn could be a bit of a problem. His mind just wandered for a bit, eyes darting round trying to come up with some sort of partial explanation. But there was only one question left in his head. "Last question, before I accept that you are basically a god." "Mmmhmm?" Luna hummed happily at the compliment. "If there is a solar flare on the sun, does that mean Celestia farted?" The whole area burst into laughter. The two ponies and human were now in a laughing fit. Luna was clutching her stomach, Night's wings kept fluttering and Adam just laughed at the sight of his two... friends rolling around on the floor. Eventually the laughter died down and everybody calmed down, with the odd laugh here and there. "I am definitely using that one, thank you Sergeant" sighed Luna. "Anytime, just don't say it was me. Oh and please call me Adam when I'm off duty." After a short time of silence and just waiting for the sun to be raised by a god like being. Adam Looked at his watch and saw it was time to start his morning duties. Today was a big day, and he would need the extra start. "Well, I better be off," Adam got up and helped Night to her hooves, who was looking tired now. "Strike you need sleep, Have you men do the same. They will need to be alert for tonight and so will I. Goodnight Princess, and please don't go into my head again."