Celestia's New Student

by Art Inspired

First published

Trixie becomes Celestia's new pupil.

Celestia said it herself, that Twilight Sparkle is no longer her student. While wandering around in the city of Canterlot one day, Her Highness stumbles upon Trixie's local stage show. To Her Highness, there seemed to be much potential behind the mere performer's act, and soon found it hard to resist taking Trixie under her wing.

Would Trixie even be up to the challenge?

Slightly edited by NemoSpecific.

One: Impressive First Impressions

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Trixie’s magical talents are hardly remarkable. In fact, they tend to be a bit silly at times, and are only meant to fool the eyes. More often than not, though, she’s able to somehow impress the crowd into actually believing she’s talented when in actuality it’s all smoke and mirrors with a very small amount of magic added in. All that just to gather some bits here, some attention there, and self gratification, too. That’s okay, however, because the crowd almost always loves the show no matter what. Besides, with her new, humble perspective, she’s even gotten somewhat better at the stunts she pulls. In comparison to when she once visited Ponyville for the first time, one might say she’s come a rather long way.

These days, Trixie travels a hard road in solitude. No, really. The road to Canterlot is bumpy, and was for whatever reason named Solitude Trot, but with the thought of riches from the wealthy being thrown at her hooves in mind, Trixie eventually reached her destination. What a destination Canterlot must’ve been, too. It happened so early in the morning that the sun was still rising. Looking up to view the paradise before her, she remarked, “It’s about time!”

She picked up the pace a little after seeing the huge, stone walls, and pulled along the huge, new caravan that was strapped to her backside. All the while, she couldn’t wait to meet and greet somepony, for the long travel was truly lonely. “No wonder they call it Solitude Trot! The Great and Powerful Trixie didn’t see not one bar, any stop signs, or a single pony walking to or from the city! She’s never felt more unaccompanied!”

In little time at all, she reached the entrance. The typical double doors weren’t that impressive to her at the time, because it was all too predictable. What was more amazing in her opinion was the fellow unicorn standing by, on duty. Immediately, she released herself from her wagon’s latches, and came over to him, only to be stopped by him announcing, “Halt!”

She gasped, and stood there for a moment. “Uh, Trixie wants entrance to the castle please.”

“State your business.”

“Ahaha, just a performer. You know, Las Pegasus styled studio plays, performed by moi, Trrrixie!”

He blinked at her confidence, and then sniffled while staring off into the sunrise. “Welp, you’ll fit in like a charm. Of course, then again, if you stink… well, keep in mind, most of the ponies behind this door are unicorns like us. Can this ‘Trixie’ you speak of open this big, menacing door behind me? If not, then she might as well head back home where she belongs.”

Trixie giggled. “Tis an easy task. Watch, and be amazed!”

With her horn lightly glowing, and the sunlight hitting the door as it began to crack open silently, she grabbed hold with all her aura, and began to push it open just like that.

The stallion’s jaw dropped. Right before him was a mere mare, able to do what only trained, royal, and elite guards are supposed to be able to do. “That’s… impossible!”

Then, the door closed behind her even quieter than last time. “If only he knew,” Trixie thought. “Illusions are easily made, so long as I’m in control. Now all I need to do is hope he doesn’t realize the difference.

Luckily for her, this particular spell had been mastered. It was the only expert level spell she was able to perform without much difficulty, or mishaps for that matter. The alteration of the whole door seemed to work like a charm, because the stallion before her remained baffled. “May the Great and Powerful Trixie go in now?”

He then nodded at her, and said, “In you go then.”

Exactly like Trixie, he opened the door for her with his whole aura. It creaked, and scratched hard on the ground, leaving skidmarks where none were seen before. Behind the door was a completely different town than when she opened it not minutes ago, but the stallion noticed not a difference. Trixie walked in soon after equipping her caravan again, and thanked the clueless guard before crossing over. She almost couldn’t believe her trick had actually worked, and sighed after the doors closed. “This town… is so mine!”

Meanwhile, within the palace perimeters, Celestia was busy with her first and only task of the day, which of course was to bring the day itself into existence. She did so in a way that wasn’t too flashy, but wasn’t really all that boring either. Her horn remained sharply aimed at her star the whole time, but once it sustained itself, she averted her head to look back into her room, or more directly at Luna walking in.

“Going to bed so early?” Celestia asked modestly while leaving the balcony.

“Not yet,” Luna replied with a frown. “We’re a bit hungry, so we’ll be headed to the banquet room to enjoy breakfast.”

Celestia nodded, but then joked, “And who might we be? I’ve already eaten, so unless you have a small mouse in your mane…”

Luna blinked, but then grunted, “Ugh, I’m doing it again, aren’t I? Curse this modern day way of communicating!”

Celestia laughed while holding a hoof up to her muzzle. “You’ll get used to it eventually.”

“But, years have gone by, and still I unintentionally use royal speech… I don’t think I’ll ever shake that off.”

Celestia simply walked by her sibling, but stopped before reaching the door to say, “We’ll be in thy city, perusing the commoners today. If thou requires our attention, just come looking for us. We’ll meet midway, and exchange one another’s voices yet again then.”

Luna scoffed, “Tease! You tease me so! Stop it!”

With the door opening, Celestia said, “I’m not teasing you. I’m just reminding you of why everypony abandoned that way of talking. Even though it sounds good when you say it to yourself or others, more often than not, others have extremely differing opinions. Besides, it’s just easier to exchange words the normal way these days.”

Luna smirked finally, and followed Celestia out of the room entirely. They went opposite ways shortly after saying goodbye to one another, but as for Celestia, she had her mind wrapped around the day’s non-existent tasks. There was originally to be much work to be done this morning, including dress preparations for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala. That was sure to take up most of the afternoon, too. However, that was cancelled due to the event being over three weeks away.

Princess Celestia had chosen about three days ago to explain to her prehired fitter that there was no real rush to be sized and designed for the party nearly a month in advance. Besides, the princess finally decided that if Rarity couldn’t partake in the dressmaking, nopony should. Luckily, she’d be coming in a week, and knowing Rarity the way Celestia did, she’d be looking better than ever in no time at all. “No,” she said to herself. “There's absolutely nothing of importance to do. Not today at least, and that's just fine. I’ve been needing a day off from the sheer insanity of this place anyway.”

Cement pillars whose shadows blinked the lone, wandering princess in and out of sight showed glimpses of her beautiful city down below. She walked on, towards the palace entrance, smiling brightly. With the sun floating calmly in the sky, and her sister soon going to bed after enjoying her meal, she felt free as can be to do as she pleased. Soon enough, she came upon a typical, sleepy looking guard. He was just about out of it, too, enough that she just couldn’t resist going, “Ahem!”

“Ah! What- who, where… Celestia?!”

She snickered, and greeted him warmly with, “Good morning. I don’t suppose you’d mind opening the door for me.”

“N-no, ma’am! Not at all!” The dual glass doors opened quickly, and loudly, too, but as she began to walk out and into the light, he asked forwardly, “Why would you be headed off into the city today, if I might ask?”

She simply turned back around momentarily to reply to him, “It’s my city, I’ve nothing to do today; no urgencies, nothing extensive to see to or sign, or read… and I feel like mingling with the locals. I haven’t done that in such a long time after all.”

With her answer in mind, the sleepy-headed stallion nodded to her, and allowed his ruler the freedom to do as she liked. It wasn’t his job to object to something he thought was ill advised. He was just the door holder, so he held his tongue. The outside clearing of the courtyard was the only part of town that normally wasn’t that occupied, especially seeing as how one would need a special invitation from one of the princesses to even enter the palace. Thus, nopony hardly ever needed to intrude upon this fine, little spacing.

All around her, Celestia could hear faint noises of ponies beyond the premises. Some were trotting by, and some were even galloping in a hurry, but most took their time talking to one another. Either way, everyone seemed content. Then, a thundering BOOM crackled in the distance, disturbing the peaceful environment thoroughly. For a second’s wait, everything went quiet save for the echo. In the distance, just beyond the tall standing buildings, Celestia could see fireworks in the sky. She knew it couldn’t be an attack on the town, for there was too much excitement in the air. Not only that, but she could distinctly hear cheering in the background. All she had to do was listen closely.

She walked along furtively without a single pony disturbing her journey towards the event. It was almost insulting, the way they all ran right by her, their attention aimed completely on what’s going on up ahead. That was alright, though, because Celestia couldn’t even deny her own anticipation. With not a single citizen noticing who she was, Celestia came up to the crowd only to look above everyone else. For now, she merely chose to watch the display from afar, and with growing concern.

“Tadah!” Trixie boasted while posing yet again upon her makeshift stage, like always. “You see? Trixie told you, did she not? That it’s not so hard to turn grass to wheat! It’s child’s play, really.” Celestia’s eyebrow raised slightly, but she retained her anonymous status a bit longer, if only to watch on, and observe the show. That is, until Trixie began her next act. “Does anypony have any suggestions at this time? Suggestions, anypony? What would you like the Great and Powerful Trixie to do for you next? Name anything, and she shall deliver punctually!”

One orange stallion with a trenchcoat beamed, “Turn my cat into a dog!” He held up his feline friend gleefully, and without even trying to think logically about this.

“A simple trick, really,” Trixie assured her audience, but this was no laughing matter. To Celestia, no such magic coming from a regular unicorn like Trixie could possibly change one species to another, but while the cat was gracefully placed on the stage, Trixie noted that it looked a bit tabby. It was perfect for the job. Soon, it was clouded by a puff of purple smoke. Along with the signature, shimmering blue glitter, the air cleared with time, and right in front of her was a happy looking puppy.

“No. Way.” The pet owner just stared at the being before him. He even held out his hoof to pet the pup, and was then taken back by the forwardness. “Just like her… Amazing! Though… could you change her back?”

Trixie nodded, and repeated the spell. Like last time, there was some smoke placed around the dog, and as easily as before, she was supposedly transformed right back to being a cat. Although, the owner did notice her nervous stature, but he ignored it for the time being. “Anypony else have any suggestions?” Trixie asked promisingly, the cat being removed from her presence.

“Can you give me a better hair cut?” a country sounding mare asked. “Mah barber ruined it this morning… If you could…?”

Without even thinking, and in an instant, too, Trixie shot a single beam forth, directly at the country girl’s head. Once again, she managed to impress the crowd; all except Celestia. This was a simple foal’s level spell, but it had been abandoned for years thanks to modern instruments. Without knowing it, Celestia asked aloud, “How’d you learn of that one…?”

No response came. The noise of applause and praiseful citizens drowned her question out, but her next words would be heard by all. She had a request of her own, and it would be one that she just knew was impossible for Trixie complete. Before she worked up the gumption to speak, however, she allowed Trixie to boast one last time. “There is nothing too complicated for Trixie to achieve! Come now, surely somepony amongst you all has a better challenge?”

“Turn yourself into an alicorn!”

The whole arena went quiet after Celestia proposed this. Trixie’s audience members even started to part ways down the middle to allow her walking space. Trixie herself even felt severe shivers run down her neck and back. “C-Celestia? The princess?”

“Become an alicorn, Great and Powerful Trixie. That is my request. Do this, and you will have impressed me thoroughly.”

She observed the performer critically, knowing all too well the impossibility of this transformation. Trixie smiled, and removed her hat, but not her cape. She didn’t even say a word to acknowledge the fact that this would be a tough spell to pull off. Yet, the floorboards were coated with steam. Like that of a morning bog’s surroundings, Trixie’s whole body became engulfed with this thick, white smoke. Only her twinkling horn could be seen. Soon enough, the clouds slowly dissipated to show a set of fully grown wings folded inwards on her sides. They were the same color as her coat.

Celestia’s eyes widened immensely, and as everyone gasped in unison, she simply stood her ground with her mouth slightly agape. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Right in front of her was a mere visitor, able to spread her wings like a pegasus does everyday. They unfolded to whisk away the remainder of the fog. As for her horn, nopony really noticed how it was still lightly shimmering; nor could they see her aura on the tips of her feathers. Not even Celestia could tell that it wasn’t real in the slightest.

Trixie looked down at her fellow alicorn, and giggled some more. “Trixie hopes that she’s pleased the ruler of Equestria today.” With that said, she respectfully bowed, and then started walking off for the back of the stage. Before passing through the curtain, Trixie checked one last time to get a good look at Celestia’s unquestionably baffled face. Then, she exited the stage to return to her dressing room. In little time, she’d fold up the set and close shop.

An hour would go by before she finished up and returned her platform to its original caravan appearance. By then, she hadn’t the wings equipped, and Celestia wasn’t letting her leave Canterlot without an explanation for this phenomenon. The day was slowly winding down to the evening times when Celestia was finally able to take advantage of Trixie being outside rather than inside. She sat in front a mirror, combing her mane with a witty expression, like always.

“How’d you do it?” Celestia questioned from behind.


Trixie turned around to see Celestia standing before her, null with emotion. “I just want to know how you were able to turn yourself into an alicorn. I know you didn’t really do any of those things except the hair cut. Becoming an alicorn is, after all, an impossible feat, and one that-”

She was cut off by Trixie’s laughter. Once finished, she waved a hoof while saying, “Smoke and mirrors, Your Highness.” Then, she bowed again, smiling. “I’m a pretty big fan, by the way.”

Rising to look at the ruler in the eyes, she couldn’t help but feel shaky. As for Celestia, the same could be said for her as well. “You mean… it really was all an act? The cat, the hairdo... and especially the wings… You can’t actually do any of that? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Normally, Trixie… that is, I’d refuse to reveal my tricks to anypony, but for you…” She blinked. “You won’t tell anypony that I’m a fraud, will you?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, no. I’d never think of doing that to someone as special as you.”

Trixie blushed at the princess’s choice of words, and walked into her caravan while instructing her guest to follow along. “The cat morphing thing was easy,” she said while introducing Celestia to her pet puppy. “His name’s Dingo. Good thing they didn’t find out what his actual gender is.”

Celestia smiled down at the tiny guy sleeping peacefully in his basket, and chuckled. “Can’t believe I fell for that. What of the hair cut? That’s an oldie but a goodie, I must say.”

She giggled while bringing forth a mere spellbook, gifted from a very close friend. “Basic magic for fillies!” The cover was torn, but still in good condition to say the least. “Took me many tries to finally get that one down, but eventually, I got it!”

Celestia looked off, towards the corner where one could easily spot the pair of wings hanging on the walls. As Trixie placed the book back down on her nearby dresser, Celestia observed how the wings bent like normal ones do. They looked believable enough, but had one definite imperfection: the silver attachment pieces. Were it not for Trixie’s cape, she would’ve been found out right from the beginning.

“I see…”

Trixie gulped while frowning. “Now that you know… I suppose you’ll just be on your way, huh?”

Her Highness just stood there, though, finally seeing the beauty behind the room she found herself in. Every tiny thing around her was made to impress, amaze, excite, and sometimes if necessary, frighten Trixie’s admirers. The lengths this mare would go was astounding to Celestia. She’d never been more fooled before in her life. Naturally, she couldn’t possibly allow this find to slip through her hooves.

Trixie had a gift with not just magic, but the physical world around her already, so the thought of her harnessing her ability of manipulation made Celestia feel… something, and it was familiar, too. “The last pony I saw with such promise… is now the newest princess.”

“Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, you know her.” Celestia gazed down. “I remember you now… The fireworks that day! You did that, didn’t you?”

Trixie humbly nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Yes, I thought I’d seen you talking with Twilight. In that case, you and my student are already friends…” She looked away. “My… former student, that is…” Then, she got an idea, one that Trixie couldn’t come to terms with just yet. “If I offered to teach you magic, the same way I once taught Twilight, would you be up to the challenge?”

Trixie merely backed away, feeling nervous at the knees, and asked, “A-are you serious? Oh, no, no, no… I’m just this mediocre performer! Nothing special about me… Besides, Trixie would be a horrible student. A pain, really. You shouldn’t waste your time on her. Er, me, that is.”

Hearing these words leave Trixie’s lips forced Celestia to merely turn away with a shallow movement, and comment, “Oh, I thought you had confidence in yourself… I suppose I was mistaken.”


“Yes, Trixie. Mistaken. Forgive me for my abrupt forwardness, but up there on the stage, doing what you did… I saw something more that just a mediocre performer today. I saw what might’ve been my next star apprentice. I guess I must be seeing things in my old age.”

She actually began to walk out, too, and were it not for Trixie saying, “W-wait!” Celestia might’ve left the premises to never be seen by Trixie again. She stopped, though, with her right hoof on the first step. She listened to what Trixie had to say. “You’d really teach me? You’d tolerate my attitude, and my personality; my oh, so annoying attitude… I know who I am, so I must warn you before we continue, that it won’t be easy. Not in the slightest!”

Celestia tilted her head in thought. “I put up with many things, including pure chaos. You’ll meet him someday, I’m sure of that, but to answer your question, yes. I would happily put up with you. You apparently think lowly of yourself, so we’ll start with that being your first lesson.”

She turned around, but faced the mirror found on Trixie’s makeup table rather than her host. It was big enough to show both Trixie and the princess, and as Trixie stood by the alicorn, she asked, “I don’t understand?”

“Look at yourself…” She did so, but unlike she’d ever done before. With Celestia’s magic picking up the brush, and it combing her locks out of her eyes, she spoke truthfully, “Here I see somepony that’s been holding back for far too long. You’re able to make the impossible seem all too reachable to so, very many individuals. That makes you inventive.”


And,” Celestia continued, “I see a very elegant mare as well; somepony who’s not afraid to face ridicule. A well taken care of mare, who knows within her heart, that she can rise to any challenge, and complete it without swaying from the course laid out. Becoming my student would be of little ease, I assure you of that, but it’s something I believe you’d be able to handle.”

Trixie backed away from her reflection, her head shaking. “No… No, I need time to think about it. I can’t just say yes! Please, Princess Celestia… I’ll have an answer for you by morning, but not now.”

There wasn’t much Her Highness could say to that. All she could do, really, was nod yet again, exit the room, and meet Trixie outside to make a few minor arrangements. “Then, when you’re finally ready, come see me.” She summoned a pass for the palace gates, and left it with Trixie before walking off. Her final words would give Trixie something to think about for in the meantime. “Come to the palace prepared, and with as much vigor as you contained today whilst on stage, or… simply don’t come at all.”

Celestia’s wings then slowly began to part her feathers from her sides, and just like that, she took off for the skies. Trixie held her pass close, watched the soaring splendor for a minute more, and then entered her home again, but this time feeling even more out of place. She had some thinking to do. A choice would have to be made. There wasn’t much reason to decline the position, but at the same time, there wasn’t much reason to accept it either. It would surely mean deserting her current role in life as a lastingly loved performer. Something like this required thought, and a long night’s rest.

Two: An Indecisive decision

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It could've been on purpose, the way the rays of excruciatingly powerful light came through the lofty blue curtains, striking Trixie’s tightly shut eyes on target, bringing her out of the slumber she was enjoying thoroughly. Inside her domain, she awoke peacefully, and without much attention accurately aimed towards her due decision. She’d spent all last night thinking about which road to travel upon, but still couldn’t be sure as to how she could possibly handle her predicament. However, it was time to decide, and she knew this well enough.

How could she choose like this, though, with such factors tied in? It was almost unbearable to her, how Celestia would give her an ultimatum. She appeared to be pretty strict, too. It certainly did seem that either Trixie was to become her student, or remain a performer. She shifted upwards, and felt Dingo’s bushy tail on her hind hoof. Trixie had lost count of just how many times she’d told him not to sleep on her bed, but had finally given up that day.

“I don’t know, Dingo.” He looked up at her with his pure black eyes, his small yorkie ears perked tentatively. “On one hoof, I’d be stupid to accept, and yet, I’d be stupid to deny Celestia. I could always use some help with my magic, but would it mean giving up what I love to do best?”

He merely sat there, scratched his ear a little, and stared back at her again.

“Maybe you’re right… Perhaps conversing with the princess will reveal some light on this… No…” She began to shake her head in unreasonable doubt. “I’m not being realistic,” she lied to herself. “Trixie knows exactly what becoming Celestia’s student would mean. I’d be cooped up there, in that huge, royal palace for nearly the rest of my days reading spellbook after boring spellbook! I’d never see another admirer again, and just study all the time! That’s not what I want to do… I’ve decided.”

She got out of bed, and looked out the other window to see the palace up above. “I’m leaving for Las Pegasus again. It’s not exactly an easy town to conquer, I already know, but I’ve got a fair fan base there. To stay here would try my patience with Celestia always being right up there.” She pointed to the top tower with a hoof, and finished after putting it down, “I’m leaving… I won’t be her student!”

With that speech done and over with, she turned to the coat rack found by her front door that held her cape and hat, and got dressed. Dingo whined a little after she opened the door, catching her attention. “No, Dingo. I refuse to give up performing! If I knew I could be both Celestia’s pupil and a local town performer, that’d be different, but it seems to me that the princess’s teachings will keep me utterly isolated from the outside world. I don’t want that happening, and I’m not about to take a chance! We’re… we’re done with this city.”

She lowered her head in grievance, remembering Solitude Trot and how far away she had to travel just to reach the Canterlot gates, but knew that Las Pegasus was the only other town she could live in. It’s where she had learned most of her latest and greatest tricks from, including the alicorn illusion. She’ll never forget that geeky colt’s face, and how smug he behaved down in the audience, and what a fool he made her out to be, just by requesting her to grow wings and fly away.

“At least this time, I’ll be prepared. Finding that one taboo shop before getting on the main road was a lucky discovery, and them having such a lifelike pair of wings was even better! Maybe I’ll run into him again this time around. It’d serve him right to mess with the Great and Powerful Trixie, to see me transform!” She nodded, and walked out of the caravan, ready to take on the lonely road that lead back to her former home; back to Las Pegasus.

In little time at all, she had herself strapped up again, the latches rubbing against her sides. It was an annoying feeling, but a welcomed one at that. It reminded her of all the times she was forced to pack up and leave, which she’d done so many times already, but to do it again this time around just felt wrong. Still, though, she got to it.

The gate she had entered through was only a few yards away, and yet, she couldn’t walk one inch without somepony from the nearby restaurant railing asking her, “You’re… leaving, Great and Powerful Trixie?”

She just looked up at the mare, noticing it was the same head of hair she’d styled yesterday, and nodded solemnly. “Trixie can’t stay here, you see… She has to go, but she’s sorry, and maybe someday, she’ll return.”

The country mare hung her forearms over the cold steel, and watched Trixie turn around the corner, assuming she might not ever see the performer again. In little time at all, Trixie would arrive to meet with the same guard she’d fooled not too long ago. This time around, though, he wouldn’t be so easily duped. “Well, look who it is… Come to make a mockery of me again, huh?”

Trixie’s front left hoof rose as if to block a possible oncoming assault while worry washed over her. “What? No, I just… wanted out of the city is all! I guess… you know by now…”

“That you didn’t actually open this here door? Yeah, I thought about it… You are… just…”

She braced herself by squinting her eyes shut, ready for the onslaught of insults. “Please don’t ridicule me…”


She opened her eyes to stare at his smirking face. “What?”

“You completely had me fooled! After awhile, I realized the diversity of you opening it, and when I opened it. It. Was. Mindboggling.”

Trixie tried her best not to smile at the humbling compliment, but couldn’t, so she hid her pride with her already hovering hoof, a rare thing to see Trixie do for sure. “Just… open the door.”

His own smile turned into a frown, and fast. “What?”

She just stood there, her head held low. “I can’t stay here, so I’m going back to where I came from. Just let me go, please.”

“You’re leaving?” he asked, his stature becoming almost limp with disappointment. “I never even got to see your show!”

“Let me go!”

A few ponies in the distance looked over, but soon, resumed with what they were doing, but they still observed in secrecy, hoping this wasn’t really happening. As for the guard, he just nodded, his brow furrowing. “Fine.”

The door opened for her, and for the longest time, longer than what it took to open the way for her, Trixie stared out at the rising sun. Hills upon hills, and then one star high above was what she saw. To choose her words wisely, Trixie would’ve described it as disgusting, but that wasn’t going to stop her. So, she started to walk, but was stopped by the guard again, him asking her, “What happened?”

Trixie waited for the answer to come to mind, but could only say, “I lost my nerve.”

He followed her out, and decided to ask after the door closed behind him, “Will we ever see you again?”

“Maybe,” she replied. “Maybe…”

This time, she wouldn’t stop until she was completely out of his sight. He was speechless by then, to say the least. So, he just watched on as Trixie went over one set of hills, and then another, until finally, she was too far away to see anymore. Yet, still, he looked forth, wishing to see her come back over that last, golden hill.

“I can’t believe she refused Celestia’s offer,” somepony said from high above.

He looked up while backing away from the walls to ask, “What offer?”

“The news is all over town! Celestia wanted her to become her new student!”

Another pony poked her head out from beside the others, and included, “She must’ve declined!”

Looking back, the guard huffed emotionally, and mumbled, “She wasn’t up to the challenge…? What could’ve made her shy away from such an honor?”

Eventually, the crowd left the tower banisters, only to continue talking with one another about the recent events. As for the guard, he stayed outside, trying to add up the math with mixed results. It just didn’t make sense to him, how such a mare like that could, as she puts it, lose her nerve.

The minutes ticked by all too slowly for Trixie. By now, she had lost count of just how many humps she’d gone over in one day, and her back ached tremendously from all that weight having to be yanked over the tops, and then slowly brought down due to the road becoming a harsh slope. She finally reached an all too familiar spot, the exact same clearing she’d camped out at just two nights ago. Even the rocky fireplace remained where she’d left it.

She settled herself here for a while to give herself a much needed break, and even considered staying the rest of the day and night, if only to contemplate her choice in life a bit more. With a few sparks from her horn, the left over campfire was ignited again, and she sat in silence, watching the sun race downwards towards a few houses just barely visible beyond the horizon. No positive thoughts came, though. It was all irrational negativity for her. Trixie had truly allowed her greatest fears to cloud her judgement on such pressing things, and there was no turning back… not without the help from a friend.

She stood back up gently, and was relatively surprised at how loud her shifting movements were. The rustling of dirt was amazingly sharp this time around, and the smell of the flames were all too distinguishable from the natural air. It almost brought about this sense of displacement, to know just how real her situation was. “Right about now,” she spoke to herself. “Right about now… Celestia is wondering where I am.”

She sighed, and turned towards her caravan, ready to start sulking, but not out here in the open. Even though she was beyond alone, if Trixie was to cry, she’d do it in privacy. She didn’t even want the chirping birds to know of her unquestionable despair. The door creaked open slowly, and while she trotted up the old, squeaky stairs, she took in the inside surroundings. There was the comforting bed in the back, a mirror to the side, and the plush pillows she’d laid on so oftenly whenever she needed a hug. Which shall be the shoulder she’d cry upon? Holding in her tears, she started to move distractedly towards the mirror.

Her reflection showed water behind her eyelids, predictably. It had to have been the only flaw of hers at this point, because everything else to her was gorgeous. Still, taking that in, she felt the moist line race down her cheek and finish its course right at her chin. It hung there for a moment, wiggling with every shaky tremble, and finally fell to the floor thanks to her bottom lip beginning to quiver.


“Huh?” Trixie asked, almost jumping away from the stand. She curiously looking down at the drop of water on her wooden table, and silently remarked, “That… was loud.”




She looked over at the door, where the odd noise was coming from, and asked, “Who could possibly be here, of all places…?” She sat up arbitrarily, only to stand up completely, and walked up to the entry way. She then softly placed her left ear on the surface, and asked, “Hello?”

“Trixie? Is that you?”

She gasped while backing away, unable to accept who was at her door. The timing couldn’t be more unbelievable. “Twilight Sparkle? It can't be!”

Three: Royal Reassurance

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Celestia had justly returned from her day away from the palace. Inside her well kept, and most personal of secluded gardens, she walked along the bushes, trimming them as she saw fit with a quick whisk of her aura. The leaves and stems fell slowly, burning away into nothingness before hitting the ground. Along with many varying trees, the environment consisted of a miniature waterfall found in the center constructed by her best of landscaping professionals. Some shrubs lead the way for a rounding path, but for the most part, it was quite possibly the most basic found inside the royal establishment.

The day had ended a while ago, in fact, and night was upon her at this point. While Luna joined her sister from behind, she informed Celestia, “I have raised the moon. Aren’t you going to bed soon, sister?”

Celestia shook her head. “Not yet. I have some thinking to do. Perhaps you can help.”

Luna came up next to Celestia to walk along side her before they rounded the upcoming corner. “Doesn’t make much sense for you to remain awake, just because you wandered the streets today? No, something more must’ve happened. The trip out of these walls couldn’t have made you that restless, could it?”

Celestia simply continued to trot towards a nearby tree, and looked up at the moon before it became hidden by the many branches and leaves up above. “I saw somepony today who interested me.”

“Define interest,” Luna requested with a raised eyebrow.

“It was a mare, whose mane was pale white with rather noticeable light blue streaks. Her coat, brilliant azure. Her cutie mark symbolized performance, and not just a want, but a need for admiration.”

Luna continued to ask after sitting down under the oak tree along side her sibling, “And what, may I inquire, was so interesting about this pony?”

Celestia closed her eyes, and remarked, “Her dazzling ways… Yes, she fooled me, Luna. It was without question a feat I can hardly cope with. It… irritated me, even, how easily I hadn’t seen right through her simplest of tricks. Of course, I knew all along it wasn’t real. Her transforming into an alicorn for instance; one could easily conclude she was without a doubt, a fraud. Yet, I couldn’t tell what she’d done exactly.”

“That is, until she…”

“Yes, she told me her secrets humbly, which calmed me down. Had she refused to reveal what she’d done precisely, I would’ve been that much more on edge, but she brought me into her caravan. The prop wings were merely teleported onto her back while fog hid the action. It was so easy to pull off, that anypony could’ve done so. It’s not so much her fooling me that was impressive, though…”

Luna blinked. “Then why are you so caught up with this pony?”

Celestia took a deep breath, and finished, “She did so with the simplest of magic tricks. In fact, there was hardly any magical prowess within her, I think. I sensed very little capability, so I let my guard down, and thus, was thoroughly deceived by her… Trixie is her name, by the way.”

Luna looked away with little visible emotion. “Well, it’s over now. You’ll probably never see her again. That is, unless you go out into the city a second time. Listen, we have much preparing to do for the Gala, after all, along with much more to focus on.”

“I invited her to be my student.”

Luna looked back at Celestia, open mouthed, but trying not to seem all that surprised, she mumbled, “But… w-why? You said it herself, that she’s practically powerless.”

Celestia huffed, “It’s because… Sunset Shimmer was the same way, only much worse. I’ve told you about her, right?” Luna nodded, thinking back. “Gloating at every chance she got, but… just… immature with her magic. She learned well enough, but in the beginning, she was almost exactly like Trixie is, if only less respectable. She was, of course, unsharpened… Yet, her way of thinking and taking action was remarkable, just like Trixie. I sought to correct her ways, and failed miserably because of her attitude.”

“You wish to replace the unworthy student you once thought was deserving with another that has more of a chance at being just that… worthy of your teachings.” Luna breathed for a moment. “It’s hard for me to wrap my head around it, but what of Twilight Sparkle? How do you think she’ll take the news?”

Celestia answered, “She is no longer my student, and besides, even if she finds out, I’ll explain to her that teaching Trixie is in no way the same as how I taught her. She will always be my star pupil, but at the same time, I should be free to take in as many students as I like, special or schooled… Come now, it really is late. I think it’s time I headed off to bed for the evening. Watch over the land for me, please and thank you.”

Luna watched as Celestia continued down the road, wondering about the logic behind this development. “So confident in Trixie’s choice, too… These dreams I see say otherwise.”

Morning would come soon, and still, Celestia wrestled with her blankets. With one ear finally protruding through the covers, she rose with a yawn. Just like yesterday, she brought about the sun in a daze, but aimed a particularly powerful beam downwards at her bustling town. It made contact soon enough with the caravan found close to the front gates, and she watched through her telescope to see Trixie leave.

“Wait… Where is she going?” was Celestia’s first words to leave her lips that day.

It came to her as a surprise that Trixie was leaving. She watched with an open mouth, while Trixie got farther and farther away, until at last, she descended down that last hill. After witnessing that, she heard Luna explain from behind, “You frightened her deeply with your words…”

Celestia nearly jumped a little, and began to turn around to stare at Luna, but only needed to go half way, for she was already right beside her by then. “What do you mean?”

“In your own words, come to the palace prepared, and with as much vigor as you contained today whilst on stage, or simply don’t come at all…” Celestia couldn’t speak, for she was far too vexed to accept it. So, Luna resumed with a blank face, “She was having nightmares all last night, of being trapped in these stone walls, never performing for others ever again. She also didn’t like your rather… harsh approach. The offer was good, but telling her not to come at all if she chose to decline was… just…”

“Luna, I-”

“What were you thinking?” Luna asked with a concerned expression, cutting her older sibling off. “I could hardly believe you’d say such a thing to that young girl. She’s not Sunset Shimmer, you know. I can understand how she was, and how that would’ve motivated her, but Trixie needs a selective way of treatment. I can tell just by looking into her dreams, that what you said was the wrong choice of words. Just… if you’re going to take her under your wing, do so correctly. For now, I suggest you leave her be. Meet with her later on, when she’s much more relaxed.”

With that, Luna left without another word. As for Celestia, she began to comprehend the error of her ways, and left the room to quietly tend to what needed her attention at the time. After that, she would proceed to do her research, and investigate Trixie’s history. It was clear to her now, that in order for her to properly mentor a mare like that, she’d need to know much more in regards to what kind of pony she is inside, not outside.

Back at the resting area, where Twilight had just arrived, Trixie stood beyond the door. The moments in that timeframe seemed slower than usual, but sped up suddenly after Trixie heard Twilight ask again, “Trixie? Are you in there?”

She blinked, knowing good and well this was no hallucination. Princess Twilight was really, truly at her doorstep, and possibly wanting to come in. “One minute!”

Hastily, and without much more delay spent on contemplating the situation, Trixie rushed back to her table. Her aura snatched up a small, brown rag from the top drawer, and she began wiping away the single line leading from her eye to her chin while also getting that small drop on the counter cleared away, too. Then came the hair brush. Frantically stroking, she listened to Twilight wandering around just outside the window, and asking, “What’s going on in there? Are you alright?”

“Trixie is not ready for you yet! Please, give her time to… Err, freshen up!”

After getting her mane adjusted accordingly, and way less messy than it looked from the long walk she’d had thus far, she decided to add the finishing touches. A bottle of her best perfume wafted by, and a very tiny squirt was released from the nozzle onto her chest. She also went ahead and gave herself a blast of breath spray, and after tasting her lips for reassurance, Trixie silently remarked to herself, “Just in case…”

After making herself presentable, Trixie then came back to the entryway, only to blow a puff of air out of her system, and opened the door for Twilight. Below the stairs, the princess sat down looking up at the performer with curiosity in her eyes. She stood back up after seeing her, and smiled. “Hey, long time no see! What brings you all the way out here?”

Trixie gave her the best grin she could muster, but Twilight could already sense trouble. “I, uh… Trixie came to Canterlot to try and win over the crowd, but… it didn’t work out as she planned.”

“What?” Twilight asked with concern. “Can I come in?”

“S-sure you can… but, I’m just not all that thrilled due to my recent experiences.”

Twilight walked up and into the tiny establishment. She went ahead and looked around momentarily, too, furtively admiring all the things this place had to offer. “You mean… you weren’t successful with your act?”

Trixie breathed in heavily, and lied, “You got it. They hated Trixie there, and… proved to be a very tough audience. They saw through all of Trixie’s bestest of tricks, and even Dingo had a horrible time! He’s my dog.” Dingo burrowed himself out of Trixie’s blankets, but instead of introducing himself to Twilight, he quickly barked at Trixie in defiance, but just once, only to tell her that this was a bad idea. In time, she’d soon learn that he was right.

“Wow,” Twilight voiced. “I mean, it makes sense, with them being a bunch of unicorns and all, but still… So, umm, where do you plan to go now?”

Trixie looked away, and said, “Back to Las Pegasus. It’s really the only other place I can go to without receiving that much ridicule. What about you?” She looked back up with eyes full of realization. “Why are you all the way up here, on the road towards Canterlot?”

Twilight confessed, “Just on this simple, little errand run to get a few things I needed. It’s tedious, to come all the way up here, but Ponyville doesn’t exactly have what I need to make a flight serum. It’s to help me practice. Not to mention, Rainbow Dash said I should get some flight exercise in rather than just taking the train. I was right above you when I spotted the fire outside, and the second I realized it was your special stage-caravan, I immediately landed… with some difficulty.”

The unicorn nodded before looking at Twilight’s wings, and asked, “You merely wished to see Trixie then?”

“Well, it’d been long enough that I might as well check in on you, see how you’re doing. Do you still have that book I sent you?”

Trixie smiled while bringing the piece of literature out of a nearby drawer, and said, “It’s been of great use to Trixie, and doesn’t have a single fresh scratch on it! She’s kept it in pristine condition… or, as pristine as when Trixie first obtained it. Thanks again, Twilight.”

“No problem, but it must not’ve helped you much while you were in Canterlot, I guess.” She placed it back where it came from, but remained silent, and even began to look down at the floorboards. She was stopped, however, by Twilight grabbing hold of her. Trixie sat there in the middle of the room, feeling Twilight’s embrace, and heard her say, “I’m so sorry you had a bad time in Canterlot… but, if it’s okay, I was hoping you were going there instead, so that we might be able to… I don’t know, eat out for a change.”

Trixie was released, but not her hoof. Twilight still held on to that part of her for good measure. “But, Trixie is hated there now! She wouldn’t even make it through the front gates…”

“You’d be with me, though,” Twilight pressed on. “Every time we’ve met, it’s been under horrible circumstances! I just want to be acquainted with you through friendly means. Look, nopony would give you a hard time so long as I was by your side. It’ll just be a small date after all. I know of this fantastic restaurant we can go to!”

“But, Twilight…”

“Please, Trixie? Can’t we catch up a little, maybe over dinner. Just this once?”

At this point, Trixie knew she had been defeated by Twilight’s tempting persistence. Besides, how could she deny this chance to be with Twilight? Despite knowing good and well that she’d be found out to be lying for sure, Trixie hadn’t hardly any choice in the matter. Twilight wanted them to enjoy the evening’s dinner together, as friends, and Trixie could tell that she wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Oh… Okay, Twilight… Okay…”

“Yay!” Twilight pulled her out of the structure, and over to the side of the road, but was stopped by Trixie complaining, “What about my belongings? Dingo, too!”

“Not to worry,” Twilight countered. With a simple beam of purple light leaving her horn, a pink force field was brought up around the camping area. “As for Dingo, I doubt he’ll mind being along for a few hours. It’s not like you’re abandoning him or anything.” Twilight gave Trixie a toothy grin after stating this, and pulled her along.

“But, wait!” Trixie gulped. “We… have to walk all the way back now?”

Twilight sighed, but smiled. “Hold still…” Again, her horn began to glow its signature color, and just like that, they were teleported the rest of the way there. It was a different feeling for Trixie, to be shot so many miles away, and to suddenly see the gates again. It was as if she’d never left in the first place. “Happy?” Twilight asked.

Trixie didn’t speak, for she was unfortunately fixed on the stallion just up ahead of them, and the same could be said for the guard as well. He just stood there, perplexed at why she had come back, and with Twilight of all ponies, no less. “Do I really have to do this, Twilight?”

“It won’t be that bad, I promise.”

They soon came up to him, but he remained ever silent. So, Trixie decided to ask, “Hello again… C-can we come in?”

He looked from her to the princess, and nodded without much feeling showing. The door opened for them, and Twilight lead the way. Before joining with her, though, Trixie stared at him confusedly. “What’s your name?”

“Druid Shield, the post steed.”

“Thank you, Druid.”

She walked in after that, a bit frightened, but well aware that it was only a matter of time before her cover was blown. As she continued to follow Twilight, the two of them noticed how others reacted. Some stared, and most spoke in whispered tones to one another, but for the most part, everything stayed peaceful until they finally reached that restaurant Twilight had spoken of earlier. They walked through the glass door, and was met by a regular looking waiter.

“Welcome to the Monocerus. One or… Trixie?! Oh my gosh! I thought you’d left!”

“Hey,” Twilight defended immediately. “Leave her alone! She’s my friend, I’ll have you know!”

He just gasped even more. “What?! No way! Trixie, you continue to be one amazing pony! You know that?”

Trixie recognized him soon enough. He was the cat owner, who had her change his pet into a dog. “Oh, t-thank you…”

“Huh?” Twilight asked in confusion. “Wait, what’s going on?”

Trixie looked to Twilight with guilt in her eyes. “I’ll explain when we’re seated.”

“You’ll explain now,” Twilight demanded, but was cut off by the waiter. instructing them, “Ladies, this way, please. We’ve been slow tonight, so I have your seat ready in seclusion.”

Despite her lust for a thorough explanation then and there, Twilight merely shook her head, and followed him down the row that lead them from the bar to a singular table in the corner spacing. With them both seated, he then asked eagerly, “Can I… have your autograph?”

“Oh,” Twilight said while adjusting herself. “Why, sure you-”


The two mares stared at him, and then looked at one another. Twilight seemed insulted, but held her temper while Trixie timidly grabbed his shirt pocket pen with her magic, and signed a menu he’d presented. “There you go…”

He then offered it to Twilight, of course, and she signed as well. With a squeamish sigh of excitement, he left after giving them another set of lists depicting available dishes, but Twilight put her aside. So did Trixie, naturally, but if she could’ve, she would have fearfully hidden her face behind it for the whole event. “You aren’t hated in this town, are you?” Twilight investigated surprisingly calmly.

“No, I’m actually quite loved here,” Trixie responded.

“You lied to me, then…?”

“Trixie… I mean, I did, yes.”

Twilight brought her hooves up to her lips in thought. “Are you going to tell me why you lied to me?”

Trixie looked away, and asked, “Do I have to?”

Twilight banged the palms of her hooves on the table. “Trixie!”

“Alright, Twilight! I… was performing… when Celestia came walking out from behind the crowd.” This made Twilight return her hooves to her muzzle in concern. “She requested that I turned myself into an alicorn. You saw those wings in my room, right?”

“I did… Then what happened?”

Trixie’s eyes began to water due to depression. “She asked me to become her new student after the show was over.”

Twilight could only stare at the mare across from her, not wanting to believe the news. “You’re joking with me.”

Trixie shook her head morosely. “I wish I was, but no, I’m not. I didn’t want you to know, because I was scared you’d be mad at both me, and your mentor.”

It became really quiet after that, and all Twilight could do was think. She thought about this for a long time, and then said, “I’m not mad.” Trixie paid attention to the look Twilight gave her. “It’s hard to accept, but I’m just not her student anymore, and I know she’s not replacing me in any way either. I’ll always be like a sister to her now, if anything, and I know this all too well, but still… I guess I’d like to know most by now, why you were leaving.”

Trixie blinked. “You wouldn’t mind if I was to become her student?”

“I intend on discussing this with Celestia later on down the road, maybe,” Twilight confessed. “For now, though, I’d like to know what’s holding you back.”

Trixie nodded, unsure of how to put this, but explained bluntly, “I’m just scared.” She repeated herself again, “I’m scared, Twilight.”

“Of what?”

“Practically everything imaginable! I can see myself being confined to my quarters, reading books I don’t even like, and just… not being able to do what I want at all. It’d be studying, all the time, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it, Twilight?”

“No, no,” Twilight argued. “What could’ve given you that idea? Celestia only taught me that way because that’s how I learned best! You? Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had you spending most of your days outside the palace more than inside! Look, you’ve overthought this, obviously. Before coming to a conclusion so abruptly, why don’t you talk with Celestia more in detail about this? About what exactly you’d be learning from her? It’s clear you haven’t been walked through what she intends to do yet.”

“But, she said that if I didn’t want to be taught, then I shouldn’t come to the palace at all! How was I to react to that?”

Twilight pondered this for a second, and then said hopefully, “It sounds like that was intended to motivate you if anything through reverse psychology, perhaps. It backfired, though… Your first impression must’ve been a good one for her to be so uptight. Nevertheless, I say we should go together. That way, there’s no negativity between the three of us, but it’s up to you. I won’t force you to do anything if you’re really, seriously against all this.”

It took her a minute to consider the possibilities, but eventually, Trixie came to understand that Twilight was right. She didn’t know what was to come, and had already known for a time that she was being a bit naive, so she gave in to Twilight’s suggestions by saying, “Okay… You win, but only if you’re there with me when I decide.”

Twilight presented her hoof and grabbed hold of Trixie’s before stating, “I promise, you won’t regret it.”

They wouldn’t even bother with ordering their meals that evening, and instead left then and there to head towards the palace. Before leaving, though, Trixie thanked the waiter for his unintentional assistance. It wouldn’t take them long to reach their destination, but with nervousness settling in, Trixie felt like it had taken hours just to reach the courtyard clearing. Now all she had to do was put her trust in Twilight, and have faith that Princess Celestia wouldn’t be as disciplinary as she appeared to be in her nightmares.

Four: Root Personality Trouble

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Celestia’s mind traced back to Sunset Shimmer time and time again, and all throughout her day, she found it difficult to focus on her most meaningful of tasks. What Luna and she talked about before brought with it a flood of memories. Still, having little to do didn’t mean she was without responsibility, and even reading the newspapers she could scavenge brought her back to the many instances involving her once cherished student.

Trixie was truly like Sunset in many ways, but not anymore. After finding out about the alicorn amulet, Celestia came to understand Trixie’s true disposition. To know what it’s like to wield such incredible, and magical power can give anypony a sense of restraint towards alicorns, and even before that, Trixie had a history with showing off.

There was one detail Celestia noticed, though. She was never seen with a princess in question of any kind. Rather, it was always regular ponies, pegasi and unicorns, and not of royal blood she worked on impressing so much. Perhaps this shy behavior she acted upon when near alicorns was in fact always within her from the very start, but the princess would never really know for sure.

“Aaand thus, Your Highness, you’ve got the problem with this “Canterlot High” phenomenon,” a reporter said while she signed away a few documents for her assistant. Celestia blinked, feeling colder now that this particular subject arose.


He looked up at her where she sat at her throne, stopped trotting back and forth, and repeated, “Seeing as how our world is supposedly intertwined with this newly discovered, or however you want to put it… What did you call it? A human world?” His high pitched voice cracked upon finishing his question.

“Yes,” Celestia confirmed, but raising a hoof to stop him. “It is where the sirens now dwell, to answer your upcoming question.”

“Great, hehe,” he mused with a sly grin, as if he’d juiced the information out of her. “Aaand, Sunset Shimmer? How’s she doing? Heard any word from her yet?”

“Not… really, sadly.”

He looked up from his notes. The pen he was holding lowered a little, tapping the wooden board that held all his jotted findings. “She… hasn’t spoken to you yet? About anything?”

“No, she hasn’t.”

“But, Twilight returned just recently from that very world! Aren’t you the least bit curious to know if she’s making progress? From the tales alone, it sounds as if she’s gotten much better at being friendly towards others. Maybe she could come back?”

Celestia kept a level head, and stated quite bluntly, “If these rumors, which I have heard of by the way, are to be true, then I wish she’d come back.” Her eyes averted towards a picture of Trixie which sat on her small side table. “It would be of a most ill timing to return, but she’d be welcomed if only to be granted access to the castle. Per her previous actions, you understand.”

“Yes, just before her disappearance, you ended her availability on the palace itself, didn’t you?”

Celestia nodded. “And then, she was gone. I found my guards had been countered, and ripples in the mirror you now know of. It hurt my heart dearly to know she’d stoop to such lengths just to get what she wanted. If I’d known the obsession that mirror would cause… but I’ve said too much.”

“But, maybe she’s just unsure of your acceptance! She,” he began, but stopped himself. “Well… Okay, Your Highness, but really, the stories I’ve heard are indifferent. It makes her sound nothing like the way you just described her. I guess that’s all I’ll be needing for my article, then.”

He turned, but had his attention caught one last time by Celestia asking, “What… did Twilight say about Sunset Shimmer this time around, exactly?” She smiled a little, almost unnoticeable. “I guess I am a bit curious.”

He turned for a moment, but only rubbed his chin. It wasn’t until after he placed his hoof back down on the cold floor that he answered, “She helped defeat the sirens, and with all the others, as Twilight described it, turned them into regular, “teenage” girls.”

Celestia became that much more animated, and said, “Thank you, you may leave.” It was in no way impolite, either. If anything, she seemed grateful to hear this. After he left, she stood, all alone in the throne room. “This is almost an impossibility… Sunset Shimmer was a prodigy gone wrong, or so I thought. I’ll never forget that night… and all the times she’d gotten herself into trouble. Breaking into the dark magic wing, learning all those spells that in no way helps one develop harmony…”

She trotted forth a little, if only to think. “Could there be a motive for doing this?” Celestia asked herself this over and over again. “Why would she assist Twilight in fending off the sirens? Not too long ago, I’d expect her to instead side with those three creatures, if only to become a siren herself!” She tried her best to deny the possibility of Sunset Shimmer simply trying to plot her way into more mischief, but found it incredibly hard to do so.

That’s when a letter came floating to her. She spoke as she wrote, “Dear Princess Twilight, I’ve been hearing these rumors of Sunset Shimmer, and would like…” She stopped writing, and lowered the parchment. “No,” she said sternly. “Don’t get involved… I have more important things to look after, like Trixie… Where was I with that?”

While she turned around, the note returned to its shelf found high above the roof, next to the chandelier, and she walked back to her throne only to resume reading the article she’d yet to finish. “With the help of Zecora, a local zebra dwelling in the Everfree Forest, Twilight and friends were able to…”

Still, she felt like doing something. Perhaps a test to see just how much Sunset Shimmer had changed. The sorting of the test would have to be done much later on, though. For the time being, Princess Celestia still wished to venture down the path she thought Trixie traveled upon, and would take off for her in due time. Little did she know, Trixie was coming to her instead. It would undeniably prove to be a warming surprise.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Trixie wandered the spry outskirts of the palace together, Trixie following not too closely behind as to avoid being lost in such a big place. It was difficult for her, however, thanks to all the distractions the town had to offer. Although she felt fairly confident in memorizing the streets and patterns of the many winding back alleys, Trixie knew good and well that Twilight would have to be her guide. It didn’t help much that Twilight felt the need to repeat, “Don’t stray too far from me. Canterlot’s a big place.”

She turned around to check on Trixie, but found herself to be utterly alone. There were some ponies passing by, but no sign of the mare she was just with not a minute ago. In a panic, Twilight quickly scrambled to the former street they’d recently turned on only to bump right into Trixie. She faced a group of admirers, and heeded Twilight little attention. “Yes, Trixie will sign. Of course, of course.”

Her magic held a quill, and before Twilight could speak, Trixie began scrawling away at a book, a picture of herself, and a filly’s right hoof. “I know that’s just gonna wash off,” the fan said gleefully. “I don’t care, though! I gotta get something signed by you. I might not have a chance like this ever again!”

Trixie smirked smugly. “Fans often do become quite paranoid about never meeting with the Great and Powerful Trixie again. No need to fret. Trixie supposes that before she leaves this place, she’ll put on just one last act just for you three.”

“You mean, you’re not staying?” Twilight asked, coming up to Trixie’s side.

“Oh, right… Trixie, uh, will give staying some thought,” she told the small group. “She is unsure on where to go and what to do about… You know.”

The one who’d gotten her book signed said, “You’ll become Celestia’s student!”

Another cheered her on. “Yeah! You’ll be even more greater, and way more powerful! We have faith in you, y’know!”

Trixie blushed even more, and looked at Twilight. “Can you believe this, Twilight?”

“They’re right,” the princess responded. “It’s exactly what you should do, is have faith. We all believe in you; everypony but yourself.”

The group bantered at that remark. “Hey! She’s the Great and Powerful Trixie! She can do anything!”


Trixie hoofed them to calm down, and turned towards the main road. “Thank you for the support…”

She walked off shortly after with mixed feelings. Twilight followed along, and directed her to take a left. “You see? It’s not just me that thinks you should do this. It’s your supporters, too! Think about this before reacting so rashly, and I’m sure you’ll come to the right decision.”

Trixie simply slowed her pace. “You’re probably right, Twilight. I’ve been a bit lacking in faith for myself. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

“That’s another thing!” Twilight and Trixie reached the palace gates, where the clearing was. With Twilight’s hooves echoing as she circled around to face her follower, she asked forwardly, “What’s with the constant third-perspective to first-perspective way of speaking?”

Trixie blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Ugh…” Twilight shook her head while looking down. “I’ve been meaning to bring that up ever since the diner. It seems that while near me, you speak like I do. You use “me,” and “I,” something you’ve hardly ever done before. Why?”

Trixie gulped. “Uhh… I just-”

“See?!” Twilight pointed to Trixie’s mouth as if to accuse it of some heinous crime. “There it is again!”

“Well, it’s just… you’re a princess now!”

Twilight huffed, “Wh-what’s that got to do with the price of hay in Appleloosa?!”

“Don’t you remember?” Trixie backed up against one of the large, stone pots that held a prospering shrub. “I just so happen to know how it feels to have such power. The alicorn amulet gave me a glimpse of what an alicorn is capable of. To insult, or disrespect an alicorn like you is just foolish, Twilight! That’s why…”

Twilight didn’t let her finish. Instead, her hoof touched Trixie’s lips to silence her for the moment. Once all was quiet save for the residual background noise coming from the outside surroundings, Twilight explained, “Alicorns are powerful, yes. I won’t deny that. You must understand, though, that princesses aren’t to be feared. Respected, yes,but acting this way is just absurd, and it’s not you. Princess Celestia would rather you be yourself, and so do I, Trixie.”

“But, Twilight!”

“Promise me,” Twilight continued with little regard towards Trixie’s defensive nature, “that you’ll at least try to be yourself whenever near me, and Celestia… and any alicorn! To be honest, when you act like this, you might as well be pretending to be Fluttershy. I like you better when you’re at least a little bit egotistical, but not so much that it becomes annoying. You know how to balance it out properly now, right?”

Trixie opened her mouth to argue some more, but closed it before any sound was made. She nodded there after, now making eye contact. “Yes, Twilight. Trixie will be less timid towards royalty like you in the future.”

Twilight smiled, and turned towards the gates. “That’s good. Now come on, it’s getting late. We need to catch Celestia before she heads off for bed.”

Trixie obeyed Twilight’s advice, that is until she remembered a vital item she needed to even be allowed access to the palace. “Oh no!” She gasped while checking her sides, but it was useless. Her belongings were miles away.

“What’s wrong?”

“M-my pass,” Trixie stuttered. “I can’t believe I forgot my pass! Without it…” Twilight giggled while her friend became more frantic with each passing second. “What’s so funny?! Stop laughing at the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Twilight indeed stopped, but only because of the sudden personality change. “You and she will have to walk all the way back to the caravan just to retrieve that stupid thing! Either that, or teleport…”

Twilight put a hoof around Trixie’s neck to yank her forward. In the back of her mind, she now knew of something that might be of some use for Celestia’s later tutorings. Coming up to the guard positioned just next to the entryway, Twilight merely smiled his way, and he bowed with blushing cheeks. With a tap on the door, it opened for the two, and Twilight walked Trixie in without a single problem to speak about. “Being a princess does have its advantages, I must admit.”

“But… how?”

Twilight smirked. “He’s a friend of mine, but let’s leave it at that.”

Trixie was naturally curious to find out more about the blue maned pegasus that had let them in without a word, but knew not to press the matter any further. There were more crucial things to pay attention to, like finding out just which way they were supposed to go from here. There were four paths to choose from.

On either side of Twilight and Trixie were halls stretching as far as the eyes could see, and then in front were stairs that split down the middle. They reared off into what looked like even more halls, but they wouldn’t need to contemplate on the directions long. Twilight quickly recognized the shadow of her former mentor leaving the path found up the stairway and to the left. Her timing couldn’t be more perfect.

Five: Redeeming Conditions

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The room’s theme color was purple, but of a more radiant tint than Twilight had ever seen. Already, decorations had been put in place for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala. Among all the times Twilight had been here, never had it been this heavily cared for before, but then, it’s always gotten better and better with every passing year. This made the change less stunning to her, but the same could not be said for Trixie.

The lamps that hung from high above found directly side by side next to the main chandelier had been altered in glass, swirling upwards and downwards in the most oddest, spiky shapes and sizes. As if just to show off, the light coming from within each one was hardly a single hue, but instead, many that clashed with magical properties.

With the rays bouncing off the centerpiece found in the middle, the room was lit aglow with patterns of dancing ponies on every wall, the ceiling, the floor, and even the ceramic windows that depicted many of Equestria’s iconic tales in the back. Even the red carpet lying on the stairs seemed to pop with severely irregular, vibrant colors. Along the walls next to the upcoming stairway held pictures of the two palace dwelling princesses, but not even they could hardly be seen due to the stallions and mares leaping by their faces.

Trixie could only stare at her surroundings. Not a single city in all her life could compare to the well prepared greeting room she now found herself in. Las Pegasus had its moments, but this was just too much. She watched the refracting duets dance around and around the room, only to become slightly dizzy. She hardly noticed Twilight headed up the stairs, that is until she began calling out, “Princess Celestia! Sorry for my abrupt appearance...”

She came to the top, only to stop and look more closely down the shadowed hall. Beyond the darkness, she could definitely make out what looked like Celestia’s mane and key features, but it just wasn’t her. “Close,” the mare in blue said while approaching, leaving the sanctity of the shadows and into Trixie’s own line of vision. “But not so.”

Before Twilight was Luna, just waking up from her long sleep. “Oh, sorry about that. For a minute, you looked just like her.”

Luna heeded her little surprise. “It happens often, actually. I can’t tell you how many times a guard or two has mistaken me for my very own sister. What brings you here, Princess Twilight Sparkle?” She bowed before saying her fellow alicorn’s name, and as she did, Twilight did the same.

“I was actually on my way here to pick up a few alchemical components,” she told truthfully while returning to her corrective posture. “I was right at the outskirts of town when I noticed who was directly below me.” She looked down at the base of the stairs where Trixie stood.

Luna blinked at the young unicorn. “I see…”

“Is it true?” Twilight brought Luna’s attention wavering back to who she was originally speaking to. “I don’t suppose you know of Celestia’s offer.”

Luna nodded, but with closed eyes. “I have, and suppose I should be the first to say, it didn’t happen as I originally thought it might.” She opened her eyes, but with a stern look about them. “My sister’s behavior was indifferent, and lacked understanding of how to handle such a pony like… what’s her name again? Starts with a T...”

Twilight watched as Luna once again looked at the mare below, and simply said, “Trixie.”

Luna gave no response to this, and instead, began trotting down the steep steps, her direction aimed right for the stage performer. The closer she got, the more Trixie felt obligated to run. Not only was this yet another alicorn, but one from the worst of nightmare inducing stories she’d been told of as a childish filly. She’d heard plenty about Nightmare Moon, and thus had already developed a thorough distaste for Luna’s counterpart, but still was vaguely informed of the changes this Mistress of the Night had gone through.

All that and more raced through her head while Luna came closer and closer to ground level. Finally, she reached the bottom, and merely stood there a little ways away from Trixie, staring. She seemed emotionless at the time, willing to observe for a bit, and didn’t even budge despite Twilight passing right by her. In due time, the silence was broken by her asking, “I am Princess Luna, and you must be the one Celestia’s conversed with me about?”

She blinked as though the question was impossible for her to respond to adequately. “Y-yes, Your Highness.”

Luna kept her frown. “Nightmare Moon is gone. I feel the need to inform you of this, seeing as how your wildest of dreams often represents me to be something profoundly terrorizing even to myself. I am not that mare any longer.”

Trixie nodded, but looked away. “So, it’s true then. Trixie means, she’s heard the rumors that you and Princess Celestia had made peace… But, what of my dreams? What do you mean by that?”

Luna began circling Trixie slowly. “Like I keep telling many others like you these days, I have the ability to venture into your deadliest of nightmares, and your most majestic of dreams, but I only intervene when necessary. Your dreams, though… I must say, they interest me a great deal.”

Trixie tried to watch Luna’s round, but stopped after Her Highness went fairly beyond view. Trixie knew the princess well enough to comprehend that she was merely taking in her features. “What makes Trixie’s dreams different from anypony else’s?”

Luna was now at her backside, observing the wand and star cutie mark with attentiveness. “Usually, a dream shows what a pony wants. It’s often fame, glory, and riches. Well, to be blunt, it’s more than often mostly riches. Your dreams are the same, somewhat, but still different in specific aspects. It shows you on the road of what leads to all those things, but never the aftermath. You’re on stage for the most part, ponies either adoring you or shunning you for your mishaps. However, you rarely experience what comes next.”

Trixie watched Luna return to her former spot. “What of it?”

“Last night, while I was busy caring for the castle whilst my sister slept soundly, you had the most peculiar remembrance. In fact, I wouldn’t even have the gall to call it a fallacy in the slightest. This is where I found out about Celestia’s brusque behavior, so let me be the first to apologize for her upfront, rash choice of wording. She merely meant to encourage you the way she thought might work best. Because of this, you ran away, didn’t you?”

Trixie huffed, unable to hide the truth. “Well, you see… if it wasn’t for Twilight, actually, Trixie would be a quarter of the way to Las Pegasus by now. You see, Princess Luna, since Twilight’s suspicions are now being proven relatively true by you… It won’t be like in my dreams, will it?” The concern in Trixie’s voice rose. “Trixie won’t be forced to stay in these walls forever, will she?”

Luna looked away, and seemed to think on that question for a while longer than Trixie would’ve liked. She looked back, and said, “Not precisely like in the dream, no. However, I don’t know my own sister’s training tracks that well. I won’t lie to you. I don’t know what your training with her is going to be like. I don’t want to fill your head with possibilities, just so you’ll be let down later on.”

At this time, Twilight interrupted the two’s conversation. “Why don’t we go find out?” Luna looked down at Twilight, and began smiling. “You know where she might be, right? Because otherwise, Trixie and I would just wander around here aimlessly. I mean, sure, I’d find her eventually, but around this time, with the Gala going on and all, it’s hard to say where she’d be right about now.”

Luna turned around, and walked up the stairs while instructing the two to follow along. “If anything, she’s in her room studying on Trixie’s personal history to figure out a better approach next time. Yes, she knows you were running away, and is preparing to chase after you.”

Trixie asked with a surprised tone, “She is? Really?”

Luna turned her head, and nodded before reaching the first flight’s top, and rounded to the right. “She must see something truly special within you, as do I. You should consider this an opportunity rather than a sentencing, but I’m sure Twilight’s already told you this.”

Twilight glanced at Trixie with a smirk, but things fell rather silent after that. There were many corners to take, and many more winding stairs to conquer before they finally reached Celestia’s private, and incredibly distant quarters. The whole way there, Trixie couldn’t concentrate on much more than looking around, gazing at all the royal accessories this palace contained, and these were just the roundabout corridors, too.

Along every wall was a stack of heavy, though a bit frilly looking weaponry. Trixie could tell that those were mostly for show, and not actual combat. Under the racks of swords, spears and shields were exceedingly elegant tables, and commonly resting on top of those were tablecloths decorated in traditional white and purple. On top of those were vases filled to the brim with all sorts of flowers, usually. Some were empty.

Every once in a while the trio would spot a dresser, or some fancy silverware found behind expensive glass cabinets. The red rug that stretched from the very entrance seemed to coat all of the palace as well, and finally, there was the high reaching ceiling. With the roof almost being lost by Trixie’s sight, she concluded that any such pegasus would simply love to fly around in that endless abyss all night long.

“See those lanterns?” Twilight asked, noticing just where Trixie’s attention had gone off to.

“Yes, what about them? Trixie can just barely see the chains keeping them afloat!”

As they followed Luna closely behind, Twilight shared a story. “When Rainbow first visited here, just her and me, she refused to have a room. She literally brought in a cloud from one of my open windows, and stayed up there the whole time!”

“Yes, the pegasus…” Trixie thought aloud, “She’d probably be distasteful if she ever found out about Trixie becoming Celestia’s student.”

Twilight giggled at that. “Yeah, maybe. In time, though, I’m sure you’ll be forgiven by everypony. I mean, it was fairly easy for me, so how hard could it be for them? Right?”

“Don’t flatter me that much, Twilight,” Trixie requested jokingly. “Trixie will do her very best to have her past deeds excused, but still. Let’s be real for a moment. She’ll forever have rather low expectations when it comes to your friends’ forgiveness.”

“Here we are,” Luna said, coming up to the door and cutting the conversation off. “Finally… You know, it wasn’t always like this, our rooms being so, very separated from one another. In the castle found in the Everfree Forest for instance, my room was directly beside Celestia’s own. My sister decided to make a room for me here in Canterlot as well, but kept it far away from her own, on the left wing. She tells me she didn’t want to get her hopes up, in case I returned and refused to change. She tells me that someday, we’ll have to remodel the place to sate current dissatisfaction.

Trixie looked down the halls they were just traveling on, and noted, “It sure wasn’t easy getting here. Trixie’s hooves hurt! She bets that’s just another ploy to get her to stay, being too tired now to walk much longer!”

Luna and Twilight laughed, and entered as they did. Behind the two in front, Trixie could see the beginnings of an unexpectedly humbling environment. She figured there would be nothing less than the utmost opulence for a princess’s personal chambers, but what she took in was more appropriate overall. Not too flashy, but not too civilian either.

While sitting down on the decisively designed, plantlike seat located directly next to the door, she observed the flowing blue flag depicting a blazing azure star hanging on the wall from her right side. Behind that was a curving cloud structure lathering the round room’s background. From her perspective, it almost seemed farther away than in actuality.

The fury of the fireplace caused this eerie, unnatural warmth to surround the entirety of the atmosphere, and helped the interior bedding made of the softest, purple fabrics glisten with every jolt coming off the incandescent wood. More pillows of varying patterns nestled all along the rimming, where the main, golden cussion could be easily spotted, if only smushed and weighed down by the others. It was still the largest, though, and must’ve been professionally made for alicorn use only. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been made to be so big. Others would simply sink down, and get stuck for sure.

Looking up and over the low leveled mattress, Trixie could see the glass exit leading to the outside balcony, and next to that was yet another yellow and purple door. It appeared that this whole wing’s entrances save for the exceptionally hefty ones maintained the same complexion while everything else questionably changed throughout. Beyond the wall to the furthest right, they could hear the sound of running water, and what must’ve been gargling.

Luna knocked first, and then asked loudly so that Celestia might hear her, “Sis? Are you in there? We have guests...”

The door cracked, but didn’t open up all the way. By that time, Trixie had stood back up, and was headed to the other side of Luna to peer in. She could make out what was overtly a bathroom, and the princess brushing her teeth. To trixie’s astonishment, a familiar pamphlet was being firmly held by the princess’s aura. It was the original Ponyville attraction she’d hung all over the quaint town. A blast from the past.

Celestia spat into the sink, not knowing of Trixie’s or even Twilight’s presence, and turned around. “Yes, what is it Luna?” She soon enough spotted the two others, and gasped. “Oh… Twilight, and Trixie, too. This is a pleasant surprise.” As she left, and stood rather awkwardly amongst them all, her eyes wandered from Luna. She stared at her for the longest time, and then to the guests, and eventually, she addressed Luna with curiosity. “Well then, how did this come to be?”

“It’s Twilight’s doing,” the sister replied forwardly. “Flying over Solitude Trot, she apparently spotted Trixie, and convinced her that the choice she was acting upon should hardly be made in such a swift manner.”

Twilight took it from there. “I was just coming up here to get a few supplies. That’s why you didn’t get a note... Sorry about that, but getting back on track, one thing lead to another, and then I found out about how you offered studenthood to Trixie.” She gazed up at Celestia critically. “You didn’t seriously tell her what she tells me you told her, did you? It doesn’t sound like you at all!”

Celestia focused in on Trixie, but huffed with a bowed head. “I only meant to… I don’t know what had gotten into me, now that I’m trying to explain it. Reverse psychology?” She looked back up, almost appearing worried. “All I did was hurt you. All those words instilled was fear, not ambition or a desire to be something more. After doing my research, as you can see…” She waved the ad to signify what she meant. “I know that now, and Trixie? If you’ll accept it, I’d like to extend an apology for being so rude.”

Trixie merely nodded at that. “Trixie supposes she accepts, Your Highness, but there’s still the matter of how Trixie’s training will play out. Before she can make any such decision, Trixie must know more.”

Celestia nodded in return, and began with no strings attached. “Come to the balcony. For now, Twilight, Luna… please leave us. This has little concern for you. Although, Twilight?” The former student stopped herself from turning around with Luna, and gave Celestia her undivided attention. “I’m sure you have more words for me. We’ll talk afterwards in the library. Okay?”

Without much more to say, she nodded as well, and they parted ways. Twilight fondly visited the library to wait, and as for Luna, she had her own duties to carry out, like lifting the moon. Meanwhile, Trixie and Celestia sat together amongst the stars. The silence of the night retained itself until the door closed behind them, and that’s when Celestia spoke.

“Look all around you.” Her hoof swung slowly to show Trixie exactly where she was to be looking. To Celestia, that was the whole, wide castle stretching out before the two. “All this land shall be free roam to you. What I intend on doing is simple. You don’t wish to be taught like Twilight, I get that; sanctioned to the palace alone, that is...”

Trixie remarked, “Yes, this was the first of Trixie’s worries.”

“Rest assured,” Celestia proceeded to comfort, “I want nothing but your happiness while under my wing. So, as you already know, I’ve learned a thing or two about yourself to help smooth things along. So far, I can tell that you don’t just enjoy, but adore to perform in front of countless audience members. I believe that these methods I’ve arranged for will help in not only your enjoyment, but your teachings, too.”

“Arrangements, Princess Celestia?”

“Yes.” Her horn shined a rather blinding, golden saturation, and just like that, a map spread itself out in the form of a triangle. It ultimately turned out to be translucent, but showed the city’s fundamental features such as the starting three gates, the entrance to the palace located to the farthest back, and five, spiraling dots. One shined to the left, another to the right. Another was a ways away from the northern gates at the top, where she parked her caravan on her first day in Canterlot. Lastly, the other two were on the wayward path down the middle, and then in the clearing. If Trixie looked directly down below from the rails, she’d see precisely where that final point was.

“This is Canterlot, but I’m sure you can deduce that without many complications. What I want you to heed the most, are these small land marks I’ve circled just for you. They’re your stages, and much like your caravan, they shall contain everything and anything you’d need to put on a spectacular show. I’d be teaching you past tricks that use little magic, a challenge for both you and I, and you’d execute them on stage, live. Of course, performing in front of tens of hundreds of ponies all accross this domain of mine would be too easy. That would merely act as your practices. For a couple presentation here and there, I’ll be watching. That’s when you’ll be tested.”

With the map disappearing, Celestia surveyed Trixie’s reception. “Well then! That’s more like it! You mean… Trixie would only be allowed inside the castle, and not outside of its walls?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, no, my little pony. You’re allowed to go where you want! Just don’t go too far away from here, and you’ll be just fine. There will be times when you’ll travel elsewhere, too. Keep in mind, also…” She bit her bottom lip at this, but resumed, “You may quit this exercise at anytime. As I said before, you wouldn’t be a prisoner, nor a commoner, and if after awhile you feel the pressure is too great to muster, you’d still be granted access to the inner palace. Just as long as you don’t break any serious rules, you’ll always be welcomed of course.”

The expression Trixie now had could best be described as somewhat questionable. Even Celestia had some difficulty reading her body language. She just kept looking out at the horizon, where the moon rose slowly over the mountains, and back at the buildings below. Finally, she looked at Celestia, and sighed. She didn’t say a word, though. Instead, Trixie simply began backtracking towards the room.

Celestia’s eyes watched closely, concern washing over her. The farther and farther Trixie got, the more Her Highness wanted to lock up the way in, but she stood her ground, if only raising her hoof in Trixie’s direction. In the glass’s reflection, Trixie could plainly see Celestia’s disheartened condition, but that didn’t stop her from placing her hoof on the handle. At that point, Celestia’s head bowed in sheer dismay.

“Trixie will need her belongings.”

Hearing this, the alicorn blinked, looked up, and shook a little. “Oh… yes, absolutely. I’ll send my guards for them.” She couldn’t quite catch her breath, what with her new student’s robust antics catching her off guard. “I, umm… suppose I’ll show you to your room?”

Trixie looked back to tease, “Trixie got you. Don’t try and hide it!”

Their chortles became laughter, and in due time, Trixie was shown to her new room. Despite it only being a very short walk away, she didn’t have much energy left to look around. The darkness didn’t help either, but still, she was able to find her way to the bed. This time around, Trixie would sleep a lot more peacefully, and without much worry appointed to being a student of the princess herself. Unlike last night, these dreams were the same as ever, if not a bit more sensational.

Celestia closed the door for the mare, and left quickly thereafter only to come across Twilight in the library. She sat amongst the beginning shelves, perusing the elder knowledge like it were fiction. “Now that Trixie has accepted, I have a bit of explaining to do.”

Twilight didn’t look away from the many titles, but still spoke up so that Celestia would hear her. “I’m not being replaced, am I?”

There was another stern silence, much like the type Celestia and Trixie had just sat through a few minutes ago while out on the balcony. Just like last time, it was broken by the library doors shutting, but much more loudly. “I won’t say so, but it’s how you angle things. What of Sunset Shimmer? How is she doing?”

Twilight steered her line of sight towards Celestia, her tone shallow. “Don’t change the subject.” Celestia’s eyes widened. “What does she have to do with all of this?”


She breathed, glancing down, but returned to Celestia promptly. “I’m sorry… You have to remember, I was your student for a long time. It was so hard to keep these emotions bottled up while right in front of Trixie. I wanted the best for her, but at the same time, I have to know… Have I been replaced?”

Celestia came closer, and held Twilight close to say, “No, you haven’t. I’d never replace you, but as for Sunset Shimmer… my much more erstwhile student…”

Twilight nodded, her cheeks rubbing against Celestia’s hoof. “Oh, so it’s her that’s being replaced. Not me? I guess that makes sense, now that I think about it...”

The embrace Celestia gave Twilight deepened. “That’s why I ask how she’s been doing as of late. It’s crucial to both me, and Trixie’s distant future training.”

Being released, but still holding onto one of the princess’s hooves, Twilight began, “She’s making a speedy recovery. In fact, if it wasn’t for her, the sirens would’ve been unstoppable. While there, I watched her derail an actual argument my Canterlot High friends were having. To be honest with you, I didn’t sense a single ounce of distaste for her, unlike last time around. It’s my honest opinion, Your Highness, that Sunset Shimmer has done a complete one-eighty.” She averted her eyes. “Well, almost.”

“Almost?” Celestia investigated.

“Well, I can’t be one hundred percent sure just yet, because… Well, look at what happened between Discord and Tirek! We don’t know how Sunset Shimmer would take action if offered such an opportunity. What if a dark influence was to come along and tempt her? How would things play out? Once again, to be completely honest with you, I fear she might not be able to resist for long.”

Celestia stayed quiet, but Twilight guessed she was thinking. Then, Princess Celestia gave her acknowledgement. “I’ll have to sleep on this, but I believe I already know of the perfect test for not only Trixie, but Sunset Shimmer as well. It’ll be Sunset’s final test from me, though. You’ve assisted me quite enough for today, Twilight. How about those ingredients?”

Naturally, Celestia followed through with helping Twilight out in return by magically conjuring up anything she needed, and doubled the package as well. Twilight was welcomed to stay in the palace for the night, but she’d be gone by early morning the very next day. As for Trixie, she slept contently for hours, and hours. It wouldn’t be until well into the near afternoon when she’d inescapably be awoken by a somewhat familiar face. Her training would begin tomorrow.

Six: Regally Tasked

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A long ways away, the sounds of lively crickets could be detected quite easily. Further off, a waterfall. The walk did him good, even though the darkness of the night was damp with shadows around every bush. Despite Druid Shield’s foreboding appearance, he still had a fear of the nightly hours. It wasn’t the darkness that provoked him so, but rather who and what might lurk behind it.

A drop of sweat lingered on his right temple, but still the stallion walked on. To be honest with himself, being all alone at this hour was a blessing so long as nopony emerged from the corners or shrubs. Compared to handling the passings and goings, enterings and needs of the many civilians found both inside and outside of the city’s walls, the silence was nothing short of golden to him. Less ponies tended to be on the outside, but when someone came to him while he’s on the job, it always seems to take him longer than if they were going. Plus, they always complained when they didn’t get their way.

The northern gate had always been Druid Shield’s personal responsibility ever since the former regulator was promoted, but now, things had changed. He, too, has received a promotion. Time changes all things, including the post of guards. A stallion can work in the same department for years, and in the blink of an eye, he’s switched to another, and back again in a day or two. This was most troubling. It required the most paperwork and reporting, but this time around, things were special.

Kicking a nearby rock, and seeing the familiar, pink and purple lights in the distance just beyond some tree stumps, Druid breathed. He was lost in deep thought. The task was simple enough. Retrieve Trixie’s belongings, and return by morning. There had been just one problem with these orders coming from the princess herself, though.

“Once you’re back at the palace safe and sound, go wake Trixie for me. Your promotion entails humble servitude to her, and a devotion to her well being. Guard her at all possible hours, and do try to enjoy the requests... or the orders she gives you.”

He huffed at those last words. “I’m to be mastered by her. All I really wanted was to see her perform, and that’s it. Now I’ll be seeing her everyday. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about this…”

Finally reaching the camping area, Druid raised his head more, his eyes fixed on Twilight’s well placed shield of magic. As he continued to trot in a roundabout manner, his horn glistened lightly with a darker than normal aura. The beam was fired right at Twilight’s enchantment, but stopped just before touching the surface. In an instant, the ray of black arts dispersed and divided into five other curving points. Each one bombarded the barricade aggressively for well over ten minutes or so.

Once the conjuration finally withered and the caravan had been unbarred, Druid’s magic returned to his horn. “Alicorn properties… Took most of my strength. Watch me be unable to even lift the cursed thing now.”

Just before getting started with the latches, he heard something coming from within. It sounded squeamish at first, like that of a baby’s cry for help from its mother, or perhaps something similar. Not saying a word, he investigated the opposite end with his horn once again dazzling with an unneeded intensity. Upon reaching the door, though, he came to his senses and ended the defensive pose, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t cautious all in the same.

With a shaky hoof, he cracked open the door, and shortly there after intruded within Trixie’s domain. This single act was already breaking a few unwritten rules, seeing as how it was basically the show mare’s personal living space regardless of how small it was. That crossed his mind by then, but it was too late. He was already beyond the entrance.

Beady black eyes shining in the dark stared up at him. Druid jolted, but calmed down after hearing the thing yipe at him. With the moonlight shining in, the pup leaped forward, into the light, and into the guard’s arms. His mouth hung agape at the cute, energetic yorkie, but soon, he smiled down at what he’d found.

“So, you’re Trixie’s pet then?”


“Haha! I thought so! Say… you wouldn’t mind assisting me in waking up your master, would you?” Again, Dingo replied with the same, cutely pitched bark. He seemed to be in agreement. “Excellent! Then what’s holding us back? Let’s get out of this neck of the woods.” Sitting him down on the bed, Druid reminded the young dog, “It’s a bumpy, long road to Canterlot from here. Be a good boy for me, and stay.”

Dingo became as still as a photograph after hearing that specific, last word. Were it not for his nostrils breathing in the air around him, and exhaling repetitively, Druid would’ve thought he had become a lifeless doll.

“Good boy…”

While walking out, closing the door and refocusing his attention on the front end again, he suited the restraints up and over his waist. For what it was worth, Dingo didn’t make a sound for the rest of the way there. So quiet was the world, that Druid actually forgot there was another living being technically traveling with him. Not to mention, judging by the dog’s apparent, sophisticated behavior, the guard was able to deduce by the halfway mark that this being was definitely smarter than normal yorkies.

“Wouldn’t be surprised if he could do a backflip…”

All the rest of the way back, things kept smooth and sound. Nopony dared bother Druid even if they had the chance, and even if they did, it wouldn’t be a very wise choice overall. If anything, Druid had enough mana built up by then to whisk him and his cargo the rest of the way there, but decided to walk if only to prolong his inevitable fate. How embarrassing it will be, to awaken Trixie only to inform her of his new task in life, and if it came to it, then death as well. “Surely she will find this amusing more so than I do.”

As the light from the window caught Trixie’s eyes, she returned them to their previously closed state. She then turned towards the darkness again, and fell back to sleep. Inside her own mind, she resumed the most recent and promising prospect of her imagination: the stage and the crowd.

“Tis’ an exhilarating trifle, Trixie assures you all! Changing the very fabric of keen sight is tricky, even nigh impossible one might say! But behold!”

Her horn typically flared, and whatever trick she performed miraculously dazzled even the most stubborn of ponies amongst the banter. They cheered, threw roses at her hooves, and then slowly disappeared. All that in just minute’s time. All that remained was Trixie, the stage she walked on, and a higher, railed seating structure, way up in the sky. It was the kind that traditionally gets reserved for the richer members of the audience, and someone still occupied it.

Trixie soon noticed this, and shouted out, “Trixie’s finished now! You may leave at anytime, you know!” No verbal recognition came from the white masked mare, but she did however nod slightly, or at least, Trixie figured that it must’ve been a nod. Still, she had to make sure she was heard. “So, are you going to stay up there all evening?”

There was a very loud clanking sound, and then, the thing started leveling itself to the ground in a slow pace. Once reaching the bottom, its golden rails opened sideways to let the mare out. This admirer of Trixie seemed familiar, too, but she just couldn’t place a hoof on who this was. “Marvelous performance as always.”

“Oh… well, thank you,” Trixie replied while this mysterious being came up on stage. “You seem awfully familiar to Trixie. What is your name, if Trixie may?”

“You know me…” With gracefulness, the mask was removed and tossed aside, revealing this visitor to be none other than Princess Luna. “Don’t change the focus, though. This is good; the stage, the pure, black background behind us… Tell me, what happens next in this dream?”

Trixie acted predictably surprised by Luna’s surprise entrance, but kept the ball rolling. “Err… next? That’s it… Trixie packs up, and the dream ends. This is a dream, right?”

Luna giggled, “Yes, it is a dream. Honestly, though, there’s nothing else in store for such an imaginative pony like yourself? You don’t see yourself getting discovered, or moving on from these small town shows?”

“Well,” Trixie replied, humoring the princess. “Actually, Trixie has had just one of those pop up recently, as she’s sure you’re aware of. It didn’t play out the way Trixie would’ve liked.”

Luna shook her head. “That’s not a dream, but a misunderstanding of reality itself. Nopony would ever go out of their way to see your fame dashed with press pictures and scandalous lies. The reason for my asking is, I’d like to at least see some ambition within your amazing mind, rather than so much self doubt. Like my sister once asked myself, why remain in the comfort zone?”

At that, Trixie scoffed, “What gives you the right to spy on Trixie’s dreams, or anyone else’s for that matter? It’s just now come to me, that this is basically an invasion of personal privacy!”

“Calm yourself,” Luna warned. “I use this power righteously. Not for personal folly, but merely as a wayfinder. It’s for the best, for you, and everyone else that I come across who might benefit from my possible intervention. Let’s just say, there’s been times where I’ve conceded, and bothered the dreamer no more. Bad things happen, and they almost always could’ve been prevented had I been there to help.”

Trixie backed down, but not to where she seemed feeble. Instead of bowing her head yet again, or saying sorry, she maintained her posture, and simply voiced, “Just don’t tell anyone what’s on Trixie’s mind, especially Celestia, and she supposes she’s alright with this.” While turning, she sighed. “She’ll see what sort of new themes her dreams can create, but there’s nothing for now, so good morning. The Great and Well-rested Trixie shall see you when the sun sets again.”

Distancing herself more and more, Trixie’s vision transitioned from the stage to Luna’s recognizable, mental embrace, and finally, to the curious room she originally began sleeping in. Her body wheeled round and round, trying in vain to escape her oh, so relaxing sleep, but she just couldn’t do it. Not without a little help.

“Go on boy, wake her up!” Trixie suddenly noticed a flop of sorts at the end of the bed, to the left a little. “Go on!”

Obedient as ever, Dingo carried out his orders without delay. The second Trixie began wondering who could possibly be in her caravan of all places, a tongue slick with canine drool lapped her muzzle, shocking her clean out of her luxurious slumber. “Agh! Stop it, you bad boy you!” She smiled, and laughed at Dingo's act of assistance, but soon stopped only to start raising herself up from the sheets that swaddled her whole body. “What… is this place?”

Bigger and much more preferable, the new room she’d been assigned to had nearly everything she could ever want. A make-up table fresh with decorative eyelash extensions, blush, mane care products and much, much more sat on the right side of the room. Next to that was her very own balcony. It resembled Celestia’s greatly, and if that wasn’t enough, to the opposite, she even had her own bathroom. With the door wide open, next to the entrance found at the far wall, all that was left to mention at this time was her grandest of beds.

Of course, there was one last addition to the setting that Trixie noticed, and that was Druid Shield himself. He approached the right side of her bed, and patted Dingo gently while saying, “Must’ve been a nightmare.”

“Who… are you? No, wait! Don’t tell Trixie. She can figure this out on her own.”


She pointed immediately after, exclaiming, “Druid! That’s your first name, and your last name waaas… Shield, right?”

“Yes,” he confirmed boldly. Then, looking straight ahead, he announced, “I have been posted to you, fair Trixie. Princess Celestia requires that I become your servant of protection and service. If there’s…” He gulps. “If there’s anything at all… that you might need, all you need to do is say the word, and I shall uphold my sacred oath, and follow through.”

Trixie stared at him for a moment longer, and then asked in an unsure fashion, “Come again?”

Seven: An Unintentional Surprise

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Repeating himself again, Druid Shield explained to Trixie, “It’s simple. Twilight had a posted stallion as well when she was learning under Celestia’s wing here in Canterlot. Princess Luna and Celestia have one, too. Now, you get to have one. It’s a security precaution to have a guard stationed in the quarters of the most important ponies, at practically all times. Does that make sense?”

Trixie nodded. “Okay…”

“I’ll basically be, as they say, your shield and sword, as well your… personal servant.” He took a deep breath, and resumed, “Anything you need that’s within reason, I’ll do for you. This is the task I’ve currently been assigned to do.”

“But,” Trixie protested. “But what about the gates? Who’s going to allow civilians entrance, and all that important stuff?”

“Yes, my old post is being taken over as we speak. Last night was my final standing, and then Celestia sent me to get your caravan. It’s down in the chariot houses, below ground level. I believe Celestia plans to use it as one of your performance and testing stages, too. Probably the one right outside the palace itself.”

Trixie’s hoof rose to pet her puppy that sat comfortably in her lap, but then sat him down on the sheets while standing. “Alright… Give Trixie a good list of what you’ll do. Details and all!”

He huffed while his cat-like pupils looking directly up at the ceiling, not wanting to say the next line. “I suggest you feel me out. Tell me what you want, and see what I won’t do, that is.”

“Ah, Trixie was about to say… Umm, well…” She looked at her bed, and then got an idea for her first command. “Well, you disturbed Trixie’s sleep, and now look at her! She’s in the nude!” her hoof placed itself on her torso while a sarcastic roll of the eyes occurred. “Seems only fitting you remove your armor to compensate for this outrageous violation of privacy!”

He gasped at this, backing away, vertical slits for his eyes widening. “Wh-what? Trixie, absolutely not! This gear protects me from all sorts of attacks and harmful… err, stuff and things! A-and, besides, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Honestly, I’d never think of such a thing!”

“Take off the armor,” Trixie chimed. “Helmet and hoof shoes, and all!”

He breathed as if trying to find the right combination of words, but after hesitating, he sighed in defeat. One pauldron came off with a bit of difficulty, and then another, followed by the untying of loose string. With the shoes that once reached all the way to his knees being slipped off reluctantly, the stallion now stood before the giggling mare unarmored and thoroughly embarrassed.

“There... C-can I put all this back on now?”

Trixie didn’t answer, but instead, began rounding him much like Luna had done at the entrance downstairs. “If you’re going to be Trixie’s loyal guard, Trixie shall need to see you in full. For the rest of the day, by the way, she wants you to stay like this as punishment for such insubordination. You may stay in this room if you so desire, but when I come back from my teachings with the princess, Trixie expects you to still be unclothed for her.”

“Hrmmm…” He blushed that much more while the eyes of this mare focused in on his entire frame.

He watched as she observed his cutie mark specifically, something not everypony gets to see of him. A half moon, curving along the edges of his flank followed by a star in front. The rays touched the white tips, telling her that the star for some reason wasn’t behind Luna’s crescent orb. “Explain this… I thought you were Celestia’s guard.”

“No…” His head began to bow at the inevitable.

“Then, you belong to Luna?”

Druid turned his head, his fluffy ears lowering. “Technically yes, but the orders came from Celestia. Luna made the recommendations, and then told me to see her sister. Afterwards, I was sent to retrieve your belongings, and to serve you as well.”

Trixie returned to him, looking deeper into his eyes. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen this before, but they resembled that of a wild snake. She gasped at this, backing up. “S-show Trixie your teeth this instant!”

He became that much more agitated, but obliged. The first thing Trixie saw was so stunning, it struck fear into her very heart. Fangs as white as dense snow and sharper than beast claws protruded beyond the normal sets most ponies had, but they were hastily put away while his muzzle scrunched up. “You’re… scared of me. I just knew you would be, which is why I wished not to remove my armor. Sure enough, one thing lead to another, and thus, here we are.”

“You’re… a batpony?!”

Trixie’s mouth hung ajar while she came closer, taking in more of his features. “Yes, I’m… a terror of the night, and surely, you wish to now have me replaced for another, more normal pony. So long as I hide these fangs, and the ears, nopony could tell, but now you know…” He motioned for his armor, and voiced, “I’ll let Celestia know to have me replaced at once, I suppose.”

“That’s so cool!”

He looked up, a puzzled look crossing his face. “What?”

“You! Your fangs, the ears… Trixie’s only heard of your kind in fairy tales! Never has she ever thought it’d be real! How do you eat? No! What do you eat? You don’t gobble ponies, like the stories say, do you?”

“Wait…” He adjusted himself more appropriately, his eyes blinking. “First, I suppose… I mainly eat fruit, but Trixie… You’re… not scared of me?”

“Oh, petrified!” Trixie admitted. “Although, also bedazzled! Taken aback, even! Surprised, even… a feat you should be proud of. Only one other pony has ever fooled Trixie so! That’s Twilight Sparkle, but this. Mmmh, such a stunning turn of events, and here Trixie was thinking you were nothing more but just a regular unicorn, like herself. Although, where’s your wings? Don’t you have wings? Big, gnarly bat wings?!”

He glanced at his back, and then back at her. “Well, not all batponies are born with wings. Never has there been a winged unicorn batpony. We come in three varieties much like normal ponies do, which are earth bats; the most common are pegasus, and then unicorns like myself. So on and so forth, but we keep to ourselves due to the fear we unintentionally strike into normal ponies. Luna was so kind, too, to give us something meaningful to do.”

“Yes, yes,” Trixie hoofed. “I can assume the rest of the story, but this is simply astounding! Look at you! A real, live batpony! Then, the rumors of Nightmare Moon… That is, Princess Luna… her arriving to Ponyville via carriage, and the fliers being batponies themselves… They’re true?”

Druid Shield nodded, smirking at last, flattered by her reaction. “Yes, they were.”

“How. Cool. Is. That. I ask you!”

He chuckled, “Pretty cool, I guess… Oh! Celestia! S-she’ll be wondering where you are! The training?”

Trixie even jumped at this. “Oh, you’re right! Err, Trixie was only joking, then. As a reward for simply and utterly amazing Trixie this morning, you may make yourself decent by refitting yourself, but never again are you authorized to wake me in the flesh. Simply knock on the door, and she’ll be awaken guaranteed! I’ve never been one to sleep through somepony doing just that. Or, if you must, get Dingo to get me up. Just… never do it where you might be able to see the great and powerful Trixie naked. Understood?”

He raised an unentertained eyebrow at this. “We’re… always naked, Trixie.”

“Wrong,” Trixie began correcting him. “Trixie is never, ever presentable until Trixie has her cape and hat. One or the other, a-and her mane done, too. Make-up as well. Why, right now, even. Trixie feels somewhat humiliated by you seeing her like this! Bedhead is so unattractive! Get out!”

He was starting to instinctively follow her instructions, but just before exiting the room entirely, Druid asked, “Why does it matter? I’ll be seeing you everyday from now on. Meaning every once in awhile, I’ll end up seeing you worked by Celestia, or tired, or in some form of exhaustion. Makes little sense to-”

Trixie cut him off then and there. “Not if Trixie can help it! Now, out please! Trixie has much to do, and you’re slowing her down!”

Without her even listening to what he had to say, how was Druid to make her understand? So, with very little choice, he left her in privacy to do all those feminine things she would insist on doing every morning from here on out. While waiting for her to finish up, and re-equipping the armor he was wearing earlier, the batpony wondered, “It’s going to be like this every day, isn’t it? Her being so, unbelievably stubborn and demanding?”

The wait seemed like an hour; maybe longer considering how he’d began to fall asleep, but nevertheless, he’d show his new master to her destination without so much as a fuss. Even though the whole way there Trixie would complain about how hungry she’d gotten from the long walk, he had his orders from Celestia herself. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be the one to receive the backlash of Trixie’s tedious first day of training.

Eight: First Day

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Finally dozing off, Druid’s head drifted that much lower, only to give off a soft snore that gradually became louder, and then it ended abruptly. Though he stood straight, shoulders firm and armor snug, his head was down and mind wandering off to dreamland... which is when the door opened, causing him to jump. “Eeek! Err, yes, Your Highness! On the job…” He soon saw it was Trixie staring at him, and a lump started forming in his throat. “Oh…”

“Thought Trixie was Princess Celestia, didn’t you? And… was that a skreech?”

He looked away, blushing. “N-no! Actually, more accurately, I thought you might’ve been Princess Luna. Err, anyways, ready to go?”

“But, was that a bat skreech?”

He blushed even more. “Yes… Please, don’t tell anypony.”

Her hoof rubbed her chin while she pondered his previous words. “Hmmm… Call me ‘Your Highness’ again, by the way.”

He gulped, knowing he’d just set himself up for even more demanding orders sure to be ridiculous and humiliating. “Yes… Your Highness.”

Trixie smiled cutely, about the only redeeming quality this situation had to offer. “Trixie likes that! Very well then. From now on, you are to address Trixie as such.”

He grumbled, “Yes, Your… Highness… Even though you’re not a princess...”

“Great!” She walked ahead, but stopped before leaving his presence. “Trixie has no idea where she’s going.”

“Oh, right. Sorry about that.”

As they got to walking together, Trixie asked, “Just how tired are you?”

“Very,” was the only reply he wanted to give, but after a moment of silence, he resumed. “I’m sure you’re aware that I was working all day yesterday. Got about two hours worth of sleep before being specially summoned by Luna. She then brought me to Celestia, and thus, here I am.”

Trixie spoke up. “You haven’t gotten any sleep at all, then! How are you supposed to protect Trixie, let alone serve her if you’re not even fully awake? The moment Trixie sees Princess Celestia wherever she may be is the moment Trixie wants you to go straight to bed! That’s an order.”

He smiled at her concern for his well being as they took a right, Trixie walking to the left of him rather closely. “I appreciate it, Trixie… I mean, Your Highness. Gotta get used to that.”

Trixie laughed, and then admitted, “Trixie was only joking, you know. Calling Trixie great and powerful, or just Trixie is fine. She prefers to be called great and powerful, though.”

The hall they had entered wasn’t that long, but much narrower than the one they’d left behind. They would only need to walk a few more steps, and already, they’d reach an opening that expanded into what must’ve been one of Canterlot’s signature ballrooms Trixie had heard so much about. There were several of them spread around the entire complex to meet the demands of so many Grand Galloping Gala guests, but this one probably wasn’t going to be put to use this year. Trixie deduced this from the lack of decorations, how hardly anypony could be seen within save for Celestia, and the only thing that could be found in here was Trixie’s very own caravan.

She looked to Druid with curiosity in her eyes. “Trixie thought you said you left her caravan someplace else. This certainly isn’t where you ponies keep your chariots, is it?”

He shrugged. “That’s where I left it, yeah. I guess Princess Celestia wants to use it for your first day with her. I’m sure she has her reasons.”

Trixie stepped forth, catching Celestia’s immediate attention, but before the alicorn could invite her over, Trixie spun around to address Druid face to face. Staring into his tired eyes, she asked him, “Oh, Trixie looks okay, right? I mean… I don’t look too well done, or underdone for that matter, do I?”

Druid smiled kindly, and teased, “Who’s this ‘I’ you speak of?”

“Doh, Trixie means-”

“You look fine, Trixie,” he interrupted. “Really, you shouldn’t worry about that sort of thing. Now, go on. Celestia’s waiting.”

She huffed before turning around again, and walked off. Just as Druid was about to make his way to the door, Celestia called over to him, “I need to see you, guardian.” He looked back, a little annoyed by this. “It’ll only be for a second, and then you may rest.”

He came trotting up behind Trixie, and waited for her highness to speak. As for the performer, she didn’t feel quite as comfortable with keeping him awake much longer. “Actually, Celestia… Princess Celestia, Trixie supposes... Trixie would like it if Druid Shield went to bed immediately.”

“And he will, but chances are, there will be some books I’ll need him to retrieve first. You don’t mind, do you, Druid?”

He bowed in respect, and before Trixie could object, he told her forwardly after standing, “It’s quite alright. I saw this coming.”

“But, Princess, couldn’t you have somepony else to do that for you?”

Celestia looked off to the stage where four multicolored balloons the size of a filly sat motionless, and said, “I suppose I could… Very well, since you care so much... Druid? Please tell the stallion just outside to come in and see me.”

He nodded gratefully, and headed out while thanking Trixie for her bold behavior. During the time in which Trixie and Celestia discussed what they’d be doing, the other guard came in. “I wanted to start at ground zero,” Celestia said, her eyes looking over at the curtains behind the stage. “I brought your stage here rather than keeping it cooped up in the carriage house because I felt it might put you at ease if you used it, but when I looked more closely at the curtain…”

Trixie finished for her, “You saw the smoke machines. Yes, Trixie’s always had difficulty with that troublesome spell. She never can get that one quite right; making smoke without the need for machinery.”

“Precisely. I have a book in mind that might help you. The spell itself can be found on the very last pages.”

“Oh,” Trixie began, her ears perking up. “Trixie believes she knows which book you speak of! Twilight allowed her to borrow it, and she’s mastered all the spells except that one fog spell found at the end.”

Celestia smiled at this. “That was nice of her. May I see it?”

Trixie nodded, and started up the stage. While she was gone, Celestia spoke with her guard, writing down a few selections that Trixie would need. Once she returned, however, the stallion would be gone. “Here it is!” she exclaimed, holding it forth with her magic.

Celestia took hold, and felt the cover. “Seeing as how you already possess a copy, I’ve arranged to equip your room with a bookcase. It won’t be that big, as reading isn’t entirely your cup of tea, right?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Celestia continued while placing the book aside, “Then the top shelf will simply contain books with particularly helpful hints on fog forging. You won’t need to read them all page by page, so instead, I’ll provide a helpful list of key points you’ll want to visit later on this evening. For now, let’s move on to today’s activity. See these balloons?”

Trixie turned around on the stage, focusing in on the red, blue, green and yellow orbs. “Yes?”

“Can you guess what’s inside of them?”

Trixie mumbled something to herself, and then looked away, back at Celestia. “Helium?”

This made Celestia giggle, but only a little. “Although it’s a good guess, they’d be stuck on the ceiling by now, wouldn’t they?”

Trixie smiled. “Well, what’s inside then?”

Celestia simply said, “Confetti. And some streamers, too.”

“Oh… Oh, Trixie thinks she’s used this trick before! We’re going to pop them, and the innards are going to go flying all over, right?”

Celestia took the red one, and held it high. Once it burst with a loud echo, it was just as Trixie had said. The confetti went whisking everywhere, loftily drifting to the stage and ballroom floor. “Tada,” she added. “Although, what more could be done with this?”

Trixie looked down at what lay in front of her hooves, an eyebrow raised. “Trixie isn’t sure.”

“Well,” Celestia explained, “the lightness of the confetti and streamers makes it easy to control and manipulate with magic. I learned this from a stage performer much like yourself, but he only focused on this particular stunt, and was quite good at it. For now, all I’d like to see is you playing with the small bits and pieces that drift in the air. This’ll help me determine which parts of those books I was talking about earlier to focus on.”

With Trixie holding up one of the spheres, she asked for reassurance, “Just... play around, right? That’s it?”

Celestia suppressed a giggle and nodded while watching the thing rise higher and higher. It burst after a moment of waiting, and then the confetti that was once held within stopped falling so slowly, and instead became one long, flowing line of colorful fragments. It circled itself, dancing above the two, the whole while Trixie’s aura remaining dull and almost invisible. At that, Celestia brought forth a quill, as well a scroll.

Almost not wanting to stop her amusement, Trixie ended the show, fresh ideas blossoming in her head. “Wasn’t that something to behold?”

“Quite!” Celestia agreed. “Though, there’s more to be done with the confetti rather than strategically swirling it around in circles. Watch me, and then we’ll see where you go from there with that final balloon…”

Again, one of the orbs rose high, popped with the same startling noise, but this time, the confetti kept ascending. They eventually came together to create a magnificent rendition of the sun peaking over white clouds. Celestia had used the colors themselves to paint a three dimensional picture for Trixie using nothing but ordinary party favors, and the inspired look on Trixie’s face told Celestia she was going to thoroughly enjoy working with this trick later on.

Once her demonstration had ended, Trixie felt eager to give this proposal a go. Without wasting any words, she just picked up the last remaining balloon and got to work, her imagination coursing with ideas. There was just one image that stuck out the most, and she concentrated on that above the rest. Up, and up, and up Trixie's balloon went, until finally, it shook before bursting with intensity.

The green began forming the cheeks, and the purple created what looked to Celestia like a slithery tongue. Finally, all the orange, pink and red portions entered the head through the back, something Celestia hadn’t exactly seen. With those raging, golden eyes staring menacingly down at her, Celestia gasped with a most entertained smile, and watched the bodiless komodo dragon take shape as time progressed.

Its detailing was much, much better than she anticipated, and even surpassed all other confetti performances she’d seen before. Its cheeks rose while it smirked deviously down at her, and then, its mouth opened, spitting fire as it seemingly hissed. Celestia even had to raise a hoof defensively, even though she knew there was truly nothing to fear, but when it finally lunged forth at her, she couldn’t help but scream in delight. After that experience, she then laughed while covered in chunks of the material they’d been practicing with.

Trixie stepped to the edge, a worried grin plainly visible. “H-how’d Trixie do?”

Celestia breathed, looking up to her student with joyous eyes. Before speaking, though, she naturally brushed herself off. “That was wonderful, Trixie! I don’t think I could’ve done better myself, especially on my first try. You completed your first day’s training with flying colors; literally!”

“Oh,” Trixie blushed. “T-thank you, Your Highness.”

Upon coming down from the stage, the unicorn paid attention to her next assignment. “That's pretty much it for today. You may return to your chambers if you so desire. Take this with you.” She gave Trixie the notes she’d written down on a scroll along with a general map of the palace. “Surely you’ll get hungry while Druid sleeps. This will direct you to one of many kitchens found within the palace, and to the exit just in case you decide to get some fresh air. Be sure to work on the smoke spell in your free time, and meet me back here tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Trixie began to walk away, but was stopped by her teacher saying, “Trixie? Good work today. I’m proud of you.”

The student smiled even more, and departed from the scene shortly after. As for Celestia, she had the leftover mess to clean up, but it wouldn’t take her long at all. She could’ve had one of the guards do it for her, but took it upon herself to do so. It was her mess, after all. Afterwards, she’d be able to get to work with her daily tasks and the like, but not before having the caravan moved to the front entrance where Trixie’s first tests would take place.

Later that afternoon, she’d also come to find out about a certain visitor that had come earlier than expected, and Celestia would speculate whether Trixie would enjoy being part of the Gala as well. If so, she’d need a dress made special, too, wouldn’t she?

Nine: First Assignment

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With the door shut and locked, an empty plate sat on Trixie’s bed where a wide assortment of fruits and other yummy foods had almost been finished off. A stack of books rested in the middle of the room. Trixie trotted up to the pieces of literature, her mane a mess, curling every which way and eventually leading down to her shoulders. Not before looking immensely frizzy, though. Had anypony saw her in this condition that day, she’d have likely died from embarrassment. No make-up on, mane undone, and the whole time, she just kept huffing from her hard work done thus far.

With a hoof, she laid down the scroll Princess Celestia had given her atop the stacking hardcovers, and skimmed the notes a few times, checking off what she’d already looked over and what still required her attention. “Book three, page one eighty seven,” she said with worry in her voice. “Says here Trixie will find a brief summary on the layering tactics of how to create common fog.” Her hoof squeezed the middle of her eyes. “This is tedious!”

With her horn glistening again, the book was brought forth, and her eyes quickly returned to the scroll. While her hoof laid on it to keep the loose fabric still, she began to bite her bottom lip, her head hurting somewhat.

Book three was placed down on the bed, and it soon opened to the corrective page only for her to walk up and move a lock of her undone hair out of her eyes. She looked down upon the instructions more closely.

“Fog is often created only for it to dissolve,” she ready aloud. “But did you know that you can conserve more mana by forming a top layer first? You don’t need to sustain what is already created. It often enough sustains itself after a portion is made. So once the first layer is crafted, just let it loft, and make the next layer, and then the next, and so on… But, I’ve found that doing this still requires too much magic for Trixie to do it discretely!”

She looked at the sleek floor where dampness had fallen from the atmosphere around her, and huffed, but Trixie wasn’t about to allow all she’d worked on go to waste. “One last try at it, but after that, if Trixie can’t keep it going, she’ll have to tell Princess Celestia that she… That she…”

Her eyes shut tightly, her head shaking in defiance to the mere notion. She wouldn’t even finish her sentence, and instead, got right back to work, determination in her eyes now rather than worry. Like the last few tries, her horn glowed its bright, pink aura, and the spacing around her was filled with her soft magic. “T-too noticeable! Lower…”

With focus, the light dimmed, eventually forming a slight mist. Already, a bead of sweat was forming along the ridges of her cheeks and forehead. It didn’t matter, though, because the crowd would definitely see this, but still, she had to complete the spell. One blob of evaporated water emerged after another, out of seemingly nothing, formed by Trixie’s efforts. After another second, she’d let go of that layer, and then the next was made just to float downwards along with the one underneath it.

“T-Trixie’s doing it! Haha… she’s doing it, finally!”

Her concentrated frown soon changed into a satisfied looking smile, and her eyes glanced all around the imaginary stage. She could see all the ponies there beaming her way, cheering her on, and in the very back would be Celestia looking down from up above, happy that her student had passed. Though, then, it stopped. She was in her room again, alone, facing the wall that stood firm just a few feet away from her. She began panting from the ordeal while the smoke slowly fell to the floor and dissipated.

With sadness in her voice now, she reminded herself, “Nopony would be impressed by a basic fog spell, though. It’s… only an effect for the show. I can’t even keep it up for five minutes without keeling over from exhaustion! I need to...” She glanced back up to the mirror, and saw herself finally. “Trixie!” She gasped. “She needs to freshen herself up!”

At those words, she ran across the dampened floor, and could see herself in the reflection of the white tiles below. Though she felt pained to feel as if all her studying time that day had resulted in very little progress, if anything, Trixie wasn’t about to wake Druid Shield from his slumber looking like this, tired and mane a miserable mess.

It took her mere minutes to finish her preparations, and was ready to head out. “Where’s my coat? And where’s my hat?!” She asked this while leaving the bathroom, steam trailing behind her. She trotted up to the stack of books, and soon after snatching the scroll, she grabbed her coat and hat as well. They were found behind the bed. “Huh, Trixie only had to shout once this time around… The spacing is definitely an improvement!”

With that, she was out the door. Outside, she greeted Druid while he yawned. “Morning, sleepy head. Ready to go?”

“Yeah,” Druid said, his hoof scratching his neck. “Although, I’ve got instructions from Celestia.”

“What kind of instructions would be more important than my need for food? Hmm???”

He held his hoof where it was, pressed up against his chin, and gave her this look. “Food?”

“Yes! Food. Trixie requires you to take her to the kitchen first!” He blinked once with a pause. “... Please?”

“Okay,” Druid shrugged. He then turned around to face the hall. “Follow me.” Trixie trotted forth eagerly, sometimes passing him by at particular corners, her stomach noticeably growling every step of the way. “Have you eaten much?”

Trixie answered, “Some fruit, but that’s about it, and that was… was it five, or six hours ago…? Trixie forgets.” She said the last part while smiling. The expression soon became one of curiosity, because at that moment while she trotted by a window, she could see Celestia down blow, under a gazebo. Next to her stood Rarity, plainly noticeable thanks to her beautiful, curling mane.

Druid kept walking, and then came to a door at the end of the corridor. “Right this way,” he said to get Trixie’s attention. For the most part, it seemed Celestia was seeing Rarity off, so Trixie didn’t worry about it too much.

Trixie could now be found before a table waiting with closed eyes, and her nose sniffing the air, trying to catch a whiff of what she had ordered. She tapped her hoof on the ground, her belly rumbling, and her muzzle scrunched in annoyance. “He said it’d only take a second…”

The area around her was one of many dining halls, a rectangular room used by guards and the like to dine, or take breaks, but for the moment, it was vacant save for Trixie sitting at the far end. Above the middle of the elegant furnishing hung a broad, and dangerously dangling chandelier. It stayed still, but just from looking up often forced just about anypony into dizziness. To the left of Trixie was the door to the kitchen. A few rattling noises could be heard beyond the wall, but no smells left its creases for Trixie to sample.

Just when she was close to bursting from impatience, the doors opened up finally, and out came a chubby, red coated, white highlighted stallion with a matching engineer’s hat. Patterns of red and white decorated his chef’s uniform, including the random headpiece. With him, he brought a plate filled with a wide assortment of various food. Things like chopped carrots, a side of grains, some hay with flower petals sprinkled in here and there, and some sugar cubes for dessert. As he set it down before Trixie, he said with an italian accent, “Just as ordered, signora, and sorry for being so late. Mille scuse.”

Trixie didn’t hear a word, not that she’d have understood some of it. She just began eating. In between bites, she mumbled, “Thish is good!”

“Grazie! Twilight liked that particular selection as well!”

Trixie stopped a bit from entering her mouth. The fork floated there with her magic holding onto it, a carrot disk stuck in its prongs. “Twilight… Sparkle?”


Trixie looked away, shook her head, and said, “Right, she probably ate here, too.”

“Sat in the same spot, Sì! Oh, mio Dio!”

Even despite Druid Shield coming up to her at this point, all Trixie could do was resume eating, if only appearing a bit distanced. “Enjoying the meal?”


“Good. Mind if I share with you what Celestia wanted of you now that I have your attention? She told me that when I could, she’d like me to escort you to the ballroom. Turns out you won’t be performing in front of anypony tomorrow after all. That’s all I’ll say, though.”

Trixie looked up, hay sticking out of the left side of her lips. She slurped the hay in quickly, gulped, and then breathed before saying, “I’m done! Take me to the ballroom.”

“You… only finished half of-”

“Debating with Trixie, are we?” Trixie said quickly. “If Trixie might share some advice. When she makes up her mind, that’s it! Trixie wants to hurry along to Princess Celestia.”

She nearly leaped out of the chair, the chef standing idly by with a puzzled expression. “Was it something I said…?”

Meanwhile, in the halls, although Druid Shield was supposed to be leading the way, Trixie walked in front, her strut fuming with attitude. “Something the matter?” Druid Shield asked.

Trixie slowed. She was now next to her guard, and said while staring forward, “Twilight and I have a checkered past. At first, she irritated me, and with time, infuriated me, but now, it’s changed. It’s just… strange.”

Druid watched Trixie’s movements closely. She looked away while he asked, “Why’s that?”

“I feel as if…” Trixie began before stopping at a four way fork. “I feel as though she’s not really forgiven me. There’s lots of details you don’t know about, but I just felt weird sitting in that chair, eating that food.”

Druid merely nodded before looking straight ahead at the entrance to their current destination. “Here we are.”

That’s when from behind Trixie and Druid Shield came a shadowy figure. What surprised Trixie the most about this being, though, was when coming to the front, she turned out to be a bat pony. Thanks to Druid’s keen sense of hearing, he quickly gasped well before Trixie’s realization of any such presence, and had already asked curiously, “Moon Dancer? Is that you?”

“Hey you two!” she hollered from behind. As soon as this mysterious mare entered Trixie’s line of sight, Trixie could already feel fear wash over her. She’d seen a bat pony's ears, and their teeth before, but never had Trixie seen more broad wings from such a mature looking, full blooded bat pony. Moon Dancer had purple hair, and a smoky coat, and with her flying by while nearly bumping into Trixie, she also heeded her little mind in comparison to Druid Shield.

Faster than she’d arrived, Moon Dancer had already kissed Druid Shield, and at first, he seemed somewhat shy about it. He quickly closed his eyes, though before doing so, he made eye contact with Trixie. All the performer could do was watch her servant coldly, a bit of disappointment washing over her. He hadn’t told her he wasn’t single, after all. Once their embrace was over, Moon Dancer’s attention was brought to Trixie. “So, who’s this?” she said sweetly.

“Oh, pardon.” He motioned to the mare he serviced. “This is Trixie.”

Now, normally, Trixie is the first to introduce herself. However, in this particular instance, she merely stood there, a look of disbelief on her face. One could even call it a scoul. She just kept looking back at Druid, almost wanting to say something; why he would allow himself to become so clueless as to Trixie developing a possible crush on him. Is he so thick headed?

“Wow, your friend here’s a lot like you, all zoned out all the time.”

“Huh?” Trixie asked.

Rather than repeating herself, Moon Dancer behaved quite knowingly, and kept the conversation light. “He used to talk more, and be all into the job, but nowadays, he’s just all outta it! You notice?”

Trixie blinked. “I… thought that’s just how he was.”

“Nah,” Druid spoke up. “Actually, she’s right. I just haven’t been myself lately.”

At that, all Moon Dancer did was shake her head with a smirk. “Whatever, stud. Hey, Trixie? What’s your affiliation with Rudy anyway?”

Trixie looked to the floor, and then the ceiling, and then at Druid’s blushing cheeks. Finally, she said, “He was assigned to me as my… servant?”

Druid’s ears lowered. “For the most part, that’s correct.”

“So, I guess I won’t see you topside then, huh?” Moon Dancer ventured to ask her stallion.

“Not much, no… Sorry…”

He got one last kiss before his love started taking off. “Trixie, if you can?” Moon Dancer requested before leaving entirely.


She opened her mouth, trying to make her words decisive, but there just wasn’t any other way of putting what she wanted to say lightly. “Don’t… fall for him. He’s already taken.”

With that said, she floated off towards the ceiling, and out the far window she exited, probably the same one she used to get inside in the first place. After her disappearance, things fell far too silent for Trixie and Druid Shield. The two of them just stood there, in that corridor, close by, knowing what one another was thinking. Finally, Druid Shield broke the silence by stating, “I should’ve told you about Moon Dancer sooner.”

After that, he just walked forth where his Highness had instructed him to bring her student. Trixie followed slowly, and timidly behind, her heart sinking every step of the way. Furtively, she knew it hadn’t been long enough for her to have developed serious emotions for Druid Shield, so why did that incident move her so? With no more secrets, she asked, “When were you planning on telling me that you had a special somepony?”

He slowed his pace, looked around with his mouth open, and finally said before speeding up, “I wasn’t, but neither was I about to let you develop any kind of love for me.”

Trixie contemplated her next choice of words, but what ended up coming out was, “What if I’ve already developed emotions for you?”

His tone grew cold as he said, “Then I feel sorry for you.” Soon after reaching the door, he stopped, turned around and said, “Here we are, but if it’s alright with you, I’d like to return to the-”

“Be off with you.”

His eyes had been mostly looking downwards, but after hearing Trixie say that, and with such a dark attitude, too, he couldn’t help but to suddenly look up at her only to see his master looking the other way. She had anger in her eyes, the kind he was seeing for the first time. With little time delayed, he quickly rounded, and left Trixie there in the hall by herself. She wouldn’t even watch him leave, and didn’t enter till the echoes of his steps could be heard no more.

She entered quietly into what turned out to be a ballroom with a stage built against the glass. This room was different in comparison to the one from before. This was another, already well prepared ballroom ready for use. However, there was one object in particular that seemed to be a tad bit off. Everything else was maintained so well, and themed so nicely, that ss she saw the huge, golden tree, she wondered if that was even supposed to be up there. It grew on the stage, its roots creeping over the edges, and something about it told Trixie that something random was about to take place here.

At this time, Trixie heard from above, “There you are, my new student!”

Celestia came floating down, landing between her student and the massive, golden tree. “Celestia, what’s going on?”

Celestia had opened her lips to speak, but what sounded was a familiar voice, cold and nerve racking for Trixie. “It’s my thinking tree! And it’s got a special prize for you, Trixie… hence it’s bright colors.”

Out came Discord from the bushes, landing right next to Celestia. The princess merely smiled his way, not noticing the grimace upon Trixie’s face. “Trixie knows you!” the unicorn stated loudly, and at that, Celestia returned her attention to the shaky unicorn standing before her.

“Oops,” Discord played along, holding his paw up to his mouth. “Dear Celestia! I forgot to remind you, Celestia, that during my little run in with Tirek, I might’ve aided him in harvesting Trixie’s magic as well. Sorry about that!”

Celestia only breathed with calmly closed eyes while Trixie voiced openly, “You did nothing of the sort!”

“Huh?” Celestia said, her hoof closest to the student raising in surprise.

“Trixie was insulted greatly by this beast!”

“Psh, well, it was mostly Tirek who said your magical prowess wasn’t even worth his time.”

Celestia gasped at that, something Trixie didn’t like one bit. She grew cold after hearing this, and looked over to Trixie. “Is this true? Because if so…”

At that, Discord snapped his fingers after saying, “Of course it’s true! See for yourself!”

He’d summoned a dimensional portal to the past. It took its spot against the bark of Discord’s thinking tree, and through it, Trixie and her mentor certainly did make out the depiction of Discord, Tirek, and Trixie all clustered in the back of some hotel and bar. It was the very same bar Trixie had been occupying for quite some time, and just then, her show was being interrupted by the two brutes. Tirek lead the way, sucking pony after pony dry of everything they had, until finally, he reached the stage. He was at his penultimate status by now, his horns ripping the ceiling apart. He looked down at the mare, and said, “All that’s left now is this pony, the princesses, and a few select others… Hehe…”

“D-don’t you dare take Trixie’s magic,” Trixie said bravely.

Tirek chuckled at her, and growled, “Do a little song and dance for me, and I might allow you to leave in one piece! Don’t, and I’ll... Well… either way, I’ll get what’s mine.”

Trixie retaliated, and shot her electric magic at his chest. It did little good, and only tickled the giant. In time, Trixie stopped, scared of what might happen next. “Don’t you… t-touch Trixie!”

He bellowed, before preaching, “Do you wish to know the saddest part about this whole endeavor? I’m able to honestly say that you’re the weakest unicorn in all these lands!” At that, he turned, the roof caving in. “Come on, Discord. She’s not even worth my time. Let’s leave this pony with her performances.”

Discord gave Trixie a sneer from the entryway, and said, “By that attitude, she must be hot tonight! Haha!”

Back in the present, Trixie backed away from Discord and his golden tree. Celestia, however, was not about to allow this to stop Trixie’s progression. “Now, now, little one.” Her hoof raised, stopping Trixie where she stood without the need for physical contact. “This is Discord, and he’s reformed. I know it’s probably hard for you to accept that, but-”

“Come now Celestia,” Discord said. “What were we talking about moments ago?”

Her highness looked at him, thought for a second or two, and then said, “Constants and variables.”

“Very good, so in other words…” He walked up to Trixie, almost slithering his way into her personal space, and said, “You would do this one justice for me, wouldn’t you?”

“Justice?” Trixie asked curiously, her attention being completely diverted.

“Yes!” Discord exclaimed, “You see, I’ve been struck with unfortunates beyond my repair!” His claw flung upwards only for his palm to land on his forehead and rest there. “If only I knew of somepony who could stand up to what lies beyond the Cave of Hungers!”

“Cave of what?!”

“Yes, Trixie…” Discord came closer. “I’ve been watching you practice your magic, and so has Princess Celestia, and she agrees with me that you deserve a token. Something that will help to ‘push you forward’ so to say. It’s a medallion, embossed with the power to amplify one select spell of its bearer’s choice.”

Trixie’s mouth dropped. “What?”

“Oh, yes! However!” Discord pointed his finger to the ceiling. “If you take it upon yourself, and select the spell, then that spell shall forever be the only spell that the medallion amplifies!”

Celestia inserted herself into the action with, “It was hidden away because of the danger it possesses, which is why we will be magnetizing that gem of your’s worn with your coat so that it will always be with you. Guard it well.”

“What does it look like?” Trixie wondered.

“Whatever you want!” Discord answered. “It will take the form of your choosing. Simply think of a symbol, and it will morph instantaneously! However…”

“Yes,” Celestia said. “However… I saw to it that the medallion would never be stolen by the wrong hooves. It’s guarded well, but simply tell the beast that Princess Celestia sent you, and he will bow.”

Trixie stepped towards where Celestia stood to ask, “What is it?”

“It’s a surprise!” Discord stated with a silly attitude. “Now, will you be embarking on this mission to retrieve it for me and Princess Celestia, or won’t you?”

Trixie huffed, looked at Celestia who only smiled back, and nodded. “If it means Trixie can use it to amplify her fog spell… then she’d be happy to embark on this quest!”

“Not only that…” Celestia stepped up to the tree before resuming. “But, you’ll need not travel. This, as Discord puts it, is a one-way teleportation tree. It’s acting up just for you. The cave isn’t exactly reachable by hoof, train, but boat’s a different story I suppose… Still, you’d have to walk a pretty long ways after the ride just to… Well,” she giggled. “You understand. This is much faster.”

“Yes ma’am…” She walked forth. “I’ll leave immediately.”

“What?” Celestia asked, but she was soon reassured by Discord who laughed at Trixie’s bold behavior.

“Constants and variables, Celestia!” With no more time to spare, he opened up the gateway for the all too eager mare. “Constants and variables!”

Trixie hadn’t the faintest idea what that lunatic of a creature was rambling on about, but she didn’t very much care, either. For some reason, she just knew this trinket was something she needed, and she wasn’t going to get it by just standing around. “It’s just a cave after all,” she stated before being stopped by Celestia.

“One last piece of knowledge, Trixie…” Looking her in the eyes, Celestia mentioned, “You’ll be meeting an escort beyond this point who will have provisions. You may thank my sister, Princess Luna for offering the service to you. She’s already gone ahead to set up camp, so we’ve still got some time. Now, let me see here. Please, Hold still.”

Along came a paper ruler held by Celestia’s magic. Discord pulled one out of his ear as well, and then the two began randomly taking Trixie’s measurements. “Uh, excuse Trixie, but… hey! What gives?!”

“There we go!” In little time at all, Celestia had finished getting Trixie’s measurements, and then stated gingerly, “When you return, I’ll also have your Grand Galloping Gala dress readied special. You… are coming, aren’t you?”

Trixie blinked. “Ohhh… Uh, well, is Discord coming?” Celestia nodded with a sweet smile. Despite not liking him much based off what she’d seen of him, Trixie understood that first impressions were usually horrible instances for some reason. It’d be wrong not to give this stranger a second chance. “I… suppose so.”

Discord’s ears perked up, and a grin formed. “You mean… you wouldn’t mind my presence? Because as I’m sure you know, I can be quite disturbing! Just ask Celestia!”

The Princess giggled some more, and promised Trixie, “I’ll be keeping him on his best behavior. Now, shouldn’t you be on your way…?”

“Yes ma’am!” Trixie stated quite excitedly. Without any more time to spare, she simply jumped in, head first. It was right then and there that she thought back to earlier that very day. It was when she’d seen Celestia standing with Rarity underneath that gazebo. Perhaps Princess Celestia wasn’t seeing Rarity off after all, and was instead greeting her. She might’ve even been going over the arrangements for Trixie’s dress, but it was too late to ask her highness now. Besides, Trixie wasn’t interested in keeping her escort waiting any longer.

Ten: The Enemy In A Friendly Place

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Trixie pounced through the portal and landed on a dirt road. At first, she stood there, a tingling sensation tumbling down her spine. She knew it was from teleporting, so she kept still for a minute or two. She looked down the road to her left, but she saw nothing. So, Trixie then looked to the right, and noticed some sort of glimmering light not too far away from her position. Timidly, she began approaching the attraction. She was still curious as to who might be her escort, but by the looks of things, it would be a pleasant voyage.

Before the fire encompassed with rocks rested two sharp look sticks dug into the ground. Each beared a slowly warmed marshmallow, something that Trixie hadn’t had the chance to enjoy for ages. There were also chocolates and graham crackers sitting on the stump there as well. Finally, the single tent with a shadowy figure beyond it. Trixie unzipped the opening, her presence being a secret up until now, and caught her escort right in the middle of preparing the bedding.

“Trixie,” Moon Dancer gasped after looking around her shoulder.

“You’re Trixie’s escort?” Trixie questioned, and at that, they both just stood there looking at one another. Trixie wanted to say something more, but held her tongue and waiting for the bat pony to speak instead.

“Well… yeah! I guess so… Princess Luna told me I was gonna be somepony’s guide through the Cave of Hungers. Been there before, but not all the way through. Said there was something in there that belonged to Celestia’s new student. That’s why I was headed down to see Druid Shield back at the castle… So, then... that must be you, huh? You’re the new student?”

Trixie looked around, miffed at the hard work put into preparing this. “You… did all this for me?”

“Was hoping it would make for a good first impression, seeing as how I’m a bat pony and all…” Trixie looked her up and down, and observed her spooky cutie mark. It was a full moon hidden away by the passing clouds. She could see why a good first impression would be needed here. “Too bad it’s already ruined.”

Trixie returned her attention to Moon Dancer. “What do you mean?”

“Well, y’know, it was kinda hard not to read you like a book back there in the castle. You acted all shallow after I kissed Druid Shield, and-”

Trixie bursted out, “Trixie doesn’t like Druid Shield!” Dancer just stared, her mouth agape. “... At least, not anymore she doesn’t.”

Moon Dancer came closer. “Why’s that?”

“Because!” Trixie looked away. “He… Did you know, he didn’t even mention you when he and Trixie met? He swore to be Trixie’s guard, but not once did your name come up. Not once.”

Moon Dancer merely laughed. “So that made him single?”

“But, he was so friendly.”

Moon Dancer continued to smile, rolled her eyes, and said, “He just wanted to be a good guard... Look, you know why he’s been so distanced lately?”

“Why?” Trixie asked.

“It’s because he and I only see eachother once a month these days.”

Trixie gasped, “A month?”

“Yeah, I know,” Moon Dancer resumed. “Sometimes, it can feel like I don’t even still have a boyfriend. He must be feeling the same way. Ever since he was reassigned to gate duty outside the palace walls, he’s been like... that! More bored with the job, and just… distanced. You know?”

Trixie just nodded. “Which is why he didn’t mention you. He misses you too much.”

“Plus, he’s a little resentful at me as well, because I’m the one that suggested to the princesses that he tries out gate duty. I thought it would be better for him, and I was right, but at the same time… I don’t know, maybe it was a mistake after all.”

Trixie looked down, and understood the story now. “Say, you made this tent for Trixie, right? Where’re you going to sleep?”

Moon Dancer merely giggled, and said, “Outside of course! I’m a bat pony. I can hang from my tail on a tree branch, and sleep like a baby in a crib.”

Trixie huffed. “Cool! Doesn’t that hurt, though? Y’know… Your tail?”

“Nah!” Moon Dancer chortled. “I’ll show you when bedtime comes around, but first, you wanna help me with those s'mores?”

Trixie found herself leaving the tent quickly, but faster than the smell of marshmallows could enter her muzzle, she realized at that time that she’d made a friend with yet another bat pony. “Say,” Trixie began. “First, Druid Shield is assigned to me, and then you… why only bat ponies?”

Instead of agreeing, like Trixie had expected, Moon Dancer said quite frankly, “Pure coincidence. Then again, it could be destiny.”

“Destiny?” Trixie questioned. “What? Am I to become a bat pony by the end of my studies? Although, that wouldn’t be a bad performance…”

Dancer had finished preparing a s'more, and gave it over to Trixie graciously. “There’s an easy way, too. Although, it doesn’t quite turn you into a bat pony like myself. Makes you all aggressive, and you’d ultimately be bound to… something. It’s a spell Druid Shield once told me about.”

Trixie nodded. “Doubt that’d be fun. Trixie likes being more kind, and besides, she’d never be able to pull off such a feat of magic. Now, with the help of Druid Shield, however… But, alas, as we all know, Trixie shall not be requesting him of his assistance.”

“Still mad at him, huh?” Dancer asked as she finished half of her late night snack.


“Y’know,” Dancer said after giving a powerful gulp. “If it wasn’t for the fact that I still have a bit of feeling, I’d dump him.”

Trixie blinked. “Why?”

“Not so you can sweep him away, mind you. Because, I feel tired. All the guys up there, and the girls, too, know I’m still seeing Druid Shield. It’d be insane for me to simply break up with him and stay up there, in the high towers.”

Trixie looked down at the single bite taken from the s'more in her hooves. “I’ll think of how that could work out while I sleep on it.” She put her s’more on a napkin, and said while yawning, “Trixie’s beat.”

Before entering her tent, she heard the sharp sound of wings fluttering open, and the eerie creek of a branch bending downwards behind her. She turned around to find out what it was only to see Moon Dancer hanging from a tree branch with her tail, her wings coating the entirety of her body. It reminded Trixie of a cocoon. “That’s cool…”

As she turned again towards her sleeping quarters, a thought crossed her head. She was too tired to worry about it at the time, but next morning, she and Moon Dancer would have something interesting to talk about.

Eleven: Far away

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Trixie rolled and fought with her bedding all night, the nighttime noises bothering her every second of the evening. By the time morning came along, she finally raised her tired head, looked at the window’s curtain folds opening at the bottom to create a triangle ray of light and blinked. “Ooooh, what… time is it?”

She rubbed her tired eyes, and blinked some more while trying to shake off the sleepiness that still overwhelmed her, kept her connected with the mat. As she exited the tent hazily, she found her escort to be nowhere in sight.

“Umm, hello?”

Suddenly, Midnight Dancer came swinging down from a tree branch by her tail, wings open, and a yummy looking mango in her hooves. “Boo,” she said playfully before taking a juicy bite from the fruit.

Trixie seemed a bit startled, but not by much. "There you are. You scared Trixie!"

"Hehe, sorry. How're you feeling this morning?"

"Okay... Say, I have a question."


"How would you like to replace Druid Shield as Trixie's guard? That way, he can do what he wants, and you'll have reason to break up with him."

Moon Dancer nibbled on her meal. "Whatever you wanna do it fine by me. And, yeah, that way I'll know you're not seeing him."

"Good! Then the journey into the cave today shall be your test. Pass, and you're my new guard... Umm, Trixie is looking forward to starting her mission by the way,” Trixie said quite forwardly.

Moon Dancer merely nodded with closed eyes. After they opened back up, however, she asked, “No breakfast?”

Trixie shook her head. “No, we’ll eat when we get back to Canterlot. Let’s just get this over with.”

Moon Dancer released herself from the branch, used her wings to stabilize herself, and landed quite easily on three hooves. She still held the mango, too, and began walking by the campsite. While she went into the clearing, Trixie followed along only assuming this was the way to go. She hadn’t yet realized she was on top of the side of a mountain. However, as soon as she stumbled out from the bushes and into the middle of an empty, dirt road, no wooden side railing to help ponies stay away from the edge, she gasped. “Whoa!”

“Hey, relax,” Moon Dancer instructed while tossing the core of her mango away. “First off, do you know where we are?”

Trixie came closer and into the light. As she glanced from the rising sun to the village down below, and then to the forest next to it, she was tempted to guess this was ponyville. Though, Ponyville’s closest mountain is the one that Canterlot occupies, and this was not that mountain. No other cities or towns for miles, but other mountains far off could be seen, ones that rose dangerously high, and would take weeks just to reach by normal means of transportation. It was a valley of beauty, no doubt holding well hidden dangers, too. This hardly resembled the landscape of Equestria despite its riveting beauty. So, Trixie ventured to ask, “Where… are we?”

“Well, start off in the Crystal Empire. Head north for a ways until you start seeing snow. Cross over Yakyakistan, and keep going until you start seeing some green again, and here we are! This place even has its own coast, you know.”

“But, Trixie has only heard of snow in Yakyakistan.”

“But this isn’t Yakyakistan!” Moon Dancer continued to trot down the road while Trixie listened, observing up ahead while she did. “This is Kiyak, a hidden nook, not really taken by the entire yak civilization yet. It’s kinda its own little world right now. Did some research before agreeing to the mission. And here we are, the Cave of Hungers!”

Just around the bushes, Trixie began seeing signs of stalagmites and stalactites forming the opening of the cave, which the closer she got to it, the more and more it seemed like teeth, and a gaping mouth ready to swallow the two of them up. Though it wasn’t, it still resemble just that. A smooth clearing formed the walkway entrance, but one still couldn’t help but duck as they came wandering inside. Not that this place had been explored recently or anything, but that’s just what both Trixie and Moon Dancer did, was duck despite there being plenty of room.

“Okay,” Moon Dancer said. “Time for that cool little light trick you unicorns do!”

“Huh?” Trixie mumbled in the dark, “You mean, with Trixie’s magic?”

“What?” Moon Dancer whispered in a hushed tone. “Yes! With your magic!”

“Well,” Trixie said nervously. “Can’t.”

“What?! I don’t have any means of light on me! Thought you could do it!”

“Well,” Trixie said nervously. “Can’t.”

Moon Dancer sighed. “I’d be impressed. Never got to see that magic trick. I’d only heard and read about it, y’know.”

Trixie felt her hoof touch her lip in thought. She couldn’t very well see her hoof, but she felt it nevertheless. “Uh… Well, Trixie supposes she’ll try.”

Moon dancer watched Trixie’s horn glisten. Thanks to Trixie’s change in confidence, she began using her name in her sentences again, something Moon Dancer noticed. It was something that’s easy to pick up on, after all. Trixie tried as hard as she could at the time to get it going. But suddenly, she stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Moon Dancer asked.

“It’s just, I can’t seem to conjure up enough magic to create the light right now. Sad thing is, after it’s done and over with, it’s supposed to stay lit until I choose to extinguish it. Instead, it usually stays lit for a few seconds, and then burns out. What am I supposed to do?”

Moon Dancer smiled, something Trixie saw now that their eyes had adjusted to the darkness. “Well, I’m not sure I about this “I” fella, but aren’t you supposed to be the Great and Powerful Trixie? Celestia’s new student? This spell should be easy for you.”

At that, Trixie’s face scrunched up. “You’re... right!” Her horn that day shined brighter than ever before, illuminating and chasing away the darkness. A mystic light stayed at the tip of Trixie’s horn, sparkling with the mare’s pink aura. This was a new level of magic for Trixie, and she knew it. That’s why she began breathing deeply, and smiled before inhaling a good portion of air, and exhaling to try and calm her nerves. “T-thank you, Moon Dancer.”

“No problem. Now, let’s go get what we came here for.”

As they got on their way, the cave opened up into a wider spacing. Although the floor began to break, and some cracks on the ground in the backer parts of the cave were much higher than the others in the front, Trixie and Moon Dancer were able to chart their way through. For the most part, it’d been a typical cave. Damp, cold, and dark.

Then, they began seeing differences in color on the stalactites. Some were literally painted blue, red and yellow. Trixie marveled at the colors. Others were illuminated by candles, and the deeper they got, the more candles there were. The more they wandered to the furthest part of this mysterious den, the more the rocks were coated with such vivid colors.

Eventually, they began seeing all sorts of oddities, like multicolored flags hanging by strings that were tied around the stalactites. Small shrines with pony figurines symbolizing meditation sat here and there surrounded by candles, and a grand seat made of fluffy, red pillows laid by a large, stone pillar in the middle of it all. To make the lounging area that much more tantalizing was the blanket of a white tiger lying on the cushioning.

All this, and much more material of sheer culture could be found in the heart of this cave. Trixie and Moon Dancer simply stared at all the interestingly peaceful things before Trixie finally heard something, but naturally, not before her new friend.

“Shh!” Moon Dancer suddenly hissed. “You hear that?”

From behind the two, where they had entered from, something crept closer and closer. Trixie thought it sounded like a bear, whereas Moon Dancer considered it sounding more that of a wolf, but either or they had to hide.

They soon saw the largest object in the room, a prayer wheel. That’s a cylindrical wheel suspended by a spindle made from metal, primarily used for the purification of one’s karma. Though, as the two came nearest to it, they both felt a disturbance in the atmosphere. This was no ordinary object.

Trixie hid in front of Moon Dancer, and at that time could look up at the wheel, and see that if one were to push hard enough, it just begin to go round and round. “Huh, I wonder if-”

“Shh, look,” Moon Dancer whispered rather loudly, and she had every right to speak up, too, because what came around the corner was something neither Trixie nor her new friend had expected to see.

It was a large, winged dog. Or, at least, that’s what they thought it was at first. Once it came even closer to the candles that lead the way to the flags, they saw that it was a fully grown wolf. Its black fur and even darker wings was enough to send shivers down Moon Dancer’s spine, but not Trixie’s. She saw something else beyond the wolf. She saw a wounded animal. One that carried something wrapped in cloth by its teeth.

As it was settled down, they watched the wolf reveal it to be a bowl full of sparkling water. Trixie was so fixed on this scene, that she even leaned in, her mouth agape. The wolf laid itself down, but as it did, it also gave off whales and howles that forced Trixie to hide that much more. When it finally stopped, it looked down at its wound, and growled.

By now, Moon Dancer was on edge, worse than she’d ever been. Her heart was racing, because never had she been so close to such a formidable looking beast before. Trixie, however, was almost ready to offer her assistance. She could tell, this being might be friendly. So, despite Moon Dancer gasping at Trixie while she walked out into the light, the showmare revealed herself.

The beast growled her way, predictably, and then, a whole slew of barks and vicious growls came. Nine loud barks would pass before it finally stopped, but Trixie still stood there motionless. Her ears rang, though. By now, he was only sitting there, his face furious. Trixie then did something she could only guess would work. She turned around and spun the wheel. As its groan stopped, she turned herself around to once again face this wolf.

He watched her closely, observed Trixie coming quietly closer to his approximate position, and just growled. After that last warning, Trixie stopped. He hadn’t growled while she did everything else, which meant to her this was right where he wanted her to be.

“State your business.”

Trixie had been staring him dead in the eyes blankly the whole time, but after hearing the wolf talk, she came to her senses, and gasped. “Sorry! Trixie is, err, you’re hurt… It’s going to be very difficult to wash that wound. Trixie merely thought you’d… need assistance.”

He simply stared at her for a moment, and then asked in the same, scratchy, deep voice, “And what of your friend? Is she to hide behind my mani wheel the whole time?”

Moon Dancer gave off a yipe, but even so, Trixie ignored him and grabbed the cloth from underneath the bowl. After she dunked it, getting it nice and wet, she brought it up to the wolf’s wound. She almost expected to get barked at again, but no. He allowed it.

The water soaked into his thick fur easily, and to Trixie’s surprise, the wolf’s opened skin began sealing almost instantly. Trixie watched this closely, and was a bit amazed to see no blood left behind from the cut.

She stepped away, and waited to see how the wolf would react. He just stood, his wings spreading widely, and then, he gently asked after Trixie had given him some space, “Why have you two come here?”

By now, Moon Dancer’s nerves had calmed, and she was able to come out from behind the shadows, and up to Trixie. For the most part, though, she kept behind the unicorn for safety. “Trixie would like to know your name.”

“Surely this isn’t all you require,” he replied knowingly. “My master had given me the name Wolf. It’s unoriginal, and as a guard of sorts, it was also brooding enough to fit perfectly. Then I was sold to a princess, and she offered a new name, but I declined. Wolf’s fine.”

He licked his paw while Trixie asked, “Are you guarding an amulet by any chance?”

“No,” Wolf said surprisingly, his eyes darting Trixie’s way. “But, I have a medallion. It’s for somepony else, yet to be sent by my current master... assuming she’s still going to send someone.”

Trixie didn’t yet want to request to have this medallion, and instead, strived for more information about this gentle beast. “How long have you been here?”

“Several years… Had anypony else asked me that, I’d have run you out of my cave. There’s something about you, Trixie, that is familiar.” He squinted his eyes, almost appearing angry. “The resemblance is uncanny.”

Trixie simply stood her ground, and for the longest time, she stared right into those black, pearly eyes, waiting and thinking about what to ask next. However, she wouldn’t need to ask him of anything further. Remarkably, he had already decided to give Trixie what she wanted. As his wing grabbed hold of something from under all those pillows, he pulled out what must’ve been the medallion. “Is this what you came for?”

Trixie considered what to say next. This was a tricky situation. She didn’t want to lie, and yet, he might just give her the medallion, or chase her and Moon Dancer out. Still, she’d come this far without needing to reveal the fact that Princess Celestia had sent her, so she decided to go all the way. Though, she knew good and well, Wolf had probably guessed by now that she was the rightful owner. “Yes, Trixie came for that medallion.”

He smiled. “What do you say?”

Trixie smirked. “May Trixie please have it?”

His smile grew into a snicker. “I can’t believe I’m doing this, but here. I think it belongs to you anyways!”

She held out her hoof, and felt the weight of it. The medallion was in the shape of some old stallion with a very long beard going in a complete circle around his head and funny looking, blue hat. Trixie blinked. “Isn’t that…”

“Starswirl the Bearded,” Wolf finished. “Before Princess Celestia, he was my master.”

Moon Dancer came a bit closer, finally. “Daw, you’re tamed, huh? Well, it was nice meeting ya! Trixie,” Dancer said. “Let’s go.”

Trixie watched the freaked out bat pony fly away, but didn’t trail behind immediately. Instead, she simply looked back at Wolf with a smile, and he seemed to grin back. With nothing more to say to one another, she left him and his cave. Wolf sat down before all his pillows, and thought. "Should I stay or should I go?"

He looked out that way again, where the two had left, and suddenly heard something that gave him motivation to assist these two strangers that much further. “How are we supposed to get home?”

He stood, and crept closer to the edge to observe the two. Curiosity had overtaken him, because if it meant seeing his current master again, then why not? Trixie thought aloud, “Princess Celestia said it was a one way trip. Trixie does NOT wish to travel all that way on hoof!”

Thanks to the echoes, the two wouldn’t hear him snickering again. “Celestia, you figured out a way to get me out of the shadows yet again… For old time sake, I guess.” Heeling to the shadows, he crept closer to the two while they left, listening in on their conversation for a bit longer before extending to them his helpful services.

Twelve: Flight Home

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Moon Dancer came out of the light only to shield her eyes from the harmfully bright rays that slipped through the overhead bush. By now it was noon, and the sun way up above the clouds never looked more mesmerizing before. Trixie even said so, too. “Has the sun always looked so… Oh, what word would Trixie use for it?”

“Yellow?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Yes, thank you!” Her hoof raised itself up to her lip for a quick moment so she could think straightly. “Anyways, I suppose you can fly us home, right?”

Moon Dancer grimaced. “I can’t carry and fly you! My wings aren’t built like regular feathered wings! These are made of two thin layers of skin. What about you? Can’t you teleport or something?”

Again, Trixie blushed, and looked away. “N-no way… Unless…”

She looked down at her newly acquired medallion. If she wanted to, she could choose the teleportation spell over the fog spell. That way, the two of them could get home right then and there. But then again, what other use would the teleportation spell hold for her? The whole trip would’ve been for nothing. “Trixie?”

“Huh?” She looked up to see Moon Dancer staring at her with worried eyes.

“Did I mention how dangerous Kiyak is?”

“Okay, okay, relax… Trixie could use the medallion to amplify her teleportation magic. That way, we could-”

“No! That’s not what the medallion is supposed to be used for!” Moon Dancer’s expression was so troubled. In fact, she almost looked cute to Trixie. “Luna told me that the fog spell is to be chosen, and that it was also my duty to make sure you only use it for fog-making purposes!”

Trixie blinked, smiled, shook her head, and then started giggling. “Sounds just like Luna… Alright, Trixie supposes you have her beat!”

In her hoof was the trinket, still in the form of Starswirl the Bearded. Trixie had the power, now how about the look? Her horn glistened dimly, and grabbed hold of it. By doing so, it took the form of what Trixie could see in her mind, and then attached itself to the jewel that goes with her coat.

One could see Trixie’s muzzle and finely designed, closed eyes. Her hat curved over all of her hair and went around in a complete circle. The artistic form of the new medallion was unique, and beautiful, and matched Trixie’s being in every way.

The spell came naturally, and fog surrounded the two instantly, but this was no ordinary fog. It was a powerful, magical mist that surrounded both Trixie and Moon Dancer quite easily. “Wow, Trixie’s smoke machines never even compared!”

Suddenly, out of the fog came a familiar, yet broadening figure. “No goodbye?” asked Wolf.

Trixie remained unphased by his abrupt presence, but Moon Dancer still behaved like that of a scaredy bat. She was already up in the trees, hiding behind the bushes as if he was actually going to do something to the two of them. “Uh, well, I knew it wasn’t goodbye… We need your help getting home! Would you help the Great and Powerful Trixie and her batpony guardian?”

Before Wolf could respond, Moon Dancer popped her head out of the leaves to ask, “Does that mean I pass your test, Great and Powerful Trixie?”

Trixie made a deadpan face, and said, “Yes.”

“Yay!” Shortly following Moon Dancer’s mini celebration was a quick growl from Wolf. She was scared right back into hiding.

“Well,” said the winged wolf. “If I help you, what might I be getting in return?”

Trixie looked down, and around herself, and then at the campsite. There really wasn’t anything neither Trixie nor Moon Dancer had that was of any real value, or so they thought. “We… don’t have much…”

“What about… your friendship?” Trixie blinked before looking back at him. He seemed serious. “Not that many would be so bold as to befriend a wolf, you see. So, to have friends, especially here in these mountains, well… friends are hard to come by. You know, I’m getting ready to head down south to a quaint palace called Canterlot. Know of it? Why don’t you two tag along?”

“Trixie wouldn’t mind riding along. Moon Dancer? Are you coming?”

The bat pony peeked her head out again, and asked, “Me, ride on him?!”

“Oh, c’mon,” Trixie chanted while boldly climbing on.

Moon Dancer could only timidly hovered above the ground, and came closer to the wolf’s position. She watched him with the widest eyes he’d ever seen, but still, got on after a moment of fidgeting. Thus, he took off then and there. Trixie gave off a yelp as she heard his claws scrape the dirt away.

Once the cliff below them became pure air, a rush of sweet, cold winds overtook Trixie, but she held fast while her mane whiped all too close to her new guard, just barely missing her. Trixie then realized, this was her first time flying. Trees and small clusters of rocks went closely by them, to where Trixie could feel the brush off the leaves.

All they could see now was the passing of green, and strips of blue beneath them. It was a zigzagging stream that eventually, and finally turned into a deep, wide river. Wolf soared higher so that the two could get a good look at the country he had been occupying.

It was enclosed by mountains, and probably only one entrance in the high north. The way this valley of trees was nestled couldn’t be more perfect. If one was too hot in the south, they simply went up north a ways where the fine line of green turns into a shade of crimson and brown. However, there was much more to see than just trees and rocks.

Trixie witnessed that day a war ravaged land. Yaks fighting, blue and red, against one another in horned combat. Royalists invaders from Yakyakistan against native freedom fighters. Trixie could easily depict what was happening here, but which were the good guys and which were bad guys? That was the question needing to be answered. “Who do you root for?”

The question caught Wolf off guard. Not that he didn’t hear his passenger, just that he wished not to speak about such things, and the way she put it was almost insulting. As if it was a game. “I don’t care very much, and I’m glad to be leaving this place again.”

“Again?” Trixie asked while holding onto her hat.

“Yes, this is my original homeland. I merely stay here on occasion. Though, if you must know, the outsiders in red killed the heir to the throne of Kiyak, and their leader claimed the throne for himself, along with a few select cohorts. The place has been in turmoil ever since.”

Dancer even had to say, “That’s terrible.”

“Equestria should help!” Trixie exclaimed.

“To a useless cause? Loss surrounds this beautiful place. It was once devoted to great faith, and kind individuals inhabited all corners, but now, it’s just dangerous. It’s best if Celestia keeps her ponies in the safety of her harbors and train stations, and let these yaks sort it out themselves.”

While they flew over the border and were plagued by snow, the party of three pretty much kept quiet. They eventually crossed the threshold, though, and cleared the freezing blizzard. Afterwards, Trixie built up the courage to ask, “Will you be returning to Kiyak, or are you planning on staying with Princess Celestia.”

He simply answered, “I’m not sure. It’ll be whatever Celestia decides.”

As they all traveled the rest of the way there in silence, Trixie thought about how she might persuade her mentor into allowing Wolf to stay as her assistant or something. Naturally, the guards were a bit startled to see a wild animal like Wolf walking behind Trixie, but they let her through.

They’d find Celestia and Discord in the ballroom Trixie had been in last time she was over there. Although Trixie had many things to talk about with Princess Celestia, Wolf knew she probably wouldn’t get the chance right away.

Thirteen: Returning Home

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Trixie lead the way to the throne room while the day leaned into the afternoon. "We're almost there," Trixie said for the fifth time in a row. They rounded another corner, only to find another long hallway. At that, Trixie said, "There we go."

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Wolf asked tauntingly.

All three of the returning party members were tired from the voyage back to Canterlot, but that didn’t slow any of them down in the least bit despite the desire for rest. Each kept a fast pace, however the two behind Trixie both followed further behind than the leader of the bunch would’ve preferred. Finally, Trixie reached the doors first, and turned around to address Wolf and Moon Dancer.

“Now then, the Great and Powerful Trixie will try out her new medallion and see how her teacher likes it.”

Moon Dancer cheered for Trixie, “Woooh! Good luck!”

Before turning back around to proceed, she smiled at her new and supportive friends, and began filling the air with the densest fog anypony’s ever seen. It only took her fog three seconds to reach the ceiling. As the doors opened, a wall of shimmering gray avalanched into the entire entrance, all the way up to her highness’s hooves. Out of the gaps came Trixie and the others, and with the rays of light shining through the stained-glass windows, it made the atmosphere that much more impressive even to Celestia.

She put her work papers down, and looked over the familiar faces that had come to her. “Well, well… Looks like you found it with ease.” The princess continued to compliment, “I like what you chose for its overall form.”

“Thank you,” Trixie replied humbly.

Then, the princess turned her gaze at her old friend, Wolf. He stared back blankly as far as Trixie knew. She hadn’t yet realized the panting, and the slobber dropping to the tiles below. All this was going on right next to her, but once she did start to notice, she started backing away silently enough that Wolf didn’t seem to notice her reaction towards his disposition. Not that he’d care.

He’d been like that for a moment or two without anypony but Celestia realizing it. He just kept his gaze locked on at her direction, but she didn't mind, and just smiled craftily. Suddenly, her torso lowered while a brand new, yellow tennis ball magically came out of hiding from behind her back. She bounced and bonked it on the floor several times, which instigated Wolf to attack. First, his eyes dilated the second that toy came into his line of vision. Then, he leaped forward, biting aggressively at it, but missing at every chance he got.

“Ball! Bah-” He took another shot at trying to chomp it before yelping yet again, “Ball!”

“Come on boy, you can do it!” Celestia teased cheerfully. “Almost!”

Trixie began to laugh, and even Moon Dancer couldn’t hold in her chortles. Finally, Celestia allowed him to catch hold of it, and she let go almost too willingly. He curled up with it on the ground for a minute, and gnawed at it profusely. While he took his time with the now damp and dirty thing, Celestia looked at Trixie again. “Sorry, been awhile.”

“Oh, no, no,” Trixie said. “Trixie would feel the same exact way if she hadn’t seen her pet in a while... Hope Dingo is alright. Anyways, Trixie wanted to speak to you, by the way, about Moon Dancer and Druid Shield.”

Wolf rose, the ball held under his paw, and he announced, “Actually, I need to catch up with the princess about my mission.”

“Huh?” Trixie asked.

Celestia raised her hoof at the student, and allowed Wolf her attention. “Very well. Please follow me. Trixie?" Before showing Wolf the way into her secondary quarters, she told Trixie, “In the meantime, mingle with Moon Dancer. I’ll visit you in your room when I can.”

With the exit in the very back of the throne room being sealed off, Trixie and her friendly bat pony looked at one another. "Trixie supposes it's more important to learn of Wolf's endeavors before simply giving Trixie her next assignment..."

The two left shortly thereafter, back in the direction of Trixie’s room. No matter what, she had already made up her mind to switch Druid Shield for Moon Dancer. So long as that’s what was still the plan, she felt little need to review it.

Now all she needed was permission from at least one of the princesses. Luna would do, and by the two’s luck, she could be found entering one of the palace’s private gardens just up ahead. “Oh, Princess Luna! Drat, Trixie thinks she didn’t hear her.”

“Uh, good… Because I kinda wanna talk.”

Trixie had been so caught up in being back early that day, she hardly realized Moon Dancer’s indifferent, slowly changing attitude. She’d been more silent than when outside the cave, and her stature had changed after the princess had gone away, too. She was more worried about something, but Trixie hadn’t realized this until now. “What’s on your mind?” Trixie asked considerately.

“Well,” Moon Dancer said, her whispered tone still echoing in the emptiness of this particularly dark corridor. “I’m not sure if staying with Druid Shield is the best thing to do. I suppose I could use your input.”

Trixie drew a deep breath while her gaze wavered down past the bat pony. She wasn’t even sure how this would be dealt with, really. In Trixie’s mind, in all honesty, she assumed Druid Shield would resume gate duty.

Moon Dancer being just outside Trixie’s door, all the way down on the lower levels of the palace would allow the two more of a chance to see one another again. All this ran through her head except the fact that Moon Dancer just didn’t feel for her mate the way she used to. Once that crossed her mind, she began, “Trixie supposes the first thing we should look over is, do you love him?”

Moon Dancer merely looked the other way, and said, “I’ll always love him. It’s just, I’m worried he doesn’t love me!”

Trixie sighed, and said, “You’ll have to trust him. Tough to say when Trixie can’t even trust him, Trixie knows, but still. You have the opportunity to try again. Don’t waste it. Now then, Trixie supposes he’ll resume gate duty? Or would you rather him and you both be Trixie’s guard?”

“No, no,” Moon Dancer said with a smirk, her front hooves waving in front of her chest as if Trixie were offering her an unpleasantry. “I think it’s best he resumes gate duty. We’d better see Princess Luna about it right away… and, thank you, Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Slowly, Trixie and Moon Dancer entered the gardens. The sign above indicated its name was "Ruins", which made sense because behind the sedges laid ancient structures with Old Kingdom designs. Dead, untouched ivy hugged each mound in some unique way. Some peeled, and some was still fresh, but most of the plant life here was stuck in a balance. Most was a crimson brown, but the blotches of fighting green made the environment look so interesting.

"Princess?" Trixie asked while approaching the alicorn. Princess Luna kept her back to them, but her head turned so that she could hear. "We have a request to ask of you."

That's when Moon Dancer stepped forth. "Trixie wishes to replace Druid Shield with me so that he and I can resume our relationship in peace."

Luna's head rose, and Trixie could see her mouth opening to say something. "I... suppose that's fine. Heh..."

Trixie came closer. "What is it?"

Luna turned around, her full, luminous form glistening with the moonlight that had started to seep through the opened top roof above head. Trixie hadn't even seen the huge hole above her, but with the clouds parting to allow more light into the room, it was just too hard to ignore any longer. Princess Luna sighed before stating, "You two should be on your way. You have my permission to arrange the transfer. Just make sure Druid Shield sees me later tonight."

Trixie was just about to ask her highness if everything was alight, but Moon Dancer cut in to say nervously, "Great! Thank you, princess. I can tell you're busy, so Trixie and I will be on our way!"

She grabbed Trixie's hoof and was about to force an abrupt end to this meeting, but Luna had said quite softly, "Wait..." Of course, Moon Dancer heard her sharply, but to Trixie, she barely heard a whisper. They stood there, holding hooves, but not for long. Princess Luna reached out, and felt Trixie's. Moon Dancer let go while Luna looked closely.

While she had the opportunity, Trixie asked forwardly, "Why always batponies?" Luna looked up to her, dead in the eyes, but not harshly. "Trixie's guards," she said, unshaken.

Luna looked back down with a smile. "It's just a coincidence."

She let go, and with the other hoof, waved the two away. They returned to the hall obediently while giving each other glances. With nothing else to do in the palace, though, Trixie offered to return to her room, and Moon Dancer happily agreed. Druid Shield would be glad to see Trixie and Moon Dancer return with such good news as well. Not only that, but with the way Trixie acted towards him, it seemed he was off the hook for now. Trixie would also need to speak with the two about the requirements of her upcoming event, and their possible involvement in the show as well.

Meanwhile, All alone in the dimly lit hallway, Druid Shield stood in the corner next to the door awaiting the return of his master. “I didn’t…” he started. “I didn’t… mean to.” He breathed out through his nostrils for a couple of seconds before quickly inhaling through his mouth.

“I’m not in love with Trixie. I love Moon Dancer. It’s just, the time spent with Trixie clouded my mind. I found it very difficult to prevent such emotions from surfacing. It showed in the end, though, I suppose.”

It stayed disturbingly quiet after that. He didn’t say another word, and rather, fell back to sleep. For once, instead of him seeing Trixie in his dreams, this time it was Moon Dancer. Meanwhile, Trixie and Moon Dancer trotted closer and closer to the bedroom.

“Trixie wants to thank you for your assistance.”

“No problem. I was assigned anyway, so it’s not like I had much choice, but I enjoyed the trip.” Moon Dancer smiled at Trixie.

“Say, Trixie is wondering. Would it be at all bad if you were to perform in her show?”

Moon Dancer’s smile disappeared. “Oh, gee Trixie, I don’t know… We batponies are more attuned with solitude. We’re more scared of your race than you’d be of our’s.”

Trixie blinked. “But, if it was done on stage, everypony would see that you’re harmless, and you don’t have to reveal everything to them. Just the good parts!”

Moon Dancer sighed. "Alright, I suppose it’d be fun… somewhat, but that’s only because I happen to be a bit more adventurous than your natural batpony. For instance, I can tell you right now, Druid Shield was nervous to the core when he got put on guard duty.”

Trixie’s eyebrows raised noticeably. “Really? But, he got over it... right?”

“In time, but chances are, he was just as nervous when he met you.” Trixie faced forward more, but kept her line of sight where she could still see her companion.

“Why do you say that? Trixie is just one pony. Even though she is rather great and powerful.” She kept the straightest face she could after that remark.

Moon Dancer snickered. “C’mon, Trixie. You’ve gotta be one of the most attractive unicorns in Canterlot!”

Trixie felt her cheeks get warm. “Uhh, thank you for the compliment,” she said again facing Moon Dancer who only stared back with that usual, blithe expression. “You’re awfully forward,” Trixie admitted.

“I only speak the truth,” Moon Dancer replied kindly. “Oh, hey, there’s Druid Shield, and he’s asleep. Watch this!”

Moon Dancer crept quietly, and got nearer towards her stallion. She observed him closely, listening in on his almost unnoticeable snores. Her hoof smoothly raised his chin so that her lips could meet his, which awoke him finally. “Mmmh…”

He stared sleepily into Moon Dancer’s eyes, and then closed his happily. Trixie hadn’t even been noticed by that time, which was actually a good thing in her opinion. Once the embrace was over, he looked down, and then over to the showmare. “Oh, Trixie… I hadn’t seen you there.”

Moon Dancer spoke up. “We’ve got some news for you.”

“Wait, Moon Dancer, what’re you doing way down here again?” Druid asked.

“Well, Princess Luna sent me on an escort mission with Trixie, and while we were busy, we also got to talking.”

Trixie cut in. “Although you’ve been very useful, Trixie and Moon Dancer just get along better. Trixie believes it’s because we’re both mares, while you’re…”

“And you’ve got a special somepony already,” Moon Dancer mentioned boldly.

“Right. So, Druid Shield, you’re to resume gate duty while Moon Dancer is to become Trixie’s royal guard instead.”

He remained unreadable until Moon Dancer mentioned, “Gives us more of a chance to see each other more often.”

He smiled finally, and laughed slightly. “I can’t argue that it’s probably for the best.”

Trixie, Moon Dancer, and Druid Shield all smiled at one another, and then Trixie recommended, “Come inside, Moon Dancer, and we’ll discuss the upcoming show. Druid Shield?”

He gave her his attention before leaving to get suited and briefed with the princess. “Mmh?”

“You wouldn’t wanna be in my show, would you?”

He grinned that much more, and said simply, “Nah.”

Fourteen: Sweater Weather

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Trixie laid on the side of her bed on her back, her upper torso suspended by a chair. Moon Dancer hung from the ceiling mini-chandelier offering suggestions for the show, and Trixie always took them to heart. They’d been at this for about an hour or so, and though Trixie wasn’t exactly getting tired, she was just concerned with her mentor.

“And then, when they’re all in my clutches... I’ll eat a peach! Mwahahaha!”

Trixie gave a sarcastic gasp. “That’s terrible!” Then she started to laugh lightly. “I think we’ve got the show basically figured out. Say, Moon Dancer?”


While she yawned, Trixie said, “Trixie is getting tired, and it has gotten late…”

“Yes ma’am!” Just like she had done way over in Kiyak, Moon Dancer leaped down and landed on all four hooves quite gracefully. She then flew up to stop the creaking she caused with Trixie's roof piece, and after that was taken care of, she quickly flew down to the door. “If you need anything, I’ll be right outside keeping watch.”

Right after saying that, she left Trixie in peace. For a moment, the showmare listened at the echoing of her door being closed. The silence that followed lingered for a good minute or two, but eventually, Trixie got out of her bed to go freshen up Dingo’s water and food bowl.

“Dingo,” she called quietly to the motionless lump under her blanket. It twitched, and then slithered to the edge of the bed only to fall right off the mattress. Out came Dingo from the sleeves, panting in a way that made him look as if he were giving his master a great, big grin. Once his meal was prepared, Trixie said, “Here you go boy.”

She soon returned to her bed to rest up. Meanwhile, Moon Dancer stood outside the room, her side satchel unzipped, and a pair of clawed weapons being checked upon. “I’m glad I didn’t need to use these over in Kiyak.”

She zipped it back up, and looked out at the city beyond the white pillars, and at the setting sun. She considered returning to her quarters later on in the covers of evening to take care of a few things, and was just about to return to her post when a large shadow overtook her. Out from seemingly nowhere, a sweet voice asked the lone mare, “Where’s Druid Shield?”

Moon Dancer turned around to see Princess Celestia suddenly towering over her. Now, if there was one thing Moon Dancer wasn’t used to, it was dealing with Luna’s very own sister. So, being caught like this, with her back turned the way it was while she meant to be on duty, she gulped. “Y-your highness… Ehh, what a surprise! Well, Trixie… That is, you see, Luna, err…”

Princess Celestia frowned at the pony below her who was now starting to bite the nails of her hooves. Bowing respectfully, she backed away. With her eyes closed, Princess Celestia said, “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was cornering you.”

This made Moon Dancer step more into the hall, and less on top of her bag. She then managed to say with some thinking space, “Umm, t-thank you, your highness. Now, where was I… That’s right. Trixie and I decided it would be best if I became her guard pony instead of Druid Shield. We already talked to Princess Luna and got her approval.”

Celestia smiled, and said, “Then it is so. Seeing as how you’re Trixie’s guard pony, may I please enter her quarters?”

The request alone made Moon Dancer’s face flush. “Ahh haha, very funny, your highness! You don’t need my permission. You’re the princess! Her mentor…” She stared at the serious facial expression Celestia kept brilliantly.

“I’m quite serious, and I hadn't gotten the chance to explain the job the way I did with Druid Shield. Your responsibilities are easy to understand. You are Trixie’s sword. You are Trixie’s shield. Guard her as best you can at all times, especially when she’s not safely within her quarters unless explicitly dismissed by either me or her. Other than that, while she’s in her room, you are responsible for whoever else enters.”

The batpony blinked a few times. “Alright…”

“So, I simply must ask for your permission to enter. You’re not to allow anypony to enter without your permission to do so.”

“Then, in that case, you may enter! Of course!”

Celestia walked up to the door, but before proceeding, she looked back at Moon Dancer. “Before I leave you, where has Druid Shield gone?”

“Oh, right. He’s on gate duty.”

The princess’s face soon became concerning. “Moon Dancer, I assigned him to Trixie because of his magical prowess, I hope you realize."

Moon Dancer's eyes darkened, and her frown returned. "Uhh..."

"There’s certain quests Trixie is bound to embark upon that will require his assistance. He’s pretty much as powerful as Princess Twilight's own brother, Shining Armor, and that’s why I requested him special. He’s supposed to be under Luna’s command.”

Moon Dancer’s eyebrows raised. “You care about Trixie that much?”

Princess Celestia nodded. “I felt it necessary with Twilight Sparkle, and I feel the same way about Trixie. Just, this time around, I have my sister to help, and you batponies, too. Thank you.”

Moon Dancer smiled, and replied, “Thank you, too. Although, you know why he can’t be Trixie’s guard, right?”

“I think it’s only fair to inform you,” Celestia said while looking away. “That... he’ll be escorting Trixie on further missions.”

Moon Dancer blinked while looking around before asking, “Why?”

“The only reason you were the escort last time around was because you’d already been there, and somewhat knew the territory. Druid Shield…” She looked back. “He was actually supposed to go along with the you two of you, but Discord assured me that if he didn’t show up with my student within that ballroom, it wouldn’t bring you two any harm.”

Moon Dancer shook her head, and voiced, “No… He’s my Special Somepony, Princess! Look, I can protect Trixie. I don’t want Trixie getting attached to Druid Shield. Alright?” Moon Dancer requested this with a pained expression. “He has a small crush on Trixie, I think… I wanna doubt.”

A hoof rose to her highness’s lips. “Oh, I didn’t know… That’s why Luna shied away from selecting him for gate duty. I needed him, though. After seeing how much more strength the unicorn races of the batpony species can contain, I… Why didn’t she tell me he had special ties to the upper towers of Canterlot?”

Moon Dancer confessed her thoughts. “She probably didn’t feel it right. Neither would’ve Druid, for that matter. He’s always followed orders as best he could, even when it means possibly letting down a friend...”

The alicorn gazed downward in Moon Dancer’s direction. “That’s how you two came to be, then.”

Moon Dancer nodded, her eyes fixed on the tall mare before her. “Yes, ma’am.”

They stayed in the quiet for a long time, Celestia pondering. Then, finally, she suggested the perfect solution. “Why don’t all three of you go?”


Celestia smiled quite knowledgeably. “That way, you’ll be there to divert Druid Shield’s attention from Trixie, and he can still do his job of protecting his party. I think making a rule for this is the only way to ensure everypony remains happy, don’t you?”

She smile wider, and laughed. “I… guess that’ll work!”

With the hoof of her highness touching the doorknob, the excited batpony stopped her slight screeches of enjoyment, and turned to assume position. She stood motionless by the door, and Princess Celestia entered gracefully, closing and locking the door behind her.

Inside, Trixie sat at her bed with a book that rested on a pillow perfectly. It faced her, and she seemed so involved, the princess might’ve guessed she hadn’t noticed her presence, but the way her ear moved told Celestia her pupil knew of her presence. “Studying at this time of night? If I stay up much longer, I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep in the halls.”

Trixie didn't look away from her book, and instead kept reading on seemingly completely fascinated by her studies. “Trixie knows it’s late, but now that she can do her fog spell so easily, Trixie is more eager to plan for her next upcoming performance than ever!”

“Yes, about that.” Celestia came to sit in front of her student, and said, “Your next assignment, actually, will take place beginning week after next."

"Why then?" Trixie asked.

"Because of the Gala, remember?"

"Oh," Trixie giggled, almost forgetting.

"Now, for the assignment, what I expect from you is this: Choose a performance stage. Ticketing will be free, and word will sweep Canterlot of the random choice you shall make when the time comes.”

“Ah, so when Trixie starts, there might be a grand crowd already there?”

“There will, and I expect your next show to be unique, too.” Trixie’s toothy smile soon turned to an expression of cunning. “I don’t expect myself to be quite impressed, but I at least hope to see the crowd react accordingly.”

“Trixie can do this. Now, which stage would Trixie like to occupy?”

She started getting out of bed, and walking towards the balcony, but gasped as she stopped. Princess Celestia had turned to start headed for the mirror, but hearing her student helped divert her attention. “What is it?” she asked.

“It’s snowing!”

Just out the window, one could see the beginnings of falling specks. At first glance, one would think it ash, but upon further examination, turns out to be those crisp flakes that freezes some of the land at the end of each year. “Why, yes, I believe it’s just about that time,” Celestia said. "Which is why we need to go ahead and hurry along with the Grand Galloping Gala before the weather really picks up." Before leaving Trixie to her own devices, Celestia held Trixie tight.


“I really must be on my way... But, before I go, you'll be wanting to meet me in the morning at the usual ballroom. It's about what you'll be wearing for the upcoming event."

“Okay, Trixie can't wait!"

Princess Celestia let go, and made her way for the exit. "Enjoy your evening, my new student,” Celestia soothingly whispered, but loud enough to be heard of course. Before Trixie closed the door to her balcony behind her, Trixie on the outside, a book magically lofted through the crack, and it closed along with the door leading to the halls close by, too.

The following day would unfortunately not be met with chilling snow, but rather the same, bright sun above head, and the heat that came with it. Luckily for most in Equestria, it wasn't so bad thanks to the wind that was now blowing throughout the lands. Trixie's first action that day was to shower, freshen up, and unwillingly leave behind her cape and hat. Today, for the dressing, these things simply wouldn't be needed.

Fifteen: The Gala

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Unlike the mornings that usually awoke Trixie, this one was able to awaken her much earlier. Wind swept in with a whistle. Seeing as how Trixie had left the glass door open, it came from outside Trixie’s balcony, gracing her hooves that hung from the side ending of her bed. Her head rose, but her eyes wouldn’t open just yet. Without sight, she reached down the other side to the floor to feel around for that book she’d been reading.

By the time her eyes finally did open, she’d gotten hold of her book, and said with sleepiness in her voice, “Gotcha…”

It slowly came back up to the cushioning that Trixie, too, relaxed upon. She stayed there for a good minute like that, on her waist, feeling the sleeves serenely rub against only her torso. The wind blowing against her hooves only helped in bringing her in and out of her overly comfortable position.

“Mmh, alas…” She yawned. “The Great and Sleepy Trixie must meet Celestia shortly… She really should be getting up just about now.”

She said this while clenching the covers more tightly, and almost falling back to sleep. Had it not been for Dingo suddenly barking at Moon Dancer making a noise outside, Trixie would’ve gone right back to sleep with ease.

“Ugh, Dingo! It’s just Moon…”

She got out from the blankets, and came up to the door to listen closely. It sounded like snoring alright, but in between, Trixie could easily pick up distinct words whispered. So, she cracked her door quietly, and listened more carefully.

In between her cute, light snoring, the batpony spoke up with her head bobbing for consciousness, “Love you… too, Druid.”

Trixie smiled innocently, and even more silently closed the door before proceeding to get ready. In little time at all, she was again at the entrance to her room, but this time sneaking by Moon Dancer who much deserved her shuteye. Down the hall, and on the appropriate turns, Trixie made her way to the ballroom. There was this ominous feeling, too, like she’d forgotten something. No material item, but something she'd wanted to ask Princess Celestia about last night, but it'd slipped her mind.

She gasped, and said aloud the realization. “Trixie was right! The gazebo! Celestia requested Rarity to make Trixie’s Grand Galloping Gala dress for her! Ohh, ohh… And the door is right there.”

Her reaction was a mix of excitement and utmost nervousness. Questions arose in her head, like whether or not Rarity even knew who the dress was for. Not to mention, does she forgive Trixie for all she’s done in the past? Would she? “Trixie hopes Rarity simply made the dress and then left, but that's probably not the case. Trixie isn't prepared for this," Trixie said to herself, her confidence being drowned by worry.

Then, she remembered what she’d said to Celestia just last night ago. She’d said, “Okay, Trixie can’t wait!”

She huffed. “I guess… Trixie guesses she knew this was going to happen. Rarity will probably be the second hardest pony to apologize to, so, here goes nothing…”

Thus, the doors opened. Trixie found the inside of the ballroom to be beautifully ruined by designing equipment. Sewing machines, crates holding supplies from the Carousel Boutique, and a cat high up on a pile of stacked boxes littered the place thoroughly. The far end of the room was occupied by a shimmering rimmed, wooden floored platform that sat aligned with the entrance. On it, a curtain shielding what must’ve been Trixie’s dress behind it. Amongst all this stuff, Trixie felt it only right to remark under her breath, “At least there’s somewhat of a walkway…”

For the most part, the room seemed fairly empty, and had it not been for all the dress making materials, Trixie would’ve thought she were in the wrong room. She was about to ask aloud, "Hello?" Just before she did, somepony came out rounding the corner of the centerpiece. It was Rarity, and for a second, Trixie couldn’t move or make a sound.

Rarity hadn’t even seen the showmare just yet, and had her back facing Trixie as she kept up with her checkup of things. “Everything simply must be perfect,” Rarity announced. “After all, Princess Celestia, I want Trixie to know that the past is just that. It’s the past, and that if you say she’s willing to be my friend as well everypony else’s, then I cannot deny this especially coming from you.”

“Quite,” Celestia spoke from behind the shading of the fabrics. She came into view, and quickly saw her student still frozen in place. “You do know that my new student is still sorry for what she did while in possession of the Alicorn amulet, right?”

“Y-yes, I do,” Rarity said soundly, her head lowering.

“And, she also wishes for you to help her in winning over the others.”

“I know, your Highness. It’s just, Rainbow will be the most difficult. She’s a hard forgiver. Why, when Trixie’s name popped up over at Twilight’s castle the other day ago, she made this big scene and everything! It was absurd.”

“Yes, I’m aware of Rainbow Dash’s thoughts towards Trixie," the princess said. "I’m also well aware that every pony feels differently towards her becoming my student overall based off of what we've discussed, but what’s done is done. Just as what’s happened in the past, there’s always a new beginning.” Cunningly, just as Trixie raised a hoof, Celestia openly invited her their way. “Ah, there she is.”

Rarity turned to see Trixie without her cape and hat, something unexpected. She couldn’t immediately place her hoof on why Trixie looked so different, and more like a pony Rarity had never met before, but Rarity was much more concerned with greetings. ”Trixie,” she said, making her best welcoming face she could, and Trixie did the same.

“Rarity! Good to see you!” Even Trixie was surprised by Rarity’s sudden hug. This was nothing compared to what ran through her head just moments before.

After letting go, Rarity asked forwardly if only to keep the ball rolling, “So, guess my friends and I will be seeing you at the gala tomorrow night. Right?”

“Yep,” Trixie replied cheekily. “It’s Trixie’s first gala, and Trixie would be honored to attend.”

“But, dearie, you need a dress!” She touched Trixie’s muzzle quickly but mildly to keep her from speaking. “Luckily, I have you covered.”

Her hoof moved straight from Trixie muzzle to a little red button that could be found on the side of the platform next to the group. With the curtain unveiling Trixie’s new Grand Galloping Gala dress, the showmare almost cried.

The colors matched, the formation was flawless, and the headpiece was to die for. This attire was more than Trixie could’ve ever dreamed of. She couldn’t wait to try it on, either. That’s when a distraction came for Celestia. Through the doorway, a young stallion guard came running in with an urgent notice concerning a very furtive situation.

“Your Highness, your Highness! From the Crystal Empire!”

She snatched it, read it seriously, gasped, and then screeched in the highest tone anypony’s ever heard Celestia reach. “Oh my gosh," Princess Celestia said excitedly. "Are those two pulling my leg? They can’t be!” She looked down at the three ponies including her own guard, who all obviously wanted in on the juicy bit of news. “Umm, have you ever known about a surprise so big, that nopony else is allowed to know about it but you and a few select other individuals?”

They all looked at one another, neither answering.

Celestia spoke up. “Well, I do! Trixie? I need to go attend to this briefly. Mind if I see you in your dress a little later?”

Trixie shook her head. “No, that’d be fine your Highness. Trixie doesn't mind.”

“Thanks. You two might as well be left alone right now anyways. See you in a bit.”

While Celestia left the room with the guard that had delivered the note, Trixie ventured to ask, “What was that all about?”

Rarity responded with, “I haven’t the slightest idea, Trixie… Hmm… Curious, though, isn’t it? Let's not get off track, though. Let’s get you fitted!”

“What?” Trixie asked with her hoof being snatched by Rarity’s. “Now?”

“Well, yes, but of course. Why not now? I made this dress specially for you.” Rarity eyed her creation yet again, and continued, “I simply can’t wait to see you in it. Without the wearer, it’s just... incomplete!”

Trixie was hurried along and hopped on into the dressing room in the back. A few moments later, she’d exit, and all Rarity could do for a second there was stare. Her mouth stayed hanging open thanks to the way Trixie looked. “Simply divine,” Rarity finally complimented.

“Thank you…” Trixie smiled. “Umm, Trixie needs assistance with her hoof shoe lacing. Please?”

Rarity generously approached and began using her magic to tie it, but not too tight. “There we go. Now the other hoof.”

With the fashion pony now busy, Trixie looked down at Rarity, and said, “Trixie… wanted to apologize.” Rarity frowned, but didn’t say a word. So, Trixie continued. “You know, for the last two visits I’ve made to Ponyville.”

Rarity finished, but held Trixie’s hoof in her’s a bit longer. “Darling, please,” she began sweetly, now smiling confidently again. “Just so happens I know you were behind me while I was talking to Celestia back there. Let the past be the past, and-”

“No, Rarity,” Trixie interrupted. “I need to do this… I’m sorry, for everything. And, thank you for the dress!”

Trixie was the one that was giving the hug this time around. To be honest with herself, Rarity couldn’t help but to love her actions. With a tear being wiped away quickly, she replied in a shaken voice, “You’re… very welcome, darling.”

After the hug had ended, Trixie looked down at her dress, and sighed. “Trixie has never worn a more lovely ensemble. She only wishes she could wear it more often than just at these very rare and special events… but, then it wouldn’t be special, would it?”

Rarity nodded. “I’ll see you at the gala, then… Mmh, Trixie, just know. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to help you and Rainbow out, like I said, but Applejack has already said she’s willing to give you a chance.”

“That’s good… Uh, what about Pinkie Pie?”

Rarity gave Trixie a deadpan face. “Consider her your best friend already. Fluttershy’s very easy going by the way, so you’ll do just fine with her. Honestly, the only of us seven counting Spike that still doesn’t fully trust you is Rainbow Dash.”

“Spike’s alright with Trixie?”

Rarity laughed with a scrunched muzzle. “Once I’m done with him, he will be.”

In a few short minutes, Trixie had removed her dress and was ready to leave Rarity. She probably had some cleaning and reorganizing to do anyways, but before Trixie left, she simply requested, “Wish Trixie luck with Rainbow Dash tonight, Rarity.”

With her eyes closed, Rarity nodded. “Good luck. And... say, before you go, have you met Discord?”

Trixie blinked. "Oh… His first impression on Trixie was sinister, and downright bad. Recent interactions, though… But, yes, Trixie knows of him. Why do you ask?”

“Well, recently, my friends and I became closer with him. Through constant struggle, we’ve finally been able to accept him in our friendship, which to this day is a surprise to all of us. Even Twilight Sparkle.”

She looked Trixie seriously in the face, and Trixie asked, “That sinister, huh?”

Rarity answered, “Mmhmm… Now, my point is, if we can… I’m going to use my words carefully here, and say evolve past our displeasure for Discord, and even become close friends with something as wicked as he is, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

Trixie blushed. “Trixie will… have to remember that if she gets a chance to talk with Rainbow Dash at the gala.”

“When,” Rarity corrected.

They departed shortly thereafter, Trixie content with the new friendships she'd been building. Time between then and the gala was quick spent getting ready. There was so much to do, to name off the current tasks that still needed attending to would be enough to spin anypony around in circles for hours. Trixie, for the most part was as ready as she’d ever be. She just hoped that Rainbow would be willing to give her a chance to redeem herself.

The young student wandered in the halls like she so often found herself doing, draped in what was sure to be the most beautiful dress of the evening. Rarity had outdone herself. Trixie was headed right for the princess’s quarters, both eager and scared for the exciting evening, but Celestia still absolutely needed to see Trixie in her dress first.

She rounded another corner, now headed east. The shadows sloped forward next to the moonlight that glared on the wall directly next to her. Just when a figure encompassed what little light that did come through, Trixie gasped. Her sounds of surprise were drowned out by Twilight yelling down the hall, “Trixie! Hey, wait up!”

“Oh, Twilight…!” Trixie huffed, and then began trotting closer to her. She hadn’t expected another hug, but that’s just what she got. Twilight seemed more than happy to embrace Trixie openly, but unfortunately for the showmare, Trixie just couldn’t stop herself from allowing a quick flash of memories to enter her mind. They were particularly filled with the bad ones.

“How you been? Hope the princess hasn’t kept you too swamped with studies.”

“Good,” Trixie replied. “The Great and Powerful Trixie took your last words spoken to her to heart. She’s been doing very well ever since.” She soon enough saw what Twilight wore. “Also, wow! You look absolutely amazing!”

Twilight blushed. “Thank you, and you look wonderful, too!” Twilight grinned that much more at Trixie. More exactly, at what she was wearing. “Rarity told me she’d be doing this for you, but to see it finished… It matches you perfectly.”

“Thank you,” Trixie said humbly. “And, Princess Celestia doesn’t keep Trixie too preoccupied… You know, Trixie doubts she’s that kind of student, the kind you were in her highness’s mind.”

Twilight walked with her friend, and chatted some more to pass the time. “No, you’re the same type of pupil I was,” Twilight said sharply. “Princess Celestia’s told me so in her letters. It’s just, she’s trying very hard not to overwhelm you. I think she's worried that if she teaches you the way she taught me, it might backfire.”

“Right, because Trixie probably wouldn't be able to stick with it for long."

“She’s said that she’s scared you’ll decide to end this after all. With me, I was pretty much guaranteed to stay under her wing with no problems, and to do my best to excel at every possible avenue of magic I came across.”

Trixie nodded. “I’m not that student she used to have.”

“Right! You’re different,” Twilight promised with a smile. “You're special. You focus on something way more different than just mere magic, and you’re a totally different pony all together for that. It's the same program she had going with me. It’s just… you, yourself… you change the equation.”

“All Celestia wants is the same outcome she got with you… Well, maybe not the same, like Trixie becoming an alicorn or anything! Hehe, err, just that Trixie excels at what she does best.”

They’d reached Celestia’s room, and Twilight looked back at her friend with a pleased grin. “You got it. Now then, let’s hope Celestia’s ready for the gala.”

With the door opening, Trixie reminded Twilight, “We’re just a tad bit early, so you might want to give her that much.”

Sure enough, the bathroom door was just opening, and Celestia came walking out from behind the doors, but something looked different. She wasn’t wearing her usual items of clothing, like her tiara. All of that could be found sitting on a table in the corner behind where her highness stood. Her mane waved at the two peacefully as ever, indications that she’d just taken a good, long shower for this event. This meant she was just about ready.

“My new student, Trixie. And Princess Twilight, too… My goodness, I’ve never, ever seen more wonderful fashion designing! Rarity made both of these dresses, right?”

Twilight answered, “Yep! She did a spectacular job, huh?”

“I can’t argue with you there, Princess Twilight. I’m almost ready. Just let me get finished.”

All except her chest piece was equipped on Princess Celestia, her dress being a dimmer pink than last year's. That was the only difference, really, but she looked so amazing all the time to everypony, to do much more would almost be too much. And so, the three were on their way to enjoy the evening, though Trixie still having butterflies in her stomach.

At a distanced enough table, far from the organized dancing and socializing that was going on, Trixie sat on a cushion sipping on some fine cider. She’d gotten it at the stands, but once the cups were filled, she and Twilight had to depart momentarily. Twilight had said she’d be getting her friends, and that she'd be showing them where they'd be sitting. However, that seemed to be a while ago to Trixie.

Finally, Trixie looked up from her glass to both hear and see Twilight with friends. There was Pinkie bouncing up and down, overly excitedly, a predictable sight, and Rarity as well. Applejack stayed in the back of the bunch, but still, Trixie couldn’t help but wonder where Rainbow and Fluttershy were. “Our table is right this way,” Twilight lead. “Now then, Pinkie Pie, Applejack… You remember Trixie, right?”

“Hi Trixie!” Pinkie blurted out, getting in Trixie's face, overly forward like normal.

Rarity chuckled. “Told you Pinkie would be more than open to being your friend.”

“Yeah, and Ah still have my wits about me.” Applejack didn’t seem resentful at all. She was just protective of her friends, and Trixie knew that. “Now, Rarity’s said you might wanna apologize to the rest of us… Is this true, Hun?”

Trixie bowed her head. “Yes, Trixie would.”

Applejack breathed. “No lying now, y’hear?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Trixie looked up to see Applejack’s expression change to slight surprise. “Trixie is sorry, Applejack, Pinkie Pie… for, you know. Using the Alicorn Amulet against you, and all of Ponyville. Trixie just hopes that we can be… friends.”

All the farm pony could do was nod, because that was even more warming to hear than she expected it to be. “Uhh, okay then… Ah’d like that,” she stated with a gleeful smile. “Heh, shucks. This is pretty neat, seeing you being all… being good and such!”

Trixie blushed, and said, “Thank you, you’re too kind. Speaking of which…” The others excluding Pinkie began giving a grim expression. “Where’s Fluttershy? More importantly, Trixie simply must speak to Rainbow Dash about this.”

“Aw,” Applejack mused. “Fluttershy’ll be your friend no matter what! She’s out back in the garden if you really wanna go see her, though.”

“And Rainbow?”

Again, that same, grim expression showed itself on Applejack’s muzzle. “Hun… Foal steps, you know? Rainbow’s still antsy with ya. Give her some time to relax about you becoming Celestia’s student and all. I hate to say it, but Ah highly doubt she’ll be willing to forgive and forget tonight, just like that.”

Trixie looked away, and sighed, “You’re probably right, Applejack.”

“Ah’m sorry, but hey, why not go see Fluttershy? Ah mean, five outta six mares won over in one go is pretty good, huh?” She offered this with a hoof, and Trixie figured she’d be content with adopting this perspective.

“Trixie supposes you’re right… Very well, then. She's at the gardens, you said?”

“Mmhmm.” Just before leaving them, Trixie heard Applejack tell her, “Good luck,” before chuckling along with Rarity. Trixie watched behind her as she left the room, and observed the group for just a little bit longer before vacating the music and everything.

Fluttershy was easily spotted amongst the beginning of some dense trees, speaking to a squirrel that occupied a high branch. “Fluttershy?” Trixie asked, the pegasus pony’s back facing her.

“Storing nuts for the cold season, huh? Oh, Trixie. I didn’t see you there,” Fluttershy smiled, turning around. “Don’t mind me. I was just speaking to this cute, little critter up there. He’s awfully busy getting ready… Perhaps it’s rude of me to bother him.”

“Heh…” Trixie was about to simply begin apologizing, like she’d felt up to doing so all night, especially towards Rainbow, but Fluttershy started speaking first.

“My goodness!”

Trixie gulped. “What?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Your dress! It’s magnificent! Is that Rarity’s doing?”

“Oh, yes! It is! You like it?”

Fluttershy calmly hoofed, “I love it!”

Trixie only felt it fair to return the compliment. “She probably did your’s, too, because what you’re wearing looks just as good as Trixie’s dress if not better.”

“Why, thank you, Trixie.” The pegasus took in some air before stating, “I never knew you could be so… kind.”

Trixie couldn’t stop smiling. With Fluttershy, she didn’t even feel it necessary to apologize, but still, she made a move on doing so. Fluttershy didn’t help her either in asking, “So, did you need something? Or just coming over here to keep me company?”

Trixie raised a hoof. “Actually, Trixie wanted to… you know, say that she’s sorry for all she’s done in the past, to you and your friends.”

Instantly, without a moment’s wait, Fluttershy admirably stated, “Forgiven.”

It was enough to make Trixie back up a little, and that’s when she saw Rainbow’s signature streak overtake the distanced clouds along with a few other flyers. They were surely the legendary Wonderbolts, but what made Trixie that much more uneasy was the sure possibility of Rainbow hearing her friend say that. This was mainly because there she was floating just up above, behind Fluttershy and the trees.

“That’s… great!” Trixie awkwardly did her best to keep a straight face, but knowing Rainbow was right there just made the whole atmosphere feel more tense just then. Luckily for her, Fluttershy thought it time to catch up with her other friends.

“I’ll be with Twilight if you need me.” Before leaving, though, Fluttershy took the time to say, “Rarity’s already tried to talk to Rainbow Dash by the way. It didn’t work. Umm… My advice would be to do whatever your heart tells you to do.” She then went ahead and hugged the showmare for good comfort, oblivious to Rainbow’s presence.

After the yellow pony had left, save for a few words heard off in the distance and the muffled music being played beyond the walls of the structure next to them, there was a moment of silence while the two looked on at one another. For the most part, the clearing they occupied though well lit was amazingly deserted.

Rainbow was waiting for Trixie to say something first, but instead of that happening, Trixie turned around solemnly and started heading for the fountain only a few steps away. Rainbow, though she could’ve left, didn’t. She followed closely behind, hovering above the grass now, and watching Trixie’s every movement.

When they’d finally gotten to the water, Rainbow was more than willing to break the silence. “Nice dress.” It didn’t even sound realistic. More like something she was being paid to say.

“Thank you,” Trixie quietly responded. “You look…” She took a chance and made eye contact shortly after looking this mare up and down. “You look wonderful, too.”

Rainbow’s sneer wasn’t comforting at all, and only assisted in Trixie getting quieter and quieter. “So,” Rainbow said. “I… might’ve been watching you while you talked to Applejack.” This was a shock to Trixie, and sent goosebumps down her forehooves and hindlegs. Rainbow even saw how shaken Trixie had gotten after she announced that. Now Rainbow, too, had butterflies in her stomach.

“You did…?”

“Y-yeah,” she tried to say smoothly, but it came out sounding as if she’d just learnt this herself. “Applejack seems… really, really willing to give you a chance. Either you’re the greatest liar ever, or…” She smiled.

“Oh, Rainbow,” Trixie said, wanting to say anything she could to deny being a liar.

“Or, you’re actually, genuinely sorry for what you did… Just, why did Celestia choose somepony like you as her new student? I don’t get it. I mean, let’s be real here.” Rainbow breathed in before boldly saying, “You’re no Twilight Sparkle when it comes to magic and spell weaving.”

Trixie blinked with worry. “Does that really matter? Does it even need to be brought up? Trixie doesn’t know, okay?” She placed her hoof on her chest, and said, “Trixie often can't help but to think about this at times, and when she does, her heart sinks. So, go ask her if you must know, because I won’t have your answer!”

Rainbow shuffled her hooves in an embarrassed way. “No, that’s not important," the pegasus said in realization. "You’re right,” she confessed to herself with closing eyes. “You’re right…”

“Why can’t Trixie be your friend, Rainbow Dash?” The question was like a dagger, cutting through all the obstacles to get to the core of the conversation.

“Erh, because, I… Uhh...”

Flustered, Trixie’s hoof pointed forth at Rainbow’s torso. “You can’t even answer! If you want Trixie to say sorry, she will, because it’s beginning to feel like that’s all she's said tonight. Apology after apology.” Her head shook in disbelief towards Rainbow’s untouched stance and unchanged face, like she was contemplating this harshly, and she was.

“How…” Rainbow finally made a more pleasant face, if only a little untrusting. “How do I know you won’t put us all in harm’s way again, like when you had that amulet?”

Trixie put her hoof on her upset head, and sternly asked, “Did Discord get the third degree, too?”

At that, Rainbow inhaled a deep breath of air through her nose, and sighed before saying, “My friends brought that up, too. I kinda flew away, because I didn’t have an answer. I still don’t.”

“Well,” Trixie began, her eyes filling with tears now. “Trixie wants to say that she's s-”

“No!” Rainbow shut her eyes tight to block her own tears, and exclaimed, “I’m the one who should be sorry.” Rainbow sniffled. “I’m sorry, Trixie, for being such a… a hard head about it, as Rarity puts it. I’m sorry I put you through this, and I know you don’t deserve this kind of treatment anymore. I just...”

Trixie asked with a hoarse voice, “R-Rainbow Dash?”

“Guh,” she grunted, wiping away the tears that had escaped. “I just don’t know what came over me. Alright?”

Trixie moved quick to grasp Rainbow in her hooves. “It’s okay,” she comforted. “I’ll forgive you if you forgive me… Friends?”

Rainbow held tight, and smiled. “Alright, friends.” They kept with each other, hidden by the trees, next the lavish, flowing fountain for a few more seconds. Rainbow was the one to break the hug. Trixie just didn’t want to let go, but compelled herself rather well despite the circumstances. “I just hope nopony saw that.”

Trixie magically pulled a handkerchief out from her dress, and said, “Trixie just knew this would be of some use tonight. Trixie doesn't think any pony saw us, by the way, but...” She took it upon herself to clean both her’s and Rainbow’s cheeks. “We’d better be getting back to the fun before everypony starts looking for us.”

Nodding to the notion, Rainbow lead the way. “Yeah, and besides, Soarin' promised me a race before the night ended.”

Trixie chuckled. “Isn’t he the cute one?”

Rainbow gasped, and then a whole new conversation began. This one, this time around would be a much more preferable conversation to the two of them. The festivities of the night went by all too fast of course, and the next morning would come inevitably, but at this moment in time, Trixie wished the Grand Galloping Gala was one that lasted forever.

Sixteen: A Week Later

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One week went by quickly after the gala, mainly because during that time existed a lack of objectivity for Trixie. She had her upcoming show Princess Celestia had assigned her to prepare for, and that was about it. In just three days of that one week, she already had her line of tricks and spells ready.

In just two more days, she’d have them practiced and suitably acceptable for her performance. All except one that is, which she’d been putting off all this time to better consider which stage she’d be occupying.

At this time in the late morning, Trixie could be found at her old caravan along with Moon Dancer in the chariot houses. Instead of her armor, and instead of Trixie’s cape and hat, they both wore blue and purple sweaters. It was cold enough, but the idea was because of Trixie, and Moon Dancer tagged along just for fun, and to stay warm.

“Did you decide on a stage yet?” Moon Dancer asked while adjusting her sleeves, knowing good and well Trixie hadn’t.

“Well, like Trixie said yesterday, she’ll probably decide on the one at the northern gate. It’s the best choice when you think about it.”

Moon Dancer sighed. “Finally! I kept telling you the northern gate was the way to go. It’ll get the word across town the fastest, and it’s easy to bring everything there, but not too easy like the one at the front palace doors will probably be someday.”

“Trixie will be needing Druid Shield’s assistance for the safe deliverance of this equipment… Where is he? Trixie thought you said he was just about done with the morning shift.”

“He was.”

“Here I am,” Druid Shield cut in, a frown on his face. “My apologies. I was talking to Princess Luna about some weird deers and their buck leader wanting passage to the city. They apparently had very foreign products to sell, but wouldn’t allow me to see their merchandise.”

Trixie shuffled. “You went all the way to Princess Luna for that?”

Druid Shield shook his head, and finished his story. “Actually, they wouldn’t show me because they were here to sell these things to Princess Luna. That’s why I had to go get her.” He growled, “Never even got to see what was inside those wooden crates, because even if I glanced, that buck would warn me of the cultural violations. Something important, though, because Luna sure was interested when I informed her about it.”

Moon Dancer walked over from next to Trixie, and hugged her stallion with one of her wings. “I understand that you’ve had a long day.”

“But, Trixie needs assistance.”

“Oh, right,” Druid Shield said while scratching the back of his head with a hoof. “I’ll get all the heavy stuff.”

Trixie smiled masterfully at how strong his powers were, and had a thought cross her mind. “Say, Druid Shield?”

“Yes?” he asked after setting a load of things down into the cart they intended to use.

“You’re good with magic. Help Trixie with her spell. It’s the one that makes the tip of your horn glow.”

His horn had dimmed, and his expression was like stone. “I will, but Trixie, if I’m not your guard pony anymore, then I’d appreciate it if you asked me for my help when it comes to these sorts of things.”

As shallow as that was, Trixie was close to admitting he was right when Moon Dancer said first, “Actually…” Trixie looked over. “Princess Celestia said-”

“Crap,” Druid Shield abruptly, and loudly whispered.

“Hey! What? She did!” He stayed silent. “She said that you were to still go on escort missions with Trixie and I.”

He leered his vision up to her. “What?”

“So, and considering I’m your marefriend and everything, I’m the boss.”


“Do as Trixie says, especially in my presence. She’s your friend.”

With her work done, Moon Dancer finished up by muzzling poor Druid Shield for a change, and departed from the two briefly before meeting Trixie at the location they were to perform at. All alone, something that they hadn’t experienced in what seemed like a long time, Trixie and Druid Shield worked together to get all of Trixie’s most important things into place. “Be very delicate,” she said.

“Yes, Trixie, I know.”

“You needn’t be so formal. The Great and Powerful Trixie didn’t mean to be so bossy, but Moon Dancer is right. You’re still my friend. Right?”

He looked from the entrance of the caravan to Trixie, and said, “Yeah. I, uh, just want you to know, I don’t have any romantic feelings for you anymore.”

Trixie hummed. “Is that so?”

He looked off to the left, and down a little. “Yes…”

“Why does Trixie feel as if you’re lying?”

He snarled. “Stop this, Trixie.”

She simply rolled her eyes, but had a stern face. “Trixie has many admirers. Trixie knows when somepony likes her a bit too much, you know. It’s just… you have somepony. The only reason Trixie plays with you like this, Druid Shield, is because she just wants to remind you that Moon Dancer loves you. She loves you a lot, and Trixie knows you love her back.”

He breathed as best he could, which wasn’t all that well. “I love her more than anything…”

Trixie smiled. “You may admire me like anypony else, Druid Shield. That is your choice… Just, if Trixie ever gets too close, she expects you to stay a gentlecolt. Okay?”

He blinked. “What do you mean?”

Trixie craftily explained, “Do you remember bringing Trixie to her first day’s training with Celestia in that ballroom? Trixie had begun becoming attached to you, and you… didn’t mind. Not one bit. Remember?”

He bit his bottom lip. “I didn’t know not doing anything was wrong.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. Once she stopped, she quivered. “To Trixie it is. You should’ve pushed Trixie away or something when she’d gotten so close, or mentioned you have a marefriend.”

Her voice was for the most part calm, but it echoed, and once it fell silent again, Druid Shield asked, “What are you saying?”

Trixie sighed. “Just that you’re an attractive pony, and that Moon Dancer deserves you. Don’t make it to where you don’t deserve her.”

He got back to work, unmoved. He knew this was already what he needed to aim for from then on. The point Trixie wanted to make was already known. It was just necessary for Trixie to finally discuss in detail with him. After a moment to himself, he finished up helping, and said, “Yes ma’am. About that spell.”

Seventeen: Performance

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The night Trixie would be performing, an unusually intense glow came from the moon. With so many ponies gathering just in the distance, even Princess Luna felt obligated to at least observe what was going on. While her sister had located herself much closer to the stage, but still higher up, Luna could be spotted watching from her tower. Celestia was hidden from view for the most part due to some silhouette curtains hanging from overhead, but that didn’t stop her company from finding her.

A dark presence came near Celestia’s side, and sat. His fur was unmistakable, and Celestia asked Wolf, “Did you merely come to be with me because I asked it of you, or to truly see the show that Trixie has put together?”

Wolf responded gruffly, “I have nowhere else to be… Besides, that student of yours is a curiosity. I understand how she plans on putting the medallion to good use, but it could’ve been kept somewhere else. Somewhere safer, wouldn’t you agree?”

Celestia commented, “The best use for such an artifact is very little use at all. That’s why what it’s being used for right now will do quite nicely.”

Despite Celestia avoiding his question, he nodded, and answered, “Indeed.”

Celestia’s gaze wavered from everypony down below to Wolf, and she asked, “Will you be staying, or returning to Kiyak?” He didn’t answer immediately, so Celestia continued, “I mean, it’s been over a week now…”

He blinked, and looked away. “No… I think it’s time to make a new home here. It’s safer, after all, and…”

“Yes?” Celestia asked, leaning towards him.

“Trixie could use a guardian.”

Celestia smiled, and asked, “Are you insinuating I can’t keep her safe without your help?”

Wolf merely smiled back, and then looked down at the crowd. The show was about to begin, so the two spoke little afterwards. Meanwhile, behind the curtain of Trixie’s readied stage, the showmare trotted forth. She had just finished going over the plan one last time with Moon Dancer.

Having already gotten her hat, Trixie entered her make-up room to retrieve her cape, the very same caravan she had arrived at Canterlot with. Aside from most recent activities, it’d been awhile since she’d last spent actual time in there. She hadn’t the chance before, because her caravan had been so far away from her room, but entering it once more and standing all by herself, something felt off. It was the extra cape sitting on her hanger.

It greatly resembled her own, but was a brilliant red with yellow stars emblazoning it, and Celestia’s cutie mark symbol of the sun. attached to the fabric was a note from Princess Celestia herself. She read, “This is a gift, because you’ve been doing so well lately. Keep up the good work, my new student.”

It magically floated over and onto her back, and rested nicely. There was a small, golden chain collar, so Trixie fastened it using her aura. She looked in the mirror to behold her new piece of apparel, and smiled. It wasn’t a genuine smile, though, she noticed.

Trixie’s grin came about from the feeling of victory. It was the same kind of grin Trixie made when Starlight Glimmer had chosen her over Twilight. Her mind traced back to when Twilight revealed that she still didn’t trust her shortly thereafter.

She gulped when remembering these instances in her life, and backed away from the mirror. “The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to stay more concentrated. She gets too cocky, and competitive, and all that happens after that is…”

She thought back to how she had almost ruined her friendship with Starlight, and how she began to cry right in front of Twilight; how she acted before her audience. “That can't happen again!” She stomped her hoof on the floor, her face now red in the mirror.

Luckily for her, for the most part, the finisher helped everypony forget what had happened that night in Ponyville, but she still remembered. This was why she periodically needed to refresh her memory, and remind herself why it was so important to remain confident, humble and friendly as often as possible.

Looking back up to the mirror, she said, “Trixie can’t get too dramatic, either. Every once in awhile, sure, but it gets ridiculous if she takes it too far… Trixie knows that by now.” She huffed, and when she smiled this time, Trixie could see the difference. This was a genuine smile.

She left the mirror, and admired Celestia’s gift one last time before exiting, and addressing practically all of Canterlot Commons. The curtains unfolded slightly to allow her to exit, and the showmare faced the most colorful crowd she’d ever had the pleasure of seeing, and all unicorns, too.

Trixie figured most would probably know many of these basic spells, but just hoped they’d never thought of seeing them used in such a new fashion before. Much like all her other shows as of late, she addressed the audience, and began to set the tone for everypony watching.

“Canterlot, beautiful as ever,” she began, the medallion above her activating, and pouring thick smoke across the floorboards. “The Great and Powerful Trixie came here seeking fame and fortune, as many of you might recall…”

A loud whistle sounded from one of the audience members, and to which Trixie responded with, “Of course, who wouldn’t come to such a city like this seeking the very same thing? The ponies here are impressionable… The sights, the smells, and everything about Canterlot draws Trixie back no matter where else she might be at the time. Trixie wishes to thank you all for having her. I doubt I'll be able to stay forever, because other cities deserve these shows as well...”

Trixie took a moment to look over to where Celestia was sitting. Her white coat and flowing mane made it a little bit less of a challenge for Trixie to locate her, but once she did, she said that, and paused for just a second. She then resumed, “But, you need not worry. I'll always come back to Canterlot in the end. How could I not?”

Everypony cheered to that, and stomped their hooves to let Trixie know that she was more than welcomed at Canterlot anytime. Now more delighted than ever by this, Trixie got her show on its way by saying, “And now, if everypony’s thoroughly ready, let’s begin!”

The crowd roared, eager to know what the first act would be. Trixie began with some basic tricks that she had learned about far before meeting Celestia. A few times, Trixie got the audience involved, but nothing so boastful as her first performance for Ponyville. She then gave her new komodo dragon act a go, but this time, she was sure to give it much more dimension, detail and color. For the most part, it wasn’t anything new, until she announced that she had one last part of her show to perform.

“Thank you all so much,” Trixie said with a bow. “Now, for my great and powerful finale, Trixie shall require the assistance of just one, very lucky audience member.”

Ponies had already begun clamoring to the edges of the stage, hooves raised. All night, Trixie had been scoping out the audience for a friend that she could trust, and she could’ve bet a few hundred bits that she’d seen Twilight in the far back with a few other ponies. This shadowy figure was coming closer and closer, her hoof raised like everyone else, but she didn’t seem near as eager. To herself, Trixie said, “Sparkle will do...”

Trixie pointed to who she thought must’ve been Twilight, and even took the opportunity to help her up on stage, but upon seeing the color of Twilight’s hoof appear from the darkness, Trixie’s confident expression washed away, and was replaced by startlization. Instead of it being lavender, it was yellow, and out of the darkness, Trixie also started seeing shady wool fabric. It was a jacket, and the mare that had gotten up on stage before Trixie was not Twilight. Although, she sure did look like her.

“Hi,” the mare said, her hair bundled up to keep it out from in front of her eyes. “I’m Moon Dancer.”

All Trixie could do was tilt her head, baffled as to what might’ve been happening just then and there. “Wait, what?”

Moon Dancer blinked. “I… told you my name. It’s Moon Dancer.”

For a good second, Trixie could only stare blankly at the mare in front of her, processing the information she had collected. Then, she asked, “Not Twilight?”

Moon Dancer rolled her eyes while smiling, and said, “If I had a bit for every time somepony thought I looked like Twilight…”

“Aaand, you’re not my Moon Dancer, either? Trixie’s personal friend and assistant for tonight?”

Moon Dancer blinked for a second, and then answered to the best of her knowledge, “Err, no, I’m not… You mean, there’s another pony with the same exact name as me?”

“Well,” trixie said, glancing from Moon Dancer to the audience. “Trixie supposes you’ll meet her after the show, but for now…” Trixie wrapped her arm around the back of Moon Dancer’s neck, and brought them facing the other way for a second to explain. She whispered into Dancer’s ear, “You see, Trixie just needs you to jump behind the curtain once I cast a puff of thick smoke that’ll envelop you. After that, you’ll be able to continue watching the show from inside my caravan.”

Moon Dancer asked Trixie, “What’re you planning exactly?”

Trixie humored Dancer, “How many of these Canterlot ponies do you think have actually seen a batpony up close and personal?”

Moon Dancer’s eyebrows raised, and she adjusted her glasses. “Like, not a whole lot. I mean, except a few times on Nightmare Night... Ponies know about them, and the Lunar Guard, but interaction with them even to this day has been fairly rare.”

Trixie smiled coyly. “Good,” she said, and then turned around to face her audience once again. Moon Dancer had taken the hint, and even became a little curious to see just how this was going to turn out. “And now, I, the Great and Powerful Trixie shall transform this ordinary mare into a creature of the night!”

A few ponies were moved by this statement. Trixie could tell by how some of them asked the pony beside them what she might’ve meant by that. So, she answered the looming question herself. “What I mean is, I will be turning this ordinary unicorn into… a batpony!”

This got nearly everyone’s attention. Still, some asked what a batpony could possibly be, and for the most part, their neighbors answered them. Just in case there were still a few that weren’t following, Trixie explained in a simple sentence, “They’re basically half pony and half bat.”

With the audience ready to see this be done, Trixie hesitated no further, and shot her magic down at the floor before the hooves of Moon Dancer. Instantly, smoke coated her entire being, and in that instance, Moon Dancer leaped backwards as quickly and quietly as she could. She was now surrounded by darkness, and through the rays of light that came from beyond the curtain, she could see her counterpart pass her by from her right side.

Time slowed down while they got a good look at one another. Their eyes met for only a few brief seconds, and the Moon Dancer that had just left the stage grew more than interested in batponies than ever before just from that experience. She’d never seen the glow of their eyes while light reflected off of them, or the shine of their teeth. Her smooth wings even glistened as she left.

Now out on stage, and the smoke clearing, Moon Dancer played her part skillfully. She at first acted vicious towards the crowd, and frightened many. She trotted back and forth, gnarling. "Now that I'm a batpony," Moon Dancer said, "I'll begin feeding!"

Soon, ponies began to smile again after she menacingly devoured a peach. She obviously didn't seem so dangerous after that. Trixie had impressed everypony that night, including Princess Luna who wasn't at all expecting one of her own Lunar Guard ponies to be participating. The batpony down below socialized with many new faces that evening, and although the show was over, ponies lingered just to get a good look at Trixie’s unique assistant.

As for the other Moon Dancer, she kept her distance for a good while, allowing the batpony to finish up. Once things seemed to settle down well enough, however, she introduced herself. Things were winding down by then, so the two of them settled for plans to meet up with one another tomorrow afternoon in order to become better acquainted as friends. So ended Trixie’s big performance for Canterlot, not that it would be the last. The next day, Trixie would receive word from Celestia that she had passed yet another assignment, and that her mentor also had even more adventures for Trixie lined up.

Eighteen: No Longer New

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Trixie slept peacefully in her bed, slipping in and out of her slumber. Light was coming through her open balcony door, and chilly winds graced her hooves. She finally rose, and sleepily wandered to her mirror. In front of it was a letter from Starlight Glimmer inviting Trixie to Ponyville. It had been recently opened, and though Trixie had already read it, she still silently reread it anyways.

It explained to Trixie the dire need of a friend to come help Starlight visit the town from where she came from. The residents there had invited Starlight to the annual Sunset Festival, and she didn’t feel safe going alone. Trixie was still weighing out her options.

She then sighed, and looked to Dingo, who still slept heavily. He was utterly tangled in the sheets, but he didn’t seem to mind. So, Trixie went ahead and fixed his water and food bowls, got herself freshed up, and then came over to her cape hanger. On it were two to choose from. Trixie chose the purple one over Celestia's, though, because she had already decided a while ago to only wear Celestia's cape for special occasions, like if the princesses were watching or something. Promptly after grabbing her hat as well, she left to start the day. Celestia had yet another assignment for Trixie, but something about the way she informed Trixie of this the night before didn’t seem quite right.

“Celestia seemed sad about it,” Trixie said to herself, coming down the hall. So far, Trixie had accomplished many deeds for Celestia, but as of late, things just seemed repetitive for Trixie. She hated to admit it, but she was beginning to grow bored with seeing and performing for Canterlot all the time, and craved new sights, or at least places she hadn’t seen for quite some time. “Perhaps,” Trixie figured while making a turn, “Trixie should return to Ponyville for a bit. Besides, Trixie couldn’t let Starlight Glimmer down when she needs her, now could she?”

Nodding it off, she planned to at least request to go see Starlight in order to help. She was about to enter the ballroom, too, when none other than Princess Celestia herself came out, and stood before her student. Next to her, she magically held a basket by its handle. The contents were covered by a red and white checkered cloth, but even that gave no hints for Trixie. She had apparently failed to remember seeing somepony holding one of these before.

“Ah, Trixie,” Celestia said, her smile welcoming as ever. Still, Trixie couldn’t help but to imagine that her mentor was upset in some way. She said nothing, though, and just waited for celestia to finish. “It’s good to see you.”

Trixie smiled, but observed the basket more than Her Highness. “It’s… good to see you too. What’s that for?”

Celestia looked away, and simply replied, “I’d like it if today, instead of an actual assignment, we bonded a little… Follow me, please.”

Trixie did so, for this was nothing new. Celestia had developed a habit of explaining her plans for Trixie while they walked together. Sometimes they’d be headed to where they wanted to go, and sometimes they would just be wandering, but today, Trixie couldn’t tell if it was one or the other. “Umm…”

Celestia didn’t respond right away. Instead, she just kept this serious look about her, and just kept walking. It wasn’t until after they had left the palace, and entered the city that she finally spoke.

“We’re going outside the walls, by the way.”

Trixie paused her trot, but then quickly caught up to ask, “Outside the walls? Why?”

Blinking at her pupil, Celestia said, “Because there’s no grass within. How else are we going to have a picnic?”

The look on Trixie’s face told Celestia she still wasn’t following. “A what?”

Celestia asked curiously, “You’ve never had a picnic before?”


“Huh,” Celestia huffed as they reached the nearest exiting gate. “I’ll be sure not to spoil the surprise, then...”

Outside the castle, they walked a good ways before Celestia finally found a spot for the two of them, Trixie still itching to know what a picnic was. When Celestia unfolded the hay sandwiches, though, Trixie suddenly remembered.

Oh,” Trixie said with a gruff voice. “Trixie remembers now. Twilight tried to get Trixie to join her on one of these.”

Celestia curiously asked while laying out the checkered cloth, “Did you go to Twilight’s picnic?”

“No, actually… It was a little bit after Trixie was in possession of the alicorn amulet, you see… She was just visiting to see if the ponies there had warmed up to Trixie yet, which a lot of them hadn't. Trixie didn’t feel comfortable with going despite being invited, which she realizes now was ridiculous…” She looked around at the windy plane they rested on, and at the trees in the far off distance, and then the food.

“I’m sure you’ll get another chance…”

Trixie looked away while she was given something to eat. “Which kind of brings Trixie to a delicate request.”

Celestia blinked before taking a bite, and said, “Well, do proceed.”

Trixie nodded, took a bite of her sandwich as well, and then swallowed. “I’ve been invited to Ponyville by my friend, Starlight.” Celestia said nothing, and continued to eat. “She wants me to accompany her to… Our Town.”

Celestia just stared for a second, and asked after gulping down the bite she'd taken, “Our… Town…?”

“Yyyeah,” Trixie sighed, scratching the back of her neck. “It’s an unmarked, off the map village. Apparently, it’s literally called Our Town. Anyways, look, the point is… she needs my help. Starlight wants me to go with her if only for support, and besides, Trixie hasn’t seen her in a while...”

Celestia nodded. “Well, that actually brings me to a delicate subject. You see, trixie, I brought you here not to give you something to eat, but because… as far as performance tricks go, and anything else like that, I’m afraid I’ve nothing else to teach you.”

Trixie’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

Celestia simply nodded, but mentioned, “You’ll always be my student, though, and you’ll always have a place here in the castle. It’s just…” The Princess shrugged, and admitted, “I haven’t hardly any more assignments for you as of late.”

Trixie looked down, a little shaken by all of this. “What’re you saying?”

“I’m saying that you’re no longer my new student. You’ve advanced so quickly with your shows, and everything in that regard that I almost can’t keep up. Surely you’ve noticed some of the lacking things I’ve been having you do, like mastering the fog spell without the use of your medallion. It’s because… I just need some time to find new things related to what you’re best at, Trixie. Until then, wouldn’t it benefit you to go see the world again, if only for a little bit?”

Trixie seemed to be calming back down, and raised her head. “Well, when you put it like that, Trixie supposes she could get away from Canterlot for a bit. And, she has noticed, actually. She just wishes she could just get better at actual magic.

Celestia frowned a little bit at that statement. “I’ve tried my best as far as that goes. For example, when you wanted to know how to turn that spoon into a teacup. It just… didn’t work out. It always came out mixed with whatever it was you were trying to transform in the first place.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Trixie said with a smirk. “Trixie will figure it out sooner or later. Maybe she’ll ask Starlight for help while she’s over there. Besides, Trixie misses antagonizing Twilight with her usual, boastful personality.”

Celestia giggled, and resumed her meal. She then commented, “I doesn’t make it any easier, though, knowing that I’ll be away from you for a while.”

“Trixie agrees… Of course, Trixie will write you letters to let you know that she’s safe. That is, if you want her to.”

“That would be nice, my n-” Princess Celestia stopped herself, and then corrected, “My Great and powerful Student.”

After they finished their picnic, Princess Celestia and Trixie returned to the castle. It didn’t take Trixie long to gather the belongings she wished to take along. The whole time, she just kept thinking about all her experiences under Celestia’s wing, and how far she'd come since the start of it all. She, too, was a little resistant on leaving. Upon coming to the front gate in order to meet with Celestia, Trixie voiced to her with worry, “Trixie’s about as ready for this as she’ll probably ever be.”

Druid Shield and the two Moon Dancers showed up as well to see her off. Celestia came up to Trixie, everypony else staying behind Her Highness. “I know this probably isn’t the departure from Canterlot you had imagined, but I know we’ll see each other again soon. This isn't the end.”

They hugged, and then Trixie went and got something from her Caravan. She came out shortly thereafter, and came up to her batpony guards with Dingo in her hooves. “Umm…”

Both Druid Shield and Moon Dancer looked at Trixie with a bit of discomfort. “Are you sure you wanna leave him with us?” Moon Dancer asked.

Trixie nodded after looking away, and then looked back at them to explain, “Trixie just doesn’t feel safe traveling with him anymore, and Trixie knows for a fact that he doesn’t like being cooped up inside the whole way, all the time… He’d be happier with you two, Trixie believes.”

Druid shield was the one to take the little guy from her, and assured Trixie, “We’ll see to it that no harm ever comes his way. He’ll be waiting here in Canterlot for your safe return.”

Trixie smiled graciously, and then hugged the two of them before returning to Celestia. “Well,” she said. “I guess this is it, then…”

Celestia breathed, and embraced Trixie one last time before allowing her to pass through the large gate. Before it closed behind her, however, with her on the other side of the threshold, Trixie turned around to look at Celestia one last time. She was walking towards the crease, and raising a hoof. Trixie did the same, and put it right where Celestia's hoof would've landed.

“Goodbye for now, Celestia.”

Just like that, it was over, but Trixie hadn’t the time to mourn over the ending of this chapter in her life. She had a friend in Ponyville who needed her help, and she was waiting patiently for Trixie's arrival.

Nineteen: The Night Before Everything Else

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The experiences for Trixie after leaving behind Canterlot, as well as Celestia would add up faster than she expected them to, one of them being the salvation of practically an entire race otherwise known as the Changelings. For now, however, it involved her and Starlight traveling long periods of time to Our Town together. Little did they know of the trials they would soon face with Queen Chrysalis.

Trixie had just lettered Celestia to let her know how things were going, and to assure Celestia that she was indeed safe. Luckily for her, there was a post office just up the road from where they camped out at.

Upon getting back, Trixie found her friend sitting by the fire reading a book. They had pulled over to rest for the night, and to get a fresh start on tomorrow. As Trixie sat down next to her friend, Starlight asked, “By the way, how’s your studying with Princess Celestia going?”

“It’s going well,” Trixie said with a shrug. “Trixie’s done so good, that Celestia ran out of things for her to do, actually.”

Starlight’s eyebrows raised. “What? Really? No more magic to learn? No more spells? You’re… joking, right?”

Trixie remained ever boastful with her friend. “Trixie has learned much with Celestia’s help, but harnessing Trixie’s magic wasn’t what we focused on.”

Starlight was becoming more and more confused. “What? If you weren’t learning magic from the princess, then what the hay were you learning from her? How to fly?”

Trixie chuckled. “Actually, if you must know, the truth is… she’s been teaching Trixie how to become a better stage performer.”

On normal circumstances, Trixie would’ve gone as far as to show Starlight Glimmer her medallion as proof. She could’ve, too, as it was right inside hidden away. She made a promise to her mentor, though, not to bring attention to it whatsoever.

After learning what Trixie and Celestia had actually been doing with one another, Starlight asked, “And you didn’t tell me about that part in your letters because…?”

Trixie made an attempt at defending herself by starting with, “You see-” However, Starlight stopped her before she could.

“Come to think of it, you even made it sound stressful in your letters, being there in Canterlot, learning all these ‘new spells’ all the time.” Starlight looked at Trixie sternly, and asked, “Just what sort of spells did you learn?”

Trixie hoofed nervously, trying to play it off. “It was actually... only a few spells, mainly a fog making spell, and uh… Trixie also learned other things like how to channel her aura, and how to better grasp things, and levitate them. And uh…”

By then, Starlight’s facial expression was anything but impressed. “Here I thought Princess Celestia would’ve at least taught you more basic stuff. I don’t know, Trixie. That just… kind of bothers me. The most powerful mare in the whole wide world takes important time out of her everyday life to… further your advancement in stage shows, and attracting a crowd? It just… doesn’t add up in my head.”

Trixie sighed in defeat, and explained further in detail, “Also, Trixie wasn’t the easiest student to work with.”

Trixie stared at the fire while Starlight asked in concern, “What do you mean?”

“It’s not like Celestia didn’t try!” Trixie’s eyebrow furrowed. “That’s what she was going for with her teachings at first, but Trixie thinks it ended up being something else. Once Celestia saw that Trixie had reached her limit, and that she was struggling greatly with getting past even the simple stuff, Her Highness decided to take another route.”

Starlight still had trouble believing this bit of news, but regardless, she also figured that she might be able to help Trixie improve on her actual, magical prowess. “In that case,” Starlight offered. “Trixie, why don’t I help you with your magic? I mean, I’m no showmare, but I could definitely help you when it comes to casting spells.”

Trixie nodded, and smiled. “You are rather impressive with your magic. Just know, Trixie can be a difficult student.”

Starlight giggled, and remarked, “Oh, I am not your teacher. I’ll just do my best at giving you some pointers whenever I can. Wouldn’t want to interfere with Her Highness’s agenda for you.”

Trixie joked, “Assuming she actually has one.” They laughed together for a second before Trixie resumed speaking. “By the way, about what Trixie said back there… You know, in front of Twilight, about you being Trixie’s best friend.”

Starlight blinked, and glanced away for a brief second. She was trying hard not to smile, but she smiled anyways. “Wh-what about it, Trixie?”

“I just wanted to say,” said the showmare. “You really are Trixie’s best friend, and she couldn’t ask for a better one.”

Starlight’s reaction was a typical one. She just kept smirking, embarrassed, and asked Trixie, “I surpass even Celestia?”

Trixie nodded confidently. “Only by a little, though… It’s getting late, by the way.”

Starlight yawned after stating, “Yeah, I noticed that, too…”

Trixie then suggested, “Why don’t we head on to bed, then? We’ve got a big day ahead of us.”

Although, Starlight didn’t actually go right away. She told trixie she’d be right behind her, but she’d still be sitting out there before the fire for a good couple more minutes. Starlight just couldn’t help herself from worrying about tomorrow’s confrontation involving the town she once lived in. Eventually, she’d go to bed, but not before staying up, and wishing she could avoid tomorrow all together.

Of course, everything would turn out just fine in the end despite things at first not going so well. As stated before, events following these would come and go, until the next time Trixie would see her mentor once more. Trixie hadn't been counting on seeing Princess Celestia again so soon. This would be during the celebration that’s held for her, Starlight, Thorax, and Discord’s honor.

Twenty: Celestial Memories

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Inside Twilight’s castle of friendship, Trixie was busy bragging to other ponies about her most recent achievement, and while most times ponies would be annoyed with her by then, a few of them were all too busy gazing at her medal. The Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage worn around Trixie’s neck glistened all too noticeably in the light for her to be ignored that day. Twilight, Starlight and Celestia hadn’t seen her behave this confidently about herself in a long while. Twilight was even a little surprised to find herself enjoying the nostalgia of how boastful Trixie could truly be.

It had been a good while into the party, and Twilight had just given Starlight her mirror. That’s when Trixie overheard Celestia from the far side of the room say to Luna, “I should go have a word with Trixie. If you’ll excuse me…”

Trixie was just in the middle of telling everypony her version of the story again when she heard this. Discord was in the middle of correcting her as far as what had actually happened when she suddenly said, “And with that, Trixie leaves you all. Celestia requires Trixie’s presence, she believes.”

She left them abruptly, and turned to face her approaching mentor. All Celestia had to do was smile Trixie’s way, and she then walk out the entrance. Trixie followed close behind, and once enough ponies were far enough away, Trixie spoke while headed down the long, narrow hallway, “You don’t think Trixie’s being too boastful, do you?”

“It could be toned down, but it’s good to see that you’re enjoying yourself. All in all, I just wanted to say, it seems you’ve progressed rather admirably as of late.”

Trixie walked side by side with Celestia, her medal jingling energetically with every trot she made. “Trixie didn’t really know what she was getting into that day, when she left Canterlot. A lot has happened since she last saw you, but…”

As they reached the end, they found nothing more but a round, yellow, stained glass window and one door leading to the furthermost closet of the castle. Celestia finished for Trixie as they stood there, “Little time has actually passed. I know... In that short amount of time, though, I was able to come up with a new activity for you to embark on.”

“What might that be?” Trixie asked.

“I want you to go out into the world, and do as you were before you became my student. Put your new skills to practice, but most importantly, you should make a new friend.”

Trixie tilted her head in confusion, and asked with a slight attitude, “A new friend? But, Trixie’s already made so many friends. There’s Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Wolf, Druid Shield, Moon Dancer, and, uh…”

Celestia took the opportunity to speak up while Trixie lost count. “I would still think it best if you made another new friend.


Celestia simply blinked, and said, “Because friendship is magic, of course.”

Trixie blinked as well, and brought her hoof up to her lip. “Friendship is magic, huh?”

The words seemed to repeat themselves over and over again in her head. Celestia said, “It’s a saying that actually pertains to the whole, wide world as we know it. You may not understand it, Trixie, but all of the world you see around you is because of friendship. That… is one of the most important lessons that I wish to teach you; that friendship is magic.”

Trixie shrugged, and said, “If you say so, you’re highness. Friendship is magic, and stuff.” She then breathed deeply with raised eyebrows, and admitted, “Trixie hasn’t got much of an idea as to where she should start, though. She supposes audience members don’t count?”

Celestia giggled at this, and said while shaking her head, “No, they don’t.”

“Trixie supposes she could go to a town she hasn’t been to yet, and start from there…”

Celestia asked, “Do you have any place in particular that comes to mind?”

Trixie shook her head. “No, Trixie doesn’t. She’ll have to check the map, and see… Then again…”

Celestia pried, “Yes?”

“There’s Fenceland… Trixie was going to go there after Canterlot before she ended up meeting you, since it’s just down the mountain from Canterlot. Ponyville would’ve been her next stop after that. Trixie forgot all about checking out that small, rural town… Perhaps, she’ll start there.”

Celestia nodded slowly, and thought for a second. “My apologies for changing the subject, but had I known you’d end up doing what you did for your friend, Starlight Glimmer, I might’ve made you better equipped to face the changelings.”

Trixie joked, “What fun would that’ve been? Besides, Trixie did just fine. She just… missed you the whole time is all.”

Celestia couldn’t help but to sigh at this, and grasped Trixie in one of her hooves. She then said into Trixie’s ear, “I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of you… Of Twilight, too, and Starlight, and everypony… You’ve all done such a fantastic job at spreading friendship all over Equestria…” Celestia released Trixie, and asked, “What would you like as a reward, Trixie? I’ve asked everypony else donning the Heart except you.”

Of course, Trixie was slightly caught off guard, but while she looked down the hallway, she came to a decision rather quickly. She held her medal in her hoof, and said, “Actually, this is all I really wanted. To be noticed, and appreciated, but not just for being some stage pony. Trixie wanted to be recognized for being something much more than that. This medal… This Heart is all Trixie ever really wanted. And… friendship as well. Trixie could use friendship from time to time.”

Celestia chimed, “You have my friendship at all times.” She then frowned, and asked Trixie with a bit of awe in her voice, “Does that mean you don’t want a nice, hefty pile of bits before you’re on your way?”

Predictably, Trixie wouldn’t deny that such a gift could definitely be useful. However, she also told Celestia, “I’m actually not ready to leave Ponyville just yet, though. Starlight’s informed Trixie of how she wishes to do some magical training with Trixie. So, hope you don’t mind, but Trixie was hoping she could just… put off the assignment until she completes her training with Starlight?”

Celestia looked at Trixie, her smirk still present. She nodded, and said, “Very well. Shall we return to the party?”

Trixie trailed alongside her mentor, back to where the festivities were being held. For the most part, things just wound down from then, and it wouldn’t be long until the next day arrived. The weeks spent with Starlight went by, and during that time, Trixie learned a fair deal about magic. This included how to turn things into teacups. Eventually, however, it would come time for Trixie to depart from Ponyville, if only for a short period of time. After all, the assignment Celestia wanted Trixie to do wasn’t going to get done in a town where everypony knew who Trixie was.

The End