> WarHammer 40000: Dawn of Friendship > by PhoKingAzn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dawn of Friendship: Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn Of Friendship by Jonathan Chung Nguyen It has been forty thousands years, since the original mane 6. According to the Codex Astartes, in the 30th millennium the Empress of Ponykind, founder and head of the newly constituted Imperium of Pony, had become a major proponent of Order in all of Equestria. After consolidating her rule in Canterlot, and genetically engineering seven Legions of superpony warriors: UltraColts, DarkPegasuses, Empress' Foal, Imperial Hoof, Luna Mustangs, PonyGuard, and Iron Steeds. She embarked in the 31st millennium on a Great Crusade. The objective was to unify the millions of pony colonies scattered throughout Equestria under an Imperial Truth of science and reason, and against religion and superstition.The Imperium declared that Equestria is to be the exclusive, rightful domain of ponykind. The Empress made Princess Luna, her most trusted and versatile Primarch, Warmaster of her armed forces and overall leader of the Crusade. The Empress left the Crusade and returned to Canterlot to continue her work regarding Eldar access to the Friendship Webway, while relegating the overall administration of the Imperium to a civilian authority, the Council of Clouds Dale. These actions tested Luna's own resources, and exacerbated existing tensions among some of the other Primarchs, especially those who felt slighted by other decisions of the Emperor or had grievances against their sisters. Luna became the target of a conspiracy planned by the Chaos god, Discord, and executed by his allies and minions. It involved her near-fatal injury and supposed healing; both events were designed to make Luna susceptible to the influence of Chaos and lead to her eventual corruption. She turned against the Empress, becoming the Traitor from the perspective of the Imperium. She ultimately lead two other Primarchs, as well as their Legions and other forces, in war against the Imperium; the "betrayal" and campaign became known as the Luna Heresy. Most of those who turned against the Empress became, or already were, corrupted by Chaos. Luna issued orders designed to weaken and disperse the Loyalist forces, while simultaneously building covert alliances. Then, in the first open move of the Luna campaign, she succeeded in culling from the ranks of the rebels those individual units and persons that were still loyal to the Empress. During the opening stage of the campaign, the Imperial side is shown to have been beset by inadequate communications and poor intelligence, its leaders stunned or in denial when faced with the enormity of events. The next stage, expertly directed by Luna and her staff, involved the massacre of a Loyalist Legion, that was sent by the Imperium to crush the rebellion. Following this action, the bulk of rebel forces made their way to Canterlot. In the Battle for Canterlot, Luna was finally killed in single combat with her creator, while the Empress herself was nearly fatally wounded in the same action. The death of Luna led to disarray among the invading Traitors, whose campaign was by that time also threatened by imminent Loyalist reinforcements, and they hastily retreated. The so-called Battle for Canterlot, and the whole Luna Heresy campaign, was effectively over. Although the Heresy campaign lasted less than a standard decade, it was devastating in its scale, and the Imperium's victory came at great cost. A long and often violent period of "cleansing" the Imperium from Traitors and of rebuilding its institutions took place following the end of the Heresy, while the Traitor forces fled to a Chaos dominion known as the Eye of Terror. There, they created their own empires. The losses in talent, knowledge, manpower, and territory precipitated by the conflict caused a prolonged period of cultural, political, and technological stagnation and regression in the Imperium. As for the Empress, her desiccated physical form has since the Heresy been kept in a moribund state thanks to a technological marvel known as the Golden Throne, and she is only able to express herself psychically. The Imperial Legions left are: UltraColts, DarkPegasuses, and PonyGuard > Chapter 1: Shatter the Sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war Chapter 1: Shatter the Sky On board the Thunderhawk traveling through Equestrian Orbit, UltraColt Twilight awaits for the next mission. Beside her is her librarian, Spike. Across the carrier was a new recruit He wore his armor with pride, including his helmet. Moments later a screen across the carrier flickered on, Inquisitor Spitfire Appeared "Good marrow UltraColts," "According to reports, it appears your recruiting town, Pony Ville, is being under invasion of Xenos" Said Spitfire, "We are sending you to deny any Access until the liberation fleet arrives, also we are sending in Black Pegasus and Pony Guard to assist" "Why would we need help from a bunch of Xenos" replied spike, easing in his seat "Those primitive DiMads Dogz can't even handle all three of us" "Patience Librarian, let the Inquisitor speak" said Twilight. "Thank you Twilight" said Spitfire, "Since Pony Ville stands between DiMad Dogz and Clouds Dale, Reports have seen sightings of cleared forest paths of giant trak trends. The inquisition is assuming of a new DiMad Dogz War Machine." "Thank you Spitfire, we will be well informed" said Twilight The screen flickers off and the recruit feeling unease in his chair "Spike showing such disrespect against the Inquisitor could get you killed" said the recruit "the inquisition is just near to the the council" replied spike "Unless I'm tainted with chaos I'm damn sure I'm fine" "Enough of you two" said Twilight Calmly "We must focus on different matters in our recruit world in Pony Ville" The speakers of the ship came alive and the pilot's voice was heard "Twilight we are approaching the drop zone, get prepared in a pod" Twilight instantly stood up and headed for a Pod and said, "come on you two, make hast we must drop soon" And just in that moment a huge explosion shook the craft and the recruit fell over as spike back slammed into a wall. The pilot came on over the speakers "Sir, DiMad Dogz DiMad Baks are attacking our ship, our broad engines have been hit" a pause... "We are losing altitude" As another explosion shook the ship in the opposite direction. "Save yourself pilot launch the pods in 2 minutes" yelled Twilight Twilight pushed the recruit into the pod, along with Spike and jumped in as it was being ejected. Inside the pod, it was dark and claustrophobic. The feeling of free fall filled the recruit with fear and contempt. The sounds of explosions and gunfire in the background. And also a DiMad TrOl Screaming. The Adrenaline filled the recruit's Blood as excitement and fear took his mind as he shook and shaked in his seat inside the pod.He could barely speak. All he heard was the force of the wind passing the pod. A few moments later a Huge Explosion of an impact erupted as the Pod Landed To Earth. > Chapter 2: Scorched Earth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Scorched Earth As the pod settle into the soil of the earth The side Doors on the pod began to lower and a break of light went inside the cabin Twilight and spike began to step out as the recruit attempts to walk cripplingly out And in that moment, an explosion of gun fire erupted from a distance. A DiMadDogz was shooting a RATATATA from a near by hill and was spraying towards them Twilight instantly did a 180 degree turn and head shotted the DiMadDogz face with her Bolt Pistol. The shot Exploded on the DiMadzDogz exposed skin and his blood and brain matter spilled all over him "Hurry we must make to the Objective" said Twilight Spike readying his Hand Flamer and his Staff at hand, he hurry along with Twilight. The recruit Held his Bolter and started after them. Just as the crew came up on to a corner of a hill a covered position erupted with bullets, as they flew across twilight's face In an instant twilight went back against the hill avoiding enemy fire Holding her breathe thinking to herself she then She signals spike to hit the placement Twilight casts a field slowing down the time the bullets flew as spike runs out of the corner igniting the cover with napalm. And In that moment same, the Recruit also comes out of the corner with his Bolter and sprays and prays almost hitting spike "Hey watch it!" yells spike "don't be a derpy!" So the crew continue on as they came to a clearing The hills where shaped in a... horseshoe and bushes and trees were along the edges Twilight looked back at them and said "This might be an Ambush" A voice ahead replied "YAR IT IZ" Another voice says "YOU STOOPID WETARD, U BOYZ WAZ SAPOZ TO SAPRIZ DEM" "Burn them out spike" said Twilight calmly Almost like natural instinct Spike, pulled the trigger and ignited the clearing DiMad Dogz were screaming and running in the bushes "GAHH STOOPID SPEHSS MAHREENS" "MAI LEGS" "IT BURRRRNS" Serveral DiMad Dogz charged straight towards them "I STIL GONA TAK U DOW NA SPEHSS MAHREEN" Instantly Twilight slowed time and to the recruits eyes everything was almost like a flash, He saw blurry images on twilight everywhere, of twilight Using her Chain Hoofs To saw off an Dogz head, Using her bolter to put holes into the DiMad Dogz, and literally in seconds, all the remaining DiMad Dogz fell down. "We are close to an outpost lets go" said twilight. And they headed through the fire and the flames