The Luna Shift

by GJT_Productions

First published

Shining Armor's first night in charge of the "Luna Shift"... and boy it's a doozy!

Four days after the defeat of "Nightmare Moon" and Luna's arrival in Canterlot, freshly-promoted Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor starts his new role as the commanding officer of the nighttime "Luna Shift".

But there are enemies everywhere. The emotional and psychological demons that pulled Princess Luna into evil one thousand years ago threaten to do so again. The Canterlot elite show a surprising degree of apathy regarding Luna or her problems. And there is also a danger within the Royal Guard itself - mavericks that would gladly derail Luna's rehabilitation and ruin Shining Armor's reputation to satisfy their own selfish desires.

Lines will be drawn and sides will be taken as all those good and noble prepare to fight for the future of Princess Luna - a fight with significant consequences for the fate of Equestria!

The Canterlot Chronicles: Season 1
Prev: A New Mission | Episode 3: The Luna Shift | Next: Cadance
New to the series? Start here!

In The Name Of The Moon

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Dear Twily,

I hope this letter finds you and Spike safe, well and, yes, making lots of new friends in Ponyville. Knowing you, you've probably already settled into the town's library - after all, that's what you did in Canterlot when Princess Celestia took you on as her apprentice!

Everypony's talking about you and the fellow Element Bearers, Twily. I haven't heard this much speculation and gossip about you since the day Princess Celestia took you on. Now that you're an Element Bearer, many ponies are wondering what will become of you. But I think there's something everypony agrees on - you and your new friends didn't just save Equestria, but ended a 1,000-year long nightmare for both of the royal sisters. And I am, as always, very proud to call you my very special little sister.

Princess Luna is physically fine, but very weak. It will take weeks, if not months, for the powers she had before to be recovered. Not to mention you can't heal a thousand years of pain and guilt overnight. To help in that process, Celestia transferred me to the night shift as part of a broader reorganization effort in the Guard she and the Captain are undertaking to accommodate Luna. I only hope I'm up to this challenge, Twily. You sure set the bar high for me!

Fortunately, I'm going to have help. Cadance is coming back to Canterlot - Celestia recalled her after Luna arrived. It'll be nice to see her again, that's for sure, but I'm gonna need more than just her help. You probably already know not everypony in the Guard likes me - it's inevitable when your marefriend is a princess and your younger sister is Princess Celestia's own apprentice. I'm going to have to watch my own back in addition to Luna's...

If you or Spike ever visiting Canterlot, be sure to stop by and say hello! And make sure to think of me from time to time. I may not be out there saving Equestria, but my work is just as important. And don't worry about letting Celestia down - I know you'll do just fine. Trust me - I am your big brother after all.

- Sincerely from your B.B.B.F.F.,
Shining Armor, Lieutenant Captain - Commanding Officer of Luna Shift
E.U.P. Guard, Royal Guard Division


The above letter from Shining Armor to his younger sister Twilight Sparkle was written during the several day "furlough" period granted him by Captain Gibraltar for two purposes: to allow Shining Armor to adjust to a night shift schedule and to promote a more orderly reorganization of the Royal Guard ranks. Over the days immediately following Luna's arrival in Canterlot, Princess Celestia and Royal Guard Captain Gibraltar had been kept busy reorganizing both the Royal Guard and the "civilian" servant ranks to give Luna a service equal to that of Celestia herself. This reorganization effort involved the reshuffling of many shift assignments and a few promotions - most notably Shining Armor himself from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Captain in charge of the reorganized "Luna" shift.

In the midst of this uncertainty and excitement, Shining Armor could see the metaphorical storm clouds gathering. There were several reports of Luna lashing out at the servants and wildly swinging in moods - rumors ran rampant she had some kind of previously-undiagnosed bipolar disorder, which would help explain her turn to evil 1,000 years previously. The Canterlot elite had shown a surprising lack of concern for Luna or her problems. And most dangerously of all, the extensive reshuffling occurring within the Guard had aggravated a long-simmering internal problem.

This internal problem was a result of an imbalance of the composition of the Royal Guard ranks. While the general service had a roughly equal balance of pegasi and unicorns (along with a smattering of earth ponies), the officer corps had a large majority of unicorns with only a small minority of pegasi and an odd earth pony here or there. The "official" reason for this imbalance was that unicorn magic made it much easier for officers to do paperwork and other mundane tasks expected of them, but there was also an unwritten conviction that pegasi stallions, inclined toward being emotionally-driven and stubbornly passionate, were ill-suited for filling the role of a logically thinking, unbiased, level-headed officer.

However, a number of pegasi thought otherwise and organized into an "affirmative action" group, appealing both to the principle of equality undergirding Equestrian society and the war glory of the pre-Equestrian pegasi tribe. This appeal won much popular support within the Guard ranks and Equestrian society in general, and when Princess Celestia agreed they may have a point, the upper ranks of the Guard caved to the demands for reform. However, neither side was completely happy with the reform measures enacted, and from that point on the "affirmative action" group continued to be a quiet but persistent nuisance.

This changed when Luna arrived in Canterlot, and now the "affirmative action" crusaders had gone on the attack again, accusing Captain Gibraltar of not building a "more equal officer arrangement" in the new night shift and misleading the princesses into believing there was nothing wrong with the arrangement he had set up. Because of their popular support and Princess Celestia's previous acquiescence to their demands, Gibraltar had very little leverage to suppress or even counter their arguments, leading to a persistent drumbeat in the Canterlot press of bias charges and demands for further reforms.

"Oh and this is war!" Shining Armor had commented to himself when he realized what he was getting himself into - an apt enough description considering that he would have to fight both the demons that threatened to drag Luna back into the darkness and an "enemy within" that would gladly tear both his reputation and his career to pieces in order to satisfy their own desires. Either factor on their own had a good chance of derailing Luna's recovery and reintegration efforts, but with both factors together the chance for total failure was large indeed.

It was a war that had to be fought to determine what shaped Princess Luna's - and Equestria's - future, and one Shining Armor seemed to have to fight alone...


"So then we'll have the Lieutenant cover this sector... Ah! Just the stallion I was expecting!"

"Reporting as instructed, sir!"

"At ease. I see you got that uniform pressed, it looks good on you."

"Thank you sir."

"Thanks are not necessary, Lieutenant Captain. Now, let's get down to business."


Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor could see in Captain Gibraltar's face a fatigue and exhaustion that amplified his age lines - Gibraltar was a unicorn somewhere in the lower 50s and a few years away from the mandatory retirement age - and made him weary of the duties he had to perform. He had not asked for or expected the upheaval currently going on, but had performed the best he could under the extraordinary circumstances he had been thrust into.

"I'll keep this debriefing as short as possible so that we don't keep the Princesses waiting." Gibraltar stated, he and Shining Armor currently standing in the Captain's Office in the Canterlot Guard Headquarters building.

"Keep them waiting, sir?" Shining asked, a confused expression appearing on his face.

"Yes, Shining. Tonight is the night Luna starts the moon raising duties again - Princess Celestia had an elaborate ceremonial set up in the main square and everything. There's a number of VIPs attending the ceremony: Fancypants, Fleur Dis Lee, the Wonderbolts, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores..."

"Sir, it's only been four days! Don't you think it's a little too soon for that yet?!" Shining replied, his confusion changing to alarm.

"I asked the exact same question to Princess Celestia, but she was not to be deterred, and honestly I can't blame her for being impatient." Gibraltar sighs out. "And yes, I anticipated that look of dread forming on your face. That's why I've done the only thing I really can do for you - give you some help."


With a foreleg gesture, Gibraltar points toward the third stallion with them in the room - Lieutenant Captain Fidelitas, the unicorn commanding officer of the afternoon shift and, until recently, Shining Armor's boss. Aged around 30, Fidelitas shared many of the same qualities Shining Armor possessed - young, strong, handsome and magically talented - as well as a presence few in the Royal Guard could match. The fiery red mane and tail and ember-like orange eyes contrasted with his forest green coat to produce an intimidating effect.

His personality, however, was much nicer than what you would expect looking at him, although he was still quite serious, particularly when on duty. This was evidenced by the smirk that crossed his face when Gibraltar pointed to him.

"The Captain held me over when he realized what would happen. There's been quite a crowd gathering to watch Luna. Better not to let them down." Fidelitas says when Shining's attention goes onto him.

"I agree. Let's get going. Don't worry about your paperwork Shining, we'll deal with it later." Gibraltar adds, starting to march out of the room. Shining Armor and Fidelitas exchange worried glances, then follow him out...



"It's worse than I thought." Captain Gibraltar was saying as he returned to where Shining Armor and Fidelitas were waiting, exchanging uneasy glances as the grooming service were putting the final touches on an equally-nervous Luna.

"What do you mean, sir?" Shining asks.

"There's a lot bigger crowd out there than I thought. I should've known Aten wouldn't keep his mouth shut, now there's probably half my command watching out there." Gibraltar growls out in frustration.

"Lieutenant Captain Aten? The pegasus in charge of the morning shift?"

"Indeed. He's also the one leading all those calls for me to promote more pegasi. I told Celestia it was a mistake to put him in charge of that shift, but she kept insisting on no disharmony within the Guard..."

"So you think he did it on purpose, sir?"

"Oh I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. You know how much he dislikes you. I wouldn't be surprised if he was deliberately loose-lipped about the whole ceremony in an attempt to cause a fiasco with your name attached to it. And because of Her Highness Princess Celestia, there's absolutely nothing I can do about it."

"You have a plan?" Fidelitas asks Shining.

"Make sure things don't go south." Shining replies.

"I suppose that's all that can be done." Gibraltar adds with a shrug of resignation.

"Sirs, we're just about ready." one of the guards waiting just outside the curtain says as he peeks in. The servants around Luna disperse while Shining and Fidelitas straighten themselves up.

"I guess it's now or never. Good luck, both of you. You're going to need it." Captain Gibraltar states as Shining and Fidelitas assume flanking positions around Luna, the latter on her right and the former on her left.

As the trio begin moving in march step toward the outlook, Luna looks over toward Shining and briefly lets slip her cover to show her extreme nervousness. Shining gives a meek smile, as much reassurance as he can provide, and Luna returns it before both princess and stallion put covers back up. A series of small gestures unseen by any other pony, but testament to how much trust Luna had placed in the kind-hearted older brother of the filly that had recently ended her thousand-year nightmare...


Approaching the overlook, the marching trio could see Celestia giving one of her big grand speeches in the rapidly fading twilight to the crowd. Although there was not much that could be seen of the crowd below, all involved knew it had to number in the hundreds at least. Butterflies formed in stomachs, and were just as quickly pushed down as the trio started to come in view of the crowd.

"I PRESENT TO YOU - YOUR PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT!" Celestia all but shouted in her grand conclusion as Luna, flanked by Shining Armor and Fidelitas, stepped onto the balcony to the roaring approval of the crowd. Celestia then stepped aside, leaving Luna's trio in the metaphorical spotlight.

Shining and Fidelitas kept on their stern looks, but Luna spared a brief nervous glance at her sister, who subtly waved her on. Luna's horn began glowing with a light blue color and she flew up slightly - she was attempting to mimic what Celestia did to raise the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration.

Unfortunately, as Luna's face began in contort in pain from the effort, Shining and Fidelitas both realized Captain Gibraltar's fears were well founded - her powers had not recovered enough to do Celestia had wanted of her, and she began to falter in mid-air! Shining, in a classic example of "think fast", quickly reared up on his hind legs and held Luna in place as the moon princess struggled desperately to generate enough magic energy to raise the moon up.

As the first moon beams crept over the walls of Canterlot, Fidelitas quickly joined Shining in holding Luna up. A tense energy passed between the two stallions as they heard Luna straining and groaning from the effort to raise the moon. An eternity seemed to pass as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky... then Luna let out one last moan and abruptly went limp. Shining caught Luna's collapsing form, both wings and legs dangling lifelessly. Luna had indeed gotten the moon up, but the effort had so drained her she had passed out and now was in need of medical attention!

"I've got her! Fidelitas, give me a hoof, we'll get her to the hospital!" Shining shouts over the worried crowd buzz and the surprised scuffling of hooves.

Fidelitas quickly helps balance Luna's unconscious form between him and Shining, and the two of them begin marching doubletime toward Canterlot Hospital. Captain Gibraltar passes them in the hallway, and the last thing Shining sees looking back at the scene is Gibraltar preparing an "I told you so" to a mortified Princess Celestia...


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"Captain incoming!" a posted Upper Class Guard says as Guard Captain Gibraltar entered the hospital room where the unconscious Princess Luna had been admitted to - both rank privileges and the importance of the patient had allowed the bypassing of usual policies regarding patient visitations. Lieutenant Captains Fidelitas and Shining Armor, having agreed between themselves to stay beside Luna until they were ordered otherwise, both stood up and saluted as Gibraltar enters the room.

"At ease, you two. How is she?" Gibraltar states, his tired face creased even more with the efforts of worry as he observes Luna in the hospital bed. The moon princess looks peacefully asleep, and her breathing is the only other sound to be heard in the room besides the regular beep of a heart monitor.

"The nurse says she's stable, but she'll be out for some time yet. We've decided to stay here until she awoke or you ordered us otherwise, sir." Shining Armor reports.

"I see. Well, that's a load off my mind." Gibraltar states, the creasing on his face becoming slightly less pronounced. He then turns and speaks to the pair of Upper Class Guards posted at the door of the room: "Did you two hear that report?"

"Yes sir." one of the guards replies.

"Good, I want one of you to return to the castle and relay the news to Princess Celestia doubletime! As soon as the news is relayed, return to your post, also on doubletime." Gibraltar orders.

"Going right now, sir." the guard that had not spoken previously now states, quickly followed by a fast rhythm of clip-clopping hooves that echo through the otherwise quiet hospital corridor.

"Confound it all! I knew this was going to happen right from when she got that crazy idea..." Gibraltar growls out in frustration as the clip-clopping noise fades away. After a moment, he shakes his head and lets out a snort.

"I'm sorry, sir." Shining responds in a weak attempt to be apologetic.

"Oh on the contrary, there's nothing for either of you to be sorry about." Gibraltar quickly corrects. "This was entirely the result of Her Highness being stubborn. Fortunately, Princess Celestia seems to have been scared into seeing reason. She has told me she'll continue the moon-raising duties until Luna feels she is ready to take the duty on again."

"That's all good to know, sir, but what are we to do now?" Fidelitas asks the Captain.

"I'm going off duty - this day has gone on too long already. Fidelitas, you are free to return to quarters at your own discretion - the guards posted outside should be enough protection for the princess. Shining, you have operational authority for the night - don't worry about your paperwork, I've already ordered the Lieutenants to do what they can themselves and then bring it to me for processing at the end of the shift. Luna must come first, you understand." Gibraltar explains.

"I understand, sir. Have a good night, sir." Shining answers with a salute.

"I'll try, Shining, but there's no guarantees." Gibraltar states as the weariness descends over his face again. He turns and takes a few steps toward the exit before stopping again.

"Something wrong, sir?" Fidelitas asks when Gibraltar stops in his tracks.

"I almost forgot something." Gibraltar says, turning back to face the two Lieutenant Captains and managing a glimmer of a smile before continuing: "I'm very proud of both of you. Something even worse could've happened had you two not intervened when you did. As soon as I get a chance in the morning, I'm entering commendations for gallantry in both of your records."

"Thank you sir!" both Fidelitas and Shining Armor say almost simultaneously.

"I'm really the one that should be giving thanks here, you two. Now, to bed. I have a feeling tomorrow is as going to be as long a day as today was. Good night." Gibraltar replies as he finally exits the room, the weariness finally breaking through in the pace of his walking.


Once the echo of Gibraltar's hoofsteps faded out, the room was silent again save for Luna's quiet breathing and the beep of the heart monitor. Shining Armor and Fidelitas are sitting beside each other watching the unconscious Luna.

"Wow, operational authority. That means you're the highest authority in the division right now - several hundred ponies, at least." Fidelitas says to break the awkward silence.

"I won't lie, sir, I'm a little nervous right now." Shining replies.

Fidelitas chuckles a bit before speaking again: "You don't have to call me 'sir' anymore, remember? We're equal in rank now - partners, not superior and subordinate."

Shining blushes and looks down for a few moments before speaking again: "I know what this mission means - not just for me, but for all of Equestria. Twily... that spark she had saved us all, pulled Luna out of that darkness. Now Celestia trusts me to keep her out of that darkness. But... am I alone in this?"

Fidelitas edges over to beside Shining, and puts a foreleg around his back. When Shining looks over at his fellow Lieutenant Captain, he is asked how long he had served as Fidelitas' subordinate.

"Let's see... I was transferred to your command in Canterlot after the mandatory field tour following Academy, so... four years?" Shining hesitantly answers.

"Give or take a few months." Fidelitas acknowledges. "But in those four years, I've seen you're different than every other stallion in the Guard. And I don't just mean because of your little sister and that Princess Cadance is your marefriend. There's this... 'air' about you, Shining. It's the same kind of 'air' the Princesses have. It's the same kind of 'air' your sister has. It's... a feeling you can reach a higher tier than the rest of us, I really can't explain it any other way. And that's why I can believe you can succeed. You'll go farther than I, or any other pony in the Guard for that matter, ever could. Not just because of who you know, but because of who you are."

"You really think so?" Shining Armor asks after a moment's hesitation.

"I know so. We all have moments where we can show who we really are, and what we can achieve. Your moment has come now. My moment came on my second field tour."

"I remember hearing of that. 'The magic beam that could cut through anything' - that's your special talent. It saved the entire North Division command."

"Just about anything - you and your sister are the only non-alicorns that have ever been able to block it, with that shielding spell. But yes, it did save a lot of lives once. First year of my second field tour - that was my fourth year of service, you started Academy and your sister became Celestia's apprentice the same year."



The location was the Northern Division HQ, a small wood and stone fortress surrounded by walls, placed at the head of a frigid valley to watch for the return of King Sombra and the Crystal Empire - supposedly. Most of the garrison didn't believe in Sombra or the Crystal Empire and thought those were just a cover story for building a fort in the middle of some of the coldest climes known to ponykind.

One of the worst blizzards in many years had struck, cutting the HQ from both resupply and communication with its outposts around the northern Equestrian frontier. Fidelitas, then a Guard Upper Class, was one of the soldiers trapped in the fort during that storm. In command was the Northern Division Captain, a unicorn named Ursus.

"It's no use, Captain. The headwinds are too strong, there's no way the couriers could reach us with fresh supplies." a scouting pegasus, half-frozen from being out in the storm, reported through his chattering teeth.

"Then we'll have to stretch what we have. Everypony will go on half rations until the storm subsides." Captain Ursus states, followed by a chorus of reluctant acknowledgement among the guards in the fort.

The sound of the howling wind outside came to dominate again, then there was a small rumbling underhoof. This rumbling grew louder and stronger...

"Earthquake?" one of the guards suggested.

"AVALANCHE! Everypony brace for impact!" the Captain shouts out as the rumbling grows into a roar that overpowers the sound of the wind.

Within seconds, the avalanche front hits the fort, causing a jolt that knocks several ponies off-balance. The rumbling continues for a number of seconds, plunks of debris bouncing off the stones of the fort mixed in, before finally subsiding and the wind whistling again becoming the predominant sound.

"Status report!" the Captain roars out.

"No serious injuries sir, just a few bumps and bruises." comes the voice of one guard.

"We have structural damage, sir!" comes another guard's voice.

"Get me a damage report. Also, try to see how much got buried." the Captain orders.


In an annex of the fort, a Lieutenant gives his report: "No injuries, but we believe the complex has sustained serious structural damage. Several walls were cracked by debris impacts, and it's been reported the roof is cracking in places from the snow load. The main door leading out of the fort is completely blocked by snow, trying to open it resulted in a drift falling inside."

"You mean we're completely buried?!" Captain Ursus exclaims in shock. The others in the annex - the Lieutenant Captain and several Upper Class Guards, including Fidelitas - exchange worried glances.

"It looks like it, sir. It seems the entire side of the valley slid down. We can't even get outside to observe the full extent of the damage - besides the main door being blocked, our observation deck was smashed by the avalanche debris and the stairs leading up to it filled with snow. We'll have to tunnel through the snowbank outside the main door if we want anything to get in - or out."

The ominousness of the Lieutenant's warning is enhanced by the sudden sound of cracking. Looking up, the assembled group sees cracks beginning to spread across the stone roof.

"The roof is too weak for the snow load it's being asked to bear. If that thing comes down on top of us, we won't make it through the storm. We'll need to evac to whatever parts of the complex aren't too badly damaged and wait for the storm to pass. Guard Upper Class Fidelitas?" the Captain states to the group before turning to face Fidelitas.

"Yes, sir?" Fidelitas says with a slow salute.

"Will you be able to cut through the snowbank with your magic sword?"

"I believe so sir, but I don't know how far I'll need to go before I break through. It could be minutes, it could be hours, sir."

"Then get started as soon as you can. Cut a channel big enough to evac through straight out the main door until you hit open air. And I know you'll need a team both to clear away the snow and keep the channel open. In order to have enough authority to perform the operation, I'm giving you a field promotion to Lieutenant and assigning two Upper Classes as the team leaders. I promise, if you get us out of this situation, you will finish your field tour a full officer. You understand, Lieutenant Fidelitas?"

"Yes sir, I do."


The entry area of the fort was chilled from the mound of snow in front of the opened main doors. A wall of snow faces Fidelitas and those under his command outside the open door. Fidelitas grimly ascends to the top of the snowpile. His horn glows a silver-gray, then a thick, laser-like beam colored the same way slowly forms around the horn. This beam extends several feet straight out in front of Fidelitas.

The two teams, and Captain Ursus, watch as Fidelitas positions himself at the top of the snow mound and the beam begins slicing into the snow wall. After Fidelitas makes a cut into the pack big enough to move around in, which takes a few minutes, the teams get to work, one expanding the initial hole by digging while the other placing reinforcing props to prevent the tunnel from collapsing.

It's cold, tedious, numbing work that seems to take hours, but finally Fidelitas breaks through to the storming outside and the evacuation begins. The sense of urgency is compounded by the cracking ceiling and walls of the fort - breaking through outside revealed a very large slide had indeed buried the complex under mounds of snow, the only things still visible above the pack are some watchtowers that are the target point of the evacuation.

The evacuation proceeds without significant problem until the end, after the Lieutenant Captain had exited with the last group of guards to evacuate. Captain Ursus was still inside the complex, searching for anypony that might have been missed. The rumbling started again, and Fidelitas sees both the escape tunnel and the area where the complex had stood collapsed into mounds of snow-covered rubble.

The storm was still howling, and Fidelitas was worn out from the effort, his hooves cold and numb. Nevertheless, he broke for the extended rubble pile, only to be psychokinetically tugged back by his tail. The Lieutenant Captain was doing the tugging, and his expression was a sad grimness.

"Sir, the Captain was still in there! I have to try to find him in case he's still alive!" Fidelitas shouts over the howling wind and snow.

"No Lieutenant, even if he survived the collapse we don't have any way of treating his injuries. I'm the Acting Captain now, and I can't afford to lose you trying to tunnel into that debris pile!" the Lieutenant Captain responds at the same shouting level.

"I have to at least try, sir! Remember what they taught us at Academy? 'No pony left behind'?" Fidelitas pleads.

The Lieutenant Captain considers the plea, his fierce eyes focused on the sad, pleading expression of Fidelitas as the storm continues raging around them both.

"... Take a small team with you. If you find him, bring him to Evac Point B. Don't dig into the pile alone." the Lieutenant Captain finally decides.

"Thank you sir!" Fidelitas exclaims as a small, hopeful smile spreads across his face.



"'No pony left behind'... I guess that's why you're here, telling me this story." Shining Armor stated with a smile on his face.

"Exactly. To finish this long story, my team and I managed to get Captain Ursus out of the rubble, but the injuries he sustained in that collapse forced him into early retirement. I think he's living in Baltimare now." Fidelitas concludes.

"Did they ever figure out what caused the slide?"

"No. It was whispered that Sombra caused it trying to escape his imprisonment. I didn't believe the whole story about King Sombra and the Crystal Empire, but now with Luna here, I'm not so sure it's just a story anymore..." Fidelitas answers, looking over at the sleeping Luna.

"I can imagine." Shining says through a chuckle, blissfully unaware that one day he would become part of that "legend" himself.

"There's a lot of beliefs that are being challenged, and I think some are going to oppose you because they prefer the status quo. But we can't go back to that. And it's important that you know who is with you and who is against you on this. And I am proud to give my sword beside your shield in helping out Luna."

"Thanks, Fidelitas. That means a lot to me." Shining replies through a smile, the first true one ever since he had arrived in the hospital with Princess Luna...

Fancy and Shiny

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Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor was now tending the unconscious Princess Luna alone in her hospital bed - Lieutenant Captain Fidelitas had decided to retire for the night several minutes after sharing his story, and Shining Armor was now expecting a night-long vigil watching the moon princess with only two Upper Class Guards posted outside the door for company.

It was very surprising, then, to hear a different and rather distinctive masculine voice coming from the outside corridor, and rather insistently at that: "No, it must be now, nurse! We're not going to take no for an answer!"

Shining Armor gets up from where he was sitting facing the quietly sleeping Luna and peeks around the door guards to see what was going on. He can see a pair of figures - unicorns, with one of them quite tall and slender - outlined in the dimly lit corridor, talking with who Shining had to guess was the on-duty nurse.

"I'm not buying your excuses! I can see the guards right over there." the masculine voice that had spoken previously was saying.

"Yes, but sir..." responded a female voice, presumably the nurse's.

"All of Canterlot saw what happened during that ill-conceived presentation! It's important they know whether she's doing alright or not."

"But Princess Celestia ordered that only members of the Royal Guard are to be allowed..."

"She's just saying that because she doesn't want the gossip rag reporters in here! Well, we're not gossip columnists, and we demand you let us see the princess!"


The next words of the female nurse are preceded by an exasperated sigh: "Talk to the guards."

"Thank you." the masculine voice replies, followed by the echo of hoofsteps as the pair of unicorns approach. As the two approach, Shining Armor can recognize them - one stallion with a monocle glimmering in the dim light and one tall, thin mare with a light pink mane.

"Lieutenant Shining Armor. Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised you're the one standing vigil over Princess Luna." the stallion speaks in his distinctively accented voice once he and the mare with him get within a few steps of the door to Luna's hospital room.

"And I shouldn't be so surprised you and Fleur are here, Fancypants. Oh, and it's Lieutenant Captain now. Princess Celestia put me in charge of the new night shift." Shining Armor replies with a smirk on his face.

"Well, I suppose she did one thing right in this whole mess... Can you tell the guards to let us pass?" Fancypants wearily asks. Shining Armor turns and gives a quick nod to each of the pair of guards at the door, which allows both Fancypants and Fleur Dis Lee with him to enter Luna's hospital room.


"Oh my goodness!" Fleur Dis Lee gasps as both she and Fancypants get their first good look at the unconscious Luna in the hospital bed.

"Has she been like this the whole time since the accident?" a very distressed Fancypants asks Shining Armor.

"Afraid so. And nopony knows how long she'll be out for." Shining sighs out.

"We saw the whole thing happen... Had a feeling it wouldn't end well, that Princess Celestia was pushing things faster than they should've been pushed... we were right, it seems..." Fancypants replies, adjusting his monocle with his golden-colored magic.

"Of course she was being pushed too fast, but the Captain said Celestia was impatient and that he couldn't convince her to wait any longer..." Shining starts in a rambling explanation.

"It is true what they say. They are like us." Fancypants gasped out as he looked down at the sleeping Luna.

"I'm sorry?" Shining asks, a confused expression creasing his face.

Fancypants turns to face Shining with a grim determination before answering the question: "Shining, you don't understand. Even with our prestige, Fleur and I have never seen anything remotely like this before. After all, you know how carefully Princess Celestia cultivates her public image - even around us, she would never want to be seen like Luna is now."

"That's true." Shining agrees, nodding as he speaks.

"I understand we have to fight for Luna's future, but I also understand now that apathy is as strong an enemy as the others we face. And there is plenty of apathy to go around among the Canterlot elite."

"I've sure seen that behavior before - don't say anything about it, don't change your behavior patterns, pretend nothing is going on. But there's too much at stake here to remain on the sidelines! They don't understand that."

"Exactly. We're different than they are, so it has to be us to fight to her, because they sure won't! Do you remember when I first arrived in Canterlot, graduate fresh out of Oxford?"

Shining Armor lets out a chuckle before answering the question: "Goodness, that was back when Twily was still in diapers!"

"Indeed it was a long time ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday..."


Fancypants back then didn't have his coat, monocle or reputation, just dashing good looks and a sense of optimism. He had left his home of Trottingham to make his mark on the big stage of Canterlot high society. But despite his credentials as a graduate of Oxford and a colt of Braytish lords, door after gold-plated door had been slammed in his face - it seemed in Canterlot being a "pretentious foreigner" was grounds enough to be automatically shunned. Fancypants had never seen such an insular, self-centered group of VIPs before, and his disappointment was growing in proportion to the length of the day he had spent searching.

In his disappointment, he was focused on the gleaming beauty of Canterlot Castle. According to what he had read, the castle was the seat of Equestrian government and home of its ruler, Princess Celestia. Perhaps he could petition the princess for a few rooms in the castle...?

His train of thought was abruptly interrupted by his head knocking with another pony's. He stumbled back a few steps, then blushed heavily as he involuntarily went onto his haunches to avoid tripping over himself. The pony he had knocked heads with, a blue unicorn stallion with a neatly-combed darker blue mane, was gingerly rubbing the side of his head with a forehoof while another unicorn, a mare with a light grey coat and a mane striped light grey and purple, comes up beside him.

"Goodness dear, are you alright?!" Fancypants hears the unicorn mare ask the stallion beside her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." the stallion replies, wincing a bit while still rubbing the site of the hit.

"Are you hurt, sir? I'm terribly sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going and I didn't see you there! It's a good thing I didn't poke your eye out or something more ghastly!" the young Fancypants was saying, talking rapidly with blushing cheeks as he uses his unicorn magic to pick up the suitcases he had been carrying before the collision caused him to drop them.

"Well, it doesn't look too bad..." the unicorn mare comments as she looks at the point of impact, now a smouldering red against the blue coat of the stallion.

"Are you lost?" the unicorn stallion asks of Fancypants.

"I just arrived from Trottingham. I'm trying to find a place to stay - the hotels think I'm too high-class for them, the upper-class residences won't take a 'foreigner' even for just a few days, and I was wondering about whether I could petition Princess Celestia for a few rooms in the castle." Fancypants sheepishly explains to the other two unicorns.

The other two unicorns exchange glances, then a few whispered lines Fancypants can't make out. Finally, the stallion tells of a "country estate" at the base of the mountain from which Canterlot extends out of and offers Fancypants temporary housing with them there.

"Oh I'd be most grateful, Mr...?" Fancypants responds.

"Night Light. Technically, the full title is 'Night Light, 4th Earl of Canterlot Valley', but we've learned it's not a good idea to use those titles anywhere but in formal gatherings. I would advise you to do the same." the stallion answers.

"Of course. My full title is 'Fancypants, 5th Duke of Shearwood', but you can just call me Fancypants."

"Alright. This is my wife, the 'Right Honorable Twilight Velvet'." Night Light states as he gestures to the mare beside him. "We were in Canterlot for a day trip, but our little filly ran off and we've been chasing after her ever since. That's our colt over there, trying to get her out from behind the stalls."

Fancypants turns and sees a unicorn colt who shares his general white-with-blue-mane-and-tail color scheme, preteen in age if he had to guess, looking around various stalls as a small purple shape dashes between them, giggling and getting various dirty looks in the process. The colt was constantly apologizing to the stallkeepers in what seemed to Fancypants a very strange accent - not like anything he'd heard back in Trottingham, that's for sure.

Finally, the colt's horn starts glowing with a magenta-colored magic, and after a moment a magenta-colored "bubble" is psychokinetically dragged out from behind a stall. Contained inside the "bubble" is a purple-coated filly, only 2 or 3 years old, squealing with delight as she tumbles around in the "bubble".

"Got her!" the colt proudly proclaims as he trots over to his parents, psychokinetically bringing the little filly in the "bubble" with him.

"Good job Shiny!" Twilight Velvet exclaims in equal parts pride and relief.

"Mom, don't call me that in public!" the colt exclaims in indignation. Fancypants quickly suppresses a snicker.

"Now dear, you know we love you when we call you that." Twilight Velvet answers.

"Yeah yeah yeah... who's this?" the colt asks, pointing to Fancypants as he psychokinetically moves the "bubble" he's controlling in front of Twilight Velvet so that she can grab the little purple-coated filly contained inside.

"His name is Fancypants. Fancypants, this is my colt Shining Armor. The filly is Twilight Sparkle, and she's quite the hooffull!" Night Light explains.

"I can imagine!" Fancypants responds through a chuckle, looking at the young Twilight's glee-filled face.


"Man what an interesting time that was. All the stories you told, the tea parties, even dancing all formal like!" Shining Armor chuckled out in the present.

"Yes, I suppose if there was one thing I could be faulted for, it's that I didn't know when to stop! Fleur helped me with that when we started courting." Fancypants responds, Fleur nodding to show the truth of his statement.

"Still Shining, you have to understand. Your parents were the only ones that were ever nice to me when I first came to Canterlot. It helped me determine my purpose here - to be the model of class, etiquette and good taste. To treat my fellow ponies the way they deserve to be treated. And you are as much a product of that value system your parents hold as you are a result of their union. Same with your sister. I believe in you, even if there are many who do not or would rather stay on the sidelines." Fancypants speaks honestly.

"Thanks, I really need that." Shining replies through a smile.

"I know you have fire on your back as well as your front. Fleur and I will do what we can, but not even we can convince everypony that your cause is the right one to support. You know of whom I'm talking about."

"Those pesky pegasi lead by Aten. They've gone on the attack, and the Captain has been forced to shuffle several of their number into my shift. Nothing good will come of it." Shining replies with an annoyed snort.

"Why Celestia has been accommodating to them as much as she has is an action I simply cannot understand! Why wasn't it quashed early instead of letting it grow into this?"

"I wish I knew. Celestia was content to simply deny their charges until they started holding rallies in the statue garden. Something about her attitude changed when that happened, but she's never explained what. The Captain's tried to get an explanation, I've tried, Cadance has tried... nothing. Celestia just clams up whenever the subject is brought up."

"Unbelievable! Nothing about that behavior makes sense!" Fancypants exclaims. Shining gives a nod of affirmation - indeed, until a certain draconequus was unleashed upon Equestria nothing seemed logical about the behavior patterns of Celestia or Aten and his supporters on the "affirmative action" subject.

"Well, I suppose we've done all we can here then. Please keep in touch. And most of all, be vigilant Lieutenant Captain. All Equestria counts on it!" the monocle-wearing unicorn states, he and Fleur giving slow salutes. Shining returns it, then gives a determined nod.

Fancypants and Fleur turn and take their leave, Luna's shallow breathing and the steady beep of the heart monitor being the only sounds left in the room once their hoofsteps fade away. After a moment, Shining Armor sighs and trots over to the room's window overlooking Canterlot.


Through the window is a view of the moon Luna had managed to raise at perilous cost, its beams of light streaming down upon a Canterlot generally peacefully sleeping away. In the near distance were the gleaming towers and walls of Canterlot Castle, looking as beautiful as ever on the outside but with Shining knowing of the changes occurring within. On the edge of the field of view, if you squinted, the lights of Ponyville could be made out, and Shining's mind involuntarily wandered into speculation about his sister.

Was "Twily" up late reading an exciting new book, with Spike snoring peacefully beside her? Was she observing and charting an undimmed moon? Was she with some of her new friends at a late-night party? Or was she fretting over planning for the next month, as she sometimes did? So many unanswerable questions that gnawed at him, that provoked the kind of protective concern all good big brothers had for their younger siblings. He yearned to help, but also understood that this was part of his special little sister growing up...

Shining's speculation was interrupted by a low moaning sound reaching his ears. He turns and sees Princess Luna rustling under the covers as she lay in the hospital bed. He moves to the side of the bed and sees the heart monitor beeping away the same regular pace it had been before. Was she finally waking up?

There is another low moan and Shining Armor sees Luna roll to one side, then the other. She returns to being flat on her back and her eyes slowly open. In the low moonlight of the room, her cyan irises seem to shimmer like a pair of jewels.

"Your Highness?" Shining quietly asks, causing a slow turn of Luna's head in his direction.

"Most wonderful stallion, we knew we could depend on thee. Receive our royal thanks for thine quick action." Luna quietly answers, a single happy tear trickling down her cheek as she lays awake in the hospital bed.

Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor is immediately overwhelmed by a wave of relieved joy, and it takes all his Royal Guard discipline to prevent it from coming out in liquid form as he looks back at the smiling Princess Luna...

Cups of Compassion and Coffee

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"Is the royal carriage going to be much longer, Guard?"

"Negative. The ETA is a few minutes, sir."

"Good. Back to your watch post. Inform me as soon as the carriage arrives."

"Yes, Lieutenant Captain."


The waiting room of Canterlot General Hospital was quiet and dark, the only light the moonbeams streaming through the windows, the only sound a quietly humming circulation fan. Instead of chairs, the waiting room was furnished with oversized cushions clustered around a few low tables - for most ponies, particularly those with debilitating injuries, this was a much more comfortable arrangement than chairs and high tables.

In a tucked-away corner of the waiting room, on adjacent cushions, sat Princess Luna and Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor. After Luna had awakened from her stress-induced slumber, she had been given a quick examination by the night-shift nurse and then discharged after finding nothing else wrong. Now she was merely waiting for the royal carriage to arrive to take her back to the castle.

Shining Armor, as was becoming common practice, was sitting beside her in the relative darkness. It was already well past midnight, so the streets outside were quiet. It was just Shining, Luna and their respective thoughts alone in the room.

Seeing Luna as she was, sitting with drooped ears and slumped posture, caused Shining Armor to recall what Celestia had told him about Luna 2 days before - perhaps the first time in a thousand years Celestia could ever speak with any degree of honesty about her. The words were choked and broken, but came directly from the sun princess' heart: "Luna, she... we did wield the Elements side-by-side, sometimes wingtip to wingtip, against any and all threats to harmony and the kingdom. We worked, we played, we laughed, we loved... a lot like dear Cadance with your sister. There was so much life and joy in her once... but it started disappearing when the jealousy started growing. I don't know where it came from or what fed those emotions... the legends say her night went unappreciated, but that was a lie even in that day. She slid more and more into those lies and deceptions, and eventually I lost her. You already know the rest of the story. Then when she came back, the Elements had to ravage her - it was like what happened that thousand years ago, there was no choice. The Luna I see now - the Luna you see now - is but a pale, hollowed-out shell of the defender of harmony - the sister - that once was. And it's up to you to help her reclaim what was lost in that darkness 1,000 years ago."


A faint whisper of words reached Shining's ears, breaking him out of his reminiscing: "'Tis not right... 'tis not right..."

Shining immediately recognized the voice as Luna's, and turning could see in the faint light her face screwed tight, as if trying to avoid an emotional breakdown. Thanks both to Celestia's words and what little information Shining had been able to extract from the Canterlot archives about Luna before she became "Nightmare Moon", he understood that she was suffering from an overwhelming degree of frustration - trapped in a relatively weak body by her low power level, unable to carry out any of her original duties or even stand for herself. How could she defend harmony and help others when she couldn't even defend herself against the confusion, the guilt, the lack of sympathy assailing in overwhelming force?

"Indeed, 'tis not right." Shining finally speaks. Luna immediately turns and faces Shining with riveted attention, her eyes liquid with tears she is resisting letting escape down her cheeks.

"'Tis not right that anypony's work, much less that of an alicorn princess, go unappreciated." Shining begins to speak, his eyes soft with sympathy. "'Tis not right that there are creatures out there that would lie to and deceive a hurting pony for their own gain. 'Tis not right that sisters, much less sisters eternal, suffer in the way both hath suffered the past millennium. 'Tis not right any of what happened that millennium ago ever happened. But just as threats to harmony are eternal, so are these threats eternal, and they must be conquered if thou art to take thine rightful place beside thine sister again."

He then uses a forehoof to gently push Luna's chin up so that she is looking straight in his eyes before continuing, much as he had done with Cadance and Twilight in his past whenever he needed to get really honest with them: "Over the next months, there will be many who say only empty words. There will be others who craft lies and deceptions without fear or remorse - they care not for others or for this kingdom, only their own perverse desires for power. Yet others will fall away and abandon thee when the first trials come. But I am Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor, brother of Twilight Sparkle, and as long as the kingdom of Equestria stands I will never leave thee or forsake thee. On that fact Your Highness can rely."

Luna's tears finally are allowed to escape as she wraps her forelegs around Shining Armor in strong embrace. "O most wonderful stallion, if only thou were of our race, that we may have thee as consort eternal!" she exclaims, turning her head sideways as she nuzzles his chest. Shining gives a nervous grin - he knew there would be some very mixed reactions to what had just transpired - but returns the embrace as a number of bittersweet tears soak into his white coat.

One of the guards that had been waiting for the royal carriage was approaching to inform Shining Armor and Luna of the carriage's arrival - but upon entering the room and seeing the embrace, wisely backed away. The carriage could wait, surely...



Anypony that happened to be walking the halls in Canterlot Castle shortly after Luna's return there had a chance of coming upon a most interesting sight: Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor walking beside Princess Luna, the latter magically levitating a small bottle filled with a clear fizzing liquid in front of her. The princess of the night was drinking the liquid through a straw placed in the bottle - a novel experience for somepony recently displaced a thousand years in time.

Suddenly the peaceful and curious pulling of the liquid through the straw was changed to a very familiar and very loud noise to anyone that's ever drank anything through a straw and the liquid runs out. Luna and Shining both stop in their tracks, the bottle and straw with it is levitated away and up to Luna's eye level as she peers into the now empty bottle.

"Oh. Have the flavors and the bubbles dancing merrily upon our palate already come to an end?" Luna asks as the disappointment spreads across her face. Shining chuckles at what to him is a very fancy description of a very ordinary soft drink.

"That refreshment is a good way for delivery of the substance helping to keep a pony awake during the night, but usually it is delivered through a substance deemed 'coffee'." Shining explains.

"Where can we get some of this 'coffee', then?" Luna asks with a curious headtilt.

"There is some right this way, Your Highness." Shining answers, turning down a particular hallway with Luna following behind curiously.

The short hallway ends in a door labeled "Guard Standby Station". Opening the door reveals a small room with two Upper Class Guard unicorns, one white and one gray, both placed around a table with a coffee machine and various items related to the production of coffee placed on it. Each guard is magically levitating a mug filled with coffee, taking sips between lines of conversation.

"At attention!" Shining barks out, causing the guards to give a salute - and sheepish grins - in Shining and Luna's direction.

"Louts! Thou shouldst be at their assigned posts!" Luna adds in, causing the sheepish grins to disappear as quickly as they had appeared. The guards exchange nervous looks, then look back at Shining again.

"At ease. The princess is not yet familiar with the concept of coffee breaks, that's all." Shining sympathetically explains.

"Thou hast not even explained this 'coffee' thou speakest of." Luna fires back with an indignant glare in Shining's direction.

"One thing at a time, Your Highness." Shining gently answers before turning back to the guards and ordering one of them to explain to Luna how to make coffee using the coffee machine.

"Right now, sir?" the white-colored unicorn guard asks.

"Yes, right now. If your Lieutenant wants to file a complaint about this, tell him to take it up with me."

"Yes, sir."

"Only one of you is needed to demonstrate the machine's operation. I want the other one of you to proceed to 'the Luna Vault' and bring back a small selection of coffee mugs. Understood?"

"Sir, to take anything out of there requires written and stamped authorization given by a Lieutenant Captain or higher ranking." the grey-colored unicorn states.

"Oh, that's right... there should be some ink somewhere around here..." Shining Armor sighs out, telekinetically opening a small saddle bag slung over his armor to reveal a stack of parchment, a closed stamping pad, and an elaborately designed stamp.


"Pray tell, what is this 'Luna Vault', Lieutenant Captain?" Princess Luna asks Shining Armor as the latter attempts to find someplace in the small room to set up his writing apparatus. Turning to follow him also left the other guards looking at her rear end - an uncomfortable prospect at best.

"Oh, maybe thine sister was waiting for thine birthday to tell of it." Shining states as he finds a small side table where a quill pen and inkwell had been placed - doubtless because this "standby station" was a convenient place to write up paperwork and more formal orders. With practiced efficiency, a sheet of parchment is laid on the table with the stamp and the stamping pad off to one side, all the manipulation done by magenta-colored magic.

"What doth our day of birth have to do with it?" Luna naturally asks.

As Shining uses the quill pen telekinetically to write out the appropriate authorizations, he speaks an explanation to Princess Luna: "Every year of thine banishment, on the day of thine birth, thine sister would leave a present for thee. Over the thousand years, this collection grew into a kind of museum deemed 'The Luna Vault'. Most of the older gifts have been lost in the ravages of time, however the more recent ones have survived, including a small collections of cups primarily associated with the consumption of coffee."

Princess Luna's face briefly changes to that of a surprised expression - the revelation of 'the Luna Vault' seems to have been an appropriate antidote for the recent ill-conceived public introduction attempt. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor finishes his writing, telekinetically opens the stamping pad, stamps his official officer stamp in the pad and then onto the page, leaving a design in bright purple ink. Although this purple was brighter and more blue-tinted than the "royal purple" reserved exclusively for Celestia, Luna and Cadance, it was close enough in shade to also draw Luna's surprise and curiosity.

The design of the stamp itself was based on Shining Armor's cutie mark, but more elaborate - the same shield with stars above it, but the starburst inside now with extra stars of the same kind as the ones above the shield placed between the points. There were six of these extra stars in total, doubtless referencing both Shining's younger sister with a very similar arrangement in her cutie mark as well as the Elements of Harmony. Encircling the shield from the right was a crescent similar to Luna's crescent moon cutie mark, and below the rest of the design were the words "In Nomine Lunam" - "In the Name of the Moon" or "In Luna's Name", depending on one's interpretation of the ancient Equestrian language.

Princess Luna had just enough time to take in the beauty of the stamp's design before the parchment it was placed upon was magically whisked away, rolled up and transferred to the white-coated Upper Class Guard, who saluted Shining Armor and Luna before leaving to do the assignment given him. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor astonished Princess Luna with his large breadth of knowledge on the subject of "coffee" - although he was very careful to point out his sister exceeded him on this and most other subjects. Nevertheless, it was enough to occupy all involved until the guard returned with a selection of mugs.

Luna made her choice from the selection presented (a mug labeled "Sisters Love Eternal", appropriately enough) and the Upper Class Guard made a pour of freshly brewed java from the coffeepot into the selected mug. Luna, levitating and moving the mug appropriately, then took a sip while the pair of stallions looked on, the moon princess having been warned in advance that the beverage would burn if she drank more than sips until it cooled down.

Immediately Luna's face contorts in displeasure and the sip of coffee is spit away in contempt. "Bitter, much too bitter! This will simply not do for our royal palate!" she exclaims indignantly.

"Well Your Highness," Shining explains as graciously as he can, "most ponies usually mix sugar and cream into their coffee to reduce the bitterness. Perhaps it would help in thine case?"

Luna gives Shining a skeptical glance, but agrees to the proposal. After some experimentation, Luna finally settles on "one measure of cream and two measures of sugar" as the recommended additions and decrees that her coffee should always be prepared in that manner from now on unless specified otherwise. The dark-colored unicorn guard uses the same writing desk Shining had used earlier to jot down a "memo" regarding this topic to be implemented more formally later.

Shining Armor takes the "memo" and stores it away for later, then pours his own cup of coffee. He is mixing in a cream and a sugar as he hears Luna giving orders to the white-coated guard for the mugs to be taken to her chambers, which he immediately leaves to do.

"Guard, we want a machine for the production of coffee placed in an arrangement similar to the one here somewhere in our quarters." Luna was saying to the dark-coated guard as Shining took the first sip from his cup.

"Your Highness, I would have to get a requisition form from the Quartermaster's Office, fill it out, submit it to the Quartermaster and then have him assign two servants to the set-up job. And Your Highness has stated you would not like to be disturbed during the day, so any set-up would have to be done after you awaken." the guard nervously explains.

"So it cannot be done tonight?" Princess Luna asks with an annoyed look on her face.

"Unless you wish me to wake the Quartermaster..." the guard meekly suggests.

"Fill out the forms and wake him! We want this as soon as possible!" Luna snaps out.

"Yes, Your Highness." the guard replies, deciding a quick departure the best course of action.

"Hmph. We see the impediments of governance have not changed significantly in the past thousand years." Luna snorts out in annoyance at Shining.

"No they have not." Shining replies sympathetically, imagining the headaches that had just been generated both for the Quartermaster and Captain Gibraltar...


There is silence for a few moments, both Shining and Luna sipping at their respective mugs of coffee, that is suddenly broken by a doubletime clip-clopping of hooves. A grey pegasus guard almost literally bursts into the standby room, panting and sweating from the effort.

"What is all this about? Report!" Shining exclaims as the pegasus gives a hasty salute.

"Sir, I've been looking all over the castle for you and Her Highness Princess Luna. I passed by a unicorn that told me you both were here." the pegasus breathlessly explains.

"Is there something wrong, Guard?" Shining asks.

"There are some ponies that wish to see both of you immediately."


"The Thestrals, sir."

These words produce an exchange of looks between Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor and Princess Luna. Shining's eyebrows go up and Luna gives a sharp nod in response to that action.

"Take us to them, Guard. This meeting has been kept waiting for long enough." Shining commands the pegasus guard.

"Yes, sir."

The Thestrals

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"The Thestrals" were the quasi-formal designation for the small group of bat-ponies that served in the Canterlot division of the E.U.P. Guard. Little was known of them, at least partly because of the general reclusiveness of the species. The upper ranks of the Guard said very little about them either to their subordinates or the general public, and all Princess Celestia ever said about them was that they existed for a reason and that they should be left alone. It didn't help the bat-pony "neighborhood" of Canterlot was built in the mountain itself instead of on the side of it, at the entrance to an abandoned mining complex that snaked into the mountain - the same one Cadance would later find herself trapped in.

The general history of "The Thestrals" was sketchy at best. Although the bat-pony tribes joined the Equestrian union after its founding, they remained in their secluded cave colonies and were not inclined to mingle with any of the other pony races. Their first significant appearance in the history books was the foundation of a small squad within the early forms of the E.U.P. Guard, expressly created by Princess Luna to serve as her personal guards and chariot-pullers. After Luna turned into "Nightmare Moon" and was exiled, Celestia used them for similar purposes when she was about at night, but phased out that use after she moved her residence and the center of governance to Canterlot.

Princess Celestia did not formally disband the squadron or bar bat-ponies from continued service opportunities however, and gradually the original concept morphed into a broader concept within the framework of the Royal Guard called "The Thestrals". Because membership of this group was closed to any that weren't bat-ponies, little was known about this group other than that they were very ceremonial and did "strange things", particularly around the times of the Summer Sun Celebration and Nightmare Night. A variety of labels were thrown at them, most of them unflattering and contemptuous, but all official attempts to suppress their activities were quickly blocked by Celestia for unclear reasons. As such, the other ponies of the Guard had learned to tolerate their presence, even if unflattering rumors about who they were and what they did ran rampant throughout the Guard ranks.

In the days leading up to the Summer Sun Celebration, there were several cryptic messages passed about the night-shift of the Guard by this organization of "the year of prophecy" and that everypony "should be prepared for the consequences". These messages were generally shrugged off (or even laughed off) as simply "those crazy bat-ponies" overreacting to the millennial anniversary of Luna's exile, but after the prophesied events came true the previous general position of doubt rapidly began to change - one of the general topics of public discussion of recent days was about whether "The Thestrals" were as crazy as everypony assumed them to be.

Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor and Princess Luna had yet to meet "The Thestrals" face-to-face, even though they were under Shining's authority now. Celestia had shuffled this group into Shining's new night-shift command during the reorganization following Luna's arrival in Canterlot, with Captain Gibraltar more-or-less recreating the original special-purpose squadron as a result. Shining had also been sent a stamped notice by "The Keeper of the Compact" - the title of the group's leader - telling that they were "anxious" to meet both himself and Princess Luna once Shining Armor had formally assumed command of the night shift. It was to this meeting Shining Armor and Luna were going to now...


The Lieutenant Captain and Princess of the night were escorted by a pair of pegasi - less likely to draw unwanted attention than unicorns or earth ponies - to the agreed meeting place, a small building built over a natural cave in Canterlot's mountain rumored to be the meeting place of "The Thestrals". Instead of gleaming white stone, the building was constructed of darker materials and decorated according to a taste most ponies considered "macabre" - Princess Luna noted it seemed "oddly like" the quarters of her old guard force.

Two bat pony stallions guarded the door into the building, black-colored pikes with extra spikes sticking out sideways from the main point crossed to bar the door. Shining Armor was intimidated ever so slightly by the piercing yellow eyes and dark purple armor, complete with blue cat's-eye jewel where the star normally was on regular armor, of the bat pony guards.

A deep voice comes from one of the guards: "What business have you at the House of the Thestrals?"

"We are Princess Luna, ruler of the night and sister to Princess Celestia, and we demand audience with the Keeper of the Compact!" Luna forcefully replies, using the "royal we" in her speech.

"Whom else shall be entering with you, Your Highness?" the guard now asks.

"The unicorn beside us - Shining Armor, Lieutenant Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, commanding officer of the night shift and brother of the bearer of the Element of Magic." Luna confidently answers, again using the "royal we" to refer to herself.

"Proceed. The Keeper is waiting." the guard answers, him and his partner standing the pikes upright so that Shining Armor and Princess Luna can pass unimpeded.

Shining Armor steps ahead of Luna and telekinetically pulls the door into the building open. Luna, appreciative of this courtesy, gives a nod and a tweak of a smile as she proceeds through the door. Shining follows her in behind her, and as soon as he is in the dimly-lit building the guards push the door closed behind them.


It did not take long to adjust to the darkness inside, lit only by beams of moonlight coming from high slit windows in the front wall and torches spaced out to outline the walls. Very little could be clearly seen of the building's interior, but the sound of hooves could be heard echoing off the walls.

"So the Princess of the Night arrives in the House of the Thestrals." speaks a deep baritone voice - similar to Big Macintosh's but gruffer. The speaker is not immediately visible.

"Art thou the Keeper of the Compact?" Princess Luna asks.

"Your Highness can see for yourself." the voice states. Mere moments later, a blue flame flares from a cauldron, causing Shining and Luna to wince at the sudden change of light levels.

When their eyes adjust again, Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor and Princess Luna see bat ponies illuminated by the light of the blue flames, standing at attention and with bat wings flared open. Shining Armor counted about 18 bat ponies, most of them stallions in guard armor but also a few mares obviously more suited for "civilian" service - grooming and other close attendance jobs. All the stallions wear the two stacked bars of a Guard Upper Class.

Directly in front of the flaming cauldron, his features in deep shadow except for eyes with bright red pupils, is another bat pony stallion wearing the star of a Guard Lieutenant. Since he is the only one with this insignia, Shining and Luna both immediately assume he is the leader of the group. He paces back and forth, the flaming cauldron between him and the two others observing.

He speaks as he paces, in the same voice that had spoken in the darkness before: "I am Lieutenant Vesper, leader of the Thestrals and current Keeper of the Compact. For a thousand years this group, this organization called 'The Thestrals', has kept the compact made with Princess Celestia as she reigned alone over Equestria. It was foretold that in my generation the thousand years of exile would come to end and the Princess of the Night would return. And like Princess Celestia we held vigil that the one with the spark would save us all from night eternal."

"Thou must mean Twilight Sparkle. The new holder of the Element of Magic." Luna states, as if trying to clarify what the bat pony Lieutenant was saying.

"Indeed, in that filly our hopes were fulfilled as well as Princess Celestia's." Vesper continues, now standing directly facing Princess Luna and Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor. "For a thousand years we have maintained our compact with Princess Celestia through adversity and misunderstanding and mockery. The compact to keep alive the tales of the REAL Princess Luna. The tales of how the Princess of the Night used the Elements of Harmony with her sister to defend against all threats - against the agent of chaos, against the dark king of the north, against the demons locked away in Tartarus, and many more besides!"

Vesper pauses for just a moment, tossing something into the flaming cauldron to change the flames from blue to red. The other bat ponies arrayed behind him salute, and then Vesper continues: "Our watching and waiting is now complete with your presence in this place, Princess Luna. We will serve you now in the way our ancestors did all those centuries ago."

"And what of the Lieutenant Captain?" Princess Luna asks, pointing with a forehoof to Shining Armor.

"Our loyalty is to him as well." Lieutenant Vesper answers. "Beloved of princesses, blood of heroes, he will not fall even though many seek this to happen. We have seen the dangers - envy, lust, pride - from an enemy within, and soon he will attack. We will stand by this brother of a heroine against all who conspire to take what he has earned."

Unseen in the red firelight, Shining blushed ever so slightly - he wasn't 100% comfortable with being described the way he was. One of the things he said to those that praised him too highly was "Don't look for superheroes outside of comic books - all you'll find instead are ponies just like yourself."

"All we ask is that we have opportunity to prove ourselves loyal servants and subjects - to be allowed to come out of the shadows we have been forced to hide in for the past thousand years." Vesper concludes.

"Certainly, but do you have proof of your sincerity? How can we know we can trust what you say?" Lieutenant Shining Armor challenges.


"The Princess can read the Compact for herself." Vesper answers, again throwing something in the cauldron that removes the red color from the flames and causes them to assume a typical campfire-like appearance. He then turns around and commands the bat ponies arrayed behind him to split into two groups.

When the bat ponies move aside, they turn to face the row that opened up in the middle, saluting again. At the end of the row is a gold-plated podium, on which is attached by chain an elaborately decorated book - both Shining and Luna can see small gems and gold leaf set in the front cover.

"It's a good thing Twily never found out about this book!" Shining exclaims to himself as he and Princess Luna stare in wonderment down the row at the podium.

"I invite the princess to browse the calligraphy of the Compact and see that it speaks the truth of the ancient events!" Vesper exclaims.

Princess Luna looks over at Shining, who gives a shrug in response. Luna then slowly walks past both the cauldron and Vesper, Shining cautiously following behind her. The two walk down the row and Luna stops in front of the podium, which fortunately has a step up that allows her to read the book without having to stand on her hind legs due to her shorter height.

Luna's horn glows with light blue magic, and the book's cover slowly opens. Shining only gazes indirectly at the scene, out of respect for what might be very sensitive material written inside the book. Nevertheless, he can see Luna giving slow nods as the pages are carefully turned by magic.

Finally, Luna closes the book and gives her verdict: "It speaks truly, although only in the broadest sense - many details are incorrect. Nevertheless, it is enough to establish that we can trust thee." (As later revealed, the records of the book - apparently dictated by Celestia herself - were distorted versions of Celestia's and Luna's battles with old foes that Shining, his younger sister and his younger sister's friends would face themselves in the near future.)

"Then what do you order, Your Highness?" Lieutenant Vesper asks, a question echoed by the other bat ponies arrayed within the building.

"Do nothing to earn our distrust. Stand with the Lieutenant Captain in the battles yet to be fought. Help us."

"We will do as Her Majesty Princess Luna dictates." the bat-pony assembly repeats as one voice.

"Good. I will be issuing more specific assignments within the next few days." Shining Armor states. "In as far as Princess Celestia is comfortable, you may tell of the Compact to the Equestrian public. Your enemies aren't the fellow members of the Royal Guard, but prejudice, ignorance and apathy. Fight them, and you will be vindicated in the day of reckoning!"

"Yes sir, Lieutenant Captain of the Night!" the assembly states again as one voice, all members saluting Shining Armor now.


It was thus that the Thestrals, the bat-pony component of the Royal Guard, fulfilled their thousand-year promise to Princess Celestia. But their work was not finished, merely just beginning. With many forces arrayed against them and others who would stand to protect Princess Luna, a war within the Guard - the forces that would build Luna up against those that would tear her down - was ready to begin...

Epilogue - B.B.B.F.F.

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"Twilight, would you go to sleep already? All your pacing is keeping me up!"

"I'm sorry Spike, but I can't sleep. I'm a little... a little..."



"Worried about what?"

"That I can't do more for Princess Luna. That I have to be here when I want to be there."

"Hey, you read the letter, right? Your bro's got that covered no problem!"

"That's not the point, Spike! I'm worried B.B.B.F.F. is in over his head with this! There's all those ponies that hate him because of me and Cadance. And what's going to happen when Cadance comes back? The only alicorns Luna knows about are her and Celestia, there aren't supposed to be any others!"

"You think there's going to be a fight?"

"I know there's going to be a fight. Remember the time I accidentally spun up one of the mixers in the kitchens too fast with my magic?"

"Wasn't there a big bang and stuff flying everywhere?"


"... So, what's your point?"

"My point is that not every guard is like B.B.B.F.F. You're too young to understand it yet, Spike, but you can see it in their eyes. They want him gone. They're jealous. They want what he has but can't have it themselves. So they will trick, they will lie and they will hurt other ponies by spinning up that metaphorical mixer on purpose just so that they get what they want. And they don't care - don't truly care - what damage they inflict in the process."

"Even to Princess Luna?"

"Even to Princess Luna. And there's nothing I can do here, in Ponyville, to stop that from happening."

"Don't you trust your brother, though?"

"He's only one pony! Celestia's support is no guarantee things will go smoothly! In fact, it might even invite trouble."

"You can write letters, can't you? Princess Celestia didn't say anything about letters beside the once-a-week friendship letter. At least it's something..."

"You're right. I guess that's all I can do from here."

"Good. Now will you please go to sleep? It's too late already..."


Twilight Sparkle looks back at Spike curled up in his basket as she walks over to an open window. A moon undimmed by the profile of the monster once contained within it shines down on Ponyville and the towers of Canterlot in the distance.

Forelegs go up on the window's sill, Twilight standing on her hind legs to observe out the window. Twilight looks out plaintively into the night, and a tear trickles down her cheek as she sings softly into the night air:

"One colt I cared for
Was always there for me
Can you do the same for Luna?
Please oh please let it be

Big brother best friend forever
Like two peas in a pod we did everything together
We shared our hopes
We shared our dreams
All in danger now it seems

Celestia trusts you true
This is only something you can do
Can you teach how to fly a kite?
Can you stop this coming fight?

Though oh so far away
Strong you must stay
In order to save the day
My big brother best friend