> The Place Where Night Is Eternal. > by OscornBrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Place Where Night Is Eternal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's so lonely on the moon. Not much else passed threw the thoughts of not one, but two minds as they lay sprawled out on the rocky grey surface. The fragmented sections of their armor was strewn around their form. Their cote was arranged of a mixture of dark blue and a black that covered them in a display, as if one was trying to take the other. Their eyes were both a cyan color, even though the left pupil was a slit, when the other was round. Their mane and tail seemed to physically keep changing. For a moment it would be one group of colors, and then it would change to another, then they would become mixtures of the two. "This is thy fault!" Luna's cry caused tears to start to flow from the right eye. The emotion and grief was quite evident in her voice as it cracked in the other wise silent surroundings. The weeping stopped in an instant as their mouth began to speak again, except this time with a cold, venomous, voice. "Is it? To us. it seamed like this is thy doing. Thy desire to hold back and not end the source of our down fall, shows that this shall rest upon thy shoulders where thou shalt suffer it's affliction." "Why doe'st thou speak with such contentment?" Once again the voice had changed to the soft sound of sorrow. "It is together that we share this fate.Thou shalt know that we are all each other have?" For a moment there was no sound and no movement. Not on the open planes of grey rock, or in the inner thoughts of their mind. Like every heart that shines and every teardrop that falls, the silents broke and the voice of venom spoke again. "I can foresee a way that we are not stuck together. As I have said, it us upon thy shoulders that this punishment is dealt! Farewell. With that their was an instant change. The dark black patches faded from the cote, the mane and tail stopped their morphing, and with a single blink, both eyes had changed to match, leaving two round orbs. And leaving Luna alone. * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * Fourteen hours had passed since Luna was left alone on the grey wasteland that was now her new home.She just wondered from one area to another. She didn't cry, not because she felt no pain, but because no more tears would fall. She was alone. Alone and far from home. She looked up from the ground where she had been looking for the last twelve hours. She looked out at the blank surface that seamed to stretch on for an eternity. There was no joy. There was no beauty. The princess of the night looked up upon the land that once was home. Masses of green, blue, and white, all floated so far away from her dreams, dreams of family, friends,... and beauty. 'Why does everything I cared for, everything I wanted, stay so far, but stay in sight. Why does this have to be so cruel?' A slight flash of light caught the eye of the lonesome royal sister. She looked off to the side, away from Equestria, and its ponies, and she looked into the darkness. For a moment there was nothing, but then yet another streak of light arched across the sky. 'A shooting star?' They started as a slow trickle, but increasingly grew into a currant of silver that fell sideways in its of grace and peaceful path through the star filled plane of the black abyss of space. '...star filled...' The princes, Luna, stood there looking up at the stars. Layers upon layers of stars. More then was ever seen from Equestria. The sky seamed to shine on it's own in a tapestry of dots, sparks, and dashes that, if put together, might even rival the light of the sun. A smile crept across her face as she seen the one thing she had always dreamed of. The one thing she wished for, and was banished for. She had found the place where her night was bright and forever remaining. A place with beauty that was truly worthy of the respect and home of a princess. 'For what princess lives such as a wondered in such a place as this?' The alicorn spread her wings and took off across the landscape. Gliding over the mounds of rock and empty planes. Over time she came to rest on the peak of a mountain of rock. 'Celestia and I have always wanted to have our home on a mountain, and tonight seams to be the night that dreams come true.' Her horn lit and her magic began to flow threw her, and the very surface that she stood on. Support beams came forth and a frame work of a mighty castle began to form. Rock by rock, power by power, the lunar castle grew into it's great form. 'Home is where thy dreams rest, Where thy desires are filled. Not the place where thou rests your head, But the place thou can see within it. If thy eyes are a gate way to thy soul, Then thy home is no different. Both display what thou truly are like, What thy wish, Who thou are. Thou shalt wait for thy place to come to thee tell Thy home shalt comes to you, From a wish of a falling star.' Great care was put into sketching those words upon the thrown of moon stone. They would serve as a reminder that this was home. But she paused as she looked upon the first equestrian script that was written in that place of harmony. There just seemed to be something missing from the words, a story that remained untold and forgotten. So under those words she wrote more. 'Thy home comes to thee upon a star, But thou may be still be missing a shard. Thy home is a place where thy find peace and happens, In thy own heart, and with the hearts of thy family. I shalt look to the day I return! * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * 1,000 years beyond Luna sat looking up at the sky when she herd a voice. Not behind her, nor to ether side, but within her head. "Are thou ready to return?' Luna felt the icy grip of power engulf her once more.