> Kidnapping Button Mash > by The Delirium > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Heist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was never a dull moment in Ms.Cherilee's class for fillies and colts. There was always something going on, whether it be two colts getting stuck together by bubble gum or a certain filly getting multiple cutie marks. At the moment, five fillies were having an argument with each other. It was common knowledge that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle couldn't stand Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Confrontations between the two groups were common sights on the playground. Currently, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were in the middle of their daily routine of making fun of other ponies. Today, they had set their sights on Sweetie Belle. "Poor, poor Sweetie Dolt. She's a blank flank and a klutz. I've never seen such a useless filly in my life." Diamond teased. "Sh...shut...up." croaked Sweetie Belle, who had begun to cry. "W...what...do...y...you...know?" "I know that Rarity agrees with me. She told me you're a pain to have around." "Y...your'e...lying." "No 'I'm not! We talked to her the other day, right Spoon?" "That's right, Diamond. Rarity thinks your a total waste of a pony, Sweetie Belle. And an even worse sister." "Stop taking!" Sweetie Belle screamed as she lunged at her tormenters. She slammed into Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, knocking all three fillies to the ground. "Get off me!" yelled Diamond, as she began to thrash around and kicking her hind legs. Unfortunately, one of those kicks landed straight on Sweetie Belle's jaw, sending her toppling off her and Silver Spoon. "What is going on!" screamed a voice that made all three fillies turn their heads. They saw Cherilee standing over them angrily with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo next to her. "When Apple Bloom and Scootaloo told me you were fighting, I assumed they meant verbally. I never could have dreamed of you resorting to violence!" Cherilee began to drag the three fillies into the schoolhouse. "But, Ms.Cherilee, it was Sweetie Belle's f..." Diamond began. "I don't care who started it! All of you will be held responsible for your actions." Apple Bloom and Scootaloo watched as their teacher dragged Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon through the playground and into the schoolhouse. They sat there, anxiously, as they waited for some pony to leave the building. Eventually, Cherilee walked out with all three fillies in tow. "Now, you behave from now on and remember your detention on Monday." "Yes, Ms.Cherilee." they all said together. As Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started walking towards town, Sweetie Belle headed towards her friends. "Hey, Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo called. "What happened in there?" "Ms.Cherilee scolded us about the importance of using words to express our differences and not violence." Sweetie answered with a roll of here eyes. "Then she gave us all a detention." "Well that's not fair." Apple Bloom added. "They were the ones who were teasin ya." "True, but I was the one who tackled them." "And what an awesome tackle it was!" Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo and scowled. "Sorry." "This is so unfair!" yelled Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon walked through Ponyville. "It's all Sweetie Belle's fault!" "I know! Why did Ms.Cherilee give us detention?" "Because she's not good at her job. At least, that's what my daddy tells me. I just wish there was a way to get back at Sweetie Belle." Just then, the two fillies passed the local arcade and stopped in their tracks. They looked in and saw a brown colt with a fiery orange mane near the entrance. "Hey, isn't that the colt Sweetie Belle likes? What was his name again?" "Button Mash." "Right. I know! Let's do something with him to get back at Sweetie Belle!" "What did you have in mind?" "I don't know." The two fillies began to brainstorm ideas of how to use Button Mash to get back at Sweetie Belle. "We could get him to date one of us. That would just about crush Sweetie Belle." "No way. Sweetie Belle likes him, not us." "How about we tell Sweetie Belle that Button isn't interested?" "She'll assume we're lying and probably end up attacking us again." "Then we could..." "I got it! We need to kidnap Button Mash." "What!?" "We'll kidnap him and leave Sweetie a note that says we'll only return him if she admits to Ms.Cherilee that the whole thing today was her fault." "Great idea!" "Of course it is. I thought of it." Night had fallen in Ponyville and Luna's moon illuminated the sky. Every pony was in their homes, exept for two mischievous fillies wearing full body black skin suits. They snuck their way through the town, careful to avoid all of the streetlights. They eventually made their way to a small yellow house with a brown roof. They went around to the side of it, ending up in an alley way. One of the fillies pulled out a large brown bag and nodded to the other. "Ready, Diamond?" "You bet, Spoon." Diamond Tiara picked a rock off the ground and hurled it up to a window above them. It hit the class with a loud slam, but didn't shatter it. However, that was enough to get the attention of the colt that was just beyond the window. Button Mash trotted to the window in his room, opened it and looked down. He saw two fillies wearing black suits, so he couldn't tell who they were. "Hey, Button!" Diamond Tiara called up to him. "Come down here." "Why? Who are you?" "It doesn't matter who we are. It only matters what we have. Cheat codes." "Oh boy! To what game?" "All of them." "Really?" "Yes. Come down here and we'll give them to you." "Alright!" Button Mash then stumbled out his window and slowly climbed down to the ground. Once he was there, Button looked at the two fillies and waited. "Well, where are they?" Before he could ask again, Silver Spoon lunged at him with the large brown bag. She quickly tripped the colt to the ground and kicked him into the bag. "Hey! Let me out of here!" "Quick, let's go!" Diamond Tiara commanded as she and Silver Spoon ran toward their home, dragging Button Mash behind them. "Some pony help me!" Once again day had gifted Ponyville with its presence. Celestia's sun had just risen mere hours ago, yet some pony's were already awake. This included a certain three fillies in their own special clubhouse. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were reading a note that had been left at Sweetie's door earlier that morning. Dear Sweetie Belle, We have kidnapped your crush, Button Mash. If you don't tell Ms.Cherilee that what happened yesterday was all your fault, we will not give him back. Also, if you even think about telling an adult, Button Mash will suffer the consequences. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon "Girls, what do we do?" asked Apple Bloom. "You can't admit that to Ms.Cherilee, Sweetie Belle." "I don't think we should do anything." Sweetie Belle said. "What!?" "Ya, I don't have a crush on Button Mash." "You don't?" "How do you not!?" yelled Scootaloo. "You two are always together." "To play video games. That colt's just to immature for me to like him." "So, we're not going to do anything about this?" "Nope." "Works for me." Five Hours Later Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were in Diamond's room, waiting for the CMC to arrive. They had Button Mash tied to the bed with rope and had blindfolded him as well. "What's taking so long?" Diamond groaned. "It's been hours." "I thought Sweetie Belle would do anything for him. I mean, he's her crush." "Sweetie Belle doesn't have a crush on me." Button interrupted. "What!?" both fillies yelped. "You heard me. She like Rumble, not me. We're just friends." Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle were in shock as they tried to process this information. "Then what are we doing with you?" "You tell me." Just then, Diamond Tiara's father, Filthy Rich, walked into the room. "Diamond, are you having a fun time with your friend?" Filthy suddenly gassed when he saw Button Mash tied to his daughter's bed. "Diamond! Why is this colt tied to your bed!?" "Uh, I can explain!"