> malfunction > by SCP Pinkamena > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > noitcnuflam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle stood at her kitchen counter, chopping some onions for her sandwiches for the picnic that Fluttershy had set up. As she was chopping them however, she suddenly got weird feeling. She looked up from her onions and looked behind herself. Her brows furrowed and she looked inside her kitchen sink to find nothing there. She pursed her lips together then shrugged it off and continued chopping her onions. That is, until she got the weird feeling again. She looked up from her onions again and looked at the sink and stared it down. She could hear faint music coming from outside, and looked out the window above her sink. Her jaw dropped... and small little bubble with an eyeball floated out of it. She yelped and quickly popped it. "Spike! Where are you!" She yelled across the library and again her jaw dropped. As Spike walked in, he had hold his head in place as his neck was way too long and it kept bending from side to side. "I tell ya what," He said with an even face, despite that his face was currently upside down. "This isn't really the worst thing you've seen me doing." Twilight's jaw was still gaping a little bubbles with eyeballs on them kept floating out. It was then an epiphany had struck her upside the head. "Spike, remember that... thing we made last week?" She asked him. "You know the... blob?" "You mean that weird thing with all the faces and tongues for legs? If so, yes, I do remember it. But I swear, if you think that thing's doing this, I'm just gonna sleep in my room until you're done." He said with a deadpanned face. Spike threw his hands up as Twilight smiled sheepishly and nodded, confirming that it was, indeed that thing. "Oh," Twilight said, getting Spike's attention. "Don't get to Sugercube Corner until I get this fixed." "Why? What's so bad about it?" He said looking at her... or at least tried to. With the response of "Look out the window", Spike did just that. What he saw? He would not fathom it. For even his young eyes, his infinite childlike imagination, would not allow him to leave that sight. What felt like years of staring, he finally looked back at Twilight just as she was exited the library. "...That's messed up." He said. "That's really messed up..." He then proceeded to dump every tub of ice cream they had into the sink. Twilight's mind was on over-drive. For one, the thing her and Spike made was still alive. Ponyville was warped into a... psychedelic's wet dream. Building got up and danced around, multiple ponies had the affects of whatever this blob did, and Sugarcube Corner... Twilight shivered at what she saw what Sugarcube Corner had become. Ponies were screaming in horror and shock, some laughed at what they saw. Mostly Discord though. Twilight could see him laughing up a storm, literally, in Fluttershy's front yard. Seeing as he wasn't affected-- "Nope, wait, never mind... His head just spiraled into space." Twilight sighed as she watched his head, along with multiple other faces around his neck... "Actually, no. How about we not do that today." With that declaration, she went inside of Fluttershy's cottage and... saw Angel Bunny. Over and over again. "Oh no... Actually, not as bad as the rest of the stuff out there. Now where's Fluttersh-- HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF LUNA!" What she saw was much like Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy, the timid, shy little mare, was now sporting... Something. Her face split open and each half wiggled around like that a spider would. "Fluttershy! What happened to you?!" she asked as little eye bubbles came out of her mouth with ever word. Fluttershy just meekly stood there as her...spider face(?) wriggled around. She then raised a hoof behind Twilight to which Twilight wish she didn't follow. An oversized creature on a tricycle was chasing a birthday cake with a single candle on it. "Nope, nuh-uh." Twilight simply said. She wished good luck to Fluttershy and masterfully avoided Discord, to find the rest of her friends. Pinkie was... well. Twilight took one good, long look though, to make sure she was. After about a minute, Pinkie's neck grew longer and it begin to spit smaller, more deformed versions of-- "YOU KNOW, I THINK SHE'S OKAY." Twilight declared a little too loudly and decided to find the rest of them. She heard yelling above the clouds and Twilight levitated herself up there to see what was wrong. However she did not expect to see a giant teddy bear walking on the clouds to the beat of some strange music. Today was weird alright. More than usual however. It seemed like and infinite number of bears were walking around on the clouds, to the dismay of everyone there. Twilight heard Rarity scream and flew over to the boutique to investigate. What she say immediately was some eldritch abomination that desperately tried to look like a reindeer was trying to break down her door. Twilight teleported the thing away somewhere and quickly opened the door, to which she was greet with a mannequin flying at her face. She caught it with her own magic and closed the door as quick as possible. "Rarity! What was that thing?!" She screamed as she heard it breathing heavily from behind the door again. How did it get back so fast? "I don't know! I went up stairs to freshen up and that horrible thing was there giggling like a mad mare! It was spitting out presents for some reason, I don't know why, but that thing was just--Twilight behind you!" She screamed as it smashed a hole through the door it was breathing extremely heavily and from its rear an even scarier abomination grew from it and it spat out a pine tree with a very pointing star at the top. It suddenly began to spin and it lunged forward towards the two ponies, barely missing. "To hay with this!" Twilight screamed an grabbed it with her magic teleported it some where far far away from where they were. "Okay I'm going to find that blob and burn the living everything out of it!" And much to her surprise, said blob came out from behind the couch. It walked like nothing was happening an then proceeded to jump in Rarity's sink. They both stared at the sink for an age and a half before Rarity simply looked at Twilight. "What in the world was that and why do I have the compelling urge to bounce along with the music it makes?" She said in an oddly happy tone. Meanwhile Celestia looked at the afflicted Ponyville, and saw everything going on. Sugarcube Corner was now... something spitting out smaller versions of floating cupcakes, buildings got up and danced around, ponies and other creatures were starting to get warped into other things. While she suspected Discord, that blob thing that came by early seemed to the case of the odd occurrences. She came to this assumption when Mount Canter began water skiing in place being 'pulled' by a boat while heads flapped with hands for wings. "Sister," Luna called from behind. Celestia turned and she lifted her hoof with a small 'Oh my'. Luna's neck had elongated and was swinging from side to side. Her eyes were going in every which-way as well. "Face it," she said with a deadpan stare. "Tis not the oddest thing thou hast seen us doing." The End